
ubuntuROXits waiting on you t accept it.00:00
f0rmatmay i ask exactly who are the coders of ubuntu are they just everyone or anyone?00:00
cygokugoat|work ... Windows is not there at all anymore, I installed over it00:00
barslowx1250: wasnt able to actually get into ubuntu and I dont know enough terminal to diagnose00:00
oddalotubuntoROX it won't let me send private msgs on this server, don't know if that will affect sending files as well00:00
RyanPriormatt____: If the LiveCD doesn't work, it's likely to be a graphics card driver problem.00:00
goat|workcygoku: oh00:00
SaladinOh wow!00:00
ubuntuROXhave an email address?00:00
SaladinAuto 3D windows00:00
PePawill I need to boot from the alt.CD, or can I just ...00:00
macoPePa: no just have to mount it and add it as a repository00:00
goat|workcygoku: yes, then if you have,  sure00:00
tanathf0rmat, you can find more info about that on launchpad.net00:00
dragao-azulhow can graphics card problems be solved in the live cd?00:00
FishsceneWho had the pink window problem in this screenshot? http://www.multigesture.net/wp-content/uploads/2008/04/screenshot.png00:01
f0rmattanath, thankyou00:01
barslowRyanPrior: One last question, I have compiz and all my themes setup just the way I like them, will they stay the same after the uprgrade (I'm using AWN with modified Mac4lin and Compiz is all set perfect)00:01
matt____RyanPrior: perhaps...but 7.10 is working fine. how could i check/fix though? the live cd takes me to a "busybox", not a normal terminal.00:01
x1250barslow: /var/log/Xorg.0.log is the place to look, or ~/.xsession-errors00:01
goat|workcygoku: i wont be able to watch the channel, so if you have more q's message me00:01
arbrandesdragao-azul, use "safe graphics mode"00:01
glaxotcpdumpgod, any advice?00:01
tanathbarslow, should be no change00:01
cygokugoat|work ... Thank you, and sorry for my rudeness earlier00:01
RyanPriorbarslow: I'd just about bet that something will break and you'll spend hours reconfiguring things. Upgrades tend to mess with your stuff.00:01
dragao-azulabrandes, then how can i solve the problems? make my ati card work fine?00:01
PePathanks Maco00:01
macoFishscene: nvidia driver quality00:01
tcpdumpgodglaxo, did you answer my  last question?00:01
kilraecan you mount an encrypted lvm in Vista?00:01
tanathbarslow, actually..00:01
oddaloti wonder how nerdy it would be if all these 1500 people where in a room at one time00:01
silenihe i installed build essential and tried to "make" but i get this error http://pastebin.com/m6dda8b3900:01
ubuntuROXthere you go,, thats the one thats set for resolution auto,  it should work for you.00:02
tcpdumpgodglaxo, are you able to get a DHCP IP from the router?00:02
barslowryanprior: im just gunna stick with gutsy then00:02
macobarslow: should stay, yes00:02
glaxotcpdumpgod, no - i get "No DHCPOFFERS received"00:02
oddalotok thanks, let me try it00:02
ubuntuROXmodes anyhow00:02
barslowwow conflicting opinions00:02
tanathbarslow, it may switch to the new default theme, but you can save your current theme/settings, and switch back after upgrade00:02
Jimdbmatt___try a different CD reader...try adding ide=nodma on command line when you boot into the installer.00:02
RyanPrioroddalot: That's the Ubuntu Live conference. :-)00:02
laegbarslow: stick with gutsy forever?00:02
tcpdumpgodglaxo, do you know your routers ip address?
matt____RyanPrior: perhaps...but 7.10 is working fine. how could i check/fix though? the live cd takes me to a "busybox", not a normal terminal.00:02
silenii dont understand how to change the flags00:02
tanathbarslow, i didn't have that problem though00:02
silenilike that error states00:02
barslowlaeg: i dont want to but i dont wanna risk having to reformat my HD again00:02
tcpdumpgodglaxo, are you using KDE or Gnome?00:02
glaxotcpdumpgod, gnome00:02
FishsceneMaco: it looked like the "mirror" or "shadow" (I forgot which) option in Compiz could fix that issue (Disabling the mirror or shadow effects)00:02
oddalotRyanPriot: Where is this ubuntu live conference?00:03
mohbanacan i install ubuntu from a ntfs? without the wubi thing? i don't have a dvd to burn it on00:03
oddaloterr when too00:03
macobarslow: your compiz settings will be saved.  there are more features in the new compiz though, so you might want to explore them after you upgrade00:03
bassoI Love You All!00:03
tcpdumpgodglaxo, have you tried setting your IP to, your netmask to, and your gateway to
tanathbarslow, there's always a risk when upgrading. personally, it fixed a lot of stuff for me, and i had minimal issues00:03
matt____RyanPrior: well, what would i search google for to fix this graphics card setting?00:03
glaxotcpdumpgod, I have (with as .100 is already taken00:03
tanathbarslow, and none of my settings in anything changed00:03
ubuntuROXI think its faster than gutsy was.00:03
RyanPriorbarslow: It's certainly possible that you could upgrade and have everything work perfectly - the Ubuntu developers certainly try hard to make that happen. You can't bet on it, though.00:03
Flannelmohbana: there are ways to install without burning, check it out: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation00:03
tcpdumpgodglaxo, is taken?00:03
glaxotcpdumpgod, yes00:04
LOVElinuxsalve a tutti!00:04
RyanPriormatt____: Google and the Ubuntu Forums are good places to search.00:04
DBautellheh, "select best server" "no suitable server was found"00:04
tanathyeah, it's faster :D00:04
barslowtanath: i am correct in assuming if I run the live-cd and have no issues that the upgrade will work?00:04
tcpdumpgodglaxo, do that now...00:04
macoRyanPrior: given my hardware, id take that bet00:04
SaladinI am unable, for some reason, to install any extensions.00:04
tcpdumpgodset your ip to
barslowRyanPrior: same question00:04
RyanPriormatt____: If you can get a hold of Amaranth, he/she tends to know a lot about graphics card issues as well.00:04
glaxotcpdumpgod, i have tried a manual set up through gnomes network manager and through /etc/network/interfaces and it still doesnt work00:04
SaladinSorry for being a pain - first upgrade.00:04
tanathbarslow, that should be the case, though i've seen the livecd not work, and the install work...00:04
Cpudan80Anyone know why I can't play 2 sounds at the same time?00:04
tcpdumpgodglaxo, check your PMs00:04
macobarslow: im using my compiz settings from feisty00:04
SaladinAnd I mean, extensions in Firefox.00:04
ubuntuROXmake sure that FF3 is completely shut down before starting ff200:04
macobarslow: it works fine00:04
matt____RyanPrior: ok, thanks00:04
barslowtanath: interesting00:04
ng01saladin.  ur such a pain... :)00:04
romulohi, i installed the fglrx driver on ati but fgl_glxgears is not working and 3d apps are generally slow (like q3 in this super machine), can anyone hlelp me?00:04
dragao-azulif i install ubuntu is there any "easy" way to get my ATI HD2900Pro card working with all the graphics effects?00:04
x1250Cpudan80: upgrading from gutsy?00:05
Cpudan80like ehh if I am using rhythmbox and xchat at the same time - and I get pinged in xchat, I wont hear the ping00:05
Cpudan80x1250: Yeah - just did00:05
ubuntuROXSaladin,, make sure FF3 is completely shut down before starting FF200:05
ben-gi enabled my wireless in restricted drivers. Why won't it work?00:05
tanathbarslow, there can be issues running of a disc. it's slower for one00:05
RyanPriorbarslow: No, the LiveCD is not proof positive that the upgrade will work. The upgrade is affected by all the changes and customizations you make, so some of those may be messed with and you'll have to reconfigure things the way you want them.00:05
matt____Amaranth: hey buddy...after trying the 8.04 live cd (kubuntu and ubuntu), neither boots, both take me to a busybox, could this be a graphics issue?00:05
igormorgadois there any kernel difference between server/desktop  editions?00:05
x1250Cpudan80: try installing pulseaudio00:05
tcpdumpgodglaxo, check your private messages00:05
mad_max02Would it be smart to go for update to hardy or is a clean install better choice ???00:05
macoromulo: are you using fglrx on a card that is so old its not supported with taght driver? thats the symptoms i saw when opensuse tried to use that driver on a radeon 925000:05
barslowI'm real nervous about upgrading00:05
glaxotcpdumpgod, I cant reply as im not registered - let me register00:05
ubuntuROXotherwise you are still actually running FF3,, same thing happens the other way.00:05
tanathdragao-azul, run 'gksu displayconfig-gtk'00:05
igormorgadoomg.. the chanel is very busy today, more than usual =D00:05
matt____mad_max02: i alwaws clean install. the only time i tried updating, it didn't work right :(*00:05
x1250Cpudan80: then configure pulseaudio to be used in system->prefs->sound00:05
romulomaco, my card is supported, its an x600 mobility00:05
barslowi finally have ubuntu exactly how i like it00:05
tcpdumpgodokay glaxo00:05
Cpudan80x1250: I'll give it a shot - thanks00:06
dragao-azultanath, after that will it work fine? i don't have to do anything else?00:06
FishsceneConventional wisdom dictates that clean installs are always better (and cleaner) than upgrades00:06
ubuntuROXmy ubuntu is so how I like it its booring now :)00:06
RyanPriorbarslow: If you have it exactly how you want it, no pressure to upgrade! It's still supported for many months.00:06
gnuskoo1barslow: go on, it'll be alright, or fun sorting it out00:06
igormorgadois there any kernel difference between server/desktop  editions?00:06
tanathdragao-azul, to configure X right. then run 'glxinfo | grep -i direct' to check for direct rendering00:06
mad_max02matt____, thanks dude. I'll dl the 64 bit ver and install it tomorrow.00:06
iDano84ok, I got Ubuntu discs in the mail today. I'm the first to admit, I know little to know little to nothing about linux. When I pop in the disc (v 7.10 x64) I select install Ubuntu, and then loss of video input. I Have no idea where to start?00:06
RyanPriorbarslow: If it's perfect right now, then it's only downhill from here, right?00:06
RyanPriorigormorgado: Nope, same kernel.00:06
teo-i need some help.. when i try to start ubuntu it doesn't start.. some busybox shell is started please help ?:S00:06
=== glaxo is now known as glaxo1
igormorgadoRyanPrior: thank you00:06
tanathdragao-azul, there's a 'test' button to make sure you have it configured right, but after that, it should be good00:06
RyanPriorigormorgado: Same kernel, same packages, same tool chain, etc.00:06
pale-yafaguys, I have no firebug any more, cant work like that, why this is not mentioned?00:06
SaladinYeah, I made sure FF3 was shut down, but still no success in installing extensions00:07
RyanPriorpale-yafa: Firebug works.00:07
gnuskoo1igormorgado: no, server has no desktop only00:07
dragao-azultanath, ok, thz i'm going to try that00:07
tanathSaladin, still having trouble with extensions? did you try that extension i mentioned?00:07
ubuntuROXwierd,, you went to terminal and ran ps ax|grep firefox00:07
macopale-yafa: firebug 1.200:07
barslowRyanPrior: agreed00:07
pretenderkoverartist I cant select case in ubntu.  Any Ideas00:07
pale-yafaRyanPrior: its not, I upgraded to 8.4 and its telling me  its not compitable00:07
SaladinSorry tanath, I missed what you said.00:07
james_how long would the online update to 8.04 take?00:07
macopale-yafa: firebug 1.200:07
DasonSo..... what do I do if I can't download and install 8.04 if it won't work through the 'recommended' way?00:07
tanathSaladin, no you didn't00:08
joh6nni'm not quite sure how to explain this properly, but whenever i use screen, apps like vim, that do their own paging, don't clear the screen properly.  i'm fairly certain that i just need to tell screen to pretend it's a different terminal, but i don't know which terminal to tell it to be.  anyone have ideas?00:08
barslowi think i'll wait untill there are a couple updates to 8.04 b4 taking the plunge00:08
macopale-yafa: you need to update your firebug00:08
ubuntuROXjust to make absolutely sure it was shut down?00:08
tanathSaladin, was a while ago. you acknowledged it00:08
dee_czhi, im running the memtest from ubuntu cd, how long should it take?00:08
igormorgadognuskoo1: thank you too =D00:08
cygokuUsing Hardy Heron RC here ... Are the repos down ??00:08
macocygoku: of course00:08
tanathSaladin, nightly tester tools extension00:08
ubuntuROXyes,, but cygoku did you update recently?00:08
gnuskoo1i got thinkpad r51 and gnome is really sluggish on xfce, any hints? intel 82528 graphics card00:08
RyanPriordee_cz: It will take forever, literally. It keeps running until you tell it to stop.00:08
cygokuMaco : "of course" ??00:08
barslowryanprior: can you choose to install8.04 without Firefox beta300:08
macocygoku: its release day for a very popular distro.  what makes you think they could survive that?00:08
FishsceneAll Servers for Hardy Heron are bogged down at the moment and likely will be for at least another day.00:08
Dasonwhat do I do if I can't download and install 8.04 if it won't work through the 'recommended' way?00:08
teo-i need some help.. when i try to start ubuntu it doesn't start.. some busybox shell is started please help ?:S00:08
Flanneligormorgado, RyanPrior: There are kernel differences.  They have different hardware support (non-server is more likely to support 'regular' obscure hardware), and server has PREEMPT turned off, among other changes.  Of course, you can run a server kernel on the desktop, or a generic kernel on a server.00:08
RyanPriordee_cz: The longer it runs without errors, the more sure you are that you don't have faulty memory. :-)00:08
tanathSaladin, makes firefox think your extensions are compatible. but i recommend enabling them one at a time00:08
matt____Amaranth: hey buddy...after trying the 8.04 live cd (kubuntu and ubuntu), neither boots, both take me to a busybox, could this be a graphics issue?00:09
macocygoku: this happened last time too.00:09
dee_czRyanPrior: do you know what is the 'safe' margin? how long should it run so that i can say it probably isnt the memory?00:09
RyanPriorbarslow: Nope, distro upgrades are all-or-nothing affairs pretty much.00:09
tanathSaladin, 'cause some will work, and some won't, and some may prevent it from running00:09
ubuntuROXmichael If you have been running the Beta or RC version, and it shows development branch, and no updates available you are likely running stable but will want to run sudo grub-update to fix that.00:09
=== Dana1 is now known as DanaG
cygokuI think they can survive that because nothing should affect the linux image00:09
Dasonwhat are other methods of installing 8.04?00:09
ubuntuROXcygoku If you have been running the Beta or RC version, and it shows development branch, and no updates available you are likely running stable but will want to run sudo grub-update to fix that.00:09
RyanPriordee_cz: If you're seriously suspicious about your memory, I'd run it for a few hours to get your memory really hot and loaded.00:09
igormorgadoFlannel: I wish to know if desktop one has virtualization support.00:09
macocygoku: last time the entire ubuntu.com was taken down and replaced with a plain white background, black text "welcome to ubuntu.com here's a list of download links:" page00:09
gnuskoo1teo-: what messages you getting?00:09
cwillupale-yafa, this is kinda scary:  you need to use firebug, but you can't be bothered to check getfirebug.com, where it lists a version of firebug that works with ff3? ;p00:09
DBautelldason, To Upgrade from the CD/ISO, you'll need the alternate ISO or the DVD: run cdromupgrade from the root of the CD/ISO/DVD. To mount the ISO you can 'mount -o loop nameofiso /path/to/mount/'00:09
tmccrarySo.... Hardy breaks eclipse00:09
tanathSaladin, if you end up enabling a bad one that prevents it from running, then run an older firefox to fix it00:09
tanathSaladin, (ie., disable that extension)00:10
DBautellDason, or did you mean a fresh install?00:10
macoDason: whats the recommended way that you cant do?00:10
dee_czRyanPrior: its that xp is turning sound from the card into a squeal and gives a bsod every other day, with no specific error... but the 8.04 runs fine :/00:10
SaladinWell, strangely enough, tanath, that extension installed okay.00:10
RyanPriortmccrary: Eclipse is not well supported on Ubuntu. However, I downloaded the latest Eclipse and run it from my /home folder, and it runs fine.00:10
Dasonthe update manager00:10
SaladinWhereas all others aren't.00:10
tanathSaladin, the nightly tester tools? of course ;)00:10
tmccraryRyanPrior: Thanks for the tip. It ran great with Gutsy....00:10
FishsceneMy hats off to Hardy Heron! Built in VMware support? How cool is that?00:10
DasonI don't want a fresh install00:10
jrabbitIt errored for the third time00:10
teo-gnuskoo1 i don't get anything i am just putted in the busybox shell00:10
pale-yafacwillu: how would I know thats its there? I just got a message that firefox beta does not support firebug, maybe it should say THIS VIRSION of firebug00:11
rich_freecommheh, never download the desktop iso and the aleternate iso then try to update manager the new release.....it's gonna take me awhile :)00:11
DirkGentlyhey Fujitsu: tested Kubuntu on my laptop... the bcm43xx works fine... the PC even picks up my wireless router now without manual config... it was worth waiting a day :)00:11
macoDason: whats the way that you cant install? we cant recommend alternatives without knowing what it was00:11
jrabbit[477.497091] Buffer I/O error on device sr0 Logic lock 16934600:11
dryrotdoes xen actually work in hardy ?00:11
DasonWhen I use apt-get and the default method of upgrading, it tells me that it can't connect to the server and to check my connection even though it's fine00:11
RyanPriorpale-yafa: That's true. A better error message would be helpful.00:11
jrabbitthen a SQUASHFS error00:11
pale-yafaanyway, if any body interested: Samba broke while upgrading00:11
macoDason: oh...wait 2 days00:11
KilleroidDason: too many people upgrading right now, servers hammered00:11
ubuntuROXDason,, all the servers are bogged down with users00:11
DasonOh that's sensible00:12
DasonNo alternate repo's?00:12
RyanPriorDason: Or, download the alternate CD via BitTorrent, burn it and put it in, and upgrade off of there.00:12
gnuskoo1do they release server download stats?00:12
macoDason: theyre all pounded too :P00:12
Some_PersonWhy are there no updates available for my hardy-rc?00:12
DasonI have the cd00:12
tanathSaladin, a 'nightly' is a cutting edge build, released every day. it's an extension designed to enable extensions for testing on versions of firefox they aren't designed for00:12
oddalothi can someone help me setting up my monitor with xorg.conf i can only get 640x480 and i had it working fine in 7.1000:12
macoDason: you can upgrade from an alternate cd00:12
ubuntuROXSome_Person If you have been running the Beta or RC version, and it shows development branch, and no updates available you are likely running stable but will want to run sudo update-grub to fix that.00:12
CyberCodcan someone tell me the md5sum for Hardy Desktop iso?  just burnt a fresh copy and it is bunk00:12
macoDason: and there actually is a way to make it search for faster/working repos00:12
tanathDason,  go to System > Admin > Software Sources > Download from other... > Select best server00:13
c0mp13371331337_Help!  I started my dist-upgrade from work via SSH and miscalculated how long it would take!  I now have to leave work (and close the SSH connection).  If I send the apt-get process to the background, can I bring it to the foreground in a terminal window at home?00:13
cwilluSome_Person, the rc became the r00:13
thebighamWhat program can i use for ubuntu to display cpu temperture?00:13
macoDason: but um...ask someone who uses a GUI how to do it, not me00:13
DasonBittorrent was killer fast. so.. what's the command to use while in the cd?00:13
pale-yafaalso: image with transparent backgrounds are having frames, which was not the case with Gutsy00:13
macoDason: what tanath said00:13
Some_Personcwillu: with no changes?00:13
MikeLive CD only running at 800x600 on NV5700 card - any ideas...?00:13
marx2kSo upgrading from ISO can only be done from the alternate install CD?00:13
ubuntuROXSome_Person If you have been running the Beta or RC version, and it shows development branch, and no updates available you are likely running stable but will want to run sudo update-grub to fix that.00:13
RyanPriorSome_Person: the RC and the final release are the same thing, unless the RC has major errors that get fixed.00:13
jrabbittanath: Buffer I/O error on device sr000:13
[T]-Rexanyone from sydney?00:13
cwilluc0mp13371331337_, you're not in the best state00:13
=== SamSamSam is now known as JPSmon
twinkie_addicti'm looking forward to trying hardy . i'm installing via wubi00:13
jjt001how do i block a webpage in ubuntu?00:13
macomarx2k: yes00:13
ubuntuROXSome_Person did you see that?00:13
JPSmonthis is madeness!!00:13
Flannelmarx2k: That's correct (or the DVD)), the desktop CD doesn't support upgrades (except for reinstall)00:13
cwilluc0mp13371331337_, ideally, having started it in a screen session, you'd be fine00:13
macojjt001: parental-control-style?00:13
marx2koh well00:13
Some_PersonubuntuROX: yes, XChat highlighted it red00:13
jjt001maco: yeah00:13
robephanyone familiar with automount/autofs?00:13
cwilluc0mp13371331337_, is it still downloading, or actually installing now?00:13
tanathjrabbit, o.O00:13
Some_PersonubuntuROX: what does update-grub do?00:14
DasonThat's what I was looking for, thanks tanath00:14
jrabbitI serached on fourms00:14
jrabbitno dice00:14
c0mp13371331337_cwillu-  It's still downloading.00:14
tanathDason, np00:14
macoSome_Person: rewrite your menu.lst based on the options set at the top of it00:14
mad_max02Where can I find full DVD of hardy for amd64 ???00:14
ubuntuROXit changes the label in your boot manager,, they forgot to do that00:14
tmccraryMan it would be so great to have an operating system that doesn't cause your apps to crash at random intervals00:14
tmccrarythink of the possibilities00:14
mad_max02torrent would be nice00:14
Some_PersonubuntuROX: and i want that why?00:14
DBautell!torrents | mad_max0200:14
ubotumad_max02: Hardy can be torrented from http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).00:14
Ertyle!offtopic | tmccrary00:14
ubotutmccrary: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!00:14
DasonTorrent has BLAZING speeds for downloading right now00:14
macomad_max02: http://www.acc.umu.se/~mighty/ubuntu/ubuntu-8.04-dvd-amd64.iso.torrent00:14
cwilluc0mp13371331337_, I think you'll be okay then;  you'll have to revert the changes to sources.list, but then you should be able to restart it (it'll reuse the packages it downloaded)00:14
jjt001maco: do you know how to block sites?00:14
robephcan't i just update my beta hardy to release ;) heh00:15
jrabbitcan any one help me?00:15
tmccrary!offtopic | flyingspaghettimonster00:15
CyberCodanyone?  can anyone tell me the md5sum of the 8.04 desktop cd?   I need to know if it is my hardware that is malfunctioning or a bad disc00:15
ubuntuROXbecause you are already on the stable version, they just forgot to update the label where it says development version.00:15
ubotuflyingspaghettimonster: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!00:15
mad_max02maco, thanks dude00:15
jrabbitI'm serriously never using ubuntu again after all this install bullshit00:15
c0mp13371331337_cwillu - So I'm okay to just flat out stop the process?00:15
cwillurobeph, where you up to date leading up to the release?00:15
Ertyle!ops | tmccrary00:15
ubotutmccrary: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpatrick or jussi01!00:15
scizzo-Dason: might be that there is almost 5000 seeders at the moment00:15
macojjt001: dansguardian is a program for doing internet content filtering for parental controls00:15
RyanPriorTorrents are super fast! There are about 5000 seeds and 3000 peers right now.00:15
cwilluc0mp13371331337_, I think so, yes00:15
robephcwillu: pretty much00:15
robephcouple days behind?00:15
IndyGunFreakjrabbit: whats the problem?00:15
redstelwerkhello folks, could anyone post the /etc/apt/sources.lst from hardy to a pastebin, mine turned into a mess and I want to clear it out. thanks!00:15
DBautellmad_max02, the DVD torrents are pitiful, though00:15
DasonAnd that's why00:15
tmccrary!ops | hellogoodbye00:15
ubotuhellogoodbye: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpatrick or jussi01!00:15
cwillurobeph, you're probably running the release then00:15
jjt001maco: thanks00:15
c0mp13371331337_cwillu - Thanks a ton, you're a lifesaver!00:15
SaladinAlthough, tanath, it is now showing all my extensions on this FF2, but none of them work, and I can't click on enable or anything for them. However, before I did the Hardy upgrade, they all worked fine.00:15
robephcwillu: ah ok00:15
sileniguys i get CFLAG error when i try to "make" anyone know solution?00:15
mad_max02DBautell, what do you mean by that ???00:16
scizzo-I have been seeding since the official announcement came out..... :S and its well hammering my network at the moment00:16
jrabbitIndyGunFreak: I can't get into any install enviorment avilible on the desktop CD00:16
macosileni: dont use that CFLAG?00:16
cygokuI cannot believe repos are down ... Ppl would go mad insane and crazy if Microsoft Update would go down for even a second.00:16
DBautellmad_max02, 20-40k :(00:16
oddalothi, my computer is gay, k thanks00:16
robephso anyone familiar with autofs?00:16
ubuntuROXare you sure you are launching the FF2 version?00:16
macojrabbit: bad burn?00:16
IndyGunFreakjrabbit: the live CD's don't work?00:16
jrabbitNot sure00:16
silenimaco, i try to make and it says that i do not know how to get past this00:16
noushi, big problem : I just uprgaded to hardy and my graphic card is not recognised anymore (an Intel 945). What can I do ?00:16
arbrandesoddalot, rofl00:16
SaladinYes, ubuntuROX00:16
sebastianHi, I'm having some issues with "Broadcom Corporation BCM94311MCG wlan mini-PCI". I tried using some guides for 7.10 that are supposed to work for 8.04, but it isn't found in iwconfig.00:16
jrabbitmaco: I can't verify the disk.00:16
spork969what are some dreamweaver-esque programs out there? i need a full functioning website and i don't have the time to brush up on my HTML00:16
DasonSystem > admin > softy srces > select best00:16
mad_max02DBautell, ah its ok. I got time :D I wasnt gonna install it until tomorrow anyways :D00:16
oddalotstupid monitor won't display right00:16
ubuntuROXhmm,, IM not sure then,, mine worked fine..00:16
macooddalot: your computer fancies other computers of the same sex?00:16
RyanPriorcygoku: Microsoft doesn't have everybody clamoring for upgrades to Vista. If they made something people wanted, maybe they would have a harder time keeping up with demand. :-)00:17
linkmaster03When will the repos be back up grr00:17
macojrabbit: why not?00:17
noushi, big problem : I just uprgaded to hardy and my graphic card is not recognised anymore (an Intel 945). What can I do ?00:17
ubuntuROXoddalot that wouldnt do it for you?00:17
tanathSaladin, i had a weird issue like that the first time i tried to use the nightly exension. try restarting it, and make sure you select an extension, then right click and 'make compatible'00:17
jrabbitmaco: It causes errors on disk00:17
RyanPriorcygoku: Besides, torrents are super super fast right now, and you can get all the packages via torrent.00:17
DBautellYou're all set, then, mad_max0200:17
macospork969: Nvu Kompozer00:17
kasperhey.. anyone care to help with some nvidia problems on hardy? - ive installed driver and it worked just afterwards. Its not working after a reboot.00:17
jrabbitI'll reburn and verify00:17
macojrabbit: guess what that means?00:17
DasonWish XP wasn't getting dropped in June.00:17
oddaloti had to go back to default, it's this stupid old monitor00:17
jrabbitmaco: ?00:17
ubuntuROXcould always try what I did, with the manual install as root00:17
cygokuOh I can get packaged trough torrent ?00:17
the_darkside_986i'm having trouble since Hardy clean upgrade. Everything is extremely laggy and even mouse movement stutters and the startup time is unbelievably slow. Is there a command to fix that?00:17
cygokuLink ?00:17
DooMRunneRdamn wlan issues i have enough for today00:17
DooMRunneRgood night :)00:17
macojrabbit: if it cant verify because of errors, that confirms that its a bad burn00:17
sean_Dason: Why? Now you have a reason to go to ubuntu exclusively00:17
jrabbitIt mounts fine in OSX00:17
SeaPhorHas anyone discovered if RTL8185 wlan chipset works in 8.04? please?00:17
Ian1would anyone here be willing to help me (noob) fix grub for my new ubuntu install?00:17
mad_max02DBautell, yeah. I thought of upgrading my gutsy but I'll go with clean install. I wanna resize / partition to 50gb. I made a mistake and made it 100gb first place :D00:17
oddalotanyone here running a crt?00:17
tanathSaladin, um, i thought you were trying to enable FF2 extensions for FF3?00:17
ariqsSame here, dason. XP is a good OS despite what all the haters say ;)00:18
cwillucygoku, this is typical stuff (look at any other app that has massive demand on very particular days, (which means I'm not talking about automatically downloaded windows updates, which are throttled precisely to avoid those problems :p))00:18
RyanPriorcygoku: Read the topic. Download the torrent for the Alternate CD.00:18
macojrabbit: doesnt mean the data's not corrupt00:18
Killeroidredstelwerk: http://pastebin.ca/99644800:18
linkmaster03When will the repos be back up?00:18
nibsa1242bQuick question, is there a reason why a network upgrade is preferred to using the alternate disk?00:18
redstelwerkthanks Killeroid!00:18
macolinkmaster03: when people stop killing them00:18
sean_If I had hardy beta, do the regular updates just make it into the final version? or do I have to dist-upgrade?00:18
CyberCodOMFG  this is a mad house00:18
Flannelnibsa1242b: It's not really.00:18
Flare183Wheeler: See?00:18
jroesI don't think it's that the repos are down moreso than that people are rampaging them00:18
macosean_: youre done00:18
SaladinNo, tanath, I reverted back to FF200:18
Flannelsean_: yeah, just regular daily updates00:18
Fishscenelinkmaster03, probably in a day or 2 when things settle down00:18
RyanPriorlinkmaster03: Probably in a few days. In the meanwhile, I suggest downloading via BitTorrent. There are thousands of seeds, it's super fast!00:18
ubuntuROXcygoku why do you need to download it? if you were running RC and its updated, all you have to do is update your grub.00:18
cwillunibsa1242b, network will update all the packages you have (aka, won't break things that depend on older versions)00:18
sean_maco, Flannel: Thanks. I wished it'd be more exciting but that works. :-)00:19
x1250linkmaster03: just use some mirror repos00:19
Ian1Anyone interested in helping me set up grub?00:19
Dasonsean yea I know. I'll eventually be with UBUNTU fully because Linux is what IT companies want to see expertise in00:19
linkmaster03Ryan, i'm just trying to get some synaptic packages =S00:19
DBautellmad_max02, you might split that one down the middle, and have two distros installed... Sort of what I'm doing, so I can try different things out00:19
SaladinBut, now I have done that, because of no extensions working, all of them fail on FF2 now as well. I used apt-get to install 2.00:19
ubuntuROXreally? linux is hot right now eh?00:19
Dasonno waii man00:19
tanathIan1, it should take care of itself..00:19
nibsa1242bcwillu: ok, so if I have lots of extra packages installed I should wait until the repos are back up and then upgrade?00:19
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!00:19
RyanPriorlinkmaster03: Yup, it'll be awhile until the repos aren't super-swamped.00:19
gnuskoo1Ian1: whats the prob00:19
ubuntuROXdid you restart the pc Saladin ?00:19
mad_max02DBautell, I'm ok with ubuntu. I just need hdd space. I got over 2TB and its never enough.00:19
cwillunibsa1242b, probably your best bet, yes00:19
linkmaster03jesus :(00:19
sean_I've been running Ubuntu exclusively for ~6 months today. :-)00:19
dredhammerhello i was using the beta version of hardy the last bit of upgrades to LTS came through and now i don't have nor can i enable the restricted nvidia drivers00:19
macoubuntuROX: heck yeah!00:19
tanathnibsa1242b,  go to System > Admin > Software Sources > Download from other... > Select best server00:20
RyanPriorlinkmaster03: You shouldn't rely on public repos if you need 100% uptime - you should set up your own mirror at some point.00:20
Dasonway to go sean00:20
kasperhey.. anyone care to help with some nvidia problems on hardy? - ive installed driver and it worked just afterwards. Its not working after a reboot.00:20
macoubuntuROX: best-paying sysadmin jobs are *always* for *nix and never for window00:20
spork969maco, whats the difference between nvu and kompozer?00:20
SaladinAfter the upgrade, or after installing FF2? Upgrade = yes. FF2 = no, ubuntuROX00:20
sp219-awayDoes anyone know why clipboard charing from windows to ubuntu does not work properly?00:20
nibsa1242btanath: I've done that quite a few times, it gets stuck somewhere around 175/18700:20
eduardohow do i upgrade ubuntu from terminal?00:20
MachinTrucChosecan someone tell me how to add a context menu (right-click menu) option in Nautilus so I can "open as root" or "run as root" ?00:20
macospork969: one's the first word of the name and the other's the second?00:20
Dasonhas anyone tried Ubuntu Studio? is it any good yet?00:20
ubuntuROXit might be worth a try, mine just worked00:20
RyanPriorlinkmaster03: Technically the servers aren't down right now - it's just that they're serving tens of thousands of requests.00:20
jrabbitDonno its huuuuge dashua`_00:20
jrabbit** Dason00:20
SaladinAnd I have been using Ubuntu for six months as well00:20
spork969maco, looks to me theyre two programs00:20
Ian1gnuskoo1: Well I tried (and failed I suppose) to add an XP line to my list file for grub, and when I tried to boot to it, XP's loader seems to have supplanted grub so now it just goes to that failed boot when i start my computer00:21
dubbyhey anyone, I need a very stable java jre and anycase i installed sun-java6 and I need the firefox plugin00:21
tanathSaladin, nightly tester tools alters the extensions compatibility. ff2 thinks they don't work anymore. you'll prolly have to reinstall them if you want to go back..00:21
ubuntuROXI have been using it for almost a year now00:21
macospork969: its called Nvu Kompozer00:21
sp219-awayDoes anyone know why clipboard charing from windows to ubuntu does not work properly?00:21
FishsceneThe servers are undergoing the equivelant of DDoS attack- except it's ALL legitimate traffic. :)00:21
tanathSaladin, you shouldn't lose settings though\00:21
FlannelMachinTrucChose: install the nautilus-gksu package00:21
spork969maco, k00:21
gnuskoo1MachinTrucChose: google nautilus scripts00:21
tanathnibsa1242b, weird. WFM00:21
Ian1i know how to reinstall grub in the terminal, but i'm not sure how to tell which drive to install it to00:21
MachinTrucChosethanks flan00:21
ubuntuROXahh,, see theres your problem00:21
eduardoQuestion: How do i upgrade ubuntu from the terminal?00:21
cwillusp219-away, please give it more than 30 seconds between repeats00:21
SaladinAlthough... It only took me three days to know I wasn't going back to Windows00:21
macospork969: kompozer is the latest release of nvu00:21
Dasonapt-get upgrade (sud)00:21
tanathnibsa1242b, you tried letting it go for a few mins?00:21
=== LjL-Temp changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Ubuntu Hardy Heron (8.04) is out, download torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/hardy/ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent (or http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ for AMD64 and the Alternate CD, ask in #kubuntu for Kubuntu) - USE LOCAL MIRRORS in "Software Sources" if APT doesn't work or is very slow
Dasonsudo apt-get upgrade00:21
ubuntuROXat least I bet its your problem,, uninstall that nightly tools extention00:21
RyanPriorEduardo, I don't suggest doing it today.00:21
ubutomHi guys, I have a problem with my xserver, or with the "unbreakable" xserver, I think, can someone help me?00:21
Saladintanath, however... Nightly isn't showing up on the extensions list.00:22
RyanPrioreduardo: The servers are totally swamped.00:22
spork969maco, gotcha00:22
eduardoRyanPrior: why is that?00:22
maco!ask | ubutom00:22
ubotuubutom: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)00:22
cygokuI thought the repos would be mirrored or something.00:22
eduardoRyanPrior: ohhh00:22
ubuntuROXgo to FF3 it should be there00:22
macoeduardo: /me points at calendar00:22
nibsa1242btanath: it just worked... doesn't seem to be a good server though... yeah earlier I let it go for about 10min the window just went blank00:22
tanathSaladin, huh... well i've never downgraded like that, so...00:22
RyanPriorcygoku: The repos are mirrored, all over the world. They are all swamped.00:22
ubuntuROXthen un-install it00:22
SeaPhorHas anyone discovered if RTL8185 wlan chipset works in 8.04? please?00:22
DasonSystem > Admin > Softy Sources choose best00:22
ibleedi only have swap / and /home partitions.  what other possible partitions might i want and what might their sizes be ?00:22
macocygoku: they are. there are hundreds of mirrors.  theyre pretty much all swamped.00:22
tanathnibsa1242b, hrm, i guess they're getting hammered worse than i thought00:22
Flanneleduardo: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades has instructions00:22
alienbrainI just tried Hardy Heron Installation LiveCD feature, my network is not working. I don't see my module. Should I hope for better after installation or this aspect won't change?00:22
cygokuThat's crazy you know.00:22
macoalienbrain: wired or wireless?00:23
ere4siibleed: a partition for / is handy00:23
alienbrainmaco, wireless00:23
sean_I had compiz working fine in beta, but now I upgraded and whenever I go to "normal" or "extra" I lose all window decorations. Any ideas?00:23
macoalienbrain: do you have any wired connection available?00:23
RyanPriorcygoku: Millions of Ubuntu users try to upgrade all at once; thus, we have craziness aplenty. :-)00:23
alienbrainmaco, ipw3945 module00:23
Ertylealienbrain: if it doesn't work on the live CD, then it doesn't work in the installation. out of the box, that is - it's entirely possible that you *can* get it to work!00:23
alienbrainmaco, yep sure00:23
ibleedere4si, yes i have swap, /, and /home.  i'm wondering what others are useful00:23
x1250alienbrain: it will probably won't work00:23
cygoku" millions " ????00:23
cwillualienbrain, what chipset?00:23
DasonNow to get copywritten DVD's to work right.....00:23
ubutomWell, maco, everytime I start up ubuntu now it doesnt work, the xserver simply doesnt come up. i tried dpgk-reconfigure, I erased and replaced the xorg.conf, but no joy...00:23
alienbrainErtyle, I see, it was working on Gutsy though, out of the box00:23
macoalienbrain: oh you have a 3945? the module is now called iwl3945. it works great for me00:23
MachinTrucChosefirst thing to do in every ubuntu install: disable the *!!@#$ motherboard beep00:23
ere4siibleed: that is all really - unless it is a server00:23
nibsa1242bibleed: /var ~4GB (or less) good for log files... you don't want to have some faulty device fill up your log files and make your system unbootable... and /boot ~500MB (should hopefully be enough)00:23
x1250alienbrain: but that doesn't mean you can't make it work...00:23
sandfischis it possible to update the beta to full?00:23
alienbraincwillu, Intel Pro Wireless 3945ABG00:24
tanathsean_, try running 'compiz --replace' from a terminal, and see the output00:24
Flannelsandfisch: yes, just regular daily updates00:24
DasonMachin! Tell me now! I hate it!00:24
RyanPriorcygoku: Yup, supposedly Ubuntu has about 10 million users, so if more than 10% try to upgrade, that's millions.00:24
Ertylealienbrain: then file a bug00:24
sean_sandfisch: Just do regular updates and you're all set!00:24
BaughnMachinTrucChose: I've found that an axe does that very well00:24
nibsa1242btanath: I think I'll just wait a few days to upgrade... no rush00:24
MachinTrucChosedason: http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/How_to_disable_the_pc_speaker_(beep!)00:24
the_darkside_986Everything operation in hardy is laggy and slow, and the CPU fan keeps spinning. What do I type to fix this?00:24
tanathsean_, er, make that 'compiz --replace &'00:24
ibleednibsa1242b, what about /opt ?  is that useful ?00:24
Mimialienbrain:  you have a problem w/ 3945? It's been fixed...00:24
Ertylesandfisch: just let it run its normal updates, and you'll have final00:24
cygokuWell I am impressed.00:24
gauchoMy audio isn't working.. It was perfectly working about 5 minutes ago on gutsy. I have an Asus p5b motherboard. What can I do?00:24
* x1250 wants #ubuntu+1 back00:24
tanathnibsa1242b, thought you said it just worked?00:24
alienbrainx1250, I understand, but I'm trying to assess how much time I need to spend after upgrading :)00:24
macoRyanPrior: you only hit multiple millions when 20% try to upgrade00:24
ubutomatm i can only access the root repair console00:24
tanathnibsa1242b, meh00:24
x1250alienbrain: did it work on gutsy?00:25
phiqtionhow can i install XMMS in HARDY? thx00:25
cwillumaco, as if 50% of the installed base isn't trying to upgrade though :p00:25
RyanPriormaco: I call 1.1 more than one million, thus millions. One and one tenth millions.00:25
macocrimsun: ping00:25
ubutomevery attempt to start gdm fails, failsafe graphics seems to be broken00:25
macocwillu: yeah...00:25
sean_tanath: I think I need to re-enable nvidia drivers, does that make sense?00:25
alienbrainMimi, in Gutsy, I would see that ipw3945 module is automatically loaded. Now in Hardy, I don't see it. Even when I try to modprobe. It's not there00:25
=== Mike is now known as Mike_T
nibsa1242bibleed: I don't know, never needed an /opt before but I'm just running it on a few computers for personal use00:25
cygokuDanson ??00:25
DBautelleven ,75 is a multiple00:25
ubutomso, what should I do? Does someone have an idea?00:25
macoalienbrain: its not called that00:25
tanathsean_, ah. in that case displayconfig-gtk may help00:25
yeknom_trafwhich version of ubuntu would i want to install on an iMac with duocore processor?00:25
macoalienbrain: its called iwl394500:25
cygokuI mean Dason ??00:25
macoalienbrain: theres a new driver00:25
alienbrainmaco, aha, let me check please00:25
Baughnsean_: You need to reinstall the nvidia drivers every time you upgrade your kernel. Which a distribution upgrade does. Granted, it might be automatic normally, but apparently not now..00:25
JoelitoHi, I can't use livCD of ubuntu 8.0400:25
phiqtionhow can i enable UNIVERSE and MULTIVERSE in HARDY?00:25
nibsa1242balienbrain: check restricted drivers manager to see if you have to enable it in there00:25
SaladinNow, when I click on the launcher for FF3, it is FF2 that pops up. I am totally confused.00:25
Joelitoand the md5sum is correct00:26
x1250alienbrain: you can always uninstall kernel metapackages (linux-image, linux-image-generic, linux-headers-generic, etc) and use them in hardy00:26
Mimialienbrain:  (sorry if you've already said that, but I just joined the channel) .. and this is the realease, not the release candidate or beta? I have the same card as yours, and I installed hardy from livecd.. wireless worked there, and after install it worked too :/ sorry not sure how to help, thought it was fixed for all of us00:26
tanathphiqtion, System > Admin > Software Sources00:26
sean_Baughn: Jest because it's newly released?00:26
fdsjkalfis archive.ubuntu.com down?00:26
RyanPrioryeknom_traf: Ubuntu 8.04 "Hardy Heron" is the hot item now. It's available via BitTorrent, but today is release day so non-BitTorrent servers are very slow and swamped.00:26
macoJoelito: do a cd check and be more specific, please00:26
JorophoseHi, important advisor, I'm an idiot who tries too hard. If I upgrade from 6.06 to 8.04: How long will it take me to do that (do I have to download a full 700MB?), is there any chance of it bjorking my system? and can I do it at any time or only today before there's newer nightly builds?00:26
jjt001where is cgi-bin located in ubuntu?00:26
Mimi/me asks :  is it possible to increase the DPI on gnome? ... I have 1200x800 but it seems like a simple window takes most of the screen :P00:26
alienbrainmaco, I can see the driver is there00:26
macofdsjkalf: its a release day. how could it possibly stay up?00:26
x1250alienbrain: I meant: uninstall kernel metapackages, and upgrade to hardy. Then, as metapackages are not installed, then your kernel version will be preserved.00:26
nibsa1242bsean_: Baughn I think sometimes the necessary drivers take a few days after the dist upgrade to become available for the kernel version00:27
Baughnsean_: I don't actually know if it normally does, but if it does, then the reason it doesn't /now/ would be because it's a separate upgrade system that doesn't know about that detail00:27
alienbrainMimi, sure, that gives me higher hopes! :)00:27
phiqtiontanath: they are selected already but i can't find XMMS in the sources?00:27
sean_tanath, oh, nevermind. I forgot that was on my laptop! It uses intel drivers which is correct. Do I need to install xgl?00:27
jjt001maco: is cgi-bin located in var/www?00:27
ubutomxserver dead, failsafe doesnt work, dpkg-reconfigure no joy, erasing xor.conf and replacing with old version no joy, any ideas?00:27
cwilluMimi, prefrerences | appearance| fonts00:27
RyanPriorMimi: System -> Preferences -> Screen Resolution00:27
noushow do I start the graphic card config wizard ?00:27
Baughnnibsa1242b: That's why there's a compile-from-source option00:27
macojjt001: *shrug* i never figured out how to make apache go on my laptop00:27
nibsa1242bBaughn: mmm fun00:27
=== LjL-Temp changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Ubuntu Hardy Heron (8.04) is out, torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/hardy/ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent (or http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ for AMD64 and Alternate CD, ask in #kubuntu for Kubuntu) - USE LOCAL MIRRORS in "Software Sources" if APT doesn't work / is very slow | If you were using the beta or RC, the update manager will give you final automatically | #ubuntu-release-party or #ubuntu-offtopic for anything other than support
Joelitomaco: Hi, When I put the CD in the cd-rom, the cd-rom stops reading during the ubuntu banner with progressbar, but only the cd-rom light keeps on.00:27
fdsjkalfmaco, you assume i know its release day. anywho, cool. new releases are great00:27
alienbrainx1250, I see, but I can only install from the CD at the moment, not very good bandwidth :)00:27
Baughnnibsa1242b: "Trivial", you mean. Normally it takes no effort at all.00:27
sandfischis it possible to update the beta to full?00:27
macoJoelito: does it get to the menu part?00:27
tanathphiqtion, odd. they're in mine. you might try xmms2 though.00:27
alienbrainSo guys, thank you a lot. I will give it a chance! :)00:27
cwillualienbrain, then wait for a day or two :p00:27
sean_sandfisch: Just do regular updates and you're all set!00:27
jjt001maco: i'm trying to install dansguardian, and i need the cgi-bin directory?00:28
tanathsean_, no, shouldn't need xgl. i don't anyway00:28
Joelitomaco: yes00:28
RyanPriorsandfisch: It is certainly possible. Regular updates will do the trick 100%.00:28
Joelitomaco: I choose language and keyboard language00:28
alienbraincwillu, nah, I will just go ahead now, can't wait :D00:28
nibsa1242bsandfisch: in the past the beta/ RCs updated automatically with the regular updates00:28
macofdsjkalf: see the topic? and the front page of ubuntu.com (if it's up?)? and the announcement on the forum? and the mailing lists? and every ubuntu blog on the planet?00:28
Dasonjoelito i had that same problem00:28
tanathnous, 'gksu displayconfig-gtk'00:28
bingofuelcan anyone can help me installing ubuntu with a sata disc_00:28
x1250alienbrain: I think you can upgrade using just the cd... do you have gutsy installed?00:28
Dasonburn another disk at a slower speed00:28
sandfischthanks all00:28
alienbrainx1250, yep00:28
JoelitoDason: How do you fixed it?00:28
Mimicwillu:  Oh, I missed the "Details" button, thanks! ... Mmm.. it shows me changes on demand... yay!00:28
nibsa1242bbingofuel: what is your problem?00:28
phiqtiontanath: servers are being hammered right?00:28
alienbrainmaco, any idea how can I precisely tell what the problem is coming from?00:28
macojjt001: oh.  i dont know.  itd involve apache webserver...id say ask the ubuntu christian edition people. they install it by default00:28
sean_tanath: I have a thinkpad T61 with integrated graphics. the i810 driver wasn't any better00:28
IntangibleLiquidhi, can anyone see me talking?00:29
Dasonjoelito -burn another disk at slower speed00:29
macoJoelito: do a cd test00:29
cwillux1250, alienbrain, you can update from cd, but any packages that are missing won't be updated, and may break in spectacular explosions with shock wave effect00:29
StarnestommyIntangibleLiquid: possibly00:29
ErtyleIntangibleLiquid: yes00:29
fdsjkalfmaco, whether or not your assumption seems reasonable, it wasnt accurate00:29
plikIntangibleLiquid: no  ;)00:29
macoalienbrain: sudo iwlist scan00:29
metanilwhich is the default Them in Ubuntu 8.04???00:29
macoalienbrain: anything listed?00:29
jformani just upgraded from 7.10 to 8.04 on my i386 desktop, and now when i try to move a window by alt+drag, ubuntu thinks i want to resize the window. any ideas whats causing this?00:29
metanilwhich is the default Theme in Ubuntu 8.04???00:29
tanathphiqtion, yes...00:29
Sivikhas anyone gotten the 3d drivers to work for the ati hd 2600 for ubuntu?00:29
tanathphiqtion, but you can use a mirror00:29
x1250cwillu: hah, it might, but not the base system00:29
Joelitomaco: ok00:29
phiqtiontanath: which one00:29
JoelitoDason Slower speed?00:29
macojforman: check keybindings in compiz?00:29
Dasonewww ati Nvidia works better but I bet someone has00:29
eternalis1okay i tried upgrading to 8.04 and then it told me i iddnt have enough space, now i do but i cant seem to get the upgrade to appear again00:29
bingofuelnibsa124b.  i-ve installed ubuntu but when start to boot grub tell me the 21 error :S00:29
SeaPhorHas anyone tested or tried the RTL8185 wlan chipset to work in 8.04?00:29
eternalis1is there a command i can enter?00:29
macojforman: resize might be mapped to alt00:30
alienbraincwillu, lol00:30
JPSmonhow can I loop my terminal to constantly output iwconfig ?00:30
tanathphiqtion, ,  go to System > Admin > Software Sources > Download from other... > Select best server00:30
macometanil: human-clearlooks, i think. i prefer human-murrine00:30
IntangibleLiquidthanks god! Partition editor says my harddisk space is unallocated :( What am I supposed to do? I'm doing booting XP and PCLinuxOS and want to swicth to Ubuntu :(00:30
Dasonjoelito: when you burn the disk, pick instead of maximum, 18.2 or something for write speed00:30
jformanmaco: happen to know which setting thats under? i definitely remember not having this key combo set in 7.1000:30
phiqtiontanath: thank you00:30
panda314how to install 8.04 from darddisk?00:30
alienbrainmaco, I got: wlan0: Failed to read scand data : Resource temporarily unavailable.00:30
eternalis1i tried upgrading to 8.04 and then it told me i iddnt have enough space, now i do but i cant seem to get the upgrade to appear again00:30
Sivikati HD 2600 + ubuntu?00:30
Jack_Sparrow!install > panda31400:30
fyreofchaos13My Update Manager stops responding when I attempt to upgrade from 7.10 to 8.04, any idea what I could do?00:30
ubotuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto00:30
macoalienbrain: oh.  well um thatd be the problem. O_O00:30
DasonSolved my problem in about 5 minutes00:31
JoelitoDason: Ok, lucky I have a few cd-r to spare :p00:31
bingofuelnibsa1242b  i-ve installed ubuntu but when start to boot. grub tell me the 21 error :S00:31
nibsa1242bbingofuel: fresh install? upgrade? is it on its own HD/ sharing the HD with another operating syste,?00:31
ZarathustraDKAre the repositories bogged down or something? It takes like 3 minutes wait before I connect when applying changes in synaptic00:31
Jack_Sparrowfyreofchaos13, servers are overwhelmed.. try again later00:31
SivikZarathustraDK: yes00:31
StarnestommyZarathustraDK: yes00:31
macoZarathustraDK: release day. yes. very very nearly dead00:31
joh6nndoes anyone know how to make screen behave more like xterm, with regards to termcap/terminfo stuff?  when i use vim inside of screen, i occasionally get some weird behaviour00:31
tanathfyreofchaos13, at what point?00:31
FishsceneZarathustraDK, please see the channel topic00:31
BaughnZarathustraDK: Mm. Yes. There are about a million people trying the same.00:31
pliketernalis1: tried: sudo aptitude dist-upgrade  ?00:31
BaughnZarathustraDK: Literally, so..00:31
JPSmonhow can I loop my terminal to constantly output iwconfig ?00:31
alienbrainmaco, literally? so maybe I could try to restart?00:31
bingofuelnibsa1242b fresh install, and it-s windows over sda1, the first partition00:31
ZarathustraDKhaha, and here I thought it was hardy's fault :)00:31
StarnestommyJPSmon: how often do you want it to repeat?00:31
DasonZara - System - Admin - Software sources > select best server00:31
fyreofchaos13Hrm, alright, Jack.00:31
macoalienbrain: thats a freaky error.  google it?00:31
tanathfyreofchaos13, the servers are being hammered. you might try a mirror...00:31
eternalis1plik: didnt work00:31
cwilluZarathustraDK, well, it is, in a sense00:31
alienbrainmaco, sudo lshw is taking forever to come up with anything.00:32
alienbrainmaco, ah, good idea :P00:32
anonusrif I update to 8.04 using the alternate cd, and my system can't access the servers because they are overloaded, does that mean that all my packages that were in universe or multiverse will stop working until the server becomes available again?00:32
* plik shrugs00:32
Joelitobrb, going to work with it00:32
tanathfyreofchaos13,  go to System > Admin > Software Sources > Download from other... > Select best server00:32
JPSmonStarnestommy: as often as possible without bogging my system up00:32
cwilluanonusr, they won't update, so they may or may not work00:32
linkmaster03When I open xsane, this comes up, and the program immedietly exits: Segmentation fault (core dumped)00:32
macoanonusr: ones that dont need to update will be fine...others will probably still work and lack new features00:32
sean_Ubuntu should work on automatic update file sharing or something. Like automatic torrents or something00:32
JPSmonStarnestommy: say 10 times a second00:32
nomopofomoHow can I delete saved passwords that keyring saves?00:32
simonft2I know that it is a really newb question, but where is the equivilant of program files on ubuntu?00:32
macosean_: thatd be nice00:32
eternalis1i tried upgrading to 8.04 and then it told me i didn't have enough space, now i do but i cant seem to get the upgrade to appear again00:32
StarnestommyJPSmon: while true; do iwconfig; done00:32
Baughnsean_: No real need, for something that happens twice a year00:32
IntangibleLiquidanyone helps me with partitioning?00:33
cwillusean_, apt-torrent is in the universe, I think they're working on integrating it00:33
tanathsean_, security is an issue though00:33
x1250simonft2: nope.00:33
* hmuller thanks the nameless linux-image dev that included the full suite of busybox tools in the initramfs00:33
goat|workhmm,  I wonder why the hardy update manager will not check the CD before requesting files from the repos... I have the CD option set in the software sources, and inserted...  anyone know if this is a known issue?00:33
anonusrthanks cwillu, maco00:33
Starnestommysimonft2: /usr00:33
joh6nnsimonft2: what are you trying to do?00:33
maconomopofomo: apps -> accs -> pass and encrypt keys00:33
JPSmonsimonft2: lib00:33
sean_simonft2: Preferences > Main Menu then add Control Panel and use that00:33
Baughntanath: Why? They're hashed, and presumably the actual torrents would be stored centrally00:33
simonft23 different answers00:33
macogoat|work: disable the internet repos00:33
simonft2im tring to make a program come up on start up00:33
cwillutanath, security, not so much, more that bit-torrent doesn't have a good way to update parts of torrents00:33
goat|workmaco, in gutsy's software sources?00:33
Roxeri have to say i freaking love Ubuntu, im totaly new to ubuntu. Tho i have used gentoo for 8 years00:33
sean_True on all accounts. It'd be a great feature if they figured out how to do it securely.00:33
RyanPriorsimonft2: Use the sessions, probably.00:34
yeknom_trafif i dl ubuntu 8.04 for my iMac with a duocore processor, should i click on the x86 architecture or the 64bit?00:34
macogoat|work: yeah00:34
linkmaster03When I open xsane, this comes up, and the program immedietly exits: Segmentation fault (core dumped)00:34
simonft2I know00:34
Jack_Sparrow!startup > simplexio00:34
nibsa1242bbingofuel: can you get into windows at all or is your computer in a basically useless state?00:34
* [T]-Rex loves ubuntu00:34
goat|workmaco, i'll try that00:34
simonft2but I have to find the command00:34
Jack_Sparrow!startup > simonft200:34
eternalis1i tried upgrading to 8.04 and then it told me i didn't have enough space, now i do but i cant seem to get the upgrade to appear again00:34
bingofuelare in useless satte00:34
RoxerBut it was really neat to install (only prob was errno 5 no probs tho)00:34
DasonUsers who wish to download Ubuntu 8.04! go to System > Admin > Software Sources > Download from other... > Select best server00:34
bingofuelthe menu of grub doesn-t appear00:34
grindholdsimonft2 forget that on linux ;) you think it's similar to windows00:34
talntidwrkis archive.ubuntu.com dead? :(00:34
cwillueternalis1, please wait more than 30 seconds between attempts00:34
macoeternalis1: sudo update-manager -c00:34
macoeternalis1: i mean00:34
Starnestommytalntidwrk: it's very overloaded00:34
nomopofomomaco, thank you!00:34
Ertyletalntidwrk: type /topic00:34
macoeternalis1: gksu "update-manager c"00:34
Baughntanath: Nah. There's just a queue. Of a hundred thousand computers.00:34
nickroberI just upgraded to 8.04 from 7.10 using the Update Manager. Now all sounds are scratchy and distorted. Is it something to do with the new Pulse Audio?00:34
Cpudan80Where is the screens and gfx thing in Hardy ?00:34
macoeternalis1: still cant type00:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about motd - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:34
hmullerRoxer: There are a few ex-gentoo users about00:34
SivikSomeone needs to put that all repositores are slow00:34
RyanPriortalntidwrk: Today is release day, so the servers and mirrors are super swamped.00:34
Baughn* talntidwrk00:34
Dasongo to System > Admin > Software Sources > Download from other... > Select best server00:34
macoeternalis1: put a - before the c in the one with quotes00:34
joh6nndoes anyone know how to make screen behave more like xterm, with regards to termcap/terminfo stuff?  when i use vim inside of screen, i occasionally get some weird behaviour00:34
RoxerAnyone have some cool way to play .img movies?00:35
tanathcwillu, yeah, that too. would need a modification of BT00:35
linkmaster03When I open xsane, this comes up, and the program immedietly exits: Segmentation fault (core dumped)00:35
alienbrainmaco, I'm getting other freaky stuff in dmesg :). iwl3945: Microcode SW error detected. Resarting 0x82000008. And Another line.00:35
talntidwrkI knew today was release day, didn't know it was hosted on archive.*00:35
RyanPriorSivik: It's in the channel topic!00:35
alienbrainGoogling :)00:35
macoCpudan80: hiding00:35
plikSivik: it's in the topic00:35
grindholdsimonft2 you can actually realize autostart programs on linux, but thats not as easy as in windows.. you have to scriüt00:35
macoCpudan80: and totally useless anyway00:35
Sivikoh, so people just do not read00:35
sarkieIs there a way to upgrade 7.10 -> 8.04 using the CD?00:35
macoCpudan80: screen resolution is in preferences00:35
nomopofomomaco, how would I change "allow always" to something else?00:35
DasonI didn't even realize it was release day00:35
cwillutanath, look at debtorrent00:35
pliksame old story00:35
DBautellsarkie, To Upgrade from the CD/ISO, you'll need the alternate ISO or the DVD: run cdromupgrade from the root of the CD/ISO/DVD. To mount the ISO you can 'mount -o loop nameofiso /path/to/mount/'00:35
RyanPriorSivik: Of course not. That's why we're here. :-)00:35
MachinTrucChosehey guys, I installed nautilus-gksu but I still don't have the option to "open as <user>" in the nautilus context menu00:35
SivikRyanPrior: do you know anything about the hd 2600 ati drives for ubuntu?00:35
sarkieDBautell, Damn it, just downloaded the normal release!! :) meh00:36
Jack_Sparrowsarkie, only the alternate cd00:36
RyanPriorSivik: No clue. I use whatever drive the Driver Manager installs. :-)00:36
DBautellsarkie :D00:36
bingofuelnibsa1242b  no, i can-t use the PC, the menu of grub doesn-t appear00:36
talntidwrkdamn. i'm fraid to reboot now.00:36
eternal_pMachinTrucChose: try doing a ctrl-alt-backspace to re-load gnome and try again00:36
altjRe: swamped servers; is there a way people can become a temporary mirrors to help out w/some of these high-traffic days?00:36
fyreofchaos13Yay, the server worked. Thank you! :D00:36
sarkieah well, are the servers still overloaded?00:36
maconomopofomo: choose "allow once"?00:36
MachinTrucChoseeternal: I logged out then logged back on00:36
tanathcwillu, cool...00:36
SivikRyanPrior: its so much easier just to use nvidia because of their support00:36
simonft2how would I make pidgin come up on startup?00:36
JPSmonStarnestommy: can I have it "press enter" a few time to get it to say in one spot?00:36
jrabbitsarkie: do bears shit in the forest?00:36
goat|worksarkie: for me yes00:36
Siviksarkie: yes, its realese date00:36
RyanPrioraltj: Yup, BitTorrent!00:36
Abdlol not even 1kb transfer speed00:36
Dasongo to System > Admin > Software Sources > Download from other... > Select best server00:36
SivikAbd: Release date, all repos are slow00:37
joh6nnlinkmaster03: try sudo xsane00:37
Fishsceneabd, on bittorrent?00:37
StarnestommyJPSmon: while read; do iwconfig; donw00:37
nibsa1242bbingofuel: ok, obviously something went wrong with the installer configuring grub... it happens and is highly annoying. I can help you get XP back to a bootable state, however, I'm not enough of a grub wizard to guide you how to fix the problem and allow you to boot into XP or Ubuntu.00:37
RyanPrioraltj: If Ubuntu switched to using Apt-Torrent by default I think things would be much better, but that's a different argument. :-)00:37
Jack_Sparrowsimonft2, Did you see the link ubotu provided about startup00:37
metanilmy touchpad is not working properly ( it clicks even if i am just moving around cursor) ... ubuntu 8.04 laptop -> VAIO.00:37
sarkieIndeed, I'll just download the alternate CD and do it tomorrow off line ! ah well00:37
linkmaster03joh6nn: that does the same thing00:37
tanatheternal_p, jeeze, is no one careful with that? better to suggest a logout. if you do that with unsaved work, it's just gone :-/00:37
maconomopofomo: theres a keyring preferences thing in sys->pref too00:37
joh6nnlinkmaster03: k, hold on00:37
simonft2lol did't read far enough00:37
Dasonmetam give them a week for the IRC to calm down a little (if at all)00:37
eternal_ptanath: true :)00:37
phiqtiontanath: i just installed XMMS2 on hardy but it doesn't show up in the MENU.00:38
biabiamy tomboy notes wont open. i did a find / -iname tomboy and searched through the folders for any files that looked like they could be the ones i need but i couldnt find them00:38
alienbrainmaco, Most probably: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=46192400:38
tanathphiqtion, well, alt+f2 & run it00:38
bingofuelnibsa1242b i was thinking if i can-t install correctly grub, i going to reinstall windows xp, to recover one OS at lesat00:38
macobiabia: they shouldbe in .tomboy00:38
grindholdpulse audio sucks.. even rhythmbox doesn't work . anyone who fixed the problem?00:38
DasonQuick question, do we need to reinstall WINE when we reboot?00:38
Jack_Sparrowphiqtion, is xmm2 from our repos?00:38
jordsomg is it just me or is archive.ubuntu.com completely hamered?00:38
tanathphiqtion, menu editor should see it, and let you put it there00:38
jroesdoes anyone know where I can find download statistics?00:38
joh6nnlinkmaster03: try "mv ~/.sane ~/.sane-old", and then running xsane ?00:38
nibsa1242bbingofuel: I can attempt to play grub wizard if you'd like... I just can't guarantee I can fix it.00:38
phiqtionJack_Sparrow: yeap00:38
Dasonjords: go to System > Admin > Software Sources > Download from other... > Select best server00:38
jroeslike how many people downloaded ubuntu 7.10, 6.10, etc.00:38
Cpudan80jords: yes00:39
plikjords: everythings hammered00:39
Cpudan80jords: its tanked00:39
biabiamaco thanks I'll look there. that one didnt come up in my search00:39
tanathjords,  go to System > Admin > Software Sources > Download from other... > Select best server00:39
jordsDason: How do you do that on ubuntu server?00:39
stokedhow do I change the pagesize to use larger than 4k block sizes in XFS?00:39
Jack_Sparrowphiqtion, cool, I didnt know it was there.. try running from cli and make sure it comes up00:39
jordsMy desktops been on 8.04 for ages00:39
linkmaster03joh6nn: same thing00:39
DasonOooh I only know Desktop00:39
nibsa1242bbingofuel: you don't have to reinstall XP; all you need is a win XP install disk, from the recovery console you can fix the MBR and you'll be ok00:39
talntidwrktanath, can you tell me how to do that from command line?00:39
bingofuelnibsa1242b what is grub wizard_00:39
tanathjords, it's in synaptic00:39
rich_freecomm"Fecthing file 1 of 1292" :D00:39
phiqtionJack_Sparrow: how do i run CLI00:39
macoalienbrain: i give up. my laptop is magic.00:39
nibsa1242bbingofuel: someone who knows lots about grub00:39
Jack_Sparrowphiqtion, cli means a terminal00:39
talntidwrkI kinda killed my window manager and uninstalled it, thinking i could get another one from apt... :P00:39
|stefan|just upgraded to hardy. and all of a sudden when i log in with ssh i get posix instead of utf-800:40
tanathtalntidwrk, uh, there's an apt command for it, but i forget what it is... hold on00:40
alienbrainmaco, thanks for the heads up :)00:40
|stefan|anyone can explain this ?00:40
biabiaxfce is my favorite window manager00:40
phiqtionJack_Sparrow: i typed xmms2 and just some commands popped up00:40
OzFalconWill the new hardy install let me resize my fedora partition for dual boot?00:40
DasonIs a reinstallation of WINE required after upgrade?00:40
talntidwrkDason, not if you don't want to run Windows apps ;)00:40
rich_freecomm"About 22 hours 33 minutes remaining" awesome00:40
talntidwrkbut, i don't know ;)00:41
DasonIt's more for the unpacking of them00:41
x1250Dason: it shouldn't be necessary00:41
linkmaster03joh6nn: same thing00:41
DEstlundI'm having trouble installing Heron - had the same problem with the betas: it complains that every file does not match the one on the disk. My cd burner works fine with everything else, so do my hard drives. Anybody seen this?00:41
DasonFor use in Windows00:41
burnerOzFalcon: i assume it depends on the fedora partition type00:41
x1250doesn't work for you Dason?00:41
jPrattlol Well you knoe most things that are made are for Windows and well i like my Photoshop :P00:41
DatalancheHi. I just tried to do a fresh install of Hardy on my computer. I have two drives and two optical drives on my motherboards IDE controller, and three more hard drives on my Silicon Image-based PCI-IDE card. It is detecting the Sil-card's drive first(hda, hdb, and hdc). After the install, all I get is a screen full of "GRUB GRUB GRUB GRUB GRUB GRUB ..." What can I do to fix this?00:41
DasonCrystal xp00:41
bingofuelje i was playing like a grub wizard but my magic is bad :p,00:41
bingofueltell me your idea...if doesn-t work no problem00:41
OzFalconburner, ext300:41
Dasonkillled my dlls and I lost mah windows Cd00:41
joh6nnlinkmaster03: yep, looking to see what else i can turn up00:41
linkmaster03joh6nn: cool thanks00:41
altjdamn, I've been seeding kubuntu images all day and just started seeding ubuntu images.  There's a bit of a difference in demand :-)00:42
OzFalconCan hardy resize ext3 partitions?00:42
macoDatalanche: did the install complete?00:42
DasonSOOOOO... I can't install anything without opening in WINE and moving to Windows00:42
Fishscenelol altj00:42
Datalanchemaco: Yes, finished fine and I clicked restart.00:42
jPrattCourse we all know regular Ubuntu=Pwnage given by the Linux Gods00:42
ng0no.. i got your notes here.. .sorry.00:42
sven_oostenbrinkWhat exactly is the difference between 64 bits ubuntu and 32 (ignoring the obvious)? is 64 bits faster? could it cause problems with compatibility? will all (32 bits) programs work without problem on 64 bits?00:42
sean_tanath: I have integrated intel graphics and compiz isn't working. I'm using the "intel" driver. Any ideas?00:42
Datalanchemaco: In Gutsy, my onboard IDE drives were hda and hdb. Now they are all sdX00:42
dmg46664I have downloaded the hardy CD for safe keeping in case of new installations, but I want to merge the packages on it with our local apt-cache, so local machines can all upgrade without all downloading 9 hours worth of packages each. Where can I find docs on how to do that?00:42
FrankHhi. what is the new package name for vim-full?00:42
ryanpgyay! Hardy Heron! Boo! my canon camera still doesn't automount - anyone have tips on getting this feature back? It was in the early betas...00:42
derspanksterinstalled Hardy Server on a box I put together and I am totally lost00:43
joh6nnlinkmaster03: you on gutsy or hardy?00:43
Datalanchewhereas before just the ones on the sil card were sdX00:43
macoDatalanche: thats normal.thats a libata change00:43
Dason(shell32 was moved with some UI in Windows modifications)00:43
erat123ubuntu 8.04 comes w/ a browser in beta?!!?  what's the deal???00:43
linkmaster03joh6nn: gutsy00:43
tanathsean_, did you use displayconfig-gtk to try different drivers?00:43
macoDatalanche: are any of the drives reporting themselves wrong to the bios?00:43
Jack_Sparrow!aptoncd > dmg4666400:43
biabiamaco yay ! the notes are there. thanks00:43
macoDatalanche: i know there are issues with sata drives that tell the bios to pretende they're IDE00:43
nibsa1242bbingofuel: I tink I might have something for you to help... hold on a min00:43
x1250erat123: firefox3 should be there00:43
sean_tanath, unfortunately. :-\ I also checked my graphics card and it says intel should be the one00:43
Mike_THowTO : Get better than 800x600 in vn 5700 using live cd - no xorg options on boot?00:43
tanathsean_, test different drivers and after each working one, run 'glxinfo | grep -i direct' to see if direct rendering is enabled00:43
Datalanchemaco: Nope, I watched them all pop up, they seem to be going in just fine. Oh, and also, they are IDE drives, not SATA00:43
bingofuelnibsa1242b ok00:43
Jack_Sparrowmaco, I am running on sata pretending to be ide here00:43
tanathsean_, i dunno. might try google & ubuntu forums00:44
zadofirefox 3 beta 5 is good enough for release00:44
ng0nis the new Ver out.  I got Gusty00:44
jPrattYes it is00:44
macoDatalanche: theyre *all* IDE? all more than 5?00:44
DasonMike T restricted drivers in System > admin00:44
sean_tanath: is there any way to add displayconfig-gtk to my main menu? It used to be in admin00:44
erat123x1250: god i hope i didnt get the wrong version...00:44
eternalis1maco i got some error00:44
fdsjkalfis it true that ff3 uses an ugly bold font for the URL00:44
ng0nhmmm. ok.00:44
Datalanchemaco: Yes, I have five IDE hard drives.00:44
eternalis1maco: it says i have to check my internet connection, but im connected so wtf?00:44
tom_Hello.  Anyone point me to anything for power management?  8.04.. trying to throttle my processor in my laptop.00:44
jPrattng0n yes hardy is out00:44
Dasonwow, there's the background update!00:44
fdsjkalfthats reason enough to not use it00:44
rich_freecommGreetings Scunizi00:44
erat123so, does firefox beta come w/ hardy or the finished release?00:44
macoJack_Sparrow: the problem is when you have lots of IDE and it gets confusing when the OS sees lots of IDE due to that bios setting00:44
tanathsean_, menu editor?00:44
nibsa1242bsven_oostenbrink: I highly recommend 32 bit. Not everything works out of the box with 64 bit that does with 32 bit. And there should be 5% or less performance difference between the two unless you are running a machine with >4GB of RAM.00:44
ng0nHardy.  I like the sound of that.00:44
macoDatalanche: you cant do that00:44
Jack_Sparroweternalis1, Please do not use that shorthand..00:44
=== tom_ is now known as fluidd
noodles12firefox beta 500:44
Dasonerat, the finish for F3 isn't out yet00:44
eternalis1Jack_Sparrow: do you have a solution, or are you going to sass me?00:45
macoDatalanche: i dont know how else to explain it but...5 IDEs just cant go00:45
sean_tanath: nevermind. I'm blind. :)00:45
macoDatalanche: its a bug00:45
Datalanchemaco: Uh, yeah I can. I have two connect on the motherboard's IDE controller, and three on a PCI expansion card.00:45
OzFalconerat123, Beta5, But you can download prev stable release if you want.00:45
Datalancheoh, really00:45
ng0nflash, sass and white trash : welcome to #ubuntu !00:45
x1250ff3 is ok, but it doesn't use pulseaudio. That feature was pushed to ibex, instead.00:45
DEstlundanybody seen persistent CRC errors on hardy install from cd?00:45
goat|workJack_Sparrow: was banned?00:45
bingofuelnibsa1242b you-re saying that i have to install the 32 bits version_00:45
erat123that's too bad.    when i go to ubuntuguides.org, my X session logs off under firefox beta5....   i might have to downgrade firefox00:45
macoDatalanche: on ubuntu, 5 IDEs just cant go00:45
Mike_TDason: None listed...:-(00:45
goat|worksorry, nvm00:45
Datalanchemaco: It was working just fine in Gutsy00:45
erat123i sent in a bug report, but didnt hear back00:45
joh6nnlinkmaster03: check and see if there's an update available for libgtk2; a couple of people reported that as fixing the problem for them00:45
joh6nndoes anyone know how to make screen behave more like xterm, with regards to termcap/terminfo stuff?  when i use vim inside of screen, i occasionally get some weird behaviour00:46
IntangibleLiquidfdsik -l /dev/sda says cannott open /dev/sda: what should I do?00:46
macoDatalanche: regression....its a known bug on hardy though00:46
tanathtalntidwrk, found it: netselect-apt00:46
nibsa1242bbingofuel: that was for someone else... there is nothing wrong with 64 bit version, however, most people I know and myself prefer the 32 bit version for ease of use00:46
Dasonintang - Are you using Sudo?00:46
linkmaster03joh6nn: libgtk2 is the name on repos?00:46
OzFalconToo much noise....00:46
ng0n64 bit.  drivers ?00:46
DatalancheI don't understand.00:46
Datalancheit was never a problem before00:46
jvai_no straight upgrade from dapper to hardy in 09'?00:46
nibsa1242bbingofuel: anyhow... http://www.supergrubdisk.org/ should help you boot00:47
* DBautell has no problem with 6400:47
joh6nnlinkmaster03: not sure, the posts don't say for sure00:47
IndyGunFreakjvai_: you should be able to go from Dapper to Hardy00:47
DasonIntangibleLiquid are you using sudo fdisk ?00:47
ng0ni'm too nube to 6400:47
caposo the repo's are all still down?00:47
tanathgah, aptitude wants to autoremove all my xmm2 plugins. why?!00:47
linkmaster03joh6nn: thanks i found it, installing now00:47
IntangibleLiquidDason: no, but thanks, it shows the partitions00:47
jvai_aaw "CLAPPIN"...  ty IndyGunFreak00:47
JorophoseIndyGunFreak: Would you just follow the same procedure then? (update-manager -d)00:47
phiqtionXMMS2 has no GUI? is there a starter guide for HARDY?00:47
Gman99999has the downloading of the upgrade stopped for anyone else?  is the server possibly down?00:47
tanathphiqtion, audacious is very similar to xmms00:48
capoyeah i think the repo's are down00:48
DBautellthe only thing I remember having to fiddle with was getting the 32 bit firefox00:48
IndyGunFreakjvai_: Jorophose i never done it, but i'm almost 100% certain, you can go from 1 LTS version, to another LTS version, w/o loading up the versions in between00:48
nibsa1242bbingofuel: you'll need to download the CDROM or USB version00:48
capoi can't download any packages00:48
Gman99999ah wait here we go00:48
x1250Gman99999: just pick a mirror00:48
joh6nnGman99999: the repos are choked00:48
IntangibleLiquidDason: the sad thing is, Partition Editor says my current harddisk space is unallocated00:48
DBautellfor flash, etc00:48
blbrownim back, I got the 8.04 iso CD download, but I dont see any cdromupgrade.  is there somewhere I should look for that00:48
tanathcapo, there's plenty of mirrors00:48
ng0nmy Vista found out i was doing Ubuntu and I swear, it has straighted up a little.  is that possible ?00:48
DasonGman999999                          System - Admin Softy Sources - Alternative sources - scan for best00:48
macoDatalanche: and in hardy it is a problem.  things changed and it got broken.  thats all there is to it00:48
jvai_IndyGunFreak,  it should hold reason from one LTS to another.. right?00:48
rich_freecommmine is still puttin away.....of course it says I have about 48 days left00:48
dmg46664Jack Sparrow: Thanx for the link to aptoncd... however I think what I was looking for was apt-cache-import00:49
macoDatalanche: hopefully itll be fixed by 8.04.1 in june, but maybe it wont00:49
JorophoseIndyGunFreak: What are the odds of it going bang in my face?00:49
IndyGunFreakjvai_: one would think.. google it though, i'm almost 100% SURE OF IT.00:49
linkmaster03joh6nn: they are the latest versions00:49
DasonIntangibleLiquid I suggest using an external disk drive editor then00:49
joh6nnng0n: yeah, but if that's what it takes to make Vista behave, is it worth keeping around?00:49
sven_oostenbrinknibsa1242b> 64bits is slower?00:49
joh6nnlinkmaster03: ; (00:49
IndyGunFreakJorophose: don't really know, never done it.... try googling it... i install every 6mo00:49
nibsa1242bsven_oostenbrink:  DBautell: yes, Firefox and extensions and Wine are the two main things that I find are easier to use in 32bit... one can always run the 32bit version on a 64 bit system but it takes time00:49
DasonSuch as GParted00:49
tanathJorophose, follow the guide in the topic and  you should be good00:49
nibsa1242bsven_oostenbrink: I think 64bit is marginally faster... but it depends00:50
joh6nnlinkmaster03: did this used to work and suddenly broke, or did it never work?00:50
thedonvaughnng0n: yah it's a feature.  If you install a linux kernel greater than 2.6.24, vista knows and it tweaks it's parameters (tm)]00:50
hansinng0n: Yeah, I head there is a bit of code in Vista that detects if you are dool-booting Linux, and if so it runs better.  I guess MS must have figured if your dual boot Linux, that Vista better shape up in case you might make the full switch.00:50
linkmaster03joh6nn: it worked yesterday00:50
Mike_Thansin: lol00:50
pifedoHi! My sound isn't working.. I have an Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 02), but alsa can't find any sound card. What can I do?00:50
Jack_Sparrowdmg46664, several options available00:50
DatalancheWell then, I dunno what to do if I can't use Hardy on my computer.00:50
joh6nnlinkmaster03: so what'd you do to break it between now and then? : )00:50
ng0nhansin: I knew it !@!00:50
Gman99999is wine even a viable method for installing popular windows aps I sure hear alot of people preaching how much better linux is than windows but Ive had so much trouble with simple hardware drivers that pissed me off alot, what makes linux so good?00:51
jwwadkhello all. this may sound like a noobish problem: my screen brightness options have disappeared00:51
unopjoh6nn, you might need 'altscreen on'00:51
blbrownsh: Can't open /media/cdrom0/cdromupgrade ... wtf00:51
linkmaster03joh6nn: nothing xD00:51
tanathpifedo, hardy uses pulseaudio now...00:51
eternal_pGman99999: go to www.winehq.com and look for the app in question00:51
DasonGman, to be king, yes00:51
pifedotanath: So, What can I do? My sound isn't working any way...00:51
joh6nnunop: just throw 'altscreen on' in my .screenrc ?00:51
macoDatalanche: stick to gutsy00:51
Myke516Hey everyone00:51
tanathhansin, o.O have a source for that?00:51
DasonHow can we help00:51
DatalancheToo late00:51
DatalancheI just wiped it00:51
Gman99999are there lots of bugs still in hardy heron?00:52
jPrattwhats LTS stand for00:52
thedonvaughnGman99999: it's not made for easy plug-n-play.. even tho ubuntu tries that.  Sometimes you gotta manually install or setup a driver if that company who makes that piece of hardware doesn't give a linux driver for free and or hardware calls to developers to include in kernel.00:52
DBautellnibsa1242b, sven_oostenbrink, I seem to remember the BOINC people saying the speed difference is negligible, and even sometimes negative. Never occured to me that that might be part of my wine diffculties00:52
SeaPhorGman99999, you can send me a tell and if i know i'll discuss it with you00:52
DasonLong Term Service00:52
fdsjkalfim going to try hardy today, i may even continue to use it00:52
unopjoh6nn, aye, yes .. but i'm just stabbing in the dark - what exactly is vim doing in screen?00:52
FrankHwhat is the new package name for vim-full?00:52
hansinng0n: I was just kidding with you.  I highly suspect it is not related, at least not intentionally so.  But that would be funny.00:52
pifedoGman99999: Oh yes! A LOT OF!00:52
tanathpifedo, you could make sure you have all the pulseaudio stuff you need, and remove the alsa & other stuff00:52
jwwadkdoes anyone know how to manually change screen-brightness?00:52
phiqtiondoes anyone know how to run XMMS2 on hardy?00:52
tanathpifedo, seems to have worked for me00:52
ng0nhansin: ya, i get it.00:52
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes00:52
ng0nhey.. it was FUNNY00:52
DasonScreen Brightness is a Monitor setting00:52
unopphiqtion, xmms has been replaced by audacious00:52
tanathjPratt, long term support00:52
fdsjkalfi found a mirror thats serving hardy to me at 1150+ KBps00:52
hansintanath: Yeah, isdualbootlinux?.dll.00:52
nibsa1242bGman99999: I only use WINE to visit sites in IE that refuse to work with firefox, opera, or Konq. And that doesn't always work so well so I revert to kqemu.00:52
jPrattkk thx00:52
fluiddHello.  Anyone point me to anything for power management?  8.04.. trying to throttle my processor in my laptop.00:52
pifedotanath: I'm on a live session.. I just started the CD image I downloaded today..00:52
hansinOh, you wanted source...00:52
rich_freecomm1288 files of upgrade to dl, 1288 files of upgrade, finish one up, save it to drive, 1287 files of upgrade to dl00:52
phiqtionunop: is audacious in the repos?00:53
Myke516i have hardy but i am having trouble updating packages00:53
tanathhansin, heh00:53
ubotuaudacious is included in !Feisty. A !repository also exists for !Edgy: see http://audacious-media-player.org/Downloads00:53
eternal_pnibsa1242b: Office 2003 via Crossover (wine) is perfect00:53
jwwadkDason: right, but the power management options to change it have disappeared00:53
McJester82does anyone know the horiz and VertSync for the PowerPC G400:53
fdsjkalfaww. its slowing down now00:53
DasonJust compile your own Upgrade!00:53
Gman99999I have skype but it sure sucks with linux00:53
nibsa1242bDBautell: sven_oostenbrink to the best of my knowledge, there is no 64 bit version of wine because it is attempting to emulate a 32bit OS00:53
unopphiqtion, sorry, you said xmms2 .. you might need an xmms gui -- but audacious is available yes00:53
tanathphiqtion, it is00:53
Dasonlol jk00:53
x1250Gman99999: http://www.whylinuxisbetter.net/00:53
Wyleyrabbitanyone have any tips on getting my extra mouse buttons to do what they're supposed to? (I have a left-thumb button that should hit back button in browser, etc.)00:53
jPrattCan you do office 07 with Wine?00:53
eternal_pGman99999: skype works fine for me, just google metabunut repositories00:53
ng0nya.. skype is not so good in linux..00:53
Dasonjwwadk let me look into this00:53
ubotuEnabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto00:53
nibsa1242bWyleyrabbit: what mouse do you have?00:53
tanathWyleyrabbit, ^00:54
ng0nwhich i don't understand as it's a ROBUST program, by and large.00:54
Gman99999I cant even call out with skype on ubuntu00:54
Datalanchemaco: I still think this is a grub and/or devmapping issue. I had this problem once before in Edgy or whenever they changed up the ATA a while back, and fixed it by installing Ubuntu on a drive on the PCI controller and it worked flawlessly. I guess I'll just have to scramble my drives and do it that way again... annoying as it is. >_>00:54
Jack_Sparrow!appdb > jPratt00:54
crimsunmaco: pong00:54
Gman99999it will only do pc to pc calls00:54
ubotuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org00:54
DBautellnibsa1242b, you've given me new hope00:54
rich_freecommGman99999: yeah, a friend of mine on Winblows was having a hard time trying to tell me how to start video00:54
phiqtionhow can i get audacious? its not in the package mananger00:54
joh6nnunop: i occasionally get some odd screen artifacts, with vim (and other apps that do their own special thing with the term, like top), and when i end them, the term doesn't "page", for lack of a better term, like i'm used to; it leaves all the stuff from vim or top or what-have-you on the screen, and just starts a new line00:54
jvai_i use gizmo works better00:54
Wyleyrabbitnibsa1242b: I have a logitech laser mouse. note sure particular part #00:54
phiqtionn/m found it00:54
tanath!mouse > Wyleyrabbit00:54
ng0nATA upgrade did good stuff for my Gigabyte board.00:54
eternal_pGman99999: what error does it give you when you try?00:54
Gman99999no error just no sound00:54
Dasonjwwadk What version are you using again, and where do you find YOUR brightness settings?00:55
Wyleyrabbitthanks tanath00:55
jPrattw00t CSS!00:55
DEstlund(sorry for the repeat) hardy keeps barfing during install saying files don't match - I take it I should re-download gutsy, burn and install it, and upgrade to hardy from within? I don't get this problem.00:55
ng0nw00t !00:55
Gman99999eternal_p I dont hear a thing at all when I call a land line or cellphone00:55
Jack_SparrowGman99999, /join #Alsa00:55
pifedoWhy pulseaudio? Why firefox BETA!? NOthing works!! Firefox fonts sucks! My audio doesn't work! I lost my time!00:55
unopjoh6nn, i know what you mean, the contents of vim,top,etc stay on .. altscreen on ought to sort that00:55
x1250pifedo: it works for me00:55
joh6nnunop: thanks, i'll give that a shot. : )00:55
DEstlundI've burned four coasters, but all of them pass the disk check and contain valid data00:55
nomopofomoWhy don't my NTFS automount settings in my fstab file work any longer?00:55
nibsa1242bDBautell: I think you can run it in a 32bit chroot. (I used to run a 32bit firefox that way). I have no idea how to do that anymore though. I just switched to 32bit because I didn't see any reason to run everything 64bit.00:55
Gman99999but when I call another skype user it works just fine00:55
tanathpifedo, they work great...00:55
eternal_pGman99999: first result in google: http://forum.skype.com/index.php?showtopic=4489 :)00:55
unopjoh6nn, also while in .screenrc .. place 'clear' in too00:55
bododo_hi :)00:56
SeaPhorDEstlund, did you burn them at a slower speed?00:56
rich_freecommGman99999: weirdness00:56
jwwadkDason I'm using 8.04 (upgraded today, love it except for this problem), and I can't seem to find my monitor settings. Since upgrading, the hotkeys on my laptop for changing brightness do not work, and the brightness options have disappeared from power management00:56
pifedothey use to work fine.. not in 8.06! (to me!)00:56
Acaloradohi, hola00:56
tanathpifedo, you are running from a livecd, no?00:56
Acaloradoquiero hacer un servido LTSP00:56
bododo_i'm having troubles with my bcm4318 wifi on a ibook G4 :(00:56
Myke516can someone assist me in a synaptic package manager issue in 8.04?00:56
AcaloradoQuien m ayuda00:56
pifedoI think my system isn't rare.. Asus p5b-plus with ICH8 intel chip..00:56
tanathpifedo, sometimes things don't work right on the disc00:56
Ertyle!es | Acalorado00:56
ubotuAcalorado: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.00:56
fluiddHello.  Anyone point me to anything for power management?  8.04.. trying to throttle my processor in my laptop.00:56
Dasonjwwadk Yea I noticed that too. You may have to re-enable that00:56
DEstlundi'm burning them at 1x right now, but I don't see why the ubuntu 8.04 cd would be any different than 7.10, or any other cd for that matter. The burns are valid00:56
Jack_SparrowMyke516, the servers are overloaded,00:56
nibsa1242bWyleyrabbit: I use btnx on my Logitech mice. I find it very useful. ( http://www.ollisalonen.com/btnx/ )00:56
bododo_it just doesn't work :(00:56
jwwadkDason do you know how I would do that?00:57
pifedotanath: I already installed the system (BETA) some weeks ago and had the same problem00:57
rich_freecommI'm only 1286 files away from running 8.04 :D00:57
Dason18.2x is a permissible write speed00:57
Myke516Ah i was thinking that00:57
Jack_SparrowDEstlund, burning slow does make a difference, I can attest to that00:57
Myke516so far 8.04 is running great though!00:57
tanathpifedo, well... packages have changed since then00:57
x1250Acalorado: entra en #ubuntu-es, yo te ayudo si puedo00:57
Jack_SparrowDEstlund, dells and hp really prefer slow burns00:57
anathematichow would i update my ubuntu server to run the latest version?00:57
Alex_Sc21Ubuntu 8.04.. SO PUMPED!!!00:57
Ertyle!upgrade > anathematic    (anathematic, see the private message from Ubotu)00:57
joh6nnunop: that did it, thanks!00:57
tanathpifedo, firefox for instance seems to be the fastest & most stable i've seen so far, even though it's beta00:58
nibsa1242bbododo_: that is a trouble card! I know to get mine to work I had to enable it in restricted drivers manager00:58
Light|DCTo prevent overload on the servers, couldnt Canocial release the torrent first, then provide direct downloads a day later?00:58
unopjoh6nn, yw00:58
Dasonjwwadk U will be back soon, I need to restart here00:58
joetheoddAre repositories down?00:58
anathematicErtyle: i can't see anything for ubuntu 8 there?00:58
Jack_SparrowLight|DC, doo discussion toppic for #Ubuntu-offtopic00:58
jwwadkok, thanks00:58
DEstlundJack_Sparrow: I'm giving it a try right now - it's not a brand name pc, just a scrap heap I put together (but with good parts) Still it seems odd that I can clone a game dvd for backup with no problem but Ubuntu doesn't like it00:58
sean_tanath: Direct rendering is supported for "intel". Still no decorations though00:58
e2Please help.  I can't get desktop effects to work after upgrading to 8.04.00:58
unopLight|DC, part of the upgrade process is canonical ensuring it's servers are capable, so it's a testing time :)00:58
bododo_nibsa1242b: i did :( and yes you're right00:58
dogmeatus.archive.ubuntu.com ?00:58
bododo_it's a dmaned card00:58
DEstlundalright - burn is done! With any luck you won't see me again in 10 minutes - thanks Jack_Sparrow00:58
e2I'm using an Nvidia card on an x86 (celeron) box00:59
tanathsean_, did you run 'compiz --replace &' from terminal?00:59
tomd123did anyone get the alternate cd to work and install?00:59
nibsa1242bbododo_: additionally, after a few hours of heavy surfing the card progressively looses its connection and I have to "sudo modprobe -r bcm43xx" and then "sudo modprobe bcm43xx" to get it working again.00:59
nibsa1242bbododo_: What version of Ubuntu do you have?00:59
sean_tanath: yup. want me to pastebin?00:59
dabbillI cant get my nvidia driver to work in Hardy, every time i reboot it goes back to low graphics mode00:59
Ertyleanathematic: ouch, it's not been updated... well, the instructions for ->7.10 should apply for the most part00:59
DeizSo, as with every time I install Ubuntu, windows maximize to both my monitors instead of one. Is there a workaround? I recall with 7.04 I got lucky after a reboot and it started working properly.00:59
tanathe2, 'gksu displayconfig-gtk' to make sure you have the right driver installed00:59
bododo_nibsa1242b: the new one; hardy00:59
tanathsean_, did it say anything interesting?00:59
ng0ndabbilt: wat nvida card you got, or is it on board ?01:00
bradlis7is the xorg.conf file not in use in hardy?01:00
bododo_nibsa1242b: it used to seem to work at a distnce of 3 meters with gutsy01:00
tanathbradlis7, it is...01:00
nibsa1242bbododo_: I can't help you there... haven't been able to upgrade. I'm waiting for the repos to be less swamped.01:00
unopbradlis7, it can be, but xorg can work without one01:00
e2It's an old 128 Mb NVidia card.  Worked just fine with compiz on 7.10.01:00
Jack_Sparrowbradlis7, xorg is entirely different with this release01:00
Ertyleanathematic: though to be honest, i think you'd be better off waiting until the mirrors actually start working again and there is some documentation01:00
doug2266778822 why do the animations not work in compiz?01:00
jjt001Dason: you just need to look harder01:00
bradlis7so how do i manage the config?01:00
anathematicErtyle: yeah i think i might wait anyway ty01:00
bododo_nibsa1242b: but the solution should be the same, right?01:00
bradlis7is there another file?01:00
unopbradlis7, you could create one i guess01:01
x1250bradlis7: it is, but its minimal because xorg tries to autodetect things. You can edit it by hand, its your choice01:01
ng0n5200 ?01:01
bododo_nibsa1242b: can I pm you, please?01:01
jjt001Dason: there are open source alternatives to almost everything01:01
nibsa1242bbododo_: mine works within about a 10-12meter range in Gutsy... which is about half the range I get in Windows01:01
SeaPhori've just finished downloading the ISO, do I "open with ~creator" or "write to disk">?01:01
ng0npci,  pci-express ?01:01
nibsa1242bbododo_: sure pm away01:01
tanathbradlis7, 'gksu displayconfig-gtk' will give you a gui for configuring it01:01
bradlis7i have nvidia, but it doesn't seem to be able to use it01:01
sean_tanath: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64294/01:01
Jack_SparrowSeaPhor, write to disk is what I use01:01
navetzi am trying to set up my server to send email01:01
dabbillng0n, 8800GT01:01
oddalotbradlis7 i'm having problems with nvidia and my crt displaying01:01
nomopofomomy NTFS automount stopped working in 8.0401:01
nomopofomodoes anyone know why?01:02
doug2266778822can anyone help me get the animations for the windows to work in compiz?01:02
akornanybody know the shortcut/macro keys to load up Tracker Search?01:02
SeaPhorJack_Sparrow, Thanks Bro!01:02
ng0ndab: o.  rats.01:02
e2HELP - I'm stuck at 1024 x 768 and no desktop effects.01:02
navetzdoes anyone know how i can set up my server to send email's?01:02
nibsa1242bnomopofomo: read the release notes01:02
Jack_SparrowSeaPhor, burn at a slow speed01:02
tanathsean_, doesn't seem you have the right driver01:02
nohelpherei still have the same exact issue01:02
jwwadke2, have you checked the screen resolution options?01:02
metanili tried to add other application and got "failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntudists/hardy/Release.gpg" .. and so on01:02
oddalotblah, stupid resolutions are retarded on heron01:02
cafuegoBoth Pidgin and Evolution have stopped being able to create SSL and TLS connections this morning. They don't print any debug info on the cmdline. Am I missing something obvious?01:02
dabbillbrb tryin some thing01:02
e2Yep.  1024 x 768 is max.01:02
SeaPhorJack_Sparrow, slowest option i have is 18.6?01:02
bradlis7i have a flat screen... i finally got the nv driver to work, and the resolution works right when logged in, but the GDM resolution is too big, and displaymanager-gtk has never used the resolution that it says it uses01:02
sean_tanath: it passes the direct rendering test though01:02
Jack_SparrowSeaPhor, np use that01:02
jwwadkwhat's the max resolution on your monitor?01:02
e2I usually have this issue until the nvidia driver is installed and enabled.01:03
oddalot800x600 max on my 21 inch monitor, that's if i turn off 3d drivers01:03
e2Before the upgrade = 1280 x 1024.01:03
oddalotwith 3d drivers i get 680x480 max01:03
bradlis7yeah, mine's showing 800x600, but it's supposed to be 1440x90001:03
oddalote2, we are in the same boat01:03
nohelpherethe x server crashes and restarts01:03
oddalotall of us01:03
oddalotstupid upgrade01:03
nohelpherecan only start in a filsafe session01:03
tanathsean_, glxinfo says direct rendering: yes ?01:03
x1250oddalot: try adding vertical and horizontal refresh rates on xorg.conf01:03
nohelpherekubuntu is completely fine01:03
sean_tanath: yeah, that one01:03
tanathsean_, odd01:03
e2oddalot: how?01:03
jPrattHow do i get wine01:03
ubotuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.01:04
oddaloti don't know what they are supposed to be, this monitor is too old, doesn't have specs01:04
smallfoot-jPratt, $ sudo apt-get install wine01:04
nohelpherei NEED to us ekubuntu i can't us eubuntu01:04
jwwadkjPratt you should be able to download it from the package manager01:04
SeaPhorJack_Sparrow, I'm gonna try the live cd first, see what works and what doesnt, then upgrade, see what happens but i'll have the full-fresh install option because i have /home on seperate partition01:04
ubotuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://nl.releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Hardy, and help keeping the servers' load low!01:04
nomopofomonibsa1242b, there's nothing in the release notes about NTFS01:04
theunixgeek_The loading bar in the usplash keeps bobbing back and forth instead of actually loading. how do I fix this?01:04
bradlis7we need to start a chat about resolution problems01:04
oddaloti should of saved my xorg.conf from 7.1001:04
Jack_SparrowSeaPhor, you can also consider dual boot...01:04
tanathsomeone needs to write a guide..01:04
smallfoot-oddalot, i did :)01:05
e2One of those things you think would have been ironed out in the beta.01:05
Jack_SparrowSeaPhor, I have xp, gutsy and hardy.... here01:05
JPSmonHelp I have no sound01:05
oddalotsmallfoot, do you have a CRT?01:05
SeaPhorJack_Sparrow, already am with winders, 1 more might confusse me too much lol01:05
akornanybody know the shortcut/macro keys to load up Tracker Search?01:05
smallfoot-oddalot, yes, and it does not support EDID :(01:05
Ertyletheunixgeek_: starts with the "nosplash" kernel option and remove the "quiet" option, and see where it gets stuck01:05
metanili tried to add other application and got "Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntudists/hardy/Release.gpg" .. and so on01:05
Jack_SparrowSeaPhor, np01:05
oddalotwhat is edid?01:05
simonft2JPSmon: seems like computer problem01:05
smallfoot-oddalot, it reads stats from monitor and automatically use good values01:05
simonft2is ubuntu showing the volume on?01:05
Ertylemetanil, mirrors are bogged down, see /topic01:06
JPSmonnope - the mice in the generator wheel are dead01:06
nibsa1242bnomopofomo: sorry, my bad I read NTFS as NFS01:06
oddalotsmallfoot- can you email me your working xorg.conf : oddalot@yahoo.com01:06
bazhangljl is that you? ;]01:06
bradlis7it's kind of annoying that they took displaymanager-gtk off the menu, and didn't replace it01:06
Ertylebazhang: no01:06
bradlis7i can still use it, but it's annoying01:06
JPSmonsimonft2: no, shows with a red circle01:06
smallfoot-oddalot, ok but im not sure you can use it01:06
nomopofomonibsa1242b, that's what I thought :) it's okay though, i found that my harddrives aren't hda1 etc anymore but sda etc01:06
A|ysumhello is "64bit AMD and Intel computers" ubuntu download the right one for Core 2 Duo CPUs ? thx01:06
oddalotbrandlis how do you get to it now?01:06
simonft2JPSmon: ah, your joking.01:07
SeaPhorJack_Sparrow, However, I have not logged into my windows partition in so long,,, i would have to spend the first 3 hours on win-updates, AV updates, and a reboot or 2,,,,01:07
theunixgeek_Ertyle: ata1: failed to read native max address (err_mask=0x4)01:07
bradlis7nvidia restricted driver doesn't show up on my hardware drivers either01:07
theunixgeek_Ertyle: but booting in recovery mode works01:07
nomopofomobradlis7, to fix that you need to go into synaptic and enable third party software, then install nvidia-glx-new01:07
Jack_SparrowSeaPhor, I disabled the network card in my windows partition.. too much work to keep it running online..01:07
oddalotbrandlis7 how do you open the display menu?01:07
Ertyletheunixgeek_: upgrade or fresh install?01:07
theunixgeek_Ertyle: fresh01:07
apathetic-Guise, my xlib.h doesnt exist, i install the xlib-dev pack, but i cannot find it01:07
bradlis7nomopofomo: thx01:07
pure`eigenVectorI guess everybody's updating... slow download for updates... would it be faster to update from the torrent?01:08
ubotuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://nl.releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Hardy, and help keeping the servers' load low!01:08
smallfoot-oddalot, sent... but i have nvidia geforce, microsoft mouse, etc.. so it might not work for you01:08
theunixgeek_Ertyle: ok, now it says ist's EH complete01:08
pure`eigenVectorthx ubotu!01:08
dabbillany one useing a 8800GT in Hardy? if so how did you get your nvidia driver installed and working01:08
oddaloti have geforce01:08
theunixgeek_Ertyle: and ata2 is EH complete01:08
oddalotit might work01:08
smallfoot-ya, it might01:08
oddaloti'll just erase the mouse part01:08
smallfoot-else you might need edit some stuff01:08
UbuntongDoes 8.04 support Compiz on an ATI 3850?01:08
rawbi'm getting these errors on a 8.04 server in /var/log/syslog - how can I fix this? http://pastie.caboo.se/18650201:08
DBautelloddalot, I think I've had luck in the past looking up syncs and stuff here: http://www.monitorworld.com/monitors_home.html01:08
bradlis7oddalot: alt-f2 -> gksudo displayconfig-gtk01:08
SeaPhorJack_Sparrow, ? ohhh, so you dont use internrt in windows?01:08
b4l74z4ri installed the oss system in ubuntu a while back and i can't remember where it installed itself, how do i find the right location?01:08
nomopofomodabbill, you need to go into synaptic, enable third party software repositories, then install nvidia-glx-new01:08
theunixgeek_Ertyle: it keeps telling me over and over that EH complete for ata201:08
phiqtionwhat are the colors on this look called? metacity or gtk2?01:08
Jack_SparrowSeaPhor, none...01:08
theunixgeek_phiqtion: what look?01:09
Ertyletheunixgeek_: is there also an "xfermode" error?01:09
phiqtionthunixgeek: human01:09
theunixgeek_Ertyle: no01:09
dfgasanyone know of a good mirror to download at, i am on 5 megabit and would like it fast01:09
theunixgeek_Ertyle: now I'm in Busybox01:09
simonft2dfgas: too bad01:09
theunixgeek_Ertyle: ALERT: /dev/somethingsomething/ does not exist!01:09
nownoteverytime i try to apt-get install something i get couldn't find package01:09
oddalotDBautell: no luck it's not on the list, too old :D01:09
theunixgeek_dfgas: torrent01:09
boolkahow do i turn on svideo output on my laptop? ( the function key + f4  dont work - did in windows) ?01:09
theunixgeek_dfgas: see topic01:09
SeaPhorJack_Sparrow, lmao, Thats probably the BEST way to use windows!01:10
Ertyletheunixgeek_: /dev/disk/by-uuid/something?01:10
DBautelloddalot, well, I tried01:10
Jack_Sparrownownot, again, the servers are tied up.. dont expect to get anything from them01:10
theunixgeek_Ertyle: yeah01:10
mvinscwhen i install will my Broadcom card work? I use windows drivers now.01:10
bazhangnownot: best enable some more repos then01:10
Jack_SparrowSeaPhor, It works for me..01:10
dabbillnomopofomo, what one? all i have listed in there seems to be ones for 7.10, the 1 thats listed in there for 8.04 is already checked01:10
nownotJack_Sparrow: doest even look like its trying to look though01:10
nownotbazhang:  pls explain01:10
oddalotbrandlis i think that might of fixed it THANKS01:10
cwillumvinsc, you shouldn't need to use ndiswrapper anymore01:10
bazhangnownot: please pastebin your sources.list01:11
cwillumvinsc, install b43-fwcutter after you install, and it should work01:11
bradlis7yup (and it's bradlis7, no n)01:11
cwillumvinsc, qualified maybe :p01:11
Jack_Sparrownownot, did it ever get through apt-get update ?01:11
fsufitchhi, could anyone here help me set up a multimonitor output via VGA (or a clone output) in KDE 3.5? (also running compiz)01:11
Ertyletheunixgeek_: you might want to try booting with the "irqpoll" kernel option, given bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/204916 (and also possibly related https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.22/+bug/107982 and https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/112132)01:11
oddaloti like brandlis :D01:11
CaptainMorganI'm trying to find the remaining disk space on a remote ubuntu system.... anyone got a command line for it ?01:11
theunixgeek_Ertyle: thanks01:11
cwillumvinsc, if you're not doing a fresh install, make sure you undo any blacklisting stuff you did previously01:11
towliebani ran update manager and its downloading 79 packages. does that sound right for an update from gutsy to hardy or are those just gutsy updates ?01:11
cwilluremove ndiswrapper configs, etc01:11
theunixgeek_Ertyle: the irqpoll has always bugged me in every distro - ubuntu, fedora, etc01:12
* bradlis7 laughs01:12
Ertyletheunixgeek_: although, the fact that recovery mode works leaves me perplexed01:12
flamedryadi is back01:12
linkmaster03When I open xsane, this comes up, and the program immedietly exits: Segmentation fault (core dumped)01:12
Ertyletheunixgeek_: but you were using Gutsy without it?01:12
Jack_SparrowCaptainMorgan, free ?01:12
LiquidyCaptainMorgan: df -a01:12
theunixgeek_Ertyle: yeah01:12
CaptainMorganJack_Sparrow, yes01:12
mvinscok. thanks01:12
dabbillnomopofomo, also it shows that i have nvidia-glx-new installed01:12
simonft2!Segmentation fault01:12
towliebancan anyone answer me01:12
nownotJack_Sparrow:  doing it now01:12
Ertyletheunixgeek_: was your drive /dev/sdwhatever or /dev/hdwhatever in gutsy?01:12
towliebani ran update manager and its downloading 79 packages. does that sound right for an update from gutsy to hardy or are those just gutsy updates ?01:12
theunixgeek_Ertyle: not sure01:12
theunixgeek_Ertyle: but now it's booting normally01:12
penanyone here know how to use avatar-factory??01:12
Ertyletowlieban: doesn't sound right01:12
cwillutowlieban, probably just gutsy01:12
fsufitchtowlieban: that sounds a little too little for that ;)01:13
theunixgeek_Ertyle: how do I change grub to always boot with irqpoll?01:13
bradlis7i think there were 1000 packages that i had to update01:13
theunixgeek_Ertyle: (I'm logged in now :D )01:13
fsufitchi'm doing the same upgrade and it has 1.5k "files"01:13
Ertyletheunixgeek_: edit /boot/grub/menu.lst - however be aware that irqpoll does take a toll on performance (not sure how bad a toll, but)01:13
towlieban1500 packages ?????/01:13
mattycozehey everyone, what's the command to update to 8.04?01:13
theunixgeek_Ertyle: oh well, ya gotta do what ya gotta do ;)01:13
Ertyletowlieban: that would me more like it01:13
towliebanhow many packages are there for an update from gutsy to hardy  ?01:13
fsufitchdunno if they're packages themselves01:13
theunixgeek_Ertyle: thanks a bunch :)01:13
linkmaster03When I open xsane, this comes up, and the program immedietly exits: Segmentation fault (core dumped)01:14
Abdi have to update 1237 files and at 1057 file01:14
Ertyletowlieban, it depends on how many packages you had installed on your gutsy01:14
Abdnot much longer to wait01:14
clayhey, anybody know how to install lightning 0.8 w/ thunderbird for 8.04?01:14
Ertylebut basically it will update every package01:14
jPrattI cant get wi e01:14
phiqtionhow can i unpack a .RAR archive01:14
fsufitchtowlieban: see, Abd agrees w/ me sorta01:14
xb3rti downloaded a .tar.bz2 firewall package, extracted it and cant run make or make install, any reason for this?01:14
Ertyle!rar > phiqtion    (phiqtion, see the private message from Ubotu)01:14
linkmaster03jPratt: sudo apt-get install wine01:14
Jack_Sparrow!rar > phiqtion01:14
bradlis7the usf.edu server is in good shape, if anyone needs to update01:14
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes01:15
Ertylexb3rt: define "can't run"01:15
* Twigathy waves01:15
ubotuphiqtion: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free01:15
Liquidyphiqtion: www.rarlab.com :)01:15
cabrioleurlinkmaster03, this usually means that the application was compiled using different libraries than what you currently have. Revert to previous version, it might fix problem. You can also compile your own xsane.01:15
jPrattE: Couldn't find package wine01:15
oddalotYES, that fixed it branlis701:15
ErtylejPratt: you need Universe enabled01:15
linkmaster03cabrioleur: i'll try compiling it myself thank you01:15
Ertyle!sources > jPratt    (jPratt, see the private message from Ubotu)01:15
xb3rtErtyle, i can do the ./configure but thats as far as it gets01:15
fsufitchjPratt: do you have universe enabled?01:15
kswoHello, If I have an older version of ubuntu and I want to get the new version, do I need to re-download/install the newest version or can I use the internet update feature?01:15
IndyGunFreakjPratt: or add the wine repository01:15
oddalotthat is annoying that they didn't include the display option in the menus01:15
Ertylexb3rt: then what happens? use pastebin if necessary01:15
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes01:15
theunixgeekwith desktop effects, there's a pink glow around windows. how do I fix this?01:16
mOrO^the servers must be blitzed... no way can I d/l Hardy01:16
twinkie_addictoh yey 9 hours and 50 min left lol i realy should have waited hopefully the conection pics up soon01:16
bradlis7oddalot: still getting my name wrong.... your display problems i guess?01:16
jwwadkis anyone else having problems with brightness hotkeys in heron?01:16
TwigathyI'm trying to set up an NFSroot style Hardy install, but the boot always hangs at "eth0: link up" (This is after the nfs-premount script runs). Is there any way of nuking network manager or anything which will mess about with the networking?01:16
jPratthow do you enable universe?01:16
ErtylemOrO^: use the torrents, see /topic01:16
xb3rtErtyle, how do i use pastebin01:16
oddalotoh yeah, bradlis701:16
ErtylejPratt: see the message from Ubotu, it has a link about "recommended sources"01:16
twinkie_addictdoes wubi have resume ?01:16
theunixgeekxb3rt: pastebin.com01:16
Ertyle!pastebin > xb3rt    (xb3rt, see the private message from Ubotu)01:16
theunixgeekxb3rt: type it in, paste the url01:16
mOrO^Ertyle, does the torrent auto install? If it doesnt... Ill wait :)01:16
towliebanthat site for upgrading doesnt mention 7.10 to 8.04 heres the right link https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades01:16
oddalotsorry about the name, wow this looks better than 7.04, it's like a little smoother it seems01:16
oddaloterr 7.1001:16
ErtylemOrO^: "auto install"?01:16
penanyone here know how to use avatar-factory??01:16
clayi've been release impressed with hardy heron01:17
bradlis7yup, i think i'd like it if i could get 3d working :)01:17
simonft2pen: ubuntu talk only01:17
macabro22ubuntu isn't upgrading for some reason. Can someone help me find out whats wrong?01:17
mOrO^Ertyle, yeah, through the update manager01:17
pensimonft2: it's a ubuntu application, why can't I?01:17
linkmaster03macabro22: repos are very slow01:17
theunixgeekmacabro22: too many people trying to upgrade at once, probably01:17
towliebanOPS: who here controls the link thats returned when doing !update ?01:17
oddalotmacabro22 what's the problem?01:17
fsufitchcould anybody help me get a multimonitor setup working in kde 3.5 to work along with compiz?01:17
simonft2thinking about something else01:17
runlevelanyone able to get the logitech dinovo edge/mini dinovo working?01:18
goat|workmaco: if your still around,  disabling all network settings in Update Manager didn't work01:18
bazhangmacabro22: more info please; are your sources set to hardy? did you update and dist-upgrade?01:18
macabro22oddalot: I am trying to upgrade but upgrade-manager becomes unresponsive01:18
xb3rtErtyle, http://pastebin.com/m1ceace0201:18
SeaPhorJack_Sparrow, The funniest thing is, I work for HP testing wireless lan and wan on new platforms of vista and xp, and thats the one question i still have here, how to get my rtl8185 to work on my own PC!01:18
mOrO^Ertyle, Im one of them dar Linux newbies. I like for my computer to ask me, WHERE DO YOU WANT TO GO TODAY! I hit the switch and KDE comes up.01:18
tony403fsufitch, have you tried #xorg?01:18
=== LjL-Temp changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Hardy Heron (8.04) is OUT, torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/hardy/ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent (or http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ for AMD64 & Alternate CD, ask in #kubuntu for Kubuntu) || USE LOCAL MIRRORS in "Software Sources" if APT doesn't work || If you were using the beta or RC, the update manager will give you final automatically | #ubuntu-release-party or #ubuntu-offtopic for anything other than support || Upgrade from Gutsy
cabrioleurfsufitch, compiz should have no effect on your monitor setup. What graphic card do you have?01:19
fsufitchtony403: i thought it would be something ubuntu-specific01:19
sammywhere does debconf get my root partition from, the partition where it gets the UUID it wants to put in my grub menu.1st ?01:19
linkmaster03cabrioleur: where can I download the xsane source? i see binaries on the website01:19
fsufitchcabrioleur: i have an integrated intel01:19
=== LjL-Temp changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Hardy is OUT, torrent at http://tinyurl.com/4jrtmb (or http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ for AMD64 & Alternate CD, ask in #kubuntu for Kubuntu) || USE LOCAL MIRRORS in "Software Sources" if APT doesn't work || If you were using the beta or RC, the update manager will give you final automatically | #ubuntu-release-party or #ubuntu-offtopic for anything other than support || Upgrade from Gutsy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades
fsufitchrunning  on a dell b13401:19
boolkahow do i turn on svideo output on my laptop? ( the function key + f4  dont work - did in windows) ?01:19
towliebani really hope hardy fixes the problem with sleeping when i close the lid of my laptop01:19
raiderxxSo I just upgraded to hardy heron. But I don't see any difference01:19
raiderxxSHOULD I?01:19
theunixgeekraiderxx: read the features thingy01:19
tony403fsufitch, no, ubuntu doesn't natively use kde. you could try #kubuntu as well but maybe someone here knows also01:19
tarkusanyone know how to get postgresql server running?01:19
sammyI've edited manually, since I moved my root partition, and it wants to change it back. I'd like to avoid problems in the future and change wherever on my system it's still getting that my root partition is where it used to be01:19
JPSmondoes anyone know where I can get good cube-top-wallpapers?01:19
mattycozeif i've already download the Hardy LTS 8.04 iso file is there a way to update the pC with that instead of wiping the pC clean and doing a fresh install?01:20
JPSmonpreferably transparent?01:20
ErtylemOrO^, still not sure what you mean, but the CD image that you get from torrent is the very same image that you'd get from the web server (if it worked)01:20
raiderxxtheunixgeek: where can I find that?01:20
theunixgeekraiderxx: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/804features/01:20
bazhangmattycoze: live or alternate01:20
cabrioleurlinkmaster03, ftp://sunsite.uio.no/pub/sane/xsane/xsane-0.995.tar.gz - most recent one01:20
Liquidyraiderxx: if you upgraded all of your applications on your previous distro you wouldn't have to see any diference :)01:20
towliebanmatty you mean upgrade from 7.10 to 8.04 ?01:20
sammyhmm. I should come back a few weeks after upgrade day.01:20
linkmaster03cabrioleur thank you very much01:20
JPSmonmattycoze: not with THAT CD, you have to download the alternate install CD01:20
raiderxxliquidy: I upgrade regularly01:20
Ertyle!build-essential > xb3rt    (xb3rt, see the private message from Ubotu) install this package01:20
mattycozebazhang i'm pretty sure it's the live01:20
theunixgeekraiderxx: http://www.fsckin.com/2008/03/28/ubuntu-hardy-heron-804-release-notes-rewritten-in-plain-english/01:21
mattycozeahh dang01:21
unopmattycoze, i'm not sure, with previous releases only the alternate CD could do upgrades that way01:21
bazhangmattycoze: need the alternate then01:21
navetz_my apt-get just broke on me01:21
cappicardhm.. anyone not able to connect to us.archive.ubuntu.com when running apt-get?01:21
mohbanacan i install from a ntfs partion, i don't have a dvd handy01:21
mattycozethanks bazhang unop JPSmon01:21
navetz_i was trying to install sendmail01:21
navetz_but it failed01:21
cappicardthere it goes01:21
ryoohkiis there a channel for 8.04 aka hardy heron?01:21
navetz_now i cant remove it01:21
navetz_can anoyone help?01:21
FloodBot2navetz_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:21
sammycappicard: it's swamped.01:21
theunixgeekryoohki: this one01:21
Liquidyif you keep it up to date, and with everything been opensource, what did you expect of hardy?01:21
Liquidyit's nothing new01:21
cappicardyeah i can see that01:21
clayyeah, apt-get is having a hard today :)01:21
ryoohkitheunixgeek: thanks!01:21
fluiddHello.  Anyone point me to anything for power management?  8.04.. trying to throttle my processor in my laptop.01:21
sammycappicard: consider picking a closer mirror01:21
theunixgeekryoohki: (read the topic)01:21
unopmattycoze, but rathe that download the iso .. you might as well upgrade directly - see !upgrade if you are interested01:21
DrXI want to partition a 465G RAID 5 array to hold mission-critical data for optimal flexibility so it can hold Linux & Windows (NTFS) partitions that can be easily resized and grown onto additional drives -- what do you all suggest?01:21
_ZeuZ_Guys, is there any package in Ubuntu Server for Per-Host-In-The-Network bandwidth allowance control? Without having to use TCNG directly nor recurring to htb-gen nor htb.init ? I don-t want to use CBQ either...01:22
Ertyleryoohki: this is it, but #ubuntu-release-party if it's not a support question01:22
theunixgeekcappicard: torrent (see titlte)01:22
navetz_is there a way to fix apt-get?01:22
sammyor the torrent. right.01:22
jwwadkis anyone else having problems with brightness settings using hardy?01:22
dabbillno matter what i do i cant get my nvidia driver to take for my 8800GT, tried useing envyng, installing straight from nvidia website. Every time i reboot the computer it goes back in to low graphics mode. Also when i try to run nvidia-settings it says i am not useing the nvidia driver.01:22
oddalotanyone know how to get emerald themes in 8.04?01:22
_ZeuZ_dabill: get rid of the "bulletproof config"01:22
mattycozeyeh unop too late :P i downloaded the iso last night without thining too much01:22
gluercan i do a hardy upgrade from the full iso?01:22
_ZeuZ_dabill: manually edit the xorg.conf01:22
_ZeuZ_it's not hard01:22
unopmattycoze, shoulda come in here first :)01:23
_ZeuZ_you'll only have to remove a couple of lines01:23
cappicardah, that got released?01:23
dabbill_ZeuZ_, tried many of times01:23
oddalotdabill...i had problems, i had to open the display thingy...it's not in the system menu anymore01:23
cappicardi'm still on gutsy. didn't know there was a new release. lol01:23
mattycozeunop yeah i was, there was already talk about the servers being blitzed01:23
ravingDoes anybody know of a torrent for 8.04?01:23
=== nickrober_ is now known as nickrober
_ZeuZ_dabbill, seems like not correctly xD01:23
Ertyleraving: type /topic01:23
ZaschHello. I'm trying to upgrade to the new release of ubuntu, but whenever I try it Update Manager just freezes up01:23
linkmaster03raving: look at the topic title geez01:23
_ZeuZ_want to see mine?01:23
oddalotraving topic01:23
ravingoddalot, ahh, I apologize.01:23
ubotuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic01:23
ryoohkihow do i add autohome for nfs - i added autohome to nsswitch.conf which used to work but didn't work now - everything else is working as far as nis is concerned01:24
dabbill_ZeuZ_, i had it working perfict in 7.10, but cant get it to work in 8.0401:24
oddalotanyone here got emerald working?01:24
unopmattycoze, ohh, ahh well - not to worry, you can redistribute the ISO to friends and family :)01:24
sammyZasch: it's probably having a hard time talking to the servers, mine did that too. try running aptitude and picking a closer mirror to download from.01:24
cabrioleurfsufitch, have you tried the integrated gnome menu?01:24
_ZeuZ_dabbill, I'm on Hardy01:24
mohbanacan i install from a ntfs partion, i don't have a dvd handy01:24
JPSmoncappicard:  stick with the old for a while till we get these bugs worked out01:24
mohbanawithout using wubi01:24
sammyZasch: I mean synaptic, not aptitude.01:24
seamus7Zasch today is the first day of the release ... the servers always get slammed on day's like today ... just be patient01:24
_ZeuZ_PM me so I can show you01:24
Ertylemohbana: i don't think so01:24
dabbill_ZeuZ_, what do you have the driver set as? nvidia or nv ?01:24
_ZeuZ_and help you01:24
cappicardok, i agree on that.01:24
bradlis7hm, nvidia still not showing up in restricted drivers01:24
fsufitchcabrioleur: yes, i can get it workngi under gnome, but i prefer using my kde. is there a way to access the gnome menu in kde?01:24
bazhangmohbana: from within windows? try unetbootin or wubi then01:24
altjdoes Hardy have mysql 5.1?01:24
Ertyle!info mysql hardy | altj01:25
ubotualtj: Package mysql does not exist in hardy01:25
cappicardwubi works like a charm the last time I tried it01:25
SeaPhor_ZeuZ_, invite me too, i'm about to upgrade01:25
_ZeuZ_dabbill, remember to identify first01:25
towliebanaltj no you have to install it seperately01:25
KalElhi.. can't join to #ubuntu+101:25
_ZeuZ_SeaPhor, IRC dos not have that capability01:25
Zaschsammy: How do I do that?01:25
mattycozeheh; http://digg.com/linux_unix/Massive_Desktop_Linux_deployment_52_MILLION_new_users01:25
=== gnomefre4k is now known as gnomefreak
Ertylealtj: i see only 5.001:25
_ZeuZ_KalEl, ??01:25
theunixgeekKalEl: that's because hardy's been released01:25
theunixgeekKalEl: read the topic01:25
seamus7KalEl: this channel is now focused on Hardy01:25
ubotuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic01:25
Ertyle!info mysql-server | altj01:25
ubotualtj: mysql-server (source: mysql-dfsg-5.0): MySQL database server (meta package depending on the latest version). In component main, is optional. Version 5.0.51a-3ubuntu5 (hardy), package size 52 kB, installed size 88 kB01:25
IcemanV9KalEl: it's closed01:25
ryoohkihmm. i seem to be missing nfs-common01:25
dnyMy update manager isn't showing any new updates, is it because the servers are busy or something else? :x01:25
_ZeuZ_SeaPhor: identify and PM me01:25
theunixgeekdny: probably01:25
ShpookHello everyone, I have a laptop and I want to use the vga output to my tv, but I'm getting no video out of it. Is there a way to enable video output?01:26
KalEloh great!01:26
SeaPhor_ZeuZ_, sure it does ;-) #SeaPhor01:26
jordsservers are dead01:26
Starnestommydny: the servers are very busy01:26
nickroberanyone else having scratchy sound problems?01:26
cabrioleurfsufitch, gnome-display-properties01:26
_ZeuZ_create a channel is not the same xD01:26
_ZeuZ_though Here I go01:26
bd__yea my update manager keeps crashing when I try to upgrade01:26
boolkahow do i turn on svideo output on my laptop? ( the function key + f4  dont work - did in windows) ?01:26
ErtyleKalEl: try #ubuntu-release-party perhaps :)01:26
Daisuke_IdoShpook, you'll probably have to use a fn key combo01:26
bmk789anyone else seeing high CPU usage with FF3 beta 5?01:26
dnywell i knew they were busy, but i didn't know if that'd be the reason.  mine doesn't crash like everyone elses seems to do, it just doesn't show any new updates. :/01:26
simonft2bmk789: nope01:26
bazhangbmk789: what extensions yo have loaded01:26
goat|workanyone know why  the hardy update manager will not check the CD before requesting files from the repos... I have the CD option set in the software sources, and inserted, and I've unchecked the internet sources in the gutsy software sources01:26
cabrioleurfsufitch, also, here http://sernaonubuntu.wikidot.com/multiple-monitors is an interesting article how to modify xorg.conf (based on integrated intel card)01:26
simonft2bmk789: much less than ever01:26
sammyZasch: synaptic package manager should be easy to find, look with the other administration tools. you're going to open the 'repositories' item in the menus, and there should be a drop-down list to select your mirror. you can then select 'other' and click the button to find your closest mirror.01:26
ShpookDaisuke_Ido: Sorry, I meant to mention that I tried that and it didn't work.01:27
KalElErtyle :)01:27
fsufitchcabrioleur: thx! i'll try01:27
jwwadkdoes anyone know how to control screen brightness without using the power manager?01:27
Pc_Madnessare the repositories overloaded atm? :\01:27
bmk789bazhang: good question, ill try to disable a few and see what it does01:27
linkmaster03What is the GTK library package name?01:27
JPSmongoat|work: is it the alternat install CD?01:27
scizzo-Pc_Madness: yes01:27
goat|workJPSmon: no desktop01:27
Pc_Madnessbah :(01:27
nickroberanyone else having scratchy sound problems?01:27
scizzo-Pc_Madness: hard to say since they are hammered with traffic really01:27
goat|workPc_Madness: eta is now,  its just super slow01:27
Starnestommylinkmaster03: libgtk2.0-001:27
ShpookWas it nvidia-settings or something that used to allow dual monitors?01:28
seamus7jwwadk I am able to adjust screen brightness by doing FN + arrowup/arrowdown01:28
linkmaster03thanks Starnestommy01:28
goat|workJPSmon: why wouldn't the desktop work over the alt install cd?01:28
goat|workas a software source01:28
Shpookseamus7: I'm basically trying to do the same thing as you, except with a cga output instead of s-video.01:28
smallfoot-which i should install gnash, swfdef or adobe?01:28
Pc_Madnessdid Ubuntu mobile get released last night as well?01:28
MP2EHello all01:29
cabrioleurShpook, yes, nvidia-settings can modify xorg.conf to let you use multiple screens.01:29
bazhanggoat|work: just not made to do that01:29
JPSmongoat|work: hrm I dunno.01:29
MP2EWow this is epic01:29
MP2Ean IRC that is actually used01:29
cordenguys quick question does server edition has default gui or you have to install it manually?01:29
naer_dinsulFor some reason my postgresql installation has inexplicably quit working.  It fails with an error: 'could not load root certificate file "root.crt": no SSL error reported'01:29
bazhangPc_Madness: likely not01:29
_ZeuZ_Guys, is there any package in Ubuntu Server for Per-Host-In-The-Network bandwidth allowance control? Without having to use TCNG directly nor recurring to htb-gen nor htb.init ? I don-t want to use CBQ either...01:29
Shpookcabrioleur: Thank you, hopefully it will allow me to enable the vga output on my laptop.01:29
jwwadkseamus7: thanks, but the hotkeys are different on my laptop. i was thinking more of a software-based solution01:29
Pc_Madnessbugger :(01:29
bazhangcorden: need to install01:29
bmk789bazhang: I disabled a bunch that didnt work anyway and now it seems to be behaving correctly, thanks01:29
jcwilliamsAnyone up for helping a newbie with an Install problem?01:29
goat|workbazhang: so the alt install would be identified?  damn, had i known :-)01:29
raiderxxI read online about a family tree making program. Does that come preinstalled, or do I have to download it, and if so, what is it called?01:29
jvai_i'm ghost everyone.. peac01:30
=== lee__ is now known as umass1993
cordenbazhang, so i need inet connection so that i can download the gui?01:30
MentalNotesDoes anybody know what's happened to the Gobuntu Hardy release? The latest build on cdimage.ubuntu.com was a daily from 4 days ago01:30
MP2EWell I'm having problems installing Ubuntu 7.10 on an SiS 630/730 Integrated system along with an AMD Athlon 32-bit processor01:30
linkmaster03jcwilliams: it might help if you tell us what your problem is. don't ask to ask a question01:30
KalElarchive.ubuntu.com clogged01:30
bazhanggoat|work: many new packages are just not on the livecd; if you have hardy already you dont need either cd01:30
ShpookWow, servers must be slammed with the release. I'm only getting 15kbps when I usually get 400-500+01:30
dnydoes virtualbox need a lot of power to run?01:30
MP2EUbuntu's installer crashes on BusyBox01:30
bazhangcorden: would be helpful yes01:30
goat|workbazhang: thanks01:30
cycomI'm not even getting a connection yet.  I've heard reports that it's taking like 5 minutes :)01:30
bmk789i hope people are using the torrents instead of downloading images via http/ftp *cough cough*01:31
bazhangMP2E: check the md5sum for that disk01:31
cordenoic, i thinking if the gui it on the cd, just need to be install. bazhang01:31
raiderxxAnyone know?01:31
Zicksosmosis emerald under hardy heron doesnt work --- but fix is emerald --replace01:31
jcwilliamsI am trying to install Ubuntu 7.10 on an XPS 420.  I think my video card is the problem.  I am running an Nvidia Geforce 8800GT01:31
Zaschinstead of trying to upgrade through update manager, would it be faster to just download the CD?01:31
cycombmk789: I think it's more the dist-upgrade folks01:31
MP2Ebazhang: I have previously installed Ubuntu from that same disk01:31
PauliusHow can I enable SSH on Hardy?01:31
JPSmonbmk789: I would help with that if my internet wasn't screwed up01:31
MP2EBut on a different system01:31
cycomPaulius: sudo apt-get install ssh01:31
ANTDx1Paulius, install the openssh package01:31
MP2Ecould a scratch possibley have messed it up?01:31
cycomPaulius: it does the rest ;)01:31
MP2EBut Disk Check doesn't work either01:31
bmk789cycom: ya but arent the images hosted on the same server?01:31
x1250Paulius: openssh-server or -client01:31
DrXif your hardware RAID controller lets you dynamically grow volume groups, do you still need to you LVM to grow partitions?01:31
Pauliuscycom, ANTDx1: It says "package obsolete" on both.01:31
bazhangZasch: likely both are slow at this point--torrents would be fastest01:32
sammyoh, look at that, I wonder whats in /boot/grub/default? nope. thats not it.01:32
linkmaster03cabrioleur: I just installed xsane from source, this still shows and exits Segmentation fault (core dumped)01:32
goat|workraiderxx: if you don't know the program name, its hard to identify if its on the OS, but i haven't heard of any01:32
bmk789cycom: or at least using the same bandwidth01:32
ANTDx1try openssh-server, like someone else said01:32
Zaschbazhang: where can I find a torrent?01:32
Shadow_Xanyone know of a good clone of the mac os x dock? OTHER than karamba?01:32
luckyi screwed up my xorg.conf file and i can't get bulletproofX to start and i don't have an xorg conf file i can use to start xorg around. any suggestions on how to get a working xorg ?01:32
cycombmk789: presumably, but I don't think most people are going and downloading an ISO right now01:32
bazhangzasch read the topic01:32
goat|workShadow_X: awn01:32
bazhangShadow_X: awn01:32
sammywould anyone happen to know where debconf is getting the UUID for my root partition to put into my grub configuration? I've moved it and it thinks it's in the same place and I have no idea where it's set01:32
cycombmk789: we should ask Mr. Shuttleworth to publish the download stats on the individual files.01:32
bmk789cycom: good idea01:33
macchieai would like to do a complete reinstall, how can I get a list of all the packages I've installed?01:33
`KoRn /join #ubuntu-women01:33
qwortyam I online?01:33
raiderxxgoat|work: it was mentioned here: http://www.fsckin.com/2008/03/28/ubuntu-hardy-heron-804-release-notes-rewritten-in-plain-english/01:33
=== `KoRn is now known as Razel
unopsammy, perhaps from /dev/disk/by-uuid/  -- see also man volname, man vol_id01:33
IcemanV9qworty: read you just fine :)01:33
raiderxxgoat|work: it says "We added in a program for making posters, signs, family tree charts, and everything else that you might think about taking to a print shop. "01:33
bazhangmacchiea: dpkg -l01:33
seamus7Wonder why 8.04 isn't mentioned in a big flashy banner on ubuntu.com home? that's odd.01:33
cycombmk789: I'm tempted to download all the torrents just to help seed :)01:33
MP2EUh seamus7: it is01:34
qwortyIcemanV9: So this is the internet?01:34
MP2EUpdate your Cache01:34
Shadow_Xis awn in the repository? or do ya have to add another repo?01:34
cycomseamus7: hehehe01:34
bmk789cycom: thats what im doing now :) ive got a megabit up overnight01:34
ANTDx1seamus7, because adblock seems to be blocking it...01:34
IcemanV9macchiea: dpkg -l > installed_pkg.txt01:34
RoAkSoAxShadow_X, it is in the repository01:34
SkogsTrolletyes! äntligen!01:34
Shadow_Xhrmm I cant find it >.>01:34
kilraei installed with lvm from the alternate cd and have no grub or bootsplash, is this normal?01:34
seamus7ANTDx1: hee hee ... that was it .. AdBlock ... now I see it lol01:34
IcemanV9qworty: this is irc chat room ... online01:34
sammyunop: that's almost what I'm looking for. I've changed my menu.1st, and debconf, updating grub, wants to set the root BACK to my old partition.01:34
krasherHey i can't get my desktop in 1024x768 using a Geforce FX-5200 and a LG StudioWorks 55i in Hardy Heron... anyone can help me? i had trouble getting this to work at 7.10... but i can't remeber what i did :(01:34
munkiehow do you install the flash player01:34
qwortyIcemanV9: how do I uninstall the internet?01:35
SkogsTrolletden här versionen av ubuntu fungerar smärtfritt!01:35
MP2EUninstall the internet01:35
sammyunop: so I already know the correct UUID, I just have no idea where to tell ubuntu where I've moved it to so I don't have to manually edit menu.1st regularly01:35
goat|workraiderxx: interesting... i'm looking for the prog01:35
DanaGMirror works.01:35
DasuragaI had a fX-5200, the only way to get it to work is by editing the xorg.conf01:35
Daisuke_Ido!lol | MP2E01:35
ubotuMP2E: Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.01:35
=== gnomefre2k is now known as gnomefreak
DanaGJust check dates.01:35
DanaGWhat should the "official" date be?01:35
raiderxxgoat|work: Thanks a lot! I would, but I'm so new to this..01:35
IcemanV9qworty: what do you mean?01:35
linkmaster03<linkmaster03> cabrioleur: I just installed xsane from source, this still shows and exits Segmentation fault (core dumped)01:35
unopsammy, maybe update-grub does that for you .. not sure01:35
DanaGDate and time, I mean.01:36
sammyunop: thanks anyway. I'll go poking around.01:36
|ns|nR8anyone tried dual monitor support yet in 8.04 ? i couldnt get it going correctly in 7.10...01:36
qwortyIcemanV9: Well... I didnt actually choose to install the internet... it just kind of came with my laptop. To be honest its rather rubbish, I cant download cake. How do I uninstall it?01:36
rhanthonyAnyone here run a DNS server? recommendations for which package to go with?01:36
manuel__So have anybody heard of the WHITE SCREEN OF DEATH issue ??? I used envy to install the latest ATI driver, and now a white screen appears when I start gnome .... any idea???01:36
rhanthonyapt-get says bind is missing or unknown01:37
RoAkSoAxrhanthony, sudo apt-get install bind901:37
krasherHey i can't get my desktop in 1024x768 using a Geforce FX-5200 and a LG StudioWorks 55i in Hardy Heron... anyone can help me? i had trouble getting this to work at 7.10... but i can't remeber what i did :(01:37
goat|workraiderxx: its called Inkscape01:37
jedimasterkIs using thew Alternate CD better than the basic cd01:37
eternal_prhanthony: named works well too01:37
ubotuInkscape is a powerful vector graphics drawing application - see http://www.inkscape.org/ for more01:37
rhanthonyRoAkSoAx: danke01:37
raiderxxgoat|work: Thank you! You guys are amazing on here!01:37
DBautelljedimasterk, yes and no, depending on your needs and circumstances01:38
linkmaster03cabrioleur: I just installed xsane from source, this still shows and exits Segmentation fault (core dumped)01:38
dr_robotomorning all01:38
macabro22doodes. My upgrade process is halting at "authenticate '/tmp/tmpzy117N/hardy.tar.gz' against '/tmp/tmpzy117N/hardy.tar.gz.gpg'01:38
vbabiy-laptopHey does canonical have any idea of how many installs they had today?01:38
IcemanV9jedimasterk: if you want to install via text console, then alter cd is good to use01:38
goat|workraiderxx: you asked if it was installed, i think its not, but its available in Synaptic once you have Hardy installed01:38
qwortyDoes anyone here know how to uninstall the internet? IcemanV9 is unable to help.01:38
the7thmagushey guys, I know you must be busy with Hardy installs. just wondering if I should get the x64 version? I have a 64 bit processor, but are there going to be software incompatibilities with 32 bit software?01:39
Abd100 files to go01:39
goat|workqworty: unplug the cable or disable the wireless?01:39
tomd123qworty: if you don't know what you're talking about, I suggest googling it01:39
krasherDasuraga: what?01:39
bazhangqworty: interesting question but not clear01:39
IcemanV9sorry, qworty. i do not understand your problem.01:39
Mark_Gthe7thmagus: stick with 32 until you're more experienced with compiling..01:39
the7thmagusalright. thanks01:40
qwortygoat|work: I have, but its spread to my family and friends computers. I didnt install it, but I cant uninstall it01:40
Abdthe7thmagus you'll have a mcuh better peformance using a 64 bit OS on a 64 bit processor01:40
moDumasshey all, im goin through the distro upgrade process, and ive had a popup saying "Replace the customised configuration file '/etc/sysctl.conf'?" and im not soo sure if i should, any ideas?01:40
lopinI can't upgrade with the CD01:40
lopinIt's locking up01:40
qwortytomd123: I tried googling it, but I keep being told that I need to grow up01:40
moDumasswould it be safe to oversrite this file01:40
sean_tanath: I even tried using my old xorg.conf and that didn't help. =(01:40
DanaGyay, mirrors.kernel.org.01:40
duanebhey, can anyone else connect to us.archive.ubuntu.com?01:40
the_darkside_986can someone help me with Hardy? I cannot figure out how to make it not go so slowly and laggy in every aspect.01:40
goat|workqworty: the internet has spread to your family and friends computers?  i think its too late man01:41
bazhangqworty: what is the internet--this sounds like offtopic not a ubuntu supprot question01:41
linkmaster03I just installed xsane from source after having this problem on a normal install, this still shows and exits Segmentation fault (core dumped)01:41
Noah0504Are the Ubuntu repos down?01:41
bazhang!ot | qworty01:41
ubotuqworty: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:41
lopinduaneb: Servers are being really hit hard01:41
duanebare there and ubuntu mirrors?01:41
seamus7moDumass: just back it up and allow the upgrade to continue .. then you're covered.01:41
tanathno, i think you prolly had that right. looks like a compiz/xgl issue01:41
McJester82hope come when I boot my PPC, my screen is blank, but if I go to TTY and the straight back to F7, the screen appears01:41
Mark_Gqworty: so you want to uninstall the internet?01:41
Dasuragascroll down to tweaking xorg.com01:41
DanaGUse other servers.01:41
DanaGLook for01:41
DanaGargh, **** apostrophe key.01:41
=== Mark_G is now known as iznuics
DanaGLook for internet2 mirrors, if in the USA.01:41
seamus7the_darkside_986 did you upgrade or is it a fresh install01:42
qwortybazhang: Its uninstalling the internet on Ubuntu... so yes I believe it is relevant01:42
the_darkside_986Fresh install01:42
moDumassseamus you are so much smarter than me01:42
AbdNoah0504 No, they are just too slow01:42
duanebDanaG: sorry, could you explain more?01:42
rhanthonyWhat do i do if my root password is not working?01:42
linkmaster03I just installed xsane from source after having this problem on a normal install, this still shows and exits immedietly with: Segmentation fault (core dumped)01:42
bazhangqworty: please stop now01:42
seamus7seamus7 not sure01:42
tomd123the_darkside_986: nice01:42
Starnestommyrhanthony: you don't nned the root password. use sudo instead01:42
duanebrhanthony: do you have your regular account?01:42
duanebdo a 'sudo passwd'01:42
Noah0504Abd: Okay.  I figured it had something to do with the release.  I was trying to install some restricted drivers and it fails big time.01:42
rhanthonyIs there a way to recover it?  I dont remember even putting one in during setup.01:42
tomd123my install isn't fresh anymore, :_(01:42
MentalNotesthe_darkside_98: do you have compiz enabled?01:42
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rhanthonyI have my regular accts yes... but I'd like to not have to type sudo each and every time I wanna do something.01:43
the_darkside_986nope. And it takes very long to boot up compared to Gutsy, and starting up GDM is extremely laggy and causes my CPU fan to spin for a long while. well now it quit01:43
qwortybazhang: I will stop. But just so you and anyone who reads this knows, the internet is a virus... and it could be coming to a computer near you!!01:43
x1250rhanthony: try $ sudo -s, or $ sudo su01:43
linkmaster03rhanthony: sudo -i makes the terminal root01:43
MP2EOk I checked the MD5 and integrity of my Ubuntu 7.10 disk and it's fine, however the install on THIS computer fails on busybox01:43
the_darkside_986it is slow and laggy regardless of whether i have compiz or proprietary nvidia installed.01:43
MP2EWhile on my other comp I can install the whole thing easily01:43
pure`eigenVectoris there a howto gusty->hardy upgrade guide when using the torrent download?01:43
DBautellrhanthony, ubuntu discourages logging in as root, and does not let you pick the password unless you sudo su and change it01:43
moveaxhello. I'm trying to install a MetaCity theme for Gnome 2.22.1 on the latest Ubuntu release. When I click 'Install' and navigate to the theme tar.gz file and click Open, the appearance preferences dialog tells me it has installed correctly. However, the theme isn't in the list of available themes. What am I doing wrong here?01:43
rhanthonysweet cheesus... thank you!01:43
rhanthonySo, I don't know what my root pass is?  I have to sudo su, and then set it?01:44
seamus7the_darkside_986 wouldn't you have nvidia drivers with compiz enabled on top?01:44
mneptokrhanthony: do not set a root password01:44
DanaGwarning: PDF:   www.internet2.edu/resources/Internet2MembersList.PDF  -- list01:44
KyleKmoveax: i just drag and drop things perosnally01:44
jedimasterkIs using thew Alternate CD better than the basic cd01:44
MP2EThis comp is an SiS 630/730 with an AMD Athlon 32-bit (old thing)01:44
mneptokrhanthony: use sudo -i if you need to run more than one command01:44
bazhangrhanthony: root on irc? hahahaha01:44
the_darkside_986It is slow even after I had installed nvidia-glx AND turned off compiz.01:44
qwortyjedimasterk: Twice as good01:44
rhanthonymneptok: is not having a root pass, safe?01:44
DanaGList of members of internet2; it's a really fast network, and most members will have very large 'pipes' to them.01:44
rhanthonyNOT going to irc as root... no.01:44
mneptokrhanthony: a hell of a lot safer than setting one01:44
bazhangjedimasterk: for doing what01:44
rhanthonyin another ssh, want to just get alot of named/apache setup done01:44
seamus7the_darkside_986 what kind of computer?01:44
Starnestommyrhanthony: it makes it much harder for crackers to gain control and sudo logs things, unlike root logins01:44
KyleKmoveax: click customize maybe?01:45
moDumassDanaG I keep clogging my pipes with pictures01:45
the_darkside_986Not sure if slow is the best way to describe things. More like, something is making my CPU go crazy and hog CPU time. Compaq presario with 1024 MB of RAM and a celery CPU. Gutsy does not give this problem.01:45
Jobiasstupid question, how do i know which version of ubuntu i'm running? i had a rough time upgrading, and i'm not sure whether i'm running 8.04 proper, or whether i'm still on the release candidate01:45
moDumassbecause you cant fold them, so zipping doesnt work01:45
KyleKmoDumass: tubes01:45
DanaGFind things that are on both of those; also check dates on downloads.01:45
moveaxKyleK: The theme isn't in the list - how do I customize something that isn't available?01:45
hwildeJobias, cat /etc/lsb-release01:45
rhanthonyOk. Thanks for the tips.01:45
KyleKJobias: rc -> final is so not a dist-upgrade01:45
compengiHello.. i'm facing a little problem with my vga after installing hardy. i installed the restricted drivers, but my resolution when to 640x480. and there is no higher option.01:45
rhanthonyAnd thanks for no one yelling RTFM or GTFO.01:45
bazhanglsb_release -a Jobias01:45
IcemanV9Jobias: in the terminal, type lsb_release -a01:45
KyleKJobias: its just an apt-get upgrade :p01:45
moveaxKyleK: And dragging the file in resulted in the same 'Install OK' dialog, but no new theme.01:45
iznuicsthe_darkside_986: go to terminal and type top to see what's hogging the cpu01:45
Jobiashwilde: thanks01:45
moDumassKylec, theyre the same thing - the old ones are metal and the new ones are plastic, thats the only difference01:45
DanaG!info htop01:46
seamus7the_darkside_986 have you looked into 'tracker' ... it can hog resources ... it's the default indexing service for system wide searches .. you can throttle it01:46
ubotuhtop (source: htop): interactive processes viewer. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.6+svn20070915-1 (hardy), package size 45 kB, installed size 176 kB01:46
moDumassppictures sti;; clog them though01:46
DanaGvery handy tool: htop01:46
JobiasKyleK: ah, good to know :D01:46
duanebDARN us.archive.ubuntu.com01:46
KyleKmoveax: click customize, they didn't design it right01:46
jedimasterkI am having trouble using the live cd iso. When I boot I get (initramfs) blinking cursor. Tried to burns from two different mirrors. No luck. Should I try an upgrade from alternate cd instead.01:46
JobiasIcemanV9: thanks01:46
DanaGFind a different mirror.01:46
MentalNotesmoveax: you might have to customize an existing theme01:46
rhanthonyanother question, does anyone know of a good ircd?01:46
iznuicsduaneb: pick a mirror outside the country01:46
hwilderhanthony, sudo aptitude search irc01:46
hwildeduaneb, use the git mirror its blazing01:46
_alf_is there a way to take an xubuntu install and turn it into a regular install of ubuntu (GNOME)? I tried removing xubuntu-desktop but all it did was drop a little 33K package.01:46
Starnestommyrhanthony: inspircd, hybrid, unreal, or ratbox01:46
DanaGNot necessary to go outside the country.01:46
rhanthonyanyone have experience with some of those? personal opinions?01:47
the_darkside_986how do i throttle trackerd (is that its name?)01:47
seamus7the_darkside_986 have you opened system monitor to see which running service seems to be using up you cpu resources01:47
bazhang_alf_: install ubuntu-desktop01:47
_alf_bazhang: thanks01:47
iznuics_alf_: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop.. then change sessions on the login screen01:47
nickrud_alf_ install ubuntu-desktop , it'll install alongside. Use options->sessions on the login screen to choose which to run01:47
rhanthonynever run an ircd, wanna try so i can put chat rooms up for some of my sites01:47
bazhangxchat rhanthony01:47
hwilderhanthony, why not use freenode it's free01:47
the_darkside_986well, the only CPU % that isn't 0 is gnome-system-monitor and firefox. but it lags without firefox or sysmonitor running01:47
rhanthonyhwilde: cause, i also want to just learn how to run an ircd.01:47
MentalNotes the_darkside_986: go to system -> preferences -> Search and Indexing01:48
sammy_alf_: also there's an apt-get command that cleans out unused packages. it's possible you have an unbelievable amount of dependencies that aren't needed. try apt-get autoclean01:48
seamus7the_darkside_986 it should be an icon in your notification area ... right click and look through preferences ... you can also access it through System/Preferences/SearchandIndexing01:48
shadeofgreyhas anyboidy gotten full 8.04 to boot on intel macs in livCD mode?01:48
pure`eigenVectorwhen distro-upgrading (from gutsy) with the alternate cd, is it safe to upgrade by mounting the iso, or do I have to burn it?01:48
iznuicsthe_darkside_986: trackerd might just be indexing.. when it's done all will be well.01:48
hwilderhanthony, sudo aptitude search irc01:48
rhanthonyi've always go out and figured out how to DO the things I like using on the net... its how I started off, and why I am now a network engineer :P curiosity and not taking "no, normal people can't do that" as an answer01:48
the_darkside_986what do i do in the tracker preferences dialog?01:48
_alf_sammy: thanks... i'll try that too.01:48
sammy_alf_: I mean autoremove. autoclean deletes package files01:48
KyleKpure`eigenVector: why does upgrading involve a cd?01:48
Starnestommyrhanthony: I think ircd-hybrid is in the repos, but I prefer inspircd althopugh it has to be compiled from source01:48
pure`eigenVectorKyleK... update servers are slow are really slow atm01:49
moveaxKyleK: OK, so that resolved the controls - but the window borders aren't as they should be01:49
rhanthonyNormal people shouldn't run a home network on a CISCO cat 6509 ... but it's one hell of a way to learn about networking :P01:49
MentalNotes the_darkside_986: click on performance tab and move adjust the throttling option01:49
sammyrhanthony: yes, normal people should, and the other people should be relegated to the 'AOL' internet where you can't break anything.01:49
_alf_how do i specify the "git mirror" that hwlide spoke of, since the us ubuntu archive is getting railed?01:49
KyleKpure`eigenVector: oh, right, I upgraded last night when people were asking when it was going to go live01:49
duanebGuys: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors01:49
dabbillI have my driver set to nvidia in xorg.conf but when i try to run nvidia-settings it says i am not useing the nvidia driver01:49
rhanthonyI just never got 100% into linux... was an NT guy for years and years... now going to roll up my sleeves and play with linux more than just as a bind/mail/apache server.01:49
xifcan I install FF3 along-side FF2?01:49
moveaxKyleK: ah, resolved that too, n/m :)01:49
DanaGLook between these two:01:50
the_darkside_986ok thanks. What about extremely slow startup time? Is there a way to fix that?01:50
DanaGwarning: PDF:   www.internet2.edu/resources/Internet2MembersList.PDF  -- list01:50
FloodBot2DanaG: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:50
KyleKweeee pdf01:50
pure`eigenVectorKyleK... I had started to do that... but must have taken the wrong link or something 'cause I started compiling a kernel with git... and created the .deb... and it wouldn't install01:50
duanebsorry, #ubuntu :P01:50
seamus7the_darkside_986 ... just change the settings to use less memory and choose slow indexing over faster indexing ...  you can turn off tracker in Sessions01:50
=== philip_ is now known as trobos
Lucroth_I have a question01:50
rhanthonysammy: well, if you have a 6509 or 7501 cisco sitting in your living room for your home network... you're not "normal" anymore.01:50
shadeofgreywe need a ubuntu channel for mac people01:50
Lucroth_What changes in this new update01:50
compengii'm facing a problem with my vga after installing hardy. it's Nvidia FX5500. i installed the restricted drivers and after reboot the resolution went to 640x480.01:50
DanaG6509 and 7501?  Managed switches?  Servers?  What?.01:50
Lucroth_Why should I bother?01:50
the_darkside_986oh ok. so tracker affects boot time? if that's the case then I guess I've fixed things.01:51
trobosAnyone have any idea why a wifi card would work with Ubuntu, but occasionally disconnect?01:51
tanlaanHello everyone, I'm having trouble updating my new install of Ubuntu 7.1001:51
rhanthonyDanaG: swtiches.  search the model numbers on www.cisco.com .... lil heftier than what you get at bestbuy.01:51
bazhangthis is ubuntu support channel lucroth do you have a support question01:51
MP2EOk seriously I'm stumped... This thing won't install ubuntu. Or most linuxes for that matter01:51
phiqtionhow can i enable the 3d cube in HARDY? thx01:51
DanaGAll I use is a dd-wrt router.01:51
binarybandittrobos, are you sure it's a client side issue?01:51
penanyone here know how to use avatar-factory??01:51
hwilde!cube | phiqtion01:51
ubotuphiqtion: Compiz-Fusion (and the older Compiz and Beryl) are window managers that employ the "composite" extension of X to draw windows using graphics cards' 3D hardware. They can additionally provide "desktop special effects" (such as the "cube") by means of plug-ins. Join #compiz-fusion for help and support with advanced features. See also « /msg ubotu compiz » and « /msg ubotu effects »01:51
bazhangpen what is it01:51
rhanthonyDanaG: got a good deal on a few left overs back in the .bomb days, great learning tools for CCIE01:51
binarybanditphiqtion, you're lookinf for compiz fusion01:51
newscanei'm running into a problem installing via floppies...01:51
anathematicdoes the apt-get repo's have the latest version of ruby?01:51
Lucroth_My question is somewhat linked to support, as if I bother updating I'm going to probably need it, lol01:51
MP2EIt's an SiS 730 with an AMD Athlon 32-bit and an Mitsumi Disc Drive01:51
DanaGphiqtion:  compizconfig-settings-manager01:52
nickrudanathematic apt-cache policy will tell you the version available01:52
dabbillany one get a 8800 GT working in hardy that can help me out?01:52
hwilde!find ruby | anathematic01:52
ubotuanathematic: Found: libruby1.8, libruby1.8-dbg, libsvn-ruby, libsvn-ruby1.8, ruby (and 377 others)01:52
sammyfor anyone else looking for mirrors, synaptic does a great job of pinging all the mirrors and chosing the best one for you. I'll suggest it 'cause it worked well for me :) just select 'repositories' and find your way to select a new mirror, there'll be a button.01:52
penbazhang: it's a very cool script, but I don't know how to use it. Link:: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=48635901:52
DanaGSiS?  Ouch.01:52
pure`eigenVectoris there an amd64 specific ubuntu channel?01:52
binarybandithwilde, nifty01:52
anathematichwilde: not quite the newest, thanks!01:52
MP2EYeah SiS really does suck01:52
smickwith the new release, are the dual screen configurations any easier than like a month ago?01:52
penbazhang: they now provide the GUI, but it's also confusing to use01:52
bazhangLucroth_: go to www.fsckin.com for more info thanks01:52
nickrudpure`eigenVector you're in it01:52
seamus7the_darkside_986 I don't think tracker affects boot time ... you can even set it to delay initiation by however long you wish from within its preferences ... my experience is that the compisite window manager takes some time to completely initiate after log on01:52
Lucroth_Im just curious as to if this newest ubuntu update is worth the hassle of gettting?01:52
hwilde!64 | pure`eigenVector01:52
ubotupure`eigenVector: AMD64 and EMT64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See http://tinyurl.com/jv6tc for more information.01:52
penbazhang: maybe you are more talented to tell me the usage?01:52
trobosbinarybandit: Im fairly new to the world of computers, but I know that on my windows boot I have a permanent connection... my instincts tell me that if it was a driver issue I wouldnt be able to connect at all01:52
pure`eigenVectornickrud: o_O oh okay... thanks01:52
phiqtionbinarybandit: how can i get this?01:52
MP2EI thought Ubutnu supported SiS >_>01:52
bazhangpen never used it sorry01:52
sammysmick: as long as we're still using X, I doubt the dual screen configuration will be any easier in this decade :)01:52
boolkahow do i turn on svideo output on my laptop? ( the function key + f4  dont work - did in windows) ?01:52
penbazhang: I know. Take a look01:53
binarybanditphiqtion, type /j #compiz-fusion and ask them there :)01:53
jedimasterk I am having trouble using the live cd iso. When I boot I get (initramfs) blinking cursor. Tried to burns from two different mirrors. No luck. Should I try an upgrade from alternate cd instead.01:53
pure`eigenVectorthanks, I just assumed there would be a separate channel01:53
phiqtionbinarybandit: thx01:53
binarybanditjedimasterk, did you verify your burn?01:53
newscanei partitioned w/ debian sarge, grabbed ubuntu's debootstrap, and then i get errors when i run it01:53
smicksammy: thanks.  too bad. well Iwas gonna upgrade anywya, but I won't boot into ubuntu tonight and do it then.01:53
bazhangjedimasterk: what about a net upgrade01:53
MP2EDoes ubuntu support SiS?01:53
iznuicsjedimasterk: you have to burn s.l.o.w.01:53
newscaneit can't do chroot /target01:53
binarybanditjedimasterk, net upgrade?01:53
DanaGglxinfo → *segfault*01:53
jedimasterkdidn't try that was slow01:53
liritafter i inserted the install CD, it wont ask me to upgrade, it only open the CD to show me the content. How can I get it to intall?01:53
DanaGYay, I have a working fn-f4.  I'm lucky!01:53
binarybanditjedimasterk, well, if it verified, it should be ok01:53
plikjedimasterk: did you use the force?01:53
MP2EDoes ubuntu support SiS? >_>01:54
bazhanglirit: in windows? what cd is this01:54
compengiHello LjL-Temp01:54
mojogreets!  i just did a fresh install of 8.04RC the other day and can't find a good howto on dual monitors for hardy.  all the ones i find are very old.  the screen res tool is not detecting the 2nd monitor, using fglrx with compiz; 2nd monitor is working as a sort of clone but not at same res so it scrolls the viewport.  Help/ideas?01:54
Millertime_018my updates keep failing in the new ubuntu01:54
Millertime_018what do i do?01:54
binarybanditI usually burn at like 2x when I'm burning OSs ?.?01:54
sammysmick: X configuration with even one monitor and a good 'ol FOSS driver supported video card is a chore enough. it *is* better than it was last decade, though :D01:54
jedimasterkI rebooted and got (initramfs)_ prompt both times01:54
liritbazhang: in linux 7.10. the cd is 8.0401:54
dabbillany one get a 8800 GT working in hardy that can help me out?01:54
DanaGHow would you go about saying this to the nvidia driver:01:54
oddalotdoes anyone here have the emerald repository tab missing in emerald settings???01:54
rhanthonythanks guys... i've got what i needed for now... thanks agian for the help.01:54
jedimasterkI rebooted and got (initramfs)_ prompt both times  With Live CD01:54
smicksammy: but not better than 4 weeks ago, which is my last upgrade and last time I booted into ubuntu.01:54
KyleKoh good01:55
bazhanglirit the live cd or the alternate--what is the exact issue please be precise01:55
DanaGAssume ANY VGA monitor is capable of at least 1024x768 at 60Hz01:55
KyleKno updates since 22nd01:55
DanaG.... since some projectors are missing Pin 9 (the DDC Pin).01:55
smickI'm running a new 8800 GT video card on a new system.  so far, nvidia settings aren't working too well.01:55
jedimasterkNever had this problem with 7.10 Live cd01:55
oddalotno one here is using emerald on 8.04?01:55
jcwilliamssmick: I am having issues with an 8800 GT as well.  I can't even get the live cd to boot01:55
ahavehello, i am tring to run 'apt-get install build-essential' and the build hangs at '99% [Connecting to archive.ubuntu.com (]' and just sits there.. what is going on?01:56
sammysmick: thank you, nvidia and ati, for thinking that a closed source world is the best answer to innovation and progress. easily half of the questions I see for linux are 'my video is f'd up!' just 'cause there's so much pressure for one to be better than the other.01:56
liritbazhang: the live cd. it asked me to install from the CD the very first time I inserted it. But after that, it only shows me the contents.01:56
hwildeahave, you know everybody is upgrading to 8.04 right?01:56
bazhangahave servers are understandably overworked01:56
DanaGI'll be switching TO ATI in summer, frankly.01:56
LainIwakuraI could configur my wireless (Broadcom Corporation BCM94311MCG wlan mini-PCI) connection in Gutsy by installing the broadcom firmwire, then enabling it in "Restricted Driver Manager". Now in Hardy, after I install the firmwire, I cannot locate the firmwire in "Driver Manager" (there is no "Restricted Driver Manager" anymore) in order to enable it. Any ideas? Thanks.01:56
DanaGI'm sick of nvidia.01:56
hwilde!broadcom | LainIwakura01:56
ubotuLainIwakura: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx01:56
DanaGEven if ATI is still crappy... at least it's open-source crap.01:56
nickrudahave use a mirror, the main archive is being hammered most likely01:56
ahavehwilde, oh.. did not know that.. should i just let it sit?01:56
bazhanglirit you need to disable the cd as a software source in synpatic01:56
compengii'm facing a problem with my vga after installing hardy. it's Nvidia FX5500. i installed the restricted drivers and after reboot the resolution went to 640x480. could anyone help me out?01:56
sammyahave: have you tried running synaptic package manager and having it look for the closest mirror to you? that helped for me.01:56
DanaGnvidia is closed-source crap.01:56
hwildeahave, you should go outside and get some exercise and come back tomorrow01:57
ledbettjLainIwakura:  the "Restricted Manager" got renamed to "Driver Manager" at least on my machine01:57
ahavesammy, no i have not.01:57
sileniwhy does apt-get update stop at 56 % getting headers01:57
smallfoot-yes but nvidia drivers work better than all other01:57
sjovanhey guys... i think i made a pritty useful script for splitting movies. how do you get it on the official wiki?01:57
hwildesileni, , you know everybody is upgrading to 8.04 right?01:57
ahavehwilde, i am backpacking tomorrow :p01:57
smallfoot-sileni, heavy load due to 8.04 release01:57
ledbettjLainIwakura: er, I mean "Hardware Drivers"01:57
silenii seeee01:57
hwildeahave, sorry the truth hurts01:57
sileniso its not my network01:57
Exodusomg how do i get the cube! j/k01:57
silenithanks guys appreciate it :)01:57
LainIwakuraledbettj: Yes I know.01:57
hwilde!cube  |  Exodus01:57
ubotuExodus: Compiz-Fusion (and the older Compiz and Beryl) are window managers that employ the "composite" extension of X to draw windows using graphics cards' 3D hardware. They can additionally provide "desktop special effects" (such as the "cube") by means of plug-ins. Join #compiz-fusion for help and support with advanced features. See also « /msg ubotu compiz » and « /msg ubotu effects »01:57
jedimasterkAnd you can check card parameters with nvidia drivers as well01:57
SeaPhorI have had more compatibility issues wit ati than nvidia, but that just me01:57
sammyahave: give it a whril. as long as it doesn't pick something on the otherside of the world (and even then), you'll probably see an improvement. it picked a mirror in canada for me (not far from seattle) and I got max download speeds through the entire upgrade.01:57
Exodushwilde: J/K01:57
dabbillany one get a 8800 GT working in hardy that can help me out?01:57
newscanecan anyone help me? ;)01:57
nickrudlovely, errors in help files01:58
Exodusdabbill: i have a 8600gts01:58
dabbillExodus, are you useing hardy?01:58
Exodusdabbill: nvidia-glx-new drivers should work with 8800 too.01:58
Exodusdabbill: yes.01:58
dabbillExodus, i have nvidia-glx-new installed01:58
jedimasterkSeems like allot of problems with an LTS version01:58
philip_why is FF3b5 included in LTS? it crashes left and right (greys out)01:58
shadeofgrey  /j #macosx01:58
sammycompengi: try doing a 'dpkg-reconfigure' on the xorg server package. let X redetect your devices with possibly new drivers and re-write the xorg.conf file01:58
dabbillExodus, but no matter what i do i cant get any settings to stick, it keeps going back to low graphics mode01:58
jcwilliamsExodus: Would the 8800 GT stop a 7.10 install?01:58
nickrudphilip_ you can install the 2.x version as well01:59
penbazhang: so? interested?01:59
Exodusphilip_: mostly when using flash.01:59
SeaPhordabbill, _Zeuz_ was trying as he has it working now01:59
bazhangjedimasterk: many have reported success; likely a cd/media issue on your end01:59
Daedius_hey everyone ;) bad start to 8.04 for me01:59
dabbilljcwilliams, my 8800GT worked perfict in 7.1001:59
Exodusjconnolly: it should run perfectly, it's the same driver if you have your repositories updates.01:59
vi1985Hey guys, perhaps anyone can give me some help setting up ubuntu? I encountered problems on the repartition stage, and currently running it from the cd01:59
Daedius_after instal, my mouse works intermittantly01:59
_ZeuZ_Guys, is there any package in Ubuntu Server for Per-Host-In-The-Network bandwidth allowance control? Without having to use TCNG directly nor recurring to htb-gen nor htb.init ? I don-t want to use CBQ either...01:59
silenithis 8.04 is amazing, everything seems to work01:59
Exodusdabbill: well, remember you have to save them with administrative priveledges.01:59
silenibefore nothing liked me01:59
dabbillSeaPhor, i have been tryin to for couple hours now with no luck01:59
dabbillExodus, have been01:59
telexiconvileda, what happened?01:59
jcwilliamsI just got a new PC and and it sounded like a few people got it installed.  The only thing I have different is that video card01:59
Exodusdabbill: that means making them stick in /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:00
sammycompengi: otherwise there's a halfway decent wiki page about resolution issues, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto02:00
_ZeuZ_Guys, is there any package in Ubuntu Server for Per-Host-In-The-Network bandwidth allowance control? Without having to use TCNG directly nor recurring to htb-gen nor htb.init ? I don-t want to use CBQ either...02:00
Exodusdabbill: I see, and your xorg.conf is using Driver "nvidia"?02:00
IcemanV9  02:00
milly1234hi, just upgraded to 8.04, and now my xorg.conf is almost empty, how in the world do I set up my hardware? like my monitor and nvidia card?02:00
jcwilliamsWhen I try to run my install the Screen turns black and my computer starts beeping02:00
JPSmonSo i am installing Creative Soundblaster X-Fi drivers and the compiler wants me to use the same compiler that built the kernel.  But i'm not Linus Torvalds02:00
dabbillExodus, when i open xorg.conf it says driver "nvidia"02:00
LainIwakuraOK, so that wiki page says that the broadcom driver is already installed in Hardy. But I cannot use pppoeconf in Hardy. How do I get that to work? Thanks.02:00
hwilde!nvidia | milly123402:00
ubotumilly1234: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:00
telexicon!spam | _ZeuZ_02:00
ubotu_ZeuZ_: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubotu <keyword>): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam, !PM, !English - And most importantly, use common sense...02:00
nickrudIcemanV9 that best have been a mistake02:00
hwildeIcemanV9, don't spam02:00
x1250someone on intrepid ibex?02:00
Exodusdabbill: pastebin your xorg.conf02:00
sammyDaedius_: a usb mouse? that's odd.02:00
philip__yeah IcemanV9 ya big willy02:01
bazhangx1250 funny but no02:01
hwilde!intrepid | x125002:01
ubotux1250: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IntrepidIbex02:01
nickrudx1250 very funny, a topic for +102:01
telexiconx1250, i dont think it has started yet02:01
SeaPhor_ZeuZ_, I wish i could help you with your question, but i am a n00b, dabbill is back and asking though02:01
=== zzhlei is now known as c1a33
Daedius_sammy, yah, usb mouse, every usb mouse I plug into my machine02:01
milly1234I installed the binary driver through the hardware driver manager thing already02:01
the_darkside_986If the "Enable indexing" box is not checked then wouldn't trackerd be disabled? also, it seems like other process such as firefox want to hog the CPU and cause lag sometimes. Maybe it's a kernel issue or something.02:01
Daedius_it works for like 3 seconds02:01
Daedius_ten stops02:01
_ZeuZ_telexicon: LAG, and if you want I can paste the output of IRSSI02:01
x1250telexicon: I hear it did02:01
hwildeDaedius_, disconnect and reconnect then pastebin your dmesg output02:01
sammyDaedius_: anything interesting at the end of dmesg? using any hubs or pluging the mouse into anything other than the port on the computer itself?02:01
milly1234infact it says its enabled in that, even rebooted, and its not using it02:01
Daedius_I'll check =)02:01
IcemanV9 nickrud: i couldn't see .... all i got was black screen .... finally i am back. sorry. you're welcome to ban me to make everyone else happy.02:01
sammyoh, see, hwilde just goes straight to wanting to look him/herself :P02:02
_ZeuZ_lsmod | grep nvidia02:02
JoshBPI need help upgrading.02:02
milly1234my screen went black when I tried using it02:02
nickrudIcemanV9 nah, it was out of character for you. That's why I assumed a mistake02:02
JoshBPI get stuck on setting new software channels02:02
bazhangJoshBP: please elaborate02:02
dabbillExodus, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64297/02:02
hwildelol @ sammy02:02
telexiconJoshBP, arent the mirrors overloaded?02:02
=== nick111 is now known as Miss
milly1234does ubuntu ave any sort of central hardware setup type tool?02:03
graftyo why does network manager take up 74M of memory?02:03
IcemanV9nickrud: it's weird ... it happens a few time ... thks for knowing me well that i wouldn't do anything stupid.02:03
vi1985Seems there is a stream of questions here... Let me rephrase: Is it possible to repartition the disc without reformatting (lots of valuable info) when installing Hardy? My Lenovo T60 won't let me do it...   Anyone, help :)02:03
jac0bare the servers down or under a bunch of load?02:03
rich_freecommI hate catch22s02:03
telexiconvileda, yes02:03
graftnetwork manager takes up more memory than Xorg02:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about repartition - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:03
seamus7the_darkside_986 cpu or memory? do you have enough ram? enough video ram? are you running a bunch of programs at once?02:03
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in !GNOME under !Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For !Edgy and later, see !fstab and !DiskMounter02:03
telexicongraft, virtual memory or physical memory?02:04
=== Miss is now known as Miss_Adriana_Ber
bazhangvi1985: change partitions? you wish to resize, format or what please specify02:04
grafttelexicon: physical is only 37m, but still more than xorg02:04
mojogreets!  i just did a fresh install of 8.04RC the other day and can't find a good howto on dual monitors for hardy.  all the ones i find are very old.  the screen res tool is not detecting the 2nd monitor, using fglrx with compiz; 2nd monitor is working as a sort of clone but not at same res so it scrolls the viewport.  Help/ideas?02:04
k[5\5]help upgrade 710 to 804 ..02:04
jcwilliamsI need help getting the Live CD to boot.  My Monitor hits sleep mode and my computer just beeps02:04
grafttelexicon: and way too much for a stupid network manager to take up02:04
telexicongraft, xorg is highly optimized02:04
k[5\5]update manager no response02:04
grafttelexicon: and network manager is not?02:04
telexiconno network manager is not02:04
NAiLAny Xen gurus here? Having some issues with Xen after upgrading to Hardy :(02:04
Miss_Adriana_Berlet me see02:04
grafttelexicon: well, balls02:05
CJS3141In Synaptic what exactly is the difference between "Mark for removal" and "Mark for complete removal"?02:05
GerbilSofti seem to have encountered a strange bug in ubuntu 8.04's NFS booting02:05
bazhanggraft: it is the size it is; I prefer to uninstall it and use command line--you are free to do so as well02:05
oriezafter upgrading i don't have sound at all02:05
GerbilSoftspecifically, after it boots from the network, it freezes after loading squashfs02:05
philip__lol, wtf?!02:05
the_darkside_986why does my whole system keep lagging randomly when I'm running only firefox and chatzilla. (well the system claims a package manager is running ...)?02:05
GerbilSoftit won't unfreeze unless you wait a few minutes, press Ctrl-N, and hit enter02:05
jon_high9000hello, anybody know of anything strange going on this afternoon such as  failure to access repositories?02:05
bazhangCJS3141: unisintall and purge02:05
Daedius_this is taking a bit to get it into pastebin FYI02:05
ben-ghow do i enable my atheros wifi card?02:05
graftbazhang: comamdnline you mean like if-up etc?02:05
seamus7CJS3141 mark for complete removal deletes the configuration files (I think that's the only difference)02:05
telexiconthe_darkside_986, i think there is a bug in firefox that the devs are ignoring02:05
Johnsonwhee install cd keeps saying I have logic errors lol, i can't even check disk integrity02:05
bazhanggraft: command line (cli)02:06
InYourBasejon_high9000: The traffic is really high because so many people are updating02:06
graftjon_high9000: hardy was just released, load is high, try a mirror02:06
telexiconfirefox freaks out and eats up 70% cpu and thrashes the hard drive often02:06
newscanei'm having some problems with an install of gutsy over floppies (boot from sarge floppies, then grabbing ubuntu's debootstrap)...02:06
sammymilly1234: mojo: you're probably on your own, more or less. dual monitor setups are almost always completely different as someone else's, they're really hard to debug and troubleshoot.02:06
twinkie_addictthats why i run opera :)02:06
graftbazhang: yes, do you mean using ifup eth0, and /etc/network/interfaces? that's too 1990s for me02:06
telexicongraft, where are you looking at the memory usage?02:06
grafttelexicon: top02:06
ubuntu__how do i become an ubuntu guru?02:06
vi1985bazhang: I don't have too much experience setting up os's... When installing Hardy, it prompted me to repartition the hard drive so that space will be allocated to both windows and ubuntu... now when i tried to do it, it threw some unspecified error.02:06
sammymojo: that being said, it sounds like you could make a change to your xorg.conf to fix that, have you edited it manually at all?02:06
telexicongraft, if i look under system manager it shows 2.3MB for network manager02:06
Daedius_Alright you guys02:06
CJS3141seamus7, bazhang: Thanks!02:06
Johnsonubuntu__, lmfao02:06
milly1234this isn't dual monitor02:06
telexicongraft, er system monitor02:06
jon_high9000graft: i tried to load the 7.10 version of Kubuntu02:06
mojosammy::  no it is stock, and very sparse02:06
DBautellubuntu__, practice02:06
bazhanggraft if you have a support question please ask, otherwise please go to #ubuntu-offtopic thanks02:07
ubuntu__im an idiot02:07
sammymilly1234: sorry, don't know why your nick got stuck in there.02:07
k[5\5]help update manager  no response when update from 710 to 804??02:07
ubuntu__can it be done?02:07
dabbillExodus, any idea man?02:07
vanzemaljacikonia: helpp :)02:07
Daedius_here is my pastebin for usb mouse problems where the mouse only works for 3 seconds or so: http://pastebin.com/m18f29602:07
milly1234probably saw me having problems of a similer nature but only on one display02:07
bazhangvi1985: could you please specify the error? it would be very helpful02:07
niadhI've upgraded to hardy today and now my iPod does not work with banshee, what packages do i need to install to fix this?02:07
sammyk[5\5]: the mirrors are very heavily loaded. try running synaptic package manager and choosing a new mirror to download from in the repositories configuration.02:07
jon_high9000graft:had a large hang time. never did install.02:07
nickrudvi1985 try defragging your windows drive first. If you have vista, use the vista disk management tool to shrink your ntfs partition02:07
JoshBPMy updater gets stuck on setting new software channels. It always quits with a network error, but it my network is fine02:07
tomtommyhow do i upgrade to hardy?02:07
vanzemaljacikonia: so i have ubuntu installed on laptop and i have a 22" flat LCD hooked up to it.. when i boot ubuntu with it pluged in.. it shows bunch of nonsesne million different colors.. any ida?02:07
Daisuke_Idoubuntu__, you can do it, the quickest way to start is to hang out here and read through the forums02:07
oddaloti feel naked and alone02:08
telexiconJoshBP, the mirrors are overloaded wait a while02:08
k[5\5]i've change the mirror to a fast edu net02:08
vanzemaljacanyone know02:08
Exodusdabbill: try this xorg.conf on hardy heron: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64299/02:08
Daisuke_Ido(i've been using ubuntu for a year and a half and i'm nowhere NEAR guru status)02:08
JoshBPhow long.....02:08
graftjon_high9000: try a different mirror?02:08
vi1985bazhang, the only thing it lets me do is to either use the entire disc for linux, or create new partitions. Both options require format, which I'm very reluctant to do...02:08
nickrudtomtommy if you're in 7.10, it will ask you if you want to upgrade02:08
Exodusdabbill: remember to back up your xorg.conf02:08
sammyJoshBP: have you tried selecting a new mirror or are you using the default?02:08
telexiconJoshBP, or you can use an alternate mirror02:08
dabbillExodus, aye :)02:08
vanzemaljacso i have ubuntu installed on laptop and i have a 22" flat LCD hooked up to it.. when i boot ubuntu with it pluged in.. it shows bunch of nonsesne million different colors.. any ida?02:08
k[5\5]and tried many times02:08
ubuntu__im downloading hardy now, going to format this 500 gigger and go crazy02:08
Daisuke_IdoJoshBP, til they aren't overloaded, that's how long :D02:08
Daisuke_Idohard to say really02:08
sammymojo: pastebin it somewhere, your xorg.conf - i'll take a look, no promises :P02:08
bazhangvi1985: you may consider wubi or unetbootin if you are wary of using partitioning tools then02:08
boumaw00t :P02:09
ubotuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod02:09
ed1tis ubuntu repository slow today?02:09
grafted1t: yes, hardy was just released02:09
vanzemaljacdoes anyone know how to get external LCD working on ubuntu.. installed on a laptop02:09
sammyk[5\5]: try letting it auto-find the best mirror. i was skeptical, but it worked wonderfully02:09
bazhanged1t: is that a real question?02:09
_alf_ubuntu__: i've used linux for 10 years. I use it every day at my job and at home and i'm not a guru02:09
nickruded1t try looking for a mirror near you02:09
dabbillExodus, did you edit my config?02:09
sammyk[5\5]: also, assume that the fastest mirrors are the ones that are overloaded.02:09
ubuntu__well then im screwed!02:09
eternal_pthere needs to be a drinking game, a shot when asked about the repos02:09
tanathfor those who need a mirror: go to System > Admin > Software Sources > Download from other... > Select best server02:09
k[5\5]i can open it in webbroswer in no time02:09
NAiLAnyone know why I'm suddenly getting slow networking with xen on hardy?02:09
boumacould anyone tell me if i can change the behaviour of the gnome window selector (2.22.0) so that the wheel cycles through all windows not just the windows on the current desktop ???02:09
DBautelleternal_p, we'd all be dead02:09
tanathservers are overloaded02:10
_alf_ubuntu__: i'm here for help now.... no one knows everything02:10
flowbotanyone using pidgin here? i can't resize my text input box ... anyone else got this problem?02:10
graftwe need to make an ubotu shortcut about mirrors today02:10
k[5\5]but the updater just no response02:10
sammyeveryone listen to tanath.02:10
ed1ti meant us.archive.ubuntu.com thats prolly coz of new release02:10
tanathsammy, bah, no one listens to me :P02:10
eternal_pflowbot: no, sorry02:10
ubuntu__i see the community is really cool though02:10
Exodusdabbill: yes, i posted that correction02:10
DBautellflowbot, #pidgin, that one's right in their topic02:10
Daedius_just for information on my non working usb mouse system, its a mac pro if that helps anyone02:10
Exodusdabbill: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64299/ this should automate certain things, and auto-detect.02:10
flowbotDBautell: is #pidgin on this server?02:11
IntangibleLiquidcool, i'm on Hardy now. What's next?02:11
ubuntu__i need to learn how to install postgresql and create a database02:11
k[5\5]can i use terminal to update,  and obtain some info about the updating process02:11
bazhangIntangibleLiquid: issues or just want to chat02:11
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EruditeHermitjoin #matlab02:11
KyleKk[5\5]: theres no fancy gui for text, but you can watch stuff scroll by :)02:11
c0mp13371331337_k[5\5]-  sudo apt-get dist-upgrade02:11
DBautellflowbot, I'm new to IRC, but it is on freenode, and I don't do anything special to get there from where I am02:11
tanathubuntu__, you can install things in synaptic02:11
loufoquewhy are the servers so slow lately? Is it because of the hardy release?02:11
jac0bare the ubuntu servers slow for anyone else?02:11
whoniccawhy cant i play any videos on hardy heron, totom, and mplayer02:12
iznuicsloufoque: yep02:12
tanathubuntu__, and you can find guides on google02:12
ubuntu__yeah i use terminal and sometimes synaptic02:12
tehquicknessIs there a way to see which programs are reading/writing to the harddrive??02:12
mojosammy::  http://pastebin.com/m503d8f0e  is my xorg.conf (stock hardy with fglrx)02:12
KyleKjac0b: lol02:12
bazhangloufoque: could be02:12
jon_high9000graft: Thanks for the heads up. im glad it isnt my computer. i will try your suggestion tomorrow morning. do you think morning would be better to reinstall?02:12
nickrudloufoque jac0b check the /topic02:12
flowbotDBautell: yeah, is cool .... i'm there ;)02:12
Miss_Adriana_Bersynaptic is frozen02:12
IntangibleLiquidbazhang: I made a life-threatening bet, re-structuring the entire partition table with Disk Test. Thanks god I'm still alive02:12
tanathubuntu__, ok, well you can use aptitude or apt-get02:12
ubuntu__i got the ubutun 7.10 bible, pretty cool02:12
vi1985bazhang, that's the problem that the error was unspecified. I'll try running a partitioning tool in my XP, and see what comes of it. Thanks!02:12
sammyjac0b, loufoque: go to System > Admin > Software Sources > Download from other... > Select best server02:12
niadhCan someone help me get my iPod to work with the hardy version of banshee?02:12
Arnoshi, I have a problem, I have installed Ubuntu 8.04 to a USB, it boots, but when I log in it just shows the brownish screen and nothing happens.  Please help!02:12
graftjon_high9000: hard to say... i bet this will last at least for the next few days02:12
k[5\5]i click the update button on the manager panel02:12
ubuntu__yup apt-get install or apt-cache search right?02:12
ben-gcan someone help me with an atheros card?02:12
loufoquenickrud: i've had bad experience with local mirrors02:12
tomd123servers ARE slow because everyone is trying to get their information... It's like stuffing down giant amounts of information down a series of tubes!02:12
blbrownWell, I upgraded, that was easy02:12
dabbillExodus, rebooting to test02:12
bazhangArnos: give it a lot of time--->it will be very slow02:12
mojosammy::  i am looking into trying aticonfig cmdline tool with --initial=dualhead and winging it from there if you don't have any better advice.02:12
jac0bsammy: thanks02:12
moDumasshmm, debconf?02:13
rich_freecommI want to start a new channel '#fed_up_with_trying_to_get_my_nickname_to_work'02:13
RodGoservers are soooo slooow02:13
nickrudloufoque I've had the opposite (but I use just a couple universities)02:13
yaris12346789anyone know a open source tool to split videos ?02:13
RodGo:'( am waiting for hours02:13
ubotudebconf is a configuration management system. All packages that support debconf are configured when they are being installed. If you want to change a configuration option later, you can do so using dpkg-reconfigure02:13
IntangibleLiquidcannot reload my Add and Remove, too slow02:13
Arnosbazhang: why will it be very slow?02:13
mojorich_freecomm::  when you get one, be sure to register it so you can use nickserv to enforce it.  there can be only one ;)02:13
k[5\5]sudo apt-get dist upgrade did't work when crossing version02:13
tomd123RodGo: if your downloading the cd, get it through bittorrent and save everyone some hassle02:13
_ZeuZ_do I need to restart amarok to apply the themes?02:13
whoniccahow come all videos i try to play are in slow mo, and then eventually freeze up02:13
jon_high9000graft: i understand. no problem.02:13
RodGoiv just installed it02:13
RodGoam downloading some packets trough synaptics02:13
bjbumanyone have experience with running vent through wine? i've got most things working except I can only hear 1 voice at a time >.<02:13
IntangibleLiquidalso, cannot disable the touchpad with function key, how to do this manually?02:14
rich_freecommmojo: I have02:14
sammymojo: that's always a good idea, especially after an upgrade. it's taken me 50 little steps to get my video where I want it, I dread the update :(02:14
nickrudk[5\5]  do-release-upgrade is the preferred command line technique02:14
bazhangArnos: from usb key? you may want to visit eeepc channel for more info on such meta-questions02:14
lopinI can't upgrade off of the cd02:14
_alf_what does this mean:  gimp-python: Depends: gimp (= 2.4.0~rc3-1ubuntu7) but it is not going to be installed02:14
rich_freecommmojo: won't let me use the one I registered02:14
RodGoand its taking hours :'(02:14
lopinIt's locking up02:14
KyleKhey will ubuntu install onto a raid now?02:14
c0mp13371331337_k[5\5]-  You'll need to edit /etc/apt/sources.list and change every instance of 'gutsy' to 'hardy'.02:14
MachinTrucChoseanyone else have this problem? My wifi works, but after I reboot, it doesn't work. I'm thinking it's gotta be a permissions thing, I had the same problem in 7.10. I'm sure the fine people at Canonical didn't ship it with a Network-Manager that doesn't work with wifi cards, so can anyone recommend a fix (other than installing 3rd party apps like Wicd)02:14
DanikarHey does Hardy have Firefox 3 Beta installed by default?02:14
niadhDanikar: Yes02:14
tomd123RodGo: go to the sources, choose other in sources, and click the button that says, choose best server, you'll be surprised how much faster it will go!!! I downloaded packages at 400KB/s during peek hours :P02:14
lopinDanikar: Yes...02:15
MachinTrucChoseaddendum: it doesn't work until I log in as root and "change" the WPA key to what it already is02:15
JPSmoncan someone help me install a soundcard?02:15
ubuntu__i thought its supposed to be the full version of fox02:15
sammymojo: you might end up needing to set some modelines.02:15
iznuicsMachinTrucChose: you might read the release notes.. they have something in there about wifi and network manager.02:15
mijachow i can  install firefox 2 on ubuntu to use instead of the 302:15
niadhubuntu__: It ain't out yet02:15
k[5\5]chang it manually ?  but there already a button on the update manager02:15
nownotwhy once install phpmyadmin its not allowing me to connect via localhost/phpmyadmin02:15
k[5\5]ok thank you!02:15
MachinTrucChoseiznuics: I had the same problem with 7.10, which I got around by installing Wicd.02:15
tomd123mijac: sudo apt-get install firefox-202:15
ubuntu__oh i thought it was going to be ready in time for 8.0402:15
bazhangmijac: through synaptic02:15
mijacthank you master02:15
lopinAnyone know why the cdromupgrade is locking up?02:15
