
emgentheya dendrobates00:29
JaxxMaxx_How would I get mysql   to show me all the information in a given table?   I think I need to brush up on my MySQL syntax...00:40
sommerJaxxMaxx_: do you want the contents of the table, or the structure?00:42
JaxxMaxx_structure, I guess.  I want to make sure this schema import worked00:42
JaxxMaxx_it was complaining about a create table statement, didn't like a DEFAULT declaration in an AUTO_INCREMENT value00:43
sommershow create table, or show table create... will give you the creation statement00:43
sommerthat is show create table table_name00:43
sommeror the other way around :)00:43
JaxxMaxx_how would one show the content, then?00:44
sommerselect * from table_name00:44
JaxxMaxx_I don't trust this damned Dialup-Admin  interface to FreeRadius anymore... =]00:44
sommerheh, ya freeradius is kind of a monster to setup00:45
JaxxMaxx_doesn't look like anyone's updated the Wikis or HOWTOs since they came out with version 2.0.000:45
JaxxMaxx_Finally I got 2.0.3 package made and installed00:45
JaxxMaxx_basic auths worked00:45
JaxxMaxx_now to integrate MySQL support00:45
JaxxMaxx_have any recommended tools for MySQL administration, sommer ?00:46
JaxxMaxx_now it wants me to create some d ummy data, but I haven't a clue for that.   Always used the Windows version of MySQL before00:47
sommermysqlclient, is usually what I use cli00:47
sommerit's the same thing :)00:47
JaxxMaxx_no, there were Windows .exe GUI things =]00:48
sommerthe good thing about mysql is that it has great documentation, if you run into an issue you can just google "mysql issue"00:48
JaxxMaxx_I suppose I'll be running in to MySQL more often, should get a primer book or something...00:48
sommermysqladmin runs on Linux as well, should be in the repos I'd think00:48
JaxxMaxx_yeah, been using that one00:48
JaxxMaxx_it's commands are pretty basic00:49
JaxxMaxx_compared to the regular 'mysql'  CLI00:49
sommerI think any gui isn't going to be quite as feature full as the cli utilities00:50
JaxxMaxx_GUI helps when you dunno the syntaxes. =]00:51
JaxxMaxx_I just wanna put some dummy rows into certain tables to follow the testing documentation00:51
sommeryou'll want to look into the insert statement for that00:52
JaxxMaxx_will a package manager tell me what the Base install directory of a package would be?00:55
JaxxMaxx_one of these .conf files wants the base directory of radiusd  and I'm not sure which of the 3 it wants00:56
sommeryou can find all the files in a package with dpkg -L package_name00:56
sommerI think "base directory" would only relate to specific packages, or could mean different things for different packages00:57
JaxxMaxx_well, gave it the right folder far as I can figure01:05
JaxxMaxx_now to see if the page renders proper01:05
JaxxMaxx_well, the daemon came back up, no errors reported...01:08
JaxxMaxx_this web interface is still spouting errors in several places, grr01:11
* dthacker is still hungry01:51
Jester45does have general knowledge on how to setup a backend server for sql? so that the backend machine is conected only though the frontend but can still get updates05:25
Jester45would it be to set the frontend's 2nic and backends nic to a seprate network and then use iptables to route?05:26
Jester45i only can have 1 incoming line but # of servers isnt limited (to a resonable amount)05:27
Jeeves_Jester45: Don't use iptables to route05:28
Jeeves_use ip to route05:29
Jeeves_You can use iptables to NAT05:29
Jeeves_If that's what you mean05:29
Jester45i dont have the 2nd machine yet but im trying to learn about this before i have to set it up05:29
Jeeves_It's quite easy05:29
Jester45well im not really sure what one i want05:29
Jester45i just need the backend to be able to get updates (use apt) and for me to have ssh access05:30
Jeeves_Jester45: Direct ssh-access? Or via the frontend, and use it like a hop05:31
Jester45and be able to use sql on it05:31
Jester45direct would be prefered... 1 less step05:31
Jester45but it doesnt matter that much05:32
Jeeves_Than why wouldn't you just connect it as an frontend :)05:33
Jester45because  sql access is high on the machine05:34
Jester45ever used torrentflux before?05:35
Jester45well its a pretty complex webui that accesses sql for everything05:37
Jester45this is for school my teacher is trying to teach me load balancing i guess05:38
Jester45i have 5 machines and i need to keep the pages loading quick without the users knowing the difference05:39
