
LilJohntimboy ohh lol00:00
mijacwhen I start the windows partition,gives me the start safe menu or normal, and it does not matter what I choose and when start to loads windows restart the machine00:00
mijacvery strange00:00
sCOTTohey hwats the quick command to check your disk space?00:00
CyberCodmijac:   XP or Vista?00:00
LilJohntimboy anyways which ftp server did you install? filezilla?00:00
NaibsCOTTo: df -h00:00
one_taomijac, no grub00:00
matt444why can i not see shares on my network?  i'm using the computer that i want to see the shares.  i have a samba password set up.  yet it doesn't work?  where do i even begin to fix this problem?00:00
linkmaster03I cannot remove OSS, this shows up in terminal ( http://pastebin.ubuntu-nl.org/64151/ )00:00
navhey guys, anyone knows what time hardy will be available for download?00:01
=== Andres_ is now known as RoAkSoAx
Seveas!isitout | nav00:01
ubotunav: The answer is always that it will release when the release manager says so, which is generally down to how exact order of events works out on the day and is hard for anyone (including the release manager) to put an exact time on in advance.00:01
CyberCodmijac:  there should be an option for safe mode that tells you every step of the boot... then you can see how far it gets before reboot00:01
sCOTTowo wi like thin clients :)00:01
mijacI will do that and I will tell you then00:01
q_a_z_steveNaib: how to shred FREE SPACE?00:01
reicguys, i got an whole partition for my /home, i want a fresh, clean install of hardy - can i just delete everything in /home but the files i want to keep? (i.e. documents, music 'n stuff)00:01
timboyLilJohn, i pmed you00:01
Naibq_a_z_steve: free space or free partition?00:01
q_a_z_stevefree space on an ntfs part00:02
mijacbut you know why my 2 partitions the ntfs from windows and the fat 32 where I have my files are not automounting ath the start of ubuntu, I have to enter manually00:02
Naibq_a_z_steve: oh ntfs... not my remit00:02
linkmaster03I cannot remove OSS, this shows up in terminal ( http://pastebin.ubuntu-nl.org/64151/ )00:02
Seveas!repeat | linkmaster0300:02
ubotulinkmaster03: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience00:02
matt444why can i not see shares on my network?  i'm using the computer that i want to see the shares.  i have a samba password set up.  yet it doesn't work?  where do i even begin to fix this problem?00:02
LilJohntimboy i see that, im answering you00:03
Naibmatt444: workgroup correct?00:03
Dh08I have an installed copy of windows on my pc can i run it with a virtual machine?00:03
Naibmatt444: browsing linux <=> linux or linux <=> windows00:03
squishwould anyone know what time hardy will be available?00:03
yabuki've got this error: "GstPlayBin: A subtitle stream was detected, but no video stream." when I tried to play a ogm file, how to fix it?00:03
mijachow can I add a side panel like vista in ubuntu ?00:03
NaibDh08: errr... vmware can boot via raw HD access, but some windows version bomb out due to ACPI stuff00:03
Seveasmijac, with compiz+screenlets00:04
Naibsquish: in 10seconds00:04
one_taomijac, is your desktop gnome or kde?00:04
mEck0Hi! I have a HP 6510b business laptop and wonder if there is a way I can get longer battery life in gnu/linux? In ubuntu with gnome I have about 2½-3h, while in Windows vista I have about 5h 25min, which is a huge difference00:04
matt444Naib:  linux by itself.  one computer communicating with samba on itself.00:04
Naibmatt444: can you browse by IP?00:05
jrwaI've tried every idea I've found on the forums, but couldn't fix the upgrade :(00:05
Dh08i have xp sp2/sp3 installed with that work? and is it even recommended?00:06
sirhcjwhey when will 8.04 be available for update from 7.10?00:06
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Starnestommysirhcjw: sometime tomorrow00:06
rsksirhcjw: when it's released00:06
one_taosirhcjw, by the end of 4.2400:06
sirhcjwoh bugger00:06
sirhcjwwell it is the 24th00:06
one_taosirhcjw, end00:06
sirhcjwoh ok then00:07
whazillawhen is the release due ?00:07
Starnestommydefinitely by midnight on the 25th00:07
warriorforgodwhazilla: the 24th00:07
=== fiberwire is now known as fiberwire|school
Seveas!isitout | whazilla00:07
ubotuwhazilla: The answer is always that it will release when the release manager says so, which is generally down to how exact order of events works out on the day and is hard for anyone (including the release manager) to put an exact time on in advance.00:07
whazillaoh its the 24 th00:07
sirhcjwI will try again tommorow then00:07
Symmetriaanyone here using ocfs2?00:07
matt444Naib:  no.00:07
whazillastill no gta4 :/00:07
Naibmatt444: tail yr samba logs00:08
Naibwhile trying to connect00:08
one_taosirhcjw, i work at oregonstate - it's a prime mirror osuosl, it's not here yet...00:08
matt444i don't know what tail means00:08
=== FlareFlare is now known as Flare183
whazillaNaib: should i download the release candidate or wait ?00:08
nobxhi, when the update-manager upgrades to a new release, is there a way to copy down the list of packages that it wants to remove/install/upgrade?00:08
stokeddoes the hardy installer have an option for LVM ?00:09
Naibnobx: you could do it via the commandline: ie apt-get update00:09
Naibthat will list the packages00:09
MimiDoes anyone know if there's a way to remove those "Nick1 Joined" "Nick2 Left" in Xchat?00:09
NaibMimi: use the ignore function00:09
nobxnaib: even the ones that are supposed to get removed?00:09
chaquiyeah, so the linksys works00:09
jrwawell, it seems I can't get rid of these packages00:10
chaquiand i guess the belkin can just stay with my cousin00:10
StarnestommyMimi: if it's regular xchat and not xchat-gnome, right-click on the channel tab and uncheck "show join/part messages" or /set irc_conf_mode on00:10
jrwahow could I remove them no matter what the post-removal script does?00:10
SeveasMimi, rightclick on the channelname in the channel list and untick 'show join/part messages'00:10
Naibnobx: it should do - been a while since used an debian-based system00:10
chaquicybercod: thanks00:10
CyberCodsorry i couldn't help with the other one00:10
MimiNeat seveas  Starnestommy  Naib  thanks :) is there a way to make it permanent? loooooveeely!00:11
bwI just installed ubuntu, but the sound doesn't work.  When I click on the speaker icon, it says "No volume control gstreamer devices and/or plugins found."  I know the soundcard works, since it works when I boot into debian.  Any ideas?00:11
hassancan i convert my ubuntu 7.10 to kubuntu 8.04 LTS ?00:11
chaquiits ok, i was just being stubn not to grab this one00:11
SeveasMimi, the unticking thing should stick00:11
MimiGood good :D00:11
chaquiwhats XGL and why do i need it?00:11
one_taohassan, yes there are detail instructions on the ubunut site00:11
Naibbw: debian != ubuntu, is the driver loaded?00:11
CyberCodlol ubunut00:12
Theo_I used a tutorial at pendrivelinux.com to install ubuntu on a pendrive. How do I make it save changes and function almost as if it were running from the harddrive?00:12
one_taoima typer00:12
bwNaib: how do I check?00:12
mijachow I can re activate the automounting of my hardrive partitions00:12
q_a_z_steveTheo_: find the other part of pendrivelinux.com which talks about persistent00:12
Theo_ok, will look for it00:12
one_taomijac, edti /etc/fstab00:12
CyberCodmijac: make sure they are in /etc/fstab00:12
hwildemy /etc/timezone file is correct, but when I type in "date" it shows UTC time not adjusted?00:12
jrwais there any way I can get help on the upgrading process? none of the forum posts seems to help me :/00:13
one_taogud typer00:13
CyberCodone_tao: we all have our dayes mate00:13
CyberCodit was just a funny word.... ubunut00:13
jrwais it safe to remove the post-removal scripts?00:14
chaquicybercod whats xgl00:14
chaquiand why do i need it?00:14
CyberCoddid you try googlin it?00:14
CyberCodI believe it is related to compiz00:14
chaquithats what im trying to figure out!00:15
MimiIsnt it card 3d acceleration?!00:15
chaquii have an ATI card00:15
CyberCodwhat ati card00:15
chaquii had to open my repositories00:15
CyberCodsayin "an ATI card" is about as useful as sayin "a Belkin card"00:15
chaquihow do i look up what ati card i have?00:15
BaD_CrCchaqui: open a terminal an type "lspci | grep -i vga"00:16
wild_oscarwhat can one do to uninstall a package if aptitude returns00:16
* CyberCod is grabbing a sodipop00:16
wild_oscar Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should00:16
wild_oscar reinstall it before attempting a removal.00:16
Yoann512tain ya du peuple ici :)00:16
chaqui ATI Technologies Inc Radeon X1200 Series00:16
LilJohnwould that work even if the card is on an APG or PCI express interface?00:16
LilJohnlspic i mean00:17
BaD_CrCLilJohn: yes00:17
CyberCodthe Dew of Mountain00:18
hwildehelp my /etc/timezone file is correct, but when I type in "date" it shows UTC time not adjusted?00:18
stokedLVM in installer anyone?00:18
chaquiso now i can install XGL?00:19
hwilde!lvm | stoked00:19
ubotustoked: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO00:19
hwildehelp my /etc/timezone file is correct, but when I type in "date" it shows UTC time not adjusted?00:19
hwildeJack_Sparrow,  I know you know this one...  my /etc/timezone file is correct, but when I type in "date" it shows UTC time not adjusted?00:19
dassoukiwhenever i plug in my other monitor, my resolutions are the same but everything is bigger, and my screen scales off, ie when i go right on the screen, the screen shifts00:19
hwilde!fixres | dassouki00:20
ubotudassouki: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto00:20
bwnobody can give me information about how to make my sound work?00:20
hwilde!sound | bw00:20
ubotubw: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP300:20
CyberCodchaqui:  if it were me, I'd just try to install the compiz stuff, and XGL will come along as necessary00:20
jlewis2979**HELP** I'm trying ti install ubuntu 8.01 on my vista laptop. I boot with the and select "install ubuntu" and the ubuntu load/logo screen comes up but then it freezes and doesn't seem to do anything else (Just carries on showing the ubuntu logo screen) Can anyone please help?00:20
hwildejlewis, check the cd for defects00:20
jlewis2979hwilde, how?00:21
timboyLilJohn, did give up on the pm or are you writing a book? ;)00:21
hwildejlewis, it's one of the boot options00:21
lastelement1hey all what is a good movie editor (mpg) for ubuntu?00:21
CyberCodjlewis2979: also, if it is showing a moving progress bar, then leave it be for a while00:21
hwilde!mpg | lastelement100:21
ubotulastelement1: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats00:21
jlewis2979no the progress bar isn't moving00:21
lastelement1hwilde i need a movie editor not infor about it00:21
hwildejlewis2979, reboot and choose the option "Check cd for defects"00:22
macd_lastelement1, you trying to reencode video, or edit?00:22
lastelement1macd_ edit00:22
CyberCodjlewis2979: will the numlock key or capslock key turn on the keyboard lights?00:22
macd_lastelement1, I like Kino.00:22
twistageHow do I get conky to load on startup?00:22
wild_oscaranyone know how to solve the "Package is in a very bad inconsistent state" problem?00:22
mattywarrEvening all - I'm having problems with my VNC server - i've installed vnc4server from the repo, but can't find a way to run it - any ideas?00:22
LilJohntimboy hang on im fixing some things here at work00:23
CyberCodtwistage: put it in Sessions00:23
hwildemattywarr, vino-preferences00:23
hwilde!vino | mattywarr00:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about vino - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:23
linkmaster03Firefox exits about 7 seconds after it starts, I had just installed OSS. Please help!00:23
hwilde!vnc | mattywarr00:23
ubotumattywarr: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX00:23
twistageCyberCod: thanks00:23
hwilde!freenx | mattywarr00:23
ubotumattywarr: FreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX00:23
mattywarrcheers hwilde! Will look through them00:23
paul_colwell_How to I reset the top menu (in GNOME)  The person who owns this computer has screwed it up and I can't seem to move the firefox, evolution, and help icons to the right at all so that I can stick the menus back there00:23
stokedubotu: I was asking about the installer actually, does it have LVM during drive partitioning00:23
bobejoin #ubuntu00:24
* milia brb00:24
hwildemattywarr, freenx rocks00:24
macd_paul_colwell_, you prolly jsut need to right clic, and re-add the main-menu applet.00:24
odderpaul_colwell_: did you try right-clicking the icons and unlocking them?00:24
paul_colwell_odder, unlocking.  DOH!00:24
mattywarrhwilde, can I get a windows client to connect to it? I want to connect to my ubuntu pc from work (Windows XP)00:24
stokedcan you get freenx to connect to the local session?00:24
* paul_colwell_ slpas himself00:24
macd_mattywarr, yep, there are windows clients.00:25
hwildepaul_colwell_,  you could sudo apt-get remove gnome-panel && apt-get install gnome-panel00:25
Jack_Sparrowpaul_colwell_, http://linuxfud.wordpress.com/2007/02/14/how-to-reset-ubuntugnome-settings-to-defaults-without-re-installing/00:25
mattywarrthanks guys :) Will look it up00:25
macd_stoked, for a local session why not just use, X, or xdcmp.00:25
bwok, following the sound troubleshooting instructions, I typed in 'modprobe snd-sb16', and it seemed to work, but when I try to run alsamixer, it says "alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device".00:25
hwildemattywarr, most of htem have a java applet web browser.  that should work on any os00:25
paul_colwell_hwilde, nope, unlocking them did it; now I can move to my heart's content00:25
hwildepaul_colwell_, but I like overkill00:25
odderpaul_colwell_: simplest solutions are nearly always best :)00:25
paul_colwell_hwilde, you're killing me.  No, your overkillng me.  ;)00:26
paul_colwell_Thanks all00:26
CyberCodbw:  this is just a shot in the dark, but have you checked to see that the card was seated properly in the socket?00:26
paul_colwell_It's always GUI stuff that messes me up.00:26
dassoukihwilde, the resolution mixup only happens when i plug in an other monitor. it's perfect when i'm on my laptop, it's just when i plug it in to my external that my resolution changes. the link u sent me does not deal with that :D00:26
hwildewhy would my date command display UTC instead of timezone adjusted time??00:26
stokedmacd_ no I mean, can you connect to the local session remotely00:26
Jack_Sparrowpaul_colwell_, Often it is the user..00:26
CyberCodsometimes you gotta make sure there is gas in the tank before you pull your arm out of socket yanking the cord00:26
bwCyberCod: it works properly when I boot into a different OS00:27
stokedie. leave xchat running, and login remotely and see the same xchat process window00:27
macd_stoked, yep00:27
damedoes anyone have connected irda for transfering data with phone?00:27
CyberCodjust checkin the basics00:27
dassoukiThe X Server does not support the XRandR extension.  Runtime resolution changes to the display size are not available.00:28
CyberCoddame: if you're using the moschip semiconductor usb dongle, just forget it00:28
dassoukiThe X Server does not support the XRandR extension.  Runtime resolution changes to the display size are not available.. I get that whenever i plug in my other monitor00:28
paul_colwell_So in case anyone cared... I used Linux exclusively for four-five years, then had to use windows when I took a job last fall.  I've left there, and now get a linux workstation again at my new job.  YAY!!!00:28
chaquii used linux when i was a kid00:29
chaquiand i hate vista00:29
mattywarrHey guys, tried to run the get-apt update once i added the freenx repos, and i get this eror: wget http://mirror.ubuntulinux.nl/seveas.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add -00:29
chaquiso back to linux for me00:29
paul_colwell_It's awesome.  I look forward to work.  See what a little thing like a stable OS can do?00:29
schnooworkshould 8.04 automatically appear in the 7.10 update manager ?00:29
CyberCodmy son has used Linux since 3 years old00:29
mattywarrwhoops wrong error00:29
one_taopaul_colwell_, I work where they order Dells and run WinXP. good there's ssh !00:29
kanuhahas anyone setup and used a verizon usb modem with Ubuntu?00:29
Joeb454schnoowork, yeah it'll appear some time soon :)00:29
paul_colwell_CyberCod, well, mines 4, but he's been on Linux for a couple months00:29
mattywarrE: The method driver /usr/lib/apt/methods/hhttp could not be found.00:29
dameCyberCod: sorry but i dont understand. how can i see am i using what you just said :D. its a gembird irda device00:29
chaquicybercod xgl still doesnt like me00:29
schnooworkahhh so its not quite up yet00:29
ShpookAlright, gnome-panel is really annoying me. I'm trying to add a panel to the bottom of my screen, and on every reboot, it ends up on top. Only thing I've found through google is trying to use ubuntu-tweak, but that didn't help. Anyone know how to fix this?00:30
paul_colwell_CyberCod, plays flash truck games00:30
bwman, i'm not going to be able to use ubuntu if i can't make the sound work :/00:30
mijaccan someone tellme how is a normal line in fstab for a ntfs disk ?00:30
=== Andres_ is now known as RoAkSoAx
schnooworka friend told me to do sudo update-manager -d ? that shows the new distribution but doing it the standard way doesnt. Should i wait till it appears in the standard one or would this be good enough ?00:30
CyberCoddame:  you can go into a terminal and type      lsusb | grep moschip00:30
dameCyberCod: nothing came out00:31
CyberCodpaul_colwell_: mine does just about everything on it...00:31
PeloShpook, try throught  gconf-editor,  play around with the settings under /apps/panel/default I think00:31
macd_Shpook, did you try saving your session yet?00:31
kuruminthat's all folks00:31
paul_colwell_CyberCod, how old is he now?00:31
hwildeShpook, yeah save your session00:31
odderShpook: for me right clicking the panel and choosing properties --> orientation --> bottom always worked...00:31
ShpookUmm...no, but for some reason that made me feel stupid. :-D00:31
CyberCoddame: then you don't have the chip I had... you may have a chance, but I'm not the guy to ask.... I nearly tore my hair out trying to get my treo 300 to sync to that thing00:31
macd_Shpook, System-->prefs-->Sessions00:31
juice__i upgraded from 7.1 to the 8.04 HH RC and now my emerald themer doesnt work :(00:31
* Pelo seconds the save session suggestion 00:31
CyberCodpaul_colwell_: he's 5 and a half00:32
Pelojuice__, ask in #ubuntu+100:32
mattywarrany ideas why I may get this error when running the update check? E: The method driver /usr/lib/apt/methods/hhttp could not be found.00:32
Shpookodder: When I tried that, everything but top was grayed out.00:32
paul_colwell_School is going to hurt, unless there's a linux lab00:32
dameCyberCod: ok, thanks anyway00:32
twistageHow do I disable the auto disk check, after X number of restarts00:32
snikerschnoowork: -d means devel release00:32
CyberCodpaul_colwell_: he watches cartoons, plays games via emulators, surfs online (safely thanks to glubble)00:32
ShpookOkay, I delete and add the panel to the bottom agin, then save the session and reboot. I'll be back with another question in a few.00:32
one_taomijac, /dev/hd??       /media/ntfs            ntfs    defaults         0       000:32
ShpookThanks everyone.00:32
snikerschnoowork: I would advise you to wait unitl the stable, because it will be released in just a couple of hours I guess.00:33
jrwahmm... alright, I forced the removal of all packages that were complaining00:33
ShpookI = I'll00:33
Pelotwistage,  if you now what is good for you you leave it   you shouldn'T be rebooting that often anyway,  leave it on it is very usefull00:33
jrwabut I can't install them back, since they complain whith the same 139 error00:33
schnooworkahh ok thankyou sniker.00:33
twistagePelo: How do at least enable output then? Everytime I get to that point it sits at a black screen for the amount of time it takes00:33
one_taomijac, there are some variables in the /etc/fstab line yours will look different than mine00:34
chaquioh i didn't restart x00:34
Pelotwistage, not sure what you mean,  and I don'T think I would be able to tell you how to fix it anyway,   it's running fsck , it can't do that while it finishes booting00:35
chaquiim so embarrased00:35
=== nith is now known as Nith
fdkrewhello all how are you guys and girls doing to day00:36
Pelofdkrew, getting reasy for the big day tomorrow00:36
fdkrewcan i ask some one here a question about ubuntu?00:37
fdkrewyea i cant wait00:37
* Pelo notes that it's already "H" day in the UK00:37
one_taostoked, you can install the server and then do a sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop, and you'll end up with a very light-weight server w/x00:37
Pelofdkrew, here would be the place to ask00:37
fdkrewI wanted to know if have to reinstall ubuntu just to upgrade00:37
ShpookNo such luck, the new panel is right back at the top again, and won't let me move it to the bottom.00:37
Pelofdkrew, it's an upgrade no reinstall needed00:37
Naibfdkrew: no00:37
=== _aeGIs is now known as aegis_
Pelofdkrew, what release are you on at the moment it migth have an impact00:38
linkmaster03How do I select a new device to output sound to on OSS?00:38
dameim trying to connect this http://shortlink.co.uk/sfs device to my comp. anyone can help me please?00:38
fdkrewcan u upgrade from the beta? install00:38
twistageIs there any good alternatives to Amarok under Gnome?00:38
Naibtwistage: exaile00:38
zashtwistage: i recomend quod libet00:38
=== Scrounch is now known as Yoann1024
ShpookI'm gonna try to upgrade to 8.04RC and see if it fixes gnome-panel.00:38
twistageThanks, i'll take a look at both00:38
Pelofdkrew, it will just be an update it will happen semy automaccaly00:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about oss - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:38
LainIwakuraHello, does anyone know when 8.04 will be released?00:38
fdkrewPelo, 7.1000:39
=== Yoann1024 is now known as Scrounch
fdkrewohh ok00:39
_derspanksterI cannot resolve site www.dslreports.com with any browser on my laptop running 8.04. All other computers on my network can resolve this site regardless of browser. I'm stumped.00:39
linkmaster03!isitout | LainIwakura00:39
ubotuLainIwakura: The answer is always that it will release when the release manager says so, which is generally down to how exact order of events works out on the day and is hard for anyone (including the release manager) to put an exact time on in advance.00:39
Pelofdkrew, don'T install the beta just wait for the upgrade to become available tomorrow00:39
one_taoLainIwakura, by the end of 4.2400:39
fdkrewi think im still going to do a reinstall, having some issues with mouse stop working on laptop00:39
Shpook8.04 officially comes out on the 27th, right?00:39
one_taoLainIwakura, Point Barrow, Alaska00:40
=== Marfi is now known as Marfi|iHop
fdkrewmy left click stop working, then comes back 5 min later00:40
Pelo_derspankster, do you have  a proxy or somethig like that ?00:40
fdkrewthink its a driver issue00:40
CyberCodtwistage:  I second that  exaile is good00:40
Pelo!enter | fdkrew00:40
ubotufdkrew: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!00:40
tombaranyone here who knows about openvpn? im stuck following the tutorial ->http://pastebin.ca/995250 any tips?00:40
Stev1Anyone know what happens tomorrow when the final release is due??00:40
fdkrewok sorry first time in this room thanks for the heads up00:40
_derspanksterPelo: No, and no other sites fail to resolve as far as I can tell.00:40
Pelofdkrew, I would suspect a bad mouse00:40
Sapoteread the topic00:41
liberviscoI installed second life and am trying to enter, but it doesn't load the terms of service dialog properly, the window says "loading" and the "agree" tick box is shaded so I can't proceed..00:41
one_taoStev1, these dumb questions end (?)00:41
liberviscoI installed it from a getdeb.net package00:41
liberviscoAnyone else had this issue?00:41
liberviscoeh.. it loaded now.. weird00:41
libervisconever mind :)00:41
fdkrewPelo, it even happends with my usb mouse, touch pad, and finger mouse thingy in mid of my keyboard00:41
Pelo_derspankster, I just tried it , and I have no problem00:41
one_taoStev1, the world becomes a better place (?)00:42
punkn00dlezCould anyone help with a half kubuntu/ half xubuntu question?00:42
_derspanksterPelo: yes, I can also resolve the site from other computers on my network.00:42
Pelofdkrew, no idea then,00:42
Stev1if we have been installing updates all along.. will we effectively have the new release?00:42
one_taopunkn00dlez: what is up?00:42
SeaPhorfdkrew, are you an AC or battery?00:42
Randa1lfuck you all fucking sheep00:43
one_taoRanda1l: thanks00:43
Pelo_derspankster,  I was gonna say isp related but I guess not ,  crtl f5 , might help but probably not00:43
fdkrewit happends on both ac and battery even with diffrent mouses00:43
Randa1lUbuntu is the worst distro ever00:43
Pelo!ops | Randa1l00:43
solaceUbuntu is the best.00:43
ubotuRanda1l: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpatrick or jussi01!00:43
Randa1lubuntu is fucking over linux00:43
one_taoRanda1l: I met your mom00:43
solaceIt's 177300:43
* macd_ waits for it00:43
solaceWhats wrong with ubuntu???00:43
punkn00dlezNo CD/DVD writer found.00:43
punkn00dlezK3b did not find an optical writing device in your system. Thus, you will not be able to burn CDs or DVDs. However, you can still use other K3b features like audio track extraction or audio transcoding or ISO9660 image creation.00:43
solaceI love ubuntu so much.00:44
Pelosolace, inter-distro jealousty00:44
Stev1Why was he so irate...LOL00:44
jrwaevery time I try to install a package, post-installation script fails with code 139. I've just upgraded to gutsy from feisty... but didn't work ok00:44
linkmaster03How do I change the sound device being used in OSS?00:44
Danikarsolace: Dont molest ubuntu plz kthnx00:44
punkn00dlezthat's the message I keep getting and I know it's all plugged up and such. What's going on?00:44
Pelosolace, don'T love it , just enjoy it , it's only a computer software00:44
Yoann512clap clap00:44
jrwahow could I fix the post-installation script issue?00:44
macd_Hes a gentoo user, he can't help it, hes emerging so he cant do anything but use irssi ;)00:44
solaceLol, Well, Why do you say it's bad?00:44
ianliu_88Does Ubuntu fully upgrade to the new Version? From Beta? Or should I reinstall it?00:44
SeaPhorThank you Pici!00:44
fdkrewi love that ubuntu is on top with all there releases in a professonal manner not like others that distros that have long upgrade periods00:44
solaceIm sure it will fully upgrade.00:44
Pelojrwa, more details00:44
_derspanksterPelo: no, that does not help00:44
Naibmacd_: whats wrong with irssi or gentoo for that matter?00:44
solaceFor some reason, Fusion wont work the cube..00:45
bernierHi, is grub2 ready to be used or it's highly unstable?00:45
Naibhighly unstable00:45
Odd-rationaleianliu_88: http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2008/04/21/upgrading-from-beta-to-rc-and-beyond/00:45
=== _CaNeS is now known as CaNeS
jrwaPelo: the package configuration failed after the dist-upgrade, some with segfault, some on the post-removal script (exiting with code 139)00:45
bernierok thanks00:45
Stev1solace... the current Hardy is beta, yes?00:45
Pelo_derspankster, no idea00:45
solaceI have beta, Yes.00:45
jrwathen I forced their removal, so apt-get wouldn't complain00:45
Pelojrwa, ask in #ubuntu+100:45
bazhangStev1: release candidate and final in a few hours00:45
Stev1Tomorrow they release the first .... release...?00:46
solaceFinal relase =D00:46
jrwaPelo: but it was feisty to gutsy00:46
twistageCyberCod: Does Exaile have a mini player like Amarok, or do you have to use the big window?00:46
_derspanksterPelo: me either, totally stumped on this one. Created a new FF profile, deleted the old one - no change00:46
Stev1I'm just curious what that means to us using the Beta00:46
ianliu_88Thanks ^^00:46
bazhangwe still redirecting to #ubuntu+1 ;]00:46
jrwaalright :)00:46
fdkrewhow long in till this New Release hours ? ? ? ? ? ?00:46
Pelojrwa, ,have you tried to finish the upgrade process ?   sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade00:46
bazhangStev1: just update and you will be final too ;]00:46
solaceI love ubuntu cause it's non resource hogging but still eye-candy.00:46
jrwaPelo: several times, no success00:47
Simonftmy network connections are not working00:47
Stev1cool.. that's what I've been doing..00:47
Pelobazhang, untill tomorrow  12:00 UTC00:47
Simonftit is not detecting anything00:47
kravlinI'm having problems with samba. I can see the computer but not the files.00:47
bazhangPelo: already 24th where I am ;]00:47
linkmaster03How do I change the sound device being used in OSS?00:47
Naib!repeat | linkmaster0300:47
ubotulinkmaster03: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience00:47
Pelobazhang, you know what I mean00:47
solaceAnyone know where I can get a gnome theme that looks like the fake OS from die hard.00:47
solaceIt's definantly ubuntu BASED.00:48
Eli__Anyone have experience with U3 USB drives on Ubuntu?00:48
bazhangPelo: indeed I do ;]00:48
warriorforgodhow can i gzip a directory?00:48
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines00:48
kravlinI'm having problems with samba. I can see the computer but not the files.00:48
PovAddictwarriorforgod: you don't00:48
mattywarris there any way of viewing my current IP address? From the GUI preferably, but command line would do just as welkl00:48
Stev1I'm in progress of Rolling all my workstations and servers to Ubuntu00:48
PovAddictwarriorforgod: gzip works on single files00:48
Stev1Never with Microsoft again00:48
Naibwarriorforgod: you need to tar it first.00:48
kravlinsolace: If you ever find out let me know. that looked pretty good.00:48
PovAddictwarriorforgod: however, you can tar the directory, and gzip the tar :)00:48
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - Support in #ubuntu+1 - Come join the #ubuntu-release-party now!00:48
bazhangmattywarr: ifconfig00:48
Pelofdkrew, I don'T allow private msg, please talk to me in the channel00:48
kravlinI'm having problems with samba. I can see the computer but not the files.00:48
floatingmattywarr: ifconfig shows00:48
timboyok so there is some ftp daemon running on my system.. how do I remove it?00:48
OrbixxSome of my windows aren't resizing.00:48
PovAddictwarriorforgod: tar czvf foobar.tar.gz the/directory/00:48
solaceI love ubuntu so much, I plan to replace all my PC's operating systems with this.00:49
gogetaPelo: lies00:49
=== punkn00dlez is now known as punkn00dlezz
Pelogogeta, not always,  sometimes I tell the truth just to screw with ppl00:49
kravlinI'm having problems with samba. I can see the computer but not the files.00:49
OrbixxHey Pelo, resident expert.00:49
OrbixxAny idea why some of my windows refuse to resize?00:49
twistagewhats ubuntu's network manager called, mine didn't seem to start00:49
solaceAnybody know where a package installer for WINE is??00:50
bazhangOrbixx: using compiz?00:50
jrwanevermind, I've lost the connection and couldn't install the ssh server00:50
solaceOr the terminal code to get it.00:50
Orbixxbazhang: Yes.00:50
linkmaster03How do I change the sound device being used in OSS?00:50
Pelosolace, we apreciate the enthousiasm but this is the support channel , maybe you can hoo and haaa in #ubuntu-offtopic00:50
kravlinI'm having problems with samba. I can see the computer but not the files.00:50
Jeriathcan anyone remember offhand what the program is that installs and sets up your xorg.conf automatically00:50
solaceIm not.00:50
solaceIm wondering.00:50
jrwa"Pelo" is hair in spanish, btw XD00:50
Pelosolace, sudo apt-get install wine00:50
solaceWhat the terminal code to DL Wine is.00:50
SeaPhorI have already replace windows with Ubuntu on not only my personal PC, but my shop PC and my business PC, have been all linux for nearly 2 years now and I'm still a n00b!00:50
solaceThank you.00:50
FloodBot2solace: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:50
fdkrewsolace: sudo apt-get install wine00:50
gogetaJeriath dpks reconfigure?00:50
Pelojrwa, realy ? why hasn'T anyone told me this before ?00:50
solaceAlso, My pigeon keeps crashing on start.00:51
bazhangeasy on the enter key solace00:51
Jeriathits some script that someone wrote00:51
Pelosolace, pidgin00:51
fdkrewsolace: sudo apt-get install wine00:51
Jeriathfinds the driver you need, installs it, and configure xorg00:51
solaceSorry. But it says "Starting" pidgin" and then crashes.00:51
Jeriathworks ncie since i can never seem to get it to work otherwise :P00:51
linkmaster03Pelo do you know how to change the sound device being used in OSS?00:51
Orbixxbazhang: Why do you ask?00:51
Naibsolace: from a terminal?00:51
jrwaPelo, I dunno, but I wasn't telling *you* actually ^^00:51
Pelosolace, how did you install it ?00:51
bazhang!envy | Jeriath00:51
ubotuJeriath: envy is an unsupported tool to install newer versions of binary video drivers than provided by the official repositories. Use at your own risk, and remember that the latest version is not necessarily the "best". See « /msg ubotu binarydriver »00:51
fdkrewsolace: sudo apt-get remove pidgen00:51
Jeriaththats it00:51
solaceIt came pre installed.00:51
kravlinI'm having problems with samba. I can see the computer but not the files. can anyone help?00:51
DiVoRa1hairy question00:52
Pelolinkmaster03,  not realy , try researching it in www.ubuntuforums.org , but why are you not using alsa ?00:52
fdkrewback up xorg.conf when using ENVY please ok00:52
linkmaster03Didn't work with my intel_hda card00:52
linkmaster03realtek hd audio btw00:52
bazhangDiVoRa1: what is the question00:52
Jeriathfdkrew, ive never had a problem with it00:52
Jeriathand it does a backup00:52
fdkrewme to only once00:52
DiVoRa1just have fun here00:52
Pelo!sound | linkmaster03  this is all I can give you00:52
ubotulinkmaster03  this is all I can give you: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP300:52
fdkrewbut was fixed easy00:52
bazhangDiVoRa1: wrong channel for that00:52
Lakehey is there any way to use Wine so that printer drivers meant for Windows work under Linux ?00:53
MimiI'm trying to figure out what the alternate cd is for.....00:53
SeaPhoras a former user of Envy, I advise not to use it00:53
fdkrewits just good to backup just in case00:53
DiVoRa1got it00:53
PeloLake,  no00:53
kravlinI'm having problems with samba. I can see the computer but not the files from a windows computer. can anyone help?00:53
PeloLake,  what printer ?00:53
LakePelo: canon mp13000:53
Naib!repeat | kravlin00:53
ubotukravlin: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience00:53
PeloLake, just use the listing with the closest number00:53
Pelosolace, I don'T allow private msg, please talk to me in the channel00:53
bazhangkravlin: need more info than just repeating that bare bones every few minutes; what have you done to set up samba, what exact errors are you getting and more00:54
Pelolater folks00:54
LakePelo:  you mean the next canon printer that works under Ubuntu ?00:54
Orbixxbazhang: Fixed. Compiz issue ;)00:54
PovAddictyea, never PM without asking first00:54
solaceOkay, Terminal keeps saying "lock var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)00:54
gogetaPelo spreding lies again00:54
gogetaPelo ;-)00:54
fdkrewKravlin:    https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSamba00:54
fdkrewKravlin:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20260500:54
PeloLake,  or the prior,  it's like the unidriver in windows,  one drver covers several models00:54
kravlinbazhang: I used the GUI. We thought it might be a space in the file name but we removed that and it didn't work.00:55
bazhangkravlin: read the links that fdkrew gave you00:55
bazhangcya Pelo00:55
kravlinbazhang: doing so. Thanks for the help.00:55
solaceHello, Terminal keeps error'n me.00:55
fdkrewyea go over them ok00:55
fdkrewthen get back at me00:55
hassanhow can i install XPDE-0.5.0.tar in my ubuntu 7.10?00:56
bazhangkravlin: thanks to the person taht gave you the links ;]00:56
LakePelo: all right, I shall give it a try !00:56
Simonf1i cant connect to the internet00:56
NaibSimonf1: ...00:56
LakePelo: with any luck, samba can work with it too00:56
jhoc2xgood morning guys.. ^_^     when i tried pluging in my flash drive.. i can't see it on desktop..usually it will show itself (the icon)   but now i can't see it.. i look at /var/logs/messages it said that it was detected..00:56
bazhangSimonf1: what is the problem; that is way too little info00:56
solaceIf your here...Your online.00:56
kravlinfdkrew: thanks!00:56
Simonf1nothing comes up under network connections00:56
fdkrewfdkrew: thanks for the links00:56
solaceProblem :  Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)00:56
fdkrewNo Problem00:56
Stroganoffhassan:  read the INSTALL file for general installation instructions!00:56
Simonf1i click on network manager00:56
bazhangsolace what generates that error00:57
Naibsolace: you prob have update running as well00:57
Simonf1and it says no network devices have been found00:57
solaceWhenever I try to get an app in terminal.00:57
jhoc2xgood morning guys.. ^_^     when i tried pluging in my flash drive.. i can't see it on desktop..usually it will show itself (the icon)   but now i can't see it.. i look at /var/logs/messages it said that it was detected.. any idea?? maybe i have to mount it manually? or ??00:57
hassanok tahnx00:57
Lakethanks community, you big entity you !00:57
twistageDoes apt-get remove usually remove all traces of an app, or does it leave shit littered all over the file system like windows?00:57
bazhangsolace Naib is right00:57
bazhanglanguage please twistage00:58
defishguyjhoc2x:  What ver of Ubuntu are you using?00:58
solaceI try to download an app, or remove one.00:58
ltracy__Prez00: thanks for the tip on the compat thing00:58
solaceIt gives that error.00:58
Simonf1bazhang: do you have any idea?00:58
stdintwistage: use --purge to remove all config files00:58
jhoc2xdefishguy: gutsy gibbon00:58
ltracy__Prez00: I am connected via wireless :) <-- go me00:58
twistagestdin: thanks00:58
KyleKhey i guess if i ask a question about hardy i should go into ubuntu+1 unless I wait a day? :)00:58
solaceAnybody know how to fix my problem?00:59
bazhangSimonf1: you need to give tons more info: please pastebin output of ifconfig and lspci00:59
SeaPhorstdin, could you give me a full command example of the --purge command?00:59
Simonf1i cant00:59
Simonf1im on a diffrent computer00:59
Naibsolace: lsof /var/lib/dpkg/lock  and you will more then likely see you have the system updater running00:59
defishguyjhoc2x:  Do you know how to mount the drive using the command line?00:59
stdinSeaPhor: sudo apt-get --purge remove some-package-name01:00
solaceSo, Me updateing is causing that?01:00
OrbixxThere's a folder missing from my Gnome toolbar in "Places". How do I add things to "Places"?01:00
solaceCause im downloading a package right now..01:00
SeaPhorstdin, Thank You!01:00
fdkrewsolace: cant have the updater running same time as apt-get01:00
hassanwhich version of firefox will be embedded in ubuntu 8.04 ?01:00
fdkrewsolace: only one thing at a time01:01
solaceThank you.01:01
solaceOkay, sorry.01:01
one_taoscreen -d01:01
fdkrewsolace: did u get my private msg?01:01
solaceIs there any way to disable the requirement of a password for any admin activity?01:02
solaceIt's annoying me like vista.01:02
fdkrewsolace: i forgot i have to register my nick brb01:02
Naibsolace: chance the /etc/sudoers file01:03
solaceHow do I go about doing that?01:03
=== Evil_inside is now known as evil
Naibsudo vim /etc/sudoers01:03
twistageThis isn't a big deal, but is there a fix to allow you to use volume control or hot keys while having a drop down menu open?01:04
solaceSorry, Im new to linux, fresh install yesterday.01:04
Starnestommyor sudo visudo01:04
Simonf1bazhang: ok, i got it01:04
Simonf1how do i show it to you?01:04
hassandoes ubuntu 8.04 support razorfs01:05
Simonf1my network connections are not workin01:05
OrbixxHow would I add an NTFS disk to fstab?01:05
SeaPhorSimonf1, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/01:05
NaibOrbixx: devised hoodwinks AutoMatriX ro,umask=0,user,NSF 0 001:05
solaceAre there any other good OS's other then ubuntu that nobody's ever heard of?01:06
Naibsolace: plan901:06
solacePreferably using linux.01:06
=== andatche_ is now known as andatche
rsksolace: windows01:06
SeaPhorSimonf1, then when done, paste a link to that paste back here01:06
solaceHaha, Windows..01:06
flamedryadcan ya'll help ubuntu won't mount my external HD01:06
Seven_Six_Twosolace, Haiku01:07
=== RadiantFire_ is now known as RadiantFire
flamedryadi pluged into windows one time and now it wont mount01:07
solaceK, Thank you.01:07
SeaPhorThere it IS!01:08
mvinsccan someone help with webcam support?01:08
amenadoflamedryad-> what did you do with it when it was plugged in to windows?01:08
solaceI wish mac OS X was easy to install on a PC.01:08
elisboamvinsc: just say your doubt and someone will help you, if he/she knows01:09
flamedryadjust copyied file to the windows system01:09
iceswordsolace, how,01:09
elisboasolace: that's why they call it a hackintosh01:09
fdkrewtry to install mac on vmware01:09
elhoiri have some programs in 7.10 that arent in the 8.04 repository01:09
elhoirwill they run when upgrading to 8.04?01:09
fdkrewthey should01:10
mvinscok. my cam works with cheese, but the webcam monitor says no device found01:10
elisboaelhoir: yes, sure they will01:10
Simonf1SeaPhor: anything?01:10
solaceOSX is ALMOST impossible to get on a PC, It's possible, But extremely difficult.01:10
flamedryadlinux says i can force it to mount but i don't know how01:10
elhoirok thanks elisboa fdkrew01:10
elisboaelhoir: dist-upgrade will only install available packages, without removing others01:10
elisboaothers that are not available in the "new" repository01:10
itakuwhen hardy comes out in a few hours how do i update to it? do i have to use the cd?01:11
hassanthanx guys01:11
solaceMy friend nolen said hacking was easy with linux.01:11
Simonf1itaku: go to update01:11
SeaPhorSimonf1, sorry, bazhang was asking you to paste, i saw you ask how and let you know how to paste, ask bazhang01:11
hassani will quit for now01:11
Blue89flamedryad, --force as an option to mount, I beleive01:11
itakuSimonf1: whers that?01:11
elhoirelisboa: for example, i have installed Lives, which is not in the 8.04 official repository01:11
david_torrents? can you actually dl a CD that way? how many years does that take?01:11
elisboaI don't know Lives01:11
elisboawhat is this, elhoir ?01:11
iceswordwhere is isle of man01:11
Simonf1itaku: system, update manager01:11
elhoirelisboa: it is a video editor, from getdeb01:12
KyleKdavid_: you can torrent anything these days01:12
flamedryadotay b;ue but how do i do that01:12
elisboahmm, nice01:12
elisboajust like kailera01:12
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - Support in #ubuntu+1 - Come join the #ubuntu-release-party now!01:12
elisboaoops, kdenlive01:12
flamedryadBlue89 otay but how do i do that01:12
elhoirelisboa: yes, but kdenlive is so buggy yet, so i tried another editor01:12
Simonf1can someone else help me with the network problem?01:12
Blue89flamedryad, I don't want to steer you the wrong way, let me make sure I have the right number of dashes01:12
cabrioleursolace, it is illegal to install MacOS X on anything except official apple computers (with exception of server)01:13
elisboaSimonf1: just say what is your problem. If someone knows, you will be answered01:13
elhoirand lives is extremely slow01:13
SeaPhorSimonf1, bahzang asked you to paste the outputs, ask bahzang01:13
elisboadavid_: is there anybody in there?01:13
Zackymc_kDoes anyone know how to get the tx1000's wifi working on 64bit ubuntu?01:14
solaceI know.01:14
flamedryadBlue89 ok01:14
Simonf1he is no longer on01:14
Simonf1i checked the user list01:14
SeaPhorSimonf1, bazhang asked you to paste the outputs, ask bazhang, sorry bazhang, i mis-spelled your name01:15
Zackymc_ksolace: was that to me?01:15
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WelshyI have an IBM thinkpad x20; do you think it will be able to run ubuntu?01:15
Simonf1i see01:15
solaceDoes anybody know the app get code for pidgin?01:15
Seven_Six_TwoWelshy, probably01:15
WelshyWell, I've tried it before and it just hung on the loading screen the entire night.01:16
itakuis there a hardy change log?01:16
twistagesolace:  sudo apt-get install pidgin01:16
=== Victoria_PP__ is now known as Victoria_PP
itakusolace: sudo apt-get source pidgin01:16
itakunot install01:16
Blue89flamedryad, I can't find the docs for thus specific option, but I recall it being done like this: sudo mount /dev/whatever /mnt/whatever --force01:16
Blue89what are you trying to mount?01:17
flamedryadBlue89 my external HD01:17
rectec794613i need some help with my desktop effects01:17
mvinsccamorama give me an error. could not connect to video device (/dev/video0)01:17
twistageWhy does Conky close when I click on it?01:17
=== Evil_inside is now known as evil
BubbleTeaHow i clear my music banshee music player list in library01:18
Simonf1bazhang does not seem to still be on, could anybody else take a look and see if they can find the problem?01:18
Blue89I wish you guys could tell me exactly when the 8.04 discs come out...01:18
StarnestommyBlue89: sometime tomorrow.  There is no exact time01:19
Blue89I noticed in the title, that's my point01:19
Starnestommy(or today, depending on your time zone)01:19
BubbleTeaBlue89 patient.01:19
iceswordgmt =*01:19
XFLXFLXFLHello, I just purchased a new Linksys wireless G PCI card and installed it onto my machine and it seems Ubuntu wont recognize it.. how can I install drivers for it?01:19
ScuniziBlue89: problem is everyone and their brother/sister will be downloading at the same time.01:19
BubbleTeaAnyone know how to clear Banshee Music player library01:20
ScottLijThat's why they made torrents01:20
Blue89ah, I never thought about that01:20
mvinschow can i check my connection with a built-in web cam?01:20
rectec794613Any help?01:20
SeaPhorSimonf1, re-post the pastebin link, and type it like so:    bazhang: <pastebin link>   without the <>01:21
Simonf1bazhang: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64160/01:21
twistageXFLXFLXFL: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-618759.html01:21
oripimwinsc > pastebin the output of lsusb01:21
Simonf1i tried to contact him privatly too01:21
rectec794613I decided to take a break from ubuntu and when i logged back on the desktop effects weren't on. I tried the SKIP_CHECKS=yes compiz command and the compiz command in the terminal. None worked :(01:21
=== Victoria_PP is now known as Victoria
rectec794613Any help?01:21
WelshyHas anybody had a computer so old that when trying to install ubuntu it hung on the loading screen?01:21
SeaPhorSimonf1, dont do that, they dont like uninvited PM's01:22
rectec794613Help Plz01:22
bazhangSimonf1: that would be the broadcom one; have you a open wifi hotspot to test on?01:22
crdlbrectec794613: please join #compiz-fusion01:22
mvinsc04f2:b016 Chicony Electronics Co., Ltd01:22
bazhangSimonf1: what does sudo dhclient eth1 return01:23
rectec794613yes, Welshy. I upgraded the RAM and it loaded fine.01:23
mattywarrdoes anyone have a sample file which embeds nx web companion? I'd like to install it to me web directory but have no idea how to do it! The instructions arent very clear01:23
`HavocAnyone know of a good write up on configuring Bind on Ubuntu for the purpose of setting up VHosts?01:23
malociteI have a really weird problem, when I CTRL ALT F1 or f2 or whatever, I get OUT OF RANGE, and cannot use a straight text mode, any ideas why?01:23
Nithmalocite: actually I've got the exact same issue01:24
oripimvinsc > pastebin the output of lsusb (for your webcam)01:25
malociteNith: And... do you have a solution yet?01:25
Simonf1it is working01:25
Simonf1that is strange01:25
FloodBot2Simonf1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:25
bazhangWelshy: sure, but there may be other factors01:25
flamedryadBlue89 it ain't working01:25
Simonf1it says it is not01:25
bazhangSimonf1: try to ping google01:25
mvinscBus 001 Device 002: ID 04f2:b016 Chicony Electronics Co., Ltd01:25
mvinscBus 001 Device 001: ID 0000:000001:25
mvinscBus 002 Device 001: ID 0000:000001:25
mvinscBus 004 Device 001: ID 0000:000001:25
mvinscBus 003 Device 001: ID 0000:000001:25
Welshybazhang: What other factors are there?01:25
Simonf1it works01:25
elisboafllod bots, help01:25
bazhangcongrats Simonf101:25
bbyeverat what time is hardy released?01:25
Simonf1it says it does not and i have no idea why01:25
Welshybazhang: may I pm you?01:25
bazhangWelshy: sometimes the video or other stuff; might try boot params acpi=off01:25
malociteNith: Or even know what that is called for googling purposes?01:25
bazhangWelshy: best to do it in channel for others benefit as well01:25
Nithmalocite: ctrl+alt+f<key> are the tty's01:25
WelshyAlright, sounds good. Give me a few minutes then.01:25
malociteNith: Yeah, but why don't they work :)01:26
BubbleTeaAnyone know how to clear Banshee Music player library ??01:26
bazhangWelshy: also remove quiet so that you can see the errors instead of gui loading01:26
Nithmalocite: mine went when I did an dpkg-reconfigure on xserver-xorg01:26
steve__hey does anyone know the exact time 8.04 is release because i want to know wheather or not i should sleep or stay up until it is realesed01:26
Nithmalocite: when did it start for you?01:26
snikersteve__: Take a look at the topic01:26
malociteNith: Doing it on TWO computers actually, started about a month ago maybe?01:26
bazhangsteve__: utc 12 midnight01:26
snikersteve__: "No. we don't know exactly the time when 8.04 will be released."01:27
Nithmalocite: what happened before the problem?01:27
malociteNith: Nothing... I haven't had any issues with either machine01:27
malociteNith: It must have been an update of some kind... all I can think of01:27
Nithme too01:27
Nithin fact it fits perfectly that it was an update01:27
bazhangwhy the hoohaws about the release time? just update your rc/beta and get the final first ;]01:28
gigabyteHi all!01:28
ubotuCurrent time in Etc/UTC: April 24 2008, 00:29:00 - Next meeting: Server Team in 6 days01:29
gigabyteWhats up with ubuntu?01:29
bazhanghardy talk is okay in here now?01:29
bazhanggigabyte: read the /topic ;]01:30
flamedryadany body else able to help01:30
Blue89flamedryad, are you registered on freenode?01:30
jhoc2xhey guys im back.. guess im disconnected again huh.. ^_6   anyway, back to my problem.. i can't access my flashdrive though it is detected at /var/logs   any idea?01:30
flamedryadBlue89 i don't think so01:31
WelshyI can't decided whether I want server or desktop edition of ubuntu.01:31
bazhangjhoc2x: what format is it? something strange like ntfs?01:31
XFLXFLXFLInstalling the linksys card with instructions from http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-618759.html didnt work01:31
XFLXFLXFLwrong firmware?? what do I do?01:31
XFLXFLXFLLinksys wireless G pic.  WMP54G01:31
Blue89I find it difficult to read what you write in such a crouded channel... can you come to #bitbucket for a minute?01:32
bazhangXFLXFLXFL: need more info; what exact errors, what steps failed etc01:32
Comrade-Sergeimy sound will not work in wine, it works in anything else01:32
XFLXFLXFLit said it had to fetch firmware.. and its not possible, cause no internet connection.. which is what I am trying to get by installing this PCI wireless card01:32
urthmoverI'm really liking this Dell M6300 on my desk here01:32
urthmoverubuntu flies on it01:33
friel_urge to troll rising.01:33
bazhangWelshy: will you be using it as a server? but you want gui? can go either way then really01:33
jhoc2xbazhang: i guess my flashdrive is still on FAT32 .. (actually it's not mine.. )01:33
Comrade-Sergeiand can i reformat a drive from ntfs to ext3 without losing the data?01:34
bazhangXFLXFLXFL: uh you are on here; why not get it and transfer it over via usbkey?01:34
Blue89flamedryad, I am not sure what your problem is. I must have missed something01:34
tseugmy battery is critically low, 36%.  how can i fix this?01:34
bazhangComrade-Sergei: no01:34
confuzedanyone here know why I can't get AC3 passed through my soundcard in hardy... I've tried two of them and neither works.  DTS works fine however01:34
snikerComrade-Sergei: Not without losing data, no01:34
Welshybazhang: I don't know, I think I might use it as a seedbox. I don't know if I want GUI or not... It's a tough decision.01:34
backtickComrade-Sergei: wineconfig01:34
jhoc2xbazhang: it's a clone ipod  ...>>>i don;t know where the hell my friend got it.. ^_^01:34
Comrade-Sergeibacktick, winecfg you mean?01:34
twistagetseug: plug it in01:34
jhoc2xbazhang: he just want to copy some files.01:35
backtickComrade-Sergei: and -config too01:35
WelshyThe only thing is, I don't have e very fast connection so creating a seedbox may not be worth it.01:35
backtickit's a Qt-based config GUI01:35
absntHey looking for some help, just installed Hardy 54b RC and trying to get sound to work, I know the XFi doesn't work with hardy so i installed OSS and now its not detecting any of my sound (card & onboard)01:35
Comrade-Sergeibacktick, and? i use the OSS and still nothing01:36
cgentry72i'm wanting to place the recycle bin on my desktop, is that possible?01:36
Comrade-Sergeibacktick, it seems to do this to me everytime , no matter the computer01:36
ubotuWant to see volume/trash icons on the desktop? Go to /apps/nautilus/desktop in gconf-editor (GNOME) or go to http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kisimlar/tipsntrix.html#showtrash (KDE)01:36
jhoc2xby the way, anyone using mythTV here???01:36
bazhangsee above cgentry7201:36
tifinei installed oracle and remove it by giving the command "apt-get remove oracle", still there are some files left in the system how should i remove those as well01:36
cgentry72bazhang, thanks01:36
Nithtifine: try purging instead of removing01:37
cgentry72bazhang, everyone is always so helpful here :)01:37
jhoc2xchemisus: that's what ubuntu is01:37
tifineNith, purging can you please pass me the command for that ?01:37
fdkrewsolace i think we lost connection01:37
backtickComrade-Sergei: ALSA and OSS drivers are ticked in mine01:37
ubotuMythTV is a TV framework for Linux - Instructions for using with Ubuntu at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV01:37
solaceNo, I was an idiot and exited IRC01:37
Nithtifine: sudo aptitude purge oracle01:38
bazhangjhoc2x: not sure, those usb players may or may not require mp3 software to sync, mine you just need to drag files on to it01:38
absntCan anyone help me get my sound working in Hardy (64bit)01:38
Comrade-Sergeiits a dv9000 backtick01:38
Nithtifine: or sudo apt-get purge oracle I tink01:38
* Nith uses aptitude01:38
cgentry72bazhang, OMG that was so easy01:38
XFLXFLXFLso there are no drivers for a linksys WMP54G PCI card?01:38
WelshyWould it make sense to have an old laptop run as a seedbox on my home network, or no?01:38
jhoc2xbazhang: yesterday i did.. drag and drop... ^_^  after restart, i can't see the drive..01:38
bazhangXFLXFLXFL: what is the chipset, nevermind the brand name01:39
bazhangWelshy: up to you but kinda offtopic here01:39
XFLXFLXFLUm how do I find that out??01:39
XFLXFLXFLsorry <-- total newbie01:39
kindofabuzzanyone know how to turn off join/leave messages in kvirc?01:40
XFLXFLXFLCisco system Ver. 4.5101:40
zero__how do i install rocketdock?01:40
bazhangXFLXFLXFL: you talking to me? use my nick (type baz then hit tab) and I can follow more easily01:40
bazhangzero__: no idea what is it01:40
=== Inconcessus is now known as sekator
zero__does anyone know how to get RocketDock?01:40
absntCan anyone help me get my sound working in Hardy (64bit)01:40
XFLXFLXFLbazhang Yes01:40
bazhangzero__: unless you provide more info then no01:41
=== sekator is now known as Inconcessus
XFLXFLXFLbazhang Where do I find out the chipset?01:41
zero__bazhang you have NO Idea what rocketdock is?01:41
bazhangXFLXFLXFL: what does lspci show (if pci card)01:41
bazhangzero__: unless you tell us no01:41
twistageXFLXFLXFL: You can get the firmware by going to a terminal and typing "lspci"01:41
Nithzero__: rocketdock is not in the repositories01:41
mvinscdoes anyone know how i can get air crack/ air snort with a Broadcom Corporation BCM4310 USB Controller01:41
twistageehh to late01:42
zero__bazhang rocket dock is something similar to AWN that doesnt suck01:42
friel_i've got a partition mounted,01:42
bazhangzero__: well what does ubuntu gutsy rocketdock show01:42
zero__im on Hardy01:42
XFLXFLXFLbazhang Doesnt list it.. shows everything but my linksys card01:42
friel_and trying to save some torrents to it, transmission gives me an error about not having permissions, how do i get around this?01:43
kindofabuzzanyone know how to turn off join/leave messages in kvirc?01:43
bazhangXFLXFLXFL: what about lsusb for a usb card then01:43
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)01:43
bazhangfriel_: what is the drive? ntfs or other01:43
XFLXFLXFLbazhang what do you mean a usbcard?01:43
friel_bazhang etc3?01:43
bazhangXFLXFLXFL: external usb plug in thing01:43
bazhangfriel_: it is ext3?01:44
Comrade-Sergeibacktick, heres the error i get     http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64165/01:44
XFLXFLXFLbazhang that mean I gota go buy somthing else? lol.. I just got this card like 2 months ago lol01:44
gaspipe1hello people01:44
XFLXFLXFLbazhang I think I might need to go back to windows lol01:44
BUrette_looking for help with vsftpd?01:44
friel_bazhang: that's the one, still new to this01:44
bazhangXFLXFLXFL: your choice really01:44
SeaPhorXFLXFLXFL, some internal devices also use a USB bus, even in windows01:45
XFLXFLXFLbazhang I want to use ubuntu but I only have an option for wireless internet01:45
BUrette_looking for help with vsftpd?01:45
XFLXFLXFLoh ok01:45
gaspipe1i was wondering if anyone knows where to go regarding using ubuntu for my iphone (regarding updates; sync music, movies, contacts and bookmarks?)01:45
XFLXFLXFLbazhang lsusb shows nothing01:45
lwizardlhow do i create multipart rars in terminal?01:45
bazhangXFLXFLXFL: well you need to give us the chipset before we can proceed; mentioning going back to windows is not a motivator for people *volunteering* to help you01:46
XFLXFLXFLsorry <-- frustration01:46
XFLXFLXFLbazhang well how else may I look up the chipset?01:46
BUrette_looking for help with vsftpd?01:46
Comrade-Sergeisomeone take a look at this error, I have no sound in wine     http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64165/01:46
backtickComrade-Sergei: seems the app is trying to acess hardware directly bypassing API01:46
BUrette_looking for help with vsftpd?01:46
NithXFLXFLXFL: what type of a card is it?01:46
bazhangXFLXFLXFL: please paste output of ifconfig and lspci to pastebin01:46
Comrade-Sergeibacktick, ah01:46
Light-Does Wine work better if you allow it to use Microsofts DLL's?01:46
Comrade-Sergeibacktick, so how do i fix it01:47
SeaPhorXFLXFLXFL, the chipset will be on the physical card itself , and on the package it came in01:47
lwizardli'm trying to remember the command for making multiple rars (.001, .002. etc) in like 50mb chunks without recompression01:47
nohelpherewhere does tcl.so install to?01:47
SeaPhorXFLXFLXFL, example, mine is "rtl8185"01:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tcl - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:48
friel_bazhang: sorry to ask again, but do you have any suggestions for me?01:48
backtickComrade-Sergei: i don't think it can be done..01:48
XFLXFLXFLLet me pry it out of my machine holdup01:48
Starnestommynohelphere: I think it;s /usr/lib/libtcl8.4.so.0 or /usr/lib/libtcl8.4.so01:48
cirkitWhen I play video with Totem, VLC, Xine, etc I have a slight blue tint in the video. Mplayer is fine though. Any ideas?01:48
=== icesword is now known as u9527
bazhangfriel_: permissions on a ext3 drive? you sure it is that fs?01:48
=== u9527 is now known as uU9527
Comrade-Sergeibacktick, i think ive done it before01:48
twistageIs there a way to search the file system under terminal?01:48
Nithtwistage: 'find' and 'locate'01:49
twistageNith: thanks01:49
Nithtwistage: i think locate only looks in the path though, find lets you specify the location01:49
friel_bazhang: checked again, it's EXT2, should i reformat to EXT3?01:50
bazhangXFLXFLXFL: that is a pcmcia card? best not to hotplug those--could damage your motherboard01:50
WelshyMy ubuntu isntall went past the loading screen, did a bunch of test based checks displaying [Ok] by most, and now it goes to a black screen and hangs.01:50
bazhangfriel_: if you wish, but why the permissions issues? have you been using nautilus as root or somesuch?01:50
XFLXFLXFLseaPhor where on the card does it show the cipset?01:50
Comrade-Sergeibacktick, fl studio isnt even recognizine my sound card , know it used to01:50
NithWelshy: while hanging, if you hit CTRL+ALT_F1, do you get to the tty's?01:51
kindofabuzzanyone know how to turn off join/leave messages in kvirc?01:51
SeaPhorXFLXFLXFL, desktop or laptop machine?01:51
ubotuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic01:51
twistageWhat would /home/usr/.kde/blah/blah be referring to? Whats the significance of the period?01:51
XFLXFLXFLseaPhor I just pulled the card out01:51
kupesoftWhat time of day is 8.04 LTS going to be released?01:51
kindofabuzzperiod mean hidden01:51
Nithtwistage: the '.' indicates hidden files in linux01:51
friel_Bazhang: been using the default file browser in 7.10, Transmission states "Error: insufficient permissions" when i chose to save to that partition.01:51
Siph0nkupesoft, there is no set time01:51
bazhangWelshy: this is the livecd? did you check md5sum for that iso? what burn speed did you use. also do a diskcheck on the cd itself01:51
snikerkupesoft: Check topic01:52
twistageAhh okay.01:52
Nithtwistage: generally, ~/ contains lots of them and their settings for programs you use01:52
SeaPhorXFLXFLXFL, so it is a PCI device, fits in a (usually black) slot?01:52
kupesoftsniker: silly me :(01:52
WelshyThis is the livecd; and this is a disc that I recieved in the mail that I requested from the website.01:52
bazhangfriel_: is the drive in your fstab?01:52
XFLXFLXFLSeaPhor yeah fits into a white pci slot01:52
NithWelshy: did you try the CTRL+ALT+F1 as I suggested?01:52
bazhangkupesoft: read the topic01:53
BubbleTea1 more day 8.0401:53
WelshyIndeed I did, nothing happened.01:53
friel_bazhang: not to sure what you mean by fstab, i have to mount it in the file manager to gain access if that means anything?01:53
kupesoftbazhang: Just did, :(01:53
jaymacdonald8.04 with DualCore Active Processings Supports?01:53
jason_ what aree tty's?01:53
ubotuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions01:53
TangentEmergencyI need to delete an account and it's logged on01:53
TangentEmergencysomeone hacked the account and I cannot delete it01:53
SeaPhorXFLXFLXFL, look on the chips . may need a magnifier, but should be a chipset on one of the soldered on chips01:53
bazhangsee the message from ubotu above friel_01:53
twistageIs there any reason why .kde/share/apps/amarok would still exist after using apt-get remove?01:54
backtickComrade-Sergei: try the lastest snapshot version of wine, they might have a workaround01:54
Nithjason_: their terminals that you can use at any time by going to CTRL+ALT+F<key> 1-6 are text terminals, 7 is generally your x server (what you're used to)01:54
Cahantwistage, apt-get remove doesn't delete config files01:54
=== uU9527 is now known as U9527
friel_bazhang: yes, reading it now, guessing editing the fstab correctly will fix the issue?01:54
Nithtwistage: use purge instead of remove to get rid of config files01:54
twistageCahan: I tried purge and it must not have worked either01:54
XFLXFLXFLSeaPhore linksys has them covered oversolid01:54
jason_oh ok i got it thanks nith01:54
WelshyNith: I hit ctrl+alt+f1, nothing happened.01:55
Comrade-Sergeibacktick, i can try01:55
tarkuswhat are some reasons to use linux as a desktop OS as opposed to MacOS?01:55
WelshyIt's a really old laptop, it might not be able to handle Ubuntu.01:55
SeaPhorXFLXFLXFL, any paper-glued labels?01:55
TangentEmergencytarkus, it's free01:55
bazhangfriel_: worth a shot; why ext2 and not ext3? ext3 is generally considered better unless you have a ton of power outages where you are01:55
Cahantarkus, you don't have to pay an arm and a leg for a Mac01:55
tarkusi mean, i use ubuntu myself.. but i still dont really know why..01:55
jason_mac suck tarkus imo01:55
bazhangtarkus: offtopic here thanks01:55
TangentEmergencyhow do I delete an account that someone is logged into?01:55
NithWelshy: you said it doesn't get to the log in screen?01:55
jason_i love ubuntu as a desktop pc01:55
twistageNith: Do you use purge in addition to remove or just purge01:56
tarkusjason_: same with me01:56
WelshyNith: Nope. It's the LiveCD.01:56
XFLXFLXFLSeaPhore only ID# and Serial # thats it which are stickers on the metal covering01:56
tarkusbut i cant explaine to people why i use it... i mean lets say money isnt an object..01:56
Nithtwistage: sudo apt-get remove <software>01:56
jiphexHi, can someone help me with a (hopefully quick) World of Warcraft under Wine problem01:56
Nithtwistage: sudo apt-get purge <software>01:56
SeaPhorXFLXFLXFL, and look in open spots on the board, typed onto the board?01:56
Nithtwistage: sorry, brain fart01:56
NithWelshy: sorry, i've no clue01:56
Cahanjiphex, don't ask to ask, just ask : )01:56
jason_tarkus: stability afordability and customization01:56
WelshyNith: No worries.01:56
TangentEmergencyjiphex: if you stop playing WoW, you can save enough money to get windows01:56
=== Marfi|iHop is now known as Marfi
marcos_how many houres to ubuntu 8.04 final?01:57
jiphexheh sorry, It's installed, starts fine but there's no login prompt, just a picture of the portal thingy01:57
friel_bazhang: though EXT was the right one when i formated, no data on that HD yet, so no issue to fix that. Cheers and thanks for your help :  )01:57
bazhangtopic marcos_01:57
tarkusjason_: those arent really reasons for desktop use..01:57
U9527wow wow wow01:57
TangentEmergencybut seriously01:57
jiphexprobably out of the scope for this channel :)01:57
BHSPitMonkeytarkus, because I like it?01:57
TangentEmergencyI need help here, it should be pretty simple01:57
U9527bazhang, when01:57
JPSmanHiya - I'm trying to install rt2x00 wireless drivers into this new hardy kernel01:58
bazhangI'm going on strike until the OffTopic ceases01:58
Cahanjiphex, did you add set gxapi "opengl" to the config.wtf file?01:58
jason_tarkus:  customization is my main point01:58
JPSmancan anyone help with driver creation and installation?01:58
TangentEmergencyI have a hacker in my system that I do not want in my system, how do I remove them?01:58
XFLXFLXFLSeaPhor its covered solid.. nothing on the back either except solider points01:58
BHSPitMonkeyAnyway, this isn't a meta-discussion channel, it's a support channel.  Visit #ubuntu-offtopic for that kind of chat.01:58
jiphexCahan: when i do that, the graphics get all screwed, like there's noise everywhere and my mouse leaves a big black streak01:58
SeaPhorXFLXFLXFL, whats the model and s/n?01:58
StarnestommyTangentEmergency: that depends on how they got in01:58
tarkusBHSPitMonkey: again... so do i, but thats not a reason... common01:58
Cahanjiphex, what GPU do you have?01:58
BHSPitMonkeyTangentEmergency, kill any processes belonging to them and delete the user?01:58
jiphexCahan: ATI Radeon 9800 pro01:58
ballout-jackI'm trying to make two new partitions one for /home and one for /media (for a mythtv setup).    Could someone tell me if this url is good..........     http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome01:59
Jeriathso....is there anyway to rerun a distribution update01:59
TangentEmergencyStarnestommy: they got a hold of the password somehow and are constantly logged on01:59
jiphexCahan: in BigDesktop dual monitor mode01:59
Cahanjiphex, what driver set? fglrx?01:59
NithTangentEmergency: killall -u <username>01:59
Cahanjiphex, I don't know then, I only got it running using OpenGL on my X700, sorry : /01:59
NithTangentEmergency: alternatively, pull the cord01:59
jiphexheh k thanks01:59
TangentEmergencythank you01:59
XFLXFLXFLSeaPhore MOdel # WMP54G Serial# MDI30781272601:59
StarnestommyTangentEmergency: change thr password with passwd and kill any processes that they started.  If it's root, lock the password with sudo passwd -l root02:00
TangentEmergencythat helps a lot, Nith02:00
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in !GNOME under !Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For !Edgy and later, see !fstab and !DiskMounter02:00
TangentEmergencyI just wanted to delete the account altogether02:00
TangentEmergencyso, killall worked02:00
NithTangentEmergency: if they created the account, they can create another02:00
TangentEmergencythey didn't create it02:00
StarnestommyTangentEmergency: now delete it with userdel (if it's not root)02:00
dpn`hey - anyone using FF3b4? i unzipped it into my home dir, but the installer for flash doesn't work02:00
TangentEmergencyI created it, but they got a hold of it02:00
TangentEmergencyit was a security oversight on my part02:01
TangentEmergencyreally big oversight02:01
TangentEmergencydon't ask what it was02:01
TangentEmergencyI'm embarrassed as hell about it02:01
friel_tangentemergency: what was it?02:01
* TangentEmergency murders friel_ 02:01
jiphexTangentEmergency: you can't tease like that ;)02:01
NithI'm sorry guys but if you don't need help, please continue in the offtopic channel02:01
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!02:01
ballout-jackfriel_,  I guessing that !partitions bot call was for me?02:02
SeaPhorXFLXFLXFL, look here  http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-79742.html02:02
friel_ballout-jack: ?02:02
TangentEmergencywell, if you must know02:02
cokolinawhats the word on wifi slax and ipw394502:03
Jester54can you install grub to just the mbr or does it need a filesystem along with it02:03
ubotuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions02:03
JPSmanWould it be bad to run kernel 2.6.22-14 with hardy?02:03
JPSmandoes anyone know?02:03
SeaPhorXFLXFLXFL, no, old link sorry, 1 sec02:03
lekremyelsewJPSman: what?02:03
TangentEmergencyI made an account named "ubuntu" and password of "ubuntu" with limited rights so a friend could log on and send me a file via ftp02:03
TangentEmergencyforgot to delete it02:03
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubotu NTFS-3g or /msg ubotu FUSE02:04
TangentEmergencyforgot that ssh could access it02:04
XFLXFLXFLSeaPhore ok02:04
jhoc2xagain.. jezzz.. i was disconnected.. ^_^02:04
JPSmanlekremyelsew: is it bad to run the gutsy kernel with hardy?02:04
lekremyelsewno clue02:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about flashdrive - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:04
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in !GNOME under !Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For !Edgy and later, see !fstab and !DiskMounter02:04
Nithbazhang: I think i'm going to join you with striking until the offtopic chatter has stopped02:04
rjonesxwhat is the estimated time of relese for tmr?02:04
rjonesxanyone know?02:04
dubbyhey anyone, I have a program that i wish to run as root but i want it in my main menu as an icon, so lets say i want to run wireshark as root, i know i can go to terminal and just do sudo wireshark, but how would i make an icon that does similar then asks for password02:04
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubotu NTFS-3g or /msg ubotu FUSE02:05
lekremyelsewJPSman: the new ubuntu is commin out tomorrow, u might want to upgrade02:05
elisboadubby: gksu wireshark02:05
Nithdubby: use gksudo <command> as the command for said icon02:05
* Nith dissappears02:05
bazhangNith: give them a few minutes ;] then it will cease02:05
dubbyi knew i had used it be4 just couldn't remember02:05
SeaPhorXFLXFLXFL, have you checked the restricted drivers?02:05
elisboagksu already does the work02:05
JPSmanlekremyelsew: I already have and the new kernel runs my wireless like crap02:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about umount - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:05
TangentEmergencyon the other side of my questioning02:05
jaymacdonaldcrap bot02:05
=== TangentEmergency is now known as TangentCollision
XFLXFLXFLSeaPhore yes only my Nvidia card is shown in it02:05
elisboaJPSman: you have 2 options: native Linux driver and windows driver emulation via ndiswrapper02:05
SeaPhorXFLXFLXFL, k02:06
lekremyelsewJPSman: i have no friggin clue02:06
TangentCollisionhow do I add an FTP-only account?02:06
kindofabuzzanyone know how to turn off join/leave messages in kvirc?02:06
khaije1when hardy is release does that mean that people running beta can dist-upgrade to the release version02:06
Odd-rationalekhaije1: http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2008/04/21/upgrading-from-beta-to-rc-and-beyond/02:07
ganymedecan anyone show me an example gtkrc that overrides which font to use for east asian languages like chinese, japanese, and korean? currently, the wrong font is used to display chinese characters, but latin charactesr look fine.02:07
khaije1Odd-rationale: sweet thanks!02:07
jhoc2xhow to mount a drive?02:07
n-iCeCan someone help me out with a webcam? can't get it work02:08
dubbyjhoc2x sudo mount02:08
friel_reformated. 230gig drive is now EXT3. still unable to save files to it from Transmission02:08
kelvin911hello any wine expert here?02:08
Jester54jhoc2x: sudo mount -t type /dev/hd /mnt02:08
dubbykelvin911 #winehq02:08
SeaPhorXFLXFLXFL,  what is the encryption on the wireless router?02:08
U9527kelvin911, all you know is games, :p02:09
SeaPhorXFLXFLXFL, and you are on gutsy?02:09
lekremyelsewdoes anyone know a program that can make gamepads move the mouse or make keystrokes02:09
kelvin911i deleted the wine and the shortcut in main menu now i cant get the menu back02:09
XFLXFLXFLSeaPhor Um whats gutsy? lol02:09
bazhang!webcam | n-ice read this first02:09
ubotun-ice read this first: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras02:09
U9527kelvin911, how old are you?02:10
kelvin911very old02:10
U9527kelvin911, then what is wrong02:10
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!02:10
SeaPhorXFLXFLXFL, and you are on gutsy? gutsy is 7.10, latest release, (until tomorrow)02:10
kelvin911i just want to have the menu02:10
kelvin911i dont wanna create my own and use terminal all the time02:10
XFLXFLXFLI have the latest DL of ubuntu yes.. I just downloaded it and installed it a week ago02:10
U9527hmm,kelvin911, reinstall02:10
MyrttiXFLXFLXFL: open up the terminal and type "lsb_release -a"02:11
kelvin911i did reinstall02:11
bazhanglekremyelsew: mouve the mouse yes; but you sure you want to type with a gamepad?02:11
cirkitwhen I connect to my wireless network, it always it allow or deny with a password, what password is it asking for exactly?02:12
SeaPhorXFLXFLXFL, all i can find on your card and 7.10 is this,,, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=57849502:12
samalexhey guys .. question, on ubuntu server how the heck can I configure what actually starts on startup?  I installed postgre and other services, but I don't want them starting automatically02:12
xorkhello! i'm trying to install from an alternate install cd to a powerbook g3, and i get an error "No common CD-ROM drive was detected", but I'm booted from the cd-rom drive! any ideas?02:12
cirkitalways happens when I click to connect to my wireless network02:12
SeaPhorXFLXFLXFL, still looking tho02:12
lekremyelsewbazhang: not all of the games that i have are joystick compatible02:12
samalexalso how do I restart services, like netatalk for example?02:12
bazhangcirkit: the wallet pass? or the wpa pass02:12
cirkitsamalex: /etc/init.d/netatalk restart02:12
kelvin911i did reinstall wine02:12
kelvin911and still get no menu02:13
cirkitbazhang: I believe it is a wallet pass...02:13
cirkitI can put in my wpa pass no problem ...02:13
kelvin911is there a way to create it?02:13
cirkitbut it asks for some wallet one02:13
lekremyelsewbazhang: what is it called i have to got eat dinner02:13
U9527kelvin911, reinstall that app02:13
Starnestommysamalex: "sudo update-rc.d -f servicename remove" will stop loading on startup.  "sudo incoke-rc.d servicename restart" will restart it02:13
kelvin911i reinstall wine like 3 times already02:13
Starnestommysamalex: er, that should've been invoke-rc.d02:13
kelvin911and also the game02:13
SeaPhorXFLXFLXFL, try this (assuming you have the card back in and the machine booted)    lshw -C network02:13
bazhangcirkit: the wallet pass, then yes--best to remember that one--I forgot mine and was tricky to get it back ;]02:13
=== jaymacdonald1 is now known as jaymacdonald
U9527kelvin911, hmm, #wine02:14
MrObviousIs there a way I can get the full 8.04 now or what?02:14
cirkitbazhang: "Enter password for default keyring to unlock ... The application 'nm-applet /usr/bin/nm-applet' wants access to the default keyring, but it is locked"02:14
XFLXFLXFLSeaPhor booting right now02:14
samalexStarnestommy: thanks...  is there anyway to see what's set to start?  Or is there a manual way ofdoing this? just curious.02:14
bazhanglekremyelsew: not really sure what you have in mind--please provide more info02:14
cirkitbazhang: I never created a wallet pass, though02:14
bazhangcirkit: then try just closing the box when it comes up02:15
gaspipe1anyone maintain their iphone with ubuntu?02:15
lekremyelsewbazhang: i have a microsoft controller that rotates, is there a way i cud make the axis control the mouse02:15
Starnestommysamalex: ls /etc/rc2.d will list them if 2 is the default runlevel.  ls /etc/rcS.d lists all services that start on every runlevel02:15
bazhanglekremyelsew: ah a MS one; not sure on that--I have a generic usb gamepad type controller that can move the mouse02:16
kelvin911i try #winehq they help with ubuntu menu02:16
kelvin911in wine should i pick ALSA or OSS for audio?02:16
doctormokelvin911: ALSA02:16
bazhanggaspipe1: likely need iTunes with that02:16
kelvin911what OSS is for?02:16
tomd123kelvin911: sound02:17
lekremyelsewbazhang: i can calibrate it and it works so i know its outputting, its usb, so i cud prolly do it the same way as u did02:17
bazhanglekremyelsew: I just did it through the app I was using (dosbox) and it was fine02:17
zashgaspipe1: if you have it jailbreaked and have ssh on it then you can mount it with sshfs02:17
friel_trying to change the owner of /dev/sda2 to friel from root. in terminal as su. tried chown friel in the /dev directory. not working, any hints?02:17
miguelwhen the new ISO files will be updated??02:18
bazhangmiguel: read the /topic02:18
kelvin9112what ALSA for?02:18
hansinkelvin911: both OSS and ALSA are linux sound sub-systems.  OSS is the older of the two.  ALSA is the newer.  use ALSA seems right.02:18
kelvin911why there are ALSA and OSS?02:18
lekremyelsewbazhang: thx, g2g02:19
kelvin911why ALSA is NVidia and OSS realtek??02:19
kelvin911i thought my on board sound is realtek but why in ALSA mixer it shows nVidia?02:19
bazhangkelvin911: that is not really a ubuntu support question02:19
Starnestommykelvin911: I think nvidia and realtek are very similar sound systems02:20
acuI want to convert a .rm (real media video) to any other video format (preferably 3g2 - o 3gp but can be wmv or other format - can ayone tell me some ways to do that ?02:20
FalkmanHey everyone, so does ubuntu come out at midnight tonight? or at some random time?02:21
=== Juano is now known as juano__
StarnestommyFalkman: there is no exact time02:21
kelvin911dont know why i can not play rtcw anymore02:21
bazhangFalkman: read the /topic02:21
snikerFalkman: Depends on what timezone you are in. ;) But check the topic. There is no exact time02:21
pleaehlepis there anyway to find a wireless access point's mac address?02:21
jhoc2x_how to mount the ipod? (i have the cables plugged in.. at first the drive icon shows at desktop, but recently i can't see it.. i check it on /var/logs/msgs >>> it has line where the usb is detected.. any idea??02:21
Marfisniker, its already past 1PM GMT   =P02:21
kelvin911after i install update to wine 0.9.58 i can not play rtcw anymore02:21
bazhangonly 12 more hours of 'read the topic'02:21
crimsunpleaehlep: iwlist, iwconfig, etc.02:22
kelvin911i uninstall 0.9.58, delete ,wine dir02:22
Marfibut they are working their asses off, to bring us yet another wonerful release02:22
AutoMatriXcan someone tell me how to synchronise my cellular phone (Nokia6610) with evolution via IRDA ????02:22
jhoc2x_kelvin911: what is rtcw?02:22
kelvin911reinstall 0.9.46 that is in ubuntu repos i still cant run it02:22
AutoMatriXor can someone send mi a link wher to search02:22
kelvin911return to castle wolfenstein02:22
cordenguys just want to ask, what version of ubutnu mostly of you currently using? cause here in our office we still use 6.10 and i want to suggest to move to 7.04 or 7.10. tnx02:22
jhoc2x_i see..02:22
* AutoMatriX lost nearly alll of his hair and the rest got grey02:22
bazhangcorden: likely gutsy02:23
jhoc2x_how to mount the ipod? (i have the cables plugged in.. at first the drive icon shows at desktop, but recently i can't see it.. i check it on /var/logs/msgs >>> it has line where the usb is detected.. any idea??02:23
kelvin911i shouldnt upgrade the wine02:23
gaspipe1bazhang: u ever run itunes with wine?02:23
kelvin911now something screw up02:23
gaspipe1zash: i don't have it jailbroke02:23
kelvin911games are slow in new wine02:23
cordenoic bazhang, that would help.02:23
bazhanggaspipe1: never found the need as I have no iPhone and iPods work fine with (Hardy)02:23
pleaehlepin iwlist what do i put for [last]?02:23
cordenand one other thing, anyone of you using sony ercisson's themes creator?02:24
snikerMarfi: Yeah, well. He asked if it came out at midnight or at any other random time, and since we don't know his timezone, we can't know what is midnight for him. ;P02:24
twistageAnyone know why clicking Conky selects multiple items on my desktop?02:24
jaymacdonaldIs this the opensource version of windows yes?02:25
pleaehlepin iwlist command what do i put in for [last]?02:25
pleaehlepand what does it mean02:25
bazhangjaymacdonald: funny but offtopic02:25
gaspipe1bazhang: i hear ya... I am just wondering about this iphone02:25
Dr_willistwistage,  clicking conky? You mean clicking on the conky output on the desktop?02:25
SeaPhorXFLXFLXFL, you still there?02:25
twistageDr_willis: Yeah02:26
ng0ni love the nick - twistage02:26
bazhang!appdb | gaspipe1 you might check here about iTunes02:26
ubotugaspipe1 you might check here about iTunes: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org02:26
arkaniadanyone need help? ask away!02:26
ng0nsounds like me after another Vista wipeout.02:26
gaspipe1bazhang: TY!!02:27
Dr_willistwistage,  why do ya need to click on it? :) conky can act a little weird when used with gnome/kde unless you use some special options witth it and set up gnome/kde right. You might want to check the conky homepage - i think the FAQ has some info on it.02:27
ng0nark: what i need ain't on the menu.02:27
twistageng0n: Thanks, haha02:27
ng0nbut thanks02:27
arkaniadwhats that supposed to mean02:27
arkaniadover my head02:27
bazhangarkaniad: how can I enter chinese characters in firefox skim does not do it thanks02:27
arkaniadfirst of all, why u need chineese chars.02:27
twistageDr_willis: Yeah, i dont know Im just weird like that, bugs like that annoy me02:27
bazhangarkaniad: besides the point; any ideas?02:28
arkaniadif you can find a copy of them somewhere else theres copy n paste02:28
Dr_willistwistage,  the 'allow programs to draw desktop' setting i think is  one of the settings you have to tweak.02:28
U9527bazhang, what is skim, why not scim02:28
U9527!info skim02:28
ubotuskim (source: skim): smart common input method platform for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 1.4.5-2ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 1238 kB, installed size 2688 kB02:28
bazhangarkaniad: no idea then?02:28
arkaniadbazhang: no, not really02:28
MagicFabSpanish speaking users: Celebrando Ubuntu 8.04 ? Unete a otros hispanos en el canal #ubuntu-release-party-es02:28
bazhangthanks any way arkaniad02:29
pleaehlepin iwlist command what do i put in for [last]?02:29
U9527bazhang, why cannot you input in ff02:29
TwinX!es | MagicFab02:29
ubotuMagicFab: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.02:29
arkaniadbazhang: i am not totally helpful :( i have only been using ubuntu for maybe a week02:29
bazhangU9527: my question exactly ;]02:29
iusegnulinuxkubuntu 8.04 uses kde-4 ?02:29
Starnestommypleaehlep: [last] is optional optional02:29
Starnestommy(with one "optional", not 2)02:30
arkaniadiusegnulinux: in Kubuntu KDE Remix02:30
arvind_khadriiusegnulinux, yea02:30
twistageBah whats the shortcut for the run window?02:30
malociteI want to add a word to the front of every filename in a directory (from the console) can someone tell me how to do that?02:30
ganymedehow can i control which font gtk falls back to for displaying east asian characters like chinese, japanese, and korean? the font i'd like to use in that case is different from the font i'd like to use for latin characters02:30
U9527bazhang, how come? can you show a picture02:30
mawcan vesa drivers in xorg.conf support dual display?02:30
Starnestommytwistage: alt+f202:30
twistageStarnestommy: ah thanks02:30
cropicDo you Ubuntu?02:30
pleaehlepwhat does [essid nnn] mean? nnn means what?02:30
arkaniadguys, imm gonna do some pushups02:30
Starnestommypleaehlep: the name of the wireless network02:31
bazhangU9527: thanks; I'll figure it out--too busy helping here I guess to solve my own problems ;]02:31
Starnestommypleaehlep: because it's between [ and ], it's optional02:31
arkaniadDoes anyone use Yakuake>02:31
Dr_willisarkaniad,  yes - its very popular with a lot of KDE users.02:31
U9527bazhang, no one forced you to help02:32
arkaniadDr_willis: hey, i use Gnome, :)02:32
bazhangcropic: is that your really ubuntu support question?02:32
cropichehe I don't have ubuntu02:32
bazhangU9527: too true ;] more of an obsession really02:32
arkaniadcropic: that is off topic02:32
Dr_willisarkaniad,  theres a similer progam for gnome i recall.02:32
bazhangcropic: why are you here then02:32
cropicI know, I'm really not supposed to be in here.02:33
arkaniadcropic: cropic, dont be off topic :E02:33
DevourerWhat are the text files with ~ at the end of their name for?02:33
StarnestommyDevourer: they're backups created by some text editors02:33
arkaniadDr_willis: meh, idc, as long as i have my Quake style...02:33
DevourerStarnestommy, isn't that a bit messy, shouldn't they be deleted?02:33
arkaniadDr_willis: hit f12 and do my apt-get addiction! :D02:33
ninjaslimwhen i try to run miro on ubuntu, i get this error http://www.pastebin.ca/99533002:33
ninjaslimwhat's goin gon here02:33
Dr_willisarkaniad,  i always have a dozen terminals open anyway.02:34
U9527bazhang, any idea when ?02:34
=== THCJesus is now known as KronicLord
arkaniadanyone here not know how to compile source?02:34
cordenguy how do i get Gstreamer 0.8 within gutsy? since it uses Gstreamer 0.1002:34
arkaniadcroden: why downgrade?02:35
arvind_khadriarkaniad, yeah but try to get a .deb02:35
=== THCJesus is now known as KronicLord
trevmy computer is running mad hot and heating up the room im in, it has a 2.67ghz P4, is there any way i can make it run cooler,like temporarely underclock it?02:35
U9527arkaniad, ./configure make make install02:35
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)02:35
arkaniadarvind_khadri: or instead of make install use checkinstall -d02:35
cordenbecause sony ericsson's themes creator uses GStreamer 0.802:35
Invert314oh boy02:35
sadmin_hello, first time linux user here.. running gos02:35
arvind_khadriarkaniad, thats make check and then make install02:36
arkaniadcorden: virtualization?02:36
bazhangU9527: sorry missed your question02:36
JPSmanelisboa: what is a native Linux driver?02:36
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots02:37
RyanPriorJPSman: It's a Linux driver which runs in the kernel, rather than via a hack like ndiswrapper.02:37
cordenmaybe but native would be good. is there any way i can add it to the repo so that i can install it from there?02:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about info - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:37
sadmin_how do i add a program to the gos dock?02:37
=== THCJesus is now known as KronicLord
arkaniaddrag - drop02:38
arkaniadloke OSX02:38
RyanPriorsadmin_: This is not a gOS support room, sorry.02:38
ninjaslimwhen i try to run miro on ubuntu, i get this error http://www.pastebin.ca/99533002:38
sadmin_ok, thanks anyway02:38
ninjaslimwhat's goin gon here02:38
arkaniadtry possibly #gos02:38
arkaniadon freenode02:38
RyanPriorarkaniad: We're on Freenode, so that goes without saying. :-)02:38
arkaniad:D me so stupid02:38
JPSmanRyanPrior: how effective if ndiswrapper?  and will it clash with the newest drivers (when they fix the rt2x00 driver bugs in 2.6.24-16) ?02:39
Dante123I have monitor, keyboard, mouse and all that....just looking for PC.  Also I have a pci-e card (nvidia 7600 gs) I would pop in if it is better than integrated video that comes with pc.  I would like to spend under 400 dollars canadian......please check out local retailer and tell me what system catches your eye in my price range at http://www.canadacomputers.com/computers/02:39
Dante123I plan on using ubuntu on it02:39
ninjaslimarkaniad: is that for me02:39
arkaniadninjalism: what?02:39
zero__hey, i installed kubuntu desktop, how do i remove it?02:39
RyanPriorJPSman: for many wireless cards ndiswrapper is the only option, and it works well for many people. That being said, native drivers are nicer, so go with an Intel or Atheros card if you can.02:39
ubotuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:40
arkaniadsudo apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop02:40
zero__I've tried to remove it using these instructions: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome02:40
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:40
zero__arkaniad, it didnt work02:40
RyanPriorDante123: We don't support computer hardware or make recommendations here. You could try asking in ##hardware02:40
arkaniadwhat version of ubuntu02:41
ubotuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection02:41
Dante123ok, sorry.02:41
arkaniaddapper? edgy? feisty? gutsy? hardy?02:41
arkaniadzero__: what version of ubuntu02:41
=== twistage is now known as Twistage
FFEMTcJhow can i tell if im using x86 or x6402:42
denaliAnyone here use a Logitech LX3 mouse?02:42
StarnestommyFFEMTcJ: uname -m02:42
zashzero__: remove all dependencies of kubuntu-desktop. but what do you want to have after that?02:42
arkaniadFFEMTcJ: what kind of proscessor u have02:42
FFEMTcJarkaniad: its a intel quad core02:42
arkaniadFFEMTcJ: im pretty sure that is 3202:43
Daisuke_Idothen it's 64 bit02:43
arkaniadwell, im pretty sure im wrong!02:43
secleinteerhi, does anyone know if any big bugs have been found in the hardy rc? i'm thinking about dling/installing it right now, but i can wait if there's going to be a big difference in tomorrow's release02:43
Daisuke_Idocore 2 quad?02:43
=== AutoMatriX_ is now known as AutoMatriX
InYourBaseFFEMTcJ: run `uname -a`02:43
arkaniadsecleinteer: just wait till tomorrow. just 1 day? is that so bad?02:43
=== IntrepidOne is now known as HardyOne
n-iCeHello anyone to help me out? it's a webcam issue02:44
arvind_khadrin-iCe, is it a debian kernel??02:44
ApOgEE-did i still use compiz if i turn to none on visual effects?02:44
n-iCearvind_khadri,  I think so, Ubuntu 7.1002:44
ubotuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras02:45
secleinteerarkaniad: yes, it is :/02:45
secleinteeri feel like installing today :P02:45
StarnestommyApOgEE-: I think it's metacity instead of compiz in that case02:45
Jack_Sparrowsecleinteer, Install today, update tomorrow02:45
arvind_khadrin-iCe, i mean did you get a new kernel02:45
arkaniadsecleinteer: it should be stable enough02:45
TwistageMy resolution is stuck @ 1024x768 after plugging in my TV and then removing it, is there a way to fix it?02:45
arkaniadsecleinteer: there will be updates availible if you find bugs :D02:45
secleinteerarkaniad: well someone in the kubuntu channel said that there's a new kernel02:45
FFEMTcJty all02:45
secleinteeris that going to be a big deal?02:45
n-iCearvind_khadri,  this is the uname -a , Linux lucia-laptop 2.6.22-14-generic #1 SMP Tue Feb 12 07:42:25 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux02:46
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arkaniadsecleinteer: just jump in, you never know till you try!02:46
egghead2just installed a netmos 9820 chipset dual port serial pci card, card is seen, but i want to change the irq and port address of the com ports, where would i look or what file do i edit to make these changes?02:46
gogeta2 hrs to go woot02:46
arvind_khadrin-iCe, ok this is our kernel02:46
arkaniadsecleinteer: feel free to hunt me down if it goes wrong02:46
gaspipe1bazhang: that link u sent was/is great02:46
MrObviousgogeta: For what?02:46
MrObviousTwistage: Check xorg.conf?02:46
Jack_Sparrown-iCe, so you are not running ubuntu02:46
secleinteerarkaniad: well i suppose it can't be worse than the gentoo install i have on that computer right now ;)02:46
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secleinteeri've just about it had it with that02:47
ApOgEE-i'm having problem to run blender. #blendercoder ask me to turn off compiz. how to do that?02:47
bazhanggaspipe1: did that help? nice ;]02:47
MrObviousgogeta: You mean it will be relelased in 2 hours?02:47
linkinxpso when its the time to release it???02:47
arkaniadsecleinteer: i prefer debian based, i am addicted to apt-get like heroin02:47
Jack_Sparrowno time is set..02:47
sjovanwhat do i need to get png's smaller?02:47
linkinxpand no updates??02:47
gaspipe1bazhang: yeah.. now i'm gonna try and install it... never did this with wine b402:47
StarnestommyApOgEE-: set the desktop effects to "none"02:47
linkinxpi havent got anything within  8 hours02:47
cirkitAnyone know how to get network manager applet back in the gnome panel? It doesn't seem to be in the panel applet list02:47
OrbixxAnyone know why manual connection with WiFi needs to be reconfigured on every startup to work?02:48
MrObviousI'm downloading the RC now.02:48
MrObviousShould I just wait 2 hours?02:48
linkinxpOrbixx,  yes i wonder the same questions02:48
secleinteerarkaniad: i realized how much portage sucked very quickly ;)02:48
arkaniadcirkit: it is in the repos in add/remove.02:48
ApOgEE-Starnestommy: is that all?02:48
n-iCeJack_Sparrow,  Well that's the reply I Installed it using the original ubuntu cd02:48
arvind_khadriOrbixx, thats your resolv.conf02:48
StarnestommyApOgEE-: yes02:48
arkaniadsecleinteer: i would not have a non-deb handling distro and use it regularly.02:48
Orbixxarvind_khadri: Care to elaborate a little?02:48
Jack_Sparrown-iCe, in term do this    lsb_release -a02:48
linkinxpplease arvind_khadri02:49
OrbixxMy DNS servers are correct and do not need altering.02:49
CJS3141What is the relationship (if any) between using System > Administration > Software Sources, or adding repositories directly to the /etc/apt/sources.list file?02:49
Deathserverhow do i uninstall flash ... sry im new to ubuntu and this terminal thing flash messed up a few site's and now i cant see links, i think its something to do with fonts ?02:49
OrbixxIt is just a static IP address that I require.02:49
bcnaatHow do I enter a pgp key in evolution so I can read the encrypted message from launchpad?02:49
n-iCethere you go, Distributor ID: Ubuntu02:49
n-iCeDescription:    Ubuntu 7.1002:49
linkinxpCJS3141,  text based and GUI02:49
arvind_khadriOrbixx, on every restart resolv.conf gets re setted to an older value02:49
MrObviousarkaniad: I know PCLOS uses apt-get with RPMs. That's pretty cool.02:49
thinkingfroghello all02:49
linkinxparvind_khadri,  where is that file?02:49
linkinxpthinkingfrog,  hi02:49
sdakakToday is 24th. Even at UTC. when people? when?02:49
arvind_khadriOrbixx, linkinxp /etc/resolv.conf02:49
sjovanedit: what do i need to compress *.png? the pics takes to much space now02:49
linkinxparvind_khadri,  thanks02:49
arkaniadMrObvious: apt-rpm? way cool02:49
Orbixxarvind_khadri: There has only been one value in resolv.conf02:49
Dr_willis'The official release will happen when it happens, there is no set time for  it to magicially appear on all the servers/mirrors'02:50
ubotuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)02:50
Starnestommysdakak: there is no set time.  It can be any time between now and tomorrow02:50
MrObviousarkaniad: No, apt-get with RPMs.02:50
sdakakStarnestommy: ok.02:50
arkaniadMrObvious: i just said that to make a point02:50
MrObviousStarnestommy: Which time zone?02:50
arvind_khadriOrbixx, linkinxp to make that file permanent you need to use resolvconf package02:50
ubotuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)02:50
cirkitarkaniad: "Add to this panel", network manager does not show up in the list to add it to the panel .. it's installed.02:50
arkaniadjust some bkgd info02:50
Leonidas_hello everyone02:51
arvind_khadriOrbixx, when you set dns values into the "netwrok-admin" the values will be entered in that file02:51
CJS3141linkinxp: So if I add extra sources to the sources.list file, will Synaptic also be able to access those repositories?02:51
arkaniadcirkit: idk?!02:51
linkinxpCJS3141,  i guess yes!02:51
aficionadowhen will the official 8.04 iso be uploaded to servers?02:51
Deathserverif any one gets a sec to help id be gratefull02:51
Orbixxarvind_khadri: Yes, I know.02:51
Jack_SparrowCJS3141, yes, but be careful about adding unsupported repos02:51
arkaniadcirkit: i dont think i have ever used it...02:51
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arkaniadcirkit: re install it02:51
linkinxparvind_khadri,  so thats a package!?02:51
extorDoes anyone here use nginx for perl or php hosting?02:51
Leonidas_I have a couple of problems with boot up.  It seems that my machine takes a while to boot up, can anyone lend a hand?02:52
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arvind_khadriOrbixx, so for making the change permanent use the package...and then edit /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base02:52
justnutsorbixx, if u r using dhcp client ...modify ur /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf and add "prepend domain-name-servers $ip1 $ip2"02:52
CJS3141Jack_Sparrow: OK, and when I use the "Software Sources" program, does it modify the sources.list file or does it have its own file somewhere?02:52
Orbixxjustnuts: I'm configured with static.02:52
eidowhat does a file mean that appears #blah_blah# when performing ls, is this really a file?02:52
Jack_SparrowLeonidas_, remove splash from the command line.. see if that helps02:52
tale_does anybody know if you can upgrade a 6.06 server directly to 8.04 server, since they are both LTS releases?02:52
Deathserverdoes gnash work with ubuntu02:52
Orbixxarvind_khadri: Could I not just make it unwritable?02:52
arkaniadtale_: possibly02:53
Jack_SparrowCJS3141, it modifies the same file02:53
linkinxparvind_khadri,  the other problem its when i boot up it connects to my wireless and the disconnects until the 3 or 4th time then it stays02:53
n-iCeIm downloading easycam02:53
Leonidas_I don't have splash to begin with02:53
Starnestommyeido: it is, but I think it's a backup file left behind by a text editor02:53
danbhfivetale_: you are supposed to be able to02:53
Dr_willistale_,  thats 'supposed' to be doable  i recall.02:53
StarnestommyDeathserver: yes02:53
Deathserverty is it better then flash02:53
arvind_khadriOrbixx, that wont be a good thing02:53
eidoStarnestommy: ty02:53
arkaniadtale_: i recall seeing a guide,02:53
danbhfivetale_: i think it you enable the updates repo, it will happen02:53
Leonidas_Jack_Sparrow i have to hit ctrl + alt + F1 to get keep the boot process going02:53
Jack_Sparrowtale_, It is supposed to work.. but this is the first time02:53
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes02:53
CJS3141Jack_Sparrow: Great. And what dangers are you alluding to when you say to be careful about adding unsupported repositories?02:53
orkidNetworkManager sucks, get used to it ;002:53
Orbixxarvind_khadri: Can you give me an example command with resolvconf, please?02:54
Leonidas_Jack_Sparrow it says something about a bios error02:54
tale_I know that upgrading is typically only supported if you upgrade sequentially, but I'm not sure if LTS releases are different02:54
Jack_SparrowLeonidas_, remove quiet from boot line and see where it is hanging02:54
arvind_khadriOrbixx, the way  i suggested is official ubuntu forums one02:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hardyupgrades - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:54
Deathserverand if so how to uninstall flash i ran the script supplied to install02:54
Leonidas_where is that file at?02:54
arvind_khadriOrbixx, example as in what02:54
Leonidas_Jack_Sparrow where is that boot file at?02:54
Dr_willistale_,  i belive one of their goals was to have easy upgrading from the lts to lts releases.. but ive not tested it.. and no of no one else that has done so,02:54
Orbixxarvind_khadri: resolvconf --example02:54
Jack_SparrowCJS3141, You can completely trash your system simply by adding debian repos,  even though we are debian based..02:54
tale_Dr_willis,  thanks.  Do you remember where this is documented?  I'm looking for some docs.02:55
arkaniadDr_willis: it is very easy i recall02:55
Jack_SparrowLeonidas_, /boot/grub/menu.lst02:55
ubotuUbuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!02:55
arkaniadtale_: go to ubuntu site and search HardyUpgrades. its in there02:55
n-iCeeasycam didn't work, anything else?02:55
ApOgEE-which window manager is good for my hp nx9010 to run blender?02:55
Leonidas_Jack_Sparrow ok let me try that02:55
ApOgEE-is it beryl?02:55
kelvin911for some reason i got rtcw working again02:55
ubotuBeryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz02:55
StarnestommyApOgEE-: metacity02:55
Dr_willisApOgEE-,  i doubt if you will want the compiz/eyecandy when running blender. :)02:56
arvind_khadriOrbixx, the package resolvconf sets the daemon onto itself...to edit it sudo vim /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base02:56
Deathserverany ideas on uninstalling flash im sure its easy <ihope>02:56
kelvin911how to generate wine menu?02:56
OrbixxWeird, the repos are screwing up.02:56
arkaniadDr_willis: can anyone say Slow?02:56
OrbixxI think Ubuntu 8.04 is about to be released...02:56
CJS3141Jack_Sparrow: Really? I believe I've downloaded and used some debian software no problem--I mean .deb files for instance. Are the debian repositories different?02:56
Dr_willisarkaniad,  i was thinking more of 'buggy' :)02:56
Jack_Sparrowkelvin911, /join #Winehq02:56
kelvin911i did join02:56
kelvin911they said this is distro problem02:57
StarnestommyCJS3141: they are very different02:57
n-iCeeasycam didn't work, anything else? how Can I install my webcam02:57
kelvin911i dont knwo02:57
arkaniadPEople of ubuntu i dont have to download, i ordered CD's!02:57
arvind_khadrismith, hi02:57
Leonidas_Jack_Sparrow , so just remove the word 'quiet' or the whole phrase 'quiet splash'02:57
kelvin911but i can live with terminal to open the game in wine02:57
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Jack_SparrowCJS3141, Yes, as the factoid says, they are different and should not be used if you want to keep a stable system.. some will work, some will trash your os..02:57
smithanyone here use Ubuntu Studio, or anyone have a comment on it?02:57
Marfikelvin911, shell script? =)02:57
CyberCodI've used it02:57
arkaniadsmith: it is KOOLIO!02:57
Marfiits Jack_Sparrow!!! *waves*02:57
Jack_SparrowLeonidas_, You told me earlier you already removed splash02:57
mohbanawhat time is ubuntu going to be released?02:57
Jack_SparrowMarfi, Howdy...02:58
kelvin911how to write shell script?02:58
arkaniadsmith: think ubuntu multimedia producer style02:58
Starnestommymohbana: between now and tomorrow02:58
kelvin911is it similar to batch file in dos?02:58
Jack_Sparrowkelvin911, /join #Bash02:58
Flannelmohbana: #ubuntu-release-party02:58
Dr_williskelvin911,  fire up a text editor and start wriging.02:58
U9527arkaniad, shame on you, why not burn a cd yourself02:58
Starnestommykelvin911: similar, but the syntax is very different02:58
ubotuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras02:58
kelvin911do i put those command in that file?02:58
Dr_williskelvin911,  basicially. Bash is documented all over the place. Check out the Advanced-bash-scripting-guide02:58
arkaniadU9527: cause i dont need it desperately02:58
smithin class I work on MAC photoshop, etc, how does it compare (I plan on it being my profession)02:58
pznHi. I'm using ubuntu gutsy. gnome-power-manager shows the battery icon as it should; however, I got no notify messages when batt is low. any hints about hot to enable notify "popups"?02:58
CyberCodsmith:  its pretty cool, but I wish they had taken the time to split up the audio and video categories in the menu... there's just so dang many of em,02:58
Leonidas_Jack_Sparrow, I thought you meant splash as in the "ubuntu splash" picture while the system is loading.  It has never been there since day one02:58
CJS3141Starnestommy, Jack_Sparrow: OK, so is it unsafe to install .deb files?02:58
kelvin911cd ~/.wine/whateverthedir02:58
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kelvin911then wine game.exe?02:59
OrbixxMy mistake, perhaps not.02:59
tekteenkelvin911: yes02:59
Dr_williskelvin911,  thats about the basics of it.02:59
Jack_SparrowCJS3141, no we use debs.. but not all debs are created equal02:59
Orbixxkelvin911: Understand that wine is never guaranteed with any games.02:59
kelvin911i know02:59
kelvin911i tested rtcw works02:59
OrbixxGood luck, however.02:59
tombar_anyone here using openvpn can lend me a hand, i cant create my Ca certificates to continue the tutorial im following02:59
kelvin911works really fine02:59
ApOgEE-can i use apt-get to install metacity?02:59
kelvin911i can play in highest setting with no lag at all02:59
arkaniadpardon me i f im being racist - WIN BLOWS02:59
Jack_SparrowApOgEE-, yes03:00
kelvin911i also tried vice city03:00
RyanPriorApOgEE-: Metacity is installed on Ubuntu by default.03:00
StarnestommyApOgEE-: it's installed by default if you're using gnome03:00
CyberCodsmith:  as I haven't used a Mac in that capacity, I can't really say03:00
kelvin911but the cars in vice city are so dark03:00
RyanPrior!windows | arkaniad03:00
ubotuarkaniad: For discussion and help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubotu equivalents03:00
smithcybercod:  ok, what about photoshop etc, in general03:00
Dr_willis!appdb | kelvin91103:00
ApOgEE-metacity is already the newest version.03:00
ubotukelvin911: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org03:00
kelvin911i never try photoshop03:00
arkaniadguys, press winkey-m and n, it makes colors funky03:00
kelvin911i maybe later03:00
egghead2just installed serial port pci card, card is seen, i need to change the irq and port addy or the ports, is there a config file i can edit?03:01
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Leonidas_Jack_Sparrow so should I just get rid of 'ro quiet splash' ?03:01
irelinquishhey wheres the best place to put files accesable to two usernames?03:01
kelvin911i tried san andeas, but san andreas isnt playing as smooth as in xp03:01
irelinquishbesides a seperate partition?03:01
=== lol is now known as gogeta
RyanPriorirelinquish: on a USB drive.03:01
CyberCodsmith:  for high end stuff, I hear GIMP is right up there, the only thing that is missing is the printer color modes... (cmyk or something like that)03:01
tekteenirelinquish: or in /home/share03:01
Orbixxkelvin911: I have San Andreas, I'll have to give it a go sometime.03:01
CJS3141Jack_Sparrow: OK, so how do I know when it is safe to install a .deb file? Is there any way of knowing?03:01
twistageDoes Ubuntu support live switching to external displays? or does it have to be set on boot?03:01
irelinquishok awesome tekteen03:01
tekteenirelinquish: there is no good way03:01
Flanneltwistage: It does03:01
Jack_SparrowLeonidas_, from gui gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst        gksudo will allow you to write the changes03:01
RyanPriorirelinquish: There is a way to create a "shared folder", but it's kinda tricky.03:01
arkaniadfor linux on a flash drive /debian based\ try DSL,03:02
kelvin911Orbixx: u seen the superman in san andreas?03:02
smiththank you cybercod, I am sure there are plug-ins which fix that problem (in dev or out)03:02
tekteenirelinquish: make a folder and make sure they can edit it03:02
RyanPriorirelinquish: You'll have to set the sticky bit so that new files inherit the parent folder's permissions.03:02
ApOgEE-any other window manager instead of metacity that is plain but can help me running blender on my hp nx9010?03:02
irelinquishi like to have a kdeusername and a gnome username03:02
Jack_Sparrowkelvin911, please stay on topic.. none of this is support related03:02
CyberCodsmith:  there is rumor that photoshop may be coming to linux natively before too long, and there is also the option of installing the next-to-last version in crossover03:02
twistageFlannel: How do you set it up? It doesn't recognize it automatically, and i was playing with the display settings to no evail.03:02
irelinquishi'll figure it out03:02
Leonidas_Jack_Sparrow right, I've gotten that far, I just don't know exactly what to erase under the first Ubuntu menu entry03:02
irelinquishthanks you guys03:02
RyanPriorirelinquish: Good luck.03:02
StarnestommyApOgEE-: fluxbox, fvwm, windowmaker, enlightenment, afterstep, and several others03:02
Jack_SparrowLeonidas_, remove quiet and splash03:02
Flanneltwistage: If you wait until Hardy comes out, it'll be much, much easier and straight forward.03:02
irelinquishthanks ryanprior03:03
twistageFlannel: Alright sounds good03:03
Leonidas_Jack_Sparrow alright I'll give it a try03:03
smithI am building a 780g, amd 5000+be, 2gb of ram computer, where can I find info to see if hardware will not work?03:03
CyberCodsmith: those tools are available in regular Ubuntu as well though... UbuntuStudio focuses mainly on the audio stuff03:03
ubotuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection03:03
irelinquishsmith live cd03:03
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots03:03
CyberCodand much of that is hard to deal with because "jack" is such a pain.03:03
kelvin911how to generate the wine menu in UBUNTU main menu?03:03
smithi am not interested in audio03:04
CyberCodthe next version should be better for audio with the Pulse audio put in03:04
Jack_Sparrowkelvin911, /join #Winehq03:04
sdakakCould you recommend doku or moin over mediawiki for a small newsletter project that will have 500 people working at most and which will require page permissions, and other non-wiki features extensively?03:04
thinkingfrogKelvin:  cool nickname03:04
OrbixxHow do I force Thunderbird to display images from any sender?03:04
smithbut Ubuntu Studio looks much better, can it be applied to normal ubuntu?03:04
kelvin911main menu is ubuntu business not winehq03:04
CyberCodsmith:  I suggest just getting Ubuntu Hardy Heron (IF IT EVER COMES OUT!!!)  and installing the art apps as you see fit.03:04
tekteenOrbixx: I do not suggest it03:04
kelvin911guy told me to come here and ask03:05
Jack_Sparrow!themes > smith03:05
smithOn this computer (the one im on) ubuntu does not work right, the resolution is messed up03:05
StarnestommyCyberCod: it will come out within the next few hours03:05
Dr_williskelvin911,  the wine program gerneates the various .desktop files. there is no app to 'regernate' them as far as i know03:05
macdsmith, you can use the studio theme stuff with ubuntu03:05
CyberCodsmith:  also, look into Blender... if you do any 3D type artwork03:05
tekteenOrbixx: you ready to receive alot of spam?03:05
Dr_williskelvin911,   use the menu editor and make  your own i guess.03:05
kelvin911why installing wine wont generate those thing again?03:05
Jack_Sparrow!res > smith03:05
Orbixxtekteen: I already do, it's filtered very well.03:05
CJS3141Jack_Sparrow: I know your busy, but if you have time for one last question--how do I determine if it is safe to install a given .deb program/file?03:05
Dr_williskelvin911,  installing WINE wont do anything.. installing an app with wine.. should make a menu item for that app03:05
CyberCodStarnestommy: I'm not trippin... its still the 23rd here... ;)03:05
arkaniadquick ques, anyone have a quick apt command to remove evolution and install thundirbird?03:06
DamjanekHi. Does anyone has an idea, how to get an information if power supply is in redundant mode in IBM BladeCenter via SNMP?03:06
kelvin911but i install app and menu didnt come up03:06
gonzoBuenas alguien sabra la direccion de irc de ubuntu venezuela???03:06
macdCJS3141, if its in the ubuntu repos, chances are its fine, if its a 3rd party deb, its at your own risk03:06
Jack_SparrowCJS3141, if it is not from our repos.. you take your chances and roll the dice.. have a system backup03:06
Dr_williskelvin911,  try logging out/back in.03:06
kelvin911do i need to add an item manually there?03:06
Starnestommyarkaniad: sudo apt-get install mozilla-thunderbird03:06
smiththank you for your help.  Could someone please repost hardware compatibility, I lost it.  THanks03:06
owen1i installed xubuntu-desktop. is it risky to get rid of gnome (apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop)?03:06
kelvin911i did log out back in many times03:06
Leonidas_Jack_Sparrow well that definitely worked, doesn't hang at boot at all, thank you very much.  I have one more problem maybe you can help?03:06
kelvin911reboot many time03:06
RyanPrior!hardware | Starnestommy03:06
ubotuStarnestommy: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection03:06
tekteenarkaniad: sudo apt-get remove evolution; sudo apt-get install mozilla-thunderbird03:06
Deathserverwhat fonts do i need to install to get flash working right03:06
twistageWhats up with Hardy including a Beta version of Firefox?03:07
smithok, thank you cybercod, bye03:07
jiraiagonzo try #ubuntu-es03:07
Jack_SparrowLeonidas_, will try.. but you take your life in your hands03:07
RyanPriorDeathserver: Flash should work fine with the default fonts.03:07
Dr_williskelvin911,  guess you make your own icon then.03:07
CJS3141macd, Jack_Sparrow: OK, thanks so much for the help! Cheers... :)03:07
kelvin911i try also all methods mention here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=63209003:07
CyberCodadios mr smith03:07
Jack_SparrowCJS3141, np03:07
kelvin911cant get it back03:07
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gustavo_hey, I am using Kopete. can I try to use my webcam with one of you?03:07
Orbixxtekteen: Still there?03:07
ironic_isnt_itim having some trouble when connecting to irc. im using ubuntu 7.10 and xchat is my irc client. first its saying couldnt lookup host name and 2nd no identd (auth) response03:08
kelvin911i mean here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=59441003:08
Jack_Sparrowtwistage, they have obvioulsy have tested the beta enough to include it03:08
tekteenOrbixx: can't find it :-(... still looking03:08
Orbixxtekteen: I have been, too. Weird.03:08
=== maurio is now known as NeoPsychic
sp3_may someone please help me?03:08
kelvin911please read http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=59441003:08
arkaniadwho wants HARDY!!!03:08
ubotusp3_: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)03:08
CyberCodsp3_: whats the issue?03:08
Orbixxtekteen: Don't worry. I'll just stick to selecting trusted recepients as and when they mail me.03:09
Orbixxtekteen: Thanks for looking, though.03:09
gonzoalguien habla español03:09
Starnestommy!es | gonzo03:09
ubotugonzo: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.03:09
ironic_isnt_itso can someone help me out with this?03:09
ubotuYou can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html03:09
gustavo_hey, I am using Kopete. can I try to use my webcam with one of you?03:09
=== maurio is now known as NeoPsychic
sp3_if i install ubuntu on virtual machine(virtual box)..u know where it says to chooose how much ram you want to give it? well..will i get all my ram back when im not using the virtualmachine?03:09
Leonidas_Jack_Sparrow lol.  Well, my laptop couldn't get the desktop effects working, I run 7.10.  it said the composite can't be enable, or something like that.  well I got it working after editing xorg.conf and installing some type of x program...03:09
arkaniad!offtopic | gustavo:03:09
ubotugustavo:: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!03:09
Katherineanyone know what time Hardy Heron is "officially" released?03:09
backtickironic_isnt_it: i use a different program but usually that means you didn't set "Ident" in settings.. so try to look for it03:09
Starnestommysp3_: when the virtual machine is closed, you will get the RAM back03:10
tc111 i'm so tired of searching... i need a linux boot manager utility (preferably easy-to-use) for creating a selection list of which partition to boot on a pendrive (flashdrive, usbstick, thumbdrive, etc...). any recommendation?03:10
CyberCodsp3_ yes you will03:10
Jack_SparrowLeonidas_, ok.. xgl perhaps03:10
arkaniadgustavo: kind of random03:10
Deathserverwell some sites after installing flash wont show links its just black03:10
arkaniadtc111: Grub.03:10
StarnestommyKatherine: there is no official time.  It will be released before the 25th, though03:10
ironic_isnt_itand do i possibly need to forward a port?03:10
Leonidas_Jack_Sparrow the thing is is that I don't want xgl anymore because it seems to make my laptop run poorly.  Is that possible?03:10
marcelmy 435gb partition with all my work on it is marked as unallocated in gparted, i need it back now03:10
fserveos[Linux 2.6.24-16-generic i686] distro[Ubuntu 8.04] cpu[1 x Intel(R) Celeron(R) M processor         1.60GHz (GenuineIntel) @ 1.60GHz] mem[Physical: 1.5GB, 79.8% free] disk[Total: 36.3GB, 22.4% free] video[VIA Technologies, Inc. UniChrome Pro IGP] sound[VIA8237 - VIA 82371: VIA82XX-MODEM - VIA 82XX modem]03:10
fserveim running it.03:10
Katherineso it could eb any time tomorrow03:10
marcelcan someone help me a lil?03:11
tc111arkaniad: easy to use???03:11
arkaniadg2g dudes03:11
Starnestommyironic_isnt_it: forward port 113 to your computer and run something like oidentd03:11
CyberCodmarcel   hmmm03:11
d0lphin_n0elis everyone waiting for the new distro ubuntu release? :)03:11
arkaniadtc111: works 4 me03:11
sdakakThe sound in flash videos in my browser stopped working. I can play music files though.03:11
CyberCodmarcel  what is the last thing that happened to it?03:11
tc111arkaniad: link to a good tutorial?03:11
arkaniadtc111: im not much of a USB booter03:11
Jack_SparrowLeonidas_, yes, it does suck up resources....  You should have no problem removing it, but may I suggest you make a stop at /join #Compiz to make sure it isnt something else...03:11
arkaniadtc111: i dont have any tuts,,,,, srry03:11
inevaexistedsdakak your not the only one experiencing that prob03:11
marcelCyberCod, it's a external HDD, i pluged it in, and it was marked as unallocated03:11
timboyterminal redirection isn't working for me... I'm running: ~/cxoffice/bin/wine --debugmsg=all --bottle=NOF10 Fusion.exe > fusion.log and it still displays all in the terminal03:11
sdakakinevaexisted: that is comforting but still not cool.03:11
sdakakinevaexisted: was there a update/03:12
inevaexistednot sure03:12
ironic_isnt_itforward port 113 and install oidentd?03:12
tc111i've got 6 partitions, each with syslinux and an iso image. just need a method to choose which partition to boot03:12
Jack_SparrowLeonidas_, time for dinner...   take care...   everyone else play nice....03:12
CyberCodmarcel:   what was the last system you had it plugged into... this same one?03:13
Starnestommyironic_isnt_it: do you completely time out when conencting?03:13
marcelCyberCod, yes03:13
ironic_isnt_itno i dont think so03:13
gustavo_Hello.....    I am using Kopete. can I try to use my webcam with one of you?03:13
CyberCodmarcel: been close to any big magnets?03:13
marcelCyberCod, and a windows dual boot before that03:13
sdakakHow do I fix the missing sound in flash videos? Other system sounds and music plays fine.03:13
marcelCyberCod, no03:13
Starnestommyironic_isnt_it: the message about identd responses can be ignored if you can connect fine otherwise03:13
ironic_isnt_itat least i havent gotten any time out errors03:13
marcelCyberCod, its been sitting where it is for about 6 months03:13
CyberCodmarcel:   what is the filesystem on it?03:13
marcelCyberCod, NTFS03:14
ironic_isnt_itwell it wont let me on fefnet03:14
CyberCodthere ARE data recovery centers that can take it apart physically and extract your data... but it is costly.  If the data is worth that much trouble and expense, that is the safest option03:14
lekremyelsewbazhang: hey again03:15
lekremyelsewbazhang: what is DosBox supposed to do03:15
n-iCehow can I See by terminal my usb devices names03:15
Starnestommyironic_isnt_it: do you get any other error messages when connecting?03:15
CyberCodmarcel:  in all likelihood, its just the MBR and partition table that got bunked, and the data is still there03:15
marcelCyberCod, i used testdisk and it came up with nothing03:16
lekremyelsewbazhang: u there?03:16
andy_hiya, i`m new to irc so just checking it out03:16
CyberCodif you had a backup of the partition table, (which I'm assuming you don't) you could just restore it... but without knowing EXACTLY what partitions were on it and where they started and ended precicely, you could just ruin all your data03:16
n-iCehow can I See by terminal my usb devices names03:16
inevaexistedsdakak easy fix03:16
andy_anybody out there a C# wiz?03:17
inevaexistedsdakak you need to install the package "libflashsupport" its in the default repo03:17
ironic_isnt_itthose are the only two i see at for this server03:17
ironic_isnt_itare u sure its port 113 chat.freenode.net says 6667?03:18
CyberCodthere is a small utility included with Partition Magic for Windoze that lets you edit the partition table directly... it may be able to get you closer to restoring the proper partition settings.  I don't know what the proper tool would be for linux.  I just use dd to backup and restore mine.  but you can't restore what you don't have backed up03:18
Starnestommyironic_isnt_it: identd uses port 113.03:19
Starnestommyironic_isnt_it: but IRC uses 666703:19
n-iCehow can I See by terminal my usb devices names03:19
Starnestommyn-iCe: lsusb?03:19
marcelCyberCod, Plz tell me i can get it back03:19
ironic_isnt_itok lol sorry so it is 113 i need to forward?03:19
Starnestommyironic_isnt_it: yes03:19
marcelCyberCod, theres some 400+gb of work on that that i simply cant loose03:19
snaski want to set up a high encrypted chat.. but i cant find a good app for it03:20
CyberCodmarcel: you most likely can, if you unplug it right now, package it nicely and send it off to a data center.  If you keep futzing around with it, chances are you will lose it all.  Are you prepared to spend a couple hundred to get your data back?  If so, thats your answer.03:20
tekteensnask: pidgin does encryptions03:20
ironic_isnt_itany idea where id find identd settings for my client?03:20
=== arief is now known as co_pngen_srius
tekteensnask: install pidgin-encryption03:21
marcelCyberCod, any other options?03:21
tekteensnask: then enable it in the plugins menu on pidgin03:21
alfredoanyone knows when 8.04 will be available (date AND TIME) ?03:21
bazhanglekremyelsew: sorry, dosbox is a way to run abandoned dos games--more info at www.abandonia.com03:21
Starnestommyalfredo: sometime between now and tomorrow03:21
CyberCodnone that I know of...  someone else may be able to help if you stick around03:21
marcelok thats my only option then...03:22
fservethe human-murrine theme, that i used in 8.04 alpha403:22
fservehad a orange line03:22
lekremyelsewbazhang: ag, thats not what im looking for, the game that i am trying to do its a Quake based game called nexuiz03:22
CyberCodjust search for Data Recovery Service  in google... should bring you a few.  shop around read reviews03:22
fservelike ubuntustudio have a blue one03:22
snasktekteen, i want a irc-like chat..03:22
fservethat line make the theme look better, but isnt here now : (03:23
tekteensnask: irc can use ssl03:23
Starnestommysnask: you could use ssl with irc, but freenode currently has no ssl03:23
lekremyelsewbazhang: it cant use the axis on the controller to change the camera so i am trying to find a work around03:23
ironic_isnt_itwell im gonna and try those back in a few minutes03:24
smithhello again03:24
tc111CyberCod: testdisk is what you need for linux to recover partitions. just saved my butt by restoring the partition on my 160g drive full of my movies03:24
smithanyone here have a 780g chipset?03:24
cirkitI've reinstalled nm-applet and I don't see it in the Add to this Panel03:24
tc111marcel: testdisk is what you need for linux to recover partitions. just saved my butt by restoring the partition on my 160g drive full of my movies03:24
travist120Which channel is hardy release part on?03:24
CyberCodtc111: thanks I will remember that.. he said he'd already tried that though03:25
marceltc111, can you tell me how exactly you did that?03:25
jitendrai wanted to know if hardy is released03:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hardty - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:25
bazhanglekremyelsew: the gaming section on ubuntuforums might help with that03:25
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - Support in #ubuntu+1 - Come join the #ubuntu-release-party now!03:25
InYourBasecirkit: its not a panel application, hit Alt+f2 and then run nm-applet03:25
alfredocirkit: be sure you are in network group03:25
marceltc111, cause it told me that it wasnt recoverable03:25
lekremyelsewbazhang: mmaky03:25
smithanyone here have amd 780g chipset?03:25
ironic_isnt_itleave #ubuntu03:25
cirkitInYourBase: ahh ... well I'm just trying to get the network manager to show up in the gnome panel03:25
cirkitit got delete from the panel, and I don't see network manager in the Add Panel03:26
smithis vista eye-candy more demanding than ubuntu eye candy?03:26
voradamsg'day all, quick one, is 8.04 realeased midnight GMT or some other time?03:26
InYourBasecirkit: it's not a panel applet, it just puts an icon in the system tray03:26
kelvin911can someone help me?03:26
Odd-rationalevoradams: there is no spcified time03:27
kelvin911i want to manually add wine in main menu i dont know what type and what command for "Programs"03:27
tc111marcel: after realizing the partition table was gone, i didn't use the drive until i found testdisk, mind you, i didn't unmount it either, just didn't use it. ran testdisk against it and it found and restored the partition table. since it was an external, i didn't need to reboot as it said, just unplugged it and plugged it back in... bingo, back in service03:27
voradamsThanks mate.03:27
kelvin911if anyone has wine, can u check?03:27
Odd-rationalevoradams: join the release party @ #ubuntu-release-party03:27
smithanyone know if 780g chipset will work on hardy heron?03:27
backticksnask: http://www.silcnet.org/03:27
arvind_khadrikelvin911, just restart your gdm once03:27
marceltc111, im kind of new to linux is there anywhere you can point me to understand how to use it properly?03:27
kelvin911u mean reboot?03:27
tc111marcel: actually it was a slip of the keyboard by me... sde instead of sdd when wiping a single partition03:28
Faread marcel03:28
Famake sure to turn on a firewal first03:28
arvind_khadrikelvin911, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart03:28
tc111marcel: hold on a sec... i'll get the link...03:28
kelvin911is it the same as reboot?03:28
smithlinux has firewall?03:28
arvind_khadrikelvin911, nope only the X will reboot03:28
smithi know so little...03:28
amenadosmith yes, but with no rulez03:28
smithubuntu seems very complucated03:29
Fai'm waiting for ubuntu 8 to come out03:29
Faone more day03:29
kelvin911u sure sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart wont do anything else?03:29
arvind_khadri!iptables > smith03:29
smithi am not on ubuntu03:29
arvind_khadrikelvin911, 100%03:29
smithit doesnt work on this comp03:29
smithits for other comp03:29
Fait doesn't?03:29
smithno, my video card is gay03:30
smithgeforce 5700ve03:30
Faso is mine03:30
kelvin911what is gdm?03:30
Light-gnome display manager03:30
KWiersognome display manager03:30
smithi dont get any taskbar, menubar, or anything, just a picture03:30
Starnestommykelvin911: it provides the graphical login window and starts and restarts the X server03:30
amenadosmith-> you want to learn linux? http://free-electrons.com/doc/unix_linux_introduction.pdf03:30
kelvin911my display has no problem03:31
tc111marcel: here's the link   http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk03:31
smithyes i do, im sick of keygens and piratiing expensive software03:31
kelvin911i delete my wine menu manually, and i cant get it back even i reinstall wine03:31
smithi have widescreen moniter, and 3 inches of it on the left is just black03:32
smithwhen using ubuntu, odd03:32
cabrioleursmith, change your resolution.03:32
fservesmith, can you change res?03:32
smithi cant access anything03:32
smiththe top menu bar thing is nonexistant03:32
arvind_khadrikelvin911, thats related to your GDM only03:32
kelvin911please see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=594410&page=203:32
Invert314ubuntu won't boot because i installed windows xp.  so i booted the ubuntu livecd and i can't fix it with grub. full error message details here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=224351&page=3103:32
CyberCodcan you change your settings via the monitor?03:32
CyberCodsquish it down03:33
kelvin911how can restart the display manager getting wine menu back?03:33
smithin safe mode it works, but its massive and cant do 1440x900.  something like 800x60003:33
fservewine menu? try reinstalling wine03:33
kelvin911i did reinstall wine03:33
kelvin911many times03:33
fserveto restart display manager /etc/init.d/gdm restart03:33
fservebut it will not help03:33
marcelcan someone please help me get my partition back03:34
kelvin911nothing wrong with my display here03:34
smithanyone know if 780g is enough for ubuntu eyecandy/beryl03:34
kelvin911it s the menu03:34
marceli cant figure out this testdisk and im about to pull my hair out03:34
fservesmith, yes it is03:34
fservetry it03:34
kelvin911if u have wine menu can u check the programs item in wine pls?03:34
kelvin911what is the type and the command03:34
fserveradeon HD 3200 inside ATi's 780G03:34
fserveBrowse C:\ Drive03:35
fservexdg-open ~/.wine/drive_c03:35
smithubuntu studio doesnt have live cd and I dont want to F things up03:35
fserveConfigure Wine03:35
kelvin911not browse c:\03:36
fservepaste Programs03:36
kelvin911i want Programs03:36
kelvin911the first item03:36
fservepaste Accessories03:36
kelvin911what is the type?03:36
marcelheres my drive in gparted, i cant get that 450gb partition back, i need it for work03:36
fserveacessories is a paste03:37
randomoutburst_hey does anyone know of any good web design irc rooms?03:37
fserveNotepad file03:37
fservecommand: notepad03:37
fservecomment: A clone of Windows Notepad03:37
kelvin911i mean type03:37
kelvin911type for programs03:37
=== datakid_ is now known as spanna
kelvin911the first item03:37
bazhangfserve: what do you mean?03:38
backtickmarcel: it's not a partition, it's shows as as "empty" space on hard disk03:38
=== goget1 is now known as gogeta
kelvin911u have 4 items in wine right?03:38
fservebazhang, im talkin with kelvin91103:38
bazhangah sorry fserve03:38
marcelbacktick, i know, it usedto be NTFS03:38
fserve4 itens03:38
kelvin911what is the 1st one?03:38
kelvin911i want type and command03:38
linlynx6ubuntu should release at 6 pm03:38
fservethe first one03:39
fserveis a FOLDER03:39
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:39
arvind_khadrilinlynx6, no specific time03:39
fserveNamed progams03:39
kelvin911how can u choose type as folder?03:39
kelvin911is it new menu or new item?03:39
fservenew item i think03:39
kelvin911can u give me the screenshot?03:40
cirkitIs there a way to add a network manager icon into the gnome panel?03:40
ximnetwork manager?03:41
ximwhich one03:41
arvind_khadricirkit, its should be there by default03:41
absntIm going to install compizfusion, I have a nvidia card so does it matter if I use Envy or just enable the restricted driver? Which is a better choice/method?03:41
ximmine is already on there yeah03:41
undecimHey, everyone, what bash command can I use to determine when an account will expire?03:41
cirkitit's not showing up anymore03:41
ximas long as your notify widgit is on03:41
cirkitarvind_khadri: it got deleted from there03:41
sdakakabsnt: Use the restricted device manager03:41
arvind_khadricirkit, report a bug ASAP and re-install gnome-panel03:42
absntsdakak: k, any difference in the two though?03:42
ximare you talking about the tray next to the clock with the volume icon?03:42
ximi dont even have the option to remove my network icon from ther03:42
RB2I installed HomeUserBackup, but strangely enough, it didn't create a menu item. Does anyone know what the command is?03:42
sdakakabsnt: Yes envy is just a script that fetches the package from nvidia site and installs it, not different from manually installing it.03:42
=== Cc2iscooL_ is now known as Cc2iscooL
_Rambaldi_is there a command to output to screen not just terminal?03:42
cgentry72is there a way to download flash videos in firefox from ubuntu?03:43
absntsdakak: and what does enabling the restricted dirver do? Is that driver up-to date?03:43
sdakakabsnt: the restricted device manager uses drivers that come through the ubuntu repos. If you are not a bleeding edge user use the ubuntu repos, for eg. when there is a kernel update and you are using envy everything could break.03:43
arvind_khadricgentry72, you mean the youtube one03:43
cgentry72arvind_khadri, yea03:43
arvind_khadricgentry72, there is a package for that youtube-dl03:43
cgentry72arvind_khadri, cool thank you03:44
sdakakSound in my flash videos has suddenly stopped working. I can play the rest of music files in my computer. What could be wrong?03:44
absntsdakak: I see, thanks for the info! Do you recommend a specific script for installing compizfusion?03:44
arvind_khadricgentry72, you are welcome :)03:44
_Rambaldi_i found that very untrue,firefox delets flv files cgentry72 arvind_khadri03:44
bazhangcgentry72: it is really great that youtube.dl03:44
sdakakabsnt: Please stick with the official stuff if you want to do other things with your life rather than sit and trouble shoot ubuntu.03:44
bazhang_Rambaldi_: that is something different03:44
sdakakabsnt: compiz is installed by default.03:44
arvind_khadri_Rambaldi_, this package downloads it your home folder03:44
sdakakabsnt: just search for compiz in synaptic if you want that advanced gui interface to tweak the settings.03:44
cgentry72arvind_khadri, where is this package, whats the name03:45
bazhang!info youtube-dl | _Rambaldi_03:45
ubotu_rambaldi_: youtube-dl (source: youtube-dl): download videos from youtube.com. In component universe, is extra. Version 2007.08.24-1ubuntu0.1 (gutsy), package size 8 kB, installed size 64 kB03:45
arvind_khadricgentry72, sudo apt-get install youtube-dl03:45
Lukstrwhat is the minimum processor speed you'd recommend for a media server?03:45
_Rambaldi_i suppose what i want is to stop flv from being deleted from cache, i am having to use ie7 in virtual box to save the files bazhang, arvind_khadri03:46
cgentry72arvind_khadri, thank you03:46
sdakaksolace: ?03:46
Danikarsolace: hello03:46
bazhangthat link was provided by the illustrious captain Jack ;]03:46
arvind_khadricgentry72, no probs03:46
sdakakCan anyone help me with missing sound in flash videos in FIREFOX?03:46
bazhang_Rambaldi_: get miro or use youtube-dl03:47
Danikarsdakak: Try reinstalling flash?03:47
sdakakDanikar: nothing else?03:47
solaceAnybody seen live free or die hard, I know they dont use a real OS, But it's easy to notice its ubuntu based, Anyone got a theme like matthews?03:47
JoesephHello everyone again.  I am a recent ubu ntu user who switched from windows.  I love ubuntu.   Unfortunetely, Ubuntu sometimes gives me problems. Like now, ProDifferent proccessess, (notably Xorg) is eating up my cpu for no reason.  I can't even see this while I'm typing my computer is running so slow.  I don't think its effects, as gnome did the same thing, and I had 'no effects' turned on.  I'm on KDE currently, but all my problems occur 03:47
Danikarsdakak: I don't think he has too many settings you can mess with. That would be the first thing I would try personally.03:47
_Rambaldi_i often have this problem, usually if i close the other sound sources, sound works sdakak03:48
sdakakDanikar: Where do you find that .so file? I will delete it and just replace it from the flash site.03:48
bazhangsolace: check gnome-look.org03:48
sdakak_Rambaldi_: oh.03:48
arvind_khadriJoeseph, whats your ram03:48
pen_how do I set up ad hoc with one wireless card on ubuntu?03:48
inevaexistedsdakaka google hardy flash no sound03:48
solaceIs there a search there?03:48
Leonidas_does anyone know how to get tomboy notes to start at startup? or any program for that matter?03:48
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - Support in #ubuntu+1 - Come join the #ubuntu-release-party now!03:48
sdakakinevaexisted: isn't this gutsy?03:48
_Rambaldi_Leonidas_, add it to the session03:49
inevaexistedhardy is the new release..03:49
solaceHardy =D03:49
Arky44If I were to run a command such as "sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install xubuntu-desktop", would that delete any files on my HD, and would I be able to view my GNOME desktop files in the XFCE environment?03:49
solaceBut I need help, Is there a search box on gnome-look.org?03:49
_Rambaldi_Leonidas_, system > pref>sessions03:49
cgentry72arvind_khadri, this program doesn't show up in firefox, should it?03:49
bazhangsolace: this is offtopic here; search and find out or make one yourself using gimp03:49
arvind_khadricgentry72, nope its a CLI one03:50
juano__Arky44: no it doesn't delete your files and yes, you will be able to login to Gnome also03:50
JoesephUnfortunately, if I don't get this fixed soon, I'm going to have to switch back to windows.... which I don't want to do.- It also seems to be rather random- sometimes my computer will do fine,other times it will move slower than a sloth.  I have a 1.3 Gigahz proccessor  arvind_khadri and 512 megabytes of ram03:50
solaceGot it.03:50
Leonidas__Rambaldi_ what's the command though?03:50
cgentry72arvind_khadri, so it just caches them in the home directory then?03:50
Danikarsdakak: You might find something in here helpful03:50
Danikarsdakak: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash#head-7be182bbefefd03501502a1763c4abb55b29d42403:50
pen_how do I set up ad hoc with one wireless card on ubuntu?03:50
bazhangcgentry72: downloads them not caches03:50
arvind_khadricgentry72, nope it stores/downloads them to there....03:50
_Rambaldi_for what program Leonidas_03:50
undecimHow can I tell when a user will expire?03:50
cgentry72got it sorry.. thanks for all your help as usual03:51
juano__Arky44: that will just install the xfce desktop environment, but won't delete any other one you have installed03:51
arvind_khadriJoeseph, how much is your swap space03:51
scytheCan anyone help me with some Chipset 610i issues please?03:51
Leonidas_tomboy nots03:51
jasperI'm using a chroot, and created a SUID file inside of it (the filesystem is ext3) with user ssmtp:ssmtp. I'm doing this so that the ssmtp user can read ssmtp.conf (which contains user/pass data) but the executing user can't. But when I run the file as another user, it still can't read the file nor does it report the proper UID (if I try the same approach with a shell script that echo's $USER).03:51
shane2peruhey does anyone know where I can find a desktop jigdo file?  I didn't see any on the download page03:51
Arky44juano__: thanks! But if I log on under the XFCE environment, will I be able to view files I created in the GNOME environment?03:51
ironic_isnt_itok i forwarded port 113 and installed oidentd but still getting those two messages couldnt lookup your hostname and no identd (auth) response03:51
prey_aloneI can't update my ruby gems. Error Read-only file system03:51
* scythe please chat me if anyone can help with chipset 610i issues03:51
_Rambaldi_Leonidas_, tomboy --search03:51
arvind_khadricgentry72, the command should look like youtube-dl -t http://<the link in the address bar of firefox>03:52
Joesephmy intel graphics card shows up on lspci, and II havnen't seen any problems with my card online03:52
Leonidas__Rambaldi_ let me try brb03:52
arvind_khadriJoeseph, swap space03:52
cgentry72arvind_khadri, oh thanks that would be helpful :)03:52
shane2peruanyone know where to find the jidgo desktop file?03:52
arvind_khadricgentry72, you can use man youtube-dl for more info03:53
shane2peruIt isn't on the download page, just torrent, and iso.03:53
sparr_im getting really annoyed at having to manage free space on my hard drives.  i wish there was a non-destructuve way to transparently spread a folder across multiple drives03:53
Joesepharvind_khadri: I would look up how to figure that out, but my computer is running at one of those times were ti is slow: what's t a command to tell you how big your swap space is?03:53
ironic_isnt_itany ideas? someone can help me?03:53
juano__Arky44: yes, the files will remain unaltered, by this i mean everything in your home folder, and / will be completely visible from xfce, remember though that the desktop files of GNOME will not be deleted but they will not appear under xfce, i recommend you copy them in a folder inside your home and afterwards once you installed and started using xfce, then copy them back to the xfce desktop03:53
Leonidas__Rambaldi_ is that the same command for most programs?03:53
bazhangshane2peru: for hardy? best give it a while then03:53
shane2perubazhang, right, for hardy. :)03:53
cgentry72arvind_khadri, wow so much support.. thanks again03:53
arvind_khadriJoeseph, dont you remember how much you set the swap space for ....that should be twice your ram03:53
Joesepharvind_khadri: sorry, everything is comming in in big spurts, so I have to scrooll back up for things I missed03:54
shane2perubazhang, what do you mean, is it going to take a bit for it to come out?03:54
arvind_khadricgentry72, :)03:54
cgentry72arvind_khadri, i'm download a video now and it's working03:54
arvind_khadriJoeseph, thats ok03:54
arvind_khadricgentry72, happy Ubuntu-ing03:54
bazhangshane2peru: why not get a torrent and spread the love?03:54
Arky44juano__: thanks, that's what I was looking for :)03:54
shane2perubazhang, yeah, I probably will just do that, do you know if a jigdo file will be out after final release?03:54
juano__Arky44: so first step, copy all files over the desktop in gnome, then make folder named something like "mydesktopfiles" , then copy the files inside there, then install xfce, then copy back the files inside "mydesktopfiles" to your xfce desktop03:55
bazhangshane2peru: without a doubt (or until am I told otherwise) ;]03:55
nxusr it is possible to create a cron job to monitor a directory and if file with certain extension is written to it, to delete it?03:55
Joesepharvind_khadri: I don't remembeare you suggeston  it would help if I made it bigger?03:55
arvind_khadriJoeseph, i feel the problem is your ram....go for a higher one ..is the ram DDR-2 or SDR03:55
rickeyi have just installed kubuntu 804 cant get my amaork or bmpx to play radio streams03:55
shane2perubazhang, ok, thanks, I'll get the torrent started now then, and just update that with the jigdo for actual release!03:56
Pelorickey, ask in #ubuntu+103:56
scytheso no one running 610i?03:56
pen_how do I set up ad hoc with one wireless card on ubuntu?03:56
Joesepharvind_khadri: Are you sure? my ram never shows up as being eaten alive, while my cpu is.03:56
bazhangonly a few more hours of redirecting to #ubuntu+1 ! yahooo!03:57
Peloscythe, not anymore it's over 18  months old , no longer supported03:57
rickeyok thanks03:57
evilbugi can't manage to set AWN to start automatically and the "Start at login" box is checked in the manager.03:57
shane2perubazhang, ha ha, looking forward to the hardy release too, oh, I already have it installed. :)03:57
Pelo!wifi | pen_03:57
ubotupen_: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:57
arvind_khadriJoeseph, ok go to System->Administration->System Monitor->Resources there you should find your swap03:57
scythepelo, does an old version support it? can i bring support up to gutsy or hardy?03:57
psychwheres it?03:57
Peloevilbug, make sure awn is on ,  and click the save desktop in the last tab of the session thingy03:58
bazhangwatch out shane2peru still not safe to say (hardy, ssshhh!) in here ;]03:58
arvind_khadriJoeseph, i *feel * not sure though...is the ram DDR-2???03:58
shane2peruJoeseph, or just type 'free' in the terminal window03:58
Peloscythe, sorry,  I thought you meant ubuntu 6.10 , nvm me03:58
pen_Pelo: there is no ad hoc links03:58
shane2perubazhang, opps. :)03:58
foraohokay, the topic just answered my question03:58
bazhangcya later guys ;]03:58
shane2perubazhang, cya, thanks.03:58
scytheis 610i chipset old? well f-me.n gigabyte released a board with it like 6 months ago03:59
foraohstill nobody has any clues when 8.04 is going to be out03:59
scythem-atx spec03:59
arvind_khadribazhang, bye tc03:59
evilbugPelo- won't that open up every single application i have open atm?03:59
pen_Pelo: nvm https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Adhoc?highlight=%28WifiDocs%29%7C%28AND%29%7C%28ManufacturerModel%2903:59
pen_Pelo: but the network manager part is not working03:59
Peloevilbug, close those you don'T want to start at boot03:59
evilbugPelo- thanks.03:59
Pelopen_,  I know diddly about wifi03:59
pen_Pelo: I don't want to use the CLI commends, because this is rare for me to do03:59
ubotuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines04:00
eZety bot04:00
Joesepharvind_khadri: I'm not sure, but I feel there is something wrong with Xorg, though I don't know for sure, as it is the programing eathing ridiculous amounts of cpu- as much as 50% just by movmaking a box with the mouse04:00
Pelopen_, not sure what you mean, how many comands are there ? make them in to a bash script04:00
euronymousWhen will heron final be available on torrent?04:01
owen1what's the repository of vinagre? i am trying to get in in xubuntu.04:01
pen_Pelo: I don't understand why the commends are only teaching you how to join a ad hoc instead of creating one?04:01
Peloeuronymous, it's the best way to distribute it , so yes04:01
arvind_khadriJoeseph, hmm ...then try installing from a diff cd04:01
jburdeuronymous: Is it already available via http?04:01
shane2peruJoeseph, this can happen with swap not being enabled04:01
pen_Pelo: do you need two or more wireless card to set up ad hoc?04:01
Pelopen_, I wouldn'T know , I didn't make the guide04:01
arvind_khadriJoeseph, purge X and try one04:01
Pelopen_,  I do not know anything about wifi , you are asking the wrong person04:02
euronymousjburd: I mean the final release. I wanted to know when that candidate's torrent will be released.04:02
arvind_khadriJoeseph, sudo apt-get purge xserver-xorg04:02
scytheif ANYONE can just get onboard LAN working on a 610i chipset, id love you.04:02
pen_Pelo: oh04:02
shane2peruarvind_khadri, won't he need to be out of X to do that?04:02
arvind_khadrishane2peru, nope04:02
shane2peruarvind_khadri, cool04:02
Peloscythe, don' tyou need to enable it in the bios ?04:02
shane2peruarvind_khadri, that is why I love linux. :)04:02
sdaka1why is the room empty?04:02
scytheit is04:03
scythetried it with Boot Rom enabled and siabled also04:03
arvind_khadrishane2peru, :)04:03
scythethe connection will recieve packets04:03
scythebut wont send04:03
scytheno matter what i do, ping says its sending04:03
mikehi all04:03
thebighamI really need help with my wireless connection. It can barely connect to my wireless network. And when it's finally connected, the connection is very unstable and slow.04:03
scythethe GUI shows no mackets sent04:03
scytheand tracerout cant leave localhost04:03
Pelo!enter | scythe04:03
ubotuscythe: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:03
owen1can i get vinagre (vnc client) on xubunt?04:03
foraoh57 min left for hardy04:03
Peloscythe, try asking in #networking maybe04:03
arvind_khadriok gtg04:03
scythewill do04:04
arvind_khadribye ppl04:04
scythebye, and thank you04:04
Peloowen1,  probably, xubuntu supports gnome apps,   check in the repos04:04
shane2peruowen1, yes, many gnome apps can be installed with xubuntu04:04
foraohwhen it happens you guys will change your thought04:04
sdaka1foraoh: what are you messing around with?04:05
owen1shane2peru: Pelo: apt-get can't find it.04:05
PeloOwner, what release are you on ?04:05
_Rambaldi_foraoh, do you know what time they are running off, coz its been 24 for a while now04:05
shane2peruowen1, no, aptitude has a search, aptitude search package04:05
owen1Pelo: 7.0404:05
Peloowen1, you'll have to wait until you upgrade to 8.0404:05
owen1Pelo: is xubuntu get updated just like ubuntu?04:06
Pelo_Rambaldi_, it's  5 am in the UK right now , I think you can let the cannonical ppl have a shower and breakfast04:06
cirkitI already have gnome installed, but for some reason gnome-desktop wasn't installed ... isn't gnome-desktop part of gnome already?04:06
shane2peruok, I'm out of here, cya04:06
Peloowen1, yes04:06
Pelocirkit, shuldbe ,  sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop will install everything you need04:07
_Rambaldi_someone foraoh said 57 min to go thats why i ask Pelo04:07
cirkitPelo: ok04:07
Jack_Sparrow No, we do not know what time 8.04 will be released.  However, rest assured that it will be out before the clock hits 23:59:59 on Baker and Howland Islands.  Until then, please stop asking.04:07
Nick123Can;t get my wireless driver to install on my laptop in ubunutu 7.104:07
sdaka1I re-installed flash. Still I don't get sound in flash videos in firefox. Other music plays fine.04:07
bjvHow do you apt-get install an old version of a package?04:07
Flannel_Rambaldi_: #ubuntu-release-party is a good place to go to wait/etc04:07
Pelo_Rambaldi_,  I expect he was counting down to midnight where ever he is04:08
sdaka1Jack_Sparrow: ^ ?04:08
sdaka1Pelo: I  counted down to midnight UTC :(04:08
_Rambaldi_that makes sense Pelo04:08
=== bknox is now known as bknoxx
[1]JoesephAlright, now I'm on a computer that actually works....04:08
Nick123Can;t get my wireless driver to install on my laptop in ubunutu 7.1, can someone help?04:08
PeloJack_Sparrow, whre are baker and howlands ilsands is that the international date line ?04:08
jerichodoes anybody knows at what time will Hardy be available to download?04:09
sdaka1Pelo: probably UTC + 23?04:09
Jack_SparrowPelo, the date line04:09
Flanneljericho: no.  No one does.04:09
_Rambaldi_i had no idea such channels existed Flannel04:09
tonyyarussoNo, we do not know what time 8.04 will be released.  However, rest assured that it will be out before the clock hits 23:59:59 on Baker and Howland Islands.  Until then, please stop asking.04:09
ximi wanna encrypt my files, does anyone have a fav utility?04:09
tonyyarussojericho: #ubuntu-release-party in the meantime04:09
jerichowoooot a party04:09
hvgotcodeshow do it get a 686 optimized kernel ?04:10
sdaka1sound not working in firefox - flash videos. I re-installed it from the repos. The video plays fine. Other sound works too. anyone?04:10
sdaka1hvgotcodes: !smp04:10
Pelohvgotcodes, stick to the generic04:10
sdaka1!smp > hvgotcodes04:10
=== milly is now known as milly1234
hvgotcodessdaka1: what?04:10
milly1234hi, I just added a tv tuner card to my computer and as soon as that worked I no longer am able to use my usb webcam, I am running Gutsy, the webcam worked before that but now it does not, anyone have a clue what might be causing this?04:10
Flannelhvgotcodes: generic is optimized04:11
ubotuBackground to the decision to replace -686, k7 and -smp kernels with -generic can be found here https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-August/019983.html (the -386 kernel is still available if needed)04:11
hvgotcodessdaka1: is that a general no to symmetric multi proc?04:11
blacklabelsk8so is hardy dropping midnight tonight?04:11
tonyyarussoblacklabelsk8: no.04:11
milly1234or what sorts of things I should be looking for04:11
blacklabelsk8bummer :\04:11
[1]Joesepharvind_khadri: are you still here? I'm back04:11
Jack_Sparrow No, we do not know what time 8.04 will be released.  However, rest assured that it will be out before the clock hits 23:59:59 on Baker and Howland Islands.  Until then, please stop asking.04:11
tonyyarussoFor all Ubuntu 8.04 release anticipation, please head to #ubuntu-release-party.  #ubuntu is a support channel ONLY, even during exciting times.  :)04:11
sdaka1tonyyarusso: you are waiting to jump on people :)04:11
Nick123Can;t get my wireless driver to install on my laptop in ubunutu 7.1, can someone help?04:11
[1]JoesephI don't see you, never mind04:11
tonyyarussosdaka1: 'tis my job :)04:11
blacklabelsk8shit haha, get an op to change the topic then, dont jump on me for asking a common question?04:12
* Pelo is just gonna sit here and laugh at tonyyarusso having to answer every time someone asks about hardy 04:12
hvgotcodesflannel: i thought generic was 38604:12
[1]Joesephshane2peru: how do I enable swap?\04:12
Jack_Sparrowsdaka1, please be polite04:12
Flannelhvgotcodes: No, -386 is generic, generic is optimized for all x86 types.04:12
tonyyarussoblacklabelsk8: .... It's in the topic already.04:12
pedrosantaMy Americas Army keeps gettin from fullscreen to window mode, and even sometimes the screen blacks Does anyone have it too or knows how to solve it?04:12
* blacklabelsk8 stands corrected04:13
blacklabelsk8well thanks for the info at least04:13
hvgotcodesFlannel: hmmm ok04:13
Jack_Sparrowblacklabelsk8, did you read the topic04:13
scythePeople in channel #networking sent me back here04:13
cgentry72ubuntu rules !!!04:14
u007-1hi, i thought ubuntu 8 is releasing today? :P04:14
u007-1the numbers has gone :P04:14
tonyyarussou007-1: #ubuntu-release-party please04:14
* Pelo sends scythe to #networking right back , hey this is like pingponi 04:14
Peloping pong04:14
scythemy intergrated NIC can recieve but not send packets. its on the 610i chipset. any tips?04:14
XceIIsooooooooo, is it on schedule ??04:14
scythe#networking had no ideas and sent me back here04:15
Peloscythe, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport and www.ubuntuforums.org ,  for research not for posting04:15
Jack_SparrowXceII, Please read the channel topic04:15
XceIII c04:15
XceIIok, ill go back in my hole.04:15
twistageSo what time is it coming out?04:15
tonyyarussoNo, we do not know what time 8.04 will be released.  However, rest assured that it will be out before the clock hits 23:59:59 on Baker and Howland Islands.  Until then, please stop asking.04:15
Jack_Sparrow No, we do not know what time 8.04 will be released.  However, rest assured that it will be out before the clock hits 23:59:59 on Baker and Howland Islands.  Until then, please stop asking.04:15
* tonyyarusso wins04:15
sdaka1tonyyarusso: :)04:15
=== twistage is now known as Twistage
scytheubuntu support is fucked04:16
Jack_SparrowWelcome rich_phoenix04:16
sdaka1scythe you are welcome04:16
cgentry72if i typed in a command for a program where is it usually stores, like pidgin etc04:16
XceIIim on it right now, the thing actually S C R E A M S.04:16
ofirdoes anyone know what time hardy update will be available?04:16
Piciofir: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Hardy/8.04 support/discussion.04:16
Piciofir, Hardy will be released some time during the 24th, i.e: there is no exact time. You can await the announcement in #ubuntu-release-party04:16
sdaka1cgentry72: /usr/bin04:17
ofirok, thanks04:17
cgentry72sdaka1, cool thanks04:17
* Pelo feels bad about not being able to hehlp scythe , but what the heck04:17
[1]Joesephwilll sudo apt-get purge xserver-xorg uninstall, then reinstall x-org?04:17
ali1234cgentry72: read 'man which'04:17
XceIIPici:  when it is released, will the kernel be the same as the update?04:18
smithlmao i am banned from #ubuntu party04:18
PeloJoeseph, no,  sudo apt-get remove xserver-xorg --purge && sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg will04:18
smithi was making fun of ubotu04:18
Artemis3For the 4th time, and second year, would you mind providing a torrent? Ah well i know ill be ignored and or bashed again, and again we swim... Your little trick didn't work :P04:18
PiciXceII: As the update?04:18
=== [1]Joeseph is now known as Joeseph
mayakuzais there someone here that can help me whit compiz fusion?04:18
sdaka1smith: they are protective of bots there04:18
Pelo[1]Joeseph, and please take that crap off before you nick it,s hellish to type04:18
XceIIthe last kernel update04:18
PeloJoeseph, no,  sudo apt-get remove xserver-xorg --purge && sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg will04:18
cgentry72i don't see pidgin though listed in /usr/bin04:18
smithhes my bitch, he should respect me04:18
wubrgamerwhere do i download 8.04?04:19
PiciXceII: In hardy currently?04:19
sdaka1cgentry72: 'locate pidgin'04:19
wubrgameris the iso made already?04:19
Piciwubrgamer, Hardy will be released some time during the 24th, i.e: there is no exact time. You can await the announcement in #ubuntu-release-party04:19
sdaka1wubrgamer: where do we?04:19
Pelocgentry72,  in the terminal tyupe locate pidgin04:19
smithi reall cant get banned from this one too04:19
FlannelArtemis3: fourth time and second year?  What?04:19
Falocate pidgin04:19
Pelowubrgamer, not out yet ,  ubuntu.com tomorrow04:19
smiththat would not be good04:19
Fadidn't work04:19
PiciXceII: Yes, it'll be the same.04:19
tonyyarusso!etiquette | smith04:19
ubotusmith: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubotu <keyword>): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam, !PM, !English - And most importantly, use common sense...04:19
Pici!final | XceII04:19
ubotuXceII: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Hardy. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.04:19
cgentry72Pelo, thats cool thanks04:19
JoesephHey, anyone wanna help me instead of waiting for the new release? willl sudo apt-get purge xserver-xorg uninstall, then reinstall x-org04:19
XceIIok tx, hey fa04:19
Fai'm downloading ubuntu 8 on friday04:20
=== dman is now known as dman|away
Fawaiting for the final relase04:20
Flannel!away > dman|away04:20
Painlessbusy in here... anyone would think there's a new release due or something04:20
ubotuYou should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair to new users.  (Please set your preferred nick in your client's settings instead.)  The same goes for using noisy away messages; use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also «/msg ubotu Guidelines»04:20
XceIIim  already running it fa, have been for a month'04:20
PeloPainless,  this is the usual,  actualy a lot less troubleshooting then usual04:20
milly1234I am running Ubuntu 7.10 and just installed a TV Tuner card and now my Webcam stopped working, it doesn't even show it under the multimedia systems selector in the video part, though it does show its usb mic, it also shows up when I enter "lsusb" in a terminal but nothing else shows it or can use it, anyone have a clue what might be causing this?04:20
Fai was running the beta but i wanted to centos04:21
Fai'm on windblows right now04:21
mayakuzacan someone here help me whit compiz fusion?04:21
Artemis3Flannel, Swimming in the pool.04:21
XceIIwhat does centos have that ubuntu dont04:21
PainlessPelo: I could see from the userlist when I joined the channel :)04:21
StarnestommyXceII: this channel is not about centos04:21
PeloXceII, don'T know we donT use centos04:21
JoesephAnybody want to stop just waiting for the new ubuntu and help me?   *Threatening*I'll switch back to windows04:22
Facentos is pretty much redhat04:22
wubrgamerubuntu doesn't have selinux???????///04:22
PeloJoeseph, no,  sudo apt-get remove xserver-xorg --purge && sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg will04:22
XceIIi dont either, dont fret, im ubuntu bought04:22
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!04:22
PeloJoeseph, isnT' that what you wanted ?04:22
Faubuntu has selinux?04:22
Flannelwubrgamer: Yes it does.  It uses AppArmor as default, but SELinux is available.04:22
PeloFa, next release04:22
Falol where?04:22
Painlessits in 8.0404:22
wubrgameraah, thought so04:22
PeloJoeseph, wht is y our issue ?04:22
milly1234anyone here a video input guru :( please04:22
Faoh i guess you have to turn it on04:22
JoesephPelo: Xorg eats up the cpu04:23
Pelomilly1234,  jsut state your issue04:23
PeloJoeseph, turn off compiz04:23
milly1234I am running Ubuntu 7.10 and just installed a TV Tuner card and now my Webcam stopped working, it doesn't even show it under the multimedia systems selector in the video part, though it does show its usb mic, it also shows up when I enter "lsusb" in a terminal but nothing else shows it or can use it, anyone have a clue what might be causing this?04:23
Joesephpelo: don't have compiz04:23
StarnestommyJoeseph: did you enable desktop/visual effects?04:23
JoesephStarnestommy: yes, but it eats up cpu when I have them disabled also04:24
PeloJoeseph,   sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg , let it pick the video driver and donT' change any of the default answer provided unless you absolutely know better04:24
Pelomayakuza, I don'T allow private msg, please talk to me in the channel04:24
mayakuzai'm new to ubunto but can't gett compiz to work04:25
Pelomilly1234, my guess it that your tvcard is now hoging /dev/video0 ,  which is wat your webcam was using , not sure how to fix it ,   try reconfuring the the webcam04:25
Pelo!webcam | milly123404:25
ubotumilly1234: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras04:25
JoesephPelo: alrighty, just for your info, I have a 1.3 gighz procesor, and 512 meg of ram, an intel graphics card which I have not seen very much trouble with when searching online.04:25
linkinxp!compiz mayakuza04:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about compiz mayakuza - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:25
Pelomayakuza, whatvideo card ?04:25
evilbugissue: i completely uninstalled pidgin via synaptic and it's still in my Applications>Internet :| i go into terminal and run "sudo apt-get remove pidgin" and it says it's not installed.04:25
linkinxp!compiz | mayakuza04:25
ubotumayakuza: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion04:25
milly1234thanks, I willl check that out04:25
evilbugbut if i click on it,it runs.04:25
PeloJoeseph, you just got a badly configure X probably04:26
Starnestommyevilbug: did you ever install it from somewhere other than the package manager?04:26
Gary_inNYCevilbug, it's probably just the entry in your menu...04:26
evilbugStarnestommy- i did,i compiled one.04:26
jgoohrm. Installed ubuntu on a thinkpad, and afterwards the user booted into windows, and ran the lenovo 'updates'. This proceeded to trash GRUB. What is the best action?04:26
evilbugStarnestommy- but i thought it just overwrote the previous one.04:26
tonyyarusso!grub | jgoo04:26
JoesephPelo: thank you,  I will run that command and see what happens... its odd though, it only happens sometimes, when my computer acts slow04:26
ubotujgoo: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto04:26
Starnestommyevilbug: you'll need to go into the directory where the sources are for it, then run sudo make uninstall or sudo make deinstall04:27
tonyyarussojgoo: the RUAIW instructions should work.04:27
Pelojgoo,  ,  download the supergrub cd , and use that to fix stage one in grub the mbr bit04:27
MrPeepers310hey i need some help i cant get the svn for gwenview to run on eclipse. I already dl'ed the plugin for svn capabilities but whenever i choose it it just does nothing04:27
jgooI'd like to get XP up, first, as this is something the user needs, and then later worry about linux - the machine doesn't have floppy which is the only reason I ask as I cannot do a fdisk /mbr04:27
gustavo_jgoo: http://odzangba.wordpress.com/2007/03/10/how-to-restore-grub-using-the-ubuntu-live-cd/04:27
LainIwak1raCan someone teach me how to find where a program is installed?04:27
evilbugStarnestommy- what if i deleted the actual folder and everything?04:27
LainIwak1rathrough apt-get04:27
StarnestommyLainIwak1ra: dpkg -L packagename04:27
jgooaaaaah gustavo_ good call04:27
gustavo_jgoo: :)04:27
LainIwak1raStarnestommy: Thank you.04:27
Starnestommyevilbug: then you'll have to manually find and remove the files04:28
TwistageIs crossover about the best solution for windows emulation? (i understand its wine)04:28
PeloLainIwak1ra, that's not how linux works your program's files are all over04:28
gustavo_jgoo: or u can use a win xp CD to restore the win mbr04:28
evilbugStarnestommy- i'm a nub and don't know where it would be installed because i would've done that :(04:28
PeloTwistage, crossover is commercial and you have to pay for it , wine is free04:28
Flannel!filesystem | LainIwak1ra04:28
ubotuLainIwak1ra: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview04:28
Pelolater folks04:28
Starnestommyevilbug: probably in several places in /usr/local04:28
TwistagePelo: As far as functionality though04:28
darren_i have triede to restore the mbr of windows and i stil have the same problem04:28
Starnestommyevilbug: run "locate pidgin" to find where it would be04:29
jgooSo, I load the live CD into the live session?04:29
Gary_inNYCTwistage, I run Office 2007, Pokerstars and Guild Wars in Wine... it's very good for my purposes if that matters04:29
jasperI've created a SUID script (4755 and test:test) on an ext3 filesystem (in a chroot). But when I run the script as another user, it doesn't report the proper UID. I'm having the script execute 'ps -o ruid -o euid -o suid -o fname | grep test.sh' which comes up with 3 x the UID of the user executing the SUID, but not the script's owner (per the SUID). Does anyone know what I'm missing here?04:29
evilbugStarnestommy- any command to have them deleted directly from terminal?04:29
jribjasper: you can't suid scripts04:29
Starnestommyevilbug: if you had the sources that you used to install with, you could cd to their directory and run sudo make uninstall or sudo make deinstall04:30
tawtcan a nVidia GeForce 8600M GT 256 MB graphics card support advance compiz graphics?04:30
supersakowhat time exactly will 8.04 be out tomorrow?04:30
TwistageGary_inNYC: Alright good04:30
evilbugi see04:30
Starnestommysupersako: there is no exact time04:30
evilbugStarnestommy- thanks.04:30
gustavo_supersako: nobody knows :P04:30
jasperjrib: Ah. :)04:30
supersakoi want it like now...04:30
Starnestommysupersako: but it will be out within the next 24 hours or so04:30
gustavo_supersako: you can install the RC and dist-upgrade.. it would be a good proxy for the final release04:31
GoetzCI will not ask about time :) Why Howland Island??04:31
jasperjrib: I also tried to SUID an executable, /usr/sbin/ssmtp (to send mail from inside of my chroot). And then having it read a file with user/pass information on the mailserver (hence the SUID, so others can't read the user/pass). But when I execute that as SUID it can't read the /etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf (test:test with 0700) either.04:32
dmsupermanRight so XFX's website isn't loading, where else might I be able to get my audio driver for my new XFX motherboard?04:32
jgoohttp://odzangba.wordpress.com/2007/03/10/how-to-restore-grub-using-the-ubuntu-live-cd/ << I have the 'typical' ubuntu installed after windows XP - so those commands work?04:32
jgooroot(hd0, 1)04:32
tonyyarussoGoetzC: It's right next to the Int'l dateline.04:32
cab86hello, anyone around?04:32
grhlunahey cab8604:32
tawtcan a nVidia GeForce 8600M GT 256 MB graphics card support advance compiz graphics?04:32
jgoogustavo_: when I do this, using a terminal, and reinstall grub, this means I will get the same ubuntu / windows choice as before04:32
juano__tawt: for sure04:33
jbur1tawt: yes04:33
jgoogustavo_: but it also means that, again, at the next point where updates are installed, this user might loose their laptop usage?04:33
tawti'm looking at laptops at system7604:33
gustavo_jgoo: i think so..04:33
Joesephjust had an epiphany:  Does Xorg configure keyboards too?04:33
joe___ooh, ubuntu64 out yet?04:33
grhlunaget the new driver you might need to reconfig xorg04:33
joe___or will it be out at the same time?04:33
gustavo_joe___: same time04:34
cab86hello grhluna,  quick question...  i'm looking to completely remove the ati drivers... therefore i'm getting rid of anything with the fglrx in its name...   but I also noticed that there are linux-restricted-modules installed for 4 different kernels in my system04:34
cab86is it alright to remove some of those?04:34
sushithHow many hours more for the Hardy Heron release ?04:34
Starnestommysushith: there is no set time04:34
tonyyarussoNo, we do not know what time 8.04 will be released.  However, rest assured that it will be out before the clock hits 23:59:59 on Baker and Howland Islands.  Until then, please stop asking.04:34
JoesephIs it possible xorg might be going crazy because I have a wireless keyboard?04:34
Siropelsushith, just a few :)04:34
GoetzCthanks <tonyyarusso>04:35
stroyanJoeseph:  If you have a crazy wireless keyboard.....04:35
joe___tonyyarusso: but who do we know on Baker and Howland Islands who can look at a clock and precisely (by the second) notify us?!!04:35