ubuntu__don't you have to do sudo apt-get remove firefox-3 first though?02:15
mijacdo someone has a toshiba sattelite ?02:15
RodGotomd123: ty, ill give it a try02:15
_ZeuZ_mijac: I do02:16
RodGo:( feel like a dumb here waiting for hours02:16
niadhubuntu__: Nope, read somewhere it may be upgraded later once 3 is officially out, but i think they're playing it by ear02:16
dabbillExodus, still poped up with the low-graphics mode02:16
bazhangubuntu__: not needed02:16
ubuntu__i hate my toshiba satellite stolen if that counts02:16
mijacI bought it today02:16
jasoncan i update with the ubuntu live cd?02:16
telexiconwhats up with firefox 3? it lags the system really bad02:16
mijacbut for example02:16
mijacI can not activate the wifi02:16
sebastien'/ctcp babyseoul xdcc send #2'02:16
bazhangjason: no need alternate02:16
kenanwhenever i log into ubuntu my panels and windows all glow a random colour. How do i disable my windows and panels from glowing?02:16
mijacat least I can not see wifi02:16
mojoRodGo::  go to System - Administration - Software sources, choose Download From "Other..." and click the "Select Best Server" button.  It will speed test them all.  Be sure to select your country in the list before hitting the button, so it only speed-tests those.02:16
_ZeuZ_telexicon: not all systems, it runs smooth if you compiled it yourself02:16
tomd123telexicon: it's a beta, it's not even an rc, so don't expect it to be perfect02:16
ubuntu__you bought my stolen toshiba satellite?02:16
nownotok how do i completely unisntall phpmyadmin besides apt-get remove phpmyadmin02:16
DBautelllopin, someone said earlier that you need to run it with the full path: /mnt/media/upgradeubuntu , rather than ./upgradeubuntu02:16
jasoni just downloaded the iso02:16
_ZeuZ_thing is the xmlrunner02:16
sebastienctcp babyseoul xdcc send #202:16
lopinOkay, thanks02:17
Ertylesebastien: stop that02:17
ubuntu__firefox 3 rocks pertty good over here02:17
Exodusdabbill: ok, now there's another step02:17
Kr0ntabnownot: sudo apt-get purge phpmyadmin02:17
MachinTrucChoseI thought Flash was supposed to work out-of-the-box on HH?02:17
jasoni jsut downloaded the iso andi  have gustsy gibbon02:17
niadh_ZeuZ_: You mean XULRunner?02:17
sammynownot: that should completely remove any files that you didn't create yourself. do you mean dependencies?02:17
JoshBPwould the iso be quicker?02:17
_ZeuZ_niadh, yah, sorry typo02:17
telexicontomd123, thats not an excuse, and i understand its beta.. but this is not just a little quirky issue, this is showstopper, making the whole system unusable, lag02:17
nownotsammy:  yes02:17
IntangibleLiquidhow do I perform the 3-D cube thing?02:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about local - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:17
newscanecan someone help me w/ a floppy-based install?  booted from debian sarge floppies, now using debootstrap to get gutsy, and having problems.02:17
mijaceven that the restricted drivers detect an atheros02:17
feveli was using the betaversio nd it didnt ask me to upgrade02:17
rich_freecommug....at least THIS server knows my name....02:17
cal_where is the connection log for ubuntu? i dont see anything that would have to do with my broadband dsl connection in /var/log ... ?? I am losing connection every 10 min or so and need to track down the reason.02:17
Exodusdabbill: install the "nvidia-settings" package02:17
_ZeuZ_gotta go, take care guys02:17
tomd123telexicon: use firefox 2 / opera / epiphany if you don't like it, you have options you know02:18
telexiconid understand if it was alpha 4, but its beta 502:18
=== pj_og__ is now known as pj_og
fevelhow can I tell if If im using a  beta or not??02:18
mijacok zeus02:18
dabbillExodus, i have it installed02:18
P_KableHi, if sudo do-release-upgrade closed unexpectedly, what should I do to relaunch it ?02:18
ubuntu__says beta02:18
telexiconyea, that was the response i expected02:18
Exodusdabbill: well, is your monitor adequetly identified?02:18
KyleKtelexicon: beta means beta not "works"02:18
rich_freecommok, well....I'm not impressed with IRC....It won't even let me use the name I registered yesterday02:18
eternal_pIntangibleLiquid: you need to install compiz advanced settings, then turn on cube and cube rotation02:18
sammynownot: once you remove it, you can run apt-get autoremove. Kr0ntab suggested apt-get purge, I'm not sure if that does the same thing.02:18
=== dny_ is now known as dny
aeon17xholy crap @ crowd02:19
tomd123telexicon: as I said, you have options02:19
dabbillExodus, nvidia-settings says i am not running the nvidia driver02:19
Exodusdabbill: run nvidia settings as root with sudo, and remember to save to xorg with it02:19
telexiconKyleK, beta means.. getting close to release candidates, trying to clean up the last few bugs02:19
KyleKtelexicon: even 3.0 final no really it works (TM) is still not stable ;)02:19
IndyGunFreakaeon17x: always is on a new release day02:19
tomd123ahh aeon17x is throwing crap at the crowd!02:19
ANTDx1holy crap back, aeon17x02:19
iznuicsrich_freecomm: what happens when you /nick <registered nick>02:19
DBautellrich_freecomm, you're not using pidgin, are you?02:19
ubuntu__geez my connection is slow02:19
aeon17xhaven't gotten the release yet, will do later tonight :-)02:19
ubuntu__another 3 hours before 8.0402:19
VorboteMachinTrucChose: you probably have a corrupt keyring file. Go into single user mode (sudo telinit 1), change to your home directory (a "su - <yourlogin>" will do), change to .gnome2 and delete the keyrings directory. Reboot and try again. Allow network-manager to access the keyring always when asked. Don't login automatically to your account but login with your password. that'll open the keyring automatically.02:19
ANTDx1goodl uck...02:19
bazhangrich_freecomm: why not xchat?02:19
fiz1hey, i have hardy and i just installed firefox 2, it wont allow me to add any extensions02:19
dabbillExodus, when i do sudo nvidia-settings it says " You do not appear to be useing the NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X configuration file02:20
Exodusdabbill: you sure you have Driver "nvidia" on the device @ xorg.conf?02:20
Vorbote!es > aeon17x02:20
IndyGunFreakubuntu__: its probabl not your connection, the servers are overwhelmed right now02:20
sammyrich_freecomm: someone else is probably using it, and freenode doesn't automagically boot people for using someone else's nick until they ask for it back.02:20
nownotok need some help phpmyadmin is not cooperating02:20
k[5\5]i think the only and safe way is to click the "update" button on the update manager02:20
dabbillExodus, i am useing the xorg.conf file you pastbin and said to use02:20
ubuntu__no trust me my connection is crap02:20
ubuntu__im getting 50-66kb02:20
IndyGunFreakok, if you say so.02:20
MachinTrucChosevorbote: I always log in with a password. I'll do the rest of your recommendations. Thanks.02:20
ubuntu__normally i get 7002:20
twinkie_addictoh yes the torent is much faster02:20
ubuntu__but your probably right, a lot of people hitting them hard02:20
rich_freecommiznuics: (on that server) rich_freecomm :Nickname is already in use.02:21
Exodusdabbill: hmm, I think I found the error from your xorg.conf02:21
dracflamlocquick question, the applications menu... is there any way to make the items in the menu vertically smaller? i like small menus...02:21
Exodusdabbill: let me see.02:21
goat|workis there a "replace" option in any of the terminal text editors,  i cant find one in nano, does vi or emacs have one?  I'm trying to replace a string with another string in 30 locations in a file02:21
nownotlooks like its in /usr/share how do i access it from locahost?02:21
k[5\5]...now i 'm changing gutsy to hardy02:21
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes02:21
dabbillExodus, okay cool.02:21
rich_freecommDBautell: I'm using X-chat right now...but I have pidgin loaded02:21
rich_freecommsammy: even after I registered it?02:21
nickrudrich_freecomm if you have the nick registered, do /nicksrerv ghost nick password02:21
Gman99999is there a default laptop powersaver utility for chagning the frequency of the processor installed in ubuntu by default like there is in kde?02:21
DBautellrich_freecomm, yeah, ok, pidgin sucks at IRC. try /ghost NAME pwd02:21
nickrudrich_freecomm er, nickserv , a typo there02:21
iznuicsubuntu__: I've got a good connection and only getting 80kbs .. normally on the mirrors I get in the hundreds.. it's just a busy day!02:21
welshdrago1anybody know how to get wireless working in hardy with an Atheros AR242x? i have the drivers, but no connections show02:21
sammyrich_freecomm: it's a setting each irc network can choose for themselves. some of them do, some of them don't, even after you registered it.02:22
bazhangwelshdrago1: does ifconfig show three entries or two02:22
crimsuntelexicon: bug 21572802:22
iznuicsrich_freecomm: what nick did you register?02:22
thenetduckHi can someone help me understand Landscape?02:22
telexiconcrimsun, yeah im reading it02:22
sammyrich_freecomm: you can always ask for it back when you log in, which is what I've been doing for.. however many years now :)02:22
Gman99999anyway to change your processor performance levels on a laptop in gnome in ubuntu?02:22
welshdrago1bazhang: 2 secs...02:22
niadhDoes anyone know why my iPod might not work with banshee after upgrading to hardy, despite me having podsluth installed?02:22
ArnosDoes anyone know how long it should take to load 8.04 from USB?02:22
ubuntu__well thanks IZNUICS makes me feel better.02:22
iznuicsubuntu__: :)02:23
Exodusdabbill: no it's actually we constructed, run "lsmod | grep vidia" in a console, does anythin appear?02:23
bazhangniadh: amarok works fine here; never tried banshee though02:23
keenish27anyone know how to get dual displays working on hardy?02:23
welshdrago1bazhang: 202:23
niadhbazhang: Not a great KDE fan, hence the banshee thing02:23
rich_freecommnickrud: well..now the account was killed...of course I assume that killed my OP for the channel as well02:23
Millertime_018bazhang: i cant get any updates or new installs cuz the downloading stops at a certain file number! what should i do?02:23
telexiconthis is an unfortunate situation for the default browser for an LTS release to be in02:23
bjbumanyone have experience with running vent through wine? i've got most things working except I can only hear 1 voice at a time >.<02:23
bazhangwelshdrago1: is that the one that uses madwifi02:23
dbristowdamn it, I keep getting a md5sum mismatch on wubi.exe, I get three identical copies of the file from major mirrors, yet the same mirrors MD5SUMS lists a different md5sum for just that file, all the *.isos are fine02:23
mgmzhi, anyone know if i can run wine with "hotspot shield" or know a similar linux prog???????02:23
shadfccan i use the 8.04 CD to upgrade02:23
niadhshadfc: Yes02:24
ind1g0zzlingWhtiger, yt?02:24
twinkie_addictnice 504 k trandsfer :)02:24
nickrudrich_freecomm doesn't kill the account, just the user of the nick. then you can /nick nick, and then /nickserv password <pass>02:24
kneekiThis is a tad silly, but how do I go about getting all 4 desktops (for my cube) to show? Atm, I only have 2 desktops, and the cube looks all flat, like a piece of paper. =p02:24
KyleKtelexicon: better than LTS being stuck with firefox 2 for a long time02:24
fevelhey... how cn I update my beta hardy?02:24
Millertime_018kneeki: right click the windows that are already there02:24
iznuicsshadfc: just the alternate from what I've read02:24
freeksh0w86hmm, everytime i launch a new process, the CPU goes crazy and everything lags including basic mouse movement. what could possibly be the cause of this?02:24
Gman99999anyway to change your processor performance levels on a laptop in gnome in ubuntu?02:24
Whtigerind1g0zzling: ..what?02:24
bazhangniadh: kde apps run fine in gnome; gtkpod or rhythmbox should do well in gnome though if you are a purist02:24
KyleKkneeki: turn on more virtual desktops probably02:24
MachinTrucChosewhat are the best IRC clients for Linux? Pidgin is horrible, it's like the absolute bare minimum required to use IRC.02:24
nownotok need some help phpmyadmin is not cooperating  looks like its in /usr/share how do i access it from locahost?02:24
telexiconKyleK, right, browser that doesnt work instead of old browser02:24
nickrudfevel just start the upgrade-manager02:24
ubuntu__what distribution of linux do corporations use for servers?02:24
telexiconmakes sense to me02:25
ind1g0zzlingWhtiger, wtf... goddamnit #googoog02:25
Vorbotekneeki: right-click on the workspaces applet and edit the preferences.02:25
dabbillExodus, no i dont see nvidia under lsmod02:25
dbristowMachinTrucChose: I like xchat02:25
mgmzsynaptic is not working, how come i cant fetch any files????????????????????02:25
nickrudnownot  go to localhost/phpmyadmin , you should see it02:25
sammyubuntu__: redhat and those with 'certifications' because corporations like little sheets of paper02:25
supersakoi am trying to dual boot and virtualize... basically i want to have windows vista and linux dual booted and then in linux be able to open windows in a VM or boot into Windows if i have to...02:25
keenish27anyone know how to get dual displays working in hardy?02:25
DBautellMachinTrucChose, xchat02:25
niadhBazhang: Not a purest, i use K3b more than gnome burners, but banshee is prefered media player02:25
KyleKtelexicon: what is your problem anyways? I'm only havign issues with its autocompletion, brings up porn to the top all the time :(02:25
welshdrago1bazhang: i didn't know madwifi supported hardy?02:25
kneekiAh ha! That was it =p02:25
iznuicsubuntu__: red hat, suse, ubuntu (up and coming)02:25
Whtigerind1g0zzling: why didn't you just pm me?02:25
jordanjay21mgmz: it's probably slow, just keep trying or wait02:25
kneekiI knew it was something horribly simple02:25
corbetthi, is there anyone who can help me get my maxtor external hard drive mounted and working on ububtu 7.10 - whicj ive just loaded on pc to replace windows, it worked perfectly fine elsewhere on widowqs02:25
nownotnickrud: yeah its not htere02:25
fevelnickrud,  It says the system is up to date,  but firefox is still beta02:25
c0mp13371331337_MachinTrucChose-  BitchX is nice, if you're a fan of the command line.02:25
goat|workanyone know of a "find and replace" option in any of the terminal text editors,  i cant find one in nano, does vi or emacs have one?  I'm trying to replace a string with another string in 30 locations in a file02:25
ind1g0zzlingWhtiger, #googoog for explanation lol02:25
jordanjay21mgmz: I had the same problem a few minutes ago02:25
KyleKMachinTrucChose: I'm using irssi :)02:25
ubuntu__stupid little pieces of paper02:25
telexiconKyleK, it eats up 70% CPU and thrashes the disk a ton, making my whole system unusably slow02:25
nickrudnownot is the config in /etc/apache2/conf.d ?02:25
twinkie_addictirssi is my fave02:25
ArnosIf I had to use the alternate installer to install to USB can that make my desktop not load fully?02:25
VorboteMachinTrucChose: irssi sets the bar for the terminal and x-chat for the graphical desktop IMO.02:25
ubuntu__oh so they actually do use ubuntu?02:25
dracflamlocagain.. ?? quick question, the applications menu... is there any way to make the items in the menu vertically smaller? i like small menus...02:25
sjovanhey, som one got a linux wiki to recomend? i have a howto on how to split movies with mplayer and made a script to make it easyer, and a howto take X screenshots of a movie, put it to gether on X colums on a picture (an some other functions)  and made an enhacment for the vcs-script to do that.02:25
KyleKtelexicon: cool02:26
Jack_Sparrownickrud, howdy, for password I use.. recover then release then identify...02:26
nickrudfevel firefox is beta, till june or so02:26
rich_freecommnickrud: -NickServ- [rich_freecomm] has been killed02:26
rich_freecomm--- rich_freecomm :Nickname is already in use.02:26
MachinTrucChosecomp: thanks, but no thanks. I'll go with DB's recommendation ;)02:26
rich_freecomm*slap to niggin*02:26
Danaman5Does anyone know why there are a bunch of update packages that I still can't download?02:26
KyleKgoat|work: vi does, dunno how to do it, also theres always using sed02:26
nickrudJack_Sparrow you know more than I do, rich_freecomm talk to Jack_Sparrow02:26
_alf_telexicon: how much ram do you have total?02:26
k[5\5]!wow I like this place!02:26
iznuicsubuntu__: starting to .. trying to get sun certification or something like that.02:26
jordanjay21any good GUI-based Irc clients?02:26
Gman99999anyway to change your processor performance levels on a laptop in gnome in ubuntu?02:26
Whtigerind1g0zzling: no?02:26
telexicon_alf_, its not swapping02:26
freeksh0w86everytime i launch a new process, the CPU goes crazy and everything lags including basic mouse movement. what could possibly be the cause of this?02:26
jedimasterk I am having trouble using the live cd iso. When I boot I get (initramfs) blinking cursor. Tried to burns from two different mirrors. No luck. Should I try an upgrade from alternate cd instead.02:26
ubuntu__i see02:26
telexicon_alf_, it does it on every page, even if i just leave it on google after a while it starts up02:26
nownotnickrud:  yes there is a file named that02:26
niadhjordanjay21: XChat is good enough02:26
ind1g0zzlingWhtiger, wait... you know who this is right? This is... Josh, amirite02:26
Exodusdabbill: that means your nvidia driver isn't loading02:26
_alf_telexicon: it is strange behavior02:26
samalexhey guys ..  anyone else installing Ubuntu 8.04 right now ? :)02:27
rconanwhat's the deal with the missing dmraid package on the mirrors?02:27
ubuntu__what did ubuntu use for a browser before firefox?02:27
sammyjedimasterk: isn't there a 'verify this cd' option on the boot splash of the cd? that should be an easier way to verfity your cd. and, yes, you apparently *have* to upgrade from the alternate cd02:27
_alf_telexicon: did you do a fresh install?02:27
nickrudnownot and when you point the browser at http://localhost/phpmyadmin you don't see it?02:27
jordanjay21niadh: I didn't mean good "enough" :P02:27
Meshezabeelno more #ubuntu+1 :(02:27
Exodusdabbill: reinstall your nvidia-glx-new package02:27
iznuicssamalex: probably half the room or more..02:27
Whtigerind1g0zzling: yes, why are you bugging me in here instead of.. you know.. pm02:27
c0mp13371331337_samalex-  I'm apt-getting the dist-upgrade right now.02:27
ind1g0zzlingWhtiger, God damnit. I've been sending PMs to you for the past three hours only to realize that unregistered users can't send PMs because I wasn't checking the server messages LOL02:27
jedimasterkI did verify it02:27
telexicon_alf_, people are noting that firefox is clobbering urlclassifier.sqlite02:27
jordanjay21niadh: I meant "good" as in brilliant.02:27
KyleKjedimasterk: downloaded the same iso twice? thats what checking the md5sum is for ;)02:27
KyleKjedimasterk: and yea alternate cd sometimes help02:27
niadhjordanjay21: Pidgin does the job too, but complicated, versus xchat02:27
ind1g0zzlingWhtiger, thought you were AFK02:27
samalexI'm installing 8.04 server, and I guess TONS of folks are running updates as hitting the apt-get mirror during install took forever.02:27
Jack_Sparrowrich_freecomm,    /nickserv help               look at recover then release  before you try to re-identify.. make sure you dont have another instance of your chat client open on another side of the cube etc..02:27
KyleKrecent xchats suck i thought02:27
Millertime_018can anyone tell me how to view the driver thats being used for my wireless card?02:27
k[5\5]<jordanjay21> ,x02:27
nownotnickrud:  that is correct02:28
ArnosWhats different about the alternate CD?02:28
doug2266778822what do i need to install to use gdm themes off gnome look im on hardy gnome.02:28
c0mp13371331337_samalex-  Yeah, that's usually what happens on Ubuntu Day.02:28
Millertime_018can anyone tell me how to view the drive thats being used for my wireless card?02:28
nickrudnownot try restarting apache02:28
Whtigerind1g0zzling: sounds like user error.02:28
niadhArnos: Command line install i think02:28
Odd-rationale!alternative | Arnos02:28
ubotuArnos: The Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-alternate-i386.iso.torrent02:28
ind1g0zzlingWhtiger, indeed.02:28
telexicon_alf_, no, ive been running the beta.. and just updating, but two days ago i purged firefox-3.0, xulrunner, flash, and reinstalled them.. it still does this even with a new profile and no add-ons or flash02:28
dabbillExodus, okay removed it and reinstalled, gonna reboot02:28
ind1g0zzlingWhtiger, is Matt on?02:28
samalexc0mp13371331337_: I had just installed 7.10 on my home server 2 days ago (new install), so went ahead and started from scratch.02:28
jedimasterkChecked modsum and burned two different iso's everything was fine02:28
Whtigerind1g0zzling: ..pm me =\ this really isn't the place.02:28
Arnoswould useing the alternate CD be likly to help my problem of 8.04 not loading from USB?02:28
_alf_telexicon: then you've checked everything i could possibly blame02:28
Gman99999anyway to change your processor performance levels on a laptop in gnome in ubuntu?02:29
ubuntu__so to those that use linux daily whats your take on this hardy 8.04?02:29
GhostShellhi, happy ubuntu upgrade day everyone :D02:29
Odd-rationaleArnos: boot from usb?02:29
freeksh0w86I have trackerd essentially disabled, but everytime i launch a new process, the CPU goes crazy and everything lags including basic mouse movement. what could possibly be the cause of this? does anyone else experience this issue? i'm going to buy a system with a quad-core CPU eventually for this.02:29
Danaman5Why are there so many upgrade packages that I can't install?02:29
jedimasterkNever had problems with Live CD's in the past02:29
jordanjay21ubuntu__: that'd be better question for #ubuntu-offtopic02:29
ArnosYes, you can put Ubuntu on a USB02:29
Jack_Sparrowubuntu__, discussion in #Ubuntu-offtopic thanks.. this is the support room02:29
Odd-rationaleArnos: you wish to install from USB?02:29
nownotnickrud:  didnt work02:29
samalexubuntu__: I use Ubuntu Server daily, and it's nice ... butyou're probably looking for Desktop users :)02:29
ANTDx1ubuntu__, i havent had a chance to use it yet.02:29
Gman99999I feel the new upgrade is great02:29
Arnosno, I installed to USB02:29
isdepopecathHi, I have a question about switiching to Ubuntu. I'm a long time Windows user, so am hesitant about changing my OS. I'd like to download Ubuntu and try it out, but my only current machine is my laptop, running Vista. Is there any way for me to install Ubuntu, try it, and, if I don't like it, go back to my original OS without losing anything?02:29
CaptainMorganjust attempted to start the install... it hangs after making a selection from the install menu right after startup.... is this a hardware issue? supposedly Hardy heron has already run smooth on other's systems identical to mine... maybe the CD is bad? no matter which option is chosen from the menu it's as if the CD drive stops working(which I know works fine otherwise) and then nothing happens and also I can't make another sele02:29
Arnosfrom the CD02:29
iznuicsubuntu__: if it's anything like the last LTS version (Dapper Drake 6.06) it'll be just fine..02:29
nickrudnownot a sec while I check my install02:29
Gman99999it seems to work faster on my laptop02:29
black_13is bad if the install of ubuntu server is stuck at 40% (scanning mirror) ?02:29
c0mp13371331337_samalex-  Yeah, I'm TRYING the dist-upgrade method.  It's never worked for me in the past, not once, but I figure it's got to one of these times.... ;-)02:29
* Mimi asks: Guys does "DISPLAY=: 0 to 7" mean get gettys?02:29
JoshBPWow! Using a different mirror is fast02:29
jordanjay21isdepopecath: try wubi, it's on the Ubuntu 8.04 live disc02:30
Odd-rationaleArnos: probably the alt cd will not do much better.02:30
samalexc0mp13371331337_: I've done it successfully on Server, but tried and failed once on Desktop.  That was a few versions ago though./02:30
rich_freecommJack_Sparrow: on this server my name is ok...but not on FreeNode02:30
ubuntu__wow i got more then i bargined for :(02:30
Arnosnow I am trying to boot from just the USB.  I can login but then it just shows the background and nevers gets to the desktop02:30
Zeltathe day people start recommending wubi is the day I...02:30
deadendubuntu__: So far I like it now that it has been stable for the last week or so. A few problems to sort out here and there mostly due to my config.02:30
Zeltawait, nvm02:30
[T]-Rexis it possible to put my ubuntu on my uSB drive and use it at a friends house?02:30
bazhangisdepopecath: yes wubi or unetbootin02:30
Jack_Sparrowrich_freecomm, should work the same there.02:30
Odd-rationaleArnos: how big is your USB? > 4gb?02:30
samalexFor me, I guess I'm gunshy from the MS world with OS upgrades... I'd rather do a clean insta..02:30
sammy!dualboot | isdepopecath02:30
ubotuisdepopecath: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot02:30
iznuicsrich_freecomm: you're on freenode02:30
Arnosno 4GB02:30
Odd-rationaleArnos: ouch. that is tight.02:30
nownotnickrud:  are your phpmyadmin files located in /usr/share?02:30
unopMimi, not really .. the display manager sets this up for you, and there can be multiple displays per VT02:30
sammyoh that didn't work. wasn't it a pipe?oh. no it wasnt02:31
Arnos4GB is tight?02:31
Odd-rationaleArnos: oh 4gb is better.02:31
isdepopecaththanks guys.02:31
rich_freecommJack_Sparrow: is rich_freecomm_'s me over there02:31
Odd-rationaleArnos: did you make sure not to included swap space?02:31
=== Joeb454_ is now known as Joeb454
ArnosI used the auto partion tool02:31
SkullerHey guys. I wanted to deploy Gutsy on my school's library PC's for web surfing. There are three. When I pop in the cd and boot from it and select 'install' at the main menu, it gives an error and comes to a command prompt style interface with busybox written on top. Any idea what's wrong?02:31
Arnosthat should have made a swap... shouldn't it have?02:31
unopwhy is floodbot flooding the channel? :>02:31
Jack_Sparrowrich_freecomm, Im sure you will work it out.. but it really isnt a support issue for here02:31
chibi_killstickhas anyone encountered this error after updating?02:31
nickrudnownot hm, it's working here. http://localhost/phpmyadmin/ . And yes, with the config in /etc/apache2/conf.d/phpmyadmin.conf pointing to /etc/phpmyadmin.conf02:31
JoshBPI keep having an error while upgrading!  It says it can't find an expected entry when setting sources02:31
Mimiunop:  thanks .. mmmmm the reason Im wondering is I saw a guide online to run a wine game on its own X server (not the existing gnome) (and if youre wondering why im not asking at #wine its because no one's there ;P )02:31
chibi_killsticksymbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libgdk-x11-2.0.so.0: undefined symbol: cairo_xlib_surface_create02:31
CaptainMorgancan anyone assist ?02:31
samalexJust curious, anyone else installing Server or is everyone pretty much doing Desktop?02:32
ng0nsda1   sdb102:32
Odd-rationaleArnos: I would be better to manual parttion andnot included a swap space. just / (root)02:32
Mimi!ask | CaptainMorgan02:32
ubotuCaptainMorgan: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)02:32
mincomwho has yodm 3d02:32
Gman99999anyway to change your processor performance levels on a laptop in gnome in ubuntu?02:32
iznuicssamalex: downloading server now.02:32
VorboteGman99999: you need to set up the parameters of the cpu governor. Check /etc/init.d/powernowd and /etc/default/rcS (for actual settings). Don't touch it until you are sure you know what you are doing!02:32
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories02:32
Arnosso, swap is bad on a USB?02:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sources.apt - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:32
GhostShellGman99999: install "laptop-mode", then use it02:32
samalexiznuics: nice...  I ahd to do it via bittorrent, and only took about 30 minutes.02:32
deadendSkuller: are you using the desktop install or the alternate disks02:32
dabbillExodus, still not showing Nvidia on lsmod02:32
samalexdoing via HTTP was taking forever.02:32
criminyI just hosed my system and need a gatech sources.apt02:32
doug2266778822when i go to system admin, then login window it wont open how can i fix this?02:32
iznuicssamalex: I've got an hour left. :(02:33
rich_freecomm_Jack_Sparrow & nickrud: Thank you!!! it works now.....ug02:33
Skullerdeadend: desktop02:33
Odd-rationaleArnos: preferably swap is not desired on small disk spaces.02:33
nickrud!gutsysources | criminy (works in hardy too)02:33
ubotucriminy (works in hardy too): gutsysources is in System->Admin->Software Sources, enable (main) (universe) (restricted) and (multiverse) and disable the Cdrom on the Ubuntu Software tab. On the Updates tab, enable (gutsy-security) and (gutsy-updates).02:33
solaceHow do I update from beta to full release?02:33
chibi_killstickdoes anyone know how to fix this error?02:33
JoshBPshould i use the alternate cd instead of network?02:33
chibi_killsticksymbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libgdk-x11-2.0.so.0: undefined symbol: cairo_xlib_surface_create02:33
dabbillExodus, still got the low-graphics warning when login in also02:33
Jack_Sparrowglad to hear it02:33
Odd-rationalesolace: run an update02:33
rich_freecomm_heh but now I'm rich_freecomm_ here..heh!02:33
nownotnickrud:  i dont have /etc/apache2/conf.d/phpmyadmin.con you mind pasteing that file so i can create02:33
solaceIt does it automaticly?02:33
Arnosso do I just make one partition then?02:33
=== soldats_ is now known as soldats
cal_where is the 64bit torrent02:33
samalexiznuics: try downloading via bittorrent and see if it goes quicker.. justa suggestion.  I started http download and after 20 minutes and it saying 2 hours left I kicked off a bittorrent download -- 30 minutes later I was instaling.02:33
CaptainMorganMimi spare me the patronization - I already asked my question02:33
evilbughow can i upgrade to hardy via the alternative cd?the main boot menu offers no "update" option.02:33
ubotuThe Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of the latest edition. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.02:33
rich_freecomm_Jack_Sparrow so..how do I get them BOTH without the _ :D02:33
Exodusdabbill: do you get the nvidia logo?02:33
JoshBPI am still having trouble updating. Is it better to use a cd?02:33
iznuicssamalex: what are you using for a client?02:33
criminyI can't really get to any desktop.02:34
dabbillExodus, nope02:34
=== ka2u is now known as ka2zzzz
Odd-rationaleArnos: yes. and make sure that you install grub to the usb drive not the hard drive02:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about slowlikevista - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:34
samalexI downloaded it using Azureus on OSX...  my laptop is an ibook.02:34
nickrudnownot it's a link to /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf , so ln -s /etc/phpmyadmin/apache2.conf /etc/apache2/conf.d/phpmyadmin.conf02:34
criminyso I have to term it up to get everything back up02:34
ArnosI have the hard drives unplugged02:34
samalexbuti'm installing it on a Dell system.02:34
solaceOkay, I wanna make a CD that I can take to school, and put it in the CD drive, And boot to CD, and it loads ubuntu, instead of installing it.02:34
PeloJoshBP, the alternate cd or the dvd , just pop it in and you will be asked if you want to upgrade,  when asked if you want to check for pacakges online say no02:34
solaceHow do I go about  doing that?02:34
Odd-rationaleArnos: cool. that is the way I do it.02:34
kenanEver since I installed Hardy Heron, I have this glow that goes around my panels and windows and seem to change colour on every boot, how do I disable them?02:34
Odd-rationalesolace: http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2008/04/21/upgrading-from-beta-to-rc-and-beyond/02:34
Exodusdabbill: well, your problem is the graphics drivers aren't loading, /var/log/Xorg.0.log should tell you with more detail why that is02:34
Gman99999is that hard drive wrecking feature fixed in hardy heron?02:34
=== ka2zzzz is now known as ka2u
samalexyay, rebooted and logging into.  nice!02:35
StroganoffGman99999 what feature?02:35
evilbugPelo- when does it ask me if i want to update?02:35
iznuicssamalex: Is there a download link for bittorrent files on ubuntu.com?02:35
telexiconGman99999, i dont think that was ever enabled by default in any version02:35
Exodusdabbill: anyway, try loading it manually with "sudo modprobe nvidia", see if it loaded with "lsmod | grep nvidia" and then restart X with "ctrl alt backspace" you don't have to reboot.02:35
corbetthi, is there anyone who can help me get my maxtor external hard drive mounted and working on ububtu 7.10 - which ive just loaded on pc to replace windows, it worked perfectly fine elsewhere on widows - its formAtted ntsf02:35
Gman99999the hard drive spin down one that was all over the news02:35
CaptainMorgancan anyone assist? I'm sure my question has been long overlooked simply due to the number of visitors talking......02:35
]grimm[Is there a way to assign mount points to drives (outside of using fstab)?  I was able to set it under properties in Gutsy, but that seems to have changed with the latest version of Gnome and policykit.  On a related note, is there a way to automount internal drives without editing fstab manually?02:35
sammyiznuics: type /topic02:35
telexiconGman99999, yeah.. about that..02:35
ubotuIt is spelt !guTSy :)02:35
evilbugPelo- because there was only "Install Ubuntu" at the main boot screen.02:35
Exodusdabbill: besides that I can't help ya from over here :P02:35
bazhangCaptainMorgan: repeat your question02:35
Pelokenan, either you have the desktop effects or metacity compositing enabled,  start by checking hte desktip effect,  in the apperance menu ,  it that's not it ask me and I will tell you how to turn off metacity compositing02:35
rich_freecomm_  /nick no no really, I'm the same person on both areas02:36
deadendSkuller: The desktop cds have always seemed to be a bit buggy on the install bit. They are handy for showing off ubuntu but at this time not much more then that. Download the alternate install iso, check the md5, burn it then do a disk check, that should solve your problem02:36
goat|workfunny ubotu02:36
CaptainMorganjust attempted to start the install... it hangs after making a selection from the install menu right after startup.... is this a hardware issue? supposedly Hardy heron has already run smooth on other's systems identical to mine... maybe the CD is bad? no matter which option is chosen from the menu it's as if the CD drive stops working(which I know works fine otherwise) and then nothing happens and also I can't make another sele02:36
Exodusdabbill: depending on what the Xorg log says about why nvidia isn't loading and it's falling back on vesa, I got no idea =b02:36
ubotuHardy Heron is the codename for the current release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS) You can get it now from http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu but please use !torrents02:36
seamus7]grimm[ have you tried the 'mount' applet listed in the panel add to list02:36
daleif i update my computer to hardy, will it erase my saved files? I have gutsy now02:36
GhostShellGman99999: yes, i use spindown. it was only to specific hardware setups02:36
nownotnickrud:  ok now i have to enable php for apahce02:36
iznuicssammy: thanks..02:36
JoshBPhow does ubotu work?02:36
Peloevilbug,  no , you boot your installed ubuntu and pop the cd/dvd in02:36
sammy]grimm[: look into udev rules, you can define mount points based on the information the device gives when it connects.02:36
Odd-rationaledale: no02:36
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots02:36
Ertyle!topic | cal_02:36
RxDxdoes kubuntu come with KDE 3 or 4?02:36
PeloJoshBP,  /msg ubotu keyword02:36
evilbugPelo- :( i did that too and it just showed me that i have a disc in,nothing popped up.02:36
Odd-rationaledale: all you files will be in place. But it never hurts to backup02:36
=== rich_freecomm_ is now known as password
]grimm[seamus7: I haven't, I will check that02:36
unopMimi, hmm, perhaps it's launched like this.  xinit ~/.wine_game_xinitrc -- /usr/X11R6/bin/Xnest :2  #~/.wine_game_xinitrc should contain the commands to launch the game server, set environment, etc02:36
nickrudnownot sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-php502:37
CaptainMorganbazhang, I'm burning another CD now.. to see if it makes any difference ... :(02:37
Peloevilbug, hold on, there is also a command you can use02:37
mojoHow do I add to ubotu's database?02:37
Pelo!update > evilbug  check for a private message windows with instructions from ubotu02:37
]grimm[sammy: I was curious is there was a more user-friendly GUI way to do it to make it easy for someone who would be averse to any kind of text editing02:37
Peloevilbug,  in those links look for upgrading from cd02:37
Ertyle!botabuse | rpedro02:37
uboturpedro: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.02:37
samalexfinally, they commented out the Ubuntu install CD in the sources.list... I hated that this was always there since I never keep my install CD in thedrive02:37
iznuicssammy: ah that was for desktop.. I was looking for server.02:37
bazhangCaptainMorgan: check md5sum on iso; reburn at really low speed; do checkdisk at startup, if all that fails then either get a new iso, reburn again or try the alternate cd02:37
Pelo!upgrade > evilbug  sorry wrong one02:37
evilbugPelo- i saw the main upgrade instructions.'02:38
kenanPelo: none of the effects are selected under Appearances>Visual Effects so Im guessing that it has something to do with metacity compositing?02:38
CaptainMorganbazhang, will do, thanks02:38
JoshBP!upgrade is slow02:38
nownotnickrud:  says its alread there02:38
Peloevilbug,  it needs to be the alternate install cd or the dvd , not the live cd02:38
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes02:38
Millertime_018does anyone know how to view which drivers are being used02:38
rich_freecommok....I'm back as me...now to test freenode02:38
evilbugPelo- i know,i burnt the alternate cd.it has "alternate" in the .iso name.02:38
bazhangJoshBP: sure; what do you expect release day?02:38
CaptainMorganbazhang, checkdisk at startup like all options from the menu ALSO hangs... so I'll try another disk02:39
rich_freecommzI give up02:39
dabbillExodus, FATAL: Error running install command for nvidia. when doing sudo modprobe nvidia02:39
evilbugPelo- thanks,i'll just try again tomorrow.02:39
Millertime_018how do i view what drivers are being used?02:39
JoshBP!please tell me about python02:39
benhstupid postinst script02:39
Pelokenan,  ok , open gconf-editor   under /apps/metacity/general,   look for compositing,  it's probably checked   , beware it will probably crash X , it does on mine , ctrl-ald-backspace , to restart X02:39
sean_tanath: turns out I just needed to install the compiz manager.02:39
meoblast001hi Pelo02:39
Pelohi meoblast00102:39
meoblast001Pelo: havent seen u in a long time02:39
tanathsean_, o.O02:39
newscanei'm trying to debootstrap, and i keep getting messages about "failure trying to run chroot /target mount -t proc proc /proc"02:40
tanathsean_, heh, i'll have to remember that02:40
Pelomeoblast001, I've been around,  but not has much02:40
sean_tanath: figures. ::)02:40
meoblast001Pelo: i havent been around at all02:40
rich_freecommI think I'll register several names so that I can use each of them when I can't have only 1 name :P02:40
chibi_killstickdoes anyone have a solution to this error?02:40
Pelomeoblast001, it's not compulsary02:40
=== jay29 is now known as Jordanjay29
chibi_killsticksymbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libgdk-x11-2.0.so.0: undefined symbol: cairo_xlib_surface_create02:40
chibi_killsticki get it when i try to run synaptic02:40
seamus7Millertime_018 proprietary hardward drivers are listed in System/Administration/HardwareDrivers02:40
kenanPelo: i wanna keep all my effects on with compiz and such, i just want this annoying glow gone02:40
samalexhehe, apt-get upgrade = 0 packges :)  Nice ..02:40
bod_JoshBP, do you now your !upgrade is slow and things is ggetting sent to the ops channel?02:40
Exodusdabbill: there's the error, it seems the driver wasn't correctly installed. I guess try a "sudo aptitude purge nvidia-glx-new" and update you repository "sudo aptitude update" and then reinstall, besides that you got me beat, my driver just loads, I think maybe your file is corrupt somehow however unlikely that is.02:41
Millertime_018yea but see, in ubuntu 7.1 my light for my wireless card flashed when in use02:41
Pelochibi_killstick, reinstall that package from the command line,   sudo apt-get install packagename --reinstall02:41
Millertime_018now, in 8.04 it doesn't02:41
Millertime_018it stays off all the time.02:41
ubuntu__that blows02:41
Roscarok, I've got a question. Does Ubuntu release a list of changes since 7.10?02:41
Millertime_018i was talking about through the terminal02:41
bazhangMillertime_018: that is it? the light? does the card work?02:41
binarybanditMillertime_018, think of all the power you're saving!02:41
Pelokenan, ask in #compiz then, it's probably just the shadows02:41
meoblast001Pelo: i bought the new Hardy limited edition shirt today and my mom was all freaked out that Canonical was gonna steal her credit card stuff...... i told her they make my OS02:41
dabbillExodus, thanks man i will give that a try02:42
PeloRoscar, yes,  go to the website and do a search for changelog02:42
Millertime_018well i was thinking "thats a change" and i'm not bitching but i think thats why my thing wont update02:42
ubuntu__meoblast001: hahahahahha02:42
Pelomeoblast001, LOL02:42
Millertime_018it will get on the internet, go to websites but wont update02:42
Millertime_018E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (13 Permission denied)02:42
Millertime_018E: Unable to lock the list directory02:42
taxmanRoscar: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/804features is that what you meant?02:42
FloodBot2Millertime_018: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:42
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots02:42
Millertime_018i got that when i ran apt-get update02:42
meoblast001Pelo: i bet she'd buy something off Microsoft, cuz they use that at her work02:42
JoshBPCan anyone tell me why it keeps saying it didn't find some apt line when dist-upgrading?02:42
meoblast001i wont buy SHIT off Microsoft02:42
bod_!msgthebot | mojo02:42
ubotumojo: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.02:42
marko-_-Millertime_018, run sudo apt-get update02:43
Roscarpelo: that doesn't work.02:43
f0rmati am having problems with the repos after upgrading02:43
* Pelo already suspected that giving away a free OS was just a dastardly skeem to get all of our money 02:43
sean_Millertime_018: try "sudo killall apt-get"02:43
bazhangsudo first Millertime_018?02:43
ubuntu__i hope microsoft and that ceo they have burn in hell02:43
nickrudnownot been away for a bit, things ok ?02:43
bod_!language | meoblast00102:43
meoblast001Pelo: i even go as far as not buying an Xbox and going with PS3 (owns)02:43
ubotumeoblast001: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.02:43
ubuntu__going to short their stock!02:43
chibi_killstickPelo: didn't work.  do you know of any other solutions?02:43
blankheadman not even in hardy heron could u get a decent refresh rate damn... im stuck at 51hz @ 1440 by 900... isnt there an easy way to get it to 75hz? or at least 70 or 60????????02:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about changelog - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:43
nownotnickrud:  worked thanks a million02:43
mojobod_::  that was partly for JoshBP who shebanged a sentace to the bot02:43
Roscartaxman: I'm looking for changes since, not features in general. I'm hoping to find out reasons why I should migrate.02:43
Millertime_018havent used sudo apt-get update, just ran apt-get update one sec02:43
bazhangubuntu__: please stop now02:43
meoblast001oops sorry..... forgot that this isn't Image-Line Collab (where tey have no profane rules)02:43
rich_freecommwell, I registered rich_freecomm2 but it wouldn't set a password and said it was already registered and wanted a password *slapping head against monitor*02:43
Millertime_018look! see02:43
PeloRoscar, search for release note or notes02:44
bod_mojo, oh, my bad,. those things JoshPB is writing is bein sent to the ops02:44
dfga1how do i reinstall grub02:44
Millertime_018i ran that and the update process stopped halfway through! its like the server just quits on me!02:44
dfga1!install grub02:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about install grub - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:44
blankheadtheres instructions on google dffal02:44
seamus7dfga1 sudo updated-grub02:44
goat|workrich_freecomm: how about rich_freecomm_ ?02:44
Millertime_018Hit http://security.ubuntu.com hardy-security/multiverse Sources02:44
Millertime_01847% [Connecting to us.archive.ubuntu.com (]02:44
Pelochibi_killstick, that't the only thing that came to mind,  sorry , maybe someone else knows02:44
seamus7dfga1 oops I mean sudo update-grub02:44
rich_freecommthis is too much work to try to get a simple account to work....I'll be on pidgin02:44
mojobod_::  np.  btw, know how i add info to ubotu?02:44
Millertime_018it stops right there02:44
marko-_-Millertime_018, because hardy just came out02:44
Roscarpelo: I was looking at the release notes. They give you a list of know problems and issues for upgrading but not a list of changes.02:44
sean_tanath: hahahha trouble now. compiz manager isn't working. :P02:44
marko-_-and people are upgrading there system02:44
marko-_-all over the world02:44
sammyRoscar: because a lot of your packages are out of date, and newer, tested, 'stable' versions are available that people have released. as long as you're already getting security updates, that's the only reason. it's been either 6 months or a year, so there's probably a good number of fixes and feature updates, probably hundreds? thousands?02:44
bazhangMillertime_018: today is release day02:44
bbyeveri opened the update-manager and checked for updated and there were none, so i proceeded to upgrade to hardy, and while the upgrade was starting, update-manager said there were 710 updates available. Then a window came up and asked me if i wanted a partial upgrade.. should i do that, or the upgrade to hardy?02:44
marko-_-you must understand this..02:44
Millertime_018marko-_-: what does that mean?02:44
tanathsean_, oi02:44
taxmanok, does anybody know the correct path at cdimage for hardy? I have the beta and I'd like to rsync so I don't have to waste someone's bandwidth for the whole iso. The script I have to rsync the dailies gets them from rsync://cdimage.ubuntu.com/cdimage/daily-live/current what would be the path for the LTS?02:44
caveman26where can I get a new sources.list? I screwed up my apt and need a new sources.list... for gutsy02:45
tanathsean_, ccsm?02:45
Stroganoffblankhead look up HorizSync and VertRefresh in your Xorg.conf02:45
Millertime_018bazhang: they dont do updates on the release day?02:45
PeloRoscar, that's all I have, ask again periodicaly02:45
newscanei'm trying to debootstrap, and i keep getting messages about "failure trying to run chroot /target mount -t proc proc /proc".  ideas?  trying this after booting under floppies from sarge.02:45
chibi_killstickdoes anyone know how to fix this error: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libgdk-x11-2.0.so.0: undefined symbol: cairo_xlib_surface_create02:45
sean_tanath: yup02:45
bazhangMillertime_018: be patient02:45
bod_mojo, yer,. you have to request it in #ubuntu-ops   you used to be able to add things at your leisure butpeople abused it (iirc)02:45
chibi_killsticki get it whenever i try to run synaptic02:45
marko-_-that too many people are downloadaing stuff from the server Millertime_018 ... and the server doesn't have a super connection you know02:45
rich_freecommgoat|work that's nice...rich_freecomm here....rich_freecomm_ there and once those are used...I'll be rich_freecomm_____ on another server :P02:45
tanathsean_, define "isn't working" :P02:45
sean_tanath: "This problem report does not apply to a packaged program" (/usr/bin/ccsm)02:45
Millertime_018so... tomorrow?02:45
Millertime_018or the next day?02:45
seamus7Millertime_018: it's the same as going to get an iphone the day it's release .... long lines and waiting02:45
marko-_-i will upgrade in 2 days02:45
mojobod_::  so i move to that chan and can add/update the bot?02:45
binarybanditchibi_killstick, I had that issue at one point02:45
Millertime_018ooooh. so will it work after a while?02:45
Pelochibi_killstick, sudo apt-get remove  synaptic --purge &&  sudo apt-get install synaptic02:45
bod_mojo, no you have to ask the operators to add it02:46
marko-_-Millertime_018, it will02:46
chibi_killstickbinarybandit: what did you do?02:46
marko-_-try tomorrow02:46
chibi_killstickPelo: interesting...let's go for it02:46
binarybanditon gentoo, but same idea, it was a missing symlink02:46
MachinTrucChose_does Ubuntu not have a Terminal font? The X-Chat screenshots show it, but it's not in the list. Is it called something else in Ubuntu?02:46
bazhangthe more you ask Millertime_018 the faster it will work02:46
PeloMillertime_018,  it,s still fresh ,  give it a week for updates02:46
didyGuys..... anyone play Daoc via wine here????02:46
didyGuys..... anyone play Daoc via wine here????02:46
seamus7Millertime_018: yes ... I've started upgrading to the Release Candidate a few days before the official release just so that I avoid all the web jams02:46
twinkie_addictooo its installing :)02:46
Pelodidy, ask in #winehq02:46
twinkie_addictwubi is a nice little app02:46
LainIwakuraWhat does deprecated mean? I see it all the time.02:46
caveman26I need a new sources.list for kubuntu gutsy, any1 know where I can get one?02:46
Millertime_018bazhang: sorry for aggravating you lol...02:47
c0mp13371331337_LainIwakura-  Old02:47
MachinTrucChose_twinkkie: it certainly is. I got 2 people at work to try Linux because of Wubi02:47
* Pelo eyes the window user suspiciously, 02:47
bod_caveman26, on the live cd02:47
LainIwakurac0mp13371331337_: Thanks.02:47
chibi_killstickbinarybandit: did you ever fix it?02:47
seamus7Lainlwakura: deprecated means it is an older version that will be phased out02:47
Millertime_018bazhang: my bad02:47
Stroganoffblankhead: http://www.dkfz-heidelberg.de/spec/linux/modeline/02:47
penanyone here know how to use avatar-factory??02:47
binarybanditcaveman26, yeah02:47
blankheadstroganoff ok i did now what do i do in the xorg.conf horizsync verrefresh02:47
genji_hi everyone02:47
caveman26I looked on the liveCD02:47
chibi_killstickPelo: meh...still doesn't work02:47
caveman26couldnt find one02:47
binarybanditchibi_killstick, was awhile back, took some googling02:47
benhsomebody knows how to find the .config used by the kernel on the installer ?02:47
didyno reply lol02:47
Pelochibi_killstick, what is this ?  7.10,  and upgrade ? what ?02:47
didyGuys..... anyone play Daoc via wine here????02:47
ubotuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.02:47
chibi_killstickbinarybandit: i tried google and didn't get much of an answer...02:47
bbyever i opened the update-manager and checked for updated and there were none, so i proceeded to upgrade to hardy, and while the upgrade was starting, update-manager said there were 710 updates available. Then a window came up and asked me if i wanted a partial upgrade.. should i do that, or the upgrade to hardy?02:47
twinkie_addictwas going to setup astandard dualboot but i read about wubi and thought that might be better knowing vista02:47
ubuntu__darn "wubi" sounds call02:48
ubuntu__i started with knoppix02:48
ubotuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org02:48
Pelobenh, what do you need that for ?02:48
Stroganoffblankhead: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8397302:48
chibi_killstickPelo: actually i'm running andLinux, which basically runs ubuntu inside windows02:48
smallfoot-when i run "Blender (windowed)" from menu, it runs in fullscreen why?02:48
chibi_killsticki updated something and borked synaptic somehow02:48
KyleKtwinkie_addict: grub works fine on my laptop02:48
UbuntongHow can I open a TCP port in Ubuntu?02:48
twinkie_addictgota reboot02:48
seamus7bbyever: fully update guts before upgrading to hardy02:48
TailsfanHello, What is a good Wi-Fi Manager02:48
FJSSmy sound quit working. Xine says "the audio device is unavailable check to see if something else is using it" but I have nothing else running. How do I reset the soundcard???02:48
rich_freecomm_I guess I'll have to put up with not being the same name on BOTH servers02:48
chibi_killstickPelo: i'd like to prevent having to reinstall andLinux, but i think i may be out of luck02:48
Fritzelwhat was with the mass kick of ubuntu+1 earlier? is it live time?02:48
ubuntu__you want a wifi manager?02:48
bazhangTailsfan: the command line02:48
Pelobbyever, not a good idea to upgrade online today,  the servers are under heavy load,   dl the dvd or the alternate cd iso ,  upgrade from that02:48
ubuntu__try windows wifi02:48
ubuntu__i heard its really good02:48
KyleKFritzel: well hardy is the new official, so yea?02:48
TailsfanI'm looking for one what shows the MAC address of non-connected networks02:48
blankheadstroganoff: what is that link suppose to do?02:49
caveman26where is the sources.list on the cd?02:49
genji_I try to run a few commands at startup, putting these in my /etc/rc.local (I also tried rc-update.d myscript default). Some of them are executed, but others  are not (such as "echo 1500 > /proc/sys/vm/dirty_writeback_centisecs"). It seems like the one I can run using sudo are executed, and the ones requiring a sudo -i are not. Does anyone have a solution? Cheers02:49
benhPelo: check if it has CONFIG_VIRTUAL_MMAP=y02:49
Fritzelahh good deal02:49
bazhangubuntu__: stop it please02:49
Stroganoffblankhead READ THE HOWTO: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8397302:49
bbyeverseamus7: i thought so, so i closed the update windows and when i did so the 710 updates disappeared.02:49
benhPelo: it might explain some issues with the PS3 installer02:49
ubuntu__im just teasing02:49
bazhang!ot | ubuntu__02:49
ubotuubuntu__: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!02:49
chibi_killstickPelo: it's running the 2.6.12 kernel (coLinux version)...no idea as to what version of ubuntu that's correlated to02:49
Pelochibi_killstick, this is a virutual machine ?  donT' know about those,  you would be better off with a regular install02:49
Jordanjay29Having an issue with my Broadcom Corporation BCM94311MCG wlan mini-PCI (rev 02) wireless card. Checked community wiki, it's not very helpful.02:49
binarybanditchibi_killstick, do you have the X use flag set?02:49
sammygenji_: can you put that line in your sysctl config file? are all of them setting things in proc/sys?02:49
binarybanditnot gentoo02:49
ubuntu__ok sorry guys, i will leave. ciao02:50
chibi_killstickbinarybandit: lol, no02:50
Jordanjay29This something that, perhaps, might be fixed when update servers are unswamped again?02:50
KyleKJordanjay29: I just used ndiswrapper with some drivers from compaq02:50
FJSScan anyone tell me how to reset my soundcard?02:50
chibi_killstickbinarybandit: that's another machine02:50
seamus7bbyever: just do sudo apt-get update and see what hapeens ... do it twice ... then do the hardy upgrade ... but I also recommend downloading the iso  and via bittorrent otherwise expect DELAYS02:50
Pelo!enter | binarybandit02:50
ubotubinarybandit: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!02:50
genji_sammy: nope, I also try to modify /sys/class/scsi_host/host0/link_power_management_policy02:50
rich_freecomm_I think I'll copy/paste the change each time I wanna say something02:50
sammybbyever: seamus7 speaks the truth.02:50
Pelo!sound > FJSS02:50
genji_sammy: I can try, sure02:50
Fritzelso when does ubuntu+1 get reopened for the next dist02:50
Jordanjay29KyleK: And that worked well?02:50
bbyeverseamus7: ok i'll download the torrent.02:50
UbuntongHow can I open port 80 for Apache2?02:51
KyleKFritzel: when they start working on the next dist02:51
binarybanditchibi_killstick, http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-644312-highlight-.html?sid=9bd1a51a231fd8669bfd2a85bb4eea35 <-- that's what I used02:51
* r11t is sad. upgrade from 7.10 -> 8.04 has stalled after getting so close to completion02:51
seamus7Fritzel lol02:51
KyleKJordanjay29: im still fighting with NetworkManager02:51
UbuntongHow can I open port 80 for Apache2 on my LAN?02:51
binarybanditwait, no it wasn't02:51
moDumasshey all, so ive upgraded/dated but i cant turn on restricted spftware sources, and therefor cant turn on desktop effects and therefore cant turn on compizfusion delightfullness02:51
moDumassany ideas02:51
bazhangdidy: you have a support question?02:51
moDumassno deskktop effects02:51
erat123Ubuntong: you need to configure port forwarding on your router02:51
* Pelo spent most of his day playing around making a gfxboot theme and a gnome-splash , to fit the rest of the new orange themeing stuff he got 02:51
sammygenji_: see if putting those /proc/sys changes into sysctl.conf works for you. that's where they're "supposed" to go, I guess.02:51
Fritzelseamus7, KyleK, -nod- alright just habit of seeing +1 on my channel list02:51
=== [[cWe_15_gUndAh_ is now known as co_bdg_pengen
smallfoot-i installed CCSM,a nd i cant select "custom" in effects in appearance02:51
ubotuTrouble playing MIDI files? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MidiSoftwareSynthesisHowTo02:51
Jordanjay29KyleK: sounds promising /sarcasm02:51
FJSSpelo: I tried !sound but it says event not found02:51
genji_sammy: OK. I'll try to find out the syntax02:51
didyBazhang: im just wondering does darkage of camelot work in wine 0.59!02:51
yell0wUbuntong: open firefox, go to , most routers would have their confi there , then set up port forwarding for port 8002:51
PelomoDumass, the servers are under heavy load , be patient02:52
Ubuntongerat123: I only want it open on the LAN side not the public side.02:52
KyleKJordanjay29: killall NetworkManager and NetworkManagerDispatcher02:52
bazhangdidy: try it and see or join #winehq02:52
ubotuThe Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-alternate-i386.iso.torrent02:52
sammygenji_: the syntax is in the file, or try man sysctl.conf :)02:52
moDumassPelo, but the option should be there regardless though right, its not02:52
PeloFJSS, check in admin > user , make sure your username has permission to " user sound device"02:52
chibi_killstickbinarybandit: but that's the gentoo answer...i need one for ubuntu02:52
Jordanjay29KyleK: And to restart them?02:52
KyleKJordanjay29: I may have just needed to tick off a checkbox saying that its open wep though ;)02:52
binarybandityeah :/02:52
erat123Ubuntong: oh, then you shouldnt have to configure anything else.  all computers on the same lan should be able to see your computer on port 8002:52
LainIwakuraCan someone help me? I cannot get "sudo pppoeconf" to work? Thanks.02:52
PelomoDumass, where are y ou looking ?02:52
binarybanditchibi_killstick, well, all I could reccomend is to reinstall cairo and gtk02:52
soulwarp_is it possible to upgrade my 7.10-8.04 through the install CD?02:52
moDumasssystem preferences02:53
Jordanjay29KyleK: lol. Private chat work better?02:53
chibi_killstickbinarybandit: i did try that and didn't seem to get anywhere...let's try again02:53
PeloLainIwakura,  do you have admin priviledge ?02:53
rich_freecomm_I'll get this eventually....02:53
genji_sammy: :p The man isn't really helpful (or I missed something), nor are the comments in the file02:53
LainIwakuraPelo: Yes.02:53
bazhangalternate cd yes soulwarp_02:53
DBautellsoulwarp_, To Upgrade from the CD/ISO, you'll need the alternate ISO or the DVD: run cdromupgrade from the root of the CD/ISO/DVD. To mount the ISO you can 'mount -o loop nameofiso /path/to/mount/'02:53
KyleKJordanjay29: I'll see if I have the page I used open02:53
rich_freecomm_  /nickserv password realpassword    doesn't quite work now02:53
moDumassPelo System>preferences used to have "desktop effects" i think, id enable them and things would be fine02:53
genji_sammy: they tell you how to assign values to specific tokens, but I don't know what the syntax of my token is02:53
PeloLainIwakura, when you say you can'T get it to work  ? which part ? command does not start or you get through it but it won't work ?02:53
genji_sammy: if it's the full path or something else02:53
LainIwakuraPelo: It finds only two ethernet devices: eth0 and wlan0. In Gutsy, I remember it finding at least 4 devices.02:53
Ubuntongerat123: Im running wordpress blog on Ubuntu. Localhost works fine but no other workstations on my LAN can connect to it. Any ideas?02:53
meoblast001Pelo: should i be trusting Canonical? lol02:53
bbyeverseamus7: i got this http://pastebin.com/d14c9c40102:53
sammygenji_: it looks like you just replace the /'s with .'s02:53
CaptainMorgangreat... that makes two CDs that hang... apparently the new release doesn't like my hardware or software for that matter.... wtf02:53
meoblast001Pelo: all i ever got off them in the past was free02:54
trembyhaving trouble updating -- are the repositories overloaded at the moment?02:54
PelomoDumass, LainIwakura doyou get online ?02:54
psych_why ubuntu didnt create my swap partition02:54
psych_i saw it when installing02:54
moDumassPelo, indeed02:54
flowbothey, i remember seeing a link on planet ubuntu or somewhere about upgrading a Hardy beta image to full release via rsync ... anyone know this link?02:54
binarybanditchibi_killstick, another option is to menacingly hold a vista dvd in front of you computer02:54
Fritzelok well synaptic will no longer reload sources it gets stuck  any idea what that's about?02:54
seamus7moDumass look in System/Preferences/Appearance/DesktopEffectsTab02:54
psych_like it was about to do it02:54
binarybanditthat should scare it into submission02:54
psych_but it didnt02:54
chibi_killstickbinarybandit: lol!02:54
LainIwakuraPelo: It says that it cannot find any devices for it to work or something along those lines. That is, it doesn't allow me to enter my username and password. I cannot get online.02:54
corbetthi, is there anyone who can help me get my maxtor external hard drive mounted and working on ububtu 7.10 - which ive just loaded on pc to replace windows, it worked perfectly fine elsewhere on widows02:54
=== rich_freecomm_ is now known as rich_freecomm
osmosishow do I get twinview to work with nvidia_new ?02:54
MachinTrucChose_If I try to download Konversation (the KDE IRC client), it will download the KDE libraries, right? Does that mean I'm going to have system libraries loaded all the time, increasing my OS memory usage, or just when I'm using Konversation?02:54
genji_sammy: thanks02:54
Shadow_Xanyone else been having problems with synaptic timing out today?02:54
Shadow_Xrather, just apt, in general02:54
PelomoDumass, check that the repos are all enabled in the 1st and 3rd tab of the software sources in the admin menu,   then check for the restricted drvier for your hardware in the admin menu under restricted drivefr02:54
bbyeverseamus7: the second time i didnt get the error messages02:54
erat123Ubuntong: can you ping your web server from another client computer?02:55
caveman26I tried upgrading... it broke apt, I need a new sources.list and cant find one, some1 said it was on the live cd, but where is it on the cd? I cant find it02:55
bazhangShadow_X: nearly everyone02:55
phaedraShadow_X, It happens every realease day02:55
Jordanjay29MachinTrucChose: I just downloaded Konversation and am using it right now. IT doesn't download KDe libraries02:55
FJSSpelo: I have permission for sound but I still get the "resource busy" error02:55
moDumassPelo, you mean  System/Preferences/Appearance/visual effects?02:55
MachinTrucChose_jorday: OK, thanks02:55
PeloLainIwakura, that's a bit over my head , sorry02:55
d33dI'm looking for help with Atheros 242X drivers...where should I start?02:55
rich_freecommok...temporarily I'm back as rich_freecomm02:55
nxusranyone seen thise : "Flash Player: Warning: environment variable G_FILENAME_ENCODING is set and is not UTF-8"02:55
LainIwakuraPelo: Alright, thanks.02:55
Shadow_Xthats what i thought. i just wanted to make sure it was the servers themselves, not just my machine02:55
moDumassif i select anything other than "none" it throws up an error02:55
meoblast001Pelo: im gonna go to school with that shirt when i get it, and everyones gonna say sweet @$$ shirt02:55
rich_freecomm(until I want to say something on the other server) :D02:55
PeloFJSS, where does it say resourse busy ?02:55
Ubuntongerat123:  yeah, I just figured out that I can open the generic Apache2 site too.  It must be a Wordpress thing?02:56
Shadow_Xim like... 75% done with the amd64 iso of 8.04 FINALLY lol02:56
moDumassPelo, "desktop effects could not be enabled"02:56
psych_should i create swap partition manually when instaling?02:56
Ubuntongerat123:  Could it be permissions? hmmm..02:56
FJSSon my music player rythmbox02:56
AuctionedllamaHi, I just installed Ubuntu on my teachers laptop, and all she really uses it for, is to browse the web and to power our "smartboard" projector during school. Now I went to the smartboards website, and got their linux version, and when I went to install it, it said could not install package, but yet the system meets the requirements.. can someone help me out with this? Thanks02:56
KyleKJordanjay29: ftp://ftp.compaq.com/pub/softpaq/sp34001-34500/sp34152.exe02:56
erat123Ubuntong: yeah, it must be.  i'm not familiar with wordpress, but i looked it up so now i'm installing it :-)02:56
PelomoDumass, what is your video card ?02:56
erat123Ubuntong: that would be a good place to start looking02:56
FJSSPelo: on my music player rythmbox02:56
rich_freecomm_all this cutting and pasting each time is a pain in the butt02:56
Ubuntongerat123: Wordpress is  pretty awesome.02:57
erat123Ubuntong: is it a blogging tool?02:57
Jordanjay29KyleK: I have an HP. I know they're the same company, but is that just the driver for Windows from the Compaq site?02:57
erat123Ubuntong: like an editor?02:57
PeloFJSS, check in menu > system  > prefs, sound  make sure the audio card is selected for each event02:57
PeloAuctionedllama, what kind of pakcage did you get from the site ?02:57
Jordanjay29KyleK: If that's the case, I know where I can find the driver for my version and computer02:57
Ubuntongerat123:  yes, and it's easy enough for me to use. That says a lot. :) You'll want to get some templates for it too.02:58
KyleKJordanjay29: I cant find the page that linked it, but it had a table of which specific ones work with which driver, and I matched the PCI ID02:58
bbyeverseamus7: its also asked me for a restart, so im doing that now...02:58
bbyeverseamus7: thanks02:58
KyleKJordanjay29: I've also got an HP, DV6624CA :)02:58
GerbilSoftok is it just me, or is preseeding completely broken on 8.0402:58
Auctionedllamait came in a tar.gz,  nd I extracted it, and there was a file just called smartboardinsstallblahblahpackage02:58
Ubuntongerat123: You'll need PHP and Mysql too02:58
PeloGerbilSoft, torrent ? the dvd worked fine here02:58
moDumassPelo, geforce fx5950ultra02:58
h00kI broke my nVidia card already -- apparently.  I had just reinstalled completely. :)02:58
Auctionedllamaand I clicked it, and it ran, etc etc and then said it couldn't install02:58
yagohi,I'm installing 8.04 and I have a problem, that it shows "Configuring chillispot (1.0-8) ..", and it's stop,02:58
yago what can I do?02:59
GerbilSoftPelo: i'm setting up a network install for a bunch of systems02:59
FJSSpelo: everything in the pref/ sound looks good02:59
myfmy update-manager won't response after i press the upgrade button, anybody knows why?02:59
PelomoDumass, go to , menu > system > admin > restricted driver02:59
GerbilSoftubuntu refuses to recognize that there's a preseed file specified in the kernel command line02:59
GerbilSoft(it worked on 7.10)02:59
Jordanjay29KyleK: What website? Is it in your history?02:59
Auctionedllamapelo, any suggestions?02:59
rconananyone had any luck installing hardy onto a fakeraid? I was looking at htis but it seems to go wrong at the partitioning part. The installer treats each partition on my RAID as a disk and makes a partition table for each one02:59
PeloGerbilSoft, sorry don'T know about taht one,  I donT' knwo about networkd deployment02:59
moparisthebestwhere can i find a list of package server mirrors?02:59
sammyGerbilSoft: are you sure debconf didn't eat your menu.1st? (assuming you're using grub)02:59
Odd-rationalewhat is the command to start a gnome session?02:59
GerbilSofti'm using PXELINUX02:59
PeloAuctionedllama, what was the ending of the pakcage name ?03:00
GerbilSoftthe exact same configuration works on 7.1003:00
KyleKJordanjay29: firefox is lousy at searching through history, but I remember all the commands :)03:00
rconansorry... was looking at this howto: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=46475803:00
erat123Ubuntong: i installed wordpress through the repository, but how do i do anything w/ it?03:00
myfmy update-manager won't response after i press the upgrade button, anybody knows why?03:00
ZambeziAnyone know how to install from bzr? I install some packages namned bzrtools and similar. But I still need help to install from .bzr.03:00
GerbilSoftand i already hacked the 8.04alt initrd once because the preseed fetch methods didn't include http for some reason03:00
sammymoparisthebest: you can use synaptic to have it find the closest one for you with a ping test03:00
mvinsci still have to use ndiswrapper03:00
Auctionedllamapelo: there was none03:00
PeloAuctionedllama, never heard of those ,  look for a .deb package or for the source file,03:00
moDumassPelo, this is what im tryingt o get sorted "there is no Restricted Driver" option03:00
Ubuntongerat123: Do you have Apache2, Mysql and PHP installed?03:00
mikebotIf I am using 7.10, and I want to upgrade to 8.04, do I want the alternate cd from the website, or the regular one?03:01
Pelo!ati > moDumass check for a private message windows with instructions from ubotu03:01
professor_anyone else having problem with updates03:01
Pelomikebot, the alternate cd03:01
HardyOne!upgrade | mikebot03:01
ubotumikebot: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes03:01
professor_with it taking long to load03:01
mikebotPelo: And once I have that, is it straight-forward how to upgrade?03:01
Ubuntongerat123: If so then go to your web browser and go to http://localhost/wordpress03:01
mikebotHardyOne: Thanks.03:01
Peloprofessor_, the servers are under heavy load,  be patient or get the alternate cd03:01
moDumassPele its  nvidia card, but thanks03:01
ubotuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:01
Auctionedllamapelo: k, one sec bbl03:01
Jordanjay29KyleK: Wouldn't be this one, would it? http://linuxwireless.sipsolutions.net/en/users/Drivers/b43#supported03:02
taxmanZambezi: if you're trying to install nonstandard stuff, be careful. I hope it is on a test machine or you have very recent backups03:02
HardyOnemikebot: you pop in the cd boot up and then choose upgrade03:02
professor_sure I just wanted to make sure03:02
KyleKprofessor_: switch the mirros03:02
Pelomikebot,  just burn it and put it back in the cd drive,  you should bet a windows asking you to add as repos or upgrade03:02
p0w3r0n3trying to run a unzip -a on an .exe and it fails in hardon....03:02
seamus7bbyever: sorry did someone help you ... I looked at your pastebin and it looks like you just had two package managers open at once ... you can only have one before it will work properly03:02
p0w3r0n3how do i do it?03:02
wwalkeranyone else having long hangs in apt-get?03:02
mikebotPelo: HardyOne: Thanks.03:02
taxmanZambezi: other than that, I know nothing specific about what you're trying03:02
PeloHardyOne, donT,no need to boot03:02
KyleKJordanjay29: I tried both of those actually03:02
taxmanwwalker: the servers are getting hammered03:02
p0w3r0n3mikebot, huh?03:02
KyleKerr both b43 and bcm43xx03:03
Pelowwalker, it's upgrade day the servers aer under heavy load,  be patient or use the cd03:03
moDumassPelo - this is a bit of a step backwards03:03
szx0How can I debug why my bind9 server won't start (it fails)... where can I find the log files?03:03
CaptainMorganwhy does burning speed matter for Ubuntu ?03:03
HardyOnePelo: ah really? I was not aware of that. mikebot apperently no need to reboot. just put the cd in drive03:03
wwalkertaxman: Pelo: thanks for the info03:03
favoritefood0Hey, I used the beta, and I have the same problem in the new version of ubuntu.03:03
PelomoDumass, that's the only thing I know atm03:03
favoritefood0In all the others, my DVD drive worked perfectly.03:03
yagoI have a big problem with the update, someone can help me?03:03
favoritefood0Now I can't get it to open or close inside Ubuntu.03:03
moDumassthats cool, its more that "restricted driver" option should be in system admin03:04
rich_freecomm_ooooh, so you are SUPPOSED to use different nicknames on different servers...I see03:04
moDumassbut its not03:04
Zambezitaxman: It's my main machine. It's an official project, but pre alpha stage.03:04
PeloHardyOne, that,s waht it did for me when I put the dvd it , I was just expecting it to ask to be added to the repos list but it also offered to upgrade03:04
navreethow come my gutsy machine is not asking me to upgrade??03:04
p0w3r0n3trying to run a unzip -a on an .exe and it fails in hardon....03:04
taxmanZambezi: yikes, be careful. make backups first03:04
p0w3r0n3trying to run a unzip -a on an .exe and it fails in hardy... woops :p03:04
sammyrich_freecomm_: all the servers are connected to the same network, think of it as redundancy. you *can't* have the same nick on two servers on the same network.03:04
* CaptainMorgan has not had a pleasant experience thus far.....03:04
navreetp0l0ni0, hardon?03:04
HardyOnePelo: another way Ubuntu makes upgrading easy :)03:04
Pelofavoritefood0, sudo umount -f /mountpoint03:04
navreetp0l0ni0, lol03:04
taxmanyago, ask specifically please03:04
favoritefood0Pelo, it doesn't OPEN.03:04
c0mp13371331337_navreet-  You don't have the Hardy repos in your sources.list file.03:05
PeloCaptainMorgan, sorry to hear that03:05
Zambezitaxman: Word! I'll hold for awhile then. I have to stick with Pidgin for now. :-/03:05
favoritefood0As in, if I physically hit the open button on the drive, it won't do a thing.03:05
Pelofavoritefood0, that would make it open , the -f is to force03:05
navreetc0mp13371331337_, i was hoping I didn't have to do it manually, i wanted to see if it really worked out of the box03:05
harshaWhat is a swap drive?03:05
Peloharsha, RAM extension on your hdd03:05
favoritefood0the standard mount point for dvd drives is /mount/dvd right?03:06
Pelofavoritefood0, is it unmounted from your desktop ?03:06
ZambeziPelo: I couldn't say it better myself. Thumbs up!03:06
rich_freecomm_sammy: sounds silly...I want to log into the server and be in many channels under the same name......03:06
favoritefood0On my desktop I see "Blank CD"03:06
HardyOnePelo: you know what the user peak was for #ubuntu today?03:06
favoritefood0and I know the drive is empty.03:06
rich_freecomm_sammy: I would think that would be how people would know who you are03:06
Pelofavoritefood0,  /media/Blank_CD03:06
meoblast001How Canonical Makes Money -> https://shop.canonical.com/support.php?osCsid=be08b645960fddf8cdc1f4c1f2e4e73e03:06
c0mp13371331337_navreet-  It's just a matter of changing every instance of 'gutsy' to 'hardy' and running 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade'03:06
PeloHardyOne, no03:06
rich_freecomm_sammy: so what's your name on Freenode?03:07
yagoWell, I had used a Cd to update Kubuntu 8.04, every was great untill display showed "configurating chillispot (1.0-8) ...", then it stopped, and I shutdown, then now I cannot do nothing03:07
erat123Ubuntong: i installed everything, but when i go to http://localhost/wordpress, it tries to download a phtml file03:07
navreetc0mp13371331337_, yep... i know, but i just want to see it prompt me for an upgrade, i just wanted to see if it worked... btw, what's the best way to upgrade?03:07
professor_KyleK, how do I switch the mirros03:07
juano__kubuntu 8.04 out already ?03:07
navreetc0mp13371331337_, should I use bittorrent to download the release?? and then mount it via loopback?03:07
Odd-rationalejuano__: yes03:07
harshaPelo: ok, I was asked to create a swap drive while installation of Ubuntu, is it required only while installation or that space will be used even after installation?03:07
myfsorry for repeating but my update-manager won't response after i press the upgrade button, anybody knows why?03:07
KyleKprofessor_: its under settings03:07
juano__Odd-rationale: thanks :)03:07
navreetc0mp13371331337_, would that be best? (in terms of not using ubuntu server's bandwidths)03:07
KyleKlike Settings -> Software Sources03:07
Pelofavoritefood0, take a paperclip, unbend it ,  look on the cd drive face, just below the try , little pin point  hole,  sick the papeclip in it and puch03:08
favoritefood0I did that.03:08
favoritefood0That's how I know it's empty.03:08
SkullerHey guys, I'm trying to install 7.10 on a school PC but it ends up being at the terminal sort of prompt and it says 'busybox' at the top. I tried 7.04 and it works sweet. Any suggestions?03:08
professor_KyleK, Im sorry Im a noob , how do I do03:08
favoritefood0If I put in a disk, it doesn't spin up.03:08
c0mp13371331337_navreet-  Bittorrent would probably be the fastest at this point, as the Ubuntu servers/mirrors are all bogged down at the moment.  Which may be why it doesn't prompt you to upgrade right away.  They may give a few days for all the manual-upgraders to get it out of their system before rolling out the option to upgrade to the general public.03:08
Peloharsha, it's used after ,  make it about 2xram  max 2 gig03:08
StroganoffSkuller, press ctrl+alt+f403:08
nickrudSkuller when you boot, do f6 (?) and try some of the boot options03:08
navreetc0mp13371331337_, got it03:08
juano__Skuller: whats the hardware for that pc ?03:08
thiebaude8.04 is nice03:09
KyleKprofessor_: System -> Admin -> Softwar Sources03:09
SkullerOk I'll try that right now03:09
VenkoHey, I'm having some issues replacing the gnome-main-menu image in Hardy. I've tried the gconf-editor method and directly replacing the file. After both times I've reloaded gnome-panel with no success.03:09
GerbilSoftah ha03:09
Pelofavoritefood0, might be a bad drive ,  might be a problem with the strap,  might be badly pluged in ,  turn off the comp, open the box, check the connections make sure the power cabloe and the data strap are not damaged03:09
GerbilSoftapparently the alternate install CD no longer works for network boot03:09
KyleKand in the middle where it says like USA click that and choose a different mirror, kernel.org is what im using atm03:09
GerbilSoftso i have to manually get the alt install initrd03:09
favoritefood0Pelo, it works perfectly in Bios.03:09
VenkoIs this a Hardy bug or am I doing something wrong?03:09
favoritefood0It worked perfectly 15 mins ago in Feisty.03:10
p0w3r0n3unzip -a on a .exe in ubuntu hardy... fails... how do i fix this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!03:10
favoritefood0It's DEFINITELY something in Hardy.03:10
Skullerjuano__: its a p4 3.ghz, 1gb RAM, PC, custom complied03:10
Shadow_Xwow this is bad. i just installed xp on my old machine (for using photoshop and other windows based apps i need) and it has no generic driver for my NIC :|03:10
harshaPelo: I have 1 GB of ram that means I have to allote 2 GB for swap drive, am I correct?03:10
Pelofavoritefood0, you can open/close your cd/dvd ddrive from the bios ? that' sa new one to me03:10
woddf2Update Manager keeps hanging!03:10
Stroganoffp0w3r0n3: sudo apt-get install unzip03:10
lopinActually, manually selecting a mirror close to home is working nicely...03:10
Peloharsha, yes03:10
Ubuntongerat123: I'm no expert but make sure PHP is installed correctly. maybe install myphpadmin so you can make sure it's working.  A kind of shortcut is to install egroupware since it's requirements are PHP, Apache2, Mysql. So you will get everything installed correctly.03:10
TheDukeNYHow do I had my internal hard drive to my desktop?03:10
lopinGo to software sources, and select a mirror that's closer to you03:10
favoritefood0Pelo, as the computer is going through BIOS, I can hit the open/close button and it will open or close the drive.03:10
juano__Skuller: hmm ok, was thinking maybe you forgot to check if it was x64 architecture, cause in that case you need to download the x64 cd03:10
Pelowoddf2, it's release day the servers are under heavy loads,  get the torrent for the alternate install cd and upgrade from that03:10
harshaPelo: Thanks for the help.03:10
favoritefood0Pelo, the drive also worked perfectly 15 mins ago in Feisty.03:11
p0w3r0n3Stronganoff, its already installed?03:11
p0w3r0n3Stronganoff, any other ideas?03:11
SkullerBy the way the problem I mentioned arises when trying to boot off the live version of the OS03:11
p0w3r0n3Stroganoff, any other ideas?03:11
lopinPelo:  I couldn't get that to work, but switching to a local server helped TREMENDOUSLY!03:11
p0w3r0n3Stroganoff, already installed03:11
Pelofavoritefood0, I don't have an answer for you , report the bug to launcpad03:11
erat123Ubuntong: i'll give that a try and see where it goes.  i went to their site, and it looks cool.  i've just never heard of it.  sorry i cant really help you with your problem though.03:11
favoritefood0Pelo, Okay.03:11
Shadow_XPelo, can you perform a standard upgrade from the alternate cd?03:11
HardyOneShadow_X: yes03:11
DBautellShadow_X, To Upgrade from the CD/ISO, you'll need the alternate ISO or the DVD: run cdromupgrade from the root of the CD/ISO/DVD. If you don't want to/can't burn a disc, you can 'mount -o loop nameofiso /path/to/mount/'03:11
KyleKhey can I upgrade from feisty to hardy?03:11
nickrudfavoritefood0 you should do   tail -f /var/log/syslog , try inserting a disk, and including the output in your report03:12
shane2peruanyone know anything about a DVD iso for ubuntu (of course the 8.04 edition)03:12
favoritefood0Oh, pelo, get this, Sysinfo detects the drive just fine.03:12
juano__Odd-rationale: i'm off to try 8.04 now :P:)03:12
PeloShadow_X, yes,  alt cd or dvd, but not from the live cd03:12
Ubuntongerat123: Thanks and good luck with wordpress.03:12
lopinPelo Chaning to a local server helped...03:12
Pelofavoritefood0, I get the issue I just donT' have a fix for you03:12
MachinTrucChose_sorry, just testing03:12
professor_KyleK, and then what03:12
Shadow_Xyea i know not from livecd, but its been forever since i used the alt. thanks :)03:12
myfhi, how many people has been able to upgrade to hardy here?03:12
shane2peruin particular, where to get the DVD iso?03:12
lopinI can't use the alt cd to upgrade...03:12
blankheaddoes anyone know how to get into text only mode in hardy heron?03:12
lopinIt locks...03:12
Pelolopin, helped with what ?03:12
HardyOneMachinTrucChose_: this text should be red03:12
ubotuHardy can be torrented from http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).03:12
Odd-rationalejuano__: go for it. I'm seeding all the alternative cd's :)03:12
thiebaudei upgraded 3 days ago03:12
favoritefood0nickrud, what exactly do you mean? I insert a disk and the drive does nothing. I have to open the drive manually, close it manually.03:12
juano__Odd-rationale: good job :)03:13
KyleKprofessor_: after you select a difffernt mirror? close it03:13
MachinTrucChose_hardyone: thank you03:13
unopblankhead, ctrl+alt+f1 ?03:13
aubracKyleK: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading03:13
lopinI finally could download updates by going from us.ubuntu.com to a local server, hosted at WVU03:13
HardyOnejuano__: I am also seeding all the iso's03:13
moon2jsTrying to upgrade from Gutsy to Hardy, but update-manager hangs (Beryl-greys out) on "Preparing to upgrade" and doesn't do anything. Are the repos overloaded or do I have a problem?03:13
cirkitIf you're on 8.04 RC1, will "update manager" be good enough for the upgrade?03:13
KyleKit'll apt-get update automatiicaly03:13
Stroganoffp0w3r0n3 maybe the EXE isnt ZIP compressed. try xarchiver03:13
MachinTrucChose_X-chat is the nicest client so far...LostIRC has no features, neither does Xchat-Gnome. Konversation's pretty cool too, but I guess everyone was right to recommend X-chat.03:13
shane2peruThanks DBautell03:13
sammylopin: I've been trying to tell people once I changed my mirror everything went quickly, but I guess there is something to wanting more iso discs out there :)03:13
professor_KyleK, no where do I find the mirror03:13
nickrudfavoritefood0 ooohh, sounds hardware. The disk tray action should have nothing to do with the os03:13
* Pelo is just seeding the dvd , he can only manage 76 kps out 03:13
lopinSammy ^.^03:13
myfmoon2js: same here03:13
bod_moon2js, the repo's are being raped03:13
nosa-Jhurray for heron!03:13
shane2peruor, thanks ubotu lol03:13
juano__HardyOne: Odd-rationale keep it up, cyou in a while03:14
favoritefood0nickrud, the thing is is that it worked in feisty a few minutes ago, works in BIOS, it's even detected.03:14
DBautellshane2peru, I try03:14
jumpkickneed apt-bittorrent03:14
moon2jsso once the repos are recover, it will work?03:14
sammyMachinTrucChose_: irssi03:14
TailsfanWhat does this mean for when a get a error with this: SET_MODULE_OWNER03:14
Odd-rationaleI have two computer seeding03:14
favoritefood0I can go into my feisty live CD, and I'll come talk on IRC lol03:14
MachinTrucChose_sammy: thanks, not a fan of console clients :P03:14
nickrudfavoritefood0 do you dual boot? Will it boot the hardy cd?03:14
KyleKprofessor_: download from: its a dropdown, click around in there :)03:14
Millertime_018how can i get vmware-server to show up in the add/remove applications box?03:14
Pelookaratas, I'm out again,  later folks03:14
Shadow_Xanother question. do distro upgrades fail often? (I upgraded an old ubuntu server to 7.10, and it failed to reboot properly. i was a n00b then so reinstalled lol)03:14
HardyOnelate Pelo03:14
jPrattWow the servers have calmed down thank god03:14
favoritefood0nickrud; I just upgraded from feisty.03:14
sammyMachinTrucChose_: then try pidgin/gajim/kopete/etc with an irc plugin or a jabber server with an irc gateway.03:14
Millertime_018how can i get vmware-server to show up in the add/remove box?03:15
shane2peruDBautell, hmm, seems as that there is a traffic jam at that site.03:15
nickrudfavoritefood0 I know, but we're talking about current troubleshooting info03:15
taxmanyago: after you got that message, you were able to shutdown normally with no errors? And now what exactly happens? What do you mean by can't do anything?03:15
moon2jsCan I do a dist-upgrade but have it access the repos from a CD?03:15
sammyMachinTrucChose_: pidgin and gajim actually both do really well with irc transports on jabber servers. so does psi03:15
ffm_Millertime_018, Just remove it via synaptic.03:15
ffm_Millertime_018, Sys>Admin>Synaptic.03:15
damo22sudo: timestamp too far in the future: Apr 25 13:04:51 200803:15
MachinTrucChose_Pidgin is the first one I tried. It's terrible. Maybe for a person who's never going to use IRC these multi-purpose clients are good enough, but not for me03:15
favoritefood0nickrud, I only use ubuntu.03:15
ffm_!language | KyleK03:15
ubotuKyleK: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.03:15
HardyOne!aptcd | moon2js03:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about aptcd - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:15
DBautellokaratas, howabout ftp://lug.bu.edu/pub/distro/ubuntu/03:15
nickrudmoon2js from an alternate cd, yes03:15
KyleKi guess im screwed for using 7.0403:15
favoritefood0nickrud; I only had feisty installed.03:15
damo22how can i fix that: sudo: timestamp too far in the future:03:15
ffm_MachinTrucChose_, Use XChat for IRC.03:15
jPrattHow can i update my Java?03:15
DBautelldurn autocomlete03:15
ffm_damo22, sudo -k03:15
KyleKffm_: damn is disney friendly :p03:15
nosa-Jtheses downloads take forever03:15
ubotuTo compile modules and drivers that are not bundled with the standard kernel,  for more info /msg ubotu kernel  , install the relevant package, usually called "<modulename>-source", and run « sudo module-assistant » (you will have to do this again after kernel updates). To prevent specific modules from loading, see /msg ubotu blacklist03:16
binarybanditirssi! :D03:16
sammyMachinTrucChose_: I think you'll find there isn't much going on in the way of irc client development, I'd assume the most would be going on in those multi-purpose clients. also, gajim is a jabber only client ;)03:16
nickrudfavoritefood0 so, try booting a cd. See if you get different action at that level.03:16
MachinTrucChose_ffm: that's what I'm using now. I tried like 4-5 clients prior to deciding on X-chat.03:16
favoritefood0I'll be right back.03:16
Kl4mShadow_X: server upgrades should never break, except in special situations which you should know about before.03:16
seamus7MachinTrucChose_ I'm on IRC via Pidgin ... works nicely03:16
leapwhere is the best torrent site for 8.04 alternate-amd64 cd03:16
moon2jsalt cd. I have the iso and can burn. can I just insert and it will do, or do I need to some how point update-manager to the disc?03:16
ffm_binarybandit, for when you're on the road, yeah.03:16
KyleKffm_: !calmdown > ffm_ :)03:16
bmoll8anyone know where I can find a good review of the new ubuntu release03:16
ianliu_88How do I remove those shadows/glow from ubuntu windows?03:16
smallfoot-i should install gnash, swfdec or adobe?03:16
damo22ffm_: it was capital K thanks03:16
nickrudmoon2js the hardy cd will ask if you want to upgrade when you insert it03:16
ffm_bmoll8, It works well, much better than the prior one.03:16
MachinTrucChose_basically an IRC client needs to have a decent interface (with a list of users! can't believe some didn't have that), syntax highlighting, DCC sends, CTCP suites, aliases...it's very minimal stuff that was already in mIRC 10 years ago03:16
osmosiswhats the difference between nvidia and nvidia_new ?03:17
black_13what would cause ubuntu server install to get stuck scanning mirror stage?03:17
nickrudmoon2js the alternate cd, remember03:17
moon2jsnickrud: but it has to be the alt, not the reg?03:17
ffm_damo22, What?03:17
seamus7ianliu_88: try disabling various compiz plugins in Advanced Desktop Effects03:17
nickrudmoon2js yes03:17
sammyMachinTrucChose_: which is why x-chat is your client of choice, it was around 10 years ago, too, iirc.03:17
ffm_damo22, Oh.03:17
damo22ffm_: it was capital K .. sudo -K03:17
nickrudblack_13 probably server overload03:17
moon2jsnickrud: cool, thanks!03:17
woddf2I may upgrade tomorrow.03:17
Daedius_hey all03:17
Shadow_XKl4m, i think it was due to ignorance about linux in general. ive learned alot more lately. i used to be daunted by the thought of linux, but now, im comfortable with is. almost as comfy as i am on windows (which i have spent my whole life on, sadly)03:17
Daedius_i'm having trouble with the 2.6.24 kernel03:17
Daedius_I'm also a n00b with ubuntu03:17
binarybanditffm_, not just for the road :(03:17
SkullerI try booting off a 7.10 live desktop CD but after the orange bar going back and forth it just leaves me at a command prompt kind of place with a 'busybox' title at the top. This does not happen with a 7.04 CD on the same PC. Any suggestions? I tried ctrl-alt-F4 with no luck and neither with F603:17
shane2peruwhat advantage is there having the DVD?  More packages, is it the alternate CD and the DesktopCD install wrapped into one?03:17
Daedius_anyonek know the quickest route I should go to get the 2.6.25 kernel on ubuntu?03:18
Daedius_for 64bit system03:18
ffm_shane2peru, If you have a fast internet connection, the DVD offers little adcantage.03:18
nickrudDaedius_ the only way is compiling it yourself03:18
Kl4mbmoll8: http://www.linuxformat.co.uk/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=682 is a "review" but don't go there if you want a critic03:18
shane2peruSkuller, do you have the 8.04 CD???  Hardy, it is just out03:18
ffm_Daedius_, Don't?03:18
nickrud!kernel | Daedius_03:18
ubotuDaedius_: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - For more: /msg ubotu stages03:18
shane2peruffm_, so there are more packages?03:18
ffm_shane2peru, Yes.03:18
dragobr_isso é um teste03:18
Kl4mleap: Get the torrent file pretty much anywhere, you'll get connected to the same torrent03:18
WeeJa1Hi guys! any one using vpnc here?03:18
jPrattUbuntu is all i am running now this morning i also had windows *Laughs at Micro$oft03:18
ffm_shane2peru, But all of them are avalible via the repos.03:19
shane2peruffm_, for like if I wanted to install on other computers that don't have fast internet?03:19
shane2peruffm_, right03:19
ffm_shane2peru, Yeah, for that.03:19
Skullershane2peru: No, I don't at the moment and I don't have the connection speed to download it quickly either, have to do with 7.10 or 7.04 (this one works)03:19
MachinTrucChose_daedius: I heard the performance difference is negligible for a desktop user with 64-bit. People on forums seemed to recommend not bothering for now and sticking with 32-bit03:19
eZei just fornated a partition, but fdisk still displays the wring filesystem type, does it need a reboot to recognize that?03:19
leapffound one no seeders03:19
Kl4mWeeJa1: I used to03:19
corbetthi, is there anyone who can help me get my maxtor external hard drive mounted and working on ububtu 7.10 - which ive just loaded on pc to replace windows, it worked perfectly fine elsewhere on widows, I think I need to run some checks as dont know why it wont mount03:19
ffm_shane2peru, See also "apt on cd"03:19
Daedius_can you guys think of a way I can test the usability of my usb mouse outside of X11?03:19
Rycherhey when i try to install under the terminal. I have a problem.... When it ask for the admin password in the terminal, it wont let me type anything.? any ideas..03:19
WeeJa1Kl4m: did you use it with a secure token or pre-shared key?03:19
Daedius_I don't know if the problem is my kernel or X11 itself03:19
nickrudMachinTrucChose_ I ran 64bit in feisty, but switched back to 32 for hardy for that very reason03:19
Kl4mleap: get the official torrent from ubuntu.com03:19
ffm_Daedius_, Why would you want to use it out side of X?03:19
ffm_Daedius_, Not off hand.03:19
nickrudDaedius_ gpm might do the trick03:20
shane2peruSKuhn, hmm, did you order a CD for shipit?  What country are you in?  There is probably a loco group close03:20
Kl4mWeeJa1: PSK.03:20
WeeJa1I can't get the Network Manager + vpnc interface to promt me for a secure token input...03:20
Daedius_My usb mouse isn't working on 8.0403:20
ffm_Rycher, Install what?03:20
black_13nickrud, is there a way choose a different server?03:20
HardyOneRycher: you type and dont see the characters?03:20
plikshane2peru: mouseon console is handy for cut & paste03:20
JobiasRycher: if you're referring to the fact that the cursor doesn't move in the terminal, that's normal. i believe it's a security feature, so that no one can tell how long your password is03:20
WeeJa1Kl4m: I guess its time to read :-)03:20
lopinI can't get cdromupgrade to work.03:20
ffm_WeeJa1, You mean for your password?03:20
Rycherit wont let me type anything03:20
nickrudblack_13 system->admin->software sources, on the dropdown button on the first tab, choose other03:20
HardyOneRycher: type in the password and hit enter03:20
plikoops, not to shane2peru , pesky accidental tabs03:20
Rycherdosnt work03:20
shane2peruSKuller, hmm, did you order a CD for shipit?  What country are you in?  There is probably a loco group close03:20
Kl4mWeeJa1: I didn't use network-manager, I connected to my campus wireless and started vpnc in a console03:20
WeeJa1ffm_: I imported my Cisco vpn client config but it does ot promt me for secure token03:20
shane2perusorry SKuhn wrong person03:21
shane2peruthanks plik03:21
dbristowwell that tears it.  releases.ubuntu.com's copy of wubu.exe has the same md5sum as the rest I've tried03:21
black_13nickrud i didnt see that on the server install03:21
WeeJa1Kl4m: ill be happy with console03:21
Skullershane2peru: Yes I did03:21
ffm_WeeJa1, Ah. Can't help then.03:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cdromupgrade - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:21
eklofHi all! anyone upgraded a 6.06 server to 8.04 yet? Did it work? :)03:21
ffm_dbristow, What's the issue?03:21
JobiasRycher: what kind of an error are you getting?03:21
shane2peruffm_, apt on cd?03:21
MachinTrucChose_where would I go if I wanted nicer text fonts than the ones included in Ubuntu? Are all of the Windows one proprietary Microsoft stuff or something (Arial, Courier New, Terminal, Verdana, etc)?03:21
lopinWhy is there no documentation about the server death?03:21
MachinTrucChose_can't find anything using synaptic03:21
twinkie_addictthe repos must realy be hit hard , i cant refresh my apt list :)03:21
WeeJa1ffm_: ill figure it out....acording to vpnc site, that support was added with 0.3 release03:21
manishhow to install flash player for mozilla03:21
Rychersu: Authentication failure. Sorry.03:21
WeeJa1ubuntu comes with 0.5103:21
dbristowffm_: I can't get a copy of wubi.exe that verifies via the MD5SUMS files03:21
DBautellTo Upgrade from the CD/ISO, you'll need the alternate ISO or the DVD: run cdromupgrade from the root of the CD/ISO/DVD. If you don't want to/can't burn a disc, you can 'mount -o loop nameofiso /path/to/mount/'03:21
sean_MachinTrucChose_: mstcorefonts I believe is the name03:21
ffm_lopin, http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading03:21
Kl4meklof: It is a supported upgrade path But I don't know anyone who did it actually03:21
JobiasMachinTrucChose_: sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts03:21
shane2peruffm_, that could be very handy, where do I find out about it?  Wouldn't apt on DVD be more efficient. :)03:21
Seven_Six_TwoI'm wanting to go from 7.04 but I think I might wait a day. anyone done it without major issues?03:21
seamus7anyone finding FF3 beta 5 just too buggy at the moment? have many of you downgraded to FF2? or gone elsewhere?03:22
ffm_shane2peru, Same thing.03:22
MachinTrucChose_manish: open synaptic and search for "flash".03:22
HardyOne!fonts | MachinTrucChose_03:22
vicmarconiis this final version the same as the release candidate of 2 days earlier?03:22
ubotuMachinTrucChose_: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer03:22
nickrudblack_13 ah, server :) . You need to go to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors , pick one and edit /etc/apt/sources.list03:22
seamus7oops I'm not supposed to poll03:22
MachinTrucChose_thank you guys03:22
eklofKl4m: I need some test-users before me :)03:22
lopintwinkie_addict: changing to a closer server will let you get your apt get working, but don't try to upgrade03:22
dmsupermanI'm doubting this, but is there anyway to run visual studio on linux? I _really_ like the intellisense features and project management of it, so I either want visual studio in linux or something similar with intellisense (one that learns from your code, not just built in functions)03:22
underdog5004lopin, there's nothing to document, so many users trying to download 700+ Mb from a few servers is basically a DDOS against the servers...unintentional, but there you go :)03:22
dbristowall the copies I have have the same, different, md5sum, from funet, mirrors.kernel.org, everywhere03:22
shane2peruffm_, where do I find out more info about the DVD, something to read on it?03:22
plikvicmarconi: apparently the last changes were on 22nd03:22
JobiasRycher: that's odd. i don't really know what's wrong. sorry03:22
dbristowI think the MD5SUMS file has got to be wrong03:22
black_13how do you do during the install process03:22
lopinunderdog5004: I definitely know that, I'm a comp sci major...03:22
nickrudSeven_Six_Two it won't hurt to wait a week, let some bugs that weren't found without really widespread use get fixed, and the mirrors to settle down03:22
ffm_shane2peru, hold on..03:22
J-a-k-ehi does anyone here know anything about sound in ubuntu?03:22
underdog5004as am I03:22
lopinThe question is: why is there not a disclaimer on the main site?03:23
j_humphreymaco: hey, you there?03:23
J-a-k-ehi does anyone here know anything about sound *quality* in ubuntu?03:23
SkullerAny problem if I install 7.04 now? I mean as in its not too old or does not have a huge lack of features does it?03:23
Rycherhmmm... well this person on the fourms told me to run it in "super user" mode. Any ideas?03:23
ffm_shane2peru, http://aptoncd.sourceforge.net/03:23
Seven_Six_TwoI noticed they're getting hammered. I had to edit my hosts info just to update03:23
macoj_humphrey: whatss up03:23
MachinTrucChose_hardyone: are the microsoft core fonts copyrighted then? ie, they can't be used in the US without breaking the law (however trivially)?03:23
underdog5004lopin, why would there be? obviously there's going to be a slowdown when a new release comes out...03:23
ffm_MachinTrucChose_, Mhm.03:23
dbristowI'm getting this md5sum for wubi.exe: a96aa69961f3ed80dd7a88fae1e28196  wubi.exe03:23
nickrudSkuller nothing wrong with 7.04, and it has 6 more months of support03:23
shane2peruffm_, thanks!, checking it out.03:23
=== jay29 is now known as Jordanjay29
lopinunderdog5004: This is not a slowdown.  This is a grinding halt03:23
j_humphreymaco: So i think that the iwl3945 driver and my router are incompatible03:23
ffm_MachinTrucChose_, at least they cannot be redistrubuted. You need a MS licence.03:23
ffm_shane2peru, No problem.03:23
HardyOneMachinTrucChose_: something like that but doubt Bill is going to knock on your door03:23
StroganoffMachinTrucChose_ msttcorefonts are freeware, extracted from MS freeware03:23
ffm_maco, still helping people?03:24
* shane2peru runs off to read about the Ubuntu DVD03:24
j_humphreymaco: http://stebalien.com/2008/04/2wireiwl3945crash.html03:24
Kl4meklof: It really shouldn't be more dangerous than, say a debian dist-upgrade. Many entreprise users are going to upgrade from an LTS to another (not today!)03:24
ffm_MachinTrucChose_, Technically a violation, but unlikely to prosicute.03:24
lopinunderdog5004: And, I'm trying to upgrade from the alt cd, but it keeps locking up...03:24
underdog5004lopin, ime, it's been a slowdown...I tried to install libk3b2-mp3 on my gf's lappy...took nearly 5 minutes before it could fetch the package03:24
geniehi all03:24
underdog5004lopin, where does it lock up at?03:24
genieI am getting this error when I try to run sudo command: sudo: unable to resolve host genie0203:25
lopinunderdog5004: Package manager03:25
Seven_Six_Twolopin, while it's fetching the package lists?03:25
lopinunderdog5004: I switched to a local server, and I could at least get the lists, bu tnothing else...03:25
Kl4mMachinTrucChose_: those fonts have been given by microsoft "in the interest of interoperability". Sourceforge hosts them03:25
shane2peruffm_, WOW double thanks, apt on CD looks really cool, I'm liking it  Thanks a bundle!03:25
Gman99999my sound is all messed up now that I upgraded to hardy heron, the sound is all raspy and ruffled, why is that?03:25
lopinunderdog5004: Maybe?  It's at the end, but it locks up while offline too...03:25
dbristowwhereas the MD5SUMS file has this line: cdd32124f23b455b0aa22cc3ff35ff35 *wubi.exe03:25
ffm_shane2peru, Make checks payable to... </sarcasm>03:25
balleyn1does anyone have any experience with rsnapshot? I'm trying to figure it out, but I'm a bit confused regarding what should run on the server vs client03:25
gvieirasry if this question was previously answered, but how can I upgrade from a 8.04 beta version to LTS final??03:25
TheDukeNYDoes 8.04 no longer include ntfs support?03:25
ffm_Gman99999, Uh, I wouldn't know  unless you gave more information.03:25
shane2peruffm_, ha ha ;)03:25
lopinunderdog5004: "Checking Package Manager"03:26
ffm_gvieira, use the update manager.03:26
nickrudgvieira run update-manager03:26
ffm_gvieira, it happens just like any other software update.03:26
x3n0hi all03:26
geniesudo: unable to resolve host pcname03:26
ffm_!hello | x3n003:26
bcardarellaIs there a reason why my numerical keypad is now controlling my mouse cursor after the upgrade to 8.04?03:26
ubotux3n0: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!03:26
HardyOnegvieira: if you did the update yesterday you are already there :)03:26
MachinTrucChose_kl4m: thanks. in that case, why not include them in Ubuntu? I can see why they wouldn't be in Gobuntu, but Ubuntu doesn't seem to mind optional "restricted" packages03:26
Seven_Six_TwoTheDukeNY, try the 3g drivers03:26
blankheadwhy is it that without nvidia driver disabled the resolution reaches 76hz but while its enabled it only stays within the 50hz i thought it was suppose to be the other way around!!03:26
nickrud!hostname | genie (do this)03:26
ubotugenie (do this): Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at system>administration>networking on the "General" tab03:26
ffm_HardyOne, Sys>Prefs>Assist. Tech.03:26
Stroganoffballeyn1: http://www.rsnapshot.org/howto/1.2/rsnapshot-HOWTO.en.html03:26
eklofKl4m: yeah i guess so.03:26
underdog5004lopin, weird, I remember it locking up briefly (10 minutes or so) on an older version when it was trying to get updates before rebooting...03:26
favoritefood0nickrud; just booted up my live CD, works perfectly.03:26
Gman99999ffm_ its just sounds all garbled now, im not sure how that could happen it sounds like there's static now in every single sound03:26
underdog5004genie, long time no see!03:26
DBautellbcardarella, sounds like an accessibility setting03:26
lopinunderdog5004: I'll just let it sit then03:26
ffm_Gman99999, Uh, maybe a hardware problem?03:27
x3n0i'm having a few issues with an alias i've written03:27
sammybcardarella: sounds like one of the accessability options; mouse keys. you can change the settings in system, preference, assistive technologies03:27
gvieiraI don't remember :P how can I see if my version is the final?03:27
balleyn1Stroganoff: thanks03:27
HardyOneffm_: ???03:27
Prez00is the torrent working ok?  I can't seem to connect..03:27
bcardarellaDBautell: I'll check it out03:27
taxmangenie, sorry I don't know. goodle didn't turn up anything I take it?03:27
Gman99999ffm_ yea but what kind and where? lol03:27
underdog5004lopin, lol, not much else you can do :)03:27
nickrudfavoritefood0 and your driver still doesn't work at all, won't even open with sudo eject  ?03:27
ffm_Gman99999, Can you try under fiesty livecd and see if it still occurs?03:27
Prez00connecting to peers..03:27
* underdog5004 hands genie a coffee03:27
sammybcardarella: it's possible holding down one of the buttons for too long triggered it to turn on. happens all the time with the shift and sticky keys to me.03:27
ffm_HardyOne, That's the panel that controls that bit.03:27
Gman99999ffm_ I just upgrade from gutsy and everything worked fine03:27
favoritefood0nickrud; what is the sudo eject command for a standard DVD drive?03:27
bcardarellasammy: yeap, that was it. Thanks :)03:27
Gman99999ffm_ it all worked fine in gutsy03:27
TheDukeNYSeven_Six_Two: How do I get those drivers?03:27
HardyOneffm_: what are you talking about. sorry you lost me03:27
nickrudfavoritefood0 sudo eject /dev/<device>03:27
ffm_Gman99999, Sorry, I ment to try with a gutsy CD and see if the issue still occurs.03:27
ffm_HardyOne, Go to the Sys>Prefs>Assist. Tech. (series of menus)03:28
favoritefood0nickrud; nothing.03:28
nickrudfavoritefood0 and ls /dev/sd* should show you the device (if it was recognized) . If there's only one, eject should find it03:28
HardyOneffm_: why are you directing me there?03:28
x3n0alias ll="ls -l | sed -e 's/--x/1/g' -e 's/-w-/2/g' -e 's/-wx/3/g' -e 's/r--/4/g' -e 's/r-x/5/g' -e 's/rw-/6/g' -e 's/rwx/7/g' -e 's/---/0/g'"03:28
geniethanks ubotu03:28
ffm_HardyOne, Sorry, I ment Sys>Prefs>Mouse.03:28
ffm_genie, Ubotu is a bot.03:28
favoritefood0nickrud, my DVD drive shows up in Sysinfo.03:28
nickrudx3n0 just what does that do? better have a good answer03:28
cameron122000upgrade is being slow :(03:28
Kl4mMachinTrucChose_: I don't know why they are not included. But they are in a exe, and the license told they can't be modified. That's why it depends on cabextract also.03:28
HardyOneffm_: lmao you are answering questions to me that I have not asked03:29
nickrudfavoritefood0 but does it show up in /dev/sd*03:29
dbristowanybody else getting the same md5sum for wubi.exe ?03:29
VictorBi have problems with downloading with firefox.. i have upgraded from 7.10 to 8.04 and when i download something firefox hangs for 10 seconds. who has the same problems?03:29
nosa-Jwow firefox 3 on the new version03:29
=== McFuddle is now known as Little
HardyOneffm_: My Hardy install has been working great for months now03:29
x3n0its an alias to change ls -l to show permissions in octal03:29
Kl4mVictorB: I noticed FF hangs for 5-10 seconds when switching tabs or loading some new tabs also.03:29
ffm_HardyOne, You asked why your numpad was controlling your mouse? (or was that someone else...)03:30
nickrudx3n0 ok, I see that now. Can't read sed without serious help ;)03:30
favoritefood0nickrud; it's mount point is /dev/hdc03:30
ffm_Kl4m, If you want you can install firefox-2.0 from the repositories.03:30
HardyOneffm_: someone else03:30
VictorBKl4m, ok i gonna try that03:30
ffm_favoritefood0, That's not the mount point, that's the device point.03:30
fdsjkalfwhen is archive.ubuntu.com going to  be back up?03:30
MachinTrucChose_whelp, I gotta restart, just installed the fonts03:30
ffm_fdsjkalf, When people stop using it so heavellu.03:30
x3n0well i'm in need of a little help getting it going properly :/03:30
mutkfavoritefood0, That is usually not a mount point. It is a link to the block device.03:30
VictorBffm_, i installenmd firefox 2.0 and have the same problems03:30
Arnosis there a booster floppy that allows me to boot from USB for computer that can't by default?03:30
Kl4mVictorB: It only does it occasionally03:30
DBautellfdsjkalf, when people stop poking it:D03:30
arbiris back03:30
ffm_fdsjkalf, Try a local mirror.03:30
professor_KyleK, Thanks it worked03:30
favoritefood0ffm_ and mutk; thanks03:30
pawanwhat is lts in 8.0403:31
ffm_!lts | pawalls03:31
ubotupawalls: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.03:31
ethana2pawan: long term support03:31
ffm_!lts | pawan03:31
ubotupawan: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.03:31
nickrudfavoritefood0 it shouldn't be anymore (in hardy) . Is /dev/hdc there , and is any /dev/sc*   (the new naming scheme for cd/dvds, forgot for a sec03:31
VictorBKl4m, canyou try downloading?03:31
sammyArnos: I don't think they do booster floopys like that anymore now that they figure everyone can just dl and burn a cd, or that anyone wanting to do that could just make their own bootable floppy. are you still trying to load the update from usb?03:31
MachinTrucChoseah, much nicer :P03:31
favoritefood0for nickrud; in other news I looked in /dev/by-id and I see my DVD drive there03:31
fdsjkalfbased on your experience, how long does it take for archive.ubuntu.com to be back to normal after a release date03:31
arbirhas anybody made a ubuntu installable USb key ?03:31
Kl4mVictorB: I've been using it for many weeks now. It did on downloading a couple of times but rarely03:31
pawanhow is the new version03:31
nickrudfavoritefood0 if you won't answer the questions I ask, there's not much I can say03:32
ArnosI arbir: I have, it didn't work thought that might have just been the PC I tried it on03:32
Kl4mpawan: stay around and watch the problems flow :)03:32
favoritefood0nickrud; sorry I don't know what you want me to look for.03:32
amenadoArnos you can try to use syslinux as the boot loader03:32
ffm_pawan: it works.03:32
arbiri tried but i keep getting errors @ Arnos03:32
TheDukeNYHow can I get my internal hard drive to mount when my 3g driver is installed, but it doesnt do it automatically. Is there a way I can do it manually?03:32
ffm_pawan: better than gutsy.03:32
favoritefood0nickrud; err...well, I don't know exactly what you want me to look rfor.03:32
arbirError: The flag 'boot' is not available for loop disk labels.  @ Arnos03:32
nickrudfavoritefood0 I've asked a couple of times, the latest version:   /dev/hdc there , and is any /dev/sc*03:32
Kl4mArnos: you could install grub on a floppy. I can boot from USB hard drives with grub03:33
fdsjkalftrying to download java at near dsl speeds is just unbearable03:33
ShpookStill no ubuntu+1, huh?03:33
ffm_pawan: in any case, it's a reccomended upgrade.03:33
Arnosarbir: did you follow this tutorial? http://www.pendrivelinux.com/2008/04/14/ubuntu-804-usb-hard-drive-install/03:33
ArnosKl4m I don't know how to install grub on a floppy03:33
arbirnope Arnos.. let me see that link.. i was following another link03:33
Kl4mShpook: #ubuntu+1 goes here until development on 8.10 begins03:33
arbirArnos i was trying this link --> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick03:33
pawani want to install windows vista on top of ubuntu03:34
sammyShpook: keep your pants on :P03:34
nickrudShpook give the dev's a chance to party a bit ;)03:34
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amenadoarbir that should have worked03:34
arbiris gone away with Arnos's link03:34
arbiramenado: i was getting that error03:34
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froskendoes anyone have experience with the rt73 wireless driver? im trying to get my usbdongle to work on hardy, but it doesnt show up in networkmanager03:34
amenadoarbir-> what error?03:34
Kl4mArnos: when you install Ubuntu, at the last stage, click on the "advanced..." button and install grub on /dev/fd003:34
favoritefood0nickrud; in /dev/ I see no sc* file03:34
Shpooksammy, nickrud: lol I just want to join in on the fun.03:34
arbiramenado: Error: The flag 'boot' is not available for loop disk labels.03:34
ArnosKl4m I did03:35
amenadoarbir i dont see that mentioned on that linked you just pasted03:35
VictorBKl4m, i gonna wait a few days mayby they solve the problems with FF03:35
=== ka2zzzz is now known as ka2u
ricreeI have a somewhat odd problem.  After upgrading to hardy, my number keys no longer work.  Does anyone have any idea how I can go about troubleshooting that?03:35
arbiramenado: i nkow, but i am not able to copy my iso to that disk03:35
arbirit keeps bugging me for making it a bootable partition03:35
TheDukeNYdid fstab change at all?03:35
ArnosKl4m: what I want is a floppy that will make a computer boot to a USB that normally can't my USB can already boot itself if the computer supports it03:35
amenadoarbir you have formatted your usb as vfat?03:36
arbiramenado: it was first fat32, then i formatted to ext203:36
pawanwhen i install windows vista on top of ubuntu it destroys grub03:36
Kl4mVictorB: They had to put FF 3  because else they would have to support FF2 for 3 years03:36
arbiramenado: i tried everything....03:36
daninghi. why I can't download ubuntu 8.04 from ubuntu.com03:36
arbirnow let me try that link Arnos just gave me03:36
Kl4mVictorB: It will be upgraded when it's released...03:36
Faff3 beta 5 is very stable03:36
amenadoarbir that link says use vfat not fat32 eh?03:36
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ToranOK, I am running ubuntu on a thinkpad x60. I want to use an external keyboard. When I plug it in (USB), though, I can't type on it. A light comes on the keyboard, but my laptop doesn't accept input from it. I tried rebooting with it plugged in, but I had no luck. How can I make this work?03:36
sean_They're going to be an updated release, hopefully it'll include the final version.03:37
arbiramenado: when i try to make vfat using parted03:37
Kl4mFa Yeah sure but it's a beta03:37
arbiramenado: parted wont let me make vfat03:37
amenadoarbir unless you have syslinux 3.003:37
Fayou can uninstall k14m03:37
=== Little is now known as McFuddle
nickrudfavoritefood0 ok, look in /var/dmesg , there'll be a section that starts with something like ata1: PATA max UDMA/100 , it describes the recognition of your drives, or you could put the whole thing on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org03:37
arbiramenado: parted> mkfs 1 vfat does not work03:37
pawanhow to install windows vista03:37
Kl4mArnos: what is the problem again?03:37
arbiramenado: i was still on ubuntu 7.10 and i am using what ever version of syslinux that came03:37
amenadoarbir-> then you have to find another tool to make a vfat if gparted dont work for you03:38
ShpookWell, I'm going to ask this in here then: Are there any issues I should be aware of with the upgrade? Audio, video, network, etc?03:38
nickrudpawan no trolling03:38
gvieiramy ubuntu is updated, thank you for who helped! :D and congratz to development team03:38
sammy!dualboot | pawan03:38
ubotupawan: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot03:38
arbiramenado: let me look around.. if i cannot get anywhere, i will get back here to post my question03:38
ShpookAlthough audio is now run by pulse, i'm sure that will be smooth. I'm in love with pulse audio.03:38
arbirwill you be around amenado /03:38
ArnosKl4m: The computer can't boot to a USB, any USB, I want a floppy that will let it03:38
favoritefood0nickrud; in my /var/ folder there is no /dmesg file or folder...03:38
ricreeShpook: I had some audio issues, but they were easily solved by changing sound from auto-detect to ALSA03:38
nickrudfavoritefood0 srry, /var/log/dmesg03:38
amenadoarbir no guarantee03:38
scorpfromhell!partial upgrade|scorpfromhell03:39
Shpookricree: That's pretty typical, at least it's nothing major. :-)03:39
Kl4mArnos: ok, do you want to boot Ubuntu on usb?03:39
arbiramenado: no probs.. thanks for the pointer.. thats good enough to keep me RTFM'ing03:39
Kl4mOr in general03:39
ArnosKL4m: yes03:39
arbirthanks a lot amenado03:39
amenadoarbir okay, you're welcome03:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ext2 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:39
ricreeShpook: yeah, I was pretty worried though, since I had a lot of sound problems when Feisty first came out03:39
Faubuntu 8 rocks03:39
scorpfromhellwhat is the partial upgrade after upgrade to hardy that's been taking me ages? :(03:40
Shpookricree: I solved my sound problems in feisty by installing pulseaudio.03:40
nickrudscorpfromhell probably slow servers03:40
Shpookricree: But yeah, before that I had a lot of problems too.03:40
RandocalI'm pretty sure I know the answer.... But if I upgrade to hardy, and somehow it breaks something on my system and things aren't working properly there isn't an uninstall option is there?03:40
obf213hey, i just upgraded, and of course I am having problems, specifically with the apt-get / synaptic03:40
favoritefood0nickrud; http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64303/03:40
nickrudRandocal no03:40
Arnos1)I want to boot Ubuntu on my USB03:40
Arnos2)the computer can't boot to USB normally03:40
Arnos3)Therefor I need a floppy that will make my computer boot to USB03:40
Arnos4)The floppy would let the computer access the USB which would then boot03:40
FloodBot2Arnos: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:40
Faback up your data before upgrading03:40
arbiramenado: that link is to install ubuntu on my USB flash drive03:40
amenadoarbir correct03:41
obf213for some reason they are just not working, i cant apt-get it just hang, i can't install packages it just hangs, i can't add reposistories iether03:41
arbiramenado: i want to make a USB flash drive,, a ubuntu installer03:41
scorpfromhellno, am not complaining about slow servers, I am expecting that :) hence torrented the alternate cd03:41
Killeroidobf213: repos are extra slow03:41
pawani am currently running ubuntu now i want to install vista how03:41
arbiramenado : my laptop's CD drive does not work.. but i can boot with my usb key03:41
Kl4m!usb > Arnos03:41
Shpookobf213: What kind of problems? The servers have been extremely slow with the release.03:41
ffm_obf213: In the mean time, use a mirror.03:41
obf213Killeroid, is that because of today03:41
amenadoarbir right, and use syslinux to put the loader on it03:41
Killeroidobf213: yeah, everyone is upgrading03:41
fdsjkalfi found a mirror that served hardy to me at over 1150KB/s03:41
sammyobf213: if you can, if you can start synaptic package manager from scratch, before doing anything else, go into the repository setup and have it find the best mirror for you.03:41
arbiramenado... hold on.. let me put syslinux on it03:41
obf213Shpook, i just cant apt-get or evne add repositories, if thats the case, I have no problem being patient03:42
* jeriath is sad cuz synergy doesnt work with 8.04 :(03:42
fdsjkalfit was one in sweden, assuming it would be fast since its sweden i clicked it despite being in the us of a03:42
arbiramenado: will this link do ? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick03:42
fdsjkalfand whaddaya know, it was faaaast03:42
Kl4mArnos: When you install Ubuntu on the USB drive. you need to install grub on a floppy. On the last install questions, click "advanced..." and install grub on /dev/fd003:42
Fa3 years til upgrade03:42
scorpfromhellwill hardy work for eeepc?03:42
nickrudfavoritefood0 you have both sata and pata interfaces?03:42
Shpookobf213: I would suggest waiting until this time tomorrow, maybe even a day longer, then try. I've been having problems grabbing anything from the repos.03:43
Kl4mscorpfromhell: you'll want xubuntu for a eeepc03:43
amenadoarbir same one03:43
ffm_!repomirror is Go to "System>Administration>Software Sources" and choose "Other" from the drop down box. Then choose "select best server" and your system will choose the closest mirror to you automatically.03:43
Shpookobf213: and when I was able to, they only downloaded at ~15kbps.03:43
favoritefood0nickrud; Yes, my DVD drive is pata, my hard drive is SATA03:43
ubotuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels03:43
ArnosKl4m: fd0 that makes sense, thanks03:43
mgmzhow do i read an Infrared signal and convert to a *.wav?03:43
=== jay29 is now known as jordanjay29
Fai prefer kde with ubuntu03:43
Fakde 403:43
Shpookffm_: Good suggestion, I never knew about that. :-)03:43
arbirhow can i tell the version of my syslinux ?03:43
corbetthi, is there anyone who can help me get my maxtor external hard drive mounted and working on ububtu 7.10 - which ive just loaded on pc to replace windows, it worked perfectly fine elsewhere on widows, I think I need to run some checks as dont know why it wont mount03:44
scorpfromhellthanks Kl4m03:44
ffm_How do I make a suggestion to ubotu?03:44
XceIIfa is that what you have, kd4?03:44
ffm_!repeat | corbett03:44
ubotucorbett: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience03:44
Fai don't like gnome at all03:44
ffm_corbett: Also try asking in the forums.03:44
johdanyone know how i can make firefox stop using swfdec03:44
XceIIdoes it look good, i may try iy?03:44
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ffm_Fa: Then see #kubuntu03:44
fdsjkalfwhats better, KDE or Gnome?03:44
Fdisk_hello ive got a kds xf-9b monitor and a nvidia 8600 gt video card and at 1280 x 768 i can only get 60 hz resolution why will it not let me change it to atleast 75 ?03:44
Faffm it's not the same03:44
ffm_Fdisk_: It's an opinion.03:44
Fai prefer to install kde 4 with ubuntu03:44
arbirfdsjkalf: what is better apple or oranges ?03:44
ffm_fdsjkalf:  It's an opinion.03:45
Killeroidfdsjkalf: both are great, depends on personal preference03:45
nickrudfavoritefood0 ok, it looks like your parallel interface is not getting recognized properly, only the hard drive. You should file a bug report, attach that file to it, along with the output of sudo lshw03:45
johdi completely removed swdec using the synaptic package manager, but FF still uses swdec03:45
jordanjay29fdsjkalf: Depends on what your preference is. I suggest you try both.03:45
corbetti am patient03:45
ffm_Fdisk_: Ooops, mishighlight.03:45
dan_lHey everyone03:45
arbirhow can i tell the version of my syslinux03:45
=== mes is now known as ck
fdsjkalfi prefer stability over anything03:45
fdsjkalfthanks for all the replies03:45
Shpookfdsjkalf: There is no definitive answer. Best advice is to run a week on both.03:45
=== ck is now known as dragobr_
scorpfromhellcorbett: i had the problems too, can you unplug the usb cable, reboot & then plug the usb back?03:45
Fakde4 blows windows out of the water i think03:45
zoidbergguys i was wondering if Ubuntu has this g2 class of header files or something for the g++ compiler?03:45
fdsjkalfis kde4 final now?03:45
zoidbergi can't find any documentations on it03:45
favoritefood0thanks nickrud!03:45
dan_lIve got 7.10, and heard that the servers are getting hammered right now, is updating from the CD worth it if I can get the torrent03:46
foomanchewservers are tanked03:46
zemonstasi need help!!03:46
Shpookfdsjkalf: I was under the assumption KDE4 was coming with 8.0403:46
dan_live heard03:46
Fastill more bugs to be worked out though03:46
corbettscorpfromhell: ive done that many times03:46
fyrfaktrytorrents are flying03:46
Fa4.1 suppose to be out in the summer time03:46
zemonstasRemoving nvidia-glx-new ...03:46
zemonstasdpkg-divert: error checking `/usr/X11R6/lib/libGL.so.1': No such file or directory03:46
osvinKDE is used in kubuntu03:46
dragobr_fdsjkalf: it is stable and there is a version of kubuntu 8.04 that has it...03:46
nickrudfavoritefood0 I'm looking at lines 252 through 28103:46
dan_lDo i need to get the alternate or just the standard image?03:46
Kl4mscorpfromhell: It seems you can install ubuntu on it, not only xubuntu.03:46
jordanjay29Fa: Personally, I think Gnome has better qualities than Windows and KDE. Nautilus could be better, but I'll ta.ke a crum(b)y navigation over stupid glitches and bad interface any day03:46
Fayes osvin but it's not the same03:46
ffm_fyrfaktry: Yeah, I'm getting 2MiB/s down on them.03:46
fdsjkalfinteresting, this i must check out03:46
Kl4m!eeepc > scorpfromhell03:47
ffm_jordanjay29: Heh, I like thunar?03:47
ffm_osvin: Why what?03:47
ubotuInformation about installing Ubuntu on an Asus EeePC can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EeePC03:47
Fait's not i don't have a problem with kde 4 at all yet03:47
Shpookffm_: lucky you, I'm gettin 40kbps lol03:47
jordanjay29ffm: File manager?03:47
favoritefood0nickrud; the Maxtor is my hard drive, BENQ is my DVD drive.03:47
Kl4m!eeepc > Kl4m03:47
osvincan I install KDE  in ubuntu?03:47
arbiranybody can help me determine my syslinux version ?03:47
* jburd got 220 Kbps on the torrents. 03:47
DBautelldan_l, To Upgrade from the CD/ISO, you'll need the alternate ISO or the DVD: run cdromupgrade from the root of the CD/ISO/DVD. If you don't want to/can't burn a disc, you can 'mount -o loop nameofiso /path/to/mount/'03:47
fyrfaktryI pulled the x64 cd in about 15 minutes03:47
ricreemy numberkeys stopped working after the upgrade.  Does anyone have any idea how to troubleshoot?03:47
jordanjay29osvin: yes, just install all the KDE packages and libraries. Then log out, select KDE from the Options/Sessions menu, and log in03:47
jburdYeah, the torrents are definitely faster.  Don't bother with the HTTP servers dan_l03:47
fdsjkalffrom your guyses experience, how long does it take for the archive server load to return to normal?03:47
JoCoProductionshey guys im having trouble with my feisty instal, upon choosing install the screen goes black except for a single row of pixels that are green at the top03:48
Shpookosvin: Yes, just sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop03:48
mvinscare the really this bogged?03:48
dan_lthanks DBautell, yeah I saw that, and ive got some blank CDs laying around and dont feel like waiting 94567345986 hours for the servers03:48
ffm_Shpook: I just have a fat pipe. /me loves FiOS and 15MiBit/s down.03:48
ricreeJoCoProductions: you might want to try the alternate installer03:48
jordanjay29fdsjkalf: Give it a few days, it's release day today. Servers are going to be slow for a while.03:48
dan_lDBautell: ive never booted an alternate CD, does it just leave you with a bash shell?03:48
mvinscfive min and my dl still hasn't started03:48
osvinok, and can I install gnome in kubunut?03:48
fyrfaktryffm_: u got fios? you stinky :P03:48
fdsjkalfjordanjay29 ok thanks03:48
JoCoProductionsrich_freecomm what the alternate installer?03:48
Shpookffm_: no offense, but i hate you. FiOS isn't available in south florida yet. I've got the money set aside for it though. :-D03:49
nickrudfavoritefood0 ah, I see it. I'd expect it to be further up (mine is)03:49
Starnestommyosvin: yes03:49
DBautelldan_l, neither have I, but I understand you can update from within your current setup off the cd03:49
Kl4mAmerican and Canadian users, you can pummel some Canadian universities mirrors, they're mostly not overloaded03:49
professor_Any problems with Hardy yet???03:49
Fdisk_any one now about my resoloution problem /03:49
jordanjay29osvin: You can install any desktop included in the package manager in any ubuntu or derivate distros03:49
favoritefood0nickrud; heh, it must have to do with the way my Mobo reports to Ubuntu.03:49
fyrfaktryshpook: not in North florida either :(03:49
cubehey all where is the bittorent for 8.04? i can't find it from ubuntu.com03:49
mvinscfive min for the dl to start. 3 sec for it to complete03:49
DBautelldan_l, I'm still waiting on the DVD, which just got up to speed03:49
professor_I got the screen brightness on my laptop fixed03:49
Kl4mcube: see the channel topic03:49
dan_lOk, yeah I guess ill try that.  Should I be worried about updating(aka has anyone reported FUBAR-ing)?03:49
cubei did03:49
DBautellcube ftp://lug.bu.edu/pub/distro/ubuntu/03:49
ffm_fyrfaktry: Yes, it's nice. For only 20~ USD more I can get 20Mbits up/down.03:49
nickrudfavoritefood0 could be. I'd still attach that, the lshw, and  ls /dev/s* ,03:49
osvinWhat is the best version of Ubuntu for Core2 Duo, i386 or x64?03:50
Shpookfyrfaktry: We're gonna have to start mail bombing verizon :-)03:50
cubeoh overlooked03:50
dragobr_hey guys, anyone know how can i uninstall kde4 on 8.04?03:50
ffm_dragobr_: Synaptic?03:50
professor_osvin, the i386 version03:50
JoCoProductionshey guys where can in find insturctions on the alternate install for feisty03:50
fyrfaktryffm_: insane :)03:50
jordanjay29osvin: I'd suggest i38603:50
Zeltadragobr: In favor of what?03:50
KyleKwhy i386?03:50
nickrud!puregnome | DracoZA03:50
ubotuDracoZA: If you want to remove all !KDE packages and have a default !Ubuntu system follow the instructions here << http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome >>03:50
ffm_fyrfaktry: FTTH is nice in general.03:50
KyleKim using x86_64 okay now :)03:50
Kl4mosvin: i386 is the safe one, I use x64 but you can run into problems, wait until you have some Linux experience if you don't.03:50
nickruderm, dragobr_ the factoid above I gave to DracoZA was for you03:50
ShpookOnce I get FiOS I can cut down my $260 Comcast bill :-P03:50
Zeltalol, wrong tab complete?03:50
fyrfaktryffm_: i'm sure. I'm still stuck with 6meg DSL03:51
jordanjay29KyleK: Because of what Kl4m just said ;)03:51
dbristowok, zzzz time, I'll check the wubi.exe problem tomorrow03:51
dragobr_ill see.. but i thought it woudlnt work for kde403:51
cubedbautell ty03:51
ffm_fyrfaktry: Nasty.03:51
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KyleKyea i guess i do know what im doing03:51
DBautellany time03:51
nickruddragobr_ if someone has written something, it'll show up there03:51
ricreeanyone know how to troubleshoot keyboard problems?03:51
jordanjay29that's a good thing, then :P03:51
dan_lok thanks for the help everyone03:51
osvinI run i386 now, but I downloading 8.04 x64  for test03:51
KyleKbbiab testing a UPS03:52
Shpookfyrfaktry: Do you have Cox up there?03:52
dan_lgonna try the upgrade tonight when I get home...03:52
DBautellthanks, cox! ... :(03:52
Kl4mjordanjay29, KyleK: Some critical desktop components like Java and flash can be a pain if it breaks for a new user.03:52
fyrfaktryshpook: yeah, but I work for AT&T lol03:52
osmosiseven if I have an intel core2 processor, should I still use the x386 iso ?03:52
osvinI hope my system run better03:52
cubeu could use the 64...it says intel03:52
jburdSo techno_freak, don't see you around much these days.  Why?03:52
BubbleTeaLOVE 8.0403:52
Fdisk_where is the help channel for hardy ?03:52
StarnestommyFdisk_: this is it03:52
jordanjay29Kl4m: Which is why I suggested i386. It's the tried and true version for stability on all modern processors.03:52
Shpookfyrfaktry: lol Oh, well i understand then lol. I've almost moved just to switch from comcast to cox03:52
BubbleTeaLOVE IT THANK YOU !03:52
Fdisk_well ive got a kds xf-9b monitor and a nvidia 8600 gt video card and at 1280 x 768 i can only get 60 hz resolution why will it not let me change it to atleast 75 ?03:53
fyrfaktryshpook: yeah, cox is pretty solid03:53
dragobr_yep, there arent instructions for kde4 =/.. but thx anyway03:53
* BubbleTea holds up a 'Free hug sign03:53
seamus7osmosis yes03:53
Kl4mosvin: I think it runs faster but that's probably a placebo effect03:53
KyleKKl4m: flash wasn't a problem, java was a bit of one with the arduino environment03:53
Kl4mYeah BTW how do I get the sun-java-plugin on AMD64?03:53
Kl4mI still don't know03:54
ShpookKl4m: Good luck.03:54
osvinI 'll run ubuntu 8.04 i38603:54
jordanjay29Kl4m: not in the package manager?03:54
ShpookKl4m: I had many issues with java in feisty 64-bit03:54
kilraeis it just me, or does the installer seem to lack a way to mount an encrypted volume without erasing what is in it?03:54
=== boomer` is now known as boomer
rippsSo this channel is still open?03:54
obf213i heard a rumor a while ago that ubuntu now had one command to install all the mp3 flash restricted stuff etc03:54
jordanjay29kilrae: Why don't you mount after installation? So long as you're not installing to that volume03:55
Kl4mripps: are you coming from #ubuntu+1 ? if so you've just been redirected to #ubuntu03:55
dragobr_obf213: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras03:55
jordanjay29obf213: sudo apt-get ubuntu-restricted-extras03:55
kilraeah, but what if i am installing to an LVM in that volume03:55
ShpookARGH. The anticipation is killing me. Only 5.75 hours left until the upgrade is downloaded.03:55
rippsoh, I didn't realize03:55
jordanjay29oops, missed a line, use dragobr's03:55
SurrealwraithHey.  Just installed 8.04 on my IBM/Lenovo Thinkpad T60, i386.  When I close the laptop, then open it again, the screen becomes all "messed up" and I need to do a hard system shutdown.  Any suggestions?03:56
ShpookI'm switching to offtopic to keep this channel cleaner, I'll be back and forth.03:56
jordanjay29Surrealwraith: Adjust your power settings, I think.03:56
Darkphyrecan anyone please tell me how to force a resolution in this new xorg server? it isn't letting me edit the xorg.conf as much as i used to.03:56
twinkie_addicthow di enable the desktop cube in 8.04 ?03:56
kelvin911how many of you here use compiz fusion?03:56
nickrudfamicom cuz everyone (including you) is hammering them ;)03:56
jordanjay29famicom: it's release day, and thousands of people are trying to download the latest version. Give it a break and come back in a day or so03:56
SurrealwraithThat didn't work when I had the same problem on the beta, but I'll try.  Thanks03:56
warriorforgodfamicom: they are not dead.  Many people are download 8.04 using up a lot of bandwidth.03:56
* famicom sakes fist03:56
osvinkelvin91: I use compiz03:56
Kl4mfamicom: Use a canadian educational mirror, they don't seem to have any problem03:56
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!03:57
SurrealwraithYeah, the download took hours03:57
twinkie_addicttorent is fast03:57
calcfamicom: aiui the servers do at least several gigabit, so for them to be overloaded means large amounts of people are downloading03:57
kelvin911osvin: does your video playback flicking sometimes?03:57
famicomKl4m does that have the sources03:57
calcfamicom: use the torrents03:57
SurrealwraithComcast makes torrents impossible..03:57
jwwadkhello all, does anyone know how to add hotkey support for an asus laptop?03:57
famicomcalc are you braindead03:57
osvinkevin911: no03:57
milly1234twinkie_addict, install compizconfig settings manager03:57
famicomim trying to get a source package03:57
goat|workapt-torrent be nice by default03:57
jwwadkmine cut out after i installed hardy03:57
osvinkevin911: run fine03:57
famicomnot a whole iso03:57
johdanyone know how i can remove swfdec plugin so that firefox will stop using it03:57
szx0Is there a way to kick every other users off a server besides yourself ?03:57
Darkphyrecan anyone please tell me how to force a resolution in this new xorg server? it isn't letting me edit the xorg.conf as much as i used to.03:57
nickrudfamicom system->admin -> software sources , download from : choose other, and a local mirror03:57
calcfamicom: then use a mirror03:57
kelvin911osvin: it is not that visible sometimes03:57
doolzDarkphyre, what graphics card?03:57
kelvin911osvin: but it isnt as smooth as it is in windows03:57
nickrud!attitude | famicom03:57
ubotufamicom: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines03:57
p28301016how can i upgrade to the hardy version with ap-get03:58
SurrealwraithMine cut out after 30 seconds.  I called and they said Ubuntu is illegal anyway, so I should stop trying...03:58
jordanjay29Surrealwraith: You sure? I just adjusted my settings, closed my lid and opened again. It does nothing, as I instructed it too. And, yeah, comcast is a pain in the [you know where] for torrents.03:58
famicom!care | nickrud03:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about care - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:58
Kl4mfamicom: usherbrooke seems to have source03:58
* calc notes this channel scrolls so fast he didn't even see famicom was talking about sources03:58
Darkphyre6600GT, doolz. the drivers are installed. but my monitor isn't being recognized.03:58
osvinkevin911: Maybe your video card is slow03:58
famicomKl4m ah thatnks03:58
nickrudp28301016 if you want to use the command line, use    do-release-upgrade03:58
kelvin911osvin: my video card is 7600GT 256mb03:58
kelvin911it is perfect in windows03:58
jordanjay29Surrealwraith: Comcast is currently being a [female dog] when it comes to bittorrent.03:58
famicomcalc next time make sure your brain is in gear before engaging mouth03:58
kelvin911i wonder if it is compiz that is causing it03:59
calcfamicom: if you just use a country code server it probably points back to the main server as well, eg us.archive.ubuntu.com points at archive.ubuntu.com03:59
p28301016thanks nickruk03:59
doolzDarkphyre, do you have nvidia-settings installed?03:59
SurrealwraithYeah, it's happening again.. I can't even see the window.  Just lots fo lines and colors. brb, need to restat.03:59
calcfamicom: i'm sure i don't know much i only maintain openoffice :-P03:59
osvinkevin911: I don't know what is the problem03:59
nickrudcalc eh, that's nothing to crow about ;)03:59
* nickrud runs03:59
Darkphyredoolz, yes. but it isn't letting me go over 640x480 either.03:59
pawancan we install vista on top of ubuntu03:59
calcnickrud: :-P03:59
jwwadkdoes anyone know about brightness sliders not showing up in the gnome power manager?03:59
famicomcalc and i maintain a whole other bunch of packages03:59
ShpookReal quick, can I just ask everyone to stop upgrading until mine is finished? :-P03:59
fyrfaktryhush it pawan03:59
calcfamicom: i used to maintain about 300 packages03:59
jordanjay29pawan: No. You can dual boot or overwrite your ubuntu installation.04:00
famicomcalc for ubuntu  or debian?04:00
calcfamicom: but OOo is about equal to all of them combined in pita to do04:00
osvinkevin911: My Lenovo R61 has Intel x300 video card and run very fine04:00
kelvin911pawan: or try virtual box04:00
calcfamicom: debian04:00
famicomah ok04:00
arc_shmoohow do you get emerald installed on 8.04?04:00
calcfamicom: but you can look at various packages in ubuntu and see my changelog entries still04:00
jordanjay29pawan: Oh, sorry, forgot about VMware04:00
famicomcalc well personally i cant stand most of these ubuntards04:00
pawani want to keep my existing ubuntu installation and wanna install vista04:00
arc_shmoosudo apt-get install emerald doesnt work04:00
Darkphyredoolz, yes. but it isn't letting me go over 640x480 either.04:00
famicombut for the desktop it's nice04:00
yagodoes anyone has the torrent of kubuntu 8.04?04:00
jordanjay29yago: channel topic04:00
nickrudfamicom insults for anyone are not tolerated. Last warning04:01
johdNoone here knows how to completely get rid of the mozilla swfdec plugin so that firefox will stop using it?04:01
famicomamyhow i', leaving before i get a permaban for not joining in their circle jerk of being helpfull04:01
Kl4mcalc: not in Canada ca.archive.ubuntu.com = mirror.csclub.uwaterloo.ca04:01
* calc doesn't bother with getting releases on release day, he downloads them a few days before :)04:01
kelvin911osvin: i wonder how much effect u turn on?04:01
calcKl4m: ah that is good news then :)04:01
x1250calc, me too :)04:01
LiquidyDarkphyre:  using 8.04 you cannot change yo res. with a 6600GT?04:01
calcKl4m: which is why you should check the ip address :)04:01
jordanjay29johd: uninstall the package04:01
thezankeanyone have any idea why all of my windows want to spawn underneath my application bar? thus hiding the ablilty to drag them.. i have to use alt+drag to get them out... the bar is still there... not a windows decoration issue04:01
DarkphyreLiquidy, yes.04:01
johdI already uninstalled it04:01
x1250hey calc, I thought ibex was starting today?04:01
mrbirdhow can i go about updating from the hardy beta to the hardy release?04:01
XceIIDarkphyre:  try   sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg       at your next boot04:01
calcKl4m: not sure why we don't have a mirror in the US (or didn't last time I checked) that is pointed to by us.a.u.c04:02
orthodocmy grub menu still displays the developmental branch...04:02
nickrudmrbird just start the update manager04:02
Liquidyyou're using those "Restricted" drivers?04:02
szx0I am trying to perfom a netinstall... All online tutorials explain how to do this with "dnsmasq" .... I am using bind9, any links?04:02
jordanjay29johd: how about from the Firefox plugins area?04:02
lee_Is there no #Ubuntu+1 yet?04:02
orthodocdoes it mean i am not upgraded??04:02
osvinkevin911: I enabled extra effectds04:02
moon2jsmy upgrade to Hardy from Gutsy hangs at "Preparing to install." I've tried upgrading from an alt cd and from the repos, but both hang at the same part. Any ideas? I'd rather not do a full reinstall if possible.04:02
calcx1250: well it should start by next week anyway since toolchain is noted to be uploaded by then04:02
nickrudorthodoc no, just means you have the latest kernel04:02
calcx1250: as soon as it is I will be uploading OOo 3.0 beta (assuming it builds)04:02
johdlets see04:02
kelvin911i wonder how to make new open window spawn on top of the screen instead of at the bottom of the screen04:02
mrbirdnickrud: thanks04:03
nickrudorthodoc try lsb_release -a ,04:03
kelvin911because the docking icons are on the way most of the time04:03
LiquidyDarkphyre: can you lspci and paste the "video" line here?04:03
calcx1250: OOo 3.0 beta is supposed to be out on Apr 3004:03
Kl4mcalc: what are those us.a.u.c servers anyway? dedicated for ubuntu?04:03
arc_shmooso... you cant install any of the normal apps on 8.04 yet i guess04:03
x1250calc, great04:03
PMantisI can't get the dvd IDO torrent file from here... any other links?  http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/hardy/release/ubuntu-8.04-dvd-i386.iso.torrent04:03
DarkphyreLiquidy: i cant paste anything. its on my other pc.04:03
twinkie_addicti may have to wait the repose are being hit so hard i cant fetch compizconfig or any thing else , i was lucky it seems to get my nvidia drivers via add remove04:03
jordanjay29arc_shmoo: What do you call "noraml apps"?04:03
DarkphyreLiquidy: i'll try to type it04:03
orthodocthanks nickrud04:03
calcKl4m: there are no us.archive.ubuntu.com servers really, they are the same ones in London that are the main archive04:03
mortal1I was wondering, given that many documents are displayed best at 8.5 x 11 format, is there any way to quickly grow the window to that size?04:04
orthodoci'll try that...04:04
Kl4mcalc: oh that's bad...04:04
calcKl4m: it just happens that the London colo has really good bandwdith04:04
szx0I am trying to perfom a netinstall... All online tutorials explain how to do this with "dnsmasq" .... I am using bind9, any links?04:04
nickrudone off topic question: calc does the beta handle office docx/xlsx better now? (please, please say yes so I don't have to run the darned vm as much)04:04
ricreeWhen I try to enable normal desktop effects, it says "The Composite Extension is Not Available".  Any suggestions?04:04
kelvin911which picture viewer is the best?04:04
calcnickrud: no idea, i haven't tested it yet04:04
arc_shmoojordanjay29: wine and emerald so far im sure ill find more as i try to get it up to date but ive had it up for 30 min so far04:04
kelvin911i want something similar to ACDSee 2.404:04
DarkphyreLiquidy: there is no "video" line04:04
calcnickrud: 3.0 will be the first time upstream OOo supports Office 2007 formats at all though04:04
Fdisk_does anybody have any idea how to fix this crazy resoloution problem ??04:04
kelvin911but all picture viewer i try dont open image at normal size04:04
calcnickrud: i'm sure it will take a while to shake out most of the bugs04:05
Kl4mFdisk_: restate please?04:05
nickrudcalc I'll have to try, all but one person in my office kindly uses the old format to humor me04:05
MattJarc_shmoo: sudo apt-get install emerald works for me (8.04)04:05
johdinstalling adobe plugin fixed it i suppose04:05
jordanjay29arc_shmoo: I've got both wine and emerald installed now. Use Synaptic04:05
jordanjay29johd: glad you could get it working04:05
PMantisAn live link available for this?  ubuntu-8.04-dvd-i386.iso.torrent04:05
calcnickrud: when upstream is provided example documents that are displayed wrong they seem to fix them pretty fast (for next release)04:05
szx0I am trying to perfom a netinstall... All online tutorials explain how to do this with "dnsmasq" .... I am using bind9, any links?04:05
milly1234ricree, enable restricted drivers for your video card04:05
calcnickrud: at least in the past for eg the old Microsoft formats04:05
arc_shmoojordanjay29: im going to fall on a rusty spork now04:05
nickrudcalc great. I'll pass on the ones I can04:05
jumpkickdoes anyone how a how-to for doing a dist upgrade with low disk free?04:05
DarkphyreLiquidy: "VGA compatible controller: nvidia corporation nv43 [geforce 6600 gt]04:05
orthodocnickrud: returns no lsb modules available04:06
twinkie_addict PMantis: see topic the link is there04:06
jordanjay29arc_shmoo: don't worry, everybody gets mind blanks04:06
Fdisk_ive got a nvidia 8600 gt card and a kds xf-9b monitor and at 1280 x768 i can only get 60hz and need atleast 7504:06
Surrealwrait1back.  Changing the power settings didn't help04:06
calcnickrud: don't start filing bugs about it until 3.0 beta is in though04:06
kelvin911how to check which video card driver i am using?04:06
nickrudorthodoc lsb_release -a in ubuntu says that?04:06
Fdisk_im running hardy with nvidia driver04:06
calcnickrud: the Office 2007 support in 8.04 isn't from official OOo04:06
ricreemilly1234: the hardware drivers program says that they are in use04:06
arc_shmoojordanjay29: thanks04:06
kelvin911is it dmesg ?04:06
arbir_is back with an alias04:06
pipegeekfirst of all, congrats on hardy :)04:06
kelvin911find "NVIDIA" | dmesg ??04:06
nickrudcalc no, I'll be waiting till the beta. (and I wondered why some worked, thanks a bunch :)04:06
=== moon2js is now known as mooni
kelvin911what is the exact command?04:06
osvinkevin911: in your xorg.conf04:06
arbir_i installed syslinux but how can i tell the version ?04:06
orthodocnickrud: do i then modify the grub menu by myself04:06
nickrudorthodoc sure04:07
calcnickrud: what is in Ubuntu OOo is some stuff that Novell/SUSE wrote (aiui)04:07
ricreemilly1234: any other suggestions?04:07
mondayrocksahoy ahoy.04:07
nickrudorthodoc but 'no lsb modules available' bothers me04:07
calcnickrud: i'm hoping the 3.0 beta stuff will be much improved, but i don't know its status04:07
pipegeekThat said, the update tool is just sitting there doing nothing and consuming no cpu, and it's been doing so for half an hour.... any idea what's up?04:07
ricreemilly1234: or is there someplace that I can make sure my card is compatible?04:07
orthodocoh dear!04:07
PMantistwinkie_addict: That's the *desktop* ISO... I'm looking for the *DVD* ISO torrent.04:07
harriseldonkelvin911 system->administration->restricted drivers manager04:07
twinkie_addictoh sorry04:07
orthodocnickrud: so do i keep running upgrades?04:07
DBautellPMantis, ftp://lug.bu.edu/pub/distro/ubuntu/04:08
calcnickrud: you can also if you feel like it install upstream OOo for Linux (or Windows) and file bugs directly in official OOo issue tracker, to take Ubuntu out of the loop, which does slow down response a bit04:08
orthodocnickrud: possibly the servers are running full steam...so all the upgrading is taking time04:08
compaqr4000I'm trying to run open office calc via ssh and I get the following on one of my machines: /usr/lib/openoffice/program/soffice.bin X11 error: Can't open display:  Any ideas why this is?  It works fine on another machine.04:08
LiquidyDarkphyre: my server reboots at this hour, it holds over 3000 clients04:08
IcemanV9orthodoc: you need to add "-a" to the end of the command, lsb_release04:08
nickrudcalc I've been using it since staroffice 5.0, and am very happy. Just some virulent window aficianados04:08
pipegeekI click "upgrade" from the update manager, then click "upgrade" in the resulting dialog, then it just sits there with 0 progress "downloading file 1 of 2".  I'm using the mirror at ussg.04:08
kelvin911what is going on ??? http://img167.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot1dd3.png04:08
LiquidyDarkphyre: you fixed that?04:08
kelvin911quick search out of date?04:08
sahaktoday Ubuntu 8.04 was released04:08
orthodocIcemanV9: I did that04:08
nickrudcalc I already know that, I always check the debian bts as well before filing the few I do04:08
]grimm[Are there any known issues with Hardy and nvidia cards?  I just installed Hardy without a hitch in three 64 bit machines with nvidia cards but it's hanging up on an i386 install (which was working fine in Gutsy).  I can't seem to use the restricted (non-free) nvidia driver (preferable) nor can I use the nv driver, it just keep taking me back to the "safe mode" screen.  Any ideas?04:08
kelvin911should i cancel or disable quick search .  please see http://img167.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot1dd3.png04:09
orthodocIcemanV9: lsb_modules -a04:09
calcnickrud: if you do that though make sure they understand you are using their version of OOo instead of Ubuntu (or they will probably close the bug)04:09
latitusome thing fishy is going on.. i upgraded to hardy beta a week a go. and from 2 days ago. adept said iam fully updated. today hardy is released and adept (apt) still saying iam upto date...  ?04:09
rodolfohi folks; I'm trying to upgrade Ubuntu from the cd but once the cd is inserted no upgrade dialog window pops up...what should I do?04:09
milly1234ricree, if you have an nvidia card I had to install nvidia-glx-new, if you have something newer, nvidia-glx for something a little older, and nvidia-glx-old for older cards04:09
calcnickrud: before i report any bugs upstream i have to verify them against the official OOo build, which is part of the reason it takes extra time04:09
IcemanV9orthodoc: oh. modules. ah. that is different. gotcha. my mistake.04:09
PMantisDBautell: Thank you, but that's still just desktop and alternate, NOT the dvd iso torrent.04:09
pipegeekclicking "cancel" has no effect.04:09
nickrudcalc I don't file bugs there, I just check to see if they exist. If they do, I tend to leave them alone (unless there's a patch that hasn't made it into ubuntu)04:10
sahakwhere can I find statistics about how many Ubuntu iso images have been downloaded? and in general some statistics about how many Ubuntu users there are?04:10
calcnickrud: ok :)04:10
pipegeekshould I just not be using the upgrade tool?04:10
snadgemy father has a problem installing 8.04 on an amd/nvidia motherboard.. apparently the IDE drive shows up as scsi now, and at the point where ubuntu tries to format the swap partitions (it gives you no choice not to) it fails.. and loops back to the partitioning part whether you select "go back" or "continue" .. any advice?04:10
kelvin911harriseldon: the restricted driver manager dont gimme the driver version04:10
DBautellPMantis, you're right, sorry...04:10
milly1234ricree, sorry for the delay, I am lagged pretty bad because of a lack in bandwidth04:10
Kl4mricree: instead, go to system -> administration -> hardware drivers and install the nvidia stuff04:10
nickrudcalc been using debian since 2001, I am very aware of 'politics' ;)04:10
calcnickrud: ah :)04:10
dragobr_titu: thats normal...04:10
arbir_can anybody tell me what is this version number ? Version: 1:3.36-4ubuntu504:10
calcnickrud: i used it since jul 98 and a DD since jul 200004:10
arbir_is this version 1.3 ? or 3.36 ?04:10
DBautellPMantis, http://www.acc.umu.se/~mighty/ubuntu/04:10
Starnestommyarbir_: 3.3604:11
kelvin911how to check video card driver version # ?04:11
goppcan I install linux on a external usb hard drive using  wubi04:11
arbir_thanks Starnestommy04:11
arbir_Starnestommy: so i can installed syslinux under FAT3204:11
calcnickrud: so you have been using debian almost as long as me :)04:11
nickrudcalc yes, I've seen you before.04:11
pipegeekupgrading from gutsy i68604:11
calcnickrud: i used to maintain KDE for debian among other things04:11
milly1234Kl4m, for some reason when I did that it told me it was already installed when it was not04:11
Kl4mgopp: what an interesting question. I guess it would work04:11
snadgeis there a way you can either skip the swap formatting part during the install? or will i be forced to use alternate installer.. or even a way to disable the IDE drive from showing up completely (its not needed) ?04:11
pipegeekhalf the time update-manager freezes as soon as I click the "upgrade" button04:11
kelvin911is hardy out?04:12
Kl4mgopp: but why would you do that?04:12
nickrudcalc but I have to admit I broke completely on warty. The promise of a stable unstable was just too alluring04:12
rodolfoI'm out of ideas could I get some help please?04:12
latitusome thing fishy is going on.. i upgraded to hardy beta a week a go. and from 2 days ago. adept said iam fully updated. today hardy is released and adept (apt) still saying iam upto date...  ?04:12
hylinuxhi, everyone, how to upgrade my hardy beta version to stable version?04:12
sahakkelvin911: yes it is out.04:12
Kl4mkelvin911: ubuntu.com04:12
goppk14, becuase that the drive with the most space04:12
kelvin911how to update?04:12
dragobr_latitu: thats normal...04:12
PMantisDBautell: Perfect, thansk!04:12
Darkphyrecan anyone please tell me how to force a resolution in this new xorg server? it isn't letting me edit the xorg.conf as much as i used to.04:12
calcnickrud: i switched to Ubuntu during warty beta as well04:12
ubotuwubi is Wubi advice here: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=234  and  http://wubi-installer.org  [file wubi bugs here:  https://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug ] (it is included in hardy 8.04 beta CD and will be in the final release)04:12
Darkphyrecan anyone please tell me how to force a resolution in this new xorg server? it isn't letting me edit the xorg.conf as much as i used to.04:12
riskbreakerhey guys. is there a way to set a gamma correction option in ubuntu hardy?04:12
Fdisk_somebody please help a po white boy just trying to use hardy 8.04 lol04:12
kelvin911should i update?04:12
hylinuxhi, any idea about my issue?04:12
sahakhttp://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/ statistics seems to be incorrect. Is there correct torrent statistics for Ubuntu?04:12
kelvin911because i know "if it aint broken, dont fix it"04:12
hylinuxhow to upgrade from beta version to stable version?04:13
kelvin911last time i try to update wine, it is screwed up04:13
Utalcn2mehow does one get pulseaudio to work?04:13
hylinuxwill I change the package source?04:13
dragobr_latitu: use cat /etc/issue to see if there is no "dev version" printed.. if not, you are using the hardy final.. simply there were no updates on this last two days04:13
sahakhylinux: I don't think you need to do anything04:13
jrib!final > hylinux (read the private message from ubotu)04:13
nickrudcalc hah! your nick was familiar, but I only know did a whois. Yeah, I do know you ;)04:13
Kl4mFdisk_: can you get a console? (re: 75Hz)04:13
XceIIDarkphyre:  as i stated before......sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg       at your next boot04:13
kelvin911what is the different between hardy and gutsy?04:13
Kl4mFdisk_: by pressing ctrl+alt+F204:13
Fdisk_yes i can get a consoule04:13
calcnickrud: ah04:13
PMantisNice, 7 torrents running. Most are done, I'll leave them up to help out.04:13
sahakkelvin911: hardy is better04:13
kelvin911are there any performance boost?04:14
dragobr_latitu: the last updated RC version of two days ago is pratically the hardy final04:14
kelvin911how better?04:14
krasherhey i can't put my nvidia FX-5200 to work in 1024x768 in Hardy Heron... i've installed the restricted module but i can't choose the resolution on resolution configuration... i used this videocard in Gusty and in Windows at 1024x768 without any problem... when i choose 1024x768, it gives me incorrectly refresh rates... i use 60hz... but i get to choose 51 or 50hz04:14
latituDragnslcr Ubuntu 8.04 \n \l04:14
hylinuxthanks , sahak, jrib04:14
latitudragobr_ Ubuntu 8.04 \n \l04:14
calcnickrud: yep had this nick for 10 years now on freenode (about 3-4 years before that elsewhere)04:14
nickrudkelvin911 refinement, much better wireless (for me) and04:14
dragobr_latitu: so you are on hardy final :)04:14
kelvin911if it only fix the wireless issue then i am going for it, i am using desktop here04:14
Kl4mFdisk_: log in and "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" try to setup your monitor with the questions there. Leave the defaults (or nothing) for non-monitor questions04:14
latitudragobr_ really ?: )04:14
chubs730krasher use the nvidia tool04:14
kelvin911i mean not04:14
sahakkelvin911: everything is better man (Lord of thermodynamics)04:14
krasherwish nvidia tool?04:14
pipegeekI get the impression that it's trying to connect to ftp.us.ubuntu.com, even though I told it not to04:15
pipegeekI'll run an strace04:15
dragobr_latitu: yep.. there were no updates on this last two days, just that :)04:15
kelvin911sahak: like what?04:15
kelvin911gimme me some concrete exmple04:15
PMantisWe need more people on the DVD ISO torrent - 28 days to completion??  http://www.acc.umu.se/~mighty/ubuntu/ubuntu-8.04-dvd-i386.iso.torrent04:15
arbir_when i try to transfer myimage to my USB stick , i keep getting an error, can anybody help ? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64304/04:15
latituDragnslcr hm04:15
Kl4mFdisk_: be aware that you can break a CRT monitor with wrong values. You must know what you're doing04:15
latitudragobr_ thanks04:15
rainrunner87Hi.  Anyone having any trouble poking the repos?04:15
nickrudcalc I never irc'd until xchat dropped me here. I did bbs stuff a long time ago. I flamed much more effectively than most stuff I've seen on debian-devel. Another reason I changed04:15
dragobr_latitu: nop04:15
krasherwhich nvidia tools?04:15
kelvin911can someone post the DVD iso or CD iso to rapidshare?04:15
Fdisk_i got the book right with me04:15
latitudragobr_ nop ?04:16
HardyOnePMantis: I am downloading torrent now04:16
DBautellPM, it took a long time to break 30k over here... It's still not up to speed, really04:16
sahakkelvin911: Firefox 3 for example.04:16
Kl4mkelvin911: it's too big.04:16
ryanhedgeHello there I just installed Xubuntu 8.04 but it seems a ton of packages are missing. Also I can't seem to update my repository. Is this due to heavy traffic?04:16
=== dragobr_ is now known as dragobr_out
kelvin911i think ubuntu should post their file on rapidshare  or sites like that04:16
blueeyesmikeHi, just upgraded and I've noticed that now my power button and closing the lid on my laptop don't do anything? The event gets logged in /var/log/acpid but nothing happens. This is on a dell inspiron 600004:16
chai_hi all... sound issues here... audacious, my music player, works fine, but nothing else has sound04:16
osmosisstill no luck for me on ubuntu 8.04 with nvidia04:16
dragobr_outlatitu: it was nothing.. glad to help04:16
PMantisHardyOne: Thanks! It's up to 64 days now. :(04:16
krasheri only have to choose nvidia-xconfig and nothing more... i'm a completely n00b at ubuntu... but i'm not blind to have to use it at 640x48004:16
kelvin911it is way faster to download from rapidshare04:16
nickrudcalc anyway nice talking to you. </offtopic> ;)04:16
sahakkelvin911: why can't you use bittorrent?04:16
chubs730krasher: open a command line and type sudo nvidia-glx-config04:16
kilraebah, no wireless04:16
mindframehow do i get the networking applet to appear ?04:16
pipegeekYeah.  It's trying to connect to, which whois tells me is owned by canonical, and just sitting there.  Any way to change this behavior?04:16
kelvin911because rapidshare is way faster04:16
chai_mindframe, launch application nm-applet04:16
krasherchubs730: i don't have this program04:16
Kl4mkelvin911: Does rapidshare accept 700MB file even with an ultra-super-premium account04:16
osmosishow do I get my driver to show in System -> Hardware Drivers. It doesnt show anymore since I tried to install nvidia-glx manually with synaptic.04:16
sahakkelvin911: there are thousands of seeder on bittorrent right now, I don't think you will have problems with speed.04:17
kelvin911u can cut it up to seven 100 mb files04:17
nickrudkelvin911 you should try the torrents, they are really good right now04:17
orvenany suggestions on a good newsreader/nzb downloader?04:17
Jasonedoes anyone here have vnc4serever going on xubuntu 8.0404:17
nickrudorven pan is best of breed in linux04:17
kelvin911i can download 7 100 mb files in 15 minutes04:17
chubs730krasher: and you've installed the nvidia drivers? perhaps it's different on 8.04, i'll see if i can find anything04:17
Kl4mkelvin911: oh please. there are enough mirrors already. if all else fails use a canadian mirror04:17
HardyOnePMantis: going to take a couple hours or so to start seeding though :/04:18
arbir_i keep getting this error04:18
arbir_Partition isn't marked bootable!04:18
PMantiskelvin911: Perhaps I'm on the wrong torrent? ubuntu dvd i386?04:18
calcnickrud: ok04:18
sahakkelvin911: can you try bittorrent and tell us what speed you are getting?04:18
orveni downloaded ubuntu 8.04 from usenet in about 4 minutes...04:18
aslaenhey guys.... are the servers just hammered because of the release of hardy or what? when I try to aptitude update, it says it can't contact hardy-backports repo as well as other repo's, but it is contacting some of them...04:18
kelvin911download dvd iso with bt is slow04:18
nickrudarbir_ that makes no sense, it doesn't matter to linux if the partition is bootable. Where do you see that?04:18
Kl4mPMantis: did you get it from ubuntu.com or elsewhre04:18
blankheadman the nvidia-settings plugin helped me out alot i was messing with the xorg...why dont u guys include that when u enable nvidia driver....u should have that setting installed automatically i could've saved hours of my time04:18
krasherchubs730: i've installed the restricted module... but when i go to resolution configuration, i got incorrect refresh rates04:18
warriorforgodaslaen: yes04:18
blueeyesmikeHi, just upgraded and I've noticed that now my power button and closing the lid on my laptop don't do anything? The event gets logged in /var/log/acpid but nothing happens. This is on a dell inspiron 600004:18
arbir_nickrud:  here is the detail --> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64304/04:19
PMantisKl4m: Got it from here, since the cdimage.ubuntu.com link is dead for me  http://www.acc.umu.se/~mighty/ubuntu/ubuntu-8.04-dvd-i386.iso.torrent04:19
aslaenwarriorforgod: so just keep trying or should I wait a few hours?04:19
kelvin911direct dl is way faster and no need to worry about no seed04:19
blankheador throw a dog a bone with a pop saying u sh ould install nvidia settings04:19
Fai'm gonna see :P04:19
dinihow to increase my download in ubuntu04:19
Kl4mPMantis: hmm are you sure it's an official & up to date torrent04:19
sahakPMantis: I think CD image is better04:19
avayanis_hi all, just curious if anyone has had any issues installing 8.04 server?  I get this kernel requires a feature not present on this cpu on my pentium M laptop04:19
XceIIblankhead:  which plugin was that?04:19
dinihow to increase my download speed in ubuntu04:19
warriorforgodaslaen: either or.  I updated to the RC 2 days ago, but have been seeing lag when using apt-get.  I just keep trying.04:19
kelvin911what is in DVD iso?04:19
arbir_nickrud:  i am trying to make a bootble USB stick to install ubuntu04:19
osmosishow do I get my driver to show in System -> Hardware Drivers. It doesnt show anymore since I tried to install nvidia-glx manually with synaptic.04:20
juano__where can i find nvidia drivers for hardy? i tried enabling the binary driver but it still says "not in use"04:20
Kl4mPMantis: and really. who needs the DVD?04:20
calcdini: pick a faster mirror04:20
osmosisjuano__: thats what I want to know.04:20
nickrudarbir_ ah, I see. do the commands it gives you. Special case ;)04:20
tarkuscan someone help me get postgresql running? i installed postgresql and tried createdb, but apparently the server isnt running, any ideas?04:20
aslaenwarriorforgod: ok cool.. ya I've been running the beta for a few weeks now, and haven't seen problems until today.04:20
pipegeekWhat is the upgrade tool trying to download, and is it possible to convince it to download it from a different location?04:20
ryanhedgeSo the apt servers are getting a ton of traffic then?04:20
Utalcn2meanyone know howto get pulseaudio to work in xubuntu?04:20
arbir_nickrud:  if i do that commands i get a different error04:20
calcdini: most mirrors are slow today if that is what you are trying to do04:20
runlevelanyone able to get the logitech dinovo edge/mini dinovo working?04:20
zoidbergguys i cannot install sdl1.2-dev04:20
arbir_nickrud:  wait let me tell me you what i get04:20
Bubble_teaHow i install Chinese supported languages?04:20
osmosisjuano__: join #nvidia04:20
nickrudarbir_ those are the real errors then04:20
juano__osmosis: ok i'm there04:20
chubs730krasher: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new04:20
* calc bbl, can't read this fast while doing other work04:20
zoidbergits not on synaptic and i donloaded the .deb packages and it wont instal either04:20
zoidbergany help04:20
aslaenblankhead: doesn't nvidia-settings get installed by nvidia-glx-new?04:20
sahakkelvin911: I never used DVD iso. Always used CDs04:20
Kl4mthe main servers must be in pain just from the apt-get updates04:20
dinicalc is there any software available to increase the browsing and download speed04:21
kelvin911me 2 i always use CD\04:21
nickrudpipegeek update-manager is the tool you're uisng?04:21
kelvin911dvd takes too long to dl and i wonder what is in dvd?04:21
aoeuidhow do I update to Hardy if I don't have space on / but do on other partitions?04:21
kelvin911more stuffs?04:21
Utalcn2meis pulseaudio still broken in hardy?04:21
avayanis_anyone had any issues booting 8.04 server?  I get the following error when trying to boot after install on my pentium M laptop: "this kernel requires a feature not present on this cpu"04:21
pipegeeknickrud: or, rather, yes04:21
sahakprobably more software04:21
mvinscgo to sys> admin> Hardware Drivers04:21
IcemanV9zoidberg: sudo dpkg -i <package>.deb04:21
nickrudpipegeek  system->admin -> software sources, download from:  chose other, and find a local mirror04:21
Bubble_teaWhy is some packages are STATUS: FAILED?04:21
calcdini: there shouldn't need to be any, it is already fast, if you are having slowdown problems it is probably either your connection or the site you are trying to reach04:21
kelvin911like more of what software?04:21
mvinscmy nvidia drive just installed and said reboot04:21
Kl4mkelvin911: more packages but you likely won't use most of them.04:21
chubs730krasher: is that already installed?04:21
SkullerHello, I get this in Synaptic "E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)04:21
SkullerE: Unable to lock the list directory04:21
pipegeeknickrud: I already did.  I'm not using ftp.us.ubuntu.com.  It's downloading something from there anyway, and I can't dissuade it.04:21
Mythrilare there any packages out there that automatically mirror two folders when one of them changes?04:22
calcdini: but i am not sure what you are trying to do about speed? is something slow for you?04:22
sahakUbuntu repositories have about 20 thousand packages, while CD has only about 1 thousand.04:22
krasherthanks for that tip of nvidia-settings...04:22
pipegeeknickrud: I only know this from the strace output.04:22
arbir_nickrud: i get this error now -> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64305/04:22
krasheri proper configured the refresh rate04:22
ere4siavayanis_: you prob need the 386 kernel instead of the server kernel04:22
Kl4mMythril: rsync04:22
iDNoh, boy, was i stupid...04:22
iDNi hate upgrading!04:22
yuri_hey guys, noticed the automatix2 is discontinued. is there an alternative, or an easy to use instruction page that would allow someone quick access to the win32 codecs, libdvdcss, flash, truetype, etc?04:22
kelvin911CD has 1000 packages?04:22
krasherthanks blackhead04:22
aoeuidhow do I get update-manager to use a custom directory for temporary files?04:22
pipegeeknickrud: but the manifestation of this problem is that it just sits there, on the first screen after you click "upgrade", "downloading file 1 of 2"04:22
blueeyesmikeHi, just upgraded and I've noticed that now my power button and closing the lid on my laptop don't do anything? The event gets logged in /var/log/acpid but nothing happens. This is on a dell inspiron 6000 any ideas?04:22
avayanis_ere4si should I download the desktop version and reinstall?04:22
diniim using 20GB older hard-disk type there may be any problem with that one04:22
avayanis_or is there a way to select that during the install?04:23
Kl4mMythril: you can use rsync locally as well as remotely (via SSH)04:23
dinicalc im using 20GB older hard-disk type there may be any problem with that one04:23
nickrudpipegeek hm. I didn't realize it did that ... I had to change mine to get any speed. Didn't have any holdups04:23
ozzloyso cube effects work with flash videos, but not stuff in mplayer.  how do i fix that?  (yes i googled for it already)04:23
Kl4mMythril: and it's already installed. man rsync04:23
aoeuidanyone have any idea?04:23
iDNhere's a question: what is the equivalent of uTorrent on ubuntu?04:23
calcdini: not sure, if your computer is slow overall it will make everything slow including browsing though, not much that can be helped with that software-wise04:23
ere4siavayanis_: you can boot the server cd - choose rescue - then   sudo apt-get install linux-image-38604:23
sahakiDN: transmission04:23
tarkusi want to use ubuntu for my server, but it has caused nothing but problems.. i get hundreds of locale and perl warnings, postgres doesnt work, there arent any logs, nothing is working, simply put. is there any reason why fresh installs of ubuntu would be so shit right out of the box?04:23
SkullerDoes someone have any idea as to how this can be solved:04:23
SkullerE: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)04:23
SkullerE: Unable to lock the list directory04:23
Kl4mMythril: (sorry last one :) )  there is also grsync which is a graphical frontend to it, and some others.04:24
nickrudarbir_ you can't use a fat 32 partition probably.04:24
chubs730skuller: are you running with sudo?04:24
Starnestommytarkus: it depends. Was it 7.10 or 8.04?04:24
dinioh thanks for ur information04:24
iDNsahak: thanks. it has upload support, right?04:24
MythrilKl4m: thank you04:24
tarkusStarnestommy: 7.1004:24
arbir_nickrud:  which partition04:24
avayanis_ere4si: thanks, I will go try that now04:24
Skullerchubs730: Its synaptic package manager04:24
pipegeeknickrud: huh.  It finally got past that point.... the strace output shows about 500 calls to read, all of them returning EAGAIN04:24
sahakiDN: yes04:24
osmosisdont tell me I need to format and start over just because Hardware Drivers no longer wants to show my nvidia driver.04:24
nickrudSkuller you have another manager open04:24
kelvin911i think i will stick with 7.10 for now04:24
DBautellSkuller, do you have more than one package manager happenong at the same time?04:24
nickrudSkuller or the update manager is running in the background04:24
juano__are the repos for hardy down or something ?04:24
black_13Mythril, nom04:24
CaptainMorganafter trying to enable all the repositories, multiverse, universe etc... when I reload synaptic or the Add/Remove program, the reloading fails at Translation_En    what's happening?04:24
chubs730skuller: is there another package manager running?04:24
kelvin911until maybe i really need to update it04:24
dinihey calc ru using torrent now days04:24
iceswordkelvin911, hahah, you wil regret04:24
zoidbergIcemanV9, i got some dependecy errors04:24
iDNok. thank you! are you israeli accidentally, sahak ?04:24
iceswordkelvin911, lol04:25
Starnestommyjuano__: a lot of the servers are having load problems with all the updates04:25
sahakiDN: Armenian :)04:25
calcdini: i downloaded the dvd before it was released and then just rsync'd it04:25
Skullerchubs730: No, only one04:25
kelvin911icesword: hey u04:25
Kl4mjuano__: the main servers are under heavy pressure. use a local (non-us, non-uk) one if you can04:25
kelvin911icesword: why regret?04:25
calcdini:  it was already up to date so it didn't download anything at all04:25
black_13nickrud it finally scanned the mirror04:25
nickrudpipegeek to be honest that's over my head.04:25
FaKl4m i just ping all servers04:25
iceswordkelvin911, it is cool, compiz is default in hardy04:25
sahakiDN: but sahak is a Jewish name (comes from itzhak)04:25
pipegeeknickrud: thanks anyhow04:25
juano__Kl4m: lol, silly me :) your right04:25
kilraetry the canadian arctic one, i'm getting 830K/s04:25
juano__Kl4m: thanks04:25
kelvin911icesword: compiz also default in gutsy04:25
nickrudpipegeek I do obvious shti ;)04:25
nks_Hey, anyone using a Mac / vmware + ubuntu 8.04 ?04:25
SkullerAhh its working now. Don't know what caused the problem04:25
arbir_(parted) toggle 1 boot04:25
arbir_Error: The flag 'boot' is not available for loop disk labels.04:26
nickrudSkuller probably update manager running in the background04:26
Fanks you can install ubuntu on a max04:26
chubs730skuller: apt may be loading in the background, give it a couple minutes04:26
iceswordkelvin911, hahah, don't regret... oh upgrade later, coz now is slow04:26
chubs730oh i see haha04:26
iDNsahak: i see. are you jewish? and you're correct in your assumption, your name triggered my question. :)04:26
kelvin911icesword: do u play games?04:26
dinihey calc come to the private chat room04:26
pipegeekhah.  "Can't install ubuntu-desktop.  File this as a bug."04:26
calcgenerally if you download the test image from the day or two before release it will have little if anything to update via rsync to have the final image04:26
CaptainMorganafter trying to enable all the repositories, multiverse, universe etc... when I reload synaptic or the Add/Remove program, the reloading fails at Translation_En    what's happening?04:26
nks_Fa - natural / without vmware ?04:26
calcdini: which one?04:26
twinkie_addictman hardy feels alot lighter then previous aditions04:26
Fayes i believe so04:26
sahakiDN: no, I am not Jewish. I am Armenian.04:27
iDNsahak: is it contradictory? :O04:27
iceswordkelvin911, not now04:27
tarkusnks_: yes, you can04:27
dinihey calc come the private chat room04:27
CaptainMorganpeople please- off TOPIC04:27
CaptainMorganpeople please- off TOPIC04:27
CaptainMorganafter trying to enable all the repositories, multiverse, universe etc... when I reload synaptic or the Add/Remove program, the reloading fails at Translation_En    what's happening?04:27
calcdini: you didn't tell me which one to come to, so how can I read your mind?04:27
aoeuidhey, could anyone help me install hardy? :(04:27
nks_WOW, i never knew that - I always thought you needed vmware - Would you happen to know if there's support for the internal camera?04:27
Fanks_ go here http://lifehacker.com/software/ubuntu/how-to-install-ubuntu-linux-on-a-mac-256395.php04:27
kelvin911does anyone successfully installed nfsmw in wine here?04:27
rainrunner87Is anyone having any trouble with the repos?04:27
cobnext, next, english, us, finish04:28
blueeyesmikeHi, just upgraded and I've noticed that now my power button and closing the lid on my laptop don't do anything? The event gets logged in /var/log/acpid but nothing happens. This is on a dell inspiron 6000 any ideas?04:28
x1250rainrunner87: yes04:28
WhoNeedszzzHey guys, when I idle and come back to my computer the "X" process is at around 100% processor usage, what gives?04:28
Flannelrainrunner87: The repos are being hammered, it's normal, just be patient04:28
Starnestommyrainrunner87: the servers are having load problems due to 8.04's release04:28
HardyOnerainrunner87: they are being hammered right now04:28
sahakiDN: what? having a Jewish name? not really. many Armenians have Jewish names.04:28
CaptainMorganTranslation-en_US fails!?04:28
dinijust right click on my name and select private chat04:28
rainrunner87Kay, good to know.04:28
rainrunner87Thought so.04:28
x1250you lazy guys, should have downloaded the iso yesterday, HAH!04:28
SmegzorI need to image an NTFS partition across my network.  I've tried partimage, but I just get 'version does not match' but I just installed both client and server.  What else can I use?04:28
Bubble_teaThe server is getting laggy.04:28
sahakiDN: are you Jewish?04:28
nickrudarbir_ sudo parted /dev/sdb , not sdb104:28
calcx1250: yep :)04:29
CaptainMorganbtw ? Compiz and Beryl are BEAutiful on Hardy, it's giving me a ... nevermind04:29
calcx1250: thats what i did :)04:29
arbir_nickrud:  the device is /dev/sdb104:29
Bubble_teaRight now i'm trying to install languages and its only sending 1000+b/s04:29
WhoNeedszzzanyone have a "X" process problem?04:29
kelvin911how beautiful?04:29
nks_Thank you -Fa04:29
nickroberanyone else had sound problems with hardy?04:29
arbir_nickrud:  why do you say just sdb ?04:29
kelvin911any hardy screenshot or youtube video?04:29
WhoNeedszzzhad anyone had*04:29
Bubble_teaIS that even normaL?04:29
=== Andres_ is now known as RoAk
nickrudarbir_ arbir_ first, because the instructions pointed to that. Second, the boot sector isn't in dev/sdb1, but on /dev/sdb04:29
nickrudarbir_ and third, I just tested it :)04:30
iDNsahak: no, i thought you were implying that being jewish and being armenian is contradictory. apparently, it was a misunderstanding. and yes, i am jewish. :)04:30
arbir_nickrud:  so what exactly is /dev/sdb ?04:30
calckelvin911: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/804features/04:30
c0mp13371331337_Gah.... should have uninstalled OpenArena before dist-upgrading.... X-)04:30
=== RoAk is now known as RoAkSoAx
Utalcn2menickrober, i am, seems that pulseaudio is still broken maybe04:30
matt_hey, whenever I run apt-get install something on 8.04, I get a bunch of perl locale errors04:30
harriseldonCaptainMorgan are you behind a proxy?04:30
pipegeekOkay, this is just ridiculous.  The upgrade tool says my system is up to date, and I'm certainly not running hardy.04:30
nxusranyone seen this : "Flash Player: Warning: environment variable G_FILENAME_ENCODING is set and is not UTF-8" ?04:30
c0mp13371331337_271MB over a crawling server.....04:30
nickroberUtalcn2me: what happens with your sound? no sound, scratchy, skips?04:30
arbir_nickrud:  should i make a ext3 partition ?04:30
nickrudarbir_ the device itself. sdb1 is the first partition on the device. There's always some empty space at the beginning of the device (outside of sdb1) for the mbr and boot flag04:30
CaptainMorganharriseldon, no... but I waited it out... out of 62 files, it finally downloaded the pacakages..... however Tranlation-en_US(4 of them) explicitly Fail04:31
calcdini: i can't see your messages (i guess?) since you are probably not a registered user on freenode04:31
HayHayHi, I downloaded & burned the i386 DVD version today - Just did a live boot - Doesn't look much different than the Final release. - Is the difference - that it would have much packages installed so there would not be as many updates to install as doing a CD install?04:31
mondayrocksmost popular channel on freenode.04:31
Falol server is going to get overloaded04:31
Utalcn2menickrober, no volume control for my usb headphones, other than that, everything works with ac97 sound.04:31
nickrudarbir_ haven't read the instructions for what you are installing. But I was able to toggle the boot flag by doing sudo parted /dev/sdb  with my usbstick04:31
bthorntonWhich Ubuntu image should I use for an Intel Core 2 Quad system--AMD64 or i386?04:31
WhoNeedszzzI have a huge problem with my X process here guys04:31
calcdini: you have to be registered and identified to send private messages04:31
purpleposeidonHeylo, I installed wubi on win98, and X is like reaaaallly slow, and I see nothing except the 'x' cursor and the background04:31
harriseldonCaptainMorgan according to this https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/synaptic/+question/11830 it is connection related -- could be increased traffic04:32
diniso what should i do for that04:32
Kl4m!register > dini04:32
nickroberUtalcn2me: oh, mine is just scratchy, like using distortion with an electric guitar04:32
kelvin911calc: thats it?04:32
arbir_nickrud:  i am happy.. but just to know, should i keep the USB stick's partition as FAT32 or shall i change it to EXT3 ?04:32
calcbthornton: amd64 would probably work better for you, especially if you have a lot of ram04:32
dinihow to register04:32
calcdini: msg nickserv04:32
nickrudarbir_ what instructions are you following?04:32
Starnestommydini: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup04:32
Kl4mdini: see ubotu private message.04:32
kelvin911calc: there is no different from gutsy?04:32
anachronoksanyone know how to access the compiz settings in hardy?04:32
bthorntongroovy, thanks!04:32
calckelvin911: some differences but not a lot of visible ones04:32
harriseldonarbir_ avoid ext3 on flash (journaling causing extra disk writes)04:32
RyanPriorIs there a program for doing sound captures of whatever is playing on the computer?04:32
arbir_nickrud:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick   <--preparing using the shell script there04:32
Utalcn2menickrober, try turning down pcm maybe, i notice mine distorts when its too high.04:33
kelvin911calc: for example?04:33
calckelvin911: the gui looks roughly the same as it has for the past 4 years, it is Gnome after all04:33
nhainesanachronoks: Go to Add/Remove and install Advanced Desktop Effects.04:33
Noah0504Can someone who has a little experience with GRUB help me out?  I need help with fixing the following bug filed here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/acpi/+bug/21473604:33
tarkusi want to use ubuntu for my server, but it has caused nothing but problems.. i get hundreds of locale and perl warnings, postgres doesnt work, there arent any logs, nothing is working, simply put. is there any reason why fresh installs of ubuntu would be so shit right out of the box? its the ubuntu server version, and its 7.10 (gutsy)04:33
ubotuwubi is Wubi advice here: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=234  and  http://wubi-installer.org  [file wubi bugs here:  https://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug ] (it is included in hardy 8.04 beta CD and will be in the final release)04:33
calckelvin911: OOo 2.4.0 instead of 2.3.004:33
arbir_harriseldon: then ext2 is fine ?04:33
calckelvin911: gnome 2.22.1 instead of 2.20.104:33
Prez00wonder if my isp is throttling torrent or this ubuntu torrent is slooow04:33
Siviki bet the ubuntu torrent is slow, its release date04:33
anachronoksnhaines: okay great, thank you04:33
Noah0504Prez00: It was pretty slow for me.04:33
DBautellPrez00, the DVD?04:33
calckelvin911: there is a release notes document somewhere that probably lists more stuff04:33
WhoNeedszzzI have a huge problem with my X process here guys04:33
nickroberUtalcn2me: i have the volume really low, but it's scratchy constantly, someone else with a computer similar to mine has the same problem on the forums so i guess i'll just wait for a fix :(04:33
RyanPriortarkus: That's really strange. My Ubuntu install works fine with Perl stuff, and I'm not using Postgres, but MySQL runs fine.04:33
pipegeekSo, how does the upgrade tool determine which version of ubuntu you have installed?  It thinks I already have Hardy, and it's dead wrong.04:33
harriseldonarbir_ that should be fine -- are you doing full install to usb or just using a writable partition?04:34
Prez00regular CD04:34
owen1"enable automatic login" doesn't work(xubuntu) . any ideas?04:34
duncanmanyone know the deal about usb persist in the hardy kernel?04:34
=== gbs is now known as fserve_
kelvin911if i update gutsy to hardy, do i have to setup my theme again?04:34
RyanPriorpipegeek: what does lsb_release -a say?04:34
mysticdarkhackhey all04:34
nickrudarbir_ leave it at fat16, per the instructions04:34
=== fserve_ is now known as fserve_note
nhaineskelvin911: No.04:34
pipegeekRyanPrior: Gutsy04:34
kelvin911i dont wanna lose all my current theme setting and icon settings and etc04:34
pipegeekRyanPrior: Ubuntu 7.1004:34
zcat[1]anyone got md5sums for the hardy DVD iso's? I can't reach cdimage.ubuntu.com at the moment and I want to check if my torrented files are correct04:34
arbir_harriseldon:  i am making a USB stick as my install media for Ubuntu04:34
harriseldonpipegeek: lsb_release -r04:35
Darkphyrecan anyone please tell me how to force a resolution in this new xorg server? it isn't letting me edit the xorg.conf as much as i used to.04:35
arbir_alright nickrud let me try... :-)04:35
pipegeekharriseldon: 7.1004:35
d4t4min3rhow can i clean out all my temp files04:35
WhoNeedszzzif anyone can help me with my X Process high usage problem please PM me04:35
harriseldonarbir_ then ext2 should be fine04:35
mysticdarkhackso did anyone else have the problem with hardy heron on startup when splash hang04:35
d4t4min3rsomething like ccleaner.... for linux04:35
