
Gninexserver fix option from recovery mode was nicely done.. but that does not give me restricted driver bliss00:02
tomazis just me, or almost everybody is unable to boot because of some mismath on the /sbin/init?00:03
* Gnine dont have that issue on any machine.. up-to-date 8.04 00:04
PiciMy install is fine too00:05
LARefugeeMy system is fine except for a hissing/popping noise from my speakers every 5 seconds. Audio playback is only half working.00:07
* Gnine has pulseaudio enabled for all audio.. no issues00:08
protocol1get some new ones....cheap00:10
HorizonX1hey, is it possible that an update slowed my internet connection way down?00:13
HorizonX1I'm more inclined to believe it's my crappy campus network, but I'm just covering all my bases here ;)00:13
philip_nah ppl are busy using the connection to upgrade00:16
LunksWired network works only with "sudo ifup eth0" on a terminal window. For Wireless, it seems it has disappeared from network manager. =\00:16
LunksI can't do anything about my wireless through network manager. It's simply not listed there. =\00:16
LARefugeeprotocol1: It's not the speakers. The system doesn't do this until the kernel is loaded.00:23
=== noblex_ is now known as noblex
tomazanyone can try to help with the cant find /sbin/init problem?00:24
Gninei got all these "non-free (...) modules on x86/x86_64" installed, machine is 32bit, and the only one for 386 is not installed... funny00:24
AuctionedllamaGuys, I really need some help00:26
Auctionedllamamy GRUB is now officially.. FUBAR, and I am trying to edit the menu.lst and fstab to get it functional.. I have the right UUID, but I am not sure where to put it.. Can I just pastbin both of the files and you guys tell me where to edit? Thanks00:28
balleyn1Auctionedllama: I may be able to help, I'm no expert but I have some experience00:28
Auctionedllamaballeyn1, alright sweet, uhm00:28
Auctionedllamalemme post em00:29
balleyn1Auctionedllama: also, have you tried SuperGrub? that's a great tool for automatically repairing grub menus00:29
AuctionedllamaIs it in the add/remove?00:29
Auctionedllamaballeyn1, there are a lot of grub editors here.. no super grub tho00:30
balleyn1Auctionedllama: don't think it's there, it's a live CD of sorts, trying to find the website now...00:31
AuctionedllamaMmh, I am trying this grub manager00:31
NecWestonI'm trying 8.04 - problems with KVM and the virtual manager......I followed the ubuntu wiki for setting this combo up on 8.04, does anybody know much about this program so I can explain my problem more?00:31
Auctionedllamadid you look at those pastebins?00:31
Alex_Gaynornemo: I'm back, did I miss any brilliant solutions :D00:32
balleyn1Auctionedllama: http://freshmeat.net/projects/supergrub/00:32
NecWestonAnybody know about KVM and virtual manager......00:35
Chapainope, sorry00:35
balleyn1Auctionedllama: looking at your menu.lst, not sure what the loop option is, I don't have that in mine. Your 'root' lines seem incorrect though, I think it just just be (hd#, #) (where # is a digit, usually (hd0,1) like you have). Don't know why you have "/ubuntu/disks" beside that00:35
AuctionedllamaI didn't change any of that00:36
Auctionedllamaok wait, what do I change now?00:36
Auctionedllamaok uhm.. I edited it.. give me a sec k? brb00:36
balleyn1Auctionedllama: sure00:37
xtknighthmm apparently kvm doesn't play nice with vmware.  Bug 220419.  anyone else experienced this?00:37
ubotuLaunchpad bug 220419 in kvm "Bad interactions with kvm and vmware (CPU left in VMX root mode?)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22041900:37
mopheadwhere's the workaround for the suspend/hibernate bug?00:37
Fritzelhow can I install the 32 bit version of firefox on a 64 bit install?00:37
NecWestonxtknight: I had my problem using KVM as literally the first thing I tested on my install..........I have since installed and tested other virtual machine solutions, including vmware, successfully, KVM still exhibits weird behavior00:38
xtknightNecWeston, yeah..00:38
xtknightNecWeston, i think kvm has a lot of bugs00:38
balleyn1I'm having some sound issues. When I press play in Amarok or Rhythmbox or even some flash music players, /sometimes/ it will refuse to start, just hang at 0:00 (at which point my sound doesn't seem to work at all), other times it'll work fine... anyone have any ideas?00:38
xtknightNecWeston, i mean this could cause serious data loss00:39
JohnRobertballeyn1: it seems you need to set the audio output to use pulseaudio (if you can)00:39
JohnRobertotherwise yes, it's a right PITA.00:39
JohnRobertit annoys me that everyone is saying how great pulseaudio is...however it seems to have broken more things that were working in gutsy00:40
xtknightya i dont get the point of pulseaudio for most ppl.00:40
xtknightshoulda been left in the multimedia version00:40
JohnRobertfor example, flash now goes funny in firefox00:40
JohnRobertshould have been left out of the LTS version of ubuntu imo00:40
=== crd1b is now known as crdlb
balleyn1JohnRobert: Seems to be more of a nuisance than a help at this point, that's for sure... I think I am using pulseaudio though, how can I check? ps -e | grep pulseaudio shows it's running, and I have "Enable Software Sound Mixing" checked...00:41
JohnRobertpersonally, I think it's a case of developers getting carried away with themselves rather than leaving things alone that were working..having said that, you need to push things forward00:41
LARefugeeMy hissing/popping is gone! Just muted and unmuted Front in the Gnome Alsa Mixers and maybe a few other buttons and it's gone now. This is weird. Complete power off didn't solve this problem.00:41
JohnRobertballeyn1: you need to configure the application to use the pulseaudio output (if it has that option)00:41
JohnRobertotherwise sorry, I don't know (if I did, I could perhaps get flash's sound to play nice with the rest of the system)00:42
balleyn1JohnRobert: I don't think Amarok does, and it was working earlier, not at the moment though... hmm... thanks for the suggestion though, I'll see what I can find00:42
JohnRobertyeah, it'll be because another app has 'locked up' the soundcard00:42
JohnRobertwhich reminds me a lot of the OSS days00:42
JohnRobertwhich is why it's so unfortunate it's back!00:43
NecWestonxtknight: have you successfully installed an operating system on kvm? Because it will boot off an xp iso and install files blazingly quickly - but as soon as it performs the first reboot, there is a disk read error (being generated by the windows boot loader, not kvm) on the screen.   I have also tested with other linux live cds, and they just can't read the harddrive correctly............Tried working qemu hard drive images crea00:43
balleyn1JohnRobert: that would make sense, any ideas on how to figure out which application has it "locked up"?00:43
balleyn1JohnRobert: other than trial/error? lol00:44
xtknightNecWeston, oh ive gotten it to install and run before00:44
JohnRobertballeyn1: there is a way, but I can't remember00:44
balleyn1JohnRobert: ok00:44
xtknightNecWeston, anything other than xp32 though is a huge bag of trouble with the stock kvm.  xp64 crashes, vista32/64 never really work right00:44
JohnRobertclose stuff that might have made noise and close amarok or whatever, then reload amarok and it should work00:44
xtknightNecWeston, the latest kvm-66 fixes those errors like running 64bit guests.  havent relaly been able to verify that they work properly still, though00:44
xtknightNecWeston, you are aware kvm offers no speed advantages rigth now00:45
balleyn1JohnRobert: ok, I'll try00:45
JohnRobertgstremer apps seem to play nice00:45
NecWestonxtknight: I was under the impression it would use my intel VT technology, but in either case, it was faster at installing xp than vmware........about the same speed as virtualbox00:45
mopheadok, I found the workaround, but I get a "permiossion denied"00:45
xtknightNecWeston, yeah hardware virt is slower at the moment00:45
xtknightdue to poor implementation00:46
mophead~$ sudo echo SUSPEND_MODULES=\"ehci_hcd\" > /etc/pm/config.d/WORKAROUND00:46
mopheadbash: /etc/pm/config.d/WORKAROUND: Permission denied00:46
xtknightkqemu doesnt necessarily use kvm and it's fast00:46
DanaGsudo doesn't work for echo00:46
DanaGyou'd have to echo | sudo tee -a00:46
xtknightsudo sh -c 'echo SUSPEND_MODULES=\"ehci_hcd\" > /etc/pm/config.d/WORKAROUND'00:46
NecWestonxtknight: I guess I was just thinking if kvm was selected to be partly included with 8.04 it was actually working well haha. I will stick to vmware's slow, but trusty operation I guess -- thanks for your help00:47
mooboo1plz fix disk mounting before hardy ships in 2 days, because it mount in /media/mydisk_ then mydisk__ then mydisk___00:48
kahrytanI know a bug in ccsm00:50
kahrytanVertical Virtual Size doesnt work00:50
mopheadxtknight: sweet, thanks!!00:50
jrnircIE*has anyone experience problems with autofs getting a mount map from YP in Hardy x64??*00:51
UnNaturalHighlets say I pressed N on the update of a config file, is there a way to install the new one after the fact?00:51
JohnRobertflash is alright if everything else uses pulseaudio00:51
DanaGnspluginwrapper seems like the best solution to me.00:53
DanaGbug 19288800:53
ubotuLaunchpad bug 192888 in pulseaudio "firefox crashes on flash contents" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19288800:53
LARefugeeJohnRobert: everything sound is working ok for me now. I've got all gnome sound set to pulse audio. My flash wouldn't work at all. Now it's fine. Just by pushing buttons on the mixer.00:54
xtknightNecWeston, vmware is actually decently fast for me.  bout as fast as VBox00:54
xtknightmooboo1, yeah i agree the disk mounting in hardy feels like an "afterthought"00:54
JohnRobertflash is a right PITA, but that's because it's been developed by a bunch of muppets and is closed source00:56
JohnRobertshame really00:56
JohnRobertI don't mind proprietary stuff so much if it works..00:56
kahrytanJohnRobert->  it works better in windows.00:56
balleyn1JohnRobert: I wish Gnash were more stable, I'd ditch Flash in a second00:56
JohnRobertyeah me too00:57
JohnRobertthere's another open flash thing libswaf or soemthing00:57
kahrytanFlash works much better under Windows then it does Linux.00:57
kahrytanWhich Adobe could care less about Linux00:57
JohnRobertyeah, my latest and greatest gripe about linux flash is fullscreen video has been re-broken00:57
DanaGThat's part of why I'll be switching to ATI when summer rolls around.00:57
DanaGI've had so many issues with nvidia.00:57
DanaGEven if ATI is just as crappy right now... at least it's open-source crap.00:58
JohnRobertmeh, it's better than ATI atm apparently00:58
JohnRobertyou can use the open source nv driver if you don't need 3d..00:58
LARefugeeMy hissing/popping problem seemed to kick in when the nvidia kernel driver loaded.00:58
DanaGI do, though!00:58
ianliu_88Someone experiencing constants crashes with Youtube on Firefox beta?00:58
JohnRobertare ati open sourcing their driver in summer or something?00:58
DanaGbug 19288800:58
ubotuLaunchpad bug 192888 in pulseaudio "firefox crashes on flash contents" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19288800:58
Gninejockey-gtk not displaying restricted driver00:58
DanaGgo to phoronix for news of OSS stuff.00:59
JohnRobertor is the ati open source driver just going to be much improved by then or something?00:59
DanaGI must sleep ze' laptop now.00:59
balleyn1JohnRobert: my understanding is that ATI just announced plans to free up their drivers in the last 6 months or so, the process will take a while for the information to be accessible and the drivers to be written/improved.. not sure what the timeline is though, guess it depends on when things are released and how quickly they're improved01:00
jrnircIEhas anyone experience problems with autofs getting a mount map from YP in Hardy x64??01:03
JohnRobertballeyn1: if that happens, I'll be very impressed01:04
nosrednaekimJohnRobert: its happening... they have already released over 1000 pages of docs01:04
JohnRobertIt will be a big, big day for linux01:04
JohnRobertwhen a major hardware vendor starts supporting linux...it's good stuff :)01:04
JohnRobert(starts supporting properly)01:05
JohnRobertas then nvidia will follow suit01:05
JohnRobertand then hopefully everyone else01:05
nosrednaekimVia already followed01:05
makioloabout what speak ?01:05
JohnRobertthen it's seeya windows :)01:05
nosrednaekimand Intel had it before01:05
JohnRobertbut intel, meh01:05
JohnRobertonce ati/nvidia are on board, games developers might start programming for linux more01:06
JohnRobertand that's one of the major things keeping people off linux01:06
JohnRobert(people I know anyway)01:06
npurcifuli am having problems with HAL it seem that it can not be configured http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7722/01:09
Auctionedllamaballeyn1, it screwed up EVERYTHING01:11
Auctionedllamaballeyn1, now my ubuntu on windows won't start..01:11
Auctionedllamaballeyn1 I can only start up windows01:11
balleyn1Auctionedllama :S  what do you mean by "it"? what change did you make exactly? or by it do you mean supergrub?01:11
Auctionedllamawell I am trying supa grub now but it is doing nothing01:12
Auctionedllamabut.. I ran some program that just simplifies the editing of the menu.lst01:12
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto01:12
Auctionedllamaand.. I changed stuff to what it needed, and now it won't boot01:12
Auctionedllamanothing will.. except windows01:12
Auctionedllamaall I want to do is to get rid of all the other choices and only have 2 choices, windows and the other partition. but its ridiculous01:13
Auctionedllamaand super grub is junk, BTW01:13
balleyn1Auctionedllama: ah, I see.. =\   1) Check out the links from Gnine, 2) did you back up your menu.lst before editing? 3) Are you running a dual-boot scenario or is Ubuntu virtualized (you said "ubuntu on windows")?01:13
AuctionedllamaI have ubuntu on windows (via the wubi) and then I copied it to a new partition cause I wanted it off windows01:14
Auctionedllamawell everything went to hell after that01:14
nosrednaekimoh.... that doesn't work so well01:14
balleyn1Auctionedllama: oooooh.... that would probably explain why I didn't understand a lot of the content in your /etc/fstab and menu.lst... it might be doing something funky to run inside of Windows, don't know the specifics of what Wubi is doing there01:15
Gninesave your [home] and do a proper install of ubuntu is my suggestion01:16
Auctionedllamaya uh.. wellllllll01:16
Auctionedllamahow do I save my home?01:16
Auctionedllamaand I have loads of settings and stuff01:17
AuctionedllamaI want to keep >_>01:17
Auctionedllamaits just my grub01:17
Auctionedllamaits all screwed up01:17
timURplz now tell me what is better mandriva or Ubuntu ?01:17
bazhangAuctionedllama: maybe try unetbootin next time01:17
Auctionedllamaif my grub gets fixed, everyhthing will work01:17
JohnRobertwhat's the menu editor called in hardy? I find it highly buggy/doesn't work - eg, you click on a tick, it doesn't untick and crashes.01:17
bazhangtimUR: ask in #mandriva01:17
Auctionedllamabazhang, what is unetbootin?01:17
Iced_EagletimUR: Neither is "better", but it's opinion. I personally prefer Ubuntu.01:17
timURIced_Eagle:  cuz it got MORE packages ?01:17
balleyn1timUR: depends what you want to do I'd imagine, but most people in here probably prefer Ubuntu01:18
bazhangAuctionedllama: its a way to install ubuntu01:18
bazhangtimUR: offtopic here thanks01:18
Iced_EagleThere's many reasons. It's just that Ubuntu seemed to "click" better with me.01:18
Auctionedllamaok, well I guess I'll clear everything and start over.. *sigh*01:18
AuctionedllamaBut my grub will still be really messed up01:18
Haffi_Hi, I have a strange problem when playing an xvid file with mplayer or totem in hardy. The system hangs and I have to force kill all applications01:19
Haffi_any suggestions?01:19
LARefugeeHaffi_:  Try vlc?01:20
Haffi_yes, that would be a start01:20
twbOther than x0rfbserver, are there any daemons that can export an existing desktop using VNC, or a VNC-like protocol?01:20
LARefugeeHaffi_: mplayer always locks up on me. Totem usually handles everything.01:20
Haffi_totem freezes, but I can close it after maybe 30 seconds without having to kill everything01:21
Haffi_I have  added w32 codecs via medibuntu01:21
picard_pwns_kirkI can't get audio to play in Hardy01:21
LARefugeeHaffi_:  I believe I've experienced similar behavior with Totem. Not for quite a while. Chalked it up to Hardy growing pains.01:22
picard_pwns_kirkI always get (totem:8085): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_object_unref: assertion `object != NULL' failed01:22
Gninerestricted drivers are not displayed on jockey-gtk gui01:22
picard_pwns_kirkHaffi_: are you having troubles with audio too?01:22
Haffi_nope, no problems with audio here01:23
picard_pwns_kirkanyone have any ideas to why I'm getting this?01:23
LARefugeepicard_pwns_kirk: what's the trouble?01:23
picard_pwns_kirkI always get "(totem:8085): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_object_unref: assertion `object != NULL' failed" when I play an audio file in totem01:24
fxjrhi all!01:24
picard_pwns_kirkamarok goes haywire01:24
picard_pwns_kirkeven though it uses xine01:24
fxjrI'd like to say thank you very much for whoever fixed the problem with the desktop wall plugin01:24
Haffi_LARefugee: VLC also hangs01:24
fxjrsometime ago, I was talking about a ctrl+pgup/down problem01:25
fxjrwith this plugin which was changing workspaces when I pressed those keys01:25
Haffi_strange, I've never had problems with video playback on linux before (I've had 3 different linuces on this computer before)01:25
LARefugeehmmm. Gstreamer setup maybe. you might purge/reinstall gstreamer codecs.01:25
fxjrand the problem was that those shortcuts were exactly the ones used by gedit to change tabs :)01:25
crimsunpicard_pwns_kirk: using pulseaudio?01:26
picard_pwns_kirkcrimsun: no idea01:26
LARefugeeHaffi_:  ok. Got any other video files to try?01:26
crimsunpicard_pwns_kirk: default hardy install?01:26
crimsunpicard_pwns_kirk: then you are (for GNOME)01:26
picard_pwns_kirkreinstall pulseaudio?01:27
crimsunpicard_pwns_kirk: is libxine1-gnome installed?01:27
picard_pwns_kirkinstall it?01:27
macdI assume everyone is having ff3/flash issues still?01:28
philip_fresh install feels so snappy versus my previous upgraded system01:28
picard_pwns_kirkmplayer works01:28
crimsunpicard_pwns_kirk: nah, you shouldn't need -gnome01:28
JohnRobertpulseaudio also breaks skype!01:28
strtokhello, anyone running 8.04 (RC) on a dell optiplex 755 yet? On the installer the screen blinks on and off -- seems to be fixed if i lower the res from 1920x1200 to a lower resolution01:28
JohnRobertgreat :/01:28
crimsunJohnRobert: no, use pasuspender -- skype01:29
macdstrtok, after its installed that wont be an issue01:29
JohnRobertcrimsun: I have skype on all the time01:29
strtokmacd: what causes it?01:29
JohnRobertso that won't work.01:29
crimsunJohnRobert: then read bug 192888.01:30
JohnRobertah man, this is really annoying01:30
macdstrtok, I really dont know, but after install its fine (my dell d630 had the same problem and they both use intel based video)01:30
ubotuLaunchpad bug 192888 in pulseaudio "firefox crashes on flash contents" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19288801:30
JohnRobertyeah, I've been reading it01:30
Haffi_LARefugee: Doesn't work for divx either01:30
JohnRobertis there a way to turn off pulseaudio?01:30
crimsunJohnRobert: then apply that solution.01:30
JohnRobertor get rid of it all togehter01:30
picard_pwns_kirksudo apt-get remove pulseaudio?01:30
crimsunsure, uninstall it.01:30
Haffi_LARefugee: [00000306] ffmpeg decoder error: more than 5 seconds of late video -> dropping frame (computer too slow ?)01:31
macdcrimsun, says fixed for hardy ;P01:31
JohnRobertwill that put my sound back to 'how it was in gutsy'?01:31
JohnRobertor screw stuff up further?01:31
crimsunmacd: it's certainly fixed in flashplugin-nonfree01:31
crimsunJohnRobert: I have no idea how you configured sound in gutsy01:31
sparr_is there a list anywhere of user-visible changes to expect after an ubuntu upgrade?01:31
JohnRobertI didn't, it just worked.01:31
macdcrimsun, I dont use pulseaudio and it still crashes01:31
strtokmacd: thanks01:31
crimsunmacd: that's Flash's fault01:31
macdstrtok, np01:31
macdcrimsun, then I guess flashplugin-nonfree isnt fixed then ;)01:32
crimsunmacd: we can't do much beyond removing the bits that we know to be problematic01:32
JohnRobertI understand it's all flash/skype's fault...it's a shame though01:32
crimsunmacd: sure it is.  The package no longer Depends on libflashsupport01:32
LARefugeeHaffi_:  That rings a bell.. I've dealt with that before.. Can't recall what I did. Sorry.01:32
macdI was reading adobes penguin blog the other day, they odnt even look like theyve addressed the issue01:32
crimsunmacd: that fixed the issue for the reporter, whose config was due to libflashsupport.01:32
Haffi_ok, thanks for your time though01:32
macdcrimsun, that may be true, but for the rest of us, no pulseaudio still has flash causing havoc everywhere in ff301:33
crimsunpicard_pwns_kirk: do all pulseaudio clients exhibit that symptom?01:33
picard_pwns_kirkcrimsun: no idea01:33
macdcrimsun, Im not blaming the buntu-devs, but adobe01:33
picard_pwns_kirkgoogle says there hasn't been a bug filed01:33
crimsunpicard_pwns_kirk: then please try some, i.e., paplay /usr/share/sounds/*up.wav01:33
crimsunmacd: right, but we can't do anything about that.01:34
jlobo115hi, i have a quick question about wubi and rc1 8.04, i have a laptop that currently has its bios locked and do not have the password for it, if i am to install ubuntu with wubi, would it install and bypass the bios allowing me to select which os or will i become completely locked out?01:34
Haffi_LARefugee: Just one thought, might this be related to nvidia drivers?01:34
macdcrimsun, right.01:34
picard_pwns_kirkcrimsun: Stream errror: Invalid argument01:35
crimsunpicard_pwns_kirk: try it also with gst-launch-0.10 using playbin.01:35
crimsunpicard_pwns_kirk: is pulseaudio even running?01:35
crimsun(pgrep -x pulseaudio)01:35
LARefugeeHaffi_: I have nvidia. Sorry just can't recall. Try feeding the error messages into google. Append "hardy ubuntu"01:35
picard_pwns_kirkoh, nvm01:35
picard_pwns_kirkthere's a bug01:35
RAOFjlobo115: wubi uses the existing Windows bootloader.  If you can boot Windows you should be able to boot Wubi.01:36
ubotuwubi is Wubi advice here: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=234  and  http://wubi-installer.org  [file wubi bugs here:  https://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug ] (it is included in hardy 8.04 beta CD and will be in the final release)01:37
jlobo115alright thanks for shedding some light on that01:37
picard_pwns_kirkcrimsun: I found a workaround01:37
twbDoes hardy include any NX servers?01:37
picard_pwns_kirkcrimsun: thanks01:37
twbI can only see qtnx and nxproxy in apt.01:37
Haffi_LARefugee: Just FYI, when I run mplayer -vo x11 it works, so I'm guessing it's related to the nvidia driver01:39
jason|cahow can i turn off the compiz stuff in hardy completely - -it seems to be crashing X repeatedly01:40
twbjason|ca: uninstall it?01:40
RAOFjason|ca: System->Preference->Appearence->Visual Effects->No Effects.01:41
dvsdoes anyone know how to get global menus in hardy?01:42
RAOFdvs: As in the big gtk patch/flamefest?01:42
crdlbdvs: in gnome, that's only possible with crazy patches01:42
crdlband it will only work with true gtk apps01:42
RAOFcrdlb: Guten morgen.01:42
crdlbevening, RAOF :)01:43
dvsi had it in gutsy and it just displays the name in hardy,  i suspect it is because it is a new version of gnome01:43
Gnineworgen gluten01:43
iMatterStill having problems with internet...01:44
iMatterALL GUI's fail...01:44
iMatterand dhclieint commands dont work01:44
iMatterjust have permission denied...01:44
dvsi don't remember doing any crazy patches in gutsy, i think it was just a panel applet.  and i would reinstall it to see if that works but i have no idea how to do that01:45
crdlbit's a crazy patch to gtk+01:45
RAOFdvs: Maybe we're thinking of different things.  Could you describe what you want?01:45
Gninelook it up in synaptic01:45
crdlband a third-party applet for gnome-panel01:45
NewToThisHi, Is there a photo organizing/editing application that is similar to Picassa - that someone could suggest using?01:45
RAOFNewToThis: I think you might find F-Spot (which is enabled by default) useful?01:46
crdlbit looks like you need to re-patch gtk01:46
dvsRAOF: mac style menus01:46
RAOFdvs: Right.  Huge, crazy gtk patch.01:46
twbYou guys are useless as ever; the answer to my first question was "see vino and/or krfb-kde4".01:46
crdlbvino is a vnc server ...01:47
iMattercould someone please help...01:47
crdlbah 20 minutes ago01:47
Gninetwb: join ##quiz01:48
twbGnine: why?01:48
NewToThisRAOF: Thanks much - will try that - Also have "Phatch - batch processor & renamer installed - that looks like it might be good for renaming etc.01:48
dvsNewToThis: you can install picasa in linux01:49
twbGnine: I went and found answers to my question because nobody answered; I didn't know the answers in advance.01:49
jason|caRAOF: i did that its now got me trapped at 640x48001:49
jason|canow what?01:49
NewToThisdvs: If I search in synaptics I'll find that?01:49
iMatteri really need my wireless up...01:49
Gnineif its not found in synaptic you probably dont want to use it01:50
RAOFjason|ca: You're the person I suggested System->Preferences->Appearance->Visual effects, right?  There's absolutely no way that doing that broke your X :)01:50
DanaG Error: Could not acquire compositing manager selection on screen 0 display ":0.0"01:50
RAOFDanaG: Yeah, metacity doesn't release the composite manager hook correctly.01:50
RAOFjason|ca: So, what _else_ did you change? :)01:51
crdlbyay for pasting xcompmgr into window managers!01:51
jason|caRAOF: the system was frozen when i asked u -- (from a different box) so i hard rebooted it01:51
DanaGOh, and sometimes when I switch back to metacity, I get something odd:01:52
jason|cathen when it came up it was trapped in that mode01:52
DanaGthe screen flashes several different colors and shows glitchy pieces of windows, for a total of about 0.5 to 1 second.01:52
RAOFcrdlb: I note from my feed browser that kwin is slowly implementing compiz :(01:52
DanaGI won't use KDE4.01:52
jason|caRAOF: im now getting ready to re-install the nvidia driver01:52
Gnineyou in gnome, DanaG ?01:52
DanaGI tried KDE4 early release, and was surprised to see that it made my 17" notebook feel like a 12" notebook.01:53
RAOFjason|ca: Ok.  By 'reinstall', what method are you going to try?01:53
crimsunI love KDE4's Konsole.01:53
NewToThisdvs: I looked in synaptics - Could not find Picasa. Is it hard to install and run in Hardy Heron - or will it even run in Hardy Heron?01:53
ubotuPicasa from Google can be downloaded in .deb format from: http://picasa.google.com/linux/download.html01:54
dvsi had it, but wine beat it with an ugly stick so i uninstalled it01:54
strtokmacd: it still happens even after install01:54
JohnRoberthehe, removing pulseaudio has fixed everything :)))01:54
strtoki think it's an issue with the VESA driver doing 1920x1200 on an ATI card01:54
dvsgnine's got ya01:54
crdlbRAOF: heh01:54
mooboo1i would install picasa if it wasnt proprietary01:54
jason|caraof i un-enabled it in the device driver window01:54
jason|caand im now back to 800x600 after a restart01:54
jason|caim gonna try re-enablig it01:54
Jordan_UMy numlock key won't turn off ( and it's a laptop, I am having to use a usb keyboard right now )01:54
jason|caand hope01:54
RAOFjason|ca: That seems like a not-bad-idea :)01:55
RAOFcrimsun: Oh?  What in particular is nice with the kde4 console?  I've tried KDE4, but not for very long.01:55
crdlbcrimsun: I love gnome-terminal too :P01:55
Gninejockey-gtk does not display any restricted drivers01:56
crimsunRAOF: splitting the terminal01:56
crimsunRAOF: then you can arrange buffers inside the splits01:56
Gninekde4 kills my appetite01:56
crimsuncrdlb: I do, too, but I think I'd like Ng's even more.01:57
NewToThisdvs: Hay - Never mind question - I did a search on google and found the debian install package - and it's installed and ready to go - thanks anyway.01:57
crdlbcrimsun: just use screen :)01:57
Jordan_UIs there an easy way to turn off the numlock key in software?01:57
crimsuncrdlb: I do.01:58
RAOFcrimsun: Ah, cool.  Yeah, that's nice.01:58
crimsuncrdlb: i.e., https://edge.launchpad.net/terminator/01:59
DanaGCan't shift-pgup in Screen.01:59
crimsun^a esc up/down02:00
crimsunor something of that ilk02:00
crimsunbeen a while since I bothered with my rearranged keybindings02:00
jason|caraof -- soon as i turned the driver back on - -it went back to 640x48002:02
jason|caand wont let me chooe others02:02
RAOFGAH!  Gmail, _stop marking bug reports for my Debian package as spam_.02:03
jason|cais it possible to do a dpkg reconfig type thing for x?02:04
jason|casee if i can get it to detect the right settings02:04
jason|caor edit xorg?02:04
Jordan_U!xconfig | jason|ca02:05
ubotujason|ca: To reconfigure your X server, open a console and type « sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg » - To configure only the driver and resolution, type « sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh » - See also !FixRes02:05
DanaGNot valid anymore!02:05
RAOFjason|ca: You could run "sudo nvidia-xconfig", which should make X use the nivdia driver.02:05
RAOFjason|ca: A better idea would be to pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log02:05
Jordan_UDanaG, It'll still give you a nice bear bones xorg.conf, won't it?02:05
jason|caDanaG: the ubotu stuff is not vaid?02:05
DanaGdebconf for Xorg has been gutted.02:06
macdstrtok, what does "cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep Driver" return?02:06
Jordan_UDanaG, Though the "configure only driver and resolution" should go02:06
Gnineyou can boot in recovery mode and do a x server fix02:06
Gninethe 3 stooges await you02:07
RAOFmacd: UUoC :).  Also, more interesting is the same thing, but with Xorg.0.log02:07
macdRAOF, sorry I dont know what UUoC is ;)02:07
RAOFmacd: Unnecesary Use of Cat :)02:07
macdRAOF, ohh, yeah ;)02:07
macdits not like xorg.conf is that big02:08
Gnineno restricted drivers shown in jockey-gtk02:09
RAOFHm.  It seems my system uses ~1GB more memory when I use the nvidia driver instead of nouveau.  Weird.02:13
macdshe sprung a leak!02:14
RAOFOr rather, reports ~1GB more used memory.  And it's from startup, not over time.02:14
jgooWhy is it, that the first time I go to enable desktop effects, I get a nice dialog that says I need to install a restricted driver - which of course, is nice but at that point I had a network issue\02:14
jgooNow I fixed the network issue, I try and enable it, and it no longer says I need a restricted driver, it just says it cannot do it02:14
RAOFjgoo: Because your nvidia card doesn't have open-source 3d drivers?02:14
Prez00downloading RC, going to run it in vmware, any known big issues besides those on the notes of hte release?02:15
instabinI just updated 7.10 to 8.04 and I have a problem with a program i use all the time. Its called synergy. It lets me move the mouse from one computer and screen to another computer and screen. It bearly works after updating to 8.0402:15
jgoowhat changes in between the first time I try and enable it and the second time?02:15
macdjgoo, you can also bring that dialog up again, system-->admin--drivers02:15
jgooaaah, cool thanks macd02:15
macdinstabin, define barely works02:15
jgooRAOF: Not that I am too concerned about the effects (it is 4:15am, just getting into the day), and this is an onboard ATI card, more curious to see what it would (or wouldn't) do!02:16
instabinmacd: it works technicaly but the mouse jumps all over the screen.... Like there is very bad lag02:16
x1250jgoo: what card?02:16
macdinstabin, hmm, I use it b/t a hardy/gutsy box, without difference from when it was gutsy-gutsy02:16
mintsoupI can't find a way to set the default monitor brightness for my laptop in 8.04--is there no way to do it in the default setup?02:16
jgooonboard ati... Radeon X120002:17
instabinmcad: i was using it from vista to 7.10 and it started the issue when i updated to 8.0402:17
philip_I think I'm gonna stick with hardy heron for at least a year...stable enough, getting tired of wiping and reinstalling/upgrading02:17
fxjrnight all!02:17
Prez00anyone running 8.04 on TP X61?02:17
jgoox1250:  VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RS690 [Radeon X1200 Series]02:17
macdphilip_, tried mounting /home on a sep partition yet?02:17
macdinstabin, hmm, I really cant test that setup02:18
jgoohey macd, that did the trick, thanks!02:18
instabinluckly i still have my kvm back there...02:18
x1250jgoo: I have that card. Good enough for compiz and nexuiz. It works ok, 1300fps in glxgears, tho thats no benchmark...02:18
jgooinstabin: have you ever used Synergy?02:19
philip_macd: I have no probs with /home. I have an external drive I keep synced with /home so I don't really need a separate partition for it02:19
instabinjgoo: Yes i have been using it for a year02:19
philip_macd: I think my problem is that I tend to do an upgrade 3 months before the official release :) getting tired of things breaking now02:20
Cheesasaurus_RexIs there a way to get another trash.mount?02:21
mooboo142 updates, whoa!02:23
Cheesasaurus_Rexyou see, I was having a problem with my trash, so I deleted trash.mount...02:23
macdphilip_, I hear that, I try to run the alpha/betas/rc in a vm before I use it on my workstation02:24
Jordan_UCheesasaurus_Rex, It's probably just a regular directory, tried mkdir?02:24
Cheesasaurus_RexIt's not a directory; it's a file.02:25
Cheesasaurus_RexI was having a problem with the trash can; that's why it's gone02:26
jgooCompizFusion is running fine! Just tweaking settings (which means... for how long ;-) I am glad to see OOo Database has 5 star popularity02:26
Cheesasaurus_Rexbasically, I dragged the Desktop icon from Places onto the Desktop again02:26
Cheesasaurus_Rexthis created roughly 507 folders called Desktop on my desktop.02:27
Jordan_UCheesasaurus_Rex, Seems to be a small text file ( possibly .desktop format or similar ) I can pastebin mine02:27
Cheesasaurus_RexIf you can, that'll be great02:27
Cheesasaurus_Rexthank you so much02:27
jgooI do have another question, latest jdk6 is sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk ?02:27
Cheesasaurus_RexJordan_U, I have to go right now; would you mind sending me the link in a private window?02:28
instabinIm doing a complete removal on synergy and reinstalling... maybe that will fix it.02:28
sykeis someone going to update the wine package to 0.9.60?02:29
Jordan_UCheesasaurus_Rex, http://pastebin.ca/99271402:30
instabinIt seems better but it still has pauses in it.....02:30
RAOFsyke: Probably not; we release in ~2 days.02:31
sykeRAOF: just curious since the existing package has this issue: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/wine/+bug/11402502:31
instabinHey RAOF!!02:31
ubotuLaunchpad bug 114025 in wine "Problem with wine preloader: Warning: failed to reserve range 00000000-60000000" [Medium,Confirmed]02:31
sykewhich is very off-putting02:31
crashsystemsI've got a Dell Inspiron 1420 that I just upgraded from 7.10 to 8.04, and now the sound applet says there is no audio hardware. lspci says I have "00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 02)\".  The sound card is SigmaTel STAC9228. I have an identical laptop that I did the same upgrade to, with no audio problems. Anyone know what the issue is?02:32
sykethere is a workaround, but gives a bad impression since it ultimately ends up affecting wine's compatibility/stability in some apps02:32
sykelike office02:32
sykealso, the workaround decreases security that was enabled for a reason02:33
LuckriderSo... I have FREE RAM to the first taker.02:33
instabindoes canon network printing work in 8.04 ?02:33
instabinfor the mx70002:34
Luckriderthere are 3 256mb, and there is 1 51202:34
Luckriderit is desktop RAM02:34
instabinLuckrider... what kinda memory?02:34
LuckriderI have numbers02:35
RAOFsyke: So, the fix for that bug is unlikely to be "we upload a 0.9.60".  Since there's no time to check if (a) 0.9.60 actually fixes the bug, and more importantly if (b) 0.9.60 doesn't introduce more important, new bugs.02:35
Luckriderthere are from IBM desktops, but I imagine that it fits other comps02:35
GuyFromHellSomeone wanna test something for me? Go to this website: http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/4986#comment:269 and scroll all the way to the top using the scroll bar02:35
Jordan_ULuckrider, I'll take it, but I'm not going to fall for a phishing scam ;)02:35
sykeRAOF: 'make check' in wine is usually a good indicator, since they have decent code coverage02:35
LuckriderI just need to give it some how02:35
LuckriderNo signing up02:35
LuckriderI jsut don't know how to send02:35
RAOFsyke: But didn't, for example, catch _this_ bug? :)02:35
sykeand they use valgrind to ensure few memory corruption/leak regressions02:35
Jordan_ULuckrider, Donate it to your local school ( If they know what to do with it )02:36
LuckriderI am going there02:36
Luckriderthey are to stupid02:36
sykeit will only fail on a system with these mmap disabled for the lower 64k02:36
Luckriderto know how to put it in02:36
RAOFsyke: Since this is a regression of an already fixed bug? :)02:36
axisyswhat version ubuntu works better for x4200 ?02:37
sykeLAOF: not to my knowledge, actually02:38
sykebut I don't understand why you would be taking this tone02:38
Who_Is there anyone to help me with troubleshooting nVidia drivers suspend problems? Yesterday I had a WUBI install but now I have a real one and it is still not working. The system is working, as I can push ctrl+alt+F1, login and shutdown. Is there a way to 'prod' the card?02:38
GuyFromHellAny brave soul want to test that website out for me? Everytime i scroll up past some point X crashes.... i'm trying to figure out if i should investigate more or just wait 4 days and reinstall...02:38
Who_I think I am talking about dpms, but I don't know :S02:38
sykeI'm more than happy to make my system more insecure by using an esoteric commandline means02:38
sykebut it might give others a really bad impression02:38
ajmitchsyke: 'this tone' because if there is such a regression found, there's really very little time to fix it or revert to 0.9.5902:38
jgooAnyone installed jdk6u10 on 8.04?02:38
Luckriderwhat is the websit GuyFromHell02:38
m1ri have problem with old soundcard not workin : Yamaha Corporation YMF-744B , any tips how to fix sound on it ?02:39
sykeajmitch: revert to 0.9.59? it's 0.9.60 that has fixes for several of the issues, that's what I was originally asking about02:39
Jordan_UGuyFromHell, No crash here02:39
sykeor at least pulling in those specific git patches02:39
ajmitchsyke: yes, and I said about any regressions that 0.9.60 may have02:39
Luckridersamer here GuyFromHell02:39
GuyFromHellJordan_U, >_> must be a borked plugin or something then, false alarm. thanks =)02:39
RAOFsyke: The bug you pointed to was closed by 0.9.53 or something, and now reopened for 0.9.59.  Basically, testsuite pass doesn't mean that its ready to ship.02:39
* syke sighs02:40
RAOFsyke: Yeah, more likely (although still difficult) is applying those patches.02:40
sykeok, fine. I'll go through my Canonical support rep.02:40
ajmitchit's not in main for a reason02:41
Cheesasaurus_Rexthanks for the help, Jordan_U02:41
Jordan_UCheesasaurus_Rex, np02:41
RAOFsyke: The problem actually prevents some apps from working?02:42
sykeas reported in launchpad and the wine bug, yes02:42
Sonjahow do i restore the /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/us that comes with heron?02:43
m1rSonja: try on cd ?02:44
Sonjaor maybe one of you can dcc me it?02:44
hrlrSonja: I'm not sure, but wouldn't "sudo apt-get install --reinstall xkeyboard-config" work?02:49
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keith_does ufw keep its own log? or does it just append to system logs?02:53
philip_how do I get emerald to work? I installed emerald, imported a theme, but nothing02:54
crashsystemsso does anyone know why sound isn't working with SigmaTel STAC9228 after an upgrade from 7.10?02:54
crashsystemsI think the bug I'm having is 18694002:55
keith_what does ufw allow when the default is deny?02:57
Cheesasaurus_RexI have an interesting problem02:57
Cheesasaurus_RexThis is the result of dragging the desktop icon from Places onto the desktop.02:57
Black_Magicstill having the internet issue02:57
Who_wow. Last time I saw that sortr of thing was on an Acorn Archimedes :P02:58
Cheesasaurus_RexIt recursively creates a folder called Desktop on the Desktop with a folder called Desktop in it02:58
Cheesasaurus_RexPlacing it in the trash can wasn't hard, but now it won't let me empty my trash can.02:58
Black_Magiccannot connect to ANY AP02:59
Black_Magicand dhclient doesnt work02:59
jgooo.0 I installed Krita - when I try and run it, 'Failed to execute child process "krita" (No such file or directory)'03:00
jgoois that a known issue, or did something b0rk?03:00
sparr_Cheesasaurus_Rex: if i were you, id open a terminal and unlink the file03:01
jgooI don't get any google hits for krita (some for firefox not running)03:01
Cheesasaurus_Rexunlink the file?03:01
sparr_or just rm -r it03:02
sparr_"rm -r ~/Desktop/Desktop"03:02
Cheesasaurus_Rexwell, it's too late for that03:02
Cheesasaurus_RexIt's already in the trash can.03:02
Cheesasaurus_Rexthat's why I'm having a problem03:02
sparr_well, figure out where gnome keeps its trashcan03:03
jgoook I removed it and readded it, and it still doesn't launch. hrm. mystery03:03
sparr_and manually remove it from there03:03
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Cheesasaurus_Rexwell, I've been trying to do that03:03
Cheesasaurus_Rex~/.Trash doesn't seem to exist in Hardy Heron03:04
Cheesasaurus_Rexor Gnome 2.2203:04
Cheesasaurus_Rexwhichever one is responsible for this03:04
RAOFCheesasaurus_Rex: You'd be after ~/.local/share/03:04
Cheesasaurus_Rexthere it is03:05
Cheesasaurus_Rexthank you03:05
Cheesasaurus_Rexthe trash icon is still being displayed as if it were full though03:06
Cheesasaurus_Rexeven though it's not03:06
Who_RAOF: Now that I have a real Ubuntu install and not a WUBI one and suspend doesn't work do you have any more to add? I am using nvidia drivers and when I resume the screen goes weird - looks undriven and it 'drifts' to white in patches. THe copmuter works - I can login and shutdown on Console 1.... Any thoughts?03:07
RAOFWho_: Complain bitterly to nvidia.03:07
jgooRAOF:  Can you humor me and try and install Krita on 8.04?03:08
jgoojust add/remove krita03:08
RAOFjgoo: No, sorry.  No internet on the ubuntu laptop03:08
Who_RAOF: :) - will do03:08
jgooohz. ;_; Well, I'd heartily recommend Krita as a photoshop alternative (it has a few regressions last time I was using it...)03:09
Who_jgoo: I'll try it03:09
DanaGIs ther any alternative to "Photoshop Elements"?03:09
DanaGGIMP doesn't work for the target audience.03:09
jgooDanaG: You'll find Krita will do that nicely03:09
Who_DanaG: What does F-Spot miss?03:09
TychoQuadanyone having trouble with launching applications after running kismet?03:10
jgooOh, F-Spot is also nice :) (goes and installs it like a gleeful 10 year old in a candy store)03:10
DanaGPhotoshop Elements does things like the clone tool to clone pixel areas.03:10
Who_jgoo: Not that you have some vested interest in DanaG's problem ;)03:10
Who_DanaG - is elements much better than, for example, Picasa?03:10
jgooWho_: I love conspiracies, but what vested interest would I have ? :p03:10
sykewho_: I also have an nvidia chipset, and suspend works fine03:10
sykeRAOF: "complain bitterly to nvidia" is really unacceptable, btw03:11
sykethis isn't #debian03:11
RAOFsyke: Ok.  Complain to nvidia, with nvidia-bug-report.sh or whatever it is that they ship as their bugtracker.03:11
sykeseriously, your attitude is really offputting03:11
sykeyes, quite.03:12
Who_skye: RAOF gave me quite a bit of help yesterday - I think it wasn't too harsh03:12
sykeI'm assuming that Canonical (and the community) wants to know about issues so they can determine if they are serious, or to improve usability03:12
Who_given that we'd already talked a bit, etc03:12
RAOFsyke: What in particular?  We can't fix nvidia bugs - they _have_ to go to nvidia.03:12
RAOFsyke: Well, yes.  Unless they're in the nvidia drivers, which we can't do anything at all about.03:13
sykehow do you know it's not an ACPI or BIOS issue?03:13
Who_RAOF: hehe - so shall I ask instead why I can't use nv instead because that renders a grainy screen ;)?03:13
jgooWho_: update me on if Krita runs for you in 8.04 thanks03:13
RAOFWho_: Indeed you can :).  Is there a bug report about that?03:14
Who_jgoo: you've gotta wait for my net connection :P03:14
Who_RAOF: There certainly can be. It feels _deeply_ like a configuration issue - I have to say03:14
* DanaG has suspend that works... oh... 2/3 of the time.03:14
jgooWait, I uninstalled and installed quite quick... does that mean I was reinstalling from the cached package? (which might have been bj0rked)03:14
DanaGIt's odd.03:15
Who_RAOF: because at 800x600 it is fine...03:15
rageTychoQuad: Open a terminal and type in ifconfig03:15
