
Karger1978Can anyone tell me why some iso's will play out to my tv though pvr350 where as others will only play on my monitor?00:10
baalsgateis there a package to install XMLTV ??02:03
tgm4883_laptop!ask | baalsgate02:03
ubotubaalsgate: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)02:03
baalsgateWTF ?02:03
baalsgatei need to install http://xmltv.org/wiki/ to run the new guide data grabber02:05
baalsgatebut im having trouble finding the package02:05
tgm4883_laptopbaalsgate, hardy or gutsy?02:05
baalsgateum 7.10 gusty ?02:06
LossifI am having problems with my sound not playing after my wife accidentally turned off the mythbox without shutting it down.02:06
baalsgatedose apt-get have a search ?02:06
LossifI am running digital audio out02:07
baalsgateLossif check dmesg ?02:07
Lossifhow? sorry, sort of a noob02:07
Lossiflearning this whole thing as I go02:08
baalsgateLossif you may have a  problem with the audio module , just guessing here02:08
baalsgatetry alsamixer on a shell02:08
Lossifi did that02:09
baalsgateand ?02:09
Lossifand i normally just mute everything02:09
Lossifand unmute it02:09
Lossifafter a reboot02:09
Lossifand it normally fixes it02:09
Lossifbut not this time02:09
tgm4883_laptopbaalsgate, you need 5.51?02:10
baalsgatetgm4883_laptop 5.51 of xmltv ?02:10
tgm4883_laptopbaalsgate, yes, or rather 0.5.5102:11
baalsgatetgm4883_laptop i dont know just following the requirements on http://web.aanet.com.au/auric/?q=node/1402:11
baalsgatetgm4883_laptop it does not mention version02:12
tgm4883_laptopbaalsgate, 0.5.49 is available in the gutsy repos02:12
tgm4883_laptopsudo apt-get install xmltv02:12
baalsgatei did try that02:12
baalsgateand it found nothing02:13
tgm4883_laptopdo you have the universe enabled?02:13
baalsgateok maybe i used caps02:13
baalsgateits looks like its good02:13
tgm4883_laptopxmltv is in the repos in universe02:14
tgm4883_laptopyou can search here if you like  http://packages.ubuntu.com/02:14
dthackerHi:  I'm getting really intense blurry color on my latest recordings.  I don't think" I've changed any settings?02:16
dthackerwhat should I check.  This is only on the recordings I'm playing back on myth frontend.  The monitor is not blurry or "hot"02:17
baalsgateLossif check your dmesg for audio driver problems02:19
baalsgateLossif maybe ask the guys in here if there is a way to check file imtegrity of your audio modules02:21
Lossifis there a way to select all in nano?02:22
baalsgatefiles can be messed up with a non clean power down02:22
Lossifbaalsgate: that is what I was afraid of02:37
LossifI was thinking about just going with the 8.04 RC,  If i installed it would it keep all of my existing movies and recordings?02:38
bronsonI think I have everything set up properly but when I try to Watch TV, nothing happens.03:00
bronsonTried running mythfrontend --service but nothing gets printed.03:00
bronsonThe back-end recognized my PVR-350.03:00
bronsonCan anyone suggest something for me to check?03:00
tgm4883_laptopbronson, anything in the logs?03:00
bronsonnothing in syslog.  Does myth have other logs?03:01
bronsoncool, looking03:02
tgm4883_laptopand you can also start mythfrontend from the command line and errors will be printed to the terminal03:02
bronsonHm, I did, but I didn't see any errors.03:02
tgm4883_laptopcheck the logs then03:03
tgm4883_laptopmost specifically, the backend03:03
bronsonYa, nothing weird in frontend.03:03
bronson"Perhaps you have forgotten to bind video sources to your card's inputs?"03:05
bronsonMan it's tough to set up Myth.03:06
tgm4883_laptopwell it's a lot easier than the early days03:06
tgm4883_laptopwe can only do so much for you ;)03:06
bronsonHm...  I ran Myth a few years ago.  Doesn't seem very different to me!03:08
bronsonBut it's true that video hardware is just weird.03:08
bronsonNot easy to autodetect and set up properly.03:09