pipegeekbut I'm being told there are no upgrades available.04:35
mvinschey, how big should my swap partition be?04:35
DBautellzcat[1], torrent do checksums automatically, but hang on04:35
refloushow do I tell apt to find the fastest mirror again?04:35
kelvin911i have the same questions abour tmp dir and files04:35
RyanPriorpipegeek: That is very strange. I don't know what the package manager decides based on, but it's clearly screwed up somehow.04:35
Adlaid4t4min3r: rm -rf /tmp/*, but I wouldn't suggest it, many programs use temp space while they are running04:35
arbir_when i create it using fdisk, i get different names, when i use parted i dont get such weird names.. what should i use ?04:35
kelvin911do i have to clean them manually?04:36
loufoqueext2 is crap04:36
pipegeekRyanPrior: suggestions? :-\04:36
loufoqueuse ext304:36
nhainesd4t4min3r: the temp directory is cleared out every time you reboot.04:36
RodGoheyy, i am having troubles, iv just installed emerald theme manager04:36
XceIId4t4min3r:  try sudo apt-get autoclean04:36
RyanPriorpipegeek: No clue at all.04:36
RodGobut somehow i cant get any theme to work :s04:36
owen1n000b: welcome!04:36
nikitismvinsc: 2gb's or less04:36
Adlaimvinsc: tradition says twice your ram, but if you have >=2GB I wouldn't do more that the amount of ram you have04:36
RodGoi installed some themes but when i try to use them no change :s04:36
kelvin911RodGo: what do u mean?04:36
arbir_loufoque: in this context ext2 should work as well, its a readonly system04:36
harriseldonpipegeek did you look at the screenshots at this site http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading do they match what you see?04:36
RodGoi installed emerald theme manager04:36
kelvin911RodGo: i have install that as well, no problem04:36
WhoNeedszzzif anyone can help me with my X Process high usage problem please PM me04:36
n000bcan anyone tell me how to access files on an external harddrive that are in the windows file system?04:36
Adlaimvinsc: I have 2GB of ram and 1.5GB of swap, which I never actually use04:36
RodGobut when i try to change to any theme04:36
calcif you use less than the amount of ram you have you may not be able to hibernate, depending on system usage04:36
mvinscok. thanks04:36
RodGonothing happends :s04:36
HayHayzcat[1]: When go to burn your DVD image - I believe your burner program will do a checksum before it burns - if that's off it will not burn.04:36
calcassuming you want to be able to hibernate04:36
kelvin911RodGo:  u need to run a command to tell ubuntu to use emerald04:36
WhoNeedszzzif anyone can help me with my X Process high usage problem please PM me04:36
n000bowen1: hey04:36
RodGowhat command?04:37
kelvin911RodGo: wait04:37
Utalcn2menickrober, i cant even figure out what soundserver hardy is using - alsa i think - or maybe osd04:37
mysticdarkhackhu thank goodness I finally fisinh install everything I need04:37
harriseldonn000b what do you mean windows file system? fat32 or ntfs?04:37
owen1n000b: crazy, ah?04:37
AdlaiUtalcn2me: it's pulseaudio now04:37
WhoNeedszzzif anyone can help me with my X Process high usage problem please PM me04:37
mysticdarkhackubuntu server seem slow04:37
kelvin911RodGo: emerald --replace & disown04:37
Flannel!repeat | WhoNeedszzz04:37
ubotuWhoNeedszzz: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience04:37
zcat[1]HayHay: I can generate the md5sum of the isos I have here.. I want to know what the correct ones should be so I know my files are complete04:37
n000bowen1: yeah a little too fast04:37
* nickrud goes back to disk/partition school04:37
RodGoi need to run that everytime?04:37
nhainesUtalcn2me, nickrober: Hardy us using the PulseAudio sound server.04:37
kelvin911RodGo: no just one time thing04:37
pipegeekharriseldon: yes04:37
Utalcn2meAdlai, but when i start paman or pavucontrol, there is nothing.04:38
AdlaiWhoNeedszzz: you could try logging out and in again, but you should check what extensions you are using04:38
HayHayzcat[1]: sorry can't help with that.04:38
goat|workHayHay: http://releases.ubuntu.com/04:38
WhoNeedszzzFlannel, no one can see what i'm saying bc too many people are talking. My repetition is justified04:38
compaqr4000 I'm trying to run open office calc via ssh and I get the following on one of my machines: /usr/lib/openoffice/program/soffice.bin X11 error: Can't open display:  Any ideas why this is?  It works fine on another machine.04:38
mib_9lhkzcmzOk. So, I was messing around in the advanced settings of compiz fusion. I didn't change anything major, but it kicked me back to the login screen a couple times, so I put the effects back to simple. Now, whenever I open windows, they leave behind a "ghost" image of themeslves04:38
nikitisn000b: try mount -t ntfs-3g <device> <dir>04:38
kelvin911RodGo: if u dont like emerald, to switch back, gtk-window-decorator --replace & disown04:38
StarnestommyWhoNeedszzz: how much memory is it using?04:38
owen1n000b: maybe describe the problem u have.04:38
harriseldonpipegeek: did you click on the upgrade button next to new distribution available?04:38
AdlaiUtalcn2me: I don't know the pulseaudio control programs, does anyone else know?04:38
mib_9lhkzcmzHighly Annoying. Any thoughts?04:38
nhainesWhoNeedszzz: People can use their scrollback buffer to read your question as well.04:38
owen1n000b: with the folders.04:38
kelvin911RodGo: work there?04:38
WhoNeedszzzStarnestommy: how much memory is what using?04:38
dublpawscompaqr4000: ssh -X into your remote host.04:38
StarnestommyWhoNeedszzz: X04:38
pipegeekharriseldon: yes.04:38
Kl4mzcat[1]: http://releases.ubuntu.com/hardy/MD5SUMS04:38
HikejinxRodGo: in ccsm you can set it up to use emerald04:38
nickrobernhaines: yeah, but it seems to be broken for me04:38
n000bnikitis: what the heck is that04:39
harriseldonpipegeek: what happened when you clicked the upgrade button?04:39
zcat[1]Kl4m: DVD images.04:39
* calc uses /lastlog foo :-)04:39
nikitishow you mount your external windows drive04:39
owen1n000b: it's a way to mount drives in linux.04:39
kelvin911nikitis: i think it is automount04:39
AdlaiI don't remember who was asking about finding the fastest mirror, but it's netselect that you want to use, I believ04:39
Kl4mzcat[1]: did you use a torrent. If so, then it's validated by the torrent protocol.04:39
talciteoh the distro upgrade? yeah its kinda broken for me as well. Probably due to server load04:39
HikejinxRodGo: I believe you can do it under window decorations or some plugin. I'm not using compiz at the moment though.04:39
WhoNeedszzzStarnestommy: how do i know?04:39
nikitiskelvin911: not always04:39
Adlaihopefully you will see that04:39
owen1n000b: in linux u need to mount drives sometimes.04:39
talciteI had to try a few times before it let me through04:39
zcat[1]Kl4m: which are on cdimage.ubuntu.com/dvd/MD5SUM but it just times out for me here.. can anyone else reach it?04:39
StarnestommyKl4m: system > administration > system monitor04:39
calcnikitis: usually external drives mount as soon as you plug them in04:39
nikitiskelvin911: some external drives don't automount04:39
kelvin911nikitis: it will be if u edit fstab04:39
StarnestommyWhoNeedszzz: system > administration > system monitor04:40
n000bowen1: how do you mount the drive again04:40
kelvin911they do04:40
kelvin911nikitis: they do all automount04:40
owen1n000b: let me see his reply.04:40
pipegeekharriseldon: it sat there for about 10 minutes doing nothing.  Then, I got a dialog which described the upgrade, and I clicked "upgrade" in that window.  Then, another 10 minute wait.  Then the upgrade began, and I was told that it couldn't install ubuntu-desktop, and that this was a bug.  I reran the upgrade tool, and this time, after I got to that point, I was told hardy was already installed.04:40
harriseldoncompaqr4000 is x11 forwarding setup correctly on both machines?04:40
n000bnikitis: how do you mount the drive again04:40
nikitiskelvin911: i have one in particular I have to manually mount it04:40
kelvin911nikitis: make sure u unplug safely in windows04:40
n000bowen1: ok04:40
Utalcn2meAdlai, my pulseaudio device chooser in xubuntu doesnt even start when selected04:40
juano__is anyone able to download from the USA server ?04:40
patbami'm totally making out with ubuntu. right now.04:40
WhoNeedszzzStarnestommy: 0 right now, sleeping04:40
nikitismount -t ntfs-3g <devicenamehere> <directorytomounttohere>04:40
lostxionany one help me figure out how i can make it so my computer will play dvd's04:40
calcjuano__: the US server is the same server as the main one (its in London)04:40
IcemanV9whoa! sys monitor looks really nice! :-)04:40
masmotajuano_:not i04:40
owen1n000b:  type this: mount -t ntfs-3g <device> <dir>04:40
kelvin911nikitis: if u just unplug it in windows without safely unplug, u cant plug the external drive in ubuntu04:41
kelvin911nikitis: i tried that b404:41
calcjuano__: use something other than us.archive.ubuntu.com if that is the one you are trying04:41
ubotuSee https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of Ubuntu discs.04:41
talcitejuano__: its probably just slow right now. Everyone's downloading hardy =D04:41
mgmzit says its using the au sever are any others owrking?04:41
WhoNeedszzzStarnestommy: it kicks in when i idle04:41
mglukhovskyi know everyone's really busy right now w/ hardy's release, but does anyone have experience with crashes using ATI's BigDesktop?04:41
anachronoksi can't tell you how amazed i am at how well hardy is working on my laptop, after all the trouble i went through with feisty04:41
juano__talcite: yes, oh there we go, now it started to download04:41
nickrudzcat[1] http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu-releases/8.04/ has the md5sums04:41
talcitejuano__: I'm using one in Quebec. It seems to work well04:41
StarnestommyWhoNeedszzz: are you using compiz?04:41
compaqr4000harriseldon: I can assume it is on the server as I can run it on another machine with no issues04:41
n000bowen1: what do i put in place of device and dir?04:41
owen1n000b: replace the device with the name of the harddrive, and dir is any directory.04:41
anachronokseverything works out of the box, a first for me04:41
juano__talcite: ok, thanks will try04:41
zcat[1]of the DVD images?!!!04:41
mgmzhow do i change the server i use for synaptic?04:41
WhoNeedszzzStarnestommy: nope, nvidia geforce 8600 gts with binary driver04:41
fmzCould anyone help me with setting xorg right for transperency, i have nvdia and im using xcompmgr. Everything is fine, but its really slow. I added the option for nvdia, still slow.04:41
nxusrlibxcb: WARNING! Program tries to unlock a connection without having acquired04:41
nxusr        a lock first, which indicates a programming error.04:41
owen1n000b: create an empty dir, i think.04:42
mglukhovskyyes. everything's perfect, but the right screen, if clicked on the desktop, causes Xorg to die with an error message04:42
anacaonahello all. having problems doing network upgrade (from gutsy). in montreal. get an Error during update message - connection timeouts from ca.archive.ubuntu.com04:42
nhainesmgmz: System > Administration > Software Sources04:42
n000bowen1: did you get your question answered?04:42
pipegeekharriseldon: thoughts?04:42
nickrudzcat[1] no, didn't catch the dvd part of the question, sorry04:42
Jefoi have a wireless (broadcom chip) that doesnt work. is there a way to get it working without LAN?04:42
zcat[1]I am looking for the correct md5sum of the TWO DVD  IMAGES04:42
ffm_!repomirror | nhaines04:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about repomirror - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:42
mattycozehey does anyone know how to get the wireless or ndiswrapper to work again in 8.0404:42
DBautellzcat[1], I fail to find the DVD md5s, bit torrents are checked automatically during the download, so I wouldn't worry04:42
Hikejinxanacaona: you might just want to wait out the server overload that is going on04:42
dinihow to reset my password04:42
ffm_nhaines, Go to "System>Administration>Software Sources" and choose "Other" from the drop down box. Then choose "select best server" and your system will choose the closest mirror to you automatically04:42
WhoNeedszzzStarnestommy: so what does that tell u?04:42
dinihow to reset my password in nickserv04:42
zcat[1]I should have grabbed them first, I know.. I didn;t expect the server to get hammered to the point that I can't even reach it at all!04:43
dinihow to reset my password in nickserv04:43
owen1n000b: no. i wanted to follow you first. it's exciting to help people get into open source.04:43
ffm_dini, Ask in #freenode04:43
swilkyhey all .. i was wondering .. can you setup a linux server to connect on PPoE and use it as a gate way for other computers with internet ip addresses behind it ?04:43
Starnestommydini: go to #freenode and ask a staff member04:43
MatToufoutuhello ubunteros ;)04:43
anacaonaHikejink: thanks, thought by this evening this would have settled down but I guess not.04:43
nhainesffm_: Thank you, I'm aware.  :)04:43
=== runlevel is now known as cannabis
ffm_nhaines, Try maybe another mirror?04:43
Jack_Sparrow!repeat > dini,04:43
talcitehmm... it seems that /boot is full04:43
arbir_yahoo finally its copying my ubuntu image to the stick04:43
StarnestommyWhoNeedszzz: I'm not sure04:43
anacaonaHikejink: is there a way to upgrade from CDROM or ISO?04:43
fmzCould anyone help me with setting xorg right for transperency, i have nvdia and im using xcompmgr. Everything is fine, but its really slow. I added the option for nvdia, still slow.04:43
WhoNeedszzzStarnestommy: great04:43
mglukhovskyso no thoughts on dual screen w/ATI (BigDesktop)?04:43
ffm_nhaines, MIT works for me, but I don't want to spead that around...04:43
nhainesffm_: I'm not the one having trouble.04:43
mattycozehey does anyone know how to get the wireless or ndiswrapper to work again in 8.04???04:43
DBautellanacaona, To Upgrade from the CD/ISO, you'll need the alternate ISO or the DVD: run cdromupgrade from the root of the CD/ISO/DVD. If you don't want to/can't burn a disc, you can 'mount -o loop nameofiso /path/to/mount/'04:43
talciteany ideas about what I can remove?04:43
kelvin911nikitis: did u solve your external hd mounting problem?04:43
WhoNeedszzzanyone know why the X process usage skyrockets after idling?04:43
Kl4mtalcite: 8| how much space did you gave it?04:43
nickrudJack_Sparrow tag04:44
ffm_nhaines, Sorry.04:44
rajiv_nairwhere can i find the md5 checksums for 8.04 iso's ?04:44
black_13were can i find a mirror for sources.list ?04:44
owen1n000b: btw, u can get help on commands like this: man <command>04:44
hou5tonI have a laptop that is a Gateway with AMD Turion 64 mobile technology.  But does it matter which version of 8.04 I download?  Is one better than the other for stability, etc.?04:44
zcat[1]Oh well, I'll just assume they're correct04:44
nhainesffm_: Not a problem.04:44
n000bowen1: what do you mean the harddrive name?04:44
talciteKl4m: 32mb I believe04:44
anacaonathanks DBautell, I'll give that a try.04:44
jtmonzhey guys, "apt-file search libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3" returns nothing... i need the file to use realvnc properly04:44
dinihow to set password in nickserv04:44
sanmarcosis there an LTS related mailing list?04:44
Jack_Sparrownickrud, Howdy...04:44
Hikejinxanacaona: yes, of course. Look at the room topic, there is a link to a torrent to download an ISO04:44
nickrudzcat[1] the disk check will tell you ;)04:44
owen1n000b: good question.04:44
harriseldoncompaqr4000 are you connecting from linux clients to the server?04:44
WhoNeedszzzanyone know why the X process usage skyrockets after idling?04:44
Kl4mblack_13: rebuild one with synaptic (repositories menu item)04:44
IcemanV9WhoNeedszzz: screensaver??04:44
zcat[1]nickrud: yes, doing that now...04:44
nickrud!register | dini04:44
ubotudini: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.04:44
WhoNeedszzzIcemanV9: what about it?04:44
techno_freakrajiv_nair, http://releases.ubuntu.com/hardy/MD5SUMS04:44
owen1n000b: when u connect the usb. do u see anything on the desktop?04:45
rajiv_nairtechno_freak: thank you04:45
nickroberis synaptic not downloading because of the high use of the servers?04:45
compaqr4000harriseldon: yes, all 8.0404:45
IcemanV9WhoNeedszzz: that might be the reason04:45
black_13Kl4m, please excuse my ignorance but what is synaptic?04:45
nhainesnickrober: Probably.04:45
n000bowen1: yes i do04:45
Starnestommydini: I think you may need to use a different nickname04:45
anachronoksyes synaptic is not downloading for me either, i gave up on it04:45
techno_freaknickrober, yes, might be, try the nearest server04:45
nhainesblack_13: It is a graphical interface for the Ubuntu package manager.04:45
WhoNeedszzzIcemanV9: why?04:45
IcemanV9WhoNeedszzz: it is being idle and screensaver kicks in04:45
yukonhoHi - during the boot sequence ubuntu fails during the "loading hardware drivers" portion. How do I fix it?04:45
Kl4mblack_13: system -> administration -> package manager04:45
nickrobertechno_freak: will do, thanks04:45
dinihow to set my new nick name04:45
ffm_!synaptic | black_1304:45
ubotublack_13: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto04:45
owen1n000b: try right click, do u see any name ?04:45
WhoNeedszzzIcemanV9: it kicks in after a long time of idling04:45
fmzCould anyone help me with setting xorg right for transperency, i have nvdia and im using xcompmgr. Everything is fine, but its really slow. I added the option for nvdia, still slow.04:45
black_13nhaines, i am using the server product04:45
dinihow to set my new nick name and password04:45
owen1n000b: or some identifier?04:45
nikitiskelvin911: that was n000b who had the problem.  it works for me04:46
WhoNeedszzzdini, GO TO #freenode!04:46
IcemanV9WhoNeedszzz: yea. that's normal. are you saying it is not normal?04:46
mattycozecan someone help me with my wireless issue?04:46
zcat[1]Updated this machine last night.. three others won't even apt-get update ... I think I'll just wait a few days :(04:46
Starnestommydini: /nick <new-nickname>, then /msg nickserv register <password>04:46
nhainesblack_13: Then Synaptic will not be installed.  But you said you did not understand what it was?04:46
WhoNeedszzzIcemanV9: what is normal?04:46
n000bowen1: im in windows right now04:46
sahakI wonder if Shuttleworth will be able to deal with new users.04:46
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:46
wthwwHi. I was wondering is the new release dist-upgrade friendly?04:46
Kl4mdini: next time I'm calling for a kick.04:46
Adlaimglukhovsky: surprise04:46
mglukhovskyhey, man04:46
techno_freakwthww, yes04:46
EruditeHermitwhen I use firefox in hardy, everything is set so small because it is not using the correct DPI. Is there a way to set the DPI so that it respects my settings. layout.css.dpi doesn't work.04:46
Kl4m!upgrade > wthww04:46
nikitisi wish the normal cd installer would create lvm's04:46
owen1n000b: i thought u got only harddrive. and ubuntu machine.04:46
black_13i inferred that it was probably needed xorg04:47
zcat[1]YAY! finally got cdimage to load.. md5's are correct!!04:47
sahakEruditeHermit: Appearance/Fonts04:47
Jack_Sparrowdini, You will need your old password to reset the account or you will need to see freenode staff04:47
mib_9lhkzcmzok. SO I have a frsh install of hardy ^_^. Anyways, I started messing around in some of the advanced features of compiz like desktop cube and whatnot (nothing major). Anyways, I've never had a problem with it in the past, but it kicked me back to the login screen a couple of times. So, I put the settings back to "Simple". Now, whenever I open a window, it leaves a "ghost" image of it's "glide" effect.04:47
owen1n000b: so u have dual boot?04:47
IcemanV9WhoNeedszzz: that the box is idling for a long time and screensaver kicks in. so it causes the process high in top04:47
mheathhmm, does anyone know if there is a release schedule for the first Hardy point release?04:47
Kl4mwthww: sorry, this is outdated04:47
EruditeHermitsahak: it is set to my correct value but firefox isn't showing large fonts04:47
loufoqueanyone else has been experiencing numerous crashes in firefox?04:47
n000bowen1: no i have a live ubuntu cd04:47
loufoquecrashes or heavy slowdowns04:47
MatToufoutuwhy does my update blocks always on the last file (the .deb for transmission) ??? i tried many times but still the same... what could i do?04:47
techno_freakloufoque, its been there for since i started using FF304:47
owen1n000b: oh.04:47
Kl4mwthww: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades?highlight=(hardyupgrades)04:47
WhoNeedszzzIcemanV9: the screensaver kicks in after 10 minutes but the problem won't occur unless it idles for at least 8 hours04:47
wthwwKl4m: I already know how to upgrade, The last time I used dist-upgrade on ubuntu (6.06) it messed up, and I learnt the joys of gentoo =p04:47
sahakEruditeHermit: I don't know then04:48
yukonhoHas anyone had ubuntu fail during the "loading hardware drivers" portion of boot?04:48
talciteKl4m: Yeah, I gave /boot 32megs. Is there anything I can remove from it to give it more space?04:48
harriseldoncompaqr4000 have you looked at this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openssh/+bug/136947 there are tips there for debug and possible fixes04:48
techno_freakloufoque, especially when you open flash04:48
mib_9lhkzcmzloufoque : nothing yet, but I heven't installed flash yet XD04:48
Kl4mtalcite: remove all the unused kernels04:48
owen1n000b: what ever u'r doing i think u should be in the ubuntu.04:48
nhainesblack_13: It does.04:48
Kl4mwthww: the upgrade should be solid now. I had problems with 6.10 too04:48
n000bowen1: can you wait for me to get into ubuntu04:48
n000bowen1: it should take about 7-8 minutes04:49
compaqr4000harriseldon: no, I've not but I will now!  Thanks!04:49
owen1sure. i might be eating dinner. but i'll try to be here.04:49
IcemanV9WhoNeedszzz: well. i wouldn't worry about it. you can post it in the forums and see what others have to say about it.04:49
jburdWhen I'm trying to upgrade using the alternate CD ROM (mounted ISO), the "Distribution Upgrade" dialog stops responding at the first stage.04:49
DBautell5-6 of them will be spent staring at "windows is shutting down"04:49
jburdIs this normal?04:49
mattycozehey can anyone help me with the wireless issue; i have an intel pro Wireless card; http://pastebin.com/m345c85a4, and I can't get it to work since the update04:49
n000bowen1: ill meet you in xubuntu04:49
talciteKl4m: will do. Thanks04:49
WhoNeedszzzIcemanV9: it is a major problem and i have posted in the forums. Nobody responded04:49
black_13nhaines, can you think of a mirror ?04:49
n000bowen1: if thats ok04:50
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talciteKl4m: The used ones are in menu.lst right?04:50
nhainesblack_13: No, I don't know of any that aren't saturated, I'm afraid.04:50
Kl4mtalcite: private chat for discussion about what can be removed without alarming anyone here.04:50
RussBHey All - I did an update from a beta version a while ago, but "nvidia" X drivers won't install (I'm using the "nv" now). I'm trying to figure out what's going on now. Is this "common"?04:50
talcitelol ok04:51
kelvin911n000b: has problem mounting external HD?04:51
harriseldonmattycoze are restricted drivers active?04:51
owen1n000b: my wife will be mad but i'll try to be here.04:51
owen1n000b: no worries04:51
n000bkelvin911:  uyes04:51
arbir_nickrud:  i keep getting this error...04:51
arbir_Copying live image to USB stick04:51
arbir_cp: failed to preserve ownership for `/media/usbdev.XS7902/README.diskdefines': Operation not permitted04:51
kelvin911n000b: what's the problem there?04:51
mattycozeharriseldon i had a look at that; but i'm not sure whether it worked, can you walk me throught the process?04:51
n000bowen1: ok thanks man04:51
mattycoze(and also to check whether it was automatically activated?)04:52
sanmarcosso anybody updated from 6.06 LTS to 8.04 LTS and like to share an experience?04:52
WhoNeedszzzdoes anyone else no about the X process high usage?04:52
n000bkelvin911: i have an external usb hdd under windows file system that i cant open on ubuntu04:52
harriseldonmattycoze I will try my best. First, can you get into the restricted drivers manager?04:52
kelvin911n000b: did u just unplug it from XP?04:53
n000bkelvin911: vista04:53
WhoNeedszzzdoes anyone else know about the X process high usage?04:53
kelvin911n000b: did u goto remove USB device in vista?04:53
pipegeekHeh.  I love ubuntu, and I've been using it since warty.... but I've yet to get an upgrade to work.  And I cannot convince update-manager that it needs to do its job and upgrade me to hardy.  It thinks it already has.04:53
nhainesn000b: You can't just randomly unplug USB devices from your computer.04:53
nhainesn000b: Not storage devices, anyway.04:53
pipegeekFor an OS that releases every six months, this is a little sillly04:53
black_13when i google for mirrors i get download mirros that is places for isos04:53
kelvin911n000b: u have to do Remove USB device in windows, then ubuntu can auto mount your external04:54
neetoWell 8.04 officially screwed up everything I had going for me. Sweet.04:54
jburdbleh. upgrades never work for me.04:54
mattycozeharriseldon no, it's not in the menu04:54
arbir_yippeeeee , USB installation works04:54
arbir_USB key is amazingly fast, no more CD burning for mre04:54
jburdthe installer hangs EVERY freaking time there's a new release.04:54
kelvin911n000b: try plug it back in to the windows, then remove the usb properly then ubuntu can detect it automatically04:54
fiz1hey everybody, i have a problem with my on screen volume display, it used to be a small rectangle that appeared when i pressed the volume up button on my laptop, now it is a big square and i want to set it back04:54
n000bkelvin can we chat directly04:54
Jack_Sparrown000b, You can force a mount, but way better to properly close it from windows,04:54
mattycozeharriseldon; if you mean "Hardware Drivers" i've got that up04:54
snadgeafter you've installed ubuntu hardy, how do you tell it to use the generic IDE driver?04:54
kelvin911n000b: or force mount04:55
* grhluna hugs zoidberg04:55
nhainesfiz1: You can o that by using Add/Remove and installing Advanced Desktop Effects.04:55
kelvin911n000b: i did that with my 3 external HD04:55
mattycozeharriseldon; by which in it i've only got the NVIDIA drivers working04:55
nhainesfiz1: You can turn off the volume control plugin for Compiz there, I believe.04:55
cobwow wine has gotten really good, didn't even have to mess with any configuration04:55
WhoNeedszzzdoes anyone else know about the X process high usage?04:55
Jack_Sparrowsnadge, gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst04:55
pipegeekWhat does update-manager do that aptitude dist-upgrade doesn't?  Is there a reason not to do that instead?04:55
fiz1nhaines, i will try that,04:55
n000bkelvin911: how do i remove the hdd properly?04:55
tale_what is the name of the new clock applet package04:55
harriseldonmattycoze it may have changed names in hardy. do you see a placeholder for your 4965 wireless card? if so, is it checked?04:56
Mimi...Uuuummmm.... how can I stop all desktop icons from showing.... without making my background disapear? Thanks ;p04:56
neetoMy GRUB menu still says 7.10. It's not functionally important, but I want to know how to fix it.04:56
snadgeJack_Sparrow: yeah but how do i tell it to use generic IDE? i can do it from the install cd.. but not sure what option to put in my menu.lst04:56
nhainespipegeek: update-manager passes everything over to a special release upgrade tool that does dependancy checking and so forth.04:56
mattycozeharriseldon no there is no placeholder for the card :(04:56
quentusrexDoes anyone know about the color bug on hardy? I think it has something to do with either the nvidia driver or something similiar.04:56
black_13nhaines, how do i find a mirror any mirror whether or not its over burndened or not04:56
kelvin911n000b: in windows u see arrow icon in system tray?04:56
Jack_Sparrowsnadge, all_generic_ide   before splash quiet04:57
n000bkelvin911: no i dont04:57
kelvin911n000b: right click that, then choose whatever device or letter ur usb hd using.  then click remove or whatever04:57
pipegeeknhaines: doesn't aptitude do dependency checking?  Not to mention, update-manager seems to have screwed up again (happened for gutsy and for feisty, both times had to reinstall), and thinks it's already installed hardy, which it hasn't (no packages installed; lsb_release still says gutsy)04:57
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ceil420Why do I keep seeing this message? It annoys me every time I try to upgrade packages... "The following packages have been kept back:  gnome-themes-extras"04:57
kelvin911n000b: do u have your external plug into windows now?04:57
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quentusrexThere is something wrong with the video playback on my system. I have hardy from RC fully updated. It has just recently 'broke'04:58
KalimarI'm having problems with Samba and HH.  I can have the network and the windows computers enumerated, but not their shares.  There is no message saying that Ubuntu cannot access the shares.  What's the deal?04:58
x1250ceil420: how are you upgrading?04:58
n000bkelvin911: no the usb hdd is not plugged into my pc04:58
zelrikriandoubuntu is failing to upgrade :/04:58
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kelvin911n000b: plug the external to windows now04:58
ceil420x1250, it happens with `sudo apt-get upgrade` and with update-manager04:58
_Rambaldi_ i keep getting an error at start up Error activating XKB configuration.04:58
n000bkelvin911: done04:58
nhainespipegeek: the upgrade tool knows exactly what needs to be done to ensure a proper update, such as removing deprcated packages and so forth.04:58
x1250ceil420: try # aptitude full-upgrade04:58
kelvin911n000b: how many computer u have in front of u?04:58
n000bkelvin911: 104:58
kelvin911n000b: what?04:59
nhainesblack_13: I do not know, sorry.04:59
neoncan anyone share howto adjust brightness on a laptop lcd i can remember what commands are there to adjust brightness usin hardy heron btw thanks04:59
tale_anybody know where the clock applet stores its settings?04:59
kelvin911n000b: r u using windows now or ubuntu?04:59
pipegeeknhaines: but it's *wrong*.  I mean, it clearly doesn't---it says no upgrade is necessary, and it's wrong about that.  I don't know how it's checking.04:59
n000bkelvin911: windows04:59
HayHayHi there, Anyone know a good place to find out to set up Dan's Guardian internet filter app?04:59
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fiz1nhaines, i dont see any kind of volume control plugin in the advanced settings manager for compiz04:59
zelrikriandoseems like I cant upgrade to 8.0404:59
kelvin911n000b: i thought u have problem with ubuntu04:59
ZeltaI have three .odt files I saved as .doc files because I am going to bring them to another computer (Windows XP) to print.  OO.o has different fonts than Windows, so how can I preserve the fonts I chose?04:59
nhainespipegeek: I understand that, but that doesn't change that dist-upgrade is not supported.04:59
ceil420x1250, that's gonna let me get the package, but why is it forcing removal of a different one? "The following packages will be automatically REMOVED:  gtk2-engines-spherecrystal"04:59
pipegeeknhaines: suggestions?04:59
n000bkelvin911: yes i do04:59
kelvin911n000b: and what is it?05:00
x1250ceil420: thats why it was kept back... because I needed a removal05:00
kelvin911n000b: u dual boot?05:00
pipegeeknhaines: is there some way at least that I could get debugging output from update-manager?  It doesn't print anything to stdout05:00
n000bkelvin911: no i have a live cd05:00
ceil420x1250, ah. cheers o/05:00
nhainespipegeek: See what 'lsb_release -r' says, and set your /etc/apt/sources.list back to using gutsy repos.05:00
pipegeeknhaines: did, and did.  No effect.05:01
brayThe name is Bray and I just converted from Windows.05:01
kelvin911n000b: whats the problem?05:01
n000bkelvin911: ubuntu is showing my folders as unrecognized documents05:01
hellmitreokay kids, I've just upgraded from ubuntu 7.10 on my gen 2 macbook pro.. and I had the madwifi wireless drivers working then -- could connect to wifi networks, all was gravy. I'm now in 8.0405:01
hellmitreand I can't connect to wireless networks05:01
MrObviousHow can I request that a program be added to the repos?05:01
mattycozeharriseldon; also check this http://pastebin.com/m503e74a3 i've added the ifconfig05:01
hellmitredoesn't recognize that I have a wireless card05:01
n000bkelvin911: in the external hdd05:01
kelvin911n000b: i dont get what u mean?05:01
pipegeeknhaines: lsb_release still says 7.1005:01
Kl4mceil420: A package is automatically removed when it was only a dependency on another package which was removed. It then becomes useless05:01
KalimarWhat does it mean when I'm able to see the windows computers listed under network, but when I click on them, the shares are not enumerated and I do not receive an error message?05:01
hellmitrehow would I go about enabling wireless?05:01
harriseldonmattycoze is your wireless recognized without restricted drivers? do you know how to check?05:01
n000bkelvin911: can we chat elsewhere pls05:01
ceil420Kl4m, oh, i see05:01
kelvin911n000b: so u can see the files in your external in ubuntu?05:01
kelvin911n000b: whats the problem  then?05:02
mattycozeharriseldon i don't think it is actually; i can't see the wirelss card in the network settings program, or get any access to my wireless network05:02
kelvin911n000b: did u register your nickname?05:02
bladezorUbuntu mirrors must be getting hit hard now?05:02
n000bkelvin911: my folders which contain the data I want to access are shown as files in ubuntu05:02
thezankehow come after upgrading to hardy i have 4 linux's on my grub?05:02
kelvin911u need to register your nick so i can private chat with u05:02
n000bkelvin911: how do I register my nickname05:02
bladezorI'm on a 30 megabit connection yet the Ubuntu 8.04 upgrade is only downloading at like 30kb/s05:02
kelvin911n000b: shown as filesm thats normal05:03
kelvin911n000b: whats the problem?05:03
Prez0030 megabit, niiice05:03
Zeltaif I install OpenOffice.org on a windows computer, will it have the same fonts the ubuntu version has?05:03
talcitebladezor: you and every other ubuntu user out there right now is hammering the servers. I'd consider 30kb/s fast =P05:03
pipegeekIs there any supported way to run this upgrade other than through update-manager, which is broken?05:03
n000bkelvin911: I dont know how else to say it05:03
kelvin911n000b: brb cooking05:03
harriseldonmattycoze hate to ask to this question, but is your wireless enabled on the laptop? I have a switch to turn my off and it is not recognized when it is off.05:03
owen1can i ssh to a machine that have wireless connection?05:03
sapHi, while using k3b for burning I had enabled "verify data"  but it ejected the disc soon after writing the data .  Now can I verify the written data separately ?05:03
Kl4mthezanke: the last kernel version stays so you can use it if the new one breaks for you05:03
x1250bladezor: thats because you should have download it yesterday. Today is release party!05:03
nhainesfiz1: It looks like the volume control is actually a GNOME feature when compositing is enabled.  There doesn't appear to be a way to disable it.05:03
mattycozeharriseldon yeah it's on mate :P05:04
bladezorx1250: Yeah, shame on me :(05:04
compaqr4000harriseldon: I've worked my way through your link and all is well.  Thank you for the tip.05:04
harriseldonowen1 of course05:04
talcitesap, if you have an md5 hash of the data, you can compare that to the md5 hash of the disk05:04
neoncan anyone share howto adjust brightness on a laptop lcd i can remember what commands are there to adjust brightness usin hardy heron btw thanks05:04
thezankeKl4m, can i remove the options? and set my windows as primary?05:04
thezankeor default05:04
Zeltaif I install OpenOffice.org on a windows computer, will it have the same fonts the ubuntu version has?05:04
owen1harriseldon: what ip should i use if i am behind a router?05:04
milia__bladezor, try downloading it using a torrent client, or from a different server, or both.05:04
saptalcite, nope . the data is a tar archive backup of some of my song files :/05:04
owen1harriseldon: don't i need static ip for ssh?05:05
jburdSo is "gksudo 'sh /media/cdrom/cdromupgrade'" supposed to work?05:05
milia__bladezor, I'm nearly downloading with 90kb/s under a 2mbit line05:05
talcitesap: oh =/05:05
Kl4mthezanke: you need to edit the /boot/grub/menu.lst file for this. Let me see the simplest way.05:05
harriseldonowen1 why do you need a static ip? are you using only preshared keys?05:05
moshecan someone direct me to a better totorial for fusion?trying to get the cube configured but seem to be doing something wrong05:05
x1250bladezor: you can change to another mirror05:05
led3234hello everybody, i am considering switching to ubuntu. i currently use windows (vista, unfortunately), and i was wondering, how jarring is the change? i am not good (at all) with computers, so how easy is it to install/use ubuntu?05:05
x1250try germany05:05
arc_shmoowhy are all my apt-get commands stalling for a long time at connectiong to *.ubuntu.com (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx)05:05
saptalcite, this is weird the k3b knew it had to verify the data but still it ejected ...lol05:05
bladezormilia__, I'll let it be, it fluctuates quite a bit.05:05
Flannelled3234: what do you usually use your computer for?05:05
DeizSo, as with every time I install Ubuntu, windows maximize to both my monitors instead of one. Is there a workaround? I recall with 7.04 I got lucky after a reboot and it started working properly.05:05
bladezorx1250, yeah I didn't notice how05:05
led3234mostly stuff like word, powerpoint05:05
mattycozeharriseldon the card worked on the first fresh install of Hardy, and then when i restarted it wouldn't work05:06
led3234some profgramming too05:06
mattycozewhich is kidna strange05:06
led3234and music05:06
led3234a bit05:06
KalimarI'm having trouble with Samba.  My windows computers are recognized, but when I click on them, they don't have shares.  What's wrong?05:06
PokitI downloaded a GTK2 theme, and I dont know where to extract the folder included. anyone know where I extract it?05:06
quentusrexDoes anyone know how to upgrade my nvidia drivers?05:06
Flannelled3234: listening to music you mean?  and what sorts of languages?05:06
nhainesled3234: It's actually a quite pleasant change if you mostly do email, browse the Web, and do Office stuff.  You can always download a Desktop CD and try things out a bit without installing.05:06
KalimarPokit: Drop it on the Themes window.05:06
led3234listening to music05:06
milia__bladezor, http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/downloadmirrors05:06
led3234and C++ and Python05:06
owen1harriseldon: don't know what preshared is. how do i connect to my server with no static ip? just use the ip i get form "whatismyip"?05:06
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Kl4mthezanke: first: do you use a RAID. if you don't know then no.05:07
Flannelled3234: It'll be pretty smooth, but I agree with nhaines, grab the LiveCD and try it out.05:07
led3234oh ok, what is it?05:07
manuel__i cant access the fedora channel ..... quick question, can I download Fedora on CD's and not DVD ?05:07
thezankeKl4m, nope.. just 2 sata05:07
supriei just upgraded my kernel, and now my atheros card won't work05:07
bladezorx1250, Hah a bunch of the servers are dead05:07
supriei'm using madwifi from snapshot05:07
ricreewhen I try to use pulseaudio for sound it doesn't work.  Does anyone have any suggestions?05:07
nhainesled3234: It's a bootable CD that gives you a preview of Ubuntu without needing to install it.  If you decide you like it, you can install it from Windows or from the demo environment itself.05:07
Pokitkalimar, thanks05:07
talcitemanuel__: yes, you can05:07
thezankeKl4m windows takes all of my master drive ubuntu takes 1/2 my slave05:07
supriewhen i do modprobe it said FATAL: Error inserting ath_pci (/lib/modules/2.6.24-16-generic/net/ath_pci.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)05:07
supriewhat should i do ?05:08
talcitemanuel__: you can get the latest respin with jigdo05:08
n000bcan anyone tell me what advantage kubuntu has over ubuntu?05:08
maap_rjhi guys.05:08
harriseldonowen1 as long as you know the ip of the server, the ip of the client can be dynamic05:08
ricreen000b: as far as I know, the only huge difference is that it uses KDE instead of gnome05:08
KalimarSamba trouble.  My windows computers are recognized, but when I click on them, they are devoid of shares.  What's wrong?05:08
Kl4mthezanke: in the first lines of the file /boot/grub/menu.lst (edit it as a superuser, see !sudo), change the line "default      0" to "default    saved". Reboot, select Windows and from now on it will be the default05:08
Flanneln000b: They're different.  Neither has advantages per sey, just a matter of preference.05:08
nhainesn000b: There are no advantages.  It uses the KDE desktop environments instead of the GNOME desktop environment.  It's just about preferences.  They can both run run the same programs.05:08
maap_rjsomebody updated to ubuntu 8.04?05:08
talciten000b: its a preference thing. If you're used to KDE, then its better05:08
led3234oh ok, but i thought there was that new thing in the update (kubi, i think) that lets me run ubuntu from windows (as an application), should i try it?05:09
manuel__talcite: I have to admit I have no idea what's that05:09
supriemaap_rj, i'm using updated version of hardy05:09
KalimarI'm on HH at the moment.05:09
nhainesled3234: Sure, but remember that by booting from the CD you can try it out just like booting from the Ubuntu CD.05:09
ricreewhen I try to use pulseaudio for sound, I get no sound.  Any suggestions?05:09
Kl4mUbuntu really needs a boot config editor.05:09
thezankeKl4m, can i hide my old kernel? idealy i would like to have only 2 options, ubuntu and Windows05:09
maap_rjis the 8.04 much better than 7.10?05:09
talcitetalcite: its a download manager that a lot of distros are moving to. Its specialized for .isos. There's jigit in the backport repos05:09
neonmy laptop lcd is too dark after installing ubuntu hardy, i installed the nvidia driver and still very darl adjusting settings thru the nvidia panel makes it looks brighter but it does not look good , i remember there been some commands one can issue to lighten the screen brightness, can anyone refresh my memory on what those commands are, thanks05:09
Kalimarmaap_rj: I think it is.05:09
talcitemanuel__: ^05:10
manuel__talcite: yep I got it05:10
supriemaap_rj, so far so good05:10
led3234do i have to send for the livecd thing, or do i burn it onto a cd?05:10
snadgei cant figure out how to tell 8.04 to use the generic ide driver after its been installed.. the option i was told to put in menu.lst, comes up with file not found :/05:10
x1250bladezor: if you find one good enough, dont tell anyone, heh05:10
n000bkelvin911: are you there?05:10
supriecan anybody help me to configure my wireless05:10
papampamanyone here from the philippines? i wish to ask a question05:10
ricreeled3234: you can burn it, the download link should have the iso05:10
led3234oh ok05:10
talcitemanuel__: k. Yeah, don't use jigdo jigdo. It doesn't work very well yet. Use jigit and then use jigdo-lite (I think that's what its called)05:10
KalimarIs anyone an expert on Samba/network configuration?05:10
led3234thank  you for the help05:10
maap_rjgreat, i intend to update my system during the weekend05:10
manuel__talcite: ok thanks I'll try that05:10
talcitemanuel__: np05:11
led3234im now gonna go try the wubi (just 'cause it is easier)05:11
nhainesled3234: Flannel's and my pleasure.05:11
n000bowen1: are you here?05:11
harriseldonKalimar have you checked #samba channel?05:11
mgmzhow come it says lirc is missing in synaptic?05:11
Kl4mthezanke: you can remove the group of lines for each entry you don't want around the end of that file (oh boy I shouldn't be telling you that)05:11
KalimarNope, is there one?05:11
maap_rjI really hope not be necessary re-configurate so many things manually05:11
harriseldonKalimar yes it is on freenode as well, you just join it05:12
KalimarOh, nice. Thanks harriseldon.05:12
Lainyi am unable to connect to the Internet in Hardy. Can someone help me out?05:12
thezankeKl4m, hahaha dont worry.. I am already backing menu.lst up and have my ultimate boot cd ready..05:12
nhainesthezanke: the best way is to remove the kernel packages using Synaptic.  It's a good idea to leave the old one around for a week or so, just in case you find any bugs.  :)05:12
maap_rjthis is my first time using a IRC chat... lol it is cool05:12
cobLarry: what does "ifconfig" say05:12
cober Lainy05:12
Flannelthezanke: You can't remove them permanently, they'll show up as soon as you update your kernel again.  What you want to do is remove old kernel packages, then those entries won't be there anymore.  It's always a good idea to have two kernels (a known good one, and then the new one you just updated to) in case you find bugs05:13
pawbieReally hating 8.04 atm. :\05:13
Kl4mnhaines: do they become "autoremovable" after a while?05:13
nhainesthezanke: Also, remember that PgDn will get you to the Windows XP entry quickly!  Or, you can move Windows XP to the top and change the default boot option from "0" (first) to "1" (second).05:13
Lainycob: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4785960#post478596005:13
nhainesKl4m: it seems like they should be.  :)  But I don't recall.05:13
Kl4mthezanke: their advice is way better.05:13
kelvin911maap_rj: welcome05:13
cobLainy = ilych?05:14
joanjosephhi every105:14
mheathDoes anyone know if there is a release schedule for the first Hardy point release?05:14
maap_rjkelvin911, thanks a lot ;)05:14
harriseldonmattycoze sorry to leave you hanging. have you checked for errors in any of the system logs regarding your wireless. If it worked before, it seems to be a firmware loading issue.05:14
Flannelmheath: Whenever its needed.05:14
mattycozenah i havent harriseldon sok05:14
joanjosephcan ubuntu 64bit will run on intel celeron d with 64bit architecture?05:14
kelvin911maap_rj: which client do u use ?05:14
cobLainy: have you already done a sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter and completed the install?05:14
n000bkelvin911: are you on yahoo05:14
mattycozeharriseldon; currently reading this; https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Intel_4965_AGN_WiFi_Driver/Fiesty?highlight=(WifiDocs%2FDriver)05:14
ricreedoes anyone know how to run a menu item with gksudo?05:14
TheDukeNYi've selected a .wav file to play as my login but it wont work, why is that?05:14
nhainesFlannel, mheath: Actually, I believe it's in 3 months, then every 6 months thereafter.05:14
kelvin911n000b: no i dont use yahoo05:15
harriseldonmattycoze good luck I hope that works for you05:15
Lainycob: How do I apt-get without anInternet connection?05:15
kelvin911n000b: i have yahoo account but never use yahoo messenger05:15
n000bkelvin911: can i have your email addy?05:15
mheathnhaines: ah, thanks. :-) Gotta a kernel update I'm waiting on that didn't make it in before the freeze.05:15
Lainycob: Is there a way to install that offline?05:15
cobuse your wired connection05:15
harriseldonricree what menu item? you have to find the command first05:15
nhainesmheath: You won't have to wait forever.  :)05:15
kelvin911n000b: kelvin911@hotmail.com, kelvin911@yahoo.com, kelvin911@gmail.com05:15
ricreeI'm trying to do something in the users and groups program, but it is only letting me edit my own account.  Is there an easy way to get it to run with gksudo05:15
kelvin911n000b:  u can add my msn05:15
james296can anyone tell me WHY Glipper is removed from the Add-Remove Programs??05:16
kelvin911n000b: brb, cooking salmon05:16
maccam94is there some reason why the What's New link isn't on the main ubuntu.com page?05:16
Lainycob: OK, I will try that. Is there anything else I should while I use a wired connection?05:16
LainyI should do*05:16
pawbiejames296: Search for it in synaptic.  Or "clipboard manager"05:16
james296I did!!!!!!!!!!!05:16
Starnestommyjames296: do you have the universe repository enabled?05:16
harriseldonricree I sometime right-click on the menu item and create a launcher on the desktop, from there I can goto properties and under launcher tab -- command field, I can prepend gksudo05:16
nhainesricree: Use the "Unlock" button.05:16
james296oh waity05:16
dudusI have a problem with nautilus not showing thumbnails for video files..... anyone can help? Already increased file size in preview tab. It's been broken since alpha 4 for me. Looks like something is broken, maybe I have to reinstall some packages05:16
juano__can-t put resolution to 1280x1024, i installed already nvidia-glx-new any ideas _05:17
cobLainy: I don't think so, but try an iwlist scan in a terminal once the fwcutter's installed05:17
MachinTrucChoseis there a channel for Network Manager?05:17
DeizSo, as with every time I install Ubuntu, windows maximize to both my monitors instead of one. Is there a workaround? I recall with 7.04 I got lucky after a reboot and it started working properly.05:17
cobsee if your ssid shows up05:17
Lainycob: Okay, thank you.05:17
joanjosephcan anyone help me?05:17
joanjosephi have 1 question only.05:17
ricreenhaines and harriseldon:  thank you for your help05:17
pawbiejoanjoseph: The one you already asked?05:17
joanjosephyez pawbie05:17
pawbieI see.  Then we're done here, no?05:18
brad016How can i make my Compiz Fusion work like it did in 7.10, like so that it does work, it says it can't enable the effects.05:18
Kl4mMachinTrucChose: No channel for network-manager but here.05:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kontact - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:18
TheDukeNYi've selected a .wav file to play as my login but it wont work, why is that?05:18
thezankethank you Kl4m, nhaines, and Flannel05:18
joanjosephabout the ubuntu 64bit structure. and my processor is intel celeron d with 64bit architecture. would this be ok?05:18
bladezorx1250, Heh my cancel button on my update manager isn't doing anything05:18
joanjosephi need advice from xperts05:19
nhainesricree: my pleasure.05:19
maccam94joanjoseph: unless you have 4GB or more of ram, stick with x8605:19
pawbiejoanjoseph: 64 = 64, so ya.  Boot a live CD with a 64 bit build.05:19
pawbiemaccam94: Terrible advice05:19
joanjosephah ok pawbie05:19
joanjosephtysm for your nice advice pawbie05:19
neonmy laptop lcd is too dark after installing ubuntu hardy, i installed the nvidia driver and still very darl adjusting settings thru the nvidia panel makes it looks brighter but it does not look good , i remember there been some commands one can issue to lighten the screen brightness, can anyone refresh my memory on what those commands are, thanks05:19
Estiloi am trying to create a USB bootable from live cd of 8.04 .. will the process be same as gutsy ?05:20
bbyeverwhere can i find the hardy hashes?05:20
MrObviousDoes Hardy come with B43 installed by default under the Restricted Drivers Manager? If so then my 4311 BCM chip should work fine right?05:20
cobneon: dimming settings in power manager?05:20
duduscan anyone help me with my missing video thumbnails on nautilus ?05:20
Kl4m!md5sums > bbyever05:20
manuel__I installed hardy and messed with the ati propietary driver, but still no luck with the black logout screen, then tried Envy, but then got a white screen ... then it appears that  my mesa driver wont have direct rendering so compiz is gone. I tried to install again the ati driver through envy and manually, it says it installs but mesa remains, with no direct rendering. Anybody know how can I really install the ati driver or how can I restore direct r05:20
manuel__endering with mesa ??05:20
bbyeverKl4m: the wiki hasnt been updated05:20
=== ademan_ is now known as ademung
neoncob: tried that and it does not work05:21
SkullerHey guys, I am trying to connect to the internet using 7.04. It says the access concentrator did not respond. There is a switch with three things plugged in:- the dsl model, 2 pc's running 7.04 with one of them connected and the other not being able to connect. Any ideas? I have recently switched from XP and in XP I used to normally connect using pppoe from each pc using the same modem but not so with ubun05:21
nhainesMrObvious: Yes, the driver is included but the firmware cannot be redistributed.  Use a wired connection and the Hardware Drivers applet to automatically install the firmware.05:21
Kl4mbbyever: http://releases.ubuntu.com/hardy/MD5SUMS05:21
morphyhiya everyone..05:21
Starnestommymanuel__: installing envy most likely made things worse05:21
bbyever Kl4m: thanks05:21
morphyis there anyway we can create a USB bootable off the ISO for Ubuntu 8.04 ?05:21
ubotuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent05:22
manuel__Starnestommy: damn .. I'm considering on re-installing ubuntu ... but there must be something I can do?05:22
MrObviousmorphy: Please see what ubotu just posted.05:22
philsfwhat should one do if one can't kill a process with kill -9? (other than rebooting)05:22
morphycool.. thanks :)05:22
MrObviousYou're welcome.05:22
juano__i am getting a low resolution with hardy heron, i installed nvidia-glx-new already, my monitor seems undetected in xorg.conf, what can i do ?05:22
nhainesphilsf: Make sure the process is non essential, then use 'sudo kill -9'.05:22
Starnestommyphilsf: does sudo kill -9 work?05:22
owen1harriseldon: can the server ip be dynamic?05:22
nhainesHello, caifei!05:23
rippsmanuel_: did you use envy or envyng?05:23
philsfStarnestommy and nhaines: forgot to mention I tried that already05:23
manuel__ripps: envyng05:23
XceIIjuano__:  it happened to me, i installed nvidia settings plugin, and it fixed it05:23
Starnestommyphilsf: which process is it?05:23
philsfps x reports: 13524 ?        D      0:00 sync05:23
ademungcan anyone explain installing python eggs on ubuntu05:23
rippshave you used envy before you used envyng?05:23
juano__Xcell aahh ok thanks i will try05:23
manuel__ripps: nope05:24
SkullerI am trying to connect to the internet using 7.04. It says the access concentrator did not respond. There is a switch with three things plugged in:- the dsl modem, 2 pc's running 7.04 with one of them connected and the other not being able to connect. Any ideas? I have recently switched from XP and in XP I used to normally connect using pppoe from each pc using the same modem but not so with ubuntu05:24
harriseldonowen1 if it is a registered domain name with a dns server then you can use the name, otherwise you must know the current ip address. site like dyndns.org allow you to register your own dns for a chaning ip05:24
caifeiis there  Chinese?05:24
rippsmanuel_: can you post your xorg.conf and /var/log/Xorg.0.log?05:24
Flannel!cn | caifei05:24
ubotucaifei: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk05:24
owen1harriseldon: thanks05:24
nhainesFlannel: Ooh, that's nifty!05:24
Starnestommyphilsf: I think sync is a very important process for making sure that data gets written to the disk correctly05:24
nhaines!de | nhaines05:25
pawbienhaines: fail :\05:25
neonthe command goes something like this sudo echo 70 > /proc/acpi/video/*************05:25
philsfStarnestommy: it's beem running all day long, and it's "defunct"05:25
Starnestommyphilsf: you may need to restart or just ignore it05:25
philsfand it's owned by a non-root user05:25
Kl4mneon: woah don't use *'s there05:25
NAiLAnyone using Xen on Hardy? Successfully?05:26
philsfStarnestommy: yeah, just checking for alternatives. thanks anyway05:26
Some_PersonWhy does Firefox keep freezing up for a few secs on my05:26
juano__XceII: worked great, thanks!05:26
nhainesSome_Person: It could be that you load a complex page with a lot of plugins like Flash or Java.05:26
nhainespawbie: I'm sorry, I don't recall what we were talking about.05:26
harriseldonneon have you checked this bug thread https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.15/+bug/12637 it looks like there is a link to a forum post as well05:27
Some_Personnhaines: nope, just normal stuff, like ubuntu forums and google news05:27
Flash-xDHey guys, how can i put 1280x1024 on Ubuntu 8.04?05:27
ceil420Is there a simple command to fix this, or am i going to have to go through the log and manually remove packages one at a time? :x 2008-04-24 23:24:37,678 ERROR Dist-upgrade failed: 'E:Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.'05:27
manuel__ripps: here you go http://pastebin.com/m7dcccf7205:27
Cl0setheistHello all, i've got a problem with dist-upgrade. I use apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade. but nothing happens. just a few packages are being installed.05:27
pipegeekInteresting.  So, when update-manager fails, do-release-upgrade which uses the same underpinnings, may succeed.05:27
Geoffrey2what's the command line to bring up bittorrent?05:28
Kl4mSome_Person: I have the same problem. Likely a firefox bug. It should be dealt with by the release05:28
Cl0setheistHow do i upgrade to hardy properly?05:28
pipegeekdo-release-upgrade -f DistUpgradeVideText05:28
Some_PersonKl4m: never got this problem on FF3beta5 in Gutsy05:28
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes05:28
arooniwhen is gutsy able to upgrade to hardy (using the cool built in upgrade thing)05:28
nhainespipegeek: did you have luck with that? :)05:28
neonharriseldon: reading right now thanks05:28
Starnestommyarooni: now05:28
Kl4mCl0setheist: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades . the !upgrade note is outdated.05:28
pipegeeknhaines: yes.  Which is bloody weird.  Somehow, it decided that there was an upgrade to be done.05:28
Flannelarooni: now; except you'll be waiting forever on slow mirrors.  Give it a few days.05:28
nhainesarooni: It should work right now, but I'd advise you to wait a week or at least a couple days.05:28
grumbelDid anything special happen with the /dev/hd* files? Since it looks like I have lost them all after the dist-upgrade05:28
Some_PersonKl4m: also my machines hard drive keeps making "loading" noises05:28
rippsmanuel_: after you reinstall fglrx using EnvyNG, try running aticonfig --initial.05:29
nhainespipegeek: I'm very happy to hear that.05:29
pipegeekI didn't know that tool existed.  Good to know.05:29
Flash-xDHey guys, how can i put 1280x1024 on Ubuntu 8.04?05:29
pipegeekthanks, nhaines05:29
Flannelgrumbel: You upgraded from dapper?05:29
arooniok i can wait05:29
arooniwaht's really different between gutsy & hardy05:29
Starnestommygrumbel: they may have become sd*05:29
grumbelFlannel: gutsy05:29
MachinTrucChoseis there more Compiz effects if I download the Advanced Desktop Effect Settings? Or is the one in Hardy Heron contain everything already?05:29
pawbieFlash-xD: System -> preferences -> resolution05:29
dave11through adept05:29
RycherWhat other OS systems are out there that are good?05:29
Kl4mSome_Person: if you just upgraded/installed, some internal databases are going to update in the first hour05:29
pawbieRycher: OS/2 Warp05:29
Flannelgrumbel: Interesting.  Well, for a while now IDE drives have been mapped to SATA drives (sdX instead of hdX), perhaps in Hardy, they don't even show up in the filesystem.05:29
Geoffrey2if I want to run bit torrent from the command line, what's the command to type in to bring it up?05:29
devin_gentoo is aright05:29
nhainesMachinTrucChose: Hardy contains everything, but Advanced Desktop Effects is the interface to customize your effects.05:29
Some_PersonKl4m: i upgraded days ago05:29
Flash-xDSystem -> preferences -> resolution, max 1024x76805:29
coldbootDoes anyone know of a program that makes file extensions lowercase?05:30
Some_PersonKl4m: problem with firefox started yesterday05:30
MachinTrucChoseok, thanks05:30
coldbootI know how to do it manually, it would just be convenient if there's one in the repository...05:30
pawbiecoldboot: bulk rename05:30
pawbieFlash-xD: Manually add it to xorg.conf ?05:30
DBautellGeoffrey2, btdownloadcurses.py if I remember right05:30
myfupdate-mannager seems to get better not, still didn't make it through, but it allowed me to start downloading at the very beginning.05:30
grumbelFlannel: ok, thanks. /dev/sd* stuff is in place05:30
Fathe ubuntu servers are getting overloaded i think05:30
PsynautHi all. I was just looking for some advice as to which application people in here find best for creating audio cd's from mp3's?05:30
rippsmanuel_: also, try adding Option "Composite" "enable" to the Extensions section of your xorg.conf05:30
coldbootpawbie: What's the name of the thing in the repository?05:30
ceil420Is there a simple command to fix this, or am i going to have to go through the log and manually remove packages one at a time? :x 2008-04-24 23:24:37,678 ERROR Dist-upgrade failed: 'E:Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.'05:30
Rycherpawdie: why is OS/2 Warp good?05:30
pawbieRycher: Millions of ATMs can't be wrong?05:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about konversation - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:31
pawbiecoldboot: What thing?05:31
grumbelWith /dev/sd* its continues a,b,c,d,.. without care about what is primary master/secondary-master/slave and such, correct?05:31
Some_PersonKl4m: found the problem: Firefox is memory leaking :O05:31
MachinTrucChoseanyone here use a wireless connection exclusively?05:31
dave11is the bot broken?05:31
Rycherpawbie: lol wait, im confused...05:31
Flash-xDpawalls, http://pastebin.com/m6515b0e005:31
pawbieMachinTrucChose: Me.05:31
cobMachinTrucChose: I do05:31
coldbootpawbie: Batch rename05:31
Flash-xDpawbie, http://pastebin.com/m6515b0e005:31
=== rat32 is now known as Palace_Chan
coldbootpawbie: I mean bulk rename05:32
MachinTrucChosehave you run into any issues with the network configurator requiring you to re-enter the WPA key everytime you reboot?05:32
pawbiecoldboot: Oh!  It's called bulk rename.  Should be under system tools, I think (atleast, it is in Debian).05:32
Flannelgrumbel: well, the orders will determine what letters they get, but UUIDs makes it not matter for fstab05:32
DiurpaneusI have a problem with 8.04. When I start a web page which use flash player I receive an image with play button, how can I remove this play button? Please help!05:32
grumbelFlannel: not much UUID in my fstab, so my system is pretty wreaked at the moment05:32
harriseldonRycher: pawbie was trying to make a joke05:32
Kl4mMachinTrucChose: yes and yes05:32
dave11is flash built into the live cd?05:33
MachinTrucChoselk4m: did you fix it?05:33
cobDiurpaneus: I would remove the free swf player and install adobe's05:33
harriseldonRycher are you looking for other distributions of linux?05:33
pawbieharriseldon: A joke?  OS2 rocks.05:33
Kl4mMachinTrucChose: I use wicd now. I got fed up with network-manager05:33
MachinTrucChoseah yes...Wicd is how I fixed it back with 7.1005:33
cobnetwork manager isn't as horrible as it used to be...05:33
mutkpawbie, Rocks like the 90's05:33
MEtaLpREsdoes anyone know where to change the font dpi in xfce?  my fonts are all way to small to read and i dont see the option anywhere05:33
Diurpaneushow can I remove the free swf, because I already install adobe05:33
manuel__ripps: Ok let me see if that works05:33
nhainesdave11: No.  Try installing Ubuntu Restricted Extras with Add/Remove.05:33
coldbootpawbie: Is that called "system-tools"?05:33
blmmHi. Do I need to chmod a+w for Samba to be able to write to a directory? Who is the process that does the write running as? I tried to give write access to the group samba, but that did not cut it.05:34
pawbiemutk: Still rocks...05:34
dave11nhaines: thanks05:34
MiescoIs there a hardy channel?05:34
Flash-xDpawbie, what i need to add in my xorg.conf? http://pastebin.com/m6515b0e005:34
FlannelMiesco: you're in it.05:34
=== Fishscen1 is now known as Fishscene
pawbiecoldboot: I don't know, check under Applications -> System Tools05:34
mutk... like the nineties05:34
neetoIs there a messaging client that works on AIM and MSN and stuff from within the terminal?05:34
aubadeMetaBot: Settings > User Interface, Font DPI05:34
SniperAtWorkis the main package repository down, im getting failed hits when reloading my package list. and whats the deal with the xchat package not being for i386?05:34
nhainesMiesco: Now that hardy is out, this is it.05:34
harriseldonpawbie I am sure it does. You can continue to run it while you bask in the nostalgia. We will stick to modern distributions like BeOS. lol05:34
Rycherharriseldon: ohhhh i gotcha :D   yeah... basically any thing other then Windows!05:34
MiescoBut I got kicked from #ubuntu-release-party or whatever05:35
ceil420Is there a simple command to fix this, or am i going to have to go through the log and manually remove packages one at a time? :x 2008-04-24 23:24:37,678 ERROR Dist-upgrade failed: 'E:Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.'05:35
MiescoFor talking about my genitals05:35
cobapt-get remove gnash maybe?05:35
mutkpawbie, I gave away my OS2warp boxed set to a colleague. He was like 'oh man this is great'. I agree in it's time it was wonderful.05:35
aubadeErr, MEtaLpREs even. Settings > User Interface, Font DPI.05:35
FlannelMiesco: That doesn't give you the opportunity to talk about it here05:35
Kl4mneeto: there is one. I'm searching right now05:35
nhainesThere's no reason to put down other OSes.  Every one has its different attributes that make it endearing, even if only for nostalgia sake.05:35
pawbiemutk: Hey!  I lost my printer floppy....   you should've copied it.05:35
harriseldonRycher the people in this channel are going to be pretty ubuntu/kubuntu biased. you may want to check out a site like distrowatch.com05:35
SniperAtWorkis the main package repository down, im getting failed hits when reloading my package list. and whats the deal with the xchat package not being for i386?05:35
jeffimperialhello.. I'm downloading Hardy via Update Manager, and it's taking too long. I have the alternate ISO but my writers are busted. Was wondering if i could extract the ISO's contents to some directory on my machine so that I get past the downloads quickly, and skip to "Installing the upgrades" part05:36
jedimasterk1183 out of 1225 fetched and still 2hours to go05:36
MachinTrucChoseok, I installed CompizConfig, but I don't see any shortcuts. How can I edit the visual effects?05:36
LainIwakuracob: Hi this is Lainy. b43fwcutter is already installed but ssid does not show up in an iwlist scan.05:36
dnyHow can I tell if my system has already upgraded? :/05:36
Flanneljeffimperial: just mount the iso, yeah.  No need to extract05:36
pawbieRycher: Seriously, try Debian.  And SUSE10, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, etc.  Gentoo if you feel like waiting.05:36
Rycherharriseldon: well has anybody tried ubuntu Studio? I do graphic design (im only 15 yrs old) so i wanna try it.. but get feedback first.05:36
grumbelHow do I get the UUID of a drive/disk?05:36
FlannelLoLeN: #ubuntu-offtopic05:36
SniperAtWork8.04 seems slower than 7.1005:36
kindofabuzzany new broadcom wireless fixes yet that work?05:36
Rycherpawbie: thx man05:36
cobdoes your laptop have a physical radio switch or is it software-based with a keystroke or something LainIwakura?05:37
devin_SniperAwork could try naim05:37
nhainesMachinTrucChose: System > Preferences > Advanced Desktop Effects Settings.05:37
FishsceneMachinTrucChose: It's under system> preferences/Administration05:37
jeffimperialFlannel --> mount the ISO, and the rest should follow, even after restart?05:37
neetoIs there a messaging client that works on AIM and MSN and stuff from within the terminal?05:37
LoLeNFlannel: sorry05:37
=== SniperAtWork is now known as SNiper606
coldbootpawbie: There's nothing there...05:37
=== SNiper606 is now known as Sniper606
LoLeNFlannel: not even jokes?05:37
dnyHow can I tell if my system has already upgraded? :/05:37
coldbootpawbie: If you can find it on your machine, then you can find out what the executeable is called.05:37
Deizneeto: Finch. Comes with Pidgin.05:37
james__Hardy is taking so long to download via update manager because EVERYONE is doing it, please be patient05:37
nks_Hello All, would any one happen to know of a good flash downloader for ubuntu 8.04 - (want to download youtube & google flash videos !)05:37
kindofabuzz<--not doing it05:37
coldbootpawbie: There's nothing called Bulk Rename that comes with Ubuntu.05:37
LainIwakuracob: software-based keystroke05:37
nhainesneeto: try finch!05:37
Sniper606jesus fing christ would someome tell me is the main package repository down or what05:38
FlannelLoLeN: right.  This is for support only, #ubuntu-offtopic is a great place for jokes, we welcome them, and discussion on the new xkcds.05:38
bladezorIf I'm upgrading my Ubuntu I should just download the Alternate ISO, correct?05:38
pawbiecoldboot: Sorry, then.  It comes with Debian. :\05:38
nhainesneeto: It's basically Pidgin with a text interface.05:38
devin_SniperAwork http://naim.n.ml.org/about05:38
Sniper606i cant reload my packages05:38
neetonhaines: sweet thanks05:38
cobLainlwakura have you tried toggling it?05:38
Kl4mneeto: the name is finch05:38
harriseldonRycher I agree with pawbie. If you want to really learn linux, try a distro like slackware or gentoo. If you want to do music production I have heard good things about Ubuntu Studio and also Dynebolix05:38
kindofabuzzsniper, today is realease day, they are super slammed05:38
rippsnks_: try the Video Download Helper extension for Firefox05:38
jeffimperialFlannel, how exactly does one mount an ISO? Do i need 3rd-party package for that?05:38
Flannel!iso | jeffimperial05:38
ubotujeffimperial: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.05:38
Kl4mneeto: nhaines beat me to it05:38
LainIwakuracob: toggling it? How do I do that?05:38
hellmitreanybody know how to enable wireless on a macbook pro in hardy?05:38
Sniper606did anyone get a msg that xchat is not made for thier i386 hardware wtf is with that, i need xchat05:39
Fritzelmy pointer is still not staying visible, is anyone here yet who has any clue what might be causing it?05:39
FlannelSniper606: Everyone is trying to access them right now.  Just be patient (and try again in a few days)05:39
pawbiecoldboot: Wow, I was way off.  The bulk-rename I have came from Xfce4.05:39
Rycherharriseldon: allright sweet. Thanks for the help. I gotta go to bed cause i got school in the morning :( Cya....05:39
kindofabuzzanyone got broadcom chip wireless to work in Hardy yet?05:39
Sniper606haha a few days05:39
FastZwhat's up with all the floodbot bans?05:39
Sniper606im so anxious i dunno if i can wait a few days05:39
cobLainlwakura: just use the keystroke to turn it off, try scanning again, turn it back on, try scanning again05:39
ubotuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx05:39
LainIwakuracob: OK, let me try that. Thanks.05:39
hilts50About to do a fresh install on an external FW drive hooked up to my macbook pro.  What should I reformat the drive to before I start?05:39
Sniper606i want my ubuntu software now!05:39
kindofabuzzKl4m, lol that does absolutly no good05:40
nks_ripps - I tried but nothing's coming up - so I thought to ask if anyone knew of something !05:40
nhainesSniper606: You can always try to use a torrent to download the Ubuntu Alternate Install CD and upgrade using that.05:40
harriseldonhilts50, let the installer format it05:40
dave11looks like I made a smart decision to wait a couple of weeks before I upgrade..lol05:40
MachinTrucChosecompiz effects: mind > blown05:40
hilts50harriseldon: thanks  :)05:40
rippsnks_: What's not coming up?05:40
Sniper606no i already have 8.04 installed, its the package repository im having trouble with05:40
MachinTrucChoseit'll probably get boring after a couple of days05:40
Bubble_teaIs the server slow?05:40
Bubble_teaOr its jst me?05:40
XceIIya, compiz in 8.04 rocks05:40
MachinTrucChosebut i'm thoroughly marking out right now05:40
nhainesSniper606: There are no updates since Wednesday mornng.05:40
jeffimperial!mountpoint | jeffimperial05:40
cobyes, it is slow05:40
Kl4mkindofabuzz: "The bcm43xx driver (via manual install) is now considered to be deprecated as it is now included in Ubuntu 8.04 and all Linux kernel versions 2.6.24 and later." I was trusting this. Sorry.05:40
cobyou are not the only one!05:40
bladezordave11, just download the alternate torrent?05:40
Bubble_teaXceII how so05:41
Sniper606i beg the differ it found updates and cant get them05:41
FlannelBubble_tea: Yes.  Everyone is trying to access it at the same time.05:41
kindofabuzzKl4m: the driver in hardy don't work05:41
nks_ripps - no type of download plugins nor attachments..05:41
XceIIBubble_tea:  it does for me05:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mountpoint - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pointer - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:41
nks_ripps - i went to tools - -05:41
hellmitreanybody know how to get this: Atheros Communications Inc. AR5418 802.11abgn Wireless PCI Express Adapter wireless card working in hardy?05:41
Sniper606im not talking about updates to ubuntu im talking about the updated packages list that it wants to get via add\remove when it asks you to reload05:41
dave11bladezor: sounds like people are having alot of problems with the new version05:41
Sniper606it cant get them05:42
neetoIs it just me or does connecting to archive.ubuntu.org take forever?05:42
rippsnks_: It won't let install the extension? Did you try firefox's add-on website?05:42
pawbiehellmitre: Madwifing05:42
jeffimperialFlannel, how do i get the <mountpoint> part.. don't u just love being a noob...05:42
harriseldonjeffimperial the mountpoint is the destination directory. on linux drives are mounted to a directory on the filesystem05:42
bullgard4mc shows an entry prefixed with an exclamation mark (!). I found that this means a "stale symlink". What is a 'stale symlink'?05:42
hellmitreI can't get it to function, pawbie05:42
hellmitreI have recompiled it and inserted it into the running kernel several times05:42
kindofabuzzneeto: get in line, you are only the 1 millionth person doing the same thing05:42
harriseldonjeffimperial, just create a new directory and use the full path as the mount point05:42
neetokindofabuzz: figured it was something like that05:42
joetheoddStupid question -- are the repositories down or are they just really bogged thanks to the release today?05:42
hellmitrebogged down.05:42
Sniper606i think they are down05:43
Flanneljeffimperial: mountpoint would be an arbitrary place in your filesystem that you wanted the ISO to be mounted to (so you browse to /whatever/your/mountpoint/is/ to view the contents of the CD/iso)05:43
pawbieAlright, 8.04 must have serious issues with RAID.05:43
Sniper606im having the repository problem too05:43
goat|workSniper606: they are not down05:43
nickroberyou can change them to a different country and they work05:43
goat|workthey are jammed05:43
joetheoddthanks hellmitre.05:43
cobpawbie: why's that?05:43
nickroberi used sweden and i could install fine05:43
nhainesjeffimperial: /mnt is a good temporary mountpint.05:43
karllenzdoes hardy come with compiz?05:43
Sniper606well it aint working for me so for me the damn thing is down05:43
blueeyesmikeHi, The power button and shutting the lid on my laptop no longer work after the update? anyone else with this problem05:43
nhaineskarllenz: Yes.05:43
nks_nope i sure didn't from the website ! i've tried from the firefox that's installed on my system... i'll give that a try -- thanx ripps05:43
nickroberthen i switched back to usa server after i was done05:43
kindofabuzzanyone got a deb made with the firmware and b43 cutter made up for hardy?05:43
nhainesSniper606: It isn't down, it's simply overloaded.05:43
karllenznhaines: how do i enable it05:43
karllenznhaines: i dont see the custom tab05:43
Sniper606i need my packages05:43
Sniper606what can i do05:43
nhaineskarllenz: It should be enabled by default if your hardware supports it.  You'll have a Desktop Effects tab.05:44
jeffimperialthanks, EVERYONE05:44
nhainesSniper606: There is nothing you can do.05:44
cobkindofabuzz: installing b43-fwcutter works fine for my broadcom bcm430905:44
rippsnks_: hold on, let me see if their's a development build for FF3b505:44
Sniper606and why does xchat say its not made for my hardware05:44
harriseldonblueeyesmike did you verify the settings in the power management preferences?05:44
nks_ripps  - - ok05:44
kindofabuzzcob, i can't install if i don't have a internet connection to installl it05:44
=== Gnodab is now known as Gnodab1
karllenzmmm nope nothing could it be cuz im using on board graphics05:44
nhaineskarllenz: On the other hand, installing "Advanced Desktop Effects" from Add/Remove.05:44
Kurtis-hmm, someone else having troubles with a bcm43xx chip05:44
Sniper606i need xchat damnit05:44
jeffimperialsomethin' like /home/jeff/Application Backups/mnt right?05:44
blueeyesmikeharriseldon: yeah I checked that it is set to ask me and blank screen05:44
LainIwakuracob: I am still unable to pick up any wireless networks.05:44
kindofabuzzkvirc ftw05:44
Kurtis-I have a bcm4311 rev 205:44
cobkindofabuzz: no wired interface?05:44
XceIIreinstall  xchat then05:44
kindofabuzzcob, nope05:44
Kl4mSniper606: switch to a canadian mirror.05:44
karllenznhaines: could it be cuz im using on board gpu?05:45
morphyI tried creating a bootable using https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick#head-7bf9fcff1eacd1e0ef930866f3ed0f0f26086348 and that dint work, I got an error missing operating system when trying to boot off that USB05:45
ubotuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.05:45
osmosisi think after all day I finally got things working.05:45
Kl4m!usb > morphy05:45
Sniper606hell with it im too drunk to bother with this tonight05:45
morphydanke, checking :)05:45
Kurtis-"bcm4311 rev 2 / bcm4312 (needs patches for 2.6.24)"05:45
Kurtis-what sort of patch?05:45
nhaineskarllenz: It is possible.  Not every GPU supports compositing.05:45
rippsnks_: sorry, I've been using Nightly Tester Tools to force my already installed extensions to work, but I don't know how to install new extensions to be compatible05:46
karllenznhaines: i can play wow on it without a problem when running windows05:46
karllenznhaines: ikd05:46
MeatGrinderhow about composting05:46
morphyKl4m, I tried following the steps mentioned there for Persistent live USB install.. I guess those are for 7.10, it dint seem to work for me :(05:46
patspamhi guys, hardy cd isn't auto-asking if I want to upgrade (from gutsy) and /cdrom/cdromupgrade doesn't exist05:46
morphyI get an error "missing operating system"05:46
fysaIs there a daily-live mirror?05:46
Zickswhere can i find a list of the changes to hardy heron ?05:46
morphyI dont see a few folders on root which I use to see for other installations05:46
redbrain_on the ubuntu.com05:46
fysaI am trying to install wubi and it seems to want a newer ISO than final.05:46
NAiL9mb/sec isn't half bad speed :)05:46
harriseldonblueeyesmike have you searched online for debugging acpi on linux? It seems to be acpi related. possible events are in /etc/acpi/events but it is a bit cryptic05:46
nhainesmorphy: which ones?05:47
Guest46686is the apt repos freaking out?05:47
cobLainlwakura: can you post your lspci, lsmod, iwconfig, ifconfig, and lshw -C network to pastebin?05:47
fysathe cdimage server is dead slow.05:47
Zickswhere can i find a list of the changes to hardy heron ?05:47
morphylike the disctree..05:47
nks_ripps - no problem, that's for trying, i'm going to see if i can get something form the firefox website---thanx alot!05:47
morphyI have verified the checksums and they are alright05:47
MachinTrucChosewhat does "Button4/5/etc" mean in Compiz?05:47
dave11patspam: get updates in adept05:47
MachinTrucChosemost mice have 3 buttons05:47
nhainesmorphy: Ubuntu CD doesn't contain disctree anymore.05:47
crdlbMachinTrucChose: scroll wheel05:47
redbrain_list of changes == http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/804features/05:47
IcemanV9Zicks: on the ubuntu.com05:47
MachinTrucChoseholy shit, awesome zoom05:47
rippsnks_: I'm sure there's an extension somewhere that works with FF3b5, I just don't know where.05:47
caveathi everyone05:47
harriseldonMachinTrucChose they usually refer to scroll up and scroll down on the mouse wheel05:47
ubotuadept is the Kubuntu package manager. Howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto05:48
caveati accidentally deleted a bunch of stuff on my harddrive.  what's the best program to recover it?05:48
blueeyesmikeharriseldon: I checked /var/log/acpid and it says that it is running powerbtn.sh but running that always does nothing05:48
Zickswhy deosnt emerald work with hardy heron ?05:48
dave11patspam:sorry wrong distro05:48
Guest46686is anyone else not able to run sudo apt-get update?05:48
lartza_How can I overclock my CPU?05:48
NAiLAnyone got Xen working properly with Hardy? My instances pause a lot05:48
Guest46686or is it my connection05:48
crdlbZicks: because you need to explicitly enable it now05:48
nhainesMachinTrucChose: Super + mousewheel, right?  Super + 1, 2, 3 also have a couple preset zoom levels.05:48
XceIIlol lartza_05:48
Zickshow and why and where  ?05:48
patspamdave11: that's cool, I can see the New Distro available notice in Update Manager but it tries to download from the web, whereas I have the CDrom already05:48
nhainesGuest46686: Everyone is having trouble because the servers are being hammered.05:48
NAiLGuest46686: repos are a bit busy05:48
lartza_XceII: What?05:48
Guest46686ah ok05:49
XceIIdont bother05:49
Guest46686thanks guys05:49
pawbienhaines: torrent ftw05:49
crdlbZicks: please come to #compiz-fusion for a moment05:49
Guest46686i thought it was my wireless ;P05:49
Guest46686goodnight pplz05:49
FloodBot2Guest46686: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:49
Guest466868.04 rules!05:49
nhainespatspam: You need the Alternate Install CD, and if you put in your drive, it should be ued automatically.05:49
fysadoes someone have a link to the daily-live torrent?05:49
lartza_How can I overclock my CPU?05:49
patspamI have the alternate Install CD05:49
dave11patspam: updating online is easier05:49
nks_ripps - - hahaha- yes it has to ! i'm going to try to find it - there's was one under 7.10, but i forgot the name,,,05:49
XceIIin ur bios05:49
patspamit's not being used automatically05:49
juano__is there a way to just not write my password every time i want to change an administrative task with my current user_05:49
patspamany way to force it manually?05:49
juano__(a fast way)05:50
pawbiehttp://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ <- torrents05:50
amirman84what package do i need to get to add more compiz fusion effects?05:50
kindofabuzzsigh i guess i'm gonna have to drag this box closer to the router so i can use ethernet just to get wireless working in 8.0405:50
tricaricHi all. I've completed an update to 8.04. Now I'm trying to do apt-get update and apt-get upgrade, but I get the following error:05:50
pawbieamirman84: compiz-fusion.org05:50
dave11patspam: the servers are overloaded, wait a day or so05:50
XceIIcompiz config settings mngr05:50
patspamthe doc says run "sh /cdrom/cdromupgrade" but that doesn't work05:50
Kurtis-kindofabuzz: What broadcom chip are you running?05:50
PokitI installed compiz fusion and now I cant get window borders from downloaded GTK2 themes to work right. any way to fix?05:50
kindofabuzzKurtis-: bc431805:50
pipegeekfailed because nvidia-glx-new conflicted with xserver-xorg-core05:50
pawbiePokit: Make sure decorators plugin is on?05:50
Kurtis-ah, not the one I have05:50
nhainespatspam: yes, run gksu "sh /cdrom/cdromupgrade"05:51
pipegeekwelp, I've taken nvidia-glx-new off the blacklist, and I'll pick up the pieces when I'm done.05:51
Gnodab1Hi, I'm new to ubuntu, and need help blacklisting my onboard sound drivers05:51
harriseldonblueeyesmike it looks like it may be somewhere in the script. can you run the script manually in a shell with sudo? if that doesn't work, try exiting your gui session and doing it from a terminal session ctrl-alt-f1 and see if that works. from looking at my script it does a lot of checking for active x sessions05:51
Pokitpawbie, "window decoration" is enabled in compiz config05:51
patspamnhaines: sorry mate as I've said a couple of times, /cdrom/cdromupgrade doesn't exist05:51
pipegeekGnodab1: can I be of assistance?05:51
pipegeekLooks like I'm going to be up for a while anyway ;)05:51
johdAnyone have problems with ububtu 8.04 and hibernate05:51
cobGnodab1: the blacklist is in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist05:51
nhainespatspam: Find out where you CD is.  It might be in /media/cdrom05:52
jeffimperialFlannel, harriseldon, nhaines, i found that the right syntax was sudo mount debianetch.iso /media/isoimage/ -t iso9660 -o loop thanks for your help05:52
pipegeekGnodab1: indeed it is05:52
AdrianStraysI installed envy to fix hardy's issues with my graphics card, now movies don't display. Can anyone help me?05:52
Kurtis-Anyone know how to get Broadcom bcm4311 rev 2 working in kernel 2.6.24? http://linuxwireless.sipsolutions.net/en/users/Drivers/b43#supported says it needs patches for this kernel05:52
Kurtis-I'm not sure what sort of patches05:52
blueeyesmikeharriseldon just tried that with and without sudo and neither does anything, It just returns to prompt05:53
zero88Ok. Is there a way I can record music that is being played through a web browser somehow?05:53
Pokitin compiz fusion when i apply a custom GTK2 theme, my window borders still look like "clearlooks" except only the hue changes05:53
pawbiezero88: Audacity05:53
LainIwakuracob: Thanks: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64308/05:53
johdzero audacity05:53
MeatGrinderSo why use alternate CD instead of just doing internet upgrade?05:53
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:53
patspamnhaines: it's in /media/cdrom0, but again /media/cdrom0/cdromupgrade doesn't exist05:53
zero88pawbie, what does that do exactly?05:53
loufoquePokit: window borders are independent from the gtk theme05:53
Kurtis-I've tried ndiswrapper05:53
pawbiezero88: records from the mixer.05:53
MrObviousDid someone forget to package ndiswrapper utils with Hardy?05:53
Pokitloufoque, is it possible to use GTK2 themes with compiz fusion?05:53
Kurtis-no, it's there05:53
rich_freecommAnyone here have Konversation?05:53
Kurtis-in repositories, at least05:53
nhainesMeatGrinder: because the alternate CD can be downloaded via BitTorrent and the official repositories are really, really being hammered right now.05:53
FlannelMeatGrinder: you download as a torrent, instead of from the mirrors (which are especially slow right now)05:53
loufoquePokit: sure05:54
nhainespatspam: Are you sure you're using the alternate install CD and not the desktop CD?05:54
MrObviousI'm trying to make my BCM94311 work and need ndiswrapper since the b43 drivers won't install here.05:54
pawbienhaines: All of the CDs are available by torrent.05:54
Kurtis-MrObvious same chip as I05:54
patspamnhaines: bugger i think i have the desktop cd05:54
nhainespawbie: He was only talking about the alternate install CD.05:54
dave11rich_freecomm: #kubuntu05:54
Kurtis-tried ndiswrapper myself, and it didn't work05:54
nhainespatspam: A common mistake.  I run into it myself occasionally.05:54
patspamnhaines: download wasted? or possible to still use?05:54
MeatGrinderi hate torrents, so damn slow and the seeding part I don't like so much. Aren't torrents just for transmitting viruses and trojans?05:54
Kurtis-Of course, is there any way to disable the native drivers?05:54
loufoquePokit: System > Preferences > Apparence05:54
Kurtis-Torrents aren't slow05:55
zero88pawbie, i see thanks05:55
Utalcn2mePokit, go into your settings  manager to change your window borders05:55
ToranOK, I was in the middle of updating with update-manager and I had to cancel it (it was in the "downloading packages" stage). What should I do to continue the upgrade?05:55
StarnestommyMeatGrinder: they're also for sharing large files05:55
AdrianStraysI used Envy to install a ATI Driver, and now videos in Totem, VLC, etc don't display.  Can anyone help me?05:55
harriseldonblueeyesmike did you check for bugs about this? It seems like some check is failing in the script05:55
IcemanV9patspam: dl alternative cd torrent then. it's fast. you can use desktop for later.05:55
pawbieMeatGrinder: If you're serious, I'm going to headdesk.05:55
osmosiswhat is 'enable watching' do for tracker ?05:55
StarnestommyAdrianStrays: you probablt messed up more things by using envy05:55
nhainespatspam: Lend it to friends!  :D05:55
loufoqueKurtis-: they are if you can't upload because of a router, like 80% of the people05:55
harriseldonAdrianStrays did you use envy or envyng05:55
nhainespatspam: But yeah, unfortunately you can't upgrade with the Desktop CD.05:55
Pokitloufoque, I guess i just dont understand how it works. when I download a GTK2 theme from the web, and drag it into the theme window and apply the theme, it doesnt "really" change.  the theme stays as clearlooks but the hue of the window border changes..05:55
MeatGrinderany recommendations for a torrent client? I have getright and it supposedly works with torrents but never tried it05:55
=== ka2u is now known as ka2zzzz
Kurtis-loufoque: That's why you enable port forwarding05:55
pawbieloufoque: A router defeats you from uploading.....?  :\05:55
AdrianStraysharriseldon, envy05:55
schnootophello i am trying to upgrade distro but when it is trying to get the new channels it keeps on stoppin and having to retry and fetch it because its failing to connect to all the en_AU i18n files05:55
pawbiekurtis- ftw05:56
patspamnhaines: bugger, ok, thanks for the help anyway!05:56
rippsAdrianStrays: Try adding -> Option "XVideo" "enable" <- to the "Extensions section of your xorg.conf05:56
=== ka2zzzz is now known as ka2u
MeatGrinderpawbie, ???05:56
ToranI was in the middle of upgrading to hardy with update-manager and I had to cancel it (it was in the "downloading packages" stage). What should I do to continue the upgrade?05:56
AdrianStraysstamestommy, yep. Last time I listen help from people on the forums....05:56
harriseldonAdrianStrays please goto http://www.albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html envyng should be use with hardy05:56
jlundAny idea how to get Nvidia driver to work? It says it is installed by not active in the Hardware manager.05:56
blueeyesmikei've been looking just now best I could find was this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-power-manager/+bug/188194 but when I do that log I don't get any button press events from gnome-power-manager like this guy did05:56
pawbieAdrianStrays: Envy is one of those great things that...  when it works, it works great.  When it fails, it epic fails.  Sounds like you just have a slight fail at the moment, though.05:57
=== client is now known as eun_chae
pipegeekOkay, I'm confused by this.  The upgrade is failing because it would have to remove nvidia-glx-new, but xserver-xorg-core conflicts with nvidia-glx-new05:57
ubotuTorrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P05:57
KyleK1413 users? thats the number on my luggage!05:57
nhainespatspam: My pleasure.  Torrents are a way to download from many people who are downloading a file.  It is popular for large files because it means that bandwidth is shared between downloaders.  Consider leaving your BitTorrent client running afterwards, to help out others who still need Ubuntu!05:57
harriseldonpipegeek did you have envy installed? If so, did you follow the directions to completely remove it?05:58
schnootopanyone have any idea why that might be ?05:58
IrreducibilisWill the channel explode if too many people are in it?05:58
^V^Hi, the upgrade from 7.10 to 8.04 didn't work correctly for me. The boot menu didn't get updated and when I tried booting into the old kernel version I obviously had issues with modules..(nvidia)05:58
pawbieIrreducibilis:  Yes.05:58
AdrianStraysharriseldon, oh wait, I miss read what you wrote.  I did use EnvyNG.05:58
IrreducibilisPerhaps if 6666 people join05:58
MeatGrinderany recommendations for a windows torrent client? I have getright and it supposedly works with torrents but never tried it05:58
^V^The menu.lst file appears to be correct though05:58
IrreducibilisMeatGrinder: uTorrent05:58
LainIwakuraMeatGrinder: uTorrent05:58
pawbieMeatGrinder: Microtorrent or 'utorrent'05:58
AdrianStraysripps, I am a little scared to touch the xorg.conf.  Last time I did that I made things a lot worse...05:58
pawbieutorrent ftw05:58
nhainesMeatGrinder: I've always been fond of uTorrent.05:58
^V^How do I update the boot menu now?05:58
CyberCodIrreducibilis: doubtful, but with too many people it is hard for anyone to get helped because the stuff scrolls by so darn fast05:58
Kurtis-Though BitTorrent 6 is just the same as uTorrent now05:58
KyleKyea utorrent is <305:58
Kurtis-just rebranded05:59
IrreducibilisCyberCod: Ah...05:59
generichi all05:59
IcemanV9MeatGrinder: another vote for utorrent :)05:59
harriseldonAdrianStrays make sure to do a backup of xorg.conf you can always restore it05:59
genericany one works on gosa05:59
Kurtis-I use uTorrent myself in Windows05:59
rippsAdrianStrays: holdon while I find an aticonfig command to help you05:59
pawbieHowever you spell that....05:59
genericam getting lots of schema errors?05:59
IrreducibilisuTorrent appears to be the most pwnage client05:59
genericany idea05:59
MeatGrinderok sounds good, once i get utorrent installed how do I find hardy05:59
Kurtis-you go to the download page05:59
loufoquePokit: clearlooks isn't a gtk engine05:59
LainIwakuraMeatGrinder: ubuntu.com05:59
KyleKKurtis-: i thought you were kidding!05:59
IrreducibilisWow, scroll much?05:59
MeatGrinderok thanks05:59
KyleKthats funny05:59
patspamnhaines: for sure. sadly we don't get much in the way of upload bandwidth here in AUS but I try to seed until it gets too painful05:59
McHeartyAnyone else not able to get anything working for their sources list in the new stable release?05:59
EruditeHermithi, can anyone help me with setting the DPI of Firefox in hardy? It won't change the DPI when I try to change layout.css.dpi in firefox05:59
loufoquePokit: well it is06:00
nhainesMeatGrinder: http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-alternate-i386.iso.torrent for the Alternate Install CD.06:00
Kurtis-Kidding about BitTorrent 6?06:00
nhainespatspam: Every little bit helps.06:00
MeatGrindernhaines, thanks06:00
loufoquePokit: but there are multiple clearlooks: a gtk engine, window borders, etc.06:00
IcemanV9McHearty: it is being slammed by many ppl today06:00
rippsAdrianStrays: Try  sudo aticonfig --overlay-type=Xv06:00
CyberCodwoot!  about to burn the ISO!06:00
loufoquePokit: a gtk engine is just the controls06:00
pipegeekharriseldon, no i did not have envy installed.06:00
* McHearty frowns06:00
maap_rjHi Ubunters, I am using 7.10, but when a start compiz, my windows have no borders. Here is the output of my terminal after execute compiz  => http://pastebin.org/3185906:00
jim_beamhow do you enable 64bit in ubuntu06:00
loufoquePokit: if you want to change the window borders, that's separate06:00
Mickeyanyone else having trouble with this update? the update manager stalls06:00
McHeartyI can't get anything from any server06:00
pawbiejim_beam: Use a 64bit kernel.06:00
morphystill fighting hard to get to make USB install for 8.04.. any more suggestions ?06:00
KyleKmaap_rj: shoulda started earlier or waited for hardy06:01
McHeartyI even tried spain servers06:01
KyleKweeee release day06:01
=== goget1 is now known as gogeta
pawbieI haven't even managed to boot 8.04 yet....  :(06:01
loufoquejim_beam: you must install from a 64 bit CD06:01
IcemanV9McHearty: try Canadian06:01
loufoquejim_beam: yes, that sucks.06:01
crdlbmaap_rj: please join #compiz-fusion06:01
crdlbthat's very easy to fix06:01
^V^pawbie: what is the problem?06:01
jim_beamthe standard linux kernel has a flag for 64bit support is that the same w=(with sym processing)06:01
pawbiev: Grub boot error 21....06:01
AdrianStraysripps, I entered it in, it backed up the original and said that videooverlay and open gloverlay don't affect running session.  Should I restart?06:01
pawbieI think the installer is counting my hardware RAID as 2 separate disks.06:02
morphyit really sux.. I want to install 8.04 and I dont have a cdrom to boot from :/06:02
Mickeyit starts the install, stops, and says it can't access the servers06:02
rippsAdrianStrays: yes06:02
pawbiemorphy: Install it with wubi?06:02
loufoquemorphy: order one06:02
AdrianStraysripps, brb06:02
McHeartyThe repository may no longer be available or could not be contacted because of network problems. If available an older version of the failed index will be used. Otherwise the repository will be ignored. Check your network connection and ensure the repository address in the preferences is correct.06:02
maap_rjKylek, thanks for your replay, but I really do not undestando why to try earlier??06:02
nhainesMickey: The servers are being hammered today.06:02
fysaThere are no daily-live mirrors.06:02
maap_rjcrd, thancks06:02
morphyI have an iso and I am trying to use that to make a USB bootable and am failing big time06:02
Kurtis-I imagine because everyone's asking about 8.04 now06:02
loufoqueMcHearty: lots of people are upgrading to hardy at the moment, hence the issues.06:02
bbyeveri get an I/O error message when trying to upgrade from a cd06:02
pawbienhaines: I'm actually celebrating the issues.06:03
amirman84does anyone have a link to a page that explains all the different boot options for an ubuntu/windows dual installation?06:03
McHeartyI should have just sat on the alpha build -_-06:03
MeatGrindercan someone give me checksum for the alternate06:03
McHeartywoot for shitty broadcom06:03
loufoquemorphy: booting from an usb stick is fairly difficult06:03
* McHearty scowls06:03
jtmonzbbyever: same here... i switched servers06:03
pawbieI can't remember the last time a modern server got literally pounded out of operation for a Linux distro.06:03
Mickeyok, thanks, i'll keep trying :)06:03
morphyi386 apternative: 166991d61e7c79a452b604f0d25d07f906:03
pawbieamirman84: man grub06:03
MeatGrindermorphy, thx06:03
dulkemithnirwana girl06:03
nhainespawbie: Oh, it's happened every 6 months for about the last 2 years, at least.  :)06:03
morphyloufoque, not until the 7.04.. it could be achieved in a jiffy..06:03
McHeartyOh, and I love how the ubuntu help page still refers to pidgin as gaim06:04
McHeartyThat's gotta be good for the newbies06:04
doolzamirman84, http://apcmag.com/how_to_dual_boot_linux_and_windows_xp_linux_installed_first.htm06:04
morphyits just this version that I am facing this problem :(06:04
pawbienhaines: I don't remember it being this bad for the last 2 releases.06:04
ToranI was in the middle of upgrading to hardy with update-manager and I had to cancel it (it was in the "downloading packages" stage). What should I do to continue the upgrade?06:04
bbyeverjtmonz: so i should download again?06:04
KyleKmaap_rj: everyones messing with 8.04 today06:04
pawbieToran: restart the update manager06:04
devin_last two releases weren't LTS06:04
nhainespawbie: It was pretty close.  A day or two and it'll clear back up again.  It takes a week or so before it really gets better.06:04
amirman84pawbie: i'm specifically looking for alternatives to using just grub06:04
pawbiedevin_: Zactly.  Nor did they feature wubi and the new AD thingie.06:04
jtmonzbbyever: i would just switch servers... it was easy to do in synaptic06:05
SciriMcHearty: Which page? On the Web site? I can poke someone about it.06:05
gogetaamirman84 floppy disk supergrub cd06:05
McHeartyHang on I'll link you06:05
MeatGrinderoh joy, i have 5.4k download on the alternate torrent...only 27 more hours to go!06:05
therealnanotubepawbie: ehrm... the slashdot effect happens every day. :)  though probably it's mostly bandwidth saturation rather than server pounding per se.06:05
McHeartySciri: http://www.ubuntu.com/support/communitysupport06:05
pawbieamirman84:  Why?06:05
Schypher_air/join #wpa_supplicant06:05
Toranpawbie: it doesn't recognize that there is a new version of ubuntu out, now. It just has a huge list of packages to upgrade as if I weren't doing a dist upgrade06:05
XceIIonly 27?06:05
SciriMcHearty: ta, I'll poke newz tomorrow morning.06:05
maccam94is it possible to do a "clean" install of ubuntu without formatting? (leaving /home the way it is, and no i don't want to go into making a separate home)06:05
bbyeverwhat do you mean just switch servers...06:05
pawbiemaccam94: Ya.  Make a new partition, cp -r /home to the new partition, and mount the new partition as your /home during install.06:06
gogetamaccam94 yep if you have a /home partation06:06
therealnanotubemaccam94: back up /home to external drive, make clean install, move /home back.06:06
gogetamaccam94 just format /06:06
AdrianStraysripps, still doesn't work....06:06
Kurtis-amirman84: Which are you trying to dual-boot?06:06
nhainesmaccam94: Not without making a seperate /home partition.06:06
KyleKmaccam94: boot the live cd and delete everything thats not /home, and then partition manually06:06
amirman84pawbie, gogeta: i wonder if i can use the windows bootloader to point to grub on my linux partition instead of having to overwrite the mbr with grub06:06
Kurtis-XP or Vista?06:06
KyleKmaccam94: then dont click format06:06
IcemanV9MeatGrinder: it'll speed up soon06:06
gogetaamirman84 kinda06:06
jtmonz.mx == mexico? just use another north american server... go in to synaptic or adept manager and change the default server from there06:06
pawbieamirman84: Have a look at how Wubi uses grub4dos to do that.06:06
Kurtis-amirman84: You can, but it requires some third party tools06:06
amirman84kurtis: xp media center06:06
FishsceneWindows bootloaders only recognize Windows OS's06:06
rippsAdrianStrays: can you post your xorg.conf?06:06
=== tanner is now known as xerroz
MeatGrinderIcemanV9, ok thanks06:06
Kurtis-Debian has an article how to use ntldr with bootpart06:06
fysaif you have an old version..  you can try to use rsync to update it based on differences.06:07
cobFishscene: not true...I've booted linux from Windows' bootloader06:07
jim_beamis there a keep connection alive program06:07
cobdue to a corporate requirement06:07
AdrianStraysripps, I forgot the command to display it.06:07
jtmonzyeah, it's called wubi06:07
Kurtis-amirman84: http://www.aboutdebian.com/dualboot.htm06:07
Fishscenecob, seriously? Do you have an article I could follow?06:07
rkviranihey all06:07
gogetathers a way to boot it one ext3 to06:07
nhaineshey, rkvirani.06:07
rkviranijust downloaded the latest and installed it06:07
jtmonzFishscene: install it with wubi06:07
gogetausing windows boot06:07
LainIwakuraCan someone help me with my Internet connection? I can't get it to work, but it worked in Gutsy. I have a broadcom 4311 and the wiki page isn't helpful.06:07
pipegeekAh.  Was using mirrors.kernel.org, which is a week behind.06:07
IcemanV9MeatGrinder: it usually starts slowly, then speed up quickly06:07
rkviranidownloaded the nvidia driver and the shadow for compiz is PINK!06:07
Fishscenejtmonz, that's cheating :|06:07
gogetabeen a long time sence i tryed06:07
=== dulkemith is now known as nirwana
jtmonz(i think it's the last option when you boot the cd)06:07
rkviraniany ideas?06:08
KyleKrkvirani: we're not a forum, we dont really need introductions ;)06:08
bbyeverjtmonz: but how would that make a difference? i checked de md5sum and it was correct...06:08
harriseldonamirman84 you can change the boot.ini to boot into grub -- I have done it before with lilo many eons ago06:08
amirman84what are the config files for wubi's bootloader called?06:08
devin_minus the fact that 8.04 server released also don't help speed things up any06:08
pawbieLots of bcm43xx issues tonight.06:08
cobFishscene: would be happy to google it up but currently waiting on ff to download java jre and with the apt repos all tied up with 8.04 install activity it's ttaking forever06:08
rkviraniKyleK: pardon me?06:08
KyleKrkvirani: what'd you break?06:08
harriseldonamirman84 I will search online and let you know06:08
cobpawbie: 8.04 release fudged broadcom up worse than beta06:08
jtmonzFishscene: ohh, you want a separate partition06:08
rkviranirkvirani: nothing...06:08
amirman84harriseldon: that's what i'm wanting to do, i think.06:08
LainIwakuraI'm having trouble with broadcom yes06:08
maccam94KyleK: have you personally done it? as i remember in 7.10 it wouldn't let you proceed without formatting /06:08
rippsAdrianStays: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/06:08
rkviranijust installed the NVIDIA driver.06:08
crdlbrkvirani: that's a well-known nvidia driver bug:/06:08
MeatGrinderIcemanV9, does it matter which client I use? I'm using getright right now.06:08
Fishscenecob, no problem. I have to go now anyway, but I'll see if I can look into it anyway. Thanks for the heads up though. I hate giving out false info.06:08
jtmonzbbyever: i couldn't get my 8.04 cd to mount for some reason... so i just swithced servers... do whatever you feel like though06:08
pawbiecob: Ya?  Crap.  I have a friend that's downloading 8.04 in hopes of getting his bcm43xx up and running.06:08
rkviranicrdlb: what can be done?06:08
LainIwakuracob, did you get my pastebin?06:08
MaxdamantusI'm installing 8.04 onto a virtual machine in VMWare, using XFS as the root partition. The installer stopped at 94% (it warned me GRUB has problems with XFS), so I closed it, installed GRUB myself (from the `grub` prompt), and was able to boot to the GRUB command line. However, the installer hadn't got to making my grub.conf yet. Could someone pastebin theirs for me (I'll figure out what to edit)06:08
AdrianStraysripps, no I know paste bin, I forgot how to bring xorg.conf up06:08
rkviraniit worked fine prior to 8.04 release06:09
crdlbrkvirani: you could turn off the shadows entirely I guess06:09
KyleKmaccam94: thats odd, well you could debootstrap maybe06:09
IcemanV9MeatGrinder: it shouldn't matter06:09
rkviranicrdlb: alright06:09
cobLainlwakura: no can you paste url again please?06:09
LainIwakuracob: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64308/06:09
derenrichI'm having a problem where compiz fails to load properly (but direct rendering is enabled)  and I have to fall back on metacity. Anyone else noticing this problem?06:09
cobok Lain  be a min...still waiting on this plugin install06:09
mattycozehey does anyone know whether the Envy works in Ubuntu 8.0406:09
rippsAdrianStarys: From terminal -> gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:09
LainIwakuracob: Okay, thanks.06:09
pawbiederenrich: XGL/AIGLX available?06:10
LoLeNdoes sb have a torrent link for ubuntu x386 desktop edition (DVD) ?06:10
ceil420why does Hardy include emacs? vim is clearly superior...06:10
crdlbderenrich: what video card?06:10
pawbiederenrich:  run "compiz --replace" from terminal and see if you get errors.06:10
LoLeNi cant get into the ubuntu website06:10
harriseldonamirman84 http://www.geocities.com/epark/linux/grub-w2k-HOWTO.html It looks like a pretty good guide, but make sure to have backups of boot.ini and an xp disk handy to repair master boot record if you make a mistake06:10
therealnanotubehow's multi-monitor support on hardy? nice and easy to set up, or still requires fiddling a lot with xorg.conf?06:10
pawbieLoLeN: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/06:10
derenrichpawbie: I get warnigns06:10
* BACphist rocks06:10
drivetraxapt-get is not getting06:10
bbyeverjtmonz: its just mine does mount, but when i select any option from the menu it gives me the error06:10
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)06:10
james_I just upgraded to 8.04 and want to install my video capture cards06:10
pawbiederenrich: ....do they say anything useful?06:10
amirman84mattycoze: from what i've heard you need a specific version of envy called envyNG for 8.0406:10
jim_beamcan u upgrade from 7.1 to hardy with dvd06:10
drivetraxthere we go06:10
jtmonzbbyever: probably a bad burn then06:10
derenrichpawbie: not useful to me, things like "/usr/bin/compiz.real (core) - Warn: No GLXFBConfig for depth 32"06:10
Geoffrey2now, can I upgrade to Heron with a burned CD as the source?06:10
mattycozeamirman84 is that in Synaptic?06:10
amirman84harriseldon: thank you very much06:11
AdrianStraysripps, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64309/06:11
pawbiederenrich:  That's useful.  You have no GLXFBConfig for depth 32.  Go add it.06:11
ceil420and why isn't an upgrade for libconfuse included? ><06:11
* BACphist thinks that Hardy is gonna steal the 75% percent of market share windows has after there 25% drop06:11
bbyeverjtmonz: ok, ill try burning again06:11
ceil420i better be able to update that on my own after this...06:11
sigma_1234is it dangerous to install gutsy packages in hardy?06:11
pawbieBACphist: Wishful thinking. :\06:11
bbyeverjtmonz: thanks06:11
LoLeNisnt there the dvd version?06:11
crdlbderenrich: please join #compiz-fusion to be factoided06:11
BACphistWell, maybe some will be mac06:11
pawbieBACphist: I'd just be happy when Apple dies completely.06:12
meeperBACphist: would you really want hardy to have 75%?06:12
schnootopanyone having any problems with upgrading and localisation files ? It seems to be choking on trying to fetch en_AU files ?06:12
BACphistBut, windoze sales dropped 25 %06:12
harriseldonsigma_1234 depends on the package, but it is generally not a good idea06:12
drivetraxcrdlb:  You know this!06:12
meeperpawbie: Apple is evil and scales me much more than Windows06:12
jtmonzbbyever: no problem06:12
BACphistThey lost 25% market over too mac linux berkely unix etc06:12
amirman84mattycoze: i downloaded it off of their website but it didn't work for me but that was because i was using the older version of wubi for 8.04 that never finished the install. have you tried allowing backports and proposed packages in software sources?06:12
pawbiemeeper: Agree.  Google is getting there.....06:12
jtmonzBACphist: i read 11%06:12
jtmonzearnings were 11% short, right?06:12
ubotuFor discussion and help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubotu equivalents06:12
ceil420BACphist, i think people are just sticking with XP and not buying Vista06:12
mattycozeamirman84 no i haven't06:13
AdrianStraysripps, any luck?06:13
BACphistNever thought the day would come where i'd agree with that statement lol06:13
ceil420i know a lot of people that are holding out til Windows 7; if that fails as much as Vista apparently has, many will make the switch to alternative OSes06:13
pawbieceil420: To quote the balmers....  "They're missing out on a lot of VALUE!"06:13
Kurtis-I don't see MS losing a good deal of marketshare anytime soon.06:13
bcgrownI am using the nvidia-glx-new driver with a Geforce fx 5500 and on my tv-out it only shows the top left corner of my screen (1024x768,  tv is supposed to be at 640x480).  how do i show the whole screen on my TV?  I have overscan set to zero06:13
ceil420pawbie, riiight :p06:13
mattycozeamirman84 what's the software repository i have to add in synaptic?06:13
mgmzany ubuntu program where i can input infrared from TV remote control and convert them to sound (*.mp3, *.wav, *.avi...etc)?06:13
pawbieceil420: Seriously...  he says that....  weird dude.06:13
KyleKvistas not that bad, its the same amount of hassle with ubuntu06:13
Kurtis-Vista doesn't suck, though. Not sure why everyone hates it so much, really.06:14
schnootopanyone have any idea ?06:14
sigma_1234i want to install apache mysql and php and postgresql and really dont want to re download them. also i use a gutsy version of quasar accounting. will that run in hardy?06:14
jtmonzbcgrown: i believe there is a program called nvidia-settings that should be installed already... try using that06:14
pawbieKurtis-: I <3 Vista and Debian.06:14
ceil420pawbie, Ballmer's gotta be one of the most psychotic large-company CEOs of all time06:14
pawbieUbuntu is pissering me off...  :\06:14
nickrud!offtopic | KyleK pawalls ceil42006:14
ubotuKyleK pawalls ceil420: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!06:14
Kurtis-I'm using Vista right now.06:14
bcgrownjtmonz: i've been there, there's nothing to adjust that makes it work06:14
j_humphreyDoes anyone know how to force the ipw3945 driver to be used in hardy?06:14
talcitehey nickrud, are there any issues with resizing the /boot partition I should be aware of?06:14
mattycozeamirman84 or is it already in the list06:14
ceil420Kurtis-, my computer would choke on Vista. also, it's ugly. and that's the last of MS that i'll talk about, lest someone kicks me <_<06:14
BACphistKurtis:  Vista is gay, like tetris, and you. Be a real man download a UNNIX like solaris or BSD06:14
talciteHardy complains my boot partition is too small06:14
jtmonzbcgrown: hmm, sorry... ati here :(06:14
nickrudtalcite get rid of it, just keep your kernels in the /boot on the root partition ;)06:15
pawbiebacphist: Server 2008 core ftw.06:15
RadiobuzzHi all, I'm having a problem: I've upgraded to Hardy and apparently everything went well, the problem was that I answered "no" when the installation asked me if it should update grub list automaticly... Now I have the same old list with Ubuntu 7.10 and kernel 2.6.22-14. When I run "update-grub" I think it sees the new kernel (which I assume is 2.6.24-16) and says "updating list... done" but in reality it doesn't modify the list. Could anyone help me?06:15
talcitenickrud: oh =S. Err how should I do that?06:15
nickrudtalcite but resizing issues? None that I can think of :)06:15
bullgard4mc shows an entry prefixed with an exclamation mark (!). I found that this means a "stale symlink". What is a 'stale symlink'?06:15
mattycozeamirman84 (i'm currently trying to download it from the software backports from synaptic; just letting it refresh the list; which is taking an unbelievably long time; perhaps becausethe server is being nuked atm)06:15
unopj_humphrey, if 'sudo modprobe -v ipw3945' loads the module and your device works find and you are happy, add ipw3945 to your /etc/modules list and reboot06:15
Kurtis-Psh, anyone who results to insulting obviously doesn't know any actual reasons to dislike it other than it's trendy.06:15
amirman84mattycoze: i would STRONGLY recommend going into SYSTEM > ADMINISTRATION > SOFTWARE SOURCES and enabling "proprietary drivers for devices (restricted)" , "software restricted by copyright and legal issues (multiverse)" under the Ubuntu software tab06:15
pawbieRadiobuzz: After you update, I believe you still have to install again.06:15
schnootopby looking in http://au.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hardy/restricted/i18n/ only en files there are is en_GB is it possible to change it over to this and just use GB locale files ?06:15
nickrudtalcite you could unmount boot , then run sudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-$(uname -r) grub06:15
ceil420bah i still have qt crap installed ><06:15
rippsAndrianStrays: Copy http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64310/ and replace xorg.conf -> "sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf/"06:15
talcitenickrud: ahh ok good. would I need to reboot onto a liveCD? or is unmounting the partition good enough?06:15
pawbieRadiobuzz: I'm probably wrong, though.  wait for a second opinion.06:15
Kurtis-At least I can get wireless drivers to work in Vista.06:16
jeffimperia1Newbie help here again, pls.. Just mounted the alternate ISO for hardy.. now, which do i execute? the cdromupgrade md5?06:16
insubHi all06:16
MrObviousHow come my wireless only connects at a 2Mbps using WPA and being right next to the router?06:16
Radiobuzzpawbie, you mean to reinstall Hardy?06:16
CyberCodis there some reason why the Wubi installer keeps trying to download a new ISO even though I'm running it off an 8.04 disk?06:16
mattycozeamirman84 why so strongly recommended?06:16
mattycozemost people do anyway amirman8406:16
talcitenickrud: for resizing I mean. I think I'll move to /boot next clean install06:16
pawbieRadiobuzz: NO!@#  Hah..   Reinstall grub.06:16
amirman84mattycoze: also allow third party software and proposed and backports under the updates tab06:16
insubIs there an office torrent for the new ubutnu release ?06:16
j_humphreyunop, i tried modprobe ipw3945, but it says module does not exist06:16
pawbieinsub: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/06:16
KyleKMrObvious: literally next to? if so thats the problem06:16
nickrudtalcite no reason you couldn't resize it06:16
ceil420no update for e16 either :x06:16
talcitenickrud: great. Thanks06:16
insubthanks pawbie06:16
unopj_humphrey, you probably need to get the source for it and install it06:16
Radiobuzzpawbie, oh, LOL, ok thanks. I'll still wait to see if anyone has another idea though :)06:16
j_humphreyunop, will i have to recompile the kernel?06:17
pawbieradiobuzz: Ya ;)06:17
insubtrying to download it from a server was dreadful lol06:17
pawbieMrObvious: Wiki "omnidirectional antenna"06:17
unopj_humphrey, not if you compile the driver as a module -- then you just modprobe it06:17
^V^My menu.lst is updated but the boot menu isn't using it, how do I update it?06:17
j_humphreyunop, how do i compile it as a module?06:17
AdrianStraysripps, done06:17
Shadow_Xhow do i upgrade from the alternate cd?06:17
amirman84mattycoze: because i've spent weeks trying to get my wireless and graphics card to be supported in ubuntu, going through all the hassle of combing the forums and messing with code i had no idea about in the terminal when i didn't need to, when i allowed those software sources the drivers came in automatically and installed painlessly only requiring one reboot06:17
rippsAndrianStrays: Now reboot06:18
mattycozeamirman84: oh06:18
AdrianStraysripps, brb06:18
unopj_humphrey, the source for the driver will have instructions -- the procedure for each driver can be different06:18
node357the installer I have says it's pre-release.. did I grab the wrong ISO ?06:18
j_humphreythanks unop06:18
nickrud^V^ grub should use that new menu.lst automatically, unless you aren't editing the right one? You have more than one linux install on the system?06:18
cobomg ok, everyone off the apt repos for a minute...I need to finish this jre install06:18
FastZ^V^: did you reboot?06:18
tawtwhat's the difference between desktop and server versions?06:18
pawbie^v^: grub-install06:18
pawbietawt: The installer....06:18
Kurtis-How would I blacklist the b43 driver from loading for my Broadcom chip? I want to use ndiswrapper06:19
talcitetawt: the server versions don't have X11 by default06:19
Y-TownDo the Europe and German mirrors to download 8.04 have english version or are they in other languages by default?06:19
samliuserver doesnt install a gui by default06:19
^V^nickrud: That's the state that my upgrade from 7.10 to 8.04 left the system in06:19
cobKurtis-: /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist06:19
FastZtawt: pawbie: the kernel06:19
unoptawt, the server versions don't have GUI environments, and come with the LAMP packages by default06:19
Kurtis-well, yeah, I know about that06:19
talcitetawt: If you aren't clear on the differences, I'd say desktop is the one you want =D06:19
Kurtis-but would I just list "b43"?06:19
mattycozeamirman84 are you in aus? the sudo apt-get update process lags heaps on au.archive.ubuntu.com06:19
Sciritawt: Desktop has a GUI for home/office/notebook users. Server has no GUI for, well, servers like Web and database. ;)06:19
tawtlol  yeah.  just curious06:19
Kurtis-cob: would I just type b43 in there?06:19
nickrud^V^ put your menu.list on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org just for fun06:19
FastZunop: Ubuntu server comes with LAMP packages by default now?06:19
pawbiefastz: Ya?  I figured server precompiles were the same as desktop kernels.06:19
jeffimperia1Just mounted the alternate ISO for hardy.. now, which do i execute? the cdromupgrade md5?06:19
talciteahh. server edition's pretty fun. I threw it onto an old machine to play around with06:19
samliuKurtis, what kind of card do you have06:19
talciteits interesting06:20
unopFastZ, yep06:20
cobKurtis-: whatever is loaded up, check lsmod, I would say be sure b43-legacy or anything else with b43 in the name is blacklisted06:20
amirman84mattycoze: no i'm in the US06:20
Kurtis-bcm4311 rev 206:20
KyleKKurtis-: blacklisting or the other one?06:20
mattycozeoh ok06:20
KyleKcos the syntax in /blacklist is blacklist b4306:20
gogetaunop: ubuntu has roaches lol lots of bugs06:20
mattycozeamirman84 reckon it'll be right if i change the server?06:20
drivetraxGutsy Ubuntu SE..satanic edition..lol06:20
bcgrown(10:13:37 PM) bcgrown: I am using the nvidia-glx-new driver with a Geforce fx 5500 and on my tv-out it only shows the top left corner of my screen (1024x768,  tv is supposed to be at 640x480).  how do i show the whole screen on my TV?06:20
iusegnulinuxhi all, just booted into 8.04 :)06:20
* nickrud gets tired of telling people not to modify blacklist, but create a new one to edit06:20
LainIwakuraKurtis- I have a bcm4311 too. Should I blacklist b43 and use ndiswrapper?06:20
FastZpawbie: nah, the server kernel has is hardened a little and has some other stuff... i'm not 100% up to speed on the differences, but i know there are some slight inequalities between the two versions06:20
unopgogeta, i can't say i am surprised :) it's well, expected06:20
Kurtis-LainIwakura: I have no idea06:20
samliuyeah blacklist b4306:20
Cpudan80Hello all06:21
=== j_humphrey_ is now known as j_humphrey
samliuyou have ndiswrapper set up?06:21
Cpudan80I've got a wierd problem06:21
RadiobuzzI'll try to add it manually to the list, we'll meet again if something goes wrong. Thanks pawbie!06:21
amirman84you shouldn't need to use terminal commands at all. just allow those sources and update through the GUI06:21
Kurtis-I don't even see b43 listed in here06:21
ceil420iusegnulinux, i have "About 16 hours 6 minutes remaining" to install Hardy <_<06:21
Y-TownDo the Europe and German mirrors to download 8.04 have english version or are they in other languages by default?06:21
Cpudan80So I just upgraded to hardy --- but now the number pad (on the keyboard) wont work06:21
talciteuhh... sorry why is everyone here saying blacklist b43?06:21
LainIwakuranot sure how to blacklist it or setup ndiswrapper06:21
samliuno you have to add it06:21
FastZunop: when did LAMP become standard package install?  with 7.10 it wasnt default I dont think...or was it?  i did a dist-upgrade for that version06:21
pawbieRadiobuzz: grub-install shouldn't be damaging if you want to try it.  G'luck.06:21
cobKurtis-: ssb?06:21
ceil420(finally got dist-upgrade to work)06:21
nickrudY-Town the cd's are all the same06:21
pawbiepft, AMP?  Like anyone uses that....06:21
Cpudan80It's a laptop connected to a docking cradle...06:21
drivetraxnum-lock on?06:21
^V^nickrud: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64311/06:21
talciteas of the 2 6 24 kernel, b43 should be the one to use. Ndiswrapper is pretty terrible. bcm43xx is even worse06:21
Y-Townnickkewl, the mirrors are faster  :o)06:21
ceil420FastZ, when did emacs become a standard package install? i don't even want the program ;x06:21
cobLainlwakura: not sure you want to go that route yet...unless you really want to06:22
Kurtis-cob: yes, ssb06:22
LainIwakuratalcite: How can I get b43 to work?06:22
KyleKi wish b43 worked for me :)06:22
^V^nickrud: it looks okay but it just isn't being used06:22
Schypher_any expert on ndiswrapper?06:22
nickrud^V^ and what do you see when you boot?06:22
talciteLainIwakura: what kernel version are you running? uname-r06:22
talciteuname -r*06:22
samliugksudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist06:22
^V^the old menu with 7.1006:22
samliuadd the line *blacklist b43*06:22
samliusave and close06:22
FastZceil420: huh? who said anything about emacs?06:22
eugenebytheseatalcite: i used to use ndiswrapper for 7.10, and am now on 8.04 - should i use b43 then?06:22
Cpudan80Google is my friend :-)06:22
samliuuse ndiswrapper06:22
nhainestalcite: Use a wired connection System > Administration > Hardware Drivers06:22
AdrianStraysripps, well I have video now, but it blinks in and out and has lines all over the place06:22
nhainestalcite: But remove ndiswrapper first.06:22
nickrud^V^ show me the contents of /etc/fstab06:22
samliuif ndiswrapper worked before, I wouldn't stop using it06:23
amirman84How do i mute the PC speaker beeps on Ubuntu?06:23
talciteeugenebythesea: depends on your card. Ndiswrapper is good if you happen to be using the MN-72006:23
pawbieamirman84: Take the pcspeaker out.06:23
nickrud^V^ and the output of sudo fdisk -l06:23
ceil420FastZ, i looked through the list of modified/installed programs that i'm getting with my dist-upgrade to Hardy. "Install emacs22" was among the changes06:23
Kurtis-ndiswrapper hasn't worked for me, but ssb has been running06:23
samliuthats what happened to my card when I upgraded from feisty to gutsy06:23
rippsAndrianStrays: Do you have Compiz enabled?06:23
unopFastZ, http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition06:23
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player", not available for Gutsy, only Feisty and Edgy), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. Instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers06:23
talciteeugenebythesea: lspci -v. Tell us what chipset your wireless card is using06:23
amirman84pawbie: there's got to be a better way06:23
AdrianStraysripps, yes.06:23
jeffimperia1i tried running the cdromupgrade md5 using terminal. the terminal comes up then disappears instantly.. what to do?06:23
ceil420FastZ, if you're asking why i mention it to you, it's because you also mentioned a new package in the install06:23
eugenebytheseatalcite: i see. i'm on a bcm43-something card. not sure how to see the info on it?06:23
LoLeNwhen i reboot the pc i have to always type "modprobe ndiswrapper && depmod -a" to get my wireless to work, why is that??06:23
gogetanickrud lol i cant even keep up06:23
pawbieamirman84: Probably, but I'm an efficiency guy myself...06:23
talciteeugenebythesea: lspci -v06:23
LainIwakuratalcite: 2.6.24.-16-generic06:24
nickrudgogeta I don't try, I track a couple people at a time :)06:24
unopFastZ, i think it was fiesty when it was introducted, i can't be sure06:24
^V^nickrud: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64312/06:24
morphybrb.. checking the new install guide I found if it works06:24
rippsAndrianStrays: It's my experience that Compiz pushes your hardware too much, try disabling it.06:24
talciteLainIwakura: that's using the new wireless stack. You should be using b43 if possible06:24
eugenebytheseatalcite: here it is - BCM4328 802.11a/b/g/n06:24
FastZceil420: oh, i couldnt tell ya why some packages are installed by default.  unop said something about the server version being a LAMP server installation by default.06:24
mattycozeamirman84 i get this from planet mirror; Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead. (plus a whole load of "failed to fetch")06:24
pawbieLoLeN:  Check your restricted modules and see if it's set to load.06:24
talciteLainIwakura: what chipset is your wireless using?06:24
samliuhmm compiz only pushes your computer too much if you have a crappy gfx card...06:24
talciteLainIwakura: lspci -v06:24
Shadow_Xanyone have problems upgrading today?06:24
pawbiesamliu: And a pentium 133...06:24
Shadow_Xother than the server being slow06:24
samliugood point06:24
talciteeugenebythesea: oh... its one of those blasted draft-n cards...06:25
LoLeNpawbie: how do i check them?06:25
Kurtis-I just tried blacklisting ssb and b43. I'll try ndiswrapper by itself now06:25
LainIwakuratalcite: Okay. Broadcom Corporation BCM94311MCG wlan mini-PCI (rev 01)06:25
Geoffrey2I downloaded the ISO for Hardy Heron and burned it to a CD...now, can that be used to upgrade Ubuntu Gutsy, or can I only do a full install with that...06:25
unopLoLeN, perhaps ndiswrapper isn't being loaded at boot .. make sure you have an entry for it in /etc/modules06:25
talciteeugenebythesea: let me look it up.06:25
samliuI have a quadro fx1400go :D06:25
LoLeNk ;)06:25
pawbieLoLeN: System -> Administration -> Restricted Modules (I think)06:25
FastZunop: maybe it was...i'm not sure.  I havent done a fresh install on my server machine since dapper and it's been a LAMP server ever since.06:25
nickrud^V^ did you get the question about showing me the output of   sudo fdisk -l ?06:25
pawbieI haven't used Ubuntu in a year...06:25
gogetapawbie did you say p13306:25
amirman84mattycoze: i've gotten a similar thing before, i just ignored it like it was no big deal06:25
eugenebytheseatalcite: it usually worked well previously in 7.10. i haven't tried it yet in 8.0406:25
AdrianStraysripps, I never had this problem before.  Before I updated to Hardy, video works, graphics worked, no lines or anything.  I have trouble believing this is a hardware issue.  Furthermore, prior to using envy, compiz and videos worked fine.06:25
ceil420Shadow_X, i was, but it was because i had broken packages installed (in my case, a few language packs). i removed the offending packages, and i'm upgrading now :)06:25
bullgard4mc shows an entry prefixed with an exclamation mark (!). I found that this means a "stale symlink". What is a 'stale symlink'?06:25
pawbiegogeta: Ya!  I still have one.06:25
Shadow_Xceil420, nice, you goin from 7.10?06:25
AdrianStraysripps, is there anyway I can just get rid of envy, and have Ubuntu install the driver it was originally using?06:25
^V^nickrud: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64314/06:25
amirman84mattycoze: keep in mind i'm a total noob but my system is running extremely stable so far06:25
gogetapawbie oh cant run ubuntu on that well if it has 64mb of ram i guess better with puppy or dsl06:25
nickrudbullgard4 a broken one? try looking at it with ls --color , if it's red it's broken06:25
pawbiegogeta: debian06:26
LainIwakuratalcite: My ifconfig, iwconfig, lshw -C network, lspci, and lsmod are here, if that helps: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4785960#post478596006:26
gogetapawbie yea but it will be slow06:26
ceil420Shadow_X, yeah. solely because i wanna update libconfuse so i can install awesome wm (i can't install the lib from source for some reason)06:26
jeffimperia1newbie finally got it... woohoo!06:26
hellmitreheya kids06:26
tannewthi all, how do I add a script to run oon suspend and resume?06:26
pawbiegogeta: Not really.  Debian + AMP + VNC + XFCE4...  happy.06:26
unopFastZ, looks like even dapper had it - http://www.debianadmin.com/ubuntu-lamp-server-installation-with-screenshots.html06:26
kindofabuzzI haven't tried this yet, but those of you that had Broadcom working in Gutsy and now broke in Hardy, and don't have access to a ethernet cable, try this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64313/  found in forums, may try it tomorrow06:26
hellmitrewondering how to run network manager06:26
ceil420when i get a new computer, i'm putting Debian Stable on this one and making it a server, anyway. but in the meantime, i'm still using Xubuntu06:26
rippsAndrianStrays: Use the envyng to remove your drivers and revert them to the radeon drivers06:26
Shadow_Xceil420, heh i'm upgrading for several reasons. but of course, they always say its the best version ever. then again, any developer says that :P06:26
FastZunop: if i remember correctly, you had the option at initial installation to install the LAMP server...or a regular server06:27
LainIwakurakindofabuzz: Well other people are saying that b43 should be used06:27
harriseldonhellmitre: nm-applet06:27
ceil420Shadow_X, lol, gotta try and get their product out there :p06:27
hellmitrethat's the applet, yeah, but whenever I run that, I get nothing06:27
Kurtis-oh, lovely06:27
kindofabuzzLainIwakura: you can't get the b43 if you don't have internet access06:27
FastZunop: regular server being one without the AMP part of the LAMP install06:27
nick_Ubutu 7,1 is cooll06:27
hellmitrenothing goes into the panel06:27
talciteeugenebythesea: your card isn't supported by b43 yet. I'd say stick with ndiswrapper for awhile longer until they release support. Keep looking every few months though. Ndiswrapper is a sub-optimal solution06:27
unopFastZ, well, if you install and use tasksell , you have the option on any ubuntu/debian machine :)06:27
KyleKceil420: im running ubuntu on my server :) but its just personal server06:27
nick_where can i start learning more about ubunut06:27
james_ anyone here got a kworld atsc 110?06:27
Kurtis-FATAL: Could not open /lib/modules/2.6.24-16-generic/modules.dep.temp for writing: Permission denied06:27
nick_i just got it06:27
nickrud^V^ my suspicion is that the there's a difference between the contents of /boot on the root partition, and the contents of the /boot partition. Try looking at menu.lst with /boot mounted, and without06:27
unopFastZ, s/tasksell/tasksel/06:27
Shadow_Xceil420, yea. and i LOVE the way they are selling this one "all OS's come with things you'll never use. ubuntu 8.04 comes with an uninstall feature" LOL06:27
allyunionI have a weird problem with my Toshiba U200 laptop, if I mute the sound in Windows, reboot and enter into Ubuntu, the sound doesn't work (even though I have everything set max for all controls)06:27
Johnny_hi i am having a problem and need some help06:27
ceil420FastZ, a LAMP server is more or less 'regular'. i don't know why it'd be without the 'A' part, seeing as Apache rocks (and is probably the most ubiquitous server software out there)06:28
eugenebytheseatalcite: i see. well its not critical, cos i have no wifi at the moment so.. i'll do that =)06:28
Kurtis-got that when I issued modprobe ndiswrapper && depmod -a06:28
AdrianStraysripps, I hit uninstall ATI driver in the EnvyNG gui, but how do I reinstall the original raedon drivers?06:28
Kurtis-as root06:28
Johnny_can someone please help me06:28
samliuallyunion, you need audio drivers06:28
eugenebytheseatalcite: thanks for confirming for me =)06:28
ceil420lol Shadow_X; that's awesome XD06:28
harriseldonhellmitre do you get console output? can you check if the process is already running?06:28
LainIwakurakindofabuzz: I have b43 working already. It comes with the disc.06:28
pawbieceil420: tomcat!06:28
talciteeugenebythesea: no problem06:28
LainIwakuranot working, but I mean it's installed06:28
mikebotWhy is it that when I tried to install from the alterate CD, it seems like the upgrader is still fetching files from this internet?06:28
allyunionsamliu: I have snd-hda-intel installed06:28
hellmitreit does nothing. absolutely blank console when I run it in terminal, harriseldon06:28
kindofabuzzLainIwakura: well i sure wish you'd write a guide, i'm sure thousands would aprreciate it06:28
ceil420KyleK, mine's personal as well; file server, web site host (perhaps two sites in the future), IRC bot, mebbe a coupla other things06:28
Kurtis-well, got no error that time, but it's still not working06:28
talciteLainIwakura: your chipset is supported by b43. Not b43-legacy. b4306:29
LainIwakurakindofabuzz: -_- ill give your method a try06:29
pawbieceil420: squid is a must.06:29
FastZceil420: nowadays sure, but before, you had to install all the components of a LAMP server on your own, then came the LAMP server installer option...06:29
allyunionsamliu: And when I do have the audio set to max in Windows, and reboot, the audio works fine in Ubuntu06:29
ceil420pawbie, squid?06:29
harriseldonnick_ http://screencasts.ubuntu.com/ has some screecasts which may help06:29
Johnny_I am trying to install ubuntu and am able to boot up the installation DVD and when it asks for the language I hit enter on english and it works but now whenever i hit enter on install or try or anything else it doesnt work06:29
Johnny_what do i do06:29
pawbieceil420: squid proxy.  Check it out.06:29
Shadow_Xw00t i'm upgrading!!!06:29
kindofabuzzLainIwakura: well how did you get your's working?06:29
cobLainlwakura: looks like ndiswrapper is loaded in kernel, did you upgrade to hardy or fresh install?06:29
Shadow_Xim nervous though. last time i upgraded my server....it failed to boot again >.>06:29
talciteLainIwakura, eugenebythesea: http://linuxwireless.sipsolutions.net/en/users/Drivers/b4306:29
Johnny_some1 help me06:29
LainIwakurakindofabuzz: no it's not06:29
eugenebytheseatalcite: cheers06:29
bullgard4nickrud: Yes, it shows the pathname and filename red with a black background.06:29
kindofabuzzoh thought you said it was06:29
ceil420FastZ, i still don't have MySQL or PHP installed :x i need to find a use for a database so i can learn MySQL. Of course, the 'P' in LAMP for me means Perl ;)06:29
Shadow_XJohnny_, whats up?06:29
rippsAdrianStrays: just a sec06:29
pawbieShadow_X: If everything went right the first time, it wouldn't be near as interesting.06:29
james_Shadow_X, too bad you can't remove somethings06:29
talcitegranted, the updates on that site will be a few months newer than the ones in the repo06:29
Johnny_I am trying to install ubuntu and am able to boot up the installation DVD and when it asks for the language I hit enter on english and it works but now whenever i hit enter on install or try or anything else it doesnt work what do i do06:29
nickrudbullgard4 so for mc, stale link means broken link06:29
LainIwakuratalcite: am i not using b43?06:30
Kurtis-LainIwakura: Were you the one also using bcm4311?06:30
LainIwakuraKurtis- yes06:30
pawbieceil420: Insert, select, drop, delete, optimize.  You know sql now.06:30
bullgard4nickrud: Thank you very much for explaining.06:30
Kurtis-I'm using revision 206:30
harriseldonhellmitre what about output from nm-tool?06:30
ceil420pawbie, i'll hopefully remember that after i upgrade; while upgrading i only wanna run xchat and conky (so no terminal or firefox)06:30
allyunionpawbie: LOL06:30
mikebotHow do I use the alternate CD?06:30
rippsAdrianStrays: Try sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-driver-radeon06:30
ceil420pawbie, lol06:30
jim_beamdoes anyone know if i deed to re-install ati drivers after 7.10 to 8.04 upgrade06:30
Kurtis-that says that it needs a patch for kernel 2.6.2406:30
Kurtis-what sort of a patch?06:30
amirman84is there any way to transfer my wubi install to a real one?06:30
nickrudbullgard4 haven't used mc for a while, nice piece of software, no?06:30
Shadow_Xi think my server issue was from lack of knowledge of linux. im sure i couldve fixed it had I tried06:30
pawbieamirman84: dd06:30
Johnny_I am trying to install ubuntu and am able to boot up the installation DVD and when it asks for the language I hit enter on english and it works but now whenever i hit enter on install or try or anything else it doesnt work what do i do06:30
amirman84pawbie: dd?06:30
hellmitreharriseldon: says I'm connected via eth0 (wired)06:31
kindofabuzzthey shouldn't have relesedhardy until wireless worked for all.  especially if it worked in gutsy and now it doesn't06:31
pawbieamirman84: man dd06:31
cobJohnny_: how long did you wait?06:31
amirman84oh ok06:31
AdrianStraysripps, it was unable to lock the admin directory06:31
mattycozeamirman84 aha! success, it installed nicely06:31
mattycozeamirman84 and happens to be working06:31
Johnny_cob awhile06:31
pawbiekindofabuzz: 2 words.  Screw Broadcom06:31
Johnny_over 10 mins06:31
nickrudjim_beam 8.04 has the latest driver from ati already, no need to install the one from the website06:31
ceil420Shadow_X, i just set up my apache server a long time ago with some basic options and never touched it again :p it just starts up with my computer06:31
Kurtis-Still can't get my chip to work06:31
Shadow_Xjim_beam, i would think not. although im not sure. i expect the upgrade tool would handle packages with no problem. however, if you have problems with X afterwards, I would advise you to reinstall them then06:31
AdrianStraysripps, nevermind06:31
amirman84mattycoze: awesome, i'm glad you were saved of the headaches i went through06:31
kindofabuzzpawbie: well i like Linksys06:31
LainIwakuratalcite: I have b43-fwcutter installed already06:31
talciteLainIwakura: I thought you said you were using ndiswrapper?06:31
pawbiekindofabuzz: Screw linksys, too.  Atheros ftw.06:31
LainIwakuratalcite: no i wasn't06:31
talciteLainIwakura: and have you loaded fw onto the card?06:31
AdrianStraysripps, okay I did that.  Restart?06:32
bullgard4nickrud: I like mc very much. Particularly for its clear arrangement and small footprint.06:32
LainIwakuratalcite: How do I do that?06:32
kindofabuzzpawbie: never heard of Atheros06:32
talciteLainIwakura: http://linuxwireless.sipsolutions.net/en/users/Drivers/b43#devicefirmware06:32
Johnny_can some1 help me please06:32
nickrudbullgard4 yes, and it's great for looking inside deb packages when your gui is broken ;)06:32
Shadow_Xceil420, yea, i was running ubuntu for the server. its an apache and file server. i tried upgrading, and it failed to boot so idk. im nervous about this upgrade :P06:32
talciteLainIwakura: the nice thing about wireless is that its more or less the same across the distros06:32
Johnny_I am trying to install ubuntu and am able to boot up the installation DVD and when it asks for the language I hit enter on english and it works but now whenever i hit enter on install or try or anything else it doesnt work what do i do06:32
pawbiekindofabuzz: Google ubiquiti wireless.  Best cards ever.06:32
Kurtis-talcite: know what it means about the patch needed for 2.6.24?06:32
Johnny_I am trying to install ubuntu and am able to boot up the installation DVD and when it asks for the language I hit enter on english and it works but now whenever i hit enter on install or try or anything else it doesnt work what do i do06:32
Johnny_I am trying to install ubuntu and am able to boot up the installation DVD and when it asks for the language I hit enter on english and it works but now whenever i hit enter on install or try or anything else it doesnt work what do i do06:32
FloodBot2Johnny_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:32
talciteLainIwakura: you can probably take that info as-is06:32
samliuusually when I upgrade I completely remove my lamp and reinstall it06:32
talciteLainIwakura: let me look into it06:33
samliucause its not really a hassle06:33
Johnny_can some1 please help m06:33
AdrianStraysripps, restart?06:33
harriseldonhellmitre then at least network manager itself is working, just not the applet06:33
LainIwakuratalcite: I'm a little confused but I will give that link a try.. thanks06:33
nickrudJohnny_ no one is sure, have you run the disk check on the startup menu06:33
XceIItry a reburn Johnny_06:33
Kurtis-LainIwakura: Which revision are you using of that chipset?06:33
bullgard4nickrud: May God give that my GUI does not break.06:33
amirman84pawbie: i kind of frigured i would be copying files over but which folders do i need and which folders should i totally NOT copy?06:33
ceil420Shadow_X, i'm kinda nervous because i haven't backed anything up; i'm hoping i won't have any problems :x06:33
LainIwakurakurtis- rev 106:33
Johnny_nick i cant nothing works06:33
cupajoeOh my, well I hope to be heard above all this noise XD. Hi I have a quick question, I just installed Ubuntu and I can't figure out how to get my sound to work. I'm a generally advanced user though treat me like a basic one because this is my first time using Ubuntu06:33
samliuJohnny_ try using the alt disk06:33
Johnny_when i hit enter06:33
ceil420wish i had a nice external HDD to back stuff up on :x06:33
samliuI think I remember something similar06:33
kindofabuzztalcite: i tried to follow that site but when i run make, i get alot of errors, and my hardy is not onliine to get the packages required to fix those errors, someone needs to make a deb of that page06:33
PradalvrHello ! i need some help here ..i need to partition my hard drive and don't know how06:33
nickrudJohnny_ reboot, and run the diskcheck06:33
Johnny_what is the alt disk06:33
pawbieamirman84: Ah, no, just use dd.  Boot the wubi install, prepare a partition on a physical disk, then dd if=wubipartition of=mynewpartition and walk away for a while.06:33
Shadow_Xlol im already having problems. the upgrader complains about unsupported packages and stops >.>06:33
mikebotIs #ubuntu-offtopic a channel for ONLY off-topic discussion, or it allows off-topic discussion?06:33
samliualternative version06:34
LainIwakurakindofabuzz: are you also using bcmxxxx?06:34
rippsAndrianStays: Always06:34
Shadow_Xthey need more repository servers :P06:34
^V^nickrud: there isa  difference. It shows the old menu.lst06:34
talciteLainIwakura: sorry, what did you mean by kernel patches? you shouldn't need to install any others06:34
kindofabuzzLainIwakura: well i'm on gutsy now06:34
hellmitrefixed it, harriseldon06:34
pawbieamirman84: you could also using something like g4u or whatever the other Ghost4Linux package is.  Or you could even use ghost.06:34
nickrud^V^ it? you mean, the /boot partition?06:34
bcgrownanybody know how I can make my geforce fx 5500 show the entire screen on tv-out instead of just the top left corner?  I am using nvidia-glx-new drivers and twinview06:34
Kurtis-talcite: I was the one who mentioned kernel patches06:34
Johnny_I am trying to install ubuntu and am able to boot up the installation DVD and when it asks for the language I hit enter on english and it works but now whenever i hit enter on install or try or anything else it doesnt work what do i do06:34
LainIwakuratalcite: i don't recall mentioning that... ?06:34
^V^nickrud: the boot partition has not been updated06:34
PradalvrI have two separate hard drives..one for windows and the other for Ubuntu06:34
amirman84pawbie: i'm really confused06:34
Shadow_Xanyone know how to upgrade from the alternate cd?06:34
seamus7Pradalvr when you install Ubuntu it offers to set up your partitions ... you could also use GParted from the Live CD (I think it's on there)06:34
ricreecan anyone help me with a keyboard problem?  My num lock no longer seems to work after the upgrade06:34
Kurtis-talcite: "# bcm4311 rev 2 / bcm4312 (needs patches for 2.6.24) "06:35
supersakois it still better to use envy or is the ubuntu restricted drivers better now??06:35
talcitekindofabuzz: you probably have unsatisfied dependencies.06:35
wayne_woooo I love Hardy!!!!06:35
jim_beamis there a link for64bit kernel06:35
supersakoi love Hardy more!06:35
Johnny_I am trying to install ubuntu and am able to boot up the installation DVD and when it asks for the language I hit enter on english and it works but now whenever i hit enter on install or try or anything else it doesnt work what do i do06:35
pawbieamirman84: Hm.  You have a wubi install, and want to put it on a physical disk, yes?06:35
kindofabuzztalcite: i know i do, it's a fresh install of Hardy06:35
nick_Can anyone sugeest a good media player for ubuntu for all my music and that06:35
ricreealthough the keyboard light turns on when I do hit the numlock key06:35
DShepherdsupersako, no need for envy06:35
ceil420Shadow_X, that sounds about like what i had. check the /var/log/dist-upgrade/main.log (i think that's the one) and see which packages are failing. i only had four files in that folder (and one of them was blank), so it won't take too long to go through them all :p06:35
gogetasupersako envy = bad06:35
Shadow_Xnick you can try songbird06:35
amirman84pawbie: the wubi install i'm using resides in the partition that i want to copy it to06:35
pawbieJohnny_: Try hitting space, or click, or tab.  Or download and burn again.06:35
PFC_Tabascosupersako: I got nvidia_glx_new to work without a lot of trouble, but sadly it wasn't nearly as easy as 7.1006:35
seamus7nick_ Amarok06:35
kindofabuzztalcite: but i can't satisfy those dependancies cause not online06:35
eugenebytheseahi - for hardy, should i use ndiswrapper version 1.9? i want to know if that is the latest one06:35
wayne_while 1 { me.truelove(Hardy); }06:35
ricreenick_: I prefer rhythmbox, others like amarok06:35
amirman84pawbie: yeah, that's it06:35
Johnny_i burned twice06:35
pawbieamirman84: Oh.  Good luck.  You can dd to a network location and then restore from there?06:35
supersakoTabasco what do u have to do?06:35
nickrud^V^ ok,  Me, I'd mount it at /mnt and simply copy over all the stuff in boot on the root to the /boot partition06:35
nick_how do i get amarok06:35
ceil420eugenebythesea, does ndiswrapper not have a website to tell you the latest version?06:36
LainIwakurasame.. i can't get online to apt-get06:36
Pradalvrseamus7 I'm there and don't know how to use it06:36
gogetaJohnny_: md5 iso make shure its not bad06:36
pawbienick_: apt-get install amarok ?06:36
ricreenick_: synaptic or apt-get06:36
supersakoamirman hehe i knew an amir from los angeles that was born in 84 :p06:36
BaxtorHey guys, ive just received an IDE HDD from a friend (crappy 20gig one) so i can load some stuff on there for him, how does one change the owner of the drive so i can delete the items currently on there and reformat it into a diffrent file system using ubuntu?06:36
pawbienick_: Try exaile06:36
ceil420nick_, ewwww KDE. but yeah, apt-get works06:36
eugenebythesea<ceil420> i don't know06:36
kindofabuzzLainIwakura: did you try that method i posted?06:36
Johnny_what is md5 iso06:36
nick_so whats the best06:36
pawbieBaxtor: Just reformat it.  No need to do the other steps.06:36
amirman84pawbie: so is dd or ghost basically creating an image of my disk?06:36
ceil420eugenebythesea, google is your friend :)06:36
gogetaBaxtor just format it06:36
nickrud!md5sum | Johnny_06:36
ubotuJohnny_: To verify the integrity of a download, use the md5sum - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM for more06:36
mikebotCan someone help me with te alternate CD?06:36
cupajoeBueller? Bueller? Anyone?06:36
nickrud!who | Johnny_06:36
ubotuJohnny_: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)06:36
Kurtis-I prefer KDE myself and am actually using Kubuntu, but my problem isn't Kubuntu-specific.06:36
PFC_Tabascosupersako: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list and uncomment your restricted repos, apt-get update and then go the the Hardware Drivers option in System->Administration06:36
Shadow_XBaxtor, i believe using GParted would solve those issues06:36
Baxtorcan you just use Gparted?06:36
seamus7Pradalvr: are you dual booting with Windows or installing Ubuntu on a maching by itself?06:36
pawbieamirman84: Ya.  The trick with the wubi bit, though, is that you need to boot wubi to "see" your wubi install.06:36
amirman84supersako: i was born in 84 but in Iran06:36
gogetaBaxtor yep06:36
eugenebythesea<ceil420> hm. i could find out about that - but what i really want to know - if .. is that version suitable for hardy?06:36
talcitekindofabuzz: I see. I doubt we'll get a .deb for it soon though. I don't think there's anything you can do in the mean time06:37
Johnny_thanx for the afvice06:37
ceil420eugenebythesea, hmm. try apt-cache showpkg ndiswrapper <=- i think that's the command to show you Ubuntu's current version of the package06:37
Johnny_srry i am new to irc06:37
eugenebythesea<ceil420> cool =) thanks for that06:37
Johnny_pawbie: i am not sure what ti di06:37
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LainIwakurakindofabuzz: i'm not sure how to configure ndiswrapper though. i had no problem with fwcutter in gutsy06:37
dystopianraywhat version of fglrx does hardy have?06:37
kindofabuzztalcite: i think i tried to make a deb from gutsy but i don't think it worked06:37
talciteKurtis-: I'm not sure which patch its referring to. We're on a pretty recent version of 2.6.24. Have you tried b43 with the firmware?06:37
gogetadystopianray i dunno ask google :P06:38
nickrudJohnny_ no problem If I may, I'd suggest you use   xchat   for irc, works better out of the box than pidgin does06:38
Baxtorahh... unmount the drive so you can re-format it.. silly baxtor *duh*06:38
Kurtis-I downloaded the b43-fwcutter package06:38
amirman84pawbie: when i was looking at where wubi is installed from windows i noticed that there are quite a few ISO's it seems like i should be able to install ubuntu brand new on the partition and restore my system from those ISOs... is that possible?06:38
Kurtis-and that didn't work06:38
Kurtis-I'll try compiling it myself, I guess06:38
talciteeugenebythesea: Ndiswrapper's latest version is 1.52 as of a few weeks ago06:38
cupajoeI have a quick question, I just installed Ubuntu and I can't figure out how to get my sound to work. I'm a generally advanced user though treat me like a basic one because this is my first time using Ubuntu06:38
harriseldoncupajoe what have you tried so far? What is your sound hardware?06:38
backharlowanyone know how to fix system after Heron dist upgrade dies in the middle?06:38
kindofabuzzLainIwakura: try http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64313/ then rebott, i can't try it yet because i haven't upgraded yet06:38
mikebotOr is there a help page for the alternate CD?06:38
pawbieamirman84: I don't know.  Try it and let me know if it works.06:38
Johnny_i am on a mac and am using colloquy06:38
ezzieyguywufDo i need to install xgl-xserver in order for compiz to work?06:38
samliuactually Johnny_, chatzilla for firefox is good for beginners also06:38
talciteeugenebythesea: I don't know if its in the repos yet.06:38
SecretGirli'm trying to install ubuntu on my laptop from an external CDROM but the installation stops at 90% on "Loading module "aec62xx" for IDE chipset support", any ideas how to fix this06:38
LainIwakurakindofabuzz: ok let me try that06:38
cupajoeUmm, it's an integrated sound card into the laptop06:38
eugenebytheseatalcite: i see.. thanks!06:38
Johnny_ok this is to everyone: I am trying to install ubuntu and am able to boot up the installation DVD and when it asks for the language I hit enter on english and it works but now whenever i hit enter on install or try or anything else it doesnt work what do i do06:39
cupajoeTo tell you the truth I don't remember the hardware off the top of my head, hold on06:39
harriseldoncupajoe are you installing hardy?06:39
Johnny_ok this is to everyone: I am trying to install ubuntu and am able to boot up the installation DVD and when it asks for the language I hit enter on english and it works but now whenever i hit enter on install or try or anything else it doesnt work what do i do PLEASE JUST HELP06:39
cupajoeHarriseldon: yes sir06:39
samliuJohnny_ you have to stop flooding06:39
samliuwe know your problem06:39
samliuI'm looking for the link to the alt disk06:39
pawbieJohnny_: Do you have friends you can talk to in person?06:39
samliuthis is really weird cause its not on the list haha06:39
pawbiesamliu: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/06:39
Johnny_not about this06:39
samliuah yeah06:39
nickrudJohnny_ when you say you hit enter, you mean you can't even boot up and run the disk check?06:39
mikebotsamliu: Can you answer questions regarding the alt cd?06:39
samliuthats it06:39
Johnny_no one knows comps06:39
amirman84pawbie: good call, i think i'm just going to try it out, if i lose this system that would suck but unless they get that LMVP tow ork with 8.04 i don't have many good options06:39
samliujohnny_, click that, download it etc06:39
nick_why doe ubuntu work better than windwos06:39
Johnny_nick rud: yes06:40
cupajoeIt's a realtek ALC262 I believe06:40
Johnny_nickrud: i cannot get anything to run06:40
RoAkSoAxhow to reconfigure xserver-xorg ?06:40
drivetraxlearning here.. how to have synaptic get my file06:40
samliuno its just that I remember having a similar problem and using the alt disk solved it06:40
AdrianStraysripps, I did what you said, and videos work now.  However, the resolution is screwed up and compiz was off.  Restarted compiz and was prompt to install ATI Accelerated Drivers, I'm going to restart now and see if the resolution is better06:40
ezzieyguywufdo i need to install xgl-xserver in order for compiz to work?06:40
nickrudJohnny_ you need to be more specific. What is anything?06:40
amirman84nick_; because it's foundation is an open source code06:40
mlw1Hey, thanks for everyone who is answering questions I have another:  My monitor runs at 1920x1200, and I'm able to select that, but upon logging out, it defaults back to 1680x1050, and I can't figure out how to change this06:40
gogetaJohnny sounds like a bad iso chceck the md506:40
nick_o ok06:40
Armored_Azrae1Hey, does anyone know how to get evolution to use kerberos tokens?06:40
Shadow_Xnick_ its in the design of linux itself. its Unix based. so its built securely from the ground up. its a difficult thing to explain unless you have a solid foundation in computer/network security06:40
samliuif it isn't the bad iso, I think it might have to do with either ram or if its an old computer06:40
^V^nickrud: thanks06:40
samliuwhat kind of system do you have johnny_06:40
nickrud^V^ all good?06:40
Johnny_nickrud: when i hit enter nothing runs at all not even the check06:40
nick_when i search up amarok in packet manager theres heaps f different aarok packages what one should i install06:40
pawbieArmored_Azrae1: That would be awesome.  Let me know if you figure it out.06:41
RoAkSoAxhow to reconfigure xserver-xorg??? what parameters should i use in dpkg-reconfigure "parameters" xserver-xorg???06:41
zerois there any way to get conky embedded to my deskotp like it is in DSL or puppy?06:41
ceil420drivetrax, run the synaptic program. it's a graphical installer; pretty easy. right click on a package you want and select 'Mark for Installation', then when you're done, click "Apply" at the top06:41
pawbienick_: The one that just says "amarok"06:41
SecretGirli'm trying to install ubuntu on my laptop from an external CDROM but the installation stops at 90% on "Loading module "aec62xx" for IDE chipset support", any ideas how to fix this06:41
Armored_Azrae1Damn. I tried selecting gssapi, but it doesn't seem to get the picture :P06:41
^V^nickrud: about to reboot and find out ;) but this is an annoying bug in (k)ubuntu06:41
DShepherdJohnny_, have you verified the md5sum for the ISO that you downloaded?06:41
pawbieSecretGirl: Try noacpi ?06:41
talciteJohnny_: Check the MD5 hash of your CD. It may have been burned incorrectly06:41
nick_pawbie cheers06:41
zeroSecretGirl, boot with acpi and apm off06:41
SecretGirlwhats that?06:41
pawbieSecretGirl: Better yet - google for the make and model of your laptop and see if anyone else has tried it before.06:41
Johnny_dshepard: i cannot dind the md5 check for the mac06:41
mikebotsamliu: Or any page that talks about the alt cd?06:41
Shadow_Xis there anyway to do a "normal" install of KDE without ubuntu becoming Kubuntu?06:41
ezzieyguywufdo i need to install xgl in order for compiz to work?06:41
cupajoeThe sound doesn't work on my integrated speakers nor if I plug a pair of headsets in06:42
pawbieShadow_X: You can install KDE from synaptic, and then change your session at the login screen.06:42
zeroSecretGirl, i had this problem, just tyep boot acpi=off apm=off and it shoudl work, worked for me06:42
nickrudJohnny_ wow, it's probably in your terminal.  md5sum /path/to/iso06:42
DShepherddoesnt mac have md5sum ?06:42
pawbieShadow_X: Try xfce4.06:42
nick_whats the difference between unix and linux06:42
talciteezzieyguywuf: compiz should work almost out of the box06:42
dystopianrayezzieyguywuf: what ubuntu version are you running and what video card?06:42
zerois there any way to get conky embedded to my deskotp like it is in DSL or puppy?06:42
pawbienick_: A few letters.06:42
SecretGirlzero, how do i do that06:42
DShepherdnickrud, ok, i thought so too06:42
cupajoeAnd I'm sure that my volume is up though I'm not quite sure if everything is configured correctly06:42
samliuoh God its hard to read things in this channel xD06:42
ezzieyguywufhardy heron and I have a firegl V5200 (lenovo t60p)06:42
nick_pawbie haha sweet06:42
cupajoe(well obviously not because then I would hear sound06:42
red_hi..got a problem with my internet speed. downloading and web browsing is very slow. usually my speed is 20kbps now its 6kpbs sometimes below than that. any help pls...06:42
LainIwakurakindofabuzz: doesn't seem to work06:42
nickrudDShepherd I'm just guessing, but really ....06:42
ceil420zero, conky was designed to be embedded to the desktop. if it's not there when you run it, you're doing it wrong :o06:42
Shadow_Xpawbie,  i know i can install kde. but when i did that a year ago, it "transformed" into kubuntu06:42
DanaGHeh, mirrors.kernel.org is still giving 560 kilobytes per second.06:42
talciteLainIwakura: how is the firmware loading coming?06:42
DShepherdnickrud, yeah.. really....06:42
mlw1can anyone tell me why my xorg changes don't go through?  I select 1920x1200 as my resolution in nvidia-settings, it works fine, I save it to xorg, that works, then I reboot, and the changes are gone06:42
nick_wish i could program so i could help make stuff06:43
kindofabuzzLainIwakura: i was thinking you may have to uncooment the b43xxx also06:43
SecretGirlzero, where do i type that06:43
Kohelethanyreason why Konversation takes a while to start in Hardy Heron?06:43
zeroceil420, its in a window on all my computers06:43
Kurtis-nick_: Unix isn't open source06:43
Kurtis-Linux is a clone of it06:43
ezzieyguywufI'm getting that 'no composite extension available" error, which in the past was solved with xgl, but i think the other day someone said something about heron not needing it?06:43
samliuoh right06:43
pawbiemlw1: When I use the nvidia app, it doesn't actually write over xorg.conf....   Try hitting "Show Preview" and cut and pasting that into a new xorg.conf06:43
zeroSecretGirl, its in the boot options of the CD to type that, hit f5 when you boot into the CD06:43
kindofabuzzso you'd blacklist the two things but un blacklist bcm43xx06:43
mikebotsamliu: Yes.06:43
ceil420Kurtis-, many Unices are open source; OpenSolaris, OpenBSD, FreeBSD, etc06:43
samliuthats why06:43
samliuthe alt CD doesnt have the live bootup06:43
Kurtis-Well, yeah06:43
Kurtis-But THE Unix isn't06:43
mikebotsamliu: I'm sorry?06:44
pawbiesamliu: No GUI.06:44
ceil420zero, weird :o i've never even seen it have a window of it's own. look at the .conkyrc's they have on the conky home page and see how they have theirs set up06:44
red_hi..got a problem with my internet speed. downloading and web browsing is very slow. usually my speed is 20kbps now its 6kpbs sometimes below than that. any help pls...06:44
LainIwakuratalcite: no idea how to do it.. i'm really a novice06:44
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samliuso it can install in situations the normal disk may come across issues06:44
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samliuwhich is a good reason why Johnny_ should try it06:44
talciteLainIwakura: have you compiled a binary from source before?06:44
samliuunless people have better suggestions lol06:44
ceil420Kurtis-, Bell Labs' UNIX(R) isn't, no :p06:44
Johnny_ok does anyone have any advise06:44
ussernick_, i'd say different heritage, most unixes go way back whereas linux is a pretty recent thing06:44
pawbietalcite: What are binary?06:44
Johnny_that i will know how to do06:44
zeroceil420, what?06:45
SecretGirlzero, f5 is for accessibility options, is that the one06:45
pawbieJohnny_: samliu mentions trying the alt CD.  Did you try that?06:45
ceil420Kurtis-, and actually, i think their original Unix was open source. they went closed source later on (maybe as late as System V)06:45
kindofabuzzlinux is only 10 years old06:45
mikebotCan someone hep me with upgrading from the alt CD?06:45
LainIwakuratalcite: i know how to type ./configure and make. does that count?06:45
ezzieyguywufdystopianray: i'm running hardy heron and I have an ATI V5200 video card06:45
Johnny_pawbie: binary is the language that the computer naturally understands it is made of 1 and 0s06:45
Seveasceil420, nope, Bell Labs' Unix was always closed iirc06:45
samliu!tab Johnny_ pawbie provided the link earlier06:45
Johnny_pawbie: idk what u mean06:45
pawbieJohnny_: Hey!  Good job.06:45
harriseldonkindofabuzz 1991 was only 10 years ago?06:45
talciteLainIwakura: please don't forget which changes you make by the way. You'll have to undo them to test other methods.06:45
eugenebytheseaceil420, talcite: the latest ndiswrapper in the repos is 1.50 - so i'll just go with that. blacklisting b43 and getting my driver now06:45
SecretGirlzero, f5 is for accessibility options, is that the one06:45
* xepra needs help06:45
talciteLainIwakura: that's all you need06:45
Kurtis-LainIwakura: have you installed build-essential?06:45
dystopianrayezzieyguywuf: both fglrx and the open source drivers support aiglx now06:45
ceil420zero, there are example .conkyrc files at http://conky.sourceforge.net - base your conkyrc on one of them and modify as necessary06:45
xepraAnyone know grub and mbr well?06:45
Johnny_pawbie: good job about what06:45
LainIwakuratalcite: alright.. i'm going to give ndiswrapper a try first06:45
pawbieJohnny_: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/  Go there, find the link that says "alternative" for 8.04, and try that one.06:45
samliuxepra whats the problem06:45
talciteeugenebythesea: go ahead. 1.50 is fine06:45
SeveasJohnny_, watch out, I patented the 1!06:45
zeroSecretGirl, its one of the f keys i cant remember exactly wich one06:45
LainIwakuraKurtis- Yes I installed that06:45
Kohelethxepra: whats up mate06:45
samliuI have some experience06:45
nickrud!md5 | Johnny_06:45
ubotuJohnny_: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows06:45
kindofabuzzharriseldon: i could've sworn linux didn't relese the kernel until 199806:45
xepraI am getting "error 22" on my grub06:45
zerothanks ceil42006:46
xepraI accidently told ubuntu server to write grub to mbr06:46
Shadow_Xanyone know how to upgrade from the new alt cd?06:46
xepraI tried reinstalling, but it didn't work06:46
MrObviousI can't get b43-fwcutter to work quite right. My wireless is really slow and I'd like it to work.06:46
Johnny_there is no md5check for the mac06:46
AdrianStraysripps, alright, everything appears to be in working order, and also, it seems like that line issue I was talking about was mysteriously resolved in the process.  What was that command you told me to use to get the driver?06:46
Kohelethxepra:  I am not a grub man06:46
samliusuper grub boot disk06:46
ceil420Seveas, maybe i was tired at the time and i'm thinking of something different, but i was recently reading about the history of Unix, and i think the earliest versions were open. That might have been before Bell took on the project, though06:46
nickrudJohnny_ ok, another link: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM has exact instructions for the mac. First thing, check to make sure you have a good download06:46
Kohelethtry googling it06:46
dystopianraykindofabuzz: linux was first released in 199106:46
samliuit has an auto fix for that situation06:46
kindofabuzzMrObvious: how did you even get it to work? lol06:46
talciteLainIwakura: you'll probably have less chance of having ndiswrapper work. It has several bugs regarding WPA authentication06:46
pawbiexepra: http://users.bigpond.net.au/hermanzone/p15.htm#2106:46
samliuhold on06:46
mikebotOr can anyone direct me to a FAQ or information page on the alt CD?06:46
ceil420np zero06:46
harriseldonkindofabuzz http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_kernel06:46
ricreeis anyone able to help my out with a problem with my numlock activating?06:46
rippsAdrianStrays: Goto https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver06:47
LainIwakuratalcite: alright06:47
* cupajoe raises hand06:47
talciteLainIwakura: look at http://linuxwireless.sipsolutions.net/en/users/Drivers/b43#fw-b43-old06:47
KohelethHow do I edit Grub?06:47
ezzieyguywufdystopianray: ok, so I guess aiglx is better than xgl? How do I install this cuz currently I cannot enable compiz, I get "desktop effects could not be enabled" when I try to from system>>preferences>>appearence06:47
AdrianStraysAlright, thanks.  For the link and the help!06:47
Johnny_the instructions wont work for it06:47
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto06:47
talciteLainIwakura: follow those instructions. It should work. Don't forget to un-blacklist b4306:47
dystopianrayezzieyguywuf: what drivera re you using for your video card?06:47
nickrudJohnny_  md5 /path/to/iso , that doesn't work?06:47
zeroSecretGirl, you get it?06:47
LainIwakuratalcite: my question is this: isn't what is on that page already installed in hardy?06:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xepra - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:47
Johnny_nickrud: idk what the path is06:47
kindofabuzzharriseldon: my bad, i saw somehtin that was 10 years old this year and it mentioned Linus06:47
talcitepawbie: a binary is a program06:47
samliuplease have a look :D06:47
xeprais there a way to remove grub from mbr completely?06:47
Johnny_i am on a mac and dont know how to check path06:48
MrObviouskindofabuzz: What do you mean?06:48
amirman84so when i drag windows around, they are wobbly and awesome, is the compiz-fusion at work?06:48
LainIwakuratalcite: Because I already have b43-fwcutter installed06:48
pawbietalcite: Fail. :\06:48
samliudownload the disk, boot up, follow the screens06:48
MrObviouskindofabuzz: I just did the restricted thingy and it worked.06:48
samliuits pretty straightforward06:48
nickrudJohnny_ the path is the file folder structure.06:48
samliuit'll rewrite your mbr and grub stuff06:48
Johnny_nickrud: what does that mean06:48
h00kI am having a problem getting an external NTFS drive to automount in Hardy.  Gutsy automounted, but Hardy will not.06:48
mikebotsamliu: Is that to me?06:48
ezzieyguywufdystopianray: I can't tell. In gutsy, I was prompted on my first boot up to install restricted drivers, but for Hardy I was not asked that, nor could I find the option in System>>administration. How can i check which driver I am using?06:48
Johnny_nickrud: can we private chat06:48
harriseldonkindofabuzz there is a good documentary called revolution os about linux history. it covers the 1999 time frame, but very good06:48
kindofabuzzMrObvious: most people can't even get b43cutter working at all, at least your is working06:48
talciteLainIwakura: no idea. I don't know what hardy installs by default. I would make sure you have the firmware installed just to be sure06:48
gnuskoo1my ubuntu hardy is slower than my xp install, what gives?How do i make sure my intel graphics card is running optimum, it's way too sluggish at the mo?06:48
Johnny_nickrud: to get rid of this clutter06:48
samliuno its to xepra sorry mikebot06:48
jhoc2xhello to all.... ^_^ im back06:48
talciteLainIwakura: also, use the b43-firmware cutter from that page06:48
kindofabuzzharriseldon: yeah i been meaning to watch that06:48
pawbieyay, Grub error 21 again.06:49
nickrudJohnny_ I've never used a mac, so I can't tell you how the mac's file structure is laid out. But I'm sure there's some info on the mac sites06:49
MrObviouskindofabuzz: I don't know. I have the bcm94311 chipset.06:49
talciteLainIwakura: it seems to be version specific06:49
mikebotnickrud: Do you know about the alt CD installation?06:49
SecretGirlf6 is for other options, i wrote what you said and hit enter, now its booting06:49
SecretGirlzero, what is the problem exactly?06:49
samliugnuskoo1: disable advanced desktop effects06:49
LainIwakuratalcite: ok i'll do that now06:49
dystopianrayezzieyguywuf: hrrm i'm not entirely sure as xorg.conf no longer displays the driver in use06:49
talciteLainIwakura: alright. Good luck. I need to sleep. Exam tmr =/06:49
dystopianrayezzieyguywuf: try running the restricted drivers thing manually06:49
samliusorry guys I'm out to bed06:49
LainIwakuratalcite: thanks06:49
gnuskoo1samliu: they arent even on, i get a compiz error when i try enable them06:49
samliusry I gtg06:50
ZaschHello. How do you upgrade by CD?06:50
FloodBot2samliu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:50
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)06:50
cupajoeI have a quick question, I just installed Ubuntu and I can't figure out how to get my sound to work. I'm a generally advanced user though treat me like a basic one because this is my first time using Ubuntu. I am, however, sure that the volume is turned up in the software and not muted. I'm running on a laptop with integrated speakers, I believe it uses Realtek hardware. I don't know how to figure out what driver Ubuntu is using for it06:50
ezzieyguywufdystopianray: yea so i'm kinda stuck. I just did a clean install. the other day i upgraded from gutsy, and got compiz to work after installing xgl but it was sluggish and buggy, so i'm trying to find alternatices06:50
Shadow_Xanyone know how to upgrade from the new alt cd?06:50
Kurtis-Okay, I'm going to have to edit menu.lst to cut the time from 10 seconds to 3 or something06:50
* dsmith_ was able to avoide the new release this time yay! I downloaded 8.04 ahead of time and updated just now... Sweet06:50
MrObviouskindofabuzz: I might have to ndiswrapper this stuff. :06:50
supersakoi accidentally deleted my networking widget from the top right corner how do i get it back??06:50
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ezzieyguywufdystopianray: how do I run it manually if its not in my menu?06:50
SecretGirlzero, i'm at a command prompt, now what??06:50
Peddycan someone please tell me if there is any program for Gnome (gutsy) which allows you to change the volume for different apps?06:50
=== test is now known as rich_freecomm
ubotuAn explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview06:51
talciteLainIwakura: oh one more thing. Check your system logs often when connection and modprobing modules. /var/log/messages in particular06:51
pawbieThis freaky bird background has got to go.l06:51
LainIwakuratalcite: ok06:51
talciteor kernel. Either may turn something up06:51
Kurtis-don't like the heron?06:51
kindofabuzzits a heron06:51
jhoc2xis it tux?06:51
talciteI think the heron's quite nice06:51
harriseldonPeddy: afaik, you would have to enable pulseaudio like hardy has installed.06:51
talciteanyways. night guys06:51
kindofabuzzheroin heron06:51
Kurtis-okay, what the hell, this still isn't working06:52
backharlowheron destroyed everything. i just lost a lot to the failed upgrade06:52
supersakouhh i just deleted my bars on the top right for the wireless networking how do i get it back?? :(06:52
LainIwakuraKurtis- this makes me want to go back to gutsy06:52
ticoHi I can install any extensions in firefox in 8.04, they all fail with an error06:52
harriseldonsupersako run nm-applet (alt-f2 then type nm-applet)06:52
kindofabuzzbackharlow: you didn't lose anything, all your personal shit is still on the hard drives06:52
jhoc2xLainIwakura: why?? is hardy not fine?06:52
Kurtis-Well, I'm afraid Gutsy never worked on this laptop06:52
supersakono go harriseldom06:52
SecretGirlzero, i'm at a command prompt, now what??06:52
nick_many of you people make or work on programs for linux06:52
r00723r0I'm going to cry.06:52
Kurtis-did on my previous...06:52
jhoc2xKurtis-: how so?06:53
LainIwakurajhoc2x: i'm sure it is.. i'm just having great difficulty setting up my wireless06:53
Shadow_Xtico, the version if firefox that comes with 8.04 is beta 3. its still in beta testing so there are no extensions available yet06:53
r00723r0I just found the most beautiful theme ever but the matching icons won't work :(06:53
tebandoes anyone have a problem when moving windows to a new workspace with wobbly windows active in hardy?06:53
ezzieyguywufdystopianray: how can I run the restricted drivers thing manually?06:53
r00723r0Theme: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Elegant+Brit?content=7455306:53
personacohey guys, if i install this new version of ubuntu, can i enable all those fancy compiz and xgl effects straight away or do i have to fuss with it to make it work?06:53
Kurtis-jhoc2x: Couldn't ever get X to work right, even with the right drivers06:53
kindofabuzznick_: most people here are just like you06:53
r00723r0Icons: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/area+o.42+SVG+icon+theme?content=7825906:53
r00723r0Could someone help?06:53
Kurtis-couldn't get it to start06:53
mikebotHas anyone ever heard of the alt cd?06:53
harriseldonsupersako check with hellmitre. hellmitre had a similar problem and figured it out06:53
Kurtis-even installed a base command prompt system06:53
MrObviouskindofabuzz: Hmm I'm gonna try this bugreport: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ndiswrapper/+bug/18862106:53
dystopianrayezzieyguywuf: i'm not sure how to do it on ubuntu, but in kubuntu it appears in the menus as 'hardware drivers manager'06:53
ezzieyguywuflemme check it out06:53
ticoIs anyone having trouble installing extensions in firefox with 8.04?06:53
kindofabuzzMrObvious: yeah there are alot of bug reports with broadcom chips06:54
pawbieOk, someone sanity check this for me.06:54
Kurtis-tico: Firefox 3.0 isn't compatible with most 2.0 extensions06:54
Shadow_Xtico, the version if firefox that comes with 8.04 is beta 3. its still in beta testing so there are no extensions available yet06:54
h00kI am having a problem getting an external NTFS drive to automount in Hardy.  Gutsy automounted, but Hardy will not.06:54
ezzieyguywufdystopianray: its weird, becaus the ATI Fire GL driver is checked but it says not in use. what could cause that?06:54
pawbie/dev/sdc2 would be hd2,1  yes?06:54
^V^nickrud: ubuntu now works fine06:54
personaco hey guys, if i install this new version of ubuntu, can i enable all those fancy compiz and xgl effects straight away or do i have to fuss with it to make it work?06:54
nickrud^V^ cool06:54
ticoShadow_X: Im using firefox 206:54
supersakohellmitre not here?06:54
^V^nickrud: although my windows boot option disappeared :/06:54
SecretGirlzero, i'm at a command prompt, now what??06:54
Shadow_Xtico, did you remove ff3 and manually install 2?06:54
nickrud^V^ what partition is your windows on?06:54
eugenebytheseatico: when u install add ons from mozilla's website - do look at the button "install now" - if says "this add on is for older versions of firefox" then... don't do it06:55
LainIwakuraok i have to sleep now. I'm having trouble setting up my wireless connection. Please take a look at my thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=765938 Thank you!06:55
ticoShadow_X: Yes06:55
virtualdhow do i install ubuntu from ubuntu?06:55
ticoShadow_X: Twice.06:55
eugenebytheseatico: personally all my add ons in firefox are working fine06:55
r00723r0Could someone help?06:55
kindofabuzztico, try a new profile, and the best place for firefox help:  forums.mozillazine.org06:55
zelrikriandomy upgrade broke everything06:55
karllenzhow can i see what i have shared on my mac osx?06:55
ticoShadow_X: k06:55
harriseldonsupersako, last I told hellmitre was to run nm-tool from terminal I do not know if that fixed it06:55
dystopianrayezzieyguywuf: i have no idea06:55
MrObviouskindofabuzz: Yeah no kidding. I might just have to wait a while. :\06:56
harriseldonkarllenz how did you share it?06:56
ezzieyguywufok guys, my ATI Fire GL driver is checked, but right next to the check box it says "not in use". What could be causing this?06:56
karllenzharriseldon: yes i have shared folders on my os x06:56
jhoc2xchecked but not in use??? weird06:56
kindofabuzzhelp hardy broke my marriage, my left big toe, and my wallet! =)06:56
=== rezie is now known as reznik
^V^nickrud: /dev/sdb06:56
supersakowasnt it harris :(06:56
harriseldonkarllenz what mechanism did you use to share them? appletalk, cifs, etc06:56
XceIIyour wallet?06:56
ticoeugenebythesea: Well yea, they should be working, but after it installs it give some error. Hoping to fix it now.06:56
=== reznik is now known as rezix
chewwonder how many times has 8.04 been downloaded so far..06:56
jhoc2xlol.. wallet06:56
matyysagt mal, kann ich mit powernowd eine Grenze für maximale Hertzzahl einstellen? z.B. um Strom zu sparen?06:57
kindofabuzzchew, torrent wise i saw over 5k seeders06:57
nickrud^V^ according to your fdisk -l , you don't have a /dev/sdb ;)06:57
kindofabuzzand that's just the main install06:57
matyysry wrong channel^^06:57
chewkindofabuzz: cool06:57
harriseldonsupersako http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=63709006:57
zelrikriandomy ubuntu is broken :/06:57
karllenzharriseldon: i just dbl click the folder then hit get info the hit share folder06:57
=== client is now known as eun_chae
Kurtis-I'm about to give up on 8.04 on my laptop if I can't get wireless to work.06:57
Kurtis-which is a shame...06:57
MrObviouskindofabuzz: Yeah I think I'll wait until later for wireless.06:57
mikebotCan someone help me with upgrading from the alternate cd?06:57
^V^nickrud: can you paste the link for that?06:57
MrObviousKurtis-: I hear you.06:57
pawbieError 21 yet again.06:57
dystopianrayKurtis-: what wireless card do you have?06:57
Kurtis-I'll still put it on my desktop06:57
kindofabuzzKurtis, yeah stick with gutsy, that's what i'm doing06:57
Kurtis-bcm4311 rev 206:58
nickrudhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64314/ ^V^06:58
Kurtis-Gutsy won't work for me on this one06:58
dystopianrayKurtis-: did you try ndiswrapper?06:58
Kurtis-it's too new06:58
Kurtis-I have06:58
kindofabuzzthe ones that don't work06:58
jhoc2xKurtis-: me too... ^_^06:58
mikebotOr can someone just give me a link to a page that has information regarding the alternate cd installation process?06:58
=== client is now known as eun_chae
Callipyginousanyone else having trouble with the samba app?06:58
nickrudmikebot sorry, got sidetracked and forgot your question06:58
kindofabuzzmikebot, just put it in and follow directions06:58
jhoc2xi think it still needs time to jump to 8.0406:58
Shadow_Xdisregard my previous question as I found the answer :)06:58
forevertheunibah..my upgrade app always freezes at the beggining06:58
^V^nickrud: hmm...it says hdb there but on my current fdisk -l it says sdb06:58
nickrudmikebot it is extremely simple, and self explanitory06:58
karllenzharriseldon: i see my mac in my network servers but there is nothing there06:58
soreauHow come Hardware Drivers do not list nvidia card as it did with RDM in Feisty?06:59
harriseldonkarllenz try using places connect to server -- try it as a windows share. I do not know what mechanism osx uses by default. you may want to find that out first06:59
dystopianraykarllenz: then it must not be sharing anything06:59
nickrud^V^ ah, you're using the hardy kernel now :)06:59
mikebotnickrud: It seems that at file 1085 of 1228 it starts downloading from the internet.06:59
forevertheuniwhat's the new line at sources.list to replace gutsy?06:59
^V^nickrud: yes :)06:59
mikebotnickrud: Instead of off the CD..06:59
supersakoharris i tried that but its not the one that was there default06:59
Shadow_Xjust a quick question. where there any last minute updates made today after the official release?06:59
nickrudmikebot alt-f8 will show the install log, you can see for sure what it's doing06:59
orvenis it normal that packages are showing as 'unauthenticated'?06:59
kindofabuzzi wonder if there's anyway to upgrade from the hardy iso?06:59
dystopianrayShadow_X: no06:59
ticoShadow_X: Yep working, deleted the profile...shoulda thought of that. Thanks.06:59
dystopianrayShadow_X: well not that i saw anyway07:00
* MrObvious needs some sleep.07:00
chxis it just me or sudo is horribly broken as it displays my password?07:00
mikebotnickrud: Where/when do I press this?07:00
HadeshornHi everyone! Im trying to install Hardy, but when it comes to the partition bit. my partitions dont show up and just shows the whole disk with no partitions. However in the live CD i can look thru my partitions with no problem07:00
obf213hey im getting this error when i try to open eclipse07:00
SecretGirli'm installing ubuntu from an external cdrom, someone recommended booting with  acpi and apm off, i did that and now i'm at a command prompt. what should i do now07:00
obf213A Java Runtime Environment (JRE) or Java Development Kit (JDK)07:00
obf213must be available in order to run Eclipse. No Java virtual machine07:00
obf213was found after searching the following locations:07:00
FloodBot2obf213: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:00
harriseldonsupersako, I do not know what applet you had before, sorry07:00
h00kI am having a problem getting an external NTFS drive to automount in Hardy.  Gutsy automounted, but Hardy will not.07:00
nickrudmikebot at any time07:00
mikebotnickrud: I'm running it from my desktop... should I boot from CD or something?07:00
dystopianrayobf213: what jdk do you have installed?07:00
obf213openjdk 607:00
harriseldonh00k what have you done so far to figure out what is happening?07:00
nickrudmikebot your last line does not compute ;)07:00
dystopianrayobf213: edit /etc/eclipse/java_home07:00
obf213sorry about the flood i didnt think it would do the newline like that07:00
supersakoharris, the one that comes with ubuntu LOL07:00
supersakoits a different icon07:00
nickrud^V^ a sec, I'll put together a stanza for you07:01
dystopianrayobf213: put /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk at the top of the list07:01
forevertheuni...in sources.list...shoul I replace gutsy by hardy?(the upgrade app hangs)07:01
harriseldonsupersako I thought it was nm-applet, maybe it changed in hardy07:01
supersakocould be??07:01
supersakoi keep typing in nm-applet nothing happens07:01
mikebotnickrud: I mean, I thought that I would be installing from the CD, not downloading from the internet.. alt+f8 is not doing anything.07:01
supersakoalt+f2 nm-applet07:01
Hadeshornhow do i change the permissions on a partition to me?07:01
matyycan I set limits for a AMD processor? (max ghz) if yes, with powernowd?07:01
* cupajoe raises hand07:01
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto07:01
nickrudmikebot might be alt-f407:01
h00kharriseldon: it's not showing up in /dev07:01
harriseldonsupersako try nm-applet --sm-disable07:01
nick_Does ayone know much about kmplot07:01
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal07:01
karllenzdystopianray: i got it had to hit options and choose what i wanted07:02
gnuskoo1who has a working xorg.conf for a Intel Corporation07:02
gnuskoo182852/855GM Integrated Graphics card??07:02
h00kharriseldon: dmesg reports 'sdb' when i plug it in, but I cant manually mount because I don't see it in /dev/07:02
mikebotnickrud: That asked me if I wanted to cancel the upgrade... I'm running it right now./07:02
mikebotnickrud: I just put the CD in and clicked on `run upgrade'07:02
supersakoahhh i got it07:02
AdrianStraysripps, I take that back...the lines and video issues returned when I reactive compiz07:02
supersakoharris, i need to add notification area07:02
saross0219anyone good with wireless issues here?07:02
=== ademan_ is now known as ademung
harriseldonh00k sdb is just the device, not the partition, you cannot mount just the device07:02
nickrudmikebot ah, you're upgrading, not doing a fresh instal07:03
supersakoi freakn deleted the notification area ! :P07:03
xeprasilly 8.04, won't set up grub right07:03
h00kharriseldon: there is no sdb1, sdb2 to mount either07:03
dnymy sound keeps going out, and i have to reboot for it to start again.  is there a way to restart alsa or something? :/07:03