Jeeves_But why wouldn't you want to connect the sql-box in the same external network as the frontends05:40
Jester45i only get 1 external port05:40
Jester45lol hes making it hard on me... no hubs/switches05:41
Jester45but i do get all the network cards the machines can fit05:41
Jester45thats the first thing i tried was connecting the 1 port to a switch05:42
Jester45he said that would be to easy and wants to see what i  can do05:43
Jeeves_Ah yes05:43
* Jester45 bragged that linux would bet his windows boxes05:44
Jeeves_It will05:44
Jester45now i have to prove it05:44
Jeeves_But if you don't have a switch, it's not very usefull05:44
Jester45why not05:44
Jester45the frontend machine can have 4 nics05:45
Jester451 to the internet 1 to sql and i have 2 for storage if i need it05:45
\shbut it won't have the bandwidth for pushing all the data between the 4 nics...even when you have a HP box with 4 133MHz slots for your GigE05:46
Jeeves_\sh: Hmm. That will be ok05:46
Jeeves_It will just be a hell to route the stuff05:46
Jester45its not going to be used for anything other than loading pages... just lots of them05:46
Jeeves_You're network will become a mess05:46
Jeeves_Jester45: How may webservers do you have?05:46
Jester45i have 5 machines i can use05:47
\shJeeves_, regarding traffic and pushing it e.g. from NIC1 Slot1 to NIC2 Slot2 it's not a good idea inside a single server...05:47
Jester45right now i just have 1 running everything they are all p4@2.7ghz 512mb ddr05:47
Jester451 machine has 1gb in it05:47
sgroverAnyone have insight into getting MSSQL support in PHP via PEAR on Gutsy.  (Phew.. that was a mouthful)05:48
\shsgrover, it 6:48am in germany..you scare the devil out of me ;)05:48
Jester45\sh, but i cant use a switch05:48
Jeeves_\sh: You have a few hundred mbits available between those nics :)05:48
sgrover\sh: :)  sry.. 10:48 pm here...05:48
Jester45im not sure it would help but i could transfer between the backends05:49
Jester45if needed05:49
sgroverFound some docs in the forums for Feisty, but they fail with libsnmp10-dev05:49
Jeeves_Jester45: It can be done, but it would be stupid05:49
Jeeves_(Coming from someone who builds these kind of platforms, tell your teacher the assignment makes no sense)05:50
\shJeeves_, shared mbits yes..or you use a e.g. dl585 with 4 cores and separated bridges to those pci slots but IO traffic is sometimes more then you think about a good switch is a better solution..05:50
\shsgrover, apt-get install php5-sybase05:50
Jeeves_\sh: Off course, a switch is a better solution :)05:51
\shsgrover, I don't know any PEAR solution for that :)05:51
sgrover\sh - I don't think that'll fix the PEAR part though.05:51
Jester45\sh, i cant use a switch part of his "lets make it fun" thing05:51
sgroverguess there's no harm in trying (working in a testing VM)05:51
\shsgrover, well, I only know that sybase part...because imho there is no scripted interface for it (inside pear)05:52
Jeeves_sgrover: There were issues to get MSSQL support in PHP05:52
sgroverphp-db says it supports mssql - if the drivers are installed05:52
sgrover(or maybe if they are enabled at compile time)05:52
\shsgrover, the driver is php5-sybase...php-db is just an object model for your php scripts to have a simple interface to any SQL stuff which php-db is supporting05:53
sgroverso.. php-db is an abstraction layer similar in concept to PearDB?05:53
\shsgrover, yes05:53
sgroverThank you.  I really don't want to write platform specific code.. :)05:54
\shsgrover, and you need the binary drivers for the rest...(e.g. connecting to the mssql) which is done by the php5-sybase package, just because mssql is a sybase fork ,-)05:54
\shso...now something for the real life work...05:55
\shshutting down hellside 7TB storage server05:56
sgroverThanks \sh - now I need to learn ANOTHER abstraction layer.. :)05:57
sgroverlooks like php-db is superceeding Pear-DB?05:58
Jester45thanks for the help i guess i will google a lot more05:59
emgenthello people06:00
\shsgrover, well, you have the luck not to deal with the mssql jdbc driver on linux ;)06:01
sgrover\sh: jdbc (when working on PHP), and mssql would be a bad combination.06:11
sgroverI don't mind mssql itself, but the connection issues from FOSS platforms is a pain.06:11
_rubenJeeves_: ping07:29
Jeeves__ruben: Sorry, no time today07:44
Jeeves_Gotta run07:44
_rubenJeeves_: sure, no problem07:58
=== ewook_ is now known as ewook
Syntuxis there anyway to point a source.list config into a local ISO file ?10:00
Kamping_Kaisertry using apt-cd to add the cd (not sure if the tool exists anymore)10:01