darthanubisrhpot1991, you around?04:02
darthanubismy mythexport is not working from the job line04:05
darthanubisanyone have an idea as to why?04:05
darthanubisthe dir permissions was fixed earlier04:05
darthanubisthe job says completed bedore anything is done04:05
MythbuntuGuest10Hi I'm having trouble with Mythbunutu changing the order of my tuner cards when it restarts04:22
TazgodXhas mythtv changed mythbrowser at all?04:31
TazgodXallow plugins?04:32
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johnny199can anyone help me out with sasc?  i know there's probably no help in the chan itself for that - but can someone pm me?05:23
ubotuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)05:24
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?05:24
tgm4883_laptopjohnny199, no05:25
tgm4883_laptopdarthanubis, that question won't be tolerated here05:25
darthanubishis question?05:25
darthanubishad know idea what he was asking05:25
tgm4883_laptopdarthanubis, by that question, i'm refering to the question johnny199 posted, not your response05:25
tgm4883_laptopyour response was good05:26
darthanubistgm4883_laptop, don't you know about nuvexport and mythexport?05:26
johnny199is someone willing to pm to help me with compile problems with sasc please?  Thanks05:26
darthanubisiirc you where keen on nuvexport?05:27
darthanubisjohnny199, the answer was above05:27
darthanubisit was a negative05:27
johnny199well that's a shame.05:27
tgm4883_laptopjohnny199, no, you will not receive sasc help from here.  You know that.  Don't ask again05:27
johnny199that's why i asked for a pm - not channel help.05:28
johnny199fucking retards.05:28
* tgm4883_laptop sighs05:28
tgm4883_laptopit's like05:29
darthanubisI've never seen anyone get banned here05:29
tgm4883_laptophey, will someone pm me.  I need help hiding a body05:29
tgm4883_laptopdarthanubis, thats cause we ask people not to do something and they usually comply05:29
tgm4883_laptopdarthanubis, is your disk full?05:31
darthanubisUSING nice -n19 ffmpeg -i /home/anubis/store/mythtv/video/1044_20080421110000.mpg -acodec aac -ab 192kb -vcodec mpeg4 -b 600kb -mbd 2 -flags +4mv+trell -aic 2 -cmp 2 -subcmp 2 -s 320x240 '/home/anubis/store/mythtv/video/mythexport/VH1---Video-Hits-One_The_Flavor_of_Love__20080421110000.mp4' 2>&105:34
darthanubisrunning that without the "USING" encodes the file succesfully05:34
darthanubisbut runnining from the job does not05:35
darthanubismythexport exportdir=/home/anubis/store/mythtv/video/mythexport starttime=%STARTTIME% chanid=%CHANID% size=320x240 aspect=4:3 audio_bitrate=192kb video_bitrate=600kb export_device=ipod export_codec=mpeg4 debug05:35
darthanubisthats the job line05:36
tgm4883_laptopyea i'm having issues too05:36
darthanubisrhpot1991, told me to add the debug05:36
tgm4883_laptopi'll grab rhpot1991 when he gets back05:36
darthanubiswe need a nuvexport expert here as well05:36
rhpot1991someone summoned me?06:28
rhpot1991anything new?06:29
darthanubisthe job still does not work06:30
darthanubisfrom cli it works perfectly06:30
rhpot1991try to run the job cli instead of just the ffmpeg command06:31
rhpot1991also when you ran the ffmpeg did you run that as mythtv?06:32
darthanubismade sure to do that06:32
darthanubiscan't run the job from cli because it expects to get the data from the database06:33
rhpot1991I still think its permission problems, mainly cause its acting that way06:33
darthanubismythexport exportdir=/home/anubis/store/mythtv/video/mythexport starttime=%STARTTIME% chanid=%CHANID% size=320x240 aspect=4:3 audio_bitrate=192kb video_bitrate=600kb export_device=ipod export_codec=mpeg4 debug06:33
rhpot1991but odd since you have verified mythtv can write in there06:33
darthanubiswe took care of the permission issue06:33
rhpot1991run that, but get a chanid and starttime to plug into it06:33
