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dholbachgood morning06:22
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ajmitchhi dholbach06:50
dholbachhiya ajmitch :)06:51
geserHi ajmitch07:23
dholbachhiya seb128, hey mvo09:27
mvohey dholbach, seb128!09:27
seb128hello dholbach mvo09:27
abliHi! having installed hardy, and kubuntu-desktop on it apparently automounting in gnome broke: it works if I use a kde session, but in gnome sessions if I plug in the usb thumbdrive, it doesn't get mounted. judging from dmesg it gets recognized correctly. What should I check?10:08
ablialso, running 'pmount /dev/sdf1' manually mounts it. Why doesn't it get mounted automatically?10:09
abliis there any logfile I should check?10:09
seb128abli: hi, try #ubuntu for user questions10:13
abliseb128, tried there 3 times already, but got no answer. seemed like this would be above the level of a normal "user question"10:18
seb128use http://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu10:19
abliok. I'll try that.10:20
seb128the automounting is done by nautilus in GNOME10:21
seb128works for other people, maybe some kubuntu software is running and breaking it for GNOME or something10:21
abliseb128, I don't think I am the only one who has kubuntu-desktop installed and wants to be able to switch between kde and gnome. The really fustrating thing is that I don't see any usable error message. Not in syslog or .xsession-errors or elsewhere10:27
seb128does automounting for other devices work correctly in GNOME?10:29
abliI don't have anything else handy. I will try it out10:30
abliI don't see any kde-related program when logging out from kde then logging back in a gnome session10:31
seb128does it happen if you log directory into GNOME after boot?10:32
abliyes. automount doesn't work even when logging into GNOME after boot.10:33
abli(so my best guess is that installing kde broke some global setting in hal or dbus or wherever.)10:34
abliBut even though I have full diffs of the contents of /etc before and after installing kubuntu-desktop I still can't see what might have went wrong.10:35
seb128it was working before?10:35
abliI didn't test it directly after installing, but it works when using the installer cd as a live cd.10:35
abliso based on that 'kubuntu-desktop broke it' might be wrong, but it is my best guess10:36
seb128does it work using an another user on the same box?10:36
seb128could be an user setting change10:37
ablinope. same sympthoms: it is recognized but not mounted. Clicking on the devices entry in "Places" (to mount it) doesn't do anything (i.e. doesn't work and no error message)10:39
seb128can you run lshal > log before and after plugging the key and copying a diff -u on paste.ubuntu.com then?10:40
seb128also do lshal --monitor and note what is written when plugging the key10:40
abliok. just a sec10:41
abliplug in, wait, click on 'mount' then remove: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8014/10:45
ablithe before-and-after plugging in: http://paste.ubuntu.com/801510:45
abliand it is a Kingston DataTraveler thumbdrive10:46
seb128does gnome-mount --verbose -d /dev/sdf1 works correctly?10:51
mvoseb128: I think we need to do something about the scrollkeeper error, we get more and more duplicates it seems :/10:54
seb128mvo: agreed, but what?10:55
mvoheh :)10:55
seb128I've been running it for hours in valgrind10:55
seb128and never got an error10:55
mvooh :( and upstream is not responsive?10:56
seb128we got a low number of bugs compared to the number of people upgrading, so that's not easy10:56
seb128there is no upstream for years10:56
seb128we started switching to rarian10:56
mvoand the version number is the same for years too10:56
seb128we should have tried rarian-compat but that's too intrusive change for hardy now10:56
abliseb128, it just prints the version number ('gnome-mount 0.8') but doesn't mount anything (and doesn't print any error messages)11:00
abliseb128, ouch, it wasn't actually pluged in when i tried that. just a sec.11:01
ablibut yes, same result: just the version number, no errors but no mounting either.11:03
abli(and no gui error dialog)11:03
seb128abli: gnome-mount -v -b -d /dev/sdf1 rather11:04
ablihah! error messages at last!11:05
seb128which one?11:05
abliit says "PermissionDeniedByPolicy"11:05
seb128is your user in the group plugdev?11:06
abliyes it is.11:06
