
Gninerestricted drivers not displayed in jockey-gtk. nvidia-glx installed; other restricted modules installed.01:03
ograbdmurray, wow, you read ubuntu-users ? thats brave :)01:12
* ogra doesnt feel so alone anymore whatching the user madhouse01:13
bdmurrayogra: it recently seemed like it needed some help01:15
ograyeah, it does01:15
bdmurraybut I feel one person isn't enough either01:15
ograi only manage to roughly follow it in recent times01:16
ograyeah, its our biggest list and pretty noisy ... there are not many developers readin it anymore01:17
bdmurrayI was thinking that maybe bugsquad members reading / commenting would be sufficient help.01:18
bdmurrayI saw some comments about using a partition separte from ubiquity which seems silly now a days01:19
ograit just was a great ressource for help once where you had lots of knowledgeable people giving excellent advise ... the level dropped massively over the three years i'm on it01:20
bdmurrayer, a partition utility01:20
ograyeah, there is a lot of such stuff01:20
ograand recently some very active people with half breeded knowledge who think they know everything because they used redhat before ... "use telinit 2 to siwtch to non graphics mode"01:22
bdmurraydinner bbiab01:22
macdbug 174048 just needs a debdif with the package rules changes to include python-xml?02:08
ubotuLaunchpad bug 174048 in xen-3.2 "missing dependency: python-xml" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17404802:08
mrooneyso, I see a package updated its "debian/$package.gconf-defaults", does anyone know where I could find this file, to check out what changed?02:55
greg-gmacd: looks like it, yes03:10
danagehello saivann?03:12
saivanndanage : Hi!03:12
danagehi! wow our bug got fixed03:12
saivanndanage : Did you see, our bug got fixed03:12
saivanndanage : Yes :D03:12
danageit even looks like it might make release03:13
mrooneyooh what bug is that03:13
saivanndanage : Now that's how very well described bugs + incredible developers makes good work03:13
danagei wish the bluetooth problem was more evident03:13
danagei would love to have it fixed03:13
danagedisabling hidd didn't change anything03:13
saivannmrooney : That was a bug in gvfs that prevented users to list files with more than 8 spaces in FTP servers, I don't have the bug number, but it got fixed in few days03:14
saivanndanage : Really? That might be kind of bad bug with the driver, that's less evident..03:15
danagethat is what i am thinking. i am testing right now with a usb dongle on another computer, see if it's apple mouse specific03:15
greg-gdoes xubuntu use the restricted-driver manager?03:15
greg-gaka, package "restricted-manager"03:16
danagewow, a lot of now updates being pushed through today03:16
saivanngreg-g : I'll answer this in ~1 minute03:16
greg-gsaivann: thankya03:16
saivanndanage : I use a USB belkin bluetooth dongle.. so03:16
danagei have a chinadongle now, i'm gonna use it tonight and see how it turns out03:17
saivanngreg-g : xubuntu gutsy did, I don't know about Hardy but I doubt that it changed.03:17
greg-gsaivann: thanks.  anyway of searching for the answer online so i don't have to ask you again? :)03:18
saivanndanage : Great :)03:18
greg-gs/anyway/is there a way/03:19
saivanngreg-g : I was thinking about rdepends, but it does not seems to show needed informations, so I don't know :) Unless installing xubuntu inside a virtualbox VM, that's what I do03:21
bdmurraygreg-g: it is called jockey now03:21
bdmurrayand an 'apt-cache show jockey-common' show the Tasks it is installed in03:22
saivannThat's why I did not find jockey in gutsy...03:22
Gnineno restricted drivers shown in jockey-gtk03:22
greg-gbdmurray: awesome, thanks03:23
saivanngreg-g : and apt-cache rdepends jockey-gtk show the reverse depends :)03:23
greg-gsaivann: that works too, thanks03:24
* greg-g learned something new todya03:24
saivanngreg-g : np :)03:24
saivannhehe, we all, I think..03:24
mrooneybdmurray: do you know where I can find the debian/$package.gconf-defaults file of a package? I am having trouble doing so03:24
bdmurraymrooney: in the package itself I'd guess03:24
bdmurraytry apt-get source $PKGNAME03:25
mrooneybdmurray: thanks, that did the trick!03:26
mrooneybdmurray: by the way in regards to bug #78038, it turned out that rhythmbox DID prevent hibernate/suspend on critical battery. the issue got fixed by disabling the rhythmbox plugin that caused that, but is there a more important underlying issue that allowed that to happen in the first place?03:31