ragealso type in iwconfig to see which ones have wireless interfaces03:15
Who_jgoo: I dunno - I seem to be getting half of KDE Along with my krita :P03:15
RAOFWho_: Indeed?  Hm.  That's probably worth a bug report, to bring it to the attention of the X hackers.  It seems moderately strange :)03:15
jgooo_0 yikes!03:15
Who_RAOF: I'll try and take a photo...03:16
jgooDoes Epiphany run webkit on linux? I am looking to put a webkit browser... erm... safari? what about opera?03:16
RAOFWho_: An excellent idea.  That, and /var/log/Xorg.0.log would be extremely useful.03:16
Who_RAOF: out of interest, does a screenshot looking fine mean _anything_?03:16
RAOFWho_: Yes, it does.  It suggests that the problem is somewhere in the output code, not the rendering.03:17
RAOFWho_: This is also extremely good info for a bug report :)03:17
Who_Right. Off I got to Launchpad land...03:17
RAOFjgoo: Epiphany in 2.24 will use webkit exclusively.  At the moment it's optional, and we don't build an epiphany-webkit package (although Debian do).03:17
jgooRAOF: Yes, I heard that, but in the add/remove it still says gecko (default) and just gecko... what would you recommend to install it? (webkit only really, for web dev testing)03:19
SeveredCrossWebkit is pretty sweet.03:19
RAOFjgoo: Yeah, that's what I meant.  _We_, as in Ubuntu, don't build the Webkit backend.03:20
Davo_DinkumI downloaded kubuntu-kde4-8.04-rc-alternate-i386.iso but it's ubuntu for some reason :/03:21
RAOFjgoo: Debian Sid has Epiphany-Webkit packages, or you could (probably) rebuild those source packages against Ubuntu.03:21
Who__sorry to keep coming and going. Can I take this chance to point out the TalkTalk in the UK aren't really very good03:21
RAOFWho__: Duly noted :)03:22
Who__jgoo: Some of the mobile browsers are webkit based. Perhaps they are packaged for Ubuntu?03:22
tateOy, I need some advice about Ubuntu 8.04; I have a projector that can do 1024 but the new Ubuntu locks me at 800; how can I specify a higher resolution with the new xorg?03:23
kliwonhello..i have problem on tun interface.i have modproble tun module but when i'm try to config the tun0 interface got err.i'm using xubuntu 8.04.please help me03:23
jgooThanks Who_ and RAOF. I will see for the future that. I can always test on a winsuck machine nearby03:24
jgooIs there a 'nice' way to turn off compiz... I used to have a little icon, right click, change back to metacity, and keep all my compiz settings... and then right click again to switch back to compiz (that was with the beryl fork though)03:25
jgooI want to run Blender....03:25
RAOFjgoo: You'd be after fusion-icon, I think.03:26
* jgoo goes hunting03:26
jgoook. I have to complain. That was ridiculously easy to install and use. It mocks the last 20 years of painful computer use we have all suffered.03:28
icanhasjgoo: you are correct sir03:28
IdleOnejgoo: we can make it harder if you like.03:28
jgoodamn it. And it didn't crash when I changed window manager. How can they let this kind of software out. It undermines the whole computing industry. Ok, thanks for that RAOF :)03:29
RAOFtate: Right.  What method are you using to run your projector?03:29
tateAn adapter from DVI to VGA03:30
RAOFRight.  And software-wise?  How are you telling Ubuntu to enable the projector?03:30
tateIT's the only thing I can do, the irritating thing is if I plug it into a monitor on startx, then swap out the plug it works.03:30
tateIt's just like a monitor.03:30
tateI just had 7.10 plugged into it not a day ago.03:30
tateIt worked fine.03:31
RAOFRight.  So, System->Preferences->Screen Resolution doesn't allow you to change the resolution of the projector?03:31
tateIt does, but it won't go above 800 by 60003:32
tateThe previous installation allowed for 102403:33
RAOFOk.  So, this suggests that maybe the projector isn't returning DDC data correctly.03:33
ubotuXRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1203:33
mc-georgehi guys, everytime I play a song, it skips every 5 seconds03:33
tateI'm not dual screening.03:33
DanaGOh yeah, some projectors at my school have Pin 9 REMOVED.03:33
Who__RAOF: also cursor renders fine...03:34
RAOFtate: The principle is the same.03:34
RAOFtate: Section II.6 might help you.03:34
mc-georgehi guys, everytime I play a song, it skips every 5 seconds03:34
Black_Magiccould someone seriously help me No internet = No Server03:35
Black_Magicand no browsing and for gods sake NO IRC!!!03:35
icanhasBlack_Magic: what's up now mate?03:35
tateI don't seem to have xandr installed?03:36
RAOFtate: That seems unlikely, but let me check :)03:36
Black_Magicicanhas:  Cannot get internet03:37
RAOF(IE: let me check where the xrandr binary comes from, and why you might not have it installed)03:37
Who__RAOF: Which package should I report against?03:37
icanhasBlack_Magic: wifi or wired?03:37
icanhasBlack_Magic: what does iwconfig show?03:38
Black_Magiccannot connect to Any accesspoint03:38
RAOFWho__: xserver-xorg-video-nv, probably.03:38
jgoowtf. flash video is working on youtube. That can't be right... I didn't do anything.03:38
Black_Magicbasically not configured03:38
RAOFWho__: THat's the source package for the nv driver, I think.03:38
Black_Magicnot assosiated03:38
icanhasBlack_Magic: i mean, does it show wifi0 or ath0 or anyhting like that?03:38
mysticdarkhackhey all03:38
RAOFtate: Hm.  Are you spelling it 'xrandr'?03:39
Black_Magicyea it shows lo eth0 wifi0 and ath003:39
icanhasBlack_Magic: does network manager run correctly?03:39
RAOFtate: Because it's in the x11-xserver-utils package, which is a dependency of xorg which is a dependency of *buntu-desktop.03:39
tateI got it03:39
mysticdarkhackhave yall notice after the latest update, the update-manager disappear from System, Administration menu?03:40
tateI can't seem to find what "output" to give it03:40
Who__jgoo: If you're still around: Krita is happy here03:40
RAOFtate: Just running 'xrandr' will list a whole bunch of stuff.03:40
tatethe example uses s-video, but I can't seem to figure out how to get it to point to the main screen.03:40
Black_Magicicanhas: it shows one green ball03:40
mysticdarkhackactually dist-upgrade I ment03:40
Black_Magicthen it keeps trying then eventually asks me for the router thing again03:40
kliwonhello..i have problem on tun interface.i have modproble tun module but when i'm try to config the tun0 interface got err.i'm using xubuntu 8.04.please help me03:40
RAOFtate: In particular, it'll list all your possible outputs, and the valid modes for any that are currently connected.03:40
DShepherdhi. how is the upgrade from gutsy to hardy?03:41
icanhasBlack_Magic: does the  Atheros wifi driver show up in Hardware Drivers? (system->admin->hw drivers)03:41
DG19075Update Manager is still in my System>Administration menu....03:41
DShepherdsyke, si?03:41
Black_MagicAtheros Hardware Access Layer (HAL) and support for Atheros 802.11 wireless LAN cards03:42
mysticdarkhackany idea how to recover it?03:42
Black_Magicplus video one03:42
Black_Magicim betteing the support one is from me compiling from source.03:42
icanhasBlack_Magic: Do you have the AR5007 (AR242x)?03:42
Black_Magicno AR5006EG03:43
mazemancan I use a 7.10 live CD to fix GRUB on an 8.04 install?03:43
* Black_Magic falls backwars03:43
icanhasBlack_Magic: What I would try, is to disable that Hardware Driver, and then recompile the newest version of madwifi03:43
icanhasoh did you figure it out? lol03:43
Black_Magicit says that exact thing but windows/slackware say AR5006EG b/g03:43
Black_Magicicanhas:  ive already tried that03:44
icanhasBlack_Magic: wait, say that again?03:44
Black_Magicit makes wifi0 and ath0 go bye bye03:44
Black_MagicWindows and Slackware show my wireless card as Atheros AR5006EG B/G03:44
Black_Magicbut when i do lspci it shows it as AR242x03:44
icanhasBlack_Magic: what does lspci -v say?03:44
icanhasBlack_Magic: lspci -vn please to get me the hardware location thingy03:45
icanhasBlack_Magic: should be 186c: something03:45
tateerr, xrandr is really not working for me.03:46
Black_Magicwhat should be?03:46
icanhasBlack_Magic: ok, find your wifi card in lspci -v, and then do lspci -vn and look in the same spot that your wifi card was03:46
Black_Magiccompute crash03:49
icanhasBlack_Magic: ?03:49
THEO|WxChello, all.03:50
tatexranr gives me this: xrandr: cannot find mode "1024x768"03:50
icanhasBlack_Magic: well, if you're still here / when you get back, 'lspci | grep 168c:001c' should give you what i'm looking for03:50
THEO|WxCI'm an experienced ubuntu user, considering upgrading to the RC of 8.04 now instead of waiting until Thursday (I have time now, but won't later)03:51
THEO|WxCIs the RC pretty much just like what the final will be?03:51
icanhasTHEO|WxC: not the worst idea you've ever had, just a few package changes really if anything, tiny bugs03:51
THEO|WxC(especially as far as config files and other stuff that won't auto-update when the final comes out through update-manager?)03:51
icanhaseverything with update fine03:52
THEO|WxCah, good.... i always thought that config files didn't auto-update, so starting from a fresah install was always good.03:52
RAOFtate: Right.  So you may have to do the II.6 bit, which (briefly) mentions the --addmode option.03:53
icanhasTHEO|WxC: er, well generally speaking the installer will _ask_ you whether you want to replace it or not03:53
tateThat's what I was getting at, I don't know what it means when it says "modeline"03:53
RAOFtate: If --addmode doesn't work, you may need --newmode, which takes a modeline which you'd need to generate before hand.03:53
RAOFtate: Aaah, ok.03:53
jgooRAOF: Midori is a 'fast web browser' built on web kit03:54
jgooI am sold03:54
=== HorizonX1 is now known as HorizonXP
jgoook work time :)03:55
RAOFtate: So, you (apparently) want to run something like 'gtf 1024 768 60', which will give you a modeline for 1024x768x60Hz03:55
DShepherdok.. i am going to try and upgrade. wish me luck03:55
icanhasBlack_Magic: alive yet?03:56
Some_PersonWhat's with the new forum look?03:56
jimmygoonWhy does flash/firefox keep dropping sound?03:57
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash03:57
RAOFtate: Then you apparently want to copy the whole "Modeline" bit, and run 'xrandr --newmode 1024x768 $THEMODELINE', obviously replacing the $ bit with the generated modeline.03:58
tateTHanks, I think may have worked, I am about to find out.03:59
jimmygoonIs anyone else consistently loosing sound w/ flash?03:59
* jimmygoon thinks this has been the buggiest release cycle yet, and to think its LTs04:00
DanaGbug 19288804:00
DShepherdjimmygoon, hehe.. i hear that all the time04:00
ubotuLaunchpad bug 192888 in pulseaudio "firefox crashes on flash contents" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19288804:00
DanaGI'd agree with that.04:00
Some_PersonWill vdrift ever make it into the ubuntu repos?04:00
DanaGNew scheduler also sucks -- causes audio dropouts.04:00
jimmygoonDanaG, its more than just crashing though... I'm used to that heh04:00
DanaGDo the "nspluginwrapper" thing and then reinstall libflashsupport, perhaps.04:01
jimmygoonhm, youtube flat out isn't working for me04:01
DanaGWhy don't they just package the nspluginwrapper?04:01
DanaGAah, a freeze of some sort.04:01
jimmygoonDanaG, I tried to figure that out, found out it was too confusing and gave up04:01
JohnPhysDanaG:  what do you mean by the new scheduler causing dropouts?04:01
DanaGI close my laptop lid, and sometimes audio pauses for half a second.04:01
jimmygoonwell, the video loads but there is no audio, even with a full close/reopen of firefox04:01
DanaGThe nspluginwrapper thing is easy.04:02
jimmygoonI just wish that Adobe would release the damn code and let someone intelligent handle it04:02
DanaGPurge flashplugin-nonfree, install the wrapper, and then reinstall flash04:02
RAOFDanaG: You mean using nspluginwrapper on i386?!04:02
jimmygoonstandard repos?04:02
DanaGYup.  Fixed the crashing and leaves working audio.04:03
* jimmygoon is so excited04:03
jimmygoonbut I can't find the pkg :(04:03
RAOFDanaG: I find it incredible that sticking a plugin that's meant to look like a firefox interface between firefox and flash makes things _more_ stable :)04:04
jimmygoonhaha, searching for "nsplugin" results in konqueror plugins and "flashplugin-nonfree"04:05
DanaGIt wraps it.. so if Flash dies, it kills the wrapper, and not Firefox.04:05
jimmygoonnothing for firefox though04:05
DanaGIt's not packaged in the repos.04:05
DanaGIt's on the bug report there.04:05
DanaGbug 19288804:05
ubotuLaunchpad bug 192888 in pulseaudio "firefox crashes on flash contents" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19288804:05
tawtso i just upgraded, and i have two kernals, 2.6.24-16 which does'nt work, and 2.6.22-14 which works.  why does the newer kernal not work on my macine?04:05
RAOFDanaG: Aaaaah.  That makes more sense :)04:06
RAOFDanaG: Oh, so in i386 world when flash dies it takes Firefox with it?  Sux0r.04:06
DanaGThat's why I think the wrapper is a good idea -- even this close to release.  Otherwise, we get broken audio.04:07
rbanffyHi folks. My OpenVZ kernel freezes on boot. I would like to help, but I don't know where to start. Ahtlon mobile notebook and, btw, I would love to have framebuffer support in it. Who am I supposed to tell about it and what can I do to help?04:07
DanaGAs time goes on, I've gotten more and more into wanting open-source stuff.04:07
RAOFI think the answer is obvious; drop support for i386 :P04:07
DanaGSeeing the crappiness that is Adobe, and nvidia, and Creative (they're scum)...04:08
jimmygoonso now I just reinstall flashnonfree?04:08
DanaGDid you actually purge, and not just remove?04:09
jimmygoonmuch much much much better04:09
DanaGMy impression of Flash:04:10
jimmygoonjesus, the whole damn browser feels faster04:10
jimmygoonit looks like you were trying to *segfault*04:10
DanaG... and with nspluginwrapper... no longer does it take Firefox with it.04:10
DanaG    printf("This is an unreachable statment, so I'm going to do this:\n");04:11
DanaG    perror(*((void **)0));04:11
ethana2firefox 3 is like the having the fastest runner in the world04:13
ethana2and sending him down the road04:13
ethana2so nice, so snappy, so WHAM hit by a car04:13
DanaGWith a really ugly car... in Windows and OS X.04:13
ethana2so fast, so light, so WHAM tree.04:13
DanaGOS X theme would be nice if it weren't for the "bulge" to the left of the big circle.04:14
ethana2by the way, when does FF3 go stable?04:14
DanaGThe big circle itself is... eeh, not too bad -- but that bulge makes it look defective.04:14
ethana2is 8.04 going out with beta software in it?04:14
ethana2tell me they're taking it from beta5 to release when it happens, pleas04:14
TychoQuadfirefox 3 goes final next month04:14
danageanybody know whether firefox 3 will be in hardy release?04:14
TychoQuadof course04:14
ethana2ok, good04:15
danageoh funny04:15
danageseems you are discussing that very question04:15
ethana2danage: your braim is funny04:16
TychoQuadhardy will release with ff3 beta 5 or release candidate 1, and will of course be upgraded to the later release candidates and final when they come out04:16
jimmygoonI assume that 8.04.1 will include fx304:16
ethana2*sigh* nevermind04:16
ethana2jimmygoon: yes04:16
ethana2danage: sorry, lame joke, I'm bored04:17
JohnPhysTychoQuad:  Where idd you hear that?04:19
shirishhi all, does anybody know about jigdo here?04:22
TychoQuadfirefox 3 beta 5 is already better in every way to firefox 2 even in beta state. besides, release isn't far away and you need to be fully upgraded to get support anyway04:23
Who_RAOF: any comments on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-nv/+bug/22046904:25
ubotuLaunchpad bug 220469 in xserver-xorg-video-nv "nv driver gives grainy/blurred output GF FX Go 5200" [Undecided,New]04:25
kahrytanHow is NJ fios, gaspipe1 ?04:37
gaspipe1just wondering will there be an upgrade "button" or do we do a fresh install?04:37
Hobbseegood morning04:37
kahrytanThere is always an option to upgrade04:38
kahrytanHobbsee->  Morning? Its 5:30pm  Monday04:38
gaspipe1kahrytan: i like the internet04:39
gaspipe1kahrytan: the tv isn't as good as NY's RR04:39
gaspipe1kahrytan: that was the best04:39
DG1907511:30 pm here in Philly burbs LOL04:39
rbanffyHi folks. My OpenVZ kernel freezes on boot. I would like to help, but I don't know where to start. Ahtlon mobile notebook and, btw, I would love to have framebuffer support in it. Who am I supposed to tell about it and what can I do to help?04:40
kahrytanSometimes, I wish I didnt leave at the end of the timezones.04:40
cdm10Is XMMS in the repos?04:40
gaspipe1kahrytan: now the upgrade will keep my wine, compu fuss, flash ect....04:40
HorizonXPhey forums got a makeover?04:40
kahrytangaspipe1->  flash is in the repos.04:40
gaspipe1kahrytan: so i would have to re-install it?04:41
kahrytangaspipe1->  or upgrade it needed04:41
gaspipe1kahrytan: ok04:42
Quentusrexanyone know about a compiz or gdm bug that freezes everything except the mouse?04:42
kahrytangaspipe1->  I didnt upgrade04:42
QuentusrexI get random crashes that freeze everything except my mouse04:42
gaspipe1!flash gaspipe104:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about flash gaspipe1 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:42
kahrytangaspipe1->  WINE version is wine-0.9.5904:42
neoni am having a stange problem i am trying the latest heron candidate but when i try to use k3b it shutdowns one of my sata dvd burner, i have 2 sata dvd and burner when opening k3b it willl hang for a while then the lite-on dvd will completely dissapear i.e it can't be found k9copy and xdvdshrink work fine prior to opening k3b after i can not see the device any ideas?04:43
kahrytangaspipe1->  and near one will take a little while.04:43
gaspipe1i been using ubuntu for a while, had feisty for a while04:44
kahrytanI started there too04:44
gaspipe1just upgraded to 7.1004:44
gaspipe1real nice04:44
kahrytanI was forced to switch by Microsoft.04:44
gaspipe1was a plessure to install04:44
gaspipe1i still dual boot...but i think i'm almost ready to walk away04:44
kahrytangaspipe1->  did you split /home?04:45
gaspipe1not sure04:45
gaspipe1what's that do?04:45
neoni had 7.10 working flawlessly on the same machine btw04:45
kahrytankeeps  user folder sseparate. and enables clean install w/o erasing  home folder04:46
DanaGI started on Dapper, then went through Edgy and Feisty.04:46
DanaGKeep this in mind: if you tweak stuff in /etc, you have to back that up, too.04:46
gaspipe1i have 3 partitions on 1 HDD04:46
gaspipe12 for ubuntu (swap and ahhh forgot)04:46
kahrytanDanaG->  like fstab?04:46
gaspipe1and 1 for xp04:46
kahrytangaspipe1-> /04:47
kahrytanSwap, /, and NTFS partitions04:47
DanaGI've tweaked xorg.conf, dnsmasq, /etc/network/interfaces, and all sorts of other stuff.04:47
DanaGAnd sources.list.04:47
gaspipe1kahrytan: i had to do that b4 installing on 1 of the partitions I remeber that step04:47
gaspipe1m1r: hello04:47
gaspipe1DanaG: i did some sudo get stuff.... so I may have to start all over again :)04:48
gaspipe1btw i found this cool "theme"04:48
m1rdoes someone know what is name of program that is showing sound volume meter in taskbar ?04:48
gaspipe1i made it lok something liek that....04:48
gaspipe1tell you this ubuntu is un real04:48
gaspipe1kahrytan: btw u'r in hawaii?04:49
kahrytangaspipe1-> Yes04:49
gaspipe1kahrytan: i loved it there04:49
gaspipe1kahrytan: what island04:49
kahrytangaspipe1->  Come back ya hear.04:49
gaspipe1kahrytan: i'm die'n to04:50
gaspipe1kahrytan: i went to oahu04:50
gaspipe1kahrytan: did a tour that really opened my eyes04:50
kahrytangaspipe1->  Now do the TheBus tour next time04:51
* cwillu starts downloading 1.4gb of packages to upgrade04:51
gaspipe1kahrytan: it's unreal how beatiful a place can be and it still be the buisness center04:51
gaspipe1kahrytan: i did... with cousin Bruce?04:51
kahrytangaspipe1->  People come back not for the nature beauty but because of the ALoha Spirit.04:51
gaspipe1kahrytan: i'm a wall st. NY loving guy who loves the fast paced04:52
kahrytangaspipe1->  i know the type04:52
gaspipe1kahrytan: but i had an unreal experience that has made me "slow down" and enjoy life for the moment when I was there04:52
kahrytangaspipe1-> I an close friends with gal that is from ny04:52
gaspipe1kahrytan: that i only take on vacation04:53
kahrytandrives way to fast04:53
gaspipe1in kawai i rented a truck04:53
kahrytangaspipe1->  TheBus is the Public trans here.04:53
gaspipe1was all over the roads... lost people wheer about to curse me out04:53
gaspipe1i would give them the hang loose and they would smile04:54
kahrytanTheBus goes everywhere you need to get to.04:54
neoni am having a stange problem i am trying the latest heron candidate but when i try to use k3b it shutdowns one of my sata dvd burner, i have 2 sata dvd and burner when opening k3b it willl hang for a while then the lite-on dvd will completely dissapear i.e it can't be found k9copy and xdvdshrink work fine prior to opening k3b after i can not see the device any ideas?04:54
T1m0thyI still have problems with my Intel 3945 losing internet connection sometimes. Anyone else?04:54
neoni had 7.10 working flawlessly on the same machine btw04:54
gaspipe1we mostly walked04:54
kahrytangaspipe1->  fyi --- its called the Shaka.04:55
gaspipe1kahrytan: Shaka = the hang loose gesture?04:56
kahrytangaspipe1->  yeah04:56
kahrytannot hawaiian word.04:56
gaspipe1kahrytan: ok cool04:56
gaspipe1really what is it04:56
gaspipe1i want to go back :(04:57
gaspipe1have like 3 jobs rather than 1 career04:58
gaspipe1surf, scuba04:58
gaspipe1alright ty people04:58
kahrytangaspipe1->  So?04:59
gaspipe1let me go b4 I get told this is #ubuntu+1 not #iwishIlivedInHawaii04:59
gaspipe1kahrytan: so ?04:59
kahrytangaspipe1->  When you are in hawaii, dont get white convertible rental car.05:00
kahrytangaspipe1->  thats like screaming TOURIST to everyone.05:00
gaspipe1i know this isn't the right topic...but can someone give me a link on some cool configs for ubuntu? (regarding eye candy)05:00
kahrytancompiz config?05:01
gaspipe1kahrytan: i didn't05:01
gaspipe1kahrytan: that "guy" with the white conv olds was the one that helped me get that hawaii inspiration that i was telling you about b405:01
WeaZeLb0yI just upgraded from 7.10 to 8.04, but firefox, evolution and others are complaining about ssl support...evolution says "failed to initialize NSS"05:01
m1ri am trying to get volume control on fbpanel , does anyone know name of sound control in gnome panel?05:02
gaspipe1kahrytan: i did compiz, very very cool...just so many "tweaks"05:02
cornyIs the wireless card support for Broadcom cards any better in Hardy Heron that it was in Gutsy?05:02
kahrytangaspipe1->  You installed ccsm?05:02
gaspipe1kahrytan: not sure05:03
gaspipe1kahrytan: where would it be instlled under?05:03
AdrianStraysI'm too scared to update to Hardy. It seems way too buggy......05:03
iMatterIm Back sorry05:03
iMatterthe other OS crashed with flying colors...05:03
iMattercould someone help me with internet?05:03
* tanner would like to point out "newer != better"05:04
kahrytanAdrianStrays->  that definition is RC is?05:04
icanhasiMatter: hey, did you run that command for me?05:04
neonfinal release is a couple of days from now right?05:04
jbroome /topic05:04
DanaGOddest MAC I've ever seen:  30:01:00:00:00:0005:04
icanhasiMatter: lspci -vn | grep 168c05:04
AdrianStrayskahrytan, what?05:04
LynoureiMatter: Depends on your problem with the Internet05:05
icanhasDanaG: you're really stuck on that aren't you? :D05:05
gaspipe1ok night all05:05
kahrytangaspipe1->  compiz manager?05:05
gaspipe1kahrytan: nice talking w/you05:05
DanaGWhat's with the wmaster interface?05:06
DanaGHWaddr 00-13-02-06-AC-9C-D0-E3-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-0005:06
cornyHas the wireless support improved in Ubuntu 8.04? I am having trouble with a gutsy install and I was wondering if hardy heron would help05:07
theone_my wireless in hardy is working good05:08
theone_it just works05:08
AdrianStrayscorny, as far as I understand it, wireless is going to be completely addressed until Interpid Ibex05:08
icanhasiMatter: please? :P05:08
AdrianStraysI also used a broadcom chip, but have yet to upgrade, so I couldn't say if it has improved05:08
AdrianStraysCorny, if you're trying to install Gusty, I suggest you plug it in to the lan line, install, then active the restricted drivers05:09
shirishhi all, I'm trying to do shirish@Mugglewille:~$ sudo mount -o hardy-alternate-i386.iso /mnt05:09
shirishand I'm getting this output05:09
shirishsudo: unable to resolve host Mugglewille05:09
shirishmount: can't find /mnt in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab05:09
shirishwhat should I do?05:09
AdrianStraysCorny, most of the time that solves the broadcom wireless problem.05:09
jbroomeshirish: sudo mount -o loop05:09
cornyAdrianStrays: I've tried that, but it's 64-bit and using a broadcom card so the chances of it working easily have never been good05:09
jbroomethen the rest of your line05:09
AdrianStraysHave you tried NDISwrapper?05:10
cornyAdrianStrays: yes. I'm considering going back to a 32-bit install05:10
AdrianStraysYou probably should, as I understand it, things are a lot more difficult with the 64-bit for some reason.05:10
shirishjbroome: this gives me this05:10
shirishshirish@Mugglewille:~$ sudo mount -o loop hardy-alternate-i386.iso /mnt05:10
shirishsudo: unable to resolve host Mugglewille05:10
shirishshirish@Mugglewille:~$ sendmail: RCPT TO:<postmaster@ubuntu> (550 not local host ubuntu, not a gateway)05:10
shirishI know this is in part something to do with apt-listchanges.05:11
cornyAdrianStrays: thx05:11
martalli_I wonder...is there a jigdo file that holds what will become the iso image for the final release?  Or could I just get the jigdo for the final release and point it at the rc.iso image and it would sort out the differences?05:11
jbroomeshirish: yeah you've got something else going on if it's trying to send mail when you loopback mount05:11
martalli_Using jigdo seems like a way to have an image early, so I could join the torrent with a full image05:12
shirishjbroome: that's apt-listchanges, its a package which gives you the changes in another window when you upgrade/update05:12
AdrianStraysCorny, I wish I could've offered you a more appetizing solution to your broadcom woes.  *sigh* Thus is the burden of the linux user05:12
LunksHow to mount a mac partition read/write mode? I'm not able to using mound /dev/sdax /media/Leopard -t hfsplus -o user,rw05:13
DanaGapt-listchanges does not get changes from the file.05:13
DanaGthe deb.05:13
iMatter_icanhas: did you get my post?05:13
iMatter_icanhas: 02:00.0 0200: 168c:001c (rev 01)05:13
icanhasiMatter_: oh, yeah your card isn't affected by the patch05:14
icanhasiMatter_: actually, i HAVE your card05:14
setuidAnyone know the fix for the broken KDE toolbar icons? All of the icons are the same little notebook page.05:15
icanhasiMatter_: oh wait, i got that backwards05:15
ferric84I'm wondering why update manager just warned me of 50+ updates, including firefox 3, evolution, and other packages that are already up to date.05:15
iMatter_icanhas: computer?05:15
icanhasiMatter_: your card IS affected by that patch. you need to uninstall the drivers in Hardware Drivers and install a patch i will link you to.05:15
ferric84it wants me to do a partial update - does this sound right when running the RC?05:16
iMatter_well its been working so IDK...05:16
icanhasiMatter_: you mean it's working now?05:16
iMatter_i mean in the past it worked05:16
iMatter_via Madwifi05:16
maxfilesI am having some issues with getting skype to work in HH 6405:16
iMatter_and im in another distro using the same exact drivers but OK05:16
icanhasiMatter_: 0.9.4 168:001c without the patch? i sevely doubt that.05:16
iMatter_bring duh patch!05:16
iMatter_im serious05:16
bullgard4What is the name of the new virtual file system that GNOME uses in Hardy?05:17
iMatter_acctually it worked off the bat in Ubuntu 7.10 live cd05:17
iMatter_idk about the hardy one tho05:17
iMatter_icanhas:  Bring DUH patch :P05:17
crdlbbullgard4: gvfs05:17
bullgard4crdlb: Thank you.05:18
icanhasiMatter_: you should REALLY uninstall the old drivers first, and make sure you have the package build-essential installed05:18
iMatter_its installed05:18
iMatter_well maybe i was a simi-lucky one05:18
nemoIs anyone able to get openoffice XHTML export to work in their Ubuntu?05:18
iMatter_where it works but its ify05:18
nemoubuntu hardy that is05:18
icanhasiMatter_: wget http://snapshots.madwifi.org/special/madwifi-nr-r3366+ar5007.tar.gz <-- just tar xvzf, enter directory, and sudo make && sudo make install05:18
Lynourenemo: give a step-by-step and I can try05:19
nemoLynoure: open oowriter05:19
kidsHi, Anyone know of a good internet filtering program for teenage kids that will work in Hardy Heron?05:19
maxfilesis there any way to get the sound to work with skype in HH 64?05:19
nemoLynoure: choose export05:19
nemoLynoure: select XHTML05:19
nemoLynoure: save05:19
iMatter_icanhas: what is my card..?05:19
iMatter_i cant trust lspci anymore :P05:19
Lynourenemo: I'd suspect it not being being supposed to work on an empty document05:19
nemoLynoure: should work fine on empty doc. but fine. type "hello world" in it05:20
icanhasiMatter_: you have the card that needs the patch, what's why you lspci -vn'd... when it says you can't trust lspci, it make the default output, -vn is extremely accurate05:20
Lynourenemo: (not saying it to annoy you, just trying to help, dude)05:20
icanhas*it means05:20
icanhaswow i can't type tonight05:20
maxfilesthis is my error: ALSA lib ../../../src/pcm/pcm_dmix.c:874:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave05:20
iMatter_thats good and bad05:20
maxfileshow do I fix it05:21
iMatter_it means i have ABG!!05:21
iMatter_and then theres to patch >.>05:21
icanhasiMatter_: What?05:21
iMatter_atleast i dont have to use ndiswrapper thank god05:21
icanhasyeah lol05:21
iMatter_AR5007EG is A/B/G05:21
Lynourenemo: I get some whine about JRE defect05:21
icanhasiMatter_: that patch works, trust me. after you install it just sudo modprobe ath_pci ... just WHATEVER YOU DO. DO NOT rmmod THAT PATCH. it eats you.05:21
WeaZeLb0yhas anyone been having trouble with libnss in Hardy?05:22
Lynourenemo: seems there was none defined until I opened option-java for the first time. Was that what you got, too?05:22
sykejust got this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase/+bug/22048705:23
ubotuLaunchpad bug 220487 in kdebase "konq crashes when saving a file from a web site" [Undecided,New]05:23
sykeI've put the staack trace and the valgrind output05:24
nemoLynoure: happens to me every single time05:24
sykebut if anyone wants to try and repro and add a note, feel free05:24
nemoLynoure: I've tried specifying both gcj and java6 in java options05:24
nemoLynoure: also. I wasn't able to answer immediately since launching owriter to a remote system over ssh -Y seems to be causing my X session to freeze up.  which given I didn't have ssh handy forced a reboot05:25
Lynourenemo: if you report a bug, I can confirm it it (for java6 at least)05:25
nemo(I mean another machine to ssh in from)05:25
nemoLynoure: thanks but kind of late for me. going to bed.05:25
nemowas just hoping to get this export done before bed05:25
nemoclearly not going to happen05:25
Lynourenemo: well, msg me if you report it later05:25
nemothe freezing - really annoying05:25
tawti can't open synaptic05:26
nemo EXT3-fs: error loading journal.05:27
tawtit says starting administration at the bottom of the screen, but crashes05:27
nemohm. that's not good05:27
Lynourenemo: hmm, still trying something05:27
tawthow can i get synaptic to open?05:27
Lynourenemo: works now. I bet you too have all the radio buttons off. It seems to be a usability bug05:28
nemoah. buggered external HD. that's sad05:28
nemoLynoure: well. I checked off one of the radio buttons and it still failed05:28
nemowill try again05:28
nemoonce this fsck is done05:28
Lynourenemo: ooffice needs a restart after that.05:29
nemoLynoure: tried that too :)05:29
nemobut will retry.05:29
nemogoing to wait until after fsck is completed due to aforementioned lockups05:29
nemolockups perhaps due to some automount weirdness on the screwed disc I suppose05:29
Lynourenemo: yes, one problem at a time is a good idea05:29
zoidfar1So I have a problem upgrading, every time I try to do it, it tells me I don't have enough space. I have plenty of space on my /home, but / is on a different partition with too little space, is there a way I can tell it to download the new packages to /home instead?05:33
zoidfar1or is there something I can safely delete out of the / file system?05:34
compaqr4000It seems everytime I update, Compiz breaks on everyone of my installations....am I doing something wrong?05:35
m1rmaybe resize partitions zoidfar105:35
icanhascompaqr4000: obviously05:35
maxfilesok I guess no one is going to answer my issue?05:35
zoidfar1yeah, maybe, that's a big hassle though...there's no way to download packages elsewhere?05:35
compaqr4000icanhas, is there a different way to run the update manager to avoid this problem?05:36
RAOFmaxfiles: What's your problem again?05:36
maxfilesthis is my error: ALSA lib ../../../src/pcm/pcm_dmix.c:874:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave05:36
owen1what's the name of the calendar app that comes with ubuntu?05:36
RandyAdamshello all. i got a question re: hardy and a problem with sound on a HP system.05:36
icanhascompaqr4000: how did you install compiz to begin with? and what verison? and describe 'breaks'05:36
maxfilesam trying to run skype on HH 6405:37
compaqr4000icanhas: it was installed differently on all of my machines.  Mostly through a restricted driver and turning on Extra in visual settings05:38
RAOFmaxfiles: Ah, right.  So, the problem is that the pulseaudio sound server is using the soundcard, and your card doesn't support multiple applications accessing it at the same time.05:38
compaqr4000icanhas: this no longer works05:38
maxfilesbloody hell05:38
icanhascompaqr4000: well then it's probably a driver issue, i can help you in #compiz-fusion if you like05:38
maxfilesok that was simple05:38
RAOFmaxfiles: There are two options here: kill pulseaudio, so that it's not holding onto the sound card.05:38
tawtCan someone please help me?  I can't open synaptic or the update manager05:39
compaqr4000icanhas, sure, thanks05:39
RAOFmaxfiles: Or tell ALSA to use pulseaudio; I'm not sure if this will work.05:39
maxfilesI was running rhythmbox05:39
maxfilesI turned it off05:39
maxfilesit worked05:39
redwhitewaldomovie files now show just a black window, but sound plays fine. what happened?05:39
RAOFmaxfiles: Yeah, that'll work :)05:39
redwhitewaldomovies used to play fine05:39
owen1what's the name of the calendar app that comes with ubuntu?05:39
maxfilesbut how do I solve that without turning it off?05:39
Fritzelok does anyone know how bug 219919 even is possible considering I have tried repeatedly to install google toolbar on firefox 3 and it simply refuses?05:40
ubotuLaunchpad bug 219919 in firefox-3.0 "Google Toolbar on Firefox 3 Beta 5 for Hardy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21991905:40
Lynouretawt: try instead  sudo apt-get update   from a command line, then if that works, try starting synaptic off commandline05:40
RAOFmaxfiles: Right.  So, in order to make this work properly we need to make skype use pulseaudio.05:40
maxfileshow do I do that?05:40
RAOFmaxfiles: For 64bit applications, this would be as simple as 'asoundconf set-pulseaudio', which sets pulseaudio as the default sound device.05:40
tawttodd@todd-laptop:~$ sudo apt-get update05:40
tawtsudo: unable to resolve host todd-laptop05:41
owen1DanaG: i mean the thingy on the upper right corner that shows the time.05:41
RAOFmaxfiles: For skype, I'm not sure if that will work yet, although if you're fully up to date it might.05:41
owen1DanaG: and when u click on it it open a calendar.05:41
tawtlynoure:  what does that mean?05:41
maxfileswell I am using HH and got all my 32 bit dependancies installed05:42
Lynouretawt: which part of it? The command? it gets the list of available upgrades (does not upgrade anything)05:42
RAOFmaxfiles: Ok.  A recent ia32-libs update should have included all the libs requried to make 'asoundconf set-pulseaudio' work.  Give it a whirl.05:42
owen1what's the name of the clock app that sits in the top panel in ubuntu 8.04?05:43
tawtsudo apt-get update05:43
tawtsudo: unable to resolve host todd-laptop05:43
maxfilesok I did that in konsole05:43
NewToThisHi, Is there a way to set - If Iit goes to screen saver - You would need to log back in with a password?05:43
Lynouretawt: can you pastebin the contents of your /etc/apt/sources.list ?05:44
the_alamoi just upgraded from 7.10 to 8.04 and everything seems to be okay except my graphics are broken.  I had previously used envy to install my nvidia driver (for good reasons) so before upgrading i removed everything it installed.  how can i get graphics up and running again?05:44
=== naught103 is now known as naught101
RAOFNewToThis: Yes.  I believe this is the default behaviour.  Failing that, System->Preferences->Screen Saver->"lock screen when screensaver is active"05:44
RAOFmaxfiles: And does skype now work?  Or failing that, what's the new error message?05:45
NewToThisRAOF: THanks much - big help - appreciate it05:45
maxfileswell it still is giving that message I think05:45
tawtlynoure:  it says it couldn't find /ect/apt05:45
the_alamowhat version of the nvidia driver does the restricted driver manager install?05:45
RAOFthe_alamo: The latest non-beta driver.05:45
nemoLynoure: ok. over here whether I select gcj or sun jvm 1.6, if I click on the radio, then click ok, then either exit application or just reopen menu, the java list of JVMs is empty.  after briefly showing empty it flickers to show the two availble ones, with neither one selected.05:46
the_alamoRAOF, 196.12 or 96.43 (maybe the 196 is beta i don't know005:46
Lynouretawt: etc, not ect05:46
tawtlynoure:  found it manually05:47
nemojavaldx failed!05:47
nemoI also get that error on launch05:47
tawt# Line commented out by installer because it failed to verify:05:47
tawt# deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu gutsy-security main restricted05:47
tawt# Line commented out by installer because it failed to verify:05:47
tawt# deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu gutsy-security main restricted05:47
tawt# Line commented out by installer because it failed to verify:05:47
tawt# deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu gutsy-security universe05:47
tawt# Line commented out by installer because it failed to verify:05:47
tawt# deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu gutsy-security universe05:47
tawt# Line commented out by installer because it failed to verify:05:47
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)05:47
tawt# deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu gutsy-security multiverse05:47
tawt# Line commented out by installer because it failed to verify:05:47
tawt# deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu gutsy-security multiverse05:47
tawtdeb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hardy-security restricted main multiverse universe05:47
tawtdeb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hardy-security restricted main multiverse universe05:47
Lynouretawt: pastebin, not paste here!05:47
tawt# deb http://packages.dfreer.org gutsy main05:47
RAOFthe_alamo: 169.12, yes.  At least, that's what nvidia-glx-new is, and it should install that.05:47
nemo [Java framework]sunjavaplugin.so could not load Java runtime library:05:47
Lynourenemo: oh, I did not get that at any point.05:47
nemoLynoure: ^^^ and that's after attempting an export05:48
compaqr4000icanhas, ok, never mind I suppose.05:48
the_alamoRAOF, great.  that is what i need.05:48
maxfilesok now skype is not working after I did the asoundconf set-pulseaudio05:48
RAOFthe_alamo: Unless your card isn't supported by the 169.12 driver, in which case it'll install 96.whatever.  Unless your card isn't supported by *that*, in which case it'll install 74.whatever.05:48
Hobbseetawt: dude, pastebin.05:48
nemoLynoure: running oowriter from cli05:48
icanhascompaqr4000: come back :P he didn't do that on purpose05:48
latituwhen is hardy coming out?05:48
tawtlynoure:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63973/05:48
latituoh 24th april ? confirmed?05:49
the_alamowhat is the best way to (easliy or automatically) reconfigure xorg.conf?05:49
RAOFthe_alamo: Depends on what you mean by 'reconfigure'.05:49
tannergood question, totally not like its in the channel topic :)05:49
RAOFthe_alamo: The 'Hardware Drivers' program should set everything up properly.05:49
vega--latitu: read the topic?05:49
latituvega-- ya. its confirmed?05:50
the_alamoRAOF, it doesn't seem to05:50
latituvega-- i didnt saw that on the website05:50
the_alamoi just ran it and my graphics were broken on restart05:50
Lynouretawt: weird sources.list, however the "unable to resolve" thing is not caused by that...05:50
RAOFthe_alamo: Failing that, 'sudo nvidia-xconfig' should set everything up.05:50
tawtlynoure:  how about i wipe this partiton and go back to gutsy?05:50
tawti have very little on here anyways05:51
the_alamoRAOF, okay great i will give that a try and let you know how it goes.05:51
maxfilesnope now skype audio is not working05:51
the_alamothanks for the help05:51
vega--latitu: http://www.ubuntu.com/news/ubuntu-8.04-lts-desktop ??05:51
latituvega-- ok.. thanks :)05:51
Lynouretawt: that's a choice you always have if you really don't have hardy and have them on separate partitions. I would not do that myself, but I'm stubborn (though now very tired)05:51
vega--latitu: it links from the frontpage, not really hard to find05:51
tawtlynoure:  it would only take a few hours to do, and i need synaptic and the update manager05:53
maxfilesRAOF: somehow the audio is broke again :/05:53
RAOFmaxfiles: But it doesn't have that error?05:53
RAOFmaxfiles: Sound for everything, or just skype?05:53
tawtlynoure:  also the games i've downloaded stopped working when i upgraded05:53
Lynouretawt: Like I said, totally your choice.05:54
maxfilesRAOF: sound works for everything but skype05:54
tawtlynoure:  ok.  i think i'll do it tomorrow05:54
tawtlynoure:  thanks for your willingness to help05:54
Lynouretawt: someone else might still have steam to troubleshoot you through it05:55
aslaenhello, I am having problems with my nvidia setup... I am running the latest version of Hardy, and this is a known issue.05:55
aslaenwhen using the nvidia driver GDM goes white, and black and freezes05:55
aslaenNvidia fixed the problem by releasing an updated driver05:55
Lynouretawt: you know, energy and time.05:55
tawtlynoure:  ohh05:56
aslaenhowever since installing that driver whenever I reboot.. I have to modprobe -r nvidia, modprobe nvidia.. and then X starts fine05:56
aslaenany ideas why it doesn't modprobe correctly the first time?05:56
bullgard4How can I determine if my Hardy uses initrd?05:56
strtokhello, has anyone here gotten the ATI drivers for a radeon HD 2400 to work? everytime i try to boot the system if freezes and restarts itself05:56
Lynouretawt: does dns work otherwise? do you have an entry for your hostname in /etc/hosts ? Stuff like that might be next05:56
tawtlynoure:  i have no /etc/hosts folder05:58
RAOFmaxfiles: Right, this is what I was afraid of.  Skype does silly things with ALSA.05:58
RAOFmaxfiles: So, the answer is no*, you can't have music playing at the same time as you skype.05:58
maxfilesthats turned off05:58
cvd-prpartial-upgrade, ok or cancel?05:58
tawtlynoure:  nevermind05:58
Lynouretawt: it's a file05:59
tawtlynoure:  got it05:59
maxfilesROAF nothing else is running that requires audio05:59
RAOFmaxfiles: Ah, sorry, yes.  You'll need to run 'asoundconf unset-pulseaudio' to undo the change.05:59
DanaGSkype is another example of why closed-source is bad.05:59
tawtlynoure:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63975/06:00
bullgard4tawt: " i have no /etc/hosts folder": It is a file, not a folder.06:00
tawtbullgard:  got it06:00
Hobbseedo i really have to reboot a server, after a dist upgrade?06:00
Lynouretawt: and does /etc/hostname contain one line, with    todd-laptop.UCAWIRELESS06:01
hydrogenI would... so that if anything goes wrong it goes wrong while its fresh in your mind instead of sometime way down the road06:01
RAOFHobbsee: I think the answer is somewhere between yes and no.06:01
tawtlynoure:  yes06:02
HobbseeRAOF: oh?06:02
Lynouretawt: hmm06:02
maxfilesok thx that worked again06:02
RAOFHobbsee: 'Yes' gets you a new kernel and associated goodness.  'No' gets you no downtime, and should _probably_ work.06:02
tawtlynoure:  wait, no just todd-laptop06:02
tawtlynoure:  should i edit it?06:02
HobbseeRAOF: so, apart form the kernel, is there any reason to?06:03
RAOFHobbsee: None that I can think of offhand that aren't bugs.06:03
Lynouretawt: either remove the .UCAWIRELESS from /etc/hosts  (I'd do that)  or add it to /etc/hostname (should also be ok)06:03
RAOFHobbsee: s/aren't/wouldn't be/06:03
HorizonXPhow finalized are changes from the compiz sources to Hardy?06:03
tawtlynoure:  "Could not save the file /etc/hosts."06:04
HorizonXPbecause a change was checked in today that looks like will fix a freezing issue a lot of people are having, including me06:04
Lynouretawt: it takes sudo to edit,  e.g. sudo nano /etc/hosts06:04
solexiousWill server8.04 have lts?06:05