sushithalright thanks guys, i am very eager to use it04:35
Joesephstroyan: just brainstorming....04:35
rickeyi got this message////Type 'kubuntu-restricted-extras.' is not known on line 56 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list04:35
Cpudan80Hello hello04:36
U9527Cpudan80, welcome04:36
rickeyi know i hafe to go in and fix this04:36
Cpudan80So --- am I going to be able to do an apt-get upgrade at the stroke of midnight ?04:36
rickeybut i forgot how04:36
Fdisk93gustavo: you could install grub in the root partition then use bootpart.exe to and have boot menu under xp to boot linux04:36
Cpudan80so.... in 25 mins more or less ?04:36
gustavo_Fdisk93: its for jgoo, not me :P04:36
gustavo_Fdisk93: but thx04:36
Fdisk93oh sorry04:36
tonyyarussojoe___: teh magical intarnets04:36
Fdisk93jgoo: you could install grub in the root partition then use bootpart.exe to and have boot menu under xp to boot linux04:37
cdm10How do I release/renew my IP?04:37
dmsupermanI can't get xfxforce.com to load, where else can I get linux drivers for my xfx mobo from?04:37
undecimcdm10: dhclient04:37
tonyyarussocdm10: sudo dhcli<tab><enter>04:37
jgooFdisk93: thanks, I was just reading backscroll.... ok - I am doing what it says on that link I posted (http://odzangba.wordpress.com/2007/03/10/how-to-restore-grub-using-the-ubuntu-live-cd/) and I get setup (hd0) unable to mount partition...04:37
baudelaireI love Ubuntu.04:38
dmsupermanbaudelaire, me too, and it loves us back04:38
baudelaireI'm a full convert, have been since gutsy04:38
Painlesssame here... was pulled to it from Gentoo, which I adored04:38
jgooFdisk93: any ideas on how to list the partitions? this is a laptop, maybe there is an additional partition? *$(*(*$(*$ updates screwing the boot record... wtf04:39
baudelaireIt took me a long time to get into linux full on -- I was a Mandrake 7.0 user back in the day-- but very casually04:39
U9527Cpudan80, so in another 25 mins, hardy will be out, you sure04:39
Fdisk93jgoo: can you boot xp right now ?04:39
baudelairePainless, what made you switch from gentoo?04:39
jgoono Fdisk93... I will see if there is an XP cd around though04:39
gustavo_i moved from debian to gentoo.. and than to ubuntu..04:39
zack_hey im running 7.10 x64 and installed the restricted nvidia drivers nvidia-glx-new 100.14.19, Im thinking of upgrading to the Nvidia 169.12 drivers from there website anyone have suggestions on which is will give better profomance04:40
Painlessbaudelaire: I started using linux back in the 0.9.x kernel releases and have had plenty of 'doing everything myself' experience... I just loved a distro which took away the hard work04:40
Fdisk93jgoo: is private msg ok ?04:40
jgooFdisk93: more than welcome!04:40
gustavo_i used to like gentoo.. but apt-get is much faster than compiling packages with emerge :)04:40
grhlunacab86: try #ubuntu+104:40
grhlunathey want me to make breakfast here04:40
PainlessI did get fed up with package install times on gentoo... and broken packages04:40
=== rich__ is now known as rich_phoenix
grhlunabe right back04:40
Painlessnot to mention 2 day installs04:40
Lardarsejgoo: the fdisk command has an option that will display partitions, but i don't know which one, now would i recommend casual use of the fdisk command04:40
cab86actualy im asking rightnow to see if the xubuntu guys know about it04:40
baudelaireI hear ya Painless04:40
Lardarsenor would i*04:41
cab86oops, kubuntu guys04:41
gustavo_i learned a lot with gentoo... but yes, nowadays i dont have patience to install it04:41
=== grhluna is now known as grhluna-afk
milly1234it seems my video issue is due to gspca not working with v4l-dvb stuff, I wasn't sure if I understood it exactly, but it looks like there is not a solution out there or I missed it when I looked for one04:41
james__do we know roughly when the final release images will be available? i'd like to have some CDs ready for the australian release party.04:41
Rafabewhat is the Linux equivalent of the "edit" command in DOS? I need to check a conf file because Ubuntu's install is failing and booting me to console04:41
Cpudan80U9527: No idea04:41
StarnestommyRafabe: vim or nano04:41
PainlessLinux needs to be as easy to install as windows for it to reach popularity with the masses... I feel that ubuntu goes a long way towards that dream04:41
dweebgirlwhat's the best chat tool to use04:41
=== rich__ is now known as rich_phoenix
james__Windows IS NOT easy to install!04:42
mayakuzawhat was the compiz chanel agein_04:42
Lardarsedweebgirl: depends on the chat protocol04:42
tonyyarussoRafabe: nano is probably a bit more friendly to an edit user.04:42
Starnestommymayakuza: #compiz04:42
Rafabestarnes: neither work04:42
U9527dweebgirl, xchat04:42
dweebgirlwell, x-chat leaves a lot to be desired04:42
gustavo_Rafabe: try vi04:42
Rafabe"not found". The OS is not installed yet, it's failing during install04:42
U9527dweebgirl, konversation04:42
StarnestommyRafabe: put "sudo" before the command04:42
RafabeI tried vi too. I googled a bit before coming here04:42
dweebgirlkonversation that's the one04:42
dweebgirli want a nice black background04:42
PainlessI like irssi myself, but it's personal taste as always04:42
dweebgirland white tex04:42
dweebgirlwhite on black04:43
LardarseRafabe: if you know how to use vi, then vim will do most of what you know (and i believe that you can turn off the wim extras)04:43
baudelaireI think Ubuntu on the business side is the next fronteir to conqueror.  What do you guys think?04:43
Rafabepainless: from what I heard Wibi will make Ubuntu's install not a nightmare (if you have Windows)04:43
* tonyyarusso is also an irssi user, with white on black04:43
tonyyarussobaudelaire: We use it on servers at work already :)04:43
dweebgirlwhite on black04:43
Rafabelandarse: but none of these commands are working04:43
dweebgirlhear that rich04:43
Cpudan80Painless: Windows is a real pita to install if you have a reasonably complex system04:43
Lardarsedweebgirl: any irc client cna do any colour scheme04:43
PainlessRafabe: yup... a friend tried it on the beta the other day, said it was a dream to install04:43
baudelaireoh yeah, tonyyarusso?04:43
komputesDoes anyone know how I can set gnome-terminal to open a new tab instead of a new window, when clicking on the icon/launcher???04:43
Rafabethe prompt says "initramfs" which must mean limited commands04:44
LardarseRafabe: "sudo apt-get install vim" ?04:44
=== victamower is now known as HardOfHearing
tonyyarussobaudelaire: Yeah - the majority is Solaris (yuck), but all of the new machines I've installed got Ubuntu.04:44
PainlessCpudan80: agreed... but in most cases its easy... there will always be tough installs for any OS04:44
LardarseRafabe: but use nanao, because there's less of a learning curve04:44
=== Marfi is now known as Marfi|drinking
dekI need to make a script to do poff dsl-provider, but only sudo can do that. How can I workaround this?04:44
StarnestommyRafabe: try the alternate cd04:44
Lardarseno need to shout04:45
Rafabestarnes: yeah, but that won't be until tomorrow :(04:45
baudelaireI came across this site, anyone else hear of them?  I'm pretty sure they advocate Ubuntu: http://www.linuxforsmallbusiness.com04:45
tonyyarussobaudelaire: check with your LoCo for efforts to expand Ubuntu usage in your area though04:45
kittykittyrafabe, which kernel are you loading?04:45
fdkrewany admins here?04:45
Rafabeland: sorry04:45
FalkmanI have a question, I just got ubuntu 8.04, and my wireless isn't working(intel 3945abg) the wireless networks show up and everything, and when I click on one and enter my pass phrase, it doesnt work at all. Anyone know why? (It works out of the box on ubuntu 7.10, why not on this?)04:45
tonyyarussofdkrew: what for?04:45
Rafabekitty: 7.0404:45
Rafabegot a new computer04:45
tonyyarussobaudelaire: Local community team.  What country are you in?04:45
kittykittywhat is the prompt for this shell look like?04:45
fdkrewto unban me so i can join ubuntu party channel04:45
Rafabegetting a "/bin/sh: Can't access tty; Job control turned off" error04:46
tonyyarussofdkrew: that would be a question for #ubuntu-ops then04:46
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tonyyarussobaudelaire: state?04:46
TwistageGosh, all these problems that people are encountering are freaking me out about upgrading.04:46
Rafabekitty: it says "initramfs"04:46
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kittykittyi forget, the cd uses grub right?04:46
neetoIs there a way to automatically mount everything in fstab?04:46
Rafabeyes it does, but I'm not getting far enough to use it04:46
Arky44Is there a way to quickly change sessions without logging out (for example, switching from Xfce to GNOME, and vice versa)?04:46
tonyyarussobaudelaire: See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TennesseeTeam04:47
baudelaireI'm trying to swtich to Ubuntu fulltime on my business machine04:47
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StarnestommyArky44: try sudo mount -a04:47
jacobu9Anybody know exactly what time/timezone Hardy launches?04:47
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tonyyarussoNo, we do not know what time 8.04 will be released.  However, rest assured that it will be out before the clock hits 23:59:59 on Baker and Howland Islands.  Until then, please stop asking.04:47
stroyanneeto:  mount -a will get all the automounts04:47
fdkrewAny one here is using a Dell Latitude D600? anyone?04:47
neetostroyan: thanks man04:47
=== Marfi|drinking is now known as Marfi
Painlessneeto: mount -a will mount everything in fstab04:47
dmsupermanWhere can I get linux drivers for nForce for 680i LT SLI chipset?04:47
Arky44Starnestommy: so, like sudo mount -a xfce04:47
dmsupermannvidia.com says it can't find any when i do a search04:48
fdkrew Any one here is using a Dell Latitude D600? anyone?04:48
StarnestommyArky44: er, I think I got you confused with someone else.  You'll need to log otu then back in04:48
pragmaticpieAnyone here successfully synced a Treo 650 with Kpilot over USB?04:48
Arky44Starnestommy :P sorry04:48
baudelaireThat's a great site tonyyarusso -- I didn't know something like that existed04:48
pragmaticpieThe daemon's crashing every time I try it.04:48
Rafabeis Heron going to be released midnight tonigt (ie, in 15 mins on the east coast) or in 24 hours?04:49
Lardarsewhen it's done04:49
tonyyarussobaudelaire: they might even have an IRC channel too.  Also check whether there will be a release party in your area.04:49
Rafabemaybe I'll just stop trying to install 7.04 and wait for Heron04:49
tonyyarussoNo, we do not know what time 8.04 will be released.  However, rest assured that it will be out before the clock hits 23:59:59 on Baker and Howland Islands.  Until then, please stop asking.04:49
Kev3124do you think its worth it to upgrade from 7.10 to 8.04?04:49
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rich_freecommok :)04:49
neetoKev3124: Not yet. wait04:49
gaspipe1night all04:49
=== Twistage is now known as Hardy_HardOn
Qsteri have 8.04 really nice04:49
ApOgEE-can anybody help me please, where to Radeon IGP 330M/340M/350M driver on ati.com? i can't find it04:49
maxhi Im download hary heron is it beta ?04:49
tonyyarussomax: For the next few hours, yes.04:50
u007-1neeto - its not that stable yet?04:50
Kev3124how long should i wait?04:50
neetou007-1: I think it comes out tonight04:50
Arky44Hello all :) Is there a way to quickly change sessions, such as switching from GNOME to Xfce?04:50
maxstop downloading and waiting04:50
neetoJust wait for the official 1.0 release04:50
u007-1haha.. okay :D04:50
neetoIt's just safer04:50
Kev3124ok. thanks04:50
LardarseArky44: without logging out?04:50
u007-1*do not ask*04:50
Rafabethere's a thread on the HH forums with people saying it should be pushed back a week to fix bugs04:50
ScuniziArky44: yes.. log out .. change sessions.. log in.04:50
foraoh10 minutes left04:50
=== HARD_IS_HEROIN is now known as QUASIMOTO
Arky44Scunizi: is that the only way, though?04:51
stroyanArky44:  It is actually possible to run multiple X servers with different sessions. But it is not common.04:51
Hardy_HardOnWhats the likely hood of things breaking from upgrading distros04:51
tom____Quick question -- If I want to run a cron job as root -- do I just do "sudo crontab -e" and input the command?  I'm assuming then I can just put the command in there without a sudo, right?04:51
Kev31241 more question... when upgrading from 7.10 to 8.04.. is it necessary to back up files?04:51
Arky44stroyan: OK :)04:51
ScuniziArky44: no.. but I'm about to ask the group how.. as I have an interest too. running kde and gnome at the same time04:51
StroganoffArky44: you could write a script that terminates panel, desktop and windows manager and launches the other ones04:51
ScuniziAnyone know how to run gnome in one tty(7) and kde in another? at the same time?04:52
yajivhi all04:52
=== Hardy_HardOn is now known as Twistage
Arky44Stroganoff: that sounds a bit too complicated for me :P04:52
ApOgEE-can anybody help me please, where to get Radeon IGP 330M/340M/350M driver on ati.com? i just can't find it04:52
ScuniziApOgEE-: isn't their site just wonderful?!04:52
neetoWhen hardy comes out, can I upgrade seamlessly from 7.10 or is there gonna be some work to get everything working well?04:53
tom____Quick question -- If I want to run a cron job as root -- do I just do "sudo crontab -e" and input the command?  I'm assuming then I can just put the command in there without a sudo, right?04:53
Scunizineeto: seemless04:53
bluefoxxso i found a xbox360 controller with a usb adaptor at my thrift store today, and plugged it into my ubuntu hardy system, and it seems to work, only problem is that i need to use joy2key with it and wants /dev/js0. but the controller is /dev/input/js0. how do i fix this?04:53
TwistageScunizi: What's the deal with people having hardware conflicts via the last RC then?04:53
neetoScunizi: completely? I have a bunch of psuedo-hackish crap that's making my compiz install, and it's a big feisty on 7.10 anyway, I think it might just decide to commit suicide if I upgrade the kernel04:54
ScuniziTwistage: seemless upgrade after official release.. not now.04:54
Kev31241 more question... when upgrading from 7.10 to 8.04.. is it necessary to back up files? (will personal documents be lost when upgrading?)04:54
geniibluefoxx: edit the udev rule for symlinks and add the one you need04:54
Twistageneeto: I feel your pain04:54
StroganoffArky44: applications -> system tools -> new login (it may be hidden, use the menu editor)04:54
bluefoxxgenii: how?04:54
nikitisIs 8.04 released tomorrow?04:54
nickrudKev3124 not by design.04:54
StroganoffScunizi: applications -> system tools -> new login (it may be hidden, use the menu editor)04:54
cdm10Kev3124: it's very very very unlikely that anything will happen. If the system can't boot after the upgrade, you should still be able to get your files off using a livecd.04:54
cdm10nikitis: please read the topic04:54
tom____awww come on!!! someone has to know..it's an easy question...04:54
geniibluefoxx: If you open the file the syntax is easy to understand04:55
Starnestommytom____: I think so04:55
bluefoxxgenii: kk, will try it...04:55
peepsalotoooh, it's about to be so 1337 in here04:55
Kev3124alright. thanks... just wanted to make sure that upgrading wasnt the equiv. of a hard drive wipe04:55
Scunizineeto, seemless might not be in your case.. it's pretty much for a clean system with no major mods.. begs the arguement for a separate /home04:55
nikitiscdm10, i'm asking what time tomorrow, but tomorrow right?04:55
geniibluefoxx: Right now I don't have enough time to assist properly. But I gave you the correct approach to use04:55
nikitisApril 24th?04:55
bluefoxxgenii: kk, tyvm04:55
ScuniziStroganoff: so that will allow both to run at the same time? same user?04:55
tom____Starnestommy: you've never run a nightly rsync backup?04:55
Twistagetom____:  you don't need sudo under root04:55
tom____Twistage: thank you :-)04:56
Starnestommytom____: no, but I have used cron before04:56
nikitiscdm10, i mean i'm not asking what time tomorrow, just if it is released tomorrow april 24th04:56
StroganoffScunizi yes04:56
darren_what time is the releas pary04:56
milly1234well it looks like I can't have more then one video input device in ubuntu04:56
bluefoxxgenii: /etc/udev/rules.d/??04:56
Stroganoffdarren_: #ubuntu-release-party04:56
ScuniziStroganoff: and "new login in a window" will allow .. say .. kde to run in a window?04:57
The_PHP_Jediyou're all not leet now.04:57
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geniibluefoxx: In that dir, yes. Some file with symlink in name04:57
StroganoffScunizi i dont know, i dont have gnome installed04:57
dweebgirlhow does rich change his colors for x-chat04:57
SuperRoachdoes anyone know when 8.04 is going to be released? im waiting hehe :)04:57
ScuniziStroganoff: are you a terminal buff?04:57
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StroganoffScunizi just try it out04:57
bluefoxxgenii: what should the file name look like?04:57
theLichKingSuperRoach: ask in #ubuntu+104:58
nikitisSuperRoach, trying to find out if it's released april 24th04:58
* SuperRoach looks at topic, ah I see. Is there an estimate?04:58
StroganoffScunizi no i use parts of xubuntu04:58
geniibluefoxx: 1 minute04:58
theLichKingSuperRoach: besides, you can know right from the version number04:58
ScuniziStroganoff: ah.. I just found out that it has to be a different user.04:58
bluefoxxgenii: kk04:58
theLichKingSuperRoach: 8.04.. year 8 month 0404:58
luis_hi good night i like to ask you for help, every time i open mozilla it cover the entire screen and the icons that suppose to be up there at the right hand to minimize, clos or amplife the wondows do not appear how can i fix this please? help04:58
FalkmanJeez, i hate the new 8.04 :P im going back lol04:58
kmgI need to have read access to a DVD from a regular user, but I always get 'Permission denied'.  Help?04:58
TwistageFalkman: for what reason04:58
ScuniziStroganoff: I heard of a way to CTRL+ALT+F7 or F8 to bounce back and forth between different DM's with the same user and same /home04:59
Scunizibut forgot how04:59
nickrudluis_ look for 'full screen' on the menu options04:59
FalkmanTwistage: My wireless card does not work, and its a bug, it detects networks, i just cant connect... lots of people are having the same problem too04:59
Arky44Stroganoff: Ah, I've been having some fun with the Menu Editor... is there a way to get "New Login in a Window" to work? It says the X server isn't configured well...04:59
AutoMatriXhi folks, any Idea how to sync my cellular(nokia6610)  over IR with my laptop Toshiba 6100 ?04:59
StroganoffScunizi i know that, its very easy with XDM and SLIM but i dont know yet how to set it up with GDM04:59
ScuniziArky44: you might need to create a different user to log in with05:00
TwistageFalkman: What card ?05:00
stroyandweebgirl:  There are two xchat packages in ubuntu-  xchat-gnome and xchat.  The xchat-gnome package is dumbed down.05:00
FalkmanTwistage: intel 3945abg05:00
ScuniziStroganoff: thanks05:00
kmgI need to have read access to a DVD from a regular user, but I always get 'Permission denied'.  here's my fstab: http://pastebin.com/m1a9c69df05:00
cirkit_For some reason gnome-network manager doesn't show up anymore when I try and add the applet "notification area" ... it is installed too05:00
cirkit_only bluetooth notifiction shows up05:00
StroganoffScunizi try running gdmflexiserver from the terminal05:00
nickrudcirkit  type  alt-f2 nm-applet05:00
kmgI need to have read access to a DVD from a regular user, but I always get 'Permission denied'.  here's my fstab: http://pastebin.com/m1a9c69df05:00
Arky44Falkman: most Windows Wireless Cards don't work with ubuntu. It's easy to fix though :)05:00
dweebgirlAutoMatriX, do you have the nokia pc suite?05:00
ScuniziStroganoff: not sure what that did but I had to log in again.05:01
FalkmanArky44: How? it works fine out of the box with 7.1005:01
LainIwak1raHello, could someone teach me how to search for two keywords  using grep? For example, how do I search for all history lines containing both "ssh" and "lain"? history | grep ssh+lain?05:01
luis_on applications nickrud?05:01
AutoMatriXdweebgirl, I have, but I want to sync with Evolution05:01
cirkit_nickrud: cool ty05:01
whittcan we get help with hardy in this room yet, or is it still ubuntu+1?05:01
StroganoffScunizi nothing on ctrl+alt+f8/f7?05:01
TwistageI'm going to shoot myself if my wireless and sound stop working again under hardy05:01
nickrudluis_ on the firefox menus, probably under view05:01
nickrudwhitt still 7.0405:02
Arky44Falkman: Have you installed ndisgtk or ndiswrapper in Synaptic?05:02
megatog615omg april 24th05:02
kmgI need to have read access to a DVD from a regular user, but I always get 'Permission denied'.  here's my fstab: http://pastebin.com/m1a9c69df05:02
luis_so i hacve to open mozilla?05:02
AutoMatriXdweebgirl, what was your idea ?05:02
FalkmanArky44: No, i never had to before so I didnt think I would have to, ill try05:02
nickrudwhitt when you can't get into #ubuntu+1, it's released if prior history means anything05:02
ScuniziStroganoff: F9 gives me a nice black screen with a movable mouse pointer.05:02
nickrudluis_ run firefox/mozilla, and look under the view menu.05:02
Qsterwhats the difference between the release i dled and the one that everyone is waiting for?05:02
StroganoffScunizi you could try to go to ctrl+alt+f8, login and run: kde-session -- :105:02
Arky44Falkman: I had the same prob for a while...ndiswrapper is the terminal equivalent of ndisgtk (I like it better :))05:03
luis_ok thanks05:03
punkn00dlezzWhen is Hardy going to be released?05:03
nickrudQster which did you get?05:03
Starnestommypunkn00dlezz: in a few hours05:03
nickrudpunkn00dlezz see topic05:03
StroganoffScunizi or ctrl+alt+f1 rather05:03
Arky44Falkman: you then need to manually install your driver from there05:03
AutoMatriXdweebgirl, ? gone ?05:03
nickrudQster it'll update automatically05:03
kmgI need to have read access to a DVD from a regular user, but I always get 'Permission denied'.  here's my fstab: http://pastebin.com/m1a9c69df05:03
JPSmandoes anyone know much about ndiswrapper?05:03
KyleKi think we should ignore anyone who asks questions answered by the topic :)05:03
FalkmanArky44: Aww... :P fine, just the ipw3945 one or w/e?05:03
JPSmanI want to know how to get it working05:03
punkn00dlezzMy fault. Boy I feel dumb now.05:03
ScuniziStroganoff: ah.. ok.. thanks.. I think that was the command that was given to me in the past.. do I still need gdmflexiserver? and what does that do?05:03
Invert314i read the man pages, but i still can't figure out: how do i unmount all drives?05:03
dweebgirlAutomatrix, there's a nokia forum re; this05:03
KyleKhey how come there isn't ndiswrapper modules for 64bit?05:03
luis_thank you very much nickrud it did work  i really appreciate your help05:03
bullgard4What could be the reason that GNOME Search Tool does not find my file ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf? I notice that on 2 different laptops using different Ubuntu versions.05:03
dweebgirlare u a member?05:04
karllenzwhat is kernal panic not syncing?05:04
RafabeI'm trying to install the Hardy Heron that came out 10 minutes ago and I'm getting an error05:04
StroganoffScunizi forget gdmflexi05:04
KyleKbullgard4: it searches . directories?05:04
nickrudluis_ you're welcome05:04
kmgI need to have read access to a DVD from a regular user, but I always get 'Permission denied'.  here's my fstab: http://pastebin.com/m1a9c69df05:04
KyleKRafabe: error: error not found?05:04
AutoMatriXdweebgirl, what do you mean ?05:04
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bullgard4KyleK: Just a moment. I will check.05:04
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ScuniziStroganoff: ok.. but I'm still curious.. what's it suppose to do?05:04
dweebgirllemme get you the link05:05
JPSmandoes anyone know about wireless driver building/repair?05:05
JPSmanor ndiswrapper?05:05
stroyankarllenz:  That is the linux equivalent of the blue screen of death.  Something bad happened in the kernel.05:05
MEtaLpREsanyone know what time today hardy becomes available? i see it just says coming soon now05:05
StroganoffScunizi same as "new login" i think05:05
Invert314how do i unmount all drives i previously mounted?05:05
karllenzwhat can i do to fix this i just added ram could that be the issue??05:05
stroyanInvert314:  What about "/" ?05:05
Arky44Scunizi: Ctrl + Alt + F1 opens some kind of terminal OS05:05
suprieInvert314, umount -a05:05
ScuniziStroganoff: k.. thanks.05:05
bullgard4KyleK: No, it does not find the directory ~/.gnupg either.05:06
nabcorekarllenz; run the ram checker05:06
ScuniziArky44: yes.. it's called a tty.05:06
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nabcorekarllenz: memtest option from bootCD05:06
kmgI need to have read access to a DVD from a regular user, but I always get 'Permission denied'.  here's my fstab: http://pastebin.com/m1a9c69df05:06
Invert314suprie: i already tried umount -a...the srives are still mounted05:06
Invert314stroyan: what about /?05:06
stroyanYou don't want to umount /, do you?05:07
nabcorethe ban list for this channel is.... quite big :)05:07
Invert314stroyan: i am on a livecd =D05:07
nickrudkmg here's mine: /dev/scd0       /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec,utf8 0       005:07
KyleKbullgard4: so it doesn't search . directories?05:07
suprieInvert314, which partition you want to umount05:07
Starnestommyanony: stop that05:07
ScuniziArky44: you have to have kubuntu-desktop installed and then initiate the command that was given previously. then you can log in with gnome regularly and add kde to ctrl+alt+f1 or 2 or 3 or...05:07
stroyannabcore:  The ban list is getting bigger.05:07
Arky44Scunizi: Ah....05:08
KyleKwhy do you guys always op up and down?05:08
JPSmanhow can I upgrade hardy when I can't get online BECAUSE of hardy??05:08
KyleKit spams the channel unnessesssarily :p05:08
nickrudKyleK freenode policy05:08
karllenzbios rom checksum error?05:08
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twistageWhats the easiest way to DD a drive05:08
Starnestommynickrud: it's actually a guideline, not a policy05:08
FalkmanDamnit, i cant even make iwlwifi, i get loads of make errors05:08
Invert314suprie: /dev/sda3, sda2, sda5 mounted to /ubuntu, /ubuntu2, /ubuntu5 respectively (i think)05:08
Falkmanscrew this, no compatability == fail05:08
Arky44Hardy is not showing up in Update Manager...is there a terminal command for it?05:09
cdm10Arky44: it's not out yet.05:09
Invert314i actually forget which part is mounted to which directory05:09
nickrudStarnestommy guideline, recommended policy, half a dozen one 6 of the other05:09
KyleKFalkman: epic fail?05:09
Arky44cdm10: *grr* :P05:09
cdm10Arky44: you can force an upgrade to it by running "update-manager --devel-release"05:09
FalkmanKyleK: yep!05:09
kmgnickrud: permission denied05:09
Arky44*is counting the seconds*05:09
Invert314suprie: how can i tell which drives are mounted to which directory?05:09
nickrudkmg not sure then. can you read it as root?05:09
KyleKI cant get my wireless to work otherwise I'd be all over it05:09
cdm10Arky44: hit alt-f2, type that in, and run it, and you should be able to upgrade.05:09
suprieInvert314, just type mount05:09
stroyanInvert314:  You do need to stop or relocate processes using mount points.  You can use lsof to see what processes use each mount point.05:09
kmgnickrud: yes, i can.05:10
cdm10Arky44: just be forewarned: everyone is trying to upgrade, and will be for the next few days, so the servers are going to be dead slow.05:10
phishiei cannot wait for hardy's release man05:10
nickrudkmg and, your user needs to be in the cdrom group05:10
Falkman:\ Depressing lol05:10
r0bwhat time will hardy be ready for download05:10
cdm10r0b: look at the topic.05:10
MrSteveHelp !  --- I have ATI 9600 series All-In-Wonder AGP card.. It will do OpemGL uner MS.. XpPro.. Everything was fine until I used the Restricted driver from Ubuntu.. Now the Monitor is 640x480 LowResolution only.05:10
Invert314ty suprie05:10
twistageWill the gnome upgrade screw up my theme/wallpaper etc. etc.05:10
nickrudkmg you can check that by typing   groups   in the terminal. If it isn't,   sudo adduser <user> cdrom, log out and log back in (the logging is required)05:11
kmgnickrud: when I do 'groups box' (my username) cdrom is in there05:11
Invert314mount shows that nothing is mounted to the directories i designated05:11
MrStevetwistage:  - back up before install05:11
suprieInvert314, yw05:11
Macrendat what will 8.10 be released?05:11
twistageMrSteve: With what? dd?05:11
phishieMacrend , read topic05:11
nickrudkmg what's the permissions on your scd?  . should be 66005:11
MrStevetwistage:  copy files, even05:11
Invert314stroyan: i think lsof is more than i need05:12
cxoDoes the LTS version get gnome major cycle updates?05:12
nickrudcxo you mean gnome? no05:12
MrSteveI gotta go get Gnome updates?05:12
pragmaticpieNo luck with the Treo 650 yet.05:13
maekOMFG dling hardy now05:13
kmgnickrud: they're 66005:13
patifaMrSteve, you could shut off the restricted driver.05:13
Invert314suprie, stroyan: now check this out: ubuntu@ubuntu:/$ sudo mount -t reiserfs /dev/sda6 /ubuntu605:13
Invert314mount: /dev/sda6 already mounted or /ubuntu6 busy05:13
cxoeg 2.20 to 2.2205:13
JPSmandoes anyone know where I can get the windows drivers for a rt2500 card?05:13
KyleKhey what do I install for ndiswrapper modules on x86_64?05:13
twistageThis is kind of a stupid question, but how do you use GParted when you can't unmount and edit the size of the partition it resides on?05:13
nickrudMrSteve a stable release is just that, serious bug and security releases. Most desktop users stay with the 6 month cycle, large institutions usually use the lts's05:13
Invert314suprie: how do i mount sda6 to /ubuntu6?05:13
kmgnickrud: I did sudo chmod 660 /dev/scd0 and no change05:13
MrStevepatifa:  I did that.. No Luck, so I re-activated the driver.. what is it flgrx?05:13
nickrudkmg no real clue then.05:13
maekJPSman look on manufacturers website05:13
Invert314oh hey nickrud, i remember you from a long time ago =D05:13
KyleKJPSman: manufacturer site usually works really easily05:14
kmgnickrud: =C05:14
toby_1_kenobiMrSteve: I suppose if you want gnome updates then you could keep up with the regular ubuntu releases and not hang on to the LTS05:14
nickrudInvert314 yeah, I've been doing this far too long ;)05:14
suprieInvert314, lsof | grep Ubuntu605:14
stroyanInvert314:  But you say that "mount" alone does not report /ubuntu6 as mounted?05:14
MatToufoutuhi all05:14
cxoSo LTS doesnt get gnome updates?05:14
bullgard4KyleK: In gnome-search-tool I choosed now explicitely the option 'Search for hidden files and backups'. Now in Gutsy it findds a hidden directory but in Hardy it does not.05:14
JPSman. . . . . . .  k05:14
MrStevetoby_1_kenobi:  - Ohhh they doig that too?05:14
Ocenis64bonjour :)05:14
Invert314stroyan: correct05:14
* cxo damn they're too many convos in here05:14
karllenzok removed newly added ram and pci wifi card no erros yet and ubuntu is booting05:14
suprieInvert314, you can see in /etc/mtab05:15
maekcxo it gets GNOME updates with every distribution updates05:15
Invert314suprie: ubuntu@ubuntu:/$ lsof | grep Ubuntu605:15
Invert314lsof: WARNING: can't stat() tmpfs file system /cow05:15
Invert314      Output information may be incomplete.05:15
MrSteveI thought it got gnome with distro updates05:15
stroyanInvert314:  Do you get a similar complaint with mounting sda6 to a different directory?05:15
nickrudtmpfs cow?05:15
maeklike hardy has a new version of GNOME to gusty cxo05:15
toby_1_kenobiMrSteve: it does05:15
kmgI need to have read access to a DVD from a regular user, but I always get 'Permission denied'.  here's my fstab: http://pastebin.com/m1a9c69df05:15
twistageAnyone? advice on gparted05:16
MatToufoutuis hardy still released in usa ?05:16
FalkmanHas anyone fixed 3945abg drivers on hardy?05:16
MrSteveunetbootin.. delighted me05:16
Marfinot yet05:16
Invert314stroyan: yes05:16
stroyanInvert314:  lsof will show what is in use and can't therefore be umounted.  It doesn't hint at what will prevent a mount.05:16
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MatToufoutuMarfi, you were answering me ?05:16
cxoI want an distro that updates gnome without needing to reinstall a newer version of the OS05:16
nickrudMatToufoutu see topic05:17
nickrudcxo debian unstable05:17
cxoI mean, isnt it a bit weird to reinstall the OS, just to get an application update05:17
megatog615cxo: debian sid05:17
kmgI need to have read access to a DVD from a regular user, but I always get 'Permission denied'.  here's my fstab: http://pastebin.com/m1a9c69df05:17
AutoMatriX_dweebgirl, sorry, lost connexion05:17
Invert314suprie: there are no traces of /ubuntu6 in my mtab file05:17
mrkeishiican't wait05:17
Starnestommycxo: you'll still get bugfixes and security updates05:17
mrkeishiiit is 12:17 right now in eastern side of US. I'm waiting for 8.04LTS05:17
nickrudcxo and you don't need to reinstall, you can upgrade from one release to the next over the net05:18
MatToufoutunickrud, i know you dont know the exact time, but i just wanted to know if it was still released or not, and i've my answer, thank you ;)05:18
quentusrexif I'm creating a launcher to run a command in an xterm window. How do I get the window to stay open?05:18
Invert314stroyan: i tried mount sda6 to a different dir, but i get the same 'already mount'/'busy' message05:18
stroyanInvert314:  Are there any references to sda6, or possibly some alias of sda6 ?05:18
twistagemrkeishii: You didn't hear? They pushed it back05:18
mrkeishiitill when05:18
twistage2 weeks05:18
kmgI need to have read access to a DVD from a regular user, but I always get 'Permission denied'.  here's my fstab: http://pastebin.com/m1a9c69df05:18
nickrudMatToufoutu thinking about turning that into a text replace: nh = No hardy yet, see topic ;p05:18
cwillumrkeishii, every time you ask, they push back the release time two hours05:18
twistageIm just kidding05:18
quentusrexmrkeishii, I'm running Hardy right now... you want to wait....05:18
eckesicleI have a pdf of slides of which I would like to print 4-6 slides per page in evince. Find no such options. Any way to do this fast?05:18
* jgoo sticks a red hot poker up lenovos ass and warns everyone not to buy lenovo05:18
anachronoksdid they really push back the release date?05:18
bullgard4Where am I supposed to store GNOME source code files?05:18
quentusrexHardy isn't quiet fully ready to the spot light yet.05:19
phishieit's today man05:19
mrkeishiir u really sure they push it back05:19
nickrudbullgard4 best to do it in your home05:19
anachronoksthat's how rumors start...05:19
twistagemrkeishii: Joke05:19
cwillumrkeishii, read it for yourself in #ubuntu-release-party05:19
kmgI need to have read access to a DVD from a regular user, but I always get 'Permission denied'.  here's my fstab: http://pastebin.com/m1a9c69df05:19
Invert314stroyan: none05:19
asubedihey, how to disable command-not-found thing?05:19
roocraigwhat time will 8.04 final be released do you think?05:19
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - Support in #ubuntu+1 - Come join the #ubuntu-release-party now!05:19
bullgard4nickrud: Why is that the best?05:19
cwillubah, they should really change that05:19
mrkeishiiI read it sorry05:19
MrSteve(When they take RC off the Filename, I will get it.)05:19
mrkeishiiabout asking05:19
cwilluroocraig, read the motd05:19
KyleKoh i get it05:20
nickrudasubedi remove the package command-not-found05:20
cwillu'''No. we don't know exactly the time when 8.04 will be released.'''05:20
KyleKits midnight edt05:20
cxonickrud, is that like fedora rawhide?05:20
nickrudbullgard4 easy compilation, since you already own it05:20
Falkmanthis is impossible, so many dependencies, just putting me backwards into more errors05:20
KyleKcan someone change the botthing to specify PDT?05:20
nickrudcxo sorta, but much better imho05:20
bullgard4nickrud: Ah, ok. Thank you very much.05:20
suprieInvert314, have you tried without -t options05:20
kmgI need to have read access to a DVD from a regular user, but I always get 'Permission denied'.  here's my fstab: http://pastebin.com/m1a9c69df05:20
Invert314suprie: i'll try that now05:21
JPSmanhow can I find out what RaLink driver ubuntu used when packaging hardy?05:21
phishieIntrepid Ibex is the next version after Hardy.05:21
phishiesounds really cool05:21
twistageHow do you modify partition size and create new with GParted when you can't unmount the drive it resides on?05:21
rullieso is hardy out?05:21
nickrudtwistage use a live cd05:21
roocraigI have a add/remove error-please give me some advice as to what I should do: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64184/    I tried to install a ppd driver for a brother mfc-I did so incorrectly and I get this error after I install my other applications-I am a newbie so any clear help is appreciated :)05:21
AutoMatriX_phishie, I thaught it was hairy hardon ?05:21
phishienot yet rullie05:22
rulliephishis, suppose to be today right?05:22
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phishietoday's release is Hardy Heron05:22
anachronoksi'm going to try to install ubuntu 8 on a separate partition than 7.10, think i should use wubi?05:22
phishieI'm saying the version after05:22
Invert314suprie: without -t options, the prompt says that sda looks like swap space lolol05:22
PyChildit is05:22
bradlis7what timezone is ubuntu coming out on?05:22
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suprieInvert314, lol05:22
kmgI need to have read access to a DVD from a regular user, but I always get 'Permission denied'.  here's my fstab: http://pastebin.com/m1a9c69df05:22
AutoMatriX_phishie, sorry, misplaced joke, I use hardy since Alpha3 ;)05:23
eckesiclelp has option number_up05:23
nickrudroocraig in /var/lib/dpkg/info/cupswrappermfc7820n.postinst , put exit 0   after the line set -e if it exists, otherwise on line 205:23
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phishieAutoMatriX_ =)05:23
AutoMatriX_phishie, sorry, could'nt leave that ;)05:24
nickrudroocraig and _immediately_ after that run sudo apt-get remove --purge cupswrappermfc7820n , then sud apt-get -f install05:24
Falkmanbye bye hardy! I will never miss you!05:24
karllenzwhat if ubuntu only boots when in fail safe gnome desktop?05:24
bradlis7does anyone know what timezone hardy is going to be released at midnight in? i'm surprised it didn't come out in greenwich, or at least america-east05:25
nickrudkarllenz if you get to that, it's booting in the normal mode, just the X server is not starting. What kind of video card do you have?05:25
kmgI need to have read access to a DVD from a regular user, but I always get 'Permission denied'.  here's my fstab: http://pastebin.com/m1a9c69df05:25
karllenzon board05:25
karllenzvia i believe05:25
nickrudkarllenz need to know exactly05:25
nickrudkarllenz   lspci | grep -i vga  in a terminal will tell you05:25
mrkeishiiMaggie Q is hot05:25
chibi_killstickdoes anyone know how to deal with this error: undefined symbol: cairo_xlib_surface_create05:26
karllenzok i just got and error sayin OAFIID:GNOME_FASTusERSWITCHAPPLET05:26
karllenzencountered problem loading05:26
chibi_killstickit seems to be an error with  /usr/lib/libgdk-x11-2.0.so.005:26
stroyanInvert314:  You can use "sudo parted /dev/sda print" to look for that reiserfs filesystem you thought you made.05:26
kmgI need to have read access to a DVD from a regular user, but I always get 'Permission denied'.  here's my fstab: http://pastebin.com/m1a9c69df05:26
rryanAnyone know what time today 8.04 is being released?05:26
dweebgirlAutomatrix, did you get it05:26
rryantricid : doh.. sry05:27
karllenzit says s3 unichrome05:27
dweebgirldid you get the nokia forum website?05:27
karllenzmade by VIA05:27
Qsteranyone know the command  to open the resollution ive somehow gotten mine stuck on 320 and cant see anything05:27
Invert314stroyan: ubuntu@ubuntu:/$ sudo parted /dev/sda print05:27
Invert314Error: Can't have overlapping partitions.05:27
nickrudkarllenz tell it to unload the applet05:27
* bradlis7 wants hardy05:27
karllenzi hit ignor it wanted to delet05:28
* CyanFlux wants hardy too05:28
kmgI need to have read access to a DVD from a regular user, but I always get 'Permission denied'.  here's my fstab: http://pastebin.com/m1a9c69df05:28
stroyanInvert314:  That disk is looking very mistreated.05:28
KyleKkmg: permission denied for mounting or reading?05:28
kmgKyleK: reading05:29
nickrudkarllenz not sure what driver provides support for that chip, try googling  ubuntu via vt837805:29
Invert314stroyan: damn05:29
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KyleKkmg: a) look at the permissions and uh ask somebody else or b) add in umask=022 :)05:29
ExploDoes anyone know how to keep GDM from running when Ubuntu boots?05:29
Qsteranyone kow a way to get my resolution out for 320 lol.. cant see anything and cant geto menu where i changed it05:29
redwyrmhow can I see a list of installed packages sorted by installation date?05:29
nickrud!who | karllenz (you'll need to do this, especially starting tomorrow ;)05:30
ubotukarllenz (you'll need to do this, especially starting tomorrow ;): As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)05:30
fserveQster, try ctrl + alt + '+'05:30
karllenzubotu: ok05:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ok - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:30
eZehm, use !tab ?05:30
karllenzubotu: im new wit irc05:30
zylstra555Hello. When I run CUPSYS in the browser, I get this error: E [23/Apr/2008:21:27:35 -0700] cupsdCloseClient: Error in the push function. What does it mean and how do I fix it?05:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about im new wit irc - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:30
kmgKyleK: which permissions?  and I'll try the umask.  also, different DVD works05:30
fserveredwyrm, try synaptic05:30
eZe!tab o.O05:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tab o.o - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:30
brent113ok: kind of a complicated setup: removed nvidia-glx-new and installed the newest driver off nvidia's website.  Now I'm having trouble enabling compiz fusion, it wants the nvidia-glx-new package i'm assuming05:30
ExploDoes anyone know how to keep GDM from running when Ubuntu boots?05:31
redwyrmfserve, thanks. I'll look into it05:31
xanax`is it out ? is it available somewhere ?05:31
KyleKkmg: oh also maybe your user cant use the mount point05:31
stroyanExplo:  You can run "sudo services-admin" and uncheck "Graphical login manager"05:31
eZe please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab) <- i don't think that's supposed to say !tab05:31
KyleKlinux is silly with permissions that they no longer phase me05:31
Explostroyan: I'll try that05:31
brent113anyone wanna help me turn on compiz?05:32
nickrudkarllenz welcome then. There's only a few things you'll need to know, you'll pick them up as you go05:32
kmgKyleK: user can't use the mount point?05:32
xanax`is v8.04 out ? is it available somewhere ?05:32
nickrudxanax` see /topic05:33
karllenznickrud: thanx05:33
brent113hey nikrud05:33
karllenznickrud: do u thin the s3 driver will work05:33
nickrudbrent113 hey.05:33
Qsteranyone know console command to open resolution settings?05:33
karllenzwit my  via vt837805:33
milly1234well, I am going to attempt and recompile this kernel in an attempt to get to video input devices working at once05:33
=== Hearty_Heroine is now known as elmer
xanax`ok, thanks nickrud. (but it could have been released discretely on a FTP mirror.. ;-p )05:34
grammcan i ask hardy questions in here yet?05:34
nickrudkarllenz my guess would be xserver-xorg-video-via  or  -unichrome , but I don't have any experience with via chips05:34
nickrudgramm not yet.05:34
milly1234two video devices I mean05:35
stroyanQster:  gnome-display-properties05:35
karllenznickrud: that did the trick05:35
karllenznickrud:  the s3 driver05:35
nickrudkarllenz ah good ;)05:35
pikeshouse88so far off is the final release? hours, minutes?05:35
karllenznickrud: im proud lol i figuered something out05:35
brent113nickrud, wanna help me out with my compiz problem real quick?05:35
stroyanQster:  Sometimes xrandr works better.05:35
Invert314stroyan, suprie: here is my forum post: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=224351&page=3105:36
nickrud!sudo | roocraig05:36
uboturoocraig: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.05:36
thiebaudebbl, i have updates on my 8.0405:36
* Invert314 = Drone4four05:36
karllenznow i see hardy is out ima hafta reinstall everything again05:36
shadow4208.04 is released05:36
xanax`shadow420 : where ?05:36
nickrudbrent113 if it's real simple, I used compiz some but I'm back to metacity.05:36
shadow420xanax just order the free cd05:37
nickrudkarllenz no, just wait till hardy is released. Your ubuntu will offer to upgrade without reinstalling05:37
xanax`hmm.. I want to download the iso05:37
supersakois it released?05:38
* rryan shakes05:38
karllenznickrud: im new to linux and ubuntu should i wait before doing any updates as well??05:38
brent113nickrud: haha, yea my problem is enabling it.  I installed the nvidia driver using the .run from their site, and the appearance tab won't let me enable effects, saying I need to enable it from the restricted driver manager05:39
nickrudkarllenz no, you should be totally up to date before upgrading to the next release. Actually, the upgrade will ensure you're up to date before it begins05:39
karllenznickrud: o ok05:39
karllenzapt-get update05:39
Geoffrey2or, just download the ISO, burn it to CD, and install05:39
xTheGoat121xnickrud, how's it going tonight?05:39
nickrudbrent113 ah. that's not a compiz problem, that's a video driver problem. ATI I'd take a stab at, but I haven't owned an nvidia in years05:39
nickrudxTheGoat121x quickly :)05:39
brent113nickrud: ah, well thanks anyways05:40
xTheGoat121xnickrud, that good, eh?05:40
mrwislrcan someone please help me05:40
nickrudxTheGoat121x if people wouldn't keep asking about the release, the scroll would be about a third ;)05:40
Qster!stroyan thanks! oh thank god thank you05:41
mrwislri need to test registering on a new site05:41
bullgard4How can I add a switch to gnome-search-tool so that it will find hidden files and backups also? ('man gnome-search-tool' did not enlighten me.)05:41
xTheGoat121xnickrud, so true.  If all else fails... just keep repeating the name of the channel with the release party.05:42
grammhi, im installing hardy (yeah, i know, not supported yet, etc).  ubiquity seems to be stalling after importing documents and settings.  help please?05:42
Acoustykhas anyone gotten 3d gnu chess to work?05:42
milly1234maybe I can have more then one video input device in the new ubuntu, instead of me just trying to fix my 7.10 install05:42
ross`excuse me, can i get ubuntu for my palm? palm V 5?05:42
Geoffrey2well, how about changing the topic to No, we DON'T know when 8.04 will be released. :)05:42
mrwislranyone help me test registering?05:42
zylstra555Hello. When I run CUPSYS in the browser, I get this error: E [23/Apr/2008:21:27:35 -0700] cupsdCloseClient: Error in the push function. What does it mean and how do I fix it?05:42
Acoustykhas anyone gotten gnu chess 3D to work?05:43
frank_bquestion: who should I complain to about a bar in the left of every maximized window in ubuntu? (whether I am using firefox or an application) the gnome people?05:43
nickrudfrank_b have you tried a different theme05:43
karllenzwhat does this do dpkg --configure -a05:44
DAC1138can someone explain why openoffice has a patch (that's about 100+ mb) each week?05:44
frank_bnickrud, no, I guess I can try that, thanks05:44
MythrilDoes anyone know of any project management software out there that currently has resource leveling working?05:44
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nickrudfrank_b might be the issue, but easily isn't05:44
KeithWeissharwhen is ubuntu 8.04 coming out05:45
tcpdumpgodDAC1138, security fixes and functionality fixes05:45
grammkarllenz: i would like to second that question05:45
nickrudkarllenz it tells the package management to run the install configuration steps for any packages that haven't finished configuring05:45
ross`excuse me, can i get ubuntu for my palm? palm V 5????05:45
mrwislranyone able to do a quick registering?05:46
* zylstra555 wonders how many people are not looking at the topic today05:46
peepsalotanyone know a way to use netflix "watch now" on Ubuntu w/ firefox?  I think a guy at my work was saying there is a way05:46
fserveKeithWeisshar, TODAY!05:46
xanax`only a very few people read channel topic after joining05:46
Geoffrey2ross`, I don't believe that's possible05:46
grammzylstra555: about as many never look at the topic...05:46
karllenznickrud: o ok05:46
CyanFluxzylstra555: when does ubuntu 8.04 come out?05:46
isplicerGuys, whens Hardy coming out?05:46
ross`Geoffrey2: can i get debian on my palm?05:46
ross`what would you uggest would be the best distro to put on my palm05:47
isplicerhardy should be out today right?05:47
zylstra555Were 2.5 hours away from the release now..05:47
MrObviouszylstra555: How did you get that time?05:47
Dynamiteyes, today.05:47
shadow4202.5 wow05:47
frank_bnickrud, no, you were right. it solved the problem. it's a petty though, since they're always changing the themes and getting rid of old good versions. I guess I'll have to look for one that pleases me more. thanks once again :)05:47
HikejinxWow, it's worse then a bunch of Star Wars geeks outside a new release05:47
zylstra555"1 day away"05:47
DAC1138tcpdumpgod: then wouldnt it be better to just download openoffice from the main site and not worry about having to get the debs from the ubuntu servers, since they're so buggy and holey?05:48
Geoffrey2ross`, you can't just take any old linux distro and install it on the Palm....you need a linux program specifically designed to work on it...the average linux distro is WAY to big to fit05:48
CyanFluxthats based off your computer's time05:48
nickrudfrank_b I always do. I have a small screen so I use spifficity because it has very short title bars05:48
zylstra555CyanFlux: What time zone is the Ubuntu server in?05:48
MrObviouszylstra555: Here in Kansas it will be the 24th in 12 minutes. It doesn't mean it will be available then05:48
tcpdumpgodDAC1138, the .deb's from ubuntu are .deb made from the patches Openoffice puts out.05:48
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes05:48
roocraigCan anyone help a newbie with a sound issue?05:48
CyanFluxzylstra555: I believe its PDT05:48
ross`Geoffrey2: i realize that05:48
Fdisk93here in NC its 12:48 and it isnt out yet05:49
CaptainMorganI checked the site and can't find it... is the new Ubuntu out yet ?05:49
ross`can you suggest a palm version of linux thats decent?05:49
zylstra555CyanFlux: Do you think the people in charge of Ubuntu are so excited (about to pee their pants) that they might actually hit the button at EXACTLY 12AM?05:49
shadow420roocraig whats your sound issue05:49
GangHi, when will 8.04 be released? What does "Coming Soon" exactly mean?05:49
DAC1138tcpdumpgod: ah, ok. well, it just gets frusturating when we have bandwidth caps here in australia and we have 500 updates to get to make a distro stable05:49
MichaelLovesUbunis there a ubuntu release party chat this time05:49
twistageMichaelLovesUbun: Yeah05:49
KeithWeissharwhat time zone is ubuntu.com located in05:49
CyanFluxzylstra555: I was kidding when i asked you when it was to come out, considering the channel title and other people asking, etc05:50
nickrudMichaelLovesUbun see the /topic05:50
twistageMichaelLovesUbun: #ubuntu-release-party05:50
HikejinxComing soon means everyone comes here, doesn't read the topic, and asks the same questions over and over, preventing people with REAL questions from getting help05:50
tcpdumpgodDAC1138, are you talking about because you have multiple machines to update or because openoffice updates so often?05:50
justnutswat!? release time is based on localtime .... not very il8n05:50
MichaelLovesUbunk im there05:50
tcpdumpgodDAC1138, are you using dapper or what?05:50
zylstra555CyanFlux: I know, but, its sure funny to watch the wave of reaction05:50
* CyanFlux nods.05:50
DAC1138tcpdumpgod: been using gutsy for the longest time but gave up on doing updates about 3 months ago05:50
tcpdumpgodwhy DAC1138 ?05:51
zylstra555Why dont you get a server admin in here to automatically force invite everyone who asks to #ubuntu-party-release ... that would solve quite a few problems05:51
DAC1138tcpdumpgod: thought this new hardy release candidate would have improved the update thing, but it didnt.05:51
frank_bnickrud, yes, but in my case it was definitly the theme, since it only started when I had to choose a different one because the one I used to use doesn't come with ubuntu anymore05:51
CyanFluxzylstra555: and yes, I do believe the people releasing it are are so excited they are about to pee their pants.05:51
zylstra555(yes, I realize there wouldent be a willing server admint..)05:51
khaije1err nm nm05:51
GangHikejinx, thanks for your explanation~05:51
shadow420I have Gutsy and Hardy Kubuntu beta05:51
DAC1138tcpdumpgod: updates are tedious and stupid when they update apps i don't even use, and even if it's for security purposes, i'd rather just deal with a broken system than spend my uptime downloading updates05:51
Starnestommyzylstra555: forced joins are impossible on this network's irc server software05:51
tcpdumpgodDAC1138, do you have "hardy" in your sources.list or "gutsy"?05:51
zylstra555Starnestommy: Aww... they are so fun as well05:52
DAC1138tcpdumpgod: it's all hardy now05:52
shadow420but I am dumping my entire linux HD and just have Hardy and I might get slackware for the hell of it05:52
tcpdumpgodHow long have you had it like that DAC1138 ?05:53
DAC1138tcpdumpgod: installed the hardy beta and im not installing anything else, since ubuntu is the best (just tried openoffice 10.3, it's not to shabby, but not ubuntu)05:53
fserve2.3 ?05:53
tcpdumpgodHow long have you had it like that DAC1138 ?05:53
DAC1138tcpdumpgod: hardy repos? since i installed the hardy RC05:53
frank_bnickrud, or better saying, the window border to be more specific, since I usually customize the theme. thanks once again :)05:53
nickrudfrank_b yw05:53
tcpdumpgodDAC1138, a week, two weeks, ?!05:54
* zylstra555 over and out05:54
DAC1138tcpdumpgod: a day05:54
tcpdumpgodwell hardy is a beta release and openoffice gets updated daily.05:54
tcpdumpgodthats probably what you're talking about.05:54
nickrudwell jeez, DAC1138 what do you expect, installing a beta and not seeing constant updates?05:54
shadow420well once I get my free cd I am goig full Hardy and maybe another OS like React OS05:55
DAC1138nickrud: yeah, you missed my entire point: ubuntu has been having updates every week since i started using hoary (i think that's the first i used)05:55
DAC1138nickrud: and every week, there's a 100+ mb update for openoffice, and more updates for apps i dont even use05:55
DAC1138nickrud: and i used to do all those updates, until it started ending up getting rediculous05:56
dholbachggood morning05:56
twistagetop of the morning james05:56
karllenz_i cant find a doc on file sharing05:56
* nickrud refuses to ask the burning question05:56
DAC1138nickrud: i like that i can get weekly updates, but why don't the save the large downloads for monthly updates, like microsof tdoes?05:56
nickrudDAC1138 I prefer the regular updates, every bug fix is an improvement05:57
Shubbarheat sensor applet doesnt change temperature, CUP always at 40C05:57
dn4iaI just installed gnuplot-x11 onto my ubuntu machine and I cannot get the application to pop up05:57
dn4iawhere is it?05:57
bullgard4DAC1138: Sometimes for security reasons.05:57
Daisuke_IdoDAC1138, because security things shouldn't have to wait for patch day05:57
DAC1138nickrud: i prefer regular updates too, just as long as the download doesnt turn out to be 300 MB total for that batch05:57
Shubbarhow can i get the heat sensor applet working?05:57
GangIs there anyone will install Ubuntu from Windows? Wubi.exe~05:58
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - Support in #ubuntu+1 - Come join the #ubuntu-release-party now!05:58
fservenot i05:58
VeN0mizerI know this has been asked alot I'm sure but...will one with 1 gig of ram really notice _any_ improvements with using xfce4 over gnome? because memory usage reported both using 211mb of ram total after logging in and just running system resource monitor :/05:58
fserveand the next ubuntu05:58
Daisuke_Idoand MS does things the way they do to prevent machines from having to be rebooted all the time.  here, you don't have to reboot with each patch, only on some (and even then i think you can get around it)05:58
fservewhat name will have?05:58
fserveIxxx Ixxx ?05:58
roocraigmy sound card is:   ATI Technologies Inc IXP SB4x0 (rev 01), and I have sound out of my headphones but not my speakers. I have laptop speakers I want to use for external sound--I am a newbie and would like to get my sound working before the final release is ready--any help would be appreciated greatly :)05:58
nickrudVeN0mizer I wouldn't expect any, other than the native speed advantage05:58
DAC1138fserve: intrepid ibex?05:59
Daisuke_Idofserve, intrepid ibex05:59
VeN0mizernative speed advantage?05:59
Daisuke_Idothe reason i'm no longer going to use the codenames05:59
_NetNeed an opinion, anyone here tried Beryl for ubuntu before?05:59
Daisuke_Ido_Net, beryl's been dead for some time05:59
akornDoes anybody know what time 8.04's going to be out around?05:59
fservei'm using compiz instead of beryl05:59
Daisuke_Idoakorn, read the topic05:59
Daisuke_Idono, we don't know, so don't ask05:59
nickrudDaisuke_Ido only kernel and libc6 , everything else I've not had to reboot even when asked. (and I do find the request annoying at times)05:59
_NetDaisuke_Ido: I saw some video and it looks interesting, Is it worth playing with?06:00
Daisuke_Ido_Net, you're going to want compiz-fusion06:00
Gangakorn: All of us want to get the answer of the question, but.....06:00
akornhaha sorry06:00
Daisuke_Idowhich is beryl and compiz re-merged06:00
akornjust a bit impatient ;)06:00
Daisuke_Idoand it's definitely worth it06:00
_NetCompiz and beryl?06:00
CITguyI'm sorry if this has already been asked. Is there a room for the ubuntu release?06:00
=== amurnick is now known as amhernick
nickrudCITguy see /topic06:01
ariqslook at topic06:01
_NetAre they seperate downloads or can I install them together06:01
CITguythx, sry06:01
yell0wakorn: it's out06:01
Gangakorn: me too:)06:01
therealnanotubeand while we're talking about 8.04 release... i will encourage everyone to use the torrents rather that ftp/http direct, to save the servers!06:01
akornGang hahaha06:01
roocraiganybody here good at sound issues in ubuntu?06:01
VeN0mizerhahaha it just says 'coming soon" now06:01
akornyellow the final isn't?06:01
Daisuke_Ido_Net, quick history: compiz was first, beryl forked from that and each focused on something different, then realized they would be better together, so they re-merged the branches and called it compiz-fusion06:01
Dynamitetawt: 11.62 am06:01
yell0woh wait06:01
tawtdynamite ?06:02
Daisuke_IdoDynamite, the hell kind of clock are you using? :D06:02
_NetThanks Daisuke_Ido06:02
tawtinteresting clock system06:02
akornyellow yea it's only the RC that's up06:02
Daisuke_Ido_Net, no problem.  if you're using 7.04 or newer, compiz-fusion is installed by default06:02
roocraigmy sound card is:   ATI Technologies Inc IXP SB4x0 (rev 01), and I have sound out of my headphones but not my speakers. I have laptop speakers I want to use for external sound--I am a newbie and would like to get my sound working before the final release is ready--any help would be appreciated greatly :)06:03
_NetOh Is it.06:03
yell0wgahh it's tricking me akorn06:03
_NetDaisuke_Ido: Im using 7.1006:03
_NetDo I just go sudo apt-get install compiz-fusion?06:03
Daisuke_Ido_Net, go to system > preferences > appearance06:03
tawt_Net use synaptic.  probably easier06:03
_NetAh, Ok I'll try both.06:03
Daisuke_Idoand go to the desktop effects tab06:04
akornyell0w hahaha yea it had me too06:04
tawtdo daisuke first06:04
redipsHello all06:04
_NetShould I select Normal or Extra06:04
tawtdoesn't matter06:04
Daisuke_Idotry normal first, see if it works :)06:04
_NetW: Failed to fetch http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/restricted/l/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22/nvidia-glx-new_100.14.106:04
tawtnever seen that one before...06:05
Daisuke_Ido_Net, wha?06:05
_NetGave me this error06:05
nickrud_Net probably a server error, was it a 404 or what?06:05
robotzzwhen is this 804 bad boy coming out? "coming soon" wtf is that doodoo06:05
ubotuisitout is The answer is always that it will release when the release manager says so, which is generally down to how exact order of events works out on the day and is hard for anyone (including the release manager) to put an exact time on in advance.  However, rest assured that it will be out before the clock hits 23:59:59 on Baker and Howland Islands.  Until then, please stop asking.06:05
_NetCould not connect to ca.archive.ubuntu.com:80 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)06:05
KeithWeissharwhen is the final version of wubi coming out06:05
Daisuke_Idorobotzz, it's the answer you're getting, so sit back and be good like everyone else06:06
miliarobotzz, it is out atm06:06
Daisuke_IdoKeithWeisshar, with any luck, never06:06
Daisuke_Idomilia, no, it is not.06:06
_Netnickrud: Ya06:06
robotzzmilia,  link?06:06
miliadownloaded it last night and now i'm downloading the updates06:06
jerichois the baker and howland islands thing a joke?06:06
KeithWeissharis wubi still in beta06:06
miliarobotzz, i got the rc06:06
tidrionwhere is 8.04?06:06
Daisuke_Idomilia, you downloaded the RC06:06
tonyyarussoFor all Ubuntu 8.04 release anticipation, please head to #ubuntu-release-party.  #ubuntu is a support channel ONLY, even during exciting times.  :)06:06
Daisuke_Idothe final is not out06:06
nickrud_Net server error then. You could try a new mirror, or wait till the server is synced up06:06
miliaDaisuke_Ido, so?06:06
CITguy_Net: the ubuntu repositories are slowed to a crawl due to the impatient upgraders06:06
miliathe final will be rc +upgrades06:07
_NetCITguy: Haha I had a feeling.06:07
nickrudmilia so, if you're up to date you most likely have the final06:07
Daisuke_Idomight as well say the final will be 7.10 + upgrades06:07
roocraigcan i pc anybody about sound issues?06:07
john7121use bittorrent06:07
Daisuke_Idothe RC is not the final06:07
robotzzhehe in that case milia rc<final06:07
milianickrud, i guess that's how it goes:)06:07
Daisuke_Idoend of story06:07
miliarobotzz, true :)06:07
miliaDaisuke_Ido, sure06:07
MEtaLpREsis the hardy final in the repositories for upgrades now?06:08
=== co is now known as carvie
kindofabuzzanyword on the hardy wireless bugs?06:08
john7121m$ kics linux ass06:08
CITguyMEtaLpREs: no, but people apparently think that they can force an upgrade06:08
alexsabreei hardy out yet?06:08
roocraigCan anyone help me with sound issue?06:08
Geoffrey2hmm, probably no surprise here...I have a rather new PCI express chip from ATI, so obviously compiz-fusion won't work.....06:08
megatog615lol john712106:08
tonyyarussoFor all Ubuntu 8.04 release anticipation, please head to #ubuntu-release-party.  #ubuntu is a support channel ONLY, even during exciting times.  :)06:08
MEtaLpREswouldnt the upgrade only get them to the rc then?06:08
alexsabreeGeoffrey2 you need latest drivers06:09
=== `KoRn is now known as Razel
alexsabreeits not compiz06:09
alexsabreeits ur gpu drivers06:09
robbieswhat version of firefox will be in 8.04?06:09
Geoffrey2alexsabree, I know...it's ATI......06:09
robbiesthe beta of firefox 3?06:09
kindofabuzzbeta 506:10
CyanFluxrobbies: 3 beta 506:10
nickrudrobbies latest beta and latest 2.x06:10
DAC1138lol. ubuntu is the only distro with more than one room for it's fans06:10
DAC1138its fans, sorry needs no '06:10
robbiesnickrud: which one by default?06:10
GangGo out for lunch. Hope that I can see 8.04 after I back to lab:)06:10
kindofabuzzbeta 506:10
nickrudrobbies beta06:10
CITguyanybody know of a way to get a full list of apps installed for reinstallation after upgrade?06:10
robbiesi heard that firefox will finally use the linux themes buttons, etc.06:10
robbiesinstead of those ugly box ones06:10
roocraigmy sound card is:   ATI Technologies Inc IXP SB4x0 (rev 01), and I have sound out of my headphones but not my speakers. I have laptop speakers I want to use for external sound--I am a newbie and would like to get my sound working before the final release is ready--any help would be appreciated greatly :)06:10
Daisuke_IdoDAC1138, there's this one, +1, kubuntu, xubuntu, the release party...  get everyone in all of the channels in one place and it would be chaos :D06:10
nickrud!clone | CITguy06:10
MiescoWhen does Unbuntu 8 come out?06:10
ubotuCITguy: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate06:10
kindofabuzz6 months06:11
robbiesOMG ITS OUT!!!!06:11
nickrudCITguy but, you don't have to reinstall, the update manager will ask if you want to upgrade in place06:11
mrkeishiican't wait06:11
Dynamiterobbies: stop it. :(06:11
_NetOh just one last question, whats everyone's opinion of this Backtrack thing06:11
kindofabuzzif you have wireless, don't upgrade06:11
nickrud!offtopic | _Net06:11
DAC1138Daisuke_Ido: yeah, it's already chaos in here during normal US daylight hours06:11
ubotu_Net: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!06:11
kindofabuzzwell if you depend on wireless06:11
Daisuke_Idokindofabuzz, that's purely opinion06:11
CITguyIs there ANY chance of my system breaking when upgrading?06:11
karllenz_whats the difference between nfs and samba?06:11
_NetI thought backtrack was part of linux06:11
yell0wCITguy: yes06:12
mrkeishiiwhat is samba06:12
nickrudCITguy yes, it's possible especially if you have third party stuff installed06:12
JPSmancan I use an ethernet cable to connect to the net through another computer that is using wireless to connect06:12
Daisuke_Idointel 4965 and 3945 work just fine06:12
Daisuke_Idoatheros is fine too06:12
robbiesJPSman: yes, but it requires some configuration06:12
kindofabuzzsamba can use the MS network, nfs doesn't06:12
JPSmanRobbies: do you know what I mean?06:12
robbiesJPSman: you would also need a patch cable unless you were using a switch or hub06:12
Daisuke_Idokindofabuzz, but windows clients can be set up to use nfs (which is so much more stable)06:12
kindofabuzzoh ok06:13
robbiesJPSman: i know exactly what you mean, i have a patch cable going from my PC to my xbox06:13
Geoffrey2where exactly do you get updated drivers for ATI from?06:13
Daisuke_Idotakes work on the windows side though (installing services for unix)06:13
mrkeishiiwhat is samba?06:13
kindofabuzzi don't see that going pretty06:13
robbiessamba is the pet name for my penis06:13
nickrudGeoffrey2 ati.amd.com, but if you wait for hardy you'll have the latest ati in a nice shiny package06:13
CITguyGeoffrey2: have you tried ATI's website?06:13
Daisuke_Idokindofabuzz, works really welll06:13
Starnestommymrkeishii: it lets linux serve windows shares06:13
roocraigCan anyone help me with a sound issue I have? Please :)06:13
CITguylol, gmta06:13
owen1mrkeishii: file server for windows-linuxk06:13
nickrud!language | robbies06:13
uboturobbies: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.06:13
JPSmanRobbies:  CompA---ethernet---CompB-^    <-wireless06:14
schweebDaisuke_Ido: NFS is mor esimple, not more stable06:14
owen1mrkeishii: what do u need?06:14
robbiesJPSman: the computer connected via wireless would essentially be acting as a bridge06:14
schweebDaisuke_Ido: big diff.06:14
Daisuke_Idoschweeb, if you're actually trying to tell me samba is more stable, i laugh at thee06:14
JPSmanRobbies: ok cool so it IS possible...is there documentation on it?06:14
robbiesJPSman: if you setup internet sharing, then you can use a patch cable, requiring no hub or switch06:14
owen1mrkeishii: if u want to share files between linux machines u can use NFS. it's easy.06:14
jerichoCan I connect my Texas Instrument calculator to ubuntu?06:14
KyleKhey so when I wake up tomorrow I'll be able to ask hardy questions in here?06:14
robbiesJPSman: do you want to do this with ubuntu?06:15
Daisuke_IdoKyleK, assuming it's been released06:15
KyleKjericho: why not?06:15
schweebDaisuke_Ido: I know from experience.06:15
Daisuke_Idoschweeb, same06:15
schweebDaisuke_Ido: ever had a system with stale NFS mounts06:15
Daisuke_Idoit's a bit of a pain06:15
roocraigSOUND HELP ANYBODY?06:15
owen1does xubuntu have a pdf viewer?06:15
jerichoKyleK: well and get it able to recognize it too06:15
nickrudjericho there's the tilp and tilp2 packages, one of those might work for you06:15
robbiesowenl: yes06:15
schweebyou're quite wrong. NFS is simple, samba, once you get it working is more stable06:15
jerichonickrud: ok thanks06:15
Daisuke_Idoi've used both, and i find that i'm riht.06:16
KyleKheh all i have is the old ti83+ with serial cable06:16
mrkeishiiu think it will be out around 6 in the morning est?06:16
schweebNFS, except for v4 is not recommended by anyone with a shred of credibility06:16
schweebv4 is passable06:16
RustedI need help06:16
Daisuke_Idoschweeb, again, your opinion06:16
roocraigI need help06:16
kindofabuzzwho cares?06:16
nickrud!ot | nfs06:16
ubotunfs: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!06:16
owen1schweeb: i am using the 8.04 version. is it ok?06:17
Daisuke_Idomy opinion is that nfs is better, yours is that samba's better06:17
kindofabuzzsome systems samba may be more stable, some nfs may be06:17
owen1schweeb: i mean, the one that comes with hardy.06:17
sexcopteris this a good room to ask about a hardware issue?06:17
Daisuke_Idomrkeishii, read the topic, we don't know exactly when it's coming out.06:17
john7121please for when is the Hardy Heron to be released into the wild?06:17
yell0w!ask > sexcopter06:17
RustedI upgraded to version 8,04 hardy and my usb headset quit working how can I get it to work again06:17
fserve: D06:18
jedimasterkIs the Final out yet06:18
Daisuke_Idojohn7121, like i JUST SAID, read the topic, we don't know when it's coming out06:18
nickrud!isitout (I'm gonna put this on a 7.5 minute repeat .... )06:18
shelezttand... where is the 8.04 final release? I see only rc..06:18
kindofabuzzomg i gotta get out of here.06:18
Daisuke_Idoah christ06:18
nickrud!isitout | all (I'm gonna put this on a 7.5 minute repeat .... )06:18
ubotuall (I'm gonna put this on a 7.5 minute repeat .... ): isitout is The answer is always that it will release when the release manager says so, which is generally down to how exact order of events works out on the day and is hard for anyone (including the release manager) to put an exact time on in advance.  However, rest assured that it will be out before the clock hits 23:59:59 on Baker and Howland Islands.  Until then, please stop asking.06:18
langdonlibidoI'm having trouble my wireless card06:18
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sheleztteverbody's going crazy:)06:18
prateekDoes aptitude dist-upgrade actually do a distribution upgrade (I'd rather do it from a console running inside screen, rather than using a GUI app)?06:18
kindofabuzzhowland islands? lol where is that?06:18
Daisuke_Idokindofabuzz, GMT06:18
roocraigmy sound card is:   ATI Technologies Inc IXP SB4x0 (rev 01), and I have sound out of my headphones but not my speakers. I have laptop speakers I want to use for external sound--I am a newbie and would like to get my sound working before the final release is ready--any help would be appreciated greatly :)06:18
Daisuke_Idoroocraig, you keep repeating that.  if no one's answered you, probably no one here at the moment knows06:19
Daisuke_Idoso be patient.06:19
kindofabuzzi though ubuntu was african lol06:19
Daisuke_Idokindofabuzz, i was just guessing on location06:19
nickrudprateek yes, but you would be better off with  do-release-upgrade , it does some checks that aptitude dist-upgrade doesn't (and don't ask me exactly what they are, I'm just parroting the uber-geeks)06:19
kindofabuzzi'm just being silly06:19
yell0wkindofabuzz: it is an african word06:19
langdonlibidoI've troubleshooted the wireless card, and I can't figure out how to enable it.06:20
sexcopterI'm on a Dell Optiplex which is set up as dual boot (windows and ubuntu) and ubuntu is default option. Has worked fine up until yesterday. Now, after the bios splash screen I get the message "keyboard failure" (note, I have a logitech wireless keyboard) and no keyboard response in grub, which takes me to ubuntu. From there, the keyboard is working fine! Can anyone figure this out?06:20
prateeknickrud: Thanks.06:20
roocraigi am trying to be patient--thanks for the courtesy message06:20
rippsUbuntu 9.04 will totally be named Jolly Jackal06:20
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kindofabuzzwhe is 9.04 gonna be relesed? =)06:21
tawti agree06:21
jedimasterkIs the Final out yet06:21
langdonlibidoCan anyone help with activating my wireless card, it's a broadcom06:21
tonyyarussokindofabuzz: April of 2009, just like the name says.06:21
owen1i just got xubuntu and can't open pdfs. anyone?06:21
rippsApril 200906:21
tawtlol  the fourth month of next year06:21
JosephEddyhow do you do an upgrade without reinstalling the system?06:21
yell0wowen1: evince ?06:21
nickrudowen1 you could install either evince or xpdf06:21
nickrud!upgrade | JosephEddy06:22
ubotuJosephEddy: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes06:22
KyleKubuntu 99.4 was the best, its been downhill ever since06:22
owen1yell0w: nickrud: i wonder why it's not coming by default..06:22
kindofabuzzto 90% of the questions here's the answer:  www.google.com06:22
dxdtsup jeff__06:22
Rustedcan anyone help me get my headset to work06:22
langdonlibidoHow do I enable a wireless card?06:22
TuxPWNZCongratulations everybody for the newborn baby!!! :D06:22
nickrudowen1 not sure, I've never installed xubuntu. I'd think there would be one of those ...06:22
Daisuke_IdoKyleK, do you have the slightest idea what you're talking about? :)06:22
jeff__not much06:22
JPSmankindofabuzz: that isn't the spirit of Ubuntu06:22
yell0wowen1: evince comes default with ubuntu, don't know about xubuntu06:22
DracoZATuxPWNZ, were still in labor...06:22
kindofabuzzwell i meant to the basic questions06:22
benpete22WHEN IS 8.04 COMING OUT06:23
owen1nickrud: yell0w: thanks06:23
nickrud!google | kindofabuzz06:23
ubotukindofabuzz: google is the helpers' friend; many newer users dont have the google-fu yet; For GNU/Linux:  http://google.com/linux06:23
rippsa matter of hours]06:23
Daisuke_IdoJPSman, it is when 90% of the current questions are "OMFG IS IT OUT YET???LOL"06:23
TuxPWNZDracoZA: Huh?06:23
Amaranthbenpete22: Don't do that06:23
roocraigwhen I go to espn.com and see a video, i see the play button and need to click on it to play any animation, how do I make the video play automatically?06:23
Amaranthbenpete22: #ubuntu-release-party06:23
KyleKbenpete22: dont bother staying up06:23
JPSman!google JPSman06:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about google jpsman - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:23
JPSman!google | JPSman06:23
langdonlibidoAm I being ignored or is their some freak connection issue?06:23
KyleKlangdonlibido: maybe06:24
nickrudJPSman you can check out ubotu's messages privately, /msg ubotu factoid06:24
kindofabuzzso can i still get gutsy support in here after today? lol06:24
langdonlibidoFirst time in IRC, wanted to make sure I wasn't talking to myself06:24
nickrud!wireless | langdonlibido06:24
ubotulangdonlibido: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:24
Amaranthkindofabuzz: Sure, but probably not for a couple days06:24
dxdtkindofabuzz: yeah pretty much.  The only bumping that happens is that the next version's support will be in #ubuntu+106:24
AmaranthWe'll be swamped with upgrade questions06:24
langdonlibidoThanks, that url looks farmiliar but I'll try again =D06:24
TuxPWNZCongratulations everybody for the newborn Ubuntu!!! :D06:24
bitraiserI'd like to share a song I'm listening to right now, reminds me so much of how I'm longing for Hardy Heron to be released...see if anyone knows what song it really is and google for its lyrics to understand the meaning :)            http://www.filecrunch.com/fileDownload.php?sub=e37526fad3fce9522dd04eeab31e33db&fileId=141820                                            - LET's ALL PARTY!! :D  (Reminder: It's in .OGG format)  :D06:25
RustedI have tried everything I read in the blogs to get my headset to work, but things changed with the hardy version of ubuntu so none of it works06:25
kindofabuzz<--not upgrading06:25
lettermanhow do I kill xserver from console and return to a command shell?06:25
nickrudlangdonlibido I'm lucky, my card Works for Me™06:25
tiger74TuxPWNZ: when will we get the HH?06:25
Amaranthbitraiser: Don't do that06:25
KyleKletterman: /etc/init.d/?dm stop06:25
Amaranthbitraiser: Also, #ubuntu-release-party06:25
dxdtKyleK: that is clever06:25
coralinehow didst I end up here?06:25
JPSmanDoes anyone know how I could connect to the net by    CompA---ethernet---CompB-^    <-wireless06:25
one_taoletterman Alt+F706:25
Flashq009hello all, I cannot find the link to ubuntu 8.04 latest  on the website to download.06:25
TuxPWNZtiger74: It's already out today man. :)06:25
langdonlibidohaha, it took me like an hour to figure out how to enable the restricted driver, it almost worked for a second, and now it died again =(06:26
insmod<letterman> killall -906:26
nickrudFlashq009 not out yet, will be out before midnight last time zone06:26
kindofabuzzFlashq009: did you think, hey maybe because it's not there?06:26
tiger74TuxPWNZ: but in ubuntu.com it said "Coming Soon"06:26
coralinewho are you people and how did you get into my computer?06:26
tiger74I can't wait anymore :D06:26
Rustedcan someone please help me06:26
kindofabuzzi gotta get out of here lol06:26
nickrudRusted what's the question?06:26
KyleKI installed 64bit fiesty and then updated to hardy just a few days ago06:26
KyleKstill need ndiswrapper or working wifi drivers for my card06:27
phishiecoraline: u r in irc06:27
Rustedthanks nick06:27
RustedI got a usb headset06:27
one_taokylek that's a release candidate yes?06:27
* nickrud is getting sorta peeved, thinking bout kicking people to offtopic06:27
TuxPWNZtiger74: No, just visit it now, it's not "coming soon" anymore. :)06:27
roocraighow long should it take to upgrade to final release of hardy if upgrading from 8.04rc?06:27
Rustedand I got it to work with gutsy06:27
Daisuke_Idoroocraig, you'll be there by the time it's released06:27
bitraiserAmaranth, i know, i'm there too, I just want to make sure everyone can listen to that song and be ready when hardy comes out :D can't wait06:27
coralinewhat is that?06:27
erat1238.04 IS ALMOST HERE!!!!!!! WOOO HOOO!!!!06:27
nickrudroocraig depends on how fast your net is, how much extra you installed. abt least 700mb download06:27
Daisuke_Idochances are, you're already there06:28
Rustedbut I upgraded to hardy and it doesn't work anymore06:28
Amaranthbitraiser: Don't do that though06:28
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dima_Hello, I need help setup video on ubuntu 7.10? , When I try to use restricted driver, I hear the sound it should make when it gets to login screen but my monitor is constantly popping up recommended resolution 1680x105006:28
=== whoa is now known as EBAR
phishiecoraline, you are not joking are you?06:28
nickrudcoraline stop doing that06:28
Rustedso my question is how do I get my usb headset to work with hardy06:28
nickrudRusted I don't know sound in the least, sorry06:28
Daisuke_Idobitraiser, i haven't downloaded it, but i'm guessing a parody of sunshine of your love?06:28
roocraiganyone can help me with a sound issue-headphone sound but no laptop speaker sound-thanks06:28
pawanwhen is the new version coming out06:28
bitraiserDaisuke_Ido, yeah! you've got it! *applauds* :D06:29
one_taoRusted, have you tried another usb port?06:29
tiger74coraline: type /quit06:29
Daisuke_Idotiger74, not how things are done here.06:29
dima_Anyone have any expeience with Ubuntu and video for Radeon x series?06:29
Flannel!hardy | pawan06:29
ubotupawan: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - Support in #ubuntu+1 - Come join the #ubuntu-release-party now!06:29
tiger74Daisuke_Ido: sorry :)06:29
bitraiserDaisuke_Ido, not the studio version..the real stuff..live, back in the days when they had a tour stop in California :P06:29
Rustedyeah I have tried several usb ports and it makes a the ubuntu type sound when I plug it in, but nothing after that no sound from any program06:30
abu_rashidhello, can anyone tell me how long until 8.04 will be released?06:30
roocraiganyone have experience with flash?06:30
KyleKabu_rashid: nope06:30
Daisuke_Idocan no one read?06:30
XceII+0 by ubuntu06:30
Rustedeven though I have the headset selected as a default sound device06:30
dxdtDaisuke_Ido: it is like this every release06:30
Daisuke_Idodxdt, yeah, and i get irritated every release06:30
insmod<roocraig>in what way06:30
KyleKone_tao: yup, theres not much difference really, but wait for final to download an ISO06:30
dxdtDaisuke_Ido: haha06:30
abu_rashiddaisuke, we're illiterate, that's why we came to ask the sages06:30
nickrudDaisuke_Ido so, take a break till tomorrow, it'll be fun then06:30
DracoZAroocraig, im a flasher, whats up ?06:31
one_taorusted, sorry I don't know. anyone know how to search for new hardware?06:31
dima_I have been working on my problem for 2 days straight06:31
Daisuke_Idonickrud, i'm going to do what i do at every release06:31
karllenz_how do i mount /dev/hdb106:31
Daisuke_Idoleave for two weeks06:31
tiger74karllenz_: sudo mount /dev/hdb1 /mnt06:31
Daisuke_Idobecause i don't have the patience :D06:31
roocraigI go to espn.com for example and want to see the videos, but I see a play button and need to click on it to play--how do I get the videos to play automatically?06:31
one_taokylek, thank you.06:31
coralinewhat does this program do?06:31
yell0wroocraig: grease monkey ?06:31
nickrudDaisuke_Ido I got corralled into being very busy this next few weeks, but it's funnnnn!!!06:31
DracoZAroocraig, 7.10 ?06:31
Rustedit is detecting the headset, but I can't hear sound through it06:32
coralinethis goes by too fast06:32
langdonlibidoI have a Gateway Laptop with a Broadcom wireless, how do I enable it?06:32
undecimDoes anybody know why it would take my file browser, firefox, etc, about 30 seconds to appear after I hit the button after having my system running for a while?06:32
=== peabody is now known as letterman
one_taocoraline, it let's us talk and learn06:32
karllenz_tiger74: says dev/hdb1 command not found06:32
nickrudcoraline yes, it is fast. You should put the nick of the person you're addressing in the line, it makes it easier to see06:32
lettermanok so I'm trying to install a nvidia driver so I can see more than a quarter of my screen06:32
lettermanso I boot into runlevel 106:32
XceIIlettermandavid is a shill.06:33
coralinei don't know nick06:33
karllenz_tiger74: ok i got it06:33
dima_fglrx problem here, my monitor detects the video like 100 times a minute but nothing on the display ;(06:33
nickrudundecim look in /etc/hosts, make sure you have a line like <hostname>06:33
nickrudcoraline coraline is your nick, nickrud is mine06:33
JosephEddylangdonlibido | all I know is that it's extremely complicated and long process06:33
lettermanI try to install the driver and it says "You need to run this in runlevel 3".. so I init runlevel and I'm in xwindows and it says, "This driver cannot be installed while Xwindows is running"06:33
lettermanhow do I exit Xwindows so that I have a usable console?06:34
lettermanwithout leaving my current runlevel?06:34
karllenz_where is mnt?06:34
dxdtletterman: I get the feeling you are trying to install the driver directly from nvidia's site rather than from the built in ways which are easier.  I would use those first unless you know why you are doing it from their site.06:34
undecimnickrud: Yes, it's there06:34
nickrudletterman clt-alt-f2 , log in. run sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop. do the nvidia stuff. sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start , alt-clt-f7 to get back to gui if needed06:34
whtamost of my updates are giving me a 404. what's up?06:34
dxdtkarllenz_: /mnt06:34
one_taoletterman, did you try alt f7?06:34
karllenz_dxdt:  but i dont see the hd on my desk top06:34
XceIIsudo apt get exit nbsbc06:34
nickrudundecim that's the most common reason ... is    hostname   in a terminal the same?06:34
langdonlibidoArgh, any tips for how I should start my search? still trying to activate broadcam wireless on gateway laptop06:35
Bryan_I had been stopping some services before suspend, that I thought where hanging suspend. I now know that wasn't it, but I think disableing them is messing with them when I return from suspend. Where is the file that allows you to turn off a given service before suspending06:35
lettermandoes C-A F7 work in KDE?06:35
lettermancause I'm not using gnome06:35
nickrudletterman yes, and use kdm instead of gdm06:35
lettermank, I'll try that06:36
undecimnickrud: it has a domain appended to it in the file, but the sub domain is the same as my prompt06:36
akornwhere is my firefox folder?06:36
undecimnickrud: I Usually only have this problem when my computer has been on for a few days06:36
nickrudundecim you should not have a domain appended in /etc/hostname , or the /etc/hosts line06:36
akornwith the FF2 folder inside06:36
whtawhy are my updates all giving me 404 errors? i need to download a video driver but i can't.06:36
dborozoHey has anyone been able to get the nvidia driver to work with hardy?06:37
Bryan_dborozo, I have.06:37
XceIII hand it to the writers of 8.04 compix. it flat r0xors, thx06:37
nickrudundecim unless your machine is directly connected to the net, with a dns pointing at it iirc06:37
roocraigwhat player plays the video clips on espn.com for example?06:37
=== _god_ is now known as netsuu
undecimnickrud: okay, I'll remove that then. Is there a command I have to run to get it to recognize the change or anything?06:37
Fade2Blkwhas the new version of ubuntu released?06:37
nickrud!hostname | undecim06:37
ubotuundecim: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at system>administration>networking on the "General" tab06:37
akornAnybody know where my firefox folder is, with the ff2 folder inside of it?06:37
nickrudakorn for your personal settings?  ~/.mozilla/firefox06:38
XceIIIm writing my letter of resignation to micro$oft. Dear micro$oft, U suck. end.06:38
karllenz_n anyone help me get a blank ext3 hdd mounted06:38
kuruhow do I make it so all files created by www-data are automatically chmod to 644 ?06:38
=== peabody is now known as letterman
coralinethis is crazy06:38
lettermanok so the driver won't install that way either06:38
akornnickrud man, am i ever dumb...06:39
LoLeNwhen will ubuntu 8 will be available?06:39
akornnickrud haha i forgot, it's owned by mozilla.....................................06:39
LoLeNany mirror has it yet?06:39
akornnickrud thanks hahaha06:39
ubotuisitout is The answer is always that it will release when the release manager says so, which is generally down to how exact order of events works out on the day and is hard for anyone (including the release manager) to put an exact time on in advance.  However, rest assured that it will be out before the clock hits 23:59:59 on Baker and Howland Islands.  Until then, please stop asking.06:39
one_taokarllenz_ you can't mount a blank drive.06:39
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash06:39
karllenz_its got a partition on it06:39
akornripps join #ubuntu-release-party06:39
karllenz_one_tao: its got a partiotion on it06:39
one_taokarllenz_ k filesystem ?06:39
rippsalready have, that was my response to the person who asked06:39
robbiesi found a way to get 8.04 early! go into your console and type 'ping ubuntu.com -s 31337'06:39
lettermanHere's the error log: http://www.pastebin.org/3166106:40
karllenz_i can see it in gparted06:40
LoLeNrobbies: whta does this do?06:40
undecimnickrud: It works! Thank you so much!06:40
karllenz_one_tao: i can see it in gparted06:40
lettermanIs there anything else I can do to fix this?06:40
tonyyarussoLoLeN: Nothing interesting.  Ignore him.06:40
one_taokarllenz_ do you know if it's /dev/hda1 or ?06:40
ther3p0zhey all06:40
lettermanI need to support a nvidia GeForce 7050 HD chipset06:40
nickrudundecim you're welcome06:40
fservedoes someone know where i can get bind9 ? i removed from my system and now i cant use webbrowsers *_*06:40
ther3p0zJust got skype 2.0 working 64bit, cool eh?06:41
XceIIHave a good day folks, god bles and ...Get the party on 4 hardy!!!06:41
karllenz_yea gparted says mountpoint /media, /mnt06:41
SuperRoachskype is in 64bit now? nice06:41
karllenz_one_tao: gparted says mount point /media /mnt06:41
=== idyllic_ is now known as idyllic
Bryan_how to you stop a service before suspend?06:41
fservecan someone send me bind9 deb package ? i removed from my system and now i cant use webbrowsers *_*06:42
Gnuklearcoraline: this is SPARTA06:42
one_taokarllenz_ ok from a command line here's what I do dmesg |grep MB06:42
dborozoCan someone explain to me how to get the nvidia driver working in hardy?06:42
lettermandborozo: same problem here06:42
one_taothis tells me what /dev it is06:42
LoLeNGnuklear> coraline: this is SPARTA: lol06:42
Bryan_dborozo, what card is it?06:42
akornAnybody know why i can't install the new Google Earth .bin file??06:42
lettermanmine is a 705006:42
Bryan_dborozo, did you do a dist upgrade, or a fresh install?06:42
tonyyarussodborozo: #ubuntu+1 for development versions06:42
akornIt says  "Please check that you are not trying to open a binary file."06:42
one_taothen I do sudo mount /dev/hxxx /media06:43
dborozooriginally dist update06:43
dborozobut then fresh install after i couldn't get it working06:43
karllenz_one_tao:  dmesg says unable to turn on colling device06:43
lettermanI did a fresh install as well06:43
Bryan_did you try the 'beta'06:43
dborozotried via hardware manager and via envyng06:43
Bryan_I say 'beta' becuase it seems to work better than the 'stable' version06:43
dborozono haven't tried the beta06:43
one_taokarllenz_ hm sorry don't know what is colling device06:43
Bryan_dborozo, go to nvidia and download 17306:43
dborozoonly available via manual install?06:43
Bryan_but it's painless06:43
dborozok i'll try it thanks06:43
karllenz_one_tao: acpi eror06:43
dborozoyeah i've done it in the past06:43
Bryan_it's what worked for me lol06:44
Bryan_I had done a dist upgrade, but didn't want to do a fresh install. So I just did a apt-get remove nvidia-* and then installed the beta. BOOM problem solved.06:44
XceIIPolish off (Amarok) and the folks @ ubuntu will be over whelmed in (droves)...thats a fact... you now know. kthx06:44
dborozoi heard something about not being able to use the terminals via the function keys when you use that06:44
tifinehow to install vnc viewer on ubuntu06:44
Bryan_sudo apt-get install vncviewer06:45
madrazrHi all06:45
madrazrI know all are as anxious as I am06:45
bjbmbah not out yet06:45
tifineBrandon_, i installed that one but it doesnt work06:45
madrazrwhen can we see Hardy Final on servers and mirrors?06:45
madrazranyone has the idea of time?06:45
tonyyarussoNo, we do not know what time 8.04 will be released.  However, rest assured that it will be out before the clock hits 23:59:59 on Baker and Howland Islands.  Until then, please stop asking.06:45
tifineBrandon_, do you know any graphics vnc for ubuntu06:46
madrazrtonyyarusso: fine thanks and sorry too06:46
one_taokarlenz. google says nothing about colling device06:46
bjbmwhat is the reason for the version numbers? ie x.04 and x.10?06:46
inkynoo1How can I install a command line only version of Ubuntu? I don't wany any servers or anything running06:46
tiger74bjbm: it's year and month06:46
one_taoversion numbers is month06:46
tiger74inkynoo1: you can try minibuntu06:47
fservecan someone send me bind9 deb package ? i removed from my system and now i cant use webbrowsers *_*06:47
XceIImadrazr:  ive been running it for 60 days, it flat rocks06:47
bcnaathow to apt-get firefox2 in hardy - I hate firefox3 beta06:47
one_taoas in 200EIGHT april is OH FOUR06:47
bjbmanyone running 64bit?06:47
madrazrXceII: I am eager to know about the final one06:47
joankisometimes when i am doing stuff on my computer, it gets REAL sluggish for no apparent reason. has anyone experienced this?06:47
Starnestommyfserve: fix your /etc/resolv.conf06:47
XceIII guess they are waiting on mazilla06:47
bcnaatjoanki: I've noticed that it does get slow on occasion, too06:47
eeguyjoanki: What gets sluggish? FF3?06:48
joankibcnaat, do you think it's open office?06:48
joankiit happens a lot when i have been using open office06:48
XceIImazilla breaks 2 fast if you dont know a work around06:48
fserveStarnestommy, how? : (06:48
one_taoI tried 64 bit server - 7.10, quite buggy06:48
lettermanwhy would this installer tell me I don't have libc installed06:48
bcnaatjoanki: not sure but ever since I did use OO earlier today things have really gotten slower on my machine06:48
lettermanis it really not installed by default?06:48
joankiweird , eh06:48
Starnestommyfserve: add a new "nameserver" line with IPs of DNS servers, like and
fservehmm, ok06:49
Deathserveri install flash then the links on some sites are blacked out why any help ?06:49
bjbmim curious about 64bit, but can't justify the usability and stability06:49
XceIIother than that, 8.04 seems light speed.06:49
Deathserverbeen workin on it for days06:49
one_taoI have 64 bit procs, just don't like the os06:50
Deathserverand i cant get it to uninstall06:50
fserveStarnestommy, very thank you, solved.06:50
=== happinessturtle is now known as nenolod
sdakakAudio in flash videos use to work till NOW. But now it has stopped working. I can play other audio files though. I tried --purging and reinstalling flash to no avail.06:51
milly1234does anyone here have more then one video input device  and both work, for example a webcam and a tv tuner card06:51
XceIII donate monthly to ubuntu, way cheaper than the slave wages that bill exasperates through necessity of crappy updates that do nothing.06:51
bcnaatDeathserver: if you figure something out, let me know. I get a circle arrow, click it and then a black screen.06:51
Arky44Xcell: XD06:51
karllenz_ok i mounted my hdd to /media but where is /media?06:52
one_taois it april 24 in so africa ?06:52
Deathserverhow do u purge or uninstall flash ive tried but you tube still works06:52
Starnestommykarllenz_: in /06:52
whtamy grub is broken, giving me "error 22" when i try to boot. can i fix this from a linux mint live CD?06:52
karllenz_so under file system06:52
sCOTTohey - can anyone here help me with adding a second monitor to my ubuntu desktop / notebook ??06:53
XceIISo, folks, enjoy the future of Ubuntu, Donate today so that you (know) your stuff wil r0x0rs. kthx.06:53
karllenz_Starnestommy: awesome thanks06:53
Deathservercan i jus uninstall firefox to get rid of flash06:54
difetahey all. I just enabled the nvidia restricted driver and all my video have a high color saturation. Any ideas?06:54
Deathserversry ubuntuforums and google have been exhausted06:54
sCOTTodisable it :)06:54
dxdtname andrew_06:54
XceIIwe'll miss you sCOTT06:55
Deathserverplease help06:55
DracoZADeathserver, try sudo apt-get purge flashplugin-nonfree gnash gnash-common && sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree06:55
tifinewhen i connect to server why i am getting message : End of Stream06:55
XceIIno Deathserver, flash has to be independently uninstalled06:56
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milly1234difeta, nvidia-settings06:57
Deathserverany help on the uninstall i cant find the dir06:57
Israphelhow much time?06:58
jeff__what's the hapyhap andrew_?06:58
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eeguytime for what?06:58
XceIIIm out folks god bless Ubuntu, the only os known to Rock.06:58
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one_taoIsraphel maybe 26 hours06:58
eeguyI bet 24 hours06:58
Israphel3 AM UTC06:59
Deathserverthat command you gave uninstalled it and reinstalled  but it still dose not help on the webpage im trying to view06:59
eeguyif its anything like gutsy06:59
DracoZADeathserver, u sure its flash ?06:59
IsraphelGutsy was released about 1 or 2 AM UTC06:59
one_taowhat time is it now utc?06:59
undecimHow can I convert days since jan 1st, 1970 to YYYY-MM-DD format?06:59
Israphelnow is 00:00 UTC06:59
NeatcheeOk I'm about to ask a really ridiculous favor from someone.  I'm away from my linux box, and need to get access to an encrypted USB thumb drive.  Can someone do me the favor of md5sum'ing a string for me and PMing it back to me? :D06:59
ubotuCurrent time in Etc/UTC: April 24 2008, 05:59:46 - Next meeting: Server Team in 6 days06:59
one_taowhat? it's 11 pdt06:59
Seveasundecim, strftime07:00
Seveas@now Pacific07:00
ubotuCurrent time in Canada/Pacific: April 23 2008, 23:00:31 - Next meeting: Server Team in 6 days07:00
NeatcheeAnybody wanna be a pal and help me out with that?07:00
eeguyI thought I stayed up late (Central timezone usa) for gutsy, but had to give up and wait until the next day07:00
SeveasNeatchee, sure07:00
one_taowould but dont know how07:01
LoLeNNeatchee sure07:01
Neatcheethanks seveas07:01
Deathserverwell i inistalled flash from adbe because a site i was trying to view needed it and firefox wouldnt install so i DL the tarbal from adobe and followed the redme i got flash animation but it blacked out links down the side07:01
NeatcheePMing you now07:01
Israphelhttp://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/8.04 ---> dont work07:01
* sdakak wonders how ubuntu acts up anytime and still people kill to defend it07:01
SeveasIsraphel, it's not out yet :-)07:02
Deathserveri just want flash gone to the point sites ask me to install it07:02
* sdakak nods07:02
Israpheltell me something i don't know07:02
one_taosdakak : What?07:02
* sdakak nods so hard his head rolls off07:02
Deathserveri will be very gr8ful to get this solved07:02
LoLeNits gonna get crazy when ubuntu will be out07:02
one_taosdakak: They all 'act up'07:03
Israphellike the same time07:03
LoLeNwe should schedule a party or sth :D07:03
sCOTTohey ppl - anyone here good with monitors???07:03
Israphelbut i use kubuntu 64bits07:03
sdakakone_tao: One fine day I wake up and flash decides to not give me sound in firefox videos.07:03
sdakakone_tao: I atleast know that windows gives 'reactions' to my actions. Ubuntu has a mind of its own.07:03
one_taosame ms macos whatever07:03
damo22how long until hardy is released?07:04
Deathserverbtw the sit im trying to display correctly is cedarpoint.com there are suppost to be links down the left side07:04
one_taosdakak: What's the 'perfect' os?07:04
prodigelHi all. Can I find out if a host is runing linux or windows? I've nmap-ed it to see opened ports, and seeing ssh could be a clue. Still it's not a proof that the host is linux. Do you know a better way ?07:04
LoLeNone_tao: the OS that's perfect to YOU07:05
LoLeNone_tao: depends on what you need it for07:05
fouadanyone have trouble with apt-get update ??07:05
milly1234prodigel, could ask the one running the host.07:05
GT63The Perfect OS is the one that does the things you need without problems07:05
one_taoprodigel in ssh do a uname -ar07:05
geniiprodigel: Server Spy Firefox Extension07:05
LoLeNmilly1234: no prob07:05
eeguyprodigel: did you try the "nmap -O" option07:05
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prodigeleeguy: this happends when you don't read the manual :D07:06
one_taosCOTTo: ?07:06
Deathserverany more suggestions on how to remove flash player for good07:06
geniiprodigel: You can also do the old-school telnet to port 80 and read the server headers07:06
eeguyjust checking07:06
sCOTToone_tao: need help adding a monitor to my system... I have a new LG L225WT 22 inch wide screen....07:06
DracoZADeathserver, it's not your machine07:07
milly1234same monitor I have sCOTTo, least I thin it is, I have a lg 22 inch07:07
IcemanV9why do we have TWO different commands, adduser and useradd, to add a new user??? ::confused::07:07
DracoZADeathserver, I dont get a nav either07:07
ADa434rasagdga4adduser is a wussification of useradd07:07
ADa434rasagdga4for the faint of hard too scared to learn obscure flags07:07
sCOTTomilly1234: yeah i need to get s driver so it will work - i want to stretch across two...07:07
Deathserverhow can i see if flash is installed correctly07:07
AmaranthDeathserver: youtube07:08
mysticbiscuityou all might find this to be interesting if you have time -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0BIZ0Flr70A07:08
mokka_mohan_query !!!07:08
milly1234sCOTTo, when I added mine I just did it with the screen resolution and settings tool07:08
c_varunhardy to be released today right?07:08
Amaranth!offtopic | mysticbiscuit07:08
mokka_mohan_What is the best first book in Algorithms and Data STructures07:08
ubotumysticbiscuit: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!07:08
DracoZADeathserver, the site works in IE and not in Firefox it seems07:08
one_taomilly1234: could you send scotto our xorg.conf ?07:08
IcemanV9ADa434rasagdga4: nice way to explain. :-)07:08
Deathserveri belive where ive tried to install several times a may have conflict going on07:08
one_taoer your xorg.conf07:08
sCOTTomilly1234: can you tell me ur settings?07:08
prodigelgenii: telnet 80 tells me windows, but nmap tells me linux. who should I trust?07:08
DeathserverIE how you run that07:08
geniiprodigel: telnet07:09
milly1234sCOTTo, I'm not stretching across more then one screen though, but sure if you still want it07:09
DracoZADeathserver, internet explorer i.e. Microsoft07:09
Amaranthprodigel: nmap, you can make your http server lie07:09
Deathserveri just moved to linuk if not obvious07:09
geniiAmaranth: Hehe07:09
prodigelAmaranth: thought so also07:09
Israphelany problem with the flash plugin on hardy 64 bits?07:09
Deathserveri just moved to linuk if not obvious=no07:09
one_taoprodigel: what do you see when you ssh and do uname -ar07:10
isplicerGuys, whens Hardy coming?07:10
sdakaksound in flash video not working, hair lying on the ground.07:10
Deathservercan i run IE on ubuntu07:10
prodigelone_tao: I cannot ssh, it's not my computer, just some web server I was curios about07:10
GT63omg why would you want to?07:10
DracoZADeathserver, o kbut understand the problem is not your computer, from what it looks like the website has not been (well) designed to work with different browsers07:10
JosephEddydeathserver | NO!07:10
prodigelone_tao: at least I have no purpose in hacking it.07:10
Deathserverretarded ?07:10
GangOMG, still "coming soon"07:11
evilbugdoes it make a difference if the ubuntu [7.10] .iso is burnt on a cd or dvd?07:11
DracoZAevilbug, no it doesnt07:11
Deathserverthak you dracoZA07:12
Deathservernot just me then07:12
Deathserverso what are some cool thing i can do with ubuntu07:12
ariqsdeathserver: you could always use ubuntu in a freezer. that would eb cool07:12
DracoZADeathserver, hehe thats like asking what cool things can I do with my computer...07:12
evilbugmy buddy is having problem running the install disc...07:13
kuruumask 022 does what exactly?07:13
geniievilbug: Perhaps he should boot to it instead07:13
kurudoes it produce 644 or 600 or what?07:13
kuruperms are confusing!07:13
milly1234sCOTTo, I am going to past my xorg.conf onto a sitre, and I will send you a link, this nick is unregistered so it won't let me private message it to you or dcc you it07:13
DracoZAevilbug, does the livecd run ok ?07:13
one_taoDeathserver: you could communicate with people all over the world!07:13
Deathserverwell i just moved and have had several problems  but got most worked out the dell inspiron 1525 wifi drivers being the worst07:13
evilbuggenii- he started runnign it in safe graphics mode and it looks better.the image started tweaking out after the ubuntu live cd load screen.07:14
sCOTTomilly1234: ??07:14
Deathserverand have started wondering if moving was worth it07:14
Bryan_I was trying to get my laptop to suspend, so I set up the network daemon to be stopped before suspend(thought that might be at fault),and i don't need it to do that anymore. Now it is causing me issues,but I forgot what file I edit to remove that issue. Anyone got an idea?07:14
DracoZADeathserver, it's worth it07:14
evilbugand the disc started directly in start/install instead of displaying the main menu.07:14
milly1234sCOTTo, http://pastebin.com/d74e45d1107:14
Deathserverit seems cool07:15
milly1234my xorg.conf07:15
milly1234I have the same monitor you have07:15
Israphelthere is a deb for the sound problem on flash videos07:15
Deathserverhow can i install the software on the backtrack distro07:15
geniievilbug: Did he check the other possible video outs he may have? Occasionally it will switch to another display if it exists (especially common with bios set to onboard then it swaps to add-on video card)07:15
geniiIsraphel: No07:15
evilbuggenii- actually it works now in safe mode...he's running an nvidia 660007:16
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joankido modern day compilers still use lint?07:16
geniievilbug: Good :) First hurdle07:16
karbois the final release available on any mirrors yet?07:17
karboalmost christmas eve xD07:17
legolas123How much time do we have until we can download Ubuntu 8.04 DVD edition?07:17
timfrost kuru: 644 for files or 755 for directories/executables - 'umask 022' turns off the write bit for group and other07:17
kurutimfrost, where do I but umask 022 ?07:17
JosephEddylegolas123 | no one knows07:17
sCOTTomilly1234: what do i do with that? :)07:17
kurutimfrost, it's already set to that in my /etc/profile (Ubuntu)07:17
b0xxyanyone got experiacne with crontab?07:18
magnetron!isitout > legolas12307:18
KyleKkarbo: hammer the mirrors until they ban you or just wait07:18
=== vfbot is now known as EBAR
sCOTToone_tao: where do i find the xorg.conf?07:18
milly1234compare it to yours, in the parts that talk about the part called: Section "Monitor"07:18
elmargolSomeone knows an extension or an utility to sync my firefox bookmarks from my laptop to my desktop?07:18
karboKylek: Can't risk that!07:18
legolas123Does Ubuntu 8.04 fixed the VPN connection problem?07:18
elmargolor a del.icio.us extension for ff3?07:18
geniiDeathserver: Since it's a SLAX based dist and Ubuntu is a Debian derivitave, they use dissimilar types of packages for applications. Conceivable you could use Alien to convert them but I would not recommend07:19
magnetron!hardy | legolas12307:19
ubotulegolas123: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - Support in #ubuntu+1 - Come join the #ubuntu-release-party now!07:19
KyleKisn't ff3 still beta?07:19
elmargolKyleK, its the default browser in hardy07:19
GT63elmargol: If you have a google mail account there is a firefox plugin called google sync07:19
geniiKyleK: Yes it is still beta07:19
milly1234sCOTTo, /etc/X11/xorg.conf07:19
emjbut very stable07:19
Deathserverapt-get kismet worked but why wont it run07:20
elmargolGT63, do you have the name of the plugin?07:20
KyleKDeathserver: yea we can totally see the error it gave you07:20
sCOTTomilly1234:  HOW do i find out the specs on my monitor? yours is a 226 mine is a 225WT07:20
KyleKbrb rebooting07:20
legolas123!hardy | legolas12307:20
milly1234sCOTTo, you running an nvidia card?07:21
sCOTToerrr not sure :(07:21
GT63elmargol: Google Sync http://www.google.com/tools/firefox/browsersync/07:21
eeguyHere is a question for anyone. I read that ubuntu only update packages for bugfixes during the life of a release while I think fedora updates for new versions (features).  So if a bug is fixed and a new feature to a package is added, does the feature go into ubuntu with the upgrade?07:21
geniiDeathserver: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=41214507:21
sCOTTomilly1234: it comes up as an ATI RADEON07:22
inkynoobeeguy: features / new versions go to backports, bugfixes go to security07:22
legolas123that "! hardy" was fun, which other commands are available in Ubuntu channel?07:22
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - Support in #ubuntu+1 - Come join the #ubuntu-release-party now!07:22
milly1234sCOTTo, the monitor probably came with a spec listing of some sort, on a paper or in a small book, look for the refresh rate and the resolution and use those in your xorg07:22
geniiDeathserver: np...post #8 or so down is most useful there07:22
eeguyinkynoob: thanks07:22
sCOTTomilly1234: ok07:22
sCOTTomilly1234: ill be back soon - need to get something done - work wise07:23
milly1234sCOTTo, thats all I really know, I am not a expert on it, I just thought I had the same monitor when you first said it because if sounded almost the same07:23
JosephEddylegolas123 | /help07:23
Geoffrey2every time I try to use aticonfig, I'm getting an error telling me the write failed, bad file descriptor.07:23
milly1234Geoffrey2, you running it with sudo?07:24
milly1234like this: sudo aticonfig07:25
=== juice__ is now known as mecha
[[thufir]]I can't seem to find "gstreamer extra plugins" in synaptic07:25
[[thufir]]it's odd in that the video plays fine through firefox, but when I saved the file from /tmp , Totem seems to require this "ugly" plugin which fails to install.07:27
ShadowAp3xSo I just got totally owned07:27
ShadowAp3xanyone know any way to force a fsck?07:28
ShadowAp3xor something along those lines...07:28
slowlear1erhi anybody can tell me a good sw to inteface with my gsm modem which supports voice?07:28
ere4siShadowAp3x: run fsck from the live cd07:28
karllenz_how do u grant your self root permission for an external drive?07:28
slowlear1erkarllenz_: su?07:29
ShadowAp3xere4si: I did, my problem is this: I run fdisk -l and I can see all of my partitions but when I run fsck it says device not found07:29
karllenz_slowlear1er: sudo?07:29
karllenz_slowlear1er: i know sudo but when i click on the drive it tells me i do not have write permissimision07:30
ShadowAp3xere4si: I don't understand how it can show up in gparted and fdisk but I can't fsck it or mount it07:30
ere4siShadowAp3x: that's because it is not in the live cd's /etc/fstab file07:31
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sCOTToone_tao: is horizontal SYNC teh same as horizontal frequency ?07:31
ere4siShadowAp3x: are you calling it   /dev/sda1   or similar?07:32
ShadowAp3xere4si: that shouldn't matter. The fstab file just mounts filesystems on startup. I should still be able to mount the volume manually using the mount command07:32
ShadowAp3xere4si: yes07:32
ShadowAp3xere4si: /dev/sda6 to be specific07:32
DracoZAsCOTTo, I dont think so, sync is usually between two values07:32
ere4siShadowAp3x: you know the partition has to be unmounted07:32
slowlear1erkarllenz_: you must have mounted it as read only07:32
ShadowAp3xere4si: it's not mounted to anything right now07:33
chazcoDoes anyone know if todays release has been updated from the RC? (I downloaded that before the server load jumps)07:33
karllenz_slowlear1er: its an external usb hdd it auto mounted on start up07:33
ShadowAp3xere4si: literally when I try to mount it says "special device /dev/sda6 does not exist"07:33
ShadowAp3xere4si: but it does exist. I verified that it is there in fdisk and gparted07:34
slowlear1erkarllenz_: just gksudo07:34
mwechazco, I don't think it's been updated since yesterday07:34
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chazcomwe - Ah, so hopefully i have effectively the release version07:34
ere4siShadowAp3x: do a   ls /dev | grep sd   and see the result07:34
mwechazco, if it says no updates are available07:35
Bryanwhere is suspend.conf located in ubuntu?07:35
ShadowAp3xere4si: sda is there07:35
karllenz_slowlear1er: still doesnt work07:35
slowlear1erkarllenz_: gksudo nautilus07:35
ere4siShadowAp3x: but is sda6?07:36
ShadowAp3xere4si: No, none of the partitions (ex. sda1, sda2) are there07:36
slowlear1erhi anybody can tell me a good sw to inteface with my gsm modem which supports voice?07:37
ShadowAp3xere4si: but like I said, they all show up in fdisk07:37
linxuz3rwhen is ubuntu going to be released?07:37
karllenz_slowlear1er: that worked07:37
DracoZABryan, try etc/api or etc/apm07:37
linxuz3rwhen is hardy heron going to be released07:37
slowlear1erkarllenz_: nice :)07:37
chazcolinxuz3r - Check out the channel topic :)07:37
kmanro3does anyone know if flash for x64 will be fixed with Hardy's full release? :)07:37
karllenz_slowlear1er: now i can i make it that my user always has root acess to this drive07:37
BryanDracoZA, not it >_>07:38
IcemanV9kmanro3: there is no 64bit of flash available :-/07:38
BryanI'm looking for the file that looks like this http://www.eskimo.com/~roger/files/localhost2/etc/suspend.conf07:39
karllenz_slowlear1er:   sudo chown -R USERNAME:USERNAME /media?07:39
slowlear1erkarllenz_: hmmm i dunno about that, normally you should be able to access pnp drives..07:39
ere4siShadowAp3x: why the need for fsck - is grub not working?07:39
ShadowAp3xno, it's weird... I've never seen this kind of problem before07:39
ShadowAp3xit just freezes at login07:39
ShadowAp3xdoesnt even boot up gdm07:40
DracoZABryan, google refers to etc/suspend.conf07:40
slowlear1erkarllenz_: can you try to reseat it? see if you can access the drive normally07:40
slowlear1erkarllenz_: can you try to reseat it? see if you can access the drive normally07:40
* DracoZA loves Google07:40
slowlear1erhi anybody can tell me a good sw to inteface with my gsm modem which supports voice?07:40
kmanro3IcemanV9: flash works fine on vist64... when will ubuntu get nswrap or whatever to work with it? i was hoping Hardy would pull this off07:40
langdonlibidoI'm having trouble with the restricted drivers for my broadcom wireless card. They work if I uninstall/reinstall them, but if I restart like it tells me to my card registers as "unclaimed"07:41
langdonlibidoBut the drivers are still "In Use" according to the manager07:41
ArenlorHey all getting much Hardy questions in here?07:41
ere4siShadowAp3x: first thing I'd try is booting in recovery and  dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg   - an update might have wrecked your X07:41
Rxndx78hello all... serious help needed... I just upgraded to Gutsy using 'sudo apt-get update' and 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade', downloaded and rebooted only to not be able to log in...07:42
DracoZARxndx78, how far does the boot get ?07:42
Rxndx78grub appears and I'm able to log in to windoze, but X will not start and I got an error about John and Timidity during the upgrade07:42
Rxndx78DracoZA, up to the login, where I get the spinning icon07:43
IcemanV9kmanro3: no idea ... guess u'll find out soon enough ;-)07:43
kmanro3IcemanV9: that makes baby jesus cry ;)  thx tho07:44
langdonlibidoI'm having trouble with the restricted drivers for my broadcom wireless card. They work if I uninstall/reinstall them, but if I restart like it tells me to my card registers as "unclaimed" But the drivers are still "In Use" according to the manager07:44
Rxndx78DracoZA, after that it just hangs, and when I try to restart X, it gives me an error about Alsa error code 3207:44
=== Simulator_ is now known as Simulator
zcat[1]Grumpy; MFC 620CN still not properly supported. Have run into two of these now...07:44
zero15 more minutes, hell yes07:44
Rxndx78DracoZA, is there any way I can disable ALSA from starting at boot?07:45
sCOTToone_tao: you still here? I am editing my xorg.conf and have some questions07:45
zcat[1]I want my hardy NOW!! waaaa!07:46
_v_tizianojoin #linuxtrent07:46
unopRxndx78, the best thing to do is blacklist the module specific to your soundcard - but what are you actually trying to do?07:46
milia_Rxndx78, can't you boot into a root account ? like failsafe boot ?07:46
Blinchikhey #ubuntu!07:46
Blinchikany news on when 804 arrives?07:46
Macrendread topic?07:46
Rxndx78milia_, no, I can't even get the login screen up07:47
KyleK!isitout > Blinchik07:47
milia_Blinchik, too much traffic, its gonna take some time :P07:47
zcat[1]Blinchik: before WIndows 7 does...07:47
langdonlibidoI'm having trouble with the restricted drivers for my broadcom wireless card. They work if I uninstall/reinstall them, but if I restart like it tells me to my card registers as "unclaimed" But the drivers are still "In Use" according to the manager.07:47
kmanro3Blinchik: they announced it will be bunbled with Vista from today on.07:47
KyleKlangdonlibido: oh hey didn't think of the gui07:47
Rxndx78unop, I'm trying to just boot back into the new upgrade...07:47
KyleKthanks for the idea07:47
sriramomanlangdonlibido: pls try using ndiswrapper07:47
Rxndx78unop, I've had Gutsy since release with no issues07:47
zcat[1]In 6 more hours it will be the 25th here .... they better hurry it along a bit!07:47
remitaylor#ubuntu is for support - please checkout the [rockin good time to be had at] #ubuntu-release-party for release info and ... party and ... all that good stuff :)07:47
unopRxndx78, ok, but i don't see how alsa fits into this picture07:47
KyleKlool my broadcom doesn't even show up in that hardware screen07:48
IcemanV9patience is a virtue, zcat[1]07:48
sriramomanlangdonlibido: there is a gtk gui in add/remove to make things easier if you are uncomfortable with shell.07:48
langdonlibidoI tried that, when ndis is installing and I have to put the ubuntu cd in there's in error07:48
milia_zcat[1], imagine if you'd like to work under pressure07:48
andycaassI installed conky, but i cant find the config file under /home/myuser/.conkyrc nor /home/.conkyrc07:48
BlinchikzMGG wtf! ubotu is bot!07:48
langdonlibidoI'm a total n00b. What's shell? I imagine I am uncomfortable with it07:48
Rxndx78unop, exactly... when I ctrl alt backspace, I get an error message about alsa with error code 32... when I did the upgrade, it said there were errors with Timidity and John...07:48
milia_i'd just let them be. it's gonna be ready when it's gonna be ready.07:48
sriramomanlangdonlibido: what error does it show>07:48
Blinchik!isitout > KyleK07:49
langdonlibidoCouldn't find a file, tells me to try sudo apt-get or -- fix-missing07:49
unopRxndx78, so you upgraded from gutsy to hardy? or is this hardy install a fresh one?07:49
Rxndx78unop, upgrade07:49
sriramomanlangdonlibido: thats y search for ndiswrapper in add/remove. it will show a gui package. install it with the ubuntu cd inside07:49
shiva_hi everybody07:50
b0xxyhello friend07:50
shiva_i wanted to ask u, what is better? a fresh install ? or an upgrade from gutsy to hardy ?07:50
langdonlibidoThat's what I did do, I'll try again and post the exact error I get. brb07:50
KyleKtempted to autonotice people the !isitout07:50
raj1anyone got fspot working on hardy 64 bit?07:50
b0xxySUBWAY EAT freshhh07:50
sriramomanlangdonlibido: the gui is easy to master.07:50
KyleKlike, welcome to #ubuntu its not out yet07:50
andycaassI installed conky, but i cant find the config file under /home/myuser/.conkyrc nor /home/.conkyrc07:50
Rxndx78unop, when I was performing the upgrade, I got errors about Timidity, which has something to do with Alsa07:50
b0xxyi ust 7.1007:50
b0xxynow i gota get 807:50
unopRxndx78, you could try this to see if it fixes it.   sudo apt-get install --reinstall alsa-base linux-sound-base alsa-utils07:50
tockitjwhen is ubuntu 8.4 coming out???07:51
SaadSaeedlol @ KyleK07:51
raj1fspot anyone07:51
KyleKim not using mirc tho07:51
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - Support in #ubuntu+1 - Come join the #ubuntu-release-party now!07:51
b0xxytockitj its out right now quit download google.com07:51
=== KyleK is now known as aItsNotOut
aItsNotOutthis is near the top right?07:51
Rxndx78unop, I can't even get to the login screen to choose failsafe term or nome07:51
langdonlibidoSome of the packages could not be retrieved from the server(s).07:51
langdonlibidoDo you want to continue, ignoring these packages?07:51
Rxndx78unop, *gnome07:52
aItsNotOut(doesn't have a userlist)07:52
xomb13zWhy is my wireless always at 50% even if I am right next to the router?07:52
tockitjbut -- ubuntu.com says it is still 'coming soon' ??07:52
aItsNotOuttockitj: soon as in not right now :p07:52
langdonlibidoWhat's the problem? I'm connected with a wire right now.07:52
unopRxndx78, can you drop down into a virtual terminal.   CTRL+ALT+F107:52
sriramomanlangdonlibido: continue.07:52
b0xxyxomb13z - interferance?07:52
karllenz_anyone know how to change permissions for a drive07:52
karllenz_to read write access07:52
langdonlibidoW: Failed to fetch cdrom:[Ubuntu 7.10 _Gutsy Gibbon_ - Release amd64 (20071016)]/pool/main/n/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper-utils-1.9_1.43-1ubuntu2_amd64.deb07:52
langdonlibido  Hash Sum mismatch07:52
xomb13zb0xxy: only in linux?07:52
shiva_chmod :)07:53
unopkarllenz_, sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /path/to/mountpoint07:53
karllenz_unop: it says my user name is invalid07:53
MidgetARGhey all I have a RAID array formatted in UFS and I'm using a FreeBSD install. If I install Ubuntu will it support mounting the RAID UFL partition?07:53
unopkarllenz_, try copying that command as-is07:53
sriramomanlangdonlibido: pls call my nickname while replying to me as i wont notice, otherwise.07:53
unopkarllenz_, changing only the mountpoint location07:53
aItsNotOutwhats UFS?07:53
karllenz_unop: ok07:54
langdonlibidosriramoman: alright07:54
Rxndx78unop, there is nowhere to do so... I choose Ubuntu from Grub, it loads and then I get the spinning clock thing right before the login screen... but the login screen never loads. when I ctrl alt backspace enough, I get the error message about alsa07:54
unopRxndx78, what does pressing CTRL+ALT+F1 do?07:54
langdonlibidosriramoman: W: Failed to fetch cdrom:[Ubuntu 7.10 _Gutsy Gibbon_ - Release amd64 (20071016)]/pool/main/n/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper-utils-1.9_1.43-1ubuntu2_amd64.deb07:54
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Rxndx78unop, while the clock is spinning?07:55
unopRxndx78, sure07:55
xomb13zDoes anyone else get less wireless range in linux?07:55
unoplangdonlibido, are you connected to the internet now?07:55
Rxndx78unop, I'll check... be back in a few, gotta reboot... thank you for your help07:55
geoaxisarghhh ...no 8.407:55
unopRxndx78, ok, but do try that command if you can07:55
langdonlibidounop: yes, with a wire07:55
Rxndx78unop, that's why I'm rebooting07:55
Rxndx78unop, thanx07:56
insmod<Rxndx78> does startx -- :1 work07:56
geoaxisits practically ubuntu 8.507:56
unoplangdonlibido, is there a specific reason you need to use the CD now? because you probably will get a newer version from the online repos.07:56
tarkusare all mcdonalds 24/7 ??07:56
fservesomeone know how to do not loose dns-cache when restart my linux?07:56
langdonlibidounop: You mean make a new CD?07:56
spikemcchey where is the link for hardy ?07:57
geoaxistarkus: no, not evern in US07:57
milia_spikemcc, google07:57
ShadowAp3xunop: :(07:57
* geoaxis remberes college days in Nebraska07:57
fservesomeone know how to do to not loose dns-cache when restart?07:57
ShadowAp3xunop: no suggestions for mein ##linux chat?07:57
sCOTTohey can someone tell me why the PASTEBIN that I was given is SO different to the xorg.conf that I have??07:57
unoplangdonlibido, no, you're obviously trying to install a package there and apt is looking to get it from the CD.. what i meant to ask is, do you really need to use the CD for this because it's probably better to do it online07:57
sriramomanlangdonlibido: if you dont have any serious work in the comp, i would advice u to get hardy and proceed. because native drivers may be released and they would alsways be safer and better.07:57
tarkuscause im craving a double bigmac right now, soo badly. needs to be worth the walk07:58
IcemanV9tarkus: not all of them are 24/7, but i have seen a quite few though.07:58
tarkuswould suck if its closed07:58
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unopShadowAp3x, hmm, not really - all i can think of is probably to try another live CD - your fedora live CD perhaps, their version of udev might pick up the devices alright07:58
langdonlibidosriramoman: Nope, that's a good idea =P07:58
ShadowAp3xunop: :( ok...07:59
JPSmanhow do i create a common folder between two computers using ethernet?07:59
sriramomanlangdonlibido: provided u have a fast connection or you know u wont have anything serious till u obtain hardy.07:59
langdonlibidounop: Umm, I'm not sure, it didn't make it obvious that I could get it online.07:59
karllenz_it still says im not the owner08:00
sriramomansriramoman: how did ndiscrap install?08:00
langdonlibidosriramoman: I got a good connection, I'll finish up tonight and d/l while I sleep, thnx for the help08:00
sriramomanok. you're always welcome.08:00
=== MidgetARG is now known as MidgetSpy
unoplangdonlibido, there's a few things to do before that. disable the cd-rom repo  - look for "software properties" in the gnome admin menu and then update apt/synaptic and then try installing this package again08:01
karllenz_unop: it still says im not the owner08:01
unopkarllenz_, ls -l /path/to/mountpoint # and btw, did that command give you any output when you run it?08:03
kaltsinhodo you know anything about ubuntu release time?08:03
magnetron!isitout | kaltsinho08:04
ubotukaltsinho: The answer is always that it will release when the release manager says so, which is generally down to how exact order of events works out on the day and is hard for anyone (including the release manager) to put an exact time on in advance.  However, rest assured that it will be out before the clock hits 23:59:59 on Baker and Howland Islands.  Until then, please stop asking.08:04
fservekaltsinho: check topic08:04
phishielet ubotu do the job lol08:04
fserve: D08:05
fservesomeone know what to do to not loose dns-cache when restart?08:05
evilbugmy buddy installed ubuntu 7.10 and installed all the updates along with enabling the restricted drivers,but his resolution won't go up past 800x600.he's running an nvidia 6600.08:07
cokolinaikonia ahhhhhhhh i foundd u! :P08:07
cokolinaikonia u popular :P http://ircarchive.info/ubuntu/2007/5/19/114.html08:07
insmod<fserve>i CAN THINK OF A HACK WAY TO DO IT08:07
insmod sorry for the caps08:07
cokolinawould someone check this out http://pastebin.com/m749018a1 bshell not set to bash warning..08:08
fserveinsmod: like 'do not restart...' ?08:08
fserveevilbug: what monitor?08:09
citybirdim waiting for the new release :-(08:09
fserve15' ?08:09
citybirdi thought south africa would be awake already08:09
GT63aren't we all :-)08:09
evilbug17' and it works with a 1280x1204 in windows.08:09
fserveevilbug try press control alt +08:10
sCOTTohey guys - this xorg.conf is confusing me!!! I have a notebook & a second monitor LG 22 inch wide screen.... I need to extend the screen.... cansomeone give me an easy way to do it pls? I am really pressed for time right now!08:10
insmod<fserve> no -- make an rc that copies it to a tmp dir on shutdown and a rc that copies it back on boot08:10
JoeAllyyeah its daylight there08:10
fserveinsmod: nice08:10
fserveinsmod: but where is the cache being saved?08:10
JoeAllywhat do u mean extend the screen08:10
phishiei think he meant use 2 monitors as 108:11
sCOTToJoeAlly: my monitor doesnt seem to be supported - or isnt in the lsit.... I want to use two as one yeah....08:11
cokolina1anyone on that shell bash http://pastebin.com/m749018a108:11
evilbugfserve- that did nothing.08:11
fserveevilbug: :(08:11
sCOTToJoeAlly: someone gave me a pastebin of their xorg.conf but its too confusing compared to mine :(08:12
=== CyanFlux is now known as ubutu
=== ubutu is now known as CyanFlux
sCOTToi have a 'screens &graphics' gui in my ubuntu edition....08:12
evilbugfserve- any other clues?08:12
sCOTTophishie: give a new guy a bit of room :)08:12
phishieI'm sorry08:13
phishieit wasnt meant to mean that08:13
sCOTTothats cool08:13
* phishie slaps himself08:13
* sCOTTo is easy :)08:13
insmod<fserve> why do you lose the cache08:13
sCOTToi just need a driver file for a LG FLATRON L225WT 22 inch widescreen :(08:13
JoeAllyive never needed drivers for a monitor before08:14
cokolina1WARNING: $SHELL not set to bash.08:14
cokolina1what is that!?08:14
cokolina1WARNING: $SHELL not set to bash.08:14
sCOTToJoeAlly: with the screens and graphics pressferences i am in it isnt showing my monitor...08:15
myIRCswitch  #myIRC08:15
=== Cc2iscooL_ is now known as Cc2iscooL
JoeAllyanyone know ho to install latest ati drivers08:17
JoeAllyanyone know how to install dirvers 8.408:17
sCOTToi prolly have the wrong video drivers too...08:17
sCOTTobugger... i think I might just call it a day...08:17
magnetronlatest | JoeAlly08:17
sCOTTothanks for ur help guys :)08:17
magnetron!latest | JoeAlly08:17
ubotuJoeAlly: A higher version number does not mean that it's better. Especially with packages such as the linux kernel. The packages in the Ubuntu repositories are stable and will work fine. You should have a better reason than "newer" when considering compiling from source or using 3rd party repos.08:17
JoeAllyyes well this time it does mate08:18
JoeAllyit supports algix08:18
* sCOTTo thanks the room08:18
* sCOTTo leaves the room08:18
JoeAllywich is superior to XGL08:18
JoeAllyit was released in october and it still hasnt been added to the repo08:19
iceswordhardy is out... yikes08:19
JoeAllyyeh i know i have it08:19
JoeAllyany way how are u ice sword08:19
JCSmith1337Hey all, how's the release coming?08:19
iceswordJoeAlly, fine, thx08:19
ere4sicokolina: are you trying to compile something?08:19
crdlbJoeAlly: hardy has a version of fglrx new enough for AIGLX08:20
JCSmith1337Will hardy support Quad Core?08:21
JoeAllyi tried it08:21
JoeAllyit says no composite08:21
crdlbJoeAlly: so enable it08:21
zeroDamn, no Ubuntu stable yet?08:21
crdlbJoeAlly: composite was disabled when you used the restricted drivers manager on gutsy08:21
JoeAllyi have ,on restricted dirvers08:21
JoeAllyfair enough08:21
crdlbif you upgrade to hardy, you'll have to remove that from your xorg.conf08:22
TuxOneDo I have to install all the software I have installed on ubuntu(Gutsy) if I update my system to Hardy??08:22
stokeddoes the hardy installer allow for lvm install?08:22
spikemcczero ubuntu is stable from alpha 6 to rc08:22
JoeAllywhat would i put08:22
TuxOneAll the software means third part software in my case08:22
spikemccfor hardy08:22
JoeAllycomposite 108:22
JoeAllyor composite true08:23
crdlbJoeAlly: either one works, in fact you can just remove those three lines entirely08:23
JoeAllythanks alot crdlb08:24
JoeAllyi'm just restarting i'll be back later cya08:25
Arky44When Hardy for ubuntu is released, will 8.04 be out for all the 'buntu flavors?08:28
spikemcc6 hours more maybe ... all flavors a week max maybe ...08:29
iceswordArky44, no, it is out, http://www.thecodingstudio.com/opensource/linux/screenshots/?linux_distribution_sm=Ubuntu%208.04%20Hardy%20Heron%20LTS08:29
nabcorehow do I stop ubuntu from pausing when I type a command in error that it does not understand?08:29
[LMM]IowahcHy there, is somebody using compiz with the Mac4Lin Theme?08:30
JoeAllyI'm back again thanks08:30
[LMM]IowahcHy there, is somebody using compiz with the Mac4Lin Theme?08:30
iceswordnabcore, ctrl +c08:31
spqI'm trying to get sound working on a Medion MD96420 (lspci: 00:1b.0 Audio device [0403]: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller [8086:284b] (rev 03)) the driver seems to be snd-hda-intel but when loading it i dont get any lines in /proc/asound/cards and dmesg says: http://rafb.net/p/ALVKkL81.html08:31
JoeAllyno sorry i am not using mac 4lin08:31
ITUany idea when the new release will be avaible?08:32
aItsNotOut<--, before you ask08:32
aguywas ist jetzt mit der 8.08!!!08:32
aguyich wollt jetzt saugen :(08:32
wkuessso when will the 8.04 LTS be rady for download ??08:32
aItsNotOutITU: riiight after your head hits the pillow08:32
aItsNotOutwkuess: riiight before you have to go to school08:33
aItsNotOut(i'm going to randomly guess timezones)08:33
aguyjeah, gmt +3?08:33
wkuessright.. ;)08:33
wkuessGMT +208:33
aguywhat about the new 8.0408:34
* icesword wonders where have the ops been, they may all hide from "when when when" lol08:34
aguyi need it like heroin08:34
aItsNotOuticesword: they just do !itsnotout | dude every few minutes08:34
Weasel[DK]-workread the topic folks08:34
spikemccaguy perfection the alpha 6 to the rc ... I'm burning for hardy final !!!08:34
wkuesswant to get my hands on the server dist. need to setup a server by monday ;)08:34
iceswordaItsNotOut, haha08:35
Amaranthspikemcc: If you installed the RC and are up-to-date you have the final08:35
Amaranthspikemcc: Unless something really bad happens08:35
aItsNotOutwoooo i hope something horrible happens08:35
spikemcci just want the iso08:35
aItsNotOutand that all 90000 pokemon get updated08:35
bueniosoy bueniño alguna chica por ai08:35
aItsNotOutactually theres a question, how many computers would you need to be able to have every package installed?08:36
aItsNotOutlike 5 different ftp daemons08:36
spikemccaItsNoOut are you a child or just a fool ?08:36
aItsNotOutspikemcc: people keep asking the same damn question, I'm mixing things up08:37
DracoZAIs there any way possible to open a .mdb MS Access file with an application on Ubuntu ?08:37
thenetduckanyone here like writting reviews for open source software?08:38
aguyspikemcc, the rc came out today? i am a little disappointed, i thought the webpage huge counter was related to the final stable :(08:38
eviking5DracoZA, I'm pretty sure OpenOffice.org will do that08:38
aguyjeah, gotta update 'em all08:38
DracoZAeviking5, ive tried but I cant seem to find a way08:38
ITUaguy: it is? just wait08:39
JPSmanis gutsy still LTS?08:39
ToznoshioDracoZA: try Kexi08:39
aguyITU, how long? i am just another 2 hours in work, and i have fridays off... :(08:39
DracoZAthx Toznoshio will check it out08:39
ToznoshioDracoZA: try Kexi with the mdb add-on to it08:39
cyphawhat's cli?08:40
ITUaguy : that I don't know probaly not the next 2 hours but what do I know08:40
phishiecypha, command line interface08:40
Shimmy_cypha: command line interface08:40
cyphaohh, ok08:40
fserve 08:40
fserve1. Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi Series Linux 32-bit / 64-bit Beta Driver (14.88 MB)16 Apr 0808:40
Deathservermy wifi drivers are propritary would it be easier to get a usb dongle to use with kismet and wireshark and aircrack suite08:40
ademan_has anyone setup zope on ubuntu?08:40
aguythen it will be monday. i desperately need to type the apt-get --dist-upgrade08:41
olof_can someone help me to lock my logitech mouse to a specific /dev/input/event?08:41
buenioalguha gallegita08:41
eviking5DracoZA, look at this link: http://searchenterpriselinux.techtarget.com/tip/0,289483,sid39_gci1236205,00.html08:42
aguyi could make cron distupgrading my box couldn't i?08:42
KLes_Hi !08:43
=== KLes_ is now known as KLessou
arttiHow do i know that i have 64-bit system?08:43
aguynothing works properly08:43
Symmetriaanyone here running ocfs2 ?08:43
KLessouI don't want anymore SCIM (im-switch) in my desktop ... how can i deactivate this one ?08:44
DracoZAthx eviking508:44
minisuWhere can I find a list of the major advantages/reasons to switch to a certain Ubuntu release?08:44
minisuLike a changelog but brief08:45
eviking5DracoZA, hope you will get it working!08:45
Adlaidoes anyone know if fglrx supports dual monitor and aiglx at the same time?08:45
JohnT_anyone know when 8.04 is ment to be out?08:45
Deathserverif i buy a usb wifi adapter will its drivers interfer with my built in wifi08:45
JPSmanwhy does ubuntu come in so many 'flavors' and how do they differ?08:45
JohnT_different pieces of software08:46
uekii am from thailand  when ubuntu 8.04 lts open to download?08:46
arttiSo can someone say how i know that i have 64-bit system?08:46
rskJPSman: you know there's information on the web about that..08:46
JohnT_something will say AMD6408:46
JohnT_or x6408:46
Orbixxueki: #ubunti-release-party08:46
JohnT_what are you running now artti?08:46
aguyarrti, man apt-get08:46
JPSmanBut I dont know enough to distiguish between the two08:46
aguyand then some kind of version, i guess08:47
arttiJohnT_, currenlty i have Ubuntu 7.1008:47
AdlaiJPSman: http://ubuntuindex.com/website/ubuntu-flavors/08:47
JohnT_the x86 version08:47
=== genii_ is now known as genii
Deathserverif i buy a usb wifi adapter will its drivers interfer with my built in wifi08:48
arttiJohnT_, On computer there is said AMD Athlon 64.08:48
lyaho there ;)08:48
=== master_o1_master is now known as master_of_master
JohnT_that will do then08:48
* Weasel[DK] is back08:48
arttiThat means flash crashes my browser.08:48
* Weasel[DK] is back08:48
JohnT_should support x64 then08:49
Wayne^R2anybody know if there is a gui for logrotate?08:49
olof_anyone know how to lock my mouse to a specific /dev/input/event* so i don't need to change it in the xorg.conf at every boot?08:49
JohnT_ZOMG, i vant 8.04 already08:50
rskcongratulations you just added 2 hours to the release-date JohnT_08:50
spikemccimem too08:50
spikemccshut up and program it rsk !!!08:51
asraithe rc is running very well here :)08:51
JohnT_what is the eta?08:51
tarkusanyone know why i get a bunch of locale warnings for each command i run? locale and perl warnings.08:51
tarkusits a fresh ubuntu server install08:51
spikemcci bring you to the strippers girls bar after so be fast08:51
spikemccrc is perfect08:52
spikemccbeta and alpha 6 also08:52
asraisure is08:52
asraifor me at least anyhow.08:52
tarkusanyone here using 8.04 yet?08:52
Deathservercan you apt-get games08:52
JoeAllyi got 8.0408:52
aItsNotOuttarkus: yea lots of people are using the "rc"08:53
JoeAllyyeh i'm using rc08:53
lyaso... and for when is the final 8.04 planned? Any precise time?08:53
tarkusah, nice08:53
JoeAllyi upgraded from gutsy without the dic08:53
aItsNotOut!itsnotout > lya08:53
JoeAllycuz the disc didnt work08:53
JohnT_24/24/2008 at 23:5908:53
tarkuswithout a dic?08:53
lyayep thx I seet that :P08:53
grammare there any striking differences between the RC and the actual release?  I am wondering if I should simply install with the RC.08:53
spikemccdell inspiron 1501 on ubuntu 8.04 alpha 6 to rc seem perfection in live will come ... don't pinch me maybe I dream !!! don't wake me up !!!08:53
lyamy problem is that I don't know if to begin working.....08:53
JohnT_the 1501 does the sound work>?08:54
grammi suppose another way to phrase it would be: have they been working much since the latest RC?08:54
olof_anyone know how to lock my mouse to a specific /dev/input/event* so i don't need to change it in the xorg.conf at every boot?08:54
KalElwait for one day if you can.08:54
JohnT_cool, ty08:54
aItsNotOutgramm: yes08:54
grammaItsNotOut: nice nick, and thanks!08:54
spikemccJohnT_ www.ubuntu1501.com08:54
asraigramm: i got a whole lot of updates the day or so after the rc, from memory08:54
JoeAllyna sorry olof08:54
asraibut if you update you iwll get those..08:55
grammasrai: thanks08:55
aItsNotOutgramm: try a upgrade, thats what I did, but from new gutsy08:55
tarkusanyone know why i get a bunch of locale warnings for each command i run? locale and perl warnings.08:55
tarkusits a fresh ubuntu server install08:55
nonfatmatttarkus, try 'dpkg-reconfigure locale'08:55
grammasrai: ive got my home directory on a different partition, so it should be as easy as a reinstall08:55
JohnT_comeon devs, code faster08:55
asraii'm very impressed with hardy08:55
asraiah bonus :)08:55
grammasrai: yeah, a friend of mine was trying it out, it looked (emphasis:) good (/emphasis)08:56
asraii was perhaps a little rash - a few weeks ago i did a small backup (was running XP), formatted my desktop and put hardy on it08:56
aItsNotOutgramm: if you have another computer to download the iso when it comes out, go and try the upgrade and if it doesn't work theres no worries :)08:56
tarkusnonfatmatt: http://dpaste.com/46659/08:57
asraiafter 2 weeks i put hardy on the laptop too08:57
olof_is there another way than evdev to get all the buttons on a logitech multibutton mouse to work?08:57
aItsNotOutI've got hardy on the recovery partition hehe08:57
grammaItsNotOut: im not worried about upgrading, i was just going to seed the torrent when it comes out, and wondering if i should still be seeding the "beta"08:57
tarkusso hardy hardon does have a full release yet?08:57
asraigramm: everything worked straight out of the box (on the beta) for me *touch wood* hope nothing explodes now :)08:57
aItsNotOutolof_: whats evdev, also whats wrong with it?08:57
ToznoshioQ: where are conversations in this channel archived / logged for future reference?08:57
aItsNotOutgramm: nah, save your bandwidth for the good stuff08:58
nonfatmatttarkus, eh sorry I meant 'locales'08:58
nonfatmattshould be the right packages08:58
nonfatmattno guarantees though08:58
grammasrai: yeah, i think its much easier for people to install linux than windows anymore...as it should be08:58
arttiSo it si best that i install Ubuntu for 64-bit system?08:58
aItsNotOutartti: im still trying it out08:58
tarkusbtw nonfatmatt, those warnings i get with ANY command08:58
tarkusnot just this one08:58
asraiabsolutely - it was very easy and i am pretty clueless :P08:58
grammaguy: tis cool, isnt it?08:59
nonfatmattyeah, which means something in locales didn't get set right08:59
aguyi want to wubi the win xp on my dual boot machine08:59
aItsNotOuthaha like lubw?08:59
tarkusnonfatmatt: http://dpaste.com/46660/08:59
arttiaItsNotOut, trying out? What are your current experience?08:59
nonfatmattalso, I ran a gentoo box with that error for like 6 months and it didn't do anything more than annoy me08:59
aguyaItsNotOut, ???08:59
tarkusnonfatmatt: yeah.. its really annoying09:00
olof_aItsNotOut: evdev is the driver i use in xorg.conf for my mouse...the problem is that it requires me to specify a specific event-device (from /dev/input/event) which changes each boot...so i need to change my xorg.conf each time i boot...09:00
asraisorry tiny kitten on the keyboard09:00
DanikarIm trying to upgrade my fiesty to gutsy, how do i do that?09:00
aItsNotOutolof_: hmm09:00
asraishe loves the laptop09:00
RaditHi, how do i enable flash in opera?09:00
aItsNotOutolof_: I'll take a peek in my dev09:00
Adlaimy eyes must be going09:00
tarkusnonfatmatt: its like that with a fresh install for me.. im using slicehost VPS09:00
Adlaibecause I just read "Hi, how do i enable flash in space?"09:00
KohelethRadit try #opera09:00
nonfatmattokay you might have to set your debconf priority lower so 'dpk-reconfigure debconf' set it to low priority and then run the command again with locales09:00
AdlaiI was pretty excited for a minute09:00
aItsNotOut13 64-7209:00
nonfatmattyeah it's something that's set up by the installer so it probably missed it or something09:01
Raditkoheleth: no one is active..09:01
Kohelethits probably the wrong address, but you get my meaning, this is ubuntu :)09:01
aItsNotOutolof_: whats it right now?09:01
asraithere's only one stupid app that makes me dual boot now :(09:01
CVirusHow come you guys don't know when will it be released ! Aren't there any developers around ?09:02
RaditKoheleth: okay...09:02
aItsNotOutCVirus: we're hard, at work09:02
aItsNotOutlol boner joke09:02
Kohelethit is realeased so to speak, I am running Hardy 8.04 now09:02
Kohelethyeah, with updates09:03
JohnT_all good09:03
aItsNotOutolof_: lets say its event0 right now, I was going to do like ls -lR /dev | grep 13 | grep 64 and see if it listed like LogitechWhateverLongDeviceName as well as event009:03
olof_aItsNotOut: the mouse changes between /dev/input/event2 and event3 on every boot09:03
frandavid100does anyone here use imagemagick and know the command to resize a picture?09:03
psnelHELP: can anyone help me with OpenOffice and Downloader4X app aborts?09:03
KohelethI soon as the lts is realeased I will just update to the final, take minutesI guess09:03
dna_will the server be released at the same time?09:03
aItsNotOutls -lR /dev/ | grep 13 | grep 66 <-- or 6709:03
Kohelethapparently so09:03
nonfatmattalso, jesus will come back09:04
Arenloris there a large amount of disconnects in here too?09:04
mono23lol everbody is so desperate09:04
Shimmy_frandavid100: convert -scale something.09:04
Kohelethfor what09:04
mono23for the final release of 8.0409:04
Robert125How can I edit settibgs for screensavers with ubuntu 7.10 (gnome)?09:04
JohnT_8.04 der, what do you think?09:04
qdiscoops i installed it to my usb stick :(09:04
aItsNotOutolof_: look in /dev/input/by-path/09:04
mono23it's  been going on for hours09:05
* aItsNotOut feels silly09:05
mono23is it on the server???09:05
mono23and now???09:05
rxndx78unop, back again... I logged into failsafe gnome, created a new user and all is well, except that I cannot access my data now from my original /home09:05
mono23my first time sex was more relaxed :p09:05
aItsNotOutwho needs final?09:05
rxndx78unop, seems to be something about the gnome settings09:05
Arenlorwe in +1 were thinking we just hit a netslpit09:05
aItsNotOutmono23: well hopefully your first time only involved 2 people and not several thousand09:05
JohnT_i'll just keep refreshing the ubuntu page : (09:06
unoprxndx78, what you could do then is delete the .{gnome,gconf,gtk} directories from the old home .. and it should work ok09:06
spikemccme + infinite !!!09:06
Deathserverhello i forgot to intoduce myself nooberubuntu user thx for helping me with my problems09:06
Koheleththere is a ubuntu release party channel somewhere09:06
frandavid100thanks Shimmy_09:06
aItsNotOuttry that09:06
XB23how do i install the ubuntu gui?09:07
rxndx78unop, so I can just boot into safe mode, delete those directories and I should be able to log in to my old account again?09:07
olof_aItsNotOut: the event is listed with ls but not the mouse device name...09:07
Shimmy_frandavid100: np09:07
XB23ive got the server version09:07
aItsNotOuthmm funky09:07
tarkuscan someone help me setup my locales?09:07
rxndx78XB23 sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop09:07
aItsNotOutolof_: anything logitech like in /dev/input/by-path09:07
Shimmy_XB23: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop i think.09:07
tarkusi keep getting errors about locales and perl09:07
aItsNotOuttarkus: why didn't dpkg-reconfigure locales work?09:07
KOWubuntu8.04 is still in beta?09:07
umbrualberthi...what drivers do I need for Nvidia 8800 GTX SLI cards09:07
tarkusaItsNotOut: i posted the output09:08
unoprxndx78, you can do it right now .. with something like this.   sudo rm -rfv /home/<otheruser>/.{gnome,gnome2,gconf,gtk}09:08
olof_aItsNotOut: the problem with the files in the by-path folder is that it's symlinks...and evdev does apparantly not support symlinks when specifying device in xorg.conf09:08
tarkusaItsNotOut: http://dpaste.com/46660/09:08
aItsNotOutolof_: well thats crap09:08
umbrualbertI've tried ver169.1209:08
aItsNotOutolof_: futz something together then?09:08
unoptarkus, perhaps this does it.  sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow locales09:08
olof_aItsNotOut: agree...09:08
[LMM]IowahcHy there, is somebody using compiz with the Mac4Lin Theme?09:08
aItsNotOutolof_: actually file a bug report and then futz something together09:09
rxndx78unop, I need to chown because my files are private09:09
olof_aItsNotOut: futz?09:09
tarkusunop: nope, same error09:09
unoprxndx78, hmm, no, sudo should get around that restriction09:09
aItsNotOutolof_: its only at boot right? can you shell script? i sure cant :)09:09
rxndx78unop, ok09:09
rxndx78will try09:09
rxndx78unop, thank you09:09
unoptarkus, reinstall locales -  sudo apt-get install --reinstall locales09:10
olof_aItsNotOut: nope...can't...but should maybe try to learn to get this work...09:10
aItsNotOutolof_: ls -l the symlink and then mknod /dev/mystupidmouse c 13 (whatever)09:10
tarkusunop: ok, done09:10
aItsNotOutolof_: yea, its really simple and really useful09:10
olof_aItsNotOut: i find it strange that there is no info to be found about this on the net....(tried google forever)...there must be more than me that is using multibutton mouse with this problem...09:11
unoptarkus, still getting those errors?09:11
tarkusunop: yea09:11
umbrualberthi...what drivers do I need for Nvidia 8800 GTX SLI cards...I've tried ver169.12...get a blank screen09:11
aItsNotOutolof_: its probably a udev issue09:11
MEzzahi ,when i remove compiz i have no window decorator09:11
tarkusunop: fwiw, its not a local machine. im ssh'd into my VPS09:12
MEzzahow ca i safely remove it09:12
crdlbMEzza: you don't09:12
aItsNotOutolof_: well, a udev issue along with a stupid xorg bug where it doesn't support symlinks in that specific instance ;)09:12
unoptarkus, try running that dpkg-reconfigure command again09:12
tarkusunop: ok09:12
crdlbMEzza: if you don't want to use compiz, disable it in System > Preferences > Appearance09:12
tarkusunop: same errors09:12
nonfatmatttarkus, did you try the thing about debconf09:13
aItsNotOutolof_: i use the word futz when im doing something the totally wrong way09:13
tarkusnonfatmatt: whats that?09:13
olof_aItsNotOut: yea...annoying :P...thx for the help..i gonna search some more and see if i can make a script to change the xorg file for me...09:13
olof_aItsNotOut: hehe ok :)09:13
aItsNotOutmaking a dev file at boot is slightly easier than editing the conf file in a script fyi09:14
nonfatmattokay you might have to set your debconf priority lower so 'dpk-reconfigure debconf' set it to low priority and then rerun the dpkg-reconfigure command again with locales09:14
FC_TommyThis has probably been discussed before, but are there any word on why 8.04 isnt out yet?09:14
unoptarkus, sudo apt-get install --reinstall locales localeconf; sudo locale-gen09:14
dagon^moar! :)09:15
dreamcoderi thought 8.04 was to be released today09:16
dagon^it is09:16
ubotuThe answer is always that it will release when the release manager says so, which is generally down to how exact order of events works out on the day and is hard for anyone (including the release manager) to put an exact time on in advance.  However, rest assured that it will be out before the clock hits 23:59:59 on Baker and Howland Islands.  Until then, please stop asking.09:16
geniidreamcoder: Today isn't over yet09:16
unopsometime later today09:16
ariqsI didn't even know there was a dvd release of ubuntu. Is it true?09:16
dagon^patience young padowan, patience09:16
aItsNotOutdreamcoder: its not today yet!09:16
unopariqs, sure09:16
aItsNotOut<3 being confusing09:16
tarkusunop: i dont have localconf09:17
ariqswhat's special about it, unop?09:17
tarkusunop: it doesnt exist in the repos either09:17
ariqssomeone brought it up in the release channel, but chat scrolls by too fast for a conversation09:17
spikemcchttp://releases.ubuntu.com/ pour/for ubuntu 8.04 hardy heron !!!09:17
unopariqs, it contains more packages :) i've not tried it out myself, i'm for the minimalist approach09:17
aItsNotOutwow lots of localization packages09:17
unoptarkus, ok, not to worry, ignore the package and run.  sudo locale-gen09:17
aItsNotOutlocalechooser-data locales localization-config locales-all09:18
coolhi guys09:20
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cool1436 users on, and still increasing09:20
DiegoMartinezwow loot of people here09:20
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iceswordcool, yep, 1436+++++ so much people...09:21
dagon^seems like a pretty big hype around hardy09:21
kupesoftHow can I read .eml files?09:21
icesword#ubuntu will be bombed, lol09:21
ariqsI think not so many actual people here as idlers/bots09:21
kupesoft(email files)09:21
Angel-SLI hope ubuntu's servers have all the same content09:22
Angel-SLi'm using a download manager and i'd hate it if it downloads from 2 servers with different content09:23
spikemccAngel_SL use jigdo !!!09:23
Angel-SLit found 10 more mirrors =.=09:23
dagon^Angel-SL; in your update-manager it will tell when 8.04 is out and it will be the LTS09:23
sc_at what time 8.04?09:23
ariqsno one knows, sc09:24
Angel-SLi'm on windows downloading Ubuntu for another machine09:24
spikemcc http://releases.ubuntu.com/ pour/for ubuntu 8.04 hardy heron !!! sc_ check sometimes there !!!09:24
coolNo Url Please09:24
Angel-SLthat machine once ran Ubuntu09:24
dagon^people aren't that good at checking stuff out themselves09:24
Lamegokupesoft, please read the following thread, http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-45838.html09:24
XB23after running sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop thats installed, how do i connect to the desktop?09:24
=== MEzza is now known as Arcad3
Angel-SLbefore i switched to windows09:24
Angel-SLand back to Ubuntu09:24
sc_i cant wait ne more09:24
minus198Does anyone have a more specific time when 8.04 is released09:25
spikemccAngel-SL jidgo can work on windows also !!!09:25
dagon^just sit tight09:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about isnotout - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi09:25
minus198dagon^, :(09:25
LamegoXB23, you dont connect to the desktop, you start the desktop manager with sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start09:25
coolsc_, then Grab RC, as good as 8.0409:25
ubotuThe answer is always that it will release when the release manager says so, which is generally down to how exact order of events works out on the day and is hard for anyone (including the release manager) to put an exact time on in advance.  However, rest assured that it will be out before the clock hits 23:59:59 on Baker and Howland Islands.  Until then, please stop asking.09:25
ariqsI bet the servers drop dead as soon as it's released anyway09:25
ariqsfar too much hype ;P09:25
sc_not like rc s09:25
Xaroonhow many hours left???09:25
dagon^chill people, chill09:25
coolsc_, i guess then you have to wait09:25
sc_so excited09:26
Angel-SLthey're releasing 8.04 today!?09:26
CrazyRatwhat's the difference between RC and the formal release?09:26
propelhatDoes anyone have a time for the release?09:26
AdemanCRAP! whenever i run anything apt or dpkg related i get the following error: http://rafb.net/p/BX3xrV95.html     (i haven't done anything, not even a package installation, that should cause this...)09:26
fserveCrazyRat: nothing09:26
sc_i prepared all needings09:26
LamegoCrazyRat, all the fixes applied during this week09:26
kupesoftLamego: thanks09:27
olof_when i start ubuntu in failsafe the graphics crashes rendering the failsafe useless...however there are no errors in the xorg.log...anyone know what to do?09:27
DiegoMartinezRelease Candidate just miror bugs09:27
sc_4 empty cd for isos09:27
iceswordit is out already, but the team just didn't give it out.....09:27
Angel-SLi have 25+~25=5009:27
CrazyRatthen why you guys so eager to upgrade to 8.04 if you're already using8.04 rc?09:27
sc_in case a fault lol09:27
fservei'm not eager09:27
LamegoCrazyRat, whoever us using RC is already at the final, those are not eager09:27
XB23Lamego: but im a remote user09:27
LamegoI mean, was using RC09:28
aItsNotOutCrazyRat: i want it for the livecd but I can wait as someone had a gutsy x86_64 cd for me to use09:28
iceswordlet 's go and burn cds ,... lol09:28
coololof_, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:28
spinikeryeah what time is the release?09:28
XB23cant i connect to it via realvnc?09:28
LamegoXB23, have you installed and started the vnc server ?09:28
* AntonioValls re09:28
XB23no i dont know where i can get it from09:28
spikemcc http://releases.ubuntu.com/ pour/for ubuntu 8.04 hardy heron !!! check there guys and refresh a lot you will see when it when it will come out !!!09:28
XB23just realvnc.com?09:28
aItsNotOutspiniker: if they had a set time they'd post it, us geeks are like that09:28
insmodi want to write a dhcp release script to stop (Counter) the Internet shaping any suggestions -- or has it been done?09:28
LamegoXB23, it's on the repositories09:28
Ububeginwhere are the screenshots for Hardy09:29
XB23ahh cool09:29
XB23apt-get install realvnc yeh?09:29
dagon^Ububegin; google09:29
LamegoUbubegin, google.com, ubuntu hardy screenshots09:29
sc_i cant stand09:29
iceswordUbubegin, http://www.thecodingstudio.com/opensource/linux/screenshots/?linux_distribution_sm=Ubuntu%208.04%20Hardy%20Heron%20LTS, there you go09:29
aItsNotOutinsmod: just figure out some commands that do that, and then crontab a script that does those commands...09:29
UbubeginI have googled but no nice site so far09:29
jeffimperialHelp with Window management... i tried installing compiz fusion from the Add/Remove Applications manager. After installation, I tried running it from a terminal session. It said somethin' about not having 8-bit support.. thing is, my the windows i open aren't the same as they were.. the bars and borders have disappeared.. how do i change these back to their default?09:29
iceswordUbubegin, http://www.thecodingstudio.com/opensource/linux/screenshots/?linux_distribution_sm=Ubuntu%208.04%20Hardy%20Heron%20LTS, there you go09:29
waylandbillhappy hardy day. :)09:29
cokolina1no buffer space is available09:29
sc_30 times into releases page lol09:30
cokolina1what a heck is that!09:30
insmod<aItsNotOut>ya i know how to do it -- just wondering if it has been done -- save me time09:30
Ububeginicesword: nice,dude09:30
sc_all waiting with cd ere lol09:31
sc_burn cds09:31
sc_cd burning day09:31
whacwhen its out, you should get a download-window instead of 404 here: http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent09:31
sc_ubuntu team !!!!!09:32
thoreauputicwhac: wrong - it's not out until announced as out - the mirrors are syncing and hitting refresh all the time is just going to slow things down09:33
sc_release our heron09:33
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aItsNotOutthoreauputic: at least only a few people will be doing it09:33
jeffimperialguess everypne's busy waiting for hardy to help? :)09:34
rhanthonyIs there anyone who might be able to help me figure out why my SSH tunneling is not working?  I'm at the end of my rope!09:34
thoreauputicaItsNotOut: we can all hope not :)09:34
Seveasjeffimperial, today is not a good day for help ;)09:34
mijacgood morning from holland09:34
FC_TommyGood morning09:35
jeffimperialSeveas, right...09:35
rhanthonyAnyone here good with ssh tunnels?09:35
mijacyou know guys I have again a problem, but I love it09:35
Ububeginmijac : goede ochtend09:35
mijacis that i CAN NOt mount my fat 32 disk09:35
sc_morning from Turkey-ubuntu09:35
Ademanhey is iputils-arpng a package?09:35
erichammondrhanthony: what do you want to do?09:35
spikemcchttp://mirror.lupaworld.com/ubuntu/releases/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso is it a real link ???09:35
tonyyarussospikemcc: no - don't post links.09:36
mijacand the message is mount_point cannot contain the following characters: newline, G_DIR_SEPARATOR (usually /)09:36
rhanthonyerichamond: I'm trying to setup ssh tunneling so that everything I do from my laptop here at work, tunnels to my home server, and back...09:36
iceswordcd burning day, goooooo!!!!!!!09:36
rhanthonyI have sshd running on the server09:36
scombobrhathony, setup a SOCKS tunnel using ssh09:36
rhanthonybut I can't seem to get web connections to go through it.09:36
scombob-D, iirc09:36
mijacWaar ben je Ububegin ?09:36
sc_yea icesword09:36
whitedethI just installed Ubuntu on my PS3. It keeps saying "No Network Connection" even though it's connected to the internet.09:37
whitedethWhat's going on?09:37
rhanthonyI tried, the closest to working I get is my firefox returning a msg with the sshd and ubuntu version info.09:37
AdemanHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA man, i just hand edited /var/lib/dpkg/status to fix my machine09:37
jeffimperialAnyone, pls help... I know it's not the best day for newbie nagging, but my prob is beginning to become tiring..09:37
mijacWaar ben je Ububegin ?09:37
mijacand the message is mount_point cannot contain the following characters: newline, G_DIR_SEPARATOR (usually /)09:37
Ububeginmijac : ik weet het hoe te om het geen Nederlands te spreken.09:37
scombobrhathony, have a look at "man ssh"09:38
erichammondIf you can install squid on your home server, it could also work that way: http://www.softwarevoices.com/archives/54-ssh-tunnel-to-Amazon-EC2-as-a-temporary-web-proxy-for-privacy-and-security.html09:38
mijacoh nice09:38
sc_anyone from Turkey09:38
On3i cant connect to au.archive.ubuntu.com can anyone else?09:38
Ububeginmijac : power of altavista , babel... XD09:38
scombobtry ssh user@host -D localhost:999909:38
whitedethI just installed Ubuntu on my PS3. It keeps saying "No Network Connection" even though it's connected to the internet.09:38
kaminix(subtitleeditor:7530): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_notebook_set_tab_label: assertion `GTK_IS_WIDGET (child)' failed    <--- Anyone know what I might need to fix that. A Gutsy package on hardy caused it, but... yeah... :p09:38
erichammondYou can't do it with ssh tunnels alone.  It needs some sort of proxy (SOCKS, squid)09:38
whitedethWhat's going on?09:38
nonfatmattOn3, it's hiding from you09:38
atlantidei am using debian, i want to creat permanent eth1 virtuel interface somebody have some idea09:38
Seveaserichammond, ssh can be a socks proxy09:38
sc_hardy teaaaaaaam!!!!09:38
scomboberic: you can09:38
whitedethMy Ubuntu Install keeps saying "No Network Connection" but I'm connected to the internet. What gives?09:38
whitedethits annoying as hell.09:38
rhanthonynow, i'm tring to do the work from a windows box.... so i dont have the whole ssh command line available.09:38
erichammondI stand corrected.09:38
On3nonfatmatt, hahahaha09:38
On3can anyone ping it?09:39
scombobrhathony: putty can do it09:39
jeffimperialHelp with Window management... i tried installing compiz fusion from the Add/Remove Applications manager. After installation, I tried running it from a terminal session. It said somethin' about not having 8-bit support.. thing is, my the windows i open aren't the same as they were.. the bars and borders have disappeared.. how do i change these back to their default?09:39
mijachello !!! who knows this problem ?????? > the message is mount_point cannot contain the following characters: newline, G_DIR_SEPARATOR (usually /)09:39
On3i think Ubuntu has dropped off cause they are getting ready to export mass amounts of 8.0409:39
rhanthonyscombob: thats what i thought too, and when I do it, it just gives me sshd/ubuntu version info in my web browser, doesnt actually feed to the pages I want.09:39
On3only 34 minutes to go!09:39
doubleukay-it's cute how the topic reads "no, we don't know what time ubuntu 8.04 will be reased"09:39
dagon^On3; to what?09:39
Seveasdoubleukay-, that's because we don't :)09:40
dagon^doubleukay-; say what?09:40
On3dagon^, till 8.04 comes out09:40
dagon^On3; how sure are you?09:40
iceswordOn3, how you know09:40
doubleukay-it's exactly what I came to this channel for :P09:40
On3part of the dev team09:40
sc_on3 ,is it official time?09:40
rhanthonyI keep reading that it's just a command line and I can forward everything with ssh tunnels, but again... can't get it to go THROUGH the machine apparently, only TO the server.09:40
On3sc_, what do u mean by that?09:40
sc_u said 34 mins to go for 8.04?09:41
mijachello !!! who knows this problem ?????? > the message is mount_point cannot contain the following characters: newline, G_DIR_SEPARATOR (usually /)09:41
mijachello !!! who knows this problem ?????? > the message is mount_point cannot contain the following characters: newline, G_DIR_SEPARATOR (usually /)09:41
On3sc_, why would i be saying it if it wasnt official?09:41
jeffimperialand mijac are getting the silent treatment09:41
doubleukay-On3: rumor-mongering! :P09:41
On3doubleukay, i know, dev team releases it :p09:41
scombobrhath: go to proxy, in putty, try socks5, localhost, then a high port09:41
sc_we ll see09:41
mijachey jeffimperial what you mean ?09:42
jeffimperialmijac, been asking a question, all in vain it seems09:42
spikemccftp://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/.pool/ for all releases of ubuntu !!!09:42
rhanthonysource port should be a high port, and destination should be the server i want to tunnel to, right?09:42
mijacthank jeff09:43
scombobrhathony, i think dest should be localhost09:43
aItsNotOutfor socks5 you dont specify a destination i thought09:43
aItsNotOutits just ssh -G 108009:43
* icesword hides09:44
scombobhe's using putty09:44
rhanthonyerror: socks proxy returned unknown version09:44
apecatis it just me, or is https://wiki.ubuntu.com down?09:44
nonfatmattit is09:44
aItsNotOutman linux needs a fixmytty command09:44
nonfatmattbecause it's being pounded by everyone in #ubuntu-release-party09:45
sc_8.04 server editions released09:45
apecathow nice of them :)09:45
erichammondaltsNotOut: Sometimes this helps: stty sane09:45
mijacit will be nice if someone says: Oh I never saw that etc09:45
rhanthonyin the ssh tunnels area of putty, it has source port, and destination host... everything says that should be "9999" for port, and "localhost" for destination.09:45
rhanthonythat should be all I need to do to get it to work, according to every thread I read.09:46
doubleukay-sc_: do you know if the LTS version is identical to those ISOs?09:46
mijacguys guys, with the releas of ubuntu everybody shoul act as a comunity with patience09:46
mijacthe patience is bitter but their results are sweet09:46
rhanthonyhowever, it just connects TO my server... if that... doesnt go through it.09:46
ng0nahhh.. the HEART of the evening...09:46
mijacin the meanwhile you can think about this09:47
mijacerror : the message is mount_point cannot contain the following characters: newline, G_DIR_SEPARATOR (usually /)09:47
sc_no, but date is 24.04.08 12.22pm09:47
olof_how do i configure my settings for failsafe mode? the graphics crashes when i start ubuntu in failsafe...?09:47
aItsNotOutolof_: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:47
sc_and no rc labels09:47
ng0n3:45 am local here09:47
stdin!ops | spikemcc needs a ban in here too (link posting)09:47
ubotuspikemcc needs a ban in here too (link posting): Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpatrick or jussi01!09:47
aItsNotOutolof_: unless you cant get a console when it dies09:47
thoreauputicsc_: It isn't official until announced. That URL may or may not be it09:47
sc_url is official09:48
whitedethcan someone advise me on this?09:48
sidewalkwhen is the new version of Ubuntu going to be released today?09:48
whitedeththats the SAME problem im having?09:48
coololof_,try this sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:48
stdinsc_: no link with a . dir is official09:48
dagon^sidewalk; topic!09:48
jeffimperialanyone interested to help yet?09:48
olof_aItsNotOut: that only changes my xorg.conf file...the failsafe file is untouched...so the error remains next time i start failsafe09:48
thoreauputicsc_: no, final tweaks are still possible until it is *officially announced*09:48
aItsNotOutwell why do you need failsafe to work?09:48
pavsubuntu out yet (probably asked a million times but i just got here)?09:49
rhanthonySO there should be NO other software on the server required, to pass all tcp connections through an ssh tunnel?09:49
* aItsNotOut !09:49
nks_Ive download it - it works great - 8.0409:49
rhanthonymy server shouldn't require anything other than sshd to handle all of that through a tunnel out to the rest of the world? right?09:49
Ububeginpavs : it's out, issnt it09:49
nks_ubuntu 8.0409:49
dagon^the rc is out09:49
Symmetriaits not out09:49
dagon^stop asking not09:49
Symmetriathe rc is out09:49
pavshow do I upgrade form the terminal?09:49
aItsNotOutrhanthony: check the conf, tunneling is disablable09:50
KleidersaSorry, to stupid to google: Can I make GnomeNetworkManager save EAP-Login-Data to the keyring?09:50
dagon^pavs; update-manager -d09:50
erUSUL!upgrade | pavs09:50
ubotupavs: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes09:50
coolpavi_, dis-upgrade09:50
olof_aItsNotOut: because it's pretty anoying to have the machine crash into failsafe everytime something is wrong in the xorg.conf file...09:50
sidewalkokey, so 8.04 is up09:50
pavsthnaks guys09:50
rhanthonyaItsNotOut: thanks...09:50
pavi_cool thanks09:50
sidewalkwhen will it be possible to "dist-upgrade" to it?09:50
laeghow long for ubuntu?09:50
pfifo_fastlol im installing ubuntu for the first time ever following some eeepc tutorial on the web and in less than one day im already outdated? wow isnt that the story of my life09:50
jeffimperialubotu seems to care... Help with Window management... i tried installing compiz fusion from the Add/Remove Applications manager. After installation, I tried running it from a terminal session. It said somethin' about not having 8-bit support.. thing is, my the windows i open aren't the same as they were.. the bars and borders have disappeared.. how do i change these back to their default?09:50
olof_aItsNotOut: (for example when i trying to get my mouse to work... ^^)09:50
aItsNotOutsidewalk: dist-upgrade to rc :p09:50
laegalado: when is the actual release out?09:51
aItsNotOutolof_: ah, well i dont know what failsafe does, I just boot normally for everything09:51
VirianArt1 day:D09:51
VirianArtor today09:51
VirianArtubuntu bot09:51
laegaItsNotOut: even09:51
truffautthe final version will be officially out at 12 GMT09:51
laegVirianArt: but the 1day on the timer is gone09:51
laegtruffaut: ty, gmt ftw!09:51
VirianArti knoe09:51
On3yea, its only 14 minutes now!09:51
VirianArtit has an RC now09:51
vltOn3: GMT09:51
VirianArtubotu hi09:51
ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!09:51
laegrc lol nty09:51
VirianArtubotu2 hi09:51
KleidersaSorry, to stupid to google: Can I make GnomeNetworkManager save EAP-Login-Data to the keyring?09:51
pavsuprading :)09:51
UbubeginCan u guys stop asking about when ubuntu is out... >:(09:52
VirianArtubotu hello i said09:52
aItsNotOutOn3: is your clock ntp time synced?09:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hello i said - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi09:52
On3vlt, ?09:52
=== Kleidersa is now known as Kleidersack
SeveasKleidersack, it should do that09:52
VirianArtubotu linux09:52