pawbiexepra: I seem to be having the same issue...  Error 21.07:03
mikebotnickrud: Correct.07:03
xepraI had a similar problem on desktop edition07:03
soreauWhy would Hardware Drivers in Hardy not list an nVidia card as it did with RDM in Feisty?07:03
xeprabut i was able to fix it, just had to change hd7 to hd007:03
mikebotnickrud: And I'm confused as to why it is downloading from the internet instead of installing from the CD.07:03
xepranow its all fubar07:03
dsopdoes someone have problems with the framebuffer in hardy?07:03
towliehi i ran update manager and hit check. im on 7.10 by the way. it says its downloading 26 files and i think theyre repository info but its not updating to 8.0407:03
nickrudmikebot yes, you have some packages that you downloaded from the net in gutsy, and are not on the cd. It has to go to the net to get those files07:03
dsopmy inittab only displays white background07:04
gnuskoo1a working xorg.conf for Intel Corporation 82852/855GM Integrated Graphics please, or where do i change this in te gui?07:04
AdrianStraysnickrud, can you help me or are your hands full?07:04
harriseldonh00k are there any errors in dmesg?07:04
nickrudAdrianStrays a sec, I'm stretched with 2. Be done with one as soon as I finish some editing07:04
obf213dystopianray: thanks07:04
mikebotnickrud: Is there any way to bypass this process?07:04
SecretGirli'm installing ubuntu from an external cdrom, someone recommended booting with  acpi and apm off, i did that and now i'm at a command prompt. what should i do now07:04
AdrianStraysnickrud, alright I'll wait07:04
MocAnyone with flashing screen issues with nvidia drivers ?07:05
Moconly on the primary monitor (8600 gt)07:05
Shadow_Xok while attempting an upgrade I keep getting the error: "Unable to calculate upgrade" and the installer stops. any suggestions?07:05
zenlunaticany known problems with slow internet in hardy?07:05
nickrudmikebot none that I'm aware of. You could try unplugging your ethernet ;)07:05
h00kharriseldon: I know the drive is okay, and ->http://pastebin.com/m3e728ab07:05
Kurtis-zenlunatic: are you referring to the repositories?07:05
mikebotnickrud: Heh, ughhhhhh OK, thanks.07:05
ZeltaWill upgrading to Hardy Heron ruin ndiswrapper?07:05
milly1234my wireless seems to have a weaker signal since upgrading to hardy.... but no slower wired connections07:06
towliehi i ran update manager and hit check. im on 7.10 by the way. it says its downloading 26 files and i think theyre repository info but its not updating to 8.0407:06
pawbieOk, now I'm totally confused.  I know for a fact this is on SATA channel 4, sdc.  But I can boot that disk with BIOS options and change root to hd(0,0) and it books?07:06
zenlunaticKurtis-: no. just browsing ff07:06
towliecan someone help me out07:06
Kohelethwow, ubuntus way of managing grub is a bit in the dark ages07:06
Kurtis-I've not had any slow browsing experiences.07:06
harriseldonh00k it looks like you are getting io errors07:06
jeffimperiala little help with upgrading to Hardy, please?07:06
harriseldonh00k did you try any other usb ports to confirm that it is not a problem with the port?07:06
zenlunaticKurtis-: thanks07:06
ubotuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)07:06
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes07:06
h00kharriseldon: let me try...07:06
milly1234Kurtis-, congratulations07:06
ChrisULMgot a problem with hardy, i have a panel with icons at the bottom of my desktop, but when i restart it moves the panel to the top. whats going on?07:07
ZeltaWill upgrading to Hardy Heron ruin ndiswrapper?07:07
towliei need help upgrading from 7.10 can anyone help me out07:07
Kurtis-A friend of mine got his card to work with ndiswrapper07:07
Kurtis-I can't, though07:07
Shadow_Xtowlie, the servers are being extremely slow today because of the new release. everyone is upgrading today, so the servers are under extreme stress. furthermore, after the check is finished, you need to click "upgrade" at the top of the update manager07:07
seamus7towlie: what's the problem?07:07
SecretGirli'm trying to install ubuntu on my laptop from an external CDROM but the installation stops at 90% on "Loading module "aec62xx" for IDE chipset support", any ideas how to fix this07:07
nickrud^V^ I think http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64316/ should work, your drives all being seen as serial devices should remove all the sata/pata pain07:07
Kurtis-which is bothersome because he's an absolute n00b to Linux and I've been using it for a few years now07:07
towlieseamus7, i ran update manager hit check and it says its downloading 45 files. once it completes i hit check again and it does the same thing over and over again07:08
nickrudAdrianStrays now, ask me your question so I can probably say, 'no freaking clue' ;)07:08
jeffimperialI am using the cdromupgrade (Alternate CD) because I have very slow Internet Connection (ADSL). wanted to ask if why the method i'm using is still connecting to the internet..07:08
cellofellowthis question is NOT ABOUT HARDY: should I set up the rsync daemon to use xinetd like this (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/rsync) says, or use a regular UNIX daemon? (I'm trying to get BackupPC working.)07:08
grzybroot@sextasy:/lib/modules/2.6.24-16-generic/kernel/sound/pci/cs5535audio# insmod snd-cs5535audio.ko07:08
grzybinsmod: error inserting 'snd-cs5535audio.ko': -1 Unknown symbol in module07:08
Kurtis-Okay, I'm giving up. I'll try Hardy on my laptop once others have actually had success, heh07:08
Kurtis-I'll just stick with it on my desktop07:08
ArelisHas the chat calmed down a bit?07:08
nickrudjeffimperial because you have installed stuff during gutsy that is still only available over the net07:08
Arelisso i can finally ask my question?07:08
AdrianStraysnickrud, so my issue was originally this.  Whenever I change screens or played videos, these vertical lines appeared all over my screen.  I posted on the ubuntu forums, someone suggested I use EnvyNG.  I did, and that made things worse.  The lines remained, and now I couldn't watch videos, nothing displayed.  I worked with ripps on here, and we were able to reverse some of the problem.  Videos now work and lines are gone when comp07:08
h00kharriseldon: no errors, but it does keep saying [  920.986234] usb 7-3: reset high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 707:09
Kurtis-and I can't follow this chat. It's giving me a major headache. Too many users07:09
Hadeshornwhy does my partitions not show up in gparted when using the hardy live cd?07:09
towlieseamus7, can i pm you07:09
Kurtis-'night to the ones where it's actually night07:09
ArelisKurtis-: still a busy chat, eh?07:09
seamus7towlie: sound like what others have said ... it's just not able to complete the download fully because of the load on servers at the moment ... might need to wait til tomorrow07:09
jeffimperialnickrud: any workaround so that Update Manager won't connect to the Internet?07:09
seamus7towlie: yes07:09
ubotuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels.  To countdown to Hardy release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyReleaseParties07:09
Kurtis-I'm used to channels with a max of 50 users07:09
Liquid-SilenceI just intalled the nvidia drivers07:09
cellofellowthis question is NOT ABOUT HARDY: should I set up the rsync daemon to use xinetd like this (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/rsync) says, or use a regular UNIX daemon? (I'm trying to get BackupPC working.)07:10
^V^nickrud: thanks07:10
Liquid-Silencebut I cant run dual monitors07:10
markfwhu not using a torrent file?07:10
nickrudjeffimperial you can try disabling all your sources, except for the cdrom. It probably won't work, since you'd have some broken packages.07:10
leonbrusselsSecretGirl: probably a malburnt CD. Try the check cd for defect option in the boot menu07:10
Arelis!party | Everybody, DO NOT IGNORE THIS MESSAGE07:10
ubotuEverybody, DO NOT IGNORE THIS MESSAGE: please see above07:10
=== towlie is now known as towlieban
dsopdoes someone have problems with the framebuffer in hardy?07:10
h00kharriseldon: now I disconnected the drive and got I/O errors again, unable to read partition table.  This isn't cool, I'll see what I can do07:10
Kurtis-anyway, bye07:10
nickrud^V^ thank me if it works ;)07:10
zelrikriandohow to make compiz work again on hardy07:10
kimmeyI was running update-manager to update to hardy. When it update-manager started to remove old packages my power went down. How may I fix this?07:10
AdrianStraysnickrud, I'm using a Raedon Xpress 1100 card.  I've been having massive amounts of issues since upgrading, and in all honestly, I'm having trouble remembering all the things we've done.07:10
jeffimperialnickrud: how 'bout just turning off my modem? would the Upd. Mgr. still continue to work if i just unplug it?07:10
leonbrusselszelrikriando: Doesn't it work?07:10
WaffleArelis, what message are we not supposed to ignore?07:10
SecretGirlCD is fine07:11
Nahican anyone help me in cpanel stuff i recently got a server and im trying to make users for cpanel07:11
dnymy sound keeps going out, and i have to reboot for it to start again.  is there a way to restart alsa or something? :/07:11
zelrikriandoleonbrussels: lots of things got broken when I upgraded07:11
nickrudjeffimperial it'll try to download from the net, but get 404's. Then you can depend on breakage07:11
cupajoeI have a quick question, I just installed Ubuntu and I can't figure out how to get my sound to work. I'm a generally advanced user though treat me like a basic one because this is my first time using Ubuntu. I am, however, sure that the volume is turned up in the software and not muted. I'm running on a laptop with integrated speakers, I believe it uses Realtek hardware. I don't know how to figure out what driver Ubuntu is using for it07:11
SecretGirlleonbrussels, someone recommended booting with  acpi and apm off, i did that and now i'm at a command prompt. what should i do now07:11
zelrikriandoleonbrussels: I cant even start the synaptic manager07:11
leonbrusselszelrikriando: OPen up a terminal and type compiz. Thne give the output07:11
pawbieGrub fragged my stripe set.07:11
xepracupajoe: sometimes the drivers don't work by default, I never could get them to work right in fact07:11
ArelisWaffle: the chat about release partying - because, yesterday, many people were coming in and saying "Hardy got released!", so people wouldn't get good support07:11
h00kharriseldon: any ideas off the top of your head?07:11
Shadow_Xim trying to upgrade to hardy, and even after removing unsupported packages, the upgrade still fails and complains that it can calculate the changes. any ideas?07:11
harriseldonSecretGirl is this a macbook pro?07:12
cupajoeWell that's depressing :/07:12
nickrudAdrianStrays the end of your question got cut off07:12
leonbrusselsSecretGril: Try pressing Control+D and it will normally continue booting normally07:12
jeffimperialnickrud: oh well... three hourse and 122 files to go then.. thanks anyway07:12
leonbrusselsSecretGirl: Try pressing Control+D and it will normally continue booting normally07:12
ArelisWaffle: err, chat = message07:12
zelrikriandoleonbrussels: http://pastebin.com/m4585510807:12
cupajoeAnyone else have thoughts?07:12
mlw1hey again, I'm having some big problems connecting to a sftp server in 8.04.  It worked fine and extremely fast on 7.10, but now using connect to server and specifying the same settings gives me errors after about one folder access.  Any ideas?07:12
harriseldonh00k I have no idea, it seems like a hardware issue. do you have another computer to test with? even a 7.10 live cd if that worked before07:12
xepracupajoe:  google around, sometimes you just have to build/install your own07:12
xeprawhich isn't too bad07:12
zelrikriandoleonbrussels: the synaptic package manager is more important I guess07:12
nickrudjeffimperial yeah, the downside of using a net oriented os. I used to update debian unstable over a modem, so I have only a little sympathy ;)07:12
supersakodo we need to install the simple ccsm now for compiz?07:12
pawbiesupersako: Fusion-icon07:13
AdrianStraysNickrud, this may be easier: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76574907:13
cupajoeWell I can install my own but I don't quite have the level of skill needed to build a driver07:13
the_darkside_986does Ubuntu Hardy still support single-core 32-bit CPU like Intel Celeron?07:13
h00kharriseldon: I'll try a live CD, I have some other utils I can try.  It /just/ worked today, newer drive, backed up all my info to it before my upgrade07:13
SecretGirlharriseldon, no, a compaq nx901007:13
Nahii have cpanel installed but i dunno how to use it07:13
supersakoim reading this thing that says u need to dl a new thing called simple-ccsm07:13
NukeSkyjumperthe_darkside_986: yes, of course it does07:13
jeffimperialnickrud: thanks man.. at least i can stop wondering.. have to leave the effing room so that i could maximize the bandwidth..  laters07:13
harriseldonSecretGirl I saw some macbook pro threads with the same error, I will keep checking07:13
jeanrehi all07:13
SecretGirlleonbrussels, control+d dush do anything i'm still in the built in shell07:13
zenlunaticthe_darkside_986: yes07:14
jeanrehi all0ModeLine "1280x800" 80.58 1280 1344 1480 1680 800 801 804 8270?07:14
the_darkside_986ok. and i386 is the right iso?07:14
AdrianStraysNickrud, that is the beginning.  The problem has changed alittle.  Now when I switch off compiz, videos work fine and the lines are gone, when I switch it back on, the lines show up, a bit less, and videos are blinky and have lines all over them.07:14
leonbrusselszelrikriando: Is synaptic broken?07:14
NukeSkyjumperthe_darkside_986: yes07:14
zenlunaticthe_darkside_986: thats like 90% of all computers, so of course07:14
zelrikriandoleonbrussels: yeah07:14
jeanreis there any reason why I can not run 1280x800 on with nvidia drivers?07:14
mlw1is there a terminal command to change the resolution of a monitor that I could add to my session commands for startup?07:14
Cusoon959I blacklisted ssb in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist along with b43. b43 is no longer loading, but ssb is. How do I fix this?07:14
SecretGirldoes anybody know how to install ubuntu from the shell07:14
SecretGirlstep by step07:14
m8m8y8jia hao07:14
leonbrusselszelrikirando: What does it say?07:14
ArelisHello, everybody. I want to get my Wacom Bamboo Fun (which is an USB tablet you connect to the pc, used to draw pictures or animations on a computer, or write some things down) to work with Ubuntu Hardy. Many people had 'promised' (somewhat) that the Bamboo Fun would automatically work in Hardy. Up to now, it doesn't. There's not even a /dev/input/wacom . So how do i get it to work?07:14
m8m8y8youren ma07:14
nickrudAdrianStrays ah, if it's only with compiz, ask in #compiz-fusion. They know how that interacts with the various video drivers07:14
dystopianraySecretGirl: sounds like you'll need the alternate install cd07:14
leonbrussels zelrikriando: What does it say?07:15
AdrianStraysNickrud, I already tried them, no one responded.07:15
the_darkside_986ok thanks. and is this the correct output of uname -a on my system that has Intel Celeron 3.2 Ghz: "Linux hardy-desktop 2.6.24-16-generic #1 SMP Thu Apr 10 13:23:42 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux" ?07:15
nickrudAdrianStrays cdlrb, watch for him.07:15
myf  /join #ubuntu-cn07:15
TweakerHola, I got a question about another game...Its called Eclipse and it allows you to build your own ORPG and I've got it working, but I can't enter the admin panel with the F1 button, why is this?07:15
AdrianStraysNickrud, I believe it has something to do with xorg.conf07:15
harriseldonTweaker is it native or through Wine?07:15
TweakerThrough Wine07:15
nickrudAdrianStrays crldb maybe, one of those meaningless character strings. He's already in bed probably, but is around nearly daily, for long periods07:16
zelrikriandoleonbrussels: that s weird...I can run it through the terminal07:16
SecretGirldystopianray, the cd is fine i checked and there's no problem, its an original cd that i ordered07:16
zenlunaticthe_darkside_986: i think SMP means dual core/multi procs07:16
damo22hi im trying to add cdrom to apt... i get E: Failed to mount the cdrom.07:16
SecretGirldoes anybody know how to install ubuntu from the shell, step by step07:16
dystopianraySecretGirl: still, it sounds like you'll need the alternate install cd07:16
harriseldonTweaker F1 is already mapped in gnome, you need to change the mapping there first. Gnome hot keys will be use before wine07:16
h00kharriseldon: Well, I turned the drive off for a bit, moved the usb cables a little, and it works now, automount and all.07:16
the_darkside_986yeah that's why i am worried. and it would explain the awful behavior of the whole system. but it doesn't act like that on the live cd07:16
AdrianStraysnickrud, alright I'll try back in the morning07:16
mlw1anyone know what I might be doing wrong to have my display resolution overwritten on every reboot?07:16
TweakerOk, how do I do this Harriseldon.?07:16
jeanredoes anyone have any ideas on this07:16
h00kharriseldon: that scared me.  thanks for letting me think out loud about it ;)07:16
nickrudAdrianStrays between you and me, I don't use compiz on my 1100, it's just to freaking slow07:17
jeanremy mode line does not work07:17
NukeSkyjumperthe_darkside_986: all ubuntu is going to support SMP, so you're using the right one07:17
harriseldonh00k anytime, I am glad that it worked07:17
Aces|Anyone know if the Hardy Live CD has better Nvidia Graphics driver support than Gusty Gibbon did?07:17
leonbrusselszelrikriando: try typing sudo apt-get install gedit07:17
ChrisULMgot a problem with hardy, i have a panel with icons at the bottom of my desktop, but when i restart it moves the panel to the top. whats going on?07:17
NukeSkyjumperthe_darkside_986: if performance isn't very good, you probably need to enable the nonfree video driver07:17
damo22hi im trying to add hardy cdrom to apt... i get E: Failed to mount the cdrom.07:17
nickrudAces| it has the latest nvidia driver, while gutsy's was months out of date07:17
leonbrusselszelrikriando: You already have that installed, but it will tell you where it chrashes07:17
the_darkside_986I already have the non-free nvidia driver setup. The whole system lags and startup time is extremely long.07:18
zenlunaticAces|: from my experience so far, yes.  all the multiverse etc is default07:18
knapsack_Anyone know if there is an eclipse PDT (PHP Development framework) package in any Ubuntu repos?07:18
zelrikriandoleonbrussels: it s not crashing07:18
Aces|ok thanks nickrud I just had quite a bit of troubling installing 7.10 with the live cd so I ended up having to use the alternate07:18
NukeSkyjumperthe_darkside_986: what do you mean by "lags"?07:18
Aces|Ok thanks07:18
ArelisFor anyone who wants to get a Wacom Bamboo Fun to work in Ubuntu, click this link: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4787309#post478730907:18
AdrianStraysnickrud, I think I'll disable it for now, I'm just frustrated that I went from Gusty, where everything worked, to Hardy where all I've had is graphics issues. I was kind of hoping things would get better.  Thanks anyways07:18
Aces|Ill give it a try07:18
SecretGirldystopianray, if there was a problem with cd, wouldn't the scan for defects return something07:18
AcoustykHardy is lagging!07:18
Kl4mthe_darkside_986: generic kernel enables SMP only if it can. the SMP mention is because it supports it.07:18
jeanrewhy cant I run 1280x800?07:18
amazing_lady8.04 is cool07:18
Acoustykanyone know any quick fixes for this?07:18
leonbrusselszelrikriando: So only synaptic is crashing?07:18
xepraanyone know xen well?07:18
zelrikriandoleonbrussels: only from the taskbar07:18
TweakerDoes anyone know what the F1 key does in gnome so I can unassign it?07:18
NukeSkyjumperAcoustyk: obviously, you haven't given any details of the problem07:18
dystopianraySecretGirl: not if the problem is related to hardware incompatibilities07:19
the_darkside_986Everytime I start a process such as synaptic, it seems that it tries to hog the CPU and even the mouse cursor freezes for a while.07:19
nickrudAdrianStrays all I can say is everything worked fine for me (beta install nearly 2 months ago, and updates since then. First time that Works for Me™ :)07:19
zelrikriandoleonbrussels: I can start it from a terminal07:19
harriseldonTweaker, I do not see the setting for F1 in keyboard shortcuts.  I am not sure where it is being "trapped"07:19
Acoustykwell when browsing I notice lag in the scrolling07:19
Acoustykvery jagged and what not07:19
xepraanyone know xen well? I had a question on the gui...07:19
harriseldonTweaker, does Eclipse have any way to remap the keys?07:19
Acoustykalso my boot time has doubled07:19
TweakerHmm, could it be some were else then?07:19
TweakerSadly no it does not, F1 always opens the Admin panels07:19
NukeSkyjumperthe_darkside_986: try disabling "visual effects" in the Appearance settings07:19
zelrikriandoleonbrussels: "sudo: unable to resolve host shipon " why is that?07:19
Acoustykand I have an Application problem alert upon logging in07:20
the_darkside_986I've already disabled visual effects.07:20
pawbieI am so pissed off at 8.04 right now.07:20
jeanreOk guys I am running the nvidia driver07:20
zenlunaticAcoustyk: wow.  lots of problems07:20
jeanreI can not get 1280x800 to work for some reason even tho the lcd I selected is 1280x80007:20
leonbrusselszelrikriando: Weird, dunno, maybe you  just want to do a clean install but copying your home directory so you can keep all you settings, thats what I'm gonna do when it finished copying07:20
zelrikriandoleonbrussels: I dont want to do that07:21
jeanreI can go 1280X72007:21
soreauWhy would Hardware Drivers in Hardy not list an nVidia card as it did with RDM in Feisty?07:21
leonbrusselszelrikriando: Then I don't know, sorry :(07:21
SecretGirli have installed ubuntu before on the laptop07:21
SecretGirlno problems then, but i do have some malfunctioning hardware, do u think it has something to do with it07:21
SecretGirlcant i install ubuntu from a command prompt07:21
nickrudTweaker Acoustyk isn't it alt-f1 for the panel menus?07:21
leonbrusselsbye everybody, whish me luck for installing07:21
Shadow_Xwhat would happen if i added the 8.04 cd to the 7.10 repositories in synaptic?07:22
the_darkside_986A "sudo apt-get update" must be done to let non-free nvidia card drivers show up in the hardware manager if you didn't let the installer "scan the mirrors" during installation.07:22
Acoustykno problems with the panel other than a slight delay07:22
TweakerUhm Im talking about the Panels in this game.F1 opens them and would alt F1 still affect the key mapping?07:22
devin_anyone know of a way to resize the terminal and keep it at your desired size?07:22
AcoustykI found a tweak to solve the same problem in 7.10 tho07:22
NukeSkyjumperShadow_X: you would be upgrading to Hardy, which does work. however, that usually causes little bugs here and there07:22
nickrudAcoustyk it's modifiable, in metacity at /apps/metacity/global_keybindings, and compiz in ccsm in general options, keybindings tab07:23
Shadow_XNukeSkyjumper, just wondering. because i keep getting upgrade errors while trying to do a "normal" upgrade and im getting sick of it lol07:23
nickrudAcoustyk unless I've totally missed the question ;)07:23
Shadow_Xi have my stuff backed up anyway, so im not too concerned about a failure during upgrade07:23
Acoustyklol yea you did07:23
Acoustykim having lag problems07:23
damo22hi im trying to add hardy cdrom to apt... i get E: Failed to mount the cdrom.07:23
nick_im on ubuntu 7.1 just installed it 2 days ago would upgrading to 8 be better is there better support07:23
nickrudI threw in that caveat when I saw you say lag just before :)07:23
NukeSkyjumperShadow_X: if you edit your /etc/apt/sources.list and change "gutsy" to "hardy" and then upgrade all packages, you should get a working hardy system07:24
Wavesonicsmonitors works via GUI in 8.04!!!07:24
Johnny_5so i guess the consensus is that gutsy may still be better than hardy07:24
nickrudnick_ gutsy will have support for another year right here, as well as hardy07:24
Shadow_Xhmm ok. i'll try that07:24
Johnny_5that's kinda what i've been gathering07:24
Wavesonicsin 8.04 I cant enable "normal" effects07:24
Wavesonicsgetting crash07:24
nickrudJohnny_5 I'm voting hardy big time07:24
laiyahey how do i cascade the windows ?07:25
NukeSkyjumperWavesonics: do you have the nonfree video driver enabled?07:25
Johnny_5i'm just not convinced i need 2 upgrade from gutsy quite yet07:25
nickrudI've run every release, and breezy for me was the most trouble free one, but hardy is running close07:25
harriseldonTweaker have you tried a virtual desktop with wine (use winecfg)? I am just guessing here since I do not know07:25
WavesonicsNukeSkujumper: I dont think so, should I?07:25
TweakerGive me a second and I can try that07:25
WavesonicsI have an ATI card07:25
NukeSkyjumperWavesonics: yeah, it'll enable 3d support07:25
nickrudJohnny_5 waiting a couple weeks is not a bad idea, just in case some bad bugs suddenly crop up and need fixing07:25
NukeSkyjumperthough i'm not sure how much better the nonfree ATI driver is than the open source one07:26
NukeSkyjumperyou should still try it07:26
ricreedevin_: not that I know of.  However, the man page says that if you add --geometry=(number of chars horizontal)x(number of chars vertical) it will set your terminal to a specified size by default07:26
nickrudWavesonics if you have a 9550 or later, you will need the restricted one to run 3d apps07:26
laiyai recently saw a video of ubuntu where they were able to cascade the windows and it looked quite cool .. how does one do that ?07:27
devin_ricree ill give it a try07:27
NukeSkyjumperlaiya: System > Preferences > Advanced Desktop Settings. it's in there, somewhere07:27
harriseldonlaiya it may have been with compiz-fusion (aka desktop effects)07:27
NukeSkyjumperlaiya: though you probably need to "sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager" first07:28
mudd`Hossamquestion: can ext3 filesystem and ntfs file system exist on one driver under different partitions? thank you07:28
damo22i want to upgrade from feisty to hardy can i just do "dist-upgrade" ?07:28
dystopianraymudd`Hossam: yes of course07:28
nickrudmudd`Hossam yes07:28
Acoustykanyone know how to stop lag in firefox 3 on hardy?07:28
prodigelHi. I'm having problems with gdm or something from gnome. My desk freezes just from checking properties on a panel applet, or trying to change desktop background. Alt+tab and other window shortcut keys still function. Could you help me trace to problem?07:28
mudd`Hossammore specifically (a raid0 array of two drives)07:28
mudd`HossamYES, thank you very much07:28
nickruddamo22   do-release-upgrade   is preferred07:28
NukeSkyjumperAcoustyk: nobody knows what you mean by "lag". you need to be more specific07:29
Acoustykthe scrolling is awfully jagged07:29
Lardarsedoes anyone know what happened to the "xmms" package? it's in gutsy but not hardy07:29
ricreeAcoustyk: what is the cpu usage like?07:29
harriseldonprodigel once you are in gnome, gdm is out of the picture07:29
tijnLardarse, i know!! :(07:29
nickruddamo22 it does some checks specific to ubuntu (don't ask me exactly what they are, one of the uber-geeks told me that)07:29
Acoustykhow do I check that in ubuntu?07:29
tijnBring back XMMS!!07:29
timr92what's XMMS?07:29
laiyaNukeSkyjumper: installing07:29
XceIILardarse:  check add remove, but first allow backports07:29
damo22nickrud: E: Invalid operation do-release-upgrade07:30
nickrudtijn they replaced it with xmms207:30
LardarseXceII: i did07:30
hugol1hi, my nvidia doesnt work sine I installed hardy. In Launchpad a lot of people is complaining about the same. Anybody knows a way to solve it?07:30
ricreeAcoustyk:  System>Administration>System Monitor07:30
Acoustyki never knew how to check that on ubuntu07:30
laiyaNukeSkyjumper: how will that app help me ?07:30
tijnxmms2 is a client server modell?07:30
XceIIinteresting, mine has it07:30
Lardarsenickrud: umm... that sounds like a step backwards...07:30
Prez00what's the feedback coming in, generally good, bad, average?07:30
NukeSkyjumperlaiya: that app lets you configure all of the window managing effects07:30
ricreeAcoustyk: Also, the top comand line utility will do that07:30
laiyaoh ok07:30
prodigelharriseldon: ok, so something freezes in gnome and I don't know why. I've waited for updates hoping it will be solved, but nothing. Now 8.04 was launched and I'm still having problems07:30
nickruddamo22 it's a command unto itself , /usr/bin/do-release-upgrade07:30
r00723r0I'm going to cry.07:30
r00723r0I just found the most beautiful theme ever but the matching icons won't work :(07:30
WGGMkI guess I can talk about Hardy in this channel now?????07:30
r00723r0Theme: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Elegant+Brit?content=7455307:30
timr92why is evry1 havin probs after upgrading to 8.0407:30
FloodBot2r00723r0: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:30
LardarsePrez00: generally good from the people who did clean installs, and bad from people who upgraded... go figure07:31
r00723r0Not flooding.07:31
r00723r0Icons: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/area+o.42+SVG+icon+theme?content=7825907:31
pawbietimr92: Planet alignment.07:31
Acoustykricree: ext3 has 8.3 gigs free07:31
nickrudLardarse which does?07:31
Prez00Lardarse: great... i am looking to upgrade...07:31
WavesonicsHi, i'm trying to enable my ATI proprietary driver and it says "Invalid xorg.conf"07:31
LardarsePrez00: back up as much as you can07:31
WGGMkIs anyone else getting this systems asses handed to them by firefox3??? on hardy heron???07:31
Lardarsenickrud: <nickrud> tijn they replaced it with xmms207:31
TweakerHarrisEldon: I love you :D It worked, thanks man! I owe ya and this IRC07:31
Prez00Lardarse: guess I could clean install... got all my drive partitioned, /home is partition, so I guess I can go for clean reinstall07:32
Acoustykricree: cpu usage is at 40%07:32
nickrudLardarse heh. I don't use either, just keep track of what changes07:32
HalsafarI have installed Ubuntu 8 on a machine that cannot get internet access, period.  I need to install packages via cdrom.  I used apt-cdrom add, apt-get update and the update always ignores the cdrom "Ign: cdrom://ubuntu" -- I have cleared the apt cache dir, even reinstalled the entire distro... same problem07:32
ricreeAcoustyk: mostly firefox?07:32
laiyaNukeSkyjumper: installed .... how do i configure it ??07:32
NukeSkyjumperlaiya: open the app and look around, it's self explanatory07:32
TweakerAlright Im out thanks for the help07:32
nickrudWavesonics try   sudo dpkg-reconfigure -pcritical xserver-xorg , then try the restricted driver again07:32
the_darkside_986firefox3 isn't doing too much harm on Hardy but the whole system freezes momentarily everytime i open a GUI program. even the GDM login stutters badly. and startup time is miserable. I actually like firefox3 (finally, nice GTK2 form buttons)07:32
damo22Halsafar: try sudo apt-cdrom -m -d <mountpoint>07:33
WGGMkHalsafar: open up /etc/apt/sources.list and make sure it isnt commented out07:33
Wavesonicsnickrud: aaww... I was trying to prove to my friend that linux has come far enough u dont have to use the command line to set things up, oh well07:33
chronographerHi all. I have my new monitor working perfectly, except when I use the nvidia driver, I seem to be unable to get it to the correct refresh rate... Any suggestions?07:33
laiyaNukeSkyjumper: where is the app ? im new to linux07:33
Acoustykricree: no it looks like xgl and gnome-do are more07:33
NukeSkyjumperlaiya: System > Preferences > Advanced Desktop Settings07:33
nickrudWavesonics bite your tongue, if they took away the command line I'd move to something else07:34
Wavesonicsi do love the resolution/dual head tool :)07:34
areelsi want to merge vob files and edit them, like adding watermark07:34
HalsafarI tried that damo22,apt-cdrom just listed its help menu...  Yes I checked sources.list, it is not commented out.07:34
kakaltodoes firefox seriously say "beta 5" when you have it open on 8.04?07:34
Acoustykricree: it spikes when firefox changes a page07:34
areelswhat do i need to do that?07:34
eugenebytheseakakalto: yes07:34
Wavesonicsnickrud: ok i did it, now what07:34
zelrikriandook I have compiz to fix now07:34
psypher246hey all, i need sum help getting ubuntu on the 2gb eee pc. how do i do a base install and build it up from there. i have the alternate cd  but no option for command line install. where to from here?07:34
NukeSkyjumperareels: watermarking requires one to have no soul, i believe07:34
ezzieyguywufhow can i detect the temperature on my t60p in hardy heron?07:34
nickrudkakalto yes, mozilla hasn't released the final yet07:34
kakaltookay, that's all. Just wanted to verify the insanity o_o07:35
ricreeAcoustyk: Does the slowdown depend on how much javascript or flash is being used on the page?07:35
nickrudWavesonics now try the driver manager tool again07:35
dystopianrayezzieyguywuf: try running: acpi -V07:35
pawbieezzieyguywuf: Touch it!07:35
Wavesonicsnickrud, i did, doesn't work07:35
XceIIezzieyguywuf:  gkrellm07:35
nickrudWavesonics same error?07:35
ricreeAcoustyk: Also, how much free memory do you have?07:35
kakaltonickrud, eugenebythesea, do canonical plan on including ff3 final when it is released?07:35
prodigelharriseldon: can I find somewhere in logs info about this problems?07:35
Wavesonicsnickrud: yes07:35
chronographerpsypher: just install xubuntu07:35
chronographerits a pain in the arse to try command line installing07:35
ezzieyguywufdystopianray: i got some text but no temp reading07:35
nickrudWavesonics hm, put a copy of your /etc/X11/xorg.conf  on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org07:35
nikitisi need help with LVM and Grub.  I can't see my windows install.  Got switched somehow.07:35
psypher246chronographer: i know it is but how do u do it07:35
Acoustykricree: free swap memory? (and yes flash makes it worse but this page is all text and it slows it down still)07:36
dystopianrayezzieyguywuf: then you must have no temperature sensors accessible via acpi07:36
eugenebytheseakakalto: i don't know.. sorry =)07:36
luderaceri lub you all07:36
areels i need something like ulead video studio07:36
chronographerer.. download an xubuntu live cd, or alternate cd07:36
ezzieyguywufdystopianray: it worked in gutsy thoughh. shoud I just reinstall lm-sensors?07:36
nickrudkakalto it'll be in backports for sure, and probably in main07:36
creativehow can i delete that stuff what hides flashes with a "play" button ??07:36
nick_just installed amarok all y music on another partiton when i go to import music that partition is not there07:36
psypher246how do you do a command line install with ubuntu hardy not xubuntu07:36
ricreeAcoustyk: physical memory.  Should be on the left in the System monitor resources tab07:36
dystopianrayezzieyguywuf: does 'sensors' no longer show it?07:36
chronographerif you do instlall to command line, type 'sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop' i think07:36
chronographerpsy: google it07:37
Acoustykricree: 7.1 gigs07:37
ezzieyguywufdystopianray: what do you mean by 'sensors'?07:37
NukeSkyjumpercreative: do you mean Noscript for firefox?07:37
dystopianraynick_: did you mount it?07:37
dystopianrayezzieyguywuf: 'sensors' the program07:37
Wavesonicsnickrud: http://pastebin.com/d4cc3e9ad07:37
psypher246thanks for the help, not like i just spent 20 mins trying to google it07:37
kakaltois there a canonical channel? I'm awful confused as to why they've included beta5 (even labelled so, advertising beta-quality program) in their long-term ubuntu release, and yet fail to support any kubuntu as long-term.07:37
creativei dont know NukeSkyjumper...07:37
syrusany body have any luck upgrading07:37
XceIIno script is the way to go.07:37
ricreeAcoustyk:  Are you sure about that?07:37
nick_dystopianray: it's shws up on my desktop07:37
creativebut i cannot see flashes, and i havent got any extensions intstalled07:37
barmymattHi all. Has anyone had any luck with keepassx in AMD64 version?...07:37
Acoustykricree: thats space on my hard drive07:37
dystopianraykakalto: i don't believe canonical has ever supported kubuntu, they only care about ubuntu07:38
ricreeAcoustyk: what about the RAM07:38
nick_dystopianray: The partition shows up on my desktop07:38
devin_ricree i got the command i need to resize the terminal but how or what do i config to save it?07:38
dystopianraynick_: is it mounted?07:38
psypher246so since i have already tried googling it, is there anyone else willing to tell me how to do a command line install of ubuntu hardy07:38
nick_dystopianray: how do i tell07:38
NukeSkyjumperpsypher246: are you trying to upgrade from an older version?07:38
syrusget the alternative cd07:38
Acoustykriceree: under memory and swap I have 2 gigs of mem with 369.2 megs being used07:39
psypher246got oit07:39
psypher246then what07:39
dystopianraydystopianray: right click on it on the desktop and see if the option is there to mount it07:39
psypher246fresh install07:39
Wavesonicsnick_: http://pastebin.com/d4cc3e9ad07:39
Acoustykricree: and 0 bytes of swap07:39
zenlunaticanyone else having net speed issues in hardy?07:39
steindaniHi! I'm using U. 8.04, and Intel sound card. There's sound, but I can't control it's volume.07:39
NukeSkyjumperpsypher246: you mean, install ubuntu without the gui installer?07:39
chronographerhey ZENLUN07:39
up365syrus, almost there after about 4-5 hrs, restart sys to upgrade07:39
NukeSkyjumperpsypher246: that's not a "command line install"07:39
eugenebythesea<zenlunatic> no.. it's working better for me than gutsy07:39
psypher246i just want a command line installed07:39
chronographerI use a belkin card and my comp went real slow07:39
nick_wavesonics: ?07:39
psypher246no not the gui07:39
Daisuke_Idoah, you don't want a gui at all07:39
seamus7hi all ... must one use the alternate CD to upgrade via a CD/DVD?07:39
Daisuke_Idoseamus7, yes07:40
psypher246want MININMAL ubuntu installed and then build from there07:40
chronographerpsypher: have you tried putting the disk in and seeing if it is listed as an option?07:40
ricreedevin_: right click on the icon you use to open the terminal and click on properties.  One of the boxes will say command.  Add the --geometry argument you want to use after gnome-terminal in that box07:40
zenlunaticeugenebythesea: me too, but now its acting up my net is 6mb but only getting like 300k on speed test07:40
psypher246it's open right in from of me07:40
psypher246no option07:40
NukeSkyjumperpsypher246: if you just install normally, you can ctrl-alt-F1 to get your console07:40
Acoustykriceree: get that?07:40
zenlunaticeugenebythesea: disabled ipv6 and nothing07:40
NukeSkyjumperand then "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop" to take away the gui07:40
nickrudWavesonics that's essentially identical to mine, except I have the synaptics touch pad config. You should file a bug. Try running   gksu -D /usr/share/applications/jockey-gtk.desktop /usr/bin/jockey-gtk , and adding the output of that and the copy of your xorg.conf to the report07:40
psypher246no guys i know how to get to a command line07:40
julio_netois possible uptade my ubuntu 7.10 to ubuntu 8.04 by CD???07:41
nick_howcome abarok can't excess only the filesystem07:41
psypher246all i want is to install ubuntu on a pc with 2GB hard drive and then add the packages from there that i need07:41
dystopianraynick_: is the partition mounted?07:41
devin_ricree got it. thanks for the help07:41
ricreeAcoustyk: Then I'm not really sure what's up.  You might try seeing if it's a javascript issue, but it sounds like something other than firefox is causing the problem and I'm not sure what07:41
ricreedevin_:  You're welcome07:41
syrusi dont thin u can unless u install server edition07:41
eugenebythesea<zenlunatic> hm.. i can't think of some reasons.. did u try things like torrents n dwnload managers?07:41
nickrudjulio_neto mostly, but you'll still need to get some packages from the net if you downloaded them during your gutsy run07:41
NukeSkyjumperpsypher246: if the alternate disc doesn't have the option, and you know enough to do it, i'd almost say try installing debian but using ubuntu apt sources07:42
Acoustykriceree: thanks then i appreciate your help07:42
nickrudjulio_neto you'd need to use the alternate cd, as well07:42
ricreeAcoustyk:  Sorry that I couldn't do more07:42
chronographer<zenlunatic> what type of network card do you have? if firefox is slow, try disabling ipv607:42
Yodudehey i'm on hardy and sound isn't working, although it works on GDM burt the minute i login it stops07:42
munkiepsypher246, xubuntu works on a 2gb if this is for the eee07:43
chronographerPsy: just download the xubuntu CD07:43
ProwLpsypher246: alternate installer cd does indeed have commandline install option, its just in a different place than previous releases. use one of the Fx keys to choose 'mode' and youll see the option07:43
* nickrud remembers when 2gb whas freaking _huge_ ;(07:43
psypher246cool i'll try xubuntu although for what i need it for i would REALLY prefer gnome07:43
nick_dystopianray: yes07:43
=== dny_ is now known as dny
nikitisCan someone help me figure out where my windows installation is so I can fix grub?07:43
julio_netonickrud, no problem... So, how can i do it? How can I update 7.10 to 8.04' CD?07:43
=== cham_ele1n is now known as cham_eleon
dystopianraynick_: and yet amarok cannot access it?07:43
psypher246i really really lreally would rather do a mini,mal base install AS PRE GOOGLE but the option is not there07:43
munkieyou can add gnome to xubuntu later psypher24607:44
chronographerxfce is great!07:44
DracoZACan someone help me my machine crashed and now it seems my gnome is broken, the machine boots up I get startup sound but then the screen goes blank07:44
nickrudpsypher246 gnome won't fit on that drive. not at all07:44
Yodudeanyone knows how to fix sound ?07:44
chronographergnome is only a little better!07:44
Zirodaynikitis: happy to :)07:44
nickrudpsypher246 as handled by ubuntu, that is07:44
timfrost!alternate | julio_neto07:44
ubotujulio_neto: The Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-alternate-i386.iso.torrent07:44
NukeSkyjumperpsypher246: check and see if there's a boot option from the alternate disc07:44
chronographerPSY: psypher246: alternate installer cd does indeed have commandline install option, its just in a different place than previous releases. use one of the Fx keys to choose 'mode' and youll see the option07:44
psypher246AH HA!!07:45
nickrudjulio_neto and after you get that alternate cd, just start it, it should offer to upgrade07:45
julio_netowow this bot is very smart!07:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about moo - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:45
julio_netonickrud, hmmm07:45
HansGood morning!07:45
saross0219anyone good with getting the wireless to work on 8.04?07:45
nikitisZiroday, ok, when i run fdisk -l i get sdc1 as the ntfs disk.  sda1 is /, sda2 is swap, sda3 and sdb1 is /home on an lvm.  Grub comes up and tries to load up root (hd2,0) but doesn't load up windows07:45
chronographer!tell ubotu apt-get moo07:45
psypher246thank you, thats all i wanted07:45
DracoZACan someone help me and my gnome please :)07:45
psypher246where is the documentation for that?07:46
Hansapt-get moo is the reason i switched to linux!07:46
`mIRC`i heard that ubuntu 8.04 is now released ...07:46
chronographeranyone new here tried apt-get moo?07:46
julio_netonickrud, soo, I'll need run it by ubuntu interface, or get bot with it?07:46
devin_Night all .. Tc07:46
dystopianray`mIRC`: that's right07:46
sleepsterwhat's new in 8.0407:46
Fai just installed 8.04 today07:46
Acoustykis it a pain in the ass to do a fresh install of ubuntu directly over top a partitioned ubuntu?07:46
`mIRC`i just wanna know that, are they fix GRUB??07:46
chronographertry it07:46
eugenebythesea<chronographer> what's that do?07:46
HansYes, 8.04 is out since yesteerday...07:46
chronographer'apt-get moo'07:46
dystopianray`mIRC`: what was wrong with grub?07:46
Wavesonicsok, so i enabled the restricted ATI drivers07:46
nick_dystopianray: yes it can't07:46
`mIRC`i found grub error in ubuntu 7.10 many times07:46
Wavesonicsand now the resolution app cant seem to detect my displays07:47
chronographeroh and the other one is 'aptitude moo'07:47
Deathserverif i install 8.04 will it change my drivers07:47
munkieawesome I didn't know the moo trick!07:47
dystopianraynick_: how are you determining this?07:47
aubracThe man page doesn't even mention that apt-get is missing its super cow powers.07:47
ricree`mIRC`:  like what, I  never had any problems07:47
nikitisZiroday, Any suggestions?07:47
AnRkeyCongrats to all the devs! You created an awesome release, I love it!07:47
timfrostjulio_neto, nickrud, if you insert the alternate CD in a running ubuntu, it should bring up a dialog box that offers three choices - 1=do nothing, 2=run package manager, 3=run upgrade07:47
chronographerthen you go 'aptitude moo'07:47
seamus7Anyone thinking of a fresh install of Hardy rather than the network upgrade?07:47
AnRkeyDeathserver, yes07:47
sjovanany one know of a script to create torrents?07:47
chronographeru go 'aptitude -v moo'07:47
Fa8.04 is the best so far07:47
`mIRC`<ricree> `mIRC`:  like what, I  never had any problems -- sorry, i have 2 OS's07:47
Zirodaynikitis: oh sorry, erm can you pastebin fdisk -l please07:47
HansOne Problem with Hardy i have: there is no sound.07:47
chronographeru go 'aptitude -v -v  moo'07:47
HansDoes anyone know a solution?07:47
Deathserverhow can i get java installed painlessly i have been triny all day07:47
chronographeru go 'aptitude -v -v  -v moo'07:47
julio_netoTHANK YOU very much... folks07:47
AnRkeyseamus7, i did the network upgrade and it has now run fine on two of my computers07:48
`mIRC`and also...problem was it can't load NTFS file system07:48
chronographeru go 'aptitude -v -v  -v -v moo'07:48
DracoZACan someone help me my machine crashed and now it seems my gnome is broken, the machine boots up I get startup sound but then the screen goes blank07:48
linxuz3rhow do i install 8600gt nvidia drivers?07:48
dystopianrayDeathserver: do you need a particular version?07:48
ubotuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:48
Acoustykis it hard to do a fresh install of ubuntu over top of my partitioned Ubuntu disk?07:48
nikitisZiroday, http://rafb.net/p/T1pxzY18.html07:48
ZirodayHans: alot of people have been complaining about that, do you have sound during the GDM screen?07:48
Deathserverthe latest if possible07:48
chronographerits funny!07:48
seamus7Hans have you played with the volume control options/preferences and switched it around from ALSA / Pulse / etc. ?07:48
AnRkeyseamus7, i used apt-proxy to save some bandwidth07:48
ricree`mIRC`: I've been dual booting windows since I first installed ubuntu without problems.  I wonder what happened on your system07:48
yell0wDeathserver: sudo aptitude install sun-java6-jre07:48
Deathserverdoes it matter which version07:48
HansNo, no xound during the gdm screen.07:48
NukeSkyjumperAcoustyk: you'll probably want to wipe out the old one, which is easy07:48
dystopianrayDeathserver: sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jre07:48
* Scrounch is now away: off07:48
HansI tested Alsa, Pulse etc. but there is no sound.07:48
munkiea dead cow????07:48
seamus7AnRkey: I did a network upgrade and noticed some minor annoyances ... thinking of doing a fresh install07:49
Mrwhere exactly can I check pulseaudio?07:49
Yodudei have no sound too this is crazy07:49
chronographerDrakoza can you go "ctrl alt F1"07:49
CommanderCoolsince i have hardy heron i get an error when trying to mount a ntfs drive...can anyone help me?07:49
Yodudethere must be a fix i can't live without music !07:49
HansBut i can wait. I think that it is good that many people haves the problem.07:49
aubraclinxuz3r: click System -> Administration -> Hardware drivers.07:49
damo22i want to use hardy cdrom as apt-source... i did apt-cdrom but apt-get update gives me : Ign cdrom://Ubuntu 8.04 _Hardy Heron_ ....07:49
WavesonicsI enabled my restricted ATI drivers and now the resolution app can't detect my monitors, why?07:49
HansThat ensures that there will come a fix...07:49
AnRkeyseamus7, i am yet to download the iso's, the servers are very very busy07:49
`mIRC`<ricree> i use 2 OS's ... windows and ubuntu ... and probelm i found was....it can't load NTFS filesystem ... and that cause error in boot07:49
Zirodaynikitis: I think it should be hd3,007:49
DracoZAchronographer when I do that I get something that looks like an old ATARI display, I can boot into safe mode though and access a terminal07:49
seamus7Han have you made sure all the devices are checked so that you can make certain they're not muted?07:49
Deathserverthis one  sudo aptitude install sun-java6-jre or this one  sudo aptitude install sun-java6-jre07:49
KohelethI cant find the linux32 emulator in Heron!07:49
sticksabuserhey does anyone know whether additional older video cards have been blacklisted in hardy when it comes to enabling compiz?07:49
nikitisZiroday, hd3?  i only have 3 drives, so 0, 1, and 2 would be 3 right?07:50
dystopianrayDeathserver: openjdk-6-jre07:50
chronographerwell try changing your xorg.conf07:50
gharzriqqa anyone?07:50
Yodudeyeah all are unmuted, in fact sound works in GDM, but stops when i enter my account07:50
seamus7AnRkey: download an iso via bittorrent would circumvent any busy servers07:50
Mrgenerally how much times does it take for the big first updates ???07:50
chronographertry backing it up, then deleting it07:50
Deathserverwhat does that one do dysto07:50
AnRkeyseamus7, i have a 3gb limit on my adsl07:50
boeingis there any way to install an i386 deb on my x86-64 system?07:50
dystopianrayDeathserver: it's java 607:50
DracoZAchronographer ive run reconfigure and checked xorg.conf manually it looks fine07:50
AnRkeyseamus7, in south africa :(07:50
NukeSkyjumperboeing: dpkg --force-architecure file.deb07:50
Deathserverwhats the different commands do07:50
seamus7AnRkey ohhhhhhh that would be bummer07:51
jburdHow do I upgrade my installatino using the desktop cd?07:51
chronographertry booting without one, it works for me like that07:51
damo22i want to use hardy cdrom as apt-source... i did apt-cdrom but apt-get update gives me : Ign cdrom://Ubuntu 8.04 _Hardy Heron_ ....07:51
boeingNukeSkyjumper, it dint work07:51
ricreeMr: Took me most of today, although a torrent would likely be faster since the servers are swamped today07:51
AnRkeyseamus7, i love my country, hate the telco company07:51
AcoustykNukeSkyJumper: how do I wipe my old Ubuntu?07:51
Deathserverive had three diff ones suggested07:51
NukeSkyjumperboeing: what did it do?07:51
Zirodaynikitis: ah sorry being daft yes, hd2,007:51
seamus7AnRkey I see :)07:51
jburdI don't want it to delete my home directories and a few other directories07:51
NukeSkyjumperAcoustyk: there's probably an option to format partitions07:51
`mIRC`<ricree> i use 2 OS's ... windows and ubuntu ... and probelm i found was....it can't load NTFS filesystem ... and that cause error in boot07:51
Yodudeanyone heard of a sound fix ?!07:51
dystopianrayDeathserver: the two commands you posted appear to be identical07:51
nikitisZiroday, ok, well that's just it, it's set to hd2,0 but it won't load windows07:51
Deathserverim absolute noob thx for youre help07:51
`mIRC`and another problem i found was...grub error stage 1.507:51
boeingNukeSkyjumper, it showed upgradation necessity of all my other installed packages07:51
AnRkeyseamus7, we get more local bandwidth when our accounts are capped, so i am going to download it when i get capped from a local repos07:52
Deathserverbut you suggest youres07:52
ricree`mIRC`: Can't really help you there, I've never had that sort of problem when I dual booted07:52
CommanderCoolsince i have hardy heron i get an error when trying to mount a ntfs drive...can anyone help me? "...version `FUSE_2.7' not found..."07:52
boeingto i38607:52
Mrricree: oh, but I meant when will ubuntu send us the first updates for Heron, to fix some of the initial bugs?07:52
`mIRC`<ricree> thanks mate ... :)07:52
chronographermirc, you need to know what error number it is, 1.5 is the grub version I think.07:52
nikitisZiroday, http://rafb.net/p/kKAg1C39.html  Here is my menu.lst entry07:52
seamus7AnRkey the alternate iso via bittorrent is only about 700MB07:52
Ziroday!grub | nikitis07:52
ubotunikitis: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto07:52
`mIRC`i just hope that they fix all that problems07:52
dystopianrayDeathserver: openjdk should cause less problems overall with ubuntu, it is the new open source java07:52
ricreeMr: ah, missunderstood you.  I don't have any idea07:52
Zirodaynikitis: have a look at the links from ubotu07:52
Deathserveri created a sybolic link to a file in firefox plugins tring to install java manuly was that file already there07:53
`mIRC`<chronographer> i already fomat ubuntu 7.10 ...and waiting to install 8.04 ... :)07:53
`mIRC`just hope that they fix all that problems07:53
pawbieyay, 8.0407:53
sticksabuserso I'm having issues enabling compiz on my friend's older laptop, which worked fine with 7.10, but know is just not working... any advice of what I need to look at to hopefully figure out the issue?07:53
pawbieWhat a terrible experience that was.07:53
advcomp2019i wonder if anyone has good luck with hardy with the rtl8187b wifi card.. i had issues with in the last few version of ubuntu07:53
arttiDoes 32-bit Ubuntu will with AMD64?07:54
`mIRC`in the end i knew problem of can't load NTFS .... the cause was windows was corrupt :(07:54
chronographerif you deleted a partition with 7.1 on it, grub wont find menu.lst file and wont work.07:54
NukeSkyjumperartti: yes07:54
Lardarsenickrud: i find it ironic that while xmms has been removed, the plugins haven't07:54
* jburd doesn't get an "upgrade dialog" when he inserts his ubuntu alternate disc07:54
chronographerlardares audacity is xmms07:54
Deathserveropenjdk-6-jre that command is not found07:54
`mIRC` <chronographer> ... i use fdisk /mbr07:54
lucasmkLardarse, audacity is a better xmms07:54
tijnbut i like xmms07:55
arttiI don't know. Should i install 64-bit Ubuntu or 32-but Ubuntu.07:55
seamus7***jburd are you booting from the disc?07:55
DracoZAchronographer luckily I had a backup xorg.conf which I renamed and I can log in now07:55
boeingjburd, u are here?07:55
dystopianrayartti: 32-bit07:55
tijndont tell me its 'better'07:55
eugenebytheseahi - after installing ubuntu-restricted-extras, i tried playing some avi files in totem - and it says: "failed to connect stream: invalid argument" - could someone advise? i'm on 8.0407:55
chronographerbloody xorg, I cant get mine to work with nvidia drivers activated07:55
NukeSkyjumperartti: expect a slight performance boost in 64bit, but with more trouble getting nonfree stuff like adobe products to work07:55
Deathserverhow do i write in read dyno07:55
chronographerit gives the wrong refresh rate...07:55
jburdseamus7: No.  I'm just using the disc to upgrade my existing installation from within it07:55
YAOMTCI'm currently downloading a bunch of apps, thus can't access the package manager to check, so... It's possible to downgrade Firefox to v2, right?07:55
jburdboeing: Yeah hi.07:55
EmofSo I upgraded to hardy and now my nvidia drivers don't work anymore...07:55
AnRkeyseamus7, thats about a week's worth of my bandwidth :D07:56
`mIRC` <chronographer> ... what do u think if i report those errors i found to develpoper team?07:56
antibioshey guys, I've just fresh installed 8.04 on my laptop.  I'm trying to configure twinview on my nvidia card and I can't find any information on it.  Is there a tool to use which will configure the desktop for me? Or do I have to edit Xorg.conf manually?07:56
seamus7AnRkey: I understand07:56
chronographerwhat errors?07:56
jburdseamus7: Can one also upgrade by booting from the disc?07:56
boeingjburd, what i meant in yesterday's conversation is that take for instance our friend, fspot crashes07:56
seamus7jburd my understanding is that you would need to boot into the alternate CD before getting the upgrade message ... I think07:56
biabiaok i am slightly less than happy with the way my hardy upgrade went. did I do harm to keep my old "/boot/grub/menu.1st"07:56
`mIRC`<chronographer> -- example....ubuntu can't load NTFS filesystem ... or else i found07:56
arttiNukeSkyjumper, currenlty i have 32-bit Ubuntu on 64-bit and flash doesn't work.07:56
jburdI get the upgrade message on another machine just not this one07:56
Zirodayantibios: you can try the screen resolution utility or install the nvidia configuration app - sudo apt-get install nvidia-config07:56
Wavesonicsok. I got my ATI drivers working, but now my dual monitors wont work :( please help07:56
=== pradalover is now known as pradalvr
lunchbox330so i upgraded to hardy and turning on 3d windows crashes compiz now.07:56
AnRkeyseamus7, our secondary operator is going to have it's international link by middle next year so there might be some hope for me yet :D07:57
NukeSkyjumperartti: if you're running 32bit ubuntu, it's not your cpu's fault07:57
ActionParsnip!flash | artti07:57
ubotuartti: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash07:57
antibiosZiroday: E: Couldn't find package nvidia-config07:57
=== nico_ is now known as nico|gone
Yodudeplease this is urgent has anybody got any clue about fixing broken sound on hardy ?!?!?!07:57
lunchbox330yeah jburd alt disc will prompt for upgrade07:57
Deathserverdyno openjdk-6-jre didnt work the command dose not exist07:57
syrusi think ill wait to upgrade :)07:57
Zirodayantibios: gimme a sec07:57
boeingjburd, in that case the "safe/silent" distros are capable of terminating X and we dont need to reboot07:57
jburdlunchbox330: when I boot from it?07:57
KohelethGuys can I install the 32 bit version over the 64 bit I installed, I am having problems with popular programs all the time07:57
boeingjburd, the keyboard continues to work07:57
CommanderCoolsince i have hardy heron i get an error when trying to mount a ntfs drive...can anyone help me? "...version `FUSE_2.7' not found..."07:57
NukeSkyjumperYodude: calm down. there could be a lot of reasons for that07:57
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion07:58
Zirodayantibios: sorry sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings07:58
lunchbox330jburd nope just stick it in the drive.07:58
seamus7AnRkey I'm on a slow DSL connection .. hoping to upgrade to a faster connection sometime soon ... currently max out at 400 KB/s07:58
ferris_hello, so after i upgraded to 8.04 I no longer have wifi... that kind of sucks07:58
dystopianrayKoheleth: you'll have to do a reinstall07:58
XceIIantibios: nvidia settings plugin07:58
pawbieCommanderCool: Synaptic.  Find fuse.  Install.07:58
reeeh2000Woot! Hardy Rocks! Good Job07:58
YodudeNukeSkyjumper: i know but sadly i hardy know many of them07:58
eugenebytheseaanyone familiar with this error from totem: "failed to connect stream: invalid argument"?07:58
Kohelethok, will it do all the formating itself etc07:58
jburdlunchbox330: yeah but that doesn't happen on the computer I'm using.  if I'm already running ubuntu and I insert it on another machine, it does show me an upgrade dialog07:58
CommanderCoolpawbie: it is, it even worked before07:58
`mIRC`i found some idiot said....he can hacked
advcomp2019ferris_, what wifi card is it?07:58
YodudeNukeSkyjumper: what do you think i should do to fix it ?07:58
AnRkeyseamus7, 384k/128k here for me :(07:58
YAOMTCI'm currently downloading a bunch of apps, thus can't access the package manager to check, so... It's possible to downgrade Firefox to v2, right?07:58
NukeSkyjumperYodude: search ubuntuforums.org07:58
EmofAfter upgrading to hardy my nvidia drivers don't work anymore. Anyone knows how to fix this?07:58
Ziroday`mIRC`: offtopic in #ubuntu-offtopic please07:58
pawbieCommanderCool: Reinstall?07:59
XceIIlol mirc07:59
boeingjburd, whereas the mentioned distros to be ungraceful in termination (i am not technical in "ungraceful") hang with everything including the keyboard hung.07:59
NukeSkyjumper!sound | Yodude07:59
ubotuYodude: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP307:59
jburdYAOMTC: you can have both installed07:59
ZirodayYAOMTC: correct, install the firefox-2 package07:59
seamus7AnRkey my upload is very limited   40/k max07:59
YAOMTCThanks guys07:59
pawbieScrew broadcom.07:59
pawbieAight, 'night ubuntu peoples07:59
`mIRC`Ziroday> --- i already in that chan.07:59
gharzguys, i'm having problem with my openoffice database... i always get an error saying: openoffice requires JRE to perform this task... but my JRE is working ... tested it using test java on the web. any idea?07:59
AnRkeyseamus7, thats my download here07:59
AnRkeyseamus7, 10k up if i am lucky07:59
jerzyk86hi, when i try to install ubuntu 7.10 after when i choose run or install ubuntu for a sec my display is turn off, i am weaiting becouse cd rom is stil copy files but display never is turn on. I have mothebord with integrathed graphics but i have in pciexpress grf 8800gt. By integrated graphisc its works - i nstall ubuntu on itegrated graph and after i plug my gf, but its still turn opff my display when i try to run ubuntu. Any idea howto rep07:59
ferris_pawbie.... not much choice... it is in a laptop08:00
seamus7AnRkey ouch!08:00
lunchbox330anyone got 3d windows working on an intel chipset yet?08:00
dystopianraygharz: install this package: openoffice.org-java-common08:00
Wavesonicscan anyone here help me get dual monitors working w\ my ATI card?08:00
reeeh2000hey, are the servers just swamped right now b/c of Hardy's release?  I'm getting really slow speeds on package downloads rightnow08:00
antibiosZiroday: thanks dude... the screen resolution only detects the built in screen.  The nvidia-settings worked a treat.  Thank you very much!08:00
nikitisZiroday, that grub info doesn't help me08:00
Zirodayantibios: no problem, had the same issues myself08:00
AnRkeyseamus7, i can go bigger then it's twice the price08:00
dystopianrayreeeh2000: they are being used heavily so expect them to be slow08:00
jburdboeing: do you have a broadcom card by any chance?08:00
nikitisZiroday, in my case, grub is booting, but does not point correctly to the windows partition or maybe it does, but needs some other command to boot it.08:01
biabiadid i screw up keeping my old 'menu.1st' when i upgrades to hardy08:01
jburdthose are the most stupid pieces of sh*t I've had to deal with08:01
Deathservernone of the commands to get java have worked08:01
Zirodaynikitis: eh?, I thought those links had a method to reconfigure grub and therefore rescan for other OS's08:01
prodigelHi. I've just uninstalled all that's linked with gnome in a attempt to reinstall it(due to frequent crashes). How can I install it back?08:01
AnRkeyseamus7, this line costs me about $50 USD08:01
reeeh2000Dystopianray: Yeah, thats what I figured, I guess in a way its good.  Lots of people using ubuntu08:01
dystopianrayreeeh2000: you can always use a different mirror08:01
seamus7AnRkey: you pay that much for so little!08:02
Deathserveris there a way i can back up my wifi drivers and easil install them on the new release08:02
AnRkeyseamus7, yes, sadly so08:02
spider_hi, is there any way to ask the system to reload my .bashrc without logging off from the system or wihtout closing the console i am working right at this moment?08:02
HansOkay, i wait for the fix for sound and my laptop will play all nessesary sounds (for presentation etc.)08:02
arjspider_: .08:02
Yodudehans: i have the sound nightmare too08:02
jburdbleh upgrades have never worked for me08:03
HansWelcome to the club! ;-)08:03
jburdand they never will I suppose08:03
advcomp2019I have the realtek rtl8187b wifi card and i just wonder if hardy works better with that card before i upgrade it because the last few versions had big issues so i hope it works better08:03
jburdand I can't keep doing clean installs all the time on multiple machines08:03
AnRkeyseamus7, if i want more data once i am capped i have to pay another $30 USD for another 3gb08:03
spider_arj:  i tried it like this ". .bashrc" but it doesnt seems like it reloaded my .bashrc08:03
Deathserverwhats new in the new rlease and should i change08:03
arttiDownloading .iso file is slow.08:03
up365successful upgrade on 1 box, lost nvidia display settings until I installed nvidia X server settings and other than loss of google toolbar-not compatible with Firefox3,beta5 everything is good08:03
ferris_yeah, if i can get my wifi hardy will be worth keeping08:04
iceswordDeathserver, http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/804features/08:04
jburdupgrading from the cd NEVER works.08:04
jawnv6I have the live cd running, I know i have two hdd's in the system, one formatted, one not, how do I format the blank one?08:04
Yodudehey i got sound working !!!! but with alsa not pulseaudo, the problem must have been pulseaudio08:04
neetoIs there anyone in here that lost their 3d-windows/wallpaper plugin compatibility on compiz with their upgrade? Does anyone have a workaround?08:04
gharzdystopianray: i checked my synaptic and openoffice.org-java-common is already installed.08:04
biabianone of my firefox extensions were compatible08:04
Yodudemaybe pulseaudio doesn't support all kinds of soundcards ?08:04
Deathserverthanks, still need help with getting java installed08:04
biabiai wish the upgrade gave the option of upgrading firefox08:05
biabiai woulda said no08:05
dystopianraygharz: in openoffie's configuration have you set a jre for it to use?08:05
neetobiabia: try the MR Tech Local Install plugin, you can disable compatibility checks, and then you can use your non-compatible plugins (no guarantees on how they will work though)08:06
MocCan't get Both Screen to work !!08:06
gordjburd: dont BOTT the alternate to use as upgrade, just insert it into a ruinning system, then u get dialog box asking if u want packages upgraded (it auto-recognises u see)08:06
jburdgord: even that fails.08:06
biabianeeto ok thanks ill check that out.08:06
Jordan_UMoc, What version of Ubuntu are you using?08:07
gordjburd: hmm08:07
jburdcannot resolve "xxxxxx" packages at this time.  please try later.08:07
AnRkeyi have removed tracker and tracker-applet08:07
GInI have no sound with my media players when firefox is playing a flash movie. why?08:07
jburdthat is not a message an end user would like to see.08:07
AnRkeybut my drive keeps trashing08:07
AnRkeyhow can i turn indexing off?08:07
gharzdystopianray: yes... under Tools->Options->OpenOffice.Org->Java ... have 3 java avail... 2 from Sun and 1 from Free Software Foundation... i ticked the radio button Sun Micro Inc. 1.6.008:07
jburdthat happens when you choose not to use the network08:07
boeingjburd, i have a via card.08:07
dystopianraygharz: what does it say when you run: java -version ?08:07
Mocworked fine in 6.10 with nvidia firmware08:07
gharzdystopianray: i've rebooted my machine... logged out .. .restarted OO...08:07
tparcinahi channel!08:07
Acoustykhi thar!08:08
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biabiaI get an error now:  Error "vm.mmap_ap_min_addr is an unknown key"      fail    when my system does the checks on boot08:08
tparcinawhere can I find Ubuntu 8.04 i386 MD5SUM?08:08
reeeh2000Hey, which is the best plugin for flash on firefox?08:08
dystopianrayreeeh2000: flashplugin-nonfree08:08
GInflash on linux is crap :(08:08
dnymy sound keeps going out :/08:08
boeingreeeh2000, dint you get the popup when flash loaded first time to install flash?08:09
jburdand why the heck does an upgrade restart have to fetch all the necessary files *again* from the internet?08:09
boeingthe package which installs works perfect.08:09
Jordan_UGIn, Hardy uses PulseAudio by default but Adobe's flash plugin doesn't play well with pulseaudio, if you want to solve the problem of not being able to use flash and other things at once install libflashsupport but that may lead lash to be less stable08:09
reeeh2000boing: i did, it list several choices08:09
gharzdystopianray: java version "1.6.0_06 Java (TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_6-b02)08:09
Deathserverif i check the java version with java -version it says its the latest build but if i go to browser and enter about:plugins it isnt listed08:09
boeingjburd, i recommended u not to use that *upgrade* option.08:09
reeeh2000boeing: iv had problems on 7.10 with opening to full screen08:09
dnyis there a command to restart alsa?08:10
jburdboeing: I have so many machines here.  I'm not crazy to do claen installs on all of them.08:10
GInJordan_U: is libflashsupport the free flash alternative?08:10
tparcinagord: I can't open that web page - time out :(08:10
boeingreeeh2000, use the adobe-flash plugin08:10
jburdupgrades networkless or networked should be PAINLESS not PAINFUL.08:10
Jordan_UGIn, No, it's a pulseaudio plugin specifically for nonfree flash08:10
reeeh2000boeing: ok, i just hate using adobes stuff is all, thabks08:10
boeingboeing, get the cd and insert. then upgrade feasibility will be listed immediately08:10
neetofirefox keeps dying on me even though it thinks that all my plugins are compatible08:10
neetowhat gives08:10
jeanreanyone here run compiz fusion?08:10
Jordan_UMoc, How did you install the nvidia drivers?08:11
boeingjburd, , get the cd and insert. then upgrade feasibility will be listed immediately08:11
Jordan_U!anyone | jeanre08:11
ubotujeanre: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?08:11
neetojeanre: yeah, I've been having problems since my 8.04 upgrade...08:11
GInJordan_U: but Pulseaudio is not in a stable state itself :(08:11
jburdboeing: I'm talking about that very same thing.  it rarely works.08:11
cham_eleonany ideas why my ide hdd isn't recognized by the hardy kernel? my sata devices are working.08:11
tparcinaubuntu 8.04 i386 MD5SUM, where can I get it? http://releases.ubuntu.com times out for me :(08:11
`mIRC`what is the different btw KDE and GNOME?08:11
Deathserverhow can i test my java08:11
GInwonder why ubuntu included such an important piece of software in beta state in the OS08:11
jburdubuntu should start paying attention to the installation process more than adding tons of new features.  make that robust first.08:11
Jordan_UGIn, Pulseaudio is stable, it's just that the pulseaudio plugin for flash can cause flash to crash08:11
boeingjburd, remove all internet links in /etc/apt(?)08:11
nick_whats a good burning program08:11
jawnv6how do I get a list of the different SDA devices attached?08:11
Deathserverterminal says it is there but i doubt it08:12
boeingnick_, k3b08:12
DJonesnick_: k3b or gnomebaker are normally pretty good08:12
neeto`mIRC`: In my humble opninion KDE is an ugly piece of crap that looks like a bargain bin windows knock off, and gnome is an original and beautiful piece of interface glory... but that's just me08:12
MocJordan_U: the one what is provided by ubuntu, I installed it once manually with partial result (Main screen blinked) but after a reboot, xorg bumped it to vesa08:12
jeanreneeto: I have n o themes in the emerald manager08:12
boeingnick_, the default gnome creator has *burnt* my cd08:12
jburdboeing: that's not my idea of painless08:12
neetojeanre: did you used to?08:12
dnyis there a command to restart alsa?08:12
eugenebytheseaum, does anyone have any issues playing video in totem? i can play flash, music etc, but no video. get this error: "failed to connect stream: invalid argument"08:12
jawnv6formata sata ubuntu08:13
Mocinstalling nvidia-setting rightnow from repo, will see if it work08:13
tparcinacome on guys, someone must have MD5SUM of ubuntu 8.04 i38608:13
Jordan_UMoc, Installing it manually may have broken the packaged drivers08:13
jawnv6:( wrong keyboard08:13
`mIRC`neeto: so means you prefer pure ubuntu rather than kubuntu?08:13
MocJordan_U: It why I reinstalled it complely, fresh install08:13
pleaseanyone here to help08:13
jeanreneeto: no this a is a new install08:13
pleasereally need help08:13
DJones!ask | please08:13
ubotuplease: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)08:13
gord7d0ac92c56361949d099dd9337c975e7 *ubuntu-8.04-alternate-amd64.iso,166991d61e7c79a452b604f0d25d07f9 *ubuntu-8.04-alternate-i386.iso,fc43f665ba51c4be0d95c011aefef45d *ubuntu-8.04-desktop-amd64.iso,8895167a794c5d8dedcc312fc62f1f1f *ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso,8a73cf85b04f37d5d91fb436525ea395 *ubuntu-8.04-server-amd64.iso,c3162b21757746c64a0a22cdd060b164 *ubuntu-8.04-server-i386.iso08:13
Jordan_Utparcina, http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/8.04/MD5SUMS08:14
pleaseim new new new to ubuntu08:14
tparcinagord: thank you! :)08:14
pleaseinstalled it last night was amazed by it08:14
Wavesonicshow do i get the open source ATI drivers?08:14
pleaseand then eventually the machine hanged08:14
boeinghave fun!08:14
tparcinaJordan_U: can't open that page - time out :(08:14
pleasei pushed the power button08:14
pleaseand restart08:14
tparcinaJordan_U: I guess it's to bussy today :)08:14
pleaseError 16 : inconsistent ....08:14
pleasefile structure08:14
pleasesomething like this08:15
jburdI think I'll better get the dvd instead08:15
gordJordan_U: was getting endless timouts on the web page so i posted, baybe someone could pling-bot it?08:15
Jordan_UWavesonics, They come installed by default, to use them change the driver from "fglrx" to "ati"08:15
gharzdystopianray: any idea what's causing this error?08:15
boeingjburd, are dvd s out as yet?08:15
dystopianraygharz: no, sorry08:15
DeizSo, as with every time I install Ubuntu, windows maximize to both my monitors instead of one. Is there a workaround? I recall with 7.04 I got lucky after a reboot and it started working properly.08:15
gharzdystopianray: thanks!08:15
jburdboeing: yeah sure I have the torrents08:15
Deathserveri install java 6 through the missing plugin popup the go to java install and it says OOPS yo dont have the <RECOMENDED> version installed is it a big deal?08:15
Mocrebooting and will see if it work fine this time08:15
pleaseany idea ?08:15
WavesonicsJordan_U: do they enable 3d acceleration?08:15
boeingjburd, can u send the x86_64 as file?08:15
ferris_please, which version?08:16
pleaseError 16 inconsistent ...... tried everything08:16
jburdboeing: sure08:16
biabiaHardy upgrade resulted in an error now on boot:  Error "vm.mmap_ap_min_addr is an unknown key"      fail     --any idea how to fix?08:16
Yodudehey i have a sound FIX EVERYONE !08:16
neetoYodude: what's that?08:16
boeingplease, reinstall for now. it would be painless08:16
pleaseand i just used live cd to come to ubuntu and chat and get help08:16
Jordan_UWavesonics, Unless you have an old card you are more likely to get 3D acceleration from the proprietary drivers ( unfortunately )08:16
pleasehow about my setting08:16
pleasemy files08:16
Yodudeevryone go into the multimedia systems selector and select alsa and the proper cards, and go into the sound setting (Ssystem-pref-sound) and select the card itself for sound08:16
ferris_please, you probably want to reinstall08:16
Yodudebut honestly people PulseAudio is CRAP08:17
WavesonicsJordan_U: but the damn proprietary ones don't work with the nice GUI resoltuon tool lol08:17
boeingjburd, thank u08:17
pleaseso no one has experienced this error before ?08:17
ferris_please, it will be much less stressful than trying to fix your existing problems08:17
jburdboeing: sure08:17
pleaseis it08:17
pleaseso i have to reinstall ubuntu every 2-3 days right ?08:18
ferris_powering off is not a good idea08:18
pleasecause i just installed it yesterday08:18
boeingplease, no.08:18
pleaseand one more thing which may help08:18
pleasethe partition is FAT08:18
boeingplease, just ensure that u install motherboard drivers before installing the final system. so as a newbie you will face less pain08:19
pleasethe recovery is not working as well08:19
boeingplease, ah!08:19
boeingplease, fat is a doomed fs.08:19
raj1ok how do i know iam on final hardy08:19
Deathserveri guess my java is fine java game is playing08:19
pleaseok so tell me please what to do08:19
raj1grub says development08:19
pleasestep by step08:19
pleaseso FAT is not good08:19
KirbyIs there a firewall in Kubuntu?08:19
boeingplease, u could have selected the default ext3 during installation08:19
ferris_please, go with ext308:19
jburdI have one question08:20
Kr0ntab!ufw | Kirby08:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ufw - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:20
pleasecause i just installed it from windows08:20
jburdcan I pop in the desktop cd and then boot with it to upgrade with it?08:20
jburdwithout deleting my home directory08:20
pleasewhat did you mean by motherboard driver08:20
pleasethere is no driver08:20
pleasei just downloaded ubuntu and it says the drivers are included08:20
Flanneljburd: If you have home on a separate partition, yes.  Otherwise no, the Desktop CD can only be used to install, not upgrade.08:20
boeingso please has shown how wulluby(am i right with the name?) can go wrong in certain circumstances08:20
raj1there is no such thing as motherboard drivers in ubuntu08:21
=== _nano_ is now known as _nano
boeingfat is a bad thing.08:21
Kr0ntabKirby: see ufw....  included by default... very simple to enable basic firewall.08:21
gordboing: wubi08:21
Kr0ntabHeya Flannel ... how ya doin man08:21
Daisuke_Idoboeing, wubi, and it would be a shorter list if we listed ways it couldn't go wrong08:21
=== _nano is now known as _nano_
boeingraj1, i mean motherboard-based drivers. eg. proprietry gphx drivers(if any), etc.08:21
KirbyKr0ntab: can I use 'learning mode' in it so that it doesn't allow any connections08:21
raj1oh ok08:21
raj1mmm like nvidia nforce08:22
Daisuke_Idothat is purely opinion though,08:22
nikitisI still need help with mapping my windows bootloader in grub.  I keep getting an error 13: invalid or unsupported executable format error08:22
biabiawhen i upgraded I didnt upgrade my menu.1st i kept the old one. is there a way I can upgrade just that file now? or could someone pastebin it from the new hardy, unmodified08:22
kindofabuzzwill someone DCC the i386 alt torrent to me?08:22
=== dny_ is now known as dny
boeingDaisuke_Ido, that should be listed to M$ as fat is their baby and it does nt have journaling, which would actually have saved please08:22
Flannelbiabia: `sudo update-grub` ought to do it08:22
Kr0ntabufw by default blocks all inbound ... and you have the ability to add rules as you see fit...08:22
pleasefor the last time i say this and if no one can help im going to reinstall ubuntu08:22
jburdkindofabuzz: there08:23
biabiaflannel thankie!08:23
kindofabuzzdamn try again08:23
boeingplease, can u please change ur nick? it is creating ambiguity here!08:23
Deathserverhow do i update my menus with ne apps i have installed08:23
pleaseHas anyone ever experienced this error boot error .... error16: inconsistent file structure ????08:23
pleaseand if not08:23
boeingplease, dont use that wubi capability08:23
pleasei have to reinstall it08:23
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boeingplease, wait, please08:23
tomaskowhat kind of childish nonsense goes on in here? how did so many people get kicked out nearly 18 hours ago?08:23
tomaskoanyway, hardy is out. cheers :)08:24
Jordan_Uplease, Is windows failing to boot or just wubi?08:24
lekrohow can I enable ethernet in runlevel 1 on hardy so that I have internet access?08:24
Flanneltomasko: You're referring to #ubuntu+1, everyone got kicked out of there, because Intrepid isn't open yet.08:24
kindofabuzzjburd; i had to give it a name to save for some reason, what's the actual name of that?08:24
pleasei just pressed the power button because ubuntu hanged08:24
tomaskooh yeah, #ubuntu+108:24
ishbibenobdoes anyone know why my CD/DVD writer would only write and recognize DVDs in gutsy08:24
Deathserverany help on updateing menu's08:24
boeingthe main problem is that wubi is interfering with an another os's partition without changing its structure.08:24
pleaseand restareted and couldnt get to to ubuntu08:25
evandplease: if you installed using Wubi, run chkdsk in Windows (start -> run -> cmd -> chkdsk /f /r) if that doesn't work, please please file a bug at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug08:25
kindofabuzzjburd: thanks buddie08:25
boeingthis is recognised as an inconsistency in windows.08:25
Prez00300MB down, 400MB to go..08:25
pleasecan i run checkdisk in ubuntu as well08:25
Turskiwhy there are no translation packages in firefox3?08:25
pleasecause im in ubuntu now08:25
pleaseusing live cd08:25
evandplease: no, you cannot08:26
jburdplease: man fsck08:26
boeingplease, please join #wubi-ubuntu to be more focussed with this problem08:26
boeinga guy there is ready to help u08:26
raj1yes fsck08:26
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pleaseso i will go to windows08:26
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pleaseand then type what ?08:26
FloodBot2please: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:26
jburdplease: not the windows cmd08:26
snaskhow do i add a extra language on my cui based server?08:26
evandplease: chkdsk /F /R08:26
boeingplease, join #wubi-ubuntu08:26
evandplease: chkdsk C: /F /R08:26
pleaseEvand exactly the same thing as you wrote right ?08:27
raj1oh he has wubi related issue08:27
nikitisI need help mapping a windows partition to grub.  for some reason it should boot the windows partion but grub won't do it.  I need help with syntax for the grub options.08:27
linxuz3rhey how do i enable direct rendering in hardy heron08:27
evandplease: yes, open up the command prompt and type exactly that08:27
pleaseok cheers mate08:27
evandplease: then hit Y when it asks you08:28
ZirodayHow do I get pidgin and thunderbird to open hyperlinks in firefox08:28
evandplease: and then reboot into windows once08:28
evandplease: then reboot into ubuntu08:28
gordplease:   there is a specifoc channel for your problems, its #wubi-ubuntu,  also i beg you not to use the nickname "please", as it causes lots of confusion08:28
Flannelnikitis: Not mapping, just booting?  What are you having problems with? (generally its a good idea to just state your problem to begin with)08:28
Wavesonics:( :( :(08:28
boeingevand, he is unable to boot into his system. how will he do this cmd work?08:28
Wavesonicsthey more i try to fix my video, the more screwed up it gets08:28
iceswordhey, what is up Wavesonics08:28
lekrowhen I already have 8.04 RC installed, is there any point in reinstalling with the 8.04 release or can I just use the normal package updates?08:28
KyleK /nick please help me ;)08:28
iusegnulinuxhi, where can i find luxi sans font? thanks08:28
dubbyare the servers still being DDoSed ((legitimately of course)08:28
Zirodaylekro: read the topic08:28
nikitisFlannel: I have an unusual harddrive setup.  i can boot linux fine, but when i go to boot wiindows XP it gives me an error 1308:28
Flannellekro: just regular updates.08:28
evandboeing: he cannot get into Windows?  I missed that part.08:29
Jordan_Uboeing, He is only unable to boot Ubuntu08:29
Zirodaydubby: yes, use the torrents08:29
nikitisFlannel: from grub that is08:29
iceswordiusegnulinux, lucida fonts? --------->google08:29
lekroZiroday: oh, sorry08:29
EmofI upgraded to Hardy and now suddenly my nvidia drivers don't work anymore. Anyone knows how to fix this?08:29
linxuz3rhey how do i enable direct rendering in hardy heron08:29
iusegnulinuxluxi fonts08:29
Flannelnikitis: Try going in ad changing it from root [whatever] to rootnoverify [whatever] for your windows option08:29
Daisuke_IdoEmof, reinstall from the repos08:29
WavesonicsI had dual monitors working with the default ATI drivers, then I couldnt do 3D desktop, so i installed the proprietary drivers, then I couldnt do dual monitor, so i went back to the default drivers, and now nothing works.08:29
Jordan_UEmof, How did you install them?08:29
icesword!find luxi fonts08:29
raj1nikitis:try recovery mode?08:29
ubotuNo packages matching 'luxi' could be found08:29
EmofI've tried uninstalling and installing again with envy, but that didn't work08:30
Ziroday!envy | Emof08:30
ubotuEmof: envy is an unsupported tool to install newer versions of binary video drivers than provided by the official repositories. Use at your own risk, and remember that the latest version is not necessarily the "best". See « /msg ubotu binarydriver »08:30
nikitisFlannel: I still get an error 1308:30
Jordan_UWavesonics, I believe you have to actually remove fglrx ( the proprietary drivers ) because they are evil and mess up the open source ones08:30
iusegnulinuxboot to ubuntu and repair grub08:30
Emofyeah, but I've tried with the normal drivers too08:30
Emofdidn't work either08:30
nikitisraj1: no not sure how08:30
latitui have hp deskjet 3900 printer. how can i see ink levels and have some advanced configs and printing quality levels . like in windows?08:31
Flannelnikitis: alright, pastebin your menu.lst, and the output of fdisk -l (that's an L), and I'll take a look.08:31
boeingplease, remove ubuntu from windows first.08:31
nikitisI have 3 harddrives, with windows being on hd2,008:31
marvxxxi do a upgrade with the ubuntu alternate cd...still it wants to download 400 packages :(08:31
raj1from grub menu08:31
iusegnulinuxmay be your windows partition is not the active partition anymore08:31
raj1ok can someone tell me about pastebin08:31
Flannel!paste | raj108:32
uboturaj1: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)08:32
nikitisFlannel: ok, give me a moment to boot it up08:32
mosnomarvxxx, all the new versions of the extra software you installed!08:32
jeanrewhere does one get emerald themes?08:32
marvxxxmosno: makes sense08:32
WavesonicsJordan_U, I searched for fglrx in synaptic, and i dont see which i should remove08:32
latitui have hp deskjet 3900 printer. how can i see ink levels and have some advanced configs and printing quality levels . like in windows?08:33
marvxxxim just behind a slow connection08:33
foraohhi, does anyone know a good theme for firefox beta 3?08:33
marvxxxthats the only problem08:33
ZloogHi, did something change in 8.04 to make it so that my samba share settings arent saved in /etc/samba/smb.conf anymore? The shares are working fine, but I dont see the share settings in the smb.conf file anymore.08:33
hugol1any one know how to solve the problems with the nvidia propietary drivers?08:33
Jordan_UWanderer, xorg-driver-fglrx I believe08:33
raj1like this __http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64324/08:33
iusegnulinuxwhat problem?08:33
Zirodayhugol1: what are these problems exactly08:33
kuruI like GNOME on ubuntu, but how do I get rid of the annoying way it alternates between apps (alt-tab) ...08:34
iusegnulinuxi use nvidia proprietary driver08:34
kuruit keeps showing icons of the running apps and a bit of animation08:34
darrylhow do you use the 32bit libraries for compiling?08:34
kuruwhich, if anything, is just plain annoying08:34
xepraman ubuntu's grub install is fubar08:34
kurucan't figure out how to get rid of it08:34
Johnny_I have downloaded a .tar.gz file but do not know how to install it. how can i do so?08:34
xepraI haven't gotten it to work out of the box once08:34
latitui have hp deskjet 3900 printer. how can i see ink levels and have some advanced configs and printing quality levels . like in windows?08:34
Zirodaykuru: what do you want to change it to?08:34
Qrawlis ther a virtualization thing built in to Hoary08:34
raj1double click08:34
FlannelQrawl: Hoary?08:34
darrylJohnny_: you have to extract the files and probably compile the program08:34
WavesonicsJordan_U: I don't have that installed it says08:34
Jordan_UJohnny_, Are you sure it's not available in the repos or as a .deb file?08:34
XceIIlol hoary08:34
hugol1Ziroday:  launchpad is full of it. Since I installed hardy I cant install nvidia propietary drivers. Neither through Hardware drivers neither manually08:35
bobbie4well, it's time for bobbie to go to bed, night all!!!!08:35
QrawlI mean Hardy08:35
hugol1and the max resolution I get is 800x60008:35
HansI know a guy, who uses still Breezy Badger...08:35
Johnny_darryl: how do i compile it08:35
`mIRC`what is the most suitable filesystem (ext1...ext2...ext3) to use for install ubuntu?08:35
tomaskowow there are so many trolls here tonight. more so than normal08:35
tomaskocan't separate the noobs from the trolls either08:35
boeingJohnny_, extract the archive08:35
ZloogmIRC: ext3 is probably your best bet08:35
nikitisFlannel: http://rafb.net/p/xR4JIF23.html08:35
xepraor xfs...08:35
Zirodayhugol1: don't know anything about that sorry, proprietary drivers work fine for me08:35
HansHe asked on wednesday, why he dont get any update anymore....08:35
Johnny_boeing: i extracted how do i compile it08:35
tomasko`mIRC`: ext2 for the kernel /boot and ext3 for any data you care about (like your home dir, etc.)08:35
darrylJohnny_: that depends on the program, normally it would be  sudo ./configure && make && make install08:35
`mIRC`Zloog : excuse me....why is that so?08:36
boeingthen go to a directory where u can find a file "configure"08:36
gnuskoolscreen resolution on an external monitor for laptops is a nightmare, help, i got intel 855 card08:36
kuruziroday, to just switch to the other app08:36
iusegnulinuxtried the binary installer?08:36
tomasko`mIRC`: no one uses ext108:36
hugol1Ziroday:  ok08:36
Johnny_darryl: where do i even type this in08:36
Zirodaykuru: eh?08:36
iusegnulinuxext3 is cool08:36
boeingJohnny_, open a terminal and cd to that folder08:36
Johnny_boeing: what does cd mean08:36
kuruziroday, no animation08:36
xepra'mIRC': ext3 is the slowest, but has the best failure recovery08:36
Flannelnikitis: and rootnoverify gives the same error?08:36
raj1change directory08:36
Jordan_UJohnny_, Are you sure it's not available in the repos or as a .deb file?08:36
iusegnulinuxchange irectory08:36
boeingJohnny_, cd means change directory08:36
xepra'mIRC': jfs has the lowest cpu usage08:37
corbetthi, is there anyone who can help me get my maxtor external hard drive mounted and working on ububtu 7.10 - which ive just loaded on pc to replace windows, it worked perfectly fine elsewhere on widows, I think I need to run some checks as I dont know why it wont mount08:37
nikitisFlannel: yes it does08:37
Johnny_jordan: i am sure08:37
Jordan_UJohnny_, What are you trying to install?08:37
Johnny_jordan: apache08:37
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nikitisFlannel: i assume you mean change root  (hd2,0) to rootnoverify  (hd2,0)08:37
Flannelnikitis: Have you tried adding 'makeactive' after the root line?08:37
`mIRC`thanx you guyz for advice :D08:37
Flannelnikitis: I do.08:37
Qrawlso about my question, does Hardy have builtin virtualization08:37
ZloogmIRC: Your filesystem type usually doesnt matter too much. The only important thing is that it is journalizing, which ext3 is. Barring that, you don't need anything fancy unless you have a very particular need.08:37
sleepsterhow would I get a drive to mount everytime I turn on my machine08:37
Johnny_jordan: i have extracted to the desktop can u tell me exactly what 2 type in the terminal08:37
unopdarryl, sudo ./configure && make && make install  probably wouldn't cut it ..  ./configure and make do not need to be run as root, make install does tho08:37
mcp_How do i disable Tracker? I already removed the Session-Entries. Trackerd still starts from time to time.08:37
gnuskoolcorbett: is it ntfs filesystem or linux filesystem08:37
nikitisFlannel: yes i believe so, i'll try again08:37
xepra'mIRC': they all have their advantages and disadvantages - there are some great benchmarks out there tho08:37
darrylhey does anyone know if you can compile lmms with vst support on a amd64?08:37
corbettgnuskool: ntfs08:38
boeingunop, he is new. he wont understand this lang.08:38
zigfordextra chees08:38
boeingJohnny_, open a terminal08:38
Jordan_UJohnny_, It depends on what program you are installing, you may need to get dependencies for that specific program08:38
Zloogcorbett: How did you try mounting it?08:38
darryli've tried but it says my libstc++ is imcompatible, i think it has to do with it being 64bit, but how do you get it to use the 32bit libraries?08:38
iusegnulinuxhow to get write permission to ntfs partition?08:38
`mIRC`thanx you guyz for advice :D08:38
Johnny_jordan_U: it is appache and i have opened the terminal what do i type08:38
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boeingJohnny_, type cd "/home/jo/directory"08:39
backslashIs there something really new in Hardy? Had no time to upgrade yet08:39
nikitisFlannel: yes same error, with makeactive under root or rootnoverify08:39
boeingJohnny_, this will change the dir of the terminal08:39
iusegnulinuxlatest apps08:39
nikitisFlannel: you can see why i'm confused08:39
Oprtzhello just install ubuntu 8.04 LTS and i love it, because it support my Intel 946GZ chipset and vga driver :) just want to ask how to minimize the screen resoultion, when ubuntu ask user name and password? after that i set my resoultion and ubuntu shift to that resoultion, thanks08:39
genericnay one works on gosa?08:39
boeingJohnny_, you have to hence change to the dir where a file called configure is located.08:39
XceIIbackslash:  it now has a kitchen sink08:39
corbettZloog:   well ive just plugged it in, ive tried a mount command, but as im new , im not sure, ive only just loaded ubuntu08:39
boeingJohnny_, then type ./configure08:39
unopiusegnulinux, it should be as straight forward as a simple mount, what happens when you try and write to the partition?08:39
Johnny_boeing: i dont know what to type at all the file name is apache_1.3.4.1 and it is on the desktop can u put exactly what to type in quotes08:40
Xperiment62anyone here able to help me find a suitable IRC client, query if able to help08:40
ZloogCorbett: cool, If you go to your PLACES menu in X windows and then down to computer, you should see your drive listed in there08:40
boeingJohnny_, this means "execute configure", in the current directory, in unix08:40
karboAnyone else experienced this? I have managed to configure my ATI card to use dual screen, 2 desktops next to eachother, and this works fine on the login display. But as soon as I log in, it resets to cloned display.08:40
lalalalawhy is ubuntu so great?????????08:40
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Zloogcorbett: double click that and it should mount08:40
sleepsterhow would I get a drive to mount everytime I turn on my machine08:40
Johnny_boeing i am to confused08:40
iusegnulinuxi can mount it, read it, but cant write08:40
boeingJohnny_, apache is easier to install.08:40
boeingu dont need to compile from source.08:41
Xperiment62anyone here able to help me find a suitable IRC client, query if able to help08:41
Johnny_boeing_i am trying to install apache08:41
unopiusegnulinux, yes, we gathered that much -- but what exactly happens when you try and write to it?08:41
HikejinxI'm running Hardy on VirtualBox. Does anyone know of any tricks to get the restricted drivers to work on there? I can just install them in the cli I guess?08:41
Jordan_UJohnny_, "sudo apt-get build-dep apache2" what is wrong with Ubuntu's version though?08:41
ZloogDid something change in 8.04 to make it so that my samba share settings arent saved in /etc/samba/smb.conf anymore? The shares are working fine, but I dont see the share settings in the smb.conf file anymore.08:41
FlannelXperiment62: Xchat, irssi, Konversation08:41
backslashXceII: yeah finally08:41
gnuskoolXperiment62: pidgin08:41
lalalalawhy is ubuntu so great?????????08:41
Flannellalalala: #ubuntu-offtopic would love to answer that questoin08:41
Zlooglalalala: Cause it works. Also, the windows, they wobble08:41
boeingJohnny_, 1 min.08:42
Xperiment62lemme rephrase that, i use mIRC on my windows machine, and i need something i can easily script for on my powerpc laptop08:42
Deathserveri installed the aicrak suite and i dont want to run a command every time i want to use but it didnt add it to applications in the menu08:42
corbettZloog: i dont follow, ive wiped windows, do you mean PLACES ON uBUNTU, THERES NUTHIN THERE08:42
Johnny_boeing i think i got it thank you08:42
karboAnyone managed to get dual screen support in 8.04 with an ATI card care to help me out a few mins?08:42
lalalalabut ubuntu can't play games!08:42
boeingJohnny_, go to system-->administration-->synaptic08:42
WelshDragonXperiment62, If you know perl, python, or TCL, xchat would be your best bet :)08:42
gnuskoolcorbett: places in ubuntu08:42
boeinglalalala, search for games in add/remove08:42
iusegnulinuxcan anyone pl help me here? i need write access to a ntfs partition from live cd08:42
gordlalalalala: urbanterror, google it08:43
boeingJohnny_, there, u need to give ur password.08:43
kahrytanWhat is the OSS equivalent of the msfonts?08:43
esperegupatch -p6 <patch.txt GIVES ME: 2 out of 2 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file mantis_vp1041.c.re08:43
boeingJohnny_, there, search for apache208:43
Johnny_boeing i did08:43
darrylyou can play all kinds of games08:43
espereguany idea why? (kinda patch noob here)08:43
gnuskoolXperiment62: pidgin does irc and heaps of other IMs08:43
WavesonicsOk, so I installed fglrx drivers, and the fglrx-control app, how do I run the control app, i cant find it anywhere08:43
lalalalaok even can play.... does it perform better than vista... fps/stability etc???08:43
darrylwine has come far, leaps and bounds08:43
darrylthere is also cedega08:43
Johnny_boeing can we private chat08:43
biabiaHardy upgrade resulted in an error now on boot:  Error "vm.mmap_ap_min_addr is an unknown key"      fail     --any idea how to fix?08:43
Zloogcorbett: yes, the PLACES menu on the upper right hand corner08:43
Deathserveranyone know how to get thos progyz to my menu08:43
corbettgnuskool: yep, nuthin there,08:43
lalalalaok even can play.... does it perform better than vista... fps/stability etc???08:43
boeingJohnny_, it will then say marking additional dependencies, which may be libraries, documentation, etc relatedd to the program.08:43
unopkahrytan, "msttcorefonts"08:44
corbettZloog: nuthin there08:44
lalalaladont talk abt Wine... my darkage of camelot can't even play!08:44
Johnny_boeing: i am in the terminal and it is installing08:44
boeingJohnny_, Then just click apply08:44
Johnny_boeing i think i am done08:44
kahrytanunop->  not M$ font but the ones that look like them08:44
Jordan_Ulalalala, Ubuntu is not for everyone.08:44
gordlalalala: use windoze for play, use linux for life08:44
ZloogCorbett: what do you mean by you "wiped" windows? If you've deleted that partition, then the data is lost forver :(08:44
Flannelnikitis: Try (and yes, this is complete shotgun debugging) moving the root line to after the mapping (but keep it 2,0)08:45
unopkahrytan, errm, the only fonts that resemble microsofts truetype fonts are microsoft's themselves, i know of no other08:45
Zlooglalala: You could always just take up warcraft. plays fantastic in wine.08:45
Wavesonicsany know how to run fglrx-control?08:45
jeanrewhat do I need to isntall to listen to mp3s?08:45
lalalaladoes compiz fusion conflict with wine?08:45
kahrytanunop->  then you dont know it exists.08:45
nikitisFlannel: same08:45
XceIIjeanre:  amarok08:46
unopkahrytan, that's what i said, didn't i?08:46
gordgotta be a trolbot :(08:46
boeingJohnny_, apache involves certain configurations other than just installations. installing thru synaptic makes it easier. installing thru make and make install involves post-configuration of certain textfiles08:46
CallipyginousHow would i go about editing my sudoers file?08:46
jeanreXceII: no the codecs08:46
tonyyarusso!mp3 | jeanre08:46
ubotujeanre: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:46
gnuskoolcorbett: in terminal type sudo fdisk -l  , see if your ntfs partition shows there08:46
Zloogjeanre: try to open an mp3 file in Totem movie player. Make sure you have synaptic closed. ubuntu will walk you through the proccess08:46
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dystopianrayCallipyginous: sudo visudo08:46
boeingJohnny_, did u make and make install? or only ./configure?08:46
XceIIjeanre:  in addremove, look for gstreamer08:46
Zloog!samba | zloog08:47
CallipyginousYeah, i tried that, but how do i add a new entry...08:47
ddccI've just upgraded from Ubuntu 7.10 to 8.0 LTS, but after the dist-upgrade, it crashed after installing new packages, saying that it would run sudo dpkg --configure -a to prevent the system from being in an unusable state. That succeeded, however, the dist-upgrade has closed so it never proceeded to Cleanup and Reboot the system. Is there anyway to manually do that?08:47
FlannelCallipyginous: new entry for what?08:47
kahrytanunop->  saw it in a blog once08:47
Johnny_boeing it is running now and the number is fluxuating between 4 mins and 20 hours08:47
gnuskoolrecommendations please, gnash or adobe?? for hardy08:47
EmofI upgraded to Hardy and my nvidia drivers didn't work anymore. I've tried reinstalling them both with apt and with envy, but nothing works. Anyone have any clue to how to solve this?08:47
lunchbox330the people in #compiz are real helpful.08:47
darrylEmof there is a lot of stuff on that in the forums08:47
laiyai just downloaded a theme .. its a tar.gz file .. how do i install it ? double clicking wot help08:48
gnuskoolEmof: most likely your xorg.conf file08:48
CallipyginousIm getting my g15 keyboard lcd to work, and the documentation tells me to add the daemon to the list....08:48
lunchbox330er, #compiz-fusion08:48
boeingJohnny_, what is fluctuating?08:48
corbettZloog: i have my stuff backed up on the ehd from when i was using windows , ive loaded ub 7.10, its partioned for the entire disk on the PC , now i want to see if i can get the ehd "talking"to ubuntu  Ill try sud fdisk -1  to the paste bin08:48
gnuskoolcorbett: any luck08:48
ddccI've just upgraded from Ubuntu 7.10 to 8.0 LTS, but after the dist-upgrade, it crashed after installing new packages, saying that it would run sudo dpkg --configure -a to prevent the system from being in an unusable state. That succeeded, however, the dist-upgrade has closed so it never proceeded to Cleanup and Reboot the system. Is there anyway to manually do that?08:48
Jordan_UEmof, How did you install the drivers originally?08:48
isilollaiya: something easy would be to open the theme manager and drag and drop the archive on the window08:48
FlannelCallipyginous: Thats.... bad documentation.  Nothing you just described should require editing sudoers08:48
Johnny_boeing: the time it says b4 the install is done08:48
Zloogcorbett: cool08:48
EmofJordan_U: as far as I remember with apt-get08:48
corbettgnuskool: Zloog: i have my stuff backed up on the ehd from when i was using windows , ive loaded ub 7.10, its partioned for the entire disk on the PC , now i want to see if i can get the ehd "talking"to ubuntu Ill try sud fdisk -1 to the paste bin08:48
laiyaisilol: lemme try that08:48
CallipyginousI think i may have borked it up... :(08:48
James_478Hey all, Any help would be appreciated. Everything was working great with 8.04 last night and this morning and all of a sudden this morning I can't 'Sudo' It tells me it can't resolve the hostname, I can't load synaptic (nothing happens) and my numpad on the keyboard doesn't work :(08:49
nikitisFlannel: i wish there was a way to have it reinstall grub and detect it right08:49
edugonchhello, do somebody have problems with Anjuta and glade, I start edit a widget but when I close Anjuta and then I open again and choose glade IDE Anjuta doesn't open08:49
boeingJohnny_, is configure still running or is it make?08:49
lalalaladoes compiz fusion conflict with wine?08:49
Flannelnikitis: You should be able to use super grub disk08:49
Flannellalalala: no08:49
laiyaisilol: it says file format is invalid08:49
gnuskoolwho uses an external monitor on a laptop?I got resolution probs08:49
nikitisFlannel: ?08:49
Oprtzjust install ubuntu 8.04 LTS and i love it, because it support my Intel 946GZ chipset and vga driver :) just want to ask how to minimize the screen resoultion, when ubuntu ask user name and password? after that i set my resoultion and ubuntu shift to that resoultion, thanks08:49
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Iced_EagleDoes anyone have a PasteBin of the awesome info.pl scripts I've seen in screenshots lately?08:49
lalalalaDon't use Compiz or KDE composite with Wine - #winhq08:49
Cyr4xwhat does upgrade to hardy from update-notifier icon?08:49
ddccI've just upgraded from Ubuntu 7.10 to 8.0 LTS, but after the dist-upgrade, it crashed after installing new packages, saying that it would run sudo dpkg --configure -a to prevent the system from being in an unusable state. That succeeded, however, the dist-upgrade has closed so it never proceeded to Cleanup and Reboot the system. Is there anyway to manually do that?08:49
ZloogHas anyone been experiencing freezes that seem to be related to compiz?08:50
Flannel!repeat | ddcc08:50
ubotuddcc: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience08:50
Cyr4xthe same as sudo apt-get dist-upgrade?08:50
FlannelJames_478: You must have set your hostname improperly.  You may need to reboot to the recovery console to fix it.08:50
ddccI've just upgraded from Ubuntu 7.10 to 8.0 LTS, but after the dist-upgrade, it crashed after installing new packages, saying that it would run sudo dpkg --configure -a to prevent the system from being in an unusable state. That succeeded, however, the dist-upgrade has closed so it never proceeded to Cleanup and Reboot the system. Is there anyway to manually do that?08:50
CallipyginousFlannel: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LogitechG15?highlight=(g15) - Thats the documentation08:50
Flannel!hostname | James_47808:50
ubotuJames_478: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at system>administration>networking on the "General" tab08:50
lalalalaDon't use Compiz or KDE composite with Wine - #winhq08:50
Flannelddcc: Please *dont* repeat, that wasn't an invitation to do it again.08:50
Jordan_Uboeing, I think he is talking about the apt-get build-dep I told him to do ( as that would actually have a "time remaining" )08:50
Zloogcorbett: taking a look at it..08:50
=== roved2101_ is now known as roved2101
James_478in the network settings it is set to james-linux which is correct :S08:51
Johnny_jordan: that is what i am talking about08:51
isilollaiya: it might be then : / there are more instructions in the theme manager window08:51
lalalalaonly a nerd/geek would use ubuntu!08:51
espereguanyone can help me with applying a patch?  I tried: patch -p6 <patch.txt but that gives me: 2 out of 2 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file mantis_vp1041.c.rej The diff file was made with: diff -Naur mantis_orig/linux/drivers/media/dvb/mantis/mantis_vp1041.c mantis_mod/linux/drivers/media/dvb/mantis/mantis_vp1041.c How should I patch this?08:51
FlannelCallipyginous: alright, well, just add that line to the bottom08:51
andycaassHow to autostart conky????08:51
Cyr4xdo i sould turn off x server while upgrading to hardy?08:51
ademan_anyone have Windows XP program recommendations for burning cds?08:51
lalalalaonly a nerd/geek would use ubuntu!08:51
boeinglalalala, do u mean that is y my grandma, uses ubuntu?08:51
gordlalalala: my company hgas 3000 ubuntu desktop in use, for 18 month now08:51
darrylademan: nero works08:52
gnuskoolademan, i dont use xp :D08:52
CallipyginousFlannel: i tried, but it isnt like editing it in gedit... Sorry, im a bit of a noob08:52
Flannelademan_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto08:52
ademan_darryl: i suppose i should say, free08:52
FlannelCallipyginous: you need to use sudo visudo to edit sudoers.  Don't ever try and edit any other way08:52
ademan_not having k3b is really messing with me :-( lol08:52
Johnny_boeing: i am talking about the sudo thing08:52
isilolHey, anyone feels like figuring out why nvidia drivers in 8.04 are not loaded (even though xorg.conf might imply so)? ..08:52
Cyr4xademan_: xpcdburn08:52
jfrenchademan_: Use InfraRecorder its free and is very useful08:52
James_478ubotu: I think I just fixed it :S08:52
boeinglalalala, unless u have some serious device problem, u should not say this?08:52
Cyr4xor maybe some older ashampoo burning studio08:53
gnuskoolcorbett: it doesent sow on that fdisk, when you connect it to your pc, does it make a sound or anything?08:53
gordlalalala: 3122 to be exact. and we have 4 (four) IT support staff for the whole lot08:53
ademan_thanks guys08:53
CallipyginousFlannel: Yeah... It worked for me in 7.10, but now its giving me grief in 8.0408:53
Zloogcorbett: I think you have accidentally deleted your E:/ drive :(08:53
Johnny_boeing: i am doing the sudo thing08:53
nikitisFlannel: will super grub disk fix my problem or will I have to use it everytime I want to boot windows?08:53
boeinglalalala, this chat is not for off-topic. at least u should say what made u say this08:53
Jordan_UJames_478, What is the output of "grep $(cat /etc/hostname) /etc/hosts" ?08:53
boeingJohnny_, ok08:53
lalalalaonly if i can get darkage of camelot to work on ubuntu then i'll ditch vista!08:53
jeanrehow do I allow everyone to see a samba share?08:54
Johnny_boeing: what is the sudo thing08:54
Flannelnikitis: If it works,it'll fix the problem08:54
Xperiment62anyone know of a way to script using mIRC Scripting Language in X-Chat?08:54
Johnny_boeing: it finished08:54
Cyr4xhow to turn off x server?08:54
nikitisFlannel: i'm out of cd's08:54
wibhi. i upgraded to 8.04 yesterday. now, when i playback video, i have cpu usage as high as 99% on both cores. that wasn't the case in 7.10. ati raedon x1300, compiz fusion08:54
FlannelXperiment62: no, theyre incompatable08:54
Ultumix0015_how do move to a different desktop in ulutmix?08:54
corbettZloog: well , the light is flashing on the ehd,  dmesg mentions it,  i can assure you it works as it took into work and use on the work pc08:54
boeingJohnny_, one minute. i am browsing thru our discussion.08:54
Johnny_boeing, ok08:54
corbettZloog: which is of course windows08:55
lalalalaDon't use Compiz or KDE composite with Wine - #winhq08:55
Zloogcorbett is this an external drive or something?08:55
Ultumix0015_how do move to a different desktop in ulutmix08:55
QrawlIs there builtin virtualization in Hardy08:55
Ultumix0015_how do i remote desktop to ultimix? only vnc08:55
gnuskoolQrawl: yes08:55
Ultumix0015_how do move to a different desktop in ulutmix08:55
icqnumberlalalala, no one forces you to use linux, ubuntu, opensuse or what ever!!08:55
corbettZloog: its an external hard drive maxtor mini iii , usb08:55
jeanrehmmm nothing is comming out of my speakers08:56
FlannelUltumix0015_: You should ask the Ultumix people, we have no idea.08:56
jeanreI can see the track play08:56
Qrawlgnuskool, where is it located08:56
boeingJohnny_, can u tell me the complete command u typed? i am unable to retrieve, as i once did a /clear08:56
jeanrebut I dont hear anything08:56
Ultumix0015_10 408:56
michel1980does anyone know why the downloadrate of synaptic package management is so slow? is it because of the release of hardy final?08:56
Flannelmichel1980: that's exactly why.08:56
Qrawlgnuskool, I have a VirtualBox .vdi file08:56
Zloogmichel1980: absoletly08:56
corbettZloog: having said that to get it working on windows I've previously  had to download software from the Seagate site08:57
boeingJohnny_, can u tell me the complete command u typed? i am unable to retrieve, as i once did a /clear08:57
Johnny_boeing i typed: sudo apt-get build-dep apache208:57
jeanrehow can I test my soun d guys?08:57
pengoI have installed hardy from a USB key, but ironically I cannot mount the USB key from within Hardy (running off HDD).  "Cannot mount volume. Invalid mount option when attempting to mount the volume." (I used to have this problem in Gutsy too--tried many USB thumb drives--and this is a clean install) Lenovo x61 laptop08:57
Zloogcorbett: huh, it is is a regular usb drive and your usb port is working, the drive should appear at computer:///08:58
Light-Hi, how do I make my themes that I downloaded from gnome-look.org work in programs like Synaptic and Gedit? They work fine in nautilus and firefox08:58
Johnny_boeing, i typed: sudo apt-get build-dep apache208:58
jeanreI dont hear anything08:58
boeingJohnny_, that is a command to install a package(apache2) from ubuntu repository(a treasurechest)08:58
gnuskoolcorbett: look in/var/log/messages for something like this line  Attached scsi disk sda at scsi1, channel 0, id 0, lun 008:58
Qrawlcan someone please tell me how do I use a VirtualBox .vdi file with the new builtin virtualization in Hardy08:58
nikitisFlannel: i need another option.  Better troubleshooting or something.  I have no way to use super grub disk08:59
iceswordJohnny_, sudo tasksel08:59
Johnny_boeing, so what do i do now08:59
boeingJohnny_, sudo means with administrative task(thats where linux gets its main security)08:59
boeingJohnny_, ur package is installed!08:59
espereguanyone can help me with applying a patch?  I tried: patch -p6 <patch.txt but that gives me: 2 out of 2 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file mantis_vp1041.c.rej The diff file was made with: diff -Naur mantis_orig/linux/drivers/media/dvb/mantis/mantis_vp1041.c mantis_mod/linux/drivers/media/dvb/mantis/mantis_vp1041.c How should I patch this?08:59
Johnny_boeing, how do i run the program then08:59
Light-Qrawl: I dont think its "built in" in hardy, the kernel has just been compiled with better support for Virtialization. You will still need to install VirtualBox08:59
lalalalaonly a nerd/geek would use ubuntu!08:59
gnuskoolresolution problems on external monitor intel 855, help08:59
QrawlLight-, what is kvm then09:00
jeanrecan someone try and help me?09:00
=== mosno2 is now known as mosno
Light-Qrawl: no idea, its not installed on my PC09:00
nikitisAre there any experts on Grub and making windows partitions boot properly?  I have quite the challenge for someone09:00
QrawlLight-, ok ty09:00
boeingJohnny_, pose this question again as a general one. Ur software installation is over and configuring apache itself is a book-huge task, depending on ur needs09:00
gnuskoolnikitis: whats the prob09:00
Light-How do I make my themes that I downloaded from gnome-look.org work in programs like Synaptic and Gedit? They work fine in nautilus and firefox09:01
boeingJohnny_, it can be a one minute job if it is just a LAN SERVER, though09:01
Johnny_boeing: i am going over lan09:01
gnuskoolCarbonflux: gedit /var/log/messages09:01
nikitisgnuskool: I have 3 harddrives, sda and sdb are linux, and sdc is windows.  I just installed windows first, freshly, then 8.04 ubuntu.  grub decided to not work when it came to the windows partition.  It will no longer boot.09:01
QrawlDoes VirtualBox use KVM to help it or something?09:01
boeinglalalala, there are better games eg. the battle for wesnoth.09:01
Johnny_boeing: i know how to set it up i just want to run it so i can configure it09:02
nikitisgnuskool: linux boots just fine09:02
gnuskoolcorbett: gedit/var/log7messages09:02
boeingJohnny_, i am not sure about apache-post configuration. ubotu seems to now about it.09:02
grimsqueaker13can anyone help me with vncserver? i have sshed into the server and started vncserver -AlwaysShared then connected from the client PC but i get a broken x window with an X cursoe and nothing else.... anyhelp?09:02
pengoCannot mount a USB key (thumb drive) in Hardy. Help?09:02
corbettgnuskool:can yo uhave a look at this ?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/8001/09:02
lalalalaonly a nerd/geek would use ubuntu!09:03
nikitisgnuskool: i need a way to boot it, whether it be by changing the mappings. reinstalling grub. or whatever09:03
pengolalalala: what's your point?09:03
Johnny_i g2g bye09:03
Light-pengo: what command are you typing to mount it?09:03
Nahilalalala what do u use?09:03
Johnny_thanx for the hemp09:03
FloodBot2Johnny_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:03
pengoLight-: none. i'm double clicking on it.09:03
Maxdamantusgrimsqueaker13, you have nothing running on the VNC display.09:03
XceIIonly a lulu would be called a lala09:03
MaxdamantusIt's not broken.09:03
lalalalai use vista - im a genius!09:03
grimsqueaker13oh... how do i start a proper x session?09:04
boeinglalalala, pls dont comment again. nobody minds if you dont use ubuntu or whatever09:04
Nahilalalala vista is for losers09:04
gordgrimsqueaker13: if its greay and old looking, mouse mooves, that OK, its running but as default X-session, an "new" display, not your normal desktop. I not an expert tho09:04
Nahiit sux09:04
gnuskoolnikitis: when you first installed grub, did it detect a windows OS?09:04
tzfardeaHey, I just upgraded to ubuntu 8.04 with firefox 3.0b5 and now I have a problem that the firefox crashes often, I get this error in the console "firefox: Fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X server :0.0."09:04
Nahiits a bad mix of nix/mac09:04
nikitisgnuskool: yes09:04
macounoHey folks... ehm... has anyone checked the ubuntu website in ie? I know it's a sin to do so but since wubi is included...09:04
boeinglalalala, then teach me how to make the vista kernel if u are a vista genius09:04
pengoLight-: "Cannot mount volume. Invalid mount option when attempting to mount the volume."09:04
nikitisgnuskool: it detected Microsoft Windows XP Professional09:04
Maxdamantusgrimsqueaker13, if you're using the common "vncserver", edit your ~/.vnc/xstartup script to start metacity, xterm, etc..09:04
Jordan_Uboeing, Please stop feeding the troll09:04
IndyGunFreakmacouno: why would it matter?09:05
Light-pengo: hmm, thats weird09:05
Riot777if anyone here is using lirc remote that used gpio module on hardy please query me09:05
Light-pengo: working fine here. try mounting it from the command line09:05
gnuskoolcorbett: is your maxtor 260MB, or is that a thumb drive you got also09:05
lalalalawhy use ubuntu its so complicated! vista is so easy click click click and its more stable/secure than ubuntu!09:05
macounoIndyGunFreak, cause wubi in included, which means it's easier for windows users to try out ubuntu... which is good, but ehm.. if the website doesn't work for them at all... they just won't bother09:05
boeinglalalala, #ubuntu-offtopic09:05
pengoLight-: well not so weird. i had the same problem in gutsy. (this is a clean install)09:05
grimsqueaker13dont know much about how to edit xstartup script, where can i reaqd about it?09:06
Light-pengo: does it work fine in windows?09:06
IndyGunFreakmacouno: well, i imagine the website works.... why wouldn't it.09:06
Maxdamantusgrimsqueaker13, just edit it, and add some programs to run when you start the VNC.09:06
ascAnybody know why they thought it was a good idea to remove torrent links from the download page a few releases back?09:06
ZloogDid something change in 8.04 to make it so that my samba share settings arent saved in /etc/samba/smb.conf anymore? The shares are working fine, but I dont see the share settings in the smb.conf file anymore.09:06
Light-pengo: your motherboards USB could be dodgy09:06
OsamaKHello. Can I install more than one version of Ubuntu on my computer. For example Ubuntu, KUbuntu and EDUbuntu?09:06
pengoLight-: yes. and i even installed Ubuntu from a thumb drive.09:06
Light-pengo: ah, ok09:06
MaxdamantusYou'd probably want to add "metacity&", "xterm"09:06
corbettgnuskool: 260 MB is a thunb drive istick in to see if the reaer usb is working, the maxtro is 100 GB09:06
ikoniaOsamaK: sure09:06
macounoIndyGunFreak, well... it doesn't... I found at least half a dozen issues wihtin 5 minutes of browsing09:06
gord grimsqueaker13: when u get it right, u have a full destop: )   oldl thread at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=122402, probably still valid09:06
mintsoupis there a command that will tell me what video driver i'm using?09:07
macounoIndyGunFreak, issues like not being able to go beyond the first item in the dropdown menu (and on some pages no dropdown menu showing at all)...09:07
ikoniamintsoup: look in /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:07
ikoniamintsoup: look at the Driver section09:07
IndyGunFreakmacouno: well who's to say thast Ubuntu's fault?  IE isn't exactly known for blazing speed and stability... I'd say if most people are looking at Free Alternatives, good possibility they are already using Opera or Firefox09:07
ikoniamintsoup: unless.... what version of ubuntu are you using ?09:07
mintsoupah yes shoulda thought of that ;p  Thanks09:07
pengoLight-: yep. manual mounting works09:07
Light-pengo: weird that automounting doesnt09:08
boeingOsamaK, install one *ubuntu and insert the other cds. the package manager will automatically detect and u can add the other cds as offline repos09:08
mintsoup8.04 :o09:08
nikitisgnuskool: what are you thinking about?09:08
iGraphiXHello to everybody!09:08
geniehi all09:08
ikoniamintsoup: that will be fine09:08
pengoLight-: just did sudo mount /dev/sdb1 drive09:08
boeinggenie, hi09:08
joetheoddFloodbot2, hi.09:08
boeingLight-, add /dev/sdb1 in /etc/fstab with right parameters if u want regularly09:08
macounoIndyGunFreak, I'ts not a matter of "fault"... it should be "made to work", having a website that doesn't work in the big 3 browsers is just not a good idea09:09
Light-boeing: pengo is having the problem not me :)09:09
genieI cannot switch between keyboard layout when I press both ALT together ! any idea?09:09
boeingpengo,  add /dev/sdb1 in /etc/fstab with right parameters if u want regularly09:09
OsamaKikonia: Great. I'm using Ubuntu + Ubuntu-KDE4, but I wasn't very sure of other versions like ED, X..09:09
macounoIndyGunFreak, anyway... I just thought I'd mention it in case one of the webdevs was in here09:09
mintsoupquestion: is it a bad idea to comment out a line in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-framebuffer?09:09
boeingOsamaK, install one *ubuntu and insert the other cds. the package manager will automatically detect and u can add the other cds as offline repos09:09
IndyGunFreakmacouno: well, write canonical, i'm sure they'd just love to hear about it.09:09
csaissup guys, i just updated ubuntu to 8.04 and i'am wondering how to make amsn work09:09
OsamaKboeing: ok thax09:10
pengoboeing: thanks.. but would be nice to have a generic solution09:10
iGraphiXcsais, why do you need aMSN, you have Pidgin installed by default.09:10
OsamaKikonia: thaks09:10
QrawlCan someone help me. Im really confused.  I thought KVM was already in Hardy09:10
csaisis it better than amsn?09:10
boeingpengo, this solution is given in tuxmachines.org pls search there09:10
corbettgnuskool: ive just replugged he maxtor and here are the messages http://paste.ubuntu.com/8002/09:10
pengoboeing: thanks09:10
iGraphiXcsais: In my opinion, yes. Just try it.09:10
csaisight thanks man09:11
bullgard4enouf: Synaptic classifies DEB program packages by 'sections'.09:11
dystopianrayQrawl: it should be09:11
genieI cannot switch between keyboard layout when I press both ALT together ! any idea?09:11
iGraphiXYou're most welcome, no problem.09:11
lacostejHei Hei. Trying to solve #216927, a problem where my keyboard and mouse get stuck. It's happening right now, so if there's a kernel guru that wants me to do something about it, let me know.09:11
csaiswhat about automatix? is not working anymore right09:11
Qrawldystopianray, I dont see it09:11
c0mpub0mbso.. ubuntu servers are down eh ?09:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kvm - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi09:11
iGraphiXNo, they stopped the development.09:11
c0mpub0mbwell rather they are practically dead.09:11
dystopianraycsais: you should not ever use automatix09:11
c0mpub0mbbarely respond.09:11
ascHeh. dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg doesn't let you select driver or configure the monitor...09:11
dystopianrayQrawl: what are you looking for?09:11
iGraphiXRead this article: http://www.getautomatix.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=242409:11
csaisight i'll with terminal09:11
Qrawldystopianray, I have a virtualbox .vdi file.  I want to run it in KVM09:11
Deathserveri cant find this anywhere ne ideas as to where i can DL w32codecs_20050412-0.0_i386.deb09:12
dystopianrayQrawl: does your cpu have the hardware virtualisation support?09:12
bullgard4enouf: Synaptic classifies DEB program packages by 'sections'. Does Debian also classify DEB program packages by 'sections'? Searching for 'section' in 'man apt-get' does not return an output.09:12
bullgard4Synaptic classifies DEB program packages by 'sections'. Does Debian also classify DEB program packages by 'sections'? Searching for 'section' in 'man apt-get' does not return an output.09:12
nikitisi guess since no one can help me i'll just reinstall windows and ubuntu again09:12
corbettgnuskool: where u suggesting "gedit/var/log7messages" as a terminal command?09:12
Qrawldystopianray, i dont know,  is that a new thing.  my computer is a few years old09:13
pengoboeing there's nothing on tuxmachines.org.  "Cannot mount volume." is only mentioned on one page (Mandriva 2007.0 alpha livecd)09:13
Deathserveri cant find this anywhere ne ideas as to where i can DL w32codecs_20050412-0.0_i386.deb09:13
Qrawldystopianray, I guess I should just install VirtualBox09:13
ikoniabullgard4: ask debian guys09:13
QrawlVirtualBox works good09:13
nick_ive got an rpm file to install how do i do it09:13
QrawlI have no clue what KVM is09:13
ikonianick_: it's strongly advised that you don't install rpm's09:14
ikoniaorudie: kernel virtual machine09:14
Deathserverne one read LXF09:14
ikoniaQrawl: kernel virtual machine, sorry09:14
ikoniaDeathserver: offtopic here09:14
lalalalawhy use ubuntu its so complicated! vista is so easy click click click and its more stable/secure than ubuntu!09:14
iGraphiXDeathserver: You can download from here >>> http://zchan.homeunix.net/pub/Ubuntu.APP/w32codecs_20050412-0.0_i386.deb09:14
ikonialalalala: stop it please. You've been like this all night, please stop09:14
nick_i ikonia: what about tar.gz becasue i can get it in that format09:14
baddogstfu lalalala09:14
gordlalalala: yesterday too, autotroll09:14
bullgard4ikonia: Debian guys in #debian are odd.09:14
nick_ikonia: what about tar.gz becasue i can get it in that format09:14
=== arooni________ is now known as arooni
ikoniabaddog: that attitude is unaccaptale09:15
* baddog pokes #ubuntu-offtopic witha stick09:15
ikoniabullgard4: thats not my problem09:15
Deathservernice thx i graphix09:15
iGraphiXYou're welcome, Deathserver.09:15
* baddog runs09:15
ikonianick_: the tar format will depend on it's intended target09:15
icqnumberwas he (lala...) yesterday here too?09:15
ikoniaicqnumber: yes09:15
gordprobably singapore M$ teenclub09:15
ikonialalalala: stop09:16
Deathserverhow do i write in red09:16
ikoniaDeathserver: this is not irc help/lessons channel09:16
Deathserverblah sry09:16
nick_ikonia: im trying to install adobe flash player for my browser and i went to the adobe website and you can download it in rpm or tar.gz09:16
suckaok im actually starting to like this add/remove feature....but i have a cd and on it theres a linux rpm shell installer this link [http://monkeyblog.org/ubuntu/installing/] tells me that i have to convert the files is this true?09:16
ikonianick_: why are you doing that ? there is a package in ubuntu for flash player09:17
dystopianrayQrawl: kvm needs hardware virtualisation support, a few years old is probably too old for it09:17
ikoniasucka: it is strongly advised that you don't use rpm's on ubuntu machines09:17
suckaoh ok09:17
nick_ikonia: i was trying to view soething and i had to click to download plugin09:17
tzfardeaWell can someone help me :-\ my firefox crashes very often after the upgrade, this is the error in the console "firefox: Fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X server :0.0."09:17
nick_ikonia: how do i install that09:17
ikonianick_: install the flash package through synaptic09:17
sleepsterhow would I get a drive to mount everytime I turn on my machine09:18
suckatheres also a deb installer but the rpm installer has all the example files for my software hmm..09:18
ikoniasleepster: put it in your fstab file09:18
gordsucka: is the program you are looking to install from rpm available via apt?09:18
nick_ikonia: doing that now09:18
nick_ikonia: cheers09:18
sleepsterthanks ikonia09:18
Qrawldystopianray, ok ty09:18
ikonianick_: the package is "flashplugin-nonfree"09:18
c0mpub0mbdoes taskel even work ?09:18
iGraphiXnick_, do this sudo apt-get flashplugin-nonfree09:18
suckagord: i am not sure09:18
iGraphiXIt's faster, and close your browser while doing it.09:18
Jordan_Usucka, What is the application?09:19
ubotuTo disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv409:19
suckaJordan_U: it is LPL Language Proof and Logic09:19
lacostejso noone interested in looking into https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/216927 with me ? :)09:19
leshow can i read from a /dev/ttyUSB0 device from the terminal?09:20
boeingpengo, is that drive a usb key?09:20
nick_how do you login to termina09:20
pengoboeing: yes09:20
nick_do you have to put password and udername in09:21
ikonianick_: just use synaptic if your not comfortable with a terminal09:21
iGraphiXnick_: First create your UNIX password09:21
gordsucka: its a educationaltool right? boolean logic etc ?09:21
boeingto pengo09:21
iGraphiXDo this in terminal: sudo passwd root09:21
ikoniaiGraphiX: no!09:21
nick_igraphix: unix password?09:21
iGraphiXThen follow the instructions.09:21
pengoboeing: thanks09:21
ikoniaiGraphiX: we do not recommend that09:21
Jordan_Usucka, http://ggww2.stanford.edu/GUS/lpl/faq.jsp#LinuxPackageInstall claims that they provide .deb installers ( which you would just need to double click )09:21
suckagord: yes09:21
Naithin|AFKHey guys, assuming a fairly well defragged drive; does using Wubi and a virtual drive image impact performance all that much?09:21
nick_ikonia: i want to get familiar with the terminal09:21
ikoniaiGraphiX: we do not recommend that, and even less so to new users09:22
iGraphiXWell, he must know it, too, he will need it eventually.09:22
nikitisQuestion:  If I have 3 harddrives, and Windows XP is on harddrive 1 and /boot is on harddrive 2, will that create a problem during ubuntu installation for grub?09:22
tobmalfconsidering debian for my hand-me-down MacBookPro; comments welcome09:22
ov1d1uI have a problem with installing Ubuntu/Kubuntu 8.0409:22
ikoniaiGraphiX: no09:22
Deathserverwhere did that file you gave me go to ?09:22
ikonianick_: very admirable09:22
TB`How's got 8.04 up and running then? Is it all good?09:22
iGraphiXOvidiu, what seems to be the problem?09:22
ikonianick_: you won't need a password to use the terminal09:22
ikoniaTB`: try it09:22
boeingpengo, and fstab is for permanancy,eg.a new hdd so i dont think u need to change there09:22
TB`How are you finding it so far ikonia?09:22
ov1d1uMy PC freez at 24% (sometimes at 27%) when it's copy the files09:22
ikonianick_: open a terminal from the applications accessories menu09:22
ikoniaTB`: try it for yourself09:22
tobmalf\.. it's already building the kernel09:22
dystopianrayTB`: I use kubuntu and I think this is the best release yet, much better than 7.1009:22
abliHi! having installed hardy, and kubuntu-desktop on it apparently automounting in gnome broke: it works if I use a kde session, but in gnome sessions if I plug in the usb thumbdrive, it doesn't get mounted. judging from dmesg it gets recognized correctly. What should I check?09:22
nick_ikonia: yip09:22
TB`dystopianray: excellent09:23
ikonianick_: then "sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree"09:23
corbettZloog:  what do u think of this           http://paste.ubuntu.com/8002/09:23
Line_ok, distaster alert: unbutu 8.04 install cd -> selected install ubuntu -> i was not prompted on what i would like to do with  my partitions -> now i've lost my raid array09:23
l2sI am using the hardy heron alt version and did a sudo tasksel install lamp-server09:23
Line_am i screwed?09:23
tobmalf so, anything wrong? The range of IP I would like pg to listen is (0..255)09:23
suckaJordan_U: ive tried double clicking the deb installed but then what do i do run in terminal or what?09:23
gordsucka: hmm, well let me explain breifly, RPM is the Red Hat Package manager, designed for a different flavour of linux, we'd recoomne dusing APT desighned for this ubuntu flavour....but u cant i think, its only avaiilable in rpm for you. u have no real cjhoice but to try,. normally rpm scause future troubles that apt doesnt09:23
l2sit just hangs on the screen and never gets past 0% apt-get update and upgrade work fine09:23
ikoniaLine_: data gone09:23
l2sanyone know if hardy heron broke tasksel?09:23
Sajuukkharguys if i insert my flash drive, where will it be in terms of root?09:24
nikitisl2s: servers are heavily bogged down now09:24
gordsucka: rpm's arent totally evil, just not optimum, and arent supported09:24
* baddog feels sorry for Line_09:24
Line_lovely how can i install ubuntu onto a raid array?09:24
tobmalf i had jamals help already09:24
Scorchinhi, ever since the update to 8.04, my mount points do not work. I've updated any changes to name /etc/* in the fstab yet it won't show the drives as files when mounted, only their respective GB sizes09:24
l2sis there any other way to install it ?09:24
ikoniaLine_: use a supported raid card/technology09:24
suckagord: i see09:24
ascSajuukkhar: usually in a subdirectory of /media09:24
nick_where can i learn about the terminal and the commands09:24
notsniwhi.. i want to add another hdd. what is the easiest way to partition/format/add it? i installed gparted, but i wont work. when i run it, it wont stop scanning the system..09:24
Jordan_Usucka, Can you pastebin the output of "dpkg -L <package name>" ?09:24
l2sits been waiting 10 minutes and not moving09:24
ikonianick_: http://www.tldp.org09:24
Sajuukkharits just that i cant find it there09:24
Sajuukkharim running ubuntu in recovery mode09:24
Line_is Gigabyte technologies GsataII supported?09:24
nikitisl2s: yea took 20 mins for me to install gcc09:24
suckagord: i know that it works fine cause i installed it on 7.1009:24
Sajuukkharcos of a huge line of problems09:24
Sajuukkharim backing up my system09:25
suckagord: i can try09:25
ikoniaLine_: fakeraid which is what your using is not really a supported/stable platform09:25
corbettmaxtor external hard drive problem any advice?    http://paste.ubuntu.com/8002/09:25
Sajuukkharand reformatting09:25
ascsajukkhar: Is it mounted? check df -h, it would be the last item on the list09:25
gordsucka: well, at your own risk....i never had a problem that i could fix tho :)09:25
Sajuukkhark lemme check09:25
Line_should i utilize my onboard nvidia raid controller? or will i need a hardware solution?09:25
gordcoulkdnt fox rofl09:25
l2swish they would use bittorrent only to distribute new releases09:25
Naithin|AFKHey guys, assuming a fairly well defragged drive; does using Wubi and a virtual drive image impact performance all that much?09:25
ikoniaLine_: onboard nvidia controller = fake raid09:25
gordsomebody buy me a new kdb and fingers09:25
ascThey do, it's just that some bonehead took it off the main download page a couple releases back :p09:25
Sajuukkharnot there09:26
nikitisGrub Question:  If my Bios boots SDA with windows on it, then I go to install ubuntu on SDB.  Where will grub write the boot loader?09:26
Sajuukkharhsould i try another usb port?09:26
bazhangNaithin|AFK: wubi is never going to be that fast; better to move it to an lvm or use unetbootin09:26
iGraphiXov1d1u: Have you checked the CD, it's perhaps the CD, if not, try to check your hard-drive, do a defrag, check MBR and repair it, then re-create partitions09:26
ov1d1uisn't the CD09:26
ov1d1ui have testet with 3 cd's09:26
Line_anyone know a way for me to recover files from a destroyed raid0 (2 drives) ?09:26
ov1d1utwo kubuntu cds and one with ubuntu09:26
leshow can i read from a /dev/ttyUSB0 device from the terminal?09:26
ikoniaLine_: it's gone09:26
iGraphiXCheck the MD509:27
ascSajuukkhar: Nah, just mount it manually. Uh, do 'ls /dev/sd*' It'll list a couple things. The flash drive's partition should be the last item on the list.09:27
Zirodayles: you mean mount it?09:27
Naithin|AFKbazhang: Thanks baz. So I can take that to say then that there is significant and noticeable impact by using Wubi? Ah well. Will be worth a try at least, want to see if I can coax my X-Fi card to work under a 32bit linux install this time around. heh09:27
ubotuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows09:27
Line_alright, so if i wish to install ubuntu on my current configuration i will need to use just one drive until i can find a hardware raid solution?09:27
nikitisGrub Question: If my Bios boots SDA with windows on it, then I go to install ubuntu on SDB. Where will grub write the boot loader?09:27
ikoniaLine_: or use linux software raid, but that is a much more complex solution09:27
l2sbtw ebay is real cheap for ide raid controllers09:27
ikonianikitis: should be sda09:27
memetaliI have a keyboard layout problem can anyone help09:28
ascSajuukkhar: run 'sudo mount /dev/sd__ /mnt' where sd__ is the last item on the list, and it'll mount it on /mnt09:28
l2slook for 3ware 7506-4 or -209:28
Line_thanks again ikonia09:28
JCSmith1337If I have an Intel Quadcore 6600 processor, which flavor of Hardy Heron should I get?  32bit or 64bit?09:28
Jordan_Ul2s, That's fakeraid though09:28
l2sless than 30 bucs09:28
nikitisikonia: will it do it automatically?  Or do I have to tell it sda?09:28
l2sno its not09:28
ikoniaJCSmith1337: depends on your need09:28
l2sits a real ide raid card not software raid09:28
OsamaKWhat's Ubuntu DVD?09:28
leshow can i read from a /dev/ttyUSB0 device from the terminal?09:28
ikonianikitis: should do it auto09:28
Sajuukkharo i get it09:28
OsamaKDoes it includes all versions?09:28
ascJCSmith1337: Flash and some video codecs sometimes don't like to work with 64-bit09:28
Sajuukkharim running in recovery mode09:28
JCSmith1337ikonia: is 32bit more stable?09:28
Sajuukkharwhence why i cant see it09:28
ikoniaJCSmith1337: not really no09:28
OsamaKikonia: Mr. Helper :-)09:29
Maxdamantusles, just output it to the terminal? dd if=/dev/ttyUSB009:29
hugol1jeanre or exaile09:29
Sajuukkharok then09:29
OsamaKikonia: What's Ubuntu DVD?09:29
Sajuukkhari shall reboot09:29
l2sgreat cards going cheap09:29
gluerthink i preferred #ubuntu+109:29
ikoniaOsamaK: more cmoplete repos09:29
nikitisJCSmith1337: more packages are supported with 32-bit09:29
Sajuukkharbut how do i boot only to terminal and not to gnome09:29
OsamaKikonia: Does it includes all versions?09:29
tobmalfhttp://www.officerecovery.com/freeundelete/download.htm.. Installing an undelete program can overwrite your file :).. ccleaner is okay, but not the end all09:29
JCSmith1337nikitis:  thanks :D09:29
DracoZAplease can someone help me, my system was running perfectly and now its just screwed!09:29
ascnikitis: Really? Which ones?09:29
ikoniait includes the repos - not versions09:29
nikitisJCSmith1337: not really a performance difference09:29
OsamaKikonia: repos?09:29
nikitisJCSmith1337: 32-bit will still use all 4 cores09:30
ikoniaOsamaK: software repositories, sorry09:30
JCSmith1337nikitis:  thanks that was my next question09:30
JCSmith1337Looks like im off to grab the 32 bit09:30
ascJCSmith1337: There can be a performance difference actually. For example, I noticed a 30% reduction in CPU with h.64 playback with 64-bit.09:30
JCSmith1337thanks so much!09:30
Fritzelwhere do you change the pointer theme?09:30
arbrandesHey dudes, NFS4 problem: can't connect to an export on a Gutsy server, with the error: "mount.nfs4: requested NFS version or transport protocol is not supported".  It worked just before the upgrade to Hardy.  Any suggestions?09:30
tobmalfI dont get it why people hate Hillary though.. UNTIL.. until I learn about this guy Peter Paul09:31
nikitisJCSmith1337: but what good is performance if you can't do anything with it09:31
iGraphiXFor GeeXboX users: http://zchan.homeunix.net/pub/Ubuntu.APP/GeeXboX/09:31
asche's already gone.09:31
DracoZAhow dows ubuntu boot up without a xorg.conf ?09:31
ascAlso, I'd love to know what one can't do with 64-bit09:31
Jordan_Utobmalf, Try #politics09:31
Naithin|AFKDoes this release of the 64bit kernel work with Intel C2D chips?  I heard that it wasn't so well supported with the 7.04 release.09:31
Sajuukkharit doesnt09:31
ikoniaDracoZA: it's dynamic09:31
Sajuukkharmy xorg screwed up too draco09:31
ascNaithin|AFK: Yes, it works.09:31
IndyGunFreakFritzel: right click your desktop, change background, click the theme tab, whatever theme you have enabled(its probably labeled custom), click modify, then click the "pointer" tab09:32
Sajuukkhari suggest reformatting and installing fresh09:32
DracoZAikonia dynamic ?09:32
Naithin|AFKThanks Asc.09:32
ikoniaNaithin|AFK: you heard wrong09:32
Deathserverdell inspiron 1525 video acceleration problems any thing i can do?09:32
FritzelIndyGunFreak, excellent thank you09:32
ikoniaDracoZA: xorg trys to work out your hardware settings and is overriddent by the xorg config file09:32
iGraphiXDracoZA and Sajuukkhar: You guys tried the restricted software? E.g. nVidia.09:32
arbrandesiGraphiX, i did, working fine here.09:32
iGraphiXYes, here too.09:32
Sajuukkharigraphic shall i link you to my post on ubuntuforums?09:32
iGraphiXAt some point takes control of your xorg. And I guess they are having this problem.09:33
DracoZAikonia ok, does nvidia-settings have a seperate conf file of some sort ?09:33
iGraphiXSajuukkhar, yes, please.09:33
ikoniaDracoZA: that normally runs in memory09:33
ikoniaDracoZA: changes would have to be written to xorg.conf09:33
MaxdamantusDracoZA, nvidia-settings save to the normal Xorg.conf09:33
iGraphiXSajuukkhar, read what ikonia just wrote.09:33
MaxdamantusIt does backups though, I think.09:33
sephirothhey have any of you managed to network into a PS3?09:33
dnyUGH, my sound keeps going out, and I have to restart for it to work again.  Is there a way to restart ALSA or something? :/09:33
sephirothim tryna send music over09:33
ZirodayHow do I get hyperlinks in pidgin and thunderbird to open up in firefox?09:34
DracoZAMaxdamantus will it read the backups if no xorg.conf exists ?09:34
Rafikhello :)09:34
MaxdamantusDracoZA, no.09:34
ikoniaDracoZA: no09:34
Sajuukkharjust wait on09:34
ikoniaDracoZA: you have to tell it to read the files09:34
MaxdamantusX looks for /etc/x11/Xorg.conf09:34
MaxdamantusIf it doesn't exist, it'll guess some settings./09:34
KohelethI have installed Ubuntu 64bit alongside Vista, but now I want Ubuntu 32bit because of program problems, if I just reinstall will it use the 64 bit partitioning etc or install along side the 64bit?09:35
tebanhi, how can i auto mount partitions on hardy? gutsy used to mount them automatically... hardy doesn't09:35
Rafikplease, I've a probleme with an USB flash disk.. KINGMAX 1Gb.. gutsy don't detect it at all09:35
Rafikcan anyone help me ?09:35
ikoniaKoheleth: you tell it what partition to use09:35
Maxdamantusteban, /etc/fstab?09:35
Sajuukkharmy problem09:35
OsamaKikonia: That's meaning all programs that can be installed?09:35
ikoniaOsamaK: all the ones written to the cd09:36
tebanyeah i've read about that... but i don't know exactly what i have to add to that file09:36
ikoniaOsamaK: dvd sorry09:36
ZirodayRafik: there should be know issues with flash disk can you pastebin fdisk -l please09:36
Kohelethikonia: I hate messing with partitions :(09:36
ikoniaKoheleth: "select partition /dev/sda2" is not "messing with partitions"09:36
tebanthe partitions are /media/sda1 and /media/sda509:36
OsamaKikonia: you need a cup of tea to be more relax :-)09:36
sephirothyeah i got gutsy and i keep hearing that its predesessor was so much better09:36
ikoniaOsamaK: what ? I'm relaxed09:36
Sajuukkharim asking how do i just boot to the terminal and not to GNOME09:36
Sajuukkharrecovery mode doesnt see my flash drive09:37
ikoniaSajuukkhar: use recovery mode, or remove gdm from the start up runlevel09:37
RafikZiroday, i send you this in an mp ?09:37
Sajuukkharor my Ipod09:37
MrWGW-the Ubiquity installer failed to install GRUB and didn't tell me about it, it just crashed (really crappy btw for an LTS release I must say)09:37
Kohelethsda1 will be where my windows install is right09:37
MrWGW-what is the value that GRUB needs for the initrd?09:37
bazhangRafik: this is gutsy? I use the kingmax 8GB and see it fine (though this is Hardy)09:37
ZirodayRafik: no in pastebin09:37
tobmalfz.z don't even remind me of that screw up dushantch09:37
Sajuukkharhow do i use remove gdm?09:37
ikoniaMrWGW-: none09:37
Ziroday!paste | Rafik09:37
MrWGW-and are there any special parameters that the UBuntu kernel requires?09:37
ubotuRafik: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)09:37
ikoniaSajuukkhar: update-rc09:37
suckagord: i downloaded the deb file from the lop website and when i opened it it said that it was either corrupt or i di not have permission to open the file09:37
MrWGW-iknoia: if I just tell it to boot /vmlinuz, the kernel panics09:37
ZirodaySajuukkhar: sudo apt-get remove gdm09:37
ikoniaZiroday: no no no no09:38
ikoniaZiroday: he meant from the start up09:38
MaxdamantusMrWGW-, that's not an initrd.09:38
Kohelethbtw can ubuntu be uninstalled?09:38
MaxdamantusThat's a kernel.09:38
Sajuukkhari also have no mouse drivers09:38
ikoniaSajuukkhar: that will delete it from your system09:38
ZirodaySajuukkhar: wait stop09:38
ikoniaKoheleth: no09:38
ikoniaKoheleth: you have to delete it09:38
Zirodayikonia: woops, sorry09:38
MaxdamantusThe initrd is an initial filesystem image.09:38
FloodBot2ikonia: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:38
MrWGW-Maxdamantus: no duh09:38
KohelethI thought so09:38
ZirodaySajuukkhar: that command will delete from your system09:38
neuronykdoes anyone know what option i have to give to grub in order to install in safe graphic mode ?09:38
MrWGW-yes quite, and GRUB says that /initrd.img does't exist, even though it does09:38
IndyGunFreakSajuukkhar: why do you need mouse drivers?09:38
MrWGW-and if I just tell it to boot /vmlinuz as the kernel, and do not specify an initrd, it panics09:38
RafikZiroday : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64333/ thanks09:38
BaughnIs there a netboot image for Hardy? There doesn't seem to be one on the cd I downloaded, like the howto suggests09:38
KohelethI think sda1 and sda2 are both windows09:38
MaxdamantusMrWGW-, so you have /boot as a separate partition?09:38
MrWGW-I'm primarily ticked that Ubiquity just crashed without even giving me a warning09:39
tebani read i should add these lines to fstab...09:39
teban/dev/hda4 /media/nameyouchoose auto defaults 0 109:39
teban/dev/hda6 /media/othernameyouchoose auto defaults 0 109:39
stimpieI have a scrollwheel on my keyboard, does anyone know how to get that working?09:39
tebanin my case...09:39
Kohelethso I guess it will be sda3 I will choose to use for Ubuntu09:39
MrWGW-"/" is one partitoin, there isn't even a separate home09:39
tobmalfall the time :)09:39
MaxdamantusThen it doesn't. It'll be under /boot/initrd.img unless you specifically moved it to /09:39
bazhangBaughn: should be; unetbootin would be the one--what is your host os09:39
ikoniaMrWGW-: looks like your "root" is wrong then09:39
tebanshould it be /dev/sda1 /media/sda1 defaults 0 1?09:39
MrWGW-GRUB is installed on a different partition, the root of a Fedora install09:39
ZirodayRafik: can you verify the thumbdrive is working?09:39
MrWGW-my root is right (hd0,11), I know that because the kernel starts if I boot it09:39
Baughnbazhang: Host os? Debian, I guess09:39
MrWGW-it just panics, complaining about not synching09:39
tobmalfthanks :D09:39
ikoniaMrWGW-: so thats the problem then09:39
MrWGW-ok, so what parameters does it require?09:40
RafikZiroday : you mean, test it on another computer ?09:40
MrWGW-what is the address of the initrd, if there is one?09:40
ZirodayRafik: yep09:40
bazhangBaughn: if you /msg ubotu wubi you can read the ubuntuforums links on unetbootin09:40
iGraphiXSajuukkhar, boot a live!cd version, backup your files and do a clean install. If you're trying to repair all those errors it will take more than a clean install, so why bother, just install. And make sure you chose a closer mirror for the updates in the future.09:40
MrWGW-initrd.img is "not found" by GRUB, even though I know it to be there...09:40
ikoniaMrWGW-: what partition is your ubuntu install on09:40
ZirodayRafik: one where you know it works or is Windows/Mac09:40
Sajuukkharigraph, my internet downloads 25kb/s09:40
Sajuukkharits the fastest i can get09:40
DracoZAikonia I use a nvidia card, will my system work properly if I dont use restricted drivers09:40
bazhangRafik: did you use the usbkey before? the kingmax I have is fine09:41
MrWGW-I'm in the GRUB console right now, so if you just tell me what to enter, I'll enter it, and then copy it over into the GRUB menu.lst09:41
ikoniaMrWGW-: initrd is not called "initrd"09:41
Sajuukkharand also09:41
MaxdamantusMrWGW-, so you have 11 partitions + extended?09:41
Rafikbazhang : Yes09:41
tobmalf*nods* try putting a 4 5 after the 1 2 3 6 709:41
Sajuukkhari did put in my ubuntu dapper live cd09:41
RafikZiroday : Ivnt another pc now :(09:41
ikoniaMrWGW-: it's called initrd.img-$version-$type09:41
jeffimperialthought i was the only 1 getting slow DL09:41
Sajuukkharand it didnt see my sajuuk folder09:41
jeffimperialmine is ~25k09:41
MrWGW-I have lots of partitions09:41
MrWGW-and its in boot?09:41
OsamaKikonia: Is there a DVD that includes all [K,X,ED]Ubuntu?09:41
ikoniamemetali: don't show09:41
ikoniamemetali: don't shout09:41
MrWGW-hmm the kernel requires the root partition be passed to it as a parameter?09:41
ZirodayRafik: okay no prob, just try plugging the thumb drive into a different USB port09:41
ikoniamemetali: it gets you put on ignore09:41
iGraphiXThen do a clean install with the 8.04 and that's it. There will be some time until next updates anyway.09:41
Baughnbazhang: I don't have an OS on the machine I'm planning to install ubuntu on09:42
ikoniaOsamaK: they are the same system - different desktops09:42
suckagord: and the files that are download dont have an extension of .deb do i change it to it or not?09:42
Baughnbazhang: That's whyI was looking for a netboot image specifically09:42
OsamaKI see09:42
visinewhere i can configure vga driver ?09:42
tobmalf "su user" will keep the same prompt variables the user HAD... it won't cause it to change.. LordFrith, su - user will reset it, so could change the prompt09:42
tobmalfit does them too. but i haven't played with that much. i just make the round labels usually09:42
MrWGW-so what would the pathnames be then for the default kernel and initrd in 8.04?09:43
RafikZiroday : I did it : same thing, the usb port is working with my optical mouse09:43
Baughnbazhang: ..unetbootin looks like it should work, I guess. Wubi, not so much.09:43
Sajuukkhari know i can just screw up my xorg file and do it through09:43
ikoniaMrWGW-: mount your partition and look at what version your using09:43
ikoniamemetali: last request, stop shouting09:43
bazhangBaughn: need windows for wubi ;]09:43
bazhangcaps memetali09:43
ikoniamemetali: it will end up getting you into trouble09:43
MaxdamantusMrWGW-, check /boot/09:43
MrWGW-well, are the kernel and initrd in boot the default ones?09:43
tobmalfi'm having a tough time figuring out which drive is faulty (i have 2 on raid0).. system is in LA. im in bangkok09:43
MrWGW-or are the default ones those off the root?09:43
ikoniaMrWGW-: just look for your self09:43
ikoniaMrWGW-: mount your ubuntu partition and look in the /boot partition09:44
ZirodayRafik: okay then, stuff like usb flash drives nearly always work with linux, check to make sure the flash drive is actually working09:44
MrWGW-look, how about we make this easier, could anyone post their /boot/grub/menu.lst to Pastebin?09:44
ikoniaMrWGW-: how about we make this clear09:44
ikoniaMrWGW-: look for your self09:44
ikoniaMrWGW-: mount the ubuntu partition09:44
Maxdamantus^ MrWGW-09:44
MrWGW-ty Max09:44
RafikZiroday : Thanks, I'll check with another computer, the fact is that I'havnt used it for a week :(09:45
premeI just installed Ubuntu and works just fine. downloaded a google mail notifier for linux and unpacked in the terminal and started it and it works fine. BUT if i close the terminal window that i opened the program with, the program closes aswell.09:45
premeand if I would like that program to autostart where to go?09:45
ZirodayRafik: sorry think it might be naft, if it works on a different comp come back09:45
Maxdamantusprem, press alt + f2, run it there.09:45
cjsstablesGood Morning.  Anyone here knowledgeable with joining an ubuntu client to SME Server?  I have some questions09:45
RafikZiroday : ok . thank you for your assistance09:46
bazhangpreme: installed from where? some random website or repos09:46
ZirodayRafik: no problem09:46
tobmalfican't help you...no mplayer on my server09:46
premeinsalled i don't know i configured it with ./notifer.py09:46
premeand a config box came up and then worked09:46
bazhangpreme: just install from the repos09:46
premebazhang:  can i speak with you in private?09:46
bazhangbetter to do it in channel preme09:46
premewhat is the repos?09:47
arteniusprem: you could run it in screen and detach, or append it with an &09:47
arstanjHi, is there problems with mirrors? I can't seem like install new stuff with apt-get install09:47
preme& ?09:47
bazhangsudo apt-get install gmail-notify preme09:47
arteniusprem: do what bazhang says09:47
XceIIpreme:  synaptic09:47
bazhangarstanj: may be slow from the recent release of hardy09:47
hang3rDoes anyone know why I can't share a directory, I keep getting the following error: 'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare: cannot open usershare directory /var/lib/samba/usershares. Error Permission denied09:47
arstanjbazhang: yeah, might be09:48
premehm ok gonna try that09:48
MrWGW-I'd assume its still possible to go root=/dev/sda12 as opposed to using the device ID?09:48
arstanjbazhang: I try other repos still same09:48
MrWGW-also does the rootfs need to be mounted read only?09:48
premeI need to read a good manual. I don't even know where to put installed programs and such09:48
bazhangarstanj: please pastebin sources.list09:48
premeused to the windows setup09:49
IndyGunFreakbazhang: i've not tried gmail-notify, checkgmail works nicely though09:49
premebut Im willing to learn so thanks for the help09:49
MrWGW-and also, will anything break if I don't give it the "quiet" and "splash" params?  I prefer a non-quiet boot to aid in troubleshooting09:49
bazhangpreme: you don t need to it will do it for you09:49
bazhangIndyGunFreak: thanks!09:49
XceIIpreme:  youll get the hang of it,09:49
premeIndyGunFreak: does it works with google mail?09:49
MrWGW-preme: use Add/Remove Software, or the Synaptic Package Manager, its fully automatic09:49
arteniusprem: If you use the synaptic package manager, it will put things in the right place for you.09:49
doogersit's possible have the wiki code of ubuntu?09:49
MrWGW-almost, but not entirely unlike an "iTunes Style Interface" perhaps09:49
bazhangpreme: you may also try checkgmail09:49
ikoniadoogers: it's an open source product09:49
ascDoes a default install have any tool that can display the size of a non-mounted partition?09:49
premeMrWGW-: but is google notifier there?09:49
MrWGW-maybe, look09:50
ikonialalalala: stop !09:50
arjasc: cfdisk09:50
neetoMy firefox 3 install (that I didn't need nor want) that came with 8.04 won't even load. Even when I change the profile settings to default.09:50
XceIIpreme:  it is also in addremove09:50
IndyGunFreakpreme: yes,... quite well actually... ony thing i've found is you have to manually add it to your startup programs so it starts on boot, beyond that though, i love it.. you can delete mails, mark spam, etc, w/o even loggig into your account09:50
doogersikonia: what's its name?09:50
ikoniadoogers: it's on the bottom of the pages09:50
Zirodayneeto: then install firefox 209:50
bazhanglalalala: do you have a question or just want attention09:50
ascarj: Thanks09:50
lalalala anyone gets darkage of camelot to work?09:50
doogersikonia: where?09:51
neetoZiroday: righo09:51
lalalalai asked zillion times09:51
Sajuukkharis there a shortcut to access terminal in GNOME without a mouse?09:51
bazhanglalalala: ask in #winehq or check appdb09:51
arjSajuukkhar: alt-f2 -> gnome-terminal -> enter09:51
arj(that's one way that works at least)09:51
eckesicleI have my .evolution from a previous unix installation. Evolution does not seem to recognize my old settings if I just put it in ~/.evolution though. Is there anyway to import the settings?09:51
FritzelI can't change pointer themes via appearance even though the option is there, does compiz or any other package fight with those settings for pointer themes?09:52
ZirodaySajuukkhar: you can create a keyboard shortcut in Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts09:52
bazhang!appdb | lalalala09:52
ubotulalalala: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org09:52
ikoniadoogers: your right, it's gone, one moment09:52
ubotuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.09:52
Sajuukkharziro i cant use my mouse09:52
MrWGW-actually, GRUB says it can't find the initrd, although I can guarantee you its there09:52
premedidn't find it in add program09:52
doogersikonia: thanks09:52
MrWGW-will the system boot without the initrd?09:52
IndyGunFreakpreme: its in the repositories09:52
IndyGunFreakpreme: system/admin/synaptic09:52
arbrandesMrWGW-, no, it won't09:52
MrWGW-its an ext3 FS09:52
hang3rDoes anyone know why I can't share a directory, I keep getting the following error: 'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare: cannot open usershare directory /var/lib/samba/usershares. Error Permission denied09:52
* MrWGW- fears there might be some nasty bug with GRUB09:52
unophang3r, do you need sudo there?09:53
IndyGunFreakpreme: do a search for checkgmail  it will pop up09:53
MrWGW-why that pathetic Ubiquity installer couldn't have just done its job I can't imagine, in my experience Ubiquity is one of the most brittle and untrustworthy installers of any Linux distro - I'd be using a different distro except I need LTSP09:53
jeffimperialI can't get my upgrade to work for a variety of reasons.. is there any way that i can in some way "automate" the transfer of all my stuff (docs, DLs, folders, torrents, mails, etc.) from Gutsy?09:53
* MrWGW- sighs09:53
DracoZAhow can I reset all themes/icons and other cosmetics to ubuntu defaults ?09:53
premeoh another "packer" so you guys almost never install programs that are not in the synaptic or the add/remove program?09:53
XceIIpreme:  system\administration\synaptic package manager.....at the top...use the search09:53
ikoniaMrWGW-: there is not09:53
hang3runop, This is from the gui, I'll try running nautilus as root and see what happens09:53
IndyGunFreakpreme: synaptic is generally the way to go...09:53
arbrandesMrWGW-, haven't had any problems with it.09:53
premehow to add it to the autostart? so I don't have to start it myself every time?09:54
tobmalfcheck /etc/postgresql-common/user_clusters and the ilk09:54
bazhangMrWGW-: no problems here; you multi-booting?09:54
Fritzeler wait no it did change my pointers sorta09:54
Fritzelit only changed some of them09:54
IndyGunFreakpreme: just make sure you install checkgmail and not kcheckgmail09:54
IndyGunFreakunless your using kdE of course09:54
bazhangcapital KDE ;]09:54
* IndyGunFreak never capitalizes kde..lol09:55
arstanjHow to remove a package with all the config and init scripts altogether? apt-get remove --purge?09:55
doogersikonia: nothing?09:55
MrWGW-bazhang: yes09:55
premeyes I took checkgmail , runnin on gnome09:55
tobmalf https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM09:55
MrWGW-and Ubuntu tends to puke all over my GRUB config09:55
ikoniadoogers: no, I can't find the link any more09:55
bazhangMrWGW-: that is the likely source then09:55
MrWGW-for that matter, I'm at a loss as to why GRUB can't find the Ubuntu initrd09:55
IndyGunFreakpreme: let it install...09:55
MrWGW-well frankly, most distros handle multibooting just fine09:55
khecimhello, can some one please post checksum for file "ubuntu-8.04-desktop-amd64.iso", because there is no checksum on "https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes" web page09:55
ikoniaMrWGW-: what is the exact error your getting09:55
abliHi! having installed hardy, and kubuntu-desktop on it apparently automounting in gnome broke: it works if I use a kde session, but in gnome sessions if I plug in the usb thumbdrive, it doesn't get mounted. judging from dmesg it gets recognized correctly. What should I check?09:56
hang3runop, cheers, wasn't thinking, been a late night waiting for ubuntu release :)09:56
MrWGW-*/the path of initrd/*: File not found09:56
bazhangMrWGW-: multi-boot many distros here; ubuntu is one of the best at playing with others imo09:56
icqnumberlalalala, you do not really need wine, you can intall windows and linux on one computer, side by side, to play in windows, and to do the rest in linux09:56
premeIndyGunFreak: it's installed09:56
ikoniaMrWGW-: the path should just be /09:56
MrWGW-where */the path of initrd/* == whatever I entered in09:56
icqnumberkhecim, ftp://ftp.fu-berlin.de/linux/ubuntu/releases/hardy/MD5SUMS09:56
IndyGunFreakpreme: ok, applications/internet Gmail checker09:56
IndyGunFreakand set up your account09:56
ikoniaMrWGW-: paste your menu.lst please.09:56
MrWGW-well, that's difficult since its on the other box09:56
premenothing happends when i click it though09:56
Fujisanseveas de dwaas :)09:57
MrWGW-but hold on09:57
ikoniaMrWGW-: put it on a floppy/usb-stick something09:57
premecome now just a little slow09:57
unophang3r, well, i'm not sure why you were getting that , though sudo shouldnt have been necessary - but anyway09:57
Fujisanhin guys09:57
IndyGunFreakpreme: you should get a window to configure your gmail account09:57
XceIIpreme:  its because you did not uninstall the last one,09:57
elkbuntuFujisan, this is a support channel, not a social channel09:57
premeworks it came09:57
tobmalfthe last one, can't remember full name.. it had the word 'services' in it though09:57
jeffimperialI can't get my upgrade to work for a variety of reasons.. is there any way that i can in some way "automate" the transfer of all my stuff (docs, DLs, folders, torrents, mails, etc.) from Gutsy?09:57
arstanjbazhang: How to remove package with all configs/init scripts altogether?09:57
IndyGunFreakpreme: once you set it up with your account, you should see an envelope in your taskbar...09:57
IndyGunFreakit will be red when you get mail09:57
premeIndyGunFreak: yes I see it. Cool ubuntu is smooth09:58
bazhangarstanj: the purge option09:58
premewill it start everytime I reboot my computer?09:58
Fujisanwhats the equivalent of ctrl+alt+delete on ubuntu?09:58
IndyGunFreakpreme: now you need to add checkgmail to your startup programs09:58
arstanjbazhang: apt-get remove --purge apache2?09:58
Fujisansometimes my ubuntu locks app09:58
bazhangFujisan: what does that do?09:58
Fujisanand i need that function09:58
ikoniaFujisan: didn't you get in trouble for asking about ctrl+alt+delete yesterday09:58
IndyGunFreakpreme: click SYstem/Preferences/Sessions09:58
Fujisanthat wasnt me09:59
Fujisani never been here before09:59
elkbuntuFujisan, you have so.09:59
MyrttiFujisan: depends on what you try to get with pressing those buttons09:59
bazhangFujisan: saw you yesterday09:59
ikoniaFujisan: yes, you did you where banned yesteday09:59
Ubuntu_4_l1feFujisan: you need the system monitor09:59
Fujisanno that wasnt me09:59
ZaschIs there any way to mount a CD image in Ubuntu?09:59
bazhang!ot | Fujisan09:59
ubotuFujisan: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!09:59
suckaahh do you guys know that wireless bar thing that tells you which wireless netowrk ur connected to and the signal strength in bars/.. and its usually in the notification area... i was moving my bars around and i lost it.. how can i get it back?09:59
premeIndyGunFreak: when I take add there it ask for a command. what is the command to start checkgmail?09:59
arstanjbazhang: it still kept /etc/apache2 and /etc/init.d/apache2 files09:59
IndyGunFreakpreme: this exactly     checkgmail10:00
ikoniaZasch: mount -o loop10:00
FujisanNo i mean the equivalent of ctrl+alt+delte to bring up the system manager when the system locks up??10:00
Fujisanthats a fair question10:00
bazhangarstanj: how about synaptic remove completely10:00
premeis there any shortcut to open a terminal?10:00
Sajuukkharalt f210:00
Sajuukkharin gnome10:00
Fujisanbecause i have to press reset on my box everytime ubuntu locks up10:00
jeffimperialpreme: make ur own?10:00
Sajuukkharu cant use ur mouse either?10:01
bazhangpreme: alt f2 gnome-terminal10:01
IndyGunFreakpreme: i always just put one in the panel10:01
Armored_Azrae1Anyone know how to make epiphany use kerberos tokens?10:01
arstanjbahzang: what do you mean?10:01
ikoniaFujisan: if your kernel panics your locked10:01
Armored_Azrae1err, not epiphany10:01
arstanjbazhang: it's a server10:01
Fujisanand it annoys me10:01
hang3runop, well it appears to be a little borked in any case, guest account doesn't work and I can't create or write to files in the directory... Time to get dirty with smb.conf again *sigh* :(10:01
MyrttiFujisan: remap those keys to launch gnome-system-monitor10:01
Ubuntu_4_l1feyou have to edit your own shortcuts10:01
DivotHi, I'm configuring my xorg.conf manually for a rather complex setup and I was wondering if there was any way of working out what pieces of hardware are on which pci bus. This is for the line: Busid "PCI:1:9:0" for example10:01
bazhangarstanj: my apologies--perhaps aptitude then10:01
fingerhello, can anybody help me with metacity?10:01
premedamn I got alot to learn hehe10:01
unophang3r, or just modify the permissions on the directory being shared - which is probably what you ought to do anyway.10:01
Sajuukkharok thanks to the guy who gave me that shortcut for the terminal10:01
premethanks alot!10:02
bazhangfinger what is your question please specify10:02
Sajuukkharu have saved my school work10:02
tobmalfYou should really consider that RAM upgrade... or why not a new machine?. So, I just re-installed Ubuntu, X flavour, latest version... is there a GUI configuration for the fourth and fifth mouse buttons yet?10:02
Sajuukkharthank you alot10:02
MrWGW-note that that's just the Ubuntu entry10:02
Fujisanremap how Myrtti?10:02
majikinshi - I want to setup a file server for ubuntu clients10:02
Fujisani dont know much about linux hence why i am using ubuntu10:02
MyrttiFujisan: system - preferences - keyboard shortcuts10:02
XceIIpreme:  you could also right click your tray and add to pannel and in accessories youll see an terminal icon10:02
Fritzelwhat is the file name that sets what screenlets start at login, the Myip screenlet absolutely refuses not to start10:02
tobmalfsystem -> preferences -> keyboard shortcuts will let you set a shortcut for the terminal10:03
fingerthx! bazhang: metacity keeps crashing whenever compiz starts10:03
Fujisanand this will work even when my system locks up Myrtti?10:03
majikinsmy googling only seems to come accross articles for windows clients10:03
bazhangpreme: many just add the icon to the channel for easy clicking10:03
Fujisanjust like the reset button?10:03
bazhangpreme sorry I meant panel10:03
ikoniaFujisan: if your system is hard locked, you need to reset it10:03
elkbuntuFujisan, it'll work as well as the windows equivalent works when windows locks up.10:03
IndyGunFreakXceII: oddly enough, that doesn't work w/ hardy10:03
MyrttiFujisan: well if it locks, you need to reset it, same with Windows10:03
majikinsis there a server distribution/howto for file server for linux clients10:03
XceIIit did 4 me10:03
ikoniamajikins: what do you want to do10:03
Fujisanno windows has ctr+alt+delete10:04
IndyGunFreakXceII: in hardy?.. its not even in the list10:04
XceIIo yes it is10:04
majikinswhen clients log in, drive is mapped from file server10:04
jeffimperialmajikins, have u tried adding "ubuntu" at the end of ur keyword string?10:04
arstanjbazhang: ok I just did apt-get remove --purge apache210:04
Fujisanactually my ubuntu locked up more than my vista10:04
IndyGunFreakXceII: well i must be missing it then.. i just drug it from the accessories menu.10:04
premeis the panel where by default firefox, Evolution mail and a ? icon is at?10:04
ikoniamajikins: you want to use https://help.ubuntu.com and look at domain server10:04
XceIIi always have one there.10:04
MyrttiFujisan: and it's doesn't help at all if it's REALLY locked up10:04
Fujisanand there is no ctrl+alt+delete function that isnt malicious?10:04
ikoniamajikins: or "auto mount"10:04
ikoniamajikins: depending10:04
bazhang!vista | Fujisan10:04
ubotuFujisan: vista is the new 'operating system' by the evil overlords from Redmond. For more information, see http://www.badvista.org and !windows10:04
majikinscool - I will try that10:04
ikoniaFujisan: as you where told yesterady - NO10:04
IndyGunFreakXceII: i don't know, terminal isn't in my list of add to panel applets, it was in Gutsy, but not in hardy10:05
arstanjbazhang: then I still see apache2 in etc, so i temp. moved them, but when I try reinstall apache2 it doesn't put /etc/apache2 back10:05
MrWGW-there we go, got it10:05
Sajuukkharok one more question10:05
FlannelFujisan: alt-sysreq REISUB10:05
tobmalfdon't you asked this yesterday?. you have got sollution with eval()10:05
Fujisanwho did that?10:05
Myrttidoes it matter10:05
Fujisani am seeking help and i get the remove10:05
Myrttimove on10:05
ikoniaMrWGW-: it's working or you have the file10:05
bazhangFujisan: stop now please10:05
MrWGW-its working10:05
unknownmanhi friends, i cant find a good mirror for DVD download, do you know any10:05
MrWGW-I posted a link to the file several lines up :-P10:05
jeffimperialFujisan, i thought u said that wasnt u10:05
ikoniaMrWGW-: can you explain the issue10:05
XceIIIndyGunFreak:  click application launcher, its in accessories10:05
tobmalfthere is no way either party can get a majority to support a "liberation" of Iran with ground troops10:05
ikoniaMrWGW-: sorry, I missed the link10:05
arstanjbazhang: so I guess there should be an option to install totally new setup with new configs?10:05
premewhich msn clone messenger do you guys prefer?10:06
IndyGunFreakXceII: oh ok.. i was used to it being right there.10:06
MrWGW-the boot process seems rather slow though, so it mgiht be stuck10:06
ikoniaMrWGW-: as in what was the problem10:06
Sajuukkharactually 2, first one : how do i find my log files from my dapper>hardy update?10:06
bazhangarstanj: this is odd; that should do it10:06
elkbuntutobmalf, not here. this is a support channel not a social or political one10:06
MrWGW-its been at the phase of apparently loading the CD ROM driver for the past 60 seconds or so10:06
jeffimperialI can't get my upgrade to work for a variety of reasons.. is there any way that i can in some way "automate" the transfer of all my stuff (docs, DLs, folders, torrents, mails, etc.) from Gutsy?10:06
m3how do I install a wacom bamboo tablet?10:06
Sajuukkhar2, how do i update though terminal10:06
* MrWGW- wonders if Ubiquity failed, just slightly to complete the intall10:06
bazhangpreme: amsn may work or pidgin10:06
tobmalfmy Linux is a little rusty, but login.conf should exist and have a proper value for "openfiles"10:06
ikoniaMrWGW-: I've just checked the last log, your link never came through tot eh channel10:06
Sajuukkharm3, you dont :)10:06
ikoniayes it did10:06
tobmalfworks it came10:06
ikoniaMrWGW-: sorry it did10:06
FlannelFujisan: hold alt-sysreq , then type the following: r e i s u b10:06
IndyGunFreakpreme: if you don't use video chat, i'd recommend pidgin..10:06
premeI have pidgin now works fine but gonna check out aMsn aswell then10:06
XceIIpreme:  pidgin is pretty simple10:06
Fujisanuhm the dark overlord is a saint and philanthropist who doesnt give a free os to the rich western world to make money to give to the kids in Africa it might be me but that vista thing in the bot is rude and i will personally contact the head of Ubuntu Mark Shuttlework ( i am persistent believe me) and address it10:07
Fujisanremove me now10:07
ikoniaMrWGW-: why where you using /boot ?10:07
arstanjbazhang: yeah, purge seems not working, the system still knows that I had apache2 previously, so it's trying to use back old configs(but I moved them)10:07
Myrtti!offtopic | Fujisan10:07
ubotuFujisan: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!10:07
tobmalfI've got to start doing that :/10:07
m3Sajuukkhar: I hope you have more information than that...10:07
MyrttiFujisan: you're fully capable of parting the channel all by yourself10:07
eikehi, whats the trick to install the ati driver 8.4 in hardy 64?10:07
premeis there any way to turn off the sound that comes like if Iam using bakspace and there is no characters left to delete it makes a sound10:07
IndyGunFreakMyrtti: but then nobody would care he left.. :)10:07
bashcahi there  please  help me on how set wireless networking with  win pc10:07
MrWGW-ikonia, what do you suggest?  I was under the assumption, based on Maxdamantus's comments that /boot was where the default kernels were10:07
boeingbashca, ##windows10:08
MaxdamantusMrWGW-, that's correct.10:08
ikoniaMrWGW-: thats correct, but the "root" option (hd0,11) sets grub to where the stage1 files are (/boot) so / should work10:08
jeffimperiali promise this is the last time i say this10:08
Sajuukkharhow do i do update from GNOME run> Terminal?10:08
jeffimperialI can't get my upgrade to work for a variety of reasons.. is there any way that i can in some way "automate" the transfer of all my stuff (docs, DLs, folders, torrents, mails, etc.) from Gutsy?10:08
ikoniaMrWGW-: /boot is only needed in certain layouts10:08
MrWGW-(hd0,11) is /10:08
MrWGW-at any rate, that doesn't explain why the boot process has mysteriously stopped...10:09
bashcaboeing, am using ubuntu i want to join his home network  using wireless with router ???10:09
MrWGW-do you see anything missing in terms of kernel parameters?10:09
ikoniaMrWGW-: ahhhh ok , sorry10:09
myIRCjust testing...10:09
venilhow come my update manager says "new distribution 7.10 is uvailable", when 8.04 is out, is there any way i can update 7.04 to 8.04 bypassing 7.1010:09
ikoniaMrWGW-: I thought your (hd0,11) was your boot partition10:09
MrWGW-wait, nvm, I see what I left out10:09
MaxdamantusMrWGW-, try pressing alt + f2 at the beginning of the boot.10:09
bazhangvenil: nay10:09
MrWGW-what does that do?10:09
wild_oscarcould someone have a look at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4782811#post478281110:09
boeingbashca, samba10:09
keisangihi there.. i'm searching a way to easily display free disk space .. is there's any gnome applet  that can show free space ?10:09
wild_oscarthere seems to be a problem with wireless connections10:09
MaxdamantusTakes away the boot logo. So you can see text as it boots.10:10
wild_oscarwhich someone else has also detected10:10
bashcai did but stile i cant read  his file  ??10:10
venilso, i should do 7.10 and then 8.04 will be uvailable??10:10
bazhangvenil: aye10:10
XceIIvenil:  ya10:10
bashcaboeing, i did  but stile  i can't read  his file10:10
ikoniaMaxdamantus: apologies didn't mean to step on toes, I was only getting half the info10:10
venilbazhang: XceII: cheers guys10:10
jeffimperialkeisangi: Applications > Disk Isage Analyzer (for gutsy at least)10:10
jeanrehi all10:11
Maxdamantusikonia, you didn't step on my toes.10:11
jeanreanyone here care to give me a hand with my sound issues10:11
ikoniaMaxdamantus: conflicting information  to wild_oscar10:11
boeingboeing, does ur cardname appear in dmesg?10:11
ikoniaMaxdamantus: to MrWGW-10:11
tobmalfhi all, i'm having some recursion woes....i'm trying to print a directory listing based off an array.... here is the array data source: http://pastebin.ca/979805.. here is my function and the output: http://pastebin.ca/979853.. any help? =(10:11
keisangijeffimperial, this is overkill .. i'm searching more simple thing.. some really simple applet for the gnome panel10:11
Sajuukkharhow do i install mouse drivers through terminal, anyone?10:12
ikoniaSajuukkhar: you don't need mouse drivers10:12
Guillaum3whats the size on the dist update?10:12
ikoniaSajuukkhar: X11 should deal with that10:12
ikoniaGuillaum3: depends on your system10:12
Maxdamantustobmalf, wrong channel? ##php\10:12
boeingtobmalf, u can use system("command") in c++ to do any system-command including manipulated printing10:12
SajuukkharX11 isnt dealing with that10:12
tobmalfi think utf810:12
Sajuukkharinfact its doing nothing10:12
Divothi, can hardy support more than two monitors? I understand this may be complicated and hard to set up but I'd like to know just so that I'm not attempting to do something that's actually impossible10:12
ikoniaSajuukkhar: why not, whats the problem10:12
Maxdamantusboeing, it's PHP.10:12
ikoniaDivot: X11 can support many monitors10:13
Sajuukkharread it10:13
boeingoh, sry10:13
Maxdamantustobmalf, exec() has a similar result to system() in C/C++.10:13
tobmalfcheck to see if the wireless module is loaded.. that's step a10:13
MrWGW-ok, got it10:13
Guillaum3can we go 'in general'10:13
Maxdamantus(Or if you have PCNTL loaded, pcntl_exec will basically do the same as system())10:13
Guillaum3concerning size of the update10:13
MrWGW-I would file a bug report against your Ubiquity installer except that would be too nice :-P10:13
insmod<Divot>the question is can xorg and yes it can10:13
Guillaum3using ubuntu desktop10:13
wild_oscartobmalf: was that to me?10:13
tobmalfwild_oscar: thinks. too.  cause it to finish updates then check the $xml10:13
ikoniaSajuukkhar: do you have a wacome device ?10:13
venilis 8.04 solving Dell inspiron XXX problem with no switching display back on, when opening laptop lid?10:13
Sajuukkharthat doesnt work either10:14
wild_oscartobmalf: ?10:14
Sajuukkharim about to reformat it anyway10:14
tobmalfwild_oscar: you betcha10:14
DGSHello All !!    Ubuntu (and desktop linux) neworn here  ....please have patience for my future dumb questions10:14
ikoniaSajuukkhar: thats odd, can I see the xorg log please in a pastebin10:14
JunJunhi there10:14
Sajuukkhari can try dude10:14
tobmalfSame here DM.. I dual boot XP / Ubuntu.10:14
Sajuukkhargimme a sec10:14
arstanjDGS: whats up! welcome to ubuntu!10:14
wild_oscartobmalf: I don't understand what you're saying10:14
tobmalf No, but gimme a sec, and I'll see what I can do10:15
wild_oscartobmalf: ok10:15
jeffimperialanyone know a good backup tool for Gutsy?10:15
tobmalfwild_oscar: sort of. are africans doing in europe? .  why would you want10:15
tobmalfwild_oscar: maybe it's hardcoded in bash script: how can i make php print the curl request. so your process isn't it?10:15
DGStks arstanj :)   ....just checking things out here ....big room10:15
JunJunI have a question about new 8.04 ver: vmware is not working anymore. Anyone can help, please?10:15
Sajuukkharok ikonia10:16
dagon^same for me JunJun10:16
tobmalflike a typewriter effect10:16
Sajuukkharhwo do i use pastebin?10:16
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ganfrom where can i get the source for rtlinux10:16
Sajuukkharcani just transfer it to you?10:16
arstanjDGS: yeah, when you have a problem try asking some person10:16
Maxdamantusgan, http://kernel.org/10:16
JunJunwell, I'm not alone. ;)10:16
* N3bunel saluta10:16
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darkfritz2hi... i have a problem..10:16
arstanjDGS: since when using linux?10:17
MaxdamantusWait, nvm. Thought that was a mistype.10:17
=== airbus is now known as boeing
ubotuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning10:17
gregoroviusI just installed 8.04... the resolution app only lets me set to 1024x768, while I want to use 1152x864. I can set it with nvidia-settings, but I don't understand the new xorg.conf... it's almost empty10:17
jeffimperialoh it was THAT simple?10:17
ganMaxdamantus, i am asking the source for rtlinux kernel not for ordinary10:17
dagon^I get the following when trying to run the vmware-config.pl -> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64337/10:17
gregoroviusI'm using the nvidia binary drivers, btw10:17
darkfritz2i want to install under hardy my LCD... and under gutsy u could go in the menu monitor and graphic settings... but now in hardy this option is missing10:17
insmod<gregorovius>just add the line10:18
darkfritz2where can i find it?10:18
icqnumberis there any picture/screenshot of ubuntu's GRUB?10:18
darkfritz2or how can i configure my lcd?10:18
Maxdamantusdagon^, are you using any-any-update?10:18
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wild_oscarSajuukkhar: copy things to pastebin and get the link10:18
gregoroviusinsmod, think I should file a bug?10:18
gregoroviusor is it a known issue?10:18
JunJunyes, I used anyany-update, no luck10:18
chris_im getting much lagg watching wmv in mplayer10:18
chris_how to fix this10:18
Sajuukkharmm k10:18
insmod<gregorovius>no just add the res to the xorg and you are good10:19
ganMaxdamantus, are u getting me10:19
Armored_Azrae1Anyone know how to make evolution accept kerberos tokens as something to use in GSSAPI?10:19
Maxdamantusgan, nope. Havn't used RTLinux.10:19
tobmalfBadSneakers Explain why10:19
dagon^Maxdamantus; say what? :S10:19
insmodSubSection "Display"10:19
insmod                Modes           "1280x1024"     "1152x864"      "1024x768"     "832x624"        "800x600"       "720x400"       "640x480"        EndSubSection10:19
ganMaxdamantus, ok10:20
Maxdamantusdagon^, any-any.. You're trying to use vmware-server, right?10:20
mattycozehey everyone i need help installing/compiling "carwhisperer", I don't understand why i'm getting this error when i run the "sudo make install" cmd; http://pastebin.com/m326e523b10:20
tobmalfmultiple proccesor core ?10:20
dagon^Maxdamantus; yes.10:20
eikehi, what packet do i need to install to retreive libGL.so.1? i'm trying to install the ati driver 8.4 on hardy 6410:20
JunJunMaxdamantus: me too :)10:20
Maxdamantusdagon^, http://platan.vc.cvut.cz/ftp/pub/vmware/vmware-any-any-update115.tar.gz <-- Extract that, and run the any-any-update as root.10:20
ci don't ' know why I can't connect my laptop to linksys wireless point even though I put the right keyphrase?10:20
biabiausing the newer kernel with the upgrade my drives listed in my /etc/fstab wont mount, but they mount fine with the previous kernel. is there a setting i might need to change?10:20
chris_im getting much lagg watching wmv in mplayer why i have codecs installed10:21
MaxdamantusIt'll fix the vmware-config script, and start it for you.10:21
gantell me from where i can download the source for rtlinux10:21
jeanreI hate my sound drivers10:21
gregoroviusk, thanks10:21
ronartoswhy there's no LVM option in ubuntu installation10:21
xepraanyone here xen savvy?10:21
dagon^Maxdamantus; I'll try that, will return with info in a while10:21
chris_maybe need another video player any suggestions10:21
tobmalfWe have a secure server.10:21
ronartosHow can I install ubuntu desktop with LVM10:21
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xepraronartos:  I think you may need to use the alternate installer10:22
xepraat least you did with 7.1010:22
eikeoh, okay, i have libGL.so.1, but why can't i create the package?10:22
x1250does someone have a ndiswrapper tutorial for hardy or something that will work on hardy?10:22
xepraanyone here xen savvy?10:22
JunJunMaxdamantus: i already tried anyany-update, should I try to fix vmware-config somehow?10:22
mattycozeis anyone able to help me? i'm trying to compiling "carwhisperer", I get this error when i run the "sudo make install" cmd; http://pastebin.com/m326e523b10:22
ronartosxepra: I have to download alternate installer?10:22
tobmalfmaybe need another video player any suggestions10:22
xeprayou can try looking at the boot options10:23
jeanredoes also not by default support snd-hda-intel10:23
xeprabut I am pretty sure you had to in 7.10, I don't know about 8.0410:23
MaxdamantusJunJun, you could try #vmware. They probably know more about it then this channel.10:23
jeffimperialshould the terminal be unable to unlock the admin directory [/var/lib/dpkg/] if the orange update manager icon is on?10:23
teamcobraI have a quick question...  has the "persistent" bootflag changed to something else? I have a usb stick partitioned properly, ext2 partition labeled casper-rw, main partition is fat16, it boots fine without the persistent flag, kicks me to busybox if I use the persistent flag10:24
jeanreok this is rediculus10:24
chris_how to correct lagg in .wmv in mplayer10:24
DGSjust debating on juggling my hdd's around ....and create a multiboot desktop .....I currently have 1 XP desktop with 160gb & 80gb , 1 laptopXP, 1 ubuntu 160gb desktop (newborn), 1 dgstation relook400s with 250gb, 1 Triple-Dragon with 40gb.................thinking of moving 250hd to a desktop, and 80gb back to relook400s.............then I could have 1 desktop with 250gb, and 1 desktop with 2x160gb10:24
SmokeyDhey people. Where can I find info on the features/improvements of hardy? The release notes only mention possible problems/fixes, not the improvements :)10:24
rskjesus what a question chris_10:24
bazhanghttp://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/linux-rt gan10:24
rskgoto #mplayer10:24
rskand read the channel welcome message10:24
rskand go from there10:24
teamcobrajeanre: I use snd-hda-intel on this box, works over here10:25
eyyYoI have setup with 'encrypted LVM' on my 7.10 installation. Is this going to work as before, when upgrading to 8.04 via the Update Manager?10:25
chris_well im rely new to all this10:25
chris_includeing irc10:25
tobmalflol.. are you on a mac?10:25
rskok don't take my advice if you dont want to10:25
Sajuukkharikonia u still here mate?10:25
MrI can't get to work the "new login in a window" thing, it says the x server is not configured correctly .... what should I do?10:25
ikoniaSajuukkhar: I am yes10:25
IndyGunFreakjeanre: what model pc do you have?10:25
bazhangSmokeyD: www.fsckin.com has the details10:25
SmokeyDthanks bazhang10:25
mattycozeis anyone able to help me? i'm trying to compiling "carwhisperer", I get this error when i run the "sudo make install" cmd; http://pastebin.com/m326e523b10:25
jeanreIndyGunFreak: acer aspire 452010:25
ganbazhang , after compiling how can i know the compiled one is perfect10:26
Sajuukkharits in odt format10:26
Sajuukkharcan u read that?10:26
dagon^Maxdamantus; I get the same error with the any-any10:26
bazhanggan no idea sorry10:26
ganbazhang, ok10:26
palbuddyany good webpages or advice for running the newest ubuntu and tv out for a laptop?10:26
ikoniamattycoze: something has not built correctly as the file it wants does not exist, or the install routine is not right10:26
Oprtzhow to minimize welcome screen resoultion? its 1280 x 1024, i want  the welcome screen tobe 1024 x 768?10:26
premeis there any bit torrent program like uTorrent?10:26
arvind_khadrimattycoze, did you do ./configure10:26
biabiausing the newer kernel with the upgrade my drives listed in my /etc/fstab wont mount, but they mount fine with the previous kernel. In dmesg it says i need to update driver sd and sr10:26
