
tombarno i cant just open anything at all, i belive it has something to do maybe regarding gdm? i got the xubuntu one instead of gnome actually, (alltough i belive its gdm just themed)00:02
tombarwere could i check? any log at all?00:02
zoredacheI don't know00:03
tombarok, well, thanks anyway mate00:03
zoredacheI would also be tempted to stop gdm all together and try doing s startxfce4 from a console00:03
tombarok, i would check that now00:04
tombarbrb :)00:05
tombarwoot, got it to work :D now i just need to dig into gdm files to check wtf is happening00:08
tombarthanks for all your help mate00:09
nonlocalCan I launch the xfce alt-f2 run dialog from the command line?00:37
nonlocalOr do I need to use something like gmrun?00:37
TheSheepnonlocal: use xfrun400:37
nonlocalthank you00:38
nonlocalSwitching to openbox to milk a little more performance out of this ancient lappy but I still want some of the Xfce utility I am used to00:39
duckkyanyone have a solution to getting a Broadcom BCM4318 wireless chip working on xubuntu 7.10?03:16
Stroganoff!ndiswrapper | duckky03:21
ubotuduckky: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:21
=== gaurdro is now known as gaurdro|away
=== gaurdro|away is now known as gaurdro
redwhitewaldomovie files now show just a black window, but sound plays fine. what happened? movies used to play fine05:39
owen1what's the name of the clock app that sits in the top panel in ubuntu 8.04?05:42
owen1i want to add it to my xubuntu?05:48
ll450a k6 433mhz laptop with 192mb of ram would be good for xubuntu right?06:01
ll450though i'm in a tougher situation where the disk drives and CD-ROM drive are broken and unusable06:02
ll450so a way to install xubuntu is farfetched06:02
redwhitewaldowhen i put a cd into the drive, i don't get any indication on my desktop. i'm on 8.0406:02
redwhitewaldowhat's wrong?06:02
owen1why can't I mark folders/files with the mouse on the desktop?06:09
owen1and why moving stuff with the mouse is copy and not move?06:10
slimjimflimmy xubuntu is self-destructing!!!!!!!!07:05
slimjimflimslowly but surely07:05
nakorapretty detailed description ;-)07:08
viddslimjimflim, you still here?08:26
viddwhy do you say your stuff is self destructing?08:27
slimjimflimvidd, i'm playing trivia08:27
slimjimflimhang on08:27
slimjimflimso a week ago or so, my audio stopped working when i watched flash movies, so i compiled the latest flash player from adobe and it worked, now my sound is gone and also my taskbars refuse to autohide08:29
slimjimflimi'm mostly worried about the audio atm08:29
vidddo you have a seperate home partition?08:29
slimjimflimyou mean for my home dir?08:30
viddnormally, i would say reinstall protecting your /home partion, but since you dont have one....08:30
slimjimflimyou think my system is compromised?08:31
viddnot compromised....08:31
slimjimflimwell, i really doubt that's the problem08:32
viddjust *^(*^^% up so much that re-install is faster then hunt, clear, repair, try again08:32
slimjimflimwhat does that have to do w/ my audio driver?08:32
slimjimflimi'm not a big fan of reinstalling08:33
slimjimflimi fix my problems08:33
slimjimflimi've had this same install for at least 6 months08:33
viddwell...a re-install is not nearly as scary as it is in other OS'es08:33
slimjimflimi know08:33
slimjimflimi've done it many times08:33
slimjimflimi've used linux a while08:33
slimjimflimand i don't like getting into the habit of reinstalling every other week08:34
viddsudo apt-get remove --purge x11-common && sudo apt-get autoremove --purge && sudo apt-get install xubuntudesktop usually fixes nearly everything08:34
viddand its not "technically" a re-install08:35
slimjimflimthanks but no thanks08:35
vidddo you know what audio driver you use?08:35
slimjimflimdon't worry about it08:35
viddis this a laptop or a desktop?08:37
slimjimflimdon't worry about it08:37
viddim not worried about it....but i can still offer assistance08:37
viddi do have less invasive methods for fixing issues08:38
slimjimflimwell, see, now i don't trust you b/c w/o trying to tell me what that would do, you told me to run the command08:40
slimjimflimso thanks but no thanks, i'll stick w/ google08:40