rhpot1991and get rid of the debug06:33
rhpot1991and by run I mean run it cli not from a user job06:34
Tuv0kknew it was the job line that was failing06:38
rhpot1991giving you anything better?06:38
Tuv0kan error06:39
rhpot1991Tuv0k: try it on a different recording06:39
rhpot1991also make sure the recording exists and works06:40
Tuv0kthey do06:40
Tuv0kshould they be raw?06:40
Tuv0kmeaning non .nuv?06:40
rhpot1991I haven't heard otherwise06:40
rhpot1991I do mine raw06:40
rhpot1991what are yours set as?06:40
Tuv0ksome are some aren't06:41
Tuv0kthat one was .nuv06:41
Tuv0kI'll try a mpg06:41
Tuv0ksame error06:44
Tuv0kI'll try the file that worked from the cli after the debug06:45
rhpot1991ya you should stick to one file so we can pinpoint it06:47
rhpot1991hopping all over introduces too many things that can go wrong06:47
Tuv0kthat one was a mpg just for reference. Attempting to use the line now06:50
Tuv0kthat sucks06:52
rhpot1991makes no sense06:52
Tuv0kI'd like to meet somene who this does work for06:52
Tuv0kI have yet to hear anyone say this works for them06:53
rhpot1991it works for me06:53
rhpot1991also I wrote it :P06:53
darthanubisdo we have the same ffmpeg package?06:54
rhpot1991dpkg -l ffmpeg |grep ^ii06:55
rhpot1991I'm on hardy now06:55
rhpot1991but it workes fine in gutsy as well06:55
darthanubisits the same06:56
darthanubisI'm Hardy as well06:57
darthanubisI'm 64bit though06:57
rhpot1991same here06:57
darthanubiswell should I be filing a bug report?06:57
=== tgm4883_laptop is now known as tgm4883
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TazgodXwhat setting do you use if you are gonna run coax from a STB to a PVR-150? in the backend setup? its not us-bcast...i know now07:55
TazgodXand, how do i run the backend setup...again? :) its been a while since i played with this box07:56
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TazgodXwell i figured out the setup problem...now trying the other problem08:04
TazgodXchannel frequency table is what im looking for btw...its getting late...LOL08:24
sslashesany noticable difference between kernel i/o schedulers (anticipatory, deadline, and cfq) in regards to mythtv performance?08:56
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Raspberrydo you think it'd help to run the server instead of the generic kernel on my backend server?11:52
SiebaZhey guys13:26
SiebaZim just havin some probs iƄstalling mythbuntu onto my hardy heron -.-13:27
SiebaZsomeone here who could help me?13:27
bogus-Is mythbuntu 8.04 released at the same time as ubuntu 8.04?13:31
ubotuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)13:31
lagabogus-: yes.. maybe a few days later, but the plan is to release the same day13:31
bogus-ah nice, then I'll wait with installing my htpc for a few more days :)13:32
bogus-thx :)13:32
lagabogus-: you can install the RC and then upgrade. (unless you use cx88-alsa, then you should wait for the final)13:33
bogus-hmm yea that's an option too ofcourse13:33
lagait's already very stable.13:35
slundelllaga: a couple of friends experienced severe instability with mythtv 0.21, probably because of the multi-mux recording. I have a friends mythbuntu computer here, 2 analog v4l cards, mythbuntu 7.10. Should I upgrade to 8.04 and myth 021?13:41
lagaslundell: your couple of friends need to file some bug records then :)13:41
lagaslundell: never touch a running system13:41
lagaif it works and if he doesn't need the new features, let it be13:42
laga(or at leas get a full backup)13:42
pdragonevery time I ssh into my mythtv box, i get the list of upcoming recordings, but then it gives this message:13:58
pdragonSchedule Conflicts:13:58
pdragonUnable to access MythTV Perl API.  Try with --verbose to find out why.13:58
pdragonthis is 8.04 RC13:58
lagapdragon: file a bug report14:12
lagasemi-known problem, but w/o a bug report it won't be fixed14:12
