
Alan_Mhello everyone! :)01:15
troy_s<DanaG> Hmm, anybody else notice how far off-center (vertically) the progress bar is on the usplash theme?05:50
troy_sDanaG: You mean horizontally?05:50
DanaGNope, vertically.05:54
DanaGBetween the textbox and the logo.05:54
DanaGIf you boot without 'quiet'05:54
troy_sDanaG: What do you mean off-center?  Center punching isn't exactly good composition, so I would need you to explain.06:22
DanaGDo you use the usplash with 'quiet' disabled?06:23
troy_sDanaG: In general, center punching _anything_ is a good reason so suspect that the person doing it is drunk.06:23
troy_sDanaG: Yes...06:23
troy_sDanaG: Where is the center of gravity for the two components -- the graphical progress bar and the wordmark?06:23
DanaGOn a line between either the logo bottom OR the text-in-logo bottom, and the top of the messages, is way offcenter.06:23
DanaGI'm not sure, but it somehow seems visually off to me.06:23
DanaGIt may also be looking odd because I don't have native-res framebuffer.06:24
DanaGLCD: 1440x900.  VESA mode: 1024x768.  Stretched.06:24
DanaGTo counteract that: usplash.conf is 1024x85306:24
DanaGSo it goes low.06:24
DanaGHow do you get usplash to use the fake-widescreeen images?06:25
troy_sDanaG: Well, I don't know where it is... there are some technological limitations to perfect composition of course -- namely that the text area wasn't laid out by someone with a clue so the logo and the progress bars are often composed in avoidance of that area.06:25
troy_sDanaG: Widescreen and usplash has always been awful.06:25
troy_sDanaG: But it shouldn't affect the vertical compostion.06:25
DanaGI made it look not-squished, but the vertical composition is like this:06:26
DanaGFrom bottom of logo text to top of box, the progress bar is 2/3 of the way down.06:26
DanaGMeasured to bottom of progress bar.06:26
DanaGAt least it's circular, though.  I had to reverse-compensate:  1024*(4/3)/(16/10)06:27
troy_sDanaG: 2/3rds for the progress bar is probably high... as your eye will be drawn to the center of gravity of the two sources06:27
troy_sDanaG: Which in this case would be about probably say, 2/3rds of the way from the top of the logo to the bottom of the progress bar.06:28
troy_sDanaG: Needless to say, it is close.06:28
DanaGIt's one of those "just close enough that it's hard to tell" things.06:28
troy_sDanaG: Well it is pretty simple more or less -- you just locate a centre of gravity and make sure that it abides more or less by the rule of thirds.06:29
troy_sDanaG: In this case, the centre of gravity of the logo is around that guess, and _that_ margin line would be located approximately at 2/3.06:29
troy_sDanaG: But... no one gives a shit.06:29
troy_sDanaG: Well... 61.8% to be far more accurate in terms of classical composition.06:32
DanaGWhatever it is... it's off by just enough to be odd.06:32
DanaGEither that, or my sense of balance is screwy.06:32
troy_sDanaG: Have a look at the default KDE wallpaper if you want to see odd composition.06:32
DanaGOh, that one from vladstudio.com?06:33
troy_sDanaG: Yes.06:33
troy_sDanaG: It's just asstastic.06:33
DanaGThat guy has sooo many other better wallpapers -- actually, the kde4 default is one of his worst ones,  I think.06:33
troy_sDanaG: The composition is horrific (aside from some of the other more often cited issues with walls / concepts / etc.)06:33
DanaGSOme of his other wallpapers actually work reasonably well with that changes-over-time thingy.06:34
DanaGBut I'd rather have good static artwork than crappy dynamic artwork.06:35
DanaGI'm using the transparent svg from just above the "gdm theme" concept.06:40
_MMA_Oh ffs. "Zoom" view for widescreen wallpapers in Hardy now justifies the pic to the left side and everything off the right on a 4:3 screen instead of centering and cropping both sides. Asstastic.12:53
kwwii_MMA_: that is nasty13:01
thorwilif "adjustment.upper" returns 204.0, "adjustment.set_value(204.0)" should cause the scrolledwindow to scroll to the end, right?16:48
thorwilbut it only scrolls a few lines down :(16:49
troy_s_MMA_: What is the net effect?16:58
* thorwil only now notices it's the wrong channel16:58
troy_sthorwil: Lol.16:58
_MMA_troy_s: Instead of cropping both sides equally, it takes it all from 1 side.16:59
troy_s_MMA_: Woop.  Center punchy mook hell!16:59
troy_s_MMA_: It's pulling it off the left too yes -- which is sort of a worst case scenario.17:01
_MMA_troy_s: Indeed.17:06
kwwiihi psyke8322:38
psyke83hey kwwii22:39
_MMA_psyke83: We're trying to get a theme to use specific icons in the panel.22:39
kwwiiyou don't happen to know how to set a different icon theme for just the panel, do you?22:39