RAOFHorizonXP: Are you thinking of that focus-animation fix?06:05
RAOFsolexious: Yes.06:05
HorizonXPRAOF: yes exactly06:05
tawtlynoure:  "sudo: unable to resolve host todd-laptop"  lol  same problem as always06:05
macotawt: did you change your hostname and forget to log out/log in or reboot afterward?06:06
tawtmaco:  no06:07
tawtmaco:  i've had the same hostname since the upgrade06:07
RAOFHorizonXP: You'd be wanting Amaranth_, but I'd be surprised if the answer isn't 'no', given the very frozen nature of Main.06:08
HorizonXPthat's not good06:08
Fritzelwhat package would I want to install to be able to actually compile something06:08
Lynouretawt: that file should take effect immediately...06:08
HorizonXPit's a pretty bad bug. it usually reqiures a hard shutdown to fix06:08
Amaranth_Err, I'm pretty sure HorizonXP was commenting on it because we uploaded a fix to ubuntu :P06:09
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
HorizonXPAmaranth_: No, that's not why.06:09
tannerFritzel: gcc, g++, make, build-essential, etc06:09
HorizonXPAmaranth_: But you did? I was pointed to the fix by b0le06:09
Fritzelthank you06:09
macoFritzel: build-essential will get all the stuff tanner listed06:09
Hobbseeso, this is too simple.  what haven't i done for this dist upgrade?06:09
Fritzelmaco perfect thanks ^^06:09
RAOFAmaranth: No, not the rotate bug thingy.  I'm talking about the commit 20 minutes ago to git.06:10
AmaranthHorizonXP: Yes, compiz-fusion-plugins-main 0.7.4-0ubuntu4 has the fix06:10
JohninLexhello all06:10
Amaranththere was no commit 20 minutes ago06:10
JohninLexI have a small question please06:10
Amaranththere was a commit to animation like 16 hours ago06:10
Amaranthmvo, maniac103, and cornelius worked on it together06:10
RAOFAmaranth: Which CIA has just noticed and posted to #c-f-d?06:10
JohninLexI just done a update and there was a file that was installed and I have never heard of it.  does anyone know what seahorse is???06:10
RAOFAh, right.  Cool.06:10
HorizonXPOMG, I've been waiting for a fix for a few weeks now. It was so annoying to have my system lock up randomly, usually at the worst times! Thanks Amaranth!06:10
Amaranthit's an infinite loop in the window walker06:11
Amaranthcaused by bad usage in animation06:11
icanhasAmaranth: oh, that was what the fix was? heh, very amusing.06:11
Amaranthso it doesn't really lock up your system, compiz just spins doing nothing06:11
tawtok, this must of been a bad upgrade somehow.  i will just wipe this partition and put gutsy in it's place06:11
Amaranthuh oh, another commit06:11
HorizonXPAmaranth: yeah, I realized that once I figured out that Alt+SysRq+K still worked, and I used 'top' to see what was happeneing06:12
Amaranthah, he fixed our bug a 13 hours ago06:12
DanaGWhat bug?06:12
Amaranththen he made another commit to 'Fix all freezes for good'06:12
AmaranthDanaG: 90306:12
Amaranthhmm, wonder if ubotu knows about it06:13
Amaranthcompiz-fusion bug 90306:13
ubotuBug 903 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/903 is private06:13
* Hobbsee beats Amaranth06:13
HobbseeAmaranth: fix my compiz!06:13
Amaranthopencompositing bug 90306:13
ubotuBug 903 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/903 is private06:13
HorizonXPAmaranth: the bugfix I pointed you is different? Is it better?06:13
AmaranthHorizonXP: the fix we have in ubuntu most likely fixed your issue06:14
Amaranththe latest commit to git just makes sure there is no chance it can happen in any situation06:14
HorizonXPthat sounds like something that should make it into Hardy06:14
AmaranthIf you can prove otherwise we'll probably get it in an SRU after release06:14
Amaranthseeing how the rest is 2 days from now and that much time is needed for testing the discs06:14
NewToThisHi, Is there away for me to change the original root password I used to install and setup Hardy Heron?06:15
HorizonXPumm.... I'll update compiz now with the recently added bugfix, and see what happens06:15
HobbseeAmaranth: do you have ppa versions of that package?06:16
HorizonXPif I still get freezes, I'll PM you06:16
AmaranthHobbsee: the ubuntu4 one? no, it got accepted in the archive a few hours ago06:16
DanaGI still think that nspluginwrapper thing is pretty **** important.06:16
HobbseeAmaranth: i meant the gitweb commit06:16
DanaGbug 19288806:16
ubotuLaunchpad bug 192888 in pulseaudio "firefox crashes on flash contents" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19288806:16
AmaranthHobbsee: No, I didn't even know it existed until a couple minutes ago06:16
AmaranthHobbsee: Unless your bug is "compiz freezes when switching window focus" it won't help you06:17
DanaGMy Firefox 3.0 is now stable since I've done that.06:17
HobbseeAmaranth: that's what my last crash was.06:17
AmaranthHobbsee: Not a crash06:17
HobbseeAmaranth: while i was dist upgrading another machine, no less.06:17
Hobbseesorry, s/crash/freeze/06:17
AmaranthThis is an infinite loop06:17
* DanaG gets hard-lockups from e1000 NIC.06:17
cvd-pr_this is stupid i cant upgade the manager core until do a partial-upgrade06:17
Hobbseebrain's not here yet06:17
NewToThisAny idea's about question I posted - very newbie to linux - thanks.06:17
AmaranthHobbsee: and you were using ubuntu4 already?06:17
* RAOF gets hard lockups from /frikkin nvidia being rubbish/.06:17
AmaranthRAOF: actually a lot of them are probably animation's fault :P06:18
DanaGI've tracked mine down to my NIC.06:18
HobbseeAmaranth: of which exactly?06:18
fevelhey guys06:18
Hobbsee  Installed: 1:0.7.4-0ubuntu606:18
Amaranthunless it actually locks solid or is looping in libGL06:18
AmaranthHobbsee: compiz-fusion-plugins-main06:18
feveli just upgraded to hardy06:18
AmaranthHobbsee: and is your bug reproducible?06:18
HobbseeAmaranth: i do, and i've only seen it happen once yet.06:18
HobbseeAmaranth: this was the same thing that was happening ages ago06:19
Amaranthdid you reload compiz after getting that package?06:19
fevelbut update manager keeps telling me theres a package that couldnt be upgraded, if I want to partially install06:19
NewToThisCan I change my root password?06:19
RAOFAmaranth: I may try to VT switch rather than kill it next time.  But it seems to coincide with nivdia printing XIDs to syslog.06:19
fevelanyone have this problem?06:19
RAOFNewToThis: Do you _have_ a root password?06:19
DanaGMmm, xid.06:19
Amaranthfevel: what package?06:19
RAOFDanaG: _blink_06:19
DanaGI get that when I get the X lockup.06:19
DanaGs/_/*/g RAOF06:20
friedtreewhat is the latest nvidia video card that is supported under hardy out of the box ?  8600gt ?  8800gt ?06:20
fevelAmaranth,  seems to be update-notifier06:20
zoli2kAnyone has the problem, that after wake up from Suspend state the built in mic stars on max volume ? Causing a very unpleasant noise.06:20
Amaranth<Rupert> "someone should fork GNOME and rename it to 'gnome'" --mariano, 06-mar-0706:20
DanaGOh, and I SAK Xorg... and then it comes back in utterly-crap mode.06:20
DanaGi.e. 150% unaccelerated.06:20
RAOFfriedtree: Actually, I think that _all_ of them are supported.06:20
DanaGEven typing will be slow, even under Metacity.06:20
HobbseeAmaranth: i think so.  i dont remember06:20
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu06:21
Amaranthfriedtree: not true, only the beta drivers support the 9xxx cards06:21
Amaranthand i don't think nv supports them at all06:21
friedtreethank you06:21
JPSmanI screwed up my graphics card so I'm just going to install hardy ontop of this06:21
JPSmanwish me luck06:21
NewToThisRAOF: Is the password I used to setup my 1st and only account uses the same password - I was under the impression this is the root password - correct?06:21
RAOFNewToThis: Incorrect.  You don't have a root password.06:21
fevelAmaranth,  any ideas?06:21
Amaranthfevel: click the update button06:21
RAOF!root > NewToThis06:22
Amaranthfevel: even better would be to try again in synaptic06:22
NewToThisRAOF: Ok - So I could go into "System" and change it without any problems - correct?06:22
fevelAmaranth, "A upgrade from hoary to gutsy is not supported with this tool06:22
tanneranyone know the state of 11n in 8.04?06:22
Amaranthfevel: use synaptic06:22
Amaranthoh, 802.11n06:23
cvd-pr_where are the main ubuntu servers located?06:23
Amaranthif you have intel, you're fine06:23
Amaranthatheros....have fun06:23
RAOFNewToThis: Change what?06:23
JPSmandoes hardy support the creative soundblaster X-Fi drivers?06:23
HorizonXPthis is why I buy Intel only06:23
HorizonXPOS drivers FTW06:24
nemoLynoure: FYI, erasing ~/.openoffice.org2 fixed it06:24
AmaranthJPSman: Need to ask that question the other way around06:24
fevelAmaranth,  its installed in synaptic06:24
Amaranthfevel: are you up-to-date in synaptic?06:24
Amaranthoh, this is a temporary thing06:25
NewToThisRAOF: My login password when I come to my login boot screen when starting computer - sorry I mentioned - really new to linux - so I apologize.06:25
Lynourenemo: that's good06:25
Amaranthfevel: try again in 4 hours06:25
nemoLynoure: 'course I'm *really* sleepy now. :)06:25
RAOFJPSman: There are no X-Fi ALSA drivers, as I understand it.  There _are_ kinda working OSSv4 drivers, but we don't use OSSv4, given that the linux world has spent the last couple of years trying to get rid of OSS.06:25
nemoLynoure: oh. and things seem more stable with compiz disabled. will have to look into that too06:25
fevelAmaranth,  Why ? are the servers down?06:25
Lynourenemo: sleep well.06:25
Amaranthfevel: no, just a little hiccup in the upgrade due to version mismatch06:26
RAOFNewToThis: Ah, right.  Yes, you should be able to change _your_ password just fine.06:26
NewToThisRAOF: I want to change my login password to something more complex.06:26
fevelI see06:26
fevelAmaranth,  ok ...thanks06:26
Amaranthupdate-manager-core got updated and update-notifier and update-manager haven't built yet06:26
NewToThisRAOF: Thanks for your patience - appreciate it.06:26
RAOFNewToThis: System->Preference->About Me will have a button.06:26
NewToThisRAOF: Ok - got it - thx again.06:27
ecubuntuhey guys i have a wear problem with my wireless network on hardy06:29
ecubuntui can only connect to my neibord wireless but not to my own wireless netowrk06:29
HorizonXPmy campus network is DIRT slow... it's terrible. Worse than dialup06:33
HorizonXPgetting this compiz update's going to take a while06:33
jscinozHey guys, i have an ssh server i wish to upgrade to hardy (currently gutsy) I'm assuming it would be a bad idea to use X11 forwarding to run update-manager -d on it06:33
jscinozwhat is the correct way to do a distribution upgrade from a console?06:34
tanner_right, well, 11n is NOT enabled in 8.0406:34
aslaenupdate-manager --devel06:34
jscinozWould i replace all instances of gutsy with hardy in /etc/apt/sources.list and sudo apt-get dist-upgrade?06:34
jscinozaslaen, yes but i have no monitor, keyboard, mouse on this machine, i only have access to it via SSH06:34
JohnPhysjscinoz:  I don't think that's advised06:34
jscinozand somehow i don't think a dist-upgrade over ssh X11 forwarding would be smart06:34
jscinozJohnPhys, how would you recommend i do it?06:35
RAOFjscinoz: Run 'do-release-upgrade' in a screen session.06:35
jscinozthanks RAOF06:35
Prez00hardy on tp x61, anyone?06:35
HorizonXPPrez00: what're the specs?06:36
fevelhardy seems pretty stable06:36
dnyeverytime i update, i get a "not all updates can be installed," and i have to do a partial upgrade.  it says it could be because of unofficial software packages, so how do I set it to accept them? :/06:36
tanner_Prez00: what exactly are you asking06:36
HorizonXPPrez00: ooh it's a tablet06:36
Prez00HorizonXP: Lenovo thinkpad x61, mostly intel stuff... just wondering if any biggies with that machine... not tablet06:37
JohnPhysjscinoz:  follow RAOF's suggestion, I don't  know much other than directly editing the sources.list isn't super advised06:37
tanner_Prez00: shouldnt be.06:37
HorizonXPPrez00: oh ok. if it's mostly Intel stuff, should be fine06:37
jscinozis upgrading by any method over SSH generally not advised?06:37
cyclonutanyone have insights into the partial update thing tonight?06:37
tanner_why the hell dont they enabled 802.11n by default :-\06:37
HorizonXPcyclonut: I'm doing it now. I think it's because update-manager-core got updated, along with compiz06:38
RAOFtanner_: Because the drivers don't support it?06:38
jscinozspeaking of 11N, does the iwl4965 driver support it yet?06:38
RAOFjscinoz: As long as you have easy physical access, that's OK.06:38
tanner_RAOF: um, they do.06:38
Prez00So I am assuming, RC is pretty stable, from your comments, great news... Gutsy has been great on this TP...06:38
cyclonutHorizonXP: I see. Compiz wasnt (and never has been) a problem for me, but I am guessing update-manager-core is the big part06:38
jscinozRAOF, yeah its under my desk, i'd just have to swap over my monitor and keyboard if something borked ssh06:39
RAOFtanner_: So, which drivers, and how do you know it's not using 801.11n06:39
HorizonXPcyclonut: yeah probably. compiz has been a PITA for me because of the bug they're fixing with this update. It kept locking up my machine at the worst times.06:39
RAOFjscinoz: Go for it.  Use screen, so that it's not killed if you lose connection half way through.06:39
cyclonutHorizonXP: I am happily compiz-free :)06:39
HorizonXPPrez00: RC is pretty stable IMO.06:39
tanner_RAOF:  iwlwifi, i know because i cannot force my card to associate with my 11n only access point.06:39
cyclonut(or at least I tell myself I am)06:39
HorizonXPcyclonut: I <3 compiz. I'm so much more productive with it06:40
cyclonutits got too many issues for me06:40
HorizonXPI can't stand Windows now, without it06:40
jscinozthanks RAOF06:40
HorizonXPnon-Intel card?06:40
cyclonutHorizonXP: windows?06:40
Prez00HorizonXP: good news06:40
HorizonXPcyclonut: I meant, it makes going back to Windows that much harder.06:40
jscinozAlso i use the snd-hda-intel driver for alsa, and my nvidia GPU has hdmi output, is it possible to get audio over HDMI with the currently available drivers?06:40
cyclonutintel card, there are just texture annoyances - some will be drawn on top of others, things will flash through, etc06:41
HorizonXPcyclonut: odd, which intel card?06:41
HorizonXPyou sure it's not anything to do with the settings you have for compiz?06:41
cyclonutmost of all, intel 950 onboards cannot handle over a (too small) preset texture size, so dual monitors (desktop extension) doesnt work properly06:42
cyclonutor rather, you have to run your monitors "stacked" (one on top of the other) instead of left-to-right06:42
jscinozdid someone break something? on my local machine doing a routine upgrade.. it wants to remove update-manager..06:42
cyclonutjscinoz: wait a few hours then update again06:42
cyclonutthat should fixthings06:43
RAOFtanner_: Hm.  Dunno.06:43
cyclonuterr, they will most likely fix things*06:43
cyclonutHorizonXP: and yes, quite certain settings are not an issue :-P06:43
jdrakeIs there any way of getting music to not stop in rhythmbox when I switch from vt7 to vt9? (vt9 was started by switching users)06:44
raevolhey guys, heron reverted me to metacity, any way i can get it to use emerald again?06:44
HorizonXPcyclonut: I ran compiz on my older laptop that had a GMA950 onboard, and it worked flawlessly06:44
jscinozjdrake, its a pulseaudio problem afaik06:45
HorizonXPbut.... I don't remember running dual-monitors with it06:45
jscinozjdrake, i lose all sound from X when i switch to avt06:45
HorizonXPI may have06:45
jscinoza vt*06:45
spine55raevol: install fusion-icon it has some right click menus that can help you.06:45
HorizonXPbut I switched to this laptop because I wanted to run dual-monitors06:45
Amaranththat's a feature06:45
Amaranthsound is supposed to stop when you vt switch06:45
HorizonXPDVI + VGA built-in baby; nvidia video card though :(06:45
jscinozspeaking of VT switching.. I'm running on a laptop but using an external display connected via HDMI, yet all VT's still appear on the laptop screen, not my external monitor...06:46
jscinozhow can i get VT's on an external monitor06:46
raevolspine55, is there a way i can do this without that icon? i want to keep my system tray clean06:46
raevolit seems like i should just need to fix a gdm file, shouldn't i?06:46
jdrakeAmaranth: What causes that feature?06:47
spine55raevol: I know there is don't know it off hand.06:47
Amaranthjscinoz: you have to boot the system with the other display hooked up and hope your BIOS/video card handles it06:47
jscinozsoube55 abd raevol what are you trying to do?06:47
raevolspine55, know where i might start looking? i googled: gdm window manager, and that didn't help06:47
Amaranthjscinoz: in text mode the computer doesn't know or care what video card you have or what sort of displays you have hooked up06:47
jscinozAmaranth, hmm i'll have a poke around in my bios settings a bit later then06:47
Amaranthjdrake: pulseaudio06:47
jscinozamaranth hmm.. although i did manage to get my VT's running at 1280x800x24 :D06:48
Amaranthit works that way in windows and OS X too06:48
jscinozmmm framebuffer06:48
Amaranthwhen you switch away from the current session sound stops06:48
Amaranthjscinoz: that's VESA06:48
* RAOF longs for the day when he can run a VT on his second monitor and have the primary in X.06:48
jscinozAmaranth one of the downsides with pulseaudio :P06:48
jscinozamaranth, oh :P, well i have fb going anyway because i use splashy instead of usplash06:48
Amaranthjscinoz: It fixed the #1 problem with fast user switching06:49
jscinozamaranth, which was what?06:49
Amaranthjscinoz: you're not using vesafb?06:49
jscinozamaranth fbdev i believe, let me check (unsure)06:49
Amaranthsound from one user keeps playing when another user is using the system06:49
HorizonXPjscinoz: fb? can you elaborate? and splashy? I want pretty VTs too!06:49
Amaranthjscinoz: then that's vesa06:49
jscinozalrighty :P06:49
Amaranthvesa being a standard for 2d display and mode setting06:49
Amarantha very limited standard06:50
jscinozhorizonXP, just install splashy in usplash, note that it will remove ubuntu-desktop metapackage06:50
jscinozand it may break upgrades06:50
jscinozbut its darn pretty :P06:50
Amaranthusplash can look pretty took06:50
Amaranthi've got a 1440x900 image with animation06:50
jscinozamaranth, but splashy is so much more advanced than usplash :P06:50
jscinozaye, 1280x800 with animation too06:50
Amaranthjscinoz: splashy also works on a lot less systems06:50
jscinozthey're trying to incorporate GL and festival in the next release06:51
jscinozwhich should be interesting...06:51
jscinozand non linear progress bars (circles and other shapes)06:51
jscinozugh, what was the command to list the vesa modes your card supports?06:52
HorizonXPcan I get it to work at 1280x800 when on my laptop screen, but 1680x1050 when connected to an external screen?06:52
penis there a startup or shutdown effect like vista fade for ubuntu?06:52
daleubuntu gave me some updates today, and when ive logged on, my taskbar and the one at the top have dissappeared06:53
jscinozhorizonXP, depends on bios, i cant get vt or splash screen on an external monitor06:53
daleI just have a desktop with some icons06:53
HorizonXPwell, both of those work for me right now on my external06:53
jscinozHorizonXP, if it helps i think the vga mode for 1280x800x24 is vga=0x036106:53
jscinozhorizonxp, should probably add that to grub for high res VT06:53
Gary_inNYChi, is it possible to create a /home partition using space from 2 hard drives?06:54
HorizonXPGary_InNYC: that's a terrific question.06:54
daleanyone have an idea how I would get them back?06:54
jscinozhorizonxp, do "sudo hwinfo --framebuffer" to see the modes you can use06:55
HorizonXPThat I don't know the answer to, lol!06:55
Gary_inNYCi'm planning a clean install when Hardy gets finalized06:55
RAOFtanner_: Hm.  Does http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_name=1208379724-13568-1-git-send-email-reinette.chatre%40intel.com&forum_name=ipw3945-devel sound familiar at all?06:55
jscinozGary_inNYC you mean have space on two separate hardrives combined into one virtual partition?06:55
x1250Gary_inNYC: why? It wouldn't be any different, unless you upgraded for gutsy06:55
Gary_inNYCyeah, i want 1 partition for /home that covers space from 2 disks06:56
jscinozgary_inNYC, you may be able to do something like that with LVM06:56
jscinozone moment06:56
HorizonXPjscinoz: highest is 1280x1024x24? but.... my screens are widescreen06:56
HorizonXPVGA only resolutions?06:56
RAOFHorizonXP: VESA hates 16:1006:56
jscinozHorizonxp, that command shows what your video bios can do, basically VT/splash screens can only use modes that command returns06:57
HorizonXPokey dokey06:57
Gary_inNYCi'm thinking my root partition will be on the first drive, while home will cover the rest of the first and most of the second drive, then a swap partition at the second drive as well06:57
jscinozRAOF, hwinfo --framebuffer apparently likes me :P lets me see the mode for 1920x1200x24 for my external monitor06:57
Amaranthjscinoz: usplash can do throbbers and stuff already :)06:57
Amaranthjscinoz: because it's all C code :P06:57
HorizonXPjscinoz: what line do I add to grub?06:58
jscinozgary_inNYC, look at LVM, i believe it should do what you want06:58
HorizonXPjscinoz: and does this change my VTs to use fb?06:58
Gary_inNYCcool thx for the info06:58
jscinozhorizon XP, on the line kopt=stuff here, add to the end of that vga=modenumber06:59
jscinozhorizonxp, then sudo update-grub06:59
jscinozhorizonxp, the number given by hwinfo --framebuffer should be something like 0x036106:59
HorizonXPmy kopt= line is commented out?07:00
jscinozAmaranth, still its duplication of effort, ubuntu having its own specific splash screen instead of using an available one07:00
jscinozHorizonXP, it should be, leave it like that07:00
HorizonXPthere's a root=UUID=(hex string)07:00
Amaranthjscinoz: don't think splashy existed when usplash was started07:00
jscinozHorizonXP, yes make a space after that and add vga=yourmodenumber07:00
Amaranthjscinoz: and usplash still works on more systems07:00
jscinozAmaranth fbsplash?07:00
topyliMOAR SPASHIES07:01
HorizonXPjscinoz: ok done. that's it?07:01
jscinozhorizonXP, now run sudo update-grub and reboot07:01
dalewhen I logged into ubuntu my main application bar and taskbar were missing, I only have a desktop+icons, does anyone know how to reinstate them?07:01
jscinozyour VT should all be at the res you specified07:01
RAOFWe should just do what RH does and put an X server in the initramfs :)07:01
topylior splashies, as you wish. also, good morning07:01
topylidale: run gnome-terminal07:02
jscinozAmaranth, i've never been able to get usplash to work with hibernate, splashy works out of the box with it, and has a much less obfuscated theming system07:02
topylidale: no don't. run gnome-panel :)07:02
Amaranthand a much less powerful system07:02
daleyup, got a terminal running07:02
rippsHey What's up07:02
HorizonXPok, I'll be back :D07:03
leftyfbubuntu 8.04 running on eeepc with /home mounted on an encrypted 8GB SDHC card mounted internally. For some reason ~/.gvfs perms look like: d?????????  ? ?       ?          ?                ? .gvfs        any ideas? Is this going to cause problems?07:03
Amaranthwith usplash imagination and skill are the limit07:03
dalenot installed07:03
daleinstalling now07:03
topylidale: gnome-panel is not installed? :o07:03
dalewoo, and its back07:04
rippsMy Update Manager is acting wonky. It keeps telling me I need to do a update for update-manager-core, but it wants me to do a partial upgrade. After checking my system, it then says it doesn't.07:04
jscinozamaranth, is it even possible to get usplash to work with hibernation? if so i might switch back to it07:04
daleI have a feeling this is because removed evolution earlier07:04
Amaranthi don't think it is designed for that07:04
dalei did a complete removal, but asked in here and somone mentioned it was perfectly safe :P07:05
rippsAnd if I try to initiate an update via terminal, it tells me that I need to remove ubuntu-desktop, update-manager, and update-notifier.07:05
topyliripps: if you try with synaptic, you'll see that updating update-manager-core would remove some important packages and ubuntu-desktop with them07:05
Amaranthevolution, not evolution-data-server :P07:05
topyliripps: so don't do that just now. wait for the required packages to be uploaded to the repos07:06
leftyfbAdd to my previous statement, unmounting /home and relogging in still gives ~/.gvfs the same odd permissions07:06
leftyfbany ideas?07:06
Amaranththe server is a poorly named central data storage for email, contacts, notes, events, etc07:06
jscinozi wish i could figure out where the stupid acpi whitelist was, my laptop works perfectly if i force it to suspend to ram, but since i cant pass --force to s2both i cant use s2both :(07:06
topyliAmaranth: the naming is very unfortunate07:06
rippstoplyi: yeah, I was just wonder what was up with that.07:06
topyliAmaranth: makes evolution haters hate half of gnome07:06
m1ri have two simple questions, 1st: what is name of package showing sound volume control icon on gnome panel , and 2nd: how can regular user shutdown computer on openbox ?07:06
HorizonXPok, Amaranth: my compiz looks messed07:07
Amaranthdale: you almost certainly blindly removed evolution-data-server and didn't pay attention to it removing 150 or so core gnome packages :)07:07
AmaranthHorizonXP: Oh, sorry, I gotta run07:07
* Amaranth runs like hell07:07
HorizonXPGet back here!07:07
topyliAmaranth is afraid of window managers, especially compiz07:07
HorizonXPand jscinoz: stupid question: I was supposed to leave that kopts line commented right?07:08
jscinozHorizonXP yes07:08
cvd-prwhere is my  channel operator status?07:08
jscinozhorizonXP did it work?07:08
HorizonXPwell, my VT resolution didn't change07:08
dalethe descriptions were all talking about email, when I seen a few that looked suspect, I asked in #ubuntu and somone told me it was safe and normal07:08
jscinozhorizonXP did you run "sudo update-grub"07:08
HorizonXPI did07:08
raevolhey guys: fix for emerald not starting after you upgrade: edit /usr/bin/compiz-decorator and change USE_EMERALD="no" to yes07:08
HorizonXPand I told it to keep my current menu.lst07:08
jscinozhorizonXP can you pastebin your /boot/grub/menu.lst07:08
Amaranthdale: you need to pat attention to what is happening even if someone says it is safe07:08
Amaranthnow i just missed the coolest scene in fifth element thanks to you guys07:09
* Amaranth rewinds and ignores irc07:09
dale"The data server, called "Evolution Data Server" is responsible for managing calendar and addressbook information"07:09
HorizonXPnow fix my compiz :P07:09
raevolwhere can i post that so it gets read by "someone important"?07:09
topyliHorizonXP: i think by keeping your current menu.lst you just reverted your edits07:09
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)07:09
dalesee that doesnt sound like its going to remove half of gnome :P but yeh ill pay more attention in future, was just getting annoyed because evolution was killing my processor07:10
topyliHorizonXP: either that, or the resolution you gave is bad07:10
HorizonXPnope, my edits are still there07:10
jscinozhorizonXP, can you pass us the link to your menu.lst on pastebin?07:10
HorizonXPso Amaranth: my compiz is drawing things really all messed up07:11
topylidale: it doesn't remove half of gnome. your panel was a victim of something else07:11
AmaranthHorizonXP: good luck with that07:11
jscinozHorizonXP, run sudo update-grub again, and let it overwrite your menu.lst07:11
HorizonXPI don't know how to describe it properly, but the windows and everything draw fine, but there's this "echo" when thinks move around and stuff07:11
HorizonXPjscinoz: that's it?07:12
jscinozhorizonXp should be07:12
HorizonXPAmaranth: grr..... I'm gonna restart, hopefully it's a fluke, lol07:12
HorizonXPor else07:12
HorizonXPyou in big trouble mista!07:12
AmaranthHorizonXP: sounds like compiz isn't running07:12
jscinozhorizonXP, update-grub reads the changes from the commented lines and adds them to all your different kernels07:12
Amaranthcrap redraw during move is one of the things compiz gets rid of07:13
topylidale: well whatddyaknow. the panel does depend on evolution-data-server libraries, even though it doesn't depend on the server itself07:13
icanhassounds like xgl lol07:13
cvd-prHow to know the date when i installed heron?07:13
jscinozfreewins plugin for compiz is pure sex.07:13
daleanyways, thanks07:13
Amaranthtopyli: that's because the clock shows events for the day07:13
raevolhey would someone mind posting that fix in the appropriate forum for me? i don't want to have to register an account07:13
topyliAmaranth: yeah just realized that07:13
Amaranthand i believe tomboy uses it for note storage07:13
HorizonXPcompiz.real shows up in my processes07:13
AmaranthHorizonXP: doesn't mean you're using it07:13
HorizonXPthanks jscinoz, I'll check it out on the next restart07:13
HorizonXPAmaranth: ok fair enough. only thing I changed was the update.07:14
dnyCan someone take a look at this for me? :(   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=476246607:14
HorizonXPlet me restart, maybe it'll fix it, I'll come back and see then07:14
jscinozwell that failed pretty hard.07:15
jscinozcompiz just crashed X07:15
topyliAmaranth: tomboy selfishly uses its own storage07:16
topyliwhat's the best way to display UTC in the clock applet? add london as a location?07:17
HorizonXPAmaranth: restarting fixed it. I think it's because I switched to a VT while booting/auto-logging in that messed something up07:18
HorizonXPAmaranth: I wonder what doing that now would do07:18
AmaranthHorizonXP: you must have nvidia07:18
topyliwhat if the british go to/from DST? doesn't that make it non-utc?07:18
Amaranthtopyli: don't they?07:18
HorizonXPAmaranth: I do actually07:18
AmaranthHorizonXP: Don't you just love nvidia bugs?07:18
HorizonXPAmaranth: it is the bane of my existance.07:18
topyliAmaranth: they do. what happens to my precious UTC clock them?07:18
prohnacompiz fusion was working correctly for me until i upgraded to 8.04 the other day now it has weird glitches with windows not repainting themselves correctly07:19
AmaranthUTC is a pretend time for half the year07:19
prohnaespecially if i minimize a window that was infront of that window07:19
HorizonXPAmaranth: But, it does mean my laptop has both a DVI and VGA port, so I can run 2 monitors at once07:19
prohnaanyone else having weird compiz glitches?07:19
jscinoz HorizonXp did it work?07:19
HorizonXPwhich I haven't heard of in any other laptop07:19
jscinozcompiz just killed my X server07:19
HorizonXPjscinoz: it did not :(07:19
jscinozhorizonXP, pastebin menu.lst again please07:19
prohnaeverything in compiz is working fine07:19
prohnaits just that windows arent refreshing themselves07:20
prohnasometimes my panel is all black07:20
prohnaand mousing over stuff makes it appear07:20
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)07:20
HorizonXPmust be the VGA mode I'm trying to use then eh?07:21
jscinozHorizonXp, thats strange, update grub isn't adding it to the kernel lines, run sudo update-grub and pastebin me the full output07:21
konaHi, Does Hamachi run or install in Hardy Heron?07:22
jscinozhorizonXp no, update-grub isnt doing what its supposed to or you're invoking it wrong07:22
HorizonXPI ran sudo update-grub to get that output07:22
jscinozHorizonXP, and now that you ran it again, your menu.lst should have changed, please paste again07:23
HorizonXPI don't think it changed07:24
konaDoes Hamachi remote login software run in hardy heron?07:24
HorizonXPvim would've warned me that the file changed07:24
jscinozhorizonXP, alright we can do it manually07:24
jscinozhorizon XP on line 132 add that vga=0x031b option, be advised that it will be removed next kernel upgrade07:25
Bassettshi, since yesterday my usb flash drives will not automount, they show up under Places but I have to go to Places > FlashDriveName in order for it to mount and appear on the desktop07:26
HorizonXPdone; that's it?07:26
jscinozhorizonXP, should be, also is there any reason you're keeping old kernels around?07:26
jscinozhorizonXP, all kernels but the latest can be safely removed via synaptic/apt-get07:26
HorizonXPjscinoz:no, I just commented them out right now as we were making the changes you said to07:26
HorizonXP? are you saying that I have old copies on my machine?07:27
HorizonXPwait... that makes sense07:27
HorizonXPdummy me07:27
HorizonXPso no, no reason I'm keeping them, lol07:27
HorizonXPBassetts: I've actually noticed the same thing with my external07:27
jscinozhorizon xp uncomment them and remove old kernels via synaptic, then update-grub should work properly07:27
jscinozhorizonxp hang on ill just pastebin how it should look07:28
* HorizonXP thinks his campus network shouldn't count Ubuntu updates towards his bandwidth cap of 500 MB a day07:30
jscinozhorizonxp http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63988/ then remove the old kernels via synaptic/apt-get/whatever (should be called linux-image-2.6.22-XX, remove all but -16)07:30
jscinozHorizonXP, most ISP's nowadays provide unmetered mirrors of apt repositories07:30
jscinozhorizonXP tell your tech guys that :P07:30
HorizonXPyou're funny jscinoz07:30
HorizonXPthe Resnet office here is ridiculous kinds of useless07:31
jscinozHorizonXP, by the way are you on a mac? or are you using OSX86?07:31
jscinozas you have OS X entries in your menu.lst :P07:31
HorizonXPwe've been having issues with DNS server going down every DAY.... since September. and they blame it on their ISP07:31
HorizonXPOSX86 :)07:31
HorizonXPI just wanted to try it; I liked Ubuntu better07:32
HorizonXPI'm just keeping it on there to show my dad, then I'm wiping it07:32
jscinozhorizonXP heh, did you remove those old kernels yet?07:32
HorizonXPdoing it now; it frees up 435 MB?!07:34
jscinozHorizonxp, yes you likely have a number of modules, headers and sources laying around for old kernels07:35
axionin headers and the likes HorizonXP ?07:35
HorizonXPfeels lighter already!07:36
jscinozls on an ftp folder with 32,000+ items is painful07:36
* tanner_ is tempted to get a mac book pro the next time around (along with a x series thinkpad :D)07:36
* jscinoz smacks duplicity07:36
jscinozwow... 15mb of data just reading all the filenames >_<07:36
HorizonXPwow, well that sucks07:37
HorizonXPI ran update-grub, and it didn't fix my menu.lst07:37
axionlenovo lay to rest the last non-widescreen laptop07:37
jscinozhorizonxp, paste please :P07:37
jscinozhorizonxp, and you definately removed the old kernels?07:38
Anonona_DC|ZZZIs it possible to roll back an Ubuntu upgrade from 7.10 to 8.04 RC1?07:38
RAOFAnonona_DC|ZZZ: No.07:39
jscinozAnonnona, not automatically07:39
HorizonXPlinux-image-??, yeah definitely07:39
Fritzelis there any package I can install to give ark the ability to manage rar's?07:39
jscinozyou could manually downgrade every package but that would take days07:39
jscinozHorizonXP ugh update-grub hates you >_< give me a minute07:39
jscinozyou are running update-grub as root yes?07:40
jscinozwith sudo07:40
axionwell at the very least it dislikes him...07:40
HorizonXPyeah, synaptic doesn't even show enetries for the old ones anymore07:40
HorizonXPyes I am07:40
jscinozdoes it ask you any questions?07:40
axionhmm... ever heard of vi ? and menu.lst ?07:41
jscinozand the file you're pasting is definately /boot/grub/menu.lst not /boot/grub/menu.lst.bak or something07:41
HorizonXPyes, definitely07:41
jscinozaxion but if update-grub isnt working he's going to hvae issues next kernel upgrade07:41
jscinozhorizonxp one sec07:41
axionmanually force the installed kernel package to reinstall..07:42
HorizonXPjscinoz: I fixed it07:43
jscinozhorizonxp what was wrong?07:43
HorizonXPno idea07:43
jscinozhorizonxp what did you do to fix it?07:43
HorizonXPbut I moved my menu.lst to menu.lst.bak, and regenerated it using update-grub07:43
jscinozhorizonxp heh, good07:43
HorizonXPI added the vga= line to kopts, added my entries for the other OSes07:43
jscinozreboot and test it out :P07:44
axionyou probably editted menu.lst some time in the past..07:44
HorizonXPand ran it again, seemed to update the Ubuntu entries approrpriately07:44
HorizonXPwill do!07:44
m1rany openbox users here ?07:44
afiefCan anybody open the system->administrator->Login Window thing? I tried to on two PCs and it just doesn't work07:44
axionand update-grub saw some inconsistancies with install-base07:44
jscinozafief it works on mine07:45
afiefjscinoz, peculiar07:45
HorizonXPjscinoz: works! although my external LCD scales it weird, that's cool07:48
HorizonXPjscinoz: I'm guessing my laptop's 1280x800 screen won't like the 1280x1024 resolution I picked though, right?07:48
axionyour probably get a partial display of the full-desktop..07:50
jscinozHorizonXP different ratios so thats why it scales strange07:50
HorizonXPI can live with it for now07:50
HorizonXPI'll figure out a better resolution later07:51
jscinozi wish nvidia would opensource their drivers07:51
HorizonXPthanks a TON for your help :)07:51
jscinozso they can be included in the kernel and we can have kernel modeswitching07:51
HorizonXPME TOO....07:51
HorizonXPI'd buy NVidia cards in a heartbeat07:51
axionHorizonXP, why don't yu use dual-side-by-side-display07:51
jscinozi saw that article on Phoronix about kernel mode switching with a hacked intel driver07:51
jscinozunbelievably nice07:51
nocturnHi all07:51
HorizonXPinstead, I'm trying my hardest to find an Intel based motherboard with 2 DVI outputs07:51
* RAOF raises nouveau again...07:51
HorizonXPaxion: what do you mean?07:52
jscinozRAOF, pity nouveau fails pretty epicly for 3d at the moment07:52
nocturnI'm trying to use FireFox2 on Hardy for a site that does not like FF307:52
nocturnBut how do I get the java plugin to work on FF2 too?07:52
rippsnocturn: what's the site?07:52
jscinozraof, sign it :P only 6 more signatures before we can say its OVER NINE THOUUUUUUSAND07:52
axionHorizonXP, desktop devided over 2 displays07:53
icanhasjscinoz: ha07:53
RAOFjscinoz: I fear that no matter how many sigs that has nvidia won't care.07:53
nocturnripps: it's the management page of a cisco router.  It needs to install a java applet to make a vpn connection too it.07:53
HorizonXPaxion: I do.... I have two 22" LCDs at 1680x1050 hooked up to my laptop07:53
jscinozi say they might take notice if it gets to 10k07:53
HorizonXPif I could use the laptop's internal LCD as a 3rd, I would07:53
jscinozi can see no good reason to keep drivers closed source though07:54
axionHorizonXP, ok..07:54
jscinozthey dont profit off the drivers, intel and ati//amd open sourced theirs07:54
axionwell jscinoz the reason for closed source drivers is consumerism07:54
rippsHave you tried reinstalling the java plugin?07:54
jscinozaxion, but why? they don't sell the drivers or profit off them :P07:54
nocturnripps: no... I'll try that now07:55
axionthey want you to buy the latest card with the new drivers, and not develop your own drivers for the oldest card..07:55
RAOFjscinoz: Indeed.  But even if they _did_ open their drivers it wouldn't actually help that much.07:55
jscinozaxion, aye, but look at their windows drivers, its not hard to make the brand new ones work on old cards, just edit the .inf07:55
bazhangthat site wont load for me ;(07:55
RAOFjscinoz: Since we'd need to rewrite large sections of their code, because they don't use X infrastructure.07:56
jscinozaxion so its not like they really dont want you using new drivers with oldc ards07:56
jscinozRAOF, specs at least would make noveau development so much faster.07:56
RAOFThe really useful thing to do would be to learn enough X to hack on nouveau :)07:56
axionwell untill they come up with a next arch..07:56
RAOFjscinoz: Yeah, a bit.  But most of the RE has already been done.07:56
RAOFReverse engineering.07:57
bazhangreverse engineering07:57
jscinozah :P07:57
jscinozi say get those Anonymous folk to go parade around in guy fawkes masks in front of Nvidia's HQ :P07:57
jscinozeven if it achieves nothing, its hil.arious :P07:57
RAOFHell, yes.07:57
jscinozhowd that period get in there..07:57
jscinozI got my packages into debian btw :D07:58
tanner_erm, why the hell does make-kpkg produce a 200MB file >.>07:58
jscinozI'll get them synced for intrepid07:58
axionanother reason for keeping the drivers closed source is sloppy programming.. so sloppy the programmers wouldn't get a job elsewhere..07:58
jscinozaxion nice :P07:58
RAOFI think you mentioned :).  I've got gmail treating bug reports in my debian packages as spam :(07:58
jscinozhmm what do you guys think of that thing on Valve's jobs page saying they need someone to port windows games to Linux?07:59
jscinozNative linux source engine please :P07:59
axionas in: even the helpdeskpersonnell would be ashamed to say : yes that source comes from the guy just demoted to sitting next to me..07:59
scizzo-jscinoz: there is a engine08:00
jscinozscizzo- what?08:00
scizzo-jscinoz: there was a company that ported games before08:00
jscinozImo valve should hire Icculus to fill that position :P08:00
jscinozhis ports are always good08:00
solexiousGuys, can i uograde my server 6.06 to 8.04 with out needing dvd's etc as my server is in a remote sata center08:01
axionwell mostly they are afraid people will find out that all the functionality that's in the newest card is also doable with the oldest card....08:01
jscinozaxion yep :P08:01
jscinozaxion, i wish someone would make a hacked up 9600GT that had two sli bridge connectors08:02
jscinoztri SLI on 9600gt :D08:02
jscinozits so annoying that the card is technically capable of tri-sli yet they purposley left the second sli connector off... probably so they can sell more of the 9800s08:02
axionhmm asus or one of those other Mainboard manufacturers actually made a tri-gpu card...08:02
axionguess what ?08:03
axionit doesn't scale well..08:03
axionlittle to no performance increase08:03
solexious[Q] Guys, can i upgrade my server 6.06 to 8.04 with out needing dvd's etc as my server is in a remote sata center08:03
scizzo-solexious: the development towards 8.04 is suppose to fix the upgrade without problem...you can use the command line to get it through the net08:03
jscinozaxion, i hear the 9series cards scale much better though08:03
rippssolexious: You should only need to use "update-manager -d", just be aware that it's still not finished and there might  be problems.08:03
solexiousscizzo-: o was there a problem before? if i wait till relise should it be ok?08:04
tanathi enabled the proprietary video driver, but it's not in use. why would that be?08:04
scizzo-solexious: I would wait for the actual release08:04
axionlaters people got to go to work.. macosx08:04
tanath(used the manager thingy)08:05
rippssolexious: Just wait two more days and update-manager should offer you the ability to upgrade.08:05
scizzo-solexious: if it is a running live server then I would wait a bit longer also....for people to test it on "not so live" systems08:05
jscinoztanath for nvidia i assume?08:05
tanathjscinoz, nope08:05
jscinoztanath what for?08:05
tanathjscinoz, ati. what else?08:05
solexiousThank you both08:05
jscinoztanath did you add the line in xorg.conf?08:06
rippssolexious: I'm with scizzo, test it out on a non-critical system first and make sure any files are backed up before you upgrade08:06
tanathjscinoz, i know nothing of that...08:06
tanathjscinoz, that is, didn't know i was supposed to do something08:06
tanathjscinoz, just used the hardware driver gui thing08:06
rippsThe best way to install proprietary drivers for either ati or nvidia is to use EnvyNG08:07
jscinoztanath run "gksu gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf"08:07
bazhangthat is approved method now?08:07
jscinoztanath and pastebin me the contents08:07
rippsOr rather, it's my favorite method.08:08
jscinozafaik envy was still not recommended08:08
bazhangsaw envyNG on the hardy-changes mailing list as being accepted08:08
rippsEnvy is for legacy, Gutsy and below. EnvyNG is for Hardy and up.08:08
bazhangright; and the author has apparently worked closely with ubuntu devel for this version08:09
Hobbseebazhang: it'll get pulled if it doesn't get fixed.08:09
rippsIt also has uses DKMS, so new modules are installed when you upgrade your kernel08:09
bazhangHobbsee: thanks for the info08:10
jscinoztanath any luck pastebining the contents of that file?08:10
Hobbseebazhang: but it should get fixed.08:10
tanathjscinoz, just said my post tripped a spam filter. o.O08:11
bazhangHobbsee: nice to know cheers!08:11
tanathjscinoz, trying another08:11
RAOFHobbsee: By 'fixed' you're referring to "shouldn't install packages from a PPA", right?08:11
tanathjscinoz, http://pastebin.ca/99295708:11
HobbseeRAOF: yes08:11
jscinoztanath, line 89 change ati to fglrx08:12
jscinoztanath and restart X, that should do it08:12
RAOFtanath: Wow, that's a crazy xorg.conf :).08:13
tanathdon't remember where i got all the modeline stuff from, but it worked08:13
RAOFEh.  It'll break stuff soon.08:14
bazhanghave seen some sources.lists that have a #added by software properties at the end of certain entries--what would do that?08:14
RAOFMaybe not for Hardy, but I think it will for Intrepid.08:14
RAOFtanath: Also, it's confused jockey :)08:14
tanathRAOF, ?08:15
RAOFjockey being the "Hardware Drivers" manager now.08:15
RAOFYou confused it, apparently, by having a Device section that isn't actually used at all :)08:15
cvd-prq esta pasando aqui?08:15
tanathjscinoz, wasn't there supposed to be a GUI for configuring X?08:15