slimjimflimi wouldn't have ever considered removing x1108:41
viddwhat are you talking about...i told you...it was a re-install08:41
slimjimflimi'm not reinstalling either08:42
viddi know that08:42
viddso...is it a laptop or a desktop?08:42
dikdik_has anyone successfully installed xubuntu on an oldish iMac?08:45
dikdik_i have one of the first 233mhz and when I boot from the xubuntu live cd it drops me into busybox with a message saying "h_disp too large"08:46
dikdik_tried google and the only relevant discussion thread went nowhere08:46
angela__75hello there!14:06
angela__75having troubles with xubuntu 8.0414:06
angela__75xfce4-session seems to freeze after gdm14:06
angela__75any hints?14:09
djouallahhello, i have a 256 mb ram pc, and i am using kubuntu 8.04rc, does it make a difference to install xfce !15:48
TheSheepyes, xfce is different than kde15:48
djouallahi mean is there a real difference in memory impact15:49
djouallahworst i am using wubi so it even slower ;)15:49
djouallahis there any wm lighter then xfce, i read of openbox15:50
gaurdrodjouallah fluxbox is.15:58
gaurdrohello maristo15:58
TheSheepargh, the rescheduling iterrupts bug is back :/17:11
floatingis insserv and update-rc.d doing the same thing ? I suppose to use insserv to add multilevel symbolic links , but i have used to do update-rc.d and in xubuntu the insserv is not installed17:15
zoredachethey both seem to be adjusting the boot up scripts17:18
zoredacheupdate-rc.d is arguably the more standard way to adjust things though17:18
floatingthat comforts me a bit.  i have a school assigned where it says "make symbolic links to runlevel directories ( insserv scriptname) so that the service starts on bootup. the assignment system is opensuse though17:23
floatingso as long as update-rc.d does the same thing, i can use it17:23
floatingand according to that it should be the same thing too ^^17:24
floatingzoredache: how about if i only added a command/script in /etc/rc.local ..doesnt those commands be run on all levels too ? is there some difference17:26
zoredachefloating: from what I read in the package description insserv tries to do a little more and it tries to order things to be more efficient... whatever that means...17:26
zoredacherc.local gets run at most levels17:27
zoredacheI am pretty sure it doesn't get run in single user (failsafe) mode17:27
zoredacheunless you are doing something weird the only run level you'll really care about is 217:28
floatingin this assignment, i set up ftp server pureftpd to run on boot up, so setting that with insserv doesnt really provide much anything different than update-rc.d17:29
zoredachethat sounds correct.  I really don't have much experience with insserv17:29
djouallahhi if u have a net connexion in a lan, it is safe to remove networkmanger ?17:38
zoredacheyour network will work without network manager17:39
djouallah i have only 256 mb ram17:40
zoredacheyou may make upgrade is the future more difficult though since you will need to remove the xubuntu-desktop package17:40
kebis there an xubuntu-minimal17:42
djouallahi am on kubuntu and i want to change to xfce how to do !17:43
Stroganoffdjouallah: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop17:43
TheSheepkeb: it's the same as the ubuntu minimal, it's so minimal that all the differeneces didn't make it :)17:43
djouallahwow 174 mb to installet it ;)17:46
HelsuHow can I stop it from asking for a username or password when I want to view it from a windows desktop?17:56
Helsuthe server18:00
kebare you trying to use Explorer to browse the server's shared folders?18:01
zoredacheare you talking about samba?18:01
zoredacheif you want to not be prompted set the same username/password on both computers18:02
HelsuI'm trying to use explorer, yes18:04
Helsuthe windows explorer18:04
CreetureHey all. I'd like to configure a keyboard shortcut in xfce to switch to a given workspace. My specific combination is alt-1, alt-2. Where is that configured?19:12
TheSheepCreeture: settings->setting manager->window manager19:13
TheSheepCreeture: then the 'keyboard' tab19:14
Creeturegot it. I was looking under Settings Manager -> Keyboard19:14