ubotuLaunchpad bug 78038 in rhythmbox "rhythmbox interferes with suspend" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/7803803:31
bdmurraymrooney: I'm a bit busy at the moment03:36
mrooneyfair enough, are you saying I should wait a bit for a response, or ping you about it at a later date?03:38
bdmurraydepends on when the kids get home. ;)03:39
bdmurraySeriously though, I'll try and look at it in a couple of hours03:41
LoOoDI'm trying out the hands free install via PXE. Seems to be stuck in a loop while partitioning the drive. It gets the kernel/initrd/preseed file and boots up. /var/log/partman just seems to grow forever.03:45
danageLoOoD: mustn't be a pxe-related problem then. i installed from a usb stick the other day, with all packages being loaded from ubuntu archive server03:47
LoOoDpxe said then. what can I do to figure out what is wrong? I regular interactive netboot install works fine.03:49
LoOoDpxe aside then ..04:07
LoOoDis there an existing working seed file I can try it with.. might be my seed file.04:10
mrooneyoh does anyone know, it gutsy the update-manager showed the old version --> new version under the titles of each package, is there a way to re-enable this in hardy?04:20
unmanarchi, i want to report a kubuntu installation bug...04:29
unmanarcwell, i'll say the bug here...04:31
unmanarcCaracas Time is GMT-4:30  not GMT-5:30...04:31
bdmurraymrooney: yes it did and no there isn't04:33
bdmurraymrooney: additionally there is a bug about and the maintainer has said he'll release a ppa version after the final version04:34
mrooneygreat, I really miss those. now let me try to find that bug...04:41
coolHi, i would like to report a bug, before that i would like to verify if its really a bug.05:07
bdmurraycool: Hi, I'm looking at it now05:09
bdmurrayIs that your post?05:12
bdmurrayIt'd be good to test with Hardy via a Live CD05:12
macdis there an easy way to make a change to just a control file, rather than having to rebuild the entire package? (it is a depends on change)05:13
macdoops wrong chan05:14
coolbdmurray, the main problem is that this error occurs random, using live & testing is not a solution05:14
coolas, system behaves normal 90% times05:15
coolright now i am posting fom same box, on which the error is reported05:15
coolstill today or tomorrow i would try to upgrade to hardy05:16
techno_freakfirefox3 randomly goes off :s05:16
coolbdmurray, is there any further debugging required on this system?05:16
coolsince, then all data would have been  gone, i would be doing a clean install to minimise problems05:17
bdmurraycool: From what I understand of your situation it is unlikely to be fixed in Gutsy as it doesn't meet SRU criteria, so no we wouldn't need anything from that system.  by the way dist-upgrades work really really well05:18
mrooneycool: I would imagine that either way you are fine. If you update to Hardy and the issue is gone, then you it has been addressed in some way and doesn't need a bug report. If it still exists in Hardy, you will be able to obtain more relevant information that way05:19
coolmrooney, bdmurray :Thanks a lot Guys!05:20
coolbdmurray, i could use  dist-upgrades but i have few other problems which i would not like to carry forward05:21
coolsome problems, which i didn't find any solution05:21
bdmurraycool: ah, okay05:21
mrooneycool: I know what you mean, personally I find Ubuntu so easy to restore to a state you like (ie, one line apt-get install to get all your apps again), that I like fresh installs to keep everything clean05:22
coolanyone facing disappearing desktop problem with compiz-fusion, i have reported it to bugzilla at compiz few days back but no reply yet.05:23
mrooneyHm, I am not aware of that issue at all05:23
mrooneyhow does a desktop disappear05:23
mrooneycan you see through to behind the screen? :)05:23
coolhold on, will dig up a thread on some forum05:24
coolone of my solved threads in forums05:24
coolmrooney, can you see the screenshot?05:26
coolthe problem is all desktop element come & go05:27
mrooneycool: no, I have to register for the forum :/05:27
coolhold on05:27
coolwill post it in paste bin :)05:27
coolI am having problem with compiz fusion, main problem is the My whole desktop keeps disappearing in parts, then comes back for few secs when i hover mouse pointer the them.05:30
* cool uploads a screenshot05:30
mrooneythat sounds very...unique05:31
mrooneyI would not be at all surprised if that is gone in Hardy05:31
