
ftaso apt still wants to upgrade it00:00
asacfta: kick calc in -devel about it00:01
asacfta: he should still be there00:01
ftabug 19231000:01
ubotuLaunchpad bug 192310 in openoffice.org-hyphenation "package openoffice.org-hyphenation-en-us None [modified: /var/lib/dpkg/info/openoffice.org-hyphenation-en-us.list] failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite `/usr/share/myspell/dicts/hyph_en_US.dic', which is also in package openoffice.org-hyphenation" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19231000:01
asaccalc is the openoffice man in charge here i guess ;)00:02
ftano calc in -devel00:03
asacmost likely by accident :)00:04
asacthere he is ;)00:07
Sergeant_PonyI have a question... I made a folder under inbox and now for some reason it won't show up... I even subscribed to the folder and can't get it to come back. Any ideas?00:22
Sergeant_Ponythis is in Thunderbird00:23
asacnot sure. i think inbox is special00:23
Sergeant_Ponyall my other folders show up fine00:23
asaci think there is a setting somewherein the gutsy of imap server settings to change that00:23
asacSergeant_Pony: try to enable "server supports folders that contain sub-folders and messages maybe"00:25
asacin imap server settings -> advanced00:25
Sergeant_Ponyasac: where is that?00:27
asacin imap server settings -> advanced ;)00:27
asacif yo don't have an imap account then i don't know00:28
Sergeant_Ponyit is an imap account00:28
asacthen you have that advanced dialog :)00:28
Sergeant_Ponylooking for settings advanced00:28
asacSergeant_Pony: account settings -> server settings- > advanced that is00:28
Sergeant_Ponythat is already checked off00:31
asaccheck it on :)00:31
asace.g. check it00:31
asacif that doesn't help then its most likely a server issue00:31
Sergeant_Ponyall my other folders under inbox show up00:32
Sergeant_Ponygot it00:33
Sergeant_Ponygot the folder to show up00:33
asacSergeant_Pony: what was it?00:33
Sergeant_PonyI had imap show all imap folders...00:33
asacSergeant_Pony: so the setting helped?00:34
Sergeant_PonyI unchecked "Show only subscribed folders"00:54
Sergeant_Ponyand it appeared even tho I am subscribed to it00:54
asacserver issue then i guess00:56
Sergeant_PonyI don't care... as long as I can display all my folders00:57
asachope you still see messages ;)00:58
Sergeant_Ponyyup, can see my messages in the folder01:00
Sergeant_Ponynow to figure out if I can have the mail deposited into certain folders.01:01
asacfilter i guess ;)01:01
Jazzvafta, thanks for the comment on teatime :)01:02
asac2 days till release :)01:23
Sergeant_Ponycan tb be set to automatically run a filter to sort mail? or do I need to run it by hand?02:20
asacit can ... but we are not focussed on that depth of user-support here in this channel in general. try the forums.mozillazine.org for such tb general questions.02:22
asacmost likely your question has already been asked there, so use the search facility there02:25
asacSergeant_Pony: ^^02:25
=== asac_ is now known as asac
* asac *yawns*09:05
phoenixHi there, anyone successfully using an LDAP Directory as an Address Book while offline - I do say, that I want to have it off-line and it replicates fine, but as soon as I switch thunderbird off-line I get zero results from queries...09:05
asacmdke: you gave me a loitered branch with additional changes :(09:19
asacmdke: uploading a cherry pick of the latest checkin on top of the 8.04.1 package shipped as 8.04.2~hardy09:23
asacmdke: why does the .deb has lots more changes than the links?09:37
asacthats a mystery09:37
asacmdke: ok the -docs are up ... once they are published on LP we should integrate the changelog into the bzr branch10:02
asacmaybe ping me about it10:02
asacphoenix24: hmm10:21
asacphoenix24: i guess thats a bug10:21
asacphoenix24: but online it works fine?10:21
asacphoenix24: in advanced config .. there is a isOffline config for each ldap provider10:24
asacwhats the value for that?10:24
phoenix24I'm sorry which; extension are we talking about ?10:25
asacphoenix24: ?10:26
asacyou asked a bout LDAP directory10:27
phoenix24No, not me.10:27
asacoh ;)10:27
asac10:05 < phoenix> Hi there, anyone successfully using an LDAP Directory as an Address Book while  offline - I do say, that I want to have it off-line and it replicates fine, but as  soon as I switch thunderbird off-line I get zero results from queries...10:27
phoenix24I Dont work with LDAP :(10:27
asacsomeone spoofing you then ;)10:27
asacnot the 24 of course10:27
phoenix24are you giving any talk at the upcoming UDW ?10:28
asacyes .... again about extension packaging ... this time more focussed on the mass-maintenance part i hope10:28
asacbut mostly depends on how far we get with the procedure, but i think with the help of fta and Jazzva we can have something initially10:29
phoenix24Nice!! looking forward to it again.10:29
phoenix24what are these? fta & Jazzva.10:29
asaci would have done more complex things like "porting applications to xulrunner 1.9" ... but was told that that I should rather use something more basic ;)10:30
asacphoenix24: fta wrote a script that automatically checks if there are new upstream releases available10:31
asacnow we need to tools to automatically upgrade the upstream branch and so on10:31
asacand do releases ;)10:31
asacand procedures10:31
phoenix24that's great10:31
asac29th 1800 UTC iirc10:32
phoenix24I had a problem fetching sources from CVS repos, it will be great if you could shed few lines on it too :)10:33
asachuh? about what?10:33
asacCVS usage?10:33
phoenix24fetching the latest code.10:33
phoenix24tags and stuff.10:33
asacill see how it fits in there10:33
phoenix24Or maybe you could include Thunderbird extensions packaging too ?10:34
asacphoenix24: yeah. that should be similar10:35
asachmm ... maybe i should have added another sessino about "mozilla translations in launchpad - how it works and how to test" :)10:37
phoenix24yeah, I'd love to see attend that.10:39
phoenix24_in the topic, "firefox b5 in final hardy? p > 95% :(" ;10:40
phoenix24_What does "p>95%" mean ?10:41
asacprobability > 0.95 :)10:41
=== asac changed the topic of #ubuntu-mozillateam to: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam | Mailing List: ubuntu-mozillateam@lists.ubuntu.com | Mozilla QA tracker https://mozilla.qa.stgraber.org/ => please subscribe to help out | firefox b5 in final hardy? p == 100% :-D
Jazzvashouldn't the topic be updated?10:42
asacjust noticed ;)10:42
=== asac changed the topic of #ubuntu-mozillateam to: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam | Mailing List: ubuntu-mozillateam@lists.ubuntu.com | Mozilla QA tracker https://mozilla.qa.stgraber.org/ => please subscribe to help out | firefox b5 rocks!
Jazzvahehe :)10:42
JazzvaWhat's that? 0.0 b5? :P10:43
JazzvaJust kidding :)10:43
=== asac changed the topic of #ubuntu-mozillateam to: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam | Mailing List: ubuntu-mozillateam@lists.ubuntu.com | Mozilla QA tracker https://mozilla.qa.stgraber.org/ => please subscribe to help out | firefox 3 b5 rocks!