jscinoztanath displayconfig-gtk i believe08:16
RAOF!es | cvd-pr08:16
ubotucvd-pr: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.08:16
RAOFI hope I'm right there, my Spanish herustic may be over-sensitive :)08:16
RAOFtanath: I don't think displayconfig-gtk works with our default setup anymore, but I'm not sure.  That may be fixed.08:17
RAOFAt one point it was being confused by our minimal xorg.conf08:17
tanathjscinoz, RAOF, ok, need to reboot now, right?08:18
jscinoztanath, an x restart should suffice08:18
jscinoztanath ctrl-alt-backspace08:18
bazhangany clue on the sources.list with the #added by software properties entries?08:19
tanathjscinoz, i'd have thought that, but when i enabled the fglrx driver with the gui thing, it said a reboot was needed08:20
RAOFtanath: Yeah.  It was kinda lying.08:20
tanathRAOF, mistaken you mean?08:20
tanathRAOF, it's only lying if it's an intentional untruth...08:21
RAOFNo, lying.  You don't have to restart, ever*.  * for sufficiently local values of ever. :)08:21
tanathbah, whatever08:21
RAOFIt's a convinient untruth.08:21
tanathwell, it should be clear08:22
tanaththat would be more convenient :P08:22
thykohas anyone managed to get their bcm43xx wireless card working on 8.04?08:24
ethana2thyko: :(08:26
ethana2thyko: I know a guy who I'm trying to move over to Ubuntu that has one08:27
ethana2thyko: I don't know...  blasted broadcom08:27
=== Anonona_DC|ZZZ is now known as Anonona_DC
tanathjscinoz, arg... i can't get it working with the fglrx driver08:32
tanathjscinoz, the open source one seemed to work fine, but now after logging in i'm restricted to 800x60008:33
tanathjscinoz, though neither of the fglrx ones work08:33
* tanath is a little frustrated08:36
Esurnirhello... I've installed hardy on my laptop, full install, but it seems that for some unknown reason, after having installed the ugly set of plugin for gstreamer, the totem movie player "freeze" while trying to read a dvd08:37
rippsCouple things that prevent me from using compiz: VERY slow firefox scrolling, slow/flickering 3d applications.08:38
rippsEsurnir: have you tried vlc or mplayer?08:39
Esurnirvlc ? nope08:39
Esurnirok it's not responding, forcing quit08:39
Esurnirbut I'm going to try vlc08:39
EsurnirI remember it from windows, it's a good one08:39
Volkodavwhat's the command to delete files with certain extension ? rm .moi* ?08:40
Jaymacis there any workaround for running googleearth with the ATI restricted driver? it flickers almost incessantly08:40
rippsPersonally, I find gstreamer limiting or buggy, I have switched over to xine. Works better. Also, I've made mplayer my default player, because it just seems to be more compatible with most video types.08:40
rippsJaymac: Disable compiz08:40
EsurnirVolkodav: rm *.moi08:40
VolkodavEsurnir, sure?08:41
Esurnirwell it erase all .moi files08:41
Esurnirin the current folder that is08:41
Volkodavright - that's what I need08:41
Jaymacripps: yeah I know I can do that, but that is annoying to do every time... no other workarounds?08:41
Esurnirwhen I try to read a dvd with vlc08:42
Esurnirperhaps I should reboot >.>08:43
topylireboot eh08:43
Esurnirwell gstreamer must have crashed so perhaps it perturbed the force...08:44
rippsEsurnir: you might need to install some packages from medibuntu.08:44
Esurnirwho is definitely not with me08:44
pencan anyone tell me why screenlet manager keep poping out after I try to open it?? like a window bomb08:44
Esurnirmedibuntu ?08:44
penpython is acting abnormal08:44
mrtimdogJust done my morning updates... ubuntu-desktop broken on dep of update-manager on dep of update-manager-core being unsatisfied. Is this just me, I can't see any reports so far in Launchpad, or here?08:45
rippsmrtimdog: Yeah, I'm getting that too. Guess we just have to wait until they fix it. There might be a bug report.08:46
mvomrtimdog: what mirror do you use? this was a issue at the weekend for most people, maybe yours was a bit slow updateing08:46
mrtimdogripps: Just checking it wasn't just a screw up on my behalf! ;)08:47
matyy_hej, in which file is the locale for x set? i forgot the ,%$/ name08:47
mrtimdogmvo: The main one I think, just checking...08:47
mvoohh, yeah - sorry there was another update yesterday08:47
mrtimdogmvo: Yep, main.08:48
tanathwhen i use the Hardware Drivers utility to enable the fglrx driver, it doesn't work. it says it's not in use, and my screen resolution gets restricted to 800*60008:48
mvomrtimdog: they should be in sync again very soon, LP says all architectures are build :)08:48
mrtimdogmvo: Thanks, I'm not in a rush for it as I can still play my music :)08:49
tanner_seems the 802.11n implementation is no faster than 802.11g08:50
Volkodavanybody used bulk rename? The rename files button is greyed out after all parameters I filled out08:51
ripps802.11n really shouldn't seem faster unless your transferring files at speeds faster than 56 mbps08:51
tanner_ripps: 802.11n should stream hi def content wirelessly seemlessly08:52
tanner_which it did not :(08:52
tanner_its a shame its not built into hardy's kernel by default08:53
tanner_had to build 2.6.25 :-\08:53
rippsDoes anybody know how to speed up firefox scrolling with compiz08:53
crdlbripps: what video card?08:53
rippscrdlb: ATI Radeon 9600 Pro08:54
crdlbfglrx or radeon?08:54
crdlbripps: check your /var/log/Xorg.0.log and make sure you're using XAA08:54
thykoethana2: hmm ... i'll give ndiswrapper a shot08:55
ethana2thyko: we did08:55
ethana2thyko: good luck08:55
ethana2thyko: you're probably more comfortable with it than the windows user I was trying to help08:56
rippscrdlb: looks like it. (II) fglrx(0): Using XFree86 Acceleration Architecture (XAA)08:57
ripps(II) XAA: Evicting pixmaps08:57
crdlbI dunno then08:58
crdlbradeon might be faster :P08:58
rippsYeah, but every other 3d and video application will be slower08:58
rippsA pretty window manager is worth crippled software08:59
Amaranthripps: this is a bug in AIGLX08:59
AmaranthXCopyArea becomes unaccelerated08:59
rippsAmaranth: Any fixes?09:00
AmaranthDisable AIGLX09:00
thykoethana2: got it to work on suse 10.3, but the 64 bit version is abit slow, so i slapt kubuntu on09:00
Amaranth(which will disable compiz too)09:00
rippsHow do I do that again?09:00
AmaranthIt's actually CPU intensive without compiz too it's just that compiz pushes it over the top09:00
thykothyko: very fast, reminds me of a lamborghini09:00
ethana2firefox is going to let me move the menu bar!09:02
ethana2It's going to let me merge it with the toolbar!  FINALLY!09:02
ethana2...now the window title bar will be the only thing I can't bend to my will09:02
crdlbyou couldn't already do that with an extension?09:02
ethana2I don't know09:03
ethana2I'm just using the normal customization thingy09:03
ethana2it seems like it /wants/ to let me move the toolbar09:03
crdlbthere's even an extension for epiphany to do that :P09:03
ethana2but it can't yet09:03
ethana2WAIT--  I can put /other/ stuff /into/ the menu bar!09:03
ethana2~ sorry to bother you gentlemen, but my mockups are now a ton easier for me to make. ~09:04
rippsOh wait! Does that mean I'd have to use XGL? I had so much trouble with XGL before, I don't want to mess with it anymore.09:05
Tyczekhi... Do you have problems with XV with ati fglrx... ? It was working in gutsy since fglrx 8.3 and now on hardy it isnt working09:05
topylicrdlb: could you try if your epiphany can import bookmarks already?09:05
topylibeen broken for some time09:05
starscallinganyone got exchange to sync with global address list?09:05
starscalling[on exchange]09:06
crdlbtopyli: I'm not currently near a hardy install :)09:06
rippsTyczek: my xv is working fine in Hardy, do you have "Option "XVideo" "Enable"" in your Extensions section of your xorg.conf?09:06
Tyczekripps, wait09:08
Fritzeldoes anyone know of a channel that might be able to help me figure out how to display the contents of a variable passed as a string to a function?09:08
rippsTycek: okay09:08
crdlbFritzel: uh, what language?09:09
crdlbthen, ##c++ ?09:09
Fritzelthank you both09:09
Tyczekripps, http://wklej.org/id/7044b774a809:09
rippsTycek: Apparently you don't have an Extensions section. Hold on while I paste my xorg.conf.09:11
rippsTyczek: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63992/09:13
Tyczekripps, thanks09:13
rippsDon't just copy my entire xorg.conf, but it might help you figure out some stuff.09:13
ionstormwhy is hardy so slow?09:14
ionstormhardy is like 100 percent slower than fiesty09:14
rippsionstorm, Not for me. Hardy is like a breeze compared to how buggy my fiesty used to be.09:15
Tyczekripps, wow... you have so many options09:15
tanner_>.> vmware wont compile against 2.6.2509:16
Amaranth2.6.25 isn't in any version of ubuntu09:16
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tanner_why thank you for that statement.09:16
rippsTyczek: just pay attention to the Extension, Device, and Module settings.09:16
tanner_ubuntu also doesnt have 802.11n support.09:17
Amaranthripps: So you have two ati video card each driving one screen and a wacom tablet?09:17
_Rambaldiwhen i open firefox, it opens up in a sort of fullscreen, it covers all panels, how do is stop this09:17
rippsNo, I have a TV connected to my ATI Card and it counts that as a seperate device.09:18
ionstormripps what are your system specs09:18
rippsionstorm: Athlon XP 2500+, Nforce2 motherboard, ATI Radeon 9600 Pro, 512mb ram, SBLive! 5.1 soundcard09:19
ionstormah, I got basically the same09:19
rippsNot to old, not new09:19
ionstormI got a ton of shit installed, maybe I should just clean up shop and reinstall09:20
ionstormit runs fine with 512 ram?09:20
ionstormdid u disable anything?09:20
rippsI have an application called Preload installed, it speeds up bootup and the launching of applications.09:20
ionstormive tried that, didnt notice much of a difference09:21
rippsNaw, preload soaks up excess ram to speed up launches, and  I still only use about 300mb09:21
ionstormwhat apps u run?09:21
rippsWhat exactly is slow?09:22
ionstormfor some reason im always using swap09:22
ionstormfirefox and switching between apps09:22
tanner_ionstorm: how much ram?09:22
ionstormi got a p4 hypyerthread 3ghz 1 gig ram09:22
ionstormi run firefox3/xchat09:22
tanner_thats understandable09:23
ionstormive disabled bluetooth and other things on startup09:23
ionstormand im always swapping09:23
rippsionstorm: do you have compiz enabled?09:23
brady_ki just upgraded to HH today... and my fonts are a little weird sometimes09:23
tanner_the kernel will start using swap BEFORE you run out of memory09:23
Tyczekripps, http://wklej.org/id/35a172c5ff is it good?09:23
rippsTycek: hold on a sec09:23
bullgard4Where can I find a classification of the 109 terminal fonts that Hardy offers?09:23
ionstormtanner_,  ive even experimented with swappiness in sysctrl09:23
ionstormchanged to 0 then 100, things are just slow09:23
Fritzeldoes anyone know how to escape a google search? I need a [ in my search09:24
tanner_eh? i thought we were talking about swap usage.09:24
tanner_swap wont be your bottleneck unless a great deal of swap is being used.09:24
tanner_ionstorm: what specifically is slow09:25
ionstormim using around 300-800 mb swap09:25
tanner_upgrade your ram09:25
tanner_although DDR may still be expensive :-\09:25
rippsTycek: Looks good. If that works, then add "Option "VideoOverlay" "on"" and "Option "OpenGLOverlay" "off"" to your Device section to improve video quality.09:26
Amaranthtanner_: when things get pushed to swap and never used again they stay in swap09:26
Amaranthalthough they shouldn't get pushed to swap anyway09:26
Tyczekripps, allright09:26
brady_khere's a screenshot of my font problem: http://img-king.com/img/show.php/7780_fonts.png.html09:26
ionstormim thinking trackerd is causing the swap issue09:26
rippsionstorm: what's your ram?09:26
ionstormbecause im indexing allot of additional dir09:27
tanner_they should still be "free"'d from swaps account of them.09:27
ionstormcrucial ddr 320009:27
Amaranthionstorm: tracker uses little ram09:27
Amaranthtanner_: no no, if a part of libgnome gets pushed to swap and nothing ever tries to access that part it will stay in swap09:27
rippsYeah, I doubt it's tracker.09:28
Amaranthbecause libgnome is always going to be in use in your desktop09:28
Amaranthjust not that part09:28
tanner_erm, that should never happen in the first place.09:28
Amaranthbrady_k: I don't see a problem, those fonts look fine09:28
brady_kAmaranth: the terminal and the code in the background are shaded weird and it hurts the eyes... but this room, for example, is fine09:29
Amaranththe terminal and the code in the background look _great_09:29
Amaranththe chat window is all messed up, the lines are too thin09:29
brady_kAmaranth: I hope that's a joke...?09:30
prashant___hello all ! i want to discuss a serious bug( may be it is a bug or it just happend to me :() .. I installed hardy beta and upgraded it to RC and In it firstly firestarter does not work on it ... It says canot access eth0 but my internet is running , when i was working wit nautilus i mean browsing folders suddenly a msg was displayed that " not a valid ext3" and when i restarted everything was gone... my linux partition was no more a ext3 so only opt09:30
rippsPlay around with your Font Anti Aliasing until you find one you like.09:30
tanner_brady_k: um, they look perfect09:30
brady_kAmaranth: ok well regardless, there is an issue between the two09:30
Amaranthprashant___: perhaps you got unlucky and your HD crashed right at the same time you upgraded?09:31
Amaranthif it was going bad an upgrade would probably kill it off09:31
rippsbrady_k: both look fine to me, it might be your monitor.09:31
Amaranthprashant___: anyway, there is nothing we can do about it09:31
Tyczekripps, hmm... unfortunelly http://wklej.org/id/9e0506566a09:31
Amaranthprashant___: your data is gone either way09:32
brady_kripps: my monitor is a brand new 22" widescreen ViewSonic connected with that HDMI (or whatever)... so no.09:32
Amaranthdon't they make crap screens?09:32
tanner_brady_k: i assure you, from the screen shot, the terminal looks perfect, have you changed positions on the screen?09:32
brady_kAmaranth: no!  and i had no problems before with gutsy09:32
brady_ktanner_: positions?09:32
tanner_brady_k: to see if perhaps the issue was related to the left side of the monitor09:33
prashant___Amarnath, are u indian .. Anyway i am not expecting to recover my data hehe but wish that does not happen in final release09:33
Amaranthand your problem sounds like a crazy one-off failure09:33
brady_ktanner_: oh, no, it's not locationally biased... i already checked09:33
tanner_brady_k: then there really appears to be nothing wrong, try auto tuning your monitor?09:34
rippsTyczek: What's the model of your card?09:34
Amaranthso the real world max speed for my 802.11g network seems to be 2.4M/s09:34
Amaranthgood to know09:34
Amaranth2.4MB/s, i mean09:34
Tyczekripps, ati mobility hd 2600... Xv was working on 8.3 in gutsy...09:35
Tyczeki was testing 8.3 in hardy... and xv still not working ;)09:35
Tyczekmaybe i should reinstal now, since xv extension is enable09:35
rippsTycek: I think that your card might be too new.09:36
rippsHow did you install fglrx?09:36
tanner_Amaranth: you should be able to achive nearly 3MBps with UDP09:37
Tyczekripps, the same like in gutsy... i run sh ati installer09:37
Amaranththis is scp09:37
rippsHmmm... that probably should have worked, my last suggestion is to install the fglrx driver using EnvyNG.09:37
Tyczekripps, i'll reinstall, maybe now will be working... '09:38
tanner_still. 54 megabits at half duplex is nearly 3MBps09:38
tanathi can't seem to get direct rendering09:39
rippstanath: what's your card?09:40
orvokkiAlso which driver are you using?09:40
tanathi tried the Hardware Driver utility. i tried the displayconfig-gtk. and i tried editing xorg.conf by hand09:40
tanathripps, ati radeon 9200 pro se09:40
tanathtrying to use the opensource one, which i used before upgrading since the fglrx one refuses to work09:41
tanathcan't get more than 800*600 res with fglrx09:41
crdlbno, with fglrx, BulletProofX puts you on VESA :)09:42
crdlbbecause fglrx supports 9500 and up09:42
crdlbdid you uninstall xorg-driver-fglrx though?09:42
crdlbbecause it interferes with the radeon driver09:42
FritzelI've got the question posed in ##c++ as well and there's been no reply yet but does anyone know how I can edit this to work correctly? http://rafb.net/p/NQ1j1v90.html09:43
tanathgah, it wants to remove 47 other things too09:43
crdlbdid you use aptitude? :P09:44
tanathhm, nevermind. it's useless stuff i can remove :)09:44
crdlbaptitude is a bit too smart09:44
tanathi like it09:44
AmaranthFritzel: you can't do that09:44
Fritzelthere has to be a way somehow09:45
crdlbyou want to print a string?09:45
tanathi use it by default, or sometimes synaptic09:45
FritzelI want to print a string, and the string's contents yes09:45
crdlbyeah, it doesn't work like that09:46
tanner_printf("DEBUG [WAT] (%s) [%s]\n", watch, watch); (assuming watch was a char array :D09:46
Fritzelthat would give the same results though wouldn't it?09:46
tanathcrdlb, woot! that did it09:46
tanathcrdlb, thanks a lot09:47
crdlbnp :)09:47
tanner_Fritzel: what specifically do you want that debug message to print?09:47
FritzelI want it to accept a variable name, print the variable name and then evaluate the variable and return it's contents, basically a watch that works at runtime09:47
Fritzelthere has to be some way to do it09:48
tanner_i would use a struct09:48
Fritzelhow do you mean09:49
tanner_build a struct that has two arguments, variable name, ptr to variable, and pass that to your debug09:50
Fritzelcan the variable name be passed in like that?09:50
Fritzelthe intention here is not to have it static09:51
tanner_no, youll have to manually assign it09:51
Fritzel:/ that won't work either then09:51
bullgard4Where can I find a classification of the 109 terminal fonts that Hardy offers?09:51
tanner_though there may be a way to reference variable names by address in memory; dunno though, C++ is a crazy language. best bet is to ask in ##C++09:52
crdlbI really doubt there's a portable way09:53
tanathnow that i have my driver sorted and have direct rendering, my gnome session hangs at login09:53
Fritzelyeah they said the same thing and the first thing they said was read a book, which I don't have a problem doing but it was an extremely quick answer if you know what I mean, it sounded like the question was beneath the people I was asking, which is why I asked again here, even if a bit off topic, and I appologize for that09:53
tanner_hmm, actually, unless there is some crazy c++ voodoo, you cannot get the "variable name" from the passed parameter. remember, when you give something to a function, its just a pointer in memory09:53
tanathgnome-do runs, but that's it. it has enabled me to run xchat :P09:54
Fritzelwell I can get the variable name easy, its evaluating the variable that I don't know how to do09:54
Fritzelas an example the current result I get for what I posted above is DEBUG [WAT]: (strVariableToWatch) [strVariableToWatch]09:55
tanathanyone know what i can do to get it working?09:55
FritzelI just need to find a way to evaluate strVariableToWatch09:55
tanner_Fritzel: crazy C++ O.o, anyway, try *watch, or &watch09:56
tanner_(for the second argument)09:56
crdlbFritzel: oh, a string of the variable name?09:56
crdlbthat's definitely not possible (portably) without a hash table or something09:56
Fritzelyes I am getting DEBUG [WAT]: (strVariableToWatch) [strVariableToWatch] back and I want to get DEBUG [WAT]: (strVariableToWatch) [the value of strVariableToWatch]09:56
ubotuping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore09:57
Tyczekripps, texturedvideo on solved it09:57
tanner_Fritzel: try *watch on your second watch09:57
crdlbtanath: did you do anything crazy like uninstall compiz?09:57
tanathcrdlb, no09:57
Tyczekripps, thank you very much09:57
crdlbtanath: does the Failsafe Gnome session work?09:57
rippsno prob09:57
tanathcrdlb, i had to uninstall the fglrx driver09:58
Fritzeltanner_, didn't work, no match for 'operator*' in '*watch'09:58
tanathcrdlb, forgot about that09:58
kahrytanWhats wrong with uninstalling compiz?09:58
Fritzel&watch however works and returns umm one sec09:58
rippstanath: post your /var/log/Xorg.0.log09:59
FritzelDEBUG [WAT]: (strUsername) [0x7fff022efae0]09:59
tanner_well thats good09:59
tanner_thats the address of strUsername in memory10:00
crdlbtanner_: no, it's the address of the string "strUsername" I think :)10:00
Fritzelcrdlb, how can I find that out for certain?10:00
crdlb##c++ really would be better10:01
tanner_crdlb: could be, C++ is a bad language :)10:01
crdlbI only know C (poorly)10:01
Fritzel-nod- well both of your knowledge has been useful none the less, I've unfortunatly always been an idiot when it comes to working with pointers10:01
FritzelI never could grasp it10:01
tanathargh, i seem unable to turn on compiz now10:01
FritzelI appreciate the help ^^10:02
rippstanath: post your /var/log/Xorg.0.log10:02
crdlbFritzel: you're trying to take a string such as "foo" and use it to get the value of the variable foo?10:02
tanathcrdlb, failsafe worked though.10:02
Fritzelcrdlb, exactly10:02
tanner_try watch.c_str() for the hell of it10:02
crdlbtanath: compiz will refuse to start in failsafe mode10:02
tanathcrdlb, oh...10:02
zniavrehello / bonjour10:02
crdlbwell, the compiz-manager wrapper script anyway10:02
tanathcrdlb, so how to i fix things then?10:03
zniavrei loose ubuntu-desktop is it the normal way ?10:03
crdlbfix your gnome session somehow? :)10:03
tanathcrdlb, yeah10:03
FritzelDEBUG [WAT]: (strUsername) [strUsername] was returned with watch.c_str()10:03
rippszniavre: I don't understand. Can you please explain?10:04
zniavrethe update this morning delete ubuntu-desktop10:04
tanner_Fritzel: #C++ is your best bet for sure. also, learn a better language, like C ;]10:04
tanathcrdlb, hm, why won't compiz run in this session?10:05
rippsThe update-manager-core is behind in the repository, you need to wait until they fix it.10:05
tanathcrdlb, running it from terminal just says " aborting and using fallback: /usr/bin/metacity"10:05
zniavreok   :o)10:05
zniavrethank you10:05
crdlbtanath: because it shouldn't :)10:05
tanathcrdlb, why shouldn't it?10:05
crdlbFritzel: google for "C string from variable name" (sans quotes)10:06
zniavreyesterday i tried kde4 i believed it was this in causes10:06
Fritzeltanner_, -nod- well as I said the answers I got didn't make the question sound too welcome, I'll just see if I can track down someone trying to do the same thing10:06
tanathcrdlb, i can understand it not running by default, but if you explicitly run it, i don't see why it should refuse10:06
crdlbtanath: because that's the architecture ubuntu chose10:06
crdlbthey simply run /usr/bin/compiz as the window manager10:06
crdlband it will either start compiz or abort and run metacity10:06
ripdiskso, i just updated to hardy and when i get into gnome everything is blank10:06
ripdiskbut the failsafe will work10:06
yaccAny idea why firefox won't restart after the last update?10:07
ripdiskdoes the failsafe limit me or something?10:07
crdlbripdisk: only in that you can't use compiz ;)10:07
ripdiskor is it doing this just because of my color settings and stuff10:07
the_alamoRAOF, thanks for the help and suggestions for getting my graphics running  (like 3 hours ago). sorry i didn't get back to you earlier10:07
ripdiskwell i don't use compiz anyway10:07
ripdiski don't like it10:07
ripdiskbut, how do i get my regular gnome to work? i don't want to be on the failsafe10:08
crdlbwell, you seem to be having the same problem as tanath10:08
yaccIt hangs there, trying to read from some socket :(10:08
rippsI wonder... did tanath and ripdisk force the update-manager-core update?10:09
yaccsome unix domain socket10:09
kahrytanY=You two should start a club...10:09
ripdiski just used the update manager10:09
yaccripps: just run the update manager and I think it still complained about being not able to apply that change.10:09
ripdiskyeah my desktop icons are gone too.10:10
ripdiskand i can't do the whole click the desktop and make squares thing that everyone does when they're bored10:10
tanathripdisk, i do have that installed...10:10
yaccHmmm, any idea how to make lsof divulge more details about an unix domain socket?10:10
ripdisktanath, what?10:10
tanathripdisk, oops, wrong nick. sorry10:11
tanathripps, , i do have that installed...10:11
ripdiskit's all good.10:11
tanathjust removed it. brb10:11
ripdiskso, nobody really knows why it did this?10:11
ripdiskor what10:11
tanathmight be that update apparently10:12
tanathjust removed it. will try again. brb10:12
ripdiski didn't update yet10:12
ripdiskthis is my first boot since i installed hardy10:13
DistroJockeyripdisk: I'd try running      sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg      (after backing up /etc/X11/xorg.conf first ofcourse)10:13
tanathripdisk, ok, try that10:13
tanathworked for me10:13
ripdiski didn't download that update though10:13
rippsoop, just checked update-manager, apparently it isn't force a me to uninstall ubuntu-desktop anymore.10:13
tanathripdisk, remove update-manager-core10:14
tanathripdisk, in synaptic or somethign10:14
tanathripdisk, there's a few ways. synaptic is prolly easiest10:14
ripdisksudo apt-get remove update-manager-core10:14
mvoupdate-manager and updat-emanager-core should be in sync again10:14
tanathripdisk, that works10:14
mvo(at least on archive.ubuntu.com)10:14
DistroJockeyall in sync here too on my ISP's mirror10:15
ripdiskdpkg - warning: while removing update-manager-core, directory `/var/log/dist-upgrade' not empty so not removed.10:15
ripdiskdpkg - warning: while removing update-manager-core, directory `/var/lib/update-manager' not empty so not removed.10:15
ripdiskshit i forgot about pastebin sorry guys10:15
ripdiskit's trying to remove ubuntu desktop10:16
ripdisktanath did it say that to you?10:17
=== pascalFR is now known as PascalFR
DistroJockeyripdisk: do another    sudo apt-get update10:17
rippsripdisk: do sudo apt-get update, then do sudo apt-get upgrade. That should probably fix it.10:18
ripdiskand then uninstall the update manager core?10:18
rippsripdisk: no, I think the newest release in the repository should take care of things10:19
ripdiskok let me try now10:19
ripdiskwhen i select ''gnome'' as my session from gdm it just takes me to a blank light brown screen10:21
rippsripdisk: post your /var/log/Xorg.0.log10:22
ripdiskin here?10:22
rippscan you get a browser open?10:22
ripdiskyeah i'll use pastebin i was being a smartass10:23
rippsrember to use a :) if your being sarcastic10:23
ripdiskbut emoticons scare me10:24
ripdiskthey just stay on my buffer window and stare at me10:25
ripdiskripps: http://pastebin.com/m112818ec10:25
quentusrex_How can I find out if my kernel is the 64-bit, or the 32 bit, if I know that it's the smp kernel because of the -generic flag10:27
ripdiskripps: anything of interest?10:29
rippsripdisk: it looks like your fglrx is having trouble. Try using EnvyNG to install fglrx. If that doesn't work, try switching to radeon.10:30
ripdiskoh, i already used envy earlier to install it10:30
ripdiskbefore the upgrade to hardy10:30
rippsUse EnvyNG, older one's don't work in Hardy10:30
rippsEnvy is meant for Gutsy and below10:31
ripdiski see10:31
ripdiskso just apt get it?10:31
rippsI think so10:31
rippsripdisk: http://www.albertomilone.com/envyngfaq.html#A10:32
ripdiski can't even download it10:37
ripdiskall of the stuff in my package manager says gutsy gibbon still10:37
rippsripdisk: make sure that all sources in your sources.list are for hardy repositories only?10:38
ripdiskok gimme a second10:38
Kirrushi.. does anyone know why my hardy box is suddenly coming up with "/etc/init.d/rcS" not found and "/etc/init.d/rc" not found during boot up would happen (its making my machine un-bootable)10:40
KirrusI've got a recovery shell on the root partition using the alt-install disc, and ls is saying "cannot access rc: Input/output error"10:41
ripdiskok here we go.. ripps, it's installing the driver10:41
ripdiskthis should work though?10:41
rippsyou might want to do a aticonfig --intial10:42
ripdiski didn't have to do that before and it worked10:43
ripdiskbut, i'll do it anyway10:43
ripdiskit randomly played that ubuntu sound10:44
ripdiskthe bongos and stuff10:44
ripdiskin the middle of the driver's installation10:44
ripdiskok, brb reboot10:44
kahrytanrippdisk having allot of issues on upgrade?10:46
rippsyeah, a few.10:46
rippsHe can't seem to get Gnome to work, failsafe works though10:47
kahrytanThey need to make that priority on next release and find a way to put an end to upgrade problems.10:47
ripdiskthat's really odd, ripps10:47
savvashm.. is it possible to create an iso of an audio cd?10:48
ripdiski tried selecting ''gnome'' in the gdm, and it did the same thing, but this time when i used the failsafe, my desktop showed up and everything10:48
kahrytanUse Brasero.10:48
kahrytansavvas->  use Brasero then10:48
elmargolIf someone wants to test the new release candidate of miro I did some packaging work. Whould love to get feedback/patches suggestions http://elmargol.wordpress.com/2008/04/22/miro-123rc2-adds-support-for-high-quality-youtube-downloads/10:48
savvaskahrytan: doesn't show an option for .iso, just .toc and .cue and .raw :)10:49
ripdiskit's really weird10:49
savvasand it does that for audio cds only, data cds are ok10:49
kahrytanNew Project>Copy Disc>  Under second option, Image10:49
ripdisklike, everything is back to normal now when i'm in failsafe10:49
ripdiskbut regular gnome just doesn't work10:49
savvaskahrytan: i tell you, there's no .iso under image type :)10:49
kahrytansavvas->  get that? ISo is an option for me10:50
rippsripdisk: I don't know what to tell you. I'm not really sure what's going on.10:50
savvaskahrytan: put in an audio cd, not a data cd10:50
bullgard4Why renders GNOME terminal fonts differently in its normal pane from in its preview?10:50
ripdiskhow can i even tell if the upgrade to hardy even worked10:50
kahrytansavvas->  you're right. try k3b?10:51
negge^is it normal that there's 20-40 updates every second day?10:51
savvaskahrytan: i'll file a bug :P10:51
savvasbut i'll try k3b, thanks10:51
kahrytansavvas->  I think that would be feature request?10:52
topyliripdisk: if you run the dist-upgrade and the machine boots, you're home :)10:52
kahrytansavvas->  Might be intended to not do iso for audio cds10:52
ripdiskwell ripps was helping me, i'm having something odd happening and we can't figure it out, topyli10:52
savvashmm ok10:52
rippshe upgraded and can't seem to get Gnome to start up normally10:52
topyliripdisk: alright10:53
ripdisksee, when i use ''gnome'' from the gdm, nothing works and it just gives me a blank screen10:53
ripdiskbut when i use failsafe, everything works10:53
* kahrytan high fives topyli 10:53
topyliripdisk: so what do you have in ~/.xsession-errors?10:53
ripdiskgimme a sec10:53
topylisince you're obviously experiencing some :)10:53
ripdisktopyli, pastebin?10:54
kahrytansavvas->  may be it is a bug10:55
ripdisktopyli: http://pastebin.com/m60eb417b10:55
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topylihrm not sure what that might be10:57
jaffarkelshacHow do i use a webcam in ubuntu10:58
topylithe sharing stuff shouldn't be serious10:58
rippsyeah, I can't figure it out either10:58
ripdiskmaybe i should use metacity instead of compiz10:58
rippsoh, definately10:58
kahrytanjaffarkelshac->  depends on the make and model...10:58
ripdiski forgot how to do that10:59
ripdisklet's see here..10:59
topylicompiz doesn't like something but metacity should take over automatically10:59
rippsthat's what I thought10:59
jaffarkelshaci probably should have bought something by logitech, this is a generic one £3 i had for windows. kahrytan10:59
kahrytan!webcam > jaffarkelshac10:59
topylicould try deleting .ICEauthority and .xauthority files from home and /tmp (the ones you own)11:00
the_alamois hardy running firefox 3b4 or 3b5?11:00
kahrytanjaffarkelshac->  read the msg from ubotu. It shows supported cams11:00
rippsthe_alamo: 3b511:00
the_alamofor some reason firefox didn't upgrade when i upgraded from 7.10 to 8.04.11:01
jaffarkelshaci will take a look at it kahrytan11:01
topyliripdisk: you also have a session dbus running11:01
ripdiskwhat's that mean11:01
topylinot good when you don't even have a session11:01
kahrytanjaffarkelshac->  if supported, it should show up under video4linux.11:01
ripdiski just changed to metacity in the conf editor11:01
ripdiskso, let me reboot and see what happens11:01
topylicrashed sessions might leave session buses running11:02
topyliyes i'd reboot, easier than cleaning up11:02
ripdiskok, brb11:02
kahrytanjaffarkelshac->  You can use videolan to test it. It can display video from v4l.11:02
the_alamois synaptic suppose to use policykit or does it still use gksudo?11:02
jaffarkelshacvlc? kahrytan11:03
kahrytanjaffarkelshac->  yeah11:03
topylithe_alamo: gksudo still11:03
the_alamookay. good.11:04
the_alamowell, i would prefer policykit but it is nice that my upgrade went okay for that.11:04
jaffarkelshacthe capture device option? well i dont think my webcam is recognised at all kahrytan11:04
ripdiskit worked!11:05
topyliripdisk: working session?11:05
ripdiski'm pretty sure11:05
kahrytanjaffarkelshac->  i got old logitech that isnt support either11:05
ripdiskso, does the browser based flash install work yet?11:06
ripdiskor do i have to do it manually still11:06
jaffarkelshacdoes anyone have issues with the new 60 updates11:06
rippsripdisk: in the future, have compiz start using sessian-manager, that way metacity will start first.11:06
kahrytanjaffarkelshac->  new install?11:06
topyliripdisk:  flashplugin-nonfree has been fixed11:06
topylifor values of "fixed"11:06
ripdiskripps: i don't want compiz.11:07
ripdiskat all.11:07
rippsneither do I11:07
ripdiskit's bulky and i always have problems with it11:07
ripdisk''but my desktop is a cube!"11:07
ripdiski don't care11:07
jaffarkelshacno, i woke up today and there is 60 new updates but i am getting that partial upgate thing, which previous when i partially upgraded messed up a few things kahrytan11:07
rippsI just managed to get mine working (even thought I don't really use it) there was a problem with the /usr/bin/compiz script.11:08
topyliripdisk: you can enable metacity compositing in hardy though, so you can run apps that need it, and have nice shadows and slight animations11:08
ripdiski see11:08
kahrytanjaffarkelshac->  darn... I got 48 with main update11:08
ripdiskfirefox just crashed.11:09
kahrytanripdisk->  you must use flash and pulse audio11:09
jaffarkelshaci use 2 browser these days, ephinay for everything flash and firefox for the rest. until they fix it11:09
kahrytanjaffarkelshac->  you must use flash block in firefox11:10
jaffarkelshacto block flash?11:10
jaffarkelshaci want to watch flash videos on the net11:10
kahrytanuntil flash is fixed.11:10
topyliremoving libflashsupport helps with the latest flashplugin-nonfree updates11:11
ripdiskflash is working for me11:11
rippsflash + pulseaudio = slow11:11
ripdiski don't know how11:11
ripdiskand i don't know why11:11
ripdiskbut it's working11:11
kahrytanpulseaudio .. a nightmare.11:11
topylioh flash works all right, it just used crash firefox from time to time11:12
rippsAs a replacement to ESD, yeah sure, but not for the entire sound system11:12
ripdiski see.11:12
ripdisklet's see if amarok works.11:12
ripdiskoh, cool11:12
kahrytantopyli->  did you cut your hair yet?11:12
topylihell no11:12
ethana2how do I modify gnome window title bars?11:13
topylilonger than ever :)11:13
kahrytanbeen to long since ive asked11:13
jaffarkelshaci prefer banshee for music11:13
ethana2I want to remove them completely11:13
ripdiskwhat's that like11:13
kahrytanethana2->  then dont load metacity/emerald.11:13
ripdiskcompare it to something11:13
ethana2kahrytan: how do I stop Ubuntu from doing that?11:13
ethana2kahrytan: no 3d acceleration on this particular rig11:14
ethana2I still want to be able to resize windows11:14
ethana2Just a regular window border around the top like the other three sides of every window11:14
ethana2my sister is pulling my modem!11:14
ripdisktackle her11:14
jaffarkelshaccompared to rhythmbox its a simple interface, the mini mode has albulm art and generally straight forward ripdisk11:14
ripdisksounds cool11:15
ripdiski'll make sure to check it out11:15
ripdiskamarok works pretty good for me11:15
whitehawkI hate rhythmboxes volume control11:15
rippsI've tried all the music applications. I prefer Amarok, just becuase it works consistantly and fast.11:15
ripdiski have found the same thing11:15
kahrytanbanshee/rhytham box dont use album art right11:16
orvokkiHow about Quod Libet?11:16
kahrytanIt fetches the wrong one, always11:16
whitehawkkahrytan, what do you mean by right?11:16
kahrytanokay, half the time, it doesnt11:16
ripdiskthat would piss me off11:16
rippsWish they'd port it natively over to Gnome so we didn't have to load all the kde libs11:16
kahrytanIt fetches the wrong album art for the cd11:16
rpedroripps: try gmusicbrowser11:16
ripdiskwhat, amarok?11:16
ripdiskyeah i don't like all the kde crap11:16
jaffarkelshacone feature i like about banshee is artist recommedation11:16
orvokkiripdisk: Imo a Qt port would be sufficient. Qt libs are fine by me, KDE libs are not.11:17
rpedromuch better than amarok11:17
kahrytanAmarok should be built for gtk and qt?11:17
ripdiskwell the kde libs are kind of like KNOWN for not working11:17
ripdiskahhh.. i remember the days of slackware and xmms11:17
ripdiskgood times11:18
kahrytanthis is allot of updates today .. 48 and 50= mb11:18
ripdiskoh, by the way11:18
=== ktogias_ is now known as ktogias
ripdiskhow do i get my updates working again11:18
ripdisknow that i'm in hardy11:18
orvokkiripdisk: You do remember why there is no more Xmms, right? :)11:18
kahrytanripdisk->  You gutsy to try hardy so soon.11:18
ripdiskno i don't11:18
kahrytanXMM is out of date11:18
=== acuster is now known as avc_lunch
kahrytanDebian Sid didnt have it11:18
ripdiski love xmms :(11:19
ripdiskit always worked for me11:19
kahrytanall those XMMs lovers out there --- meet your new girlfriend. Audacious.11:19
ripdiski know the guy who made that11:19
hads"kde libs are kind of like KNOWN for not working" hah11:19
rippsrpedro: just installed gmusicbrowser, interface is kinda confusing.11:19
ripdiskmy friend nenolod made audacious11:19
kahrytanit's better then xmms, imho11:19
ripdiskwell, yeah11:20
kahrytanif you know them, then use it11:20
ripdisksomone told me that the people who make amarok are the same people that made xmms11:20
ripdiski don't know about all that though11:20
kahrytani use audacious for playing single mp3s11:20
ripdiskbut the internet is for porn11:21
kahrytanand just use media player for collection11:21
DarkMageZthe guys who wrote xmms moved on to write winamp. some of the staff would have moved around to various places, but i seriously doubt the whole team moved to amarok.11:21
kahrytanInternet is for free mp3s of your fav albums11:21
rpedroripps: you can configure it, it has a handful of different ones, I use the Songtree layout11:21
rippsaudacious is a nice little app, but the lack of music library and advanced playlist tools make it less useful than amarok11:21
kahrytanBanshee lacks one thing Rhythm box has.11:22
kahrytanBanshee has music list.11:22
kahrytanoops Rhythem box has the music categories.11:22
orvokkiripdisk: Some of them might be. Part of Xmms development team went into developing Xmms2.11:22
* kahrytan rebotting11:23
* kahrytan rebooting11:23
ripdiski see, i see11:23
orvokkiAfaik Xmms development team mostly split and wondered to different directions.11:23
ripdiski hope hardy doesn't break :/11:24
rippsAudacious and BMP are they spirtual succesors to xmms11:24
ripdisknenolod made those11:24
ripdiskyou guys know him?11:24
Lamegohello, my firefox fonts are horrible compared to gutsy, where should I start looking at ?11:24
ripdiskhey ripps11:24
ripdiskyou told me to uninstall the update manager earlier11:25
ripdiskso how do i get updates now11:25
RaspberryThank You to whomever has been working on the flash plugin for firefox -- the animations look and work great... no flickering -- choppiness, CPU max outs or Gray Rectangles :)  I forgot that this is why people use FLASH on the web :)11:25
rippsthat was with a problem that's been fixed now. Just install update-manager and update-manager core11:25
Raspberryso are they going to fix the big MESA bug prior to launch11:26
RaspberryI think that's a deal breaker for those of us with Intel or ATI Video cards :)11:26
rippsmake sure you do apt-get update first11:26
* kahrytan returns from the land of the dead.11:26
kahrytanI dont get the pulseaudio + flash bug.11:27
rippsI never had any problems with my ATI card. I used EnvyNG the first chance I got11:27
Raspberryis EnvyNG supported in Ubuntu?11:28
ubotuenvy is an unsupported tool to install newer versions of binary video drivers than provided by the official repositories. Use at your own risk, and remember that the latest version is not necessarily the "best". See « /msg ubotu binarydriver »11:28
rippsIt was designed specifaclly for ubuntu11:28
savvas!info envyng11:28
ripdiskhow do i know if these updates are the right ones11:28
ubotuPackage envyng does not exist in hardy11:28
ripdiski don't want to install like, gutsy updates11:28
ripdiskand mess it up11:29
rippsit's called envyng-gtk11:29
savvas!info envyng-gtk11:29
ubotuenvyng-gtk (source: envyng-gtk): install the ATI or the NVIDIA driver. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.1ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 93 kB, installed size 324 kB11:29
rippsbut make sure to unistall all your envy legacy drivers and setup before using it11:29
bazhangand the kde version?11:29
rippsenvyng-qt i believe11:30
bazhang!info envyng-qt11:30
ubotuenvyng-qt (source: envyng-qt): install the ATI or the NVIDIA driver. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.1ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 62 kB, installed size 336 kB11:30
kahrytanripps->  http://i120.photobucket.com/albums/o200/kahrytan/Screenshot/Screenshot.png11:30
kahrytan^ Hardy Screenshot for anyone else11:31
Raspberrywhy not compress it as a png11:31
Raspberryit's 1.6M11:31
kahrytanit is png11:31
ripdiski'll take one of mine11:31
ripdiski bet mine's prettier11:31
kahrytani bet my splash/gdm is prettier11:32
kahrytanI used the Human Looks theme in that screenshot.11:33
kahrytanripps->  my usplash ->http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Red+Hardy+Usplash?content=7876211:34
ripdiskmine's coming11:35
kahrytanripdisk->  and wallpaper ->http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Hardy-Simple+Colors?content=7812311:35
kahrytanIt matches Hardy but different colors, green, blue, orange, red. GDM,Usplash, and Wallpaper11:35
kahrytanripdisk-> http://gnome-look.org/CONTENT/content-pre1/78190-1.jpg my gdm11:36
ripdiskthere's a ss11:37
kahrytanphotobucket user too?11:37
rippsMy desktop is just the way I like it. http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z303/ripps818/Screenshot.png11:37
ripdiskkahrytan my web server box is down11:37
kahrytanRipps is better11:37
kahrytanripdisk->  your gtk/metacity themes dont match11:38
ripdiskman, i'm a stoner..11:38
ripdiskmy socks don't even match11:38
* kahrytan feels sorry for ripdisk 11:38
kahrytanripps->  i like your metacity11:39
ripdiski can't find a macos style one that's red, ok?11:39
rippsSlicknesS, best theme EVAR!11:40
VSpikeStrange output from update-manager ..  http://pastebin.com/d3785351911:40
kahrytanI keep putting off Compiz bug11:40
kahrytanCompiz + Workspace11:40
rippsAlso, NoiaWarm icon set that I had to manually fix to work with the new version of Gnome11:40
kahrytanripps, ripdisk, Note the Workspace switcher. (http://i120.photobucket.com/albums/o200/kahrytan/Screenshot/Screenshot.png)11:41
kahrytanThere is only 4 workspaces. But there is 8 squares.11:42
ripdiski don't use more than one workspace11:42
ripdiskif i need more i plug in my second monitor11:42
ripps4 is plenty for me, thankyou11:42
kahrytanripdisk->  I only have four but workspaces shows up squares11:42
kahrytan8 squares11:42
kahrytansavvas->  you make that wallpaper from svg?11:43
ripdiskwhat's that for11:43
kahrytanripdisk->  what?11:44
savvaskahrytan: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Hardy/Alternate/Fela_Kuti11:44
ripdiskthe 8 squares thing11:44
kahrytansavvas->  oh didnt see that11:44
kahrytanripdisk->  compiz bug?11:46
rippsIt means you have 8 workspaces and 2 rows.11:46
ripdiski guess i should pay attention to the whole convo11:46
kahrytanripps-> I have 4 work spaces, and 2 rows.11:46
rippsthen set it to 1 row11:47
VSpikeAptitude wants to update update-manager-core but can't because it breaks update-manager ... what's going on there?11:47
kahrytanripps->  it's a bug11:47
rippshold on a sec11:48
kahrytanripps->  I dont want 1 row, with 4 spaces side by side. i want 2 rows with two spaces side by side and stacked.11:48
kahrytanWorkspace w/o Compiz works the way it should. Compiz messes with it11:49
rippskahrytan: From CompizConifg (CCSM) goto General Options->Desktop Size and set the horizontal and vertical virtual spaces. Make sure number of desktops = 111:50
kahrytanbeen set11:51
rippshuh... don't know then11:51
kahrytanripps->  its 4-2-1 in settings11:52
kahrytan4 workspaces, 2 rows, 1 desktop11:52