coolmy most problems are unique05:31
techno_freakcool, check all your problems after you upgrade to hardy05:32
coolhere is a screenshot ==> http://www.imgx.org/pfiles/7016/Screenshot.png05:32
mrooneycool: yeah probably quirks which are worked out with better drives and composite by default05:33
coolk, will upgrade to hardy then05:33
coolThanks a lot for your time, it was nice talking to you ;)05:34
* cool prepares to leave05:34
=== asac_ is now known as asac
ffmHow can I tell if my bug report that has been marked with a lock icon is safe to make public.13:23
ffmI mean, my bug report is currently private, it involves a crash of pybackpack. How do I make sure nothing personal is in there?13:24
Arbyffm: I think it needs to be done by a member of bugsquad, got a bug number13:24
ffmArby: Sure, Bug #21958313:25
ubotuBug 219583 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/219583 is private13:25
Arbybasically it's just reading through the attachments for paswords etc13:25
Arbyok I'll take a look13:25
ffmWow, those bug names are long.13:25
ffmArby: Look for something like "aiof877a&a", that's my password for all my websites.13:25
Arbyhmm, that ones invisible to me too13:26
pedro_mm i cannot see the bug either13:26
Arbyhow long ago did you post it13:26
ffmArby: 2008-04-1913:26
Arbyhmm, it should be there then I'd  have thought13:30
Arbydon't know then sorry13:30
Arbyanybody else got any idea?13:30
pedro_ffm: may you subscribe me to it?13:31
ffmpedro_: I don't know, are you trustworthy?13:32
pedro_ffm: yeah, every member of ubuntu-bugcontrol is trustworthy13:33
pedro_ffm: pvillavi is my lp account in case you want to subscribe me to have a look to your data13:33
ffmpedro_: Done.13:34
Arbypedro_: did that help?13:36
pedro_ffm: thanks, there's nothing private on the report, you can make it public13:36
pedro_Arby: yep13:36
Arbyok that's worth knowing about13:36
ffmArby, pedro_ , It's public now. Anything more you need to triage it?13:37
ffmBug #21958313:38
ubotuLaunchpad bug 219583 in pybackpack "pybackpack crashed with AttributeError in do_ssh_backup()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21958313:38
pedro_ffm: not really, leave it public so it can be looked by a bugsquad member13:39
ffmpedro_ Arby , it says "needs-duplicate-check" as one of its tags, but it is the only bug in that package. Can I remove the tag?13:40
pedro_ffm: yes, but it's weird I've seen a few bugs with "need-duplicate-check" tag and a comment from apport saying something like "this bug it's probably a dup of #xxxxxx but the latest one was fixed"13:41
pedro_first time i seen a needs-duplicate-check without a comment like that13:41
Arbysounds like apport is being odd13:42
ffmShould I report it upstream as well?13:42
ffmArby pedro_ , see above.13:44
james_wffm: I think so yes, the package isn't patched at all, so there's little chance of it being Ubuntu-specific.13:45
ffmjames_w: Uh, I wanted to add a link to the external tracker, http://projects.sucs.org/projects/pybackpack/ticket/64 , and it did so, but said it was a bug in archlinux.13:46
james_wffm: you should copy the backtrace in to the upstream report.13:47
ffmjames_w: Yes, but I am having trouble linking the report to ubuntu.13:47
=== thekorn_ is now known as thekorn
james_wffm: yeah, I'm looking in to that, I just noticed that on the way past13:48
james_wffm: there's no upstream project set up for this yet.13:48
james_wcan anyone tell me how to go about doing that? Do I need bugsquad powers?13:49
thekornhello @all!13:49
james_whi thekorn13:49
thekornhi james_w13:50
seb128james_w: ask jcastro about adding the corresponding product on launchpad13:50
james_wseb128: thanks13:51
ffmjcastro: ping13:52
james_wffm: I worked it out, it should be done now.13:57
thekornIs the broken error pages in mozilla browsers (xml parsing error) a known issue?13:59
thekorni wonder if this is a translation error or something elese14:00
james_wthekorn: I heard someone mention it to asac the other day I think.14:00
seb128I think asac fixed it14:01
thekornah ok, maybe the fix does not land on my system yet14:02
seb128he might not have uploaded14:02
seb128I think he said to pitti that he figured what was wrong yesterday, I'm not sure now though14:02
asacshould be fixed14:07
asacgerman + finnish translation were affected14:08
asacthekorn: please verify that latest langpack fixes it14:08
thekornrunning an upgrade now...14:10
thekornasac, yay, fixed, thanks!14:16
asacthanks for confirm14:16