a1fahow do you check release version?14:24
rambo3can i run this on my fedora?15:58
rambo3also can i use mediaportal themes on mythtv?16:01
pdragonmight want to try #mythtv-users16:02
Daviey < rambo3> can i run this on my fedora? <--- rambo3 what is "this"?16:02
* superm1 laughs at the idea of running mythbuntu on fedora16:04
superm1just run mythbuntu on its own :)16:04
darthanubisDaviey, Google Mythdora?16:08
rambo3yeah they sad in #mythtv-users that i can install ubuntu-mythtv on fedora16:09
Davieydarthanubis: willdo :/16:09
darthanubiswell I guess that was for rambo16:10
rhpot1991_laptopI don't see why you would want to do that16:13
rhpot1991_laptopseems like more of a mess than its worth16:13
superm1mythbuntu > fedora + mythtv, so maybe wants the niceities in mythbuntu to replace the !nicities in fedora + mythtv?16:13
superm1jus a hunch16:13
rambo3i am running fedora as firefox addon16:14
darthanubis"fedora as a firefox addon"?16:23
TazgodXwhat channel frequency table do i use for coax out of a STB to the PC? and what channel do i need to be on? i had sound work for a second. and then somehow channel got changed on accident. now i can't get nothign to work with any settings16:24
JDStonehardy should be out soon, right?17:20
tgm4883JDStone, I heard rumors about thursday, but i'm not so sure17:21
tgm4883JDStone, try http://www.ubuntu.com/17:22
JDStonetgm4883: alright, thanks :)17:56
JDStoneoh, der, yep, 2 days17:56
JDStoneI should have looked17:56
darthanubismythexport exportdir=/home/anubis/store/mythtv/video/mythexport starttime=%STARTTIME% chanid=%CHANID% size=320x240 aspect=4:3 audio_bitrate=192kb video_bitrate=600kb export_device=ipod export_codec=mpeg418:46
darthanubisrunnining from the job does not work18:47
darthanubisUSING nice -n19 ffmpeg -i /home/anubis/store/mythtv/video/1044_20080421110000.mpg -acodec aac -ab 192kb -vcodec mpeg4 -b 600kb -mbd 2 -flags +4mv+trell -aic 2 -cmp 2 -subcmp 2 -s 320x240 '/home/anubis/store/mythtv/video/mythexport/VH1---Video-Hits-One_The_Flavor_of_Love__20080421110000.mp4' 2>&118:47
darthanubiswithout the "USING" does18:47
darthanubisalso %t_-__00_(04).avi is how nuvexport is renaming my files.18:48
rhpot1991_laptopdarthanubis: make a bash script that only does the ffmpeg and call it from a user job18:49
rhpot1991_laptopI still think you have permission problems18:49
darthanubisthese two issues I would greatly like solved18:49
darthanubisI still think its not possible18:49
darthanubiswe've covered that, and solved it18:49
darthanubiswhere else would there be a permission issue?18:49
darthanubisif not the write dir?18:49
darthanubismakes no since for one ot work and not the other because of permissions18:50
rhpot1991_laptopwell this is testing the perms18:51
darthanubisI'm sorry?18:52
darthanubisthose permission was changed permanently18:52
darthanubismythtv user writes freely to the export dir18:53
darthanubisif there is another dir where I need to check the perms please tell me.18:53
rhpot1991_laptoponly 2 that should matter are where the file is exported to, and where the recording is stored at18:56
rhpot1991_laptopmake a bash script that will run your ffmpeg line that you ran by hand, and execute that from a user job, see if that runs correctly18:57
rhpot1991_laptopfirst, you are in the wrong directory, you aren't in your export direcotry (sometimes, not always, it will drop logs or temp files in there)19:06
rhpot1991_laptop2nd running that by hand isn't testing the user job19:06
MythbuntuGuest94afternoon....i had just downloaded the iso for 8.04 RC, and it loads to the liven enviro, but with an error of unable to load HAL....i can click through the error, but when i click on the icon to isntall, the cd spins up but that's it...nothing else is going on....I was hoping someone might have a suggestion.  I am able to use the 7.10 iso without any issue.19:08
