
=== crd1b is now known as crdlb
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
dholbachgood morning06:33
=== asac_ is now known as asac
seb128grrrr at the new launchpad choose-affected-product dialog09:11
Hobbseeis it better than the previous incarnations?09:12
seb128no it's not09:12
seb128before I used to ctrl-v directly and press enter, that was efficiant09:12
Hobbseeit could get worse, and more confusing?09:12
seb128now the stupid button is selected by default so I need to use the mouse, click on the entry and then copy09:13
Hobbseeevery time i went there, i just kept hitting random buttons until i got a valid option09:13
Hobbseempt: you're supposed to fix the whinging, please :)09:13
seb128Hobbsee: that's the "add an upstream watch url" dialog09:13
Hobbseeseb128: i thought the other had gotten morphed into it09:13
seb128I copy a zillion of bugzilla urls a week there09:13
seb128and it used to just work09:13
seb128sometime I think the launchpad team just hates users or something ;-)09:14
Hobbseeseb128: or they don't use the software that they write, more likely.09:14
Hobbseeseb128: then again, launchpad will be happy to tell you how you're using their software wrong, and how you should use it correctly instead.09:14
mptHobbsee, that might be on the cards for the next couple of months09:15
mptNo promises, though09:15
seb128Hobbsee: I doubt I'm using it wrongly there though ;-)09:15
mpt(Fixing the whinging, I mean, not telling you you're using it wrong)09:15
Hobbseempt: by all means, tell us about how we're supposed to get our tasks done by using your software.  start with the queue.09:16
mptSee, now that's a part we don't use09:16
mptthough I know cprov has been doing a lot of work on the queue lately09:16
Hobbseeyeah, the new version looks better09:16
seb128mpt: hey09:18
seb128mpt: who did the changes to the page to add an upstream watch?09:18
mptseb128, no idea, sorry09:18
mptWhat are the changes?09:18
seb128mpt: the page used to have one text entry to copy your upstream url09:19
seb128mpt: now it has 3 choices, upstream url, email, or just register09:20
seb128https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gvfs/+bug/203722/+choose-affected-product for example09:20
ubotuLaunchpad bug 203722 in gnome-mount "Floppy Drive does not work in Hardy" [Undecided,Confirmed]09:20
Amaranthhrm, that's kind of bad09:20
seb128and the button gets selected by default09:20
seb128which means you can't just ctrl-V and enter09:21
seb128which was nice and efficiant ;-)09:21
mptHorizontal scrolling at 1024*768!09:21
Amaranth"Travis Watkins, the bug supervisor for Compiz, will be notified about this bug."09:21
Amaranthnice touch there09:21
mptAmaranth, serious or sarcastic?09:22
Amaranthmpt: little of both09:22
mptah, ha-ha-only-serious09:22
Amaranthall i can see it doing is helping people figure out how to hunt me down on IRC and bug me to death about their compiz problems09:23
AmaranthI really don't see what other use that except maybe an ego boost09:24
Hobbseeseb128: oh, that was allenap.09:35
Hobbseeseb128: i didn't realise that had gone into production yet09:35
mottihi all.09:36
mottiis it possible to install symphonyone on a flash drive?09:36
seb128motti: hi, you want to try #ubuntu09:36
seb128no idea of what symphonyone is and that's not an user question channel09:37
Amaranththat's not even an ubuntu question09:37
mottisymphony one is an ubuntu based distro09:38
mottibasically the distribution wrote a new desktop for ubuntu titled "mezzo" and shifted this new distrobution with this name.09:39
Amaranthi know what symphony is09:39
Amaranthbut 1) it's not ubuntu and 2) this is a development channel09:39
mottik sorry09:39
mptseb128, bug 220527 and bug 220529 reported09:41
ubotuLaunchpad bug 220527 in malone "URL field isn't focused by default in "Confirm project" page" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22052709:41
ubotuLaunchpad bug 220529 in malone ""Confirm project" page is very wide" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22052909:41
mptand I'll see what I can do about abolishing that page too09:41
seb128mpt: thanks!09:41
shiyeeseb128: i just reported an error (and simple patch) with the gvfs dav backend ( http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=529349 ), which makes it more or less useless for me - should i report this in launchpad as well?10:24
ubotuGnome bug 529349 in webdav backend "Redirects with username doesn't work" [Normal,Unconfirmed]10:24
seb128shiyee: hi, no need to, I'm subscribed to the gvfs bugzilla and we will do the GNOME 2.22.n updates in hardy-updates10:25
shiyeeok, thx :-)10:26
* mpt is almost tempted to use multiple workspaces for the first time ever11:10