pedro_morning afflux15:40
affluxhi pedro_ :)15:41
rodserlingI was told there was a Hug Meeting in here.15:52
pedro_rodserling: there's no hug day today, it was postponed to be focus on ISO testing rather15:53
mrooneyhmm, is it really appropriate to just say "this bug is a duplicate" but say you don't know which one, and just mark it Invalid? I am referencing bug #18006416:24
ubotuLaunchpad bug 180064 in gtk+2.0 "scroll bar obscures the bottom line" [Low,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18006416:24
pedro_mrooney: as pointed on my last comment, yes16:25
pedro_we have to deal daily with hundreds of reports and sometimes we cannot find the exactly bug number of the duplicate16:25
mrooneyokay, but if a seasoned bug veteran can't find it, how do you expect that person to find it?16:26
mrooneyit seems pretty rude16:26
pedro_mrooney: you're welcome to look at it and help us16:26
bdmurraymrooney: I think it is a question of efficient use of time16:26
mrooneyyeah, I understand from an Ubuntu productivity viewpoint16:28
mrooneyit just doesn't seem like a very good user experience16:28
mrooneybut if it is generally agreed upon as acceptable I guess I can note it!16:29
bdmurrayI don't think it is best but don't think there is a good alternative either.  We could tag it as likely-dup and then someone else would have to find the duplicate bug report.16:30
afflux"usage: update-rc.d [...]" reports, are they all the same and is there sort of a big masterbug?16:30
james_wafflux: I doubt they are all the same16:31
james_wif they were it would be a bug in debhelper, and there would be hundreds of duplicates I expect.16:32
james_wafflux: do you have a reference please?16:32
seb128mrooney: that's either that or we keep under of duplicates open because we are too busy to search the exact number16:35
bdmurrayjames_w: thanks for testing my debdiff16:36
qensethat was scary, it looked like hardy didn't allow ethernet connections to work. That would be a terrible bug three days before the release... Fortunately it was a fault in my computer and now I've got internet again!16:36
seb128mrooney: it takes some minutes to do that, either the submitter has to do the job or the overworked bug triagers have to do that for all those users, don't you think it's better to share the workload?16:36
affluxjames_w: bug 220645 and bug 220643 seem to be related to pulseaudio, rsync and acpid16:36
ubotuLaunchpad bug 220645 in ubuntu-meta "package ubuntu-desktop 1.102 failed to install/upgrade: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22064516:36
ubotuLaunchpad bug 220643 in ubuntu-meta "package ubuntu-standard 1.102 failed to install/upgrade: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22064316:36
james_wbdmurray: no problem, thanks for making it.16:37
affluxjames_w:  and hotkey-setup. At least the dpkglog shows 4 identically error messages around line 637516:37
mrooneyseb128: yeah, but I guess I feel like a tag would help out, so someone could go through and try to find the dups and mark them as such, to properly draw more attention to them16:37
seb128mrooney: well, that's quite some work and we don't think that's best use we can do of our efforts right now16:38
bdmurraymrooney: What state would the bug be in that case?  If it was New I think it might waste people's time.16:38
Arbyis it safe to close bug 220569? it looks like just unfortunate timing and seems to have been resolved16:38
ubotuLaunchpad bug 220569 in update-notifier "update-manager will not work/ reinstall" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22056916:38
bdmurrayI do think this is a good discussion to have in a couple of weeks though.16:38
mrooneybdmurray: no, it can still be Invalid16:38
mrooneybut at least say, I could search for "probable-dup" and find the dups later, mark them as such, and improve the situation16:39
Arbyalthough the second last comment sounds like a separate issue16:39
james_wafflux: the logs are a little odd, yes. It's kind of strange they all hit at once.16:39
affluxArby: the "current dist not found in meta-release file" sounds familiar, I think it's rather a warning16:39
seb128mrooney: bug #197110 is similar to the bug you pointed I think16:40
ubotuLaunchpad bug 197110 in gedit "New newlines are not displayed when the viewable page is full" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19711016:40
james_wafflux: the ones you posted are dupes aren't they? Same reporter anyway.16:40