_MMA_Something like "gtk-icon-theme-name = "gnome" is supposed to work.22:39
psyke83_MMA_, what theme is this for?22:40
_MMA_psyke83: Goes somewhere in the "style "panel" section.22:40
psyke83you need to use an absolute path for the icon theme, btw22:41
kwwiipsyke83: do you know how to set a gtkrc just for the panel?22:42
_MMA_I do.22:43
psyke83kwwii, ok, I don't think it's possible to do that, as the gtk-icon-theme-name is a global variable that can't be defined within a style22:58
_MMA_psyke83: So then what we need to find is a way to set an icon theme or a set of images within the "panel" style.23:04
psyke83_MMA_, it's not possible, and the icon theme seems to be overridden anyway23:04
_MMA_psyke83: With that "gtk-icon-theme-name" sure. Im looking for another way.23:05
_MMA_I was tinkering with setting the panel icon size to a particular size and editing those icons to suit.23:06
_MMA_But, while i can get that to kinda work it still grabs images from outside the set size. ie: 20x20.23:07
psyke83_MMA_, if you're including the menu icons (i.e. Applications, Places, System), that's the menu icons, not exclusively panel...23:08
_MMA_See, here's where Skype is good.23:09
_MMA_No. "panel" not "panel-menu"23:09
kwwiipsyke83: actually, we only want to theme the things that show up on the panel, not in any of the menus23:09
psyke83I don't think it's possible to change the icon set for different widget sets anyway, but maybe it's possible to set individual icons somehow like here: http://roscidus.com/desktop/book/export/html/9823:10
psyke83see "How can I theme the toolbar icons?"23:10
_MMA_psyke83: Hmm... That might work.23:11
psyke83just bear in mind that's ROX-Filer, and there may not be defined names you can edit in the same way23:12
_MMA_psyke83: So you think that will work in style "panel"?23:13
_MMA_  stock["gtk-close"] = {{"close-icon.png"}}23:13
kwwiipsyke83: thanks for the link, lots of good info there23:15
psyke83hold on a sec...23:19
psyke83look at this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/baltix/+source/gnome-panel/+bug/13414423:20
ubotuLaunchpad bug 134144 in gnome-panel "Main menu icons blurred using alternate theme controls" [Undecided,New]23:20
psyke83comment 323:20
psyke83is it possible that we can define: gtk-icon-theme-name = "panel=gnome", for example?23:20
psyke83it's a long shot, though23:20
* _MMA_ tries.23:23
psyke83doesn't seem to work here23:26
psyke83it seems to be completely ignored, in fact (as a global setting)23:26
psyke83bear with me, look at this: gtk-icon-sizes = "panel-menu=24,24:gtk-menu=24,24:panel=24,24"23:37
psyke83the panel-menu and gtk-menu entries work (try setting them to 16 to see), but the panel doesn't23:37
psyke83maybe it has a different name, so if we can find out the name, we can use the same format to change the icons23:37
psyke83damn, gtk-menu doesn't work either23:38
_MMA_gtk-menu should. As that effects the applications and sytem menus.23:39
psyke83it should, but it doesn't when you actually try it23:39
_MMA_Or restart the panel.23:40
kwwiigtk-menu only does app menus and the places and system menu in the panel23:41
psyke83that's panel-menu23:41
kwwiipanel-menu only effects the applications menu in the panel23:41
psyke83(replying to _mma)23:41
kwwiioops, sorry23:41
psyke83kwwii, gtk-menu doesn't work23:41
psyke83I'm looking at e.g. gedit's menu23:42
psyke83kwwii, nope, panel-menu does the applications places and system menus on the panel, try it yourself23:42
kwwiipsyke83: freaky, earlier I got it to only effect the applications menu...perhaps I did not restart the panel or such23:43
psyke83it seems that gtk-icon-theme-name is completely broken23:44
psyke83yeah, that's weird... but on my system it affects all the panel menus23:44
kwwiiyeah, it does here too now23:45
psyke83that seems very weird that the icon theme can't be changed... hmm23:46
kwwiihrm, I can set a custom icon for all the applets and objects in the panel in gconf23:49
kwwiithe custom_icon key23:49
kwwiibut then I guess people would complain that they cannot change those icons when changing themes23:51
psyke83kwwii, hmm, is that what's overriding the gtkrc in the first place?23:55
_MMA_kwwii: Yes. I would kill you.23:57
kwwiipsyke83: no, those keys are not set23:58
kwwiiI would have mentioned that :p23:58
kwwiithe panel seems to be freaky anyway...my firefox icon is 24x2423:59
kwwiiit fills up the whole height of the panel23:59
kwwiiand the only firefox icons I can find are, at the smallest 48x4823:59
kwwiithe other icons in the panel are 22x2223:59

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