asacjetsaredim: ok, can we have a bug about the firebug issue so we can start working on a -proposed update?10:46
asacJazzva: so how should the workflow for updating extensions work?10:50
asacone probably runs a derivate of fta script to see which extension needs update10:50
asacbut whats next ;)?10:51
JazzvaIf there's a new upstream, download it, extract it in upstream and then push it as upstrem branch ... that should be automatical :)10:51
asacok concur on that10:51
JazzvaAnd ... where are we gonna download from? a.m.o xpi, then unzip it? That's uniform for (almost) all extensions10:52
asacbut thats not even 10% of the work ;)10:52
asacgood question10:52
asacwe have extensions from svn/cvs atm ... and those from .xpi10:53
asacmost likely every extension should provide its own update target ... for which we can implement a default for AMO sources in xpi.mk10:53
JazzvaThat would be good.10:53
asacso if you have an extension with source from AMO you just would add a MOZ_AMO_ID=XXX to rules10:54
JazzvaIf not, MOZ_SOURCE? :)10:54
asacmaybe a MOZ_GET_SOURCE_CMD would be good ... that would implement a default that uses the MOZ_AMO_ID to get the latest10:55
asacand extensions could override it10:55
JazzvaOk, since packagin doesn't change sources we could try to make a new dir, copy the new upstream and old debian dir there, and try to run the build. If it builds OK, the maintainer would be suggested to try it and see if everything works.10:55
asacbut that also means that we can only use the current script for AMO extensions10:55
Jazzvacurrent script?10:56
asacJazzva: yes, ftas10:56
asacit only detects divergence based on AMO ids i guess10:56
JazzvaOh... I think it does...10:56
JazzvaWell, that maybe isn't that big problem for now, I think there's only one or two extensions that are not on a.m.o...10:57
asacmost likely we need to blacklist them from auto upgrading10:57
JazzvaMhm ... And to say that's not implemented for now :)10:58
asace.g. just a warning "this extension might need a manual update on branch X,Y,Z"10:58
asacJazzva: i think for testing auto upgrade we should upgrade .upstream10:59
asacthen run bzr merge ... and add a new changelog entry in that commit if no conflicts are detected during merge10:59
JazzvaThen comes the testbuild... I forgot we should unzip the chrome/*.jar, since most of them come with zipped chrome10:59
asacthen it should be pushed automatically to some staging area from where we manually push it to the release area once we have verified that it works10:59
asacJazzva: right ... i think the default upstream upgrade impl should properly deflate the upstream .xpi11:00
Jazzvapushed to bzr staging area :)?11:00
asacyes, something like extension.ubuntu.hardy-backports.staging branch11:01
asacif its supposed to go into the hardy-backports branch11:01
JazzvaAha ... ok11:01
JazzvaWe would need to provide a code in rules for jarring chrome dir, if it was unjarred.11:02
asacJazzva: right. i think the ubufox build.sh script should work for most cases11:02
JazzvaSame here :)...11:02
asacJazzva: actually we don't need that imo ... the current BUILD_CMD also delas with jarring up11:02
asaci think we just need to figure how to unjar them in a way that the build script still likes it11:03
JazzvaWhat's the current BUILD_CMD?11:03
asacJazzva: each extension specifies that11:03
asacfor instance ubufox specifies  "build.sh"11:03
asacothers use ant XXXX11:03
JazzvaOh... What if the extension doesn't? ;)11:03
asacJazzva: if it doesn't then its shipping a .xpi in source11:04
asacotherwise the xpi.mk won't work11:04
asacor its not using xpi.mk ;)11:04
JazzvaHmm ... I'm using xpi.mk for some, don't issue BUILD_CMD, and manually provide a rule for jarring/unjarring ;)11:05
asacJazzva: thats bad practice for sure ;)11:06
Jazzvahmm ... Didn't know about ant :)11:07
asacyou can use anything you want11:07
JazzvaIf the upstream doesn't provide a build script?11:07
asacwe add one in that case. you can also provide a rule in rules and call that fro CMD11:08
JazzvaThat's what I did... although, I left xpi.mk to call it :)11:08
asaclike $(MAKE) -f $(CURDIR)/debian/rules RULENAME11:08
asacJazzva: in any case ... the rules file should be capable of jarring up11:09
asacif there is no .jar11:09
asaci don' think it matters for us11:10
asaceven if .upstream branch ships a .jar the merge should succeed unless we edit the .jar in ubuntu branch11:11
asacits just important that the build matches the extract part11:11
JazzvaYep :). After the testbuild... If it's ok, then it should be just tested; else, notify a maintainer to check the code?11:11
asacJazzva: right ... i think we need a tool that displays what .staging branches have updates11:12
asacso a maintainer with power to merge and release can do that job11:12
asacJazzva: let me think about the error case :/11:12
JazzvaWell, we could just modify fta's script to include check for staging branches11:12
asacyes, but maybe we should not punch everything into a single script11:13
asacbut not sure what can go into a single script11:13
JazzvaHmm, ok. We could make initial staging branches from current upstream, and then just check them11:14
JazzvaAt the end of updataing cycle, if everything is ok, just push it to the upstream branch, and there we have it :)11:14
asacbzr diff +  a check for changelog version maybe11:15
asacto the upstream branch?11:15
asacyou mean ubuntu branch?11:15
JazzvaRight :)11:15
Jazzvaand *updating11:15
asacok, so how does changeing the packaging work?11:15
JazzvaChanging the packaging?11:16
asachow does the script detect that a staging branch might be outdated?11:16
asacJazzva: well. in a perfect world we won't need to edit the .ubuntu branch11:16
asacbut maybe there are improvements to be done11:16
asacnow i do 0.2-0ubuntu2 in the .ubuntu branch ... but staging has 0.3-0ubuntu1 ... based on 0.2-0ubuntu111:17
JazzvaCheck it's version ... check amo version ... if amo version > staging version, then it's outdated :)11:17
Jazzva(that's for the outdated)11:17
JazzvaRight, upstream could change the build script, or include some other directories, or change the package layout, or ...11:17
asachmm ... its not about the upstream version, but about the -packaging revision11:18
asac0.3-0ubuntu1 on top of 0.2-0ubuntu1 would still be higher than 0.2-0ubuntu2, but it would have an outdated packaging11:18
asacbut i have an idea11:18
JazzvaHmm... why would we use 0.2-0ubuntu1 packaging, if we have 0.2-0ubuntu2?11:18
JazzvaShouldn't the ubuntu branch contain 0.2-0ubuntu2 already11:19
asacJazzva: because that might be what the auto upgrade script did for us11:19
asacJazzva: its probably not instantaneous11:19
asace.g. there might be time where its out of sync (for a day or so)11:19
asacwe should be able to detect it11:19
asacbut i think its easy11:19
asacbranch the .ubuntu branch11:19
asactry to _pull_ the staging branch11:20
asacif that hsa *diverged* we are out-of-sync and should wait for the next merge to happen11:20
asacbut still the script would need to recognize that it should trash the current .staging and remerge the latest upstream to the latest ubuntu branch11:20
JazzvaSounds good ...11:21
JazzvaAnd not too complicated :)11:21
JazzvaSo, we have the process done, but without the error cases, right?11:23
asacdholbach: thanks.11:23
dholbachhi asac11:23
asacJazzva: i think so yes11:24
JazzvaYay :). Just to think of all the possible error cases...11:25
Jazzva*Now just ...11:25
asacJazzva: so rehab: auto upgrade upstream branch11:26
JazzvaI'll have to go in 5-10 minutes ... School from 14:00. I think I will be back around 18, 18:30...11:26
asacok fine11:27
asaclets talk then later11:27
JazzvaAuto upgrade upstream :)11:27
Jazzvaso... if we're doing everything in staging branch, then we can check the if amoversion > staging version. If it is, then download the source from amo, use it in staging branch, and at the end, push the clean source to the upstream branch...11:28
JazzvaI think...11:28
Jazzvaasac ^11:29
asacJazzva: yes. that sounds sane11:30
asacJazzva: so we only support a default source layout?11:30
geserI've a problem that ff 3.0b5 segfaults for me (hardy amd64) during startup. the interesting thing is that if I remove extensions.cache from my profile or start firefox -safe-mode once (and quit it immediately), I can start firefox without problems (but only once) and second start segfaults again11:30
geserwhat could that be?11:30
Jazzvageser: Bad extension(s)?11:31
asacgeser: what locale are you using?11:31
asacwhat is IE?11:31
asacgeser: what language pack is that?11:32
asacis that any?11:32
Jazzvaasac: "default source" as in "chrome with contant, locale, skin dirs and stuff"? Hmm, if the upstream doesn't change the source layout, then we could handle all :).11:32
asacJazzva: i just wonder about the jar thing now ;)11:33
asacbut maybe we can always extract any jar to a dir like $JARNAME!/11:33
geserasac: the addons window listen en-GB (for firefox and xulrunner) at languages11:33
Jazzvaasac: I think I handled it ok in rules files ... even if it's a bit "wrong" ;)11:34
JazzvaLet me paste how I did it :)11:34
asacgeser: hmm i doubt that its due to the locale. we don't have a gnome-en-gb language pack11:35