ubotuLinux is the kernel (core) of the Ubuntu operating system. Many operating systems use Linux as kernel. For more information on Linux in general, visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux09:52
VirianArtubotu its smart09:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about its smart - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi09:52
olof_aItsNotOut: yea...me too...but when the mouse is pointing to the wrong event-device (every boot), ubuntu lauches failsafe and crashes...09:52
fserveubotu bot09:52
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots09:52
VirianArtubotu windows09:52
rhanthonyaItsNotOut: I dont see anything disabling tunneling in /etc/ssh/sshd_config ...09:52
VirianArtubotu windows xp09:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about windows xp - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi09:52
aItsNotOutolof_: ewwww, hurry up and futz something together09:52
Kleidersack@seveas: unfortunately not :-/  I have to enter the informations each time... For WEP it works fine :-(09:53
dagon^yeah, yeah. the bot is super phun09:53
pavswow this is a lot faster than the last upgrade :)09:53
fservewho knows what is 'nullmailer' ?09:53
On3aItsNotOut, what time is it saying to going to be released??09:53
rhanthonyubotu ssh09:53
ubotuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/09:53
Seveas!info nullmailer | fserve09:53
ubotufserve: nullmailer (source: nullmailer): simple relay-only mail transport agent. In component universe, is extra. Version 1:1.03-5 (gutsy), package size 80 kB, installed size 392 kB09:53
olof_aItsNotOut: hehe, yea i guess :P09:53
rhanthonyI hate ssh tunnel crap :P09:54
aItsNotOutOn3: i dunnom dont really care but from what you're saying it'll be 2:10 my time ;)09:54
truffautOn3: 12.00 GMT, but there can be late with mirroring09:54
Aciidwhen is it comingg!09:54
aItsNotOutrhanthony: what are you trying to forward?09:54
rhanthonyaItsNotOut: are you familiar with setting up tunneling in putty?09:54
On3truffaut, ohhh... i c...09:54
stdinthere is no set time09:54
Kleidersackrhanthony: What the Problem with tunels & putty?09:54
rhanthonyaItsNotOut: everything... want to open an ssh from laptop to home server, and pass everything through it... that is possible, correct? everyone says it is with just sshd on the server.09:55
Symmetriaheh Im very very curious to see how my mirror server handles this release, the last release we were actually running solaris on the mirror, this time we're running ubuntu and have some absolutely sick hardware to handle the load09:55
truffautit's scheduled to midday because everyone around the world need to get it the 04/2409:55
Kleidersackrhanthony: You can just forward some ports AFAIk09:55
* Symmetria threw a total of 80gigs of ram, 32 cpu cores and loads of fiber channel san's at his mirror cluster09:55
SeveasSymmetria, what kind of storage?09:55
insmod<rhanthony>it is i do it all the time09:55
jeffimperialcan anyone point me to a room where there IS help?09:55
ether_cwhy does it matter that "everyone gets it on the 24th".. it's just a number09:55
rhanthonyI just need help getting the tunnel connected then I guess.09:56
SymmetriaSeveas a mixtures, 32 terabytes in total, some of it to NFS sans, some of it to SAS direct attached sans and some of it to FC sans09:56
rhanthonyUsing putty on a xp laptop.09:56
aItsNotOutrhanthony: I've never done all traffic, I used squid for that09:56
SeveasSymmetria, nice09:56
milia_has anyone used the nvidia 173.08 drivers on a gef 8400M G , 8.04 rc ?09:56
truffautjeffimperial: where do u come from ?09:56
rhanthonythe best I can get is opening www.google.com, shows me the sshd/ubuntu version of my server in firefox :( but no google.09:56
Seveaswhere are you putting the isos?09:56
Symmetriaand then we anycasted the system between two locations in .za to split up the load09:56
Seveasnfs or fiber?09:56
SymmetriaSeveas depends which anycast you hit09:56
riftdawganyone know of a cheap sip trunk provider that does instant activation via paypal or something or some test sip server?09:56
riftdawgi want to test out my asterisk install09:56
rhanthonymainly i NEED web to be tunneled.  would like everything.09:56
SymmetriaSeveas serving the isos off 3 seperate systems, one of them is FC, one is NFS and one is SAS09:57
Symmetriabut Seveas with the amount of ram we've thrown at it, its gonna cache into ram and the disks will hardly get touched09:57
truffautether_c: yeah, but that's it, no need to argue 'bout it :p09:57
aItsNotOutrhanthony: my copy of putty doesn't support doing the socks5 style tunneling, hmm09:57
Kleidersackrhanthony: you need a proxy on your server!09:57
SeveasSymmetria, heh, true that09:57
aItsNotOut0.52, what are you on?09:57
oliver_I have used the command "sudo vi <file>" and I am now editing a .conf file inside the terminal, hw do I save it?09:57
raseelUbuntu 8.04 is not out yet ?09:57
Seveasraseel, no09:57
dagon^omg no09:57
rhanthonydo i need proxy software on the server? every thread about ssh tunneling says all you need is sshd.09:57
dagon^topic ffs09:57
sedrawhereis download link??09:57
rhanthonyno one mentions needing additiona server software....09:58
aItsNotOutsedra: the usual locations09:58
sedrai found the RC on the ubuntu website09:58
SymmetriaSeveas if I can get the forth server online before the release (which Im working on as we speak) I can have a forth server with a ram disk with all the isos09:58
dagon^sedra; good for you, lts is on the way09:58
doubleukay-Symmetria: how's bandwidth in .za like?09:58
tony134340anyone know how to set xchat to not show annoying away/quit/enter messages?09:58
aItsNotOutsedra: i'd be all try tpb but I'd get banned if i linked it probably ;)09:58
dany_21aoliver_: type ":wq"09:58
SeveasSymmetria, then get back to work instead of wasting time in here :p09:58
rhanthonyinsmod: you ssh tunnel all tcp traffic?09:58
Symmetriadoubleukay- internationally it sucks, well, it sucks everywhere in .za, but we have multiple 10gig peers to the major ISPs in .za09:58
dagon^tony134340; in the preferences menu09:58
sedraok can i upgrade from the beta?09:59
ere4sitony134340: right click the tab09:59
rhanthonyinsmod: your own server running sshd?09:59
sedrato the RC09:59
dbzhang800oliver_ ,type "<Esc>:wq"09:59
SymmetriaSeveas heh, waiting for something on the server at the moment (copying everything to the servers SAS arrays before I start working on the ram disk stuff)09:59
tony134340ere4si, thanks, any way to do it permanently?09:59
DracoZASymmetria,  u in SA ?09:59
ether_c~$ whereis download link09:59
SymmetriaDracoZA yes09:59
ether_clink: /usr/bin/link /usr/include/link.h /usr/share/man/man1/link.1.gz09:59
insmod<rhanthony>ya but it's linux boxes i never ran windows09:59
DracoZASymmetria, what company if I may ask >09:59
SymmetriaDracoZA TENET09:59
Flashq009when are download links to 8.04  being posted? waiting to download.09:59
SymmetriaI run mirror.ac.za09:59
ere4sitony134340: not that I've found09:59
dagon^Flashq009; keep track on the site10:00
rsc___so when is it? :D10:00
SymmetriaDracoZA I presume you're also in .za, jhb or cpt?10:00
dagon^rsc___; read topic10:00
aItsNotOuthmm maybe I should be aTheresNoETA10:00
raseelSeveas: when do you think it will be available ?10:00
=== aItsNotOut is now known as aTheresNoETA
aTheresNoETAhey everyone look at my nick10:01
SymmetriaDracoZA can you check something for me? resolve za.releases.ubuntu.com and paste it to me, I wanna triple check the anycast10:01
rhanthonyinsmod: okay, but you can do ALL tcp traffic through a single ssh tunnel? just need to know that is infact able to be done, without additional software on the server (just sshd)... and it can, right?10:01
Seveasraseel, today10:01
insmod<rhanthony>on linux yes10:01
rhanthonyinsmod: trying to figure out if my attempts are futile or not... if it's possible, i'll keep going.10:01
DracoZASymmetria, sure 1 sec10:01
aTheresNoETAshould I do it as well even tho im in CA?10:01
rhanthonyinsmod: cool.  putty should be able to do everything linux ssh can.  so it's just a matter ofmaking it work.10:02
doubleukay-Symmetria: do your two locations have independent storage?10:02
Symmetriadoubleukay- yes10:02
doubleukay-Symmetria: that's gotta be expensive :)10:02
insmod<rhanthony>my brother used that to conect to a linux box10:02
Symmetriadoubleukay- they are on opposite sides of the country :) and I havent had a chance to get FCoDWDM stuff working yet10:02
doubleukay-I see10:02
Symmetriadoubleukay- *shrug* the combined cost of all the mirror.ac.za stuff with the disk space and everything else is probably running to the 200 thousand dollar mark10:02
tony134340ere4si, just found out via google if you wanna know as well. command is "/set irc_conf_mode 1"10:03
Symmetriadrop in the bucket compared to a lot of other stuff we spend money on10:03
activebetawhen will be released 8.04?10:03
doubleukay-Symmetria: I see10:03
rhanthonyinsmod: is it necessary to configure firefox to use the tunnel? or should the tunnel just be taking over on it's own once the ssh is open?10:03
rhanthonyinsmod: i have read both ways on forums/articles....10:03
rhanthonyconflicting "how to" things10:03
chazcoHi... anyone know how to disable flash in Firefox until its wanted? It crashes the browser quite often :(10:03
Symmetriadoubleukay- I got lucky yesterday though, I went to an auction of a liquidating hardware supplier, managed to pick up another 4 servers, all of them quad dual-core xeon based10:04
Symmetriafor 13k US with the ram, disks, servers everything10:04
insmod<rhanthony>never used firefox for it10:04
tony134340chazco, use no-script add-on10:04
doubleukay-Symmetria: which xeons? sounds power hungry10:04
doubleukay-but yeah that's a steal!10:04
rhanthonyinsmod: do you have to setup whatever browser you use, for a 'proxy' or anything? or just open the ssh and browse as normal?10:04
chazcotony134340 - Tried flash block before... was hoping for a native way (dont like non-repo code on this system)10:04
Symmetriadoubleukay- 3.2ghz cores10:04
tony134340chazco, and i believe you can disable flash via preferences as well10:04
manoovachazco: install the flashblock add-on10:05
insmod<rhanthony>are you going linux to win or win to linux10:05
rhanthonySymmetria: sounds like you got a great deal!  grats.10:05
rhanthonyinsmod: win to linux.10:05
chazcomanoova - I tried that on another system (flash still loads briefly)... want a native way10:05
insmod<rhanthony>no idea --- install the other way and install fish and it configures fore you10:06
Ububeginhow to kill an application which was not launched from a shell10:06
insmod<rhanthony>i have never used win so...10:06
XB23guys ive installed ubuntu desktop, but how do i use it remotely?10:06
rasimuHi, I've installed yesterday ubuntu 8.04 and after installation when trying to run vmware-server I get the following error: /etc/init.d/vmware-server: 766: /usr/lib/vmware-server/net-services.sh: not found10:06
DracoZAXB23, like remote desktop type of remotely ?10:07
chazcoMay try to remove flash alltogether until its fixed10:07
ToznoshioXB23: you need x11vnc10:07
aladoXB23: you can use vnc/tight vnc10:07
rhanthonyinsmod: so you ssh to your server, and then just open your browser and it works over the tunnel automatically? no proxy settings needed in the browser?10:07
XB23ok ive installed x11vnc10:07
BeefeaterWhile we are waiting. Does anyone have any ideas on how to optimize video in vmware? Need WinXP to watch DRM-protected media.10:07
doubleukay-quick q, is it possible to do-release-upgrade from 8.04 rc.. to 8.04 final?10:07
XB2324/04/2008 10:05:46 *** XOpenDisplay failed. No -display or DISPLAY.10:07
XB23i get that error when i try to start vnc10:08
et_did you install vmware tools?10:08
fservedoubleukay-: yes it is10:08
doubleukay-XB23: x11vnc needs a running X server10:08
doubleukay-fserve: thanks10:08
XB23an x server?10:08
rhanthonyinsmod: so you ssh to your server, and then just open your browser and it works over the tunnel automatically? no proxy settings needed in the browser?10:08
sidewalkif i want to be able to dist-upgrade with apt-get, do i need to edit /etc/apt/source.list ?10:08
insmod<rhanthony> the only browser one I do is fish and no -- no proxy10:08
ToznoshioXB23: I use reverse VNC, so my command looks like this: x11vnc -connect IP-of-vncviewr10:08
doubleukay-XB23: do you hav ea running ubuntu login screen already?10:09
rhanthonyinsmod, k.10:09
XB23im not sure doubleukay- as i only have remote access to the box10:09
XB23ive installed ubuntu-desktop and started it10:09
doubleukay-XB23: I see. is the box to be used remotely all the time?10:09
XB23root@nebula:~# /etc/init.d/gdm start10:09
XB23 * Starting GNOME Display Manager...10:09
XB23   ...done.10:09
XB23yes doubleukay-10:09
doubleukay-or are you helping someone to install it.. who will be using it locally10:09
XB23nope, its or remote all the time10:10
rasimuHi, I've installed yesterday ubuntu 8.04 and after installation when trying to run vmware-server I get the following error: /etc/init.d/vmware-server: 766: /usr/lib/vmware-server/net-services.sh: not found10:10
rasimuany ideas?10:10
noob-africagreetings all!10:10
doubleukay-you can try the vnc4server package instead10:10
noob-africai have just downloaded, untarred and tried to compile Xara Extreme for Linux10:11
yeahtry virtualbox10:11
noob-africaam getting errors10:11
noob-africacan anyone assist?10:11
znagAnyone successfully running a Xen Environment on Ubuntu Server? I am considering to migrate my Servers from Etch to Heron10:11
erUSULnoob-africa: why not install the aviable version?10:11
XB23ok installed that doubleukay-10:11
XB23what do i do to run it10:11
doubleukay-XB23: then just run "vncserver"10:11
noob-africaerUSUL: hey.... what do u mean?10:11
erUSUL!info xaralx | noob-africa10:12
grimsqueaker13i think im trying to do the same thing as XB23, i need to setup a vnc server on a headless machine so that it will always be accessible.10:12
ubotunoob-africa: xaralx (source: xaralx): Heavyweight vector graphics, illustration and DTP Program. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.7r1692-2 (gutsy), package size 4573 kB, installed size 11776 kB10:12
doubleukay-it will prompt you for a password. after that you can connect to it with a vnc client10:12
grimsqueaker13which package should i use?10:12
doubleukay-I don't know if you'll get the full ubuntu environment when run that way though10:12
doubleukay-but hope that helps for now10:12
erUSULnoob-africa: i mean that you do not need to conile it just install xaralx package10:12
noob-africaerUSUL: that is what i installed... am getting errors when running the final command bin/xaralx10:12
noob-africaerUSUL: where do i get the package file?10:12
XB23i get the error10:13
XB23xterm Xt error: Can't open display: %s10:13
noob-africaerUSUL: there is the Autopackage version, but i dont know how that  gets installed...10:13
XB23xterm:  DISPLAY is not set10:13
erUSULnoob-africa: Applications>Add/Remove ?? System>Admin>Synaptic ??10:13
rhanthonyI have the tunnel setup in putty how it says to... and it still shows the real IP on www.whatismyip.org, so it's not passing over the tunnel :(10:13
noob-africaerUSUL: hehehe... i had forgottedn about that... lemme see... thanks10:13
rhanthonydoes anyone have ssh tunnel experience with puTTY on windows?10:14
rhanthonyif it ONLY requires sshd on my server, then the problem must be on the client side somewhere...10:14
aTheresNoETArhanthony: what version of putty are you using?10:14
andcorpshey everyone10:14
BuFFso it's already final here ftp://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/.pool/ right ?10:14
billgoldbergI know I must be the 1000th person to ask, but when will the stable verions of hardy come out.10:14
chazcoFile: ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso  715898 KB  23/04/08  01:03:0010:15
chazcoIs that the final version?10:15
stdinchaky: no10:15
vfourranthony: what are you trying to tunnel?10:15
karllenz1is there a fan speed application for ubuntu i think my laptop is overheating10:15
noob-africaerUSUL: thanks... its working (but of course)... what will happen to the files i previously downloaded and tried to bin/xaralx? will they get removed automatically?10:15
erUSULnoob-africa: i do not think so; how did you installed them?10:16
znagrhanthony: have you tried using plink?10:16
JimmeyDoes anyone know how to make screenlets stay on the desktop when I use the "show desktop" button with compiz enabled?10:16
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hanumankatuwalwhat exact time is hardy coming out??10:16
rhanthonyznag: no, i thought putty itself would do it, thats what all of the how-tos and forum threads say.10:16
dagon^hanumankatuwal; topic10:16
white_eagle!topic | hanumankatuwal10:16
ubotuhanumankatuwal: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic10:16
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rhanthonyPuTTY v 0.5910:17
dinii need photoshop for ubuntu10:17
hanumankatuwaldagon^: im too imaptient :( thanks btw10:17
dagon^dini; i present gimp10:17
Seveas!info gimp | dini10:17
ubotudini: gimp (source: gimp): The GNU Image Manipulation Program. In component main, is optional. Version 2.4.2-0ubuntu0.7.10.1 (gutsy), package size 3805 kB, installed size 10488 kB10:17
rhanthonydini: get GIMP10:17
=== SvZ is now known as sourcode
andcorpsthen u can upgrade with gimpshop10:17
billgoldbergdini: photoshop cs2 will run fine in wine10:17
diniwhat is gimp10:17
Deetswhat is the maximun number of people that have been in this channel?10:18
arvind_khadriSeveas, where can i find radio stations10:18
aTheresNoETAim on a mexican radio, radio10:18
noob-africadini: Graphic Image Manipulation Program (GIMP)10:18
Seveasarvind_khadri, usually between 87.7 and 104 FM10:18
icesworddini, gimp<>photoshop10:18
arvind_khadriSeveas, can i tune that in rhythmbox10:18
noob-africabillgoldberg: does Adobe Illustrator CS2 also run fine in wine? which version of Wine did u download? From Ubuntu's repos or from winehq.com?10:18
Seveasarvind_khadri, :)10:18
Kohelethhey does google earth not run on amd64?10:19
billgoldbergfrom the repo's, I've onl y run photoshop cs 2 and it ran without any problem10:19
noob-africaKoheleth: depends... how did u install it?10:19
chazcoThey're reporting on the forums that the final version is here: ftp://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/.pool/10:19
ThreeFingerPeteit feels like christmas eve! why isnt the new ubuntu here yet? ;)10:19
Kohelethsh a .bin10:19
arvind_khadriSeveas, :) i wanted internet radio stations lost mine....could you tell me the default ones plz :)10:19
DeetsKoheleth, my google earth can't connect with the servers, is the last beta10:19
billgoldbergcheck the wine website for more info on other apps10:19
umbrualbertGuys, I need some help with nvidia install10:19
noob-africabillgoldberg: have u tried Illustrator CS2?10:19
umbrualbert2x8800 GTX cards10:19
Kohelethnot a big loss I suppose10:19
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Kohelethnot a big fan of Google10:20
rhanthonyanyone with experience doing ssh tunnels with putty, please let me know.  about to set my laptop and server on fire I'm so frustrated!10:20
osfameronhow can I add a keyboard shortcut for an arbitrary command?10:20
znagrhantony: do you have port forwarding enabled?10:20
osfameronI want a keyboard shortcut for "gksu synaptic" but it doesn't looke like I can do that from "Keyboard Shortucts" under System->Preferences10:20
dinii want to play nfs in ubuntu pls anybody help me10:20
rhanthonyznag: port forwarding on the server?10:20
glederfeinAnyone here with any experience connecting to a VPN PPTP server??10:20
arvind_khadriSeveas, :) i wanted internet radio stations lost mine....could you tell me the default ones plz :)10:20
arvind_khadridini, install wine10:21
znagrhanthony: yeah not sure if its required for ssh tunneling10:21
rhanthonyznag: crap, i dont think so!  and I'm guessing that would be the key to ... forwarding my connections, eh? :)10:21
glederfeinI'm having trouble connecting...10:21
white_eagledid my question deliver?10:21
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes10:21
white_eagleI had KDE installed as my secondary DE, now after I removed it,(removed every app that had KDE in its description) apps' menus (like SpeedCrunch and Opera) look ugly, they don't look blue'ish like they used to, so I guess I removed the qt libraries, I want them back so the apps' menus to look the same as before, I'm asking now what packages do I need to install?10:21
diniarvind _khadri i installed wine but i dont know how to use it10:21
grrrhello, where is the new lts ubuntu???10:21
rhanthony whats the easiest way to enable port forwarding?10:21
aTheresNoETArhanthony: be lazy, use squid configured to only allow connections from localhost and then tunnel like 1080 to
znagrhanthony: cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward10:22
hanumankatuwalrhanthony: use firestarter10:22
arvind_khadridini, just install the files of nfs and double click on the icon so that the game starts10:22
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).10:22
aTheresNoETArhanthony: oh you didn't enable forwarding to connect to your sshd? haha10:22
rhanthonyi dont wanna be easy... i wanna use ssh... dont want to over complex my system needlessly.10:22
zappyi ve a question10:22
Jarohi everybody10:22
znagrhantony: should be set to 1 but im not absolutely sure its required for ssh tunneling10:22
aTheresNoETAznag: its not10:23
zappywot time ubuntu will be released?10:23
aTheresNoETA!isitout > zappy10:23
wkuesszappy look here ftp://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/.pool/10:23
gaouziefok, i guess it's been asked a thousand times but: when exactly is hardy oficial comin out?10:23
ubotuThe answer is always that it will release when the release manager says so, which is generally down to how exact order of events works out on the day and is hard for anyone (including the release manager) to put an exact time on in advance.  However, rest assured that it will be out before the clock hits 23:59:59 on Baker and Howland Islands.  Until then, please stop asking.10:23
rhanthonyznag: it's 0, change it to a 1? must i restart anything to have it take affect?10:23
dagon^topic people, topic!10:23
hanumankatuwal!topic | gaouzief10:23
aTheresNoETArhanthony: no10:23
ubotugaouzief: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic10:23
white_eagledid someone answer my queston?10:23
rhanthonyaTheresNoETA: yeah, I think I skipped turning it on with the install... dont remember it...10:24
aTheresNoETArhanthony: you dont need to set it for that, and thats a run time setting, you'd have to script something to set it at boot10:24
glederfeinI've tried MANY different ways to connect to a PPTP VPN server and NONE succeeded!10:24
waylandbillguess the topic is useless. seems like noone reads it.10:24
white_eagleI read it10:24
XB23when i run vncserver i get the error10:24
XB23vxterm Xt error: Can't open display: %s10:24
XB23xterm:  DISPLAY is not set10:24
decti" No. we don't know exactly the time when 8.04 will be released." why NOT ????10:24
XB23whats it mean?10:24
Deetsfirst, they have to send the final to the mirrors, what must be happening just no, I guess10:24
white_eagle!offtopic | decti10:24
ubotudecti: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!10:24
rhanthonyso, portfowarding is NOT necessary to ssh tunnel my laptop through my server, to the rest of the world? or it is?10:24
aTheresNoETArhanthony: the port forwarding is for nat, or you run it on your router becuase you're forwarding port 22 to some box10:24
glederfeinI keep getting "Remote message: Request Denied"10:25
noob-africadoes anyone know how much ram one should have on their system when running graphics apps in wine?10:25
white_eagledoes someone know which packages do I need to install sto qt apps' menus to look properly??10:25
rhanthonyno, my routers are forwarding 22 to the right place (ssh'd in to use bitchx to get here)10:25
white_eagleblue'ish like they used to10:25
dinihey how to install photoshop in ubuntu10:25
X-Setiyou cant10:25
rhanthonyso i can ssh to my server, no problem.  issue is getting my laptop here to web browse, through the ssh tunnel... wont work.10:25
* nanopino hi10:25
white_eaglebecause I removed everything connected to KDE, and they are gone now, and I still use some qt apps10:25
noob-africadini: do u have Wine installed and running?10:25
X-Setidownload gimp instead10:25
WutzAt ftp://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/.pool/ there is a file called "ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso" does anyone know if this is jsut the beta?10:25
john7121try GIMP10:25
stimpiedini call adobe and ask them for a linux version10:25
* white_eagle is bored fr asking this the 10000 time10:25
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skep11:08 < haks> du wohnst doch gleich in der gegend und hast sicher nix zu tun10:26
skep11:08 < haks> du wohnst doch gleich in der gegend und hast sicher nix zu tun10:26
aTheresNoETAhey skep !de or whatever ;)10:26
rhanthonydini: apt-get install gimp10:26
noob-africaX-Seti: GIMP doesnt have a straight-forward GUI that is as easy to comprehend as Photoshop10:26
XB23whats this error mean10:26
XB23xterm Xt error: Can't open display: %s10:26
XB23xterm:  DISPLAY is not set10:26
dagon^gimp should be installed by default10:26
glederfeinGIMP ROCKS!10:26
stdinthere are NO official Hardy ISOs yet10:26
Seveasdagon^, it is10:26
noob-africaif they made GIMP behave more like photoshop it could do the trick10:26
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!10:26
aTheresNoETAwhite_eagle: look properly? interesting10:26
white_eagleaTheresNoETA: with blue'ish menus, not like now10:26
Shimmy_noob-africa: try GimpShop10:27
dagon^it's almost the same as PS, gosh10:27
aTheresNoETAwhite_eagle: having all that kde crap installed just wastes diskspace btw10:27
immk#join ubuntu+110:27
dinihey what is gimp10:27
john7121cen t-am a mbeidh HH ar fail. an bhfuil fhios ag eine?10:27
aTheresNoETAwhite_eagle: look for like kde themes10:27
X-SetiI havent had much luck with wine on ubuntu, i dont why, it's been better on other unices10:27
Seveasdini, an image editing program like photoshop10:27
aTheresNoETA(i dont use kde, sorry)10:27
noob-africaShimmy_: it works like Photoshop?10:27
white_eagleaTheresNoETA: do you know which packages I need to install or not10:27
noob-africaX-Seti: how much ram do u have?10:27
Shimmy_noob-africa: it's designed to be more like photoshop yes.10:27
aTheresNoETAI never know the answer, but look for the package you removed that had to do with themes10:27
rhanthonyhas anyone ever ssh tunneled from a windows box, to a linux sshd server, and through to the rest of the net?10:28
diniseveas i already have one here10:28
white_eagleaTheresNoETA: I removed a huge amount of packages10:28
roffe__If Canonical makes money helping people and companies with fixing Ubuntu for w/e reason.. Do we ever have to fear that they will make bugs on purpose?10:28
Shimmy_noob-africa: http://www.softpedia.com/progScreenshots/Gimpshop-Screenshot-79648.html10:28
Seveasroffe__, no10:28
aTheresNoETAwhite_eagle: kdeartwork-theme-window10:28
aTheresNoETAhow about that one, did you remove that?10:29
gaouziefanyone has had experience with a heavy loaded ubuntu server 64b with an nfs share where front end servers write stuff? safe choice?10:29
spikebroffe__, nah, bugs will crop up all by themselves by the plenty. plus, they still get to support even a bug free product10:29
spikebif there was such a thing10:29
dinii wanna DVD player for ubuntu pls anyone help me10:29
white_eagleaTheresNoETA: thanks, I'll try installing it now10:29
dagon^dini; VLC10:29
Myrtti/me gives roffe__ an aluminium pot to put on to keep the conspiracy theories at bay10:29
X-Setidini i can help10:29
vltrhanthony: Yes10:29
noob-africaX-Seti: really? on a server or desktop pc? that is HUGE!10:29
stimpiedini, use vlc, mplayer or totem10:29
rhanthonyvlt: what windows client did you use? and was it your own sshd server you tunneled through?10:29
dinibut i have one10:29
noob-africaX-Seti: the most ram i can get on my pc is 4 GB, and i aint even half way there10:29
rhanthonydini: apt-get install vlc10:29
aTheresNoETAargh why is packages.ubuntu.com filtering results when im vague?10:30
aTheresNoETAim vague for a REASON10:30
roffe__Ok guys... But the more they nail down bugs, people will need less help, right?10:30
X-Setiyour missing a package10:30
vltrhanthony: ssh from Cygwin and my own sshd.10:30
Myrttiroffe__: the development of open source is eternal10:30
noob-africaX-Seti: what's the manufacture year of ur pc? mine is 2003... i think Dell Dimension XPS Gen 410:30
john7121where is ubuntu????10:30
roffe__Or do they give support for other reasons as well?10:30
Myrttiroffe__: there ALWAYS be new bugs10:30
=== nxusr is now known as jack_mehoffer
X-Setimine was built to spec10:30
=== borza is now known as pvborza
stimpieroffe__, this is the same discussion about anti-virus companies10:31
noob-africaX-Seti: by whom? and how much did it cost u?10:31
rhanthonyvlt: okay, i'm trying to ssh from putty to my own sshd.... nothing else running on the server, and i just can't seem to make the tunnel work.  ssh works fine (using that now to get to irc)... but can't get things going over the tunnel.  any experience with putty?10:31
Myrttithere is no such thing as a ready floss project10:31
dinihow to play nfs using wine any help10:31
dagon^john7121; on 2 of my 3 computers10:31
rhanthonyvlt: was port forwarding or anything else necessary to be running on the sshd machine?10:31
On3ill show u mine if u show me urs ;) ;)10:31
X-Setinini sudo apt-get install kde ubuntu-restricted-extras10:31
* dagon^ shows it to On3 10:31
X-Setisudo apt-get install vlc xine-ui mplayer libdvdread3 kaffeine10:31
roffe__stimpie: yeah, I guess, but didn't an anti-virus-maker get caught making viruses as well?10:31
vltrhanthony: What exactly do you need to send through the tunnel?10:31
X-Setithen do10:31
stimpieroffe__, most paying customers for support are companies who outsource desktop maintanance more bugs means more work in that case10:31
white_eagle!wine | dini10:31
ubotudini: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.10:31
On3dagon^, i was talking about websites, what were you thinking.... sick minded person!10:31
X-Setisudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/install-css.sh10:32
dagon^On3; yeah right! ;)10:32
On3dagon^, lol10:32
X-Setiyour beable to play any media format10:32
FloodBot3NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.10:32
On3FloodBot3, shuddup!10:32
noob-africawho suggested to me i check out Gimpshop? I have seen the screenshots... it's pretty cool!10:32
rhanthonyvlt: would like to send all tcp traffic.  NEED to send all http (80) through it... and bonus would be IRC traffic as well.  Ideally though, just all TCP... everything.10:33
X-Setinoop, PC specialists10:33
noob-africai guess i can now do graphics on Ubuntu, with Xara Extreme for Linux (vector graphics, with full CMYK support) and image manipulation with Gimpshow10:33
X-Setioops sorry10:33
=== jack_mehoffer is now known as nxusr
X-Setinoob-africa, it cost me a alot and i dont want to say how much10:33
jellywaregreetings from the melbourne australia release party10:34
roffe__I'm generally NOT a conspiracy-theorist, but I was just wondering. So far I'm more than happy with Ubuntu10:34
CyberCodman... good thing I didn't try to wait it out!10:34
jellywareone pic sofar10:34
GInwhat engine does epiphany use to render the html page?10:34
dinipls someone offer me 3d walkthrough games for ubuntu10:34
SeveasGIn, gecko10:34
spikebgecko by default10:34
DracoZAis 8.04 Desktop a release version ?10:34
hazexpthey're going to be switching to Webkit soon though (IIRC)10:34
GIncan you set it to webkit?10:34
SeveasGIn, but they're switching to webkit10:34
vltrhanthony: I'd reccomend using OpenVPN for this task (maybe over ssh, as a friend of mine does from a place where nothing but port 80 and 22 is allowed).10:34
spikebfor a bit longer anyway. webkit is an alternative, and will be the default10:34
X-Setinoob-africa, ASusStriker, 1.5T HHD, 8Gig Ram, 2X8800GForce Ultras10:34
Riot777how do you think if I will upgrade to hardy now, it will be much to update when oficially hardy will go out ?10:34
SeveasGIn, not yet10:34
noob-africaDracoZA: there is a desktop and server version, yes10:35
SeveasRiot777, probably nothing10:35
dinipls someone offer me 3d walkthrough games for ubuntu10:35
X-Setinoob-africa, Quad Core 3.0Ghz, now clocked to 3.40Ghz10:35
noob-africaX-Seti: wow! that is a rocker! 1.5T? maaan!10:35
rhanthonyvlt: well, if you can put all tcp over a ssh tunnel, then that should be sufficient.10:35
noob-africaX-Seti: i am impressed!10:35
roffe__dini: what's a  "3d walkthrough game"10:35
grimsqueaker13can anyone assist with vnc, i followed the instructions on http://www.asktheadmin.com/2007/11/setting-up-vnc-in-ubuntu-gutsy-gibson.html to set up vnc but now when i connect the vnc viewer seems to recursively connect again until i have a million remote screens open inside each other..... wtf is going onwith this... :)10:35
rhanthonyvlt: my issue is properly getting the tunnel setup, most likely here on the client side (windows putty)...10:35
X-Setiit does the job10:35
noob-africaX-Seti: did that go over USD 1K or less?10:36
X-Setiwell over10:36
rhanthonyvlt: the closest I've gotten is having firefox pull up sshd/ubuntu versions when i try to go to www.google.com (or anywhere else).10:36
diniroffe its nothing but 3d shooting games10:36
noob-africaX-Seti: have u done any DV editing with ur sys? what software do u recommend?10:36
vltrhanthony: The tunnel only forwards one specific port (AFAIK). That could be the problem when tryinf to put all IP traffic through ...10:36
kane77grimsqueaker13, are you connecting to the same machine?10:36
rhanthonyvlt: then i can make multiple tunnels, not a problem.10:36
rhanthonyvlt: but i can't get even just port 80 to work :(10:37
X-Setinoob-africa, pm?10:37
roffe__dini: Ok, walkthrough means a guidance in a game of any kind.... have you tried Enemy territory?10:37
rhanthonyI guess I need someone with putty/ssh-tunnel experience specifically to tell me what i'm doing wrong10:37
grimsqueaker13yes, i thought that would be possible to test the connection... i did that before in windows10:37
aTheresNoETAvlt: dynamic forwarding simulates socks510:37
aTheresNoETAlike ssh -D 1080 remotecomputer10:37
sleepsterwhat stops someone from making 'make install' do something malicious and destroy my machine?10:37
aTheresNoETAthen use localhost:1080 as socks510:37
sleepsterit is running with root privilages10:37
zcat[1]sleepster: nothing...10:38
sleepsterhmm.. interesting10:38
sCOTTook, who here can help me understand the xserver so i can add a monitor and stretch my desktop over two monitors?10:38
aTheresNoETAsleepster: not a thing, thats why you need to trust people, even if it was wrapped up in 10 tons of tape, they'd still be able to do bad stuff10:38
manoovasCOTTo: What graphics card do you have?10:38
vltrhanthony: `ssh -L 8080:targethost:80 ssh-server` is probably not what you want. But you can setup a proxy or socks proxy and tunnel its traffic.10:38
rhanthonyaTheresNoETA: but... how to properly get putty to do those... is what i think is eluding me :P cause it does not have the same command line as linux ssh clients10:38
sCOTTomanoova: how do i tell?10:38
zcat[1]sleepster: so you should be careful what you download ... that's one of many reasons why you should stick to packaged software in the official repos.10:38
aTheresNoETArhanthony: does your putty to dynamic?10:39
sleepsterthanks guys10:39
kane77grimsqueaker13, so apparently it is working..10:39
sleepsterfor the help10:39
aTheresNoETALocal Dynamic Remote10:39
vltrhanthony: Putty can establish the same (multiple) tunnels.10:39
manoovasCOTTo: dmesg | grep -i nvidia10:39
aTheresNoETA^ circleboxes10:39
grimsqueaker13should it be doing that if i connect to the same machine?10:39
manoovasCOTTo: That'll tell you if you have an nvidia card10:39
aTheresNoETArhanthony: you probably need the dev version of putty btw10:39
vltaTheresNoETA: Can you explain how dynamic ssh tunnels works?10:40
sCOTTonope it said nothing10:40
kane77grimsqueaker13, yep, because it will display what you see.. and you see the vncviewer window10:40
sCOTTomanoova: nothing10:40
aTheresNoETAvlt: it uh simulates a socks5 proxy basically10:40
manoovasCOTTo: substitute Ati for nvidia to see if you have an Ati card10:40
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manoovasCOTTo: or intel10:40
vltaTheresNoETA: aah, ok.10:40
aTheresNoETAso you connect to the port, tell it where you want to connect, it connects out...10:40
sCOTTomanoova: yup10:40
sCOTTomanoova: ati10:40
dinican anyone offer me games that play under ubuntu10:41
aTheresNoETAlol setserial is a separate package? funny10:41
manoovasCOTTo: Did you build the PC yourself or is this a Dell/HP/IBM box?10:41
sluimershi, where can I ask an eclipse question?10:41
aTheresNoETAmmmm dell10:41
emjabout 8.04. Is there some way to get an alert when it's ready?10:41
kane77sluimers, #eclipse probably10:41
zcat[1]dini: try flightgear, if you like flightsims... or torcs (racecar) or tremulous10:41
dinican anyone offer me games that play under ubuntu10:41
grimsqueaker13kane77: oh ok.... thanks10:41
sCOTTomanoova: Dell INSPIRON E170510:41
DJones!games | dini10:41
ubotudini: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php10:42
sluimersthanks kane7710:42
dagon^dini; check the wineappdb :)10:42
roffe__dini: have you tried enemy territory?10:42
NaibD0pamine: ? wtd you doing here10:43
white_eagleaTheresNoETA: here is a screenshot http://i32.tinypic.com/25jy0wy.png10:43
white_eagleaTheresNoETA: they look like that, and I want them to look like they should look in KDE10:43
notsniwwhen will 8.04 be released?10:43
dagon^stop asking10:43
Naibnotsniw: today10:43
notsniwNaib: i know10:43
notsniwwhen :)10:43
KazjakoIs Mark Shuttleworth here?10:43
rhanthonywhy would i need the dev version? everything says this 0.59 should do it.10:43
Naibnotsniw: today10:43
rhanthonyand yes, it does dynamic.10:43
white_eaglefor christs sake, it would come out today10:43
JPSmanwhat command do I use to determine what modules I have loaded???10:43
sCOTTowow i knew a mark shuttleworth once!10:43
manoovasCOTTo: OK. If it is an Ati card then you should have been offered the opportunity to install Restricted drivers for that card. I'm not 100% sure of that as I don't have an ATi card myself. Anyway, install the restricted drivers and then you should have a program available to created the settings you need.10:43
rhanthonyJust not sure if i'm setting it up right.10:43
notsniwJPSman: lsmod10:44
sCOTTomanoova: how do i do that?10:44
aTheresNoETAwhite_eagle: gtk has a .gtkrc, dunno what qt does10:44
JPSmanThanks notsniw10:44
white_eagle!appdb | dini10:45
white_eagle!topic | notsniw10:45
ubotudini: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org10:45
ubotunotsniw: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic10:45
manoovasCOTTo: Actually, I am reading that Ubuntu 8.04 uses the open-source ATi graphics drivers so you shouldn't need to install the restricted drivers10:45
aTheresNoETAwhite_eagle: did you try forums?10:45
emjwhite_eagle:  So do you know where you can get a heads up when it is released?10:45
manoovasCOTTo: http://fileforum.betanews.com/detail/Ubuntu/1097960777/110:46
aTheresNoETAhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=32567 I dont know how applicable that is in 2008 ;)10:46
rhanthonyanyone in here have experience with Putty and ssh tunnels?  Need putty specific help10:46
sCOTTomanoova: so what do i tdo - just check the forum ?10:46
emjrhanthony:  yes...10:46
aTheresNoETAemj: when its out 1) the website will reflect it and 2) people wont be asking about it any more10:46
dinii need a full version games for ubuntu10:46
emjrhanthony: But I don't have it running atm..10:46
dinii need a full version games for ubuntu10:46
dinii need a full version games for ubuntu10:46
rhanthonyemj: have you setup ssh tunnels through putty before?10:46
emjrhanthony: several times10:46
rhanthonyemj: ... to an sshd server?10:46
aTheresNoETArhanthony: does your putty have the dynamic option for forwards?10:46
emjrhanthony: ask the questions..10:47
rhanthonyaTheresNoETA: yes.... but i'm not sure if i'm setting it up right.10:47
dinii need a full version games for ubuntu10:47
dinii need a full version games for ubuntu10:47
dinii need a full version games for ubuntu10:47
dinii need a full version games for ubuntu10:47
dinii need a full version games for ubuntu10:47
sCOTTomanoova: how do i find out what version i have ?10:47
FloodBot3dini: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:47
issa_Hi guys, how can I know free and used space in my system?10:47
sCOTTodini: that is flooding... you will get kicked out for that10:47
issa_by command line10:47
aTheresNoETAissa_: df -h10:47
unopissa_,  df -T10:47
dagon^issa_; df -h10:47
manoovasCOTTo: you mean version of Ubuntu? Try uname -r10:48
unopman df10:48
rhanthonyemj: i have my server running sshd (ssh'd to it right now), and using putty as my client on this xp laptop.  i want to setup an ssh tunnel to carry all web traffic through my sshd server to the outside net.10:48
diniim sorry my key board got strucked10:48
dinisorry to everyone10:48
rhanthonyemj: how would i set that up in the putty config screens?10:48
* emj rhanthony: 10:48
diniok anyone offer me full version games10:48
zaputrDoes anybody configure connection with internet over GPRS(Mobile) over Bluetooth?10:49
white_eagleaTheresNoETA: no10:49
sCOTTomanoova: 2.6.22-14-generic is all that came up10:49
white_eagleaTheresNoETA: I will10:49
=== jericho is now known as Mark_Shuttlewort
rhanthonyemj: ?10:49
manoovasCOTTo: I think you are on Ubuntu 7.1010:49
wubrgamerdini:  STFU pls!  we don't file-trade in here10:49
sCOTTohow do i update it ?10:49
macchieaubuntu releases are the only thing I look forward to in life10:49
theplddini: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_gaming there you go, unless you want warez, in which case GTFO10:49
Seveasmacchiea, sad :)10:49
emjrhanthony: booting girlfirends old Windows ME laptop.. :-) can take awhile..10:49
sCOTTomanoova: how do i update it ?10:50
rhanthonyemj: i know your pain.  thanks for helping btw.  this has been frustrating the shite out of me for like 4 hours now10:50
* thepld sends his condolences to emj.10:50
wolfriccan someone help me with changing over to kde instead of gnome?10:50
TB`So when is this new Ubuntu gonna be released?10:50
Deetswhat is the record number of people in this #?10:50
NaibTB`: today10:50
unopwolfric, it should be as simple as installing the kubuntu-desktop package10:51
rhanthonyTB`: /topic10:51
TB`Oh ty10:51
wolfricive installed "KDE" from snaptic package manager and i have all the kde apps in my program list but it hasnt switched over10:51
manoovasCOTTo: Upgrading - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades#head-378718bf27e85b8e05c7a5966125eb194b5f26bb10:51
TB`What time?10:51
SeveasDeets, not sure, but we'll break it today :)10:51
stdinwobblywu: you have to choose kde from the login menu10:51
unopwolfric, you need to choose a KDE session at the logon screen10:51
mrkeishiiwhen is it comming out???? I just went to sleep for 4 hours and it still did not come out?10:51
sCOTTomanoova: thanks :)10:51
wolfricthanks ill give it a look10:51
dagon^mrkeishii; chill dude10:52
TB`Any Vista support people in here?10:52
mrkeishiii waited till 1 in the morning10:52
SeveasTB`, ##windows10:52
sgbirchTB`: What is Vista?10:53
mrkeishiiand slept for 3-4 hours and it is not out yet?????10:53
emjrhanthony: so a couple of questions.. 1. by sshd do you mean ssh.com version (I know nothing about that)  2.  I do this with ssh -D port on linux but that isn't available on in putty (AFAIK when I tested it in 2005)10:53
TB`No clue10:53
TB`Don't ya just love the word "boolean"?10:53
emjrhanthony: Otherwise I think you have to use SSH + proxy on your server10:53
emjrhanthony: But I might be wrong?10:53
spaceninjavista is the best OS mankind has ever produced10:54
sleepsterwhat's the most advanced linux antivirus program?10:54
rhanthonyemj: I can get putty to do dynamic ssh10:54
rhanthonyemj: thats in there.  I'm using the sshd that installs with ubuntu...10:54
dagon^sleepster; avg is good, dunno if it's that advanced though10:54
ceil420there's a linux antivirus program?10:54
rhanthonyemj: openssh i think.10:54
dagon^ceil420; avg10:54
manoovasCOTTo: That'll upgrade the Ubuntu from 7.10 to Ubuntu 8.04 when it is out later today. However, a less drastic measure is to install the restricted drivers for Ubuntu 7.10. Click on "System" near the top left hand side of the screen and look through the menu options there for restricted drivers. See what comes up.10:54
emjrhanthony: Yes I know, as far as I know it can'..10:54
rhanthonyemj: and my putty will take command line.10:54
thefishceil420, there are a few - antivir, clamav, sophos, kaspersky - google it :)10:55
sgbirchspaceninja: It must be a Linux distro then10:55
swilky99% of viruses would be made for microsoft10:55
=== pavi_ is now known as pavi
sCOTTomanoova: will i want the latest yet?10:55
ubotuA/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2110:55
swilkyso i sont see a point in having one10:55
sleepsteris clamav better?10:55
mrkeishiibored again10:55
swilkylol like i said10:55
manoovasCOTTo: Depends, have you just installed Ubuntu for the first time?10:55
emjrhanthony: ups the new versions seem to do this..10:55
unopsleepster, there really is littled need for an antivirus program on a linux desktop10:55
Seveasmrkeishii, /join #ubuntu-release-party :)10:55
sCOTTomanoova: nah i got a bit of experience.... spose i might just upgrade later :)10:56
kennethrhee hee....nice topic...glad you put it on there(don't know exact time)10:56
sCOTTomanoova: where do i get these restricted drivers etc?10:56
Seveaskennethr, woah10:56
Seveasyou are the FIRST today to actually read it!10:57
Toznoshioan antivirus program is good if you want to scan your other partition10:57
* Seveas praises kennethr 10:57
* kennethr blushes10:57
manoovasCOTTo: For your existing installation take a look at this page which describes installing the ATi driver: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI. The site is down at the moment for me. I guess the http server is experiencing massive load with people trying to see if the latest release is out.10:57
dinihey i got a file name hg2-demo.run pls anyone can tell me how to run this file10:57
rhanthonyemj: i guess i just dont understand where everything in putty is supposed to be defined.10:57
kennethrSo when exactly does ubuntu 8.04 hit the fan?10:57
* kennethr chuckles10:57
spqisnt this 8.04 already released?10:57
rhanthonyemj: and most people use linux command line so it's not exactly helpful :) hehehe10:57
dinihey i got a file name hg2-demo.run pls anyone can tell me how to run this file10:57
kennethrI couldn't hold back10:57
emjrhanthony: True for me too.. ;-)10:58
micha__dini: source hg2-...10:58
micha__on the shell10:58
rhanthonyemj: did you ever setup a ssh tunnel with putty in the past?10:58
emjrhanthony: Yes but not proxy..10:58
spaceninjaWhen will we know the release time?10:58
kirkorhello, do You know when ubuntu 8.04 will be able to download??10:58
micha__spaceninja: when its out10:58
kennethrkirkor: please see the topic10:58
OrbixxThe website says Ubuntu is released.10:58
manoovasCOTTo: If you have the time I would suggest upgrading to Ubuntu 8.04. It has long term support so is a good choice. I am assuming you have not done lots of configuring of your existing installation. If you haven't I would suggest backing up an documents you might have saved, bookmarks, etc and do a clean install with 8.04 when it is out10:58
kennethrspaceplease see the toic10:58
virdiqsleepster: you don't need anti-virus software... even on Windows10:58
rhanthonyemj: you mean to ssh browse the same server the ssh tunnel went to, and only that one?10:58
emjyou know you guys are so helpfull with the release dte10:59
kennethrsee /topic10:59
spaceninjawhat I meant was10:59
virdiqsleepster: the idea is that you shouldn't execute any files that aren't from a trusted source (or haven't been signed/authenticated)10:59
kirkornice topic ;)10:59
sgbirchOrbixx: That is in the press room, it is misleading10:59
spaceninjawe are all waiting for the release, but when will we know when we will know the release?10:59
sCOTTomanoova: is there something that will backup all my files and settings for me to do a clean install?10:59
sCOTTospaceninja: classic nick :) love it!10:59
kennethrspaceninja: see /topic10:59
Toznoshiovirdiq: keygens will never be authenticated11:00
sCOTTod000d... its ont eh site now....11:00
emjrhanthony: Yes that's the only think I have done with Putty.. But the proxy panel seems åromising..11:00
ceil420what's the update-manager switch for distro? -d?11:00
yahooshuacan't play DvDs with Gutsy. Help?11:00
dagon^yahooshua; did you try VLC?11:00
sgbirchWho actually pulls the bif red lever and makes the release happen?11:00
rhanthonyemj: but to do proxy stuff, do i need addtional software setup on the server end?11:00
emjrhanthony: do you have the connection -> proxy thingy..11:00
virdiqToznoshio: you could always run it with low permissions or better yet, run it in a "sandbox"11:00
geoaxisGutsy ..who said Gutsy11:00
yahooshuano not yet11:00
geoaxisits Hardy time baaby11:00
* sCOTTo is downloading the new ubuntu at 500 kps11:01
yahooshuadagon: should do it?11:01
rhanthonyemj: because every single thread and how-to says you ONLY need sshd running on the server... which i'm really doubtful of now.11:01
emjrhanthony:  Aaah... yes... it would seems so..11:01
dagon^yahooshua; yup11:01
geoaxissCOTTo: when will be the full reelase (ETA)?11:01
sCOTTomanoova: is there a way i can just update?11:01
ceil420i'm only updating to Hardy because i'm hoping it'll let me update libconfuse so i can install awesome wm ;x11:01
yahooshuadagon: wow. thanx11:01
sCOTTogeoaxis: i know nothing... looks like :)11:01
dagon^yahooshua; don't mention it11:01
manoovasCOTTo: This may help wrt backup http://www.arsgeek.com/?p=63711:01
yahooshuaDagon: that was to easy I want a refund hahaha11:02
emjrhanthony:  ok in my putty I only have remote and local  under the Connection -> ssh -> Tunnels11:02
emjrhanthony: Do you have  dynamic as well?11:02
sCOTTomanoova: is there a way to just upgrade? i would rather that11:02
rhanthonyso now I need to find good proxy software then...11:02
rhanthonyI have dynamic, yes.11:02
Nevstahhiya, anyone able to tell me why 'apt-get upgrade' shows my system uptodate, yet gui update manager shows 6 updates available?11:02
rhanthonyemj: if you download the latest (0.59) it has dynamic11:02
emjrhanthony:  have you read: http://the.earth.li/~sgtatham/putty/0.60/htmldoc/Chapter3.html#using-port-forwarding11:02
aTheresNoETANevstah: did you just update? if so thats why ;)11:02
ceil420sCOTTo, update-manager -d11:02
rhanthonyemj: first time seeing that link, let me go absorb.11:02
XB23guys any good software that could syncronize 2 folders on different machines so both have exactly the same files?11:02
emjrhanthony: WinME laptop is a dailup laptop, and I have no phone.. ;-)11:02
=== cari_forwarder is now known as CeW^^
sCOTToceil420: ok...11:02
yahooshuarhanthony: what are you trying to do?11:02
aTheresNoETAXB23: rsync? unison?11:03
Nevstahno i didnt update to 8.0411:03
emjyahooshua:  dynamic portforward in windows11:03
manoovasCOTTo: Yes, there is a way. The synaptic package manager should inform you that there is a new Ubuntu release available. I have only tried this method once and it didn't work so well for me. It may work fine for you. I strongly recommend backing up important files11:03
yahooshuaemj: oh I see11:03
ceil420sCOTTo, "-d, --devel-release   Check if upgrading to the latest devel release is possible"11:03
ceil420Hardy is still a 'devel release'11:03
yahooshuathought it was the same as what I want to do... surf from work11:03
=== CeW^^ is now known as Cew_MOow
sCOTToceil420: manoova -- = Welcome to Ubuntu 8.04 'Hardy Heron' = that one the newest?11:04
* manoova awaits delivery of an IBM x3850: 4 x quad core CPUs + 64 Gb RAM :-)11:04
micha__sCOTTo: If you have your own home partition, just backup /etc and maybe /opt, everything else you can throw out11:04
rhanthonyyahooshua: trying to get my windows laptop, to surf the web, via ssh tunnel to my ubuntu server at home.11:04
ceil420if this were tomorrow, you'd (probably) have to use --dist-upgrade11:04
ceil420sCOTTo, yes11:04
* wubrgamer is away: I'm Away, Send me a PM11:04
=== Cew_MOow is now known as Cew_MOowH_bLuUb
sCOTTomanoova: yes?11:04
yahooshuarhanthony: so it is the same as what I want to do... surf from work11:04
ghosTM55hi all , anybody here ever used google app ?11:04
mrkeishiiwhen is it comming11:04
Seveaswubrgamer, please switch of those automatic messages11:04
=== Cew_MOowH_bLuUb is now known as pHyn_MOowH
Seveasthat *is* policy and will get you kicked ;)11:04
myfKnightcan i just do apt-get upgrade when hardy comes, instead of using the synaptic update manager?11:04
manoovasCOTTo: Ubuntu 8.04 will be the latest version when it is released later today11:04
mrkeishiiwho me?11:04
rhanthonyyahooshua: yes, in essence it's that same thing.  i want it for other reasons :) but thats the goal I'm going for.  encrypted surfing from behind a snoopy admin's network.11:05
sCOTTomanoova: why is it offering it to me now then?11:05
=== pHyn_MOowH is now known as pHyn_^^_
emjrhanthony: Ah but then it's easy.. Just install tinyproxy11:05
emjrhanthony:  And do a portforward to that port11:05
ceil420sCOTTo, it's a release candidate. but it probably won't change for official release. Feisty Fawn didn't.11:05
rhanthonyemj: tinyproxy?  but can i then ssh tunnel to the proxy port?11:05
ghosTM55hi all , anybody here ever used google app ? i don't know how to setup the POP account in thunderbird , it's different from gmail11:05
OrbixxDoes anyone know if updating could potentially cause problems?11:05
ceil420(i didn't download Gutsy until a month or three after it's release)11:05
emjrhanthony: try11:05
sCOTToceil420: what does that mean to me ?11:05
rhanthonyWhats a good proxy package folks?11:05
emjrhanthony: add a forward for you ssh port11:06
sCOTToceil420: me is a bit thick :)11:06
manoovasCOTTo: Is it? That's interesting.11:06
rhanthonyemj: about to ;) lol11:06
emjrhanthony:  and try to connect to that11:06
rhanthonyemj: what do you mean forward for my ssh port? i'm ssh'd in right now.11:06
sCOTTomanoova: = Welcome to Ubuntu 8.04 'Hardy Heron' = is what it says to me right now....11:06
yahooshuarhanthony: http://www.buzzsurf.com/surfatwork/11:06
ceil420sCOTTo, "Release Candidate" is something they release before they put out the final version. But it may in fact be the exact same as the 'final version'.11:06
manoovasCOTTo: I suppose you can upgrade now then11:06
ceil420sCOTTo, even if it's not, you can just update as normal after the final version is released11:06
=== aTheresNoETA is now known as KyleK
sCOTToceil420: cool thanks11:06
Nevstahis apt-get update/upgrade the best way to get all updates? via terminal11:06
sCOTTomanoova: cheers - youve been helpful - i will go backup now :)11:07
ceil420Nevstah, t's how i do it11:07
manoovasCOTTo: No problem :-)11:07
yahooshuarhanthony: that is what I was trying to do but I am having trouble converting the windows stuff into linux stuff11:07
emjrhanthony: Do this you local machine -> ssh (forward local port 2222 to remote port 22) -> remote machine  then putty and connect to localhost:2211:07
rhanthonyNevstah: yes, apt-get is your god.11:07
Nevstahheh thanks :P11:07
swilkyapt-get update GOD11:07
leonbrusselsif I use update-manager --devel-release now, am I gonna get the final?11:07
rhanthonyemj: if i forward port 2222 from the laptop, to port 22 on the server... why would ssh'ing to localhost (laptop), port 22, help at all?  i dont get that.11:08
ceil420leonbrussels, most likely. Feisty Fawn's RC from a day or two before the final release was "final"11:08
myfKnightcan i just do apt-get upgrade when hardy comes, instead of using the synaptic update manager?11:08
NaibmyfKnight: yes11:08
kennethrlegit question => WHENEVER Hardy hits, how do I upgrade my already running Hardy beta system to the official release(sans CD)11:08
emjrhanthony: see if it works..11:08
rhanthonymyfKnight: yes.11:08
emjrhanthony: Since It should work it's a small step..11:08
rhanthonyemj: holdon.11:08
Seveaskennethr, apt-get upgrade :)11:09
leonbrusselsmyfKnight sudo apt-get dist-upgrade11:09
leonbrusselsdont forget sudo apt-get update before11:09
=== Xaroon is now known as Jackdaw
bid3hi all11:09
bid3can someone help me with an proftpd issue ?11:09
myfKnightleonbrussels> dist-upgrade instead of upgrade?11:09
Nevstaham currently on 6.06LTS server, is it advisable to upgrade to 8.04LTS server when its finally released?11:09
kennethrSeveas: just that....nothing special?  and it's 'apt-get upgrade', not 'apt-get dist-upgrade'?11:09
Seveaskennethr, or just click the 'there are updates avaialable' icon :)11:10
rhanthonyemj: didn't work...11:10
rhanthonyemj: i think it's how the tunnel is being set in putty.11:10
leonbrusselsmyfKnight: yeah, dist-upgrade, upgrade just brings you to the latest gutsy packages, dist-upgrade gets the new software channels and stuff11:10
rhanthonyemj: putting source port as 2222, destination as the server...11:10
yahooshuarhanthony: what are you using as server?11:11
kennethrsmooth...I like11:11
emjrhanthony:  source port 2222 destination localhost:22 (I think=11:11
sjovansome one here that can help me merg two small scripts togheter to one document? the onely difference is that one of the scripts, search and does the commands on every file of a spesific type and the other just do the commands on input-file.11:11
rhanthonyemj: k, brb11:11
rhanthonyemj: then i should be able to ssh to to localhost, and really get my server, correct?11:11
Naibsjovan: #friendly-coders is the best place for that11:11
emjrhanthony: jupp11:11
emjrhanthony: yes.. ;-11:11
fservemy ubuntu is at 1600x1050 but my res is 1440x900 how to change it in GDM screen?11:11
sjovanNaib: thanx for that :)11:12
rhanthonyyahooshua: unbuntu 7.10 and openssh.11:12
rhanthonyemj: brb11:12
yahooshuarhanthony and your doing port forwarding with your router?11:12
unopsjovan, why can't you merge the two/11:13
laeghas anyone experienced firestarter being a bit buggy opening and closing ports at random?11:13
tapazukkÂñåì ïðèâåò, 8-ÿ áóäåò òîæå îðàíæåâåüêîé?11:13
sjovanunop: i don't know how i could to it :) it's as simple as that. just need some help in the right direction11:13
rhanthonyemj: ssh to localhost:2222 just opens a window, doesnt fail, but doesnt connect.11:13
emjyahooshua: ? he is doinf  Windows  (putty ssh) -> internet -> home (Linux openssh)11:14
rhanthonyyahooshua: yes i can get to 22 on my server, i'm using it right now to use bitchx to talk here :)11:14
emjrhanthony: Firewall on windows?11:14
ceil420xchat > irssi > bitchx11:14
unopsjovan, well, if both files are just commands .. then you can just put all the commands from both files into one file .. and it'll work the same :)11:14
laegirssi > xchat11:14
Sturmehmirc > *11:14
rhanthonyemj: no, cause i can ssh out no problem direct11:14
IntangibleLiquidhow many hours left?11:15
ceil420laeg, not for 7 servers and 40+ channels <_<11:15
emjtelnet FTW11:15
unopsjovan, but use the !pastebin (don't paste in here) and show us what you have11:15
sjovanunop: of course not :)11:15
bid3how can i setup ProFTPd to use UTF8 ?11:15
unopsjovan, have to make sure :)11:15
rhanthonyemj: wait, maybe norton caught it, brb11:15
yahooshuarhanthony: have used any websites to get you started? if so like to know which so I can get mine up and going11:15
emjI hate windows and firewalls..11:16
laegceil420: and you really need to be on 7 servers in 40 channels? :)11:16
sCOTTomanoova: hey - i am upgrading now... to LTS version whatever that means :)11:16
ceil420laeg, of course :)11:16
Nevstahwhat does it mean in real terms when apt-get has 'kept back' certain packages from being upgraded?11:16
sCOTTolots of downloading....11:16
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ceil420i've been on IRC ~8 years; i have friends all over the place :p11:16
=== mrkeishii is now known as MrKeishii
rhanthonyyahooshua: to get started with what? what part of this?  I have yet to find a site that actually helped with my ssh tunnel issues :)11:16
SeveasNevstah, that those update need other packages to be installed or removed. Use apt-get dist-upgrade11:16
gorillaHi All, the Melbourne Ubuntu release party is rocking.. about 20 has turned up.11:17
Fyl0nit's sad when I post a MD5SUM that I get BANNED @ ubuntu-release-party11:17
Fyl0nit's just SAD.. reminds me of a Redmond company... :(11:17
Ramattackhow could I fix the dns and avoid them to be updated or refreshed in resolv.conf?11:17
emjceil420: is that 7 networks or 7 servers?11:17
ceil420emj, networks11:17
yahooshuarhanthony: neither have I. except that site I just sent out a minute ago. got me pointed in the right direction11:17
=== mrkeishii is now known as MrKeishii
RamattackI have static ip set11:17
ceil420i shoulda got this RC sooner. speeds are slooow :(11:18
gnuskooli thought hardy was available for download today, whay gives?11:18
NevstahSeveas: ok, i dont want to upgrade straight away, i use the server for my emails n stuff,, i dont want to break it right now lol11:18
ceil420gnuskool, day ain't over yet11:18
KyleKFyl0n: microsoft doesn't have an IRC channel, that was actually a channel for pirates11:18
vltceil420: There're many torrent seeds.11:18
Fyl0nKyleK: lol11:18
rhanthonyyahooshua: well, i'm trying to get it done, i know it can be.  seen it done.11:18
emjceil420: That's more than I've connected to in my whole life and I IRC.ed the firs time in 95-9611:18
Fyl0nBut WHY do I get banned for such a STUPID thing11:18
ceil420vlt, i'm getting it through upgrade-manager11:18
yahooshuarhanthony: the site mentions using port 443 instead of 2211:19
vltceil420: Aah, ok.11:19
ceil420well, tried to ;x error at second step11:19
cousin_luigiany news about the official release time?11:19
KyleKFyl0n: dont want people hitting the master server to download stuffs11:19
ceil420cousin_luigi, read the topic11:19
gnuskoolRamattack: there is a way , cant explain bt if you search ubuntuforums for resolve.conf or similiar it'll come up, i fixed mine there11:19
ubotuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic11:19
Fyl0ncan someone UNBAN me @ ubuntu-relaease-party?11:19
rhanthonyyahooshua: to make it look like SSL web connection, not an ssh tunnel.  havent even gotten to that point yet.  still trying to just make the tunnel :) i'll hid it later.11:19
yahooshuarhanthony: "In most cases your employer will block almost all outgoig network ports except for port 80 and port 443"11:19
Ramattackgnuskool, was editing the dhcp client or something like that?11:20
ICQnumber!topic | cousin_luigi11:20
ubotucousin_luigi: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic11:20
yahooshuarhanthony: what client are you using? putt?11:20
youtuxehy hardy11:20
Fyl0nya know THIS IS F*CKING STUPID11:20
gnuskoolRamattack: no none like that, there is w ay to stop resolve.conf rewriting a file, if i remember , i put in my dns and locked the file to avoid it being rewritten11:21
ceil420Fyl0n, now you're gonna get banned from #ubuntu. nice one11:21
youtuxwhy isn't hardy already exit?11:21
KyleKit doesn't want to11:21
KyleKthats why ;)11:21
ceil420A unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade.11:21
ceil420* Upgrading to a pre-release version of Ubuntu11:21
MrKeishiiwhen will it come11:21
Ramattackgnuskool, so you did some like chmod 444 resolv.conf11:22
youtuxand why servers are so busy?11:22
On3... lol11:22
EkipsWe eagerly await the release of Ubuntu 8.04 LTS, due thu. april 24 2008 | The release gets delayed by 2 hours each time someone asks when it's out11:22
On3GOT IT11:22
KyleKMrKeishii: before friday11:22
On3I HAVE 8.04!11:22
* Ekips yawns11:22
ceil420i just wanted to get it while i was at work :(11:22
MrKeishiilike today11:22
MrKeishiibut when11:22
awant to know about 51-local.conf and 51-language* somethings11:22
EkipsYou have a pre-release,On311:22
earthianHello, my game in dosemu asks me for cdrom while it is in the drive. any idea how to fix this? Also maybe somebody know where is the dosemu support chan?11:22
gordslaternice one ekips11:22
awho can chat with me about it11:22
On3Ekips, the one that was released to dev's about 30 minutes ago?11:22
gnuskoolRamattack: look here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=145449&page=211:22
cousin_luigiceil420: FAQ is empty11:22
On3Ekips, being an ubuntu developer has its major ups :p11:22
EkipsStill an RC, as it's no official release? :P11:22
cousin_luigiceil420: that's why I was asking:)11:22
Ramattackthanks a lot gnuskool11:23
rhanthonyyahooshua: i use the putty config (.bat method) they put in that page, opens the ssh window, never asks for uname or pass :( just sits black11:23
On3Ekips, nope full, just burning it now11:23
Ianianhello everybody11:23
EkipsPoint being? :)11:23
NaibIanian: no it aint out yet11:23
On3Ekips, that i almost just splurged myself :p11:23
yahooshuarhanthony: at least you got that far. mine wouldn't even connect11:23
Ianiannaib: what ain't out yet?11:23
EkipsFor something you developed on yourself?11:23
EkipsWhat's the difference with latest SVN? :p11:24
rhanthonyyahooshua: wait, got it working... hold on.11:24
laeghas anyone had issue with firestarter not opening ports?11:24
sdakakIs the channel logged?11:24
rhanthonymight have it11:24
laegsdakak: yes11:24
ubotuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/11:24
rami_I need help with ipod touch and gtkpod...I am using this guide http://lance-systems.com/wiki/sync-ipod-touch-with-linux I seem to fail on the GUID section11:24
TB`Has it been released yet11:24
sdakaklaeg: is the log indexed by google then?11:24
NaibTB`: what do you think...11:24
TB`Naib - tbh I blame Jihad11:25
NaibTB`: the topic will be updated when it is11:25
EkipsYes, but you need to answer 3 questions before you can get it11:25
gnuskoolRamattack: check here too http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/forum-replies-archive.cfm/613635.html11:25
MrKeishiii'm going back to sleep again...11:25
MrKeishiiStill WAITING11:25
TB`Thanks Naib11:25
EkipsOne of them is about your favorite colour, very dangerous11:25
laegsdakak: no idea11:25
TB`I'll ask again in a few mins11:25
On3Ekips, lol, yea i helped with extremely small stuff, i dont get a full image until later lol11:25
sgbirchcan somebody tell me, what is the best text to speech encoder in Ubuntu?11:25
laegsdakak: i'd imagine so11:25
Ramattackgnuskool, thanks very very very much mate :) :)11:25
EkipsA full image?11:25
linduxedanyone feeling like complaining unnecessarily about it being released?11:25
NaibOMG do ppls life just revolve around the release o.O11:25
Ianiangonna ask if it is possible to run an winxp(which is actually installed on my hard drive) in ubuntu using virtualbox?11:25
Ramattackgnuskool, gonna see if we fix the problem :)11:25
linduxedim in for it11:25
EkipsThere are half releases now?11:25
ironic_isnt_itim using ubuntu 7.10 and xchat is my irc client. when connecting im getting couldnt lookup your hostname and no identd (auth) response. was told to forward port 113 and install oidentd. still getting those messages tho. anyone can help?11:26
EkipsIanian: Emulating XP should work11:26
KyleKnext up, quarter releases11:26
linduxed*it NOT being released11:26
gnuskoolRamattack: here is the final answer on it, this bugged me too http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26786811:26
On3Ekips, as in, i dont anything except a pat on the back until the whole thing is finished and they release to the devs as a whole11:26
sdakaklaeg: It never appears in the results. I guess there are too many things being discussed here.11:26
EkipsHm, I'm gonna find some food11:26
Ramattackgnuskool, very nice mate :)11:26
On3Eikps, lol11:26
On3Ekips, laterz11:26
Ramattackgonna do all this checks11:26
gnuskoolRamattack: no worries11:26
Ramattacksee u mates :) :)11:26
Schypher_where can i locate wpa_supplicant config?11:26
yahooshuarhanthony: did you get it?11:27
kennethrI have a pretty old file server on my network (466Mhz celeron - 256MB).  Currently I'm running Fedora w/out any X stuff...is there an easy way to get a similar setup from ubuntu?11:27
Ianianekips: im talking of actual install and not virtual drive11:27
rhanthonyi can open the ssh tunnel with the putty command11:27
rhanthonycan't get firefox to go over it11:27
Ianiani have a winxp install already and im on dual boot11:27
kennethrsuper light weight?11:27
leonbrusselsrhanthony: I had that too11:27
rhanthonyif i set firefox's proxy to localhost:8080, it just gives blanks for any page i try to bring up.11:27
ironic_isnt_ithatebred was helping me but had to leave. these are my conversations with him public http://rafb.net/p/sAwdvB22.html private http://rafb.net/p/fdICUv78.html11:27
yahooshuarhanthony: I think you have to set firefox to or something like that11:27
rhanthonyif i dont set the proxy, it browses, but direct, not through the ssh tunnel.11:27
Ianianjust want to run the actual installation on ubuntu so i wont boot to xp11:28
earthiankennethr, you can remove the GUI or install the other ubuntu cd image that does not have gui11:28
yahooshuaand port 808011:28
leonbrusselsrhanthony: use istead of localhost everywhere11:28
kennethrearthian: which cd doesn't have a GUI?11:28
Ianianas far as i know installing it in a virtual drive is so slow11:28
Ianiani need xp for autocad :)11:28
upt1mekenneth: server11:28
rhanthonyleonbrussels: used ... still no work.11:28
TB`So how much does the new version of Ubuntu cost?11:28
cousin_luigiIanian: it will be deadly slow11:28
Ianianbut i dont want my windows, I Want It it ubuntu11:28
johnsearleThis the official release? : http://nl.releases.ubuntu.com/releases/8.04/11:29
NaibIanian: use virtualbox and install xp:autocad in that11:29
ceil420TB`, as much as all the old versions COMBINED11:29
emjrhanthony: You still haven't proven that you can connect to putty on your localhost?11:29
johnsearleDoesn't have RC beside it...11:29
linduxedjohnsearle: i wouldnt count on it11:29
=== sdakak is now known as true
arcskyIf i want to remove lets say apache2, then i do apt-get --purge remove apach2 . But why doesnt /etc/apache2 get delted and other files like /etc/init.d/apache2 ?11:29
timfrostkennethr: ubuntu server doesn't have a GUI11:29
linduxedjohnsearle: earlier they had that link going to the RC11:29
TB`No seriously is it like $180 - how does it compare to Vista?11:29
emjrhanthony: check that the Browser -> putty connection works first..11:29
sgbirchTB`, There is no charge for Ubuntu11:29
earthiankennethr, not sure now.. there were 3 cd the past time i checked.. now i see two. probably the server edition!11:29
rhanthonyemj: trying to.11:29
TB`And doesn't it come with free beer?11:29
ironic_isnt_itso anyone can help?11:30
virdiqTB`: $999 with a free online $999 rebate (this is worked out before purchase so the actual purchase price is $0)11:30
ceil420TB`, it's free. Same as most distros11:30
TB`Oh right11:30
Ianiancousin_luigi: is it both slow virtual install and actual install ?11:30
TB`Has it been released yet?11:30
gordslaterTB`: ububntu is free/gratis/as in beer11:30
sgbirchTB`, It doesnt compare to Vista, they are different animals completely11:30
thoreauputicTB`: yes - free pizza is extra11:30
KyleKTB`: pay someone in beer to install it :)11:30
TB`Where's the warez version?11:30
cousin_luigiIanian: the heh?11:30
cousin_luigiIanian: it's GPU intensive11:31
rhanthonyemj: putty -D 8080 -ssh myserver11:31
earthiankennethr, also i would recommend debian for server like yours11:31
johnsearlelinduxed: Ok... 'cause the file I'm downloading right now is ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso11:31
=== true is now known as fals1
thoreauputicTB`: if you are going to troll, at least be a bit less transparent ;)11:31
johnsearlelinduxed: So this is just mislabelled?11:31
TB`What's a troll?11:31
rhanthonyemj: and it opens the window i can log in... that SHOULD forward all localhost:8080 to the server, over 22 (ssh) right?11:31
Naibjohnsearle: looks final11:31
Ianianso the only way is dual boot i guess?11:31
kennethrearthian: why debian vs. ubuntu?11:31
fals1thoreauputic: After removing n-m everything seems ok.11:31
emjrhanthony: Yes but check your firewall.11:31
thoreauputicfals1: ah good :)11:31
rhanthonyemj: firewalls off.11:31
emjrhanthony: ok.. that's nice..11:31
cousin_luigiIanian: if you want to use apps like that, yes11:31
rhanthonyemj: ssh to localhost:8080 brings up another putty window... never gets to uname/pass prompts.11:32
rhanthonyemj: but... doesn't fail either.11:32
johnsearleNaib: ok, well I'll download / seed until I hear otherwise11:32
linduxedjohnsearle: actually at a closer look it looks right...11:32
earthiankennethr, because there is no much difference and debian has an option in the setup to not install all the gui stuff.11:32
bahrHi I used to use Outlook 2007, for email and calender purposes, which I syncronized with my HTC S710, what can I use in Ubuntu, which can work with my phone, and which has good calendar support and email search support?11:32
TB`I guess I'll have to stick with Win ME until I can order this new version of Ubuntu11:32
DrusThi !11:32
DrusTis the 8.04 out ?11:32
Ianianhmmm... its not that i want it, i guess theres not yet a full featured autocad replacement in linux11:32
Ianianor is there one?11:32
ceil420DrusT, read the topci11:32
DrusToh sorry, I don't see the topic11:32
earthianalso everybody uses debian on servers vs ubuntu11:33
virdiq!isitout | DrusT11:33
ubotuDrusT: The answer is always that it will release when the release manager says so, which is generally down to how exact order of events works out on the day and is hard for anyone (including the release manager) to put an exact time on in advance.  However, rest assured that it will be out before the clock hits 23:59:59 on Baker and Howland Islands.  Until then, please stop asking.11:33
DrusTokay ceefour11:33
johnsearlelinduxed: good show... so it's out then :)11:33
ICQnumber!topic | DrusT11:33
ubotuDrusT: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic11:33
linduxedjohnsearle: im downloading anyway11:33
linduxedjohnsearle: nonetheless, the moment they release it on ubuntu.com il lbe downloading that too11:33
mhmedho ubuntu 8.411:33
rhanthonythis is soooo pissin me off.11:33
emjrhanthony: ah.. not11:33
insertnicki love pulseaudio, just wish skype worked with it11:33
insertnickshaping up to be a good release11:33
Naibinsertnick: try oss4 if you like pulseaudio ;)11:33
emjrhanthony:  no you have to do ssh -L 22:localhost:22 example.com11:34
emjrhanthony: to be able to SSH..11:34
egnuforthworldwhat up everybody, http://nl.releases.ubuntu.com/releases/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-alternate-i386.iso.torrent <- is this real and official?11:34
Sturmehhardy herron out today?11:34
johnsearlelinduxed: The date on that torrent file is 24-Apr-2008 09:2311:34
insertnickNaib: thanks for the tip11:34
whalesaladHey guys gettin a strange error when I run 'sudo -i', this is what I get: 'sudo: shell: command not found'11:34
johnsearlelinduxed: So it looks like it was u/l this morning11:34
soundray!topic | Sturmeh11:35
ubotuSturmeh: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic11:35
johnsearlelinduxed: I assume they u/l to their mirrors before announcing11:35
GangIt seems that 8.04 is available on http://tw.releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/11:35
SturmehI didn't ask for the release date11:35
Sturmehjust say no11:35
linduxedjohnsearle: i just noticed11:35
linduxedjohnsearle: ubuntu.com is down11:35
linduxedmeans theyre updating it11:35
EdulixI've got 4gb of ram but ubuntu only recognizes 2.811:35
Edulixwhat's up?11:36
Seveasegnuforthworld, it's not official before it's announced :)11:36
arjdid you get the 64bit edition?11:36
soundrayEdulix: you need the 64bit version11:36
Sturmehu don't need 64bit to use 4gb of ram11:36
trebarunaOr the page is down because everyone is F5-ing it11:36
Edulixsoundray: I'm ubuntu 64 bits already11:36
egnuforthworldSeveas: ah whatever, ill just take the Torrent :P11:36
EdulixLinux edulix-laptop 2.6.24-16-generic #1 SMP Thu Apr 10 12:47:45 UTC 2008 x86_64 GNU/Linux11:36
mhmedمحدش عارف طريقة الترقيه11:36
hello_Worldhello all .. while installing screenlet . i accepted it to over ride theme settings and now FPS has become like sh*t as when i move my windows it takes about 5 sec to move it ,,, please ask if need more clearence thanks11:36
ubuntu_demonin the /etc/wpasupplicant folder normally the file is called : wpa_supplicant.conf (but you have to create it yourself). see /usr/share/doc/wpasupplicant for more information and examples11:36
Seveasegnuforthworld, those also are not official before it's announced :)11:36
Seveasmhmed, english please in here11:36
soundrayEdulix: have you tried the memtest86 boot option?11:37
ICQnumber!en | mhmed11:37
ubotumhmed: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat11:37
johnsearlelinduxed: very good.11:37
johnsearleGood speed on the torrent if the mirrors are slow...11:37
* cousin_luigi wonders if the torrent he's downloading is the real McCoy11:37
ICQnumber!ar | mhmed11:37
Edulixsoundray: same, only gets 2.8gb11:37
ubotumhmed: La comunidad local de Argentina se puede encontrar en #ubuntu-ar y en su canal de offtopic: #ubuntu-ar-cafe11:37
=== bknox is now known as bknoxx
Edulixsoundray: and the bios recognices only 3.5gb ¿?11:38
mhmedi no englsh11:38
gordslatersalaam mhmed ?moomkin ttkelem nglizi min fadlik?11:38
SeveasICQnumber, that's argentina :)11:38
Fdisk93hardy 8.04 is on a few of the mirrors now11:38
ICQnumberSeveas: i see lol11:38
soundrayEdulix: perhaps your motherboard doesn't support 4GB11:38
virdiqcongratulations on the 8.04 release!!11:38
ubotuFor the Arabic language or Saudi Arabia you are invited to join للغة العربية رجاء انظم #ubuntu-sa11:38
TB`Naib - is it released yet?11:38
Edulixsoundray: well it supports 3.511:38
Edulixwith 3.5 I'd be happy11:38
GangFdisk93: Yes,I am downloading11:38
ICQnumber!arabic | mhmed11:38
egnuforthworldCelebrate! Its out! 8.04 GOGOGO! GET THE TORRENT!11:38
ubotumhmed: please see above11:38
Fdisk93me to11:38
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - Support in #ubuntu+1 - Come join the #ubuntu-release-party now!11:38
egnuforthworlda nother great day for gnu/linux !!11:39
=== todd is now known as un2him
rhanthonyssh tunnels are teh suck.11:39
rhanthonyi dont get it.11:39
hello_Worldegnuforthworld: hi where is the torrent11:39
bahrcan I do an update to 8.04 directly from 7.10?11:39
teqenPolish server with HH http://ubuntu.task.gda.pl/ubuntu-releases/hardy/11:39
rhanthonyi'm done.  giving up before I go mad.11:39
roffe__no, it says coming soon still11:39
ceil420i don't want torrent, i want update-manager to have it :x11:39
hello_Worldhello all .. while installing screenlet . i accepted it to over ride theme settings and now FPS has become like sh*t as when i move my windows it takes about 5 sec to move it ,,, please ask if need more clearence thanks11:39
rhanthonyemj: have you used tinyproxy?11:39
ceil420preferably within the next 20 mins so i can set it to download while i go to work :x11:39
NaibTB`: Gentoo-2008.1 isn't no11:39
=== andarv is now known as sweRascal
alienbrainGang, what's tw?11:40
TB`IT IS OUT!! WOOT!! http://torrent.ubuntu.com:696911:40
TB`Check it out11:40
mhmedana msh aklm anglyz kowys11:40
emjrhanthony: Yes.. I still think you problem is your XP machine..11:40
Ianiantw = taiwan11:40
ricaneliteBig day today!11:40
c_varunwhere is kubuntu?11:40
Gangalienbrain: stand for taiwan, a part of china11:40
=== bay is now known as cah_manusa
TB`When is the official announcement?11:41
Sturmehit's out TB`?11:41
TB`Yes sir11:41
Sturmehget it and seed11:41
putkonenwhats the right file?11:41
TB`I pre-ordered it11:41
ironic_isnt_itcan anyone help me out with the irc issue?11:41
stdinno it's not11:41
TB`Was only $4011:41
c_varunstunatra, i dont see kubuntu11:41
grzybUbuntu 8.04 LTS (Hardy Heron) Release Candidate11:41
emjuse net install or HD install if you can.. Better to download a small boot image and then download package by package..11:42
grzybon this .tw11:42
alienbrainGang, aha, because tw.releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ doesn't say Release Candidate in the title, while releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ does ;P11:42
* virdiq waits for slashdot direct links in 3...2...1...?11:42
hello_WorldTB`: nice11:42
TB`Sup hello_World?11:42
Ultumix0015i am new to ultumix, it first looked like vista now i have messed with the display settings how do i get it back to the way it was, i  think i was playingthe the 3d effects11:42
TB`The torrents are going mad for Ubuntu11:42
hello_Worldhello all .. while installing screenlet . i accepted it to over ride theme settings and now FPS has become like sh*t as when i move my windows it takes about 5 sec to move it ,,, please ask if need more clearence thanks11:42
Gangalienbrain: why there is no "rc" in the filename of ISO files?11:42
MyrttiIT'S NOT OUT YET11:42
hello_WorldTB`: :)11:43
TB`Myrtti it is out I see it allover torrents11:43
TB`hello_World ;-)11:43
mhmedmn fdlkm ayz arf azay arky ubunyu11:43
Seveasit's not released until the release is announced11:43
Ultumix0015anyone can help?11:43
johnsearlegrzyb: its on this mirror: http://nl.releases.ubuntu.com/releases/8.04/11:43
Sturmehhave you guys seen this?11:43
Danie2I think that I am downloading 8.10 now. Could it be possible that it is not the release candidate?11:43
ricanelitenow the firefox 3 beta?11:43
ricanelitethere is full version of it11:43
TB`Download sites like www.buyubuntuhere.com ?11:43
ipxDanie2: lol, 8.04 u mean :>11:43
ricaneliteor firefox is still in beta?11:43
ceil420Danie2, i don't think anything about 8.10 is ready yet <_<11:43
Ultumix0015how do i change windows11:43
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
Sturmehff3 is sitll in beta11:44
Sturmehis rc1 out yeT?11:44
TB`Why wait for official announce? I see it11:44
ceil420Ultumix0015, what kind of windows?11:44
TB`Seeding now11:44
TB`Want Link?11:44
hello_WorldTB`: any fast direct site do u know ;)11:44
ipxTB`: lol, its FAKE11:44
ricanelitenow what happens if I want to use the stable Firefox11:44
ricanelitewhat do i need to do11:44
sweRascalapt-get install firefox2 ;)11:45
ceil420Ubuntu will have the 'stable' firefox installed by default; it won't release Firefox 3 beta for you11:45
Sturmehhttp://start.ubuntu.com/8.04/ <--- firefox start page for ubuntu 8.04 :P11:45
ceil420(i don't think...)11:45
grzyblook @ rls list http://nl.releases.ubuntu.com/releases/ i dont see there final..11:45
Sturmehthey wouldn't11:45
Myrtti/me takes her big orange Ubuntu-Release-Day CANNON and points at grzyb11:45
=== c_varun is now known as varun_
=== varun_ is now known as varun_c
Danie2I downloaded this one, looks like final: http://tw.releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/11:45
alex314Why isn't hardy released yet!?!11:45
ironic_isnt_itbtw anyone know when firefox 3'll finally come outta beta or best estimate?11:45
GangDanie2: me too11:45
XB23guys any good software that could syncronize 2 folders on different machines so both have exactly the same files?11:46
LjungmannAre there going to be torrents of ubuntu and the like somewhere?11:46
offseidhey everyone - waiting patiently here in malaysia!11:46
GangI have download it, and run it in my VMware11:46
SeveasXB23, rsync11:46
XB23wicked, thankyou11:46
Ultumix0015how do i switch you my other desktop11:46
alex314I thought Hardy would be released 2 hours ago!11:46
alex314where is it?11:46
=== wo0 is now known as wo0`abs
un2himi heard ff3 will be released in june11:46
alex314that's true11:46
Myrttiit's not released yet11:46
alex314but the beta 5 is standard in Hardy11:46
earthianwhere can i get support with dosemu?11:46
ironic_isnt_iti cant wait i like ff11:46
ceil420un2him, i'm using it now, because even as beta it still has better memory management than Fx2 :p11:46
ceil420i do miss some of my extensions, though :(11:47
hello_Worldhello all .. while installing screenlet . i accepted it to over ride theme settings and now FPS has become like sh*t as when i move my windows it takes about 5 sec to move it ,,, please ask if need more clearence thanks :) please help11:47
IntangibleLiquidis adblockplus working in FF3?11:47
NekoKunHey, where's the new version link? :p11:47
Myrttithere is no11:47
ironic_isnt_iti heard its gonna be a hell of lot faster11:47
Myrttiironic_isnt_it: stop asking11:47
MyrttiNekoKun: there is no link yet11:47
ceil420IntangibleLiquid, not sure if it's one thing i've got running in compatibility mode with Nightly Tester Tools, but it's working for me :)11:47
volvoxWAAAAA!! Hardy is late!! Cannot resist... tell me when so that I can hibernate till then!11:47
freepIntangibleLiquid: yep, works now11:47
ceil420volvox, day ain't over yet11:47
NekoKunMyrtti: I know... I was just playing...11:48
* volvox was being silly11:48
NekoKunWhat's this version's name?11:48
MyrttiNekoKun: I don't have sense of humor today11:48
cyb3rMICROSOFT WINDOWS VISTA RULEZ  dirty bastards11:48
freepvolvox: The weather is great outside. Enjoy it for a whine. Then download and install.11:48
ceil420NekoKun, Hardy Heron11:48
=== zzhlei is now known as c1a33
NekoKunMyrtti: Any specific reason?11:48
NekoKuncyb3r: That's what santa says11:48
ironic_isnt_itbut i need help11:49
MyrttiNekoKun: I hate babysitting people making false "yay it's released" yells here11:49
Myrttisince it's not11:49
ceil420ironic_isnt_it, you're not being vague enough11:49
NaibMyrtti: +m the channel then11:49
MyrttiNaib: lol11:49
GangHow to confirm that the ISO I download is 8.04, but not RC?11:49
NekoKunMyrtti: Well, I'm actually waiting for xUbuntu version11:49
ceil420Gang, it's not11:49
MyrttiGang: wait until the official announcment11:49
alienbrainGang, you wait for the announcement and get the official links11:49
shuflaGang: i think, you won't be able to download non-rc iso11:49
ubotuUbuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) was the fourth release of Ubuntu. See !lts for more details.11:50
[B00]wish they would just get it released and have done with it11:50
ironic_isnt_iti thought good details would help11:50
=== inf is now known as inf_
[B00]stop alot of hype11:50
ceil420[B00], 10mins and i gotta go to work. i don't think it'll be ready in update-manager by then :(11:50
b33rif someone dls an rc version can't he just update to the final release when it's announced?11:50
alienbrainb33r, don't think so11:50
_mika_which is the user/password to login for the livecd ?11:50
IntangibleLiquidwill GMA 950 be enough for 3-D effects in 8-04?11:50
XB23guys using rsync how would i sync local directory /root with  the /root directory on remote machine?11:50
[B00]ceil420, i think you maybe right but then it may still not be released by the time you get back either rofl11:51
Gangshufla:  Could you have a look at this one, http://tw.releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/?11:51
Seveas_mika_, username ubuntu, there is no password11:51
XB23say server1.example.com  and server2.example.com11:51
geirhab33r: yes11:51
NekoKunWe need an automsg here: Today is the Release Day! Wait for the announcement of Hardy Heron here on Ubuntu Channel11:51
b33rso why the hell people are whining if they want it that much dl rc release ffs11:51
ceil420[B00], lol that'd suck >< i wanna update solely so i can upgrade libconfuse and install awesome wm11:51
shuflagang: might be. I'll wait. no gurry.11:51
NekoKunOk, the 'ubuntu channel' was a joke...11:51
ceil420b33r, i tried. update-manager won't let me.11:51
virdiqmyrddin_: you need a bot that looks for phrases like "is it released" and then forwards those people to a #ubuntu-is-not-released channel (+m) where there is a looping message about why it isn't yet released11:51
Myrttiit always gets postponed with 42 mins when you ask and/or whine11:52
yeahhttp://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/8.04/ seems like its out11:52
Ultumix0015how do i change desktops?11:52
gordslatera smart guy could check the file sizes, eg desktop-RC is slightly smaller, 690 iirc, ymmv11:52
NekoKunMyrtti: lol11:52
rhanthonyemj: finally got it working.11:52
DJonesmaybe floodbot needs to kick people who post links with "releases.ubuntu" in them11:52
mprimethe torrent is available from the ubuntu site11:52
sleepsteranyone know which package glib-gettextize comes with?11:52
lyait's ouuttt :D11:52
emjrhanthony:  yayay!!!!!11:52
lyalet's download11:52
virdiq!isitout | lya11:52
rhanthonyemj: setup for firefox / putty was TOTALLY different than the how-tos11:52
emjrhanthony: Congrats!11:52
LoRehow can i stop nautilus from opening a window when i mount a filesystem?11:52
ubotulya: The answer is always that it will release when the release manager says so, which is generally down to how exact order of events works out on the day and is hard for anyone (including the release manager) to put an exact time on in advance.  However, rest assured that it will be out before the clock hits 23:59:59 on Baker and Howland Islands.  Until then, please stop asking.11:52
lyahey don't take my bandwidth :P lool11:52
emjrhanthony: What was the answer then?11:53
NekoKunMyrtti: May I send a private question? O.o11:53
rhanthonyemj: now when i go to www.whatismyip.org in firefox, i get my home IP, not the work provided one.  so it's working.11:53
MyrttiNekoKun: sure11:53
Aciidis it out already!11:53
rhanthonyjust wanna find a way to make sure i'm ONLY sending port 22 traffic now...11:53
rhanthonyand need to make sure DNS requests are happing on the far end... not on this end.11:53
virdiq!isitout | Aciid11:53
ubotuAciid: The answer is always that it will release when the release manager says so, which is generally down to how exact order of events works out on the day and is hard for anyone (including the release manager) to put an exact time on in advance.  However, rest assured that it will be out before the clock hits 23:59:59 on Baker and Howland Islands.  Until then, please stop asking.11:53
XB23anyone here who knows how to use rsync back of here hand?11:53
YoniDid ya all add the event to their facebook profile?:)11:54
stimpieXB23, you are looking for a girl who knows rsync? good luck!11:54
rhanthonyemj: answer was ... "putty -D 8080 -ssh myserver"11:54
thefishXB23, what do you want to do?11:54
rhanthonyemj: and then setting firefox up to use socks 5 proxy of localhost:808011:54
nxusrwhich amarok engine is better--xine or yauap?11:55
LoReuh, found it myself, finally :)11:55
emjrhanthony:  ok.. Well that's what should be in all guides.. ;-)11:55
thefishrhanthony, dns will still go to whatever you have in /etc/resolv.conf with that setup11:55
rhanthonyemj: only thing now is to get DNS lookups to happen on far end... totally encrypting all evidence of web traffic inside of the ssh tunnel.11:55
emjthefish:  no it goes through socks I think..11:55
thefishemj, it doesnt11:55
emjemj: So you do connect example.com11:55
rhanthonyemj: most of the guides way to set the HTTP proxy in firefox, which wasn't doing it... or, tell you to setup both the ssh tunnel, AND a socks proxy in putty, which didn't work.11:55
thefishfirefox is just sending the http requests through socks11:55
_mika_nice, i'm trying hardy on a pc.... it login, xorg crashes, and then login again.....it's a nice loop...  :(11:56
julio-saraivais Todaaaaaay big day11:56
rhanthonythefish: I want dns lookups to go through the ssh tunnel, and be done by the far server, results returned over the tunnel.11:56
julio-saraivaAlguem do Brasil ai11:56
laeg8.04 is in my update manager! :D11:56
Seveas!br | julio-saraiva11:56
ubotujulio-saraiva: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.11:56
ricanelitedoes virtualbox run fine Hardy?11:57
rhanthonythefish: i don't want any outgoing DNS requrest traffic on the network i'm connected to... ONLY the ssh tunnel (which i'm going to hide in port 443 tomorrow hehehe)11:57
thefishrhanthony, not sure if it would work, but maybe you could use another socks tunnel on dns port, then add localhost to resolv.conf11:57
thefishotherwise, id use openvpn11:57
YoniDoes intel 945 fully supported on 8.04rc?11:57
|ns|nR8torrent released on mininova 35 minutes ago, claims to be .....11:57
rhanthonythefish: problem is, in putty it gives the option... i'll play with it (dns on far server)... but i had to use command line to get this far, so that might not work or might break what i have already.11:58
darkfritz2ah... so the LTS release is no final release_11:58
rhanthonythefish: another dns over ssh is a good idea.11:58
thefishrhanthony, you are on a windows box and want to tunnel from there?11:58
ironic_isnt_itam i still marked as away? just wanna make sure i got the command right11:58
rhanthonyanyone know a good program in windows to monitor inbound/outbound port traffic in real time?11:58
darkfritz2is the LTS release the final? or shall i wait for it?11:58
Myrttiironic_isnt_it: yes you are11:58
Myrttiit always gets postponed with 42 mins when you ask and/or whine11:58
ceil420rhanthony, ask ##windows11:59
rhanthonythefish: yes, xp laptop on wireless network, tunneling to ubuntu server @ home.11:59
thefishrhanthony, another way to do it, that would definately work...11:59
ironic_isnt_ithow i come back?11:59
ubotuThe answer is always that it will release when the release manager says so, which is generally down to how exact order of events works out on the day and is hard for anyone (including the release manager) to put an exact time on in advance.  However, rest assured that it will be out before the clock hits 23:59:59 on Baker and Howland Islands.  Until then, please stop asking.11:59
thefishrhanthony, add -X to the ssh options (enable X tunneling), then run firefox/whatever from the remote box11:59
igravioushey peeps, i upgraded eclipse from 3.2 to 3.3 - is the heron going to womp it when it lands?11:59
Myrttiironic_isnt_it: /away11:59
tom_rhanthony: Could you put an iptables rule on your router to redirect all outgoing traffic to localhost:50000, for example, and have a SSH tunnel running on port 50000?11:59
emjthefish:  ok you are right..11:59
ironic_isnt_itoh ty11:59
rhanthonythefish: and i'm seton using putty cause it's portable, can be run off of usb drive... along with my firefox... so any computer anywhere, gives encrypted tunnel to surf through home server :P11:59
igraviousi only ask because eclipse is a *pain* to get right12:00
thefishrhanthony, that means you are actually tunneling your X session with firefox (sortof like vnc) - and then EVERYTHING is over encrypted link12:00
ironic_isnt_itk am i still away?12:00
rhanthonythefish: but i'm using XP, not linux, as my desktop12:00
ceil420* [ironic_isnt_it] is away (getting coffee. if u can help private me)12:00
gordslaterthefish: i think he's using a XP laptop, scroll up12:00
rhanthonythefish: otherwise I would have set it up that way, yeah.12:00
loseblueserver http://irc.ubuntu.org.cn/12:00
ceil420ironic_isnt_it, don't you just have to type /away again to be back?12:00
=== Crazyguy is now known as Crazyguy_
ironic_isnt_iti did12:01
ceil420and still no 8.04 in --dist-upgrade :(12:01
thefishrhanthony, what about nomachine? you will get similar results like that, and its FAST12:01
* ceil420 goes to work12:01
ceil420gonna have a boring afternoon when i get home ><12:01
* Naib <3 his irssi screen-detach autoaway/back script12:01
thefishrhanthony, i think nomachine can also run from a usb stick12:01
rhanthonythefish: what i'm trying to setup is the ability to use a USB thumbdrive with putty/firefox/x-chat, to give me a ssh tunnel to my home server and allow encrypted web/irc from anywhere, with NO evidence of anything but SSH, on the host network I'm at.12:01
rconanpeople are agonna slate me for saying it's released but releases.ubuntu.com/releases/8.04 now has things claiming to be the final release12:01
emjrhanthony: as I said you can also use tinproxy12:01
stdinit's not12:02
emjrhanthony:  Tinyproxy will hide the DNS lok ups..12:02
the_alamowhen a application is installed (via synaptic or whatever) where does it place the file that executes the app?12:02
tom_the_alamo: /usr/bin, usually.12:02
thefishrhanthony, SOCKS will encrypt your http and poss irc traffic, not dns (the way you describe at least)12:02
rhanthonyemj: well as of right now... I can surf the web through my home server.  my ip shows up as the servers, not this networks... so i have what i want.12:02
rhanthonythe ONLY additional thing now is getting the remote server at home, to do the DNS lookups.12:02
emjthefish:  though you can connect to a proxy on the SSH server and it will hide those as well.12:02
the_alamotom_, just in case you know specifically -- is that where firefox stores it?12:03
simonovarconan, I believe that is correct, it has no rc in the name like it did two hours ago, so I'd say it's out12:03
rhanthonyand putty's config screens give that option... however, I used the command line to get it working, so not sure if it is also command line selectable as well.12:03
emjrhanthony: which you do by apt-get install tinyproxy12:03
ironic_isnt_itu mean im still not back12:03
=== Crazyguy_ is now known as Crazyguy
thefishrhanthony, have you seen nomachine? its very simple to set up, and you can run single linux apps from anywhere as if they were local apps (works on win too)12:03
tom_the_alamo: it's wrong to say "is that where firefox stores it". It's synaptic that puts it there. firefox /is/ the executable file.12:03
rconansimonova, i loaded the page and it said release candidate in the heading, pressed refresh three seconds later and it didn't so i think that was it12:03
tom_the_alamo: However, I can't say for sure if it is.12:03
Myrttirconan: it's not announced yet12:04
rhanthonyemj: even if i put proxy software on the server, this laptop will do the dns lookups before passing the ip over the tunnel for the request... which shows the network HERE, what domains i'm trying to access.12:04
tom_the_alamo: try 'whereis firefox' if you have firefox installed.12:04
Myrttiit always gets postponed with 42 mins when you ask and/or whine12:04
arcskyOffical release ?  http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/8.04/12:04
stdinarcsky: No12:04
KyleKrhanthony: uhm12:04
rconani know bu tthey can only update the pages so quick12:04
arcskystdin: ok12:04
Myrtti/me takes her big orange Ubuntu-Release-Day CANNON and points at arcsky12:04
|ns|nR8stdin, do you know if this is http://www.mininova.org/det/135277412:04
emjrhanthony: no!12:04
stdinit's not12:04
KyleKrhanthony: proxy requests for http are GET http://somehwere.com, no DNS on the client12:04
the_alamotom_, yes the problem is that firefox isn't installed properly and i think the location of the file might have something to do with it.12:04
thefishrhanthony, i reckon if you run the app from the remote server, its the best way to encrypt everything, because all requests are then made from the remote, you only get the screen12:04
tom_the_alamo: Open a terminal and type 'whereis firefox'12:05
quentusrex|ns|nR8, that's it, but not 'official' yet12:05
rhanthonythefish: I realize i can do it that way, yes.  but also due to the nature of the server, i dont want to run alot off of it...12:05
rhanthonythefish: it's not going to be there for me to use as a remote workstation...12:05
the_alamotom_, firefox: /usr/bin/firefox.ubuntu /usr/lib/firefox /usr/share/firefox12:06
thefishKyleK, install wireshark, start sniffing on your eth - then open a web page in firefox, you will see a dns request (unencrypted) to your dns server, no matter if you are using socks12:06
|ns|nR8rc quentusrex ?12:06
emjthefish:  yes...12:06
virdiqthe torrent stats page is reporting approx 1gbps bandwidth in the torrent pool12:06
tom_the_alamo: also, run 'echo $PATH'12:06
grzybroot@sextasy:/mnt/zew# debootstrap hardy $CHROOT12:06
grzybE: No such script: /usr/lib/debootstrap/scripts/hardy12:06
grzybcrap !12:06
quentusrexrc has different has12:06
KyleKwell yes with socks12:06
pir8.04 torrent link?12:06
rhanthonyemj: so if i setup tinyproxy.... and put that as my http proxy... dns requests are done by the proxy server, not this client machine?12:06
fx|RabBittdoes anyone know a good howto on linux networks?12:06
emjthefish:  and proxy clients does not use DNS..12:06
Seveasgrzyb, copy the gutsy script :)12:06
virdiq!isitout pir12:06
quentusrexI'm donating right now about 80Mbps upload12:06
emjrhanthony:  yes12:06
thefishemj, exactly - not sure if its possible over socks12:06
grzybSeveas, you think ?12:07
KyleKget it right ;_;12:07
the_alamotom_, /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games12:07
Seveasgrzyb, it's what I always do12:07
notsniwits out12:07
sedrahello if i install the RC of hardy should i make an upgrade after the final release?12:07
SeveasMyrtti, you gonna sing?12:07
dna_rofl Myrtti12:07
* Seveas runs and hides12:07
MyrttiSeveas: sure12:07
gordslater_she's warming up tho...12:07
MyrttiSeveas: Phil Collins12:07
emjthefish:  well socks gives DNS requests in tcpdump -p 53 and proxy doesn't.. ;-)12:07
b33ranyone want free socks? :D12:07
notsniwtorrents available12:07
SeveasMyrtti, ahh, nice and tacky12:07
Ljungmannvirdiq, where do you see torrent stats?12:07
pfifo_fastfree socks!!!!12:07
MyrttiSeveas: or Rick Astley "When I fall in love"12:07
thefishemj, ye because dns client and firefox are completely separate12:07
motin_0THE FAT LADY SINGS12:08
thefishemj, and dns client hasnt been told12:08
rhanthonyemj: but there's a way to get DNS requests to happen at the socks server... at the far end... so shouldn't need proxy for it.12:08
virdiqLjungmann: would tell you but I don't want to get banned from this channel... try googling "ubuntu torrent"12:08
ironic_isnt_itwhat the hell? how do i come outta away?12:08
tom_the_alamo: Ok. So when you run 'firefox', it will search each directory in $PATH for 'firefox' and run it if it finds out. however, notice /usr/lib isn't in $PATH (don't worry, it shouldn't be). it seems firefox is at /usr/bin/firefox.ubuntu     You could try running '/usr/bin/firefox.ubuntu' to test if ubuntu is working.12:08
rhanthonyironic_isnt_it: /away12:08
tom_the_alamo: actually, what actually is the problem? Does it not start when you click on firefox in the menu12:08
ironic_isnt_iti have several times12:09
MoraHello! Does any one know if/how one can reset i8042 (i.e. keyboard + psaux devices) without rmmodding the driver? I have a laptop that hangs the keyboard and mouse on resume12:09
emjrhanthony:  You can also setup you client to do DNS requests over Socksv5, but that's very unbeautifull..12:09
fx|RabBittwhen was hardy? was that tomorrow?12:10
the_alamotom_, firefox doesn't start in the menu or from the terminal. it is installed but doesn't recognize it.  it will start if i sudo nautilus to the directory and choose it there but that is the only time12:10
Myrttiit always gets postponed with 42 mins when you ask and/or whine12:10
virdiq!isitout | fx|RabBitt12:10
rhanthonyemj: in the putty graphical configs... it's just a check box :) wonder if there's a command switch i can add to the line I'm using now that will make it happen... looking for it now.12:10
thefishrhanthony, http://kb.mozillazine.org/Network.proxy.socks_remote_dns12:10
V_maxSup guys12:10
kimmeyNow i got 8.04 =912:10
fx|RabBittvirdiq: humm that wasnt it XD12:10
tom_the_alamo: Hmm, have you tried uninstalling it and reinstalling it through synaptic?12:10
virdiqfx|RabBitt: I think that bot is being overworked in other channels :p12:10
=== qed is now known as defn
emjthefish:  nice..12:11
tom_the_alamo: what's the output of 'ls -l /usr/bin/firefox.ubuntu'   let's see the permissions.12:11
the_alamotom_, i think i tried that twice.12:11
fx|RabBitti need a howto on network concepts pls guys:)12:11
gordslaterthe bot's still hung up on "jerry's dead"12:11
Myrttiit always gets postponed with 42 mins when you ask and/or whine12:11
ironic_isnt_itsee im still away12:11
MyrttiV_max: it's not out, you'll be told when it is12:12
sedrain the US it's thursday ? :D12:12
MyrttiV_max: stop refreshing the site12:12
the_alamotom_, lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 11 2008-04-22 20:48 /usr/bin/firefox.ubuntu -> firefox-3.012:12
fx|RabBittV_max: sudo update-manager -n12:12
tom_the_alamo: Okay. How about 'ps aux | grep firefox' Maybe you ran it but it stopped responded and crashed or something similar.12:12
rhanthonyit's that easy in firefox12:12
obsethrylV_max: stop shouting please, it is pretty annoying, thanks.12:12
rhanthonyemj: in about:config for firefox, change network.proxy.socks_dns_remote to TRUE.... done.12:12
emjMyrtti: feeling helpfull today I see12:12
=== defn is now known as qed
sedraIS IT THURSDAY????12:13
NekoKunmiss text coloring in ChatZilla...12:13
rhanthonythefish: thank you.12:13
emjrhanthony: :-)12:13
thefishrhanthony, get wireshark or tcpdump to verify that for you :)12:13
Myrtti@now samoa12:13
Myrttioh darn12:13
Myrttisedra: no it's not in samoa12:13
IntangibleLiquidis the release based on US timezone?12:13
pirwhat is the dutch ubuntu chan?12:13
thefishrhanthony, np, please let me know if it works!12:13
rhanthonythefish: those are windows proggies?12:13
MyrttiIntangibleLiquid: no12:13
hello_Worldemrald doesnot work in hardy :( http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76471912:13
DJones!nl | pir12:13
Myrttipir: #ubuntu-nl12:13
fx|RabBittanybody ever built a linux network?12:13
thefishwireshark can work on windows yes12:13
emjrhanthony:  yes they are12:13
rhanthonythefish: want to verify right now... i'll be on for several more hours from work here12:13
thefishtheres also windows network monitor you can install12:13
throeso this is  it, hardy heron is final?12:13
virdiqsedra: Ubuntu Hardy includes a new feature called "caps lock protection in IRC", preventing accidental use of caps lock on IRC12:13
sedraim on Windows12:14
thefishrhanthony, you on XP? not sure if wireshark breaks under vista12:14
Myrttiit's not out until the official announcment12:14
the_alamohere is the output of grep:  bradley   5479  0.0  0.0   3804   772 pts/1    S+   20:13   0:00 grep firefox12:14
Naibvirdiq: that is /msg Chanserv op #ubuntu && /kb12:14
mindframehow can i get my dell d520 to properly display its native resolution (1400x1050)?  Whenever I set it to that parts of the desktop are cut off.12:14
throebut its today isnt it?12:14
Naibthroe: yes today is today12:14
Myrttithroe: yes12:14
IntangibleLiquidhope sound and function keys will work in 8.0412:14
throeso is it out now or later12:14
IntangibleLiquidhad no luck with the previous release12:14
Myrttithroe: later12:14
tom_the_alamo: Okay so firefox isn't secretly running in the background. Exactly what happens when you run '/usr/bin/firefox.ubuntu'?12:15
ironic_isnt_itthis is pissing me off12:15
Myrttithroe: the announcment will be made by an operator of the channel12:15
Myrttiironic_isnt_it: which client are you using?12:15
=== crummygummy_ is now known as CrummyGummy
throehope the newest kernel will work12:15
IntangibleLiquidis PulseAudio a sound system like alsa?12:15
Naibthroe: what?12:15
gordslaterfx|RabBitt: describe your problem please, maybe we can help12:15
Myrttiironic_isnt_it: try /back?12:15
Naibthroe: all kernels work12:15
throeannouncment on irc?12:15
farchordAnyone knows a fix to the problem where USB devices don't seem to powerdown when linux shuts down? Seems to be a problem with many distros, probably proper to the NF4 chipset...12:15
ironic_isnt_itok will do12:15
Myrttithroe: yes, here too12:15
throewell, work for me12:15
fx|RabBittgordslater: i need concepts on how to build a linux network pls12:15
Naibthroe: roll yr own12:16
throei havent been able to start the last ones12:16
the_alamotom_, it appears as if nothing happens.12:16
hello_Worldemrald doesnot work in hardy :( http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76471912:16
simonovaNaib: one word. hurd12:16
IntangibleLiquidi feel guilty about refreshing the homepage every once in a while12:16
NekoKun%c4,2 test...12:16
MyrttiIntangibleLiquid: don't12:16
zec1I'm using emerald in Hardy right now12:16
ironic_isnt_itlmao shit i feel stupid12:16
sedraplease whereis the link of the final release of hardy?12:16
NekoKun%C4,2 test...12:16
rhanthonysweet, wireshark is available for portableapps suite, which goes well as thats what i'm using putty and firefox through...12:16
gordslaterfx|RabBitt: are you familiar with ubuntu? or is this a hypothetical question?12:16
NekoKun%C4 test...12:16
MyrttiIntangibleLiquid: it'll be announced here too12:16
tom_the_alamo: Hmm... does it go to the next prompt, as if the command finished. Or does it just sort of hang?12:16
zec1just have emerald --replace start automatically12:16
rhanthonyI have to admit, this is the FIRST linux help channel I've EVER actually gotten help from...12:17
the_alamotom_, yes it goes to the next prompt12:17
Myrttirhanthony: <312:17
fx|RabBittgordslater: i am familiar with ubuntu and debain etch an with windows networks12:17
NekoKun¬¬ damnit12:17
MyrttiNekoKun: what are you trying?12:17
rhanthonyand not just "man <topic>" or "rtfm newb" from.12:17
leonbrusselsHey I have got a problem, just dist upgraded to hardy using update manager, but with the new kernel it hangs at the USB HID driver, with the old kernel it works though12:17
throeit says the kernel is read-only, and cant start X12:17
dellphhello ppl!!!12:17
NekoKunMyrtii: to use text color in ChatZilla :p12:17
fx|RabBittgordslater: i am systems administrator at an unniversity institute...:)12:17
throedellph| helo12:17
tom_the_alamo: Okay. Have you tried moving ~/.mozilla, so it's as if it's a fresh install? 'mv ~/.mozilla ~/.mozilla_backup' for example?12:17
dellphis 8.04 out?12:18
MyrttiNekoKun: this channel is +c so you wouldn't see it here anyway12:18
Myrttidellph: no12:18
Myrttiit always gets postponed with 42 mins when you ask and/or whine12:18
tom_dellph: No. Read /topic.12:18
rhanthony<< just got his 7.1 working tonight, going to wait a bit before rocking the boat.12:18
thefishrhanthony, remember that when you are a 1337 H4x0r and someone asks you for help ;)12:18
Myrttirhanthony: 7.1012:18
dellphtom_, Thanks!12:18
gordslaterwell, "true" networking is same, eg: TCPIP, DNS same, concet are the same, maybe I'm missing your point12:18
Myrtti7 for 2007 and 10 for October12:18
rhanthonythefish: i always give help when/where i can...12:18
IntangibleLiquidwell, I see the IM thing on Facebook12:18
throeanybody got roaming mode and wireless working in hardy?12:18
farchordrhanthony: yeah me I got a good working copy of 7.10, wondering if I should upgrade, last two times I did it scrapped my install12:18
rhanthonyMyrtti: 7.10 ... I was being lazy :P12:19
=== benzs_s is now known as benzss
Myrttithefish, rhanthony: I started out on 4.10 and since then I've been working for two FLOSS companies :-)12:19
the_alamotom_, i may have done something like that a long time ago when i was attempting to install beta 3 on gutsy.  should i do it again (and what exactly should i do)12:19
rhanthonyman, this will sooooo help me feel better about doing my side work from the office.12:19
thefishMyrtti, paid work?12:19
fx|RabBittgordslater: how sahll i say im looking for different network designs including descritions of advantages and disadvantages, including some nice grafics to present to the boss...12:19
Myrttithefish: sure12:19
Myrttithefish: http://www.coss.fi http://www.nomovok.com12:20
thefishMyrtti, damn nice :)12:20
gordslaterfx|RabBitt: aha i see12:20
simonovaubuntu.com is feeling the strain of all the people watching it... I'm pinging it at 1100 - 1500 ms12:20
* N3bunel saluta12:20
thefishMyrtti, gimmeh a job!12:20
Myrttisimonova: then don't stress it more and STOP PINGING IT12:20
leonbrusselsanybody on my USB HID driver problem?12:20
fx|RabBittgordslater: got some aces up your sleeve?12:20
gordslater<fx|RabBitt> well, the problem is, LOL, it should/might "just work"12:20
tom_the_alamo: Yes. Firefox looks in the directory ~/.mozilla for all your preferences. there could be compatibility errors, so let's just move ~/.mozilla somewhere else, so firefox doesn't read it.12:20
virdiqsimonova: the problem is at your end12:20
Myrttithefish: keep on trying ;-)12:20
rhanthonyMyrtti: you should change teh topic to "8.04 RELEASE DELAYED UNTIL YOU STOP ASKING FOR IT.  THIS MEANS YOU.  ALL OF YOU."12:21
tom_the_alamo: basically, run 'mv ~/.mozilla ~/.mozilla_backup' then try '/usr/bin/firefox.ubuntu'12:21
the_alamotom_, okay. i will give it a go.12:21
fx|RabBittgordslater: it will work thats not my problem, my problem is to transport the info and i dont wanna write it all by myself gg12:21
J_Phi all12:21
tom_J_P: hello12:21
Myrttithere's been a whole two minutes I think now without no one asking12:21
virdiqJ_P: hi, it isn't released yet :)12:21
Myrttimaybe even three12:21
rhanthonyMyrtti: when does 8.04 come out?12:21
gordslaterfx|RabBitt: i suggest a practical demonstration, that will please the boss more, linux how-to's tend to be pretty boring to point-haired bosses you see12:21
motin_0how do I reset my apt-get settings to how they where when I installed ubuntu? I think some script has been changing various settings and apt-get is telling me about hundreds of packages that needs to be modified12:21
J_Ppeople, what page show whats all nickname  with relation with number, 8.04 for example..12:21
Myrttivirdiq: ^ :-P12:21
farchordc'mon people stop pinging and asking.... read the topic, and I'm 200% sure people will freak out in here once it gets released, so you will know.12:22
fx|RabBittMyrtti: ok ill do you the favor: when is hady coming?12:22
Amaranthubotu died12:22
Myrttiit always gets postponed with 42 mins when you ask and/or whine12:22
Myrttiso please stop asking12:22
JuJuBeeHow do I clear the entire routing table other than a bunch of route del commands?12:22
fx|RabBittgordslater: its gonna be more like a slideshow ya know...12:22
Myrttiwe're already about 150 hours late12:22
farchordMyrtti: Everytime you ask for 8.04, god delays it by 45 minutes. So please, think of the poor n00bs.12:22
the_alamotom_, i did this: mv ~/.mozilla ~/.mozilla_backup08-04-24.12:22
volvoxI'd like to thank the Ubuntu release people -- of behalf of all those, like me, that had to deploy "debian testing" servers in the past. You made our job far easier :)12:22
IntangibleLiquidif that's true then it will be released tomorrow12:22
dellph8.04 is out!12:23
gordslater fx|RabBitt: maybe install ubuntu with wudi for a demo, (windows installer for ubuntu) and just put it into a projector//ah i see12:23
dellphi can be downloaded12:23
Myrttiit always gets postponed with 42 mins when you ask and/or whine12:23
rhanthony<< wants to delay it until august.12:23
virdiqdellph: ask Myrtti, he knows where to get it :p12:23
alienbrainJuJuBee, try sudo ip route flush12:23
dtamastwitter client to ubuntu?12:23
sedradamn it12:23
tom_the_alamo: Okay, now run '/usr/bin/firefox.ubuntu'. It will hopefully run as a fresh profile.12:23
NekoKunrhanthony: why?12:23
bobbob1016This has probably been asked a lot today, but would it be better to do "dist-upgrade" or install from a CD?  I have my homedir on another partition, I'm just wondering of a clean install of / would be better than an upgrade, more so for a non-LTS to an LTS.12:24
DracoZAim pretty sure the internet is getting slower...12:24
J_P8.04 = hardy ?12:24
gordslater fx|RabBitt: actually you have a good point, a commercial-grade demo slideshow done by Canonical would be really good idea12:24
rhanthony8.04 is available for download at : http://www.microsoft.com/vista12:24
fx|RabBittgordslater: uhuh i havent heard about a windows installer for ubuntu yet, whats that supposed to be?12:24
NeT_DeMoNhow would i overclock my processor with this set of hardware http://pastebin.ca/995645 ?12:24
Myrttibobbob1016: first of all, dist-upgrade is a bad idea, use update-manager -c12:24
stdinthat's NOT official yet12:24
Myrtti/me takes her big orange Ubuntu-Release-Day CANNON and points at dellph12:24
the_alamotom_, that did it!!  so it should run like usual now?12:24
farchordrhanthony: roflmao12:24
skepdellph: its not official yet12:24
rhanthonyNekoKun: cause... I would find it funny :P12:24
fx|RabBittgordslater: i aggree on that12:24
tom_the_alamo: Yes, though you have lost your bookmarks, plugins etc.12:24
rhanthonyHonestly, I didnt even know there was a new distro update coming out :P12:25
NekoKunrhanthony: Well... 8.08 would be cool indeed...12:25
dawynnWhat is the Hardy way to set the system's default monitor resolution?  This is no longer in "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg".12:25
ironic_isnt_itk got coffee. running on a caffein high. can i get some help?12:25
jtravnickok if hardy isnt released yet what am i downloading? it says ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso12:25
JuJuBeealienbrain : "ip route flush" requires arguments , any idea what?12:25
rhanthonyHell... this morning I had 6.10 trying to install... but had the wrong kind of disc (dvd, no dvd drive!)... so had to download a new iso and got 7.10... didnt even see 8.04 coming out :P12:25
the_alamotom_, half the fun is installing that stuff!! (and my bookmarks are online).  thank you. i am so happy it is working.12:25
gordslater fx|RabBitt: wubi is a windows program to install ubuntu, not sure of latest moves in its development, but it adds "ubuntu" to your windows boot.ini menu list, essentially giving you multiboot12:25
krappeNeT_DeMoN, have you tried looking in your bios for overclocking options and stuff?  I believe it's not specific to ubuntu, rather to your bios/motherboard12:25
tom_the_alamo: You could probably fish them out from .mozilla, for example, ~/.mozilla_backup08-04-24/firefox/fjsdkfj.default/bookmarks.html12:25
Myrttijtravnick: nothing official12:25
sedraWHY not yet i'm downloading!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!12:25
rhanthonyI just came in for ssh tunnel help...12:26
tom_the_alamo: ah okay. Online bookmarks, good idea.12:26
Myrttisedra: It's not official yet!12:26
tom_the_alamo: Well, glad it's working :)12:26
rhanthonyand now emj, and thefish are in my will....12:26
fx|RabBittgordslater: so that would basically be a grub replacement?12:26
virdiqDracoZA: the internet isn't getting slower yet... Ubuntu torrents only have 4gbps in the pool at the moment12:26
bobbob1016Myrtti, Ok, thanks, I'll figure it out, you seem to have your hands full...12:26
emjrhanthony:  I'll settle for first born..12:26
rhanthonycause they pwn'd my conundrum12:26
jtravnickMyrtti, got it from http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/12:26
virdiqDracoZA: not scientifically measured of course...12:26
tom_the_alamo: That's usually a good thing to try whenever something stops working, especially when going from major versions.12:26
IntangibleLiquidwhat's the point of using twitter if none of your friends does?12:26
alienbrainJuJuBee, the man says "SELECTOR"12:26
NeT_DeMoNkrappe: bios as in at the boot screen you press F12 or something like that?12:26
rhanthonyemj: you can have my first and second... i dont want them anymore.12:26
emjrhanthony: have fun!12:26
thefishrhanthony, have you installed wireshark yet?12:26
gordslaterfx|RabBitt: wubi-installer.org   for the site, well, instead of grub it uses the native windows bootloader12:26
sedraisnt official??12:26
dna_hmm usually the documentation gets released at the first day or later on?12:26
Myrttijtravnick: it's NOT OFFICIAL UNTIL ANNOUNCED12:27
rhanthonyemj: they should fetch a decent price in mexico, fyi hint hint12:27
=== dagon^ is now known as dagon-
alienbrainJuJuBee, it depends on your case, here are your options: SELECTOR := [ root PREFIX ] [ match PREFIX ] [ exact PREFIX ] [ table TABLE_ID ] [ proto RTPROTO ] [ type TYPE ] [ scope SCOPE ]12:27
=== dagon- is now known as dagon_
MyrttiOR BE KICKED12:27
bobbob1016sedra, Every time you ask when it is coming out, or why you don't have it yet, they push it back 45 minutes.12:27
rhanthonythefish: waiting for it to d/l... slow ass 802.11b.12:27
=== aotianlong_ is now known as aotianlong
cousin_luigidoes update-manager -c work from gutsy?12:27
krappeNeT_DeMoN, yeah, well it might or might not be F12, every motherboard has a different key, but it usually says "Press <somekey> to enter SETUP"12:27
fx|RabBittgordslater: which is also not too hard to do if you know how to manipulate the boot.ini...12:27
the_alamotom_, i will copy and paste your advice so that i don't loose it.  thanks again.12:27
Myrttibobbob1016: 4212:27
sedraKICK ME and go to hell12:27
motin_0how do I reset my apt-get settings to how they where when I installed ubuntu? I think some script has been changing various settings and apt-get is telling me about hundreds of packages that needs to be modified12:27
tom_the_alamo: np12:27
krappeNeT_DeMoN, I also recommend you look for overclocking tutorials on google12:27
NeT_DeMoNkrappe: alright, thanks12:27
gordslaterfx|RabBitt: i also think its standard in ubuntu releases now, maybe someone can confirm that?12:27
virdiqbobbob1016: hmmm, so the amount it is pushed back increases exponentially each time? :)12:27
farchordrhanthony: no biggie though, the upgrade will be so slow.... hoping they'll allow us to upgrade from a mirror12:27
Myrtti/me takes out her emp cannon and points at sedra12:27
NeT_DeMoNkrappe: ok, thanks12:27
rhanthonythefish: using an old 11mbps card, so i can use the mac id off of it, traffic not traced to internal wifi for this laptop :) hehehe12:27
thefishMyrtti, is there an official torrent to post the link to - might stop some of the braying12:27
krappeNeT_DeMoN, I suggest you overclock in small steps12:28
JuJuBeealienbrain: so if I want to flush the Kernel IP routing table, then what to I enter for selector? table kernel ?12:28
fx|RabBittgordslater: you mean they droped grub? i dont believe a siongel word you say XD12:28
Picithefish: Theres no torrent link because theres no release announcement.12:28
darkfritz2how should i make my partitions in a case that i crash totally the ubuntu system? because in windows u make 1 partition for the system (in case that happens something) and other partitions for saving data...12:28
NeT_DeMoNkrappe: alright12:28
iceswordwhen they said don't post urls, most likely they would be frightened that site will be down, and now i am guesising they are offering other sites for mirrors12:28
bobbob1016virdiq, I was mistaken, someone else said 45, I thought longer was more, but 42 is the answer...12:28
Myrttithefish: there is no such thing as official until the mail is sent to ubuntu-announce mailing list12:28
alienbrainJuJuBee, proto kernel12:28
JuJuBeeK thanks.12:28
ironic_isnt_itman what an attitude. ill just wait for it in updates12:28
bobbob1016darkfritz2, I always have my /home on a separate partition from /12:28
=== ivoks_ is now known as ivoks
thefishPici, Myrtti i see, difficult to see anything else except the "where is my iso" hysteria!12:29
rhanthonythefish: installing12:29
gordslater fx|RabBitt: yes of course, u can edit by hand, the wubi idea is to download (if needed) and install on an ntfs drive , auto-configure the loader, as a quick way for win-users to try/get ub12:29
Myrttithefish: indeed12:29
iceswordMyrtti, so is it12:29
benmachinethis is madness12:29
IntangibleLiquidit will take another two hours to get the iso off the internet :( tomorrow then12:29
rhanthonyIf I get this working and proven, I'm going to post up an ssh tunnel thread on the ubuntu forums about it... with EXACTLY what to do.12:29
Myrttithefish: It's almost three o'clock and I've barely eaten my breakfast since I have to babysit you fellers12:29
fx|RabBittgordslater: i cant see the enhancement to installing ubuntu and useing grub afterwards XD12:29
NekoKunrhanthony: Poor Myrtii... people are driving her crazy :-/12:29
gordslater fx|RabBitt: haha no grub is normal/standard, except for the wubi method, for noobie win-users to try it out12:29
IntangibleLiquidtonight, we'll dine in hell12:30
rhanthonyMyrtti: 3am ? or pm?12:30
Myrtti/me notes no mail yet12:30
Myrttirhanthony: pm12:30
iceswordMyrtti, so that is it? you are offering other sites for mirrors?12:30
aoitover libres.irc-hispano.org12:30
fx|RabBittgordslater: exept its kinda hard to get rid of grub if you dont wanna have ubuntu anymore and have no supergrub disc gg12:30
rhanthonyMyrtti: where?12:30
Myrttirhanthony: home of Linux12:30
* farchord sends Myrtti a big cup of e-coffee with a marshmallow on top and sprinkles.12:30
rhanthonyMyrtti: ah... well hello from sunny southern california.12:30
WhereIsNewBuntuhmmm... http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ are this files final (non-RC)?12:31
PiciWhereIsNewBuntu: no12:31
gordslaterfx|RabBitt: yeah tellmeabout it LOL. yeah for a work-demo i'd look into wubi, its non-destructive (for me anyways) and plays well with windows12:31
Myrttiit always gets postponed with 42 mins when you ask and/or whine12:31
fx|RabBittgordslater: btw if youre interested in it webmin has a nice grafical interface to grub...12:31
rhanthonythefish: wireshark portable installed, opening and trying now12:31
iceswordso many noes?12:31
thefishrhanthony, cool12:31
* emj wants to say yes so badly.. :-)12:31
fx|RabBittgordslater: well thx for the hint anyways:)12:31
Myrttiit's an "oh noes" situation12:31
farchordMyrtti: we're at what now, 12 days, 7 hours, 15 minutes of delay?12:31
cryptolifehello from Croatia12:31
ironic_isnt_itare there any other ubuntu channels i can take my question to? i see u guys are shorthanded12:31
Myrtti12 days is close12:31
Picifarchord: Theres no delay12:31
gordslaterfx|RabBitt: ah most of my boxes are single-use debian or ub anyways12:31
farchordPici: oh comeon I can't believe you catched on to that12:32
fx|RabBittgordslater: now for something completely different; what about those linux networks? gg12:32
thefishrhanthony, make sure you are setup to use socks in ff, then start capturing on your main NIC with WS. Once its running, browse a bit, then stop the capture12:32
bobbob1016icesword, The sites that others are posting are not official, and there is no telling what they did to the iso's, or if the iso's are actually hardy12:32
rhanthonyWireShark portable... has to install winPcap to the c:\.... lame.12:32
farchordPici: I shall answer this the good old fashioned internet way: ORLY?12:32
tom_Factory|Vincent: 12 days 7 hours 15 mins = 17715 minutes, which isn't divisible by 42... so definately not.12:32
IntangibleLiquidtonight, we'll dine in hell:)12:32
fx|RabBittgordslater: was just mentioning...12:32
Myrttiwoot root12:32
farchordIntangibleLiquid: I would, really, but I lost my pass.12:32
IntangibleLiquidi wanted to say hello from Vietnam, then the up arrow came up12:33
Myrttino mail yet12:33
fx|RabBittMyrtti: whens hardy coning? :P12:33
Myrttiit always gets postponed with 42 mins when you ask and/or whine12:33
IntangibleLiquidanother 42 minutes12:33
iceswordbobbob1016, don't  forget they are official mirrors of ubuntu12:33
ironic_isnt_itu said liux servers?12:33
bobbob1016tom_, Someone half asked, a few times12:33
gordslaterfx|RabBitt: i better hand u over to the rest, -- looking for a slideshow-type presentsation to illustrate "benefits of linux networking" to point-haired bosses - anyone help fx|RabBitt ?12:33
* tom_ gets out his calculator... again.12:33
tom_or not.12:33
farchordgordslater: 1- It's free.12:34
rhanthonywireshark isn't picking up any packets12:34
bobbob1016icesword, I mean people are giving urls, that claim to have it, but since it isn't out yet, they can't and don't12:34
fx|RabBittgordslater: doenst have to be a slideshow i can compose that myself, just looking for some graphics, flow diagrams n stuff12:34
thefishrhanthony, nothing at all?12:34
rhanthonywhen i select the interface it says it is.... hit start on caputre... goes to "no packets"  wtf...12:34
thefishrhanthony, if it sees nothing, then you have the wrong interface12:34
bobbob1016tom_, 42/2 = 21, 21*5 = 10512:34
rhanthonyit's the only one with an IP.12:34
rhanthonyit's the cisco card i'm using, shows this networks ip...12:35
rhanthonyand ... it's not even picking up this ssh ...12:35
gordslaterfx|RabBitt: good point by farchord, its so simple u could do it yourself WITHOUT fancy flowcharts12:35
thefishrhanthony, and you start a capture and nothing happens?12:35
FalcBiggest channel on FreeNode! :D12:35
rhanthonybut in the "select interface" screen, it shows packets flowing... doesn't when i actually start the capture...12:35
ironic_isnt_itim gonna check a few other channels if no better results ill come back here deal12:35
kbrooksi have a question12:35
Myrttiironic_isnt_it: deal12:35
thefishrhanthony, maybe you dont have "update list in real time"12:35
FrozenballWhy te release isn't available yet?12:35
gordslaterfx|RabBitt:i mean, its just the same really, just emphasise the "free" and using existing equipment"12:35
Myrttiit always gets postponed with 42 mins when you ask and/or whine12:35
kbrooksi want to remove openoffice.org12:36
iceswordbobbob1016, any idea who wll have to honor to announce12:36
virdiqFrozenball: we're waiting 42 minutes for it12:36
thefishrhanthony, try stop the capture, then see if you get some packets12:36
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kbrookshow do i do that?12:36
rhanthonystopping shows "no packets"12:36
grzybSeveas, are you around ?12:36
gordslaterfx|RabBitt:maybe wikipedia will have some nice diagrams of X11 server-client things if u must have graphics12:36
thefishrhanthony, do you have an "any" device12:36
Dr_LinkE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)12:36
Dr_LinkE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?12:36
Dr_LinkWhile trying to apt-get a package, those were errors returned.12:36
Dr_LinkWhat's going on?12:37
thefishrhanthony, dunno if you get that on win, but its a "capture from wherever you can" pseudo-device12:37
ubotuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »12:37
MyrttiDr_Link: quit synaptic, quit update manager12:37
terminal_dudehey guyz need some advise? is it better of fresh install of 8.04 or is it safe and prey much same as upgrade distro ?12:37
kbrooksDr_Link, close other packages12:37
bobbob1016icesword, I'm just refreshing the homepage12:37
fx|RabBittgordslater: hehehe that is basically not the point i am not convincing anybody to skip to ubnutnu from windows as we are currently also using linux, the point is to explain the infrastructure so that they know what my plan is and what i am doing for them;)12:37
PiciDr_Link: You need to use sudo as well12:37
FrozenballI'm not whining, I'm just wondering the release isn't done in more profesional way12:37
fserveLinux ubuntu-server 2.6.24-16-generic #1 SMP Thu Apr 10 13:23:42 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux12:37
kbrooksPici, he did12:37
=== WhereIsNewBuntu is now known as kubuntu
ubotuRemember that every time you hit refresh, Canonical is wasting money, bandwidth, and CPU time serving your request instead of doing useful things like uploading the image or paying for ShipIt disks.  Please do so sparingly.12:37
Dr_LinkPici: I didn't say I wasn't using sudo. ;)12:37
gordslaterfx|RabBitt: yeah i get you now12:37
kbrooksFrozenball, ummm12:37
=== kubuntu is now known as WhereIsNewBuntu
PiciDr_Link: I didnt say I read it completely either12:37
iceswordbobbob1016, yaaa, that is a nice news12:37
kbrooksFrozenball, "more professional"?12:37
fx|RabBittgordslater: well its boring without graphics and its exhausting to produce them yourself...12:37
bobbob1016icesword, Myrtti would be a good person to know too, I'd guess12:37
IntangibleLiquidi'm getting dizzy12:37
Dr_LinkI see, the update manager was working.12:38
FrozenballLike getting the release out in 0.00 am12:38
gordslaterfx|RabBitt: I'd trawl wikipedia for graphics, most of the diagrams have copyright data so just use th GLP'd or similar ones :)12:38
FrozenballThe latest release candicate should be the latest version?12:38
IntangibleLiquidchatzilla is nice12:38
FrozenballOr are they going to release another "rc"12:39
kbrooksFrozenball, umm, 12 am is arbitrary. the time that a release is out does not indicate whether a company is professional. therefore that isn't a valid metric12:39
danbhfiveDr_Link: did you just boot?  I believe there is a cron task or something that runs a check for updates at boot time12:39
cousin_luigihow do I upgrade?12:39
gordslaterfx|RabBitt: maybe x11, samba,   whatever else you use12:39
MyrttiFrozenball: no, the final release is done today though12:39
fx|RabBittgordslater: pleas dont be mad at me for mentioning but i give a s***about copyright for that presentation gg12:39
kbrooksFrozenball, by asking that question, you're tricking others12:39
danbhfivesudo apt-get upgrade12:39
gordslaterfx|RabBitt: no probs :)12:39
kbrooks!language | fx|RabBitt12:39
ubotufx|RabBitt: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.12:39
Myrttino, it's not out yet12:39
hanumankatuwalstill not released :(12:40
``CubeWOOT this is cheating, it has been written that 8.04 will come today!?!?!12:40
sjahello, all! im have problem with update my desktop 710 to 804. first line 'begin to install' (sorry, im have russian version) - loading packets, and say: 'download ened' and window stand darkness. what is it?12:40
Myrtti``Cube: it's hardly even 24th in Samoa12:40
fx|RabBittgordslater: samba, nfs, kolab, amavisd, iptables, nx-server, sshd, etc etc12:40
MmikeWRK``Cube, it's still today! :)12:40
kbrooks``Cube, it will, be patient12:40
FrozenballI want to encrypt my partition already :/12:40
bdubncmy opinion is, it's free, you don't pay for it, so what is the problem with waiting,  If it takes them another day, so be it12:40
fx|RabBittkbrooks: gosh i watched man i asterisked that word:P12:40
Zargathhi, I got an Ubuntu Server. doing some ssh tunnel port forwarding. Getting "Server has disabled port forwarding". Anybody know where/how to enable it?12:40
thefishsja, you see nothing on the screen?12:40
MyrttiFrozenball: you've been able to do it since Gutsy12:40
kbrooksfx|RabBitt, we still knew12:40
``Cubeah ok ;) I got answered by 3 people in 10 seconds, nice ;)12:40
MyrttiFrozenball: since who knows12:40
``Cubewell, but it will come today?12:40
cousin_luigidanbhfive: I mean release upgrade12:41
gordslaterfx|RabBitt: aha,, yeah i reckon you could together a lot of stuff from wikipedia diagrams alone12:41
thefishZargath, /etc/ssh/sshd_config on the server12:41
freepZargath: Should be in /etc/ssh/sshd_conf12:41
bobbob1016``Cube, Every exclamation and question mark you add pushes the release back 42 minutes12:41
fx|RabBittkbrooks: that is because youre smart;)12:41
_nano_When they said 24th, what time zone were they referring to?12:41
Pici_nano_: none12:41
floatinghi. i want to extend my ext3 partition where my xubuntu install is. however there is swap space right after the xubuntu install. can i remove the swap space and ext3 over it, and make new swap space after that ? would do that with partition magic8 in windows12:41
sjathefish, no. widnow of update manager stand dark - other normal.12:41
``Cubebobbob1016: did I request a bad joke?12:41
fx|RabBittgordslater: ya? where man??12:41
danbhfivecousin_luigi: what?  when did you mean upgrade?12:41
kbrooksfx|RabBitt, okay.12:41
Zargaththefish, freep: Know what setting ?12:41
thefishsja, it has been dark for some time?12:41
WildChild7hello there12:41
gordslaterfloating: use caution with partitionmagic8 or similar12:42
_nano_I think right now every time zone is in 24th12:42
WildChild7where could I find any hardware list supprt for UPSs ?12:42
kbrooksi need openoffice.org removed12:42
Pici_nano_: Its not out yet, theres no speicific time on the 24th that the release is12:42
``Cubebobbob1016: or did I just ask something? here: ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! gonna be 30x42 = 21h12:42
sjathefish, the dark 15 minutes, and no progress :) first line is checked :((((12:42
bobbob1016``Cube, No, just out of good ones.  Everyone is asking, or putting needless punctuation at the end of their sentences now.  Or a lot of people12:42
cousin_luigidanbhfive: from gutsy to hardy12:42
IntangibleLiquidwhich timezone is the release based on?12:42
kbrookscan someone help me remove openoffice.org?12:42
_nano_Pici: thanks12:42
nabcoreIntangibleLiquid: UBT12:43
bobbob1016``Cube, 21 hours on top of the 12 days already12:43
gordslaterfx|RabBitt: start with wikipedia for "X11" - user's workstation diagram12:43
``Cubebobbob1016: hehe ok ;) you replied nice to my offensive statement, I like that, and oh im sorry for asking (seriously)12:43
Picinabcore: :D12:43
kbrooksI don't want or need it12:43
thefishsja, ok looks like it has stopped12:43
teo-i can't start ubuntu :S when i try to boot it some busy box shell is starting please help!?12:43
fx|RabBittfloating: if you get errors and part mag tells it can repair it DO NOT DO THAT IT KILLS THE OTHER INSTASLLATIONS AND LEAVES Y>OU WITH WIN ALLONE!!!12:43
ikercwhy my manager -C + update 's no upgrade ?12:43
Picikbrooks: Whats stopping you from removing it with synaptic?12:43
Piciikerc: Hardy is not released yet12:43
gordslaterfx|RabBitt: then maybe try the "see also" link near bottom of the wiki pages12:43
bobbob1016``Cube, No problem, I don't mean to be offensive with it, just saying everyone is asking12:43
IntangibleLiquidcant find UBT on google12:43
gordslaterfx|RabBitt: maybe u can just grab striking diagrams and cobble them toigether12:43
iceswordsee see see12:44
Myrttiikerc: because it's not officially announced yet12:44
fx|RabBittgordslater: hehehe k buddy i realize im quite on my own, so i gotta dig trough:]12:44
``Cubebobbob1016: you seem to be good @ linux, could you tell me why my NVIDIA card stopped working and I can't use any res higher than 800x600? when I try to delete it, it gives me an error. oh and I mean I WAS OFFENSIVE, not you :)12:44
sjathefish, its trouble of my computer or server ?12:44
iceswordlet 's see who will have the hornor to annouce that12:44
fx|RabBittgordslater: thanx tho;)12:44
kbrooksPici, ummm12:44
harfgDoes Any one know how to tame flumotion and M-ADUIO Delta 41012:44
thefishsja, can you open a terminal, and in there type "sudo tail /var/log/apt/term.log"12:44
gordslaterfx|RabBitt: yeah like i say canonical need to make a business presentation for "conversions"12:44
harfgor does any one know the support channel for Flumotion?12:44
fx|RabBittgordslater: as i said i definitely agree on that12:45
kbrooksPici, i removed it,, but i'm concerned about language-support-en. is it necessary if i know and read english, or?12:45
IntangibleLiquidshould an integrated intel card work fine with desktop effectS?12:45
``Cubebobbob1016: well, forget the last question: when I want to install ubuntu on windows with WUBI, can I instal linux on the other partition, and where I can get the WUBI version from?12:45
gordslaterfx|RabBitt:a slide show or something, like you need, or maybe a video12:45
``Cubelol ok, nevermind, bobbob101612:45
fx|RabBittgordslater: or a flow diagram with integration schemes12:45
FrozenballWhy download links are forbidden? :&12:45
thefishsja, please paste the last line of that here12:45
Picikbrooks: language-support-en is a metapackage that depends on all the other english language packs.12:45
IntangibleLiquidMyrtti: think you should make it the channel topic :)12:46
fx|RabBittMyrtti: are you exited?12:46
bobbob1016``Cube, I have to go now, I have a final to get to in a few hours.  I don't know if you can install Wubi on another partition, but the normal LiveCD should have Wubi, or so I've heard.12:46
PiciIntangibleLiquid: No one reads the topic12:46
sjathefish, http://rafb.net/p/dKVUF849.html12:46
MyrttiFrozenball: because they'll steal bandwidth from the mirror sites getting the image and thus make the announcment really really postponed12:46
farchordMyrtti: Patience? Don't you think you are exagerating? <.<12:46
k1hello, I am trying to find out iso for latest ubuntu hardi12:47
Myrttiplease save the bandwidth for the mirrors until the official release12:47
Myrttik1: it's not out yet12:47
kbrookswhat's the command to get the package which installed a file, say /usr/games/blackjack12:47
Myrttiit always gets postponed with 42 mins when you ask and/or whine12:47
rhanthonythefish: wireshark sees packets going through the card, but wont show them in the live capture.12:47
orochi_Myrtti: What about the torrent? That's not stealing bandwidth from anyone12:47
thefishsja, ok that doesnt look too bad12:47
k1ubuntu.com/downloads is still showing 7.1012:47
PiciIts not out yet.12:47
Myrttiorochi_: it's useless since it's not official yet12:47
thefishrhanthony, see if there is a tickbox for "update in real time" or something like that12:47
iceswordMyrtti, haha, that is really you worried12:47
zashkbrooks: dpkg --listfiles <filename>12:47
farchordorochi_: where do you think the bandwidth comes from when noone shares?12:47
harfg!! does any one know the support channel for Flumotion?12:47
IntangibleLiquidMyrtti: I dont get it. the isos will be downloaded anyway so how can the bandwidth be saved?12:47
kbrookszash, is there a shorter option?12:47
sjathefish, im need in waiting for server to free ?12:48
thefishsja, in the terminal, please type "sudo apt-get -f install"12:48
harfghow can a MAUDIO not be properly tested12:48
MyrttiIntangibleLiquid: the bandwidth saved for the mirrors to get them12:48
* harfg smashed him self of a RLL harddisk12:48
orochi_farchord: There's currently quite a few people sharing that I can see so your point is moot in this case12:48
zashkbrooks: iduno, that is pretty short i think12:48
ikerchere an administrator from dns to FR.arch.ubuntu.com ?  becaune all the time no ok, because oleoane server should be on windows !!12:48
kbrookszash, -L, found it12:48
rhanthonythefish: promiscuous mode must be OFF... fixed.12:48
thefishsja, i dont think so no, it looks local - otherwise you would have a download timeout error12:48
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zashkbrooks: or did that list files in a package?12:48
spaceninjawhat's new in 8.04?12:48
nabcoreIntangibleLiquid: I think the point is that the bandwidth is need a priori to get the iso onto the mirrors12:48
ikercCan ban ftp.oleoane  from ubuntu ..?12:49
k1is there any place where just the iso is available for hardi?  I so the torants but I want the iso12:49
thefishrhanthony, cool :) promiscuous should work fine as well, maybe you have wierd drivers for the nic or somehting :/12:49
Myrttik1: be patient12:49
kbrookszash, latter12:49
sjathefish, okey. im runing apt-get.. but im need to close window (dont kill normal with update)12:49
IntangibleLiquidoh ok i get it :)12:49
* harfg gives ubotu a clockwork brain12:49
rhanthonythefish: still nothing in the window showing.12:49
XB23guys using rsync how would i set it up so that it backs up everything in local folder /root/pics  to /root/pics on server1.example.com ?12:49
harfgit will perform 650000000 t/flops12:49
zashkbrooks: dpkg -S file12:50
Frozenball[14:46:36] [@Myrtti] Frozenball: because they'll steal bandwidth from the mirror sites getting the image and thus make the announcment really really postponed12:50
thefishsja, you get an error when you try to run apt-get -f install? you may not have to kill the updater window yet12:50
FrozenballAre you saying that they don't have two servers for serving users and mirrors?12:50
k1http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/8.04/is this the proper link for hardi ISO?  I just discovered it.ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso12:50
Picik1: no12:50
_Rambaldi_is there a command to output to screen not just terminal?12:50
Myrttik1: NO IT IS NOT.12:50
propelhatDL'ing 8.04 from the mirrors now. Doesn't seem to be RC12:50
bazhangI dont dare tab complete today ;]12:50
kbrookspropelhat, 8.04 IS NOT OUT12:51
XB23guys using rsync how would i set it up so that it backs up everything in local folder /root/pics  to /root/pics on server1.example.com ?12:51
sjathefish, E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?12:51
bazhangsja close add/remove and try again12:51
FrozenballAnd there's torrent file there12:51
thefishsja, ok the updater has locked it - try to just close it with (X) first12:51
unopXB23, rsync -avz -e ssh /root/pics user@remotehost:/root/pics12:51
gustavoimago[   ] ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent    24-Apr-2008 08:23   28K  Desktop CD for PC (Intel x86) computers12:51
bazhang!aptfix | sja12:51
ubotusja: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »12:51
thefishsja, it may give an error "do you want to force quit"12:51
sjathefish, no [x], and other!12:52
propelhatkbrooks: Well, I can read your writing, but why doesn't it say anything about RC, then?12:52
harfghrrrm help!!12:52
bazhangharfg: what is your issue12:52
kbrookspropelhat, canonical is preparing the announcement12:52
Myrttipropelhat: it's not announced yet, so it's not official no matter has it 'rc' or not12:52
XB23thankyou unop :)12:52
kbrookspropelhat, stop the download and wait12:52
helvetehey, can anyone tell me how to get any player to play .rm files12:52
thefishubotu, not a -f first, then a reconfigure?12:52
sjathefish, im logout for resolve this problem12:52
helvetei even tried to download real player12:52
harfgFlumotion fails to work well with my M-AUDIO delta 41012:53
kbrooksthefish, ubotu is a bot12:53
Picithefish: ubotu is a bot12:53
thefishhehe ok cool12:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about helix - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:53
Crys_I'm looking for some docs about Ubuntu 8.04 LTS which I can give to my customers. We want them to install Ubuntu instead of SuSE or Redhat because it's much easier to deploy our software on Ubuntu then SuSE.12:53
* thefish gives the bot a nice banana12:53
Myrtti!restrictedformats | helvete12:53
ubotuhelvete: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:53
harfgit worked with the onboard sound chip.. but now when you try and select you sound device it fowls up12:53
kbrooksCrys_, ubuntu 8.04 is not out.12:53
Myrttiit always gets postponed with 42 mins when you ask and/or whine12:53
Crys_kbrooks: I'm aware of that12:53
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helvetemyrtti i have already installed the restricted formats12:53
richardComo me muevo a #ubuntu-es ??12:53
kbrooksCrys_, we're not going to help you until it is out. until then, WAIT.12:53
pthreatwhich locale package should i install for setlocale to work in PHP ?\12:54
Crys_kbrooks: But it's going to get out in a few hours or days12:54
richardHola, alguien me ayuda?? :D12:54
Myrttihelvete: there's info about real media on the wikipages too12:54
pthreatrichard: #ubuntu-es12:54
rhanthonythefish: it says it caught 320 packets, but wont display any :(12:54
bazhangCrys_: you might check out the ubuntuguide.org12:54
un2himok, noob question...when i want to say something to a specific user, is there a faster way than to type their handle followed by a colon?12:54
kbrooksCrys_, you may wish to go to #ubuntu+1 if you're so impatient12:54
thefishrhanthony, is there anything in the "filter" section on top?12:54
kbrooksun2him, type part of it12:54
Myrtti!tab | un2him12:54
bazhang!sound | harfg12:54
ubotuun2him: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.12:54
ubotuharfg: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP312:54
rhanthonynothing in filter, no12:54
kbrooksun2him, then press tab12:54
Crys_kbrooks: I need the information *today* to prepare some docs for next *month*12:54
un2himkbrooks: cool! thanks!12:54
QuickGoldIs Hardy coming out today?12:54
Myrttiit always gets postponed with 42 mins when you ask and/or whine12:55
bazhangQuickGold: aye12:55
kbrooksCrys_, sorry to be so conscending. did the link help you?12:55
rhanthonythefish: nothing in "filter" but still had to hit APPLY ... stewpid.12:55
rhanthonyhave to APPLY "no filter" for it to see things... ick.12:55
Myrttirhanthony: mind your manners12:55
gustavoimago[   ] ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent    24-Apr-2008 08:23   28K  Desktop CD for PC (Intel x86) computers... in http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/8.04/  ??? not rc!!!12:55
Crys_kbrooks: I'm checking it out right now12:55
QuickGoldbazhang: Any idea when today it will be released?12:55
harfgyea it has select the alsa mixer12:55
Myrtti/me takes her big orange Ubuntu-Release-Day CANNON and points at gustavoimago12:55
XB23unop: how do i make it so that if i delete a folder on the local machine it removes it from the remote server?12:55
k1sorry my machine just gave a problem so missed out any any answer on my question.  is http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso the right link for the final hardi image?12:55
harfgwhich btw only has one slider12:55
thefishrhanthony, you can use that filter to look for DNS12:55
bazhangQuickGold: sometime in the next twelve hours ;]12:55
rhanthonyMyrtti: wasn't calling him stupid :) i was calling the program stupid...12:55
stdink1: no12:56
helvetei'm already running hardy(rc), is there anything i have to do after it is released12:56
QuickGoldk, thanks12:56
unopXB23, --delete is the flag i believe -- but  man rsync12:56
Picik1: The release announcement has not been made yet.12:56
thefishcheck both udp and tcp port 5312:56
harfgI dont have the multitrack  break out lead thing so I hope thats ok12:56
bazhanghelvete: when you have updated you will be final ;]12:56
rhanthonythefish: sifting through it now... thank you so much for all your help btw.  learned alot... and found new proggies to use!12:56
orochi_Sorry but the release team would have to be pretty immature to postpone a release just because someone came in an IRC channel and asked about it :> That's either pure bs or bad management12:56
XB23unop: thanks man12:56
harfgjust relying on SPDIF ports here12:56
Myrttiorochi_: you're not getting the joke then12:56
bazhangorochi_: well nothing else seems to work ;]12:56
thefishrhanthony, no worries mate - i learned about that ff config setting as well :)12:56
Deckardi think they're joking man :))12:56
gordslaterCrys_: in fairness, i should point out that 500+ people an hour are joining the chanel, asking is it o*t y*t? and driving us all mad. we appreciate u need commercial documentation :)12:56
Myrttiorochi_: every time you whine, god kills a kitten, so please, think of the kittens12:56
orochi_Myrrti: Maybe because it isn't funny?12:56
orochi_Jokes usually are :>12:57
robertchahinehardy heron isn't released yet12:57
Crys_gordslater: *g*12:57
HairyHardonorochi_: But it is funny dammit!!!12:57
Myrttiorochi_: I'm also not in a humorous mode12:57
danbhfiveorochi_: with your comments, its becoming allot funnier :p12:57
erot1conwhen is ubuntu 8.04 being released?12:57
Crys_gordslater / kbrooks: ok, now I understand why your answer sounds so cranky ;)12:57
Myrttiit always gets postponed with 42 mins when you ask and/or whine12:57
Picierot1con: when its done12:57
bazhangerot1con: sometime today12:57
XB23hmm on the remote machine it creates another directory12:57
kbrooksCrys_, why?12:57
iceswordwhen when when12:57
IntangibleLiquiderot1con thats another 42 minutes12:57
obsethrylMyrtti: let's see, this way one can postpone it to infinity12:57
robertchahinehello there?12:57
iceswordwhy cannot you guys wait for a while12:58
Piciicesword: stop12:58
Crys_kbrooks: <gordslater> Crys_: in fairness, i should point out that 500+ people an hour are joining the chanel, asking is it o*t y*t? and driving us all mad. we appreciate u need commercial documentation :)12:58
harfgok im gona bring in 20 random nick bots and make them ask12:58
sjathefish,  sudo apt-get -f install = no effect, 0 install, update and delete12:58
Piciharfg: okay, have fun with the ban then12:58
iceswordPici, no, don't take me wrong12:58
gordslatereh? i typed that again?12:58
thefishsja, ok thats cool12:58
marx2kI'll let you guys do the early release adoption... I'll wait a week or so :D12:58
harfghow do you know they were bots12:58
robertchahinea lot of people here!12:58
thefishsja, now sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade12:58
sjathefish, oke12:58
XB23rsync -avz -e ssh /root/webroot/test root@helix.surventrix.com:/root/webroot   <- it works but on the remote machine it places the file in  /root/webroot/test/test and not /root/webroot/test any idea why that would be?12:58
thefishsja, you were upgrading to 8.04, or just an update?12:58
erot1conin 42 minutes is it being released you say?12:58
Crys_gordslater: nevermind :]12:58
robertchahinesync -avz -e ssh /root/webroot/test root@helix.surventrix.com:/root/webroot12:59
arjXB23: use a trailing /12:59
kbrooksorochi_, are you on?12:59
G-Ubuntuhi piple!12:59
XB23ahh cool12:59
kbrooksorochi_, do you accept pms?12:59
IntangibleLiquiderot1con: i mean you've added another 42 minutes to the infinite loop12:59
erot1conah word.12:59
erot1conis it being released today, right?12:59
Picierot1con: yes12:59
erot1conor it has been re-schedduled?12:59
bazhangyes erot1con12:59
finer_reclinerwas 8.04 stable release today? the website still says "coming soon" (sorry if this was already asked)12:59
erot1conheh amazing.12:59
bazhangfiner_recliner: yes sometime today12:59
richardHola lobas :D12:59
gordslateri'm goin insane here, need coffee, running Xchat on a windows machine =8-{  here back in 5 mins13:00
k1bazhang u gt ny news abt the release?13:00
Myrttirichard: /join #ubuntu-es13:00
mwallingwhy couldnt you release it on the 19th ( my birthday) again?13:00
primanwhat's the best media player for ubuntu?13:00
Myrttik1: mailing list13:00
terminal_dudeUPRAGE or Freshinstall ?13:00
G-Ubuntuwhen I can download hardy?13:00
k1i was trying to find the iso file13:00
Myrtti!best | priman13:00
bazhangk1 sometime today is all; if you are updated then a bit earlier13:00
Odd-rationale!best | priman13:00
ubotupriman: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.13:00
marx2kI dont get why everyone gets so insanely nuts over a new release.. it's not like theres a crazy amount of stuff that the current release doesn't provide13:00
tuxpriman, VLC13:00
PiciG-Ubuntu: When its done, be patient.13:00
Paavi2_0i heard from the finnish guys that some cd-images are already available, so you can now stop asking, just start searching :)13:00
Picipriman: see ubotu's message above13:00
k1didnt get u bazhang13:00
MyrttiPaavi2_0: yeah, right13:00
danbhfivemarx2k: actually, the new kernel sounds pretty cool13:00
XB23now how do i make rsync connect to ssh auto without it asking for a password in a cron job13:00
Crys_kbrooks: Oh he... this place is insane for sure :]13:00
MyrttiPaavi2_0: please do tell me where they said that so I can go and smack them13:01
john__igoogle question: where can i get the html from the widgets the main google page(required for screenlets)     ???13:01
marx2kdanbhfive: do you have a link to a changelog on it?13:01
mok0Is Ubuntu's bittorrent tracker running? Can anyone reach it?13:01
berzerkamarx2k: it's certainly fun to watch the people freak out about this^^13:01
Paavi2_0Myrtti: have a guess... #ubuntu-fi13:01
sjathefish, big thanks... im goto loading... 1849mb its real size of new packets? my laptop update to 1 gb...13:01
HSNewshow to do 'checksum' on Ubuntu dist. 8.04?13:01
marx2kberzerka: I used to be one of those people,. but after 4 dist upgrades it's a lot less exciting now13:01
G-UbuntuWhen its done? I read only - soon, soon13:01
rhanthonythefish: dont see any DNS going on.13:01
[B00]john__, u cant13:01
berzerkamarx2k: :)13:01
tuxmarx2k, 4? bah lightweight :P13:01
=== spiderz is now known as iclifton
rhanthonythefish: just ssh and TCP, which mainly look like "raid-cc < ssh", not sure what those are.  but the packets aren't plain text, so thats good.13:02
thefishrhanthony, to be sure, start another capture, and then browse to sites you have definately never visited before13:02
marx2kbesides, when it's released, the only way people are going to get it is through torrents.. usually download servers are jammed to the point where it's not worth it13:02
marx2ktux: :D13:02
rhanthonythefish: just did, through images.google.com... ensures new odd places.13:02
thefishrhanthony, that ssh stuff is your socks tunnel13:02
danbhfivemarx2k: unfortunately, no, but it does have the CF Scheduler, thats one.13:02
thefishrhanthony, then it looks like success :)13:02
tux45 mins after it was first mention on Debian news weekly  8 releases ago13:02
john__BOO : i think i can since screenlets give me that option...:copy the html code to convert it....13:02
primandoes the 64-bit version of ubuntu work just as good as 32-bit?13:02
tuxwhich reminds, me DNW is not alive anymore :/13:02
fservepriman, yep13:03
=== GHOST is now known as Light-
bazhangpriman: aye, but few advantages really13:03
thefishsja, hows that looking?13:03
[B00]john__, they written in python and if it gave you that option why have you not got them already?13:03
iceswordbazhang, welcome back13:03
bazhangpriman: getting things like flash to work can be a bit of a hassle13:03
marx2kRight now the only thing I want out of Ubuntu which I don't get is proper overscanning on a 1080i HDTV DVI out on my graphics card13:04
helveteis it just me or is the help.ubuntu page really really slow?13:04
marx2kI have to do some serious magic to get it to overscan even near correctly13:04
robertchahinethe ubuntu+1 channel has banned me for no reason. why?13:04
rhanthonythefish: success.  no DNS, just went to mlb.com which I have NEVER gone to in my life :P13:04
Crys_kbrooks: I'm coming back tomorrow ;) This place is driving me nuts13:04
Naibrhanthony: it wont be for no reason, you did something13:04
bazhangno links robertchahine13:04
[B00]did you aks when it is being released robertchahine13:04
=== Bonez is now known as BonezAU
orochi_Crys_: Might as well, you're only going to be yelled at or banned until they update their front page anyway13:05
rhanthonythefish: looks like it worked out just fine!  now just have to get irc going over the tunnel, and i'm good to go ;)13:05
sjathefish, upgrade say: need download  1839MБ of archives13:05
robertchahineno, i told them that not all mirrors got released13:05
john__BOO : because i have to copy+paste the html code from the specific window to specific screenlets box..13:05
rhanthonyNaib: what do you mean?13:05
thefishsja, owww :)13:05
thefishsja, you are doing a dist-upgrade?13:05
robertchahineso if anybody asked about when it will be released , it will be baned?13:05
Naibrhanthony: sorry bad tab-complete, should of been for robertchahine, he obviously did something in that channel13:05
bazhangrobertchahine: you pasted a link when they expressly asked that that was not okay13:06
john__BOO:its converts it13:06
sjathefish, its good?13:06
Deckardrobertchahine i agree13:06
Fdisk93robertchahine: you posted a link13:06
Naibrobertchahine: if you break channel rules you get punished13:06
robertchahineyeh, i was tolding them13:06
Crys_orochi_: yeah. I think I'm the only guy here who don't want to install 8.04 right away. I just need some pamphlet for our customers13:06
thefishsja, did you change your sources.list?13:06
robertchahineah , i shouldn't post a link?13:06
orochi_robertchahine, They don't want people posting links because they want to make sure the ISO is mirrored to all the sites first, they just won't actually say that out loud for some reason13:06
Picirobertchahine: NO13:06
marx2kI'm not going to do a straight download dist-upgrade. Best way I've found to do it is to torrent the release ISO and then do an aptitude dist-upgrade directly from the ISO13:06
Fdisk93they been banning all who been posting13:06
ubotuThe answer is always that it will release when the release manager says so, which is generally down to how exact order of events works out on the day and is hard for anyone (including the release manager) to put an exact time on in advance.  However, rest assured that it will be out before the clock hits 23:59:59 on Baker and Howland Islands.  Until then, please stop asking.13:06
orochi_Better to ban people first apparently :>13:06
robertchahineaha ok they're right13:06
sjathefish, he changed to update-manager -d :)13:06
thefishsja, if you are upgrading to gutsy, thats probably normal - if you have some time then go for it, but remember that lots of others will be doing the same13:07
thefishsja, aah i see13:07
robertchahinei read the rules but i didn't pay attention about that rule13:07
bazhangno nickrud?13:07
gustavoimagohow do I know that I am using version? (sorry my bad english)13:07
thefishsja, i have not had problems with distribution upgrades like that, but some have, so make sure you have backups ;)13:07
sjathefish,  http://archive.ubuntu.com hardy/main its good ?13:07
G-Ubuntuwhen I can download hardy? When its done?13:07
iceswordbazhang, for what13:07
Deckarduname -a13:07
bazhanglsb_release -a gustavoimago13:07
fservegustavoimago, hmm /exec -o cat /etc/issue.net13:07
KiFkacat /etc/issue13:08
trucMucheG-Ubuntu, be patient :-(13:08
ikoniaG-Ubuntu: if you have to ask and don't know where to look, you should not be using the release candidates13:08
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harfgwilll flumotion work better?13:08
fservewhat is 'lsb_release' ?13:08
arjlinux standards base13:08
bazhangfserve it tells the version13:08
fservecheck that13:08
thefishsja, hardy is quite old13:08
fserveNo LSB modules are available.13:08
trucMuchecat /etc/lsb-release13:08
hanumankatuwaloh man13:09
wigrenjust came from the release party, holy crazyness batman13:09
fserveDISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 8.04"13:09
bazhanggot to go for a bit back soon13:09
sjathe_alamo, i dont understand you :(13:09
sjathefish, i dont understand you :(13:09
sjathe_alamo, sorry13:09
thefishsja, gutsy will be released some time today, so maybe wait a while13:09
thefishsja, otherwise you will download lots, and then have to do it again13:09
neetoWhat is the most supported wireless firmware in linux right now?13:09
sjathefish, 804 is hardy, yes ?13:10
fserveralink ?13:10
lolEeethefish, do you not mean hardy will be released today?13:10
neetoI used to have a prism card, and that was super nifty-nice13:10
the_alamosja, well it was a reasonable comment.13:10
* thefish slaps head13:10
fserveim using a netgear 54g here13:10
fservepretty good13:10
fservedont work on vista x6413:10
=== un2him is now known as un2him_
neetofserve: despite the legality, can you inject packets with it?13:10
thefishsja, i get confused with all the monkeys and birds etc13:10
neetofserve: do you happen to know what chipset it's running?13:11
Paavi2_0neeto: i've got a-link wl54usb, works fine. methinks it's ralink13:11
lolEeeI'm using an atheros on the EeePC and an rtl8187 at home13:11
fserveneeto: no.. but i can check if u wanna know13:11
lolEeeThe Eee needed some compiling but the rtl8187 works out the box13:11
thefishwhy is the name of the animal not in /etc/issue? i can never remember them properly!13:11
neetofserve: well, I think I am gonna try and get a prism card13:11
neetodoes anyone happen to know what the latest version of the prism firmware is called?13:11
fservelspci | grep wireless13:11
neetoprism64 or something?13:11
sjathefish, im need to continue downloading from hardy ?13:12
fserve01:07.0 Network controller: Texas Instruments ACX 111 54Mbps Wireless Interface13:12
skorpi've got a problem with that world pay...cand someone help?13:12
neetoworld pay?13:12
skorpyes, from the ubuntu store13:12
IntangibleLiquidI see the "write-down" thing everyday :(13:12
thefish804 is gutsy no?13:12
ToznoshioCan you imagine how busy this channel is going to get? All the people who have been asking questions in ubuntu+1 will come over here ... crazy13:12
Myrttithefish: no13:12
rsk8.04 is hardy thefish13:12
lolEeeno, 8.04 is hardy13:12
omarhey guys have a question. i gonna buy a wireless pci card, what pci card works out of the boxs on ubuntu13:12
neetois 8.04 official yet?13:12
thefishaah ok13:13
notsniw_i got a amd64 and use i386 for some time now because some software hasnt been available for 64bit (like flash and so on) is the 64bit-version now fully supported?13:13
thefishsja, sorry, i made a mistake hardy is fine13:13
ikoniaguys, please keep an eye on ubuntu.com for release updates or join the release party channel13:13
yoologyomar: RaLink RT2500 works fine13:13
thefishMyrtti, is there a way to tell what the animal is called? my /etc/issue is just the number release13:13
Myrttiikonia: please don't mention any url13:13
orochi_ikonia: I thought you didn't want people refreshing the page ;>13:13
rconanikonia, no... don't keep and eye on ubuntu.com13:13
=== un2him_ is now known as un2him
rconanthat just slows things13:13
Myrttithefish: lsb_release -a13:13
skorpnobody here to help me?13:13
sjathefish, im kernel panic :))))))) okey... im contrinued downloading and installing, yes?13:13
thefishMyrtti, thanks13:14
thefishsja, yes13:14
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omartnhx yoology13:14
sjathefish, big thanks :)13:14
thefishsja, sorry i always confise the names - never remember if its a warthog or a goat or a bird13:14
=== MemorDump is now known as MemoryDump
thefishsja, good luck :)13:14
visik7I dunno why on 32bit flash player eat my cpu more than on 64bit with the nspluginwrapper13:15
visik7it's absurd13:15
skorpWorld Pay gives me this error: The transaction cannot be processed due to the following: the MD5 signature could not be verified when trying to checkout from the Ubuntu Store. Can anybody help me with this?13:16
obsethrylhmm, aint it here? -> http://torrent.ubuntu.com/releases/hardy/release/dvd/13:16
Myrttiit always gets postponed with 42 mins when you ask and/or whine13:16
stdinno it's not13:16
lolEeeobsethryl, it's not official yet13:16
HairyHardonEvery time you ask if it's out yet God kills a puppy!!13:16
=== rraphink is now known as raphink
neetodoes anyone know what the latest version of the prism wireless firmware is called?13:16
sjathefish, good luck too :)13:17
obsethrylHairyHardon: good, i want all puppies to be gone!13:17
KiFkaraphink, :D hey13:17
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neetohairy hardon lolol13:17
obsethryllolEee: hmm it would fit though that this is the gold final imvho13:17
neetonicely done sir.13:17
mb--hey, is some one using kickstart?13:17
harfgwell guys ... can you please better test premium sound hardware, after all if you want to converet muso's allot of them have exactly that and eventually they will disire streaming wether that involves 1024 users or just a stream to there kiss player and they are hardly going to use a realtek 850 which Im sure some one has tested to death13:17
MyrttiHairyHardon: please change your nick13:17
neetoMyrtti: you ruin all the fun, that's clever13:18
* stimpie starts 'update-manager -c' in a loop13:18
hanumankatuwalwell in my loco room, ubotu disconnected and reconnected again, hummm13:18
Myrttistimpie: *sigh*13:18
ale1hey all, can anyone help me with a USB automount problem ????13:18
petermhi i'm a bit confused: ubuntu.com states 8.04 is already released (http://www.ubuntu.com/news/ubuntu-8.04-lts-desktop) but the download link only points to 7.10. Is 8.04 already released?13:18
petermwhats the exact problem alel?13:18
neetoso I'm taking it that no one knows what the newest version of the prism wifi firmware is being called?13:19
IntangibleLiquidthe date of that link is 2113:19
Naibpeterm: then news is abt announcing the upcoming release NOT that it had been released, please learn to read13:19
ale1im trying to make a USB hard disk mount to the same point on boot. ive been looking into udev rules but am now confused :-(13:19
laegpeterm: only 8.04 rc is released13:19
neetomaybe I'll just get an atheros card13:19
Seveaspeterm, the release process takes a long time. Things become gradually visible. it is however not released until ptoperly announced. They can still pull it back13:19
hanumankatuwalCome on...........13:19
petermNaib & IntangibelLiquid, ah ok thanks so it's not released now :-)13:19
abdelrahmanhi, I hve a question, to switch from windows to ubuntu, to do so, I have to have a virtual machine with windows on linux. I don't want it to be slow, my hardware configuration is Pentum M 1.4 GHZ and 768 of RAM! is it going to be slow, I am a heavy user of visual studio.. i need it for a couple of projects and assignments13:20
ale1I downloaded the RC today and am running it now . . .13:20
orochi_Yes, apparently even asking about it is enough for it to be pulled back if you believe the channel op's ;>13:20
ikoniaadamorjames_: you could look at wine compatability layer ?13:20
frozty_sa|pcIT'S RELEASED (incase someone hasn't seen)13:20
ikonia!wine | adamorjames_13:20
Naibfrozty_sa|pc: ...13:20
DJonespeterm: the release notes you linked says that "Canonical announces the Upcoming release", that announcement was on a day or so ago in advance of the official release later today13:20
ubotuadamorjames_: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.13:20
Deckardyou sure ?13:20
Seveas<slangasek> ladies and gentlemen, I have an announcement to make13:21
Seveas<slangasek> I'm now going to bed13:21
Seveas<slangasek> because Ubuntu 8.04 LTS has been released :-)13:21
SeveasIT IS OUT!13:21
gustavoimagolook.. //releases.ubuntu.com/releases/8.04/ ... not rc.. the date is modify 24-Apr-2008 08:2313:22
zashit is?13:22
KcajI have a crash to report13:22
KcajI really need it fixed though13:22
abdelrahmanis my computer going to be slow?13:22
micha__where? It still doesnt say so on the frontpage13:22
ale1it still says "coming soon"13:22
virdiqhaha... I loved the temp +m :)13:22
micha__abdelrahman: I would say your comp is slow to start with ;-)13:22
Naib... the install CD says i386 but it doesn't work on a i586...13:22
marx2kabdelrahman: if you have 768 megs of RAM total and plan on running linux and a VM with Windows in it running Visual Studio? Yeah it will be slow13:23
abdelrahmanmicha__: that's why I want to switch to linux?13:23
ikoniaNaib: yes it does13:23
=== Seveas changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Hardy is released!