darthanubisI think both my issues have something to do with these external apps not being able to read from the database19:09
darthanubishence the wrong file name from nuvexport, and the failure of mythexport from job level19:09
rhpot1991_laptopwell mythexport can read from it, otherwise it wouldn't have any of that info19:09
lagaMythbuntuGuest94: known problem with the linux-ubuntu-modules package. you'll have to install using the alternate disk or wait a few days for the final19:09
rhpot1991_laptopsuch as the recording location, the random info the it injects with atomicparsley19:10
lagaMythbuntuGuest94: the RC alternate disk has other problems, i'm currently testing a version which should be fixed. so if you can wait a few hours..19:10
darthanubisI think I got it19:10
rhpot1991_laptopI'm telling you this looks like permissions, or you having busted recordings19:10
darthanubisthe recordings themselves19:10
MythbuntuGuest94Laga: thank you very much, makes me feel a little better....I'll look into the alternate disk...this is the AMD64 version btw19:12
tgm4883_laptopdarthanubis, did you grab the recordings via firewire?19:12
MythbuntuGuest94laga: I can definitely wait a few hours...I'm stuck at work so i have time to waste.19:12
rhpot1991_laptopare you storing them in mpeg2 raw or what?19:12
rhpot1991_laptopthats how I do mine, never really heard of anyone doing them otherwise and having problems19:13
lagaMythbuntuGuest94: if you use the RC, you'll run into the HAL problem again. you can get the iso i'm going to test now here: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/mythbuntu/daily/20080422/ but no guarantees it'll work19:13
tgm4883_laptoprhpot1991_laptop, i had problems transcoding HD recordings over fire wire19:13
rhpot1991_laptoptgm4883_laptop: odd, I have done that with success19:14
tgm4883_laptopwell it isn't always a problem19:14
rhpot1991_laptopmight be a bad stream or something19:14
tgm4883_laptopit depends on how the show is broadcast19:14
rhpot1991_laptopthen ffmpeg chokes on it19:14
rhpot1991_laptopdarthanubis: do a ls -la /home/anubis/store/mythtv/video/1002_20080411.mpg19:14
rhpot1991_laptopand then ffmpeg -i /home/anubis/store/mythtv/video/1002_20080411.mpg19:14
tgm4883_laptopie, when it goes to commercial, the cable company doesn't broadcast that in HD19:14
rhpot1991_laptopya that happens a lot19:15
rhpot1991_laptopas far as I know this handles it ok19:15
tgm4883_laptopso there is a switch in there and mythtranscode choked on it19:15
Tuv0kas mythtv user?19:15
MythbuntuGuest94Laga:  I'll give it shot...i don't have anything to lose since it's a brand new install..nothing to wreck if I have to reinstall19:15
tgm4883_laptopbut i haven't tried it in ages19:15
rhpot1991_laptopit gets screwed up if you don't have an aspect ratio set19:15
rhpot1991_laptopgets lost and sometimes scruntches things19:15
rhpot1991_laptopTuv0k: doesn't matter19:15
Tuv0kthe file you called I deleted19:20
Tuv0kused another19:20
rhpot1991_laptopls: cannot access /home/anubis/store/mythtv/video/1002_20080411.mpg: No such file or directory19:20
rhpot1991_laptopwell you  need to test with files that exist19:20
Tuv0kso I tested with a file that exist19:21
Tuv0kas the pastebin reveals19:21
Tuv0ksuperm1, ??19:21
rhpot1991_laptopyou should bump your capture rez to 720x480 as well, get a better picture with that19:25
rhpot1991_laptopI still think you should put that ffmpeg line in a bash script and execute it from a user job19:26
Tuv0khow will that pull the file names?19:32
firewaxi need help19:32
ubotuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)19:32
rhpot1991_laptopTuv0k: you can hardcode the files into the ffmpeg line for the time being19:33
firewaxpassing a file xml to mythfilldatabase --file 0 /file.xml19:33