tobmalfzunes are horrible10:26
IndyGunFreakjeanre: which hda device does that model have?10:26
Sajuukkharhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=765574    <-- Ikonia, go to the bottom and u will find my xorg file, its in odt format10:27
premeor anyother fast bit torrent cleints10:27
chris_there is no one even in that channel10:27
jeanreI tihnk its a nvideo10:27
ikoniaarvind_khadri: not all software requires confiure10:27
mattycozearvind_khadri there was no option to ./configure10:27
bazhangpreme: you can utorrent under wine; there are also deluge, azurues, transmission and others10:27
rskchris_: there is #mplayer10:27
IndyGunFreakjeanre: open a terminal and type "lspci" w/o quotes, and see how it idenfiies your sound device..10:27
premebazhang: will it run smoothly?10:27
xepra8.04 comes with transmission i think10:27
arvind_khadriikonia, i know that ... :) assumed it was there in his source10:27
IndyGunFreakxepra: yes it does10:27
mattycozeikonia; okay10:27
jeanre00:07.0 Audio device: nVidia Corporation MCP67 High Definition Audio (rev a110:27
bazhangpreme: they all do10:27
premexepra: gonna test it10:28
ikoniaarvind_khadri: if you knew that, why ask ?10:28
arvind_khadrimattycoze, did you read the requirements document provided10:28
chris_no one is responding just blank page with my greeting and question10:28
IndyGunFreakjeanre: hm, no clue on that one, hadn't heard of issues w/ that device10:28
palbuddyalso any program that you can use to identify your video card? it's an old laptop and I forgot what I have10:28
arvind_khadriikonia, i thought he might have it and missed it10:28
rskchris_: lies =)10:28
ikoniaarvind_khadri: don't confuse people.10:28
Oprtzbazhang:  just install ubuntu 8.4, just need to ask, when ubuntu starts (welcome screen, login password screen) the resoultion is 1280 x 1024, i want  the welcome screen tobe 1024 x 768... can i ?10:28
ikoniaarvind_khadri: you persistantly offer random comments to people10:28
Sajuukkharikonia, plz pm me10:28
arvind_khadriikonia, sorry10:28
Maxdamantusdagar, what does "har ingen medlem med namnet" mean?10:28
tobmalf scroll to the end of error.log and see what it says the last 2-4 lines.. error.log not errors.log sorry10:28
Mr-NilsenCould anyone point in the direction where I could help with ubuntu,wine and wow ? x)10:28
Sajuukkhari will brb for a little bit10:28
teamcobraeyyyo: I have an encrypted lvm here, upgraded to hardy during the alpha, encrypted lvm works fine10:28
ikoniaSajuukkhar: sorry I don't do pm's10:28
Sajuukkharr u reading my file tho?10:29
Maxdamantusdagon^ , what does "har ingen medlem med namnet" mean?10:29
negge^Maxdamantus: it means "No users with that name"10:29
ikoniaSajuukkhar: I've not seen a url for the pastebin of your file10:29
negge^or "no members"10:29
ikoniaSajuukkhar: sorry if I missed it10:29
arvind_khadriikonia, ok would keep my mouth shut from now on10:29
Sajuukkharits at the end of this thread10:29
bazhangnot sure about that Oprtz best to ask xorg gurus here10:29
ikoniaSajuukkhar: thank you10:29
dagon^Maxdamantus; doesn't have a member with that name. I've got "wrong" nickname10:29
mattycozearvind_khadri - there were no lsited requirements, but i found through trial and error that i had to add the libbluetooth-dev file10:29
Mrwhats the point of the system tool's "new login" .... its the same as "change user"10:29
=== dagon^ is now known as dagon_
dubbyhelp Java mozilla plugin doesn't work10:29
IndyGunFreakjeanre: are you using Gutsy or Hardy?10:29
dagon_now it's correct10:30
dubbyI go to mozilla about:plugins and it does not show anything there10:30
guja_nebeskaIs "deb" shell command?10:30
Oprtzis there any xorg gurus here :)10:30
IndyGunFreakjeanre: don't know, i know i had a lot of hda issues w/ gutsy, but i got it to work, then i installed Hardy, and it worked out fo the box10:30
dubbywhen i go to a site with java applet, it says install plugin, so i do, it says its installed10:30
ikoniaSajuukkhar: thats the config file, I asked for the log file10:30
LordOfThePigsHello, I'm trying to get my J2EE application server to listen on port 80, but for some reason, it complains that there is a conflict on that port10:30
Mr-NilsenI'v just upgraded to Hardy, and when I try to play wow, the background texture is gone.. I'm runing in opengl but doesn't work =\10:30
Sajuukkharwhere do i find that?10:31
dubbybut when i check about:plugins. nothing is there10:31
LordOfThePigshowever, both netstat and lsof report that nobody uses port 8010:31
premexepra: my tracker complained about my transmission version is there an easy way to update?10:31
ikoniaSajuukkhar: /var/log10:31
teamcobraI wonder when persistence broke... worked fine in alpha5/6, never tried w/ beta/rc1, broken in final :/10:31
jeanreI cant upgrade now10:31
ikoniaLordOfThePigs: can you telnet to port 80 ?10:31
LordOfThePigsSo there really is no conflict at all.10:31
Armored_Azrae1Anyone know how to get evolution to use kerberos tokens?10:31
Kev3124hey does anyone know what the new taskbar icon effects are listed under in compiz? (icon fly out, upon clicking)10:31
teamcobrajeanre: why not?10:31
guja_nebeskaIs "deb" shell command?10:31
ikoniaguja_nebeska: no10:31
tobmalfSubSection "Display".. Modes      "1280x1024"   "1152x864"   "1024x768"   "832x624"    "800x600"    "720x400"    "640x480"    EndSubSection.. etc10:31
SmokeyDhmm, people. I had a problem with the upgrade to hardy from 7.10. firefox-2 and the firefox-ubuntu-themes were unable to configure because I had firefox still open. I ran dpkg --configure -a now so that is fixed, but the upgrader said it would stop at the end. All packages have been upgraded/installed correctly now, only the "cleaning up" hasn't been done I think. What does that do and can I do it manually?10:31
mattycozearvind_khadri there was a kde file i could ahve downloaded but didn't, i'll try that and brb10:31
teamcobrajeanre: your apt mirror overloaded?10:31
Sajuukkharxorg is its name?10:32
IndyGunFreakjeanre: why can't you upgrade?10:32
guja_nebeskaikonia, how to interpret this then:10:32
guja_nebeska# Mactel PPA10:32
guja_nebeskadeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/mactel-support/ubuntu hardy main10:32
LordOfThePigsikonia, How would I do that, I mean nothing is listening on port 80 anyway10:32
ikoniaSajuukkhar: xorg.0.log10:32
jeanreIndyGunFreak: I have work to do10:32
LordOfThePigsikonia, I don't really see how I could connect10:32
Sajuukkharfunny thing is, i saw that :\10:32
ikoniaguja_nebeska: thats a source file for dpkg10:32
dagon_Maxdamantus; really don't know why it fails with any-any too, I so need vmware-server running soon :p10:32
Mrwhy wont compiz work for another user when I leave a session opened ???10:32
teamcobrajeanre: ahh :/ well, upgrade when you're done working, it'll fix the sound10:32
guja_nebeskaikonia, how to get it?10:32
ikoniaLordOfThePigs: thats how I was suggesting testing nothing was listening10:32
teamcobrabecause I've experienced that one firsthand ;)10:32
guja_nebeskaGo to site and DL-it?10:32
ikoniaLordOfThePigs: telnet (or ip) 8010:32
Maxdamantusdagon_, try #vmware10:32
ikoniaguja_nebeska: put it into your /etc/apt/sourcs.list10:33
dagon_Maxdamantus; I will, thanks ;)10:33
brainopiaHow to return from busybox console to installation process?10:33
LordOfThePigsikonia, it says "connection refused"10:33
mbraun_Hi there, is it by intention that all files at /var/spool/cyrus and /var/lib/cyrus and /var/lib/cyrus are chowned root:root?10:33
bullgard4What command line tool will indicate the section to which a certain DEB program package belongs?10:33
Kev3124does anyone know what the new taskbar icon effects are listed under in compiz? (icon fly out, upon clicking)10:33
ikoniabullgard4: apt-file ?10:33
mbraun_at a normal 8.04 installation10:33
ikoniaLordOfThePigs: seems pretty solid to assume nothing is running10:33
tobmalfI would like to encrypt a message to then be dissected by my page. I'd use MD5, but how would I deencrypt it? I just want to hide get variable before the user actually gets to the page10:34
ikoniaLordOfThePigs: if it's a java app, are you trying to use something like tomcat ?10:34
Mr-NilsenNeed help with WoW, wine and hardy heron .. pm me plx =)10:34
LordOfThePigsikonia, Glassfish actually10:34
Tex-Twilhello, please can you tell me where can I get help for this kind of substitutions in a script : http://pastebin.com/m7f3af27410:34
ikoniaMr-Nilsen: people will help in channel when they can10:34
mbraun_cyrus runns with user cyrus by default, so it's quite braindead to chown the sockets to be unreadable for this user.10:34
bazhangtry #winehq Mr-Nilsen10:34
regis_hello,where can i find or what's the command for the Xorg.conf frontend...10:34
brainopiaI'm trying to install ubuntu 8.04 but i hung up at scanning the mirror, what to do?10:34
erUSULtobmalf: md5 is a hash not a cipher10:34
LordOfThePigsikonia, So yeah, pretty much like tomcat10:34
rockysynergyRight now my laptop is using English. How can I set up the ubuntu to enable another user to have Chinese interface?10:35
ikoniaLordOfThePigs: I'm not familier with glassfish, but this sort of issue used to be common with tomcat, in that apache listening on port 80, tomcat listened on an internal port (say 180) but was served up through apache, could it be something similar in that situation10:35
jerzyk86hi, when i try to install ubuntu 7.10 after i choose “run or install” ubuntu for a sec my display is turn off, i am waiting because cd-rom is stil copy files but display never is turn on. I have motherboard with integrated graphics but i have in pciexpress grf 8800gt. By integrated graphics its works - i nstall ubuntu on itegrated graph and after i plug my gf, but its still turn off my display when i try to run ubuntu. Any idea how to repair10:35
Linus-Trovalds if in a torrent client it shows seeders 7(259) what does the figure within the bracket mean?10:35
daningrockysynergy: check wiki.ubuntu.org.cn10:35
ikoniaLordOfThePigs: active ?10:35
ikoniaLinus-Trovalds: active seeders10:35
teamcobrarockysynergy, system/administration/language support?10:36
Linus-Trovaldsand the one outside,i.e. 7?10:36
SmokeyDanybody can tell me what the "clean up" part of the distro upgrade to Hardy does? Just after all packages have been upgraded.10:36
ikoniano, 7 is active 200+ exist10:36
IndyGunFreaki was thinking the 259 was leechers10:36
teamcobrarocky: that way, he can change the language to chinese in the gdm login screen10:36
bazhangrockysynergy: scim for input and language pack to switch interface10:36
LordOfThePigsikonia, as far as I can tell, there really is nothing on port 8010:36
ikoniaSmokeyD: remove old config files, re-run ldoncif g etc etc10:36
Sajuukkhari hate this, i copy the log file to my memory stick, i put it in my windows machine and its not there10:36
tobmalferUSUL: is generally used as a self-defense device. can do so as a compile time.  you know there's a balance between outright starvation and oppression10:36
ikoniaLordOfThePigs: exactly, but does glasshouse start a container like apache (as in tomcat used to run within apache)10:37
SmokeyDikonia: but the new config files have already been applied during package upgrade right?10:37
teamcobraSajuukkhar, make sure you properly unmount the mem stick before you remove it10:37
ikoniaLordOfThePigs: so the conflict is when started apache is in use10:37
teamcobraotherwise it'll do that :p10:37
SmokeyDso just remove .dpk-old files10:37
ikoniaSmokeyD: the ond ones still exist, just general tidy up stuff10:37
Sajuukkharhow do i do that?10:37
ikoniaSmokeyD: no, more than that as I said in my example10:37
LordOfThePigsikonia,  no they don't start apache at all, its completely self contained10:37
Sajuukkharunmount (name of drive) ?10:37
erUSULtobmalf: ??? i'm not sure i understand you10:37
suckawhats a good ftp program... i used flashfxp for windows is there anything like this for ubuntu?10:37
ikoniaLordOfThePigs: thats that theory out of the window10:37
theunixgeekI can't get my screen resolution past 1024 x 768 - I want to get it to 1280 x 1024. how can I do this?10:37
x-punkhas anyone here tried the Flock browser? can you recommend it? having an issue with the font rendering in firefox 3 on hardy10:37
SmokeyDikonia: ok, is it a specific script I can read so as to see what has to be done?10:37
nikitisQuestion, i'm getting an error 17 from grub.  I just did a fresh install of windows then ubuntu on a separate drives.  upon first boot, i get error 17 which is a cannot mount selected partition error  Anyone know why? or what I can do about it?10:38
ikoniaSmokeyD: no, it's not10:38
theunixgeekx-punk: isn't flock based off firefox10:38
regis_anyone...i don't find it10:38
arvind_khadrinikitis, do a re-install of grub10:38
nikitisarvind_khadri: any guides on how to do that10:38
x-punktheunixgeek: think it is, but seems to look better regarding the fonts10:38
ikoniaLordOfThePigs: as a suggestion, put a 1 second while look in "while true do "nestat -a | grep LIST | grep 80"; sleep 1 ; done10:38
arvind_khadri!grub | nikitis10:38
ubotunikitis: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto10:38
ikoniaLordOfThePigs: then start it and see if something tries to start on it10:39
guja_nebeskaikonia, I have upgraded Gutsy to Hardy. But when I do nano /etc/apt/sources list, first line is this:  deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 7.10 _Gutsy Gibbon_ - Release amd64 (20071016)]/ gutsy main$10:39
guja_nebeska Why is it still says Gutsy and not Hardy?10:39
brainopiaHow to break installation process of Ubuntu?10:39
SmokeyDikonia: there is no way of tracing it? No config file, script, etc? It has to be executed somehow.......10:39
roffe__For some reason I can't get my microphone to work... I can talk in it and I hear my voice in the speaker, but no software can recognize I'm using it...10:39
MrWHere is the famous PulseAudio ?? I can't see it running ???10:39
ikoniaguja_nebeska: remove the cd line10:39
ikoniaSmokeyD: check the dpkg.log10:39
SmokeyDok, cool10:39
LordOfThePigsikonia, already did that, nothing seems to ever bind to port 8010:39
erUSULMr: ps ax | grep pulse10:39
ikoniaLordOfThePigs: now thats frustrating10:39
tobmalfarvind_khadri there was a kde file i could ahve downloaded but didn't, i'll try that and brb10:39
guja_nebeskaikonia, okay I'll, and how to add that dkpg to sources.list? Just copy-paste at the end of file and save it, or how?10:40
arvind_khadritobmalf, ol10:40
theunixgeekguja_nebeska: what do you mean?10:40
arvind_khadritobmalf, s/ol/ok10:40
theunixgeekguja_nebeska: read the topic: Hardy is OUT :)10:40
tobmalferUSUL: see on some dns visionary research. up close to the law.  polygamy is against the law to commit suicide, an old laptop10:40
MrerUSUL: but where can I see it visually .... the volume controls for the apps ?10:40
theunixgeekoh never mind :P10:40
ikoniaguja_nebeska: thats right10:41
rodolfocan anyone tell me how to upgrade from 7.10? my image is located on my HD, is there a way to do that without burning on a cd?10:41
josh_hey is this the right channel to ask for help installing ubuntu?10:41
tobmalfbug 21544210:41
theunixgeekguja_nebeska: that's because you upgraded, so synaptic still thinks your original cd is still a reasonable source10:41
theunixgeekjosh_: yes10:41
guja_nebeskaikonia, okay, let u know if I destroyed something. :)10:41
roffe__does anyone know why my mic won't get recognized by any program?10:41
guja_nebeskatheunixgeek, but i add stuff to sources.list just by coping text to the EOF and saving it, right_10:41
theunixgeekguja_nebeska: yes10:42
josh_what partitions do i need to create to install?10:42
erUSULMr: i do not have hardy but the name is pavucontrol pavumeter10:42
erUSULMr: and others10:42
tobmalfsounds like motorola/freescale10:42
Linus-Trovaldsroffe__, check if ur headphone/speaker is working10:42
theunixgeekjosh_: any partitions10:42
roffe__Linus-Trovalds: yeah, I can hear my voice in the speakers even, yet no software accepts the sounds10:43
josh_huh?  i already have two windows partitions and one data partition.10:43
Samstone|JuniorHi all10:43
biabiaIn dmesg it says i need to update driver sd and sr10:43
josh_so i would like to make it so that i have the kernal separate from my data10:43
LordOfThePigsikonia, it seems linux applies some kind of special protection to ports below 102410:43
theunixgeekjosh_: why?10:43
noob-africagreetings all my good people!10:44
LordOfThePigsikonia, which means the user needs some specific permissions to access those private ports10:44
josh_theunixgeek_: so i can change the kernal without losing the data10:44
tobmalfthe exact thing I was looking for, thanks10:44
Linus-Trovaldsroffe__, in mixer, is mic mute?10:44
simion314Hi i do not like that the browser(Firefox 3 and opera) eat a lot of CPU(20-50%) even they are in background nad with just onle page open(no evident animation or other thing that can indicate the CPU usage). What is happening? can i setup the browser to eat less cpu (to sleep like other programs do)?10:44
noob-africacan anyone assist me with this small problem? how do i merge multiple PDF files into a single PDF file? what application should i use?10:44
roffe__Linus-Trovalds: no10:44
ikoniaLordOfThePigs: I've not seen that10:45
gnuskoolnoob-africa: greetings10:45
Linus-Trovaldsroffe__, was ur mic listed in the mixer?10:45
josh_theunixgeek_:  i already have a data partition, so if i could i'd like to keep my data there.10:45
jerzyk86hi, when i try to install ubuntu 7.10 after i choose “run or install” ubuntu for a sec my monitor is turn off, i am waiting because cd-rom is stil copy files but display never is turn on. I have motherboard with integrated graphics but i have in pciexpress grf 8800gt. By integrated graphics its works - i nstall ubuntu on itegrated graph and after i plug my gf, but its still turn off my monitor when i try to run ubuntu. Any idea how to repair10:45
roffe__Linus-Trovalds: yep10:45
noob-africaLinus-Trovalds: hi! are YOU the great Linus Trovalds?10:45
noob-africagnuskool: hi10:45
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jeanreIndyGunFreak: I have no idea now10:46
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ikonianoob-africa: his name isn't Trovalds,10:46
noob-africaikonia: yea... it's Torvalds, isnt it?10:46
noob-africaok... anyone can help me with my simple, yet not so simple problem?10:46
josh_hey, how big should i make my swap file?10:47
IsotropicSpinis there an Ubuntu server channel?10:47
theunixgeekIsotropicSpin: #ubuntu-server10:47
gnuskoolnoob-africa: try http://www.accesspdf.com/pdftk/10:47
arvind_khadrijosh_, twice the size of your ram10:47
theunixgeekI want to get my screen resolution to 1280 x 1024. how can I do this?10:47
roffe__Linus-Trovalds: As I say, I can hear my voice in the speakers, so it must work, but any other software absolutely refuses to acknowledge it10:47
noob-africagnuskool: i am there already, thanks, but i dont see where i can download and install PDFTK10:47
ganbazhang, already it is in deb format wat the path u have given .., but i want the source10:48
arvind_khadritheunixgeek, go to System->Prefernces->Screen resolutions10:48
gnuskoolnoob-africa: http://www.accesspdf.com/article.php/2004113015354557710:48
josh_arvind_khadri:  what if i have a lot of ram?  do i still need it if i have four GB of RAM?10:48
theunixgeekarvind_khadri: the option is not there10:48
mijacdo someone has a toshiba sattelite ?10:48
noob-africagnuskool: thanks... i already saw the download link...10:48
arvind_khadrijosh_, yeah it is necessary10:49
ikoniajosh_: ram + %15 is areasonable guide10:49
ikoniajosh_: but it's totally personal10:49
TwinXtheunixgeek; type in terminal: xrandr to see what your max. resolution is10:49
ikoniaarvind_khadri: twice the size of your ram !10:49
arvind_khadritheunixgeek, it should be there , i dont know if its not there ...sorry10:49
theunixgeekTwinX: 1024 x 76810:49
ikoniaarvind_khadri: again, stop making random information10:49
mijacdo someone has a toshiba sattelite ?10:49
mijacI have a problem with the atheros wifi10:49
dany_21awhere can i set my systemwide keyboard layout (not just for gnome/kde)?10:50
josh_ikonia:  why does it need about 4.5GB?10:50
mijacis recognized by the restricted drivers10:50
ikoniajosh_: suspend + overhead10:50
mijacbut does not appears in the networks10:50
TwinXtheunixgeek; if your monitor is able to handle 1280x1024, you cant add the resolution to /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:50
ikoniajosh_: but thats the personal bit10:50
ikoniait depends on your personal situation10:50
dwezlHey there.10:50
theunixgeekTwinX: what do you mean? why can't i?10:50
Invert314Hardy 8.04 installer doesn't recognize Slamd64 and WindowsXP partitions: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76635510:50
TwinXtypo tehu, you can10:50
dwezlWhat do I need to install to watch dvds in hardy?10:51
josh_ikonia: so what does the swap partition do?10:51
roffe__Linus-Trovalds: I got it working! I've had issues with it for several weeks since I first downloaded Ubuntu.. but now, I just clicked the mic off and then on again, and it works.. how bizarre10:51
ikoniajosh_: acts as virtual memory10:51
jeanreok my sound is really not working10:51
mijacI have a problem with the atheros wifi, can someone help me, ?10:51
TwinXtheunixgeek; you can10:51
theunixgeekTwinX: oh. you said "you cant add...." :P10:51
TwinXtheunixgeek; i'm the king of typos :)10:52
ikoniajosh_: you have a reasonable ammount of swap so if you don't expect to use technologies like suspend, then lower the ammount10:52
jeanreIndyGunFreak: you got any other ideas10:52
theunixgeekTwinX: so, how do I add i?10:52
mijacI have a problem with the atheros wifi, can someone help me, ?10:52
ikoniajosh_: a reasonable ammount of ram that should read10:52
mijacI have a problem with the atheros wifi, can someone help me, ?10:52
IndyGunFreakjeanre: not really, other than installing Hardy... googling that device though, it doesnt appear your alone10:52
Linus-Trovaldsroffe__, there is only one mic in my system but my sondcrd supports 5 or 6.10:52
Linus-Trovaldsso all are listed10:52
TwinXtheunixgeek; open /etc/X11/xorg.conf with yor favorite editor10:53
jeanreok going to upgrade to 8.0410:53
theunixgeekTwinX: I've gotten that far.  :P10:53
tobmalfI chose it for 6 SATA ports and 2 CPUs, the server is running 4 VMs and processing video content10:53
gnuskoolnoob-africa: heres another http://linux.softpedia.com/get/Text-Editing-Processing/Others/PDF-Split-and-Merge-10743.shtml10:53
Linus-Trovaldsroffe__, so i had to actually fig. which one to choose in my new instaalll10:53
mijaccan someone read me ?10:53
TwinXtheunixgeek; section screen10:53
roffe__Linus-Trovalds: ok... I got it working though.. I wrote it a bit further up10:53
negge^mijac: yeah10:54
whykinghow can I set what modules in /etc/init.d should get started automatically during boot?10:54
mijacooh thank god10:54
mijacthank you negge10:54
josh_ikonia:  so i basically need the swap file for when i hibernate, right?  then that means i should have a good sized swap if i put ubuntu onto my laptop?10:54
mijacwell the thing is about the atheros wifi10:54
wild_oscarif anyone can have a look at why I need to /etc/init.d/networking restart if I want to access LAN's pc's with wireless: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4784811#post478481110:54
ikoniajosh_: correct hence ram + %15-ish is an acceptable guideline10:54
ikoniajosh_: but it does depend on your pesonal needs/use10:55
teamcobraLord: yeah, root needs to open any  <1024 port10:55
josh_ikonia: does it need to be a separate partiton?10:55
gnuskoolmijac: !ask10:55
ikoniajosh_: double your ram is insane10:55
ikoniajosh_: swap partition is a seperate partition10:55
mijacI have a problem with the atheros wifi10:55
tobmalf looking in kernel it looks like i have most of the options built in...except for the first and the last. I probably should trim some. ;)10:55
mijacis recognized by the restricted drivers10:55
mijacbut does not appears in the networks10:55
gnuskoolmijac: state the problem itself10:55
SadDreamerhello all :)10:55
dany_21ahello all - where can i set my systemwide keyboard layout (not just for gnome/kde)?10:56
theunixgeekTwinX: now what?10:56
TwinXtheunixgeek; after saving the file, CTRL ALT BACKSPACE. (no need for reboot)10:56
jeanreIndyGunFreak: how long does a UPGRADE take?10:56
josh_ikonia: so if i am installing ubuntu through the installer on the live partition, but i want to manually set the partitions, what do i need?10:56
theunixgeekTwinX: I didn't do anything to it though10:56
jeanrehow many packages isit10:56
nikitisOk, i reinstalled grub using "grub-install /dev/sda" and I'm still getting the error 1710:56
ikoniajosh_: the setup/installer program guides you through it10:56
nekohi people10:56
biabiaIn dmesg it says i need to update driver sd and sr, but i cant find any info on how to do it10:56
IndyGunFreakjeanre: right now, probabl quite a while, because the servers are bogged down.. the final release was just released yesterday10:56
theunixgeekTwinX: you didn't tell me what to do :P just to go to the screen section10:57
Sajuukkharok ikonia, i have the log file10:57
TwinXtheunixgeek; lol, do you see resolution values in Subsection?10:57
mijacI was looking for that on the web but what I found it didnt help10:57
Sajuukkhari cant post it on ubuntu forums cos its 25kb and its odt10:57
theunixgeekTwinX: there is no subsection10:57
Sajuukkharand i cant change it10:57
noob-africagnuskool: btw, does PDFTK work in the GNOME or KDE desktops? meaning, does it have a GUI?10:57
josh_ikonia: it's not guiding me at this point.10:57
jeanreIndyGunFreak: cant we then just try and fix my sound?10:57
SadDreamerhmm :)10:57
theunixgeekTwinX: http://theunixgeek.pastebin.com/  < copy the subsection, please :)10:57
ikoniajosh_: what point are you at ?10:57
IndyGunFreakjeanre: might be easier to torrent in a new CD, then do a clean install, depending on how much you have into your install10:57
TwinXtheunixgeek;  ok I'll pastebin how it should look like...10:57
dany_21ahello all - where can i set my systemwide keyboard layout (not just for gnome/kde)? - Currently i have deadkeys - but used to no dead keys10:57
ikoniajosh_: your installing from the livecd yes/no ?10:57
mijacdid you understrand my problem gnuskool ?10:57
josh_ikonia: prepare partitions10:57
jeanreIndyGunFreak: quite abit10:58
IndyGunFreakjeanre: i told you i don't know whats wrong with it.. i can't wave my wand and change that.10:58
josh_ikonia: yes10:58
teamcobrajeanre: ITS THE MODULE! I don't want to yell, but I told you the problem, I've seen it first hand, and I've been using linux for 12 years10:58
ikoniajosh_: select "manual"10:58
IndyGunFreakjeanre: how long have ou had gutsy installed?10:58
josh_:ikonia done10:58
TwinXtheunixgeek;  http://theunixgeek.pastebin.com/m1b30e53c10:58
oholiksgah what is up with gnome-terminal not using bitmapped fonts even though enabled in fontconfig10:58
nikitisQuestion what can I do to fix my grub?  I've done a reinstallation of it and i'm still gettiing an error 17.  Please anyone, i've been up all night and i'm tired.10:58
nekohow do i make folder writeable for the groups at creation10:58
teamcobrabut if my word isn't good enough, then don't listen, and sit here and ask the same question instead of fixing it10:58
jeanreIndyGunFreak: uhm about 4 hours :)10:58
josh_ikonia: done10:58
jeanrebut I have windows in virtualbox with all my dev tools10:58
dxdemetriouhi, I had a crash of the updater at the end while was upgrading Gutsy to Hardy, and some packages didin't installed. can I resume the upgrade process?10:58
ikoniajosh_: now create your partitions10:58
theunixgeekTwinX: thanks10:58
Mr-Nilsenhow do I check if I'm running compiz ?10:58
IndyGunFreakjeanre: then you dn't have quite a bit into it, don't be a smartass10:58
TwinXtheunixgeek;  np10:58
ikoniaMr-Nilsen: it's installed by default from ubuntu 7.10 on10:59
josh_ikonia: what do i create?10:59
mijacdid you understrand my problem gnuskool ?10:59
mijacdid you understrand my problem gnuskool ?10:59
ikoniajosh_: a partition for ubuntu and a partition for swap10:59
MarWellAny good tools to use in 8.04 for dual screen.. Config-tool of some kind?10:59
TwinXtheunixgeek; just the Subsection10:59
Mr-Nilsenikonia:  Ok thanks, how do I turn it off ? x)10:59
josh_ikonia:  how big should ubuntu be?10:59
jeanreteamcobra: how do I fix it then?10:59
josh_ikonia: i'd like to keep my data on a separate partition10:59
nikitisQuestion what can I do to fix my grub? I've done a reinstallation of it and i'm still gettiing an error 17. Please anyone, i've been up all night and i'm tired.10:59
ikoniajosh_: it's as big as you need it to be10:59
bonhofferhow do i add a user to sudodoers11:00
dany_21anikitis: to you have two harddrives?11:00
theunixgeekTwinX: thank you so much! :D11:00
nikitisdany_21a: 3 actually11:00
agarihi all, the hardy livecd doesn't seem to support my wireless driver, so would the installed hardy support it?11:00
TwinXtheunixgeek; lol you're welcome11:00
josh_ikonia:  i want it to be as small as possible.  i want it to be just the kernal.  i want all applications and data on a separate partition.  if i can...11:00
dany_21anikitis: your old grub is still on one, your new on a other drive - your bios loads the wrong drive... try other drives to boot11:00
TwinXtheunixgeek; hold on, you got to remove the # on line 1111:01
theunixgeekTwinX: I did :)11:01
ikoniajosh_: ok, so you want a 200meg /boot partition a $bigger / partition and a swap partition, so 3 in total11:01
Sajuukkharikonia can i send the log file to your email?  Im gonna reformat and install now11:01
ikoniaSajuukkhar: put it on the forum11:01
Sajuukkharits over 25kb11:01
ikoniawhy ?11:01
Sajuukkhar20 kb11:01
Sajuukkharand its 25 kb11:01
FloodBot2Sajuukkhar: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:01
ikoniaSajuukkhar: can you put it in a pastebin11:01
Sajuukkharits in odt11:02
Sajuukkhari couldnt save it as anything else11:02
tobmalfwhich hda device does that model have?11:02
josh_ikonia:  can you tell me what those are for?  i'm doing it as manual as possible(short of the command line) to learn11:02
noob-africaSajuukkhar: what version of OpenOffice r u using? 2.4 allows .doc saves11:02
ikoniajosh_: tell you what what is for ?11:02
Sajuukkharno mouse noob-africa11:02
Sajuukkharand tab doesnt go that far11:03
tobmalf"Petition the Lord, with Prayer..."11:03
oholikscan someone help me confirm that emacs key bindings stopped working in email editor in evolution?11:03
noob-africaSajuukkhar: why not? mouses are very cheap... lol11:03
Sajuukkharits cos X11 is fucked11:03
Sajuukkharthats why11:03
dxdemetriouthe upgrade from Gutsy to Hardy crashed before it finished and didn't made a cleanup. can I resume it?11:03
ikoniaSajuukkhar: that language is uncalled for11:03
tobmalfquite abit11:03
bonhofferhmm . . . i don't even have an admin group -- am i screwed??11:03
kyleabakerhave there been no updates today and yesterday for 8.04? I've been using it for months now and it seems the servers are slow!11:03
tobmalfyou have a better chance at #math11:03
bonhofferi was going to make a user a sudoer, by adding them to the admin group11:03
bonhofferi imagine if admin does not exist -- then even if i make the group -- they won't be sudoers11:04
bonhofferany help? suggestions?11:04
noob-africaSajuukkhar: i think u need to dpkg or something like that11:04
ikoniabonhoffer: why do you not have an admin group11:04
josh_ikonia: sorry that was really vague.  what is the boot partition for?  what is my bigger partition for?  i already have a data and apps partition for windows.  is there arny way i can put my linux apps and data there?11:04
tobmalfhi everyone! do you know what are the packages to install the mysql-server??11:04
suckahow come sending files through amsn never works its so slow??11:04
ikoniajosh_: boot = kernel / = rest, swap = swap11:04
kimmeytobmalf: mysql-server probably11:04
agarihi all, i want to figure out why the hardy livecd doesn't detect existing wireless networks11:04
bonhoffer sudo adduser me admin produces adduser: The group `admin' does not exist.11:05
ikoniabonhoffer: why do you not have an admin group11:05
Sajuukkharikonia i will get u that log soon11:05
bonhofferi am using a vps -- server11:05
ikoniabonhoffer: vps ?11:05
ikoniabonhoffer: what sa vps11:05
bonhoffervirtual private server11:05
tobmalf my parents bought me a car when I was 17. A used beetle convertable. They paid $4k total (after they had some work done on it)...then, they made me pay them back with monthly payments. Invoices and all.. My sister, on the other hand, got a new VW loaded Jetta at 16.11:05
ikoniabonhoffer: again - why do you not have an admin group11:05
ikoniabonhoffer: what version of ubuntu is it running11:05
tobmalfkimmey: probably. probably11:06
nikitisdany_21a: ok that didn't work i tried booting from the other two harddrives and got nothin but a blank screen11:06
josh_ikonia:  will i be able to put my apps and data on the windoows data partition?  if i can  how big should my non- swap, non-boot partition be?11:06
ikoniajosh_: no, you can't use the windows data partition11:06
ikoniajosh_: you need a sperate partition for uubntu11:06
ikoniabonhoffer: contact your provider then, they have removed the admin group11:06
bonhofferhow do i find the version -- i am looking at the kernal11:07
ikoniabonhoffer: why did you say 7.10 then ?11:07
=== SamSamSam is now known as JPSmon
pandaanyone here have/know where to get the supposed ralink rt2870 2.6.24 patch?11:07
ikoniabonhoffer: lsb_release -a11:07
bonhofferikonia: that is what i believe11:07
JPSmonnow how in bob's name can i make a folder that is shared between two ubuntu's on an ethernet network?11:07
josh_ikonia:  what about for ubuntu data and ubuntu programs?  can't linux read and write off of ntfs now?11:07
jafo99hey, is it possible to install and run nvidia drivers in livecd (8.04) mode?11:07
bonhofferlsb_release command not found . . . ;)11:07
ikoniajosh_: yes it can, but putting it on a windows partition11:07
ikoniabonhoffer: this is not an ubuntu box is it......11:07
JPSmonjafo99: no11:07
DV8Ris ubuntu 32 or 64?11:08
ikoniaDV8R: either11:08
JPSmonjafo99: live cd doesn't mount the hard driver11:08
ikoniaDV8R: both are available11:08
JPSmonjafo99: drive11:08
copyofjohanshould uswsuspend support swapfiles?11:08
ikoniajosh_: bascilly, don't mix your OS's on one partition11:08
bonhofferikonia: yes it is11:08
JPSmoncan someone help me make a common folder between an ethernet connection?11:08
bonhofferbut it is stripped down server version11:09
ikoniabonhoffer: then why does it not have the admin group or lsb_release11:09
jafo99JPSmon, so? who needs a hd?11:09
Fritzeldoes anyone else have a problem with screenlets not remembering your configuration, OR remembering an old configuration that you've attempted to change many times?11:09
nikitisi swear to christ if someone can't help me with this grub issue i'm going to put a gun in my mount and pull the trigger.11:09
josh_ikonia:  i have a windows xp partition, a windows vista partition, and then a big data partiton (all ntfs).  how can i make it so that ubuntu (the whole OS) is on a spearate partition(s), and my data is on the data partition?11:09
ikoniajosh_: make another parttion for ubuntu11:09
pandajosh_: Norton Partition Magic11:10
bonhofferlinode is the provider11:10
sCOTTohey guys - i just updated to the latest ubuntu via the update manager.... can someone teach me to stretch my screen over two monitors?11:10
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sugarmiceHi people, I'm trying to automate some package installations; is it possible to force aptitude to accept a particular solution, if it claims it can't install?  For example, I'm trying to install emacs21 on a freshly installed 7.10 machine, and it offers various solutions because some of the dependencies are virtual packages.11:10
kimmeysCOTTo: if you got a nvidia-card, try the nvidia-config, ive done it that way and it woks good11:10
sCOTTokimmey: ati11:10
cwkayaHello, i want to do a wireless filetransfer between my pc ( vista ) and my laptop ( ubuntu ) could someone point me to a help page or something please ? have been searching google but didnt found anything useful11:10
ikoniabonhoffer: they are not ubuntu servers11:11
kimmeysCOTTo: not sure about ati, sorry11:11
josh_ikonia:  so i have a 200MB boot partition, a total ram *1.15 swap partition, and then how big for my ubuntu partition if i know all programs and data will be stored on a separate partition?11:11
bonhofferthat is the distro i loaded11:11
ikoniabonhoffer: show me in a pastebin "cat /etc/apt/sources.list"11:11
ikoniajosh_: all your programs will be stored on the big partition11:12
pandaanyone know about the ralink rt2870 2.6.24 patch?11:12
josh_ikonia: is there a way to put them on a separate partition?11:12
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!11:12
tobmalfIt has nothing to do with skill. In fact, I find most college-educated people to be quite dumb and air-headed.11:12
ikoniajosh_: why do you want to11:12
bonhoffernow i added some stuff there . ..11:12
ikoniajosh_: I don't think you understand how linux works11:12
JPSmonpanda: I'm trying to fix my rt2500 right now11:12
biabiahardy ububtu..using the newer kernel with the upgrade my drives listed in my /etc/fstab wont mount, but they mount fine with the previous kernel.  In 'dmesg' it says the driver sd and sr need updating, but all I can find on google is bug reports.  cant find how to update the drivers11:13
Fritzeldoes anyone else have a problem with screenlets not remembering your configuration, OR remembering an old configuration that you've attempted to change many times?11:13
biabiaor maybe its not reading/loading my fstab?11:13
pandaJPSmon : are you using the driver from ralink?11:13
ikoniabonhoffer: if you installed this, why does it not have the lsb tools OR the admin group11:13
josh_ikonia:  easier to back up.  if all my data and programs are on a separate partition, i can just back that up because i don't mind reinstalling my OS's11:13
JPSmonpanda: I'm trying to use every driver available to me :OD  including ndiswrapper11:13
bonhofferikonia: on the irc with their support -- they say i need to type getent group admin ??11:14
SajuukkharIkonia u here?11:14
ikoniajosh_: store all your data on your windows parttiion then11:14
ikoniabonhoffer: why ?11:14
ikoniabonhoffer: did you install this yes/no11:14
pandaJPSmon: http://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=44133 talks of a kernel patch ... havent had any luck actually finding it11:14
Sajuukkharikonia at the end of the thread, its called sajuuks log http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4788371#post478837111:14
ikoniaSajuukkhar: thank you11:14
bonhofferi did install this via their admin interface11:14
nikitisI have read every document, reiinstalled grub, and still NOTHING.  i need help from an expert on this grub issue.11:14
ikoniabonhoffer: right, so "no" then11:14
bonhofferso both yes and no11:15
josh_ikonia:  why do you think i'm installing ubuntu?  ok, so i store the data on the data(no os is on it) partition, but can i put my applications on it as well?11:15
ikoniabonhoffer: it's a no11:15
JPSmonpanda: im looking into it11:15
ikoniajosh_: right then have 1 partition for ubuntu 1 partition for windows 1 partition for swap then one "shared" data partition for both windows and ubuntu "data"11:15
dxdemetriouwhat can I do if the upgrade process crashes at finish leaving uninstalled some packages and without cleanup? reinstall?11:15
HansThanks for your really good help, i come back next time... cu!11:15
VmaxI tried 8.04.. After choosing LiveCD the ubuntu logo shows for a while and them everything becomes black. Computer is on but the monitor is totaly black. I am using Lenovo T61. Any tips on solution plz?11:16
ikoniabonhoffer: speak to them and ask why their default installation doesn't put an admin group in place, nor does it put the lsb_tools on11:16
SajuukkharIkonia --------------> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4788371#post478837111:16
tobmalffdatasync syncs only some of the metadata.11:16
ikoniaSajuukkhar: I saw it and thanked you for it11:16
Sajuukkharo cool11:16
nikitisI have read every document, reiinstalled grub, and still NOTHING.  i need help from an expert on this grub issue.11:16
bonhoffero.k. i am asking them right now11:16
Sajuukkhari hate irc being so crowded11:16
Sajuukkharok reformatting my comp11:16
pandaJPSmon: I have contacted Ralink and asked for it via email. Im in singapore and email the Thai support so they should reply soon. Ill let you know11:16
josh_ikonia: that's what i wanted.  i know how big swap should be, but i still don't know how big to make the ubuntu partition, or how to tell ubuntu to install all programs and data on my data partition.11:17
switchcatQ: Need a suggestion for a good, quick, easy program to crop an image/section out of a .pdf file and make a gif/jpg/png out of it.11:17
switchcatcurrently running 7.10 but that shouldnt matter11:17
ikoniajosh_: the partiton sizes are up to YOU. I dont know how big you want your ubuntu install to be, or how your going to use it. The minimum I'd recommend is 4GB, but you should give as much as you feel you can to allow growth11:17
JPSmonswitchcat: screen shot11:17
nikitisI have read every document, reiinstalled grub, and still NOTHING.  i need help from an expert on this grub issue.11:18
tobmalf but if you're storing stuff like anniversary dates, timestamps are a mess11:18
josh_iknoia:  what growth?  all programs and data should be installing to the data partition?11:18
ikoniajosh_: nko11:18
ikoniajosh_: linux doesn't work like that11:18
buliwyfj #asterisk11:18
josh_ikonia:  how does it work?11:18
JPSmonnikitis: what are you trying to do (just curious I can't help you just want to know)11:18
spoownHello all ! Does anyone use any blade server ?11:19
slaytaniche window contents.11:19
nikitisJPSmon: i'm trying to dual boot ubuntu and windows.  I installed windows on drive 1, then I installed ubuntu on drive two.  Upon first reboot after ubuntu installs.  I'm getting a GRUB error 17.11:19
slaytanicHow can I get opaque window resizing? When I resize a window I get a horrible blue transparent rectangle instead of the window contents.11:19
ikoniajosh_: applications are split out across many directorys and mount points, for example apache web server, that is has the binaires (application) installed in /usr/bin, the config files are held in /etc, the log files are held in /var, to follow what you want, you'd have to have seperate partitions for /usr /var and /etc (you can't have a parttiion for /etC)11:19
nikitismenu.lst looks correct to me11:20
ikoniajosh_: it's not like windows where everything is stored in program files11:20
josh_ikonia:  so there's no way i can have my programs on a separate partition from ubuntu(the OS)?  i can't the home directory on the data partiton along with everything else but the OS?11:21
ZaschHello. I'm trying to upgrade right now, and it asks me what I want to do about menu.lst. Thing is, I don't know what I want to do :P11:21
josh_ikonia: **so there's no way i can have my programs on a separate partition from ubuntu(the OS)? i can't keep the home directory on the data partition along with everything else but the OS?11:21
ikoniajosh_: the os is an 11meg file11:22
VmaxI get black screen during the boot from 8.04 CD. This happens after the ubuntu logo disappear. Any tips?11:22
ikoniajosh_: its hard to seperate the 11meg file away from all the applications that make up "linux" as you think of it11:22
Mrok one question that has been bugging me for years almost ......... If I have a game or something that I want to share with everyone ... where, in which folder in the filesystem can I put it so it is accessible to everyone ???11:22
ifireballjosh_: I don't see why you would want to separate the OS from the programs11:22
josh_ikonia: so you're saying that my programs have to be on the same partition as the OS?11:22
ikoniaMr: anywhere you want, just share out the folder11:22
ikoniajosh_: no11:22
ikoniajosh_: your not listening11:23
Boredom_incDoes anybody know of any firefox extensions or something I can do to allow firefox to view PDFs.... other than Adobe as I'd rather use opensource software if at all possible11:23
* NibiruET is away: ....... Be back later folks...bye!11:23
ikoniajosh_: the OS "linux" is an 11meg kernel11:23
Mrikonia: just change permissions ?11:23
ikoniaMr: depends how you want to share it11:23
ikoniajosh_: what your talking about is all the tools around it11:23
jtravnickZasch, menu.lst is part of your grub i believe i told it to replace mine11:23
ifireballjosh_: As far as Ubunto goes the programs and the "OS" are parts of the same thing, you use the same tools to maintain and install them, etc.11:23
regis_hello,i've a problem with nvidia-drivers.../var/log/Xorg.0.log says: (EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found) i previously had envy...but mabe my card is supported by ubuntu now so i want to get rid of it...what should i do?11:24
nikitisI have read every document, reiinstalled grub, and still NOTHING.  i keep getting an error 17.  I need help from an expert on this grub issue.11:24
Mrikonia: I downloaded a game ... which is one big folder and you just open the excecutable file ... and I want other users to be able to see it ...and run it as well.   Also is there a place that is supposed for this type of folders inside /  ?11:24
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josh_ikonia: ok, if ubuntu is not part of the OS, can i keep the ubuntu tools(not programs like firefox) and linux on a separate partition and all my programs on another?11:24
makkbehowcome songbird is not affected by the wobby windows-effect in compiz?11:24
ikoniaMr: anywhere you want and open up the permissions11:24
ikoniajosh_: they are all intergrated11:25
ikoniajosh_: eg: firefox is linked into gnome, which is your desktop11:25
Boredom_incDoes anybody know how to enable PDF viewing in firefox other than through the Adobe plugin?11:25
Techhm, wow, got as far as installing an irc client, go me11:25
Mrikonia: can I create a folder inside /   ... like  /Shares  ?11:25
ikoniaMr: if you want11:25
Tux2008is it possible to run vmware server on 8.04????11:25
Tux2008I've heard of many issues11:25
Boredom_incAnyone at all? :S11:25
JPSmonnikitis: have you tried   http://www.3till7.net/2007/10/25/grub-error-17   ?11:25
ikoniaMr: you may want to google "fhs" and "lsb" interms of linux to get more "standerised" approach, but it's up to you11:26
josh_ikonia:  so you're saying that the desktop is almost like an application in windows?  that it's separate from the OS?11:26
ikoniajosh_: your just not getting it11:27
sCOTTohey can someone help - i just upgraded and now it seems i have lost root user priv...11:27
ameriohey guys I have a laptop Fujitsu li1718 , with Ubuntu hardy 8.04 , wireless driver exists and its in use but but there is no network ! anybody can help?11:27
ikoniajosh_: ubuntu is a package of applications, including "a desktop"11:27
ikoniajosh_: they have to exist togther11:27
Oprtzhow to click on play button / select scene button of any DVD movie under totem player, i cant click on it ? need help11:27
regis_mabe i need to remove nvidia driver and to reinstall it... i restart11:27
JPSmonsCOTTo: in terminal use    sudo -i11:27
sCOTToOH! why the change?11:27
sCOTToJPSmon: it says it cant resolvemy hostname...11:28
josh_ikonia:  so i should think of ubuntu as separate from my OS, which would be linux, and think of ubuntu as just a nice set of packaged applications for linux?11:28
JPSmonsCOTTo: I have _no_  idea.  that little thing worked for me in 7.10.    I have no idea what it means11:28
JPSmonresolve your hostname?11:28
sCOTToweird... im stuck... might have to copy a backup and do a frsh install...11:28
ikoniajosh_: forget it, think of ubuntu as "linux" and you need it all on one partition11:29
ifireball<josh_> ikonia:  so you're saying that the desktop is almost like an application in windows?  that it's separate from the OS? <- yes, it can be replaced or removed altogether, though it, it itself is not a single application but a multitude of applications11:29
sCOTToJPSmon: yeah11:29
Boredom_incikonia: Linux is a kernel. It is responsible for the core jobs, such as interfacing with hardware and managing which applications have access to the CPU. This is what all operating systems do. Ubuntu is a package of software/applications/binaries that run on the linux kernel. GNOME is the GUI (graphical user interface) much like windows uses Explorer.11:29
jribsCOTTo: pastebin the exact error11:29
ikoniaBoredom_inc: I know exactly what it is11:29
Oprtzhow to click on play button / select scene button of any DVD movie under totem player, i cant click on it ?11:29
JPSmonsCOTTo: you updated via the packages?11:29
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sCOTToJPSmon: yeah11:29
Kohelethanyone have a torrent url for 8.04 Heron i386 iso please11:29
sCOTToi pasted it in pm for JPSmon11:29
jribKoheleth: see the /topic11:29
JPSmonKoheleth 1 second11:30
ubotuThe Ubuntu Desktop CD is a "LiveCD" which can be run without altering existing files on your harddrive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option.11:30
Kohelethdont think this client supports topic bars :)11:30
sCOTTonow i cant even get into synaptic...11:30
ifireballjosh_: Why do you insist on making those distinctions? why ode in matter where the OS ends and the applications begin?11:30
Boredom_incsorry ikonia I think I meant to say that to josh :P11:30
JPSmonKoheleth:  http://isohunt.com/download/41119149/ubuntu.torrent11:30
ifireballjosh_: Why do you insist on making those distinctions? why does it matter where the OS ends and the applications begin?11:30
ikoniaBoredom_inc: not a problem11:30
icqnumberwhat is ubuntu's nick and password for the live cd?11:31
sCOTToscott@faithtop:~$ sudo11:31
sCOTTosudo: unable to resolve host faithtop11:31
Kohelethxircon need to work on their irc client a bit :)11:31
ikoniasCOTTo: put an entry in your hostfile11:31
Boredom_incI'm using the pidgin IRC client which isn't my normal client and it's a bit confusing as to who is actually saying what.11:31
JPSmonsCOTTo:  did you try  sudo -i  ?11:31
sCOTToikonia: cant - i cant get root access???11:31
timoIs this a hardy channel now ?11:31
jribsCOTTo: pastebin /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname11:31
sCOTToyes same thing JPSmon11:31
JPSmontimo yes11:31
Oprtzicqnumber:  ubuntu wont ask login and pass for livdcd11:31
timothen helpppppp11:31
ikoniasCOTTo: you'll have to do it from a recovery shell11:31
icqnumberOprtz, it does11:31
sCOTTohostname: faithtop11:32
JPSmontimo we try what's up?11:32
ikoniajrib: I'm putting a bug togheter on this, it's quite common now as it resolves agaisnt hostname rather than localhost, so any dhcp clients are not going to have hostname setup correctly11:32
josh_ifireball:  i have my windows set up so that all my windows programs and data are on a separate partition(that i back up about twice a week).  i was hoping i could put all my linux data and applications on it as well11:32
sCOTTojrib: it doesnt have faithtop in hosts.11:32
Mrikonia: it seems then that placing them in /opt would be a good idea .. heh11:32
timoI can only get the fial safe session to work and it looks min-gin11:32
jribsCOTTo: use the pastebin...11:32
Oprtzicqnumber:  i m sorry i dont know then11:32
ikoniaMr: go for it11:32
sCOTToikonia: how do i do that ?11:32
sCOTTojrib: sorry ok11:32
Oprtzhow to click on play button / select scene button of any DVD movie under totem player, i cant click on it ?11:32
icqnumberany idea ppl?11:33
JPSmontimo: failsage session?11:33
jribikonia: is this the same as the gethostbyname() error?11:33
Linus-Trovaldsdeos ubuntu dvd contain all the main ubuntu repositories?11:33
JPSmonhehehe fail sage11:33
jribLinus-Trovalds: yes11:33
Tech_umm, can anyone recommend an irc client? I've been using mIRC for 8 years, I do not like the layout of x-chat and even if I like irssi in a certain way, I hate it for not having a clickable nicklist11:33
makkbejosh_: unlearn what you've learned about windows when using linux :)11:33
icqnumberOprtz, it was not the case in 6.1011:33
timoJPSmon failsafe gnome11:33
ikoniajrib: I don't know, it appears that sudo is attemping to resolve on gethostbyname()11:33
makkbeTech_: irssi11:33
Boredom_incjosh_: You can do that if you want. It will work but it's no advisable... It's probably a better idea to put your home directory on the partition that you backup. The home directory contains things like the linux equivalent of My Documents.11:33
ifireballjosh_: there is little reason to back up the Linux applications since they can be easily reinstalled with the package manager anyway, WRT to the data, just back up your home directory11:33
ikoniajrib: I'm not sure if its the same actual bug as the general failure11:33
JPSmontimo dont know about the failsafe gnome11:33
makkbewith plugins for nicklist11:33
Linus-Trovaldsjrib, can u pls mention which all types are available? universe, multiverse etc?11:34
jribLinus-Trovalds: main11:34
Tech_makkbe, I know there's a nicklist plugin, but it doesn't make it clickable11:34
makkbemaybe not... been a while since i tried it11:34
inditechgood morning11:34
josh_makkbe:  so there isn't a spoon?11:34
icqnumberwhat is ubuntu's nick and password for the live cd?11:34
JPSmonanyone know how to set up a  common folder between ethernet?11:34
makkbejosh_: exactly11:34
sCOTTojrib: JPSmon: ikonia: http://pastebin.com/d3ebb5fd811:34
JPSmonbetween hardy and gutsy?11:34
nikitisJPSmon: Hey that link doesn't help me.  My linux type is 8311:35
Tech_makkbe, aye, it runs in a terminal window so it doesn't have any right-click functionality, that's why I asked for advice :D11:35
sCOTToikonia: how do i get a recovery shell ?11:35
makkbeyeah... :)11:35
jribsCOTTo: your hostname has a space in it?11:35
artagnon8.04 is awesome... did 8 installations today. Two Wubi installations *hung* once each11:35
makkbewhat about bitch-x?11:35
nikitisNeed an expert on grub.11:35
artagnonhow do I diagnose the problem?11:35
timoJPSmon: its on the sessions gdm screen you can choose KDE from there (if you have it installed).11:35
inditecheach time I start my new Hardy now, I have to run a modprobe wlan0 to get it to start the wifi - it works fine, but anyone know how I can get this command to run as root on startup?11:35
Tech_makkbe, I'll consider the different options, might as well do a google search right away11:35
sCOTTojrib: no - and i DIDNT put it there either! but the prob is that I Cant get root :)11:35
makkbeinditech: put the module in /etc/modules11:36
Boredom_incjosh_: You can make a folder on your partition that you backup... call it home... you can mount this as the linux default home directory... home is like Windows 'Documents and Settings'11:36
jribsCOTTo: are you sure?  That's how it is in the pastebin11:36
inditechmakkbe:  simple - thanks, sorry for n00b question!11:36
nikitisNeed an expert on GRUB.  Broken system.  no sleep.  Question too complex.  need someone to work with.11:36
inditechother than that - loving it, working great :)11:36
simion314hi, i am trying to make firefox 3 to use les cpu by disabling some plugins that i do not use. i left the shockwaveflash enabled but the flash video are not working11:36
makkbeinditech: no worries11:36
sCOTToicqnumber: CAPS11:37
jribsCOTTo: okay, but are you sure there is no space in your /etc/hostname file?11:37
makkbeicqnumber: try ubuntu/ubuntu?11:37
makkbeuser name is ubuntu afaik11:37
sCOTTojrib: i KNOW THERE IS - but I cant change it :(11:37
MyrttisCOTTo: you used them yourself11:37
icqnumbermakkbe, wrong guess!11:37
josh_ifireball:  ok, so how much space can a linux partition require?  and is the package manager in my home directory, so that if my home directory is on the data partition it will be backed up?11:37
makkbeicqnumber: then i do not know11:37
jribicqnumber: check that it burned correctly.  verify the integrity of the cd (one of the options at the beginning)11:37
nikitisNeed an expert on GRUB. i've asked for help all night.  Broken system. no sleep. Question too complex. need someone to work with.11:37
sCOTToMyrtti: to illustrate :)11:37
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timoGust upgraded to hardy over night now my session wont load. I can log on but i just see a brown background with mouse.11:37
josh_Boredom_inc:  what else goes in my home directory other than documents?\11:38
icqnumberjrib, burned correctly, md5sum is okey!11:38
nonewmsgshow do mount an image?  mount command said it is a nonblock device.11:38
GNUtoohello is a a geforce 8600M GT supported by ubuntu or do i need envy(i want the proprietary driver)11:38
ZarinHardy installer problem: I'm trying to install Hardy using the Live CD installer however when I get to the partition step the list contains nothing and all the buttons are disabled. Anyone know what it's trying to do?11:38
GNUtoohardy of course...11:38
* sCOTTo has a login screen that is coming up too big to see the fields... guessing to typpe username and pass worked...11:38
jribsCOTTo: ok, there's no need for caps :)  just reboot, choose "recovery mode" from the grub menu and then use nano to edit /etc/hostname to remove the space and also edit /etc/hosts and add "faithtop" to the line with localhost11:38
nikitisNeed an expert on GRUB. i've asked for help all night.  Broken system. no sleep. Question too complex. need someone to work with.11:39
sCOTTojrib: thanks11:39
arvind_khadritimo, have you root access11:39
nonewmsgsnikitis: we hide the grub experts in #grub11:39
sCOTTosee yah soon :)11:39
ikonianikitis: join #grub then if you need an expert11:39
pandanikitis : whats teh problem?11:39
icqnumberjrib, i got it from fu-berlin mirror? does it makes a difference?11:39
Boredom_incjosh_: Things like settings, for programs and such11:39
timoarvind_khadri: yes11:39
Boredom_incjosh_: Or do you mean the specific directories11:39
ifireballjosh_: for a home machine I think a 5GB partition for the OS/Applications would suffice and you should place /home on your data partition and make it as big as possible (so you can have a lot of room for your data)11:39
timoarvind_khadri: i log on as normal use thou11:39
ameriowhat does it mean when the there is "UNCALIMED" next to network when u tyoe lshw -c network?11:40
arvind_khadritimo, ok then open the terminal and type sudo users-admin11:40
ikoniaarvind_khadri: again, its gksudo for X11 apps11:40
icqnumberjrib, u do not have a clue, right?11:40
ikoniaarvind_khadri: not "sudo"11:40
ifireballjosh_: since your home directory also contains all your personal settings, backing it enough is enough to get back a fully working system after a reinstall and a restore11:40
josh_Boredom_inc:  so all my program data(preferences, documents(if i'm using a word eqivalent), etc) will automagically go into my home directory?11:40
arvind_khadriikonia, ok sorry a BIG MISTAKE,what do you want me to do11:41
ikoniaarvind_khadri: think about what your saying to people11:41
ikoniaarvind_khadri: as I keep asking you11:41
jribicqnumber: nope, it's not suppose to do that.  Make sure you verified it using the option you are given when you boot the cd11:41
ifireballjosh_: answering your question to Boredom_inc, yes.11:41
Boredom_incjosh_: Yeah and you would put downloads and music etc. in there also11:41
timoarvind_khadri http://pastebin.com/m3e44abec11:41
arvind_khadritimo, am sorry please type gksudo users-admin11:41
icqnumberikonia, i am asked for username and password, during triying it as live cd?, any idea?, md5sum and cd are burned ok11:42
arvind_khadriikonia, ok11:42
ikoniaicqnumber: when are you asked for a username and password11:43
josh_ifireball and Boredom_inc:  ok thanks.  so, if i have a shitload of windows programs that's about 50GB, how much space do i need for the same shitload of linux programs(assuming all the programs have a linux and windows version)?11:43
icqnumberikonia, directly after kernel is loaded11:43
Glas`AwyrHey #Ubuntu. I'm installing right now and so am lurking.11:43
ikoniajosh_: watch your langauge11:43
Diacohas any body help me find a driver for dial-up modem on vaio fe laptops? i've tested scan modem tool and many other things without any result11:44
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ikoniaicqnumber: what do you mean ? do you get the gnome desktop11:44
josh_ikonia; huh?11:44
ikoniajosh_: bad language is not called for11:44
Ubuntu2008stop swearing11:44
ifireballjosh_: I can't possibly think what 50GB of programs will be good for, windows programs are a mess11:44
joanjosephgood day every111:44
nikitisi'm about to start swearing.  i've been up for 24 hours straight trying to figure out this grub issue11:45
Boredom_incjosh_: If your used to backing up a partition all the time I recommend making a partition that is just your home directory... you then mount this folder in ubuntu and it is accessed a bit like a folder.... its at the location /home .... If you create a partition I can tell you how to make the partition mount at /home every time ubuntu boots up11:45
timoI have a back up should i restore. Seems the upgrade was not successful.11:45
icqnumberikonia, after i select 'try ubuntu without any change to your computer', the first screen appear, is a log in screen!11:45
josh_ifireball:  i don;t actually have that much.  i just have no idea how much space linux programs take compared to windows.11:45
ikoniaicqnumber: and thats the gnome login screen ?11:45
mrjackjosh_: this depends absolutly on the program11:45
ifireballjosh_: like I said, 5GB should be enough, as long as you make a separate /home partition11:46
icqnumberikonia, i do not know how does it look like, i have no ubuntu installed11:46
ikoniaicqnumber: can you take a screen shot ?11:46
icqnumberikonia, pink colours11:46
julzwith two crap compies, can i increase performance with a two node cluster? or is it not really practical?11:46
josh_Boredom_inc:  i kind of know how the directory structure; my school uses solaris.  i just have no experience as an admin11:47
dexternot a good idea the Firefox 3 in hardy11:47
pandajosh_: generally much less space ...11:47
nikitisGetting GRUB error 17, Grub bootloader is on /dev/sda as well as my windows partition.  /dev/sdb is where menu.lst is located and my /boot and linux partitions.  Any ideas why?11:47
Boredom_incjosh_: You will probably find that you don't need as many programs on linux as windows. Linux programmers are quite adept at sharing libraries (in windows these are dll folders) so one program uses the features of many libraries. Pidgin is a good example (mind you it only uses a few libraries) but it works as a AIM, IRC, MSN, Yahoo (and more) client11:47
josh_panda:  thanks; that's what i was looking for.11:47
vistakillerslaytanic you run compiz?11:47
eckesiclejosh_, I have a fresh install of ubuntu. with Office suite, and programming environment, browser email, the usual. That uses up approximately 4GB11:47
Boredom_incdll files*11:47
arvind_khadrinikitis, menu.lst is /boot/grub/menu.lst11:48
josh_ecksicle:  would a power user need more?11:48
SoulChildHey all, somehow the third mouse button (pressing first and second mb) does not work on my synaptics touchpad anymore,... any ideas ???11:48
nikitisarvind_khadri: yes it's on the 2nd drive sdb11:48
eckesiclejosh_, I am a power user.11:48
nikitisbut my grub boot loader is on sda which I think is supposed to point to sdb11:48
Ubuntu2008anyone know how to recover from this error while upgrading to Hardy? http://pastebin.com/m77e504b211:48
arvind_khadrinikitis, did you try re-installing the grub11:48
ifireballjosh_: my current root partition (where the OS and all the programs are) currently has 2.2GB used and 3GB free after years of using the system, so 5GB should be enough11:48
nikitisarvind_khadri: i typed grub-install /dev/sda  It said it reinstalled but i still get the same error11:49
wild_oscarUbuntu2008: if I'm not mistaken, I saw something like that when I upgraded11:49
wild_oscarbut it didn't stop the upgrade process11:49
ifireballjosh_: and I am a power user, I've stuff such as Apache and MySql installed the most users wouldn't need11:49
StredHello... Ubuntu newbie Q1: I'm running a Live CD on an XP system. Ubuntu is not recognizing my dual monitors (Nvidia FX5200), only one. Could there be an easy fix or would I have to install Ubuntu  first before trying to install new video drivers?   Thanks!11:49
josh_eckesicle:  sorry.  ok, so i really only need about 5GB of space.11:49
Ubuntu2008wild_oscar: my computer has been hanging on that message for half an hour11:49
immesysstred: yeah, you would probably have to install11:50
arvind_khadrinikitis, you need to follow some steps before that11:50
nikitisarvind_khadri: such as?11:50
eckesiclejosh_, I am a power user. Games will naturally take up more space11:50
samalexDues Ubuntu 8.04 server have some firewall enabled that doesn't allow IP's beyond the local subnet connect?  I've estup Ubuntu 8.04 server with apache and SSH, and even though I can hit them from other computers on the local network, I'm unable to hit it from the Internet, even though that system is setup as DMZ in router and GRC.com's Shields Up does show ports 80 and 22 open.11:50
Stredthank you immesys11:50
samalexjust curious ...11:50
josh_ifireball:  i feel like i should send microsfot my bill for the giant harddrvie i needed to buy11:50
wild_oscarUbuntu2008: if u know where the upgrade log is, I can check if the message was the same11:50
eckesiclejosh_, sorry for repeat.11:50
SoulChildThird mouse button on tocupad, pressing first and second does not work anymore,... any ideas ???11:50
arvind_khadrinikitis, loacating where it is...check out this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows11:50
immesysstred: unless you remaster a live cd. This is not an easy task though11:50
eckesiclethen on the other hand i keep 500GB of media. So linux will not decompress that for you :)11:51
josh_ecksicle:  ok, is there a way to keeo linux separate from ubuntu so i can try installing other linux flavors?11:51
nikitisarvind_khadri: I cannot do that.  When i type grub in the commandline after "SU" it comes back with a terminal error11:51
Stredimmesys not likely to remaster a CD, thanks :)11:51
eckesicleso you might want to keep your harddrive11:51
eckesiclejosh_ what do you mean?11:51
timocan i have some guidance please http://pastebin.com/m3d04798511:51
arvind_khadrinikitis, its sudo11:51
ifireballjosh_: maybe... but they're not the only one to blame, I find the windows programmers tend to be inefficient space-wise for various reasons (like not sharing components for example)11:51
eckesicleYou can have different flavours on different partitions if you like, or virtualise.11:52
josh_ifireball:  </>joke</>11:52
wild_oscarUbuntu2008: found the log. it's the same message11:52
nikitisarvind_khadri: that's assuming I can get into a linux session correct?11:52
Ubuntu2008wild_oscar: d/w I fixed it. Seems like it's a known bug with gnome11:52
banshehow do i remove a file extension,say .url from all files in a directory?11:52
ifireballjosh_: for your last question, that's just asking for trouble, and make little sense11:52
immesystimo: replacing with package maintainers version is usually okay11:52
wild_oscarUbuntu2008: but my upgrade continued11:52
arvind_khadrinikitis, be on a live ubuntu cd and do this11:52
icqnumberikonia, not way to make a screen shot, tty1 says: "user not known to the underlying authentication module"!11:52
wild_oscarUbuntu2008: it continued as well?11:52
simion314anyone use no-script with firefox? i have a problem11:52
jribbanshe: one way is to use the 'rename' command (see its man page for examples)11:52
JookiaHi guys11:52
Ubuntu2008wild_oscar: after quite a while it did11:52
josh_ifireball:  so what should i do if i want to have two separate linux distros?11:52
arvind_khadribanshe, use rename11:52
ameriowhy I try to use sudo to install a package I get that "timestamp too far in the future:..."11:53
Boredom_incUbuntu comes with (by default) all most everything you need... CD/DVD burning software, bittorrent client, music player, office software, web browser, messenger client, PDF viewer, image manipulation software... The only software people really install (other than changing the default programs) is Programming environments and games... Games take up a huge amount of space obviously so you need to leave room on the ubuntu (not home) partition for games and c11:53
ikoniaicqnumber: I can't explain that11:53
Glas`AwyrQuestion #1: Once my install finishes on my laptop and I have rebooted, I want to install an IRC client before I do anything else. I've only ever used mIRC on Windows and would like something similar. Any suggestions?11:53
ifireballjosh_: just install them on separate partitions, you can sometimes share the home partition, but it may not work all that well11:53
arvind_khadriGlas`Awyr, xchat11:53
josh_Boredom_inc: what games?11:53
JookiaI'm using IRC on pidgin11:53
wild_oscarGlas`Awyr: pidgin11:53
josh_ifireball:  ok, thanks.11:54
[T]-Rexcheck out irssi11:54
wild_oscarGlas`Awyr: pidgin works with irc, msn, gtalk, yahoo, etc11:54
icqnumberthis massage appears, 1o times, after "loading, please wait", can not even use tty111:54
Boredom_incjosh_: What do you mean by 'what games?'11:54
arvind_khadrinikitis, ??11:54
Glas`AwyrI tried pidgin while using running from the Live CD and hated it. I'll take a look AT xChat.11:54
wild_oscarGlas`Awyr: although, if u're used to msn, I strongly suggest amsn for that11:54
josh_boredom_inc:  what games can you(do you) play on linux?  or are you just using Wine?  and how much space do you need?11:54
crashanddiejosh_, same space as windows game11:55
JookiaHey guy, I'm in a position so tight I might aswell be on 4chan11:55
samalexn/m, stupid Linksys router had some firewall enabled by default.11:55
_Rambaldi_josh_, nexuiz, openarena, are the ones i play (both like Unreal)11:56
lclimberhello everyone, i am havin a proble with my just upgraded ubuntu system, it doesn't seem to recognize my headphones11:56
mOrO^Help! Im looking at a screen that is about 20 times bigger than it is supposed to be.11:56
* arvind_khadri nexuiz is really awesome11:56
josh__rambaldi:  how much space do they take up?11:56
banshecan someone tell me how to use rename? I am unable to understand the manpage11:56
icqnumberikonia, this massage appears 1o times, after "loading, please wait", can not even use tty1, i have another distro installed on this box, does it makes a sence, actually not, well then the official mirror i got it from?11:56
crashanddiejosh_, other than that, most games that are OpenGL based are Linux compatible (UT comes to mind, Quake, etc) Wine allows you to run Windows based games, by wrapping the API it needs. It's been a long time ever since I used wine, but support wasn't that bad11:56
Boredom_incjosh_: I don't play games really but there are a surprisingly large amount of linux games. Not all that many AAA titles but there are a lot of native games that are very good. Otherwise you can just use Wine and run the games straight off your windows partition11:56
unocrashim just upgrading11:56
JookiaI have a problem; I'm running off my live CD, transfering my backups to a 1GB flash drive and I need to burn a CD. What should I do?11:56
_Rambaldi_i never really checked josh_ the package was about 240mb11:57
crashanddieJookia, once you're booted, you should be able to eject the CD11:57
josh_boredom_inc:  so would i need more than 5GB if i wanted to install a bunch of games?11:57
Xiliathanyone tried hildon on hardy?11:57
[^martin]Hi all, I've just got my Ubuntu install up and running and have connected succesfully to my wireless network. I am having trouble connecting to specific endpoints that other machines on the network are not. For example, www.mozilla.org works. www.google.com does not. How would I go about troubleshooting this?11:57
JookiaGoto about:config11:57
JookiaAnd find IPv611:57
JookiaIn the search bar11:57
immesysmartin: try turning off ipv611:58
JookiaAnd set that to true11:58
FloodBot2Jookia: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:58
crashanddiejosh_, yeah, definitely11:58
[^martin]ok, 2 secs11:58
=== icesword is now known as mademelaugh
dreamcoderany reccomend what to install ubuntu or kubuntu?11:58
JookiaUbuntu is best11:58
JookiaBut if you come from windows11:58
tiramisudreamcoder: you can install kde on ubuntu11:58
JookiaGet Kubuntu11:58
mosnoGnome Menu icons are blank for newly installed GTK+ applications (installed via aptitude on 8.04) -- anyone know what the issue is here?11:58
crashanddiedreamcoder, depends on what you like most, if you prefer KDE or Gnome11:58
JookiaOr if you come from Mac11:58
josh_crashanddie:  how much would you recommend?11:58
bansheit is dependent on ur taste11:58
JookiaUse Ubuntu11:58
_Rambaldi_what happened to ubuntu-bots11:58
immesysdreamcoder: kubuntu looks nicer but I'm having grief installing it, so use ubuntu rather11:58
amerioguys the wireless driver exists but wireless doesnt work please help11:58
Boredom_incjosh_: I recommend allocating about 4 GB (ubuntu) + 5 GB (or less for games)... Because by the sounds of it you intend to play windows games and I assume they are already installed on your windows partition, you don't need to reinstall them on linux11:59
JookiaMy friend had this problem11:59
tiramisuubuntu should be used even if you want kde since kubuntu is dependency hell11:59
JookiaDisable IPv611:59
banshecan someone tell me how to use rename? I am unable to understand the manpage11:59
lclimberhello everyone, i am havin a proble with my just upgraded ubuntu system, it doesn't seem to recognize my headphones11:59
crashanddiejosh_, I don't know, depends on the games you want to play... Take about 10Gig for WoW, 12Gig for a normal CS/HL2/CS:S install11:59
Boredom_incjosh_: Mind you not all of them will run11:59
amerioJookia how to disable IPV6?11:59
dreamcoderok will try ubuntu thanks11:59
osfamerontiramisu: I thought kubuntu was just ubuntu+kde_desktop ?11:59
JookiaI'm not sure how globaly.11:59
JookiaBut there's a firefox config11:59
Xiliathosfameron, it basicly is, but some applications are different12:00
banshelclimber, thats y u should not use upgrade.12:00
crashanddietiramisu, please don't spawn ideas like that, thank you12:00
josh_boredom_inc:  they aren't installed yet;  is there a way to install the games on a separate hard drive from ubuntu?12:00
crashanddiejosh_, of course, mount that drive to your filesystem, and install them there12:00
tehgeekOh em gee.  The package servers seem uber-bogged down.  T_T12:00
Ubuntu2008amerio, do you know the make of your wi-fi card?12:00
ifireballcrashanddie: shouldn't those games be installed to some other partition, say /usr/local or /opt ?12:00
JookiaTehgeek: That's cause of 8.04 upgrades.12:00
Boredom_inclclimber: What type of headphones? USB or standard headphone jack?12:00
crashanddiejosh_, you might need to setup a new wine_C_drive, and set it to that given mount point12:00
tehgeekJookia, Yeah, I figured.  Still is a bummer.  =X12:01
nikitisarvind_khadri: sorry, i'm trying it now12:01
obnibolongoamerio, Jookia, you can always blacklist kernel module ipv6 in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist12:01
ele_AcaroSALVE A TUTTI ------------------------------12:01
[^martin]Jookia: disabled that IPV6 in Firefox, still no luck. It gets to "Waiting for host..." and just hangs there. Definitely a firefox issue though - just tried telnetting to the host12:01
arvind_khadrinikitis, thats ok12:01
lclimberBoredom_inc standard12:01
josh_crashanddie: no idea what that meant, but that's ok, i just wanted to know if it was possible.12:01
amerioUbuntu2008 Atheros AR242x12:01
ele_AcaroHI TO ALL -----------------------12:01
NekoKunIs there any ubuntu distro that is minimalist? Just kernel + basic commands, not including any GUI, just basic drivers? Like an 'apt-get' version... that anything extra than the most needed stuff must be downloaded...12:01
JookiaWhere would I go about finding my firefox bookmarks file?12:01
Boredom_inclclimber: So it's not using the correct sound card then12:01
obnibolongolol hi ele_Acaro12:01
crashanddiejosh_, if you're going to install wine based games, Wine is going to create a virtual Windows drive (filesystem), just save that virtual drive on the other hard disk, so you can use that space12:01
obnibolongoNekoKun, Gentoo Linux? :P12:02
makkbeNekoKun: the server version is pretty basic12:02
makkbeif you want ubuntu12:02
amerioUbuntu2008 and its enabled and in Use12:02
makkbeotoh, debian netinstall is even more basic12:02
arvind_khadriNekoKun, that would be gobuntu12:02
NekoKunmakkbe: How many gbs it needs to install?12:02
crashanddieNekoKun, you could also try Arch Linux12:02
jPrattI dont see any differences really in 8.0412:02
makkbeNekoKun: under 600 mb12:02
josh_crashanddie: ok, so does a swap file of 5GB(i have 4 gb ram) and a Ubuntu partition of 5GB sound reasonable?12:02
NekoKunWell, so far Debian EeeOS is the best option... mmm < 600mb12:03
crashanddiebut yeah, I'd recommend the netinstall of Debian as makkbe said12:03
makkbeele_Acaro: stop with the caps12:03
ifireballjosh_: why don't you go ahead and install? I think you'd have a fairly good grasp of the answers to all your questions within a month... and if you get it wrong the 1st time, just go ahead and reinstall, its fairly painless12:03
obnibolongoele_Acaro, don't use caps, it's considered yelling12:03
neetoIn 7.10, when I clicked on things in the system tray, it would switch to whatever workspace the corresponding window was on... it doesn't seem to do that anymore. How do I make it so that it does?12:03
ele_Acaroexcuse me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!12:03
Boredom_inclclimber: Type "cat /proc/asound/modules" in terminal and check to see your soundcard (that the headphones are plugged in) is listed12:03
NekoKunWhat's the main difference between debian and ubuntu?12:03
makkbeele_Acaro: and the exclamation marks as well, please12:03
crashanddiejosh_, I'd say 5Gb is a bit minimalistic, to be honest, I'd shrink the swap to 2 gig, and give the 3 extra gig to your root12:03
ifireballjosh_: at 4GB ram your should have about 4GB swap12:03
dagon_ele_Acaro; abuse of ! is also considered rude12:03
makkbeNekoKun: ubuntu is a customized debian12:03
neetoNekoKun: honestly? Sexiness.12:04
makkbeone can say12:04
ubotuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info12:04
lclimberBoredom_inc it says 0 snd_hda_intel12:04
lclimberBoredom_inc that's it12:04
makkbeNekoKun: debian generally use older packages in their stable versions12:04
josh_ifireball: about?12:04
crashanddiemademelaugh, I wouldn't use 4gig swap on any desktop computer that has 4Gig of ram... He'll never use it :/12:04
NekoKunmakkbe: So, in a way I could say that doing the correct patches/kernel I could get a debian install and turn it into a ubuntu?12:04
ele_Acaroam i bad for you ?12:04
amerioUbuntu2008 ?12:05
neetoIn 7.10, when I clicked on things in the system tray, it would switch to whatever workspace the corresponding window was on... it doesn't seem to do that anymore. How do I make it so that it does?12:05
NekoKunOk... I hate old things :p12:05
banshehow do i remove a file extension,say .url from all files in a directory?12:05
crashanddieNekoKun, you can always try Debian sid12:05
makkbeNekoKun: if you use one of the newer debian branches, yes12:05
mademelaughcrashanddie, yep, wise choice12:05
makkbesid or lenny12:05
ifireballjosh_: partition sizes, what installs where, games, etc.12:05
Boredom_inclclimber: go to System -> Preferences -> Sound and press test for something other than capture... you should hear a beeping noise (you may have already tried this)12:05
makkbelenny is probably recommended12:05
makkbesid is really unstable from time to time12:05
mademelaughisn't here ubuntu12:05
JookiaHow would I go about accessing my /home/jookia/.Trash folder ON ANOTHER HARDDRIVE12:06
Boredom_inclclimber: Let me know if you heard anything12:06
crashanddieJookia, where did you mount it ?12:06
josh_ifireball:  i heard a swap file 1.15 times the size of your RAM was a good amount; is that too much?  if it's just virtual memory, does it ever need to be a bigger size than my RAM?12:06
ele_Acaroi would like learn more from you but i like much not be a problem for you !12:06
crashanddieJookia, that's not a valid mount point12:06
amerioobnibolongo so disabling VP6 would make my wireless work?12:06
crashanddieJookia, a mount point is something like /media/disk1, or /mnt/mydisk12:06
josh_ifireball:  this is installing on my laptop, btw12:06
ifireballNekoKun: you can say that about any Linux distro, doesn't make sense time-wise to do stuff that way though12:06
NekoKunI'm asking that cause I have an EeePC, and want something like eeeXUbuntu... but IMHO it has too much garbage installed....12:06
makkbeele_Acaro: just ask whatever you want to know then12:06
Kirbyis ubuntu supposed to be slower than windowsxp ?12:06
mrjackif you boot ubuntu with low graphics, eg xdriver not installed correctly, ubuntu starts with 800x600 - in that resolution, the update-manager and many other programs are using more than 600px in height, but they cant be resized making it impossible for the user to klick the ok or next button...12:07
arvind_khadriikonia, i would like you to read this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq#head-ca3b215130839e9b2e1c85af31620153daba975c12:07
makkbeNekoKun: do you want a gui?12:07
neetoKirby: are you a troll or are you honest?12:07
mademelaughKirby, not really, you cannot compare mem management with xp12:07
NekoKunmakkbe: I plan to instal xfce later, but I don't want kde/gnome uneeded files around12:07
Boredom_incjosh_: If you have lots of RAM your swap file will rarely be used but as a general rule a swap file roughly the size of your ram is good12:07
lclimberBoredom_inc yes, i have sound, the proble is that it dosen't redirect the sound to my headphones when i plug them12:07
obnibolongoamerio, I don't know, I though you'd asked how to disable IPv6, I told you how, I didn't know what was leading to it, sorry12:07
Kirbywell my ubuntu is certainly slower than windowsxp12:07
mademelaughKirby, when refer to linux, it cannot be very fast, but it is stable, it just works12:07
Paavi2_0Kirby: yes and no. some things are much faster and some things you'd think to be slower12:07
crashanddiejosh_, 4Gigs of RAM is quite an enormous amount, I doubt you'll ever need all of it. I seriously doubt you'll ever need more than 4Gig, your swap would probably never be used12:07
makkbethen i suggest a debian lenny or arch12:07
neetoNekoKun: I am coming into the middle of this conversation, but if you don't want gnome/kde, why not just use xubuntu?12:08
josh_Boredom_inc:  thanks12:08
crashanddiejosh_, you need swap "to be safe", but 2gigs of swap is by far enough with the enormous quantity of RAM you have access to12:08
amerio<obnibolongo> my wireless driver is enabled and in use but no wireless , do u have ny idea about that?12:08
ifireballjosh_: the rule of thumb is that up to 2GB swap = ram*2; beyond 2GB its swap=ram; and beyond 4GB it doesn't mater... too much swap can cause trashing, though I doubt the swap will even get used on a 4GB desktop machine12:08
arvind_khadriBoredom_inc, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq#head-ca3b215130839e9b2e1c85af31620153daba975c12:08
dagon_neeto; or fluxbuntu ;)12:08
tyranoshi everyone , what do i need to install to get  my fn keys to work on my laptop12:08
NekoKunneeto: I've installed it and found good sized KDE and gnome folders on it12:08
NekoKunalso, it uses a LOT of space12:08
case_Kirby, ubuntu can be seen as slower than winxp, as winxp si slower than dos... you have to compare the features too...12:08
josh_crashanddie:  what about when i hibernate/sleep?  (i'm on a laptop that i use for school)12:08
tehgeektyranos, You need to hit the fn-lock key maybe?12:08
mademelaughcoz you know, harddisk 's speed cannot compare with memrory12:09
* arvind_khadri screams its mentioned it the official forums too that have twice the size of your ram as swap12:09
neetoNekoKun: well to run most apps you need some gtk/kde stuff, like any python programs or amarok, which is kde...12:09
finekwhat can i do when only one of speakers works and another one isnt?12:09
KirbyI am talking about GUI, gui in ubuntu is slower than in windows xp- browsing files, opening jpgs, text...12:09
crashanddiejosh_, swap isn't used at that point12:09
ruewani just instaled hardy12:09
neetodagon_: flux is icky12:09
Jookia /media/disk-1/home/jookia/.Trash = permission denied.12:09
ruewanmy hard drive has been going nonstop since i installed it12:09
obnibolongoamerio, well, which wireless card do you have?12:09
Kirbycase_: what features???12:09
josh_ifireball: thanks.12:09
dagon_neeto; can't be worse than xfce12:09
finekJookia, sudo12:09
crashanddieJookia, because you mounted it and don't have write perms on the mount point12:09
Jookiahow do I sudo thefile browser?12:09
amerio<obnibolongo> Atheros AR242x12:09
neetodagon_: that's where you're wrong good sir.12:09
NekoKundagon_: Why 'worse than xfce'?12:09
dagon_Jookia; sudo nautilus12:10
obnibolongoamerio, ouch...12:10
Boredom_inclclimber: Are your speakesr built-in or are they plugged into a different soundcard?12:10
josh_ifireball:  do you think a 2GB swap would be fine as well?12:10
dagon_NekoKun; never liked xfce12:10
case_Kirby, about gui features, 3d desktop, font antialiasing, file preview, vector icons... etc...12:10
dagon_neeto; okey :p12:10
crashanddieJookia, mount /media/disk-1 -o remount,rw,umask=0 or something like that, check the man page12:10
Kirbycan I make ubuntu faster, disabling its so called features?12:10
tyranosthegeek , thx i ll try it12:10
amerio<obnibolongo> not supported?12:10
finekwhat can i do when only one of speakers works and another one isnt?12:10
JookiaKirby is a troll. I'm sure.12:10
james__Anyone else having audio problems? Mine sounds VERY grainy. This because of Pulse Audio?12:10
lclimberBoredom_inc they are built in, its a laptop12:10
NekoKundagon_: I never liked gnome... can't explain why...12:10
obnibolongoamerio, don't know, I had problems with an atheros a while ago, checking which one was12:10
tyranostehgeek, but the volume up key works12:10
ifireballjosh_: depends on what you're gonna be running, but generally with 4GB ram, yeah.12:10
flithmhey everyone, I just installed 8.04 here, and I don't get any 3d acceleration (nvidia) like I did with gutsy... anyone know what's going on?  The hardware drivers utility says it's detected "nvidia_new" but it's not in use12:10
neetoxfce is not ugly in the least12:10
Boredom_incjosh_: 2GB might even be a bit excessive but there is no harm in having one too big as long as you can spare the harddisk space12:10
case_Kirby, you sould try Xubuntu if you have an old hardware. less features, less needs.12:11
Glas`AwyrTrolls are usually looking for cybersex... ahem...12:11
josh_boredom_inc:i'd rather be safe than sorry.12:11
Glas`AwyrxChat looks like what I'm looking for. Thanks #Ubuntu.12:11
amerio<obnibolongo> used to work on gutsy ! but I made a fresh install for hardy and stopped working =)12:11
dagon_NekoKun; okey.. well xfce to me.. is too lightweight12:11
Kirbythough when scrolling pdf it;s superfast in ubuntu, I couldn't find such fast pdf viewer in windows12:11
case_Kirby, but Xubuntu comes with XFCE as Desktop manager, not Gnome...12:11
josh_ifireball:  what would/might require a bigger swap?12:11
ruewanhow do i tell what process is reading my hard drive12:11
mademelaughdagon_, so how many ram12:11
finekhow to reinstall audio drivers?12:11
ifireballBoredom_inc: actually there is harm in that, but not in a desktop scenario I guess12:12
JookiaI have one CD drive. I'm on Live CD right now. I need to burn the 8.04 cd.12:12
dagon_mademelaugh; one12:12
inspiredI just installed hardy. with desktop effects enabled the window titlebar is missing when a window loses focus. using an nvidia graphics card. anyone else seeing this?12:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about addon - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:12
mademelaughdagon_, how many megabytes12:12
ifireballjosh_: a heavily loaded server software like a database for example12:12
obnibolongoamerio, first of all, let me warn you, I told you that thing about IPv6 by mistake, I suppose I used the tab completion with the wrong nick ^^but anyway, I'll try to help you12:12
james__Is audio quality a known issue with Hardy?12:12
dagon_mademelaugh; count 'em yourselves12:12
NekoKunneeto: xUbuntu used a lot of space... and once I can't easilly uninstall packages (as it's easy in windows), I preffer to get a single minimal install and aptget it application by application12:12
tyranostehgeek, i need brightness buttons to work12:12
Boredom_incifireball: No you're going to make him doubt me :P12:13
dagon_mademelaugh; yourself*12:13
josh_ifireball:  ok thamks, now i know i'll be fine with 2, since i don't do anything like that.12:13
amerio<obnibolongo> no problem buddy , Im listening12:13
Kirbymaybe the default graphics driver in ubuntu is not good for my videocard?12:13
mademelaughdagon_, what? run free in terminal, mine is 256m12:13
Boredom_inclclimber: Look around in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting ... I'm not really sure what the problem is if it's not switching to the headphones... I assume it works in Windows or whatever your previous OS was?12:13
obnibolongoamerio, wait a minute or so12:13
case_Kirby, what videocard do you have?12:13
amerio<obnibolongo> take your time12:13
JookiaI have one CD drive. I'm on Live CD right now. I need to burn the 8.04 cd. Any ideas? I'm afriad my computer might explode if it tries to read the system from CD while burning a CD12:13
TasmaniakHi, since installing Hardy my disk usage (as in activity) is always around 60% and it's starting to worry me...is there likely something wrong?12:13
Kirbycase_: an old one NVIDIA GeForce MX-20012:13
dagon_mademelaugh; 1474012:14
flithmhey everyone, what's the ubuntu way of configuring xorg to use my nvidia driver?  Should I just edit the xorg.conf?12:14
tehgeektyranos, Oh, those buttons.  :P12:14
case_Kirby, you probably have to install the nvidia propretary driver to get decent video acceleration...12:14
latarskywould torrent be faster or a downloader like prozilla or flashget ?12:14
DracoZAflithm, tried nvidia-settings in a terminal ?12:14
lclimberBoredom_inc yes, it works on windows, thanx anyways12:14
Boredom_incjookia: Lol why are you on the live CD and download the 8.04 CD?12:14
JookiaI have one CD drive. I'm on Live CD right now. I need to burn the 8.04 cd.12:14
mademelaughdagon_, 1.4g? ram? then gnome kde you can choose whatever you want12:14
Kirbycase_: acceleration? do you mean d3d ogl stuff?12:14
ifireballbtw, since games were mentioned, does anybody here knows of a nice fast FPS which isn't network-deathmatch-oriented?12:15
obnibolongoTasmaniak, desktop search? Check for Indexing service...12:15
JookiaIt's a long story, upgrade from alt-cd mounted broke 7.10 on HDD, recovering data onto flash drive using Live CD, now up to this problem.12:15
josh_ifireball:  so if i'm at the partition preparations screen of my ubuntu install, in addition to my swap what do i need to create (other than my Ubuntu partition) and what do i mount where?12:15
flithmDracoZA: it's not installed :)  so what's the deal, the last ubuntu version automatically detected my nvidia card and gave me compiz and stuff, but not 8.04?12:15
Boredom_incifireball: do they even exist :P12:15
case_Kirby, opengl only on linux, but yes, that's what i mean. but it also benefits to 2d rendering12:15
DracoZAflithm, I'm installing as we speak so I cant tell you yet :)12:15
Glas`AwyrOkay #Ubuntu, I am now running Linux on my laptop.12:15
ifireballBoredom_inc: they used to >_>12:15
Tasmaniakobnibolongo: I thought of that, but it says Tracker is idle.12:16
dagon_mademelaugh; say what? :P it's 14.7 meg12:16
tyranosso none knows how to get all the fn keys to work12:16
ifireballjosh_: you need a /home partition12:16
tyranosmaybe i need keytouchd12:16
mademelaughdagon_, what? i cannot believe that? try run less /proc/meminfo now12:16
josh_ifireball:  i will put that on my ntfs data partition, so it get backed up.12:16
bXidoes anyone know the difference between vanilla firefox and ubuntu firefox?12:16
PordCan any1 help me with a problem im having with my xorg and graphics card.... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4789067#post478906712:16
obnibolongoTasmaniak, I've never found a good util to see what's accessing a disk, I usually nailed them (disk (ab)users) at using top... If you find a better app tell me!12:16
Boredom_incjosh_: You said you would play windows games... make a separate partition and mount it as /windows (Here you can install games that are windows only) mind you save some space for linux games on the linux partition12:16
Kirbycase_: I'll download it later at night. What else can I do to make Ubuntu faster (1. XFce 2. NV driver ...)12:17
Glas`AwyrI have encountered my first "problem": A Restricted Drivers warning has appeared. It is telling me that my wireless network card driver is proprietary. Is this a real problem?12:17
Boredom_incjosh_: Actually you can mount it as anything.. "/games" might be more appropriate12:17
NekoKunThere's no Ubuntu version of netinst and business card installer?12:17
gluerQ: how do i change the default icons, such as folder icons?12:17
dagon_mademelaugh; what difference was it supposed to make? it's still 14.7 meg free, I'm running vmware at desktop 2, that explains it12:17
josh_boredom_inc:  games will be on the computer i'm building this summer.  my laptop can't play games well.12:17
obnibolongoamerio, you had it working before how? ndiswrapper?12:18
ifireballjosh_: not a very good idea I'm afraid, since NTFS isn't 100% compatible with Linux, you better make a separate ext3-formatted partition for /home and back it up with Linux tools12:18
ameriogluer: u need to install a new icons , then copy them to ".icons" folder in Home directory12:18
mademelaughdagon_, hmm, that expains it12:18
mediacenterCiao a tutti12:18
amerio<obnibolongo> I had it working without ndiswrapper12:18
case_Kirby, try nvdriver first. and don't download it form the nvidia website. you should find dozen of tutorial on how to set it up on the ubuntu forum...12:18
obnibolongoamerio, which driver?12:18
kernandoHelllo is there a way to enable a wireless connection and a lan connection at the same time in ubuntu?12:18
mediacenterc'è qualcuno che può aiutarmi con una scheda Pinnacle?12:18
dagon_mademelaugh; sorry if I confused you :)12:18
obnibolongoamerio, out-of-the-box?12:18
Boredom_incjosh_: Ahh ok... So this computer you're using now already has windows. Yeah it's probably best to create a separate /home partition like ifireball said.12:19
wild_oscargluer: System > Preferences > Theme > Customize > Icons.12:19
Kirbycase_: not from website???12:19
mademelaughdagon_, indeed12:19
amerio<obnibolongo> the same one but I really have no idea how it worked before12:19
josh_ifireball:  i thought linux could read and write ntfs.  what problems does it have?  how big can home partitions get?12:19
case_Kirby, all these stuff are in the ubuntu repositories, so you don't need to trust a third party website12:19
case_Kirby, how many RAM do you have in this PC ?12:19
ifireballjosh_: the security scheme for example is completely different12:19
JPSmoncan someone help me with some module drivers?12:20
josh_boredom_inc:  my data partition has no os on it.  xp and vista have their own partitions, and my data has its own partition as well.12:20
Boredom_incjosh_: It can read and writes NTFS... I use it all the time because my brother keeps the music on the windows partition. I've never encountered troubles but technically linux isn't 100% NTFS compatible.12:20
Kirbycase_: 768MB, so how do I install a better driver then?12:20
JPSmonlike how to install and uninstall them?12:20
sn0rlaxhi... I just installed server 8.04 i386. and mysqld_safe is using 100% cpu. funny thing is, there are no databases in mysql yet...12:20
inspiredanyone gotten flash working on Hardy AMD64?12:20
ifireballjosh_: Linux uses the UNIX 12bit permission scheme while NTFS uses complex ACLs12:20
kernandodoes anyone knonw how to? i want to connect to my other computer while still connected to the internet??12:20
Boredom_incoh yeah and the security is different. Linux can delete whatever it feels like from NTFS12:20
gluerwild_oscar: i dont have themes in my menu, just appearance12:20
obnibolongoamerio, well... use forums or google for it, it's the best I can say you... Use http://www.savagehamsters.com/?p=55 for a quickstart12:20
josh_boredom_inc: would you recommend putting my home directory on a data only ntfs partition?12:20
amerio<obnibolongo> how about madwifi do u think its gonna work?12:21
josh_ifireball:  would it be ok if i don't plan to encrypt anything?12:21
ifireballjosh_: no12:21
Boredom_incjosh_: Probably not. I'd recommend it's own ext3 partition.12:21
Tasmaniakobnibolongo: I had a look with top as suggested, and I think it may have been the mythtv-backend, I killed the process and it seemed to quieten down a bit. Thanks.12:21
Glas`AwyrQuestion #3: I understand there is an incredibly easy way to install software (sudo something...) where can I find out more about that?12:21
sn0rlaxanyone else having problems w/ mysqld_safe maxing out cpu? ( no databases loaded even )12:21
josh_ifireball: how big can a home directory get?12:21
ifireballjosh_: the different permission scheme may cause all kinds of unexpected problems for various programs12:21
MarV-can someone name me the tool witch installs newest nvidia driver automaticly?12:21
MarV-ahh right thanks12:22
Boredom_incjosh_: In fact if you want you could mount the ext3 home directory in windows. I do this also... mind you windows has even less support for ext3 than linux has for NTFS. I did it mostly cause it looks cool :P12:22
obnibolongoamerio, can't tell you without having messed with that Atheros in particular more... Which I haven't :) (a firend of mine had that wireless card and I gave up trying to make it work on 7.10 :P)12:22
tyranosMarV-, the tool is named envy12:22
=== Griverr is now known as Griver
ifireballjosh_: depends on what you put in it, this is where all your documents/files/music/video/settings goes to by default12:22
wild_oscargluer: then I don't know12:22
obnibolongoamerio: Google, Forums, and you'll find something. The page I told you had windows drivers which worked well with ndiswrapper :)12:22
amerio<obnibolongo> I'll try to mess things up now ! if I make it work I'll let you know how ;)12:22
obnibolongoamerio, good luck :)12:22
wild_oscargluer: appearence12:23
VillarroelWhy there aren't jigdo files for 8.04 desktop?12:23
wild_oscartheme -customize12:23
obnibolongoTasmaniak, you welcome :)12:23
amerio<obnibolongo> thanx mate12:23
wild_oscaryou have icons there12:23
Boredom_incGlas`Awyr: You mean 'sudo apt-get install <packagename>'?12:23
obnibolongoamerio, :)12:23
josh_boredom_inc:  could i mount my ext3 directory in my ntfs data partition?  i don't care if windows can't read it.12:23
case_Kirby, you only need to install packages from the package manager (synaptic) .  you can try to install the package nvidia-settings, it should eventualy set it up to you, but i'm not 100% positive on that point...12:23
wild_oscarbtw, can anyone check if "help" works on appearence?12:23
MarV-are there any problems with envy in 8.04?12:23
mademelaugh!ext3 | josh_12:24
ubotujosh_: ext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org12:24
iKarI need help please !!!12:24
wild_oscarsystem -preferences - appearance - help12:24
wild_oscarmine does not work12:24
mademelaughiKar, ask, sir12:24
nullkuhlguys,, just installed hardy heron ,, got an ati x1800 mob radeon, activated restricted driver,, when enabling effects the whole system freezes pls advice !!12:24
neetoWhat's an alternative to VMWare that's open source?12:24
goppany one know if wubi works with a external dtive12:24
obnibolongoneeto, VirtualBox12:24
Riot777anyone here got maybe Leadtek Winfast TV2000 XP tv tuner?12:24
case_Kirby, setting up the proprietary driver for nvidia videocard is one of the most documented question on ubuntu, i'm not the most qualified to help you...12:24
obnibolongoneeto, but really depends on what you want to do12:24
eth01morning :)12:24
mademelaughneeto, yep12:25
Kirbycase_: should XFCE be installed from apt-get also?12:25
case_Kirby, yes12:25
Zarin8.04 installer problem: I'm using the Live CD installer but when I get to the partition step the list contains nothing and all the buttons are disabled. Does anyone know anything about this bug?12:25
obnibolongoneeto, for example, setting up an connectin which is not NAT is a bitch in Linux12:25
josh_mademelaugh:then what was Boredome_inc talking about?12:25
mademelaugh!xfce | Kirby12:25
ubotuKirby: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels12:25
obnibolongoneeto, though Ubuntu wiki is very helpful :)12:25
Boredom_incjosh_: I'm getting a bit lost as to what you are asking now... Just make a ext3 partition and mount it as /home ... You can back it up when you backup your NTFS partition.12:25
nullkuhlguys,, just installed hardy heron ,, got an ati x1800 mob radeon, activated restricted driver,, when enabling effects the whole system freezes pls advice !!12:25
jtravnickwild_oscar, not working here12:25
mademelaughjosh_, sorry but you know the channel is so busy12:25
ubotuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD12:25
wild_oscarjtravnick: cheers, I'll submit a bug then12:25
LainIwakuraHello, can someone help me with my Internet connection? The network seems to be down, and I can't get it to detect an available wireless network.12:26
case_Kirby, you have a meta-package called xubuntu-desktop which will install all the packages related to the XFCE desktop...12:26
case_Kirby, but it will take a lot of disk space...12:26
NekoKunthere's no 8.04 minimal...12:26
mademelaughless than gnome...:p12:26
iKarwhen I try to boot live cd It says The display server has been shut down for about 6 times In the last 90 sec Its likely smthng bad happened"12:26
iKarand everything stops12:26
tabenxI've been searching google for hours and i cant seem to find something similar to both alltray and mail-notification for Evolution. For the most part all i want is to be able to minimize Evolution to tray but with a program that works with compiz-fusion, as alltray does not. Any suggestions?12:27
josh_Boredome_inc:  "<Boredom_inc>josh_: In fact if you want you could mount the ext3 home directory in windows. I do this also... mind you windows has even less support for ext3 than linux has for NTFS. I did it mostly cause it looks cool"  what do you mean by mounting the ext3 home directory in windows?12:27
case_mademelaugh, i mean, having xubuntu-desktop and ubuntu-desktop is a little bit too much :)12:27
nullkuhlguys,, just installed hardy heron ,, got an ati x1800 mob radeon, activated restricted driver,, when enabling effects the whole system freezes pls advice !!12:27
chazcoHi... anyone know if there is a HCL for 8.04? (checking if a Nova-T USB2 stick will work)12:27
jtravnickwild_oscar, did you do fresh install or upgrade? I did an upgrade12:27
Boredom_incAnyways, back to the question I came here to ask... does anybody know of any firefox plugin or something of that nature that views PDFs inside the browser other than the Adobe plugin12:27
mademelaughcase_, indeed, x isn't important, though12:27
banshedoes anyone run k8m800 via grphx card smoothly in fiesty or hardy?12:27
iKarwhen I try to boot live cd It says The display server has been shut down for about 6 times In the last 90 sec Its likely smthng bad happened" help!12:27
iKarwhen I try to boot live cd It says The display server has been shut down for about 6 times In the last 90 sec Its likely smthng bad happened"12:27
Kirbyis there a way to always run everything from root?12:27
ifireballBoredom_inc: Evince does that for me12:28
bansheat least 2D working smoothly would be great12:28
iKarwhen I try to boot live cd It says The display server has been shut down for about 6 times In the last 90 sec Its likely smthng bad happened" help?12:28
iKarwhen I try to boot live cd It says The display server has been shut down for about 6 times In the last 90 sec Its likely smthng bad happened"?12:28
case_Kirby, do you mean "is there a way to screw everything fast?" :)12:28
wild_oscarjtravnick: an upgrade12:28
Kirbycase_: I'm not afraid12:28
case_Kirby, don't do that. use sudo12:28
iKarwhen I try to boot live cd It says The display server has been shut down for about 6 times In the last 90 sec Its likely smthng bad happened" help?12:28
grimsqueaker13when i connect to a vnc server my keyboard input is completely garbled - does anyone know what i can do to fix this? i have check the -fp setting i think it is correct12:28
ifireballBoredom_inc: not sure how the Ubuntu folks did that, probably using moz-plugger12:28
ZariniKar, stop spamming12:28
wild_oscarjtravnick: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/22183112:28
makkbeiKar: boot in safe graphics mode12:28
Boredom_incifireball: Why doesn't it do it for me :( ubuntu 8.0412:28
albechanyone know how to delete all smtp information in Thunderbird?12:28
wild_oscarif you can confirm it12:28
Kirbycase_: I have enter the pass each time anyway. what's the difference? it takes more time12:28
nullkuhlguys,, just installed hardy heron ,, got an ati x1800 mob radeon, activated restricted driver,, when enabling effects the whole system freezes pls advice !!12:29
iKarTHX FINNALY :8( why that happens?12:29
Kirbycase_: and I have backups, please teach me that12:29
wild_oscaranyone with a fresh install of hardy can confirm, please?12:29
ifireballBoredom_inc: not sure, what happens when you click on a PDF?12:29
mademelaughBoredom_inc, what is it12:29
makkbeiKar: incompatible graphics card or something12:29
case_Kirby, you can use "sudo -s" which will give you a root shell. but use with care.12:29
jtravnickwild_oscar, k will confirm it now12:29
makkbecan be due to tons of things12:29
Kirbycase_: how's that?12:29
Glas`AwyrAnyone here use xChat on Ubuntu?12:29
nullkuhlguys,, just installed hardy heron ,, got an ati x1800 mob radeon, activated restricted driver,, when enabling effects the whole system freezes pls advice !!12:30
nullkuhlguys,, just installed hardy heron ,, got an ati x1800 mob radeon, activated restricted driver,, when enabling effects the whole system freezes pls advice !!12:30
tailsfanI do12:30
wild_oscardoes anyone have a working fresh install of hardy?12:30
Kirbycase_: I just run sudo -s and it never asks for password anymore?12:30
snpneed a bit of help with a wireless card, its a d-link DWL-510 (Rev.C), i installed the windows driver using ndiswrapper, the card can detect my wireless network, but i cant connect to it12:30
HSNewswhich plugin for 'mc' for syntax highlighting?12:30
snpanyone know why?12:30
nullkuhlwild_oscar: i do12:30
wild_oscarthat can check a broken link - takes 20 seconds12:30
HSNewsfor Mc`s Editor (F4)12:30
wild_oscarnullkuhl: can you please check this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/22183112:30
tabenxI've been searching google for hours and i cant seem to find something similar to both alltray and mail-notification for Evolution. For the most part all i want is to be able to minimize Evolution to tray but with a program that works with compiz-fusion, as alltray does not. Any suggestions?12:30
wild_oscarnullkuhl: System - Preferences - Appearance - click help12:30
xeeHi, is there a common solution for the "Could not calculate upgrade" problem?12:30
case_Kirby, you run sudo -s and you have a shell run as root, so all the commands run in this shell will be runned as root...12:30
iKarwill ubuntu work then on my x1950pro if it cant boot :(12:30
wild_oscarnullkuhl: and check if Help opens or if it's broken12:31
Glas`Awyrtailsfan: I'm not sure where to actually download xChat from. To me, the xChat website suggests it is available for Windows or Fedora.12:31
Boredom_incifireball: It just brings up the save as dialog12:31
_Diego_hello, what do u recommend: Upgrade gutsy to hardy or do a clean install?12:31
Kirbycase_: cool, thanks (i have been root in windows for like 5 years anyway =) )12:31
JPSmonanyone else on here using rt2500?12:31
tailsfanGlas, where do you want it at, Windows, Ubuntu?12:31
nullkuhlwild_oscar: DAMN <, its true !!12:31
Boredom_incifireball: I had a very delayed response there, girlfriend rang :P12:31
tailsfanI'm trying JPSMon12:31
iKar(1:30:47 PM) iKar: will ubuntu work then on my x1950pro if it cant boot :(12:31
HardyOneGlas`Awyr: sudp apt-get install xchat-common or use Synaptic Package manager From System menu12:31
grimsqueaker13anyone for that vnc issue? keyboard input garbled when im logged into to gnome using tightvncserver12:31
saitoCould someone help me with installing ndiswrapper.. it refuses to work without it i can't hammer my wireless into submission :r12:31
taggie_Diego_ hardy clean install12:31
JPSmonor should I say not using it :OP12:31
tailsfanbut I'm compiling as I type12:31
case_Kirby, no you haven't. window's administrator as less power than root... be carefull.12:31
JPSmontailsfan: any luck?12:31
wild_oscarnullkuhl: can you please confirm the bug in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/221831 ?12:32
guitarj1dI have a Hardy troubleshooting question12:32
tailsfanIt's not done yet12:32
Kirbycase_: what can go wrong? will pc blow up?12:32
`mIRC`hi ... what is the different between althernet and desktop?12:32
guitarj1dafter upgrading from Gutsy, my ati driver isn't working properly12:32
ifireballBoredom_inc: do you have Evince installed? was your system upgraded or clean-installed? did you use that same home directory with other systems/versions?12:32
Glas`Awyrtailsfan: I want to get xChat installed for Ubuntu and I want to do it the easiest way possible *grin*12:32
ken_fallonhi all12:32
`mIRC`hi ... what is the different between althernet and desktop?12:32
guitarj1dit won't allow me to adjust the screen resolution12:32
JPSmontailsfan: what isn't done yet?12:32
LainIwakuraHello, does anyone know how I can get the b43 driver to work with my broadcom chipset? The wiki page doesn't help.12:32
jtravnickwild_oscar, how do i confirm just add a comment?12:32
snpneed a bit of help with a wireless card, its a d-link DWL-510 (Rev.C), i installed the windows driver using ndiswrapper, the card can detect my wireless network, but i cant connect to it, anyone know why, its using WPA security, all info for the connection is right(i belive)12:32
case_Kirby, you can hardly delete kernel32.dll beeing Administrator. you can delete the linux kernel beeing root. double check every "rm" or "mv" or "cp" or anything you do...12:32
JPSmonLianIwakura:  the wiki where?12:32
saitopushd ndiswrapper-*/12:33
saitosudo make uninstall12:33
saitosudo make install12:33
FloodBot2saito: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:33
`mIRC`hi ... what is the different between althernet and desktop?12:33
LainIwakuraJPSmon: in Ubuntu12:33
saitotoo many spaces ~_~  sorry12:33
HardyOneGlas`Awyr: sudp apt-get install xchat-common or use Synaptic Package manager From System menu12:33
Kirbycase_: oh, ok thanks for warning.12:33
gerroexcuse me where can I get torrent for xubuntu 8.04?12:33
ifireballBoredom_inc: when in doubt, make the clean-user test, make a new clean Ubuntu user with an empty home, log into it and see how it behaves12:33
LainIwakuraJPSmon: Namely, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Hardy12:33
sipiorgerro: check the channel topic12:33
HardyOnegerro: releases.ubuntu.com12:33
Glas`Awyrgerro: Topic?12:33
case_Kirby, basicaly it's a bad habit to be root all the time. use root account only when realy needed.12:33
`mIRC`hi ... what is the different between althernet and desktop?12:33
Boredom_incifireball: Was upgraded unfortunately but I keep it pretty clean. Although it being due to the upgrade makes sense.12:33
sipior`mIRC`: what's an althernet?12:34
nullkuhlwild_oscar: done ..12:34
grimsqueaker13anyone for that vnc issue? keyboard input garbled when im connected into to gnome using tightvncserver12:34
DracoZAhe means alternate12:34
raj1my grub entry shows development version still12:34
HardyOnesipior: he means alternate cd12:34
NekoKungerro: xubuntu website12:34
saitoCould someone help me out with nsidwrapper:  Leaving directory `/home/saito/Installer stuff/ndiswrapper-1.52/driver' make: *** [install] Error 212:34
`mIRC`sipior> . ubuntu-8.04-alternate-i386.iso and ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso12:34
ifireballBoredom_inc: could be mozilla-plugin related settings in your home dir, do the clean user test12:34
Kirbycase_: I just started learning and need to enter that password like 100 times a day or more, that's tiring. so when I learn enough I'll stop this habit12:34
NekoKunHow can I add drivers to hardy's mini.iso?12:34
sipiorHardyOne: DracoZA thanks. i thought maybe i was becoming dyslexic12:34
raj1did all users get to final through upgrade ?12:34
iKarthx guy 4 having time to talk :)12:34
HardyOneSipingal: you aer12:34
wild_oscarnullkuhl: cheers12:34
Glas`AwyrIs this correct?: sudp apt-get install xchat-common12:34
`mIRC`sipior> . ubuntu-8.04-alternate-i386.iso and ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso12:35
HardyOnesipior: yuo aer12:35
Boredom_incifireball: I'll worry about it later cause I should be drawing a java class diagram for uni. But test user sounds like a good idea.12:35
Glas`AwyrI was expecting sudo12:35
damo22`mIRC` the alternate disc is for textmode installs... if you dont need to do anything fancy, just get the desktop cd12:35
`mIRC`sipior> . ubuntu-8.04-alternate-i386.iso and ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso.....what is the different between them?12:35
HardyOneGlas`Awyr: yes12:35
raj1anyone ?12:35
nullkuhlwild_oscar: i found 2 other bugs !12:35
grimsqueaker13anyone for that vnc issue? keyboard input garbled when im connected into to gnome using tightvncserver12:35
HardyOneGlas`Awyr: yeah sudo not sudp12:35
iKardoes hardy support ati :)12:35
`mIRC`<damo22> thanks12:35
wild_oscarnullkuhl: where?12:35
crashanddieGlas`Awyr, only for sudp instead of sudo part, yes12:35
ifireballBoredom_inc: have fun diagraming... what are you using for that btw?12:35
gerroah I found it thanks12:35
case_Kirby, you're learning? when you learn, you always finish by typing somthing stupide like "rm * ~" (instead of rm *~ for example). and then you learn (the hard way) thant you don't *want* to be root all the time :)12:35
crashanddieGlas`Awyr, you can find a package using sudo aptitude search NAME12:35
ricanelitewhat is the plugins do I need to have installed so if I head over to a site like computeramerica.com and stream out to listen to there audio shows12:36
iKardoes hardy support ati :)12:36
tyranosi need help with the fn keys on my laptop plz12:36
guitarj1diKar, the restricted driver worked for me in gutsy12:36
ricanelitebecause I could watch youtube videos/google videos12:36
rysiek|plguys, what was the name of the app that allowed to create remixed Ubuntu ISOs12:36
nullkuhlwild_oscar: not with buttons this time,, but 1 with the hostname file,, i change my pcs hostname after installation and then after restart system goes 100% unresponsive ! tilll i went to recovery mode and switched it back to the one choosed at installation12:36
=== desti_T2 is now known as desti
guitarj1diKar, but I can't get it to work in Hardy12:36
Boredom_incifireball: Nothing as of yet... I was in the middle of asking if anybody knew of any good software for UML diagrams... I usually just draw them in GIMP or something stupid like that.12:36
snpneed a bit of help with a wireless card, its a d-link DWL-510 (Rev.C), i installed the windows driver using ndiswrapper, the card can detect my wireless network, but i cant connect to it, anyone know why, its using WPA security, all info for the connection is right(i belive)12:36
Kirbycase_: well even I delete the whole kernel, I won't worry much =)12:36
ifireballBoredom_inc: try dia12:36
Boredom_incifireball: Thanks12:37
case_Kirby, are you that deseperate? :))12:37
rungssguys is it safe to upgrade to 8.04 TLS from 7.10??12:37
BrianB04Good morning all.12:37
saitoSomeone who could help me with installing ndiswrapper (or has other idea to hammer my usb wireless thingie into submission) please PM12:37
grimsqueaker13anyone for that vnc issue? keyboard input garbled when im connected into to gnome using tightvncserver12:37
nullkuhlwild_oscar: the second one , is with the effects, after enabling the restricted driver for my ati card then enabled effects works for 3 seconds then FULL SYSTEM Freeze ,, not even responsive to power button12:37
crashanddierungss, yes, of course12:37
Kirbycase_: I have the installation cd right here, it will take no more than 15 mins to install it back =)12:37
wild_oscarnullkuhl: did u change hostname in nm-applet?12:37
case_Kirby, anyway, it's never too early to have good habits.12:37
rungsscrashhanddie: Thanks I have already started upgrading it..12:37
Boredom_incrungss: I did and everything is all good ... err I had to fiddle around with my sound a bit but that might have just been my system. Although some people prefer a clean install.12:37
nullkuhlno.. i changed host name by editing /etc/hostname file12:38
iKarguitarJ1D:do u know how to make the mwork12:38
rungsswas a littlew concerned if anything goes wrong12:38
Kirbycase_: agreed12:38
wild_oscarnullkuhl: graphics are always a pain...12:38
Glas`AwyrOkay. Command accepted merrily, but now I am being asked for my password "[sudo] password for myusername:" but no input is being accepted.12:38
nullkuhlwild_oscar:i seriously regret waiting and downloading hardy12:38
guitarj1diKar, that's what I'm trying to find out12:38
crashanddieBoredom_inc, do you know bouml ? It's far from making very nice UML diagrams, but they are 100% valid, and 100% complete, it also allows you to export in plenty formats (html, latex) and generate the code signatures for Java/C++/PHP12:38
HardyOneGlas`Awyr: you will not see any input but type it in and hit enter it will work12:38
_Rambaldi_its just invisible thats all Glas`Awyr12:38
JPSmontailsfan: any luck with the rt2500 ?12:38
snpneed help with a wireless network, using windows driver via ndiswrapper, pm me please!12:38
Glas`AwyrOkay... it worked!12:38
crashanddieBoredom_inc, there's also netbeans that allows to do very nice UML, but I've tested it thoroughly12:38
HardyOneGlas`Awyr: it is a security feature12:38
ricanelitewhat is ubuntu restricted apps that i need to install so i could listen to audio streams that use windows media player12:39
iKarguitarj1d:have u downloaded ati drivers from their website12:39
chazcoAnyone know why the Hardy live CD is in such a low resolution? Gusty used to give 1024x768... this seems to be 640x48012:39
JPSmonsnp: what is your driver?12:39
HardyOne!wma | ricanelite12:39
uboturicanelite: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:39
rungssI won't be able to use my Firefox plugins I gues...???12:39
Boredom_inccrashhandle: I'll take a look, thanks12:39
guitarj1diKar, no i just used the restricted driver downloaded automatically12:39
ifireballnullkuhl: since you changed your /etc/hostname file your /etc/hosts file is probably is probably out of sync with it, which may cause all kinds of trouble12:39
snpits for a d-link DWL-510 (Rev.C)12:39
guitarj1dI didn't think ati provided linux drivers12:39
nullkuhlifireball: yea may be it was my mistake then,, but the graphics problem is killing me12:39
JPSmonyou see, ubuntu put out a faulty wireless driver on release so that we wouldn't over load the server :OP12:40
iKarguitarj1d:hmm try to down it ati provides linux drivers go on theyr www.ati.com12:40
sanguisdexguitarj1d:  the do and if you can get them to work they do pretty good12:40
JPSmonsnp: what is your chipset?12:40
Boredom_incrungss: All my firefox work except my gmail manager12:40
nullkuhlifireball: i just downloaded the restricted driver then enabled effects,, works exactly for 3 seconds then total system freeze !12:40
snphang on12:40
JPSmonmy nVidia worked fine in 7.10 - why won't it work here?12:40
HSNewswhich tar options I can unpack bz2 archive?12:41
sanguisdexis there a way to upgrade using the live CD?12:41
rungssBoredom_inc: You are using Firefox 3 Beta 5 or did you revert back to Firefox 2??12:41
VitdomHow do you navigate backwards in the terminal?12:41
crashanddieJPSmon, I don't have any problems with the drivers, did you activate the restricted drivers ?12:41
craigbass1976Why have I got an /etc/samba/ folder, but no /etc/init.d/ entry ?12:41
iKareverybody has problem with graphic card ????12:41
banshevia k8m80012:41
ifireballnullkuhl: well, try fixing the /etc/hosts problem first and see what happens (in Linux graphics == networking...)12:41
guitarj1diKar, downloading now, will let you know12:41
kebabI'm trying to set up vmware server on ubuntu 8.04. It asks me: "What is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running kernel? [/usr/src/linux/include]" Any idea what the correct directory might be?12:41
JPSmonsanguisdex: no, you have to use the alternate install CD12:41
JPSmoncrashanddie: I mean for dual monitoring12:42
sanguisdex re downlaodingnow12:42
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs12:42
iKarguitarj1d: yeah try it wich graph card uv got ?12:42
banshekebab, hope u have the linux-sources package installed.12:42
nullkuhlifireball: the network problem already fixed i switched back the original hostname12:42
guitarj1diKar, 960012:42
chazcoAnyone know why the Hardy live CD is in such a low resolution? Gusty used to give 1024x768... this seems to be 640x48012:42
crashanddieJPSmon, dunno then12:42
ifireballnullkuhl: total freezes are typically roted in hardware problems though, could your system be overheating?12:42
damo22how can i install xmms in hardy?12:42
JPSmonchazco: whats your graphics card?12:42
crashanddiekebab, that's the right answer12:43
iKarguitarj1d: I have x1950 pro and I had boot problems did U?12:43
nullkuhlifireball: but the system doesnt freeze unless i use the wobble windows effect,,12:43
crashanddiekebab, defaults usually work12:43
kebabcrashanddie: It'd not the right answer12:43
chazcoJPSmon - Its an onboard nvidia card... gives 1024x768 on gusty cd, 1440x900 on gusty with drivers... 640x480 on Hardy...12:43
ifireballnullkuhl: does the system work right without effects? say, using the restricted driver and playing a 3D game?12:43
kebabbanshe: where do I get linux-sources?12:43
ifireballnullkuhl: the wobble is one of the more demanding effects afaik12:43
nullkuhla 3d game ? have none currently12:44
guitarj1diKar, no problem with boot, but I can't adjust screen resolution and the shut down screen colors are all messed up12:44
chazcoJPSmon - Hopefully the drivers will be available when installed, but making install tricky :)12:44
banshekebab, synaptic12:44
nullkuhlifireball: works fine without effects !12:44
JPSmonchazco : and annoying yeah12:44
Boredom_incrungss: Massively delayed response but I'm using firefox 3 beta.... If I were you I wouldn't revert back it's great.12:44
iKarguitarj1d : yea I will install hardy 2day so Im worried about my grap cad:(12:44
crashanddiekebab, install the kernel headers like someone pointed out, they'll get installed in the default directory12:44
damo22  xmms: Depends: libglib1.2 (>= 1.2.0) but it is not going to be installed12:44
JPSmonI propose there should be a different chat room for video problems and a different chat room for wireless card problems12:44
Glas`AwyrIf I'm using "supo apt-get install xchat-common" and getting back "E: Couldn't find package xhcat-common", might I be needing to download something?12:44
tehgeekGwar.  Anyone have any trouble getting the "Debian" menu to show up in the applications menu?12:45
chazcoJPSmon - Sounds like a good idea... having partioning issues now12:45
wigrenwhere do i fine the utility to increase the screen brightness12:45
kebabbanshe: linux-sources isn't a package12:45
rungss73 Packages are going to be removed12:45
rungss196 new Packages are going to be installed12:45
tehgeekI've tried using "update-menus," using alacarte, and everything, and no luck.12:45
rungss1108 packages are going to be upgraded12:45
rungssYou have to download a total of 1070M This download will take about 11 hours12:45
kebabcrashanddie: What package?12:45
FloodBot2rungss: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:45
mohamed_hello all white download ubuntu it interupped and the download site not respond can i complate download from another mirror or this affect downloaded data ?12:45
Oprtzwhen i play dvd in mplayer it shows this error "  Fatal Error, Error opening/initializing the selected video_out (-vo) device. " what to do ?12:45
guitarj1diKar, yeah my screen resolution is at 1920x1200, kind of hard to see on a 17 inch screen,  I have the driver file downloaded12:45
DracoZAlol @ rungss12:45
Boredom_incrungss: lol what internet?12:45
banshekebab, install that deb from synaptic12:45
guitarj1diKar, any idea how to install it  *.run?12:45
ifireballnullkuhl: try working a while with the most basic effects setting, see if if freezes after a while (when opening lots of windows or something)12:45
JPSmontehgeek - hail gwar12:45
Zarin8.04 installer problem: I'm using the Live CD installer but when I get to the partition step the list contains nothing and all the buttons are disabled. Does anyone know anything about this bug?12:45
tehgeekJPSmon, K, now how to fix my problem.  xD12:46
iKarguitarj1d: do u know good website with ubuntu commands..are u in ubuntu now?12:46
bXiwhy does firefox 3b5 mess up my DPI12:46
kebabbanshe: synaptic doens;t find any package called linux-sources12:46
rungss1040 M thats about a GB12:46
JPSmondie for Oderous12:46
JPSmon<---- knows nothing about debian12:46
pere_plese help, I don kow why my sistem ferr12:46
banshekebab, may be linux-source or kernel-source?12:46
tehgeekJPSmon, If you know anything about Ubuntu, then you know SOMETHING about Debian ;)12:46
DracoZAHold thumbs im about to boot up for the first time after installing12:46
pere_freze a lot12:46
rungssWhat should I do??12:46
rhineheart_manybody here who could tell me an experience of heron in server environment?12:47
tehgeekJPSmon, But Debian isn't really an issue, it's just the "Debian" applications menu that I can't get to show up on my main menu.12:47
case_debian: ubuntu not for human beeings :)12:47
gordmohamed_: best way is to use bittorrent, really12:47
guitarj1diKar, I'm using 7.10 but still kind of new at it to be honest, whenever I have a problem just check the forums,  I have a good unix cheet sheet thoughhttp://blog.lxpages.com/ultimate_linux.html12:47
crashanddiekebab, sudo apt-get install linux-kernel-headers12:47
usernamedHi all, is this the right place to ask a question about getting a Belkin USB wireless device working?12:47
JPSmongood luck DravoZA12:47
JPSmongood luck DracoZA12:47
pere_plese help, I don kow why my sistem fereze a lot, can  I find a system doctor" to see what happen??12:47
mohamed_gord this mean to start from begining :)12:47
Kirbyhow do I find out the name of the current display?12:47
crashanddiepere_, check the syslog12:48
mohamed_gord,  i already download moe than 600 MB12:48
JPSmonBelkin is the devil12:48
kebabcrashanddie: I already had the latest version12:48
damo22i had to download 1800mb for hardy upgrade12:48
iKarguitarj1d: Im new also and if it wont install .run tnn  I dont know :S12:48
gordmohamed_: yes, unfortunately, because most meathods dont resume from different places, BUT tell me "how" u downloaded it so far?12:48
wigreni just upgraded to 8.04 but i can not find how to adjust the brightness of my laptop monitor. any ideas?12:48
pere_sorry i'm not expert!12:48
banshethats y time and again i tell here dont use upgrade.12:48
kebabcrashanddie: and still "The path "/usr/src/linux/include" is not an existing directory."12:48
JPSmonUsernamed: here and the forums.   Belkin is the devil.  Offers NO software12:48
usernamedI'm beginning to believe Belkin are the devil, one model number (F5D7050) and 5 different chipsets...12:48
Boredom_incusernamed: Well forums are probably a better spot to search first, but people here can probably help12:48
mohamed_gord, i use wget -c ...url12:49
nullkuhlifireball: either with basic or massive effects when trying to move windows system freezes at once but when trying other effects like fading and minimizing effects works fine12:49
crashanddiekebab, ln -s /usr/src/`uname -r` /usr/src/linux12:49
Boredom_incLol I'm so confused why is everybodys upgrades bigger than the iso.... Mine wasn't Ls12:49
crashanddiekebab, sudo that12:49
JPSmonwonder if there is any local linux guru's I can hire in my town12:49
crashanddieJPSmon, what's your local town ?12:50
Kirbywhat should fps be in glxgears in norm?12:50
gordmohamed_:aha good. then u can probably save the file into the torrent location and it will pick it up fro there :)12:50
iKernelJPSmon which town are you in12:50
HardyOneJPSmon: you can become your local linux guru12:50
usernamedBasically, I'm running lsusb -v and getting the following two lines...12:50
gordmohamed_:it will find it and resume from maybe 80% (a guess)12:50
kebabcrashanddie: actually I think I have a different problem, need to go12:50
usernamediManufacturer           1 Manufacturer_Realtek12:50
usernamed  iProduct                2 Belkin Wireless G USB Adapter12:50
mohamed_thx, gord i will try12:50
crashanddiekebab, seems the symlink isn't there, have the same problem, issue what I said, should work12:51
ifireballnullkuhl: sounds like a bug... or a faulty GFX card12:51
usernamedI'm guessing Realtek do more than one chipset, how do I narrow down what I've got?12:51
HardyOneJPSmon: perhaps geeksquad is in your area ?12:51
iKernelusernamed, what problem do you have?12:51
xhamahxhello, i am using a dell m1330 laptop, when i installed ubuntu, i hav trouble using the internal mic, can anyone help me12:51
kebabcrashanddie: still "The path "/usr/src/linux/include" is not an existing directory." have to go now, sorry12:52
gordmohamed_: if not dont delete the file u have so far, it may be possible, just ask again if u have problems, someone will help, say u have incomplete wget-ed file and someone might have an idea :) w'salam12:52
usernamedlsusb shows the belkin device, but there's no wlan0 or other network device12:52
guitarj1diKar, installing I will let you know "Type "chmod +x example.run" (press enter).12:52
guitarj1d4.  Now type "./example.run", press enter, and the installer will run."12:52
LainIwakuraHello, can someone help me configure my broadcom chipset? The wiki page is not helpful. Thanks.12:52
crashanddiekebab, you must have messed up the command I gave you12:52
ifireballnullkuhl: try playing a game with effects off, I don't really know which 3D games are bundled with Ubuntu though, check the Add/Remove applet12:52
mohamed_thx gord, salam :)12:52
JPSmonHardyOne: geeksquad only installs stereos for rich old people12:53
Glas`AwyrI am apparently a failure.12:53
mademelaughLainIwakura, what does hwinfo say12:53
NekoKunCan I add drivers to hardy's mini.iso?12:53
marvxxxjust upgraded to hardy and my flash plugin in firefox doesnt have sound no more..any ideas?12:53
iKernelusernamed ah, is it the belkin wireless usb?12:53
Nuc134rB0tusernamed, type lspci12:53
usernamediKernel, It certainly is12:53
Pordany1 else having driver issues with ati graphics cards?12:53
Boredom_incmarvxxx: Does everything else have sound? eg. Totem etc.?12:53
HardyOneJPSmon: hehe is that so? I just remember seeing the cars on the road thinking I need to get a job with those guys12:53
harveydhow do you enable modules in apache installed in ubuntu?12:53
iKernelusernamed I doubt you'll have much luck with usb wireless, I'd recccommend buying a dlink card with an atheros chipset12:53
marvxxxBoredom_inc: yep...but i found a thread at forums12:54
harveydi remember it had a funny command line helped, but cant find / remember the name12:54
LainIwakuramademelaugh: i'm not booted in ubuntu now.. will ifconfig, iwconfig, lshw -C network, lspci, or lsmod suffice (those of which I have written down)12:54
ere4siNekoKun: the mini iso is the net install  - most apps are d/loaded12:54
HardyOneharveyd: restart apache after you add the modules to your .conf12:54
iKernelusernamed anything with an atheros chipset will do actually, best to get one that goes into PCI port12:54
xhamahxhello, i am using a dell m1330 laptop, when i installed ubuntu, i hav trouble using the internal mic, can anyone help me12:54
Boredom_incmarvxxx: lol ok12:54
NekoKunere4si: But I need some basic drivers... even to the wireless...12:54
usernamedthe case is such that the graphics card coolling hangs over the one remaining pci slot, no pci expansion possible :(12:54
snaskxhamahx, what soundcard do you got?12:54
iKernelusernamed and I know the nature of new linux users, they will fight trying to make their current hardware work instead of buying something else. but the better option is to go out and buy something else12:54
marvxxxBoredom_inc: i will check12:54
plagerismIs there anyway to automatically set the execute bit on oridinary files ala umask or any other means?12:54
crashanddiexhamahx, could be please explain more "having troubles" isn't an error message12:55
marvxxxBoredom_inc: works12:55
ifireballharveyd, HardyOne: if its apache2 there is a command a2-something (use tab...)12:55
ere4siNekoKun: then the mini iso won't be appropriate for you afaik12:55
iKaroki I downloaded drivers and Im waiting thx 4 command12:55
crashanddieplagerism, chmod +x file12:55
usernamediKernel, is there no USB solution possible?12:55
Glas`AwyrI'm going to have one more poke at this. If I can't get xChat running on my machine there is no hope for me.12:55
ToM-XHey, Can someone take a look at this for me. I want to know if my WIFI now works without Ndiswrapper http://i29.tinypic.com/14b6jqe.png12:55
HardyOneifireball: no idea. just know that apache needs to be rehashed/restarted anytime you add something to it12:55
RavenkinCan you use a KDE application on a Gnome system?12:55
xhamahxi mean, ubuntu itself dont detect the mic,12:55
harveydthats it, thanks12:55
plagerismcrashanddie: ala umask, as in automatically upon creation12:55
ifireballharveyd: a2enmod12:56
crashanddieplagerism, no, why would you need it ?12:56
iKernelusernamed probably, but the belkin usb is very crap anyway, and drops out frequently. I had to install the drivers on windows frequently whenever it stopped working12:56
Boredom_incmarvxxx: This is the standard flash plugin yes? As in adobes?12:56
iKernelusernamed, so even if you can  get it working, it will probably not be worth it12:56
ere4siRavenkin: you can but alot of extras will be d/loaded to make it work12:56
beniaminohow do i control what meta-release file is used? every time i run update-manager on hardy, i get 'current dist not found in meta-release file'12:56
Ravenkinere4si thanks12:56
Boredom_incDoes anyone know which mixed flash plugin uses by default... eg. ALSA12:56
ToM-XAnyone lol?12:56
crashanddieplagerism, only the program that creates the file can set given bits on it, the samba server allows you to set execute bits, but you need to go through it12:57
ifireballHardyOne: yeah, but you don't need to actually tweak the conf file since the apache2 config is modular, you have symlink directories a-la /etc/rc*.d12:57
Batch#ubuntu - I installed the correct drivers using ndisgtk, It said there WAS hardware for it so i don't see why the light should stay orange. I also modprobed.12:57
iKernelToM-X what?12:57
Glas`AwyrI am in the Add/Remove Applications window. I can see xChat. I click it, and it tells me "The list of applications is not available"12:57
usernamediKernel, thanks for the advice.  All, if anyone knows of a usb solution that works out of the box with Ubuntu I'd greatly appreciate it.12:57
HardyOneifireball: my answer was very general I realise. but he got the jist I think12:57
iKernelBatch, have tried scanning around for aps?12:57
mademelaughGlas`Awyr, try sudo apt-get install xchat12:57
mademelaugh!info xchat12:58
ubotuxchat (source: xchat): IRC client for X similar to AmIRC. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8.4-0ubuntu7 (hardy), package size 301 kB, installed size 808 kB12:58
ToM-XiKernel: I just install 8.04 and seen this on the restricted hardware http://i29.tinypic.com/14b6jqe.png    does mean I can use my WIFI without NDISWRAPPER?12:58
Oprtzif i want to show screenshot to someone? how to do that? which website to use?12:58
BatchiKernel: Yes, No scan results12:58
BatchEven though i am 1 metre away from the router.12:58
HardyOne!repositories | Glas`Awyr  enable Universe and Multiverse if you have not done so12:58
Glas`Awyr"E: Couldn't find package xchat"12:58
ubotuGlas`Awyr  enable Universe and Multiverse if you have not done so: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories12:58
crashanddieusernamed, I'd suggest you read this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported12:58
iKernelToM-X what kind of wifi do you have?12:58
beniaminocan someone with a fresh hardy install tell me the contents of the file /var/lib/update-manager/meta-release-lts ?12:58
usernamedthanks crashanddie!12:58
iKernelToM-X ah-ha, atheros. Yes, with atheros you can easily use your wifi card without ndiswrapper. download madwifi12:59
iKarIv got some engenius wi fi will it work?12:59
Boredom_incim going to boot... good luck with the troubles everyone... bye12:59
iKerneliKar depends13:00
ifireballHardyOne: blah blah <insert comment about how we always rush to give the old command line ways of doing stuff when Ubuntu typically includes an easier way, thus making ppl think its harder then it is>13:00
psychubuntu guys did a fine job13:00
snaskwhatś the best and easyest audio streaming program för ubuntu?  with gui13:00
iKariKErnel:On what?13:00
psychhardy is smooth13:00
ToM-XiKernel: When I try to install xen-restricted-modules-2.6.17-6-generic-xen0 it says: Depends: xen-image-xen0-2.6.17-6-generic-xen0  but it is not installable Any Idea?13:00
iKerneliKar on what kind of chisep it is13:00
crashanddiesnask, gmplayer ?13:00
HardyOneifireball: point taken and I will from now on try to not jump in when not certain of an answer :)13:01
iKernelToM-X why are you trying to install xen modules? are you running an xen kernel?13:01
snaskcrashanddie, ill try it =)13:01
psychwhy totem work so bad13:01
nxusr is there anyone else out there having problem with ndiswrapper and teh newer kernels diabling the device irq on boot?13:01
iKernelToM-X seach in synaptic package manageer for madwifi, you may have to enable some repositories13:01
iKariKernel:its engenius usb antenna and how to find on wich chipset?13:01
iKernelToM-X if you can't find madwifi, tell me and I'll help further, it may not even be out yet13:01
iKernelfor hardy13:01
gordmohamed_: i just had a thought, wget shouldn't over write the old file by default, (as long as size+filename+datestamps are the same) so you could try wget -c }differentserver/filename{ again and see what happens, but copy the file somewhere first to maske sure. I wasnt thinking straight, i assumed at first you had used something horrible like windozeIE do download it, wget is very good, i think it will just work, starting at the offset fro13:02
gordm the filesize u have13:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about apt-list - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:02
f0rmatwhy is it that every file i create in my htdocs folder i have to change the permissions for anyone on the web to see it13:02
nxusr is there anyone else out there having problem with ndiswrapper and the newer kernels disabling the device irq on boot?13:02
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ibleedif i encrypt a partition on my hard drive can i have it so it doesn't automatically mount on boot ?13:02
BatchAlso, When i use "ndiswrapper -l" it shows the driver bcmw15 as installed, So i don't see what the problem is13:02
iKar(2:01:30 PM) iKar: iKernel:its engenius usb antenna and how to find on wich chipset?13:02
crashanddiegord, wget will not resume by default, but create a different file13:02
iKernelnxusr no but personally, I wouldn't use any card that requires ndiswrapper. Find a card with an atheros chipset13:02
ToM-XiKernel: No, I only see Madwifi Tools.13:02
RavenkinAnyone know of a front end for Cron?13:03
crashanddieiKar, lspci -v13:03
nxusriKernel, not much of a choice, came with the notebook13:03
iKernelToM-X, right, install madwifi tools, and tell me if it selects any other packages due to dependicies13:03
MadJawaI can't update some sources13:03
gord<crashanddie: will the -nc help? i dont recall much wget-tiness today13:03
iKariKernel:No money :D13:03
ToM-XiKernel: No, It just installed on it's own.13:04
DracoZAwhy if I try to sudo do I get the message unable to resolve host ?13:04
iKernelToM-X right, let me google around for a moment13:04
jtravnickMadJawa, what sources are you having problems with?13:05
crashanddiegord, it will rewrite or simply refuse to download, depending on the situation (timestamp, etc)13:05
iKernelToM-X search for linux-restricted-modules13:05
gordcrashanddie: he's already using wget -c    u suu, to continue it, its the change of server address he was worrying about13:05
chazcoCan someone confirm it is now possible to skip the 30th-boot fsck by pressing a key?13:05
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iKernelToM-X oh, and open up a terminal and tell me the output of uname -r13:05
crashanddiegord, it's the same filename, so -c will always resume13:05
ere4sichazco: the escape key has always worked for me13:06
bXidoes anyone know the difference between vanilla firefox and ubuntu firefox?13:06
DracoZAanyone have an idea why I cant use sudo ?13:06
chazcoere4si - Never worked for me, seems to be offering the option now in Hardy :)13:06
crashanddieDracoZA, no, but I'm sure an error message will help us13:06
mademelaughDracoZA, why13:06
ToM-XiKernel: 2.6.24-16-generic and I have just searched.13:06
DracoZAcrashanddie, few lines up..I get unable to resolve hostname13:06
MadJawajtravnick: http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hardy/Release.gpg (timed out)13:06
MadJawaand other too13:06
iKernelToM-X did any packages come up?13:06
mademelaughDracoZA, i think you need to edit /etc/sudoers13:06
dredhammeranyone know how to enable the nvidia closed drivers for hardy in the latest kernel?13:06
ifireballbXi: quite a few of then, Ubuntu FF for example supports installing plugins/extensions from *.deb files13:07
iKernelmademelaugh how can he do that without root priveledges though?13:07
SimplySethhow do I set to boot at runlevel 3 (command line)13:07
crashanddieDracoZA, did you change the name of your computer ?13:07
iKernelSimplySeth edit /etc/inittab13:07
newcomer008hello everybody13:07
DracoZAcrashanddie, not from the install name13:07
ToM-XiKernel: Yes 18 restricted modules.13:07
iKernelSimplySeth edit the id:: part13:07
thiagossWhere can I find the hashes for the ubuntu 8.04 images?13:07
bXiifireball: i'm having issues with some javascript/php which only gets triggered when using the firefox in ubuntu13:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about runlevel - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:08
SimplySethiKernel: funny thing .. didn't find it :-/ .. mebbe it was brain gas .. lemme look again13:08
newcomer008can someone help me with wlan pls? :( dosnt work13:08
mademelaughiKernel, god, didn't install ubuntu yourself13:08
iKernelToM-X ok, take a screenshot and upload it somewhere for me13:08
gord_ crashanddie: yeah i told him to put the half-baked file into a torrent client and see if it picked up from there anyways13:08
damo22can someone help me with this? http://pastebin.com/d1d6f191e13:08
wookienzshould i install an irc server on ubunutu server at home of just create a channel on this irc server?13:08
nikitisQuestion:  When dual booting windows xp and ubuntu, does your root partion have to have a boot flag?13:08
iKernelSimplySeth, try locate inittab13:08
SimplySethiKernel: aight .. thanks13:08
wookienzand any suggestions for an irc server for my home server...13:08
wibhi. i have some performance issues during video playback. the fan is going crazy :( it was fine under feisty13:08
crashanddieDracoZA, I remember being unable to sudo once, after changing the hostname, try rebooting, if doesn't work, you're going have to boot from another medium, mount partition, and find out what happened13:09
iKernelwib, are you running any other programs?13:09
crashanddieDracoZA, but without more information, nor anything you did, we won't be able to help, sorry13:09
crashanddienikitis, yes13:09
iKernelnikitis no it doesn't13:09
ToM-XiKernel: http://i30.tinypic.com/2z754ec.png13:09
mademelaughcrashanddie, hostname mismatch?13:09
iKernelnikitis only your boot partition has to have a boot flag13:09
wibiKernel: just firefox, pidgin, evolution13:09
ubotuUse hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at system>administration>networking on the "General" tab13:09
ifireballbXi: well, check the versions, the Ubuntu version may be slightly older, can you give more details about your problem?13:10
iKernelnikitis however if you're booting straight to your root partition instead of having a seperate boot partition, then yes13:10
gilster32looking for info on getting gui support in one of the burning apps for old DVD-RAM discs....anyone know about this.13:10
reymelsk88windows rules  :P13:10
wibiKernel: and compiz13:10
nikitisiKernel: My windows partition has a boot flag, but my /boot doesn't  Would this cause an error 17 in Grub?13:10
snpJust make sure that the linux-restricted-modules are installed.13:10
iKernelgilster32 why use GUI when you can just use cdrecord13:10
snphow would i go about doing thatr?13:10
bXiifireball: basicly i use mootools to POST a form13:10
bXito a php page13:10
newcomer008iKernel: can u halp me with wlan plz? seems like you know about ubuntu well13:10
damo22can someone help me with jackd under hardy? http://pastebin.com/d1d6f191e13:10
crashanddienewcomer008, what's the matter ?13:10
jerzyk86 i have GF 8800gt with auto cooling FAN, in windows its very quaiet, but in linux it is runing alweys 100%, how can i make it lower ??13:10
sarkieHi, just upgraded to Hardy, and done an update check now it says 177 updates, there was a partial upgrade or something else. This is wrong I assume13:10
iKernelnikitis yes, absouloutely13:10
DracoZAcrashanddie, I typed sudo after logging in for the first time, brand new install and I get unknown host13:11
gilster32ikernel:thats fine....how do i use cdrecord with DVD-RAM discs13:11
bXiwhen i print_r($_POST) i dont see anything while firebug tells me the data is what i expect13:11
iKernelwib ah-ha, compiz. were you running compiz with feisty?13:11
newcomer008crashanddie: my AVM wlan stick doesnt work13:11
bXithis only happens on firefox 2 and 3b513:11
gilster32ikernel:i need to format them as UDF13:11
* SimplySeth wonders if anyone else's gdm got hosed after upgrading :-/13:11
crashanddieDracoZA, can you 'cat /etc/hostname' and tell me what it says ?13:11
iKernelgilster32 should just be able to stick the dvd-ram stick in and go cdrecord blah.iso13:11
ifireballbXi: btw the gory details of changes Ubuntu made are in: /usr/share/doc/firefox/changelog.Debian.gz13:11
wibiKernel: yes. and it was gutsy, my mistake13:11
bXithe ubuntu versions of firefox that is13:11
crashanddienewcomer008, please explain "doesn't work", we need real error messages13:11
gilster32ikernel: no13:11
iKernelgilster32 you'll need soemthing to create the iso file though13:11
jtravnickMadJawa, you sure thats a valid source? also if you did an upgrade make sure your third party sources say hardy and not gutsy13:11
iKernelgilster32 what do you mean, "no"?13:11
newcomer008crashanddie: first ubuntu see the wlans near me, but if i try to connect ubuntu crashes13:12
ToM-XiKernel: http://i30.tinypic.com/2z754ec.png13:12
crashanddienewcomer008, which driver are you using ? Which version ? Which chipset ?13:12
swamycan anyone tell me how upgrade gutsy to hardy using aptitude command line13:12
crashanddieswamy, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade13:12
gilster32ikernel: this is not a stick. i bought a long time ago a packet of DVD-RAM dvds. i want to erase them and formate them, must have a UDF filesystem.13:12
newcomer008crashanddie: im runnig an ibm t30 notebook with the new ubuntu 8.04 and the avm wlan usb stick13:13
iKernelswamy first change your apt.sources file to the hardy sources, then run apt-get update, then run apt-get dist-upgrade13:13
DracoZAcrashanddie, it says "Thumper" which is the name of the machine13:13
ifireballbXi: the  print_r($_POST) command is a PHP command right?13:13
SimplySethiKernel: its official .. I have no inittab13:13
crashanddienewcomer008, which version of the driver ?13:13
NekoKunere4si: About the mini install, well, not even USB drivers are loaded?13:13
newcomer008crashanddie: and i use the preinstalled driver13:13
swamycrashhanddie: i did but sources are not available13:13
mouseclon1hello everyone13:13
gilster32ikernel: are you familiar with DVD-RAM media?13:13
crashanddienewcomer008, I don't know all the drivers by heart, can you try to find out ? Or at least give me the chipset name of your usb wifi dongle13:13
MadJawajtravnick: it seems that the french servers are a bit laggy at this time13:14
iKernelToM-X ok, looks like you've already got linux-restricted installed, have you been into the restricted drivers manager yet?13:14
mouseclon1I joined 8.04 to AD.  Now I'm unable to sudo anything.  Any ideas?13:14
MadJawaI think I should wait13:14
ere4siNekoKun: it is all about getting the necessaries from the net - so it uses minimal resources13:14
newcomer008crashanddie: ill try out to find find out what driver it exactly is13:14
iKernelgilster32 yes I am, it is used in cam corder and can be repetadly written to without having to blank the disk13:14
swamyiKernel: i did aptitude update and then aptitude full-upgrade, but links are not avalaible13:14
mademelaughere4si, hello, how are you doing13:14
ifireballbXi: not sure how trustworthy is firebug here, I'd try to sniff the communications, but that may be a rather radical approach, do you get any errors in the JS console?13:14
crashanddieDracoZA, hang on, what command are you executing with sudo ?13:14
iKernelswamy you're in trouble then :)13:14
manawenuz@all i just wanted some help in configuring a PPTP VPN server under ubuntu 7.10 server , can anyone help me so i can connect to this server via windows client ???13:14
crashanddieDracoZA, sudo echo "test"13:14
chazcoHi... is this correct for mediabuntu - sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install medibuntu-keyring13:14
iKernelswamy did you try apt-get dist-upgrade?13:14
scizzo-swamy: tried using do-release-upgrade ?13:14
DracoZAcrashanddie, sudo nano13:14
NekoKunere4si: yes, but, it needs to be on a lan... in my case the best option would be a wireless connection13:15
BatchLol, I've been patient but the room isn't quietening down xD13:15
DracoZAcrashanddie, sudo echo gives the same error13:15
gilster32ikernel:thats correct. but i cant write to it with any old prgram like cdrecord or k3b etc. unless i have them formatted to udf.13:15
N1NCHN41L5can anyone help me dual boot a Linux OS13:15
snpJust make sure that the linux-restricted-modules are installed.13:15
snphow would i go about doing thatr?13:15
mouseclon1or could someone point me in a direction to get sudo working with AD?13:15
bXiifireball: everything is fine otherwise just that it doesnt show.. weirdest is that firefox in windows works and an older firefox on a custom linux distro also works13:15
intrinsyxHowdy folks. I have a laptop, and I just did a full wipe and reinstall of hardy from scratch. I used to have a little tray icon to set my CPU speed, but I can't remember the package name to reinstall it. Would anyone happen to know?13:15
ere4siNekoKun: try the alternate cd then - I don't think the mini cd will do that13:15
ifireballbXi: could your Ubuntu FF contain other plug-ins that may be in the way?  noscript, etc. ?13:15
DracoZAcrashanddie, in fact just typing sudo gives me unable to resolve hostname13:15
crashanddieDracoZA, can you paste the exact error ?13:15
ToM-XiKernel: Is "Hardware Drivers" the restricted driver manager in 8.04 is it not?13:15
mouseclon1N1NCHN41L5: You will need to install windows first13:15
swamycan anyne tell me from which mirror i should upgrade my gutsy to hardy13:15
manawenuz@all i just wanted some help in configuring a PPTP VPN server under ubuntu 7.10 server , can anyone help me so i can connect to this server via windows client ???13:16
mouseclon1N1NCHN41L5: then install linux13:16
crashanddieDracoZA, (if it's one line only)13:16
iKernelToM-X yeah it is13:16
garuhey everyone13:16
bXiifireball: only extra plugin i had was greasemonkey but i removed that one now13:16
dagon_swamy; just run it with update-manager13:16
iKernelgilster32 what's the problem with formatting to udf then13:16
ToM-XiKernel: It is still the same.13:16
DracoZAcrashanddie, "sudo: unable to resolve host Thumper"13:16
ere4simadamelaugh: I always do well13:16
gilster32ikernel:thats what i am trying to do ;-)13:16
mouseclon1N1NCHN41L5: if you have Vista it may ba a little hairy.. I have only done 95, 98, and XP for windows dual boot13:16
ifireballbXi: what I wonder is if the data is posted at all, maybe something about the post triggers other behavior from PHP13:16
mouseclon1N1NCHN41L5: but windows has to be on the MBR13:16
iKernelgilster32 oh, right. not sure, sorry13:16
intrinsyx"Restricted Driver Manager" is now "jockey-gtk"/"Hardware Drivers" in hardy.13:16
swamyi not able to dist-upgrade gutsy since links are not available13:17
crashanddieDracoZA, ok, I think I know what this is about13:17
broonieI'm probably being really thick here but I can't seem to figure out how to drag and drop files in Hardy.13:17
crashanddieDracoZA, can you cat /etc/hosts and paste the output to a pastebin ?13:17
N1NCHN41L5mousecion - dual booting vista w/out sp1 is EASY13:17
crashanddieDracoZA, or just the first two lines (127.x.x.x)13:17
bXiifireball: thats what i'd like to know13:17
dagon_swamy; run a terminal, sudo update-manager and it should pop up there. did you try that?13:17
bXigonna try wireshark13:18
garuI just made a fresh install of the 8.04 LTS, and something I noticed is that, there was no updates available after restarting the system.Can someone tell me why, or is my system going nuts? THANKS13:18
ifireballbXi: good luck13:18
N1NCHN41L5no i have a 20g hdd  almost half to ubuntu - and i want to fill the other three partitions ext3 with puppy and puplets13:18
intrinsyxI have a laptop, and I just did a full wipe and reinstall of hardy from scratch. I used to have a little *tray* icon to set my CPU speed, but I can't remember the package name to reinstall it. (No, it's not the one in gnome-applets, called cpufreq-selector)  Would anyone happen to know?13:18
ToM-XiKernel: Shall I just try and compile and Install?13:18
swamycan anyne tell me from which mirror i should upgrade my gutsy to hardy13:18
swamyplease  help me13:18
intrinsyxgaru: 8.04 was just released this morning, there are no updates yet.13:19
gotenksi doubt there would be many(if any) updates to hardy, since its been out for not even 1 day13:19
N1NCHN41L5i tried an when i loaded muppy008 it tore up GRUB an NADA worked13:19
iKernelgilster32 you might find this interesting, http://sourceforge.net/projects/linux-udf/13:19
crashanddieswamy, a local mirror13:19
DracoZAcrashanddie, Line 1 " localhost" Line 2 " Thumper.ZATRM"13:19
crashanddieDracoZA, bingo13:19
crashanddieDracoZA, can you gksudo /etc/hosts ?13:19
iKernelToM-X yeah, you're going to need the kernel sources though13:19
newcomer008crashanddie: ive copied the part of syslog which is about the wlan stick i just put in. here it is: http://pastebin.com/d1b0e484b13:19
garuintrinsyx humn...thanks!I thought it came out yesterday!lol13:19
beniaminocan i switch apt-get to to a local mirror? is there a mirror in the uk?13:19
iKernelToM-X while I've been sucessful in doing that, it may require a little bit of experience in linux13:19
newcomer008crashanddie: hope it says oemthing helpful13:19
crashanddieDracoZA, gksudo gedit /etc/hosts13:19
intrinsyxswamy: open up "Software Sources" and pick something else from the "Download from" box13:19
N1NCHN41L5ints in - right click on bar on screen add item and its in there13:19
intrinsyxswamy: pick "Other" and then click the Best Server button.13:20
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DracoZAcrashanddie, ok im in13:20
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crashanddieDracoZA, ok, edit the second line13:20
ifireballbXi: did you check if the data may have been sent with GET rather then POST ?13:20
ToM-XiKernel: Where would I get/enable these sources?13:20
crashanddieDracoZA, " Thumper.ZATRM Thumper"13:20
intrinsyxgaru: To me, it's not yesterday until I go to sleep... LOL, sorry!13:20
swamyi am unable to dist-upgrade13:21
DracoZAcrashanddie, ok done13:21
BatchI've installed the bcmw15 driver using ndisgtk, and also modprobed it. But the light never turns blue :S Any suggestions?13:21
swamyikernel: yes i did13:21
arvind_khadriswamy, that should update-mabager -d13:21
crashanddieDracoZA, save, try to sudo13:21
arvind_khadriswamy, that should update-manager -d13:21
crashanddieDracoZA, if same error, reboot13:21
iKernelToM-X should be able to search for linux-sources in synaptic13:21
swamyiKernel: i am in trouble13:21
crashanddienewcomer008, hang on, looking into it, gimme a sec13:21
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garuI'm having a problem I didnt use to have with the previous version...Basically, I cannot enable my restricted drivers.It recognised it, and downloaded it and installed it.Its in use, but it's not enabled, and in terms of graphics is really weird because of that.Can someone help?THANKS13:21
iKernelswamy yes you are :)13:21
DracoZAcrashanddie, sorry just noticed first line and second is is that correct ?13:21
crashanddieDracoZA, yeah that's fine13:22
garuintrinsyx yeah, ur right.lol13:22
N1NCHN41L5If anyone can help me load puppy linux to its own partition of the hd with ubuntu already running PLEASE PM ME13:22
newcomer008crashanddie: no prob, just take the time u need :)13:22
yaroslavHi everyone. Is it safe to upgrade production servers now or update servers are slow as hell atm?13:22
intrinsyxyaroslav: us.archive.ubuntu.org is still slow as fsck.13:22
crashanddieswamy, stop asking, use a local mirror, check the mirror list on the Ubuntu.com website, find something close to you, and stick to it.13:22
DracoZAcrashanddie, thanks its working fine, what a strange problem :)13:22
ere4siyaroslav: wait a day or two :)13:22
iKernelgod, there are SO many people here13:23
ToM-XiKernel: linux-source-2.6.24  ?13:23
crashanddieDracoZA, you upgraded from gutsy to hardy, no ?13:23
swamyiKernel: is hardy stable released  or is it in testing phase13:23
iKernelToM-X that's the one :)13:23
mouseclon1N1NCHN41L5: You got me on that one.  I have yet to try and dual boot multi *nix systems.  Though I should.. I just have a laptop or 2 that I can blow away at any time needed for a different OS13:23
DracoZAcrashanddie, brand new install13:23
ObiTeh1Ubuntu 8.04... Awesome! Compiz Fusion finally works with my card! <3 Love it!13:23
crashanddieDracoZA, weird13:23
stahlstiftHello there, how can I automount my second harddrive in 8.04. In 7.10 it automatically mounted my drives to the desktop13:23
DracoZAcrashanddie, indeed13:23
arvind_khadriiKernel, its due to the new release13:23
crashanddieDracoZA, maybe you should try to file a bug or something13:23
intrinsyxyaroslav: Switch over to another mirror and it's pretty fast. I'm using archive.linux.duke.edu and getting ~500KB/sec13:23
iKernelObiTeh1 great! now try to get it working with xfce4! good luck, you'll need it :)13:23
red_hi. help me fix my net connection. its very slow. i have disabled ipv6 already and no luck. pls13:23
iKernelarvind_khadri I'm aware of that.13:23
ifireballyaroslav: if you have more then one server you should consider using a proxy repository anyway13:24
intrinsyxred_: It's not you, it's the servers.13:24
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arvind_khadriiKernel, :)13:24
ObiTeh1iKernel, heh, maybe at a later date. :P13:24
yaroslavifireball: i have 4, but they are all hosted VPSes :-/13:24
iKernelarvind_khadri i'm giving my bit to the community by helping people out, even though i don't currently use ubuntu :)13:24
BatchMy turn?13:24
intrinsyxred_: Switch mirrors or wait a day or two.13:24
BatchI've installed the bcmw15 driver using ndisgtk, and also modprobed it. But the light never turns blue :S Any suggestions?13:24
iKernelBatch wlanconfig13:24
ifireballyaroslav: I see.13:24
rafelbevi would like to update my hardy heron from beta to release, but i don't have X installed. how can I do it without the update-manager ?13:24
arvind_khadriiKernel, thats really nice of you...so you must be a debian guy13:24
N1NCHN41L5mousecion can i pm u?13:25
iKernelarvind_khadri yes actually13:25
crashanddienewcomer008, it says the stick got deactivated, did you deactivate it ?13:25
DracoZAdpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg no longer writes resolutions to xorg.conf ?13:25
red_intrinsyx: not really the ubuntu servers i am having problem. even web browsing is slow. my gutsy didnt have this prob13:25
intrinsyxrafelbev: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade13:25
bXiifireball: its being sent with post13:25
crashanddienewcomer008, also, you wouldn't have older logs ? Possibly from when you had a freeze ?13:25
BatchiKernel - Sec, Installing madwifi-tools13:25
newcomer008crash, nope. it happens simly w/o reason :(13:25
arvind_khadriiKernel, aah knew it ...its really very nice of you...debain actually kinda hates ubuntu13:25
ubotuThe Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-alternate-i386.iso.torrent13:25
iKernelarvind_khadri actually, I got really excited by the hostname thing from the bot, im going to try that when i next get into debian13:25
newcomer008crashanddie: i only put it into the slot, nothing more13:25
iKernelarvind_khadri yeah I know, but I can still help :)13:25
rafelbevintrinsyx: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.13:25
zrexAnyone know why the FONTS LOOK SMUDGY on Ubuntu v 8.0413:25
yaroslavBTW how does one update to kubuntu with KDE4 on board? I saw a note that is possible but no instructions13:25
NekoKunere4si: What comes with the minimal? Or there's only bash and apt-get?13:26
intrinsyxrafelbev: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade13:26
indian_munndacan anyone tell me how to decrease the icon spacing on the desktop?????13:26
ifireballbXi: according to the sniffed data?13:26
rafelbevintrinsyx: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.13:26
Myrttiindian_munnda: dist-upgrade isn't recommended13:26
ubotuUse hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at system>administration>networking on the "General" tab13:26
garuintrinsyx any idea on why restricted drivers are downloaded sucessfully, and are in use, but if its enabled, after the system is restarted, I get no desktop after the loading screen?13:26
rafelbevintrinsyx: same thing13:26
newcomer008crashanddie: but i still can see my wlan-network at my home. when i try to connect now ubuntu will simply load all the time and i cannot do anything more13:26
dredhammeranyone figure out how to install the closed nvidia drivers if you did not do a clean install?13:26
* intrinsyx shrugs13:26
Myrttiindian_munnda: sorry13:26
red_intrinsyx: is my problem out of ubuntu scope?13:26
ere4siNekoKun: it is just a means of connecting to the packages - a basic means at that13:27
Myrttiintrinsyx: dist-upgrade isn't recommended13:27
intrinsyxtar up your homedir and do a clean install.13:27
iKernelN1NCHN41L5 yeah, easy, but only once you stop using caps13:27
BatchiKernel: I did : wlanconfig eth1, Is this correct?13:27
crashanddienewcomer008, it doesn't crash anymore ?13:27
rafelbevMyrtti: what is ?13:27
iKernelBatch, try a wlanconfig list13:27
indian_munndaMyrtti: it's okay13:27
Myrttirafelbev: update-manager -c13:27
rafelbevMyrtti: i don't have update-manager13:27
arvind_khadriN1NCHN41L5, ok13:27
bXiifireball: the sniffed data doesnt tell me anything :/13:27
intrinsyxMyrtti: update-manager requires X.13:27
amerioobnibolongo mate u still there?13:27
Myrttiintrinsyx: dist-upgrade still isn't recommended13:28
crashanddienewcomer008, there seems to be a bug in the driver for you usb stick, there is a work around, everything is explained here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24/+bug/20058913:28
DracoZAI think i'm gonna stick to 7.10 for a little while longer :)13:28
rafelbevMyrtti: this is a server13:28
BatchiKernel: Unable to get station information, I did "wlanconfig eth1 list"13:28
ToM-XiKernel: I have installed it, am I ok to compile Madwifi and install?13:28
mademelaughMyrtti, shouln't it be updat-manager -d13:28
indian_munndaMyrtti: can you tell me how to decrease the icon spacing on the desktop?????13:28
crashanddieDracoZA, why is that ? New problem ?13:28
iKernelToM-X yeah, you might get error though, tell me if you do13:28
dmsupermanDisabling window decorations in compiz removes my window frames completely (titlebar and border) How can I bring them back?13:28
ifireballbXi: you positing to https?13:28
newcomer008crashanddie: oh damn :O i know why it crashes. its my fault. ill configured my router do refuse new wlan components13:28
intrinsyxindian_munnda: open up gconf-editor and find the gconf key.13:28
bXiifireball: it seems as if nothing from mootools gets posted13:28
roocraigi have a problem with my screensaver preferences13:28
* Scrounch is now away: off13:28
f0rmatcan anyone help me with the problem i am having with created directory permissions13:28
moDumassesthey all, so i upgraded and for some reason my mp3s sound horrible13:29
iKernelScrounch no away messages in #ubuntu please13:29
newcomer008crashanddie: ok, but thx anyways :) have a nice day13:29
indian_munndaintrinsyx: how to open that?13:29
rafelbevwhat is the official way to upgrade ubuntu-server from beta to release ?13:29
ifireballbXi: yeah, there is probably some JS error somewhere13:29
crashanddienewcomer008, it shouldn't crash though, file a bug report will all the info you can13:29
iKernelmoDumassest are you running esound ?13:29
rafelbevupdate-manager is geared towards desktops13:29
intrinsyxindian_munnda: gconf-editor13:29
crashanddienewcomer008, the driver shouldn't freeze the whole system because it can't connect13:29
amerioguys wireless working here , with ndiswrapper , but cannot detect my network , any idea?13:29
ifireballbXi: nothing in the JS console?13:29
DracoZAcrashanddie, just want to modify my screen res as it shows max 1024 and I see xorg.conf has changed, tried to run nvidia-settings and thats gone :)13:29
bXiifireball: that might be but why only in the ubuntu firefox13:29
jrib!final > rafelbev (read the private message from ubotu)13:29
newcomer008crashanddie: kk, ill do so13:29
moDumassestiKernel, ive never heard of that,13:29
grimsqueaker13when i connect to a vnc server my keyboard input is completely garbled - does anyone know what i can do to fix this? i have check the -fp setting i think it is correct13:29
indian_munndaintrinsyx: ok13:29
moDumassestleme look it up13:29
roocraigmy update manager freezes also13:29
moDumassestim playing music in exaile13:29
Myrttirafelbev: sudo aptitude install update-manager-core13:29
iKernelamerio get airecrack-ng, it includes a tool that scans for available access points13:29
Myrttirafelbev: sudo do-release-upgrade13:30
garuanyone having problem with restricted drivers?13:30
iKernelamerio I forget which one though13:30
iKernelgaru, yes, lots of people are :P13:30
IntangibleLiquidhi, I cannot get my wireless network to work. Can anyone help?13:30
gilster32ikernel:thanks. reading it now13:30
rafelbevMyrtti: let me check, brb13:30
obnibolongoamerio, me here but not here; done bathing, lunch now :)13:30
ifireballbXi: probably some backported anti-phishing feature or something13:30
gilster32ikernel:i think i have seen this before...udf format from cli. will give it a go13:30
jribMyrtti: he's just updating from beta though so dist-upgrade should be enough right?13:30
intrinsyxindian_munnda: hold alt, hit F2, type gconf-editor13:30
amerioiKernel whats the package name exactly?13:30
roocraigCan anyone help me with some newbie issues I am having? :)13:30
garuiKernel why is that, it just wont give me a working desktop, if I enable it?13:31
Myrttijrib: *shrug*13:31
crashanddieDracoZA, yeah, it's been replaced, check the changelog to find what to use now13:31
indian_munndaintrinsyx: i got it and it has opened a new window like reg-edit in windows13:31
rafelbevMyrtti: current dist not found in meta-release file13:31
Myrttijrib: I don't do betas :-P13:31
|Dede|How do I release my mouse, when I press Alt+ENter to get out of a full screen13:31
jeanrehi all13:31
intrinsyxindian_munnda: should be somewhere around /desktop/gnome/interface13:31
jeanredoes anyone here have rez-looks packages?13:31
garuiKernel because it says that its in use, but not enabled...which is weird when never gave me any problem in any of the past releases!13:31
Myrttirafelbev: then the updates haven't probably yet reached your mirror13:31
rafelbevam using UK13:31
intrinsyxindian_munnda: Most of the gconf keys have descriptions which will tell you what the options do.13:32
Myrttirafelbev: if you get a message saying "nothing to update" lalala13:32
ifireballbXi: since they stick to a certain FF version they backport security fixes from newer versions, this may break over-complex stuff like JS toolkits... but this is all speculation, you need to get to the JS error message somehow13:32
NeT_DeMoNi have wireless card problems, in my restricted device manager it says its in use but theres no wireless option in my connections tab :S can anyone help?13:32
Myrttirafelbev: funky13:32
|Dede|How do I release my mouse, when I press Alt+ENter to get out of a full screen13:32
erik__so is anyone having a problem with administrative privs?13:32
mademelaugh|Dede|, right ctrl +f ? god knows13:32
nickthorleyhi all - can anyone help me with my wireless - in the previous version of ubuntu i used i used the restricted driver which was recommended during install but in the new version its not there - why would they remove it13:32
N1NCHN41L5is there another ubuntu channel moves a little slower13:32
indian_munndaintrinsyx: i m trying13:32
erik__"unlock" button gives an unknown error...13:32
ToM-XiKernel: Right, I have compiled and installed.13:32
intrinsyxI have a laptop, and I just did a full wipe and reinstall of hardy from scratch. I used to have a little *tray* icon to set my CPU speed, but I can't remember the package name to reinstall it. (No, it's not the one in gnome-applets, called cpufreq-selector)  Would anyone happen to know?13:33
amerioNeT_DeMoN same problem here =)13:33
zrexAnyone know a good DASHBOARD for UBUNTU?  Like Apple's dashboard?13:33
rafelbevMyrtti: the mirror is updated13:33
NeT_DeMoNamerio: it seems to be everywhere, what driver do you have?13:33
LinuxNoob04hi rock13:33
rocknrolHi linuxnoob0413:33
amerioNeT_DeMoN atheros13:33
LinuxNoob04is ja geil13:34
NeT_DeMoNamerio: LOL same!13:34
rocknrolja nnormal13:34
amerioNeT_DeMoN atheros AR24213:34
iKernelbrb guys, especially ToM-X13:34
bXiifireball: that would make sense13:34
NeT_DeMoNamerio: i dont know exactly what mine is, it a toshiba laptop13:34
roocraigHelp-my screensaver preferences window freezes when I launch it-any suggestions?13:35
rafelbevMyrtti: if the mirror is updated then something is wrong13:35
Myrttirafelbev: prolly yes13:35
amerioNet_DeMoN type lspci , you can know the model under thernet controller13:35
rafelbevwhat should me sources.list look like ?13:35
NeT_DeMoNamerio: dont i need to type 'sudo lspci' for that info?13:35
Fritzelquestion, would I have any side effects (except for loosing about 500mb of memory) for installing a 32 bit OS on a system with 4gb of ram?13:35
intrinsyxEh, I'll come back in a couple days and ask again when everything with hardy's settled down.13:35
rafelbevMyrtti: what should my sources.list look like ?13:35
scuderiahi, im trying to update from ubuntu 7.10 to 8.04 but it crashes when starts to download the upgrade tool (1 of 2), any alternative please?13:35
intrinsyxtar up your homedir and do a clean install13:36
intrinsyxor pull down the hardy iso and stick it in, it should offer to upgrade for you.13:36
amerioNeT_DeMoN try "lshw -C network"13:36
indian_munndaintrinsyx: i m able to reduce the size of the icons but i m not able to reduce the spacing.13:37
chronographerHi. I have my root partition as reiserfx, every time I boot I get a fsck error. it comes down to: fsck died with exit status 9. i can crtl d and ubuntu starts up fine, how can I get rid of this error?13:37
moDumassestgaru have you enabled restricted drivers, or selected them for install from symantic?13:37
IsotropicSpinHey: I have an AMD 64bit Dual Core running heron.  I can't play Mp4 and .swf (ie Youtube) hasn't got full functionality. Yes I have GNome codecs installed according to applications manager13:37
indian_munndaintrinsyx: actually i m not getting that option13:37
intrinsyxindian_munnda: it's in there somewhere, but I dunno where offhand.13:38
arvind_khadriIsotropicSpin, do you have the non-free flash plugins13:38
chronographerisotropic: have you got medibuntu repository enabled?13:38
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roocraigmy update manager goes dark-any help?13:38
chronographerdo a google search for medibuntu and add it13:38
garumoDumassest I've selected and downloaded them from the restricted drivers manager.and it says that its in use.13:38
IsotropicSpinarvind_khadri: i have the adobe flash plugins on in firefox13:38
N1NCHN41L5use ubuntu-restricted-extras gives u all plugins needed13:38
amerioroocraig its normal , that means its loading , just give it a lil time13:38
scuderiaafter a while of waiting it says  "failed to extract"  (in the terminal it outputs "extracting '/tmp/tmpGtUEXs/hardy.tar.gz'") any idea?13:38
NeT_DeMoNamerio:  Atheros Communications Inc. AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01) is mine13:39
IsotropicSpinchronographer: i don't know, how would i check that?13:39
* intrinsyx wonders how much bandwidth us.archive.ubuntu.org has chewed through in the last 48 hours....13:39
amerioNet_Demon same here13:39
emorrisroocraig: mine did that, but I had to kill it and restart it13:39
arvind_khadriIsotropicSpin, which file formats cant you play13:39
v0lksmanroocraig:  it's likely cause the mirrors are all busy....did you try finding a different mirror?13:39
roocraigmy screensaver preferences won't load-any help for that issue too?13:39
NeT_DeMoNamerio: wow, alot of problems with Atheros13:39
chronographerits not added as deafult, you need to add it as a repository, google search 'medibuntu hardy'13:39
moDumassestgaru have you gone to system>administration>appearance and selected anything other than "none"13:39
N1NCHN41L5anyone know how to DUAL BOOT MULTILE LINUX operating systems - without the grub screwing up???13:39
amerioNet_Demon at least I made a step forward , now wireless enabled with ndiswrapper but cannot detect my network13:39
intrinsyxHardy switched over to ath5k from madwifi.13:39
moDumassestarghh, its sounds like im listening to scratched cds13:40
intrinsyxath5k does not support all the devices madwifi did.13:40
chronographerI am able to play mp3's and I didn't install anything fancy, apart from amybe mpd13:40
garumoDumassest but when I enable it,it asks to restart the system, and then it wont give me a desktop.after the loading screen.13:40
NeT_DeMoNamerio: yeah, last i heard ndiswrapper would work13:40
ToM-XAtheros is a complete fail for me -_- I hate using Ndiswrapper, doesn't work after reboot.13:40
NeT_DeMoNbut i dont know how to use it :P13:40
roocraighow do I find a different mirror with update manager?13:40
moDumassestgaru, ok that blows,13:41
intrinsyxToM-X: there's a madwifi howto for hardy on the forums.13:41
amerioNet_Demon yeah its working but cannot detect any network grrrrr13:41
arvind_khadriIsotropicSpin, which files??13:41
NeT_DeMoNamerio: wow13:41
amerioToM-X it doesnt work because its not loaded into modprobe13:41
garumoDumassest that's weirdest thing. because I got the effects enabled, and they are working, but very slowly!13:41
NeT_DeMoNamerio: how do you use ndiswrapper?13:41
roocraigCan someone help me with screensaver preferences issue please?13:41
v0lksmanroocraig:  launch synaptic first...go to settings...then repositories....then use the drop down to "Download From"....hit "Other" and ask it to select the best mirror....13:41
IsotropicSpinarvind_khadri: so far i know Mp4 and SWF13:41
lesjohnmy installer crashed during the setting up packages part with "about 2 minutes" left.  it hung while starting bluetooth. i did a force restart.  is there anything for me to do except a clean install?13:42
emorrisroocraig: system>admin>software sources>download from>choose server13:42
moDumassestgaru nvidia or ati?13:42
ToM-XCheers instrinsyx:   amerio: It works, every other reboot you could say, very unreliable.13:42
NeT_DeMoNamerio: i downloaded it but i dont know how to install it :S13:42
amerioNet_Demon hold on i'll get u the guide i followed13:42
N1NCHN41L5how do i make text bigger in chat so i can read it easier13:42
intrinsyxLatest Xorg is a PITA with monitor resolutions -- it will disable valid modes that used to work. Check your xorg.conf13:42
v0lksmanroocraig:  then hit reload and close Synaptic...then run update manager again13:42
NeT_DeMoNamerio: ok, thanks13:42
scuderiato update to 8.04 shall i download the alternative cd right?13:42
mlw1I can't for the life of me get my resolution to be saved between sessions, it always resets to 1680x1050 instead of 1920x120013:42
GNUtoohello,is there a command in order to purge old kernels?13:42
N1NCHN41L5did u try doing a text only install?13:42
garumoDumassest I can't even open the screen resolution settings.which is weird13:42
garumoDumassest ATI13:43
v0lksmanGNUtoo:  remove the packages13:43
intrinsyxmlw1: Set your hsync and vsync in xorg.conf and then set modes "1920x1200"13:43
=== illovae is now known as illavae
lesjohnhow do i do that13:43
moDumassestgaru. man i have never had an ati card so i cant help you, if i hear anything though il pass it on13:43
amerionet_demon : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51282813:43
ubotuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto13:43
GNUtoov0lksman, but i have to remove the kernels,its headers,its restricted modules etc...13:43
lesjohnN1NCHN41L5: is it too late for me to do text-only now?13:43
NeT_DeMoNamerio: thanks13:43
N1NCHN41L5my ubuntu or xubuntu would ALWAYS hang13:43
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP313:43
amerioTom-x how do you manage to use ur atheros without ndiswrapper?13:44
erik__i have problems getting the "unlock" button to work.. right now i can't change any system settings13:44
halcyonCorsairhey, can anyone tell me how ubuntu sets up partitioning when you use the guided setup?13:44
v0lksmanGNUtoo:  yeah...just make sure you select the OLD packages and not the current....each will have a meta package that will remove the headers and stuff iirc...13:44
N1NCHN41L5so just go an download the ubuntu or whichever u want alt cd13:44
erik__and i have added my account to policykit and admin group13:44
GNUtoov0lksman, ok thanks13:44
garumoDumassest ok...thanks alot13:44
=== po1ter is now known as polter
N1NCHN41L5then install from ther - itll do a full disk install and u dont have to worry about data on there now13:44
ToM-Xamerio: I don't lol, I use ethernet if ndiswrapper is not working..13:44
v0lksmanerik__:  are you sure your user is part of the "admin" group?13:44
emorrishalcyonCorsair: you can choose to use the whole disk, or cut some off your largest existing partition13:45
chazcoHi... i normally install "gnome-bluetooth" and" gnome-vfs-obexftp" on a fresh install. Are these needed in 8.04?13:45
arvind_khadriIsotropicSpin, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3543713:45
erik__v0lksman: i have made sure it's added to the group in /etc/group13:45
erik__v0lksman: should i check anywhere else?13:45
halcyonCorsairemorris: yes but if you use the whole disk, does it partition it and split some off for swap, or what?13:45
amerioToM-X you know I never had a problem using atheros on gutsy without ndiswrapper , but after installing hardy , im using ndiswrapper for the 1st time , its working everytime I boot , but cannot detect any network13:45
kimxis there a tool in gnome (ubuntu 8.04) to manage the volumes/disks ??13:45
iKernelToM-X, how's it going?13:45
emorrishalcyonCorsair: i think so13:45
garumoDumassest the thing is, the effects are enabled, without the driver being enabled!i never had any problem like this before!13:45
slytherinchazco: none of them13:46
arvind_khadrikim_, gparted13:46
IsotropicSpinavrind_khadri: thx. will have a look13:46
v0lksmanerik__: nope...as long as it was there that's a good start....if it wasn't and you just added it you will need to log out and back in for it to take effect...are you connecting to the machine remotely or are you on console?13:46
iKernelamerio, have you tried to modprobe ath_pci13:46
kimxI mean a tool to manage mountpoints13:46
amerioiKernel blacklisted13:46
N1NCHN41L5lesjohn - dont worry - even though its text only install - u get full gui system an all when its installed13:46
erik__v0lksman: this is a desktop computer. no remote connection13:46
erik__v0lksman: i added it and logged back in.. no change13:46
chazcoThanks slytherin13:46
iKernelamerio, that's strange why would it be blacklisted....13:46
ToM-XiKernel: Still searching :)13:46
slytherinkimx: what king od management do you want?13:46
amerioiKernel I did it lol13:46
niki_Question with GRUB.  I just ran "sudo grub" and had it reinstall itself.  I changed the boot order in the BIOS, now i'm in my linux distribution.  But I had to change from hd(1,0) to hd(0,0) which isn't right.  Can anyone explain to me why they are off?13:47
iKernelToM-X, searching for what?13:47
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erik__v0lksman: clicking the unlock button just freezes the window for a moment and gives me an windowsy "unknown error", heh13:47
iKernelamerio, well remove the black list, ath_pci is needed13:47
roocraiglogin preferences trouble13:47
v0lksmanerik__:  I remote to my desktop all the time and PolicyKit is picky about that...that's why I ask....13:47
shane2_does anyone know if the gnome desktop package is still broken for the server install?13:47
LainyYes, i got broadcom to work!!!13:47
mattycozehey how do i downgrade the version of my bluez-utils?13:47
kimxslytherin: I don't understand your question13:47
amerioiKernel but im using atheros windows driver on ndiswrapper13:47
N1NCHN41L5dual booting linux OS"s ????????13:47
iKernelamerio, well don't13:47
LainyHow do I downgrade my firefox so I can installplugins that will work?13:47
iKernelamerio, you should be able to get ath_pci to work13:47
slytherinkimx: when you say mount point management, do you want to create them or what?13:48
emorriskimx: you can change the mountpoints in places>computer, right click on ur part.>volume>settings13:48
ToM-XiKernel: How come it's saying my WIFI is not in use on Hardware Driver? Is it because I have Ndiswrapper enabled?13:48
nickthorleycan anyone tell me the version of the kernel used by 8.04 before any updates?13:48
amerioiKernel so no need for ndiswrapper?13:48
v0lksmanerik__:  well that is about all the troubleshooting I know of to make policykit work...hahaha...you may want to try re-installing the packages in Synaptic as I've seen it help some people....but unforunately that's about all I can offer... :)13:48
iKernelamerio, no13:48
erik__v0lksman: ah ok.. bummer13:48
slytherinshane2_: was there any bug for that?13:48
iKernelToM-X, I don't know, but I thought you were going to compile and install madwifi?13:48
arvind_khadriLainy, get the .deb from somewhere and remove the present and install it13:48
slytherinshane2_: and how did you try to install gnome desktop? which package did you choose?13:48
ToM-XiKernel: I have.13:48
shane2_slytherin, hmm, I think, but I can't remember, ahh, seems someone did file one.13:48
roocraigbug for screensaver preferences?13:48
amerioiKernel ok but when ndiswrapper disabled , wireless doesnt work even if the athpci is enabled13:48
erik__i might do a fresh install after work13:48
iKernelToM-X, oh, okay, try a modprobe ath_pci then13:48
DJonesnickthorley: I think (from memory on an upgrade to 8.04 I've just done)13:48
Lainyarvind_khadri: Thank you.13:48
kimxemorris: thanks13:49
iKernelamerio, you probably need madwifi-tools13:49
shane2_slytherin, apt-get install gnome; apt-get install gnome-desktop-environment; apt-get install gnome-desktop13:49
FooAtarihey folks.  just got a quick question.  Rather than a fresh install I chose the upgrade option and so far everything seems to have gone smoothly and the system seems to running well.  I take it my system is now the same as it would be with a clean install of 8?13:49
shane2_slytherin, none of them worked13:49
arvind_khadriLainy, but why do you want it13:49
nickthorleydjones: thanks - just trying to find out if my wireless problem may be fixed in a later kernel13:49
emorrisemorris: you dont need to put the /media/ in though13:49
amerioiKernel 1st I installed madwifi , wireless worked but same problem as ndiswrapper , wireless working and no network detection13:49
v0lksmanerik__:  I have Hardy on about 5 machines and it does work...sounds like you have a package issue of some sort...13:49
intrinsyxFooAtari: Close enough.13:49
kimxemorris: but I need to configure a volume to be mounted on startup13:49
mattycozeDoes anyone know how to downgrade bluez-utils to ver <3.0?13:49
ToM-XiKernel: No Message appears.13:49
FooAtarithanks intrinsyx so nothing im missing out on or anything?13:50
roocraiganybody help with a sound issue-headphone sound but no speaker sound?13:50
iKernelToM-X, ok, now try wlanconfig ath0 what does that give you13:50
erik__where can i find log files?13:50
intrinsyxFooAtari: Pulseaudio is now the default, so you should probably install the pa packages if you wanna manage your sound properly13:50
slytherinmattycoze: why, is there any problem?13:50
moDumassestmy problem, any help would be awesome http://fixunix.com/ubuntu/369514-glitching-sound-ubuntu-7-10-8-04-a.html13:50
nickthorleycan anyone tell me if its possible to find out if the kernel from the media may have been patched and what was fixed13:50