seb128does polkit-gnome-authorization works?11:07
seb128there is a storage category and an option to mount removable drives file systems11:08
abliaccording to System -> Administration -> Authorizations, org.freedesktop.hal.storage.mount-removable is set to 'Yes' for "Active Console" but "no" to "Anyone" and "Console"11:08
seb128ok, that's normal11:09
seb128and is ck-list-sessions listing a session correctly?11:09
abliyes, ck-list-sessions is ok.11:10
seb128active = TRUE?11:10
ablihmm. no. it is FALSE.11:10
seb128that's the issue11:10
seb128the rights are granted only to the active session11:10
abliright. What sets the 'active session'11:10
abliHow is that flag set?11:11
seb128that's out of my knowledge now, maybe ask on #ubuntu-devel, there is some people there who know better how consolekit is working11:11
seb128do you use gdm as a login manager?11:11
abliI'll ask on #ubuntu-devel. Thanks, you helped a lot.11:12
seb128you are welcome11:12
seb128was indeed quite technical for #ubuntu ;-)11:13
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seb128wb pitti13:55
* Hobbsee huggles the pitti and the seb12814:04
seb128hey Hobbsee14:04
seb128how are you?14:04
* pitti hugs back seb128 and Hobbsee14:04
Hobbseeseb128: good.  gotta love being harassed on release day.14:04
LudwikHi, I have a quick (and I hope easy) question. I'm a network administrator for a High School in Warsaw, Poland. We run most of our computers on Ubuntu. Unfortunately there is a bug between compiz and our compaq computers, and when effects are enabled (by default in 8.04) the display turns into garbage. I'd just like to know how to disable effects system wide14:14
seb128mvo: ^14:16
mvoLudwik: easiest is either to remove compiz or log into failsafe gnome and then go to preferencences/apperance/visual effects14:23
Ludwikmvo: I didn't wan't to remove compiz, because I think it will remove the ubuntu-desktop meta package (won't it?). I've just found something about adding this to xorg.conf:14:26
Ludwik Section "Extensions"14:26
Ludwik        Option "Composite" "Disable"14:26
Ludwik EndSection14:26
LudwikI'm not sure is it relevent, though14:26
mvoLudwik: compiz is "just" a recommends to ubuntu-desktop, it should be possible to remove it without removing ubuntu-desktop14:28
seb128should be possible to set a gconf default too no?14:28
seb128mvo: what you did for dapper upgrades14:29
mvothat, that too14:29
Ludwikmvo: Oh, thanks. I didn't know. I'll try to remove compiz and see.14:29
mvogconf: /desktop/gnome/applications/window_manager/default <- to metacity should work too14:29
seb128Ludwik: you can add a file to /usr/share/gconf/defaults to set a gconf default and then run sudo update-gconf-defaults14:30
LudwikThanks, I think removing compiz might be a better soultion, though. The user accounts and configuration files are imported from a central server using nis, and they already have many configuration options set.14:35
LudwikMany of them were even used before on machnies that had working compiz14:36
mvoLudwik: if the screen is garbage, what graphic cards do the machines have? could you post the lspci -nn output?14:39
mvohey number1!14:39
=== pedro___ is now known as pedro_
pedro_hello mvo!14:40
Ludwikmvo: Intel 82815 Chipset Graphics Controller14:41
Ludwikmvo: it's not all garbage, but every action (like move of the mouse) generates a lot of a garbage on a screen.14:42
mvoLudwik: could you plese check if the "intel" or the "i810" driver is used (in /var/log/Xorg.0.log) and report a bug please? just the basic information against xserver-xorg-driver-{intel,i810} (depending on which one is in use?14:43
mvoLudwik: with the pciid if possible, then we can blacklist it in our compiz script14:44
Ludwikmvo: Ok, I'm not sure I know where to look. Is the following lines from Xorg.0.log it?14:53
Ludwik(II) intel: Driver for Intel Integrated Graphics Chipsets: i810,14:53
Ludwiki810-dc100, i810e, i815, i830M, 845G, 852GM/855GM, 865G, 915G,14:53
LudwikE7221 (i915), 915GM, 945G, 945GM, 945GME, 965G, G35, 965Q, 946GZ,14:53
Ludwik965GM, 965GME/GLE, G33, Q35, Q33, Intel Integrated Graphics Device14:53
Ludwik(II) Primary Device is: PCI 00:02:014:53
mvoLudwik: that looks like the "intel" one, please include the Xorg.0.log file in full, if it was the wrong package, we can just reassign it :)14:53