Arbyafflux: ok16:40
bdmurraymrooney: If you could bring this up after we are done with Hardy that'd be great.16:40
affluxjames_w: no, ubuntu-standard is because of rsync failing, ubuntu-desktop because of pulse, hotkey-setup and acpid16:41
mrooneybdmurray: okay, will do!16:42
mrooneyI am out for now, talk to everyone later, thanks for the input/explanations16:42
_max_okey either its ubuntu or something to do with my hardware controller, but iv had -no- problems in debian using a 3ware 9500s controller and raids that are 2tb plus16:42
james_wafflux: ah, ok, thanks. I didn't look, it's just always suspicious when a user files two similar reports in quick succession.16:42
_max_using ubuntu 7.10 / 8.04 has been a friggin nightmare16:42
_max_first the hassel of getting it to actually use GPT16:43
affluxjames_w: that's why I looked at them at all ;)16:43
_max_i then managed to create my damn 5000gb paritin and format it, mounted it, said 5tb free, now i get harddisc full, its now saying 540/540gb16:43
_max_same crap i had with msdos partition table16:43
james_wafflux: I'll look in to the possible cause of failure in a moment.16:44
nemoDoes someone mind closing out a bug for me?16:44
greg-gnemo: which bug?16:45
ubotuLaunchpad bug 217809 in linux "iwl3945 does not associate in Hardy" [Undecided,New]16:45
affluxjames_w: thanks. bug 157041 seems to be the oldest rsync report I could find16:45
ubotuLaunchpad bug 157041 in rsync "[apport] package rsync failed to install/upgrade: " [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15704116:45
nemogreg-g: I need to file a new bug about complex passphrases.16:45
nemogreg-g: but that bug is no longer accurate (see comments 3 and 4)16:45
greg-gnemo: gotcha, so you are opening a new bug about the actual cause of the problem?16:46
nemogreg-g: yep16:46
nemoor you could rephrase the bug if you have rights :)16:46
nemopassphrases containing quote marks and spaces break network-admin/iwconfig16:46
greg-gnemo: well, with the big comments it is kinda "messy" now, so a new bug with all the pertinent information and none of the "noise" would be cool16:47
nemogreg-g: rephrasing would save me time reposting stuff I suppose16:47
nemogreg-g: fair 'nuff.16:47
nemogreg-g: most of the noise *was* 'cause I thought it was driver related16:47
greg-gnemo: awesome, thanks! I'll take care of this one.16:47
nemonot that relevant to "iwconfig is using the wrong passphrase"16:47
greg-gnemo: yeah, I understand, thanks for helping!16:47
nemothanks much.16:47
greg-gnemo: no problem16:48
Arbyanybody have any idea what causes bugs like bug 220589?16:49
ubotuLaunchpad bug 220589 in update-manager "update-manager crashes" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22058916:49
Arbyerror message is E:The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.'16:49
ArbyI see quite a few bug with errors against those files16:49
Arbyare they problem files downloaded from a server somewhere or something that's been mangled locally16:50
greg-ghave they tried an "apt-get update"?16:50
greg-gand is it reproducible over time (ie: 30 minutes later)16:51
Arbyprobably not16:51
ArbyI was just wondering what those files did really16:51
bdmurrayThis is interesting because it is a security update16:51
Arbysince it occurs quite often16:51
greg-gbdmurray: good call, those updates are fewer and probably experience less issues when updating the packages file16:52
greg-gthe packages file contains the info needed to calculate the upgrades (packages and dependencies etc)16:52
bdmurrayI think that update just came out yesterday so trying an apt-get update again would be good16:53
greg-g(I believe that is, I've never taken one apart)16:53
bdmurrayYou can just look at that file in a text editor16:53
nemogreg-g: bug #5038616:58
ubotuLaunchpad bug 50386 in gnome-system-tools "[network-admin] wireless-key from /etc/network/interfaces not escaped" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/5038616:58
nemogreg-g: added a comment and left it at that :)16:58
nemogreg-g: I was joking in #ubuntu+1 about starting an evil network cafe with a passkey of ;rm -rf /16:59
nemogreg-g: the sad thing is, folks would not expect that to be a problem, even if they picked it up16:59
nemoa variant on http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/exploits_of_a_mom.png17:00
nemogreg-g: I suppose that would be an inappropriate comment to make in the bug...17:01
greg-gyeah, just noise, funny noise, but noise none-the-less ;)17:01