CreetureBeautiful. Thanks.19:15
CreetureI can't seem to convince myself to try the Ctrl-F1 combination that is the default. Doesn't feel right.19:15
* TheSheep just uses alt+ctrl+left and alt+ctrl+right19:17
nynhi, I'm trying so connect to a vpn via networkmanager, doesn't work, I get the msg "VPN connection failed", but it doesn't say why, how can I get a more detailed explanation from the NM?19:17
TheSheepnyn: you could try checking in /var/log/messages19:18
TheSheepnyn: or /var/log/syslog19:19
nynis that the same output as with dmesg?19:20
TheSheepmessges is the same, I think, syslog is more application-specific19:20
nynthanks, I had no idea where to look for it ^^19:21
CreetureUnless you changed syslog.conf, /var/log/syslog is the catchall (*.*) log. If you're ever installing a server and get too much disk I/O from logging, don't forget to look there first.19:23
nynhm, understanding that log file will tak lots of googling -.-'19:26
CreetureWhat kind of VPN are you setting up?19:27
TheSheepit's basically output of all the applications that are running19:27
nynwhat do you mean by "kind"?19:28
CreetureSSL, PPTP, Nortel, Cisco, etc.19:28
CreetureTry configuring it as specified at http://pptpclient.sourceforge.net/howto-debian.phtml first, then try the Network Manager option.19:29
floatingwhat samba related things does xubuntu install by default ?19:29
CreetureSkip down and just do the by-hand part. Skip the GUIs.19:29
floatingi mean there is /etc/pam.d/samba but when i do apt-cache policy samba it says i dont have it installed19:29
Creeturefloating: By default, you get samba-common libsmbclient and smbclient -- no server stuff at all.19:30
floatingok. i have an assignment to compile samba from source with pam and pam_smbpass options.. i guess i can just start doing this19:31
Ben_Cshi guys19:31
floatingjust little worried if something is already there and i get lost19:32
Ben_Cswhat's this wierd flash plugin for firefox 3?19:32
floatingim not too experienced with linux19:32
Creeturefloating: Good reference material would be apt-get source samba19:32
CreetureLook down in the debian directory to do some serious learning.19:32
floatingapt-get source samba... that doesnt install anything yet ?19:33
nynCreeture : the name you wish to use to refer to the tunnel ($TUNNEL), the authentication domain name ($DOMAIN), those two things already trouble me since there's no more information available than the vpn server ip and the fact that they use pptp and encryption19:33
floatingsince i have to avoid that normal apt-get install :)19:33
Creeturenyn: $TUNNEL is something you make up. You can most likely just leave the $DOMAIN part out.19:34
nyni guess as $TUNNEL I can choose whatever name I want?19:34
nynah okay19:34
CreetureDon't forget to install pptp-linux first. :)19:35
nynabout the encryption: is that already pptp? (I'm sorry if thats a stupid question, but I know very little about these things)19:35
kebBen_Cs : if you type about:plugins into the firefox address bar it will tell you a bit more19:35
floatingCreeture: its better to compile from that apt-get source samba than from samba.org current stable release tar.gz ?19:36
Creeturefloating: Depends on your needs. Why are you compiling from source?19:36
floatingschool assignment. to learn about compiling from source and having some options in .configure and later editing files like /etc/pam.d/passwd  , creating smb.conf19:38
* Creeture would like to beat your teacher. Not a good teaching assignment. Whatever...19:39
CreetureIf that's the case, just download the pristine source and play from there.19:39
floatingokok, but i already did apt-get source samba and it seemed to extract it and all, i would like to go from there if thats fine? :)19:40
Ben_Cskeb: i don't understand. is it an official adobe flash plugin? i read somewhere that flash doesn't work on firefox319:42
CreetureBen_Cs: Works on mine. Just installed it half an hour ago.19:42
kebBen_Cs i don't know.  what does about:plugins tell you it is?19:42
kebi'm not sure whether gnash or adobe's flashplayer comes bundled with xubuntu 8.0419:43