asacgeser: does moving away your profile help?11:35
asace.g. fresh profile?11:36
Jazzvaasac: it's not the prettiest zip commands ever, those should be changed :)... http://paste.ubuntu.com/7755/11:36
geserasac: fresh profile works11:37
asacgeser: try to disable extensions one by one and see which causes this crash11:37
asacgeser: firebug?11:37
Jazzvaasac: As far for the xpi zip, I think the main point is to exclude debian/ and temp-xpi-*/ dirs.11:38
asacJazzva: i think the layout is too specific11:38
geserasac: firebug was a good guess. Known issue?11:38
asacgeser: yes. do you have adblock as well?11:39
asaci think the combo is pretty painful11:39
Jazzvaasac: Ok, I'll think about producing jar and xpi files today :). Off to school now...11:39
geseradblock plus and firebug 1.1.0b1211:40
asacwe will push a new upstream version to -proposed once jetsaredim comes around ... maybe stay here so we can ask you to verify that its gone11:40
JazzvaSee you later11:40
asacgeser: yes, thats a known thing then11:40
asacJazzva: good. cu later11:40
asacgeser: ill try to remember to ask you to verified the -propsed update11:41
asacgeser: you could try the latest firebug upstream release (1.2.0) that came out two days ago or so11:41
geserasac: where? www.getfirebug.com lists 1.0 and 1.1beta11:43
asacgeser: not 100% sure, jetsaredim would know better. what i find is http://getfirebug.com/releases/firebug/1.2/firebug-1.2.0a21X.xpi11:44
asacgeser: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~jetsaredim/firefox-extensions/firebug.ubuntu11:45
asactry tat11:45
asacjust debuild -b it11:46
asacthats the suggested update for -proposed afaict11:46
geserasac: I tried the xpi and firefox doesn't crash anymore (and firebug seems to work again)11:47
asacgeser: could you uninstall that xpi and try that branch as well?11:47
asacshould be just a minute or so to build and install and would help me to get confidence about it ;)11:47
geseryes, wanted to do that just now11:48
asacmaybe open a bug against https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firebug which we can name in changelog11:48
asacto gather feedback in -proposed11:48
asaclet me open a bug11:49
asacgeser: bug 22056211:50
ubotuLaunchpad bug 220562 in firebug "frequent crashes with firebug 1.1.0" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22056211:50
asacmaybe confirm it ;)11:51
asacok i added the branch to the bug as well11:52
asacok subscribed you geser ;)11:53
geserasac: I tried to build the firebug package in a uptodate hardy pbuilder -> FBTFS http://paste.ubuntu.com/7757/11:58
asacgeser: please comment on bug then. jetsaredim will fix it i guess12:00
asaci updated the branch whiteboard on the bug already -> * FTBFS12:01
asacbut  comment won't hurt ;)12:01
asacthe archive is now locked down anyway, so i guess we have another two days before we need a real fix12:02
asacbut good to know that upstream xpi at least fixes it12:02
asacjetsaredim: remember to look at bug 22056212:03
ubotuLaunchpad bug 220562 in firebug "frequent crashes with firebug 1.1.0" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22056212:03
geserbug commented, anything still missing?12:08
asacgeser: i think thats all for now. stay tuned ... the bug will surely have some activity soon.12:11
jetsaredimasac: I think there is some sort of disconnect in their build system12:19
asacjetsaredim: disconnect?12:20
asacwhat does that mean?12:20
jetsaredimeh - looks like they updated the svn since yesterday12:21
jetsaredimwhich would account for the version differences12:21
asacjetsaredim: the build failure is in the bzr branch.12:22
jetsaredimthe package that i built was 1.2b2012:22
asacno sure that i understand why thats related to upstream svn12:22
jetsaredimbuild failure?12:23
asacyeah :-P12:23
asacjetsaredim: read bug 22056212:23
ubotuLaunchpad bug 220562 in firebug "frequent crashes with firebug 1.1.0" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22056212:23
jetsaredimi just read it a minute ago - must not have sunk in though i guess12:23
asachehe ... yeah, i frequently fail to believe what i see too ;)12:24
jetsaredimlemmie try in a clean dir12:24
jetsaredimwow - something's screwy12:36
jetsaredimmust have missed a commit somewhere12:36
jetsaredimcause what's in the dir I was using builds12:37
jetsaredimbut when I branch from my branch - it doesn't12:37
asacjetsaredim: no worries ... we have 2 days to fix :)12:44
jetsaredimhelps when you add all new files12:58
jetsaredimi thought I had done that - but apparently not12:59
asacin .upstream or ubuntu?12:59
asacif .upstream pleaes update .upstream and merge over again12:59
asacjetsaredim: ^^13:02
* asac prepares for lunch ;)13:02
jetsaredimok - i've updated the ubuntu branch13:16
asacjetsaredim: ill look after lunch. thanks13:17
* asac out for lunch13:17
jetsaredimgeser: have a look at the new branch and let me know13:26
geserjetsaredim: rev23 builds and works fine13:31
jetsaredimgeser: excellent14:15
asacjtv: there?15:03
asacjtv: i think we need a midbrowser template enabled. what would be the steps to get this?15:03
jtvasac: here15:03
jtvasac: "midbrowser"...  as in MID browser?15:04
asacits basically firefox + a few strings15:04
jtvAnd by "enabled," you mean "imported?15:04
asacjtv: well. no clue ;) ... if there is nothing to be done up-front we can directly go and import the template, right.15:05
asacthought maybe there is something needed to enable midbrowser template.15:05
jtvProbably.  It's probably a bit of an exceptional situation, so some hackery may be in order.15:05
jtvI have _no_ _idea_ what a midbrowser template involves.15:05
asacjtv: its en-US.xpi15:06
asaclike what we have for firefox and xulrunner15:06
jtvPlus extra strings...  different translations as well?15:06
asacwe don't have translations for the strings that came on top of firefox15:07
asacthats what we want to do in launchpad15:07
asacthe midbrowser en-US.xpi is firefox en-US.xpi + a few more strings in there15:07
jtvasac: if that is more or less guaranteed, could you treat it simply as a superset of Firefox?15:07
jtvIn other words, pretend like all firefox is firefox-mid, and let the regular firefox ignore some strings it doesn't know about?15:08
Kamping_Kaiserhi all. i'm rebuilding firefox 3 from the hardy repo with some changes. its finishing after ~2 or 3 minutes. is this how it should be? firefox 1.5 took an hour. i do notice that xul is gone, but even so i'm worried Stuff Is Wrong.15:08
asacjtv: no, we shouldn't couple those too tightly. the releases might diverge15:08
asacfurther it needs a special en-US.xpi15:08
* jtv thought he was soo smart15:08
asacotherwise we cannot produce value midbrowser langpacks as the install.rdf is different15:09
jtvasac: right now, Launchpad doesn't give a hoot about the install.rdf15:09
jtvso your scripts could replace it in the template that's copied into the exports.15:10
asacjtv: we use the en-US.xpi we get from midbrowser15:10
asacjtv: whats the problem of making midbrowser has its own template?15:10
jtvShouldn't be a problem, really, except I don't know off the top of my head how the auto-approval logic will deal with it.15:11
jtvYou should be able to have two templates in the same product/package, but it'd be a pain if each upload required a manual approval.15:11
asacjtv: why would i need two templates in the same product?15:12
asacjtv: i just want to have midbrowser as its own application15:12
asacapproval is something intel has to do15:13
jtvasac: oh, I assumed that was what you wanted.  Are you talking about two separate products/packages?  That's easy.15:13
asacno ... its completely separate15:13
jtvasac: in that case, forget what I said.  :)15:13
asacits just that we could use the firefox translations to get initial translations15:13
asacfor most of the strings15:13
jtvThat should be a doddle, yes.15:13
asacapproval is not a big problem because we can push this to intel folks15:13
asaci just want to provide them the infrastructure to do the translations :)15:14
jtvWell, approvals on the translations import queue go through Yours Truly15:14
asacoh ... me?15:15
jtvBut after the first approval, if the templates live on separate products/packages, auto-approval should just work.15:15
asacjtv: ok. so what would be required to enable midbrowser being a project that supports en-US.xpi templates?15:15
jtvasac: no, Yours Truly means "the person writing this."  It's a joke about the traditional way to finish a letter.15:15
asacah ;)15:15
jtvasac: just set up a regular product and upload the XPI.15:16
asacjtv: ok. www.launchpad.net/midbrowser thats the project i have15:16
asaccan i just enable translations there?15:16
jtvasac: sure, or you can do the uploads first.15:16
asacjtv: ok, you pointed me to tools that help to upload. are those required?15:17
jtvasac: no, not at all.  Just there to help, but they're built on top of the http[s] UI.15:17
asacjtv: ok, so i basically can just go to https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/midbrowser/trunk/+translations-upload and upload the en-US.xpi ?15:18
jtvasac: exactly15:18
jtvasac: there won't be any automatic cross-pollination of translations, except of course that the translations from the one will show up as suggestions for the other.15:19