rhpot1991_laptopthe point is to see if it runs via the user job since it seems to be running by hand19:33
firewaxi cant use any grabber in my country theres no listings for local channel and i can not code a grabber cause there`s no info for the listings19:34
lagafirewax: what is your country?19:35
firewaxdominican republic19:35
lagai'm sure there is a website which provides EPG listings for the dominican republic?19:36
firewaxthe only one is tvguide19:37
firewaxfor international channels19:37
firewaxtheres nothing for local channels. i will need to write the xml on a file right?19:37
firewaxwith channel info, program info etc etc etc19:38
lagawell, maybe you can use one of the existing grabbers to get international channels at least?`19:38
firewaxim having trouble writing that19:38
firewaxyeah laga i can use the tv_grab_ar for some international channels, but what i really need its local tv19:39
firewaxi have all the channels schedules in a spreadsheet19:40
firewaxi need to convert it to a xml file, there`s where im having issues19:40
firewaxi have read the xmltv xmlfile format and it doesnt work eighter19:41
lagaif you use perl, it's very easy to write the file using the XMLTV libraries.19:42
lagareading the spreadsheet will be harder19:42
lagais it excel? or openoffice?19:42
firewaxim a perl novice19:44
firewaxi can transcribe it to a text document19:45
firewaxi have channel name, channel number, program, start time, stop time, program desc.19:45
firewaxnothing else19:45
lagahttp://www.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/library/l-pexcel/ <- firewax maybe that can help you19:45
=== MythbuntuGuest39 is now known as Rimers
firewaxthanks laga19:46
lagadoesn't look too bad19:46
Rimershi all, got a slight problem here, all dns on my mythbuntu have stopped working19:46
firewaxlet me find the xmltv libraries manual19:47
RimersI can connect to it via SSH but i cant ping from it and i cant resolve dns19:47
lagafirewax: man XMLTV19:48
lagafirewax: where did you get that spreadsheet?19:48
lagafirewax: it looks like there is also XML::Excel, not sure how suitable that is for your needs19:50
firewaxi made the spreadsheet19:53
famicom :D :D:D:D19:53
ubotuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.19:55
lagacongratulations, tho19:55
=== MythbuntuGuest94 is now known as Gregg
=== Gregg is now known as GreggNJ
RimersLaga have you got any knowlage of networking in ubuntu? I can ping localhost/localip but nothing else, there is no dns working as far as i can see19:56
lagaRimers: check /etc/resolv.conf19:56
Rimersgot the same servers listed as im using here19:57
lagacheck the logs?19:59
lagafirewall going nuts?19:59
* laga gone to test the alternate disk19:59
sebrock2 days left right ... ;)20:23
riddleboxif I downloaded the RC yesterday, and there were issues when installing it, with HAL, is it updated today with the fix?20:43
tgm4883_laptopriddlebox, there isn't a new RC release today20:43
riddleboxdang, I was hoping on like a daily build or something20:44
tgm4883_laptopworking on it ;)20:45
riddleboxahh cool20:45
tgm4883_laptopwould you like to test it?20:45
riddleboxI would20:45
tgm4883_laptop32 or 64 bit20:45
riddleboxcause I had to do alot last night to get that RC up and I am not convinced it installed all correctly20:45
tgm4883_laptopalright, let me see if i can get a link20:45
riddleboxdo you know if it has the latest v4l drivers, cause my PCTV HD PCI card works with those drivers20:47
tgm4883_laptopwhich card?20:48
riddleboxPCTV HD PCI card20:49
riddleboxI worked with steven toth from the linuxtv.org mailing list and we got the card working, I even have the remote working20:49
tgm4883_laptopwhat are the latest version drivers?20:49
tgm4883_laptopriddlebox, are you registered on freenode?20:50
tgm4883_laptopsee pm20:50
slundellAre there any mythbuntu 7.10->8.04 upgrade howtos?21:01
