
rhineheart_mhello.. I have this warning in my chkrootkit output Checking `lkm'... find: WARNING: Hard link count is wrong for /proc: this may be ahello.. I have this warning in my chkrootkit output Checking `lkm'... find: WARNING: Hard link count is wrong for /proc: this may be a bug in your filesystem driver. Automatically turning on find's -noleaf option. Earlier results may have failed to include...00:54
rhineheart_m...directories that should have been searched.bug in your filesystem driver. Automatically turning on find's -noleaf option. Earlier results may have failed to include directories that should have beensearched.00:54
mok0rhineheart_m: you may want to run fsck on the fs00:58
rhineheart_mhow to do it?00:59
mok0you can't fsck a mounted filesystem... I can't remember how your force a fsck check on reboot01:00
mok0but you can do it from the live cd01:00
rhineheart_mbut is it alright to just  ignore the waning?01:05
mok0rhineheart_m: the message may be due to an error in the filesystem. you should try to see if fsck will fix it.01:05
owhmok0: You can boot into rescue mode from within grub, then remount the rootfs, then fsck it.01:06
mok0rhineheart_m: ^01:06
mok0owh: thx01:06
rhineheart_mowh: is it a security concern?01:07
mok0rhineheart_m: it could be, if your system has been compromised01:10
rhineheart_mows... my box has been running for a month already...01:10
mok0rhineheart_m: but first check if it's something else01:10
rhineheart_mand I don't like to ruin its uptime01:11
mok0rhineheart_m: :-)01:13
owhIMHO uptime should be no concern at all for a compromised machine.01:14
owhs/compromised/possibly compromised/01:14
mok0rhineheart_m: what ports are open on the machine?01:15
rhineheart_mSMTP, IMAP, POP3, http01:16
mok0Have you got joomla01:17
rhineheart_myep. but I currently made it offline01:17
mok0beware of that, there are several exploits for joomla plugins01:18
mok0rhineheart_m: you need to turn php safemode on01:19
rhineheart_mbut I have drupal.. is it alright?01:20
mok0rhineheart_m: as far as I know, yes01:20
mok0rhineheart_m: what else did chkrootkit say?01:21
rhineheart_monly that..01:21
rhineheart_mhow to manually start chkrootkit scan?01:23
mok0rhineheart_m: usually it gives a bunch of "nothing found" messages01:23
rhineheart_myeah... nothing found01:23
mok0rhineheart_m: try rkhunter as well01:23
rhineheart_mokay. I just tried ./chkrootkit01:26
rhineheart_mSearching for sniffer's logs, it may take a while... >>>> so far no warning..01:28
owhCan someone remind me what ubuntu-jeos-builder is called these days?01:28
halcyonCorsaircan anyone tell me if a brand new ubuntu server install has make, straight out of the box?01:30
mok0halcyonCorsair: don't know for sure, but I would guess so01:32
owhhalcyonCorsair: I'm booting a clean hardy to find out for you.01:35
halcyonCorsairowh: woo! you rock01:36
owhhalcyonCorsair: Only when I'm not pulling my hair out with idiot couriers and hosting companies :)01:36
owhhalcyonCorsair: No, a standard ubuntu-server install with all tasks installed does not appear to have make.01:37
halcyonCorsaira conundrum01:38
mok0halcyonCorsair: what is the background for your question?01:38
halcyonCorsairi'm leaving my current job, and am trying to write a script to take over a lot of the gruntwork/initial setup of a specific type of server they use here01:39
mok0halcyonCorsair: you mean you're replacing yourself with a script :-)01:40
halcyonCorsairmok0: well...kind of, theres still a bunch of configuration to do at the end01:41
halcyonCorsairmok0: this is really something i would have done ages ago if i'd had the time01:41
mok0halcyonCorsair: we use cfengine01:41
halcyonCorsairi'd actually meant to make a customised ubuntu-server install cd...01:41
mok0halcyonCorsair: yes, check it out.01:42
owhsoren: Are you awake?01:42
mok0halcyonCorsair: so, all I need for a new server is to configure cfengine (which I do with a tarball) and start it01:43
halcyonCorsairmok0: i'm not sure i have the time to learn and make it work01:45
mok0halcyonCorsair: yeah it's take some time01:46