rippsthen set it 2-2-111:52
kahrytanthats 2 workspaces (no cube effect)11:53
m1rshouldnt it be 4-1-1 ?11:53
crdlbkahrytan: no, it's 411:53
crdlbbut cube can only use one row11:53
rippsYour using CCSM, right?11:53
kahrytan4-2-1 is the ccsm setting11:53
crdlbthat's 8 viewports11:53
rippsyour defining virtual space DIMENSIONS11:54
kahrytanThatd 4 workspaces11:54
m1rtry 4-1-1 kahrytan11:54
kahrytanm1r->  then its larger workspace switcher11:54
m1rbut u get 4 sides ?11:55
kahrytan1 row, 4 spaces.11:55
kahrytancrdlb->  It shows up as 8 on switcher but only 4 work.11:55
crdlbkahrytan: cube can only use one row11:56
crdlbwall can use all 811:56
neo1itehi, can someone help me with a problem i have upgrading from 6.06 to 8.0411:56
kahrytancrdlb->  So it's an unintended bug11:56
vistakilleri have read in different forum many problems with the gpu driver11:56
crdlbkahrytan: where is there a bug?11:57
rippsneolite: what's the problem?11:57
neo1iteCould not calculate the upgrade11:57
neo1iteA unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade.11:57
neo1iteThis can be caused by:11:57
neo1ite* Upgrading to a pre-release version of Ubuntu11:57
neo1ite* Running the current pre-release version of Ubuntu11:57
neo1ite* Unofficial software packages not provided by Ubuntu11:57
vistakillerit seems that in many gpu the system didnt see the gpu card11:57
kahrytancrdlb->  There is 8 squares in workspaces when there should be only 4.11:57
vistakillerand canot install the correct driver11:57
neo1iteive googled but can't find a definative answer11:57
crdlbkahrytan: no, there really are 811:57
crdlbbut the cube can only show one row at a time11:57
kahrytancrdlb-> 4 WORKSPACES11:57
rippsneolite: disable any third-party sources in your sources.list, then try update-manager -d11:58
crdlbthere are 8 viewports when you use 4x2x111:58
neo1itekk rips11:58
kahrytanCompiz isnt telling Workspace switcher how to organize the workspaces.11:58
crdlbyes it is11:58
kahrytancrdlb->  Viewport isnt a workspace11:59
neo1iteripps - only ubuntu ones are listed11:59
crdlbit says, _NET_NUMBER_OF_DESKTOPS = 111:59
neo1iteripps, can i PM you?11:59
kahrytanI only want 4 different desktops.12:00
crdlband _NET_DESKTOP_GEOMETRY = screen_width * hsize, screen_height * vsize12:00
crdlbso use 4 for hsize, and 1 for vsize12:00
kahrytancrdlb->  remember, 5 workspaces aka desktops for window placements.12:00
KiwiJokeranyone here tried hardy server 64bit? no problems?12:00
kahrytancrdlb->  but I dontwant Workspace to only show 4 of them.12:00
ikoniaKiwiJoker: the bugs are logged on luanchpad12:00
brady_kson of a bitch...is anyone else having problems with Quanta+ crashing every 5 seconds?12:00
ikoniaKiwiJoker: the problems you get will be down to your hardware and what you want to use the server for12:00
ikoniaKiwiJoker: check the bug reports and FAQ for common bugs to see if they effect you12:01
kahrytancrdlb-> WorkSpace switcher is only supported to display the workspaces.12:01
crdlbkahrytan: the libwnck pager fully support viewports12:01
kahrytanIt is a bug and needs to be fixed.12:01
crdlbwhen number of desktops is set to 1 and the _NET_DESKTOP_GEOMETRY is greater than the screen size, it goes into viewport mode12:02
ripdiskwell, goodnight guys12:02
ripdiskand thanks for the help12:02
kahrytancrdlb-> make sense12:02
kahrytancrdlb->  why do you keep saying viewpoints. It's not the subject512:03
crdlbcompiz uses viewports12:03
crdlbthey're only called workspaces in gnome to simplify translation12:03
kahrytancrdlb->  I want ONLY 4 workspaces to displayed in Workspace Switcher in TWO rows? Why is it that so hard to get?12:04
crdlbkahrytan: so use 2 x 212:04
kahrytancrdlb->  then when i turn off compiz, it does to 2 workspaces12:05
kahrytanand i have to then reset it.12:05
rippsYou can't have your cake and eat it too12:06
kahrytanIm still reporting it. compiz doesnt work well with the switcher.12:06
brady_kok.  quanta+ crashes after upgrade, clear the files in /tmp/ for quanta12:06
crdlbyou could write a pager that represented a 4x1 viewport layout as two rows of two12:07
crdlbbut it would be non-compliant with the EWMH spec12:07
=== Sebast1an is now known as Sebastian
rippskahrytan: Why do you ABSOLUTELY have to 4 workspaces as 2 rows? It's kinda non-standard.12:09
kahrytanripps->  Takes up less space on panel?12:09
topylikahrytan: the workspace switcher shows what you have. that certainly is not a bug12:10
rippsYeah, but not that much12:10
VSpikeAptitude wants to update update-manager-core to 1:0.87.23 but can't because it breaks update-manager ... what's going on there?12:10
kahrytantopyli->  You telling me workspace gets confused between viewports and workspaces?12:10
mvoVSpike: just wait a bit, the archive is out of sync (~1-2h)12:10
VSpikemvo: thanks12:10
topylikahrytan: the workspace switcher switches workspaces. it's not the workspaces switcher who is confused here :)12:11
rippsVSpike: trying running sudo apt-get update, then sudo apt-get upgrade12:11
VSpikemvo: I also got some strange output from my existing update-manager ..  http://pastebin.com/d37853519 .. any idea if it's important?12:11
kahrytantopyli->  Then why does it show 8 squares, when there is 4 worskapces. Which crdlb  suggested there is 8 viewpoints so workspace shows viewpoints.12:12
mvoVSpike: let me check12:12
crdlbkahrytan: there are 8 viewports because you set it to 812:12
crdlb4 times 2 is 812:12
kahrytancrdlb->  Workspace Switcher should bother itself about showing viewports. Just the Workspaces.12:13
crdlbthere are no workspaces other than the viewports12:13
crdlbyou have one desktop broken into 8 viewports12:13
rippsI'm lol'ing at the back and forth between kahrytan and crdlb12:13
kahrytancrdlb->  Then why dont i have 8 workspaces then?12:14
crdlbyou do12:14
kahrytanno i dont12:14
crdlbthe cube just can only access one row at a time12:14
* kahrytan rotates cube ..12:14
kahrytanonly 412:14
topylii just added the workspace switcher to my panel. i have two workspaces. the switcher shows two12:14
crdlbuse wall if you want to see all 812:14
rippsYou do, you just don't have the right shortcut keys setup in compiz to move vertical across virtual spaces12:14
crdlbor just go into expo (super+E)12:15
kahrytancrdlb->  but if I set it to 2, then cube deactivates.12:15
newusrhi all12:15
SoulChildHey all, in Firefox some pages have incorrect font, does anyone know shich package is missing in my installation ?12:15
newusris this a help channel ?12:15
crdlbkahrytan: two horizontal viewports means that your "cube" would be a sheet of paper12:15
rippsnewusr: hey12:15
Picinewusr: I wouldnt have pointed you here if it wasnt.12:15
mvoVSpike: what version of update-manager/update-manager-core do you currently have installed?12:15
newusrhey ripps12:15
daniel_-how do I disable  the Synaptics Touchpad  tapping  in Ubuntu  7.03?12:15
topylikahrytan: if you set it to 2, the cube plugin still switches but obviously it's not a cube anymore12:15
topylithat's what i use12:16
kahrytantopyli-> and i dont want that12:16
newusrthanks Pici am just trying to show how newbie am I :)12:16
topylikahrytan: don't do it then, if you don't want it12:16
the_alamomy firefox seems to be broken... is there some way to uninstall it and then reinstall it as if it had never existed?12:16
kahrytantopyli->  I want four sides to the cube.12:16
topylii just added another row of workspaces, and cannot access the bottom row12:16
newusrWell i got Ubuntu 8.4 2.6.24-16-generic, i had some problems fixed all but not my wireless card i tried the forums but nothing worked for me12:16
kahrytanI want 4 cube sides, 4 workspaces. no more less12:17
topylithere's no plugin to switch me there12:17
kahrytanno more then that12:17
topylikahrytan: so set it that way12:17
daniel_-how do I disable  the Synaptics Touchpad  tapping  in Ubuntu  7.03?12:17
kahrytantopyli->  how?12:17
crdlbkahrytan: you know how12:17
kahrytancrdlb->  obviously, i dont12:17
topyliright click on the workspace switcher. set four workspaces in one row12:17
SoulChilddaniel_-: wrong romm see #ubuntu for 7.0412:17
gunashekarsame here, wireless stopped working during one of the alphas12:17
gunashekarwireless still out of action12:18
kahrytancrdlb->  Nope12:18
newusrhere is my wireless card 07:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection (rev 02)12:18
rippsWifi driver problems: have you tried ndiswrapper?12:18
newusr  12:18
kahrytancrdlb->  that just makes workspace bug worse12:18
VSpikemvo: both were 1:0.87.21.  Actually, I just got an update to them.12:18
SoulChildwhere do i get the fonts: Arial, Verdana, Geneva, Helvetica, sans-serif ???12:18
kahrytanI want 4 workspace,s 4 cube sizes, 4 squares in workspace switcher.12:19
VSpikemvo: should now be at 1:0.87.2412:19
kahrytantopyli, crdlb  help me set that12:19
SoulChildkahrytan: so set it up in omiz conf settings12:19
* gunashekar hopes that 8.10 solves the wireless muddle as it promises.. hope the sound muddle too gets sorted out by then upstream if not at ubuntu12:19
crdlbkahrytan: so set horizontal to 4 and vertical to 112:19
topylikahrytan: if you set 2x2 workspaces (four workspaces in two rows), you naturally cannot use the cube12:19
kahrytancrdlb->  then Worskpace switch doesnt stack the 4 spaces. I want them stacked to take up less space12:20
topyliif you don't believe me, find a real cube and study it12:20
mvoVSpike: when it gives you this error, do you first get a message box or something?12:20
kahrytantopyli->  More like Viewports are getting in the way12:20
crdlbkahrytan: it can't do that, because viewports are in terms of a large rectangle broken into rows and columns12:20
newusrany help !12:20
kahrytancrdlb->  why not12:21
topylia cube has six sides, not 8. the compiz cube cannot use the top and bottom surfaces because that would break the time-space continuumm very quickly and microsoft would win12:21
m1rlol topyli12:21
crdlbkahrytan: because it would be wrong12:21
Dr_willisI wonder if im the onlyone tht finds the Cube totally Useless...12:21
crdlbDr_willis: I use wall :)12:21
topyliDr_willis: no12:21
rippsCompiz is useless12:21
Dr_willisI use the other alt-tab/super-tab things normally12:22
rippsJust stick to Metacity12:22
orvokkiripps: No kidding.12:22
kahrytanThen it should be a feature to display workspaces in the way the user wants.12:22
Dr_willisripps,  I find a few of its features nice.12:22
topyliDr_willis: actually i do use the cube, but with only two workspaces, which makes it more like "this side - other side"12:22
Dr_willistopyli,  yep. i got 2 widescreen monitors. I rarely use multi-workspaces any more.12:22
rippsCompiz is what I call "Fluff", it's pointless besides making have a nice little feeling12:23
topyliDr_willis: i'm on a laptop with one 1024x768 display :)12:23
rippsIt's pretty, but ultimately not worth the hassle12:23
* crdlb is too :<12:23
kahrytantopyli->  Do you ever set at a desktop?12:23
VSpikemvo: It showed the gui and said not all packages could be installed, and showed me the partial upgrade dialog.  When I said OK to that, it closed the first window and did some processing before telling me my system was up to date.  When i OK'd that to close, I noticed the output in the console.12:23
m1rsame here topyli12:23
topylikahrytan: sure12:23
newusrshall i just install an older kern* image ?12:23
kahrytantopyli->  use a external monitor?12:23
Dr_willisMy wife likes the zoom feature in compiz. and a few other little things.12:23
* Pici has no issues with his wifi running on iwl394512:24
VSpikemvo: latest one does not produce any console output apart from "current dist not found in meta-release file"12:24
topylikahrytan: my desks are equipped with desktop machines12:24
mvoVSpike: ok, thanks a bunch - the error output is fixed in my bzr repository12:24
kahrytantopyli->  I guess the bug I got is a display bug in workspaces.12:24
crdlbkahrytan: it's not a bug12:24
topylikahrytan: it's not a bug :)12:24
mvoVSpike: the "..current dist.." one will go away once hardy is released12:24
kahrytantopyli->  yeah it is12:24
* topyli files a bug against kahrytan's brain12:24
rippsIf you all will excuse me, I have to reboot.12:24
* crdlb sets topyli's bug to CONFIRMED12:25
VSpikemvo: no probs! thanks12:25
m1ru are excused ripps12:25
kahrytantopyli->  I just want the 4 workspaces to be displayed 2x2 in switcher.12:25
topylikahrytan: find a dice or some other cube. study it12:25
topylikahrytan: fine. use the desktop wall then, retain sanity12:25
kahrytantopyli->  its not a math problem12:25
kahrytantopyli->  but i like the cube12:25
topylii like ponies12:26
Dr_willisOMFG Ponies!12:26
newusrany help !12:26
kahrytantopyli->  Desktop Wall plugin does the same problem12:27
m1rkahrytan: why not go to #compiz and ask there for your options ?12:27
crdlbm1r: :<12:27
m1rkahrytan: your setup seems imposible to me12:28
kahrytanm1r-> I want 4 workspaces displayed 2x2. And i want a cube.12:28
kahrytandisplayed 2x2 in switcher.12:28
m1rkahrytan: go #compiz12:28
topylikahrytan: that does not compute12:28
kahrytanI guess problem is workspace switcher isnt designed to customize the display12:29
crdlbbecause doing so wouldn't make _any_ sense12:29
topylikahrytan: i'm sure the compiz hackers will figure it out. after all, they have already created such usablility enhancements as the fire plugin12:29
kahrytancrdlb->  using less space in panel doesnt make sense?12:29
crdlbkahrytan: if it takes up too much space, then remove it12:29
topylikahrytan: remove the pager. that's what i do12:30
topyliif you can't find your workspaces around the cube, there's another problem12:30
m1rthe thing that is showing your 4 workspaces12:30
crdlbt's the technical term for it12:30
rippsAnd I'm back, what I miss?12:30
kahrytantopyli->  you mean remove the applet?12:30
m1rapplet named pager12:30
topyliyes. remove it12:30
Picinewusr: I personally don't have any issues with my 3945 card, but I have heard other people here say that they have had issues. I'm not sure what the solution was.12:30
rippsStill talking about the damned workspaces I see...12:31
kahrytanm1r->  because I use keyboard and mouse to switch often12:31
m1rso what u need pager for then ?12:31
newusrWell, i really tried them all but nothing worked for me12:31
newusri got HP dv2000 here12:31
m1rctrl+alt+left/right does nice job12:31
kahrytanm1r->  I can just use mouse instead of keyboard?12:31
m1rnot in setup u want 2x212:32
Dr_willisi just set up the mouse wheel to change desktops.12:32
kahrytanunless there is better way?12:32
crdlbtried expo? :)12:32
m1rdont your mouse whell change as Dr_willis says ?12:32
kahrytanDr_willis->  wouldntthat screw up webpage scroll>12:32
crdlbit only happens on the desktop12:32
m1rit is independant12:32
crdlbviewport switcher plugin12:32
Dr_williskahrytan,  You mouse to the pager/ or taskbar and roll the wheel.. so no... ive seen some window managers allow it anywere on the root window of the desktop.. so its not an issue12:33
kahrytanDr_willis-> huh>12:34
m1rkahrytan: just try use mouse scroll while on desktop12:34
m1rit will change workspaces like click on pager12:34
Dr_williskahrytan,  time to explore the gnome window manager, or was it kde..  or others.. move pointer over the pager in the panel. and roll the wheel. perhaps. I dont use gnome anyu more12:34
kahrytanDr_willis->  the switcher?12:35
bullgard1[GNOME terminal fonts] Why renders my GNOME terminal the 'AR PL UMing CN' font family in size 10 crisp but in size 8 blurred?12:35
Dr_willis'i dont use gnome any more'  i always call the littel mini-desktop thing the 'pager' since thats what its been called for years...12:35
kahrytanDr_willis-> pager is the old name for it?12:35
Dr_williskahrytan,  i never got a memo that its name has been officially changed... :)12:36
kahrytanDr_willis->  for the workspace switcher12:36
crdlbthe gnome workspace swithcer applet is an instance of WnckPager12:36
Dr_willisi imagine 90% of the world will staill call it a 'pager'12:36
crdlbso it's a pager12:36
kahrytanDr_willis->  mouse wheel on it doesnt work obviously12:36
m1ron desktop not on pager12:36
topylithe gnome workspace switcher applet *is* a pager12:36
kahrytannor that12:37
Dr_willischeck its settings.  Im not using gnome.. ive seen the feature in many windowmanager/destops.12:37
crdlbkahrytan: enable the viewport switcher plugin12:37
Dr_willisIts very likely its disabled by default12:37
topylipagers have been around since at least 1992 when fvwm was released12:37
kahrytancrdlb->  nope. stil ldoesnt work12:37
crdlbenabling that plugin will make it work on the desktop12:38
kahrytancrdlb->  if it did, then it would work12:38
kahrytanWhat button is mouse wheel up?12:39
artfwokahrytan: 4 i beleive12:39
kahrytannope. still doesnt work12:40
m1rkahrytan: is this your 1st compiz setup ?12:40
artfwoxev shows 4 for me12:41
Dr_willisTime to start exploring and playing with the compiz tools and plugins i guess.12:41
kahrytanMore like, time for ccsm to be designed so people can use it12:41
kahrytanDont say button 1.12:41
m1rkahrytan: this your 1st compiz setup ?12:41
Dr_willisI find ccsm very useable.. I turn off 99% of the stuff and turn on the 2 features i use.12:41
kahrytanm1r->  first time using viewport? yes12:41
m1rfirst time using compiz ?12:42
kahrytanm1r->  no12:42
kahrytancompiz settings is designed for geeks.12:42
kahrytannot for desktop users12:42
Dr_willisHmm.. stop using it then I guess.12:42
kahrytanwhich is probably Ubuntu doesnt use it by default12:43
IdleOneDr_willis: WHAT 2 FEATURES DO YOU USE?12:43
rippsYeah, well... there could still be an easier method of configuring than CCSM allows12:43
kahrytaneitherway, viewport doesnt work on default settings.12:43
crdlbit's not designed at all, really12:43
IdleOnesorry bout caps12:43
Dr_willisIdleOne,  the 'zoom' and.. oneother.. the previews in the taskbar/windowlist thing.12:43
crdlbit simply displays the settings of each plugin12:43
kahrytanHow do you make viewports work from default settings?12:44
Dr_willisIdleOne,  the ADHD plugin is nice in ways.. but annoying in others.12:44
kahrytanDr_willis-> no animations?12:44
Dr_williskahrytan,  i dont see the point in them. They dont make the system any more 'useable'12:44
Dr_willisthe wife likes the zoom so she can see things easier.12:45
NET||abuseHey guuys.. i seem to have lost audio on my machine,12:45
NET||abusehavn't used it for a little while, when i updated to the latest kernel, seems to have lost audio12:45
Dr_willisof course right now im using 'jwm' as my main window manager. :)12:45
kahrytanDr_willis->  i just turned it off, and you know what. you are right. simple fade effect is enough for me12:45
jaffarkeli am having a video blockyness in fullscreen, i have nvidia card how do i fix this12:46
jaffarkelthis happens when horizontal panning12:46
kahrytanSo, how do i make viewports work?12:46
VSpikeThis is a very minor point, but if I add smb shares to my Places menu in GNOME/Nautilus then I find that on login they all show as "smb" until I actually click on them to open them one at a time, when each updates to "foo on bar" or whatever it should be.  Is this a reportable bug do you think?  Or too minor?12:46
Dr_williskahrytan,  when i hiot the close/min button. i dont need a animation to tell me that it worked..:) the window vanishing is good enough12:46
kahrytanDr_willis->  Animations off, you get window fade dont ya?12:47
VSpikeIt's pretty cool that I can add SMB places at all and that they work so well, so it's not like I'm unappreciative :D12:47
Dr_willisVSpike,  if you are accessing a lot of samba shares.   you may want to check oht the smbfuse tool.12:47
VSpikeDr_willis: keep meaning to.  Is it good?12:47
Dr_williskahrytan,  right now im not using compiz at all.12:48
Dr_willisVSpike,  if accessing a lan with a lot of shares on different machines It makes things much easier12:48
Dr_willisVSpike,  thers a ubuntu wiki page for it. takes about 3 min to setup.12:48
VSpikeDr_willis: in the past I've just used cifs with mount but I was realy suprised by how well the nautilus integration worked out of the box when I tried it expecting nothing much12:48
kahrytanDr_willis-> what do you use for window switcher?12:49
VSpikeDr_willis: but yeah I do need to set something up properly because not everything understands gvfs12:49
Dr_willisVSpike,  ive had so many odd issues with file managers and apps accessing things over samba/browser/shares/network browsing features of the file managers.. that i find smbfuse much easier.12:49
Dr_williskahrytan, I just alt-tab from one window to the next normally. or click on the pager in the taskbar12:49
VSpikeDr_willis: it's a better solution for repeated use, because everything will be able to read it instead of just some gnome apps12:50
Dr_willisVSpike,  You got it.12:50
kahrytanNo one can't tell me how to activate viewport use?12:50
VSpikeDr_willis: in the past I defined them in /etc/fstab with cifs and created password files in12:50
Dr_willisgo ask In the compiz channel perhaps.. or twiddlw with ccsm a lot.12:50
kahrytanDr_willis->  The one feature I dispise in compiz is wobbly windowsd12:51
VSpikeDr_willis: .. in ~, defined them all user mountable, and created a script to mount/unmount them all12:51
Dr_willisVSpike,  Yea. I have a lot of machines that may or may not be powerd on at the time. smbfuse sees the new ones as they boot up.12:51
VSpikeDr_willis: but fuse is nice12:51
VSpikeDr_willis: do you use nfs at all?12:51
Dr_willisSo i run 'fusesmb Network' in my  startup. :) and its done.12:52
the_alamowhen i attempt to open firefox (using alt-f2) i get an error of "could not open file location 'file:///home/<user name>/firefox'"  but 1. i definately have firefox installed and 2. that doesn't sound like the right location.  how would i fix this?12:52
Dr_willisnot really using nfs much. since i always have samba setup.12:52
Dr_willislooks like its trying to open a directory, not run a command.12:52
VSpikeDr_willis: I was having trouble using sshfs, in the if the wireless link dropped, everything hung and never came back.  And when everything included the terminal I had open (hung on a tab completion), nautilus and gnome-panel, it was not good.  Especially since I pretty much had to reboot to cure it.12:53
Dr_willisis there a 'firefox' directory in your /home/USERNAME/ ?12:53
kahrytanDr_willis->  my bad. I figured out the viewport issue.. button conflict12:53
m1rthe_alamo: just try firefox ?12:53
VSpikeDr_willis: I know cifs is mroe tolerant, in that it just starts throwing errors when the server goes away12:53
VSpikeDr_willis: if you configure it that way, at least12:53
Dr_williskahrytan,  yep.  all those keybindings/buttons can get confusing when ya have a lot of plugins enbled.12:53
kahrytanDr_willis->  Button conflict on default settings12:54
the_alamom1r, yes if i try fire fox from the menu nothing happens12:54
jaffarkelanyway to fix the video blockyness when in fullscreen??12:54
the_alamoDr_willis, no, i do not have a fire fox in my directory.12:54
VSpikeDr_willis: someone told me nfs takes another approach which is that when the server goes, the processes hang, but when it comes back they pick up as if nothing happened.  So for some types of share that may be good (e.g. documents), while for media like photo/music/video smb is fine12:54
Dr_willisuse a video plaer that has some anti-aliasing features?12:55
kahrytanDr_willis->  to verify, I reset compiz settings to default.12:55
crdlbkahrytan: which ones conflict?12:55
Oli``Why does Samba ruin filename cases?12:56
kahrytancrdlb-> Intiate Viewport button and Close Window Scale in Scale Addons.12:56
Dr_willisOli``,  blame microsoft.12:56
crdlbkahrytan: those don't _really_ conflict12:56
Dr_willisOli``,  its best to just use all lowercase names :)12:56
the_alamoit seems like firefox is confused, is there some way to redirect the command to the right file12:56
crdlbkahrytan: since close window in scale only works if you're in scale mode12:56
crdlbccsm just doesn't know any better12:56
kahrytancrdlb->  CCSM says it does12:56
crdlbccsm is wrong12:56
Oli``Dr_willis: That's all very well and good, but I can't tell that to my clients12:57
kahrytancrdlb-> and viewport initiate doesnt work because of the conflict12:57
crdlbit does work12:57
Dr_willisOli``,  the samba docs. have a lot of info on how to handle different filename cases..   Theres no perfect fix.12:57
kahrytancrdlb->  and you are wrong12:58
crdlbplugins don't "reserve" bindings, so there aren't any true conflicts12:58
Dr_willisOli``,  2 dirs on the same share with names like 'Movies' and 'movies' can cause issues.  sadly12:58
crdlbscale addon's bindings only matter when scale is initiated12:58
kahrytancrdlb->  Listen. I turned off Scale Addons. Viewport Works. i turn them on. Viewport doesnt work.12:59
kahrytancrdlb-> default settings.12:59
hwilde_!info gcc hardy12:59
ubotugcc (source: gcc-defaults (1.62ubuntu3)): The GNU C compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.2.3-1ubuntu3 (hardy), package size 4 kB, installed size 64 kB12:59
Oli``Dr_willis: my issue is that I'm trying to save files onto a SMB share on Ubuntu from a Windows computer and they're losing their proper filenames12:59
kahrytancrdlb->  I am talking about the default settings.12:59
hwilde_!info kernel hardy12:59
ubotuPackage kernel does not exist in hardy12:59
Dr_willisOli``,  whats their proper names like then? samba has all sort of name translation rules/settings you can tweak.13:00
hwilde_anybody know the kernel version for 8.04 with all the updates?13:00
hwilde_!info linux-kernel hardy13:00
ubotuPackage linux-kernel does not exist in hardy13:00
hwilde_!info linux-kernel-headers hardy13:00
ubotuPackage linux-kernel-headers does not exist in hardy13:00
Oli``It's mainly C# stuff so tt's ClassName.cs - horrible, I agree but meh... bbiab when I've kicked Samba13:01
hwilde_anybody?  uname -r please13:01
kahrytanhwilde->  Grub boots kernel 2.6.24-16-generic13:01
PiciLinux romulus 2.6.24-16-generic #1 SMP Thu Apr 10 13:23:42 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux13:01
crdlbkahrytan: vpswitch's initiate plugin action only works on the desktop, and scaleaddon's close window in scale only works (as the name suggests) in Scale13:01
hwilde_gracias amigos!13:01
kahrytancrdlb->  still argueing with the facts13:01
kahrytancrdlb->  please just stop arguing with the facts. I tested it.13:02
IdleOnehwilde: 2.6.24-16-generic13:03
Oli``Dr_willis: Hoorah! Victory is mine13:03
kahrytancrdlb-> since you might have missed it first time.  I turn off Scale Addon, goto desktop. Viewport works. Turn Scale Addons on, goto desktop, Viewport doesnt work13:04
Dr_willisOli``,  did RTFM work? :)13:04
hwilde_IdleOne, how would I have found this on my own?  ubotu doesn't want to give up the version numbers13:04
Oli``Dr_willis: RTFGoogle, at least =)13:04
Dr_willisOli``,  close enough13:04
neo1ite!info cupsys hardy13:04
ubotucupsys (source: cupsys): Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - server. In component main, is optional. Version 1.3.7-1ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 1819 kB, installed size 9896 kB13:04
hwilde_RTFWiki lol13:04
IdleOnehwilde: found wich kernel you are booting?13:04
* Dr_willis has no idea what 'viewport' even does...13:05
neo1ite!info vnc hardy13:05
ubotuPackage vnc does not exist in hardy13:05
hwilde_IdleOne, i'm not on that system atm and I needed to know the kerenel and gcc version13:05
neo1ite!info xvnc hardy13:05
ubotuPackage xvnc does not exist in hardy13:05
neo1ite!info vnc-common hardy13:05
ubotuPackage vnc-common does not exist in hardy13:05
hwilde_!vino | neolite13:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about vino - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:05
hwilde_no vino? :/13:06
IdleOnegcc Installed: 4:4.2.3-1ubuntu313:06
crdlbkahrytan: what specifically does not work about the viewport switcher plugin with scaleaddon enabled?13:06
hwilde_IdleOne, yeah ubotu will tell you gcc version, but how to get the kernel version13:06
hwilde_!info gcc hardy13:06
ubotugcc (source: gcc-defaults (1.62ubuntu3)): The GNU C compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.2.3-1ubuntu3 (hardy), package size 4 kB, installed size 64 kB13:06
IdleOnehwilde: you can also check packages.ubuntu.com I guess13:06
the_alamoi found the correct file/location here: /usr/lib/firefox-3.0b5, how would i direct the computer to look there when trying to open firefox?13:09
neo1itedoes it usually take ages to configure scrollkeeper?13:09
kahrytancrdlb->  I was duplicating the issue, now its not duplicating it.13:09
abliHi! i just installed hardy, and after installation and configuring network, it wants to upgrade a lot of packages (which is fine), but it also wants to remove ubuntu-desktop, update-manager and update-notifier. Is this something expected?13:10
mvoabli: just wait a bit, not every mirror is in sync yet - should be fine in ~1-2h13:11
IdleOneabli: look at the packages it wants to install also . is it replacing them?13:11
Dr_williskahrytan,  i HAVE seen some odd cases where you 'change' a setting in ccsm. and it does not take effect..13:12
abliit wants to upgrade update-manager-core. But what would replace update-manager?13:12
kahrytancrdlb->  got it.. screenshot good enough?13:12
crdlbkahrytan: of what? ccsm?13:12
IdleOneabli: take mvo 's advice and hold off for an hour or so13:12
IdleOnegive all the mirrors a chance to sync13:13
rippsabli: wait an hour, then run sudo apt-get update, then sudo apt-get upgrad.13:13
kahrytanDr_willis, crdlb http://i120.photobucket.com/albums/o200/kahrytan/Screenshot-ccsm.png13:14
abliok, although I don't understand why out-of-sync mirrors would cause the removal of update-manager.13:14
rippsupdate-manager is bugged13:14
crdlbkahrytan: I told you, ccsm is wrong13:14
crdlbkahrytan: ccsm does not know that the bindings are for different modes13:14
kahrytancrdlb->  then its a bug in reporting13:14
mvo(the ubuntu-desktop package is in fact, but the result is the same, its a bug)13:14
crdlband it couldn't possible know that13:14
rippsfix was JUST released, wait an hour for your mirror to catch up13:14
crdlbkahrytan: it can't be fixed13:14
abliripps,  Ah. ok.13:15
kahrytancrdlb->  but itcan be13:15
crdlbccsm is generated from plugin metadata13:15
crdlbit contains nothing hardcoded13:15
IdleOneabli: I just did a sudo apt-get dist-upgrade and get the same output as you described. not sure why13:15
abliIdleOne, why would you use dist-upgrade? isn't simple upgrade reccomended for this?13:16
rippsin most cases, just use apt-get upgrade13:17
kahrytancrdlb->  i had trouble duplicating the error box.13:17
kahrytancrdlb-> and now the two seem to be working before on default settings when it wasnt before.13:17
crdlbkahrytan: set it to Button3, set it to Button213:17
crdlbit definitely works on default settings13:18
crdlbthere is simply no way that scaleaddon could affect vpswitch13:18
kahrytanis Login/Login supposed towork with Splash?13:19
kahrytanHow does the login/logout supposed to work?13:21
bullgard4What file includes the font family 'Monospace'? Is it /var/lib/defoma/pango.d/id-cache.monospace_iso10646?13:22
kahrytanDr_willis->  you use desktop wall?13:25
kahrytanWhats the purpose of vertical size if you cant access the viewport?13:29
crdlbthe purpose is for Wall users13:29
kahrytanoh i get it.13:30
kahrytanGeneral Desktop settings server as dual purpose for multiple plugins13:30
kahrytanIt's starting to look like an unintended side effect13:31
kahrytanThe problem is coming to light13:33
Dr_willisi dont use compiz at all any more.13:34
kahrytanDr_willis->  I dont mostly. sucks cpu power13:34
kahrytanDr_willis->  but If I can minimal effects, the better13:34
kahrytanDr_willis->  It looks to me Desktop settings is trying to serve multiple plugins13:36
kahrytanDesktop cube obviously cant use Verticle size so it's just for viewports and wall13:38
nathan_hey quick question, does anyone in here use an intel wifi card?13:38
neo1iteshould i be bothered that it wants 2 remove ubuntu-base?13:39
kahrytandid you check !wifi?13:39
nathan_umm, i would like to say that i have, but let me13:39
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs13:39
kahrytannathan_->  thought you were trying to set it up13:40
zach__is there a way to get a better resolution in ubuntu 8.04? im stuck at 800x600 and when i enable the restricted drivers for my card they "uncheck" when i restart.13:40
kahrytanyou got xorg problem13:41
nathan_kahrytan, my problem is it wont connect to encrypted wifi signals13:41
nathan_but it works fine with public13:41
kahrytannathan_->  by encrypted, you mean?13:41
nathan_or wpa13:42
kahrytanwep? encrypted? thats funny.13:42
nathan_hahah, well kinda a little blocking point13:42
nathan_keep teh n00bs out13:42
kahrytanyou got that ?13:43
nathan_his wifi name is "PornForKiddies"13:43
kahrytanwep encryption is laughable13:43
nathan_i'm a pretty tech savvy guy, just running into some problems13:43
nathan_ive hacked a wep encryption or two13:43
kahrytani dont use wifi13:43
kahrytanso I wouldnt know. i dont trust it.13:44
dns53anything that can you can get the password within 30 seconds is broken13:44
nathan_lmao yeah....13:44
nathan_but besides that do you know how to tell the exact card he has?13:44
nathan_i'm onlu used to broadcam13:45
kahrytanWEP,WPA,WPA2 just screams, "Look at me! I am wide open to attack by remote"13:45
kahrytanor just plain wifi13:46
nathan_but honestly, what percentage of the united states can do that attack?13:46
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!13:46
kahrytanPici->  feel free to help him?13:47
Picikahrytan: I'm just passing through13:47
kahrytanPici->  zach has xorg issues13:47
kahrytanzach__-> you look through wiki help?13:48
=== thekorn_ is now known as thekorn
zach__ya im gona try sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg13:48
kahrytanRight now, i wish i had mouse wheel that has left click and right click13:49
rippsI use WEP, not becuase I want security, but because I don't want the majority of people using my internet. My ISP doesn't like it when to much bandwidth is in use for long periods of time.13:49
kahrytanripps->  you mean like torrenting?13:49
Lynourekahrytan: that "wide open" is not true for WPA or WPA2 with decent strenght passphrases.13:50
kahrytanripps->  they will hate the 24th13:50
kahrytanLynoure->  yeah but someone is broadcasting it13:50
Dr_willisI leave my wireless open! so i can say that i got haxored by the neighbors - when my isp yells at me for Torrenting too much. :)13:51
Dr_willislast time i blamed it on the kids home from college. :)13:51
kahrytanLynoure->  I dont like sensitive things being broadcasted.13:51
Lynourekahrytan: no harm in broadcasting it. It's still not feasibly breakable :) Just lets your friends notice "oh you have wifi, could you let me use it"13:51
rippsI've started using the Imageshack Torrent feature. I know it's essentially leeching, but at least it won't make my ISP bitch at me.13:51
nathan_can ndiswrapper only use xp drivers?13:52
nathan_in other words if i used a vista wifi driver would that not work?13:52
kahrytanLynoure->  I treated my ssid as a password.13:52
kahrytanLynoure->  and not brocasted by ap.13:52
the_alamoi posted a thread about a problem i am having with firefox.  if anyone is interested here is the link:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76259813:53
kahrytanLynoure->  so it;s like SiD%23_AbC13:53
Lynourekahrytan: that's your choice... not that significant in terms of security, but keeps the neighbourhood air uncluttered13:53
kahrytanLynoure->  my neighbor upstairs unsecured wifi going13:53
jussio1the_alamo: try to keep it in 1 place at a time :)13:53
Lynourekahrytan: that's their choice. :) So does Bruce Schneier. Just best to have security elsewhere then.13:54
the_alamojussio1, yeah, fair enough.  i spent a long time making the post for the forum so i thought i would post the link but i see your point13:55
rippsthe_alamo: quick dirty solution? Use swiftfox. Add the debian repository for your cpu model and boom, optimized firefox for linux13:55
kahrytanripps->  no epiphany>?13:56
the_alamoi have epiphany installed as well13:56
kahrytandoenst FF use gecko engine?13:56
zniavr1wich google earth is a good one please ?13:57
zniavr1i got 2 version in synaptic13:57
rippszniavr1: add medibuntu repositories and install googleearth using apt-get13:57
kahrytanthe lastest verison13:57
zniavr1it's what i did13:57
neo1iteive just upgraded from 6.06LTS to 8.04LTS, and now vista cant connect to the pc?13:58
zniavr14.2 works13:58
kaminixAnyono here who does Japanese?13:58
zniavr14.3 does not work13:58
neo1iteusing same user and pass as before13:58
kahrytankaminix->  i would love to learn. teach me13:58
Lynourekaminix: try #ubuntu-jp ?13:58
kaminixHmm... good idea Lynoure :p13:59
kaminixkahrytan: Heh :)13:59
kahrytanClone plugin ... whats that useful for>13:59
PiciPerhaps #compiz-fusion would be a better place to ask ;)14:00
rippsSeriously here, try Swiftfox. It's basically an optimized version of firefox that's compiled for specific processors. It's so fast.14:00
kahrytanDid Epiphany replace swiftfox in repos?14:02
rippsEpiphany != swiftfox14:03
rippsThere aren't any ubuntu reps for Swiftfox, but there is a debian one that works with ubuntu14:03
kahrytanEpiphany is designed to be fast14:04
rippsYeah, but it doesn't use your firefox config, extensions, and themes.14:05
rippsdeb http://getswiftfox.com/builds/debian unstable non-free14:05
rippsI have swiftfox-athlonxp14:06
topylimust be fast, like gentoo, because it's OPTIMIZED :)14:08
rippsAll I know, is that ever since I started using it, my browser hasn't given trouble since.14:09
Jaymackahrytan: Epiphany is the main Gnome browser, replacing Galeon..14:09
Jaymackahrytan: most distributions choose to replace it with firefox14:10
kahrytanoh doh14:10
rippsI used to use gentoo, but I gave it up a few years back, because it was becoming too much hassle to maintain and setup. Besides, some apps just take to long to compile.14:12
neo1itehi guys14:12
neo1itecan anyone help me with a smb / vista problem with 8.0414:12
nathan_whats the terminal command to remove a directory?14:14
nathan_i was trying rm?14:14
neo1itei think14:14
kahrytanrm -r14:14
nathan_rm -r worked14:15
nathan_thanks kahrytan14:15
kahrytannathan_->  consider rm --help ?14:16
ravaloxHey, I've got myself a graphical pickle; I installed Ubuntu 8.04 and everything works well; EXCEPT it won't let me select a resolution higher than 800 by 60014:17
ravaloxI used xrandr to add a new modeline14:18
ravaloxBut the new modeline (1024) doesn't work.14:18
kahrytanzach__ had same problem14:18
umbrualbertCant get Atheros wireless drivers to work?14:19
ravaloxIf you download the newest Atheros snapshot it likely will work for you.14:19
umbrualbertcan anybody help?14:19
ravaloxThere are some cards they have enabled since .9.414:19
umbrualbertdo you perhaps have the download link14:20
ravaloxumrualbert: I had this exact problem two days ago, let me rummage14:20
ravaloxumrualbert: http://snapshots.madwifi.org/madwifi-trunk/madwifi-ng-r3546-20080419.tar.gz14:21
ravaloxThat worked for me14:21
ravaloxYou'll have to apt-get a few things like "build-essential"14:22
borishttp://pastebin.com/d108c309c  someone please help14:22
ravaloxumraulbert: but follow the INSTALL file's instructions14:22
umbrualbertravalox: Thanks...i'll boot quickly and try this...thanks again14:23
KtronWhat's the chances of changing the default IRC channel on new turn ups from #ubuntu to #ubuntu-newusers? I feel like the support channel could use the buffer14:24
PiciKtron: We've discussed splitting the channels up many times, and weighed the pros and cons many times. We've always decided that keeping it as one channel is for the best.14:24
KtronPici, alright14:24
PiciKtron: Wasnt sure if you got my response in #u14:24
KtronPici, no, I think I must have missed it14:24
KtronPici, I see it there14:24
KtronPici, thanks for the response, at least I know it was considered, can't ask for more than that :)14:25
tzdi have an issue with my ipod shuffle (1gb) and hardy. When i plug in my ipod Amarok and Kontact hangs. I have to reboot to get it working. Can someone please help me?14:26
kahrytantzd->  i hope it was a gift14:28
tzdkahrytan: the ipod you mean?14:29
rippsOkay, my mind is turning to mush. I need sleep... Goodnight y'all14:29
tzdkahrytan: how come? You reckon my ipod is broken?14:29
kahrytantzd-> try turning off auto sense for those apps?14:29
tzdkahrytan: auto sense.. sorry but I never heard of that before. Any idea on how to do this please?14:30
kahrytantzd->  as in .. just let it mount. and nothing else try to use it?14:30
tzdkahrytan: ok, I'll try that now but I'm pretty sure it just hangs the system... I'll close amarok and kontact before i'll plug it in.14:31
KtronSo, last time I checked (I'm running a batch of updates right now), synergyc still needed to run as root; is that intended with the new permissions system?14:32
kahrytantzd->  amarok may still open when inserted14:33
tzdkahrytan: it didn't fortunately :) Ok it's plugged in now and it's automounted itself14:34
kahrytantzd->  i guess you know its not the system14:35
tzdkahrytan: hehe good thinking :) Thanks for your help! Better ask somewhere else where more appropriate now then ;)14:36
kahrytantzd->  open amaron?14:36
tzdkahrytan: hmm I'll try kontact first since i doubt it's kontact14:36
kahrytantroubleshooting .. revert to the simplest14:37
kahrytantzd->  did you know 2gb Sansa Fuze is $80 and it supports microsd14:37
tzdkahrytan: now that was odd... kontact won't start up at all14:38
tzdkahrytan: i do now but i like apples ipods ;P14:38
tzdkahrytan: ill give amarok a try now as you suggested14:39
tzdit's loading extremely slow now14:39
tzdamarok that is14:39
kahrytanrun in terminal?14:39
tzdok i'll try via terminal14:40
tzdkahrytan: nothing happens. First i tried by typing "Amarok". I then received this message: Amarok: [Loader] Don't run gdb, valgrind, etc. against this binary! Use amarokapp.14:41
neo1iteHi! how do you vnc into 8.04 now? i had it all set up under 6.06, but now cant!14:42
tzdkahrytan: I then tried with amarokapp but nothing happens14:42
kahrytantzd->  i dont use amarok so i dont know the proper binary to run14:42
tzdkahrytan: ah ok. I'll try in amarok channel. Thanks for your help!14:43
umbrualbertDoes Hardy support nvidia SLI for the 8800 GTX Video Cards?14:43
kahrytanumbrualbert->  hows the dual booting?14:43
umbrualbertkahrytan:  working fine thanks (Grub)14:44
neo1iteDoes anybody here use windows to connect to an ubuntu share using 8.04??14:45
* kahrytan wishes he was more savvy right about now...14:46
ravaloxHey, I've got myself a graphical pickle; I installed Ubuntu 8.04 and everything works well; EXCEPT it won't let me select a resolution higher than 800 by 60014:46
ravaloxI used xrandr to add a new modeline14:46
ravaloxBut the new modeline (1024) doesn't work.14:46
W8TAHravalox: what graphics card are you using?14:49
W8TAHhi folks - -what do i need to install to the ubuntu hardy RC1 to get the full kubuntu setup too?14:50
LamegoW8TAH, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop14:51
ravaloxgeforce 880014:51
Kohelethguys, what is Hardy going to be like to install alongside Vista, I am using wubi and the moment and all is fine14:54
W8TAHLamego: thanks14:56
Lamego!caps | neo1ite15:01
ubotuneo1ite: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.15:01
neo1itesorry lamego - im getting really stressed here15:02
neo1itei cant work out why a share that works under 6.06 suddenly stops working when upgraded to 8.0415:02
neo1itean ideas?15:02
mmarkerOk, I'm having a small issue. Something is loading the nvidia module, but I need to have it load nvidia_new. Checked the usual actor of /etc/modules, and no dice. What mechanism is 8.04 using to pick which module to use from restricted-modules?15:05
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nathan_hey does anyone in here use ktorrent3.0?15:17
asongefirefox-3.0 isn't launching except via sudo, how can i see what's stopping it from running with normal perms?15:20
Lamegowhat error does it report when you run it ?15:21
Lamegorun it from the terminal15:21
asongeLamego: none, it hangs15:21
asongeno return to prompt...just nothing... 2s of cpu usage and then it just hangs there15:22
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Lamegoasonge, have you installed any plugins ?15:23
HelvascaI was just wondering if anything has being happening with the fan issue15:23
asongeLamego: i purged .mozilla because i was trying to get firebug to work15:23
asongeby purged, i mean deleted15:23
pepie34I've got a problem with libgl1-mesa-glx15:24
pepie34I have installed and reinstall it15:24
pepie34but i never get the file /usr/lib/libGL.so.1.215:24
pepie34somebody hve a reason ?15:24
asongefirefox 3.0 beta5 still doesn't have the firebug fix in the repo?15:27
prodigelHi all. Just did an update/dist-upgrade and I got an error while setting up scrollkeeper. are you familiar with this? also a bunch of dependent apps won't update15:27
Lamegopepie34, because the version provide on hardy is /usr/lib/libGL.so.169.1215:30
LamegoI meant, provided my nvidia driver :P15:30
pepie34I wnat to build ati driver15:31
pepie34so that is not my point15:31
pepie34i think it is a dpkg-divert mess15:31
spiderfirewhat was it that fixed the flash15:31
W8TAHim using apt-get to install a bunch of packages -- its still downloading them - i need to move to a different classroom, if i unplug and then replug in -- will it pick up happily?15:34