micha__abdelrahman: and run an VM inside with VS? Why should this be *any* faster than just windows?13:23
iceswordcalm down, people. yes, it will be out soon, but the speed will be a bit slow... you see, so many people asking when when when13:23
ale1can anyone help with usb auto mount13:23
micha__abdelrahman: I could help you if you would abandon windows13:23
icesworda little bit13:23
kbrooksicesword, It's out in fact.13:23
abdelrahmanmicha__: at least I hope my computer won't crash13:23
IntangibleLiquidSeveas: plz include the torrent link :)13:23
=== Seveas changed the topic of #ubuntu to: It's out, please use the torrents | https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2008-April/000111.html | http://releases.ubuntu.com/hardy/ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent
Light-OMG ITS OUT13:23
harfgIs worth reinstalling 8.x?13:24
harfgit is*13:24
abdelrahmanmicha__: i have to have visual studio.. I can't run that directly on linux, can it13:24
Deckardi cannot believe it !!13:24
negge^harfg: why would you do that when you can upgrade?13:24
marx2kharfg: upgrade13:24
tarzeauwhere? where?13:24
Binary-Gno torrent yet... only direct download.13:24
tarzeauCAN I HAVE IT PLS?13:24
KcajCrash Report13:24
r0btorrents are the best bet13:24
KcajSorry, Samba closed unexpectedly13:24
vijayye i gues it is out ..... i started download :)13:24
harfgyea i would13:24
gord_slaterabdelrahman: however just running ubuntu with that memory is fine, no problems. its the virtual machine and the V-S that will make it slow to a crawl13:24
KcajHow to fix?!13:24
marx2kabdelrahman: if you need Visual Studio. stick with Windows13:24
orochi_Except for that the torrent actually would _BENEFIT FROM HAVING MORE PEOPLE DOWNLOAD_ :P Of course logic can now resume being applied to reality now that the actual post has been made13:24
iceswordkbrooks, who will have the hornour to annouce13:24
AkariTorrent is here: http://releases.ubuntu.com/hardy/13:24
harfgbut i got 30gb transfer limit13:24
__max_im not allowed to torrent through our corp firewalls so il have to use iso :(13:24
negge^I still get "no new release found" when I do do-release-upgrade13:24
KcajIt says my system is up to date13:24
kbrooksicesword, It is out already.13:25
rackubuntu hardy is released!13:25
abdelrahmanmarx2k: I need it for my assignments, I forced to use it13:25
dns53from the release party channel http://releases.ubuntu.com/hardy/ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent13:25
KcajThe package nformation was last updated less than an hour ago13:25
Darkchefhey, is the new release out today ?? the site says coming soon ??13:25
jribeveryone discussing 8.04 here is making it harder for people with real issues to get support.  Please use #ubuntu-release-party13:25
KcajHow do I upgrade?13:25
thoreauputicFolks, use the torrent13:25
MimiDarkchef, it's out :D13:25
marx2kabdelrahman: then I suggest not switching until you can get out from under Visual Studio... or... dual boot for the time being13:25
thoreauputicURL in /topic13:25
iceswordi know, it is out even yerstday13:25
raphinkhi KiFka13:25
MimiRead the topic Grr! :)13:25
KcajI have a real problem!13:25
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Akari@jrib 7.10 now is #ubuntu-113:25
KcajSamba will not start, I have the crash report13:25
rwycuffKcaj: use the iso to upgrade13:25
KcajI really need it to work13:25
ikoniaAkari:  no it isn't13:25
rakanhardy is out13:25
FalcYES :D!13:25
rwycuffKcaj:what error do you get with samba13:26
KcajIt just wont start then gives me a crash report with a ton of stuff in it13:26
tarzeauwait wait. wait. i want to download it before you!13:26
IntangibleLiquidthe torrent is starting to download !13:26
ale1can I just update from the RC???13:26
* harfg sends his cousin to leech13:26
Seveasale1, yes13:26
KcajWant to hear the contents of the crash report?13:26
gord_slaterabdelrahman: definitely dual-boot, google for "wubi" for an easy way to dual-boot if you are not familiar and need to keep windows as-is13:26
MimiIs i386 the one I want if I have intel duo core? :P13:27
gustavoimagomy torrent 40% and up :)13:27
tarzeauMimi: yes13:27
simion314abdelrahman:  i belive that it will be hard for you ro run Visual Studio in VM,im dual boot windows and ubuntu just for Visual stuido, at least until monodevelop will have a debuger ready13:27
rwycuffKcaj:post it in past bin then post that13:27
omaryou can also download it here http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/13:27
KcajOK hold on13:27
MimiYay thanks tarzeau13:27
tarzeauare there faster mirrors?13:27
* harfg hopes its polished not scuffed13:27
erilliamMimi, what sort of dual core do you have?13:27
KcajIt wont let me13:27
IntangibleLiquidLOL the number of peers increase crazily fast13:27
mb--can some one help me with kickstart? the installer is always ignoring the url part in my kickstart file!? :F13:27
KcajI cant seect the text13:27
tarzeaui can provide a gbit mirror too13:27
AkariYAY it's here!! ^^13:27
abdelrahmangord_slater: I have ubuntu installed in dual boot, I just don't like going back and forth between the OSs13:27
Akari@abdelrahman: Easy, just erase Windows :-)13:27
ale1Can anyone suggest a channel to talk technical??13:28
abdelrahmangord_slater: I keep losing track of my files13:28
asdfetarzeau: use torrents13:28
marx2kabdelrahman: unfortunately, you dont have much choice as it sounds like your assignments require software tied to a vendor13:28
gord_slaterabdelrahman: ah ok13:28
tarzeauasdfe: not allowed to @werk13:28
micha__abdelrahman: Well, its just with your machine and VS, this is going to be slow13:28
Mimierilliam, mmm.. it's  intel centrino duo13:28
nickthorleyhi all - is the link at the top now live - i noticed that the site hasnt yet updated with the new release?13:28
gord_slaterabdelrahman:yes i agree, ask if your assignment can work on non-M$ systems13:28
Mimierilliam, mmm.. it's  intel centrino duo -- dual core 213:28
C|-|R15any ideas when 8.04 is going to be release?13:28
complexxirwie ist bei mir unten links nichts mit lolcales. oder besser gesagt bei mir ist dort gar nichts^^13:28
gord_slaterabdelrahman:just keep naggin them :]13:28
PiciC|-|R15: its out13:28
Usahy i have a problem have just install ubuntu and my sound card is Genius 5,1 and i don't hear anything what should i do????????????????????????13:28
tarzeauC|-|R15: it's out13:28
Akari8.04 is out13:28
Pici!de | complexx13:28
tuxhas someone made a digg article yet?13:28
r0bnickthorley: its released but ignore the coming soon part13:28
IntangibleLiquidmy torrent is slow :( 33kbps13:28
FalcIt just came out. Really.13:29
tuxpost the http://releases.ubuntu.com/hardy/ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent link13:29
ubotucomplexx: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de13:29
weltalldoes anyone know if the kernel has still the restricted modules dependency?13:29
tarzeauIntangibleLiquid: that's also what i get by HTTP13:29
rakanit is out!13:29
harfgwhen I tryed comptia cds under nix before it failed13:29
Kcaj http://releases.ubuntu.com/hardy/ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent <--- is that it?13:29
abdelrahmangord_slater: can anybody suggest the min hardware configuration with which I can do the VM thing..13:29
r0byippie hooray13:29
orochi_It didn't so much just come out as someone evidently overcame their denial and decided to post about it ;>13:29
complexxubotu: ja ich bin in ubuntu und kubunte channels drin13:29
mayakuza_do ennyone know what type of games i can play in ubuntu?13:29
AkariYeah so great. It's here and I cannot find a CD-R!!13:29
abdelrahmangord_slater: I might b able to buy a laptop soon13:29
complexxPici: ???13:29
Pici!games > mayakuza_ (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)13:29
tarzeaumayakuza_: sauerbraten ?13:29
C|-|R15website just listing RC version13:29
ikoniaAkari: stop discussing it13:29
Picicomplexx: /j #ubuntu-de13:29
KcajCan't I mount and run it from within Ubuntu?13:29
fserveabdelrahman, Pentium 233mmx 16mb ram13:29
gord_slaterabdelrahman: if its a help, link "My Documents" in windows to you /home or desktop in linux13:29
nickthorleycan anyone who has installed hardy comment if encrypting a filesystem is an option - do you need the alternative cd?13:29
znaganyone ever had the installer crashing while formating the hard drive before installing? It freezes at 33% every time :(13:29
KcajDo I really need a damn CDR?13:29
Akarihttp://releases.ubuntu.com/hardy/  <--- release13:30
tarzeauKcaj: no you can install from windows with wubi13:30
marx2kKcaj: mount what13:30
complexxohh lol sry@all wrong channel :>13:30
gord_slaterabdelrahman: well, i gave up windoze years ago, and have never use Vis-Stud13:30
KcajI am already in Ubuntu13:30
bazhangKcaj: unetbootin might be what you need13:30
KcajIs ther no "Daemon Tools" for Linux?13:30
abdelrahmananybody ?13:30
tuxdigg this people http://digg.com/linux_unix/Ubuntu_Hardy_Heron_Torrent_DIRECT_LINK13:30
PiciKcaj: So you just want to upgrade?13:30
bazhangtux not a good ides13:30
Jarulftux, will do13:30
KcajI am using 8.0413:30
abdelrahmancan anybody suggest the min hardware configuration with which I can do the VM thing..13:30
KcajFrom yesterday13:30
PiciKcaj: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading13:30
marx2kKcaj: you dont need daemon tools for linux. you can mount ISOs as another device13:30
tuxits a torrent link, better than a direct iso13:30
Pici!final > Kcaj (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)13:30
kunwon1Kcaj, you can mount an ISO and use it just as you would any other type of drive13:31
PiciKcaj: See the pm rather than the link13:31
* Falc wants the AMD53.13:31
IntangibleLiquidthe Homepage is still Coming Soon :P13:31
gord_slaterabdelrahman: anyone? recap- needs to virtualise M$win and M$ Visual Studio, hardware recommends?13:31
ikoniaFalc: stop discussing it13:31
Amaranthhttp://digg.com/linux_unix/Ubuntu_Hardy_Heron_Torrent_DIRECT_LINK <--digg it please13:31
=== TB is now known as TB`
erot1conUbuntu 8.04 just has been released.13:31
Falcikonia: Oh?13:31
erot1conI have received the Ubuntu e-mail :->13:31
ToznoshioQ: where are conversations in this channel archived / logged for future reference?13:31
KcajSo te one I installed yesterday13:31
Kcajthe RC13:31
TB`Naib - is it released yet?13:31
StroganoffAmaranth, add this: http://releases.ubuntu.com/hardy/ubuntu-8.04-alternate-i386.iso.torrent13:31
AkariOld news :-)13:31
Kcajis the one you gys are just now going nuts over?13:31
Kcaj:( lol13:31
KcajWell I'd imagine then13:31
Danny_Gdamn, no DVD images..13:32
marx2kI can run VMWare with a full XP install with Visual Studio 2k5 on a 2ghz mahcine with 1gb of RAM decently13:32
KcajA lot of you are going to have the same problem I do with Samba GUI not working and the server not wanting to start13:32
FalcDamn, sorry man. I was just doing what others where... 0_o13:32
ToznoshioDanny_G: http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/file?info_hash=l/%27%7E%AD%CFTR%1AO%3C%11%97%04%DB%E6%F3%BCh%B213:32
ikoniaKcaj: works fine13:32
marx2kSamba GUI?13:32
gord_slaterwow my iso timeout at 99% lol13:32
laegupdate in update manager people!13:32
TB`Hey when is 8.10 scheduled for release?13:32
bazhangno more #ubuntu+1 yay!13:32
karboAnyone having issues with 8.04 resetting screen configurations? I have tried editing xorg.conf and using the ATI config tool to enable dual screen display, and it works untill i log in, then it resets to cloned display...13:32
ikoniaTB`: get real13:32
a-v8.04 in update manager13:32
laeg8.04 has been released13:32
KcajI disagee, mine crashes13:32
TB`ikonia I am very real13:32
PiciTB`: 2008.10 = october 200813:32
ikoniaTB`: 8.10 - 10th of 0813:32
Kcajand I get a crash report13:32
Kcajthat I send every time13:32
ikoniaTB`: 8.04 is just released and then your asking about 8.1013:32
KcajI tied forced uninstall and reinstall... to no avail13:32
TB`Valid question13:33
ToznoshioQ: where are conversations in this channel archived / logged for future reference?13:33
Danny_GToznoshio: many thanks!!13:33
KcajAll over13:33
TB`I think they're gonna charge $10 for 8.1013:33
SpencerUki downloaded the torrent just now and it was the release candidate13:33
SpencerUkwhat gives13:33
jrib!logs > Toznoshio (read the private message from ubotu)13:33
bazhang!logs | Toznoshio13:33
abdelrahmanmarx2k: I've another question, I use C++ to connect to my camera to capture images, will I be able to do that over vmware?13:33
ubotuToznoshio: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/13:33
ubot5Toznoshio: Channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - Logs for LoCo channels are at http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/ - See also « /msg ubotu ircstats »13:33
TB`Anyone got download links for the beta?13:33
skor1is hardy released?13:33
marx2kabdelrahman: what do you mean you use C++ to connect to your camera?13:33
bazhangskor1: nay13:33
ikoniaTB`: beta for what ?13:33
SpencerUklink to official release please13:33
TB`8.10 ikonia13:34
ikoniaTB`: there isn't one13:34
bazhangSpencerUk: not there yet13:34
ikoniawhat do you think13:34
Kcajanyone who maybe can help me with the samba thing on the latest ubuntu, go to offtopic? ;D13:34
gomoran2.6.25 kernel? As the backlight of my tablet is supportet in 2.6.25 and not in 2.6.24, I build an 2.6.25 but • boot-splash is not working and13:34
gomoran 13:34
abdelrahmanmarx2k: one of my projects, uses a Video For Windows c++ library to capture images from connected camera13:34
=== suckboy is now known as lalalala
bazhanggomoran: that is not supproted13:34
erot1confrom the download page 8.04 is not being shown.13:34
PiciSpencerUk: /topic13:34
SpencerUkevery time i seem to download the torrent its the beta ..what gives13:34
gomoran• and network interfaces are dead after resume-to-ram.13:34
marx2kabdelrahman: how is the camera itself connected? USB?13:34
lalalalahas the final version out???13:35
bazhangSpencerUk: read the /topic13:35
abdelrahmanmarx2k: yea yea, webcam13:35
bazhanglalalala: nay13:35
jriberot1con: it takes time for the website to be updated.  Use the link in the topic13:35
AkariIt's always possible to compile your own custom kernel13:35
C|-|R15has xubuntu hardy be released for download?13:35
sgbirchI received the Umail announcing the release13:35
Picibazhang: it is13:35
lalalala8.04 out??13:35
bazhangPici: oops sorry13:35
Picilalalala: yes13:35
marx2kabdelrahman: VMWare has USB port recognition so it will show up in VMWare13:35
spaghetti_forums dont work for me?13:35
bazhanglalalala: my mistake sorry13:35
TB`What time was 8.04 release?13:35
SpencerUk\topic to you too13:35
ikoniaTB`: today13:35
PiciTB`: Like 10 minutes ago13:35
constrictorTB` it's out13:35
maekits out13:35
TB`Oh thanks13:35
ThomasYIs the new ubuntu out yet?13:35
lalalalano x64 version??/13:35
Amaranthhttp://digg.com/linux_unix/Ubuntu_Hardy_Heron_Torrent_DIRECT_LINK <--please digg13:35
nickthorleysorry all to repeat my question but think it got missed as the conversations are flowing very quickly - can anyone comment on the new release having the option to encrypt filesystems on install?13:36
bazhangThomasY: yes13:36
Amaranthlalalala: it's called amd6413:36
abdelrahmanmarx2k: ok... thanks a million13:36
Picilalalala: See the release page13:36
marx2kabdelrahman: no problem.13:36
Amaranthlalalala: replace i386 with amd64 in the link13:36
Picilalalala: We can't put every link in the topic13:36
virdiqAmaranth: are you trying to murder the tracker? :p13:36
soreauAmaranth: Can I have the link to the torrent?13:36
Amaranthvirdiq: maybe13:36
orochi_Amaranth: You're asking people to Digg a link that you would have banned them for posting 10 minutes ago :>13:36
Amaranthsoreau: which one?13:36
orochi_Not exactly good PR13:36
Amaranthorochi_: the release is out now13:36
Akarihttp://releases.ubuntu.com/hardy/  get what you need ^^13:36
maekwhen will hardy be available as a distro upgrade ??13:36
orochi_Amaranth: Ahh, I assume the 42 minute delay period is over then? ;P13:36
Joeb454maek: it should be pretty soon if not already13:37
Amaranthmaek: the servers are pretty slammed but it should be soon13:37
bazhangmaek from gutsy? already is13:37
soreauAmaranth: I want the official link to the official release13:37
skor1can an operator help me please?:)13:37
Piciskor1: /topic13:37
jribskor1: ask a question13:37
Piciskor1: whats up?13:37
dna_only the torrents are available atm? no http or ftp? :(13:37
skor1I've got a problem with WorldPay when checking out from the Ubuntu Store13:37
AkariThere are iso's as well13:37
Amaranthsoreau: you want the mailing list URL in the topic then13:37
r0bdna_: http and ftp are released also13:37
orochi_I don't see why any of the people who came in here curious about the release only to get kicked out would now want to do Ubuntu's advertising for them...but in either case, enjoy the release that is now "officially" out :>13:37
Joeb454dna_: http://releases.ubuntu.com/hardy/13:37
Joeb454the servers are getting hammered right now, so I'd suggest torrents if you can13:38
r0bjust ignore the coming soon part and continue to download page you'll see13:38
jribskor1: this isn't really the right channel for that.  Is there a "support" link on the page you could use?13:38
dna_thnks brothers and sisters13:38
bazhangseed your torrents!13:38
gord_slaterskor1: note to all Worldpay is payment method akin to paypal etc13:38
erot1conis that the latest release or a RELEASE CANDIDATE?13:38
r0buse the torrents13:38
jriberot1con: release13:38
Seveaserot1con, the releae13:38
erot1conyeah word13:38
bazhangerot1con: final13:38
erot1conwhat about the server version, is there a torrent for it?13:38
gustavoimagokill bill13:38
orochi_bazhang, I was seeding the torrent until I saw how the ops in here were handling things :> Closed the window soon after that13:38
skor1jrib it may not be the right channel but this is what worldpay sais: Please send the following information to the merchant...13:39
Deamosdamn...that torrent is moving hella fast13:39
whileimhereAmarath is that the final i386 release for this?13:39
IntangibleLiquidjust hope this release runs well on my laptop13:39
Deamosim already 50%13:39
bullgard4Where can I download all Hardy GNOME source code files in a single process?13:39
AkariCan anyone confirm the md5 of ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso? I got 8895167a794c5d8dedcc312fc62f1f1f13:39
plikWorldpay is much more professional that Paypal13:39
case_Akari, i confirm.13:39
virdiqtorrents seem to be pretty low on bandwidth according to tracker stats... 4gbps?13:39
compwiz18Akari: it should be on cdimage.ubuntu.com13:39
IntangibleLiquidDeamos: 3.8% :(13:39
AkariThanks alot!13:39
MimiEveryone who wants to know how to get Hardy, please type and press enter:     /topic13:39
jribskor1: understand that this channel is just ubuntu users, we aren't associated with the canonical merchandise store, so we can't help you13:39
gord_slaterskor1: as a guess, u could email the "following information" to the merchant/store, assuming you get a confirmation code or something?13:40
fservedistro[Ubuntu 8.04]13:40
erot1conhttp://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/ those are RC or release?13:40
neetoIs there a table of PCI wifi cards and what firmware they use somewhere?13:40
Mimi... read the topic13:40
skor1ah, ok jrib, thanks for sorting this out, sorry for disturbing:)....and YEEEEY for 8.04:D13:40
julio_netoHell everyone!13:40
gord_slaterskor1: maybe javascript or popupblocker stoipped something happening13:40
AkariHere's the official releases: http://releases.ubuntu.com/hardy/13:40
grindholdi have a problem with upgrading from gutsy to hardy.. may someone help me13:40
gord_slaterskor1: pure guess^13:40
skor1gord_slater it says the MD5 signature could not be verified13:40
jribskor1: try using https://shop.canonical.com/contact_us.php13:40
Joeb454grindhold: whats up13:41
Mimi!ask | grindhold13:41
ubotugrindhold: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)13:41
skor1ok, thanks jrib13:41
gord_slaterskor1: aha13:41
neetoIs there a table of PCI wifi cards and what firmware they use somewhere?13:41
lillemanCreate mask in samba refuses to work. 7.10 server I've tried most things. Group  just wont gain write permissions by default >_< 0775 should fix this, ye?13:41
gord_slaterskor1: err, lemme think/look13:41
erot1conThanks yo.13:41
TB`Is there a Mandrake channel?13:41
_Thoth_where can i found dvd iso?13:41
Akarireleases are here: http://releases.ubuntu.com/hardy/13:41
MimiIs it possible to use more than one tracker to speed things up with the torrent?13:42
grindholdmy GUI updatemanager does not show me the upgrade button.. i tried changing servers in sources.list, checked for updates over 10 times but nothing changes13:42
dtamaschecking for mcs... no - what can i do?13:42
gord_slaterskor1: before we go further tell me roughly what u tried to buy?13:42
bazhanggrindhold: may take a bit13:42
gord_slaterwas it a CD or something?13:42
shoot^guys, i work in an office that currently has a Debian server with a Samba domain controller sorting roaming profiles across XP and Vista machines. How easy would it be to tie Ubuntu machines as clients into this setup?13:42
chillitomif I go for AMD64 is there anythign I might have trouble with?13:42
Paavi2_0Mimi: won't help13:42
C|-|R15anyone have torrent link for xubuntu 8.04?13:42
Danny_Gwow... bittorrent downloads are very fast now13:42
PiciC|-|R15: /topic13:42
MimiThanks Paavi2_013:42
neetoMimi: google the MD5 sum of the file and you might get another tracker that you can add13:42
gord_slaterskor1: i never used stroe u see13:42
Danny_Ghttp://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/ <--- full releases13:42
MimiOh neat13:42
PiciC|-|R15: er... sorry, I misread, try asking in #xubuntu13:42
soreauAmaranth: The torrent isn't downloading at _all_13:42
Mimi... soreau  there's SO many ppl downlolading right now, what do you expect?! it's JUST released!13:43
bazhangsoreau: fine here, just wait a bit13:43
mayakuza_is it posible tu uppgrade 7.10 to the new version?13:43
erot1conwhere is the ubuntu end of life versions page?13:43
neetoI am downloading every episode of MST3K on torrent, 135GB. I feel like I am participating in something epic.13:43
bazhangmayakuza_: yes13:43
Pici!eol | erot1con13:43
ubotuerot1con: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Website/LifeCycle13:43
jrib!upgrade > mayakuza_ (read the private message from ubotu)13:43
C|-|R15thanks danny G13:43
maekhas anyone done a distro upgrade ?? does it break anything ??13:43
compwiz18mayakuza_: yep13:43
gord_slaterskor1:   i font a contact us link, on page https://shop.canonical.com/index.php?cPath=1613:43
Mimimaek,  it depends on your system :)13:43
Danny_GC|-|R15: you'r welcome13:43
TB`Is v8.10 in alpha stage yet?13:43
gord_slaterits just above the worldpay/visa logos13:43
compwiz18maek: I did upgrade to the RC and it works fine13:43
bazhangmaek: it goes well13:43
lillemanAnyone able to help me with umask problem in samba?13:43
PiciTB`: no13:43
mayakuza_oky ty13:43
ubotuNOTICE - There is a lot of traffic in this channel at the moment. Please try to keep your sentences into a single message, avoid repeating the same question multiple times, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting, remember to mention the nickname of the person you're addressing, and join #ubuntu-offtopic for anything that is not Ubuntu support. Thank you for understanding!13:43
adamorjames_compwiz18, hola13:44
ale1can anyone help with a usb device mount issue??13:44
jribmaek: not usually.  It's definitely not intended that it breaks things.  If you are using official repositories, then you should be okay.  Back up your important data of course13:44
AkariOk so now pelase teach me how to convince my ISP to offer 8.04 for their servers13:44
gord_slaterskor1: its just above the worldpay/visa logos13:44
neetoWhen is the official release date of 8.04?13:44
arvind_khadrineeto, today13:44
compwiz18neeto: 15 minutes ago13:44
maekokay thanks for your response .... I will do one now I reckon13:44
Picineeto: 20 minutes ago13:44
bazhangneeto: you are living it13:44
adamorjames_neeto, today13:44
gord_slaterneeto: now/its out13:44
neetowow nifty.13:44
soreauOh, it's downloading now, be it slow13:44
Akari@ale1: USB sticks are mounted as scsi drives13:44
prateekThere seems to be no kubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.jigdo. Thanks to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/JigdoDownloadHowto and other places I had downloaded RC iso and was planning to update it to the final one with jigdo.13:44
neetoAnd upgrade from 7.10 is completely seamless?13:44
whileimhereI feel stupid but I have to ask. How is it that Amaranth got the torrent before the Ubuntu.com site has it up?13:44
C|-|R15only 8.4kb dwnld on torrent....that similar across the board for everyone else?13:45
compwiz18whileimhere: the site hasn't been updated yet13:45
ale1Akari: I want to mount a usb device to the same mount point at boot . . . any ideas???13:45
grindholdhellyeah it works!13:45
IntangibleLiquidwhileimhere: read the topic13:45
bazhangneeto: depends on what repos you are using; lots of third party stuff in there?13:45
nanopinowhileimhere: maybe he's the inside man13:45
whileimherecompwiz18 yeah so how did Amaranth get it?13:45
skor1yes gord_slater, thank you very much, didn't notice the link13:45
whileimhereThat could be sure13:45
bazhangwhileimhere: the special connections13:45
ScarEyeumm.. guys,  Is this site behing hammered ???  http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu-kde4/releases/8.04/rc13:45
skor1have a nice day people :)13:45
compwiz18whileimhere: I'm guessing he went to release.ubuntu.com/hardy and clicked on the linhk13:45
soreauAmaranth: I'm not going to make a digg account just for that.. why do you want it to get dug anyway?13:45
Akariwhileimhere: we have monitored releases.ubuntu.com closely and started downloading when it was updated13:45
skor1good bye13:45
=== WhereIsNewBuntu is now known as Kokos
maekOMG I checked the update manager half an hour ago and Hardy wasn't there now it is !!!!13:45
neetobazhang: there's lots of third party stuff on my computer, but there aren't really that many 3rd party repos in my sources.list if that's what you mean13:45
orochi_whileimhere, The link was already there for some time, the ops just wouldn't announce it until about that long ago13:46
gord_slaterskor1:no probs good luck, not that the "md5" thing is technical stuff, if u dont know what it is, paste any info u have in error message for them13:46
whileimhereAkari Thanks that was what I was wondering.13:46
plikScarEye: I doubt it, there doesn't seem to be much interest al all today  ;p13:46
sgbirchC|-|R15, I am seeing 50 KB/s on the torrent13:46
bazhangneeto: yeah the repos; you should be okay but some 3rd party stuff may not work as before13:46
neetobazhang: like what?13:46
tarzeaui'm curious what popcon.ubuntu.com will look like in a week13:46
whileimhereMy torrent is at 80KiBs and I will leave it open for a few days.13:47
orochi_whileimhere: Of course now that it's "officially" released they'll ask you to Digg the link rather than ban you for posting it ;P13:47
AkariI'll give 200k/sec for at least a week13:47
bazhangneeto: depends on what you have; I may not have the same stuff you know?13:47
bitraiserAHHHH!! GOTTA LOVE THAT SPEED :)          http://img297.imageshack.us/my.php?image=superspeedbitraiserpu3.png13:47
tuxwhy are they calling it Ubuntu Education Edition 8.04 (Hardy Heron)13:47
tuxis that a name change from now on ?13:47
tarzeauonce i have it, you can get it with gbit: http://krum.ethz.ch/iso/13:47
bazhangtux edubuntu is now an addon13:47
neetobazhang: I'ma just take a leap of faith and fix whatever gets gnarled in the final outcome13:47
marx2ktux: There's been an edu edition for a bit13:47
tuxaha ok thanks13:48
bazhangneeto be sure to back up first ;]13:48
whileimhereIm jsut a small DSL line in the pnd but well we shall help as we can13:48
neetobazhang: is there an xubuntu release for 8.04 already/13:48
mayakuza_where can i find the new version?13:48
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots13:48
bazhangneeto: must be13:48
jribmayakuza_: read the /topic13:48
arvind_kbazhang, hey whats the complete set of restricted formats known as13:48
ale1can anyone help with mounting a usb disk to the same mount point on boot???13:48
DeckardI GOT IT !!13:48
cvasilakUbuntu 8.04 -- You'll never go back! yea baby yea! :)13:48
neetobazhang: somehow I am nervous13:48
erot1conthat Life Cycle URL works like shit.13:48
bazhangneeto dont be13:49
ThomasYale1, add it to fstab?13:49
Picierot1con: Watch the language please.13:49
bazhangarvind_k: PM?13:49
erot1conPici: ok13:49
erot1conis there any other Life Cycle URL?13:49
* Akari purrs, burning a second CD13:49
neetobazhang: will it just slide the new kernel in without messing up my install whatsoever?13:49
shane2peruahh, the server edition still is not able to install gnome desktop13:49
ale1ThomasY: tried that but if it dosent work. are usb devices scanned before running fstab???13:49
jriberot1con: what are you asking about exactly?13:49
Picierot1con: Not really... the wiki is just under high load from the release, be patient13:50
arvind_kneeto, use update-manager -d for that13:50
AkariIf you need a desktop, please download the "desktop" iso :)13:50
neetobazhang: like, I have everything very carefully setup, the way everything looks, the way everything feels, it's nifty-nice... I don't want that to get screwed up13:50
bazhangneeto: it should do that; best to always back up important data as a rule though13:50
ThomasYale1 yes. define 'doesnt work'...have an error message?13:50
seylI can't really open the forums very-well, is it because of high server load ?13:50
julio_netoWhat the hell is happening with Ubuntu website?!!!!13:50
bazhangneeto then stick with gutsy for a while; it is very nice13:50
``CubeITS OUUUUUT!13:50
FloodBot1``Cube: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:50
TB```Cube - nope13:50
ale1ThomasY: no, sorry for poor information. will run it now.13:50
shane2peruAkari, actually use the torrents they are super fast!13:50
neetobazhang: what's the best way to upgrade? update-manager -d as you said?13:50
lunchbox330hardy broke compiz's 3d windows.13:50
whileimhereYou know I have no real hope but on the laptop I use Ubuntu on it works perfectly with one exception the SD card reader that is built into it. Is there any chance that it will ever work with Ubuntu?13:50
lalalaladownload too slow!!!!13:50
neetolunchbox330: damn thanks for saying something13:51
Akarishane2peru: I know I'm seeding with max server speed :-)13:51
gustavoimagotorrent slowwwwww, ai ai my heart13:51
shane2perulalala use torrents13:51
Danny_Ghttp://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/ <--- full releases, Hurdy CDs and *DVDs*13:51
maeklalalala, use torrents13:51
ThomasYwhileimhere: its not an ubuntu issue..its a linux issue...and maybe, maybe not13:51
Deckardshane2peru i agree ultra fast !!!13:51
shane2perulalalala, use torrents13:51
ale1ThomasY: However i did have a thought that if i had another USB device in at boot, how can i guaruntee that the one i want is SDB for example?13:51
orochi_lunchbox330, Well they never worked properly for me in the last release so maybe that's a good sign ;>13:51
bazhangneeto: your update manager should inform you of a new version13:51
shane2peruTORRENTS ARE GREAT!13:51
dna_usb ports never worked with ubuntu on my laptop :| even on the beta13:51
SakeWhere can I get the ubuntu torrents?13:51
Akarilalalala, use torrents :-)13:51
whileimhereMy ETA is 2 hours and I can work on the lawn while it does its thing.13:51
ThomasYale1, you can use udev for that13:51
knightWsecongrats on the new release everyone !13:51
lalalaladownload too slow!!!!13:51
lunchbox330compiz does work (cube etc) but if you custom built the 3d windows plugin it's broke now.13:51
Arcad3it was launched ?13:51
jribSake: read the /topic13:51
=== Pici changed the topic of #ubuntu to: It's out, please use the torrents | https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2008-April/000111.html | http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download | http://releases.ubuntu.com/hardy/ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent
``Cubecube, that's my name!13:51
PyChildHI, hello, where torrents?13:51
Light-the torrent has insane speed13:52
whileimhereThomasY Your right its a linux issue. Just have hopes!13:52
knightWse1.29 hours and counting13:52
Light-PyChild: topic13:52
Deckardi just got my release in 12 minutes guys isn't that awesome ???13:52
bazhangDeckard: nice13:52
knightWsewhow :) impressive13:52
ale1ThomasY: Ahh now this i have tried, udev rules. but got confused. do you know of any good tutorials or a wiki???13:52
* Akari is raising bt speed13:52
whileimhereDeckard ahhhhh13:52
Danny_Ghttp://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/ <--- full releases, Hurdy CDs and *DVDs*13:52
neetolunchbox330: how broken is the 3d windows plugin? Does it work at all or is it just sorta buggy like it's always been?13:52
lunchbox330i got my torrent off the ireland mirror like 2 hours ago...13:52
* Akari pops a bottle of wine13:52
orochi_Deckard: That's almost as long as you would have been banned for even talking about it 20 minutes ago :P13:52
ThomasYale1, yes..but you will have to wait. im not at a pc13:52
Piciorochi_: Drop it.13:52
PyChildLight: thanks13:52
maekAkari, how does WINE work in hardy ??13:52
C|-|R15just in case anyone is interested in Xubuntu release.... http://torrent.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/hardy/release/alternate/13:53
ale1ThomasY: ok no problem, thank you very much for the effort. . . :-)13:53
neetothanks C|-|R1513:53
whileimhereWOW my DL speed dropped from 84 to 1013:53
Akarimaek: You need to use the wine repository it's always 2-3 versions behind13:53
Light-Is it just me, or does XFCE in Xubuntu look suspiciously like GNOME?13:53
whileimhereoh back up!13:53
lunchbox330you click the box then it unchecks itself neeto13:53
* shane2peru is checking out jigdo to update his server edition rc iso13:53
AkariThere is no Hardy repository yet13:53
lunchbox330standard compiz MO13:53
billgoldbergare the ubuntuforums down again?13:53
zashLight-: default theme, yes13:53
maekoh okay Akari13:53
whileimhereYou know concerning XFCE I dont see much of an improvement if any on my laptop between XFCE and GNOME13:54
lunchbox330akari, i've already apt-gotten from it13:54
shane2peruAkari, what, I have been using Hardy repository already with rc release13:54
AkariYou better update from 7.10 to keep your wine version13:54
neetolunchbox330: damn... I think I might just chill with 7.10 for a couple weeks so stuff can get fixed13:54
ari_stresswelcome hardy :)13:54
C|-|R15nice to see everyone excited about the release.....shows what a good distro ubuntu is!13:54
dante___new version has only LTS?13:54
orochi_Pici: Threaten me too if you want, it's no big loss to me if I can't come in here :> I just think the way the ops were acting was embarrassing, particularly coming as an employee that's a commercial supporter of canonical13:54
Picidante___: Yes, is that a problem?13:54
ari_stressC|-|R15: yes it is :D13:54
dante___no no just wondering13:54
ajricoverihow do i kill my gnome desktop ?? i want to only have my seven terminals ...13:54
``CubeI got 350 (my max), what speeds do you have?13:54
adinchello, i just realized that python programms can not load modules. is there a problem with hardy and python?13:54
Akario.O Ok delete my quote I'm absolutely saying the opposite now :-)13:54
shane2peruAkari, wine is easy to install an older version, just grab an old deb from winehq13:54
bazhangorochi_: please let it go; especially today of all days13:54
dante___i wanted to be sure i don't get the wrong version =)13:55
nickthorleyanyone here installed the alternative  boot cd13:55
ari_stressajricoveri: sudo update-rc remove gdm13:55
maeklol I would hate to see cancicals (sorry if I misspelt that) bandwidth bill after the hardy release13:55
tlsarlesAny idea when the repositories are going to be updated?13:55
whileimhereUbuntu Website just went down13:55
AkariGet the torrent!13:55
neetolol dude, just chilling in here is completely turning me off from upgrading right now... problems with 3d windows, problems with python13:55
lunchbox330hardy is verynice otherwise though... amarok 1.4.9 ftw!13:55
whileimhereNow its back up13:55
C|-|R15glad i switched from mandrake a few years back....it as the free CD in post that good me interested.....now ubuntu is in my blood13:55
Mimiwhileimhere,  still working for me :013:55
neetoscares the fuck outta me13:55
neetoerr sorry for the language13:55
=== Guest439 is now known as skunkworks_
bazhangneeto language please13:55
whileimhereMimi I think its getting hit hard13:55
Light-lol I feel bad, ive downloaded 300mb on torrent and only uploaded 5. stupid 128k upload13:56
Mimiwhileimhere,  no way13:56
ari_stressC|-|R15: i think mandrake has lost it's identity13:56
whileimhereI was right13:56
shane2peruLight-, no, I think a lot of people are seeding13:56
tarzeauif you prefer to wget iso iamges: http://krum.ethz.ch/iso/13:56
whileimhereThey just updated it13:56
MimiLight-,  dont worry im compensatting for you, downloading at 10kbps and uploading at ~ 50 -______-13:56
shane2peruLight-, therefore no need to upload a lot13:56
spacemooseLight-: that's 5 more than you would have uploaded over http :)13:56
C|-|R15yeah....they lost me a while back13:56
adamorjames_nice tarzeau13:56
Light-Mimi: Thanks :P13:56
whileimhereSo the site went down for about 12 second for update13:56
ajricoveriari_stress, i meant just killing gnome and xserver just for this session hehee :p not meant to remove it from init scripts13:56
adincyahu tarzeau ...13:56
shane2peruspacemoose, ha ha, that is funny. :)13:56
neetoIf I'm running xubuntu, and my update manager tells me to update to 8.04, it will download xubuntu 8.04 right?13:56
tarzeauadamorjames_: it's still mirroring, so you'll need to run wget -c several times. it's gbit connected13:57
jribneeto: yes13:57
tarzeauadinc: slm13:57
amerioneeto: right13:57
neetojrib: good stuff.13:57
SakeSo I went to http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/, there's like 4 versions of hardy for desktop, which do I take? Is there a difference?13:57
Matiashelp someone, i have been playing with settings (appearance and such) and when I rebooted, resolution became 680x480 and can't go higher in monitor setup, how can I make it 1280x1024 again13:57
ari_stressajricoveri: oh :), just press ctrl + alt F1-F6 then13:57
gord_slater neeto: yep13:57
lunchbox330i got the alternate ISO and installed off that disc, it was very painless.13:57
adamorjames_I'm getting around 100kb/s on the torrent13:57
bazhangSake: you want 32 bit or 64 bit?13:57
compwiz18Sake: use release.ubuntu.com/hardy , not the tracker13:57
dman92Yes! my nearest mirror finally got updated!13:57
PiciSake: i386 desktop if you arent sure, the others are for 64bit processors and the alternate (non-live) cd13:57
C|-|R15i'm getting about 9kb on torrent13:58
flokasonwhat is the diffrence between the cd version and dvd version?13:58
lunchbox330matias, theres a new res tool supposedly (i havent found it yet)13:58
AkariAlternative torrent link: http://www.allanime.org/fileadmin/ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent the MD5 is 8895167a794c5d8dedcc312fc62f1f1f  (always check the MD5 when getting from unsupported sources!)13:58
Light-Matais: Change your screen to something that supports 1280x102413:58
ari_stressMatias: open the menu: System > Preferences > Resolution13:58
bazhangflokason: one is larger13:58
odiousshould i use 32 or 64 bit for my macbook pro?13:58
Sakecompwiz18: link dead13:58
compwiz18Sake: just wait, it'll come back :)13:58
whileimhereThey are still updating the Ubuntu pages13:58
flokasonbut other than that, what is the diffrence13:58
ajricoveriari_stress, do i kill the  xserver process just by switching to another getty ?? is that it ??13:58
compwiz18Sake: or grab the torrent from the topic13:58
bazhangodious: up to you really; not much advantage to 64 bit really13:58
SakePici: Yea, but there's 4 versions of i386 desktop, and hten another 4 of the dvd. I also want the server release13:58
Matiasari_stress: there is no setting higher than 640x480 in monitor settings (KDE)13:58
adamorjames_C|-|R15, you sure you have a port opened and everything o_O13:58
jribflokason: the dvd contains all of the main repository on the cd (so you don't have to download those packages)13:58
ari_stressajricoveri: no. the gnome is still running in F713:58
odiousbazhang: yeah thought so cheers13:59
Akaricompwiz18: That was a reaction to the report that ubuntu.com is down13:59
shane2perudoes transmision (the bit torrent for hardy) start a torrent if I have the iso?  I'm not sure how to start a torrent for Ubuntu 64 Hardy if I haven't downloaded it via torrent13:59
bazhangflokason: all the desktops iirc (kde gnome, etc)13:59
neetoIf I upgrade to 8.04 64 bit from 7.10 32 bit will it be a seamless upgrade just like it would be if I did 32 bit to 32 bit?13:59
C|-|R15DVD version has a lot more stuff that you would normally just get via internet as and when needed...DVD is good for internet-less comps13:59
compwiz18Akari: it's back now ,I think13:59
Light-Matais: Dunno about KDE, but in GNOME theres an option to change your screen type. This affects the resolutions you can choose from I believe13:59
bazhangneeto: not possible13:59
ajricoveriari_stress, i wish to release system sources so i can compile my kernel more efficiently =)13:59
cnrhi all13:59
jribneeto: no, you would need to reinstall to change architecture13:59
shane2peruneeto, NO, you can't upgrade from 32bit to 64bit13:59
znaggeez ubuntu-desktop really installs a crapload of stuff on the Ubuntu Server.... Is there something such as metapackage which will provide the xorg server and Gnome without all the other software like openoffice?14:00
SakeOk, so I grabbed the torrent from the topic. Where can I get a torrent for the server version?14:00
ari_stressajricoveri: oh in that case: sudo init 1, it will bring text mode only14:00
compwiz18as someone said, the ubuntu.com sites are up and down like yoyos14:00
ajricoveriabout hardy, what kernel version does it have ... ?? =)14:00
shane2peruneeto, also make ssure you create a new home directory, they config files will affect your 64bit install14:00
compwiz18Sake: you'll want the alt. install or the dvd14:00
whileimhereI like yoyos14:00
ajricoveriari_stress, thank u14:00
PiciSake: Use the links that are named ubuntu-8.04-......14:00
lunchbox3302.6.24 i think?14:00
shane2peruneeto, either a new username, or wipe all the config files in your home directory.14:00
shane2peruneeto, they are hidden files usually.14:00
Sakecompwiz18: but isn't there a server iso?14:01
Piciajricoveri: 2.6.2414:01
Akariznag: Ubuntu desktop is... for desktops. If you need a text-only server install you should get the server install. You can also opt to uninstall OpenOffice using synaptic.14:01
neetoshane2peru: I was just asking a question, I'm not going to upgrade to 64. Thanks anyway though14:01
PiciSake: scroll down, it confused me too14:01
YoniIs the full 8.04 version is downloadable via the web site morror in switherlend?14:01
ari_stressmy download from taiwan takes 17 hours, can you believe it?? :(14:01
goppshould I do an upgrade14:01
shane2peruneeto, I have been there done that, and got the t-shirt, just didn't want to see you do the same. :)14:01
goppfor full install14:01
Akarineeto: I have a sempron and had a less-than-nice experience with the ubuntu amd64 install14:01
lunchbox330all in all, i have a fully configured hardy guys, few problems (bling related) otherwise go update now!14:01
iceswordari_stress, where are you14:01
compwiz18Sake: for some reason I'm thinking there isn't, but I think the alt install has one (I might be wrong about either or none)14:01
gord_slatererr, suggestion for future realeases - automated "click to share the iso to help spread bandwidth demands around the community" sort-of applet  IF release=within 1st week   etc etc, just a raw idea for noobs14:01
tarzeauYoni: not yet, but it's downloading14:01
goppany problems with upgrade14:01
shane2peruneeto, I think 64 bit is worth the change. just MHOP14:01
tarzeauYoni: if your download manager (wget -c) can continue it, you'll get it soon fully14:02
hanumankatuwalu all should ask ur ISPs to put it on their mirrors14:02
YoniI'm on windows ATM :\14:02
ari_stressicesword: indonesia, but the local repo hasn't got hardy yet, so i grab from taiwan, they said it's the fastest from here14:02
Akarigopp: None here it's on my second computer14:02
bazhanggord_slater: just make a new torrent in transmission14:02
neetoshane2peru: word... I think I'll chill at 32 for a while though, I've no need for 64 bit math or over 4 gigs of ram yet so I'm not to worried14:02
tarzeauYoni: if you have Safari web browser on windows, it can do that14:02
YoniWhere can I find a torrent for it then?14:02
gord_slateryeah, but "wizarded" for noobies i meant14:02
PiciYoni: /topic14:02
rohanit's out! thanks a congrats to the ubuntu team :)14:02
D0paminegay ?14:02
shane2peruneeto, yeah, me either really, just tried it, and haven't gone back.14:02
rohanand the ubuntu.com website intro to 8.04 is TOO GOOD lol14:03
bazhanggord_slater: doesnt get much easier than what transmision offers14:03
AkariAgain: All official files are here: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/14:03
QrawlWhere can I get the torrent14:03
compwiz18transmission is awesome :)14:03
YoniI need the 64bit image?14:03
D0paminewhy cant i empty my bin in hardly heron ?14:03
cnranyone succeed with running hardy heron AMD64 on thinkpad r61 (c2d t8100), coz' i've got kernel panic right after kernel loads14:03
ari_stressrohan: yeah, it's really tempting windows user :D14:03
* compwiz18 points to the topic (@qrawl)14:03
prateekI have the Kubuntu RC desktop iso. How do I update it to the final one with Jigdo? http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/8.04/ doesn't seem to have the necessary jigdo file.14:03
Akari64 bit, torrent, desktop, server it's all there!14:03
livingdaylightis it sudo apt-get ubuntu-dist-upgrade?14:03
Sakeaaah, ok. So if I go to http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/, the links that are ubuntu-8.04-... are the proper releases, right? Not the hardy-...14:03
shane2peruYoni, get the torrent!  it is faster14:03
dna_when will the documentation be available?14:03
neetothis is sketchy14:03
scizzo-livingdaylight: sudo do-release-upgrade14:04
YoniWhere can I find the torrent 64bit?:\14:04
livingdaylightscizzo-, really?14:04
compwiz18oops, my mistake, there is  aserver isntall :)14:04
scizzo-livingdaylight: try it14:04
compwiz18Yoni: http://releases.ubuntu.com/hardy/14:04
* Pelo wonders if there is going to be a dvd 14:04
neetolunchbox330: did you ever get 3d windows to work?14:04
shane2peruYoni, http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/  look for torrent14:04
D0paminewhere is trash:// located , some files are in there owned by root14:04
gord_slaterbazhang: haha never tried it meself gotta look when i get away from this damn win32 box :)14:04
compwiz18Pelo: get your dvd on http://releases.ubuntu.com/hardy/14:04
dsargean1cnr: I'm running it now14:04
D0paminecant delete them14:04
rohanone question - can i run it using a pen drive? i've got no blank cd-r(w) handy :(14:04
AkariOnly server and alternate install have *.jigdo files there hmm14:04
compwiz18Pelo: I take that back :) but there is a dvd, I'm downloading it now14:04
Pelocompwiz18, no dvd on there14:04
mok0Yoni: You want the alternate CD?14:04
Pelocompwiz18, torrent ?14:04
livingdaylightscizzo-, do i need to mess with sources list first and replace gutsy with hardy?14:04
shane2perurohan, quick run and buy a cd, lol14:04
compwiz18Pelo: yep14:04
Pelocompwiz18,   gimme ?14:05
andashD0pamine: ~/.Trash/ I think14:05
scizzo-livingdaylight: do-release-upgrade will fix all that for you14:05
compwiz18livingdaylight: System -> Admin -> Update Manager14:05
XB23is it possible to block someone from running a ircd using iptables?14:05
rohanshane2peru: well that'd be an unnecessary waste of money :(14:05
PiciD0pamine: in Hardy? ./.local/share/Trash14:05
XB23via username14:05
compwiz18Pelo: sure, hang tight for a sec14:05
PiciD0pamine: sorry, ~/.local/share/Trash14:05
LogicalDashWhere is the torrent file of Hardy?14:05
rohanfedora, for example, has a livecd-to-usb script. does ubuntu have one?14:05
gord_slaterbazhang: i really meant for first-time users as part of a "new users start here" thing14:05
D0pamineahh cheers Pici14:05
rohanLogicalDash: in the /topic14:05
livingdaylightcompwiz18, woah14:05
bazhangrohan aye but will be much slower14:05
cnrdsargean1: thx - so i propably got broken iso img14:05
shane2perurohan, I think you can us a usb, or even the iso file if you have an extra partition, but I'm not sure how.14:05
PeloLogicalDash, compwiz18  is getting the dvd torrent for me now ,   cd torrent on the site14:05
rohanbazhang: yes, where are the instructions?14:05
LogicalDashrohan, *facepalm* and thanks14:05
D0paminewhy is it not just in ~/.Trash14:05
bazhanggord_slater: right I get your point, but really it is that simple14:05
pax```Hello, I've got a problem with the language switcher, I have it set so alt-shift would change languages, however on bootup it doesn't register the hotkey, I have to open the layout options dialog, uncheck and check again the checkbox for alt-shift, close the dialog so it would start switching language on alt-shift. Is there a solution to this?14:06
Akaricnr: If there is just a small error in your iso you can use torrent to fix it fast14:06
compwiz18Pelo: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/8.04/release/14:06
bazhangwww.pendrivelinux.com rohan14:06
gord_slaterbazhang: k, i check it out later14:06
compwiz18Pelo: should be in there14:06
rohanbazhang: i don't mind if it's slow, as it is i'm going to install it.. been using ubuntu from the 6.06 release now ;)14:06
shane2peruD0pamine, there are two .Trash, one is root14:06
iceswordbazhang, when you annouced the release14:06
Pelocompwiz18, thanks14:06
D0paminei have no ~/.Trash :S14:06
mok0for torrents ^14:06
shane2peruD0pamine, I think the other is cd /home/.Trash14:06
lunchbox330neeto, i havent been messing with it too much, i've had this prob before on a different box in gutsy and i fixed it, though i dont remember how14:06
cnrAkari: ok, thx!14:06
bazhangicesword: not sure what you mean?14:06
compwiz18Pelo: no problem, hope it works, heard reports that cdimage.ubuntu.com is a little dead today ;)14:06
AkariHardy Heron : The most hyped OpenSource OS ever ^^14:06
D0paminenah , that'd be gentoo 2008.014:07
shane2peruD0pamine, no it is  sudo cd /home/.Trash-root14:07
YoniI'm downloading it directlly from the web site of Ubuntu :)14:07
jtravnickhow safe is doing an update verses a fresh install with hardy?14:07
YoniHope it's the final one & not RC...14:07
rohanbazhang: that guide still forces me to first burn a disc14:07
neetolunchbox330: alright I'ma just cross my fingers and hope for the best then... I've screwed around a lot with compiz in the past, so I think I can probably fix it again if need be.14:07
Pelocompwiz18, it's taking it's time loading , 'll dl all the torrents and up them up on demonoid, just for the heck of it14:07
compwiz18I'd be interested to know how much bandwidth we're using14:07
shane2peruYoni, it is the final, did you get the torrent?14:07
AkariYoni: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ is the official release14:07
compwiz18Pelo: yeah, sorry :/14:07
Pelocompwiz18, I woudn'T want the bitt14:07
D0paminealso , is it a big job to remove sudo , i'd much rather have proper root and user ya know14:08
YoniThx Akari :)14:08
shane2peruYoni, ahh, the torrent is faster, alot of people are seeding14:08
compwiz18Pelo: I can't sent the .torrent to you if you want14:08
compwiz18Pelo: sorry, *can*14:08
Pelocompwiz18, I would appreciate it14:08
peter_Congratulations on the release!14:08
compwiz18Pelo: ok14:08
shane2peruYoni, I'm downloading at 45Kib which is the fastest my connection can dl14:08
Smegzoryay its out, and I have nothing to download :D14:08
Y0Gihey. can anybody tell me which way http://packages.ubuntu.com/ uses to determine the default release in the select menu? is there any? I use hardy since many weeks, but not it's released and still "gutsy" is selected by default :(14:08
grindhold<3 ubuntu !!!1!one!11eleven!114:08
bazhangrohan: what is your final goal; to avoid using a disk? you can use unetbootin for that then14:08
twistageThe update manager doesn't seem to be bogged down i'm hitting 500 kb/s+14:08
ubuntu_how do i check in the terminal wheter i am using i386 or amd64 version of ubuntu atm14:08
SakeI went to http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/ and the link for ubuntu-desktop-i386 seems to be dead. What gives?14:08
v0lksmancan you disable policykit by just un-installing it or will that fubar the network-admin and user-admin apps?14:08
TB`Does TrackMania work on latest Ubuntu?14:09
AkariD0pamine: sudo is a philosophy14:09
b13the torrent is really slow for me14:09
jribY0Gi: there's just a default that should be updated relatively soon14:09
PeloY0Gi, it's possible taht the page is not updated yet14:09
PiciY0Gi: Its a static page14:09
Y0GiI already sniffed the HTTP dialogue, but didn't find anything that looks like some identifier. and the user-agent shouldn't be it.14:09
Mimiubuntu_     uname -a     in command prompt14:09
SmegzorTB`: Yes14:09
rohanbazhang: final goal is to install from iso without burning it to a cd.. and yes, unetbootin is nice, thanks :)14:09
v0lksmanubuntu_:  uname -r14:09
TB`Ty Smegzor14:09
shane2perub13, really?  slower than the http?14:09
gord_slatererr, rohan, would wubi be any use to you (windows environment right now?) or use a mini iso/ netbooty14:09
compwiz18Pelo: hang on a second :)14:09
Akarib13: Did you limit your upload to about 80% of your bandwidth or just use a bt client out of the box?14:09
Y0Gijrib, Pelo, Pici: I see, thank you very much.14:09
* Pelo hangs on for dear life14:09
Smegzorspecifically TM Forever works (but no sound)14:09
grindholdTB' i dont think so. it depends on how wine has been improved14:09
shane2perub13, wow, perhaps something isn't configured right.14:09
lukaubuntu homepage has been broken since last update on firefox 2.0. where should i file the bug?14:09
D0paminestill cant find the trash14:09
b13i will cheak the http14:10
ubuntu_Mimi: it says  "x86_64" what does that mean14:10
Peloluka, broken how ?14:10
lukacss error14:10
Skiessihttp://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download :o14:10
bazhangubuntu_: that is 64 bit14:10
grindholdSmegzor: does the wine version in 8.04 "emulate" directx 9.0c?14:10
shane2peruubuntu_, that is for 64bit14:10
dakklink to torrent doesn't appear to be working14:10
throeis hardy heron out yet?14:10
shane2peruahh, bazhang you type too fast. lol14:10
Piciluka: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-website/14:10
tarzeauthroe: yes14:10
Mimiubuntu_ It means you have intel 64 bit processor.14:10
bazhangthroe: aye14:10
grindholdthroe: yes 30 mins ago14:10
Akarib13: you need to limit your upload to about 80% of your upload speed otherwise your torrent jams itself14:10
bazhangshane2peru: ;]14:10
andreris the ALTERNATE installer still necessary for raid/LVM installs?14:10
ubuntu_ok so i should install 64 bit ubuntu14:11
AkariI got about 2.5 MB/second from the torrent14:11
Pelocompwiz18, sorry , I usualy block  pm , try again14:11
Smegzorgrindhold: you'd want to ask that in #winehq14:11
Skiessiwhy the server is down?14:11
grindholdSmegzor: roger that :)14:11
b13Akari: i know, it is configured right14:11
Skiessiok it's working again14:11
monkeyBoxomg I think I just killed ubuntu.com14:11
shane2peruwhy does my transmision say "Tracker hasn't responded yet."  ???  I"m uploading and downloading14:11
Pelocompwiz18, thanks14:11
AkariOk I'm seeding with 500kb/sec right now14:11
gord_slaterandrer: lotta people prefer the alternate anyways.....14:11
D0pamineanyone know the path where deleted items are kept ?14:11
bazhangthis may break bit torrent. thanks guys ;[14:11
NiptechCan anyone tell me what the different between Ubunto to Kubunto ? what is the KDE maen ..?14:11
Stroganoffplease confirm and post logfiles: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/base-installer/+bug/20295914:11
D0paminei have nothing in ~/14:11
compwiz18Pelo: no problem :)14:11
tarzeauAkari: i can send/recieve 100mbyte/s14:11
prateekI have the Kubuntu RC desktop iso. How do I update it to the final one with Jigdo? http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/8.04/ doesn't seem to have the necessary jigdo file.14:11
tarzeauAkari: http://krum.ethz.ch/iso/14:11
Bagualasyeahhh ubuntu download finished :D14:11
compwiz18I've got the amd64 dvd torrent, if anyone wants it, just PM14:11
socwill http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/desktop/features be updated too?14:12
micha__Niptech: KDE is another Desktopenvironment14:12
Light-T_T: Tracker Status: Alert: Connection refused (HTTP code=-1, times in a row=414:12
Pelocompwiz18, are you .torrent encrypted or someting ?14:12
bazhangNiptech: www.distrowatch.com has screenshots--take a look your self14:12
MimiD0pamine,  i think its /home/yourname/trash14:12
v0lksmanhow do you disable policy kit?14:12
shane2peru!KDE | Niptech14:12
ubotuNiptech: KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . Latest KDE version is 3.5.8 for Gutsy and Feisty, 3.5.6 for Edgy, and 3.5.5 for Dapper. See http://kubuntu.org for more information.14:12
micha__Niptech: similar to gnome, have a look at www.kde.org14:12
rohanv0lksman: why would you want to/14:12
compwiz18Pelo: no, its just the way transmission stores it I think14:12
marvxxxis there a way to upgrade ubuntu server from cd?14:12
shane2peru!Gnome | Niptech14:12
ubotuNiptech: gnome is a project that provides two things: The GNOME desktop environment, an intuitive and attractive desktop for end-users, users, and the GNOME development platform, an extensive framework for building applications that integrate into the rest of the desktop.14:12
marvxxxcause i have no gnome on it14:12
spsneowhen is ubuntu 8.04 releasing14:12
soc"Firefox 2.0 is a powerful, award-winning and   standards compliant web browser. [...] New features in 2.0 include inline spell check support in web forms, restore session that crashed, [...]"14:12
monkeyBoxI went there and the page looked odd, so I refreshed,  now it's temporarily unavailable.   It's all my fault.14:12
YoniThere is only 19 seeders for the 64bit 8.04 torrent :14:12
Mimimarvxxx,  YES, get ALTERNATE CD14:12
v0lksmanrohan:  cause its not working....the "unlock" buttons are always greyed out....14:12
bazhangspsneo: already there14:12
Pelocompwiz18, I can' t use that then, the filename is just gibberish14:12
marvxxxMimi: ok14:12
Yoni50+ now :)14:12
_oOMOo_D0pamine, are you using hardy?14:12
Yonithis is much better.14:12
socmaybe at least replacing 2.0 with 3.014:12
spsneowhats the uRL to download14:12
julle__how do i upgrade från server beta to LTS version via the terminal?14:12
Light-<Yoni> There is only 19 seeders for the 64bit 8.04 torrent : <-- no, theres almost 100014:13
compwiz18Pelo: feel free to rename it14:13
spsneobazhang: whats the URL to download14:13
AkariYoni: I have a sempron amd64 and still get the i386 version. Amd64 caused nothing but trouble14:13
AdysBleah, http://start.ubuntu.com/8.04/ just went under 50314:13
jburdThe ubuntu.com website is down!14:13
bazhangspsneo: see the /topic14:13
Pelocompwiz18, nvm,  amd64 , thanks for trying14:13
Niptechmicha__, Kubunto just have nicer GUI ?14:13
Light-I accidentally downloaded the i386 torrent14:13
arvind_kjulle_, update-manager -d14:13
Adysoh nm14:13
monkeyBoxspsneo,  ubuntu.com14:13
pax```(posting this message again, was d/ced) Hello, I've got a problem with the keyboard layout applet, I have to uncheck and recheck the checkbox near alt-shift after every reboot for the keyboard layout to switch on alt-shift, is there a solution to this? Been that way since the early betas of hardy14:13
Yonidunno.. my dl stream is still slow.14:13
rohanjburd: not down, just heavily under load. for eg, it's working perfectly here14:13
micha__Niptech: depends on whom you ask^^14:13
bazhangNiptech: opinions vary14:13
julle__arvind_k: thank you!14:13
Yonialthough I allowed max bandwidth for this 1..14:13
arvind_kjulle_, you are welcome14:13
jburdrohan: Service Temporarily Unavailable.14:13
micha__Niptech: to be diplomatic lets say different14:13
PeloLight-, for the dvd ? can I have it ?14:13
shane2peruwhy does Transmision (torrent client for hardy) say "Tracker hasn't responded yet." I'm seeding and downloading14:13
Yoni650kb/bps download14:14
gustavoimagochange the topic >  hardy heron is out... you'll never go back...14:14
Yoni65/bps upload14:14
YoniThis is all I've got...14:14
* jburd needs to know the torrent mirrors14:14
SeanTaterIs torrent.ubuntu.com down? I cannot get a list of peers..14:14
bazhangshane2peru: we broke bit torrent ;[14:14
Myrttishane2peru: because the trackers died :-P14:14
neetois upgrading with the iso completely seamless?14:14
rohanjburd: well, all the pages are loading fine and fast here.. just keep trying :)14:14
chicoHi! Does anyone know if the wpa enterprise networks are now saved in Hardy?14:14
jamessfosterTracker isn't responding for me. Is that normal? (7 mins and counting)14:14
micha__Niptech: but yes, it is nicer (and now flame me^^)14:14
Light-<Pelo> Light-, for the dvd ? can I have it ? <-- huh?14:14
Adysshane2peru: problem with the tracker, not transmission14:14
Smegzorgrindhold: In my experience, directx 9.0c stuff works well in Wine.  I can play most games from a clean wine install.  I do add some registry hacks however to improve performance.14:14
kholoHi. I'm just taking a look...14:14
shane2perubazhang, Myrtti Adys ahh, ok, so it isn't me. :)14:14
mok0Hmm. The tracker is not in good shape...14:14
jburdrohan: Can you email torrents?14:14
bazhangkholo: it is out if you are curious14:14
PeloLight-, you accidentaly downloaded the torrent for i386 if it's the dvd torrent can you please dcc it to me ?14:14
Akaribazhang: I doubt that you can break BT. Instead the people downloading the ISO will break the webserver14:15
Myrttithere we go14:15
=== bknox is now known as bknoxx
throeso if I was running beta, I do what?14:15
Light-Pelo: No, its the one in the topic14:15
rohanjburd: sure14:15
shane2perujburd, just download them from here: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/14:15
grindholdSmegzor: sounds nice.. i'll have to read some tutorials.. till now, steam cs:s always crashed within 1 minute14:15
bazhangAkari: was humor ;]14:15
Akarithroe: Online update14:15
Light-damn ubuntu tracker is refusing my connections14:15
shane2perujburd, they are small14:15
micha__Niptech: thought, gnome is somewhat better supported in the *buntu universe14:15
emjDo net install instead of downloading the ISO..14:15
throeakari: just apt-get update and upgrade?14:15
jburdshane2peru: Ah that's the only link that opened so far.14:15
Niptechmicha__, I mean does the only different is the GUI ? (U to Kubuntu )14:15
rohanjburd: tell me which one you want14:15
Smegzorgrindhold: all the Steam games work flawlessly for me.  Better than in native XP.14:15
micha__Niptech: Yes14:15
shane2peruNiptech, if you don't know the difference just give Ubuntu Desktop a try14:15
bazhangNiptech: because gnome users need the support more ;]14:15
D0paminei think i'm going to format this hdd and install something a little simpler than hardy heron14:15
kholoActually it's been a while since I didn't use an irc client. I was just wondering what people were talking about here.14:16
PeloNiptech, gui related apps as well14:16
shane2peruNiptech, then later you can try KDE too.14:16
arvind_kbazhang, thats rude !!!!14:16
D0paminewhy is trash vfs ???14:16
v0lksmanrohan:  I'm demoing Ubuntu to my boss today and really need the admin features to work.  Polkit is fubard for some reason (I've had this problem before and I think it has to do with this being a "server" build with desktop added after).  Any ideas on fixing or disabling polkit?14:16
bullgard4What is the proper place to store GNOME source code files in Hardy?14:16
micha__Niptech: You can even switch later by a few clicks to the other DE14:16
=== Miku19 is now known as Miku_
Akarithroe: Doesn't your update manager offer you a button for upgrading?14:16
pax```Hello, I've got a problem with the keyboard layout applet, I have to uncheck and recheck the checkbox near alt-shift after every reboot for the keyboard layout to switch on those keys, is there a solution to this? Been that way since the early betas of hardy14:16
Pelolater folks14:16
grindholdSmegzor: sick.. have to test it.  err. maybe i didn't test it with my new nvidia graphic-device yet :)14:16
shane2peruNiptech, it is a matter of personal opinion, and if you don't know the only thing to do is try. :)14:16
PyChildIf I want to upgrade from the CD, do I need the alternate version? Is there a torrent for that?14:16
bazhangcya Pelo14:16
throeakari: not really14:16
rohanPyChild: yes, and yes14:16
qzioquestion: if I'm on a macbook should i go with the 386 or with 64-bit?14:16
AkariPyChild: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ there are all official files14:16
throeakari: how do I check if I am up to date already14:16
bazhangPyChild: from cd yes; the torrent is in the topic iirc14:16
rohanqzio: 64 bit14:16
NiptechThanks all14:16
rohanqzio: if it has core 2 duo14:17
Light-qzio: depends on your processor14:17
Adysqzio:  386 if you dont know really14:17
Deckardgtg bye all ;-)14:17
PyChildAkari: thank14:17
D0paminemaybe sabayon or arch14:17
Smegzorgrindhold: I custom built my new pc for wine, linux and virtualisation.  Consequently it flies.14:17
rohanqzio: if in doubt, though, go for 32bit14:17
ichatCongrats yall '14:17
Adysis there a manager around by the way? id like to host a mirror for the isos14:17
tarzeauAdys: just do it?14:17
Light-Adys: PM an op?14:17
Mez!mirror | Adys14:18
ubotuAdys: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://nl.releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Gutsy, and help keeping the servers' load low!14:18
LogicalDashhuhsp, hello14:18
_oOMOo_D0pamine, the location of the trash folder changed since Gutsy14:18
qzio /proc/cpu says "model_name : Genuine Intel (R) CPU 1400 @ 1.83Ghz"; "cpu family : 6"14:18
dakktorrent link is sluggish but its working14:18
MimiWhats the new path _oOMOo_14:18
rohanv0lksman: what problem are you having, exactly?14:18
tabmanlooking for a software which will let me create following type of class diagram: http://www.kidport.com/RefLIB/Science/Animals/Animals.htm14:18
mok0Keep your torrents running after the iso file has downloaded!14:18
eltechhey guys.. whats the best widget or screen app to use to display multiple clocks? different states and time zones.. is widgets the best?14:19
ichatare there any  high bandwidt  seeders for the  hardy trackers?14:19
Light-qzio: 32bit14:19
v0lksmanrohan:  the unlock buttons on any admin app is greyed out...14:19
gustavoimagomoko after is format heheheheh14:19
tabmansorry wrong link: http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/figures/java/classes-graphicObject.gif14:19
Light-I think14:19
shane2perumok0, wouldn't that be hard if you are installing. lol14:19
bazhangeltech: with compiz or not14:19
micha__eltech: On what DE?14:19
Keulehi there i use 8.04... and i have a nvidia card - the restricted driver is activated - but will not be uses... do anybody know where the problem is - and how to solve it?14:19
_oOMOo_I'm just trying to find it! :) It's in /usr/local somewhere I think14:19
rohanv0lksman: add your user to the admin group14:19
tarzeauichat: i'm not seeding, but i got a gbit http mirror14:19
erUSULMez: Gutsy ?? someone has to edit the factoid XD14:19
Akariichat: I only have 100 mbit14:19
m1roh, time to DL :) congratulations ubuntu14:19
qzioLight-: ok, so that'll be 386 then14:19
v0lksmanrohan:  I have tried to re-install the packages but it made no diff14:19
Mimitabman, youre just looking for something that can make a simple table like that?14:19
shane2perumok0, kidding of course. :)14:19
eltechbazhang no heavy graphics need14:19
Light-qzio: yep14:19
LogicalDashtabman, try Dia14:19
dejavu4u2Hello. Can anyone advise if they have working intel HD ICH8/STAC92xx sound & ALPS/GlidePoint touchpad? These worked fine (with exception if input mic) on 7.04 and 7.10, but 8.04 has broken them!14:19
mok0shane2peru: :-)14:19
Akari,1r: You're just an hour late14:19
eltechmicha__ i dont know what DE is :)14:19
v0lksmanrohan: already am part of admin14:19
LogicalDashtabman, or OpenOffice Draw14:19
grindholdKeule: tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg?14:19
bazhanggdesklets perhaps eltech; screenlets for with compiz14:19
mok0I am seeding all of the isos14:19
m1r1675 ppl in the room, nice addition14:20
eltechbazhang cool thanks :)14:20
Keulejepp tried it 1000 times14:20
micha__eltech: Desktop Environment, i.e. Gnome or KDE?14:20
AkariRELEASE PARTY! :-)14:20
shane2perumok0, how would you start a torrent after an you install?14:20
jribeltech: the default clock applet in hardy lets you do that14:20
ichatim trying to get it, for a   1,4mbit  superseed  (not mutch  but my ips isn't helping mutch14:20
Keulemy gdm theme is also not correct14:20
_oOMOo_Mimi I was wrong(ish) it's in /home/$username/.local/share/Trash14:20
gord_slaterAdys:   have u seen  http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/mirror    ?14:20
shane2perumok0, you download, install, then want to seed, how would you do that?14:20
mok0shane2peru: just start a "download" again14:20
Keulei have an 1400x1050 screen -but it only shows me an 12014:20
Adysgord_slater:  got it sorted thanks14:20
eltechjrib rreally? I was trying to get it working, but .. hmm14:20
Theo_how do you see how much space is left in your filesystem through CLI?14:20
Light-man hardly anyone is downlaoding the 64-bit iso14:20
eltechmicha__ its gnome14:20
shane2perumok0, so you have to download the iso again?14:20
mok0shane2peru: but leave the iso in the same place14:20
micha__Theo_: df -h14:21
Keule i have an 1400x1050 screen -but it only shows me an 1280x1024 grindhold14:21
grindholdKeule: fully deinstall the driver and download the latest one from nvidia.com the driver i have load with the restricted manager never worked at my pc, too14:21
D0pamineso nobody knows how to empty the trash ( i've changed permissions in nautilus ) , would be so easy if i could just cd /there and rm -R the lot14:21
shane2perumok0, ahh, ok14:21
AkariKeule: I had to edit xorg.conf for 7.10 perhaps it's similar problem?14:21
micha__eltech: I thought it has a builtin worldclock?14:21
D0paminebut i cannot , its vfs14:21
ubotuHardy Heron is the codename for the current release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS) You can get it now from http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu but please use !torrents14:21
andrergord_slater: i know some people prefer the alternate version, but my case is that I only do lvm / raid installs and having 1 cd for livecd, and another for install is kind of redundant... if the new livecd  could do both... I would only need one...14:21
mok0shane2peru: or copy it back from the cd14:21
ichat64bit ??? - hardly any software is ported to 64bit,  so no real  sence to install is there14:21
ubotuHardy can be torrented from http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).14:21
KeuleAkari: maybe - i cant tell you more.... damn14:21
shane2perumok0, ok, thanks14:21
v0lksmanD0pamine:  Trash is usually in ~/.Trash14:21
grindholdKeule: i think its a sucking driver support oO but i may be wrong14:21
mosnoso 8.04 does full-disk encryption on LVM right?14:21
D0paminev0lksman , not in hardy heron14:21
Light-ichat: You can just compile from source14:21
mosnoi plan to use the alternate CD14:21
_oOMOo_V0lksman it's changed14:21
Keulegrindhold:  Akari i will download the latest from nvidia and try it this way14:22
D0pamineits vfs now14:22
v0lksmanhaven't gotten there yet14:22
ichatlight -  like OpenOffice ?14:22
ichatdont think soo14:22
grhlunai downloaded the dev version im not getting any updates yet through the update manager14:22
Mimi7%.. ;p14:22
Light-ichat: It comes with 64bit ubuntu so no need14:22
grindholdKeule: okay, tell me how it did14:22
terminal_dudeits out14:22
pax```I've got a problem with the keyboard layout applet, I have to uncheck and recheck the checkbox near alt-shift after every reboot for the keyboard layout to switch on those keys, is there a solution to this?14:22
FloodBot1terminal_dude: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:22
D0pamineso this is a bug i'm assuming14:22
D0pamineshould i file a bug ?14:22
_oOMOo_/home/$username/.local/share/Trash/files/ and /home/$username/.local/share/Trash/info/14:22
Keulegrindhold: i cannot use compiz - i have to use xcompmgr.... thats an other prob - i use nvidia Go 660014:22
shane2perumok0, if the torrent and iso file are in the same location (ie. same folder) it should just start the seeding process then correct?14:22
ichatdoes in support the same software than ?14:22
Mimi!enter | terminal_dude14:22
ubotuterminal_dude: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!14:22
AkariKeule: As usual having a tad bit older hardware helps14:22
gord_slaterandrer: ah i see, yeah if u need both (assuming it cant do both in one) maybe u could master both onto a live-dvd and have a quick menu choice at boot...14:23
eltechmicha__ or anyone how do i access this and the nice widgetize look for desktop?14:23
terminal_dudePeople dose the alternative..version include encrypted hard drive installation14:23
mok0shane2peru: yes14:23
chillitomwhat's the difference between the dvd and the cd?14:23
bazhangthe amount of work to get the bot switch over to hardy and all the factoids is mind-staggering14:23
grindholdKeule: is the composite extension activated in your xorg.conf?14:23
LainIwakuraIs this channel now 8.04 support?14:23
compwiz18LainIwakura: yep14:23
LainIwakuracompwiz18: Thanks.14:23
bazhangLainIwakura: aye14:23
Keulegrindhold:  i think so - do you know the tag?14:23
grindholderr.. moment14:23
AkariLainIwakura: Yes but we're haiving some kind of a release party, support will be slow I guess ^^14:23
ubotuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels.  To countdown to Hardy release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyReleaseParties14:23
v0lksmanrohan:  could it be the kernel?  I'm using -server...maybe it only works with -generic ?14:23
ast_./j #python.pl14:24
shane2perumok0, ok, great, because I'm going to have to move mine to another larger partition and seed from there, I would like to seed several of them, server, desktop 64bit etc.14:24
mok0shane2peru: Cool!14:24
grindholdKeule: in Section "Extensions" there must be an entry like this : Option         "Composite" "1"14:24
AkariPici: So much to the theory. In fact everybody is currently installing and playing with Hardy ^^14:24
marvxxxthe nl mirror is so dead..i cant even download the torrent file14:24
nickwebcoukokQuikc one guys and gals - I dled 8.04 RC, and its working fine, apart from my keyboard. I have the apple aluminium WIRED, and I hit what looks like the Num Lock key (small square with an X thru it) - Now none of the keys work, except some letters type as numbers. I tried deleting the keyboard, restarting, unplugging etc. Nothing works. Any ideas?14:24
shane2perumok0, I figure it will help!14:24
Akarimarvxxx: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ there are all official files. Alternate i386 torrent: http://www.allanime.org/fileadmin/ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent just in case ubuntu.com is down14:24
Mimi As soon as the torrent was announced here, there were 7 full copies.... now there are only 3 full copies... What's the deal with that...?14:25
Keulegrindhold:  i dont hav a section "extensions"....  damn14:25
mok0shane2peru: I am sure it will!14:25
Akarinickwebcoukok: Ubuntu 8.04 release is our, please update14:25
doug2266778822how do i change my curser theme?14:25
Hohlraummimi: they are installing it? :)14:25
Keulegrindhold: is there any standard xorg.conf?14:25
grindholdKeule: did compiz work before without thaT?14:25
nickwebcoukokdling just now, but its incase it happens again14:25
shane2peruit is a good thing that the Ubuntu install process only takes about 30-45min, one can install and then seed, if it took 2 days like Microsoft, wouldn't be many seeders. lol14:25
MimiGood point Hohlraum  :D14:25
sweRascaltoggle --help14:25
sweRascaltoggle -help14:25
D0paminek gone :)14:25
testlathe torrent should be posted on ubuntu.com !14:25
elektronik123_i have problem i want install new version of Ubuntu and i don`t know 8,04 maybe 8,10 it must be i polish version14:26
AkariMimi: To install a cd you need to reboot your computer, that's what happened.14:26
mattycozehey what does "There was an error during the CUPS operation: 'server-error-service-unavailable'." mean in the cups device settings14:26
mumuhello every one14:26
=== Q_Contin1um is now known as Q_Continuum
marvxxxand i can upgrade the ubuntu server with the alternative cd? without problems14:26
Keuleit didnt grindhold my ram runs full and than my system hangs more and more..... do you know what i mean?14:26
LogicalDashdoug2266778822: System->Preferences->Appearance, click Customize, go to Pointer14:26
shane2peruelektronik123_, 8.04 just released and long term support for 3 years14:26
bazhangelektronik123_: you can specify language--there is no polish version14:26
mluser-workanyone else having problems reaching 'http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading' ?14:26
mattycozei think my cups daemon is screwed :/14:26
Akarimarvxxx: Should be ^^14:26
grindholdKeule: no i didnt have a problem like that yet14:26
shane2peruelektronik123_, get it here:  http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/  Torrents are fast!14:26
grindholdKeule: you think this is caused by compiz? oO14:26
doug2266778822LogicalDash: i did but i do not see it in there i have a theme downloaded from gnome look but i can not seem to install it.14:27
elektronik123_maybe 8.10 ?14:27
grzybsciagaj nie gadaj14:27
kholoI'm leaving, upgrading time. Bye14:27
Akariguten tag :-)14:27
Akarikholo: Have fun and good luck ^^14:27
throeso if i got beta, i just aptget update and upgrade?14:27
Keulegrindhold:  i dont know - maybe my hardware - i have that problem since 7.10 on the same laptop - i had that "black-window-bug" i think.... now its better - but the ram-overload is still there14:27
mattycozehey, someone what does "There was an error during the CUPS operation: 'server-error-service-unavailable'." mean in the cups device settings14:27
vijayi just downloaded hardy heron ........ is this md5 hash correct for hardy "8895167a794c5d8dedcc312fc62f1f1f"14:28
Gibson_hi, I have a small q: with a core2duo cpu should I get the 64bit version of Ubuntu, or the standard?14:28
gord_slaterelektronik123_: 8.04 is latest, out today, sorry dont know about polish - anyone?14:28
mrkeishiiis it here yet14:28
chillitomCD vs DVD?14:28
shane2peruvijay, get the MD5SUM file from here: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/14:28
ssamvijay, looks good to me14:28
da_Hello. Somebody know the md5-sum of ubuntu8.04?14:28
mrkeishiiis it here yet14:28
Akarivijay: Confirmed.14:28
elektronik123_maybe wait for stable 8.10 version ?14:28
Gibson_hi, I have a small q: with a core2duo cpu should I get the 64bit version of Ubuntu, or the standard?14:28
grindholdKeule: for the composite extension try to add the code i sent you to your xorg.conf14:28
grindholdadd it at the last line14:28
mrkeishiiis it here14:29
noelferreirafinal release of hardy heron is already available for download?14:29
shane2peruelektronik123_, 8.04 should be stable, it is released today, not a Release Candidate.14:29
tarzeaunoelferreira: yes14:29
tarzeaumrkeishii: yes14:29
ampexwhat happene dto #ubuntu+1 ? :)14:29
doug2266778822elektronik123_: im on 8.10 now and it is stable for me i have had no probs on my end.14:29
jribGibson_: get 32bit unless you need 64bit for a specific reason14:29
ichatis it advisable to run  the 64bit edition   on a  turion  laptop  with   nforce / gforce  chips14:29
Akarielektronik123_: "Stable version" means waiting for 8.1014:29
=== blue112_ is now known as blue112
chillitomCD vs DVD? what's the difference?  just iso format?14:29
LogicalDashdoug2266778822: have you dropped the theme folder in /usr/share/themes?14:29
mrkeishiibut the the website is temporarily Unavailable14:29
Gibson_thanks jrib14:29
AkariIt's out. Nothings gonna change now14:29
=== Gibson_ is now known as ebh
Keulegrindhold: pleas paste it for me - im not the best programmer - and i dont have an "Extention" section14:29
mrkeishiibut the the website is temporarily Unavailable14:29
vijay@ shane2peru ... thanx i will check14:29
mattycozehey, someone what does "There was an error during the CUPS operation: 'server-error-service-unavailable'." mean in the cups device settings14:29
elektronik123_hym 8.04 or 8.10 what is better ?14:30
LSGDoes anyone have any clue how to get a Logitech MX1000 working?14:30
elektronik123_i don`t know14:30
doug2266778822LogicalDash: no i have it in a folder on the desktop i have curser theme installed but i can not do anything with it . none of the themes from that do not work14:30
arjplug it in14:30
rohanelektronik123_: 8.10 is not released14:30
ampexelektronik123_: does 8.10 even exist?14:30
bazhangelektronik123_: there is no 8.1014:30
Akarimrkei: http://www.allanime.org/fileadmin/ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent14:30
Keulegrindhold: but i will purge my nvidia driver and install that one from nvidia directly - or wouldnt you say that?14:30
grindholdKeule: i sent it to you in a private chanel14:30
envercan someone help please can't set resolution higher than 640x48014:30
doug2266778822elektronik123_: sorry 8.0414:30
grindholdKeule: only 3 lines14:30
LogicalDashdoug2266778822: move it to /usr/share/themes and try again, I guess14:30
elektronik123_download 8.04 LTS ?14:30
jrib!fixres > enver (read the private message from ubotu)14:30
=== micha__ is now known as cosi
Keulethanx grindhold14:30
DanaGheh, mass kicking in #ubuntu+114:30
gord_slaterelektronik123_: yes14:30
=== cosi is now known as fioss
doug2266778822LogicalDash: do i need sudo?14:31
grindholdonly the first 3 lines Keule14:31
LogicalDashdoug2266778822: dunno14:31
LogicalDashdoug2266778822: try without first14:31
mrkeishiiI'm Downloading it14:31
elektronik123_where i can download it the fastest ? i want polish language14:31
Keulegrindhold: paste what i want - or what you want! :)14:31
mattycozeDanaG what's going on in +1?14:31
mrkeishiiwhat time did it release14:31
DanaGIt no longer exists.  It redirects here.14:31
grindholdSection "Extensions"14:32
grindhold    Option         "Composite" "1"14:32
bazhang4o or so minutes ago mrkeishii14:32
jribmrkeishii: read the mailing list link in the /topic14:32
grindholdSection "Extensions"14:32
grindhold    Option         "Composite" "1"14:32
FloodBot1grindhold: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:32
mattycozeheh, well what do they expect?14:32
ibleedis there anyway i can lookup the speed my memory is being run at on ubuntu?14:32
DanaGkicked by Seveas: (Seveas)  -- how about a better reason?  kicked by Seveas: (Channel closing)14:32
LSGDoes anyone have any clue how to get a Logitech MX1000 working?14:32
stefgHmmm... releases.ubuntu.com is so overloaded that i can't even get the torrent. Anyone has an alternate location for the torrent-file?14:32
mattycozehey, someone what does "There was an error during the CUPS operation: 'server-error-service-unavailable'." mean in the cups device settings14:32
doug2266778822LogicalDash: i also have atlanta theme but it will not show up in ccm. any idea14:32
tarzeauibleed: maybe with memtester?14:32
jeffimperialcould anyone point me to the torrent for hardy alternative cd?14:32
ibleedthank you tarzeau14:32
* elektronik123_ where i can download 8.04 the fastest ? i want polish language14:32
SeveasDanaG, would be better but this is pointy-clicky in xchat :)14:32
DanaGatlanta theme?14:32
Keulegrindhold:  one last question - should i delead the xorg.conf - and run the reconfigure? - thanx a lot so far!!14:32
mattycozestefg; http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/14:33
mattycozemine's downloading @ 145kb/s atm :D14:33
DanaGOr perhaps change the topic:14:33
DanaG"Channel closing; bye!"14:33
doug2266778822yes atlanta DanaG its the fish in the cube.14:33
jeffimperialcould anyone point me to the torrent for hardy alternative cd?14:33
jattwhen is next LTS version out?14:33
grindholdKeule: just write it in.. i don't know if your xorg.conf contains bugs yet.. if it's bug-free, only add the lines and restart the GUI14:33
fservejatt, 201114:34
bazhangjatt: today14:34
grindholdKeule: otherwise reconfigure would be usefull14:34
mattycozestefg ahh sorry; you wanted the torrent :p14:34
Adysjeffimperial:  http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-alternate-i386.iso.torrent14:34
rohanv0lksman: i'm sorry, i was away. did you add your user to the "admin" group?14:34
stefgmattycoze: as i said, i can't even get a /torrent/ from releases.ubuntu14:34
jattthanks fserve14:34
rohanv0lksman: kernel can't cause problems like those14:34
Keulegrindhold: ok ok - but i have a buggy xorg.conf i think...14:34
Keuleok grindhold thanx a lot! ill try! bye!14:34
jeffimperialAdys, thanks a bunch!14:34
grindholdKelue: cu14:34
gord_slaterelektronik123_: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download   select a location close to you, many keyboard languages included, select at install14:35
stefgconsider releases.ubuntu.com DDOS'ed14:35
DanaG#ubuntu is a bit too busy for me; I may come back to +1 once that one opens.  If anybody needs me, I usually hang out in #cplug (Cal Poly Linux Users Group).14:35
mattycozestefg i'm yet to find the benefit of torrent files, i can't do them anyway cause of my stupid firewall on the stock modem14:35
jeffimperiallaters, peeps14:35
doug2266778822LogicalDash: i had to do sudo to move it its in theme folder now but i can not find where to make that theme my mouse curser i am wanting the zelda mouse theme.14:35
* grindhold is fetching a cookie (Reallife :>)14:35
DanaGError launching "xdg-open 'http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download'": Failed to fork (Cannot allocate memory)14:35
elektronik123clon xD14:35
DanaGOh, duh..... I did swapoff a while ago.14:35
mattycozecan someone help me with getting the CUPS daemon working again on my machien?>14:35
mattycoze*rather than talk about the recent release :p)14:36
elektronik123gord_slater out of order xD14:36
NiptechAfter i install Compiz Fusion does it matter if my ubuntu is KDE or GNOME ?14:36
Spydonis there any kubuntu cd torrents?14:36
rohanSpydon: yes14:37
simonpis there a way to update my daily alternate 20080422.2 with jigdo?14:37
Mimigo .. check....14:37
Spydonrohan, link?14:37
AdysNiptech: depends, kde and gnome are just desktop environments and the general way your desktop looks, the apps on it, etc14:37
clutsy-ribbonI was thought it dint matter if you used KDE or Gnome for compiz14:37
rohansimonp: yes, using jigdo14:37
pSamathideSi can't use turkish font on AMSN, what is the suggestion about that?14:37
DanaGSeveas: too bad IRC doesn't have a way to programmatically move everybody in one channel to a different channel..... but that'd be abusable, I guess.14:37
rohanSpydon: on kubuntu.org14:37
AkariSpydon: Official releases are here: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/  in case the site is down you can use the alternate download URL: http://www.allanime.org/fileadmin/ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent14:37
simonprohan: where's the jigdo file?14:37
v0lksmanrohan:  yeah...I already am part of the admin group....14:37
jdowniewhere can I go for instructions on how to get nvidia drivers running? https://help.ubuntu.com/ doesn't show 8.0.4 yet.14:37
erUSULstefg: http://hobbsee.com/tmp/14:37
SpydonAkari, that isnt kubuntu?14:37
NiptechBut Compiz Fusion changes the GUI14:37
elektronik123i away xD  bye14:37
AkariSpydon sorry macro discard the i386 torrent link :)14:37
pSamathideSehheeemmm :14:37
Spydonand rohan I can unly find torrent for the dvd there14:37
gord_slaterelektronik123_: hey i'm trying to help that link not work for you?14:37
stefgerUSUL: brilliant, thx14:37
rohanv0lksman: strange, it should work, then :-/14:37
farchordlol help.ubuntu.org is dead14:37
pSamathideSi can't use turkish font on AMSN, what is the suggestion about that?14:38
pSamathideS: [14:38
rohanSpydon: http://mirror.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu-iso/CDs/kubuntu/hardy/kubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent14:38
bazhangthis is an interesting factoid:14:38
v0lksmanrohan:  yeah...its annoying... :)14:38
doug2266778822LogicalDash: any other ideas? i have done the best i can on researching this on google.14:38
gord_slaterelektronik123_: works for me right now from polish mirrors...14:38
Spydonthx rohan14:38
bazhang!info envyng-gtk14:38
ubotuPackage envyng-gtk does not exist in gutsy14:38
bazhang!info envyng-gtk hardy14:38
rohansimonp: on any mirror14:38
v0lksmanrohan:  I'm pretty sure it has to do with how I built the system (being I did server and then installed ubuntu-desktop on top of it)14:38
ubotuenvyng-gtk (source: envyng-gtk): install the ATI or the NVIDIA driver. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.1ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 93 kB, installed size 324 kB14:38
NiptechAdys, ButCompiz Fusion change the GUI14:38
erUSULjdownie: it should be the same as in gutsy system>Admin>restricted drivers14:38
Akari1694 users :-) I wonder if the Windows XP release party had such a good attendance14:38
bazhangniptech no difference with compiz14:39
AdysNiptech: it only changes the windows and desktop14:39
mattycoze~is in need of help; can someone help me with getting the CUPS daemon working again on my machien?>14:39
erUSULstefg: thank hobsee XD14:39
pSamathideSis there anybody here who has know anything about that?14:39
bazhangnickrud should be here14:39
rohanv0lksman: yes, but that still shouldn't cause problems. infact i suggest you to file a bug14:39
erUSULbazhang: so envy is now blessed software ??14:39
bazhangerUSUL: for hardy aye14:40
v0lksmanrohan:  was thinking about it...will be my first... ;)14:40
rohanv0lksman: hehe14:40
pSamathideShey heyyyy14:40
pSamathideSis there anybody here who has know anything about that?14:40
pSamathideSi can't use turkish font on AMSN, what is the suggestion about that?14:40
bazhang!fonts | pSamathideS14:40
ubotupSamathideS: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer14:40
doug2266778822anyone know how i can get my mouse themes to work i have the zelda one from gnome look. i also have curser theme installed but it wont work.14:40
farchordAnyone have an alternate page for the upgrade directions for kubuntu? lol14:40
_nano_There are  more than one hardy-desktop-i386.iso torrents at http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/    which one to choose?14:40
NiptechAkari, Wait for the 29th whn sp3 is out on wu ^^14:41
_oOMOo_pSamathideS do you have Turkish fonts displaying ok in other apps?14:41
shane2peru_nano_, get them from here: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/14:41
jdowniewas automatic nvidia or ati driver support the plan for this release, or will the doco explain that installing envyng-gtk is important?14:41
igormorgadowhat are the improvements/drawbacks in 64bits version over 32 ?14:41
NekoKunhttp://www.sedentario.org/wp-content/uploads/2008/04/fffggg.jpg :D14:41
pSamathideSUsing font; utf8, Cuntry; Turkey, Os; Ubuntu Berly14:41
shane2peru_nano_, they are the official release14:41
_nano_thanks shane2peru14:41
shane2peru_nano_, no prob14:41
jattigormorgado: you can run programs which need more than 4GB of memory14:41
AkariNiptech: Who cares? I use windows for WoW only.14:41
_nano_shane2peru: alright14:41
bazhangjdownie: it is optional for hardy14:41
igormorgadojatt: omg! =D14:41
mattycozemy CUPS broke, i need help14:42
jattigormorgado: haha not that you need that for normal use14:42
jattigormorgado: and anyway you can run 32bit programs in the 64bit version14:42
NekoKunigormorgado: PVT?14:42
_oOMOo_mattcoze what is the problem14:42
igormorgadojatt: only this? I read about some incompatibility with w32codecs in 64bits version.14:42
jdowniebazhang: that's fine with me, but the hardware option sort of suggested to me that it was installed but not used. gutsy gave a button that just installed it.14:42
igormorgadoNekoKun: ? what?14:42
erUSULjatt: to be fair in 32 bits the maximun size of a process is actually lower than the teoricall 4 GB ...14:43
jdowniebazhang: am I doing something dumb?14:43
bazhangigormorgado: if you like hassling with flash intsall then 64 bit is a good choice14:43
_oOMOo_igormorgando there is a w64codecs package at medibuntu14:43
tspI'm getting a timeout on the i386 torrent, someone mind dccing?14:43
NekoKunigormorgado: may I send a pvt msg?14:43
bazhangjdownie: not sure what you did14:43
jattigormorgado: yes, some codecs make problems and AFAIK flash (for youtube and google video) is only available in 32bit versions14:43
prateekI have the Kubuntu Desktop RC ISO, renamed to kubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso. If I download the final version using rsync in that directory, will it download just the differences (reducing data transfer)?14:43
igormorgadoNekoKun: why you should? but ok.14:43
=== Mimi is now known as Miss_Obvious
jdowniebazhang: nevermind. i'll read more.14:43
mattycoze<_oOMOo_> i can't print anything, and i think the CUPS daemon has screwed itself over somehow, whenever i try accessing it it gives me a message like "unavailable"14:43
Cwiiisbazhang / jatt: flash installs with nsplugins very simply in hardy14:43
igormorgadojatt: then I will not use 64bit version, since I want it for desktop use.14:43
Cwiiis(on 64-bit)14:43
Cwiiisnspluginwrapper even14:44
erUSULprateek: no14:44
AchothHello. How do I remove the partitions that are automatically placed on my desktop?14:44
RockjCwiiis, what about java webstart?14:44
mattycoze<_oOMOo_> like i can't access the print server either14:44
jattigormorgado: you can still use youtube and google video on a 64bit distribution14:44
ubuntuROXWill the update manager eventually update the beta version?14:44
Rockjdoes java have 64bit version yet?14:44
jattigormorgado: I do it on my laptop, you can run a 32 bit environment (called chroot) inside your 64 bit environment14:44
=== igormorgado is now known as Lin
CwiiisRockj: I use icedtea, but yeah, if you really want a decent java plugin, 64-bit is a no14:44
tarzeauRockj: not as browser plugin14:44
mattycoze<_oOMOo_> the server route was to; /var/run/cups/cups.sock14:44
_oOMOo_mattycoze it's a remote printer I take it? Have you tried restarting CUPS on the server?14:44
mooboo1i should use 32-bit or 64-bit?14:44
shane2peruRockj, it is icedtea, and opensource version of java14:44
tspah there14:44
_Lucretia_why is it that some of the Ada libs are built for gnat-4.2 andd some others are for 4.1? I find this strange14:44
tarzeaumooboo1: 32bit if you want youtube and other flash to work14:44
mosnoanyone using an Asus F3SV laptop with Hardy?14:44
=== pSamathideS is now known as Trafz
RockjCwiiis, tarzeau shane2peru :  I need Sun Java due to accessing my bank online  - guess Im still stuck on 32bit ;)14:45
mattycoze<_oOMOo_> ahh i haven't restarted the CUPS server directly, i've just been going ctrl+alt+bsp to restart GNOME14:45
Cwiiismooboo1: flash works fine under 64-bit - Java is a problem, and I've not tried wmv9 yet, but that also might be a problem14:45
shane2peruRockj, Icedtea does seem to work fairly well though, I haven't run into problems with it.14:45
prateekerUSUL: Thanks. How do I get it to download only the differences? There doesn't seem to be a jigdo file either? So I thought maybe rsync will do the trick...14:45
mattycozeassuming that did the same thing14:45
Linjatt: run chrooted environments on desktop is pointless. just for a 4gb+ improvements.14:45
shane2peruRockj, only thing I can say is give it a try and see if it works.14:45
ubuntuROXDoes anyone know if the update manager will eventually update the beta release to the final?14:45
_oOMOo_mattycoze if you can ssh into the server and sudo /etc/init.d/cupsys restart14:45
Cwiiismooboo1: On the other hand, my system does certain tasks (like compiling) noticeably faster under 64-bit14:45
fserveubuntuROX, yes14:45
rohanubuntuROX: it will14:45
shane2peruRockj, if it works, you are in good shape, if not, you haven't lost anything14:46
bazhangubuntuROX: you have the beta now? then just update and you are final14:46
erUSULprateek: jidgos are aviable iirc14:46
madrazrHi guys14:46
bottigerare the default repositories dead yet?14:46
mattycoze<_oOMOo_> so how would i do the ssh part?14:46
madrazrHardy is rocking14:46
AkariCWiiis: "Noticeably" means 20% or more?14:46
madrazrshout everyone14:46
madrazrHardy is rocking14:46
mattycozessh /etc/init.d/cupsys ??14:46
CwiiisAkari: It means 'noticeably', I've no idea about the numbers ;)14:46
bazhangmadrazr: so you said14:46
jattLin: yes for some users there isn't any great advantage in use chroot14:46
* shane2peru scratches his head, wondering how to shout on IRC14:46
ubuntuROXhmmm,, I did not get any updates today14:46
AkariCwiiis: Must be 20% :-)14:46
maekdoes anyone know if Apple's time capsule will work with Ubuntu ... like just as a network drive not as a back up solution ??14:47
dtamaswhere does gtwitter store datas?14:47
mattycozeshane2peru (CAPS)14:47
prateekerUSUL: No jigdos for desktop CDs here: http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/hardy/ :-(14:47
grhlunai got the release candidate and update manager gives me nothing new14:47
AkariApple? *puke*14:47
farchordHey guys, anyone know how to upgrade to the refresh version, not the LTS?14:47
grhlunahow come?14:47
ubuntuROXand it still shows I am booting off of a development version?14:47
shane2perumattycoze, ha ha, I guess that would work. :)14:47
rohanfarchord: what? refresh of what?14:47
farchordI mean Remix AKA KDE 4.014:47
bazhangmaek no it wont14:47
Stroganoffany idea whats causing this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debian-installer/+bug/20295914:47
erUSULprateek: o dunno for sure about kubuntu ...14:47
farchordrohan: meant remix, the new kde14:47
prateekerUSUL: Ok, thanks anyway.14:47
Linjatt: I really dont want to bother with chroot in my desktop, I use ubuntu in desktop to dont care at all. I have enough of configurations in my servers. Jailing users, traffic shapping them. =D14:47
_oOMOo_mattycoze how do you normally administer the print server?14:47
bazhangfarchord: get kubuntu-kde4-desktop14:48
sachaelhas anyone heard of smooth scrolling in gtk/gnome?14:48
maekoh bazhang I cant create a drive on time capsule then mount it in ubuntu ??14:48
farchordbazhang: that's all!?14:48
bazhangfarchord: aye14:48
red_hello..after updating, when  i launch a new window or app its top boarder hides beneath the my top panel. how do i resolve this. need help pls...14:48
=== blue112_ is now known as blue112
jlhenryAnyone have a torrent link for 8.04 desktop ?14:48
shane2perujlhenry, get them here: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/14:48
mattycoze<_oOMOo_> ahh just throught the graphic front end14:48
rskis there stats for the torrents anywhere?14:48
maekjlhenry, its in the IRC header14:48
jlhenryshane2peru, web site does not respond14:49
mattycozei've only done it once a few months ago jsut to get it working with my network printer <_oOMOo_>14:49
AkariWAI www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu is updated to 8.0414:49
jlhenryhttp://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ down14:49
doug2266778822 anyone know how i can get my mouse themes to work i have the zelda one from gnome look. i also have curser theme installed but it wont work.14:49
lartza_How can I monitor my cpu temperature? I have sensors-applet but it wont show. I might have disabled something important for this(acpi?). Could someone help?14:49
mattycozejlhenry no it aint14:49
shane2perujlhenry, give it another try, it is up and down because of the amount of hits it is getting14:49
mr_booi accidently applied the "rm -r" command on a folder14:49
_oOMOo_mattycoze ok I see, well you can just do it in a terminal on the server, open a terminal and sudo /etc/init.d/cupsys restart14:49
thefishanyone know if there is a way to amplify the sound output in ubu? I have maxed everything in alsamixer, but for some stuff (esp flash) i need to put my ear next to the speaker to hear anything14:49
mayakuza_need some help. when i try to play some videos in youtube there are some videos that have low sounds14:49
AkariI really wished HostEurope would offer Ubuntu server for their machines14:49
grhlunamoonchild@ubuntu:~$ lsb_release -a14:49
grhlunaNo LSB modules are available.14:49
grhlunaDistributor ID: Ubuntu14:49
grhlunaDescription:    Ubuntu 8.0414:49
FloodBot1grhluna: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:49
grhlunaRelease:        8.0414:49
thefish^ intel laptop speakers14:49
grhlunaCodename:       hardy14:49
mattycozeoh okay14:49
shane2perujlhenry, what, link do you want, !386 desktop, 64bit, alternate?14:49
gord_slaterelektronik123_: please, try the download, select your keyboard layout/language at install time, it should just work i think, in Polish. Ubuntu is multi-language, but some parts like the first install might be in english only, it depends if anyone has translated everything yet.14:49
Achothred_: Are you using Compiz Fusion? Then you have to activate "Place Windows" under "Window Management".14:50
jlhenryshane2peru, it's ok, I got the page this time :)14:50
mattycoze<_oOMOo_> you know these services that are running in the b/g14:50
mr_boocan i recover files after the "rm -r" command?14:50
jattlartza_: I think without acpi you cannot monitor temperature, I do have acpi=off in my grub and cannot...14:50
Q_ContinuumQuestion: are the DVD installer torrents updated and live yet, or are they still on daily/beta/rc builds?14:50
jattmr_boo: no way14:50
mayakuza_need some help. when i try to play some videos in youtube there are some videos that have low sounds14:50
mattycoze<_oOMOo_>how do I restart, and start them whenever i want to14:50
red_Acoth yes14:50
jlhenryfor others: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent14:50
Linis there any torrent to ubuntu DVD:14:50
cl3halllo brooo14:50
mattycoze<_oOMOo_> just asking because it's handy to know14:50
lartza_jatt: i have acpi disabled in bootupd, i try to enable that and reboot, thx14:50
Linis there any torrent to ubuntu DVD? (that was a question)14:50
Q_ContinuumLin: There usually are, I'm trying to find out if they're available yet...14:50
gord_slater elektronik123_:   i dont read Polish but does this tell you anything?   https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-l10n-pl14:50
bazhangmayakuza_: what about when you dl them? still low?14:51
_oOMOo_mattycoze they should be started at boot if you look in Administration>Services14:51
Achothred_: Then activate it!14:51
red_Acoth: what will i do?..14:51
LinQ_Continuum: if you find please tell me.14:51
Q_ContinuumLin: will do!14:51
Achothred_: You have to activate "Place Windows" under "Window Management".14:51
mayakuza_can i doenload youtube videos?14:51
elektronik123gord_slater i copy all important data14:51
red_how? i think i have already since i can do the cube effects14:51
jadamsanyone suggest a good unix-y (cross platform, library or utility) method of transferring multiple files w/ resume?14:51
jlhenrypacket lost from everywhere: http://www.just-ping.com/index.php?vh=www.ubuntu.com&s=ping%2114:51
szachistaelektronik123: #ubuntu-pl maybe?14:51
red_Acoth :how? i think i have already since i can do the cube effects14:51
mattycoze<_oOMOo_> oh yeah i know that but from the command line14:52
lartza_I think I have acpi... Now what to do?14:52
Keneomayakuza_: there are a lot of firefox add-on's to download youtube video's, they'll be in .flv format...14:52
lartza_Where could I check it's enabled in grub?14:52
mattycoze<_oOMOo_> like say i'm out of the graphical environment and just doing it all from commant prompt14:52
elektronik123szachista i have ban there14:52
evanfraserhi folks14:52
bazhang!info youtube-dl | mayakuza_14:52
ubotumayakuza_: youtube-dl (source: youtube-dl): download videos from youtube.com. In component universe, is extra. Version 2008.01.24-1 (hardy), package size 7 kB, installed size 64 kB14:52
Achothred_: That has nothing to do with this effect, use "customize" under the "Visual effects" tab in "Appearance"14:52
lartza_And maybe I shuold enable temperature monitorin in bios too? :P14:52
LinQ_Continuum: I found RC only14:52
gord_slater elektronik123_: ok , i think you will be ok, i have french/arabic/malaysian people i have helped so usually no problem, there is no "Polish-only" version you see, maybe like that with Microsoft, but not here :)14:52
mayakuza_i got ubunto for s14:52
szachistaelkbuntu: it's very hard to get banned there, have you been trolling?14:52
evanfraserAnyone else having a kernel hang on bootup since upgrading to hardy?14:53
lartza_Do I need apmd?14:53
* maek loves when a new OS is released ... the activity ... the questions everyone has etc.14:53
lartza_To monitor temp14:53
evanfraser2.6.22 boots fine, but 2.6.24 doesn't14:53
_oOMOo_mattycoze oh ok, well they're usually added to the init scripts so you can normally sudo /etc/init.d/$yourService start|stop|restart14:53
szachistaooopps.. I mean elektronik123*14:53
bazhangszachista: elk is an operator...14:53
mayakuza_i diden't understand that14:53
LinQ_Continuum: http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/14:53
evanfraserAnyone know how I can rectify "checking if image is initramfs...it isn't (bad gzip magic numbers); looks like an initrd"?14:53
AkariOfficial releases are here: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/  in case the site is down you can use the alternate download URL: http://www.allanime.org/fileadmin/ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent14:53
bazhangsudo apt-get install youtube-dl mayakuza_14:53
LinQ_Continuum: there is 4 files. =/14:53
lartza_Nooooo! New ubuntu is released :(14:53
Akari:( ?????14:54
Q_ContinuumLin: Thanks14:54
orochi_It isn't that hard to get banned here :> Ask anyone who asked about the release before it was made official14:54
LinQ_Continuum: do you know which one?14:54
gord_slater elektronik123_: he maybe got booted for calling me "out of order", its a language barrer thing dont worry14:54
kebabIf I upgrade via upgrade manager is it going to break my setup?14:54
maekI got kicked for posting an MD5 of the hardy iso14:54
bazhangorochi_: still mad? please dont be14:54
doug2266778822 anyone know how i can get my mouse themes to work i have the zelda one from gnome look. i also have curser theme installed but it wont work.14:54
Q_ContinuumLin: Notta clue.  That's the raw tracker data...14:54
AkariI've never been in order14:54
elektronik123not you14:54
jorwexwow is ubuntu.com having problems cuz of everyone trying to get it?14:54
KtronAnyone notice a decrease in performance using Xgl/Compiz-Fusion after upgrading from Gutsy to Hardy?14:55
grindholddoes anyone know if the new openoffice.org 2.4 is coming with 8.04?14:55
Picijorwex: yes14:55
Ktron(besides me)14:55
bazhang!cn | lei14:55
ubotulei: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk14:55
jorwexcrazy..all i want is the torrent :)14:55
fservegrindhold, yes, it is.14:55
TB`Can't wait for 8.1014:55
Akarilei: we do not offer chinese support here14:55
grindholdfserver: hellyeah, thanks :)14:55
elektronik123gord_slater not you xD14:55
ArelisWhat has changed since the release candidate, guys?14:55
lartza_How many has 8.04 already?14:55
AkariTB`: You still don't have it?14:55
blue|palmHi, ive just started using ubuntu after a while, and now with the ATI catalyst 8.3 driver my ATI X1900XTX can't seem to play video inside compiz. it flickers black-video-black constantly. Is this known?14:55
maekOMG TB` we are just concerned with hardy atm14:55
bazhangarelis a few updates14:55
AkariOfficial releases are here: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/  in case the site is down you can use the alternate download URL: http://www.allanime.org/fileadmin/ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent14:55
orochi_bazhang: I've already contacted Canonical, I'm interested in what they have to say about all of it if anything14:56
LSGDoes anyone have any clue how to get a Logitech MX1000 mouse working?14:56
tim1bazhang: Which packages have been updated?14:56
LinQ_Continuum: i will get the biggerone14:56
julle__How do i upgrade on Server Edition, i run beta atm?14:56
mayakuza_oky i typed the code. now what?14:56
RolcolWhere is the link for the alternate torrent?14:56
gord_slater elektronik123_: hey no problem, very veyr busy here today14:56
bazhangorochi_: okay then no need to repeat here ad nauseam14:56
fservejulle_, just apt-get dist-upgrade14:56
jorwexGOT the torrent! woohoo!14:56
julle__fserve: doesn't work14:56
Yodudehey about the hardy upgrade, if my connection cuts out, will i haver to re-download evrything or will the package manager cache them ?14:56
AkariLSG: Mouse problems can easily be solved by using the PS/2 connectors instead of USB, this way you save valuable USB ports, too14:57
harvey1bit of a new question, I "think" I have a 64 bit amd, is there any way to verify which version i should download?14:57
KtronYodude, they cache14:57
doug2266778822 anyone know how i can get my mouse themes to work i have the zelda one from gnome look. i also have curser theme installed but it wont work.14:57
fservejulle_, O_O here work : (14:57
farchordHaha I love this.... upgrading my Kubuntu version from a mirror that's like 1h in car from here.... Downloading it at capped speeds14:57
mrkeishiiwhat time did hardy heron Released on EST Time14:57
LinYodude: it will cache14:57
fbcIs there a way to do an upgrade from the desktop CD? or does it have to be the alternative cd?14:57
bazhangmayakuza_: you do it in the command line man youtube-dl for more info14:57
tarzeaumy mirror is complete: http://krum.ethz.ch/iso/14:57
orochi_bazhang: I suppose that's another "hint" from a volunteer that I'll be removed if I continue to criticize how the ops handled the release process ;>14:57
Akariharvey1: You can download the i386 iso it will work and be most compatible14:57
red_Acoth: it's ok now but launch place isn't consistent. how do i set it to launch at the center of the desktop?14:57
bazhangfbc: alternate only14:57
Picifbc: Has to be the alternate unfortunately14:57
fservefbc, have to be alternate14:57
ikercIf ftp Ok ?14:57
=== mrkeishii is now known as FilipinoYakuza
marvxxxon the desktop cd there isnt a cdromupgrade...where can i find it?14:57
Yodudektron: thnx a bunch c u on hardy !14:57
ikercIS Ftp Ok ?14:57
fservemarvxxx, alternate cd14:57
erUSULharvey1: if you have a 64 bit x86 chip "cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep lm" should return something14:58
marvxxxoh shit...ok14:58
bazhangorochi_:  not a hint; just plesae go to #ubuntu-offtopic as it distracting from helping others thanks14:58
FilipinoYakuzawhat time did 8.04LTS Come Out on EST Time????14:58
AkariWhat does "Is ftp ok" mean please?14:58
mosnoubuntu alternate CD ftw14:58
marx2kthetre really should be a cd-rom upgrade option in the non-alternative install CD14:58
erUSULmarvxxx: alternate CD14:58
mayakuza_bazhang i typed the code in terminal but how do i use it?14:58
FilipinoYakuzawhat does an alternate cd do???????14:58
AkariFilipinoYakuza: Installing in text mode :)14:58
Pici!alternate | FilipinoYakuza14:58
ubotuFilipinoYakuza: The Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal14:58
one_tao(rubbing awake his eyes...) Hey! There it is !!14:58
marx2kleads an alternative lifestyle14:58
ArelisWho thought up the banner on the Ubuntu.com site about the Desktop release? ('We have an uninstall button. Redundant - We know")14:58
bazhangmayakuza_: then add the url of the vide you want to download after it14:58
FilipinoYakuzai hate text mode14:58
orochi_bazhang: How is the conduct of the volunteers operating this channel not related to this channel?14:58
fserveFilipinoYakuza, install ubuntu live the desktop only, but with text mode14:58
FyreFoXare there no isos for ppc in 8.04 ?14:58
tim1Please use the torrent download instead of the FTP servers.14:58
erUSULFilipinoYakuza: it has a traditional debian like instaler without liveCD14:58
rohanFyreFoX: no14:59
tapasah i see, there's no ubuntu+1 anymore14:59
marx2kI thought PPC was due to be dropped14:59
lartza_How big was your update? Will gutsy progs work on hardy?...14:59
ikercAkari,  ftp is ok to maj ubuntu 7.10 to 8.04 ?14:59
harvey1erUSUL: it returns a long list of flags14:59
rohanFyreFoX: i think 6.06 was the last versoin supported for ppc14:59
erUSULFilipinoYakuza: it can be used as source of packages to upgrade as well14:59
Arelistim1: I am using a mirror in the Netherlands right now. Isn't that allowed?14:59
vbabiy-laptopWow I don't think I have ever seen this many people in the Ubuntu channel14:59
sidewalkif i want to be able to dist-upgrade with apt-get, do i need to edit /etc/apt/source.list ?14:59
AkariFilipinoYakuza: Get i386 :-)14:59
bazhangorochi_: I'd rather not continue this convo thanks14:59
peppersis www.ubuntu.com down or am I the only one getting a 503 error?14:59
marx2ksidewalk: no14:59
ikercI've 1030 maj its ok ?14:59
FilipinoYakuzaI'm downloading the live Cd of 8.04LTS14:59
erUSULharvey1: in which you can see the lm flag (long mode == lm == 64 bits)14:59
rohanpeppers: down14:59
orochi_bazhang: I'm not surprised :>14:59
Arelispeppers: itś being overloaded14:59
FilipinoYakuzanot the alternative14:59
fbcbazhang, Pici fserve , no wonder it's flying... it's only going to take me 30 minutes to download it... cool...14:59
peppersrohan:  back up aparently :P14:59
gord_slateroccasional 503 last 20 mins for me14:59
rohanpeppers: i mean, sometimes it works, sometimes down14:59
ikercnot down for me ubuntu.com14:59
SeanTaterIsn't it possible to have more than one tracker for bittorrent? Are there any mirrors for torrent.ubuntu.com?14:59
rohanpeppers: exactly :D14:59
pepperstorrents people, TORRENTS15:00
sidewalkmarx2k: but im not able to upgrade yet?15:00
tapasok, since hardy i cannot switch my thinkpad t21 to use the external vga output anymore15:00
WhitorSo... Is this the old #ubuntu+1 channel ?15:00
Q_ContinuumLin: I'm guessing DVD isos are a bit behind everything else, should be up sometime later today.  I'm pulling down just the Desktop CD ISO for now.15:00
vbabiy-laptoppeppers: is up and down15:00
blue|palmcan anyone help with an fglrx problem in hardy? Im using the restricted driver manager version of fglrx (catalyst 8.3) and video doesn't work in compiz... is there anyone who knows how to fix this?15:00
=== raptoid_ is now known as Xaroon
LSGAkari: But it's a wireless mouse15:00
gpledis their a torrent for the new ubuntu?15:00
bazhangWhitor: likely yes as that one is now gone15:00
peppershmm ok, 8.04 is a big thing heh :P15:00
PiciWhitor: #ubuntu+1 is closed and forwarded to #ubuntu15:00
vbabiy-laptopthey are really feeling the hit this time around :D15:00
marx2ksidewalk: people were saying the dist-upgrade is in the repo now.. you may want to ask around15:00
red_Acoth: thank you so much for your help...:)15:00
AkariOfficial releases are here: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/  in case the site is down you can use the alternate download URL: http://www.allanime.org/fileadmin/ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent15:00
FyreFoXrohan: I thought it wasnt supported but I thought you could still install it..?15:00
duanebis there a torrent for kubuntu-kde4-hardy?15:00
rajiv_nairI have ubuntu 7.10(gnome) installed and I installed KDE along with it. If i want to upgrade to hardy using an alternate CD which one should i use. Kubuntu or ubuntu?15:00
LSGAkari: I don't think a bluetooth hub can be plugged in a PS/215:00
KtronHas anyone said when 8.04 is Supported until?15:00
ArelisWhen did it get released?15:00
gpledxelnaga: thanks15:00
fbcyes they are all where they should be mow15:00
WhitorThanks Pici and Bazhang15:00
AkariLSG: Ouch ^^15:00
bazhangduaneb aye15:00
PiciKtron: 3 years on the desktop and 5 on the server15:01
harvey1kk thanks, so is there any advantage in getting the 64bit?15:01
bazhangabout an hour ago arelis15:01
duanebbazhang, got a link? pretty please? :)15:01
grhlunabig chance people getting the new ubuntu will love it15:01
KtronPici, Thanks15:01
rohanrajiv_nair: either, you'll need to download more packages to complete the full dist upgrade anyway15:01
bazhangduaneb: in the topic15:01
ranjanrajiv_nair: anyone15:01
yoologyduaneb: topic in #kubuntu-kde415:01
Akariharvey: Slight speed increase and more software problems.15:01
AchothHello. How do I remove the partition shorcuts that are automatically placed on my desktop?15:01
shane2peruha ha, that is great, there is sooo much traffic I can't get the ubuntu.com page to come up. lol15:01
ArelisPici: So.. this thing is far more stable than Gutsy?15:01
tim1Arelis: I've just downloaded ubuntu over torrent but I only had a speed of 100 KB/s. It will help everybody if you seed since more people are going to switch to Ubuntu GNU/Linux.15:01
sidewalkmarx2k: repo?15:01
rajiv_nairranjan: alrightey. thanx for the help15:01
duanebyoology, thanks much15:01
marx2ksidewalk: ask around about dist-upgrade availability15:01
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes15:01
ranjanrajiv_nair: enjoy15:01
PiciArelis: Depends, I didnt have many problems with Gutsy myself15:01
lartza_Is flightgear included in ubuntu :S When I updated to gutsy flightgear got installed15:01
LSGAkari: Hehe, yeah, i've been looking all over (except here) for a way to make it work. Every forum i've read only solves the amount of buttons available, but apparently it's supposed to work right from the installation. Mine didn't.15:01
NiptechKtron, Ubuntu 8.04 LTS Desktop Edition - Supported to 201115:01
mayakuza_oky i downloaded but now i can't find the file15:01
Rolcolcan someone get me the link to the kubuntu ISO torrent?15:02
KtronNiptech, thanks15:02
bazhangmayakuza_: in your home folder15:02
AkariAchoth: Delete the files from ~/.Desktop15:02
Arelistim1: what if i download it, then put it in the torrent format so i can seed the downloaded copy (that i downloaded from the mirror)15:02
xelnagaRolcol: http://torrent.ubuntu.com:696915:02
lartza_Is flightgear included in ubuntu :S When I updated to gutsy flightgear got installed15:02
blue|palmpeople.... if you want torrents... use a torrent indexer!!!! like isohunt15:02
Rolcolthank you xelnaga15:02
bazhangtopic in #kubuntu most likely Rolcol15:02
fation_linuXhappy Hardy to all :P15:02
AkariAchoth: You can edit your /etc/fstab and remove the offending entries15:02
marx2kI'll let you guys do the early adopting, read about the bug issues for the first week and then install it myself :D15:02
aspinHow do I change the size of the desktop icons?15:02
jorwexhmm should i be concerned if my torrent is still in the initial stage after 4 minutes?15:02
AchothAkari: Alright, thanks :)15:03
harvey1thanks Akari15:03
lartza_Is flightgear included in ubuntu :S When I updated to gutsy flightgear got installed15:03
LSGaspin: Resize? =)15:03
Pici!info flightgear | lartza_15:03
ubotulartza_: flightgear (source: flightgear): Flight Gear Flight Simulator. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.0.0-1ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 2330 kB, installed size 6488 kB15:03
blue|palmwww.isohunt.com and search for ubuntu/kubuntu whatever15:03
marx2kjorwex: sounds like some port issues15:03
jorwexaspin: right click and go to resize?15:03
bazhangjorwex: nay; it will pick up trust me ;]15:03
AkariYeah early adapting after how many years of Ubuntu? ;-)15:03
Q_Continuummarx2k: same here, but I'm getting the ISOs now while the torrents are fresh out of the oven :D15:03
tim1Arelis: It slows down the server and will cost lots of money for the operators of those servers.15:03
lartza_Pici: TY!15:03
aspinyes pixels15:03
marx2kQ_Continuum: same15:03
jorwexI'm not behind any routers or anything requiring port forwarding15:03
jorwexaight I'll wait a few more minutes :)15:03
Arelistim1: There are so many mirrors. Isn't that spread? I'm not downloading from the main server15:03
=== xelnaga is now known as ^1_http
guillaume__If I installed the RC 2 days ago do i need to reinstall the final version ?!?!?!15:03
bazhangwow 367kb/s15:04
ArelisWill my Wacom Bamboo Fun work with hardy?15:04
gord_slateri dont recall this much excitement when tomsrtbt got a new version...15:04
aspinno, just update15:04
ZeltaRolcol: If the torrent does load, try hobbsee.com/tmp/15:04
=== ^1_http is now known as ^1_torrent
mayakuza_there is still low sond afther i DLd it15:04
mattycoze<_oOMOo_> evince has some crazy issues with CUPS15:04
bazhangguillaume__: nay just update and you are final15:04
marcjank_I got RC 2 days ago too- I'm not seeing the upgrade15:04
luderaceri was getting it at 2/mbs15:04
Akaribazhang: Torrent? That's a tad bit slow ^^15:04
ZeltaBecause the main servers are a bit slow15:04
tim1Arelis: Yes, but you have the chance using P2P. There are people out there whose ISPs block (or limit) BitTorrent.15:04
aspinguillaume__: just update15:04
=== Bansku is now known as Frozenball
mattycoze<_oOMOo_> i think that's the main problem it causes the CUPS daemon to crash unnexpectedly15:04
FilipeRwhat configure in the ubuntu 8.04?15:04
FloodBot1FilipeR: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:04
bazhangmarcjank_: just update and upgrade15:04
tim1Akari: Yeah, BitTorrent was very slow here too.15:04
mattycoze<_oOMOo_> (i'm trying to print a .pdf)15:04
guillaume__bazhang : standart update or do I need to use the distro update ?!15:04
Akaritim1: I'm seeding at 100 mbit max speed not much but it'll help!15:04
marcjank_ohh, thanks15:04
Sinnermanthere were some kernel modules/drivers (fglrx, ndiswrapper for wifi, and webcam) i had to get and load manually for those items of hardware to work properly; how would upgrading affect the working of those?15:04
mmarsmanwhat did you do to xmms!!!15:05
tim1Akari: Thanks.15:05
luderacerim seeding at 1gb15:05
peppersok, torrenting i386 desktop now, will seed soon15:05
bazhangguillaume__: if you have the beta.rc then just upgrade normally15:05
_oOMOo_mattycoze I think I can relate to that. You can print ok with OpenOffice?15:05
aspinnope its update15:05
jorwexwow torrent is slow15:05
aspinhe already has 8.0415:05
mayakuza_there is still low sownd on the video15:05
jorwexi thought it'd be super fast15:05
mattycoze<_oOMOo_> yeah that's true, OpenOffice works a charm15:05
AkariSinnerman: An upgrade will replace your custom kernel with the default one15:05
majestic1guillaume__: do apt-get update and then update-manager will show new release15:05
aspinits just a mater of 120mb of updates15:05
luderacerne way im off15:05
bazhangjorwex: I'll seed for you ;]15:05
markumantim1: :-D15:05
* orochi_ is downloading at 250K/s, uploading at 1 ;>15:05
marx2kSinnerman: since youre upgrading the kernel you will probably need to rebuild/reinstall the restricted modules15:05
ionstormubuntu.com is down15:05
mattycoze<_oOMOo_> well i haven't tried it now, but I haven't had any problems with it15:05
Gman99999does the upgrade fix the acpi hp laptop sound problems?15:05
jorwexhehe thanks15:05
AkariOfficial releases are here: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/  in case the site is down you can use the alternate download URL: http://www.allanime.org/fileadmin/ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent15:05
ionstormService Temporarily Unavailable Apache/2.2.8 (Ubuntu) Server at www.ubuntu.com Port 8015:05
kmanro3Q: How to upgrade from 8.04 beta to LTS?15:05
aspinjust go to update manager15:06
=== maco_ is now known as maco
bazhangionstorm: hmm busy perhaps? ;]15:06
tim1markuman: Hey, you're the guy from the German ubuntu channel?15:06
Akari?manro: Standard system upgrade15:06
zaggy-nllol http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2244/2436225528_e5c1887fe1_o.png15:06
grindholddoes anyone have so much "dependency problem" warnings in the networkbased upgrad like me? does anyone know why this is not working clearly?15:06
bazhangkmanro3: just upgrade normally and you are there ;]15:06
markumantim1: yeah :-)15:06
zaggy-nlubuntu hardy heron poster15:06
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs15:06
ranjankmanro3: just apt-get update and apt-get dist-upgrade15:06
SinnermanAkari: im sorry, i didn't elaborate enough; the kernel is the one that shipped with gutsy. it's the additional modules i have that im concerned about.15:06
_oOMOo_mattycoze I had some pdfs that refused to print from evince in the past. The only way I found around it was to use Acrobat - I think medibuntu has a .deb15:06
=== ^1_torrent is now known as ^1_torrentDOTubu
=== ^1_torrentDOTubu is now known as steve_pearce
rodolfo_hi! what's the version of Linux kernel that comes with U8?15:07
marcjank_I did sudo apt-get update, apt-get upgrade and apt-get dist-upgrade, and it did not update my RC15:07
Sinnermanmarx2k: oops. and with no guarantees that it'll work... :(15:07
bazhangrodolfo_: 2415:07
peppersweird, the torrent tracker is refusing my conenction. ideas?15:07
jburdrodolfo_: 2.6.2415:07
stimpieI have just upgraded to 8.04 and now my screen is bigger then my screen resolution15:07
steve_pearceoh well, tried to change nick to torrent address to stop people asking where it is15:07
duanebIs there a mirror for the kubuntu iso?15:07
AchothAkari: How exactly do I remove them from ~/.Desktop?15:07
LSGDoes anyone have any clue how to get a Logitech MX1000 mouse working?15:07
mattycoze<_oOMOo_> heh, these pdf's were made by M$ word btw :p15:07
mattycoze<_oOMOo_> so no doubt why it won't work15:07
rodolfo_hmm so why does the installer fails to continue with the installation..?15:07
Oprtzhi, i am using ubuntu 7.10 with Intel 946GZ motherboard and internal vga that doesn't install in ubuntu automatically, u need to install the drivers seperatly and then it will work with ubuntu and compiz, do i download new ubuntu and install a clean installation or just upgrade it?15:07
kmanro3is this the current version? No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID:UbuntuDescription:Ubuntu 8.04 Release:8.04 Codename:hardy15:07
bazhangduaneb: should be in #kubuntu-kde4 topic15:07
jorwex@LSG: it doesn't work by default?15:07
KohelethHow do I alter the size of the desktop icons?15:07
=== grhluna is now known as ubunturox
bazhangkmanro3: aye15:08
duanebbazhang, yea, but the site's down15:08
jorwexdamn how do you do that..15:08
kmanro3ah ok thx.15:08
LSGjorwex: No...it's supposed to, isn't it?15:08
steve_pearceduaneb: http://torrent.ubuntu.com:696915:08
_oOMOo_mattycoze I'd love to say I'm surprised :)15:08
tonidoes anyone know where I can find an official .torrent?15:08
tim1LSG: I have this mouse but it's working out-of-the-box here.15:08
jeffimperialnow that the bustling is starting to subside... how does one enter the BIOS in a hardy machine? I have an Intel Desktop board15:08
AkariLOL that movie ad is great thanks for sharing15:08
jorwexmine works in Gutsy without any issues15:08
duanebsteve_pearce, thanks15:08
marcjank_for newer mice, you may need to write your own driver15:08
JuanDoes anyone know how to get Nautilus to list items without extra columns like Windows Explorer does?15:08
jorwexno extra buttons tho15:08
biagidpDo any Thunderbird users know how I can minimize it to my gnome tray?15:08
tim1LSG: Are you using Hardy?15:08
Zeltatoni: http://hobbsee.com/tmp/15:08
marcjank_I use an mx310, that's what I had to do15:08
ubunturoxmost of my hardware i had to tweak nuttin!!15:08
guillaume__I just did the apt-get dist-upgrade and it did not upgrade my RC15:08
mooboo1230 kb/s from torrent, this sucks, from local mirror, i would have downloaded 5 megabyte second15:08
mooboo1or 1015:08
marcjank_me too guillaume15:08
grindholddoes anyone have so much "dependency problem" warnings in the networkbased upgrad like me? does anyone know why this is not working clearly?15:08
ikercUbuntu 8.04 LTS for desktops -> You'll never Go Back15:08
ionstormguillaume__, same w/me15:09
Kohelethhow do you know you have rc anymore15:09
LSGtim1: Yeah, i've read everywhere that it does, but mine somehow didn't. And no, i'm still using Gutsy.15:09
xngearmooboo1: 5 mb? that sucks, i dowload at 1215:09
jorwexi keep meaning to use this guide tho: http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/MX1000_Buttons15:09
bazhangguillaume__: no need to dist-upgarde, just regular upgrade is fine15:09
_oOMOo_mattycoze some pdfs have security built in which I'm not sure evince supports as yet, IIRC15:09
mmarsmanbring back xmms!15:09
mmarsmanin the repo that is :D15:09
mooboo1xngear, wow you have fast internet15:09
tim1LSG: Maybe that's the reason. I've just tested it on Hardy.15:09
KtronAnyway, Happy Release Day, I'm out of here to get work done15:09
jeffimperialyeah, gord15:09
ionstormupdate-manager doesnt upgrade rc , what is a good repo15:09
marcjank_I did sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get upgrade and it didn't do it15:09
Kohelethguillaume__: type this lsb_release -a15:09
tim1LSG: When I was using Microsoft Windows XP some years ago, I also needed some drivers.15:09
Pici!final | ionstorm15:09
ubotuionstorm: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Hardy. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.15:09
gord_slaterjeffimperial: same way as in windows or gutsy, if that helps15:09
mattycoze<_oOMOo_> what is IIRC?15:09
duesewebsite down?15:09
tim1mattycoze: It's an abbreviation afaik.15:10
MEtaLpREswell the upgraded worked and my computer started back up, thats always a plus15:10
bazhangmarcjank_: lsb_release -a shows what15:10
jeffimperialgord_slater, that was the first thing I tried.. didn't work15:10
_oOMOo_mattycoze it means if I remember correctly15:10
Kohelethyour version15:10
gord_slaterjeffimperial: its hardware dependant, not OS dependant, try F2, DEL, F10 etc15:10
grindholdwhy are there so many dependency errors while upgrading?15:10
grindholdmay anyone help me15:10
mattycozeoh okay15:10
rohangrindhold: must be some third party software which you've installed15:10
=== h00s__ is now known as h00s
JuanDoes anyone know how to get Nautilus to list items without extra columns like Windows Explorer does? So instead of only having 1 column list all items in a folder, with the other columns used for Size, Date, etc, have multiple columns of only items?15:10
steve_pearcehttp://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969 is now being hammered people, be patient15:10
FrozenballCan anyone tell the MD5 of the page?15:10
bazhanggrindhold: plesae pastebin your sources.list15:10
mattycozelol thx,15:11
LSGtim1: Odd. It worked without even installing it on WinXP. Meh, if it works off the box in Hardy i'll just wait until i upgrade. Getting tired of this crappy mouse i'm using now though =(15:11
Frozenball*of the ubuntu-desktop-i38n15:11
cryptolifenautilus still without tabs !15:11
rodolfo_have this ever happened to any of you guys? =>  https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/22128215:11
gord_slaterjeffimperial: hmm, ok, then truy a cold shutdown, then boot by power-button-press, some boards need that15:11
marcjank_so, if I lsb_release -a, and it says no LSB modules are available, it's up to date?15:11
KohelethI had the rc and I waited and waited for the release for no point15:11
duesewebsite ist back :-D15:11
grindholdrohan:  yes i have , but does the upgrade affect my 3rd party software? afaik it didn't while updatinig from 7.04 to 7.1015:11
DShepherdubuntu.com looks jazzy!.. nice15:11
pepperssteve_pearce: is torrent.ubuntu.com:6969 the tracker server?15:11
bazhangmarcjank_: it says 8.04 or 7.1015:11
petermwhere do i find a torrent for ubuntu 8.04?15:11
jeffimperialgord_slater, a cold shutdown? newbie in over his head here...15:11
marcjank_it says 8.0415:11
KohelethI updated the rc this morning and it was final15:11
bazhangmarcjank_: then you are fine15:12
steve_pearcepeppers: yeah15:12
peppersye it's refusing connections now :S15:12
gord_slaterjeffimperial: hehe no problem, we take it slow. If you have a working operating system, shut it down, computer goes off/silent15:12
szachistaCrazyguy: of course there are no tabs in nautilus, developers have stated many times that nobody needs them ;)15:12
pepperscentralized dependant p2p :S15:12
Koheleththere are no more updates for it now, I have Hardy Heron 8.04 I waited for nothing :)15:12
steve_pearcepeppers: im about to mirror the torrents i grabbed15:12
JuanHow can I check my Ubuntu version to see if I have final release 8.04 version?15:12
Frozenball"Nobody needs tabs"15:12
immesysis anyone having grief with the kubuntu-kde4 torrent?15:12
mattycozeoh well, thanks for the link <_oOMOo_, currently downloading the adobepdf reader via synaptic15:12
marcjank_well then is there a way to turn off the debugger?15:12
marcjank_juan lsb_release -a15:12
onatshello, is there a quick way to upgrade to 8.04?15:12
jtbandes_Hi, I'm having issues updating the RC with rsync; it asks me for a password. I'm using this command: rsync --verbose ubuntu.osuosl.org:/releases/hardy/ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso .15:12
DShepherdKoheleth, heheeh... isnt life sweet!15:12
onatsfrom 7.10?15:12
bazhanglsb_release -a juan15:12
peppershmm steve_pearce I'm gonna seed on my server, not really a ubuntu mirror :P15:12
FrozenballThey are jus ttoo lazy15:12
gord_slaterjeffimperial: then when u start it again (from "cold" u see) try the bios key, like F2, F10, Del, INS etc15:12
Juanthank you kindly15:12
marx2konats: dist-upgrade15:12
DShepherdonats, sure..15:12
jeffimperialgord_slater, alright.. then15:12
bazhangonats well today may not be quick ;]15:13
tim1LSG: Hehe. I've switched back to a Logitech RX1000 (with cable) because I didn't want to charge the mouse.15:13
DShepherdonats, http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading15:13
KohelethDShepherd: yeah, it was a right windup15:13
FrozenballCan anyone tell the MD5 of ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso?15:13
onatsany risks?15:13
szachistaFrozenball: no, tabs are "confusing" :D15:13
duanebboo, the tracker is down :'(15:13
Juaner ... what should it say if I'm up to date?15:13
B_166-ER-Xis there a way to install Hardy whitout completely formatting gutsy ?15:13
KohelethI think the ops knew all along15:13
tim1How long does Ubuntu take to install?15:13
mattycozeszachista harden up!15:13
LSGtim1: It lasts a pretty long time between charges though.15:13
tim1I think about 10 minutes.15:13
bazhangB_166-ER-X: sure via the net15:13
orochi_Koheleth, No kidding :P15:13
jatttim1: depends on your machine15:13
marx2konats: just the regular distribution upgrade risks15:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dist_upgrade - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi15:13
FrozenballI hate the ideology that takes features away15:13
Kohelethsods :)15:13
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes15:13
JuanThanks marc15:13
mooboo1ubuntu.com is down!!!!!!!!1115:13
FrozenballCan anyone tell the MD5 of ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso?15:13
grindholdrohan: another question.. will 8.04 work even when i dont have 3rd party activated?15:13
onatsmarx, high or low risk?15:13
JuanDoes anyone know how to get Nautilus to list items without extra columns like Windows Explorer does? So instead of only having 1 column list all items in a folder, with the other columns used for Size, Date, etc, have multiple columns of only items?15:13
DShepherdubuntu.com is dead15:13
FrozenballCan anyone tell the MD5 of ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso?15:14
=== NDPTAL86 is now known as NDPTAL85
AkariEndswith 1f1f115:14
W8TAHDShepherd: its called overload15:14
marx2konats: depends on your specific system, really...15:14
_oOMOo_mattycoze cool, hope it fixes it. One other way I tried with moderate success on occasion was to print the pdf to pdf (if you see what I mean) using the built in PDF printer, and then print the resulting pdf. Enough pdfs already15:14
marcjank_okay, if this is up to date, i've got a few problems15:14
jeffimperialgord_slater, alright.. I'll try that again later.. still updating to the finalrelease so can't shut down right now15:14
mooboo1how can i check md5sum of ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso?15:14
marcjank_juan, use the LS command15:14
tim1LSG: Yeah, I think it was every 10 hours.15:14
DShepherdW8TAH, tell me about it15:14
gord_slaterjeffimperial: is this the machine you are talking on now? or a spare one?   and, best way to get bios up I find is not to hold key down so it has a fit, but to tap the key once a second until i "happens"15:14
xpointB_166-ER-X,  update-manager -d15:14
aubadeFrozenball: http://ubuntu.osuosl.org/releases/8.04/MD5SUMS15:14
W8TAHFrozenball: take it easy -- keeping asking isnt gonna help15:14
onatsdemmit, dist-upgrade is not available on my copy15:14
bazhangmarcjank_: ask away15:14
FrozenballSorry to flood, but thewebiste is slow as hell15:14
mattycoze<_oOMOo_> yeah tis printing now; woot now i can get on with my research15:14
grindholdrohan: another question.. will 8.04 work even when i dont have 3rd party activated?15:14
szachistaright know i have opened opera with over 20 tabs, terminal with 4 tabs and gedit with few more and i feel soooo confused :)15:14
LSGtim1: At first i thought it was gonna be a royal pain (it was a gift for a friend). The one i can't use anymore is the MX5000 keyboard, also wireless15:14
mooboo1aubade, thanks15:14
W8TAHDShepherd: torrents seem to be the way to go15:14
tim1The installation process stopped here. [Errno 5] Input/output error15:14
Pici!md5 | mooboo115:14
ubotumooboo1: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows15:14
rodolfo_no answer? it seems I'm the only one running into this..15:14
onatsisnt the release late? i thought i was supposed to be out last week?15:14
marcjank_okay, my login screen is about 4 times the size of my actual screen15:14
Akari # md5sum ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso15:14
Akari8895167a794c5d8dedcc312fc62f1f1f  ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso15:14
Kohelethis 8.04 support here now?15:14
jeffimperialgord_slater, it is.. ok, i'll try and remember that.. thanks15:14
bazhangKoheleth: aye15:15
=== LjL-Temp is now known as Ertyle
orochi_Koheleth, Yes, you're allowed to talk about it now :P15:15
jorwexwhat would it take for my university to become a mirror?15:15
DShepherdW8TAH, ok.. i am not upgrading yet though. waiting till the rush is over15:15
=== tobias_ is now known as tobias
LSGtim1: I don't want to buy 4 AA batteries every...like 4 weeks or something15:15
Kohelethhttp://goukihq.org/MD5/ for md(s15:15
DShepherdKoheleth, it should be15:15
Juanmarcjank_ : How do I use ls command within Nautilus?15:15
* ubunturox please look at this baby!! Description: Ubuntu 8.04 yea!15:15
Kohelethok, I will close the other tabs15:15
marcjank_and when I try to run zmud, it claims that it doesn't run when debuggers are active- I thought they'd only be on if I was using RC but apparently I'm in the full release now15:15
xngearwhy i cant join #ubuntu+1? i want 8.10 alpha now!15:15
immesysis there a problem with torrent.ubuntu.com?15:15
DShepherdJuan, you dont. you use it on the terminal15:15
bazhangabout 45gbs of space jorwex15:15
TechsalvagerMay I ask you ubuntu people to clean up ubuntu-ru15:15
tomd123Juan: you can't use ls with nautilus, ls is for the command line15:16
Ertylexngear: there is no 8.10 alpha yet.15:16
Techsalvagerand stop them from spamming ##windows15:16
Juanhaha yes I know that, but I want it to list in Nautilus, not terminal15:16
jtbandes_Anyone used rsync to update the .iso from the RC to the final release?15:16
cyclonutany redditors here?15:16
bazhangxngear there in no alpha now15:16
DShepherdxngear, #ubuntu+1 wont be up for a little while15:16
jorwexis that a constant 45gigs? or is that increasing with each release?15:16
ErtyleTechsalvager, you need to ask a -ru operators. /msg chanserv access #ubuntu-ru list15:16
jatthahaha ##windows15:16
szachistaTechsalvager: spamming #windows? good idea15:16
spiderfirehello, can someone tell me how to use a character from the character map?15:16
tim1LSG: Yep, me too. I think cordless mouses are better for exactly this reason.15:16
JuanMy question was:15:16
JuanDoes anyone know how to get Nautilus to list items without extra columns like Windows Explorer does? So instead of only having 1 column list all items in a folder, with the other columns used for Size, Date, etc, have multiple columns of only items?15:16
bazhangjorwex: not sure you may want to ask his-child15:16
ljudkortAh, I love the sound of a Ubuntu-CD being burned...15:16
JuanLike a graphical representation of the terminal's ls command.15:16
bazhangjuan yes, and no one knows right now; when someone does they will answer15:17
onatswow, torrent doesnt seem to be working even15:17
FrozenballI would like to note that the warning not to download was just plain bullsjhit15:17
kbrosnanJuan: chanage view as icons to view as list15:17
FilipinoYakuzahow fast did some people download Hardy Heron?15:17
FrozenballI downloaded the iso earlier by torrent and md5sums matched15:17
kbrosnanJuan: drop down on the upper right15:17
onatshoy filipino yakuza15:17
blue|palmanyone on 8.04 using fglrx having any problems with video?15:17
LSGtim1: Hmm...maybe i could buy rechargeable batteries for the keyboard...no idea how long they'll last though.15:17
ubunturoxthis totally cured my flu15:17
tomd123onats: ya, torrent isn't working, I'll help though once I download the 8.04 cds :P15:17
Kohelethsome peopl had it in 5 or 10 minutes15:17
tim1blue|palm: What's your problem?15:17
ubunturoxubuntu cures your flu.15:17
ErtyleFilipinoYakuza: please use the torrents to download faster without clogging the mirror15:17
ivobHi! Downloaded 64 bit ubuntu-8.04-server-amd64.iso. Attempted install failed at manual partitioning. Apparently it kind find any free RAID devices when attempting creation of RAID1.15:17
Ertyle!torrents > FilipinoYakuza    (FilipinoYakuza, see the private message from Ubotu)15:17
onatsCDs? that means its more than 700mb?15:17
KohelethI was quicker though, I already had it I did not know :)15:17
ljudkortFilipinoYakuza, I downloaded all the versions as soon as they released it, now I'm seeding them all at a couple MB/s each15:17
orochi_Frozenball, Yes, that's been well established :>15:17
tomd123onats: cd, my bad15:17
DShepherdspiderfire, try draggint the character you want to the textbox below and select copy..15:17
Juankbrosnan: Hi ... it still shows the other columns I don't want. I just want the whole screen to be filled with item names - files and folders15:17
DShepherdspiderfire, then i think you can paste it where you like15:18
grindholdwill the upgrade affect my xorg-conf?15:18
spiderfireDShepherd: ok thanks but is there a keyboard shortcut?15:18
tim1LSG: You can charge them for about 1 000 times.15:18
LSGtim1: They should have a cord you can connect to the keyboard though, so you can recharge it and still use it in the meantime15:18
blue|palmtim1, I get severe flickering (black-video-black-video) etc. This doesnt only happen with videos ive notice though, it also happens to any gl appls15:18
szachistaJuan: you mean sth like this? http://thunar.xfce.org/images/thunar-compact-view-beta1.png15:18
tomd123Ertyle: the torrents are down, so don't yell at ppl plz15:18
ivobDo I report this as a bug or what?15:18
steve_pearceIve mirrored _some_ of the torrents at http://stevepearce.info/data/ubu_mirror if it helps15:18
JawshieHas anybody had any problems in the upgrade? Broken installs, etc?15:18
Jadd76Could someone post the torrent URL for Hardy? releases.ubuntu.com seems to be down at the moment15:18
blue|palmtim1, this all only if aiglx/compiz is on15:18
onatsjeezus bejeezus15:18
Juanszachista: yessir, that's right.15:18
DShepherdspiderfire, i really dont know. :-(15:18
gord_slaterjeffimperial:try F1 as well for some intel boards, refer to motherboard user manual if u have one, the BIOS happens way before the (OS) operating system (Ubuntu/Linux or Windoze), so isnt affected by OS. I'm guessing you need to change the boot order to get the CD to boot before the hard drive15:18
JuanSo should I ditch Nautilus and use Thunar exclusively for that feature?15:18
ubuntuROX_I have been running the beta, it still shows me booting a development release, and there are no updates available in Synaptic, or Update Manager?  Any thoughts?15:18
Jadd76OK, Ill try that15:18
blue|palmtim1, it basically makes using any video and/or 3d apps with compiz unusable15:18
orochi_Frozenball: Banning people who posted the link to the torrent was apparently the volunteers' method of channel control up until they decided to actually admit that it was out ;>15:18
tomd123holy cow, I think I'm gonna come back when things have settled down15:18
tim1blue|palm: I haven't had this problem before. Can you post your xorg.conf on pastebin?15:18
FilipinoYakuzaso why download from torrent????15:19
tim1blue|palm: Is composite turned on?15:19
jtbandes_FilipinoYakuza: it's faster15:19
* mosno wonders if he'll cop any NVIDIA/X crashes/lockups on Hardy (8600M GS)15:19
marx2kFilipinoYakuza: it's faster15:19
marx2kand it doesnt kill the Ubuntu mirrors15:19
FilipinoYakuzacuz I'm downloading from Http15:19
immesyswhere can I get a .torrent for the kubuntu-kde4-alternate iso?15:19
Ertyletomd123: the torrents are not down, please don't yell at me.15:19
blue|palmtim1, its not explicitly on in xorg.conf... i thought that its default now. ill try that in a sec15:19
coolFilipinoYakuza, Not necessary but recommended15:19
mosnoalthough maybe it was just a Compiz bug15:19
tim1LSG: Good idea.15:19
ubuntuROX_Ive been using nvidia and it works great.15:19
FilipinoYakuzayeah i know15:19
FilipinoYakuzahow faster is the torrent??15:20
bazhang!info envyng-qt hardy15:20
ubotuenvyng-qt (source: envyng-qt): install the ATI or the NVIDIA driver. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.1ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 62 kB, installed size 336 kB15:20
jtbandes_It's sucking right now :P15:20
steve_pearceFilipinoYakuza: very15:20
ErtyleFilipinoYakuza, try and see, it depends on your connection as well as 100 other factods.15:20
=== ccruz is now known as GreenCult
ubunturoxyea this is the first version my nvidia card is fully supported15:20
DPicdoes anybody know if region coding on DVDs matters with Ubuntu?15:20
tim1blue|palm: You need to change the driver to fglrx, if you haven't done so.15:20
blue|palmtim1, http://www.pastebin.org/3173815:20
coolFilipinoYakuza, Perhaps test & see :)15:20
gord_slaterFilipinoYakuza: was same sped for me :-p15:20
jorwexk, going ALOT faster via http. how do i seed that after i get it?15:20
LSGtim1: I wish i could get payed for my ideas =(15:20
FilipinoYakuzasend me the torrent15:20
a1fa_congrats on a new release :P15:20
Ertyle!torrents | FilipinoYakuza15:20
ubotuFilipinoYakuza: Hardy can be torrented from http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).15:20
erot1conwhere could I read when is the 8.04 end of life going to be?15:21
blue|palmtim1, check xorg.conf, as far as i know it should be right. but i don't know that much :-/15:21
tomd123Ertyle: then the torrents are corrupt on the mirror, because they don't work15:21
jtbandes_Why are so many people not seeding?15:21
marx2kerot1con: 201115:21
bazhangjorwex: you can use transmission to create a new torrnet15:21
Ertyletomd123: which mirror?15:21
gord_slater2011 desktop 2013 server15:21
coolerot1con, todays date + 3 years15:21
mosnojtbandes_, most are probably switching distro on their only PC15:21
* grindhold need coffee.. C8H10N4O2 support15:21
jorwexwait...is there just one torrent out? shouldnt i seed with that one?15:21
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!15:21
a1fa_when does 8.10 come out :P15:21
jorwex(i dont really know how torrents work)15:21
coolerot1con, means 201115:21
inditechhi there15:21
ubuhello, i've hardy...where can i find the firefox binary in the filesystem because /usr/bin/firefox is a script15:21
Ertylea1fa_: in 6 months15:21
DShepherdalfanick, six months from now15:21
tim1LSG: Hehe. Go to Logitech and suggest your idea to them. Even better is to buy a patent.15:21
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots15:21
inditechanyone willing to answer a quick question?15:21
bazhangErtyle: good luck with that today ;]15:21
Zeltaa1fa_: October15:22
a1fa_Ertyle : ahhahaha no way? i was kidding15:22
Ertyleubu: try "dpkg -L firefox"15:22
marcjank_go for it inditech15:22
a1fa_I WAS KIDDING15:22
tomd123Ertyle: hold on, I'll try to find it, unless the web page times out (ubuntu.com) :P15:22
Ertylebazhang: with what?15:22
coolubu, what exactly you are trying to do?15:22
FilipinoYakuzawhat does everyone recommend????15:22
inditechwell I updated to 8.04 before today - ie. beta15:22
Ertyleevandro: /join #ubuntu-br15:22
ZeltaUbuntu follows a 6 month release cycle15:22
jeffimperialso ubotu is back15:22
FilipinoYakuzaTorrent or Http15:22
ubotuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)15:22
tim1blue|palm: Looks good so far but I think you need to enable composite in it.15:22
erUSULFilipinoYakuza: torrent15:22
inditechand now the official LTS is out, do I need to upgrade?15:22
coolFilipinoYakuza, Torrents15:22
ZeltaUsually, a release is released on April and October15:22
Ertylea1fa_: and do you think a channel with 1700 people, scrolling so fast that my client can barely keep up, needs jokes?15:22
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!15:22
bazhangwith sending people to offtopic Ertyle15:22
=== lagann__ is now known as lagann_
EskimoBOBdoes anyone have the change log for hardy? ubuntu's site seems to be down15:22
DPicdoes region coding on DVDs matter on Ubuntu?15:22
jribinditech: no, it's your choice if you want to upgrade to hardy15:22
=== eric_ is now known as talntid
blue|palmtim1, ok, ill try that15:22
bazhangdpic nay15:23
talntidhi :)15:23
marcjank_bob- there's a ton of changes15:23
jeffimperialmay pinoy dito?15:23
LSGtim1: Meh, i'm not even close to the US and i don't think there's anyone from Logitech in my country. You can patent it if you want =)15:23
a1fa_ubuntu+1 forwards to #ubuntu15:23
orochi_Ertyle: You mean like the "it'll take 42 minutes longer if you ask for the release" joke that the ops were spouting not that long ago? ;P15:23
inditechjrib: well I am on Hardy but its the beta one they release a couple of weeks ago15:23
coolEskimoBOB, You might be interested in Release notes15:23
DPicbazhang: sweet, thought so15:23
jrib!final > inditech (read the private message from ubotu)15:23
FilipinoYakuzayou think it would be done when i come back from school?15:23
marcjank_new gnome, new nautilus, tons of new apps packed with it15:23
tim1blue|palm: It needs to be in the Extensions section. If you don't know how, look for some examples at google.15:23
ubucool, app-armor doesn't have the firefox profile in /etc/apparmor.d/ and selinux doesn't have it when i do semodule -l so i tried to look if firefox is corectly labeled as mozilla_exec_t or something like this...15:23
lalalaladownload too slow!!!!15:23
inditechwill my update manager take care of the missing pieces?15:23
blue|palmtim1, thx15:23
EskimoBOBi am, do you have a link to them cool?15:23
jorwexworks for me... not a text file tho http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/80415:23
W8TAHlalalala: deal with it15:23
LSGlalalala: 140kbps here!15:24
tim1LSG: I'm neither living in the US.15:24
talntidwhere do I edit my VPN connection settings at? anyone know?15:24
tim1LSG: Where are you from?15:24
blue|palmDon't you guys have local linux mirrors?15:24
tim1blue|palm: No problem. :)15:24
LSGtim1: Argentina. You?15:24
blue|palmthey usually get synched often15:24
tim1LSG: Germany.15:24
coolEskimoBOB, search on Ubuntu.com15:24
Koheleththats a lot of memory for a linux distro15:24
coolubu,sorry, dunno15:24
zerosneakerI've installed the RC version of ubuntu 8.04. But can't upgrade to the stable version? why is that?15:25
Kohelethzerosneaker: what do you mean15:25
mrtimdogIs it possible to install without LVM and on an ecrypted volume?15:25
orochi_Koheleth, ? Only 190MB total in use here and that's with a lot running15:25
marx2kzerosneaker:  youre already at the stable if no more updates can be made15:25
jrib!final > zerosneaker (read the private message from ubotu)15:25
marcjank_zerosneaker lsb_release -a15:25
zerosneakeryeah. it says 8.0415:25
bazhangzerosneaker: when you have updates apply them--servers might be tab bit overworked today though15:25
Ertyleimmesys: http://se.cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu-kde4/releases/8.04/release/kubuntu-kde4-8.04-alternate-i386.iso.torrent15:25
marcjank_zerosneaker if lsb_release -a shows 8.04, it already did the updates necerssary15:25
LSGtim1: Sweet! I've always wanted to visit there. I was going to make a little trip around Europe with a friend but he quit his job so...no money.15:25
zerosneakerokey. yeah thanks :)15:25
Kohelethzerosneaker: just go to update manager15:25
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!15:26
ubuouch...system_u:object_r:bin_t /usr/lib/firefox-3.0b5/firefox...app armor doesn't have enough profiles and selinux too...15:26
ubuntuROX_marx2k problem is that it still boots from a development version,,, I think I have the same problem with the beta15:26
zerosneakeri've tried that. it didn't showed anything so i thought something was wrong here:)15:26
tim1LSG: Oh, I'm sorry for him.15:26
jeffimperialanyone in here ever experienced Alternate CD not working in less than required memory?15:26
zerosneakerthanks :)15:26
coolEskimoBOB, you still there?15:26
EskimoBOBsry reading15:26
coolEskimoBOB, http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/80415:26
EskimoBOBthat's what i'm reading :)15:26
jeffimperialEskimoBOB, was that for me?15:26
JuanBy god, if I could combine Thunar and Nautilus, it'd be great15:27
pawalwhy no wordpress 2.5 in hardy?15:27
EskimoBOBjeffimperial, no15:27
ubuwhat's the point of selinux/app-armor if they haven't a firefox profile...there is one inside the refpolicy...isn't there any step i missed?15:27
LSGtim1: Don't be. He quit just cause he's lazy. I might still go with a girl i met <.<15:27
abliHi! how can I debug usb stick automounting? using the live cd of hardy plugging in the usb stick it gets automatically mounted, but in the recently installed hardy it doesnt. judging from dmesg the usbstick is recognized, and it shows up in the places menu, but 'mount' doesn't know about it. Any ideas?15:27
tim1LSG: Ok, good luck.15:27
marcjank_does anybody know how to disable debuggers?15:27
LSGtim1: Thanks, later man15:28
coolabli, type dmes at terminal15:28
Zorg95hi, ubuntu hardy installer keeps complaining about corrupted md5 checksums, but when i manually check them in windows, everything works fine... any idea?15:28
coolabli, dmesg15:28
JuanIs there some sort of addon for Gnome that gives me something similar to Windows' Quick Start bar, with a list of all my favorite items listed on the panel itself?15:28
jeffimperialabli, have the same prob with a hard drive15:28
xyzzubu selinux is not just for firefox15:28
fahadsadahI updated my kernel to 2.6.25, and now my Nvidia drivers don't work.15:28
Zorg95for file /dists/hardy/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz15:28
marcjank_juan places takes care of all of that15:28
hcoalHello, I have 2 gigs of ram, how big should I make my swap partition?  Should it really be 4 gig as the rule of thumb goes?15:28
coolJuan, you can add shortcuts on the top panel, Right click and add to panel15:29
ablicool, what? according to dmesg it is recognized. what should i look for?15:29
heartsbloodo.o was ubunt+1 taken over last night?15:29
wild_oscarJuan: I also can think of "places" for that15:29
bazhangfahadsadah: that is not supported15:29
marcjank_juan oh, if you want things on the bar, just drag the icon15:29
peppershcoal: it's 1.5x the RAM so make it 3Gb15:29
ubuxyzz, i know that but what's the point of integrating it on the Desktop without the desktop profile?15:29
coolabli, perhaps, manual mount it15:29
hcoalpeppers: thank you!15:29
marcjank_does anybody know how to disable debuggers?15:29
duanebhcoal, just to make it safe, I'd do 4 gigs15:29
peppershcoal: np15:29
duanebhow much HD space do you have?15:29
v0lksmananyone know a link with some good docs on policy kit?  I really need to figure out why it isn't working on my systems15:29
Juanmarcjank_ : Yeah, I've dragged the icons, but since I wanted a dual-row panel for my open programs, the icons are huge. Any way to make those program icons use two rows as well and make them smaller?15:29
peppersduaneb: over 1.5x tends to loose preformance if you don't actually use it.15:30
JuanI was hoping there was a specific addon for that ... but making the icons smaller works well too15:30
fahadsadahI updated my kernel to 2.6.25, and now my Nvidia drivers don't work.15:30
zyx386what is new in ubuntu 8.4?15:30
xyzzubu consider it as first test deployment15:30
ablicool, how can I find out which device to mount?15:30
MenZa!hardy | zyx38615:30
heartsbloodIs it possible to see exactly the ammount of ram the processes on my system are using?15:30
coolhcoal, IMO, this much /SWAP will not be needed, unless you use hibernation15:30
bazhangfahadsadah: that is not supported15:30
MenZaheartsblood: top15:30
MenZaheartsblood: As in, the program top. Run it in a terminal.15:30
coolabli, looks in dmesg15:30
fahadsadahbazhang: Crap15:30
marcjank_juan: can you send me a screenshot of what you're talking about?15:30
ubuxyzz, ok...i have it on gentoo and i have a firefox,wine,java,mono,etc...15:30
ubotuzyx386: Hardy Heron is the codename for the current release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS) You can get it now from http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu but please use !torrents15:30
coolabli, last few lines15:30
Kohelethubuntus index page is knackered15:30
Juanmarcjank_ yessir I'll upload now15:31
Kohelethits up and down15:31
ubuxyzz, oops add profile to the end of the sentence15:31
mrkeishiiis the Hardy Heron LTS download the same as the Torrent?????15:31
hcoalOne more thing, should I create a separate partition for /usr ?15:31
timboywhat program is the ubuntu website made in?15:31
Myrttihcoal: /home atleast15:31
coolmrkeishii, Yeah15:31
ubotuTorrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P15:31
mighty-dwould you help me?, im having a bad day with slapd, all i get is >> Unrecognized database type (lbdm) , i get the same for bdb15:31
alfrenovskythere's any torrent DVD ?15:31
mrkeishiiyou sure15:31
ubotuHardy can be torrented from http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).15:31
zyx386ubotu, i said what is new in hardy, i already download it  ;)15:31
jpt9has anyone tried Wubi on Vista?  I've heard that there are problems since Vista doesn't use boot.ini anymore.15:31
marcjank_personall,y I like running utorrent behind wine15:31
xyzzubu same in fedora, but it took a lot of time to create policy for everything15:31
Ertylemrkeishii: the torrent ISO's are exactly the same ISO's that you get from HTTP15:32
b0xxyssooo new ubuntu is out15:32
bazhangb0xxy: aye15:32
heartsbloodMenza: how? I run top and hit m and I only get a percentage and the highest one is 3%.  but according to atop I only have 381mb free of 1gb.  (no desktop manager running atm) so I can't figure out what's hogging it all15:32
mrkeishiiand it is not that fast15:32
b0xxyi shal download now15:32
cooljpt9, I always use normal & the tested way15:32
Ertyleb0xxy: as you can see if you type /topic15:32
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!15:32
mrkeishiitorrent for me ain't fast15:32
b0xxyhavent rejoined chan in ags15:32
peppersok, sedding the iso now :D bbl people15:32
heartsbloodI mean I'm looking for the hard numbers15:32
jpt9cool: which is?15:32
heartsbloodnot just a %15:32
Ertyle!enter | b0xxy15:32
one_taob0xxy : Go be happy!15:32
ubotub0xxy: please see above15:32
timboywhat program is the ubuntu website made in? Dreamweaver?15:32
duanebthat ubotu is cheeky15:32
cooljpatrick, Use CD15:32
ubuxyzz, but how ubuntu,gentoo and fedora differs? apart the fact that it's firefox3 ubuntu dev could import the refpolicy/fedora profiles no?15:33
Ertyle!offtopic | timboy15:33
ubotutimboy: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!15:33
heartsbloodtimboy: highly doubt it15:33
marx2ktimboy: highly doubtful15:33
talntidmrkeishii: you're probably natgted then15:33
heartsbloodmarx2k: copy cat15:33
* marx2k looks at heartsblood 15:33
bazhangtimboy: funny but not possible15:33
erUSULtimboy: vi or emacs ;)15:33
jpt9cool: My laptop is a ThinkPad; I'm at RPI and they have a laptop program.  I don't want to have worry about partitioning my drive and possible data loss, etc.15:33
jpt9erUSUL: vim.15:33
one_taoubu: Ubuntu is the easist to instll and add stuff to15:33
Ben_Cs i installed hardy when it became release candidate. and kept it updated. one of the updates deleted update manager. so i don't know if i can upgrade to the "hardy release" version, and how. sudo apt-get dist-upgrade , does nothing. one of the updates removed the update manager?15:34
tomd123timboy: dreamweaver? wow, nice try though ;P15:34
talntidfor the life of me... i can't find the config file..15:34
talntidfor reverse DNS15:34
spqis 8.04 the today released version?15:34
b0xxydownloading now15:34
cooljpt9, I also own a Thinkpad, There a thinkwiki site specially made for thinkpad users15:34
jpt9cool: What exactly do you mean by using the CD -- running Wubi from it?  Booting to it and installing from it?15:34
tomd123spq: yes15:34
beobadoes someone have an alternate url for the .torrent, im not even able to get that off the site15:34
bazhangBen_Cs: just normal upgrades will do it15:34
tomd123spq: 8.04 was released today15:34
ErtyleBen_Cs: you should "sudo apt-get update" before the dist-upgrade15:34
marx2kI also doubt the Ubuntu website is running on an IIS server using C# in ASP.NET with an MS SQL Server backend15:34
khalderonI have a problem...15:34
bazhangspq aye15:34
zo0mguyhow Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State       PID/Program name15:34
zo0mguytcp        0      0 localhost:mysql         *:*                     LISTEN     4686/mysqld15:34
zo0mguytcp        0      0 *:8888                  *:*                     LISTEN     6464/sbcl15:34
zo0mguytcp        1      0 hardy.ucs.indiana.:8888 ablaze.uits.indian:4576 CLOSE_WAIT 6464/sbcl15:34
zo0mguytcp        1      0 hardy.ucs.indiana.:8888 ablaze.uits.indian:4575 CLOSE_WAIT 6464/sbcl15:34
khalderonA big one!15:34
zo0mguytcp        1      0 hardy.ucs.indiana.:8888 ablaze.uits.indian:4577 CLOSE_WAIT 6464/sbcl15:34
FloodBot1zo0mguy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:34
heartsbloodI don't understand why top and atop give me different memory usage numbers15:34
khalderonI cant download hardy15:34
cooljpatrick, booting & installing via Ubiquity or Debain installer15:34
khalderonthe web site is down15:35
erUSULbeoba: http://hobbsee.com/tmp/15:35
khalderonand there is no torrents link15:35
heartsbloodtop says I have 634MB free, atop says 391MB free15:35
xyzzubu they differs and a lot. it may result into many problems, if some not tested policies will on firefox produce avc for non skileld users15:35
ubotuHardy can be torrented from http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).15:35
khalderoneven the link in the forums doesnt work15:35
pheriodis there enyone here who is able to use f-spot?15:35
Ertylebeoba: you could try http://se.cdimages.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases/8.04/release/ (or other country abbreviations instead of "se")15:35
bazhangkhalderon: did you read the topic?15:35
khalderonthis is not what I want15:35
tomd123khalderon: I wouldn't be surprised, just imagine the traffic...15:35
xyzzubu if you think its the same, instal selinux module from gentoo/fedora and see yourself15:35
MrBillSo, does a Ubuntu-1 join the mix for people still using Gutsy? now that Hardy is the current release?15:35
pheriodit cant connect to dbus here15:35
khalderonwhy is everyone giving these links15:35
Kalistoso hardy is now officially released? just wondering, im at work and have an ssh session to my computer. how can i upgrade my distro? usually i use the gnome update manager. do i use apt instead?15:35
ubuxyzz, ok15:35
imagelifehi how to harddisk install ubuntu ? maybe give me a links :)15:35
khalderonI want the alternate install15:35
b0xxyguys, install or upgrade? wat do u think?15:35
bazhangMrBill: we are all here ;]15:35
jtbandes_Using rsync, I get "skipping non-regular file "ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso"", how do I fix that?15:35
tomd123khalderon: because the servers can't handle this much traffic15:35
khalderonand not that stupid live cd15:35
heartsbloodbtw, why is esound-common A REQUIRMENT TO INSTALL COMPIZ?15:35
ubotuThe Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal15:35
ablicool, ok, I can mount it automatically. mount gives no error messages, and none show up in /var/log/syslog/ related to mounting. I do however get 'reset High speed usb device' messages in /var/log/syslog/  So now that I can mount manually, how can I get it to automatically next time?15:35
zo0mguyhow can I kill close-wait sessions on Ubuntu, they are making my application sleep15:35
heartsbloodthat makes no sense what so ever15:36
ErtyleMrBill: : gutsy is supported in ths channel15:36
khalderonso no link for alternate torrent?15:36
Ertylekhalderon: go to the "torrents for other Ubuntu flavors" and you'll find it15:36
khalderonwhere is that?15:36
tomd123khalderon: you have a long way before you can call anything stupid15:36
the_alamoi have come a folder in my trash that i don't have permission to delete.  how do i get rid of it?15:36
Juanmarcjank_ Here's a screenshot of what I want to do with the Gnome panels: http://img237.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotrm3.png15:36
AkariI'm going to install on this machine now. Love you all! ^^15:36
Ertylekhalderon: in the factoid you were just thrown. http://releases.ubuntu.com/15:36
Ben_CsErtyle , bazhang: why did one of the updates removed the update-manager? i installed it back, and added it to auto started apps, but i can't make it sit and listen to updates in tray15:36
khalderonI asked something: WHY IS ONLY A LINK TO THAT DAMN LIVECD GIVEN?15:36
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xyzzubu you may also help to derivate module for ubuntu from these15:37
geniikhalderon: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-alternate-i386.iso.torrent15:37
ubotuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.15:37
Rokkoparlare anche di kubuntu?15:37
bazhangkhalderon: seems to want some attention15:37
zo0mguyhow can I kill close-wait sessions on Ubuntu, they are making my application sleep15:37
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows15:37
tomd123khalderon: wow, so ignorant15:37
Ertyle!it | rokko15:37
uboturokko: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!15:37
khalderonis this official: http://releases.ubuntu.com/hardy/15:37
Ertylerokko: /join #kubuntu or /join #ubuntu-it15:37
oriezwhy download the upgrade is so slow its started from 400kb/s and now its 16kb/s15:37
Ertyle!attitude | khalderon, the alternate torrent is at http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-alternate-i386.iso.torrent15:37
ubotukhalderon, the alternate torrent is at http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-alternate-i386.iso.torrent: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines15:37
Mimiyes khalderon  -_-15:37
spqcan anyone give me a checksum or something of the iso? (desktop, amd64) i downloaded a file today, but dont knowif its the rc or the today released one...15:37
marcjank_juan: that's easy, just go to applications, and drag the application you want to the panel15:37
marcjank_the icon will appear15:37
Ben_Cswhy did one of the updates removed the update-manager? i installed it back, and added it to auto started apps, but i can't make it sit and listen to updates in tray15:38
ubuxyzz, ok...i know how to USE selinux but not yet how to make policies without audit2allow...but i have the book15:38
Ben_Csanyone please?15:38
Ertylekhalderon: the link to the live CD is given because *that is the official installation CD*. if you want to use alternate, you'll surely know how to browse a web site.15:38
Juanmarckank_ yessir, I've done that, but I'm trying to make those icons smaller than they show in that screenshot ...15:38
khalderonErtyle, how arrogant15:38
jorwexBen_Cs I dont know15:38
Administrator_is there an option to load live ubuntu toram ? I REALLY need this15:38
erUSUL!caps | khalderon15:38
ubotukhalderon: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.15:38
Juanmarcjank_ I mean15:38
khalderonthis will confuse so many users15:38
xpointoriez, download is slow since all trying to downgrade to hardy right now15:38
jorwexis that supposed to happen?15:38
khalderonit is like M$15:38
ErtyleBen_Cs: i have no ide. try « sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade ; sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop »15:38
Ertyle!enter | khalderon15:38
ubotukhalderon: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!15:38
TB`Where do I buy Ubuntu from?15:39
khalderonit forces you to use certain thing15:39