halcyonCorsaira quick, dirty, and fragile bash script may be the go01:46
mok0halcyonCorsair: of course your script could apt-get install make01:46
halcyonCorsairmok0: may as well make it: aptitude install build-essentials01:47
mok0halcyonCorsair: right01:47
halcyonCorsairthe irony is that i was going to use make to (among other things) install an apt/sources.list file :)01:47
mok0halcyonCorsair: of course you could also create a .deb package01:48
halcyonCorsairmok0: never done that before01:48
mok0halcyonCorsair: ah, then it's the bash script I guess :-)01:49
halcyonCorsairmok0: how hard is that from scratch?01:49
mok0halcyonCorsair: It's not hard, but you need to learn how to do it01:50
mok0halcyonCorsair: which also takes time01:50
mok0halcyonCorsair: ... and the bash script can do the same just as well01:51
halcyonCorsairah well...01:52
ajmitchhalcyonCorsair: I'm sure you'll handle it :)01:53
halcyonCorsairajmitch: hey sup!01:53
ajmitchstill in dunedin, where are you moving on to?01:53
halcyonCorsairajmitch: yeah, it'll be a quick, and hella dirty script, but it should get the job doe01:53
zulhalcyonCorsair: just do something like echo "my consulting fees are blah blah and blah"01:54
halcyonCorsairajmitch: i don't have a new job yet, looking for something as a junior developer, any ideas appreciated01:54
halcyonCorsairajmitch: probably something in wellington, although melbourne might be nice01:55
mok0halcyonCorsair: I have the impression that Linux sysadms are in pretty high demand01:55
ajmitchdepends on where in the world01:58
zuli think there are more sheep in nz then linux sysadmins01:59
ajmitchprobably the same in canada01:59
zulno we congregate in one area much like sheep02:00
mok0So, you don't wanna look for a job as a sheep :-P02:00
halcyonCorsairwell, there seem to be a bunch of sysadmin jobs02:00
halcyonCorsairjunior developer is more rare though02:01
mok0halcyonCorsair: you start somewhere, prove your worth, and move on, yes?02:01
halcyonCorsairmok0: no, i mean most junior dev jobs are supplied by grad intakes and that sort of thing, so its a rare position to be advertised02:02
halcyonCorsairmok0: everyone wants intermediate/senior02:02
mok0halcyonCorsair: ok02:02
mok0well g'night gang, see you later!02:06
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tokaylaim getting massive iowait problems often stoping me from even sshing into my box.. but the crazy thing is the only thing running is rtorrent downloading to a 1.5tb lvm partion... on ubuntu server any ideas what the problem could be?07:02
nxvldoes any know/hear about the issue with a relay server wich died some weeks ago?07:04
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_rubenJeeves_: im getting getting bitten by 'max connections reached' using rsync again/still :-/07:33
_rubenJeeves_: then again, might still be a local error: suse box rsync's fine, ubuntu doesnt07:34
Jeeves__ruben: You might also just really hit the limit ;)07:34
_rubenJeeves_: only one box trying it at the same time .. unless its a total of 4 rsync's on your side?07:35
Jeeves_We have a limit of four, indeed07:51
_rubenJeeves_: ahh, then we probably misunderstood eachother earlier ;)07:52
=== Syntux_ is now known as Syntux
mohamed_hello all, i have a problem running mod_rewrite in apache2, any help ?11:01
faulkes-it would best to describe your problem and then wait to see if anyone can answer it11:03
faulkes-also there is #apache if I recall correctly11:04
Kamping_Kaiseryou do11:04
mdz_neat, a BIOS update got KVM working on my laptop11:44
mdz_it certainly is quick11:44
sorenmdz_: Which laptop?11:52
mdz_soren: T6112:00
sorenmdz_: Ok, thanks. It's good to know that sort of thing if someone asks why it doesn't work on their laptop.12:01
slicslaknew box setup with lighty+php.  using fopen gives me the error: Function not implemented   But I can't deteremine what to install to get it to work.  anyone?12:19
sorenslicslak: You really, really need to give more info than that.12:35
sorenHow did you set it up? Where are you seeting this error? How exactly did you call it?12:35
