[00:00] timboy ohh lol [00:00] when I start the windows partition,gives me the start safe menu or normal, and it does not matter what I choose and when start to loads windows restart the machine [00:00] very strange [00:00] hey hwats the quick command to check your disk space? [00:00] mijac: XP or Vista? [00:00] timboy anyways which ftp server did you install? filezilla? [00:00] sCOTTo: df -h [00:00] xp [00:00] thanks [00:00] mijac, no grub [00:00] ? [00:00] why can i not see shares on my network? i'm using the computer that i want to see the shares. i have a samba password set up. yet it doesn't work? where do i even begin to fix this problem? [00:00] I cannot remove OSS, this shows up in terminal ( http://pastebin.ubuntu-nl.org/64151/ ) [00:01]