CreetureNeither was bundled. When you click the "click here to install plugin" button in firefox, it gives you the options. I chose the nonfree one.19:44
Ben_Cskeb: Adobe Flash movie,FutureSplash movie19:44
kebthere you go19:45
CreetureAnother XFCE question. Whenever I'm on workspace/desktop 1 and firefox is running over on 4, I click on a link in Pidgin. Instead of opening it in firefox on 4, it brings firefox to my current workspace. Any idea where to configure THAT?19:48
floatingthis is really hard. i am trying to figure out what is what with pam and samba and i cant get the blocks right. i suppose first i do ./configure --with-pam --with-pam_smbpass (compile with pam and pam_smbpass, then make and make install(?)  then i install pam_smbpass from its subdir with make and make install? at least make is mentioned in README. then .so is created and i install that with  install -m 755 -s bin/pam_smbpass.so /lib/security19:59
floatingmy head explodes trying to understand these without try and see, but with compiling, its not very good to try and see20:01
floating./configure --with-pam --with-pam_smbpass  if there are 2 options, i just do it like this ? :o)20:05
floatingUsage: ./configure [OPTION]... [VAR=VALUE]...20:06
floatingthat doesnt help :(20:06
floatingi get a feeling that only 1 option is possible20:06
floatinghmm, this is not very xubuntu-related sorry20:07
kebif there is a #samba you could try there20:10
kebdid you check ./configure --help ?20:11
kebit should tell you if the options conflict or go together20:11
floatingyeah it says that usage20:12
floatingno option conflict i think, only syntax20:12
kebfurther down it will describe the options in deail20:12
kebyour syntax looks correct20:13
kebthe samba home page will have some docs on compiling for different platforms20:13
Creeturefloating: look at samba.../debian/rules - conf_args is at the top.20:16
CreetureAnd on a completely unrelated note, the new Raconteurs album is really excellent.20:17
kebis that the Ubuntu band?20:18
nynCreeture : I'm back and now trying to follow the instructions from your link earlier, which says to create a options.pptp file, I already have that and all the things I'm supposed to write into that file are already there plus some other things I recognize from the options of the NM. Should I leave the file as it is or replace the content entirely as said on the linked page?20:29
CreetureLeave it as-is. The Ubuntu one worked well for me.20:30
CreetureThe most important part, when you get down to it, is that little tip that says use "pon $TUNNEL debug dump logfd 2 nodetach"20:31
Drew3bHi folks,  7.10, I have a HP-3915 deskjet,   Is there a possible conflict between cups and xubuntu's standard printing system?20:33
Creetureer, cups IS xubuntu's standard printing system20:37
CreetureShould work pretty interchangeably.20:37
StroganoffDrew3b if it doesnt work you should try 'hplip'20:38
nynCreeture, I'm not at "pon $TUNNEL", entered it into the terminal, no output, does that mean its working?20:40
Creetureifconfig ppp0 and see what you got. also look at /var/log/syslog20:41
nynit says it did not find a device20:42
Creeturedo the debug line then.20:42
CreetureWhat's your tunnel name? Should be the same as the file you created in /etc/ppp/peers20:42
nynit is the same: uni_rostock20:43
Creeturethen do pon uni_rostock debug dump logfd 2 nodetach20:43
CreetureGreat. Now I have Dorito fingers.20:46
nynthere's alot of output, I guess the important one is this: anon warn[pptp_gre_bind:pptp_gre.c:82]: socket: Operation not permitted anon fatal[main:pptp.c:275]: Cannot bind GRE socket, aborting. Modem hangup Connection terminated.20:46
CreetureDude, run it with priviliges. sudo before all of that.20:47
nynsry -.-20:47
cody-somervillePlease help test the latest daily (it will become the actual release if all goes well)! :)20:48
Drew3bI have hplip, does this location look about correct ---> hp:/usb/Deskjet_3900?serial=TH5BJ144XH04CG20:49
CreetureSpeaking of testing...how do I turn off the boot and shutdown splash screens? My machine won't shutdown properly and I can't see where it is hanging.20:51
Ben_Csgood to know that in hardy the support of ipod is much better20:51