slicslakoh i thought it would just be a package i have to install that contains fs related functions for php12:38
slicslakbut from what your saying and what google is saying i'm taking it that's not the case12:40
falkIs there a serverteam meeting tonight?13:01
rhineheart_mhello.. anybody here who has domain at godaddy?13:01
zulfalk: according to the e-mail that mathiaz sent out yes for now13:02
falkzul: Ah, now I am ashamed. There is stood :)13:02
falkI am having trouble what road to go. cfengine - puppet or sumfink else..13:06
falkJust the daily tasks, updating, checking logs and so on.13:07
falkany ideas?13:11
zulI think puppet is the buzzword for the day but I always had a custom system13:15
rhineheart_mhello..who among you here manages to install BIND?13:18
_rubensudo apt-get install dns-server^ .... done.13:19
rhineheart_mjust that?13:22
falkzul: just what I thought.. Everywhere I read about puppet :)13:23
_rubenrhineheart_m: for installation: yes .. configuration: well, depends, by default you'll have a working caching dns server, add some zonefiles and you'll have an authorative one13:25
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ikoniarhineheart_m: installing it and configuring it well are two very different things,13:40
ikoniarhineheart_m: running a bad dns server can get you blacklisted and kicked off your isp13:40
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spiekeywhere could i check if i get:  nss_ldap: failed to bind to LDAP server ldap:// Invalid credentials14:38
spiekeymy password in /etc/ldap.secret is correct14:38
sommerspiekey: are you trying to login as a non-admin user?14:48
spiekeyid <username> does not work, too14:53
spiekeysmbldap-usershow <username> works14:53
spiekeyso i guess nss can not talk to ldap :-/14:53
peterdvspieky: You might want to check "the other end" to se what is actually recieved there (if anything). If you are on a low traffic ldap server, try starting slapd with debugging on, (loglevel 392 might be usefull, as far as I remember)14:57
MimiHi... I remember installing ubuntu server's apps on a ubuntu desktop install  by using something like .. apt-get install ubuntu-server or linux-server .. I can't quite recall... does anyone know?15:15
MimiAnd before you warn me, I just use this dektop to play around with random stuff, it's not a real server :p15:16
sommerMimi: you're probably looking for tasksel, if you do sudo tasksel you'll be able to install them15:22
MimiOh! Yes! I looked it up online, and yes, that sounds perfect! Thanks a bunch! :D15:27
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pvandewyngaerdecan ubuntu-server be an  dhcp server and  proxy/cache-mirror   for the ubuntu packages  ( it is for an Ubuntu-installfest )17:08
pvandewyngaerdewhat is the easiest way ?17:09
pvandewyngaerdeapt-cache ? apt-proxy ?17:10
nijabapvandewyngaerde: why not setup a full mirror?  apt-mirror makes it really easy17:11
pvandewyngaerdewe dont need al packages, we just dont want the same packages to be downloaded twice on a  volume-limited internet connection17:12
Jeeves_apt-proxy should do it17:13
pvandewyngaerdebut then we need to configure the clients17:18
pvandewyngaerdecan we make the dhcp server  from the ubuntu-server force the clients to use the apt-proxy transparant ?17:22
mathiazpvandewyngaerde: not from the dhcp server17:37
mathiazpvandewyngaerde: however you could setup a tranparent proxy on the server17:37
mathiazpvandewyngaerde: so that every http request goes through the apt-proxy17:38
mathiazpvandewyngaerde: but that would break all non apt http traffic17:38
mathiazpvandewyngaerde: I'd setup an apt proxy and point clients to use the local apt mirror17:38
LittleKillercant view php files on local server html files work fine. evertying is installed..just went through the whole process again and have the same problem.......please any help would br very appreciated.17:45
m11i have setup PXE install server and it worked until reboot, now i have problem with dchp3 server not starting. (cant stop/start/restart)17:57
m11how can i check what is blocking it to start ?17:59