asacjtv: ok, i think i understand. only thing i am uncertain about is that the exports from that project page have a different structure to the exports done for ubuntu15:19
asacfor instance the en-US.xpi is not included i think15:19
jtvasac: yes, they're very different things.15:19
asacand the po names are in a different folder and have an application prefixed name15:19
jtvasac: (phone)15:20
asacok, i think we can manually deal with that for now. in the long run we should try to get the en-US.xpi exported everywhere15:20
asacand the structure should be somewhat similar15:23
asacno essential be the same, but at least having the LANG.po files in a directory that matches the application would make sense15:23
asacjtv: will you be in prague?15:23
jtvasac: (off phone)15:24
jtvI have no plans to be in Prague, no.15:24
jtvasac: there is a very different issue with using products that we need to consider.15:25
asacok. anything i should be aware of?15:26
jtvasac: users can come in on pretty much any page of this product, and not know that it's not upstream.15:26
jtvasac: so they may translate in the mistaken impression that they're contributing directly to upstream.15:26
asacjtv: for midbrowser thats true15:26
asacwe are upstream translation wise15:26
jtvasac: in that case, splendid!15:27
asacat least thats the idea15:27
asachowever, that issue is true for firefox15:27
asacand i want to work on procedure how we can contribute back15:27
asacmostly for locales that are not translated upstream i'd like to see something like that15:27
jtvRight, so make sure it's assigned to a translation group where this is well-understood, and ideally, close it off to others so people don't throw their effort into a black hole.15:27
asacthats why i asked about UDS attendance, because i think it would have been beneficial to discuss this process in depth15:28
jtvasac: it's likely that such contribution would be very much appreciated.15:28
jtvasac: if you like, we could have some voice calls about this later.15:28
jtvasac: (my working day is just about done)15:28
asacyeah surely. i have to get some more ideas first, but Ill surely come back to that15:28
asacjtv: no not right now ;)15:28
asacwithin the next two weeks i can surely come back15:29
jtvI'm sure it will be beneficial to both of us.15:29
asacjtv: not sure if carlos communicated that to you, but i did some work on chrome.manifest intepretation and i think i could come up with a path to chrome:// url mapping script15:29
asacwhich should provide a perfect context15:30
asacnot sure if you could make use of that15:30
asacto improve the fuzziness of translation imports15:30
jtvasac: I was just looking at it in the code... doesn't look all that hard, tbh15:30
asacyes its simple15:30
jtvasac: experience so far suggests that assumptions are our greatest enemy.15:31
asacits basically: if you find the path on the right, chop it off and append the rest to a chrome url that starts with chrome://2ndCOLUMN/1stCOLUMN/rest15:32
asacjtv: thats a defined thing15:32
asacthats not an assumption15:32
asace.g. chrome://global/locale/RESTOFTHEPATH15:32
jtvasac: that part was clear.  I'm thinking more of things like: what if someone puts a file instead of a directory there?  Can a file occur in multiple chrome paths?  What if a jar file is nested inside another jar file?  Do we deal well with two locales in one jar file, one locale in two jar files, two locales in two jar files but mixed up?15:36
jtvMost of it seems easy to deal with, as long a we think of it in time.  :)15:36
asacjtv: we could eliminate most "mixed-up" corner cases by mangling xpis before the actual import happens.15:39
asacjtv: howver, agreed, we should note down any question that might arise and evaluate them properly15:40
asacin advance15:40
jtvI think low-level unit testing will play an important role there.  I'm implementing a separate class for manifest files that figures out chrome paths.15:41
jtvWe can test that for weird cases regardless of whether we can reproduce them in actual input.15:41
asacjtv: sure.15:42
asacsounds good15:42
asaci agree that we should go for the big fish in this cycle and get it right15:42
jtvasac: fish?  Were we talking about fish?15:43
asacyeah :)15:44
asacmeaning: no half-baked solution15:44
jtvah, okay, you want your fish well-fried.  Personally I like raw herring, but there you go.15:47
asacdidn't know that you have herring at all in your town :-P15:47
jtvTragically, no.  But I am Dutch after all.15:51
asaci know ;)15:52
jtvasac: another cute case...  do paths in the manifest absolutely _have_ to start with "jar:"?16:05
asacjtv: no16:07
asacif they don't they refer to non jarred directories16:07
jtvSo another nice corner case is when they do start with jar: but don't have to16:08
asacjtv: i am pretty sure that mozilla will choke on that ... but could verify. did you encounter any such case?16:18
jtvasac: no, but I've already written the code to handle it.16:19
asacsounds scary. i think you should fail hard if such a case is encountered :)16:21
jtvasac: I'll call that policy rather than mechanism though.  :-)  I normalize paths so I can match them reliably.16:22
jtvSo "//" becomes "/" etc.16:22
asacjtv: right ... but happens during export later :)16:24
asac*brain twists*16:24
asacshould work to export them without jar:  ... but hairy enough ;)16:25
jtvasac: have to do it on import as well, just to make sure I find the manifest entry that matches a file.16:25
jtvBut if the code turns out to be reusable on export, so much the better.16:25
asacjtv: personally i would think that launchpad should also be able to refuse .xpis that have bogus format16:25
asachaving a jar: path that refers to a directory not in a jar would certainly be a bogus xpi imo16:25
asacjtv: sure we have to do that on import. i just stated that the idea to export something properly from a broken xpi makes my brain twist :)16:27
asacjtv: do you need more corner cases?16:27
asacjtv: there are SYSTEM entities in the .dtd files ... that basically include a separate dtd.16:28
asacdo you have a solution for that?16:28
asacfurther there are other files than .dtd and .properties accessible with locale/ chrome path. those should probably be imported as one single big entity each16:28
asace.g. .../about.xhtml16:29
asacsame goes for images ... but i guess figuring out how to translate images is pretty hairy ;)16:29
asacand might need some hard work we probably won't be able to do16:29
jtv(Sorry, had to deal with onsetting rain here)16:30
asacbut thats a rare case i haven't seen since old thunderbird releases (1.0.x)16:30
asacand even back there those images were not translated ... just copied.16:30
asacso our current po2xpi code would catch that16:30
asachowever, same could be true for sound and video ... and what not :)16:31
jtvI don't think we should try to to import and translate everything...16:31
jtvGotta go now!16:31
asacjtv: talk to you later16:31
asachave a nice evening16:31
jtvThanks, same to you16:31
jetsaredimasac: is there anything else you need me to do for that firebug package?16:33
asacjetsaredim: currently trying to figure out if there is a slot to push this into hardy still16:55
asacbug 21781517:48
ubotuLaunchpad bug 217815 in kvm "Installation stalls randomly until a key is pressed" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21781517:48
armin76gentoo bug 10000117:50
ubotuLaunchpad bug 100001 in pidgin "[apport] gaim crashed with SIGSEGV in exit()" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/10000117:50
asacgentoo not integrated ;) ?17:53
asacare you using bugzilla?17:53
Jazzvaasac, back from school. Just tell me when you have time for auto-upgrade discussion...18:19
asacJazzva: let me finish quick-dinner :)18:28
JazzvaOk, I might have a quick-nap as well :)18:28
skwashdhi all18:47
skwashdare there any fixes for firefox in the pipeline for hardy?18:47
skwashdi am finding it almost unusable for any serious work18:48
asacskwashd: most likely its extensions that bust you18:51
skwashdasac: 3b3 on hardy worked a treat18:52
skwashdand it has been going down hill each time i install a new firefox deb since then18:52
asacmost likely because each and every release more extensions got enabled?18:54
asacas i said. most likely you are seeing issues because of extensions18:54
asacwhat extensions are you using?18:54
asacskwashd: ?18:55
skwashdeditcss, firebug, flashblock, foxclocks (Which can go), operaview, scrapbook, tamperdata, ubuntu hacks, webdev18:56
skwashdasac: it takes some time to type them all out18:56
asacjetsaredim: the upstream branch is gone18:57
asacskwashd: disable firebug for now18:57
asacthat causes instability18:57
skwashdasac: lmao18:57
skwashdit will be easier to go back to firefox218:57
asacwhatever you like. but its not firefox ... it surely is firebug ... which we are about to fix18:58
jetsaredimskwashd: get it from my ppa....18:58
skwashdi really think ubuntu is making a serious mistake shipping a flakey beta for a LTS release18:58
skwashdjetsaredim: get what?18:58
asacjetsaredim: where is the upstream branch?18:58
jetsaredimskwashd: there's a new firebug package there18:58