orochi_khalderon, Confusing users is almost as popular as threatening users when it comes to this channel's ops :>15:39
Ertyle!offtopic | khalderon15:39
ubotukhalderon: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!15:39
Ertyle!ubuntu > TB`    (TB`, see the private message from Ubotu)15:39
bazhangkhalderon: intereting but offtopic15:39
ubuntuROX_should the final release still be booting off a development version ?15:39
gord_slaterthe_alamo: probably "owned" by root, one way is to type "sudo nautilus" in a terminal, giving you temporary superuser permissions, navigate using the nautilus left-side tree to trash, delete file (note, i not runnig 8.04 yet lol, might be wrong nowadays)15:39
khalderonI dont want to do any more offtopic15:39
khalderonthanks for the link15:39
Administrator_is there an option to load live ubuntu toram ?15:39
khalderonand next time provide all of the links15:39
khalderonand dont behave arrogant15:39
marx2kAdministrator_: Ubuntu LiveCD loads to RAM15:39
khalderonbye bye :)15:39
Ertylekhalderon, most people won't need or want the alternate CD. and providing *that* link *would* confuse them.15:39
Decepticoni cant download the .torrent file for some reason, is releases.ubuntu.com being slow/unresponsive? anyone have a mirror to download the 8.04 torrent15:39
fservekhalderon, cya15:39
bazhangbye khalderon15:40
tomd123khalderon: your the one asking for links, wow, that was rubbish15:40
oriezxpoint - you mean "upgrade"15:40
tarzeauDecepticon: http://krum.ethz.ch/iso/15:40
Ertylekhalderon: i don't see why you'd need the alternate CD unless you want to install a custom selection of packages, or your computer has very limited hardware resources.15:40
xpointoriez, i am sakastisks since its more or less a downgrade as today15:40
bazhangit is a fun day; too bad not everyone can be happy15:40
Administrator_marx2k: ubuntu live cd loads to ram and I can eject cd and use a cd burner15:40
=== omar_ is now known as arie
alexvd_hi I keep having the same issue of trying to upgrade to hardy and it hanging at checking package manager.  This happened for RC1 and now the official version.  Is thier a fix?15:40
Ben_CsErtyle: you are right. for some reason ubuntu-desktop package got removed, together with update notifier15:40
zax1can i use internet explorere on linux or ubuntu15:40
ErtyleDecepticon, yes, it's pretty slow. there are mirrors15:40
marx2kAdministrator_: No :(15:40
Decepticonthanks tarzeau15:40
Decepticontarzeau, i was hoping for a .torrent file15:40
Juanzaxl: yes, with wine15:40
mooboo1im seeding 8.04 in 590 kb/s15:40
bazhangzax1: via wine yes15:41
ErtyleDecepticon: try http://fr.cdimages.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/8.04/release/ (or another nation instead of "fr#")15:41
tarzeauDecepticon: sorry, but this mirror is really fast, since almost nobody knows about it :)15:41
khalderonI cant open the torrent15:41
Ertyle!enter | khalderon15:41
ubotukhalderon: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!15:41
oriezxpoint - why r u saying it15:41
khalderonit just hangs... :(15:41
marcjank_juan: ahhh you could try changing the resolution.  I'm not sure otherwise15:41
bazhangkhalderon: really not your day15:41
tarzeaukhalderon: then try the http download from http://krum.ethz.ch/iso/ ?15:41
bullgard4What is the proper place to store GNOME source code files in Hardy?15:41
khalderonit is slow15:41
tomd123khalderon: be patient...15:41
Decepticoni just need a mirror for this file http://releases.ubuntu.com/hardy/ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent15:41
khalderonbtw is that an official link?15:41
ikoniabullgard4: source files can go where you want15:41
duanebDecepticon, http://hobbsee.com/tmp/15:41
Decepticontarzeau, im not planning on installing yet, i just want to help seed, thats why im asking for a torrent15:41
tarzeaukhalderon: no, but it's gbit fast15:41
schivhi is hardy heron a monkey?15:42
Ertylekhalderon: please STOP using enter as punctuation, my client is about to freeze up from the scrolling. yes, that's an official mirror15:42
FloodBot3NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.15:42
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.15:42
tarzeauDecepticon: i see15:42
bazhangkhalderon: we are volunteers; please be nicer15:42
ikoniaschiv: this is a support channel only15:42
tomd123khalderon: it doesn't matter if it's an official link, as long as the checksum is the same!!15:42
khalderonErtyle, just stop telling me how to write here! this is insulting!15:42
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.15:42
schivikonia: ok thanks15:42
Ertyle!ops | khalderon15:42
ubotukhalderon: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpatrick or jussi01!15:42
oriezxpoint, do you think its not worth upgrading15:42
Decepticonthanks duaneb15:42
duanebFloodBot takedown15:42
TorikunArch Linux FTW!15:42
thewhen i'm installing ubuntu, the installer don't understands that i have the hard drives in raid0, so it only sees 2 hds and not the partitions i made.. anything i can do?15:42
hardy64khalderon: stop flooding the channel15:42
jribkhalderon: ?15:42
ikoniaTorikun: Please stop -15:42
thewhen i'm installing ubuntu, the installer don't understands that i have the hard drives in raid0, so it only sees 2 hds and not the partitions i made.. anything i can do?15:42
orochi_khalderon: You're lucky you didn't get here earlier, you would have been banned for even talking about the link they're now asking people to Digg up ;P15:42
ikoniaTorikun: this is an ubuntu support channel only15:42
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!15:42
ikoniaorochi_: can you drop comaplining about the link banning please.15:43
Treeckcold57Hey I have a question. how suppose do I with openoffice for using MLA format?15:43
MattAAronwow so much talking going on in here15:43
dystopianraythe: is it a fakeraid setup? you might need to use the alternate cd15:43
FrozenballCan you install Ubuntu without wasting yet another cd?15:43
Treeckcold571 inch left and right.15:43
ikoniaMattAAron: it's not like this,15:43
bazhangorochi_: indeed that is tiring15:43
TuxPWNZGuys what's the command to know the current version of Ubuntu?15:43
Juanhttp://launchpadlibrarian.net/1672820/gnome-panel-systray-unefficient-icon-arrangement.png haha that's a perfect description of my job as well.15:43
dystopianrayTreeckcold57: MLA is access?15:43
ubuntuROX_ should grub still say Ubuntu hardy (development branch), kernel 2.6.24-16-generic if its the current version?15:43
marx2kFrozen: from within linux?15:43
ikoniaFrozenball: netboot, perhaps15:43
ConstyXIVMattAAron, well, it is release day15:43
elkbuntuorochi_, the link banning was done to prevent pipe cloggage... which would only delay the release. please lay off.15:43
bazhangFrozenball: sure; what is the host os15:43
jrib!version > TuxPWNZ (read the private message from ubotu)15:43
ikoniaTuxPWNZ: lsb_release -a15:43
fservelsb-release -a15:43
marekwhere are release notes that describe what has been changed from last release?15:43
ikoniaubuntuROX_: no - it's stable now15:43
Mimi<TuxPWNZ>  type uname -u in command prompt15:43
FrozenballI have Windows + Linux Mint installed15:44
coolFrozenball, Check various installtion methods supported by Ubuntu. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation15:44
scot524@tux - cat/etc/issue15:44
MattAAronahhh, crazy... Funny, this is my first time ever in the #ubuntu channel, never even used linux myself...until today, donwloading it now to try it out :D came in here and BAM, talk talk talk lol15:44
ikoniaMimi: thats not going to show the release15:44
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ubuntuROX_how do I force an upgrade?15:44
Mimiim sorry <TuxPWNZ>  type uname -a   instead15:44
karboanyone been able to successfully use the new "Screen resolution" tool with the ATI drivers?15:44
xpointoriez, hardy as today have lots of dependice errors that needs to be fixed, one of them is easy to see with "apt-get install mozilla-*" with installs both seamonkey and mozilla but it fails on dependice15:44
ikoniaMimi: thats not going to show the release.15:44
mohbanacan i download a dvd of hardy?15:44
thewhat should i do when the installer dont understand that i have my 2 hard disks in raid0, but see 2 seperate hard disks?15:44
bazhangFrozenball: try unetbootin from windows15:44
bullgard4ikonia: Unification is a valuable asset in software production and usage. It is a waste to not unify a location for source code files in Linux and Ubuntu.15:44
Frozenballcool, It's kind of impossible since servers are jammed15:44
bazhangmohbana sure15:44
MattAAronyou support ppl must be going insane today with all these ppl15:44
Mimiikonia,  i thought he wanted the version not the release. good point15:44
ikoniabullgard4: ok, "there isn't an official location"15:44
mohbanabazhang: where15:44
bazhangMattAAron: its fun15:44
orochi_bazhang: All of a sudden you can hear me again, amazing ;> I'm sure the people who got banned for trying to promote your release are very happy about it15:44
ConstyXIVMattAAron, we're all just normal peoples15:44
hristbazhang: oh yeah :D15:44
jattno support ppl here sir15:44
coolFrozenball, Its possible, check googles cache ;)15:45
ubuntuROX_I have tried all the sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade etc. stuff its showing no updates.15:45
gord_slaterMattAAron: Welcome! this is "crazy day 8.04" so its a bit mad right now15:45
jattonly volunteers :)15:45
ikoniaorochi_: STOP, please, drop it15:45
bullgard4ikonia: Ok. I notice. -- Thank you.15:45
ikoniabullgard4: no problem15:45
bazhangorochi_: please stop15:45
MattAAronyea seems like it... and i thought #xbmc gets crazy at times, nope, not at all15:45
Cendoes anyone know if there is a dedicated Ubuntu JeOS irc channel?15:45
ikoniaCen: not that I'm aware of15:45
mohbanawhere is the dvd link?15:45
scot524@ubuntuROX_ -- gksu "update-manager -c"15:45
Ertyle!no alternate is <reply> The Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-alternate-i386.iso.torrent15:45
marx2kWhoa! There's an #xbmc!?15:45
orochi_Take note, anyone who is new to Ubuntu: Canonical's volunteers are more than willing to jilt their own users over a website announcement15:45
coolubuntulog, try update-manager15:45
un2himjust did a fresh install keeping my old home directory. aside from reinstalling a couple of apps, all is groovy15:45
alexvd_Hi update manager keeps hanging at checking package manager can anyone help15:45
MattAAron#xbmc here on this network, yea lol they moved a while ago to FreeNode :D15:46
Ertyle!offtopic | orochi_15:46
ubotuorochi_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!15:46
MattAAron#xbmc-linux for the linux version15:46
cdm10I want to get the torrent, but the website appears slightly broken and the link in the topic is dead...15:46
nemohm. #ubuntu+1 has been shut down?15:46
bazhangcdm give it a bit; should pick up soon ish15:46
WhitorCan anyone confirm that Wireless networking works on a Thinkpad t61p?15:46
bazhangnemo yes15:46
hardy64Isn't the GDM login screen resolution determined by the first item listed under display in xorg.conf? My screen resolution on GDM is not right15:46
ubuntuROX_It tells me my system is up to date15:46
erUSULcdm10: http://hobbsee.com/tmp/15:46
ConstyXIVcdm10, try ftp://ftp.ussg.iu.edu/linux/ubuntu-releases/hardy/ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent15:46
ikonianemo: it's in here15:46
bazhangwhitor is that 3945 or 496515:47
nemoikonia: alrighty.15:47
ikoniaWhitor: I've had it working15:47
nemo 8027 nemo      39  19 2118m 730m 2672 S  0.0 36.1   9:36.63 trackerd15:47
cdm10Thanks guys15:47
FloodBot1nemo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:47
nemoFloodBot1: 2 lines is a flood?15:47
Whitorbazhang, How do I check ?15:47
ido--gettign 12k/s when downloading the image15:47
lesjoh1anyone know if the issues with OO in the powerpc port have been resolved?15:47
mohbanawhere can i download a dvd of hardy?15:47
nemoFloodBot1: silly bot15:47
bazhanglspci in the terminal whitor15:47
ubuntuROX_has anyone else had the beta do an automatic update to the released version?15:47
Ertylenemo: yes, given there's 1700 people in here. use the pastebin :)15:47
ikoniaubuntuROX_: it doesn't do it automaticlly, you have to tell it to15:47
Picinemo: Lines with all caps get weighted higher15:47
nemoErtyle: that saves one whole line :-p15:47
bazhang!torrents | mohbana look here15:47
ubotumohbana look here: Hardy can be torrented from http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).15:47
ErtylePici: i don't think that needs to be explained15:47
nemoErtyle: and I only included the first line to give context15:47
zo0mguyhow can I kill close-wait sessions on Ubuntu, they are making my application sleep, plz15:48
ikonianemo: lowercase is best15:48
nemoErtyle: hell, ubotu just did 5 "lines" there.15:48
alexvd_Ertyle: I have tried to upgarde gutsy to hardy and it keeps hanging on checking package manager.15:48
hardy64whos cares dont do it15:48
ubuntuROX_ok, I just ran gksu "update-manager -c" and it still says no updates, how to I tell it to?15:48
Whitorbazhang, 496515:48
ikoniazo0mguy: normally time out on their own15:48
nemoikonia: gotcha.15:48
Picinemo: Just use a pastebin next time :)15:48
Ertylenemo: ok, but the channel is scrolling so fast that people will hardly have time to read your paste to begin with, so pastebin helps15:48
bazhangwhitor does ifconfig show three entries or two?15:48
nemoAnyway, main point is. why is trackerd so damn greedy?15:48
nemo36% of system memory15:48
ikonianemo: what ?15:48
Ertylealexvd_: i've upgraded using apt-get, however that's not supported and you need to be careful if you do it that way...15:48
nemoikonia: my paste was of trackerd15:49
CenJeOS is loading my CD drive as SCSI, it is then erroring (ata2: DRQ=1 with device error, dev_stat 0x49), but according to the JeOS Wiki it does not support SCSI devices, any ideas on how to force it to load the device as an IDE like normal ubuntu does?15:49
ikonianemo: what's it doing,15:49
Ertylenemo: perhaps it's indexing and the RAM usage will go down when it's finished indexing...15:49
ikoniaCen: we don't seuppot jeOS15:49
nemoErtyle: naw. has been like that for days15:49
Whitorbazhang, I'm still on 7.10, I wanted to confirm that it would work before I upgraded... Wireless stopped working on my home unit... this is my work laptop and I cn't afford to have the wireless go down15:49
alexvd_Ertyle: i would prefer not to fubar my machine.15:49
nemoErtyle: note the time running.15:49
Cenikonia: where can i go for support?15:49
doug2266778822i had a prob with compiz so i did in term{compiz} and pastebined it someone in there said my vid drivers are not properly installed can anyone help me with this?        http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64240/ is what i linked to him.. anyone know how to fix this?15:49
nemoI did do one restart yesterday actually, but it was greedy before that too15:49
mohbanano torrent for hardY?15:49
nemooh. no. I didn't do a restart yesterday15:49
Ertylealexvd_: then file a bug about the update manager, i guess :|15:49
nemomy uptime is at 2 days15:50
ikoniaCen: actially, my mistake, wrong product15:50
bazhangwhitor ah okay; maybe get a livecd when you have time (of the final) and take a look into a livecd session15:50
eugman|collegeHow do i make a new user from the command line. Specifically one without sudo rights?15:50
Ertyle!torrents > mohbana    (mohbana, see the private message from Ubotu)15:50
ikoniaCen: it is supported, my apologies15:50
mphillnemo: if you want to kill trackerd remove it from /etc/xdg/autostart15:50
Ertyle!adduser > eugman|college    (eugman|college, see the private message from Ubotu)15:50
alexvd_ertyle: they have bugs filed about this going back to RC1.  I though the official release would fix15:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about releasenotes - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi15:50
bazhangmohbana: did you read the link I gave you?15:50
moise7000upgrade in progress15:50
nemomphill: don't want to kill it per se. just want to try and get it to behave15:50
gord_slaternemo: i seems to recall trackerd eating huge chunks out of my 7.10 boxes, after about 7 days led to total grind-to-halt, sorry dont recall how i got rid of it right now15:50
Whitorbazhang, Thats what I was thinking .. better safe than sorry.15:50
Fdisk93#ubuntu+1 #ubuntu Forwarding to another channel #ubuntu+1 full ??15:50
Quicksilvahi there. would it be recommended to use the 32bit version even if you have an amd 64 cpu?15:50
bazhangwhitor all reports are that it works15:50
nemogord_slater: well. don't really want to get *rid* of it...15:50
ikoniaQuicksilva: depends on your needs15:50
Quicksilvaof hardy heron i mean15:50
julle__is there anyone who has been successful with upgrading from the server edition beta?15:51
=== the is now known as priman
Ertyleeugman|college: adduser will *not* give your user sudo rights by default15:51
bazhangFdisk93: it is closed for now15:51
gord_slaternemo: fater 7 days, I sure did!15:51
mphillnemo: trackerd never behaved for me, I just scraped it.  I'll just have to remember were i put everything :)15:51
ikoniajulle__: some of my machiens updated15:51
rinaldi_mohbana: im using it right now http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/file?info_hash=z%82i%D1%80%1B%20%3F%96%EE%FB%D6%8C%BC%D6%80V%F8%CC%8415:51
Fdisk93k thank you15:51
ErtyleFdisk93: no, #ubuntu+1 currently doesn't exist, as there is no +1 release even in alpha.15:51
Quicksilvaikonia, mainly internet browsing15:51
ikoniaQuicksilva: 32bit will be fine then15:51
umbrualbertneed help installing bcm4328 driver in Hardy15:51
eugman|collegewow, help.ubuntu.com is taking a while to load15:51
julle__ikonia:  i performed an update earlier today but that was long before the LTS was releaseed15:51
bazhangnemo trackerd was something that gave me problems as well15:51
BonezAUanyone know how to open *.fdf files in ubuntu? it's an acrobat reader form15:51
nemomphill: I was interested in it as a possible code indexer15:51
ikoniajulle__: so it's not updated then15:51
umbrualbertTried forums, no joy15:51
Ertyleeugman|college, the whole ubuntu.com is very slow.15:51
Whitorbazhang, I often take the risk anyway :) ... I'm just going to get a good image of my existing system first :)15:51
odatonahi! can anyone could give a link with postfix and dovecot tutorials for ubuntu or debian?15:52
rinaldi_eugman|college:  the whole site is slow15:52
nemomphill: I have a lot of projects on this computer, I thought it would be useful for locating uses of methods15:52
julle__ikonia: what did u write to upgrade?15:52
bazhangwhitor always a wise choice ;]15:52
ikoniaodatona: https://help.ubuntu.com15:52
amenadowhere do they hide the debootstrap.**.deb for ubuntu, the older one i have has hardy pointing to gutsy ?15:52
ikoniajulle__: I updated after release so the beta mark was removed15:52
gord_slaternemo:  this any help from 7.10 .... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=59186715:52
julle__ikonia: i've tried apt-get dist-upgrade sudo do-release-upgrade15:52
nemomphill: is trackerd essentially beagle? that .NET abomination?15:52
Fdisk93so is this the support channel for hardy now15:52
ikoniajulle__: your packages are probably up to date15:52
nemoand I say that in the kindest possible terms. I spent a lot of time on beagle :)15:52
nemoincluding patches15:52
ErtyleFdisk93: for hardy and for all supported versions15:52
amenadorather the debootstrap.**.deb i have points hardy to gutsy15:52
ikoniajulle__: you just did it before the release mark was removed15:52
hardy64Isn't the GDM login screen resolution determined by the first item listed under display in xorg.conf? My screen resolution on GDM is not righ15:52
gbossawhats the name of the package to configure compiz? cant rememebr15:52
JuanHow do I find the name and location of the gnome theme I am currently using? The theme manager just shows it as "custom"15:52
mohbanais there another cahnnel?15:53
umbrualbertHardy BCM4328 wireless support15:53
erUSULnemo: no; it is C based and in my experience beagle worked better15:53
Ertyle!ccsm | gbossa15:53
ubotugbossa: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion15:53
julle__ikonia: yeah i guess so15:53
Fdisk93thank you again15:53
nemoerUSUL: well. beagle was also a hog ;)15:53
odatonaikonia: like setting it up together15:53
ikoniaodatona: yes, there is docs on that page15:53
nemoanyway, this is new behaviour for trackerd. had no issues in gutsy.15:53
gbossacheers Ertyle15:53
erUSULJuan: that's becouse you cnaged something (maybe icons theme)15:54
julle__ikonia: was it a big upgrade u did? or small?15:54
eugman|collegehmmm, ok so I understand how to use adduser but what about the password, do i have to use a different program to set that?15:54
erUSULnemo: but at least it worked teracker is a hog but shows half the info15:54
ikoniajulle__: not much really, I've kept most of the test machines up to date15:54
chmacDoes the Ubuntu CD contain most of the software the average laptop user would need?15:54
cgentry72I'm trying to share a folder and it has installed samba, however it says I do not have permission to share folders. Can someone help15:54
zzantozzanybody help with a ubuntu/java problem? running ubuntu 8.04 beta as LiveCD, java gives "error while loading shared libraries: libjli.so"15:54
ikoniachmac: sure15:54
bazhangchmac sure15:54
chmacI saw a DVD listed as a download option, is it worth the extra bandwidth?15:54
ubuntuROX_LOL, this reminds me of the rush to get the stuff from a fallen house in ultima online.15:54
julle__ikonia: hmm okey, maybe my machine is up to date, would be fun to check that somehow15:54
ikoniazzantozz: that library is not there, move to the stable cd15:54
umbrualbertCan anyone help with BCM 4328 wireless support15:54
julle__maybe to check what kernel is running?15:54
cgentry72chmac, yes and will download the rest15:54
nemoerUSUL: heh. I had indexing issues with beagle too ;)  but, at least I had RTFSed that one...15:55
RedWarI want to upgrade but right now I am on Gutsy 32 bit but I have over six gig of memory.  I will not be able to avoid 64 bit.  I cannot use update manager to upgrade from Gutsy 32 to Hardy 64, right?15:55
ikoniajulle__: if apt-get update shows no updates, it's either a.) up to date b.) pointing at the wrong repo15:55
gord_slaternemo: i recall was a gutsy problem for me on boxes with abot 1-2TB of data esspecially many small text-like files, have you mounted new partitions or added drives that need an initial index run?15:55
bazhangchmac depends on you and mostly your dl speed; I would say no if you have decent speed15:55
eugman|collegeOh, nevermind. i tried it15:55
IsotropicSpinooo ooo ooo!!! whats on the DVD? can i just get that using the updater?15:55
ikoniaRedWar: you need to fresh install from 32 -> 64 bit15:55
doug2266778822i need help with installing my nvidia driver can anyone help me? this is what errors i get http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64240/15:55
IsotropicSpinis it good stuff?15:55
ubuntuROX_what is the right repo?15:55
ikoniaIsotropicSpin: read the docs15:55
ikoniaubuntuROX_: the installer sets it up for you15:55
nemoerUSUL: I do note with gratification that trackerd indexes file notes15:55
inditechhi there had to walk away from my question15:55
inditechwill ask again...15:55
IsotropicSpinikonia: sorry that question was so uncalled for!15:55
julle__ikonia:  i haven't changed anything in the repo since installation15:55
nemoerUSUL: that was always an irritation with beagle.  I had a patch for that, but it was pretty hackish15:55
dethstaranyone know how to add a trashcan back to the panel?15:56
inditechhave been using the beta version of 8.04 for about 2 weeks now...15:56
dethstarmine is gone now15:56
primanubuntu 8.04 installer cant find my partitions, what should i do?15:56
mohbanai need to get hardy in dvd form, because we need latex.   my question is dvd only for installation as i can't use it like the live cd?15:56
ubuntuROX_well, its telling me there are no updates, but still showing development version15:56
=== sebner_ is now known as sebner
ubuxyzz, fedora9 has the same firefox as ubuntu...15:56
chmacbazhang: I'm going to moving around a lot, so it might be easier to resume the iso download, what do you think?15:56
bazhang!trash | dethstar15:56
ubotudethstar: The location of Trash has changed in 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash15:56
=== LjL-Temp changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Ubuntu Hardy Heron (8.04) is out, download torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/hardy/ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent (or http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent for AMD64, or http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-alternate-i386.iso.torrent for the Alternate CD, ask in #kubuntu for Kubuntu)
zzantozzikonia: the lib exists in /opt/jre1.6.0_05/lib/i386/jli (in the jre install dir); is it supposed to be somewhere in ubuntu? I tried copying it to /usr/lib, and got a the same error about libjava.so15:56
inditechand now the official LTS is out, do I have to reinstall15:56
erUSULnemo: i used beagle for pdf & mails mainly15:56
inditechor can the update manager handle it?15:56
cgentry72dethstar, right click and choose add to panel15:56
timsandtomsIs anyone else NOT able to get 8.04 via the torrent?15:56
ikoniazzantozz: ldconfig does not look in /opt15:56
rinaldi_dethstar: right click on the bottom panel and do "add to panel15:56
cgentry72dethstar, then select trash can15:56
dethstarcgentry72, k15:56
smitherswhat best app to use to write php code? I need to be able to run it as well within the app15:56
=== LilJohn is now known as DevLilJohn
dethstarrinaldi_, ty15:56
zachbsmithers: phpgedit15:57
mok0inditech: Yes, the update-manager handles it just great15:57
nemoerUSUL: oh well. I get the idea the upshot is no one knows why trackerd is a memory hog. it just is.15:57
ubuntu_help, i installed 8.04 x64 and wen it boots it says errorloading operating systerm15:57
v0lksmanrohan:  you still here?15:57
smithersawesome thanks.15:57
nemoAnyone know where trackerd might log things?15:57
nemoso I could look for clues?15:57
chmaczachb: Does phpgedit auto-complete?15:57
ubuntuROX_so I am looking for something to explain whats wrong, Julle said it may be the wrong repo.15:57
inditechmok0, thanks although the updates the other day installed some stuff, and now doesn't want to know anymore!15:57
nemoand thanks for the xdg shutdown suggestion. I might need to do that15:57
zachbI just burnt an alternate CD, and when I run cdromupgrade, I get "Could not find the upgrade application archive, exiting"15:57
jamiejacksonumbrualbert: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Feisty_No-Fluff <-- but see the third paragraph in the introduction and the note about the 4328 rev 3 in the step 2 instructions15:57
cgentry72I'm trying to share a folder and it has installed samba, however it says I do not have permission to share folders. Can someone help15:57
RedWarThanks Ikonia.  I could upgrade to 32 perhaps and shrink volume for partition and have 64 added as another operating system, or is there a risk of overwrite?15:57
julio_netoI gotta go folks!15:57
julio_netoSee ya!15:57
zachbnemo: like the files? I remember I removed them once , I forget where, though15:57
AzizLightif I have a MacBook Pro w/ Intel Core2Duo can I still install the x86 version of ubuntu or it's way better to install the 64bit version?15:58
rinaldi_damn, ran out of cd's and my download has just finshed :P15:58
gopppp_why is my torrnet not downloading15:58
bazhangAzizLight: youcan use either15:58
gopppp_it agt 0%15:58
gopppp_10 mins15:58
cgentry72AzizLight, i haven't noticed a different in 32 or 64 bit15:58
inditechguess I can just try it later when I get home...15:58
zachbchmac: no clue15:58
rinaldi_gopppp_:  make sure you have correct ports open. Mine is going strong at 1.4mb/s15:58
dethstarcgentry72, the trashcan is not appearing on the panel :(15:58
mok0gopppp_: Stop the ufw firewall (if you're running hardy already)15:58
cgentry72dethstar, but you have chosen to add it right?15:59
dethstarcgentry72, I'm selecting add15:59
wheggehas anyone else noticed that xmms has disappeared from 8.04?15:59
gord_slaternemo: see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=591867&page=5          2nd on page by Kevmaster explains ur problem maybe15:59
ubuntu_i installed 8.04 x64 and wen it boots it says errorloading operating systerm15:59
wigreni downloaded, burned and inserted the 8.04-desktop-i386 cd. when i use the update manager to upgrade it says it needs to download 709M of packages. can't it get that off the cd?15:59
timsandtomsWhy isn't the torrent working for 8.04? Torrents in general work, this one just isn't connecting to tracker15:59
timsandtomswigren: No.15:59
ArikTautendilis there a .torrent to download hardy?15:59
Exteris_timsandtoms, my torrent is working15:59
Exteris_ArikTautendil, yes there is15:59
zzantozzikonia: it's busy here, but i'll add one more thing--using the same setup with the same ubuntu and java installed in a VM works fine. just doesn't work running from LiveCD15:59
bazhangtimsandtoms: they have dropping in and out for many of us15:59
cgentry72dethstar, right click the panel and choose properties and see if expand is clicked or not15:59
yell0wwigren: add the cd to your sources.list15:59
timsandtomsExteris_ Dang, ok, thanks. The site kinda died for a minute for me and my friend(In a diff COUNTRY), so thats probably it.16:00
doug2266778822how do i get Deluge to run it does not want to start now.16:00
timsandtomsbazhang: Ah, sweet. Thanks.16:00
chmacThis mirror lists 8.04-rc - that's the release candidate not the final version, right? http://cl.releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/16:00
marcjank_run utorrent through wine16:00
inditechgoes without saying though, that anyone that has the torrent downloaded - please keep seeding!16:00
dethstarcgentry72, yes it is16:00
rinaldi_ArikTautendil:  there is. torrent.ubuntu.com:696916:00
^pipe^hi there16:00
marcjank_by far the best torrent client16:00
yell0wchmac: yes16:00
bazhangchmac: right; the /topic should have final16:00
Ertylechmac: see /topic for the final release16:00
^pipe^how is the dist-upgrade going so far?16:00
oriezthe upgrade stuck its download package 703 and doesnt move.......16:00
cgentry72dethstar, u want to add it to your desktop instead?16:00
^pipe^I'm at 114916:01
ArikTautendilrindaldi, thnks16:01
dethstarnot really, but i suppose I can16:01
=== KreazyLines is now known as RayasLokas
rinaldi_marcjank_:  there are native apps perfectly capable of handling torrents. such as transmission or deluge16:01
ikoniazzantozz: linker is is configurable easier on a install16:01
^pipe^I'm gonna do a fresh install... but I don't have any cdr's right now...16:01
amenadoaw shucks, no new debootstrap for hardy, old 1.0.8 stil points to old gutsy16:01
marcjank_transmission and deluge don't work with my university's firewall16:01
Hohlraumsomeone have a link to the md5sum for ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso16:01
^pipe^and I also want to experience the dist-upgrade16:01
bazhangubotu lag16:01
ubotuYou have lag, I don't have lag16:01
rinaldi_^pipe^:  same here need to go shop now16:01
ImpsynHm, I'm trying to upgrade using http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading but the upgrade button never appears. Anyone got any recommendations?16:02
ubuntu_oh great16:02
ubuntu_terminal on the live cd dosent work16:02
inditechI would actually like to do a clean install, but when I boot the CD I cannot see my current linux partitiion - all I get is the option to resize my windows partition16:02
erUSULHohlraum: http://hobbsee.com/tmp/MD5SUMS16:02
^pipe^to let my non tech friends know if they can upgrade or not16:02
inditechnot sure if anyone has any ideas16:02
marcjank_I had the exact settings for each, deluge and transmission would never seed or download, whereas utorrent does just fine16:02
zzantozzikonia: i'm farily new to linux. do you mean that ubuntu can more easily find needed libs when installed rather than running from CD?16:02
amenadoImpsyn-> you can use  apt-get update16:02
Impsynthx amendado16:02
ubuntu_no terminal on the livecd????16:03
swaldBonjour !!!!16:03
bazhanghello swald16:03
yell0wzzantozz: more up-to-date yes , when you install and upgrade16:03
inditechanyone else seen the same problem (not seeing current linux partition when attempting to clean install)?16:03
doug2266778822how do i change the resolution ?16:03
amenadoinditech-> running from liveCD does not mount your partitions from hard disk..you must mount it manually to see them16:03
inditechamenado: Thx, although I am choosing the install option from the grub loader rather than booting into the Live os16:04
zzantozzyell0w & ikonia: thx for the replies. gotta run16:04
smitherswhere do i find phpgedit? no in the repo's16:04
=== ubuntu_ is now known as Nicekiwi9
=== Gigamo_ is now known as Gigamo
rinaldi_doug2266778822: go System > Preferences > Screen Resolution16:04
marcjank_doug2266778822 go to system->preferences->screenresolution16:04
amenadoinditech-> what? what are you booting to?16:04
tawtlol.  www.ubuntu.com is taking forever to load16:05
ImpsynStill no upgrade from 7.10 to 8.04, via terminal or update manager. :-/16:05
inditechsorry - from the grub screen - top option to install16:05
tim1smithers: it's gphpedit I think16:05
bazhangtawt do tell ;]16:05
erichammondI have an Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy system running Transmission as a bittorrent seed. It peaked at 60Mbps outbound, then dropped down with CPU iowait soaring.  Any ideas? http://hardy.azeelo.com/munin/localdomain/localhost.localdomain.html16:05
marcjank_impsyn: apt-get update, apt-get dist-upgrade16:05
mik3i'm having some serious problems with my machine, i left it vpn'd in last night and today i woke up now there's no pptp manager on the network icon in the tool bar, i can't get to any web pages, only local ip addresses16:05
Nicekiwi9how can i start terminal?16:05
^pipe^I think today it's the first day the masses are paying attention to linux16:05
talntidcan someone help me out with creating a samba share?16:05
rasputnikhi all. Are there downloadable vmware images for 8.04 anywhere?16:05
smitherstim1 thanks!16:05
inditechamenado, sorry - not got screen in front of me (at work) I think that the top option is a direct installer, rather than booting to the live environment16:06
Impsynmarcjank_: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.16:06
marcjank_rasputnik just download the iso16:06
mikedep336talntid, what do you need to know?16:06
talntidi *think* i have created it on the server, but I'm having trouble mounting it... but maybe I didn't create it right?16:06
tim1smithers: No problem. I'm mainly using nano and gedit for PHP development.16:06
* Nicekiwi9 cries, there no terminal on live cd??16:06
FrozenballCan I just dump the cd to usb stick and boot it from there16:06
Syntuxtim1, nano? for PHP wow16:06
amenadoinditech-> please be in front of your machine so you can see what is going on, rather than guesssing16:06
talntidmount error 6 = No such device or address16:06
doug2266778822my screen resoluton is set to 640 x 800 how do i make it smaller all i have is that one and then 800x600 or something.16:06
talntidis the error that is being returned16:06
MilitantPotatoUpgrade day, just like having 56k.16:06
inditechamenado, ok will try later from home16:07
^pipe^btw, the dist-upgrade should be p2p so it's quite faster...16:07
mohbanaii need to get hardy in dvd form, because we need latex.   my question is dvd only for installation as i can't use it like the live cd?16:07
tawtmilitantpotato, nope, a little worse16:07
bazhangImpsyn: what does cat /etc/apt/sources.list show? gutsy or hardy16:07
yaroHello, I have Hardy Heron installed now... but there's no 'Screens and Graphics' tool. Is there a way I can setup my monitor so I can get my full resolution again?16:07
mikedep336talntid: when you create a samba share, you aren't mounting anything16:07
mikedep336you right click on the folder to share16:07
Impsynbazhang: gutsy16:07
AzizLightdoes anyone have a link with a step by step tutorial (or just a good tutorial) on how to install ubuntu on a macbook pro please?16:07
doug2266778822 my screen resoluton is set to 640 x 800 how do i make it smaller all i have is that one and then 800x600 or something.16:07
artirwhats happening to the servers?16:07
amenadomohbana-> additional packages can always be installed  separately16:07
artireven the main page is down16:07
fiXXXerMetI have already 7.10 installed.  What is the recommended way to upgrade?  Through the Update Manager, or do a fresh install, or ??16:08
mik3i'm having some serious problems with my machine, i left it vpn'd in last night and today i woke up now there's no pptp manager on the network icon in the tool bar, i can't get to any web pages, only local ip addresses16:08
dethstarcgentry72, I just restarted x.... and all the trash cans I was trying to add all appeared.... I had like 30 trash cans on the panel.  lol16:08
talntiddo'h. typo16:08
mohbanaamenado: latexd is huge about 1gb16:08
FrozenballUbuntu servers should be seperated16:08
rhineheart_mhello.. where to download the hardy server edition by torrent ?16:08
bazhangImpsyn: then you need to change those from gutsy to hardy first then update and dist-upgrade16:08
pmvalenteas anybody know how to add a user in console mode?16:08
amenadomohbana-> still, you can download it separately16:08
amenadorhineheart_m-> read the topic please16:08
christopher_dethstar, yes sometimes that will happen.  sometimes you have to restartx sorry forgot about that one.16:08
Myrttirhineheart_m: 32 or 6416:08
Impsynbazhang: M'kay, thanks for the recommendation16:08
dethstarcgentry72, np16:08
nemogord_slater: ah. impolite default prefs. thanks.16:08
bazhangImpsyn: no worries ;]16:09
dmakalskyHi, is it safe it upgrade?16:09
jtravnickwhere is the md5 for hardy?16:09
rhineheart_mamenado, please read carefully what I need..16:09
dethstarchristopher_, np16:09
nemogord_slater: yeah. I don't need "faster indexing"  - I also blew away a bunch of files and masked off some bad paths16:09
christopher_dethstar, that's a lot of trash ;)16:09
Nicekiwi9Error loading operating system???16:09
amenadomik3-> if your vpn does not have a keep alive and network gets interrupted, it may just go to sleep mode and never wake up?16:09
nemogord_slater: for example, I'd rather it not try and index 20 gigabyte data files ;)16:09
Dominusxhelp .... the graphis of kde4 is similary mac osx?16:09
dethstarchristopher_, lol16:09
rhineheart_mMyrtti, 32. Thanks16:09
inditechwill leave everyone to it - good luck one and all  - will check back later!16:09
christopher_Nicekiwi9, that doesn't sound good.16:09
nemoespecially when those are *compressed* data files16:09
pmvalenteas anybody know how to add a user in console mode?16:09
MilitantPotatofiXXXerMet: I tend to do a fresh install, but my /home is on a separate drive so it saves a lot of hassle, but it's really up to you.16:09
mikedep336dmakalsky: what is your system?16:09
* Nicekiwi9 cries16:09
doug2266778822hello i need help setting up my nvidia card please anyone16:09
yaroHello, I have Hardy Heron installed now... but there's no 'Screens and Graphics' tool. Is there a way I can setup my monitor so I can get my full resolution again?16:09
carlosslacke ae povao16:09
mikedep336or rather, what version of ubuntu are you running?16:10
duanebDominusx, kde4's graphics are sexy, though they AREN'T based on mac os x support16:10
bazhangDominusx: if by the same you mean much better then yes16:10
Nicekiwi9wots worse is the terminal on the live cd dosent work >:(16:10
carlosslackaalguem do brasil ai ?16:10
mik3amenado : that wouldn't explain why it doesn't work after i reboot my computer16:10
Pici!br | carlosslack16:10
ubotucarlosslack: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.16:10
Dominusxand gnome ????????16:10
mik3i have no routes anywhere except to local ips16:10
christopher_yaro, not familiar with hardy heron but have you tried right clicking on your desktop to see if there is an option there16:10
amenadomik3-> what does not work? clarify16:10
shane2peruDoes anyone know of an openoffice translator program in Ubuntu?16:10
smitherstim1 how does one actually compile the code to make sure it works using gphpedit?16:10
amenado!who | mik316:10
ubotumik3: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)16:10
MilitantPotatoshane2peru: OpenOffice has several language packs16:11
tim1smithers: To compile which code?16:11
* Nicekiwi9 runs back to windows crying16:11
Myrttirhineheart_m: http://ftp.acc.umu.se/mirror/ubuntu-releases/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-server-i386.iso.torrent16:11
yarochristopher: No, just the usual.16:11
shane2peruMilitantPotato, no, I mean a translator, that will translate a document into another language on the fly.16:11
smithersa simple php script how can i verify it works16:11
tim1smithers: PHP code doesn't need to be compiled. It's an interpreter language or are you talking of the source code of gphpedit?16:11
smithersand see output16:11
tim1smithers: ah.16:11
MilitantPotatoshane2peru: ah, no idea, I use babelfish16:11
christopher_yaro, whats the usual?16:11
tim1smithers: php filename.php16:11
smitherscant be done within the app?16:12
MilitantPotatoshane2peru: tried google?16:12
bazhangshane2peru: what langueage?16:12
shane2peruMilitantPotato, yeah, I know, I thought how hard would it be to tie OOo to Google Translator?16:12
tim1smithers: Please add my nickname in front of your messages since it's going to be highlighted.16:12
rhineheart_mMyrtti, thank you16:12
shane2perubazhang, English->Spanish16:12
dmakalskyI have a tp x60... will hardy work?16:12
zelrikriandohmm my upgrade is stuck16:12
smitherstim1: any app that i can see output on itself16:12
vido22hi all16:12
shane2peruI know I can do that online, just thought it would be a nice if there was something that worked with ooo16:12
doug2266778822can anyone please help me?16:13
yarochristopher_: Things like themes, background, font, interface, and effects, nothing like Screens and Graphics. The new dialog doesn't let me set the monitor manually, which is what I REALLY need.16:13
oholiksso, I enabled bitmap fonts in fontconfig, can see the knickers font with xlsfonts, but aterm still cannot find it, worked before upgrade, any ideas where to look next?16:13
shane2perudoug2266778822, what is the problem16:13
chris062689So how's everyone enjoying 8.04?16:13
Kr0ntabdoug2266778822: ask the group16:13
ionstorm!final | ionstorm16:13
vido22can i add one more colum to the table16:13
chris062689Now you guys can no longer tell me to go to #ubuntu+1 :D16:13
christopher_yaro, forgive me but are you using the latest ubuntu16:13
MilitantPotatoshane2peru: maybe this? http://sourceforge.net/projects/anaphraseus/16:13
rchaseif I am already dual booting, will wubi clobber grub?16:13
doug2266778822shane2peru: my resaluton is set to 800x 400 i need it smaller but all i have is that one and 640x80016:13
smithersi really dont see a difference between 7.10 and 8.04 yet16:14
bazhanghttp://www.smartlinkcorp.com/translation/translation-software-spanish-promt-MT71101-info.html shane2peru16:14
yarochristopher_: Yes, I am.16:14
chris062689Did they get all of the kinks worked out of the new GNOMEVS thing?16:14
mohbanaamenado: latexd is huge about 1gb16:14
smitherstim1. any ideas?16:14
mohbanaii need to get hardy in dvd form, because we need latex.   my question is dvd only for installation as i can't use it like the live cd?16:14
tim1smithers: I haven't used gPHPedit for a long time. I'm using the console to test my PHP scripts since I actually use PHP for client software and not for websites. If you want to use PHP for websites, use a webserver instead. LightTPD is a fast one.16:14
oddalotwhat does the LTS stand for?16:14
blankboysmithers: copy some files.16:14
wangfgi have use update then distupgrade, is it release version now?16:14
MilitantPotatoshane2peru: the real time translation might be harder to come by I'd guess16:14
chris062689oddalot: Long Term Support16:14
tim1oddalot: Long term Suppor16:14
oddalotahh thanks16:14
doug2266778822Kr0ntab: i have asked 20 times no one seems to want to help me.16:14
christopher_yaro, if your using the latest version have you click on system at the top and chose preferences and screen resolution16:14
christopher_doug2266778822, don't get frustrated, someone help figure it out16:14
amenadomohbana-> still, you can download it separately, no matter how huge16:14
shane2perudoug2266778822, hmm, sounds like X isn't setup correctly, I'm not too good at that stuff.16:14
rwycuffwow the ubuntu site seems to be lagging16:15
rasputnikmuch of a difference between server and desktop (apart from size)? haven't used ubuntu for a year or so16:15
yarochristopher_: Again, I say, that dialog provides no way to set my monitor manually. Just the less-than-useful detect button.16:15
doug2266778822shane2peru: my nvidia driver is not installed.16:15
oddalotwoah, are the ubuntu servers really slow right now, i'm only getting like 30kb/s16:15
christopher_yaro, im really confused because i'm using the same version and I can set my resolution16:15
shane2peruMilitantPotato, well, I guess even translate a written doc, without copying pasting into a browser.16:15
andycaassDo I have to do some uprading when i currently have RC??16:15
Kr0ntabdoug2266778822: its a big group because of all the activity today.  sorry mate.16:15
oddalotholy crap , 1,634 people in one channel, never seen that many16:16
yarochristopher_: Nono, you're not quite getting what I am saying. I am trying to set my MONITOR, not my resolution. I don't get my max possible resolution bexcause I can't tell it exactly what model my monitor is.16:16
andycaassDo I have to do some updating when i currently have RC??16:16
doug2266778822Kr0ntab: np just it is getting hard to look at the screen with this res. setting.16:16
shane2perubazhang, I like MilitantPotato's suggestion, it is free. :)  Thanks both of ya for the info.16:16
max-_-dpkg: serious warning: files list file for package `o3read' missing, assuming package has no files currently installed.16:16
Myrttiandycaass: yes16:16
dman92oddalot: the day of the release? yes.16:16
Kr0ntabwhat is the native resolution supposed to be on your monitor?16:16
andycaassMyrtti: What do i have to do?16:16
max-_-i get this error for every package16:16
shane2perubazhang, I will have to try the free first, and then thing about investing. :)16:16
oddalotwell i take that back 1636....never seen THAT many16:16
mohbanaamenado: i'd rather not do that, it's really inconvenient16:16
christopher_yaro, i understand now but you stated resolution sorry16:16
wangfgoddalot: how can you see how many people on chat?16:17
christopher_yaro, alright, let me look at a few things give me a minute16:17
bazhangshane2peru: free on is better ;]16:17
oddalotxchat on top of the user list16:17
max-_-all my file-list-files are missing16:17
Kr0ntabdoug2266778822: what is the native resolution supposed to be on your monitor?16:17
shane2perubazhang, ha ha, that is why we use Linux. :)16:17
Myrttiandycaass: wait untiil your updatemanager tells you need to do updates16:17
bazhangshane2peru: ;]16:17
MrObviousI can't connect to ubuntu's website. Can someone help me out to download the 64 bit ISO torrent? A direct link would be nice.16:17
hbwhat does the alternate cd do again?16:17
doug2266778822Kr0ntab: somethng in the 1000's16:17
rasputnikhb: text installer16:17
hbthat's for people with raid setups right?16:17
wangfgoddalot: i use irssi16:18
bazhanghttp://releases.ubuntu.com/hardy/ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent MrObvious16:18
oddaloti don't know then16:18
andycaassMyrtti: wasnt there a terminal command to distro updating?16:18
MrObviousbazhang, That's the link I tried.16:18
dsargean1yaro, run sudo displayconfig-gtk16:18
bazhangoops sorry MrObvious16:18
mohbanaii need to get hardy in dvd form, because we need latex.   my question is dvd only for installation as i can't use it like the live cd?16:18
kbrosnanwangfg: script for user counting on irssi.org16:18
Myrttihb: or wierd display/graphics drivers, or raid, or encryption16:18
christopher_yaro, well ur right, not much of a hardware configuration tool available but i'm still looking16:18
yell0wMrObvious: http://davang.org/ubuntu/16:18
hbyea raid, that's what I need it for16:18
christopher_yaro, be right back16:18
MrObviousThat works yell0w thanks.16:18
andycaassWhy cant i access ubuntu wiki?16:19
yarodsargean1: This is EXACTLY what I am looking for! Thanks!16:19
wangfgkbrosnan: thx16:19
yell0wMrObvious: np16:19
mohbanathe website is so slow16:19
yaroI wish I could understand WHY the Ubuntu developers took that out of the menus.16:19
doug2266778822Kr0ntab: u know how i can get it smaller?16:19
bazhanghttp://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent MrObvious how about this one16:19
oddaloti want my money back16:19
Kr0ntabdoug2266778822: thats where I would start first.  Get your monitors recommended resolution from documentation... and the video cards supported resolutions.  we can then start from there.16:19
glenn7hi there - any news about a ps3 release build?16:19
MrObviousI got it from yell0w baz thanks though.16:20
doug2266778822Kr0ntab: its something like 1048x800 or so16:20
bazhangokay sorry about the lag MrObvious16:20
yarodsargean1: Thank you very much. I need to make sure I can remember this for future reference.16:20
andycaassWhy cant i access ubuntu wiki?16:20
max-_-anyone? -> http://ubuntuusers.de/paste/201449/16:21
Kr0ntabdoug2266778822: its actually fairly easy... /etc/X11/xorg.conf is where you specify the resolutions.  but if your monitor / vid card is something obscure... then it may not have put the appropriate res. in there.  you'll have to manually find the right values.16:21
yell0wandycaass: crunch time :B16:21
bazhangandycaass: why wiki when you have us? ;]16:21
yell0wlol bazhang16:21
dsargean1yaro: no problem.  They removed it from the menu to avoid confusion with the other resolution gui and I'm assuming to keep people from breaking x.16:21
oddalotmax, try uninstalling and reinstalling the packages?16:21
dmbwow! thats a lot of users in this channel16:21
doug2266778822Kr0ntab: how can i find the right ones?16:21
Kr0ntabdoug2266778822: I need to jet to work... but find those first, and someone will be able to help you.16:22
max-_-oddalot, all my package/filelistfiles er missing16:22
max-_-thats just a snippet16:22
oddalotwow, you ride a jet to work?16:22
tawthow can i tell which kernel i'm using?16:22
bazhang!party | dmb16:22
ubotudmb: Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels.  To countdown to Hardy release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyReleaseParties16:22
Kr0ntabdoug2266778822: documentation for the monitor model number16:22
oddalotmax, that sounds like the problem then16:22
roocraigwhat is the command to find out what soundcard you have?16:22
max-_-odatona, right :)16:22
max-_-oddalot, right16:22
Kr0ntabdoug2266778822: e.g. if you have an NEC monitor... search for the model number on the internet... maybe the users manual for the monitor and it will tell you.16:22
gord_slatertawt: uname -a usually does it i think16:23
roocraigtawt: system:about ubuntu16:23
Kr0ntabdoug2266778822: good luck mate.16:23
mangolif i download 8.04 and then i can upgrade ubuntu 7.10? if yes? how ? thanks16:23
max-_-oddalot, i removed accidently all the files in that /var..... folder16:23
mohbanaii need to get hardy in dvd form, because we need latex.   my question is dvd only for installation as i can't use it like the live cd?16:23
ubuntu999hi can i install and run nvidia drivers in livecd mode 8.04 ?16:23
tawtawesome!  i finally got the new kernel to boot!16:23
andycaassbazhang: I want wiki because it contains driver information for my nx6325 laptop, thanks.......16:23
dredhammerhello is there a fix for the failed to initialize HAL error in the later -15/-16 kernels in Hardy Heron?16:23
zachbcdromupgrade isn't working for me16:24
andycaassSo is it down for just me or noone cant access it?16:24
bazhangoh sorry andycaass was just joking16:24
gord_slatertawt: gratz u roll it yuourself?16:24
doug2266778822Kr0ntab: i found it16:24
beexhow do I look at the channel's title?16:24
roocraigcan anyone help me get sound on my laptop-please. I am a newbie and need some help? Thanks :)16:24
oddalotso make sure you repositories are correct, and erase, then reinstall everything that is giving you problems....you gotta learn to troubleshoot16:24
bazhangbeex /topic16:24
beexbazhang, thanks16:24
zachbI had to edit it in order for the upgrade manager to start, then it fails after Preparing to upgrade16:24
rasputnikandycaass, tried google cache?16:24
lalalaladownload too slow!!!!16:24
tawtgord_slater, at first booting would only give me a black screen, but after reconfiguring xserver and booting from recovery mode, it works16:24
MilitantPotatolalalala: you're not kidding :)16:25
macpo4is it possible to upgrade from 7.10 i386 to 8.04 amd64 in one step?16:25
hbIs the ubuntu torrent tracker running?  It seems to be having problems :x16:25
andycaassrasputnik: it doesnt want to work either, infinite loading time :/16:25
rasputnikamd64 torrent seems to have finally woken up, cool.16:25
tscolinis the new ubuntu cd, a livecd?16:25
bazhangdoug2266778822: you having troubles with drivers? are you on hardy?16:25
tscolinor just install?16:25
Kohelethhow do I not have a backgroung for my desktop without deleting my wallpapers?16:25
gord_slatertawt: ah ok sounds like xserver config cured it then16:25
Zeltamacpo4: no....16:25
mangolbazhang: if i download 8.04 and then i can upgrade ubuntu 7.10? if yes? how ? thanks, because the downloading is very slow ...16:25
bazhangtscolin: both16:25
christopher_macpo4, no you have to install it16:25
tawtgord_slater  yep :D16:25
christopher_macpo4, i believe16:25
tscolinbazhang: fantastic16:26
tscolindoes it support intels wireless n card?16:26
bazhangmangol: via the alternate cd? or you want to upgrade via the net16:26
Zeltayou can't go from i386 to amd64 just by upgrading16:26
Picimangol: The Alternate CD is the only one that supports doing an upgrade.16:26
christopher_Koheleth, did you choose a background from a different partition, like windows partition?16:26
leonbrusselsmangol:  I think you can select your CD in "Software Sources and then upgrade as normal and it will get the packages from the cd"16:26
roocraigany audio people here?16:26
mangolbazhang: alternate cd16:26
tale_does anybody know of an alternative product to the Red Hat Network that I can use to manage a group of ubuntu servers from a single console?  I don't want to have to login to each server for upgrades or to see stats.16:26
tscolinroocraig, im an advid audio guy :D16:26
bazhangmangol: should do then yes16:26
MilitantPotatobazhang: give me two seconds16:26
doug2266778822can someone help me with my video please here is the outlook of my xorg.conf  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64243/16:27
Kohelethbut if I want to have just a black background I seem to have to delete the wallpapers?16:27
bazhangdoug2266778822: you on hardy?16:27
rasputniktale_, canonical support do a thing called Landscape. Haven't tried but it sounds like a RHN clone.16:27
MyrttiKoheleth: no16:27
mohbanaii need to get hardy in dvd form, because we need latex.   my question is dvd only for installation as i can't use it like the live cd?16:27
mangolbazhang: thanks dear, will it ask me to upgrade or a difficult procedure?16:27
MilitantPotatobazhang: download the hardy alternate CD, and read here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades#head-7311a7de9fdf1ca310c6937460c0a9d33f54279d16:27
doug2266778822bazhang: yes i am16:27
lalalaladownload too slow!!!!16:27
mohbanavery slow16:27
rasputniklalalala, use a mirror.16:28
tscolin30k here16:28
bazhangdoug2266778822: you might try envyng-gtk then16:28
MyrttiKoheleth: up left corner16:28
rwycufftale: the idea would be to setup deb respo of your own and use something liek rsync to config all servers to update from it but thats more time spent then just running the update from term on each16:28
hbthe torrents arn't working :/16:28
askandHi, I am having troubles with Hardy.  The driversmanager wont tell me that I have an ATI-card..solutions?16:28
MilitantPotatolalalala: there's a few tens of thousands (or more) people downloading 800mb of packages, try a mirror or upgrade via a CD16:28
rasputnik500kKB/sec on the torrent here16:28
ikercwhere ?16:28
hbI can't get the tracker to respond16:28
bazhangthanks MilitantPotato that was for mangol (see upthread mangol)16:28
^^malajenho^hi, I'm starting with linux and ubuntu, what do u think is the best option? create only 1 partition for / or 1partition for / and another for /home ???16:28
mohbanavery slow16:28
doug2266778822bazhang:  what is that?16:28
mohbanaii need to get hardy in dvd form, because we need latex.   my question is dvd only for installation as i can't use it like the live cd?16:28
J3roenanyone else get an cifs error while booting? Can't find the problem. Same problems as this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=474127516:28
ikercwhere ? for 500kkb/s16:28
XLVany .torrents for DVD version of 8.04 i386?16:28
bazhang!info envyng-gtk hardy | doug226677882216:29
ubotudoug2266778822: envyng-gtk (source: envyng-gtk): install the ATI or the NVIDIA driver. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.1ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 93 kB, installed size 324 kB16:29
MyrttiKoheleth: np16:29
Kohelethone of the apparent wallpapers is just a colour16:29
xifCongratulations upon the release of Hardy?16:29
leonbrusselsI upgraded to Hardy,now with the new kernel it hangs after USB init, the old kernel works though16:29
xiferr, s/?/!/16:29
bazhangxif it's a boy16:29
schilly^^malajenho^: one for / and one for /home ... yes. and / needs just 10gb max on average16:29
mangolbazhang: where can i found the new hardware support for Intel 946GZ motherboard for ubuntu 8.04 LTS ?16:29
christopher_Koheleth, that is correct, it looks like a picture but it's the color you select at the bottom16:29
=== KillGhostNK is now known as Fdisk93
MaCkeREveryone: I got .torrent of DVD version after an hour of trying. Mirroring it on www.aamod.co.nr16:29
bazhangmangol: not sure about that16:29
MaCkeRgrab it if u want it fast16:29
mangolbazhang: ok dear thanks16:30
christopher_bazhang, it's the first wallpaper (color)16:30
XLVMaCkeR, where you got the .torrent?16:30
bazhanghi colmar16:30
colmarthere is a graphical hex editor for ubuntu?16:30
=== Fdisk93 is now known as Fdisk_
tale_rwycuff, yeah.  I know I can do that.  I've seen commercial products that let you use one application to see all installed packages, hardware specs, load, etc for all of your machines.  They call it data center automation16:30
MaCkeRXLV, on cdimage.ubuntu.com16:30
pheriodcolmar, try ghex16:30
Picicolmar: ghex16:30
artirthe servers are pwned!16:30
MaCkeRXLV, I've its MD5SUMS also16:30
mangollol, ubuntu.com --- cannot find server---- server is busy16:30
pheriodanyone here got f-spot running?16:30
tale_I'm looking for an open source product that does data center automation16:30
roocraighow do I find out what soundcard I have?16:31
dredhammerhello is there a fix for the failed to initialize HAL error in the later -15/-16 kernels in Hardy Heron?16:31
MaCkeRXLV al mirrors r damn busy16:31
pheriodroocraig, lspci16:31
erUSULroocraig: lspci16:31
tononoinksanybody here with vostro 1400?16:31
XLVMaCkeR, cdimage.ubuntu.com doesnt load atm...16:31
rwycufftale_:so google data center automation and see what turns up16:31
bazhangroocraig: what does lspci say in terminal16:31
FinnishMy hardy is beta-version, and I lost my update-icon on ad-menu a few days ago. Any news how this will be fixed?16:31
MaCkeRGet torrent n go P2P16:31
doug2266778822bazhang: sudo apt-get install envyng-gtk ?16:31
tommydangeris the rc identical to the final or do I have to update?16:31
Picitale_: You may want to ask in ##linux , we're a bit flooded here due to the Ubuntu release16:31
bazhangdoug2266778822: aye16:31
MaCkeRXLV, Ya! I got it after trying for an hour16:31
Koheleth<chhristopher_> yeah, it took me a minute or 2, I am not the sharpest tool in the box :)16:31
zachbmangol: well, its being essentially DDoS'd16:31
MilitantPotatoevny is evil16:31
PiciMilitantPotato: envyng is in the hardy repos16:31
rchaseif I am already dual booting, will wubi clobber grub?16:31
MaCkeRXLV, So just mirroring it for helping others..16:31
bazhangMilitantPotato: now blessed for hardy16:31
christopher_Koheleth, no problems! i didn't notice it right away either16:32
oddalothow does ubuntu get financial support...anyone know?16:32
ssamnew mirror http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZOU8GIRUd_g16:32
MilitantPotatobazhang:  Pici  I never thought I'd see the day.16:32
christopher_oddalot, the founder was a millionaire16:32
bazhangrchase not likely16:32
Koheleththey say things right in your face are harder to sort out16:32
colmarok, 09 is TAB?:)16:32
Jaymacchristopher_: he still is :)16:32
christopher_oddalot, and has a lot of contributions16:32
jattoddalot: philanthropy16:32
Kohelethwho 'they' are I have no idea16:32
christopher_Jaymac, right sorry16:32
oddalotheh, is that really considered philanthropy...supporting linux geeks?16:32
guillaume__Am I the only one having slow performance  with the torrent ?!?!?!16:32
bazhangguillaume__: some of us are having issues with the tracker as well16:33
jattoddalot: ubuntu's owner is a billionaire16:33
mohbanaii need to get hardy in dvd form, because we need latex.   my question is dvd only for installation as i can't use it like the live cd?16:33
MortuisAnyone know of a good command line email client that can handle multiple email accounts and keep them seperate?16:33
Oscar_hola a todos16:33
jatt!es | Oscar_16:33
bazhangis the dvd a live dvd?16:33
ubotuOscar_: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.16:33
zachbMortuis: mail16:33
rchaseoddalot: offering a free OS to the world is pilanthropy16:33
rasputnikMortuis, mutt FTW.16:33
Kohelethis he a billionaire or just loaded?16:33
MaCkeRya the DVD is live dvd16:33
Mortuisrasputnik: Thanks16:33
os2macubotu !torrent os2mac16:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about torrent os2mac - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:34
oddalotit's not saving lives per se though...16:34
madrazrHii all16:34
bazhangmohbana: dvd is live dvd thanks MaCkeR16:34
ranjandvd is not live ubuntu on it is live16:34
evandrchase: no, it wont.16:34
Gretylanyone know if 8.04 supports installing to an external USB drive from the launch i386 CD?16:34
bazhang!torrents | os2mac16:34
ubotuos2mac: Hardy can be torrented from http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).16:34
madrazrall the deb files are cached in /var/cache/apt/archives, and as I have experienced, the cache limit is 500MiB, how to make it infinite or to change it to a larger valu?16:34
oddalothow fast is the torrent going right now? anyone know?16:34
leonbrusselsAnyone on my hang-after-USB init problem?16:35
doug2266778822bazhang: now what?16:35
qualidafialDo I need to do something special for apt-get dist-upgrade to see the updates?  I've already run apt-get update16:35
calcthe easy way to get it of course is just to rsync an older image, if you have one16:35
Riff_451hi all. i'm trying the upgrade from 7.10 but i can't free space in /var. i made apt-get clean but it isn't enough. What else could i delete?16:35
rasputnikoddalot, 300 - 700Kb here16:35
ubuntuROX_What does this mean? current dist not found in meta-release file16:35
calceg a test image from a couple days ago16:35
bazhangdoug2266778822: launch it16:35
qualidafialserver i386 torrent has 340 in swarm16:35
doug2266778822bazhang: where is it in?16:35
roocraigbazhang: can you help me with my audio problem?16:35
oddalotok i'm going to switch to that...the upgrade is only getting 40kb/s16:35
madrazrhow to increase the apt archives cache size?? Can someone help me please?16:35
ubuntuROX_I get that when I run the update manager in terminal16:35
calcwhen i tried updating my dvd from a couple days ago it didn't update anything since it was already the final version, md5sum checked out as well :)16:35
eolo999Congrats to every member of the ubuntu community!16:36
bazhangdoug2266778822: try envyng-gtk from the terminal or run command see if that does it16:36
ubuntuROX_I think it explains why its not updating the beta version16:36
mangolbazhang: the size of 8.04 LTS alternate CD is 697mb ?16:36
artirthe servers are down or what?16:36
bazhangmangol: sounds right16:36
mangolbazhang: ok :)16:36
bazhangartir really? what could be the cause16:36
swilkyCan some one help me understand something about DNS PM me16:36
artirhardy of course16:36
Adlaiswilky: just ask here16:37
qualidafialthe ubuntu tracker keeps going down16:37
mangoloh my i cant download it, downloading process stops, i think server is tooo busy,16:37
kilraeis the tracker down for the torrents?16:37
swilkyOK here gose16:37
r0banyone else getting could not connect to server on the alternate cd16:37
monkeyBoxAck!!  I just ran the distro upgrade and a couple of hours later my electricity went out so my comp rebooted.  What do I do??16:37
bazhangroocraig: please state your problem clearly; if someone knows they will answer thanks16:37
KohelethHow do I make the desktop icons smaller16:37
ubuntuROX_has anyone been able to update from the beta version to the released version with update manager?16:37
artirtorrents are OK16:37
swilkyi have perchest a domain name16:37
oddalothey, does the torrent upgrade, or can you only install a fresh copy?>16:37
swilkyand set up bind16:37
artirupdates wont work today IMO16:37
wojhi, anybody can recommend program which i can use to create mp3 disc @ CDR?16:37
bazhangoddalot the alternate can16:38
christopher_Koheleth, you can right click on the icons and size them i believe16:38
artirthe torrent download a ubuntu new iso16:38
r0bwoj: k3b16:38
swilkybut do i need to register my name server at the .net registry ?16:38
christopher_Koheleth, choose stretch16:38
oddalotare there any downsides to the alternate?16:38
roocraigMy sound card is: ATI Technologies Inc IXP SB4x0  (rev 01)--the headphones work fine but there is no sound out of laptop speakers:(16:38
wojthx r0b16:38
Kohelethstretch icon!16:38
tscolinosu is slow as balls, its a damn shame i cant use torrents at work16:38
r0bwoj: np16:38
xanax`I own an Intel Core 2 Duo, should I download the 64 bits version (AMD64) ?16:38
darthanubisanyone know when the repos will be updated with final?16:38
christopher_Koheleth, im guessing let me look lol16:38
doug2266778822bazhang: im getting a warning sign then it froze and 0% connecting...16:38
twanjtscolin: you could use a metalink :)16:38
oddalotoh well, i should really just install fresh anyway i guess16:38
os2machave they NOT started seeding the torrents yet?16:38
bazhangoddalot well you want to updtae via cd right? then the laternate does that16:38
mphillxanax`: You can, but but you might run into issues from time to time with i386 only packakges.16:39
Kohelethwhat if you want them all exactly the same size16:39
bazhangdoug2266778822: give it a bit of time16:39
Koheleththats a pain, something for Gnome to work on16:39
oddalotupdate is sounding more and more sketchy the more i think about it, i think i'll just install fresh system16:39
christopher_Koheleth, that just makes them bigger doesn't it16:39
xanax`tscolin : but I fear that all packages don't have a 64 bits equilavant version ..16:39
Kohelethand smaller16:39
Kohelethbut you cant set to a exact pixel16:40
ikoniaxanax`: not all do16:40
Kohelethyou have to guess16:40
ikoniaxanax`: most do though16:40
doug2266778822bazhang: all i get is still those two to pick from.16:40
os2macanyone know the status of the bittorrent trackers?16:40
coralinei forgot to turn this off16:40
PupUser-da5233if i install ubuntu on my vista computer, will it automatically preserve my vista installation?16:40
qualidafialos2mac: working on my side.  the torrent trackers are really getting hammered though16:40
bazhangdoug2266778822: what two; plesae specify16:40
leonbrusselsPLease someone on my hang-at-boot-after-usb problem... :(16:40
ubunturoxthis totally cured my flu16:40
Kohelethyou have to have a good eye I guess16:40
mayakuza_can someone help me to get DC++?16:41
coralinewhat do you do with this program?16:41
christopher_PupUser-da5233, that depends if u partition it right16:41
oddalotpupuser- yes, if you install it right16:41
qualidafialos2mac: It's been several minutes since the tracker responded, however once you get into the swarm it's not such a problem16:41
bazhangcoraline what program16:41
PupUser-da5233will it help me thru partitioning?16:41
doug2266778822bazhang: 800x600 and 640x48016:41
christopher_PupUser-da5233, you should end up with four partitions16:41
pvandewyngaerdecan i make jigdo use the packages i allready have downloaded in my /var/cache/apt/archives ?16:41
xanax`and the 64 bits version really gives extra performance ?16:41
tapashmm, i can't switch to external vga anymore with hardy16:41
madrazrhow to increase the apt archives cache size?? Can someone help me please?16:41
tapason my thinkpad t2116:41
ikoniaxanax`: doubtful16:41
tapasany hints?16:41
swilkyDo i have to register my DNS server for my domain name to work?16:41
coralinethis thing im typing on16:41
oddalotpupuser - grup is an excellent boot loader16:41
bazhangdoug2266778822: did you run envyng-gtk?16:41
xanax`ok, i'll stick to 32 bits then.16:41
PupUser-da5233thanks guys16:41
coralineare you people in my computer?16:41
yell0wswilky: probably16:41
tapascoraline: yes16:41
doug2266778822bazhang: yes16:41
swilkywhere do i do that?16:41
mayakuza_can someone help me to get DC++?16:41
drobvicehow can you tell if you are running 8.04 final?16:41
oddalotheh, in reality a good partitioner would delete vista by default16:41
tapascoraline: you should clean your keyboard16:41
bazhangdoug2266778822: that is not possible--it takes 10 or so minutes16:42
doug2266778822bazhang: how i find exactly what one i have16:42
yell0wdrobvice: system >> about ubuntu16:42
doug2266778822bazhang: well it did it rebooted as well16:42
qualidafialdoug2266778822: lsb_release -a16:42
smitherswhat am i missing i can see my windows box from 8.04 but it shows no shares. I know there on it16:42
doug2266778822bazhang: could i have ran the wrong one?16:42
swilkywhere do i register my dns server?16:42
bazhangdoug2266778822: try running it again--should be in your menus either admin or apps16:43
doug2266778822bazhang: No LSB modules are available.16:43
doug2266778822Distributor ID:Ubuntu16:43
doug2266778822Description:Ubuntu 8.0416:43
FloodBot1doug2266778822: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:43
Mighty^^all .torrent can be found here: http://www.acc.umu.se/~mighty/ubuntu/16:43
Riff_451hi all. i'm trying the upgrade from 7.10 but i can't free space in /var. i made apt-get clean but it isn't enough. What else could i delete in /var?16:43
christopher_doug2266778822, questions. have you tried selecting the resolution from the boot menu?16:43
doug2266778822christopher_: no16:44
qualidafialtracker's back up--quick, overwhelm it!16:44
MaCkeRMighty^^, Can you add DVD torrents too?16:44
smithersso issue is hardy sees no shares on my windows box when its on the network16:44
drobviceyell0w: I tried that and it doesn't really say the version number.  Only "Ubuntu - The Linux for Human Beings"16:44
dethstaris ubuntu.com down?16:44
christopher_doug2266778822, i'm not sure if that will do it or not but it should remember it the next time. try it and see16:44
gord_slaterwell, i'm off for a bit, good luck ppl, have fun :) history in the making etc etc16:44
mooboo1i am uploading torrent at 1350 kbyte/s16:44
jmibanezwhere do i ask routing and iproute2 related questions? thanks16:44
dolly_coucou tlm16:44
coralinei installed ubuntu on this computer but it don't say what these programs are16:44
mphilldethstar: the servers are getting hammered, a lot of people are interested in gutsy16:45
qualidafialdethstar: you may have to refresh a few times.. the servers are buckling under the load16:45
bastid_raZorare the ubuntu servers maxed out?16:45
mooboo1ubuntu servers are hammered, i leave torrent on even after i downloaded it16:45
Myrttimooboo1: please do16:45
coralineit isn't like my windows16:45
Adlai<3 rsync16:45
Mighty^^all .torrent can be found here: http://www.acc.umu.se/~mighty/ubuntu/16:45
smithershow can i get to my windows shares?16:45
coralinei never saw this on windows before16:45
inter4everis the kubuntu hardy torrent the KDE 4 or KDE 3.5 version? or does it contain both?16:45
qualidafialmooboo1: I try to leave torrent on until my share ratio is at least 1.016:45
Mighty^^MaCkeR: If I find them I will16:45
doug2266778822christopher_: i did but i did not see the resoluton  there.16:45
mooboo1coraline, Goto "Applications" in top-left corner, then you can choose category, and try out the different software, then you know what is what16:46
lalalalawhy use ubuntu when u have windows vista !!16:46
dethstarmphill, you mean that a lot of people are interested in hardy?16:46
mphillinter4ever: there are two version, KDE4 is the kubuntu remix version16:46
christopher_lalalala, watch your mouth16:46
MaCkeRMighty^^, Thanks! I've Ubuntu DVD i386 torrent16:46
mooboo1qualidafial, i downloaded 699 mb, uploaded 3gb16:46
ubuntuROX_umm, you prefer to work on stuff other than removing spyware and viruses16:46
christopher_doug2266778822, the resolution wasn't available?16:46
gord_slaterthats not the mouth she's talkin out of........16:46
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!16:46
Kohelethubuntus website is letting the side down16:46
bastid_raZorMaCkeR; can i have the url for that.16:46
doug2266778822christopher_: no16:46
qualidafialmooboo1: then you have fatter pipes than me16:46
christopher_gord_slater, lmao16:46
piscai have package themes from look-gnome.org, package name is ubuntu_sunrise_v1.2.tar.gz , how i can install it...???16:47
grhlunawheres the linux button??? :pPPp16:47
mayakuza_how can i get DC++?16:47
MaCkeRbastid_raZor, Sure. Get it from www.aamod.co.nr16:47
christopher_doug2266778822, what kind of video card do you have16:47
=== KillGhostNK is now known as Fdisk_
ubotuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.16:47
MaCkeRbastid_raZor, its my blog16:47
lalalalaguys why u use ubuntu??16:47
drobvicenext to the any key16:47
lalalalacan i ask16:47
Mighty^^mayakuza_: linuxdc++...  getdeb.net16:47
Kohelethwhy not16:47
doug2266778822christopher_: how do i find out?16:47
Picilalalala: Please direct those sort of questions to #ubuntu-offtopic16:47
rwycufflalalala: Because Ubuntu is simple ... and vista is a boggy POS that not even its own mother could love16:47
elmargolSomeone knows how can I get the hex value of a key on my keyboard?16:47
ubuntuROX_lalala I just told you16:47
yell0wlalalala: control16:47
Adlaipisca: click install in system>preferences>appearance16:47
lalalalamore stable than vista?16:47
jamiejacksonit's free and good lalalala16:47
MaCkeRMighty^^, Get the .torrent from www.aamod.co.nr16:47
eternal_prwycuff: boggy eh16:47
Pici!offtopic | lalalala16:47
ubotulalalala: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!16:47
Adlaielmargol: xev16:47
christopher_doug2266778822, lspci16:47
mooboo1qualidafial, yes, 100 mbit/s download, and 10 mbit/s upload16:47
christopher_doug2266778822, from terminal16:47
joanI'm having a problem with my new instalationof ubunt 8.04, in the login window the fonts of the text box are very very big.16:48
mayakuza_Mighty^ i dident understand that16:48
rwycufflalalala: vista is not stable in any way so yes i would say more stable16:48
joananyone have this problem?16:48
christopher_lalalala, why are you here if you are going to talk about vista.  there are channels for that.  if you curious about ubuntu thats fine.16:48
kevin_anyone knows were i can change (keyboard settings)16:48
christopher_kevin_, system/preferences16:48
christopher_kevin_, then choose keyboard16:49
=== karbo_ is now known as karbo
manfromnsi'm upgrading from gutsy and it's hanging at "fetching 1101 of 1257" files16:49
doug2266778822christopher_: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64246/16:49
philipp__Is the torrent tracker down?16:49
ubuntuROX_lalala go to the off topic channel I will talk to you16:49
rwycuffkevin_:do "man Xorg" that will be start to how to config KB16:49
DevLilJohnanyone know what the desktop x86 hardy torrent is?16:49
kevin_thx christoff16:49
christopher_doug2266778822, let me take a look16:49
Mighty^^MaCkeR: thx.16:49
qualidafialphilipp__: occasionally, just leave it running and eventually you'll get into the swarm16:49
rwycuffjoan: thats pry due to the resolution you have setup16:49
christopher_kevin_, np.. please put the persons nick in front of a reponse16:49
doug2266778822christopher_: thank you16:49
manfromnsk thx16:49
zachbcoraline: yes16:49
philipp__ah, ok. I am able to share my 100 Mbit bandwith,;-)16:49
MaCkeRMighty^^, Welcome16:49
dajhornDevLilJohn: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent16:50
christopher_doug2266778822, have you downloaded the nvidia drivers16:50
MaCkeRMighty^^, I think you'll add it16:50
Mighty^^I did16:50
mayakuza_i diden't understand how to gett DC++16:50
Mighty^^all .torrent can be found here: http://www.acc.umu.se/~mighty/ubuntu/16:50
mohbanawhat the hell is up with the server? http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/hardy/release/ubuntu-8.04-dvd-amd64.iso.torrent16:50
doug2266778822christopher_: yes but not sure for what one i need,16:50
dajhornDevLilJohn: The server is very busy, so it may ignore you.  Try the mirrors.16:50
=== hydrogen is now known as Absurdium
christopher_doug2266778822, let me look16:50
MaCkeRMighty^^, I think i'm getting amd torrent too16:50
Adlaimohbana: it's getting the crap beaten out of it16:50
DevLilJohndajhorn thanks16:50
piscaAdlai, when i click install in theme tab - appearance, error.. : the file format is invalid. What can i do?16:51
Adlaipisca: use a theme that isn't broken?16:51
philipp__ah, ok. It works - Torrent is up ;-)16:51
christopher_doug2266778822, try the one that says 'new one'16:51
piscaAdlai, i don't know..16:51
christopher_doug2266778822, hang on16:51
doug2266778822christopher_: in the link i sent u?16:51
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats16:51
bogus-np: Schandmaul - Blechpfeiferl [stopped]16:51
BoredcollegekidiTunes stopped16:52
christopher_doug2266778822, go to applications and select add/remove software16:52
christopher_doug2266778822, in the search box type nvidia16:52
lalalalaany difference between x32 and x64 on ubuntu???16:52
ScuniziHow do I start a kde session in a different TTY while running gnome in tty7(normal spot)16:52
christopher_doug2266778822, select NVidia binary X.Org driver ('new' driver)16:52
christopher_doug2266778822, and then select Hardware Drivers16:52
Kohelethlalalala: google earth is a problem with 64bit16:52
dajhornlalalala: The software packages are the same.16:52
Scunizilalalala: yes.. if you've never used ubuntu or linux get 32bit.. most programs are written for it anyway16:53
doug2266778822christopher_: it is installed16:53
Mighty^^now ALL .torrent are here: http://www.acc.umu.se/~mighty/ubuntu/16:53
Kohelethfor me anyway16:53
christopher_doug2266778822, both of them are installed16:53
lalalalaim using vista x64!16:53
GeoAirHi, can someone pointme to the dvd torrents?Thanks16:53
AmaranthScunizi: gdmflexiserver16:53
Adlaipisca: you can try opening it in file-roller, but it's probably best to just give up on that theme, or read its download page for instructions16:53
doug2266778822christopher_: not the hardware one but the nivida was16:53
AmaranthScunizi: then on the login choose the KDE session16:53
christopher_doug2266778822, install the hardware one16:53
Scunizilalalala: yes.. but are you using 64 or 32 bit programs.16:53
doug2266778822christopher_: i am now will this fix it?16:53
ScuniziAmaranth: don't you need to log in as a different user with that?16:54
lalalalai dont really care programs... how abt the performance???16:54
lalalalaon ubuntu16:54
christopher_doug2266778822, i hope so, we will see.  reboot when you install it16:54
piscaAdlai, Ok..16:54
christopher_doug2266778822, then come back and let me know - there may be one more step16:54
dajhornlalalala: Substantially similar.16:54
joanI'm having a problem with my new instalation of ubuntu 8.04, in the login window the fonts of the text box are enormously big. anyone have the same problem or a solution?16:54
MilitantPotat1GeoAir: http://ubuntu.osuosl.org/releases/8.04/16:54
Adlailalalala: honestly, you won't notice much difference16:54
AmaranthScunizi: You do16:55
doug2266778822christopher_: if the last step dont work? it was at that res before a real low one.16:55
GeoAirMilitantPotat1: Thanks16:55
ScuniziAmaranth: I'd like to log in as the same user using the same /home but with different desktops16:55
christopher_doug2266778822, you have already rebooted?16:55
smitherswhy is it still so hard to do the simpliest things on linux?16:56
tech0007is it officially out?16:56
Kohelethcan anyone get through to the restricted formats url https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats16:56
zachbHas anyone gotten the upgrade from cd working?16:56
jamessfostertech0007, yes.16:56
AmaranthScunizi: You can't do that16:56
doug2266778822christopher_: no its still installing.16:56
zachbtech0007: yes16:56
bazhangsmithers: such as?16:56
yell0wtech0007: yes16:56
dajhornjoan: Restart the computer, choose recovery mode, and tell it to recreate your X11 configuration.16:56
christopher_doug2266778822, ok.. let me know16:56
smithersmount a network share?16:56
KohelethI'm there at last16:56
leonbrusselssmithers: go in nautilus, connect to server16:56
smithersu figure u should be able to do this out of the box16:56
Kineticsmithers smb share?16:56
smitherssmb fails16:57
smithersKinetic yes16:57
marwellAre there any real benefits, jet, choosing 64bit vs. 32bit-x86 version of ubuntu? Is flash-plugin available in 64bit btw?16:57
lalalalai only use ubuntu for the compiz fusion effects tbh =D16:57
dajhornjoan: You must push ESC at the GRUB prompt to get the menu.16:57
christopher_smithers, well considering that drivers are all made by individuals who work for free not the hardware companies thats hard to do16:57
doug2266778822christopher_:  i am rebooting now brb16:57
Kineticsmithers smbmount16:57
lalalalai only use ubuntu for the compiz fusion effects tbh =D16:57
dajhornmarwell: Use 32-bit unless you have more than 4 GB of memory in the computer.16:57
ScuniziAmaranth: Back in Dapper days someone had mentioned doing it on a different tty but said that you had to have different desktops to prevent file issues.. wish I had made notes16:57
oddalot64 bit seems like it would just cause troubles16:57
tech0007did anyone get any updates ?16:57
leonbrusselssmithers: connect to server in nautilus doesn't work?16:57
KcajWhat does it mans16:57
Kcajwhen sudo is unable to resolve host?16:58
doug2266778822christopher_: nope16:58
smithersleon: no it fails16:58
christopher_doug2266778822, boy your computer boots fast.16:58
ChamProquick question... off of http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/ , which is the right DVD image to download for Hardy (that has both desktop and server)?16:58
christopher_doug2266778822, did you reboot or restartx16:58
Kineticleonbrussels i think hes referring to mounting to any spot in the filesystem16:58
leonbrusselssmithers: with what error?16:58
mohbanagod damn thing is so slow16:58
daemon3How long does the 8.04 update take?16:58
ikoniachristopher_: do you want the desktop or server version ?16:58
daemon3Anybody updated yet?'16:58
lalalalai only use ubuntu for the compiz fusion effects tbh =D16:58
ikoniadaemon3: depends on how fast your connection, which mirror and what needs updating16:58
doug2266778822christopher_: restarted x16:58
Openuserdo someone have tried hardy?16:58
ikonialalalala: ubuntu is not the only distro with compiz16:58
ikoniaOpenuser: many people16:58
daemon3It's a pretty fast connection.16:58
bazhangdoug2266778822: need a full reboot16:58
christopher_doug2266778822, please reboot and type noapic before selecting from grub16:58
KcajMy operations are not permitted and sudo says unable to resolve host16:58
smitherslocation is already mounted which it is not16:59
leonbrusselsdaemon3: via update-manager about 1 hour16:59
Kcajwhat to do?16:59
Pici!hostname | Kcaj16:59
ubotuKcaj: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at system>administration>networking on the "General" tab16:59
leonbrusselsbut I updated before it was officially released16:59
Openuserikonia: and what about it? it's great?16:59
ikoniaKcaj: you'll need to ad your hostname in /etc/hosts if your dns is not working16:59
christopher_bazhang, thank you.. i thought i clarifyed that16:59
leonbrusselsso probably longer now16:59
Kineticsmithers where are you trying to mount it to?16:59
erUSULKcaj: check /etc/hosts16:59
Ethanhey, is there a way to install 8.04 from the iso without burning it? (I am under a  6.06 with a broken apt)16:59
ikoniaOpenuser: try it16:59
stevi need help16:59
ikoniaEthan: not very easy16:59
KcajI'm using a terminal16:59
* Scrounch_ is now away: off16:59
smitherslike i used to a shortcut on the desktop16:59
stevi want to ask something]16:59
ikoniaKcaj: do'nt need to use caps16:59
Kcajit can't resolve myname-desktop16:59
stevanyone wants to help16:59
ubotuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)16:59
dajhornKcaj: See also this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sudo/+bug/3290616:59
leonbrusselsEthan: You can mount the iso and make a live-usb stick16:59
ikoniaKcaj: put it in /etc/hosts16:59
tech0007i didnt get any updates since 22nd i think, so does that mean i have the official 8.04 already?16:59
eternal_pEthan: backup everything, install a clean 8.04 but create a seperate partition for /home, that way, if it happens again, you can reload, and just don't format the /home partition17:00
eternal_ptech0007: I believe so17:00
stevhow can I install KDE on ubuntu17:00
MilitantPotat1daemon3: 1 hour + download time, D/L for me was around 4 hours at 50kb/s, I'm getting a torrent of the alternate CD, shaving about 3.5 hours off17:00
eternal_pstev: download kubuntu is the easiest way17:00
tlsarlesI'm running the Hardy beta, and update manager isn't showing an upgrade available. Is it just me, or is the repo not updated yet?17:00
ikoniastev: install the kubuntu-desktop package17:00
tech0007eternal_p: i update everyday...did you get any updates today?17:00
Picistev: install the kubuntu-desktop package in your favorite package manger17:00
ikoniatlsarles: you may not need any updates17:00
eternal_ptech0007: nope17:00
pawanwhen is the new version coming out17:00
ikoniapawan: it's out17:00
tech0007eternal_p: ok, thanks for the info17:00
MrKeunerhi, can I upgrade from 7.10 to 8.04 using the CD17:00
rinaldi_eternal_p: is there an option to create a seperate home directory on the live cd or do you have to do it manually?17:01
oddalotwhat is the difference between the normal and alternate cd?17:01
SersiSame here tlsarles, i kept my install up to date so i guess its ok17:01
christopher_stev, in your add and remove type kde in the search17:01
ikoniaMrKeuner: poit the repo at the cdrom and use the dist-upgrade option17:01
christopher_stev, kde4 is available17:01
MaCkeRMighty^^, I got AMD64 torrent and posted on my blog!17:01
tlsarlesgotcha. No major changes in the last couple days then?17:01
dajhornMrKeuner: Yes, just insert the disc and the upgrade should automatically start.17:01
MaCkeRMighty^^, Oh! It seems you got it already..17:01
killemallare there official links to the torrents for the new ubuntu, i cant find them at ubuntu.com17:01
Kohelethstev: http://www.kubuntu.org/17:01
marwelldajhorn: Ok.. Not a lot of benefits using 64bit? Comparing performance? (I have 2GB)17:01
leonbrusselsEthan: If you really need that, I could walk you through it17:01
eternal_prinaldi_: manually17:01
MaCkeRkillemall, Official site is overloaded17:02
killemalli just read the topic :p17:02
oddalotmarwell, maybe, but in my experience, there are tons of software problems17:02
christopher_stev, did you see what i typed?17:02
dajhornmarwell: Yes, and the stuff that actually needs the 64-bit goodies, like Xen and VMware, know how to get at it.17:02
shane2peruahh, I made an iso for the 64bit server edition with jigdo, and tried to seed it via transmission, and it started downloading a new file, how can I seed it?17:02
doug2266778822christopher_: thank you so very much...... =D17:02
Ethaneternal_p: I am backing up indeed but I don't have a cd ... Upgrading from a clean 6.06 does create the same 'thing' as installing from a cd ?17:02
christopher_doug2266778822, so i guess it worked?17:02
MaCkeRkillemall, I've uploaded torrents on my blog www.aamod.co.nr and also available on http://www.acc.umu.se/~mighty/ubuntu/17:02
pawanhow to upgrade17:02
ikoniashane2peru: you don't need to make iso's they are available officially form ubuntu17:02
orbinoddalot: desktop is the live cd & graphical installer, alternate has the text based installer17:02
doug2266778822christopher_: yes now to get compiz to work and auto load17:02
oddalotthanks orbin17:03
eternal_pEthan: I don't get what you mean...a clean install is ALWAYS better than an upgrade17:03
marwelloddalot, dajhorn: Ok. Thanks!17:03
Bert_2hi, how can I check which firewalls I have on my linux system and how can I open certain ports in it ?17:03
CViruscongratulations everybody17:03
geniieternal_p: I guess it depends on how many custom conf files or startup scripts you have17:03
shane2peruikonia, I know, but I have the server Release Candidate, and updated that via jigdo to come up with the official release, and would like to seed, without having to download the 600+mb, that would take me most of the day to download.17:03
killemallthanks macker17:03
christopher_doug2266778822, that is an easy one, would u like some help :D17:03
joanit didn't worked17:03
ikoniashane2peru: don't see homemade iso's17:04
rwycuff!iptables | Bert_217:04
ubotuBert_2: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).17:04
doug2266778822christopher_: if you do not mind sure17:04
Kev3124when i try to upgrade via the update manager, the update screen becomes grey and unresponsive..any ideas?17:04
MrKeunerwill there be difference between upgrade and reinstall?17:04
PusselgeneratorAh, fresh install, lovely17:04
shane2peruikonia, ??? what, do you know what jigdo does?  it makes the same image as on the server without downloading all the files, it only downloades the ones that have been upgraded.17:04
leonbrusselsEthan: with apt broken update probably won't work17:04
christopher_doug2266778822, right click ur desktop and choose change desktop background17:04
Ethaneternal_p: that's what I wanted you to say, so installing an old version to upgrade it afterwards is not as good17:04
killemallisnt this EXACTLY what torents are for? big releases17:04
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eternal_pEthan: definetly not, seems a waste of time17:05
ikoniashane2peru: I appriciate what it does, I'd just rather have sources officaily package from ubuntu17:05
=== LinuxMCE_Certifi is now known as esperegu
christopher_doug2266778822, select visual effects and then choose the option for visual effects.17:05
joanI still see very big fonts on the login window.17:05
eternal_pgenii: I agree, that is why I try and keep everything in my /home and do symbolic links when required17:05
ikoniashane2peru: accidents/mistakes happen17:05
christopher_doug2266778822, it should install the necessary requirements for compiz17:05
trekdannewhat's the recommened minimum size for a wubi installation?17:05
shane2peruikonia, I had the release candidate, and then ran jigdo-lite as per the ubuntu wiki, and now have the server 64bit iso.17:05
eternal_pI even bring over my .wine folder  so I can be really, really lazy :)17:05
leonbrusselsEthan: is the computer reasonably new so it supports usb booting?17:05
christopher_doug2266778822, then there is one more step17:05
doug2266778822christopher_: thank you if u do not mind one more?17:05
christopher_doug2266778822, hehe ok17:05
ikoniashane2peru: I understand that17:05
El1Hi guys, when trying to upgrade from 8.04 beta to the final release I get the error 'current dist not found in meta-release file' when running the update manager from the terminal, does anyone know how I can solve thsi?17:05
shane2peruikonia, well, it checks all the md5sums of every package in my cd, and then downloads the non-matching17:06
eternal_pEthan: or go to Best Buy and "rent" a USB CD-ROM ;)17:06
doug2266778822christopher_: urs first lol but i cant get the zelda mouse theme to work. from gnome look.17:06
ikoniashane2peru: if the md5's match, thats a pretty solid response17:06
eternal_pEli: make sure you don't have CDROM repository's turned on17:06
eternal_pEli: in software sources17:06
shane2peruikonia, I don't see how that could mess up any worse than downloading the iso17:06
leonbrusselseternal_p: Why not use USB?17:06
El1in sources.list?17:06
christopher_doug2266778822, where did you get the zelda theme?17:06
NeoGeo64lol bittorrent is a lifesaver17:06
Kev3124when i try to upgrade to 8.04 via the update manager, the update screen becomes grey and unresponsive..any ideas?17:06
mayakuza_how do i get DC++ ned detaild help17:06
doug2266778822christopher_:  off gnome look17:06
erUSULEl1: patience; all ubuntu servers are loaded today people should be patient and wait a day or two for the dust to sttle down17:06
NeoGeo64all the ftp servers are down, but torretns are flying17:06
Ethanleonbrussels: it might be, but from what I have read I may need to format my usb drive17:06
susanooSo guys , is the 8.04 out ?17:06
shane2peruikonia, I will check the md5sum too, but I just wanted to seed, to help the ubuntu community17:06
KohelethEl1:  try the update manager in the admin menu17:06
eternal_pEli: system->administration-> software sources17:06
ikoniashane2peru: npe, I agree with that17:06
christopher_doug2266778822, did it install correctly?17:06
ikoniashane2peru: if the md5's match up, must be spot on17:07
El1that's the one that gave me the error koh17:07
doug2266778822christopher_: i could not get it to install17:07
MaCkeRMighty^^, now torrent list seems somewhat complete!17:07
eternal_pleonbrussels: assuming he has a 1 one gig memory card and a MB that can boot it, for sure17:07
MrKeuneris there faq on upgrade versus reinstall?17:07
shane2peruikonia, sooo, how then would I get it to seed?17:07
leonbrusselsEthan: nope, if its 700mb big and formated fat32 thats fine17:07
christopher_doug2266778822, give me the link to the mouse theme and i'll give it a shot17:07
eternal_pEli: I bet if you look in there, it says Install from CD/DVD Rom checked17:07
Ademanhrm, hardy is out, that must be why the repos have slowed to a crawl lol17:07
El1erUSUL: I don't think my error is due to servers being overloaded?17:07
ikoniashane2peru: you need to create a seed file using your client of choice17:07
=== fdd-0 is now known as fdd
kristian42The desktop fails to start on my a64. IT failed with one of the last updates this week. Anyone have any tips ?17:07
orbinsusanoo: yep.  see topic17:08
doug2266778822christopher_: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/zelda-cursors?content=5066317:08
=== fdd is now known as ionutjula
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats17:08
shane2peruikonia, right, I guess that is my question, I don't know how, I'm using transmission (the default hardy torrent client)17:08
Ethanleonbrussels: but I can't put the iso file like that and hope that it will work, can I? (About the formatting, I need to check it)17:08
leonbrusselskristian42: tried to boot to recovery console?17:08
Tomcat_I need basic help on DVD playback in totem-xine.17:08
Mighty^^MaCkeR: almost.. one missing17:08
ubuntuROX_El1, I have the same issue, install from cd is not checked17:08
orizonubuntu is the best, just wanted to say thanks!17:08
mayakuza_how do i get DC++? need detaild help17:08
ikoniashane2peru: I'm not massive on torrents, let me see if I can find anything17:08
qualidafialDoes it seem to anyone else that Hardy Heron fails the playground name-calling test?  My wife and I are trying to name our soon to be born son and this code name truly baffles me17:08
MaCkeRMighty^^, Which?17:08
killemallthisis the biggest torrent ive ever been part of, 3000 seeds and 550 users, lol17:08
Mighty^^kubuntu kde4 amd6417:08
Camerongeez the ubuntu servers are slow17:08
christopher_doug2266778822, brb17:08
kristian42leonbrussels: How do I do that ?17:08
shane2peruikonia, ok, thanks,17:08
killemall5500 hehe17:09
MrKeuneris reinstall recommended over upgrade?17:09
shane2perudoes anyone else know right off hand on getting a torrent to seed?17:09
MaCkeRubuntu servers are dead slow!17:09
jamessfosterCameron: Thousands of people are accessing them all at the same time. Of course they're slow!17:09
rskMrKeuner: not generally, but in some cases.17:09
KcajThis is crap17:09
KcajI can't open any files on my system17:09
ipxI installed ubuntu 8.04 from a format but i have /home on another partition, so some old settings from gnome was there. Can I somehow remove those folders and get back to default gnome settings?17:09
christopher_doug2266778822, i don't like the sword it's too big.. but it works on my end, let me tell ya how17:09
KcajNot even folder, programs, nothing17:09
MrKeunerrsk: what kind of cases?17:09
ipxGot some mouse problems that seems related to gnome17:09
KcajThey all start to load, and then don't do anything17:09
leonbrusselskristian: If you get your grub menu where you have the differen boot options, select recovery (should be the second) and press enter :)17:09
ikoniashane2peru: http://www.torrentreactor.net/guide/how_make_seed_torrent_files.php17:09
yao_ziyuanhow do you determine in dolphin or nautilus that a file is really a media file but not an executable file? this is a security concern when playing movies ...17:10
rskMrKeuner: if an upgrade fails. =)17:10
KcajNo crash reports now, just, nothing working, at all17:10
leonbrusselsEtan: lets got to private chat17:10
christopher_doug2266778822, do you still have the theme archive saved on ur computer17:10
rickestI had to use envy to get ubuntu to recognize my nVidia 8800GT. I know I have to uninstall envy before upgrading to Hardy, my question is if envy will still be necessary after the upgrade?17:10
yao_ziyuanin windows i just check the file extension17:10
KcajI can't even open a terminal17:10
qualidafialyao_ziyuan: your movie files should be chmod a-x17:10
ikoniarickest: you don't have to use envy17:10
KcajMy entire system has become UNUSABLE17:10
shane2peruikonia, ahh, that site is blocked by opendns, hmm, I will try and figure it out with transmission17:10
korowhen using the file browser, is there a way to have a "up in tree" option like there is in the windows file explorer? (one that sends you to /foo/bar if you are in /foo/bar/dir)?17:10
ikonia!envy | rickest17:10
uboturickest: envy is an unsupported tool to install newer versions of binary video drivers than provided by the official repositories. Use at your own risk, and remember that the latest version is not necessarily the "best". See « /msg ubotu binarydriver »17:10
MrKeunerrsk: if it does not fail can I conclude that reinstall and upgrade would produce exactly the same output?17:10
KcajI have a brick in front of me now :O wtf17:10
ikoniarickest: you've pretty much made you system unsupportable17:10
yao_ziyuanqualidafial: but how do i see it from nautilus or dolphin?17:10
doug2266778822christopher_: yes on desktop and mind if we go to a dif room this one to flooded for me say room #wwed ?17:11
chazcoHi... anyone know if mediabuntu is up for 8.04? (checking before i try to update)17:11
MaCkeRMighty^^, Whatz missing from list?17:11
ikoniaKcaj: phrases like WTF are not needed or welcome here17:11
ikoniachazco: it is17:11
Jack_SparrowKcaj, We understand your frustration but please tone it down and stop ranting17:11
koroThe default "up" button in the gnome explorer has a different behavior (it sends you up in the relative path, not absolute)17:11
chazcoAh, thanks ikonia :)17:11
rickestikonia: are you saying the 8800GT is supported in the repositories now?17:11
bazhangrickest: you on hardy?17:11
ikoniarickest: the current hardy drivers should pick it up I believe17:11
qualidafialyao_ziyuan: right-click and select properties, look for file permissions.  None of the "executable" permissions to be turned on17:11
UBUNTUJAY123ubuntu site is slow today17:11
MaCkeRMighty^^, Gobuntu!17:11
rickestbazhang: not yet17:11
inkynoobwhat are the bt download speeds like right now?17:11
ikoniaUBUNTUJAY123: lots using it17:11
KcajOkay, instead of lecturing me, why not offer some type of support? I've never had ANY operating system do anything like this before.17:11
mayakuza_how do i get DC++? need detaild help17:11
ttsmjshit ubuntu 8.04 final sux, u call it LTS??? it won't boot to X on this laptop, video card is sis and when I try to poweroff I get a shitload of output17:11
UBUNTUJAY123i know the upgrade17:11
ikoniaKcaj: drop tha attitude17:12
KcajNo terminal... nothing will open... not at all.17:12
qualidafialinkynoob: awesome once you get connected--that part can take a little while17:12
killemallim gettin 125d/20u right now17:12
bazhanglanguage ttsmj17:12
* ttsmj is dissapointed17:12
killemall200d now heh17:12
geniiinkynoob: I'm getting about 500Kb/s (in Canada)17:12
shane2peruha ha, ikonia I'm about slow, under torrent there was an option for new torrent.17:12
Jack_SparrowKcaj, help yourself and us by forming a complete question on one line about your problem.17:12
ipxttsmj: good point.. it doesnt work for you == it sucks? It works FINE here, so i'd say it rules. :)17:12
PitelIs there a packege with "old" firefox 2.0 in hardy?17:12
inkynoobgood :-)  thanks17:12
ikoniashane2peru: good find.17:12
karllenz1is there a way to control fan speed17:12
ikoniakarllenz1: apm can on some systems17:13
shane2peruikonia, what would I put for the Announce URL?17:13
ttsmjipx: yes but... previous versions were better here17:13
PiciPitel: firefox-2 package17:13
rwycuffttsmj:welcome to linux these things happen17:13
KcajNOTHING on my system will open at all. No terminal, no program, nothing. I can't even open a folder. It starts to open, then disappears (from the bottom area). No crash report or anything.17:13
ikoniashane2peru: no idea, I think it's where you host the seed file17:13
rickestikonia: made my system 'unsupportable'?  FUD17:13
karllenz1whats apm?17:13
ikoniarickest: using envy17:13
djaisshey guys what's?17:13
ikoniakarllenz1: power managment daemon17:13
KcajI can't even open a system log. I'm at the point where I just want to reboot and pray it fixes my problem. Either way, at that point, I'll probably just switch to a different OS because this is entirely unacceptable.17:13
bazhangrickest its supproted in hardy though17:13
rickestikonia: fud17:14
rickestbazhang: cool, thanks17:14
korois there a way to modify the "up" button in nautilus so that it directs to the previous directory in the absolute path rather than relative?17:14
ikoniarickest: fud ?17:14
Jack_SparrowKcaj, is this an upgrade or fresh install.17:14
yao_ziyuanif an executable file has the extension ".rmvb" and the "movie" icon....17:14
bazhangrickest please be polite17:14
KcajBrand new17:14
rickestbazhang: indeed17:14
ttsmjI wish myself more luck on another nvidia based laptop17:14
yao_ziyuani would not instantly find out if it's a real rmvb or a virus right?17:14
ikoniarickest: I've just told you envy is not supported but the card works in hardy17:14
ikoniarickest: and your response to that is "FUD"17:14
kristian42leonbrussels: I tried restoring X. Same as before. I get to logon and it seems to stop a few seconds afterwards17:14
Jack_SparrowKcaj, how much room did you allow on the hard drive17:14
KcajI installed yesterday, really barely added anything at all, and always used synaptics17:14
bazhang!info envyng-gtk hardy | rickest17:15
uboturickest: envyng-gtk (source: envyng-gtk): install the ATI or the NVIDIA driver. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.1ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 93 kB, installed size 324 kB17:15
ikoniaKcaj: is this a re-occuring fault17:15
KcajIt wont go away so umm, I guess?17:15
* christopher_ needs a cigarette brb17:15
rickestikonia: and I thanked you. just saying 'made my system unsupportable' is a little over the top.  everything's fine17:15
yao_ziyuani consider this a serious security vulernability17:15
PhoopKcaj:  Did you tried rebooting?17:15
MrKeunerif upgrade does not fail can I conclude that reinstall and upgrade would produce exactly the same output?17:15
ikoniarickest: no- it does make your system unsupportable, as the factoid suggested17:15
Jack_SparrowKcaj, what all did you install17:15
leonbrusselskristian42: so it crashes before X. Do you have a nvidia card by any chance?17:15
piscathx all17:15
ikoniarickest: your system isn't fine or you wouldn't be in here asking for help17:15
KcajPhoop: If I do, and that fixes it, and it returns, do you expect me to reboot every time this occurs? I'd rather fix this problem than side-step it.17:15
KcajJack_Sparrow: MySQL, PHP, lots of related stuff, Apache 2, Samba, Samba GUI, Mac OS X theme17:15
bazhangikonia envyng is in the hardy repos though17:16
rickestikonia: please stop blowing it out of proportion. my system is fine, I was just asking about the upgrade path17:16
Kcajathat is about it really, i mean I installed a few other packages here and there, some python stuff, nothing major or obscure.17:16
El1I'm getting this error 'current dist not found in meta-release file' when upgrading. I don't have CDROM repositories checked in software listed, does anyone know how I can solve this problem?17:16
ikoniabazhang: the envy tool as far as I'm aware is still unsupported17:16
Lior1Hello , i have Ubuntu Gutsy gibbon 7.10 and i clicked on the "Upgrade" button 2 hours ago its was on 50% and then i had a powerfailure and everything got shutdown now i opened up ubuntu back but what would i do now ? i want 8.0417:16
ikoniabazhang: same as ndis17:16
rinaldi_I am going to do a fresh install. How do I create a seperate partition for the /home directory? Also how big do you recommend? I have 200gb17:16
ArelisOkay, I am inside Hardy now. What has changed since Gutsy?17:16
PhoopEl1:  Servers are pretty unreachable atm :) Thata the problam17:16
LordAnubishi there, i need help guys17:16
Jack_SparrowKcaj, so that is more that a little stuff ... reboot..17:16
ikoniarickest: I'm not I'm just advising you of that17:16
KcajI'll be back in a bit, lunch :x hope to get this fixed asap17:16
ubuntuROX_I think the only way to solve it is to download the cd, put the check mark there then do an update..17:17
ikoniarickest: if your happy without community support, it's not an issue17:17
KcajOkay I'll reboot and tell you how it goes17:17
LordAnubisi am trying to run a perl script, but i am getting error messages on my Ubuntu machine.17:17
ubuntuROX_at least, thats what Im trying right now EL117:17
ikoniaLordAnubis: what's the error ?17:17
=== KillGhostNK is now known as Fdisk_
mawI just setup dual display with fglrx drivers, my issues is dragging windows screen to screen is laggy, it takes time to redraw the window, anyone know what is wrong?17:17
bastid_raZorMaCkeR; thanks ..17:17
LordAnubisThe error message is regarding WagnerFischer, which is required for my script to run. ikonia17:17
El1I think best is to just wait till the servers are reachable ubuntROX17:17
ikoniaLordAnubis: what is the error though17:17
MaCkeRbastid_raZor, welcome17:17
ubuntuROX_Well, that might work too17:18
LordAnubisikonia: sent to u by PM17:18
ikoniaLordAnubis: I don't want pm's thanks17:18
yao_ziyuani also observed that all linux executables have the "gears" icon in dolphin (they can't have their own icons?), so it's impossible for an executable to fake as a movie file, right?17:18
LordAnubis$ perl csb3.pl17:18
LordAnubisCan't locate Text/Align/WagnerFischer.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.8.8 /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.8 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.8 /usr/share/perl/5.8 /usr/local/lib/site_perl .) at csb3.pl line 12.17:18
LordAnubisBEGIN failed--compilation aborted at csb3.pl line 12.17:18
FloodBot1LordAnubis: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:18
grhluna@ubuntu:~$ echo i love you17:18
grhlunai love you17:18
ubuntuROX_however, yesterday, I noticed it did not update at all, and I wonder if they shut the beta out or something.17:18
LordAnubisikonia: its says: Can't locate Text/Align/WagnerFischer17:18
ikoniaLordAnubis: your issue is that it's looing for perl includes in paths that don't exist17:18
ikoniaLordAnubis: looks like your missing some modules needed17:18
LordAnubisso how do i fix it17:18
tech0007my grub still says  Ubuntu hardy (development branch), kernel 2.6.24-16-generic....is that right?17:19
El1probably, since the release came out today, anyway nothing to do now but wait...17:19
ikoniaLordAnubis: look for the package that contains WangerFishcer.pm17:19
MrKeuneranybody not happy with using upgrade versus reinstall17:19
LordAnubisanyway i can get the whole package+necessary mods (svn or something)17:19
LordAnubisaha cool17:19
linux__alienHi anyone running 8.04 on laptop ?17:19
ubuntuROX_Thats what mine says too Tech007, I do not think there is a fix yet.17:19
ikoniaMrKeuner: my personal preference is a clean install if possible17:19
eternal_ptech0007: I don't know if the development branch will ever go away even if you are running 8.04 full, but that is the right kernel17:19
ikoniaMrKeuner: more so when moving from non-lts to lts17:19
Malicare the servers down?17:19
YoniI just finished to install ubuntu 8.0417:19
* Flare183 is here17:19
ikoniaMalic: they are responding slow17:19
LordAnubisikonia: where can i look for that17:19
jtravnicksomebody asked a while ago this question and i havnt seen an answer Will a fresh install and an upgrade produce the same hardy or will there be diferences?17:19
ikoniaLordAnubis: I don't know17:19
matthew__server is burning17:19
kristian42Is the torrent tracker down too ?17:19
LordAnubisikonia: i am very new to ubuntu17:19
ikoniaLordAnubis: I don't support that package17:19
El1They can't be down Malic, since they're running ubuntu :P17:19
linux__aliendoes Intel ABG 3945 Wireless card work in 8.04 ?17:20
tech0007eternal_p: ok17:20
linux__alienis the bug solved?17:20
LordAnubisikonia: do u know anyone who does?17:20
ikoniaLordAnubis: no17:20
linux__aliencos 8.04 uses iwl3945 driver17:20
bearbladeanyone who know how to install cadence17:20
linux__alienis it still broken ?17:20
Yoni& I saw on the live CD & live on my hard drive the volume is really low... anybody has the same "issue"?17:20
LordAnubisikonia: thanks anyway mate17:20
Jaymaclinux__alien: yes it does, but it now uses the freel iwl3945 driver17:20
Flare183!search hardy17:20
kristian42linux_alien: Does not work on my machine17:20
ubotuFound: awn, heron, ebox, hardy, shipit, khardy, queue, ubuntu+1, installhardy, torrents17:20
=== Grasshopper is now known as gopper
Adlaijtravnick: same system17:20
ubotuEvery time you install hardy, Hobbsee pokes a kitten with the long pointy stick of doom!17:20
linux__alienJaymac, Does the free driver work ?17:20
=== SeanTater2 is now known as SeanTater
eternal_pjtravnick: personally, I don not like upgraded OSs, that is just me, but apparently people have been upgrading ubuntu since 5 and have been happy, so ymmv17:20
ubotuKubuntu Hardy Heron expects to ship with both KDE 3 and KDE 4 as 2 separate disks. KDE 3 should be offered by shipit. The KDE 3 CD will be commercially supported for 18 months and KDE 4 will be community supported17:20
MrKeunerikonia: I am considering if there will be problem with new drivers if they fail to initialize since there are older versions17:20
MalicEl1: oh you are right ^^17:20
jtravnickAdlai, thanks17:20
Mighty^^almost all .torrent can be found here: http://www.acc.umu.se/~mighty/ubuntu/17:20
highvoltagewow, this must be the busiest channel on the network17:20
shane2peruikonia, md5sum did check out for the record, and I figured it out, just had to change my preferences to select folder, and then open the torrent, and verify local data, and started seeding. :)17:20
eternal_pjtravnick: that is why I always recommend doing a seperate /home partition, easy upgrades17:20
bearbladehello every17:20
shane2peruikonia, thanks for the help.17:21
ikoniashane2peru: you helped your self17:21
linux__alienJaymac, does iwl3945 work for Intel ABG 3945 cards?17:21
linux__alienis anyone using it ??17:21
doug2266778822when i try to open deluge it hands at starting then wont open i do killall deluge i get this Starting DHT...17:21
doug2266778822No DHT file to resume17:21
doug2266778822terminate called after throwing an instance of 'asio::system_error'17:21
doug2266778822  what():  Address already in use17:21
FloodBot1doug2266778822: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:21
doug2266778822 then when i type kill deluge i get this killall deluge17:21
eternal_plinux__alien: running it now17:21
Jaymaclinux__alien: yes it does, i have one on my laptoop17:21
bazhanglinux__alien: aye; works well17:21
jlundIs the tracker down?17:21
gopperi have 2 pannels, one for the main menus (applications, places, system) and another for the started applications. Both are bottom-placed, but i want the applications-one to be above the other. Everytime i restart they are switched, any ideas?17:21
highvoltagehey pipedream :)17:21
linux__alieneternal_p, so the bug in hardy beta is solved?17:21
shane2perujlund, tracker has been having problems all day17:21
eternal_plinux__alien: works fine...although if you want your WiFi led to work, download backports for a better version17:21
pipedreamhighvoltage: hye17:22
jtravnicketernal_p, comeing from fedora world i also usaly do fresh installs but figured id try an upgrade on the laptop just to see how it went17:22
linux__alieneternal_p, ok17:22
shane2perujlund, up and down, up and down17:22
eternal_plinux__alien: what bug?17:22
doug2266778822sorry for the flood didnt know it would be that long.17:22
linux__alieneternal_p, so in the live CD itself it works i dont need to do anything extra to make it work in my dell Inspiron 1520 ?17:22
eternal_plinux_alien: if the live CD works, the OS will work too17:22
eternal_pthat is the point of the live CD17:22
DooMRunneRi get a bunch of errors when i try to install hardy from the desktop and the alternate cd "user not known to the underlying authentication module", what does this mean?17:23
tech0007i remembered typing #ubuntu+1, am I on the right channel?17:23
ubotuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic17:23
linux__alieneternal_p, no what i meant was did you install any packages extra to make it work or it just recognized your Router ? coz the bug in Beta was if you uses WPA2 encryption it wouldnt work17:23
JediMasterhaha, the ubuntu site is half dead under the load =)17:23
ifreehi, i did a network upgrade to hardy. But then my menu.lst is not updated due to i chosed retain local version.17:23
mayakuza_i have a sound problem. my sound just stoped. i have volum on and my speaker on but when i play a movie or music i don't hear ennything. what can i do?17:24
ifreeis there anyway to fix it ? i can't boot to ubuntu now17:24
JediMasteranyhow, does anyone know how to get a full list of supported printers from CUPS?17:24
eternal_plinux_alien: I run WPA2, never needed any extra packages17:24
highvoltageJediMaster: more like, 90% dead :)17:24
anonis there any1 who uses the cx8800 module (for tvcards)? on 7.10 it causes constant high cpuload (ksoftirqd/0). can some1 confirm that this is fixed in 8.04?17:24
linux__alieneternal_p, great thanks then i am off to install Hardy . Did you upgrade it or did a clean install?17:24
zachb[ $[ $RANDOM % 3 ] == 1 ] && echo "Ubuntu loves you" || echo "Ubuntu wishes you were dead"17:24
Aperculumwhy isn't the torrent link on the main ubuntu site?17:24
mooboo15gb uploaded on torrent17:24
karllenzis there a command line way to upgrade to hardy?17:24
eternal_plinux__alien: I always prefer a clean install17:24
mooboo1Aperculum, i wonder too17:24
MaCkeRBye everyone! Happy Ubuntuing!!!!!!!!17:24
AperculumI've been searching for it all over17:24
mooboo1maybe they think torrents are scary17:24
JediMasterhighvoltage: true, but it's a good sign that it's popuplar and had a lot of press exposure17:24
Aperculumuntil now17:25
MaCkeRMighty^^, Great idea of mirroring torrents17:25
gopperi have 2 pannels, one for the main menus (applications, places, system) and another for the started applications. Both are bottom-placed, but i want the applications-one to be above the other. Everytime i restart they are switched, any ideas?17:25
mayakuza_i have a sound problem. my sound just stoped. i have volum on and my speaker on but when i play a movie or music i don't hear ennything. what can i do?17:25
MaCkeRMighty^^, Bye. Happy Ubuntuing to u too17:25
captain_cWill the daily jigdo iso update to the release version?17:25
tech0007how do i get started with ibex?17:25
eternal_pmayakuza: it is probably pulse audio, I would reboot, should clear it up17:25
saminthemiddlemayakuza_ make sure a program isn't hogging the sound card17:25
gopperhelp ;[17:26
mohnkernkarllenz -- sudo apt-get dist-upgrade should do the upgrade.17:26
Picitech0007: You wait until the developers get started with it17:26
tech0007hardy is rock solid in my box, its boring..17:26
mayakuza_hogging the sound card? how di i cheach that?17:26
saminthemiddlemayakuza_ you should know what programs are running17:26
akioi can't even get to the torrent page17:26
JediMastertech0007: what's the point in being a linux geek if you don't have to battle with your OS to do things properly huh? ;-)17:26
saminthemiddlemayakuza_: think if any of them have sound and don't show up on pulse audio's mixer17:27
AdlaiJediMaster: I know, I keep getting these urges to install bsd17:27
mooboo1Pici, when do developers get started with it?17:27
tech0007JediMaster: you nailed it!17:27
AdlaiJediMaster: then I remember I don't have shark insurance17:27
ifree hi, i did a network upgrade to hardy. But then my menu.lst is not updated due to i chosed retain local version. i can't boot up to 8.04 now. Any help?17:27
=== x-ip is now known as x-ip|food
a1fa_has bitchx been removed from 8.04?17:27
saminthemiddleanyone know if Ubuntu 8 has a torrent out yet? The servers are super slow17:27
Picimooboo1: Not for a bit, I dont believe that the bluprints have even been made up yet.17:27
ubotuTorrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P17:27
Adlaiifree: boot into something and fix menu.lst/grub.conf17:27
=== jordan is now known as daemon3
a1fa_bitchx is not part of ubuntu 8.04 anymore.. whats up?17:28
daemon319 Hours for an upgrade.17:28
sdakakDOWNLOAD Can't download the torrent it says. The tracker is offline.17:28
mooboo1my vlc freeze after the porno has finished, and then it freeze whole ubuntu for like 10 seconds, until it say "VLC has frozen" and I click "Close"17:28
daemon3I doubt that's correct.17:28
karllenzmohnkern: that did work17:28
ubotuPeer-to-peer filesharing clients are available for several networks/protocols, including !BitTorrent, !Gnutella, !eDonkey, !DirectConnect, !SoulSeek - Multi-protocol engines include !MLDonkey and !giFT - See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information17:28
Adlaialfa_: irssi!17:28
apg49anyone wanna help me out with a quiick dumb question regarding 'fashion' ?17:28
ifreeAdlai: i need to know hardy grub.conf right.. but i got no clue at the moment17:28
JediMastera1fa_: I can't see it in apt-cache, so possibly17:28
mooboo1alfa_: sudo apt-get install bitchx17:28
yell0wsaminthemiddle: http://davang.org/ubuntu17:28
Buyyde1Which torrent program is the one used in hardy? I don't have a good one installed on my gutsy.17:28
Adlaiifree: update-grub or something should do it17:28
mgedminnote to self: remove any self-compiled core GNOME libraries from /usr/local before upgrading Ubuntu version17:28
akiowhere is the .torrent?17:28
ubotuHvis du vil diskutere Ubuntu paa norsk, venligst gaa til #ubuntu-no. Takk!17:28
mohbanawhat does this mean? 503 Service Unavailable17:28
AdlaiBuyyde1: transmission-gtk17:28
eternal_pBuyydel: I prefer deluge17:28
donomo_yeah for Heron.17:28
PhoopBuyyde1:  Transmission17:28
a1fa_mooboo1 : it doesnt exist17:28
Mighty^^Buyyde1: Transmission17:28
Mighty^^almost all .torrent can be found here: http://www.acc.umu.se/~mighty/ubuntu/17:29
vladuz976stupid question, i have a 40" lcd tv, possible to use that as a monitor?17:29
Buyyde1wow, thanks! :D17:29
a1fa_mr. smartie pants17:29
mooboo1alfa_ oh... wow17:29
ubotuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines17:29
saminthemiddlethanks yell0w17:29
donomo_the download page asks for 32bit or 64bit. is an Intel Core 2 Duo a "64bit AMD and Intel computers"17:29
mohnkernkarllenz -- Glad its working for you.17:29
yell0wsaminthemiddle: np17:29
gopperi have 2 pannels, one for the main menus (applications, places, system) and another for the started applications. Both are bottom-placed, but i want the applications-one to be above the other. Everytime i restart they are switched, any ideas?17:29
eternal_pdonomo_: you will have less trouble with the 32bit17:29
grhlunanote to self: email microsoft with desktop screenshot17:29
mooboo1alfa_, you're right. try with irssi maybe, or file a report17:29
karllenzmohnkern: its not lol17:29
donomo_eternal_p: thats what i thought, though i could run 64bit?17:29
anonis there any1 who uses the cx8800 module (for tvcards)? on 7.10? it causes constant high cpuload (ksoftirqd/0). can some1 confirm that this is fixed in 8.04?17:29
mohnkernladuz -- Depends on the inputs on your TV, and what type of video card you have.  Technically yes.17:29
Adlaidonomo_: probably yes17:30
eternal_pdonomo_ yup, but 64-bit itsn't "there yet"17:30
a1fa_all reposatories are sooo SLOW17:30
PlantainIs there anything wrong with just replacing gutsy with hardy then apt-get dist-upgrade?17:30
eternal_palthough people want it to be17:30
a1fa_thanks to NEWBS17:30
vladuz976mohnkern: nvidia17:30
rambo3whats then name of osx like app lunacher bar17:30
BlueParrotguys my system bell ( at terminals and such ) is earblastingly loud, is there any way to tunr it off system wide ?17:30
b33rdonomo_, I'm using 64 bit since gutsy never had problems17:30
donomo_eternal_p: ok thx17:30
vladuz976mohnkern: sony laptop17:30
AbsurdiumPlantain: its better to follow the update guide17:30
AdlaiPlantain: update-manager -d is what you want, I think17:30
a1fa_all reposatories have slowed downnnnn17:30
vladuz976mohnkern: dunno the model17:30
donomo_b33r: ive read bits here and there like flash on 64bit is problematic17:30
BlueParrotas in, when music through pulse is at a comfortable level the system bell will blow my ears out, can I disable it ?17:30
PlantainAbsurdium: That's not working (hangs on checking for new release)17:30
eternal_pI think I'll keep hitting check for updates, just to annoy everyone :)17:30
mohnkernvladuz976-- You will definitely need to know the model.17:30
iddodonomo_: im using 64bit without problems too.. flash wraps 32bit plugin and works fine17:30
b33rdonomo_, you can use 32 bit java and flash17:30
AdlaiBlueParrot: sudo rmmod pcspkr17:30
b33reasy to install there's a script somewhere on forums17:31
BlueParrotAdlai, thnx17:31
AdlaiBlueParrot: you'll need to blacklist that module to prevent it being reloaded on boot17:31
donomo_iddo, b33r: oh interesting.17:31
eternal_piddo: exactly, but a pita to setup, where the 32bit just "works" know what I mean17:31
a1fa_0% [Waiting for headers]17:31
AdlaiBlueParrot: I know what you mean, I hate that frakking beep17:31
eternal_pno advantage17:31
donomo_b33r: what about ATI video driver?17:31
smithersusing smbmount just gives me the following error retrying with upper case share name17:31
stevis there a nice gam17:31
smithersmount error 6 = No such device or address17:31
stevis there a nice game to play on ubuntu17:31
b33rdonomo_, dunno about that I use intel vga17:31
vladuz976mohnkern: not so worried about the laptop, wanna build a desktop but not spend the money for another monitor17:31
vladuz976mohnkern: and save space17:31
Adlaistev: nethack17:31
stevis there a nice game to play on ubuntu?17:31
smithersi can ping my windows box from hardy without a problem so it does exist on the network17:31
Pici!games | stev17:31
ubotustev: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php17:31
x0xhey. how do i make root can restart/shutdown computer?17:31
Adlaistev: and please don't ask more than once that frequently17:32
donomo_ubuntu.com download page is not responsive. must really be getting hammered17:32
W8TAHstev - asking over and over is only going to get you banned17:32
BlueParrotAdlai, where do I blacklist it, modprobe ?17:32
b33rdonomo_, and you'll notice big difference in performance if you compile a lot17:32
AdlaiBlueParrot: /etc/modprobe.d/ or somesuch17:32
Flare183donomo_: Yes, in fact it is.17:32
NukeSkyjumperhow do you get bitmapped fonts like nexus and vga to work in gnome-terminal?17:32
Flare183b33r: Good or bad?17:32
AdlaiBlueParrot: might be /etc/modules.d, don't remember17:32
mohnkernvladuz -- Post a question on the forums for a recommended video card to hook up to a TV.  There are several, I just don't know what they are.17:32
b33rFlare183, faster17:32
iddoeternal_p: since gutsy flash worked without any setup issues, when firefox asks to install flash plugin the ubuntu package just works17:32
x0xhey. how do i make only root can restart/shutdown/blah?17:33
tv3skurti am amazed that there is no vsync in totem despite using ati drivers.17:33
Adlaiiddo: well, except when the checksum failed *raises fist in anger*17:33
eternal_piddo: I hear you, unless you do heavy, heavy work I don't see the advantage...my cpu can do 64-bit, but 32-bit works perfectly, so why make my life more difficult17:33
Flare183b33r: What ark?17:33
BlueParrotI just add one line with 'pcspkr' to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist , right ?17:33
tv3skurtJust unreal that there seems to be no support for vsync so there is massive tearing in videos.17:33
arakthorAdlai: the system pc speaker can also be disabled without removing the package.17:33
smitherssmb is broken on hardy. atleast for me17:33
AdlaiBlueParrot: 'blacklist pcspkr'17:33
eternal_piddo: could be my age too, I don't have the time to fight with it like I used to17:33
tv3skurthow do i disable pc speaker in ubuntu its very annoying17:33
donomo_fat-pipe mirror here: http://ftp.osuosl.org/pub/ubuntu-releases/8.04/17:33
Stroganoffxdm is broken, too17:34
chicobo329Wow this place is packed!17:34
mohbanaare there any mirrors for the dvd torrents?17:34
Adlaiarakthor: you mean module, and yeah, there's a graphical way, but disabling the module does it for ttys also17:34
iddoAdlai: ahh yes the checksum issue happened to me once on another computer... i found solution in forums17:34
Flare183chicobo329: yes of course17:34
eternal_pmohbana: isn't a mirror for a torrent a redundant question?17:34
apg49how does one wear a "Cotton belt" the on with two loops? http://www.global-b2b-network.com/direct/dbimage/50202145/Cotton_Belt.jpg17:34
x0xANY one gonna help me?17:34
Adlaitv3skurt: get BlueParrot to explain it to you, he just did it17:34
=== andres__ is now known as andres_
doug2266778822pidgin is locking up on me what else can i do now?17:34
mohbanaeternal_p: i can't download the .torrent i get 503 errors17:34
iddobut anyway i think ubuntu is one of only distros where flash works well in 64bit... other distos are usually worse for that..17:34
Adlaidoug2266778822: you can do a lot of things...play freecell, perhaps?17:35
C_Kodex0x: permissions17:35
free1is there a fax application for ubuntu that can send and receive faxes with a cable modem?17:35
eternal_px0x: root is the only one who can do a shutdown, etc. that is what sudo is for, for everyone else17:35
chicobo329I have a pre-release Hardy that I want to update to the release version. However, the update manager can't check the repostories anymore. How can I get it to update to the proper release version?17:35
luke__chatroom so hot17:35
BlueParrottv3skurt, add 'blacklist pcspkr' to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist17:35
ScuniziIs there a way in console to take several emails in evolution and merge them into one text file? or as a second option.. saving the emails as text then merging them.. I'd like them in ascending date order if possible.17:35
mohbanaiddo: fedora works fine for me17:35
tv3skurtBlueParrot: there really should be gui option to disable it.17:35
gopperi have 2 pannels, one for the main menus (applications, places, system) and another for the started applications. Both are bottom-placed, but i want the applications-one to be above the other. Everytime i restart they are switched, any ideas?17:35
BlueParrottv3skurt, then do sudo rmmod pcspkr to stop it17:35
donomo_mohbana: http://ftp.osuosl.org/pub/ubuntu-releases/8.04/17:35
x0xeternal_p, thanks xD17:35
snikerIs there anyone but me who has problems with the panels freezes sometimes when I try to expand the clock or change gnome theme?17:36
Adlaitv3skurt: there is, but I don't think it works for ttys17:36
donomo_oh those are CDs. is there a DVD distribution?17:36
doug2266778822what other programs can i use besides pidgin since it is starting to be buggy on me and wont let me in?17:36
BlueParrottv3skurt, I agree, I don't write the stuff thou , I literally came on here just to figure how to kill the damn thing17:36
Adlaitv3skurt: system>preferences>sound17:36
Adlaitv3skurt: 'system beep' tab17:36
eternal_pdoug2266778822: kopete, amsn17:36
Scunizidoug2266778822: for irc?  xchat it's in the repos17:36
yell0wdoug2266778822: kopete17:36
Mighty^^All .torrent can be found here: http://www.acc.umu.se/~mighty/ubuntu/17:36
smithersdoug2266778822: digsby.com17:36
eternal_pdoug2266778822: however disabling the sound makes pidign 100% stable17:36
apg49how does one wear a "Cotton belt" the on with two loops? http://www.global-b2b-network.com/direct/dbimage/50202145/Cotton_Belt.jpg17:36
bluefox83ok, i'm downloading some pdf viewing software for hardy, and the download speeds are in bytes, not kb, it isn't upgrade day is it? >.>17:36
Adlai!offtopic apg4917:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about offtopic apg49 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:37
donomo_bluefox83: heehee. when is apt-get going to use bittorrent17:37
Adlai!offtopic | apg4917:37
ubotuapg49: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!17:37
Scunizibluefox83: pdf viewing should be built in..17:37
JPSman_Is the update manager currently down?17:37
iddoanyone knows if this bug was fixed in hardy final? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/9950817:37
apg49:( thers no where i can find out17:37
bluefox83donomo_, hopefully...never17:37
MrKeunerikonia: what is different in non-lts than lts with respect to upgrading from each to other?17:37
chicobo329yeah that's right, I can't use the Update Manager to update to the release version of Hardy17:37
smitherssmb mounting worked fine in gutsy broken now17:37
chicobo329I dunno if it's down or something17:37
mtristanhi everyone17:37
Adlaiapg49: you seem to be looking in all the wrong places, judging by what I'm seeing17:37
bluefox83Scunizi, i found some neat pdf viewing and editing packages...so i figured i'd install them17:37
skep_does the live cd support luks?17:37
saminthemiddleyell0w: thanks, it's better than the mainline downloads at least. Someone should put it on the official download page. Right now only a few people are on it.17:37
dnychicobo329: I'm getting the same problem, and I can't use torrents. :/17:38
Scunizibluefox83: is one of them pdfedit?17:38
apg49Adlai where shud i look17:38
tv3skurtBlueParrot: thanks for the help17:38
eternal_pim' out...g' luck everyone17:38
rbdhi guys, I messed up some files in an installed package. what's the easiest way to reinstall a deb (without having to uninstall it first, I just want to install it again and overwrite everything)17:38
rinaldi_I am going to do a fresh install. How do I create a seperate partition for the /home directory using the livecd? Also how big do you recommend? I have 200gb17:38
chicobo329I suppose it could be a traffic issue, though I would like to know an official answer at least. Perhaps I should wait until later?17:38
tv3skurtBlueParrot: now i am hopeing someone can help me get vsync in totem so i can videos without problems.17:38
bluefox83Scunizi, yeah, the other is pdfcube :)17:38
tv3skurtThere is massive tearing.17:38
eternal_prinaldi_: bad timing for you, I have to run, or else it is easy to do17:38
_kavOOr_Hardy is GOD level . .thank you developers17:39
dnychiciobo329:  Is yours saying yoru system is up to date?17:39
mik3are the mirrors dead or something? install has stopped at 'scanning the mirror'17:39
JPSman_rbd: download iso and burn it to a CD, then run that live cd (and format your drive section partition)17:39
Scunizibluefox83: pdfedit has been buggy for me.  never tried pdfcube17:39
chicobo329it stalls when I click the 'check' button, dny17:39
eternal_prinaldi_: basically you need 100mb /boot parition a swap partition (I like 2gb) a / partition (I like 10-20gigs) and your /home for the rest17:39
chicobo329it doesn't download any of the packages17:39
eternal_prinaldi: g'luck17:39
JPSman_yes, IS the package downloader off line right now??17:39
apg49Adlai do you know how to17:39
dnychiciobo329:  ahh, well mine will run through the check, but comes back saying im fully updated17:39
bluefox83Scunizi, all well, i don't think i will be editing many pdf files, i'm just curious as to how well they work17:39
sebastthello everyone. I need some help please. I cant get my ati mobility radeon card to work under hardy17:39
rbdJPSman: shut up17:39
v0lksmananyone got good docs on how to use PolicyKit?  I do all my work remotely and PK is blocking me from network changes...I thought I had enabled everything in Authorizations to allow it but I guess not...Need help....thanks!17:40
mtristancan someone help me with openbox : I try to have the wallpaper at startup, but each time, I get the black background...17:40
JPSman_rbd: ?17:40
chicobo329do you mind if I paste what it fails to fetch from the error window?17:40
suxxorsomebody using XAMMP?17:40
Adlaiapg49: holy hell this is a support channel for an operating system, not a community devoted to helping you get dressed in the morning, and besides, I already pmed you17:40
HymnToLife!pastebin | chicobo32917:40
ubotuchicobo329: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)17:40
fbcThey only way I can get into my machine is through FAILSAFE GNOME. How can I fix this???17:40
mik3are the mirrors dead?17:40
rwycuffsuxxor:why use XAMMP youve got linux17:40
Scunizibluefox83: what I'd really like to have is a G3 fax .tif editor or annotator that will allow me to save the edits with the multipage file.17:40
suxxorsomebody using XAMMP?17:40
JPSman_mik3: exactly what I want to know17:41
JPSman_are the mirrors down right now?17:41
mik3has to be17:41
hbI have 10 FiOS PCs seeding the 8.04 image for those who are fighting with slow http downloads.17:41
Eric_Jardasanyone else having problem with getting response from repository ?17:41
juano__iddo: join #ubuntu-bugs17:41
suxxorsomebody using XAMMP?17:41
zerohey, can anyone help me? i want to install the new KDE4 core under Ubuntu17:41
Mighty^^All .torrent can be found here: http://www.acc.umu.se/~mighty/ubuntu/17:41
citronbleu-vthere is torrent files ?17:41
=== Exteris_ is now known as Exteris
hboh yea17:42
JPSman_Eric_Jardas: is that like the package manager?  because mine isn't working right now17:42
mik3this freakin installation won't finish because it's stopped on Scanning the mirror17:42
suxxorsomebody using XAMMP?17:42
NeoGeo64What time did Ubuntu come out today?17:42
chicobo329http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64258/ Okay, this is what I get when I try to download the packages to check for updates17:42
hbI'm running 6MBps full atm17:42
skep_around 1pm gmt i think17:42
mtristanis there anyone using OpenBox under Ubuntu feisty, and who could help me?17:42
fbcCould someone tell me how I can boot into regular gnome without having to go into fail-safe?17:42
hbwell that's a lie17:42
NeoGeo64what time zone are you in skep_17:42
Eric_JardasJPSman, yep...it looks like its probably becuase of massive ammount of people updating their ubuntu17:42
suxxorsomebody using XAMMP?17:43
mik3suxxor : no for fucks sake17:43
JPSman_lol isitout?  why can't I update lol   wow17:43
ikoniamik3: stop with the language17:43
=== anon is now known as monomo
ikoniamik3: thats unacceptable and uncalled for17:43
beexdoes anybody know how to unlock your pointer?17:43
Eric_JardasJPSman, it's out but its too slow to update now17:43
skep_NeoGeo64: CEST17:43
ubuntuROX_I guess the development version description in grub not changing from the beta is a bug eh?17:43
Eric_Jardasit won't hurt you to wait a little17:43
fbcmik3, Yes we are all prudes here.17:43
chicobo329could that be my problem then?17:44
skep_UTC+2 that is17:44
rwycuffsuxxor: apt-get install mysql-server apache2 php5 php5-mysql for you xampp17:44
Cameronhow can I make nautilus navigate forward/backwars using the sidebuttons on my mouse ?  firefox just works.17:44
hbwhats the x in xampp?17:44
zerohey i have a problem with my update manager, when i start it out in terminal i get this message:current dist not found in meta-release file HOW DOI FIX this?17:44
hbI know what lamp is17:44
W8TAHcan someone recomend a good program that can act as an alarm clock from ones laptop or a desktop unit?17:44
stibHi , trying to u/g my xubuntu install, but the upgrade manager is only saying that there is an upgrade to 7.10 available. Is there somthing I can add to sources.lst or whatever it is to get it to see 8.04? Thanks17:44
mtristanis there anyone using OpenBox under Ubuntu feisty, and who could help me with setting the background at startup?17:45
JPSman_Eric_Jardas: do you know the terminal command to tell me what version of a specific loaded driver I am using?17:45
suxxori`ve got xampp but the problem is that is running the default mysql server on linux i can`t run xampp mysql server17:45
atlefCameron: i think you need to install imwheel17:45
ubuntuROX_zero, I have the same issue,17:45
m1rsuxxor: try change mysql and apache ports17:45
free1ubotu: what up, fool17:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about what up, fool - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:46
mgedminstib: what version do you have?  if 7.04, then you must first upgrae to 7.1017:46
zeroubuntuROX_, what is that all about? i havent had an update come for 2 days not17:46
suxxorhow can i do that ?17:46
JPSman_Zero: too many people are trying to use it at once.    Just wait for updateability17:46
suxxorto change this porsts17:46
Cameronatlef: why does it work for firefox out of the box , but not nautilus ?17:46
free1is there any decent fax software for ubuntu17:46
ubuntuROX_zero, even when using the cd and checking it as a source, it does not update,, Im wondering whats up with that?17:46
zeroJPSman, but it doesnt show dist in meta-release file, whats tha ll abou it17:46
atlefCameron: i do not know17:46
ubuntuROX_is it possible that its just mislabled as a development version?17:46
Cameronatlef: when I run imwheel, it stops firefox from working17:47
mgedminwhy doesn't Ctrl+Alt+Fx switch to other consoles in hardy?17:47
Cameronatlef: (navigation forward/backward I mean)17:47
nekohayomadmanwoo_: madman2k?17:47
zeroubuntuROX_, is it stable or not?17:47
beexmgedmin, I don't have that issue17:47
atlefCameron: although it did not work in firefox either before hardy, atleast not for me17:47
sebastthello everyone. I need some help please. I cant get my ati mobility radeon card to work properly under hardy17:47
stibmgedmin: thanks. I think it is 7.04 Dang. Two >600 downloads and the local mirrors are glowing hot..17:47
hbleech my little trolls leech!  Verizon is gonna hate me :>17:47
ubuntuROX_I dont know, I downloaded the cd and ran update manager from it, said there were no updates17:47
chicobo329well I guess I should just wait for later then. I'm just surprised there would be issues with so many people downloading it! I guess it's just really popular these days17:47
mtristanis there anyone using OpenBox under Ubuntu feisty, and who could help me with setting the background at startup?17:48
mgedminbeex: strange thing is it works in the login screen, but not after login17:48
zeroubuntuROX_, when did you dl the CD17:48
Adlaimgedmin: it should, perhaps something is broken17:48
mgedminmust be a configuration issue somewhere17:48
psyminIf anyone has iwl3945 working with Heron on amd64 please message me advice.17:48
Mighty^^now ALL .torrent are here: http://www.acc.umu.se/~mighty/ubuntu/17:48
ubuntuROX_today, after release17:48
NukeSkyjumperwhat's a good font for really small out-of-the-way terminals?17:48
zeromrtristan, feisty is pretty outdated, why not upgrade?17:48
cwilluNukeSkyjumper, terminus17:48
mgedminxev shows XF86_Switch_VT_1 keysyms17:48
hbMighty^^: they're also listed on isohunt/Piratebay as well17:48
PaulMooneywe can ask hardy questions in here right?17:48
BlueParrotoh horror, the repos are under a bit of stress it seems :P17:48
zeroubuntuROX_, ok tahts the stable, well, not sure about htat17:49
hbMighty^^: They're being hosted on PBs tracker as well17:49
mgedminlaunchpad.net is melting today ;)17:49
grhlunaubuntu is sexy17:49
NukeSkyjumperwhat's a good truetype font for small terms?17:49
ubuntuROX_I would think that if the cd does not update it its stable17:49
tawtcan someone help me?  how do i get the mouse to scroll up/down on a touchpad?17:49
mtristanzero : I think I'm going to upgrade, but to gutsy, not hardy17:49
zeroubuntuROX_, its stable17:49
ubuntuROX_however, it could be that its not recognizing the name of the current version17:50
xngeardo you think number of people dling ubuntu is bigger or lower then ppl dling gta 4? ;/17:50
mtristanbut I can't still try......     is there anyone using OpenBox under Ubuntu feisty, and who could help me with setting the background at startup?17:50
zeromtristan, why not hardy17:50
frostburntawt, not sure on your specific issue, but check out the synaptics package17:50
regis_hello, is there a recursive options for apt-get that also remove the dependences when you uninstall a package?17:50
ubuntuROX_but, like you I have not seen any updates since they released the RC17:50
Pici!offtopic | Please try to keep #ubuntu open for Support Questions17:50
mtristancause it's to fresh zero :p17:50
ubotuPlease try to keep #ubuntu open for Support Questions: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!17:50
Adlairegis_: aptitude tends to do that by itself17:50
zeromtristan, ive been using it for over 2 weeks now, its fucking awesome, im telling you, its great17:51
gustavo_mtristan: look for openbox howto gentoo wiki at google.. i managed to config the wallpaper following this guide17:51
regis_Adlai, thanks17:51
mtristangustavo_, even under ubuntu?17:51
gustavo_mtristan: its for gentoo, another distro, but the logic is the same17:51
Picizero: Please watch the language in here.17:51
mtristanok gustavo_17:51
ubuntuROX_did everything go stable 2 days ago?17:51
lmntoxhello all17:51
james_i am wondering if anyone here canhelp me solve a wierd issue with my network manager, the issue is that out of the box on live cd and after first reboot it saw my wifi card, however wifi-radar see's it and so does iwconfig wlan0 but when i connect with wifi-radar it does not relize iti is on the internet so my internal network functions do not work, any idea17:51
Zvezdichkohello, repos gives me17:51
Zvezdichkoconnect (111 Connection refused)17:52
Zvezdichkowhat is this?17:52
mattywarrhello - how do i cd to a directory that has spaces in the folder name?17:52
murphytany know why the cd install gives "buffer i/o error" errors and "squashfs" errors?17:52
hbPici, you're in an internet chatroom.  That's like walking into a bar and screaming don't drink!17:52
james_try and underscore17:52
rothchildcongratulations and thanks to all the Ubuntu devs for getting Hardy out of the door17:52
murphytmattywarr, try putting \ in front of the space17:52
mtristanzero : will hardy run correctly with a 500MHz ?17:52
kduboismattywarr: use the escape sequence "\ "17:52
karllenzto upgrade it takes 5 hours??17:52
james_zero what distro you using17:52
thoreauputicmattywarr: or just tab complet the name17:52
kduboismattywarr: without the quotes, just backslash space17:52
zerojames_, ubuntu 8,0417:52
BlueParrotis there any easy way to get a list of backport packages I have installed ?17:52
Picihb: Nevertheless, its part of the channel guidelines17:53
SaadSaeedtook too long to reach ubuntu.com man its getting hammered17:53
ltracy__Is there something special you have to do to get from the beta to the release version?  My apt sources list appears to be a little hosed now17:53
orthodocSaadSaeed: you can reach the download page though17:53
SaadSaeedorthodoc: linky?17:53
james_zero cool will it work on a PIII at 800mhz with 128mb ram =)17:53
Jimdbjames:  in my testing of 8.04 on laptops the wifi problems got worse, not better.  I did lot of reporting on the issues but they seem to have been ignored.17:53
lmntoxI am trying to get ubuntu to work with my belkin wireless n notebook card any ideas?17:53
Zvezdichko``is there somebody who has problem with repositories?17:53
rodolfo_is there a way to upgrade directly from the mounted image, burned on cd?17:53
centyxZvezdichko: it's nick moffit's fault. he broke the servers.17:53
james_i am running dreamlinux 3.0 with xfce right now it worked out of the box and after the first reboot17:53
mtristandoes anyone know if hardy would run correctly with a 500MHz ?17:53
mattywarrhmm - ok how do i cd to my cdrom device? cd /cdrom0 doesn;t seem to work17:53
james_now i am haveing an issue17:53
Zvezdichkocentyx: thank you17:54
ZvezdichkoI thought the problem is related to my computer17:54
ubuntuROX_ltracy - they say update manager is supposed to do it17:54
bullgard4Since upgrading to Hardy irregularly a while after booting my LAN connection to the router fails. See line 498 of  http://ubuntuusers.de/paste/201556, and repeats itself all 8 lines. What is the cause of this?17:54
james_limdb thanks i am running dreamlinux 3.0 actually17:54
leonbrusselsmtristan: Check out xubuntu, extra lightweight, with klighter window manager17:54
thoreauputicmattywarr: try cd /medis.cdrom17:54
ltracy__mtristan, Try the XFCE version.. it's probably your best bet.17:54
james_it is a debian based package17:54
zerojames_ not very well, the minimum system requirements require 256 mb ram, you MIGHT be able to get xubuntu to work, but if i were you i'd try something like DSL or Puppy, or DreamLinux17:54
centyxZvezdichko: :P i'm kidding. it's like this every time there's a new release17:54
Picijames_: This channel is for Ubuntu support only, try ##linux perhaps17:54
thoreauputicmattywarr: sorry /media/cdrom17:54
murphytany know why the cd install gives "buffer i/o error" errors and "squashfs" errors? i'm trying to instal clean ver17:54
ubuntuROX_I believe, you may be already updated and its just still mis-labeled in grub.17:54
rothchildI've got a problem with gdm, I get an 'authentification failed' error message that I can get rid of, the only way to log out and log in again is to shutdown and restart I'm not sure where to start looking at how to fix this?17:54
atlefZvezdichko: you do understand that the traffic at this moment is tremendous17:54
james_pici i tried linus17:54
stefanomtristan, it will run, it well be a bit sluggish but it will run, you might want to install xubuntu, it is a lot faster and you get all the gtk goodness17:54
orthodocSaadSaeed: torrent download is the best way i think...17:54
james_not any help in there17:54
lmntoxI am trying to get ubuntu to work with my belkin wireless n notebook card any ideas? on hardy btw17:55
hb31.25MBps up.  I'm expecting verizon to call me any minute :x17:55
james_hey zero you familar with dreamlinux17:55
NeoGeo64I just finished downloading Ubuntu 8.04.  Should I bother seeding?17:55
Picijames_: That doesnt mean its okay for you to ask in here.17:55
mattywarrperfect, thanks :)17:55
Zvezdichkoatlef: I even didn't understand that it's stable now. I am using it since beta17:55
SaadSaeedorthodoc: good torrent client for ubuntu?17:55
mtristanleonbrussels, ltracy__, stefano,  I will use openbox so I don't care about xubuntu or ubuntu...17:55
thoreauputicNeoGeo64: of course17:55
mooboo1NeoGeo64, sure if you can :)17:55
lolEeeNeoGeo64, the more seeds the better17:55
=== mysterycool is now known as mysterycool[bbia
zerojames_: a little bit yeah, its installed on one of my thumb drives17:55
rob3r_I am running the RC on this laptop, how can I have it updated so it is at the 8.04 LTS version?17:55
james_zero if you can can you PM me17:55
stefanomtristan, then you're good to go17:55
lordlandonis anyone having trouble with the hardy repos?17:55
mooboo1NeoGeo64, i finished downloading it long ago, I am still seeding17:55
mtristansure stefano?17:55
Jimdbneogeo64:  of course, more seeders means faster distribution17:55
=== mysterycool[bbia is now known as mysteryc[bbiab]
bjoern25Does someone have the torrent, this game = Crysis Special Edition 8,43 GB =Other place ETA = 17 ouers !!? I wanne try share movies and games over Win.Live Messenger 2008 to get faster speed !Annyone?17:55
* lolEee is sat on a phone connection so cannot download (nor seed) hardy17:55
orthodocSaadSaeed: bittorrent or deluge17:55
NeoGeo64i only have a 50k/sec upload though17:56
orthodocor ktorrent17:56
centyxlordlandon: everyone is. wait a day or two ;)17:56
mooboo1rob3r_, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade :p17:56
bjoern25Does someone have the torrent, this game = Crysis Special Edition 8,43 GB =Other place ETA = 17 ouers !!? I wanne try share movies and games over Win.Live Messenger 2008 to get faster speed !Annyone?17:56
bcnaatlordlandon: my update icon has been gray for about 30 minutes now - repos are being hammered right now!17:56
matrix|abi'm having terrible terrible problems with DVD playback. mplayer won't go to fullscreen and neither will VLC. they both just crash when i try to fullscreen17:56
Pelorob3r_, you probably already are up to 8.04 level,  there is no specific difference with RC if RC is uptodate17:56
biabiaif i download the hardy iso and burn and install it is that much different than if i update/upgrade to it17:56
lordlandonso i figured q=17:56
Jimdbneogeo64:  typical of cable internet upload speeds.17:56
bstockhey, anyone know the syntax in /etc/apt/sources.lst to add local files? i want to copy the cd locally and use those as a source17:56
stefanomtristan, yes, no problem. get the minimal install cd, it will install just a command line system, then you can go from there17:56
lordlandonquite unfortunate D=17:56
bcnaatI'm waiting to see if there is an update for the sound - no sound?17:56
rob3r_moobool, thanks :)17:56
rob3r_Pelo, thanks17:56
lordlandoni should've thought about that before clean installing q=17:56
mtristanok stefano, thanks17:56
thoreauputicbjoern25: totally off-topic :)17:56
Riot777sorry for stupid question but is hardy out officially or still rc?17:56
stibmtristan: I'm runnign on a ~700 using Xubuntu. It's about as fast as win98 was. Xubuntu is your best bet for low end machines. Puppy linux was faster, but too unstable.17:57
bstockriot777 official17:57
lolEeeRiot777, it's out17:57
hbwin.live? ew17:57
wadHi, I need to make a Gantt Chart. Is there a linux tool that does this sort of thing?17:57
ExlaxI know theres a channel for wine, but since this seems to be related to 8.04..i'll ask here...does anyoen else get a preloader: failed to reserver ############ when they start wine in hardy?17:57
Jimdbhow much difference between teh RC1 and the official release?17:57
Pelobcnaat, some ppl have had issues with pulseaudio,  I think it is mentionned in the !sound guide now17:57
bjoern25Does someone have the torrent, this game = Crysis Special Edition 8,43 GB =Other place ETA = 17 ouers !!? I wanne try share movies and games over Win.Live Messenger 2008 to get faster speed !Annyone?17:57
Pelo!sound | bcnaat17:57
ubotubcnaat: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP317:57
mattywarrtrying to install a java app but geting an error: The wizard cannot continue because of the following error: could not load wizard specified in /wizard.inf (104)17:57
bluefox83stib, how about dsl?17:57
hbsomebody an him.17:57
hbban even17:57
lmntoxpelo, are you one of the people helping out??17:57
murphytany know why the cd install gives "buffer i/o error" errors and "squashfs" errors? i'm trying to instal clean ver (not using wubi)17:57
alienbrainIs ubuntu.com main page broken on FF?17:58
ltracy__What do I have to do to upgrade from the Beta to the release of Hardy?  It appears that my update-manage can't resolve many of the apt sources that were installed by the beta dist-upgrade17:58
Pelolmntox, I do what I can, it's not like I get paid or anything17:58
JVJBno alient, just slo17:58
repabilSince I upgraded to hardy my desktop can't find my home partition. It say's fsck died with exit status 817:58
marx2kmurphyt: do a check on your hard drive17:58
Jimdbmurphyt:  i think it has to do with acpi or something like that.17:58
zeroam i the only one making to the front page of ubuntu wiht no issues17:58
JPSman_If I found the solution to a particular problem, where can I post the answer?17:58
Peloalienbrain, the website is under heavy load because of the release17:58
JPSman_ubuntu forums?17:58
stibbluefox: didn't try that. I can't remember why, I looked at it and went for puppy instead.17:58
ubuntuROX_ltracy__ the preferred answer for your issue is to wait until the servers are unloaded17:58
YahoouserFirst of all I would like to thank you for latest version of Ubuntu.17:58
hbalienbrain, no just really busy.  if you're looking for hardy do a search for hardy 8.04 on isohunt or piratepay.org.  Do not download the files labed as "RC"17:58
PiciJPSman_: Thats a good place17:58
bjoern25zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzDoes someone have the torrent, this game = Crysis Special Edition 8,43 GB =Other place ETA = 17 ouers !!? I wanne try share movies and games over Win.Live Messenger 2008 to get faster speed !Annyone?17:58
lmntoxpelo, i know volunteer an what not do you know anything about throwing on a notebook wifi card?17:58
ltracy__ubuntuROX_, ok :)17:58
Pelo!ops | bjoern2517:58
ubotubjoern25: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpatrick or jussi01!17:58
Pici!piracy | bjoern2517:58
ubotubjoern25: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o17:58
cyborg_32 or 64 bit version?17:59
PriceChildPelo: no need to ops when there is one active :)17:59
stefanoBjoern25, winners don't do warez17:59
cyborg_os[Linux 2.6.22-14-generic i686] distro[Debian lenny/sid] cpu[2 x Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU          6600  @ 2.40GHz @ 1.63GHz] mem[Physical : 2026MB, 87.0% free] disk[Total : 240.89GB, 5.10% Free] video[nVidia Corporation G80 [GeForce 8800 GTS]] sound[]17:59
lmntoxlol stefano17:59
Pelo!wifi > lmntox   check for a private message windows with instructions from ubotu17:59
YahoouserI was reading Ubuntu Server Feature list. I need help to understand the meaning and advantage of certain kernel features.17:59
PeloPriceChild, I didn't notice you17:59
lmntoxhey thanks pelo17:59
Luckriderwhat is the party chan?17:59
PriceChildPelo: i meant pici ;)17:59
W8TAHcan someone recomend a good program that can act as an alarm clock from ones laptop or a desktop unit?17:59
LuckriderPARTY CHAN?18:00
PeloPriceChild, didn'T notice him either18:00
Jimdbmurphyt:  put this as a switch on the command line when booting:             ide=nodma18:00
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)18:00
rambo3this channel need #ubuntu-overflow18:00
PiciLuckrider: #ubuntu-release-party18:00
murphytJimdb: thanks i'll try that18:00
* Pelo has all the opns on /ignore anyway 18:00
alienbrainhmm nice! I got 100% fooled. Thought that main page big banner is Flash.18:00
PiciPelo: :P18:00
=== ubuntu__ is now known as MrObvious
cyclonuthas anyone gotten firebug working with firefox 3 b5?18:00
Picicyclonut: No, it is not compatible.18:00
MrObviousWhere can I get some other apt-get repositories?18:00
=== KillGhostNK is now known as Fdisk_
stefanodoes anyone know how to get webkit to run inside firefox or epiphany18:01
Drefsabjust wiped and resintalled my server with 8.04 and alls up and running smooth :D18:01
rothchildI've got a problem with gdm, I get an 'authentification failed' error message that I can get rid of, the only way to log out and log in again is to shutdown and restart I'm not sure where to start looking at how to fix this?18:01
Picicyclonut: You can install firefox-2 if you *need* to use it though18:01
neverblueHeron was released today ?18:01
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories18:01
Picineverblue: yes18:01
PeloMrObvious, menu > system > admin > software sources,  check all the boxes on the top half of the 1st and 3rd tab18:01
neverblueah, thanks Pici18:01
hbMrObvious: open up synaptic and go to the sources, there should be an option to pick a source based on speed18:01
cyclonutPici: I get errors when trying to install in ffx218:01
biabiaif i download the hardy iso and burn and install it is that much different than if i update/upgrade to it18:01
m1rmtristan: yes, use alternate cd install for 500mhz, maybe even try xubuntu18:01
xngearwhat program you recommend for ubuntu to burn xbox 360 isos? :/18:02
Pelobiabia, you can upgrade from the alternate cd or from the dvd,  it's quiker18:02
hbbiabia: yes and no, but considering that all of the ubuntu mirrors are getting hammered right now your best bet for an upgrade is donwloading the iso via torrent18:02
alesanhey but isn't there a bittorrent to download the new ubuntu18:02
Peloxngear, brassero and gnomebaker work well18:02
murphytok i tried acpi=off on one occasion and ide=nodma on a different occasion, neither of the worked for my "sqashfs" errors and "buffer i/o" errors, any other suggestions18:02
neverbluealesan, read the topic...18:03
hbwww.isohunt.com www.piratebay.com they both have the torrents on their respective trackers now18:03
idealab_locoHow can i upgrade to 8.04 from 7.10 by using shell18:03
Peloidealab_loco, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade18:03
chimp_Hmm the gb ubuntu repos are ignoring me, should i just wait, for time being doing network upgrade?18:03
biabiaPelo: speed isnt my concern, i just didnt want to install from cd and erase any data on my pc other than whats needed to be changed with the new version18:03
lortjavapeople from Argentina?18:03
ScuniziIf I'm running gnome and want to purge Kubuntu-desktop would I sudo apt-get purge kubuntu-desktop? and will that eliminate the config files for things like koffice as well?18:03
xngearPelo does it support double layer? never heard they support it18:03
MrObviousAhh better!18:03
bhsxi've been running the beta for about 5-6 weeks now....    it's running fairly unstable though...  should I just run an update, or should i DL the iso and go for a fresh install???18:03
lortjavapeople from Argentina??? i have news about events of Web And Beer :D18:03
mattywarrwhere can I change the JAVA_HOME environment variable?18:04
MrObviousThanks Pelo and hb18:04
Pelobiabia, the severs are under heavy loads,  I donT' think upgrading the distro online is a very good idea, get the alt or the dvd in torrent , save some bandwith if yo ucan18:04
matrix|abwhere can i get xubuntu18:04
maekDoes hardy heron have Xorg7.3 ??18:04
Peloxngear, no idea,  I think brassero does18:04
idealab_locoIt should be quicker than using the Administration-->Update Manager?18:04
JPSman_can anyone else sign onto ubuntu forums??18:04
hbit's flooded man18:04
hbi'm surprised ubuntu.com is even alive atm18:05
javiolo_Hi, just downloaded 8.04 and burned a cd how can I update my sistem from cd-rom ? I added the cdrom as a repo but it doesn´t work18:05
xngearPelo i see you have no idea about burning xbox 360 isos18:05
* northman jump18:05
ScuniziJPSman: yes18:05
Peloidealab_loco,  the servers are under heavy loads,  if you want quick , get the .torrent for the dvd or the alt-cd and upgrade from that18:05
lordlandoni think ubuntu.com is static18:05
Picijaviolo_: You can only upgrade using the alternate CD.18:05
lordlandonso it holds up better than a forum18:05
TerryYakiHey, I was checking my network status, and it says that I've been downloading something for the past few hours. Yet, I have no idea what I'm downloading. Silly question, but if it's upgrading or downloading upgrades, should there be something that tells me explicitly that I'm downloading the packages?18:05
JPSman_ScuniziL thank you18:05
Peloxngear, you mean burning from an xbox or burning an xbox.iso file ?18:05
javiolo_Pici ok18:05
DestroyerCan someone help me ?18:05
fbcHow do I get to adjust my video card driver and monitor type in Hardy?18:05
JPSman_heh, ubuntu on an Xbox - wait18:05
* JPSman_ runs off to google18:05
jharknTerryYaki: it tells you when doing updates, there'd be an icon next to the time18:06
Drefsabhow hard is it to bind multiple IP's to one network interface from the commandline?18:06
Peloxngear, just checked brassero does dboule layers,  and an iso is just an iso , which ever app you use to burn it will  make a clone copy of he original cd it was taken from18:06
murphytok i tried acpi=off on one occasion and ide=nodma on a different occasion, neither of the worked for my "sqashfs" errors and "buffer i/o" errors, any other suggestions18:06
Destroyerwhat does this error mean: [64063.268592] mangos-worldd[19329]: segfault at ffffffffff497ba0 rip ffffffffff497ba0 rsp 433d6d68 error 1418:06
dreamnidis anybody having problems with cut and pasting files in Hardy?18:07
PeloDestroyer, put the error msg in the search of the forum www.ubuntuforums.org18:07
TerryYakiHmm... then that's not it. Well, in that case, I can't figure out what I'm downloading.18:07
stothepizzlehappy release day!18:07
xngearPelo i see you have no idea of copy protection schemes18:07
matrix|abi think ubuntu has gotten buggier18:07
stothepizzleof course it has matrix18:07
ScuniziPelo, even if the formatting/filesys of the cd may not be recognized by anything18:07
rsc___why is that matrix?18:07
stothepizzleas code gets bigger it gets buggier18:07
BlueParrotuhm, ok , so I did an aptitude update , problem is some of the repositories seem to be overloaded so I can't get the package list, is it safe to install/uninstall software without having up to date package lists from all the repositories ?18:07
stothepizzleits just a natural law18:07
stothepizzleand ubuntu is getting bigger and bigger18:07
Destroyerdoes anyone know what this error means: [64063.268592] mangos-worldd[19329]: segfault at ffffffffff497ba0 rip ffffffffff497ba0 rsp 433d6d68 error 1418:07
rwycuffDestroyer: maybe ask question that has something to do with ubuntu and not ilegal wow server emulator18:07
neetoHow do I install 8.04 from an ISO without burning it to a CD first?18:07
matrix|abthings that once worked flawlessly no longer work. e.g. dvd playback, suspension18:07
Peloxngear, you shouldn'T be asking to copy copyrighted material here, I was assuming you needed to burn an image of someting legitimate18:08
DestroyerIt aint an emulator, i am just asking what the general protection error means.18:08
mrakcan u give me url for hh repository cz.archive.ubuntu.com doesnt work18:08
rwycuffneeto:i think you need kickstart or something like that18:08
hbneeto: I could be wrong but I believe you would have to boot from it18:08
Pelomatrix|ab, I haven'T experienced this sorry18:08
jharknneeto: mount the iso using, for example, daemon tools, then install under windows using wubi18:08
rwycuffDestroyer: last i checked mangos is an emu18:08
neetorwycuff: how do you kickstart it? I have it mounted as a loop device right now... I just don't have any CD's to burn it to.18:08
bcnaatmatrix|ab: do have also have problems with flash?18:08
DestroyerIts for learning purposes only18:08
oddalotbah, i can't download any packages from 8.10 what gives?18:08
matrix|abi haven't tried flash.18:09
xngearPelo: i dont need excuses from you18:09
fbcHow do I get to adjust my video card driver and monitor type in Hardy?18:09
rwycuff!kickstart | neeto18:09
ubotuneeto: Ways to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning18:09
neetorwycuff: thanks mate18:09
digisusMy friend just upgraded (no CD) and got into "debconf" asking many fancy configuration questions... can someone confirm that debconf is supposed to be popping up during upgrade?18:09
whiteeagleit's out, eh?18:09
bcnaatMatrix|ab: flashplayer I mean, sorry. Can't get playback on anything flash in browsers18:09
whiteeaglehappy hardy day!18:09
rsc___anyone know where i can get the torrent of the new version?18:09
rwycuffneeto: np glad to help18:09
matrix|abresuming from suspension gives blue, red, white screens on i8600 dell18:09
oddalotmy ati drivers do not work18:09
hbrsc___, /topic18:09
bcnaatI also have no sound18:09
giedriusI tried to manually install ATI drivers, and when I login to ubuntu, the screen is all white, I can see and move the mouse cursor. What may be wrong?18:09
bcnaathaven't worked on that one yet18:10
idealab_locoI've downloaded the 8.04LTS desktop edition in windows,How can I upgrade my ubuntu 7.10 to 8.04 by using it.18:10
oddaloteverything is wrong18:10
vistakillertry to install driver with envyng18:10
=== bknox is now known as bknoxx
giedriusbut the login screen appears fine18:10
repabilSince I upgraded to hardy my desktop can't find my home partition. It say's fsck died with exit status 818:10
rwycuffDestroyer: then best turn your attention to mangos forums18:10
hbrsc___, if ubuntu is loading to slowly do a search on www.thepiratebay.org; DO NOT DOWNLOAD THE RC18:10
mrakhello again .... any works repository for hardy18:10
suxxorhow to start the apache server  ./apachectl -k start ?18:10
suxxorhttpd: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName18:10
suxxorhttpd (pid 11420) already running18:10
DestroyerI did, don't get any answers there :-S18:10
Pelodigisus, during my upgrade to beta it was asking me if I wanted to keep certain files like /grub/menu.lst and such ,   are you sure he's not upgrading from a beta  ? in anycase tell him to use the new ones if that is it18:10
northmanIt's simpler to use xorg-x11-fglrx module18:10
Piciidealab_loco: You need to have downloaded the Alternate CD in order to do the upgrade, just put it in when Ubuntu is running it should prompt you to upgrade18:10
MrObviousGod dang torrenting is killing my connection. lol18:10
nick23how can i restore my permissions across the whole filesystem? the original ones18:11
fbcHow do I get to adjust my video card driver and monitor type in Hardy?18:11
hbMrobvious, set a limit on your upload18:11
DestroyerSo i thought maybe some experts here that can help me out with this error, its from my kernel .log and no mangos log18:11
Zvezdichkofinally, downloaded all upgradable packets18:11
Picinick23: You chmodded recursively from / ?18:11
PeloMrObvious, 250 k/ps here for downlaod I can't max out my upload,  it will kill it18:11
Stroganoffif torrents are running slow your should look up PORT FORWARDING :p18:11
Zvezdichkoand ubuntu will be upgraded till stable18:11
MrObviousNo the torrents are fine, it's everything else. lol18:11
rothchildI've got a problem with gdm, I get an 'authentification failed' error message that I can get rid of, the only way to log out and log in again is to shutdown and restart I'm not sure where to start looking at how to fix this?18:11
PeloDestroyer, can you repeat the error ? it's a busy channel , try being breif18:11
Zvezdichkois there any difference between upgrade/fresh install as a performance, packets and so on?18:12
hbStroganoff, I think he's saying too many people are downloading from him18:12
giedriushas anyone else experienced white screen after manually installing ATI drivers?18:12
Destroyer[64063.268592] mangos-worldd[19329]: segfault at ffffffffff497ba0 rip ffffffffff497ba0 rsp 433d6d68 error 1418:12
PeloZvezdichko, there shouldnT' be18:12
nick23Pici: yes18:12
DestroyerThanks for helping out18:12
sparr_how long until #ubuntu+1 reopens?18:12
digisusPelo, he upgraded from directly from gutsy, no beta.18:12
ComfortmeterI have a dual boot computer. XP/ Ubuntu7.10 I had it all working. I got a bad ivrus and had to reinstall windows/ubuntu now im getting eroor 17 message. if i try to change ubuntu to boot i get a error 18 message. I think grub installed it self in the wrong partion??18:12
BruceLozzUbuntu 64bits... old Flash problem. Any fix for this?18:12
Pelogeirha, it,s been mentionned   sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg18:12
murphytok i tried acpi=off on one occasion and ide=nodma on a different occasion, neither of the worked for my "sqashfs" errors and "buffer i/o" errors, any other suggestions18:12
Picinick23: Then you have broken your system, the only solution is to re-install.18:12
jtravnickanyone else doing an upgrade have a problem with network-manager?18:12
rwycuffDestroyer doesnt matter what logs its from stil issue with the mangos app and its not ubuntu issue18:12
marx2kComfortmeter: Super Grub Rescue Disc18:12
nick23Pici: isnt there any other way to restore the original ones?18:13
