
evilbughow long will it be until ubuntu mobile is out? (i'm not lookin for a specific answer,but something like a few months,more than a year,etc.)02:32
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dholbachgood morning06:22
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Xiliathif i can't get "hildon clutter home ui (test)" to launch, is there somthing that i might be missing from Ubuntu-mobile?06:59
S_AHi! can Ubuntu Mobile be used for a thin client as a base for minimal distro ?07:02
Xiliathi dont think ubuntu-mobile would work so well on one07:09
Xiliathyou could do a minimal hardy install, and install the hildon desktop instead of gnome07:09
S_AXiliath! how much of space this will eat ? any idea ?07:21
Xiliathnot off hand07:22
Xiliathbut i know hildon is minimal07:22
Xiliathbut you have to manually set it up07:22
Xiliaththat link shows you how to add hildon as an xsession07:23
Xiliathyou could take the new hardy .iso and use UCK and probally add in hildon for a custom ubuntu install just for what you need07:26
Xiliathif i can't get "hildon clutter home ui (test)" to launch, anyone have any idea what might be missing, also pidgin just hangs after i attempt to open it08:30
Xiliathanybody here who might be able to provide some help with ume11:12
loolXiliath: Just ask your question, don't ask to ask :)12:44
loolXiliath: Oh the clutter thing you asked earlier perhaps?12:45
loolXiliath: This is a known issue12:45
Xiliathyeah? i'm trying to get it to run, but the application does nothing12:49
Xiliathi didn't know if it was somthign i didn't do that was preventing it from running12:50
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Xiliathlool, what about network manager, i don't see a status icon or anything, nor is there a .desktop file13:23
Xiliathor at least i haven't located it yet13:24
persiaXiliath: The applet should be at the top of the screen.13:28
Xiliathas in next to the volume control?13:30
Xiliathfor whatever reason it's not, the app is not in the /usr/share/applications/hildon-status-bar/ folder13:31
persiaHmm.  It was on my last image.  Updating...13:32
Xiliathi think i'm running beta 3 hardy13:33
jackiejackerwhere can I find images to run with qemu13:33
Xiliathlast i read it wasn't working with qemu13:34
persiajackiejacker: You can't.  The qemu simulated video hardware doesn't work with the selected driver13:34
jackiejackerpersia, oo :(13:35
jackiejackerpersia, so i can only test run with xypher13:40
pavolklacanskyhow can i try ubuntu mobile on desktop?13:41
Xiliathwell you could use image-creator13:41
persiajackiejacker: Currently, only xephyr, supported hardware, or a custom hack.13:41
Xiliathand burn a live version to test13:41
Xiliathor you could run hildon on ubuntu to get a small look, but not everything works13:42
Xiliathand it's not really UME13:42
agoliveirapavolklacansky: You can either create a image with supoport for your specific hardware or use Xephyr, please, read the docs. There's a session abou Xephyr.13:44
jackiejackerpersia, well i have a n810 so i can use that to test.. i saw some progression there @ elinux13:44
pavolklacanskythx i will read them13:44
Xiliathpavolklacansky, you can go here for using image creator, and create an image to use on a usb device to boot from.  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded/CreatingAnImageForUMEDevice13:44
Xiliathor use xephyr13:45
persiajackiejacker: ARM isn't currently a supported CPU.  See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded/FAQ13:45
Xiliathi have a question about using xephyr, after i launch it, what should i see in the display?13:46
Xiliathwhen I launch it all i get is a gray box13:46
persiaXiliath: An uninitialised screen buffer.13:46
persiaThat'd be right.  Now, launch some WM targeting the virtual display.13:47
Xiliathfrom a different terminal?13:48
persiaOr the same terminal (Xephyr runs fine as a background process, if a little noisily)13:49
Xiliathi can't run any other processes from the same terminal13:50
persiaXiliath: In that case, another terminal would be fine.13:51
persiaRemember to launch Xephyr from your host, and the WM from your test chroot.13:52
Xiliathhas there been a problem with image-creator allowing packages to be installed or updated?13:52
Xiliaththere's a dns problem with using target terminal once you install f-sets13:53
jackiejackerpersia, http://mojo.handhelds.org/frisky13:53
persiajackiejacker: Sure.  Please test that: it would be nice to have it in great shape.  It's not UME, but it's a step towards proper ARM support.13:54
jackiejackerpersia, why isn't that ume13:55
persiaDifferent default package sets.  Different versions.  Different goals.13:56
suihkulokkifwiw, ther debian/lenny armel port is in better condition than the feisty-based ubuntu arm port..13:56
Xiliathif they get ubuntu almost completely ported over to arm it's make getting ume ported over alot easier13:56
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davmor2issues with notepad still not opening14:18
loolToddBrandt: Around?14:31
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davmor2Guys is mousepad meant to be the notepad of choice?15:59
looldavmor2: That question sounds like you're not happy with it :)16:38
davmor2lool: not that it doesn't run.  It crashes out if it is meant to be the default16:39
davmor2lool: clicking on the icon does nothing so I looked through the list in /usr/bin and noticed mousepad and ran it from cli it dies badly16:40
smagoundavmor2: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/matchbox-keyboard/+bug/20587116:41
ubotuLaunchpad bug 205871 in matchbox-keyboard "[Hardy+PPA]:Intergrated mousepad but cannot launch it from console, shows "segment fault" error" [Undecided,Confirmed] 16:41
davmor2smagoun: ta that's very similar :)  I added to this bug that I found though https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-mobile/+bug/214066 maybe they should be linked?16:44
ubotuLaunchpad bug 214066 in ubuntu-mobile "Notepad fails to launch" [High,Confirmed] 16:44
smagoundavmor2: done16:45
davmor2does anyone know why /usr/games isn't in $PATH as well.  Thats the reason that the games won't run :)16:47
davmor2bug 21775816:48
ubotuLaunchpad bug 217758 in ubuntu-mobile "Games issues" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21775816:48
pavolklacanskyhello where can i translate it to slovak language?18:36
GrueMasterinuka_desk: ping.  Need info on rebuilding kernel for lpia.18:38
inuka_deskGrueMaster: https://umd.jf.intel.com/projects/umd/wiki/PSBmanual18:40
GrueMasterThanks.  This info should be on moblin.org as well.18:41
GrueMasteroops, this is just for the kernel modules for the video drivers.  I'm talking about rebuilding the kernel package with added patches or changing the config file.18:44
inuka_deskGrueMaster: oh ok hold on18:44
inuka_deskGrueMaster: the wiki is not upto date let me send you an email 18:45
GrueMastersend it to me @intel.  I need to forward it to Folsom.18:48
inuka_deskGrueMaster: sent18:51
GrueMastergot it.  Will forward it on.  He reported that it built an i386.deb package, but not an lpia package.18:54
GrueMasterHe might not have been in a MIC project area.18:54
inuka_deskwill send you an other e-mail19:06
loolsmagoun: I moved that matchbox-kbd bug to moblin-other; it's not affecting Ubuntu, only UME, moblin and customer builds19:17
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smagounlool: thanks. I had that change in a browser window, forgot to hit submit!19:33
loolsmagoun: ah21:10
loolbfiller: fixed here21:33
loolbfiller: I'll push21:33
bfillerlool: I would have done it, but thank you :)21:34
bfillerlool: and sorry about that21:34
loolbfiller: Eh you didn't know21:36
loolbfiller: Pushed21:45
bfillerlool: thanks, I pushed a patch earlier this afternoon to fix a crash, I will push new package into PPA21:46

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