jetsaredimasac: I didn't19:00
jetsaredimi just updated in place19:00
skwashdjetsaredim: xpi is for firefox extensions ... it is insane to use 3rd party debs from unknown sources for firefox extensions19:00
jetsaredimthere was so damned many changes to the code base19:00
asacjetsaredim: but where is our upstream branch?19:00
asacjetsaredim: this should have been done by merging from the updated upstream branch for sure ... in anycase the upstream branch is gone now19:01
jetsaredimit should still be around19:01
jetsaredimin my bzr area - just i didn't use it19:01
jetsaredimcause it was 5 billion times easier to just do it this way19:01
jetsaredimi can re-do it if you want19:02
asacyeah, but its hard to maintain things in that way19:02
asacjetsaredim: please push the upstream branch again and don't remove it ever :)19:02
jetsaredimbut where wasn't anything worth saving from the old code other than debian, which i did save19:02
jetsaredimits not gone19:02
skwashdlol ... the debs aren't even official releases ... they are svn snapshots19:02
skwashdthanks guys19:02
jetsaredimthere is no official release that works with ff319:02
asacdon't mind ... hes is a troll19:03
jetsaredimso yea - there was nothing worth keeping in the old branch except the debian dir - which i did keep and added to the changelog19:03
asacjetsaredim: the upstream branch is important19:03
asacwe cannot produce an orig.tar.gz anymore now19:03
asacjetsaredim: and i cannot find the old upstream branch anywhere on launchpad :/19:04
asacjetsaredim: the upstream branch shouldn't have any debian/ directory anyway19:04
jetsaredimi must've cleaned it out19:04
asacjust upstream sources.19:04
asacplese push it again19:04
asacapply the svn snapshot on top of that19:04
asaccommit ... and then merge that over to the .ubuntu branch19:05
asacotherwise things become really unmaintainable in the long run. i promiss19:05
jetsaredimgoing to need to re-gen it from the package then19:05
jetsaredimi don't keep things around locally19:05
asacyou can branch the initial revision19:06
asacpush that as .upstream19:06
jetsaredimo right19:06
jetsaredim19 or whatever19:06
asacbzr branch -r 1 PATH/to/UBNUTU19:06
jetsaredimok - so here's a question then19:07
jetsaredimi had done all that19:07
jetsaredimthen when I went to merge the upstream onto the ubuntu it removed my debian dir19:07
jetsaredimto which i was like - w t f19:07
asacjetsaredim: you probably tried to convert the .ubuntu branch to upstream branch ... which would remove the debian/ dir19:08
asacjetsaredim: it won't do that for sure if the upstream branch doesn't have debian/ dir19:08
asacyeah. nevermind. branh out revision 1 ... commit new upstream on top ... and merge that to the .ubuntu branch of .core-dev19:10
asacaeh the ~ubuntu-dev branch i mean19:10
ftahm, my box reloaded by itself 2h ago19:10
asacjetsaredim: all clear?19:11
jetsaredimbzr branch http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-dev/firefox-extensions/firebug.ubuntu19:11
asacjetsaredim: use bzr branch -r 1 ....19:11
asacto get the initial revision only19:11
asacrevision 119:12
ftaasac, Universe Freeze Imminent... do we still need to push something ?19:12
asacyes ... we need to push firebug now19:12
jetsaredimi must be totally fucking dense or something cause i'm confused as batshit19:15
asacjetsaredim: ok ... take a breath. whats not clear?19:15
jetsaredimok - why am i branching r1 of ubuntu-dev firebug19:15
jetsaredimthat is the original old as shite firebug package19:16
asacjetsaredim: you want to recover the lost .upstream branch19:16
asacjetsaredim: the lost upstream branch was basically the first revision of .ubuntu19:16
asacnot more19:16
jetsaredimer ok19:16
jetsaredimso just push that to my bzr area?19:17
asacas .upstream ... yes.19:17
asacthen we have hopefully recovered the lost upstream branch and can go on19:17
jetsaredimk done19:18
jetsaredimnow drop in the new firebug code19:18
asacgood ... now change to that directory and rm -r *19:18
asacand add the files from svn checkout19:18
asacthen run bzr add .19:18
asacand bzr commit -m "* new upstream snapshot XXXX"19:18
asacjetsaredim: remember to remove the .svn dirs before you commit19:20
asacotherwise you have to re-remove them in .ubuntu19:21
jetsaredimok - brb19:22
james_wasac: remind me to explain to you sometime how this process of packaging svn snapshots can be made easier.19:22
asacjames_w: yeah :)19:22
jetsaredimjames_w: /me is all ears19:22
asacjames_w: hehe :) ... we are currently fighting firebug ... we can improve the procedure after we stopped this19:22
james_wyeah, I realise you need to get it in quickly, so I won't distract you19:23
asacjetsaredim: ok when done you branch the ~ubuntu-dev branch again19:23
asacswitch to that directory19:23
james_wit's just that jelmer has put effort in to making this efficient, and it might help you here.19:23
asacbzr merge /path/to/upstream/branch19:23
asacthen add new changelog entry ... and commit19:24
asacjames_w: yeah :) ... thanks. will get back to you asap on this. we certainly want a better approach :)19:24
asacjames_w: i think jetsaredim is off for a few :) ... go ahead :)19:27
asacwhats the idea? start with synching svn to bzr?19:28
james_wasac: sorry, I'm leaving in a few, can it wait until another time?19:28
james_wthe basic idea is to use bzr-svn to grab the branch you want as upstream, and use builddeb's export upstream mode to turn that in to tarball for you.19:28
james_wthen you do something magic that I've forgotten, and to update to a new snapshot you just change the version number in debian/changelog.19:29
james_wunfortunately you may have to abandon existing branches, I need to think about it.19:29
asacjames_w: yeah. i understand i use builddeb to produce origs, but for now we maintain the upstream branch manually19:31
asacjames_w: is there a way to tell builddeb to use a specific upstream revision/or tag?19:31
asacfor export?19:31
asacjames_w: well ... we might be able to rebase maybe?19:31
asacjames_w: but tough task to migrate existing ones.19:32
jetsaredimasac: ok back19:40
jetsaredimso now - checkout the latest ubuntu-dev as local .ubuntu19:40
asacthen merge the new .upstream onto it19:41
asacand add a new changelog entry for this release before you commit19:41
asacif you need to resolve a conflict let me know19:41
asacif any it should be install.rdf that has a conflict i guess19:41
jetsaredimwhich is odd since there's no install.rdf in the new branch19:42
asacjetsaredim: welll whatever the file is called19:42
asacinstall.rdf.xml or something19:42
jetsaredimText conflict in build.xml19:42
jetsaredimContents conflict in install.rdf19:42
asacjetsaredim: is install.rdf not in new branch?19:43
asacjetsaredim: ok edit build.xml and resolve the conflict19:43
jetsaredimyea gone19:43
asacok then it was accidentially added to the initial revision i guess19:43
asaclets seal with that later19:43
asacjetsaredim: fix buld.xml ... you should be able to see the conflict by its markers: <<<<<<< ... =======19:44
jetsaredimi'm just going to copy the new version from the existing .ubuntu in my code area19:45
asachmm ... how does the conflict look like?19:46
asacyou can probably do that ... but usually resolving conflicts should do the right thing and ensure that you don't forget anything ;)19:46
jetsaredimthey restructured the build.xml file a bunch19:46
jetsaredimfor the branch that is up there in my code area working for people19:47
jetsaredimi had taken the new build.xml and patched it to work19:47
jetsaredimso - now just commit that as "new upstream merged" or something19:47
asacname the version you merged ... and maybe the bzr revision from upstream branch (2)19:47
asacjetsaredim: remember to open a new changelog entry19:47
asacbefore you commit19:47
asacwith the proper upstream version and so on19:48
asacmaybe use UNRELEASED instead of hardy in the header of that entry19:48
asacjetsaredim: ^^19:48
jetsaredimdoes it really matter?19:48
asacjetsaredim: what? using UNRELEASED? its best-practice. otherwise no.19:48
jetsaredimunreleased vs hardy?19:49
asacjetsaredim: it matters in that in case things need to be fixed after the merge19:49
jetsaredimno i mean - its going to mean that i'm going to have to change it anyway right?19:49
asacjetsaredim: well ... you don't. i'll add a commit on top when i release it ... flipping it to hardy19:49
jetsaredimcan't build it without the "hardy" though19:50
asacyou can do this "release commit" as well. but usually we have a single empty commit before we upload that flips it19:50
asacjetsaredim: you can build ... you just cannot upload... which is intended19:50
asacjetsaredim: for now ... just do as you like19:50
asacUNRELEASED is good ... hardy is not bad ;)19:50
asacjetsaredim: ok ... build.xml resolved?19:52
jetsaredimhow can I push this new .ubuntu on top of my old .ubuntu that I had there20:01
james_wasac: sorry, I was eating. There is "export-upstream-revision", and some magic jelmer put in on top of that so you can do +svn25 to use revision 25.20:01
asacjetsaredim: did you manage to commit locally?20:02
asacjetsaredim: you can use bzr push --overwrite YOURURL.ubuntu20:02
jetsaredimdch seems to have changed firebug to fire bug20:05