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes21:04
tgm4883_laptopthe official mythbuntu documentation is not ready yet21:04
lagaecho "pray!" >> ~/dev/mythbuntu/documentation/upgrading.tex21:08
* rhpot1991_laptop wonders wtf is wrong with people21:10
rhpot1991_laptopheh woops, meant the paste that in the other channel21:11
riddleboxtgm4883_laptop, you around?22:53
riddleboxinstalling now22:54
tgm4883_laptopfor a few minutes anyway22:54
tgm4883_laptopi'll have to go home in about 20 minutes22:54
tgm4883_laptophopefully sooner22:54
riddleboxI just did the standard install22:54
tgm4883_laptop<- is hungry22:54
riddleboxahh what do you do for a living?22:54
tgm4883_laptopat school22:54
riddleboxahh I see22:54
riddleboxdo you recommend using aptitude to install any packages? or apt?22:55
tgm4883_laptopi myself use apt-get or synaptic22:55
tgm4883_laptopgoing home now22:55
tgm4883_laptopback in about 20 minutes22:56
riddleboxok moment of truth, lets see how the RC is doing, hopefully it is better than before23:20
BobSlobanyone experiencing horrible playback with 8.04?23:23
BobSlobthe picture is "choppy" as hell on live tv23:24
BobSlobpossible qt4 issue?\23:24
laga8.04 does not have qt423:24
lagatry adjusting your deinterlacer23:25
BobSlobi see23:25
BobSlobi have... virtually every configuration possible23:25
riddleboxBobSlob, I am testing out the RC1 beta right now and just started watching a dvd it is good, and live tv was smooth with a pvr-50023:26
lagado you get hdtv? h.264?23:26
BobSlobnope.. all analog23:26
BobSlobwith pvr150s23:26
BobSlobriddlebox: analog tv?23:27
riddleboxBobSlob, yes, pvr-500 is like two pvr-150's23:27
BobSlobwhat settings are you using?23:28
riddleboxall default23:28
BobSlobi mean, i have a c2d 2.13, 2gb ram, sataII drive, 6800gt pcie23:28
BobSlobit shouldnt be that slow -=23:28
tgm4883_laptopriddlebox, pig23:29
riddleboxyeah I have a 2.6ghz with 1gb ram it is working23:29
riddleboxtgm4883, you want me to pm?23:29
BobSlobi've tried both the restricted and offical nvidia drivers23:29
riddleboxI am using nvidia as well23:29
mxpowerhey all, i have a quick question that Im sure has been asked before, but I cant find/search for a definative answer23:31
riddleboxtgm4883, everything is working great, I did a default install, my pvr-500 is working fine, I just need to upgrade the linuxtv drivers and add the new firmware and my hd card should work23:31
mxpoweris there an easy way to mount iso images through the frontend of mythtv? I have most of my dvd's backed up as iso's and wondering if this is possible without repeating command line items?23:32
tgm4883_laptopwhich card is it?23:32
tgm4883_laptopmxpower, use mythvideo23:33
mxpowerty, will look that up now :)23:33
avon_My Haupp. wintv-hvr-1600 works pretty well when using the latest beta cx18 drivers:  'mplayer /dev/video0' plays the analog NTSC mpeg2 stream flawlessly (both audio and video) and changing channels works with 'ivtv-tune'.  But after I configured the card on MythTV backend (on Mythbuntu along with SchedulesDirect pguide) as a PVR-x50 (as recommended by this ivtv-users mailing list posting:  http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/iv23:34
avon_tv/users/37903?search_string=cx18%20mythtv;#37903 ), I am getting only video on both LiveTV and Recordings.  When I playback one of the recordings using mplayer, mplayer report that the stream has no audio.  So I'm pretty sure its got nothing to do with the volume setting.  Has anybody with a hvr-1600 experienced this?23:34
avon_* http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/ivtv/users/37903?search_string=cx18%20mythtv;#3790323:35
mxpowertgm4883_laptop - I take it mythvideo isnt installed by default in mythtv and I need to run sudo apt-get install mythvideo ?23:37
tgm4883_laptophow did you install>23:38
mxpowermythbuntu 7.10 iso23:38
tgm4883_laptopstandard install?23:38