affluxhaha I just love xkcd :)17:02
greg-gmet him, randal munroe, xkcd guy, this weekend at a convention in Michigan17:03
nemohm. I bet I could make an evil passphrase that would escape inspection...17:03
nemos/inspection/casual inspection/17:04
=== thekorn_ is now known as thekorn
jarlathWhat part does Jockey play in Ubiquity? I'm not sure which to assign a bug to.17:07
ubotuLaunchpad bug 220105 in ubuntu "8.04 RC Partitioning fails on dual boot install with Windows XP" [Undecided,New]17:07
nemogreg-g: ;echo$'\040\162\155\040\055\162\146\040\057'      only with the word echo replaced with eval17:09
nemohm bet "eval" isn't even needed.17:10
=== eretamales_ is now known as eduardo_
james_wjarlath: that looks like ubiquity to me, what made you think of jockey?17:12
james_wthe bug sounds a little familiar anyway, I can't grab you a bug report though, I'm afraid.17:13
nemoyep. eval is not necessary.17:13
jarlathI remember assigning ubiquity before for an installer related bug, and someone else changed it to jockey.17:13
james_wjarlath: you're normally safe with ubiquity, jockey has little to do with the installation process normally.17:14
jarlathjames_w: Thanks. I don't actually know what jockey is. I searched packages.ubuntu.com but I can't find an actual description of the package.17:14
james_wjockey is what used to be called 'restricted-manger', but now handles other drivers as well, so a name change was appropriate17:14
james_wso if the problem was installing nvidia then it would be a jockey bug, not a ubiquity one.17:15
jarlathjames_w: Ah, okay. Thanks for that.17:19
bdmurraythekorn: ping17:32
affluxheh: http://www.theinquirer.net/gb/inquirer/news/2008/04/21/dodgy-report-open-source17:41
thekornbdmurray, pong17:45
bdmurraythekorn: I forget do you have access to dapper?  I'm having an issue with Subscribers.parse() on it.17:46
thekornbdmurray, I have a VM running dapper, so yes17:47
thekornwhat's the issue17:48
bdmurraythekorn: this command 'bugnumbers --parsemode=html --ns ">5" -p xorg' results in the Wrong XPath-Expr AssertionError on dapper only with bug 15568517:49
ubotuLaunchpad bug 155685 in xorg "vesa doesn't work with PowerPC, so failsafeXServer fails" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15568517:49
thekornbdmurray, ok, will test it in about 30 minutes17:49
bdmurraythekorn: great, thanks!  I'll report a bug too17:50
thekornbdmurray, I guess this is bug 137574 again17:55
bdmurrayI didn't see any strange characters in the subscribers list for the problematic bug17:57
thekornthe inline xorg.log has17:58
thekorn(WW) ****INVALID IO ALLOCATION**** b: 0xf0000400 e: 0xf00004ff correcting17:58
thekornlibxml2 stops parsing after this17:58
thekorn(I guess)17:59
aquoi tried the release candidate with qemu (boot from cd), but it didn't work ...18:14
aquo<Jessicatz> Zambezi: I insta18:14
aquoi get lost with some busybox command line in initramfs18:14
james_wafflux: that rsync thing is weird, I don't see how it can fail, unless their update-rc.d doesn't have the multiuser extension19:10
james_wor it is fixed already.19:10
affluxjames_w: hm. Fixed in what packages?19:12
james_wno idea, but the new ones were fresh weren't they? That makes that unlikely.19:12
affluxyes, it seemed like they were uptodate19:13
affluxjames_w: should I move bug 220645 to update-manager?19:16
ubotuLaunchpad bug 220645 in ubuntu "package ubuntu-desktop 1.102 failed to install/upgrade: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22064519:16
james_wI don't think it's a bug there, but it's as good a place as any for the moment.19:17
copyofjohanhey, I contributed to bug #211026. I wondered (and googled) if there's some more usefull information to attach. Have some hints for me?19:19
ubotuLaunchpad bug 211026 in transmission "Ubuntu 8.04 Freeze when downloading from bittorent" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21102619:19
danagewow, i have never encountered that bug19:19
james_wcopyofjohan: hi. Does everything freeze, or do you still have control of the pointer?19:21
danagepretty bad bug it seems19:22
james_wok, someone else was describing something similar the other day, but they still had control of the mouse pointer, though everything else hung19:22
copyofjohansome reported there, that after first getting complete freezes, after the last kernel-updates they could ctrl-alt-del. But I get complete freezes. I could report that I'm using ubuntustudio with the generic kernel.19:25
crimsunis compiz enabled?19:25