jetsaredimanyway - its pushed to .ubuntu20:06
jetsaredimjust taking a moment to propagate20:07
jetsaredimok - its there20:07
asacok let me check this out20:08
asacjetsaredim: ouch you updated to a new upstream release :(20:08
asacwe had tests on the other.20:08
mdkeasac: the links should be the only substantive changes. Otherwise, the only changes I've made since the previous upload are to po files, which aren't used in the build or the binary package20:08
jetsaredimi'm just doing what you told me20:09
asacmdke: we figured why that happened. however i cherry-picked just the link patch20:09
asacjetsaredim: he? we had svn572 tested20:09
mdkeasac: ok, thanks20:09
asacnow we have svn57320:09
jetsaredimi can revert that20:09
jetsaredimthey updated the svn since last night20:09
asacjetsaredim: well ... you already merged it and so on :)20:09
asacjetsaredim: yes, but we have testers on the other revision20:10
jetsaredimok no biggie20:10
asacgeser: still there?20:10
asacjetsaredim: wait lets see if we can get tests on the latest20:10
asacjetsaredim: did you try to build and all?20:10
asacjetsaredim: otherwise this merge looks good.20:11
asaclets see if we can get testers for the new version20:11
jetsaredimyea build is fine20:12
jetsaredimi can put another build in my ppa20:12
jetsaredimlemmie update the bug20:12
asacjetsaredim: not needed ill send the deb directly to matt and hopefully geser can test20:13
asacjetsaredim: please fix the upstream version in changelog :)20:14
jetsaredimits not right20:15
jetsaredimthe version in the addons window is reporting 1.2a20X20:15
jetsaredimthis is dumb20:15
jetsaredimi have to go bitch out a mechanic for damaging my wheels20:15
asacjetsaredim: hehe ... please just change the upstream versio nin changelog to read 57320:16
asacits out of sync with what is in changelog20:16
asacjetsaredim: 1.2~b21+573 vs 1.2~b21+57220:16
mdkeasac: is there a way to test localisations without relogging in?20:16
asacmdke: online/offline?20:16
mdkeLANG=X firefox doesn't seem to work20:16
mdkeasac: sorry, I mean to switch language20:17
asacmdke: for the UI or the startpage?20:17
geserasac: yes. I'm still here20:17
mdkeasac: they should go together, right?20:17
mdkebut I'm interested in the startpage20:17
jetsaredimgeser: can you test a new version20:17
asacgeser: can you test the latest firebug branch one more time?20:17
asacgeser: we had to resolve some branch issues ;) ... but now it should be more or less right :)20:18
jetsaredimi just refreshed the svn cause I had to repackage the deb20:18
jetsaredimheh - the new branch rev is 2120:18
asacjetsaredim: i can fix the upstream versio nin changelog if you want20:18
jetsaredimjust did20:18
asacotherwise please use 1.2~b21+svn57320:18
jetsaredimand pushed it20:18
asacdid you add svn?20:18
asaci just saw that you dropped that ;)20:18
jetsaredimomfg - i am going to kill someone20:19
asacall cool. we are ---><--- that close20:19
jetsaredimpushing again20:19
jetsaredimgeser: make that rev 2220:19
asacgeser: if you have done the testing, please comment on bug again as i need some positive input for this upload20:20
asachmm m... waiting for LP to sync ;)20:21
jetsaredimthe changelog should be marked as version 1.2~b21+svn57320:22
geserhow long will it take till rev 22 will be available?20:22
asacyeah launchpad sucks again20:23
asacha i have it :)20:23
asacits there20:23
asacgeser: ^^20:23
jetsaredimso you can get it by branch - but its not listed on the site20:24
asacprobably soon as well20:25
gesermy pbuilder is already running20:26
geserpackage successfully build, now installing20:26
geserhmm, firefox doesn't crash but firebug doesn't work20:28
* jetsaredim gives up20:29
jetsaredimI have t run20:29
geserforget my last comment, I had a firefox still running on an other workspace20:29
geserfirefox doesn't crash and firebug works fine20:29
jetsaredimok - really have to run now20:30
asacjetsaredim: thanks a lt20:30
geserjetsaredim: thanks20:30
asacjetsaredim: and sorry for the pressure on this :)20:31
asacjetsaredim: uploaded20:33
asacgeser: can you comment on bug20:33
geserasac: already done20:33
asacgeser: about the latest version?20:33
asaci only see "rev23 builds and works fine (firebug 1.2~b21+svn572-0ubuntu1)."20:33
asacwhich is about the other version20:34
asacah ok20:34
asaci see20:34
asacfta: Jazzva: where to put our upstream extension branches?20:38
asaci think we should push them somewhere where nobody removes them :/20:39
asacJazzva: was bug 156714 resolved by latest app-install data update?20:42
ubotuLaunchpad bug 156714 in firefox-extensions "Installing Sage from Ubufox does not add extension" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15671420:42
asacspeaking about ... i think i missed to get that merged :/20:42
asacmdke: ok ... how can we fix the ubuntu-docs branch. i'd suggest that i upload a branch with the cherry pick on top and you could merge it in the main branch?20:44
asacmdke: sorry i dropped the ball on your question. for LANG=XX to work you need the XX langpack20:44
asacmdke: if you just wnat to test startpage you change change preferred display language in the preferences dialog20:45
Jazzvaasac: Sage doesn't work for FF320:52
asacJazzva: ok20:52
JazzvaSo, its FF2-only for app-data20:52
asacJazzva: but we moved it to firefox-2 mimetype right?20:52
JazzvaI think we even uploaded the fix for debian/control20:53
JazzvaUmm ... just to see if you merged the latest app-install-data which I submitted20:53
asacJazzva: i think i didn't ... which i found out above20:54
asacJazzva: ill take care that this goes to -updates asap20:54
asacJazzva: maybe bug me daily about this ... i sometimes need to be kicked apparently20:54
Jazzvahmm ... Maybe it was changed in some later submission :)20:54
asacJazzva: sage is definitly not in the extensions dialog we have now in hardy. so i closed this bug for now20:55
asacJazzva: however, the list is unfortunately really not the latest.20:55
asacat least firebug is missing :)20:55
JazzvaThen it was changed in the earlier submission :)20:55
JazzvaI'll take a look at the branches :)20:56
asacgood thing is that i can argue that firebug was too crashy ... and tell mvo that thats the reason why we need it in -updates as its now sorted out20:56
Jazzva(sorry for not replying ... I forgot to wake up when the alarm started ringing)20:56
Jazzvaheh, there's a reason :)20:56
JazzvaYep... It was merged with rev544, while the lates I pushed is 54820:57
asacyeah ... wel'll figure21:01
JazzvaMember of the Mozilla team? Yaaay. Thanks :). (just noticed the mail)21:01
asacJazzva: thought it was time :)21:01
JazzvaAnd I think I skipped bzr add . for one revision so, I think we don't have torbutton.desktop in current rev :). Good think it wasn't merged :)21:02
JazzvaThanks :)21:02
asacJazzva: ok cool. maybe fix it then ;)21:02
mdkeasac: got it, thanks. For ubuntu-docs, i'm happy to merge any changes manually. It's a shame that the branch doesn't represent the current source package though21:08
mdkeasac: we'll tidy that up after release I guess21:09
asacAccepted: firebug 1.2~b21+svn573-0ubuntu1 (source)21:10
asacjetsaredim: ^^21:10
asacok we are done21:10
asacno more uploads from the mozillateam21:10
asacmdke: i couldn't because i wanted just the top most commit21:11
asacmdke: ill commit that commit on top of the version that was previously uploaded (i think 12 apr)21:11
asacthen we can merge that into the -docs branch and everything should still be fine21:11
asac(again) :)21:12
asacfta: i just wanted to give you heads up that we have a victory ;)21:13
asacfta: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7793/21:13
asacfta: "Don't build the standalone glue as a21:13
asac#    dynamic library. This is actually not maintenable without being a PITA.21:13
mdkeasac: :)21:17
Jazzvaasac: Everything was added ... I thought it wasn't. So, a-i-d rev 548 is the final for now21:18
asacJazzva: good. can you remind me right when the release is out of the door? i don't want to bug mvo right now about this ... i think he is still looking into something21:19
asaci am sure ill rememember now that i forgot once, but better safe than sorry21:19
JazzvaOke :).21:19
asacok off for 30 minutes or so getting some fresh-air :)21:27
Jazzvaok... We might talk about the auto-upgrade when you come back, to see if we have covered all...21:28
fta!info xulrunner sid21:40
ubotuxulrunner (source: xulrunner): XUL + XPCOM application runner. In component main, is optional. Version (sid), package size 271 kB, installed size 892 kB21:40
fta!info xulrunner experimental21:40
ubotuxulrunner (source: xulrunner): XUL + XPCOM application runner. In component universe, is optional. Version (gutsy), package size 273 kB, installed size 980 kB21:40
armin76plop :)21:41
fta!info xulrunner hardy21:41
armin76go debian? :P21:41
ubotuxulrunner (source: xulrunner): XUL + XPCOM application runner. In component universe, is optional. Version (hardy), package size 275 kB, installed size 980 kB21:41
ftaasac, what about this one ? too late ?21:41
armin76!info libc6 hardy21:42
ubotulibc6 (source: glibc): GNU C Library: Shared libraries. In component main, is required. Version 2.7-10ubuntu3 (hardy), package size 4206 kB, installed size 10436 kB21:42