Jeeves_less /var/log/daemon.log18:00
m11tnx Jeeves_18:01
LittleKilleranyone got any ideas on my problem?18:01
Jeeves_a2enmod php518:02
m11it seems dhcp is bounding to wlan0 instead of eth0 , any way how can i point it to eth0 only ?18:02
Jeeves_ /etc/default/dhcpd (or something like that)18:03
m11Jeeves_: dhcp3-server ?18:03
m11it is set to eth0 there18:04
Jeeves_ps axu | grep dhcpd18:04
CharlieSu' do-release-upgrade -d'  safe to do on a production server yet?18:04
Jeeves_ps axu | grep dhcp18:04
Jeeves_What does that say18:04
Jeeves_CharlieSu: Yeah, I think it's safe enough18:04
* Jeeves_ runs it since two months18:05
Jeeves_Haven't had troubles18:05
Jeeves_So a few hours before release should be safe too :)18:05
CharlieSuJeeves_: will anything bad happen to running services?18:05
m11Jeeves_: dhcp      8796  0.0  0.1  15104  1496 ?        S    18:23   0:00 /sbin/dhclient -1 -lf /var/lib/dhcp3/dhclient.wlan0.leases -pf /var/run/dhclient.wlan0.pid -q -e dhc_dbus=31 -d wlan018:05
m11root      9576  0.0  0.0   5168   860 pts/1    R+   19:05   0:00 grep dhcp18:05
Jeeves_CharlieSu: They will be restarted18:05
CharlieSuApache configs won't be overwritten will they?18:05
Jeeves_m11: That's the dhcp client18:05
Jeeves_CharlieSu: They should :)18:06
m11Jeeves_: wlan0 takes DHCP from AP , and eth0 should serve one on local network18:06
CharlieSuJeeves_: shoudl i run it under screen?18:06
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Jeeves_m11: What I mean is, dhcpd isn't runningnow18:10
Jeeves_CharlieSu: Yeah, you could do that18:10
Jeeves_CharlieSu: You need te reboot anyways, so ..18:10
m11Jeeves_: ok found error, gateway was set to .1.1 instead .0.1 , many tnx m818:10
m11one more question , when i list netstat -uap , b4 it used to give me bootps and bootpc , now i only get bootpc ,can anyone explain what this two are for ?18:11
elventearHello. I am migrating a  IPSEC connection from an old OpenBSD box to Ubuntu. OpenBSD uses isakmpd for IPSEC while, it seems to me, on Linux the KAME implementation is more popular. But there is isakmpd on Linux. So I was wondering if any of you guys might have a suggestion why I should use one or the other? For now I suppose that by using isampd on Linux would allow me to transfer everything verbatim from the OpenBSD box18:38
finalbetaI'm thinking of buying the following board for home usage. ( http://www.asus.com/products.aspx?l1=9&l2=39&l3=352&l4=0&model=1922&modelmenu=1 ). I was thinking of an intel board first, but this might suit me better. However, it not being intel, I'm worried about the support. The onboard graphics are XGI® Z9s. Anyone here that has an informed opinion?19:16
good_danafinalbeta: should be fine to run the console19:17
finalbetasince this is a home server, I will want to do more then that. dare I say compiz. (I know it's laughable on a server)19:18
biczdo it with pentium mmx :)19:20
good_danafinalbeta: i'd probably just use the alternate install if you're going to be doing a home server that may or may not run compiz19:31
finalbetagood_dana: that I will surly do.19:31
finalbetabut I'm not sure about anything right now. There isn't a single board that has hardware raid 5 support. And they all offer that standard for windows.19:32
finalbetaso a copy of windows is cheaper then a raid 5 controller.19:33
good_danajust use LVM and linux software raid19:47
good_danaare you using SATA drives?19:48
finalbetaI will be.19:50
good_danahave you read http://linux-ata.org/faq-sata-raid.html ? and/or do you know about sataraid19:51
finalbetaI have not, I will get right on that.19:51
finalbetaright, I knew about fake raid etc, didn't know it was the case in this matter.19:54
good_danai guess if you're looking for a project, getting dmraid set up would be fine19:57
good_danabut, in my experience, it's been a huge pain, and i've always ended up going back to LVM and/or linux software raid19:57
finalbetaIn case of software raid, the raid table (or how is it called), is written to the os disk right?19:59
finalbetaif the os is lost, the raid is broken?19:59