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Ludwikmvo: This is my first launchpad bug report, but here it is - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/22192015:16
mvoLudwik: looks very good, thanks! the output of "lspci -nn" would be great to have too15:18
Ludwikmvo: Ok, I'll add it in a minute15:20
mvoLudwik: thanks!15:21
Ludwikmvo: (added)15:24
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak
seb128mvo: any idea about bug #221977?16:53
ubotuLaunchpad bug 221977 in gnome-control-center "Cannot enable compiz with the fglrx driver (ATI X1600)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22197716:53
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mvoseb128: yes, I talked with martin about it17:16
seb128mvo: is that a g-c-c issue?17:16
seb128hey hggdh17:16
hggdhyo seb128, how's life?17:16
mvoseb128: no, jockey/compiz more likely, but we need to fix it for .117:17
seb128hggdh: good thanks ;-) what about you?17:17
hggdhstill in Paris... but I *will* go home next week :-)17:17
seb128how is Paris?17:18
hggdhamazingly, sunny today -- I think this is the very first day without rain since February...17:18
hggdhand being the usual Paris17:18
seb128the weather is nice here too ;-)17:19
seb128hggdh: oh, btw bug-buddy is know to display wrong path, it displays things crashing in /usr/libexec when they are in /usr/lib17:19
hggdhseb128: ah.... so the poor guy was right... but I still cannot understand what he wants17:20
seb128hggdh: I read one comment where you asked to the submitter if he was using the ubuntu version17:20
seb128I've been confused by that too ;-)17:20
seb128hggdh: no news from upstream about the e-d-s eating cpu issue?17:20
hggdhread the last comment. If you can, please translate it to me... seems to be an English-related language17:20
hggdhno. Andre had set it to blocker, and I hoped this would kick oneone up there17:21
hggdhI still think this is more related to underlying lib than Evo, but I cannot prove it any way -- I do not have the issue :-(17:22
seb128hggdh: do you have the bug number,17:22
seb128for the comment to translate17:22
hggdhhold on17:22
hggdhseb128: bug 20946817:23
ubotuLaunchpad bug 209468 in evolution "unsure of nature xubuntu ISSUE" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20946817:23
hggdhthis comment here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+bug/209468/comments/1017:24
seb128hggdh: he seems to have upgrade issues or something17:25
seb128he should use the support tracker17:25
hggdhyes, from Edgy, it seems. I will add a note to go to Support17:26
hggdhproblem is, I do not even understand what is the problem17:27
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seb128hggdh: he might just be trolling, don't waste too much time for the non useful bugs17:29
hggdhI think he is a real user, with a writing disability (or, at least, I am willing to give him the chance of a doubt). Anyways, I closed it17:30
hggdhbut -- back to the E-D-S loop: any suggestion for the users that see it? we need more data, but I do not -- now -- even know what to ask for17:31
hggdhseb128: ^^17:31
hggdhper secretlondon's tests, we know that if we kill evolution-alarm-notify, E-D-S also dies. I do not think this should happen17:33
seb128hggdh: I'm wondering if that's due to the fact that we start evolution-alarm-notify on session startup, maybe ask them to move /etc/xdg/autostart/evolution-alarm-notify.desktop somewhere else17:34
seb128hggdh: we added that sometime to workaround the "calendar notification are not sent if evolution has not been started yet"17:35
seb128still there is a bug or race somewhere, but not easy to find where17:36
hggdhseb128: you mean e-a-n is being started way too early, and (perhaps) causing a hiccup? Hum. Interesting. I think I can play around with it a bit.17:36
seb128maybe running e-d-s under valgrind would show something17:36
hggdhthe problem is we cannot get into valgrind that early in the session setup... but I will try changing my settings a bit to see what happens. Maybe I can reproduce it17:37
seb128hggdh: why not?17:37
hggdhjust starting e-d-s under valgrind will slow it down until all startup is done17:38
hggdhvery good chance of kicking the race away17:38
seb128right, but might be worth trying anyway17:38
seb128maybe it'll show some error17:38
hggdhwill try it. After all, I am getting to be a valgrind expert :-(17:39
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