armin76!info debootstrap hardy21:42
ubotudebootstrap (source: debootstrap): Bootstrap a basic Debian system. In component main, is extra. Version 1.0.8 (hardy), package size 49 kB, installed size 260 kB21:42
asacfta: about xul 1.8?21:52
ftathe security fix i guess21:52
ftaI can do a quick merge21:53
asacwe should push that through the security team21:53
asacfta: is that good enough? the release team currently is completely overloaded. we should remember to do it in sync with next firefox i guess21:53
asacfta: whats the state of xulrunner in < hardy?21:55
asacwas that updated anywhere?21:55
asac!info xulrunner21:55
ubotuxulrunner (source: xulrunner): XUL + XPCOM application runner. In component universe, is optional. Version (gutsy), package size 273 kB, installed size 980 kB21:55
asac!info xulrunner gutsy-security21:55
asac!info xulrunner gutsy-updates21:55
ftawe should ask Fujitsu21:56
asacfta: wanna give him a ping?21:56
asacmaybe he is up already21:56
ftaplease ping him, i'm doing xul21:57
asacfta: i think we should push this through security on release day.21:57
ftauniverse is not frozen yet21:57
asacfor gutsy we should do an SRU because it means a pretty big version bump and we need testing21:57
ftait's still possible21:57
asacyeah ;)21:58
asachowever, release team is pretty busted and this qualifies for security21:58
asacso imo there is no need for getting this in right now.21:58
asacspeaking: they will hate me :/21:59
mdkeasac: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/220762 <-- any idea what that is?22:01
ubotuLaunchpad bug 220762 in ubuntu-docs "package ubuntu-docs 8.04.2~hardy failed to install/upgrade: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 139" [Undecided,New]22:01
mdkeI can't see anything in the log that explains things, but then again I don't know much about dpkg22:02
asachmm that upgrade appears to be completely busted22:03
asacthere are other issues before22:03
asacupdate-manager failed to upgrade22:03
asacand so on22:03
mdkeyeah, I saw those too22:03
mdkeshall we cross our fingers and hope it's just his system?22:03
asacill show that our QA team22:04
mdkebtw, why is the version not 8.04.2?22:04
mdkethat's the format we've always used in the past22:04
asacmdke: because your bzr release is ahead :) ... i skipped the .po updates so i kept the version below that22:15
asacmdke: and i couldn't get feedback from you in time :)22:16
asac(not your fault obviously)22:16
mdkeasac: ok, I see. thanks for clarifying22:17
mdkeasac: and thanks for all your hard work recently with the startpage, you've done marvels22:17
mdkethe new solution is very elegant22:17
asacthanks. sorry for this kind of change so short before release22:18
mdkenot your fault22:18
mdkeI can't wait to clear out the old system for intrepid22:18
asacwe will certainly find good ways to make it better than before to contribute22:18
asacyes, what a joy :)22:18
Jazzvaasac, busy?22:23
asacJazzva: not more than normal :)22:24
jetsaredimgeser: yea - thanks for the help testing22:24
asacJazzva: but we can discuss now :)22:24
asacfta: are you available too?22:24
Jazzvaasac: Good :)22:24
Jazzvafta2 maybe? :)22:25
asacfta2: there?22:26
asacmdke: could you keep your eyes for a bit on that pseudo ubuntu-bugs bug please22:26
asacmvo asked for crash files so if he sends them we could go on22:26
ftai'm here22:26
asacbut we have to miss it ;)22:26
Jazzvafta: yay :)22:26
asacfta: we wanted to talk about how to maintain extensions ;)22:26
asacnot the final thing, but the basics22:27
asaclet me recap what we had so far.22:27
asacupstream branch: auto tracked if the package is based on AMO .xpis22:28
asacwith the help of the script we have22:28
asacthats simple.22:29
asacthen we need something that tries automerge for those branches that can be updated22:29
asacthose are 1) current development release (aka .dev)22:29
asac2) backports22:29
asacif the automerge succeeds it should go to a $BRANCH.staging branch22:30
asacand we have a script that shows which extensions updates are available on staging branches22:30
asacmakes sense?22:30
asacok ... so usually the QA contact would review the .staging branch and if god sign-off22:31
asacno idea fi we have some technical mean to show that a branch is signed off ... however if its signed-off we probably want to push it to the .release branch22:32
asace.g. the .dev branch or the .hardy.backports branch and so on22:32
ftasomeone has to test the backports too. not sure the QA contacts will be able to do so22:33
asacfta: the idea is that we have a .staging branch for any release branch ... e.g. also the backports branch22:33
Jazzvawell, we can do it, while we're on hardy... and maybe look for testers (something like Mozilla QA tracker in the topic)22:34
asacits important that we blog about this and gather a healthy community. for backports we can entangle with the ubuntu-backports team i guess22:34
asacwell... anyway.22:36
asacther was a corner case for the .staging branch i cannot remember right now22:36
mdkeasac: will do22:37
asacJazzva: you remember?22:37
JazzvaUmm ... no. We can look at the log, it will be on the Internet :)22:37
Jazzva(or it is already)22:37
JazzvaIt is...22:38
Jazzvachange in source dirs layout?22:38
asac12:17 < asac> now i do 0.2-0ubuntu2 in the .ubuntu branch ... but staging has 0.3-0ubuntu1 ...  based on 0.2-0ubuntu122:39
asacok i think i remember22:39
asacthis doesn't apply to backport branches i guess ... as thos are unlikely to get packaging changes22:39
asachowever if you work on a better packaging e.g. 0.2-0ubuntu2 and commit that after the auto merger has kicked in and updated .staging to 0.3-0ubuntu1 based on 0.2-0ubuntu222:40
asacwe have to get the auto merger redo that .staging branch22:40
asacfta: ^^22:40
asacis that a comprehensible description?22:41
Jazzvayou mean, 0.2-0ubuntu1...22:41
asaci mean ... .ubuntu branch has version X-1 ... merger kicks in and creates X+1-1 from it22:42
asacthen i am finished and commit X-2 to .ubuntu branch22:42
asacnow we cannot push X+1-1 to .ubuntu branc because it diverged22:42
JazzvaRight... Sounds good22:42
asacso we have to either do that manually or make auto merger detect that and redo the merge22:42
ftaor we could merge22:43
asacyes. my idea was to detect diverged branches by trying a local push regularly and if .staging branch cannot be pused on .ubuntu branch, throw it away and redo the merge22:43
asacfta: no idea if thats too complicated or if there are better solutions to support us in maintaining those22:44
asacredo the merge == redo the upstream merge and push --overwrite to .staging if that works without conflict22:44
ftasounds ok.22:45
ftawe should try that and see if it works22:45
asacwell ;) ... its probably rare. but still a case and i don't want to get a stale lock somewhere that we cannot resolve :)22:45
ftabtw, i'm not in ubuntu-dev so i cannot touch any of those branches22:46
asacfta: we should change that asap22:46
asacimo you should just send a mail to the motu council and CC anyone you worked with and see what happens22:47
ftawhat does it take to be in ubuntu-dev ?22:47
ftaubuntu-dev == motu ?22:48
asacfta: mailing motu council telling that you want to apply ... giving a short outline of what you did and gathering good feedback from people you worked with22:48
asaci am sure there will be enough that vouch for you22:48
asacyes its motu22:48
asacfta: i would even propose you, but i think the way it works is that you propose yourself22:49
asacimo you should actually apply for core-dev shortly after that.22:50
Jazzvafta ^22:51
asacanyway, back to topic22:52
asacthere are a few things i am not really sure of. first: where to maintain those branches22:52
asaca) where to put the .upstream branches22:52
asacb) where to put the .dev branch22:52
asacc) where to put the .backport branches22:52
asacd) where to put the .release branches22:52
Jazzvamozillateam, if we make the script that will run for all extensions22:53
Jazzvamaintainer, if maintainer needs to run the script...22:53
asaci think the question is: who should be able to commit where22:53
JazzvaWell, depends on how we make the script :)...22:54
JazzvaFirst way, if the maintainer runs, then someone should merge his/her branches with mozillateam's/ubuntu-dev's22:54
asaci would be fine to add the .upstream branches to mozillateam22:54
asacwe could also create subteams22:54
asacindeed. we probably have two cases here: automatic upstream branches and manual upstream branches22:55
JazzvaSecond way, if the script is run automatically ... maybe mozillateams, and when everything is done, the branches should be merged with ubuntu-dev's22:55
JazzvaHmm... this might be one solution. Automatically run for mozillateam's upstream. If there is new upstream version, then mail the maintainer to run the update-extension script (if we're doing the first way), and then just merge with his/her branches when they're done.22:56
asacok. so upstream branches in mozillateam are ok?22:58
asacfta: ?22:58
asacwon't this clutter our branch list?22:58
JazzvaIf it will, we can do subteaming...22:59
