
horace_ubuntubspencer, ping03:44
=== horace_ubuntu is now known as horaceli
bspencerhoraceli !  imagine finding you here03:45
bspencerok.  there were a few ideas for 8+sec mail03:45
bspencerone was to use dpkg-divert03:45
bspencerand run the cache updater and hten dpkg03:46
horacelithere is no existed cache updater at present, and we need to create one, right?03:47
bspencerand lool said something about triggers "soon"03:49
horaceliI have read the mail loop, yes03:49
horacelihe mentioned that03:49
horacelijust I am thinking what do we need to cache03:49
bspencerso those are the two options to get notified.   Then, correct, we need to define the cache and the cache updater03:49
bspencerlet's chat about that03:49
bspencer- flat file with a list of apps, prog, icon03:49
bspencer - sqlite db -- overkill?03:50
bspencer - xml file03:50
horacelicurrently, gnome-menu read through *.menu file, which is XML formatted03:50
bspencer - binary (speedy, hard to debug)03:50
bspencerhoraceli: but slow, true?03:50
horaceliright, 'cause it parsed every tag in XML03:51
bspencerof course our cache could be a single file, read all in at once.  It won't be that big03:51
horaceliand stored then and build up a huge tree.03:51
bspencereven with 200 apps, should be <.5s 03:51
bspencerI'm hoping for .5s03:51
horaceliI have verified on C2D based computer,03:51
horacelibuilding up applications list by gnome-menu interface takes 1.8s03:51
horaceliso I am not sure what we should cache for next time usage03:52
horaceliCore 2 Duo03:52
bspencerwe should put:   Label, Icon path, Prog path+parms, X-osso.03:53
bspencer...but, what if user changes locale?03:53
bspencerthen we're hozed.03:53
horaceliI am thinking whether or not we could simply parse XML formatted .menu file03:53
horaceliand then read through <AppDir> & <DefaultAppDir> that are defined in .menu file03:54
bspenceryes, ok.  I could be wrong.  For example, we have to know the category from the menu files.03:54
horaceliwe can03:54
horacelisorry, I misunderstand your last sentence.03:55
bspencerand also read gconf value each time on startup.03:55
bspencerhoraceli: so if we put all the info into a single file for all apps, one-line per app, we should see improvement.   But this is a read-only solution.  03:56
bspencerwe can't update very easily when a pkg changes.03:56
bspencerwithout re-reading all the .desktop files again.03:57
bspencerwhich adds 8sec to each pkg add/remove 03:57
bspencer(although perhaps that is a rare event in UME land)03:57
bspencerare we sure our 8sec isn't just bad coding?03:57
horacelibspencer, if we put all info into one single file.03:58
horaceliit would make default .menu files and menu spec useless (I feel)03:58
bspencerthat's a long time to read 50 .desktop files.03:58
horacelibspencer, yes, I know. we suspsect it too, thnking of if it is caused by bad coding03:59
horaceliI have inspect our loop several times03:59
horaceliand moved out two general operations (reading strings and flags from gconf) out of the loop03:59
horaceliand it could save 2s and I mentioned that in mail04:00
horaceliI could ask Frank's help to help review the code04:00
horacelifor double insurance.04:00
horacelibut I did look into  gnome-menu code04:00
bspencerQ:  if someone adds a new pkg today in UME, will it show up in menu?04:00
bspenceror do they have to restart X?04:01
horaceliI have no answer to it at present.04:01
bspencerwhat about changing locale?  If we put all info into a flat file and hte user changes locale, the strings won't change04:02
bspencerTerminal|Application|uxterm -fa Monospace -fs 12|UTF-8|xterm|Application;Utility|org.moblin.xterm|GNOME;Mobile;|xterm04:03
horacelibspencer, I am in #moblin too04:03
horacelitalking about bug scrubs04:04
horacelinow back04:04
horacelibtw, you have several bugs and I have accepted them04:04
bspenceroh!  thx.04:05
dholbachgood morning06:33
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davmor220080421.1 image doesn't match the md5sum again09:27
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=== davmor2_away is now known as davmor2
loolHey bspencer 16:44
loolbspencer: We have that urgent issue with xul 1.9 for which you received a couple of emails :)16:45
loolbspencer: Do you think you could find someone to look into it today?16:45
=== Zenton is now known as Zenton_
persiaI've been browsing http://moblin.org/repos/releases/ and updated a couple packages in my PPA.  Are there any special procedures before pushing to the team PPA?18:15
agoliveirapersia: As long as you're in the team you should be able to dput it.18:16
persiaagoliveira: I can, but if there was a VCS for packaging in place, I'd want to update that as well, etc.18:16
agoliveirapersia: VCS?18:17
persiaVersion Control System (likely bzr in this case)18:17
agoliveirapersia: Oh, I see. Not really. PPA will have your packages for testing and people with the power to upload to the repositories will do it if needed.18:18
agoliveirapersia: You know, all the MOTU, coredev stuff.18:19
persiaagoliveira: OK.  Just checking.  I'm not tempted to upload to the repos just now, as these are new upstreams, and likely don't match the specific criteria for the hardy release in a couple days :)  I'll push the packages to the team PPA then.  Thanks.18:19
agoliveirapersia: My pleasure18:20
ian_brasilhey...anyone see this report about nokia sponsoring ubuntu on arm? http://www.linuxdevices.com/news/NS2097004728.html19:11
agoliveiraian_brasil: Yep, we've being talking about it a few days ago. There was a rumor around for some time BTW.19:15
ian_brasilputz...trust me to be the last one to know  :)19:19
=== matt_c is now known as southjuniordude
=== southjuniordude is now known as matt_c
dantalizinghi folks. i installed hildon-desktop, but applets are not showing....what needs to happen for them to show?20:57
dantalizingother than them being installed20:58
tremoluxlool: where was that RSS feed to track new releases at gnome?21:04
looltremolux: Yes21:20
looltremolux: http://download.gnome.org/LATEST.xml21:20
tremoluxlool: thx!21:21
looldantalizing: That's a known bug21:21
looldantalizing: Since we moved to xul 1.921:21
looldantalizing: It's being worked on by bspencer, asac and StevenK 21:21
dantalizingah..thx lool21:21
loolpersia: Only hildon packages are in bzr AFAIK21:22
loolpersia: Concerning moblin modules, you can probably upload21:22
loolpersia: As long as they work :)21:22
PaowZhi there 21:23
PaowZanybody there ?21:24
PaowZcool :)21:24
* GrueMaster is only present in ghost form21:25
dantalizinghow do i get the application launcher shown here? http://www.moblin.org/toolkits/basicDevGuides/simpleApp/toolkits_DevGds_simpleApp_understandHildon.php23:49

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