ravaloxHey, I've got myself a graphical pickle; I installed Ubuntu 8.04 and everything works well; EXCEPT it won't let me select a resolution higher than 800 by 60015:34
ravaloxI used xrandr to add a new modeline15:34
ravaloxBut the new modeline (1024) doesn't work.15:35
spiderfireravalox: hmmm...try...15:35
W8TAHravalox: what graphics card are you using15:35
klaxianis there any way to see which process is using the hard drive?15:36
spiderfiresudo displayconfig-gtk15:36
klaxianfrequently throughout the day, my hard drive usage spikes for about a minute but CPU usage remains low.  the computer is unresponsive but I can't determine what process is causing it15:37
spiderfirei uninstalled that15:37
klaxianHelvasca: that was my first thought but i don't have trackerd installed15:37
pepie34now it is a problem with libfglrx_gamma.so.115:38
HelvascaI honestly have no idea15:38
HelvascaAt the moment Im trying to get my laptop fan workign !15:38
HelvascaI really dont like it running hot!15:38
mmarkerwhich laptop?15:38
HelvascaDell D60015:39
Helvascammarker: why?15:41
spiderfirenm that\15:41
ravaloxI'm using a geforce 880015:42
mmarkerGetting the fan working depends on the hardware. Firing up a fan on a Dell is different than, say, a Macbook15:42
Helvascammarker: I've heard there might be a kernel issue with it.. I've looked at my /proc/acpi and there doesn't seem to be any thresholds etc15:43
mmarkerYea. What I've just seen via Google concerns me. This laptop is pretty old, right?15:44
Helvasca4 years Id think15:45
Helvascaits got a Pentium M 1.6 in it15:45
kaminixA web page CSS says this: #cardholder #card #kanjibig p { margin:0; padding:0; font:100pt 'Hiragino Mincho Pro','ヒラギノ明朝 Pro W3','MS 明朝','MS P明朝', serif; }             ## Yet still the font in question renders with Times New Roman or something like that, not any of the suggested fonts anyway (of which I only have MS Mincho / MS 明朝 and I guess 'serif')15:45
shane2peruhey has anyone successfully gotten the 8.04 server 64bit rc installed?15:45
Helvascammarker: and it looks like a scary problem15:46
shane2peruI think I ran into a bug, once I ran into the selection of packages and install, it failed on that part, no packages could be installed.15:47
shane2peruDid anyone else have any problems with it?15:47
shane2peruI checked my md5sums and the disk, both are fine.15:47
kaminixOkay. Now I have a site where Firefox renders a font correctly, but Konqueror doesn't. Konqueror used to do it right until I upgraded to 8.04RC. Any takers?15:49
shane2perunada, nothing, no one else is trying out the server 64bit RC?15:49
kaminixSame problem as above with more information by the way.15:49
IsotropicSpindoes anyone know why it asks me for the installation cd everytime I want to install anything?15:49
IsotropicSpinits very annoying given it won't accept my installation cd as the correct one15:49
HelvascaIsotropicSpin: just remove it from your sources15:50
shane2peruit is because it is in your sources IsotropicSpin15:50
jbroomeIsotropicSpin: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list and comment out the cd15:50
shane2peruHelvasca, too fast for me. :)15:50
IsotropicSpinwhat does that mean?15:50
IsotropicSpinahh cheers!15:50
Helvasca# i scommenting out15:50
mmarkerthat it does. There's supposedly a dellfand for those older modules. No clue if anyone packages it. And it is a hack, but it looks like the D600 is from the days of borked ACPI BIOSes.15:50
shane2peruIsotropicSpin, or there is a graphical way too, if you prefer. :)15:51
Helvascammarker: yeah but the thing is it used to work under fiesty/gutsy15:51
jbroomesorry, i'm ear deep in cli today. :)15:51
IsotropicSpinjust fixed15:51
shane2peruIsotropicSpin, System -> Administrator -> Software Sources uncheck CDROM :)15:52
shane2peruis this the HardyHeron/RC channel?15:52
IsotropicSpini think so15:52
Helvascashane2peru: yup15:52
jbroomeshane2peru: /topic15:53
shane2peruhas anyone installed the 64bit server?15:53
shane2perumine refused to install packages, didn't matter what I selected.15:53
shane2peruLAMP, Postgre sql, DNS server15:53
jbroomeshane2peru: i haven't done the server, but desktop installed fine15:53
mmarkerNow that's important to know...and no clue how to debug. Only item I'd try first is make sure the thermal zone modules for ACPI are loaded...15:53
IsotropicSpinwell HH hasn't crashed yet, which is good cause GG was doing it all the time for me, which is why i was tempted to download the RC15:54
Lamegoshane2peru, what error did you get ?15:54
Helvascahow do I check loaded modules mmarker15:54
shane2peruLamego, just said it failed to install the packages, it let me install the grub fine after that, but no packages.15:54
shane2peruLamego, I also reported a bug on launpad, but wanted to see if anyone else had run into this.15:54
Lamegoshane2peru, it must have displayed something more descriptive than that, like failed to download, etc etc15:55
ablido I have to install something to get the 'Restricted Drivers Manager'? (I don't see it under the Admin menu) or do I have to do something else to install the binary nvidia driver?15:55
mmarkerlsmod. I think the module you're looking for is called thermal. Warning, you're gonna get a lot of output.15:55
shane2peruLamego, hmm, I don't remember seeing anything more descriptive, it was pretty vague, just package selection failed.15:55
jbroomelsmod | grep thermal15:55
Helvascaill grep15:56
Helvascathermal                16796  7015:56
Helvascaprocessor              36872  2 thermal15:56
mmarkerOk, good start.15:56
shane2peruLamego, do you have it installed? via the RC installation?15:56
shane2peruLamego, I can give it another shot and see, but it didn't give me anything specific.15:57
HelvascaHmm I really shouldn't be doing this now its 0058 and I have to be up at 060015:58
Lamegoshane2peru, I did an sudo apt-get install mysql-server, it's running without problems15:59
LamegoI do have the RC, 64 bits15:59
shane2peruyeah, I probably could do that, I just was concerned about the media installation not working correctly.15:59
shane2peruLamego, ^^^16:00
Lamegowell, i am using the internetl repositories, not the CD16:00
shane2peruLamego, right, but I was doing a new install with the RC and it didn't work.16:00
Lamegowith the server cd ?16:01
shane2peruLamego, correct, I checked the md5sums and the cd for defects and they are both fine.16:01
shane2peruLamego, which leads me to believe there is a problem with the installation process.16:01
abliah. I see it got renamed to 'hardware drivers'16:02
shane2peruLamego, how would I get LAMP via apt?  is there a LAMP sym package?16:02
Lamegoshane2peru, sudo apt-get install apache2 mysql-server php5 (= LAMP)16:02
shane2peruLamego, ok, will it set it up the same as if I choose it off the CD?16:03
shane2peruLamego, great, thanks!16:03
shane2peruLamego, I filed a bug on it, is there anything else I should do to get the problem of the installation fixed that you know of?16:04
shane2peruLamego, I like Ubuntu, and want to do my part of helping. :) though little it may be.16:04
StealthCPSee when Ubuntu 8.04 is properly released in two days time, there's no need to change repos set up in Ubuntu for the beta/rc or anything, it all goes automatically doesn't it?16:05
Lamegoshane2peru, a bug preventing the A M P from being installed will be fixed for sure16:05
daekdroomStealthCP: Make sure to run sudo apt-get dist-upgrade in case a new package is added or a package is removed.16:06
shane2peruLamego, right, it wasn't just the LAMP, I tried selecting any package, and nothing worked for the package selection.16:06
daekdroombut the repos won't change.16:06
StealthCPThat's ok, however I've been using aptitude full-upgrade for a while now, same thing I guess16:07
StealthCPI suppose release notes will be the only thing really changed?16:07
daekdroomStealthCP: aptitude seems to be more safe.16:07
daekdroomI don't know. I think they'll change the documentation packages a few days or hours before the release.16:07
daekdroombut I noticed they were upgraded by today.16:08
vbabiy-laptopHey how how well is pulse audio integrated with hardy, when I look at my volume control it says alsa16:10
nickthorleyhi all - does anyone know if there are any options to encrypt a filesystem in 8.04?16:13
vbabiy-laptopHey how how well is pulse audio integrated with hardy, when I look at my volume control it says alsa16:17
PiciPulse audio does not replace Alsa.16:18
qziohm, is acpid broken? (acpid_1.0.4-5ubuntu8) ?16:18
abliAny idea what should I check if the 'unlock' button is greyed out in the 'network settings' dialog even though I am and admin user?16:20
tzdneed help with my filesystems that seems messed up please? My usual auto mounts doesn't mount anymore due to occupied mount points?16:20
StealthCPKDE4 support seems to be at a very early stage though - I've been testing it, and the unthemed GTK and the many crashes I'm not sure is due to beta Ubuntu or KDE4 itself16:21
StealthCPA terrible thing is audio16:21
vbabiy-laptopPici: what does it due then?16:21
daekdroomUbuntu Hardy comes with libsdl-alsa by default.16:21
StealthCPI really wish they used .16 alsa in Ubuntu 8.04, it has less problems with my sound card than .1516:22
daekdroomI had to replace it for pulseaudio myself to listen to Mp3 and play games at the same time :p16:22
Picivbabiy-laptop: One sits atop the other to provide a layer of management.16:22
PiciI dont know the specifics16:22
vbabiy-laptopo okay16:22
StealthCPI can't get pulse audio wirking either - I was loking forward to that :P16:22
daekdroomToo bad kernel 2.6.25 came too late.16:22
daekdroom2.6.24 isn't good at all.16:22
StealthCPTwo sound cards, an X-Fi xtrememusic on which the alsa 32-bit drivers won't build for, only OSS will work, and I'm not mesing up Hardy with OSS at this stage :P16:23
StealthCPAnd an external Edirol UA-25, which I'm using currently16:23
StealthCPright brb, just installed ubuntu-desktop and gonna give KDE4 a rest for a few days at least16:24
Laptop765my Thinkpad doesn't seem to be generating acpi events for buttons...could somebody assist me?  I'm a former Gentoo user.  When I initially switched to Ubuntu (7.10) everything was fine and my volume buttons worked perfectly fine (yay!) and then I'm guessing an update blew them out one day and I haven't been able to figure out why...  I'm now running 8.04RC16:27
beexis there a usb install guide for hardy? everything I see talks about gutsy.16:34
Khamaelbeex: have you checked if the procedure is the same?16:34
konaHi, Is the Final release of Hardy Heron still slated for this Thursday 4/24?16:35
bazhangyes kona16:35
konabazhang: Would you know what time it would be available at California - Pacific - Timezone?16:36
bazhangkona join the release party ;]16:36
konabazhang: Ok - How do I go about that?16:37
daekdroomHow can we have a release party if there isn't a certain hour? Or is there?16:37
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - Support in #ubuntu+1 - Come join the #ubuntu-release-party now!16:37
beexKhamael, I have tried the automated instructions in this guide16:37
daekdroomWhat's the fun of that? :p16:37
daekdroomWill we keep pressing F5 at ubuntu's website?16:38
beexKhamael, but I suppose there's some variance in the paths16:38
bazhangyou can say you were there--the moment that linux toppled MS16:38
Lamegoif RC was delayed 1 day, shouldn't the final be also delayed to keep the "testing" interval ?16:38
daekdroomNah. That's something too huge for a buggy release of Ubuntu.16:38
ratpoisonhello! hardy user. My ntfs partitions don't mount automatically with every login, yet they appear under the "Places" menu16:41
ratpoisonhow do I make them mount automatically with every login?16:41
Lamegoratpoison, add them to /etc/fstab16:42
ratpoisonI also want to be able to share them via samba. What mask should I use?16:43
lummencrypted lvm2 roots also seems not to mount after boot16:44
TopoMortoi'm searching jigdo file for i386 desktop cd, it seems missing from http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/8.04/, is only aviable in this format the alternate version:(((16:46
W8TAHhi folks - -im installing the kde-desktop metapackage on hardy RC1 its taken like almost 2 hours so far -- to do the downloads -- is this normal or is there a problem out there?16:47
daekdroomIt's like 100Mb+ of download.16:48
daekdroomThe problem out there is either the mirror you're using or your connection.16:48
KhamaelTopoMorto: hardy isn`t officially released yet. the newest is rc, I think16:48
KhamaelTopoMorto: nm. saw the link16:49
shane2perudoes anyone know anything about gnome-desktop-environment being broken in the server edition?16:49
Picishane2peru: What do you mean? The server install has no GUI.16:49
shane2peruPici, correct16:49
W8TAHdaekdroom: ok - thanks16:49
Picishane2peru: Is there a question there?16:50
TopoMortoKhamael, you are right :)) i know Hardy is relase candidate :)16:50
shane2peruPici, or seems that way, how can I get gnome-desktop installed?16:50
KhamaelTopoMorto: ok. just making sure :P16:50
W8TAHshane2peru: in my mind you really dont want a gui on a server16:50
daekdroomNot even openbox.16:51
shane2peruW8TAH, I know, but my server is my desktop too. :)16:51
Picishane2peru: What issue are you having?16:51
_max_i dono if this is a problem with only 8.04 or with 7.10 aswell, but i FINALLY got ubuntu to install onto a GPT partition table.16:51
W8TAHshane2peru: ouch16:51
_max_parted says the partition is 5000gb16:51
_max_but when i mount it it says its only 540gb now (said 5000 before)16:51
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shane2peruPici, here it is:  http://pastebin.com/d108d442516:51
_max_i can't run resize_reiserfs to grow it cause it says its already the maximum size.16:51
_max_anyone got any idea what the hell is wrong?16:51
shane2peruW8TAH, it isn't so bad, I just really tinker with the server side, it is mostly a desktop. :)16:52
daekdroomshane2peru: That's somewhat a problem. Server's kernel is slower than desktop, but more stable.16:52
shane2perudaekdroom, I have noticed the stability, and actually like it, haven't noticed the slowness running 64bit16:52
daekdroomIt's because server kernel is 100hz. It takes longer to a program take over all CPU power.16:52
konaAnyone know best URL to visit for the final release of HH? Will use torrent to download.16:53
TopoMortoKhamael, did you know why jigdo file of i386 standard desktop (and the amd64 version, too) is missing?16:53
daekdroomkona: mostly like every URL will be overloaded.16:54
jbroomekona: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/hardy/  when it's released16:54
shane2perukona, it isn't for another 2 days.16:54
JimmeyCan someone please help me with my bcm43xx card on hardy? I have used the instructions to get the card's firmware installed in the correct directory, and it's now recognising WLANs, but I can't seem to connect to any of them, specifically the one in my house - Protected by a WPA password. It asks for the password, but then can't connect, for some reason.16:54
shane2peruPici, therefore can't install desktop. :)16:54
KhamaelTopoMorto: no idea. personally, I`m waiting for the official release16:55
shane2peruPici, seems to be conflicting packages, fam and gnome-desktop-environment16:55
shane2peruPici, if you want the whole thing, I can paste that. :) if it will help.16:56
TopoMortoJimmey, look in your dmesg :)16:56
JimmeyTopoMorto, okay. It's saying authenticate with AP (MAC address here)16:57
JimmeyThen "authentication with AP MAC_ADDRESS timed out16:57
Picishane2peru: I see bug 216756 logged for this right now16:57
ubotuLaunchpad bug 216756 in meta-gnome2 "Impossible install Gnome starting from ubuntu netboot installation" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21675616:57
shane2peruok, I will check that out, thanks.16:58
TopoMortoJimmey, give me a moment i'will chek my bcm4xx notebook :))16:58
shane2peruPici, ^^^16:58
konajbroone: Thanks was over at the #ubuntu-release-party channel as well - they suggested coming there on the 24th for most updated info download. THanks for URL also.16:58
JimmeyTopoMorto, thankyou16:58
* TopoMorto answer the phone17:01
shane2perubug 21675617:01
ubotuLaunchpad bug 216756 in meta-gnome2 "Impossible install Gnome starting from ubuntu netboot installation" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21675617:01
* shane2peru thinks that is cool17:01
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konaIs there a way to have XChat start with more than one channel open?17:01
pistache-ubuntuIt's in the Options of your channel17:02
akkkona: In Network List, check "connect at startup" for each network you want to autojoin17:03
konapistache-ubuntu: Will look in there and see if I can figure it out - Thanks much.17:03
konaakk: I tried that but didn't do something right - maybe not listing them correctly?17:04
dethstarso how's the latest RC of 8.04?17:04
bazhangthe final nail17:04
=== thekorn_ is now known as thekorn
akkkona: If you have a network set up there and you can connect by clicking Connect, then checking "Auto connect to this network at startup" should also work17:05
akkkona: does it work clicking connect, but not automatically?17:05
pistache-ubuntuIn each network you can set up the channels to autoconnect17:05
pistache-ubuntuHardy Heron rocks, I love the graphics and I hope that there will be more support for Compiz Fusion, like new version of XGL, because it's a bit a mess on Gutsy.17:06
konaakk: yep - If I select join another channel it will do it and the other will stay running as well.17:06
akkAnybody know what changed in /etc/event.d from gutsy to hardy? I'm finding that /etc/event.d/tty1 doesn't work the way it did before17:06
akkOr is that system documented anywhere? (It's ubuntu specific)17:07
AaronMTHi, does anyone know how to change b43-fwcutter's speed to the correct MBPS? It's displaying 1MBPS, where it should read 2217:07
orvokkiDoes it really matter?17:07
AaronMTYes, it's 20MBPS slower than normal.17:07
akkkona: The question is more whether it works to connect ... joining another channel is a different operation.17:07
JimmeyAaronMT, do you reckon you could help me get connected? Are you using b43 driver with the firmware?17:08
orvokkiAaronMT: Oh, you mean actual connection speed instead of fwcutter's cutting speed?17:08
AaronMTYes, I just installed hardy and used the firmware it asked to install17:08
JimmeyOh, were you connected when you did it?17:09
AaronMTBit Rate in iwconfig lists 1 Mb/s17:09
geuhi someone told me, that you can actually install  a linux iso from within the gnome desktop on another attached HDD is that true?17:09
AaronMTWireless works, it's just rediculously slow using b43-fwcutter17:10
konaakk: I have it set to join #unbuntu+1 - When I start XChat - and it does that - if that's what you need to know - sorry new at this - not sure if that's what your asking?17:10
guja_nebeskaNeed help in setting iSight camera to Macbook Intel based 64-bit with Hardy on it! Thank you!17:10
guja_nebeskaNeed help in setting iSight camera to Macbook Intel based 64-bit with Hardy on it! Thank you!17:10
akkkona: What about the other network you want it to join?17:10
xx0xxcan anyone help me with proftpd?17:11
xx0xxIPv6 getaddrinfo 'AmaderBanglaChat.com' error: No address associated with hostname17:11
xx0xxAmaderBanglaChat.com - SocketBindTight in effect, ignoring DefaultServer17:11
guja_nebeskaNeed help in setting iSight camera to Macbook Intel based 64-bit with Hardy on it! Thank you!17:12
akkkona: Oh, I'm sorry, I just realized you were asking about channels on the same server, and I've been answering for different servers17:12
konaakk: If I goto "Server/Join Channel" then input other channel that one will run as well - if that is what you are asking?17:12
SlartHello everyone, just a quick question. Can I switch the default soundcard in hardy and somehow make it effective without restarting X or reboot?17:13
akkkona: you should be able to give a comma-separated list of channels, e.g. #ubuntu+1,#ubuntu,#ubuntu-whatever17:13
RainarrowHello guys, anyone running hardy on ATi X300? I can't get the restricted driver to work17:13
akkkona: If there are any spaces, it won't go past the space, so use commas to separate the channels you want17:13
guja_nebeskaNeed help in setting iSight camera to Macbook Intel based 64-bit with Hardy on it! Thank you!17:13
CrazyRati have x1450, it works fine17:13
Rainarrownow it shows a mark under "Enabled", but the status is still "Not in use"17:13
RainarrowI checked xorg.conf and it seems alright17:14
Pici!releat | guja_nebeska17:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about releat - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:14
Pici!repeat | guja_nebeska17:14
ubotuguja_nebeska: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience17:14
AaronMT!patience | guja_nebeska17:14
ubotuguja_nebeska: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines17:14
RainarrowI also tried aticonfig --initial17:14
guja_nebeska!blabla AaronMT17:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about blabla aaronmt - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:14
Piciguja_nebeska: Don't do that.17:14
konaakk: ok ok - so I will use "CTRL+S" and just add other channel with a comma - correct?17:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about blabla - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:14
guja_nebeskaOkay Pici.17:14
phillipsjkI fonud a bug in gcalctool 5.22.0 I get a "malformed expression" error when trying to use Scientic Notation (in the scientific mode). I Even tried entering the example in the documentation.17:14
akkkona: Correct17:14
Pici!bug | phillipsjk17:15
ubotuphillipsjk: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots17:15
konaakk: Ok - I can do that - Will I need a space after comma or anything?17:15
AaronMT!caps xx0xx17:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about caps xx0xx - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:15
akkkona: No, no spaces17:15
Picixx0xx: Please be patient, if perhaps try asking in #proftpd17:16
ubotuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/17:16
xx0xxPici: they are dead xd17:16
Rainarrowand glxinfo |grep render says OpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect17:16
Lynourexx0xx: looks like you don't have ipv6 ip for that hostname17:16
konaakk: Cool - Cool - Boy that wore me out - how about you <grin> - Thanks much!17:16
Slartxx0xx: try asking a specific question instead of the general "help me with..."17:16
akkkona: Yay! you're welcome17:16
xx0xxLynoure: how do i add ipv6?17:17
Lynourexx0xx: not a proftpd problem as such, a dns problem17:17
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konaakk: what a poain this all is sometimes - but sometimes there is a light at the end of the tunnel that makes it all worthwhile !  :o)17:18
xx0xxLynoure:  i guss dns is ok17:18
konaakk: Got both channels I need running now - much appreciate the help.....17:21
Lynourexx0xx: Depends on what host that is, you can either just add an entry in /etc/hosts or as the dns admin to set up dns for ipv617:22
Lynourexx0xx: or you can add DefaultAddress with the ipv4 ip to the proftpd config, if you don't need ipv6 yet17:23
xx0xxi dont know how to setup dns for ipv617:23
Zambezixx0xx: Maybe ask in regular #ubuntu ?17:23
xx0xxZambezi: they are not much help.17:24
judgenhardy is released in a few days, and they have not yet fixed the xorg bugs... a little worrysome17:24
Zambezixx0xx: But this is a channel about Hardy. Not proftpd.17:24
Picijudgen: Which bugs?17:24
xx0xxummm i am using hardy ;p17:25
Zambezixx0xx: So? It's not a Hardyissue.17:25
judgenPici: doing a "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" produces a worthless xorg.conf file...17:25
Picijudgen: Thats not a bug17:25
judgenPici: I know how to write my own, but sometimes im too lazy17:26
Picijudgen: Xorg no longer needs xorg.conf to be populated with anything to work17:26
=== AutoMatriX_ is now known as automatrix
judgenPici: who come it does not work then?17:26
judgenPici: also the bug with nvidia drivers newer than *.9x series that makes laptops screens all black.17:27
Picijudgen: Are there bug numbers for these issues?17:27
Zambezijudgen: That's not a bug? That's more like unsupported?17:27
judgenPici: dont know...17:27
Zambezijudgen: Can you check Launchpad?17:28
akkIt doesn't need anything ... as long as it can figure out the right defaults17:28
judgenit works if connected an external screen though17:28
topylijudgen: perhaps you should file them, or add info to existing bugs if needed17:28
akkbut for some monitors/cards it probably does need a config file17:28
topylijudgen: bigger chance of anything getting fixed if it's known17:29
gregorahWhy did my hard drives change from /dev/hd* to /dev/sd* when I upgraded to Hardy? I've got it fixed, just curious.17:29
Slartgregorah: what did you upgrade from ? dapper?17:29
gregorahfrom 7.1017:29
Zambezigregorah: It changed from Dapper to Edgy I believe.17:29
Slartgregorah: all hard drives use the scsi interface now.17:30
judgentopyli: the bug exists in other distros too, but not with the 1(0-5)x series of drivers only the 16X series, but with ubuntu the problem persists.17:30
MrBillgood day, I have the Beta of Hardy installed on a PC at home, am i correct in understanding that once the official release is made public my beta will become "official" without me having to download and reinstall?17:30
Pici!final | MrBill yep17:30
ubotuMrBill yep: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Hardy. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.17:30
SlartMrBill: there might an update or two.. but sure.. it'll be final after that17:30
MrBillI have been applying my updates, so I think I'm good to go17:30
afallenhopehey can someone help me lol, I accidentally hit WINKEY + R and now everything is magnified17:31
gregorahok, thanks. Slart and Zambezi17:31
afallenhopehow do I get out of it? I tried hitting it again... didn't do anything17:31
judgenPici: another interesting thing is that my net connection on a RTL8111b stops working after a little while unless i set aliases in modprobe to disable ipv617:31
MrBillThere's still updates in Gutsy (which is a good thing of course) so seeing updates in Hardy will of course be expected =)17:31
Slartafallenhope: aww.. man.. I had to try.. how do I turn it off??? =)17:31
judgenis hardy the next LTS?17:31
afallenhopeSlart: I don't know that what I'm trying to figure out17:31
Picijudgen: Again, if there are no bugs logged for these issues, how are the developers supposed to know that things are not working?17:32
Lamegojudgen, yes, hardy is LTS17:32
judgenPici: ive filed quite a few reports on the realtec site.17:32
MrBillIf I have a Gutsy install up and running as well (seperate machine) and I want to upgrade it to Hardy (without loosing my settings and installed apps and all that), is the process pretty involved, or pretty straightforward?17:32
afallenhopeAnyone know how to stop it?17:32
Picijudgen: That doesnt really help Ubuntu though.17:33
* DanaG wishes DST would die.17:33
DanaGDaylight Savings Time.... and Use More Heating time.17:33
DanaG... because you get up earlier, when it's colder.17:33
judgenPici: Also, is there a decent opensource nvidia driver with accelerated 3d that i have missed?17:34
topylijudgen: as long as a bug doesn't exist in the bug tracking system, it doesn't exist :)17:34
HorizonXPhey is it just me, or does evolution suck with IMAP17:34
Zambeziafallenhope: I'm not sure. Ask in #ubuntu where it's more people.17:34
topylijudgen: so you better make sure it does17:34
JessicatzI installed sox here in hardy, and it only supoports two formats, m3u and pls17:34
Slartafallenhope: seems it's a compiz feature17:34
judgentopyli: true17:34
Fade  HorizonXP -- evolution is awful with very large imap hierarchies.17:34
ZambeziJessicatz: Installed codecs?17:34
WobboWhere did the samba config ui go?17:34
aoupihas hfs+ support been changed for hardy?17:34
Slartafallenhope: I disabled the "enchanced desktop zoom" plugin and reenabled it.. that fixed it17:35
aoupiweird permission problem going on. Mounted an external firewire drive (HFS+). mount says: "/dev/sdc2 on /media/Macintosh HD type hfsplus  (rw,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=hal)" but when I do something like `touch "/media/Macintosh HD/abc` I get: "touch: cannot touch `abc': Read-only  file system". What might be the problem?17:35
WobboThe default shared folder config ui under the system menu17:35
FadeHorizonXP: if you have large imap hierarchies, use thunderbird.17:35
aoupiit worked before, I think "before" was before I installed hardy17:35
JessicatzZambezi: I updated from feisty with working codecs, libmad etc are all here17:35
_Lucretia_still flickering :(17:35
JessicatzZambezi: also I'm listening right now to mp3s17:35
JessicatzZambezi: so I figure they are there17:35
judgenbtw does linux has alot better port of googleearth than osx or windows? it just seems to be smoother.17:36
Fadeaoupi: is it a journaled HFS+ volume?17:36
aoupiFade: yea17:36
ZambeziJessicatz: I think the packagename is restricted-formats something. See if that's installed. That's a metapackages I think.17:36
Fadethe HFS driver in the kernel won't write to journaled HFS systems.17:36
FadeI seriously doubt that has ever worked.17:36
HorizonXPFade: crap. I just switched away from Thunderbird, and I have everything set up nicely in Evolution too17:37
HorizonXPFade: I'm using GMail IMAP17:37
FadeHorizonXP: your other option is to decrease the size of the folders in imap.17:37
Wobbojudgen:  i think googleearth is exactly the windows version, built in wine by google for us linux users17:37
Fadedownload them to local disk as you 'expire' them.17:37
aoupiFade: darn! you might actually be right :O, I just copied the home folder before17:37
Wobbojudgen: so you might say that wine does a better job then windows =D17:38
aoupido you have any tips on how I might get everything back? :(17:38
JessicatzZambezi: (x)ubuntu-restricted-extras?17:38
judgenWobbo: ok, maybe. But i have many games running better in wine than windows. UT2k4 and quake3 is good examples17:38
ZambeziJessicatz: I think it's that. I can check.17:38
akkWobbo: google earth for linux is a native app, kde based, unless they've changed it from the first release17:38
HorizonXPFade: It's Gmail though, so downloading them to disk won't delete them17:38
Fadewell, you can read a journaled HFS system.17:38
Fadeso copy the data into a volume you can write to.17:38
Wobboakk: ok17:39
aoupiFade: I have the data I want here,it's a backup. the mac has been reinstalled and I kinda want to put the files back on it :)17:39
FadeHorizonXP: well, I guess you'd have to put them in the trash.17:39
ZambeziJessicatz: Correct.17:39
judgenhehe i did a apt-get install * =)17:39
Fadeaoupi: if you have a running mac, what's the problem?17:39
JessicatzZambezi: I installed (X)ubuntu ones, without kubuntu one17:39
Wobbodon't ut and quake have linux native builds17:39
JessicatzZambezi: still no change :/17:39
HorizonXPFade: with over 7000 emails spread across all my folders, not really a good option right now17:39
HorizonXPjust gonna have to live with it I guess17:40
aoupiFade: true, maybe ethernet over firewire will be good enough17:40
shane2peruconfigure mysql-server  --  should one set a root password?  if not would the password be setup as the user password, kind of like the security of no root password?17:40
WobboCan anyone tell me where the config panel go for network sharing?17:40
FadeHorizonXP: use thunderbird in that case. evolution just shits itself in such situations.17:40
ZambeziJessicatz: Which DE do you use?17:40
Fadeaoupi: huh? can't you just plug the disk into the firewire port on the mac?17:40
JessicatzZambezi: DE?17:40
ZambeziJessicatz: Desktop enviroment.17:40
JessicatzZambezi: xfce17:40
judgenaoupi: you could just mount the disk and copy over the data from linux. But if its journaled HFS+ it can be troublesome, but possible. Just make sure tu unmount before you reboot17:40
aoupiFade: nah, internal disk, plus hte disk here is reiserfs and osx doesn't have good filesystem support for anything non-mac or win17:41
ZambeziJessicatz: Then it's xubuntu-restricted-formats17:41
RainarrowHello, my fglrx won't load on X300, /var/log/Xorg.0.log says fglrx(0): could not detect X server version (query_status=-3)17:41
aoupijudgen: is there write support for HFS+ that I can install?17:41
JessicatzZambezi: no such package :/17:41
Fadewell, you can reinstall the mac system in plain HFS and journal it later.17:41
RainarrowSomeone gimme a clue?17:41
Fadethen you could write to the disk.17:41
judgenaoupi: yes17:41
aoupijudgen: oh great17:41
ZambeziJessicatz: Sure? I have a look after apt-get is done. It's working now.17:42
shane2peruany advice on setting a mysql-server password, should it be left blank?17:42
Fadegood luck with that. lol17:42
judgenaoupi: start synaptic and look in "other plattforms" section or what ever its called in english17:42
Lamegoshane2peru, no, that is not safe17:42
shane2perufrom a security perspective?17:42
shane2peruLamego, ok, that is what I needed to know, thanks17:42
Zambezishane2peru: Ask in #mysql but blank is really stupid in my opinion.17:42
shane2peruZambezi, I just didn't know if it was kind of like the sudo, with no root password17:43
shane2peruI'm not very server savvy. :)17:43
aoupijudgen: I'll try the hfsplus package17:43
shane2peruthanks Lamego Zambezi17:43
ZambeziJessicatz: xubuntu-restricted-extras17:43
Zambezishane2peru: It's like leaving your door unlocked. So use a good one or write it on a note if you unsure. That at least better than blank.17:45
aoupijudgen, Fade, seems like you can disable the journal temporarily, thanks' for your help17:46
Fadelet me know if that works.17:46
FadeI wasn't aware of the option on the mac.17:46
shane2peruZambezi, right, thanks17:46
Zambezishane2peru: Your welcome.17:47
DanaGdiskutil does have a disablejournaling option.17:49
Zambezi378 users online. I bet it wasn't that many three-four weeks ago when Hardy still was alpha. :-P17:52
W8TAHZambezi: not sure why you would expect ther to be lots more then -- at alpha stage its not useable17:54
ravaloxHey, I've got myself a graphical pickle; I installed Ubuntu 8.04 and everything works well; EXCEPT it won't let me select a resolution higher than 800 by 60017:54
ravaloxI used xrandr to add a new modeline17:54
ravaloxBut the new modeline (1024) doesn't work.17:54
ravaloxI'm using a geforce 880017:54
jbroome!resolution | ravalox17:54
uboturavalox: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto17:54
judgenaoupi: no problems.17:55
W8TAHravalox: make sure (if there is one) that you are using the restricted driver for that as well17:55
W8TAHthat solved my problem17:55
judgenim off to play some kobo. PM if you want anything17:55
ZambeziW8TAH: I just meant it's cool people trying it.17:55
ravaloxI have, I have the nvidia driver running.17:56
ravaloxIt plays Quake Wars great on a different monitor.17:56
xngearwhat is usual time to respond to bug report? is it comman that bug reports are ignored?17:57
phillipsjkHmm. Reproducing my calculator bug setp-by-step, I find the severity is now a "feature enhancement". (It works as documented, but not as I expect)17:57
ravaloxThis is something fundamental about the new Ubuntu; I can't play with xorg like I used t o.17:57
pascalFRhi,  anyone to confirm bug #217181  ?17:58
ubotuLaunchpad bug 217181 in kdebase "[hardy] numlock light does not work as expected on kde3" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21718117:58
joumetalxngear: Time to get response depends on bug. Could you give bug number?18:00
AzaThtcan't kill wvdial :(18:00
JessicatzZambezi: I installed xubuntu-restricted-extras18:00
JessicatzZambezi: no change regarding sox18:00
xngearjoumetal bug 21974318:00
ubotuLaunchpad bug 219743 in linux "4 GiB of RAM installed, ~3.8 GiB reported" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21974318:00
AzaThtanyone around "accidentally" using an Huawei modem?18:01
jbroomethat's gotta be a 32 bit os18:01
xngearjbroome: dont assume and jump to conclusions18:01
jbroomebut i have my jumping to conclusions mat right here!18:01
AzaTht* #ubuntu :You can't join that many channels18:03
jbroomeAzaTht: there's a chan limit on freenode18:03
PiciAzaTht: Are you in 20 channels already?18:03
AzaThtyea ツ18:03
PiciThere you go18:03
AzaThtchan-limit, gah18:03
Jessicatzmisusing katakana as misley18:03
Jessicatzit burns18:03
PiciJessicatz: This is a support channel, do you have a question?18:03
Jessicatzjust kidding18:04
* Pici scratches his head18:04
JessicatzPici: yes, I asked already18:04
DaemonLeeAre there any major bugs left in the Hardy Heron RC?18:04
JessicatzPici: and I'm waiting for my conversation partner to answer, thank you18:04
PiciJessicatz: ah18:04
jbroomexngear: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/13582405/C%3A\untitled folder\free.log  shows 4gb ram18:04
Picijbroome: 4036592 is actually 3.84 gb18:05
aoupiFade: disabling journal worked like a charm :)18:06
DaemonLeeAre there any major bugs left in the Hardy Heron RC?18:08
PiciDaemonLee: Some people in here seem to think so18:09
DaemonLeePici, could you describe any?18:09
DaemonLeeI'm trying to think if I should do the RC or do the 2-days-till-upgrade-one. :-D18:10
DanaGI wish they'd fix the **** scheduler.18:11
bluefoxxok, i was told before that the hard disk drivers were switched to the scsi drivers as they were more stable but now my hdd shows up as hda again...this being after one of my actual scsi drives clicked out last night and i had to screw around for a hour in fstab to get it going again[the computer, not the drive] after it failed and i rebooted it was mounting my main[boot] hard disk in the place of the failed[and removed] scsi driv18:11
aquoi tried the release candidate with qemu (boot from cd), but it didn't work ...18:11
JessicatzZambezi: I installed a newer sox from the debian repos, it has all the format supports18:12
aquowhen i boot, i got lost with some initramfs busybox shell.18:12
bluefoxxand is it possible for usb disks to show up as something other than /dev/sd*? cause otehrwise my sata, scsi and usb disks all get mounted to the wrong places -. -18:12
ZambeziJessicatz: Never install Debianpacks on Ubuntu.18:12
JessicatzZambezi: sorry, it works18:13
DanaGmakes it easier.18:13
JessicatzZambezi: I'm aware that it voids my warranty18:13
bluefoxx/dev/ed* or /dev/ud* perhaphs? for "external disk" or "usb disk"?18:13
ZambeziJessicatz: Try sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y upgrade and se if it complains.18:13
akkbluefoxx: My disks are all showing up as /dev/hd*, but that might be because I'm running my own kernel.18:13
DanaGCreating Properties window.18:13
DanaGYou can stop this operation by clicking cancel.18:13
Pici!uuid | bluefoxx18:13
ubotubluefoxx: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)18:13
DanaGvol_id -u works too.18:14
akkbluefoxx: but you can hack your udev rules in /etc/udev/rules.d to have specific names for each usb disk18:14
Kirrus!wtf > DanaG18:14
bluefoxxakk: well my generic kernel fried and "rt" works again. this after last updates installed two older kernels and toasted my "rt" kernel18:14
DanaGWTF isn't offensive... it's common language.18:14
bluefoxxakk: that sounds good :)18:14
DanaGSpelling it out is a different matter.18:15
akkDanaG: don't look at me, look at Kirrus18:15
akkoh, you didn't, sorry18:15
ZambeziJessicatz: You can break you entire installation if you packages for another OS cause it depends on other versions.18:15
Kirrusits in ubotu for a reason... I won't discuss this on a public channel :)18:15
DanaGOh, and for some reason, pidgin ignores "preferred applications"18:15
Kirrusif you want to, message me18:16
penis there a app to display detail information about a mp3 file ?18:16
strtokgood morning, has anyone gotten the proprietary ATI drivers to work with a Radeon HD 2400? My system goes black on boot and then reboots itself. This breaks in 7.10 and 8.0418:16
DanaGOr perhaps I'll use "WT*"18:16
DanaGor WT-18:16
jiphexHi I've got a problem with the Hardy RC installer, when i boot off the livecd I get an error when gnome starts "Failed to start HAL", and the installer won't start18:16
bluefoxxakk: which file in /etc/udev/rules.d/ do i edit?18:17
Jessicatzjiphex: I tihnk I had the same problem18:17
Jessicatzjiphex: the installation wasnt finished18:17
Jessicatzjiphex: did it reboot at some point?18:17
jiphexthis is on the livecd18:17
akkbluefoxx: Probably 60-persistent-storage.rules though I don't know what 61-persistent-storage-edd.rules is18:18
Jessicatzjiphex: h18:18
Jessicatzjiphex: no clue hten18:18
DanaG"Creating properties window" -- fine, just show me the window!18:18
DanaGI just want to set what application opens that file type!18:18
bluefoxxhmm...connection to archive.ubuntu.ca and archive.ubuntu.com failed...wtf?18:18
akkbluefoxx: If you get it working, write it up and put it on the web ... there's not enough clear udev documentation available18:19
Lamegobluefoxx, change your mirror18:19
bluefoxxakk: will do18:19
jiphexI thought it might be a dodgy cd but this is the second i've burnt and the md5 is correct18:19
JessicatzZambezi: it didn't complain18:19
JessicatzZambezi: does that mean sometihng?18:19
maxbI've seen 3 machines today fail a do-release-upgrade because ubuntu-desktop was marked for removal by apt. Does anyone know off hand if there's a launchpad bug about this already?18:19
bluefoxxakk: i think ill test is out on my other machine once i get a pata disk to boot from though :\18:19
bluefoxxLamego: what mirror should i use?18:20
ZambeziJessicatz: Depends. Hard to say.18:20
Lamegobluefoxx, us.18:20
bluefoxxLamego: i allready switched from the ca one to global one :/18:20
bluefoxxLamego: kk18:20
JessicatzZambezi: ok I lied, sox appearently doesn't support all formats18:20
JessicatzZambezi: it supports many, but not mp318:20
aquodid somebody test the ubuntu release candidates with Qemu?18:20
ZambeziJessicatz: I have no such problems.18:21
JessicatzZambezi: :(18:21
BlakeSmithAnyone have some insight into why I cannot change desktop icons?  I've deleted everything in /home and have seen no change.18:21
bluefoxxO.o, it suddenly connected :018:21
JessicatzBlakeSmith: what icons are you talking about?18:21
JessicatzBlakeSmith: icons of documents/folders that were in your home folder?18:22
BlakeSmithJessicatz, icons for folders everywhere18:22
BlakeSmithand icons in my menus18:22
JessicatzBlakeSmith: wait, you went into /home and deleted the folder with your username as title?18:22
BlakeSmithall of the hidden settings files18:22
Jessicatzokay, and why?18:22
Jessicatzwhat did you try to accomplish18:23
BlakeSmithbecause i've had this problem for weeks18:23
BlakeSmithbecause i am not able to change my icons or themes18:23
Jessicatzit works fine for me in xfce18:23
BlakeSmithso i figured a settings file was corrupted18:23
Jessicatzare you using gnome?18:23
BlakeSmithin gnome18:23
IamReckHello, I was wondering if anyone could help me out.  I am getting the error message "Unable to enable desktop effects at this time" When I try to go from None Visual Effects to Normal.18:24
tawtCan someone help me please?  I can boot hardy with kernal 2.6.22-14, but not with the new kernal 2.6.24-16.  Can anyone help me boot into the new kernal?18:24
JessicatzBlakeSmith: so if you change the icon theme in the theme manager, no icons are changing, right?18:24
DanaG.... STILL hasn't shown the properties window!18:24
BlakeSmithJessicatz, yea18:24
DanaGWhat's up with that?18:24
JessicatzBlakeSmith: well that puts me straight out of ideas :/18:25
JessicatzBlakeSmith: I have some themes that don't change every icon, only some18:25
BlakeSmithi've tried every icon theme installed, no change18:25
JessicatzBlakeSmith: did you restart X after deleting the .folders?18:25
akktawt: where is it stopping?18:25
DanaGOh, it's waiting on gnome-video-thumbnailer.18:25
JessicatzBlakeSmith: sorry :<18:26
tawtakk:  it just goes to a black screen and stays there18:26
BlakeSmithi've also ran gnome-appearance-properties in term and watched for some errors, nothing18:26
DanaGI don't need no stinkin' thumbnails.18:26
tawtakk:  i usually let it load for about 5 minutes, but it never takes that long on the old kernal18:27
Jessicatzyea, it doesn't have a "dont thumbnail files over X mb"18:27
akktawt: okay, so probably some sort of X problem. You could try disabling gdm so you just boot to a console, then try running X by hand18:27
JessicatzDanaG: you could propose that as feature :)18:27
tawtakk:  how would i do this?18:27
zylcheQuestion: Are we going to have variable volume control system-wide before the final release?18:27
akktawt: or you could try making random changes to /etc/X11/xorg.conf (turning off DRI helps on some machines)18:27
zylcheJessicatz: having that option on is dangerous, I have a 700mb image on here18:28
jiphexCan someone have a quick look at my dmesg output and see if they can diagnose why HAL won't start? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64015/18:28
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akktawt: One easy way ... you could rename the gdm program (probably something like /usr/bin/gdm) and then whatever's starting it won't be able to find it18:29
Jessicatzzylche: yea I said it doenst have that option18:29
Jessicatzzylche: which I think is necessary18:30
Jessicatzzylche: oh wait, I'm talking about thunar18:30