tgm4883_laptopshould be installed by default23:39
mxpowerso instead of running mythtv front end, run mythvideo?23:39
tgm4883_laptoprun the frontend23:39
tgm4883_laptopwhere are your dvd iso's stored?23:39
mxpowercurrently, they are on a separate server, but i have no problem loading them on the local share that the mythbuntu box is on23:40
tgm4883_laptopwell you can share them via NFS or samba23:40
mxpowerthey are currently shared on a server, just dont know how to load them into mythtv23:41
tgm4883_laptopah ok23:41
tgm4883_laptopwhat dir are they mounted in?23:41
mxpowerwould be\shared\images23:41
mxpowerthey arent mounted, just sitting in a folder on a fileserver23:42
tgm4883_laptopare you mounting them in fstab?23:42
tgm4883_laptopfrom command line?23:42
tgm4883_laptoppost the command you use to mount the server share on the mythbox23:42
mxpowernot mounted, was looking for a solution that i can browse to that share and just play the iso's or load the iso's23:43
tgm4883_laptopon the seperate server, how is it shared?23:43
riddleboxtgm4883_laptop, did you get my message23:43
BobSlobso with an nvidia card, fresh install... should i use the restricted drivers, or download envy and have it install the nvidia ones?23:43
tgm4883_laptopriddlebox, in the pm?23:44
riddleboxtgm4883_laptop, yeah23:44
riddleboxBobSlob, I used the nvidia drivers that mythbuntu had in the install23:44
mxpowertgm4883_laptop, no rush. I have a NAS (linux based) fileserver that i use to store my iso's on.23:45
tgm4883_laptopmxpower, ok genericallly, this is what you need to do.  If you need more specific instructions let me know23:45
tgm4883_laptopmxpower, the iso's need to show up in /var/lib/mythtv/videos/23:45
tgm4883_laptopthen we will have mythvideo scan that directory for videos23:46
tgm4883_laptopthen you will be able to just select which one to watch23:46
tgm4883_laptopmythvideo can handle iso's just fine23:46
mxpowerperfect,i didnt know that23:46
tgm4883_laptopalternatively you can tell mythvideo to look somewhere else for the iso's but i like this way better23:47
ahavecan someone remind me the location of the frontend log files?23:49
tgm4883ahave, all log files are kept in /var/log23:49
ahavetgm4883, thanks23:49
tgm4883mythtv log files are kept in a directory in there23:49
avon_ls /var/log/mythtv/mythfrontend.log*23:49
tgm4883so /var/log/mythtv23:49
avon_My Haupp. wintv-hvr-1600 works pretty well when using the latest beta cx18 drivers:  'mplayer /dev/video0' plays the analog NTSC mpeg2 stream flawlessly (both audio and video) and changing channels works with 'ivtv-tune'.  But after I configured the card on MythTV backend (on Mythbuntu along with SchedulesDirect pguide) as a PVR-x50 (as recommended by this ivtv-users mailing list posting:  http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/iv23:52
avon_ tv/users/37903?search_string=cx18%20mythtv;#37903 ), I am getting only video on both LiveTV and Recordings.  When I playback one of the recordings using mplayer, mplayer report that the stream has no audio.  So I'm pretty sure its got nothing to do with the volume setting.  Has anybody with a hvr-1600 experienced this? http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/ivtv/users/37903?search_string=cx18%20mythtv;#3790323:52
ahaveis there a way i can speed up the program guide browsing? i takes 10secs to change channels sometimes (not always)23:53
tgm4883avon_, at least on my screen, your link gets broken up on 2 lines and is impossible to follow23:54
avon_try: http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/ivtv/users/37903?search_string=cx18%20mythtv;#3790323:55
avon_or goto: http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/ivtv/users/  and search for "cx18 mythtv" and click the first search result23:55

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