finalbetaehm, destroyed.19:59
finalbetathe os would be running on a stripe, or normal disk, the raid 5 would serve data.20:01
* faulkes- sighs20:03
faulkes-I love vendors who despite supporting ssh, ftp, http on there equipment, in order to download an advanced config, require you to use xmodem20:03
good_danafinalbeta: i'm not sure, i think there is a way to restore the raid, even with OS failure20:06
LMJby change, anyone here know where I could find a web application to share file : you upload and the application give you a big url you can share with your friend to download it. The target is to avoid huge attached file in the emails ;)20:16
* Koon waves from below the new hardware pile20:18
finalbetaLMJ: one of our customers uses this http://www.sharing-file.com/ , very nice, not free though.20:18
finalbetaactually, it might be free for a basic version, not sure20:19
good_danaLMJ: yousendit.com sharespace.com20:29
LMJok, thanks finalbeta , gonna check it out20:29
LMJwell, I would one I can host myself20:31
hozer__I've got a Ubuntu server upgrade gone bad... can someone advise?  stuck on Mailscanner issues, exactly like:   http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62307/       Would be very grateful for some assistance.20:35
faulkes-you might try using -f with aptitude to see if it'll 'try hard' to fix dependency issues20:41
hozer__faulkes-, will try, thanks for the idea.   I'm used to using "apt-get" instead of aptitude.20:44
hozer__that seems to have helped, as it went beyond mailscanner, but now it has a ton of packages on the "will be upgraded" list when I do "aptitude upgrad" but it doesn't seem to install anything.21:01
ivoksupgrade never installs new packages21:01
hozer__damn, it is still complaining about mailscanner, then stops the upgrade21:01
hozer__how can I exclude mailscanner?21:02
ivoksstop using aptitude21:02
ivokswhat are you trying to do, anyway?21:02
hozer__I'm upgrading from feisty to the new one.21:02
ivoksyou have to upgrade to gutsy first21:03
hozer__I updated /etc/apt/sources.list, then apt-get dist-upgrade.21:03
hozer__and it went all to hell21:03
ivoksfeisty -> hardy isn't supported21:03
ivoksfeisty -> gutsy -> hardy21:03
hozer__okay, do I have to edit apt/sources and add gutsy, then dist-upgrade?21:03
hozer__or am i totally hosed now.21:03
ivoksis that desktop or server?21:03
ivokscheck out if there's a update-manager-core package in feisty21:06
ivoksi don't recall when that tool was introduced21:06
banditti8.04 JeOS question.  I can't install lamp-server, no package.  Thoughts?21:39
zulbanditti: I believe you can install tasksel and install it that way21:39
bandittitasksel showed it as an options, but as of yet, (+/- 2 mins) it is sitting at 0% installed21:44
bandittiwhen I do an apt-cache search lamp, I get no lamp-server option.21:44
bandittiI also checked sources.list and it looks normal.21:44
nijababanditti: can you try to do a 'sudo apt-get install lamp-server^' (the ^ at the end is not a typo)?21:46
bandittiI missed the ^   Thank you so much.  What does that do anyway?21:49
ivoksinstalls a task'21:51
bandittihmmm.  How can I have been using it for this long and not know that.  thanks21:52
ivoksbanditti: i didn't know that either... :D21:52
spiekey_i get:  nss_ldap: failed to bind to LDAP server ldap:// Invalid credentials21:59
spiekey_by setting the sldapd loglevel to 32 i can see no SEARCH operations.21:59
spiekey_any ideas?21:59
ivokssorry, i'm really outdated with ldap stuff22:05
ivoksdidn't touch it for years...22:05
sommerspiekey_: have you configured /etc/nsswitch.conf?22:06
spiekey_i have got it working with 6.06 ;)22:08
spiekey_yes, /etc/nssitch.conf is fine22:08
sommerspiekey_: did you migrate the settings to /etc/ldap.conf?22:09
sommerspiekey_: the ones that were in /etc/pam-ldap.conf and /etc/libnss-ldap.conf22:10
spiekey_this is my loglevl 256: http://pastebin.ca/99507022:10
spiekey_i have got the feeling that my connection/bind parameters are wrong or that my DB is corrupt22:11
sommerspiekey_: did you have it configured for "dc=example,dc=net" ?22:11