crimsunwhich nic drivers?19:26
copyofjohanhm, I dont know, I didnt change the drivers19:27
copyofjohane1000 and iwl394519:29
copyofjohanbut I'm using the ethernet-nic19:30
crimsunok, thanks, that's a starting point.19:31
thekornbug 19084819:45
ubotuLaunchpad bug 190848 in gnome-terminal "font in terminal does not resemble font in preview" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19084819:45
jcastrobdmurray: qa meeting today?20:03
bdmurrayjcastro: that was a while ago I can summarize for you though20:04
bdmurrayjcastro: test test test20:04
jcastrobdmurray: wait, like exactly one hour ago?20:06
bdmurrayjcastro: umm, I think it was at 9PDT20:06
bdmurrayafflux: what was that init bug you were talking about?20:10
affluxbdmurray: you mean bug 220645 and bug 157041? update-rc.d issues, don't really know where the problem sits20:12
bdmurrayafflux: hmm, I thought that was something else.  Their /etc/apt/sources.list might be interesting20:15
affluxbdmurray: you mean for those two bugs?20:16
copyofjohancrimsun: Is there more I can do?20:16
bdmurrayright looking at dpkgterminallog it seems unlikely but they may have some odd repos in their sources.list20:16
crimsuncopyofjohan: sorry, I've been in a discussion; I'll try to look/consider in a bit20:17
macdbug 18899020:32
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copyofjohanis it useful to file the bug using apport-cli?21:10
bdmurraythat should gather some information about your setup / packages21:10
copyofjohani have to provide a package to apport-cli to file a bug. which should I choose? I didnt install azureus from a deb, but its not a problem with one specific torrent-client anyway.21:22
greg-git isn't possible to use virtualbox and 64bit guest OSs?21:37
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asacFujitsu: there?22:19
Fujitsuasac: I am now.22:21
asacFujitsu: xulrunner security update. push to hardy or wait and to -security?22:22
asacFujitsu: fta is asking :)22:22
FujitsuGood question.22:23
FujitsuI think push it to security after a fair bit of testing.22:23
asacFujitsu: ok thats what i said as well.22:25
hspaansg'day, selinux is supported in ubuntu? there appears to be a bug in cups/selinux on Hardy22:29
greg-ghspaans: is it reported to Launchpad?22:30
hspaansfirst wanted to know if selinux was supported in Hardy22:31
hspaansI take you response as a yes22:31
greg-ghspaans: yeah, you can install selinux in Hardy22:32
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hspaansgreg-g: I'm hitting https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/selinux/+bug/202983 :(22:38
ubotuLaunchpad bug 202983 in selinux "[hardy alpha 6] unable to start cupsys if selinux is enforcing." [Undecided,Fix released]22:38
greg-ghspaans: I'll ask the original reporter of that bug, also, #ubuntu-hardened is the channel where the people working on selinux lurk22:46
greg-ghspaans: also, your comment says you are using the Beta, could you try with the RC release?22:48
hspaansgreg-g: beta? no latest and greatest. it happens while upgrading cupsys to 1.3.7-1ubuntu322:54
greg-ghspaans: oh, I thought the comment from April 6 was yours, and it referenced the beta server install22:57
greg-ghspaans: you should add a comment to that bug report then, if that is what you are experiencing22:58
hspaansgreg-g: comment was on its way and now submitted23:02
greg-ghspaans: good deal23:02
alex_mayorgahello, anyone that can help me figure this one out https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-nv/+bug/146706 ?23:30
ubotuLaunchpad bug 146706 in xserver-xorg-video-nv "[Hardy alpha 6] Live cd graphics fail with nvidia geforce4 440 go " [High,Triaged]23:30
alex_mayorgaI have the problematic system right here in front of me, FWIW23:31
bdmurrayalex_mayorga: do you have a newer iso?23:33
alex_mayorgaI'm torrenting the RC23:33
alex_mayorgabut I believe I hosed my X23:34
alex_mayorgaany workaround is appreciated23:34
alex_mayorgaI now get init screen failed23:35
bdmurraycould you elaborate a bit?23:38
bdmurrayregarding your current situation23:39
alex_mayorgabdmurray, have to run to a class right now, can I catch up with you latter and hopefully close all the closeable bugs on https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/~alex-mayorga ?23:40
bdmurraythat's quite a few bugs!  I'll be around for quite a while though23:42
alex_mayorgabdmurray, OK catch you in a couple hours23:43

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