Ben_Cswhat's the name of the newest player based on xmms? i forgot20:51
CreetureBen_Cs: beep media player20:51
Ben_Csthanks Creeture20:52
kebDrew3b : looks ok.  did it find the printer when you plugged it in?20:52
simcop2387-lapok quick question thats somewhat generic ubuntu, but lets say i had a system booting damn small linux on a system that only has an external usb cdrom that it can't boot off of, what should i have a look at to start the xubuntu install from inside DSL?20:54
Drew3bkeb:  that address ^ was show automatically, nothing else was displayed , it could be that there are 29 jobs 'stuck' in the que, and cups does not seem to be able to dump them, cups says "zero jobs", but each attempt at printing show job number 29+ ,20:59
Drew3bHow many times should one try the same thing and expect a different result?  Answer = 29 :-) :-)21:02
Drew3bCreeture: :-)21:02
Drew3bI tried reinstalling printer related 'stuff', then went ahead after a while to move from 7.04 to 7.10, hoping for some relief.21:04
Stroganoffsimcop2387-lap come again? anyway: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation#head-ca8e337bdfab6bfa1d064371898775fe1e9e22fd21:05
Drew3bThis is an odd-ball printer, (HP-3915) it did work for a while <shrug>21:05
simcop2387-lapStroganoff: ah thanks, thats what i was looking for21:06
Stroganoffso why didn't you look for it? ;)21:06
simcop2387-lapi was i didn't see that part21:07
Ben_Cswhat player does gtkpod work with except xmms that is OLD21:09
Stroganoffaudacious that is new21:09
Ben_Csso in the exec line i just change xmms to audacious? i tried bmpx (beep experimental) but it didn't integrate in gtkpod21:11
kebDrew3b in CUPS do you see 28 jobs in the Completed list?21:11
TheSheepsome hp printers require you to upload firmawere to them before you can use them21:12
StroganoffBen_Cs i dont have experience with gtkpod but i'd try i like you mentioned21:13
kebwouldnt that be "download"21:13
TheSheepkeb: it's similar to donwloading, only the direction is from teh computer to the printer...21:13
kebTheSheep : agreed. lowe end hp laserjets for sure, but i never heard of inkjets wanting that21:13
Ben_CsStroganoff: yeh, audacious work fine21:15
kebwow i didnt know CUPS was owned by Apple.  i'm surprised they released it21:15
Ben_CsStroganoff: btw what's ipod shuffle 3rd gen? i know only 2nd gen. is it only firmware upgrade?21:16
Creeturekeb: Didn't used to be. Mid year last year I think Apple bought CUPS.21:16
CreetureSo they could put it into OSX without worry.21:17
kebi guess it isnt GPL then21:17
StroganoffBen_Cs i dont have ipods21:17
Ben_CsWOW!!! i love the SAFELY REMOVE xfce 4.4.2 feature!21:17
Creeturekeb: http://www.cups.org/articles.php?L475+TNews+P1+Q21:17
Stroganoffsavely remove? what is that?21:21
kebCreeture : interesting thanks21:23
Drew3bkeb: In cups, it shows no jobs,21:24
Ben_CsStroganoff: it's a nice feature in hardy. like winblows has21:25
Stroganoffyou mean trash bin? :D21:25
Ben_CsStroganoff: anyway the disconnecting of portable devices and especially ipods is done the right way in hardy21:25
Ben_CsStroganoff: no, i mean "safely remove" flash drives21:26
Stroganoffwasn't i done the right way via right click -> unmount before?21:27
kebDrew3b if you go to the Printers tab in CUPS, what is the Printer State of your printer?21:27
Drew3bHowever when canceling a job , it shows job 32 canceled.  (32 attempts at a test page)21:28
Ben_CsStroganoff: yes but now it does it properly, and it can be done via the xfce panel21:31
Ben_CsStroganoff: i have an hp deskjet 3650. it's a network printer connected to windows pc. when i send a job, it makes some noise and then stops, printing nothing. windows shows a waiting job, but the job is stuck. sounds familiar?21:33
Drew3bAccouding to cups, the printer is available and no jobs are in the que, but also according to cups, "after I cancel a job" Job No.32 has been canceled. I've tried canceling all jobs. keb21:33
arkeWill Xubuntu have _too_ much trouble with 128MB RAM?21:33
Ben_Csarke: use fluxbuntu instead?21:34
* Creeture hands arke $30 to quadruple his RAM.21:34
* Drew3b is using 128 mb and xubuntu for 2+ years arke21:34