zylcheI know, just adding comment to your feature request18:30
tawtakk:  ok, thanks18:30
Jessicatzzylche: yea, I would set it to 2mb or so18:30
zylcheMind you the M-81 spiral galaxy has never looked sharper on a photo.18:31
DanaG... it STILL hasn't shown the Properties window.18:31
DanaGAnd I even did 'chmod -x /usr/bin/gnome-video-thumbnailer/'18:31
DanaGWhat gives?18:31
DanaGHaven't they heard of error checking?18:32
akkjiphex: maybe it's unhappy with your sound card for some reason18:32
JessicatzDanaG: did you kill that process?18:32
DanaGI killed it and it came back.18:32
JessicatzZambezi: I found out the reason, it was because apt didn't install any of the libsox-fmt-* packages18:33
DanaGOh heck, I even linked it to /bin/true... and STILL it didn't show it.18:35
bluefoxxok, i made the change to /etc/udev/rules.d/65-persistent-storage.rules but cant test it yet, i am converting a video for my sansa so i will test it after. but if anyone is interested i will pastbin the change18:38
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bluefoxxthis is regarding making usb and firewire disks show up in /etc/ differently from scsi disks, useful if you use sata/scsi disks in your system and forget to unplug a usb drive on bootup[otehrwise it could get mounted to the wrong space by fstab :\]18:39
bluefoxxakk: heres my modification http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64018/18:41
strtokanyone know what fglrx driver heron installs if you ask it to install proprietary drivers?18:43
rbrunhuberthe hardy setup offers encrypted lvm for a complete partition can i get this manually to?18:43
rbrunhuberout of the setup?18:43
DanaGWhy does pidgin ignore my default browser setting?18:44
dethstarhows an 8800GTS do with 8.04?18:45
ravaloxIt does great18:45
ravaloxI have an 880018:45
dethstarI'm about to install with one18:45
sahakif I upgrade to hardy from 7.10, do I have to do anything after the general release of Hardy  on April 24th?18:45
ravaloxNvidia drivers get my stamp of quality so long as they aren't a geforce 5xxx18:45
Pici!final | sahak18:45
ubotusahak: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Hardy. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.18:45
aquodid anybody try the release image with qemu?18:45
aquoi didn't work for me.18:46
dethstaram I going to have to go out and grab some drivers or anything?18:46
aquoit would be really sucking, if the release images wouldn't work with qemu.18:46
sahakI am upgrading to Hardy Heron now18:47
Prez00 what's the scoop on Hardy RC?  compared to 7.10?18:48
PiciIts a new version18:49
PiciPrez00: see release notes in topic18:49
Prez00I mean, stablewise, mostly18:49
aquodoes anybody care about my problems with the RC and qemu?18:49
aquoit is nothing that can be fixed with package-updates later on.18:49
sahaki have to close xchat, because I am upgrading to hardy. bye18:50
aquocan anybody read this?18:53
bluefoxxok, so my change didnt work...18:53
aquoi am feeling like talking to a wall.18:53
zylchenot really, aquo.18:54
zylcheThere's a window as well.18:54
crimsunaquo: more specifically, please?18:55
proqaquo: did you try the ubuntu server version and qemu? (I didn't see your post, just joined)18:55
bluefoxxneed to do more research into this subject then. i would truely love to see my usb/firewire drives show up as /dev/ed* instead of mingling with my internal scsi drives[which i have fstab mount on bootup] i think sata would be good as /dev/fd*[fast or high speed drive] as well...18:55
aquocrimsun: ok, i tried ubuntu-8.04-rc-desktop-i386.iso with qemu 0.9.0 as it is available in gutsy18:56
aquoi checked md5sum18:56
akkbluefoxx: It certainly can be done ... might just take some more experimenting18:56
bluefoxxakk: indeed...18:57
aquoi tried to use same setup of qemu that i used for an gutsy image ... nothing special.18:57
aquoi am able to boot, and usplash starts ...18:57
proqaquo: maybe you should try it18:57
aquoat some point booting stops and i get a busybox bootprompt for initramfs18:58
aquoproq: try what?18:59
DB42should both APM and ACPI daemons be running at the same time on my laptop ?18:59
proqaquo: the server version19:00
gomoran2Hello, I'm just ugrading a kubuntu gutsy to hardy. Now all Fonts look ugly (blured and colored), even setting lcd_filter to lcdfilterlegacy does not help (any more). How do I get decent glyphrendering back?19:00
aquoproq: why?19:00
uberpsyxhey guys, just installed the hardy beta and 90% of programs i try and run dont load and i get a program crash thing in the system tray and firefox wont load any page other that the router setup even though pidgin works fine. Any ideas?19:00
proqaquo: because it has a good chance of working, and you could then install the window manager packages you need19:01
StealthCPCan anyone tell me how to completely remove KDE4?  I have ubuntu-desktop, kubuntu-desktop and kbuntu-kde4-desktop installed.19:02
spidlahi ... Is anyone here, who has working configuration of ATI fglrx driver with dual-head and composite extension ... with running compiz ? :)19:02
StealthCPI would like to remove kubuntu-kde4-desktop, but keep the other two.19:02
DB42can anybody check in X in system->administration->services if both APM and ACPI are running ???19:02
StealthCPspidla, yes :D19:02
spidlawow :D19:02
proqaquo: this has worked for me on two different machines that wouldn't boot the desktop version19:03
spidlaI cant get it working19:03
StealthCPWhat card are you using?19:03
spidlaRADEON 9600 Pro19:03
StealthCPah, hehe, good card, but not sure dual-head WITH compiz is considered not pushing it a bit :P19:03
ConstyXIVhas anyone else had a wubi install suddenly start dropping to busybox on boot?19:03
StealthCPAlthough compiz isn't heavy19:03
aquoproq: yes, but this means it would be impossible to use the live-system inside the virtual machine. i don't want to install anything.19:03
StealthCPI don't think it can accelerate video to both screens at the same time.19:03
DB42can anybody check in X in system->administration->services if both APM and ACPI are running ??? (this can't be hard)19:04
DanaGIs there any easy way to install without a CD?19:04
DanaGLike Wubi, but to a partition.19:04
spidlathe situation is this ... I have got fglrx driver working .. Xorg is working well with dual-head and Xinerama but I cant enable Composite extension needed for compiz19:04
uberpsyxanyone got an answer to my question? im kinda desperate, got an english essay in for tomorrow >_<19:04
ravaloxHey, I've got myself a graphical pickle; I installed Ubuntu 8.04 and everything works well; EXCEPT it won't let me select a resolution higher than 800 by 60019:04
ravaloxI used xrandr to add a new modeline19:05
ravaloxBut the new modeline (1024) doesn't work.19:05
ravaloxI have an 880019:05
spidlaany ideas ? :)19:05
katakaioravalox: Have you tried editing your xorg.conf file?19:05
ravaloxI have the nvidia driver running.19:05
ravaloxThat was my first idea19:05
uberpsyxravalox, i had that problem, to sort, go synaptic and install envy, then uninstall the nvidia drivers19:05
ravaloxbut the new xorg for 8.04 isn't wise to that notion.19:05
ravaloxIt doesn't have resolutions.19:05
bluefoxxravalox: i had a 850019:05
katakaioravalox: You can add a resolution line19:05
ravaloxWhat is envy?19:06
uberpsyxravalox, then when you boot back up install the drivers again19:06
bluefoxxravalox: are you using nvidia-glx-new?19:06
RonaldDoes anybody have a clue how to get java and other plugins to work on FF2?19:06
proqaquo: hmm.. you probably should have mentioned that in the first place19:06
ravaloxYes I am19:06
katakaioIt comes with little or no configuration, but you can add a res line just like the old days19:06
ds187_hello there. i have hardy installed and i'm using the latest nvidia driver via the envyng gui. now i've heard that it is better to stick to the binary-drivers within the repository, because newer driver doesn't mean better drivers..........how do i do this, because i can't find the restricted-drivers-icon in the system menu19:06
uberpsyxravalox, a program to install/uninstall nvidia and ATi drivers19:06
ravaloxaaaah, I may just try that then19:06
bluefoxxravalox: well thats all i could suggest...19:06
katakaioravalox: I would look at an xorg file from a previous version for the template19:07
uberpsyxso i guess noone can solve my problems :'(19:07
ravaloxI have just such a file I can refer to.19:07
bluefoxxsurprisingly, the 512mb 8500gt pcie was not noticibly better than my 256 pci 6200OC :/19:07
ravaloxThat was a helpful idea19:07
katakaioPerfect - I hope it works! (It worked for me . . . )19:07
aquoproq: i think the main problem is the amount of memory i relocated for the virtual machine ...19:08
uberpsyxcan someone atleast tell me why all my apps keep crashing?19:08
aquoproq: i didn't expect the system to stop working correctly without announcement. 256 mb memory seems to be not enough. it is a shame.19:08
aquoit should annouce "not enough memory for running" ...19:09
proqaquo: well if that doesn't work your best bet is to wait for someone to release an image of hardy for qemu19:09
uberpsyxplease?!? anyone!?!? *cries of desperation*19:11
Piciuberpsyx: Do you get errors?19:11
aquoproq: i think the main problem is, that it is very complicated to install systems manually the same why like the installer does (starts with localization things and ends with different daemon-configs) ...19:11
Arbycrimsun: fire away, what do you need me to try19:11
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crimsunArby: ok, so according to that output, the daemon's already running.  Please pastebin the output from `paplay -v /usr/share/sounds/*up.wav'19:11
uberpsyxpici, yer, refering to .so files19:12
Piciuberpsyx: Is this an upgrade/19:12
uberpsyxpici, different depending on the app im opening19:12
uberpsyxpici, yer19:12
aquoproq: normally i install with debootstrap ... but if you install with debootstap and aptitude install ubuntu-desktop you don't get the same configuration as with installing with the live-cd19:12
MTecknologyHow hard is it to upgrade to 8.04 from cli?19:12
proqaquo: you mean, building ubuntu from scratch?19:12
MTecknologyX always seems to freeze on me19:12
mnemotoday I got an update of the "update-manager-core" itself but when I try to install this update it starts with the installation but then aborts saying that I actually don't have any updates after all? does anyone have this problem?19:13
PiciMTecknology: Should be easy, just by using sudo do-release-upgrade (or at least thats how it was from feisty to gutsy)19:13
aquoproq: not building, just intalling. debootstrap, than install ubuntu-standard and ubuntu-desktop ...19:13
proqaquo: that's true it does take a bit of work19:13
MTecknologyPici, ty19:13
Piciaquo: Perhaps there are jeos images available for Hardy?19:13
aquobut the result is not the same like installing with the live system.19:13
proqaquo: on the other hand the experience can save you from a jam later19:13
DanaGOOh, 73 updates.19:13
DanaGWill have to read changelogs later.19:13
Piciuberpsyx: Did you by chance use Automatix on your previous install?19:14
Arbycrimsun: http://paste.stgraber.org/270319:14
uberpsyxpici, nope19:14
DanaGI don't install updates until I've read the changelogs.19:14
axionbtw ubuntu do-release-upgrad took a whole day19:14
Piciuberpsyx: Can you pastebin your sources.list file?19:14
uberpsyxpici, sure19:14
axionfor me at least a whole day19:14
aquoaxion: fetching the binarys or installing?19:14
axionit was like other os..19:15
RonaldSo i take nobody cares about firefox-2 working properly with plugins ?19:15
axionupgrading and re-upgrading19:15
aquoaxion: it is no problem to first fetch all the binaries and then update faster.19:15
crimsunRonald: what's the issue?19:15
crimsunArby: `pgrep -x pulseaudio'19:16
Ronaldff-2 doesn't use any plugins. flash is mentiond as the only one in about:plugins, and even that doesn't work19:16
uberpsyxpici, ah, for some reason firefox wont connect to any web pages ¬_¬19:16
axionit did several upgrades of the same package19:16
crimsunRonald: what do you mean "it doesn't work"?19:16
crimsunRonald: inaudible audio?  jerky video?  [..]19:16
Ronaldnot listen, not enabled19:16
Ronaldff2 keeps popping plugin not installed prompts19:17
Ronaldtries to install it trough the nifty interface. which obviously fails cus the packages are installed19:17
crimsunRonald: what path is used for the Flash plugin according to about:plugins?19:17
Piciuberpsyx: Does apt complain about poorly configured packages or anything?19:17
Arbycrimsun: two results 7718 and 803019:17
uberpsyxpici, no, nothing, its really random19:18
crimsunArby: pastebin `ps auxw|grep pulseaudio'19:18
uberpsyxpici, im more worried about the fact firefox isnt getting any web pages other than the router im connected to :919:18
axionthe integrated upgrade attachment of ff 3.0b5 won't work when installing java19:18
Arbyaargh, where's the pipe on a us keyboard19:19
axionI mean the ubuntu installer that firefox uses doesn't work correctly.. whe installing sun-java-619:19
ArbyliveCD has gone to a us keyboard19:19
DanaGPipe is on backslash.19:19
axionArby, do you have a large or a small backspace key ?19:19
Arbyshift +\ gives me >19:20
axionwith small backspace to the left of the backspace, with large backspace, underneath the backspace key19:20
DanaGI've only ever used US and US International.19:20
DanaG... and Sun Type6, which is a beast of its own, simply in key locations, not in software layout.19:21
user0423i did all the kde icons for the gnome menus... is there some way i can save the menu file so i dont have to ever do it again? or maybe i could send it to somebody... it took like 3 hours19:21
Arbyfound it shift + #19:21
crimsunArby: well, the output is just needed for confirmation, but you can `pkill pulseaudio'19:22
crimsunArby: next, pastebin `pulseaudio -vv'19:22
DanaG# is a separate key?  Odd.19:23
axionand with a large backspace key the us layout id in between the enter and the backspace key..19:23
Arbycrimsun: http://paste.stgraber.org/2706 and http://paste.stgraber.org/270819:24
axionthe # key is non capitalised on certain international keyboard19:24
Ronaldcrimsun: flash started to work, but i don't need flash for my dayjob ;P Java is the clue... compare http://www.hummelink.net/Screenshot-About%20Plug-ins%20-%20Mozilla%20Firefox.png and http://www.hummelink.net/Screenshot-About%20Plugins%20-%20Mozilla%20Firefox%203%20Beta%205.png19:24
Arbyactually it's to the left of enter on this laptop, however I digress19:24
axiondepends on the shape of the enter key..19:25
axionif you have a l-shaped enter key and a small backspace key, it's next to the backspace key..19:25
Baby_Shambl3sIs my  SiS  661/741/760 PCI/VGA card compatible with compiz/beryl if not what other options are available to me "excl. buying new card"?19:25
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_ZeuZ_Guys is there any performance drop after installing Qemu?19:26
axionif you have a horizontal barshaped with a long enter and backspace key.. in between the two..19:27
axionif you have a vertical elongated enterkey..  next to it19:27
crimsunArby: you'll need to kill 8031 8030 7719 771819:27
axionhave to go to the movies..19:28
Arbycrimsun: all killed19:29
mrtimdogWhen connecting (with Nautilus) to other machines via sftp (which is used when you enter a location prefixed with ssh:), is there any way of hiding all of the vfs mount points from both the Nautilus browser and the desktop?19:29
crimsunArby: now, as the ubuntu (live cd) user - NOT as root - pulseaudio -vv19:29
_ZeuZ_Guys is there any performance drop after installing Qemu?19:29
Flare183_ZeuZ_: There isn't supposed to be any.19:30
Baby_Shambl3sIs my  SiS  661/741/760 PCI/VGA card compatible with compiz/beryl if not what other options are available to me "excl. buying new card"?19:30
Arbycrimsun: http://paste.stgraber.org/271119:30
_ZeuZ_Flare183, well, I'll try... there isnt any glitch with AMD64 nor with x86_64 right?19:31
mnemoBaby_Shambl3s: you can always disable desktop effects and thereby not use compiz at all19:31
Flare183_ZeuZ_: Not that I know of, but I would ask or google it before you try it.19:31
crimsunArby: it's due to hal not exposing any ALSA or OSS devices, because it couldn't find any19:32
Baby_Shambl3smnemo: thats not the point at the moment i cnat use desktop effects, i want to know if the card is compatible if so how would i make it work if not what other options do i have?19:33
crimsunArby: `lspci -nv|grep -A 040[13]'19:33
Arbycrimsun: grep invalid context length argument19:34
crimsunsorry, -A119:34
crimsunArby: ^19:34
Arbycrimsun: no output19:35
mnemoBaby_Shambl3s: if you disable desktop effects compiz is not started at all (at I think that's how it works)19:35
crimsunArby: and which type of sound card is available to the vm?19:35
Arbycrimsun: this lappy has 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03)19:36
hwildeon boot it says   * Running local boot scripts (/etc/rc.loca)   [fail]                    how can I find out why?19:36
Baby_Shambl3smnemo: I cnat use desktop effects and dont know why thats why im aksing about my card if i turn it on nothing happens it just turns itself off19:36
crimsunArby: right, that info is not exposed to the vm at all.19:36
crimsunArby: is the vm configured to make an audio device(s) available?19:37
* Arby checks19:37
crimsunArby: that is, the host's audio device19:37
Arbyapparently not, but I don't know why19:37
ArbyI'd expect that to be on by default19:37
Arbyand I didn't turn it off19:37
Baby_Shambl3smnemo: everytime i try desktop effects i get "Desktop effects could not be turned on" no other explanation so could you help me19:37
crimsunok, well, that's the root of the bug you reported in -testing19:38
crimsunArby: ^19:38
Arbyyes I realise that19:38
mnemoBaby_Shambl3s: i had a problem where my gfx card was blacklisted by compiz for a while because the driver wasnt mature yet... is that case I got similar symptoms... for that case if was an if statement in the shell script /usr/bin/compiz which automatically exit:ed if a certain PCI ID was found19:38
mnemoBaby_Shambl3s: maybe you can try to figure out how much of that shell script actually runs in your case19:38
Arbycrimsun: I have had trouble getting sound on this laptop (Thinkpad R61i), are you aware of any known problems19:38
crimsunArby: yeah, there are lots.  What's the host running?19:39
Arbykubuntu hardy19:39
crimsunArby: does audio work in the host?19:39
Arbyno I never could get it to work19:39
Baby_Shambl3smnemo: if i knew how or where to start figuring it out I wouldnt be asking here :(, what i need is soemone to point me in the right direction as i dont know why I cnat use desktop effects19:39
Arbycrimsun: if I play something in amarok it appears to play but I can't here anything19:40
crimsunArby: download http://hg.alsa-project.org/alsa/raw-file/tip/alsa-info.sh and run it using bash.19:40
ArbyI've dug into alsa as far as I'm able19:40
Arbyoh I'll try that19:40
mnemoBaby_Shambl3s: if you run "ps x | grep compiz" do you see a line printed containing "compiz.real" ??19:40
Arbycrimsun: http://pastebin.ca/99357119:42
Arbywish I knew about that script before19:43
Arbystill know idea what's up19:43
ArbyI've checked for muted channels and all the obvious things19:43
Arbyalsa is black magic to me19:43
crimsunwell, that's a shame.19:44
joan_what need I to do i order to get icons in the Desktop in Hardy?19:44
afallenhopeis there a reason why my system jacks up after going on standy?19:45
crimsunArby: sec, I need to look at hardy's lum source19:45
Picijoan_: What icons?19:45
Ronaldcrimsun: more quite descriptive screenshots: http://www.hummelink.net/Screenshot.png http://www.hummelink.net/Screenshot-Plugin%20Finder%20Service.png (repeat)19:45
Arandanybody what the status is with Bug #192888, is the "proper" fix gonna make it into hardy?19:45
dystopianrayafallenhope: what do you mean by 'jacks up'?19:45
ubotuLaunchpad bug 192888 in pulseaudio "firefox crashes on flash contents" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19288819:45
joan_all, Pici19:45
crimsunArand: it will not make it into the image released this week, no.19:45
joan_I can't see any icons of the stuff in Desktop, Pici19:45
crimsunArand: i.e., get more people to test my bzr fix.19:46
Picijoan_: Running Gnome?19:46
crimsunArand: then we possibly have a chance of getting it into the point release 3 months from now19:46
joan_Only the blue wallpaper. No, it's Kubuntu, Pici19:46
Picijoan_: Ah, KDE... I'm not sure, sorry.19:46
Guthixif i download and install the hardy rc can i update that through update manager when the actually official one comes out?19:46
joan_ok, thanx anyway19:46
Pici!final > Guthix (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)19:46
Guthixthx :-D19:47
dystopianrayjoan_: what icons do you want? home and trash and what not?19:47
afallenhopedystopianray: after in goes to "sleep" I can't recover the state19:47
afallenhopeI have to press + hold the power button19:47
Picijoan_: You may be able to find someone to help in #kubuntu-kde4 though19:48
joan_dystopianray, I want icons for every thing in the Desktop folder, as usual19:48
crimsunArby: please enable the modem in the bios.19:48
dystopianrayjoan_: i know how to do it but i've forgotten, give me a second19:48
Arbycrimsun: hmm, I'll try. biab19:48
dystopianrayjoan_: cp /usr/share/apps/kdesktop/unused/* ~/Desktop/19:49
minimecafallenhope: Try to google for "hibernate ubntu <your video card" maybe you find something19:50
Arandcrimsun: Okay. What was that "bzr fix"" you were talking about?19:50
thatGuy_Pici: how long is the ban for?19:50
HelloWorld1hello, did anyone use remastersys before?19:50
PicithatGuy_: Its a forward.19:51
thatGuy_it's a ban.  how long is it for?19:51
PicithatGuy_: We can talk about it in #ubuntu-ops19:51
thatGuy_Jack_sparrow banned me19:51
joan_dystopianray, nothing happened. Zero icons in Desktop :(19:51
mnemocrimsun: if two computers have the exact same PCI ID for their audio devices does that mean they have the exact same soundcards then (I mean does it mean they have same hda chipset even etc)?19:51
dystopianrayjoan_: go to system settings -> desktop -> behaviour19:52
dystopianrayjoan_: make sure 'show icons on the desktop' is set19:52
crimsunmnemo: PCI IDs are useless, unless you mean the SSIDs.  Always use the SSIDs for PCI devs.19:52
mnemocrimsum: the SSID is the "1234:1234" numbers printed by "lspci -n" ?19:53
rutterhey, I'm using 8.04 and I'm having audio mixing problems19:54
mnemorutter: describe your problem? what's not working?19:55
Arbycrimsun: the modem is already enabled19:55
* Arby <- confused19:55
rutterI can't run an application like banshee and then run a game or flash video and get audio19:55
rutterits always the first application which seems to get priority19:56
ArandDoes the "recently closed tabs" in FF3 work for anybody else?19:56
rutteronce I quit that application the audio is open for other applications to us19:56
rutterits like I'm using OSS or something :P19:56
pkunkrutter: That's intentional for flash...19:57
rutterpkunk: ?19:57
dystopianraybut flash uses alsa19:57
aquowhich version of firefox is in the release candidate for hardy?19:58
dystopianrayaquo: firefox 3 beta 519:58
rutteraquo: beta 519:58
pkunkrutter: you need libflashsupport for simutanious sounds because pulseaudio19:58
Baby_Shambl3smnemo: runnign command ps x | grep compiz gives me  6158 pts/4    S+     0:00 grep compiz19:59
rutterwell what about other applications19:59
aquoah, ok. nice, seems to be update ;)19:59
rutterpkunk: well what about other applications19:59
pkunkrutter: should be fine if they use pulse instead of alsa19:59
rutterpkunk: for example, there is a game that I play called Spring that has the same problem19:59
v0lksmanhey all!  I can't seem to get a network printer setup.  Right at the end of the process (using Printers -> Add new from Admin menu) I get asked for a user/pass..I provide my own creds but it just keeps asking...is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?20:00
mnemoBaby_Shambl3s: that means that compiz isnt even running so probably your system tries to start the shell script "/usr/bin/compiz" but for some reason this shell script exists before it ever gets to the point where it's suppose to start the ELF binary compiz.real (which is the actual compiz program)20:00
rutterpkunk: so I need to find out what they use20:00
aquowhat is the minimal RAM requirement for hardy RC desktop live cd?20:00
Arbycrimsun: modem already enabled and still no sound20:00
rutterpkunk: has pulse not been fully implemented yet or something?20:00
crimsunArby: sec, I'm discussing an audio issue ATM20:01
pkunkrutter: yep. I don't know if hardy has pulse enable sdl availlable20:01
Arbyok sorry20:01
daekdroompkunk: you need to install libsdl-pulseaudio to enable20:01
rutterpkunk: seems a bit late, its a RC not an alpha20:01
rutterpkunk: this should be final product standard20:01
daekdroomit'll uninstall libsdl-alsa and you'll be able to play games and listen to music XD20:01
rutterpkunk: :S20:01
daekdroomand really.20:02
pkunkrutter: mee too...20:02
ether_cI think there's also something like "libsdl-all"20:02
ether_cthat worked for me20:02
aquodoes the brainwash, aehm brainstorm site have it's own irc-channel?20:02
Baby_Shambl3smnemo: ive been looking around it seems the card wont run with compiz why no one knows but there must be a way to get at least some basic effets with it, still if you cna suggest something than i'll try it20:03
minimecrutter: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio You could check, if pulseaudio is installed and configured correctly20:03
maxbWhat's the difference between do-release-upgrade and update-manager, other than one being GUI and the other console?20:03
rutterminimec: thanks20:03
dystopianrayBaby_Shambl3s: what video card do you have?20:03
maxbBecause do-release-upgrade aborts for me after calculating the upgrade, but update-manager seems happy to proceed20:03
Baby_Shambl3sdystopianray:  [SiS] 661/741/76020:04
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mvomaxb: do-release-upgrade runs in server mode by default (can be changed with --mode) - this means that it will e.g. not install missing meta-packages again for you20:05
Ergo^am i right you are tlking about messed upgrade ? :D20:05
mvoErgo^: what happend?20:05
dystopianrayBaby_Shambl3s: does this print anything? glxinfo | grep GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap20:06
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Ergo^mvo - it seems 2 packages are missing synaptic gets 404 on them20:06
Ergo^apt_0.7.9ubuntu17_i386.deb, apt-utils_0.7.9ubuntu17_i386.deb20:07
mnemomaxB: update-manager showed updates for me this morning but when I click "Install" it aborted and refused to install anything... when I ran "sudo apt-get upgrade" which also tried to install the same available package (which was in fact a update-manager-core package) but that also didn't work because "apt-get upgrade" would just say that this package was "being kept" back... then I ran "sudo apt-get distr-upgrade" and everything worked fine... i think20:07
mvoErgo^: have you tried to click reload and then upgrad eagain?20:07
v0lksmanfrig...user privleges...how do you make a second user that is as privileged as the user created during setup?20:07
Ergo^to be precise20:07
Ergo^mvo:  yes ive tried many times, and on 2 pc's20:07
mvoErgo^: what mirror do you use?20:07
dystopianrayv0lksman: make sure they are in all the same groups as the initial user20:07
v0lksmanso there is no script to do it?   just manually compare?20:08
Baby_Shambl3sdystopianray:  http://pastebin.ca/99361320:08
mvomnemo: that was most likely a transient issue when a new update-manager was released there was a time window when the archive was not in sync20:08
maxbmvo: But....     parser.add_option("--mode", dest="mode",default="desktop",20:08
mvomaxb: for do-releases-upgrade?20:08
dystopianrayv0lksman: /etc/adduser.conf20:08
maxbmvo: That's from the hardy.tar.gz that do-release-upgrade downloaded for me20:09
dystopianrayBaby_Shambl3s: i'm only seeing a blank white page off that site20:09
aquowhen i install with debootstrap, ubuntu-minimal and ubuntu-desktop, is there some way to add a user in the same way like the desktop-installer does?20:09
JDahlI am trying to upgrade from 7.10 to 8.04 using "update-manager -d" as outlined in the topic,  but I keep getting the error "current dist not found in meta-release file". Any alternative upgrade methods?20:09
mvomaxb: right, please check /usr/bin/do-release-upgrade, it has "  parser.add_option ("-m", "--mode", default="server","20:09
aquoand also do the same configuration like the installer?20:09
v0lksmandystopianray:  thanks!20:10
mvoJDahl: what does ~/.update-manager-core/meta-release-development look like for you?20:10
UnNaturalHighdoes anyone know how I would install the binary 'java' on hardy?20:10
Ergo^UnNaturalHigh: by synaptic ?20:10
Ergo^sun-java6-bin ?20:11
JDahlmvo, that file does not exist,  I only have meta-release20:11
strtokcan someone take a look at this dpkg output? I'm not quite sure how to diagnose my problem -- i'm trying to install the fglrx drivers: http://rafb.net/p/TJU3Zl42.html20:11
UnNaturalHighhmmm....it is installed20:11
Baby_Shambl3sdystopianray: o_0 huh? http://pastebin.ca/993613 there it is again20:11
dystopianrayBaby_Shambl3s: it doesn't work, i only see a white page20:11
dystopianrayBaby_Shambl3s: try a different pastebin20:11
mvoJDahl: hm, and you run update-manager -d without sudo (if you use sudo the file is in /var/lib/update-manager IIRC)20:12
JDahlmvo, actually I do use sudo20:12
mvoJDahl: could you please check if it works better without?20:13
ArandDoes the "recently closed tabs" in FF3 work for anybody else?20:13
Ergo^Arand: i dunno - but firebug started to function :D20:14
mnemojdahl: I had a similar problem this morning, my regular pre-release hardy updates refuses to install... it fixed itself after I wrote "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" in the terminal though20:14
Baby_Shambl3sdystopianray: well this should work  http://pastebin.com/d72db4f6020:14
Aranddaekdroom: alright, then that's another bug to add to my pot...20:15
JDahlmvo, now it works, but I did two things.  I purged update-manager-core and reinstalled it,  and then I ran update-manager without sudo20:15
dystopianrayBaby_Shambl3s: ok, so that's good20:15
dystopianrayBaby_Shambl3s: it seems to have what is needed for compiz20:15
mvoJDahl: ok, I think the "without sudo" was the bit that fixed it (also it should work with sudo too :/20:15
mvoJDahl: please let us know how the upgrade goes20:16
Baby_Shambl3sdystopianray: yup but it dont work why i have no clue, ts not working :/ stupid card it has everything so why wont it work and its not blacklisted20:17
dystopianrayBaby_Shambl3s: probably has some flaw that prevents compiz from working20:17
Baby_Shambl3sdystopianray: hmmm...? im about to give up unless you cna suggest something im going to revise20:18
mvoBaby_Shambl3s: is this a mobile ati one?20:18
dystopianrayBaby_Shambl3s: i'd suggest giving up, compiz is not worth it20:18
daekdroomIt was a pain to me to get compiz working. It's not worth!20:19
rutterhey again, I installed pulseaudio as suggested and rebooted my PC as as per the instructions provided. It fixed most of my issues, but there is still a problem with a game of mine, however, now it doesn't get any audio20:19
jiphexHi, just installed Hardy but I get "Failed to initialise HAL" when i boot, inside gnome.20:20
daekdroomjiphex: I've that same bug.20:20
mvoBaby_Shambl3s:  have you tried "echo SKIP_CHECKS=yes > ~/.config/compiz/compiz-manager" already?20:20
daekdroomDo you have a TV/Capture card?20:20
osteenbergenDoes anyone also have a not working battery indicator (panel + acpi)? Mine reports empty battery but its must be atleast 50% full20:20
jiphexdaekdroom: me?20:20
jiphexyeah I do20:20
jiphexcompiz videomate thing20:21
daekdroomHm. run lsmod | grep saa713420:21
daekdroomjust tell me if something shows up20:21
daekdroomsaa7134 module doesn't like kernel -1620:21
jiphexah ok20:21
daekdroomThat's a bug that was reported for a while.20:21
jiphexi'll remove the card then20:21
KtronI was running Xgl with 7.10 to get Compiz-Fusion working, and after the upgrade its much choppier; do I still need to be running Xgl?20:21
jiphexsince i don't use it20:21
daekdroomjiphex: unload the module if you do.20:22
KtronI remember there was talk about Xorg eventually incorporating everything Xgl was necessary for20:22
Baby_Shambl3smvo: nope havent tried that what does it do?20:22
dystopianrayKtron: what video card?20:22
jiphexhow would one do that?20:22
daekdroomHAL control stuff like printing system too.20:22
daekdroomhm.. rmmod saa713420:22
daekdroomsaa7134-alsa too.20:22
Baby_Shambl3smvo: that isnt a terminal command where do i use that?20:22
Ktrondystopianray, I want to say Radeon x1400? I can check for certain, but I'm using fglrx at the moment20:23
mvoBaby_Shambl3s: overwrites all blacklist/whitelist settings and force it to try to start - if your card is not supported it will crash then (so be careful with it)20:23
dystopianrayKtron: xgl is faster than aiglx with fglrx20:23
UnNaturalHighanyone here know how to get the java binary installed?20:23
Prez00For people in the know, what do you make of this guy's comments, I went to look at the bugs and they all seem pretty serious for average users to figure out: http://lwn.net/Articles/279111/#Comments20:23
dystopianrayUnNaturalHigh: do you need a particular version of java?20:24
Ktrondystopianray, then what might have changed my performance? Is the new Xorg just slower with Xgl than the old one?20:24
Prez00I can pretty much "fix" them following instructions, but most people will not..20:24
dethstarwhy is it that one minute my screen resolution will be 1280x1024, and then the next it'll be 1024x768?20:24
UnNaturalHighdystopianray, well we are supposed to use the latest from Sun20:24
dethstarnow it's 1024x768 and it won't let me change it in the menu20:25
UnNaturalHighdystopianray, I've install sun-java6-bin sun-java6-jre and sun-java6-jdk but still no java binary20:25
Ktrondystopianray, and should I go look at the ATI binary drivers again? do they work better with aiglx (or xgl for that matter) now?20:25
Baby_Shambl3smvo: nope that dont work i guess my card is just not supported #compiz channel just said so :(20:25
dystopianrayKtron: fglrx is the ati binary drivers20:25
mvoBaby_Shambl3s: sorry for that :/20:25
Ktrondystopianray, sorry, my bad20:25
dystopianrayUnNaturalHigh: try: sudo update-alternatives --config java20:26
Baby_Shambl3smvo: np wasted too much time on this going to revise for finance exam :/20:26
UnNaturalHighdystopianray, thank you!20:26
dystopianrayUnNaturalHigh: do you just need to run java programs or are you programming in java as well?20:27
jiphexdaekdroom: Fixed now I removed the card thanks20:28
mvoBaby_Shambl3s: good luck with that20:29
Andycass1If i install 8.04 RC, do i have to reinstall once the full comes out?20:30
Pici!final | Andycass120:30
daubershey all, I can't seem to access my virtual terminals (ctrl-alt-fX)20:30
Baby_Shambl3smvo: thanx will need it20:30
daubersCan anyone shed any light on this (it's in hardy, but I don't know where to start looking)20:31
PiciAndycass1: Ack, just do your regular check for updates process and you'll be running the most current version20:31
Andycass1aah, thanks :)20:31
ubotuAndycass1: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Hardy. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.20:31
dethstarwhy is it now that I've installed the nvidia drivers... my screen resolution wont go above 1024x768?20:34
dethstarit went up to 1280x1024 before.20:35
magnetron!fixres | dethstar20:36
ubotudethstar: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto20:36
dethstarI've restarted X.20:36
ether_chas anyone gotten mac spoofing to work with iwl3945 in hardy?   For some strange reason, I can change my mac address but the card just refuses to "work" after that. It doesn't do anything20:37
dystopianrayether_c: i seem to recall that it is a known issue with the card20:38
ether_cdystopianray: ah, I thought it was a little weird..20:39
dystopianrayether_c: maybe try a less radical mac change, such as incrementing the last number20:39
ether_chmm.. ok20:39
ether_cback in a bit20:39
ether_cdystopianray: I'm back20:45
ether_cyou were right20:45
ether_cI changed it just a little20:45
ether_cand it worked this time20:45
ether_cbut the connection is really messed up20:46
dystopianraymacchanger has options to make smaller changes to the mac address20:46
dystopianrayexperiment with them a bit20:46
dystopianrayether_c: messed up in what way?20:46
ether_c"connected to <wireless network> at 6~20:46
ether_cand that ~ number keeps changing20:46
ether_cat least that's what it shows in wicd20:46
rutterhey, I'm trying to set up pulseaudio for work with my openal games. However, it doesn't seem to be working. I've created a ~/.openalrc and pasted (define devices '(sdl)), but it doesn't work.20:47
ether_calso, the router gave me a very different ip in comparison to the ones it normally gives20:47
ether_cbut hey, at least it works20:47
dystopianrayether_c: how different of an ip?20:47
ether_cdystopianray: 1.111 when I normally get 1.101 or 1.10220:48
ether_cno big deal20:48
ether_cI'm gonna go play with it some more20:48
ether_cthanks for the help20:48
dystopianrayether_c: maybe you've got leases on those addresses from playing around with mac addresses20:49
ether_cdystopianray: probably20:49
py3k-er2 days to go! ;)20:53
dystopianray1 day according to ubuntu.com20:54
py3k-erUbuntu 8.04.1 is planned for July 3rd20:54
py3k-erhow do they know an update would be necessary?20:54
dystopianrayif somehow there are no updates needed them i'm sure they'll delay it20:55
gluerpy3k-er: coz its not ready in time20:55
py3k-erso this release is going to be unstable?20:56
py3k-erand would need an update some time in the summer20:56
py3k-eri thought LTS includes the fact that this release is going to be very stable20:56
darthanubisnowhere is that even implied20:57
dystopianrayLTS just means that it's going to be supported for longer than other releases20:57
dystopianraynot that it is more stable20:57
bbernieanyone here successfully get the juniper networks vpn client working under 8.0420:57
ubotuFrom more information on vpn please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD20:58
py3k-eri think i dug a text saying that LTS releases are very stable20:58
gluerpy3k-er: I just had this image in my mind of all these coders locked in a basement! sweating, biting nails, furiously trying to get everything ready by the 24th LOL20:58
bbernieits a shared library issue20:58
py3k-ernot sure where exactly was i foolin' around :)20:58
darthanubis!sense | py3k-er20:58
ubotupy3k-er: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.20:58
stefgI've got a brand new box, and set up my video partition as soft-raid0 on xfs. hdparm -Tt tells me ~120 MB/s , but if i copy a file from another disk i just get around 14 MB/s :(  . (core2 duo e 8200, gigabyte motherboard, latest hardy kernel) Anyone can tell me where to look to track down the issue ?20:58
py3k-ergluer lol20:59
py3k-erhowdy partner ;)20:59
PedanticSteveis there a way I can find out the version of the "atl1" Ethernet driver included in teh Hardy kernel?20:59
PedanticSteve(without downloading Hardy to find out)21:00
gluerpy3k-er: stuck in a pressure cooker21:00
nosrednaekimPedanticSteve: it will be the one shipped with the 2.6.24 kernel21:01
dystopianraystefg: is the other disk connected to the same controller?21:02
dystopianraystefg: what does hdparm say about the other drive's speed?21:02
PedanticStevenosrednaekim: ok, let me ask another way then... how can I find out what version of a drive is shipped with the 2.6.24 kernel21:02
rutterhey I'm having trouble getting my openal applications to work with pulse audio21:02
nosrednaekimPedanticSteve: excellent question....and... I don't know :) maybe ask in #linux21:03
stefgdystopianray: the other drive is my old pata drive, now in a quick-change tray on the IDE port of the board. i know it can do 60 MB/s21:04
stefgbut lemme check ...21:04
stefgyup ... hdparm tells me 60 MB/s for the pata drive21:05
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dystopianraystefg: what if you copy from the pata drive to itself? and from the soft-raid filesystem to itself?21:09
stefglet's see21:09
fevelI have a very bad sound after upgrading to beta21:10
fevelanyone else have sound issues?21:10
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP321:10
stefgdystopianray: 50 MB/s on copy xfs-soft-raid0 to itself (give all the head movement necessary that seems reasonable)21:12
dystopianraystefg: and the pata drive?21:14
dystopianraystefg: also try copying from the raid to the pata drive21:14
stefgdystopianray: ahh.... the pata is the bottleneck .. copying some iso to itself it just does 11 MB..21:15
dystopianraystefg: what filesystem is it?21:15
stefgdystopianray: the old pata had ext3 (untuned), while the new raid0 is xfs (as said)21:15
fevelsound is noisy and corrupt21:17
dystopianraystefg: is dma enabled for the pata drive?21:17
Pelogood afternoon folks21:17
=== crd1b is now known as crdlb
stefgdystopianray: libata used... so no hdparm -d1 possible. but i think i got a starting point now, thanks for the input. i know where to look now21:18
PeloIf I'd like to do my bit by seeding the torrent for the official i381 hardy dvd  , would I have to wait for the official release on thursday or do would I get it ahead of time ? anyone knows21:19
ryancrI am attempting to install the hardy heron RC, but its telling me I have 'no devices' to install it to, I even tryed gparted on the live cd, same thing.21:19
Peloryancr, sata hdd ?21:19
ryancrI know I have a device to install to as I have a working version of gutsy on it21:19
Peloryancr, check in the forum some sata drives seem to be difficult altho i have never experienced it myself21:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sata - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:20
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ryancrPelo, ok I had the same problem with the beta, was hoping the rc would fix it ;)21:20
Peloryancr, did you also have the same issue with previous releases ?21:21
Peloyou should have21:21
* Pelo throws some raw meat at starscalling 21:22
ryancrPelo, no, I install gutsy on this machine without problems21:22
Pelothat's a bit odd21:22
ryancrit sure is21:22
feveldoes anyone have a choppy sound?21:22
* Pelo taps on his portable mp3 player 21:24
Pelofevel, nah, it's ok here21:24
stefgfevel: killall pulseaudio, set the players to use alsa directly. pilseaudio is a source of constant annoyance in the state it is in yet21:24
fevelI am using alsa21:24
ryancrPelo, I see in dmesg>>  end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 021:24
ryancrI don't have a floppy drive though21:25
stefgpulseaudo makes flash crash, makes sound choppy and tends to hang....21:25
ryancrPelo, and I can't find anyting about sda,sdb in dmesg21:25
Peloryancr, I'm not the one to tell about this, I'm useless with hardware issues21:25
fevelhow can i check if using pulse audio?21:25
ryancrPelo, ok, I'll just talk out loud here and see if anyone answers... ;)21:25
fevelit says (alsa mixer) on volume ontrol21:26
Peloryancr, wasn'T there something in the forum about going in the bios and turning off dma during the installation ?21:26
Pelofevel, menu > system > prefs < sound21:26
ryancrPelo, hmm haven't found that one yet, but ill look into it, thanks21:26
Pelo later folks21:27
iMatterUhm DHCP doesnt work21:28
iMatterand because of that i cannot connect to internet21:28
iMatterdhclient dhcpd nor dhclient-script work...21:28
iMatterso i cant manually do it either..21:28
iMatteroh icanhas that patch didnt fix problem21:28
iMatterits me not getting an IP thats the problem21:28
ichatquestion- if i wanted to use hardy to set up a network,  equivalent to say a novel netware env or ms active dir.  -   what should i be looking for,21:29
ichatif i try to google it,  i realy only find a lot about  setting it up with samba - but i dont really desire a non- native network structure -  as if i wanted a ms active dir.  i wouldn't have atempting to switch to linux21:31
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gluerichat: i'm replacing my netware servers with ubuntu end of this year21:32
whiteeagleis there a way to update to hardy rc using the command line21:33
whiteeaglenot using the update-manager, because that dialogue window just got freezed21:33
whiteeagleits white, and it cannot be close21:34
whiteeagleI closed it with force quit21:34
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes21:34
MimixD it's released Thursday (right?) might as well wait for the real thing :D21:35
ichatgluer - could you explain a bit what to look for...21:35
whiteeagleopera warns me that this site https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes uses an outdated encryption method which is no longer classified as secure.21:35
whiteeagleI must continue with accept21:36
jbroomeomg hax21:36
whiteeagleso, how to upgrade to rc with the command line21:37
whiteeagle*not* with the update-manager21:37
dethstarhow about some flash for hardy?21:37
dethstarcould someone point me inthe right direction?21:38