erik__the "Unknown error" error message does not help me very much13:50
emorriskimx: i know you can put it in fstab, but i dont know of a tool to do it13:50
ToM-XiKernel: Should I disable Ndiswrapper??13:50
=== illavae is now known as illovae
iKernelToM-X, yes13:50
kimxemorris: there was a tool since hutsy13:50
v0lksmanerik__:  Yeah policykit needs some polishing...I think it was one of the "rushed" packages for this release...13:50
amerioiKernel how to edit blacklist file and modprobe conf file?13:51
intrinsyxFooAtari: And make sure you got ubuntu-desktop, that will ensure all of the default hardy packages were installed13:51
mattycozeslytherin, nah i wanted to try something from a few years ago13:51
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ToM-XiKernel: ath0      No such device13:51
NeT_DeMoNmadwifi tools?13:51
barbarellakinx: have you tried gnome-volume-manager?13:51
iKernelToM-X, grr, um, try wlanconfig wifi013:51
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs13:51
ToM-XiKernel: Same again lol13:52
roocraigany audio/sound gurus here?13:52
FomeHi! I'm having some problems with the sound after installing Hardy. I think it has something to do with the new soundsystem and the fact that I have two sound cards installed..13:52
N1NCHN41L5Dual Booting Linux with another Linux - Any Help????????13:52
LainyI can no longer mark a thread as solved?13:52
iKernelToM-X, okay, you've disabled ndiswrapper right? try modprobe ath_pci again13:52
cgentry72can someone help me. i'm having a major issue with flash and firefox.  it will start playing a video and then stop.  i've restarted firefox and even reinstalled it.13:52
intrinsyxFome: install the pa-devchooser and select the proper default sound card, or enable simultaneous output13:52
emorrisLainy: no they are yet to enable that feature13:52
ToM-XiKernel: Hold on I shall reboot.13:52
iKernelToM-X, then try iwconfig13:52
Lainyemorris: Ok, thanks.13:52
iKernelToM-X, yeah might not be bad idea13:53
BrianB04Morning all: I have an oddball issue with Ubuntu. This morning I went to play a Quicktime movie. It popped up, asked if I wanted to find the right codec, it found two and I installed the FFMPEG codecs. Now, whenever I go to open another quicktime movie, it again pops up the request to search for a codec because 'The codec to play this movie is not installed'. Anyway to stop that.13:53
Fomeintrinsyx: there is no package with that name13:53
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intrinsyxer... sec, lemme look it up13:53
N1NCHN41L5Dual Booting Linux with another Linux - Any Help????????13:53
slytherinmattycoze: you will find the packages from gutsy or or feisty, search on http://packages.ubuntu.com13:53
ere4siNINCHNAILS: I do that - the last linux installed is the grub that is used13:53
moDumassestarrhhhgg this is hurting my brain13:53
arttiI downloaded Ubuntu .iso file. How i should write it on cd. Some how i can't make it right.13:53
arvind_khadriN1NCHN41L5, only if you shoot13:53
iKernelN1NCHN41L5, omg, just throw the linux installation disk in and you can partition your existing linux partition13:54
roocraighow do i install a flash plugin-rpm package?13:54
arvind_khadriartti, use brasero13:54
Khamaelmy wireless network adapter on my laptop stopped working after I upgraded to hardy. what can I do?13:54
iKernelN1NCHN41L5, and then just edit /boot/grub/menu.lst13:54
intrinsyxfome: sorry, it's "padevchooser"13:54
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iKernelN1NCHN41L5, and put in your other linux distribution13:54
iKernelN1NCHN41L5, job done13:54
slytherinroocraig: don't use rpm package. there is flashplugin in ubuntu repositories13:54
N1NCHN41L5ere4si can i pm u????13:54
N1NCHN41L5i have 4 sep partitions - some of the puppy os require there OWN hd13:54
nickthorleyanyone here had intel wireless 3945 problems and managed to fix them?13:54
erik__i have the sound stuttering problem as well13:54
=== madjawa is now known as MadJawa
iKernelN1NCHN41L5, well then bad luck13:55
erik__i tried selecting OSS in the system->prefs->sound dialogue13:55
erik__but no change13:55
iKernelerik__, are you running esound?13:55
iKernelerik__, no no no no NO13:55
N1NCHN41L5NO you way of just install and go DOESNT work - it chewed up ubuntu grub and its own grub wouldnt load13:55
ere4siNINCHN4IL5: k13:55
iKernelerik__, use alsa, and ONLY alsa, everything else is crap13:55
N1NCHN41L5leaving comp UNBOOTABLE13:55
intrinsyxFome: Fire up synaptic, search for pulseaudio and grab padevchooser, paman, paprefs and pavucontrol13:55
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iKernelerik__, unless you're running a big music recording station, which you should probably use a mac anyway, in that case, you should probably run pulseaudio as well or something13:56
hydrogenN1NCHN41L5: caps are bad, mmmkay?13:56
slytherinroocraig: install package flashplugin-nonfree13:56
erik__i switched to all alsa now13:56
iKernelN1NCHN41L5, then you should've told it to not touch ubuntu's grub13:56
cgentry72can someone help me. i'm having a major issue with flash and firefox.  it will start playing a video and then stop.  i've restarted firefox and even reinstalled it.13:56
iKernelerik__, good13:56
kimxthere should be a disk manager? How can I start it?13:56
mheatherik__: um, yeah...what everyone else is saying is true. oss is very similar to ALSA, but inferior, and has been obsolete (due to ALSA) for about 6 years. Don't use that. :-)13:56
erik__do i need to restart anything to make vlc use alsa?13:56
amerioiKernel how to remove ndiswrapper from modprobe?13:56
barbarellakinx: have you tried gnome-volume-manager?13:57
arttiWhen burning image, what speed i should use?13:57
Fomeintrinsyx: they are installed... I'm not sure I understand how to continue...13:57
mheatherik__: Your system doesn't even really support oss anymore, anyway...all that would be doing is ALSA simulating the old oss.13:57
iKernelamerio, modprobe -r <module you want to boot up the ass and get out for just a moment while you do something else>13:57
intrinsyxN1NCHN41L5: then reinstall ubuntu's grub. fire up the livecd, open up terminal, run sudo grub, and from the grub prompt, find /boot/grub/stage1, it'll return the device it found it on, root <device>, setup <device>13:57
slytherinerik__: restart vlc perhaps13:57
arvind_khadriartti, use somewhere around 4x or so to be safe13:57
dagon_artti; as low as possible13:57
erik__yeah, i just read this: http://fixunix.com/ubuntu/369514-glitching-sound-ubuntu-7-10-8-04-a.html13:57
sailaway85When running video converter(s) system crashes when ...  3d graphics enabled ... then when surfing win firefox ,,, is this a memory leak .... could it be a flash plugin ......13:57
erik__describing the same problem13:57
intrinsyxFome: run padevchooser, and you should see a little "sheild". Click it to set a default card for output.13:57
slytherinerik__: have you changed the option in vlc to use alsa?13:58
iKernelToM-X, how's it going?13:58
arttiNow it is 4th time when i try to write image on cd.13:58
iKernelToM-X, did you run iwconfig?13:58
doogluscan someone please tell me how to log out of GNOME using the keyboard?13:58
dagon_artti; what brand on cd's?13:58
slytherinsailaway85: is that a single problem or multiple problems? Can you please rephrase your question?13:59
iKerneldooglus, ctrl+alt+backspace13:59
arvind_khadrisailaway85, that would needed to be looked in strace13:59
dooglusiKernel: I want to log out of GNOME, not kill X.  any idea?13:59
arttidragon_, Digidata CD-R13:59
intrinsyxerik__: sudo apt-get install vlc-plugin-pulse13:59
dooglusiKernel: I can click the little green man thing, but I can't see the dialog that pops up13:59
slytherindooglus: Ctrl + Alt + Delete should bring logout/shutdown dialog13:59
mattycozehey while i'm here, is there any way to get rid of that annoyign error beep13:59
erik__slytherin: no, that was the problem. thanks!13:59
iKerneldooglus, set a log out keyboard shortcut13:59
dooglusslytherin: yes, I'm sure it does, but I can't see it13:59
Fomeintrinsyx: sorry, for being stupid, but there is no obvious place to set the default card. (after I click the thing there is a list of different options)13:59
amerioNet_Demon anything new?13:59
dooglusiKernel: how?13:59
dagon_artti; tip: use tab :) it's dagon_, burn on TDK or Fujifilm, works perfect13:59
arvind_khadridooglus, ctrl+alt+del13:59
erik__slytherin: i thought it was grabbing the default one from gnome14:00
iKerneldooglus, on mine it is system->preferences->keyboard shortcuts14:00
dooglusarvind_khadri: when I do that, a dialog pops up.  what next?14:00
intrinsyxFome: Look in your tray for an icon that looks like a plug14:00
roocraighow do I get synaptic to download files--doesn't want to work for me14:00
sailaway85slytherin one problem crahes when video converting.... 3d enabled and surfing with firefox .....14:00
Fomeintrinsyx: yes, I clicked that14:00
erik__so, now it's only the administrative problem i need to solve14:00
arvind_khadridooglus, use the log out thats it :)14:00
KohelethI installed the 32bit because I did not like the 64bit, now I have them both!  How do I get rid of the 64bit installation?14:00
dooglusarvind_khadri: I can't see it. can I use the keyboard to navigate that dialog?14:00
Fomeintrinsyx: but then I don't know how to continue14:00
mattycozeoh thnk christ i fixed that14:00
intrinsyxFome: select Volume Control, Output devices tab, look for a little sheild14:00
slytherinsailaway85: for video converting you will have to log a bug against the package you are using. But I haven't seen the one where FF crashes when 3d is unabled14:01
iKerneldooglus, you'll need a mouse in order to set the keyboard short cut, btw14:01
arvind_khadridooglus, try using tab in that box not sure whether it'll work or not14:01
intrinsyxRight click, "Default"14:01
dooglusiKernel: I have a mouse14:01
arttidagon_, then i have to buy those. i hoped that i can get try new Ubuntu.14:01
nickthorleywhats the link for the ubuntu updates ftp area14:01
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs14:01
cgentry72can someone help me. i'm having a major issue with flash and firefox.  it will start playing a video and then stop.  i've restarted firefox and even reinstalled it.14:01
dooglusarvind_khadri: I have tried, and also the arrow keys.  but I can't see the dialog, so I can't tell what those keys are doing14:01
iKerneldooglus, then use it and set a keyboard short cut14:01
slytherindooglus: Can you please explain what do you mean by 'I can't see it'?14:01
arvind_khadridooglus, what exactly is your problem14:01
iKernelToM-X, tell me have you run iwconfig yet?????????????????????14:01
arvind_khadrislytherin, am on it14:02
Cheesasaurus_RexHello, can someone tell me how to boot without starting X just once? I need to do this in order to reinstall the NVIDIA drivers.14:02
intrinsyxFome: or if you want output from both cards, click the plug, configure local sound server, simultaneous output tab, checkmark the box.14:02
NeT_DeMoNamerio: no but im giving up14:02
slytherindooglus: you can simple use Alt + L to activate the logout button14:02
dooglusarvind_khadri: I want to log out.  the dialog that appears when I try to log out is in the middle of the screen.  the middle of the screen is all dead pixels, so I can't see it, and I can't move it elsewhere.  I think I need to use the keyboard14:02
NeT_DeMoNi will just stick to hardwire or vista :(14:02
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP314:02
Fomeintrinsyx: didn't seem to work...14:02
ere4sicgentry72: flash is cp intensive - sure it isn't h/ware related?14:02
v0lksmanartti:  it will work on any type of CD...no brand specific14:02
arvind_khadridooglus, ok use alt+l14:02
cgentry72ere4si, it's worked before until today so maybe i installed a plugin or something14:03
dagon_artti; are you using 7.10 now? then it's just an upgrade14:03
nickthorleynet_demon: what card you got14:03
Quiz_MasterCan anyone tell me where I can get DVD for Hardy ?14:03
ere4sicgentry72: did you update today?14:03
cgentry72ere4si, no14:03
arvind_khadriQuiz_Master, google it14:03
NeT_DeMoNnickthorley: atheros14:03
Fomeintrinsyx: do I have to restart or something+14:04
Quiz_Masterarvind_khadri: Nahi mil rahi bhai... Cant Find It14:04
IsotropicSpinAll I want to do i to be able to play MP4. and i have installed Medibuntu and it is still not working14:04
IsotropicSpinany ideas?14:04
albechanyone else having issues burning the image?14:04
arvind_khadriQuiz_Master, :) it'll come soon try ebay14:04
slytherinQuiz_Master: this mighte be the place, not sure - http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/dvd/current/14:04
N1NCHN41L5Anyone Know How to DUAL BOOT Multiple Linux OS"S??????14:04
yao_ziyua1what is the best dictionary program for linux? except stardict14:04
sailaway85slytherin: when using DeVeDe or tovin or vso(wine) vso(vbox).... as soon as I go into firefox system resets ......no log14:04
arttidagon_, i would like to make new install. But when writing on cd doesn't work then i make upgrade.14:04
v0lksmanIsotropicSpin:  did you try VLC or mplayer?14:04
slytherinalbech: what kind of issue?14:04
IsotropicSpinv0lksman: i did, but that was before medibuntu install14:05
IsotropicSpinshould i try again?14:05
cgentry72ere4si, the videos start for about 3 seconds and then just stop.  they continue to download but won't play past 3 seconds14:05
slytherinsailaway85: that is weird, any chance it is a problem with RAM14:05
mattkfirefox and flash crash when i browse to youtube.... is this a known problem?14:05
cousin_luigiis j2re1.4 gone for good from hardy?14:05
arttidagon_, currently i use Ubuntu for 32-bit system but i have 64-bit system.14:05
albechslytherin: i have tried several burning software and they seems to burn just fine, but its like the disk isnt finalized so it cannot be read14:05
v0lksmanIsotropicSpin:  naw if VLC or mplayer didn't play it then I'd say there may be something wrong with the file...can you test a different file?14:05
arttimattk, i have same problem.14:05
jerzyk86is somthing like deamon tools but for linux ???14:05
cgentry72mattk, it is and i'm having sort of the same issue except mine just won't play14:05
arttimattk, i know why is that.14:05
arvind_khadrisailaway85, do a ram test14:05
cousin_luigijerzyk86: mount -o loop14:05
dagon_artti; okey I see :) try burning as slow as possible, like 2x or 4x14:05
mattkartti: cool, ok so we can log a bug?14:06
v0lksmandagon_:  why?14:06
arttiI always have done that way.14:06
slytherinalbech: are you trying to burn any ubuntu image? Are you sure that image itself is not corrupt?14:06
IsotropicSpinv0lksman: yeah i will check it out now14:06
arttimattk, i know that flash don't work on 64-bit system.14:06
cgentry72mattk, no, it's always been that way and i've fixed it before but can't now14:06
ere4sicgentry72: I would think that might be a loose heatsink or fan not working - the software is there to run the vid14:06
sailaway85slytherin: did ram check ... ok .... going to remove macrovision plugin in firefox....  and try it....14:06
albechslytherin: yes, the image can be loaded with isomount etc. and its the latest ubuntu image14:06
myslingive got 64bit, and flash works fine.14:06
arvind_khadriartti, flash works on a 64 bit one14:06
nickthorleynet_demon: i tried to install last night but it wouldnt pick up my card either - it worked fine in 7.1014:07
cgentry72ere4si, that's kind of strange cause it's worked yesterday14:07
dagon_v0lksman; why what?14:07
arvind_khadriartti, sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree14:07
slytherinalbech: still it would be good to verify the checksum of image.14:07
NeT_DeMoNnickthorley: what driver you have?14:07
cgentry72mysling, i've got 64bit also and it worked fine yesterday14:07
mattkartti i'm not running 64 bit.... I've got the same deal as cgentry72 plays for a couple of seconds and then you lose the lot... also there is no sound at all14:07
arttiarvind_khadri, done that several times and it is said that it won't work on 64-bit system.14:07
nickthorleynet_demon: not sure - my card is intel one and used a restricted driver before14:07
arvind_khadriartti, its works for me14:07
fdrhi! what's the best way to edit partitions with a GUI? gparted?14:08
bhsxjerzyk86: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/mount-and-unmout-iso-images-without-burning-them.html14:08
myslingartti: tried 8.04?14:08
v0lksmandagon_:  why are you telling artti to use specific brands and slow down his burn?14:08
ere4sicgentry72: My only thought ...14:08
dagon_v0lksman; speaking out of experience14:08
bhsxor just use the mount command for loopback14:08
=== weed is now known as blackness
slytherinfdr: yes14:08
=== blackness is now known as weed
arttimysling, burning 8.04 image on disk14:08
NeT_DeMoNnickthorley: atheros is worse, trust me ;)14:08
dagon_v0lksman; -out of + from14:08
v0lksmandagon_:  issues like that are completely drive specific...14:08
N1NCHN41L5arti - or just do sudo aptitue ubuntu-restricted-extras, gives u everything14:08
dagon_v0lksman; not always14:08
myslingartti: im sure you will have no problems with it :D14:08
sailaway85slytherin: also have divx web plugin ... going to remove.... could it be a memory overlap or leak?14:09
timohey all hardy rocks :)14:09
slytherinsailaway85: form where did you get the divx plugin?14:09
arvind_khadriartti, hey ok i guess there was a bug for that,but that was in 7.10 maybe the tweak can work for you14:09
nickthorleynet_demon: i think the wireless support is very bad in linux general - it always seems to be the problem area - I wouldnt mind but i would have thought intel chipset would work perfectly but it seems not14:09
N1NCHN41L5GPARTED works GREAT - just make sure what u are trying do do (drive) isnt mounted14:09
erik__any news on unlock button not working?14:09
LainIwakuraHello, I just changed my openssh config, but when  I try to restart it via "sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart" it says not such file or directory. How do I restart OpenSSH then? Thanks.14:09
bhsxjerzyk86: there's also a GUI for it called gnomeiso14:09
v0lksmandagon_:  uhm...ok...I build machines for a living...I use cheap generic CDs on usually generic drives and haven't had issues for years....14:09
arttiAgain, it is just copied .iso file to disk.14:09
ha|0hello, I'm having trouble writing to a particular partition, but with only one program.  I have to run it as root for it to work.  Any thoughts?14:09
arvind_khadripallavi, hi14:10
NeT_DeMoNnickthorley: yeah, linux does suck with wireless14:10
moDumassestdaft punk sounds really scratchy, i cant seem to fix this, has anyone had sound issues thus far?14:10
jerzyk86thx :)14:10
pallaviI am new to ubuntu14:10
ToM-X1Right, I'm back with my crappy WIFI problem :P14:10
dagon_v0lksman; that's good, really. But I've had bad experience with lowprice cd's, no matter what burner I've used14:10
bazhangmoDumassest: what is that14:10
bhsxjerzyk86: actually, it's called gmountiso14:10
albechv0lksman: i have had experiences with disks too, where it helped to slow down the burn speed14:10
pallavican u please tell me how to login as a root user14:10
arvind_khadripallavi, do you have a support question14:10
moDumassestmusic is really scratchy14:10
arvind_khadripallavi, why do you want to do that14:10
cgentry72i'm removing anything that has to do with firefox and then reinstalling flash14:10
moDumassestusing alsa, have googled it no one knows14:10
ubotuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo14:10
bhsxjerzyk86: 'sudo apt-get install gmountiso'14:10
slytherin!tell pallavi about sudo14:10
N1NCHN41L5pallavi SUDO14:10
sailaway85slytherin: Actually I'm not sure... I think it came from firefox?14:10
IntangibleLiquidif a wifi network appears in the nm-applet, does it mean that my wifi work? My wifi LED lights up during boot time then dims, is this a problem?14:10
arvind_khadri!sudo | pallavi14:11
ubotupallavi: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.14:11
nickthorleynet_demon: i used to use fedora but when got a laptop it wouldnt work with wireless and thus tried ubuntu which worked first time so was really happy but then new version of ubuntu comes out and no support  - great14:11
albechv0lksman: cant say anything about disks since they are mostly produced on the same factories, just added different logos14:11
pallavibecause when i am trying to copy folders it is saying operation not permitted14:11
v0lksmanalbech:  I'm not saying you WON'T have issues...but since we don't know what make/model artti has it seems silly to jump the gun and tell him to slow it down and buy new CDs14:11
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP314:11
N1NCHN41L5sudo apt-get install program14:11
=== ToM-X1 is now known as ToM_x
ifireballLainIwakura: are you sure OpenSSH is installed? /etc/init.d/ssh should be there14:11
crashanddieIntangibleLiquid, it usually means you're on the good way14:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about unlock - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:11
N1NCHN41L5or sudo aptitude install program14:11
ToM_xAh, iKernel has gone -_-14:11
bhsxIntangibleLiquid: yes, it should be working if there's a wireless network in nm-applet14:11
cgentry72no luck with that14:11
NeT_DeMoNnickthorley: its always worked for my intels, just atheros is the first problem ive had14:11
pallaviya i can login as root in a terminal14:11
arvind_khadripallavi you cant copy paste into root folder14:11
GNUtoov0lksman, it didn't remove my linux-headers...14:12
arvind_khadripallavi, i meant in X14:12
spinikeri just upgraded to the new 8.04,but i cant seem to get my emerald themes to work..14:12
LainIwakuraifireball: I only need openssh-client, right?14:12
spinikerany ideas?14:12
pallavii am not pasteing into root folder14:12
brackettthello, upgraded ubuntu yesterday, now it wont make it past the login screen anything i can do?14:12
v0lksmandagon_ albech:  All I'm saying is the best way to know is to try burning at full speed on the disks you have...If that doesn't work then try slowing it down...if that fails then maybe look at new media...14:12
ha|0hello, I'm having trouble writing to a particular partition, but with only one program.  I have to run it as root for it to work.  Any thoughts?14:12
timoI like you the way you tube works in totem :)14:12
pallavii am copying from the root thats all14:12
slytherinsailaway85: Can you tell me what is the Filename for divx plugin? You can type about:plugins in the address location of firefox14:12
albechv0lksman: i totally agree with that14:12
IntangibleLiquid<bhsx> <crashanddie>: thanks, I just cannot test it because the wifi is encrypted, but I did attempt to connect to a free wifi this afternoon without success. How can I activate the LED? My function key does not work for wifi14:12
arvind_khadripallavi, to where14:12
v0lksmanGNUtoo:  what package did you end up removing?14:13
ifireballLainIwakura: depends on what you are trying to do, /etc/init.d/ssh restarts the server...14:13
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T4NK3Rben er eindelijk:)14:13
slytherinpallavi: it depends on what you are trying to access. Not everything in root folder has read access to everyone14:13
bhsxslytherin: 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras'14:13
albechv0lksman: but slowing down the burn is not a bad suggestion, and it definitely wont cause more failures ;)14:13
ari_stresshi guys, just installed hardy. but i cannot install build-essential, has anyone experience the same?14:13
arttiI hope that Ubuntu 8.04(32-bit) works fine on AMD64.14:13
crashanddieIntangibleLiquid, check your syslog to see if you have any changes when using the function key14:13
pallavisorry i made a mistake14:13
N1NCHN41L5sudo aptitude install is easier14:13
pallaviwhat i am trying to say is14:13
v0lksmanartti:  it does.... :)14:13
LainIwakuraifireball: Well, I added "ServerAliveInterval 120" to ssh_config, so I thought I needed to restart it so the changes will go into effect. But there is no ssh restart...14:14
skyowneri don't understand one thing, is UBUNTU 8.04 compatible with standart French Packages14:14
arvind_khadriari_stress, put in the cd and install build-essential14:14
titan_I updated to hardy herron today but when it restarted it just gives me a load of text for an hour then hangs, i had to put the 7.10 live cd back in14:14
v0lksmanalbech:  not when you are eager to get going and you have to wait 45 minutes for a burn... :)14:14
LainIwakuraifireball: I am not running a ssh server on this computer, so I don't think I need  openssh-server14:14
bracketttim running ubuntu in safemode and it could run HAL what does that mean?14:14
bhsxslytherin: or you can add medibuntu to you apt sources and 'sudo apt-get install w32codecs'14:14
pallaviI am not touching the root contents14:14
erik__anyone exccept for me having problems with policykit and "unlock" button in system prefs after upgrade?14:14
slytherinbhsx: why are you telling me this?14:14
timo brackettt: hi14:14
bhsxyou asked for the divx package name...14:14
albechv0lksman: ahh you talking about failed burns due to flying cdrom burners? ;)14:14
timo brackettt: did you gust update14:14
phixxorhey, does anyone know for sure how the heron image is lisensed?14:14
nickthorleyis there an address i can browse the ubuntu updates area - browse the files etc so that I can view a list - like browsing the ftp area for them for instance14:14
arthurWhat is actually the easiest way to use java (in firefox) with ubuntu 8.04 amd64?14:15
slytherinbhsx: No, I am trying to debug the problem another user is facing.14:15
ifireballLainIwakura: like the name implies, ServerAliveInterval is a server configuration directive, you should be placing it on the server...14:15
v0lksmanerik__:  did you try re-installing policykit and policykit-gnome?14:15
IntangibleLiquidcrashanddie: thanks! I'll do that14:15
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pallavionly what i want to do is i want to copy the dir which contains c files14:15
erik__v0lksman: nope.. i'll try that now i guess14:15
bullgard4What is the command-line command to download the source code of a DEB program package?14:15
slytherinpallavi: Which file are you trying to access?14:15
v0lksmanalbech:  zaclty...hahahah14:15
pallaviwhich is in home folder14:15
LainIwakuraifireball: Okay, thanks.14:15
Voxxinickthorley : maybe packages.ubuntu.com is what you are looking for?14:15
=== Lamia^^ is now known as Lamia_
brackettttimo yeah yesterday. actually restarted the comp today. and now i can only log in with safe more14:15
arvind_khadripallavi, to whre??14:15
slytherinpallavi: copy to where?14:15
pallavimy own c files14:15
IntangibleLiquidalso, I cannot find any option to disable join, quit messages. I'm getting too dizzy14:15
IntangibleLiquidusing x-chat14:15
LainIwakuraifireball: But isn't ssh_config the config file for the client and sshd_config the one for the server? Thanks for your help.14:15
arttiarthur, what you mean by using java?14:15
ifireballLainIwakura: no wait, my bad14:15
pallavito a pendrive14:15
sailaway85slytherin: plugin from avi video14:15
arthurjava applets14:15
=== Lamia_ is now known as Lamia55
Itakui got a .sql file, how do i put it into a SQL db on my comp14:16
LainIwakuraifireball: Oh14:16
arthur@artti: java applets14:16
timo brackettt: i had same issue , simple dpkg-reconfigure -a14:16
erik__hmm, how do i reinstall packages?14:16
arttiarthur, like installing?14:16
slytherinsailaway85: can you post any screenshot?14:16
cgentry72for those having issues with flash and firefox, i suggest removing all plugins for firefox and removing flash, then reinstall flash and reboot.  that worked for me14:16
erik__i have to remove them and install them? or is there a reinstall flag?14:16
arthur@ artti yeah but which package?14:16
brackettttimo type that into the terminal?14:16
arvind_khadripallavi, ok type this cp /home/pallavi/*.c /path/to/where/it/shld/be/copied14:16
arttiarthur, sun-java6-plugin i think14:16
ha|0hello, I'm having trouble writing to a particular partition, but with only one program.  I have to run it as root for it to work, though the folder is owned by my user.  Any thoughts?14:16
slytherinpallavi: what is the file system on the drive? is it FAT or NTFS?14:17
PrivateVoidHello folks14:17
AngryElfis it possible to change the key bindings in various GTK/gnome apps? -- like gnome-terminal for example14:17
arthur@ artti : I will try - thanks!14:17
timoyeh sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a14:17
ifireballLainIwakura: yes, its a client directive, essentially /etc/ssh_config is the system-wide client configuration file, changes to it will take place the next time you run the client (e.g. the next time you run an "ssh" command)14:17
bhsxarthur: search software packages for 'icedtea'14:17
Sajuukkharhey guys, my hardy wont partition my harddrive correctly so I will do it manually, what do i need to do?14:17
arthur@ bhsx: Ok14:17
erik__timo, v0lksman: hey! it worked14:17
bhsxuse the icedtea plugin14:18
pallaviok i will try one sec14:18
brackettttemo so just follow the instructions14:18
v0lksmanerik__:  nice!   :)14:18
arttiHeh... you know last week i had Vista on my computer.14:18
timoerik__: what did14:18
Al00*sigh* -- did a network upgrade from 7.10 to 8.04 yesterday. Now, if I press any key on my numeric keypad (microsoft wireless keybaord) -- I get booted out of my session.14:18
ifireballLainIwakura: however, I think its a better practive to make client-side changes in your own home directory e.g. in the ~/.ssh/config file14:18
Al00Anyone else having this issue?14:18
LainIwakuraifireball: So restarting ssh is only applicable if I'm running a server.. and the changes I made to ssh_config will take effect once I run a "ssh" command? Thanks.14:18
arthur@ bshx: icedtea-java7-plugin14:18
erik__reconfiguring policykit14:18
N1NCHN41L5Anyone Know How to DUAL BOOT Multiple Linux OS"S??????14:18
erik__oh wait a minute14:18
Itakui got a .sql file, how do i put it into a SQL db on my comp14:18
erik__i think i've discovered a bug14:18
bhsxarthur: there ya go...14:18
bhsxuse that14:18
modocItaku: mysql -u user -ppass db_Name < yourfile.sql14:18
afallenhopeThere's a lot of bugs with ubuntu14:18
afallenhope lol14:18
LainIwakuraifireball: Oh okay. Thanks.14:18
dooglusthanks whoever it was told me about alt-d to logout.14:18
erik__v0lksman: i'm running a laptop with an additional screen14:19
nickthorleyis there any way I can try 8.04 with all updates to see if my wireless card will work without installing it first?14:19
ToM_xWhere is this MadWIFI guide on ubuntu forum for hardy lol14:19
slytherinarthur: which java version do you wich to use, the plugin package depends on that14:19
ifireballLainIwakura: yes, since the client doesn't rung in the background there is nothing to restart, its not started to begin with...14:19
timobe right back14:19
arvind_khadridooglus, welcome14:19
bhsxnickthorley: yes, the livecd14:19
brackettttemo haha im getting alot of fails :)14:19
Voxxinickthorley : use the live CD?14:19
modocnickthorley: try the livecd14:19
erik__v0lksman: not using xinerama.. so when i run the admin app from my secondary display the unlock button doesn't work and give me the unexcpected error14:19
LainIwakuraifireball: Great, thanks.14:19
erik__v0lksman: but it works fine on the other screen14:19
slytherindooglus: welcome14:19
arvind_khadripawan hi14:19
sanozukedoes anyone knows were is the notepad in ubuntu14:19
arthur@slytherin I would like to use the latest one14:19
nickthorleyi have the live cd which doesnt work but there may have been patches since which is what I am asking - can i try it with all patches?14:19
v0lksmanerik__:  hahaha....file a bug on that for sure....14:19
erik__v0lksman: this is actually a bug, i guess the policykit or gnome app can't bind to the correct session or something14:19
erik__where do i file it?14:20
sanozukedoes anyone knows were is the notepad in xubuntu14:20
slytherinItaku: it is not necessary that every .sql file will work with mysql14:20
Itakui got a .sql file, how do i put it into a SQL db on my comp14:20
bhsxi've been testing the beta for about 6 weeks now... and i'm very impressed with the fixes that have gone in in the last week or so14:20
ibleedare the ubuntu dvd's that i'm seeing on torrent sites official canonical releases ?14:20
bhsxfeels very solid14:20
slytherinarthur: I suggest you install sun-java6-* packages.14:20
bazhangsanozuke: the windows program notepad?14:20
ha|0can anyone help me?14:20
Itakuslytherin: i got the file but i want to put it in14:20
slytherinarthur: That is the most complete java currently14:20
sanozukejust like it14:20
afallenhopeUbuntu + Wine doesnt' go well14:20
GNUtoohello, i've been trying to install nvidia proprietary driver during several hours...and i don't suceed....i realy need help...i have an xorg.0.log error...14:20
arthur@ slytherin: actually I am installing "icedtea-java7-plugin"14:20
gord_ nickthorley : explain for us "doesnt work" a bit more we see if we can help u here14:20
v0lksmanafallenhope:  wyssat?14:21
bazhangsanozuke: perhaps gedit--just like it is only in windows though14:21
bhsxslytherin: icedtea works great, let him install that one14:21
ndyhi, anybody with a thinkpad r61 c2d8100, nvida nvs 140) around? and/or any idea why kubuntu live-cd is booting but ubuntu is hanging after starting the live-cd (does not boot hangs on bootscreen where you can choose if you want to install or try)14:21
v0lksmanGNUtoo:  have you tried envyng?  its in the universal repos14:21
sanozukethank you14:21
CTankredHi guys, does the new screen resolution tool works for you? Doesn't detect any sec. monitors here14:21
slytherinarthur: icedtea packages lack some classes like sound. So may not work with every applet14:21
arvind_khadripallavi, did that work??14:21
slytherinItaku: it is not necessary it will work. if it was made for oracle you need oracle installation on your machine.14:21
v0lksmanerik__:  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu14:21
arthur@ slytherin: ok I will see... thank you!14:21
bhsxslytherin: icedtea sound works great over here14:21
bazhangndy sounds like a bad burn or a corrupt iso14:22
HeroinWhats up with the Encrypt stuff in gnome?14:22
GNUtoov0lksman, the problem is that at a kernel update it will break the module and the laptop won't have graphics ....and that is VERY problematic14:22
nickthorleygord_: well i cant get a wilress connection in 7.10 it came up asking if I would like to use a restricted driver which worked perfectly but in 8.04 this seems to have been removed for some strange reason - It may be available in a patched kernel or via other patches but I dont know this unless I install I guess14:22
Itakuuh ive seen this in my terminal for the past 5 mins. 0% [Connecting to us.archive.ubuntu.com (]14:22
f0rmatcan someone tell me how to set the system so every time i add a user by default they can only access ~14:22
ndybazhang: burned the ubuntu cd two times .. will try another one :)14:22
slytherinbhsx: no, you are certainly using something other than icedtea. Check 'java -version'14:22
bhsxItaku: it's because the servers are getting SLAMMED14:22
sailaway85slytherin: removed divx plugin ... running tovin now without system rebooting14:22
bhsxjust let it run14:22
Voxxinickthorley : What type of wireless card do you have? Belkin, D-Link etc14:22
v0lksmanGNUtoo:  with envy or just when you install manually?14:22
slytherinHeroin: what with that?14:22
Itakuwell crap14:23
Heroinslytherin: the encryption option in gnome.. in the filemanager14:23
Itakuill try to find another place to download phpmyadmin14:23
pallavii tried it is copied14:23
nickthorleyvoxxi: i have an intel 3945 abg card14:23
pallavibut i am not able to view the contents in it14:23
lodercan I ask are many people trying the lazy way of upgrading to Heron or are you all being sensible and backing up and starting fresh. i always used to do a fresh install as awindows user, but I'm told aptitude especially does avery good job?14:23
gord_ nickthorley : ah ok got u now, yep use the live CD to install a system, THEN solve the wireless probem, do u have a a wireD network connection on the machine?14:23
slytherinHeroin: ever heard of gnupg?14:23
bazhangnickthorley that card not working?14:23
modoconce again ubuntu has given my hard drives names I can't find.14:23
modocHow can I list the known drives on the machine?14:23
lenafter updating to 8.04 my gnome-rdp gives this error: Error during the connection to database, uninstalling and installing the package dit not help14:24
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arthur@ loder yeah no need to starting fresh ... I have done both ways several times and had no problems14:24
ifireballmodoc: sudo fdisk -l14:24
GNUtoov0lksman, before the update i had envy and now i want to install it the ubuntu way so it doesn't break during the kernel updates14:24
v0lksman!uuid > modoc14:24
bazhangloder well not really lazy; just like to continue on--your way is fine too though14:24
bhsxi installed icedtea-gcjwebplugin, which installed openjdk --jre14:24
immesys!uuid > me14:24
bhsxopenjdk-6-jre, that is14:24
nickthorleygord_: yes I do.  how can i install patches and test though when the patches may need a reboot?14:24
bulliummodoc: sudo fdisk -l14:24
nickthorleybazhang: no it doesnt14:24
bulliumifireball: sorry14:24
modocifireball, bullium, v0lksman: thanks!14:24
v0lksmanGNUtoo:  ahh...I think Alberto fixed that with EnvyNG...14:24
bazhangnickthorley: what does ifconfig show14:25
bulliummodoc: yep14:25
jojomasso, funny thing happened partition editor doesn't detect my partitions, but i can see them from nautilus. je, I can't get past the LiveCD14:25
Voxxinickthorley : Apparently, according to the linux wireless list, its fully supported. What have you tried to get it working14:25
N1NCHN41L5Anyone Know How to DUAL BOOT Multiple Linux OS"S??????14:25
nickthorleybazhang: unfortunately cant tell you as not with the machine at the moment14:25
slytherinbhsx: yes, that is different from icedtea-java-7 packages. But even openjdk is not complete AFAIK,14:25
loderbazhang i am thinking of doing that actually - Gutsy does everytihng I need and I actually rely on it as my main system now so I loathe to mess with awinning formula14:25
arstanjhi all, is the ubuntu repos lagging? does anybody experiencing this?14:25
slytherinN1NCHN41L5: grub installation wil take care of it14:25
v0lksmanGNUtoo:  may want to check with him in the forums though....Envy has been flawless for me with ATI in the past and so far with NG and nVidia it's been ok...but no kernel updates yet... ;)14:25
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mattycozehey how do i check whether i've manually installed an old version of bluez-utils correctly?14:25
nickthorleyvoxxi: i havent tried anything - it was autodetected before and I cant see why the driver should have been removed from a later version of the os - seems like a backward step to me14:25
=== hal0 is now known as halo
arteniusN1NCHN41L5: grub14:26
immesysarstanj: all ubuntu sites are lagging14:26
afallenhopeanyone know how I can completely restore Ubuntu? I don't know the partitions.. I just did the desktop installation. I want to reinstall. I jacked up all my modules some how.14:26
bazhangnickthorley: I have the exact same card and it works very well once you get it going--when you have a chance perhpas you can troubleshhot it14:26
gord_ nickthorley : ah, i meant actually INTALL the system onto hard disk using the live CD, but do u just want to test it witout disturbing the hard disk? not easy at all that way....14:26
Sajuukkharsame here14:26
JPSmonwhat would happen if I ran wubi with wine???14:26
N1NCHN41L5artenius - GRUB is my only problem14:26
Sajuukkhari want to know what partitions i require to have14:26
slytherinN1NCHN41L5: and please don't use all caps. It is considered as shouting.14:26
arstanjimmeys: thanks, so its not only my network14:26
mattycozeHow do i check whether i've manually installed an old version of bluez-utils correctly?14:26
sanozukehow to you guys and girls read so fast14:26
IndyGunFreakJPSmon: lol, i think it would create a comedy of errors14:26
Sajuukkharwe dont14:26
bazhangloder well I would stick with gutsy until 804.1 if you know what I mean14:26
Heroinslytherin:  what is gnupg?14:26
immesyssanozuke: you don't you just look for your name and the name of the person you're talking to14:26
GNUtoov0lksman, the problem is that i must finish the upgrade as soon as possible...so i don't know how long it'll take before having a response in the forums...14:26
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=== hal0 is now known as hall0
evandJPSmon: ...it would work.14:27
arstanjimmeys: I'm pretty much understand that ubuntu iso mirrors lags, but repos... esp they differ from country to country....14:27
JPSmonLOL, how?14:27
bazhang!tab | sanozuke14:27
Voxxinickthorley: Maybe it was detected correctly, but not configured properly. Does it show up under the System > Admin > Network?14:27
ubotusanozuke: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.14:27
nickthorleygord_: ok no prob - will just have to install and then if cant get it working revert back to 7.1014:27
N1NCHN41L5was only partly caps so they know its not M$ dual boot - text moves so fast14:27
slytherinHeroin: it is implementation of public-key cryptography14:27
IndyGunFreakevand: you really think so?.. i seriously doubt it would14:27
jojomaswell.. lets all do a fresh install of 7.10, and then upgrade to 8.04... this is feeling like windows man14:27
bhsxslytherin: that's interesting.. i hadn't realized that.... i'm actually uninstalling and installing sun-java6-plugin to see if i can tell a difference on any applets14:27
mattycozeHow do i check whether i've manually installed an old version of bluez-utils correctly?14:27
JPSmonevand, would i dual boot my linux?14:27
fysais there a Wubi channel?14:27
bazhangjojomas: far from it14:27
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jojomasjaja, just kidding14:27
fysaI boot into initramfs every time.14:27
slytherinpallavi: you may want to join #ubuntu-in. You have high chance of getting answers there14:27
ifireballmattycoze: try using it?14:28
evandJPSmon: IndyGunFreak I've seen it with my own eyes.  The lead developer works in Ubuntu, it's kind of a necessity.  But it's only useful for testing that it created the right things and put them in the right place.14:28
pallaviya Thanks for assistance14:28
sanozukeyou guys14:28
gord_ nickthorley : yep but not too hard to install then configure stuff once it's on your disk, but near-impossibkle to remaster a live-cd that way for specific card u see14:28
dassoukiwhen i do an lsb_release -a i get 8.04 hardy !14:28
nickthorleybazhang: what did you have to do to get it going - I think we need to get out of having to "fix" it - if it auto worked before then why not in a later version - I love linux and want to get more people into it but if the way to get your card working is to play with kernel modules then i cant help but thinking we are going backwards not forwards14:28
sanozukeare a lot of time online14:28
evandfysa: no, just a forum and website.14:28
v0lksmanGNUtoo:  I'm not sure how installing the drivers manually is going to help though...no matter what when you install a new kernel you need to create the modules for it...Envy does it for you while the "Ubuntu" way (which isn't cause Ubuntu Way means no proprietary software) you have to do it by hand....14:28
halll0can anyone help with a permissions problem I'm having?14:28
N1NCHN41L5yes /j #wubi - only 1 person in it now14:28
IndyGunFreakevand: well, i'd have to see that to believe it14:28
ibleedhow do i encrypt a partition that requires me to give a password when i want to access it (not on boot but manually) ?14:28
bazhangnickthorley: this is hardy right?14:28
loderIndyGunFreak it might even work though - that very last version of Wine is startlingly good - it even runs Dreamweaver with bit of tweaking now - that amazed me!14:28
nickthorleygord_: no prob - thanks for your help - will install it tonight14:28
nickthorleybazhang: yes hardy14:28
sanozukehow to i use tab to search for program14:29
JPSmonevand: So there wouldnt be a dual boot then?14:29
v0lksmanGNUtoo:  I honestly think EnvyNG will fix your upgrade issue though...the app is more closely integrated for Hardy then it was in the past...he worked with Ubuntu devs to make a lot happen...14:29
evandIndyGunFreak: bzr branch lp:wubi wubi; cd wubi; make prerequisites; make; make test14:29
evandJPSmon: I'm not sure I understand your question.  Can you elaborate on what you want to accomplish?14:29
GNUtoov0lksman, what i mean by ubuntu way is trough the restricted hardware gui which install the nvidia module package wich would be updated if the kernel is updated14:29
neetoHow do I set the color depth in 8.04?14:29
bazhangnickthorley: they moved from the ipw3945 to the iwl3945 and the transition has been a bit rocky; but the new kernel level module means no restricted driver and much better performance14:29
nullmindneeto: you still have to use xorg.conf :-/14:30
loderIs there a search in this chan where i can look up things I don't know like what EnvyNG is?14:30
slytherinsanozuke: what do you mean?14:30
ifireballsanozuke: you start typing its name in the command line and then press tab, it should then either complete the name or give you completion options14:30
Adlai!envy | loder14:30
ubotuloder: envy is an unsupported tool to install newer versions of binary video drivers than provided by the official repositories. Use at your own risk, and remember that the latest version is not necessarily the "best". See « /msg ubotu binarydriver »14:30
JPSmonevand: eh not really.  its just a joke.    I feel like I would be dividing by zero somwhere14:30
arstanjdinesh: Hey14:30
gord_ nickthorley : historical note - the live-CD is a full "release" next full updates to live-cd's will be next major release, 8.10 u see, but a system installed on your hdd can be update daily/hourly, on demand u see14:30
vbabiy-laptophey guys is there any way to install the Ubuntu plugin back in to firefox 3.14:30
nickthorleybazhang: dont suppose you have any instructions on what you had to do to get it working do you?14:30
Adlai!envyng | loder14:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about envyng - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:30
v0lksmanGNUtoo:  yeah I've never had any luck with that... :)14:30
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gangsterliciouswhys ubuntu.com internet so slow14:30
Adlaihmm, alright14:30
bazhang!info envyng-gtk | loder14:30
ubotuloder: envyng-gtk (source: envyng-gtk): install the ATI or the NVIDIA driver. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.1ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 93 kB, installed size 324 kB14:30
slytherinloder: simply type !searchterm14:30
jhoc2xhow to upgrade from gutsy to hardy?14:30
evandJPSmon: ah, indeed.14:30
sanozukei don't use irc a lot14:30
nullmindHow can I receive notifications whenever a command is executed?14:31
indian_munndacan any one tell me any software package to change my MAC id????14:31
bhsxgangsterlicious: because it's getting POUNDED?14:31
sanozukebut is channel is the best14:31
slytherinjhoc2x: check channel topic14:31
IndyGunFreakbazhang: so is envy considered safe now, for Hardy?14:31
gangsterlicioushmmm, ok14:31
arthur@ jhoc2x sudo apt-get update   and then sudo apt-get dist-upgrade14:31
loderOh I do remember, people with Nvidia drivers especially use it  yeah?14:31
Adlainullmind: what sort of notifications?14:31
bhsxlook at it this way... there are 1500 ppl IN HERE14:31
nickthorleygord_: yes i fully understand - is it possible that after installing and patching the card may be auto detected and work - the updates fixing it or is this highly unlikely?14:31
shane2perudoes anyone know if a bug was filed for gnome-desktop install on the server edition?14:31
bazhangloder you can /msg ubotu info packagename or /msg ubotu keyword for lots of stuff14:31
jhoc2xarthur: thanks bro!14:31
JPSmonand then ran a wubi in the wubi's wine?14:31
spinikerhello room14:31
vbabiy-laptophey guys is there any way to install the Ubuntu plugin back in to firefox 3.14:31
bhsxthink of what the server, trying to dish-out 650MB isos AND updates is goign through?14:31
nullmindAdlai: basically like how libnotify notifies you a file has moved, etc., i need to know when something is executed14:31
bazhangIndyGunFreak: it is blessed ;] for hardy only though14:31
shane2peruDoes anyone have a workaround for getting the gnome desktop installed on server edition?14:31
GNUtoov0lksman, i know it's possible to install the card without envy because a guy(wich is away) succeeded to install it with the gui in ubuntu14:32
IndyGunFreakbazhang: very interesting14:32
=== v0lksman is now known as v0lksman-away
slytherinvbabiy-laptop: which plugin?14:32
gord_<indian_munnda: macchanger, or mac-changer  from my memory, some card will take it as ifconfig option too14:32
spinikeri just updated to the new hardy,but i cant seem to get my emerald themes to run14:32
loderbazhang thanks - in some ways my installs worked so well I didn't learn so much14:32
nullmindshane2peru: install ubuntu-desktop package?14:32
MTecknologyIf anybody still wants a copy, I have i386-desktop at ftp://arnescnp.com user: ftp pass: <anything>  I'm uploading amd64-desktop to the server now.... limit - 7 connections14:32
Adlainullmind: you can replace the binary with a trojan that sends you some mail and then executes the program14:32
loderThere's an irony there somewhere :)14:32
lilg111111anybody know how to get youtube to work in hardy14:32
evandIndyGunFreak: aiui, yes.  Or at least moreso than it was.14:32
vbabiy-laptopslytherin: the one that comes installed by default with firefox 3.14:32
slytherinshane2peru: you haven't stated the problem you faced, yet14:32
Adlaithen drop that somewhere in your path14:32
shane2perunullmind, I will give that a try14:32
Adlaibefore the real binary14:32
ifireballshane2peru: installing the ubuntu-desktop package doesn't work for you?14:32
evandah, sorry, didn't notice that bazhang replied already.14:32
sanozukeIam trying to use perl and things are going better14:32
shane2peruslytherin, yes, gnome-desktop-environment is brokedn14:32
bazhangnickthorley: I cant remember offhand but will help you go through it if you wish sometime--there are a couple of bugs that stop some people from using it atm that will be fixed in short order14:32
shane2peruifireball, going to try that now14:32
sanozukein xubuntu14:32
slytherinvbabiy-laptop: you need package ubufox14:33
vbabiy-laptopslytherin: it lets you choose to install flash or gnash, also helps install java14:33
nullmindAdlai: Yeah, i know, but I need a dynamic way to do this. Can I somehow filter bash?14:33
bhsxlilg111111: 'sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree'14:33
iluminatuswhere is a german help channel for ubuntu ?14:33
=== eth01 is now known as eth01-ITS-MY-BIR
nullmindAdlai: I guess I could replace bash and do my filtering there...14:33
Adlainullmind: I'm not aware of how, if it's possible14:33
=== eth01-ITS-MY-BIR is now known as its-my-birthday
nullmindAdlai: this is because of this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76328314:33
loderone more question - this inclusion of FF3 beta 5?14:33
indian_munndagord_: i used it but its not working correct.When i changed my MAC id the internet stopped working and when i rebooted my PC, MAC was again changd to the older one.14:33
slytherinshane2peru: do you just want gnome-desktop?14:33
nullmindloder: Final Fantasy 3 wasn't released in United States14:34
nickthorleybazhang: what do you mean by term short order - they will be last to be fixed? - I will be trying to install tonight - approx 8 hours from now if you are around?14:34
=== its-my-birthday is now known as eth01
shane2peruifireball, nullmind -   ahh, sometimes the simple solutions escape me!  I tried gnome, gnome-desktop, gnome-desktop-environment14:34
loderWill aptitude upgrade it to the release as and when it's avaibable14:34
ifireballshane2peru: but really if you're gonna do that, install desktop ubuntu and be done with, you're not getting anything from using the server that way14:34
grnmtndoes anyone know where to find documentation for hardy server?14:34
GNUtoov0lksman-away, http://albertomilone.com/envyngfaq.html#F => i will use envy14:34
vbabiy-laptopslytherin: i have that package but how do I get it in to firefox14:34
nullmindshane2peru: you can also install kubuntu-desktop for the KDE dekstop14:34
slytherinloder: yes14:34
lodernullmind I meant Firefox - I can't work out whether your joking there14:34
nullmindgrnmtn: you can always use $man14:34
gord_  nickthorley : possible, more likely u need to google for, for example, {card name) ubuntu hardy and do somethin manually14:34
lilg111111bhsx, i have it already14:34
nullmindloder: im always joking :)14:34
elektronik123can i backup Pidgin`s conversation logs ?14:35
bhsxrestart FF and go to youtube14:35
bazhangnickthorley: I will do my best to be around; will try to remember what exactly I did--not much really though ( acoup;e of tweaks iirc)14:35
alteregoai need a strange help14:35
shane2peruifireball, nullmind thanks guys, I'm a gnomer, and yes I like having my server too, computer handles both just fine, I like the server install, server hobby, desktop for work. :)14:35
slytherinvbabiy-laptop: I don't understand what you mean by 'get into firefox'14:35
grnmtnnullmind: I'm looking for install guides . . . so I'm not to the man stage yet14:35
bazhangalteregoa: go ahead and ask14:35
albechwhere can i find the md5sums on the ubuntu website?14:35
bhsxlilg111111: and it doesn't work?14:35
vbabiy-laptopslytherin: well I have it installed but firefox doesn't show it installed.14:35
neeto24 bit color depth is not including the 8 bit alpha channel, right?14:35
alteregoai connected two screens to the ubuntumachine14:35
iluminatuswho i must configured xchat for using a bnc ??? problem ident ... i need help in german ^^14:35
slytherinelektronik123: manual backup? yes. Open terminal and check directory ~/.purple/logs14:35
nullmindgrnmtn: Ubuntu has a good Wiki14:35
alteregoabut it doesn't work as it should14:35
bazhang!md5 | albech14:35
ubotualbech: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows14:35
lodernullmind I take it Final Fanatasy is agame? the software I'venever heard of is always game related :(14:35
lilg111111bhsx, nope just a black screen shows up with the replay button but no video plays14:35
nullmindgrnmtn: you can also browse the packages online and download their docs14:35
gord_indian_munnda: yes mac-changer usuall opnly last during one boot, changin g mac confuses everything, so u mets ask for new IP by recycling the network, eg: disable it and reeneble it should work for dhcp14:35
shane2peruifireball, nullmind I have xubuntu installed now, and it is ok, but I just like gnome too much, too used to gnome.  Thanks14:36
bhsxlilg111111: you restarted FF?14:36
bazhangalteregoa: you need to use my nick if you want an answer thanks14:36
gord_so u must#14:36
slytherinvbabiy-laptop: where did you check it?14:36
alteregoait has only 640x480 resol. i cannot change the resolution to 1024x768 on the second screen14:36
lilg111111bhsx, yes14:36
afallenhopeDoes Ubuntu work well with SATA hard drives?14:36
vbabiy-laptopslytherin: the addons.14:36
bazhangafallenhope: sure14:36
b33rwhat's the md5sum of hardy amd64 desktop?14:36
shane2peruslytherin, I forgot the package name that is why I was trying the gnome-desktop etc.14:36
alteregoayes with sado drives, it wors14:36
nullmindb33r: it's on the ubuntu release package14:36
shane2peruslytherin, thanks though.14:36
bhsxlilg111111: this SHOULDn't have anything to do with it... but try 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras'14:36
arthur@ afallenhope ... yeah SATA should be no problem14:36
nickthorleybazhang: thanks for your help14:36
grnmtnnullimind: I'm trying to set up separate partitions, so I guess 8.04 docs aren't necessary (I doubt that has changed) - but I can't find any decent documentaiton on manually partitioning ubuntu server14:37
slytherinvbabiy-laptop: Are you checking 'plugins' or 'extensions'?14:37
loderafallenhope I don't know what constitutes well but it certainly works on mine14:37
gord_indian_munnda: so use macchanger, then  go to network icon on top toolbar then disbale then reenable it14:37
bazhangnot yet nickthorley ;]14:37
indian_munndagord_: but i m running a DNS server with a public IP thats why i m looking for MAC changer.14:37
nickthorleygord_: you too - hope to be chatting later via wireless14:37
joshua__hey guys14:37
bhsxok, enjoy everyone, this is too busy for me to be much help14:37
nullmindgrnmtn: are you going to use the Live CD to install, it has GParted a GNOME-based partition editor that is very sexy14:37
vbabiy-laptopslytherin: both14:37
joshua__im a i have a quick question14:37
joshua__im a newb14:37
joshua__and i have hardy14:37
nullmindnever ask to ask or talk about asking14:37
lilg111111bhsx, already have that to, should i uninstall em and reinstall them14:37
RWBcould someone give me a link to the release info on Hardy?14:37
bazhanggo ahead joshua__ easy on the enter key though14:37
alteregoaa mac changer, so you had a power pc mac, and now you try to change to intel?14:37
immesysjoshua__: just ask14:37
greentomatewhen will archive.ubuntu be back up??? I can/t get any packages as of now and it is quite frustrating.14:38
joshua__I am running dual boot with vista 64 and when i installed hardy i could read my ntfs data14:38
jhoc2xhow are thing between hardy and gutsy??? i'd like to know before upgrading to hardy14:38
loderIt is busy actually - the busiest I've ever seen any IRC channel in my life!14:38
ere4sijoshua__: just ask your qustion - it gets busy here14:38
nullmindgreentomate: go to Admin->Software sources and choose a local mirror14:38
alteregoai have no glue with xorg.conf14:38
bazhangrwb www.fsckin.com has the best one (in Plain English)14:38
slytherinvbabiy-laptop: have you restarted firefox? Any chance you are using firefox2 instead of firefox3.14:38
immesysjoshua__: thats a feature14:38
nullmindgreentomate: im in Portland, OR and choose cat.pdx down the street :)14:38
afallenhopewhat about an Asus vid card?14:38
LainIwakuraI cannot find the artwiz package in the hardy repositories. How do I find which respoistory to add so that I can apt-get xfonts-artwiz2?14:38
joshua__now it says cannot mount14:38
slytheringreentomate: use local mirror please14:38
greentomatenullmind: i'll give that a shot, thanks.14:38
greentomateyes yes ill try14:38
grnmtnnullmind: ubuntu server livecd doesn't appear to include gparted14:39
vbabiy-laptopno slytherin its firefox 314:39
bazhangafallenhope: what chipset14:39
immesysjoshua__: its probably because the ntfs journal is dirty. reboot into windows and shut down nicely14:39
gord_indian_munnda: aha, so ion that case u need to recycle the fixed IP, anyone help with a foolproff method in hardy? no box here on 8.04 to talk him thru.. :(14:39
joshua__I downloaded and installed a ntfs3g thing and i guess that i didnt need it for hardy, but since installing that i have no access14:39
slytherinvbabiy-laptop: perhaps a firefox restart is needed14:39
arthur@ slytherin: What else is to do for Firefox Java then "sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre" ?14:39
grnmtni'm sort of shocked that they would release 8.04 without update documentation at the same time14:39
q4ahi to all, I want to install ubuntu on laptop Samsung Q45 F000. I tried to do it with 7.10 and 8.04 - but i can't: it fades at attempt to start from a disk without installation. Whether it is possible to try to start ubuntu from USB flash drive and how? Or some one can already have the same problem?14:39
nullmindgrnmtn: yes, the Ubuntu Desktop does include GParted14:39
joshua__i tried removing it in synaptic, however it didnt work14:39
vbabiy-laptopsorry slytherin I didn't notice I had firefox open on a different desktop14:39
indian_munndagord_: i m running gutsy14:39
vbabiy-laptopso it was not restarting14:40
greentomateanother question: how do i make it so i dont have to type root password all the time. Isn't there a way to have it autofilled? i mean, i understand why it wants to prompt you, but why should i have to actually type a pw in as supposed to hitting "OK Proceed"14:40
joshua__removing it worked14:40
nullmindgrnmtn: you can always use the parted application for command-line partitioning14:40
joshua__but ntfs didnt14:40
bazhanggrnmtn: they did you just need to look for it: www.distrowatch.com has the official one14:40
slytherinarthur: you also need sun-java6-plugin :-D14:40
gord_indian_munnda: u see the moment u change the MAC all your network switches get confused, they try to talk to the OLD mac, in their arp-caches i think14:40
pawanhow to download videos from youtube14:40
dwhsixHardy upgrade Q: I torrented the alternate CD, burned it, but when did the upgrade it seems to be downloading everything from the new and not using the CD...14:40
joshua__so i reinstalled it and it still doesnt work14:40
arthur@ slytherin : oh ^^14:40
immesysjoshua__: have you tried manually mounting the drive?14:40
frostburnanyone having issues compiling vmware server on 64bit 8.04?14:40
nullmindjoshua__: do you know how to open a terminal?14:40
joshua__not sure how14:40
bhsxok i will say this for anyone having troubles with FROSTWIRE or LIMEWIRE....   over the course of the beta, and including the final release...  install the FrostWire .deb.  then 'gksudo gedit /usr/bin/FrostWire' and make the file '#!/bin/bash  -  cd /usr/lib/frostwire - java -jar FrostWire.jar' then 'sudo chmod +x /usr/lib/FrostWire' then just type (or create a shortcut) for 'FrostWire' and it will run just fine...14:40
gord_indian_munnda: k, gutsy then anyone?14:40
bazhang!info youtube-dl | pawan14:40
ubotupawan: youtube-dl (source: youtube-dl): download videos from youtube.com. In component universe, is extra. Version 2008.01.24-1 (hardy), package size 7 kB, installed size 64 kB14:40
joshua__terminal yes14:40
joshua__brb i have to help my daughter14:40
dwhsix(this /may/ be because I started an upgrade and said 'yes, do the updates now', but then cancelled that and started over...)14:40
afallenhope 14:40
moDumassbooya. the solution to cracly sound is to turn the application your usings volume down to 70% but turn up your master, it removes the crackling static scratchy clicks14:40
loderq4a that's the odd thing there are some systems - I have one - that won't do livecds - but will install from install cds fine14:40
pawani am using gutsy14:40
arthur@ slytherin there is no sun-java6-plugin14:41
grnmtnbazhang: if you look at https://help.ubuntu.com/, it is all 7.10 or older14:41
lodersomeone told me it can be because the system ram isn't fast enough14:41
bazhangsudo apt-get install youtube-dl pawan then in the terminal youtube-dl (the url of the vid you want here)14:41
bhsxarthur yes, there is14:41
joshua__ok im back14:41
bazhanggrnmtn: it is one day since the release and we are all volunteers please be patient that is a huge amount to update14:41
nullmindgreentomate: you want to change the sudo timeout14:41
immesysjoshua__: ok do you know the /dev/ name of your drive?14:41
gord_indian_munnda: basically, i think u just do this, run macchanger, go up to network-manager icon on top toolbar, disable networking, then do it again to enable networking14:41
=== v0lksman-away is now known as v0lksman
bhsxarthur: it's called 'sun-java6-plugin' i'm looking at it right now in Synaptic14:42
joshua__i get 73.1 gb media14:42
indian_munndagord_: ok i m doing it now14:42
joshua__that is the name in properties14:42
nullmindgreentomate: try this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=17904814:42
gord_indian_munnda:all my boxes down right now u see i'm using <eek> windoze14:42
arthur@ bhsx do I have to use "software from 3rd part"14:42
bazhangloder more likely a video or acpi issue; you might try with the acpi=off boot parameter14:42
bhsxarthur: it installs sun-java6-jre and sun-java6-bin14:42
LainIwakuraI could install a package with the Gutsy repositories. How do I install that package in Hardy?14:42
immesysjoshua__: join #tmp3214:42
Fritzelwhere should I go to look for new themes and backgrounds?14:42
grnmtnbazhang: I understand the nature of community work, but for a distro that is trying succeed on a commerical level, it is unprofessional - they shouldn't have released the distro until the docs were ready14:42
elektronik1238.04 isn`t good translate into polish14:42
bhsxyou should have universe and multiverse checked by default14:42
methodscan i upgrade to the new version from my desktop ?14:43
v0lksmanGNUtoo:  I was thinking of checking the FAQ for the answer... :)14:43
arthur@ bshx I both got them installed14:43
loderbazhang actually that sounds right - at least on that system I always have to force acpi on and off in the modules14:43
grnmtnbazhang: anyway, I'm not trying to bash ubuntu, I love it, but I was a little suprised. And I greatly appreciate all the work that goes in to it14:43
carlanyone having any issues updating, in the update manager it gives me a button to update to 8.04 but when i click it i get the loading icon nothing happens??14:43
q4aloder, thx, i'll try14:43
bazhanggrnmtn: you can file a bug or add the idea to brainstorm.ubuntu.com or help out yourself14:43
loderYeah that must be it at least on mine14:43
GNUtoov0lksman, ok and thanks a lot!!!14:43
v0lksmanGNUtoo:  make sure you use EnvyNG in hardy though....from the repos.. :)14:43
nullmindjoshua__: join #tmp32 and we'll help you14:43
bhsxthen just do 'sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin'14:43
bhsxand you'll be good to go14:43
nullmindjoshua__: it's very busy here14:43
dagon_carl; it took a little while for my update-manager to get started, just sit tight14:43
Itakui found a bug on ubuntu 8.0414:43
GNUtoov0lksman, envyng-gtk14:43
joshua__how do i do that14:43
joshua__i see that14:43
bhsxItaku: this sin't where to report it14:44
elektronik123some texts isn`t translate into polish in 8.0414:44
carlok i rebooted it ill go try again14:44
bazhangloder also try removiing the quiet so you can see the exact problem with the error messages14:44
Itakuwhere do i report it?14:44
bhsxdo a bug report14:44
immesysjoshua__: type /join #tmp3214:44
carlit was using zilch cpu and zilch network tho14:44
psychwhats the best choice instead totem ??14:44
v0lksmanGNUtoo:  yep...and envyng-core if it isn't picked up as a dep14:44
bazhang!bug | itaku14:44
ubotuitaku: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots14:44
nullmindcarl: the update servers are kinda slammed, try changing your repos to a different mirror14:44
ScuniziItaku, launchpad14:44
carlyeh im using my isp14:44
bulliumi ran the last hardy beta before rc and there was orange border on the left side of the gnome menus, it isn't there in the final release. how can i add that little border14:44
bhsxpsych: vlc14:44
carli downlaoding the alternate iso i might try updating that way14:44
gord_indian_munnda: to get the enable/disable Right_Clic the network manager icon on toolbar14:45
loderbazhang I did solve it on mine - I used amp off or something I forget the exact line14:45
LainIwakuraIs it okay to add Gutsy repositories in apt/sources.list? I'm using Hardy. Thanks.14:45
psychbhsx, ty i know this one..i dunno why totem work so badly14:45
nullmindpsych: vlc14:45
eimajentha1Hello, I'm running Ubuntu 8.04 server, and I just created a RAID) filesystem with mdadm called /dev/md0.  I'm generally pretty happy with, but I'm wondering if I need to make a startup script to assemble it everytime the machine boots, or if it will be persistent.14:45
v0lksmanLainIwakura: why would you want to?14:45
dystopianrayLainIwakura: no it is not14:45
loderI'm one these that only learns to get were he's going14:45
bazhang!slow | carl14:45
ubotucarl: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of the latest edition. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.14:45
LainIwakurav0lksman: I can't find a package I could install when I was in Gutsy.14:45
bazhangloder aye; that is tough part about linux ;]14:45
jamiej__ I am trying to install ltsp-server-standalone on hardy and get this Processing triggers for initramfs-tools ...14:45
jamiej__ Using '/usr/share/ldm/themes/edubuntu' to provide 'ldm-theme'.14:45
jamiej__ Reading package lists... Done14:45
jamiej__ Building dependency tree14:45
jamiej__ Reading state information... Done14:45
LainIwakuradystopianray: How do I find a package I could install with Gutsy's repositories then? Thanks.14:45
FloodBot2jamiej__: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:45
jamiej__ E: Couldn't find package xubuntu-artwork-usplash14:45
nullmindGUYS: Changing mirrors really helps with slow APT speeds14:45
dystopianrayLainIwakura: which package?14:46
bazhang!paste | jamiej__14:46
ubotujamiej__: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)14:46
LainIwakuradystopianray: xfonts-artwiz214:46
LainIwakuradystopianray: Do I need to uncomment some lines in sources.list?14:46
* elektronik123 i go prepare to install 8.04 i beafraid14:46
loderbazhang but the other thing I found after is that the alternate CDs with the Debian Iinstaller always just work14:46
dystopianrayLainIwakura: was it in the official gutsy repos?14:46
bazhangLainIwakura: apt-cache search relatedwordhere14:46
Fritzelwhere should I go to look for new themes and backgrounds?14:46
LainIwakurabazhang: Tried that, couldn't find it.14:46
LainIwakuradystopianray: I'm not sure, but I could install it with aptitude.14:46
bazhangloder which is why so many people use it ;]14:46
loderBut Iknow people trying for the first time don't want to be told to go for broke so I never say that14:46
dystopianrayLainIwakura: there is xfonts-artwiz14:47
ere4siFritzel: I go to gnome-look.org14:47
bazhangLainIwakura: you may need to enable more repos; please pastebin your sources.list14:47
Fritzelere4si, alright thanky ou14:47
LainIwakuradystopianray: hm yeah my sources.list may be incorrect14:47
Jessidhello. I installed ubuntu 8.04 and i want to change the name to the partitions shown in the desktop, I thought that using the properties dialog was going to be able, but it doesnt work...14:47
arthurHow can I use sun-java6 with Firefox @ ubuntu amd64?14:47
hardffwhy is gstreamer busted?14:47
bazhangLainIwakura: what is the exact name of the package?14:47
Cusoon959I've blacklisted b43 and ssb in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist. b43 does not load any more, but ssb still does. How can I get ssb to stop loading?14:47
dystopianrayarthur: install sun-java6-plugin14:48
LainIwakurabazhang: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64366/14:48
bazhanghardff its not14:48
loderbazhang actually Debian installer is an amazing system - I've never seen it fail to install on anything14:48
arthur@ dystopianray I haven't got it14:48
dystopianrayCusoon959: why do you want to stop ssb from loading?14:48
nappulaanyone using rtl8185 in 8.04? 'cause mine is broken14:48
LainIwakurabazhang: xfonts-artwiz2 (http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-install-artwiz-fonts-in-ubuntu.html)14:48
dystopianrayarthur: are you running gutsy?14:48
daedrais there a way to throttle your connection to simulate 56k?14:48
daedrai'm doing an assignment on usability on the web, and how websites have grown from text based to streaming media etc14:48
Cusoon959dystopianray, because b43 doesn't seem to work with my card. I want to run ndiswrapper...14:48
loderAnd for reasons I won't bore you with a lot of old comps come through my hands :)14:48
hardffits just causing errors in 80% of multimedia apps on hardy14:48
arthur@ dystopianray 8.0414:48
Cusoon959I'll BRB, maybe b43 will work...14:48
dystopianrayarthur: update your package list14:49
dystopianrayCusoon959: try it without disabling ssb, other drivers use ssb too14:49
nappulaI can't get my wireless card down on 8.04.14:49
pheriodanyone got f-spot up and running? mine cant connect to dbus14:49
bazhangLainIwakura: tw hey? what about the canonical partner repos? could it be in there? packages.ubuntu.com could tell if you tell me the package name I can help you look14:49
neetoI know this is a silly question, but is there a way to make xfce use sound effects?14:49
daedraok forget this...14:49
nullmindI have instructions for getting rid of b43 and using ndiswrapper on my blog here http://devangelist.blogspot.com/2008/03/ubuntu-804-beta-hardy.html14:49
dublpawsthe repositories are slammed :(. is there one which is not serving upgrades?14:49
bazhang!info xfonts-artwiz214:50
ubotuPackage xfonts-artwiz2 does not exist in hardy14:50
LainIwakurabazhang: Thanks, the package name is: xfonts-artwiz214:50
Jessidi cant remember the command to see the kernel version i have...14:50
nullmindJessid: uname -r14:50
bazhang!find xfonts14:50
ubotuFound: ttf-arphic-bkai00mp, ttf-arphic-bsmi00lp, ttf-arphic-gbsn00lp, ttf-arphic-gkai00mp, xfonts-100dpi (and 77 others)14:50
indian_munnda_gord: i did that but didn't worked14:50
indian_munnda_gord_: i did that but didn't worked14:50
loderneeto I know this was asked in the xfce channels and the answer appears to be yes - though I've never wanted to do it14:50
Jessidnullmind: thanks a lot14:50
nullminddublpaws: use a local mirror in Admin->software sources14:50
bazhang!info xfonts-artwiz2 gutsy14:50
loderI usually race to turn them off14:50
ubotuPackage xfonts-artwiz2 does not exist in gutsy14:50
nullmindWhy are my fonts in Firefox very tall?14:50
dublpawsok nullmind14:50
Fritzelwith the lag on the repos today I'm extremely glad I stayed up to date all week14:51
LainIwakurabazhang: I searched and I could not find it in the Hardy repositories. It does show up in the Gutsy repositories though.14:51
nullmindFritzel: me too14:51
cpuhI , I have ubuntu 7.10 .. so I strated to upgrade it to 8.04 ... so in the upgrade process I got some errors.. and the update maneger poupd-up with a message to contenue or somehow from there becase the errors so Im trying to fix that... and started upgrading another time so whats the problem.. cuz its not working well14:51
indian_munnda_gord_: are you there??????14:51
bazhangLainIwakura: does not seem to be in gutsy or hardy perhpas getdeb.net?14:51
gord_indian_munnda: hmm, ok then, err yes, right, err, OK does ifconfig -a show the changed (new) mac under "physical address" ?14:51
v0lksmandublpaws: open Synaptic -> Settings -> Repositories -> Download from "Other" and select best...then reload your list...14:51
LainIwakurabazhang: It shows up in Gutsy as the package name "xfonts-artwiz"14:51
dudushey does anyone have the ubuntu Ogio metro backpack? I think I'll get one. Can you tell me if it's really 100 bucks worth14:51
bazhangcpu we need the exact errors thanks14:51
LainIwakurabazhang: Is there a way to install that Gutsy package in Hardy?14:51
bazhang!info xfonts-artwiz14:52
dystopianrayLainIwakura: that package was not in gutsy either14:52
ubotuPackage xfonts-artwiz does not exist in hardy14:52
LainIwakuradystopianray: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=artwiz&searchon=all&suite=gutsy&section=all14:52
spinikeranybody has issues with emerald on hardy?14:52
Ultraputzi upgraded from gutsy to hardy, on a machine with whole-disc encryption (LKM) and now the thing no longer recognizes the password to unlock the drive to boot.14:52
nullmindLain: backports14:52
Ultraputzer LUKS14:52
cpubazhang... the error occurd in the downloading packages process..14:52
loderLainIwakura don't you just add the lin in apt?14:52
LainIwakuraloder: Which line?14:52
LainIwakuraLet me try enabling backports.14:52
Sajuukkharguys i really need help14:52
bazhangcpu could you try again from the terminal and report the exact errors please? thanks14:52
spinikeri cant seem to get it to to run..14:52
^^malajenho^hi everyone, I've installed hardy heron by first time. How can I configure my wireless device BROADCOM4318 to work fine ??14:52
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dystopianrayLainIwakura: oh sorry i thought you mentioned xfonts-artwiz2 earlier14:52
bazhangSajuukkhar: ask away14:53
LainIwakuradystopianray: Yeah sorry typo14:53
hardffhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/totem/+bug/218750/  what do you do about it??14:53
Sajuukkhari tried doing the automatic guided install for partition14:53
gord_indian_munnda: I assume you have to spoof the MAC to work with a particular ISP yeah?14:53
jburd^^malajenho^: Terrible card.14:53
Sajuukkharand it couldnt work14:53
loderLainIwakura it will be the repository for gutsy preceded by deb14:53
* jburd doesn't like anything broadcom.14:53
ayilma1did hardy fix the suspend problem?14:53
loderjust like alkl the other urls14:53
LainIwakuraloder: How do I find the exact url for that?14:53
loderit's awhile since i did it14:53
dystopianrayayilma1: which suspend problem?14:53
neetoIs anyone else using one of the new mac keyboards?14:53
Theo_Why wont grub boot my windows or ubuntu? It says selected disk does not exist.14:53
Sajuukkharit just says cant partition it and takes me back to the partition table14:53
jburd^^malajenho^: Use the Windows wireless drivers if you can't get the Linux builtins working14:53
ayilma1suspend in laptops..14:53
kennethrHow do I know that I've got the latest Hardy installed?  I jumped on at a beta and I just want to verify that I've got the released bits installed.14:53
LainIwakuranot in backports14:53
loderLainIwakura hang on I have to look everything up14:53
Jessidwhat does it mean OSE at the end of the name of VirtualBox????14:54
LainIwakuraloder: Thanks.14:54
bazhangTheo_: which was intalled frist windows or ubuntu14:54
dystopianrayayilma1: you'll have to be much more specific14:54
loderit might be LainIwakura14:54
dystopianrayJessid: open source edition14:54
Sajuukkhari been trying to fix my laptop a day and a half14:54
neetoIs anyone else using one of the new mac keyboards?14:54
nullmindayilma1: what doesnt work w/ suspend?14:54
bazhangjessid open source edition iirc14:54
dystopianrayJessid: it lacks usb, rdp and iscsi support but is otherwise identical14:54
Jessiddystopianray: thanks a lot!!!14:54
Theo_windows and ubunto over 7.10 which was on a different hd in the computer14:54
v0lksmankennethr:  either run update manager or sudo apt-get update then sudo apt-get upgrade14:54
bulliumdid anyone else see the new border that was on the menus during the beta versions of hard/14:54
ayilma1suspend was not working for many models in gutsy14:54
Itakui have to apt-get something but i cant because it cant connect. is there another way?14:54
gord_kennethr: update with update-manager if no uodates found u are current, servers busy though14:54
Jessidbazhang: thanks a lot14:54
LainIwakuradystopianray: Is it okay if I add the gutsy universe repository line in my sources.list in order to install that xfonts-artwiz package?14:54
bazhangitaku what is the error14:54
cpubazhang.. k ty for co-oprate.. so I will find is that from my distro or the ubuntu works... so I wanted to ask is it a critical error or what !! .. I cant make restart14:54
dystopianrayLainIwakura: i wouldn't think so, no14:55
bricasHello all. I'm trying to remove my dependencies on kde app -- anyone ever done any switch from (1) Digikam to F-Spot and (2) Amarok to Rhythmbox? I don't want to lose my tags/ratings.14:55
ere4siItaku: why can't it connect?14:55
liberviscoDoes engmail work on evolution?14:55
Jessiddystopianray: does not support USB???mmm too bad. Some plans to support it???14:55
LainIwakuradystopianray: How do I get that package then? Thanks.14:55
nullmindWhy doe Firefox 3.0 have tall fonts?14:55
indian_munnda_gord_: actually i m having two computers and when i try to use the network on the other one it does not work because ISP needs my registered MAC.14:55
dystopianrayJessid: if you want usb support get the non open source edition off the virtualbox website14:55
bazhangcpu sorry missed your first question; is what a critical error14:55
ere4siItaku: does it time out?14:55
dystopianrayLainIwakura: no idea, find out why it's not included in hardy14:56
kennethrv0lksman: gord_: There's no way to actually verify that all of the packages are "release" bits, though?14:56
LainIwakuraAlso, is it recommended to downgrade firefox? I can not use any of the plugins.14:56
Sajuukkharok i wipe the entire harddirve and let it run: this is what i get: ext3 file system creation in partition #1 os SCSI1 (0.0.0) (sda) failed.14:56
LainIwakuradystopianray: Alright.. thanks.14:56
jhoc2x_grabe.. 510ms man ang LAG14:56
Jessiddystopianray: i am reading it, but they dont have for ubuntu 8.04 yet14:56
nullmindLainlwakura: Disable the "Version Check" in about:config14:56
dystopianrayJessid: do you need to use the usb support in virtualbox?14:56
LainIwakuranullmind: Great, thanks.14:56
cpubazhang , I think I just can stay with my current situation with the distro ...14:56
nullmindLainlwakura: Google Toolbar for example works fine once I did that14:56
Sakehow come ca.archive.ubuntu.com times out when I try to apt-get install packages?14:56
gord_indian_munnda: yes ok, but u realise that two devices cannot exist at the same time using one single mac address, ie bothturnedon and plugged into network...in case u have that going on14:57
cpubazhang .. and I cant do anything .. so I'm just tryin' to make another upgrade14:57
dystopianray!slow | Sake14:57
ubotuSake: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of the latest edition. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.14:57
nullmindSake Use a local mirror in Admin->Software Sources14:57
bazhangcpu okay if you specify the problem we may find a solution but ath is up to you14:57
Jessiddystopianray: yes, I have to "burn" some microcontrollers using windows and i prefer to run it under linux14:57
eltechwhys it so difficult to install something like gdesklets afer install?14:57
Itakuere4si: yeah it times out14:57
Sakenullmind: I'm using ubuntu server, don't have a gui14:57
Itakuoh wait it finally installed14:57
eltechseem slike all the repos are not reachable or something14:57
cguillermoSajuukkhar: did partition-editor recognize all your partitions?14:57
agarihow long does the apt upgrade take?14:57
bazhangeltech the servers are slow at the moment14:57
indian_munnda_gord_: yes i know that and i use only one device at a time.14:57
dystopianrayJessid: i'm not sure if there will ever be usb support in the open source edition14:57
PMantiscdimage.ubuntu.com is timing out for me, too...14:57
Sajuukkharits wiped them all and done it itself14:57
cpubazhang.. ahhh ok .. ty .. I will report about if it repeated.. ty at all14:57
Sajuukkhari think thats what 'guided' means14:57
eltechah ok i thought it was me14:58
NibiruETAnyone running Ubuntu in a VirtualBox?14:58
ere4siItaku: the servers are under a heavy load atm - give it a day14:58
PMantisI only want an 8.04 jeos torrent link. Anyone have one?14:58
jburdindian_munnda_: Get a switch and set up a proxy on the machine already registered.14:58
spinikermy upgrade took about 7 hours14:58
eltechbazhang but if I dl the .deb file why is it still looking for repo?14:58
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Sajuukkhar7 hours14:58
JoelitoThanks dystopianray, that help me :)14:58
gord_ kennethr: not really, but u can be sure they are "current" ie, up to date/hour/minute14:58
indian_munnda_gord_; i did ifconfig -a and it gave me info of all devices14:58
bazhangeltech which deb file14:58
Sajuukkharmine is taking me past the 36 hour mark14:58
cguillermoSajuukkhar: yes, but. sometimes you cant see all partitions if you havent shutdown windows correctly14:58
PMantisspiniker: Would've been quicker to download the alternate or DVD via torrent, and upgrade with local disc. :)14:58
damo22when i use 2.6.24 kernel it crashes14:58
cguillermobut... thats not the case14:58
Jessiddystopianray: ok man. I hope they do...meanwhile, lets enjoy new Ubuntu, jejeje...Thanks a lot! By the way, do you know how to change the name of the disks shown in the desktop???14:59
Sajuukkharwindows isnt installed on here14:59
eimajentha1stupid question: why is my root (i.e. mounted at "/") partition commented out in /etc/fstab?  I'm running Ubuntu Server 8.04, and it's working fine, but that seems odd to me.14:59
spinikermen i guess i was lucky enough14:59
gord_indian_munnda: ok, so the physiocal address is the new one u specified on macchanger then?14:59
bazhangeltech likely because it has dependencies--best to waiut and get from the repos14:59
dystopianrayJessid: not in ubuntu, no14:59
gord_indian_munnda:...for the specific network card u are using, or eth0 if u only have one network card/nic14:59
SeanTaterIf there is this much lag at this market share, what will it be like when everyone uses ubuntu?14:59
Sajuukkharcan i make my own partitions15:00
indian_munnda_gord_: are talking about the hardware address?15:00
cguillermoHave you tried installing with the alternate cd?15:00
loderLainIwakura http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2008/01/17/adding-additional-repositories/ is about adding repositories generally and the Gutsy one i presume is main - I'm actually using Debian today I I can't actually read it off for you15:00
Sakehow do I set local mirrors from the command line? I'm using ubuntu server..15:00
spinikerim now about to upgrade my laptop to 8.04..15:00
Sajuukkharwot alternate cd?15:00
gord_indian_munnda:yes thats it sorry15:00
Jessiddystopianray: mmm ok. Now that you say it, I am curious to know what distro do you use!15:00
bazhangSeanTater: interesting but not really suited to this channel thanks15:00
amenadoeimajentha1-> can you paste your /etc/fstab for us to see?15:00
loderthat was an excessive use of the word actually sorry about that :)15:00
schnootopSince installing hardy my gfx card doesnt get recognised and i get default screen resolution. What is the best way to configure this ?15:00
dystopianrayJessid: kubuntu15:00
PMantisUbuntu 8.04 JeOS torrent file anyone?15:00
LainIwakuraloder: Okay thanks.. although another user said that I should not add a gutsy repository line in my hardy sources.list?15:00
tomd123Sake: install desktop if you don't know15:00
indian_munnda_gord_: ok let me see.15:00
ScuniziSeanTater, I think there will be more mirrors available.15:00
bazhang!alternate | Sajuukkhar15:00
ubotuSajuukkhar: The Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-alternate-i386.iso.torrent15:00
Jessiddystopianray: Ok man! see you! And thanks a lot!15:00
cguillermotheres the desktop edition, and an alternate one, that gives you additional options for installing15:01
bakomschnootop, I have the same problem15:01
Sajuukkharu mean the i386 one and the other one?15:01
loderLainIwakura well as to the wisdom I couldn't say - I'm just a newbie who can search :)15:01
bazhangLainIwakura: dont mix repos versions; bad juju will happen ;]15:01
schnootopbakom, have you gotten anywhere yet or know why its happening >15:01
LainIwakuraloder: Hehe, alright.15:01
spinikeris there a room for emerald?15:01
LainIwakurabazhang: Okay.. :/15:01
cguillermono, there is a desktop and an alternate cd for i38615:01
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bakomnope, sorry, schnootop15:01
schnootopthats ok, ill update all my packages and see if that will fix it15:02
bazhangspiniker: you can try #compiz-fusion15:02
spinikeri cant seem to get it running on hardy15:02
spinikerok thnks15:02
Sajuukkharwhere can i get the alternate cd15:02
Aragorn_Guardianhi all15:02
ScuniziPMantis, http://www.sumotorrent.com/en/details/785331/hardy-jeos-i386.iso.html    2 secs on google.. found it15:02
loderLainIwakura I actually added the VLc repos before it became standard fair and obviously that doesn't pose any conflict issues15:02
Aragorn_Guardiani wanna more info about wubi15:02
LainIwakuraloder: I see.15:03
bazhanghttp://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-alternate-i386.iso.torrent Sajuukkhar15:03
Aragorn_Guardianit is available in ubuntu 8.0.4 server?15:03
Sajuukkharim setting part's manualy15:03
evandAragorn_Guardian: http://www.wubi-installer.org15:03
PMantisScunizi: Weird, I tried Google... took me to cdimage.ubuntu.com, which is dead ATM15:03
PMantisScunizi: Thanks!15:03
Aragorn_Guardianevand: nice.. thanks15:03
MimiAragorn_Guardian: http://wubi-installer.org/faq.php and yes it is.15:03
ScuniziPMantis, np... I use www.google.com/linux  for linux related stuff15:03
FattyIs there any way that I can update my current ubuntu to ubuntu 8, without burning it to a cd?15:03
loderI better go - I think I'm a good learner but not so good a teacher LOL15:03
Aragorn_Guardiannice project15:03
cguillermoyou shouldnt have to, if your installing from the entire disk the partitions are created automatically.15:03
Aragorn_Guardianit works????15:03
Aragorn_Guardianis stable?15:04
treutflashplugin doesnt work in opera, with ubuntu 8.0415:04
bazhangFatty: sure; just via the net you mean?15:04
evandAragorn_Guardian: Mimi: uhm, no, it's not available in Ubuntu Server15:04
MimiAragorn_Guardian:  You can install any Ubuntu ISO or CD you got using Wubi. Read the Faq15:04
evandAragorn_Guardian: yes, it works.  Yes, it's stable (though see the note about running it on Windows Vista)15:04
bazhangloder not so; you are very helpful thanks!15:04
PMantisScunizi: Hmmm, 0 seeders, 0 leechers. Perhaps there's another on google.15:04
Aragorn_Guardiannice...gonna read the faq15:04
Fattyyea, i mean, i just installed ubuntu 7 like 2 weeks ago and now ubuntu 8 is out so i don't want to burn to cd, just want to like...update, some easy way15:04
bazhanghaha vista15:04
Aragorn_Guardianthanks a lot15:04
Fattyheh i'm a noob15:04
Aragorn_Guardianubuntu always rules!!!!15:04
* evand shakes fist at Vista.15:04
FloodBot2Aragorn_Guardian: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:04
bazhangfatty you can dist-upgrade if you wish15:05
Sajuukkharmy partitions; 1 20 gig ext 3 with /home mount point, 2 20 gig ext 3 with / mount point, 3 789 mb swap file15:05
Aragorn_Guardianthere are something like a xp theme for gnome???15:05
Aragorn_Guardianpeople are too confusing with linux desktop...15:05
MimiAragorn_Guardian:  If you are good enough at computers that you want to use Server, you shouldn't need Wubi ;)15:05
Aragorn_Guardiani hate users.. :/15:05
Fattybazhang, just type dist-upgrade in a terminal?15:05
indian_munndagord_: i did that and it showed the new MAC id.15:05
ScuniziPMantis, http://torrentz.ws/torrent/691417/hardy-jeos-i386-iso855012412442-515:05
LainIwakuraIs it hard to install a font by myself? Since the font I want to install is not in the Hardy repository15:05
bazhangfatty you need to make sure 7.10 is completely up-to-date first15:05
Scunizi!font | LainIwakura15:05
ubotuLainIwakura: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer15:05
Fattyit is15:05
bazhang!upgrade | Fatty15:06
ubotuFatty: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes15:06
Aragorn_GuardianMimi: yeah, but my i got only an old machine by now.. :/....wubi is perfect...seemsvery nice15:06
MyrttiLainIwakura: put it in .fonts in your home directory15:06
KiwiJokerso whats hardy like so far?15:06
Aragorn_GuardianMimi: an old with a windows....blarg15:06
iddowhere do i see the last messages of the status log of the upgrade?15:06
gord_indian_munnda:ok good, so macchanger has at least worked....let me think a little 2 mins15:06
Aragorn_GuardianMimi: but nice...thanks15:06
bazhangKiwiJoker: try it out for yourself15:06
Sajuukkharnope didnt work, one of the ext systems failed15:06
ScuniziMyrtti, he still have to rebuild the font cache15:06
indian_munndagord_: ok take your time.15:06
KiwiJokeri will, but hows hardy working for others?15:06
PMantisScunizi: Oh, lovely, that took me to poro links when I tried to download15:06
MimiAragorn_Guardian:   so you basically need  the server in a virtual machine to play around in? I do that too... try Virtual Box if you haven't yet. Works very well on windows15:06
Fattyoooh, just got an internal server error trying to go to that webpage15:07
tomd123KiwiJoker: Its easy and everything works alot better15:07
bazhangKiwiJoker: this is not a chat channel; bit crowded for that thanks15:07
PMantisScunizi: I do appreciate the effort, though. :)15:07
elektronik123who can unlock me on ubuntu-pl ?15:07
ScuniziPMantis, wow.. sorry.. I'll let you search ..15:07
meatgrinder_that upgrade link is dead15:07
bazhangelektronik123: /j #ubuntu-pl15:07
Aragorn_GuardianMimi: dont know...i try play with vmware...huge big...but works...15:07
elektronik123bazhang i can`t join there15:08
Aragorn_GuardianMimi: nice!!! 8)15:08
usicowWhen I apt-get something, it always goes to us.archive.ubuntu.com. How can I change that?15:08
PMantisScunizi: Heh, NP... google.com/linux was a good pinter15:08
bazhangelektronik123: you got banned?15:08
eimajentha1amenado, http://pastey.net/8653215:08
PMantisScunizi: s/pinter/pointer/15:08
elektronik123bazhang yes15:08
gord_indian_munnda: ok the, the harwdware address of OK, does it have a IP address for that card? I assume eth0?15:08
jburdusicow: System > Administration > Software Sources15:08
elektronik123a lot time ago15:08
bazhangusicow: choose another mirror in synaptic15:08
spinikerwould hardy still run on my old hp pIII machine,256mb ram?15:09
ToxicSoul2So I have slight problem, after upgrading my numpad no longer works15:09
bharathI installed hardy today; wireless does not work; hp pavilion laptop; Intel(R) 3945ABG/BG chip; iwl3945 driver. I see the chipset being detected in dmesg. But ifconfig does not show this interface. This was working perfectly in gutsy. Installing backports-modules did not help. Please help.15:09
bazhangspiniker: gnome hardy? doubtful15:09
jburdspiniker: Sure.  Give it a try.  You might want to use xubuntu though.15:09
usicowjburd/bazhang: Im only on SSH though.. do you know how I can do it via the console?15:09
cguillermoSajuukkhar, you should reformat your drive first. the easiest way I know to do that without having an os installed is with the alternate cd15:09
amenadoeimajentha1-> it looks like your /dev/sda1 is mounted to /15:09
indian_munndagord_: i have provided the public IP to the card which was given to me by the ISP.15:09
Fattybazhang, that link doesn't work15:10
elektronik123bazhang what can i do ?15:10
cguillermoyou should try it15:10
Sakeis there a terminal that's comparable to putty on windows?15:10
Stockfischis anyone here using epiphany instead of firefox ?15:10
jburdusicow: You can forward X requests through SSH.   Just ssh in using ssh -X foobar@blah15:10
DJonesspiniker: xubuntu might be better for a machine with that spec15:10
Ubuntong Does Hardy Heron support compiz on new ATI cards?15:10
eimajentha1amenado: yes, but it's commented out, why is that?15:10
sletakI've checked the forum but didnt see any recent hits, my new hardy is hanging when syncing to the repository on Translation-en_US.  Seemed to be some hits in google going back to each release.  Anyone else gettign this?15:10
spinikerno imean i have 7.10 installed right now..but i think it's slowing down..15:10
jburdusicow: Or you'll need to manually edit: /etc/apt/sources.list15:10
NithSake: there is putty for linux15:10
amenadoeimajentha1-> it is not commented out, its the line that starts at UUID=xxxx15:10
bazhangbharath: the transiton from ipw to iwl has a couple of outstanding bugs at the moment--the launchpad page has a couple of possible workarounds iirc15:10
ddrplayer512sletak: I'm getting this problem as well...15:10
jburdYou don't need putty for linux15:10
treutIs anyone manage to get flashplayer working in opera with ubuntu 8.04 x86 ?15:10
rohanis there _any_ way to install ubuntu using the iso but without burning the cd? all the cdrw's that i've got are bad :(15:10
sletakputty for linux is gtk115:10
gord_indian_munnda:ok, just confirm that you have a dirdcect (network) connection to the internet? u dont use a modem/router/firewall? for example?15:10
bharaththanks bazhang; I will look for them15:10
FattyI have the same question as rohan15:11
DJones!usb | rohan15:11
uboturohan: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent15:11
Nithyou don't need it, but it does exist15:11
schnootopanyone know the best way to rebuild my source.list with the latest sources ?15:11
gord_indian_munnda:direct# bad keyboard skills after 24 hours of release-helping haha15:11
amenadoeimajentha1-> read carefully, the line before it is a comment  #/dev/sda1  but next line starting with UUID is not15:11
ddrplayer512The package manager hangs when I try to update simply because, at least I think, a server is down...15:11
Sajuukkhari have reformatted this tho so many times15:11
jburdrohan, Fatty: sudo mount -o loop -t iso9660 <ISO_PATH> /mnt/15:11
Nithrohan: do you have a second computer (linux)?15:11
bazhangfatty okay; change gutsy to hardy in sources.list then sudo apt-get update  followed by sudo apt-get dist-upgrade (and wait for a bit as a ton of packages are downloaede)15:11
sletakSake: what are you trying to accomplish?  Do you need wyse60 emulation or something?15:11
jburdrohan: Mount the ISO to a point.15:11
eimajentha1amenado: I see!  the UUID identifies the filesystem, and /dev/sda1 is just there for my benefit?15:11
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indian_munndagord_: ;) , yes it is a direct connection to the ISP.15:11
rohanjburd: but then what?15:12
spinikercan i upgrade using the terminal?15:12
rohanNith: no, second computer is windows only :(15:12
jburdrohan: after that run this if you aren't already prompted:15:12
Fattywhere is sources.list, again?15:12
elektronik123where are irc ops ?15:12
Fattyah ok15:12
friezeso is there a way to use a remote gui tool to set up a firewall on an ubuntu server install without actually installing x windows on the server itself?15:12
bazhangspiniker: from gutsy to hardy? sure15:12
amenadoeimajentha1-> please man fstab  so you can understand what that file is about15:12
jburdgksudo 'sh /mnt/cdromupgrade'15:12
rohanjburd: it's a desktop cd, not a alternate one15:12
eimajentha1amenado: never seen it done that way, but apparently it works.  Thanks for your help.15:12
makkbespiniker: yes, do-release-upgrade15:13
bazhangelektronik123: go to #ubuntu-ops15:13
jburdOh, I see.  You can't upgrade always using the Desktop CD rohan15:13
spinikeryes gutsy to hardy15:13
amenadoeimajentha1-> please do read  man fstab15:13
unimatrix9i guess the new ubuntu is making waves outhere...15:13
nappulaI can see my wireless card on my iwconfig and the mode is auto even though it should be managed but I can't get the card down to change the mode15:13
jburdrohan: You'll need the alternate disc.  It's best to download the live/alternate DVD ISO15:13
eimajentha1amenado: Reading15:13
* N3bunel brb pauza de masa15:13
Nithfrieze: yes, using ssh and +X you can run ayn gui program and the comp you're sshing into doesn't need an X server15:13
* jburd is doing that15:13
Sakeslestak: I dunno what that means. I just like how putty uses a small font and works with everything. :)15:13
ddrplayer512Hello everyone! My package manager freezes when I try to reload the repositories. I had just done a fresh install less than 30 minutes ago. Does anyone else have this problem15:13
Itakumy number keys on the right dont work but i have num lock on. how do i fix it15:13
Fattybazhang, you said change gutsy to hardy, how do i do that? do i need to download the iso first?15:13
gord_indian_munnda: ok then, (some ppl dont realise it might be the modem/router mac they have to change/spoof ) OK, so can you ping anything? try ping   its google.com15:13
Sajuukkharim off to bed15:13
Nithfrieze: if you want ot get more information, its alled "x forwarding"15:13
Itakuit moves the mouse everytime i hit a number15:14
jonesgreetings all. just upgraded to 8.04 and it is pretty cool. are the repo's running slow for everyone?15:14
amenadoddrplayer512-> the server side is busy, you may have the perception it is busy and unresponsive..15:14
Sajuukkhar8 hours until i get this alternate cd15:14
bazhangmakkbe: sorry; what is the full command? do-release-upgrade in the run command or int the terminal15:14
nibsa1242bddrplayer512: the repos are overwhelmed... give people a few days to upgrade and they'll stop being swamped15:14
unimatrix9hardy : when i try to open login screen settings it does not start it, any tips?15:14
snadgei have a gutsy install.. and the alternate install for hardy, and the first time i put the disc in.. it asked me if i wanted to upgrade, and then failed (because i couldn't connect to internet).. and now when i put the disc in, it no longer prompts to upgrade.. how do i fix this15:14
amenadojones yes, its very very slow15:14
makkbebazhang: in the terminal15:14
termitorsomeone have wifi bug ? the wifi get slowing after 15 minutes , (ralink 2500 pci )15:14
rohanNith: what were you going to suggest anyway?15:14
Sajuukkharwhat happens if the alternate cd doesnt work for my partitions?15:14
nibsa1242bSajuukkhar: try a torrent, I got one in less then an hour15:14
jonesamenado: thanks. just curious.15:14
red_i cant install limepro coz gdebi says it connot connect to ubuntu repository while the downloading the last file. my system is up to date with all repo except source code enabled. do i need to add another repo on the list15:14
bazhangmakkbe: is that preceded by anything? or just that command15:14
amenadounimatrix9-> try  ctrl+alt+F1 to F5 to test the log on15:14
rohanjburd: anyway, i'd rather clean install than upgrade15:14
asigristare the package servers down right now?15:14
ddrplayer512Ah... I imagine that. I've seen that happen when Gutsy came out, too. I should have known... Thanks!15:15
Nithrohan: I've got a computer without a working CDROM drive, I use a PXE server to install15:15
snadgehow do i "force" gutsy to update to hardy using the install cd? (after its already failed once and no longer prompts to upgrade)15:15
ddrplayer512I'll try later.15:15
Sajuukkharnibs, i have 25 kb/s internet15:15
Nithrohan: its a bit long to set up but it works well15:15
amenadoasigrist-> -> the server side is busy, you may have the perception it is busy and unresponsive..15:15
makkbebazhang: no, just that command15:15
unimatrix9amendado, i want to set it to auto login, but the manager does not start15:15
jonesis there a way to remove the firefox 3 beta and use the old firefox? i have a lot of plugins that do not work in 3.. thanks for any help15:15
unimatrix9from gnome menu systeem..15:15
friezeNith: thanks. I thought that when I ran ssh -Y it was doing forwarding but my understanding was that all teh gui stuff was happening on the remote machine using my local machine as a display. Since it seems like server and client are used interchangeably in x11 terminology I may have gotten that back-to-front15:15
indian_munndagord_: no i can't ping anything other than my ISP server(the server to which i login before using).15:15
asigristamenado, yea my network connection is quite fast yet i still can't even reload my repositories data.15:15
bazhangfatty you want to do this all via the cli?15:15
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makkbejones: sudo apt-get install firefox-215:15
makkbethen you will have both of them installed15:15
jonesmakke: do i need to remove the 3 version?15:16
rohanNith: there's no PXE server available for windows? anyway, for that you'd need the alternate disc, right?15:16
Sajuukkharso what happens if the alternate cd doesnt work? do i just give up and go back to dapper drake?15:16
amenadounimatrix9-> try  ctrl+alt+F1 to F5 to test the log on  <-- to test it first15:16
red_i cant install limewire pro coz gdebi says it connot connect to ubuntu repository while downloading the last file. my system is up to date with all repo except source code enabled. do i need to add another repo on the list? any help pls15:16
treutIs anyone manage to get flashplayer working in opera with ubuntu 8.04 x86 ?15:16
bazhangmakkbe: could you please explain what you just said to Fatty? he wants to upgrade from gutsy to hardy thanks15:16
jonesmakkbe: do i need to remove 3?15:16
Fattyyes, help me, lol15:16
makkbejones: nah, you can have then both installed15:16
spinikerwell it's taking a little while,but hey,its worth the wait..15:16
gord_indian_munnda: aha , i see. and that ping is by IP? not "domain.org" yes?15:16
makkbeFatty: just run do-release-upgrade in a terminal15:17
minoany french channel pls?15:17
makkbeit will upgrade from gutsy to hardy15:17
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.15:17
Nithrohan: yeah. Any reason you can't just upgate?15:17
jonesmakkbe: how will it know which one to load? also will all the flash and java work between the 2 of them? thanks for the help15:17
Theo_Restricted drivers: why does it say my graphics driver is not in use?15:17
amenadoSajuukkhar-> try to make it work15:17
rohanNith: i usually like clean installs :)15:17
makkbejones: ff2 will show up in your app menu15:17
indian_munndagord_: i can only ping my gateway nothing else.15:17
makkbeso you will have to choose for yourself which one to start15:17
jburdrohan: Some of us can't do clean installs without going to great lengths15:17
jonesmakkbe: ok i will try it now.15:17
Fattythanks makkbe, i'll let you know if that works15:18
gord_indian_munnda: hmmmm ok. we're reaching the ned of my sure-fire knowledge here i'm afraid :(15:18
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indian_munndagord_: :)15:18
rohanjburd: i seem to be one of them, and only for a lack of a cd :-/15:18
amenadorohan-> what do you consider clean install? you can try something like from install from scratch with  debootstrap  but for now only available is 7.10 not 8.04 yet15:18
ddrplayer512I really like that new thing where you can use the desktop CD and choose the option to just Install Ubuntu. Has anyone tried that?15:18
rohanfedora iso has a convenient livecd-iso-to-usb script15:18
Fatty0% [working] for a while now15:19
bazhangddrplayer512: aye its nice15:19
d1nkerTheo_: if you figure it out let me know15:19
arttiDoes sudo apt-get upgrade will upgrade from 7.10 to 8.04?15:19
jburdrohan: I have tons of development stuff lying around that I don't want to recreate15:19
makkbeartti: no15:19
snadgecan anyone tell me how to make it so when i insert the alternate install cd to my gutsy install.. it prompts me to upgrade?? its only done it once, and no longer asks me.. there must be some temp files laying around or something?\15:19
tomd123artti: no15:19
makkbeartti: but do-release-upgrade will15:19
bazhangrohan ubuntu has one as well15:19
spinikermaybe ill upgrade in the next few days..it's taking too long15:19
amenadoFatty-> the far end server is very very busy, your update may not complete for a long time..far too many downloading15:19
qryzyanyone assist in configuring networ where rest of pc have xp15:19
jburdspiniker: Use a different mirror15:19
bhsxhey, i have Crossover Office 6.2 and it works great, but I was wondering how the 'official' ubuntu wine package is?  does it have a GUI fe now like was planned?15:19
Theo_How do I enable my ati graphics card?15:19
Ubuntong Does Hardy Heron support compiz on new ATI video cards?15:19
rohanbazhang: where?15:19
bhsxis it 1.0?15:19
bazhangrohan you can /msg ubotu install for a link15:20
Fattyyea i figured, it'll download eventually though right?15:20
nibsa1242bsnadge: hold on one sec I think I have an answer for you15:20
dystopianrayUbuntong: it should15:20
unimatrix9solved my little problem thanks for the time15:20
makkbeUbuntong: it works for me15:20
cal_trying to install hardy on 6910p laptop - i get "failed to start the X server" --- even when i use SAFE mode15:20
=== Babble is now known as babble
amenadoqryzy-> yes,15:20
Fattyamenado, i can just let it run like over the weekend?15:20
spinikeruh,its starting already15:20
Fattyoh nevermind it went through15:20
amenadoFatty-> do your update next week perhaps, maybe the load would be lighter15:20
Itakumy number keys on the right dont work but i have num lock on. how do i fix it15:20
Itakuit moves the mouse everytime i hit a number15:20
Ubuntongmakkbe: Without a lot of reconfiguring?15:20
bazhangnever heard that do-release-upgrade before though15:20
snadgenibsa1242b: holding on ;)15:20
ddrplayer512I don't usually upgrade over the Internet on the day it comes out. I can't install software for Hardy. I'm glad I didn't upgrade from Dapper. I was considering that... Scary... :)15:20
makkbeUbuntong: yes, no worries here15:20
gord_indian_munnda: so, to recap you have used macchanger to change a mac, verified it in ifconfig, assigned manual public as given by ISP, and you can ping your default gateway at the ISP. You have a direct network connection (no modem/router involved)? ideas anyone? i susspect this isnt an ubuntu problem, more a "spoof mac to get public IP on a new-box" question, different channel suggestions anyone?15:21
roychriI am trying to run the update on my 7.10 but it stuck at "Downloading file 15 of 24". Any suggestions?15:21
jburdDoes the upgrade tool store all the downloaded packages in /var/cache/apt/archives?15:21
slytherincal_: I believe there is a bug, search on launchpad.net15:21
JohnMMwoo hardy haron is released :D15:21
bazhangddrplayer512: there is a dirct path from dapper to hardy you know15:21
Ubuntongmakkbe: That would be awesome.  It's always an issue foe me. Thanks!15:21
nibsa1242bsnadge: according to http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading bottom of the page you use the following command gksu "sh /cdrom/cdromupgrade"15:21
rohanbazhang: that guide is for installing using the hdd15:21
andycaassWhat was the program that enabled you to see cpu temps on app bar?15:21
amenadorochri -> -> the server side is busy, you may have the perception it is busy and unresponsive..15:21
rohanbazhang: but will work great, thanks a lot :)15:21
jburdThat's because I have other machines and I'd like to move new packages to the apt-cacher server15:21
cal_sly: a bug specificly for 6910p? or ATI drivers?15:21
vwbusguy-does Ubuntu 8.04 support ext4?  and if so how can I upgrade my fs from ext3?15:21
dishayui get a (initramfs) screen while trying to install/use live cd of hardy...  c2d e6300,msi p965 neo, 2 GB dd2 667 , Geforce 7300GT 512MB... what do i do?15:21
ddrplayer512bazhang: Yeah, I know. But I figured that the repos would be flooded, and I wanted Hardy NOW. So... :)15:21
jburdvwbusguy-: Don't unless you're experimenting with the kernel.15:21
qryzymy friend has installed it but it wont browse or see other pc on the network15:22
amenadovwbusguy--> you have to compile your kernel to support such new file system15:22
W8TAHwhen doing a dual boot install, one should install windows first, correct???15:22
slytherincal_: some hp laptop enable to boot. not sure of it is same as your problem15:22
indian_munndagord_: when i change my MAC id then i can't even ping my gateway15:22
bakomhey, I updated to ubuntu 8.04 and now my screen resolution is somehow strange.. everything is too large, so that I can see only a part of my desktop and now menu to change the resolution, what can I do?15:22
ddrplayer512W8TAH: Yes15:22
gord_indian_munnda: aha! good point then15:22
nibsa1242bsnadge: is that working for you?15:22
amenadoqryzy-> you have to be clearer on what the problem is, detail or elaborate your network layout15:22
jburdindian_munnda: What is the original problem?15:22
gord_indian_munnda: so we just need to restart networking maybe15:22
indian_munndagord_: but i did that too15:23
cal_sly: hmm lauchpad is a sourceforge clone?15:23
vwbusguy-So ext4 is not supported in 8.04?15:23
ddrplayer512The rule of thumb is... Older versions of Windows to Newer Versions, then other OSes like Ubuntu/Linux, FreeBSD, etc.15:23
slytherinbakom: At the login screen I think you have an option for some recovery.15:23
amenadobakom  try  crtl+alt+ +  the last + is the plus in the numeric keypad15:23
nabil2199I'm having trouble getting gutsy to upgrade the upgrade manager is unable to download the upgrade tool15:23
slytherincal_: no15:23
indian_munndagord_: let me provide a recap to you.15:23
gord_indian_munnda: err, yes, but it didnt work, and it probably should have :)15:23
andycaassWhat was the program that enabled you to see cpu temps on app bar?15:23
bakomslytherin, I don't see the login screen when starting up15:23
snadgenibsa1242b: cheers that worked thanks :)15:23
rohanbazhang: aha, the "usb" factoid helped me.. thanks for the pointer15:23
amenadonabil2199->  -> -> the server side is busy, you may have the perception it is busy and unresponsive..15:23
slytherinbakom: then how do you login?15:23
jburdindian_munnda: I can't be bothered to scroll up and read everything.  can you restate your original problem?15:23
un2himanyone having problems with gnome-do?15:23
vwbusguy-amenado, so ext4 is not supported in 8.04?15:23
gord_indian_munnda: yes please i working 3 probs in 4 channels here lol15:23
nibsa1242bnabil2199: the servers are swamped, give them a few hours or days and then try again15:23
nabil2199thanks amenado15:23
tomd123vwbusguy-: no15:24
spinikernabil u should try it in the terminal.15:24
slytherinun2him: what kind of problem?15:24
Erendoes ubuntu's partition managing application inside installed support ReiserFS?15:24
nibsa1242bsnadge: you are welcome! happy upgrading15:24
bakomslytherin, automatically15:24
spinikeri had the same problem15:24
indian_munndajburd: yes i m recaping the problm.15:24
Erendoes it formats selected partiton with ReiserFS and install ubuntu?15:24
UbuntongWow the torrent is very fast!15:24
elektronik123ubuntu ops don`t recive15:24
andycaassWhat was the program that enabled you to see cpu temps on app bar?15:24
dishayui get a the (initramfs) screen while trying to install/boot from hardy CD...  c2d e6300,msi p965 neo, 2 GB dd2 667 , Geforce 7300GT 512MB... what do i do?15:24
bakomamenado, thanks, but nothing happens, when I press crtl+alt+ +15:24
un2himslytherin: wont open urls in firefox...does nothing15:24
amenadovwbusguy--> you can verify by checking the /boot/config* file  grep it for ext4 if supported..i already advised you to recompile the kernel15:24
* jburd would like to know where the upgrade tool caches packages15:24
jburdSo I can move it to my apt-cacher server15:24
bakomis there a way to change the screen resolution via console?15:24
amenadobakom-> try the crtrl+alt  -   (minus) several times, but be patient, pause between presses15:25
nabil2199the upgrade tool(hardy.gz) cannot be downloaded by the update_manager but using wget i got it15:25
gkhnoisgthtjust a quick question is there anyway to make a live cd ubuntu server that automatically sets up a raid 5 configuration and samba15:25
gord_jburd: maybe he just needs if up after macchange...we'll see15:25
slytherinbakom: Ok. do one thing. Open terminal from Applications->Accessories. Do 'sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf'15:25
bazhangelektronik123: then just go back when they do15:25
adilyou knowaboutdota15:25
roychriamenado: Lots of people upgrading I bet :)15:25
lyroyI'm trying to install 8.04 from scratch and I'm having an issue... the installation freeze at Disk Partionner (Scanning disks 46%) ... I have a SATA disk on an Intel Motherboard... does someone have an idea?15:25
slytherinbakom: oops, the second file name should be .conf.bak15:25
amenadonabil2199-> so you got it use it, i already told you the other end is busy15:25
nabil2199how do I use it?15:26
P0larBearbusy channel15:26
slytherinun2him: I don't have it installed right now, so will take some time to check15:26
adare there any stats /web/download from release day ?15:26
un2himslytherin: thanks!15:26
P0larBear8.04 desktop x86 works great on my gateway laptop....except the screen brightness control keys15:26
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roychriP0larBear: indeed! Never seen so many people.15:26
bazhangad no idea; not really a support topic thanks15:26
schnootopanyone know why the en_AU translations are all broken in the update manager ?15:27
sdakakI am downloading the ubuntu-8.04-dvd-i386-iso.torrent from http://www.acc.umu.se/~mighty/ubuntu/. How do i check the md5sum?15:27
P0larBear8.04 is a hit i guess :)15:27
bazhang!md5 | sdakak15:27
ubotusdakak: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows15:27
kthakoreI am having trouble doing the upgrade to hardy in Canada15:27
HayHayHi, Trying to play song on Last FM - Seem to be missing something - won't play. Any suggestions?15:27
hyjalAny way to make my NTFS partitions mount automatically in hardy, like they did in gutsy? Now I have to click them to mount them every time I log on15:27
amenadokthakore->  the server side is busy, you may have the perception it is busy and unresponsive..15:27
nappulaP0larBear, well I'm considering downgrading already15:27
P0larBearHayHay I'm in Toronto and had trouble with the waterlooU server15:27
roychriAnyone knows where I could get my hands on Hardy Heron VMWare appliance? I found one when it was still beta and I am looking for the new release.15:27
P0larBearit is overloaded15:27
indian_munndai have used the macchanger-gtk to change my MAC, verified it in ifconfig but internet stopped working aftr changing MAC. then assigned my public IP to it as given by the ISP and i can't ping my ISP server through which i login to the server to use internet. I have direct connection.15:27
adbazhang,  is there a normal ubuntu chat channel somewhere , if this is support ?15:27
bazhangkthakore: the servers are slow at the moment15:27
sdakakbazhang: You miss the point what is md5sum of the proper dvd?15:28
bakomamenado, thanks, I tried it, but nothing happens... the problem is also, that I have an laptop keyboard, so I don't have an explicit numpad15:28
bazhang!ot | ad15:28
ubotuad: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!15:28
P0larBeari picked a .EU one in the middle of our night, and they were much faster15:28
adP0larBear, ubuntu.com has google analytis enabled15:28
roychriThe connection has timed out.  The server at archive.ubuntu.com is taking too long to respond.15:28
slytherinsdakak: if you are already on ubuntu the command is 'md5sum filename.iso' and then compare it against the one available on website15:28
bakomslytherin, I did that (with .bak.conf) ... I'm currently rebooting....15:28
amenadobakom then you have to proly fiddle with /etc/X11/xorg.conf file15:28
murlidharstill no support for my all in one epson stylus cx2800 :(15:28
bazhangsdakak: you want me to search for it?15:28
amenadobakom make a copy first though before modifying15:28
slytherinroychri: use some local mirror15:28
JohnMMsdakak, MD5 (kubuntu-kde4-8.04-alternate-i386.iso) = b7195c72b564b3676e584cb774e9002c15:28
bakomamenado, yes, I tried slytherin command15:28
lyroyI'm trying to install 8.04 from scratch and I'm having an issue... the installation freeze at Disk Partionner (Scanning disks 46%) ... I have a SATA disk on an Intel Motherboard... does someone have an idea?15:28
slytherinamenado: he did that already15:28
indian_munndajburd: i have provided the information to the gord_ read it.15:29
HayHayPolarBear: I'm not sure I have the right player or codecs installed?15:29
P0larBearanybody have suggestions on if it is possible to get laptop screen brightness control on a Gateway MX6930 laptop?15:29
bazhang!codecs | HayHay15:29
ubotuHayHay: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats15:29
sdakakslytherin: bazhang: I am looking for the md5sum of the ubuntu-8.04-dvd-i380-iso which is nowhere to be found. It is the DVD15:29
slytherinlyroy: it may not be freeze actually, be patient, have a coffee break. If it still doesn't work, file a bug. :-)15:29
P0larBearthe right codecs to download ubuntu 8.04?15:29
jburdindian_munnda: Which ISP is this?  And why are you changing your MAC?15:29
mib_5klyf1zqis the server for downloading the respotories naturally slow?15:29
murlidharP0larBear, there is add on paenl thingy than can control the brightness of the moniter15:30
bakomslytherin, thanks, It's working :)15:30
amenadomib_5klyf1zq->  the server side is busy, you may have the perception it is busy and unresponsive..15:30
bazhangmib_5klyf1zq: the day after release yes15:30
P0larBearmurlidhar any idea of the name?15:30
mib_5klyf1zqah i see...15:30
HayHayok - for tip on search for codecs. thx15:30
P0larBearit'd be nice to have the keyboard working, but maybe i can get that app to use the keys15:30
gkhnoisgthtjust a quick question is there anyway to make a live cd ubuntu server that automatically sets up a raid 5 configuration and samba15:30
ampexis http://us.archive.ubuntu.com down?15:30
murlidharP0larBear, right-click on the panel and select brightness control15:31
slytherinP0larBear: brigheness control won't work if there is problem the way your laptop's ACPI works. Better file a bug15:31
bazhanggkhnoisgtht: the server is install only not live15:31
indian_munndajburd: i m having two computer systems when i try to run net in the other one it does not working because MAC is registered to the ISP server.15:31
slytherinampex: that mirror is always known to have problems. I wonder why is it even included in mirror lists15:31
gkhnoisgthtcould the desktop version be configured as such?15:31
jburdindian_munnda: I think it's a bit fast in here.  you can /join ##linux-india I guess.15:31
amenadogkhnoisgtht-> i dont think debian-installer preseed support raid 5 yet, but i could be wrong or didnt pay attention to that details as i dont have the need for it15:31
gord_indian_munnda: at a commandline please do -   sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart after u ise machanger, let me know if that reports any errors15:31
mlw1is it plausible that installing nvidia 96 drivers would fix my problem with resolution changing?15:31
tristanbobdoes hardy include open office 3, or a beta of it?15:31
bazhanggkhnoisgtht: sure; just add lamp15:31
slytherinindian_munnda: which ridiculous ISP is that?15:32
gkhnoisgthtThank you both15:32
ampexslytherin: have a good replacement for me?15:32
Theo_why does it say my ati fire gl is not in use if i enabled it?15:32
gord_indian_munnda: yes a slower channel will be a lot more help i think, its more of a generla linux - webby-hosting - mac-spoofing question too15:32
tononoinksanybody know how to get the mic working15:32
slytherinampex: can't say. I am not in US.15:32
JohnMMindian_munnda, comcast does that too ...use a router15:32
jburdindian_munnda: I guessed so.  You probably have a static IP address bound to your MAC by your ISP's gateway.15:32
indian_munndagord_: i did the same as you said and it even stopped pinging my ISP srver15:32
ampexslytherin: is there a list somewhere?15:32
jburdindian_munnda: The best solution is to use a router and tell them to use the hardware address of the router.15:32
Frijoliedoes Hardy have Compiz or Compiz-Fusion installed, how do you check?15:32
edugonch_7join #ubuntu-devel15:33
jburdindian_munnda: Then connect both computers to the router (using a switch if required)15:33
slytherinampex: you will have to search. There is definitely a list on wiki.ubuntu.com or launchpad.net. Search for word 'mirror'15:33
edugonch_7join #ubuntu-dev15:33
roychrislytherin: I changed, hit reload, and it complained about some files not found.15:33
JohnMMjburd, my router supports mac address spoofing hehe so I just had it spoof the mac address of my computer and all is good :D15:33
bazhanggnome does ues Frijolie the basic stuff15:33
tononoinksanybody know how to get the mic working?15:33
gord_indian_munnda: hmmmmm. did it say anything about DHCP discovers?15:33
indian_munndajburd: yes you r write its a static ip15:33
jburdindian_munnda: The other solution is to set up the already configured machine as a proxy for the other machine.15:33
Frijoliebazhang: huh?15:33
slytherinroychri: which files?15:33
mib_5klyf1zqwhats the best video editor for linux? or is it better to just use virtualbox and install adobe premiere on windows?15:33
jburdindian_munnda: bridge both network interfaces one to wan and the other to lan15:33
roychrislytherin: Packages.gz15:34
jburdindian_munnda: MAC spoofing isn't a very ideal solution.15:34
slytherinmib_5klyf1zq: you may want to try kino or pitivi15:34
mib_5klyf1zqwat about cinelerra?15:34
jburdindian_munnda: a switch will cost you somewhere around 900 bucks INR.15:34
gord_indian_munnda: yeah far simpler if other machine is still working15:34
indian_munndagord_: i m running DNS server15:34
cvwI cannot perform updates against http://us.archive.ubuntu.com, however, I can ping it just fine.  Is this a known issue?15:34
tolonugaanyone speeking french here? I got a bug report (221856 at launchpad.net), but because of the french locale I don't understand it. if anyone could translate it for me, that would be nice.15:34
mrTr0utokay, so I just installed 8.04 to a ext3 partition but it never modified the boot record and I only have the option to boot into xp15:34
bazhangcvw: the servers are overloaded at the moment15:34
Pilhahello ev'ryone15:34
roychricvw: Too many people upgrading. Use a local server/mirror15:35
indian_munndajburd: you mean to use a hub15:35
Heroinanyone here use or used conceal?15:35
gord_indian_munnda: ah yes u did say, i no expert on that , but it might comlicate15:35
amenadomrTr0ut-> then what are you waiting for? modify it to suit your new install15:35
jburdindian_munnda: No.  I mean use a switch.   Not a hub.15:35
Pilhaahaa, before even asking I have my answer15:35
=== P0larBear is now known as PolarB3ar
cvwroychri: your comment is unhelpful without a link to a list that can provide local servers or mirrors.15:35
jburdindian_munnda: The best solution is to use a router with your ISP.15:35
HayHayP0larBear: What player comes up when you select a song to listen to?15:35
roychricvw: The list is in synaptic.15:35
mlw1did anything change with the connect to server interfaces?  They're not working for me anymore15:35
noob-africahi all15:35
Pilhaso, does anyone have a mirrors or local servers list?15:36
roychricvw: In "Repositeries"15:36
HayHayP0larBear: At LastFM?15:36
jburdindian_munnda: Where are you located and which ISP is this?15:36
HeroinAnyone use Conceal?15:36
bazhangcvw: use synaptic to change mirrors and go easy on the volunteers here thanks15:36
indian_munndajburd: but ISP is not providing any router.15:36
Pilhafr.ubuntu seems overloaded too15:36
jburdindian_munnda: Well buy one!15:36
slytherinTo all those who are looking for list of mirrors - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors and https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors (this one has status too)15:36
mrTr0utwell last time i installed ubuntu it had it's own boot up thing and UI wasn't sure if editing it from xp would work the same, but i'll go ahead and do it now, thank15:36
noob-africai have a problem with compiz... any takers? my System -> Appearance - > Use Custom Settings doesnt work15:36
indian_munndajburd: i m in INDIA,delhi.15:36
Pilhaslytherin: cool, many thx15:36
edugonch_Hello, I have install code:blocks but I have problems when I try to compile a project, an error with a file wx/setup.h that not is found15:36
bazhang!grub | mrTr0ut15:36
ubotumrTr0ut: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto15:36
jburdindian_munnda: Yes, I'm in India too.15:36
edugonch_any help please15:36
nibsa1242bHelp- I'm trying to do a network upgrade. I got an error message "no valid mirror found". Now it is asking me do you want to rewrite your sources.list file and update all gusty entries to hardy?15:36
nreisanwhats a universal repository i can add for hardy15:36
indian_munndajburd: and its hotwire direct broadband15:37
roychricvw: Open synaptic, clicks on "Settings" and then "Repositories".  You can change the "Server" (Click on "Other")15:37
slytherinedugonch_: what are you trying to compile?15:37
jburdindian_munnda: ok15:37
Frijoliewhen you enable System --> Preferences --> Appearance --> Visual Effects --> Extra, does that enable Compiz or Compiz-Fusion?15:37
cvwroychri: thank you15:37
tommydangeris pulseaudio proven to be reliable ?15:37
indian_munndajburd: you see the website of the hotwire if you want15:37
jburdindian_munnda: come over to ##linux-india, plenty of local help around.  ;-)15:37
tommydangerwhenever I switch windows the sound stutters :/15:37
slytherinjburd: indian_munnda: And #ubuntu-in too. :-)15:37
edugonch_a xwWidget project15:38
tommydangeronline radio that is15:38
free_loaderI'm having trouble finding mpic++ on my machine although mpicc is present... anybody has a clue on how to get that to work?15:38
gord_indian_munnda:hmmm, are you sure you havent mis-typed the MAC ? thats my usual mistake :)15:38
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion15:38
pLrFrijolie: its compiz-fusion you should download advanced compiz settings manager ;)15:38
bazhang!ccsm | Frijolie15:38
FrijolieI just got conflicting answers15:38
slytherinedugonch_: you need to install package that contains header files, libwxbase2.8-dev probably15:38
=== Y0da^ is now known as dethstar
DoubletwistHmm. surprised the load on my torrent seeds isn't higher15:38
dmakalskyHi, when I try to upgrade using the alternate cd I get the following error:15:38
dmakalskytar: ./dists/stable/main/dist-upgrader/binary-all//hardy.tar.gz: Cannot open: No such file or directory15:38
gord_indian_munnda: yes i recommend quietr channel this is crazy in here today due to new version release of ubuntu, i think yours is a more general problem u see15:38
bazhangubotu lag15:38
dmakalskybut the file exists15:39
indian_munndajburd: ok logon to my computer and yoiu can see the info your self then just tell me the problem. I m running open-ssh server15:39
ubotuFrijolie: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion15:39
ubotuYou have lag, I don't have lag15:39
edugonch_slytherin: I already have it install, but I also have install the 2.6 version15:40
edugonch_it can be the problem15:40
bazhang!slow | dmakalsky15:40
ubotudmakalsky: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of the latest edition. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.15:40
gord_indian_munnda: if u ping default gateay but get no further, (and default gateway is on the ISP end due to dircet net connection/no router) then it seems to me that your linux-end is ok, barring a silly problem15:40
jonesanyone know if there is an irc room for avant-window-navigator? i am unable to luanch apps from the dock?15:40
cvwjones: #awn15:40
shadow_hello. I have some problems installing my fx5200 (nvidia) card via envy. i try to install i, but it says this:15:40
dmakalskybazhang, I am using in ISO image via torrent15:41
dystopianrayshadow_: why are you using envy?15:41
bazhangshadow_: this is gutsy or hardy15:41
dmakalskyI am having trouble running the cdromupgrade command15:41
shadow_to install nvidia frivers15:41
shadow_neither one to be honest15:41
Frijoliehmm..thanks for trying to help15:41
SzegoSo I just upgraded to Hardy and I can only connect to the wireless network at my school but not at my home. Does anyone have any ideas why this may be happening?15:41
pLrjones follow a guide for stable setups15:41
uscreamare there issues with rinning updates as well??  because of the heavy loads... or is it just something im doing wrong????15:41
hwdyki_what's the minimum req for hardy heroin?15:41
bazhangshadow_ which version of ubuntu15:41
slytherinedugonch_: it is not also, it is or. Perhaps the thing you are trying to compile doesn't work with 2.815:41
shadow_mint 4.0 daryna, a clone of ubuntu15:41
slytherinuscream: heavy loads15:41
dystopianrayshadow_: it says you have gutsy15:41
JDogHermanany one know how to stop the error; sudo: unable to resolve host ...15:41
bazhangshadow_: please /j #linuxmint15:42
dystopianrayshadow_: this is not the support channel for that distro15:42
shadow_ITS THE SAME15:42
nibsa1242bHelp- I'm trying to do a network upgrade. I got an error message "no valid mirror found". Now it is asking me do you want to rewrite your sources.list file and update all gusty entries to hardy? What should I do?15:42
uscreamslytherin:   ty.. i thought so, just making sure =]   ty15:42
bazhangshadow_: not supproted here15:42
gord_<dmakalsky: u have to run it from the commandline, not by clicking on it, I assume its the alternateCD u have and wish to upgrade avoiduing using the busy mirrors?15:42
dystopianrayshadow_: it's not supported here15:42
dmakalskygord_, yes15:42
dmakalskyI did run from the cmd line15:42
slytherinshadow_: if it is same why are you not using ubuntu?15:42
gord_<dmakalsky: 1 min i find the command or link to instructions15:42
jonespLr: what guide would this be. i followed on for the bzr on 8.0415:43
dmakalskygord_, I mounted the iso without burning a cd15:43
bazhangshadow_: go to www.ubuntu.com/download and get the real deal, then we can talk ;]15:43
gord_<dmakalsky: ah , what's it say then?15:43
mlw1which version of nvidia drivers should I install if 7.10 and 7.04 worked fine with no extra configuration for me but 8.04 doesn't?  just nvidia-glx?15:43
dmakalskycould that be the problem?15:43
shadow_<slytherin>:when i say its the same I mean for the packages and so on. it has a few extras that help me out15:43
JDogHermanany one know how to stop the error; sudo: unable to resolve host ...?15:43
dassoukimy sound card stopped working after i upgraded15:43
dmakalskygord_, tar: ./dists/stable/main/dist-upgrader/binary-all//hardy.tar.gz: Cannot open: No such file or directory15:43
dystopianrayshadow_: it is not supported here15:43
gord_<dmakalsky: ok loop moounted, nah should be OK i think? anyone?15:43
indian_munndajburd: r u there?15:43
bazhang!mint > shadow_15:43
dmakalskygord_, so I can ls the same path it's erroring on15:44
pLrmlw1:  you should go online to check which to install15:44
shadow_oh come on15:44
* IndyGunFreak celebrates.. got wireless working with little fuss15:44
slytherinshadow_: Still this is not the support channel for mint. Sorry.15:44
gord_<dmakalsky: have you checked iso for defects with MD5 sum?>15:44
jburdindian_munnda: yeah.15:44
dmakalskygord_, can you please walk me through that?15:44
indian_munndajburd: i gave u the info in private see and login dude15:44
IndyGunFreaki've never understood why people use mint15:44
bazhangwhy use mint? this is where it all happens ;]15:44
IndyGunFreakits like driving a pinto, painted like a corvette15:45
jburdindian_munnda: I didn't get any private messages.  Hold on.  My private messeages are blocked15:45
gord_<dmakalsky: ok, confirm u have Alternate i386  iso file?15:45
jburda sec15:45
shadow_for flash support, for egsample. I cannot install it on ubuntu (tried and wasn't able to do it)15:45
gnychiswhenever I try to do a dist upgrade using the update manager, and I click on "upgrade" ... it freezes, any ideas?15:45
Frijoliehttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion still has you install Feisty repos15:45
MimiYeah gnychis use apt-get ^_^;15:46
JDogHermanany one know how to stop the error; sudo: unable to resolve host ...?15:46
dmakalskygord_, yes15:46
nibsa1242bAny help for "no valid mirror found" message?15:46
bazhangJDogHerman: install when the servers are not overworked15:46
dystopianrayshadow_: your distro is not supported here, you'll have to find help elsewhere15:46
bazhangnibsa1242b: the servers are under heavy strain atm15:46
slytherinFrijolie: you don't need that anymore, compiz is there by default15:46
gord_md5sum /path/to/the/iso/file/filename.iso15:47
joeri_Hi. I am trying to run the following code and get a local variable attribute not found, and I do not see why.15:47
Mimibazhang, JDogHerman:  There's some good servers left, just go to Software Sources, and let it pick the best source for you, then it will be very fast.15:47
JDogHermanbazhang: it happens when I try to sudo anything15:47
slytherinshadow_: never heard anyone saying 'could not install flash'15:47
bazhangJDogHerman: sudo what for example15:47
shadow_wel i couldn't15:47
JDogHermansudo nano15:47
joeri_list_var.each do |attribute|15:47
gord_<dmakalsky: md5sum /path/to/the/iso/file/filename.iso, then check it agains the md5 for that file, by looking at the md5s, i'll try to plingbot it now vvvvvvvvvv15:47
ubotuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows15:47
slytherinshadow_: what was the problem you faced?15:48
joeri_if attribute[1].is_a? String15:48
Pilhaok ppl, many thx for the help - worst case is I wait for the servers to lighten up :)15:48
shadow_thats mainly because i don't know what im doing most of the time :)15:48
joeri_Hmm. That wasn't a good way to write this.15:48
histois there a fix for firefox going retarded and greying out?15:48
shadow_just wasn't able to install it. its not important anymore15:48
JDogHermanbazhag:sudo nano15:48
nibsa1242bbazhang: I understand they are under strain. Should I cancel my network upgrade or tell it its ok to update all gutsy entries to hardy?15:48
gord_dmakalsky: oops i was hoping for a  link to the acvtual md5 for u, 1 min15:48
bazhangshadow_: get ubuntu and then come back--we forgive your momentary straying from reason15:48
clemyeatsshadow_: did you try envy/restricted_manager?15:48
Frijolieslytherin: yes, I know thanks15:48
bazhangnibsa1242b: say its okay15:48
CJS3141Has anyone here used Foxit PDF Reader with Wine in Ubuntu?15:48
pierramentaSibelle t'es où15:49
gnychisMimi: do i need to do anything other than apt-get dist-upgrade?15:49
timohi the driver manager says my nvidia driver is in use but nvidia-settings says http://pastebin.com/m7729ba9f15:49
indian_munndajburd: did u got my private after u typed "test".15:49
shadow_<clemyeats>: yeah15:49
bazhang!fr | pierramenta15:49
ubotupierramenta: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.15:49
IndyGunFreakshadow_: are you using ubuntu 64bit?15:49
shadow_32 bit15:49
clemyeatsshadow_: what did envy say?15:49
filthpighiya, how is hddvd/bluray playback in linux coming along?15:49
tshHey guys, I have a ubuntu hardy heron install on my laptop which is an acer ferrari 4000 it has an external 22" lcd samsung montior plugged into it.  I want compiz fusion + dual monitors + one big desktop with the external monitor situated to the left of the laptop monitor.  I am able to get dual monitor + one big desktop working and compiz working seperatly on its own.  However together its impossible i can get it to work, can15:49
tsh anyone help  me out? my confs are: http://rafb.net/p/FkKGe116.html15:49
nibsa1242bbazhang: thanks15:49
bazhangIndyGunFreak: he's on mint15:49
Mimignychis:  no you shoudlnt need anything else. make sure before you do that, to do sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade15:49
kernandowhats a irc program for ubuntu thats as close to possible like  MIRC 6.3115:49
IndyGunFreakshadow_: then you must not have googled very hard, 5min worth wuld have showed you how to install flash15:49
IndyGunFreakbazhang: yes, but he said he chose mint, because he couldn't install flash15:49
afallenhopedo we seriously not have an apache package?15:49
histo!flash > shadow_15:49
ubotuenvy is an unsupported tool to install newer versions of binary video drivers than provided by the official repositories. Use at your own risk, and remember that the latest version is not necessarily the "best". See « /msg ubotu binarydriver »15:50
kernandoi;m using x-chat and i really dont like it15:50
* IndyGunFreak still can't believe envy is in the hardy repos now.15:50
slytherinfilthpig: you need some tweaks, check https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats15:50
ere4si!apache | afallenhope15:50
ubotuafallenhope: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)15:50
pierramentaSibelle ça défile très vite15:50
histokernando: ther are tons of other clients15:50
histo[/j #ubuntu+115:50
bazhang!info envyng-gtk | histo15:50
ubotuhisto: envyng-gtk (source: envyng-gtk): install the ATI or the NVIDIA driver. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.1ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 93 kB, installed size 324 kB15:50
JDogHermanbazhag: any ideas?15:50
=== Berto2 is now known as Berto
gord_dmakalsky:   here's a nice page on a bottleneck-free server :)  http://linux.byexamples.com/archives/386/how-to-safely-upgrade-your-ubuntu-to-hardy-heron-804/15:51
bazhangpierramenta: /j #ubuntu-fr15:51
tawthow many gigs should i give / and /home ?  I'm working with a 25gb partition15:51
histotawt: thats were all your files will go.15:51
kernandohisto im sure there are  i was just wondering if anyone knew one that resembles Mirc 6.31 for windows15:51
shadow_<IndyGunFreak>: I found some guides, btu simply copyŲpaste didn't work, and I don't know how to do anything more that that15:51
slytherinkernando: you can use pidgin, but not sure if it is close to mirc15:51
histotawt: basically / is for the system and software but all your saved data will reside in /home15:51
clemyeatsshadow_: looks like envy couldn't manage to install dependencies it needed to run...15:51
tawti know that / is the main files, and /home is my personal stuff15:51
IndyGunFreakshadow_: i don't know, the instructions on adobe's site are pretty clear,15:51
ere4sikernando: try xchat15:51
clemyeatsshadow_: maybe you could install these packages and then run envy again.15:51
bazhangtawt depends on you maybe /10 and /home 12 and the rest for boot and swap15:51
kernandoheh thats what im using15:51
shadow_<clemyeats>: Ill try15:52
IndyGunFreakclemyeats: why are you recomending envy?15:52
=== jantan is now known as cosetya
shadow_<IndyGunFreak>: it wasn't as simple as that15:52
dmakalskygord_, thanks.  md5 matches15:52
dystopianraytawt: I'd say maybe 8GB for / and the rest for /home, minux swap of course15:52
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak
clemyeatsshadow_: the logs tell you which packages to install.15:52
IndyGunFreakshadow_: if you say so, but i've installed ubuntu quite a few times on different machines, and it is as simple as that15:52
gord_dmakalsky: other than a MD5 error, maybe it wont work in a loop-mounted system due to needing "itself" during upgrade u see15:52
shadow_<IndyGunFreak>: why not envy15:52
slytherintawt: out of 25, 10 is sufficient for /15:52
clemyeatsIndyGunFreak: because I think it's a good app.15:52
gord_dmakalsky: time tu burn it i think....15:52
IndyGunFreakclemyeats: lol, and you're very miinformed15:52
tawtok, thanks guys15:52
clemyeatsIndyGunFreak: that's opinionated.15:52
luqixizhen shi shen me ruanjiana15:52
ToxicSoul2So I have slight problem, after upgrading my numpad no longer works15:53
dmakalskygord_, ok... thanks a lot15:53
bazhang!cn | luq15:53
ubotuluq: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk15:53
shadow_<IndyGunFreak>: I know it works on most machines... but didn't work on mine15:53
IndyGunFreakclemyeats: well, i'm certainly not in the minority on my opinion, and you are(at leats among those w/ common sense)15:53
clemyeatsIndyGunFreak: yes, and a majority of people run Windows.15:53
askandI am having troubles with themes changing by themself..anyone else got that problem?15:53
nibsa1242btawt: I highly recommend a /boot of ~500MB and a /var (2-4GB)15:53
shadow_<IndyGunFreak>: whats wrong with envy?15:53
fysaI am stuck on 'Prepare partitions' with all options ghosted out and no partitions listed.15:53
IndyGunFreakshadow_: if it works on most machines, but didn't work on yours, then that suggests you did something wrong15:53
j0lliyoserver -m irc.homelien.no15:53
gord_ubuntu envy15:53
IndyGunFreakshadow_: you'll find out.15:53
bazhang!ot | shadow_15:54
ubotushadow_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!15:54
IndyGunFreakinstall away15:54
gord_haha sorry wrong knb ppl :(15:54
dystopianrayshadow_: envy is not supported here and neither is your distribution15:54
bazhangdystopianray: though envyng is for hardy15:54
slytherinnibsa1242b: shouldn't he instead have a single / for about 10 GB?15:54
clemyeatsshadow_: there's nothing wrong with Envy and as far as drivers as concerned your system is the same as Gutsy.15:54
dystopianraybazhang: envy is not supported at all in any way by ubuntu15:54
clemyeatsshadow_: you're missing dependencies, all you need is to install them.15:55
bazhangdystopianray: then why is it in the repos?15:55
RoiGhello all15:55
dystopianraybazhang: really? it is??15:55
shadow_<clemyeats>: thanks, ill try15:55
IndyGunFreakdystopianray: it is in Hardy15:55
IndyGunFreaki still don't trust it.15:55
bazhang!info envyng-gtk | dystopianray15:55
ubotudystopianray: envyng-gtk (source: envyng-gtk): install the ATI or the NVIDIA driver. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.1ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 93 kB, installed size 324 kB15:55
gnychiswhenever I try to hit "upgrade" to upgrade to 8.04 LTS in the Update Manager, the update manager freezes, how else can I do a full dist upgrade?15:55
jonesi have recently upgraded to ubuntu 8.04. i was using AWN before no issues. I have reinstalled it using the bzr. i am able to add launchers to the dock but they will not actually launch an app when clicked. any ideas as to what could be causing this issue. thanks\15:55
Turms_gutsytawt in my opinion it is better if you do not put /home in a differente partition15:55
koudelkaanyone know where i can find minimal install cd for ubuntu 8.04?15:55
clemyeatsyes, by the way Envy is now in the Ubuntu repos.15:55
mindframe-why can't I access sites with self signed certs?  when I go to a site with a self-signed cert it says: blank.com uses an invalid security certificate.  The certificate is not trusted because it is self signed.  (Error code: sec_error_ca_cert_invalid).  It doesn't give me the option to add an exception or allow the site in any way.  How can I fix this?15:55
nibsa1242bslytherin: /var doesn't need to be huge... and a separate /boot is important; if something happens and / fills up to 95% space use the system will refuse to boot. I had this happen once because of a log file that took up 50GB (since I didn't have a sep /var)15:55
mindframe-(this is firefox)15:55
slytheringnychis: is it really freeze or is it lot of processing?15:56
IndyGunFreakclemyeats: only for hardy, not for anything older, and that still doesn't mean its gonna work properly... i'm not holding my breath15:56
dystopianraymindframe-: provide an example15:56
pierramentaSibelle tu t'es fait enlevé par qui15:56
mindframe-a website?15:56
gribouilledoes ubuntu support xeon ?15:56
dystopianraymindframe-: yes15:56
ushabaupgrading to hardy basically hosed my system: can't get x working, kernel panic for the new kernel, can only boot into safe mode under an older kernel and can't get wireless working from the commandline; anyone able to help?15:56
bazhang!minimal | koudelka15:56
ubotukoudelka: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD15:56
clemyeatsIndyGunFreak: it's been in Mint for a while and people like it more than restricted manager according to the latest polls.15:56
dystopianraygribouille: xeon cpus? yes15:56
RoiGguys im having problems updating 7.10 -> 8.04 anyone can help me?15:56
slytherinnibsa1242b: I agree with separate /boot, but don't think separate /var is needed for a desktop user15:56
gnychisslytherin: its CPU usage is 015:57
Paavi2_0 !fr | pierramenta15:57
ubotupierramenta: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.15:57
IndyGunFreakclemyeats: well polls said John kerry was gonna cream george bush15:57
koudelkabazhang, i'm asking because it's not there...15:57
bazhangkoudelka: not sure if the hardy are there but that will be the place when they are15:57
clemyeatsah well..15:57
amenadoRoiG->   the server side is extremely busy, you may have the perception it is unresponsive and not working..15:57
koudelkabazhang,  you know anything when it will be out? i know there was some for the beta15:57
Turms_gutsyslytherin: why do you agree for a separate /boot partition, what is it for?15:57
slytheringnychis: probably waiting for mirror to respond. You can try command do-release-upgrade from terminal15:57
Kohelethis there a short cut to bring yp a cursor that kills a program like in kde?15:58
afallenhopeI'm having a hard time finding LAMP or Apache for that matter15:58
bazhangkoudelka: is this from another system? you might try unetbootin15:58
Turms_gutsyslytherin: it was only needed many years ago for the 1024th cylinder problem15:58
nibsa1242bslytherin: I don't think its an absolute necessity, however, it doesn't hurt. My log file filling up actually happened on a laptop. There was a bug with the card reader and it logged about 1GB of error per hour.15:58
slytherinTurms_gutsy: check the reason specified by nibsa1242b just above my comment15:58
rconanso... I've asked this a few times already and not found anyone yet. Anyone installed hardy onto a FakeRAID? I had a few problems trying to before15:58
bazhangKoheleth: xkill15:58
El1Is it normal that, altho I have never upgraded from beta to final version of hardy heron, I am already running the final version according to alternative CD?15:58
RoiGamenado -> it's not the server i downloaded the CD version, but when it is calculating the changes, it says an error (sorry for my poor english).15:58
RodGoanybody here uses amsn? because ive just intalled ubuntu hardy and amsn 0.97 and managed to get it working15:58
gnychisslytherin: that hangs at "Checking for a new ubuntu release 0%" ... maybe i should try to switch mirrors?15:59
bazhangEl1: you updated all the way? then yes you will be on final15:59
RodGothe problem is that when i try to change my display pic, the program closes my ubuntu session and i get my login screen again :S15:59
mindframe-dystopianray, https://beans.mindframe.org/15:59
koudelkabazhang, nah, i just like to have a minicd laying around whenever i need to do a reinstall15:59
Turms_gutsyslytherin: well, it is 10 years i use linux, and never had the need to have /boot in a separate partition15:59
nibsa1242bEl1: normally the beta or RC automatically updates to final after release15:59
slytheringnychis: that is what I would suggest15:59
RodGoand have no clue on how to fix this issue15:59
El1Ok, thanks for the info15:59
RodGoanybody is going trough the same?15:59
Kohelethbazhang: thanks15:59
dystopianraymindframe-: it's password protected15:59
toresndo any on you use 'music on console (moc)'?15:59
bazhangkoudelka: should turn up in a few days; will keep an eye pealed for you15:59
darren_hi i am having a problem vewing video's on the net is their any plugins i need to fix the problem15:59
mosnoTurms_gutsy: try running full-disk encryption LUKS/LVM --- /boot comes in handy in this instance :)15:59
mindframe-dystopianray, oh i thought it might offer the cert before that16:00
dystopianraymindframe-: nevermind i see the error now16:00
nibsa1242bTurms_gutsy: slytherin then you are lucky Turms; I always put it in a separate partition16:00
red_wow, installing dependencies for limewire pro eats up all cores of my core 2 duo e4600 cpu...16:00
tawtok, so i just made a new partition for my /home.  it's asking for the location of the partition, either "Beginning" or "End."  Which is a better choice?16:00
El1darren_: your firefox just crashes when you are trying to vieuw a flash video?16:00
ushabaupgrading to hardy basically hosed my system: can't get x working, kernel panic for the new kernel, can only boot into safe mode under an older kernel and can't get wireless working from the commandline; anyone able to help?16:00
mem_oro_76gparted question: what does a "Can't have overlapping partitions" error mean?16:00
El1darren_: try killall pulseaudio in terminal, see if that helps16:00
amenadoushaba-> install the older 7.10 and be happy for now..16:00
nibsa1242bushaba: if you had a separate /home you can just do a clean install and be done with it16:01
gord_df -H16:01
bazhangmem_oro_76: exactly what it says16:01
mindframe-dystopianray, ive been searching through about:config to see if theres something that causes this.  no luck yet.16:01
sipiormem_oro_76: just what it says. partitions can't overlap each other on disk. check the end and beginning cylinder numbers16:01
tawtok, so i just made a new partition for my /home.  it's asking for the location of the partition, either "Beginning" or "End."  Which is a better choice?16:01
gord_<needs coffee and a lie down if making mistakes like that16:01
OllieAHow do I finmd16:01
amenadotawt-> beginning16:01
bazhanggord_: haha16:01
* slytherin time to leave16:01
ov1d1u_nitanwhere I can find an IRC client for GTK? (but not X-Chat)16:01
OllieAHow do I find out what my graphcs card is in Hardy?16:02
ov1d1u_nitanwith the Mirc look-n-feel16:02
fysaI am stuck on 'Prepare partitions' with all options ghosted out and no partitions listed.  It seems no drives are detected.16:02
lynxiecool, ubuntu 8.04 lts under vmware :)16:02
tawtolliea   lspci in terminal16:02
darren_nothn was runnin under pulseaudio16:02
OllieAtawt: Cheers16:02
bazhangmirc via wine if you must ov1d1u_nitan16:02
amenadoOllieA-> it should be the same as in gutsy? lest you changed your hardware16:02
Turms_gutsymosno: ok, i never had the need to use luks, so you may be right, but for a normal user (as the 99% are) there is no need to have /boot in a separate partition16:02
andycrov1d1u_nitan: Pidgin works with IRC16:02
RodGohey anybody here uses amsn 0.97 with ubuntu hardy?16:02
ov1d1u_nitanok, thanks andycr16:02
askandNo more bugs are being fixed in hardy unless they are security- or critical bugs? True or false?16:02
=== _Lucretia__ is now known as _Lucretia_
nibsa1242bOllieA: lspci | grep [ati, nvidia, intel, etc] or just lspci if the manufacturer name doesn't show up16:03
red_wow, installing dependencies for limewire pro eats up all cores of my core 2 duo e4600 cpu..and my system is not sending packets to the net. is this a bug?16:03
CaptainMorganI see a bug wasn't fixed in Hardy- I have a top panel that is set to not expand, top and hide upon hitting a button... upon a system restart, from 7.04 to now 8.04 that panel when started is directly above the bottom panel- to get it back into position, the same sequence of steps need to be followed EVERY time. Right Click panel > Check Expand > Select Top > Check Expand again(so that it now doesn't expand) any ideas why this16:03
CaptainMorgan wasn't fixed ?16:03
KcajHey guys!16:03
KcajUbuntu is going SO GREAT!16:03
bazhangaskand: this is not the channel to ask in16:03
El1darren_: just try killall pulseaudio and see if firefox still crashes when you're trying to view a video16:03
mem_oro_76sipior: is that the same as sectors? cause I got a tiny partition that refuses to die16:03
mosnoTurms_gutsy: /boot is also handy if you decide to get rid of Ubuntu but you want your bootloader to not break (you just leave /boot alone)16:03
KcajIs there a good IRC Daemon for Ubuntu I can get with SYnaptics?16:03
KcajEspecially if it is easy to set up16:03
askand bazhang: why not?16:03
darren_their was no processes killed whin i did that though16:03
amenadoCaptainMorgan-> low on priority list?16:03
RoiGi dont know what i have to do, help me please, when i try to update it pops this error: An unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade.16:03
mem_oro_76sipior: maybe that's what's causing the error16:03
mosnoTurms_gutsy: apart from that i don't think i've had a real need for a separate /boot16:03
CaptainMorganamenado, it's quite annoying...16:03
bazhangbecause we are not the bug triagers askand16:03
cemcwhat's the best way to increase bash history file limit globally?16:04
CaptainMorganamenado, maybe it's not even on the list ?16:04
tech0007when is ibex coming out?16:04
askandbazhang: I see, ubuntu-bugs?16:04
amenadoCaptainMorgan-> well you can access the source code and try to fix it yourself?16:04
Turms_gutsymosno: i agree with you :-D16:04
bazhang!bug | askand16:04
ubotuaskand: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots16:04
sipiormem_oro_76: might be, but a bit odd that you can't destroy the partition. does it have a special type?16:04
amenadoCaptainMorgan-> or wait til someone have time to work on it16:04
leprasmurfso how many reports have there been of nvidia drivers screwing up now?16:04
OllieAHow do I install a graphics card driver?16:04
vbabiy-laptophey guys has any one noticed that the sound is can become choppy when you are using firefox.16:04
gnychiswhenever I try to hit "upgrade" to upgrade to 8.04 LTS in the Update Manager, the update manager freezes, how else can I do a full dist upgrade? i tried do-release-upgrade and it freezes at "Checking for a new ubuntu release 0% [Working]"  .... i tried switching mirrors too, no luck16:04
andycrAre the apt servers for gutsy completely smashed for anyone else? I can't get any packages.16:05
nibsa1242bOllieA: what card do you have?16:05
nlindbladOllieA: What card?16:05
nlindbladOllieA: ATi or Nvidia?16:05
OllieAnlindblad: 2 secs16:05
mindframe-andycr, yeah im sure theyre quite busy16:05
bazhangandycr: that is the #1 question today16:05
nlindbladOllieA: Know how to check?16:05
sipiorandycr: try another mirror...16:05
darren_ok the video is playing verry choppy16:05
nibsa1242bgnychis: the servers are swamped... if you let it sit there for an hour or so it'll probably unfreeze16:05
nlindbladOllieA: Try lspci and see if the kernel recognises it16:05
amenadognychis->    the server side is extremely busy, you may have the perception it is unresponsive and not working..16:05
mem_oro_76sipior: it says filesystem unknown - it was formatted as hfs+ before but all I want to do is wipe it completely so I can make a new partition16:05
andycrsipior: A mirror for apt? I'm not sure how I would add a mirror to sources.list.16:05
ushabai'm debating a clean install16:05
ushababut the cd burner on the other laptop is dead16:06
sagredohi, can someone point me to 8.04 sources.list16:06
gnychisamenado: nibsa1242b: i see... is it possible to upgrade via bittorrent?16:06
gribouilledoes ubuntu support itanium ?16:06
amenadoushaba dont include us in your debate,16:06
ushabai'll do some research on getting wireless working from the commandline first16:06
nlindbladmem_oro_76: Linux can't read hfs+ fully, but without the journal it should work16:06
ushababack in a bit16:06
darren_and i can't do anything at all with firefox16:06
RoiGWhen i try to update from 7.10 to 8.04 i get this error "An unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade.. "16:06
koroi have a fat32 drive added to my fstab so that it is automounted, and i have a link to a folder in it in my gnome desktop, but always the first time i click on that folder it takes a few seconds to open up the folder, anyone knows why this happens?16:06
darren_while playing video16:06
daemon3Looks to me like the servers are still overloaded.16:06
bazhang!slow | RoiG16:06
ubotuRoiG: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of the latest edition. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.16:06
OllieAnlindblad: PMed you16:06
nlindbladmem_oro_76: If you just want to format it with another filesystem that is easy16:06
Turms_gutsymosno: as for the bootloader, well, it is not a problem, i have a floppy disk for it, to be frank in 10 yrs i did not see the need to have /boot in a separate partition, i have /home/myuser/documents in a separate partition so i can share it with different distro's16:07
nibsa1242bgnychis: you could torrent the alt install CD (or the desktop / alt install DVD) however, I was told if you go that route packages that aren't on the cd/dvd could break during upgrade16:07
daemon3Are the servers usually overloaded for Ubuntu?16:07
techqbertI have 51 packages held back up apt-get upgrade, no worries?16:07
KcajIs there a good IRC Daemon for Ubuntu I can get with SYnaptics?16:07
techqbertdaemon3: No.16:07
mem_oro_76nlindblad: i know but I don't even want it to, I want a clean slate so I can format ext3 and fat32 but, this tiny partition won't go away16:07
gribouilledoes ubuntu support itanium ?16:07
sipiorandycr: just edit the sources.list to point at another mirror. i think there's also a command-line program to do this, though the name currently escapes me.16:07
leprasmurfhello all, I've attempted to upgrade from 7.10 to 8.04, my nvidia drivers crapped out on me.  I had to revert to the legacy drivers.  is there some new proceedure that I don't know about?16:07
bazhangon the day after release yes daemon316:07
techqbertdaemon3: 8.04 just launched.16:07
KcajThe Ubuntu servers were VERY FAST until abut Noon (EST) Yesterday... lol16:07
daemon3techqbert: I know.16:07
tech0007i upgraded from gutsy to hardy and i still have the old /etc/fstab. does hardy still use fstab?16:07
elektronik123who had a WC in Pc16:07
darren_whell gata go to work be back in about 8 hours16:08
amenadoKcaj-> blame it on me, i was downloading..hehe16:08
RoiGi get this error when im trying to upgrade from the CD not the servers..16:08
rwycuffKcaj: there should be some just search the ubuntu community docs for them and how to install16:08
nibsa1242bgnychis: I will tell you that after the system updated sat for about 20min looking like it was dead, it started functioning properly for me, and with my local mirror it looks like I'll be done downloading everything I need with a total time of under two hours16:08
nlindbladmem_oro_76: What kind of device is it?16:08
k[5\5]804 started16:08
ov1d1u_nitanwhen I try to install nextaw, apt-get says:16:08
ov1d1u_nitanPackage nextaw is not available, but is referred to by another package.16:08
ov1d1u_nitanThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or16:08
ov1d1u_nitanis only available from another source16:08
bazhangRoiG: the cd? you mean the alternate cd--they use the mirrors too16:08
FloodBot2ov1d1u_nitan: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:08
nlindbladmem_oro_76: Wiping it clean would mean to completely overwrite the partition table16:08
ov1d1u_nitanwhat can I do?16:08
mem_oro_76nlindblad: and the rest of the free space won't partition as anything cuse of this overlapping partitions error16:08
Kcajrwycuff: I'm looking for one that I can get through Synaptics, I'l tell you how it goes16:08
mem_oro_76it's a USB harddrive16:09
Calin24I'm trying to upgrade from gutsy to heron, but synaptic locks up every time i click on update.... any suggestions?16:09
amenadoRoiG-> how do you know its getting the update from the CD and not remotely? how did you verify this?16:09
bazhang!paste | ov1d1u_nitan16:09
ubotuov1d1u_nitan: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)16:09
nlindbladmem_oro_76: cat /dev/zero > /dev/device would overwrite everything16:09
kernandoin ubuntu cant i have  a lan connection and my wireless connection running at the same time?16:09
liritwhere is the trash folder?16:09
CaptainMorganamenado, thankfully it looks like someone has noticed it: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-panel/+bug/21751416:09
nlindbladmem_oro_76: fdisk could then re-create the partition table and let you make differently sized partitions16:09
dystopianraykernando: yes you can, but i don't think network-manager supports it16:09
bazhangkernando: not practically16:09
nlindbladmem_oro_76: Which you could then put filesystems on16:09
CaptainMorganit's reversed in my situation- I'm surprised nobody noticed it earlier... that bug report is for this month16:09
Nithis there a way to md5sum a directory recursively?16:09
amenadoCaptainMorgan-> alright..keep the person on the other end happy, send em cookies and pizza..hehe16:09
RoiGamenado -> because when updating from the CD you can select if install the updated packets from internet or use the ones from CD?16:09
CaptainMorgan and it's not a Hardy-specific bug16:10
b1n0ryhow do i know that i'm on LTS and not RC?16:10
mem_oro_76nlindblad: OK, thanks for pointing me in the right16:10
k[5\5]<Calin24>,chang your source ,replace gusty to hardy16:10
ToxicSoul2Hey does anyone have any idea why my number keypad would stop working after upgrading? Keyboard - sun type 616:10
vbabiy-laptophey guys has any one noticed that the sound is can become choppy when you are using firefox.16:10
nibsa1242bCalin24: the servers are swamped; first make sure you are using a mirror; then just allow the Update manager to sit there for a long time (20-60min)and it'll probably start working16:10
nlindbladmem_oro_76: No problem16:10
* delcoyote hi16:10
kernandobecause i just want to be able to ftp through to my other pc sometimes without having to disable my internet16:10
ov1d1u_nitanhere are the output16:10
amenadoRoiG-> how do you verify this? did you look at the scripts on what it does?16:10
liritwhere is the trash folder in the file system?16:10
mem_oro_76nlindblad: cat /dev/zero?? what does that do?16:10
ov1d1u_nitanwhat can I do?16:10
rwycuffKcaj: im not sure if Unrealircd is in ther ebut its more commong16:10
mlw1how is this release an improvement?  Everything that was working for me is broken.  I get more error messages than windows, I can't drag icons without it freezing, and I can't even quit without it freezing what's up with this...16:10
nlindbladmem_oro_76: It's a constant stream of zeroes (0000)16:10
Calin24alright.. thanks16:10
plikkernando: sudo ifconfig to set up your other interface manually16:10
JDogHermanany one know how to stop the error; sudo: unable to resolve host ...?16:11
RoiGamenado -> i unplugged my wired ethernet connection and its the same. its not the servers its a problem with something of the update.16:11
amenadoRoiG-> and if it finds the ones on the cd is older ..do you know if it attempts to retrieve from the archive?16:11
k[5\5]i met the same problem like you16:11
mariocesar_bohey there... i need help with my wirless... i need to know how i can mount a  USB zew250216:11
k[5\5]but now in 80416:11
tech0007lirit: ~/.local/share/Trash16:11
b1n0rymlw1: did you verify that your hardware was all compatible before the upgrade?16:11
nibsa1242bCalin24: thats what I'm doing and it seems to be working... they key point is to use a local mirror and not the "main server"16:11
lirittech0007: thanks16:11
afallenhopeI think my package manager is broken16:11
bazhangmlw1 ah he left16:11
=== mem_oro_76 is now known as mirdin
amenadoRoiG-> i asked you, did you have a chance to look at the scripts in how it upgrades? maybe it does look to the net too if it cant resolve ?16:12
mariocesar_bohey there... i need help with my wirless... i need to know how i can mount a  USB zew250216:12
MrDakokim looking foward for X11/extensions/XTest.h16:12
MrDakokii need it in my app but i dont know where hell it is!16:12
MrDakokisynaptic can install perfectly a program that uses this library16:12
MrDakokihow i can find it?16:12
FloodBot2MrDakoki: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:12
RoiGamenado -> wait16:12
ov1d1u_nitancan somebody tell me how to solve that? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64374/16:12
XaMuleAduGuest21 i am having problem with azureus, i cant download anithing and i got errors when i test my ports. I have a wired connection without router (fastweb) and i use ubuntu, anyone may help me'? :)16:12
connor_hey i just got ubuntu 8.04 wheres the media tab in removable drivers and media gone16:12
ToxicSoul2patience mariocesar_bo16:12
kernandoplik how would i know which one is my lan connection...ath0,eth0, lo16:12
andycrMrDakoki: Look through synaptic for something starting with "libx". It should be one of those.16:13
El1Hi guys, each time I install my nvidia drivers on heron, after I restart X, it says it can't find drivers or something and tells me to run in low-resolution. When I try to select nvidia drivers from there, it just fails, altho driver install went just perfectly, can anyone help me with this problem?16:13
mariocesar_bohey there... i need help with my wirless... i need to know how i can mount a  USB zew250216:13
bazhangkernando: ath0 is wireless eth0 is wired16:13
amenadoMrDakoki-> i'd make google as my friend, if not in your cdrom or on your hd, you may have to download16:13
nikitisSo umm, where are all of the repositories for 8.04?16:13
kernandobazhang thanks16:13
andycrMrDakoki: You want the ones ending in -dev16:13
monomocan some1 confirm that Netbeans 6.0 works on 8.04 ?16:13
bazhangmariocesar_bo: what chipset16:13
KcajSomeone called me a Chronic Offender. How can I battle them?16:13
needcdromhey guys - I am trying to upgrade, however it complains that I either have a pre-release version, or have unofficial packages. what should I do?16:13
mosnoTurms_gutsy: that's a good idea16:13
hilts50I've installed 8.04 three times now on an external HD from my macbook pro...  After install it asks to restart.  I do so and am not able to boot to the Ubuntu install on the external.  Anyone else having this issue?16:14
plikKcaj: Offend them Chronically16:14
IndyGunFreakneedcdrom: your name says it all.16:14
liritthe font in gnome-terminal in hardy is not clear. how can I fix it?16:14
mariocesar_bohow i can know that?16:14
b1n0rymonomo: I can confirm16:14
MrDakokiandycr i have installed all of them16:14
amenadokernando-> do verify, use iwconfig  to list what is wireless, ifconfig for wired16:14
bazhangneedcdrom: please pastebin your sources.list16:14
Kcajlol :)16:14
BatchI'm having trouble with my wireless, The drivers ARE installed but the blue light doesn't come on.. I'm using ndiswrapper.. Any suggestions?16:14
MrDakokii can see the source16:14
sagredodoes anyone know where a sources.list for Hardy can be found?16:14
MrDakokijust i need the path16:14
andycrMrDakoki: Did you install libxext-dev?16:14
b1n0rymonomo: I'm running NB 6.0.1 and NB 6.1 RC216:14
needcdromIndyGunFreak: I'm using the alt cd to upgrade btw :)16:14
IndyGunFreakyou probably just need to disable some sources16:14
El1monomo: yup it works16:14
connor_just install 8.04 wheres the media tab in removable drives and media gone?16:14
KcajOh crap16:14
MrDakokii have a linker error in eclipse16:14
needcdrombazhang: pastbinning..16:14
KcajThe servers are like DOWN16:14
k[5\5]<sagredo> /etc/apt/16:14
traitsagredo, what do you need?16:14
david567what do i need to know before i upgrade to hardy?16:14
andycrMrDakoki: You got the -dev libraries, and not just the normal ones?16:14
quentusrexwith the new Hardy release I can't even get apt-get to connect to us.archive.ubuntu.com16:14
bazhangsagredo: /etc/apt/sources.list16:14
KcajI'm trying to install an ircd and the download rate is UNKNOWN haha16:14
ere4sisagredo: /etc/apt/sourcs.list - it should be16:14
ov1d1u_nitanPackage nextaw is not available, but is referred to by another package.16:14
ov1d1u_nitanwhat's mean that?16:15
amenadoMrDakoki-> you have the path? its inside the jar file?16:15
ToxicSoul2So.. does anyone have any idea why my number pad now controls my mouse instead of.. being a number pad? Sun Type 6 Keyboard16:15
sagredotrait: I tried to do a Update Manager to Hardy and it said to check my internet connection16:15
RodGohi all i am having problems with my amsn display pic16:15
ramkumaranyone else having audio issues with hardy?16:15
dystopianrayNith: something like this maybe: find directory/ -exec md5sum {} \;16:15
sagredoI'd rather just apt-get16:15
tech0007connor_: its in nautilus Edit->Preferences16:15
RodGoi think this is my error https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/amsn/+bug/19053116:15
Dr_willisquentusrex,  the servers are taking a big hammering right now i imagine.16:15
monomob1n0ry: thanx!16:15
RodGoany ideas on how to fix that ?16:15
KcajToxicSoul2: Try to change your keyboard configuration16:15
traitwhy not install with cd?16:15
DBautellToxicSoul2, You probably need to find accessability options16:15
connor_sorry wheres nautilius16:15
sagredotrait: I don't want to take the time to burn it16:15
KcajIt is nice that the keyboard can be the mouse though, never knew that16:15
tech0007connor_: Places->Home Folder16:15
traitso.. ich cannot help you16:16
k[5\5]<sagredo> change source manually ,and dist-upgrade16:16
KcajHow many times have I been mouseless trying to operate a GUI? :( Too many.16:16
andycrWhere can I find a list of apt mirrors?16:16
b1n0ryconnor_: nautilus is the file explorer16:16
BatchI'm having trouble with my wireless, The drivers ARE installed but the blue light doesn't come on.. I'm using ndiswrapper.. Any suggestions??16:16
KcajOn screen keyboard helps too, for when you have 1 mouse, 0 keyboards16:16
hilts50Has anyone successfully been able to install Hardy on an external FW drive and boot to it with a macbook pro?16:16
sagredok[5\5]: do you know where the hardy sources can located? That's what I intend to do16:16
l3onHi all, Intrepid repo already exist ?16:16
bazhangandycr in synaptic16:16
connor_yeh i just realised im such a noob16:16
ere4siconnor_: nautilus is the file manager - open your home folder and you're using it16:16
ToxicSoul2DBautell, thats it awesome. thanks!16:16
k[5\5]<sagredo> /etc/apt/sources.list16:16
bazhangl3on: funny but offtopic (and NO)16:17
needcdrombazhang: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64378/ I'm mounting the alt cd iso and trying to upgrade from that (worked on my other machine)16:17
b1n0ryconnor_ noobs are cool in my book, what others call noobs, i call "new converts"16:17
KcajI wish some stuff in Linux didn't have names... haha.16:17
hassandid any one try Hardy,what about it?16:17
connor_i love 8.04 by the way16:17
nikitisWhat's the status of the Hardy repositories?16:17
andycrbazhang: Thanks, found it16:17
l3onbazhang: tnx for info :) bye bye16:17
KcajI'm downloading16:17
Kcajat 755 bytes per second16:17
andycrNow I can install the nVidia driver I've been trying to install for the last hour...16:17
CyberCodwhat is the deal with wubi???16:17
nikitisKcaj, go torrent, you can get the whole thing in 20 mins16:17
connor_dont use wubi16:17
b1n0ryKcaj: mirror.anl.gov has a 2GB pipeline, it's tirggered for ubuntu but i'm still getting 175-200k16:17
connor_it sucks16:17
DBautellToxicSoul2, you're the second person to ask that while I've been paying attention... Not a bad guess, I guess16:18
KcajI'm not getting Ubuntu16:18
connor_its slow as hell16:18
CyberCodyou're telling me???16:18
BatchI'm having trouble with my wireless, The drivers ARE installed but the blue light doesn't come on.. I'm using ndiswrapper.. Any suggestions?16:18
KcajI'm just getting ircd16:18
kernandook well where do i find the commands for ifconfig then?16:18
CyberCodits not that it is slow16:18
iusegnulinuxtry another mirror16:18
timoCan any one help with a nvidia driver please16:18
connor_it installs ubuntu into the windows boot.ini file16:18
bazhangneedcdrom: this is to gutsy or from gutsy to hardy? your sources.list are all gutsy16:18
hardffwell sorry to gripe like but I cant see how you droped a RC when so many issues's exsit in multimedia related areas.. yea sure its not affecting every one who happenes to have slightly better sound card then AC97 wooly mamoth shite16:18
Kcajkernando: go to a terminal16:18
yaccOk, just wondering, who is responsible for Python package policies on Ubuntu? Or are these just passed along from Debian?16:18
Kcajand type ifconfig --help16:18
emivan_\j #ubuntu-pt16:18
kernandoyeah im in a terminal16:18
mariocesar_bohey there... i need help with my wirless... i need to know how i can mount a  USB zew2502 please16:18
CyberCodit is that it tried to start up the partitioner in LiveCD mode off the wubi install16:18
kernandoado do sudo ifconfig16:18
r3m0thello folks, is LVPM coming to 8.04 soon?16:18
emivan_\j #ubuntu-br16:18
andycrBatch: On my laptop the wifi works fine but the light never comes on. It varies by card. If it works, you don't have anything to worry about.16:18
KcajOh btw16:18
KcajYou need to configure the devices16:18
Kcajlike eth016:18
bazhangmariocesar_bo: what is the chipset16:18
FloodBot2Kcaj: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:18
needcdrombazhang: it's from gutsy to hardy (using the alternate cd)16:18
Batchandycr: It doesnt work, Thats the problem, And eth1 has dissapeared16:19
kernandothere must be a link to a faq on this somewhere16:19
timoemivan_: idiot /join16:19
matthijswhere can i find the dutch ubuntu channel16:19
bazhangneedcdrom: and it is timing out?16:19
Kcajkernando: google ifconfg16:19
dunnixIs there anyone having issues connecting to us.archive.ubuntu.com to install packages? (
mariocesar_bohey bazhang... how i can know thata?16:19
nikitiskernando, man ifconfig16:19
bazhangtimo easy on the name calling thanks16:19
matthijswhere can i find the dutch ubuntu channel16:19
andycrdunnix: Everyone is16:19
needcdrombazhang: no, it gives me an error message (doing it again so I can copy exactly what the messsage says)16:19
bazhanglsusb mariocesar_bo16:19
Dr_williskernando,  the man pages exist for ifconfig, and its use/exmaples documented all over the web.16:19
niteyehow is the DVD version different than the CD version16:19
neetoIs there a way to completely disable the tootip at the login screen? ("Type your information, for a menu press F10...")16:19
andycrdunnix: You can install using a mirror if you wish16:19
timoI cant get the driver to work :-*16:19
dunnixandycr: Ah just getting hit hard?16:19
DG19075dunix, sounds like all the servers are getting hammered as ppl try to upgrade16:20
genii!nl | matthijs16:20
ubotumatthijs: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl16:20
niteyewhy is there a DVD image only of the previous kubuntu version? but not the newest one?16:20
liritno sub-pixel in gnome-terminal. anyone else have this problem? any fix?16:20
=== mirdin is now known as mirdin76
kernandocooll thanks16:20
iusegnulinuxit ll be there soon16:20
bazhangniteye: there is of kubuntu as well16:20
dunnixDG19075: Thanks!16:20
andycrdunnix: Yeah. If you want it to work right now, you can go into synaptic, click Settings->Repositories, under DOwnload From choose Other, and pick a mirror from the list16:20
helloworldhello can any one tell me how to execute a command auto maticaly at start up after login :)16:20
niteyeyes but only of 6.06, not the newest release16:20
neetoIs there a way to completely disable the tootip at the login screen? ("Type your information, for a menu press F10...")16:20
iusegnulinuxadd to session > autostart16:21
CyberCodI am so very disappointed16:21
dunnixandycr: I'll give that a shot, thanks16:21
BatchLol it's hard to get help in here.. Damn 8.01 xD16:21
bazhangniteye: you are not looking carefully enough ;]16:21
timoHelp noob with driver installation please.16:21
CyberCodmaybe they should've made it 8.06 and gotten more stuff fixed right16:21
niteyewait nvm16:21
helloworldiusegnulinux: where is add to session :)16:21
bazhangCyberCod: as are we all16:21
Nithanyone know how I can check a large fs to ensure it copied correctly... like md5 for directory trees?16:21
niteyei think they haven't updated some of the links yet on the official site16:22
HalsafarI need to get the xen virtualization layer installed on an ubuntu hardy installation.  I have no internet connection.  The install is running in Hyper-V.  To install the HyperV linux integration components I Need to be running the XEN virtualization layer...16:22
nikitisGrub is by far the most jacked part of 8.0416:22
mariocesar_bohey bazhang, i get this16:22
evandCyberCod: There is no partitioner in Wubi.  Are you sure you didn't boot into the livecd?16:22
CyberCodthe cd is on my desk16:22
CyberCodso yeah, I'm sure16:22
connor_im trying to change the media prefs in 8.04 so dvds automaticly use vlc but there is no vlc option16:22
ere4sinikitis: works here16:22
niteyeis the DVD version superior to the CD version?16:22
bazhangCyberCod: you are using wubi?16:22
CyberCodit installed via wubi and then rebooted, I went into the Ubuntu option16:23
Flannelniteye: no, they install identical systems16:23
helloworldiusegnulinux: cant find :(16:23
nikitisere4si, 3 machines so far, all with GRUB Errors, I was able to correct them, but it's not working out of the box16:23
niteyethen what does the DVD have that the CD doesnt?16:23
nikitisere4si, not like gutsy was16:23
manawenuzplease someone help me , i can't connect to a PPTP vpn server which i've installed ,16:23
manawenuzcan anyone help me ???16:23
Bert_2Hi, I have a native linux game here that screws up because I'm on dual-monitor, is there a way to emulate a screen or something so that I can play the game properly ?16:23
CyberCodand it came up asking me to select timezone (which sucks more than ever now btw) and then tried to start partitioner and crashed16:23
Flannelniteye: the DVD is the LiveCD + Alternate CD + More packages on the disc16:23
andycrconnor_: Try clicking "Custom" in the list and typing vlc in the box16:23
nikitisere4si, also why on Ubuntuguide.org, it's one of the only things on there, teaching people how to correct it.16:23
Jaymacdoes anyone that uses Lightning as a Thunderbird extension know where the calendar files are stored?16:23
niteyeokay thanks16:23
Halsafardoes anyone know of a iso image I can use that has the packages needed to get XEN installed in Hardy?16:23
needcdrombazhang: Could not calculate the upgrade. A unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade. This can be caused by: *Upgrading to a pre-release version of Ubuntu, *Running the current pre-release version of Ubuntu, *Unofficical software packages not provided by Ubuntu. If none of this applies, then please report this bug against the 'update-manager' package and include the files in /var/log/dist-upgrade/ in the bugreport16:23
m3ltd0wn123I am having an issue setting up proftpd, it starts, but when i try to connect it says "connection lost"16:23
bazhang niteyejust easier for some folks who have a slow net connection perhaps--more packagages etc16:23
evandCyberCod: what's the issue with the timezone map?16:23
connor_theres no custom option16:24
ov1d1u_nitanwhat I must to do to compile that?16:24
connor_that i can find16:24
ere4sinikitis: what errors are you getting?16:24
evandCyberCod: if the partitioner crashes, please file a bug: http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug .16:24
Dr_willisBert_2,  if using nvidia cards. the 'twinview' normally takes care of that for me.. Unless its a very badly written game16:24
iusegnulinuxrun gnome-control-center16:24
ubuntung-pinoyhello. update manager can't seem to connect to servers16:24
iusegnulinuxgo to session16:24
nikitisere4si, Error 17's and 13's16:24
Bert_2Dr_willis: it's a very old game16:24
bazhangneedcdrom: any reason not to just do it without the cd via the net?16:24
amenado!slow | ubuntung-pinoy16:25
ubotuubuntung-pinoy: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of the latest edition. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.16:25
iusegnulinuxadd links to the apps you need to autostarted apps16:25
andycrubuntung-pinoy: Yeah, they're pretty hammered at the moment16:25
nikitisere4si, the install isn't autosetting the boot flag for the /boot partitions16:25
connor_andycr: i cant find a custom option this is 8.04 right16:25
needcdrombazhang: ubuntung-pinoy: it's because everyone is trying to connect to the servers and they are slow16:25
manawenuzplease someone help me , i can't connect to a PPTP vpn server which i've installed ,  can anyone help me to figure out why ??? , btw i can connect to it with windows .16:25
Dr_willisBert_2,  You could try some of the monitor/screen contorl tools to disable the 2nd monitor. or make a different xorg.conf to only enable one monitor.16:25
HalsafarAnyone lend any advice for getting the Hyper-V Integration Components for Linux installed in hardy ?16:25
helloworldiusegnulinux: thnks16:25
andycrconnor_: Not sure then, sorry. I'm running 7.10; perhaps it's different.16:25
Flannelnikitis: the boot flag is useless for all modern OSes, not even windows uses it.16:25
CyberCodevand: the timezone thing sucks... thats my issue with it.  It is hard to control and doesn't have any means of just selecting my actual time zones without needing to know geography16:25
ov1d1u_nitansomebody can help me with this? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64379/16:25
CaptainMorganwhy did ubuntu ship with a beta version of firefox ?16:25
Bert_2Dr_willis: yeah but I find it rather stupid to restart X just for playing a game16:25
mariocesar_bohey bashang, i get this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64381/16:25
bazhangneedcdrom: that will be the case with the alternate too; where do you think the newest are checked against but the mirrors?16:25
mariocesar_bofor my chipset16:25
IndyGunFreakCaptainMorgan: i was wondering the same thing yesterday\16:25
connor_anybody know how i can change my 8.04 so dvds automaticly boot in vlc16:26
asfalthi all, does anyone have any links/documentation for setting up a local ubuntu update server (if it exists?)16:26
manawenuzplease someone help me , i can't connect to a PPTP vpn server which i've installed ,  can anyone help me to figure out why ??? , btw i can connect to it with windows .16:26
ere4sinikitis: you can set / as bootable in the install - might be h/ware related16:26
iusegnulinuxFlannel: "not even windows" ???16:26
Dr_willisBert_2,  try the config tools to change it on the fly.. or  restartx,, or do without the game i guess.16:26
ubuntung-pinoyandycr: needcdrom, oh so that's why.. are updates available through torrent?:-/16:26
nikitisFlannel, turns out, that was my issue.  I set /boot with a boot flag and it worked16:26
andycrconnor_: On mine, I go into Removeable Drives and Media, click Multimedia, and under "Video DVD Discs" I can put vlc in command16:26
MrDakokihow i can get the path of a library in ubuntu?16:26
CyberCodit zooms every time I hover over it, and usually starts off somewhere in africa or austrailia16:26
mphillasfalt: look at apt-cacher16:26
m3ltd0wn123I am having an issue setting up proftpd, it starts, but when i try to connect it says "connection lost"16:26
evandCyberCod: saying it sucks doesn't help get it fixed.  I need specifics.  Please elaborate on it being hard to control.16:26
andycrubuntung-pinoy: No, sorry. You can use an apt mirror16:26
connor_yes but this is 8.04 lts16:26
needcdrombazhang: the point is, even if I do download via the net, it will still have this error. the prob is with my computer, not the update16:26
CyberCodback in a bit16:26
asfaltthanks mphill16:26
r3m0tMrDakoki: why do you want it?16:26
connor_not gusty mine just has a drop down list16:27
needcdromubuntung-pinoy: yes, get the alternate cd torrent, you can update from that16:27
manawenuzplease someone help me , i can't connect to a PPTP vpn server which i've installed ,  can anyone help me to figure out why ??? , btw i can connect to it with windows .16:27
ubuntung-pinoyandycr, hate to be a bother, but how does one fo about that?16:27
CaptainMorganIndyGunFreak, the answer I'm getting from #firefox is that simply 2.* is near EOL, and since Hardy LTS, it makes sense in that way I guess....16:27
bazhang0930:1301 Toshiba Corp is that it mariocesar_bo? what does a search of that reveal (re: chipset)16:27
amenadoubuntung-pinoy-> you dont directly hit the main servers with torrents, you maybe getting it from sharing with others16:27
JDogHermanany one know how to stop the error; sudo: unable to resolve host ...?16:27
manawenuzsomebody , anybody16:27
ubuntung-pinoyneedcdrom, really? i have it right now.. HOW?16:27
Flannel!hostname | JDogHerman16:27
ubotuJDogHerman: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at system>administration>networking on the "General" tab16:27
Bert_2Dr_willis: so there's no way of emulating or spoofing the something so the game uses another resolution ?16:27
mariocesar_bohazbang, can u see that?16:27