Syntuxno it's not10:01
Kamping_Kaiseryou can try addding a line with correct syntax using deb cdrom: or using deb file:///10:02
Kamping_Kaisercdrom looks like this:10:02
Kamping_Kaiser# deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 r0 _Etch_ - Official Multi-architecture i386/amd64/powerpc NETINST #1 20070407-13:10]/ etch contrib main10:02
Kamping_Kaiserfile looks like this:10:03
Kamping_Kaiserdeb file:///home/kgoetz/Desktop/ToPng/Debian/DebianMirror/ etch main10:03
Kamping_Kaiser(i'm running debian, obviously enough :))10:03
Syntuxlovely, thanks :-)10:06
Syntuxrsync with DVD image is useful now :D10:06
Kamping_Kaiser:D glad it helps10:07
sorenIt's called "apt-cdrom"10:07
Kamping_Kaiserubotu, find apt-cd10:07
ubotuNo packages matching 'apt-cd' could be found10:07
Kamping_Kaiser!info apt-cdrom10:07
ubotuPackage apt-cdrom does not exist in gutsy10:07
sorenIt's in apt.10:07
Kamping_Kaiserso its still been removed ;)10:07
soren!apt-file apt-cdrom10:08
soren*shrug* It was worth a try.10:08
sorenIt is in apt.10:08
Kamping_Kaiser<dpkg> Debian Search of 'apt-cdrom' (4): (/usr/bin/apt-cdrom) in admin/apt ;; (/usr/share/fish/completions/apt-cdrom.fish) in shells/fish ;; (/usr/lib/update-notifier/apt-cdrom-check) in gnome/update-notifier ;; (/usr/share/doc/dahb-html/html/apt-cdrom.html) in non-free/doc/dahb-html.10:09
Syntuxthis way is easier.10:09
Kamping_Kaiserubotu wont find anything10:09
* Kamping_Kaiser larts ubotu for complaing about referring to him10:09
=== ikonia_ is now known as ikonia
appelzahow would I get this installed:  linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22-14-server13:22
ScottKjdstrand: Could you make a clear recommendation for me on how we should proceed with Bug #20394814:25
ubotuLaunchpad bug 203948 in zaptel "zaptel 1.4.8~dfsg-1 fails to compile under kernel 2.6.24" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20394814:25
jdstrandScottK: as shipped, it is utterly broken14:26
ScottKOK.  So just grab the latest from unstable and go with it?14:27
jdstrandScottK: so we need to update the package. I am currently using 1:
jdstrandScottK: let me try 1.4.10~dfsg with my updated kernel14:27
jdstrandScottK: give my a minute14:27
=== starbuck is now known as dantalizing
jdstrandScottK: 1.4.10~dfsg works fine here for me (ztdummy and zaptel modules load fine, and good sound quality w/ my recompiled kernel)14:39
ScottKWould you please mark in the bug that you recommend we sync that.14:39
ivokswe have two portmap and nfs-common start scripts in hardy14:41
jdstrandScottK: done14:41
ivoksin rcS.d and rc2.d14:41
ScottKjdstrand: Thanks.14:41
goukiHi. Does anyone know of a CDP backup solution? I've had several services on the backup server, but none of them supports CDP.14:49
nijabagouki: you mean having an full time copy of your data from one dc SAN to another?14:58
goukinijaba: Not sure I understand what you mean. I'm looking for a backup solution that doesnt' rely on schedules. Everytime there is a change to a file, the backup server does an incremental backup.14:59
nijabagouki: IIRC some file systems provides that, but I do not know of any OSS backup tool that does it15:01
ivoksgouki: that's easy to script15:01
ivoksyou need python-pynotify and tar15:03
ivokspynotify keeps record of changed files and with tar you can do incremental backup15:03
ivoksmaybe i should start selling my solution and earn big money :D15:04
Deepsgouki: could SVN your entire file system?15:05
ivoksor that15:05
Deepsset a cronjob to svn commit every minute15:05
Deepsbit hacky, result in massive duplication of files, halving your total available disk space, and could result in a fair amount of load each time it tries to commit15:06
Deepsso probably not a great idea, heh.15:06
ivoksDeeps: imho, it's better to use kernel internal notify system15:07
ivoksand c, python or some else binding15:07
zulor you could use a netapp filer15:11
ScottKjdstrand: Sync'ed.15:11
jdstrandScottK: thanks!15:12
Deepsthe cronjob approach is probably the worst, heh15:13
goukisorry everyone, I was having breakfast15:36
goukiThe thing is ... The server would be running GNU/Linux and the clients MS Windows.15:38
goukiivoks: I liked your solution.15:39
goukipynotify can keep records of an entire filesystem? How would tar be activated when a changed occured?15:39
* gouki loves the solutions coming out of #ubuntu- channels. 15:42
ivoksgouki: well, on file change you can start tar from python15:58
ivoksgouki: altough, if files change frequently, your disk will die very soon :)15:58