spiekey_i have two boxes here. Dapper and Hardy22:12
spiekey_i set them up with the smbldap installer22:12
owhsommer: You know that there is a meeting on right?22:13
spiekey_just hardy makes trouble. I can add/remove/show users with the smbldap tools, but i can not use services that use nss22:13
sommerowh: heh, yep I'm dual tasking22:13
owhsommer: Doh, you're in the top half of the list, NM.22:13
spiekey_whats the meeting channel again? Can anyone join and silently take part?22:14
owhspiekey_: #ubuntu-meeting and yes22:14
sommerspiekey_: I haven't used smbldap tools, but you might double check the pam files in /etc/pam.d/common-auth and /etc/pam.d/common-account22:14
sommerspiekey_: make sure pam_ldap.so is there22:14
spiekey_thanks nijaba22:15
spiekey_sommer: but the id command does not use pam at all, right?22:15
spiekey_common-auth and common-account seem okay22:16
sommerspiekey_: what about getent passwd, does that show you ldap users?22:16
spiekey_sommer: no22:17
spiekey_sommer: i get the ldap error 49 in my logs. --> http://www.directory-info.com/LDAP/LDAPErrorCodes.html22:25
spiekey_looks like i am gettign close ;)22:25
sommerspiekey_: are you using winbind?22:27
sommerspiekey_: and your /etc/ldap.conf is correct?   can you post it?  or the relevant parts22:30
spiekey_ldapsearch -b "dc=example,dc=net" -x "cn=myusername" --> works22:31
sommerspiekey_: you do have libnss-ldap installed right?22:31
sommerspiekey_: is there any errors in /var/log/auth.log that may be related?22:32
spiekey_give me 3mins to check that all :)22:32
spiekey_got it!22:36
spiekey_supid /etc/ldap.conf was wrong22:36
spiekey_that files does not exist in dapper22:37
* spiekey_ is soooo happy :))22:39
sommerspiekey_: ya, it was migrated from the other pam-ldap.conf and libnss-ldap.conf (which I believe are debian specific)22:40
nxvlnijaba: when and what time are you flight back home from UDS?23:01
nijabaI am flying on the last day on Air France at 20:4023:01
* nxvl looks on the internet23:02
nxvlnijaba: i'm planning to do my trip backwards, it's a PITA to fligh from Prague to Athens23:02
zylstra555Hello. I am trying to get my old Dot Matrix (LPT) color printer working and on the network through my server computer, however, it continually fails. I dont know how to set this up in the CLI environment, anyone know how?23:02
nijabanxvl: ok.23:03
spiekey_sommer: thanks for the help. n8n823:11
nealmcbmathiaz: your intuition was right - it is an issue with ubuntu-vm-builder and locales23:15
nealmcbsoren:  how can we ubuntu-vm-builder problems with "perl: warning: Setting locale failed." (that is what really broke my postgres install!)23:15
nealmcb...can we avoid...23:15
* nealmcb looks for where LANG = "en_US.UTF-8" is coming from in ubuntu-vm-builder...23:16
mathiaznealmcb: the problem is that the local is not installed by default, the langage pack23:16
mathiaznealmcb: IIRC I've added the -en langage pack when installing with ubuntu-vm-builder and some of the errors went away23:17
nealmcbLANG=C might work23:17
mathiaznealmcb: yes - that could also help23:17
mathiaznealmcb: as it's a shell script, it takes the LANG on your system23:18
mathiaznealmcb: and the lang is not installed by default by ubuntu-vm-builder23:18
nealmcbmathiaz: where does it put the LANG?23:19
sorennealmcb: Yeah, we should really put LANG=C (and LC_ALL=C) in there.23:21
nealmcbAHA!! It picks the LANG up in the environment during ssh login23:21
nealmcbI would think that making sure the user picks a language during initial build, one that they are likely to use to log in, would be better.  perhaps defaulting to the LANG used when ubuntu-vm-builder is run23:24
nealmcbwhat does vmware do?  how about others?23:25
nealmcboh - they ask during installation.... dooh23:25
nealmcbwhat other things might the installer be doing that u-v-b isn't?  like timezones.....23:26
sorenLots of stuff.23:31
stokeddoes the server installer give options of using LVM during install?23:55
mathiazstoked: yes23:57
stokeddoes server have a LVM gui like opensuse/redhat?23:58

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