dreamnidBruceLozz: Try removing and installing flashplugin-nonfree18:13
Picinick23: No18:13
Mighty^^almost all .torrent can be found here: http://www.acc.umu.se/~mighty/ubuntu/18:13
hbsince you've already turned it into fubar, sudo rm -rf /18:13
nick23ok then how do i enable root user?18:13
Gman99999is there a scheduled ubuntu huge package update today besides the obvious distro upgrade?18:13
ComfortmeterI ran super grub.18:13
rsc___ ugh, my / is at 100% (excluding my home partition). where do I begin cleaning it up?18:13
Pelodigisus, what kind of msg ? about keeping old config files ? tell him to accept the new one unless he knows the file and has done some major editing18:13
BruceLozzDreamnid: thanks, I'll try18:13
rsc___(which is really weird considering it's always been at 50% or so)18:13
hbmost of us want to do it from time to time but we never grow the fortitude for it :(18:13
ComfortmeterIt says the files can not be found to reinstall grub18:13
BlueParrothmm, I got cloned screens working, how do I make it they work as a large desktop instead, is that in screen settings or the window manager ?18:13
marx2kComfortmeter: tell it to look on a different partition ;)18:13
jharkncomfortmeter: I'm not an expert but http://users.bigpond.net.au/hermanzone/p15.htm is good on grub18:14
Pelorsc___, it you are upgrading , it needs to save the files somewhere18:14
rsc___Pelo, I havent began upgrading18:14
=== x-ip|food is now known as x-ip
ComfortmeterCan I use grub commands for this or?"? new to this18:14
Pelorsc___, donT' know then18:14
Gman99999how do i turn off most of the even messages appearing in this chat?18:14
Ertyle!root | nick2318:14
ubotunick23: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo18:14
DimacusDoes anyone know why the stuff i echo into /proc/acpi/ibm/* is overwritten a second later?18:14
DestroyerI['ts an error generated by ubuntu, i am only trying to figure out what such error means:18:14
Destroyerdoes anyone know what this error means: [64063.268592] mangos-worldd[19329]: segfault at ffffffffff497ba0 rip ffffffffff497ba0 rsp 433d6d68 error 1418:14
rsc___Pelo, I just deleted a few things from /var/log and it's still at 100%.. sigh i dont know whats "eating" my space18:14
PeloGman99999, xchat , right click the channel tab at the bottom18:15
nick23Ertyle: no i want to enable root18:15
rsc___can anyone help?18:15
tv3skurtI have tried everything to enable video overlay with ati drivers but it seems impossible any help please?18:15
dystopianrayDestroyer: mangos-worldd segfaulted18:15
Ertylenick23: that's not supported.18:15
Dimacusi need to manually control the fan speed, but something keeps reseting it to auto18:15
Ertylenick23: why do you need to enable root?18:15
digisusPelo, he was not asked about old config files (but the upgrade is not yet finished). Everything went as usual... after all packages were downloaded "deconf" opened and started asking detailled questions about system configuration stuff.18:15
DestroyerThank you :-)18:15
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto18:15
Pelorsc___, mught not have been deleted,  check in /root/.local/share/Trash or in /root/.Trash18:15
Pelorsc___, chift+del18:15
rwycuffDestroyer : do you see you are not getting answers this is because no one will support that app go to its source search for it on google if the writer of the app will not help nothing can be done18:15
vvlaskianyone know how i could get Wireless 1505 Draft 802.11n WLAN Mini-Card(xps1330)  to install on 804?18:16
nick23Ertyle: i just want to try18:16
mrpoundsigncongrats on the release :)18:16
rsc___Pelo, I used rm -rf and those folders are empty :x18:16
Gman99999well that's alot better18:16
Gman99999pelo thanks18:16
Emofso why isn't the automatic update manager in gnome letting me download HH?18:16
Pelorsc___, that's the only idea I have18:16
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes18:16
Ertylenick23: there is no difference between having root enabled and just typing "sudo -i" to get into a root shell. it's the exact same thing, modulo the problems that having root enabled may cause on a distribution that wasn't designed for it.18:16
grindhold           18:16
rothchildI've got a problem with gdm, I get an 'authentification failed' error message that I can get rid of, the only way to log out and log in again is to shutdown and restart I'm not sure where to start looking at how to fix this?18:16
ha-nocriHello. I've problem on ASUS notebook to install ATI XPress 1100 drivers on Hardy. When I install restricted driver, after reboot I've only blank screen at startup. Is it possible to install this driver?18:16
jharknrsc: accessories --> disc usage manager?18:16
vvlaskianyone know how i could get Wireless 1505 Draft 802.11n WLAN Mini-Card(xps1330)  to install on 804?18:17
Pelorothchild,search the error msg in the forum www.ubuntuforums.org18:17
Destroyerdidnt had alot of help from you, but anyway thanks: rwycuff18:17
Gman99999I wonder if the new acpi upgrade fixes my hp laptop acpi problems with sound due to dual booting with windows18:17
Hohlraumjesus i can't believe they installed a version of firefox that isn't compatible with google browser sync ><18:17
Pelo!wifi > vvlaski check for a private message windows with instructions from ubotu18:17
r4d2hello, i've got a problem with the new ubuntu 8.04 desktop CD (32bit), after choosing "Install Ubuntu" oder "Try Ubuntu" from the boot menu, it goes to a black screen with a blinking white dash in the top left corner and stays that way forever (system: acer 5114 with ati x1600 amd X2 and 3gb ram)18:17
rsc___anyone know where else i can look for help?18:17
Emofuhm... that upgrade page says nothing about 8.0418:17
vvlaskithanks pelo18:17
ikoniarsc___: help with what ?18:17
zachbIs everyone having trouble w/ apt & archive.ubuntu.com?18:17
r0brsc___: what do you need help with?18:17
Ertyler4d2: have you tried verifying the CD?18:18
PeloHohlraum, it's in beta , they had to or you would have been stuck with 2.2 until you next upgraded18:18
tv3skurtI have tried everything to enable video overlay with ati drivers but it seems impossible any help please?18:18
Ertylezachb: use another mirror, archive.ubuntu.com is most certainly overloaded.18:18
r4d2burned it twice18:18
ComfortmeterBefore ubuntu "really" installs theres a advanced options menu. It says grub will be installed to (hd0) is this right?? I read one form that stated that if you left it with default options it might install into the wrong spot.18:18
r4d2still the same18:18
adhello , i will support the newbies too18:18
Pelozachb,  it's release day,  all the servers are under heavy load , be patient18:18
Ertylezachb: try for instance ca.archive.ubuntu.com18:18
rsc___ikonia, r0b, my / partition is at 100%. (this excludes my home folders.) whenever I delete something (in say /var/log), this doesn't change. this is strange because i'm usually at around 50% free space here18:18
zachbErtyle: I try to, but there's always one that goes back18:18
jharknhd0 is first hard disc18:18
Ertylezachb: uh?18:18
ikoniarsc___: please show me the output of "df -h" in a pastebin please.18:18
Emofit's not possible to upgrade to 8.04 yet?18:18
jharknso depends on your system and where its booting from18:19
PeloComfortmeter, hd0,0 is the boot sector of your boot hdd as per the bios18:19
Kl4mEmof: oops! https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades18:19
rsc___sure ikonia, one moment18:19
jharkncheck your biso for the boot order18:19
mrpoundsignrsc___: have you installed anything new? Sounds like something may be logging excessivly and creating a large log possibly?18:19
Zvezdichkoeverybody wants to upgrade today :)18:19
ikoniarsc___: note "in a pastebin"18:19
zachbErtyle: my mirror's always been ubunut.media.mit.edu, and it still trys to go to archive.ubunutu.com18:19
tv3skurtWhy does not accelerated ati driver support overlay ?18:19
rwycuffDestroyer: the only other help ive seen you get wwas being told to post it to thier bug reports when that happens they will look and see mangos-world whats this and discard it18:19
tv3skurtI am going nuts18:19
ikoniarsc___: got it18:19
FusoyaI take it we know why us.archive.ubuntu.com is down, heh18:19
murphytok i tried acpi=off on one occasion and ide=nodma on a different occasion, neither of the worked for my "sqashfs" errors and "buffer i/o" errors, any other suggestions18:19
Pelotv3skurt, join the club , what,s the problem ?18:19
Emofah, thanks :)18:19
adanyone has a question for me ?18:19
digisusHi ad, my friend is running an upgrade right now and after the packages were downloaded "debconf" started unexpectedly and started asking many config questions. Any idea why that happened?18:19
rwycuffDestroyer:mangos is illegal app for what its used for and this isnt good place to be asking for help18:20
Ertylezachb: eh, use one of the *official* mirror, that is countryacronym.archive.ubuntu.com. change it in your /etc/apt/sources.list, for everything but the security repository18:20
MrBillCan anyone tell me how much a base install of hardy will consume in terms of disc space?18:20
rsc___ikonia, any ideas? :)018:20
ikoniarsc___: from "/" please do. "sudo du -h -x"18:20
zachbErtyle: k, thanks18:20
ikoniarsc___: look for "big" files"18:20
DevLilJohnMrBill, a few gigs18:20
ricaneliteanyone here uses Compizgit?18:20
gopphi I have 8.0.4 installed18:21
fdkrewdoes anyone have an torrent link for ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso18:21
addigisus, hm he did not change the verbosity level somehow ? you can change this if you run a special command18:21
Zvezdichkofdkrew: see topic :)18:21
r4d2hello, i've got a problem with the new ubuntu 8.04 desktop CD (32bit), after choosing "Install Ubuntu", "Try Ubuntu" or even "Verify CD" from the boot menu, it goes to a black screen with a blinking white dash in the top left corner and stays that way forever (system: acer 5114 with ati x1600 amd X2 and 3gb ram)18:21
r0bfdkrew: /topic18:21
gopphow do I make 8.0.4 look like windows login prompt18:21
ubotuTorrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P18:21
gnuskooli just installed hardy, on first boot i got an error saying ther kernel server cant run on my cpu? ne ideas?18:21
ikoniaad: depends on the command18:21
ubotuHardy can be torrented from http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).18:21
PeloMrBill,  under 700 meg , for the OS itself, but if you want to know how much hdd space to set asside  5 gig iis a minimum18:21
oriezwhats the link for the torrent live cd (DVD) i386 ubuntu 8.0418:21
goppI have installed on my office workstation18:21
MrBillIf someone wanted to install just for kicks and test a few things out, as far as seeing the speed that it runs on a particular system, would they be able to install on a 4gb drive?18:21
digisusad: no. simply clicked the "upgrade" button and that's what happened. But debconf should not come up, should it?18:21
PeloMrBill, scratch that ,  700 is the size of the install cd18:21
rsc___ikonia, okay, running that in the background. is there a way to look for files created in the last X days or something?18:21
PeloComfortmeter, I don'T allow private msg, please talk to me in the channel18:21
ikoniarsc___: sure find can do that18:21
adikonia, run in terminal : sudo dpkg-reconfigure debconf , choose "non interactive"18:21
Beta-guyI hear Ubuntu 8.04 is released is there a download that supports the PS3, or the cell processor?18:21
wild_osca1is file roller's drag'n'drop still broken in hardy?18:21
goppbut I need it to have windows login like theme prompt, and theme how do I do that18:22
mik3why is there no xubuntu-desktop metapackage anymore18:22
gondimhi all. sorry my english but. I have Ubuntu Server 7.10. I need to enable dapper-update in sources.list before upgrading?18:22
DevLilJohnfdkrew, http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent18:22
wild_osca1I was trying to drag'n'drop to a nautilus window, but still can't!18:22
FloodBot3NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.18:22
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.18:22
lch_is it me or is it impossible to upgrade because of the huge traffic on the servers. the torrent tracker refuses connection and the update manager ran into a timeout...18:22
tv3skurtI think its really amazing that there is no overlay support with ati drivers !!!!18:22
oddalotlol floodbot was flooding18:22
Pelogondim, no,  just run sudo apt-get dist-upgrade18:22
stothepizzlei'm updating18:22
highvoltagehey ompaul18:22
r4d2hello, i've got a problem with the new ubuntu 8.04 desktop CD (32bit), after choosing "Install Ubuntu" oder "Try Ubuntu" from the boot menu, it goes to a black screen with a blinking white dash in the top left corner and stays that way forever (system: acer 5114 with ati x1600 amd X2 and 3gb ram)18:22
stothepizzleits going super slow though18:22
Riot777anyone here know a status of LIRC GPIO module within hardy heron, is it buildable  or works some other way ?18:22
gnuskooli just installed hardy, on first boot i got an error saying ther kernel server cant run on my cpu? ne ideas?18:22
gaurav__can i upgrade 7.10 to 8.04 (desktop) using the same method as server?18:22
Pelowild_osca1, it works here18:22
murphytok i tried acpi=off on one occasion and ide=nodma on a different occasion, neither of the worked for my "sqashfs" errors and "buffer i/o" errors, any other suggestions18:23
fdkrewDevLilJohne: the torrent link is not responding to my ktorrent18:23
Beta-guyI hear Ubuntu 8.04 is released is there a download that supports the PS3, or the cell processor?18:23
Pelognuskool, what kernel did you install ? and what is your cpu ?18:23
DevLilJohngaurav yes18:23
=== kittyN is now known as kittyn-
wild_osca1Pelo: to a folder with "view as list"?18:23
gaurav__thank you DevLilJohn18:23
PeloBeta-guy, we donT' know yet18:23
DevLilJohnfdkrew it just worked for me like 2 min ago18:23
rsc___Pelo, got it. var/cache/apt is 3GB :p18:23
Pelowild_osca1, haven't tried that18:23
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.18:23
StealthCPBeta-guy, no, PowerPC suport is still supported with Ubuntu 6.06 though.18:23
kittyn-i downloaded the i386 iso from torrents, and Im already running gutsy, is there a way to upgrade using this iso image? like the same way a dist-upgrade would?18:23
fdkrewok ill try agein18:23
wild_osca1Pelo: try it then ;)18:23
Pelorsc___, shoudl I have tought of that18:23
goppwild_osca1 do you were  I can get a windows xp like theme for ubuntu18:23
gnuskoolpelo, its a server install, not sure kernel number, but i got thinkpad r51 cpu18:23
gondimPelo, I would like using do-release-upgrade -d?18:23
rsc___Pelo, thanks! :)18:24
oriezhi pelo what's do you know if they released the Live CD18:24
Beta-guystealthCP: why is powerpc support dropped?18:24
oriez*what's up18:24
jharknkittyn-: if you use the alt cd afaik18:24
Dimacuscan anyone tell me why something seems to reset all changes i make to the fanspeed via /proc/acpi/ibm/fan?18:24
Pelowild_osca1, no problems18:24
matrix|abwhat should i do if my nvidia card is really old (go5200) .. restricted driver manager doesnt work for me18:24
wild_osca1gopp: don't know, I've made mine OS leopard18:24
StealthCPI'm not 100% sure, it's down to lack of interest and maintenance really18:24
gondimPelo, sorry. Can I using do-release-upgrade -d?18:24
Pelognuskool, I meant what didyou install   amd64 or i386 ? and on what cpu18:24
StealthCPAs Macs are now Intel based, the need for PowerPC based distros has dropped considerably.18:24
oddalotis anyone here able to download files from synaptic or apt-get? i can't get anything18:24
gnuskoolpelo, i38618:24
Vicfredhi, im trying to update to hardy heron from the RC but the update manager is not displaying the update i already downloaded the iso via torrent can i use it to update?18:25
Pelogondim, not sure18:25
kittyn-jharkn: i have to use the alt cd and not the main cd?18:25
goppany one got a windows xp theme for ubuntu18:25
StealthCPBeta-guy: you'd probably be better off going for a distro that fully supports the PS3 like YDL or Fedora - this way you can't go wrong18:25
oriezLive CD torrent? anyone...18:25
gondimPelo, thanks :)18:25
ubuntuROXVicfred you are probally already updated18:25
jharknkittyn-: I'm no expert but that's what I hear18:25
Pelognuskool, that one should install on most PC , try booting the recovery mode18:25
adgopp, http://www.gnome-look.org/18:25
ubuntuROXrun sudo grub-update18:25
jharknkittyn-: don't take my word for it :)18:25
Beta-guyI tried ubuntu on the PS3 b4, and I loved it, the updating program was great, that's why I was hoping to use Ubuntu18:26
beexwould anybody have a good reference for music players that work on the terminal?18:26
tv3skurtplease help i am desperate to get ati overlay to work i can't stand the vsync tearing.18:26
legend24where is hal-device-manager (Hardware Information) in hardy?18:26
beexI'm looking for something that plays flac, but an having a hard time :-/18:26
kittyn-thanks jharkn!18:26
Riot777anybody know if "they" fixed in hardy heron lirc gpio building issue?18:26
kittyn-Ill probably wait18:26
Pelotv3skurt, check in the forum www.ubuntuforums.org18:26
kittyn-until I can use dist-upgrade18:26
jharknkittyn-:  np :)18:26
kittyn-dont want to mess anything up18:26
VicfredubuntuROX>ic ic i though that could be a possibility, is there a way to know it?18:26
v0lksmantv3skurt:  on tv out?18:26
tv3skurtv0lksman: no18:26
Pelolegend24, I donT think it is installed by default anymore,  look in synaptic , gnome system info I think18:26
tv3skurtv0lksman: i have tried totem and vlc both have the same issue18:26
rwycuffbeex: mpg123 for in term18:27
v0lksmantv3skurt:  what card?18:27
ubuntuROXIf you ran beta, or RC and still show development,, run  sudo grub-update to fix it.18:27
tv3skurtv0lksman: x1950pro18:27
legend24Pelo: ok ty18:27
Jobiashey, were there changes made to hardy so that you can't use sudo dkpg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-org to add screen resolutions to ubuntu?18:27
lch_why is bittorrent so slow... 1st it uses about 8 minutes to start downloading the Hardy CD and then it only uses about 1/5th of the available downstream..18:27
v0lksmantv3skurt:  driver?18:27
doug2266778822how do i disable the mouse pointer from switching to the next window when it gets close to it?18:27
=== kilrae_ is now known as kilrae
BlueParrotdoes hardy support any dual screen configuration other than "clone screens" ? because it doesn't seem to for me18:27
tv3skurtv0lksman: i am going crazy over here and because there is no overlay it gets extremely pixelated too.18:27
adBlueParrot,  shure18:27
jrabbitEh studio is 1.0 gb18:27
v0lksmanBlueParrot: card?18:27
BlueParrotI guess it could be the Intel graphics card that doesn't18:27
jrabbitnot worth it18:27
psyminanyone on Hardy using amd64 and iwl3945 .. if you have it working please enlighten me :)18:27
dystopianrayBlueParrot: intel graphics does18:27
adpsymin, working here18:27
Peloich_ the tracker is over loaded and give it time ,  also throttle down your upload speed a bit18:28
BlueParrotv0lksman, X3400 iirc18:28
mut80rpsymin: you mean ipw3945 ?18:28
v0lksmantv2skurt:  which driver are you using?18:28
BlueParrotv0lksman, intel18:28
tv3skurtv0lksman: i have tried  aticonfig --overlay-type=Xv but it does not make any difference18:28
psyminmut80r: iwl394518:28
BassFreakdoes hardy crash for anybody else too when playing mp3 with movie player?18:28
tv3skurtv0lksman: xorg-driver-fglrx18:28
psyminad: what did you have to do to get iwl3945 working on amd64 version of hardy?18:28
Pelolater folls18:28
adpsymin,  mut80r  i think i have ipw3945 , tahts the wireless driver is it18:28
v0lksmantv2skurt:  have you tried installing the ATI driver?18:28
tv3skurtv0lksman: yes18:28
mrpoundsignBassFreak: you mean the entire OS crashes?18:29
BlueParrotdystopianray, how do I make it use the second screen to extend the desktop? at the moment it only wants to clone the output, even if I uncheck the "clone screen" box in resolution settings18:29
ltracy__psymin, I got the compat-wireless package, and that made it work for me.  I am not running amd64, however18:29
v0lksmantv2skurt:  same thing?18:29
jtravnickBassFreak, i wouldnt know since the upgrade has locked up my desktop18:29
psyminis ipw3945 in hardy?18:29
wild_osca1wtf...drag'n'droping out of file roller still doesn't work here18:29
zachbMy friend's having trouble w/ the new version, he has an atheros wireless card, it says its supported, but its not showing up in the network manager18:29
beexrwycuff, how does it compare to cplay?18:29
tv3skurtv0lksman: apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx i used that and then enabled it in hardware drivers18:29
psyminad: is ipw3945 in hardy?18:29
rwycuffbeex:ive never used cdplay18:29
Asgarothhow do i set hotkeys with enligthenment(e16)?18:29
DrusTsomeone know a mirror for .torrent files of Hardy Heron ?18:29
ProwLbeex: i myself use cmus18:29
Picipsymin: no. its iwl3945 now18:29
adpsymin, argh sorry, that was on my laptop (3945)18:30
tv3skurtv0lksman: it says ATI accelerated graphics driver enabled in use18:30
macoDrusT: http://www.acc.umu.se/~mighty/ubuntu/18:30
Vicfredmy pidgin is freezing up after a few seconds I ran it, how do I fix it?18:30
BassFreakmrpoundsign, everything locks up but mouse moves18:30
rwycuffbeex: mpg123 is just simple command18:30
v0lksmantv3skurt:  try downloading and installing Envy and use it to install the ATI drivers.  It worked for my x700 but ultimately I have dropped ATI from my machine due to crappy drivers18:30
adpsymin, here i got an atheros pci card18:30
psyminad: cool thanks18:30
DrusTthanks macd18:30
tv3skurtv0lksman:ok never heard of envy18:30
macopsymin: iwl3945 is hardy's driver for that18:30
beexrwycuff, should be all I need for now, although I'll probably keep looking for something that uses ncurses18:30
BassFreakmrpoundsign, can't do anything cntrl+alt+f2 does nothing and so does cntrl+alt+backspace18:30
v0lksmantv3skurt:  correction, envyng...envy is the old version18:30
stojicbeex: moc is a nice one18:30
beexProwL, I'll give smurf a try too18:30
macopsymin: it works well, and its not in the restricted manager because it's open source this time18:31
Andy_Chicagoanyone know of a US based vendor selling 8.04 DVD?18:31
ltracy__psymin, you might try this.  It worked for me.  http://linuxwireless.sipsolutions.net/en/users/Download18:31
beexso many music players!18:31
ProwLbeex: i love it. its themeable, and supprts my flac and etc!18:31
tv3skurtv0lksman: so when it is installed overlay will work ?18:31
v0lksmantv3skurt:  it's a great app that cleans up a lot of the mess of installing third party vid drivers from ATI or NVidia18:31
chris062689Andy_Chicago: shipit provides free CDs18:31
rwycuffbeex:ncurces ok but playlist and mpg123 always works greeat for me18:31
=== KillGhostNK is now known as Fdisk_
jdrakeWhat would be the 'recommended' system requirements for the main Ubuntu release? Right now my brother uses a P2-400 running xubuntu. If that would not be enough would a P3-733 or Duron900 likely do it?18:31
neetoAlright it says that 218 packages are going to be removed, 113 packages are going to be installed and 685 packages are going to upgraded. I DO NOT want any packages to be removed...18:31
oriezLive CD torrent? anyone...18:32
adjdrake,  i am running it @ quadcore with 8gb ram at the moment , runs great18:32
tv3skurtv0lksman: so when it is installed overlay will work ?18:32
v0lksmantv3skurt:  I can't say for sure but I didn't have an issue with it on my x700....I've used (fought) with a lot of ATI cards and eventually get them to work but they aren't fun18:32
jdrakead, I bet it does :-)18:32
JasonFI still say this release should have been Hungry Hippo18:32
Citizen1I just finished upgrading, but now I get an error "Nautilus can't be used now, due to an unexpected error" when logging in18:32
Citizen1And my desktop doesn't appear18:32
macooriez: http://www.acc.umu.se/~mighty/ubuntu/18:32
rwycuffcmus does look nice18:32
Andy_ChicagoI wanted the DVD with all the extras. On dialup its hard to download that stuff after install from the basic CD18:32
tv3skurtv0lksman: ok i have installed it how do i run it ?18:32
Kevin`wat this mean?18:32
Kevin`[48900.456000] uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.0: host controller process error, something bad happened!18:32
Kevin`[48900.456000] uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.0: host controller halted, very bad!18:32
rsc___wow. I cant connect to my local .archive.ubuntu.com. haha18:32
ProwLjdrake: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LowMemorySystems18:32
Kevin`[48900.456000] uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.0: HC died; cleaning up18:32
FloodBot1Kevin`: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:32
=== wild_osca1 is now known as wild_oscar
v0lksmantv3skurt:  its under system tools iirc18:33
penwhere is ubuntu+1?18:33
ionstormJasonF, hungry hippo is a great name, would have made a nice logo18:33
penit disappeared18:33
beexBassFreak,  mgedmin was having a similar issue, I'm not sure what the cause was though.18:33
maconeeto: run with -s to simulate it.  theyre probably ones that are being replaced18:33
jharknhahaha hungry hippo18:33
psyminltracy__: Thanks, I'll pass that along to my buddy on amd64 hardy18:33
sig_wallpen: it happened :)18:33
Beererdehi - is it possible to update ubuntu using bittorrent? the servers are under heavy load18:33
neetomaco: doesn't seem so... compiz looks like it's getting killed, so does bind9 and ALL my networking crap... NO THANKS18:33
beexpen, Hardy is now official... woot18:33
v0lksmanpen:  here...its no longer +1  :)18:33
jrabbitBeererde: yes18:33
Beererdejrabbit: how?18:33
jrabbitmount the iso18:33
BassFreakbeex, what was the fix ? ;)18:33
penfinally I can chat here now18:34
beexdoes that mean that gusty is now ubuntu-1?18:34
jrabbitand dist-upgrade18:34
n6rejis it me or are the mirrors down to a crawl?18:34
beexBassFreak,  don't know the fix either18:34
Citizen1"Nautilus can't be used now, due to an unexpected error from Bonobo when attempting to register the file manager view server."18:34
tv3skurtv0lksman: i dont have any system tools menu18:34
penI have a problem with my session18:34
Citizen1Help? :(18:34
mut80rn6rej: the servers are under heavy load18:34
Beererden6rej: they are. i am trying to use bittorrent now, but i do not now how18:34
dystopianrayBlueParrot: I have dual monitor setup on my intel graphics right now18:34
sn0rlaxcould someone dcc me the server-i386 torrent?18:34
neetooh fuck upgrading right now.18:34
beexBassFreak, I just remember seeing it... sorry :-/18:34
dystopianrayBlueParrot: I set it up using xrandr on a terminal18:34
ubuntu-userhello can somebody help me with ryhtmbox. i will convert a audio cd but it is only possiple to convert it in ogg can i change it i will convert it in mp318:34
chris062689!language | neeto18:34
ubotuneeto: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.18:34
n6rejBeererde: so far I haven't found a torrent for 818:34
jrabbitBeererde: i don't know the comand to loop mount it18:34
v0lksmantv3skurt:  Applications -> System Tools -> Envyng18:34
lch_sn0rlax: how about the link in /topic?18:34
penin session options I clicked "Remember Currently Running Applications" and now the checkbox in startup programs doesn't work anymore18:34
Beererden6rej: mee too..18:34
n6rejneeto: watch ur language plz18:35
penhow do I reverse this?18:35
mgedminBassFreak: ctrl+alt+Fx doesn't work for me, but ctrl+alt+backspace does18:35
mgedminmust be a different issue18:35
jdrakeProwL: That link gives indications for installation, but I am primarily interested if his P2-400 can actually run the full gnome desktop.18:35
tv3skurtv0lksman: no system tools menu in the applications menu18:35
BassFreakmgedmin, does your mouse work then18:35
neetoLOL this is retarded18:35
v0lksmantv3skurt:  how did you install envyng?18:35
n6rejjdrake: yeah it can... what exactly do you want it to do?18:35
tv3skurtv0lksman: in the command line18:36
BassFreakmgedmin, then it's were similar problem18:36
penanyone know session?18:36
mut80rUbuntu 8.04 burned to disc, rebooting and installing ;)18:36
sn0rlaxlch_: wget took me several minutes to tell me 404, so i wasn't even going to attempt to bring up the page in a browser....18:36
DgroI can't do plugins and downloads!18:36
v0lksmanfrom the repos in hardy?18:36
ProwLjdrake: im sure it can run it, but it wont perform exceptionally well.18:36
BlueParrotuhm, is grandr broken ?18:36
sn0rlaxlch_: ( I know I have the wrong url )18:36
tv3skurtv0lksman: sudo apt-get install envyng-core18:36
BlueParroti.e, shoudl it normally work ?18:36
maconeeto: O_O18:36
jdrakeI will stick to XFCE then.18:36
v0lksmantv3skurt:  did you also get envyng-gtk?18:36
tv3skurtv0lksman: hardy/universe it says.18:36
n6rejThere are lots of things that can be done to make that p2 sing like a jet18:36
dystopianrayBlueParrot: try xrandr18:36
lch_sn0rlax: try again. the torrent is small and it worked for me to get it18:36
n6rejyep, thats the biggest :D18:36
BassFreakhow to make hardy remember volume setting in the mixer? every time I boot it's set to defaults18:36
sn0rlaxlch_: happen to know the full url?18:37
tv3skurtv0lksman: no that was huge 103mb18:37
dystopianrayBassFreak: sudo alsactl store18:37
v0lksmantv3skurt:  you need it...its the frontend18:37
=== legend24 is now known as legend2440
lch_sn0rlax: the topic of this channel has it :-)  http://releases.ubuntu.com/hardy/ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent18:37
tv3skurtv0lksman: sorry that was the envyng-qt18:37
n6rejlch_: tyvm!!18:37
sn0rlaxlch_: i tried the url from the topic...18:38
v0lksmantv3skurt:  gtk may be almost as big but it is necessary to run it...18:38
Divothi, does anyone know if hardy can support three monitors with two graphics cards?18:38
BlueParrotdystopianray, it seems to claim i can't set a large enough display size18:38
adLOL, i entered "mp3" in the search dialog and it responded : "did you mean MP1? "18:38
chris062689Is there a channel for Python w/ GNOME development?18:38
sn0rlaxlch: gave me 404. n/m the page finally came up in links, i'll get it from there18:38
tv3skurtv0lksman: i have the accelerated driver installed should i remove it ?18:38
BlueParrotdystopianray, "user selected display size larger than maximum display size"18:38
dystopianrayBlueParrot: what does it say your maximum is?18:38
BlueParrotdystopianray, same as the largest screen it seems18:38
doug2266778822how do i disable the mouse pointer from switching to the next window when it gets close to it?18:38
neetoI am going to kill someone if this gets rid of my compiz install18:38
dystopianrayBlueParrot: which is?18:38
v0lksmantv3skurt:  uhm...good question...may want to check the faq on the envy web site...but I think it handles it all for you18:38
marx2k(This is why I let others play with Hardy a week before I try it out)18:38
northmanIs it possible to upgrade to 8.04 release version from 8.04 RC (AMD64)? Is apt source ready now?18:39
=== KillGhostNK is now known as Fdisk_
BlueParrotuhm, it's even weirder18:39
Gistybiti've installed a 32 bit version of firefox, but when trying to save a file i get a gnome-vfs error, since it tries to load the 64bit library instead of the 32bit library in /usr/lib32 .. (...)libfile.so: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64). How do i make it call the 32 bit library?18:39
dystopianrayBlueParrot: ah that's not good at all, at least on mine I'm doing 1680x1050, so I can do two 800x600 displays18:39
BlueParrotdystopianray, "maximum 1280 x 1280"18:39
pennorthman: I believe RC is already 8.04 release after all the updates18:39
marx2knorthman: if apt-get contains no more updates, you're already at final18:39
BlueParrotwhy is that ?18:39
jepeBonsoir à tous !18:39
tv3skurtv0lksman: did u have to do anything else to get a real overlay with no vsync tearing ?18:39
v0lksmantv3skurt: Envy will do it for you. However if you want to uninstall the driver, nothing bad will happen ;)18:39
ubuntuROXIf you ran beta, or RC and still show development but it finds no updates,, run  sudo grub-update then reboot to fix it.18:39
BlueParrotis it the card that limits it ?18:39
penin session options I clicked "Remember Currently Running Applications" and now the checkbox in startup programs doesn't work anymore18:39
dystopianrayBlueParrot: driver limitation18:39
BlueParrotdystopianray, oh18:39
BassFreakmgedmin, it only happens when using movie player. If I use rhytmbox it works so codeds seem to work. probably a glitch in movieplayer18:40
BlueParrotdystopianray, why does the drive limit it ?18:40
dystopianrayBlueParrot: no idea18:40
ubuntuROXnorthman If you ran beta, or RC and still show development but it finds no updates,, run  sudo grub-update then reboot to fix it.18:40
northmanThanks all, but the title in GRUB still has a "development branch" tag18:40
tv3skurtv0lksman: seems to go extremely slow now to connect to archive.ubuntu.com18:40
northmangot it18:40
jl-satyrcan anyone give me the md5sum hash for the i386 desktop iso?18:40
v0lksmantv3skurt:  Honestly I can't recall.  Like I said I used a couple different ATI cards across 5 different Ubuntu releases now...What I do know is I will likely never buy another ATI card.... :)18:40
NeoGeo64is 20gb enough hdd space to allocate for ubuntu?18:40
NeoGeo64between 15 and 20gb18:41
v0lksmantv3skurt:  yeah....that's just due to the number of crazy fools trying to get hardy... :)18:41
maconorthman: sudo update-grub18:41
magicrobotmonkeywhats the launch party channel?18:41
Tabris-i'm a noob in ubuntu18:41
Tabris-and i have a system that suports 64bits18:41
macomagicrobotmonkey: #ubuntu-release-party18:41
ubotuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - For more: /msg ubotu stages18:41
magicrobotmonkeymaco: ty18:41
ubuntuROXMan,, I spent hours trying to figure that one out18:41
Tabris-should i use 64bits ubuntu or the 86 one?18:41
BlueParrotdystopianray, found it : http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Intel_Graphics_Media_Accelerator_950#External_VGA_port_with_XRandR18:41
BlueParrotdystopianray, xorg.conf messing18:41
darthanubiswhich kernel is Hardy using?18:41
n6rejwow, nobody is seeding?18:42
Tabris-i've heand some programs don't work well in 64bits18:42
northmanI'm so stupid.18:42
macodarthanubis: 2.6.2418:42
Beererden6rej: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-alternate-amd64.iso.torrent18:42
tv3skurtv0lksman: i tink if the general public is ever going to adopt ubuntu we need to have working video overlay out of the box.18:42
darthanubismacd, -16?18:42
n6rejBeererde:  got it!18:42
darthanubismaco, -16?18:42
Noianoguys I need to download the dvd version...where do I get that (torrent) ?18:42
ubuntuROXdont feel bad,, me too18:42
n6rejBeererde: just its not seeding :(18:42
OllieAHey, I have Ubuntu 8.04 and  the only screen resolution I can choose is 860x600 but I want 1000 or something, how?18:42
macoTabris-: flash is a bit tricky to get going on 64bit, java too maybe, dont think there's any wine or crossover or cedega on 64...other than that...18:42
v0lksmantv3skurt:  I can tell you that the only ATI card I couldn't get to stop tearing was a mobile card in my laptop.18:42
Beererden6rej: ok.. can i use this to update a 7 version?18:42
ubuntuROXI even downloaded it to try an update with cd checked18:42
jimcooncattv3skurt: does the general public know what a video overlay is? Sorry to be numb, but I don't18:43
jms1989Is the repositories down for maintenance? I'm trying to download a few packages but it won't connect.18:43
OllieA1024x768 res I want18:43
n6rejBeererde: no, just go to the front page and follow the upgrade steps... its much easier that way18:43
whiteflaghum... a small question : I can't refresh the "deposits" (sorry, I am french...) Is it normal ?18:43
Tabris-[maco]: no wine? So it's 86 =p18:43
WrathYea I'm having issues with the tracker for the alternate cd torrent18:43
ConstyXIVjms1989, they're a molten pile of slag at the moment :)18:43
Beererden6rej: yes, but not working because the servers are down :/18:43
tv3skurtjmcooncat: they will surely see the extreme tearing and pixelation in videos just because there is no video overlay.18:43
jharknwhiteflag: heavy server load18:43
n6rejBeererde: that really sucks LOL18:43
ConstyXIVeveryone: don't expect updates to work for now18:43
tv3skurtjmcooncat: and slow framerate18:43
macoTabris-: i dont use wine...18:43
Beererden6rej: it does...18:43
whiteflagok thx jharkn18:44
jimcooncattv3skurt: ok, I don't do much video. thanks18:44
Tabris-does ubuntu 8.04 reads and writes ntfs partitions by default18:44
jms1989Crap. I'm glad its not just me.18:44
dystopianrayTabris-: yes18:44
gnuskoolwhiteflag: they are very busy right now18:44
v0lksmantv3skurt:  the biggest problem with your comment is this has nothing to do with Ubuntu or GNU in general.  Your complaint should go to your card manufacturer (ATI) and they should provide decent drivers for GNU....I recently switched to NVidia cards and have had nothing but success in anything I try (including dual display with Compiz enabled).18:44
sacamanowow, serious kudos to canonical and all the developers with wubi. i am blown away18:44
Doubletwist-Is suspend/hibernate still broken when using the ATI 3D drivers [on a Radeon 200M]?18:44
dystopianrayTabris-: the latest release or two did as well18:44
stothepizzlehow do i change my sudoers file so that my sudo session is only maintained for one minute?18:44
jharknit doesn't write does it?18:44
=== Doubletwist- is now known as Doubletwist
jharknI thought only read18:45
ConstyXIVi would try going into "Software Sources", and pick either a) a close mirror, or b) one in a timezone where everyone's asleep :)18:45
TerryYakiHey, is there a reason why my network monitor shows constant network activity when I'm not (knowingly) downloading anything?18:45
Odd-rationalejharkn: write/read18:45
soulwarpjharkn both18:45
dystopianraystothepizzle: check out the sudoers man page18:45
OllieAHow do I get a screen res that I cannot choose by default18:45
n6rejBeererde: check the page, maybe you can update from the cd?18:45
v0lksmantv3skurt:  there is a lot of topics relating to this on the forums cause its an ongoing issue with ATI in general.  They are terrible at keeping up with their support...18:45
bullgard4Can one explain the sentence: "Also check all handlers each timer interrupt." of /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.24/Documentation/kernel-paramters.txt to me?18:45
sotapNoiano: Look for it at http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/18:45
n6rejBeererde: least its finally seeding now18:45
gnuskoolstothepizzle: isint that the policykit they going on about is for?18:45
Beererden6rej: yes.. somehow specify it as source...18:45
jharknfair do's18:45
Ax3bittorrent is ramping up speed18:45
jondowdI love my working here a oregonstate. I'm next door to the opensource labs and DL'd my ISO in less that 3 min!18:45
Ax310mbit+ :D18:45
stothepizzlei might wait till my hardy upgrade is finished18:45
cain297hey guys - any idea when 8.04 VMWare image will be available - it's not up yet at http://isv-image.ubuntu.com/vmware/18:45
zorrosAx3: preved18:45
Ax3zorros, ?18:45
ConstyXIVi'm seeding at max capacity18:46
zorrosstothepizzle: kagdila?18:46
DoubletwistI'm pushing outbound 4mbit on bittorrent [both desktop isos]18:46
dystopianraybullgard4: you'll probably have better luck in #linux or a similar channel18:46
zorrosHow to get Ubuntu working?18:46
ConstyXIVonly 1Mbit out here :(18:46
OllieAHow can I get new screen res options in 8.04?18:46
Ax3yea i've got a server im getting ready to see it on for everybody, 100mbit FD, not much, but it'll help the swarm :)18:46
tv3skurtv0lksman: yes it is very sad that things are not working well i mean its not disaster if the 3d acceleration is not working but the 2d and overlays should be working perfectly i mean it is 2008.18:46
jms1989Where is that torrent? I'd like to download it.18:46
ConstyXIVwe need some of those people with symetrical FiOS connections to seed18:46
bullgard4dystopianray: Are Ubunteros no Linux users?18:46
OllieAHow can I get new screen res options in 8.04?18:47
wild_oscardoes anyone know how to configure wireless? I can't seem to ping my network devices, even though internet works fine18:47
twistageAnyone have a problem with Static noises coming out of your speakers at random moments in Hardy?18:47
ConstyXIVOllieA, iirc, it's sys -> admin -> screens and graphics18:47
DoubletwistNot sure why it's not seeding at a full 10mbps... :/ :(18:47
ronzoanyone having problems installing?18:47
seledecme dice que 11 horas para descrgar los archivos18:47
ConstyXIVDoubletwist, your ISP?18:47
Beererdehah i get 800 kb/s now for the torrent :)18:47
ronzo*installing packages18:47
jondowdOllieA: From a teminal run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xorg-server18:47
DoubletwistConstyXIV: It's from a hosted server in a datacenter18:48
Pici!es | seledec18:48
ubotuseledec: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.18:48
milly1234for some reaon I couldn't even download the torrent link in the topic18:48
Beererde1.4 mb/s ... it works, just takes a while18:48
hardy64Isn't the GDM login screen resolution determined by the first item listed under display in xorg.conf? My screen resolution on GDM is not right18:48
proqDoubletwist: either you're being throttled, using all your bandwidth elsewhere, or no one needs to download that much18:48
v0lksmantv3skurt:  completely agree.. :)  If the driver Envy installs doesn't work for you you are SOL...but I'm pretty sure it will...I used my little x700 for 2 years before buying my 8600GT....I do a LOT of video stuff on my PC (MythTV, Divx, Vid editing etc)...Didn't have any issue with the ATI driver for that in particular...18:48
DoubletwistProbably the drive is too busy reading and writing.18:48
jharknI dl'd the beta at 1.5MB/s 8-)18:48
gribouilleis hardy released or not ?18:48
hardy64it is18:49
jharknnot not18:49
kristian42I just reinstalled a64 because I thought my beta was borked. Turns out desktop hangs after login even on ac clean install. Suggestions ?18:49
gribouillewhy is there no press release ?18:49
Beererdegribouille: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-alternate-amd64.iso.torrent18:49
Ax3ready the topic18:49
jondowdgribouille: yes it is18:49
ConstyXIVtry these: ftp://lug.bu.edu/pub/distro/ubuntu/ for the torrents18:49
jms1989It has been added.18:49
jondowdgribouille: visit www.ubuntu.com18:49
milly1234I heard that 8.04 was going to have a install/upgrade feature that would not erase the home folder if it was on the same partition as the main system, is this true?18:50
Gistybiti've installed a 32 bit version of firefox, but when trying to save a file i get a gnome-vfs error, since it tries to load the 64bit library instead of the 32bit library in /usr/lib32 .. (...)libfile.so: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64). How do i make it call the 32 bit library?18:50
FrozenballI would like to say that this new Ubuntu is just plainly awesome18:50
ConstyXIVthat mirror's a torrent-only, so it should handle more of a beating18:50
mgedminmilly1234: all versions of ubuntu don't erase your home folder on upgrades18:50
ubuntuROXits been pretty awesome for the last month or so18:50
jms1989Hehe, it should be done in 3 and a half hours. :)18:50
tv3skurtv0lksman: everything installed but still no working overlay18:51
milly1234mgedmin, great news for me :) thank you, i didn't know that18:51
v0lksmanyou will need to reboot for the new driver to take effect18:51
tv3skurtv0lksman: i have rebooted18:51
dystopianrayFrozenball: I agree, it's much better than 7.1018:51
lesjohnanyone tried the powerpc version?  i'm not sure whether to upgrade now or wait for a few weeks18:51
v0lksmantv3skurt:  oh...well crap...hahaha18:51
proqDoubletwist: your hard drive can handle it if it's less than 15 years old18:51
ronzohehe. seeding time!18:51
tv3skurtv0lksman: i am desperate18:51
jondowddystopianray: what do you like more now?18:51
Doubletwistproq: you would think :)18:51
ubuntuROXboth of the betas I have used,, gutsy, and this one have been better than that other companies final release products.18:51
hja_elightseyCan someone message me. I'm using a new IRC client and want to see what it looks like18:52
dystopianrayjondowd: pardon?18:52
ConstyXIVhja_elightsey, sorta like this18:52
v0lksmantv3skurt:  that's kinda surprising...........18:52
jondowddystopianray: just wonderin' what your opinion is on what's improved.18:52
LannyChey can anyone help me with a hardy heron install issue?18:52
hja_elightseyConstyXIV yea thats cool... i'm using Irssi and making some changes18:52
kristian42Has anyone seen any reports of desktop not starting (after login) on A64 ?18:53
proqkristian42: this has happened to me18:53
dystopianrayjondowd: oh, well i've been using kubuntu and a whole swath of little niggling issues are now gone, also more importantly suspend is working reliably again, suspend was relaly messed up in 7.10 for me18:53
dfgasis there any other mirrors that i can get the 64bit from?18:53
v0lksmantv3skurt:  trying to remember how you see what features are enabled with aticonfig18:53
kristian42proq: Find any solution ?18:53
Pici!mirrors | dfgas18:53
ubotudfgas: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://nl.releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Hardy, and help keeping the servers' load low!18:53
proqkristian42: I installed the server version and then apt-get installed my window manager18:53
mooboo1i've uploaded 8gb torrent18:53
LannyCi'm using wubi and it hangs while configuring apt18:54
shadeofgreywhat torrent address is having the best luck getting 8.0418:54
jondowddystopianray: Cool. ty. I have DL'd Kbuntu, but not installed it yet.18:54
tv3skurtv0lksman: ok18:54
TerryYakiMy network monitor says I'm constantly downloading something even when I have nothing running. It's going on 3 gigs now, and I can't figure out what's going on. Could there be another reason for it?18:54
jms1989thanks guys, ubuntu is still the greatest in my book.18:54
BeererdeTerryYaki: chkrootkit18:54
kristian42proq: I was originally updating from herd3 all the way up to today. It broke a few days ago.18:54
picca_TerryYaki: 3 gigs ... you downloading Windows VIsta ?18:54
TerryYakiI'm not knowingly downloading anything.18:55
proqkristian42: you could drop into a tty and try updating again to see if any fix addressed it18:55
mooboo1TerryYaki, maybe it pics up from other stuff in the house such as other computer or IPTV18:55
PiciTerryYaki: netstat -tanp will tell you what processes have current open connections and to where18:55
ConstyXIVshadeofgrey, try ftp://lug.bu.edu/pub/distro/ubuntu/18:55
pierceTerryYaki: maybe it's your package updates?18:55
v0lksmantv3skurt:  you said you ran sudo aticonfig --overlay-type=Xv  with no luck right/18:55
TerryYakiIf it were updates, should I know it's updating?18:55
tv3skurtv0lksman: yes18:55
Mighty^^all .torrent can be found here: http://www.acc.umu.se/~mighty/ubuntu/18:56
goppwere can I get a windows xp theme for ubuntu18:56
bronsonalso sudo apt-get install jnettop18:56
reactorHello people, I am a newbie18:56
pierceTerryYaki: I have mine to download packages in the background, then install when I say so18:56
WyleyrabbitI have an Athlon64 X2 CPU with ~ 3.25 GB of RAM. Should I be using the AMD64 version of Ubuntu? Will I get better performance?18:56
kristian42proq: I was on top of updates and I reinstalled because I thought it would fix anything.18:56
bronsonA great way to see what's moving over your network.18:56
goppany one know18:56
Mighty^^gopp: gnome-look.org18:56
tv3skurtv0lksman: it just says Warning: Option 'VideoOverlay' doesn't affect running session.18:56
goppand search for xp MichaelXin18:56
BeererdeWyleyrabbit: somewhat better18:56
cain297any 8.04 vmware images out there??18:56
kristian42proq: Seen any issues on lauynchpad for this one ?18:56
tv3skurtv0lksman: but i have restarted and have gotten same results with no overlay18:56
reactorI have a CPU AMD 3200+ which as per the specs is a 64 bit processor18:56
TerryYakiMy only netstat -tanp connections are for pigdin.18:56
hja_elightseyToday is the official release date for ubuntu18:56
=== neversfelde_ is now known as neversfelde
harfgWhat to do if update manager stops dl'ing a package18:56
XimalHow do I chnge the graphic used when I shrink or maximize a window ? I forgot how ..18:56
myfwow the ubuntu download is slow18:57
Mighty^^reactor: do U have an AMD XP or an AMD X64 ?18:57
PiciTerryYaki: You may need to run it with sudo to see all processes18:57
reactorbut I am unable to install the 64 bit version of any software, what could be the possible reason? Any suggestion?18:57
Beererdemyf: bittorrent18:57
v0lksmantv3skurt:  hang on phone call18:57
Beererdereactor: you have a 32 bit kernel?18:57
harfgcan i just start it again18:57
myfBeererde: I'm trying to upgrade18:57
jharknreactor: you have the 64bit OS right?18:57
dystopianrayreactor: what's happening to prevent you installing them?18:57
harfgor should i wait it out like myf sais cause of slowness18:57
Picireactor: If you are a newbie, you probably want the i386 edition, its much easier to get everything working18:57
Wyleyrabbitwill I have problems with the AMD64 version with a lack of available packages, etc? Or is that issue pretty much solved?18:57
PiciWyleyrabbit: There are still some issues, such as java and wine18:58
dfgasi am looking for a fast mirror for the 64bit desktop version. i am on a 5megbit connection18:58
=== MichaelXin is now known as E
TerryYakisudo netstat -tanp .... all I see are pigdin and cupsd.18:58
dubbylol the server is so dead right now18:58
jharknI'm on x86_64 right now and I've had no issues18:58
BeererdeWyleyrabbit: flash is not easy to install.. but you can emulate firefox from windows in wine and then it works18:58
myfi can't even finish the apt-get update atm18:58
gregorahdfgas: Torrent.18:58
hardy64Pici: I'm running wine on 64bit18:58
* pimplife i just installed 8.04 res stuck at 800x600 how do i fix it18:58
reactoreven my sys info is specifying the processor to AMD Athlon (tm) 64 Processor 3200+18:58
proqkristian42: no, I don't follow launchpad18:58
x54lzyxHey I'm trying to install so I boot the hardy disk and do the live cd option (to make sure everything works) but it keeps booting to busybox i tried my onboard graphics card that didnt fix anything... any ideas why this would be happening?18:58
=== E is now known as Jameson
mooboo1hardy64, wine works good for you?18:58
Gralcowhy isn't my sestem upgrade to 8.04 working18:58
ylar35ubuntu servers are slammed huh?18:58
PiciTerryYaki: What bandwidth monitor are you relying on?18:58
Ruzarikubuntu 8's not wurkin for meh, halps.18:58
Wyleyrabbitahhh. ok, I'll stick to the i386 version then. I want easy and productive, not a time sync getting stuff working.18:58
Ded_RyzingI'm on 64 right now with no issues except flash18:58
Picihardy64: oh, nevermind me then :)18:58
jimcooncatPici, no problem with server type software, e.g., Apache2, DRBD, KVM, etc. on amd64?18:58
Gralcoit says it doesnt have internet connection18:58
reactorThe problem is this only, that I am unable to install any software which is 64 bit version. Not even the OS of 64 bit version18:58
WyleyrabbitTHanks for the help18:58
dystopianrayreactor: are you running 64-bit ubuntu?18:58
hardy64mooboo1: I'm running Macromedia Fireworks & photoshop cs2 now18:59
Picijimcooncat: No, those should work fine18:59
dystopianrayreactor: you need 64-bit ubuntu to run 64-bit software18:59
tv3skurtv0lksman: ok18:59
mooboo1Ruzarik, "not wurkin" is pretty vague18:59
mooboo1hardy64, oh18:59
jrabbitCan ubuntu out of box run on a MBP?18:59
Beererdereactor: then you have a cpu too old?18:59
reallost1Hey,  my favorite Linux site (podlinez.com) is up for a webby. http://pv.webbyawards.com  Please go vote for it! (its under mobile services)18:59
mooboo1jrabbit, MBP?18:59
jimcooncatPici, thanks. going to be doing a large (for me) investment in it18:59
jrabbitI.e.no internet catch-22s?18:59
proqjrabbit: yes18:59
dystopianrayreactor: you need to download the 64-bit livecd if you want 64-bit ubuntu18:59
TerryYakiI just go to System>Administration>System Monitor18:59
steveireGot a ubuntu torrent somewhere?18:59
Picireallost1: This is a support channel, please refrain from that.18:59
reactorDistopianray: I am using a 32 bit right now, because am unable to install a 64 bit version18:59
mooboo1reallost1, sounds like spam18:59
jrabbitI hated installing on systems that had no ethernet support18:59
amenadowho has done 7.10 debootstrap install? does it fail on using liveCD? but it works on the alternatecd ? am using file:/mountpointofiso/ubuntu18:59
Pici!guidelines > reallost1 (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)18:59
hardy64looks like spam18:59
twistagewhere is alsa-base located at?18:59
dystopianrayreactor: what is the error when you try to install a 64-bit version?19:00
rwycuffjrabbit: it should work you may have to install the nvidia driver and if you want certian key fundtion it would require tweaking but it will work outta box other then thaty19:00
mooboo1twistage, $ whereis alsa-bas19:00
mooboo1twistage, $ whereis alsa-base19:00
bulliumI just upgraded from 7.10 to 8.04 and I've found a few weird issues...I'm running desktop effects and the scroll wheel no longer shades and unshades windows, also Emerald Themer no longers changes the theme. Anyone experiencing the same types of issues?19:00
x54lzyxHey I'm trying to install so I boot the hardy disk and do the live cd option (to make sure everything works) but it keeps booting to busybox i tried my onboard graphics card that didnt fix anything... I have a SATA hd any ideas why this would be happening?19:00
gileadis it safe to kill update manager which sits there doing nothing for like 5 minutes after clicking 'upgrade' to Ubuntu 8?19:00
A[D]minSwhere i can download  ubuntu using rsync?19:00
lch_why is it removing xeyes for an upgrade to hard?!?! not that it use it, but...19:00
bulliumbtw desktop effects are still working exactly like they did before19:00
=== DreamThi1f is now known as DreamThief
reactorIt says something like "Use the correct compatible configuration"19:01
Beererdebullium: they changes some settings19:01
* pimplife i just installed 8.04 amd64 res stuck at 800x600 how do i fix it19:01
jrabbitAlso, i can just scale back an NTFS in my MBR hybrid?19:01
jeremehappy Hoary day everyone19:01
bulliumBeererde: I see that :)19:01
dnymy update manager keeps telling me my system is up to date :/19:01
jrabbitthen sync MBR back to GPT19:01
steveireGot it here: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/19:01
ubotuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://nl.releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Hardy, and help keeping the servers' load low!19:01
Beererdebullium: change them back with compiz settings manager19:01
h00kdny: dist-upgrade19:01
ubotuHardy can be torrented from http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).19:01
thebighamHow do i update from hardy RC to the offical one?19:01
jeremehappy hardy day rather19:01
v0lksmantv3skurt:  it may be that your card isn't well supported...all my notes I can find said I just ran aticonfig --initial and then aticonfig --overlay-type=Xv and restart X....19:01
reactorI will try installing through a liveCD once again19:01
z0dethm dos any one knows the swedish channel for unbuntu?19:01
dnyh00k: how? :x19:01
jeremetook my first sip of coffee and woke up to my error19:01
amenadox54lzyx-> do you have a current linux installed? wud you like to try installing from your running linux?19:01
Picilch_: Because xeyes is no longer a standalone package, its in the x11-apps package19:02
Gistybithow do i set it to download the necessary files for an upgrade? apt-get -d dist-upgrade didn't work.. (download-only)19:02
z0dethm dos any one knows the swedish channel for unbuntu?19:02
x54lzyxI dont amenado19:02
leonbrusselsthebigham: I think you can use update manager19:02
h00kdny: open a Terminal: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade19:02
Seveas!se | z0det19:02
ubotuz0det: Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du pa #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se19:02
x54lzyxjust windows like 15 gigs of free space19:02
ubotuNOTICE - There is a lot of traffic in this channel at the moment. Please try to keep your sentences into a single message, avoid repeating the same question multiple times, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting, remember to mention the nickname of the person you're addressing, and join #ubuntu-offtopic for anything that is not Ubuntu support. Thank you for understanding!19:02
penin session options I clicked "Remember Currently Running Applications" and now the checkbox in startup programs doesn't work anymore19:02
v0lksmantv3skurt:  you can also install Catalyst Control for linux and see if that helps19:02
penhow do I solve this to make session use startup program tab again?19:02
h00kx54lzyx: and thats on a fresh install;)19:02
v0lksmantv3skurt:  I never had much luck with it but it is available19:02
Ded_Ryzingany issues with adobe flash plugin in 64bit?19:02
thebighamleonbrussels: it says its already up to date, i remember i downloaded a 100mb+ update from the update manager last night. was that the update? How can i check if its updated or not19:03
dnyh00k: err, it comes back with nothing installed, changed, removed, or anything ;x19:03
BeererdeDed_Ryzing: yes, does not work19:03
pimplifei just installed 8.04 amd64 res stuck at 800x600 how do i fix it19:03
x54lzyxi meant i didnt make the partition the whole size of the disk :-p19:03
reactorAnother thing, pls guide how to clear up the space in Root directory.19:03
amenadox54lzyx-> if you had linux we could have tried debootstrap style install19:03
jharknDed_Ryzing: fine for the most part but laggy in youtube fullscreen for example19:03
v0lksmantv3skurt:  may also want to look here for more help  http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Main_Page19:03
bulliumBeererde: any idea where those settings are located?19:03
BeererdeDed_Ryzing: you can use 32 bit firefox, or even use windows firefox in wine19:03
Beererdebullium: installed the settings manager? else you cannot change it easily19:03
ferric84I'm trying to apt-get something, but due to the traffic apt won't connect to the server.  Can I tell it to use a mirror?19:03
Wyleyrabbitis it possible to upgrade a system in place from the 8.04 CDROM?19:03
h00kdny: did you do sudo apt-get update19:03
PiciWyleyrabbit: Only if you have the alternate CD19:04
x54lzyxamenado: any particular reason i would be getting this or anyway to check why?19:04
jharknor use "youtube-dl" and just download the videos :P19:04
reactorpls guide how to clear up the space in Root directory.19:04
jms1989Any idea when eog will fade images in slideshows? Is that on the agenda?19:04
dnyh00k: ah, nope19:04
stothepizzlehave they fixed the wubi crash problems hardy was suffering?19:04
amenadox54lzyx-> i dont know, i dont have hardy iso yet19:04
* Wyleyrabbit goes to download the alternate CD. 19:04
whiteflag"Online training for the desktop" <- what is this ?19:04
leonbrusselsthebigham: gnome-system-monitor normally tells you19:04
stothepizzlelast time i used hardy under wubi one bad mount and the whole thing failed19:04
milly1234hmmm torrent is going slower then the http download I had going before that19:04
leonbrusselsthebigham: In the system tab19:04
=== nick23 is now known as xda
Bubble_teais 8.04 beta or its good to go?19:04
h00kdny: try an update first, then dist-upgrade, and that should work for you - let me know19:04
evandstothepizzle: crash problems?  Can you elaborate?19:04
x54lzyxah this was happening with the betas and rc too and im sure its not a bad burn19:04
h00kBubble_tea: it's Released today :)19:04
dystopianrayBubble_tea: it has been officially released19:04
=== ikerc is now known as biloute
jeremeBubble_tea: it's officialy good to go today19:04
v0lksmantv3skurt:  http://pastebin.ca/996045  those are my complete install notes before using Envy19:05
pimplife<-----------i just installed 8.04 amd64 res stuck at 800x600 how do i fix it?19:05
stothepizzleevand it wouldn't mount hard drives if there was a single ntfs problem19:05
macomilly1234: the point of torrents isnt necessarily speed. its to avoid killing ubuntu's servers19:05
reactorpls guide how to clear up the space in Root directory. it is getting full very fast19:05
jharknreactor: run baobab may help19:05
ilMacchiaciao a tutti19:05
Bubble_teaHow i update from 7.10 to 8.0419:05
milly1234maco, thanks, I will continue to use it then19:05
Theo_how much swap should i have on a desktop computer? how much swap should i have on a server?19:05
KiwiJokerreactor are you talking about /root or / ?19:05
BeererdeTheo_: depends on your ram19:05
h00kTheo_: it depends on how much RAM you have19:05
thebighamHow do i check if i got the lastest update or not?19:05
BeererdeTheo_: i have 4 gb ram and NO swap, why bother19:06
Theo_i have 2GB on desktop and 128mb on server19:06
mgedminswap is a safety net19:06
milly123410 - 24 hours I will have my download :)19:06
macothebigham: well, you never want to be using swap, but um...they say double your ram.  you will not use that much unless you're hibernating.  you shouldnt use more than 256mb of swap19:06
mgedmingive it a couple of gigs19:06
KiwiJokeri have 2gigs of ram and no swap...19:06
reactorBoth / and /root should be in the same drive. I am talking of the smae19:06
evandstothepizzle: I'm not entirely sure what you mean.  If chkdsk needs to be run on the ntfs partition, then run it, let it fix the errors, and everything should be peachy after that.19:06
Tabris-[reactor]: what a coincidence! i'm one too =P19:06
h00kBeererde, Theo_, I have 3gigs, 3gigs swap, and I've never used the swap.19:06
dystopianrayTheo_: if you intend to hibernate you'll probably want your swap to be at least equal in size to your ram19:06
Theo_swap is optional?19:06
[LMM]Iowahcis it possible, that the updates about a week ago already upgraded my Ubuntu to hardy release?19:06
Beererdeh00k: then disable it...19:06
stothepizzleok evand19:06
Theo_so its incase you run out of ram?19:06
Bubble_teaIs it safe to just update 7.10 to 8.04?19:06
KiwiJokerreactor, so your wondering why your drive is filling up lol19:06
macothebigham: yes19:06
mgedminwhen the system runs out of memory, and you have swap, you can kill the leaking app and recover19:06
macoTheo_: yes19:06
mgedminwhen you don't have swap, you're out of luck19:07
[LMM]Iowahci was running Hardy Beta19:07
h00kBeererde: I am doing that now, I just never got around it;)19:07
macothebigham: sorry not you19:07
jburdreactor: Use the Disk Usage Analyzer.19:07
Theo_so 512 is enough or more than enough19:07
macoTheo_: swap is like pagefiles19:07
Beererdemgedmin: other way around, the leaking app will cause the system to deadlock, with no swap it will just eexit19:07
thebighamHow do i check if i got the lastest update or not?19:07
kostkonBubble_tea, have you checked this?: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading19:07
Ruzarikwhy is update manager crashing when i hit upgrade? why are all my CD images corrupted? why are all the files on my CD images not installing?19:07
ubuntuROXLMM northman If you ran beta, or RC and still show development but it finds no updates,, run  sudo grub-update then reboot to fix it.19:07
bubbawhat software can use MSN on19:07
KiwiJokeri have 2gigs of ram and have barely ever used close to 1.5gigs ram,19:07
twistageAny particular reason I'm getting a massive amount of static coming out of my speakers on Hardy when playing audio files?19:07
jharknreactor: enter "baobab" in the terminal19:07
lch_[LMM]Iowahc: if you have had a beta installed and upgraded today, yes then you're on the final release automatically19:07
Theo_pidgin is good for msn19:07
h00kbubba: aMSN, Pidgin19:07
KiwiJokerand i do alot of shit19:07
Pici!language | KiwiJoker19:08
ubotuKiwiJoker: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.19:08
bubbanice thanks19:08
Beererdetwistage: check dmesg19:08
henbrububba: emesene19:08
brownieheadwhere do i get drivers for my newly acquired 8600gts19:08
timUR123when is 8.10 alpha 1 comming out ?????19:08
ubuntuROX[LMM]Iowahc If you ran beta, or RC and still show development but it finds no updates,, run  sudo grub-update then reboot to fix it.19:08
[LMM]Iowahclch_ there are no updates today for me, i updated 3-4 days ago19:08
Theo_how do i send  a message to a specific person on irc?19:08
v0lksmanbrowniehead:  install Envyng19:08
timUR123when is 8.10 alpha 1 comming out ?????19:08
tlacuachehey, anyone had any trouble burning the 8.04 isos with nautilus?19:08
jacoblylesare the ubuntu software archives down today?19:08
macotimUR123: not for at least a month19:08
Nicekiwi9i cant play DVDs19:08
reactorThanks jharkn. Thanks, jbird, Tabris, kiwijoker. I will try doing the same right away.19:08
h00kman -- this channel is going to be rockin with people today.19:08
macotimUR123: UDS has to happen first19:08
dystopianrayjacoblyles: it's release day, they are being hammered19:08
Picijacoblyles: They are slammed from the release19:08
Deamosweee...Hardy upgrade did not go so well :P19:08
marx2kjacoblyles: no, but they are very slow due to the amount of peolpe hammering at them19:08
lch_jacoblyles: no, just overwhelmed by much traffic ;-)19:08
tlacuachei try it with nautilus and it ejects the disc and says to insert another one. i try with brasero and it sayt's it's not a valid iso9660 filesystem19:09
Gralcothe update manager isnt working for me19:09
dubbyjacoblyles no, just over used19:09
tlacuachebut i can mount it on the loopback fine19:09
DeamosI guess ill just reinstall fresh from the CD19:09
alexzguys!! I need some help!19:09
tlacuacheand the md5sum matches19:09
v0lksmanh00k:  going to be?  :)19:09
ubotuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)19:09
A[D]minSthis is command correct ? rsync -ravP rsync://ubuntu.intergenia.de/ubuntu-linux/releases/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso  .19:09
J_Humphreyis there a mirror for the torrent link, the one int the MOTD is not working19:09
alexzmy firefox is hanging my whole machine!!!19:09
h00kv0lksman: er. yeah. is. my bad.19:09
henbruNicekiwi9: install ubuntu-restricted-extras19:09
KiwiJokerupgrades have never really worked out, i always found its better to back up your /home and do a fresh resinstall19:09
Deamoshehe I had like 20 crash errors :P19:09
milly1234er well might have it downloaded in 4 days... don't normally use this torrent thing, looks like downloads are resumable on it though19:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pastbin - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:09
Deamosyeah thats what im doing Kiwi :)19:09
dassoukiwhere can i find installation issue problems before i upgrade ?19:09
macoJ_Humphrey: http://www.acc.umu.se/~mighty/ubuntu/19:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about binpast - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:09
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)19:09
tim__btlacuache, i burned the i368 dvd with out problems. which on did you test?19:09
jacoblylesI can't use apt-get to install irb because the ubuntu archives are down. Is there another way to get it?19:09
dubbyspell it right19:09
alexzmy firefox is hanging my whole machine!!!19:10
macostop it guys!19:10
* pimplife downloaded ubuntu 8.04 in 14 mins19:10
maconobody was paste-spamming19:10
v0lksmanjacoblyles:  aren't down...just slow and hard to get a queue19:10
mooboo18,5 gb uploaded on torrent :)19:10
Deamosupgrading to Hardy....crashcrashcrash die buzz...fizzle :P19:10
xdawhat does PITA mean19:10
x54lzyxwhats the difference between the dvd and cd19:10
Jessica_lillywhat are some perental control software for ubuntu my friend wants to move to it but needs some19:10
dystopianrayxda: pain in the arse19:10
x54lzyxxda: pain in the aass19:10
Picixda: pain in the rear19:10
wild_oscardoes anyone know how to configure wireless? I can't seem to ping my network devices, even though internet works fine19:10
macoJessica_lilly: dansguardian19:10
beexxda: pain in the @$$19:10
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!19:10
KiwiJokerit was the same for feisty and gutsy, better off to do fresh reinstall19:11
JPSman_I am now seeding desktop i386.iso for you all :OD19:11
BeererdeJessica_lilly: pull the plug :)19:11
macoJessica_lilly: its like a firewall for bad content19:11
dubbyI love how every question gets a billion of the same response19:11
Jessica_lillyi need it to control the users time as well19:11
legend2440in gutsy when i mounted drives in fstab as /media/Seagate the icon on desktop would be labeled Seagate but in hardy /media/Seagate is labeled  '160.0 GB Media. is there a way to get it label icon 'Seagate' like in gutsy?19:11
jharkndvd just contains all the variants iirc19:11
jacoblyleswild_oscar: search Ubuntu forums for how to setup your specific wireless hardware19:11
Deamoswell then..time for a fresh install...wish me luck :)19:11
macoJessica_lilly: an egg timer and a parent19:11
jharknso only need cd if you know what you want19:11
pbryanAnyone here know about util-vserver package?19:11
h00kx54lzyx: Good luck Deamos19:11
KiwiJokercant go wrong with a fresh reinstall ;)19:11
Jessica_lillyfair enough19:11
BeererdeJessica_lilly: not good paedagogics.19:11
macoJessica_lilly: tvs arent parents, so there's no reason to think a computer is19:11
h00kx54lzyx: my bad19:11
peepsalotis there a package for 32bit jdk on 64bit ubuntu?19:12
reactorjharkn, baobab leads me to disk analyser, I believe. What do i do next? how to clean up the unwanted files.19:12
icltlfatpplpimplife: how did you get that download so fast?19:12
Nicekiwi9my resalutions r screwed19:12
Jessica_lillywell its not for me so it dont matter19:12
dystopianrayexcellent, the german apt mirrors aren't being hammered19:12
Jessica_lillyill tell the person who wants it19:12
Jessica_lilly:) thanks19:12
askandI can not g the the loginscreen settings :( how can I solve that?19:12
zachbAny ideas on why my atheros wireless card doesn't even show up in network admin?19:12
KiwiJokereveryone use german apt mirrors! there not being hammered!19:12
Beererdedystopianray: which ones specifically? i tried several19:12
jharknreactor: well run the analysis and it will show you where the space is being taken up, its then up to you to delete those files19:12
lch_peepsalot: i dont think so, but you could install a 32 bit version in a "chroot"19:12
henbruSo, which Hardy-torrent is the most seeded?19:12
ltracy__Interesting how simple questions get political responses19:12
thebighamafter i do a sudo apt-get update and a sudo apt-get upgrade, i get "0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded." does that mean my comp is up to date?19:12
askandzachb: have that problem too19:12
dystopianrayBeererde: de.archive.ubuntu.com19:12
jacoblylesdystopianray: how do I switch apt to use another mirror?19:12
Gman99999I can't check off whatever I want to include in the upgrades in the upgrade manager why is it?19:12
Beererdedystopianray: thx19:13
reactorkharkn, cool. I will be back19:13
tim__bhenbru, the i368 desktop19:13
zachbaskand: any developments?19:13
jharknreactor: ok :)19:13
peepsalotlch_, what's chroot for?  if it's not in the repos, can't I just install from sun's site?19:13
ubuntuROX<thebigham> If you ran beta, or RC and still show development but it finds no updates,, run  sudo grub-update then reboot to fix it.19:13
dystopianrayjacoblyles: you can edit /etc/apt/sources.list or there is probably some way to do it in synaptic/adept19:13
askandzachb: im afraide not..it shows up in hardwaremanager19:13
woodwizzleIs there a bittorrent or metalink of Hardy out? Seems like there are less mirrors than normal19:13
KiwiJokerpeepsalot if you dont know what chroot is, dont even touch it mate, you'll only end up hurting yourself19:13
dystopianraypeepsalot: you should already have it19:13
pimplife<-----------i just installed 8.04 amd64 res stuck at 800x600 how do i fix it?19:13
zachbaskand: exactly the same fore me19:13
dystopianraypeepsalot: it's a standard linux command19:13
jharknpimplife: system-->prefs-->screen res?19:14
tim__bwoodwizzle, torrent mirror: http://tinyurl.com/6avfwz19:14
chazcoOne last question before I try to download 8.04... is it possible to downgrade to Firefox 2 until Firefox 3 becomes stable?19:14
pimplifedoesnt work19:14
peepsalotdystopianray, no i mean, if the repos don't have 32bit jdk, why would I need chroot19:14
twanj_woodwizzle: torrents n metalinks at http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/19:14
jappdevchazco: yes19:14
=== JaketheSnake is now known as Jarulf
dnychazco: yes19:14
ubuntuROXyes you can have both installed19:14
lch_peepsalot: while it is possible to mix 32 bit and 64 bit applications on 64 bit ubuntu, sometimes it is easier to run a 32 bit ubuntu in a sandbox. "chroot" allows you to run linux within linux. i use it for 32bit firefox w/ plugins for example19:14
penchazco: firefox 2 is installed in 8.04 too19:14
legend2440in gutsy when i mounted drives in fstab as /media/Seagate the icon on desktop would be labeled Seagate but in hardy /media/Seagate is labeled  '160.0 GB Media. is there a way to get it label icon 'Seagate' like in gutsy?19:14
dystopianraypeepsalot: they do have a 32-bit jdk19:14
KiwiJokerchazco, just uninstall firefox 3 and install firefox 2 ;)19:14
penchazco: go to menu internet and you will see two firefox19:14
jharknpimplife: sorry don't know then, I'm a noob really19:14
lch_peepsalot: there is an article about chroot in the ubuntu wiki, search there :-)19:14
=== biloute is now known as ikerc
=== KillGhostNK is now known as Fdisk_
x54lzyxok so i just disconnected my hard drive to see if that was making the installer boot into busy box, but i still got busybox19:14
pimplifejharkn: lol19:15
penchazco: or if you don't have firefox2 you can always install it in synaptics ;)19:15
myfhello people, what's the difference between dist-upgrade and upgrade, which one do i use for upgrading to hardy?19:15
Willizarhow can i format a usb stick19:15
penmyf: the first one19:15
chazcoAh... so it can all be done from the repos / apparently installed... sounds good, thanks jappdev, dny, pen, KiwiJoker :)19:15
zachbmyf: upgrade upgrades packages, dist-upgrade upgrades to hardy19:15
Bubble_teaIt show Thord party sources blocked19:15
KiwiJokerWillizar cfdisk19:15
macoJessica_lilly: i actually have seen some software for it before. it just takes like 5 hours for me to find it every time19:15
myfgotacha :)19:15
zachbaskand: so, any cle?19:15
WillizarKiwiJoker:  what??19:16
penmy question now19:16
penin session options I clicked "Remember Currently Running Applications" and now the checkbox in startup programs doesn't work anymore19:16
ompaul!upgrade | myf19:16
ubotumyf: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes19:16
penhow do I solve this to make session use startup program tab again?19:16
reactorjharkn, it is running. It saeems it is going to take some time b4 I know whats wrong where.19:16
KiwiJokerWillizar open up terminal and type in "cfdisk" without the quotes19:16
askandzachb: Im searching google right now, I let you know if I findanything19:16
KiwiJokerWillizar actually before you even do that, open up a terminal and type in "man cfdisk" without the quotes19:16
=== ikerc is now known as biloute
lch_!chroot | peepsalot19:17
ubotupeepsalot: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box19:17
didy8.04 rock!!!!19:17
stbainindeed it does19:17
zachb8.05 stone!!!!19:17
Zackymc_kis this now a hardy irc? or still gutsy?19:17
x54lzyxok so i just disconnected my hard drive to see if that was making the installer boot into busy box, but i still got busybox19:17
milly1234I wonder if my isp is limiting my bandwidth on this torrent, its going about 45KiB/s19:17
ddollaris archive.ubuntu.com hosed right now?19:17
jharknreactor: ok, it'll give you a pretty chart which you can mouse over and find the largest folders and then subfolders etc. as well as a list19:17
dystopianrayddollar: yes19:17
zachbddollar: yup19:17
magnetron!doesn't work | Ruzarik19:17
ubotuRuzarik: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.19:17
uwohi all. ever since renaming my wireless router my laptop doesn't connect automatically (appears to be i.e. wifi light is on, but no internet) - in order to work I have to use iwconfig & dhclient manually... n1 ideas what could be wrong? are there still some older settings anywhere?19:17
jharknreactor: pretty snazzy lol19:17
Milos_SDwhat package is responsible for detecting extransions and give them icons?19:18
dystopianrayddollar: de.archive.ubuntu.com is still working19:18
drivetraxW: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/f/firestarter/firestarter_1.0.3-6ubuntu1_i386.deb19:18
didydoes Automatix work on 8.04???????????????19:18
WillizarKiwiJoker:  what is this??19:18
zachbdrivetrax: archive hosed19:18
maekdoes anyone know if Hardy Heron has Xorg7.3 ??19:18
zachbdidy: don't use Automatix19:18
didydoes Automatix work on 8.04???????????????19:18
Ruzarikubotu: yes, it's throwing dishes at me when i tell it to get a job.19:18
CowBudRELEASe what what19:18
dystopianraydidy: why would you need automatix?19:18
stefg!automatix | didy19:18
ubotuAutomatix is no longer developed or supported by its creators and is not recommended, supported or needed by Ubuntu. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe »19:18
ubotudidy: please see above19:18
KiwiJokerWillizar are you reading whats on the terminal after you typed in "man cfdisk" ?19:18
roffe__my cd-burner appears to have broken... is it possible to install 8.04 from an SD?19:18
hyperairi can't get the torrent out T_T19:18
hyperairit's soooooooo jammed19:19
Assidokay.. quick question19:19
Ademanyay the update broke!19:19
dystopianraymaek: it has x.org 7.3, yes19:19
magnetronMilos_SD: gnome. right click on the file and choose properties19:19
maekthanks dystopianray19:19
Willizaryes KiwiJoker19:19
OllieAI really badly need a new screen res but it is not on the list, how do I be able to choose a new one?19:19
Assidif i use a guided resize ...i have a delll laptop.. and windows and that dell partition in there... so does it retain ALL partiitons?19:19
rlj__i have a amd64 laptop which is starving at 512MB memory, and i'm about to reinstall ubuntu. previously ran the 32bit version. are there any benefits with running 64bit linux performance-wise, since I have such limited memory anyway. or will the performance actually be worse? also, since some (proprietary) stuff is still only usable on 32bit, i guess i'm really asking if there's any use running 64bit at all for me?19:19
magnetron!fixres | OllieA19:19
ubotuOllieA: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto19:19
KiwiJokerWillizar keep reading then19:19
milly1234so when I upgrade from 7.10 to 8.04 it will not erase my home directory, but can it wipe out the system itself and start fresh while still doing that?19:19
ubotuTo add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot19:19
drivetraxYou saying that I can't get firestarter cause of the new ubuntu?19:19
dystopianrayrlj__: 64-bit uses more ram19:19
roffe__my cd-burner appears to have broken... is it possible to install 8.04 from an SD?19:19
Assidrlj__: no no19:20
askand zachb: tried ndiswrapper?19:20
Picirlj__: I suggest 32bit, you arent really gaining much on that system19:20
ubotuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto19:20
=== atonman is now known as atonek
Milos_SDmagnetron, I don't have icons for .zip and .pdf files... but on LiveCD I have ...19:20
Assidrlj__: it can ACCESS more ram19:20
Pici!msgthebot | pen19:20
ubotupen: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.19:20
lch_rlj__: performace: little change. but you i'll have problems with flah plugin and some other software on 64 bit19:20
dystopianrayAssid: it also has higher memory consumption19:20
zachbaskand: have you?19:20
AssidPici:  and i think you  do gain out of that suystem19:20
Assiddystopianray: it does?19:20
dystopianrayrlj__: 64-bit consumes more memory19:20
dystopianrayAssid: yes19:20
reactorI have got the graphs, but there is another problem now. I do not know which one is important and which one might be a temp folder, which I can delete right away19:20
lch_rlj__: that supposed to say "Flash Plugin"19:20
KiwiJokerdystopianray thats rubbish19:20
dystopianrayKiwiJoker: no it's not19:20
jharknAssid: it will also use more due to the larger block (?) size afaik19:20
hyperairdoes anyone have a mirror to the torrent?19:20
KiwiJokerdystopianray care to explain in pm?19:20
maekroffe__, CD drives are next to nothing these days19:20
hyperairi can't even get the torrent19:20
askandzachb: nope im using another wireless card right now but it would be nice to get the atheros going19:21
rlj__Assid: yeah that's what i thought. i suppose kernel pages are bigger and as all addresses use 64bits, i'll be addressing the RAM with a ton of useless bits.19:21
hyperairthis is ridiculous19:21
didyok whats the best mp3 player???19:21
dystopianrayKiwiJoker: suddenly you have all your pointers and a bunch of your variables doubling in size19:21
ubuntuROXI like audacious19:21
maekRythmbox didy19:21
helmut_does anyone here know how to deactivate the key-binding of the alt-key so that it won't move a window when I drag it?19:21
ddollarare there any alternatives to archive.ubuntu.com that i can use?19:21
reactorjharkn, I came across "apt-get clean". Does it help?19:21
zachbaskand: know where I can get the driver for the card?19:21
hyperairi'm all for banshee19:21
[diecast]anyone have a link that shows mirrors for archive.ubuntu.org19:21
hyperairesp 1.019:21
ubuntuROXits like winampish19:21
=== Alieno is now known as Aspirino
milly1234hyperair, I had that same problem, when I went to download the torrent file in the title it took a while for that file to start19:21
woodwizzletwanj_: Wow, canonical is doing the metalinks now?! That is awesome19:21
Assidsomeone mentioned to me they found the system to be a bit more "sensitive"19:21
rlj__but there are no other nifty features then that can only be exposed in my cpu when running native 64bits. then 32bit it is!19:21
zachbaskand: its not my computer, actually, it's a friend's computer who I'm trying to help over the 'net19:21
mgedminhelmut_: system -> preferences -> windows, iirc19:21
josinalvohi there.19:21
josinalvome and my friend in here would like to upgrade to the new ubuntu. CAn we do so with the ISO (or cd) ?19:21
J_HumphreyI have /home installed on a seperate partition, so when I upgrade, if i delete all the ./* folders in /home, will ubuntu rebuild them?19:21
nixnoobwhats the command to upgrade to hardy?19:21
hyperairmilly1234: do you think you could send me the file through irc or sth19:22
KiwiJokerdystopianray i think you re-read your material there mate19:22
dystopianrayKiwiJoker: those extra 32-bits all over the place have to be stored somewhere and that means more memory usage19:22
stbainjosinalvo: yes19:22
macojosinalvo: alternate CD will let you19:22
rlj__thanks for the feedback guys!19:22
twanj_woodwizzle: I know! pretty exciting...19:22
hyperairi think it supports file transfers19:22
hyperairor i hope19:22
chris062689Has anyone here built computers before?  Could someone help me make sure my hardware is compatable with Ubuntu?  (Im going to be building.)19:22
maeknixnoob, look in your update manager19:22
zachbaskand: oh, I think he got it19:22
askandzachb: Ahh I see, well all I can say is that perhaps he could try ndiswrapper :)19:22
helmut_does anyone here know how to deactivate the key-binding of the alt-key so that it won't move a window when I drag it?19:22
askandzachb: oh? how?19:22
nixnoobmaek, it says nothing19:22
Zackymc_kTHIS TOO MANY PEOPLE TALKING IN 1 channel... is there another one?19:22
XzvmHello there. Is there anyone that can help me with a thing?19:22
Beererdechris062689: use intel chipset and nvidia and it will work19:22
zachbaskand: sudo apt-get install install ubuntu-restricted-extras19:22
Milos_SDyou can get .torrent files from here: http://www.sdcafe.co.yu/ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent and http://www.sdcafe.co.yu/ubuntu-8.04-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent19:22
milly1234hyperair, I am not registered so it won't let me dcc, and I have no clue what sth is19:22
jharknreactor: I'm not an expert and haven't heard of that, feel free to try it though! I'll look it up myslef since I'm not busy with anything19:22
zachb /ignore Zackymc_k19:22
askandZackymc_k: perhaps it is one for you language?19:22
nixnoobmaek, nevermind i had to restart19:22
didyi installed Sun Java 6 Runtime on x64.. but it doesn't seem to work!19:22
=== ronzo is now known as Marfi
flithmthat's a pimpin fast torrent19:22
reactorthanks jharkn19:23
Marfianyone else having problems installing amarok?19:23
didyi installed Sun Java 6 Runtime on x64.. but it doesn't seem to work!19:23
jharknreactor: np19:23
hyperairmilly1234 aw crap.. could you upload it to mediafire.com or something then?19:23
nassHy, someone here could help me set up 2 screen display on my laptop on ubuntu HArdy ?19:23
milly1234ok, I just registered it for this reason19:23
zachbaskand: err.. nevermind... I lied19:23
didyi installed Sun Java 6 Runtime on x64.. but it doesn't seem to work!19:23
backgenhey guys, i'm currently running Ubuntu Gutsy...what's the easiest way for me to upgrade to Heron? I've heard i can just type something in Terminal or something...but i smell a lie19:23
peepsaloti have a problem: when i try to install a package it says: could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (Resource temporarily unavailable)19:23
askandzachb: yea tried that before :(19:23
dystopianraydidy: in what way does it not seem to work?19:23
InterflopAnyone know why my TV Tuner isn't being detected like it was in previous versions of ubuntu?19:23
josinalvomaco: will I lose the packages that are not on the CD (that I apt-geted) ?19:23
vega--backgen: update-manager19:23
lch_backgen: just run the update manager from the menu and click on update19:23
macojosinalvo: they wont be updated.  youll have to update them separately19:24
didyit says need GCJ!!!19:24
mazafdoes basket notes have a spell checker ?19:24
hyperairmilly1234: thanks!19:24
milly1234you are welcome19:24
dystopianraydidy: what needs gcj?19:24
Zackymc_kDoes the touch screen work for the tx1000 in hardy?19:24
pwrquest hey everyone, i would like to have the system remember where my windows are and place them there when they are reopened, is there any simple way to do this? I'm using compiz fusion with gnome.19:24
rconananyone tried installing hardy on a fakeraid yet?19:24
J_Humphrey have /home installed on a seperate partition, so when I upgrade, if i delete all the ./* folders in /home, will ubuntu rebuild them?19:24
RanbeeZackymc_k: there's one at EFnet i just tried it and there's not many people there!19:25
josinalvomaco: do you know if I can just add the ubuntu CD as a repository on my sources.list ?19:25
backgenholy ****** i've got 148 updates available....so if i install all of them i'll official have Hardy Heron on my Computer?19:25
reactorjharkn, it seems "apt-get clean"  cleans everything from /var/cache/apt/archives19:25
dystopianraybackgen: essentially, yes19:25
Aperculumwhy isn't there a md5sum or sha1sum available for latest ubuntu release?19:25
macojosinalvo: the alternate cd,yes. itll prompt you to add it when you insert it19:25
nassAnyone here could help me set up 2 screen display on my laptop on ubuntu Hardy ?19:25
akhileshi have a question what is the difference between gutsy and beryl ???19:25
Aperculumor is it hidden too like the torrent link was?19:25
lch_J_Humphrey: most applications if not all will write their settings again if they dont find a file in your /home. however i'd backup and not delete the old ones in case one isn't doing what you expect.19:25
dystopianrayAperculum: there are md5sums available for all isos19:25
backgendystopianray: hourray! thanks! ...what do you mean by essentially though, will i be missing something?19:26
Aperculumdystopianray, where?19:26
shane2peruAperculum, no you can find them at the main site19:26
dystopianrayakhilesh: they are two entirely differnet things19:26
J_Humphreypwrquest: if you go to Preferences>Sessions it will work for what you want19:26
zachbakhilesh: so much19:26
dystopianrayAperculum: on all the mirrors look at the file MD5SUMS19:26
shane2peruAperculum, http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/19:26
J_Humphreythanks ich_19:26
akhileshdystopianray: like red had and ubuntu ?19:26
mut80rsighs. dissapointed.19:26
shane2peruAperculum, http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/MD5SUMS19:26
jharknreactor: I see, is your filesystem filling itself up?19:26
Aperculumoh, hidden19:26
wickersis there an official torrent?19:26
dystopianrayakhilesh: beryl is a piece of software19:26
InterflopAnyone know why my TV Tuner isn't being detected like it was in previous versions of ubuntu?19:26
reactormay be, Yes19:26
dystopianrayakhilesh: guts is a linux distribution19:27
Aperculumwickers, look at topic19:27
shane2peruAperculum, it isn't hidden, it is there in plain sight, scroll toward the bottom.19:27
lch_Interflop: did you have to build some kernel module yourself the last time?19:27
backgenhey guys...can someone help me to completely remove Automatix from my computer?19:27
reactorguys, how s Google OS or GoOS installation which is based on ubuntu platform itself??19:27
wickersAperculum, thanks, I don't understand why that was so hard to find on the website.19:27
dystopianraybackgen: no i guess not, you'll be equivalent to the final if you update19:27
InterflopIch: Nope, it was simply autodetected in previous versions19:27
Aperculumshane2peru, yes, but the site it self doesn't present a link to it19:27
backgendystopianray: :D thanks19:27
mut80rguys. something on 804 about wireless firmware download. fw-cutter something script .. as soon as i check the box in the restricted drivers manager, the entire system locks up. waited for 10 mins, nothing. Ctrl+Alt+Backsp doesnt work.19:27
josinalvoakhilesh: gutsy is a version of ubuntu, beryl is a program (to make gnome better-looking)19:27
lch_Interflop: USB or PCI?19:28
pwrquestrconan: i have19:28
rconanpwrquest: how did you do it?19:28
KiwiJokermut80r wireless firmware update?19:28
mazafdoes basket notes have a spell checker ?19:28
backgenjosinalvo: is beryl like compiz then?19:28
didymy banshee hangs there while playing mp3!19:28
shane2peruAperculum, it is right here:  http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ about  3/4 of the way down the page, that is where I got the link for it.19:28
excitatorydoes anyone know if that keyboard bug (in a ATI, fglrx / XGL setup) has been fixed in the new release?19:28
josinalvobackgen: yup19:28
akhileshheelo  ??19:28
shane2peruAperculum, scroll down the the list of files at the bottom19:28
jharknreactor: apt-get clean deletes archived installation files19:28
lch_Interflop: is it still listed when you write "lspci" and do you see some messages about the card when you look at the message of "dmsg|less"?19:28
Aperculumyeah, I will19:28
mut80rKiwiJoker: can't privmsg, it says something about it needs to download the firmware because it can't legally be shipped with the OS or something. as soon as I hit the checkbox bam. system dies.19:29
nixnoobupdate manager window grey's out indefinately when i hit upgrade to hardy button anyone have any ideas?19:29
Danii'm having a bad time trying to get my 22'' lcd screen to work on it's native resolution, anyone could give me a hand?19:29
didywhats the codec to play mp3 plz19:29
reactorkharkn, is it harmful?19:29
shane2peruAperculum, at any rate you have it. :)19:29
=== akhilesh is now known as exxxxxxxxx
T-Hawkhey guys... anybody know why /etc/init.d/mpd start complains about Avahi?19:29
reactorsorry Jharkn, is it harmful to remove archived installation files?19:29
Danii'm using an nvidia card (6 series)19:29
J_HumphreyDani, do you have ATI or nVidia?19:29
lch_nixnoob: try again later. servers are under heavy load19:29
mgedminnixnoob: that's all right; there should be a new window opened when you push that button19:29
roffe__maek: Sry, I had to take a dump :) Yeah, I'm aware, but I can't get hold of one now, and since I'm about to buy a laptop soon, I have no reason to buy one.. but is it possible to install from a memory card?19:29
didywhats the codec to play mp3 plz19:29
pwrquestrconan: wait, should i say i'm using a fake raid drive. but my boot is a normal drive19:29
milly1234Dani, what monitor19:29
KiwiJokermut80r ah ok, you sure its not actually talking about your graphics card drivers though? ive never encountered a firmware download from restricted driver manager19:29
nixnoobmgedmin, no there isnt the window greys out and it just sits there19:30
Aperculumthanks shane2peru19:30
Odd-rationaleHow to get broadcom wireless (bcm4306) working in Hardy? It worked perfectly in Gutsy... I've already tried somethings in the forums...19:30
rconanpwrquest: ah... not what i meant19:30
DaniLg l225ws, milly123419:30
nixnooblch_, yea i figured that was it19:30
InterflopIch: I don't see it under lspci19:30
jharknreactor: I would say no as I would guess they are only for backup purposes in the case of no internet connection, but as I say, I'm no expert19:30
rconanpwrquest: i want to install ubuntu onto the fakeraid19:30
mut80rKiwijoker: Broadcom 43 Wireless19:30
shane2peruAperculum, no problem19:30
reactori understand19:30
MarfiOdd-rationale, you'll have to enable the extra repositories, and you should be able to pick it up from there. i had to do that with my nvidia card19:30
milly1234if you are using an nvidia running nvidia-settings as sudo does a good job19:30
KiwiJokermut80r damn sorry bud, i've never had that before :S19:30
jharknwow, I used "I" alot :p19:30
rconananyone else had any luck installing hardy onto a fakeraid?19:30
mut80rKiwiJoker: tis k. I'll google19:30
peepsalotpleas help: apt-get gives this error:  Unable to lock list directory19:30
Daninot for me, milly123419:30
didywhats the codec to play mp3 plz19:30
reactorbut it did not effect my hard disk space much as well. So one might choose to keep it for the time being19:30
lch_nixnoob: i had to start the update twice too, but now it is downloading19:30
Odd-rationaleMarfi: I need wired connection then?19:31
jharknrconan: I bought a new hd for ubuntu instead19:31
bottigeris the servers alive again?19:31
Marfi***** for nvidia users, enable the extra repositories, and install nvidia-glx or nvidia-glx-new depending on your card *****19:31
lch_peepsalot: you run it as root or with "sudo"?19:31
MarfiOdd-rationale, yes19:31
reactorAny linux gurus from Delhi, India?19:31
jharknrconan: but I think it's technically possible19:31
Daniactually, nvidia-settings doesn't get higher than 800x600 milly123419:31
peepsaloti am using sudo19:31
nixnooblch_, i dunno it has the same behavior every time, i press "upgrade" and it greys out and does nothing till i kill it19:31
milly1234Dani, if you click advanced you can manually type in the resolution too, if you have not tried it already19:31
Ranbeedidy: lookup mp3 at the ubuntu wiki19:31
=== exxxxxxxxx is now known as laiya
rconanjharkn: well... i have used all 7 sata ports so that isn't an option19:31
InterflopIch: my card didn't show up in lspci19:31
Odd-rationaleMarfi: do you happen to know if i can just get it from packages.ubuntu.com and put it on my thumb drive?19:31
netcrusher88is vmware-server going to be in hardy partner?19:31
lch_peepsalot: running an other package manager at the same time?19:31
nixnooblch_, do you kno how to do it from terminal?19:31
Danii have, milly123419:31
jharknreactor: is you HD filling itself up?19:31
rconanjharkn: it was doable with gutsy i believe so i just want to know if there are any quirks specific to hardy19:32
milly1234sorry then, I don't have an answer I know of19:32
lch_nixnoob: apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade i think19:32
MarfiOdd-rationale, don't know if other files come in with it. but if you had all of the dependancies: yes19:32
Daniok, thanks anyway19:32
jharknreactor: if so, no amount of deleting will solve the underlying problem19:32
Odd-rationaleMarfi: cool which package do I need?19:32
peepsalotlch_, not that I can see19:32
josinalvomaco: that is very cool, thanks. Can I add an "generic" CD to sources.list ? (even if I  need to do it by hand, it is not a problem)19:32
josinalvowould it make any difference (I did not download either yet ... I just want to save ubuntu.com the bandwith and use the torrent)19:32
ddollaranyone know what is up w/ archive.ubuntu.com19:32
MarfiOdd-rationale, don't know, never used broadcom drivers. =)19:32
jharknrconan: ah, I see19:32
Odd-rationaleMarfi: ok. thanks anyways...19:32
dystopianrayddollar: it is being hammered, it is release day19:33
suxxorE: mysql-server-5.0: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 119:33
suxxorE: mysql-server: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured19:33
lch_peepsalot: did a package manager crash? if so, you may need to delete that lock file manually19:33
suxxorwhat`s the problem19:33
macojosinalvo: apt-cdrom19:33
J_Humphreyddollar: I would assume that thousands of people are all trying to do exactly what you're trying to do19:33
nixnooblch_, nah apt-get dist-upgrade does nothing.19:33
ddollarheh i didnt even realize it was release day19:33
B3zsoI have an quastion please can some one help whit the monitor problem i have iam on ubuntu8.04 and on the monitor the screen are jumping  in the right size and dont know whats wrong..... please help me..19:33
macoddollar: perhaps a million or so19:33
ddollari was just trying to update a piece of software19:33
Ranbeethe mirrors are really fast, i just downloaded 8.04 in about 10 minutes :|19:33
ckprosup guys19:33
ckprocan somebody help me19:33
cain297hey guys - is there any vmware image for 8.04 available??19:33
FloodBot2ckpro: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:33
ckproTried to install the ATI Linux Driver (for Radeon 9250) , tried all tuts on how to do it, and everyone of them, saying "X Server: unable to detect"..anyone know how to fix this ?19:33
drivetraxrelease day OR not.... the system is failing19:33
suxxorE: mysql-server-5.0: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 119:33
suxxorE: mysql-server: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured19:33
suxxor what to do19:33
riddleboxwhen will ubuntu go to the 2.6.25 kernel?19:33
InterflopMy TV tuner isn't showing up in lspci.  What's going on?19:33
peeps[work]lch_, hmm, i found this with ps:   root      8216  0.0  0.0  16968  2048 ?        SN   10:12   0:00 apt-get -qq update -o APT::Update::Auth-Failure::=cp /usr/share/apt/apt-auth-failure.note /var/lib/update-notifier/user.d/19:34
jharknrconan: if you did it before then I guess its still doable but I don't really know that much detail sorry19:34
lch_nixnoob: when you follow the hardy links on ubuntu.com there is a page about alternate ways to upgrade. but i prefer the update manager19:34
alexzguys, seems like my X is hanging... something in my gnome... not sure.... any ideas on how to diagnose??19:34
dystopianrayriddlebox: it will use that or a later kernel in the next release, so 8.1019:34
rwycuff!ati | ckpro19:34
ubotuckpro: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto19:34
Mighty^^All .torrent can be found here: http://www.acc.umu.se/~mighty/ubuntu/19:34
macoriddlebox: 8.10 will bypass it, most likely19:34
Comfortmeter Has anyone ever had the partition editor in Ubuntu 7.10 crash. When changeing "boot" mounting??19:34
nixnooblch_, thanks19:34
riddleboxInterflop: I am having some issues with tv tuner cards, and compiling the v4l drivers with this kernel on hardy19:34
B3zsoI have an quastion please can some one help whit the monitor problem i have iam on ubuntu8.04 and on the monitor the screen are jumping  in the right size and dont know whats wrong..... please help me..19:34
eitreacham I the only one just slightly dissappointed with HH so far?19:34
tawtcan someone help me?  how do i add a folder link to the Places dropdown menu?19:34
diegoHi guys, i'm is new in Linux and Ubuntu to. My English is no good... But i'm need help...19:35
peeps[work]lch_, i'm not sure what that process is doing, should I kill it?19:35
dystopianrayeitreach: why are you disappointed?19:35
reactormy hard disk is filling itself up by itself19:35
jharknyeah, eit19:35
lch_peeps[work]: that is the aplication that periodically checks for upgrades maybe it is working right now and doing it slowly because of the server overload. you may terminate it, yes19:35
Interflopriddlebox: did you get any results yet?19:35
tim__btawt, boomark them in nautilus19:35
J_Humphreydiego, just ask your question19:35
CygokuCan I transfor a ntfs drive to ext3 without formating the driver ?!?!?!?!??!19:35
eitreachdystopianray, to me it feels like a journey back to the uncomfortable Linux-90's.19:35
laiyawhat is hardy heron ? is it better than gutsy gibbon ?? coz thats what i have ..19:35
dystopianrayeitreach: in what way?19:35
Interflophardy heron is just the newest release19:35
peeps[work]lch_, cool it is working again19:35
dystopianraywoah, firefox 3.0 has full page zoom19:36
macodiego: #ubuntu-es?19:36
diegoI'm programer in PHP and instal PHPEclipse in my computer, but don't work perfect..19:36
good_danawhats the command to upgrade 7.10 to 8.04?19:36
spartanii118laiya:  it is the newest version of ubuntu19:36
lch_laiya: hope so, hardy is the next best ubuntu release :-)19:36
kyxaphi! http://paste.org.ru/?30yfqq its lates of x64 or no? Plz! Ansver me!19:36
eitreachdystopianray, I can only use one sound source at a time - and when I want to change that, I have to close the current sound source and restart the one I want to use next before being able to.19:36
tawttim_b, how?19:36
riddleboxInterflop: well my pvr-500 is working fine, but I have a Pinnacle PCTV pci card that isnt working, it will in kernel 2.6.25 but I used to be able to just download the latest v4l drvers and install them and this kernel has issues with it, I reported it as a bug and hopefully it will be fixed soon19:36
Comfortmeter Has anyone ever had the partition editor in Ubuntu 7.10 LIVE  crash. When changeing "boot" mounting??19:36
Pabo_PappIs anyone having trouble downloading some repo indexes for gutsy?19:36
dystopianrayeitreach: on yeah pulseaudio has really screwed things up19:36
Odd-rationalestrange. i have wlan0 in iwconfig but not in ifconfig19:36
kyxaphi! http://paste.org.ru/?30yfqq its lates of x64 or no? Plz! Ansver me!19:36
macodystopianray: pulseaudio is for fixing that19:36
jharknreactor: well obviously you'll have to find the source; if you could find the large file(s) doing it then maybe you could tell what app is doing it?19:36
CygokuCan I transfor a ntfs drive to ext3 without formating the driver ?!?!?!?!??!19:36
Beererdecan only the alternate install cd to an upgrade?19:37
B3zsoI have an quastion please can some one help whit the monitor problem i have iam on ubuntu8.04 and on the monitor the screen are jumping  in the right size and dont know whats wrong..... please help me..19:37
macoeitreach: is pulse running?19:37
Nicekiwi9i cant watch DVDs? the codecs screwed lots of green bars etc...19:37
Odd-rationaleCygoku: no you can not19:37
eitreachdystopianray, and apparently the nvidia-drivers haven't been fixed yet either.. I still get yellow or pink shadows in Compiz.19:37
milly1234I am taking a pinnicle pctv hd pci card back to the store... in like 30 minutes19:37
jharknreactor: you could then sort that app out somehow19:37
diegoMy workspace is /home/diego/workspace don't work .... but i'm login with user root is work in /var/ww19:37
zachbaskand: did you try madwifi?19:37
nhuyanhukhey guys19:37
tscolinsomeone mentioned an ubuntu torrent19:37
laiyaspartanii118: so if i download it .. is it hard to install19:37
dystopianrayeitreach: that is a problem with nvidia, ubuntu devs can't do anything about it19:37
macoNicekiwi9: try with mplayer.  there's some DRM that normal methods cant overcome, but mplayer can19:37
tscolincan someone link that ubuntu torrnt?19:37
riddleboxmilly1234: they work and work good19:37
zachbtscolin: topic!19:37
milly1234just got it yesterday... it borked my webcam... and didn't work all that great19:37
tscolinoh duh419:37
macotscolin: http://www.acc.umu.se/~mighty/ubuntu/19:37
ConstyXIVis it normal for wubi to take forever to "format swap space"?19:37
tim__btscolin, http://tinyurl.com/6avfwz19:37
jharknreactor: or terminate it as a temporary fix19:37
dystopianraydiego: you should not be running eclipse as root19:37
BeererdeConstyXIV: disable swap19:37
eitreachdystopianray, still.. no-one had to fit them in this early with no fix in sight.19:37
bort_ive installed gISOmount, but i cant find where it is. how can i know that?19:37
nhuyanhukI HAVE THIS PROBLEM GConf backend: There is an unsupported value at path /apps/compiz/plugins/scale/allscreens/options/initiate_edge. Settings from this path won't be read. Try to remove that value so that operation can continue properly.19:38
nhuyanhukHow to fix it ?19:38
kyxaphi! http://paste.org.ru/?30yfqq its lates of x64 or no? Plz! Ansver me!19:38
ConstyXIVBeererde: i'm installing it ATM19:38
askandzachb: I was under the impression that I dont need to do that? That it is included with ubuntu with the help of driversmanager19:38
milly1234infact even after I removed the card my webcams video doesn't work19:38
Seveaskyxap, stop repeating.19:38
evandConstyXIV: not generally, but if it should crash or never finish, please file a bug at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug19:38
kristian42[ 2947.756400] gnome-keyring-d[7921]: segfault at 24 rip 42c63c rsp 7fff9b938f30 error 619:38
BeererdeConstyXIV: there should be an option to install without swap19:38
laiyaim new to ubuntu .. i recently switched from windows19:38
CygokuI have 2 hard drive, the secondary one is ntfs and hardy heron only sees it trough Gparted, why ?!?!??!?!19:38
kristian42Anyone seen this ?19:38
ConstyXIVno option19:38
riddleboxmilly1234: what problems do you have with the card?19:38
legend2440anyone having problem starting system>administration>Login Window in hardy. it starts to open the disappears. in hardy?19:38
tawtwelcome laiya19:38
bort_or how can i run gISOmount in a terminal?19:38
nhuyanhukany 1 have a solution for this : GConf backend: There is an unsupported value at path /apps/compiz/plugins/scale/allscreens/options/initiate_edge. Settings from this path won't be read. Try to remove that value so that operation can continue properly.19:38
kyxapSeveas, no ansver --> repeating19:38
alexzguys, my X with gnome is freezing after some time after login, I need help diagnosing.. any ideas??19:38
alexz I have Ubuntu 7.1019:38
alexz It was working ok until today19:38
diegoyes i'm understend.. but URL : http://localhost/Locadora/Login.php  Not Found19:38
dystopianrayeitreach: yeah it seems hardy has gone a bit crazy with unstable software versions, but it's only compiz it's not a big deal19:38
Beererdebort_: alt+f219:38
lch_the bandwith monitor looks like a earthquake monitor, instead of a constant high donwload rate it has big rate changes, heh.19:38
jharknCygoku: can you mount it manually?19:39
bort_Beererde: problem is, it says i need to be root19:39
legend2440anyone having problem starting system>administration>Login Window in hardy. it starts to open then disappears.19:39
milly1234it took my /dev/video0 and that was what my webcam was on, and my webcam never showed up on any other video device19:39
Beererdecan only the alternate install cd to an upgrade?19:39
ConstyXIVand when I tried wubi with RC, this machine would randomly go into a hard lock.19:39
milly1234this was on 7.1019:39
nhuyanhukcan some1 help me with Compix please19:39
bulliumBeererde: any idea where those settings are located?19:39
nhuyanhukGConf backend: There is an unsupported value at path /apps/compiz/plugins/scale/allscreens/options/initiate_edge. Settings from this path won't be read. Try to remove that value so that operation can continue properly.19:39
Beererdebullium: which settings?19:39
zachbaskand:yeah... by any chance, did you do Wubi?19:39
Beererdebort_: sudo19:39
diabolixI just installed 8.04, and it can't find the nvidia module. nothing sane seems to come up with 'locate nvidia' either. any ideas?19:39
eitreachdystopianray, it might just be a lot of small things, but they just add up to me.. I don't like the LTS-stamp on this at all. Honestly, I'm hoping it will be withdrawn and given a new release date. So many things will give the distro a bad name with the current release.19:39
Beererdebort_: sudo program19:39
B3zsoI have an quastion please can some one help whit the monitor problem i have iam on ubuntu8.04 and on the monitor the screen are jumping  in the right size and dont know whats wrong..... please help me..19:39
J_Humphreydiabolix: google?19:40
macodiabolix: install it19:40
Cygokujharkin ... what would be the command line to do that ??19:40
laiyais it difficult to install hardy heron on gutsy ??? im new to linux and since you say hardy is the latest how do i install it on gutsy ?19:40
bort_Beererde: on a terminal? already tried, says command not found19:40
nhuyanhukhow to expand desktop to another screen guys ?19:40
shane2peruanyone know where I can find a 386 desktop jigdo?19:40
=== jordan is now known as daemon3
Seveas!upgrade | laiya19:40
macolaiya: update manager19:40
ubotulaiya: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes19:40
B3zsoI have an quastion please can some one help whit the monitor problem i have iam on ubuntu8.04 and on the monitor the screen are jumping  in the right size and dont know whats wrong..... please help me..19:40
bulliumBeererde: shading with the mouse19:40
iDNhey everyone!19:40
HorizonXPalmost 1700 people in here!19:40
dystopianrayeitreach: i've had the opposite experience, although i use kubuntu, 7.10 was rather crap and buggy but 8.04 has improved vastly19:40
SeveasHorizonXP, we topped at 1708 ;)19:40
diabolixmacd, how?19:40
Beererdebullium: just try the several plugins19:40
HorizonXPSeveas: hahahah, nice19:40
shane2peru HorizonXP did you count them??19:40
rwycuffB3zso , video card?19:40
Beererdebullium: maybe just the key changed19:40
gubI expect we'll hit 2000 later tonight19:40
zachb! xinerama | nhuyanhuck19:40
ubotunhuyanhuck: xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead19:40
diabolixmaco, how?19:41
eitreachdystopianray, I hope my experience isn't the general one, that's for sure.19:41
laiyaok so update manager can download and install it right19:41
Seveasgub, I bet 1800 :)19:41
Beererdebullium: should be called "shade" or somehting19:41
daemon3Hm.  I had to cancel my Ubuntu package download, and now the update manager doesn't say I need to upgrade to Hardy Heron.19:41
milly1234I was thinking of going with the pctvhd 5500 which was specifically designed for linux instead of the pinnicle card19:41
ConstyXIVSeveas: is that by chance a all-time #ubuntu record?19:41
HorizonXPshane2peru: I'm using Pidgin, which shows how many people in the room automatically19:41
TheSandmani  have a problem with my Atheros AR5006 wifi card19:41
KiwiJokerI tihnk in another two releases, ubuntu will be truly a force to rekon with on the plains of the desktop wars19:41
SeveasConstyXIV, it is19:41
diabolixi thought nvidia drivers are installed by default?19:41
iDNhow can i import my ff3b5f for windows bookmarks into ff3b5 for ubuntu?19:41
B3zsonvidia 420MX  nosrednaekim19:41
diegoApache/2.2.4 (Ubuntu) PHP/5.2.3-1ubuntu6 Server at localhost Port 8019:41
diegoi'm need config. my Eclipse running in user not root but my workspace in /var/www19:41
diegothis /var/www/ don't work in simple user....19:41
FloodBot2diego: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:41
Seveasreleases tend to have that effect19:41
shane2peruHorizonXP, ohh, I was thinking, you were really bored, lol19:41
BeererdeKiwiJoker: it is already19:41
ConstyXIVTheSandman: not showing up?19:41
TheSandmani just upgraded to hardy, and used to have madwifi19:41
bort_Beererde: sudo gISOmount in a terminal? already tried, says command not found19:41
MyxbTheSandman: mine works ok19:41
KiwiJokerBeerede not really19:41
B3zsonvidia 420MX  RWYCUFF19:41
jharknCygoku: "mount" try "man mount" for the manual19:41
HorizonXPI uploaded 10GB on torrents for you guys on my campus network. The admins are gonna have a fit!19:41
daemon3I keep hitting "Check"19:41
Beererdebort_: because the program is not called so19:41
spartanii118laiya, within a few days, it will prompt you to install updates(the little orange box )and therte will be an option to upgrade19:41
kyxaphi! http://paste.org.ru/?30yfqq its lates of x64 or no? Plz! Ansver me!19:42
SeveasHorizonXP, :)19:42
Beererdebort_: sudo g[tab]19:42
shane2peruanyone know when or where I will be able to find the 386 desktop jigdo file?19:42
stder1daemon3: It disappeared from my upgrade manager too after I did another apt-get update a couple hours ago19:42
HorizonXPshane2peru: I hope I'm NEVER that bored19:42
TheSandmanConstyXIV: yes19:42
rwycuff!nvidia | B3zso19:42
ubotuB3zso: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto19:42
ConstyXIVTheSandman: did you have to compile it in in gutsy?19:42
shane2peruHorizonXP, right, lol :)19:42
bort_Beererde: how can i know how the program is called then?19:42
rwycuff!Xorg | B3zso19:42
TheSandmanConstyXIV: yes, the madwifi drivers19:42
ubotuB3zso: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto19:42
bort_Beererde: i thought i was calle gISOmount19:42
Beererdebort_: giso[tab]19:42
Beererdebort_: or gI[tab]19:42
Nicekiwi9mplayer crashes19:42
ConstyXIVTheSandman: you'll have to compile them in again, because of the new kernel19:42
Beererdebort_: try around19:42
eitreachbort_ gisomount, all small letters.19:42
Nicekiwi9even vlc dosent work19:42
bort_eitreach: gonna try19:42
iDNhow can i import my ff3b5f for windows bookmarks into ff3b5 for ubuntu?19:43
TheSandmanConstyXIV: the stupid part is that in the drivers section there appears to be atheros wifi support19:43
TheSandmanConstyXIV: only it's not showing19:43
bort_eitreach: sweet, thx19:43
suxxorhow can find the directory in which is installed the defalt mysql server ?19:43
bort_Beererde: thx19:43
maco_diabolix: restricted manager19:43
iDNhow can i import my ff3b5f for windows vista bookmarks into ff3b5 for ubuntu?19:43
TheSandmanConstyXIV: on network manager19:43
J_HumphreyiDN: you have to find where they are stored at19:43
Beererdebort_: you should get familiar with the tab key19:43
ConstyXIViDN: you might be able to pull your entire profile over19:43
eitreachbort_ np. :)19:43
=== maco_ is now known as maco
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience19:43
bort_heh, i will19:43
HorizonXPSeveas: you know what though, 1700 people are just the ones savvy enough to know/use IRC.... imagine how many are downloading right now and posting on the forum?19:43
docgnomecan I do a cli install of ubuntu from the alternate cd the way I could from a mini cd?19:43
suxxorhow can find the directory in which is installed the default mysql server ? somebody to help me19:43
Picidocgnome: yep19:43
docgnomecool. thanks.19:43
stojiciDN: Bookmarks -> organize boorkmaks -> File -> Export, then import in linux19:43
macoHorizonXP: oh dang.19:43
iDNJ_Humphrey: already did, copied both .html files into my ubuntu installation.19:44
JEEBthe site seems really loaded atm 8)19:44
SeveasHorizonXP, the torrent stats went over 10000 -- and those are only the people savvy enough to use torrents19:44
iDNstojic: i'll try. thank you.19:44
rwycuffsuxxor:try whereis mysql19:44
sammyoh it's upgrade day. not a good day to come in with wierd EDID anomolies.19:44
=== erle64- is now known as erle-
pensuxxor: I think you can set it yourself19:44
reactorcan anybody suggest a fast server to download Ubuntu 819:44
HorizonXPSeveas: yeah, that's ridiculous19:44
ddollaris there any way to point the do-release-upgrade command at a mirror?19:44
alex314I LOVE HARDY!!19:44
tunisianohi :D19:44
JEEBreactor, torrent network?19:44
reactorcan anybody suggest a fast server to download Ubuntu 819:44
ConstyXIVreactor: a torrent19:44
HorizonXPcould it be..... Hardy Heron launch >>>> Vista launch?19:44
Nicekiwi9I HATE HARDY!!19:44
alex314Everything works for me!19:44
katakaioB3zso: could you repeat the question, going step-by-step through your problem?19:44
JEEBHorizonXP, that's possible ^^19:44
alex314Nicekiwi9, why?19:44
ConstyXIVreactor: or metalink19:44
SlartUbuntu supports ipv6, right? Could I run my own ipv6 network at home and let the gateway "translate"/NAT/"do the voodoo that only it does" ? Do network switches even care if I run ipv4 or ipv6 through them?19:45
Nicekiwi9many problems :(19:45
=== KillGhostNK is now known as Fdisk_
katakaioSorry, nevermind19:45
HorizonXPJEEB: it'd be really interesting the stats19:45
iDNi have to disconnect, i'm on ubuntu. cu19:45
alex314Nicekiwi, like what?19:45
daemon3I want Hardy. :(19:45
ubotuTo disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv419:45
SeveasHorizonXP, I've heard from reliable sources that ubuntu release in the passed caused nationwide interbet-cloggings in smaller, less well connected countries19:45
penNicekiwi9: you can always solved it19:45
alex314for me Hardy works perfect19:45
nassAnyone here could help me set up 2 screen display on my laptop on ubuntu Hardy ?19:45
rick111what do you ubuntu users user for SVN software?19:45
alex314that's right19:45
Nicekiwi93 hours later... not yet :(19:45
spartanii118reactor: use the torrents, mirrored on theark.endoftheinternet.org19:45
ConstyXIVrick111: svn19:45
JEEBdang, I can't read the text well as it's going off so fast -.-19:45
maco_Seveas: where are stats?19:45
HorizonXPSeveas: that would not surprise me! lol19:45
alex3142 displays is a pain in the ass19:45
sammySeveas: I just had to wait a good minute or so to download a single package from us.archive.ubuntu.com19:45
SeveasHorizonXP, but we won't be satisfied until the blip show up in major transit carriers :)19:46
alex314a friend of mine is struggling with the 2 display problem atm19:46
rick111ConstyXIV: i search svn on software tools, it said there were none19:46
jadamshow would I set my desktop background (multiple monitors) to a fullsize view of a web page?19:46
lch_Seveas: so hows the term translated, "slahsdotted" -> "ubuntoted"? ;-)19:46
Nicekiwi9resalution errors, and ubuntu has hidden the graphics card config module very helpfully19:46
diegoSorry, but have one persona user PHPeclipse in Ubuntu?19:46
Seveassammy, archive mirrors will be slow as hell for a while, but that's not general internet cloggings :)19:46
nassalex314: My "only" pb is that the automatic conf tool does not propose the screen resolution...19:46
riddleboxalex314, I have three monitors hooked up right now19:46
wyndI've got a question -- I installed the new Ubuntu this morning and after a while I get errors like "ata1.00: status: { DRDY ERR }" and my CPU load goes up to like 10, can anyone give me some tips?19:46
ConstyXIVrick111: Add/Remove or synaptic?19:46
HorizonXPalex314: I'm running two 22" displays at 1680x1050 on Hardy right now19:46
dystopianraysammy: try the german mirrors, they worked for me19:46
Seveaslch_, a nationwide slashdotting, sounds good :)19:46
Seveasbetter than a nationwide rickroll19:46
PusselgeneratorI've seeded 231 GB on the torrents now... Ouch19:47
nonkshey everyone19:47
J_Humphreyits a linux roll Seveas19:47
sammySeveas: it's true. dystopianray: not a bad idea. I'm in seattle, there should be some decent canadian mirrors19:47
HorizonXPalex314: but it's an Nvidia card, which has its own config tool, so YMMV19:47
ConstyXIVi think slashdotting is one hell of a understatement19:47
B3zsokatakaio ... my problem is thet the screen are jumping if its come to some black backgrouund and i think i need to fix the X but i dont realy know why coz other linux OS are not doing it just only this ubuntu....19:47
nonksi need help with the new ubuntu 8.0419:47
dystopianraysammy: just try differnet countries till you find one that works19:47
Mimi!ask | monks19:47
ubotumonks: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)19:47
riddleboxHorizonXP: thats what I have for my 3 monitor setup, two nvidia cards19:47
timUR123Can't wait till 8.10 comes out !!!19:47
blue-frog__suxxor: dpkg -L mysql-server-5.019:47
maco_B3zso: its the newest version of X...some big changes took place.   if you run "xrandr --auto" what happens?19:47
OllieAHi, when I use the command " sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg" in Terminal it displays this error: "xserver-xorg postinst warning: overwriting possibly-customised configuration file; backup in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.20080424194550" How can I fix?19:47
KiwiJokertimUR123 forget 8.10! what about 10.10!!19:48
PiciOllieA: Thats not an error.19:48
maco_OllieA: that command is for old versions of X19:48
maco_OllieA: use xfix instea19:48
MimiOllieA: thats not a error and its perfectly fine :D19:48
mrpoundsign14.28 for me!19:48
stefgtimUR123: you'll be disappointed... 8.10 will be a playing ground for new concepts and will give lots of grief19:48
nonkshow to get 1280x1024 screen resoltion in buntu 8.04?19:48
ConstyXIVrick111: try "sudo apt-get install subversion" in a terminal19:48
Picimaco_: xfix?19:48
B3zsomaco nothing it will be same.. something jumping dont know why.. i have 8.04 TLS but same 7.10 there it was the same problem..19:48
timUR123KiwiJoker, I feel that 10.10 will defintely rock !19:48
blue|palmis anyone on hardy experiencing problems with the ati driver? xv didnt work in the beginning (I had to mess around in xorg.conf) and then after that now i get a flickering (black-video-black-video etc.) playback while in compiz. This flickering happens to other apps where opengl is used too (like glxgears and blender) - but all only in compiz. anyone else get this?19:49
DrXplease can someone assist with GUI failure "Data incomplete in file /etc/X11/xorg.com"?19:49
maco_Pici: i think...thats what one of the other forum mods said...19:49
OllieAMimi: In the guide I am reading it says there should be some options come up, what!?19:49
zachbaskand: did you try the eee fix?19:49
J_Humphreynonks: we need more info, like what kind of video card19:49
HorizonXPriddlebox: this is a laptop though, so not quite possible. the fact that it has a DVI port AND VGA port is nothing short of miraculous19:49
flexxallif i am running 8.04 already is there any reason to get the new release ?19:49
RoAkSoAxflexxall, no just update19:49
HorizonXPriddlebox: though I would LOVE it if I could use the built-in screen too, thus making it 319:49
nonksi have an integrated video card19:49
rick111looks like that's working ConstyXIV - thanks19:49
ConstyXIVflexxall: just check for updates, and you'll be good19:49
flexxallgreatht hanx19:49
maco_OllieA: its an outdated guide19:49
lch_flexxall: rust run the update manager and you will be fine19:49
Pusselgeneratorblue|palm: Yeah... have the same problem at my other computer... I have no idea about a solution to it :/19:49
flexxallgreat thanx even19:49
MimiOllieA: if you got that far, where it says "im going to overwritte this filie ok?", then you've completed the setup19:49
maco_OllieA: that command does not give options anymore and hasnt since feisty19:50
blue|palmPusselgenerator, great :-/19:50
ArelisHello everybody. How do i get my Wacom Bamboo Fun (which is a tablet, used for drawing pictures on a computer) to work with Ubuntu Hardy? It should work out of the box, right?19:50
blue|palmPusselgenerator, silly drivers :-(19:50
Pady92My ubuntu hardy boot only works with nosplash. How to modify bootscreen19:50
HorizonXPhey, where's the setting to turn off audible beeps?19:50
SeveasArelis, it should, or at least mostly should19:50
maco_Mimi: in gutsy and hardy, that command *only* backs up xorg.conf. it does nto reconfigure it at all19:50
MimiAnyone know how to turn off join/part messages in Pidgin?19:50
JEEBI can't wait to try 8.04 on my laptop 8) To see if the wireless has gone faster and if the audio/video works properly19:50
xsubzeroxIs there a reason why the package server is slow.19:50
laiyaso what is beryl ... how is it different from gutsy gibbon and hardy heron ???19:50
ConstyXIVxsubzerox: its release day19:50
OllieAMimi, maco_, This guide "https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto" and the section labled "Adjust Only Resolution Settings on Dell Laptop"19:51
dystopianrayxsubzerox: thousands of people are trying to use it19:51
woodwizzletwanj_: Maybe you know how to do this. I have the downthemall extension for firefox. When I click on a metalink firefox just opens it as a txt file. and if I manually add it to downthemall, it downloads the metalink, it doesn't USE the metalink19:51
Pusselgeneratorblue|palm: yeah.. I'll let you know if I find anything that works though.19:51
dmbwhen do the docs on help.ubuntu.com for 8.10 come out?19:51
Seveasxsubzerox, dunno, maybe a new release went out today and everybody is downloading19:51
Seveasbut that's just a wild guess19:51
KiwiJokerJEEP lol@"see if the wireless has gone faster"19:51
HorizonXPnvm, found it19:51
ConstyXIVxsubzerox: go to software sources and try a close/far mirror19:51
J_Humphreymimi, go to the main pidgin window, and go to tools>preferences then go to the sound tab19:51
Picimaco_: Ah, it seems to be an option in recovery mode, not an actual command19:51
blue|palmPusselgenerator, thanks19:51
mrpoundsignxsubzerox: everyone and their mother is updating? :) It might be worth trying to bittorrent the CD/DVD and upgrade form there.19:51
JEEBKiwiJoker, I did some comparison with XP & ubuntu 7.1019:51
blue|palmPusselgenerator, if you are here often, ill let you know if i find something too. going to go check out phoronix for a fix now19:51
JEEBThe speed difference was not so good :/19:51
strtokanyone know the easiest way to create a permanant mount of a cifs share in hardy? smbfs?19:52
ArelisSeveas: It doesn't. It doesn't do a thing when i wave my pen over it or click with it. How do i enable it? (I installed the wacom-tools package, but haven't rebooted yet - did a modprobe wacom though, but still no /dev/input/wacom)19:52
Pusselgeneratorblue|palm: I'll be connected here all the time I'm at my computer, so... I'll write down your nick so that I'll remember19:52
KiwiJokerJEEP It probably wont be either my friend ;-)19:52
D!info wine hardy19:52
NeT_DeMoNi have a question, i have an Atheros wireless network driver and i didnt have it on during the installation of hardy, should i have had it on and is there a way to install it without a fresh install?19:52
RoyKHow does Ubuntu server compare with Debian?19:52
twistageI had 12 gb of data under filesystem in Gutsy and now when I look under Hardy it says I have 4 gb with some contents unreadable, wtf? Did the upgrade destroy some of my data? I also thought my sound was broken and I come to find out my MP3s were corrupt in some parts19:52
wx9jI have linux on a second hard drive, can I get grub to work for both the windows drive, and the linux drive ?19:52
blue|palmPusselgenerator, thanks a lot19:52
ubotuwine (source: wine): Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.59-0ubuntu4 (hardy), package size 11455 kB, installed size 53620 kB19:52
JEEBProbably because of the drivers for this (probably Realtek) stuff I have, but still - it pretty much made me use XP with the wireless19:52
OllieAMimi, This guide "https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto" and the section labled "Adjust Only Resolution Settings on Dell Laptop"19:52
maco__Pici: oh ok19:52
dystopianrayargh ubuntu has detected my onboard sound card even though it is disabled in the bios19:52
=== maco__ is now known as maco
Pusselgeneratorblue|palm: :) No worries, I want the solution too :D19:53
mawhow can I verify fglrx driver is fully removed from my system?19:53
KiwiJokerJEEP thats like saying a car can only go 100kmph, but will go faster depending on the driver19:53
J_Humphreymaw: go to snypatic and search for glrx19:53
bts3685SO! who's running ibex?19:53
JEEBKiwiJoker, I got really bad latency19:53
JEEBOn Ubuntu19:53
macoOllieA: its outdated.19:53
KiwiJokerJEEP thats wireless for you19:53
laiyahey im new to ubuntu can someone please help me understand a few things please19:53
excitatorydoes anyone know if that keyboard bug (in a ATI, fglrx / XGL setup) has been fixed in the new release?19:53
mawJ_Humphrey: is there a lower level way of doing it? On shell? modprobe maybe?19:54
J_Humphreylaiya, like what?19:54
OllieAmaco: How can I achieve those results then?19:54
excitatorylaiya: sure, just ask your questions and peoples will answer19:54
mrpoundsignlaiya: shoot! :)19:54
J_Humphreymaw: i don't know19:54
GioacchinoI installed hardy19:54
JEEBKiwiJoker, but since I don't get as much on XP I guess it was a driver issue. I'm not a complete idiot you know19:54
Gioacchinobut now I have a problem that I don't have with gutsy..19:54
Gioacchinoat boot19:54
JEEBOr then my TCP/IP settings were wrong19:54
JEEBWho knows19:54
ArelisSeveas: If you read my previous message, do you know how to get it to work?19:54
KiwiJokerJEEP hehe ok19:54
JEEB(I used them clear after install)19:54
Gioacchinoit make some error with hd19:54
Gioacchinoand it try for 15 minutes before start..19:54
twistageHow do you run disk check from terminal?19:54
GioacchinoI have a jmicron sata controller..19:55
Gioacchinohow to fix?19:55
KiwiJokerJEEP this is going on bash.org btw lol19:55
XceIItwistage:  sudo touch /forcefsck19:55
Pici!fsck | twistage19:55
ubotutwistage: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot19:55
wyndGioacchino: what error?19:55
JEEBKiwiJoker, please 8)19:55
livingdaylightso, what's new in hardy besides the new background?19:55
laiyaJ_Humphrey: firstly i need to know is it entirely necessary to upgrade to hardy heron .. im new and recently switched from XP .. is hardy better than gutsy ??19:55
GioacchinoSTRS failed19:55
macoOllieA: you jsut want to change your resolution?19:55
Gioacchinoand some other19:55
wyndGioacchino: DRDY ERR?19:55
twistageThanks guys19:55
Ax3anybody else having problems installing software via apt or synaptic?19:56
GioacchinoI can see it only in installation19:56
macoOllieA: xrandr -s 1024x768 <-- insert whatever resolution you actually want19:56
reactorgioacchino, perhaps "fsck" might help you19:56
tumbleweed05this is awesome! congrats ubuntu!19:56
gregbradyWow, the upgrade went well!  Wireless works!  My only issue is that my compiz-fusion effects are very, very slow now, on an ATI Xpress 200 card.  Anyone else with that problem that has found a solution?19:56
Gioacchinobecause now I see kubuntu splash note list of error..19:56
ais523my upgrade just failed, I think19:56
wyndGioacchino: i'm getting similar errors, no one seems to know why19:56
JEEBgregbrady, nice of saying that Xpress 200 works 8)19:56
Gioacchinowith gutsy it boot in 30sec...19:56
ais523I got lots of error messages about the interaction between libstdc++ and gcc19:56
macogregbrady: is "dont use ati" a solution?19:56
gogetayay 8.04 is out19:56
JEEBNow I know I can use my X1100 as well, probably19:56
gregbradyjeeb, sure does!19:56
Gioacchinowith hardy 15min 30 sec...19:56
ibleedlaiya, its not necessary.  you might as well do it though its not difficult.  hardy gets 3 years support on desktop and 5 for servers19:56
ais523and now the installer has just hanged19:56
gregbradymaco, um, no19:56
ais523there's no text in its window at all19:56
brembyhey, if I downloaded the iso, can I somehow make it upgrade my 7.10?19:56
OllieAmaco: Yeah but the option I want isn't there19:57
J_Humphreylaiya: Hardy just got released today, so it's not critical, but its nice to have the most recent version, but hardy does have long term support19:57
myfhi, i wonder why when i run apt-get dist-upgrade it shows nothing19:57
dny_How do I know what filesystem I am using? :x19:57
Gioacchinowynd: yes also DRDY error19:57
gord_slaterlaiya: wel, if u want to wait, that's fine, maybe a month will be easier, more help for minor problems on the websites etc, if you have a spare (maybe older) computer you could try it now, but remember, we're all learning new trick here too :)19:57
=== dny_ is now known as dny
tumbleweed05bremby: when you burn it to a cd.19:57
macoOllieA: you want a resolution thats not in your mode list?19:57
towlieim on 7.1019:57
tumbleweed05hey towlie.19:57
OllieAmaco: Yup19:57
gregbradymaco, it worked really well in 7.1019:57
towlieand i am looking forwarding to upgrading to 8.0419:57
tumbleweed05i'm on mac os x tiger.19:57
strtoki need a sources.list for a source that isn't pegged19:57
excitatorymaco: heh, sure if you're talking about a desktop.. but on a laptop, that's an obtuse thing to say (even though you're absolutely correct)19:57
tumbleweed05i need a blank cd!19:57
macoOllieA: lemme check the xrandr manpage19:57
brembytumbleweed05: yes, but what then? boot from it?19:57
towlietumbleweed05, i have a dual boot between leopard and ubuntu 7.1019:57
tumbleweed05i have none.19:57
=== imathew is now known as ANTDx1
Ax3anybody else having problems installing software via apt or synaptic?19:57
tumbleweed05bremby: ya.19:57
OllieAmaco: OK19:57
stder1wynd: I don't know too much about it, but it's probably a kernel thing... maybe it's logging more device errors - could be a change in driver or something...19:58
User2005////////////////////////////sound driver ?19:58
PusselgeneratorAx3: What's the problem?19:58
reactorgioacchino: you may try "fsck" command at Konsole19:58
tumbleweed05towlie: i have a powerpc mac. i'm saving up for a macbook. then i'll have hardy.19:58
ANTDx1so uh19:58
gogeta Ax3 thats the joy of relese day apt dies19:58
macoexcitatory: i dont get it.  pay extra for ati and nvidia cards which are pain in the rear or just use onboard intel which work like a charm....how is this a hard decision?19:58
ANTDx1anybody know why my update manager freezes every time I try to upgrade?19:58
reactorwhats hady used for?19:58
myfAx3: i tried dist-upgrade it did not show anything new19:58
towlieok so whats the command to upgrade from 7.10 to 8.0419:58
Danihi again!, i just made a clean amd64 hardy heron install. I have a nvidia card (6 series) and a 22'' widescreen lcd (lg l225ws). Before installing restricted modules the max resolution detected was 800x600, installing the restricted modules got compiz working but max resolution decreased to 640x480. I tried forcing the pannig using nvidia-settings but it didn't work either. Can please give me a hand. It worked flawlessly in gutsy gibbon.19:58
ais523ANTDx1: no, but I'm having the same problem19:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about release-party - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:58
brembytumbleweed05: but I don't want clean install, or how do I make it upgrade my current installation?19:58
wyndstder1: no, it's not just logging, something happens where it takes forever (~5 minutes) to access anything off the drive that isn't already in RAM19:58
Ax3Pusselgenerator: everything fails heh, i guess it's because of the high server load19:58
gogetaANTDx1 yep as i said19:58
J_Humphreyreactor: its used for a lot of things19:58
gregbradyantdx1, give it time.....mine did the same19:58
PusselgeneratorANTDx1: Parhaps the servers are having a difficult time at the moment...19:58
Pici!party | Arelis19:58
ubotuArelis: Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels.  To countdown to Hardy release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyReleaseParties19:58
kbrookstowlie, don't19:58
laiyagord_slater:, J_Humphrey: is it difficult to install it on gutsy gibbon ?19:58
reactorwhats "hardy used for?19:58
Gioacchinofsck 1.40.8 (13-Mar-2008)19:58
Gioacchinofsck.ext3: Impossibile risolvere 'UUID=49a9e748-303f-4742-a07b-ab17208f78ce'19:58
towliekbrooks, why not19:58
PusselgeneratorAx3: yeah, you're right there, I believe19:58
gord_slaterlaiya: also,  this version has LTS- Long Term Support, of 3 years (until 2011) for the Desktop version, so it will be better in the long term. I run many systems with ubuntu and other types of linux, I'm waiting a month or so before i upgrade/install on critical/production "important" machines, if that's a help,19:58
ArelisPici: thanks19:58
tumbleweed05bremby: um i think it'll give you the option of upgrading.19:58
ais523Pusselgenerator: it's nothing to do with the servers in my case19:59
ANTDx1Difficult time?  Only millions of updates going on at once =P19:59
Arelis!party | Everybody19:59
ubotuEverybody: Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels.  To countdown to Hardy release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyReleaseParties19:59
PiciArelis: ...19:59
tumbleweed05sooo many people talking. holy crap.19:59
ais523because it happened well after everything was downloaded19:59
Pusselgeneratorais523: Do you get any errors?19:59
Myxbcan't get it... is the fully upgraded 8.04RC = 8.04 release? i've got no upgrade today19:59
LordCrimsonhello. I've just updated and got a problem, when gnome initializes it tells "Unable to initialize HAL"19:59
kbrookstowlie, if you want 8.10, simply download it.19:59
PiciMyxb: Yes.19:59
gregbradyANTDx1, yup, it will work for you.  At least it did for me!19:59
LordCrimsonwhere to dig for that19:59
ANTDx1ok, i'll wait on it19:59
ais523Pusselgenerator: I had lots of errors about libstdc++ and gcc version earlier19:59
KiwiJokerGioacchino sounds like you got a UID mismatch in fstab19:59
towliekbrooks but i dont want to do a fresh install19:59
J_Humphreylaiya: So you already have gutsy installed, but want to update to hardy?19:59
ais523can't remember the exact text19:59
Picikbrooks: Why are you telling people not to do upgrades?19:59
ais523now, the window's just gone blank19:59
towlieJ_Humphrey, i want to do that19:59
mrpoundsigntumbleweed05: are you contributing to the signal or the noise? :P19:59
tumbleweed05ok confused about the downloads Amd64 can be used for 64bit intel chips right?19:59
tumbleweed05or amd only.20:00
myfanybody made it through  dist-upgrade?20:00
towlieupgrade from gutsy to hardy20:00
tumbleweed05mrpoundsign: both.20:00
macoOllieA: ok in the manpage it says to use --newmode and then give a name and the modeline that would go in xorg.conf20:00
GioacchinoKiwiJoker:  how to fix it??20:00
Picitumbleweed05: 64bit any20:00
laiyaJ_Humphrey: i wouldn't mind if its more user friendly20:00
guillaume_whats the md5 sum of 8.04 please ?! thanks !20:00
gord_slaternot really, although the servers are quite busy right now, but as long as you have Gutsy (7.10) it should be a "supported method" , so it should "just work", haha :)20:00
ArelisPici: Would you want to help me get my tablet to work?20:00
kbrooksPici, i'm suggesting that it may be a better use of his time to fresh install.20:00
Slarttumbleweed05: yes.. amd64 for all 64bit chips20:00
Pusselgeneratorasi523: Oh.. Well, I'm quite new to ubuntu (been around since 7.04) so.. I can't really answer that :/20:00
tumbleweed05thanks pici20:00
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.20:00
PiciArelis: I'm not free to do that right now20:00
macoOllieA: they you run xrandr again with --addmode to add it to whichever screen you want20:00
tumbleweed05thanks Slart20:00
ArelisPici: okay20:00
TheSandmanConstyXIV: it worked, thanks20:00
kbrooksPici, to "upgrade" from 7.04 to 8.0420:00
towlieok so whats the command to upgrade from 7.10 to 8.0420:00
OllieAmaco: Done yet?20:00
gregbradyANTDx1, mine took about 5-10 minutes to begin the process.  Greyed out the whole time.20:00
ais523could someone here tell me how to mount a USB stick when the automounter isn't working?20:00
PiciBernard_Minet: /j #ubuntu-fr20:00
TheSandmanConstyXIV: see ya20:00
lch_tumbleweed05: the 64 bit release works fine on my Core2 Duo machine20:00
Slart!upgrade | towlie20:00
ubotutowlie: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes20:00
macoOllieA: i just gave you directions...20:00
Danihi again!, i just made a clean amd64 hardy heron install. I have a nvidia card (6 series) and a 22'' widescreen lcd (lg l225ws). Before installing restricted modules the max resolution detected was 800x600, installing the restricted modules got compiz working but max resolution decreased to 640x480. I tried forcing the pannig using nvidia-settings but it didn't work either. Can please give me a hand. It worked flawlessly in gutsy gibbon.20:00
kbrookstowlie, oh sorry....20:00
ais523that way at least I can back up /home and restart20:00
Dis there something like WINE to use mac apps on hardy?20:00
tumbleweed05need macbook asap lol.20:00
Bernard_MinetMerci Pici20:00
KiwiJokerGioacchino on the ubuntu site, there should be a section in community docs about fstab, its to much to type to explain here20:00
tumbleweed05but i gotta shower. bbs.20:00
macoD: not that i know of20:00
kbrookstowlie, i completely misread20:00
ubotuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions20:01
trinity93who asked about x64?20:01
YgorOnLinethe servers of ubuntu are soo lazy today, or only here?20:01
J_Humphreylaiya: I don't understand what you're trying to do, do you already have gutsy installed on a partition?20:01
SlartD: nothing that I've heard of20:01
kbrookstowlie, umm20:01
towliekbrooks ?20:01
ArelisAnyone want to help me get my tablet to work? It's a Wacom Bamboo Fun. I installed the "wacom-tools" package and did "modprobe wacom" but i still don't have /dev/input/wacom (which indicates if the system detects it or not). When i wave my pen over it it does nothing.20:01
KiwiJokerGioacchino there you go20:01
Cheesasaurus_RexI'm having serious problems on my Dell Inspiron 1420 after upgrading to 8.04. My sound does not work anymore and when I click the icon, I get the message "No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found"20:01
macoYgorOnLine: not lazy.  hammered. and i dont mean alcohol.20:01
guillaume_whats the md5 sum of 8.04 please ?! thanks !20:01
GioacchinoKiwiJoker: thanks20:01
jburdWhat does the Ubuntu DVD contain more than the CD?20:01
laiyaJ_Humphrey: is it much different ?20:01
twanj_woodwizzle: you can right click the metalink URL and select Save link w/ DTA or Start saving w/ DTA oneclick20:01
OllieAmaco: Can we go into a seperate chat coz I am getting confused with everone else20:01
gord_slaterlaiya: bear in mind that in a week or two all this chaos will calm down a little, if it seems quite scary right now, so if you're nervous, maybe better to wait a little :)20:01
Pusselgeneratorais523: I usually use "Storage Device Manager", it's in Add/Remove applications20:01
towlieahh too much talking in here!20:01
Slartjburd: lots of packages20:01
mooboo19,5 gb uploaded on torrent :D20:01
myfhi                anybody made it through  dist-upgrade?20:01
YgorOnLineand can i to ask for free cd's today?20:01
wx9jhow do I check my ipconfig from bash ?20:01
ais523Pusselgenerator: I'm in the middle of a dist upgrade here20:01
Pici!anyone | myf20:01
ubotumyf: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?20:01
ConstyXIVanyone out there by chance have a precompiled package for the eee's AR5007 wifi drivers?20:01
ais523so I need to do things by hand20:01
ais523can't install or uninstall software20:01
Piciwx9j: type ifconfig20:01
ais523and the automounter has been stopped20:02
J_Humphreylaiya: Gutsy is the old version, released 6 months ago, while hardy is the new vesion, released today20:02
twanj_guillaume_: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/MD5SUMS20:02
laiyayeah i guess ill wait20:02
Slartjburd: it's a good alternative if you want to save your internet-connection for other things.. =)20:02
macoOllieA: PM20:02
jburdSlart: Ah20:02
insane_alienCan anyone help me try and recover some data off a USB Flashdrive?20:02
wx9jPici thanks20:02
ibleedCheesasaurus_Rex, no gstreamer?  sounds like your missing audio codecs.20:02
ANTDx1Mine is doing that at the moment, gregbrady20:02
kbrookstowlie, you can upgrade manually (possibly graphically?), but please be aware that the mirrors are slow now20:02
lch_apropos EEE is it supported? is there an official hardware compatibility list?20:02
macowx9j: ifconfig20:02
Lunksubuntu servers are so slow right now... =\20:02
insp12yeah they are20:02
* mgedmin was smart and downloaded the hardy debs yesterday20:02
ArelisAnyone want to help me get my tablet to work? It's a Wacom Bamboo Fun. I installed the "wacom-tools" package and did "modprobe wacom" but i still don't have /dev/input/wacom (which indicates if the system detects it or not). When i wave my pen over it it does nothing.20:02
towlieslart that site doesnt mention 7.10 to 8.0420:02
Lunkshow long after a release do they become stable?20:02
excitatorymaco: well sometimes one just ends up with these cards.. i'm rather poor, and a friend gave me his old computer for my birthday, which has a ati card.. eventually when i get caught up on bills and such, i can afford to change the card, but until then i'm stuck.. so it's not fair to assume everyone can just choose what hardware they're using.20:02
J_HumphreyI'm so glad I have /home on a seperate partition20:03
laiyaso which of all the linux os' would ya say is the best and fastest ?20:03
gregbradyANTDx1, it will work.  I started mine around 1:00 this afternoon.  Things might have gotten busier now.20:03
gord_slaterlaiya:not really difficult to upgrade at all (there should be soon appearing in your upgrade manager "orange star" thing a bit that saya "A New Distibution/Version Is Available" or something similar, it may take a day or two, although the servers are quite busy right now, but as long as you have Gutsy (7.10) it should be a "supported method" , so it should "just work", haha :)20:03
insp12I am not sure, I was able to get the release with torrents20:03
Pusselgeneratorais523: Oh... That makes it more difficult.. I do not know how to do it by the terminal, but try "man mount" and see if you get any smarter :/20:03
LunksJ_Humphrey: yeah, me too. :)20:03
GioacchinoKiwiJoker:  how to get real uid of ext3 ?20:03
Slarttowlie: probably because 8.04 still is new.. but afaik the procedure is the same.. the command should all work (sudo update-manager.... etc)20:03
J_Humphreylaiya: that depends on what you want to do, your computer, what you like, etc20:03
Lunksisn't there something like deb-over-torrent?20:03
KiwiJokerGioacchino dont use UID's in fstab20:03
insp12Lunks is there a way to move the home folder?20:03
KiwiJokerGioacchino just /dev/<whatever>20:03
Estilok m off c ya tomorrow morning20:03
towlieSlart, ok20:03
Lunksinsp12: google it, i believe you can20:03
myfafter i made it through apt-get update after like 10 tries, when i start to do dist-upgrade and upgrade, it says 0 new package. does anybody know why?20:03
macoexcitatory: i wouldnt even bother changing the card.  discrete graphics are just plain annoying on linux.  but if theres an ati card...well, those are always cards, they dont make onboard graphics.  there should be some onboard graphics in the motherboard20:04
insp12cool thanks20:04
TJPHARDY IS OUT!!!!! w00t20:04
GioacchinoKiwiJoker:  then I remove uuid and put  /dev/sda3 ??20:04
TJPjust waiting for my torrent to finish20:04
KiwiJokerGioacchino if thats the name of your device, then yep20:04
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!20:04
gord_slaterlaiya: all versions of linux can be customised to be very fast, very stable, very "hardened", so speed is relative, do you find gutsy slow on your machine now?20:04
mgedminGioacchino: do you mean UUID?  run sudo blkid to see all of them20:04
Doubletwistmaco: ati makes onboard cards20:04
TJPabout 15 mins to go20:04
Lunksinsp12: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome20:04
ArelisHas anybody actually read my question, or should i repeat it again?20:04
Doubletwistmaco: my laptop has one20:04
SlartArelis: repeat it.. it's a bit busy today20:04
calcGioacchino: its easy to get the uid20:04
J_Humphreylaiya: The small distros, like DSL are fast, but dont have much on eye candy, but then there debian, which has pretty much every package you can imagine, but is a little slower because of it20:04
ArelisSlart: okay20:04
excitatorylaiya: each distribution of linux has many similarities and most can do what the others can do.. it's more of a preference thing.  also, some distros focus more on certain things, such as servers, etc.  k/ubuntu focuses on the desktop experience, and will probably be your best choice if you have to ask this question.20:04
insp12I had the beta, and I have a cd, is there a way to update the beta from the cd?20:04
ArelisAnyone want to help me get my tablet to work? It's a Wacom Bamboo Fun. I installed the "wacom-tools" package and did "modprobe wacom" but i still don't have /dev/input/wacom (which indicates if the system detects it or not). When i wave my pen over it it does nothing.20:04
insp12without changing my settings etc?20:05
KiwiJokerGioacchino you can find out your HD's "device name" by opening terminal and typing in "df" without the commers20:05
SlartArelis: ah.. that one =).. I read it.. but I can't help you.. sorry.. never played with laptops20:05
J_HumphreyArelis: have you tried documentation and google?20:05
excitatoryman, this channel is poppin'20:05
insp12the beta is installed through wubi, but I guess it shouldnt be too hard?20:05
gopphey any one know why ubuntu 8.0.4 won't seem my other monitor20:05
ais523Pusselgenerator: I figured it eventually, it's mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt20:05
towliehow long does it take to update typically to 8.04 and what happens if my network connection gets interrupted ? can i just resume later ?20:05
* gary4gar checks, if madness level have been brought down20:05
macoDoubletwist: not on desktops...?20:05
laiyagord_slater: yes i find gutsy running slower than xp ..20:05
bullgard4I'd like to report an error in Launchpad. What Ubuntu 'project' does a (faulty) (Ethernet) LAN connection belong to?20:05
Jessica_lillyis this for hardy now or just gutsy still20:05
ArelisJ_Humphrey: there is an old guide for Gutsy that involves custom-compiling a lot of stuff, but the drivers should be included into Hardy now.20:05
ais523Pusselgenerator: however, man wasn't working for me, I figured it using mount --help20:05
zachbaskand: http://www.screenage.de/blog/2008/04/07/eee-updated-to-hardy/ worked for him!20:05
macoDoubletwist: i thought only intel and nvidia did onboard20:05
TJPdoes anyone know what time (UCT) hardy was let loose?20:05
Pusselgeneratorais523: Ah, there you have it! Nice work ;)20:05
Gioacchinowith blkid I obtain the same uuid of fstab....20:05
Slarttowlie: usually you can just resume the update later20:05
Lunksexcitatory: almost 2000 users, it has to be popping. :P20:05
ArelisJ_Humphrey: And google just gives a lot of old guides20:06
jerichois the torrent the official file ??20:06
gopphey any one know why ubuntu 8.0.4 won't seem my other monitor????20:06
Picibullgard4: probably the kernel you're using20:06
towlie slart how long does it take20:06
Slartjericho: yes20:06
KiwiJokerGioaachino type df in terminal20:06
Pusselgeneratorjericho: yep20:06
no37Jessica: all versions, I believe20:06
ArelisSlart: It's actually a tablet that you connect via USB. the system itself is a desktop system.20:06
jerichoSlart: ok20:06
Lunks!repeat | gopp20:06
ubotugopp: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience20:06
gord_slaterok, give me a clue what you do that is slower, like email, web browser, office applications or gimp ? or everything lol?20:06
evandinsp12: you can add the CD to your sources and update just like a regular install.  The use of Wubi wont matter with respect to that.20:06
bullgard4Pici: Ah! Thank you.20:06
Slarttowlie: right now.. probably a looong time since everyone is updating.. normally.. say an hour, max20:06
Doubletwistmaco: My laptop has an onboard ATI 200M20:06
gord_slaterlaiya:ok, give me a clue what you do that is slower, like email, web browser, office applications or gimp ? or everything lol?20:06
gary4garbullgard4, Report it in Ubuntu project as a whole, if you are not sure. Rest Ubuntu bug squad will take care20:06
macoDoubletwist: but desktops dont have onboard ati, right?20:06
Lunksgonna reinstall mac =)20:06
Gioacchinothen I use  /dev/sda3 instead of uuid20:06
tawtcan anyone help me?  is there a good app that can download videos from YouTube?20:06
calcuse vol_id --uuid to find out the uuid for a partition for /etc/fstab20:06
calcGioacchino: see ^20:07
AlanDoes anybody know how to stop gnome-panel from doing its slide-in thing?20:07
mut80ranyone know why hardy locks up when enabling my bcm4311 ?20:07
GioacchinoVERY THANKS ALL!!!!!20:07
J_Humphreytawt: theres a firefox extension for that20:07
Doubletwistmaco: And some desktop motherboards have that chipest built on too20:07
macotawt: the unplug extension for firefox20:07
User2005# I think this will copy the driver in the right place...20:07
User2005cp es1371 ~/config/add-ons/kernel/drivers/dev/audio20:07
SlartArelis: ah.. it's one of those little drawing thingies.. well.. I don't have one of those either.. sorry =(20:07
TJPdoes anyone know what time (UCT) hardy was let loose?20:07
Danihi again!, i just made a clean amd64 hardy heron install. I have a nvidia card (6 series) and a 22'' widescreen lcd (lg l225ws). Before installing restricted modules the max resolution detected was 800x600, installing the restricted modules got compiz working but max resolution decreased to 640x480. I tried forcing the pannig using nvidia-settings but it didn't work either. Can please give me a hand. It worked flawlessly in gutsy gibbon.20:07
macoDoubletwist: really? thats weird...20:07
pjoultawt: ./youtube-dl20:07
myfPici: do you know why there isn't any new upgrades when i run apt-get dist-upgrade?20:07
KiwiJokerbad idea using UUID in place of the actual device name imo20:07
Jessica_lillyim currently still using gutsy because when i tryed hardy eariler on today my network kept droping out and freezing my system20:07
]grimm[What's the most efficient way to upgrade multiple machines to Hardy (all the same architecture), I've got one machine started up now, but it seems to be a shame to waste bandwidth and grab those same packages again20:07
CloseCallwhen i try to do the upgrade to heron i get an error that update manager could not get release notes..20:07
CloseCallis the server being slammed ?20:07
ConstyXIVtawt: dunno about downloading, but "Movie Player" can search and play them once you install "Ubuntu restricted extras"20:07
Picimyf: What version of Ubuntu are you running?20:07
pjoultawt: google youtube-dl20:07
macomyf: you didnt change your sources.list?20:07
CloseCallto many ppl trying to upgrade perhaps20:07
bigdog_Okay, on my upgrade, I decided to quit downloading the packages and start over.  Now Update Manager doesn't say that 8.04 is available.20:07
bigdog_What could be wrong?20:07
FloodBot2CloseCall: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:07
calcKiwiJoker: yea what with it letting you boot if your device naming changes20:07
Slarttawt: there's an extension for firefox.. hang on.. I'll get the name of it20:07
laiyaeverything in its own way ... just seems i need more processor or ram ... i currently have P4 3.4 1gb20:07
myfPici: gutsy20:07
calcKiwiJoker: using UUID is a much better idea than using the /dev/sdX# naming20:07
Flannel]grimm[: grab the alternate CD, or setup a package cache20:08
myfmaco: how do i change sources.list20:08
bullgard4gary4gar: I will take your advise as a fall-back solution if Launchpad does not accept the current Hardy kernel as a 'project'.20:08
Jessica_lillyhow can i stop my network dropping out or is it only me having the problem now20:08
gregbradydoubletwist, I have a laptop and desktop with ATI x20020:08
Slarttawt: it's called DownloadHelper.. I'm using v3.03... check the firefox site for it20:08
macomyf: as root with a text editor. it's at /etc/apt/sources.list20:08
no37Jessica: Same here. Update Manager just kept freezing. Am going to wait a bit. It's because the servers are getting hammered20:08
calcKiwiJoker: the UUID doesn't change unless you format the drive, but the name in /dev changes depending on what you put in your system or in usb, etc20:08
Picimyf: run update-manager -c20:08
macomyf: but the update manager can just do it all for you20:08
stuneedhelpwie isn der chan für deutsch support20:08
TJPdoes anyone know what time (UCT) hardy was let loose?20:08
stuneedhelpubuntu.de oder wie..?20:08
tawtslart thanks20:08
calcKiwiJoker: you can even uuid map usb devices to always mount in the same spot using UUID20:08
Slart!de | stuneedhelp20:08
ubotustuneedhelp: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de20:08
reactorDani: I will give you one tip, I was facing a similar problem. It seems nvidia does not configure the right kernel required by the OS. I do not know the reason for this, but it seems to be the reason.20:08
calcKiwiJoker: which you can't do with plain /dev/sdX#20:08
]grimm[Flannel: I grabbed the alternate CD, but I can't seen to do a networkless upgrade with it, it fails and says that it "can't calculate the upgrade" or something to that extent.  Thus I use the CD, but allow it to grab Internet updates and it seems to download about 1/3 of the packages20:09
Jessica_lillymine freezes when i connect using my onboard network card which is a big pain i have to use my external usb adapter20:09
gary4garDani, try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg20:09
PiciTJP: about Thu, 24 Apr 2008 05:17:20 -0700 (13:17 BST)20:09
reactorDani: instead, try installing a software "envy". Google it, or I can send the installation file to you right away. Try installing nvidia drivers through the same. I bet it will work20:09
N3WFI3hardy is pretty cool20:09
Danireactor, thanks... but I don't know what to do with the info20:09
ubotuenvy is an unsupported tool to install newer versions of binary video drivers than provided by the official repositories. Use at your own risk, and remember that the latest version is not necessarily the "best". See « /msg ubotu binarydriver »20:09
]grimm[Flannel: Is there a way for me to set up a package cache after I've started the upgrade procedure on one of my four machines?20:09
myfmaco: i just want to experience it a little bit, what do i have to change at /etc/apt/sources.list20:09
PiciSlart: envyng is in Hardy20:09
CarlFKhow do I turn of trackerd permanately?20:09
Beererdehi. i got the alternate install cd, and tried the cdupgrade script- but it fails-- what can i do?20:09
Slartreactor: don't advice people to use envy,, unless you're available to fix their problems afterwards20:09
N3WFI3i don't see much new tho, all i noticed was the new visuals and firefox and a couple apps20:09
Slartoh.. it is20:09
ibleedreactor, envy is now in the hardy repos i believe20:09
Danireactor, i'll begin the envy thing, thanks!20:10
Jessica_lillydose anyone else use RTL8187B20:10
Slartsorry, reactor.. my bad20:10
gary4garBeefeater, fails as like, any error message?20:10
Slartthanks, pixi20:10
TJPPici: wow, thats specific, so about midday UTC then - thought it would be! else NZ etc get it on the 25th! (says me sat here in UK)20:10
macomyf: you either upgrade or you dont.  there's no "a little bit" that isn't also "horribly broken"20:10
reactorSlart: I have used it myself, and it running absolutely fine. Thats why I am endorsing it20:10
Flannel]grimm[: You could just use the packages in your local cache, yeah.  It'd be less automated than apt-proxy, but certainly doable (/var/cache/apt/archives)20:10
gary4garDani, you just need to do a  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg20:10
tmxdtus.archive.ubuntu.com ( ) isn't responding to sudo apt-get upgrade.  Are the repos getting owned?20:10
Danigary4gar, dpkg-reconfigure only brings the system back to the 800x600 thing, (no compiz)20:10
macogary4gar: no20:10
macoDani: that command is gone20:10
J_Humphreytmxdt: i'd say yes20:10
bigdog_Please, someone help. I want Heron! :(20:10
myfmaco: i want to experience upgrading with apt, that's what i meant20:10
Beererdehi. i got the alternate install cd, and tried the cdupgrade script- but it fails-- what can i do?20:10
]grimm[Flannel: how do I get another machine to use those packages?  Or do I have to move them somewhere and then set it up as a cache?20:10
Slartreactor: nice.. I'll have to give it a try then. Thanks20:10
Danigarygar, a little imprevement but... i'm kinda searching the 1680x1050 thing20:11
fbcHow can I browse a limewire share on my local lan from ubuntu??20:11
Danigarygar, thanks anyway20:11
insp12beererde what is the cd upgrade script?20:11
macomyf: last time i did that, it broke. the gui checks for conflicts that for some reason they didnt just put in the packages so apt could handle it20:11
rmbelli've been using the RC version of Heron, and an update released within the last day or two has broken my sound20:11
Slart!p2p | fbc20:11
ubotufbc: Peer-to-peer filesharing clients are available for several networks/protocols, including !BitTorrent, !Gnutella, !eDonkey, !DirectConnect, !SoulSeek - Multi-protocol engines include !MLDonkey and !giFT - See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information20:11
gary4garDani, if you correctly follow the Options & select right driver & screen relo, you are done20:11
=== matt64- is now known as erle-
Beererdeinsp12: like the name says..20:11
tmxdtJ_Humphrey: Ah I think requests are fashioned in a queue.  I'm downloading stuff now.  Thanks20:11
reactorSlart: Dani" and good thing about Envy is that it makes the whole painful installation of nvidia thing, a piece of cake20:11
TJPfood time - big up ubuntu - and if anyone is on here not using a torrent to download - give the ubuntu servers a rest!20:11
Slartfbc: I don't know if any of those links help you.. but it's worth a try20:11
bond`the update manager hangs when i try to upgrade to 8.0420:11
Cpudan80So ehh20:11
Jessica_lillyim having problems with my onboard wireless card RTL8187B20:11
reactorAt least in my case, it worked pretty fine20:11
Cpudan80I am trying to upgrade to HH20:11
myfmaco: so your suggestion is go for update-manager ey20:11
FlyasSHow can i join the server i usely use?20:12
Cpudan80But when I hit the upgrade button in update manager - it just kinda hangs20:12
Slartreactor: nvidia has always been easy for me.. never had a problem with their installer20:12
node357the torrents are the best way to go.. took 20 minutes, now I'm a "seed"20:12
macomyf: yeah. safer.20:12
gord_slaterlaiya: OK thats good specs for a machine, especially for linux, so the perception of "slow" might be that u have either a lot of stuff goin on/open, or maybe a faster/leaner desktop might please you more. I'm thinking soemthing like Fluxbox, like I use, but it takes a lot of setting up unfortunately, for a noobie20:12
insp12where did you find it though?20:12
ArelisSlart: that's okay.20:12
VeN0mizerCan anyone tell me the build date for the hardy final CD? Is it April 23,2008?20:12
]grimm[Flannel:  Or I guess I could just dump pacakges from one archives directory into the archives directory of the next machine in line...20:12
Danithanks reactor, i'll give it a try...20:12
fbcSlart, yeah I just want the browser for the protocol used to share on the local lan20:12
insp12I am looking to try something like that20:12
myfmaco: thanks20:12
Beererdenode357: but how to upgrade using the iso?20:12
gary4gar!wireless | Jessica_lilly20:12
ubotuJessica_lilly: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs20:12
reactorSlart: I envy you, I have a real real hard time.20:12
bond`Cpudan80: my update manager hangs too20:12
node357Beererde, don't know, sorry :(20:12
Jessica_lillyive allready looked on the internet20:12
Jessica_lillyno look20:12
reactorSlar: I mean I HAD a hard time20:12
Danigarygar, have you tried that on harde heron?20:12
jburdCan the update manager be designed such that it uses P2P to download updates?20:12
Beererdenode357: so it's completely useless :/20:12
bigdog_Jessica_lilly: I can't private message you.20:12
Cpudan80bond`: I think it is actually just very slow downloading or something - it just now proceeded20:12
Slartfbc: can't really help you with that.. never played around with limewire20:12
lch_VeN0mizer: that's the date my download had too20:13
laiyagord_slater: i have automatix20:13
jburdSo I can pull updates from my friend's notebook?20:13
node357Beererde, not if you're doing a fresh installation20:13
gary4garDani, i am on hardy since Alpha 2 :)20:13
gord_slaterlaiya: i have to admit that Gutsy seems a bit "wooly for mee too", BUT it doesnt slow down much more when heavily loaded20:13
Beererdenode357: yeah..20:13
Pici!automatix | laiya20:13
ubotulaiya: Automatix is no longer developed or supported by its creators and is not recommended, supported or needed by Ubuntu. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe »20:13
Flannel]grimm[: yeah, that's what you'll end up needing to do.  Just make sure you get the pkgcache files as well as the archives of the package.20:13
talntidhardy har har...20:13
bond`Cpudan80: tries to connect to port 8020:13
]grimm[Flannel: Will they be in the same directory?20:13
Danigarygar i'm asking becayse dpkg-reconfiguring xserver-xorg has changed, it wouldn't ask for res... or driver20:13
laiyagord_slater: someone helped me with that and its quite easy for installing stuff20:13
Slartis automatix in hardy too? =)20:13
Jessica_lillyif you are trying to upgrade and you have gutsy installed just go to terminal or shell and type apt-get upgrade-manager or go to the mirrors20:13
LockeVendettahi does anyone knows if it's possible to install ubuntu on a ps3, but in an external HDD, not the PS3 HDD internal?20:13
Cpudan80bond`: Yeah... I wish we could change that20:13
gary4garjburd, No, its only supports FTP & HTTP20:13
Flannel]grimm[: yeah, just copy one to the other20:13
mooboo1i've seeded 10 gb of 8.04 torrent? how much have you seeded?20:13
gord_slaterlaiya: there ya go, automatix is OK for a noob but can lead to some problems later, ^^^^see the autobot answer justa bove20:13
emorriswhat can I use to download torrents with in gutsy?20:14
]grimm[Flannel: gotcha, thanks20:14
Picigord_slater: NO! Automatix is NOT okay20:14
node357mooboo1, I've only seeded about 200 MB but I"m leaving for a few hours so letting it run20:14
bigdog_Jessica_lilly: The problem is htat I quit a little way though downloading the packages and so the Update Manager doesn't say that I need to upgrade.20:14
jburdgary4gar: I'm not talking about what it supports.  I'm talking about what it could.20:14
Slartemorris: there's transmission, deluge, azureus and probably some more20:14
J_Humphreyemorris: you can get azuerus20:14
gord_slaterlaiya: haha there ya go, it seems its more hated nowadays, i dont know i never used it lol20:14
Doubletwistmooboo1: only seeded 4GB, but I only started 2 hours ago...20:14
gary4garDani, then the other way more easy, i need your xorg.conf file20:14
ubotuTorrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P20:14
mooboo1Doubletwist, not bad :)20:14
Jessica_lillycheck /etc/apt/sources.list20:14
Jessica_lillythink its spelt write20:14
emorrisis there any (torrent clients) already installed i ubuntu20:15
gary4garjburd, Bad timing, in such rush, you can hardly talk20:15
Jessica_lillyif you go to /etc/apt/ in file manager fine the sources.list file20:15
reactorDani: did u try it?20:15
Piciemorris: Transmission is instaled by default.20:15
jburdgary4gar: Yeah, I guess.20:15
emorrisok thanks pici20:15
ArelisWith this new version of Ubuntu, (which is an LTS), will new programs get into the repositories often?20:15
VeN0mizerlch_: check your PM ;)20:15
PiciArelis: No20:15
SlartArelis: probably noy20:15
gord_slaterlaiya: i recommend u learn to use aither apt-get (very easy, often u can cut/paste to/from command line boxes in website helps, or use synaptic package manager, the GUI version20:15
ArelisPici: okay20:16
gary4garArelis, What *new programs*?20:16
ThomasY2/win c20:16
Danireactor, i'm on it... first i'm trying de dpkg-reconfigure thing (just a way to learn) if i have a very bad time (that i'm having now) i'll do the envy thing20:16
=== D is now known as heh
SlartArelis: ubuntu isn't like debian and the others..  it doesn't evolve like that20:16
ArelisSlart: okay20:16
Danigarygar, how can i get my xorg.conf for you?20:16
devin_anyone having a problem apt-get update?20:16
bullgard4Pici: Launchpad does not know a 'project' '2.6.24-16'. If i search for 'kernel', it returns 'autokernel', '    AutoKernel (Product)20:16
mrkeishiiSo how is 8.04LTS????????20:16
sotapDani: have you tried running sudo displayconfig-gtk?20:16
lopinIs there something wrong with the servers?  I can't update?20:16
rmbellwhenever i play any sound on 8.04, it just continues to loop the sound over and over, and usually freezes, any help?20:16
Slartlopin: they are probably busy20:16
Wrathyea, they are getting hammered20:16
lopinSo, I'm not the only one with problems?20:16
dystopianraylopin: they are being hammered, too many people are trying to use them20:16
VeN0mizeryeah it's called a DoS attack, and it's caused by EVERYONE downloading the new ubuntu20:16
bigdog_lopin: I'm having the same problem20:17
mut80rlopin: they're under heavy load20:17
ibleedDani, you best backup xorg.conf before you sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg since you dont know what your doing20:17
Wrathi havent been able to update most of the day20:17
gary4garDani, first it gary*4*gar, and yes20:17
gopphi dual monitor setup in ubuntu 8.0.4 is how ???20:17
Jessica_lillyirc is a bit busy tonight20:17
devin_getting : [Connecting to us.archive.ubuntu.com (] 52% and it stops on that20:17
Picibullgard4: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux20:17
no37lopin: same here20:17
lopinCan we voulenteer mirrors?20:17
Wrathdevin_: yup, same thing here20:17
gord_slaterlaiya: take hard look at what u actually use in the automatix list, i suspect you have "lots of stuff going on" due to automatix like i mentioned above.20:17
laiyagord_slater: so how do i use apt-get ?20:17