james_wHi all. I don't know if you saw, but motu-release delegated to you on bug 186938. Can anyone approve or deny the request?11:14
ubotuLaunchpad bug 186938 in nautilus-wallpaper "nautilus-wallpaper not working in hardy heron after update to nautilus-2.21.6" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18693811:14
seb128james_w: looking11:14
seb128james_w: doesn't seem good11:15
james_wwhy's that?11:16
seb128james_w: the gconf changes seem to have nothing to do with the issue and are not explained11:16
james_w"Add gconf-2.0 pkg-config flags so it can compile", so it seems it fails to build otherwise.11:17
james_wI haven't tested this though, let me look in to it.11:18
seb128src/nautilus-nwe.c uses gconf indeed11:19
james_wyeah, the current source fails to build in my pbuilder11:20
seb128james_w: approved11:22
james_wseb128: thanks.11:22
seb128you are welcome11:22
james_wwould you be willing to sponsor once I have tested it?11:22
seb128do you need an uploader too?11:22
james_wthanks, give me a few minutes11:22
james_walso, while you're here, do you have an opinion on bug 118936?11:23
ubotuLaunchpad bug 118936 in alacarte "Alacarte does not recover deleted menu items" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/11893611:23
seb128james_w: better to ask to Amaranth, he's upstream11:26
seb128james_w: I think vuntz fixed the gnome-menus issues upstream too now11:27
james_wsorry, what's the gnome-menus issue?11:27
seb128let me see, I'm not sure now what was the issue exactly11:28
seb128I think Amaranth said that was not easy to do in alacarte due to gnome-menus limitations11:28
seb128james_w: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=32377111:29
ubotuGnome bug 323771 in libgnome-menu "undoing moves doesn't work" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]11:29
seb128though that's likely a different issue11:29
seb128reading your patch now ;-)11:29
james_wyeah, I'm not sure whether that applies here.11:30
james_wto revert deletes you need to remove all desktop files in a user's home directory, and I don't know how to get that list.11:30
seb128we should get vuntz to add something in gnome-menus to do that ;-)11:31
seb128otherwise I think we should just hide the delete option11:31
james_wshall I report a bug upstream then?11:31
seb128would be a good idea yes11:31
seb128your change looks correct but that's later for hardy changes now, let's get that to hardy-updates later rather11:32
james_wThe fix for nautilus-wallpaper works here.11:34
seb128I'll upload11:35
=== fernando_ is now known as fernando
seb128hey coNP[uni]14:43
coNP[uni]Hey seb12814:43
dholbachhi coNP[uni]14:43
seb128it has been a while14:43
seb128how are you ?14:43
coNP[uni]I guess I hardly missed the hardy cycle :)14:43
coNP[uni]Thanks, I am fine... with a lots of deadlines14:43
coNP[uni]and with a cup of coffee :)14:44
coNP[uni]And you, seb128?14:44
seb128I'm good thanks14:44
seb128lot to do14:44
* mvo mumbles something about tea14:52
geserblack tea?14:54
* dholbach reckons mvo drinks chinese, green tea now :)14:54
mvodholbach: yep :)14:55
* geser ponders to make himself a cup of earl grey or some darjeeling14:55
* geser should buy some white tea again14:56
tienhnhi, first time on this channel. for questions related to Hardy desktop, is this the right palce?17:41
seb128Hi, depend of the question17:41
seb128that's not really an user chan17:42
crevettecan someone test something18:39
crevetteTry to access a capplet where you have to authenticate, don't put your password and press cancel18:39
crevettesomething it keeps stalled18:40
crevettesometimes the grey layer stays for ever18:40
crevettehey seb12818:45
seb128lut crevette18:47
pittiseb128: so the 'browse ISO with nautilus" (libarchive) change didn't go in?18:49
pittiseb128: I don't have such an option in the context menu, at least18:49
seb128pitti: no, I mentioned it at the meeting, the .desktop is installed in the nautilus example directory18:50
seb128pitti: it's not possible to use non gvfs applications to open files on the new backends since they don't understand the uris18:50
seb128so gedit, eog, etc don't work there18:50
seb128though fedora workaround that, they use the fuse mounts automatically now, that's transparent for the user18:51
pittiseb128: ah, ok, thanks18:51
seb128but that was late for hardy18:51
seb128could be something to consider for 8.04.118:51
slomopedro_: any new crash-on-exit bugs with gtk# applications?19:53
pedro_slomo: nothing new, latest fix was a success, thanks for it :-)19:54
crevettesalut seb12819:54
crevetteah gone19:54
slomopedro_: great :)19:54
=== crd1b is now known as crdlb

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