IndyGunFreakCaptainMorgan: yeah, i guess... it does seem to go outside the norm for Ubuntu though16:27
nikitisEverything else seems to be well with 8.04.  Cept where are those repositories?16:27
CaptainMorganIndyGunFreak, true... very interesting I think16:27
needcdromubuntung-pinoy: the instructions are on the update page, at the bottom16:27
MrDakokir3m0t i want  to compile a program but i have a linker error16:27
needcdrom!update | ubuntung-pinoy16:28
ubotuubuntung-pinoy: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes16:28
ubuntung-pinoyamenado, basic bittorrent philosophy i get.. where to get the torrent ponter files i dont16:28
mariocesar_bosorry... this one http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64381/16:28
bazhangmariocesar_bo: you need to correctly type my nick baz (tab key)16:28
MrDakokir3m0t its beacuse im tryiing to use this -> #include <X11/extensions/XTest.h>16:28
arttiDarn, i can't upgrade. Always in same place it says that problem occured. Some sort of network problem... bla bla.16:28
MrDakokibut i got a linker error16:28
Dr_willisBert_2,  the various nvidia tools let you chantge res/disable the 2nd monitor on the fly. When using TwinView on my nvidia cards - i havent had any issues with games and fullscreen16:28
m3ltd0wn123I am having an issue setting up proftpd, it runs, i ran the config check and it worked, but when i try to connect it says "Connection dropped by host"16:28
MrDakokii dont know where hell is the library16:28
KiraTime to look for ways to remotely upgrade to Hardy. :D16:29
ubuntung-pinoyneedcdrom, i actually am on Hardy final release already.. wanted to get Updates coz my video card's driver is flaky16:29
bazhang!slow | artti16:29
ubotuartti: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of the latest edition. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.16:29
mariocesar_book hazbang16:29
MrDakokibut i have compiled some programs that uses it16:29
amenadoMrDakoki-> use find command to look for the files in your system16:29
r3m0tMrDakoki: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=XTest.h&mode=exactfilename&suite=hardy&arch=any says you need to install the "x11proto-xext-dev" package16:29
connor_does anybody know how i can make dvds start in vlc in 8.04 lts16:29
bazhanghazbang? ;[16:29
Toyota4Runnerafter doing an upgrade from 7.10 to 8.04 when it restarts I get a 'No Signal" on the monitor.  Drop to console I tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and it doesn't offer me anything for the video card.  How can I fix this.16:29
mariocesar_bothis is the address bazhang http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64381/16:29
needcdromubuntung-pinoy: oh, sorry :) In that case you'll have to wait for the servers to cool donw16:29
Kohelethanybody else having problems downloading 3 dependency files that go with Skype?16:29
arttibazhang, i have .iso files. But somehow i can't burn them right on dsik.16:29
CaptainMorgandrag and drop from other workspaces doesn't appear to work.. is this known ?16:29
bazhangmariocesar_bo: I saw it; what did a search of that id bus reveal for that chipset?16:30
needcdromartti: what program are you using?16:30
MrDakokioh ! grat thank you very much r3m0t!16:30
samalexdangit, us.archive.ubuntu.com seems to be hammered ... some updates will download while others won't.16:30
bazhangartti: this is gnome? or windows16:30
monomob1n0ry: what would be a good place to install netbeans to? the .sh wants to install it to my /home folder...16:30
ubuntung-pinoyneedcdrom.. oh my.. :-( do u think i could retrieve the package or whatever from my old install of gutsy?16:30
r3m0tMrDakoki: no problem :) you can use the search in the same way if you get another error16:30
m3ltd0wn123I am having an issue setting up proftpd, it runs, i ran the config check and it worked, but when i try to connect it says "Connection dropped by host"16:30
arttineedcdrom, i tried GnomeBaker, basero and nautilus itself.16:30
Kohelethartii get magic iso from mininova16:30
amenadomonomo-> you are the only user, so its good enuff to put it there16:30
manawenuz please someone help me , i can't connect to a PPTP vpn server which i've installed ,  can anyone help me to figure out why ??? , btw i can connect to it with windows .16:31
bazhangartti: right click on iso open with cd/dvd creator16:31
arttibazhang, gnome? windows?16:31
nikitisbrb, rebooting from installing NVIDIA Drivers16:31
needcdromubuntung-pinoy: I think it would be best to wait then try using old packages, if possible16:31
incorrecthas anyone seen a comparison between running 32bit apps on 64bit platform vs running them on a 32bit platform?16:31
ere4sim3ltd0wn123: what are you connecting to?16:31
ov1d1u_nitanwich package contain libdivxencore.so.0?16:31
needcdromartti: and what happened16:31
amenadomanawenuz-> you tried to connect from within, ie  ftp localhost?16:31
m3ltd0wn123ere4si: My server's IP address.16:31
MrDakokiits installed but i have the same error16:31
MrDakokiundefined reference to16:31
needcdromartti: can your computer burn other isos alright?16:31
arttineedcdrom, result was copied .iso on cd.16:32
amenadoMrDakoki-> this is not c coding support channel, perhaps you can visit #c ?16:32
ere4sim3ltd0wn123: have you added your server to  /etc/hosts.allow?16:32
ubuntung-pinoyneedcdrom: that makes sense.. it's just that this screen is becoming AUUGH! it's not right...16:32
ov1d1u_nitanwich package contain libdivxencore.so.0?16:32
PrivateVoidSorry for the rant, but I get to manage Mac servers now... aiiiiieeeeee!!! <thump>16:32
* PrivateVoid sobs16:33
NET||abuseHey guys.. totally off topic question here, but does anyone know alot about getting a projector for work? I'm looking for a decent enough one for showing off interface design work for our firm here..16:33
needcdromartti: you may have already tried this, but if you right click on the image, you can select "write to disk" and that will do it the right way16:33
m3ltd0wn123ere4si: No, what line should I add, I am looking at it and not sure what to add16:33
NET||abuseso would anyone recomend one or other of lcd vs dlp? and what connections should I be really trying to get?16:33
arttineedcdrom, done that.16:33
jhunte2who is connor16:33
bazhangNET||abuse: best ask in #hardware thanks16:33
=== MrLinu241 is now known as MrLinux
Kohelethyep that sure is off topic16:33
tech0007ov1d1u_nitan: try avifile-divx-plugin16:33
jhunte2last name please16:33
JDogHermanhow can i recover the root password?16:33
NET||abusebazhang: ahh, that's a good idea.. thanks16:33
MrLinuxI have a question, I need namedb , how can I install it ?16:33
NET||abuseKoheleth: awsome16:34
NET||abuseMrLinux: bind16:34
clemyeatsJDogHerman: as a sudoer?16:34
amenadoJDogHerman-> you can not, boot from liveCD and issue a new one16:34
needcdromartti: you could also try k3b, it's a good program for burning16:34
MrLinuxHowever the following packages replace it:16:34
MrLinux  dnsutils bind916:34
MrLinuxE: Package bind has no installation candidate16:34
FloodBot2MrLinux: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:34
manawenuzamenado: huh ?16:34
bazhangartti: you checked the md5 sums also?16:34
ingo_hallo all! just upgrated to hardy on my macbook white. while booting it says "The greeter application appears to be - . Attempting to use a different one" - how can i fix this message????16:34
needcdromartti: but I have to say, that is an odd problem16:34
DBautellJDogHerman, Ubuntu picks a random root password and does not share it with you. Best practice is to use sudo.16:34
ov1d1u_nitantech0007: I tried that, but it didn't worked16:34
amenadomanawenuz-> double huh?16:34
MrLinuxNET||abuse: Is not working16:34
ere4sim3ltd0wn123: I add -  on a separate line - the ip address and the ost neame16:34
ov1d1u_nitanxdtv: error while loading shared libraries: libdivxencore.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory16:35
manawenuzamenado: you tried to connect from within, ie  ftp localhost? triple huh ?!!!16:35
tech0007ov1d1u_nitan: what are you trying to do16:35
monomoamenado: about the netbeans install locations: but what if i'm not the only user?16:35
bazhangDBautell: that is not quite right-none is picked16:35
ov1d1u_nitanto run xdtv16:35
NET||abuseMrLinux: named is the binary you are talking about, and Bind is like the industry standard version that most people will use,, not that it's without any flaws... its got a few to be proud of :)16:35
clemyeatsJDogHerman: if you can't login, with the liveCD. If you can with sudo passwd root16:35
amenadomanawenuz-> you have an attitude issue, no help from me to you16:35
DBautellbazhang, geuss I'll reword that16:35
MrLinuxNET||abuse: I need namedb on my sistem..16:35
* Koheleth thinks pistachio nuts are highly addictive16:35
arttibazhang, how i do that?16:35
manawenuzamenado: why do you say that ??16:35
ubutomHellooo guys16:36
amenadomonomo-> well you can share it with someone else?16:36
manawenuzamenado: i'm sorry if i made you feel like that16:36
bazhang!md5 | artti16:36
ubotuartti: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows16:36
JDogHermandbautell: I cant sudo because the hostname is not working16:36
manawenuzamenado: i couldn't get what you're saying16:36
externI installed Adobe Reader from medibuntu, however when I try to run it from applications->office->adobe reader, it says ""acroread" (No such file or directory)"16:36
hdevalenceis there a way to tell do-release-upgrade to download all the packages I'll need now and not actually do the upgrade?16:36
manawenuzamenado: i do apologize , anyways16:36
KlrSpzmirrors tanking out?16:36
ingo_hallo all! just upgrated to hardy on my macbook white. while booting it says "The greeter application appears to be - . Attempting to use a different one" - how can i fix this message????16:36
bazhangmanawenuz: what did you do? we are volunteers here so be very nice to us or we wont want to help you16:36
ingo_hallo all! just upgrated to hardy on my macbook white. while booting it says "The greeter application appears to be crashing - . Attempting to use a different one" - how can i fix this message????16:37
amenadoJDogHerman-> you may have to make sure your hostname is resolve properly16:37
ramviI have an openPGP key on Launchpad. I'm trying to build a deb, but I'm not allowed because I don't have an gpg key (fresh ubuntu install). How do I activate my old gpg key in Ubuntu?16:37
manawenuzbazhang: I do apologize whether i get help or not16:37
IndyGunFreakextern: thats odd, its working fine for me on 2 pc's.. have you tried purging and reinstalling?16:37
DBautellJDogHerman, eww... I can't help (yet), good luck16:37
timohey whats this got it from firefox ,,Please enter the master password for the Software Security Device16:37
amenadomanawenuz-> no problem..go on and try what i suggested16:37
afallenhopehey why do I get this16:37
afallenhopeafallenhope@afh:~$ sudo tasksel install lamp-server16:37
afallenhopetasksel: aptitude failed (100)16:37
manawenuzamenado: i didn't get what you mean16:37
externIndyGunFreak, I didn't try purging. It used to work fine on 7.10. By the way, I'm running it on x6416:38
IndyGunFreakthat coud be the issue..16:38
m3ltd0wn123ere4si: like ALL: myhostname16:38
monomoamenado: thnx for the help! i'll just install it to my /home16:38
amenadomanawenuz-> on same ftp server, try to use the ftp client like   ftp localhost16:38
externbut it used to work fine installed from medibuntu :/16:38
JDogHermanamenado: everytime i try to set the hostname with sudo it says I can resolve the hostname16:38
MrLinuxHow , can I make my ubunto 3D ?16:38
MrLinuxubuntu *16:38
manawenuzamenado: ftp ??? i'm talking about VPN PPTP16:38
amenadomonomo-> alright, enjoy eclipse16:38
ubuntung-pinoyIf Carlito had two hard drives, one with Gutsy, one with xp, and Carlito decided to download both alternate and desktop CD images for Hardy, then went on to clean install Hardy over xp, will Carlito be able to find package files from the old Gutsy install so that he can fix his graphics card driver in the new and beautiful Hardy install?16:38
manawenuzamenado: should i use ftp client ???16:38
amenadomanawenuz-> am getting confused of who i was helping...16:39
m3ltd0wn123ere4si: Do I need to restart the ftp server after I do that?16:39
HalsafarAnyone lend any advice for getting the Hyper-V Integration Components for Linux installed in hardy ?16:39
scizzo-JDogHerman: I had the same problem when I relized that I was using the DNS adress....16:39
ere4sim3ltd0wn123: I use e.g. on one line then   severname    on the next16:39
amenadomanawenuz-> okay what happens when you establish the vpn? from where to where? what os are in both ends?16:39
rezxman -- i wish the ububtu servers would stop timing out. ahhhhhgh ;)16:39
bazhangrezx we all do16:39
manawenuzamenado: both ends are ubuntu 7.1016:39
amenadoJDogHerman-> you meant i can not resolve?16:39
ere4sim3ltd0wn123: then  sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart16:40
timowhats the channel for driver support ?16:40
manawenuzamenado: while i'm trying to connect to it through windows box everything's ok16:40
LeerokSo, anyone tried debtorrent?16:40
m3ltd0wn123ere4si: same error16:40
manawenuzamenado: but i can't manage to connect to it via other linux box16:40
amenadomanawenuz-> and which app or commands you use to establish the vpn?16:40
manawenuzamenado: wait16:40
bazhangubuntung-pinoy: no need; carlito has a new and shiny hardy that is very different from gutsy16:40
manawenuzamenado: pppd call ....16:40
KlrSpzLeerok: i like deluge-torrent16:40
Anorion|Macis there a DVD image that can install all three *buntu flavors?16:40
KlrSpzAnorion|Mac: just install the differnet *-desktop packages16:41
KlrSpzLeerok: google it16:41
* Mimi asks: Hi people... what's the command that launches the "Search for Files" menu?16:41
ingo_"The greeter application appears to be crashing - . Attempting to use a different one" - how can i fix this message????16:41
amenadomanawenuz-> are they in same lan? or you have to dial out to the other end ?16:41
KlrSpzBBIAF, gotta reboot16:41
Kohelethanyone having problems installing Skype, just install the QT dev tools16:41
bazhangtransmission is the default for hardy Leerok and very nice ;]16:41
manawenuzamenado: no it's not on my network16:41
ubuntung-pinoybazhang, then i guess carlito will just have to work with choppy display 'til the servers cool down, eh? :-/16:41
manawenuzamenado: but the windows box is on the same network16:41
ere4si3is the serer running on the comp you're connecting to?16:41
DBautellJDogHerman, all attempts to use sudo give you the hostname error?16:41
bazhangubuntung-pinoy: this is nvidia or ati16:41
LeerokCan you use it to download Ubuntu packages via apt-get?16:41
manawenuzamenado: do you have a windows box ??16:42
amenadomanawenuz-> which one works? windows to ubuntu? but not ubntu to ubuntu?16:42
ubuntung-pinoybazhang, nvidia16:42
manawenuzamenado: yeah16:42
manawenuzamenado: moreover windows box is in the same network16:42
thatguyhey i finally finished my upgrade to hardy and now no sound will come out of my comp can anyone help16:42
amenadomanawenuz-> no M$ windows on my end.16:42
bazhang!info envyng-gtk | ubuntung-pinoy when the servers cool off for carlito ;]16:42
ubotuubuntung-pinoy when the servers cool off for carlito ;]: envyng-gtk (source: envyng-gtk): install the ATI or the NVIDIA driver. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.1ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 93 kB, installed size 324 kB16:42
manawenuzamenado: can you try to connect to me with your lin box ??16:42
amenadomanawenuz-> the ppp is riding on a modem? serial line?16:43
tech0007Mimi: gnome-search-tool16:43
gmenelauif i upgrade from 7.10 to 8. will i lose the data and my folders etc or not ?16:43
manawenuzamenado: what ???16:43
manawenuzamenado: what do you mean i mean ??16:43
CyberCodOk, I'm back... sorry small family crisis16:43
bazhanggmenelau: via net or cd fresh install or alt cd which16:43
rawbdoes anyone know why php 5.2.4 was included in 8.04 instead of 5.2.5? 5.2.5 has been in debian's testing since jan 08, so I would of thought ubuntu would pull it from there16:43
MimiTHanks tech0007 !16:43
Dr_willisgmenelau,  with a upgrade you 'shouldent' lose anything.16:43
amenadomanawenuz-> how does ppp establishes the link? it uses a modem?16:43
CyberCodI realize that just saying "it sucks" doesn't tell anything16:43
gmenelaubazhang via net16:43
manawenuzamenado: lan16:43
=== scott_ is now known as saross0219
bazhanggmenelau: then you are good to go16:44
Kohelethany reason why the qt dev tools will not download, can someone take a look at this please16:44
m3ltd0wn123ere4si: Yes, it doesn't work, even from local machine16:44
manawenuzamenado: pty " --nolaunchpppd"16:44
kbrooksrawb, tou have crazy expectations.....16:44
amenadomanawenuz-> if you already have ip on both ends, why do you use ppp?16:44
manawenuzamenado: it also includes /etc/ppp/options.pptp16:44
ubuntung-pinoybazhang: thanks16:44
bazhangrawb file a bug or go to brainstorm16:44
gmenelaubazhang  i will not have any problem with the compiz ?16:44
ingo_"The greeter application appears to be crashing - . Attempting to use a different one" - how can i fix this message????16:44
manawenuzamenado: so what should i use ?16:45
LeerokCan deluge torrent be used to download deb packages?16:45
saross0219anyone good with wireless issues here?16:45
bazhanggmenelau: 100% guaranteed or your money back ;]16:45
manawenuzamenado: i don't really know16:45
kbrooksrawb, Ubuntu stopped importing from Debian for 8.04 on December 13, 2007.16:45
Odd-rationaleLeerok: no16:45
amenadomanawenuz-> you can use like  ipip, gre, vtund, iptables combinations of those16:45
bazhangLeerok: haha no; no need16:45
matthijsCan someone help me with wireless connection plz16:45
amenadomanawenuz-> even with ssh tunneling too16:45
gmenelaubazhang  ok thanks a lot see you after upgrade !!!!16:45
ubuntung-pinoythatguy: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=72987316:45
LeerokI won't find it too useful, then.16:45
timocant any one help with a driver, Im gona have to go back to feisty16:45
kbrooksrawb, are you there?16:45
rawbkbrooks: ah, ok. just missed it then :)16:45
Lr5uhh, upgrade failed it says16:45
ere4sim3ltd0wn123: can't offer any more suggestions then - sorry16:45
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs16:45
bazhanggood luck gmenelau!16:45
Lr5doesn't sound good16:46
manawenuzamenado: can you suggest me the easiest way ??16:46
thatguythank you ubuntung-pinoy16:46
doug2266778822i need help when i put in a dvd it sayes Error :could not read from resources: how do i fix this?16:46
amenadomanawenuz-> you normally only use ppp if you only have like a serial link or a modem(serial on one side) to the remote end16:46
qryzycan you upgrade from downloaded image?16:46
* Lr5 hopes the system works after a restart16:46
O||yHi all16:46
CyberCodit sucks because it attempts to make something easier and just ends up making a mess of the whole process.... selecting your time zone should be a simple drop down box.  And if you MUST include a zoomable map, put a dropdown box for timezone next to it... or highlight a vertical stripe of the map with which timezone is currently selected so that you can tell if your city happens to fall within it.16:46
Kohelethcan someone see if they can download the qt dev tools please16:46
bazhangqryzy: live or alt cd16:46
manawenuzamenado: aha16:46
Osaxhi allhi all16:46
amenadomanawenuz-> perhaps you tell us your requirements, and we may be able to suggest a better solution(s)16:46
MrLinuxI need some help .16:46
kbrooksCyberCod, talk to #ubuntu-bugs about this16:47
MrLinuxSomeone free ?16:47
Osaxis any one having a problem with wireless on Ubuntu 8.04?16:47
bazhang!brainstorm | CyberCod16:47
ubotuCyberCod: Post your ideas for ubuntu at http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com and vote for the ones you like!16:47
CygokuIs the dvd version of hardy heron anywhere ?!?!16:47
manawenuzamenado: i believe i've chosen a bad solution , but here i go16:47
Odd-rationale!ask | MrLinux16:47
ubotuMrLinux: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)16:47
OsaxIntel 3945 + Belkin ADSLl router16:47
Kohelethqt4-dev-tools is the files16:47
Dr_willisCyberCod,  for the state of Indiana - we need a zoomed in map of Indiana - we have different timezones depending on which county in the state you are in. :)16:47
manawenuzamenado: there's a corporation with to offices16:47
strtokAnyone know how difficult it would be to install gcc 4.2.2 (the one from 7.10) as an alternative gcc?16:47
OsaxI can see the APs but can't connect16:47
MrLinuxOdd-rationale : I installed webmin , how do I change the colours of the root ?16:47
dystopianrayKoheleth: is your server slow?16:47
dystopianray!slow | Koheleth16:48
ubotuKoheleth: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of the latest edition. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.16:48
Kohelethnot usually16:48
manawenuzamenado: one of thoes offices have got some sort of security camera's and they'd like to monitor them16:48
Kohelethweb seems fine16:48
gmenelaubazhang  it say failed extracting16:48
bazhangCyberCod: we know you dont like wubi; thanks for sharing--could you please go to #ubuntu-offtopic ? thanks16:48
CyberCodbazhang:  I already did that16:48
Kohelethok will try later16:48
manawenuzamenado: both ends (i mean offices) uses a proxyserver based on ubuntu 7.10 & 8.0416:48
CyberCodbazhang:  I've tried very hard to participate16:48
manawenuzamenado: moreover they want to be able to connect to camera's from otherplaces than the other office16:49
Osaxhm... no one is having a problem with wireless then!16:49
doug2266778822i need help when i put in a dvd it sayes Error :could not read from resources: how do i fix this?16:49
amenadomanawenuz okay, is the security cameran somehow already is tied in to stream the video it produces right? ie, if you were local to where the camera is, can you monitor it with any pc?16:49
CyberCodnow I'm going to see how well it UNinstalls from windows16:49
Osaxexcept me, though it works with debian fine16:49
MrObvious!info gkrellm16:49
ubotugkrellm (source: gkrellm): The GNU Krell Monitors. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.3.1-1ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 734 kB, installed size 2076 kB16:49
bazhangCyberCod: I am sure you have; and hope you continue to do so; but this channel is so busy that it is just a bit disruptiive is all thanks16:49
InvisionfreeWhy is it whenever debconf pops up about something, it takes forever to pop up, then you click finish, then it freezes for a long time, then goes again?16:49
manawenuzamenado: yeah , the camera server is a windows box16:49
DBautellbazhang, would it be safe/accurate to say "the root account is locked"?16:49
bazhang!sudo | DBautell16:50
ubotuDBautell: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.16:50
CyberCodbazhang:   shouldn't there be an overflow channel?  surely two channels of 750 would be preferable to one channel of 150016:50
tshHey guys I have just installed ubuntu hardy heron, is there any good info sites on this particular release e.g. how to install all the codecs, and applications etc ?16:50
louishHi All.    Hey,  Anyone having issues installing Ubuntu 8.04 64Bit?   No real issues with hardware, just some weird networking and apt-get, synaptic stuff (failing apt-get updates etc.)16:50
askandWhere have that shared folder thing gone that used to be in administrationmenu?16:50
InvisionfreeHey cybojanek!16:50
manawenuzamenado: unfortunately they haven't installed it  yet , they're gonna install them tomorrow , and i won't be able to apply the solution from tomorrow on16:50
amenadomanawenuz-> to monitor the streaming video, what does a client must do to see it?16:50
=== weed is now known as blackness
jbroomelouish: apt servers are getting hammered, be patient16:50
consfearacylouish, apt-get fails because of server load16:50
DBautellbazhang, in reference to your previous correction on my "root password is secret" spiel16:50
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories16:50
bazhanggmenelau: well the servers may be just a wee bit slow now; the day after the release and all ;]16:50
cybojanekIs us.archive.ubuntu.com up? I cant apt-get install build-essential... :(16:51
amenadomanawenuz-> ie, what client software must be installed on the client pc to monitor that video ?16:51
Mex_TuxI'm having some trouble on startup with Gutsy. There is a message telling me that an error ocurred on gnome settings startup. The last error messagewas: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the16:51
Mex_Tuxmessage bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection16:51
manawenuzamenado: from what i know , all you need to know is to browse the client's ip using a webbrowser , it somehow have a webserver16:51
Mex_Tuxwas broken.16:51
dystopianray!slow | cybojanek16:51
ubotucybojanek: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of the latest edition. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.16:51
manawenuzamenado: sorry16:51
louishoh  okay.16:51
bubu1uktsh: when you try to play video/autio file, it will ask you to download codecs automaticly.16:51
manawenuzamenado: i'm wrong , yeah16:51
cybojanekubotu: Thanks16:51
ubotuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)16:51
bazhangDBautell: you can create one; but best not to16:51
doug2266778822i need help when i put in a dvd it sayes Error :could not read from resources: how do i fix this?16:51
manawenuzamenado: the client should be installed16:51
cybojanekubotu: Youre more helpfull than anyone else here :D16:51
tshbubu1uk, ok but generally are there any good documentation sites on this new release?16:51
DBautellbazhang, I know that16:51
bazhangdoug2266778822: did you check the md5 sum?16:51
jbroomedoug2266778822: http://www.google.com/search?q=+Error+:could+not+read+from+resources:16:52
gmenelaubazhang  ok thanks a lot see you after upgrade !!!! have a nice WK16:52
doug2266778822bazhang: no how do i do that?16:52
amenadomanawenuz-> wait.. the camera has a web server to stream the video? or you have to have a special client(app) on your pc t monitor the video?16:52
DBautellbazhang, I'm asking if "the root account is locked" is an accurate thing to say about ubuntu16:52
bazhanggmenelau: will be here waiting ;]16:52
bubu1uktsh: probably not for hardy yet, except ubuntu wiki. try ubuntuguide.org and ubuntugeek (i think com) for extra info16:52
InvisionfreeHello: Why does my Desktop have no items, and whenever I open it from the panel, it just freezes ..16:52
manawenuzamenado: it have an application16:52
O||yi upgraded to 8.4 and things went wrong: my gfx aren't smoothe like they were bofore and i got a load of errors during the update (basically saying that the particular file would not be configured).  now when it loads up my gfx aren't as smoothe as they were before and it isn't using the right driver.  plus when i try to alter my screen resolution it comed up with error "The X Server does not support the XRandR extension.  Runtime resoluti16:52
O||yon changes to the display size are not available."  anyone any ideas or should i reinstall from scratch? LOL16:52
matteo1990hi all, anyone know why when i open one of the connections under networking i get no dates?16:52
OsaxIntel3945+Belkin wireless problem16:52
manawenuzamenado: i mixed it up with somewhere else first16:52
bazhangDBautell: locked? how about not activated? either should do--yours is better methinks ;]16:53
doug2266778822jbroome:  i have done that before i came in here.16:53
manawenuzamenado: btw , they have 2 spare IP addresses as well16:53
* Invisionfree refuses to use Ubuntu ever again.16:53
amenadomanawenuz-> would it be something like this?  http://www.smccd.edu/webcams/   <-- view it from your browser16:53
* jconnolly is away: shhhh. sleeeping.16:53
manawenuzamenado: i mean valid IP addresses16:53
DBautellbazhang, trying to lean towards brevity, so it get's the point across with annoying people16:54
tshthank you16:54
Wusaaai got enourmos problems with the hardy kernel16:54
gooodyhow can i modify icons in ubuntu gutsy?16:54
ubuntung-pinoycould anyone recommend some heavy duty ftp client for hardy?16:54
DBautellbazhang, thank you16:54
liamrharveyhello i have a dell laptop and have installed ubuntu 7.10 on it and i am having probles with connecting to my wi fi16:54
Toyota4Runnerafter doing an upgrade from 7.10 to 8.04 when it restarts I get a 'No Signal" on the monitor.  Drop to console I tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and it doesn't offer me anything for the video card.  How can I fix this.16:54
Krimpethmm, this may sound a bit silly, but is there any easy way to remove the overly wordy "3 Beta 5" from the Firefox title bar in hardy?16:54
bubu1ukis anyone having that kinda pink-ish shadow behind active window? or is my graphic card not setup properly? nvidia geforce 8600 M GT here. i have nvidia-glx-new drivers installed16:54
Wusaaamy network dev, my soundcard plus my acpi isnt working anymore16:54
ubuntung-pinoylooks like bazhang is on a roll today16:54
Skiessiany screen capturing program using x264?16:54
manawenuzamenado: i haven't seen it yet , they've told me that it have a client side application which installs and connects to the serverside16:54
bazhangDBautell: then yours is much better ;] I always tend to annoy people more16:54
O||yubuntung-pinoy> try filezilla16:54
Wusaaaworked perfectly in gutsy16:54
Osaxliamrharvey, me too, on 8.0416:54
amenadomanawenuz-> i want you to visit that site i pasted, to get an idea..16:54
Osaxliamrharvey, but only with Belkin ADSL router16:55
tech0007Toyota4Runner: change driver to vesa first then examine /var/log/Xorg.o.log16:55
bazhangubuntung-pinoy: only cos you are not helping ! ;]16:55
InvisionfreeHello: Why does my Desktop have no items, and whenever I open it from the panel, it just freezes ..16:55
ubuntung-pinoyfilezilla doesn't support http/https, O||y16:55
liamrharveyosax do youhave a dell laptop16:55
Krimpetit seems a bit unpolished and space-wasting for all of my firefox windows to say "Mozilla Firefox 3 Beta 5" in the title - just wondering if there's a way to trim it down :)16:55
Osaxliamrharvey, yes, Latitude D52016:55
amenadoliamrharvey-> what chip does your wifi nic card have?  if bcm43xx...good luck.. :P16:55
manawenuzamenado: i've visited it , it is web based , ours is client based , which installs on M$16:55
Toyota4RunnerThank you Tech000716:55
Kohelethit was the server, I changed and its ok now, thanks16:55
ubuntung-pinoybazhang, ihey don't look at me. 'm just another newbie in need of assistance from the gods..16:55
CygokuIs the DVD version of Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron anywhere ?!?!16:55
liamrharveyamenado i have a dell 1390 WLAN MiniCard16:55
ikexis anyone else having problems with really staticy sound (im using NVIDIA hda mcp51)16:56
schnootopKrimpet, best to ask in the Firefox channel, it might even be in the Firefox options16:56
tombar_is there any way i can display a xfce like menu under gnome ?16:56
O||yi upgraded to 8.4 and things went wrong: my gfx aren't smoothe like they were bofore and i got a load of errors during the update (basically saying that the particular file would not be configured).  now when it loads up my gfx aren't as smoothe as they were before and it isn't using the right driver.  plus when i try to alter my screen resolution it comed up with error "The X Server does not support the XRandR extension.  Runtime resoluti16:56
O||yon changes to the display size are not available."  anyone any ideas or should i reinstall from scratch? LOL16:56
jbroomemanawenuz: if it installs a client, then it probably won't work on linux.  i imagine there's some acivex trickery involved16:56
balle_i am having problems using my mouse properly, when it is plugged in and i boot, it is incredibly slow, but the mousepad works fine, and when i plug the mouse in post-reboot it doesnt work at all, and no light underneath, what could be the problem?16:56
Krimpetschnootop: ah, good point, thanks. :)16:56
HalsafarAnyone lend any advice for getting the Hyper-V Integration Components for Linux installed in hardy ?16:56
ingo_"The greeter application appears to be crashing - . Attempting to use a different one" - how can i fix this message @ startup????16:56
bazhang!torrents | Cygoku best to use these ;]16:56
ubotuCygoku best to use these ;]: Hardy can be torrented from http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).16:56
amenadomanawenuz-> okay, thats clearer, now at the far end, its an ubuntu firewall/server with proxy running on it too?16:56
Martiiniunetbootin question .. I gave unetbootin a Sidux iso to install but the kenel stops with message "Begin: Waiting for root file system ..." I have googled that kernel message but I still have no clue. I dont even know which kernel is being booted16:56
Krimpetit seems like a weird default for hardy16:56
manawenuzamenado: yeah on both ends it does16:56
danbhfiveO||y: you could try installing ubuntu-desktop16:57
doug2266778822bazhang: how do i do the md5 sum?16:57
danbhfiveO||y: or ubuntu-desktop^16:57
amenadomanawenuz-> and with the working windoz to ubuntu, where do you point (ip address) your windoz client ?16:57
ubotuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows16:57
bazhangdoug2266778822: did you read the !md5 link?16:57
connor_I have a really strange problem when i install my graphics card drivers all my audio loops. And my audio wont work without them it works fine16:57
connor_i used the restricted rivers manager16:57
ubuntung-pinoy!md5 | doug226677882216:57
ubotudoug2266778822: please see above16:57
dystopianrayconnor_: are you using hdmi output of your video card or something?16:57
connor_oh and this is 8.0416:57
jbroomedid Amaranth just ban himself?16:57
manawenuzamenado: i don't get you , if you mean , my test windoze laptop ??16:57
bazhangMartiini: does it not have to download stuff from the internet?16:58
Bert_2Hi, I'm trying to get this game working with the right resolution and they say here ( http://forums.introversion.co.uk/uplink/viewtopic.php?t=37804&highlight=resolution ) that I should use Xnest, but I don't understand how it works, can someone explain me ?16:58
connor_no just vga16:58
DBautellbazhang, actually, looks like ubotu already has it under control with !root16:58
PhantomStrikeHow do you upgrade your distribution from the command line; for example, using apt. Do you just change the repos to hardy?16:58
amenadoliamrharvey-> you have to wait perhaps, im assisting another one at the moment16:58
O||ydanbhfive> I have - i upgraded from gutsy to hardy last night and it all went wrong.  thing is i wana keep my settings if i can16:58
Amaranthjbroome: Yeah, was testing a bot16:58
bazhangDBautell: nice catch! ;]16:58
manawenuzmanawenuz: i've chose the server to assign 192.168.2  ip's to clients16:58
balle_i am having problems using my mouse properly, when it is plugged in and i boot, it is incredibly slow, but the mousepad works fine, and when i plug the mouse in post-reboot it doesnt work at all, and no light underneath, what could be the problem?16:58
elhoirhello.... anyone knows what about server saturation right now?16:58
manawenuzamenado: i've chose the server to assign 192.168.2  ip's to clients16:58
danbhfiveO||y: ok, did you try what I suggested?  its all I got atm16:58
elhoiri want to upgrade from gutsy to hardy16:59
jbroome!upgrade | elhoir16:59
ubotuelhoir: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes16:59
manawenuzamenado: so the windoze got an ip in that range16:59
amenadomanawenuz-> yes your windows client (laptop?) where do you point the client to?  and what is your clients own ip address to begin wtih?16:59
bazhangPhantomStrike: sure; then update and dist-upgrade16:59
doug2266778822bazhang: sorry must have missed it.16:59
askandAnyone had any luck with sharing folders in Hardy?16:59
PhantomStrikebazhang: thanks!16:59
kirohhi do someone know how to remove files from a read only filesistem??16:59
elhoirwhat about server saturation?16:59
connor_anyone know why my audio loops when my ati raedon x1950 drivers are installed i used restricted drivers manager this is 8.0416:59
roocraigi have a problem with connecting to the internet. My wireless card picks up the close networks, but when I go to connect to the network it won't connect-can I get some help please-it will connect in vista though no problem16:59
jbroomekiroh: that kinda defeats the purpose of a ro fs16:59
bazhangdoug2266778822: what! only 1546 people in here ;]16:59
manawenuzamenado: i've pointed it to my local ip address which is , and i've also configured portforwarding , and firewall correctly17:00
manawenuzamenado: on my dsl router i mean17:00
dystopianrayconnor_: what sound card do you have?17:00
ubuntung-pinoybazhang, is this the right place for the envyng thing -->http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/e/envyng-gtk/ ??17:00
doug2266778822bazhang: lol i know not many peeps but im really busy trying to find more on this. in the process.17:00
CygokuAre the repos baclup ??17:00
MrObviousI was using at home (I'm at work now) the b43 driver for my BCM94311 chipset and WPA encryption and got it to only connect at a max. of maybe 5Mbps instead of a full 54. Does anyone have any ideas.17:00
kirohjbroome: but that was my home partition17:00
connor_its an intel realtek alc88017:00
ikexis anyone else having problems with really staticy sound (im using NVIDIA hda mcp51)17:00
connor_it works fine without the graphics drivers installed17:00
jbroomekiroh: then you have a bigger problem17:00
roocraiganywireless gurus here?17:00
CygokuAre the repositories baclup again ??17:00
kirohjbroome: i know17:01
MocIs there a way to put a light source inside the cube ?17:01
dystopianrayMrObvious: is it faster with ndiswrapper or in windows?17:01
amenadomanawenuz-> okay so your client uses your local ip address which is for sake of arugment  ?17:01
jbroome!slow | Cygoku17:01
ubotuCygoku: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of the latest edition. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.17:01
ddrplayer512I don't think so... :(17:01
bazhang!info envyng-gtk | ubuntung-pinoy this should be it; is it the same?17:01
ubotuubuntung-pinoy this should be it; is it the same?: envyng-gtk (source: envyng-gtk): install the ATI or the NVIDIA driver. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.1ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 93 kB, installed size 324 kB17:01
Mocthen background is transparent, I find the inside of the cube to lack lightning17:01
liamrharveycan anybody help me i have a dell laptop with a dell 1390 WLAN MiniCard and are having problems connecting with my wifi on ubuntu 7.1017:01
MrObviousdystopianray: No clue on ndis with Hardy but in Gutsy I had it set up before. And also in Vista it works fine. It's a software problem with b43.17:01
manawenuzamenado: my windows client is and the computer which runs VPN server is
CygokuThere is no way to get packages without apt-get ??17:01
ubuntung-pinoybazhang, doesn't seem like it.. i've got one file in it.. envyng-gtk_1.1.1ubuntu1_all.deb 11-Apr-2008 22:04   94K17:02
liamrharveycan anybody help me i have a dell laptop with a dell 1390 WLAN MiniCard and are having problems connecting with my wifi on ubuntu 7.1017:02
bazhangCygoku: add/remove and synaptic as well17:02
kirohjbroome: i was tring to install with unetbootin17:02
Jack_Sparrowaptitude :)17:02
amenadomanawenuz-> this is where i need more explanations,  elaborate on your network  layout.. you have a dsl/router/ then a VPN server? then clients connect to vpn server and not directly to the dsl/router?17:02
PokitI installed some updates for ubuntu 7.10, and it changed my /boot/grub/menu.lst file.  now the only windowsxp option on bootup takes me to safe mode. how do i fix this?17:02
dystopianrayMrObvious: try using ndiswrapper17:02
jbroomeall of which still use the *.archive mirrors that are bogged down17:02
roocraig8.04 will connect to other networks, but the one i have at home it won't. The pc is correct also17:02
bazhangoops aptitude as well Cygoku ;]17:02
liamrharveycan anybody help me i have a dell laptop with a dell 1390 WLAN MiniCard and are having problems connecting with my wifi on ubuntu 7.1017:02
MrObviousdystopianray: :\17:03
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs17:03
jbroome!patience | liamrharvey17:03
ubotuliamrharvey: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines17:03
amenado!patience | liamrharvey17:03
CygokuI mean, I need to install ntfs-3g ... I need to rly wait ??17:03
jbroomeamenado: too slow. :)17:03
MrObviousliamrharvey: What chipset does it use? Use the command lspci | grep bcm to see.17:03
nwillettso are the update servers overwhelmed right now?17:03
bazhangliamrharvey: I think they want you to be patient ;]17:03
jbroome!slow | nwillett17:03
manawenuzamenado: i have a DSL router which connects to a hub , and my clients have connected to hub as well , i've assigned DMZ on my dsl router17:03
sigmahello folks. the tracker search tool doesn't search for anything, it just automatically returns "no search results found." system monitor reports that both trackerd and tracker-applet are running. any suggestions?17:03
ubotuNOTICE - There is a lot of traffic in this channel at the moment. Please try to keep your sentences into a single message, avoid repeating the same question multiple times, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting, remember to mention the nickname of the person you're addressing, and join #ubuntu-offtopic for anything that is not Ubuntu support. Thank you for understanding!17:03
amenadomanawenuz-> and the VPN server is an ubuntu box right?17:03
bazhangubotu lag17:03
ubotunwillett: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of the latest edition. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.17:03
manawenuzamenado: yeah17:03
ubotuYou have lag, I don't have lag17:04
ubuntung-pinoyoh my.. the lags17:04
amenadomanawenuz-> so you have another ubuntu client besides the VPN server?17:04
manawenuzamenado: yeah but it's not on my network17:04
bazhang!hi | assane17:05
ubotuassane: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!17:05
manawenuzamenado: i have ssh access and also freenx remotedesktop access to it17:05
Pokitubuntu 7.10 updates changed my /boot/grub/menu.lst file and the only option for windowsXP makes it boot in safe mode. how do i fix this?17:05
kirohdo someone know how to remove files from a read only filesistem??17:05
nwillettkk, so if accessing the repositories is basically not going to work right now will that mess up an install of 8.04...i.e. should i just wait?17:05
assaneje doi installer vpn17:05
assanekelun pe maider17:05
amenadomanawenuz-> this were it gets interesting, why is your client not on that same network as your windoz client ? its okay i just want to understand how it gets acces to that subnet17:05
assanesui sur la version 8 de ubuntu17:05
jbroome!english | assane17:05
ubotuassane: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat17:05
bod_hey guys -- just upgraded from 8.04 beta (with sound) to 8.04 (no sound) anyone else experienced this?17:05
MrObviousnwillett: Are you trying to use apt/synaptic or actually download Ubuntu?17:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about acrobat - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:05
=== sniff is now known as sniff^
ubuntung-pinoybazhang, sorry for the nagging, but is this -->     [envyng-gtk_1.1.1ubuntu1_all.deb ]    what u were talking about?17:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about acroread - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:05
bazhang!vpn | assane17:05
ubotuassane: From more information on vpn please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD17:05
manawenuzamenado: you're getting me wrong ,17:06
manawenuzamenado: my windoze and ubuntu vpn server are on the same subnet17:06
nwillettjust use apt/synaptic...I've got the torrent version of the install iso already burned and everything. I'm just concerned about updates/apt hanging and messing up things when I install17:06
amenadomanawenuz-> the more we dig into this it gets more interesting, can you kindly draw a layout so its easier to follow? a nice drawing speaks a thousand words17:06
manawenuzamenado: but the other ubuntu box isn't17:06
sherkinI have a small problem with filenames with accents on a data dvd.17:06
sherkinI used convmv  -f cp850 -t utf817:06
sherkinto fix the names of the files copied from the dvd to my hard disk.17:06
sherkinNow, I'd like to find how to mount the dvd in a way to avoid this17:06
FloodBot2sherkin: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:06
MrObvious!enter | sherkin17:06
ubotusherkin: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!17:06
bazhangubuntung-pinoy: no worries! the best bet is to wait until the repos are up again17:06
manawenuzamenado: i'm a bad drawer :(17:06
manawenuzamenado: but i will17:06
amenadomanawenuz-> yes i gather that from what you said so far..so i need to find out how these devices are inter-linked17:07
bazhang!paste > sherkin17:07
KohelethGoogle earth does not like desktop effects, what!17:07
manawenuzgimme your email17:07
ubuntung-pinoybazhang, alright.... thanks17:07
bazhangmanawenuz: pastebin it please17:07
albertois there a channel for ubuntu mac?17:07
amenadomanawenuz-> just paste it in pastebing or some sites that allows drawings to be uploaded17:07
sherkinI thought my question would be clearer in one block17:08
bazhangmanawenuz: or imageshack17:08
albertois there a channel for ubuntu mac?17:08
myf.....repo is still down?17:08
cubehow do i get rid of the border on my icons specificly for image files17:08
sherkinSorry its taken as a flood attempt!17:08
jbroomemyf: not down, just slow17:08
bazhangmyf: aye17:08
thatguyubuntung-pinoy, i followed the forum's advice, but when i try "sudo update-initramfs -k 2.6.24-12-generic -c" it returns: update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-2.6.24-12-generic17:08
thatguyCannot find /lib/modules/2.6.24-12-generic17:08
thatguyupdate-initramfs: failed for /boot/initrd.img-2.6.24-12-generic17:08
ubuntung-pinoy!mac | alberto17:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mac - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:08
FloodBot2thatguy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:08
ingo_"The greeter application appears to be crashing - . Attempting to use a different one" - how can i fix this message @ startup????17:08
rsidssdoes anyone know how to setup a 3monitor configuration in ubuntu (7.10) (1x GF, 1x ATI)17:08
amenadomanawenuz-> http://www.litetext.com/  is another17:08
BleckmI'm having a problem after installing Hardy Heron, did a fresh install, and I'm getting dropping into a busybox shell, I posted the output from recovery mode here: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/3057517:08
myfjbroome: my update-manager couldn't handle it, it turned gray (with compiz)17:09
Zaqqhi. My ethernet card 'Realtek RTL8139 PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter' as detected under Device manager of Windwos XP is not detected on a fresh new install of hardy Heron. please help!17:09
=== jantan is now known as costya
bazhang!wifi | Zaqq17:09
ubotuZaqq: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs17:09
Lo_Pan8139 isn't wifi17:09
* tech9iner whacks thingfish1 with a rolled up 'kde rules' poster muahahahah17:09
Zaqqbazhang: its a LAn card .. not a wireless lan card17:09
amenadothatguy do you have a directory called as that?   /lib/modules/2.6.24-12-generic   ?17:10
AaronMTand those wifidocs are severely outdated tutorials17:10
nwillettbtw has anyone had 8.04 freeze whenever they tried to shutdown?17:10
albechZaqq: is it found with lspci?17:10
bazhangZaqq: what does ifconfig show17:10
ubuntung-pinoy!slow | thatguy17:10
ubotuthatguy: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of the latest edition. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.17:10
tech9inerthingfish1: taint nothing but love forya pal0mine ;]]17:10
ifireballZaqq: how do you know it wasn't detected?17:10
xaoslaadIs there a reason the Update Manager halts at17:10
=== Ward1983_ is now known as Ward1983
sigmahello folks. the tracker search tool doesn't search for anything, it just automatically returns "no search results found." system monitor reports that both trackerd and tracker-applet are running. any suggestions?17:10
Pokitinstalling ubuntu 7.10 updates messed up my bootload screen, what do i do in grub to get winxp back on bootloader17:10
xaoslaadIs there a reason the Update Manager halts at "Downloading file 15 of 24"?17:10
Odd-rationale!slow | xaoslaad17:10
ubotuxaoslaad: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of the latest edition. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.17:10
bazhang!slow | xaoslaad17:10
Raitsis anybody here confident with using grub and troubleshooting booting issues?17:10
Zaqqalbech: i am not so good at troubleshooting .. u can tell me the steps and i reboot into hardy and let u know when i come back to windows  xp17:10
Odd-rationalebazhang: slow17:11
thatguyamenado, the directory does not exist? is there a certain package i have to download17:11
MrObviousxaoslaad: Because the Ubuntu servers are getting pounded with people downloading Hardy. Switch your repository to something else.17:11
bazhangOdd-rationale: haha17:11
thingfish1hey tech9iner17:11
albertois there a channel for ubuntu mac?17:11
jbroomealberto: no17:11
Zaqqifireball: it says no network found .. and when i check the lan adapter list ... nothing is shown there17:11
albertojbroome: do you know what is ift-load?17:11
xaoslaadAlright, kind of figured; not used ubuntu before.. just giving it a whirl; not used to their particular update and package managers17:11
MappI need some help can anyone help me?17:12
albertoI installed isight-firmware-tools but there is no ift-load in the package17:12
afallenhopeanyone know of an FTP client with a built in editor?17:12
albertoI need it17:12
assaneapt-get install pptpd ipx ipxripd17:12
bazhang!ask | mapp17:12
ubotumapp: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)17:12
afallenhopeI know cuteftp does17:12
Odd-rationalexaoslaad: you can try chaning mirros17:12
MrObviousxaoslaad: Just type gksudo synaptic from an Alt+F2 run box then go to Settings -> Repositories and choose a new server from there. That's about the easiest way.17:12
amenadothatguy->  yes, I believed its  build-essentials package creates that dir... but the server is busy now to download anything17:12
assanekelkun pe me voir sa17:12
sherkinHow can I mount a dvd-rom with codepage=850 ?17:12
ferris_is "nopci" the right option for booting into low graphics mode? (with the 7.**) disc?17:12
albechZaqq: just type lspci in a shell17:12
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak
Zaqqalbech: i have google some C code which could be the driver ... but i have no clue how to compile the kernel17:12
Zaqqalbech: ok .. and then?17:12
bod_just finished upgrading hardy but now my sound doesnt work -- my cardis recognized and nothing in alsamixer is muted -- any ideas?17:13
albechZaqq: you shouldnt need to compile the kernel for get that nic working17:13
amenadothatguy so you may have to wait a day or two or a week ..slow downloads for now17:13
Da_Wihello, i have a question to security in ubuntu. I read the article in the (german) wiki, but i don't understand it. If there is a better chan to ask, please say me the name. My question: Why don't need ubuntu a firewall (standard install), or better: it is useless?17:13
[0]ZDK-Mus_home 17:13
FloodBot2[0]ZDK-Mus_home: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:13
AaronMT!ufw | Da_Wi17:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ufw - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:13
albechZaqq: lspci will list the devices found on your system17:13
LeerokIva, fiva, iva?17:13
ubuntung-pinoy!nopci | ferris17:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nopci - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:13
=== Scrounch_ is now known as Scrounch
AaronMTUncomplicated Firewall17:13
Zaqqok after lspci .. what next? reboot and show u the output? if found wht do i do next?17:13
assanece forom c anglais ou francais17:13
AaronMTsudo ufw enable17:13
albechZaqq: if it show that NIC try ifconfig afterwards and see what it say17:14
bazhang!fr | assane17:14
ubotuassane: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.17:14
bleakedis anyone else having trouble loading compiz with the fglrx drivers in hardy?  i've been doing a ton of research, and it appears that no one is able to get compiz to work in hardy, despite all of these people having no trouble in gutsy..17:14
AaronMTUbuntu's Firewall - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuFirewall17:14
Zaqqok.. am writing this down.. and wht will ifconfig show me?17:14
xaoslaadthat worked, thank you; good old reliable uk mirror service17:14
albecha list of interfaces17:14
AaronMTbleaked, I am running compiz perfectly fine using ATI's Restricted Drivers17:14
Da_WiAaronMT, thx17:14
bazhangZaqq:  it will show eth0 and lo hopefully17:14
RaitsCould anyone help me troubleshoot booting issues i am having with xp. I reformated my ubuntu feisty install today and on reboot i couldn't boot into either OS because grub had the wrong menu items in it. I finally managed to boot into ubuntu now, but when i try to boot where i think xp is installed it just hangs. Other partitions i've tryed for xp give the "no ntldr" error on grub.17:15
BleckmI'm having a problem after installing Hardy Heron, did a fresh install, and I'm getting dropped into a busybox shell, I posted the output from recovery mode here: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/3057517:15
albechZaqq: what bazhang said17:15
bleakedAaronMT: see, i've always been able to.. dapper - gutsy no issues.. but now, on a fresh hardy install, it will not load.. everything else is rather snappy though17:15
ubuntung-pinoyferris, if i'm not mistaken nictools-nopci is a set of Diagnostic tools for many non-PCI ethernet cards17:15
Lr5Strange, removing icedtea-gcjwebplugin solved the problems I had with java plugin17:15
manawenuzamenado: http://www.litetext.com/faz317:15
Zaqqbazhang and albech : ok .. i'll come back and tell u wht i found ... any thing after finding my etho listed under ifconfig?17:15
Lr5it apparently overrode other settings17:16
ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy17:16
MappI have been having trouble updating Hardy with the update manager17:16
bazhangZaqq: that should do it for now17:16
albechZaqq: yes check which ip number is assigned to eth0 if any17:16
Zaqqok.. g'bye17:16
Zaqqok thanks17:16
rothchildcan anyone reccomend a gui configurator for synaptic touch pad, my scrolling has gone crazy17:16
amenadomanawenuz-> you have ip address attached to those? and which ubuntu client do you have that is not connecting?17:16
ferris_when using the live cd, if i boot with any of the options on the boot menu, I get mis-aligned graphics on screen... what to do? what to do?17:17
ferris_is there a way to start the installation at the boot menu?17:17
ferris_that would be fine too17:17
bazhang1560? is that all you've got? ;]17:17
ubuntung-pinoyferris, there should be.. option no.3 i think17:17
sherkinMrObvious:  How can I mount a dvd-rom with codepage=850 ?17:17
sigmarunning ubuntu hardy; tracker search tool doesn't search for anything, it just automatically returns "no search results found." system monitor reports that both trackerd and tracker-applet are running. any suggestions?17:18
grzybI/O wait - about 90% cpu usage in hardy after connecting usb devices, any idea ?17:18
amenadorothchild-> you may have to turn off  --   Option "VertScrollDelta"  "0" in xorg.conf for your synaptics17:18
bazhang!alternate | ferris_ try this perhaps it may help17:18
ubotuferris_ try this perhaps it may help: The Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-alternate-i386.iso.torrent17:18
MrObvioussherkin: Google it? I really don't know. Sorry.17:18
RaitsCould anyone help me troubleshoot booting issues i am having with xp. I reformated my ubuntu feisty install to a hardy one today and on reboot i couldn't boot into either OS because grub had the wrong menu items in it. I finally managed to boot into ubuntu now, but when i try to boot where i think xp is installed it just hangs. Other partitions i've tryed for xp give the "no ntldr" error on grub.17:18
AaronMTROthchild, hehe nice nickname, good short-story. Rothchild's violin17:18
manawenuzamenado: can you wait for few minutes ?17:18
MimiIn Session Properties, if I want Gnome to forget about my saved sessions...  and to go with the stuff that's on "StartUp Programs" only.. What would I do? :P17:18
amenadorothchild-> you may have to turn off  --   Option "VertScrollDelta"  "0"  and HorizScrollDelta tooin xorg.conf for your synaptics17:18
amenadomanawenuz-> i have to use the high chair (commode) be back in a few too17:19
manawenuzamenado: ok17:19
rothchildthanks amenado17:19
sherkinMrObvious:  Thank you. I *always*  rtfm and google before any attempt on forum or irc17:19
bazhangtoo much information ;]17:19
kakadoRaits: do you have more than one harddrive?17:19
dbristowanybody have any info about the mismatching MD5SUMS line for wubi.exe?17:19
rothchildI don't want to turn scrolling off I just want to stop the slightest touch taking me to the bottom of the page17:19
Raitskakado: yes17:19
MrObvioussherkin: Sorry I can't be much help. No need to flame me. I don't even know why you asked me specifically for help instead of the channel in general.17:19
Mimidbristow:  if its mismatched, you need to re-download :(17:20
Mimior reburn, whichever you did17:20
armadaWhich is the best Flash Plugin to use with firefox on ubuntu? I get these 3 choices: Swfdec player, Adobe Flash Player, Gnash SWF player17:20
ubuntung-pinoy!md5 | dbristow17:20
ubotudbristow: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows17:20
dbristowMimi: I download from 3 different mirrors, they all give the same sum which doesn't match the MD5SUMS line17:20
bazhangarmada: sadly the flash17:20
SirBob1701_hey i updated to 8.04 and now my think pads volume buttons don't work. anyone know a fix?17:20
dave11why do they hide the md5 sums in such a unfindable location instead of right on the home, i had to open up the irc chat and click on one of the topic links to find them?17:20
rick111hey guys, anyone tried network chess? it seems you can't play17:20
armadabazhang, so adobe?17:20
rohanis it me, or is archive.ubuntu.com *hell* slow atm?17:20
dbristowlet me check them again17:20
Raitskakado: it has the map hd(1) hd(0) and map hd(0) hd(1) done17:20
bazhangarmada: aye ;[17:20
sherkinI was  flamed for flooding17:20
joneskoocan I install ubuntu 8.04 from debian etch? I want to boot ubuntu 8.04 over PXE/NFS-root, but only have a debian etch host to bootstrap from17:21
mosnohrm, i wonder why sound is crackly in Neverball.... any ideas?17:21
bazhangrohan it is everyone17:21
rick111network chess, connection details are just greyed out ;(17:21
cmani love ubuntu!!17:21
Mimidave11:  I never had any trouble looking for them (just scroll down the download page i think and its there) and i only burned ubuntu to a cd twice in my life17:21
armadacman, agreed17:21
manawenuzcman: me too :)17:21
MappWhen i go into the update manager i can't install all of my updates, it tells me that is can't and it is probably a network connection issue but my internet is fine?17:21
rohanbazhang: ah ok, thanks.. and fwiw, i'm in hardy kubuntu installed using pen drive :)17:21
Dim252How install driver and compiz for ATI video card?? (x1150 notebook dell 1501)??17:21
sigmacman: yeah i'd say it's pretty decent17:21
MimiMapp:  go to system, administration, software sources17:21
bazhang!yay | rohan17:21
sigmaDim252: www.ubuntu1501.com17:21
dassoukimy sound driver stopped working after i upgraded17:21
uboturohan: Glad you made it! :-)17:21
ubuntung-pinoy!slow | Mapp17:21
ubotuMapp: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of the latest edition. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.17:21
rick111no network chess experts? ;p17:21
arvind_khadribazhang, hi17:21
cmanyeah i feel you on that17:21
Rynux91I need help getting my wireless internet connection to work :S17:21
bazhangarvind_khadri: hi!17:22
Dim252sigma  :)17:22
arvind_khadribazhang, i cant send you PM's17:22
Mappthank you17:22
sigmaDim252: that blog is like my bible17:22
Odd-rationale!register | arvind_khadri17:22
ubotuarvind_khadri: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.17:22
icqnumberdo some one know username and password to test ubuntu as live cd, its crapy, that i am asked to log in, tryed 32bit, and 64 bit ubuntu versiona, md5sums are ok17:22
cmanhow do i join a new server?17:22
ikoniaicqnumber: there is something wrong with your setup17:23
ikoniaicqnumber: we discussed this earlier17:23
arvind_khadriOdd-rationale, thats ok :) he had disabled it :)17:23
ubotuForgot your password? Boot into recovery mode. What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords17:23
dbristowa96aa69961f3ed80dd7a88fae1e28196  wubi.exe17:23
ubotuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo17:23
MimiMapp:  we can get a better one working for you so go to sofware sources,.... then on that window look on the center,  click where it says Download From... then "Other" then "select the best server" let it do its thing, then click Choose server, close, and youre good to go :)17:23
dbristowthat's what I just downloaded from releases.ubuntu.com17:23
icqnumberikonia, you did not replyed anything, on my last message to you17:23
dbristowcdd32124f23b455b0aa22cc3ff35ff35 *wubi.exe17:23
rohanbazhang: yay indeed o/ :)17:23
ikoniaicqnumber: I had to leave my desk17:23
MimiIn Session Properties, if I want Gnome to forget about my saved sessions...  and to go with the stuff that's on "StartUp Programs" only.. What would I do? :P17:23
dbristowthat is what is in the MD5SUMS file in the same folder on releases.ubuntu.com17:23
amazen720just did a new install of 8.04, desktop effects is sticky leaves little lines on screen17:24
SirBob1701_hey i updated to 8.04 and now my think pads volume buttons don't work. anyone know a fix?17:24
dbristowI just used vanilla ftp ( with binary mode, of course ) to retrieve wubi.exe17:24
icqnumberikonia, so we have not disscussed that till the end17:24
ikoniaicqnumber: no we have not, but you keep asking for username/password - there isn't one17:24
brakkvatnShould I install i386 or x64 version of ubuntu on my Centrino laptop?17:24
Mappthank you again mimi17:24
ikoniabrakkvatn: up to you and depends on what your cpu supports17:24
kakadoRaits: ok, that's what I was thinking of17:24
ubuntung-pinoySirBob1701_:  probably need Restricted Drivers manager to fix that for ya17:24
Mimiicqnumber:  Are you trying to assign  a password to root?17:24
MrObviousbrakkvatn: There probably isn't much reason to avoid 64 bit.17:24
dbristowI really think the MD5SUMS line for wubi.exe isn't correct17:24
MimiWelcome Mapp17:24
twinkie_addicthow is the 64 bit versions app suport ?17:24
ikoniatwinkie_addict: fine for 64bit compatible programs17:25
SirBob1701_ubuntung-pinoy: a specific driver? i do have the manager install17:25
BlinkyToonRaits: try here:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto17:25
bazhangtwinkie_addict: 50/5017:25
pandaRalink rt2870 Kernel 2.6.24 [PATCH INSTRUCTIONS] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76685017:25
At0x0I have libfreetype6 and openoffice (2.4) installed. After I upgraded to Heron, a bunch of my fonts disappeared, like arial/verdana. Where can I get my Window-y fonts back from?17:25
brakkvatnMrObvious: Can I install skype, quakewars and flash on x64 bit?17:25
icqnumberikonia, how comes that i am redirected to the gnome login  page?17:25
CyberCodWoot!  finally installed!17:25
twinkie_addictso not realy worth the swich for desktop yet17:25
Raitskakado: any other thoughts on the situation? It displays the starting up message and then just hangs there17:25
ikoniaicqnumber: thats the bit that no-one understands17:25
unclemikeanyone in here notce pulseaudio useing cpu when pulse isent even being used17:25
bod_can anyone help me debug a sound issue plz, it was workin fine till i upgraded from beta to full release now no sound, but the sound card is recognized and nothing is muted in alsamixer ive reloaded the alsa modules --i cant think of anything else,.,.any thoughts???17:25
manawenuzamenado: are you back ?17:25
RemuShi I need help, why cant I set higher resolution than 800x600@60Hz???? This monitor is capable of 1024x768@8517:25
ROBOdhello guys17:25
MimiAt0x0:  go to Add/Remove search for 'core font' without the quotes. install microsoft core17:25
ubuntung-pinoySirBob1701_: u should by default. System > Administration > Hardware Drivers17:26
SirBob1701_ubuntung-pinoy: a specific driver? i do have the manager installed17:26
ikoniaicqnumber: your just running a straight ubuntu 8.04 cd - no wubi, no virtual machine, just booting from that cd, yes/no ?17:26
icqnumberMimi, no just inserted cd in the cdrom and trying to test it as livecd17:26
pandaJPSmon : were you saying earlier you were having issues with ralink drivers?17:26
SirBob1701_ubuntung-pinoy:  ya i have it.  theres nothing in it those17:26
icqnumberikonia, yes, you are right17:26
ROBOdi am trying to update ubuntu 7.10 to 8.04, it gets stuck with "checking package manager", several "http" sub-processes open17:26
MimiIn Session Properties, if I want Gnome to forget about my saved sessions...  and to go with the stuff that's on "StartUp Programs" only.. What would I do? :P17:26
dave11does the dvd version live cd contain more programs than the cd version?17:26
ubuntung-pinoySirBob1701_: hav u tried enabling third party sources thru preferences?17:26
otaridhttp://www.uploadgeek.com/uploads456/0/de.png :<17:26
dundelhow do you get that mouse button menu17:26
rohanin ubuntu 8.04 after i type any aptitude command, e.g. "sudo aptitude install mplayer", the complete system hangs for a fraction of a second. can someone please tell if this behaviour is normal?17:26
SirBob1701_ubuntung-pinoy: no i'll try now17:26
Mimiyes dave1117:26
ROBOdwhat shall i do? i am using a local mirror which works fine - proper speed17:26
ikoniaicqnumber: I can only suggest pressing F2 at boot time to remove teh splash screen and look out for any warnings/errors on boot up17:27
dave11Mimi: thanks17:27
Rynux91Does anyone know how to get a laptop's integrated wireless network device to connect to a WEP hexidecimal network?17:27
RemuSan anybody possibly help me ?17:27
anacaonahello - having problems doing an upgrade from cdrom. first line of error message is tar: ./dists/stable/main/dist-upgrader/binary-all//hardy.tar.gz: Cannot open: No such file or directory17:27
Odd-rationaledave11: the dvd has the live, alternative, and server disk all in one17:27
Raitskakado: would it help if i pasted the grub menu.lst lines for xp?17:27
|Dreams|where does java stand with ubuntu 8.04 on amd64? do i still have to install 32bit firefox?17:27
MrObviousbrakkvatn: Flash can be made to work, no clue on skype or quakewars. Lemme look.17:27
dave11Odd-rationale: ok thanks17:27
Pokiti'm having problems with grub and putting windowsxp in the bootloader. using "root (hd0,0)" puts me into windows safe mode. how do i fix that17:27
kakadoRaits: ok17:27
icqnumberikonia, i did tell you the message, i can press alt ctrl f1, and read it17:27
MrObviousbrakkvatn: I'd imagine so.17:27
amenado okay am back.17:27
albechPokit: delete windows ;)17:27
ikoniaicqnumber: I've not seen the message, sorry17:28
Pokitalbech :(17:28
brakkvatnMrObvious: So 32bit binaries always work on 64bit kernels?17:28
albechPokit: j/k17:28
amazen720apt-get update hangs to long, synaptic also takes too long for the download part17:28
RemuSIs there anyone experienced?17:28
ikoniabrakkvatn: no17:28
frostburnAnyone know why compiz edge buttons suddenly stop working? 64bit 8.0417:28
brakkvatnikonia: When does it not work?17:28
ubotuTo verify the integrity of a download, use the md5sum - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM for more17:28
ubotuNOTICE - There is a lot of traffic in this channel at the moment. Please try to keep your sentences into a single message, avoid repeating the same question multiple times, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting, remember to mention the nickname of the person you're addressing, and join #ubuntu-offtopic for anything that is not Ubuntu support. Thank you for understanding!17:28
HayHayHi, What's good player to install that will play a music CD that's .wav file?17:28
icqnumberikonia, "user not known to the underlying authentication module"17:28
ikoniabrakkvatn: then a.) thre is no 32bit compatability mode in the kernel b.) missing 32bit environment to run the 32bit code17:28
bazhangRemuS: the experienced ones are on leave; we are taking their place17:28
ubotuThe Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of the latest edition. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.17:28
ikoniaicqnumber: thats not at boot up though17:29
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak
rohanHayHay: any player will play it17:29
komputesOh my, i just accidentally erased a note in Tomboy, whats the easiest way to recuperate from (trash?) Please help...17:29
Dark-FxAnyone want to do me a favor? I just changed the setup my mirror has and I need to load it to test it out. http://lug.mtu.edu/ubuntu-releases/8.04/17:29
ikoniaicqnumber: or is it ?17:29
icqnumberikonia, it is!17:29
HayHayrohan: thanks17:29
gullstadHello. How do I unmount a file I have mounted whit "mount -o"?17:29
ikoniaicqnumber: then I cannot explain it if the md5's match up17:29
pjoulkomputes: no way17:29
twinkie_addicttorent was way faster :) and thanks to wubi i didnt have to wast a cd :)17:29
ikoniagullstad: umount17:30
pjoulgullstad: umount file17:30
balle_how do i install new themes on hardy?17:30
icqnumberthere are no error massages during  the boot, all was [OK]17:30
brakkvatnikonia: Will I lose much performance if I choose a 32 bit kernel, ikonia?17:30
gullstadikonia, pjoul17:30
pjoulballe_: the same way as on gutsy17:30
gullstadikonia, pjoul: Thanks17:30
ikoniabrakkvatn: doubtful17:30
icqnumberikonia, there are no error massages during  the boot, all was [OK]17:30
amazen720xserver-xgl doing word things17:30
Mimiballe_ right click desktop, select change background, theres lots of themes there and you can get more at gnome-look.org (.org or .com?)17:30
dundelttp://www.gnome-look.org/CONTENT/content-pre1/45896-1.jpg how do yoy get that mouse button menu?17:30
ikoniaicqnumber: and you pressed F2 to remove the boot spalsh17:30
cirkit_when I boot ubunu, for some reason nm-applet doesn't start with my session ... I have to manually execute 'nm-applet &' in the background to get it started. Anyone have a link for starting up nm-applet at boot?17:30
balle_ploul: system>preferences> themes does not exist17:30
dbristowso, nobody else is having trouble verifying the hash of wubi.exe?17:30
gamalernsamba keeps crashing. WOrked fine in gutsy, anyone else have problems or just me.17:31
Raitskakado: root (hd0,1)     savedefault     makeactive     map (hd0) (hd1)    map (hd1) (hd0)     chainloader +117:31
pjoulballe_: appereance17:31
Pokiti'm having problems with grub and putting windowsxp in the bootloader. using "root (hd0,0)" puts me into windows safe mode. how do i fix that? i dont want to boot in safe mode ><17:31
Mimidundel:  mouse button menu?17:31
HalsafarAnyone lend any advice for getting the Hyper-V Integration Components for Linux installed in hardy ? -- I get error "XEN Virtualization not enabled"17:31
komputespjoul: it's erased, no way to recuperate?17:31
amenadomanawenuz-> anything?17:31
Raitskakado: root(hd0,1) is the only one that would even attempt to boot17:31
pjoulkomputes: no way - it's gone forever17:31
Mimidundel:  you mean the blue glow when you run your mouse through the menu?17:31
balle_perfect thx!17:31
komputespjoul: backup restore it is then17:31
dundelMimi: no this http://www.gnome-look.org/CONTENT/content-pre1/45896-1.jpg17:31
icqnumberikonia, what for you want me to reboot it one more time, i have seen all messages!17:31
dundelmouse button menu17:31
ronany one had problems with lock file on firebox?17:31
anacaonahello - can anyone help me with a cdrom upgrade?17:31
MimiIn Session Properties, if I want Gnome to forget about my saved sessions...  and to go with the stuff that's on "StartUp Programs" only.. What would I do? :P17:31
ikoniaHalsafar: are you using xen ?17:31
amgaddudes, why isn't there jigdo file for 8.04 desktop???17:31
El1Hi guys I'm having severe trouble enabling nvidia drivers on hardy, altho the install works fine, is there anybody who could assist me with this?17:32
ubotuenvy is an unsupported tool to install newer versions of binary video drivers than provided by the official repositories. Use at your own risk, and remember that the latest version is not necessarily the "best". See « /msg ubotu binarydriver »17:32
ikoniaicqnumber: did you press F2 at boot time to remove the boot splash and view the startup process17:32
Mimidundel:  yes i saw the image, Im trying to understand what you mean, and thinking no one has responded yet becuse they don't understand the question... its  a pretty image ^_^17:32
Halsafarikonia: I installed Ubuntu Hardy DVD into Hyper-V, install went fine, I have internet, just want to get the integration tools installed.17:32
icqnumberikonia, are you from ubuntu team?17:32
ikoniaicqnumber: did you press F2 at boot time to remove the boot splash and view the startup process17:32
CherryadeHow do you disable the stupid CD player when you inserrt a disc on Hardy Heron? It used to be in System/Preferences/Removable Drives and Media, but it's not there anymore17:32
taconewhy hardy optimization doesn't get applied to upgraded gutsies ? I still have /bin/sh -> bash, fstabs with no relatime and so on. Am I missing something ?17:32
MrDakokihi all again!17:32
icqnumberikonia, yes17:32
dundelMimi: It's when you click your left mouse button, the gnome menu is showing up17:32
MrBillI have followed the directions at http://howtoforge.com/intrusion-detection-with-snort-mysql-apache2-on-ubuntu-7.10 and have snort and base running on my system, I would however like to configure my system to run the last line (snort -c /etc/snort/snort.conf -i eth0 -D) on boot up. I'm not sure how to do this though, can anyone tell me how/where to configure this line to run on boot?17:33
El1AaronNT: that's what I'm saying: install with envy works perfectly, tho when I restart X a window pops up saying it couldn't detect drivers etc and wants to run low-res, I've tried reconfiguring Xserver also17:33
amenadomanawenuz-> anything?17:33
ikoniaicqnumber: really so as it's booting you pressed F2 and the boot splash goes away17:33
icqnumberikonia, i have tried two distros versions allready17:33
ikoniaicqnumber: what do you see when the boot splash is gone ?17:33
kakadoRaits: try: rootgrub> root (hd1,0)17:33
kakadogrub> chainloader +117:33
kakadogrub> map (hd0) (hd1)17:33
InvisionfreeHow do I know if the Hardy upgrade is complete?17:33
ikoniaHalsafar: doesn't it need xen to use the tools though (I'm not certain myself)17:33
Pokitanyone help with bootloader problems with grub? i cant get XP to boot right17:33
andycaassHow to change synamptic update server?17:33
aldinhow can i disable desktop effects without going to appearence tab?17:33
pjoulMrBill: /etc/rc.local is what you want17:33
ibleedhow do i encrypt a partition that requires me to give a password when i want to access it (not on boot but manually) ?17:33
mw1stanela mi aktualizacja do harty robie przez update-manager17:33
andycaassMy local mirror (ee.ubuntu) is down, i cant update/install anything.17:33
mw1na konfiguracja scrollkeeper17:33
manawenuzamenado: i'm back17:34
mw1nie chce robic od nowa17:34
manawenuzamenado: sorry17:34
manawenuzamenado: anything what ???17:34
InvisionfreeHow do I know if the Hardy upgrade is complete??17:34
mw1co moge zrobic zeby jakis ominac ten pakiet17:34
bazhangaldin: alt f2 metacity --replace17:34
geniiMrBill: add bash to the first part then save the line into the file /etc/init.d/rc.local17:34
HayHayTrying to install - python-cddb form synaptics - but servers real slow. What is correct way to get this with Terminal - sudo apt-get - something?17:34
HalsafarIkonia: I am not certain myself either.  I am somewhat green when it comes to virtualization.  Google resources on this are very limited at best.17:34
ikoniaInvisionfree: it will stop downloading and installing packages17:34
danbhfiveInvisionfree: how did you upgrade?17:34
rjonesxso, I updated and now i cant open any programs, even the command line...17:34
icqnumberikonia, ??? kernel messages, how all the stuff is loading17:34
MrDakokiis there any program similar to xmacro?17:34
pjoulInvisionfree: do apt-get dist-upgrade and you'll know17:34
bazhang!pl | mw117:34
ubotumw1: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl17:34
ikoniaicqnumber: and there are no warnings at all17:34
rjonesxactually, i can open the tracker search tool17:34
rohananyone got the problem of sound not working after install? my sound was working great from the livecd17:34
rjonesxthat is it17:34
MappMimi i did what you said and when i tried to install my updates again it said it couldn't download all the respiratory indexes17:34
InvisionfreeFrom the command-line, how can I check if it's upgraded fully ..17:34
amenadomanawenuz-> anything on your drawin, ip addresses? where is your ubuntu client ?17:34
El1is there anyone here good with installing nvidia drivers and can give me some assistance please? I'm really struggling with this17:34
taconewhy hardy optimization doesn't get applied to upgraded gutsies ? I still have /bin/sh -> bash, fstabs with no relatime and so on. Am I missing something ?17:34
icqnumberikonia, are you from ubuntu team or not?17:34
pjoulrjonesx: try reboot17:34
ikoniaHalsafar: don't quote me, but I believe you need the xen kernel running17:34
Z03how can I get xmms to play .mp4 files ?17:34
kakadoRaits: try:  root (hd1,0)  chainloader +1  map  (hd0) (hd1)    map (hd1) (hd0)17:34
ikoniaicqnumber: no17:34
manawenuzamenado: i'm telling you it's temporary and the final network won't look like that (although it's simillar)17:34
rjonesxpjoul: i have rebooted several times17:34
pjoultacone: if you want improvements then upgrade to hardy17:35
grimboyI've switched from gnome to wmii and my external harddrive (which was handled by gnome-volume-manager before) is no longer mounted. I'm not sure if gnome-volume-manager is still running or not. I'm still running gdm. Anyone have any idea how I get automatic mounting back?17:35
taconepjoul: I did.17:35
rjonesxthe only problem on reboot is an error about the wireless device (this is an x64 laptop)17:35
amenadomanawenuz-> well we need to find out where is it going to be connected to?17:35
pjoultacone: so why you ask?17:35
CherryadeHm, okay, I'll ask again. How do you disable the stupid Music Player when you inserrt a disc on Hardy Heron? It used to be in System/Preferences/Removable Drives and Media, but it's not there anymore. It's the most annoying "feature" ever that's about to cause me to install a different distro.17:35
Mr_Freshyafter upgrading to 8.04, my graphics are "weird" -- title bars turn transparent and glitchy17:35
HalsafarIkonia: Yeah I believe so as well, and I am not running it.  Can I install it and switch to it? 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-xen-desktop'17:35
Raitskakado: you mean insert those lines into the menu.lst?17:35
danbhfiveInvisionfree: you could try dist-upgrade or install ubuntu-desktop^17:35
jratzoso hows everyone liking hardy?17:35
taconepjoul: I don't have that optimizations even after upgrading.17:35
twinkie_addicti ike it alot so far17:35
aldinbazhang: ok, thanks17:35
ikoniaHalsafar: it's not xen desktop, xen is a kernel package (+tools)17:35
pjoulCherryade: nautilus -> preferences17:35
taconepjoul: I am wondering why and if it's normal17:35
manawenuzamenado: do you want another drawing ?17:35
jratzoyeah i do too17:35
bazhang!ot | jratzo17:35
pjoulCherryade: here you go17:35
ubotujratzo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!17:35
manawenuzamenado: it's hard :D17:36
icqnumberikonia, one more time there are not error messages, or warning, btw. only one with CUPS, but i have no printer connected17:36
Mapp when i tried to install my updates it said it couldn't download all the respiratory indexes?17:36
ikoniaHalsafar: but yes, install the kernel and reboot it and it should be runningthe xen kernel17:36
InvisionfreeThe following packages have been kept back:17:36
Invisionfree  libgtk1.2 libmlt-data17:36
Invisionfree0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 2 not upgraded.17:36
InvisionfreeHere's what dist-upgrade said:17:36
ikoniaicqnumber: the cups error is understandable17:36
FloodBot2Invisionfree: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:36
kakadoRaits: yes, or try it manually in grub, by editing the menu17:36
amenadomanawenuz-> you wanted assistance? you have to do your part.17:36
CherryadeWait, it's in Nautilus? Whoever designed that needs to be shot17:36
CherryadeHow completely non-obvious17:36
manawenuzamenado: ok i'll17:36
HalsafarIkonia: I am having trouble finding it with apt-get, I do have all the repo's uncommented and did and update.17:36
Odd-rationaleOK. I have the desktop CD. It was wubi on it. Does wubi require that it has the iso locally on the hdd? And does it download an iso again?17:36
ubotuwubi is Wubi advice here: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=234  and  http://wubi-installer.org  [file wubi bugs here:  https://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug ] (it is included in hardy 8.04 beta CD and will be in the final release)17:36
pjoulCherryade: investigate gnome bugzilla, here's a bug about it17:36
ikoniaHalsafar: and your getting no xen packages ?17:36
icqnumberikonia, so17:36
pjoultacone: my hardy: rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 2008-04-25 16:09 /bin/sh -> dash17:37
rjonesxis there something that launches every time you try to open a new program that isnt opened when you launch the tracker search tool?17:37
ikoniaHalsafar: apt-cache search xen (or xen-iamge)17:37
rjonesxi mean, i cant open update manager17:37
ikoniaicqnumber: I'm genuinly stumped17:37
Z03how can I get xmms to play mp4 files ?17:37
InvisionfreeWhen I apt-get dist-upgrade, here's what I get: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64390/17:37
ikoniaicqnumber: I cannot see a reason why you are failing to auth17:37
rjonesxthe crash manager wont open so i cant read the crash reports17:37
ikoniaunless !17:37
ikoniaicqnumber: yes I can17:37
StevenXHello all. I was wondering what the shortcut to get to the menu bar is in ubuntu. You know how in windows you can press "alt" and it takes you to the menu bar. How can I do that in ubuntu?17:37
pjoultacone: in fstab everything with relatime17:37
CallipyginousI am unable to add a new entry in visudo, any ideas?17:37
kklimondaHi, i have a problem with closed flash. I've installed it from repository along with libflashsupport and it works, even with sound. But sometimes it crashes and i have to restart browser to get it working again. While i was testing Fedora i had similar crashes but i could fix them by reloading page.17:37
El1Nobody here an expert in nvidia drivers then?17:37
HalsafarIkonia: heh they are there, I was just failing.  I will install the xen-hypervisor kernels and see what happens.  Thanks for your help./17:37
kakadoRaits: I tried some different combinations and then it worked :)17:37
ikoniaicqnumber: one moment, just let me work it through in my head17:37
CherryadeThanks for the help though17:37
kklimondai'm using amd64 of course17:37
icqnumberikonia, let me know17:37
pjoulStevenX: system -> preferences -> shortcuts17:38
taconepjoul: not for me. ok, thanks anyway17:38
dbristowaha!  the same md5sum for the copy of wubi.exe that I got from the desktop-i386 ISO, whose md5sum matches the line in MD5SUMS17:38
towliehow do i burn an iso to cd in ubuntu17:38
StevenXpjoul, thanks17:38
PokitIn grub, "find /boot/grub/stage1" returns "(hd0,1)". but trying to boot XP from that location wont work (windows and ubunto on same HD) how do i fix17:38
pjoultacone: have you performed it with hardy final cd?17:38
Cherryadetowlie: Use a CD burning application. Brasero will do it17:38
ikoniaicqnumber: ok - this is a long shot and not fact, just a theory I'm looking at17:38
dtraine1can someone recommend a package for running an Internet cafe?17:38
pjoultacone: or via apt?17:38
Harmorhi.. when I configure the ip addres from the graphical mode it doesn't appear in the ifconfig command otput why?17:38
bazhangtowlie: right click iso open with cd/dvd creator17:38
* DBautell begins DVD upgrade process17:38
taconepjoul: no, I upgraded via apt while it was in beta17:38
amenadoPokit-> what are you trying to do?17:38
Raitskakado: you're a miracle man, windows is booting now. Would you mind telling me what was wrong for future reference?17:38
danbhfivePokit: hd0,1 is the first harddrive, second partition17:38
kuseWhen I configure a VPN-connection through nm-applet, the newly created connection doesn't appear in the VPN-connections sub meny, only disconnect and create new .. anyone knows whats causing this?17:39
icqnumberikonia, but it is really stange, i have another distro installed on this laptop, can i be a reason?17:39
CallipyginousI am unable to add a new entry in visudo, any ideas?17:39
dbristowthat tears it, that proves that the MD5SUMS line is bogus17:39
pjoultacone: this could be the issue17:39
taconepjoul: I am wondering if there's any way to reset to hardy defaults.17:39
Pokitamenado i'm just trying to boot xp. I ran the update manager and it messed up my boot menu17:39
kakadoRaits: heh, I'm not sure17:39
dbristowwho do I ask to get this fixed?17:39
mirdin76is the hardy heron upgrade recommended for non expert users at this point?17:39
taconepjoul: I can apply those things one by one, but I simply don't know all of them.17:39
jharknPokit: you probably want to change the second number17:39
MappMimi i did what you said and when i tried to install my updates again it said it couldn't download all the respiratory indexes17:39
|g|Hey People! I just connected an internal CDRom to my computer. But I dont know, if jumpers are set correctly etc. How can I find out if it works or not? There is no /dev/cdrom.17:39
pjoultacone: don't know, try to ask someone's interested17:39
CyberCodis there a way to get ndiswrapper installed without a net connection?17:39
jharknPokit: to whichever the partition is that you want to boot17:39
Pokitjharkn so should i try (hd0,0)? i installed xp before linux17:39
turionHello I am here17:39
bazhangmirdin76: sure it is no problem17:39
InvisionfreeWhen I run compiz, it won't start emerald: Why?17:39
kakadoRaits: I looked here for reference: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/grub-legacy-faq.en.html#q1017:39
danbhfiveCyberCod: its on the cd I think17:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about emerald - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:39
|g|Hey People! I just connected an internal CDRom to my computer. But I dont know, if jumpers are set correctly etc. How can I find out if it works or not? There is no /dev/cdrom.17:39
taconepjoul: Thanks anyway17:40
ikoniaicqnumber: there have been bugs that I've seen in hardy to do with "sudo", and how hardy deals with authentication. It appears to use the machines actual hostname rather than "localhost" to auth things (such as sudo) if you don't have a working dynamic dns setup, and/or your hostname is not in the /etc/hosts file mapping to a reachable ip address, I've seen the auth fail. I wonder if this is why your not being able to login17:40
pjoullgl: dmesg17:40
amenadoPokit can you paste in pastebin your /boot/grub/menu.lst  ?17:40
SirBob1701_ubuntung-pinoy: nope didn't work17:40
pjoultacone: no problem17:40
Pokitamenado sure17:40
rjonesxhow can i restart to the command line?17:40
jharknPokit: what amenado said17:40
ikoniaicqnumber: do you follow what I'm suggesting (diguest it forst)17:40
InvisionfreeWhen I run compiz, it won't start emerald: Why??17:40
Raitskakado: anyway, thank you, it's working great now:)17:40
Mimimapp :( did it download most of them? Might be some packages that are being updated and such, I got the same problem earlier, try sudo apt-get update then sudo apt-get upgrade from terminal, after you close that Sources window17:40
mirdin76bazhang: should I back up everything first you think?17:40
pjoulrjonesx: coomand line? just re-run it17:40
ubotuTorrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P17:40
mut80rrjonesx: ctrl+alt+Fx  [0<x<7]17:40
kakadoRaits: cool17:40
rodolfo_which one is the best codec to handle with avi video file?17:40
jharknPokit: at the end of the day it won't do any harm to try other numbers17:40
CyberCodEvand... check IM17:40
bazhangmirdin76: is this via the net or fresh install17:40
* Mimi asks: Ummm I saved my session, because I don't want gnome-panel, but now everytime I log-in, all I get is the orange/cream screen before gnome loads... so I gotta kill X and log in Failsafe...17:40
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)17:41
CallipyginousI am unable to add a new entry in visudo, any ideas?17:41
mirdin76via the net17:41
pjoulrodolfo_: all gstreamer's17:41
mirdin76bazhang: upgrade via the net17:41
MimiMapp I just tried what I told you (because I had the same error as yours when i tried to go to Add Remove earlier) and it worked this time :D17:41
InvisionfreeHaha, outsmarted, compiz!17:41
pjoulCallipyginous: are you in "insert mode"?17:41
bazhangmirdin76: always a good idea to back up crucial data; whether an upgrade or not17:41
myfhi people, don't want to wait for repo anymore, can you give me the address of the torrent17:42
StevenXpjoul, I found a shortcut to activate the windows menu, where it gives me the option to move the window, resize, etc, but I want the menu that appears if I was to, for example, click on XChat in the xchat program.17:42
Callipyginouspjoul: how would i go about doing that?17:42
Mimimyf type /topic... the torrent is there....17:42
bazhang!torrents | myf17:42
ubotumyf: Hardy can be torrented from http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).17:42
askandAnyone had any luck sharing files over the network with Hardy?17:42
rodolfo_pjoul, I'm using gstreamer's codecs to watch an avi video file, using Totem 2.22 from Ubuntu 8.04, but there is audio delay (2sec+)17:42
dave11well so much for burning a dvd, it killed two dvd's right off the start.17:42
mut80raskand: you need to install NFS and/or SMB (I think it's SMB)17:42
Pokitamenado: http://linux.pastebin.com/m195fb21017:42
icqnumberikonia, no i do not have a working dynamic dns, only with wireless lan, i will need to set up...17:43
radiomanthanks for new ubuntu 8.04 ;}17:43
ikoniaIs anyone in the channel running of the hardy live cd, I'd appriciate someone giving me the output of "hostname" and a look at /etc/hosts in their file17:43
pjoulCallipyginous: press I key17:43
ikoniaicqnumber: you don't need to set it up, let me just look into this a bit more, it's only a theory17:43
mirdin76bazhang: true, I guess I'm wondering if things like fstab setup and like emusicj music downloader will be messed up17:43
askandmut80r: It told me it did that when I rightcklicked a folder and choosed to share it17:43
mirdin76bazhang: guess one way to find out17:43
cirkit_anyone know why nm-applet might not automatically show up in the gnome panel anymore? it only shows up if I Load it manually17:43
Mimidave11 if you're installing and keeping windows, try wubi :)  otherwise... make sure youre burning at the LOWEST speed possible, and I assume youve checked md5sum17:43
Mimibefore burning17:43
Callipyginouspjoul: Lol, trying that now... Thanks :)17:43
rodolfo_pjoul, compiz-fusion is not enabled. I'm using metacity as my window decorator. So, what's wrong?17:43
Mappwell i did what you said and i tried downloading them and it told me it couldn't download all of the respiratory indexes then i tried upgrading to hardy but it didn't work either it told me that there was an error during updating and i should check my network connection and retry but my network connection is fine17:43
* Mimi asks: Ummm I saved my session, because I don't want gnome-panel, but now everytime I log-in, all I get is the orange/cream screen before gnome loads... so I gotta kill X and log in Failsafe...17:43
bazhangmirdin76: you may want to wait a bit to find out specific info like that--or spend time in here afterwards ;]17:44
mut80raskand: if it is not sharing after installing either/both of those, try a restart.17:44
doug2266778822i have to folders on my desktop with a lock on them how do i delete these? there nothing important i put them there by trying to copy a dvd now i can not delete them.17:44
pjoulrodolfo_: don't know i cannot see that issue you've described17:44
icqnumberikonia, i meant, the internet will not work any way oon this box17:44
=== Steve__ is now known as Jessica_lilly
jharknpokit: safemode? every time?17:44
mirdin76bazhang: yeah OK thanks17:44
askand mut80r:will do17:44
Michael88please help , evolution-data-server is useing my CPU at 90%, on ubuntu 8.0417:44
bazhang!slow | Mapp17:44
ubotuMapp: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of the latest edition. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.17:44
DBautelldave11 do you need the disc, or are you willing to mount -o?17:44
pjoulStevenX: don't you mean "context menu"?17:44
ikoniaicqnumber: it should do, you don't need dynamic dns17:44
Pokitjharkn i've tried twice, and so far its put me in safe mode both times17:44
Mimidoug the lock means it "doesnt belong to you" silly i know... go to a terminal, type gksudo nautilus and navigate to that folder, then delete it17:44
johannixcanceled upgrade to hardy and now the option wont come up in update manager. any ideas?17:44
Pokitjharkn could it be a windows issue and not grub?17:44
amenadoPokit-> do you know which partition your windows is at? how about your linux?  per your paste, you seemed to have both pointing to hd0,1 ?17:44
pjouljohannix: apt-get dist-upgrade17:45
rodolfo_pjoul, so should I submit a BR to launchpad?17:45
Pokitamenado XP is on same hard drive as linux. i installed windows first then linux after. so im assuming windows might be (hd0,0) since linux is (hd0,1)17:45
jharknpokit: odd, well if windows is booting I think it's windows' fault17:45
StevenXpjoul, I think so. Is there a way to get to the context menu instead of to the "windows" menu.17:45
ToM-XHey, right I've ALMOST got ubuntu working perfectly!!! I need some help with my acpi! Can anyone help?17:45
dave11DBautell: was trying to burn a live dvd and it gave me a hardware burn error the second it started17:45
icqnumberikonia, it(internet) will not work out of the box, because it is just can not,  its protected with a access key, which i need to set up17:46
johannixpjoul: i ran that and it says "0 not upgraded"17:46
pjouljohannix: that's bad man17:46
Mimi!ask | Go ahead and ask ToM-X :D17:46
ubotuGo ahead and ask ToM-X :D: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)17:46
hawodihello all17:46
ikoniaicqnumber: yes, but that's nothing to do with the situation I was dicussing with you17:46
johannixpjoul: really?17:46
Pokitjharkn: windows was working fine yesterday. then after using ubuntu upgrade manager it changed my menu.lst and now xp link puts me in safemode (the bottom option, the top one gives me an error)17:46
amenadoPokit per your paste line 130 and 136  both point to same partition, this is incorrect17:46
johannixis that it?17:46
pjoulrodolfo_: first try to search if it has been already filled, then you can file a BR17:46
pjouljohannix: yes17:47
Pokitamenado, should i change line 130 to (hd0,0) ?17:47
johannixpjoul: oof17:47
* Mimi asks: Ummm I saved my session, because I don't want gnome-panel, but now everytime I log-in, all I get is the orange/cream screen before gnome loads... I wait and wait and gnome never loads.... so I gotta kill X and log in Failsafe...17:47
rjonesxpjoul: i think i figured it out - the restricted drivers i need to run certain things have been turned off or commented out - anyone know how to install restricted nvidia drivers?17:47
johannixi even tried downloading the alternate CD17:47
ToM-XRight, I have a samsung r60 and I REALLY need to know my battery status but it ways hangs when acpi is disabled :@ any helpies?17:47
puppetmasterHello Everyone, I can't play my videos properly in ubuntu 8.0417:47
manawenuzamenado: http://www.confcraft.com/123.pdf17:47
johannixbut tha tdidnt work either17:47
pjouljohannix: you should download the cd and do brand new install17:47
hawodiAm trying to ugrade from ubuntu feisty to gusty using the cdrom with luck.17:47
El1Is anybody here good with nvidia drivers? I'm having severe problems installing them.17:47
amenadoPokit wherever your windows partition is at, put that partition on line 13017:47
johannixpjoul: i'm way beyond that17:47
puppetmasterit keeps playing very slowly, so what should I do17:47
johannixtoo much on this machine...17:47
prakritiI'm running a distrobution upgrade and it's only coming down at about ~30k/s.  Are there faster mirrors?17:47
Pokitamenado ok thanks ill give it a shotr17:47
Callipyginouspjoul: That didnt work... i typed sudo visudo, and then once it came up, pressed I... Am i doing something wrong?17:47
rodolfo_I dont know whose fault it is: intel(i915), mesa or the codec's? :S17:48
johannixpjoul: it still knows that it's running gutsy17:48
Mimipuppetmaster:  Have you tried installing Ubuntu restricted extras (thats what its called) from add remove ?17:48
johannixjust confused that it thinks it upgraded already17:48
pjoulrjonesx: /usr/bin/jockey-gtk17:48
co0lingFir3hi! is there something like ink-blot for hp deskjet 370?17:48
jharknpokit: the first option shouldn't work, it would load ubuntu if anything17:48
jharknpokit: I'm not sure why it would do safemode though17:48
pjoulCallipyginous: the try to edit it via nano: nano /etc/sudoers17:48
puppetmasterand I installed gstreamer17:48
Mimiprakriti:  go to preferences>system>software sources > Download from (click lilst select other) and then click "select best server" button on the right17:48
ArandWhere is the place to do a feature request fot nautilus?17:48
jharknpokit: you could try using 'super grub disk'17:48
puppetmasterand all the required codecs17:48
pjoulCallipyginous: nano is more comfortable for beginners than vi17:49
puppetmasterI don't know what's wrong17:49
pjouljohannix: do a fresh install of hardy17:49
amenadomanawenuz-> are you missing the ubuntu client from the drawing? or am i mis-understanding what is not working or connecting?17:49
* Mimi asks: Ummm I saved my session, because I don't want gnome-panel, but now everytime I log-in, all I get is the orange/cream screen before gnome loads... so I gotta kill X and log in Failsafe... Anyone got any ideas how to fix it?17:49
Callipyginouspjoul: Awesome, thanks, trying now17:49
pjouljohannix: that would be the best idea17:49
cmanis there a new version out?17:49
pjoulCallipyginous: no problem17:49
mut80rcman: Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron17:49
timewriterubuntu 8 wont start after install17:49
jharknpokit: here is mine for reference http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64392/17:49
timewritererror 17 on grub17:49
backtickhi all, i have an Intel PRO/Wireless 3945ABG, it's not blinking and I get that error i system log "iwl3945: Microcode SW error detected. Restarting 0x82000008", any ideas?17:49
Zaqqhi i am back .. in case u forgot ... my 8139 network card dows not work in Heron17:49
dave11i checked the error message it says I need to use dvd-r instead of +r17:49
cmanawesome, do i need to burn it and install it like the last one?17:50
pjoul!google | backtick17:50
icqnumberikonia, looks like a real Annoying bug, will be back l8r17:50
ubotu backtick: google is the helpers' friend; many newer users dont have the google-fu yet; For GNU/Linux:  http://google.com/linux17:50
jharkntimewriter: check out this for grub errors http://users.bigpond.net.au/hermanzone/p15.htm17:50
manawenuzamenado: it's what it is right now , and i'm telling you it's temporary17:50
=== Pooky_ is now known as Pooky
puppetmasterSo anyone?17:50
timewriterthank you jharkn17:50
mut80rcman: you can update a previous version to it with apt-get dist-upgrade or you can download a CD and install it over again.17:50
manawenuzamenado: if you want i can draw you how the final network will look like17:50
backtickpjoul: and why do u think i didn't google?17:50
jharknpokit: possibly check that link too, I'm not sure that the issue is grub though17:50
manawenuzamenado: ??17:50
jharkntimewriter: np17:50
ToM-XOk, is their anyway to see my battery status with apci disabled?17:50
DBautellmut80r, yes17:50
amenadomanawenuz-> again, which client is not connecting then? i dont see that in your drawing..or am i still mis-understanding whats not connecting?17:51
Harmorwhen to find network related solutions in ubuntu..?17:51
jharkntimewriter: the link at the top of that page takes you to the error codes bit17:51
Zaqqalbech: lspci lists the network card and ifconfig lists a "loopback adapter" .. with subnet as and ip as my router ip is ... wht do i do now?17:51
amenadomanawenuz-> yes its best if you have the final layout, including the ip addresses so i can get you better advise17:51
dave11other distros burn just fine..wierd17:51
pjoulbacktick: i don't know but launchpad could be better place to start17:51
cmanmut80r: i tried that command and it say it cant open locked file. it asked my if i was root17:51
DBautellmut80r, sorry, I didn't see that was a statement17:51
manawenuzamenado: ty :)17:51
timewriterthis is the error17:51
timewriter17 : Cannot mount selected partition17:51
manawenuzamenado: it will take time17:51
=== ciosad is now known as chronic1
mut80rDBautell: lol no worries17:52
pjoulbacktick: i have 3945 too and it's working without any caveats17:52
mut80rcman:  sudo apt-get dist-upgrade17:52
amenadomanawenuz-> dont take too long..17:52
mohbanacan i install grub from gusty some how?17:52
jharkntimewriter: ignore that last thing I said, I meant this bit http://users.bigpond.net.au/hermanzone/p15.htm#Grub_Errors17:52
manawenuzamenado: ok :)17:52
timewriterjharkn ive found it17:52
ArandWhere is the place to do a feature request fot nautilus?17:52
mut80rmohbana: grub-setup (hdx)17:52
jharkntimewriter: ok :)17:52
timewriterand i think its because the IDE hdd17:52
ZaqqHelp! lspci lists the network card and ifconfig lists a "loopback adapter" .. with subnet as and ip as my router ip is ... wht do i do now?17:52
dave11its the first time i ever had a problem with a burn17:52
pjoulArand: bugzilla.gnome.org17:52
timewriterive installed ubuntu on the IDE hdd17:52
timewriterand i have more 4 SAta DISKS17:52
Arandokay cheers pjoul17:53
amenadoZaqq-> what are you wanting to do?17:53
timewriternormally , the IDE must be the first one17:53
pjoulArand peace17:53
Callipyginouspjoul: Thankyou! That worked! :)17:53
timewriterbut ubuntu sees it like the 5th one17:53
Zaqqamenado: i cannot connect to the internet on Heron17:53
backtickpjoul: are you running ubuntu or kubuntu?17:53
cmanmut80r: it says 0 upgraded, 0 installed17:53
pjoulCallipyginous: that's fine :)17:53
pjoulbacktick: u17:53
mut80rcman: check your repositories in System -> Administration -> Software sources17:53
amenadoZaqq-> ethernet connection? wireless?17:53
Zaqqmy ethernet card is listed in windows as 8139.. lspci lists a card17:53
timewriterits a confusion between system bios and linux kernel , as i thought17:53
dave11oh well. gues ill have to stick with other distros17:53
DBautelldave11, how did you download? If not bittorrent, did you check the md5sum? The repos have been hammered, and the dl might have gone wonky17:54
Zaqqbut ifconfig shows a loopback adapter17:54
jharknpaste your menu.lst timewriter17:54
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)17:54
dave11DBautell: the md5 checked out fine17:54
timewriterim on windows now jharkn17:54
timewriteri cant boot Ubuntu tho17:54
amenadoZaqq-> do this, paste in pastebin these... ifconfig; route -n;  cat /etc/resolv.conf;17:54
pjoul!pastebin timewriter17:54
Zaqqamenado: i cannot connect to the internet via Heron17:55
timewriteri know what pastebin is17:55
=== snowolf_ is now known as snowolf
amenadoZaqq you said that already, now to paste the info i requested, you have to copy manually and paste17:55
Zaqqamenado: ok17:55
KiraIs it safe to use do-release upgrade through ssh on Gutsy desktop? Or is it only meant for the server version?17:55
mut80r!upgrade | cman17:55
ubotucman: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes17:55
jharkntimewriter: try using a super grub disk perhaps, only reason I know a little about this is 'cos my install had the wrong pointers in menu.lst17:55
Toyota4RunnerUsing the live CD i attempted to startup 8.04 and I am getting "No Signal" any ideas17:56
amenadoZaqq-> or if you have one of those usb keys, cut and paste them to a file17:56
ubotuSCP is a secure way of copying files across networks using !SSH. Usage: scp filename user@host:filename - WinSCP is a client for Windows, available at http://winscp.net/17:56
timewritermine had that too17:56
JDogHermanI have a chicken and egg situation17:56
timewriteri will try to change hard disk priority17:56
ubotuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)17:56
timewriterif i have that option in bios17:56
jharkntimewriter: and supergrub disk also fixed the men (it didn't even load before)17:56
jharkntimewriter: yeah good idea17:56
timewriteri never used that supergriub disk17:56
DBautellJDogHerman, all attempts to use sudo give you the hostname error?17:56
kelvie_I am in the middle of a dist upgrade.. and it's stalled at "Setting up samba-common"17:56
Zaqqamenado: i think i was ablt to mount a windwos drive.. will make a text file with the commands u gave .. and run and save the results in a fil17:56
pjoulToyota4Runner: try to clean the cd or cd-rom len17:56
kelvie_..... what exactly do I do?17:56
Zaqqable* file*17:57
kelvie_I don't think it's safe for me to kill it and restart17:57
jharkntimewriter: you boot it like a live cd17:57
timewriterkelvie_ , samba must take a while17:57
timewriterjharkn what then ?17:57
JDogHermanI cant sudo beacuse it cannot find the hostname but i cant change the hostname because I cant sudo nano17:57
jharkntimewriter: it fixes grub problems automatically, 1sec and I'll find a page with some info on it17:57
JDogHermanany solutions?17:57
Cpudan80Hello all17:57
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats17:57
timewriterthank you i can google , dont bother17:57
teskoi cant change my window manager,is there a workaround?17:57
Cpudan80I'm having a minor problem with my sound playback on HH17:57
Zaqqamenado: any other command which u would like to add .. to help troubleshoot? coz i have to keep rebooting to switch OS17:57
amenadoZaqq-> whatever it takes17:57
jharkntimewriter ok17:57
BoredcollegekidiTunes stopped17:57
dave11DBautell:  i looked up the error message and it says i need to use a -r insttead of +r17:57
pjoulJDogHerman: boot ubuntu live cd and change hostname in live cd session - that's the only way17:58
timewriterthe thing is i dont have any blank disk17:58
Cpudan80So like if I am listening to music in rhythmbox -- and someone highlights me on xchat - I wont hear the highlight sound17:58
Cpudan80It's like it wont play both sounds at once17:58
Toyota4Runnerpjoul:  I did that.  I was having the problkem after upgrading from 7.10 to 8.04.  Thought maybe the Live CD would fix the problem or let me get into the GUI but seems to b e having the same issues17:58
pjoulJDogHerman: of course you have to your / mounted17:58
timewriterCpudan80 you can disable sound notifications on xchat17:58
amenadoZaqq-> probably, like your /etc/network/interfaces file contents and /etc/hosts17:58
Cpudan80timewriter: But I want to hear them17:58
jharkntimewriter: got it anyway http://users.bigpond.net.au/hermanzone/SuperGrubDiskPage.html17:58
charlie_Good evening!  I am having real problems setting up my wireless with Hardy- had it working nicely with NDISWrapper, but I now can't get it working again.  I have tried the ubuntu-uk channel, unable to solve there.  NDISWrapper seems to be doing its bit, but when I try to re-start the network, I end up with:  No DHCPOFFERS received.17:58
charlie_No working leases in persistent database - sleeping.  More info here:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4791258#post4791258.  Thanks for your help!17:58
JDogHermanpjoul: there is no way to do it thorugh ssh?17:58
pjoulToyota4Runner: that meanse you there's no signal between graphic card and monitor17:58
Cpudan80timewriter: The problem is that I dont hear them --- they dont come in over top the music played by rhythmbox17:58
timewriterthank you jharkn17:58
biabiahardy ububtu..using the newer kernel with the upgrade my drives listed in my /etc/fstab wont mount, but they mount fine with the previous kernel.  In 'dmesg' it says the driver sd and sr need updating, but all I can find on google is bug reports.  cant find how to update the drivers17:58
timewriteri see17:59
pjoulJDogHerman: no17:59
DBautelldave11, and you have used the same discs in the past?17:59
Toyota4Runnerpjoul:  I get video though when I drop to the console17:59
kelvie_timewriter: as in.. 12 hours ?17:59
JDogHermanpjoul: this came up after I upgraded from 7.10 to 8.0417:59
pjoulToyota4Runner: hmm and no in x?17:59
timewriterkelvie_ what do you mean ?17:59
shadowviceHow would I graphical change my driver in 8.0417:59
pjoulJDogHerman: maybe it's a driver issue?17:59
kelvie_timewriter: it's been taking all night17:59
dave11DBautell: yes, and all other disttros work fine during the burn17:59
jharkntimewriter: np, get the cd/floppy/usb image here once you understand it http://www.supergrubdisk.org/17:59
timewriterWHO ?17:59
Toyota4Runnerpjoul:  that is correct.  Tech0007 suggested using vesa drive did that and still no X17:59
lopinI've got my upgrade tool locking up18:00
JDogHermanpjoul: where could I find instructions for doing this using a life cd?18:00
backtickpjoul: are you running it using iw3945 or ipw3945?18:00
pjoulToyota4Runner: what graphic card do you have?18:00
timewriteromg kelvie_ i think made a mistake18:00
pjoulbacktick: iwl is the default for hardy18:00
SimplePlancan i talk to someone one on one for ubuntu installation help18:00
Toyota4Runnerit's embeded ATI Radeon18:00
kelvie_either way it's frozen at samba-common18:00
pjoulJDogHerman: hmm, dont' know - just run live cd, open terminal, mount your / partition18:00
timewriteroh sorry its about the samba18:01
ubotuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)18:01
unknowni just installed mythbuntu, and in the configuration it asks for database credentials. How do i create the correct database (i already created a user)18:01
timewriterwell , something happened18:01
SimplePlancan i talk to someone one on one for ubuntu installation help18:01
timewriter12 hrs is way too much18:01
pjoulJDogHerman: and then edit that file18:01
jharkn!ask | simpleplan18:01
ubotusimpleplan: please see above18:01
timewriteri remeber i compiled samba once , on a pentium mmx 75 mhz18:01
manawenuzamenado: download it from18:01
visfhi anyone know what does it mean when google earth cannot connect to the internet?18:01
timewriterit took like 6 hrs18:01
manawenuzamenado: www.confcraft.com/321.pdf18:01
bazhangunknown: you may wish to ask in #ubuntu-mythtv if you dont get an answer here18:01
unknownbazhang: thanks18:01
lopinvisf: can anything else connect to the internet?18:01
velkoSimplePlan, just ask your question here. this way the answers may benefit others too. and you get better chances to get an answer18:02
jharknsimpleplan: just ask away18:02
dave11DBautell: i deleted the iso anyway. thanks anyway18:02
pjoulbacktick: it's working out of the box - nothing changed, nothing configured18:02
Toyota4Runnerpjoul:  It's an integrated ATI Radeon18:02
SimplePlanok velko18:02
^root^can anyone tell me why should i download DVD rather than CD? i mean whats the benefit?18:02
visflopin: my browser is working fine18:02
arcskyIst possible to install Ubuntu from a usbstick?18:02
lopinvisf: Proxy?18:02
SimplePlan:: can i install ubuntu and still keep all my important files?18:02
manawenuz^root^: it contains 3 cd's :)18:02
jharkn^root^: dvd has everything on it, it's not neccessary18:02
DBautelldave11, well, ship...18:03
visflopin: there is no proxy for me18:03
mut80rSimplePlan: yes18:03
lopinarcsky technically18:03
andycaassMy ubuntu makes weird sounds, its like soundevent, very familiar tune....18:03
consfearacyI do "sumo apt-get" but it doesnt do anything.. halp plz?18:03
DBautelldave11, or... shipit18:03
pjoulToyota4Runner: have you looked at  /var/log/Xorg.0.log? there could be some useful info18:03
manawenuz^root^: it contains alternative disk , server & live cd18:03
SimplePlan:: how do i do this?18:03
^root^manawenuz: jharkn : even the offline repo?18:03
lopinSimplePlan: Just don't wipe your harddrive.  RESIZE your windows partition, and you should be okay..,.18:03
dave11DBautell: ill just stick to other distros18:03
bcardarellaIs apt-get experiencing major slowdowns? Because 500k packages are taking up to 10 minutes to get18:03
^root^jharkn: what do you mean by everything?18:03
valchershello, I have problem with ubutnu 8.04 64 bit amd and skype18:03
arcskylopin: ist much work to get it work?18:03
ddrplayer512^root^:The DVD contains both the alternate install and the desktop CD. There is not a whole lot of beneifit. So just go with the CD.18:03
valchersI cant install skype18:03
manawenuz^root^: offline repo ?? it contains as much as alternative disk18:03
SimplePlan:: i don't have a windows partition at the moment .. n i dun want to make one18:03
vigneshhow do i upgrade to ubuntu 8.04 from 7.10?? i have the installation disc of 8.04...18:03
Toyota4Runnerpjoul:  May I pm you the error log?18:04
lopinvisf: I'm not sure why it would do that.  Try checking the google faqs and help to see if anyone else has run into that problem...18:04
Kohelethddrplayer512: instal the qt dev tools18:04
mut80rSimplePlan: select manual in the ubuntu setup and edit your existing windows partition and shrink it down. then create another partition in the free space and install it there. windows and linux will be seperate and you will be able to boot both when you turn the pc on.18:04
jharkn^root^: xubuntu, kubuntu, ubuntu and alt disk18:04
^root^manawenuz: jharkn: suppose if i just want to install Ubuntu on dekstop, what would be better option? DVD? or CD?18:04
pjoulbcardarella: some mirrrors yes - they're experiencing overload18:04
valcherssomebody can help me18:04
mut80r!install | SimplePlan18:04
ubotuSimplePlan: Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate18:04
lopinarcsky: there should be a page in the community documentation18:04
pjoulToyota4Runner: pastebin in18:04
cmanthanks mut80r18:04
^root^jharkn: i see, then DVD is better, coz i like switching DEs :D18:04
manawenuz^root^: i like the DVD18:04
cmanupgrading now :)18:04
^root^manawenuz: so do i :D18:04
bcardarellapjoul: that's what I figured. I just wanted to make sure before I started diagnosing my connection. Thanks18:04
mut80rcman: nice  :)18:04
SimplePlan:: thank u18:04
manawenuz^root^: but if you like to upgrade or just install desktop alternative will do you fine18:04
KCummingsHi everyone. Just tried installing ubunto 8.104 as an application on my windows xp machine and when it rebooted I get an error when I try to boot Ubunto for the first time from grub . the error says it can't find a .1st file18:04
Kohelethgot to the software manager and do a search for qt18:05
jharkn^root^: well yes, but you can always switch DEs within ubuntu18:05
MimiHow can I reset my gnome session? I can't login unless its failsafe18:05
wild_oscardoes anyone know how to work with bluetooth?18:05
pjoulbcardarella: you could try german or france mirrors - they're pretty fast18:05
jharkn^root^: it will dl the required file18:05
manawenuzamenado: have you seen it ?18:05
amenadomanawenuz-> okay, so where is the problem? i dont see a glaring issue with the layout, where is the client not able to connect?18:05
vigneshwild_oscar, wat do u wanna do with bluetooth?18:05
=== mut80r is now known as mut80r|away
Mimi!bluetooth | wild_oscar18:05
ubotuwild_oscar: For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup18:05
manawenuzamenado: i can't connect to linux servers via vpn18:05
Kohelethddrplayer512: sorry wrong person :)18:05
manawenuzamenado: what should i do ??18:05
pjoulwild_oscar: btooth should work out of the box18:06
Noah0504What do I lose if I disable ACPI?18:06
visflopin: thanks18:06
SimplePlan:: Check here if you need the alternate desktop CD. This CD does not include the Live CD, instead it uses a text-based installer. .... what does this mean? how do i know whether i shud click this or not18:06
ddrplayer512Koheleth: That's fine! It happens... :)18:06
timewriterim burning the supergrub disk18:06
=== masterPC is now known as master1234
pjoulNoah0504: almost everything - do not do that18:06
vigneshhow do i upgrade to ubuntu 8.04 from 7.10?? i have the installation disc of 8.04...18:06
lopinvisf, Sorry I couldn't be of more help..18:06
=== tholmes is now known as w8tah
wild_oscarpjoul, vignesh, Mimi: it seems to be working18:06
DBautellSimplePlan, are you upgrading or installing?18:06
cybermadi got my friend ubuntu can not boot up.. it's blank, now how to recover the data/documents on it to other media?18:06
wild_oscarwhen I'm browsing the device (in nautilus), if I try to transfer a picture to the laptop, i get an error: "Error in stream protocol: end of stream18:06
ov1d1u_nitanis there any method to make kde applications to look like GTK applications? in kde exist the qt-gtk package18:06
Noah0504pjoul: Okay, well, it's once solution to a problem I'm having.  I was just wondering.18:06
ddrplayer512SimplePlan: The Desktop CD is usually the best choice for doing a fresh install.18:06
Kohelethvalchers: go to the software manager and search for qt, then scroll down a bit and mark qt-dev-tools18:06
SimplePlanDBautell im installing18:06
bulliumvignesh: you don't need the CD you can just use the system updater to do the upgrade18:06
Dusk_W: Failed to fetch http://tr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/multiverse/f/flashplugin-nonfree/flashplugin-nonfree_9.0.124.0ubuntu2_i386.deb18:06
Dusk_  Could not connect to tr.archive.ubuntu.com:80 (, connection timed out18:06
lopinAnyone know why my upgrade tool is locking up?18:06
amenadomanawenuz-> again where in that picture is your client ubuntu and which VPN server you are attempting to connect to?18:06
vigneshbullium, i dont have a direct internet connection..18:07
duaneblopin, more info. what's happening?18:07
wild_oscari get "Error in stream protocol: end of stream" when I try to copy files bigger than 5 kB to my home folder18:07
jharkn!slow | dusk_18:07
fysaoh god.  I have spent about 16 hours straight trying to get Ubuntu (or Wubi) installed.  It was the goddamn Cable Select setting on my Western Digital drive, causing errors in the ATA module.18:07
ubotudusk_: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of the latest edition. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.18:07
SimplePlanDBautell im installing for the first time18:07
bulliumoh ok...you can use the alternate CD for the upgrade I believe18:07
DBautellSimplePlan, than you can use either, I believe the alternate is text mode only, though18:07
lopinduaneb stops doing anything at "Checking Package Manager" and the window goes gray18:07
whileimherefrom on tell me the CLI command to upgrade to 8.04 from 7.10?18:07
bulliumvignesh: oh ok...you can use the alternate CD for the upgrade I believe18:07
ddrplayer512SimplePlan: The alternate install is good if you like text installs, and you are familiar with it. The alternate CD is also good to kickstart an upgrade.18:07
manawenuzamenado: there's no Ubuntu client , except mine :) i'm trying to connect to client with ubuntu and i'm unable to18:07
vigneshwild_oscar, its better to use the send file option in the mobile phone or whatever device from which u wanna transfer the file...18:07
SimplePlanDBautell then i shudnt check that box?18:07
manawenuzamenado: but with windows it's fine18:07
lopinduaneb: does it with the alt cd as well...18:07
evandfysa: yikes!  Resolved now though?18:07
wild_oscarand when I send a file from my WM5 device to ubuntu, bluez says it received it but I have no idea where it was saved!18:07
amenadomanawenuz-> from the drawing is it in the internet cloud? the 192.168.0.x cloud?18:08
duaneblopin, go to the terminal and type "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade"18:08
* Mimi asks: How can I reset my gnome session? I can't login unless its failsafe18:08
pjoulNoah0504: okay, but it's not worth that troubles18:08
vigneshbullium, how do i do that?18:08
duaneblopin, I'd guess that the mirrors are just slow18:08
usicowsince upgrading to 8.04 compiz crashes.. has anyone else had any problems?18:08
wild_oscarvignesh: "and when I send a file from my WM5 device to ubuntu, bluez says it received it but I have no idea where it was saved!"18:08
cybermadis there any way to get my friend data back from ubuntu?18:08
Noah0504pjoul: Thanks for the heads up.18:08
jharkn^root^: for example: you could install using ubuntu desktop cd then do "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop" to have xubuntu aswell18:08
LetoThe2ndhi! is it possible to have dual-heads on a nvidia card with ubuntu?18:08
DBautellSimplePlan, I would say probably not, the regular disc will be more comfortable18:08
lopinduaneb, the local seems to be going faster...18:08
pjoulNoah0504: peace18:08
manawenuzamenado: i'll ask it someother how18:08
duaneblopin, good :)18:08
vigneshwild_oscar, it will be saved in desktop by default..18:08
fysaevand, yes.  if you hear of people having trouble and casper.log showing "SRST" and /dev/scd0 not found .. ask if they have a Western Digital drive. :P18:08
jburdThe configuration defaults for GNOME power manager have not been installed correctly. Please contact your computer administrator.   I get this error message.18:08
Zaqqok am back18:08
^root^jharkn: yup, that i know, problem is i want to save bandwidth... so i would go with DVD18:08
pjoulMimi: you should backup your ~/.gnome2 directory and then delete it18:08
jburdAfter upgrading from gutsy to hardy.18:08
manawenuzamenado: how can i connect that application to
evandfysa: heh, will do18:09
Kohelethusicow: all I found is that google earth does not like desktop effects enabled on my system18:09
wild_oscarvignesh: oh, right, there it is!18:09
bulliumvignesh: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading18:09
ddrplayer512SimplePlan: The Desktop CD is a good choice if you don't know which to choose. It installs as well.18:09
manawenuzamenado: from outside of my network18:09
lopinduaneb: the tools got a lock on apt-get18:09
vigneshwild_oscar, install the bluetooth file sharing client.. that should solve ur problem..18:09
Mimipjoul:  thank you very much Ill go try that :)18:09
jharkn^root^: yeah fair enough, that's the only issue really18:09
pjouljburd: file a bug then18:09
Zaqqhere's the pastebin link for the problem with 8139 Network card not detected on Hardy - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64401/18:09
jburdmy theme settings have gone for a toss18:09
* jconnolly is back (gone 01:15:33)18:09
duaneblopin, is it working now?18:09
usicowKoheleth, damn.. how can I debug this problem?18:09
jburdhalf the desktop does not load correctly18:09
alcazoidcan I have some help with HD automounting?18:09
suweidWhy would I want to upgrade? What new cool stuff do I stand to get?18:09
velkoMimi, rename all hidden directories in your home folder whose names start with .gnome or .gconf (or move them to antoher place as backup copies)18:09
pjoulMimi: let's try :)18:09
jburdSo did I upgrade or downgrade my OS?18:09
vigneshbullium, the instruction in that page doesn't work for me.. :(18:09
lopinduaneb no, apt-get can't run, because the tool is sitting there, grinding it's wheels18:09
amenadomanawenuz-> does the server have sshd ? ie can you ssh to it?18:09
chino_does someone know why my screen flickers when I use the "cube thingy"18:10
^root^jharkn: here, the only thing that makes me sick is bandwidth cost...18:10
suweidApart from it saturating my 100mbit connection for 3 minutes, that is?18:10
Kohelethusicow: dont know18:10
Zaqqamenado: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64401/18:10
craig_has anyone tried to install vmware-server on the latest release of ubuntu. I get an error on 'Unable to build vmmon module' i've also installed the vmware-any-any-update11518:10
duaneblopin, do and xkill on it18:10
jburdthe menus don't show any icons18:10
kitsuneI seem to have a problem with the update manager. when I try to upgrade my system it gets stuck at the Download the upgrade tool pase18:10
jburdWTF is all this?18:10
manawenuzamenado: it does have , but rightnow it have been switched off18:10
jburdWho does the QA?18:10
bulliumvignesh: why not?18:10
manawenuzamenado: so i'm practicing on my home computer18:10
ddrplayer512suwed: You don't really have to upgrade, but you'll get new versions of new software, your software will be supported for about another year vs. LTS for another 3 years, and you'll have bragging rights! :)18:10
lopinduaneb Doesn't work...  Tried like fifty times...18:10
pjouljburd: when? after a fresh upgrade?18:10
suweidkitsune, I had that too. But then i xkilled it a few times, and it worked.18:10
cybermadso.. it's impossible to get the data back since i can not load the ubuntu???18:10
duaneblopin, strange :/18:10
jburdpjoul: Yes18:10
adrian_2002cahanging on setting new softwae channels, wha do i do??18:10
duanebcan't help you18:10
=== Fishscen1 is now known as bogus1
pjoulpjoul: then restart first18:10
ricanelitewhat dock does everyone use? currently I'm using Cairo-Dock which i like because it has the zoom of the icons like osx is there another dock out there similar?18:10
amenadomanawenuz-> well it has to have the sshd running so you can ssh to it..18:11
lopinduaneb Indeed...  Now you see my frustration!  ^.^18:11
k[5\5]<kitsune>,use dist-upgrade18:11
=== bogus1 is now known as Fishscen1
amenadoZaqq hang on18:11
ConstyXIVusing a realtek RTL8139 wired NIC in hardy/wubi, won't connect.  anyone know what could be going on?18:11
vigneshbullium, i dont know.. when i insert the cd, synaptic manager opens.. wat do i do after that??18:11
bulliumvignesh: did you even read the page?18:11
ddrplayer512One time I used Avant Window Navigator for a dock. It worked well.18:11
jharknricanelite: I use AWN18:11
manawenuzamenado: it does have sshd and also telnetd and more than that freenx server18:11
suweidCan someone please point me to a reason to upgrade? Why is there a new release in the first place? I don't understand why I couldn't just get individual package upgrades like I usually do? New backgrounds bundled, whaaat?18:11
pjoulToyota4Runner: hey man, where's your log?18:11
vigneshbullium, ya i did read the page.. i tried out the command in that page too.. it didn't work..18:11
pjoulsuweid: read release notes18:11
SimplePlan!ask i want the more sleek look ... shud i get ubuntu or kubuntu18:11
dotechanyone else failing to connect to Facebook chat in Firefox on hardy?18:12
amenadoZaqq your ethernet nic is not showing up, you have to enable it first, perhaps something like  sudo ifup eth0;  or sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart18:12
bulliumvignesh: can you be more specific as to how it didn't work?18:12
jburdThe error message is so bloody stupid:  "Please contact your system administrator"  Someone needs to get their heads back up where it should be.18:12
MimiYAY! I was able to restore my gnome session by baking up .gnome ... now... does anyone know how I can make gnome-panel NOT launch? :P18:12
dave11wow...I havent seen any" works great" messages yet.18:12
suweidpjoul http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/804 mentions new new backgrounds what so ever.18:12
kitsuneThe upgrade manager seem to have gotten the hint that I am in the channel and after I xkilled it it seem to download the packages18:12
amenadomanawenuz-> if it has test that ssh connectivity first to
lopinSimplePlan: Depends.  Kubuntu is all shiny, and everything goes together visually...18:12
whileimhereWhen I run sudo apt-get update I get stuck at 99% [Connecting to archive.ubuntu.com (]   Whats up with the server you think?18:12
dotechdave11: works great for me, been using it for a few weeks18:12
ConstyXIVdave11: works great*!18:12
ddrplayer512suweid: How about http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/804features/?18:12
suweidIt just goes on and on about how some really complex network setups may be adversely effected.18:12
vigneshbullium, i issued the command  "gksu  "sh /cdrom/cdromupgrade" .. it asked for admin passwd.. i gave it.. then no response was there..18:12
jharknSimplePlan: matter of preference18:12
lopinSimplePlan: while ubuntu is all just simple, and easy to use...18:12
wild_oscarvignesh: cheers18:12
dotechalthough Facebook chat doesn't seem to work :\18:12
suweidddrplayer512: Thanks!18:12
manawenuzamenado: i'm telling you this server have been switched off18:12
jharkndave11: no problems here!18:12
jburdMy suggestion to the Ubuntu team:  Get the fscking upgrade process stabilized first.18:13
manawenuzamenado: and it is about 100 KM away18:13
pjoulsuweid: many more improvements18:13
vigneshwild_oscar, cool..18:13
ddrplayer512No problem, I hope that helps. :)18:13
wild_oscarvignesh: do u know how to change the default receive folder?18:13
n-iCeshould I clean the ubuntu registry like in windows? I mean is there anyway, should I do it??18:13
bulliumvignesh: you gave it your password correct?18:13
dave113 out of 1500 is a start18:13
manawenuzamenado: i should know what i want to do , so i can do it by tomorrow morning18:13
* jburd has never had any upgrade work 18:13
adrian_2002cahanging on setting new software channels, what do i do??18:13
vigneshbullium, ya i did..18:13
p28301016hi i've just updated and ooo surpryse it has messed up my fstab and changed the names of the hardisk how can i resolv it?18:13
Fishscen1n0iCe, there is no registry to clean ;)18:13
vigneshwild_oscar, i dont think that is possible..18:13
amenadomanawenuz-> does the have any firewalling? and only allow certain ip address to connect to it before it forwards to ?18:13
manawenuzno it doesn't18:14
Zaqqamenado: do u want me to do anything else? wht if the driver is not installed?18:14
suweidpjoul, ddrplayer512: That link wants to sell ubuntu to me. I'm already sold on ubuntu. I want to know "diff 710 804"18:14
manawenuzamenado: no it doesn't18:14
bulliumvignesh: it has to be the alternate CD not the original Live CD18:14
SimplePlancan i get kubuntu after i install ubuntu ... like install the KDE thing ... will it b exactly like kubuntu? enlighten me18:14
manawenuzamenado: it's just an unintelligent router :D18:14
ddrplayer512I'll do some more looking.. okay?18:14
pjoulsuweid: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/804features/18:14
amenadoZaqq-> if driver is not installed, then install it and make it work first18:14
raphael_burneshow come 3 days ago I could install ubuntu-xen-server as a package on gutsy and now am no longer able to? (I get package not found)18:14
lopinSimplePlan: Yes...18:14
jharknSimplePlan: yes18:14
raphael_burnesand what is the recommended way to install it? (on amd64)18:14
vigneshbullium, alternate cd??? where do i get it from?18:14
Zaqqamenado: i dont know how to install a driver ...18:14
kitsunewell I am off18:14
lopinSimplePlan: Once you install ubuntu, install the Kubuntu-desktop metapackage in apt-get18:14
SimplePlanthen what happens to the gnome after i insstall kde?18:14
lopinSimplePlan: That's kinda how Kubuntu does it...18:15
arc_shmoowhy doesnt the restricted driver for my proset wireless show up under restricted drivers in 8.04 as it did in 7.1018:15
pjoulsuweid: pulseaudio, gio, gnome2.22, firefox318:15
vigneshSimplePlan, you will be able to choose between gnome and kde from the sessions menu in the login screen..18:15
lopinSimplePlan: It's still there... The gnome login manager can start kde, and vice versa18:15
suweidpjoul, yes - it says that firefox 3 beta is bundled now. Why couldn't i just install it. Ohh, new gnome?18:15
alteregoahouston i got a problem18:15
amenadomanawenuz-> if what you say is correct being un-intelligent, how does the packet gets forwarded to ?18:15
bulliumvignesh: quickest way to download right now is using bit torrent http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ it's at the bottom of that page18:15
* Mimi asks: does anyone know how I can make gnome-panel NOT launch? :P18:15
Kohelethubuntus method of editing grub is in the dark ages18:15
p28301016any one having problems with fstab18:15
jharknsimpleplan: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/kde though I think it's a little outdated now, you should use "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop" in the terminal18:15
jburdAnd it's not like Ubuntu is a fairly new distro.18:15
SimplePlanbut wont that b extra load??? gnome and kde together .... shud i just get kubuntu then?18:15
vigneshbullium, okie .. ty..18:15
Ashfire908is it worth it to verify a disc after burning a iso (of ubuntu 8.04)18:15
amenadoZaqq-> you have to google for your nic card, visit the vendors web site please18:16
bulliumvignesh: np18:16
vigneshSimplePlan, if u just want kde u can go for kubuntu..18:16
pjoulsuweid: if you don't want it - don't install it. that'sso  easy18:16
suweiddon't use apt-get to install kubuntu-desktop18:16
jburdIt's about time the distro gained stability during upgrades.18:16
jharknSimplePlan: well they don't run at the same time18:16
suweidIf you do, you won't be able to remove it alter18:16
suweidUse aptitude.18:16
manawenuzamenado: it knows to redirect every packets to just one ip , which is .3018:16
jharknsimpleplan: though you obviously have to store the files for each on disk18:16
Dusk_i don't have system and home icons on my desktop...how can i get them??18:16
valchershello, I have problem with ubutnu 8.04 64 bit amd and skype, I cant install it, somebody can help me18:16
alteregoai am still disappointed of setting up multible displays in linux18:16
* Mimi asks: does anyone know how I can make gnome-panel NOT launch? :P18:16
valchershello, I have problem with ubutnu 8.04 64 bit amd and skype, I cant install it, somebody can help me18:16
manawenuzamenado: btw both & 30 are valid IP addresses18:16
suweidpjoul: I want it, I just want to know why the hoopla! :)18:16
manawenuzamenado: i mean static& valid18:16
alteregoavalchers, there is a binary skype who runs18:16
Kohelethvalchers: did you see my reply18:16
amenadomanawenuz-> so i suspect it has some kind of filtering or only allows specific ip address to hit that .3018:16
ddrplayer512suweid: http://www.ubuntu.com/news/ubuntu-8.04-lts-desktop How about THIS? :)18:17
pjoulsuweid: just because all that new shiny software :)18:17
bulliumIs anyone running VMWare workstation on 8.10?18:17
SimplePlanso if i want more options im better off DLing ubuntu and then the KDE stuff?18:17
suweidddrplayer512: I'm going to read that. :)18:17
Kohelethvalchers: go to the software manager in admin18:17
amenadomanawenuz-> well can you not directly connect to the .30 ?  or is it preventing you?18:17
SteufeubeuI'm running VMWARE Workstation on 8.0418:17
alteregoasomething like skype static linked or something18:17
ricaneliteSteufeubeu, how is it running?18:17
ddrplayer512suweid: I also think this will help: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/804overview18:17
pjoulsuweid: and mind that fact that hardy will be supported longer than gutsy18:17
bulliumSteufeubeu: where you running it on 7.10 and did the upgrade?18:17
valchersand then18:17
manawenuzamenado: i can directly connect to .3018:17
bulliumSteufeubeu: upgrade to 8.10 that is18:18
manawenuzamenado: but i can't stablish a VPN connection with it18:18
Steufeubeuooops osrry18:18
manawenuzamenado: i don't know why18:18
Steufeubeusorry ;-)18:18
ZimCSIs there a guide on how to install VMWare Tools on 8.04?18:18
jharknsimpleplan: well yeah probably but you could do "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop" from kubuntu instead18:18
dave11how long is .710 going to be supported?18:18
Kohelethvalchers: search for qt18:18
manawenuzamenado: and i'm asking you for a solution18:18
manawenuzamenado: :)18:18
amenadomanawenuz-> can you not enable the sshd on .30 so you can ssh in?18:18
suweidddrplayer512: That last link was what I wanted from the start! Thanks a bunch18:18
SteufeubeuZimCS : yes I've posted here : http://communities.vmware.com/message/92588618:18
dotechCould not connect to Facebook Chat at this time.18:18
manawenuzamenado: not right now , but i can in the morning18:18
Kohelethvalchers: then scroll down the list and mark qt-dev-tools for installation18:18
ricanelitewhat is usually faster virtualbox or vmware? because i want to install windows vista and I had vista installed on virtualbox when i was running Gusty18:18
dtrainercould anyone recommend a package for running internet cafes?18:19
ricanelitebut i have heard vmware is faster18:19
suweidpjoul: Yeah, I don't know what "Support" rather than googling for help or coming here and complaining is. And I don't think either are going to be outlasted by "LTS" from canonical.18:19
amenadomanawenuz-> thats the first thing i would try, enable the sshd18:19
manawenuzamenado: it's in somesort of organization out of town , which switch off all it's computers in the evening18:19
ZimCSmine is 7.6.3, but that shouldn't makea a difference18:19
SimplePlanwhat do more ppl prefer ubuntu or kubuntu?18:19
ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy18:19
bulliumSteufeubeu: the upgrade from 7.10 to 8.10 broke it and reinstalling it doesn't fix it either18:19
mohbanacan i burn a dvd whilst browsing on the live cd?18:19
bulliumSteufeubeu: is yours still working properly?18:19
manawenuzamenado: can you try it on the test computer , which is my current working computer ?18:19
dotechcan someone confirm whether or not facebook chat allows you to send messages with Firefox 3b5 64-bit please?18:19
amenadomanawenuz-> possibly yeah..so testing it from your home and if the far end is inactive you cant do much18:19
Kohelethvalchers: qt-dev-tools has the 3 dependencies you need18:19
skoop`anyone give me a hand?  Did my first install on a dell inspirion 1501 laptop and im having problems with my video18:19
jburdbullium: Were you able to get your desktop to show up normally?18:19
jharkndotech: I've done it18:19
Dusk_i don't have system and home icons on my desktop...how can i get them??18:20
adrian_2002cacan someone help? hanging on setting new software channels when upgrading from gutsy18:20
w8tahhow do i create a default profile for the network manager and have it load everytime i start up?18:20
jburdbullium: I get some error about "GNOME power manager configuration"18:20
amenadomanawenuz-> sure join me in #manawenuz18:20
SteufeubeuBullium : Ok. I explain there how to install on a fresh ubuntu install18:20
bulliumjburd: after the upgrade?18:20
n-iCeshould I clean the ubuntu registry like in windows? I mean is there anyway, should I do it??18:20
jburdbullium: yes18:20
manawenuzjoin #manawenuz18:20
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manawenuzjoin #manawenuz18:20
pjoulsuweid: and what about updates and securitys updates... that's the biggest support you can reach18:20
elementzguys, i am going mad while compiling this: http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Tp_smapi#Installation_from_source18:20
manawenuzjoin #manawenuz18:20
manawenuzjoin #manawenuz18:20
manawenuzjoin #manawenuz18:20
bulliumjburd: yeah desktop works fine18:20
FloodBot2manawenuz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:20
SimplePlan!ask which one is more efficient gnome or kde????18:20
amenadomanawenuz->  /join #xxx18:20
bulliumSteufeubeu: explain where?18:21
elementzi keep getting the following output http://pastebin.com/d5a7b67f918:21
elementzanybody got a hint18:21
suweidpjoul: Aah, the packages. Then yeah, that's worth a lot. Though I'll be probably updating the day after 9.?? comes out. :)18:21
Darknezzi have a question i just installed hardy yesterday but when i try and load new programs with terminal it says i need a C compiler. anyone know what i should do?18:21
SteufeubeuBullium: I always install the new versions of ubuntu from start. I save everything and then install18:21
skoop`anyone give me a hand?  Did my first install on a dell inspirion 1501 laptop and im having problems with my video...the screen is all boogered up18:21
elementzdunno what to do anymore - tried to instal the kernel sources to no avail18:21
jharknSimplePlan: you don't have to write !ask ;) but afaik gnome is slightly lighter18:21
jburdbullium: The configuration defaults for GNOME power manager have not been installed correctly. Please contact your computer administrator.18:21
SteufeubeuBullium : I've posted there : http://communities.vmware.com/message/92588618:21
pjoulsuweid: yes, that's your bussiness :)18:21
vigneshSimplePlan, depends upon your taste... both are highly effective open source (obviously) desktop environments...18:21
elementzwhat else might be wrong?18:21
Kohelethcor! you try to help people18:21
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)18:21
jharknSimplePlan: although XFCE is lighter than both of course18:21
n-iCeread that Darknezz18:21
suweidBy the way I hope they fixed the sunday-starts-my-swedish-week bug.18:21
bulliumSteufeubeu: you always install your new versions of ubuntu from scratch?18:22
jburd"Please contact your computer administrator" is not a solution when you are the computer administrator.18:22
jharknSimplePlan: i.e. xubuntu18:22
jharknjburd: heheh18:22
Steufeubeubullium: yes. From scratch.18:22
jburdThere's something wrong with the whole process when you get messages like that.18:22
mohbanawhats a quick way of getting access to a machine running ubuntu live cd from windows xp18:22
JDogHermanevery time I try to log into gnome with a vnc connection it crashes after i type the first letter, any ideas?18:23
Steufeubeubullium: it takes less time than fixing things that don't work ;-)18:23
sahakhttps://help.ubuntu.com/ shows documentation for Ubuntu 7.10 instead of showing 8.0418:23
bulliumSteufeubeu: awesome I'll see if I can't use that information...at least I know it will run on 8.04...VMWare just certified 7.10 LOL18:23
Steufeubeubullium : Ok. Hope it will help you.18:23
jburdSteufeubeu: yeah that's true.  I've always had to reinstall the OS.  Upgrading always breaks too many things.18:23
xal2I updated to Ubuntu 8.04. I do not, however, have icons for OpenOffice.18:23
skoop`Will Ubuntu work on a dell inspirion 1501's drivers?18:23
xal2Where can I get these? I cannot find them in the usual directories.18:24
SimplePlanwhich one looks "cooler" ubuntu or kubuntu?18:24
frostburnbullium, are you trying to install vmware server?18:24
JDogHermanany ideas on how to fix my vnc login issues?18:24
bulliumfrostburn: nope, workstation18:24
jharknSimplePlan: if prefer gnome, but it's personal taste, google some screenshots or something18:24
suweidSimplePlan, neither looks cool. But wait 'till kubuntu gets KDE 4.smthin'useful. Then kubuntu will win. ;)18:24
xal2Where can I get the OpenOffice 2.4 icons? I cannot find them in the usual directories.18:24
n-iCexal2 let's see18:25
xal2I'm not sure if it's just a fault of the upgrade process.18:25
n-iCexal2 has the update finished?18:26
tawtwhen i try to download something using synaptic/add-remove programs, is it supposed to act like i'm waiting in line to download?18:26
duriis jeOS 8.04 mirrored anywhere ?18:26
frostburnbullium, i got the same issue compiling server, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76667618:26
xal2n-iCe, yes18:26
dave11great.. the wikipediaubuntu article is cross scrypted on yahoo18:26
n-iCexal2 Try sudo apt-get install openoffice.org-style-default18:26
suweidtawt, it's the new "linux is a social-movement" simulater. Makes you feel like you are in a Soviet Russia!18:26
=== BCK is now known as Boredcollegekid
Arandhas anybody got wireless with ca-certificate working?18:27
skoop`anyone know why my screen is fuzzing up...is it my graphics card ATI Raedon?18:27
n-iCexal2 that should install openoffice.org-style-andromeda as well try it and let me know.18:27
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RedWarwhat's the name of the relase party room?18:27
Arandfor me its just asking for passphrase/code again and agian.18:28
Danniknikeae povo18:28
NekoKunDanniknik: br?18:29
skoop`anyone know why my screen is fuzzing up...is it my graphics card ATI Raedon?18:29
SimplePlanhow do i partition my disk so that i can hav eboth windows and ubuntu?18:29
RedWarI have not downloaded yet, I m working on it18:29
SammIndustriehi there - can anybody tell me how to get VIA graphics acceleration on ubuntu 8.04? i wanna get desktop effects and glx working!18:29
DanniknikNekoKun: sim :D18:29
n-iCe!partition SimplePlan18:29
tawtwhy is anything related to synaptic taking forever to begin downloading?18:29
=== mut80r|away is now known as mut80r
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in !GNOME under !Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For !Edgy and later, see !fstab and !DiskMounter18:29
suweidskoop`: "Fuzzing up" isn't a well conditioned problem.18:29
lesjohnmy upgrade crashed when it was almost done.  is tehre anything i can do now to finish it except a clean install?18:29
NekoKunDanniknik: saca bastante?18:29
mut80rtawt: servers are being hammered by updates18:29
DanniknikNekoKun: nadinha! huauahuha18:29
ng01simple plan.  seriously, read the FAQ on install.  it answers everything.18:29
tawtmut80r, ok, thanks18:29
bicyclist1simpleplan: if you install ubuntu it can take care of that18:29
DanniknikNekoKun: só saco de cliclk!18:29
dishayui cannot go beyond 640 x 480 on my pc, just installed hardy... and enabled the restricted drivers...18:29
n-iCelesjohn what about updating again?18:30
Sakeanybody here tried running vmware server in ubuntu 8.04 server?18:30
El1dishayu: same problem18:30
skoop`ok, half the display on my screen is fucked....but the top half i can see.18:30
jburdSo the upgrade fscking hosed my desktop.18:30
Lardarse!language | skoop`18:30
ubotuskoop`: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.18:30
* jburd is on a wrecked system now.18:30
El1dishayu: tried envy etc too? And are you also getting a low-res prompt at startup?18:30
Lardarse!language | jburd18:30
ubotujburd: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.18:30
tyronehi i have question. Is it better to upgrade from 7.10 to 8.04 or to delete my partition and install 8.04?18:30
suweidskoop, that sounds like a problem with hardware. Half and halfs never happen. ;/18:30
lesjohnn-ice: it got far enough along that it's running hardy and doesn't have an update option in the update manager.  it crashed when trying to start bluetooth right before "cleaning up"18:31
XLVtyrone, a clean install is always better18:31
grzybErr http://archive.ubuntu.com hardy/universe libdvdnav4 0.1.10-0.218:31
grzyb  Connection failed [IP: 80]18:31
grzyb14% [Waiting for headers]18:31
grzybdamn leechers18:31
FloodBot2grzyb: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:31
dishayuEl1 : yeah tried envy, nvidia-settings and editing xorg file18:31
NekoKunhttp://ubuntuforums.org/private.php?do=showpm&pmid=595424 any advice?18:31
tyroneXLV, can you explain me the difference?18:31
Lardarsetyrone: many people have not had a happy upgrade experience18:31
tyroneLardarse, thank you18:32
suweidI'm upgrading, 6 minutes remaining it says.18:32
SakeLardarse: because the servers are swamped or because it's a bad upgrade process?18:32
absntWhy are there 200 processes running? lol18:32
XLVtyrone, any old incompatible package/preferences settings wont mess up a cleanly installed system, where in an upgrade some of those problems may creap up18:32
dishayuEl1 : although i'm not getting any prompts at startup18:32
n-iCeabsnt reboot18:32
tawtanyone notice that after the release there are about an average of 300-400 more people here at any given time?18:32
mut80rsake: maybe a bit of both18:32
ferbyboyis it me or is it taking forever to download stuff from the add/remove application????18:32
absntn-iCe: I just did lol18:32
tyroneDoes anyone know if there is an Avant-Window-Navigator version for the hardy or if they are compatible?18:32
jharkn!slow | ferbyboy18:32
ubotuferbyboy: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of the latest edition. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.18:32
hawodihello can anybody help with the upgrade pls?18:32
jbur1Lardarse: yes, people get frustrated when a stupid upgrade process ruins their time.18:32
tawtferbyboy, the servers are being hammered with updates18:32
KiraIs it safe to use do-release-upgrade through ssh on Gutsy Desktop? Or is this command really only meant for server editions of Ubuntu?18:32
LardarseSake: because many people are complaining that "the upgrade broke my computer"18:32
suweidferbyboy: It's you. Use a localer mirror.18:32
El1dishayu: altho this did not help for me, it might help for you: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=766515&highlight=nvidia+drivers+hardy&page=318:33
Arandhas anybody got wireless with ca-certificate working? for me its just asking for passphrase/code again and agian...18:33
Lardarsejbur1: stupid?18:33
ferbyboythanks guys18:33
mik3hi i'm vpn'd into the network at work, and i need to ssh into another node on the internal network but ssh isn't inheriting my tunnel when i try to ssh user@host, anyone mind helping me figure this out18:33
hawodican't upgrade using the cdrom. am trying to upgrade from feisty to gusty18:33
lesjohndid i read that it's possible to do a new install without wiping the my home directory?18:33
jbur1Lardarse: yes.  I've *never* had cdrom upgrades work for me with any release of Ubuntu.18:33
absntAny idea why I have 200 processes?18:33
skoop`thanks ubuntu is fucking garbage...bye18:33
mut80r... language.   ^o)18:34
El1wow how mature :P18:34
Arandis there a specific natworking-channel b the way?18:34
suweidYeah, but half his screen was broken.18:34
mik3he should take his computer back to wal-mart and apologize for wasting their time18:34
Lardarsejbur1: if you feel that way, then why do you keep trying?18:34
suweidI would be upset too.18:34
jbur1half my screen is broken.18:34
mut80rmik3: lol18:34
CorbinFoxAnd so skoop left the Ubuntu channel, and found a virus on his Windows installation, and thus cried like a wittle baby18:34
jbur1Lardarse: because I need to get back to work!18:34
LardarseArand: i don't think so... just !ask18:34
Dusk_i don't have system and home icons on my desktop...how can i get them??18:34
kilraewhat kind of rescue disk doesn't have fdisk?18:34
shadowviceinfo MITM18:34
eyyYoIs there an application that can forward streams automatically? Lets say I am broadcasting an internet radio. I want this application to read the broadcast stream and forward it out to a server that can read the stream i received.18:34
mut80rDusk_: Desktop or the top bar ?18:35
elementzguys, i got severe problems while compiling tp_smapi for my thinkpad notebook18:35
hawodineed help with upgrade pls.18:35
Dusk_mut80r: desktop18:35
elementzanybody in here who is willing to help me on the issue?18:35
n-iCehawodi use torrents18:35
absntAny idea why I have 200 processes?18:35
bulliumSteufeubeu: worked great :) thnx a bunch...now I can do some work18:35
suweideyyYo: that sounds like proxying, google proxy ubuntu or something. :)18:35
absntI just restarted18:35
tyroneabsnt, rejoin your session18:35
jbur1I don't have icons in the menu, themes aren't loading, compiz is borked, samba installation fails with a traceback, gnome-power-manager fails to start and configuration is hosed.  what is all this?18:35
jharknDusk_: drap& drop? :p18:35
mut80rDusk_: right click a blank space on the desktop and hit create launcher. in type select location18:35
absnttyrone: what?18:36
Lardarseelementz: can you paste the error somewhere? that way, someone who understands the problem may be able to help18:36
obnibolongoabsnt, 30551 pts/2 R+ 0:00 ps ax ;)18:36
elementzi tried asking around in the german channel already - nobody knew a solution to my prob18:36
drhoobaplz my friend i have agreat proplem18:36
shadowviceSo is there any graphical solution for changing the video driver of the live CD?18:36
suweidjburl - sounds like an upgrade gone right!18:36
rymCould anyone help me with Mythtv and/or refer me to a possible mythtv channel ?18:36
Lardarse(and they will likely ask you to do so anyway)18:36
hawodin-iCe, I have a gusty cd and when I pop it in and click on update, it tells me my sys is up to date!18:36
JDogHermanevery time I try to log into gnome with a vnc connection it crashes after i type the first letter, any ideas?18:36
jbur1suweid: yeah18:36
ferbyboymy media button on my keyboard doesnt work no more...damn but my mouse buttons to go back and forth due now on hardy...damn this sucks...one sacrfice for the other18:36
StevenXguys, what's the command for alsa again? does 8.04 use alsa as default?18:36
tyroneabsnt, press ctrl+alt+backspace18:36
elementzLardarse, done that - trying to do this: http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Tp_smapi#Installation_from_source18:36
hawodiAm running feisty fawn.18:36
XLVrym, #mythtv-users18:36
elementzand i get this: http://pastebin.com/d5a7b67f918:36
absntobnibolongo: is that normal?18:36
eyyYosuweid: Yeah, i have thought of that too. The thing is that this application is going to receive two signals of same type, but with different content. And it should be able to switch between these two without loosing connection to the server.18:37
Lardarseshadowvice: you mean apart from using the alt cd to install? i think there is, but you have to press F6 on the boot menu and type something in18:37
suweidjburl, just reinstall the whole shebang. And if that's not possible you can cry in a corner. That's what I usually do when my files get wasted anyway. :)18:37
jbur1I don't know whether I should pull my hair over installing this on my machine or stay calm and reconfigure all my applications.18:37
Dusk_jharkn: i can drag&drop computer but when i try to drag&drop home it starts copying file18:37
shadowviceLardarse: Thanks Ill play with that18:37
obnibolongoabsnt, I honestly don't know, but the last process I created was with id 30000, I honestly don't know how many concurrent processes I have after I boot18:37
mut80rsuweid: atleast advise them to make a disk image first18:37
suweideyyYo: Sounds pretty specific. Are you good with socket programming? =)18:37
ferbyboyyeah now u gotta add emerald --replace to sessions in order for emerald to work automatically when u reboot18:38
absntobnibolongo: yeah, after boot i have 218 and 1 running18:38
roffe__I was presented with 3 options when firefox wanted me to install a flash-player.. and I chose the one that blocks every flash unless you click on them... How can I remove it and install another?18:38
suweidmut80r: No, he's no newbie. I think he'll manage. :)18:38
Lardarseshadowvice: "playing" may be a bad idea... but i think that if you press F1 on the boot menu, it will show you the help that can explain thje options18:38
eyyYosuweid: Well.. I have done some simple applications, but not something this complex (I think it will be comlex).18:38
=== blue_ is now known as blue112
Lardarseand point you to a file on the CD to read18:38
El1Does anyone else here besides dishayu and me have problems with nvidia drivers in hardy?18:38
mut80rsuweid: ah my bad. just got back.18:38
blue112Hello everyone.18:38
obnibolongoabsnt, ok, I've 200 taks running currently and I've the system loaded up a few hours18:38
blue112Can someone help me with a sound issue ?18:38
eyyYosuweid: And I dont have much time, thats the biggest problem :)18:38
ferbyboyel1: what kinds of proplbme r u having18:38
ubotuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)18:38
mut80r!ask | Blue11218:38
ubotuBlue112: please see above18:38
elementzdid anybody look into my issue? dunno how to continue right now - there MUST be a solution to my problem...18:38
blue112Ok ^^18:39
MrPocketshey guys18:39
shadowviceLardarse:  Its a test system :D18:39
grimboyWhen I use lsof I get "WARNING: can't stat() fuse.gvfs-fuse-daemon file system /home/grimboy/.gvfs". I've searched on it and found nothing really. Anyone any idea why I'm getting it?18:39
whileimhereI am trying to use the update manager to update to the newest version are the server just overwhelmed?18:39
obnibolongoabsnt, I don't know then... Reboot and do top and see how many processes you have18:39
El1ferbyboy: we can't enable the nvidia drivers, altho they're installing perfectly ok18:39
obnibolongoabsnt, or have you done it already?18:39
bazhang!slow | whileimhere18:39
ubotuwhileimhere: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of the latest edition. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.18:39
jbur1I think people should come up with a strategy to tackle non-functional ubuntu upgrades.  keep your /home on a separate partition is a start.18:39
liamrharveyhello i have installed ubuntu 7.10 and i w18:39
ferbyboymines are enabled just fine i have compiz working18:39
suweideyyYo: Well, short of making a forum post and explaning your problem VERY WELL, I don't see any fast solution. Is this for tricking some service into thinking you are in a different country? There might be easier ways...18:39
absntobnibolongo: I just rebooted like 2mins ago, and thats how many it said when I got it up18:39
blue112When I put some flash sound on firefox (3b5), any other application can't play sound... There simply no output, and they freeze after few seconds...18:39
amazen720after install xserver-xgl, screen works as if no display driver is installed, like in windows. any help?18:39
rob_pgrimboy: did you run lsof as root or standard user?18:40
El1ferbyboy: apparently there are a lot of other people with the same problem too18:40
grimboyrob_p: Normal user18:40
ferbyboyel1: did u go to system>administration>hardware drivers????18:40
ferbyboythere u can enable nvidia driver18:40
rob_pgrimboy: try it as root18:40
ibleedblue112, have you tried installing libflashsupport ?  that worked for me18:40
andycaassHow to mount bin/cue images??????????18:40
blue112ibleed: No, I'm going to try, thanks.18:40
liamrharvey hello i have installed ubuntu 7.10 and i am having problems with my dell Wireless 1390 WLAN MiniCard and connecting to my wireless network18:40
obnibolongoabsnt, wait18:40
graingertdoes anyone else find that the repositories are down?18:40
roffe__ I was presented with 3 options when firefox wanted me to install a flash-player.. and I chose the one that blocks every flash unless you click on them... How can I remove it and install another?18:41
bazhangandycaass: tried with vlc?18:41
mut80r!slow | graingert18:41
ubotugraingert: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of the latest edition. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.18:41
NekoKunhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=766563 anyone to comment?18:41
blue112ibleed: I have to restart computer ?18:41
w8tahgraingert: not down -- just VERY slow18:41
jharkndusk_ right click, create launcher18:41
El1ferbyboy: that is the problem, can't enable it there, it's checked but it still says not in use, also tried envy and the binary drivers from nvidia18:41
spydonin which package is aclocal?18:41
ibleedblue112, i dont think so.  maybe just your browser18:41
grimboyrob_p: Tried just then. I get the same thing (which is weird because it said /home/grimboy and everything and I don't think root should be tied to the normal user's directory)18:41
andycaassbazhang: vlc? It's a data image18:41
eyyYosuweid: Nope, its exactly as i described it before :) I want a shoutcast server to switch between streams..18:41
=== Twigathy is now known as dirtypirate
graingertw8tah: bum18:41
ferbyboyel1:if theres no option go to add/remove program install nvidia driver...either new legacy or whatever depending on ur card and also nvidia-setting... with nvidia settings u can optimize ur refresh rate instead of using hte standard screen resolution from gnome18:41
eyyYosuweid: Ill sniff a little with wireshark or something, and see what i get :)18:41
blue112ibleed: Ok, as soon as my DL finish, i'll restart it ^^18:41
=== dirtypirate is now known as Twigathy
ScarEyeOkay, So I have Kbuntu 8.04 installed, I don't see anything with VNC VIEWER where should I be looking ?18:41
jharkndusk_ then enter "nautilus /home/jharkn/" in the command text box18:41
grimboyrob_p: I get it whatever I use lsof on. Weird, must have been something to do with the upgrade.18:41
bazhangandycaass: that would be a no then?18:42
ferbyboyoh damn18:42
ferbyboythats weird18:42
liamrharvey hello i have installed ubuntu 7.10 and i am having problems with my dell Wireless 1390 WLAN MiniCard and connecting to my wireless network18:42
jharkndusk_: but with you name of course18:42
graingertScarEye: use terminal vinagre18:42
andycaassbazhang: yes.18:42
ScarEyegraingert:  I am looking for vnc server18:42
ScarEyenot viewer18:42
chino_does someone know why my screen flickers when I use the "cube thingy" from compiz? I tried a lot of stuff but it wont go away:S18:42
mut80r!wirelesss | liamrharvey18:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wirelesss - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:42
amazen720after install xserver-xgl, screen works as if no display driver is installed, like in windows. any help?18:42
El1ferbyboy: did all that, and nvidia settings is not working since I'm not using the nvidia drivers atm since I can't enable them... am using vesa atm.18:42
graingertScarEye: ah18:42
mut80r!wireless | liamrharvey18:42
ubotuliamrharvey: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs18:42
amazen720after install xserver-xgl, screen works as if no display driver is installed, like in windows. any help?18:42
ferbyboyel1: did u try to reinstall ubuntu? and does compiz work?18:42
StevenXguys, how do I enable the gutsy backports in hardy heron?18:42
StevenXI am trying this command in a terminal: sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-generic18:43
bazhangStevenX: you dont want to do that18:43
rob_pgrimboy: Dunno what to tell ya then...  but I have gotten similar errors in the past while using lsof without the proper privs.18:43
mut80rStevenX: System -> Administration -> Software sources18:43
StevenXand it is not working18:43
whileimhereI think Ill wait for a fe weeks to do the upgrade18:43
biabiahardy ububtu..using the newer kernel with the upgrade my drives listed in my /etc/fstab wont mount, but they mount fine with the previous kernel.  In 'dmesg' it says the driver sd and sr need updating, but all I can find on google is bug reports.  cant find how to update the drivers18:43
obnibolongoabsnt, sudo ps aux > process_list.txt   then go to http://pastebin.com/ , paste it there, put a duration of one day and let me check for your processes name (meaning, give me the resulting link back)18:43
mehal88is this room for gutsy only still or is it both now?18:43
StevenXbazhang, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=73739118:43
liamrharveyubotu: i have checked out that link it doesent help18:43
trait<trait> can anybody tell, was this output of alsamixer means:18:43
trait<trait> ALSA lib simple_none.c:1741:(simple_add1) helem (MIXER,'Headphone Playback Switch',0,2,0) appears twice or more18:43
El1ferbyboy: compiz does not work, and reinstalling ubuntu would make me lose all settings etc and I rather try to just solve it.18:43
StevenXbazhang, I want to fix my sound, and that's the way I did it last time.18:43
bazhangmehal88: all flavors ;]18:43
absntobnibolongo: ok18:43
StevenXmut80r, I don't see the gutsy backports there in 8.04 anymore.18:43
graingertScarEye: apt-cache search vnc server /n pick one18:43
patholioi ran the upgrade last night and it worked a treat18:44
mehal88okay, i installed the beta last week, how do i get to the release now?18:44
andycaassI really want to upgrade my 8.04 Rc to final, how?18:44
El1ferbyboy: do you know anything else I could try or anyone else who can help me with this problem?18:44
amazen720after install xserver-xgl, screen works as if no display driver is installed, like in windows. any help?18:44
goukiAnyone have problems with synergy on 8.04?18:44
jharknmehal88: run update manager18:44
mut80rStevenX: try   sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list18:44
bazhangmehal88: just keep updating and you will be final; keep in mind the servers are sloooow now ;]18:44
El1amazen720: are you also using vesa driver atm and do you have an nvidia card?18:44
patholiogouki synergy2 works here ok18:44
absntobnibolongo: http://pastebin.com/d756d382f18:45
AaronMT!slow > mehal8818:45
ferbyboyel1: nah el1 i dont realy know man... does compiz work at least?18:45
Wirta-can I upgrade 8.07 to ubuntustudio somehow?18:45
Jack_SparrowStevenX, gutsy backports are for gutsy18:45
ferbyboymy bad u already answered but no i dont know man18:45
duaneb!slow | mehal8818:45
ubotumehal88: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of the latest edition. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.18:45
goukipatholio: there is a synergy2? :)18:45
jharknI'm pretty sure mine updated to final before it was released18:45
El1ferbyboy: nope, but I need gfx acceleration for games anyway so just compiz wouldn't do, thanks anyway for your help tho.18:45
amazen720El1: 01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon IGP 330M/340M/350M18:45
StevenXJack_Sparrow, so how can I fix my sound? That thread I linked to work last time.18:45
bazhangWirta-: just add the ubuntustudio repos and add stuff from there--going ubuntustudio-desktop will leave you without restricted drivers18:45
mehal88i dont mind using torrents, its just generally hard finding them on the site18:45
El1amazen720: ok, nevermind then, don't know anything about that18:45
mehal88i often get lost and end up with the normal downloads18:46
Jack_SparrowStevenX, you are not using gutsy.. so that link does not apply..  /join #Alsa18:46
bazhang!torrents | mehal8818:46
ubotumehal88: Hardy can be torrented from http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).18:46
mut80rmehal88: see the room topic.18:46
ferbyboyel1: i got some nvidia problems too..videos are too damn choppy i know in windows i dont have these problems18:46
digitalspaghettiHelp :/  I'm stuck in a bit of a catch22 situation here.  I have an uncompleted upgrade happening.  When I try upgrade, I get a message that it's a partial upgrade, and I click OK.  i thinks for a second and then tells me it cannot calculate the job.  If I try click the upgrade to 8.04 button again it gets stuck on the downloading the upgrade tool screen18:46
patholiogouki yeah http://synergy2.sourceforge.net/18:46
milly123ok, even since I upgraded to hardy my wireless insternet connection and signal have been terrible, I even have terrible lag just being connected to this irc server, is there something different about how it handles this that I can put back to how gutsy did it? I'm not even sure if you all are going to get this question because it is jumping up and down from 20 second lags or more18:46
jharknmehal88: system --> admin --> update manager18:46
El1ferbyboy: did you manage to enable restricted drivers then?18:46
jharknmehal88: then press check18:46
tyronehas anyone updated succesfully??18:46
orthodoci've this black screen whenever i start ubuntu18:46
andresmhi set my system as as well as autologin, and installed and set fluxbox as default, now  I don't know how to change it back to gnome... is there a config file i can edit?18:46
orthodoconly the panels and awn is visible18:46
fevelhow can I convert an avi video to mpg?18:47
orthodocwhat could be the problem?18:47
ScarEyegraingert:  Thanks for the tip brotha. I apprciate it !!!!18:47
jharknandresmh: you can set it to gnome on the login screen afaik18:47
ageI was wodnering if 8.04 is released on DVD?18:47
mut80rage: yes18:47
StevenXJack_Sparrow, thanks, i'll ask them what's up.18:47
ferbyboyyeah its enabled compiz works but videos are just choppy ...its like its no optimal and stuff the drivers u know...i know in this resolution in windows xp or even vista the refresh rate is fine no choppy ness18:47
bazhangage yes it is18:47
goukipatholio: apt-cache search synergy only gives me one 'synergy' service, so I guess were using the same one.18:47
lastelement0hey all i have a dell inspiron e1505 laptop and after upgrade my wireless card no longer works. i know i had a restricted driver. but how can i get it back?18:47
obnibolongoabsnt, AFAIK, nothing special there :)18:47
mehal88well if its better on the servers to use torrent over update manager, then i'll just go with that18:47
goukipatholio: Not a bit slow on the client computer?18:47
obnibolongoabsnt, I suppose it is normal18:47
ScartchnSniffI just booted the new ubuntu for the first time and apparently it's stuck at step 2 where you enter your time zone. I think it's partitioning but it's not showing anything and it's been at it for 4 hours now... is this normal?18:47
absntobnibolongo: Ok so I guess its normal, which is weird18:47
k5ehxthis upgrade is not going well18:47
obnibolongoabsnt, I'll paste mine for ya ;)18:48
obnibolongoabsnt, wait :)18:48
Lapinuxok, this is odd.  when i look at system monitor under the processes tab it only shows like 1% system usage, and my windows vm only shows about 4%, but yet if i look under the resources tab in system monitor it shows my cpu's all running anywhere from 5 to 50%18:48
pandora--k5ehx: as slow for you as it is for me?18:48
patholiogouki: nope seems fine to me18:48
pandora--soooo slooow18:48
Baby_Shambl3sdoes anyone have good scripts or links with scripts that work for transset-df running with xcompmgr?18:48
roffe__ I was presented with 3 options when firefox wanted me to install a flash-player.. and I chose the one that blocks every flash unless you click on them... How can I remove it and install another?18:48
ageWhere can I find it? I looked in the usual spots and couldn't find a link.18:48
andrilhello all18:48
mut80rlapinux: system monitor takes up some CPU refreshing the lists all the time18:48
rob_pk5ehx: ham?18:48
andrilanyone have a coplete sourcelist for Hardy yet?18:48
StevenXJack_Sparrow, seems like everyone in that chan is idle.18:48
milly123anyone else having crazy slow wireless connections after going to hardy?18:48
amazen720after install xserver-xgl, screen works as if no display driver is installed, like in windows. any help?18:48
bazhangage the torrent is the best option at this point18:48
andresmhjharkn: yeah, but since i set autologin it skips the login screen... but there must be a config file i can edit manually to set it back to use gnome, isn't it?18:48
k5ehxrob_p: yes18:48
Lapinuxmut80r: its a constant 5 to 50% between the 4 cpu's, they jump back and forth18:48
=== ScartchnSniff is now known as ScratchnSniff
amazen720after install xserver-xgl, screen works as if no display driver is installed, like in windows. any help?18:49
rob_pk5ehx: cool.  kk7av here18:49
Jack_SparrowStevenX, you will need to be patient18:49
k5ehxrob_p: fb om :-)18:49
ageAgreed, but I can't fidn the torrent for the DVD release of 8.04 final not the rc.18:49
ng01anyone running 8 core ?18:49
StevenXJack_Sparrow, ok.18:49
jharknandresmh: I would guess so but I don't know it myself, you could just temporarily disable autologin18:49
El1damn they actually have 8 cores now?!18:49
mut80rLapinux: go to the processes tab, click view -> all processes, and sort by CPU column.18:49
amazen720after install xserver-xgl, screen works as if no display driver is installed, like in windows. any help?18:49
ibleedamazen720, did you try sudo aptitude remove xserver-xgl ?  thats all i can think of18:49
graingertng01: 80 core is going public in a few years!18:49
andresmhjharkn: how do  disable autologin?18:49
ferbyboygraingert: how many years?18:50
andresmhremember i am not able to use gnome18:50
ng01ok.  i saw a couple benchmarks.  way out of my league.18:50
k5ehxI had to interrupt the upgrade yesterday, now I get an "Error authenticating some packages". Does this just meant the mirror I chose is hosed and I should wait, or am I just fscked?18:50
Jack_SparrowStevenX, WHile you are waiting do this..  Fixing sound.. download this: http://hg.alsa-project.org/alsa/raw-file/tip/alsa-info.sh  #and run the script as Normal User... with this command: bash ./alsa-info.sh  ... then go to http://en.pastebin.ca/906336 and answer those questions ..  then  /join #Alsa and provide them with your question and a link to the uploaded file.18:50
graingertferbyboy: 4-618:50
amazen720ibleed: I know I can remove it, but without it, no Desktop Effects18:50
jharknandresmh: system --> admin --> login18:50
jharknandresmh: on one of the tabs in there18:50
mut80rjharkn: he doesn't have access to GNOME.18:50
ScratchnSniffI just booted the new ubuntu for the first time and apparently it's stuck at step 2 where you enter your time zone. I think it's partitioning but it's not showing anything and it's been at it for 4 hours now... is this normal?18:50
cperrin88How can I configure a standard output for pulseaudio18:50
andresmhmut80r: exactly:)18:50
graingertamazen720: with it no desktop ;-)18:50
lastelement0hey all i have a dell inspiron e1505 laptop and after upgrade my wireless card no longer works. i know i had a restricted driver. but how can i get it back?18:51
jharknandresmh, mut80r: oh yeah, my bad :P18:51
El1Anyone here good with nvidia drivers? Seems there's a problem around which lots of people are having and not many have found a fix so far apparently...18:51
Parsec300Anybody else experiencing extrewmely large fonts in Firefox in 8.04?18:51
rob_pk5ehx: You can do, "sudo apt-get update" at the cmd prompt and then do, "sudo apt-get upgrade" and that may fix it.18:51
kilraei installed ubuntu to an lvm and I cannot boot into windows (but I can mount the ntfs partition) the windows partition is bootable and the grub config seems correct18:51
mehal88is there a way to install directly from the iso or do i have to burn it?18:51
=== tekgeeklt is now known as tekgeek
k5ehxrob_p: rather than dist-upgrade?18:51
mut80randresmh: you can use vi for CLI text editing. I don't know where the config file for autologin is though18:51
amazen720ubuntu 8.04 after install xserver-xgl, screen works as if no display driver is installed, like in windows. any help?18:51
ScratchnSniffmount the image?18:51
agewhere can i find a torrent 4 dvd 8.04?18:51
k5ehxrob_p: oh hey... it's doing something. Thanks.18:51
El1mehal88: you could try using a virtual image program like gmount18:51
mut80r!torrents | age18:51
ubotuage: Hardy can be torrented from http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).18:51
rob_pk5ehx: Are you dist-upgrading or just doing a regular update?18:52
lastelement0hey all i have a dell inspiron e1505 laptop and after upgrade my wireless card no longer works. i know i had a restricted driver. but how can i get it back?18:52
amazen720graingert: don't understand18:52
Lapinuxmuriel: still not showing whats using all the cpu18:52
k5ehxrob_p: I was dist-upgrading yesterday, but after 8 hours of package downloading it still hadn't finished. :-(18:52
mehal88do installs work from virtual(mounted) drives?18:52
cperrin88How can I set the standard soundcard for pulse audio output?18:53
ScratchnSniffI just did it myself18:53
Jack_Sparrow!install > mehal8818:53
graingertParsec300: I did just apt-get purge firefox, then install again; a backup would be a good idea18:53
AaronMTk5ehx: You might want to change your Software Sources nearest location next time.18:53
ScratchnSniffit does work although it hangs at step 2 when booting it apparently :P18:53
lastelement0hey all i have a dell inspiron e1505 laptop and after upgrade my wireless card no longer works. i know i had a restricted driver. but how can i get it back?18:53
rob_pk5ehx: I always considered doing the auto distro upgrade to be somewhat, "risky" so I just save my files and do fresh installs.18:53
graingertLapinux: sudo top18:53
AaronMTYou can ping the closest most responsive server and change your respositiories to download from the nearest server with the best ping.18:53
=== ashley_ is now known as Bleckm
harkinganyone know about the update manager freezing on clicking of the "Upgrade" button or a little further in18:53
k5ehxAaronMT: yeah, it doesn't seem to want to let me do that through the software sources app, may need to do it manually.18:53
k5ehxrob_p: yeah, seems like every other upgrade fails. :-(18:53
Parsec300harking, had the same thing18:53
noodlesgcharking exact same problem here18:53
obnibolongoabsnt, http://pastebin.com/d5d4a3f518:54
noodlesgchow do i fix it?18:54
* harking isn't alone in the boat18:54
El1mehal88: probably, as long as you don't have to reboot during the install process18:54
ibleedAaronMT, where can i see a list of servers to choose from ?/18:54
=== el_macnifico is now known as ensarman
noodlesgci tried both the network update and the cdrom upgrade18:54
sailaway85Need to address cd/dvd drive directly with vbox/mware ...18:54
Jack_Sparrowk5ehx, the servers are hammered at release time.. wait and try again later or find a better server18:54
amikropCan anyone explain this? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64403/18:54
absntobnibolongo: 206?18:54
harkingnoodlesgc: Parsec300 i'm going to look into my sources18:54
harkingerr, apt-sources18:54
AaronMTSoftware Sources, under System18:54
graingertthe repos really need to be distributed (p2p)18:54
obnibolongoabsnt, I suppose so :P18:54
Jack_Sparrowamikrop, please post a description of the problem and not just a link18:55
k5ehxwell, I've got a CD. May nuke and reinstall. Wanted to do some repartitioning anyway. :-)18:55
noodlesgcharking i have a fast server selected18:55
mut80rgraingert: yes, but there are drawbacks to that18:55
rob_pk5ehx: 'Course, the servers are probably a little busier than usual...18:55
jharknamikrop: there was no problem??18:55
StevenXguys, how do i run a .sh file?18:55
jharknamikrop: all it said was you had the latest version of csound and didn't need to update18:55
rob_pk5ehx: Anyway, good luck es 73 OM...18:55
mut80rStevenX: from the terminal18:55
dishayuany solution for the 640x480 resolution woe yet?18:55
ProN00bgutsy released yet ?18:55
rabiddachshundIs it possible to have dual monitors on ubuntu by using 2 different cards?18:55
AaronMTStevenX: ./file.sh18:55
k5ehxrob_p: tx 7318:56
Sakeif I install 7.10 server and I do apt-get dist-upgrade, will it upgrade me to 8.04?18:56
mut80rSake: yes18:56
StevenXmut80r, AaronMT, thanks18:56
AaronMTProN00b, you mean Hardy. Yes, as of yesterday.18:56
obnibolongomut80r, no....18:56
obnibolongomut80r, doesn't he need update-manager ?18:56
scizzo-Sake: not really.....it will do a upgrade for feisty at that part....18:56
ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy18:56
Lapinuxmut80r: Xorg is using 43 to 51% cpu, is that normal18:56
ProN00bAaronMT, will i have it if i installed RC before ?18:57
amikropjharkn: yes, but look what mixer said18:57
lastelement0hey all i have a dell inspiron e1505 laptop and after upgrade my wireless card no longer works. i know i had a restricted driver. but how can i get it back?18:57
milly123I am getting alot of "dhcdbd: message_handler: message handler not found under /com/redhat/dhcp/wlan0"   messages in my logs could this be part of my slow wireless problem? and if so how do I fix it?18:57
amikropit needs csound18:57
craig_has anyone tried to install vmserver before?18:57
mut80robnibolongo: I should think he does. my bad18:57
graingerthas anyone got colourful tabs working in firefox 3 beta ?18:57
scizzo-Sake: if you install a 7.10 server you need to tell it to do a upgrade to a new release with: do-release-upgrade18:57
Lapinuxmut80r: i dont think it is18:57
jbur1So does anybody have a gnome-panel that does not use the currently chosen theme?18:57
lastelement0hey all i have a dell inspiron e1505 laptop and after upgrade my wireless card no longer works. i know i had a restricted driver. but how can i get it back?18:57
obnibolongoSake, wait there for a minute18:57
mut80rLapinux: no it isn't. have you tried restarting the X server? (ctrl alt backspace)18:57
graingertjburl: yes I do18:57
consfearacywhat program to use the monitor system resources?18:57
jbur1graingert: have you fixed it?18:57
Lapinuxmut80r: no, but i will, brb18:57
[T]-Rexhow do i check what version of ubuntu that im using now?18:57
graingertjburl: never broken18:57
ProN00bmut80r, depends on your cpu, if its something like 200mhz you might see those numbers18:57
obnibolongoSake: I haven't experience with server version; either follow  scizzo-'s advice above or try update-manager --help18:57
Sakescizzo-: What does that mean "It will do an upgrade for feisty at that part..."? That i will have all the security updates for feisty, but won't be boosted up to hardy, right?18:58
Jack_Sparrow[T]-Rex, lsb_release -a18:58
consfearacywhat program to use to monitor system resources guys?18:58
suweidOk, the update managed to break only one thing - the refresh rate on my second monitor, which caused it to spaz out. What's the name of that nvidia tool for configuring monitor setup?18:58
ProN00bmut80r, hell, even if its sub 1ghz you might see things like that depending on how you torture x18:58
noodlesgcconsfearacy gnome-system-monitor18:58
jbur1graingert: my gnome installation is corrupt.  gnome-panel does not load the right theme and the fonts are so tiny I need a microscope to read the text18:58
obnibolongoconsfearacy, "top" ?18:58
consfearacyobnibolongo: any GUI?18:58
amikropCan anyone explain this? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64403/18:58
mut80rconsferacy: System -> Admin -> System Monitor18:58
obnibolongoconsfearacy, or if you use gnome/kde , they both have a program for that18:58
amikropMixer sais it lacks csound18:58
amikropbut csound is there18:59
scizzo-Sake: the apt-get command will look at the sources.list that is already in use....the do-release-upgrade will check for a new release....18:59
ditoaI just got my Dell Inspiron with Ubuntu :)18:59
Sakeobnibolongo: Well basically, I'm installing an ubuntu box iwth just vmware server on it. I heard 7.10 supports vmware better, so I want to install 7.10, then update it, but not go to 8.04. (I tried 8.04 and vmware doesn't work on it)18:59
CyberCodI need help!  I tried out the alternative flash plugin for Firefox and it doesn't work worth a crap!  How do I remove it?18:59
ditoaIs superb!18:59
orkidCould not connect to ca.archive.ubuntu.com:80 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)18:59
milly123does anyone know what "dhcdbd: message_handler: message handler not found under /com/redhat/dhcp/wlan0" over and over in the logs means?18:59
=== RedWar is now known as MrGnu
orkidis this normal?18:59
orkidare the server overloaded?18:59
graingertjbur1: create new user; does new user experince this?18:59
obnibolongoconsfearacy, wait18:59
mut80r!slow | orkid18:59
ubotuorkid: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of the latest edition. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.18:59
jbur1graingert: yes it does18:59
orkidmut80r: tx18:59
scizzo-Sake: if you do not want all packages from 8.04 then you will have to do it in other ways really18:59
roffe__ I was presented with 3 options when firefox wanted me to install a flash-player.. and I chose the one that blocks every flash unless you click on them... How can I remove it and install another?18:59
obnibolongoconsfearacy, gnome-system-monitor in gnome18:59
jharknamikrop: I don't know anything about csound, maybe try the manual? "man csound"18:59
obnibolongoconsfearacy, kde I don't know18:59
scizzo-Sake: do-release-upgrade will upgrade the whole server to hardy version19:00
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs19:00
CyberCodroffe__: I'm in the same boat as you19:00
compengii have a problem with my nvidia restricted drivers after installing hardy. the resolution went to 640x480 after the reboot and i couldn't change it. i tried running dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg but things when more messed up. i rolled back the xorg.conf file then tried to add the refreshing rates of my monitor and added displaying mode resolution, but this didn't help either. anyone that could help?19:00
lastelement0hey all i have a dell inspiron e1505 laptop and after upgrade my wireless card no longer works. i know i had a restricted driver. but how can i get it back?19:00
lastelement0hey all i have a dell inspiron e1505 laptop and after upgrade my wireless card no longer works. i know i had a restricted driver. but how can i get it back?19:00
gaarawhat is the best way to install apache 1.3 Using the Non-SSL Dynamic Shared Objects Installation Method   or Using the Non-SSL Traditional Installation Method    or Using the SSL Dynamic Shared Object Installation Method19:00
amikropjharkn: have you read what is happening?19:00
amikropjharkn: see the link19:00
Sakescizzo-: what does that mean? It changes the /etc/apt/sources.list to point to all the hardy servers and then does the apt-get update?19:00
jharknamikrop: yes I have19:00
Jack_Sparrow!repeat > lastelement0,19:00
gafatoahello guys ! Using gusty I was able to define a clone for my TV 1680x1050 + 1024x768 and switch from one to the other using xrandr. Now under hardy this method doesn't work anymore. Can anyone help me ?19:00
amikropjharkn: why mixer cannot be ran?19:00
scizzo-Sake: update, upgrade etc19:00
kilraecan anybody think of a reason why i would be able to mount my XP partition in ubuntu but not be able to boot it?19:00
obnibolongoSake, ok; don't know that case in particular. Anyway, an upgrade is possible, and one of the solutions presented to you should work; but personally I can't help you as I have no prior experience with server versions :/19:00
absntHow do I kill an application through the term?19:00
Karine_I am getting a problem that the file .dmrc doesn't have the right rights or something?19:00
izak_heronhow can i install a tar.gz theme on hardy?19:00
Karine_in 8.0419:00
scizzo-Sake: its a simple way to upgrade to hardy really19:01
jharknamikrop: looks like "mixer" is not the command you're looking for19:01
roffe__CyberCod: Let's hope someone helps us then :)19:01
graingertroffe__: apt-get install flashplayer-nonfree19:01