asacok lets assume we have a place for upstream branches. we could do auto merging for those that get from AMO ... and maybe autopull from a configured bzr branch that the QA contact runs?23:00
JazzvaFrom his ubuntu branch?23:02
JazzvaWow ... just noticed it's less than two days till release :). (offtopic)23:02
asac1 day ;)23:03
Jazzvawell ... more than 1, less than 2 :P23:03
* asac phone23:05
asacJazzva: no ubuntu branch, but .upstream branch23:07
JazzvaWhy would we do that? :)23:07
asacJazzva: i think if we cannot update from AMO the QA contact should drive the .upstream branch23:07
asacjust an idea23:07
JazzvaOk ... but I just don't see the point of autopull :)23:08
asacwhat would you suggest instead?23:08
JazzvaWhat do you want to do with autopull?23:08
asaci want to ensure that the .upstream branches we cannot maintain automatically are still getting pulled to our area23:09
asacif those cases are rare, we can do that manual. granted23:09
JazzvaOh... Sorry, I misread your line. :)23:09
JazzvaYeah, that's good...23:09
asacwhat i want to prevent is that the .upstream branch just lives in the QA contact area23:09
asacwe have no control and if he trashes it, it just disappears23:10
JazzvaI thought you want to autopull after automerge and I was confused :)... Nevermind.23:10
asacand we are screwed23:10
asacfta: what are your idea about these kind of corner cases?23:10
asace.g. AMO is behind like for firebug right now?23:10
asacor the .xpi distributed through AMO doesn't have a license file, while the svn/cvs had23:11
asaci think it would be fine if we maintain those manually ... we just have to know how we maintain/update those. however, integrating those into the auto process would allow us to maintain backports and so on as well23:12
asacwhich might be cumbersome to do manually23:12
asachairy question ;)23:13
JazzvaDownload automatically from cvs... Just add moz_source or something in rules/some other file, which the script is gonna look at if it's not on amo23:14
ftaI don't see what the QA could do for the upstream branch that a script cannot do.23:14
Jazzva(and maybe type of cvs, so the script can use right command)23:14
asacfta: i think a script can do everything, but the package would probably need to provide an interface for the script to gather data ... which might be beyond the capabilities of the QA contacts23:15
asaci guess watch files would be the right thing for tarballs?23:16
asacwhatelse would we need? a branch url?23:16
asac(e.g. svn, git, bzr, hg) ?23:16
asacand it can be tricky to guess which snapshot to take from svn. we could track every single checkin, but i don't think its a wise thing to push every single committ to backports and so on23:17
ftasure not23:17
asacthats why i thought that the QA contact should update the .upstream branch whenever he thinks its a good revision to bake a release from23:17
fta(is there a bug on lp for ?)23:17
asacif we have other ideas how to figure when to bake a release, i am all for it.23:18
asacfta: probably not. i don't document these that way. what do you need?23:18
asacwe have an ubuntu advisory23:18
asacits 602-123:18
ftaa bug to close, i remember there was a bug for ff/xul/sm recently23:18
asacif there is non we can surely open one23:19
asacfor security the short description i provide in changelog is usually good enough.23:19
asacif you open a bug i can provide a description and add the content needed to review this23:20
asaclet me look23:20
ftabug 21853423:21
ubotuLaunchpad bug 218534 in firefox "[Needs Packaging] JavaScript vulnerability in Firefox/Thunderbird/SeaMonkey before" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21853423:21
asaclet me check if every info is public23:21
asacmozilla bug 41102523:22
ubotuMozilla bug 411025 in JavaScript Engine "GC hazard in JS_CompileUCFunctionForPrincipals" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=41102523:22
asacmozilla bug 42557623:22
ubotuMozilla bug 425576 in JavaScript Engine "Crash on login to Excite Japan Blog (exblog.jp) after updating to Firefox [@ js_MarkGCThing]" [Critical,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=42557623:22
asacmozilla bug 42162223:22
ubotuMozilla bug 421622 in XML "XMLHttpRequest from chrome content clears Referer header" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=42162223:22
asacmozilla bug 37813223:22
ubotuMozilla bug 378132 in Phishing Protection "table update requests once per minute on http 4xx response" [Normal,Resolved: duplicate] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=37813223:22
asacfta: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7803/23:22
asacthats the text that describes this release23:23
ftawhere ?23:23
asacfat i updated bug https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/2185323:25
ubotuLaunchpad bug 21853 in gnome-volume-manager "Cannot unmount iPod (dup-of: 11517)" [Medium,Invalid]23:25
ubotuLaunchpad bug 11517 in linux-source-2.6.15 "Can not eject removable devices" [Medium,Fix released]23:25
asacbug 21853423:25
ubotuLaunchpad bug 218534 in firefox "[Needs Packaging] JavaScript vulnerability in Firefox/Thunderbird/SeaMonkey/Xulrunner before" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21853423:25
asacfta: in the paste23:25
asacand add that it fixes the issues disclosed in usn-602-123:26
ftathis bug mentions CVE-2008-1237 but debian says CVE-2008-138023:26
ubotuMultiple unspecified vulnerabilities in Mozilla Firefox before, Thunderbird before, and SeaMonkey before 1.1.9 allow remote attackers to cause a denial of service (crash) and possibly execute arbitrary code via unknown vectors related to the JavaScript engine. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2008-1237)23:26
ubotuThe JavaScript engine in Mozilla Firefox before, Thunderbird before, and SeaMonkey before 1.1.10 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (garbage collector crash) and possibly have other impacts via a crafted web page.  NOTE: this is due to an incorrect fix for CVE-2008-1237. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2008-1380)23:26
asacfta: that bug is bogus23:27
asacuse the cve in the usn23:27
asacfta: i fixed the summary :)23:27
ftahttp://paste.ubuntu.com/7805/  looks ok ?23:29
asacfta: maybe add the USN-602-1 id somewhere in changelog23:30
ftaUSN-602-1 =? mfsa-2008-20 == CVE-2008-1380 ?23:31
ubotuThe JavaScript engine in Mozilla Firefox before, Thunderbird before, and SeaMonkey before 1.1.10 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (garbage collector crash) and possibly have other impacts via a crafted web page.  NOTE: this is due to an incorrect fix for CVE-2008-1237. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2008-1380)23:31
ftadamn, pa is bogus once again. after a pause23:33
ftaasac, ^^ (usn)23:36
ftagod i hate dpatch23:42
asacsorry ... there was yet another fire :(23:42
asaci am more or less back23:42
asacfta: right23:43
asacthis usn just comprises one advisory23:43
asacand the two bugs mentioned in paste are added on top in this release23:43
ftarebuilding from scratch to be sure23:47
asacyes, please be double sure and test some rdepends we still have23:50
asacthough i think its pretty safe upgrade ... but usualyl those are the ones most dangerous23:51
asacJazzva: fta: ok, ill try to write this extension thoughts down so we can continue discussion from there23:52
Jazzvaasac, k... Do we have the deadline? :)23:52
asacfor what?23:52
Jazzvafor autoupgrade thingy...23:52
ftathen I'll write a prototype23:53
asacgetting a basic draft written and a prototype before UDS would be really helpful23:53
asacwe could then finalize it during UDS based on the experiences we had23:53
asaci hoped to have an idea for next weeks extension packaging session at ubuntu developer week23:54
asacbut i know buried that idea ;)23:54
JazzvaI can help with the draft, if you need it... and maybe with scripting (but I'm at the very basic level for that, though willing to learn)23:54
ftai would probably go with perl, not shell this time23:54
asacJazzva: ill outline the basics we discussed in wiki. anyone can add comments, imprve text and so on23:54
* Jazzva knows nothing about perl23:54
asac*oooo* there we go. technical detail discussion about languages to use :/23:55
Jazzvahmm ... visual basic23:55
asaclets do it in C23:55
asacthats the greatest common demoninator these days ;)23:55
ftashell is good with me but i fear it will soon be a monster23:55
asaclike our po2xpi transformer ;)23:55
asacbloody ugly C code ;)23:56
JazzvaC is ok :).23:56
ftac for this is like reinventing the wheel23:56
asacfta: perl will definitly be a monster for anyone ;)23:56
asacexcept those that are perl fetish ;)23:56
asacperl is fine with me ... as long as its not trying to compress things into as few lines as possible23:57
asacand not using all those implicit nifty operators23:57
asace.g. perl can be readable for outsiders if you code things explicitly ;)23:57
asacfta: do you understand what i mean?23:57
asacok ;)23:58
asacfta: probably you don't like python?23:58
ftai've never done anything real in python.23:59
ftaopposed to millions of lines of perl, shell, C23:59
ftaIs this readable for you: http://www.sofaraway.org/ubuntu/tmp/sync-ppa.pl.txt23:59

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