Doubletwistmooboo1: I'll catch up :) Outgoing rates:    9730.1 kbits/sec20:17
lopin*hates that word*20:17
gary4gardevin_, use torrents, servers are overloaded20:17
NeT_DeMoNexcuse me everyone but i have a wireless laptop with an Atheros network driver and it comes up on my drivers list but theres no wireless option on my connections thing :S20:17
linkmaster03Why do my web browsers always close when I load RuneScape? It does this with Firefox and Epiphany20:17
Daniibleed, don't worry i know the backup thing :P but thanks20:17
lopinNeT_DeMoN: I have a link for you20:17
mooboo1Doubletwist, wow, god damn.... you got FAST internet20:17
lopinNeT_DeMoN: Should fix it right up20:18
NeT_DeMoNlopin: ok20:18
PiciDoubletwist: mooboo1: Can you please take this conversation to #ubuntu-offtopic20:18
mooboo1Doubletwist, you must have 100 mbit upload?20:18
Doubletwistmooboo1: It's a hosted server. Not my home connection :)20:18
laiyagord_slater: hardly .. i dont need any more of the software in  there20:18
stuneedhelphatte jemand zufällig das problem... http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64267/ und es gelöst....? please i need help20:18
Doubletwistmooboo1: it's a 10mbit connection20:18
gary4gar!wifi | NeT_DeMoN20:18
ubotuNeT_DeMoN: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs20:18
ANTDx1hmm update started, but it's taking a year to download the files20:18
gord_slaterwell, best way is not to describe here, but if for example you google for the phrase "sudo apt-get install" you will find many many examples of how it is used20:18
J_Humphrey!de | stuneedhelp20:18
ubotustuneedhelp: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de20:18
lopingary4gar: He's got an atheros...  Those aren't in wifidoc20:18
VeN0mizerWill my beta version update to final through "Update manager" when it all comes back up?20:18
excitatoryi was reading about this Zen kernel on the forums and ubuntu wiki..it sounds really good, especially since I'm the experimental type.. however, I was just wondering if this is worth it or even a good idea compared to the newly released hardy kernel?20:18
SeanOAnyone have a pointer for installing 8.04 under Parallels Workstation 2.2? I think I need a boot flag to get past a crash during the kernel load.  Is this a good channel to ask in?20:18
aroonii'm looking for a tool that functions like http://www.activewords.com within firefox... i.e. it can turn a few characters of text into several long paragraphs (of common text i usually type to clients that i send within gmail).  is there anything for ubuntu gutsy or firefox that meets the bill?20:18
shamelessok, update manager's locking up whenever i try to get HH, any suggestions?20:18
mrkeishiiI'm still downloading Hardy Since 10:00am this morning20:18
lch_VeN0mizer: yes it will20:19
lopinshameless: We're all in the same boat20:19
Danisotap... i haven't and it seems promising20:19
lopinshameless: Servers are getting hammered!20:19
Stop_ItGood evening all20:19
shamelesslopin: damn20:19
gary4garlopin, i didn't have time to read that :p, heavy flood here20:19
VeN0mizerlch_: thanks ;) And did you get my PM?20:19
* Mimi asks: is it possible to install Taskel in Hardy or not? It's not on the repos20:19
shamelesslopin: should have used torrents, less strain on the main servers20:19
stuneedhelpja im deutschsprachigem bekomme ich keine antwort ;-(20:19
lopingary4gar: Yes, but they're all about the servers getting thrashed20:19
gord_slaterlaiya:its sorts everthing out for you, and adds extras if they are absolutely needed you see, these are called "dependencies", this is one way we avoid the "DLL-hell" that can plague windows, you may have had that sort of thing before ;)20:19
lch_VeN0mizer: yes and i wrote you back an answer there20:19
VeN0mizerlch_: darn pidgin...I didn't get it :(20:20
MemoryDumpeverybody should be using the torrent link provided in the topic of this channel to obtain 8.0420:20
lopinNeT_DeMoN: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/atheros-5007eg-with-madwifi-on-i386-platform.html20:20
UltraNavhow do I update from 7.10 to 8.04 via CD ? I only get to synaptic but no further20:20
gary4garSeanO, Contact professional support20:20
node357the only dll hell I've had on Windows is between GIMP and GAIM :P20:20
VeN0mizerlch_: so was it after or before? lol20:20
Vecnahhi , is there a problem with archive.ubuntu.com I can't use EnvyNG now20:20
gord_slaterhaha me too node20:20
DBautellTo Upgrade from the CD/ISO: run cdromupgrade from the root of the CD/ISO20:20
node357so I'm not alone hehe20:20
SeveasVecnah, hardy was released, everybody is downloading :)20:20
devin_damn servers probably have smoke rolling off them20:20
lch_VeN0mizer: it was the date i saw when i started downloading the torrent 2 hours ago20:20
gary4garUltraNav, You should have Alternate install CD20:20
Beererdenice error message, i'm impressed: http://pastebin.com/me18e45a20:20
jimcooncatWe must be amateur support20:20
mon^rchlol repos jammed :P20:20
laiyagord_slater: yeah probably ... so how do i update dependencies .. i see ubuntu updating new stuff almost daily ..20:20
VeN0mizerlch_:  awesome man thanks ;) Sorry for the incessant nagging20:21
shamelessdo we know if tablet support is getting integrated in HH?20:21
SeanOgary4gar, k thx20:21
LordCrimsonone more. I upgraded to ubuntu 8.04. Hal daemon does not start, tells, that it cannot init policykit context20:21
shamelesslike, tablet pc, not wacom tablets20:21
gord_slaterlaiya: you dont its all taken care of :) thats what the update manage does for you, at regular intervals20:21
devin_i was wondering why apt-get kept locking up when i was trying to install java =(20:21
gary4garLordCrimson, English Only Please20:21
laiyagord_slater: oh ok20:21
Jessica_lillyi need help with my RTL8187B20:21
laiyagord_slater: lots to learn i guess20:22
gord_slaterbut to do manually, itrs something like (search google for yourself to learn, its not hard at all)  sudo apt-get update , then sudo apt-get upgrade20:22
chronosI'm trying to find the netmini ISO of hardy so I can install it on my PPC mac. Where's it at?20:22
mrkeishiiso the more people downloading it the slower the download is????20:22
Stop_ItWell yes20:22
gord_slaterlaiya: those tho phrases basically do what the update manager does daily or so20:22
insane_alienpretty much20:22
gary4garJessica_lilly, http://danmarner.blogspot.com/2008/01/rtl8187b-linux-native-driver-works-on.html20:22
LordCrimsongary4gar: HAL daemon cannot start after update. It cannot init policyKit context for some reason... Any ideas?20:22
gord_slaterlaiya:two #20:22
DrXdoes Linux have an equivalent to Windows ipconfig -all that will show you the DHCP server IP, the DNS server(s) IPs), and the default gateway IP?20:23
* Mimi asks: is it possible to install Taskel in Hardy or not? It's not on the repos20:23
=== bigdog__ is now known as daemon3
biczmrkeishii: try with torrent20:23
gary4garLordCrimson, Nopes20:23
khaijeanyone else having difficulties w/ hardy w/ a 8600GT ?20:23
chronosDrX: ifconfig20:23
mrkeishiiI'm at 85%20:23
mrkeishiiright now on Http20:23
Cpudan80I found a good mirror :-)20:23
NeT_DeMoNi still cant find how to make the wireless choice come up in the networks connetions tab20:23
towlieif i update from gutsy, would i download the updates from the ubuntu site or are the updates stored on a different/mirror site ?20:23
Cpudan802.5 MB/s :-)20:23
PiciMimi: tasksel should be in a base install, no need to instal it20:23
daemon3Using update manager is virtually impossible right now.20:23
mattlhas anyone seen this? when i click 'upgrade' in update-manager, it just hangs.20:23
khaijeNeT_DeMoN: right click?20:23
N3WFI3how do i return the text rendering to GUTSY style?20:23
the_coronahi guys, can anyone help me install the ati driver (im new to linux)?20:23
N3WFI3its better20:24
daemon3Maybe we should have named the distro "Hard to get Heron"20:24
Jessica_lillythanks for the link20:24
Stop_ItI'm 63% complete (64 bit version)from a Swedish mirror, it raced off at 480KB/S then.....it fell, down to 120KB?s now, ah well, can't wait to see it anyway.20:24
Cpudan80towlie: You download from the main thing - then run the upgrade tool on the cd20:24
NeT_DeMoNkhaije: what do you mean, right click on what?20:24
=== biloute is now known as ikerc
jfrench_I seem to be getting a bug in evolution in hardy. Bug has be submitted.20:24
mattldaemon3: ho come?20:24
void^DrX: ifconfig -a && route && cat /etc/resolv.conf20:24
gary4garCpudan80, which mirror, i need it too :D20:24
J_Humphreythe_corona: what do you need help with?20:24
emorrismattl: that happened to me, killed it and retried, worked fine20:24
Danisotap, i did displayconfig-gtk, there i can change the res (And even try it... it works!!) but when i click keep settings, i return to my ugly 800x600 res20:24
towlieCpudan80, i dont have a cd and am not downloading one20:24
khaijeNeT_DeMoN: on the networkmanager icon in the system tray20:24
mattlemorris: killed it a few times.20:24
Cpudan80gary4gar: It has to do with the fact that I routed my traffic over a privileged network :-/20:24
mrkeishiiIf I'm at 85% on Http do i stick with that or should i download the torrent instead???20:24
towlieCpudan80, im going thru update manager20:24
daemon3mattl Did I talk to you earlier today?20:24
the_coronawell i went to hardware, and selected the properitary driver, and then rebootet, and the pc crashed20:24
devin_can you all ping ?20:24
gord_slaterlaiya:there really isnt much to learn at all, just slow, easy streps, one thing at a time, that add's to your knowledge. I'd start with apt-get you see, so u can at least install something small and useful "by hand" but still be "automated" - not this isnt what Automatix does!20:24
the_coronai had to go to recovery and do that x-server thing :-(20:24
emorrismattl: i might have rebooted, not sure20:24
mattldaemon3: i don't think so. not in here, certainly.20:24
tigranI've just finished installing 8.04 desktop, and in restricted drivers nvidia-new just says not enabled all the time. How can I fix this? Thanks.20:24
Stop_ItOne question (And it will possibly be no), I have a 360, will I still be able to use ICS to connect both at the same time, and will media sharing work? if both answers are yes I may never use Windows outside of gaming!20:24
the_coronai want to get the nice desktop effects :-)20:24
gary4garCpudan80, oh i see20:24
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xdadoes xorg run as suid?20:25
daemon3mattl:  You're in my class :)20:25
MimiQuestion.... "W: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/restricted/l/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24/nvidia-glx-new_169.12+" "  Could not connect to us.archive.ubuntu.com:80 (, connection timed out"  WAI?!?!?! :P20:25
lch_lol ask all 1700pl to ping his IP..20:25
DRebellionxda, i doubt it20:25
mattldaemon3: your class where?20:25
J_Humphreythe_corona: let me find a link for you... are you using 8.04 or an ealier edition?20:25
Cpudan80gary4gar: if you were at my univ I could help you out... but... :-/20:25
daemon3mattl Never mind them.20:25
PiciMimi: The mirrors are a bit overloaded, be patient20:25
the_coronauhmm, the one that was just released :-)20:25
KcajFun tip: Tab works the same as ENTER when logging in to Ubuntu/Gnome :P lol20:25
guillaume_Does anyone have the md5sum of the iso from the torrent ?!?!?20:25
gary4garMimi, try another mirror or just wait20:25
laiyagord_slater: how do i see the list of applications on apt get?20:25
void^Mimi: servers are overloaded. don't bother upgrading/installing right after a new release comes out.20:25
the_coronayeah, 8.04 i think20:25
Stop_ItReply from bytes=32 time=256ms TTL=55 <---Had one dropped ping out of 4 though.20:25
chronosDoes the new Hardy even support PPC and have ppc packages?20:25
Picichronos: no20:25
mattldaemon3: no, i'm quite far from portland. i'm nearer MIT.20:26
Mimivoid^ understood, but I need these drivers to work.. oh well :)20:26
Flannelchronos: Not officially, they're community supported20:26
crackbabydoes the do-release-upgrade tool (in server mode) support conversion of Desktop to Server install?20:26
MemoryDumpare the upgrade files on the ISO? I extracted the ISO and I don't see a upgrade folder...20:26
tigranI've just finished installing 8.04 desktop, and in restricted drivers nvidia-new just says not enabled all the time. How can I fix this? Thanks.20:26
devin_glad i upgraded to hardy a week ago20:26
mrkeishiiwhats the torrent site of 8.04LTS20:26
sotapDani: hmm, not sure why that is.  perhaps you can try rebooting20:26
Seveaschronos, yes, on ports.ubuntu.com20:26
J_Humphreythe_corona: try this link: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI20:26
LockeVendettahi does anyone knows if it's possible to install ubuntu on a ps3, but in an external HDD, not the PS3 HDD internal?20:26
Mimigary4gar:  how can I select anther mirror?20:26
NeT_DeMoNkhaije: i did that, what does that do?20:26
grouse704so I downloaded the heron off the ubuntu site, but when I try to run the setup it comes up with an i/o error. Is this a known bug?20:26
gord_slaterlaiya:haha, good question, for that its easier to use Synaptic, the GUI package manager - synAPTic, you see, its uses the same stuff behind the scenes :)20:26
DBautellMemoryDump, I think you need the alternate ISO20:26
crackbabyi.e., can I seamlessly switch 6.10Desktop to 8.04 server w/o re-install20:26
Flannelcrackbaby: You'd just remove the GUI stuff after the upgrade, or before.20:26
J_HumphreyLockeVendetta: have you tried google?20:26
mrkeishiiwhats the torrent site of 8.04LTS20:26
emorriswhat port(s)  do i need to open for bittorrent?20:26
kittyn-i downloaded the i386 iso from torrents, and Im already running gutsy, is there a way to upgrade using this iso image? like the same way a dist-upgrade would?20:26
Danisotap, and runnig that ap doesn't seem to change my xorg.conf20:26
Slartmrkeishii: check the topic20:26
MemoryDumpDBautell: DOH!! crappy :(20:26
gary4garMimi, System>admin > Software sources20:26
the_coronathnx J_Humphrey, reading20:26
mut80rdoes anyone know if an MSI 6877 Wireless is supported on Ubuntu 8.04 LTS ? I am replacing a BCM4311 with it because I give up with broadcom and fwcutter20:26
Seveaskittyn-, no20:26
DBautellTo Upgrade from the CD/ISO: run cdromupgrade from the root of the CD/ISO (I think you need the 'alternate' ISO)20:27
mbarakhi i'm having a problem with bind/dhcp and ddns, can anyone here help me?20:27
gord_slaterlaiya: it should be up on your menu, admin? maybe (sorry I'm on a sad windows box right now)20:27
Danigary4gar, how can i get you have a look at my xorg.conf?20:27
DRebellionIs the page http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading suggesting that apt-get dist-upgrade is now safe, stable and bug-free?20:27
SeveasDBautell, yes, the alternat can do it :)20:27
khaijeNeT_DeMoN: you are using ubuntu hardy right?20:27
gary4garDani, post it in pastebin20:27
kittyn-seveas: ok thanks =(20:27
Slart!pastebin | Dani20:27
ubotuDani: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)20:27
jfrench_kittyn- you could burn the disk then put it in your gutsy install it will upgrade from that20:27
SeveasDRebellion, better use the update manager20:27
NeT_DeMoNkhaije: yes20:27
N3WFI3is it firefox text rendering that changed or ubuntu20:27
mbarakhi i'm having a problem with bind/dhcp and ddns, can anyone here help me?20:27
jimcooncatmbarak, ask it or try #ubuntu-server20:27
SeveasDRebellion, (though apt-get never failed me :))20:27
grouse704installer doesn't seem to work20:27
mbarakthank you20:27
emorriswhat port(s)  do i need to open in the firewall for bittorrent?20:27
SlartN3WFI3: it's firefox 3.. might be some font thing too20:27
bts3685mbarak: i was having some dns issues with hardy too.20:27
laiyagord_slater:  lemme see if i can figure it out20:27
kittyn-jfrench_: thanks!20:27
khaijeNeT_DeMoN: i'm not 100% sure since i'm using kubuntu20:27
SeveasN3WFI3, leave the caps on the doorstep please20:28
DRebellionSeveas, excellent, saves me having to download the cd :)20:28
=== khaije is now known as khaije1
bts3685mbarak: mind if i mvt msg?20:28
NeT_DeMoNkhaije: i found the "edit wireless connections"20:28
N3WFI3i dont like firefox3 text rendering :(20:28
the_coronaJ_Humphrey:  i did that, but after reboot it just......stays black and crashed....even tried the one from ati.com :-(20:28
Slartemorris: configurable in the client.. I think default is 6801 or something like that20:28
NeT_DeMoNkhaije1: yes20:28
towliehas anyone here installed hardy on a laptop ?20:28
N3WFI3anyone know how to get back the old style20:28
mut80rtowlie: yes20:28
dystopianraytowlie: i have20:28
Seveas!anyone | towlie20:28
ubotutowlie: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?20:28
sotapDani: that sounds like a bug20:28
Slarttowlie: I tried the live cd on one20:28
faemirIs it possible to upgrade to 8.04 using the cd? I'm having problems with the update manager20:28
grouse704@towlie: no, tried but failed20:28
mbarako, the dns works just fine, its integrating the dynamic update that i'm having trouble with20:28
salkotN3WFI3, try #firefox20:28
gary4gartowlie, many of us, shoot your question20:28
towlieok have the problems with sleeping in gutsy been fixed in hardy ?20:28
DBautellfaemir, To Upgrade from the CD/ISO, you'll need the alternate ISO: run cdromupgrade from the root of the CD/ISO20:28
dystopianraytowlie: i had a minor sleep related issue that was fixed20:28
J_Humphreythe_corona: heres another link that shold work:20:28
DRebelliontowlie, depends on your hardware.20:28
vaughntowlie, sleeping seems to work for me now in Hardy20:29
towlieDRebellion, a macbook pro20:29
J_Humphreythe_corona: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Hardy_Installation_Guide20:29
Slarttowlie: have no idea.. I played with it constantly.. didn't give it time to sleep =)20:29
dystopianraytowlie: my laptop would suspend again after it woke up from the initial suspend, that no longer happens20:29
mheathtowlie: There are many different problems effecting lseeping; many are hardware related. What was your issue?20:29
gary4gartowlie, can't you sleep?, go to doctor then :p20:29
gfxstyleris there a way to "blacklist" kernel modules on boot?20:29
faemirDBautell, darn it, that isn't possible with the livecd is it? :(20:29
N3WFI3ok thanks20:29
gfxstylerbecause the hardy livecd wont let me boot :/20:29
JomatamHi  how to change screen resolution to 1280 102420:29
faemirAnd woah, talk about a lot of torrent seeders :D20:29
dystopianraygfxstyler: check out /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist20:29
mheathgary4gar: not helpful, given how busy this channel is. Might be better to wait a bit for the jokes :-)20:29
BeererdeDBautell: cdromupgrade does NOT work20:29
gfxstylerdystopianray: you're funny :) i can't access that one cause it's a livecd and hangs at boot20:30
faemirJomatam, system > preferences > screen resolution20:30
DBautellfaemir, I just read up on it myself, and they say you need the alternate... Waiting for my torrent to finish20:30
BeererdeDBautell: http://pastebin.com/me18e45a20:30
the_coronapuhh....kinda complicated...ill try though, thnx J_Humphrey20:30
savetheWorldDrX: look in /var/lib/dhcp/dhclient-eth1.leases or /var/lib/dhcp/dhclient-eth0.leases   depending on which interface you want to know20:30
tigranWhats the nvidia driver package name for 8.04?20:30
DBautellthanks, Beererde20:30
Danigary4gar, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64269/ that's my xorg.conf20:30
faemirDBautell, ok, I just finished my livecd torrent, was downloading at ~300kbps so hopefully this will as well ;)20:30
mheathtigran: Its easiest to just use the restricted drivers manager.20:30
JomatamResolution    there is no 1280 1024, just 1280 80020:30
gaurav__how do i upgrade to 8.04 from the beta? my gdm login prompt still does not come up which was a bug i had since upgrading from 7.10 to 8.04 beta.20:30
gfxstylerdystopianray: i want to install ubuntu but it always hangs at boot "Loading Hardware Drivers" and the last entry is "b43legacy-phy0 found"20:30
J_Humphreythe_corona: it looks complicated, but if you just copy and paste all the commands, its not that bad, I did it for the previous release, without knowing anything about linux20:30
BeererdeDBautell: but now we need another solution20:30
mheathtigran: Go to System->Administration->Hardware Drivers20:30
gord_slaterlaiya: i'm a bit linux-limited right now (win-only here) due to work, everything gotta come from memory, I'm just in here to lend a hand since it's so busy today. as an example try a synaptic search for "chess" and you should find a couple of games that you could install, i think20:30
bcnaatmheath: where are the restricted drivers in hardy?20:31
gangsterliciousstop downloadin the isos, you are slowing the internet20:31
dystopianraygfxstyler: i think there might be a way to specify modules to blacklist as a kernel argument, but not i'm not sure exactly20:31
towliedoes anyone here have a macbook pro with hardy heron  ?20:31
mheathbcnaat: Go to system->adminstration->Hardware Drivers20:31
gaurav__sorry, i meant to add, how do i upgrade from the terminal, seeing as i can't login through gdm20:31
oisIn ubuntu 7.10 I got the Keyboard Shortcuts open. How do I unbind a shortcut key without assigning a new key (like the Delete key which is getting annoying ^_^;; )20:31
tigranmheath: Yea, well, the restricted driver says thats its enabled (nvidia_new) but under status it says not in use20:31
^^malajenho^acabo de instalar hardy heron y quiero hacer funcionar mi adaptador wireless Broadcom, cuando utilizo bcm43xx-fwcutter para pasarle el firmware mediante " bcm43xx-fwcutter -w /lib/firmware ~/Desktop/wl_apsta.o" me dice q no puede abrir el archivo wl_apsta.o20:31
^^malajenho^a k se puede deber?20:31
DBautellBeererde, for real, I want FF320:31
mut80rgaurav__: sudo apt-get upgrade20:31
KyleKgaurav__: if you're already on 8.04 cant you just apt-get upgrade?20:31
gary4garDani, checking20:31
tigranmheath: I restarted and its the same thing20:31
ubotuAquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.20:31
bcnaatmheath: went there, shows no drivers or hardware listings20:31
gfxstylerdystopianray: this problem does only appear with a 2.6.24 kernel, 2.6.22 worked fine20:31
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.20:31
dystopianraygfxstyler: what is the actual problem?20:32
mheathbcnaat: what drivers are you trying to install? For what hardware?20:32
J_Humphreylaiya, if you want an easier way to download more popular programs, go to the applications menu, and go to add/remove programs, and search to your hearts content20:32
gord_slaterlaiya: synaptic will sort out all the dependencies for you, and install whatever you tick. if you decide to remove software, you can do that too, so u can take control of your machine more easily.20:32
=== KillGhostNK is now known as Fdisk_
laiyagord_slater: i did just that instead im getting pacman .. its been a long time i played that20:32
Jomatamresolution    I tried that xorg code, but I dont see resolutions there20:32
Danigary4gar, thanks a lot, if i want to activate nvidia i just add Driver "nvidia" to the device section, but as i said... it work at 640x480 at max20:32
gaurav__mut80r + KyleK: i have tried, some stuff today was upgraded, however i have 53 packages "not upgraded" from beta20:32
bcnaatmheath: for sound, someone mentioned checking there to see if my driver was restricted20:32
gfxstylerdystopianray: i insert the livecd to install hardy, it boots but hangs at "Loading Hardware Drivers...", booting without splash-screen says it hangs at "b43legacy-phy0: found blablabla" so i guess it's some kind of related to that one20:32
=== Reaby_ is now known as Reaby
khaije1krappe: that was totally spanich20:32
akornAnybody know why i can't update to 8.04...i'm running 64 bit version...20:33
bcnaatI get system sounds, but no playback on anything - websites, cd etc20:33
N3WFI3bah the text rendering is so annoying20:33
mheathbcnaat: only a few sound drivers are restricted.20:33
akorntried several servers and none of them are working for 64 bit20:33
N3WFI3anyway to downgrade back to old firefox?20:33
gord_slaterlaiya: and J_Humphrey: yeah good point J, the add/remove sopftware is a similar but cut-down version of synaptic20:33
krappekhaije1, I know.  I just wanted to know the french channel name.  I'm french.20:33
Jack_Sparrowlaiya, if you like old arcade games check into xmame and roms which are available from all over.20:33
gfxstylerdystopianray: i already tried all the boot command stuff thingies like acpi=off, noapic, nolapic and so on20:33
dystopianraygfxstyler: looks like an issue with your wireless card20:33
^^malajenho^hi, I've installed hardy heron. I want to use my wifi BROADCOM with bcm43xx-fwcutter, but I obtain this error: bcm43xx-fwcutter -w /lib/firmware ~/Desktop/wl_apsta.o --->Cannot open input file /home/juanchi/Desktop/wl_apsta.o20:33
mheathbcnaat: System sounds being.....crude beeps? Or the full sounds, just only for system things?20:33
zachbI can't wait until October!!!20:33
bcnaatmheath: thanks.20:33
mut80rN3WFI3: yes but I don't think it works20:33
SlartN3WFI3: search for firefox2.. it's supposed to be in the repos20:33
tigrangfxstyler: Do you use irrlicht?20:33
gaurav__akorn: you mean you can't download the x64 iso image?20:33
khaije1krappe: oic, nm :-)20:33
bcnaatmheath: when I do a check, it does the sounds, mostly strange sounds - beeps seem normal20:33
gfxstylertigran: not anymore, why you ask?20:33
akorngaurav_ woudl that be the simplest way? i was trying to do it thru the upgrade process thru the repos...20:34
mheathakorn: A lot of the servers are _heavily_ overloaded right now20:34
tigrangfxstyler: seen your name in that channel20:34
Jomatamwhere are resolutions in xorg20:34
mheathakorn: try the torrent20:34
MKdxjust to confirm about the preserving /home feature that was planned for ubuntu.. Is it implemented in 8.04?20:34
mheathakorn: Even that takes some patience, as the trackers are all overloaded.20:34
gfxstyleranyone else here who can't boot hardy >> stuck at "Loading Hardware Drivers..."20:34
gaurav__akorn: i would wait or try the torrent20:34
akorngaurav_ and mheath yea i guess i'll do that instead! haha thanks...20:34
laiyaJack_Sparrow: whats xmams ?20:34
tigranmheath: What can I do?20:34
bcnaatmy only problem with hardy over the past few days is the sound issue and no flash playback on web20:34
Jack_Sparrowlaiya, multi arcade machine emulator20:34
erimar77mheath: select the fastest mirrors in the software sources section20:34
Xecuterhi! just installed hardon! :D but having trouble with the terminal, the auto-completion isn't working like it used to... how can i fix that?20:35
laiyaJack_Sparrow: how do i download and play em ?20:35
gfxstylerdystopianray: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/195218     this is the bug i think20:35
Wyleyrabbitwhere can I get the checksums for 8.04?20:35
JomatamWhat to do if I dont see needed resolution under resolutions20:35
gary4garDani, your config file is messed up20:35
Danigary4gar why?20:35
faemirJomatam, go to the 'screen' section20:35
|chiz|can someone tell me who is the user that will be executing an init script during startup if one is not specified in the script?20:35
gary4garDani, Wait, trying to fix it20:35
bcnaatI've tried removing and reinstalling alsa, etc, but that didn't help20:35
Starnestommy|chiz|: root20:35
J_HumphreyXecuter: are you sure your not just trying the wrong names?20:35
Jack_Sparrowone sec.. phone call20:35
lch_|chiz|: root20:35
=== gregbrady is now known as compaqr4000
mheathJomatam: do you have the driver for your graphics card installed?20:35
nishanthgcHi ppl20:35
Danigary4gar, thanks... but thats the very original one (before any change made)20:36
XecuterJ_Humphrey, jepp... i know how to write aptitude  and install :P20:36
gangsterlicioussomeone man 5 autofs20:36
mheathJomatam: If you have an ATI or Nvidia card, you'll have to install the driver for it first by using System->Administration->Hardware Drivers.20:36
mut80rMSI 6877 Wireless in ubuntu 8.04, supported ?20:36
WaffleWyleyrabbit, http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/MD5SUMS20:36
Wyleyrabbitthanks Waffle20:36
Sinnermanif i manage to somehow screw up my package files list/local repositories, say, by manually deleting them (accidentally), could i fix that by just firing up synaptic and clicking on reload or doing apt-get update?20:36
linkinxpa good tool to download Youtube videos?????20:36
|chiz|Starnestommy: 1ch_: thats odd because if I run /etc/init.d/blah start it works fine but just starting up this thing doesn't work20:36
gord_slaterlaiya: note that a lot of the applications in the synaptic lists might not be graphical applications, so don't look very flashy or dont even "look" at all, there are many ways to do stuff in linux, the bottom line is usually the command-line, and that's good enough for many jobs, so if you seem to "lose" something you just installed, it may not habve any graphical stuff at all, a lot of beginners say that to me20:36
Danigary4gar i would say that's the default xorg.conf file in hardy (as it's said xorg now handles everything for you)... just a guess20:36
elliott_In gutsy, my env variables were included in root when I used sudo, but they're not in hardy, and it's causing problems with stuff that i've made to trly on it hapening. what can I do?20:36
MKdxI meant this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbiquityPreserveHome20:36
KyleKhow do i exit a ssh ifit goes dead? do i have to kill from somewhere else?20:36
twistageHow do you list hidden files in a directory under terminal20:37
erimar77KyleK: can't you just close the window20:37
mattltwistage: ls -la20:37
mheathmut80r: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=454990 says yes, with some problems.20:37
Starnestommytwistage: ls -a20:37
lch_|chiz|: the system runs these as root, if you start them manually use sudo in front of the command line20:37
andycaas1how to use gnome icon packs?20:37
KyleKi guess i could20:37
grindholdhello, got a problem with my sound. pulse does not work.. had oss driver before20:37
nishanthgcI was having trouble with one of the clients in the lab.After the grub initialises the particular client says that there is an error on disk /dev/hda1 and fsck tries to repair it automatically but doesnt succeed.It ask me to repair manually and warns me that the root file system is mounted  read only and prompts me for root password.20:37
nishanthgc             So I was wondering if you could help me out in figuring  the problem.I would sincerely appreciate your help if you can help me out in any way and is there a root password for the client or do i need to change the thin client settings on the server??20:37
grindholddoes anyone know how to fix?20:37
DBautellWyleyrabbit, if that's slow, here's a torrent only mirror ftp://lug.bu.edu/pub/distro/ubuntu/20:37
tovareMy wlan got broke after upgrading from 7.10 to 8.04. [  311.308680] eth1: AP denied association (code=18) any ideas?20:37
zombophoneHow do I set what architecture to compile for with a standard autoconf ./configure script?20:37
nithdoes anyone know where the hardy MD5's are?20:37
|chiz|1ch_: I'm saying that if I do it manually it works fine its just durning startup they don't start properly for some reason20:37
mut80rmheath: thanks20:37
Danidoes anyone know why the theme improvement in early unestable versions of hardy has been removed?20:38
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Jack_Sparrowlaiya, sorry I had to take that call...  sudo apt-get install xmame     then gcxmame for gui front end of kxmame your choice20:38
evandMKdx: yes, it is.  Go into the advanced parititoner and make sure the format checkbox isn't checked for your root partition.20:38
DBautellnith ftp://lug.bu.edu/pub/distro/ubuntu/20:38
openuserdo anybody know where are shared folders in hardy?20:38
=== Freddy is now known as Freddy08
erimar77tovare: try going back to an open access point to see if its really broken20:38
gary4garDani, posting the modified config, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64272/. back up your previous one.20:38
bd__is anybody else update manager crashing?20:38
tovareerimar77: My AP is open.20:38
nithDBautell: thx20:38
lch_|chiz|: ok. is the script depending on some service that is not yet started when the script is run?e.g. if you use network or similar20:38
laiyagord_slater: oh ok .. hey that pacman isnt downloading .. i guess it isnt available anymore20:38
erimar77tovare: ouch20:38
Wistesois there a way someone can upgrade from 7.10 to 8.04 WITHOUT burning the cd, and just mounting the (desktop x86) ISO?20:38
nithDBautell: are there none posted on the ubuntu site?20:38
KyleKoh cute, spammin iwconfig wlan0 key mykey was needed to make wifi go20:38
tigranmheath: The driver isnt working, in xorg.conf it says its using vesa driver...?20:39
nithWisteso: look into a dist-upgrade20:39
gord_slaterlaiya: aha, _maybe_ just server load right now, its a pretty extreme day20:39
DBautellnith, they would be, but their servers are swamped, I'm sure20:39
|chiz|1ch_: thats a good call, I didn't think of that20:39
Danigary4gar thanks a lot i'm gonna try!20:39
openuserdoes anybody know where are shared folders in hardy?20:39
goppwere is the graphic card option in ubuntu20:39
mattlw/in 1820:39
|chiz|1ch_: thats a good call, its mounting upnp devices so yeah it needs a few things to be up first20:39
r_a_fopenuser: yea20:39
XecuterJ_Humphrey, i remember fixing auto-completion once, maybe i should try that again? but i dont remember...20:39
Wistesonith, the server is too slow (and unreliable from our connection) and we already have the ISO.20:39
andycaas1how to use gnome icon packs?20:39
El1Hi guys I'm having problems installing nvidia drivers in hardy, I've tried envy, restricted drivers manager, but no success, could anyone help me with this please?20:39
gary4garDani, if X does not show up & then restore previous one20:39
mheathtigran: you've gone to System->Adminsitration->Hardware Drivers, checked the checkbox, and restarted?20:39
tigranmheath: yea20:40
goppwere is the shared tools option20:40
cyris|is it possible to add a configure directive to a package that gets downloaded/installed via apt-get? I'm assuming no but i thought id ask20:40
grindholdEli:  load the .run driver file from nvidia.com and try that20:40
tigranmheath: Should I try again?20:40
J_HumphreyXecuter: yeah, I don't know much about the more advanced topics, my best bet is to either reinstall, or check the orginal iso md5, or google it20:40
Danigary4gar, ok... already had to do that some times...20:40
MKdxevand: thx, this is the same in ubuntu, kubuntu and xubuntu I assume?20:40
splobyHello everybody, i'm trying to install a Ati drive with envyng, but i occurs an erro that says: not support envy20:40
sotapDani: It hasn't been removed, it's Human-Murrine in System->Preferences->Appearance, at least I think that's what I think you're referring to.20:40
mheathtigran: try once more.20:40
nithWisteso: thx, the md5 listed matches my download :)20:40
grindholdEl1 try to install the drivers from nvidia.com20:40
franekhi. how update 7.10 to 8.04 I have cd 8.0420:40
tigranmheath: Ok20:40
lch_|chiz|: so one thing is to use the number in the file name, likee S99... to make it start later. also note that some services in ubuntu are started when the user logs in, not when the system boots20:40
elliott_In gutsy, my env variables were included in root when I used sudo, but they're not in hardy, and it's causing problems with stuff that i've made to trly on it hapening. what can I do?20:40
El1grindhold: isn't that what the nvidia-glx-new package does?20:40
Jomatamwhat driver I need for ATI Radeon 9250  ?20:40
openuserr_a_f: yes what???20:40
J_Humphreyfranek: boot up the 8.04 iso as a live cd, and install 8.0420:40
grindholdEl1 yes but sometimes it doesn't work20:41
nazgulevening. I messed up my /etc/udev/rules.d/ after following suggestions on this channel. I managed to get the system booting again, but removable media (usb sticks etc) don't get auto-mounted any more. I've tried re-installing all kind of packages (udev,hal..) and manually extracting the udev .deb. I cann see in the kernel messages that the media are detected. Any ideas what udev rule may be missing?20:41
grindholdEl1 i had problems with that20:41
El1and grindhold: if I try that it says it can't find a pre-compiled kernel20:41
splobywhat would that be?20:41
El1so it just quits20:41
Danigary4gar, no luck... i got but to this ugly 640x48020:41
oishow do I unbind a keyboard shortcut in ubuntu 7.10 gnome?20:41
Mads-bI need help connecting to the internet on 7.10 (wired). It worked one week ago on the same setup, so no hardware problem..20:41
deeflexJust upgraded to hardy but now my logitech mice back/forward buttons are not working in Firefox. Any suggestions?20:41
nishanthgcI am having trouble with one of my thin clients can someone help me out plzz20:41
kumarm0hitI have this lenovo notebook with an EISA  hidden recovery partitin I a about to install hardy. If I make it take the entire disc, I think it would remove the EISA partition as well20:41
Jomatamradeon 9250 driver?20:41
Cpudan80When you do an upgrade from the ISO - you have to use the alternate CD right?20:41
blue|palmPusselgenerator, hey, i've found this which explains it: http://www.phoronix.com/forums/showthread.php?t=915920:41
jon_How can i mount my windows ntfs partition in hardy20:41
evandMKdx: Yes.  One last point: please make sure you have backups.20:41
LadyNikonnishanthgc: just ask your question.20:41
grindholdthen you must get into the synaptic package manager and search for linux-header oder kernel-header or something. dunno anymore and download the packages.. give me a moment to search20:42
grindholdthen you must get into the synaptic package manager and search for linux-header oder kernel-header or something. dunno anymore and download the packages.. give me a moment to search El120:42
nazgulois: with the backspace key20:42
ArelisAnyone want to help me get my tablet to work? It's a Wacom Bamboo Fun. I installed the "wacom-tools" package and did "modprobe wacom" but i still don't have /dev/input/wacom (which indicates if the system detects it or not). When i wave my pen over it it does nothing.20:42
Danigary4gar system -> preferences -> Res, only shoes 640x480 and 320x240 both 50 Hz...20:42
franekJ_Humphrey thx20:42
DBautellCpudan80, I understood that to be the case, but have been informed that it may be broken20:42
J_HumphreyMads-b: you might have to unclick "enable wireless" on the right click menu of the wifimanager20:42
oisnazgul: thanks20:42
[BT]JaChi there, how can i make the terminal use color?20:42
|chiz|1ch_: I used update-rc.d blah defaults to put it in there20:42
gary4garDani, Press ALT+CTL+ Plus sign "+"20:42
Danii did that, gary4gar20:42
Assidwhat happened to avant?20:42
Cpudan80DBautell: broken?20:42
JomatamRadeon 9250 driver  is it in symantic packages?  whitch one?20:42
Assidits not int he repositories?20:42
nazgulois: it says so in the explanation text20:42
LadyNikonbts3685: which terminal?20:42
Mads-bJ_Humprey: no difference. I thinked my father has f*ked up the settings :20:42
grindholdEl1 search linux-headers20:42
El1did, and all installed20:43
elliott_In gutsy, my env variables were included in root when I used sudo, but they're not in hardy, and it's causing problems with stuff that i've made to trly on it hapening. what can I do?20:43
El1btw, installing the nvidia.com package, isn't that what envy does?20:43
openusershared folders doesn't appear in my hardy, why?20:43
El1when manually installing I can select the 169.* drivers20:43
gary4garDani, hmm20:43
DBautellCpudan80, all I have is this: http://pastebin.com/me18e45a I'll be trying it myself before long20:43
lch_|chiz|: ok, that is good, but i never did that with custom scripts. i guess there is some option to specify the number to launch it later20:43
jon_How can i mount my windows ntfs partition in hardy20:43
JomatamATI  radeon 9250 driver needed20:43
jugimasterhey..  i can't even boot up the damn installation!  - 7.10 didn't realize i have a hdd, but agreed to boot up by adding "irqpoll" to the boot-up parameters (whatever they actually are :))..  so now what?20:43
Samstone|JuniorHi all20:43
El1which in particular should be installed btw?20:43
Pusselgeneratorblue|palm: Oh, I'm going to read that, thanks!20:43
Abdthe upgrade is soooo slllooowwww20:44
LadyNikon!ntfs | jon_20:44
ubotujon_: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubotu NTFS-3g or /msg ubotu FUSE20:44
tim__bi have a little tar issue: i want to backup my home using tar --exclude-tag-all='CACHEDIR.TAG' -czf file.foo -g timestamps ~ When using the -g switch --exclude* is ignored, withour -g --exclude* works. for incremental backups i need -g but don't want to waste space on some special directorys containing the CACHEDIR.TAG file. (answer please with nick highlight, thanks)20:44
jugimaster(right, i'm trying to start 8.04 now ofc)20:44
Danigary4gar, my eyes are hurting :P ... next shoot should be the envy thing, don't you think?20:44
* tovare found a bug reference indicating that my wlan woes is related to the iwl3945 driver.20:44
grindholdEl1 one question.. if envy does the same as the nvidia driver, how may envy install it without the header files? :)20:44
the_coronawhy wont my driver work :-(20:44
oisnazgul: duh :( I just skim read it as "press this key to edit, or this one"20:44
Mighty^^one last time20:44
Cpudan80DBautell: According to the bugsite - the fix was pushed out in feb20:44
El1that's the problem it gave me the same error20:44
Mighty^^All .torrent can be found here: http://www.acc.umu.se/~mighty/ubuntu/20:44
KyleKhah i cant make my wireless work, iwconfig wlan0 essid wireless isn't settin it20:44
goppwere is the graphic card option in ubuntu20:44
Cpudan80DBautell: maybe that guy has an old iso20:44
El1couldn't find install candidate or something20:44
splobymy video card is a ATI20:44
bts3685LadyNikon: i think you have me confused with someone else20:44
Mads-bWhat's the checklist for fixing wired network? First time I've ever had this problem on linux..20:44
JomatamHELP   ATI radeon 9250  driver needed   HELP20:45
gary4garDani, google for "screen resolution ubuntu", you will get your answers, perhaps are you sure you have installed driver?20:45
El1but eventually it did install with envy, but I'm assuming not properly20:45
elliott_KyleK: what driver?20:45
DBautellCpudan80, could be, I know nothing, just yet20:45
grindholdEl1 open the synaptic package manager and search for linux-headers20:45
the_coronai have ati card too, and the driver doesnt work :-(20:45
[BT]JaChow can i make the terminal use color?20:45
kuseAnyone got any solution for the bonobo-application-server errormessages in hardy?20:45
splobyi'm trying dual-head but got no lucky20:45
gary4garDani, does "glxinfo | grep rendering" says yes?20:45
the_coronahd2600 xt and with the ati driver the pc crashes on boot :-(20:45
MKdxevand: excellent, thanks20:45
livingdaylightanyone know how i convert a mp3 file to wav?20:45
the_coronais there any other way to get those nice desktop effects without the ati driver?20:46
El1did that grindhold and I think all nescessary ones are installed20:46
grindholdEl1: then download linux-headers-generic, linux-headers-2.6.24-16 and linux-headers-2.6.24-16-generic20:46
Cpudan80DBautell: only 1 more minute on the download - plus a few for the burn - so we'll see20:46
Daniyes, gary4gar20:46
faemirlivingdaylight, why you want to do that?20:46
Assiderr wheres avant ?20:46
Danigary4gar... believe i did google a bunch before making you lose your time with me20:46
gord_slaterMads-b: do you know if you have DCHP, tell u show you normally conect to the internet, is it ADSL? for example20:46
* Assid scratches his head20:46
J_Humphreythe_corona: I'm not sure20:46
JomatamHELP   ATI radeon 9250  driver needed   HELP20:46
=== erle64- is now known as erle-
deeflexJust upgraded to hardy but now my logitech mice back/forward buttons are not working in Firefox. Any suggestions?20:46
DBautellCpudan80, you can just mount the ISO without burning it20:46
ubotuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto20:46
livingdaylightfaemir, to change login sound20:46
Danigary4gar i could find anything, truth be told, i found some old bugs20:46
El1Those are installed grindhold20:46
faemirlivingdaylight, audacity probably can20:47
J_Humphreythe_corona: probably not though, because you have to have 3D stuff20:47
Cpudan80DBautell: good point20:47
jugimasterProblem: Adding "irqpoll" to boot options used to revive my computer with 7.10 but doesn't work with 8.04.  - Any ideas?20:47
thebighami just updated to hardy, how come the wireless broadcom driver doesnt show up on the hardware drivers list where i can enable, but it did showed up during the live cd install session.20:47
the_coronai did all that ubotu but it crashes after reboot (screen stays black and keyboard is "dead")20:47
tovareWhy is it that when I try to do a manual configuration, that I am unable to choose an open network. The only options I have are WEP WPA and WPA2 ??  (My open wlan isn't working).20:47
gary4garDani, hmmm, forward a mail into the mailing list?20:47
phoenix24Whenever I mount a windows share in I get, "cannot find application to handle smb://". How can I mount SAMBA Shares ???20:47
grindholdEl1 hrmm did you allow the nvidia driver installer to download a precompiled kernel from nvidia.com? or did envy ask you for that?20:47
J_Humphreythe_corona: but either ask in here, (I'm not that knowledgeable) or google it20:47
Mads-bGord_slater: usually DHCP. I've tried disabling roaming mode and setting DHCP manually, but no difference20:47
El1didn't ask me for it, but the original nvidia installer did20:47
the_coronai am asking in here J_Humphrey :-) but thnx20:47
Danigary4gar, i'm not in the mailing list20:47
* Joeseph celebrates from a corrected xorg configuration :)20:48
Danigary4gar how can I?20:48
grindholdEl1 did you confirm the question in the nvidia installeR?20:48
gord_slaterah ok then, do you have another computer on the network? does it work? a laptop maybe? b4 you really break the ubuntu rofl20:48
gary4garDani, lists.ubuntu.com20:48
J_Humphreythe_corona: what I meant was put it all the information you have in a single question :)20:48
evandMKdx: anytime :)20:48
Cpudan80How do you mount an ISO again?20:48
gord_slaterMads-b: ah ok then, do you have another computer on the network? does it work? a laptop maybe? b4 you really break the ubuntu rofl20:48
the_coronaalso, can somebody tell me why rythmbox (that music player) wont import files from a windows server? (I can browse the servers contents just fine)20:48
Danigary4gar thanks for your time, info and help, i'll do that after dinner20:48
El1wait, just found something: says linux-headers-2.6.22-14-generic is not installed, but in synaptic it says it is20:48
Danigary4gar thanks a lot!!!20:48
Gman99999my update manager is goign all dark and failing to respond I was updating to the latest release but had to reboot halfway through the download, what could be wrong?20:48
thebighami just updated to hardy, how come the wireless broadcom driver doesnt show up on the hardware drivers list where i can enable, but it did showed up during the live cd install session.20:48
Mads-bgord_slater: network is always up and running. It's the settings on the ubuntu box that's complaining. Tho arch boxer running on the same LAN constantly downloading :D20:49
DBautellCpudan80, mount -o loop name.iso /dir/to/mnt20:49
Cpudan80DBautell: ty20:49
gary4garDani, Don't make me small, i didn't help you a bit :(20:49
Danigary4gar... you tried hard ;)20:49
kbrooksthe_corona, copy the files to your home directory.20:49
the_coronakbrooks:  lol20:49
El1oh wait no, the 15 and 16 are installed but not 14, how can I add that to synaptic? linux-headers-2.6.22-14-generic20:49
El1 that is20:49
gord_slaterlaiya: ok, so you're payed the bill the :):) ok, whell i start with the physical layer 1st, is there a light on the swith or back of the PC network card? maybe a pet chewed it or some1 tripped on wire?20:50
gary4garDani, do ping me as a PM, after dinner, we would see it again20:50
kbrooksthe_corona, simple enough20:50
Assidokay whats better20:50
twistagewhats the name of the file search front end so i can run it from terminal20:50
WyleyrabbitI'm trying to burn the 8.04 cd using the built-in CD burner (whatever is installed by default) in Ubuntu 7.10. I have now made 4 coasters in a row. WTF??? Am I missing something? The software seems to have zero options to tweak, other than recording speed and I've tried everything from 16x down to 2x with the same result. What should I be using?20:50
Assidadovbe flash or gnash20:50
gord_slaterlaiya: sorry ,meant for Mads-b : ok, so you're payed the bill the :):) ok, whell i start with the physical layer 1st, is there a light on the swith or back of the PC network card? maybe a pet chewed it or some1 tripped on wire?20:50
Gat0rveanwhere can I find a torrent link for 8.04?20:50
the_coronakbrooks: thats not a good solution at all20:50
J_HumphreyWyleyrabbit: don't make data CDs, you have to make iso images20:50
OllieAI need to add a new resolution to my drop down box, open a new chat with me to help!  Please!!20:50
gary4garWyleyrabbit, is your burner really okay?20:50
StarnestommyGat0rvean: it's in the topic message20:50
DBautellGat0rvean, ftp://lug.bu.edu/pub/distro/ubuntu/20:50
Gman99999my update manager keeps crashing why?20:51
J_HumphreyWyleyrabbit: Right click the iso file, and write to disc20:51
tigranmheath: Its the same thing and the driver still says vesa in xorg20:51
icanhasproxyMy GDM is borked on default hardy install. splash login comes up, hangs after login before gnome loads. if i /etc/init.d/gdm stop, and startx, gnome works fine. can't tell what's hanging it20:51
WyleyrabbitJ_Humphrey: I have just been right-clicking the iso and choosing "write to disc"20:51
OllieAI need to add a new resolution to my drop down box, open a new chat with me to help!  Please!!20:51
the_coronathen maybe somebody can tell me this, how can i make sure i dont have to manually mount a partition (ntfs) after each reboot?20:51
KrimZoni could do with grabbing the release iso20:51
Gman99999Im halfway downloading the next release and I cant get the update mamnager to go again20:51
Cpudan80DBautell: ./cdromupgrade20:51
Cpudan80tar: ./dists/stable/main/dist-upgrader/binary-all//hardy.tar.gz: Cannot open: No such file or directory20:51
Wyleyrabbitgary4gar: have used same burner in windows for past 6 months and not a single coaster from it.20:51
DBautellCpudan80, does work?20:52
Cpudan80DBautell: looks like there's an error after all20:52
JoesephDo updates update desktop managers also?20:52
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wubrgameris 7.10 firewalled by default like 8.04?20:52
MikeCulvericanhasproxy: Have you tried changing session settings?20:52
El1nvm grindhold, I'll find it from here, thanks a lot for the help :-)20:52
DBautellCpudan80, :(20:52
Cpudan80DBautell: no - it complains about that tar file missing20:52
shrifthey guys, I'm probably asking the same question as everyone else.... Anyone know of a working, updated 8.04 repository?20:52
faemirWyleyrabbit, use brasero (gnome) or k3b (kde)20:52
Starnestommywubrgamer: yes, but there are no rules set by default in its firewall20:52
gord_slaterMads-b:my next check, if lights are on,  is  to type    sudo ifconfig -a    in a terminal, I check i can actually see the NIC there, for example, eth020:52
Wyleyrabbitfaemir: I'll give that a try20:52
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milly1234can a ubuntu 8.04 wipe out the entire install other then a home dir during install to keep personal files but give the system a fresh start?20:52
flask_so did the torrent servers ever come back?20:52
faemirWyleyrabbit, :)20:52
KyleKshrift: are you in canada?20:52
wubrgamerdoes 8.04 have rules set ?20:53
OllieAI need to add a new resolution to my drop down box, open a new chat with me to help!  Please!!20:53
nickthi all - just tried to use the 8.04 live disk but it didnt pick up my wireless card for my laptop when the older cd did - why could this be?20:53
shriftkylek: us, but I'd use any that worked... I don't need a lot of packages. : (20:53
J_Humphreymilly1234: yes, but you have to have the /home directory on a seperate parition20:53
nazgulshrift: the de.* ones work20:53
Mads-bgord_slater: I see my eth0 and eth1 (two cards), but no IÅ20:53
shriftnazgul: tyvm I'll try that20:53
Gman99999my update manager keeps failing does anyone know why?20:53
thebighami just updated to hardy, how come the wireless broadcom driver doesnt show up on the hardware drivers list where i can enable, but it did showed up during the live cd install session.20:53
gary4garshrift, you have to wait for some more time20:53
milly1234darn, wish 7.10 defaulted to home being a seperate partition20:53
Gman99999my update manager keeps failing does anyone know why?20:53
MemoryDumpshould "./cdromupgrade" still be performed on a running version of Hardy Beta with all the updates applied up until yesterday? or would a "apt-get update/upgrade" do the trick to fix/updated changed files?20:53
Gman99999my update manager keeps failing does anyone know why?20:53
Flare183On Kubuntu, when I go and try to upgrade to hardy the button "Version Upgrade" Does not show up, even after I click20:53
StarnestommyGman99999: I think a lot of the update servers are geting a heavy load due to the new release20:53
J_Humphreymilly1234: there is away of migrating /home to a seperate dir, google it, and you'll find it20:54
Flare183On Kubuntu, when I go and try to upgrade to hardy the button "Version Upgrade" Does not show up, even after I click Fetch updates (correction)20:54
lch_MemoryDump: use apt-get  that will be fine20:54
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WyleyrabbitGman99999: repeating your question like that will just annoy people!20:54
Gman99999my update manager goes black like its crashed why is that?20:54
MemoryDumplch_: thanks :)20:54
gord_slaterMads-b: OK then, you say u normally have DHCP, but has the card got an IP assigned to it? MIne once got "out of synch " with the networkmanager applet thingy......manual ip was set by mistake no matter what i did20:54
nazgulGman99999: calm down. does it continue its service later on?20:54
compaqr4000Gman99999. It is busy....wait20:54
lch_MemoryDump: you can of course also use the graphical update manager :-)20:54
openuserdoes someone know why sahred folders app doesn't appear on my ubuntu?????????????????20:54
Gman99999nazgul ok I20:55
arbrandesDag nabbit, 20kbps on the update... This is going to take forever.20:55
pjoulGman99999: download hardy iso and reinstall your previous installatio20:55
Jack_Sparrowmilly1234, Here is a page on that.. a bit outdated, but still good info  http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome20:55
lch_openuser: firewall on the windows box?20:55
Gman99999nazgul ok Im going to wait hopefully it wont be like this forever20:55
DBautellCpudan80, I wonder if one can add the CD as a repo20:55
arbrandesDBautell, yes you can.20:55
J_Humphreythanks Jack_Sparrow for getting that, I'm writing the 8.04 image, and didnt want to mess it up by opening firefox :)20:55
bprhow do i check which package owns a particular file?20:55
Gman99999can you upgrade to hardy heron with the iso?20:55
J_HumphreyDBautell: you can20:55
arbrandesGman99999, yes you can20:56
stevenhey steven220:56
gord_slaterMads-b: you could try manually setting an IP that you know to be free, on the same subnet, and see what happens. stop me if i'm confusing from here20:56
Cpudan80DBautell: It works20:56
nazgulGman99999: apps (temporarily) not reacting fade b&w. the compiz window manager does this. if it stays like this for , say, >10min something is wrong20:56
DBautelltyvek, ty, ty20:56
weltalldoes anyone know if hardy packages are updated enough to say no to this? Create deprecated sysfs files (SYSFS_DEPRECATED_V2) [Y/n/?] (NEW) ?20:56
WunarWhat is the apt-way of searching which package provides some file? (something like yum whatprovides /usr/bin/firefox)?20:56
steven2hi steven, but stop using my nick20:56
jrabbitWtf the iso is too large!20:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about avg - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:56
Cpudan80DBautell: Give it the full path when you exec it20:56
elliott_In gutsy, my env variables were included in root when I used sudo, but they're not in hardy, and it's causing problems with stuff that i've made to trly on it hapening. what can I do?20:56
Gman99999nazgul ok its been 10 mins20:56
JoesephAlright, I've got a question not relating to the new update- its more computer generic though: My network, or possilby my network manager, keeps booting me off the network.  Sometimes it seems random, and sometimes its when I access certain cites, such as Facebook.   Can anyone think of anything that could be causing it?20:56
arbrandesGman99999, but it will still need to download extra packages from the internet.  I'm doing this now.20:56
Cpudan80DBautell: debrac@zazu:/media/iso$ sudo /media/iso/cdromupgrade20:56
Jack_Sparrowjrabbit, please dont use that shorthand in here20:56
jrabbitHow can I keep it bootable but slim it down?20:56
DBautellCpudan80, ok, good deal20:56
openuserIch_: firewall, don't know what are saying, sorry, i'm spanish, but what I'm trying to say is i don't see the application shared dolders on system>Administracion20:56
Brandon_curious what do I type to get the CPU usage on a ubuntu server?20:56
nicktis there any reason why hardware drivers for a common wireless system would be dropped?20:56
jrabbitJack_Sparrow: please don't release data 6 mb over limits20:57
tigranJack_Sparrow: I'm having trouble getting nvidia driver to work, I installed today, and in Hardware Driver it says that nvidia_new is enabled but not in use and in xorg the driver says vesa, any idea?20:57
mistapapais here anyone that is willing to help me with my wlan? when resume from hibernate my notebook can't connect... :'(20:57
nazgulGman99999: if you dont have a computer from the stone age it hangs for sure. kill it and retry.20:57
Jack_Sparrowjrabbit, Just try to burn it...20:57
Gman99999so now I have to download the iso to get this update finished?20:57
jrabbitEverything says its TOO BIG20:57
arbrandesGman99999, no, but it'll probably finish faster if you start over from the CD.20:57
Gman99999nazgul I have a new laptop and Ive done it a few times20:57
J_Humphreywell, I'm off, installing 8.04 now20:57
lch_Gman99999: try patience ;-)20:58
DBautellGman99999, You'll need the alternate ISO to do that20:58
Jack_Sparrowjrabbit, iso's contain info about the original that is not actually burned to a cd20:58
elliott_Brandon_: top and uptime will show you relevant info20:58
jrabbit"699 needed 656 avail"20:58
arbrandesGman99999, oh that's right, you need either the alternate cd or the DVD.20:58
nazgulGman99999: you do a Ubtuntu CD install?20:58
wizohey guys20:58
elduchysomeone can help me with a soundcard problem on hardy ??? please pvt me20:58
Cpudan80DBautell: aww man - it wants to remove my apache and VLC20:58
ubotuThe location of Trash has changed in 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash20:58
snarkste1I have a HP external USB cd burner that I cant get to mount a disc, lsusb does see show the device. any clues?20:58
arbrandesCpudan80, cd upgrade?20:58
mistapapaelduchy: make the move to 80420:58
Jack_Sparrowjrabbit, my disks all say 700mb20:58
PriceChildDoes anyone use rtorrent and know how to add extra trackers to an existing torrent?20:58
wizojust a question, if i do a command like this : xload &, should the program still continue running even after i have closed the terminal?20:58
lch_jrabbit: there are 650MB and 700MB media, you need the later...20:59
Cpudan80arbrandes: Yes - why?20:59
Brandon_elliott_, oh didn't realize that's what those numbers were heh. Thanks20:59
kumarm0hitwould broadcom wifi and ethernet work out of the box in hardy?20:59
mistapapaelduchy: new soundsubsystem on board20:59
milly1234thank you Jack_Sparrow20:59
arbrandesCpudan80, you should let it download packages from the net too.20:59
jrabbitlch_: Its obviously not ethier of them :"|20:59
tumbleweed05hows hardy everyone? stable? fantastic?20:59
Gman99999nazgul do i have the gutsy gibbon cd?20:59
Jack_Sparrowmilly1234, np  also please see uuid20:59
arbrandesCpudan80, or use the DVD to update.20:59
Jack_Sparrow!uuid > milly123420:59
shriftnazgul: the de. servers are indeed working. tyvm.20:59
DBautellCpudan80, both beyond my needs/knowledge... conflicts with other packages?20:59
Gman99999nazgul or the new hardy heron?20:59
WunarHow to determine which package installed some file, like "which_deb_to_blame_for /usr/bin/firefox" ?20:59
elliott_Brandon_: load average should be somewhere between 0 and the number of cores/processors you have, and the highter the more used it is21:00
NeT_DeMoNthe wireless options not in my connections tab :S does anyone know how to fix that?21:00
Cpudan80arbrandes: Yes but the packages from the net thing is painfully slow21:00
gord_slaterMads-b: still with me?  next real step is to ping your default gateway if you know it, assuming u get (dhcp) or have given(manual) the card an IP21:00
MikeCulverI can't get DRI or compiz working on my Fire GL T2.  I'm using the open source driver, but glxinfo says "libGL error: dlopen /usr/lib/dri/r300_dri.so failed (/usr/lib/dri/r300_dri.so: undefined symbol: _glapi_Dispatch)"21:00
Brandon_elliott_, yeah 1.1321:00
tumbleweed05hey suwro21:00
icanhasproxyNeT_DeMoN: load your wireless card module21:00
milly1234thanks Jack_Sparrow, ran into that one when I was trying to get my windows partition mountable when I added the drive as a second drive21:00
compaqr4000kumarm0hit: mine did not21:00
mistapapais here anyone that is willing to help me with my wlan? when resume from hibernate my notebook can't connect... :'(21:00
Netham45trying to update my server, but it is hanging on getting update-manager-core through apt-get21:00
crdlbMikeCulver: uninstall fglrx (xorg-driver-fglrx)21:00
tumbleweed05#ubuntu is quite busy today.21:00
NeT_DeMoNicanhasproxy: how do i do that?21:00
weltalldoes anyone know if hardy packages are updated enough to say no to this? Create deprecated sysfs files (SYSFS_DEPRECATED_V2) [Y/n/?] (NEW) ?21:00
arbrandesCpudan80, yes, I have the same problem.  I downloaded the cd torrent in one hour, but it's taking a further 3 hours for the remaining packages.21:00
Gman99999nazgul Im running a partial upgrade now so hopefully it will fix it21:00
Jack_Sparrowmilly1234, just trying to cover the bases..21:00
ericushow do i upgrade from feisty to hardy using the command line?21:00
MikeCulvercrdlb: not using fglrx.. also, it's uninstalled already21:00
reversebladeI can't seem to uninstall openpanel, can anyone help ?21:00
icanhasproxyNeT_DeMoN: you probabaly don't without fixing something first. if it didn't start itself it's broken for sure21:00
ericussudo apt-get dist-upgrade wont work21:00
NeT_DeMoNtumbleweed05: of course, hardy was released today :P21:00
]tla[Hi.  I have installed Hardy under VMWare.  The VMware-Tools do not compile under Hardy.  Is there an update available to VMware-Tools that will compile?  I Can't find anything on the vmware web site.  Thx.21:00
milly1234no, I appreaciate it actually, you are most helpful and friendly21:01
arbrandesCpudan80, the DVD iso would probably be quicker, but the torrent is not that fast either.21:01
tumbleweed05NeT_DeMoN: i know lol.21:01
crdlbMikeCulver: are you sure? It's definitely still present21:01
Cpudan80arbrandes: The stuff isnt that critical - I can go without a web server for one day21:01
NeT_DeMoNicanhasproxy: it works one my vista side of the partition21:01
nazgulGman99999: what did you tell the update manager to do? update your distriubution?21:01
elduchylspci sais i Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family)21:01
BrodwenI'm thinking of installing Hardy to dual-boot with Vista, will I run into any serious problems?21:01
MikeCulvercrdlb: I'll try to purge it21:01
crdlbMikeCulver: if you've removed the package, you can: sudo apt-get --reinstall install libgl1-mesa-glx21:01
Brandon_elliott_, heh stupid question how does one find out the hardware info on a computer?21:01
fliegenderfroschBrodwen:  you shouldn't21:01
fation_linuXhello to all21:01
Jack_Sparrowmilly1234, I always appreciate a polite response...21:01
Fishscene]tla[ that's a question for vmware... Thanks for the heads-up on that though. I'm a vmware fan as well.21:01
arbrandesCpudan80, hehehe, roger that.21:01
Gman99999nazgul its working again I just picked to do a partial upgrade when it asked me when it opened21:01
nikitisWhen does support on 7.10 run out?21:01
mistapapa]tla[: vmware tools are horrible... i also got lots of problems21:01
tumbleweed05hey fation_linuX21:01
suwroIs there any way to make firefox 2 the default browser - I find ff3 broken, instable and a lot of pages are not shown correct - I have a feeling like I use IE instead firefox...21:01
[BT]JaChow can i make the terminal use color?21:01
MikeCulvercrdlb: I've also reinstalled those as well as per the DRI wiki..21:02
arbrandesnikitis, in a year.21:02
BrodwenAlso; Is the Windows installed included on the ISO on the Ubuntu website?21:02
Fishscenemistapapa, what OS?21:02
Brandon_fliegenderfrosch, you mean ubuntu doesn't have a "hardware manager"?21:02
ericus[BT]JaC, under profiles21:02
MikeCulvercrdlb: I'll try removing fglrx further as you suggested21:02
nikitisarbrandes, thanks21:02
mistapapa[BT]JaC: edit bashrc21:02
tigranI'm having trouble getting nvidia driver to work, I installed today, and in Hardware Driver it says that nvidia_new is enabled but not in use and in xorg the driver says vesa, any idea?21:02
fliegenderfroschBrodwen: if you use wubi, you don't even have to mess with partitions21:02
bicyclis1mistapapa My recommendations is always, try virtualbox21:02
dustybinif ubuntu is based on debian, what parts of debian is it based on?21:02
BrodwenThanks Fliegender21:02
bahadunnvirtualbox is sweet21:02
arbrandesnikitis, you're welcome21:02
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Brandon_fliegenderfrosch, sorry hit the wrong key21:02
daekdroomdustybin: Apt21:02
bahadunndustybin: all of it?21:02
crdlbMikeCulver: does your /var/log/Xorg.0.log say direct rendering: enabled ?21:02
dustybindaekdroom: just apt?21:03
baskehello all, anyone experienced problem with intel 4965 wireless networking after updating ubuntu8.04 recently?21:03
fliegenderfroschBrandon_: thought so :)21:03
mistapapatigran: sorry... ain't got an idea... I'm on ati21:03
icanhasproxyNeT_DeMoN: vista is going to have nothing to do with wrong / incorrectly installed linux drivers21:03
daekdroomdustybin: Well. Apt and comes everything that depends on apt :p21:03
MikeCulvercrdlb: Yes.. and that's what threw me off to begin with21:03
Mads-bgord_slater: I just identified the problem :P After troubleshooting every concieveable software problem, I discovered that the hub the computer war plugged into was not powered (of course my homebrew poewr splitter melted) :D21:03
tigranmistapapa: Thanks anyway21:03
DrXWhat might be causing a green screen and pointer only for the GUI at startup (command line login OK) and what can be done about it?21:03
bicyclis1bahadunn just a had a presentation today and all the folks just said. Wow, look he uses Windows. All i said, sure, but trapped inside virtualbox and the master os is sweet ubuntu ;)21:03
suwrodustybin: what part do you want? - debian is debian - clean "keep it simple" linux.21:03
PaulMooneyfliegenderfrosch: ?21:03
mistapapatigran: :-/21:03
daekdroomdustybin: X.org is debian's too.21:03
MikeCulvercrdlb: DRIconf won't start correctly, and glxanything all report a problem21:03
DBautellDVD torrent link, anyone?21:03
suwroanyone have problems with firefox 3 ?21:03
fliegenderfroschPaulMooney: what is it?21:03
dustybindaekdroom: so ubuntu stole apt, and xorg?21:03
wizohey, if i run a program from the command line and append it with a &, is it meant to continue even after i close the terminal?21:03
numaanhaving trouble downloading repositories21:03
daekdroomdustybin: and almost everything else.21:04
PaulMooneyfliegenderfrosch: my fault.  i thought you were talking to me.  my name is brandon... didn't realize that my nick wasn't at th etime21:04
jappdevsuwro:it runs great, just waiting for plugins to be updated for it21:04
bahadunnbicyclis1: virtualbox is nice.  I started using it a few months ago and I was not sure why I never heard of it before then21:04
]tla[Error is: "include/linux/types.h:40: error: conflicting types for ‘uintptr_t’"21:04
fliegenderfroschPaulMooney: np :)21:04
daekdroomdustybin: But Ubuntu has a different release cycle.21:04
arbrandesDBautell, http://www.acc.umu.se/~mighty/ubuntu/ubuntu-8.04-dvd-i386.iso.torrent21:04
tigranWell lets say nvidia driver is installed but xorg inst being updated, whats the name of the driver so I can manually try to change in xorg21:04
bicyclis1What i love is the seemless mode and that you can resize it and the resolution adapts.21:04
bahadunnbicyclis1: I was using qemu before virtualbox but qemu was too slow on my hardware21:04
mistapapawhen I resume from hibernate my notebook can't connect to wireless lan... :'( is there a way to manually get wlan up?21:04
MimiHello, I think Hardy is very cool so far... I have selected "Advanced" desktop effects... but where do I go to customise it? And where's Emerald?  Thanks in advance21:04
bicyclis1and of course the performacne21:04
suwrodustybin: stole is impropper to say - both applications you mention are open sources21:04
DBautellarbrandes, thanks21:04
dustybindaekdroom: aye true, debian has a slow release cycle, ubuntu twice a year21:04
bahadunnbicyclis1: virtualbox is very fast though21:04
arbrandesDBautell, you're welcome21:04
FishsceneMimi, in 7.04, you needed to install the compiz extensions from add/remove software21:04
fliegenderfroschMimi: you have to install cssm for more configuration21:04
NeT_DeMoNicanhasproxy: how do i fix it then?21:05
MimiDOH!! Thanks guys!!21:05
tumbleweed05alright. i'm out. later people.21:05
bicyclis1True. And it allows me to use several virtual oses in parallel.21:05
tigranmistapapa: you have to add it to a whitelist or blacklist cant remember which one or where it was, try googling21:05
linkmaster03can I get Hardy from Update Manager?21:05
Marfiis anyone else having problems installing packages?21:05
bahadunnbicyclis1: I have had entire virtual networks of systems running with virtualbox in one machine21:05
mistapapais here anyone that is willing to help me with my wlan? when resume from hibernate my notebook can't connect... :'(21:05
tumbleweed05enjoy hardy since i can't.21:05
Starnestommylinkmaster03: yes21:05
gaaracan any one tell me how i recompile apache module with DEAPI  plzzz21:05
gord_slaterMads-b: haha glad u got it sorted, like i said, i start with the physical layer first, especially if I have been out of the room  for more than a few minutes - trust no-one and no-thing :)21:05
MimiYes you can linkmaster0321:05
bicyclis1Man that was a show today at that presentation21:05
linkmaster03Thank you21:05
mistapapatigran: pardon21:05
bahadunnbicyclis1: very nice for testing clusters/load balancing/high availability etc...21:05
suwroMimi: I had the same problem - change your repos - I had a broken repo - after that - no more problems.21:05
dustybini havent found anything technologically amazing about ubuntu, maybe its just because people prefer to use newer packages rather than debians older stable packages21:05
arbrandeslinkmaster03, yes, but you don't want to do that today.  It's too slow.21:05
lch_woho one package to download left :-)21:05
gaaracan any one tell me how i recompile apache module with DEAPI  plzzz21:05
Jack_SparrowMarfi, expect all sorts of timouts and delays for a day or so21:05
gaaracan any one tell me how i recompile apache module with DEAPI  plzzz21:05
gaaracan any one tell me how i recompile apache module with DEAPI  plzzz21:05
FloodBot2gaara: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:05
bicyclis1bahadunn true, it helps a lot !21:05
suwroMimi: except firefox3 which i hate it.21:05
MarfiJack_Sparrow, thats what i was figuring. =)21:06
Jack_Sparrowdustybin, please take the discussion to #Ubuntu-offtopic21:06
Stop_ItYey, download finished, CD burned, wish me luck21:06
bahadunnI wonder if you can emulate arm cpus in virtualbox21:06
Marfi=0 FloodBot2 blocked Gaara of the sands?21:06
bicyclis1I am just burning copies of 8.04 in the moment for our next computer lecture at my departement. I will spread them among the listeners ;)21:06
Mads-bgord_slater: I thought I had it sorted, but when I have a LAN room with 12 switches and 3 routers things can get really messy really fast. That's why I made my homemade splitter too; I didn't have enough power outtakes ^^21:06
bahadunnthere are tons of SDKs that could be useful for cause qemu is just too slow unfortunately21:07
tigranI'm having trouble getting nvidia driver to work, I installed today, and in Hardware Driver it says that nvidia_new is enabled but not in use and in xorg the driver says vesa, any idea?21:07
arbrandesbicyclis1, heh, spread the word, brother! :)21:07
bahadunnI would not mind playing with that arm port of ubuntu21:07
doktoreashello everybody21:07
baskeanyone has experience of intel 4965 wireless card and ubuntu 8.04?21:07
doktoreassorry, is the Intel Quad Core 32bit ?21:07
mistapapa anyone knows if there is a way to get wlan manually up and down...?21:07
doktoreasfor the iso to be used21:07
Mimi...guys.... im using tasksel to install lamp server..... but instead its removing banshee, compiz-gnome, agave..... O.O Help!21:07
KyleKarm port of ubuntu? theres arm machines with VGA?21:07
bahadunndoktoreas: its 64bit21:07
Fishscenedoktoreas, if it's core 2, then yes, it is 32-bit and 64-bit capable21:07
bahadunndoktoreas: you can tell with a cat /proc/cpuinfo21:07
diggduggzHello, I'm wanting to do a fresh install of Ubuntu HH, how do I wipe the old ubuntu and do a clean install? will the Live CD give me this option? im about to burn it.21:08
bicyclis1Coolest thing today: A kid stood in my back talking to his friend like a real expert. Look, he is using vista, aint that cool. I was running the compiz cube.21:08
mistapapashit this channel is completly overloaded21:08
MikeCulvercrdlb: I found the kernel sourse for fglrx still there... removing that.  pruged and autocleaned...21:08
tseugmy battery is at 36%.  the adapter is plugged in.  how can i fix my battery? it's been like this for over a week. the laptop shuts off sometimes when using dvd player. what could be wrong? this all began after i upgraded to gutsy.21:08
bicyclis1Just turned around and said, well, that is way beyond vista......21:08
=== jordan___ is now known as daemon3
doktoreasok thx21:08
FishsceneIs there a way to setup an Ubuntu overflow channel?21:08
KyleKdiggduggz: tell it to format things?21:08
daemon3How do I install mac themes?21:08
AranelIs "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" is enough for updating ?21:08
OllieAI can't enable 1024x768 screen res because not in drop down box, how do I enable it!?21:08
diggduggzKyleK ..  things?21:08
Folk_Theoryno use update manager21:08
lch_tseug: i dont know, but you could upgrade to hardy, as its out today :-)21:08
Jack_Sparrowmistapapa, Please watch the language21:08
arbrandesAranel, if you edited /etc/apt/sources.list, yes.21:08
gord_slaterMads-b: coming from an electronics background myself, the 1st stage in most troubleshooting involves "check supplies". This was a mains (230volt) splitter you had?21:08
dubbyhelp someone i need java and gcj is not stable enough21:09
Aranelarbrandes: how can I edit it ? :) I don't edited.21:09
fliegenderfroschAranel: this won't give you the new version, just updates21:09
Ayabarais there an _easy_ way to share a folder using samba?21:09
KyleKdiggduggz: like partitions that you want cleaned out, like / but not /home maybe21:09
Jack_Sparrowdiggduggz, yes, select manual partitioning21:09
livingdaylighti'm adding wav files to /usr/share/sounds to change login sound. Yet when i hit 'test' i get no sound??21:09
tseuglch_, what? a new dist???21:09
fliegenderfroschAranel: you shouldn't perform the upgrade this way21:09
dubbyi am trying to install the stuff from sun micro-systems but its not making a mozilla plugin21:09
lch_tseug: yes, see topic line of this channel :-)21:09
Acoustyki know im the millionth person to ask but has 8.04 come out officially yet?21:09
Aranelfliegenderfrosch: how can I perform the upgrade ? can "sudo do-release-upgrade" do it ?21:09
arbrandesAranel, you have to change all "gutsy" references to "hardy", basically.21:09
Mimi..guys......guys.... im using tasksel to install lamp server..... but instead its removing banshee, compiz-gnome, agave, gnome-power-manager... notification-daemon........ O.O Help!21:09
arbrandesAcoustyk, yes21:09
OllieAIs anyone recieving these messages?21:09
=== dny_ is now known as dny
MimiIt just removed the network manager :-(  !!!21:10
KyleKMimi: what does tasksel do?21:10
arbrandesAranel, that is, if you're upgrading from Gutsy.21:10
fliegenderfroschAranel: yes, if you want to use the console, else use "update-manager --devel-release", but don't expect fast speeds today21:10
steindaniHi! I'd like to install Konica Minolta 2500W under Ubuntu 8.04. Can anyone help?21:10
StarnestommyMimi: you may want to consider installing mysql, apache, and php separately21:10
bprhow do i tell which package owns a given file?21:10
MimiKyleK: ... it allows you to install software packs... in my case  I was going to install web server and such... :(21:10
Wyleyrabbitfaemir: Thanks for the tip on brasero. That app burned the CD perfectly!21:10
Acoustykhow do i upgrade to 8.04?21:10
Trikd1any way to revert to Firefox 2 in Hardy?21:10
Acoustyki did sudo apt-get upgrade21:11
StarnestommyAcoustyk: use the update manager21:11
MimiStarnestommy: thanks but i guess its too late now... :(21:11
gbabpr, dpkg -S21:11
lch_bpr: i used packages.ubuntu.com for that task21:11
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes21:11
consfearacyis the latest ubuntu good?21:11
guy_hi all, anyone had problems with the CTRL key in Hardy? (ASUS V1J laptop here)21:11
livingdaylighti'm adding wav files to /usr/share/sounds to change login sound. Yet when i hit 'test' i get no sound??21:11
faemirWyleyrabbit, no problem. Tis good app :D21:11
Ashfire908Acoustyk: dist-upgrade i think21:11
Aranelfliegenderfrosch: ok, I'm running update-manager --devel-release now, is it enough ?21:11
Mimiconsfearacy:  yes, it's really really nice :)21:11
Acoustykah thanks21:11
bprgba, lch_: thanks!21:11
fliegenderfroschAcoustyk: its better to wait a few days, the servers are overheating anyway21:11
Aranelor Do I need additional commands ?21:11
KyleKMimi: tasksel back to desktop :p21:11
Acoustykah k21:11
Flare183Acoustyk: nope21:11
fliegenderfroschAranel: there should appear a message about a new distro version available21:11
KyleKover hating servers :)21:11
Wyleyrabbitfaemir: no kidding. In windows, I really like ImgBurn, but this appears a close second.21:11
jonathanIm having trouble using my scroll wheel. It works fine in windows, so I dont think its a hardware problem. Could someone help me?21:12
Trikd1Firefox 2 in Hardy?21:12
fliegenderfroschAranel: if not, you probably don't have the newest version of update-manager21:12
hyjalI'm hearing no sound from flash in hardy! I installed flash via "ubuntu restricted extras". It worked fine in gutsy. Any ideas?21:12
MimiKyleK:  thanks for the reminder, i thought i was lost.... you're right :P Mmm.... i hope it doenst completely delete my wireless modules otherwise im poo'ed ;p21:12
AtariMoeI'm not sure how upgrading is for Hardy, but when I upgraded from Feisty to Gutsy I had some minor quirks... you might want to reinstall from the disk if you can21:12
dD0TIs there something like a mrtg visualisation of the ubuntu mirror servers? Would be very interesting to see the current load ;-)21:12
ubotuHardy Heron is the codename for the current release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS) You can get it now from http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu but please use !torrents21:12
JomatamCatalist control center says   no ATI driver   where i can see what drivers I have and from where I can install them?21:12
jpt9does Wubi work on Vista?21:12
Aranelfliegenderfrosch:  In fact, I'm installing it now :)21:12
MimiJomatam:  is this for hardy?21:12
KyleKMimi: reinstall it before you reboot :) it wont have deleted firmware or ndiswrapper drivers21:12
AranelI dont have a program named update-manager21:13
Ashfire908jpt9: from screenshots i've seen, yes.21:13
fliegenderfroschAranel: with acceptable download speeds?21:13
jpt9I've that there heard issues since Vista doesn't use boot.ini.21:13
Mimi.... neat.....! thanks for the awesome tip KyleK xD!21:13
guy_aranel: system > administration menu21:13
Aranelfliegenderfrosch: I'm installing update-manager , not new distro :) i dont know.21:13
Aranelfliegenderfrosch: but I'm running Kubuntu. Is it important ?21:13
grindholdmy sound doesn'T work after the upgrade i had OSS before. may anyone help me?21:13
Jack_Sparrowjpt9, read the wubi faq carefully including the warnings...21:13
arbrandesAranel, download the torrent iso, burn it, put the cd in, and follow instructions.  It'll be much faster.21:13
milly1234any download speed is acceptable to me, as long as I can restart were I left off, torrents pretty nice for that21:13
Mimilol i dont even have the gnome panel anymore... i suspect tasksel is gonna kill gnome real soon... this might be my last words...21:13
milly1234torrent was slower for me, but it can restart and stop at any time without problems21:14
FishsceneUBuntu 8.04 Torrents are out? I couldn't find the link for them21:14
fliegenderfroschAranel: have a look at !upgrade21:14
StarnestommyFishscene: see the topic message21:14
milly1234Fishscene, in the topic21:14
arbrandesFishscene, check the topic of the channel.21:14
FishsceneStarnestommy, thanks21:14
Jomatamfor Ubuntu torrent  search Ubuntu releases21:14
steindaniThe repository is so slow, that I must wait up to 5 seconds to download anything.21:15
steindaniCan I use an other rep.?21:15
twistageAnyone have problems with static noises in Exaile under Hardy?21:15
XB23guys whats it mean21:15
XB23ifup: couldn't read interfaces file "/etc/network/interfaces"21:15
fliegenderfroschAranel: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading21:15
XB23/etc/network/interfaces:2: misplaced option21:15
arbrandesAll torrents: http://www.acc.umu.se/~mighty/ubuntu/21:15
Daniel^when running quake1 and quake2 in ubuntu i have some keyboard problems, like some keys wont work, and if i bind them in game i get the error that they are unknow keys21:15
=== KillGhostNK is now known as Fdisk_
Aranelfliegenderfrosch: I tried. But Its downloading only 400~ Meg file. same of the dist-upgrade .21:15
Trikd1anybody know how to get Firefox 2?21:15
JomatamWere I can find what drivers I have and how I can het ati driver21:15
StarnestommyTrikd1: I think there's a firefox2 package21:15
jconnollyanyone else having problems downloading from us.archive.ubuntu.com ?21:16
steindaniTrikd1: I could tell you... open private21:16
lrphello everyone21:16
lrpi have a question21:16
arbrandesjconnolly, yes, it's completely swamped.21:16
Starnestommyjconnolly: It's being very slow for me21:16
lrphow can i connect to a remote mirror in ubuntu ?21:16
Starnestommyall four IPs on that hostname, even21:16
fliegenderfroschTrikd1: i thought ff2 was installed by default, as firefox-2 or similar21:16
milly1234jconnolly, probably so many downloading it is near its limits21:16
Jack_Sparrowdiggduggz, yes, select manual partitioningjcoextreemly busy, and I would expect them to be that way through the weekend21:16
lrpyou know im totally new using ubunty and i dont know how is the structure  in sources.list21:16
jconnollyis there something new out today?21:16
Starnestommyfliegenderfrosch: the new release usues firefox 3 by default21:16
lrpany hand or howto doing that ?21:16
Starnestommyjconnolly: ubuntu 8.0421:17
arbrandesjconnolly, lol, yes, the new Ubuntu.21:17
Jack_Sparrowjconnolly, extreemly busy, and I would expect them to be that way through the weekend21:17
Stop_It(21:16:46) (jconnolly) is there something new out today? <--Yes, Ubuntu ver 8.0421:17
cham_eleonMy IDE hdd is not recognized by the hardy kernel, with gutsy everything works fine. My sata devices are working fine, only one IDE hdd is not working... does anyone have an idea?21:17
lch_Jack_Sparrow: tries to answer many questions in one line ;-)21:17
jconnollyI have Hardy already21:17
fliegenderfroschStarnestommy: i know, but I thought ff2 was installed as well21:17
dnywhats the command to chmod a folder(and all files/folders in it) to have all permissions to everyone?21:17
arbrandesjconnolly, hehehe21:17
fliegenderfroschStarnestommy: i might be wrong though, i don't use hardy yet21:17
js_does the update manager hang for anyone else?21:17
Jack_Sparrowjs_, yes21:17
arbrandesjs_, yes, the servers are swamped.21:17
js_dny: you don't want to do that21:17
jconnollyjs_ servers are swamped21:17
js_swamp swamp21:17
arbrandesIt's all a big bog.21:17
milly1234dny, if you must chmod 77721:17
dnyjs_ well, then for root and myself :x21:17
jordanjay29I'm having an issue with VPN, cisco package network-manager-vpnc. Not able to configure the connection correctly to the network. My Uni's got a .pcf file for it, but their most recent version is incompatible with kernel 2.6.21:17
milly1234dny, I don't advise it though21:17
js_i'll try tomorrow then21:17
twistageIs "purge" interchangeable with "remove"?21:17
Abdubuntu servers are overloaded with traffic21:18
arbrandesjs_, try next week, or the torrents.21:18
lch_OllieA: nex time you ask if someone is seeing you, dont leave in the same second...21:18
jpt9what is the maximum file size on an NTFS partition?  Will a 5GB disk image even work for Wubi on an NTFS drive?21:18
fliegenderfroschtwistage: afaik purge also removes configs21:18
Stop_ItJust doing the install within windows, i'm guessing I dont miss out on anything (Apart from Hibernate) by doing so? I can still install stuff on there etc?21:18
Jomatamhei  were I can see what drivers I have and where i can get ATI radeon 925021:18
KcajIs it possible to have all the Windows machines in my imemdiate vicinity log on to and authenticate as Ubuntu users at start up?21:18
dnymilly1234 whats the number for just root and myself?21:18
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OllieAI need to use the 1024x768 screen res but not in drop down box, how do I add it to box?21:18
milly1234dny, change the folders owner with chown to yourself21:18
exploidthe torrents are slower then what I thought...21:18
fliegenderfroschJomatam: just use the restricted driver manager21:18
bulliumhas anyone else lost their number keypad since the upgrade from 7.10 to 8.04? NumLock is on but my number keys do not work?21:18
milly1234don't use the 777, its for everyone21:19
dnymilly1234 well its the /var/www/ folder, so idk if it need sto have root as user or not21:19
fliegenderfroschbullium: check the config dialog, i think there is an option there21:19
arbrandesexploid, the desktop torrent is pretty fast.  the alternate is ok.  The DVD is kinda slow.21:19
ere4si!ati | Jomatam21:19
ubotuJomatam: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto21:19
JomatamI also have resolution problem21:19
Jack_Sparrowjpt9, it will work..  but you would need to defrag as it needs continious space.. personally , I wont risk my windows ntfs for the sake of wubi21:19
tigranfliegenderfrosch:  I'm having trouble getting nvidia driver to work, I installed today, and in Hardware Driver it says that nvidia_new is enabled but not in use and in xorg the driver says vesa, any idea?21:19
Trikd1Starnestommy: where would i find this package?21:19
Assidarbrandes: not many people seeding it thats why21:19
Jomatamyea ATI Radeon 925021:19
arbrandesAssid, the DVD? yes, that's why.21:19
exploidarbrandes: Ièm downloading desktop21:19
bulliumfliegenderfrosch: config dialog?21:19
StarnestommyTrikd1: it should be in the package manager21:19
bulliumfliegenderfrosch: not sure where that is21:19
wuxiahow does 8.04 desktop and server differ?21:19
jpt9Jack_Sparrow: why would it be risky?21:19
timUR123What do u think about debian Sid linux it seems much fasyer than ubuntu ??21:19
john47question: I dont have a separate "home" partition on my computer...will upgrading to hardy heron from gutsy wipe out the files in my home folder??21:19
arbrandesexploid, desktop comes at over 300kbps, here.21:19
fliegenderfroschbullium: the keyboard config dialog in ubuntu21:19
Assidif peoople started seeding that.. would be fun21:19
OllieAI need to use the 1024x768 screen res but not in drop down box, how do I add it to box?21:19
[tla]Hi.  Anyone have a working vmware-tools source / patches for Hardy / 8.0?21:19
evandjpt9: Yes, it will work fine.  NTFS max file size is 16 EiB21:19
KcajFor anybody else interestedmy problem earlier21:19
Fishscenewuxia, server is geared more for "server" roles.21:19
exploidarbrandes: 50 :s21:19
KcajWas caused by changing the host name21:19
nownotjust got 8.04 and when i do sudo apt-get install perlmagick i get couldnt find package perlmagick21:20
fliegenderfroschbullium: could be the mouse config dialog, i haven't tried it myself21:20
KcajAfter changing the host name you have to log back in21:20
Jack_Sparrowjpt9, read the wubi faq21:20
Kcajor else the GUI is virtually broken21:20
wuxiaFishscene: yes, is there a online list of the actual differences?21:20
JomatamI so that howto.   It is not for hardy and i didn't understood how to use it21:20
arbrandesAssid, yes, because then we could use the DVD to upgrade, instead of the bogged servers.21:20
Trikd1Starnestommy: would i need to add anything to have it appear there? all im seeing is firefox 321:20
lch_john47: no, just use the update manager to upgrade21:20
fliegenderfroschbullium: there should be a checkbox where the numpad can be enabled/disabled21:20
john47lch_: whew, many thanks....I was worried....21:20
Jack_Sparrow!ot > timUR12321:20
bad_cableswhat is the chan for ubustu/21:20
StarnestommyTrikd1: it might have a different name, but I am pretty sure that it's in the repositores21:20
nownot? anyone 8.04 with perlmagick?21:20
timUR123Jack_Sparrow,  what ?21:20
gaurav__hi, i upgraded from 7.10 to 8.04 beta, ever since i upgraded i had a bug where the gdm login would not load, however the orange background and mouse cursor would load but it never gets to the login prompt... i have now upgraded fully to 8.04 and the bug is still there, i get no gdm login window... anyone have any ideas?21:20
arbrandesbad_cables, ubustu? this is ubuntu ;)21:21
Jack_SparrowtimUR123, you are offtopic21:21
lrpyou know im totally new using ubunty and i dont know how is the structure  in sources.list i need a hand doing this21:21
Theo_In CLI: How do I combine two text files?21:21
jpt9Jack_Sparrow: I did.  But don't you have the same risk of filesystem corruption regardless of OS if you kill the power without properly shutting down?21:21
OllieAI need to use the 1024x768 screen res but not in drop down box, how do I add it to box?21:21
bad_cablesubuntu studio with the rt kernel21:21
bad_cablesfor music21:21
wx9j4 failed installs of Ubuntu, one of Debian, all stall at "scanning Mirrors" at 40% ..... any clues ?????21:21
bulliumfliegenderfrosch: any idea why that would change on the upgrade? I've got a few other weird issues like this as well...21:21
kestazso how hardy ?21:21
ere4si!res > OllieA21:21
lch_john47: im upgrading that way right now, hope i'm right ;-) (well it used to work for previous dist upgrades. pyckup your precious data anyway)21:21
arbrandeswx9j, servers are swamped.21:21
Kcajwx9j: Fate21:21
fliegenderfroschbullium: no idea, i just heard someone else had the same issue21:21
jordanjay29I'm having an issue with VPN, cisco package network-manager-vpnc. Not able to configure the connection correctly to the network. My Uni's got a .pcf file for it, but their most recent version is incompatible with kernel 2.6. I've thus had little luck converting the info in the .pcf file to the VPN config utility. The pcf has encryption keys, which I'm not sure what to do with.21:21
hanasakiRemotewhat do I run to do the update to the release that just came out21:21
FishsceneWuxia, Server: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/WhatIsUbuntu/serveredition ,  Desktop: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/WhatIsUbuntu/desktopedition21:21
vladhi people im havng a problem trying to download packages from add/remove programs when it begins to download it doesnt show any progress21:21
Jack_Sparrowjpt9, I wont use it.. feel free to do so...21:21
arbrandesvlad, servers are swamped.21:22
vladas i thought21:22
wx9jarbrandes, does that happen often ? never seen it before.21:22
OllieAere4si: I hav looked at that and it doesn't work21:22
lch_vlad:  ubuntu release day, servers are sloooow..21:22
nownothow do i fix ubuntu couldn't find package21:22
andycaas1Why doesnt emerald keep the titlebar after i try to exit terminal (its running emerald --replace)21:22
vladi thught that21:22
arbrandeswx9j, no today is the release of the new ubuntu.21:22
john47lch_: oh, ok, I thought you knew for sure...Has anyone else upgraded via the update manager without damaging data files in the home folder???21:22
NeT_DeMoNin synaptics, what do i need to search for to get my x.org binarys for my ATI graphics card?21:22
vladill wait then21:22
tigranIs there a nvidia-glx-new package in 8.0421:22
jordanjay29Anybody for helping on Cisco VPN client?21:22
jpt9if it's so risky, why did they include it?  It seems silly to have a tool that makes it easy for beginners/Linux noobs to try Ubuntu, but that has a horrible risk of wreaking havoc on the user's data...21:22
ere4siOllieA: have you installed the drivers for your vid card?21:22
bulliumfliegenderfrosch: at least I'm not the only one...does emerld manager not control themes anymore? it will not change my them now?21:22
Starnestommyarbrandes: try emerald --replace & disown21:22
AtariMoewx9j: you're trying to upgrade, not fresh install, correct?21:22
Assidokay this isnt stable21:22
fliegenderfroschNeT_DeMoN: use the restricted manager21:22
Assidits still hanging for me21:22
OllieAere4si: Dunno :P21:22
rinaldi_tigran: yes there is21:23
wx9jarbrandes, now I feel lke a tool. thanks21:23
nownothow do i fix ubuntu couldn't find package21:23
arbrandeswx9j, heh, we all do ;)21:23
Assidhellp :!:(21:23
ere4siOllieA: what's the card?21:23
fliegenderfroschbullium: emerald manager never controlled themes, only window decorations21:23
tigranrinaldi_: Umm E: Package nvidia-glx has no installation candidate21:23
OllieAere4si: No idea :P21:23
NeT_DeMoNfliegenderfrosch: ok21:23
tigranrinaldi_: same for new21:23
Jack_Sparrowjpt9, the risk is minimal, but I wont use it...  I was against them including it21:23
KyleKhow do I simplify the firefox 3 auto complete?21:23
lch_john47: i'm sure, i would not do the upgrade that way else..21:23
jpt9Jack_Sparrow: oh.21:23
the_darkside_986everyone else having the same Nvidia problem?21:23
jordanjay29I'm having an issue with VPN, cisco package network-manager-vpnc. Not able to configure the connection correctly to the network. My Uni's got a .pcf file for it, but their most recent version is incompatible with kernel 2.6. I've thus had little luck converting the info in the .pcf file to the VPN config utility. The pcf has encryption keys, which I'm not sure what to do with.21:23
wx9jAtariMoe, No was showing a MCSE how easy to install over windows this was :)21:23
* [T]-Rex finally has ubuntu installed! :)21:23
bulliumfliegenderfrosch: opps wrong words...it isn't changing my decorations after the upgrade21:23
rbs-titoKyleK: What do you mean?21:23
ere4siOllieA: open a terminal and type    lspci | grep vga   that will tell you21:24
fliegenderfroschbullium: is emerald running?21:24
exploidsomeone should set the topic to something including the packages are slow21:24
JomatamOn hardy heron I cant find in resolution settings 1280x1024, i can't find how to change my monitor, set up video card or it's driver. using comand... xorg resolutions did not appeared. And that How to for graphic cards was not very useful. HELP21:24
DaliusoHello. I am trying to get my wireless internet card (Broadcom BCM43XG) working. When I type "sudo lshw -C network", it gives my on-board ethernet and it also shows my wireless which is listed as "UNCLAIMED"... any tips on how to get this working?21:24
arbrandesexploid, agreed.21:24
bulliumlet me check my session21:24
rbs-tito!broadcom | Daliuso21:24
john47lch_: ok...i will backup my files before I attempt to upgrade to hardy just to be 100 percent sure...21:24
andycaas1Why doesnt emerald keep the titlebar after i try to exit terminal (its running emerald --replace)21:24
the_darkside_986I just installed Ubuntu Hardy--clean install--and everything is dreadfully laggy and slow and I can't get Nvidia restricted to be enabled. The box is checked but it says it is not in use no matter what.21:24
bulliumfliegenderfrosch: let me check my session21:24
Assidokay pidgin irc plugin slows down my machine :(21:24
KyleKwell if I type a letter like C instead of getting sites that begin with C I get like .com matches21:24
DaliusoThanks rbs-tito21:24
AtariMoewx9j: i see... i was going to suggest the alternate install cd if you were fresh-installing; i had problems with the xubuntu live cd on some old hardware that the alternate CD worked with21:24
Odd-rationalewhy doesn't "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" give as many options anymore in hardy? Where do I go to choose vidoe driver, resolution, etc?21:24
nicktis there a reason why a restricted driver would have been included last version but not 8.0421:24
rbs-titoDaliuso: Sorry, I thought that worked21:24
exploidarbrandes: and if the topic should be smaller use the link http://www.acc.umu.se/~mighty/ubuntu/21:24
rinaldi_tigran: have you tried in synaptic? also apt-get update?21:24
rbs-titoDaliuso: I'll find it for you21:24
Daliusolol its okay21:25
Daliusothank you21:25
Marfithe_darkside_986, enable the extra repositories, then install nvidia-glx-new  ;)21:25
jordanjay29Anybody for helping on Cisco VPN client?21:25
the_darkside_986oh ok21:25
KyleKrbs-tito: i like the old auto complete better :)21:25
arbrandesexploid, problem is, I don't know who the ops are. :)21:25
wx9jAtariMoe, I always use the alt disc, today I tired both, both died same place, also the debian21:25
ubotuDaliuso: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx21:25
Jomatamgive as many options anymore in hardy? Where do I go to choose vidoe driver, resolution, etc?21:25
rbs-titoDaliuso: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx?action=show&redirect=WifiDocs%2FDriver%2FBroadcom43xx21:25
john47wow, it seems like lots of folks are having issues with hardy...maybe I should wait to upgrade.21:25
=== gregbrady is now known as compaqr4000
exploidarbrandes: yeah itès a big problem I guess :P21:25
andryjordanjay29: what is the problem with cisco vpn?21:25
gord_slaterimagine, just imagine,  a perfect world where each ISP would transparently mirror the ISO file for a week after release...................21:25
zilche[pulse-audio help] My multimedia keys/gnome-volume-control isn't allowing me to vary the volume, while I can on pulse-audio's volume control, any help?21:25
tigranrinaldi_: Oops heh, right, it was timing out so I didnt do it, and I forgot.21:25
rbs-titoKyleK: What's the difference?21:25
wx9jAtariMoe, its a gate$ plot21:25
* [T]-Rex anyone using irssi21:25
testnamedoes the update-manager automatically restart my system or do i haven't to worry about that?21:26
arbrandesgord_slater, heh, that's why there are torrents ;)21:26
rbs-titoKyleK: I see what you mean, it took some getting used to21:26
nownothow do i fix ubuntu couldn't find package21:26
OllieAere4si: How do I find out my card?21:26
rinaldi_tigran: same. I had to do it a couple of times21:26
DaliusoThanks guys21:26
Odd-rationaletestname: it will not restart until you say so21:26
tigranrinaldi_: Its working now tho, I'll try to install the driver once its done21:26
jimcooncatgord_slater: apt-cacher too21:26
fliegenderfroschnownot: what exactly do you mean?21:26
MarfiOllieA, lspci21:26
Jack_Sparrownownot, the servers are swamped... just wait..21:26
jordanjay29andry: I'm having an issue with VPN, cisco package network-manager-vpnc. Not able to configure the connection correctly to the network. My Uni's got a .pcf file for it, but their most recent version is incompatible with kernel 2.6. I've thus had little luck converting the info in the .pcf file to the VPN config utility. The pcf has encryption keys, which I'm not sure what to do with.21:26
testnameOdd-rationale, thanks21:26
the_darkside_986I've got all the repos enabled but I can't find any "nvidia-glx-new" or anything with "nvidia-glx"21:26
tigranrinaldi_: I had release days, so crazy21:26
tigranrinaldi_: hate*21:26
jockeHmm, is the new release of gobuntu released now?21:26
DooMRunneRi have a linksys wusb54g ubs wifi card, anyone an idea how to set up this thing under hardy?21:26
gord_slaterarbrandes: mines choked at about 3kb/s upload right now by  the ISP21:26
rbs-titoKyleK: Short of using FF2 I can't see what you can do21:26
ere4siOllieA: open a terminal - type   lspci | grep vga   - that will tell you21:26
lch_john47: consider that those with problems tend to speak up while the others where everything works are not even here ;-) but waiting a day or tow will also help for a faster download as the servers are overloaded right now21:27
arbrandesgord_slater, oh, yeah, there's THAT problem too :)21:27
mh166|smithhi everybody21:27
breitihi mh166|smith21:27
bulliumfliegenderfrosch: it doesn't look as if it was...why would that have changed...sorry for so many questions...seems like a lot of simple stuff is breaking...I've done at least to other upgrades (not on this machine) and haven't had any issues before...Have their been a lot of issues with upgrades?21:27
AtariMoewx9j: oh... i don't have anymore to suggest on that then... a gate$ plot plausible enough21:27
Cpudan80Does anyone else get a scrollkeeper error when upgrading to Hardy?21:27
Cpudan80It says .... blackjack.xml:402 parser error : .... ?21:27
bulliumfliegenderfrosch: I started emerald and it runs, but why would it have been disabled on the upgrade?21:27
antonskyjoin #ubuntu-de21:27
gord_slaterarbrandes: its because of everyone sharing the latest holywood blockbuster "Hardy Heron does Global"21:27
the_darkside_986I get this: Package nvidia-glx-new is not available, but is referred to by another package.21:27
Greyhound-where is the restricted drivers manager in 8.04? I can't find it21:27
arbrandesgord_slater, hehehehe, sounds about right :)21:28
andryjordanjay29: import never worked for me. the inly way it worked to recreate vpn config in network manager applet21:28
john47lch_: Sounds good....I already downloaded an ISO of hardy this morning as soon as it went live, and it was fast.  Now that everyone is home from work and doing upgrades, I'm sure the servers are bogged down.21:28
jlewis2979Hi guy. Here's my problem. I'm trying to install ubuntu 8 on my vista ultimate laptop. I've downloaded the iso image and burnt it to a dvd using ashampoo. I then used disk management to resise my windows partition which created 35 gigabites of unallocated space. I then reset my computer with the dvd in. The setup menu loads but when i try to choose install or the "try before you install" option the ubuntu logo/load screen comes 21:28
fliegenderfroschbullium: not all upgrade issues are found in testing and can be fixed21:28
bulliumfliegenderfrosch: I understand that :)21:28
bicyclis1gord_slater: For sure a movie i can highly recommend ;)21:28
rbs-titoGreyhound-: System > admin > hardware drivers21:28
AyabaraI'm trying to share files in samba, but can't see anything on my windows pc. how can I verify that my ubuntu is actually sharing the files?21:28
livingdaylighti needz help changing login sound21:28
Greyhound-but there's nothing there rbs-tito21:28
* [T]-Rex yo21:28
jordanjay29andry: I tried that. I'm certain there are values missing, since my Uni's pcf file includes encryption keys. I'm not certain where the input for those are.21:28
fliegenderfroschlivingdaylight: in the login manager config afaik21:28
rbs-titoGreyhound-: It isn't called restricted anymore, it's called hardware21:28
StuckMojohey is the mirror list mirrored anywhere?21:28
lch_john47: when you already have the CD you can boot it live to check if it works well on your PC before upgrading the installed system :-)21:28
JomatamOk  as I understan no one knows how to set up resolutions in Hardy what are not listed. And I even can't tell what dirivers I have and what i haven't.21:28
danbhfiveAyabara: try this site: http://www.europe.eclipse.co.uk/Ubuntu/Ubuntu-on-win-network.htm21:28
Odd-rationaleHow do I choose my video drivers, resolution, etc? I looked in the xorg file. I don't understand "Configured Video Device"... :?21:29
rinaldi_the_darkside_986: make sure when you do "sudo apt-get update" you don't time out. I had that a couple of times. the servers are slow21:29
Greyhound-I want to enable a driver for my nvidia mx44021:29
mh166|smithi got a problem with the ubuntu-installer (alternate-cd): when trying to configure the crypted partitions it shows me the message "starting up the partitioner" .... but hangs up at 47% .... then nothing happens anymore ... no chance to get this configured =/21:29
livingdaylighti added wav file to usr/share/sounds/ but when i test it don't work21:29
compaqr4000It seems like my grub did not get updated along with 8.04, any ideas why and how to fix that?21:29
arbrandesStuckMojo, lol, isn't that ironic?21:29
MikeCulvercrdlb: I'm back.. and there seems to be no change.  glxinfo still returns the same error21:29
nicktgreyhound-: let me know what you doing as I think i have that prob too - i have wireless restricted driver i need21:29
StuckMojoi'm just trying to do an apt-get upgrade and it's toast cus of all the iso downloaders21:29
StuckMojoarbrandes: hehe21:29
arbrandesStuckMojo, yup, same here21:29
Jomatamthe same problem     How do I choose my video drivers, resolution, etc? I looked in the xorg file. I don't understand "Configured Video Device"... :?21:29
jordanjay29StuckMojo: servers are swamped, try again tomorrow21:29
StuckMojocan't get to the damn mirror list either21:29
Greyhound-nickt: I'm trying to enable a driver for my gfx card21:29
rbs-titoGreyhound-: Do you have administrator priveleges? Check in your user account and the new priveleges manager21:30
john47lch_: now, there's a fine idea!  I'm actually going to try to do the wubi install on my HP laptop.  I tried to install gutsy on it with disastrous results before (ie, had to reinstall windows, ie wipe the HD...my IT dept was not very happy with me! lol)21:30
Jack_SparrowJomatam, the new xorg is entirely different.. not sure how it all works myself yet21:30
the_darkside_986argh update is stuck at 87% at archive.ubuntu.com. why can't everyone just use torrents or alternative mirrors :(21:30
Greyhound-rbs-tito,  where's that?21:30
arjwhy arent you :)21:30
Fai use torrents21:30
fliegenderfroschJack_Sparrow: a lot more is autoconfigured now21:30
Fai'm seeding now :P21:30
gaurav__hi, i upgraded from 7.10 to 8.04 beta, ever since i upgraded i had a bug where the gdm login would not load, however the orange background and mouse cursor would load but it never gets to the login prompt... i have now upgraded fully to 8.04 and the bug is still there, i get no gdm login window... anyone have any ideas? i think this is related to bug 21053821:30
arbrandesthe_darkside_986, i wish more people used the DVD torrent, so then we could all upgrade without using the servers.21:30
Jack_Sparrowfliegenderfrosch, I got that much thanks21:30
nicktgreyhound-: how do you add a driver - its a pain being wireless i cant play and chat as obviously cant get on net :(  will find info and reboot and try again21:30
danbhfiveStuckMojo: use a torrent, and get the alternate cd, I think that would work21:30
=== vlad is now known as wv-vlad
rbs-titoGreyhound-: System > admin > authorisations21:31
Jack_Sparrowfliegenderfrosch, and you can still force your config using the xorg.conf21:31
andryJomatam: there is screen and graphics utility in system->administration. if it's not there install one21:31
StuckMojodanbhfive: no i'm already running hardy21:31
fr500framebuffer console doesnt work21:31
john47has anyone tried the wubi install on hardy?21:31
StuckMojodanbhfive: i just want to mod my sources.list so i can get updates21:31
[BT]JaChow can i set colors in terminal21:31
MikeCulverWhen libGL tries to load my r300_dri.so, i get an error about an unresolved symbol.  DRI and compiz will not work.21:31
fliegenderfroschJack_Sparrow: but i hope xorg.conf-editing will die out soon :)21:31
arbrandesStuckMojo your best bet for the weekend is the DVD torrent.21:31
[BT]JaChow can i set colors in terminal?21:32
JomatamHow it is called    that screen and graphic utility21:32
tcpdumpgodhmm, what happened to #ubuntu+1 ?21:32
xtfHey everyone!21:32
StuckMojoarbrandes: i'm already running hardy21:32
fliegenderfroschjohn47: how do you mean "on hardy"?21:32
djm62Can anyone update the UbuntuHashes page on the wiki to include Hardy?21:32
Jack_Sparrowfliegenderfrosch, there will always be a need for some way to manually configure odd hrdware21:32
arbrandesStuckMojo, I see, Sir Luke21:32
tcpdumpgodhi xtf21:32
westhermwill fixes that worked in gutsy work on hardy21:32
livingdaylightfliegenderfrosch, interessant.... ich hätte gedacht das System>Preference>Sound dafür war_21:32
SchighSchaghhow do I disconnect a USB device (ie: unload the device driver) without physically unplugging the device?21:32
Seveaswestherm, depends on the fix21:32
fliegenderfroschJack_Sparrow: but at least one can use a projector now without editing this file21:32
djm62And also, can anyone point me to the md5 sums of the current release?21:32
StuckMojoarbrandes: i just want to be able to apt-get upgrade to get updates21:32
xtfWat u doing tcpdumpgod?21:32
westhermi had to fix soundcards on a dell laptop21:32
[BT]JaCSeveas how can i set colors in terminal?21:32
jordanjay29andry: I'm normally asked for my username and password for VPN. In ubuntu, I'm asked for my password and group password. I think the group pass is the encryption key, but I'm unsure what password would be, then. I don't think it'll log me in with only my username or just my password21:33
tim__bdjm62, do you need the file hashes?21:33
jamiehaleAnyone else get Errno 5 on install?21:33
arbrandesStuckMojo, yeah, in that case, I suggest waiting a couple of days.21:33
xdais xorg suid?21:33
StuckMojoyeahhh yeah yeah21:33
[BT]JaCarbrandes how can i set colors in terminal?21:33
djm62tim__b: I downloaded from an extremely unverified source (no choice) so it would be nice21:33
tcpdumpgodnadda xtf... trying to find "#ubuntu+1"21:33
Seveas[BT]JaC, edit -> current profile (->) colors21:33
john47fliegenderfrosch: I mean has anyone used the hardy disk to install Ubuntu 8.04 within windows and dualbooted using the wubi install method...Flying frog - cool name!21:33
SchighSchaghhow do I disconnect a USB device (ie: unload the device driver) without physically unplugging the device?\21:33
pmasters_geniehelp just upgraded to 8.04 and my wireless card no longer works :-(21:33
[BT]JaCSeveas - server edition21:33
StuckMojomaybe i'll use the wayback machine to find the mirrors page ;)21:33
the_darkside_986when's us.archive.ubuntu.com going to start working? am I going to be stuck in a broken nvidia state for the remainder of the week?21:33
[BT]JaCSeveas no desktop21:33
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xtfoh... im so board21:33
JomatamGot that   must wait cuple days for experts to get used to hardy21:33
rinaldi_SchighSchagh: right click on the device and click "unmount"21:33
Theo_In CLI: how do I combine text files21:33
tcpdumpgodWhat the hell does "#ubuntu+1 #ubuntu :Forwarding to another channel" mean guys?21:33
mh166|smithi got a problem with the ubuntu-installer (alternate-cd): when trying to configure the crypted partitions it shows me the message "starting up the partitioner" .... but hangs up at 47% .... then nothing happens anymore ... no chance to get this configured =/21:34
arbrandesStuckMojo, lol, that's actually not a bad idea21:34
tim__bdjm62, get the hardymd5.txt from http://tinyurl.com/6avfwz it's a copy of the offical md5s21:34
GNUtoohello, gnash is broken on ubuntu(doesn't play youtube videos) but the same version 0.8.2 works fine on gentoo...is it because ubuntu's gnash is compiled with gstreamer and i compiled the gentoo version with ffmpeg?21:34
* StuckMojo tries it21:34
fliegenderfroschjohn47: i thought you meant installing ubuntu within ubuntu with wubi (maybe thats possible with wine? :) )21:34
GNUtooit's on ubuntu hardy21:34
djm62tim__b: and also I noticed that the official page was un-updated so I thought I'd do the responsible thing...21:34
Theo_In CLI: how do I combine text files and remove duplicates?21:34
Jack_Sparrowtcpdumpgod, + 1 no longer exists21:34
Seveas[BT]JaC, you need escape codes then. read a bash tutorial :)21:34
mh166|smithhi Macpower|afk ^^21:34
Greyhound-rbs-tito, what exactly should I grant myself access too? there's nothing speicifically related to drivers...21:34
arbrandesTheo_: cat file1 file2 > combined_file21:34
wild_oscarif someone knows why this happens: Network IP's only available after /etc/init.d/networking restart...21:34
tcpdumpgodJack_Sparrow, hmm... where would I go to discuss Hardy issues?21:34
[BT]JaCSeveas escape codes?21:34
Theo_will that remove duplicates?21:34
fliegenderfroschtcpdumpgod: here21:34
gord_slatertcpdumpgod: the ubuntu+1 was for pre-release 8.04, now it released it forwards here21:34
Teknoeniehi all21:34
fliegenderfroschtcpdumpgod: hardy is released now21:34
djm62tim__b: thanks, I'll take two uncorrelated unreliable sources to more-or-less be reliable ;-)21:34
arbrandesTheo_, duplicate what? lines? no21:35
john47fliegenderfrosh: yikes, no, I wouldn't do that.  No, I wanted to know if someone had successfully installed hardy within windows and what they thought of the process and result (in terms of speed, disk access, etc.)21:35
Jack_Sparrowtcpdumpgod, THis is the support room for hardy, discussions go to ubuntu-offtopic21:35
xtfDoes enyone know how to setup a Primergy 600? this thing wont work?21:35
westhermis it recommended to stay with gutsy until a lot of the wrinkles have been ironed out21:35
Teknoeniehow can I tell Ubuntu 8.04 to start NIS before NFS21:35
fliegenderfroschtcpdumpgod: so its no longer ubuntu+121:35
Theo_how can i remove duplicate words21:35
StuckMojoarbrandes: http://web.archive.org/web/20070702220402/www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/downloadmirrors21:35
tcpdumpgodoooh gord_slater ! I dint know Hardy was released.21:35
tcpdumpgodWhen did that happen21:35
rbs-titoGreyhound-: Come to think of it, it shouldn't make a difference if you are using sudo. Is there much missing from your admin menu?21:35
OppTupacShakurna Macpower|afk nu frag mal los :P21:35
tcpdumpgodShould I change my sources.list for the release?21:35
arbrandesStuckMojo, hehehe, cool21:35
mh166|smithi got a problem with the ubuntu-installer (alternate-cd): when trying to configure the crypted partitions it shows me the message "starting up the partitioner" .... but hangs up at 47% .... then nothing happens anymore ... no chance to get this configured =/21:35
mh166|smithi got a problem with the ubuntu-installer (alternate-cd): when trying to configure the crypted partitions it shows me the message "starting up the partitioner" .... but hangs up at 47% .... then nothing happens anymore ... no chance to get this configured =/21:35
Jack_Sparrowtcpdumpgod, updates and upgrades will be dead slow...21:35
tcpdumpgodOr just leave "hardy" in there?21:35
tcpdumpgodYeah, I can imagine.21:35
fliegenderfroschtcpdumpgod: leave it21:35
SchighSchaghrinaldi_ I'm trying to connect my iPhone to a VMware guest OS (WinXP). my host OS is gutsy (naturally). the iPhone isn't mounted anywhere, but VMware can't connect it21:36
tcpdumpgodokay fliegenderfrosch !21:36
rbs-titoGreyhound-: Try running "gksu -D /usr/share/applications/jockey-gtk.desktop /usr/bin/jockey-gtk"21:36
gord_slateru mean u didnt notice 1700 ppl in  a channel and thought "what?"21:36
fliegenderfroschtcpdumpgod: after a normal upgrade you have the final hard21:36
Greyhound-well I don't really know what should be tehre.. I'm on the livecd21:36
erle-how often does ubuntu check for updates?21:36
somethinguniquewhat are the most common problems people are having with hardy so far?21:36
fliegenderfroscherle-: is configurable, daily per default21:36
mrkeishiidang I'm downloading the torrent fast21:36
dressingVmware Server fails to complile under 8.04. has anyone managed it?21:36
arbrandesAwwwwwww, I got up to 60 kbps for about 2 seconds, and then it fell back to 20.21:36
breitiOppTupacShakur, mh166|smith, Macpower|afk21:36
dennyevery time I read the name, I think of the Hardy Brothers books21:36
jordanjay29somethingunique: just listen in here for a while and you'll pick them up21:36
dennyor Hardy Boys, whatever it was21:36
Fishscenedressing, that's probably a question for #vmware21:36
Greyhound-rbs-tito, ran that and it's still empty...21:37
jordanjay29Hardy Boys, denny21:37
somethinguniquecan't listen... at work... installing as soon as i get home21:37
arbrandesdenny, or Laurel and Hardy21:37
[BT]JaCcan someone give me a list of sources that should be in sources.list please?21:37
rinaldi_SchighSchagh:  you would have to ask someone else about vmware. not my area21:37
gord_slatersomethingunique: mainly low resolutions i think21:37
arbrandesdenny, Google also thinks of those first. :)21:37
mh166|smithi got a problem with the ubuntu-installer (alternate-cd): when trying to configure the crypted partitions it shows me the message "starting up the partitioner" .... but hangs up at 47% .... then nothing happens anymore ... no chance to get this configured =/21:37
mh166|smithi got a problem with the ubuntu-installer (alternate-cd): when trying to configure the crypted partitions it shows me the message "starting up the partitioner" .... but hangs up at 47% .... then nothing happens anymore ... no chance to get this configured =/21:37
mh166|smithi got a problem with the ubuntu-installer (alternate-cd): when trying to configure the crypted partitions it shows me the message "starting up the partitioner" .... but hangs up at 47% .... then nothing happens anymore ... no chance to get this configured =/21:37
Fishscenedenny, a fan of that book series? I used to read them all the time back in the day :)21:37
FloodBot2mh166|smith: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:37
stalker314314if I had --devel-release, how to switch to 'normal'? (you're probably hearing this 100th time this day) (can't find it anywhere in ubuntu site)21:37
fliegenderfrosch[BT]JaC: why don't you just use the sources config dialog?21:37
dennyread them a lot when I was young, yeah21:37
rbs-titoGreyhound-: Try making another user with administrator access, and see if it works from that account21:37
[BT]JaCfliegenderfrosch no idea how21:37
milly1234moving around 120 - 160 KiB/s about here21:37
SchighSchaghrinaldi_ oh well, thanks anyway. is there a VMware channel or something by any chance?21:38
saywatmangwhat does the LTS stand for in 8.04 ?21:38
somethinguniquedoesn't sound too bad... is it specific to a chipset maker?  ATI Nvidia Intel?  or across the board?21:38
Starnestommysaywatmang: Long Term Support21:38
xfai want to install gtk2 themes, but i can't find the system/settings/themes tool, got an idea?21:38
fliegenderfrosch[BT]JaC: system>system administration> sources (or similar)21:38
arbrandessaywatmang, Long Term Support21:38
SchighSchaghthis chat is awefully loud...21:38
MEtaLpREslong term support21:38
kestazhow to install ubuntu on ipod shuffle ?21:38
stalker314314LTS - long term support21:38
rinaldi_SchighSchagh: #vmware i think21:38
[BT]JaCfliegenderfrosch server not desktop21:38
jordanjay29loud? It's absolutely silent21:38
fliegenderfrosch[BT]JaC: ah, sorry21:38
grafthey, is there any written word on why FFb5 is the one used in hardy?21:38
moparisthebestis there an alternative for us.archive.org? I keep timing out21:38
somethinguniquekestaz: gtkpod21:38
jordanjay29FF2 will be outdated by June, graft21:38
Teknoeniehow can I tell Ubuntu 8.04 to start NIS before NFS21:38
arbrandesgraft because it's there. :)21:38
[BT]JaCfliegenderfrosch could you pm me your /etc/apt/sources.list please21:38
saywatmangwhy put long term support on the name ?21:38
moparisthebestis there an alternative for us.archive.ubuntu.com? I keep timing out21:39
Fishscenemoparisthebest, have you tried torrents?21:39
graftjordanjay29: outdated in what way?21:39
jordanjay29graft: June is the release of FF321:39
MEtaLpREswell in the few hours ive been using it i can definitely see a noticeable speed increase in hardy, everything just seems to be a lot snappier21:39
arbrandessaywatmang, because it's got long term support (longer than average)21:39
fliegenderfrosch[BT]JaC: I'm still using feisty21:39
moparisthebestFishscene: im just trying to upgrade a few packages21:39
[BT]JaCah ok21:39
Starnestommysaywatmang: because it's supported for 3 years on desktops and 5 years on servers, while regular releases are only for 18 months21:39
graftjordanjay29: the scheduled release... but you're still putting a beta browser in your release, right?21:39
jordanjay29graft: thus making it more suitable for an LTS edition21:39
[BT]JaCdoes anyone have the gutsy sources.list please21:39
Fishscenemoparisthebest, sorry, I misunderstood your question21:39
Scunizihow do you get back to a Job that you've stopped in terminal?21:39
fliegenderfrosch[BT]JaC: gutsy? not hardy?21:39
jamiehaleAnyone get I/O errors part way through install?21:39
arbrandesScunizi, type "fg"21:40
[BT]JaCflie Sec21:40
stalker314314if I had --devel-release, how to switch to 'normal'? (you're probably hearing this 100th time this day) (can't find it anywhere in ubuntu site)21:40
llAMYllIf you have the beta version of 8.04 are there no-updates to become 8.04? i didn't see any updates today =(21:40
MikeCulverjamiehale: I've gotten those from a bad burn.  Try burning slower21:40
graftjordanjay29: um, so will the release be updated in june, or will the final firefox version just be in backports?21:40
[BT]JaCfliegenderfrosch how can i see which version it is21:40
Scuniziarbrandes: do I need the job number someplace?21:40
livingdaylightdoes Hardy have desktop applet AND Tracker Search Tool? by default?21:40
jordanjay29graft: It's supposed to be supported for, as Starnestommy just said, 3 years on desktops and 5 on servers. Firefox 2 won't be supported that long, most likely. Firefox 3 has a better chance of being supported for 3 years.21:40
fliegenderfrosch[BT]JaC: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories21:40
livingdaylightor did upgrade simply not remove the old one?21:40
jordanjay29graft: when FF3 is out, you'll be notified through Firefox21:40
arbrandesScunizi, not if it's the only job you stopped.21:40
rbs-titojordanjay29: No. The mozilla team are confident that it is stable and we will merge all critical and security updates into the released beta as the year progresses.21:40
arbrandesScunizi, I assume you stopped it with CTRL-Z.21:40
fliegenderfrosch[BT]JaC: lsb_release -a21:40
Scuniziarbrandes: yes.. i think21:41
graftjordanjay29: that's not my question... my question is, will hardy be updated, or will it jus tbe in backports?21:41
Scuniziarbrandes: i was trying to exit it and ended up putting it in the background.21:41
arbrandesScunizi, hehehe, the old CTRL-Z slip... Large fingers? :)21:41
livingdaylightfliegenderfrosch, fliegenderfrosch, interessant.... ich hätte gedacht das System>Preference>Sound dafür war_21:41
jordanjay29graft: I don't know. FF3 final will likely be in 8.10 for sure.21:41
graftjordanjay29: in any case i'm not about to upgrade firefox via it's in-browser upgrade mechanism, and i hardly think that's what ubuntu would recommend21:41
Scuniziarbrandes: yep.. and old habbits.21:41
andycaas1How to put a trashbin on a desktop?21:41
rbs-titograft: It won't be updated to the final release, most likely, that is not how things are usually done. But any important changes that mozilla make will be merged into the beta, as is normal.21:41
silokoFeisty @ logon = 120 processes; Gutsy@ logon = 170 processes; Hardy @ logon = 230 processes - what goves - I gain a hundred process (and associated resource hog) for no apparent benefit!!21:42
arbrandesScunizi, so yeah, "fg" should do it.  Type "jobs" to list the ones that are suspended or on the background.21:42
jordanjay29graft: Mozilla's always makes sure that Firefox updates correctly for all systems it's compatible with.21:42
dredhammerhow do you go about installing the restricted nvidia drivers for 8.04 i can't find them in synaptic21:42
Scuniziarbrandes: fg shows it but doesn't continue the process in the forground so I can kill it21:42
rbs-titoandycaas1: There is a program called ubuntu-tweak that makes a good job of it21:42
fliegenderfroschlivingdaylight: this is part of the login managers task, which can only be configured by the administrator, thats why it isn't in the sound preference dialog21:42
=== gregbrady is now known as compaqr4000
fliegenderfroschdredhammer: use the hardware manager21:43
orfeuhy all21:43
Scuniziarbrandes: I seem to remember using a bang or & or % and the job number21:43
graftjordanjay29: so, i should do updates to firefox via the browser and not the package manager?!21:43
rinaldi_dredhammer: try doing "sudo apt-get update" . the servers are slow so make sure it doesn't time out. I had to do it a couple of times. then try synaptic again21:43
livingdaylightfliegenderfrosch, but sound lets one add /change sounds apparently. This is confusing21:43
Scuniziarbrandes: maybe fg did kill it.. it's gone.. :)21:43
dredhammeryes thats empty fliegenderfrosch21:43
graftjordanjay29: why don't i just run slackware, then?21:43
arbrandesScunizi, is it one of those pesky processes that fork by themselves?  You should be able to get it back with fg, even if you used & to send it to the background.21:43
rbs-titojordanjay29: That isn't very likely to be activated though, the Ubuntu version is extremely customised. Any updates will come through the update manager, as is standard.21:43
arbrandesScunizi, probably the process finished by itself after fg got it back.21:43
rbs-titograft: Because it doesn't ship with GNOME?21:43
graftrbs-tito: ah, good.. okay, thanks for your answer21:44
graftrbs-tito: <- running KDE21:44
jordanjay29rbs-tito: thanks, didn't know that.21:44
hanasakiRemotedo-release-upgrade gives ....   File "/usr/bin/do-release-upgrade", line 7, in <module>21:44
hanasakiRemote    from UpdateManager.Core.MetaRelease import MetaReleaseCore21:44
orfeuhello guys how it is 8.04 ? :)21:44
jordanjay29graft: #kubuntu21:44
Scuniziarbrandes: maybe.. it was gdb -p <process number>21:44
orfeuwhat do you think about it ?21:44
Wyleyrabbit_would there be any benefit to doing a full fresh install instead of an in-place upgrade to 8.04 desktop?21:44
graftjordanjay29: this channel is for general support as well21:44
graftjordanjay29: if i had a KDE question i'd go there.21:44
arbrandesScunizi, oh, you were attaching to the process then.  Maybe the *process* itself died in the meantime.21:44
minion_is the LTS a final release or a beta?21:45
jordanjay29graft: Just so you're aware is all.21:45
chervaI'm having problems with some update packages .... see here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64278/ please help21:45
naesdoes anyone know the mp3 packages for amarok, my net is working but the mp3 support amarok brings up takes forever to open synaptic and then doesn't download..21:45
sebastianIs there a good graphical WLAN thingy out there? nm-applet kinda sux :P21:45
Scuniziarbrandes: I hope not.. it was xorg21:45
graftjordanjay29: i'm well aware, thanks :)21:45
Abdminion_ it's final21:45
jordanjay29minion_: Final release. LTS is Long Term Support.21:45
andycaas1How to use compiz themes?21:45
rbs-titoorfeu: Hi, you might be better off asking in #ubuntu-offtopic , unless you have a specific issue. Better yet, try it and see :)21:45
FishsceneMinion "LTS" is "Long Term Support"21:45
minion_sick thanks21:45
fliegenderfroschWyleyrabbit_: yes, you get rid of all programs you don't use anymore21:45
graftandycaas1: if you mean emerald themes, you can run emerald-theme-manager, probably21:45
penhow to convert from ogg to other formats?21:45
arbrandesScunizi, lol, yeah, I hope not too. :)  Maybe a child process, then?21:45
caleb_my update manager seems to be frozen.... any help?21:45
fliegenderfroschandycaas1: there are no "compiz themes"21:45
minion_so are people loving it so far?21:45
DooMRunneRhmm, i can see the WUSB54G adapter in lsusb, anyone an idea witch driver this beast needs?21:45
arbrandescaleb_, servers are swamped.21:45
jordanjay29caleb_: servers are slow21:45
jordanjay29or swamped21:45
djm62for the guy that helped me before, doing the md5sum and googling brought me http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/8.04/MD5SUMS which doesn't match the sums on that mirror21:45
DooMRunneRi´ve read something about rt250021:45
Abdjordanjay29 more than slow21:45
pmasters_genieno network card dont work anymore!!!21:46
FishsceneMinion, I dont' know, too much going on in this chanel and I'm still trying to get it myself :P21:46
rbs-titoDooMRunneR: Linksys?21:46
Blu3Knightjordanjay29: good and bad things about it.21:46
DooMRunneRrbs-tito: jep21:46
jiphexYo, anyone know if it's possible to get an actual device descriptor from under a v4l record in sysfs?21:46
Stev1Good Afternonn21:46
jordanjay29Blu3Knight: what are you referring to?21:46
DooMRunneRrbs-tito: WUSB43G V421:46
Scuniziarbrandes: ah .. who know's at this point.. nice to have it dead though.   It seems that Xorg chews a high percentage of my cpu on some sort of clock cycle..21:46
netster403Running 8.04 right now, freaking awesome..  apt repos are CRAZY slow though21:46
Stev1If I've been running the pre release version, there's nothing i need to do, right?21:46
rbs-titoDooMRunneR: RaLink chipset?21:46
caleb_how long do you think the servers will be slow?21:46
jordanjay29caleb_: maybe a day or so21:46
rbs-titonetster403: caleb_: Things should be normal in a day or two21:47
Stev1yes Rox21:47
rinaldi_caleb_:  couple of days21:47
sp219-awayI have a question. Is there any VNC server i can use that is compatible with copy & pasting w/ a windows VNC Client? Any at all? thanks!21:47
ubuntuROXits probally updated but you want to run sudo update-grub21:47
pmasters_genieanyone help? my netgear wireless card WPN311 doesn't want to play21:47
DooMRunneRrbs-tito: dont know the chipset21:47
Stev1ah, ok21:47
dettoaltrimentihow can I see what driver my broadcom network card is using? I'm on hardy 8.0421:47
stbainequivalent to curse.com on patch day21:47
At0x0Is anyone having problems with us.archive.ubuntu.com (
rbs-titosp219-away: Vmware is about to support that21:47
caleb_yes! i just got throught21:47
sp219-awayI have a question. Is there any VNC server i can use that is compatible with copy & pasting w/ a windows VNC Client? Any at all? thanks! i've tried tightvncserver so far, that's it21:47
StarnestommyAt0x0: a lot of people are21:47
arbrandesScunizi, do you use proprietary video drivers?  I'm back on open-source ones for the big Hardy upgrade, and Xorg is chewing up a lot more CPU.21:47
jordanjay29dettoaltrimenti: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx21:47
netster403FYI the torrents are moving crazy fast, i would highly recommend using them.  I was getting on average 800Kb/s due to the sheer number of seeders and leachers21:47
wadIs it possible to run a vnc server on my linux box, and allow Windows users to connect to me, and see what I'm seeing? I installed vncserver, but I'm not cure this is the right thing.21:47
Greyhound-rbs-tito, I made an administrator account and ran the command21:47
tharveyhow can I get my NIC to register its name with the dhcp/dns server?21:47
arbrandesAt0x0, the servers are swamped.21:47
MikeCulverAt0x0: Yes, there is a huge load on the servers at the moment21:47
Greyhound-can I pm?21:47
ubuntuROXStev1 otherwise it will show develpment branch when booting21:47
DooMRunneRrbs-tito: any idea how to check that?21:47
At0x0Is there someplace I can get a deb for firefox 2 besides the ubuntu archive?21:47
gaurav__hi, i upgraded from 7.10 to 8.04 beta, ever since i upgraded i had a bug where the gdm login would not load, however the orange background and mouse cursor would load but it never gets to the login prompt... i have now upgraded fully to 8.04 and the bug is still there, i get no gdm login window... anyone have any ideas? i think this is related to bug 21053821:47
rbs-titoDooMRunneR: Could you paste the output of lspci to pastebin.org please?21:48
rbs-titoGreyhound-: Go ahead21:48
sp219-awayrbs-tito: i don't want to emulate it, i just want to have a vnc server running that supports copy and pasting21:48
icanhasproxygaurav__: do you have an acer laptop?21:48
arbrandesnetster403, too bad the DVD torrent is not that fast.21:48
sp219-awayit doesn't even have to be VNC21:48
gaurav__icanhasproxy: nope21:48
sp219-awayanything that supports copy/pasting21:48
rbs-titosp219-away: Sorry, I read VM. Need to sleep more!21:48
Scuniziarbrandes: I haven't done the upgrade. I'll wait until the servers settle down. but yes.. whatever the restricted drivers manager in gutsy uses..21:48
sp219-awayrbs-tito: :P21:48
DooMRunneRrbs-tito in lspci is nothing about that usb-adapter21:48
arbrandesScunizi, ok, so it's not that.21:48
rinaldi_wad: if you are using it over the internet you need to tunnel your vnc server over ssh and recieve with putty and a vnc client on a windows computer. Google it. there are many tutorials21:48
rbs-titoDooMRunneR: Sorry, I meant lsusb21:49
jiphexI can get the records for devices under sysfs under /sys/class/video4linux/video0 or whatever, but how do I get to the actual device descriptor underneat that directory?21:49
zoidberghey guys...i have this laptop that i has ubuntu on it to ssh into a school redhat account using the login via XDMCP option at the ubuntu login screen....for some reason i can't login using XMDCP into that smae account using my PC which aslo has ubuntu on it21:49
zoidbergany help21:49
Scuniziarbrandes: think maybe compiz might be part of the issue?21:49
fieteHi! glxinfo says that I have GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap. However when calling compiz.real it says that its missing. Card is radeon 9000, driver radeon. Ideas?21:49
KyleKoh sure now the repositories are lagged ;_;21:49
milly1234seeding ubuntu now...21:49
At0x0Will this file install firefox or is it only an update? firefox_2.0.0.14+2nobinonly-0ubuntu0.7.10_i386.deb (its 8.8M)21:49
lch_zoidberg: do you use ssh -X?21:49
arbrandesScunizi, oh, I'd most certainly try disabling it to see if the CPU eat-up stops.21:49
rinaldi_wad: I would help you through it but I have got to go21:50
wadrinaldi_, I'm thinking this should be pretty straitforward. We're both on the same LAN. He's just on a Windows box, and I'm on a Linux box.21:50
rbs-titomilly1234: Every little helps, thanks! :)21:50
wadrinaldi_, thanks!21:50
gaurav__At0x0: that looks like firefox itself, not an update21:50
sortois it normal when I open an SSH session to an ubuntu server, that the prompt only shows a dollar sign? I thought its typically username@host:~#21:50
zoidberglch_, i use the XMCP session option on login screen..it works on my laptop but not on my desktop to access the same session21:50
At0x0Would I want to install it with dpkg or apt?21:50
mtappendenWhat came between Breezy Badger and Dapper Drake ???21:50
lch_zoidberg: cause it can be set as default in the config file or specified manually. if you use ssh X tunneling it must be set one or the other way21:50
milly1234at least until I have to reboot for the install, but I will give it a little while21:50
ubotuUbuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) was the fifth release of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Edgy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades - Downloading: http://us.releases.ubuntu.com/6.10/ - Release Notes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseNotes21:50
fliegenderfroschsorto: you can configure that21:51
=== TK1 is now known as TDK
rbs-titoAtariMoe: Anything from the repositories is done with apt, dpkg is for standalone debs.21:51
cham_eleondany_21a: thanks for your help, i'll try that21:51
rbs-tito** At0x0 , sorry AtariMoe21:51
dettoaltrimentiok under lspci I have a broadcom BCM4328 network controller, and wired internet works, but wireless internet doesn't show up on network manager. Do I need a different driver?21:51
zoidberglch_, well i'm confused...i didn't have to do anything on my ubunut laptop to access this session....how can i access the same session using the XMDCP session option at login on my ubuntu PC21:51
arbrandesScunizi, as a matter of fact, even not knowing anything about your system, I'd bet that compiz is at least indirectly responsible.21:51
rinaldi_wad: in which case, do system > preferences >remote desktop and set that up. then download vnc for windows and connect to your server's IP21:51
lch_why does it want to remove XMMS???? i dont want it to do that21:51
nahojquestion: when using the live-cd of 7.10 - my computer automatically detects all the settings for the network and connects to internet through my d-link dir-655. when installing the 8.04 on my computer (or running the 8.04-live cd) I can't access the network. what to do? please help me, I am a noob...21:51
sortofliegenderfrosch, what should I search for to see some instructions on how to do that?21:51
Emofafter upgrading to 8.04 my nvidia drivers don't work (I'm using the glx-new ones)21:51
AtariMoerbs-tito: no problem21:51
El1Hi guys I can't manage to get my nvidia drivers working in hardy heron, everything installs just fine without errors but when I reboot I get a prompt to run in low graphics mode saying there's no drivers installed21:51
fliegenderfroschsorto: bash prompt21:51
Emofel1: me too...21:51
wadrinaldi_, thanks again! I'm working on it.21:51
=== TDK is now known as UncleTimmy
At0x0rbs-tito: Well, it's a .deb file but it's from the apt cache..21:51
DooMRunneRrbs-tito: http://www.pastebin.org/3180521:52
rbs-titoAt0x0: Why don't you download it with apt?21:52
At0x0rbs-tito: I don't know how to install .deb files with apt.21:52
ariqsi can't decide between ubuntu and kubuntu, someone tell me what to pick! ;P21:52
At0x0rbs-tito: The repository is down.21:52
Scuniziarbrandes: nope.. even set to none in System/Preferances/Appearance/Visual Effects.. that should turn on compiz..21:52
At0x0Or lagged out.21:52
lch_zoidberg: you are using XDMCP over the internet without encryption??? or do you tunnel it through a ssh connection?21:52
Abdariqs lol pick xfce21:52
Black_Magicis ubuntu+1 gone?21:52
arbrandesEmof and El1: I'd try using "envy".21:52
UncleTimmyHas the final of 8.04 been released?21:52
ubuntuROXUse ubuntu21:52
Emofarbrandes: what is that?21:52
El1I did that millions of times reinstalling21:52
jappdevUncleTimmy: yes21:52
arbrandesScunizi, oh well, back to square 1. lol21:52
lch_UncleTimmy: read topic, yes21:52
El1I even used the nvidia.com driver21:52
FishsceneUBuntu+1 is meant for the next release of Ubuntu. Since the next release is THIS release, the channel has been closed21:53
El1and tried installing the packages from synaptic21:53
ubuntuROXI say use ubuntu,, but only cause I do and IM partial to the simple fast Gnome interface :)21:53
knewbeeHow can i refresh my Ipaddress configured as DHCP client?21:53
rbs-titoDooMRunneR: Try these instructions, http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-setup-linksys-wusb54g-v4-wireless-in-ubuntu-gusty.html21:53
nicktcan anyone advise why third party drivers would be removed from a new ubuntu version?21:53
arbrandesEmof: a script that'll install/uninstall the official Nvidia drivers.  It is now in the universe repository.21:53
zoidberglch_, i dunno...i am trying the same method on two different machines...like i said i just type in username@different.machine.edu using both my laptop and pc but only the laptop gets htrough like that21:53
El1yet still when I try to restart after a perfect install of drivers it says low gfx mode21:53
Black_MagicDanaG: uh you still recommend i reinstall DHCP it still didnt work had to do the gw thing and all think it has something to do with the default GW?21:53
dsopupdate-manager dist-upgrade hans when starting the update21:53
Scuniziarbrandes: just weirdness.... I may end up doing an upgrade to get the latest program updates then a fresh install using the old /home (separate partition) . things will be cleaner21:53
UncleTimmyOh yeah, duh.  My mistake..  well, my update manager is stuck at "20".. is this perhaps caused by network overload?21:53
El1what could be the cause of this?21:53
dsopdoes anybody know why?21:53
DooMRunneRlol, would be nice if i can connect to the internet with that machine :)21:53
lch_zoidberg: ok, then i don't know. need to reboot into hardy now. bye21:53
compaqr4000I seem to be having a grub problem here.  I have multiple hard drives and 3 operating systems installed.  Ubuntu 8.04 is my os of choice, but my grub is in an older pclos drive.  How do I move that?21:54
El1Could it be a problem that I'm still running hardy beta?21:54
arbrandesScunizi, yeah, that will at least rule out some variables.21:54
rbs-titoEl1: It is a bit confusing when you type over multiple lines, please keep your messages to one send. Could you put your xorg.conf on pastebin.org please ?21:54
ais523for whoever had the same problem I did, I figured out what caused my Gutsy->Hardy upgrade to fail: the file /usr/local/lib/libgcc_s.so.1. After the upgrade locks, shutdown your computer and reload and it goes to a command line. Then sudo mv that file to a new name, reboot, use synaptic to fix broken dependencies and install updates.21:54
ere4sidsop: the servers are overloaded21:54
gord_slaterdsop: network overload, the sources "servers" are reaally busy with the new release21:54
ubuntuROXIf you have been running the Beta or RC version, and it shows development branch, and no updates available you are likely running stable but will want to run sudo grub-update to fix that.21:54
winterelfhi people got a wierd problam , i'm using "atp-get install " and it stacks in "connecting to archive.ubuntu.com(
lmnopwhy is web browsing so slow ? always sais waiting for...21:54
Cheesasaurus_RexHello, I have a Dell Inspiron 1420. I came here earlier with a sound problem...but I fixed it based on directions specified by Dell itself. However, the sound is incredibly low, despite having everything turned all the way up. How would I fix this?21:54
dsopere4si, gord_slater okay i already thought this, thanks. hmm let's hope it's better in a ew hours21:54
xfroggyafter upgrade, my partitions don't show up by their names anymore but by their size, is it possible to change it?21:54
arbrandeswinterelf, servers are swamped.21:55
Blu3Knightcompaqr4000 - Which one is your boot drive?21:55
matt44if you get the torrents, can you do an "upgrade"?21:55
XB23hey guys for some reason ive binded some ips to my box when i do ipconfig they show fine and i can connect to them great but i cant ping them from the box itself?21:55
XB23any ideas21:55
arbrandesmatt44, yes with the alternate-cd, or dvd.21:55
ere4sidsop: might be a FEW DAYS21:55
XB23they wont connect to each other21:55
tovareHi All, I fixed by wlan whoes by sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-2.6.24-16-generic21:55
CorenI'm new to Ubuntu, any way to get an Auzentech Prelude card to actually produce sound?21:55
winterelfarbrandes: what do u nean?21:55
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gord_slaterdsop: yes same problem in all releases for me testing here no worries21:55
Cheesasaurus_RexI'm fine now21:55
Scuniziarbrandes: I did a apt-get install kubuntu-desktop yesturday. Do you know how to eliminate everything it installed?21:55
=== Canaris is now known as Canaris_
El1atm I don't have an xorg.conf file as I have no drivers installed at the moment and am running from vesa21:55
arbrandeswinterelf, with the release of Hardy Heron today, everybody is downloading.21:55
matt44arbrandes:  this is the same as doing a dist-upgrade, right?  i don't want to lose my files.21:55
winterelf:) thanks21:55
El1oh wait nevermind that last21:55
arbrandesmatt44, yes, except the packages are on the iso/cd/dvd21:55
tovareBut, I have another issue after upgrading to 8.04, the keyboard layout keeps snapping back to US and not Norwegian. I`ve tried configuring it lots of times.21:56
arbrandesmatt44, you just pop in the cd, it'll prompt to do the upgrade.21:56
Dusk_hi there21:56
gord_slaterwell, good luck everyone 9 hours in here for me i'm thoroughly shattered nn all21:56
Jack_Sparrowpinkmutz, please dont do that21:56
thunder_stormhello everybode21:56
rbs-tito!hi | dusk21:56
ubotudusk: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!21:56
UncleTimmyIt's rather odd because I didn't upgrade today and my update manager is showing No Upgrades Available21:56
compaqr4000Blu3Knight, oh boy....how do I find the name of that?  I know it is called 8.4 GB Media in Nautilus21:56
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arbrandesmatt44, you might still need to download some packages from the servers, though, especially if you use the alternate-cd instead of the DVD.21:56
lmnopanyone know why web browsing is soo slow?21:56
nahojcoren, there are no drivers released as far as I konw... I have the same card and had to take it out to get some sound...21:56
Dusk_i installed ubuntu 8.04rc yesterday. how can i get pass to stable release now???21:56
lmnopalways sais waiting for...21:56
arbrandesScunizi, oh, I had that problem once.21:56
knewbeeProbably sudo dhclient21:56
thunder_stormcan somebody help me with conky and lm-sensors?21:56
arbrandesScunizi, wait up.  You're on Gutsy, right?21:57
fliegenderfroschDusk_: just do an update21:57
dettoaltrimentiI'm running 8.04, and my wired connection works, but I don't see any options to use wireless internet: is this a driver problem?21:57
Canaris_Hey. I just installed 8.04 and the max screensize I can pick is 1280x1024 instead of 1600x1200, which worked fine under 7.04 and 7.10! I tried changing the Monitor, but I cannot do this anymore. All I can do is change the screen resolution. Any clue on howto change the monitor as it was possible in 7.10 ??21:57
oddaloti can't use apt-get on 8.10...it won't connect to the servers...anyone else having this problem?21:57
El1rbs-tito: the xorg.conf file is at http://pastebin.org/3180621:57
Scuniziarbrandes: yes21:57
Corennahoj: not even some generic driver? nothing at all? :(21:57
oddaloterr 8.0421:57
Catsceo[BBS]what the heck is Translation-en_US? http://pastebin.ca/99629121:57
nahojCoren, afaik no21:57
ompaulDusk_, Applications Accessories Terminal and type this: sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade  ; sudo reboot and happy days21:57
flaremasteri'm a beginner and I need help on how to install from a tarbell21:57
ere4sioddalot: the servers are overloaded21:57
Corennahoj: aw, that sucks. This may be a dealbreaker for me :(21:57
dystopianrayflaremaster: what are you trying to install?21:57
ais523flaremaster: normally, create a directory somewhere21:58
flaremasterMozilla thunberbird21:58
fliegenderfroschflaremaster: sure there is no ubuntu package for your program?21:58
thunder_stormlm-sensors is configured and works fine - i see a lot of temperatures, if i use the sensors-command21:58
dystopianrayflaremaster: that's in the repos21:58
edwin__happy birthday ubuntu21:58
ompaulflaremaster, as a beginner you don't need to install from a tarball there are over 20000 applications already made for this21:58
fliegenderfroschflaremaster: use the one in the repos21:58
K4k-laptopdoes anyone know of a way to get xmms installed? It keeps insisting I get xmms2 but I want regular xmms21:58
strtokus.archive.ubuntu.com is dead21:58
=== edwin__ is now known as EnvoyRising
DBautellthis channel needs more tarbell21:58
DooMRunneRis it possible to make an DNS entry persistent in resolv.conf, the network-manager changes those entrys every reboot21:58
XB23guys how do i make this happen on system boot ->  ifconfig lo
thunder_stormbut i don't see it in conky21:58
rbs-titoEl1: You said you tried the Nvidia binary from nvidia.com ?21:58
arbrandesScunizi: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome21:58
nahojI just installed 8.04 from being a windowsuser for a long time. I can not get the computer to connect to the network. Works just fine with the 7.10 live cd. but not with the installed version of 8.04. any ideas?21:58
flaremasterhow would you do that21:58
matt44arbrandes:  where is the alternate DVD?  i can't find it.21:58
ompaulK4k-laptop, xmms is no longer maintained in upstream,21:58
UncleTimmyok dumb question but what's the file i edit to get restricted upgrades21:58
netster403xmms sucks21:59
Scuniziarbrandes: thanks.. I'll look at it.21:59
ais523nahoj: wireless or wired?21:59
matt44ubuntu does a pretty crummy job of advertising their products if you can't easily find them on the ubuntu webpage.21:59
K4k-laptopompaul, that's what I figured, but is there a way to still get it?21:59
nahojais523, wired21:59
adinctarzeau: ping!21:59
ere4sithunder_storm: seen this - http://conky.sourceforge.net/variables.html21:59
ompaulK4k-laptop, not supported21:59
=== Marfi is now known as Marfi|cleaning
ais523nahoj: how far away from your computer can you ping?21:59
arbrandesmatt44: All torrents: http://www.acc.umu.se/~mighty/ubuntu/21:59
rbs-titomatt44: We had big banners earlier but they are down now, probably because of bandwidth21:59
Abdaarrgghh the server stalled again21:59
nahojais523, not even the router21:59
Corennahoj: it's not possible either to just have Ubuntu ignore the prelude and to get it to use on-board audio instead?21:59
XB23guys how do i make this happen on system boot ->  ifconfig lo
openuserHi, I have installed a program called ebox to manage my intranet, but it ask me for a ''distinguished name of the search base'', but i don't know what is this, do someone??21:59
munkiecan the alternate cd be used to install on a pc with 2gb HDD?21:59
flaremasterjust for reference, how would you compile from a tarbell?21:59
EnvoyRisingmatt44: I found the alternate cd, but you say there's a dvd as well?21:59
nahojCoren, yes, that is what I am doing22:00
ompaulXB23, it happens automatically22:00
ais523nahoj: first try restarting your network connection, do sudo ifdown then sudo ifup at a command prompt22:00
matt44<EnvoyRising>  that's what i was told.  ican't find it either.22:00
Jack_Sparrowmatt44, bandwidth costs money, cd's are readily available, dvd's .. from the torrents22:00
lch_something is broken. i just booted into my new upgraded hardy and it shows errors about crahsed application, that i'v not run since i booted... are these "old" messages?22:00
realcoolguyaccidentally messed with my printer settings.  under system->administration->printing it keeps defaulting to an IP address that isn't the local machine.  I can say 'goto server' and put in and then it sees everything, but i need to make that default somehow (i can only print a test page, no other programs seem to be able to see printer)22:00
arbrandesEnvoyRising, yes, there's a dvd (it's not alternate, it's just THE dvd)22:00
Corennahoj: but you had to physically take it out? or did I misunderstand?22:00
EnvoyRisingits right on the download page22:00
compaqr4000How do I find the name of my default grub boot drive22:00
nahojais523, done, did not work22:00
cdavishow do I write a regexp to match "Object Deleted:" in the middle of a line22:00
Hikejinxflaremaster: it's a tarball22:00
rbs-titoflaremaster: usually it is ./configure , make, sudo make install. See each package for information22:00
fliegenderfroschflaremaster: extract it, cd to the dir, use "./configure", "make" and "sudo make install"22:00
matt44<Jack_Sparrow>  where?  where is the alternate DVD torrent?22:00
nahojCoren, put it in after I realized it was not in the way =p22:00
ubotuHardy can be torrented from http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).22:00
arbrandesEnvoyRising: http://www.acc.umu.se/~mighty/ubuntu/ubuntu-8.04-dvd-i386.iso.torrent22:00
ais523nahoj: did you get any error messages?22:00
EnvoyRisingarbrandes: oh, nevermind. the dvd i can't find. the alternate cd is there though22:00
Catsceo[BBS]so the repos are down?22:00
fliegenderfroschCatsceo[BBS]: at least heavily overused22:01
rbs-titoEnvoyRising: There's no such thing as the alternate dvd22:01
nahojais523, just that it did not get any response when asking for a connection22:01
Canaris_I just installed 8.04 and the max screensize I can pick is 1280x1024 instead of 1600x1200, which worked fine under 7.04 and 7.10! I tried changing the Monitor, but I cannot do this anymore. All I can do is change the screen resolution. Any clue on howto change the monitor as it was possible in 7.10 ??22:01
ais523Catsceo[BBS]: not all of them, go to software sources and do a scan and it'll pick up one that's till up22:01
Jack_Sparrowmatt44, I dont have a link handy..  several people have posted them in here today22:01
rbs-titoEnvoyRising: The DVD has text mode and graphical mode all on one disc22:01
Scuniziarbrandes: nice .. it's working.. then after do I do a apt-get purge (list of file names)?22:01
jourdanCanaris_: you can edit xorg.conf22:01
El1rbs-tito: are you finding anything in my xorg.conf?22:01
lch_is it normal that the login screen text entry box is not centered on screen? (hardy)22:01
Canaris_jourdan, ok thx22:01
ais523nahoj: try taking the cable out and plugging it back in22:01
matt44<Jack_Sparrow>  not to the alternate DVD they didn't.  i have the links.  they have alternate CDs but no the alternate DVD.22:02
nahojais523, ok, brb22:02
arbrandesScunizi, yeah, I guess there'd be no harm in purging them.22:02
EnvoyRisingrbs-tito: ah. has ubuntu always had that, or is it just a new thing?22:02
openuserdoes anybody know how to solve the ebox problem22:02
Jack_Sparrowmatt44, I did see the dvd torrent posted earlier...  just look for it22:02
Scuniziarbrandes: except at the end it reinstalls ubuntu-desktop22:02
EnvoyRisingi'm already on 8.04, but i was just curious22:02
CorenOn to the next problem, then. How do I install a Canon Pixma MP600 printer when it's not in the driver list?22:02
arbrandesScunizi, which I think it should.  It is good to at least have one of the *-desktops, specially for upgrades.22:02
Squirrely_WrathOkay, simple question that I can't seem to remember the answer to.  I'm using KDE and I've decided I want to upgrade to 8.04 using Gnome from Kubuntu 7.10.  What do I have to change in what file again?22:02
fliegenderfroschopenuser: probably everyone is busy with solving download/installation problems... :)22:02
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak
matt44<Jack_Sparrow>  I have the DVD link.  I need the ALTERNATE DVD torrent.  I don't want to do a fresh install, i have important files.22:02
Scuniziarbrandes: ?22:03
oddalotok, i'm on 8.04, i notice no differences, except i can't update anything, and my ati drivers don't work22:03
Scuniziarbrandes: * :)22:03
rbs-titoEl1: It seems that you are using the open source nv drivers on a board called "vesa". Try letting the nvidia driver reconfigure it22:03
rbs-titoEnvoyRising: Yup22:03
arbrandesmatt44: there's no alternate dvd.  there's only THE dvd.22:03
matt44anyone have a link for the alternate DVD torrent?22:03
arbrandesmatt44: it contains everything: http://www.acc.umu.se/~mighty/ubuntu/ubuntu-8.04-dvd-i386.iso.torrent22:03
smaxI've setup 8.04 on boot I see error 21 : Selected disk does not exist22:03
El1How do you send messages in light-brown to others?22:03
rbs-tito!hi | janste22:03
ubotujanste: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!22:03
matt44<arbrandes>  will the DVD allow me to upgrade without erasing my files?22:03
munkieis that a desktop dvd or alternate arbrandes?22:03
arbrandesmatt44, yes22:03
haliis there a live feed from de hemms?22:03
Jack_Sparrowmatt44,  The DVD has text mode and graphical mode all on one disc22:03
macomunkie: thre is only one22:03
nahojais523, ok.. so now i get something like "ignoring unknown interface eth0=eth0"22:03
_boikhutso_does the server cd come with the ubuntu desktop packs?22:04
arbrandesmunkie, there's only ONE dvd, THE dvd: http://www.acc.umu.se/~mighty/ubuntu/ubuntu-8.04-dvd-i386.iso.torrentY22:04
rbs-titomatt44: Pop it in while Ubuntu is on, it will offer an upgrade22:04
fliegenderfroschEl1: what you mean is probably the highlighting of your irc program which happens when someone writes your nick22:04
macoEl1: what are you talking about?22:04
jharknsmax: you have an error with grub22:04
P_Kablewhat does LTS stand for ?22:04
arbrandesrbs-tito, matt44: yes, just pop it in.22:04
milly1234well off I go to make a partition, copy my home dir, then install 8.04, hope all goes well22:04
ubotuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.22:04
El1yes, thanks, got it now22:04
L815if you've been using hardy beta for a while will the release today bring much difference?22:04
matt44<rbs-tito>  thanks22:04
ZoftWhen I start ubuntu (8.04, installed with wubi) I get the error ata4.00: revalidation failed (errno=5). Any suggestion for fix? (hilight me)22:04
rbs-titomunkie: The only DVD released by Ubuntu has the functions of both the desktop and alternate cds22:04
jharknsmax: probably trying to boot from the wrong HD and/or partition22:04
jtuttleI'm running from the Ubuntu 8.04 LiveCd.  I have a ThinkPad T61 with an nVidia Quadro NVS 140M, and I want to try out the desktop effects.  Is this possible?22:04
macoP_Kable: long term support22:04
ubuntuROXIf you have been running the Beta or RC version, and it shows development branch, and no updates available you are likely running stable but will want to run sudo grub-update to fix that.22:04
munkiecool thanks rbs-tito22:04
oddalotis anyone elses apt-get working?22:04
ais523nahoj: run ifconfig22:04
fliegenderfroschEl1: always write the nicks if you answer someone, as the messages easily get lost in such a busy channel22:04
macoL815: if youve stayed up to date, thats it22:04
arbrandesoddalot, no, servers are swamped22:05
Scuniziarbrandes: looks like it's removing my entire system22:05
L815maco, alright, thanks22:05
Jack_Sparrowoddalot, expect long delays, repos are very busy22:05
oddalotdamn, i should of never upgraded22:05
VeN0mizerSystem->Admin->Software sources->Download from->Other->archive.ubuntu-rocks.org->Choose....there ya go ;) Update manager lives again with the latest updates and barely any lag22:05
j_humphreyHow do I change the wireless module to load iwp3945 instead of iwl3945?22:05
rbs-titoP_Kable: LTS means it will be supported with updates for a long time. Though we will still release versions evry 6 months, you can keep using lts for a few years if you want.22:05
whoniccacan someone put the official torrent file on some other hosting site =\22:05
arbrandesScunizi, uhhh, it shouldn't do that at all.22:05
janstehey, i am updating through the shiny interface - and during the fetching of "Paketdepots anpassen" the update notifier tells me to update... i think this daemon should not do this, because i am already upgrading =)22:05
yaris12346789hello guys i installed mplayer and it throws this message when i try converting some video files22:05
El1rbs-tito: by reconfiguring it, do you mean installing the nvidia drivers? Because that's what I did lots of times but it just ends up back in low-res mode back to vesa.22:05
yaris12346789Try appending the scale filter to your filter list,22:05
ubuntuROXL815 If you have been running the Beta or RC version, and it shows development branch, and no updates available you are likely running stable but will want to run sudo grub-update to fix that.22:05
yaris12346789e.g. -vf spp,scale instead of -vf spp.22:05
arbrandesScunizi, seriously, I ran this to remove Kubuntu AND Xubuntu, and it worked fine.22:05
dexhuhello to all from Florida22:05
jharknsmax: see http://users.bigpond.net.au/hermanzone/p15.htm22:05
Scuniziarbrandes: it took skype out which isn't really related to Kubuntu22:05
macoj_humphrey: why:?22:05
L815ubuntuROX, i'll give that a sho22:05
nahojais523, ok, and then? it just lists a bunch of things22:05
Squirrely_WrathI want to update from Kubuntu 7.10 to Ubuntu 8.04.  How do I do that?22:06
ais523nahoj: is eth0 listed in the output?22:06
rbs-titoEl1: Have you tried sudo dpkg reconfigure xserver-xorg22:06
matt444anyone have a link handy to a page that shows the new features?  there was one when gutsy released that was very nice.22:06
whoniccacan someone put the official torrent file on some other hosting site =\22:06
j_humphreymaco: iwl3945 isnt working in hardy, but i know for a fact that ipw3945 worked in gutsy22:06
rbs-titoEl1: Use "nvidia" as the driver name22:06
_boikhutso_does the server cd come with the ubuntu desktop packs ?22:06
macoj_humphrey: define "isn't working"22:06
ais523nahoj: if it is, is it marked as UP?22:06
arbrandesScunizi, hmm, I seem to remember Skype depends on something KDE related.22:06
fliegenderfroschSquirrely_Wrath: make sure "ubuntu-desktop" is installed22:06
macoj_humphrey: i havent found a use case where it fails on my laptop22:06
ilembitovHi, all. Can anyone point me to GetDeb's apt repo, so that I could install those packages from Synaptics?22:06
daemon3How big is the Ubuntu ISO for Hardy?  I think I successfully torrented it, but I'm not sure.22:06
ubuntuROXit will fix it, I tried for an hour to force it to update, even downloaded the release,  but it was just a grub label error22:06
j_humphreymaco: I try to connect to the wireless, and it stalls22:06
El1rbs-tito: will try dpkg now, but when I select nvidia as the driver name it doesn't work.22:06
GInhow do you upgrade from rc to hardy?22:06
rbs-tito_boikhutso_: No. But oyu can grab ubuntu-desktop from the repositories after isntallation22:06
arbrandesScunizi, I should have warned you, this will remove any and all KDE dependencies.22:06
fliegenderfroschSquirrely_Wrath: you probably have to remove the unused kubuntu-packages manually though22:06
oddalotanyone got the drivers for ati working on 8.04?22:06
L815daemon, probably around 680+mb22:06
arbrandesScunizi, you'll have to reinstall those.22:06
Jack_Sparrowilembitov, getdebs.net  ?22:06
matt444found one:  http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/804features/22:06
VeN0mizeroddalot: me22:06
rbs-titoEl1: I can't suggest anything else, sorry.22:06
macoj_humphrey: using? network manager? network admin (the thing in sys -> adm -> net)? command line?22:07
oddalotveN0mizer: what did you do?22:07
Squirrely_Wrathfliegenderfrosch, K, thanks22:07
=== Zelta_ is now known as Zelta
Scuniziarbrandes: arbrandes I figured that at this point.. I'd planned on reinstalling what I actually needed on an individual basis.. like k3b22:07
fliegenderfroschmatt444: i love this page, it looks so shiny :)22:07
ubuntuROXEL1  did you see that?22:07
j_humphreymaco, the network manager doesnt work22:07
smaxHelp me. I've installed 8.04 on boot I see Error 21: Selected disk doesn't exist22:07
El1rbs-tito: thanks anyway for the help22:07
arbrandesScunizi, yup, I remember having to reinstall that one too ;)22:07
VeN0mizerjust checked enabled under restricted hardware and it fired right up after a reboot22:07
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak
matt444<fliegenderfrosch>  yeah, i love it too.22:07
ubuntuROXEL1 the solution to our issue from this morning.22:07
_boikhutso_rbs-tito: what about from the live-cd, will that be possible22:07
macoj_humphrey: are you using WEP? ive never gotten NM to do WEP with ipw or iwl22:07
At0x0I upgraded to Ubuntu 8.04 today, which replaced FF 2 with the beta of 3, which sucked. I removed 3 and re-installed 2 (, but now every time I close FF it treats it like a crash and opens all the tabs I had open previously. Is this a bug or what?22:07
ZaphodBeeblebroxGreetings. Where can I find the MD5 hash of Hardy? The Hashes page doesn't say.22:07
nahojais523, up broadcast running multicast.... ?22:07
oddalotk brb thanks22:07
j_humphreymaco, I'm using WEP22:07
GInhow do you upgrade from rc to hardy?22:08
arbrandesScunizi, still, it's the price you pay to have a "pure gnome" installation, ehhehe22:08
jtuttleI'm running off the LiveCD.  I have a ThinkPad T61 with an nVidia Quadro NVS 140m.  I want to try the desktop effects; however, it says it can't enable them.  What do I need to do?22:08
ais523nahoj: that's what it's meant to say; do pings still fail?22:08
ilembitovJack_Sparrow: How do I add it to Synaptics?22:08
whoniccafor the love of god can someone upload the torrent file somewhere =\ directly to me even =(22:08
matt444does anyone know if the Hardy version of Evolution has a tray icon yet?  that's always been odd to me, how such a simple feature was missing.  alltray makes it bearable but it shouldn't have to be that way.22:08
j_humphreymaco, let me try again, so i'll be back22:08
macoj_humphrey: try connecting from network-admin and then running "sudo dhclient" in the terminal22:08
* Rolcol is away: <Inserst Reason Here>22:08
fliegenderfroschjtuttle: you probably have to install the binary driver in the hardware manager22:08
El1ubuntuROX:  oh so just waiting and keep trying will fix the issue?22:08
arbrandeswhonicca, which torrent, the cd, the alternate cd, server, or dvd?22:08
arbrandeswhonicca, or desktop?22:08
dystopianrayjtuttle: you need to install the nvidia binary drivers for your card before compiz iwll work22:08
macoj_humphrey: thats the only way i can get ipw or iwl to do wep22:08
rbs-tito_boikhutso_: The live CD has all desktop packages, but no server packages22:08
nahojais523, should I ping for example or what should I ping?22:08
swubooDoes anyone know why Synaptic suddenly wouldn't work?  I can't download any repository files or packages as of today.22:08
ubuntuROXL815 If you have been running the Beta or RC version, and it shows development branch, and no updates available you are likely running stable but will want to run sudo grub-update to fix that.22:08
ubuntuROXdo that El122:08
Jack_Sparrowilembitov, you dont, you just go to their site and dl it22:08
Scuniziarbrandes: done.. I"m almost afraid to reboot! :)22:08
arbrandeswhonicca, they're all here: http://www.acc.umu.se/~mighty/ubuntu/22:08
fliegenderfroschswuboo: servers are swamped22:08
dexhuI have 8.04 beta installed..how do I upgrde to the LTS version?22:08
j_humphreymaco: what does dhclient do?22:08
jtuttledystopianray: will it still work from the LiveCD?22:08
ais523nahoj: try your router first if you know its address22:08
jharknswuboo: heavy server load22:08
daemon3swuboo: The Ubuntu server is overloaded.22:08
macoswuboo: because the release was today22:08
VeN0mizerone last time...FOR EVERYONE NOT BEING ABLE TO UPDATE UBUNTU DUE TO TIME-OUT USSUES...System->Admin->Software sources->Download from->Other->archive.ubuntu-rocks.org...OR ANOTHER....->Choose....there ya go ;) Update manager lives again with the latest updates and lightning fast too ;)22:08
AaronMTChange your server to the closest server in Sources22:08
ubuntuROXIt is stable,, just grub needs to be updated22:08
daemon3swuboo: I can't upgrade either.22:09
macoj_humphrey: asks the router for an IP address22:09
* whonicca hugs arbrandes 22:09
dystopianrayjtuttle: yes, you just need to install the nvidia driver22:09
arbrandesScunizi, lol, I know the feeling :) But if ubuntu-desktop is installed, you should be fine.22:09
Scunizidexhu: just do your updates when prompted and you'll be ther.22:09
jtuttledystopianray: which one?22:09
arbrandeswhonicca, hehehe, you're welcome.22:09
AaronMTIt'll ping all servers and you can pick the fastest one.22:09
VeN0mizermaybe that will help take _some_ load off of the servers :P22:09
ilembitovJack_Sparrow: But is there any normal .deb mirror?22:09
nahojais523, yes, I think it is that is what I write in the browser if I want to config it22:09
fr500are ubuntu servers slow today?22:09
swuboodaemon3:  I'm actually already upgraded, but I just swapped out my graphics card and I need the appropriate drivers.22:09
_boikhutso_rbs-tito: i meant to ask, after the server installation, can i use the live -cd to install the desktop22:09
fliegenderfroschjtuttle: just use the ubuntu hardware manager, it will install it for you22:09
fr500archive.ubuntu.com is sloooooooooooooow22:09
j_humphreythanks maco I'll go try it now22:09
ais523nahoj: the number you gave is a common one for a router, so try pinging it22:09
daemon3Has anyone downloaded the full Hardy ISO?  How big is it?22:09
macofr500: of course22:09
arbrandesfr500, yes, they're all crawling22:09
dystopianrayjtuttle: run the hardware device manager thing and it should be able to install the driver for you22:09
VeN0mizerdaemon3: 699MB22:09
jharknfr500:everyone is hitting it for the hardy release....22:09
macofr500: its a release day.  they cant do anything but be slow and timeout22:09
VeN0mizeror do you mean DVD?22:09
fr500meh iĺl try a distant mirror22:10
Jack_Sparrowilembitov, no22:10
arbrandesdaemon, either 670 mb for the cd, or 3.7 Gb for the DVD22:10
daemon3VeN0mizer: Good I have the whole thing.  Thanks.22:10
rbs-tito_boikhutso_: ...You could get the debs off it, I guess, by adding the CD as a software source22:10
El1ubuntuROX: thx for the advice btw :-)22:10
jtuttlefliegenderfrosch: there's a hardware manager?  I know there's a "hardware drivers" preference panel, but it doesn't have anything listed in it.22:10