kebsdram isnt cheap21:34
arkeBen_Cs: heh, I wish. :)21:35
arkeBen_Cs: just downloaded fluxbuntu21:35
Creeture1GB $33.99 US.21:35
Drew3bsame here, the ran is for this box cost 3-4 times regular ram.21:35
CreetureDrew3b: What are you running?21:35
Drew3bAbout a $1 a MB.21:35
arkeBen_Cs: nothing but trouble, couldn't even get the liveCD to run for several reasons.21:35
arkeDrew3b: that's comforting to hear. :)21:35
Drew3bA Dell with funky ram.21:36
kebDrew3b does CUPS detect when the printer is unplugged?21:36
CreetureYou sure it's funky? Dell likes to pretend.21:36
CreetureAnyway, /me got off track. :)21:36
arkeCreeture: oddly enough, older RAM is more expensive than newer RAM. :)21:37
arkeplus, I can't even get this type of RAM at the local store anymore21:37
arkefinally, I want to use this system as a baseline system for a game we're developing21:37
Drew3bCreeture: yeah, I'm certain.21:37
arke(as in, it must run on this machine with acceptable framerate)21:37
Ben_Csi have an hp deskjet 3650. it's a network printer connected to windows pc. when i send a job, it makes some noise and then stops, printing nothing. windows shows a waiting job, but the job is stuck. what can i do to fix it?21:37
arkeso the 128MB needs to stay :) just need a nice distro for it.21:37
Ben_Csarke: i liked mint fluxbox ce21:38
Drew3bkeb: I just unplugged it an I will see...21:38
CreetureI know it's more expensive. I went out to a local computer shop last week. Bought a fully functional machine with a 2.something CPU, 1GB RAM, 160GB hard drive for $199. Threw the old crap away.21:38
Ben_Csarke: ofcourse xubuntu is way better :)21:39
Ben_Csanyone please - about my printer?21:39
StroganoffBen_Cs: try hplip21:40
Ben_CsStroganoff: i just configured by the xubuntu configurator21:40
Drew3bkeb:  Yes, cups says it is available, even when unplugged (power) usb still connected.21:40
* arke downloads xubuntu21:41
arkewill xubuntu's regular install explode for having less than 192mb?21:41
floatingCreeture: after compiling and installing samba, theres a subdir pam_smbpass which i oughta 'make' to get a pam_smbpass.so ,but theres no make file in the subdir, and the INSTALL file is not saying directly how to 'make'21:41
floatingany tips on this matter?21:42
Creeturefloating: Probably gets built as a target in the higher level directory.21:42
floatingso i might need to make a new ./configure in the samba dir(one higher) that would do the install concerning that subdir...21:44
floatingthe INSTALL says something that could mean this, but im not good intepreter21:44
Ben_CsStroganoff: from what i see the printer is configured as: HP DeskJet 3650 Foomatic/hpijs, hpijs 2.8.221:45
kebDrew3b if you go to Modify Printer, on the second page of it what Device are you using?21:46
floatinghttp://pastebin.ca/993753 it says this in the INSTALL in the subdir (pam_smbpass)21:47
floatingthat concerns the make process21:47
floatingso should i make ./configure --with-fhs --with-privatedir=/etc --with-configdir=/etc21:48
Ben_CsStroganoff: hplip is better?21:49
StroganoffBen_Cs i dont know really21:50
Creeturefloating: I dunno. Not my homework. :)21:50
kebDrew3b : http://openprinting.org/show_printer.cgi?recnum=HP-DeskJet_3915  they suggest using the hpijs driver21:50
keboh hplip21:51
Ben_Cswell i'm trying hplip21:52
Ben_Csbtw ppl, is xubuntu Canonical produced or community produced?21:53
CreetureIt's official.21:53
TheSheepBen_Cs: community21:54
Ben_CsTheSheep: Impressing. The fast developement and the quality. Mint xfce ce lacks it21:55
TheSheepBen_Cs: it actually uses a lot of parts from ubuntu, but agreed that developers are doing a great work21:55
Ben_CsTheSheep: one of the things i noticed right away is the much improved IPOD support21:57
floatingCreeture: is it theorethically possible that i built and installed samba in /samba/ and then after that i built and make stuff from /samba/pam_smbpass in /samba/ dir again ... there is a #22:05
floating        install -m 755 -s bin/pam_smbpass.so /lib/security <-- special install comand though after that.. http://pastebin.ca/99376522:06
floatingnice paste :o)22:06