ivoksgouki: cp would be better than tar... cp /orig/filename /backup/filename.$DATE16:00
goukiivoks: I was actually thinking of limiting continuous data protection to a smaller part of the disk, say c:\cdp16:00
ivoksubuntu doesn't have C: :)16:00
goukiivoks: yes ... Like I said, clients are running MS Windows.16:00
ivoksi missed that part... you can't use python pynotify on windows16:01
ivoksbut you could set up ubuntu server16:01
ivokswhich would mount windows shares and then track changes on those shares16:02
binarical-ap1how do i back up my server?. im running webmin and would like to back up my system , it says :directory /etc/bacula was not found. what should i install to back up ?16:02
ivoksbinarical-ap1: bacula is enterprise-like backup solution16:02
binarical-ap1persepctivly , how can i setup the bacj up system16:02
ivoksif you don't know what is it, you probably don't need it16:03
goukibinarical-ap1: I would recommend restore-ee (restore-backup.com)16:03
goukiivoks: good idea!16:03
binarical-ap1thanks gouki16:03
MatthewMetzgerbinarical-ap1: If you want to back up more than one computer and you are a sysadmin, I recommend backuppc16:03
goukiivoks: Actually, great idea. More centralized and more easy to administer.16:03
binarical-ap1id like to back up my system so as to avoid massive reinstallations once i upgrade my storage media16:04
binarical-ap1aka .image backup or something16:04
goukibinarical-ap1: Look into clonezilla16:05
goukibinarical-ap1: Free ghost like solution16:05
binarical-ap1thanks guys16:05
binarical-ap1is there a simple ubuntu .....apt-get option?16:05
MatthewMetzgergouki: Restore-backup.com looks a lot like backuppc (features are similar) from the website. Do you have much experience using this software?16:06
goukiMatthewMetzger: Yes, I've been using it for a while now. Anything I can help you with?16:07
MatthewMetzgergouki: nothing in particular, I've implemented backuppc for our organization and it works well, but I'm always looking for good software (best practices).16:08
goukiMatthewMetzger: I have restore-ee (livecd version, actually) running on our quality datacenter. working with 30 clients (windows), 12 mysql, and 6 sftp16:09
goukiMatthewMetzger: Has been working OK so far.16:09
MatthewMetzgergouki: Do you know if it handles OS X resource forks well?16:09
goukiMatthewMetzger: No idea.16:09
MatthewMetzgergouki: It looks like a good solution, especially in backing up windows clients. Almost all our computers are OS X16:10
goukiMatthewMetzger: Do you guys have anything similar to Continuous Data Protection?16:10
goukiMatthewMetzger: It works pretty good with Windows clients. Since we don't have a single OS X running, I haven't had the chance.16:11
MatthewMetzgergouki: No we don't . We have automatic network backups made once a day.16:11
goukiMatthewMetzger: Yeah, we too. The 'problem' is that for some WEIRD reason, they don't want schedules now. Not even a full every 5 minutes :)16:12
MatthewMetzgergouki: I've been browsing the restore website and I can't find out if it pools the files. backuppc only stores one file, even if that file exists on 100 computers. It uses hard links to accomplish this. That saves an enormous amount of disk space. Our entire school is backed up using about 275 GB right now (because of pooling).16:14
goukiMatthewMetzger: Good question. But I don't believe it does that.16:16
MatthewMetzgergouki: thanks. I don't see any mention of that on the website. It's a killer feature of backuppc as it saves tons of money on storage media.16:17
goukiMatthewMetzger: No doubt!16:17
* gouki looks into backuppc :)16:17
MatthewMetzgergouki: I like how restore uses webDAV, but I'm not sure if it makes restores easier yet. I'll have to do more research.16:18
ivoksbackuppc does that?16:24
ivoksoh, and i did my own script to do that... it's 10 lines long :)16:24
ivokstake care..16:24
Jeeves__ruben: I'm back. What's up?16:44
_rubenJeeves_: noticed an error in my nightly scheduled debmirror cronjob .. but then realised it was most likely due to the (expected) peak around the default cron.daily time ;-)16:45
_rubenstale nfs thingie16:45
_rubenrsync: readlink "/dists/gutsy-security/Release.gpg" (in ubuntu) failed: Stale NFS file handle (70)16:46
Jeeves_i'll try to think of something..16:47
_rubenchanged schedule to every 6hrs to avoid that peak time and have a slightly more up-to-date local mirror .. will know in the morning how the next few syncs will go/have gone ;-)16:48