fr500thanks guys22:10
fliegenderfroschdaemon3: use md5sum to check if the download was complete22:10
arbrandesfr500, np22:10
dakronehas anyone managed to get VMwareTools running on 8.04 yet? None of the kernel drivers will compile for me22:10
matt444Not trying to stir the pot or anything.... but Canonical refused to put Pidgin in Feisty because they claimed it was still beta and had no features that GAIM didn't have.  But now they are putting a Firefox beta into Hardy?  That's hypocrisy right there.22:10
ubuntuROXI spent hours, a dev in release party knew what it was in 2 seconds.22:10
fliegenderfroschjtuttle: i don't know the exact wording, as i don't use hardy yet22:10
arbrandesmatt444, lol, I have to agree on that one22:11
munkiethe firefox beta is so much better than the stable matt44422:11
ZaphodBeeblebroxWhere can I find Hardy's MD5 hash? The Ubuntu Hashes page doesn't say.22:11
StealthCPkonqueror is not installable, causing problems with dependancies in apt.22:11
Seveasmatt444, gaim is supportable for the duration of an lts release, firefox2 not22:11
El1ubuntuROX: thank god you found it then :P22:11
AaronMTAnd it's Hardy Heron not Hardy Heroin.22:11
Jack_Sparrowmatt444, Take the discussion/comments to #Ubuntu-offtopic22:11
matt444<arbrandes>  software favoritism.22:11
StealthCPHow can I resolve the problem with installing konqueror?22:11
antsugrading ubuntu won't get rid of my stuff right?22:11
fliegenderfroschAaronMT: :)22:11
matt444<Jack_Sparrow>  thanks22:11
arbrandesants, no, /home directories remains practically untouched.22:11
nahojais523, ok got the following result: icmp seq=2 Destination Host unreachable" and so on22:11
ompaulants,  always use backups anyway22:11
arbrandesompaul, ants: yeah, always have backups, and always be prepared. :)22:12
rbs-titomatt444:  arbrandes: Our Mozilla team are confident that wew have made a stable release of firefox. Our beta is better than mozilla's beta because we merge changes made by ourselves and mozilla, and release them long before Mozilla manage it. Security and critical updates, if any are needed, will be delivered through update manager. Furthermore, Mozilla believe the FF£ beta is more stable than the FF2 release.22:12
tanathanyone have any idea why certain compiz keyboard shortcuts won't work?22:12
jtuttlefliegenderfrosch: I assume I'll have to restart X once it's installed?22:12
ais523nahoj: that's strange, it changed the IP that was the target; what IPs do you get when you run the route command?22:12
fliegenderfroschjtuttle: yes22:12
arbrandesrbs-tito, matt444: alright, you convinced me.22:12
ikoniarbs-tito: who is "our mozilla team"22:12
nahojais523, what command?22:12
jcdick1I am going to be doing a migration on a server from OpenSuSE to Ubuntu server, and I was wondering about file equivalency between the two ...22:12
lutzKonversation terminated!22:13
rbs-titoikonia: There are some mozilla devs22:13
Spoomhi folks, i'm trying to install eclipse here, add/remove programs says there are conflicts, and when i go to synaptic, it wants to remove metacity(!) and ubuntu-desktop to be able to install eclipse22:13
Seveasikonia, asac and his buddies :)22:13
tanaththe ones for the put plugin work, and rotating the cube, and such... but certain other ones don't22:13
tjelvarGood evening everybody, I would really appriciate some help with my asus laptop. Sound's always at max and no wlan (broadcom)22:13
matt444<rbs-tito>  i will respond to you in off-topic22:13
=== abadtooth is now known as abad
ais523nahoj: route22:13
tanatheven if i change them22:13
ikoniarbs-tito: yes but "our mozllia team" who is our ? ubuntu ?22:13
arbrandestanath, I remember having some problems with that.22:13
nahojais523, just "route" ?22:13
nick_hi all - in 8.04 there are no restricted drivers listed for my laptop - why would the wireless driver have been removed from 7.1022:13
MrBillMight be a silly question... but online, why do i keep seeing Hardy and LTS together, when Gutsy doesn't seem to carry that designation?22:13
ais523nahoj: yes, it shows the routing table your computer has22:13
Spoomi've looked at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EclipseIDE and other places but none mention this issue specifically afact22:13
ikonianick_: your using the desktop version I take it22:13
nick_ikonia: yes22:13
rbs-titoikonia: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam Yes, Ubuntu devs working on Mozilla projects.22:14
Spoomanyone have any idea why it wants to remove metacity just to be able to install eclipse?22:14
ubuntuROXits a long term support version22:14
chervacan someone help me with this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64281/22:14
tanatharbrandes, i think i had this problem when upgrading to gutsy too, but don't remember how i fixed it22:14
abadI'm trying to upgrade to 8.04 through the update manager but the update manager just freezes up, can anyone help me out here?22:14
ubuntuROXgutsy was a regular release.22:14
jtmonzstrange problem... can anyone else not mount the cd after installation? i'm trying to apt-cdrom it, which failes, so i sudo mount /dev/scd0 /cdrom and it reads the cdrom but fails to mount22:14
jtuttleIs there a proper way to restart (besides hitting Ctrl-Alt-Backspace)?22:14
ikoniarbs-tito: ok, so you mean the ubuntu mozilla developers22:14
VeN0mizerabad: System->Admin->Software sources->Download from->Other->archive.ubuntu-rocks.org->Choose....there ya go ;) Update manager lives again with the latest updates22:14
tjelvarAnyone having problem with volume on asus laptop? (I have)22:14
fliegenderfroschabad: probably due to the overloaded servers22:14
inetican i use the pacifica or vanderpool features on a 32bit ubuntu with xen, or do i require a 64bit kernel?22:14
ikonianick_: which card is it ?22:14
rbs-titoikonia: Yes, but there are more than just devs in the team I believe.22:14
tanathjtuttle, restart x? you can log out22:14
Jack_Sparrowcherva, Please do not post just a link, give the short version of your problem as well22:14
nick_ikonia: is there a way i could download restricted drivers - when i installed 7.10 the wilress driver was there22:14
arbrandestanath, lol, me neither.  Eventually I gave up on compiz.  Will try again with Hardy.22:14
ikoniarbs-tito: I'm sure22:14
vanzemaljacikonia: HIIIII!!22:14
nick_ikonia: intel 394522:14
jcdick1In SuSE, I have shadow, passwd, group, shadow ... if I copy those off and then put them into the new Ubuntu server /etc, will Ubuntu know about users and groups?22:14
StealthCPkonqueror is not installable, causing problems with dependancies in apt.22:14
ikoniavanzemaljac: do I know you ?22:14
AaronMTI have no use for bluetooth, anyone know how to completely turn off bluetooth services.22:14
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vanzemaljacikonia: last nite i found links with u inn ittt lol talking22:14
StealthCPHow can I resolve the problem with installing konqueror?22:14
vanzemaljacikonia: nah ive got help from u from another nick22:15
matt444geez, torrents aren't much faster than the servers.22:15
vanzemaljacikonia: but you are popular! :)22:15
tanatharbrandes, heh, i didn't. i hate not using compiz22:15
ikoniavanzemaljac: where you in as coco or something like that ?22:15
matt444only 66kb here ;(22:15
chervaJack_Sparrow: I'm trying to update after a cdrom upgrade and this is what comes out .... http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64281/22:15
gnubie8.04amd64, fresh install using existing /home. When I try to create a previous user I am told the directory already exists and asks me to create a new one. unbunut has not done this b4.22:15
nahojais523, well.. got a few rows of text... the only ip's I could see was and
macowhen the minimum speed Nautilus CD Burner offers for burning at is 9x and you use it, how do you follow its instructions to try burning at a lower speed after the burn fails?22:15
vanzemaljacikonia: coko yeahhh how u know yo? lol u a genious22:15
K4k-laptopompaul, a point of information from before, I did some digging it looks like Audacious is the new xmms, even though it's just a gtk2.0 fork22:15
tanathi'm trying to tile some windows, but the shortcuts won't work22:15
DBautellthe DVD torrents seem to be getting slower all the time22:15
vanzemaljacikonia: one time talking.. u already remember my ... lsjafl22:15
Jack_Sparrowcherva, the servers are overloaded due to the release of hardy.. expect delays22:15
ais523nahoj: OK, it seems that the routing tables are wrong on your system22:15
arbrandestanath: I had problems with running other OpenGL apps, like Google Earth, that's why I stopped using it.22:15
ikoniavanzemaljac: I'm sorry I don't recall22:16
arbrandesDBautell, same here.  We need more seeders.22:16
tanatharbrandes, hmm... i just tried that earlier, and i can barely run it too22:16
ais523nahoj: go to the network configuration tool, and make sure that the 'gateway' value is set to your router's IP22:16
abadHas anyone else had any trouble with there update managers freezing while trying to upgrade?22:16
Spoomis there any more info i can give to help solve this problem?  i've been looking around myself and a few places suggest just compiling it locally in my home dir, but that seems a weird way of getting around the issue22:16
arbrandestanath: yeah, I judged GE was more important than compiz, so... :)22:16
vanzemaljacikonia: cokolina :)22:16
tanatharbrandes, it's the only one i've had trouble with so far.22:16
VeN0mizerabad: already answered that22:16
vanzemaljacikonia: i asked about which ubuntu member :)22:16
chervaJack_Sparrow: do you think Failed to fetch is a delay ?22:16
ikoniavanzemaljac: I don't recall, sorry22:16
tanatharbrandes, really? i don't really see the big deal with google earth... i get the same stuff in google maps...22:16
VeN0mizerabad: Ubuntu servers are overloaded, try selecting a different mirror22:16
abadVeN0mizer:  I was asking if anyone else had it...22:16
ais523abad: yes, and it was a real pain to fix, I got lots of errors beforehand though, most people have had that for a different reason which has already been explained repeatedly22:16
=== tuna-fish is now known as tuna
Jack_Sparrowcherva, yep.. it timed out22:17
vanzemaljacikonia: hehe its ok :) i got it all working i wanted to know if there was somthing i can bring that ubutnu partition up on windows.. while im in windows bring that up.. anything like that?22:17
chervaJack_Sparrow: ok thanks22:17
sidewalkhey guys22:17
arbrandestanath: well, I'm kind of a GE junkie.  Google maps are good and all, but I like spinning the globe.  Always did. :)22:17
ikoniavanzemaljac: there is an ext3 driver for windows but I don't advise using it22:17
orasalut les gars22:17
abadais523:  can you tell me where I can find the info?22:17
oraj'aime les frites22:17
sidewalki tried upgrading my machine and it went k0k022:17
ikonia!fr | ora22:17
ubotuora: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.22:17
tanatharbrandes, haha... have you played with celestia?22:17
arbrandesikonia, vanzemaljac: I don't advise using it either.  Gave me problems.22:17
sidewalkmy box tells me to run dpkg --configure -a22:18
janjokelaHello, I have a nvidia card but the restricted driver doesn't work. It shows as enabled but says "Not in use". disabling and enabling asks for restart but doesnt do it22:18
sidewalkbut that doesnt work, it tell me22:18
ais523abad: go to software sources in system|administration, then select other from the dropdown and click on the button to scan for the best source, many of them are overloaded right now22:18
sidewalkdpkg: too many errors, stopping22:18
nahojais523, should it still be set on "roaming mode"?22:18
sidewalkdpkg: ../../src/packages.c:252: process_queue: Assertion `!queuelen' failed.22:18
ubotuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »22:18
fliegenderfroschsidewalk: but you do use "sudo"?22:18
abadais523:  ok, let me try that..22:18
DooMRunneRrbs-tito: wont work22:18
arbrandestanath: I've been meaning to for some time now, just haven't gotten around to it.  Yeah, I'm a "spinning the skies" junkie, too. :)22:18
vanzemaljacikonia arbrandes any other way?22:18
DrXI've got an IBM hardware RAID controller and I'm thinking the RAID software will allow me to expand volumes so that I can use a time-tested easy to troubleshoot file system like ext3 without LVM... is that a safe assumption?22:18
ikoniavanzemaljac: not really22:18
sidewalkfliegenderfrosch: yes22:18
vanzemaljacikonia: wm ware?22:18
ais523nahoj: it depends on the configuration of your router, try both ways22:18
ikoniavanzemaljac: well, you could load it as a vm, but thats loading it within an OS22:18
ubuntuROXcould do a manual install or look in synaptic for a different nvidia driver if the cards old..22:18
ikoniavanzemaljac: you'd be dependant on y our host allowing access to the vm file systems22:19
vanzemaljacikonia: thats what i want22:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tcl - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:19
tanatharbrandes, it's a bit weird to control at first, but is fun when you get the hang of it :)22:19
ugeekuHow can I install TCL on ubuntu? (needed for eggdrop)22:19
ugeekuHow can I install TCL on ubuntu? (needed for eggdrop)22:19
vanzemaljacikonia: i want ubuntu to be within windows.. runing windows and ubuntu up22:19
rbs-titoDooMRunneR: I'm sorry, I can't remember what I was helping you with22:19
=== dwatson__ is now known as danielw
ikoniaugeeku: it's normally installed by default22:19
vanzemaljacikonia: windows prime22:19
orasa farte ?22:19
AaronMTI have no use for bluetooth, anyone know how to completely turn off bluetooth services.22:19
nick_ikonia: is there a way to download more restricted drivers?22:19
DooMRunneRrbs-tito: i got nothing with rausb1/0 in interfaces ans also no modules for that driver in lsmod22:19
ugeekuikonia: It says it can't find it, when I go to compile eggdrop22:19
oravous faites quoi22:19
ikoniavanzemaljac: same as I just said22:19
=== danielw is now known as danielbw
ScarEyeHey guys I just downloaded Kubuntu with KDE4 is there a way I can installed like VNC Server or something ?22:19
DooMRunneRrbs-tito: wusb54g22:19
orayou speak french little plz22:19
arbrandestanath: thanks for the recomendation, I think I'll try it just as soon as I can get this damn Hardy up and running.22:19
ikoniaugeeku: you need the development libraries22:19
tanathugeeku, you can find it in synaptic22:19
Jaymac!fr | ora22:19
ubotuora: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.22:19
ikonia!fr | ora22:19
orayes ?22:20
rbs-titoDooMRunneR: Oh right, that didn't work?22:20
Zickscan someone tell me why emerald wont change themes ?22:20
oraQuoi Jaymac ?22:20
oraEt ikonia ?22:20
fliegenderfroschZicks: is it running?22:20
tanatharbrandes, what's the problem?22:20
oravous voulez des mi chocos ?22:20
ikoniaora: this channel is english only22:20
macoZicks: emerald is dead22:20
ZeltaZicks: Choose a theme and restart your computer (or just X)22:20
_boikhutso_does anyone know of any channel where i can get help on borland c++ builder22:20
Zicksyes but it wont change any themes22:20
ikoniaora: #ubuntu-fr for french22:20
macoora: #ubuntu-fr22:20
Jaymacora tappes: /j #ubuntu-fr cette chaine est seulement pour la discussion en anglais22:20
Zicksalready did restart x22:20
ikonia_boikhutso_: we don't discuss warez22:20
DooMRunneRrbs-tito: i have two wifi-cards, this usb thing and a pci-card22:20
ora.j #ubuntu-fr22:20
ZeltaZicks: When you restart, you will be able to change themes22:20
arbrandestanath, the servers are slow, and the DVD torrent is slow, so it's taking a while to get the packages. lol22:20
ZeltaThen restart your computer22:20
ZeltaNot just X22:20
macoora: ne parlez pas francais...um...here22:20
DBautell_boikhutso_, ##c++ , and if not, they'll redirect you22:20
TheTaylorEffectHappy 8.04 Day everyone!22:21
tanath_boikhutso_, #c++ perhaps?22:21
rbs-titoDooMRunneR: You might have a bettter chance with the pci22:21
Zicksalso where do i find screens and graphics in hardy., i want to change monitor settings22:21
oraok thanks22:21
arbrandesHehhee, same to you, TheTaylorEffect22:21
_boikhutso_ikonia: what is warez?22:21
* gaurish is getting nice speeds on Torrents22:21
ugeekutanath: What's the command to install it via. terminal?22:21
ikonia_boikhutso_: illegal software22:21
osmosiswhy is the AMD64 release in the topic. That doesnt support flash.22:21
=== gaurish is now known as col
tanatharbrandes, weird that the torrent is slow..22:21
=== col is now known as cool
DooMRunneRrbs-tito: when i type ifconfig the wusb dont pops up22:21
ikoniaosmosis: it does22:21
nexanoanyone ever use xmms2 + esperanza over network? im having trouble connecting22:21
evilbugcan i upgrade to 8.04 from a cd or do i have to do it directly from update manager?22:21
tanathugeeku, depends. there's different versions22:21
osmosisikonia: it does?22:21
ugeekutanath: latest?22:21
osmosisikonia: since when ?22:21
ikoniaosmosis: yes22:21
arbrandestanath, the other ones are pretty speedy, it's just the DVD.  Needs more seeds, I guess.22:21
_boikhutso_ikonia: lol, illegal, an in not open ?22:21
ikoniaosmosis: in various guises for a long time22:21
DooMRunneRrbs-tito: i need both, connected to two different access-points... :)22:21
osmosisikonia: any reason to stay with i386 then ?22:21
tanathugeeku, you might try 'sudo aptitude install tcl8.5'22:21
ikoniaosmosis: not having flash doesn't make it not releasable22:21
dany_21awhere can i find gnome-compiz-manager under hardy? (or what shall i use to configure compiz under KDE?)22:21
arbrandesevilbug, you can, from the alternate cd or from the dvd.22:22
ikoniaosmosis: thats up to you22:22
tanatharbrandes, ah22:22
* compbrain points to http://mirrors.ccs.neu.edu/releases.ubuntu.com/hardy/22:22
Bender1337does ubuntu have a gui for dialup22:22
osmosisikonia: so I have to try it and find the bugs on my own.22:22
Zickswhere do i find screens and graphics in hardy., i want to change monitor settings22:22
ikonia_boikhutso_: you have to pay for borland products, so channels to get it = illegal22:22
Jaymacdany84_at: compizconfig-settings-manager or something22:22
jharknosmosis: I installed mine just via firefox prompting for it22:22
ikoniaosmosis: no22:22
cooltanath, try Desktop install CD, i am downoad 64bit version, 1k seeds & 500 leachers22:22
osmosisZicks: dunno...guess they took that out.22:22
evilbugarbrandes- so the main desktop cd doesn't work to update?22:22
fliegenderfroschBender1337: install gnome-ppp22:22
tanathdany_21a, you can't find it in synaptic?22:22
nahojais523, well, I have to set it to "static IP" to change the gateway, right?22:22
eZewhat's the quickest way to check if a port is open?22:22
arbrandesevilbug, not really, no22:22
TheTaylorEffectI am seeding all of the 8.04 Desktop ISOs22:22
adamorjames_happy hardy day DinCahill , tyranos and all the otehr ppl joining the chan22:22
arbrandesevilbug, at least not in any user friendly way.22:22
Zicksi reboot thanks for your help22:22
TheTaylorEffectYou should all do the same if you have the bandwidth22:22
tanathdany_21a, or, you mean to run? try 'ccsm'22:22
dany_21atanath: nope... the pack. existed in ubuntu-1 ... its gone in hardy22:22
jimcooncatI can't eject my usb stick, how do I find what processes are using it?22:23
cooleZe, Utorrent Port checker22:23
Bender1337fliegenderfrosch: can i install that over a flash drive22:23
osmosisHow do I get dual screens working with  nvidia_new?  What is nvidia_new anyways ?22:23
DinCahillhi. im on the hardy livecd and it wont detect my IDE hard drives but it will detect my SATA ones22:23
ikoniaTheTaylorEffect: this is a support channel, we don't need a lecture on being good seeders22:23
dany_21atanath: ah... thx !22:23
ais523nahoj: yes, and you have to decide on an IP within your own network for your own computer; roaming mode means it asks the router for its IP and settings automatically22:23
_boikhutso_ikonia: you are saying i got it illegaly or....?22:23
DinCahilli want to install on my ide drive22:23
evilbugarbrandes- thanks!do you think the torrent .iso will be faster than the direct download?22:23
tyranosare the intel core 2 duo x86_64 or 32 ????22:23
rbs-titoDooMRunneR: I'm sorry, I can't really suggest anything else. Except, perhaps, blacklisting the ralink module and using ndiswrapper22:23
ikonia_boikhutso_: lets stop discussing this22:23
fliegenderfroschBender1337: how do you mean "over a flash drive"?22:23
eZecool, and what if i dont have utorrent installed? ;)22:23
arbrandesevilbug, MUCH faster.22:23
* Rolcol is back (gone 00:15:10)22:23
DooMRunneRrbs-tito: is it possible that i need to set an alias for that device in modprobe? thats the way i know it from redhat :)22:23
MilitantPotatoHey all, Hardy is detecting my PATA drive as a SDA, in gutsy it was HAD  Is this something to be concerned about?22:23
evilbugarbrandes- thanks!22:23
primanwhat file system should i have on my ubuntu primary partition?22:23
dettoaltrimentiok I can't figure this out- I installed b43-fwcutter, but my network controller is bcm4328: do I need to install another driver before installing b43-fwcutter?22:23
TheTaylorEffectSorry... I'm just excited!22:23
ais523nahoj: actually, I think what may be the problem is that roaming mode is correct but the router isn't telling your computer the settings for some reason22:23
ikoniaosmosis: you can configure xinerama or twinview, your call22:23
DinCahilltyranos: x6422:23
_boikhutso_ikonia: ok, was just confused22:23
ghdkkdkext2 or ext322:24
LiquidyDinCahill: boot with "pci=nommconf"22:24
arbrandesevilbug, I have to recommend the DVD torrent, though, because then there will be fewer packages that might need to be updated from the internet.22:24
=== thannoy__ is now known as thannoy
osmosisikonia: twinview is crashing22:24
tanathdany_21a, the ccsm package is 'compizconfig-settings-manager'22:24
DinCahillok thanks liquidy22:24
ais523priman: use ext322:24
tyranosis that the reason y flashnonfree is giving me the md5 mismatch error22:24
primandoes ntfs work?22:24
Bender1337fliegenderfrosch: download from another compurter then install it on the computer that needs it from the flash drive22:24
macowhere can i get *real* cdrecord instead of wodim?22:24
DBautellpriman, yes22:24
cooleZe, does not matter. www.utorrent.com/testport.php?port=<replace post value>22:24
MoLE_MilitantPotato, No nothing to be concerned about22:24
fliegenderfroschBender1337: should work22:25
osmosisfor some reason  nvidia-glx wasnt included22:25
nahojais523, yeah, seems like that... my router is showing my computer in the browserconfigurator22:25
dany_21atanath: thx for the hint, long ago that i used compiz22:25
MilitantPotatoMoLE_: Ok, thanks22:25
fliegenderfroschBender1337: maybe there are some dependencies that you would have to download as well22:25
ikoniaosmosis: that may not be the right packge fo you22:25
primanwill it be much better with ext3 than ntfs?22:25
eZety cool22:25
osmosisikonia: do you use nvidia_new22:25
GInhow do you upgrade from rc to hardy?22:25
=== ajmorris|AFK is now known as ajmorris
idyllichi, there is no 'custom effect' option in System - Preference - Visual Effects, even though i installed compizconfig-settings-manager. I'm on Ubuntu 8.0422:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about swfdec - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:25
RatshellIs anyone else having issues with the us.archive.ubunut.com? where it just hangs at this 0% [Connecting to us.archive.ubuntu.com (]22:25
ikoniaosmosis: depends on what machine22:25
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes22:25
ikoniaosmosis: some machines I do22:25
ais523nahoj: in that case, I'm stuck; I don't know all that much about routers and roaming mode22:25
coolpriman, In terms of support, as EXT3 is native file format for Ubuntu22:25
arbrandesRatshell, all of us.  The servers are bogged.22:25
primanok, thx, i'll go for ext322:26
nahojais523, ok. thanks alot for the help anyway, rellay nice of you =)22:26
osmosisikonia: its strange behavior.  Default config at install is  nvidia_new is installed, but does Not enables, even though it is checked.22:26
Ratshellarbrandes ahh okay thx, just thought it was me but now I realize its there broke servers :)22:26
oddalotbah, does anyone know how to install the nvidia video drivers manually, it won't let me download them from the hardware drivers menu22:26
arbrandesRatshell, yup22:26
AaronMTOh jeez, swfdec is alot more unstable than adobe's22:26
docgnomeRatshell: that's why I'm going to wait a few days before doing an upgrade22:26
ikoniaosmosis: default config for "you" is nvidia_new, probably because detection believes that is the right package for you22:26
At0x0Did anyone else notice some of their fonts get hosed after upgrading to 8.04?22:26
rbs-titoDooMRunneR: I'm not sure, sorry.22:26
jharknoddalot: you can try envy22:26
adamorjames_happy hardy day dsch04, boolka and all the other ppl joining the chan22:26
tyranosOddalot try envy it works well22:26
oddalotwhat is envy?22:26
osmosisikonia: wow, really? thanks.22:26
arbrandesadamorjames_, same to you!22:27
tanathidyllic, you sure compiz is installed?22:27
boolkalol thanks22:27
jharknoddalot: an app that installs for you automatically22:27
tyranosgoogle it , a tool that installs nvidia and ati proprietary drivers22:27
oddalotk thanks22:27
livingdaylightdoes FF3 have issues with java?22:27
osmosisikonia: see  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=460749122:27
dsch04Quick question: Does the alternate install CD run as a live CD like the Desktop CD ?22:28
adamorjames_For me FF3 has big font... maybe an nVIDIA problem...22:28
arbrandesdsch04, no22:28
Crazyguydsch04, no22:28
oddalotis envy installed by default?22:28
Abdlivingdaylight possibly, because it's still beta22:28
arbrandesdsch04, only the DVD does both.22:28
jharknoddalot: no22:28
sidewalki get dependency problem22:28
sidewalkdpkg: error processing libglademm-2.4-1c2a (--configure):22:28
tanathlivingdaylight, mine works fine22:28
cryptolifeapt-get install gtk envy22:28
tanathlivingdaylight, though i'm using swiftfox...22:28
* dsch04 looks in topic for torrent location for DVD22:28
tyranosi need help22:28
j_humphreymaco: dhlcient didnt work22:28
docgnometyranos: with?22:28
livingdaylighttanath, can you check gokgs.com and tell me whether applet starts?22:28
arbrandesdsch04: http://www.acc.umu.se/~mighty/ubuntu/ubuntu-8.04-dvd-i386.iso.torrent22:28
Liquidytyranos: with?22:28
ikoniaosmosis: thats user error on (in my opinion) of poster22:28
Assiderr.. i got a ati radeon mobility 9000.. i used to use compiz during the alpha releases..22:28
livingdaylighttanath, swiftfox?22:29
matt444mc44:  i take that back.  6.0.1 is fine.  it was the previous version that stunk.22:29
j_humphreymaco:  heres the output of dhclient: http://pastebin.com/m24ab650022:29
tyranosflash non free on gutsy 32 but on a core 2 duo22:29
ceil420how long does it usually take for the new ubuntu version to be attainable from update-manager?22:29
Assidhowever now it doesnt work.. can someone help me please22:29
dsch04arbrandes: Got it. Leeching now22:29
matt444they must have just upgraded the repository version.  because i'm using 6.0.1 that i had to manually install.22:29
tanathlivingdaylight, it's and optimized build of firefox for linux. getswiftfox.com22:29
chaquiok guys22:29
* x1250 wants intrepid ibex, when will the repos be available?22:29
sidewalkshit i need help guys22:29
arbrandesceil420, you mean, after the servers aren't so bogged down? Dunno, a few days?22:29
dsch04I'n outta here - it's mad!!!22:29
osmosisikonia: not to be rude, but such an accusation without explanation, seems like trolling.22:29
ikoniax1250: they are22:29
arbrandesdsch04, np22:29
ais523sidewalk: what's the problem?22:29
sidewalkmy dist-upgrade went k0k022:29
chaquithis is the easiest question all day22:29
sidewalk  Package libpango1.0-0 is not configured yet.22:29
Liquidytyranos: be more specific22:29
sidewalkdpkg: error processing libglademm-2.4-1c2a (--configure):22:29
dsch04Thx for the help22:29
tanathlivingdaylight, go applet doesn't appear to be working22:29
macoj_humphrey: pm me the output of iwconfig22:29
sidewalkdpkg: ../../src/packages.c:252: process_queue: Assertion `!queuelen' failed.22:29
x1250ikonia: great, thanks.22:29
chaquihow do i find out my ip address22:29
_moro_bana_im trying to add the server cd with apt-cdrom add, giving me permission denied, help22:30
arbrandesdsch04, a pleasure :)22:30
ceil420arbrandes, i mean until it stops telling me that i'm up to date and won't even offer the download :x i'd take it at 20kb/s22:30
ScarEyechaqui: ifconfig22:30
j_humphreymaco: I dont have that22:30
livingdaylighttanath, it was in gutsy in previous ff, so....22:30
ScarEyein konsole22:30
dsch04You never know, I *might* switch from Fedora ;)22:30
dystopianraychaqui: your internalnetwork ip? or your external internet ip?22:30
arbrandesceil420, it should be available now22:30
ceil420maybe i should update apt :o22:30
tv3SkUrtI must say that ati radeon video overlay support in linux is a disaster neither totem or vlc works with ati video overlay only xine works.22:30
osmosisikonia: btw...the article isnt one poster...its 3 separate people having the same issue.22:30
arbrandesceil420, the problem might be that the servers are so bogged down that you're not getting the latest version of update-manager.22:30
ikoniaosmosis: not really, it looks like the origional poster has not understood the nvidia packges, in that there is no driver to be loaded, or there is a problem with the nvidia-new acting as a meta package for nvidia_glx/new_glx22:30
macoj_humphrey: yes you do22:30
j_humphreymaco: but i did connect to the wireless AP, but I had a 0% connection  strength22:30
tv3SkUrti spent a whole day to fix the problems.22:30
HayHayHi, Is the the channel #ubuntu+1 for Hardy Heron still working?22:30
chaquiinteneral network22:30
ceil420arbrandes, bah, knew i shoulda got the RC a few days ago ><22:30
nohelpherethe xserver xrashing error I wonder if it's been fixed...22:30
_moro_bana_dystopianray: what if i want the exteranal22:31
=== Absurdium is now known as Hydrogen
macoj_humphrey: so there's 0% strength when you see the router, and the router doesn't respond when you talk to it?22:31
tanathlivingdaylight, it works for me in epiphany. try that22:31
macoj_humphrey: that sounds like the router22:31
ceil420HayHay, i think it's for Ignorant Iguana, or whatever the 'i' alliteration is22:31
j_humphreymaco: I would have to restart my computer and log into ubuntu to get iwconfig22:31
fliegenderfroschHayHay: no, this is the channel for hardy now22:31
x1250HayHay: nope, hardy is now in #ubuntu22:31
arbrandesceil420, well, there are lotsa RC folks complaining that they can't get the release version for the same reason, so... :)22:31
tanathlivingdaylight, epiphany-browser22:31
osmosisikonia: well, I installed nvidia-glx-new as well, and it fixed the error msg and made my 3d work.22:31
macoj_humphrey: did you just dhclient from windows?22:31
arbrandesceil420, I recommend getting the DVD torrent and upgrading from it: http://www.acc.umu.se/~mighty/ubuntu/ubuntu-8.04-dvd-i386.iso.torrentW22:31
livingdaylighttanath, ok... thank you22:31
arbrandesceil420, or rather: http://www.acc.umu.se/~mighty/ubuntu/ubuntu-8.04-dvd-i386.iso.torrent22:31
fliegenderfroschceil420: its intrepid ibex :)22:31
ceil420arbrandes, i'd be happy with RC; all i really wanna do is update libconfuse so i can install awesome wm :x22:31
ikoniaosmosis: yes, that will do as the nvidia_glx packages contain the drivers22:31
j_humphreymaco: no, i logged into ubuntu and dhcliented22:31
oddalotso what is the main difference in hardy from gutsy?22:31
oddaloti don't see any difference22:31
ceil420arbrandes, also, i don't have a dvd drive22:31
dystopianray_moro_bana_: www.whatismyip.com22:31
mweapt-get keeps telling me firefox was automatically installed and is no longer required. How can I tell apt I want to keep firefox so it stops suggesting me to remove it?22:31
j_humphreymaco: but since i dont have internet on ubuntu, i have to log into windows22:32
ikoniaoddalot: thats a good thing22:32
macoj_humphrey: there's no wired internet around?22:32
tyranosliquidy , i m trying to install flash on gutsy 32 on a 64 bit machine , but apt-get gives me a md5 size mismatch  at the end and says flash not installed22:32
ceil420oddalot, you can actually update packages with each release22:32
arbrandesceil420, no need for a DVD drive.  Just get the iso and mount it via loop device.22:32
osmosisikonia: twinview still isnt working though22:32
ikoniaoddalot: why would gnome "look" different, it's a minor update22:32
j_humphreymaco: it would be difficult22:32
fliegenderfroschoddalot: mainly new versions of most software22:32
HayHayx1250: Thanks - didn't know it changed - umm - Just when you think you got it all figurede out - Grin  : )22:32
ceil420arbrandes, no room for a dvd iso :x22:32
ikoniaosmosis: twinview = poor in my opinion, twinview + compiz = very poor in my view22:32
oddalotso why the need for a name change?22:32
nohelpheredo you think the  x server restarting issue wa sfixed?22:32
XATRIXhi....what Login manager ubuntu using by default ?22:32
j_humphreymaco: but if there is something i can do while wired to fix wireless, then i can get wired for a few22:32
arbrandesceil420, then again, you could always upgrade from the alternate cd torrent.  It's there, too: http://www.acc.umu.se/~mighty/ubuntu/22:32
_moro_bana_dystopianray: using the net, i know that, i thought there would be something on ubuntu to do that22:32
ceil420Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on22:32
ceil420/dev/sda1              18G   14G  3.2G  82% /22:32
macoj_humphrey: ok well here's what i do when i have to do wireless22:32
fliegenderfroschXATRIX: gdm22:32
osmosisikonia: huh? worked perfectly in gutsy22:32
=== roaksoax_ is now known as RoAk
nohelphereit was quite annoying22:32
ikoniaosmosis: why is that a measure ?22:32
ikoniaosmosis: your on a new os, 1 day old, with new drivers22:33
nohelphereoh though it's been released22:33
macoj_humphrey: sudo iwlist scan22:33
XATRIXfliegenderfrosch> what theme does it use ? i want to set such a theme in gentoo22:33
nohelphereso it's probably fixed22:33
nexano anyone ever used esperanza along with xmms2? im having22:33
nexano                   trouble connecting to my other computer via esperanza >:|22:33
dystopianray_moro_bana_: it depends on your network setup, it's not trivial22:33
arbrandesceil420, beware that there might be packages that need to be downloaded from the net, if using the alternate cd.  That's what I'm doing, by the way.22:33
tanatharbrandes, you can install ubuntu from a mounted image? o.O22:33
macoj_humphrey: then thatll show all available networks and you can see what your wireless card is called.  mine's wlan022:33
ceil420XATRIX, Gnome's "Human" theme, unless they've changed it22:33
ffm_maco, !!!!22:33
j_humphreymine is wlan0 as well, maco22:33
arbrandestanath: yes, that's what I'm doing.  well, actually, no, I'm upgrading. :)22:33
billisnicedoes this release work with dvd's out of the box?22:33
fliegenderfroschXATRIX: not sure about the new ubuntu version, just search for "human" on gnome-look and you should find something22:33
nohelpherecan I see some release notes?22:33
j_humphreymaco: it used to be eth1 in gutsy though22:33
tanatharbrandes, how would you do that?22:33
xfroggymy partitions on desktop show up by the volume sizes instead of names like it was previously, any way to change this?22:33
_moro_bana_im trying to add the server cd with apt-cdrom add, giving me permission denied, help22:33
lopinAre there any problems installing with the torrented iso?22:33
ScarEyeSo I guess repos are down or loaded with traffic ?  Cause I cannot apt-get install openssh-server22:33
ceil420arbrandes, i don't wanna fight with it, i'll just wait for a nice 'n' easy update-manager download :p if apt-get update will hurry up :x22:34
macoj_humphrey: then: sudo iwconfig essid "mywirelessnetwork" key "ABCDEF12345"22:34
fliegenderfroschScarEye: true22:34
lopinLike is it going to get packages that can't be gotten to due to the rush?22:34
macoj_humphrey: so that "mywirelessnetwork" matches whatever your router is called22:34
osmosisikonia: "twinview = poor in my opinio"  you mean  twinview on hardy is poor then.22:34
macoj_humphrey: and the ABCD... thing is where your WEP key goes22:34
fliegenderfroschScarEye: you could use a different mirror though22:34
arbrandestanath: If you mean upgrade, just get the alternate cd or dvd, pop it in / mount it, and let it do it's work.22:34
macoj_humphrey: then run "sudo dhclient wlan0"22:34
macoffm_: hi ffm22:34
ibleedcan you add an entry to grub, pointing to an .iso on the hard drive that for installation purposes ?22:34
arbrandestanath: Installing it from an image would be slightly more complicated. :)22:34
ikoniaosmosis: no, I mean the product in the nvidia drivers of any version is poor (only in my opinion)22:34
tanatharbrandes, i already upgraded 2 days ago :P22:34
dreamcoderi cant beleive i have just spent all day backing up to put a piece of crap like hardy with kde4 on my pc22:34
ScarEyefliegenderfrosch:  Do you have a link or doc to that mirror22:34
wuxiaon ubuntu 8.04 ... how do I get nvidia acceleration?22:34
HayHayx1250: Where is best to find out what comes on this distro? "ubuntu-8.04-dvd-i386.iso.torrent" - Ubuntu website?22:34
tanatharbrandes, i mean, installing/upgrading from a mounted iso22:35
ceil420dreamcoder, ewww kde22:35
macoffm_: my cd burner is failing! im gonna have to put the isos on a flash drive and burn on a school comp22:35
ceil420i can't believe you did it either :p22:35
fliegenderfroschScarEye: in the ubuntu sources config dialog, you can search for other mirrors22:35
=== Zelta_ is now known as Zelta
lopinYou can use the cdupgrade command on the cd22:35
osmosisikonia: like I said, worked great in gutsy.22:35
plikdreamcoder: doh! you should have backed-up yesterday, in antici22:35
dreamcoderthe display size is wrong res is wrong monitor wrong and no gui to condigure it22:35
key2which ubuntu has as default kernel 2.6.18 ? someone knows ?22:35
macoffm_: first will try real cdrecord instead of wodim.  do you know where to get a cdrecord deb?22:35
arbrandestanath: upgrading I can vouch for. Installing I haven't tried with Ubuntu (did it all the time with Fedora, but over the network).22:35
ScarEyefliegenderfrosch:  I try that, thanks22:35
ffm_maco, Darn. Fortunately I have a few burners here. How many exactly do we need?22:35
j_humphreyok maco, i'll try that now, brb22:35
smallfoot-the new start page in firefox for 8.04 is much better than old one, its much easier!22:35
XATRIXfliegenderfrosch> thanks for the help22:35
Liquidytyranos: sorry for delay, flash and 64 bits, ...22:35
ffm_maco, No, I'll look.22:35
VeN0mizerScarEye: System->Admin->Software sources->Download from->Other->archive.ubuntu-rocks.org->Choose....there ya go ;) Update manager lives again with the latest updates22:35
fliegenderfroschXATRIX: np22:35
theunixgeekI keep getting an error when downloading the upgrade tool. What do I do?22:35
chaquishit son!22:36
ffm_maco, Tried K3B?22:36
wuxiaon ubuntu 8.04 ... how do I get nvidia acceleration?22:36
tv3SkUrtSomething must be done about the ati drivers. Video overlay only works properly with Xine both VLC and Totem fails to use video overlay.22:36
macosmallfoot-: whats the start page?22:36
dreamcodercant beleive i wasted a good system and used 35 dvds to back up22:36
ikoniaosmosis: as I said this is a different situation22:36
ceil420key2, i think that's between Edgy and Feisty, but i'm not sure22:36
chaquioops sorry22:36
x1250HayHay: you can find info here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron/RC22:36
iDNhey, me again22:36
ffm_!language | chaqui22:36
ubotuchaqui: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.22:36
ibleedHayHay, bunches of stuff on it.  the dvd has text and graphical installer though and i'm not sure what else.  if you want you could download the cd, and have it download updates after you install.22:36
chaquiwrong chatbox22:36
macoffm_: no. tried nautilus, brasero, and gnomebaker22:36
ikoniachaqui: what was the need for that language, it's uncalled for22:36
oddalotwoot it fixed itself22:36
smallfoot-maco: http://start.ubuntu.com/8.04/22:36
EmofHi! After upgrading to 8.04 my nvida drivers doesn't work. I've tried using envy to reinstall them (nvidia-glx-new) but it still won't work22:36
DinCahillliquidy: i booted with pci=nommconf but it didnt work22:36
osmosisikonia: nope, you said you are referring to the nvidia product, not to hardy.22:36
chaquisorry i had the wrong chatbox22:36
macoffm_: they all say burn error, potential overburn22:36
tyranosLiquidy ,even while using a 32 bit verison of gutsy22:36
ffm_maco, K3B usually is awesome.22:36
ikoniaosmosis: yes, I am22:36
wuxiaEmof: hey, i'm having similar problems with nvidia22:36
macosmallfoot-: oh that. isnt it normally a local fil?22:36
wuxiaEmof: what have you found out so far?22:36
dreamcodernothing is instllable through addremeove22:36
VeN0mizertv3SkUrt: yes, ATI needs to have someone else work on their linux drivers besides the janitors22:36
ffm_maco, May be a hardware issue, hm?22:36
livingdaylighttanath, is swiftox worth it?22:36
iDNhow can i update to hardy heron from the cd? i already have an ubuntu 7.4 installed.22:36
smallfoot-maco, uhm yeh.. it were22:36
Emofwuxia: that nothing works :(22:36
tanathmaco, k3b is the best, but if you want cdrecord, it's in the repo too22:37
dreamcoderwhat a waste of time evey one should stick to the previous release22:37
fserveiDN, get the alternate cd22:37
wuxiaEmof: i'm tempted to download the *.sh from nvidia's website and go from that22:37
macotanath: no its not. it's replaced by wodim.22:37
ScarEyeLTS = Only GNOME ?   NO KDE version ?22:37
Liquidytyranos: i'm a bit confused22:37
crashsystemsiDN, you need to download the alternate installer22:37
gustavo_anyone knows "irc it" ? the ii client?22:37
macoScarEye: yes22:37
ceil420dreamcoder, i just wanna update libconfuse so's i can install awesome wm :x22:37
fliegenderfroschiDN: you can't upgrade directly to hardy, you have to reinstall or update to 7.10 first22:37
ScarEyemaco:  thanks22:37
crashsystemsburn that CD, then stick it into your drive22:37
holabolawasup !!22:37
macoScarEye: KDE4 is too untested to be LTS22:37
Liquidytyranos: you're trying to install it on 32 bits now?22:37
jaymzhis there a problem with us.archive.ubuntu.com? My 'apt-get install' and "apt-get update" just hang on opening a connection to it22:37
jaymzh(and is there an alternative)22:37
DrXcan you share a CD ROM in a Linux box out to a Windows server over the network using SAMBA?22:37
ffm_maco or anyone else: Whenever I go to Apps>Sys>NewLogin and then choose "quit" from the gdm menu, I am returned to a blank (white) screen, only seeing my mouse.22:37
L815is there a torrent link for hardy ?22:37
tanathlivingdaylight, define 'worth it'. just click the link to the .deb file, and open & install it. it's a bit faster that's all22:37
plikdreamcoder: back ups are always useful, but you might have been better off with a different hard disk22:37
ffm_jaymzh, It's overused.22:37
arbrandesjaymzh, servers are bogged.22:37
ceil420for some reason i can't install it from source :(22:37
VeN0mizerjaymzh: System->Admin->Software sources->Download from->Other->archive.ubuntu-rocks.org->Choose....there ya go ;) Update manager lives again with the latest updates22:37
iDNfliegenderfrosch: sorry for misleading you. i have 7.10 installed.22:37
ffm_L815, Yes, see releases.ubuntu.com/8.0422:37
ibleedthe forums are down ?22:37
DBautellDrx, I have22:38
* jordanjay29 got the Cisco VPN working! :D22:38
theunixgeekmeh... I'll just download the torrent instead of upgrading. FRESH INSTALL! :D22:38
iDNdoes it matter if i have 7.04 or 7.10? i have 7.10.22:38
Emofit's strange that they didn't test hardy with nvidia drivers before releasing it...22:38
arbrandesibleed, servers are probably as bogged down as the update servers.22:38
fliegenderfrosch!torrent | L81522:38
ubotuL815: Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P22:38
crashsystemsiDN: then you can install from the alt installer22:38
dreamcoderyeah if i had new it was so opoo i would of stuck with my fully configured working good system22:38
fliegenderfrosch!torrents | L81522:38
ceil420Your system is up-to-date22:38
ceil420There are no upgrades available for your system. The upgrade will now be canceled.22:38
ubotuL815: Hardy can be torrented from http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).22:38
macoL815: http://www.acc.umu.se/~mighty/ubuntu/22:38
livingdaylighttanath, worth it being noticeably faster. you say it is so....22:38
ceil420my system is NOT up to date :(22:38
crashsystemsif you had 7.04, you'd need to upgrade to 7.10 first22:38
DinCahillhardy recognises my sata drives but not my ide ones22:38
ikoniaceil420: what package is missing ?22:38
lch_is  2.6.24-16 the kernel version is should have in hardy or did grub boot the wrong one?22:38
arbrandesceil420, lol22:38
lopinI can't get bittorrent working on the iso22:38
L815maco, thanks22:38
smallfoot-so when is Ubuntu 8.10 Ibex, Alpha1?22:38
theunixgeekcome on, seed! :D22:38
fliegenderfroschiDN: sorry, what was your question again?22:38
tanathlivingdaylight, i'm not sure. it's been quite some time since i've used plain firefox... but my firefox 3.0pre1 is pretty damn quick22:39
iDNcrashsystems: so there's no way of upgrading from 7.10 to hardy using the livecd?22:39
grandpapadotHi all.  Anyone have a fast direct download site for 8.04?22:39
ceil420ikonia, it just tells me that when i try to update-manager --dist-upgrade (from Gutsy)22:39
tanathlivingdaylight, er, swiftfox that is22:39
dreamcoderkubuntu should still be in beta stage not released22:39
DooMRunneRrbs-tito: other question, is it possible to make the dns entries in the resolv.conf persistent, the network manager alway change them22:39
smallfoot-lch_, thats the one it should be22:39
crashsystemsfirefox3 rocks!22:39
LiquidyDinCahill: it didn't work?22:39
ikoniaceil420: probably has no server to connect to22:39
iDNfliegenderfrosch: how can i upgrade from 7.10 to 8.04 using the livecd?22:39
livingdaylighttanath, do you choose the processor or just go for the apt-get install?22:39
arbrandesgrandpapadot: torrents here, http://www.acc.umu.se/~mighty/ubuntu/22:39
DinCahillpci=nommconf right22:39
silenihello, im following the typical ndiswrapper broadcom tutorial http://invaleed.wordpress.com/2007/11/20/install-bcm94311mcg-wlan-mini-pci-ubuntu-710/ , it says blacklist bcm43xx but its already there and i just did fresh install of heron. should i blacklist something else other than bcm43xx22:39
ffm_iDN, you can't.22:39
arbrandesiDN: you can't22:39
rbs-titoDooMRunneR: No, and it annoys me really badly! I hate having to do it the old fashioned way.22:39
fliegenderfroschiDN: i'm not sure if its possible with the live cd, it is with the alternate cd though22:39
EmofAnyone have any clue to how you get nvidia drivers working in Hardy?22:39
lch_smallfoot-: thank you, so grub automatically choose the new one :-)22:39
ceil420ikonia, then why wouldn't it tell me that? i'd rather it give me a 503 error than a "you don't need to upgrade" message ;x22:39
macoffm_: yeah it probably is a hardware issue. never buying from circuit city again.  they replaced a bad hard drive with worse one and a bad cd-rw/dvd-rw with one that should be able to do all thse functions but instead just reads22:39
DinCahillon boot i pressed f6 for options and i stuck it in22:39
VeN0mizersileni: you gotta google wirelessfix.sh and read the post22:39
iDNwell, how do i do that using the alternate cd?22:40
ikoniaceil420: no idea22:40
macosileni: you shouldnt need broadcom22:40
jaymzhVeN0mizer, thanks!22:40
tanathlivingdaylight, i chose my cpu and get the deb directly, so as to get v3. the repos has the latest 2.0 version22:40
smallfoot-iDN, you can just type "update-manager --dist-upgrade"22:40
DooMRunneRrbs-tito: the old fashioned way?22:40
fliegenderfroschiDN: just insert it and it will ask you22:40
arbrandesiDN: just pop it in or mount the image, it'll prompt you to upgrade.22:40
dreamcoderi am beginnging to see why i should wait a few months when something is released with linux22:40
sileniwhat do you mean i dont need broadcom22:40
ffm_maco, Nasty.22:40
silenithats my wireless card22:40
macosileni: just install the firmware from the restricted manager22:40
VeN0mizerjaymzh: yw ;)22:40
silenii thought firmware one was slow22:40
macosileni: i meant shouldnt need ndiswrapper :P22:40
silenilike 24 mbps vs 5822:40
ffm_maco, I usually buy hard disks directly from the mfg, WD has a 5~ year warrenty on their portables.22:40
macosileni: i have no idea22:40
arbrandesiDN: if it doesn't, run: gksu "sh /media/loop/cdromupgrade"22:40
macoffm_: it was warranty22:40
rbs-titoDooMRunneR: Ifup ifdown22:40
VeN0mizersileni: you're right, the default cutter drivers suck, google wirelessfix.sh for hardy and you'll find your answer for ndiswrapper22:40
DooMRunneRrbs-tito: ok :)22:41
iDNfliegenderfrosch and arbrandes: thank you, i'll try that.22:41
macoffm_: you cant get a warranty replacement from WD on hdd's included in systems22:41
arbrandesiDN: roger, roger22:41
smallfoot-1599 ppl in this channel :D22:41
dreamcoderis ubuntu 8.04 any better than kubuntu 8.04?22:41
dettoaltrimentican someone please help me with my broadcom/wireless internet? I've spent 3 hours now reading things online trying to get it to work22:41
Odd-rationalethis might be dumb question, but how do you exit full screen in vinrage? :?22:41
macodreamcoder: its just a different GUI22:41
smallfoot-dreamcoder, no, its different :p22:41
iDNthanks for everyone's help. : i appreciate your quick reply. :)22:41
ceil420dreamcoder, yes.22:41
Emofso no one else have had problems with nvidia drivers after the update?22:41
KyleKdreamcoder: insert kde/gnome flamewar22:41
arbrandesdreamcoder, yes, cause KDE sucks (just kidding, just kidding)22:41
ceil420KDE fails :p22:41
smallfoot-dreamcoder, kubuntu 8.04 is ubuntu 8.04 with KDE instead of GNOME22:41
ceil420KyleK, beat me to it <_<22:41
gustavo_dreamcoder: it depends on what you prefer.. they yse different desktop systems22:41
VeN0mizerdettoaltrimenti: what are you using? ndiswrapper?22:41
ceil420arbrandes, i wasn't :p22:41
dreamcoderkde 4 with ubuntu is NOT good22:41
tv3SkUrtUbuntu is great sadly the drivers are not :|22:41
arbrandesceil420 (me neither, but don't tell anyone)22:42
macodreamcoder: theres a non-kde4 version of kubuntu22:42
ceil420dreamcoder, a lot of people have a beef with Ubuntu's implementation of KDE22:42
mwehow can you tell apt you want to keep a package it thinks is not needed?22:42
dreamcoderwell with kde 4 and ubuntu theres no gui for editing the right display22:42
dreamcoderi loved gutsy and kde22:42
ceil420(personally, i don't like the DE on any system)22:42
dreamcoderthen heron happend22:42
DooMRunneRwhere are those resolutions in the xorg.conf gone?22:42
Gistybitany way to cross update from ubuntu 64bit to 32bit?22:42
dettoaltrimentivenomizer- no, I read that in 8.04 you can use the package b43-fwcutter22:42
weasyYou shouldn't act as gm lol22:42
KyleKdamn these hammered repositories22:42
wuxiaEmof: I got nvidia up now, using the nvidia's download22:42
fliegenderfroschDooMRunneR: this is now autoconfigured22:42
weasyI am sure that went well22:42
ceil420KyleK, right?22:42
Emofwuxia: from their site?22:42
yukonhohas anyone had painfully slow boot/install processes? Mine hangs on "loading hardware drivers" and fails....22:42
ChoujiAmsg: booting into windows >_>22:42
oddalothi, anyone know what happened to the screens section, all i can find now is the resolution section, and it only gives me 640-480 resolution max!!22:42
ffm_maco, Really? Cool.22:42
macomwe: sudo aptitude <package>&m22:42
ceil420all i want is to update libconfuse :(22:42
ceil420damn frozen packages ;x22:43
tanathKyleK, heh, that's why i upgraded 2 days ago :D22:43
Sivikdoes anyone have a linksys wireless pci card up and running corrrectly for 7.10 or 8.0422:43
IndyGunFreakkyleabaker: what hammered repos?22:43
silenivenomizer, i did and i found a post22:43
macomwe: thatll mark it as manually installed so it doesnt think its some leftover dependency22:43
MEtaLpREscan someone give me a quick answer,  without starting a big debate or flame war, on newer hardware is xubuntu at all noticeably faster than ubuntu?22:43
DooMRunneRfliegenderfrosch: hmm, but my gdm resolution is to high...22:43
afallenhopehey how do you uninstall a module?22:43
ceil420IndyGunFreak, Ubuntu's hammered repos22:43
ffm_MEtaLpREs, Yes.22:43
crashsystemsDooMRunneR: ubuntu is using dexconfig to determine resolution values22:43
mwemaco, I'll try, thanks22:43
tv3SkUrtIts really strange i tried red hat linux about 8 years ago and had to stop using because of drivers issues and now 8 years later the driver issue still persists.22:43
IndyGunFreakceil420: they seem fine to me22:43
dreamcoderanyone using gutsy kubuntu DO NOT upgrade to that piece of pooo call hardy with kde it really is poo22:43
macoffm_: http://www.acc.umu.se/~mighty/ubuntu/ <-- see kubuntu and kubuntu-kde4?22:43
wuxiaEmof: yep, compiz isn't working yet, but glxgears is at 3596fps22:43
ffm_MEtaLpREs, But once you insatll a single GNOME app...22:43
ceil420MEtaLpREs, probably not, but i prefer xfce for aesthetic reasons22:43
fliegenderfroschDooMRunneR: afaik you can still write them into xorg.conf22:43
sileniVeN0mizer:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=760529 the second post by pulmite is that the post i shoudl follow ?22:43
macomwe: er...sudo aptitude install <package>&m22:43
ffm_maco, what about it?22:44
x1250tv3SkUrt: 8 years with the same hardware? I dont think so? :)22:44
DooMRunneRfliegenderfrosch: and after that dexconfig wouldnt work anymore or what? :)22:44
macoffm_: isnt that what you "really?"d at?22:44
Emofwuxia: do you have a link to the place you downloaded it22:44
ceil420IndyGunFreak, t's not working so fine for me22:44
biabiaWith this new release of Hardy, if I burn to .iso can I just upgrade my install? or will it overwrite all my data and settings?22:44
ceil420(and my connection is fast and is working)22:44
IndyGunFreakceil420: luck of the draw i guess.22:44
afallenhopehow do you uninstall modules?22:44
mwemaco, the ampersand makes aptitude run in the backgroun :|22:44
x1250biabia: what settings?22:44
fliegenderfroschDooMRunneR: dexconfig?22:44
MExUbuntuI need help!! I have an Apache web server in my intranet and it has a many deb files. I would like to add it as a repository. But I don't know what to do. The server IP address is
MEtaLpREsi really like gnome and have been using it for a long time but i keep hearing xubuntu is faster and just as good, but if the speed increase is barely noticeable then i dont want to bother22:45
wuxiaEmof: go to front page, click on drivers, I choose geforce 8 series; it pointed me to a NVIDIA-linux-x86_64-blahblah-pkg2.run sh file22:45
VeN0mizerFOR THOSE HAVING BROADCOM AND NDISWRAPPER ISSUES CHECK OUT http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=734003 Thanks ;)22:45
DooMRunneRfliegenderfrosch: chrashsystems talked about that some lines above22:45
ffm_maco, No, I didn't know that mfg warrentes on HDs were passed along to consumers.22:45
ceil420MEtaLpREs, it's still prettier :)22:45
sileniappreciate it venomizer22:45
ffm_!caps | VeN0mizer22:45
ubotuVeN0mizer: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.22:45
ikoniaVeN0mizer: don't use caps and don't post random urls22:45
HayHayx1250: Hi Sorry my scroll back on XChat was set too low and I missed the Wiki link you posted for me - Sorry - Have scroll back set to 600 lines now.  :o)22:45
x1250MEtaLpREs: you can always install xubuntu-desktop package22:45
dreamcoderi cant beleive hardy with kde 4 was released22:45
arbrandesMEtaLpREs: it really isn't all that much faster, if you got a recent PC.22:45
VeN0mizer!aware | ffm_22:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about aware - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:45
fliegenderfroschDooMRunneR: ah, i think that should still work22:45
MEtaLpREsceil420: which is?22:45
ceil420MEtaLpREs, if i had a quad core with 4gb RAM and an nvidia 8800GTS 512, i'd still choose Xfce over Gnome/KDE22:45
afallenhopeVeN0mizer: I thought the new b43 driver fixed it so y didn't have to use the ndsiwrapper22:45
ffm_dreamcoder, Two versions of hardy were.22:45
x1250HayHay: you can find info here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron/RC22:45
dreamcoderif i knew it was going to be this bad i would of stuck with suse22:45
macomwe: sudo aptitude unmarkauto <package>22:45
dreamcoderor gone with ubuntu with boring gnome22:45
macoffm_: theyre *not* passed to consumers22:46
Emofwuxia: thanks, trying that22:46
arbrandesMEtaLpREs, x1250: but if you install the xubuntu-desktop package, USE APTITUDE TO DO IT22:46
ffm_VeN0mizer, Uh, then why did you do it?22:46
VeN0mizerafallenhope: sadly, the new b43 driver is slow and causes odd hangs for me :/22:46
HayHayx1250: thx mucho - got it.....22:46
ceil420dreamcoder, why not install gnome? sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop22:46
dsch04The DVD torrents seem real slow22:46
KyleKafallenhope: im using ndiswrapper, b43 doesn't support the PHY i have22:46
arbrandesdsch04, yup, same here.22:46
tanathlivingdaylight, you trying out swiftfox?22:46
afallenhopeVeN0mizer: did you patch your driver? If you patch your driver... it shoul have fixed that.22:46
dsch04Am only getting 20kbs max22:46
wuxiadsch04: tried pulling from mirrors.kernel.org?22:46
arbrandesdsch04, in contrast to the lightning fast desktop torrent.22:46
VeN0mizerffm_: because the channel is rolling with spam, and several people have asked, and when I try to respond it seems I go unheard, it is a critical issue22:46
IndyGunFreaki downloaded the CD torrent, at around 5-600k.. about max for my connection22:46
DBautellpainfully slow22:46
plikceil420: he'd rather just complain and moan22:46
walilohello every body22:46
DinCahillanyone know how i can get hardy livecd to recognise ide hard drives which worked in gutsy?22:46
ffm_maco, uh... "<maco> ffm_: you cant get a warranty replacement from WD on hdd's included in systems"22:46
livingdaylighttanath, problems22:46
mluser-workshould I use the 64bit version of ubuntu for a 'core 2 quad' processor.. or just stick with the 32bit?22:47
dsch04148 seeds for the i386, 50 for x86_6422:47
MEtaLpREsarbrandes: if i install xfce i can choose between both gnome and xfce?  it doesn kill the other?  i might try it out22:47
ceil420plik, sounds like someone i know in ##linux :x22:47
macodreamcoder: theres a kde3.5.9 and kde4 version. kde4's too new and kde3.5.9 is too old to support that long. hence no lts22:47
tanathlivingdaylight, oh?22:47
ffm_mluser-work, Both will work.22:47
afallenhopeKyleK: you would need to patch the driver with SuD's patch.22:47
livingdaylighttanath, and epiphany isn't letting me launchapplet either22:47
macoffm_: yeah, see the "cant"22:47
dsch04mluser-work: depends how much RAM you have22:47
plikthere's always one (or more)22:47
dreamcoderi think i will try my lucxk with ubuntu22:47
afallenhopeNow... how do you uninstall modules? lol.22:47
dreamcoderwhy not22:47
ffm_maco, Oops.22:47
mluser-workffm_: I know.. but other than larger memory.. are there any other benefits?22:47
IndyGunFreakmluser-work: i would stick w/ 32bit,.,. but thats just me22:47
livingdaylighttanath, i did apt-get update && apt-get install swiftfox-athlon-xp22:47
arbrandesMEtaLpREs, yes you can choose.  One does not kill the other.22:47
mwemaco, It wants to remove "unused packages" including firefox :(22:47
ffm_mluser-work, faster code compilation, etc.22:47
IndyGunFreakunless you have a real need for it.22:47
macodreamcoder: because 3.5.9 will not be getting security patches in 3 years...same reason no firefox 222:47
macomwe: firefox is being upgraded to firefox 322:47
ffm_mluser-work, I am on 64bit right now, and don't have any problems.22:48
tanathlivingdaylight, the repo doesn't seem to have the latest version22:48
mluser-workdont pae kernels work with 4+ gigs of ram.. even in 32bit systems?22:48
livingdaylighttanath, and it asks whether i was root, which i was so, i don't know why it didn't work22:48
MEtaLpREsarbrandes: how do you choose which one boots? is there a menu somewhere?22:48
ryan__hey ever body22:48
techIIok, blender doesn't work on hardy (64 bit with ati card)22:48
bcardarellaJust upgraded... my numerical keypad is no longer working. Any ideas?22:48
tanathlivingdaylight, try synaptic?22:48
mwemaco, oh22:48
livingdaylighttanath, i added to repo as the swiftfox site recommends22:48
ryan__can some one private message me... i have a quick question!22:48
tanathlivingdaylight, yeah, but fx 3 is better :)22:48
arbrandesMEtaLpREs, it's been a while since I did this, but I believe you can choose on the login screen.22:48
fliegenderfroschlivingdaylight: did you use sudo before AND after the && ?22:48
macomwe: you can also run "sudo aptitude why-not firefox"22:48
Nihilist_NerdWhere can I find the results of fsck?22:48
mluser-workffm_: any driver issues with your box?22:48
waliloI have a problem with my printer Canon Lbp 800 it can't work on Ubuntu 7.10 : ( plese help me how to do it?????22:48
tanathlivingdaylight, and i've found it completely stable22:48
dreamcodereveryone using gnome inhere?22:48
MEtaLpREsarbrandes: ok thanks, i will give it a try22:48
macomwe: and itll show you if its conflicting with nything22:48
ceil420Fx3 is win :)22:49
mwemaco, are you kidding me? :)22:49
livingdaylightfliegenderfrosch, AND after the && - no22:49
ceil420dreamcoder, i'm using Xfce with the Enlightenment 16 window manager22:49
ffm_mluser-work, none.22:49
mluser-workffm_: thanks22:49
macomwe: aptitude has CRAZY options available.  go check out the manpage. i doubt even the devs know all the stuff it can do22:49
afallenhopeI'm running 64 bit Ubuntu Hardy Heron, and I'm trying to get uninstall a module that I added. anyone able to help me out?22:49
saminthemiddleis anyone else having problems with 64bit Firefox on Hardy? It won't let websites set their own font sizes. And I have already checked the check box in the perfs and set minimum font size to "none"22:49
ffm_mluser-work, keep in mind YMMV.22:49
fliegenderfroschlivingdaylight: you have to use "sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get install whatever"22:49
Nihilist_NerdOh, I have found it, dw22:49
tanathlivingdaylight, heh ;)22:49
arbrandesMEtaLpREs, remember to use aptitude instead of apt-get or synaptic.  With aptitude it is easier to remove unused packages if you decide to remove xubuntu-desktop or even ubuntu-desktop.22:49
mluser-workffm_: YMMV?22:49
fliegenderfroschlivingdaylight: or else the 2nd command isn't executed with root privileges22:49
techIIafallenhope: 'rmmod' and 'modprobe -r' dont work?22:49
tanathlivingdaylight, yeah, gotta remember it's a new command..22:50
mluser-workffm_: never mind.. I get it :)22:50
ceil420arbrandes, apt-get remove has never failed me :o22:50
afallenhopetechII: that only unloads it.22:50
techIIafallenhope: or are you talking about packages?22:50
kewlburnanyone can help me on how to enable KDETwitter?22:50
bigdog_I still can't seem to get my update manager to see that I need to upgrade.22:50
ffm_ceil420, but aptitude is better.22:50
saminthemiddleceil420: he means for removing deps22:50
ceil420ffm_, why?22:50
dsch04I'm about to buy a dual head graphics card for use with 8.04 (x86_64) in an Asus P5K WS board (PCI-E x16). Any recommendations?22:50
mwemaco, yeah I used it a bit but I think it's sometimes trying to be a bit too clever22:50
arbrandesceil420, well, until relatively recently it would not auto-remove unused packages.22:50
afallenhopetechII: I want to get rid of the module itself22:50
dsch04I'm mainly looking for chipset support22:50
ceil420saminthemiddle, apt-get autoremove for unneeded packages22:50
macoceil420: aptitude remove is almost the same as apt-get remove and then apt-get autoclean...except one step22:50
tanathaptitude is smarter22:50
livingdaylighttanath, is swiftfox proprietary?22:50
dsch04i.e. ATI or nVidia?22:50
tanathlivingdaylight, kinda22:50
ffm_ceil420, it presents solutions when dependancies are unsatisfied, and is better at resolving errors.22:50
ceil420maco, sometimes i just wanna reinstall something :p22:50
VeN0mizerI thought aptitude was obsolete?22:50
tanathlivingdaylight, the artwork is22:51
ceil420of course, it didn't help with vlc ;x22:51
saminthemiddleceil420: that works, I just go through the logs and remove everything that was installed when I installed that program22:51
ffm_livingdaylight, Then again, so is firefox.22:51
tanathlivingdaylight, but it's just an optimized build of firefox22:51
macoceil420: aptitude reinstall <package>22:51
ceil420it's still buggin' out on me22:51
Nihilist_NerdPlease can somebody tell me what this is saying? /dev/sda2: 305996/4921952 files (2.8% non-contiguous), 7888500/9839812 blocks22:51
chaquican i make everything a bit smaller?22:51
ceil420maco, i'll try that in a bit22:51
biabiax1250: I was just afraid if I download the iso, and burn it that it would overwrite my entire drive and destroy all my data.22:51
dsch04Nihilist_Nerd: Nothing wrong there22:51
tanathlivingdaylight, it has a trademark, and it's own icon, but that's about it22:51
Nihilist_NerdWhat about 7888500/9839812 blocks?22:51
ceil420still tryin' to get Hardy atm22:51
mwemaco, it insists I should solve some "problems" before it will unmarkauto as far as I can tell22:51
ffm_Nihilist_Nerd, That's what is in use.22:51
Nihilist_Nerddsch04: Thanks22:51
ceil420awesome wm is more important to me than vlc right now :p22:51
chaquii think my fonts are just to big22:51
livingdaylightffm_, FF is proprietary?22:51
saminthemiddleNihilist_Nerd: it means 2.8% of your files are fragmented. Don't worry about it22:51
dsch04You've used x of y blocks22:51
ffm_livingdaylight, technically, according to debian.22:51
ceil420not if you mean Firefox22:51
Nihilist_Nerdceil420: Oh I see; thanks. I thought it might be how many blocks were bad :P22:52
x1250biabia: don you have /home mounted on the same partition as / ?22:52
riskbreakerhey guys. running Xubuntu hardy at the moment. i am trying to use dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg as my xorg.conf is poorly configured at the moment (lacks most of the encessary sections for some reason)22:52
fliegenderfroschlivingdaylight: the artwork is afaik22:52
biabiax1250: yes22:52
riskbreakerwhen i run that progrma, i get tihs error about halfway through the reconfiguration:22:52
riskbreakerFATAL: Error inserting battery (/lib/modules/2.6.24-16-generic/kernel/drivers/acpi/battery.ko): No such device22:52
arbrandesdammit, only 35 packages to go, but 2 hours left.22:52
ffm_livingdaylight, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firefox#Licensing22:52
tanathNihilist_Nerd, whatever you used to get that output, try adding a '-h' to the command22:52
Zickshey osmosis22:52
riskbreakercan anyone help?22:52
Nihilist_Nerdtanath: thanks; it ran automatically22:52
x1250biabia: you dont need to download the iso, you can upgrade with aptitude22:52
gustavo_dragobr: hi there22:52
Lacrymologywhy is ubuntu's new version called "Hard Heroyn"?22:52
techIIafallenhope: you can blacklist them in '/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist' then they won't load at boot (no idea if they get loaded when something is plugged in (usb)), i would think your best bet would be to delete/move it from the '/lib/modules/' tree22:52
Zicksi figured out, to reset all dekstop preferences in gnome default session and then re do all of it22:52
Bender1337riskbreaker: mabey22:52
arbrandesx1250, biabia: not right now, you can't22:52
z0manI have a really common question to ask here....."Hows the upgrade facility from feisty to hardy"?22:53
arbrandesLacrymology, lol, Heroyn22:53
ffm_livingdaylight, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IceWeasel22:53
x1250arbrandes: why?22:53
bigdog_Anyone else having trouble detecting an upgrade with Update Manager?22:53
_r0b_whats the best way to upgrade from 7.10 to 8.0422:53
ffm_livingdaylight, the name, logo, and artwork are nonfree.22:53
arbrandesx1250, because all the servers are bogged down.  It would take aeons to finish.22:53
osmosisZicks: yes22:53
tanathNihilist_Nerd, the -h makes it output human readable format (kb/mb/etc)22:53
riskbreakerthere is a thread on ubuntu forums about the problem but it's not resolved:22:53
biabiax1250: gah thats not what i want to know. I want to know, IF I can download the iso, burn, and upgrade my install without overwriting everything else, like all my music, pictures, documents22:53
LupionI asked this question some hours ago, anyway i couldn't fix it yet... I recently made a clean Hardy Heron AMD64 install. I'm using a NVIDIA 6 Series Card and a 22'' Widescreen LG L225WS Screen. The issue here is that I cannot manage to set the native screen resolution which is 1680x1050. The default xorg.conf file runs at 800x600 max resolution, I thought installing nvidia restricted driver would fix it, so I installed it from the repo22:53
ffm_z0man, Fine.22:53
Nihilist_Nerdtanath: thanks, but it's just given me usage and emergency help.22:54
ffm_!spam | riskbreaker22:54
uboturiskbreaker: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubotu <keyword>): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam, !PM, !English - And most importantly, use common sense...22:54
arbrandesbiabia: yes, you can.22:54
Nihilist_Nerdedward@edward-desktop:~$ fsck -C -a -t -h ext3 /dev/sda222:54
tanathNihilist_Nerd, just an fyi for future reference22:54
ffm_riskbreaker, please don't just paste random links into the channel.22:54
ryan__Hey im running Ubuntu and my download speed for updates and (mozilla) downloads is like 50 K/Bs ... any help??22:54
afallenhopetechII: when I delete it from the modules tree I type: "sudo modprobe -r rt73" and it unloads... then I  reboot and it STILL loads.22:54
arbrandesbiabia: but you have to download the ALTERNATE cd, or the DVD.22:54
dsch04So, nobody got any gfx card recommendations?22:54
gustavo_dragobr_: are you there?22:54
dbristowseem too have trouble getting a coherent copy of wubi.exe (one that matches the MD5SUMS)22:54
riskbreakerffm_: please look at the message i placed right before it22:54
wuxiain ubuntu 8.04, how do I avoid that annoying "please entre ur private key password" screen every time something tres to ouse my ssh key? I alredy added it using ssh-add, how can I disable this stupid popup?22:54
Zicksosmosis: so basically when upgrading its best to reset everything to defaults and start from there22:54
bigdog_ryan__: I think all of us are having trouble. :)22:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mousebuttons - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:54
ffm_Lupion, And?22:54
biabiaarbrandes: ok. so the normal live/install doesnt offer the option i need?22:54
arbrandesdsch04, if you're into 3D stuff, definitely Nvidia.22:54
VeN0mizerwuxia: change the password to blank in the keyring manager22:55
gauchoMy sound isn't working on 8.04! I have an Asus p5b motherboard with onboard sound..22:55
ffm_!botabuse | tanath22:55
ubotutanath: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.22:55
arbrandesbiabia: no, it doesn't.22:55
ScorpKingi want to upgrade to 8.04 but i don't have enough bandwidth here to download apps. is there a way i can parse my apt-move repo and just run aptitude --download-only <apps-from-my-repo> on a remote box that has the bandtwidth i need?22:55
dsch04Not really - will be using as a workstation22:55
IndyGunFreak!mouse | tanath22:55
ubotutanath: Enabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto22:55
techIIafallenhope: use '/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist' thats what i do with the madwifi (atheros) modules so i can get ndiswrapper working (my newer card isn't supported)22:55
ryan__ohh so not just mee? Its everyones download speed (regardless of ubuntu version)22:55
MEtaLpREsthats odd, when i do apt-get for xubuntu-desktop it says it will install 91 packages, when i use aptitude it says 87 packages,  why would it be installing different things?22:55
GInhello, any tool to make a webpage to pdf?22:55
Lupionffm_ ?? what do you mean?...22:55
tanathIndyGunFreak, yeah, got it, thx22:55
ffm_ScorpKing, Use a local mirror like the MIT Media labs one.22:55
wuxiaVeN0mizer: I'm not going to put a blanck password on my private key; I just wnat that stupid popup to stop popping up since I've already added it using 'ssh-add'22:55
biabiaarbrandes: thanks! is there a guide to useing the alternate install cd/dvd so I dont make any crucial mistakes?22:55
afallenhopetechII: I've blacklisted it22:55
ffm_Lupion, What happened after you installed the drivers?22:55
ffm_biabia, Yeah, on the wiki.22:55
ffm_!alternate | biabia22:55
ubotubiabia: The Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-alternate-i386.iso.torrent22:55
MilitantPotatoIs there a meta package for the general programs needed for building from source?22:55
x1250biabia: you CAN, but that would be crappy, since there are some packages that were dropped since gutsy, and you would have them on your hard drive, and apt-get wouldn't know about them.22:55
dbristowffm_: as far as I can tell, the media lab is not on the list of mirrors for 8.04, don't know why22:56
tanathfor some reason the forward button doesn't work22:56
_r0b_whats the best way to upgrade from 7.10 to 8.0422:56
effowei'm looking to do a fresh install of ubuntu and xp on my pc, i am looking to dualboot, what should I install first?22:56
WaffleGIn, what do you mean make a webpage to pdf? If you have Firefox 3, you can file and print to file, then choose PDF as the file type22:56
VeN0mizerwuxia: what does it matter? you STILL have to login to even get to they manager password or not :P22:56
tanath_r0b_, with the upgrade manager22:56
ffm_dbristow, Go to sys>prefs>softsource22:56
techIIafallenhope: then if it loads at boot, i have no idea why22:56
arbrandesbiabia: it is pretty simple: pop in the CD or DVD and it should prompt you to upgrade.  If it doesn't, run gksu "sh /media/cdrom/cdromupgrade"22:56
Lupionffm_ with the restricted drivers from the repositories, the system says the max resolution is 640x480... (but compiz is workin :P)22:56
MEtaLpREseffowe: install xp first22:56
ScorpKingffm_: is MIT Media an app?22:56
red22to upgrade from 7.10 to 8.04 you can't use the regular install cd?22:56
backgenhey guys i'm trying to update from Gutsy to Heron but whenever i click upgraded on my Update Manager it just doesn't work...is there another way?22:56
wuxiaVeN0mizer: linux is about choice; my ability to choose how I interact with my software; and freedom; my ffreedom to configure my software as I wish22:56
effowemetal: when installing ubuntu how much space should I allocate to it? is 20gb enough?22:56
jimcooncatwuxia, I believe if you set the passphrase to be the same as your computer password, gdm, pam, and seahorse take care of everything for you. It's that way on my gutsy.22:57
MilitantPotato!resolution | Lupion22:57
arbrandesred22: no, you can't.  You need the alternate cd, or the dvd.22:57
ubotuLupion: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto22:57
VeN0mizerwuxia: lol wow, go have a drink man22:57
ffm_ScorpKing, No, MIT Media labs is a group at MIT that, along with lots of other places, mirrors ubuntu repositories.22:57
fliegenderfroschbackgen: what is "just doesn't work"?22:57
MEtaLpREseffowe: 20gb is plenty22:57
tanathred22, there's an upgrade guide in the topic22:57
ffm_effowe, yes.22:57
_r0b_tanath: i get a error about a server problem22:57
Lupionubotu, i know that...22:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about i know that... - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:57
MEtaLpREseffowe: you would be fine even using 10gb22:57
KyleKhey is there something like torrents for the repository system?22:57
tanath_r0b_, server's are getting hammered. maybe that's why? you could try a mirror22:57
arbrandesKyleK, only for the isos.22:57
Lupionubotu... i man the gdm restart thing (i use ctrl+alt+del)22:57
effowecool, will the ubuntu disc automatically resize my partition and install? will I be able to access that partition from windows and vice versa?22:57
ffm_KyleK, What?22:57
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backgenfligenderfrosch: well first the update manager goes grayish...so i leave it for a while...then it comes back and asks me if i want to update...then it tries to update but gives me a "recognition" error or something like that22:57
biabiaarbrandes, ffm, x1250 thanks!22:58
ffm_KyleK, You mean to torrent apt?22:58
ffm_biabia, np.22:58
arbrandesbiabia, no problemo.22:58
VeN0mizerwuxia: NetworkManager constantly prompted me for my keyring password, to remedy this, I set my keyring password to blank, now it no longer asks...I STILL have to log in with my username and linux password...nothing needs to be "configured how you want" albeit an oompa loompa or not'22:58
ffm_KyleK, No.22:58
red22arbrandes: since i have the 8.10 cd, but i want to upgrade.. can't i tell it to do an online update, but to use the cd as a source (i'm assuming most of the stuff to download is inthere already)22:58
KyleKffm_: well any old p2p would be nice22:58
backgenflingenderfrosh: i'm trying it again now so i'll be able to give you more accurate details...but is there any other way to upgrade, say via Terminal or what not?22:58
ffm_KyleK, Nope.22:58
MEtaLpREseffowe: you can access windows partitions in ubuntu no problem,  accessing linux partitions in windows is a bit more complicated22:58
fliegenderfroschbackgen: you can use the alternate cd22:58
matrix|abis archive.ubuntu still down or what?22:58
arbrandesred22, you need the *alternate* cd, not the normal desktop cd.22:58
ryan__Hey my downloading speed for anything* is like 50 K/Bs.... is that a problem everyone is having (i havent upgraded to 8.10)22:58
effowemetal: i heard that ubuntu can be installed on ntfs with 8.04?22:58
LupionMilitantPotato... what do you mean?22:58
riskbreakeri'm running xubuntu hardy. i have the problem described in this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=761447 dpkg-reconfigure seems convinced i'm on a laptop and tries to load battery modules, but i'm not and so it fails and crashes. can anyone help me fix this22:58
ffm_KyleK, The best thing is to use apt-mirror to make a local apt mirror (it'll be slow to download, but...) or use another mirror,.22:58
fliegenderfroschbackgen: or "do-release-upgrade"22:58
[tla]If anyone is having troube installing vmware-tools (not vmware server, there are other patches for that) on Hardy, the solution is here: http://projects.tuxx-home.at/?id=vmware_updates  I have used the method described and patched tar files and now have working ethernet etc.22:58
thebighamThe ubuntu server is so slow =(22:58
FliesLikeABrick_effowe it sounds like you want to read about wubi22:58
ffm_KyleK, Sys>Adm>SoftSources.22:59
effoweit's really not important to access it, but it would be nice..22:59
backgenfliegenderfrosch: what's "do-release-upgrade"22:59
waseidelhi slowly some one can help me with a broadcom bcm4311 i can't install it22:59
MilitantPotatoeffowe: Yes, it will automatically do it, although it's probably best if you do it yourself, and no, EXT3 file systems are not visable from windows, but linux can work with NTFS drives, so you could exchange files by putting them on a different partition22:59
ffm_!flame | theaber22:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about flame - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:59
FliesLikeABrick_thebigham  if you're downloading an ISO, considering using a torrent22:59
arbrandesred22, even so, probably not all packages will be available. the DVD is better, in this case.22:59
MEtaLpREseffowe: i dont know, ive never tried it22:59
crashsystemsuse the torrents thebigham22:59
j_humphreymaco: it didnt work22:59
fliegenderfrosch!upgrade | backgen22:59
ubotubackgen: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes22:59
ScorpKingffm_: ah ok. that won't help. i can't afford to donwload all the apps that i have on my box again. it cost too much. is there a way i can download all the packages in my current 7.10 apt-move repo somewhere else and use it to make a apt-move repo for 8.04?22:59
backgenfliegenderfrosch: is that just sudo do-release-upgrade?22:59
riesenpixelhello, i have a problem with my toshiba portege m200 which is not working since ubuntu hardy.. it uses a wacom tablet.. how can I activate it? (doesn't do anything at the moment)22:59
fliegenderfroschbackgen: see the upgrade notes22:59
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techIIok, OpenGL apps flicker, so my blender issues seem to be related to X11/OpenGL, anyone have any ideas22:59
ffm_thebigham, This is the help channel. For discussion, see #ubuntu-offtopic. For trolls, see /dev/null.22:59
fliegenderfroschbackgen: yes, you can use sudo do-release-upgrade22:59
dmsupermanDoes _anybody_ know where to get xfx linux drivers for? Their website absolutely refuses to load for me, I even let it run overnight and it's still not loaded. I just need to get audio drivers for the xfx nforce 680i lt sli motherboard22:59
effoweshould i be using ext3 partition in ubuntu? what about manually sizing partitions for /root and other directories? should I just let it do it automatically on one?23:00
gafatoahello guys ! I've installed Hardy Heron and I can't change the monitor resolution with xrandr or the new tool System/Pref./Screen resolution. xrandr worked perfectly under gusty; Any advice ? (thanks)23:00
ffm_ScorpKing, I apologize, I don't know.23:00
RatshellHey to all that is having the issues still with the us.archive.ubuntu.com servers I just found a fix that will fix it for now.23:00
waseidelScorpKing, could you help me with a wireless broadcom bcm4311 Rev 02 i can't make it work23:00
cak054apt-get install get me a new job23:00
FliesLikeABrick_techII see if it happens when you go to System>Preferences>Appearance and set visual effects to none23:00
j_humphreymaco: heres all the info i think is relevent: http://pastebin.com/m27c578ea23:00
red22arbrandes: well i was looking to hybrid it from the cd.. my conection is kinda slow so it would have helped a lot if the packages on the regular install cd could be used..23:00
SajuukkharI have a problem, I was updating to hardy heron and it updated BUT xorg had troubles finding my drivers, so i updated through apt-get update then apt-get dist-install, then i went apt-get install bunutu-desktop and what happened i got a dependency error and told me to use sudo apt-get install -f to fix teh dependencies BUT now i still have a problem; Errors were encountered while processing: /var/cache/apt/archives/xkb-data_1.1~c23:00
ScorpKingffm_: np. thanks anyway :)23:00
ffm_effowe, Use ext3, and do so automagically.23:00
MEtaLpREseeesh,  i guess i should have install xfce earlier,  repos are going super slow now, i was maxing my connection earlier with the upgrade, now its crawling23:00
ffm_effowe, unless you want to put home on its own partition.23:00
FliesLikeABrick_MetaBot switch what repo you're using.  Try lug.mtu.edu23:00
ScorpKingwaseidel: look at the ubuntu docs online. it's there23:00
cak054apt-get install new girl friend23:00
effoweffm: does it matter really? ive heard it's better if you separate certain partitions23:00
Ratshellhey arbandes, you still here?23:01
FliesLikeABrick_MEtaLpREs  switch what repo you're using.  Try lug.mtu.edu23:01
arbrandesred22, oh, I see.  Try copying any *.deb files on the cd to /var/cache/apt/archives, maybe it'll cut down on the total time.23:01
red22arbrandes: .. well i guess i'll go get it ty.23:01
yoursfaithfullyHi - how do I upgrade from Gutsy without using the Upgrade Manager?  I'd prefer to download a torrent.23:01
ScorpKingwaseidel: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx23:01
Canaris_there seems to be no more possibility to change your monitor settings in 8.04 !? Is this correct or am I just not finding it?!?23:01
arbrandesRatshell, yup23:01
LupionIs it really that hard to change screen resolution in hardy???23:01
red22arbrandes: ah ok, worth a try ty.23:01
FliesLikeABrick_yoursfaithfully you burn the CD, put it in, and it will ask you if you want to install updated packages from the disk23:01
z0manThx ffm_23:01
Ratshellarbrandes, i found a temp fix that lets you get your files like you would off of the us.archive but without the error :)23:01
karllen1i have two internal hdd's at (sdb1 and sdc1) they are both an ext3 format. but they are not automounting when i start my pc. how can i mount and automount with root access to everyone including read and write abilities?23:01
FliesLikeABrick_yoursfaithfully alternatively you can use APT tools from the command line23:01
MEtaLpREsFliesLikeABrick its fine, its only got like 10 mins left anyway, i dont want to stop the install half way through23:01
waseidelScorpKing, i have already installed but i can't detect a wifi network with the router just at side of the laptop23:01
macoj_humphrey: in what order did you do those? and does the access point even show up when you do "sudo iwlist scan"?23:01
jimcooncateffowe: I separate my /home partition because I like to do clean installs instead of dist-upgrades23:01
waseidelScorpKing, but let me read this doc23:02
arbrandesRatshell, what is it?23:02
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yoursfaithfullyFlies - you mean set my CD-ROM as a repository and use APT to upgrade?23:02
DBautellyoursfaithfully, use the alternate CD or the DVD23:02
FliesLikeABrick_MEtaLpREs ok, just remember it in case you want to install anything later, it typically takes 2-3 days or the repos to stop being a smoldering pile of goo23:02
Liquidyany suggestions of apps for "frapsing" ?23:02
arbrandesRatshell, what is the fix, I mean23:02
j_humphreymaco: the AP does show up, and I did those in the order they are written down23:02
Theo_is swap necessary? I am installing 8.04 and I got 4 partitions including the ext3 filesystem. It says that I cannot create anymore partitions (509mb left). Do i need to make a swap partition?23:02
effowehm, ok. . now to hardware compatibility, is there a list of hardware that's compatible so i can check mine against it?23:02
backgenfliegenderfrosch: hmm the upgrade notes are only for Fawn to Gutsy...not for Gutsy to Heron...are they the same thing though?23:02
FliesLikeABrick_Theo_  how much RAM do you have?23:02
dmsupermannobody knows where to get xfx linux drivers at all?23:02
MEtaLpREsFliesLikeABrick yea thats fine, i doubt i will be installing much over the next few days anyway23:02
yoursfaithfullyThanks everyone!23:02
FliesLikeABrick_yoursfaithfully if you burn a hardy disk and put it into your CD drive while you're using Ubuntu, it will show you a dialog on upgrading23:02
Ratshellarbrandes, make backup of the one your got right now your sources.list file and then edit the source.list and replace all us.archive.ubuntu.com with no.archive.ubuntu.com run sudo apt-get update and then do whatever you wanted with it will work np23:02
ffm_z0man, np.23:03
FliesLikeABrick_Theo_ you should be ok without swap, but swap is always recommended23:03
SajuukkharI have a problem, I was updating to hardy heron and it updated BUT xorg had troubles finding my drivers, so i updated through apt-get update then apt-get dist-install, then i went apt-get install bunutu-desktop and what happened i got a dependency error and told me to use sudo apt-get install -f to fix teh dependencies BUT now i still have a problem; Errors were encountered while processing: /var/cache/apt/archives/xkb-data_1.1~c23:03
ScorpKingwaseidel: do it from the terminal. the gui doesn't always work well with wireless. i don't use wireless a lot so i'm not sure how that's done23:03
j_humphreymaco, i also did the iwconfig essid thing, and it didnt work23:03
sebastianDoes anyone know why "gdmsetup" hangs?23:03
arbrandesRatshell, oh, I see! "no" is norway, isn't it?23:03
Theo_why can't i make one?23:03
jimcooncatTheo_: you may be able to use a swapfile, but I don't know how in Ubuntu23:03
sebastianOw! It worked.. like 2 minutes later23:03
FliesLikeABrick_theaber does your hard drive already have 4 partitions?23:03
Ratshellarbrandes, I think so but it works and the stuffs in english :)23:03
arbrandesRatshell, cool, I'm going to try it in a little while! thanks23:03
Ratshellnp arbrandes23:03
jeriathcan anyone help me with setting up a dhcp server in ubuntu.....i used the same process that i used in 7.10 but it doesnt want to work in 8.04 :(23:03
FliesLikeABrick_Theo_ a hard drive can only hold 4 primary partitions at once23:03
ffm_Ratshell, Is your nick Rat's Hell, or Rat Shell?23:04
FliesLikeABrick_jereme it should be exactly the same as 8.04, I've done it a number of times on gutsy and hardy23:04
Ratshellffm_ ratshell23:04
avianchaosxhi all, a quick question, is anyone else having a really slow connection to archive.ubuntu.com? my apt-get is stuck in getting stuff, it sems.23:04
llin-ubuntuIs upgrading a good idea or do people have errors when they upgrade VS clean install? (I know that is a general question but i just want to know if the people who upgraded are mostly stable afterwards)23:04
arbrandeslol, ffm_ Ratshell23:04
Ratshelllol yeah :)23:04
macoj_humphrey: is this your access point? 2WIRE88223:04
effoweanyone have a link to a hardware compatibility list?23:04
TwinXsebastian; try sudo updatedb, and try gdmsetup again23:04
j_humphreymaco: yes23:04
jeriathllin-ubuntu: i had a lot of problems updating23:04
jeriathi needed to do a clean install23:04
FliesLikeABrick_jeriath did you upgrade today or a while ago?23:05
Theo_so I can't have 4 partitions?23:05
arbrandes15 packages to go, and counting...23:05
jeriathi upgraded with the last rc23:05
llin-ubuntuI downloaded the 32bit alternate hardy heron ISO and I have it burnt, i'm at a crossroads of what to do with it23:05
macoj_humphrey: when you look with network manager, does your access point show up? is it visible?23:05
j_humphreyTheo_: you can have a maximum of 4 partitions, unless you use a logical parition23:05
FliesLikeABrick_Theo_ you can, but you would have to change how your hard drive is partitioned now so that some of the partitions are created as extended partitions23:05
jeriathand it screwed everything up23:05
techIIFliesLikeABrick_: glxgears isn't flickering now, haven't tried blender, so it seems like a compiz/AIGLX/compositing problem23:05
karllen1any one23:05
deadlockHello all. I no longer have my 3rd party repos, where can i find a list of them.23:05
arbrandesllin-ubuntu, is it an upgrade? No need to burn it.23:05
ibleedhas anyone installed ubuntu from a entry in grub pointing to an iso file as shown in this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=316093 i am wondering what the sizes of the two partitions needs to be, for ubuntu installation, and for the iso itself.  also wondering where i would get the vmlinuz and initrd.gz for hardy so i could do this23:05
lekremyelsewhai everone, update issues. the updater tries to reload the repository and it gets through 11 out of 20 files and fails. it fails on the Translation-en_US files, whats the problem23:05
dmsupermanHow is it possible that there are no linux drivers for an entire company's line of motherboards?23:05
deadlockI cant find nvidia-settings in repos anymore23:05
ScorpKingjeriath: if you just copy /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf to the same location on your new instalation it should work.23:05
stbainlekremyelsew: servers are overwhelmed23:05
dmsupermanAll I want is XFX motherboard drivers :S23:05
SOTIQuestion: http://forums.techguy.org/unix-linux/706843-atheros-ar5bxb63-ubuntu-8-04-a.html read what's there, I seriously need help on that.23:05
FliesLikeABrick_dmsuperman "motherboards" don't have drivers.  The individual components on the motherboard do23:05
j_humphreymaco: yes it is, but when i try to connect to it anyway i try, it never works, even though it did in hardy, I believe it's because the wireless driver changed from ipw3945 to iwl394523:06
llin-ubuntuI have it burnt because I no longer have the gutsy gibbon CD23:06
jeriathScorpKing: i dont have it to copy :/23:06
FliesLikeABrick_techII ok, hopefully this  gives you some direction to look for your answers in.  You may want to post on the forums for this problem, and mention what you've found so far23:06
Theo_should my filesystem partiion be primary or logical?23:06
FliesLikeABrick_techII the odds of your problem being solved while the channel is this busy are slim23:06
dmsupermanFliesLikeABrick, obviously, but you still get drivers for the onboard audio and such23:06
j_humphreymaco it worked in gutsy*23:06
dmsupermanFliesLikeABrick, which are part of that motherboard23:06
llin-ubuntuBut i still have gutsy gibbon 32bit installed on all of my computers23:06
matrix|abhow can a switch to a different audio device23:06
FliesLikeABrick_dmsuperman what audio chipset are you looking for?23:06
lekremyelsewstbain: haha that makes perfect sense, have u seen this before?23:06
ScorpKingjeriath: look at man dhcpd then. i prefer dnsmasq23:06
techIIFliesLikeABrick_: ok, blender still crashes, but it doesn't flicker23:06
FliesLikeABrick_matrix|ab look at gnome's audio configuration under system->preerences23:06
dmsupermanFliesLikeABrick, it has a nvidia 680i lt sli chipset, is that the one?23:06
jeriathScorpKing: im using dnsmasq23:06
matrix|abFliesLikeABrick: no. option isn't there23:06
x1250someone on ibex yet?23:07
stbainlekremyelsew: I equate it to curse.com being overwhelmed on WoW patch day when everyone is trying to update their broken Warcraft mods23:07
FliesLikeABrick_dmsuperman go to system>administration>Hardware drivers and check the box to install the nvidia drivers23:07
arbrandesllin-ubuntu, you can use the alternate cd to upgrade.  Mount the iso on the loop device (mount -o loop ubuntu.iso /media/loop), and run gksu "sh /media/loop/cdromupgrade"23:07
macoj_humphrey: well you should be able to "sudo modprobe -r iwl3945" (might have to do it on the other things that show up when you "lsmod | grep 3945" first because of dependencies, then "sudo modprobe ipw3945"23:07
ScorpKingjeriath: ah ok. can you pastebin dnsmasq.conf?23:07
macoj_humphrey: and that might work23:07
Lupiondoes anyone know why in hardy dpkg-reconfigure doesn't show the driver dialog nor the screen resolution dialog??????23:07
macoLupion: because gutsy's doesnt either?23:07
FliesLikeABrick_Lupion add -pmedium before the packagename23:07
lekremyelsewstbain: lol. how long wud u guess before it cools down?23:07
stbainlekremyelsew: probably a day or two23:07
FliesLikeABrick_maco no, it is because of the threshold it is using for "what kinds of questions do you want to be asked"23:07
macoj_humphrey: im confused by people having issues with iwl3945....it makes me want to try out my laptop on their network23:08
j_humphreymaco: i tried to modprobe ipw3945 already, and it said it doesnt exist, as it is no longer shipped with 8.XX and above23:08
llin-ubuntuWill upgrading erase any of my settings?23:08
matrix|abhow can a switch to a different audio device23:08
dmsupermanFliesLikeABrick, I have no "system -> administration -> hardware drivers"23:08
grzyberr is there alsa-modules package for hardy ?23:08
lekremyelsewstbain, mmkay23:08
jeriathScorpKing: whats the file location?23:08
macoj_humphrey: compile it?23:08
FliesLikeABrick_maco j_humphrey I have a iwl3945 working perfectly under hardy23:08
Theo_should my filesystem partiion be primary or logical? If I only have space for one more partition on my harddrive it means i cannot have swap. is this really bad?23:08
aaroncampbellI was part way through a dist upgrade ("fetching the upgrades"), and it kicked me out to the KDE login screen.  I logged back in, and the upgrade process was gone.  I re-opened Adept Manager, and the version upgrade button is gone, but it says that I have 1024 upgradable packages.  If I just upgrade them will everything work OK?23:08
arbrandesllin-ubuntu, files and most configuration is left intact.23:08
macoFliesLikeABrick_: so do i. his is confusing me23:08
tanathllin-ubuntu, it shouldn't23:08
ScorpKingjeriath: /etc/dnsmasq.conf i think23:08
red22FliesLikeABrick: if you insert the regular (not the alternative) 8.04 cd.. it will take you through the steps to upgrade as well?  is this what you are saying?  Or will it just attempt to clean install?23:08
j_humphreyFliesLikeABrickbut mine's not, did you do anything different;y?23:08
tanathllin-ubuntu, not unless something goes wrong23:08
FliesLikeABrick_aaroncampbell that should work fine23:08
ekCan anyone tell me what to use in order to check if there is a CD in the CD device? (shell script-wise)23:08
macoFliesLikeABrick_: like i said, when others cant make it work i want to go to their network and prove that its their router, not the driver23:08
FliesLikeABrick_j_humphrey it juts worked23:08
FFEMTcJis there anyway to tell if my system updated from RC to the release version?23:08
llin-ubuntuThanks guys, i'll try upgrading then23:09
LupionFliesLikeABrick_ that was no godd23:09
FliesLikeABrick_maco sounds reasonable ;)23:09
macored22: no. hast to be alternate23:09
tanathllin-ubuntu, at least, not if you use the upgrade manager23:09
FliesLikeABrick_FFEMTcJ if update-manager shows no updates, you are updated to release23:09
Lupionmaco i would say in gutsy, they showed in dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg23:09
j_humphreyFliesLikeABrick and maco here is the bug report already done by someone: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/18503723:09
ScarEyeguys, what is a good vnc server for ubuntu 8.04 KDE4 ? What would you recommend ?23:09
FFEMTcJok.. the reason i ask is cause it hasnt updated since the full version came out23:09
macoLupion: but it wouldnt ask you bout the screen, just about keyboard23:09
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arbrandestanath, llin-ubuntu, the alternate-cd contains a version of update-manager, so it should all be the same.23:09
lekremyelsewstbain: the user number on the IRC is huge today23:09
darkscriptcan anybody help me?23:10
macoLupion: if you used -phigh in feisty itd just ask graphics questions.  -phigh in gutsy/hardy does nothing but backup the config23:10
jeriathScorpKing: well apparently everything in it is commented out :/23:10
RyanPriorAnybody else having trouble downloading the latest package lists from the repositories?23:10
arbrandesdarkscript, depends, what's your problem? :)23:10
darkscriptpornoview is segfaulting me and this is a time sensitive issue23:10
tanatharbrandes, thought so, but i haven't actually upgraded from a cd before23:10
FliesLikeABrick_ScarEye there is one built into KDE23:10
stbainlekremyelsew: release day for the win23:10
llin-ubuntuI already have the Hardy Heron alternate CD burnt23:10
darkscriptits really lame23:10
macoLupion: without the -phigh, on gutsy, it just exited before it reached the graphics part23:10
darkscriptand ticking me off23:10
avianchaosxhi all, a quick question, is anyone else having a really slow connection to archive.ubuntu.com? my apt-get is stuck in getting stuff, it seems.23:10
ScarEyeFliesLikeABrick:  Really...23:10
lekremyelsewstbain: :)23:10
FliesLikeABrick_Lupion  try -plow23:10
macoavianchaosx: of course23:10
arbrandestanath, yup, doin it right now23:10
macoavianchaosx: its a release day23:10
RoC_MasterMind I guess do-upgrade-release isn't working so well right now23:10
darkscriptanybody have any ideas on why pornoview segfaults?23:10
dmsupermanFliesLikeABrick, the only chipset that anything says about my motherboard is the motherboard chipset, the 680i lt sli. for audio, everywhere it just says "high definition 8 channel audio". every google search i perform for "680i lt sli linux driver" results in nothing for linux23:10
FliesLikeABrick_ScarEye yes, GNOME and KDE have VNC servers built  in.  Look through the settings/preferences23:10
Lupionmaco anyway... in hardy heron displayconfig-gtk doesn't work... in gutsy it did23:10
RyanPrioravianchaosx: Yup, today is going to be nuts for accessing the repos.23:10
sidewalkim having problems with some packages that won't install23:11
stbainlekremyelsew: As far as I can tell, this release is reaaally getting a lot of action and reaction from the masses as well as the press. Maybe because it's LTS? Dunno.23:11
JZServicesHi, is there anyone that would be able to point me to a DVD iso link that isn't torrent?23:11
ScorpKingjeriath: can you pastebin it?23:11
Theo_can the computer name specified in the installation be changed later-on?23:11
sidewalkwhat do you guys recommend?23:11
darkscriptubuntu is lame23:11
macoLupion: yes, that's being removed, i think23:11
llin-ubuntuIt's probably swapmed (I downloaded my Hardy Heron from bittorrent, maxed out my connection both up and down there, I'm gonna seed this for a while too :D )23:11
FliesLikeABrick_dmsuperman nvidia chipsets (besides video) typically have *horribly* Linux support23:11
thedonvaughndarkscript: thanks for the info.  next?23:11
RoC_MasterMindJZServices, just use one of the URL's from the topic but remove the .torrent at the end.23:11
dbristowJZServices: ubuntu doesn't come as a DVD, it's small enough for CD-ROM23:11
macoLupion: the new screen resolution thing does everything it does except choose the driver23:11
tanathJZServices, why would you not want to use the torrent?23:11
FliesLikeABrick_llin-ubuntu yes, torrents are great for distributiong Linux distros, especially on release day23:11
dmsupermanFliesLikeABrick_, so I'm basically just screwed?23:11
FFEMTcJdoes anyone know if evolution in 8.04 will support exchange 2007?23:11
arbrandesJZServices, you should use the torrent if possible.  Otherwise, it'll be veeeeeery sloooooooow23:11
llin-ubuntuI know :D I love torrents23:11
FliesLikeABrick_JZServices it'll take you a LONG time to download it from a server without a torrent23:11
LupionFliesLikeABrick_ -plow didn't make it either23:11
FliesLikeABrick_dmsuperman possibly23:11
pushpopDO you have to install 8.04 from scratch or can you upgrade to 8.04 from 7.10 via updates?23:12
ScarEyeFliesLikeABrick:  I will do that know.  thanks for your help.. You are a gentlemand and a scholar23:12
ubuntuROXumm,, I love its perceived lameness :)23:12
FliesLikeABrick_Lupion I'm not sure, sorry23:12
tanathJZServices, torrents are most efficient23:12
jeriathScorpKing: http://pastebin.com/m1ce1018b23:12
macodbristow: it can23:12
FFEMTcJpushpop: you can update using update manager23:12
stbainFFEMTcJ: I believe it supports it out of the box. Not sure, but I think I saw that on the features list.23:12
FliesLikeABrick_pushpop you can do it via updates23:12
jPrattMy install is stuck at 82 % it just says Scanning Mirror been there for about an hour now23:12
dmsupermanFliesLikeABrick_, sigh... thanks for the help anyway :(23:12
jPrattHey Nevermind23:12
Lupionmaco: but my problem is that it get's really messed up resolutions23:12
FliesLikeABrick_pushpop you will want to switch to another mirror, not the default one23:12
HayHayHi, Have looked in preferences and other places - Can't find where I can set my mouse to open things - Desktop Folders, Programs, etc. - With a Single Left Click - Any idea's?23:12
FFEMTcJstbain: 7.10 didnt, tis why i ask.. ty23:12
dbristowmaco: I'm not saying you can't burn it as a DVD-ROM, it's just that you don't have t23:12
RoC_MasterMindpushpop, you do it from an "upgrade", but don't try it today....too slow23:12
dbristowstupid keyboard23:12
FloodBot2dbristow: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:12
sidewalkhey guys23:12
FliesLikeABrick_pushpop the default one is slow because it is release day.  Try using lug.mtu.edu23:12
kenanwhere do I go to disable rotating cube when I use the scroll button on the mouse? I don't see anything that shows that Scroll will switch desktops23:12
RyanPriordispalyconfig-gtk works fine fo rme.23:12
sidewalki have like 10 packages that won't install23:12
macodbristow: theres a dvd version that does live and alternate and has some extra packages23:12
sidewalkwhat do you recommend?23:12
flamedryadhi ya'll23:12
dbristowmaco: ok, haven't heard of that23:12
IndyGunFreaksidewalk: probably cuz the servers are bogged down, wait23:12
ubuntuROXI suggest you wait for a day or two23:13
JZServicesFlies... I was able to download CD release at 3.4 MB/s23:13
macoLupion: system -> preferences -> screen resolution23:13
Lupionmaco, i mean really low resolutions (640x480 using nvidia driver)23:13
kenanSorry, im talking about Compiz23:13
FliesLikeABrick_JZServices then you got lucky ;)23:13
ubuntuROXor download the cd.23:13
RyanPriorkenan: There's a setting that makes scrolling on the plain desktop switch cube faces.23:13
sidewalkIndyGunFreak: i think not23:13
macoLupion: have you restarted X since installing nvidia's stuff?23:13
tanathHayHay, nautilus prefs > behaviour23:13
sidewalkIndyGunFreak: they should work?23:13
waseidelhelp reading a manual of ubuntu 8.04 it says the wireless broadcom bcm4311 already comes at the kernell from 2.6.24 and i have 2.6.24-16 but it dont work23:13
j_humphreymaco: So what do you think could work?23:13
kenanRyanPrior: where do i disable it23:13
IndyGunFreaksidewalk: ok then super genius, figure out why they aren't downloading23:13
BrianB04So, I wanted to say that everyone involved with Ubuntu knocked it out of the park this release. It has fixed numerous issues I have run into with Ubuntu in the past.23:13
Lupionmaco yep!, before nvidia i could get it at 800x600, after nvidia (and X restart) 640x48023:13
emivan\j #ubuntu-br23:14
macowaseidel: the driver's there. just not the firmware. install b43-fwcutter to get firmware23:14
HayHaytanath: Thanks - Will give a whirl - see how much damage I can cause - <grin>23:14
macoLupion: leave it to nvidia...23:14
RyanPriorkenan: You probably need to install ccsm to disable it. I'm disappointed that they enabled it in the first place - it's really annoying.23:14
waseidelmaco ill se23:14
Lupionmaco what do you mean?23:14
kenanRyanPrior: yes it is annoying and i do have ccsm installed i just dont know where to go23:14
kesihi all.  Gutsy was my first install.  I'm going to update to HH but wondering how long it will take through the Update Manager over DSL23:14
kemihow do i enable compiz effects from the livecd? i have installed nvidia-glx and restarted X but it nothing happens23:14
macoLupion: tsk tsk @ nvidia23:14
RyanPriorkenan: It's probably either in the main settings module or in the cube desktop module.23:14
tanathHayHay, that will work in nautilus, and should work for the desktop too, since nautilus draws the desktop by default23:14
FFEMTcJkesi: probably a while.. wait a few days until it isnt so busy23:14
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots23:15
macokesi: dont do it today23:15
llin-ubuntuDoes anyone know how much bandwidth the ubuntu servers have?  I'de like to know how many megabits they use on a day like today when obviously they are maxed out23:15
jPrattIs it Possible to Update to hardy via The manager?23:15
macokesi: itll take FOREVER if you do it today.  too many people doing it23:15
kesimacd, FFEMTcJ OK thanks.23:15
Lupionmaco i'm guessing it also has something to do with xserver, don't you think?23:15
HayHaytanath: This might sound stupid but where do I find nautilus ?23:15
macoLupion: yeah um whats "xrandr --prop" say?23:15
RyanPriorllin-ubuntu: Ask the ubuntu-devel mailing list. Somebody probably knows.23:15
KyleKllin-ubuntu: not enough ;)23:15
ScarEyeIs it safe to say that there is more development being done for gnome than kde for ubuntu ?23:16
tanathHayHay, it's the file manager23:16
lekremyelsewstbain: ubuntu is all over the tech news, and much more than the last time23:16
Lupionmaco, make  640x480        50.0*23:16
Lupion   320x240        51.023:16
RyanPriorScarEye: Ubuntu is Gnome-only. Kubuntu has support from Canonical as well, but it is a smaller operation.23:16
llin-ubuntu<grin> they must have alot though because ubuntu is a pretty big name in the linux world23:16
HayHaytanath: oh ok - thx again - will write this down for future reference.23:16
emivanComo entro em um chat em português?23:16
Lupionmake the same two resolutions the system->preferences->resolution gets23:16
macokenan: ccsm -> desktop -> rotate cube -> bindings -> rotate cube -> mouse rotate left & mouse rotate right...disable those23:16
Lupionmaco the same two resolutions the system->preferences->resolution gets23:16
jPrattUbuntu Is not GNOME only i can run KDE with a few clicks :P23:17
RyanPrior!pt | emivan23:17
ubotuemivan: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.23:17
macoScarEye: yes23:17
j_humphreymaco: no suggestions?23:17
zzornAny idea how to re-enable firefox 2 plugins after upgrading to 8.4?  Clicking on the enable button doesn't do anything.23:17
ScorpKingjeriath: look at line 130 on that pastebin23:17
flamedryadotay ya'll23:17
macoj_humphrey: maybe able to compile the ipw driver for it but :-/ your computer scares me23:17
Lupionmaco I also tried with nvidia-settings (no good) and displayconfig-gtk (I COULD test the right configuration but after hitting "keep this configuration" buton I got back to this ugly low res)23:18
BubbleTeaWhen I try update it keep saying u need to check your internet23:18
jeriathScorpKing: yea, i just uncommented that and changed the range to what i wanted it23:18
jeriathScorpKing: should that do it?23:18
CaptainMorganhow's everything liking their new release ??23:18
ScorpKingjeriath: just that. :) and restart dnsmasq23:18
macoLupion: better than displayconfig-gtk ever did for me...i was left with no X at all after trying that thing on my mom's computer23:18
flamedryadmy external is giving me a hard time when linux tries to mount23:18
Lupionmaco :O23:18
macoBubbleTea: kinda hard to update from a server that's down23:19
RyanPriorCaptainMorgan: feel free to chat about it in #ubuntu-offtopic -- this channel is just for help :-)23:19
ScorpKingjeriath: line 136 might be a better one to uncomment23:19
flamedryadthere is a security issue between windows and linux23:19
KyleKhah mirror.us.kernel.org is three days old23:19
macoBubbleTea: its not totally down but...might as well be23:19
zzornWithout adblock and flashblock for firefox the internet is a scary place.  Including Firefox 3 was maybe not a so good move.23:19
KyleKleast it works!23:19
flamedryadi know there is a fix but i need to be on a windows box23:19
Ratshellhowdy anyone else having the us.archive.ubuntu.com error thing?23:19
flamedryadso what is the fix??????????????23:19
macozzorn: there's adblock plus on ff3...im using it23:19
MEtaLpREsok so i just installed xubuntu-desktop in ubuntu,  now how do i switch from gnome to xfce?  there is nothing on the login screen to choose the desktop environment, theres only a login box,  do i have to push a key to get the option to popup?23:19
ubuntuROXzzorn you are welcome to use firefox 2 as well.23:20
macoMEtaLpREs: bottom left corner i think23:20
ubuntuROXall the extentions work for it23:20
macoMEtaLpREs: "sessions"23:20
ScorpKingjeriath: after changing it save and run sudo /etc/init.d/dnsmasq restart23:20
matt444my torrent is still slow slow slow.23:20
lewenchHow can I update my ubuntu from 7.10 to the new one?23:20
CaptainMorganRyanPrior, define "offtopic" -- my question appears is an implicit help question too :)23:20
matt444only 26k23:20
kemihow do i enable compiz from the livecd? I have installed nvidia-glx and restarted X but it nothing happens23:20
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes23:20
zzornubuntuROX: I'm using firefox 2, but it seems all my add ons got disabled23:20
RyanPriorMEtaLpREs: Did you install a new GDM theme or something? There should be a logo in the lower left corner for you to choose options23:20
MEtaLpREsmaco: there is no buttons anywhere on the login screen, hardy changed the screen and got rid of that option23:20
macolewench: tell the normal update manager to check for updates.  wait 2 days first though...the servers are too slow. itll take like 5 hours23:20
KyleKMEtaLpREs: look at the /etc/alternatives/x-session-manager symlink23:20
lewenchmaco, lol alright thanks23:21
ubuntuROXmake sure you have completely exited firefox3 before starting firefox223:21
macoMEtaLpREs: seriously? O_O i use the facebrowser but...im pretty sure there's a button somewhere even on the normal one23:21
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes23:21
Ratshellmaco, the servers aren't slow you mean the us.archive.ubuntu.com one?23:21
sidewalkhow do i configure auto start applications?23:21
arbrandesMEtaLpREs, if you're using xfce session manager, take a loot at this: http://www.xfce.org/documentation/4.2/manuals/xfce4-session23:21
RyanPriorCaptainMorgan: Anything which is social banter, like impressions of something or friendly discussion, is offtopic for this channel.23:21
ubuntuROXthen just go get your extentions from mozilla23:21
Lupionmaco if running xrandr -q in a ubuntu system (hardy amd64 nvidia 6 series and 22'' widescreen) using the drivers from the repositories (restricted drivers) gives pretty low res (640x480 & 320x240 ONLY) whose problem is it? xserver or nvidia?23:21
blbrownis this it for team ubuntu, the ground breaking version23:21
flamedryadany body? V.V23:21
tanathzzorn, i'm assuming you checked for updates to your extensions?23:21
zzornubuntuROX: ok, I'll experiment with it.  Thanks.23:22
CaptainMorganblbrown, why?23:22
GInhow do you upgrade from rc to hardy?23:22
macoRatshell: lots of the mirrors are going bonkers right now. i dont know which, i just know the forums and channels keep getting hit with "omg i cant update it just keeps loading and cant reach anything! is archive.ubuntu.com gone??"23:22
zzorntanath, yep.  Started firefox 3 fisrt, I guess it messed up the profile for firefox 2, or something.23:22
Ratshellmaco, there is a way to fix that.23:22
jeriathScorpKing: ive tried both and neither work :(23:22
n6rejanyone running ubuntu server and had major problems with 8?23:22
macoGIn: did you install all of your updates for the last week?23:22
Ratshellmaco I've fixed that problem :)23:22
GInmaco: yea.23:22
macoRatshell: find another repo?23:22
kenanI checked ccsm and rotate left and right with mouse is disabled but it still switches desktop when i use the scroll, can someone help please?23:22
macoGIn: then you're there23:22
Ratshellmaco, yep23:22
tanathzzorn, you might try the nightly tester tools extension to enable old ones that should work. be careful though. if you enable the wrong one, you won't be able to start firefox with that profile23:22
RyanPriorflamedryad: You haven't given us any useful information, so we can't really help you yet. You need to explain exactly what is wrong, what error messages you get, etc.23:22
tanathzzorn, so enable them one at a time23:22
alex_mayorgaOMG! it's packed in here23:23
zzorntanath, Ok, thanks.23:23
Lupionif running xrandr -q in a ubuntu system (hardy amd64 nvidia 6 series and 22'' widescreen) using the drivers from the repositories (restricted drivers) gives pretty low res (640x480 & 320x240 ONLY) whose problem is it? xserver or nvidia?23:23
ScorpKingjeriath: ok hang on. gonna find my config file for you23:23
GInmaco: but it's a RC version. :\23:23
tanathzzorn, if you end up enabling one that makes it not work, just run firefox 2 with that profile to fix it23:23
Nomad_i got a little, silly, annoying question, on wich i've been 'trying' to get some result, my brain might be damage severely since  i have'nt figured out at this time, but what would be the find command to delete dir older than few days?23:23
alex_mayorgahow do I check if I'm already on the release?23:23
* baddog pokes #ubuntu on DevNode23:23
jeriathScorpKing: thanks23:23
zzorntanath, k23:23
macokenan: woah youre right. freaky23:23
gauchoFucking shit! Ubuntu 6 works fine! On Ubuntu 7, my microphone don't work! I'm Ubuntu all my sound card don't work! What the fuck are you drinking?23:23
macoGIn: no its not23:23
Nomad_find ./ -type d -mtime +1 -exec rm -rf {} \; is the best i could have right now and it wont del dir23:23
WelshDragonHelloooo. Does anyone know of any software similar to LogMeIn Rescue that will run on ubuntu. The emphasis is on the feature that allows you to control someone computer with them installing any software.23:23
macoGIn: you did all your updates since last friday's RC snapshot, therefore, you're on final23:24
RyanPrior!language | gaucho23:24
ubotugaucho: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.23:24
alex_mayorgagaucho: keep it family friendly23:24
ScorpKingjeriath: i'm just starting my server. it's on there23:24
ubuntuROXGIN If you have been running the Beta or RC version, and it shows development branch, and no updates available you are likely running stable but will want to run sudo grub-update to fix that.23:24
macoWelshDragon: regular ol' VNC23:24
flamedryadRryanPrior the main issue had been fixed but there is a security flag made by windows that is messing up my external23:24
WelshDragonmaco, Aye, but that requires them to install VNC.23:24
rectec794613I'm having a problam playing songs in gutsy23:24
WelshDragonI sort of needed an easier way to control there computer23:24
* baddog wants to know where 8.04 is23:25
HayHaytanath: Single click works great - Thanks again.23:25
RyanPriorbaddog: Read the topic.23:25
macoWelshDragon: bomgar is a very expensive linux-compatible way to do logmein that happens to have a free trial just like logmein23:25
tanathHayHay, np :)23:25
baddogoh :P23:25
vltWelshDragon: Easier?23:25
Ovation13579Hi All - I've just upgraded from Gutsy to Hardy on my Compaq EVO Laptop and now when I log in with either of my users Gnome fails to start (even in Failsafe). Can anyone help my diagnose this?? Thanks23:25
WelshDragonOk thanks alot maco23:25
macovlt: yes, hitting "next" to install vnc is too hard for some people, unfortunately23:25
ratttshi all....how do i enable syntax highlighting in my terminal.....right now, everything is white, wheter its an executable, or a folder....i want folders to show up with different colors.23:25
cygokuHi ppl.23:26
RyanPriorOvation13579: Have you tried using the old kernel?23:26
macorattts: ls --color23:26
jeriathwow....i think all of the ubuntu servers are full or something23:26
cygokuProblem here :( ...23:26
macorattts: that should show colors..23:26
jeriathtakes forever to dl anything :/23:26
macojeriath: we know23:26
tanathOvation13579, wow, that's the opposite from me. every time i tried to log into gnome with gutsy, x crashed. upgrading fixed it :D23:26
macojeriath: its a release day23:26
krultorrents are fast!!!23:26
Ovation13579No - I haven't even looked at the boot menu - I assume it's listed there?23:26
Stev1Anyone know if the new server release has much of a GUI or is it command line?23:26
ratttsmaco   thats not permanent23:26
macojeriath: this happened in october for gutsy and april for feisty an october for edgy....23:26
ratttsits only for one time23:26
flamedryadRryanPrior all i know is it something to do with the way windows stores info23:26
ratttsi want it permanent23:26
macorattts: but does it work?23:26
gnuskoo1on hardy is gnash or adobe the best?23:27
kenanI checked ccsm and rotate left and right with mouse is disabled but it still switches desktop when i use the scroll, can someone help please?23:27
Ovation13579I have notice that gnome-keyring-daemon is segfaulting all the time, but not sure if it's related.23:27
RyanPriorOvation13579: Yup, your old kernel should be there in the boot menu.23:27
cygokuI have 2 hard drives, the first one 1 ext3 and the other is ntfs ... the ntfs one isn't recognise by Hard Heron, but GParted can see it ... what can I do to use my second hhd ????????23:27
ratttsit works23:27
macorattts: ok then in your .bashrc add a line that says: alias 'ls'='ls --color'23:27
ratttsok hold on23:27
macorattts: then save it and when you open a new terminal, it should be colored23:27
ubotuHardy can be torrented from http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).23:27
RyanPriorflamedryad: I don't know anything about security flags. As far as I know, unless it's encrypted, you should be able to mount the drive just fine.23:27
ratttshey maco23:27
RedBlackthe dvd version it's out or no?23:27
macoRedBlack: yes23:27
ratttswhere can i find my bash rc23:27
macorattts: .bashrc its all one word and the . means it's hidden.  it's in your home directory23:28
mOrO^should I delete Automatix before upgrading to Hardy??23:28
RedBlackmaco direct link?23:28
n6rejguys i'm having a real problem with hardy :(  says srst failed to start errorno -1623:28
RyanPriorcygoku: What do you mean it isn't recognized?23:28
flamedryadRryanPrior something in it makes me have to use force mount to get in when i plug back into my linux box23:28
Andre_Gondimrattts, ~/.bashrc23:28
ratttsok hold on23:28
macoRedBlack: umm idk but i can link you to the torrent for it, that work?23:28
* n6rej automatix is bad juju23:28
macomOrO^: YES23:28
minion_are there torrents out for kubuntu remix non-dvd?23:28
rectec794613well when i try to play a song in VLC Media Player or Totem, it stops responding23:28
histoSweet flash doesn't work YAY23:28
rectec794613ANY HELP?23:28
macominion_: yes23:28
mOrO^maco, thanks...WILL DO.23:28
histoGod I love ubuntu's shotgun approach to releasing stuff23:28
cygokuRyanPrior ... I mean I cannot not access them.23:28
RedBlackmaco idk? or ed2k?23:29
tanathkenan, in that case it's probably a gnome shortcut that's doing it, rather than compiz23:29
histoTopic should be changed23:29
Laser87cygoku: mount it in fstab23:29
RyanPriorcygoku: What happens when you try to mount it?23:29
Jakoohello everyone, I have messed up with the graphic card, the system has set different drivers i hae changed into ati radeon which is the card iuse then after reboot the sytem starts in safe graphic mode. how can i fix it back?23:29
tanathkenan, there's probably a setting in the configuration editor23:29
ubuntuROXactually the full version has been running on my pc for like 2 days now23:29
cygokuLaser87 & RyanPrior ... I cannot find the way to do it.23:29
jPrattWell I just installed and am Upgrading I love ubuntu the Stickers i got when i ordered My 7.10 (And 8.04 is on its way) is on my laptop God Bless Canonical23:29
RyanPriorhisto: Flash has been working in Hardy for me for months.23:29
corinthIs there something wrong with nvidia in Hardy? The Hardware Drivers tool says that "nvidia_new" is enabled, but the status is "Not in use" with a red light. I just did a clean install, and I was previously using the RC with no problems. 32-bit Hardy LTS, nvidia geforce 6600.23:29
macominion_: http://www.acc.umu.se/~mighty/ubuntu/kubuntu-kde4-8.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent23:29
sivel27anyone else getting really blocky/studdering vlc avi or mkv playback? it seems like the quality of video in vlc linux is way worse than vlc windows.23:29
iceswordhi, good morning23:29
RyanPriorhisto: There may be problems, but hopefully it's something that can be fixed.23:29
goat|workIf I enable the CD as a deb location in Gutsy,  would that set the Hardy update to check the CD for files, instead of all the files in the updates grabbing from the servers?23:29
JacksonVanBuren<--(first time linux-user): has anybody gotten their ATI card working properly on 8.04?23:29
kenantanath:but when i disable rotate cube, it doesnt rotate when i scroll so it must be something in there23:30
=== Zelta_ is now known as Zelta
ratttshow do i list hidden directories with ls23:30
ianliu_88Anyone experiencing troubles with br.archives ?23:30
sivel27ls -al23:30
ratttsand hidden files23:30
macoRedBlack: i only have a link to http://www.acc.umu.se/~mighty/ubuntu/ubuntu-8.04-dvd-i386.iso.torrent23:30
RyanPriorJacksonVanBuren: My ATI card works fine. I used the Restricted Driver Manager to install the driver, and it's fine.23:30
jeegrCan you start programs threw ssh? Ie. Ventrilo server and after i close my ssh connection, the ventrilo server will still stay up.23:30
flavio__why are download speeds so slow with the update manager?23:30
emorrisJacksonVanBuren = yes23:30
macogoat|work: yes23:30
JacksonVanBurenWhat happened after you rebooted?23:30
ScorpKingjeriath: http://pastebin.com/m7263d764 - find and uncomment those ones and change what you need.23:30
goat|workmaco, thank you very much23:30
jeriathScorpKing: if you can pastebin that and pm it to me ill take a look at it.....ive got to head out ...thanks for the help though23:30
ratttsi dont have a .bashrc file?????????????????23:30
RyanPriorflavio__: It's release day, so the repos will be very busy for awhile.23:30
jeriaththanks :D23:30
ibleedcan i non-destructively resize my /home ext3 partition, while i am logged into ubuntu -- ie using the repos version of gparted23:30
jeriathscorp thanks :D23:30
macorattts: sure you do.  ls -A ~23:30
Laser87cygoku: search the wiki for mount or fstab (can't help u - only know the German wiki)23:30
tanathkenan, compiz animates changing desktops according to the cube... are you sure you're not still changing desktops, just without the cube animation?23:30
RyanPrioribleed: Only if you unmount it first.23:31
ubuntuROXIM not sure about nvidia, mine might be compromised. I installed it manually back in beta, but now its the restricted drivers version and seems to be working fine.23:31
flavio__75kb/s.... thats 10% of my normal speed :/23:31
Odd-rationalerattts: grab one from /etc/skel/.bashrc if you need one23:31
RedBlackmaco too bad :)23:31
ScorpKingjeriath: you're welcome. i'm going to bed now. ;)23:31
JacksonVanBurenMine looks fine, but I can't enable any effects and I can't get my other monitor to do anything but Clone23:31
macoibleed: probably not a good idea23:31
RyanPriorJacksonVanBuren: When I rebooted things worked fine.23:31
emorrisJacksonVanBuren: it worked fine, it was an upgrade from gutsy,23:31
ratttsi have a .bash_history23:31
jeriathScorpKing: night23:31
ratttsthats it23:31
RyanPriorJacksonVanBuren: pastebin glxinfo for me23:31
tanathflavio__, you might try a mirror23:31
flavio__tanath: where?23:31
laegi am installing ubuntu from the 7.04 live cd and i want to leave a partition untouched by the installer23:32
ratttsi have a .bash_history   but no .bashrc23:32
JacksonVanBurenuh.... pastebin glxinfo? I've been using linux for 3 days. help23:32
matt444why are the torrents so slow? i thought the torrents are supposed to be fast...23:32
macorattts: royally freaky.  ok then... create it and put that in there23:32
rectec794613can anyone help?23:32
jPratt5 hours and 8 minutes to upgrade oh dear god23:32
Jakoocan someone tell me how to fix the graphic drivers back as i have changed them and now i can start in safe mode only....using ati radeon23:32
RyanPriorlaeg: If you don't specify for the live CD installer to format a partition, it shouldn't touch it.23:32
macolaeg: why?23:32
goat|workmatt444: i got my DL in about 5 min23:32
tanathflavio__, you can add a country code to the front of the URL, like 'ca.archive...'23:32
RyanPriorjPratt: BitTorrent is fast!23:32
macolaeg: thats a year old23:32
emorrisJacksonVanBuren: type it in accessories > terminal23:32
naterwalldoes do-release-upgrade get sources from /etc/apt/sources.conf or somewhere else?23:32
laegmaco: it's what i have23:32
flavio__let's try canada.23:32
macomatt444: torrents are for taking a load off the servers, not for speed23:32
goat|workmatt444: give it some time, if you have a fat pipe, the seeds will connect eventually23:32
laegRyanPrior: i got this WARNING: This will destroy all data on any partitions you have removed as23:32
laegwell as on the partitions that are going to be formatted.23:32
macolaeg: why not get the new one?23:32
tanathflavio__, or whatever's closest23:32
Odd-rationalerattts: grab one from /etc/skel/.bashrc if you need one23:33
RyanPriorjPratt: Download the alternate CD via BitTorrent and mount it, then you can upgrade from those packages.23:33
laegmaco: i will upgrade23:33
kenantanath: it isnt changing desktops when rotate cube is off because i have workspace switcher on and when i scroll it still stays on same workspace23:33
cygokuIt's su fucking stupid that an OS doesn't show all installed HDD23:33
Odd-rationalerattts: cp /etc/skel/.bashrc ~/23:33
tommmyI downloaded it via torrent and hit 600k/s.. soo23:33
RyanPriorlaeg: It will destroy data **on partitions you've removed or marked to be formatted** -- that means ones you haven't removed, or marked to format, will not be deleted.23:33
Zickscan anyone help with why emerald doesnt work in hardy heron ?23:34
jPrattI know about Torrents and Well its easier on me to Upgrade Via The Upgrade manager even though the 2 hours it would take to DL and burn is less i need not manually install anything23:34
RyanPriorcygoku: You haven't said anything other than "I can't figure it out" - we need some actual info in order to help you.23:34
akornanybody know what the keyboard shortcut to get Tracker to pop up is?23:34
macolaeg: make sure you update to gutsy before going to hardy.  skipping versions, except from LTS to LTS (in this case 6.06 to 8.04) is not supported23:34
laegRyanPrior: define 'removed'. i have a apartition i didn't touch in the installer but there is an option where you set / and /home to instead set 'don'tuse'23:34
macoZicks: because it's dead23:34
RyanPriorcygoku: I'd love to help you figure out how to mount the hard drive, but I don't have anything to go on other than "it doesn't work"23:34
tommmyI doubt you'll download anything from any of the repos... on new distro days, they are slow as crap.23:34
Zicksmaco dead ?23:34
macoZicks: emerald is for beryl.  beryl is gone.23:34
cygokuRyanPrior ... What more information do you need ?!?!23:34
gluerim running Warty Warthog how do i upgrade to 8.04?23:34
tommmyBetter off downloading the CD, and using it as a source in sources.list.23:34
matt444<goat|work>  usually torrents speed up after 20 minutes or so.  i've been going for 2 hours.  still only 43k.23:35
laegmaco: wasn't wtfing at you, just the behaviour of this old gaim im client. i know the update procedure ty23:35
RyanPriorlaeg: I don't think that setting something to "don't use" means "remove this partition". Removing a partition would be, for example, deleting your Windows partition to make more room for Ubuntu.23:35
macoZicks: it can work with compiz, but its really flaky, and the compiz team no longer supports its continued existence23:35
emorriscygoku: what are you trying to do?23:35
Zickswhat do we use instead?23:35
BubbleTeaWhen I try install ubuntu there was 2 hard drive activated . When i installed on the first hard drive it combined together. Did i made a mistake?23:35
macpo4assuming I have a system running debian, is it possible to install (k/x)ubuntu across the network without first downloading and burning an install cd?23:35
goat|workmatt444: who's your provider? what country?23:35
matt444i'm thinking of giving up the torrent route and just wait a couple of days until the servers are faster.23:35
macoZicks: gtk-window-decorator or the kde one23:35
tommmymatt: sucks for you.  I hit 600k/s, and it was done in 30-35 minutes.23:35
laegRyanPrior: i didn't set it to don't use, i didn't set it to anything, should i?23:35
krulin Hardy, my fonts in gnome-terminal are really ugly, anyone?23:35
macoZicks: they use normal gnome and kde themes23:35
Ovation13579Hi RyanPrior - I've tried all three kernels that I have but they've made no difference. I get a login screen as expected, enter a correct username and password and then just get the default background with a cursor in all three cases... Failsafe makes no difference.23:35
matt444<goat|work>  United States, Bell South DSL.23:35
Laser87gluer: step by step to Dapper and then to Hardy- or a fresh install23:35
cygokuemorrie ...  I have 2 hard drives, the first one 1 ext3 and the other is ntfs ... the ntfs one isn't recognise by Hard Heron, but GParted can see it ... what can I do to use my second hhd ????????23:35
akorndoes anybody know why my time is showing in white font (everything else on the bar is showing in black text...)23:36
Zicksthats just crazy23:36
macoZicks: the compiz team is considering making a new window decorator, but it hasnt been decided yet23:36
goat|workmatt444: I hit 1000k/s this afternoon, and am still seeding23:36
vladuz976wanna connect my LCD TV via HDMI, I have no idea how to configure Xorg.conf to make that work. no idea about refresh rate and resolution, any idea how to handle that23:36
gluerlaser87: thanks23:36
InGunsWeTrusthas anybody managed to install zsnes on hardy heron 64 bit23:36
DBautellmatt444, goat|work, it seems to be only the DVDs that are failing, I'm guessing that's the diff between your circumstances23:36
p0lluXhi, is there any official repo working for gutsy??23:36
matt444<goat|work>  wow, you're lucky.  although my max is around 600k.  i would kill for just 200.23:36
goat|workmatt444: try changing your bittorrent port, and make sure your firewall allows outside connections23:36
RyanPriorOvation13579: Does the cursor move? Can you restart X? Is there any hard drive activity? Is your /home full maybe?23:36
Zicksso there is no alternative ?23:36
evilbughow can i upgrade to hardy using the alternate disc?23:36
matt444<goat|work>  not a firewall/port problem.  i use torrents all the time and know what i'm doing.23:36
RyanPriorlaeg: I think it should only use a partition if you tell it to do so.23:36
BaughnIs there a netboot image for Hardy? There doesn't seem to be one on the cd I downloaded, like the howto suggests23:36
laegRyanPrior: i have 4 parts on the drive, linux swap, / and /home, and one i am just temp storing files - i did not go near that part in the install23:36
p0lluXsorry, i wanted to say--> hi, is there any official repo working for hardy??23:36
matt444<DBautell>  must be it.  i'm getting the DVD and speeds are terrible.23:37
gnuskoo1Ovation13579: what wm are you using? xfce once had that prob, related to swap mem if i recall, got swap?23:37
macoZicks: compiz gets transparency on the metacity themes when you use gtk-window-decorator now, and transparency was all emerald had going for it23:37
feierfoxis there something like a comunity-channel of ubuntu?23:37
laegRyanPrior: ty23:37
RyanPriorlaeg: Just read carefully and you should be good. It's difficult for me to say anything for sure because I don't have the installer in front of me.23:37
tanathInGunsWeTrust, WFM on 32 bit... don't 32 bit apps work on 64bit?23:37
goat|workmatt444: ok, cool,  i know comcast is tricky sometimes, i've seen jumps from changing ports, until they find it again23:37
macoZicks: ok fine, emerald's theme manager had a nice way of editing/creating themes too...23:37
RyanPriorlaeg: If you want extra peace of mind, screenshot it and I'll take a look. :-)23:37
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flavio__tanath: theres no such thing as ca.archieve.ubuntu.com :/23:37
g00seare the repositories loaded down today?23:37
iceswordnnnd, 8.04 is so coooool23:37
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rectec794613I need HELP!!!23:37
DBautellmatt444 me too, both 386 and 64bit DVDs are creeping23:37
RyanPriorg00se: You bet they are. Release day!23:38
Zicksdo i sudo apt-get install gtk-window-decorator ?23:38
macoZicks: you *can* use emerald if you like...ive done so...but its a piece of crap.  compizquinn told me its a pile of spaghetti code23:38
macoZicks: it should be there23:38
g00sehaha, yep, thats what i thought.   =)23:38
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Sam827Whenever I attempt to upgrade from Gutsy to Hardy using the Update Manager it sits there for a while, then crashes. Any help?23:38
Ovation13579So far I've tried removing all the .gnome* directorys for my user, and have monitored /var/log/messages - All I see is gnome-keyring-daemon dying with segfault. The mouse moves and CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE restarts to the loging screen. There's no hard disk activity and there's a few hundred megs free in /home23:38
tanathflavio, ca.archive.ubuntu.com23:38
macoZicks: its what automatically does window deocrations when you use compiz23:38
goat|workfeierfox: #ubuntu-offtopic is one place...23:38
tanathflavio, oops, wrong flavio23:38
ratttsi once had a folder that was called public_html  and it was able to be treated as an apache htdocs folder(basically, u could go to it through the internet to view web pages saved in it)   now i dont think its connected to internet....how do i check to see if it is?23:38
arbrandes2 packages to go...23:38
g00seis there any difference between todays release and yesterdays release candidate?23:38
Hydrogenheh, and when compizquinn says that you know it has to be bad.. considdering the code quinn wrote...23:38
tanathflavio__, it's "archive" ;)23:38
jedimasterkWhen I go to boot with the 8.04 cd and I click either Try Ubuntu without Changes or Install Ubuntu. I will get a (initramfs)_ prompt. This never happened with any version of Ubuntu I had in the past. Whay's wrong. Tried burning CD from 2 different mirrors.23:38
InGunsWeTrustno, if you sudo apt-get install zsnes it errors out. with feisty i used the dfreer repo that had a package called zsnes32 compiled for 64 bit23:38
emorrisrectec794613: some more info?23:38
akornwhat's the shortcut to load up tracker?23:39
macog00se: rc was friday, and any packages that changed in the last week are it23:39
cygokujesus christ ... no one knows mounting ?23:39
rectec794613well when i try to play a song in VLC Media Player or Totem, it stops responding23:39
rectec794613ANY HELP?23:39
cygokujesus christ again23:39
Zickswhere do i get theme gnome-look.org ?23:39
maco!patience rectec79461323:39
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tanathg00se, there were some23:39
macoZicks: yep23:39
ratttsanyone know the key combination that i can press so my home directory will list all the hidden folders?????23:39
rectec794613I've been wiating 45 mins23:39
macoZicks: install them in your normal gnome theme thingy and compiz automatically adds transparency23:39
flavio__the ca one is also of no use23:39
Zicksmaco: thanks for your help23:39
InGunsWeTrustrattts: Ctr + H23:39
goat|workrattts: ctrl+h  in the gui23:39
macorattts: ctrl H23:39
ubuntuROXgOOse If you have been running the Beta or RC version, and it shows development branch, and no updates available you are likely running stable but will want to run sudo grub-update to fix that.23:39
g00seokay cool..  hope i can get hellanzb working smoothly this time around...23:40
Ovation13579gnuskoo1: I'm using the default WM (presumably GNOME??) it's the same I've used since first installing feisty23:40
macorattts: or View -> hidden files (it says ctrl+h right next to it)23:40
RyanPriorcygoku: Chill out. Today is going to be a crazy day, there are tons of newbies to help, and we've only got so much expertise in the room.23:40
macoOvation13579: gnome != wm23:40
Zicksmaco where can i find the hardy heron release notes ?23:40
Sam827 Whenever I attempt to upgrade from Gutsy to Hardy using the Update Manager it sits there for a while, then crashes. Any help?23:40
ratttshey ingunswetrust.....lets say i navigate to a hidden folder and all of a sudden i want to open a file browser, basically a visual of all the files. how do i do it?23:40
RyanPriorcygoku: Answers aren't always available - I suggest coming back later and asking, and/or searching on the Ubuntu Forums.23:40
cygokuI guess.23:40
Ovation13579I have got swap mem.. I'm running on an 8GB flash drive, so shouldn't have it, but tools like Bibble and GIMP just die without swap!!23:40
tanathcygoku, no jebus here... or anywhere for that matter. what's the prob?23:40
dbristowI still can't get a copy of the wubi.exe that matches the MD5SUM line23:40
macoZicks: good question. i dont know. ...ive been using it so long ive had no reason to look. i can link you to the new features page...23:40
MEtaLpREsok im really stumped here,  i dont have a sessions menu on my login screen, theres only the ubuntu logo and the username box, no other buttons or menus,  how can i fix that?23:41
goat|workcygoku: can you repeat your question?23:41
Zicksmaco yes please23:41
smallfoot-why doesn23:41
BaughnSam827: Try doing it with apt-get instead?23:41
smallfoot-why doesn't ubuntu support .7z out-of-the-box?23:41
Sam827Baughn: how?23:41
jedimasterkWhen I go to boot with the 8.04 cd and I click either Try Ubuntu without Changes or Install Ubuntu. I will get a (initramfs)_ prompt. This never happened with any version of Ubuntu I had in the past. Whay's wrong. Tried burning CD from 2 different mirrors.23:41
ubotuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO23:41
Ovation13579Okay maco - I use what ever wm is default on Ubuntu - I've never changed it...23:41
RyanPriorsmallfoot-: Because .7z isn't widely used. However. it's about three cllicks to install support!23:41
macorattts: nautilus --browser .23:41
BaughnSam827: Hm. You'd have to change the repos in /etc/apt/sources.list appropriately, then apt-get dist-upgrade..23:41
InGunsWeTrustrattts: if you do gnome-open /path/you/want/to/open it will open the folder. If you want to open it with root permissions you can do gksu gnome-open /path/for/thing23:42
tanathsmallfoot-, prolly not popular enough (for some reason)23:42
ethana2LZMA FTW ;)23:42
BaughnSam827: And hope nothing breaks, and that I'm not skipping anything necessary for ubuntu but not debian23:42
Zicksmaco : i found them .. thanks23:42
macoOvation13579: the default in gutsy and hardy is compiz.  before that, metacity23:42
BaughnSam827: Oh, and apt-get update before the upgrade. ;)23:42
macoInGunsWeTrust: what is gnome-open?23:42
Simonfti just upgraded ubuntu, and now when i log in, all i get is a orange screen23:42
Simonftexept in secure gnome23:42
Sam827Baughn: Actually it says could not find release notes when it crashes now23:42
cygokugoat|work & tanath ... see pm plz23:42
akornIs there a macro to load up Tracker??23:42
pale-yafahi, I just upgraded to 8.4, got some really bad problems, first the numpad is not working at all23:43
InGunsWeTrustmaco: gnome-open just tells gnome to do the default open action for something. if you do it on a folder that action is nautalis23:43
goat|workcygoku: no pm yet23:43
BaughnSam827: apt-get is the underlying tool it's using. It should be a lot more robust.23:43
Sam827i no23:43
tommmyThere.  I Just seeded the torrent and capped it at 50k/s.  Hope to help some of you.23:43
llin-ubuntuHey ifanyones having trouble connecting to the ubuntu servers, I found out you can ping all the servers and select the fastest one.  System/Administration/Software Sources Click "Download from" select "Other" on the window that comes up click "Select best server"23:43
rodietzehow can I set the WEP passphrase when trying to connect to a wireless network?23:43
tanathcygoku, no pm. i think you have to be registered to send them23:43
Lupionreactor I just tried the envyng thing (I was Dani previously) but it didn't work. Thanks anyway!23:43
jedimasterkWhen I go to boot with the 8.04 cd and I click either Try Ubuntu without Changes or Install Ubuntu. I will get a (initramfs)_ prompt. This never happened with any version of Ubuntu I had in the past. What's wrong. Tried burning CD from 2 different mirrors.23:43
Sam827but i dont want to deal with it23:43
cygokuthats crazy lol23:43
macopale-yafa: turn on numlock?23:43
Sam827the updating sources and such23:43
cygokuI have 2 hard drives, the first one 1 ext3 and the other is ntfs ... the ntfs one isn't recognise by Hard Heron, but GParted can see it ... what can I do to use my second hhd ????????23:43
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pale-yafamaco: good one:d it is turned on but its not working23:44
macorodietze: youll be prompted for it and then it can save it23:44
pxI've upgraded to Hardy, and my laptop is more unstable.  It locks up, and X will just get stuck, and even the alt-sysrq doesnt work.23:44
tanathcygoku, spam & stuff23:44
akornAnybody know why my date/time is showing in white font when the rest of my panel is all black font??23:44
ubuntuROXWow,, what kinda sucks is people are getting bad downloads, because of network issues and they are going to be complaining about the release.23:44
goat|workcygoku: are you mounting with the force flag?23:44
macopale-yafa: system -> preferences -> keyboard?23:44
flavio__tanath: canada sucked. although germany is pretty far away ,seems to be better.23:44
Ovation13579So does anyone have any ideas?? I have the same problem with a completely 'vanilla' account that I created, so It's not user preference related. Right now I'm stuffed as I can't figure out what's failing or what to do about it...23:44
tanathcygoku, install ntfs3g23:44
crimsunubuntuROX: they should be checking the *sums first23:44
cygokui dont know anything about mounting ... i just changed from Windows ... used Gutsy on my laptop for the past  months23:44
IndyGunFreakubuntuROX: well, anyone with a rock in their head should know the issues right now are due to server overload23:44
RyanPriorOvation13579: Does it happen with a LiveCD?23:44
Veinorso inthe COMPLETELY UNBIASED opinion of everybody here, is upgrading to heron worth it?23:44
tanathflavio__, prolly lots using the canadian one too ;p23:44
embis it possible to "upgrade" from the development branch to the stable branch. I moved to the development branch to resolve some issues, but now I would like to move back23:44
cmw72any reason why i can't ping internal ip addresses on a fresh HH install ... but external addresses (i.e. google.com) work just fine?23:44
tanathflavio__, it's the closest to the US23:45
goat|workcygoku: pastebin your /etc/fstab23:45
ubuntuROXyep, but alot of them who are trying for the first time dont know how to do that.23:45
InGunsWeTrustubuntuROX: its pretty hard to deal with millions of people all dling the same thing on the same day23:45
Veinoror are there too many problems?23:45
Baughnemb: Possible, but incredibly dangerous if you don't know what you're doing23:45
flavio__tanath: yeah, must be why its so clogged up23:45
dbristowI've been able to get all the other files no problem, either via jigdo or torrent or direct.  But the md5sums on the wubi.exe never match.23:45
macocrimsun: hello genie of the lamp23:45
rectec794613ANY HELP?23:45
x1250Veinor: yes, but it really depends on YOUR expectations23:45
ubuntuROXand they will think poorly about a very robust distro23:45
macocrimsun: er..of the speaker23:45
Baughnemb: A reinstall is a far better idea. Just keep /home unchanged.23:45
Veinorx1250: what do you mean?23:45
cygokuthis ?23:45
Ovation13579Don't know about the LiveCD.... I upgraded using the upgrade manager (which was perfect from Feisty to Gutsy before)... I don't have the LiveCD and would have to download it...23:45
cygoku# /etc/fstab: static file system information.23:45
cygoku# <file system> <mount point>   <type>  <options>       <dump>  <pass>23:45
cygokuproc            /proc           proc    defaults        0       023:45
cygoku# /dev/sda123:45
FloodBot2cygoku: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:45
rectec794613OMG :(23:45
RyanPriorubuntuROX: BitTorrent is fast.23:45
pxI've upgraded to Hardy, and my Dell inspriron 6000 laptop is more unstable.  It locks up randomly, and X will just get stuck, and even the alt-sysrq doesnt work.23:45
IndyGunFreakubuntuROX: well, if they're that dense, they are probably better off..23:45
goat|workcygoku: use pastebin23:45
macoemb: if you have all your updates from unstable, youre on stable23:45
flavio__tanath: i have NO instances of just "archive.ubuntu.com" in my sources.list, and somehow my apt-get update is trying to connect to it?23:46
x1250Veinor: its worthy, imo23:46
pale-yafamaco: what am I supposed to see there23:46
tanathcygoku, install the ntfs-3g package, and nautilus should be able to see your drive23:46
goat|workcygoku: but yes that23:46
macopale-yafa: check your keyboard layout settings23:46
cordofsipsflavio__ you have that problem too?23:46
tanathflavio, did you do an 'apt-get update' first?23:46
goat|worktanath: hardy has ntfs3g by default, i thought23:46
Baughnemb: If you can just /remove/ the packages before reinstalling the stable versions, that would be fine23:46
macopale-yafa: make sure the part for your numpad shows up23:46
Veinorx1250: so if I have a gutsy install that works pretty well (there's one or two bugs but they're not horrible), what do I gain from upgrading?23:46
cordofsipsmy apt-get gets update hangs on that23:46
tanathflavio__, woops, misread23:46
flavio__tanath: well thats what im doing23:46
ximlinux is so validating to use, if you can do it.  it makes me feel like an elitist, because theres NOO way a regular person could handle it23:46
RyanPriorpx: Must be a kernel panic. Perhaps use the old kernel for awhile?23:46
SaladinHey guys, I am wanting to revert back to Firefox 2.0.014 after doing the Hardy Heron upgrade. Any help, as I am unable to do so23:46
tanathflavio__, XD23:46
flavio__cordofsips: sounds like it23:46
cygokuHere is my pastebin : http://pastebin.com/m711c9d8223:46
macoxim: BS23:47
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macoxim: my mom uses ubuntu23:47
michael__i have RC1 but don't know how to upgrade to the final release could someone tell me the command?23:47
ZirodaySaladin: install the firefox-2 package23:47
Baughnemb: Obviously that won't work on core system packages, which is also /why/ getting this wrong is dangerous - you can leave the system unusable rather easily if they're downgraded in the wrong order23:47
pxRyanPrior: would I have to set something in /etc/apt/preferences for that?23:47
ubuntuROXmichael If you have been running the Beta or RC version, and it shows development branch, and no updates available you are likely running stable but will want to run sudo grub-update to fix that.23:47
SaladinZiroday, how do I do that?23:47
macoxim: as do my brother and sister. im the only person in the family who knows anything about computers.23:47
goat|workcygoku: can you cat /proc/partitions     and pastebin that as well?23:47
x1250Veinor: I think nobody will tell you about any specific features. Install it in virtualbox and see if you like it or not...23:47
ZirodaySaladin: sudo apt-get install firefox-223:47
macomichael__: did you do your normal updates for the last week? if so, youre on final23:47
iceswordwww.ubuntu.com  has a good upgrade guide23:47
ximbut i bet you have to take care of them constantly23:47
tanathSaladin, there's a package for firefox 2. check synaptic23:47
ubuntuROXmichael If you have been running the Beta or RC version, and it shows development branch, and no updates available you are likely running stable but will want to run sudo grub-update to fix that.23:47
SaladinThank you, Ziroday23:47
RyanPriorpx: Nope, to try an older kernel select it from the boot menu, and if you want to boot into that older kernel by default you'll have to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst23:47
blbrownI am getting can't update errors, should I wait or is something else going on.  Is anyone else able to easily upgrade?23:48
embOK, I think I'll go the backup home directory and then do a reinstall23:48
ubuntuROXyou should wait23:48
tanathflavio__, you ought to be using the upgrade manager anyway23:48
IndyGunFreakblbrown: the servers are gettign bogged down... either wait a few days, or download a torrent23:48
dassoukihey all the distrubtion upgrade is 1/3 of the way in fetching the files, i need to leave work, can i cancel it safely?23:48
Baughnemb: A nice reason to keep it on a separate partition. ;)23:48
pxRyanPrior: well the 2.6.22 was kind of unstable for me also23:48
bassoI love you all!23:48
RyanPriorblbrown: That's very common today. The repositories are very busby from millions of downloads. BitTorrent is the fastest way to upgrade - download the Alternate CD via BT, burn it, stick it in, and upgrade.23:48
crimsunmaco: ja?23:48
pxRyanPrior: that's the only other kernel i have installed23:48
ubuntuROXthe downloads are slow at best, and may fail or corrupt the file easily.23:48
flavio__tanath: i am, just trying to update the sources.list through apt-get23:48
Veinorx1250: I see. The other question I have is, is reformatting my hard drive to have /home on a separate partition when I do decide to upgrade worth it?23:48
Baughndassouki: Yes23:48
Simonftwhen i log in, it only show a black screen. I logged in in secure Gnome, and ran 'sudo dpkg --configure -a'23:48
macocrimsun: playing around because you just appeared23:48
michael__maco: yes i did, thanks!23:49
Simonftwill that fix it?23:49
ximi thought about putting my dad on it, but i just dont wanna be doing maintanence for him constantly23:49
tanathflavio__, it will handle that23:49
goat|workcygoku: also one more thing, type the following and give me the output:  sudo aptitude search ntfs-3g23:49
Zirodaydassouki: if it is still only downloading files then yes23:49
RyanPriorpx: That sucks. Sounds like you'd need to compile your own kernel, which is not fun.23:49
michael__maco: i upgraded to RC1 a couple days ago.23:49
cygokuThere is nothing in my proc/partitions23:49
pxRyanPrior: compiling aint no thing, i'm a gentoo user23:49
ximthis channel is more for questions than chat huh?23:49
RyanPriorpx: I wish there was an easier way to install old kernels, it would make my life a lot easier. :-)23:49
ubuntuROXmichael If you have been running the Beta or RC version, and it shows development branch, and no updates available you are likely running stable but will want to run sudo grub-update to fix that.23:49
goat|workcygoku: cat /proc/partitions23:49
Veinorx1250: and if so, how big should I make /home relative to my entire hard drive?23:49
embBaughn: thanks for the help23:49
Zirodayxim: correct, #ubuntu-offtopic is chat23:49
ubuntuROXmichael__ did you see that?23:50
twinkie_addictgentoo makes kernel building nic e:)23:50
macomichael__: and if you installed all updates that came through in the last few days, youre done23:50
cygokuSome repos are down aswell,...23:50
jrabbit8.4 crashes on livecd boot for me23:50
michael__ubuntuROX: see what?23:50
jrabbitsoem bug I can't recall23:50
ubuntuROXjust run sudo grub-update23:50
jrabbitIt repeats23:50
ubuntuROXmichael If you have been running the Beta or RC version, and it shows development branch, and no updates available you are likely running stable but will want to run sudo grub-update to fix that.23:50
JimdbI downloaded 8.04 via bittorrent and it was pretty fast, but after the download COMCAST started interfering with me seeding it.  They kept breaking the connection. So, when i got it to start later I increased my upload bandwidth just to eat more of their bandwidth up.23:50
tanathjrabbit, corrupt iso? scratched disc?23:50
macoVeinor: i make / be 10GB and /home for the rest23:50
x1250Veinor: Uhm, I really think upgrading is not worth a reformat. Just upgrade using aptitude. If you need to reinstall and format your hard drive, then having /home in its own partition will be very useful...23:50
jrabbittanath: I torrented it23:50
macoVeinor: ive never filled a 10GB / ...have filled 7GB though23:50
jrabbitlemme check disc23:50
SaladinAnd guys, sorry to be a pain, but how do I remove Firefox 3, or is that done automatically when I install 2?23:51
ubuntuROXdont remove it23:51
cygokuMy cat http://pastebin.com/m3b4d72cf23:51
matt____after trying 8.04, the livecd, it boots to an error message cli. any ideas why? (typing this from a 7.10 install??????????????????)23:51
ubuntuROXleave it there, just start 2 instead23:51
RyanPriorSaladin: I think firefox 2 is removed when you upgrade to hardy.23:51
jrabbittanath: hahaha23:51
pxRyanPrior: could I add one of the older ubuntu sources to sources.list and get an old kernel like that?23:51
michael__ubuntuROX: you mean update-grub? grub-update says command not found23:51
RyanPriorSaladin: Have you given up all hope of being able to use FF 3?23:51
Veinorx1250: I've herad from other people that it's better to just format and reinstall than to upgrade over a live distro.23:51
jrabbitthere was a HUGE mark on it tanath jsut buffed it out23:51
Jimdbwhat's the error message exactly matt?  can't tell you unless we know what it is.23:51
blbrownRyanPrior, you have a bittorrent link or what should I google for.  Also, I am assuming that the CD does an upgrade?23:51
tanathjrabbit, heh23:51
macomichael__: whichever one exists, yeh23:51
goat|workcygoku: do you know what drive your windows disk is located on?23:51
Peloas anyone using metacity compositing noticed that during the splash part of the install  the background colour changes to bleu-grey when  compositing comes on  ?23:51
laegRyanPrior: i'm just not confident continuing with the warning WARNING: This will destroy all data on any partitions you have removed as23:51
laegwell as on the partitions that are going to be formatted. there's nothing in the install docs online about it either23:51
RyanPriorpx: You could, but I wouldn't suggest it since each Ubuntu build uses a different tool chain.23:51
ubotuTorrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P23:51
SaladinYes, RyanPrior - I have use thirty extensions, only about four are compatible.23:51
ximziroday k thx23:51
jrabbittanath: k rebooting23:51
michael__ubuntuROX: i actually did the update manually because i didnt know the command at the time! ahah, thanks23:52
ubuntuROXI had that problem this morning23:52
DBautellblbrown, To Upgrade from the CD/ISO, you'll need the alternate ISO or the DVD: run cdromupgrade from the root of the CD/ISO/DVD. To mount the ISO you can 'mount -o loop nameofiso /path/to/mount/'23:52
PeloHas anyone using metacity compositing noticed that during the splash part of the install  the background colour changes to bleu-grey when  compositing comes on  ?23:52
pxRyanPrior: good to know thx, ill just try building my own from sources23:52
ubotuHardy can be torrented from http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).23:52
macoVeinor: they both work ok, but it's easier to figure out whats going on if something's wrong from a clean system23:52
x1250Veinor: thats not true... although, upgrading may have some caveats. But thats the way it works, upgrading and not reformatting.23:52
SaladinAnd ubuntuROX, why should I not remove it?23:52
cygokugoat|work ... I had Hardy installed on my windows hdd23:52
FishsceneDBautell, thanks! :P I called the wrong command. lol23:52
michael__ubuntuROX: yeah it makes everything really slow if you dont do it.23:52
JPSmanI think I love you so what am i so afraid of  -  i'm afraid i'm not sure of the love there is no cure for  - think I love you isn't that what life is made of23:52
x1250Veinor: most of the time, upgrading goes well23:52
ben-gwireless is enabled in restricted drivers. How do i install the driver for an atheros wireless card?23:52
RyanPriorlaeg: The thing is, the warning is true and it means exactly what it says.23:52
ubuntuROXwell because if you remove it you will have to re-install it in a couple of weeks or months when they release it23:52
JPSmani think....i think i'm falling in love with linux guys23:52
Veinoryeah, true. I think I'll just get the alternate CD, play around with it for a while, and see if ti works.23:53
DBautellFishscene, that was my first usage of auto replace, purty proud of myself23:53
* Pelo points out that ppl whit an uptodate beta or RC do not need to upgrade , it's the samething 23:53
ubuntuROXand actually,, other than the extentions, its pretty good23:53
RyanPriorlaeg: It will give you that warning no matter what you do, because it needs to format at least a few parititions to install.23:53
Jimdbold partridge family tune23:53
pxRyanPrior: does the info bot have a good howto link for compiling the kernel from sources?23:53
FishsceneDBAutell, awesome :P23:53
laegRyanPrior: it could mean *all data, which includes my storage partition23:53
Ovation13579Can anyone tell me what log files I should be looking at to understand why I only get a blank screen + mouse after login? The only login which works is an xterm login.23:53
goat|workcygoku: that cannot be...  if you have hardy installed on sda1, and swap is on sda5, the hard drive is telling the system that those are the only two partitions on that drive23:53
RyanPriorlaeg: The warning is to make you think carefully about which parititions you chose to format.23:53
ubuntuROXI like it better now after using it for a week or so.23:53
goat|workcygoku: so there is a problem23:53
SaladinWell, that's cool. I won't be installing when it is first released anyway - I always wait for all my extensions to become compatible.23:53
PeloOvation13579, reconfigure xserver-xorg23:53
RyanPriorpx: I dunno. /msg ubotu with some keywords and see what he says.23:53
x1250Ovation13579: xorg log files23:53
PePaCan anyone give me some pointers on upgrading to Hardy?23:53
pxRyanPrior: thx, wasn't sure how to address the bot properly23:53
tanathJPSman, it's great stuff, but it's not without it's issues :)23:54
laegRyanPrior: ok, lets see what happens23:54
noushi, big problem : I just uprgaded to hardy and my graphic card is not recognised anymore (an Intel 945)23:54
twinkie_addicti love linux have for years , i hate however how i have to run windows for my games ::(23:54
ubuntuROXthe extentions will most likely work within days of the release23:54
JPSmanPePa: Download ISO, burn it23:54
PeloPePa, what version are you upgrading from ?23:54
RyanPriorPePa: I suggest downloading it via BitTorrent, since the direct downloads and repos are very slow.23:54
|stefan|just upgraded to hardy and now it thinks i want posix instead of utf-8 in console.23:54
PePaDon't have enough space, and thought of mounting an external partition onto /var somewhere23:54
macoPelo: that doesnt do anything for graphics, and it didnt in gutsy either.23:54
matt____after trying 8.04, the livecd, it boots to an error message cli. any ideas why? (typing this from a 7.10 install??????????????????)23:54
ubuntuROXthats how it was when 2.0 was released anyhow.23:54
matt____after trying 8.04, the livecd, it boots to an error message cli. any ideas why? (typing this from a 7.10 install??????????????????)23:54
tanathOvation13579, ~/.xsession-errors23:54
flavio__tanath: thanks for the tip. i used the "find best server" thing and its pretty decent.23:54
michael__take care everyone!23:54
PeloOvation13579, I don'T allow private msg, please talk to me in the channel23:54
ubuntuROXlater michael23:54
tanathflavio__, :)23:54
PePabut don't know where in /var space is needed23:54
Jimdbmatt____:::::what are you saying?  you end up at a prompt?23:54
PePafromn Gutsy23:54
|stefan|how do i change locales ?23:55
tanathflavio__, erm, where exactly did you see that, 'cause i didn't see that when i did mine23:55
|stefan|from console23:55
JPSmantanath: tell me about it.  I just had major problems installing my internet driver.23:55
matt____Jimdb: um...something "box" i believe it is called...23:55
PePaI'd like to use update-manager -d23:55
PeloPePa, you shouldn'T need to make hdd space ifyou uppgrade from the alt-cd23:55
macoJimdb: busybox23:55
oddalotanyone here running nvidia drivers successfully? i'm not getting any resolution over 680x480 on my crt??23:55
macomatt____: that right ^23:55
dragao-azulHi, i have a problem trying to run the ubuntu live cd, can i ask for help here?23:55
flavio__tanath: on "software sources" program23:55
CaptainMorgananyone have a Thinkpad T61 with the new release on it? Any problems reported? I'm about to install it and would like a heads-up if you got one23:55
SaladinAlso, I have noticed that my Emerald Themes are no longer working on Hardy. Any idea why, or if there is a fix for it?23:55
maco!ask | dragao-azul23:55
ubotudragao-azul: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)23:55
ubuntuROXI am running nvidia drivers23:55
rcarcamohi ... im having problems with my sound card ( sigmatel STAC 9250 input ) i have google it for a couple of days ... and nnothing usefull comes on ... have any body have the same problem or fix it23:55
flavio__tanath: system ->> adminstration --> software sources23:55
JPSmanPePa: use the alt-cd install, it allows you to update from a CD23:55
matt____maco: say what?23:55
noushi, big problem : I just uprgaded to hardy and my graphic card is not recognised anymore (an Intel 945). What can I do ?23:55
tanathflavio__, ah :D23:55
macoSaladin: emerald is dead23:55
macomatt____: busybox?23:56
cygokugoat|work ... Should I re-installed ... and have the first HDD formated with gparted in livecd mode ?23:56
Jimdbmatt___try a different CD reader...try adding ide=nodma on command line when you boot into the installer.23:56
SaladinWhat can I do about my cool themes then?23:56
JPSmanAnyone else having problems with rt2500 drivers?23:56
macoSaladin: compiz can composite normal gnome themes now23:56
JPSmanI was able to fix mine23:56
macoSaladin: they have transparency23:56
PePaJPSMan, don't have external CDRom (it's an Eeepc)23:56
RyanPriorSaladin: Emerald themes should still work with Compiz Fusion, I think.23:56
ubuntuROXright now its the restricted drivers version, but I had installed the driver manually from nvidia back in early beta so IM not a good example.23:56
dragao-azulI hava an ATI card (HD2900Pro), and ehen i run the live cd, after it loads, i just get a white screen, it just stops there. How can i solve this?23:56
matt____maco: busybox, that is correct. any clue what is causing it?23:56
SaladinAh, okay.23:56
macoRyanPrior: dont recommend it23:56
macoRyanPrior: emerald crashes constantly on compiz23:56
dragao-azul(ehen= when)23:56
tanathflavio__, someone should add that to the topic :P23:57
macoRyanPrior: if you use nvidia + emerald, everything slows down like its 199923:57
barslowhello, I installed a beta of 8.04 about a month ago and it completely ruined my system23:57
PePaupdate-manager wants enough space, but where??23:57
barslowwill the final version install with no issues?23:57
Ovation13579Pelo: Is there any way I can filter the channel a bit coz it's all scrolling so fast I can't keep up...23:57
IndyGunFreakbarslow: hopefully23:57
RyanPriorSaladin: Sounds like Beryl and Emerald are pretty much borked right now23:57
macoPePa: if you run "sudo apt-get clean" itll empty out your old debs so the update manager has room23:57
oddalotubuntuROX: are you using an LCD?23:57
ubuntuROXwell, I had no issues with the beta barslow about a month ago myself.23:57
macoRyanPrior: beryl's dead too23:57
matt____maco: well?23:57
falcon4everhttp://www.multigesture.net/wp-content/uploads/2008/04/screenshot.png <- what would cause this pink glow around the windows? im using an nvidia 8600m gt and i've enabled the nvidia new restricted drivers23:57
ubuntuROXyes, 1440 x 90023:57
RyanPriorbarslow: Most people are upgrading with no problem, but if you have issues, come in here and we'll try to help.23:58
x1250barslow: we don't know, since you didn't say anything very descriptive23:58
PePamaco, done that, still not enough23:58
macomatt____: no i was just pointing it out to Jimdb23:58
matt____Jimdb: yes, busybox pops up23:58
macoPePa: how small is your / ?23:58
PePa(very small partition...)23:58
matt____maco: oh, ok, thanks :)23:58
tanathfor everyone with trouble downloading & upgrading, go to System > Admin > Software Sources > Download from other... > Select best server23:58
glaxoI am unable to get my wired network working - tried everything I can think of - can someone help?23:58
Jimdbmatt___try a different CD reader...try adding ide=nodma on command line when you boot into the installer.23:58
tvakahanyone know much about the lvm encryption option using the alternate installer?23:58
cygokuRepos are down ?? (using HH RC)23:58
oddalotubuntuROX can you post your xorg.conf somewhere that i can copy it?23:58
barslowRyanprior: last time everything went bad and I had to reinstall my entire system, XORG issues23:58
macoPePa: O_O oh23:58
cygokuSome of them...23:58
ubuntuROXwant me to send it to you?23:58
tcpdumpgodglaxo, are you using a router with a DHCP server?23:58
macoPePa: upgrade from a CD?23:58
cygokugoat|work ... Should I re-installed ... and have the first HDD formated with gparted in livecd mode ?23:58
glaxotcpdumpgod, i am using a router yes - tried it with static and with DHCP23:59
RyanPriorbarslow: Hardy contains a massive Xorg update, so I suggest trying the LiveCD before taking the plunge.23:59
ubuntuROXI will send you the automatic resolutions one.23:59
PePano CDRom drive23:59
dragao-azul I have an ATI card (HD2900Pro), and when i run the live cd, after it loads, i just get a white screen, it just stops there. How can i solve this?23:59
oddalotyes, thank you very much23:59
glaxotcpdumpgod, the router is a wrt54gs running latest tomato firmware23:59
x1250barslow: want went wrong with xorg?23:59
tcpdumpgodglaxo, are you able to get a DHCP IP from the router?23:59
macoPePa: how about from a flash drive?23:59
laegwhat's the new firewall with 8.04 like guys?23:59
macoPePa: do you have another computer?23:59
goat|workcygoku: i think that windows is on sdb or sdc...  which is ok23:59
laegfirestarter is buggy23:59
barslowx1250: I never was able to find out23:59
dunkyphey wondering if anyone could help me23:59
pale-yafafirebug does not work after upgrading to 8.4, how come this is not mentioned in the changes?23:59
matt____RyanPrior: so would this perhaps explain why the live cd doesn't work for me? perhaps xorg not working right?23:59
tcpdumpgodglaxo, what is the routers IP addy?23:59
x1250barslow: try the live-cd23:59
glaxotcpdumpgod, no - i get "No DHCPOFFERS received"23:59
goat|workcygoku: but we have to figure out which drive23:59
asoarehello, I have a question about building packages, it says here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DistCompilerFlags that "dpkg-buildpackage sets these flags to the default values unless the flags are already defined in the environment", but that is not actually true, how can i use custon CFLAGS when building a package ?23:59
macoPePa: you can put the alternate ISO on a flash drive and mount the ISO on your EeePC as if it was a real CD then install from there23:59
PePayes have another PC23:59

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