floatingi will try then... since no one in #samba is not answering either22:07
CreetureDid it create the pam_smbpass.so file in current directory? Did you keep a copy of your make output?22:08
floatingdidnt create, and.. no, unless make output saves automatically to a file22:09
CreetureNo, it doesn't. Just make >make.log 2>&122:09
Stroganoffwhat does &1 stand for?22:10
floatingIf all goes well in the build process, the file pam_smbpass.so will be22:10
TheSheep2>&1 means 'redicrect stderr to stdout'22:10
Creeturethat's output file descriptor 1 (standard output) to make.log and output file descriptor 2 (standard error) to the same place as 122:10
Stroganoffyep thx :D22:10
floatingoh, pastebin pastes are not working very nicely. anyway, that pam_smbpass.so "will be created in the build process" ... doesnt this mean the build process of this pam_smbpass, or does it mean the build process of the actual samba that i have done already ?22:11
Creeturethe main build process that you already did.22:11
floatingwhats the best way to search for this file ?22:14
floatingsimple ls really doesnt show this .so file in there... should i do the samba configure thing and make again and put it in file and look for it like you say22:14
floatinghmm, maybe i dont need to do the configure, i just do make, if it has my configuration settings, alright22:15
Creeture./configure only needs to be done once if you got it right the first time.22:16
Creeturemake clean && make 2>&1 | tee make.log22:16
CreetureYou don't need a make install22:16
floatingcpu% is over 90 now when it is building :)22:20
floatinghad to check since my fan started to keep more noise too22:21
floatingi wonder what kind of trouble i am in, if there are errors, and i have already done make install :(22:22
acidBURNis xubuntu rc going to be relase ?22:23
CreetureDoesn't matter, does it, floating? This is just for learning anyway.22:23
kebacidBURN you can make it happen sooner ;) http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/xubuntu/all22:24
floatingheh, if you have that last pastebin open, the bottom states the install command. actually that pam_smbpass.so is in /samba/bin/ directory ^^ i thought the working directory meant the /samba/ dir where i did the make and make install22:25
acidBURNhey, coming from windows vista22:25
floatingcreeture, this new make command was supposed to show error messages on screen ?22:28
floatingi didnt witness errors, though i didnt pay much attention. make.log has no errors i think. only the pam_smbpass.so is in /samba/bin when i thought it is in /samba/ since i thought that was the current directory. well, i do         install -m 755 -s bin/pam_smbpass.so /lib/security  in... samba or samba/bin dir :)22:29
Creeturefloating: Sure. Try it. me, I would've just aptitude install libpam-smbpass :)22:34
floatingseems to have worked. now the assignment wants me to edit /etc/pam.d/passwd ..i dont know why to edit it. it just says it is a conf file for shadow password.. hmhm, also i should edit /etc/pam.d/sshd ,but that file doesnt even exist.. wellwell22:36
CreetureBest of luck figuring it out. I have to go pick up the kid.22:38
floatingman smb.conf | wc -l ; 7226 ; :o)22:56
kebreading is an important skill23:04
TheSheepsearching with / even more so ;)23:04
cab86anyone who can tell me how to fix a permission issue with my ati drivers?23:13
shane_hi all23:21
cab86welcome to the silence...23:21
shane_are you involved in xubuntu dev by any chance?23:22
PsynoKhi0Hey, any tips on how to make my laptop harddrive run cooler? 53C idle doesn't seem great23:22
cab86nope, i'm here seeking help...23:22
shane_i would clean the fan for starters...23:22
shane_whats the prob cab86?23:23
PsynoKhi0on a laptop?23:23
kebcab86 what error do you get?23:23
kebthey say silence is golden23:23
shane_PsynoKhi0: you will have to open the back/bottom of it...23:24
kebmake sure you are using the laptop on a hard surface, so that the air vents on the bottom are not blocked23:24
shane_usually dust clogs up the fan and the heat radiator fins... which causes the heating..23:25
shane_cleaning out the dust drops temps by at least 10 degrees C for me23:26
shane_keb u involve in xubuntu dev work?23:27