Anon178For Intrepid (or even Hardy), I reckon it would be a good idea if the forums were linked to in the Firefox bookmarks toolbar. When I first used Linux, I used to search on Google for "Linux acer aspire" or "Linux Nvidia drivers" and you'd be presented with messages from a mailing list archive with instructions for Red Hat 6.2. I think it would be great if users were pointed directly to the forums.21:38
Anon178dethstar: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree21:38
Anon178whiteeagle: there is one, i'll just have to find it21:39
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Odd-rationaledoes hardy have a new gdm theme?21:39
ichatAnon178:  -  meaning as a search plugin or what21:39
MimiYes it does Odd21:40
Odd-rationaleMimi: cool?21:40
Anon178whiteeagle: enable the "dapper-proposed" repository   install the new "update-manager-core" package - dependencies include python-apt, python-gnupginterface and python2.4-apt.   run "do-release-upgrade -d" in a terminal window   follow the steps on the terminal window21:40
Anon178whiteeagle: those were from the release notes for the Hardy Heron Beta21:40
Anon178echat: Just a link in the bookmarks toolbar - alongside "Getting Started" and "Latest Headlines".21:41
* Lifeisfunny wanders over to the greeters table, grabs a name tag and with magic-marker in hand, writes his name in .......... "there!"21:41
whiteeagleI am upgrading from gutsy21:41
* Mimi draws kitteh face on funny's tag21:41
Anon178sorry - wrong section21:41
whiteeagleok ok21:41
Anon178you need to do sudo do-release-upgrade -d21:41
LifeisfunnyNOW, WHERE"S THE HORS DUERVES  :)21:42
Odd-rationalesince tranmission replaces gnome-bt-download, will an upgrade remove gnome-bt-download?21:42
Anon178go to Applications > Accessories > Terminal. Enter "sudo do-release-upgrade -d" (without the quotation marks) and press [Enter].21:43
Anon178All updates will be downloaded and installed.21:43
strtokÂ/w 321:43
whiteeaglethat doesn't work Anon17821:43
ichatAnon178:  - why not a custom start page - something like custom google with some  search the forums and all links in there...21:43
whiteeagleI just copied an pasted21:44
jbroomesudo do isn't a command21:44
whiteeagleand it doesn't work21:44
ichatcaurse if you want that you can allways set it up urself21:44
whiteeagleI am unable to get exclusive lock21:44
jbroomesudo update-manager -d21:44
whiteeagleand nothing is running in the background21:44
jbroomealso !update21:44
whiteeaglejbroome: I don't want that, I already told you that21:44
whiteeagleI want it via the command line21:44
_ZeuZ_I need rt73 module, but I can't find it through Hardy repos... any solution that comes through your mind guys?21:45
whiteeaglebecause the dialogue frezees21:45
Anon178when it copied and pasted, did it copy the hyphens between the words. Try just running "sudo do-release-upgrade".21:45
strtokhello, anyone running hardy with a geforce 6600 LE? I'm wondering if anyone has had success with it21:45
Anon178it should then say no later release available.21:45
Anon178strtok: Have you tried installing the Nvidia drivers?21:45
ichatZeuZ_ its a fairly easy autoconfig   - just downloade the lastest from  the  RTxx website21:45
whiteeagleit works now21:46
whiteeaglethanks Anon17821:46
whiteeaglesorry for being a noob21:46
_ZeuZ_ichat: I need the official (privative one) not the free one..21:46
Anon178no problem ;) - i've asked much more stupid questions in my time21:46
whiteeagleI'll let you know21:46
whiteeaglewhen i'll update21:46
ichathmmm - never used thate here so i dont really familiarwith it :srry21:47
Anon178_ZeuZ_: I'm also unfamiliar with the hardware, but a Google search gave me these instructions: http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/RT73_Wireless21:47
_ZeuZ_Tried those allready21:50
ichatZeuZ_ why do you 'need' the privated on (wpa2 ?)21:52
talaviskubuntu alternate rc and today's daily alternate just shows a blank screen after choosing check cd or install, any ideas what to do?21:52
_ZeuZ_ichat: That, and that the free one is unstable here... dunno why, but tried on my debian box, with those, and worked perfectly fine.21:53
_ZeuZ_is there any way to download a precompiled one?21:55
happytigerAny chance the iwl3945 and wpa2 enterprise will start to work any time soon?21:55
ichathmm, hard to say what that couldn't cuze that machine is the only one i havn't switcht yet... but dont Ralink  offer  autogen packages anymore21:55
ichatzuez - not sure hav'nt seen ubuntu packages for it either (yet) - but im quite sure that they'll get here soon enouth... -21:56
lord_alanI have found a problem installing Hardy beta (and previous Alphas) on a Clevo M670SU21:57
ichatstill afraid that you might need to  do it manually  f t t b21:57
llama_Does anyone know how I add my MP3 player/phone to linux so I can add songs21:58
llama_I am running 8.04 Rc..21:58
_ZeuZ_llama_ depends on the phone21:59
llama_its a sony21:59
_ZeuZ_that does not bring too much info to the table xD21:59
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kahrytanWhy did they remove custom Visual Effects from Appearance applet?22:00
_ZeuZ_llama_ you could try cobex, gammu22:00
zboy417hi everyone...i have Ubuntu 8.04 and am wondering if the update in update manager for the GeForce2 MX/MX 400 fixed the bug22:00
zboy417the bug that won't let it go above 800x60022:00
jbroome!resolution | zboy41722:01
ubotuzboy417: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto22:01
mojoMy keyboard's number pad is not working in X on hardy RC, amd64.  Works fine in a VT but not an x term.  No math or numpad-enter keys either.  How do I change the kbd settings for X, and where can I find a good way to pick the right one (my kbd is HP SK-2505)22:02
zboy417my friend contacted Ubuntu and they said that my Video card had a driver bug on 8.0422:02
redwhitewaldohow do i get skype on 8.04?22:02
redwhitewaldoplease advise soon22:02
Gninejockey-gtk wasnt displaying/allowing restricted drivers. updating grub to use latest kernel version fixed it. grub still is not auto-updating here.22:03
_ZeuZ_apt-get install skype22:03
_ZeuZ_Gnine: update-grub22:03
redwhitewaldo_ZeuZ_: it's not there22:03
redwhitewaldo_ZeuZ_: oh, it is22:03
_ZeuZ_lol, no problem ^^22:04
zboy417thanks...i tried update-grub and the update22:04
zboy417and am now going to reboot22:04
mojo!resolution | mojo22:04
cyclonutanyone else amazed at how frequently flash video crashes firefox?22:04
cyclonutcause I am22:05
Gninethanks for suggestion, _ZeuZ_22:05
nosrednaekimyeah.... I'm using Flock for my flash22:05
acidBURNis evolution improved in 8.04 ? (much!)22:05
cyclonutnosrednaekim: flock eh? have not heard of it... how oes it work?22:05
stefgcyclonut: chances are that it's a pulseaudio issue... try 'killall pulseaudio' before starting firefox and check if you still get crashes22:05
cyclonutstefg: will try.22:06
jbroomeacidBURN: i check it every time i update distros and haven't been impressed yet.  Thunderbird works great for me22:06
nosrednaekimcyclonut: its based on firefox 2, so very very well22:06
nosrednaekimcyclonut: its really justa  bunch of plugins on top of firefox 222:06
acidBURNgreat, but can you remove evolution with out breaking gnome22:06
cyclonutah, I see22:06
AuctionedllamaHey uh..22:06
AuctionedllamaI plugged in my phone22:06
Auctionedllamaand it crashed22:06
Auctionedllamaeverything froze..22:06
kahrytanLinux didnt crash22:07
mojocyclonut::  seems better to me since upgrading, but i got the latest flash relase and the 3.0b5 not too far apart so i can't say which has helped22:07
zboy417ok...that update didn't work22:07
Jaymaci installed network-manager 0.7 a while back - what is the easiest way to downgrade? plug in with ethernet and remove network manager completely? then remove the ppa repo and reinstall it?22:07
zboy417its still 800x60022:07
Gnineevolution is acting slow but havent had any crashes.22:08
iMatterIve traced my problem...22:08
iMatterits all around dhcp3-server22:08
cyclonutstefg: wow, 5 videos later and no crashes after killing pulseaudio!22:08
iMatterit fails to start22:08
cyclonutstefg: I still get sound too, which seems weird to me22:08
iMatteri even tried purging dhcp3-server22:08
zboy417why would my video card not be working correctly?22:08
iMatterwhen it tried stopping it it failed...22:08
iMatterthen afterwards re-installed a backup i cpied before i purged22:08
kahrytancyclonut-> thats cuz it wasnt default last release and you probably reverted back22:09
iMatterand it still failed to start/stop22:09
Gninepulseaudio has not given me any problems. you might have hardware/driver issues22:09
mojozboy417::  did you search ubuntu forums about it or the launchpad to find the bug you're talking about?  if the bug was fixed, it should be marked as such22:09
kahrytanGnine->  upgrade or clean install?22:09
zboy417ok...i'll look22:10
zboy417what's the code for looking up system hardware?22:10
zboy417in terminal22:10
nosrednaekimzboy417: lshw22:10
kahrytancyclonut->  did you upgrade or clean?22:10
cyclonutkahrytan: clean.22:10
AuctionedllamaHey uh.. anyone know how I can lower the volume of linux sounds..? Because anything on a website is really low but all the linux sounds are super loud so its really hard to do much online with videos if you get what I mean..22:10
nosrednaekimAuctionedllama: probably some pulseaudio setting22:11
Gninezboy417: you should try running the 'fix xorg' option via recovery mode menu...22:11
nosrednaekiminstall the pulse audio mixer22:11
stefgcyclonut: pulseaudio is just a sond-/server/ that means it does mixing and routing for several applications. *My* fix is to sudo apt-get instal aoss and set FIREFOX_DSP="aoss" in /etc/firefox-3.0/firefoxrc22:11
kahrytancyclonut, Gnine  that blows me theory out the water. Pulseaudio still seems to give most trouble with upgraders then clean22:11
Gnineperhaps.. i actually have had no issues even on upgraded systems22:12
cyclonutkahrytan: upgrading has always been futile for me22:12
cyclonutstefg: neat, I'll do that22:12
kahrytancyclonut->  hence why i do clean..22:12
Gninebut i'll second your observation, kahrytan22:12
iMatterCould anyone help me...22:13
Auctionedllamanosrednaekm, where can I edit those?22:13
kahrytanin general, people do tend have the most trouble upgrading then with clean installs.22:13
cyclonutstefg: got a more accurate package name for aoss?22:14
stefg!info aoss22:14
ubotuPackage aoss does not exist in hardy22:14
kahrytanstefg->  You changed sound server that firefox uses didn't you?22:14
stefg!info alsa-oss22:14
ubotualsa-oss (source: alsa-oss): ALSA wrapper for OSS applications. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.15-1 (hardy), package size 51 kB, installed size 216 kB (Only available for i386 ia64 alpha amd64 arm armeb armel hppa m32r m68k mips mipsel powerpc ppc64 s390 s390x sh3 sh3eb sh4 sh4eb sparc)22:14
ZambeziiMatter: Patient is a must if you're going to run Hardy.22:14
cyclonutstefg: nm, aoss22:14
cyclonutstefg: err, alsa-oss22:14
iMatterZambezi, Well i know but i havent had internet for about 3-4 days thats alot of money lost22:15
cyclonutiMatter: you seem to have it now! :)22:15
cyclonutso congrats22:15
iMatterZambezi, when an OS is your main operating system with everything and the kitchen sink in it22:15
iMatterand then something stops working..22:15
iMattercyclonut, im not in Ubuntu..22:15
acidBURNQ. is the new version 8.04 using less memory than 7.10 or more ?22:16
Gninenew kernel is more effective imho22:16
ZambeziiMatter: But then you shouldn't run Hardy. It's not for production.22:16
stefgkahrytan: considering that flash is still tailored towards OSS i tell firefox to use OSS, and install alsa's oss compatibility layer. somewhat ugly, but a temporary workaround until the bug is fixed22:16
iMatterZambezi, Internet Apps22:16
cyclonutacidBURN: more22:16
iMatterZambezi, thats all i really do internet related thing...22:16
nosrednaekimacidBURN: well, the KDE4 version will use less22:17
Auctionedllamawowzers.. how come when I rebooted it said I had 63 new updates to get.. but right before I checked and I had none.22:17
kahrytanstefg->  Sounds like a potential patch work around you got there.22:17
acidBURNyeah, but kde4 is still ways out22:17
cyclonutAuctionedllama: it probably was going on old updates when you checked, and actually hit the ser vers this thime22:17
cyclonut(sorry, fingers fell asleep)22:17
iMatterZambezi, well ive taken the time in ubuntu to trace my entire problem down to dhcp3-server not being able to start or stop22:17
Gninethen you did the wrong business decision.. why jeopardize that with beta software..22:17
ZambeziiMatter: Stick to Gutsy or get used to Hardy.22:17
iMatterZambezi, i am all i need now is internet22:18
GhotiPhudokay, probably a dumb question, but weren't Broadcom 4306 chipsets supposed to be supported OTB in Hardy?22:18
iMatteri love hardy ;)22:18
cyclonutGhotiPhud: yes, they are not.22:18
kahrytanstefg-> you submitted the idea to community until fix is done?22:18
GhotiPhudI just plugged one in and it sees it, but it isn't working22:18
cyclonutGhotiPhud: there is actually implementation for them, in  the form of ssb, unfortunately, ssb sucks.22:18
GhotiPhuddo I still need to do the ndiswrapper thing?22:18
cyclonutGhotiPhud: thats what I use22:19
cyclonutGhotiPhud: ssb is nothing but trouble for me - granted, I havent tried it lately.22:19
Gnineif you turned on your puter and it didnt connect.. most likely you do, GhotiPhud22:19
cyclonutI'll be wiping & starting fresh when final comes out22:19
GhotiPhudhow would you go about using ssb?22:19
stefgkahrytan: i remember having seen some threads on the forums already. google is your friend :-)22:20
GhotiPhudor is that just the default22:20
_ZeuZ_GhotiPhud, you need the b43fwcutter22:20
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs22:20
kahrytanstefg->  yeah but does the bug report show it22:20
GhotiPhuddidn't show up in restricted drivers this time22:20
stefgkahrytan: i got that idea from launchpad iirc22:20
kahrytanstefg->  oh cool22:21
_ZeuZ_GhotiPhud, just install it.. It will take care of everything22:21
Gninesounds logical enuff, stefg22:21
kahrytanstefg->  but they will make it real patch22:21
_ZeuZ_if you did compile your kernel with it built-in, then you-ll have to restart..22:21
GhotiPhudI'll try it out22:21
_ZeuZ_No problem22:21
_ZeuZ_Once you have installed it, do modprobe b4322:21
stefgkahrytan: depends on wether pulseaudio or flashplugin-nonfree is to blame. pulse can be fixed, flash cannot (at least not by ubuntu, just by adobe)22:22
_ZeuZ_and then iwconfig to see if it's allready up, if not, try ifconfig wlanX up22:22
_ZeuZ_Talking about Flash, when is it going to be a native 64bits version out there? :(22:22
kahrytanstefg-> fat chance adobe will do it anytime soon22:23
Zambezi_ZeuZ_: How much memory do you got?22:23
ubotuThe Ubuntu forums can be found at http://www.ubuntuforums.org. There is also a channel on IRC Freenode #ubuntuforums.22:23
stefg_ZeuZ_: write to adobe and complain ... flashplugin- *nonfree* ...22:23
Zambezi_ZeuZ_: Then I don't see why you should use 64 bit.22:23
_ZeuZ_though, I hate the performance loose on size modifications, and on full ledged window size22:23
Gnine#ubuntuforums.. right..22:24
_ZeuZ_Zambezi, because of performance?22:24
acidBURNhave they fix flash in firefox?22:24
_ZeuZ_packages not adapted, are not indicator22:24
_ZeuZ_and I compile all with apt-build22:24
Zambezi_ZeuZ_: Compare to few packages?22:24
_ZeuZ_compare to all, I built my whole KDE, Xchat, and pretty much all I use myself22:24
_ZeuZ_with 03 (agressive) enhacement22:24
AuctionedllamaHey, where can I get a converter that converts videos into 3gp?22:25
kahrytanstefg->  does ff2 carry the problem?22:25
_ZeuZ_Auctionedllama, Try theora22:25
_ZeuZ_of fffdshow22:26
_ZeuZ_theora should work lovely22:26
jbroometry google22:26
Auctionedllamauhm is theora in add/remove?22:26
_ZeuZ_you mean in the repos? I dunno, I use Debian, and they are on debianmultimedia xD22:26
_ZeuZ_I was testing Hardy, and thought I might be able to help..22:27
nosrednaekimAuctionedllama: should be installed by default22:27
Auctionedllamaya, I'm not seeing that22:27
Ergo^does anyone have problem with flash and no sound ?22:27
_ZeuZ_I repeat, browse for it in debianmultimedia22:29
mojoI am still stuck with my keboard problem... none of the GNOME kbd layout settings make any difference, evne though it was set for my keyboard (HP SK-2505 Internet Keyboard).  My NUM PAD works fine in a virtual terminal, but NOT in XWindows.  Eek!22:29
_ZeuZ_packages for Ubuntu/Kubuntu/*Insert whatever here*Ubuntu are all based on Debian22:29
stefgkahrytan: don't know. but since the main actors are flash and pulseaudio my guess would be that FF2 will crashh, too22:29
kahrytanstefg->  let me test it ... i dont use ff3 due to google22:30
=== burne1 is now known as burner
_ZeuZ_lol @ due to google22:30
_ZeuZ_I'm having a bad time with SQL Inject ME22:30
_ZeuZ_talking about that22:30
Auctionedllama_zeuz_ so google debianmultimedia?22:30
kahrytan_ZeuZ_-> But its true. I dont use ff3 because of google.22:30
_ZeuZ_Why's that?22:30
_ZeuZ_Last beta is pretty much stable even with Hotmail AJAX web apps22:31
kahrytan_ZeuZ_->  Google extension support or lack there of.22:31
GhotiPhu1did the b43-fwcutter, but now I'm getting 1Mb/s22:31
* stefg is soooo glad to get rid of gutsy22:31
_ZeuZ_GhotiPhu1, it's and advice22:31
_ZeuZ_GhotiPhu1, it's and advance22:31
Ergo^does anyone else have problem with flash and no sound at all with flash movies ?22:31
_ZeuZ_now check and paste here the output of iwconfig22:31
mojoOkay, the num pad ALSO works in GDM (tried switch-user), so it's some GNOME thing then???22:31
kahrytanstefg->  Using Gutsy just proved you were gutsy enough to use Hardy.22:31
GhotiPhu1 Bit Rate=1 Mb/s   Tx-Power=27 dBm22:32
_ZeuZ_paste all the output22:32
mojo_ZeuZ_::  use pastebin!22:32
stefgkahrytan: even hardy alpha 5 was already better than that dud round that gutsy represented22:32
_ZeuZ_He should allready know that22:32
_ZeuZ_mojo: He should allready know that22:33
kahrytan_ZeuZ_-> ->  Google Sync isnt avail for FF3. And I use it to keep bookmarks insync between dual boots. p.s I will only google based syncs.22:33
mojogotcha _ZeuZ_22:33
GhotiPhu1haha, I knew that22:33
XceIIAfter using sound for 10 mins, it breaks till i re-boot, is there a work around?22:33
GhotiPhu1that's why I didn't want to paste it al22:33
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)22:33
_ZeuZ_if you don't we wont be able to make sure why is it that way, example: bad signal, high signal noise, low signal strenght22:33
_ZeuZ_kahrytan, well, thingys to be corrected ;)22:34
_ZeuZ_though you can hack the xpi files to be into it22:34
_ZeuZ_I mean, to work around22:34
mojosome pastebin integration plugin for xchat would be nice :P22:34
_ZeuZ_mojo, there's allready one22:34
mojore-he-ally?  that's flippin cool!22:35
Auctionedllama_zeuz_ ok I downloaded debian multimedia, and instaleld.. now what?22:35
kahrytan_ZeuZ_->  Just when will google developers fix it..22:35
mojoknow it's name off hand?22:35
_ZeuZ_Auctionedllama, now update the repos, and you'll find it there22:35
_ZeuZ_not really mojo, but I've seen it22:35
_ZeuZ_my fellows on debian-es use it22:35
mojoi'll dig around for it later... first, my number pad must work or die22:35
Auctionedllamahow do I update the repos lol?22:35
_ZeuZ_kahrytan, meh, lazzy boy ;)22:36
kahrytanIm  running off flash videos on youtube on clean install and pulseaudio22:36
mojo(and it's playin dead pretty well)22:36
_ZeuZ_sudo apt-get update22:36
GhotiPhu1does it look good ZueZ?22:36
Auctionedllamathanks mate22:36
_ZeuZ_GhotiPhu1, for a minut I forgot about you xD22:36
_ZeuZ_well, the tx rate will not be higher because of not enough transmission in air at time22:36
mojokahrytan::  me too, ONLY prob was clean install picked my mobo sound card, had to change pulse and gnome to the audigy22:36
_ZeuZ_try if you can browse confortably, and then we'll messure it22:37
_ZeuZ_ALSA FTL!22:37
GhotiPhu1it was moving alright when going to pastebin22:37
seamus7Hi .. after upgrading .. not sure it's the culprit .. but after upgrading, links I click in other programs don't automatically open firefox .. they do nothing ... any help?22:37
* Gnine uses alsa, no issues22:37
_ZeuZ_GhotiPhu1, then, there's no apparent problem22:37
* _ZeuZ_ Loves ALSA... He's been using it since Red Hat 622:37
_ZeuZ_Once again, TX/RX rate means virtually nothing, it's just a way to messure the link quality against signal strenght, and will reflect the maximum ammount of transmited data22:38
Auctionedllama_zeuz_ i am looking in add/remove and can't find theora22:38
_ZeuZ_since this value is automatic22:38
_ZeuZ_it will change22:38
mojoam i correct that pulse still needs something like alsa for the actual output (other than net sinks)?22:38
_ZeuZ_mojo< I've read that too22:38
kahrytanmojo->  4th video .. still good.22:38
mojopulse is way cool though as compared to esd22:39
_ZeuZ_Auctionedllama, problem there is that it's not recognizing you're distro, hence it's discargind it...22:39
_ZeuZ_Letme handle a DEB to you22:39
_ZeuZ_still alsa is the most stable one22:39
* mojo is away: Away22:39
_ZeuZ_not counting developed22:39
jbroome!away > mojo22:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about theora - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:39
kahrytanTruth Happens .. i like the music in it22:40
_ZeuZ_ffmpeg2theora is the package you should look for, Auctionedllama22:40
Auctionedllamaon google?22:40
_ZeuZ_nop, in your system repos22:40
Gnineand try !synaptic instead of add/remove22:40
_ZeuZ_(through synaptic or whatever)22:41
Auctionedllamak thanks mate22:41
kahrytanI'm on my fifth youtube video ..22:41
_ZeuZ_kahrytan, what are you testing? ;)22:42
kahrytan_ZeuZ_->  see if firefox 2 crashes22:42
GhotiPhu1everything seems to work perfect with wireless now.  Thanks!22:43
GhotiPhu1much better than in Gutsy22:43
_ZeuZ_GhotiPhu1, no problem, visit us regularily to keep up to dat22:43
GhotiPhu1except that in Gutsy it prompted you to install22:43
_ZeuZ_Well, that might have been a problem with jockey..22:43
GhotiPhu1are they going to add that back in with the release?22:43
_ZeuZ_But, I do not know much about *ubuntus architecture for firmware so, I won't talk ;)22:44
GhotiPhu1ha, understood22:44
_ZeuZ_GhotiPhu1, they should I guess22:44
_ZeuZ_and since this channel is logged, I think they'll read it22:44
GhotiPhu1hope so22:45
Auctionedllama_zeuz_, kay I got it, how do I convert vids now22:45
GhotiPhu1maybe I'll just come in every once in a while and suggest it22:45
GhotiPhu1with different names22:45
_ZeuZ_ffmpeg input.format output.new_format22:45
jbroomeAuctionedllama: seriously?  You're not even going to poke at it first to check it out?22:45
Auctionedllamajbroome, I am on a tight schedule, and I can't even find it in apps22:45
afallenhopehey is there a way of just reinstalling ubuntu?22:46
_ZeuZ_Auctionedllama, Allready wrote you how to do that ;)22:46
NW2190Hi, I'm trying to install a program called memaid in Hardy and I get an error that, according to the bug report, is fixed by using a .debdiff file. How to use the .debfile though?22:46
_ZeuZ_patch it22:46
_ZeuZ_patch -p1 patchfile22:47
Hestonhello, i was attempting a fresh install with a custom partition layout when I was told the install might fail because my root partition wasnt 2 gigs. Does this mean ubuntu will try to install everything in root, even if i created a seperate swap, /tmp, /var, /usr, and /home?22:47
afallenhopeit'd be a lot easier to reinstall ubuntu then to figure out what I did and reverse22:47
_ZeuZ_then recompile22:47
_ZeuZ_Heston, it's logical that only base system will go onto /22:47
_ZeuZ_heston, the rest, will go as you partitioned it22:47
stefgHeston: you failed to tell the installer ...22:47
_ZeuZ_if you installed a minimal system, you'll have no problem22:47
Heston_ZeuZ_, then why is it complaining about my root partition, which is aproximately 256 megs, which should be more than plenty22:48
_ZeuZ_afallenhope, yes, format, and reinstall22:48
afallenhopecan the recovery partition do that?22:48
tawtwhen i try to run hardy on kernal 2.6.24-16, i get a black screen.  how can i fix this to use the newer kernal?22:48
kahrytanafallenhope-> if you put /home on seperate partition, you keep all your configuration settings on reinstalls. And further more, you can use !clone steps to clone your packages.22:48
_ZeuZ_if it was DSL, it would fit there, and space will be not a problem22:48
afallenhopeI don't really want to22:49
kahrytan!clone > afallenhope22:49
_ZeuZ_but Ubuntu requires way more than that, even for the base system22:49
afallenhopeI just want to reinstall everything22:49
afallenhopebut keep all the partitions22:49
Hestonthats ridiculous22:49
_ZeuZ_just format the one that's mounted as /22:49
_ZeuZ_and keep the rest22:49
jbroome256 megs for / ?22:49
kahrytanafallenhope-> Did you make separate /home?22:49
afallenhopedon't know22:49
kahrytandefault install doesnt22:49
_ZeuZ_Heston: Try DSL if you want a minimal fast system based on Debian that will run fast even in a 386 with 16mb of RAM22:50
afallenhopeI just popped in the CD dragged the percentage of the hard drive I want it to use22:50
afallenhopeand then click "install"22:50
stefgHeston: you need to go to manual partitionining and state the mountpoints for your partitions. I see a reason for /boot  and /home as separate ones, but /tmp should be a tmpfs anyway and /var on its own partition might be good on servers, but usually isnt worth the hassle on a home desktop22:50
Heston_ZeuZ_, this isnt about being minimal, i shouldnt need 2 gigs for a root partition on any distro22:50
* kahrytan always does manual settings.22:50
Hestonstefg, i clearly did that22:50
_ZeuZ_Heston, well, you would.22:50
_ZeuZ_Depending on it of course.22:50
tawtCan someone help me please?  when i try to run hardy on kernal 2.6.24-16, i get a black screen.  how can i fix this to use the newer kernal?22:51
_ZeuZ_BSD (freeBSD) requires less than 500mb22:51
_ZeuZ_but, for example, OpenSUSE requires more than 5gb22:51
kahrytanstefg->  On default ff2 install, it doesnt crash after playing more then 5 videos.22:51
Hestonmy debian desktop which im currently using only has a 256 meg root22:51
_ZeuZ_And with Ubuntu, you cannot personalize what's going to be installed and whats not22:51
Auctionedllama_zeuz_, Iam having some trouble here22:51
AuctionedllamaI typed in ffmpeg hitman1.avi hitman2.3gp22:51
_ZeuZ_cat /proc/partitions Heston ;)22:51
stefgHeston: so if you can reproduce that (with a desktop install) it's time for a bug report. in my case an alternate install works with separate partitions22:52
_ZeuZ_and of course show us the output22:52
Auctionedllamaand it said "overwrite hitman1.avi?" and I said yes, and then it said it had no input files.22:52
afallenhopeI did a desktop install I think22:52
_ZeuZ_man ffmpeg22:52
AuctionedllamaI type man?22:52
_ZeuZ_that would clear your doubts22:52
_Rambaldi_i have been asking this for a while now, how do i stop the blockiness in my video when it horizontal pans. its really annoying i have nvidia card22:52
_ZeuZ_man COMMAND display the manual of the command22:52
tawtCan someone help me please?  when i try to run hardy on kernal 2.6.24-16, i get a black screen.  how can i fix this to use the newer kernal?22:53
Auctionedllamakthx mate22:53
Heston_ZeuZ_, dont believe me? http://pastebin.com/m29fc065722:53
seamus7how can I make links in programs open Firefox.. they used to before the upgrade ... specifically I'm talking about pidgin and twhirl .. when I click links in them nothing happens.22:53
Hestonhda1 being the root partition22:53
_ZeuZ_Hmm, seems more like a SWAP if you ask me ;) if you-re using GNome, then it's not possible since it's allready more than that, so KDE22:54
Hestonno, its gnome22:54
_ZeuZ_no can do then xD22:54
seamus7_Rambaldi_ do you have enough RAM? are there many other programs running during the video playback? have you tried playing the video in other video players?22:54
_ZeuZ_I also use debian, ut with KDE and my apps, I have consumed more than 1gb22:54
Hestonwhat are you talking about, this is already running perfectly fine22:54
Auctionedllama_zeuz_ wowzers this is confusing D:22:55
Hestonyour root partition will not be effected at all from your desktop environment22:55
Hestonso i have no idea what you're talking about22:55
kahrytanAuctionedllama->  Im betting _ZeuZ_  is an advanced user.22:55
Auctionedllamakahrytan, no idea what that means xD22:56
kahrytanAuctionedllama->  so i got something better for you22:56
Auctionedllamakahrytan, ooo?22:56
cyclonutquick question: what file do I need to edit (command line) to add software sources?22:56
_ZeuZ_base installations install all of it to the / root partition22:56
tomd123are the next few days, bug squasher days?22:57
mojojbroome::  [ ] Announce Away Messages now unticked in xchat :) :: reading back..22:57
kahrytanAuctionedllama-> http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/avi+%26+mp4+converter?content=6489922:57
tawtCan someone help me please?  when i try to run hardy on kernal 2.6.24-16, i get a black screen.  how can i fix this to use the newer kernal?22:57
_Rambaldi_nothing to do with any of that, i have 4G ram, vlc and mplayer even flash from bbc iplayer, pretty much every video fullscreen seamus722:57
Heston_ZeuZ_, only if you do not provide seperate /var and /usr partitions22:57
_ZeuZ_either way, Heston, your problem is that you cannot personalize the instalation of ubuntu22:57
kahrytanAuctionedllama->  Nautilus script that when you right click on a avi/mp4 file, you choose the script and it pops up dialog prefs.22:57
_Rambaldi_seamus7, if this was windows, i would say i do not have video drivers for my card.22:58
_ZeuZ_But since they have no tags there I cant check that...22:58
Heston_ZeuZ_, then why would they offer manual partitioning22:58
Auctionedllamakahrytan, I need to be able to convery to 3gp22:58
_ZeuZ_Heston> you can manage partitions, not packages to be installed22:58
jbroomemojo: :) thanks22:58
Hestonwhich allows me to set the appropiate mount points22:58
Heston_ZeuZ_, that is irrelavent22:58
_ZeuZ_Still Ubuntu Basefiles are way more heavy than 256mb22:58
_ZeuZ_check the repos and check their sizes22:58
kahrytanAuctionedllama->  it converts avi/mp422:58
Auctionedllamato any file?22:59
mojojbroome::  you know if it's an xchat or irc server (channel) setting?22:59
Bassettshi, since yesterday my usb flash drives will not automount, they show up under Places but I have to go to Places > FlashDriveName in order for it to mount and appear on the desktop22:59
seamus7_Rambaldi_ is it just one particular video file or all videos you play?22:59
_ZeuZ_Bassetts: perhaps a problem with automount?23:00
_Rambaldi_all videos23:00
Auctionedllamakahrytan, both download links are dead23:00
kahrytanAuctionedllama->  no23:00
_ZeuZ_or, with hal23:00
_ZeuZ_Bassetts, try /etc/init.d/hald restart23:00
Bassetts_ZeuZ_: well I have checked all the automount properties and permissions, all seem fine23:00
_ZeuZ_Bassetts, try /etc/init.d/hald restart23:00
Auctionedllamathe first one just give me code kahrytan,23:00
_ZeuZ_then plug it in23:00
mojoI read ubotu's clone info, but wonder if it is safe to appy a package list from gutsy to a fresh hardy?  or is it meant for recovery and replication only?23:01
kahrytanAuctionedllama->  crap. doesnt do 3gp23:01
kahrytanAuctionedllama->  which is the program.23:01
mojo(i have such a package list and just did a clean install)23:01
kahrytanAuctionedllama-> bash script23:02
Bassetts_ZeuZ_: sudo: /etc/init.d/hald: command not found do you mean hal?23:02
Auctionedllamaok, well can you possibly find me one that does do 3gp?23:02
AuctionedllamaI am googling for one ATM23:02
_ZeuZ_dang, yes hal23:02
Bassettsok _ZeuZ_23:03
_ZeuZ_I renamed it so it's hal-demon23:03
_ZeuZ_daaaaaaaaamn, 3 hours left till I finally get Core Impact...23:03
kahrytanAuctionedllama->  I wish people would stop referring people to command line23:03
Auctionedllamafound one, its a tar.bz2, how do I install it?23:03
Bassetts_ZeuZ_: not helped =( I did not think it will, system has been restarted since then23:03
_ZeuZ_wait a sec23:04
_ZeuZ_lettme see something23:04
kahrytanAuctionedllama->  no.23:04
_ZeuZ_Bassetts: install hald-addon-storange23:05
Bassetts_ZeuZ_: does not exist23:05
kahrytanAuctionedllama->  the link .. converter is a bash script.. no binary23:05
_ZeuZ_it indeed does... It's shown that way in ps ax, though I don't know the package name23:06
Bassettsoh I see23:06
Auctionedllamabut you said it doesn't convert 3gp?23:06
Bassetts_ZeuZ_: it shows up in ps aux23:06
Some_PersonWhat is PulseAudio?23:06
_ZeuZ_Bassetts, try killing the process23:06
_ZeuZ_and then reboot23:06
_ZeuZ_the problem might be at the sessions23:06
Bassetts_ZeuZ_: the laptop has been restarted a number of times since the problem started23:07
kahrytanAuctionedllama->  you want toconvert to 3gp?23:07
_ZeuZ_That does not matter23:07
Auctionedllama.avi to .3gp23:07
_ZeuZ_the session stores data that will mess you up23:07
Bassettsok _ZeuZ_ give me a few mins23:07
_ZeuZ_that's why I tell you to kill -9 that process23:07
_ZeuZ_then reboot23:08
_ZeuZ_the process should start with no sessions messing around23:08
Bassetts_ZeuZ_: there are two running23:08
JPSmanis it possible to torrent hardy and then install automaticlly from the torrent?23:08
_ZeuZ_kill them both23:08
_ZeuZ_kill -9 processID23:09
kahrytanAuctionedllama-> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=193754&highlight=Avidemux+3gp23:09
JPSmaner that is upgrade from the torrent?23:09
Auctionedllamaya that doesn't convert to 3gp23:10
Bassetts_ZeuZ_: restarting, back in a min23:10
mojo!pulse | Some_Person23:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pulse - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:10
mojo!pulseaudio | Some_Person23:10
ubotuSome_Person: PulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions23:10
Some_PersonWhat is ESD?23:10
mojo!esd | Some_Person23:11
ubotuSome_Person: esd is the enlightened sound deamon. It's deprecated, use !alsa instead23:11
mojoSome_Person::  okay, ESD is a sound server in that it takes the outputs of many programs and mixes them onto the hardware output channel23:11
kahrytan!info winff23:11
Some_PersonSo ESD is like ALSA23:11
ubotuPackage winff does not exist in hardy23:11
_ZeuZ_!info w64codecs23:12
ubotuPackage w64codecs does not exist in hardy23:12
Some_PersonSo, in hardy, should I use ALSA or PulseAudio, and how would I switch?23:12
_ZeuZ_!info w6423:12
ubotuPackage w64 does not exist in hardy23:12
mojoSome_Person::  PulseAudio is an advanced sound server with low latency abilities, multiple sinks (outputs), and the ability to do stuff like change the volume of the input streams (turn down Adobe Flash Video but keep Amarok up, or vice versa), re-route sound to/from different sound cards on-the-fly, etc.23:12
Some_PersonHow would I switch from ALSA to PulseAudio?23:13
mojoSome_Person:: I *think* that PulseAudio uses ALSA for it's output.  Alsa is like the hardware driver layer for Pulse23:14
Some_Personso..... how do you use pulse?23:14
mojoSome_Person::  but Pulse can have different back-ends, like a network streaming output (and input), to bounce sound streams between physical machines.23:14
mojoSome_Person::  PulseAudio brings a lot of cool functionality to the table23:15
Some_PersonI like the part about changing input stream volume23:15
=== valehru is now known as beilabs
Some_PersonBut how do I use it?23:15
tawtCan someone help me please?  when i try to run hardy on kernal 2.6.24-16, i get a black screen.  how can i fix this to use the newer kernal?23:16
mojoPulseAudio in Hardy puts an icon in your sytem tray.  While sounds are playing from different programs at the same time, click the icon and select Volume Control.  Each output stream will have it's own volume controls, and you can right-click them to re-route them to different outputs, like if you have two sound cards, one to the desk spkrs and one to the stereo23:16
Some_PersonIs it the good ol' GNOME volume icon?23:18
JPSmanis the wireless working sub-par in hardy?23:18
alex_mayorgaanyone to help me get my X back?23:18
tomd123Why doesn't ubuntu support motioneye by default out of the box or at least have a package? (webcam, laptop)23:18
alex_mayorgaI get "init screen failed" :(23:18
tomd123I had to compile my own driver and it works and all but I don't understand why they wouldn't include it as a package23:19
alex_mayorgaJPSman, a little with broadcom chips23:19
alex_mayorgaRAOF, ping, you busy?23:20
kahrytanAuctionedllama->  I got nothing for you.. looks like command line for you. Winf looked promiseing though23:20
kahrytanAuctionedllama-> WINFF23:20
mojoSome_Person::  Programs typically write sound to the dsp device presented by ALSA.  If one program is writing to the device node (everything is a file in unix, even devices - device nodes are "files" you write to devices with, or read), then another gets lockd out.  Thus one sound stream at a time.  ESD solved that problem by making a fake software dsp, iirc, that programs could use and not block eachother.  it routed the mix to the rea23:20
mojol /dev/dsp or whatever.23:20
mojoSome_Person::  PulseAudio is a drop in replacement for ESD, but way more advanced.23:21
Some_PersonWell, ALSA supports <1 at a time23:21
mojonone at a time?23:21
Some_Personsorry, thats >123:21
mojowell i am not truly expert here, that is the gist of it though.  i think you've been using esd and just not aware of it.23:22
Some_PersonI had different sounds playing at the same time in Gutsy23:22
mojoSome_Person::  Gutsy had ESD on top of ALSA.23:22
Some_Personoh, ok23:22
Some_Personand hardy has Pulse on top of ALSA23:23
mojoSome_Person::  Yeah.  It replaces a piece you've been using with a way cooler version.23:23
elliottcan anyone help me install hardy rc1 on my mac mini? It says it installs correctly, but when I go to restart it doesn't boot. when I re-enter the install CD and select "boot from first hard disk", i get a blinking cursor and the computer hangs. someone else told me to make sure I was using the correct architecture, and I am.23:23
Some_Personbut I can't find where you change different input volumes23:23
mooboo1i want kernel 2.6.25!!23:23
mooboo1it has PIE protection and group scheduling!23:23
mojoelliott::  you get any boot up messages at all?  does it stop in-process or never display a thing past GRUB?23:23
elliotti don't even see grub23:24
mooboo1i have two directories with same files but different time on some, how do i sync them so they most recent files get transfered to each other?23:24
mojoelliott::  ooohh...23:24
Auctionedllamawhats the command to install a file?23:24
mojoelliott::  um, it is possible to re-install grub from the livecd.  can you see the hdd under a livecd boot?23:25
rskinstall a file? :o23:25
Auctionedllamakahrytan, found a program, can't install it http://www.miksoft.net/mobileMediaConverter.htm23:25
mojo!aptitude | Auctionedllama23:25
ubotuAuctionedllama: aptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. Like other APT front-ends, it can install/remove packages and their dependencies (on Dapper and earlier, however, only aptitude keeps track of unused dependencies). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide23:25
elliottmojo: yeah, and i can mount it and stuff23:25
kahrytanAuctionedllama->  look at pm.23:26
mojoelliott::  well that is good.  i don't know much about mac minis though, never even seen one first hand.  but the machine won't pick up the boot-loader?  i only presume it boots like a pc does, reading the first block off the disk and executing the binary boot loader that is there23:26
elliottyeah, and i was running gutsy fine not 2 hours ago23:26
mojoelliott::  if you cant get grub to re-install it's binary boot loader and /boot files from the livecd, you may search out to see how you restore the original apple boot sector to the disk.  you can probalby do that under linux if you get a copy of the boot sector.  i presume you didn't make a copy of it to a file first.23:27
penis there a command app to encode aac format?23:27
penlike mp423:27
bluefoxxtheres a name i recognize, though it is impossible for it to be who i know by that name lol23:27
mojopen faac i think23:28
penmojo: thx23:28
mojopen np23:29
kahrytanmojo->  ever seen WINFF?23:29
mojokahrytan::  no what is it?23:29
penno man page for faac?????23:29
kahrytanmojo-> winff.org23:29
mojokahrytan::  got it23:30
mojopen try info faac?23:30
Some_PersonDoes anyone know how to actually use PulseAudio in Hardy?23:30
pen:D works23:30
penthx again23:30
kahrytanmojo->  I guess it fills the void that tools like gui4ffmpeg is on windows23:30
EdulixI get no sound when I resume after suspend, what file do I need to edit to tell ubuntu to reestart sound after suspend or to reload the sound module?23:30
penmojo: it's not info for faac, but for general purpose23:31
penmojo: :(23:31
NotSureHi, I want use the older Firefox v2.0.0.4 version - But not sure which files to select for uninstall of FF 3 Beta 5 ?23:31
mojokahrytan::  i am just looking at it now.23:31
NotSurewant to use23:31
elliottmojo: th mac boot loader still runs, kind of. when you let it boot without the install CD, it just flshes a folder with a queston mrk, i'm assuming that means it can't find anything to boot to23:31
kahrytanmojo->  gui that converts videos using ffmpeg23:32
elliottit' when I try to boot to the HD from the install Cd that I get the bliking curso23:32
mojoelliott::  as i said i am not familiar with the mac mini, but i have read up on grub at their website, where it explains stage 1, stage 1.5 and stage 2 of the boot-loader process.  There are also ways to chain-load grub from another OS's boot loader, like Windows Vista's.  Vista bootloader likes to be king of the boot-loading hill best.  But grub can also chain to others.23:34
mojoelliott::  http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html is actually an interesting read if you're wondering how it works23:36
mojopen::  hmmm... yeah weird no info text OR man page.  i guess it's faac --help or the website for docs23:37
penmojo: that's weird23:38
penmojo: maybe it's the only one?23:38
ubotuCurrent time in Etc/UTC: April 22 2008, 22:42:58 - Next meeting: Marketing meeting in 17 minutes23:43
strtokanyone know if there's been a solution for the input/output (errno 5) error while installing ardy?23:46
chairmeleonhello :)23:47
Who_RAOF: Just thought I'd let you know: nvidia got back to me today about the bug report - which is nice. Dunno if anything will come of it, but I wouldn't have actually known about the bug report script if you hand't mentioned it (second time around ;))23:48
chairmeleonis there anyone out there with a ralink rt2860 WLAN card?23:48
chairmeleonor zepto zpro2 as they are also branded23:48
_Rambaldi_can onboard wireless card on laptops be used for wep security testing? if not what usb wifi can be used for it23:49
strtokwhat security?23:50
strtokwep is not secure to begin with23:50
_Rambaldi_i meant wpa23:50
newbieI need help to configure my wireless card. when I try to set my card to monitor mode, I receive this error: wlan0prism54pci - [phy0]/usr/local/sbin/airmon-ng: 895: cannot create /sys/class/ieee80211/phy0/add_iface: Directory nonexistent23:51
newbieError for wireless request "Set Mode" (8B06) :23:51
newbie    SET failed on device mon0 ; No such device.23:51
newbiemon0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device23:51
newbie(monitor mode enabled on mon0)23:51
newbie     any suggestions?23:51
tomasko'onboard wireless card' includes a large variety of cards. in general, i've found intel cards to be good in terms of security testing, stability, etc. anything atheros based should be good as well23:51
tomaskonewbie: first off, use pastebin23:51
newbietomasko, sorry about it, but I do not know what pastebin is23:52
atlef!paste | newbie:23:53
ubotunewbie:: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)23:53
elliottnot depaste, but it's the same thing23:53
bluefoxxerrr...how do i kill/destroy a 'uninterruptable' proccess?23:53
_Rambaldi_kill -9 tends to do it23:53
mojopen::  okay, there is NO docs avail. under /usr/share/doc/faac other than the basic license info, changelog, todo, etc.  There is SUPPOSED to be a WIKI with docs, but it is down.  Seems their website went down or transitioned last year and the wiki still isn't up.  You can try emailing faac-dev@lists.sourceforge.net to beg for a copy of the docs23:53
bluefoxx_Rambaldi_: whats te command?23:54
_Rambaldi_find the pid and use the command kill -9 pid23:54
bluefoxx_Rambaldi_: kk, tyvm23:54
kahrytanbluefoxx->  you can use system monitor applet in top of top23:55
kahrytaninstead of top command23:55
bluefoxxmt crashed when i told it to retension a tape >. > and tar cant find the tape device[/dev/tape/ dissapeared]23:55
_Rambaldi_i prefer top command, system monitor takes cpu23:56
bluefoxxT_T it wont die!23:56
_Rambaldi_what stubborn program is this23:57
newbiewhen I try to set my wireless card to monitor mode, I got this errors: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64045/. This happened after I upgraded from 7.10 to 8.04. Anyone knows how to fix this problem?23:57
bluefoxx_Rambaldi_: mt. i was about to retension a tape23:58
_Rambaldi_i got the second error when i tried to put mine in monitor mode newbie23:58
_Rambaldi_airmon-ng stop ath0 and airmon-ng start wifi0 put mine in monitor mode23:59

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