_ruben(might reduce it once a day again, once all quircks are worked out)16:49
aquocan anybody recommend me some supplier for server racks and especially shelters beside rittal and lampertz?16:52
* _ruben loves his dell racks16:53
aquoespecially for american and asien market, as those big racks are expensive to carry around ... ;)16:53
_rubentoo bad we're forced to use rital ones as well (no free dell racks at that colo) :(16:53
aquoah, apc ... i forgot about those.16:53
good_danaaquo: are you in need of cabinets with wheels or actual 42u racks?17:06
aquogood_dana: not sure, i think i need both types.17:07
good_danastartech makes some pretty inexpensive small racks17:08
good_danaand i like the cable management features that come with ortronics rack17:08
aquoi think the main thing is not about racks, but about physical security ...17:10
aquoin the moment the company buys products from lampertz, but as transportation of those safes from europe to asia is expensive it would be nice to know some other suppliers.17:11
nxvlnijaba: around?17:22
nijabanxvl: hello17:22
nxvlnijaba: did you know why is iso.qa closed?17:23
nijabanxvl: certainly preparing for final release testing I would think17:23
nijabanxvl: heno in #ubuntu-devel would have an authoritative answer17:24
nxvlso, later today or tomorow the final isos will be there maybe17:24
* nxvl HUGS nijaba 17:24
omnz0rj0, how do I output a list of all groups on a ubuntu server?17:56
_rubencat /etc/groups17:57
omnz0rthanks _ruben, do you by any chance have any experience with syslog-ng also?17:58
_rubennope, been meaning to look into it, but havent gotten around to do so yet17:59
omnz0rok, to genpub then: When restarting syslog-ng it says I have an error in this line: "group(log);" in the options section of the .conf file ... any thoughts on that?18:00
_rubeni think its a syslog-ng internal group thing, not related to user groups18:02
omnz0rOk, I'll try and look more into it then18:02
AtomicSparkhey guys, what's the linux command to display the users and groups on the machine (not just currently connected, all)? google fails me.18:04
crbrocketgetent passwd18:15
crbrocketgetent group\18:15
crbrocketsorry no \18:15
crbrocketand for a specific entry just put the username or group at the end of those commands18:16
zulmathiaz: I might have a fix for that php5 and recode bug that I need to test first18:37
mathiazzul: great - it seems that the upstream commit didn't fix it18:37
zulmathiaz: yep we have the upstream "fix" ill let you know18:38
nxvlhttp://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/ -> testing time!18:38
zulnxvl: not quite yet :)18:42
JaxxMaxx_anyone else get a chuckle out of how WinXP SP3 is supposedly "released" just a couple days before 8.04 is pushed out?18:43
=== joerlend_ is now known as XiXaQ
CahanJaxxMaxx_, SP3 has been available since December if you know where to look21:00
JaxxMaxx_I can just imagine all those MS managers congratulating themselves on beating that pesky Linux thing out the door :)21:01
good_danaJaxxMaxx: i dont think there's as much hardy/sp3 rivalry as you think21:08
CahanSP3 is mostly just bug fixes and some very lovely performance increases for an ageing OS that the public prefer over the lumbering behamoth of an OS that Vista is21:09
ScottKIt's been years since I cared about Windows, myself.21:11
=== Syntux_ is now known as Syntux
good_danai support windows desktops, windows servers, and linux servers. i run *nix only at home, sp3 has 0 effect on my thoughts on linux or windows21:28
good_danahardy coming out is great but, i dont really even see the two as competing products21:29
matgeekHi! I am a new subscriber on the Ubuntu SErver Mailing Iist.  Have to go to doctor, before meeting starts I would like to mention that with the netfront fix the Xen source for Ubuntu 2.6.24 looks like it is fully functional.  Have been running dom0 for over a week now, and domU is wrking well too.  This is on a single box thoiugh, not a cluster.22:00
binarical-ap1hi people, does any one know of "programming languages" with "free teaching resources"...... or if anyone knows of any good solid books on php or c++, and may have the heart to share their digital copies with me ....... could you send them to r2d2@crapperbox.dnsalias.com ........... id really appreciate that. thanks22:05
ScottKDive Into Python is Free.  It's even packaged for Debian/Ubuntu IIRC.22:06
binarical-ap1ill look into that , thanks ScottK22:07

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