shane_hm.. have you tried xubuntu hardy rc?23:27
kebjust downloaded it today23:28
PsynoKhi0k thanks, bye23:29
shane_have you installed it?23:29
kebnot yet23:29
shane_it automatically installs open office... even though abiword is the default office suite...23:29
keblol we didnt around get to telling him about removing unneeded processes23:29
shane_which is a huge bug IMO23:30
kebi'm hoping OOo got leaner and meaner like firefox323:30
kebfor ubuntu OOo is default23:31
shane_which is why ubiquity install OO23:31
cab86<cab86> I originaly installed the ati ones manualy, didn't work, the commands would segfault, so I used envy, same result, I reinstalled the ATI ones differently, still didn't work... then i allowed the ones from the repos, then the commands worked23:31
cab86great help those #Ubuntu ppl... left me in the same situation w/o even letting me finish telling them what was wrong23:33
cab86libGL: OpenDriver: trying /usr/lib/dri/fglrx_dri.so23:34
cab86libGL error: dlopen /usr/lib/dri/fglrx_dri.so failed (/usr/lib/dri/fglrx_dri.so: cannot open shared object file: Permission denied)23:34
cab86that's the error that I get23:34
kebyou must gave gotten kicked for paste-flooding23:35
cab86i left due to frustration23:35
Stroganoffati drivers can be frustrating.23:36
cab86they work though23:36
cab86only on sudo23:36
cab86not regular usr23:36
cab86therefore i cannot launch any opengl app w/o doing it as root23:37
Stroganoffhave you tried manually changing the permissions of /usr/lib/dri/fglrx_dri.so23:37
cab86yep, but it seems that they are right...23:37
cab86again, i cannot see those permissions unless i'm in root23:38
Stroganoffwhy not?23:38
cab86regular user: ls: cannot access /usr/lib/dri/fglrx_dri.so: Permission denied23:38
cab86sudo: -rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 15367112 2008-04-20 22:35 fglrx_dri.so23:38
cab86now, from the gues i've looked at, this file has the correct permissions...23:39
Stroganoffand what about /usr/lib/dri/23:39
kebcan you ls -ltra /usr/lib/dri as a regular user?23:39
cab86well i got those answer doing  ls -l /usr/lib/dri |grep fglrx_dri23:39
cab86keb, nope, permission denied all accross the board23:40
kebthe the permissions on /usr/lib/dri are wrong23:40
cab86how could I be able to change them?23:40
kebmine is drwxr-xr-x with root.root as the owner.group23:42
cab86lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root       13 2008-04-20 23:09 dri -> /usr/lib/dri/23:42
cab86-rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 15367112 2008-04-20 22:35 fglrx_dri.so23:42
cab86-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  2138876 2008-04-05 18:06 i810_dri.so23:42
cab86all the other files are as the last one23:43
kebwhat about the directory /usr/lib/dri itself23:43
cab86 sudo ls -l /usr/lib/dri   ???23:44
cab86 sudo ls -l /usr/lib/dri   <<< that gave me those entries above23:44
cab86i'm not sure how to check the directory itself23:45
cab86 ls -l /usr/lib |grep dri23:45
cab86drw-r--r--  2 root root     4096 2008-04-20 23:09 dri23:45
cab86would that be correct?23:46
kebthat looks like the problem there23:47
kebsudo chmod +x /usr/lib/dri23:47
cab86ok, i'm giving that a try23:48
cab86drwxr-xr-x  2 root root     4096 2008-04-20 23:09 dri23:48
cab86brb, launching UrbanTerror23:48
kebi'm not sure how you got that symlink23:49
cab86which one?23:49
cab86it kept saying 'file created'23:50
zellfaz1anyone here play pMARS?23:50
cab86aside from that... the drivers worked fine using sudo everytime23:50
zellfaz1need some help compiling it23:50
cab86compiz still not working though....   (that's another one that works fine using sudo)23:51
cab86still opengl under user do not work23:53
cab86...loading libGL.so.1:23:54
cab86Calling SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO)...23:54
cab86SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) passed.23:54
cab86Received signal 11, exiting...23:54
kebthats in your Xorg.0.log ?23:56
cab86do you want just the errors or the whole thing? where do you want it (i doubt flood protection in the channel would let me...)23:57

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