scizzo-Sake: I did it on my server and worked fine...19:01
Lapinuxmut80r: same thing19:01
ubotuHardy Heron is the codename for the current release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS) You can get it now from http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu but please use !torrents19:01
Sakescizzo-: Let's say I want to install ubuntu 6.06, but I want it updated with all security patches. How do you do that? You'd install 6.06 then do 'apt-get update' and then 'apt-get dist-upgrade' ?19:01
graingertroffe__ it will say you can't without removing a dependancy, say yes19:01
jajahuser29lastelement0 do you install restricted drivers?19:01
amikropjharkn: I want the simple sound options applet.19:01
harkingnoodlesgc: any luck yet?19:01
noodlesgcharking no, you?19:01
roffe__Couldn't find package flashplayer-nonfree19:01
izak_heronhow can i install a tar.gz theme on hardy?19:01
CyberCodgraingert: wouldn't  that be flashplugin-nonfree ?19:01
mut80rLapinux: doing anything impressivly kick-ass to X? like, I don't know, several graphs or moving graphics, etc19:01
ProN00bkilrae, bootloader decides what gets booted, so you need to config your bootloader to be able to boot it19:01
harkingnoodlesgc: not yet, checkin the forums19:01
=== blue112 is now known as bIue112
CyberCodgraingert: and how do you remove the other one?19:02
lastelement0jajahuser29, it installed my ATI card just fine, but for some reason my wireless card did not19:02
wellyHello all - question about Wubi for Ubuntu. Does it run ubuntu in a window like a virtualisation product or some other way?19:02
scizzo-Sake: you want to mix 6.06 and hardy packages? not a very good idea IMO19:02
jharknamikrop: alsamixer? though that's nothing to do with csound19:02
graingertroffe__ add all repos + restricted19:02
amikropjharkn: not, the GUI one19:02
simonft2add/remove programs freezes when I try to install stuff.19:02
harkingwelly: it can19:02
Jack_SparrowSake, you dont need dist-upgrade for the patches19:02
CyberCodwelly: I'm using a wubi install currently19:02
scizzo-Sake: since there are dependencies and so on that might cause more problems19:02
amikropjharkn: the common one19:02
harkingwelly: err, i missunderstood19:02
noodlesgcharking, im gonna try via command line, see if can get any good output19:02
harkingyou have to reboot to use it19:02
roffe__graingert: yeha, I have.. weird19:02
harkingnoodlesgc: good luck ;)19:02
wellyharking: ahh gotcha19:03
ubotuA quick FAQ on Memory Management: http://gentoo-wiki.com/FAQ_Linux_Memory_Management For Lubos Lunak's desktop memory usage comparison, see: http://ktown.kde.org/~seli/memory/desktop_benchmark.html19:03
CyberCodwelly:  it is not like a virtual machine19:03
ubotuWant to become an Ubuntu developer? Look at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/processes/newdev and the Wiki (http://wiki.ubuntu.com) for involvement in specific projects such as Kubuntu or Xubuntu.19:03
ratalini was wondering if there was a way to grap a pid (like doing a fg) ? (i was doing a dist-upgrade and the ssh session was killed, the process is still running and i dont want to kill it)19:03
Lapinuxmut80r: well, i was watching the moving graph in system monitor, i just switched to a different tab and it dropped off19:03
age!memory upgrade19:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about memory upgrade - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:03
jajahuser29lastelement0  : tellme about your wireless card19:03
SakeJack_Sparrow: what do you do for the patches then?19:03
graingertroffe__ ok tabcomplete flashplugin19:03
Sakedamn, it's so hard to follow anything on this channel... this is insane19:03
roffe__graingert: I do it from synaptic instead19:03
mut80rLapinux: the graph eats CPU  :P19:03
wellyCyberCod: ok no problems. i'll run it from vmware player then I think19:03
jharknamikrop: sorry I don't really know, if mixer is a part of csound then try "csound --help" or google19:03
simonft2add/remove programs freezes after I click apply19:03
ubotuOther !Linux distributions besides !Ubuntu include: Debian, Mepis (using !APT); RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva (using !RPM); Gentoo, Slackware (using other packaging systems)19:03
Jack_SparrowSake, keep current with the updates and you will be fine19:03
jharknamikrop: sorry I can't really help19:03
=== bIue112 is now known as blue112
Flannelratalin: ps aux | less, more specifically, ps aux | grep ssh19:03
lastelement0jajahuser29: im pretty sure that its an intel 3945? i know that its an intel not broadcom like most had   and i have a dell inspiron e1505 laptop19:03
ubotuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.19:03
SakeJack_Sparrow: How do i do that on a server (no gui)? apt-get upgrade?19:03
Lapinuxmut80r: im stunned that it was that much though19:04
CyberCodwelly, it will run better installed via wubi... and you can remove it if you want to later19:04
scizzo-Sake: have you looked at the upgrade suggestions on the website?19:04
kaminixWill someone please tell me this Hardy release is some kind of joke?`It's horrible! My network card no longer works out of the box, and now that I'm in my base system trying to reinstall everything, my work is being post-poned by the computer locking up EVERY time it's supposed to give a system beep (like each time I tab or press the damn left arrow key). Anyone has any idea as to how I can...19:04
kaminix...atleast fix the looking up prob and I'll be fine!19:04
izak_heronhow can i add a theme to my themes folder in ubuntu?19:04
ratalinFlannel: thanks but that shows the process i want to put it in the fg so i can use it19:04
mut80rLapinux: depends on hwo big the graph is. I know it eats half of mine when I maximize the window19:04
CyberCodgraingert: I installed the flashplugin-nonfree... how do I get firefox to use it instead of the other one?19:04
wellyCyberCod: i would do but i need to access windows fairly regularly throughout the day (unfortunately) and so rebooting every 1/2 hour or so might become a bit of a pain19:04
Flannelratalin: You can't19:04
Jack_Sparrowkaminix, please tone it down...19:04
evandwelly: it is *not* emulation or virtualization.19:04
amikropjharkn: I want the common one. That what exists in every new installation.19:04
simonft2add/remove apps freazes19:04
ratalinFlannel: thanks :) damn19:04
Sakescizzo-: you don't understand what I'm trying to do. What I'm doing is installing an older version of ubuntu from scratch, but making sure that it is updated, without jumping to a new version.19:04
jajahuser29lastelement0  : type in terminal :lspci and the copy to pastebin page19:05
Jack_Sparrowsake yes19:05
Flannelratalin: and actually, it'll kill itself in a bit when it times out.  You should look into GNU screen19:05
Sakeso in a nutshell, what's the difference between dist-upgrade and upgrade?19:05
FlannelJack_Sparrow: You do need dist-upgrade for updates19:05
graingertCyberCod go to synaptics and search flash, remove (+purge) the one you don't need19:05
jharknamikrop: alsamixer is common, try running it,see if it's what you're looking for19:05
FlannelSake: one pulls in new dependencies, the other wont (new dependencies include new kernels)19:05
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes19:05
noodlesgcharking try this sudo do-release-upgrade it seems to be working19:05
harkingnoodlesgc: it just started working again19:05
CyberCodgraingert:   i = stupid today... I shoulda thought of that19:06
Lapinuxmut80r: check it out http://howtolinux.us/screenshots/Screenshot.png19:06
harkingnoodlesgc: doh, nevermind, locked again19:06
simonft2when I type sudo apt-get install then the program, it says unable to resolve host19:06
agety all. bye19:06
milly123I am getting alot of "dhcdbd: message_handler: message handler not found under /com/redhat/dhcp/wlan0"   messages in my logs could this be part of my slow wireless problem? and if so how do I fix it? please19:06
harkingdo-release-upgrdae eh?19:06
FlannelSake: since linux-image-* depends on linux-image-[version]-* and the version numbers change, its a new depends, you need dist-upgrade to bring it in19:06
* harking tries it19:06
Jack_SparrowFlannel, Odd, I had never head that19:06
lastelement0jajahuser29: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64405/19:06
graingertCyberCod: lolbike19:06
mut80rLapinux: all I can say is ouch  ;)19:06
noodlesgcharking i get error : could not calculate the upgrade.19:06
FlannelJack_Sparrow: its the only way to get new kernels.. most other packages won't need it, since their package names wont change, but most people consider kernels to be security updates ;)19:06
Jack_Sparrow!slow > simonft219:07
kaminixJack_Sparrow: Tone it down? All changes I've seen since installing the RC have been for the worse, and I've been an Ubuntu user since Hoary. Anyway, I'm looking for ideas as to how I can fix so that it won't lock up at pretty much random so I can install my system in peace19:07
[T]-Rexif i want to upgrade my 7.10 to 8.04, do i get alternate or desktop cd ?19:07
izak_heronhow do i change folder options so that i can copy stuff into it?19:07
graingertCyberCod: purge is required so firefox does not look for the plugin19:07
jbur1graingert: so how do I fix the gnome-panel?19:07
Lapinuxmut80r: i saw that graph and was like, what the heck, and the processes tab wasnt matching up19:07
Flannel[T]-Rex: Alternate CD19:07
amazen720no help huh?19:07
CyberCodgraingert: same as "complete removal" right?19:07
izak_heronhow do i change folder options so that i can copy stuff into it?19:07
graingertjbur1: I don't know, I think a reinstall of gnome right19:07
absntAnyone elses apt-get take FOREVER to connect to the ubuntu archive?19:07
Jack_Sparrowkaminix, you can ask a question without the tone and get better results.19:07
Lapinuxmut80r: thanks for the help19:07
CyberCodAll is working well19:07
Flannelabsnt: Everyone is trying to download lots of stuff right now, yes the mirrors are slow19:07
CorbinFoxabsnt: perhaps it is being flooded by the upgrades? no clue if that is it tho19:07
mut80rLapinux: no problem19:07
graingertCyberCod: yeah apt and synaptics use different words ---> bug!19:08
venikmy upgrade crashed-- how can I revive ADEPT?  It now says that it cannot commit19:08
absntFlannel: Thats what I figured, =/ oh well19:08
kesiHi guys, I'm having a hard time implementing nocat splash on dd-wrt v24 Rc-7.   Just get a 404 error after hitting continue button. Here's the splash (http://beehivebuzz.com/splash.html) and a screenie of the settings (http://beehivebuzz.com/Screenshot.png) can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?19:08
john__anyone know how to fix sigsergv error on k9copy driving me mental19:08
venikI cannot even install from the live cd19:08
CyberCodgraingert:   not really a bug... synonyms... it happens19:08
compengii have a problem with my nvidia restricted drivers after installing hardy. the resolution went to 640x480 after the reboot and i couldn't change it. i tried running dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg but things went more messed up. i rolled back the xorg.conf file then tried to add the refreshing rates of my monitor and added displaying mode resolution, but this didn't help either. anyone that could help?19:08
roffe__graingert: Thanks a lot, I got it running now... I wasn't really unhappy with the way it operated, but some things didn't even work at all!19:08
jajahuser29lastelement0  : the card is in your sistem ,do you have encription key?19:09
graingertroffe__ : cool19:09
v0lksmancompengi: install envyng-core and envyng-gtk and have it install the drivers for you ....you'll be rock solid19:09
lastelement0jajahuser29: no i do not19:09
josh04compengi: Are you sure the driver is working?19:09
calamariI have a friend who just installed 8.04 from within windows (I guess that's a new feature?  I always used the alternatives cd).. anyways, he says that the window boot menu shows up and he has to press esc to get to the grub boot menu.. what's up with that?19:09
graingertroffer__: what was the other flash you had it sounds cool19:09
izak_heronhow do i change folder options so that i can copy stuff into it?19:09
=== dudus_ is now known as dudus
amazen720no know one knows how this fix this huh?19:09
MrBillAre the repos still being slammed by people doing upgrades, or have things settled down yet? I'd like to upgrade my system, but don't wanna do it if the downloads are still going to be really slow19:09
compengijosh04, any ideas on how to test?19:10
mut80rizak_heron:  sudo chown /folder/19:10
mut80r!chown | izak_heron19:10
jbur1I am *SO* glad I didn't upgrade all my machines especially my work machine.19:10
ubotuizak_heron: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal19:10
jajahuser29lastelement0  : is the card enable in the network manager ?19:10
=== tyczek_ is now known as Tyczek
josh04compengi: do what v0lksman said, it'll probably fix your problem19:10
* liamrharvey slaps FloodBot2 with a big red brick19:10
roffe__graingert: Can't remember, gonna check :)19:10
mut80rliamrharvey: lmao19:10
lastelement0jajahuser29: actually i guess it is working....just the light isnt on...19:10
amazen720ubuntu 8.04 after install xserver-xgl, screen works as if no display driver is installed, like in windows. any help?19:11
* liamrharvey says whos got a problem19:11
graingertroffe__ roflemao19:11
scizzo-amazen720: nvidia?19:11
giggseyJust installed Hardy, and when I login, it gives a blank grey box in the top left of the screen, and hangs for 5 minutes. Then it'll sign in, saying that the gnome settings daemon didn't start, and then a minute later the logon sound plays. Any ideas?19:11
ubotuping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore19:11
Sakewhat happened to automatix?19:11
Jack_SparrowSake, We buried it.. with a stake in its heart19:12
FlannelSake: it's dead, besides unneccesary19:12
jbur1graingert: the funniest part is that even after mounting the original installation disc back ubuntu package management can't detect it and keeps prompting me for the disc again19:12
mut80rSake: automatix broke thousands of machines. it was ... discontinued19:12
amazen720scizzo: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon IGP 330M/340M/350M19:12
scizzo-amazen720: fglrx?19:12
graingertjbur1: compleate re-install sorry19:12
roffe__graingert: I'm fairly sure this was the flash decoder - "libswfdec-0.6-90"19:12
andycaass#/j ubuntu-release-party19:12
* liamrharvey slaps _rp with a rainbow trout19:12
Fa#/j ubuntu-release-party19:12
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots19:12
jharkn# before chan name19:12
* Pelo needs someone with a cleanly installed 8.04 to test a theme issue 19:13
andycaassI wasnt looking at the screen19:13
jbur1graingert: I've got so much stuff configured on this machine.  what would a reinstall get me?  will the next release also fail to upgrade like every past release?19:13
amazen720scizzo: how do  find that out?19:13
necro606hi i am haveing problems viewing video's on firefox i don't know if i have the correct addons to run them. When i get on youtube to test the addons fire fox freezes up and i can't do any thing, while the video is verry choppy19:13
mut80rPelo: what kind of issue ?19:13
calamariI have a friend who just installed 8.04 from within windows (I guess that's a new feature?  I always used the alternatives cd).. anyways, he says that the Windows boot menu shows up first and he has to press esc to get to the grub boot menu.. what's up with that?  I told him to run grub-install /dev/hda.. hopefully that fixes it?  any ideas?19:13
nickrobercan someone help me, i get error DNS failure: NXDOMAIN when trying to use vnc viewer in hardy19:13
SakeI heard that automatix made installation of software super easy. Isn't it just easier to add the extended repositories and use apt-get?19:13
Pelomut80r, I small mod where the titlebar buttons aren'T the correct color19:13
calamariSake: yes that's easier19:13
Pelomut80r, are you volunteering ?19:13
ubotuAutomatix is no longer developed or supported by its creators and is not recommended, supported or needed by Ubuntu. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe »19:13
scizzo-amazen720: well I believe that when using xserver-xgl you will need to use the fglrx driver or something simular19:13
erUSUL!wubi | calamari19:13
ubotucalamari: wubi is Wubi advice here: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=234  and  http://wubi-installer.org  [file wubi bugs here:  https://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug ] (it is included in hardy 8.04 beta CD and will be in the final release)19:13
jpruskin'lo all- quick question: can I install lilo from the live CD?19:14
mut80rPelo: I am.19:14
Jack_SparrowSake, The project was abandoned as it broke as many systems as it fixed19:14
ChaosTheory^My apt-get isn't working?19:14
jajahuser29lastelement0  : do you make clean install or upgrade to hardy ?19:14
ChaosTheory^Nothing is able to update? Can't install new things?19:14
Jack_Sparrow!slow > ChaosTheory^19:14
lastelement0jajahuser29: i upgraded19:14
jharkn!slow | ChaosTheory^19:14
ubotuChaosTheory^: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of the latest edition. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.19:14
void^calamari: sounds like "hiddenmenu" in menu.lst (but i really have no idea how wubi does things.)19:14
Matafakai really messed up my vsftpd, can anyone please help me out?19:14
ChaosTheory^Oh, okay.19:14
Pelomut80r, ok set the default human theme from the appearance menu and then download this  window border   http://art.gnome.org/themes/metacity/104319:14
amazen720scizzo-: how do I get it?19:14
m3ltd0wn123When I try to connect to my newly installed proftpd server, it says "connection closed by host" even when I try to connect from local machine19:14
thingfish1calamari, the way he did it, ubuntu didn't modify the mbr.  what you're telling him to do will19:15
jajahuser29lastelement0  : some times is not working fine upgrades19:15
graingertjbur1: possibly, you could remove your .gnome files in home, but if a new user fails to work correctly then it can't be that19:15
nickrobercan someone help me, i get error DNS failure: NXDOMAIN when trying to use vnc viewer in hardy19:15
amazen720scizzo-: or check if I have it installed?19:15
calamarithingfish1: excellent.. thanks :)19:15
scizzo-amazen720: I am guessing you want good performance with compiz.....from what I can see is that fglrx alone is better then xserver-xgl19:15
graingerthow do I get samba to see the names of windows macines?19:15
noodlesgcharking any news? is it working?19:15
spatryHi guys.19:15
mut80rPelo: it is not installing.19:15
scizzo-amazen720: it is a restricted driver I believe......19:15
Pelomut80r, just drag drop the tar.gz on the apperance manager windows,  it will install,  then selecting the human them,  just click on customise , window border tab,   select  clearlooks-pinstripe19:15
simonft2!s time19:15
ubotus time is correct19:15
jbur1my code repositories are hosted on this particular machine (not that I have them backed up) but now I'll have to set all of it up again.19:16
mut80rPelo: nevermind. alphabetical order19:16
necro606can anyone help w/ the video problem i am having in firefox19:16
karine__Just after i enter my username and password i get an error that the user rights of the .dmrc arn't in order, it says it should be 644, owned by me and only writable by me... I think it is now what? I am new to 8.04 didn't expect this19:16
mut80rPelo: theme installed19:16
spatryHow can we have ubuntu live cd use a persistent home directory?  I've tried naming usb key "casper-rw" and booting with "persistent" kernel option.. no luck.19:16
spatryany sugestion?19:16
* jbur1 doesn't trust the ubuntu upgrade process any longer.19:16
jajahuser29lastelement0  : in my pc i have /home partition and every time i make clean install19:16
* bintrue|work agrees19:16
Pelomut80r, I just need to know if the close minimised buttons on the active windows title bar are black or white ?19:16
noodlesgcis anyone else having problems getting to ubuntuforums.org19:16
sdfliuayw47gnoodlesgc: yep, its really slow19:17
xphisherxdoes anyone have anything to say about hardy?  i haven't updated .. i'm too scared to do it.. :(19:17
* jharkn doesn't trust jbur1 any longer19:17
calamarijbur1: I've never used it.. I am a rebel I guess.. I just change my repositiories and upgrade.. they say don't do that.. but it works for me :)19:17
simonft2works fine for me19:17
graingertanyone know howto settup samba to see wins clients19:17
Flannelkarine__: alt-f2 then enter this: chmod 644 ~/.dmrc19:17
mut80rPelo: they are blue background with white foreground19:17
Baby_Shambl3sis ubuntuforums.org down or is it something with my system?19:17
jbur1jharkn: it doesn't matter.  I didn't expect it to bring down my machine instead of upgrading it.19:17
Pelomut80r, from thte control tab select the human theme19:17
nickroberforums are down for me19:17
jbur1all my work got delayed19:17
simonft2Baby_Shambl3s: its down for some reason19:17
lesjohncan i install hardy without erasing my home directory?19:17
graingertBaby_Shambl3s: no just slow19:17
mut80rPelo: done19:17
scizzo-amazen720: I have never installed it myself....maybe a package called xserver-fglrx or something like that?19:18
graingertlesjohn: yes19:18
andycaasswhy doesnt my 8.04 rc offer upgrade??19:18
calamarijbur1: maybe the reason it works ok for me tho is because I've removed all the ubuntu meta packages19:18
scizzo-amazen720: but I am not sure19:18
simonft2lesjohn: fro scratch, or from a previous version19:18
Pelomut80r, you should get a dark orange  title bar , whit txt and buttons, on active , black txt and buttons on inactive19:18
jharknjbur1: yeah, sorry, it sucks I just havn't had to upgrade yet, that joy is ahead of me19:18
graingertlesjohn: if you want to19:18
scizzo-andycaass: cause there are no changes?19:18
Baby_Shambl3sgraingert: thanx i was wondeirng if my system was going haywire i guess i'll try later19:18
anteayai just downloaded a tar.gz package entitled ruby defaults.  Two questions, where is the best place to unpack it, and do i have to do ./configure then make and then make install?19:18
mut80rPelo: yes19:18
jharknjbur1: I only started with hardy beta19:18
* calamari is still back at Feisty.. lol19:18
gustavo_new version effect19:18
andycaassscizzo-: ?19:18
nickroberdoes anyone know what DNS failure: NXDOMAIN is in regards to the hardy vnc viewer?19:18
jbur1I'm switching that machine to debian19:18
scizzo-andycaass: there are no change from RC -> official release19:18
giggseyJust installed Hardy, and when I login, it gives a blank grey box in the top left of the screen, and hangs for 5 minutes. Then it'll sign in, saying that the gnome settings daemon didn't start, and then a minute later the logon sound plays. Any ideas?19:18
Pelomut80r, can you dcc me your /usr/share/themes/human/gtk gtkrc file ?19:18
pandora--is there any possible way to upgrade 8.04 through some mirror?  40kb/s is gonna take a while :(19:19
bintrue|workwhy oh why would ubuntu LTS include beta version of Firefox?!19:19
sdfliuayw47gandycass: if you installed from the RC you're already at the latest build19:19
andycaassscizzo-: ok....19:19
harkingnoodlesgc: i'm trying the command line19:19
wuxiaI have a bunch of iptables rules that I want loaded up with iptables-restore whenever my computer boots up. What's the 'ubuntu way' to make this happen?19:19
ubotuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://nl.releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Hardy, and help keeping the servers' load low!19:19
karine__Flannel: didn't work19:19
mingeranyone know hot to fix sigserv error in k9copy19:19
graingertbintrue: it was meant to be out of beta on the hardy release dare19:19
harkingnoodlesgc: calculated changes just fine19:19
harkingfetching packagese19:19
noodlesgcharking :( no fair19:19
basvghmm... when I start the update manager to upgrade to 8.04 it just shows a grey screen and sits there.... waiting for smoething it seems. Is that normal?19:20
mut80rPelo: incoming19:20
Pelomut80r, yes thank you19:20
scizzo-basvg: overloaded repos...19:20
simonft2basvg: yes, happened to me, use a torrent19:20
ubotuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD19:20
Genscherhey :)19:20
techknowcan someone help me with my logitech usb headset in hardy? the sound test work in the control panel but all the programs are using the speakers, even though I have set the default sound device to USB19:20
basvghmmm, might be better to wait a fe days then :p19:20
jbur1yes, please wait for a few days19:20
Genscheranyone knows the maximum colors for usplash 0.5.x (hardy)?19:20
giggseyIs there another audio program instead of audiopulse. I think it's crashing on boot for me :(19:20
* Pelo wonders why mut80r 'S dcc is not transferning19:20
Genscheris it 256?19:20
bleakedwhat is the preferred way of launching emerald for hardy?19:21
karine__Flannel: can it be the above folder it says "drwxrwxrwx 43 karine karine 4096 2008-04-25 20:12 /home/karine/"19:21
* mut80r wonders the same. hold on. I have a webserver to upload it to.19:21
anteayai just downloaded a tar.gz package entitled ruby defaults.  Two questions, where is the best place to unpack it, and do i have to do ./configure then make and then make install?19:21
lesjohnsimonft2: i tried to do an upgrade to hardy, but it crashed in the middle (though most things still run).  i think i'll just do a new install, but i'd like to not touch home19:21
TpopAny advice for Hardy and a verizon wireless (sierrawireless) 595U?19:21
prey_aloneI'm thinking about updating to 8.04, but I'm not sure how well the new version supports MacBooks. Any Mac users out there?19:21
Pelomut80r, thanks19:21
Baby_Shambl3sdoes anyone here also use xcompmgr & or transset/transset-df? if so how did you get transparency all all menus automatically?19:21
compengijosh04, envyng is working now, but i can see that he is preparing to get the nvidia drivers from the nvidia source19:21
basvgthanks all... take care19:21
noodlesgci may just have to do a clean install19:21
simonft2lesjohn: same thing happed to me, I just resumed and it was fine19:22
andrilcan Bind be configured remotely?19:22
instantsoupcan anyone help a newb :)? i just installed Ubuntu 8.04 on a second partition on my laptop and now i can't boot into windows anymore :(19:22
jpruskinCan I install LILO on my partition (not my MBR) from the 8.04 LiveCD?19:22
prey_aloneandril: through an SSH console19:22
Fainstantsoup use GAG it is very easy to use19:22
dp72Where can i change de mail notification sound in Evolution?19:22
lesjohnsimonft2: how do you resume? it doesn't show up in update manager for me19:22
jpruskininstantsoup: You've put your ubuntu partition as the bootable. Use the partition manager to edit the flags. \=19:22
prey_aloneinstantsoup: can you use the GRUB menu at boot to choose windows?19:22
simonft2lesjohn: it will detect the partial upgrade, just click on upgrade again, and It should come back19:22
Darknezzi got another n00bie question. i got xmms2 and downloaded it. apt-get instal xmms2. now how do i run it?19:22
* bintrue|work regrets upgrading19:23
andrilprey_alone: is it some what easy?19:23
jsgthe wiki for ubuntu is screwed up, i just created an account and it hangs19:23
dbristowaha, google search shows that I'm not the only person whose MD5SUM of wubi.exe doesn't match19:23
simonft2lesjohn: try the torrent and mounting the cd19:23
mut80rPelo:  http://mut80r.com/gtkrc19:23
* jbur1 throws a beer at bintrue|work19:23
techknowanyone able to help with the audio?19:23
Pelomut80r, thanks19:23
instantsoupurr when the screen comes where i have to press escape i can chose 3 different ubuntus but no windows19:23
NeT_DeMoN!adio | techknow19:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about adio - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:23
mut80rPelo: no problem19:23
prey_aloneandril: I dunno. My web host did a lot of bind configuration for me, so I don't think my BIND settings actually do anything. But SSH is how you do everything remotely.19:23
* jbur1 regrets upgrading as well @ bintrue|work19:23
NeT_DeMoNaudio | techknow19:23
Genscherusplash max colors = 256?19:23
NeT_DeMoNcrap >.<19:23
prey_alone***jbur1: oh no!19:24
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP319:24
lesjohnsimonft2: thanks, i'll give it a shot.  the iso is downloading now.  i'm using the powerpc port, but hopefully it will have the option19:24
mut80rNeT_DeMoN: lol19:24
CyberCodwhats the procedure for installing java?19:24
bintrue|workeven flash is a pain to install again19:24
noodlesgcDarknezz it should be in you "Sound and Video" menu19:24
ttt--hi, what does 8.04 LTS mean?19:24
ttt--the LTS part19:24
NeT_DeMoNeh, he got the point19:24
simonft2lesjohn: im on a powerbook G4, and it worked for me19:24
Baby_Shambl3sI'm guessing everyone uses compiz/beryl and others don't use anything at all o_0? Geez need to create a tutorial for those that can't use compiz maybe that way I'll get my hand on some good scripts :/19:24
giggseyLong Term Support19:24
SimplePlanalright so ... is there a software to make a partition?19:24
Darknezzi will look19:24
giggseySimplePlan, gparted19:24
ttt--cool, thanks19:24
noodlesgcttt-- long term supprt19:24
Darknezzi dont see it19:24
clericis there a unbutu x86_64 specific channel?19:24
SimplePlanalright so ... is there a software to make a partition for PC?19:25
NeT_DeMoNSimplePlan: a Ubuntu Live CD does a partition for you :)19:25
noodlesgcDarknezz you could try just typing xmms19:25
SimplePlanNeT_DeMoN but how bout all the stuff i have saved?19:25
Darknezzalright i will try it19:25
Pelolater folks19:25
compengiSimplePlan, gparted?19:25
inimesekenehello, ubuntu gutsy, amarok no longer plays mp3's, it gives the dialong that offers to install mp3 support, then nothing happens, i checked, the playback engine is set to xine and ffmpeg-xine is installed19:25
mut80rPelo: cya19:25
CyberCodanyone?     Java in hardy?19:25
NeT_DeMoNSimplePlan: it will stay the same19:25
instantsoupso what do i do now to get my windows to boot?19:26
NeT_DeMoNSimplePlan: i did it on my laptop with vista and it works perfectly19:26
SimplePlani have XP19:26
SimplePlanno problem if its XP?19:26
anteayai just downloaded a tar.gz package entitled ruby defaults.  Two questions, where is the best place to unpack it, and do i have to do ./configure then make and then make install?19:26
Darknezznope i need the source for it.19:26
NeT_DeMoNSimplePlan: its the same :)19:26
splobyI'm having a erro on Ati Catalyst Control that says: "No ati graphics driver is installed"19:26
efrancolaportei just dnlded Hary Heron and package sources are extreeeeeeeemely slow, any way to use alternate sources for faster downloads19:26
clericSo for some reason my new hardy install ... firefox just stopped working ... i haven't done any updates ... i removed .mozilla ... this is x86_6419:26
giggseyJust installed Hardy, and when I login, it gives a blank grey box in the top left of the screen, and hangs for 5 minutes. Then it'll sign in, saying that the gnome settings daemon didn't start, and then a minute later the logon sound plays. Any ideas?19:26
karine__Flannel: i changed the home folder rights to 755 now it's fine19:26
graingertSimplePlan: it's a legacy os19:26
SimplePlanNeT_DeMoN so how much shud i partition each to ? like what shud b the sizes19:26
noushi all, i've got a problem configuring my screen resolution on hardy19:26
karine__Flannel: thanks for the tip19:26
efrancolaportealso, any way to make automatix work for Ubuntu 8.0419:26
rodrigophi, i have ati x600 in ubuntu 7.10 and configured dual-hea using y-cable.. ok, left monitor do not present gnome, cursor X and black screen.19:27
m3ltd0wn123When I try to connect to my newly installed proftpd server, it says "connection closed by host" even when I try to connect from local machine19:27
simonft2SimplePlan: it's all automatic19:27
SimplePlani have a 50 GB HD19:27
b33rHello, why I can't find my beloved xmms in hardy? :019:27
fysaWhere can I find apt mirrors?19:27
simonft2SimplePlan: unless you want a dual boot19:27
CyberCodSimplePlan  is it all blank?19:27
gafatoahello, does the clone mode (monitor/tv) work under hardy ?19:27
SimplePlani have windows on it19:27
NeT_DeMoNSimplePlan: i split mine perfectly in half but make sure you clear your cookies and defragment before you partition19:27
noodlesgcefrancolaporte the only solution is probably to wait a few days19:27
SimplePlanand lotsa files19:27
boyi have x64 hardy, and it's perfect :)19:27
splobyanyone knows how to work?19:28
graingertgafotoa: yes19:28
jbur1boy: it's far from it19:28
NeT_DeMoNSimplePlan: as i said, just clear your cookies and defragment19:28
simonft2sploby: nope, no job19:28
mut80rsploby: be specific please.19:28
NeT_DeMoNSimplePlan: you will have plenty of room19:28
=== b33r is now known as b33r-
CyberCodSimplePlan: how much free space is on it?19:28
graingertb33r: you need xmms2 and a front end19:28
SimplePlanok once i get ubuntu ... can i transfer all my files to the ubantu parition ... and then get rid of XP and then merge the two drives?19:28
=== duaneb is now known as LordJesus
NeT_DeMoNSimplePlan: unless your hardrive completely full :S19:28
sploby erro on Ati Catalyst Control that says: "No ati graphics driver is installed"19:28
gafatoagraingert, it worked well for me under gusty and i can't make it work under hardy.19:28
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)19:29
simonft2SimplePlan: no back it up somewhere19:29
SimplePlani have about 10 GIG free19:29
b33r-compengi <319:29
b33r-why you are not on msn? :O19:29
SimplePlanbut im willin to get rid of some stuff19:29
CyberCodSimplePlan: check IM19:29
gafatoagraingert, my tv and my monitor have different resolutions.19:29
NeT_DeMoNSimplePlan: if your going to do that, back it up on the internet or something like an external hard drive and just flash the entire harddrive19:29
compengib33r-, la2annou ma3ma3a 2awiyeh.. il vga manna shighaleh 3indi. fishi ghalat :S19:30
liamrharveyif people need help come to my channel by typing /join ubuntuhelpliam19:30
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines19:30
liamrharvey if people need help come to my channel by typing /join ubuntuhelpliam19:30
liamrharvey[19:30] * helix (n=helix@bb121-7-169-250.singnet.com.sg) has joined #ubuntu19:30
liamrharvey if people need help come to my channel by typing /join ubuntuhelpliam19:30
liamrharvey[19:30] * helix (n=helix@bb121-7-169-250.singnet.com.sg) has joined #ubuntu19:30
splobymut80r:  erro on Ati Catalyst Control that says: "No ati graphics driver is installed"19:30
FloodBot2liamrharvey: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:30
SimplePlanNeT_DeMoN yea thats wat im doin at the moment ... but its takin forever ... cuz im like makin everything important to rar and then sendin to my other comp19:30
=== Seeker`_ is now known as Seeker`
mut80rSomeone help sploby with his ATi card please. I have no experience with ATi.19:30
liamrharveywhats with floodbot219:30
gafatoagraingert, thanks for your answer and bye19:30
efrancolaportei just dnlded Hary Heron and package sources are extreeeeeeeemely slow, any way to use alternate sources for faster downloads19:31
SimplePlanand no i dont have a router19:31
efrancolaportealso, any way to make automatix work for Ubuntu 8.0419:31
NeT_DeMoNSimplePlan: it takes patence (if i spelled it right19:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about floodbot - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:31
v0lksmansploby: sorry...just jumping in here...how did you install the drivers?19:31
liamrharveyif people need help come to my channel by typing /join ubuntuhelpliam19:31
liamrharvey[19:30] * helix (n=helix@bb121-7-169-250.singnet.com.sg) has joined #ubuntu19:31
liamrharvey[19:30] * XLV (n=XLV@dsl-88-218-75-61.customers.vivodi.gr) Quit ( "Leaving" )19:31
liamrharvey[19:30] <coldfeet> !rules19:31
liamrharvey[19:30] <b33r-> woh19:31
FloodBot2liamrharvey: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:31
CyberCodSimplePlan: if it were me, I would create a 10Gig ext3 partition, a 1Gig swap partition and then install.  Ubuntu can write to NTFS just fine, and you can just delete your Windows directory and Program Files as you see fit.19:31
biabiahardy ububtu..using the newer kernel with the upgrade my drives listed in my /etc/fstab wont mount, but they mount fine with the previous kernel.  In 'dmesg' it says the driver sd and sr need updating, but all I can find on google is bug reports.  cant find how to update the drivers19:31
Assidi installed this nautilis svn scripts19:31
jackdawhey all, how's the in-system update working out for people?19:31
Assidhowever i dont see it shoping it19:31
instantsoupi can't find the partition manager or anything :( My windows won't boot, at the screen where you have to press esc to choose the OS it gives me 3 choices for ubuntu but none for windows :(19:31
tyler__I need help from anyone that has used Damn Small Linux19:31
liamrharveyif people need help come to my channel by typing /join #ubuntuhelpliam19:31
Assidshowing up19:31
mut80r!graphics | sploby19:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about graphics - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:31
Assidtyler-_: !!!19:31
jackdawim on 64 bit and i don't want to re-flash the whole system again19:32
mut80r!ati | sploby19:32
compengib33r-, 2inta 3indak mashekil bil hardy?19:32
=== b33r- is now known as b33r_
splobymut80r: ? sudo apt-get ati?19:32
jackdaw@instantsoup: you need to add the windows thing back into grub, someone smarter than me can explain it better19:32
mut80rsploby: I have no idea.19:32
v0lksmansploby: how did you install your driver?19:32
v0lksmanand what card do you ahve?19:33
splobyv0lksman: i installed envyng but it says that the system don't support envy19:33
amirman84are other people having problems with the ubuntu forums?19:33
instantsoupurm thanks i guess... now i just need to know how to do that19:33
splobyv0lksman: but i install envy legacy19:33
jackdaw@amirman84 yeah its' hung, i think too much traffic19:33
Fayes i think the forums is overloaded lol19:33
dbristowit's just very slow19:33
v0lksmansploby: sorry...which did you install?  legacy or ng?19:33
NukeSkyjumperthe forums are overloaded even when there's not a fresh new release19:33
instantsoupdon't want to lose my windows and the files (ubuntu won't let me into my windows partition)19:33
jackdaw@instantsoup in all likelyhood you haven't lost them19:34
amirman84when did the 8.04 update go out? the forums were working fine last night19:34
splobyv0lksman: both19:34
NukeSkyjumperwe should almost be telling people to wait a few weeks on installing Hardy, since support will be hard to get right now19:34
v0lksmansploby: hahaha...hardy?19:34
splobyv0lksman: Gutsy19:34
twinkie_addicti have no issues getting ito my windows install19:34
traitis there an alternative to alsamixer on hardy?19:34
instantsoupwell that's a good thing19:34
twinkie_addictbut haveing used wubi may have something to do with that19:34
nuccohow do i download ubuntu via rsync anyone?19:34
NukeSkyjumpertrait: i like aumix19:34
graingertNukeSkyjumper: it's an lts, what you expect?19:34
v0lksmansploby: ok...so ng won't work...you can remove it....what happens when you run envy and ask it to automatically install the ATI drivers?19:34
neondoes anyone knows how to make the webcam on an ASUS laptop to work under ubuntu, thanks19:34
rymhow can i check what PID is using /dev/video019:35
rymother than fuser19:35
Jack_SparrowNukeSkyjumper, or set to dual boot to keep existing setup while setting up Hardy19:35
SimplePlanwhy is ubuntu better than windows?19:35
prakritineither is better SimplePlan19:35
jackdaw@SimplePlan, it's not really better19:35
traitthe problem is, that alsamixer says:19:35
splobyv0lksman: not even open19:35
blue-frog_nucco: use a torretn it will be faster19:35
jackdawit's more of an apples / oranges situation19:35
prakritithey are both tools, it really depends on what you wont19:35
graingertSimplePlan: don't start!19:35
v0lksmansploby: envy doesn't open?19:35
emorri1instantsoup: i think i came on after your first post, but for me i could not access by windows partition in hardy unless i rebooted19:35
traitALSA lib simple_none.c:1738:(simple_add1) helem (MIXER,'Headphone Playback Switch',0,2,0) appears twice or more19:35
traitalsamixer: function snd_mixer_load failed: Invalid argument19:35
Fai am seeding right19:35
simonft2jackdaw: yes it is19:35
splobyv0lksman: yes19:35
mut80rSimplePlan: different OS'es are better for different people. Use both and you can make an informed decision.19:35
jackdaw@SimplePlan although if you wanted to learn programming you might find linux an easier situation19:35
prakritiSimplePlan : its like saying why is a ferrari better than a pickup truck?19:35
nuccoblue-frog_: i wish to fix a broken download :)19:35
Jack_SparrowSimplePlan, wrong room for that discussion, this is support, you want #Ubuntu-offtopic19:35
v0lksmansploby: ok...so its not installed properly...how did you install it?19:35
rymive been a windows user and pro-windows for ages19:35
jackdaw@simonft2: well windows,  not vista ok :)19:36
amirman84simple plan: because it's open source code allows constant updates to be made, it allows for a wide range of security and bug fixes and innovative software to be made for it19:36
splobyv0lksman: sudo apt-get envy19:36
rymonly now that windows crashes every 5 seconds i got a bit annoyed so switched19:36
rymim still dualbooting though19:36
mut80rrym: same here  =]19:36
jackdawhas anyone noticed that update-manager is fucked too19:36
SimplePlanis it gonna make my computer way faster than it is on windows?19:36
graingertSimplePlan: it's elitist, it's intellectually challenging and fun19:36
mut80r!slow | jackdaw19:36
ubotujackdaw: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of the latest edition. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.19:36
graingertSimplePlan: quite faster19:36
Assiderr anyone wanna help me with this?19:36
kelvie_Anyone else have an issue with "Setting up samba-common" freezing?19:36
btseanybody had success booting a dell latitude c640 with 8.04?19:36
jackdaw@ubotu -> thanks mr obvious bot19:36
kelvie_It's been trying to set up overnight19:36
simonft2jackdaw: anything connecting to the survers is19:36
mut80r!ask | Assid19:36
Assidi cant find the svn scripts for nautilis19:37
Jack_Sparrow!language > jackdaw,19:37
nuccoau contraire :) my ubuntu is crashing every few days :) for no apparent reason. today it suddenly developed a bad block on the HDD while playing music, I had to do a clean install19:37
ubotuAssid: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)19:37
Assidmut80r: i know how to ask19:37
neondoes anyone knows how to make the webcam on an ASUS laptop to work under ubuntu, thanks19:37
amirman84simple plan: it's faster for me, but more so than the speed increasing, the preformance increases, if you have a decent graphics card you'll love compiz-fusion desktop effects19:37
jackdaw@Assid: do you want svn hooks in nautilus?19:37
Jack_Sparrowbtse, I have a c640 here, what is the prob.19:37
jackdaw@Assid: because that'd be really quite nice, i'd like that too19:37
mehal88okay, i have mounted the hardy image with gmount, but im not sure what to do from here19:37
graingertnucco: check the smartmon infomation on drive19:37
Assidjackdaw: yep19:37
SimplePlanprakriti ur name means nature?19:37
btseJack_Sparrow,  no boot cramfs read error19:37
splobyv0lksman: i tried install the drive with ati-driver-installer-8, but when i restart my screen i a Blank screen and doesn't load nothing19:38
v0lksmansploby: can you pastebin or put here the output of dpkg -l envy19:38
Assidi installed the scripts package  didnt help19:38
SimplePlanis ubutu compatible wit itunes ?19:38
mut80rAssid:  apt-get nautilus-svn-scripts19:38
jackdaw@Assid: i guess i just use the terminal a whole bunch so i don't notice. if you're desperate you could probably knock up some simple nautilus bindings in python right?19:38
Jack_Sparrowbtse, Did the live cd run and install for you19:38
nuccograingert: i know... its one of those stupid HDDs that park every few seconds, but still its less than two weeks old, so i shouldn't be having issues just yet19:38
Assidmut80r: did that .. didnt help19:38
instantsoupemorri1 yeah thats not the problem, i can't boot into my windows anymore :x19:38
seledecEnvy 0.9.10 es modelo para el hardy19:38
v0lksmansploby: yeah I wouldn't suggest going that route...not until we exhaust the other ways19:38
gombi1977How do I restore MBR in Vista if I uninstall Ubuntu? I would like to install it on a virtual machine instead.19:38
ubotuAquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.19:38
btseJack_Sparrow, no live cd won't work, boots and then halts19:38
nuccoit ! seledec19:38
SimplePlanis ubutu compatible wit itunes ????19:38
nuccoit! | seledec19:39
jackdaw@instantsoup: ok well try this: get to the grub boot screen, and do the thing so that you can type in commands yourself19:39
mut80rAssid:  apt-get remove nautilus-svn-scripts and try downloading it again19:39
Jack_Sparrowbtse, try this  At start or install press F6 and remove Quiet and Splash from the command line. If it still fails.. Repeat and after removing quiet and splash add noapic acpi=off before the "--"19:39
mut80rgombi: the vista DVD19:39
amirman84simple plan: ubuntu has its own music managing software choices that are a million times better than itunes19:39
geniiSimplePlan: iTunes is not natively compliant to linux19:39
warrenDumXi have some empty dvds and i can't access them, also there are no errors messages (dmesg too), what can i do? (other empty cds are working)19:39
amirman84i personally like amarock19:39
splobyv0lksman: ii  envy           0.9.10-0ubuntu install the ATI or the NVIDIA driver19:39
CyberCodSimplePlan: nope, but it has programs similar to iTunes... and it works with most Ipods19:39
ttt--im trying to upgrade to 8.04 but i get an authentication error19:39
gombi1977You mean Vista DVD MBR recovery?19:39
btseJack_Sparrow, ok thanks...  brb!19:39
Assidmut80r: downloading what again?19:39
jackdaw@instant soup: then you need to do: grub> rootnoverify (hd0,0) <return> makeactive <return> chainloader +1 <return> boot <return>19:39
Assiderr one sec19:39
jackdaw@instant soup: and it'll work19:39
Assidphone call19:39
Assidmut80r: hold up19:39
nuccoanyone know how to retrieve an ubuntu iso via rsync?19:39
simonft2amirman84: not if you want to use a ipod19:39
mut80rAssid:   apt-get remove nautilus-svn-scripts          apt-get install nautilus-svn-scripts19:40
instantsoupok let me write that down19:40
v0lksmansploby: neat...didn't know it was in the repos....ok...so run envy in a shell.  it should barf some output if it doesn;t want to launch19:40
jackdaw@instant soup: and then once you're happy that your windows is safe and sound you need to add those commands to your /boot/grub/menu.lst and you'll be all set19:40
amirman84simonft2: there are ways to get linux software to sync with your ipod depending on what gen ipod you have19:40
jackdaw@instant soup, you can look here for a nice article about all the fun things you can do with grub:19:40
v0lksmansploby: the reason I'm pushing this is cause envy is the best way to get them installed...19:40
jackdaw@instantsoup: http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/462219:40
geniiSimplePlan: For detailed info http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/itunes19:40
kelvie_OK better question: if my dist upgrade crashes, how do I recover from it?19:41
instantsoupalright im gonna try that thank you19:41
jackdaw@instantsoup -> it's a problem that i got stuck with for quite a while, it's something that really doesn't need to be exposed to people who arn't interested in it (or noobs) the bootloader i mean.19:41
splobyv0lksman: yes i know, but can you pass me the sudo apt-get of envy legacy19:41
jackdaw@instantsoup -> good luck19:41
PitelHi, I upgraded to 8.04 and installed firefox-2, but my extensions aren;t working here. why? and how to fix it?19:41
neonhelp can't access e-sata, hd gets recognized once i plug it, but no files show once i click on it19:41
jackdawwell, i guess i'll just do some actual work instead of upgrading my distro19:41
v0lksmansploby: pardon?19:41
instantsoupjust so you know, if it works you are my official hero :)19:41
mut80rjackdaw: cya19:42
jackdaw@instant soup ask someone or google about editing the grub settings to work with windows when you've convinced yourself it works19:42
kesianyone got a response to me?>19:42
splobyv0lksman: how do i install envy legacy on terminal19:42
mudd`Hossamhello, can i get my NVIDIA 680i onboard sound (High definition audio) to work over SPDIF?19:42
jackdaw@kesi  can you rpt the question?19:42
CyberCodnow I am really confused19:42
rjonesxanyon know how to tell ubuntu to use restricted nvidia drivers in Hardy?19:42
mut80r!audio | mudd`Hossaim19:42
ubotumudd`Hossaim: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP319:42
nuccokelvie_: instantsoup what is it about grub?19:42
jackdaw@mudd`Hossam there should be an option in alsa-mixer19:42
CyberCodI downloaded and ran the java installer .bin ... still no java in firefox19:42
Assidmut80r: didnt help19:43
v0lksmansploby: if it is in the repos then sudo apt-get install envy....however I remember always having to install it from a .deb I download from the authors site...gimme a sec I'll check19:43
graingertCyperCod: you need the icedtea plugin19:43
mut80rAssid: I don't know then. Try the forums or someone else in here.19:43
rjonesxcan you run updater from the command line?19:43
mut80rrjonesx: yes19:43
jackdaw@rjonesx sudo update-manager -d19:43
CyberCodvia firefox? or synaptic?19:43
kesiI'm having a hard time getting nocat splash to work. on 24 RC7 the splash page is here: http://beehivebuzz.com/splash.html and here is a screenie of the settings http://beehivebuzz.com/Screenshot.png19:43
Assiderr brb19:43
graingertrjonesx: if you wan't to19:43
mudd`Hossamjackdaw: i am able to listen over the analog connections just fine, just SPDIF was not detected i will look into those links though, thank you19:43
jackdaw@assid did you restart grub19:43
coldfeetHi just installed ubuntu 8.0 and replace my xp... Im a newb and having problems installing the nvidia linux driver 169.12 it says it is not supported can anyone help?19:43
dougminWhere's the best intro to linux info at?19:43
graingertCyberCod: terminal19:44
arcskyhow to format a usbstick and also make it bootable ?19:44
jackdaw@mudd`Hossam yeaha you have to sort of turn on the right options in the alsa mixer, it's probably easier to use the gnome version but i found that the command line one had more controlls on it19:44
=== robert__ is now known as Warp4
CyberCodsudo apt-get install iced-tea   ?19:44
[T]-Rexis there a free 3d-animation program like softimage for ubuntu?19:44
jackdawlets not forget people: sudo apt-cache search "thing you want to install"19:44
pwnd`linuxWho knows to much about Broadcom wireless devices on 8.10?19:44
jackdawknowing this will help you a great deal19:44
Moncky[T]-Rex: try blender19:44
dumnut_hi, what is the bash command to find out what my ip is?19:44
jackdaw@dumnut ifconfig19:45
graingertpwnd`linux: ndiswrapper or not at all19:45
mut80rjackdaw: thanks, didn't know that.19:45
graingertdumnut ifconfig19:45
ObsidianXhey folks, for some reason i can't rmmod my sound driver19:45
Moncky[T]-Rex: http://www.blender.org/19:45
dumnut_jackdaw: ty19:45
jackdaw@mut80r yeah it searches all the apt packages you haev available19:45
pwnd`linuxgraingert, wow, that's gay.  I remember back in 7, you didn't need ndiscrap19:45
rjonesxso, cairo is failing and it is preventing me from opening almost all apps - any recomendations?19:45
ObsidianXit says its in use, i have alsa-utils off, i have mpd off, and i can't figure out whats using it19:45
jackdaw@Obsidianx can't you use rmmod --force?19:45
obf213hey guys when i click on my clock for some reason in 8.04, it freezing my toolbars, and i cant alt-f2 and other things how do i kill and restart gnome19:45
ChaosTheory^Is it possible to get numbered links in links2?19:46
v0lksmansploby: did you JUST install the package?19:46
ChaosTheory^As you can in Lynx or eLinks?19:46
mut80robf213: ctrl + alt + backspace19:46
dassouki_my soundcard does not work no more after upgrading19:46
ObsidianXjackdaw: "Resource temporarily unavailable"19:46
jackdaw@obf213 to restart gnome either log out or yeah ctrl-alt-backspace (which is horribly annoying if you do it by accident)19:46
LeGreffi3RObsidianX> shutdown firefox19:46
dumnut_graingert: ty19:46
obf213mut80r ithat doesnt work, when i sign back in, i have no toolbars19:46
ObsidianXLeGreffi3R: this is a server box :\19:46
Assidjackdaw: why am i restarting grub?19:46
Assidyou mean gnome right?19:47
jackdaw@Assid i mean gnome yeah19:47
Assidyeah i restarting the machine itself.. didnt help19:47
v0lksmansploby: try following the directions in the first point here: http://albertomilone.com/envyfaq.html#A19:47
jackdaw@Assid sorry i was talking to someone else about grub19:47
obf213for some reason i need the dreeded restart to fix this. which is suppose to not be necesary, but if i lok out and back in, i have no tool pars show up at all, neither does alt -f2 etc19:47
jackdaw@Obf213 are you logged in as a user? i had a problem like that when i was booting through "safe mode"19:47
ramakrar_so like, whats the impace of upgrading from 7.10 to 8.0419:47
jackdaw@obf213 safe mode seemed to mangle gnome19:47
splobyv0lksman: gimme a sec to to read, thanks ^_^19:47
mut80r!upgrade | ramakrar_19:47
uboturamakrar_: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes19:47
jburdramakrar_ Wait for a few days.  Too many upgrades are broken.19:47
jackdaw@ramakrar_ newer kernel... a whole host of slightly newer packages to get your mits on19:48
obf213jackdaw: im in rgeular mode19:48
obf213just logged in as user19:48
CyberCodoh damn... I'm in the repo holding pattern19:48
jackdaw@obf213, but does gnome run from start or did you have to run startx?19:48
amirman84rjonesx: have you enabled third party, proposed, and backport, software sources?19:48
btseJack_Sparrow, i now get lots of "end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0" and "Buffer I/O error on device fd0 logical block 0" and then "SQUASHFS error: unable to read inod/cache/whatever/". I think I've been bitten by a known bug.19:48
obf213runs from the start19:48
neonhelp can't access e-sata, hd gets recognized once i plug it, but no files show once i click on it19:48
giggseyHow do I pause a file copying?19:48
jackdaw@obf213 sorry then matey, it's totally beyond me. i'm sure there's someone smart out here who can help19:48
LeGreffi3RObsidianX> a server with a local soud card?19:48
ramakrar_i know the process, but whats the real-world scenarion. user experience after upgrading?19:48
vanhow to edit romfs.rootfs19:48
LeGreffi3RObsidianX> weird19:48
jackdaw@van vim?19:49
jackdaw@van also probably quite carefully19:49
Andre_Gondimwho decides wich aplications will come by default in ubuntu?19:49
bhsxdoes anyone know of FreeNX packages for hardy?  i'm having a hell of a time finding soem that'll work, and setting up freenx by hand sucks19:49
giggseyThe file operations window shows me a red X (I presume stop), but how do I pause it?19:49
btseJack_Sparrow, suposedly this is still around: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-421733.html19:49
jackdaw@giggsey not sure you can actually19:49
mut80rgiggsey: I don't think you can19:49
Jack_Sparrowbtse, at what speed did you burn the cd..  All my dells needed it to be burned very slow19:49
joonas_i just installed ubuntu19:49
mut80rjoonas_: this channel is support. please join #ubuntu-offtopic for discussion19:49
zoommy99is there a way to get xfi to work on hardy19:49
amirman84is copying the entire root directory of a wubi install over a regular installation of ubuntu harmful?19:50
btseJack_Sparrow, oh, max I think...  whatever that is.19:50
vani have mounted but cant edit19:50
ObsidianXLeGreffi3R: i use it as a music server as well as other things19:50
soundray!freenx | bhsx19:50
jackdaw@van -> you might need to use sudo19:50
joonas_i need help with permissions19:50
btseJack_Sparrow, shall I reburn?19:50
joonas_on var folder19:50
Jack_Sparrowbtse, burn one slow while I find my laptop and try to boot one burned slow19:50
jackdaw@joonas, shoot what's the problme19:50
joonas_i installed apache and php519:50
btseJack_Sparrow, ok brb....19:50
joonas_and it created a www folder19:50
Assidpeople shouldnt use @nick .. it doesnt highlight on the opposite end19:51
fiz1hey, im using a dell laptop and i cant get my screensaver to work19:51
zoommy99How do I get X-Fi sound to work in hardy, the forums are too bogged down for me to search19:51
joonas_but i dont have permissions on that folder19:51
Assiduse nick: instead19:51
mut80rAssid: I agree19:51
jackdaw@joonas_ right so you need to chmod the folder to something where you can read and write it19:51
Assidjackdaw: not working here.. where am i supposed to be able to see it?19:51
jackdaw@joonas http://www.zzee.com/solutions/linux-permissions.shtml19:51
ramakrar_any difference if I upgrade from alternate CD or from Upgrade Manager?19:51
lunartearI'm in the middle of setting up an svn repository to allow svn+ssh access with 1 system user for multiple users by using multiple public keys following http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.4/svn.serverconfig.svnserve.html#svn.serverconfig.svnserve.sshauth  but It doesnt appear to explain the general config necessary to get this working.  I've created a repository, created a user with multiple keys, and have local svn access.  could anyone le19:51
lunartearnd a hand for configuring further to allow the multiple user access through this system user?19:51
nuccofiz1: what exactly is the issue?19:51
joonas_thank you very much.19:51
soundraybhsx: ubotu seems to be silent -- have you seen https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX ?19:51
LeGreffi3RObsidianX> do a "sudo lsof /dev/snd* /dev/dsp"19:51
jackdaw@joonas_ i find it helps me if i read about the whole thing more than just getting an answer to a single problem19:52
=== ramakrar_ is now known as leadviper3883
nuccoramakrar_: the alternate cd obviously has fewer packages, so it will remove a lot of stuff from your system19:52
LeGreffi3RObsidianX> do a "sudo lsof /dev/snd/* /dev/dsp"19:52
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots19:52
fiz1nucco, i set the screensaver to turn on after being idle for a minute, but it doesnt go on, im using hardy btw19:52
mut80rubotu is not silent.19:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about is not silent. - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:52
jackdawubotu saving the day?19:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about saving the day? - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:52
zoommy99does anyone know how to get xfi to work on hardy19:52
jackdawubotu ubotu19:52
C|-|R15does anyone know if ubuntu will detect straight off a internet modem connected via USB cable?19:52
=== v0lksman is now known as v0lksman_away
soundraymut80r: it failed to respond to my earlier !freenx19:52
nuccofiz1: try a longer delay period and see what happens, still using gutsy, so I can't say19:52
alcazoidwhy can't i write anthing in here19:53
soundraymut80r: never mind19:53
mut80rsoundray: ah. sorry19:53
fiz1nucco, i had it at 10 minutes before but it wasnt going then either19:53
splobyv0lksman: look when i try to install the drive via terminal by tipping: sudo envy -t19:53
nuccofiz1: also, are you by chance playing a video?19:53
ricreeC|-|R15: probably depends on the specific device.  I've had bad luck with USB internet devices, but your milage may vary19:53
fiz1nucco, no, i have pidgin open but thats it19:53
m3ltd0wn123How can I uninstall proftpd19:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about overload - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:53
nuccofiz1: does the monitor go off instead?19:53
coldboot|workWhat's with us.archive.ubuntu.com?19:53
splobyv0lksman: show this erro: EnvyNG ERROR: Your Operating System does not seem to be supported by Envy19:53
coldboot|workIt's slow as hell.19:53
ubotuThe Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of the latest edition. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.19:53
ubotuFor help with enabling the TV-Out, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaTVOutNewbieEdition (Nvidia cards) or http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Tvout (ATI cards, *untested*)19:53
elektronik123456how turn of x server ?19:54
Sakeis there any difference between ubuntu and debian as far as package management goes?19:54
Monckym3ltd0wn123: have you tried apt-get remove19:54
fiz1nucco, no it doesnt do anything, just stays on19:54
v0lksman_awaysploby: you still have EnvyNG installed...it will only work in Hardy....remove that package first19:54
elektronik123456how turn off x server ?19:54
nuccoSake: very little if any.19:54
sdfliuayw47ghere is a list of mirrors: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors19:54
DBautellelektronik123456, /etc/init.d/?dm stop19:54
_Rambaldi_elektronik123456, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop19:54
Dark-FxDBautell: you're telling me, my mirror is pushing out at 100% capacity :-P19:54
soundrayelektronik123456: you want to boot into command line only? 'sudo update-rc.d -f gdm remove'19:54
[T]-Rexis there a command to check what version of python i have?19:54
Sakenucco: so what's the advantage of ubuntu over debian as far as server versions go?19:54
jburd[T]-Rex: python -V19:54
nuccoSake: support for newer hardware.19:54
DBautellDark-Fx, yup, and that's what torrents are for19:55
un2himanybody have success with virtualbox usb support in hardy?19:55
nuccoSake: and possibly support from Canonical. for some it matters19:55
CyberCodso I'm hearing lots of people are having trouble with proprietary vid drivers.... I have nVidia 6200.... is this driver broken?19:55
_Rambaldi_i never got usb to work,but shared folders works un2him19:55
mut80rCyberCod: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new      or use the Restricted Drivers manager19:55
mehal88i am currently running a beta 8.04, i have downloaded and burnt the cd for the final release, but how do i upgrade?19:55
DBautellDark-Fx, I asked the sources dialog to find the best server yesterday, and it told me "no appropriate servers found"19:56
nuccofiz1: select a specific screensaver. come to think of it, I'm using 7.10_amd64 and I don't recall ever seeing the screen saver... unless I forgot what blank screen looks like :p19:56
LeGreffi3RObsidianX> ???19:56
un2him_Rambaldi_: yes, that's been my experience, too.19:56
_Rambaldi_mehal88, update manager should update to final19:56
vanhow to change   rw     permisions to romfs.rootfs  ?   example pls.19:56
fiz1nucco, i tried using a few different ones, including blank screen19:56
zoommy99X-Fi sound drivers on hardy anyone?19:56
cory_i got a question about firefox can anybody help me?19:56
mut80rvan: sudo chmod 777 romfs.rootfs19:56
ToM-xcory_ ?19:56
_Rambaldi_well whats the question19:56
nuccovan: you mean change ownership to romfs.rootfs?19:56
jamiejacksoni'd like to get the version of evolution that's in hardy, but i can't upgrade to hardy itself yet. is there a way i can accomplish this in a nice aptitude-y sorta way?19:57
v0lksman_awaycory_: just ask man...very busy in here... ;)19:57
DShepherdjamiejackson, nah19:57
mut80r!ask | cory_19:57
ubotucory_: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)19:57
nuccofiz1: can't say what the problem is, moreso that I'm not running hardy yet... sorry19:57
v0lksman_awayjamiejackson: if your lucky it may be in backports...19:57
instantsoupphew alright, my windows is not lost. Now i just need to find a way to add it to the bootlist19:57
mehal88i didnt want to use update manager because the servers are under heavy load, is there a way i can upgrade from disk?19:57
fiz1nucco, alright, no worries, take it easy19:57
=== lukasz is now known as elektronik123456
mut80rinstantsoup:   sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst19:57
balle_i can't play videos on youtube or any other streaming site for that matter, and i have java enabled, is this a regular problem when upgrading to hardy? and how do i solve it?19:58
IanBeyerugh, what's the deal with the installer hanging at 40% of "scanning mirrors" in the "configuring apt" phase?19:58
=== lukasz is now known as elektronik123
soundrayinstantsoup: you need to add a boot section for it in /boot/grub/menu.lst. There is a sample starting at line 1319:58
nuccojamiejackson: that probably requires you to upgrade to the latest version of GNOME... doubt if that's possible.19:58
bhsxsoundray: thanks for the link, yeah, i've checked all those out, but they're either not compatible with hardy, or are non-responding links/repositories19:58
mut80rballe_: install flash-player19:58
jharknmut80r: should use gksudo for graphical apps19:58
DaliusoHello. I've gotten my wireless adapter to work in Ubuntu 8.04 but it won't accept my passkey to connect to the network. My router is running WPA2 Personal. It keeps asking for a new passkey when I enter the correct one... any ideas?19:58
jamiejacksonwhat's the backports sources line for gutsy (<-- hardy)19:58
=== blackness is now known as weed
cory_when i start up firefox and go to a page like yahoo when i search some thing a security thing pops up and i click continue it shuts down19:58
Jack_Sparrowbtse, I can confirm that Dell C640 did boot the livecd of Hardy (Burned SLow)19:58
mut80rjharkn: my bad. never knew there was a gksudo, I always use sudo regardless.19:58
soundraybhsx: too bad. Seveas is a FreeNX guru...19:58
jason__hello i installed google earth but i can't get it to open in ubuntu 8.419:59
ToM-xcory_ Have you tried turning off the warning on preferences ?19:59
vanno, to able to  change config inside19:59
elektronik123i must install nvidia tools and i must have text mode without x server and mount  home directory19:59
instantsoupsoundray , mut80r yeah thanks, i read about that too,19:59
jharknmut80r: yeah sudo is fine usually, but gksudo is a little safer19:59
cory_how do u do that19:59
ubotuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)19:59
rjonesxi get errors in cairo whenever I try to update anything19:59
rjonesxor run almost anything20:00
mut80rJack_Sparrow: ta20:00
joonas_i still have a problem20:00
sachaelanyone know a nice gtk program for designing logic circuits?20:00
ChemiKhazihi, I was wondering if theres a way to install ubuntu using a thumbdrive starting from windows20:00
Darknezzhey im trying to install push to talk on ventrilo (on wine) in terminal when i type make to compile it it give me this error. (here is a screenshot) http://img388.imageshack.us/img388/5676/screenshotdarknezzpwnddhk7.png20:00
joonas_i try to change permissions20:00
Jack_Sparrow!slow > rjonesx20:00
rjonesxI think it might be because I am not using th erestricted nvidia drivers20:00
ToM-xcory_ Edit/Preferences/Security/Warning Messages20:00
nuccosachael: check gnomefiles.org20:00
jason__hello i installed google earth but i can't get it to open in ubuntu 8.4 any reasons why this is happening?20:00
joonas_but it wont let me coz i dont have permission to do it:D20:00
ChemiKhaziI've found instructions on doing it from linux but not from windows20:00
jharknmut80r: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo20:00
=== mut80r is now known as mut80r|brb
elektronik123how mount home directory ?20:00
Darre1anyone have the Broadcom bcm4306 working in Hardy Heron??? ... Please HELP!20:00
un2him_Rambaldi_: FYI, I just read on the virtualbox website that usb support is not available in the OSE version, which is what is in the repos.  GUess I'll have to wait until there is a Hardy version available for download from the virtualbox site20:00
nuccojason_: run it from the terminal and say what error it prints out20:00
elektronik123mount home ?20:01
Itakuis there a hardy change log?20:01
nuccoDarre1: you probably need the firmware20:01
jason__1 sec nucco20:01
rjonesxJack_Sparrow: I dont understand !slow? Basically, I think I need to run the restricted Nvidia Drivers, but I dont know how to from the command line.20:01
v0lksman_awayun2him: the gutsy version works fine in hardy20:01
jason__Reading state information... Done20:01
jason__E: Couldn't find package googleearth20:01
leonardo_darre1: sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter20:01
btseJack_Sparrow, ok, I have 12 minutes left... :(20:01
nuccoDarre1: I hear its supported in current kernels, but you still need firmware20:01
Darre1is all I have to do is install b43-fwcutter?20:01
=== v0lksman_away is now known as v0lksman
_Rambaldi_there was a tweak to get usb working un2him, it can find the device but it does not pop up in windows20:01
un2himv0lksman_away: thanks, that's what I was wondering, but I was unsure about trying it!20:01
btseJack_Sparrow, ok, I have 12 minutes left... :(20:01
Itakujason__: sudo apt-get install googleearth-package20:01
Flash-xDDarknezz, try sudo apt-get install gcc-multilib20:01
leonardo_yes. worked for me20:02
dnywhen i run update manager, i get updates that need to be installed, but nothing about upgrading :/20:02
nuccoItaku: he has it installed, it is crashing when he launches it20:02
un2him_Rambaldi_: did you see the post from v0lksman, that the version for gutsy works fine?20:02
gajanelektronik123 u get an option to mount home when u install the OS20:02
nuccoItaku: I was referring to jason_20:02
IanBeyergah, 4th try, and apt is still hanging at 40%20:02
v0lksmanun2him: I have it running....although I've yet to have time to play with the USB stuff but have been told it will work too with a tweak...check their wiki for more on that20:02
Jack_Sparrowrjonesx, I was just pointing out that the repos/servers are being hammered and anything trying to access them will be slow or even time out20:02
jason__just a sec itaku and nucco20:02
IanBeyerthis worked just fine on an identical machine 3 days ago20:02
_Rambaldi_yep, that works un2him20:02
DarknezzFlash-xD: i will try it20:02
un2himv0lksman: cool.  i'm off to download it...20:02
elektronik123gajan i want mount home catalog in text mode20:03
lunartearanyone available to help configure for svn+ssh with multiple public key access through 1 system user?20:03
DBautellhmm... ///usr/share/gnome/help/blackjack/el/blackjack.xml:402: parser error : Entity 'Βοήθεια' not defined20:03
nuccoIanBeyer: what worked?20:03
Wariohow do i get the wireless config button back?20:03
joonas_anyone here who is not busy?20:03
IanBeyernucco: the install.20:03
elektronik123gajan i want to acces all my files20:03
jason__itaku and nucco when i run from terminal i get this Google Earth has caught signal 4.20:03
ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy20:03
Warioits the top one, i acdently deleted it20:03
DBautelljoonas_, did you 'sudo chmod'?20:03
gajanyou want to repair ur os?20:03
IanBeyerit gets through the base install, and then hangs at "configuring apt"20:03
* jochmenDS just watching the chat20:03
joonas_i did chmod folder20:03
rjonesxJack_Sparrow: would that cause update manager to crash before opening? or a error in Cairo? I think I already have the restricted drivers, etc, but I can't even open the Driver Manager to check the box.20:03
Darre1anyone with a Presario 2100?? wireless??20:03
Jack_Sparrowbtse, I have found hp's and Dells fail quite often unless using a cd bruned slow.  Even if a cd checks ot, you can convert it to iso and reburn the same disk slow, and it will work.. dont ask me why20:04
DarknezzFlash-xD: no it dident work20:04
DBautelljoonas_, throw a sudo in front of it20:04
elektronik123gajan i must install tools in text mode system is ok20:04
balle_did not work installing the flash viewer, any other thoughts?20:04
nuccojason__: not sure I know what that error means...20:04
cory_all it has is 3 boxes that say use SSL 2.0, use SSL 3.0, use TLS 1.020:04
joonas_mkay but how can i change the root permissions?20:04
gajani cant get u......sorry20:04
joonas_it wont let me go further than desktop with cd20:04
=== mut80r|brb is now known as mut80r
Baby_Shambl3scan someone give me a link to setting up fstab to mount a formated hd(ext3) on boot?20:04
DarkWingDuckQuick Q; what key needs to be pressed to boot from CD in Ubuntu?20:04
nuccoIanBeyer: you mean ubuntu hardy install?20:04
Assidstupid thing wont work :(20:04
IanBeyer"Configuring apt" and it's hung at 40% of "scanning mirror"20:04
IanBeyernucco: 7.120:04
CyberCodDarkWingDuck: depends on your system20:05
elektronik123i only want to mount filesystem20:05
mut80r!slow | IanBeyer20:05
ubotuIanBeyer: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of the latest edition. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.20:05
jason__itaku any ideas?20:05
nuccoIanBeyer: you installing from livecd?20:05
* Assid gets irritated and gets ready to kick someone20:05
balle_i can't play videos on youtube or any other streaming site for that matter, and i have java enabled, is this a regular problem when upgrading to hardy? and how do i solve it? and i have just installed the flash viewer from the add/remove20:05
elektronik123gajan i only want to mount filesystem20:05
CyberCodDarkWingDuck: sometimes it is F2, sometimes F12, sometimes you have to set it up in the bios20:05
Darknezzhey im trying to install push to talk on ventrilo (on wine) in terminal when i type make to compile it it give me this error. (here is a screenshot) http://img388.imageshack.us/img388/5676/screenshotdarknezzpwnddhk7.png20:05
bintrue|workAnyone else experience back and foward buttons ceasing to function in firefox3.0b520:05
macpo3bah, the installer for 8.04 amd64 desktop is too big for my blank CDs, is bthere any way I can pull the files from the iso and use them from maybe a usb hdd?20:05
jason__itaku any ideas? Stacktrace from glibc:20:05
jason__  ./googleearth-bin [0x804f3c7]20:05
jason__  ./googleearth-bin [0x804f8ed]20:05
jason__  [0xb7f86420]20:05
jason__  ./libbase.so(_ZN5earth17ScopedPerfSetting6createERK7QStringbb+0x64) [0xb70d50f2]20:05
dbristowballe_: youtube uses flash, not java20:05
FloodBot2jason__: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:05
jason__  ./libbase.so(_ZN5earth17ScopedPerfSettingC2ERK7QStringbb+0x45) [0xb70d518b]20:05
nuccoBaby_Shambl3s: is the hDD plugged internal? what is the /dev node?20:05
Baby_Shambl3sballe: im sure youtube and other videos are flsahs and by what you said you havent got that installed20:05
IanBeyermut80r: I'm just trying to install base, not add packages from the repo20:05
Jack_Sparrowrjonesx, If you got a partial update eaarlier it could be causing issues..   it should not effect cairo or your restricted drivers unless your apt-get update failed to get all the repo lists and then you installed cairo or the drivers20:06
balle_dbristow: well, i just installed the flash player, that was what i said right?20:06
ubotuTo disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv420:06
soundrayballe_: have you restarted firefox since?20:06
gajandarwingduck f12 is for boot from network20:06
nuccoIanBeyer: install without mirrors, then enable the mirrors afterwards20:06
dbristowballe_: ya, I just wanted to let you know that java isn't part of the problem20:06
mut80rIanBeyer: what nucco just said20:06
IanBeyernucco: never asked me.20:06
Baby_Shambl3snucco: /dev/sdb1 being manually mounted to /media/sdb1 but i need to setup fstab to do it for me, you know how?20:06
dbristowyou could check about:plugins20:06
balle_soundray: don't use FF but will restart opera20:06
* elektronik123 please i only want how mount file system in text mode20:06
balle_dbristow: thx man20:06
IanBeyerthe installer should at the very least be able to install base without hitting the repos20:06
nuccoIanBeyer: remove the network cable ;)20:06
StevenXanyone know how I can increase the brightness of my display?20:06
leonardo_how do i mount iso images on hardy?20:07
Darre1nucco: i've tried installing via ndiswrapper, and using the "fw-cutter" method to install the drivers in the /lib/firmware directory, but still nothing shows up when I try to connect!20:07
IanBeyerstevenx: buttons on the front of the display20:07
soundray!mountiso | leonardo_20:07
DBautell!iso leonardo_20:07
ubotuleonardo_: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » or use the "gmountiso" package - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.20:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about iso leonardo_ - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:07
nuccoBaby_Shambl3s: look at the fstab file, then follow the same format. do you know where that file is?20:07
mut80rStevenX: do you have access to the GUI?20:07
rjonesxJack_Sparrow: first off, thanks for your help so far, I really appreciate it. I just used the Update Manager yesterday to update from Gutsy to Hardy - would that have completed successfully if it did not fully download the different updates?20:07
dbristowleonardo_: this isn't ubuntu specific: mount -o loop /path/to/iso /mnt/point/here20:07
fdkrewIs anyone having problems with repos taking long time to update?20:07
joonas_dbautell, i did it with sudo but still the permissions wont change on root20:07
mut80r!slow | fdkrew20:07
ubotufdkrew: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of the latest edition. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.20:07
LordJesus!slow | fdkrew20:07
Baby_Shambl3sballe: if you are using opera you might need to symlink to your FF plugins folder just like ppl did in gutsy but than im not using opera20:07
StevenXmut80r, yes20:07
joonas_still says im not the owner and wont let me change files20:08
mut80rStevenX: System -> Prererences -> Power management20:08
Darknezzhey im trying to install push to talk on ventrilo (on wine) in terminal when i type make to compile it it give me this error. (here is a screenshot) http://img388.imageshack.us/img388/5676/screenshotdarknezzpwnddhk7.png20:08
IanBeyernucco: can't really remove the cable, the machine is several miles from here20:08
Wirta-after I installed ubuntustudio sound packages to normal ubuntu my sound device stopped working, any ideas?20:08
StevenXmut80r, I went there. The option is not there.20:08
mut80rStevenX: laptop I assume ?20:08
Jack_Sparrowrjonesx, sudo apt-get update   just to be sure, as hammered as things were yesterday.. anything can happen...20:08
Baby_Shambl3snucco: i know where is is but thats the only ext3 i have my /sda2 in jfs so I doubt those settings will work :(20:08
StevenXmut80r, yes20:08
fdkrewMut80: I have download loaded with iso, im using a new install. just installing some software takes long thats all. Is there any extra repos avalible to add?20:08
nuccoIanBeyer: you're installing via ssh?20:09
DBautellsorry, joonas_ all I caught was the permissions bit, don't know much about full filesystems (if that's where you're at) as far as permissions go20:09
IanBeyernucco: no20:09
mut80rStevenX: "On Battery Power" tab, Reduce display brightness checkbox.20:09
rjonesxit fails, every time, because my network card doesn't work either.20:09
nuccoBaby_Shambl3s: for the ext3 hdd, replace the jfs field with ext320:09
fdkrewMut80: I have download loaded with iso, im using a new install. just installing some software takes long thats all. Is there any extra repos avalible to add?20:09
nuccoBaby_Shambl3s: paste the jfs disk's line here, I'll give you the correct format to place for your new hdd20:09
Jack_Sparrowrjonesx, I dont have any answers other than what I have told you previously20:10
=== ChemiKhazi is now known as Zero|Byte
IanBeyernucco: remote console20:10
Wirta-after I installed ubuntustudio sound packages to normal ubuntu my sound device stopped working, any ideas?, pm me if you can help thanks.20:10
mut80rfdkrew: select a mirror closest to you from Software sources (System -> Administrtation)20:10
amirman84does anyone know a good way to transfer a wubi install of 8.04 to a full install. there was a program called LVPM that did this for earlier wubi versions but it doesnt work with the one on the 8.04 disc?20:10
fdkrewok ill try that20:10
Jack_SparrowWirta-, /join #Alsa20:10
noocxI've got a problem setting up logitech mx518 correctly, i would like to set it to 1600dpi with lomoco, but i get the following message: http://pastebin.com/d34ab9430 , my device list: http://pastebin.com/d664df9eb and the other files: http://pastebin.com/d7c5e8a73 (xorg.conf), http://pastebin.com/d2417945 (Xorg.0.log). Have you got an idea what could i do?20:10
joonas_DBautell, all i need to do is test my php scripts on the server, but it wont let change files in the www folder20:10
gajandarkenzz its some error in the script itself20:10
nuccoIanBeyer: if you disable the network then you'd be disconnected. hmmm.. you using the alternate CD?20:10
Baby_Shambl3snucco: UUID=aa608a35-f395-4a83-849c-abcf7c84d3ee /               jfs     relatime,errors=remount-ro 0       1, well thats it20:10
gajansomething syntax error20:11
Jack_SparrowWirta-, Fixing sound.. download this: http://hg.alsa-project.org/alsa/raw-file/tip/alsa-info.sh  #and run the script as Normal User... with this command: bash ./alsa-info.sh  ... then go to http://en.pastebin.ca/906336 and answer those questions ..  then  /join #Alsa and provide them with your question and a link to the uploaded file.20:11
JediMasterHey guys, what's the standard way of enabling SSL on Apache2? All the HOW-TOs refer to a script called apache2-ssl-certificate, which doesn't exist any more20:11
mut80rBaby_Shambel3s: change   jfs   to   ext3        for an ext3 filesystem20:11
Pelomut80r, thanks for the help earlier, didn'T work but I managed to fix it20:11
IanBeyernucco: no, the remote console is its own network connection20:11
Stormx2I've been trying to sort flash out for ages. If another music app is using the soundcard when firefox is started, I can't watch flash videos. They stop after 2 seconds and there's no sound, something I remember back from dapper. I've followed the wiki page on it (under !flash). I've install alsa-oss and set the firefoxrc. I've install libflash-mozplugin. It's all come to naught, and I'm at a loss as what to do next.... Also, once a flash video does20:11
Stormx2 play (which requires absolutely no other app using the sound card when firefox is started AND when the video plays) I have to restart firefox afterwards to be able to use other sound-producing apps. Help! :)20:11
chazcoAnyone know how to enable /proc/bus/usb from a script? I'm guessing i need to use sed on mountdevsubfs.sh...20:11
* Pelo is the king of copy/paste coding 20:11
nuccoBaby_Shambl3s: /dev/sdb /media/new_folder ext3 defaults,rw 0 220:11
mut80rPelo: lol20:11
=== aaron_ is now known as AaronMT
IanBeyerbut I can't go yank the cable20:11
Baby_Shambl3snucco: thanks will try that20:12
IanBeyernucco: DRAC4.20:12
cory_my firefox keeps shuting down what should i do20:12
nuccoIanBeyer: then temporarily remove the default gateway from the network config of the machine if that won't throw you out20:12
noocxhave you got any idea why X reverts to default pointer?20:12
AaronMTHow can I get my wireless broadcom device to accept WPA2-Personal passcode? It doesnt like security specifically WPA-2 for some reason?20:12
_Rambaldi_is there anyway i can remap my keyboard keys?20:12
Darknezzgajan: would it have anything to do with permissions?20:12
* NibiruET is away: ....... Be back later folks...bye!20:12
nuccoBaby_Shambl3s: I'm assuming that your new hdd is at /dev/sdb20:12
MountainXhow do I add an HP OfficeJet All-In-One printer to Hardy using ethernet (not usb) connectivity? Thanks.20:12
DBautelljoonas_, you might try adding -R or --recursive to your chmod, which will set permissions for everything below your target20:12
IanBeyernucco: is there a way to configure the default network interface on install to do something other than DHCP?20:12
nuccoBaby_Shambl3s: replace /dev/sdb with /dev/sdb1 or whatever your partition is :)20:12
_Rambaldi_cory_, does this happen on youtube and other flash websites?20:12
chazcoYep... i need to use sed to find this line: "#mkdir -p /dev/bus/usb/.usbfs" and uncomment it and the next 3 lines...20:12
dassouki_my soundcard stopped working after upgrade, although it is detected with alsa and lsmod20:12
cal_got error copying files... Errno: 5, tryed burning two different cd's. any ideas?20:13
nuccoIanBeyer: are you isntalling from an alternate CD?20:13
cory_ya youtube,yahoo20:13
dbristowBaby_Shambl3s: try fdisk -l20:13
IanBeyernot sure what you mean by an "alternate CD"20:13
Baby_Shambl3snucco: yes it is i formatted a while ago and how do i find UID again?20:13
nuccoIanBeyer: if you select expert mode, you usually control every step20:13
doxidwhats the library called for "File roller" archive manager in the Ubuntu Gnome enviroment?20:13
joonas_il try that20:13
nuccoBaby_Shambl3s: you don't need the UID.20:13
MountainXRambalid- use the System>Preferences>Keyboard tool to remap your keys.20:13
doxidfor .rar20:13
_Rambaldi_its a known issue, and no fix yet i use epiphany browser cory_20:13
lukaszhow mount home directory ?20:13
mehal88since the servers are swamped, is there another way to upgrade from the beta?20:13
IanBeyernucco: I just had the option of "install to local hard disk"20:13
gajanhey i cant install a .deb package which is in my hard disk only....it says couldnt find package........can anybody help?20:13
nuccodoxid: usually, you never need it, if you encounter a file that it can handle, you can just double-click it20:13
DBautell!sound dassouki_, don't know if this will help, but20:13
dbristowBaby_Shambl3s: it will show if linux sees your new drive and what partitions it has20:13
PeloIanBeyer,  the alternate install cd is an instalation cd for ubuntu with a text based installer and no live deskop, it is easer on resources during instal and less fussy about hardware20:13
Darre1please help with Broadcom bcm4306mp!20:14
joonas_DBautell, So i would write sudo chmod 777   -R filename?20:14
Baby_Shambl3snucco: o_0...??? you sure about that?20:14
IanBeyerthis must be it, since it's running a text based install20:14
sachaelanyone else unable to open ubuntuforums.org?20:14
Pelomehal88, get the torrent for the alternate cd or the dvd , upgrade from that20:14
doxidnucco, "could not open package.rar... archive type not supported."20:14
AaronMTHow can I get my wireless broadcom device to accept WPA2-Personal passcode? It doesnt like security specifically WPA-2 for some reason?20:14
nuccoIanBeyer: at the boot prompt, is there not a place for you to type something like "install" or "expert" ?20:14
fdkrewI have bcm4306 rev 320:14
DBautell!sound dassouki_20:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sound dassouki_ - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:14
doxidnucco, i need the .rar library :)20:14
MountainXsachael - I cannot reach ubuntu forums either20:14
Baby_Shambl3sdbristow: ok than will do so but why does uid show on ftab if it is not needed?20:14
merosachael, works for me but veeeery slow :(20:14
Juusodoxid: sudo apt-get install rar20:14
Pelomehal88, errrrr if you hve an uptodate beta you donT' need to upgrade20:14
PrivateVoidUnder 8.04 does anyone know which driver to use for a Radeon mobility 7500?20:14
DBautell!sound |dassouki_20:14
ubotudassouki_: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP320:14
nuccodoxid: sudo apt-get install unrar20:14
doxidJuuso, thx20:14
Darre1fdkrew is your working?20:14
macpo3if I mount an 8.04 amd64 desktop install ISO image and copy the contents to a USB hdd, can I then use eg 7.10 lilo or grub or something to make the usb drive bootable as if it was a CD buirned from the ISO? obviously assuming the hardware supports booting from a USB drive20:14
the_darkside_986Has anyone else had the problem of severe system stuttering that causes Totem to skip badly?20:14
amirman84sachael: yeah, it takes a lot of refreshing but eventually you can get a page to load, it's been a pain all morning20:14
fdkrewyou need to feitch the firmware20:14
gajanhey i cant install a .deb package which is in my hard disk only....it says couldnt find package........can anybody help?20:14
_Rambaldi_MountainX, there is no remapping just layout change20:14
doxidnucco, juuso.. which one?   unrar or rar? :P20:14
dbristowBaby_Shambl3s: I'm not sure about the uuid20:14
fdkrewprivte msg me20:15
sachaelamirman84, because of the new ubuntu release?20:15
m3ltd0wn123When I try to connect to my proftpd server, even from local machine, it says "connection closed by host"20:15
nuccoBaby_Shambl3s: yes, uuid, or /dev/* will do.20:15
IanBeyeri'm running the server install disk20:15
Baby_Shambl3sdoxid: downoad rar archive from repo and you'll be able to extract rar files20:15
cory_how do i install it if i cant get on the internet20:15
the_darkside_986The live CD works just fine and is very fast. But when I install hardy to disk, everything is painfully sluggish.20:15
nuccodoxid: unrar enables you to open, rar enables you to create20:15
PrivateVoidfdkrew - you talking about the Radeon?20:15
stefgthe_darkside_986: killall pulseaudio , then try again20:15
amirman84sachael: i guess so, that's all i can think of20:15
Pelogajan, how were you trying to instal it ?20:15
zoommy99How do I get X-Fi sound drivers to work on hardy Heron20:15
gajanhi power team20:15
Baby_Shambl3snucco: thanx will do so?20:15
fdkrewboardcom bcm4306 rev V20:15
dassouki_ubotu, DBautell20:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dbautell - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:15
dassouki_ubotu, DBautell  thanks20:15
fdkrewrev 3*20:15
gajanpelo sudo apt-get install20:15
PowerTeamWhat does the process trackerd do?20:15
MountainXRambaldi - look under layout options. You can swap capslock and ctrl and make a lot of other changes.20:15
* Pelo hates the week after a release , all hardware questions 20:16
mut80rdassouki_ ubotu is a bot.20:16
PowerTeamit eats up a lot of resources20:16
mintsoupI'm trying to use multiple displays, but when I click detect displays in the screen resolution menu, nothing happens.. does anybody know how to get multiple displays working?20:16
dassouki_mut80r, oops !!20:16
LordJesusPowerTeam, it indexes files20:16
* IanBeyer reboots. again.20:16
* PrivateVoid understands pelo20:16
Pelogagan  sudo dpkg -i /path/to/file.deb20:16
gajanpelo i was even in the same dir that contain the pkg20:16
zoommy99does anyone hear have soundblaster x-fi?20:16
_Rambaldi_not quiet that, but thanks anyway MountainX20:16
rjonesxhow does one restart ifconfig?20:16
gajanpelo, i was even in the same dir that contain the pkg20:16
PowerTeamLordJesus: is this a scheduled thing or is it constant?20:16
dassouki_well anyways, my sound was working this morning on 7.10 and it doesn't on 8.04, that seems strange20:16
cal_got error copying files... Errno: 5, tryed burning two different cd's. log file says SQUASHFS Error: Unable to read...any ideas?20:16
mehal88pelo: with the alternate cd image, can i run from the image or do i have to burn it?20:16
MountainXRambaldi - what are you trying to do?20:16
Pelogagan  sudo dpkg -i /path/to/file.deb20:16
PrivateVoidgah... where is the firmware folder again?20:16
DBautelljoonas_, you would 'chmod -R' a directory, and it will change the permissions for all files and dirs underneath it.. sometimes you can change a file but not the directory it's in20:16
LordJesusPowerTeam, I'm afraid I don't know20:16
gajanpelo, sudo apt-get install20:16
lukaszi downloaded file ster.run to home catalog and this file must be run without x server20:17
Pelogajan, apt-get is for repos20:17
_Rambaldi_MountainX, change my home button to backspace20:17
nuccomehal88: you still gotta burn it20:17
lukaszhow it do ?20:17
gajansud i try aptitude?20:17
gajanpelo,sud i try aptitude?20:17
MountainXRambaldi - use xmodmap20:17
_Rambaldi_gajan, what are you trying  to install20:17
the_darkside_986ah, so trackerd is the culprit? is there a way to disable it completely. I have the checkbox unchecked and the CPU slowness set to 99 in the GUI.20:17
gajanits yahoo msngr20:17
ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy20:17
Pelolukasz, crtl_alt_f2 to f6 ,  for console,  alt crtl f7 to come back20:17
IcemanV9gajan: you can use aptitude or apt-get; either way it works20:17
Pelogagan  sudo dpkg -i /path/to/file.deb20:17
_Rambaldi_that would do thanks MountainX20:18
PeloIcemanV9, he's trying to install a downloaded package20:18
lobazoplease help me i can't mount a normal cd20:18
gajaniceman, its telling pkg not found20:18
Yodudehello, am i wrong or did hardy remove the samba configuration GUI ?20:18
PowerTeamtrackerd uses like 50% of my cpu20:18
mehal88pelo: i dont think i have a uptodate beta, i've been using xp all week and moved back to linux today because i remembered that the final should be out20:18
balle_flash works buffalx20:18
nuccogajan: please use pidgin instead20:18
mut80rPowerTeam: it's indexing your system20:18
lobazoplease help me i can't mount a normal cd20:18
zoommy99so no one here has xfi working on 8.04?20:19
IcemanV9gajan: ah. Pelo just told me it is package; follow Pelo's instruction ( sudo dpkg -i <package>.deb )20:19
IanBeyernucco, how does one get into "expert" mode?20:19
gajannucco what is pidgin i dont know...i am a new user20:19
lukaszthis package is .run file20:19
lacitrouillemasqfdkrew: hi, you have a trouble with boardcom bcm4306 rev 3 ?20:19
nuccoPowerTeam: that's following a massive transfer of files to your HDD. after a while, it kind of idles away20:19
cory_how do i install epiphany20:19
n-iCeI can't download the new ubuntu with the update manager, where can I get it??20:19
nuccogajan: pidgin is a messenger for linux, just like yahoo messenger20:19
mckninQuestion: Is us.archive.ubuntu.com down?20:19
mut80rgajan: Pidgin is a messenger that supports several services. I'm using it right now for MSN and IRC.20:19
[T]-Rexwhats the command to check my glib version ?20:19
lukaszit must be install without x server20:19
jharkn!slow | mcknin20:19
ubotumcknin: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of the latest edition. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.20:19
Pelomehal88, last update I got for rc was on monday, but whatever,  dl the alt-cd or the dvd in torrent from and just pop it in the drive,  while ubuntu is on, it wil ask if yiou want to upgrade20:19
Pelo!torrent | mehal8820:19
ubotumehal88: Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P20:19
lobazoplease help me i can't mount a normal cd20:19
the_darkside_986gajan: pidgin is better but if you need Yahoo's camera protocol, there's a free open source Linux yahoo client that can do that. i have to look up the name though (i helped someone else find it before)20:19
StinyCan someone help me with my sound? There's no sound at all.20:19
nuccoIanBeyer: at the boot prompt for the cd, press the help button and see the options they give you. usually expert mode is listed. but that's if you're using the alternate CD20:20
PowerTeamnucco: ok, i was begging to worry. hehe20:20
ubotuHardy can be torrented from http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).20:20
mut80r!audio | Stiny20:20
ubotuStiny: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP320:20
PeloStiny, start with this20:20
PowerTeamnucco: begining20:20
=== nibsa1242 is now known as nibsa1242b
thomasc599i need help with my screen res in 8.04, it's set to 800x600, edited the xorg.conf, that dun work and did dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, and it dose not come to the screen res section, plz help20:20
PowerTeamme an me typos20:20
lacitrouillemasqany trick with boardcom bcm4306 rev 3 ?20:20
nuccoPowerTeam: its actually indexing the data. if you've got a dual core cpu then you don't need to worry. your system is still very much responsive.20:20
MountainXhow do I add an HP OfficeJet All-In-One printer to Hardy using ethernet (not usb) connectivity? Thanks.20:20
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs20:20
noocxanyone using evdev with usb mouse?20:20
StinyThank you.20:21
Pelomcknin, there is a timer on the bot,  it won'T restate the same trigger rigth away20:21
lobazoplease help me i can't mount a normal cd20:21
thomasc599i need help with my screen res in 8.04, it's set to 800x600, edited the xorg.conf, that dun work and did dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, and it dose not come to the screen res section, plz help20:21
IanBeyeruhh... OK, that's weird. I selected "expert" and it went to the memory test20:21
ubotuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code20:21
nuccoMountainX: depends on the protocol... is it IPP? you select the appropriate option in the printer configuration interface20:21
Yodudeam i wrong or did hardy remove the samba configuration GUI ?20:21
Pelolobazo, what do you mean by normal cd ?20:21
lunartearcould someone give me a hint on ssh key verification?  I've used ssh-keygen to generate an ssh-rsa key pair. I copied the public key to another machine at ~/.ssh/authorized_keys  but im getting a "Host key verification failed" error20:21
cory_how do i install epiphany20:21
Pelocory_, sudo apt-get install epiphany-browser20:21
lobazoaccording mtab /dev/scd0 is already mounted in /media/cdrom020:21
ubotuTo disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv420:21
IcemanV9MountainX: system > admin > printing20:21
StevenXmut80r, interesting. all i had to do was hold the alt button. but i don't have the brightness option in the normal dialog.20:21
thomasc599i need help with my screen res in 8.04, it's set to 800x600, edited the xorg.conf, that dun work and did dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, and it dose not come to the screen res section, plz help20:21
nuccothomasc599: what graphic card are you using?20:21
lobazothat's says me20:22
thomasc599wait a min20:22
MountainXnucco, IcemanV9 - thanks. Where can I find a help document that explains this in more details?20:22
PowerTeamnucco: intel dual core 2    2Ghz should be enough for ubuntu20:22
lobazoaccording mtab /dev/scd0 is already mounted in /media/cdrom020:22
Pelolobazo, and it does not appear on your desktop ?20:22
zoommy99SoundBlaster X-Fi Soundcard working on hardy?20:22
thomasc599how do i find that out?20:22
lukaszwho can help ma at prv ?20:22
Joelitodoes anyone have downloaded audacious via apt in hardy?20:22
nuccoIanBeyer: quite weird indeed. you try the memtest option? ;)20:22
lobazoit appeared20:22
lesjohnis there anywhere to get the md5 for the powerpc port of hardy? it's not on the main list20:22
MountainXI tried Ssytem>admin>printing but I didn't know what to put in the options20:22
IcemanV9MountainX: wiki.ubuntu.com20:22
Pelolobazo, right click the desktop and sort icons20:22
JediMasterHow do you enable SSL in Apache 2 in Hardy? All the HOW-TOs refer to apache2-ssl-certificate script that no longer comes with the apache2 package (and any other I can find)20:22
=== lukasz is now known as elektronik123
IanBeyernucco: I just hit F6 for boot options and typed in "expert"20:22
mohbanahey guys ... i basically downlaoded the ubuntu hardy dvd and i managed to install it succesfully, but strangely enough when i go to soft sources only the cd rom is available20:23
thomasc599nucco > how do i find that out?20:23
nuccoPowerTeam: he he, like I always say, all modern processors are fast enough so that you don't even need to look at the hertz!20:23
Baby_Shambl3swhats the command to update fstab20:23
lobazoi'm in xubuntu20:23
IcemanV9MountainX: if it is connected via ethernet, then it should show up and you need to finish some options20:23
Baby_Shambl3swhats the command to update fstab?20:23
mut80rlobazo: /join #xubuntu20:23
nuccothomasc599: no straightforward way that I know of... when you do dpkg-reconfigure, what driver does it select by default?20:23
SimplePlanhow long does it take to install ubuntu?20:23
ArkaicBaby_Shambl3s: just edit it with a text editor20:23
elektronik123i want install it http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_x86_96.43.05.html20:23
mut80rSimplePlan: anywhere from 10 to 40 minutes usually.20:23
PeloSimplePlan,  depends on your systemm   I can be done in 30 min20:23
tushydSimplePlan: took me 30-45 mins?20:23
lobazook thaks20:23
_Rambaldi_what do you mean by update fstab Baby_Shambl3s20:24
cory_it said it couldent find the package20:24
JediMasterSimplePlan: 20-30 min or so?20:24
MountainXIcemanV9 - nothing is showing up for my printer. Also, wiki.ubuntu.com doesn't list anything for HPLIP. What should I search for?20:24
YodudeSimplePlan: on average 30min-1hour20:24
nuccoMountainX: System > Help. the inbuilt help.20:24
IanBeyerSimplePlan: depends on whether you're going from cds or repository, and how bad the repos are gettingf hammered :)20:24
Arky44SimplePlan: it may take a long time, especially now that everyone is downloading the Hardy Heron release20:24
lunartearcould someone give me a hint on ssh key verification?  I've used ssh-keygen to generate an ssh-rsa key pair. I copied the public key to another machine at ~/.ssh/authorized_keys  but im getting a "Host key verification failed" error20:24
mohbanadid anyone get that?20:24
Invert314has anyone else here noticed that the Ubuntu forums is really slow today?  Firefox has been timing out for the past hour at all ubuntu forum URLs20:24
IcemanV9MountainX: make sure LAN is enabled20:24
tushydmut80r, 10 mins?20:24
SimplePlannot to download ... but to intsall20:24
Arky44SimplePlan: from start to finish, it won't take longer than an hour20:24
mut80r!slow | Invert31420:24
ubotuInvert314: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of the latest edition. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.20:24
* Pelo has to set a whole afternoon aside to install windows XP , and that is without the software , but it does include the updates20:24
StevenXmut80r, https://webshare.uchicago.edu/users/sleiva/Public/Screenshot-Power%20Management%20Preferences.png?uniq=4gnj2220:24
DBautellthree way merge (experimental) option for menu.lst apparantly fails horribly20:24
mut80rtushyd: from the alternate CD20:24
IanBeyergah, even "expert" is forcing me to use DHCP20:25
thomasc599nucco > when i do dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg it dose not get to anything about the screen or monter at all20:25
tushydmut80r, ah20:25
nibsa1242bPelo: why install XP?20:25
zoommy99Can someone tell me how to get X-Fi working on Hardy?20:25
PowerTeamnucco: i am acutaly very pleased with ubuntu, i got all me hardware working even me windows mobil phone...  I belive ubuntu is very good distro. and very clean. i realy loved that about it20:25
nuccothomasc599: when you do the dpkg thingy, what's the first thing that shows up, what option is highlighted by default?20:25
cory_Pelo: it said it couldent find the package20:25
SkinnYPuppSimplePlan: took me a little over 30 mins on a p4 2.3 ghz20:25
mohbanahey guys ... i basically downlaoded the ubuntu hardy dvd and i managed to install it succesfully, but strangely enough when i go to soft sources only the cd rom is available20:25
Pelonibsa1242b, I don,t realy do it anymore but I paid for it , I kind of feel it should be there if I need it , mind you I have it "contained" on a 10 gig partition20:25
SimplePlandoes UBUNTU have WINZIP?20:25
Invert314mut80r, for me its the forums that are slow, not the download mirrors!20:25
nuccoPowerTeam: we do too, now go tell your neighbours too :)20:25
IanBeyerSimplePlan: hahaha20:25
mut80rInvert314: they're on the same server I think.20:26
Pelocory_, menu > applications > add/remove ,  search : epiphany20:26
SimplePlanIanBeyer im askin seriously20:26
mut80rStevenX: that is what I have mine set to. I have to increase the brightness when booting20:26
thomasc599nucco > a thing about a video frame buffer20:26
tushydSimplePlan, no. Doesn't need it20:26
the_darkside_986Is it possible to safely prevent trackerd from running at all? i don't want to damage my Ubuntu install by messing with scripts and deleting system files.20:26
jackaultWhat do you use to put music on an iPod ?20:26
Invert314ty mut80r20:26
SkinnYPuppSimplePlan: No but it will unzip anything20:26
nibsa1242bPelo: you know it'll overwrite your mbr when you install it right?20:26
nuccoSimplePlan: you want to open a zip file? just double-click it20:26
_Rambaldi_not winzip but archive manager and command to unzip SimplePlan20:26
IanBeyerSimplePlan: think about it.20:26
MonckySimplePlan: no the there is a zip command for unxipping .xip files20:26
IanBeyerWIN zip20:26
Yodudewhy is the samba configurator not present in hardy ?! please someone answer !20:26
vlad_erm, anyone know of a bug that causes gdm to basically keep restarting (but not the X server -- just gdm, as far as I can tell)?20:26
Arky44mohbana: have you opened up Synaptic Package Manager and expanded the software repositories?20:26
Skii1Quick question - i just tried to install ubuntu and was unable to, when starting up ubuntu gave me a error and said it saved it in a log, where would this be saved? c:/ubuntu..?20:26
tushydjackault, try amarok20:26
zoommy99XFI sound Anyone?20:26
nuccothomasc599: hmmm... it doesn't ask you to select a driver?20:26
SimplePlanIanBeyer sorry im not a geek like u20:26
the_darkside_986There are iPod management tools under Sound/Video20:26
StevenXmut80r, but you see how I don't have a GUI option for increasing brightness?20:26
vlad_it's just blinking in the login screen then going back to a pale orange screen, then repeat20:27
PeloSimplePlan, ubjntu uses file roller,  , it can support zip format ,   sudo apt-get install  unzip20:27
IanBeyerSimplePlan:  not sure why you'd want winzip, even on windows20:27
thomasc599nucco > no20:27
DANimalI need some help with installing Ubuntu please.20:27
mut80rStevenX: neither do I. but with that set by default it kept turning mine down.20:27
mohbanaArky44, yes ... it is missing, how can i put it on? i installed via the dvd20:27
nibsa1242bPelo: I too have paid for it. I run it from QEMU when I have to.20:27
mut80rStevenX: that's why I suggested disabling it.20:27
koomberhi all.  New to Ubuntu, just wondering if anyone has tried installing on Dell Vostro 200?20:27
Pelonibsa1242b, not a problem , I've dealt with this issue before and it's on a seperate hdd anyway20:27
IanBeyerit's cashware and there are perfectly good FOSS options out there like 7-zip20:27
craig_has anyone tried to install vmserver on the latest version of unbuntu yet?20:27
tushydDANimal, just ask a question and if anyone knows how to help you they will20:27
dassouki_DBautell, ya that doesn't help i went through the whole thing. my sound card was working this morning on 7.10, i lost it after ht upgrade20:27
SimplePlanok thank you guys for all your help im gonna go install ubuntu now20:27
nuccothomasc599: do "lspci" in a terminal and paste the output somewhere, then give me the link, lemme see if I can make something out of it20:27
SyaZI've installed Ubuntu 7.10 on an Acer laptop, but I can't find wireless network configuration anywhere, care to point me to the right direction?20:27
Pelonibsa1242b, I run my xp partiton throught vmaware server20:27
mut80r!network | SyaZ20:27
ubotuSyaZ: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs20:27
thomasc599nucco > i edited the xorg.conf to put this in "Modes       "1280x800"20:27
kevin4381fresh install of 8.04; GeForce 7600 GT:  in the Hardware Drivers dialog box it says "nvidia_new" is enabled, but "Not in use".  additionally.  "desktop effects could not be enabled" - how do I get the proprietary drivers to be "in use" and enable desktop effects?20:27
DANimalDoes anyone know how to fix the "Running local boot scripts (/etc/rc.local)" hang, I get hung at that screen and I can't get past it20:27
DANimalWith Hardy20:28
* elektronik123 i can`t install it http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_x86_96.43.05.html20:28
SyaZThanks mut80r.20:28
Arky44mohbana: with Synaptic going, go to Settings > Repositories20:28
IcemanV9thomasc599: can you pastebin your xorg.conf? tell us the nbr when you're done and we'll see if we can help ya further.20:28
nibsa1242bPelo: how does that work out? I've always wanted to do something like that.20:28
nuccothomasc599: probably using the wrong drivers, we gotta identify which one you should be using first20:28
mut80rSyaZ: no problem20:28
IcemanV9!pastebin | thomasc59920:28
ubotuthomasc599: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)20:28
PeloDANimal, look up the error msg in the forum wwwl.ubuntuforums.org20:28
DBautellsorry, dassouki_ it was a shot in the dark from this end... someone said something about setting sound to ALSA instead of autodetect, but I'm really not in a position to help beyond that20:28
alteregoahardy is still not productive20:28
mohbanaArky44, i've tried that20:28
elektronik123i have this file and how install it ?20:28
lunartearcould someone give me a hint on ssh key verification?  I've used ssh-keygen to generate an ssh-rsa key pair. I copied the public key to another machine at ~/.ssh/authorized_keys  but im getting a "Host key verification failed" error20:29
nuccoalteregoa: please explain20:29
CaptainMorganin what way alteregoa20:29
Arky44mohbana: did you check all the boxes under "ubuntu software"?20:29
kevin4381someone please help: I have a fresh install of 8.04; GeForce 7600 GT:  in the Hardware Drivers dialog box it says "nvidia_new" is enabled, but "Not in use".  additionally.  "desktop effects could not be enabled" - how do I get the proprietary drivers to be "in use" and enable desktop effects?20:29
Monckyelektronik123: what file?20:29
_Rambaldi_DANimal, try alt f2 and login, and run sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start20:29
joonas_anybody installed apache here?20:29
alteregoamanualy configure xorg.conf crap and such stuff20:29
mut80rkevin4381:  sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new20:29
koomberHas anyone elsehad trouble with getting Hardy to install on Dell Vostro 200?  It keeps rebooting my system20:29
Dusk_hi there..i couldn't configure OpenDNS on ubuntu 8.04. i followed this (https://www.opendns.com/start/ubuntu.php) tutorial but it does nothing..can someone tell me how can i use opendns??20:29
mohbanaArky44, i want to install from the dvd, and yes all of them are selected.  the issue is, dvd is not present20:29
IanBeyerGAH. this "expert mode" isn't working20:29
mohbanaArky44, only cd is20:29
IanBeyerstill being forced to use DHCP20:29
elektronik123Moncky ster.run but it must be run without x server20:29
nuccokevin4381: just a guess, but disable it, reboot, re-enable, and follow instructions20:29
CaptainMorganalteregoa, thanks pretty standard across many distros20:30
craig_pelo - how did you install vmserver, i'm having trouble with 'unable to build vmmon module'20:30
cory_pelo: it says its not avilible for my platform20:30
nuccoIanBeyer: guess nobody tested expertmode via remote shell...20:30
thomasc599both xorg and lspci20:30
IanBeyernucco: I wouldn't know, I'm not using remote shell20:30
Arky44mohbana: ok. click on the "Third-Party Software" tab and click the "Add CD-ROM..." button20:30
_Rambaldi_craig_, i had that problem, got the fix yesterday20:30
nuccoIanBeyer: I meant {whatever means you're using}20:30
Arky44mohbana: it should scan the DVD20:30
kevin4381mut80r: "package nvidia-glx-new is not available, but is referred to by another package."20:30
_Rambaldi_brb craig_20:30
IcemanV9Dusk_: did you modify /etc/resolv.conf and /etc/init.d/network restart?20:31
os2maclemme guess the forums are hosted on the same servers as the repositories?20:31
Monk728encountering an error while trying to install on a fresh system.  After selecting install I am getting the initramfs prompt.  I have even attempted to install using alternate CD, and now that is giving me a "No kernel modules were found... This is probably due to a mismatch of the kernel used by this version and the kernel in the one online" and it will not let me continue past that.  Please help20:31
jfreyI've been running hardy for a couple of weeks now and today it's been missing the application/power bar from both the top and bottom of the screen. The only change I made before this happened was to evolution which I removed. And help or pointer and how t even phase this so I can find an answer on google?20:31
IanBeyernucco: that would be the console. I would imagine that;s been, erm, tested extensively.20:31
Pelocraig_, I instaled in 7.10 from the repos,  right now it doesn,t work on hardy ,  there are no hardypacakges for it, but do a search on digg there was an article last week on installling the lastest vmware server on hardy20:31
dassouki_DBautell, any idea how to do that ?20:31
kevin4381nucco:  - I will try that in a minute if this doesn't work20:31
andresmhwhat is the config file where ubuntu stores the default windows manager?20:31
=== Owner is now known as DB-DX
jburdAnd like rubbing salt in my wound the LiveCD doesn't even show any graphics on my screen.  Blank.  :-)20:31
Dusk_IcemanV9: no..i only followed the tutorial20:31
mut80rkevin4381: no idea. that's what I had to enter to get it working on my PC.20:31
Pelojfrey, alt-f2 : gnome-panel20:31
andresmhi mean, the config file where the default windows manager is set?20:31
Monckyelektronik123: not sure sorry20:31
stroyanlunartear:  You need to have tight permissions on .ssh/* files or they may not be used.  make them "chmod 600" so only your account can access them.  You could also check /etc/ssh/sshd_config on the side you are connecting to.20:32
nixnoobhey i just upgraded to hardy and i have no sound any ideaas?20:32
mut80r!audio | nixnoob20:32
Pelolater folks20:32
mut80r!audio | nixnoob20:32
ubotunixnoob: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP320:32
jfreyno alt-f2 but I did get to terminal through nautalus20:32
lunartearstroyan ok I'll check those two20:32
mut80rthere we go20:32
kevin4381ok; I'm gonna reboot :)20:32
nuccoandresmh: why would you need that config file?20:32
LiraNunaservers. are. hammered.20:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about opendns - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:32
koomberI don't want to keep asking the same question over and over, but hopefully somone can help with my Vostro blues :)20:32
LiraNunaany list of repositories so I can try to find a closer one?20:33
nixnoobmut80r, thats annoying and not helpful and besides hardy uses pulseaudio not alsa20:33
stroyanlunartear:  ssh-copy-id is handy for copying public keys to the authorized hosts list on other systems.20:33
Monk728encountering an error while trying to install on a fresh system.  After selecting install I am getting the initramfs prompt.  I have even attempted to install using alternate CD, and now that is giving me a "No kernel modules were found... This is probably due to a mismatch of the kernel used by this version and the kernel in the one online" and it will not let me continue past that.  Please help, this is driving me nuts20:33
rjonesxare there alternate servers I coudl use for apt-get update? ie, other countries (im in the UK)20:33
MountainXCan anybody give me a URL for a howto on setting up a HP OfficeJet All In One (printer, scanner, etc) via ethernet connection with Hardy? I have HPLIP installed via Synaptic, but I'm confused about the next steps. Thanks.20:33
IcemanV9Dusk_: okay. i have done it with my laptop. modify /etc/resolv.conf, then restart /etc/init.d/network restart. then go back to opendns.org to see if it works.20:33
elektronik123why in owners drivers max resolution is 800 pix ?20:33
ToM-xWhats up with the default ones rjones?20:33
andresmhnucco: because i screw up something and I want to edit it manually using the CLI20:33
hbwhat does it mean when you use the cd to install hardy but after the initial restart I get an error at the grub screen saying partition does not exist.20:33
=== LordJesus is now known as duaneb
DBautellsorry, dassouki_ I just switched computers and lost track of myself... was typing when the "reboot?" dialog came up and I hit space... Where were we?20:33
thomasc599nucco > http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64417/20:33
nuccoandresmh: what did you screw up?20:33
zoommy99Does anyone in this channel have a creative x-fi card?20:34
nuccothomasc599: been trying to open that since, my darn connection is giving me 550Bytes per second :(20:34
mut80rnixnoob: it was a suggestion I am aware of the different sound system but you could try and see if ALSA works instead.20:34
hbzoommy99, no but I've got a hammer you can borrow20:34
dassouki_DBautell, any idea how to set the sound from all to a specific driver, i've doen that before on another computer u get a blue screen and choose a driver, i just don't recall the command20:34
koomberhas anyone tried installing on DELL Vostro 200?20:34
ToM-xWhat is wrong with the default rjonesx20:34
thomasc599nucco > kk20:34
vlad__hi ppl20:34
nixnoobmut80r, it was orginally set to alsa and didnt work, neither does pulseaudio20:34
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs20:34
StarnestommyToM-x: a lot of US and UK servers are overloaded because of everyone upgrading20:34
andresmhwell, i mostly want to do it remotely, without having to open an X terminal20:34
mut80rnixnoob: my bad.20:34
nuccokoomber: what exactly are you interested in finding out20:35
tushydzoommy99, from a quick google-ing it seems that it's not supported yet20:35
andresmhdo you know the location of the file or not? :)20:35
os2macnot the same server but definitely the same network. segment.20:35
vlad__im having a problem im getting a blank window after try to put better visual effects on config what can i do? i got ati x155020:35
andresmhalso, does anyone know what is the path of the config file where autologin is turned off and on?20:35
DBautelldassouki_, well, that reboot put me in the new version, so I'll have a look... FWIW, my login sound happened20:35
koombernucco> been trying to install it, but it just reboots me back to bios20:35
Dusk_IcemanV9: how can i restart the ethernet connection?20:35
kevin4381after disabling and re-enabling the "nvidia_new" driver, then rebooting - the driver is still "enabled" but "not in use"20:35
IcemanV9thomasc599: add this line "DefaultDepth         24" in Section "Screen" and restart the X (ctrl-alt-backspace)20:35
nuccoandresmh: /etc/gdm/20:35
andresmhthanks nucco20:35
mut80rDusk_: the easiest way is to just replug the cable.20:35
IcemanV9Dusk_: sudo /etc/init.d/network restart20:35
kevin4381I am using an nvidia GeForce 7600 GT video card. how can I find out WHY this driver is not being used?20:35
toresnhow can i turn off bold text in aterm? i tried putting 'Aterm*boldMode: false' in .Xdefaults, but that didn't seem to work20:35
joonas_does anyone know what is the roop password of ubuntu 8.04?20:36
nuccokoomber: at what point does it reboot.20:36
|Dreams|i am stuck cant install any addons on 32bit firefox installed on amd64 helllp keeps giving me unexpected initialisation error20:36
mut80rjoonas_: there is no root password.20:36
Starnestommyjbrendel_: there is no root password.  Use sudo20:36
nuccoandresmh: or you can use "System > Administration > Login Window" to do that in a GUI20:36
Starnestommyjoonas_: use sudo20:36
smallfoot-Blender runs in fullscreen (even when I tell it to run in window mode) if I use Compiz. Without Compiz, Blender behaves properly though.20:36
dabbillwhen i deselect a window my border disappears, any way to fix that?20:36
da_hi. i have a question. is it possible to define 2 mode keys in xmodmap20:36
MountainXIcemanV9 - sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart20:36
Monk728encountering an error while trying to install on a fresh system.  After selecting install I am getting the initramfs prompt.  I have even attempted to install using alternate CD, and now that is giving me a "No kernel modules were found... This is probably due to a mismatch of the kernel used by this version and the kernel in the one online" and it will not let me continue past that.  Please help20:36
joonas_mut80r, but how can i change the var  folder permissions?20:36
StinyWhy is Firefox 3 beta is installed on Hardy, instead of a stable version?20:36
StinyThat's not really a problem, but it's weird.20:36
nuccoStiny: use epiphany-browser20:37
c0ffeei have some "up" commands in my /etc/network/interfaces, but they are not execute when the interface is brought up during boot. is this a known problem or are there somewhere logs of the boot messages?20:37
joonas_it wont let me says  permission denied20:37
Arky44Stiny: it's still relatively stable... :)20:37
mut80rjoonas_: sudo chmod 777 /var/ -R            but I wouldn't reccomend it20:37
tushydmucco, what's so good about epiphany?20:37
IcemanV9Dusk_: i use opendns on my laptop for a while, then i put it on my router for all other boxes. it works just fine.20:37
PowerTeamI am wondering to buy meself a new laptop what is it best use ati or nvidia with linux i have only experience with ati.20:37
Arky44Stiny: I use galeon :)20:37
TeslaTonyEvery time I try playing something in MPlayer, I get "AO: [pulse] Failed to connect to server: Connection refused." Then the file plays fine. Any idea what's going on?20:37
kevin4381can somebody tell me how to get some kind of report so I can ask a more specific question?20:37
=== ak-_ is now known as ak-
IcemanV9MountainX: thks20:37
koombernucco>  I've managed to install from the windows installer.  When booting into linuk normally I get the loading screen then reboot.20:37
kevin4381can't enable desktop effects, proprietary driver not in use, why not? how fix? please help20:37
Mecan anyone tell me how to get my bluetooth mouse working with ubuntu?20:37
nuccotushyd: epiphany is a gnome-endorsed browser.20:38
ToM-xPowerTeam: Nvidia20:38
ompaul!bluetooth | me20:38
ubotume: For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup20:38
max__kevin 438120:38
nuccoStiny: galeon merged with epiphany long ago... its probably unmaintained now20:38
dabbillwhen i deselect a window my border disappears, any way to fix that?20:38
StinyI like Firefox because fo Adblock and Filterset G, but I never heard of galeon before.20:38
_Rambaldi_craig_, did you get a fix for the vmon problem?20:38
kevin4381max__:  ?20:38
joonas_okey i tryed that but i still dont have the permissions20:38
Arky44Stiny: nucco is right, galeon isn't maintained20:38
nuccoStiny: there's an adblock for epiphany too20:38
Monk728encountering an error while trying to install on a fresh system.  After selecting install I am getting the initramfs prompt.  I have even attempted to install using alternate CD, and now that is giving me a "No kernel modules were found... This is probably due to a mismatch of the kernel used by this version and the kernel in the one online" and it will not let me continue past that.  Please help, this is driving me nuts20:39
vlad__how can i fix white screen problem when i try to enable desktop effects i got ati20:39
MountainXI need a link to an HP printer howto for noobs. Ubuntu forums are not working for me today. Can't find an up to date doc in the wiki either.20:39
PowerTeamToM-x: so nvidia has the best drivers in your opinion?20:39
kevin4381hello .. can you help? you said my nick20:39
joonas_sudo: /var/run/sudo writable by non-owner (040777), should be mode 070020:39
eppare the hardy repos relly, sometimes they time out.20:39
nibsa1242bMountainX: give me a min and I can probably help you20:39
tushydkevin4381: did you try running nvidia-xconfig?20:39
joonas_what does this mean?20:39
max__your graphics card installed20:39
nibsa1242bMountainX: what printer do you have?20:39
ToM-xPowerTeam, No doubt. I have ATI and it fails.20:39
koombernucco > when booting with the APCI (I think) disabled option I get "ata.001 revalidation failed error no = -5"20:39
kevin4381tushyd:  - where do I find that?20:40
mut80rjoonas_: this is why I said I wouldn't reccomend it20:40
lunartearstroyan: do i need to uncomment this line in /etc/ssh/sshd_config i take it?  #AuthorizedKeysFile     %h/.ssh/authorized_keys20:40
=== Me is now known as n000b
ompaul!noob | MountainX by the way you are not explaining what you want to achieve with a HP printer20:40
max__just a minute20:40
ubotuMountainX by the way you are not explaining what you want to achieve with a HP printer: Acronyms or statements like  noob, jfgi, stfu or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.20:40
tushydkevin4381, you can run it in terminal20:40
cvasilakis it me or the ubuntuforums.org is very very sloy?20:40
StinySo, epiphany is galeon? I'm confused. :D20:40
OiPenguin_Is apt-get update20:40
OiPenguin_ sudo apt-get dist-upgrade still applicable commands?20:40
kevin4381should I install it first?20:40
mut80r!slow | cvasilak20:40
ubotucvasilak: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of the latest edition. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.20:40
nuccothomasc599: somethings wrong with your xorg.conf20:40
nixnoobrepos are uber slow last few days20:40
cvasilaksloy-> slow20:40
umass1993\join #ubuntu-bugs20:40
_Rambaldi_its not you cvasilak20:40
ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy20:40
IanBeyernixnoob: gee, wonder why20:40
eppare the hardy repos really busy? i keep getting timeouts.20:40
tushydkevin4381, if the nvidia drivers are installed, it should be already there20:40
nixnoobIanBeyer, yea i know20:40
Starnestommyepp: all the repos are20:41
nuccoStiny: epiphany is the new galeon :) so to speak20:41
Arky44!slow | epp20:41
ubotuepp: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of the latest edition. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.20:41
nibsa1242bepp: yes they are. try a local mirror20:41
cvasilak_Rambaldi_, ok thanks i see20:41
Sarthor^^Hi, is there any problem for apt-get right now???20:41
ToM-xHardy repo's are fine with me (UK)20:41
kevin4381The program 'nvidia-xconfig' can be found in the following packages:20:41
MountainXnucco - thx, but System > Help doesn't give the help I need.20:41
eppnibsa1242b, thx20:41
kevin4381whats the cmd to start the app?20:41
StinyI think I'll give it a try.20:41
* IanBeyer wonders why !slow isn't just set as the topic20:41
StinyCan't lose.20:41
nuccokoomber: that should signify issues with your sata controller... but I'm not well versed in those areas20:41
IcemanV9MountainX: check this out --> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingWithUbuntu20:41
mut80rIanBeyer: lol20:41
nuccoMountainX: what protocol does the printer say it supports? look in the product's manual.20:41
PowerTeamthx for the help, il log now..... May ubuntu live for for ever20:41
kevin4381E: Couldn't find package nvidia-xconfig20:42
mluser-workIs there a raid guide available for ubuntu?20:42
mut80r!raid | mluser-work20:42
ubotumluser-work: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto20:42
Mustard_Is_Blueok, I have a problem.20:42
mluser-workmut80r: thanks20:42
StinyAnd is there a really big difference between epiphany and epiphany gecko version?20:42
Monk728anyone else having initramfs problems when installing?  I tried the steps on the forums, but no success20:42
nibsa1242bepp: I just finished my upgrade, the big problem was the initial waiting for the update manager. It looked locked up, but in about 15min it was finally doing something. Then it only took me ~1.5hrs to dl what I needed and another ~1hr for the rest of the process.20:42
Skapareanyone know when the DVD isos for 8.04 will hit the mirrors?  I noticed rsync temp files slowly arriving at one of them (then the files disappear like thet are being hiddne)20:42
* IanBeyer wonders how long "scanning the mirror" is gonna take20:42
max__your install nvidia drivers20:42
gamalernanyone know the easist way to backup anorak before I do a complet clean install?20:43
eppnibsa1242b, i noticed that too. once it starts its fast.20:43
tushydkevin4831, i haven't had an nvidia card for a while, but if you haven't already, you can manually install the newest drivers from www.nvidia.com/object/unix.html20:43
mut80r!torrents | Skapare20:43
ubotuSkapare: Hardy can be torrented from http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).20:43
neonon an ASUS laptop does the webcam (bisoncam) works under ubuntu?20:43
nuccoStiny: just use the default... epiphany is based on gecko atm, but won't be for too long20:43
MountainXubotu - I have an HP L7680 all in one (printer, scanner, etc.). It is connected via wired ethernet. I have it working with my laptop under Gutsy, but I went through a lot of steps I don't remember in order to get it working. On my desktop, I am running Hardy. I have installed HPLIP via Synaptic. What do I do next to get the printer working? Thanks.20:43
StinyThanks nucco.20:43
Skaparemut80r: need rsync, not torrent20:43
thomasc599ok, thet just crased ubuntu, luckly using windows i backed it ub, any other suggestions?20:43
robinmholtProblem with autofs.  Some of our company nis maps have 'grpid' in them.  This option used to be ignored (in 7.10) but is not ignored in 8.04.20:43
StarnestommyStiny: I think some newer versions use webkit20:43
nuccoSkapare: been looking for a way to do the rsync thng myself20:43
shane2perucan anyone tell me why my harddrive (I moved it to internal) will let me write for a little bit then it converts to a read only filesystem?20:43
ptn107Skapare: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/20:43
Ultraputzafter upgrading gutsy to 8, my LUKS password is not recognized.20:43
max__kevin 438120:43
Mustard_Is_BlueWhen I boot up my computer I get this error everytime.20:43
Mustard_Is_Blue[13.187548] ACPI: EC: acpi_ec_wait timeout, status=0, expect_event=120:43
Mustard_Is_Blue[13.187600] ACPI: EC: read timeout, command=12820:43
max__your install nvidia drivers20:43
IcemanV9MountainX: fyi, ubotu is a bot20:43
lukaszi have nvidia geforce4 card i want use desktop effects but owner`s driver had low resolution20:43
PhoenixP3KHas anyone else noticed the windows border transparency now goes all around the window?20:43
shane2peruand I can no longer write to it?20:43
Skaparemut80r: unless someone now has a CLI/text torrent client20:43
nibsa1242bMountainX: sorry, I don't know too much about setting up network printers20:44
Sarthor^^Hi, is there any problem for apt-get right now???20:44
Sarthor^^Hi, is there any problem for apt-get right now???20:44
Sarthor^^Hi, is there any problem for apt-get right now???20:44
FloodBot2Sarthor^^: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:44
mut80rSkapare: that would be interesting. my bad20:44
kevin4381max__:  i'm on a clean insttall20:44
mut80r!slow | Sarthor^^20:44
ubotuSarthor^^: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of the latest edition. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.20:44
Ultraputzerm. strange. i think i just fixed it.20:44
* lukasz i have nvidia geforce4 card i want use desktop effects but owner`s driver had low resolution20:44
IcemanV9!slow | Sarthor^^20:44
joonas_anyone here have installed php under ubuntu?20:44
PhoenixP3KSarthor^^ aside the servers being hammered...20:44
iKarCan u repair ubuntu iso file20:44
StarnestommySkapare: I think rtorrent might be cli20:44
kevin4381when I had ATI card I couldn't get this working easily either20:44
Arky44!md5 | IKar20:44
ubotuIKar: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows20:44
CaptainMorganafter attempting to do Places > Connect to Server, using SSH- when the connection is mounted- it's placed on the Desktop as "sftp at on <some name>", right clicking to rename this is not an option--- is it possible to rename connections like this? was in  < 7.1020:45
kevin4381what brand of card does UBUNTU actually work with?20:45
StevenXhow do i install a .deb package?20:45
shane2perudoes anyone know why my hdd lets me write for a little bit, and then it changes to read only filesystem?20:45
StinyOh by the way, I just LOVE the new version of Ubuntu, because it supports my integrated intel video card and I don't have to configure it. ^^20:45
ompauliKar, with bittorrent that is the only way - and the iso file on a hard drive not on a CD/DVD20:45
nuccoStevenX: just double-click it20:45
MountainXIcemanV9 - lol thanks for info about bot :)20:45
nibsa1242bkevin4381: intel20:45
PhoenixP3KStevenX, you should simply have to double click on it20:45
retalinif i am in a dir and i want to find a specific ip in say 20 files, what command would i use, i know its cat but what would i pass to it ?20:45
IcemanV9StevenX: sudo dpkg -i <package>.deb20:45
Lr5Is the 7.10 -> 8.04 changes list still somewhere?20:45
StevenXnucco, PhoenixP3K IcemanV9 thanks.20:45
kevin4381it should work with nvidia. because when I had ATI everybody here was talking about nvidia working20:45
ashbringerHello, I'm trying to upgrade from 7.10 to 8.04, and the python app freezes when it gets to the end of the "Checking package manager" stage20:45
Lr5I don't seem to be able to find it20:45
Mustard_Is_BlueIf anyone can help me with ACPI errors please pm me.20:45
xFlipxAnybody know if Intel 965 chipsets have been removed from the blacklist for the HH release?20:45
Arkaicretalin: grep * <ipaddress>20:45
robinmholtretalin: grep '' *20:45
=== Odd-rationale_ is now known as Odd-rationale
mut80rxFlipx: working here20:46
kevin4381now I have nvidia.. and it doesn't work. I'm sure it will work; there's some sort of problem or error .. but how do I find out what is going wrong?20:46
PhoenixP3KAnyone else has the transparent windows transparency issue?20:46
Wofl_hey, my apt gets stuck while updating20:46
retalinArkaic: robinmholt thanks :)20:46
CaptainMorganretalin, do main grep20:46
max__ati and nvidia working with ubuntu20:46
Arky44ashbringer: it might just be slow, as so many people are downloading it20:46
shane2peruhey does anyone know why my hdd goes into a read only mode?20:46
Wofl_still in gutsy20:46
jfreyPelo: Thanks. Gnome-panel was removed when I removed parts of evolution, but I reinstalled it and it seems to be working again.20:46
tushydkevin4381, it should work with nvidia, gutsy ran on my old lappy with an nvidia 860020:46
xFlipxmut80r, did GG work as well?20:46
CaptainMorganor what they said20:46
kevin4381well I need help.20:46
Wofl_i run sudo apt-get update20:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about readonly - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:46
mut80rxFlipx: no20:46
Arky44!slow | Wolfl_20:46
ubotuWolfl_: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of the latest edition. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.20:46
nibsa1242bretalin: I think it'd be something like cat (file.name) | grep (IP)20:46
xFlipxmut80r, that's GREAT news!20:46
kevin4381it says the proprietayr drivers are 'enabled' but not 'in use'20:46
joonas_can anyone help me with installing php under ubuntu?20:46
max__My english a little20:46
ashbringerArky44: It isn't getting to a download. Its just hanging up. I let it go for four hours yesterday.20:46
mysterycoolhow can I make apache running on the net? i mean people to be able to check out my webs through my ip20:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about read-only - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:46
xFlipxmut80r, what board do you have?20:46
retalinnibsa1242b: thanks :)20:46
Starnestommymysterycool: you may need to change something in /etc/apache2/ports.conf20:47
mut80rI have no idea but I have an Acer Aspire 5315 with an Intel 965GMA20:47
nibsa1242bretalin: np20:47
iKarIso file on hard drive I download it directly from website but I think it has error20:47
Skapareptn107: the list DVDs on the HTTP but their RSYNC doesn't have them20:47
Odd-rationaleIs there a way to disable internet access for a guest account?20:48
CaptainMorganafter attempting to do Places > Connect to Server, using SSH- when the connection is mounted- it's placed on the Desktop as "sftp at on <some name>", right clicking to rename this is not an option--- is it possible to rename connections like this? was in  < 7.1020:48
primananyone know where i can find drivers to ubuntu for my hp pavilion dv5095ea laptop?20:48
kevin4381the place where it says the driver is 'not in use' should have some clues as to why not20:48
kevin4381but it doesn't20:48
ashbringerDoes anyone know of a bug in the update manager where it hangs indefinitely on the "checking package manager" stage? I saw a bug for the hardy updater, but I think that would have been fixed by now20:48
IcemanV9mysterycool: you could use dyndns.org to display your website20:48
ubuntuROXwheres the torrent for the alternate install cd?20:48
max__private chat with me20:48
Skapareptn107: do you know if there is a delay in putting DVDs on mirrors because maybe they haven't transferred yet?20:48
max__private chat with me20:48
eppis there a version of skype compiled for hardy?20:48
iKar Iso file on hard drive I download it directly from website but I think it has error20:48
marianocome si installano i plugin adio e video?20:48
iKarbecause when I burn it on cd id wont work20:49
nuccoiKar: you can use rsync to fix it, been trying to find out how, nobody seems to know20:49
mut80riKar: you need to burn it as an image, not a file20:49
milly1234I've noticed since going from gutsy to hardy my wireless signal strength has dropped, is there something they did differently I can undo?20:49
mut80riKar: and as slowly as possible20:49
flithmhey everyone... since upgrading to hardy I get all these errors like: "df: `/home/tim/.gvfs': Transport endpoint is not connected" when I run df, and same if I ls my home dir... anyone know what this is about?20:49
gogetaiKar you can check the md5 to make shure20:49
shane2peruok, lets try another question, I just burnt up my cdrom drive on my wifes computer, anyone know how to install ubuntu with no cdrom?20:49
Arky44iKar: did you burn it to the CD as a CD image, or just burn it directly?20:49
primando anyone know where i can find drivers for my hp pavilion dv5095ea laptop?20:49
nuccoiKar: oh, right-click the image, select write to disc :)20:49
dystopianraypriman: what drivers do you need?20:49
ubuntuROXdoes anyone know where the torrent is for the alternate cd?20:50
max__install envy20:50
mut80rnucco: that is dependant on his software20:50
iKaras cd image I know what I was doing and I did at 16x20:50
Skaparenucco: if you have a bad/corrupt image, rsync can fix it with the right options ... I did this just 2 days ago with a bad copy of a Debian DVD I found20:50
Starnestommymut80r: envy is not supported20:50
zoommy99any have XFI working on hardy?20:50
craig_pelo - just want to let you know (as probably many people will ask) that I resolved that vmserver 'unable to build vmmon module' by using a patch 116, previously i was using patch 11520:50
nuccoSkapare: yes, I know that, the problem is *how* to fix it :)20:50
lauweijieanyone here?20:50
primanall.. graphics, sound, wifi20:50
Starnestommymax__: envy is not supported20:50
dystopianrayzoommy99: creative x-fi card?20:50
Arky44!md5 | iKar20:50
ubotuiKar: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows20:50
mut80rStarnestommy: I seem to recall envyng20:50
MrBillOn my gutsy install I have FIrefox 2 installed, Does anyone know if there's a way for me to configure my google search bar in firefox to search www.google.com/linux instead of just google.com?20:50
shane2peruanyone know how to install without a cdrom?20:50
Skaparenucco: depends ... do you already have a full copy or a partial copy ... and you know of a rsync server URL already I presume20:50
Starnestommymut80r: I accidentally tab-completed the wrong nickname20:50
Odd-rationale!install | shane2peru20:51
ubotushane2peru: Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate20:51
mut80rStarnesommy: lol20:51
joshua__hey guys20:51
joshua__i have a quick question20:51
obf213yo is anyone in here having the same problem withthe gnome panel, when u click on the clock, it freezes all the panels, and u cant open run dialog box, and when u kill ex and sign back in the the panels arenj't there20:51
mut80r!ask | joshua__20:51
ubotujoshua__: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)20:51
retalino awesome find it grep -r string20:51
zoommy99Yes creative xfi20:51
ubotuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning20:51
StevenXwhat is the easiest way to get IE running on Ubuntu? I need to use that browser for a website that I need to take a test on.20:51
nuccoskapare, I have a partial copy, I know a server url, been working it out on my own, the thing wants to sync the entire folder...20:51
Monk728encountering an error while trying to install on a fresh system.  After selecting install I am getting the initramfs prompt.  I have even attempted to install using alternate CD, and now that is giving me a "No kernel modules were found... This is probably due to a mismatch of the kernel used by this version and the kernel in the one online" and it will not let me continue past that.  Please help, this is driving me nuts20:51
max__türkçe sorusu olan20:51
mattywarrHi - i've just installed iglooftp but due to my ridiculously poor linux knowledge, I have no clue how to launch it as its not installed in my applications menu20:51
dystopianrayStevenX: wine + ies4linux20:51
frostburnStevenX, vmware, or wine20:51
SlartStevenX: perhaps a vm will help?20:51
JaymacStevenX: probably wine doors20:51
joshua__im trying to see my windows network computers, but they dont show up! only windows network and i can see "workgroup" but no pc's actually show!! i can ping them though20:52
JaymacStevenX: it's better than ies4linux20:52
cal_Failed to copy files; faulty CD/DVD or hard disk? -- get this error 42% into the hardy install.. any ideas? ive tried 2 different cd's.20:52
jaffarkelshacies4linux was rubbish i tried it20:52
StevenXlots of options. ok. i will try wine doros first.20:52
primando anyone know where i can find drivers for my 2 year old hp pavilion dv5095ea laptop (all drivers - sound, graphics, wifi etc.)20:52
neztitiguys i have slow connection here with ubuntu8.04 any help???20:52
dystopianrayjoshua__: are they running vista?20:52
Arky44shane2peru: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromWindows20:52
ptn107Skapare: dont know20:52
JaymacStevenX: http://www.wine-doors.org/wordpress/20:52
os2macwhere is the us.archive.ubuntu.com hosted?20:52
Skaparenucco: you need to give rsync the exact full path to the remote file, the full path to the local file (after you made a backup COPY (not hard linke)) ... use options -P -B204820:52
dystopianraypriman: your sound, graphics and wifi aren't working?20:52
StinyCan I get a little help with this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting ? I don't think I understand.20:52
zoommy99how do I put someones name infront of my message20:52
shane2perugot it Arky44 thanks though20:52
Slartneztiti: how slow is slow? and what have you tried so far?20:52
nucconeztiti: maybe you should call your ISP? ;)20:52
afallenhopeHeyyyy what packages do I need to develop C++ code and stuff?20:52
dystopianrayzoommy99: type it out, using your keyboard20:53
Starnestommyzoommy99: type the first few letters then hit the tab key20:53
joshua__i havent touched the network20:53
primandystopianray: no, its not working20:53
jaffarkelshaczoommy99, just type it20:53
Starnestommyafallenhope: g++ and build-essential20:53
milly1234my internet has been so very slow since I upgraded to 8.04, downloading it was fast, I know everyone is complaining about how fast it is to get it... but now that I have it, _everything_ is slow on the internet, using a linksys pci wireless g card....20:53
zoommy99dystopianray: ok thanks and yes I meant creative xfi20:53
joshua__so i dont know why i can see somethings but not the files20:53
neztitinucco:  with update or download only20:53
afallenhopethanks Starnestommy20:53
IcemanV9nucco: rsync -avP --progress rsync://path/to/mirror/iso  your/downloaded/broken/iso20:53
Dusk_IcemanV9: i couldn't configure opendns..it always changes the dns adresses i added20:53
zoommy99dystopianray:  is it working onhardy?20:53
Skapareptn107: the one mirror I have used before, got the 7.10 DVDs from, looks like it is still downloading the 8.04 DVDs ... and is hiding them maybe until it has them all20:53
neztitiSlart:with update or download only20:53
nuccoIcemanV9 and Skapare cool, thanks...20:53
dystopianrayzoommy99: I have no idea20:54
MEtaLpREsanyone else noticed problems playing video in hardy?  using vlc in gutsy every video was fine,  now in hardy using the same version of vlc some of the same videos will no longer play correctly,  just get a black screen with audio20:54
iKarand what if is broken or smthng similar?20:54
lunartearstroyan: I'm still getting that error20:54
primando anyone know where i can find drivers for my 2 year old hp pavilion dv5095ea laptop (all drivers - sound, graphics, wifi etc.)20:54
mike23i have two network card, how can i find out which one is which?20:54
zoommy99does anyone know if anyone has gotten an xfi card to work on hardy?20:54
nucconeztiti: you mean ubuntu update downloads are slow? that's to be expected. a new version just got released :)20:54
IanBeyerwow, still stuck at 40%20:54
joshua__vlc works great forme20:54
Slartneztiti: I repeat.. how slow is "slow" and what have you tried so far?20:54
dystopianraypriman: can you pastebin your lspci?20:54
whileimhereHey Room. I see that the servers are still slammed.20:54
afallenhopeStarnestommy: supposedly I have them installed I dont' know why this isn't working20:54
Arky44mike123: in a terminal, type sudo lshw -C network20:54
joshua__updates are slow server traffic too high20:54
Starnestommyafallenhope: what error are you getting?20:54
neztitinucco:  yes20:54
* IanBeyer looks for walls20:54
kristian42shzoomy99: is the xfi supported ?20:54
Arky44mike123: this will list your network connections and tell you what goes with what20:54
mike23rky44, ty20:54
primanpastebin lspci? im pretty new20:54
ptn107Skapare: the cdimage.ubuntu.com mirror still shows the dvd iso dates as 4-23-08, so i dont think the new images are on there yet20:54
fdkrewjoshua: change the source to a closer server20:54
iKarand what if is broken or smthng similar?20:55
nucconeztiti: if you know enough to switch mirrors, you can try that, otherwise, just wait a few days...20:55
kindofabuzzfor you people upgrading, alot quicker if you use the alternate install cd to upgrade,  with the cd i only had to download about 300 packages, got the other 1000+ off the cd20:55
mut80rptn107: the last RC is the LTS.20:55
dystopianraypriman: run 'lspci' in a terminal and put it on a pastebin website, then post the url in here20:55
PhoenixP3Kis gthumb still part of Hardy HEron?20:55
dystopianray!pastebin | priman20:55
ubotupriman: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)20:55
milly1234my internet as a whole is almost half speed, like 14kbps to 48kbps, and this has nothing to do with updates or downloading 8.04, I am running 8.0420:55
DRebellionWill firefox 3 beta 5 be upgraded to firefox 3 eventually?20:55
Administrator_hi.. I had a PCMCIA Buffalo WLI-CB-G54 up and running on Gutsy Gibbon by enabling the restricted drivers.. but as I upgraded to Hardy Heron, the list on Hardware Drivers is just empty. I proceeded to Hardware testing, and it rightly detects a BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g] Wireless controller, but the lights on the PCMCIA card are not on. Can anyone please help?20:55
dystopianrayDRebellion: yes20:55
joshua__firefox will be upgraded20:55
DRebelliondystopianray, excellent20:55
neztitinucco:  i have to disable ipv6 ???20:56
IcemanV9Dusk_: this instruction, https://www.opendns.com/start?device=ubuntu , does the trick20:56
milly1234actually my internet is less then half the normal speed20:56
DBautellok, I might be back, actually20:56
pmastersany1 help with installing VMWare Server on 8.04??20:56
adma84could someone help me with my printer?  Should be simple20:56
milly1234I have disabled ipv6 too20:56
adma84I can't figure out how to just print greyscale20:56
Dusk_IcemanV9: it didn't :( restarting changes verything20:56
adma84it prints in color perfectly20:56
kindofabuzzAdministrator_: wish i knew the answer too.  i have the same card.  very well known problem with Hardy20:56
nucconeztiti: you don't need to do anything. you're probably connected to a slow mirror that's all. it should go away in a while, or is it your general net connection slow?20:56
fdkrewWhat card do you have?20:56
milly1234I am having a general slow net connection in 8.0420:56
koomberfound information on problem with Dell PC.  needs to be booted in raid mode note IDE.  However, I need to dual boot into Vista and this can't be done without changing bios back to IDE, anyone know a workaround?20:57
DBautellok, dassouki_, did my last message come through? "system -> preferences -> sound ?"?20:57
Arky44milly1234: what browser are you using?20:57
Seveaskoomber, get rid of vista :)20:57
neztitinucco:  ok thank you man and thanx for slart too20:57
jedimasterkanyone solve the dreaded initramfs prompt yet. With Live cd20:57
milly1234not just the browser, everything20:57
milly1234nomatter what I use20:57
dbristowso, other people have reported problems with the wubi.exe md5sum, it's not just me20:57
Administrator_kindofabuzz: yeah.. why didn't they just leave it working like before?20:57
IcemanV9Dusk_: can you put it in your router? (so all your PCs/laptops can go thru opendns just like mine)20:57
primanok, Ray: http://pastebin.com/d4cbb673720:57
milly1234I already disabled ipv620:57
adma84can someone please help me with my printer?  It always prints in color.  I can not figure out how to just print greyscale...should be easy fix I would think20:57
JKT7can anyone tell me if there is a way to change what mirror apt-get uses? and is anyone else getting terrible download rates from archive.ubuntu.org ?20:57
DBautelldbristow, many-ish20:57
kindofabuzzAdministrator_: lol i dunno20:57
Dusk_IcemanV9: you mean i change it from the inside of modem?20:58
thingfish1JKT7, everyone is20:58
dystopianray!slow | JKT720:58
ubotuJKT7: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of the latest edition. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.20:58
dassouki_DBautell, i tried all the drop downs and nothing works20:58
kindofabuzzfor you people upgrading, alot quicker if you use the alternate install cd to upgrade,  with the cd i only had to download about 300 packages, got the other 1000+ off the cd20:58
VletI'm trying to get samba to use pam password auth instead of having to use smbpasswd to set one for each user, but when I google for this topic, I get like 50 different conflicting ways... anyone have a suggestion for the simplest way to do this?20:58
IcemanV9adma84: open the properties on the printer & change it from color to grayscale20:58
joshua__anyone able to help me with my network?20:58
mitoozHow can I make my 5.1 sound work in media players?20:58
StinyOkay, I just need a little help with sound. I don't really get this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting20:58
adma84i couldnt find that option20:58
Skapareubotu: would love to ... if I can find a CLI/text client that can either use a TCP proxy or a SOCKS proxy20:59
n000bcan someone help me setup my bluetooth mouse20:59
Administrator_kindofabuzz: did you post the problem anywhere?20:59
StevenXsweet. the website i needed works in firefox.20:59
ubotuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)20:59
mut80rSkapare: ubotu is a bot.20:59
DBautellok, dassouki_ , you need more knowledgeable help than I :(20:59
Skaparemut80r: good for him20:59
kindofabuzzAdministrator_: there are bugs everywhere posted about the bcm cards20:59
cvd-prNow i can ask question abiut heron?20:59
Skaparemut80r: that means he can ignore dumb questions like mine :)20:59
n000bcan someone help me setup my bluetooth mouse20:59
cgentry72how do i get gnome to show the splash screen?20:59
IcemanV9Dusk_: yeah. follow the instruction, https://www.opendns.com/start , for router20:59
mut80rSkapare: LOL.20:59
kindofabuzzAdministrator_: google bcm bug ubuntu hardy20:59
Vletcvd-pr: #ubuntu+120:59
primandystopianray: now you can see my lspci here http://pastebin.com/d4cbb673720:59
milly12348.04 was a messy upgrade for me compared to previous ones, especially when it came to xorg and my wireless card, which worked flawlessly in previous releases20:59
Daisuke_Idocvd-pr, #ubuntu+1...  nah, just kidding, it's okay to ask here now :)21:00
joshua__need help seeing the xp computers on my network21:00
n000bcan someone help me setup my bluetooth mouse21:00
TheWardenHi. Is it possible to have access to write to a FAT system? I have a USB Flash Drive that is primarly used in Windows but more and more now I've also using it in Linux, Ubuntu?21:00
Skaparemut80r: actually he autoprivmsgd that he was a bot21:00
dassouki_DBautell, thanks though21:00
Daisuke_IdoVlet, you know we're doing hardy here now21:00
Administrator_kindofabuzz: too bad then, huh?21:00
joshua__can see "workgroup" but no computers listed in my network21:00
Vletoh? before 7.04 was oficially released, all 7.04 discussion was directed to +121:00
cgentry72how do i get gnome to show the splash screen?21:01
VletOh, Hardy is out!21:01
kindofabuzzAdministrator_: well i got one more thing i'm gonna try as soon as my upgrade is done, it's basicallly blacklisting the b43 driver and using the old bcm43xx driver21:01
Dark-FxVlet: really?21:01
mut80rVlet: yes :)21:01
dystopianrayTheWarden: yes, you can write to FAT partitions21:01
TheWardencgentry72: splash some water on the screen lol lol21:01
Daisuke_IdoVlet, yep :D21:01
* Vlet smacks self21:01
* mut80r is on 8.04 Hardy right now.21:01
kindofabuzzthis isn't just for Hardy21:01
cgentry72TheWarden, hehe21:01
Daisuke_Idonah, don't worry21:01
joshua__anyone know how to see windows xp computers on a wireless network?21:01
TheWardendystopianray: how can I go about doing this as presently its read only?21:01
phirasHi people , I have Ubuntu 7.10, and I'm unable to enable the htaccess files for the Apache2 server, I have changed the /etc/apache2/sites-available/default file to allow override, but it won't work ,21:02
Odd-rationaleIs there a way to disable internet access for a guest account?21:02
phirasAnyone could help me please21:02
fbcWow, the server is back! I wasn't able to get a connection for a long time.21:02
milly1234my wireless connection has gone belly up since my upgrade to hardy21:02
dystopianrayTheWarden: i'm not sure why it'd be read-only, you should have full read/write access21:02
Skapareand the canonical store doesn't even have pre-ordering for the 8.04 DVDs, yet (just CDs) ... and the first store page still says 7.10 is the latest (someone needs to update another page)21:02
kindofabuzzmilly1234: welcome to the main problem with Hardy21:02
primancan anyone help me find drivers to this hardware? http://pastebin.com/d4cbb673721:02
fbcmilly1234,  flip it over.. lol21:02
noelferreirasometimes using compiz i open some programs that only display the window bars. Every text and buttons in it disappear: any help?21:02
jaffarkelshacwhen you say see what do you mean, joshua__ file sharing21:02
TheWardendystopianray: oh that is strange... I'll play with it some more then and see if I can get more info then.21:02
milly1234its just horribly slow, and drops out from time to time21:02
mut80rjaffarakelshac: browsing the network21:03
gogetaSkapare i orderd a 8.04 cd :)21:03
PKsteRI upgraded from 7.10 to 8.04 and now it wont detect my nvidia GPU and it always start in low graphics mode, so I install the nvidia drivers every time but still it wont recognize the GPU on next boot21:03
Skaparegogeta: and you can do that for a CD ... I want a DVD21:03
jaffarkelshacwhat do you mean browsing the network mut80r21:03
nibsa1242bpriman: what do you need a driver for?21:03
graingertmsg NickServ IDENTIFY ubucop21:03
LOGANhey wheres the website again? I only get some flashing pictures21:03
mut80rjaffarkelshac: he needs to "browse" his network to find the windows machines on it.21:03
milly1234lol, hope hardy has some updates for nvidia users and wireless users soon21:03
primannibsa: wifi, graphics and sound are thw most important ones21:03
kindofabuzzfor you people upgrading, alot quicker if you use the alternate install cd to upgrade,  with the cd i only had to download about 300 packages, got the other 1000+ off the cd21:03
DBautellchange it quick!21:03
fbcgogeta,  Do you know anyway to specify the video drive and monitor size, etc.?? I don't see that anymore in hardy.21:03
Administrator_kindofabuzz: if I'm still here, lemme know how it works..21:04
graingertmilly1234: nvidia is fine21:04
flithmhey does anyone know of a good segmenting download manager for gnome?21:04
Dusk_IcemanV9: oh thanks i've done it from the router21:04
scizzo-milly1234: works fine for me with nvidia21:04
Skaparegogeta: but I'll take DVD isos ... I have bandwidth to my server and can burn them there21:04
fbcflithm, I think downloader for X does that.21:04
_lemsx1_flithm: like that front-end for wget ?21:04
tehgeekHey guys....I've just updated to Hardy, and now my Evolution crashes every so often and complains about an unsafe exit when I restart it.  Anyone know the problem?21:04
LOGANcan you guys check ubuntu.com in IE??21:04
Skaparegogeta: just can't do torrent on it21:04
nuccokindofabuzz: you still *downloaded* the CD right?21:04
Daisuke_Idoi wonder how big the entire repository is...21:04
kindofabuzzAdministrator_: ok, well about 30 minutes left to install, wehn you see me log ogg here, that means i'm rebooting, if i don't come back within 10 minutes, it didn't work =)21:04
flithm_lemsx1_: yeah except that one doesn't so segmented downloads I think21:04
Daisuke_IdoLOGAN, since probably 99% of us are using ubuntu now, possibly not, what's wrong?21:05
nibsa1242bflithm: just use wget from the command line, its useful21:05
flithmfbc: yeah d4x doesn't seem so modern to me21:05
kindofabuzznucco: yeah, torrent, only took like 45 minutes21:05
_lemsx1_flithm: what do you mean by "segmented" ?21:05
milly1234I had a heck of a time getting my nvidia 7300gt 512mb working, every time I told it to use the driver for it said it was and restarted and wasn't using it when I restarted, had to install them with apt-get and edit my xorg.conf21:05
flithmnibsa1242b: wget doesn't do segmenting21:05
StinyCan anyone just please help me? :-( I don't know how to get my soundcard to work.21:05
dystopianrayLOGAN: i have IE, what's the problem?21:05
Daisuke_Idoi stand corrected :)21:05
PKsteRguys i need help I upgraded from 7.10 to 8.04 and now it wont detect my nvidia GPU21:05
flithm_lemsx1_: like break up the download into X pieces and download them simultaneously21:05
LOGANDaisuke_Ido : iguess ubuntu doent need more windows users then21:05
nuccokindofabuzz: *silly me*,21:05
Administrator_kindofabuzz: hehe.. I can't grep any bcm on lsmod21:05
LOGANthe site looks incomplete under IE21:05
Daisuke_IdoLOGAN, wait what?21:05
_lemsx1_flithm: like download accelerator ?21:05
joshua__Yes i would like to have file sharing, but if i open up "Network" i can go to Windows Network" then "Workgroup" but after that it is empty21:05
flithm_lemsx1_: yeah!21:05
LOGANonly an image, no text21:06
kindofabuzzAdministrator_: you wanna try what i'm gonna do?21:06
Daisuke_Idoi thought you were asking if we in particular were using IE21:06
_lemsx1_flithm: use wine and run that then ;-)21:06
dystopianrayLOGAN: scroll down21:06
jburdThe Ubuntu livecd doesn't show any display on my box.21:06
LOGANnono lol21:06
ubushey does ubuntu 8.04 comes with inkscape?21:06
flithm_lemsx1_: hey that's not a bad idea :)21:06
mattywarris there a definitive guide to setting up and using Compiz?21:06
Administrator_kindofabuzz: sure.. I got nothing to lose21:06
koombernot quite Ubuntu but:  I can only get ubuntu to run in Raid mode on my Vostro 200, is it possible to install vista in raid mode and do I risk damaging my hdd if I do?21:06
_lemsx1_flithm: that should work21:06
Arky44ubus: yes21:06
LOGANoh my that looks weird21:06
nuccojoshua__: you can do "Places > Connect to server" and then select "windows share" and just type the name of the windows PC inside the "server" field21:06
Administrator_except maybe time.. :)21:06
fbcflithm, A good segmented downloaded it bittorrent... very fast too...21:06
Daisuke_Idotime to run back to the laptop to finish backing things up21:06
dystopianrayLOGAN: it looks a bit messed up, but it's usable21:06
Daisuke_Idoso i can reformat :D21:06
LOGANyeah i guess so21:06
hyjalany way to make my NTFS partitions automount in hardy like they did in gutsy? do I have to edit fstab manually?21:07
flithmfbc: haha thanks :)21:07
Daisuke_Idoi wonder if it's possible to recreate my dell reinstall partition with hardy...21:07
joshua__then what?21:07
noelferreirasometimes using compiz i open some programs that only display the window bars. Every text and buttons in it disappear: any help?21:07
joshua__it just closes21:07
LOGANweird image not found combined with the image lol21:07
Daisuke_Idosince it's feisty right now21:07
cube what should i be using to burn and iso without getting an error like i am with the built in21:07
koomberdaisuke:  You having troubles with Dell Ubuntu install?21:07
ubusArky44, now Im using Live CD 8.04 and there is no sign of Inkscape in Live mode? is it ok? will inkscape be instaled after I install ubuntu od disk?21:07
_lemsx1_hyjal: do you mean get detected by the installer and put in /etc/fstab ? just do it by hand21:07
Daisuke_Idokoomber, no, i've been upgrading since feisty and i'm looking to do a clean install21:07
PKsteRmilly1234: I have the exact same problem21:07
scizzo-ubus: no matter what you can still install it from the repos21:08
Daisuke_Idobut the recovery partition is feisty, i was wondering if there were a way to update that to a hardy recovery :)21:08
PKsteRcan you help resolve it?21:08
ptn107ubus: inkscape is not installed by default21:08
pr0gr4mm3rHi, is there a driver available for the ATI HD 2400 Pro video card?21:08
joshua__do i need the windows name of the pc or do i need the ip?21:08
Arky44ubus: hmm...i thought it was...you can always install it later with "sudo apt-get install inkscape" typed into a terminal21:08
Arky44ubus: it still might be though :)21:08
RunKidRunhey guys, i tried an internet upgrade from my gutsy install <---- it failed, and now, x won't start , gnome nothing...how can i finish the upgrade via the alterative install cd without a GUI?21:08
bnjmni just downloaded ubuntu desktop and installed it.  i am trying to install apache now from a package but Add/Remove Applications can't seem to find iit when I search for "apache" and show "All available applications".  help... where is it?21:08
nuccojoshua__: the windows name of the pc will work fine too :)21:08
Administrator_kindofabuzz: ahhh, the module's name is b43, right?21:08
nibsa1242bhyjal: some people have had issues with it changing how the system sees the device ( they see them how as sata instead of ide) if that is the case you probably need to edit fstab21:08
dassouki_0% [Connecting to archive.ubuntu.com (] <<-- why is very slow, is there another link thati  can use21:08
shane2peruI ran a fsck on my hdd and it says, "Attempt to read block from filesystem resulted in short read while trying to open /dev/sda1 Could this be a zero-length Partition?  Any ideas?21:08
kindofabuzzAdministrator_: sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist  then add these two lines: blacklist b43 and blacklist ssb21:08
koomberdaisuke:  I'm a total novice to Ubuntu, but I want to give it a blast on my Vostro 200. Having a heck of a time though.  Hardy does not like Dell (or dell doesn't like hardy ;)21:08
Daisuke_Idokoomber, i was just kinda thinking out loud :)21:09
Arky44!slow | dassouki_21:09
ubotudassouki_: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of the latest edition. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.21:09
joshua__where can i see it?21:09
nuccodassouki_: in gutsy, synaptic had a way of selecting mirrors21:09
dystopianraykoomber: hardy loves my dell21:09
ompaulubus sudo apt-get install inkscape and that resolves your problme21:09
joshua__i dont see it anywhere21:09
Daisuke_Idokoomber, what about it is giving you troubles?21:09
kindofabuzzAdministrator_: and you may wanna comment out blacklist bcm43xx21:09
ubusArky44, is there anywhere Ubuntu 8.04 beta with inkscape cuz I newer sucessed to install ubuntu on machine without net?21:09
nuccojoshua__: see what?21:09
Daisuke_Idoi don't know the specs of the vostro 200, so i don't know if there's a particular piece of hardware that might be giving you issues21:09
joshua__No application is registered as handling this file21:09
shane2peruany ideas on fsck?  zero-lenght partition?21:09
dystopianrayubus: download the debs separately and install them21:09
ubusArky44, misstake not ubuntu to install, inkscape to install21:09
gogetaArky44 im dialhell slow is everyday21:10
karamazovim not in sudoers list and i don't have a root account what should i do?21:10
Administrator_kindofabuzz: done it21:10
karamazovi'm running ubuntu server edition21:10
carloshello there21:10
bnjmnDo I *need* to get Ubuntu Server if I want to install apache from a package?21:10
MEtaLpREswhat are the alternate repo addys?  the main ones are still dead slow21:10
RunKidRunanyone know how to upgrade ubuntu from crashed install?21:10
kindofabuzzAdministrator_: you'll have to reboot21:10
dystopianraykaramazov: how did you manage that?21:10
Arky44gogeta: :)21:10
shane2peruI'm batting a 1000 today. :)  am I asking too hard of questions?21:10
Arkaicbnjmn: no21:10
_lemsx1_karamazov: boot in single usermode and add yourself to "admin" group in /etc/group21:10
Starnestommybnjmn: I have it working on the desktop version21:10
koomberdaisuke/sdystopia:  There seems to be a problem with installing in IDE mode.  Need to change bios to RAID to get it to work, however, I'd like to dual boot with Vista for the wife, but it's installed in IDE.  Not sure how to proceed21:10
carlosanybody updated ubuntu 7.10 to 8.04??21:10
Administrator_kindofabuzz: doing it21:10
M4rotkuhello, can any1 tell me how to upgrade from the 8.04 beta to the actual release?21:10
karamazovhow can i boot in single user mode21:10
nuccobnjmn: technically, the only difference btw the ubuntu "versions" is just the default set of packages :)21:10
StinyCan anyone help get my soundcard to work?21:10
nuccokaramazov: boot into recovery mode21:10
dystopianrayM4rotku: simply perform a standard package update and you're done21:11
kindofabuzznucco: and the kernel21:11
IcemanV9ubus: try to install inkscape in livecd mode as long as you have enough memory to try21:11
_lemsx1_karamazov: reboot the system and choose REcovery21:11
_mattddoes anyone here have experience with installing ThruDB?21:11
hyjalhm okay. if I want to add the partitions to fstab myself, do I need to know a UUID like the predefined entries ones have? i.e. UUID= a very long string of some sort.21:11
mut80rkoomber: you should be able to drop the SATA driver into the windows install and get device manager to manually update the driver. then you can have both OS'es in SATA AHCI21:11
nuccokindofabuzz: which is also a package, or am I wrong?21:11
karamazovok i'll try that21:11
dassouki_nucco, Arky44 u guys don't happen to know why from gutsy to hardy my sound stopped working :(21:11
nuccohyjal: no, using the /dev node is enough21:11
carlosplease, could anybody help me?21:11
kindofabuzznucco: yeah, i guess it is, but it's the "brain"21:11
M4rotkudystopianray, i haven't had any updates in the past 5 days or so21:11
prettyrickyCan someone please tell me whats the difference between 7.10 and 8.04?21:11
dystopianrayM4rotku: you are running the final21:12
hyjalnucco: ok thanks, will try21:12
nuccodassouki_: sorry on that one.21:12
karamazovby the way is there any advantage of running server edition to running desktop edition if i want my computer to be a web server?21:12
merowingerI have no sound on youtube using flash and firefox with ubuntu8.04... any ideas? system sound and music and everything else is working fine...?21:12
Administrator_upgrades are so traumatic..21:12
M4rotkudystopianray, ok, thanks21:12
koombermut80r: that sounds plausible.  I'm sorry to say I'm a total novice.  and I don't know what you mean21:12
nuccoguys, gotta go, be back in an hour.21:12
mut80rkaramazov: the server edition has no GUI and uses less resources21:12
RunKidRunguys, my gnome is failing...i can't run it? how can i finish this upgrade?21:12
IcemanV9carlos: you haven't state the problem yet; please do tell and someone will help ya21:12
kindofabuzzfor you people upgrading, alot quicker if you use the alternate install cd to upgrade,  with the cd i only had to download about 300 packages, got the other 1000+ off the cd21:12
Arky44prettyricky: more stable, more packages to download, in some cases faster, in general just better :)21:12
RunKidRunanyone :(21:12
erUSULkaramazov: server has no GUI21:12
mut80rkoomber: google: "Install SATA AHCI driver after windows install"21:12
dystopianraykaramazov: server allows you to select some preset roles and it'll install the appropriate packages21:12
StarnestommyRunKidRun: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade?21:12
Administrator_kindofabuzz: okay.. how do I modprobe?21:12
joshua__nucco: how do i view the folders on those pcs?21:12
MidnightDevilyo :)21:13
MidnightDevili got no sound in my ubuntu.. what can i do?21:13
PKsteR8.04 wont install the nvidia driver can some one please help21:13
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kindofabuzzAdministrator_: i guess modprobe bcm43xx21:13
carlosmy problem is that im trying to update ubuntu from 7.10 to 8.04 and i receive a error msg21:13
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prettyrickyWell I havent really seen any new packages, does it matter if I install the cd version or the upgrade version. Or is there no difference?21:13
Flare183Administrator_: open a terminal and type in sudo modprobe bcm43xx21:13
linkmaster03xsane immedietly exits with this on 7.10: Segmentation fault (core dumped)21:13
erUSULRunKidRun: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade if your sources already point to hardy21:13
Flare183oops crap21:13
BatchWhen i use acpi=off as a boot option, it boots fine but wireless does not work, when i use acpi=on or just not include it as a boot option wireless LED goes blue :D BUT the desktop does not boot and just goes to a black screen, Suggestions?21:13
_lemsx1_karamazov: server also does not change your network dynamically... do not use desktop for that21:13
kindofabuzzAdministrator_: i'm still a newb so don't get to technical with me lol21:13
IcemanV9carlos: what's the err message said?21:13
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erUSULcarlos: which error?21:13
joshua__Nucco: when i go to smb://Kate (my wife's pc) it has 0 files21:13
Administrator_kindofabuzz: hehe that I already did.. but still no lights on the pcmcia21:14
bintrue|workAnyone else experience back and foward buttons ceasing to function in firefox3.0b5 included in Hardy release?21:14
carlosit couldnt connect, check internet status and that21:14
shadow420I guess I will try to upgrade gutsy21:14
_lemsx1_karamazov: unless you know what you are doing ;-) (and can stand avahi+NetworkManager+resolvconf+whateverelse messing up your network configs)21:14
fbcHow do you change your monitor type in hardy?? Is there a graphical tool like in Gutsy or do I have to manually edit the /etc/X11/xorg.conf?21:14
scizzo-!slow | carlos21:14
carlosbut net is working perfect21:14
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kindofabuzzAdministrator_: hmm i think i saw that but to in the bug tracker21:14
primani have installed ubuntu with wubi, is it possible to use the files i have in my windows system? like music in my music?21:14
jburdshadow420: I've had nothing but problems with Hardy.  I'd first suggest trying out the livecd.  Mine doesn't even show me a display.21:14
erUSULcarlos: maybe the servers are just to loaded have you tried various mirrors ??21:14
brakkvatnHow do I play my DVD movied in Ubuntu 8.04?21:14
evandpriman: yes21:14
kindofabuzzfor you people upgrading, alot quicker if you use the alternate install cd to upgrade,  with the cd i only had to download about 300 packages, got the other 1000+ off the cd21:14
Administrator_kindofabuzz: I'm rebooting.. let's see how it goes21:14
realcoolguyhey i did something with my printer settings, and now under system-admin-printing it look at ip address  I need it to point to by default, where can i change this back?21:14
IcemanV9carlos: ah. the servers are being overloaded. try a different mirror for now.21:14
primanevand: how?21:14
evandpriman: there should be a shortcut on your desktop to your windows filesystem21:15
carlosyep i tried with the local here and the central node21:15
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primannothing on my desktop :s21:15
fbcjburd, I've had no serious troubles..21:15
obf213hey, if im logged into a default session, why can't I switch users, then change session to a remote desktop and log in21:15
vixmusic01Hi my mouse stopped working and I need a keyboard command to shut down. Thanks for any help.21:15
evandpriman: try alt-f2 and type /host21:15
StinyI still need help. I'm being really sad now. :(21:15
karamazovin /etc/group file, does adm:x:4:ugur mean ugur is an administrator?21:15
primanvixmusic: click the power off button21:15
Administrator_kindofabuzz: nope.. didn't work. I guess it's back to gutsy for now :(21:15
vistakillersudo shutdown -P now21:15
kindofabuzzvixmusic01: sudo shutdown -P now21:15
erUSULkaramazov: yep21:15
Starnestommykaramazov: adm isn't the admin group21:15
joshua__Nucco: did you give up on me?21:15
jburdfbc: I've had only troubles.  the desktop cd (gutsy works perfectly fine) for hardy doesn't even show me a display when it starts up.21:15
obf213i try that it never works, it just logs me right back into my session, then i have to try again, i get a black screen have to kill xm then finally it recognizes i want a remote session but my old session is lost21:16
jburdfbc: the upgrade has borked my box21:16
vixmusic01is there a list of keyboard commands somewhere?21:16
Dekkardanyone get a link to an alternate install iso torrent?21:16
IcemanV9joshua__: nucco is gone21:16
bintrue|workvixmusic01:  shutdown -h now21:16
kindofabuzzvixmusic01: or sudo shutdown -r now (for reboot)21:16
fbcjburd, The method I used to upgrade was to download and bur the alternative CD and upgrade from that, then download all the updates.21:16
kindofabuzzAdministrator_: yeah i have a feeling i'll be using gutsy to for awhile21:16
joshua__you know iceman?21:16
linkmaster03xsane exits immedietly on startup with (7.10) :: Segmentation fault (core dumped)21:16
bruenigubuntu is up to date with the rolling distros for a few days, wooo!21:16
jburdfbc: Exactly what I did.21:16
joshua__i cant view files shared on a windows network21:17
Administrator_kindofabuzz: how about ndiswrapper?21:17
karamazovto add the user "ugur" to group of root, should i edit the line "root:x:0" to "root:x:0:ugur" in the /etc/group file?21:17
vixmusic01I don't have a CLI - terminal is not open21:17
kindofabuzzAdministrator_: if you google around there are like 30 ways people have gotten there to work21:17
Starnestommykaramazov: adding them to the root group won't do anything21:17
[T]-Rexhow do i extract a .tar.bz2 in terminal ?21:17
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bruenigtar xf *.tar.bz221:17
Starnestommy[T]-Rex: tar -xjf file.tar.bz221:17
kindofabuzz[T]-Rex: man tar21:17
bruenigj and - are redundant21:18
SkapareBTW, I'm running 7.10 on an old 400 MHz P-II, 128MB RAM, 14GB HD ... runs fine with one strange glitch (not a performance issue) ... hopefully 8.04 will be about as fast (and hopefully fix the glitch)21:18
IcemanV9joshua__: ah. not familiar with samba myself, but have tried it before and it works. i believe it's on the windows side for not allow you to view; permission issue?21:18
jburdfbc: My (any user for that matter) GNOME desktop does not show icons in the menus, does not render using the correct themes, does not use desktop effects, and the power manager refuses to budge21:18
karamazovok, to give my user administrator privileges, what should i change in the /etc/group file21:18
LukeLSkapare have you thought about xubuntu?21:18
linkmaster03xsane exits immedietly on startup with (7.10) :: Segmentation fault (core dumped)21:18
karamazovhow can i make myself an administrator?21:18
erUSULkaramazov: editting those files directly is a Bad Idea (tm) there are many commands to do what you want adduser21:18
TwinXkaramazov; #ubuntu-tr  tıkla21:18
Flare183karamazov: What do you mean like root?21:18
Starnestommykaramazov: you probably need to edit /etc/sudoers or add the user to the admin group21:18
kindofabuzzkaramazov: add yourself to the admin group21:18
IcemanV9karamazov: use sudo21:18
SkapareLukeL: yeah ... but I decided regular Ubuntu was fine as performance goes21:18
karamazovok thank you21:18
emorriskaramazov: add your self to the admin group21:19
LukeLSkapare that's good to hear21:19
joshua__how do i use Samba?? and my network works if im on vista or xp, but just ubuntu i can see the network and workgroup, but not any of the files on them.21:19
Cyr4xGLib-ERROR **: The thread system is not yet initialized.21:19
Cyr4xwhat's happening?21:19
jburdfbc: I think hardy is a downgrade rather than an upgrade of any sort21:19
bruenigthe glib thread has not yet been initialized it appears21:19
Administrator_kindofabuzz: is your model also WLI-CB-G54?21:19
SkapareLukeL: it's this funny glitch I'd like to fix ... when I move the mouse, it produces a buzz (for fast moves) or clicks (for very slow moves) in the sound card output ... while playing sound actually works fine otherwise21:20
fdkrewKindofbuzz what card are u using?21:20
evilbugi have a question about upgrading to 8.04 via alternative cd.i declined the "download updates while upgrading" option,but it's still telling me that it has to download stuff on the Start Upgrade window.why?21:20
Cyr4xso how to do it?21:20
jharknhttp://gb.archive.ubuntu.com ftw :)21:20
bruenigheron is ubuntu playing catch up, it is now where other distros have been for months21:20
FFEMTcJdoes anyone know of a mail client that supports exchange 2007?21:20
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IcemanV9joshua__: it has to be on windows side if i could remember correctly21:20
SkapareLukeL: since 8.04 just came out I decided I'd try that before pursuing this other ways21:20
kindofabuzzAdministrator_: no, mine's a pci wireless, wrt54g, still a broadcom chipset though21:20
carloshey, does anyone knows a virtual drive emulator for ubuntu? like daemon tools f.e.21:21
kR8ViTyhate to just jump in but I installed gutsy server, now am I able to use mirrors for all in the sources.list, cuz the archive.ubuntu.com is just too slow...21:21
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Administrator_kindofabuzz: damned be broadcom21:21
* elektronik123 why i have low resolution in owner`s nvidia drivers ?21:21
kindofabuzzAdministrator_: i mean wmp54gs21:21
SkapareLukeL: so I'm waiting for a DVD to become available (yup, I got a DVD on that old machine :)21:21
joshua__Carlos use Kiso21:21
realcoolguycarlos, loopback mounting, you can do it with cds etc... i'll find a link for the instructions21:21
jburdnvidia displays worked flawlessly with gutsy.  hardy has probably just broken all of that.21:21
joshua__sudo apt-get install kiso21:21
zengenHi, is there any way to make a path variable recursive?  Or, do you have to add ever subdirectory?21:21
kindofabuzzAdministrator_: yeah you'd think they would work with Linksys, i mean it's cisco damnit! =)21:21
cdm10Where does GVFS store the trash folder?21:22
LukeLSkapare, I've heard that buzzing before on my computer with headphones on, I think it may just come with age21:22
carlosi will use synaptic21:22
dystopianrayzengen: you need to add every subdirectory21:22
cdm10I don't see a /.Trash folder, like the freedesktop.org spec says there should be.21:22
cal_arg!! input/output error while installing... tried 2 different cd's.. is this a known problem?21:22
bintrue|workWhy are my button mappins in xorg.conf not being picked up by Firefox21:22
jharkncarlos: you can mount images anyway21:22
jasonjburd your a fool my nivida graphis work fine21:22
IcemanV9joshua__: check this out for more info --> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSamba21:22
LOGANwhere to get the DVD edition download?21:22
zengendystopianray:  thank you21:22
jharkn!mountiso | carlos21:22
ubotucarlos: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » or use the "gmountiso" package - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.21:22
realcoolguyoh, kiso does look nice, install it if you don't mind extra kde libraries carlos21:22
LukeLSkapare, you could try muting all the other channels except the ones you need (like mute mic, line in, cdrom etc)21:22
jasonjburd i say huraay for heron21:22
carlosthank you very much21:22
SkapareLOGAN: still unknown ... I think they are hiding DVDs until they all get downloaded from the central place mirrors get them from21:22
jburdjason: I'm a fool because your nvidia card works fine?  I have 4 machines with different nvidia graphics cards here and none of them show up except one.  Who's the dick here you or me?21:23
jburdjason: I say heron is borked.21:23
saito"In order to be able to play TCP/IP games over a LAN, you will need to put a reference to your own machine in your /etc/hosts file." <-- how would that exactly look in my hosts file? (my ip currently is
jasonjburd im the dick your right im sorry21:23
karamazovwhat should i do to make my ubuntu server edition to serve as a web server?21:23
SkapareLukeL: tried that ... no effect ... it also does small clicks for timer interrupts21:23
LOGANSkapare : ah thanks, then I download first the CD and the DVD as soon as it turns up21:23
asteriskmonkeyif ive installed a package with the --force option and i want to ignore packagement of that package how do i remove it from apts checklist21:23
linkmaster03xsane exits immedietly on startup with (7.10) :: Segmentation fault (core dumped)21:23
joshua__iceman do you know how i start samba?21:23
scizzo-Skapare: the dvd is up.....?21:23
dystopianrayjburd: what cards do they have? my fx 5200 works perfectly21:23
ubotuHardy can be torrented from http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).21:23
kR8ViTyhelp plz?21:24
Arkaicjoshua__: you dont need to start samba to view remote windows shares21:24
lubixhow execute plugins "y listen now" in kopete with audacoius (i no speak very good english.....sorry for this))21:24
ubuntucool123is there any way to make the windows start button on keyboard open applications menu in ubuntu?21:24
* Scrounch is now away: off21:24
SkapareLOGAN: one mirror I noticed rsync temp files with slowly increasing sizes ... so they ARE downloading DVDs ... then hiding them21:24
Arkaicyou only need the client side piece, which is already there21:24
jburdfx 6100 series cards in 2 of them, 7400 in one (the one which works)21:24
vixmusic01So keyboard commands are not used outside of terminal?21:24
joshua__thanks iceman21:24
SkapareLOGAN: I'm guessing once they get them all complete and verified, they will expose them21:24
ptn107cdm10: /home/$USER/.local/share/Trash21:25
SkapareLOGAN: they do have the previous "rc" DVDs21:25
cdm10ptn107: thanks21:25
IcemanV9joshua__: np. sorry i am not much help in samba area.21:25
LukeLlubix, what's your native language? your question didn't make much sense in english21:25
FFEMTcJdoes anyone know of a mail client that supports exchange 2007?21:25
[]Muppgetting "temporary key expired" when attempting to open 8.04 .iso downloaded from sunet.se mirror...wth?21:25
LukeL!sp | lubix21:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sp - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:25
ubotuAquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.21:26
LOGANSkapare: yeah well i wait for the release version :)21:26
dystopianrayLukeL: he wants to know how to use the 'Now Listening' plugin in kopete with audacious21:26
scizzo-Skapare: so what is wrong with the dvds on cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/8.04/release/?21:26
giggseyI've just installed Hardy, and got two problems. My PC is randomly freezing, total freeze, can do nothing (most of them, the monitor goes black and that's it). Also, when I login, the sound doesn't play, and a grey box appears for 5 minutes21:26
lakotajames_when i log off and leave the computer to come back later, after pressing a key to wake the monitor a white screen with a mouse appears.  I can move the mouse, but that is it. I then have to hold the power button in until the computer turns off and i have to reboot. i am still using 7.10.  Is there a reason and/or fix for this?21:26
FooAtarihi folks.  this might sound stupid, but after upgrading to herdy I cannot login with my user accout... the password seems to have reset itself or something...  anyway how can i reset account passwords from the root login?21:26
DBautellanything to steal someone's glory:D21:26
FooAtariim workin in the terminal at the moment21:26
lubixubuntu-es suck....no body help me21:26
StarnestommyFooAtari: passwd username21:27
amenadoFooAtari-> easy,  passwd usernam21:27
StinyCan I get some help?21:27
ompaul!root | FooAtari21:27
ubotuFooAtari: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo21:27
helgeI get a "debconf: DbDriver "config": /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process: Resource temporarily unavailable" when trying to apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree, but everything else installs fine. Is this a bug?21:27
FooAtariim logged in as root thats not the problem, its my user account21:27
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots21:27
traitsince the new kernel my sound doesnt work21:27
Pitelanyone using Audacious for playing mp3?21:27
dystopianrayFooAtari: simple run: passwd user21:27
dystopianrayFooAtari: replacing 'user' with your user's name21:27
traitalsamixer says21:27
rizzy77where can i get a source list for hardy21:27
traitALSA lib simple_none.c:1738:(simple_add1) helem (MIXER,'Headphone Playback Switch',0,2,0) appears twice or more21:27
traitalsamixer: function snd_mixer_load failed: Invalid argument21:27
fbcjburd, hmm I  have only had to do this once, but you can backup your home directory and reinstall ubuntu and retore your home directory.... That's the best fix for any of thses problems that I'm aware of..21:27
milly1234anyone else having poor wireless signal problems since upgrading to hardy that they didn't have before?21:28
lakotajames_anyone want to help me?21:28
linkmaster03xsane exits immedietly on startup with (7.10) :: Segmentation fault (core dumped)21:28
FooAtariyeah i know dystopianray :)21:28
ChillumHello everyone21:28
roffe__I'm going nuts over all the passwords I have to write EVERY damn time... how can I become root?21:28
fbcjburd,  best thign about that is that it's smooth sailing from there on.21:28
Starnestommylinkmaster03: you may need to reinstall xsane21:28
FooAtaripasswd user was what i needed thanks everyone21:28
jburdfbc: until the next release?21:28
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots21:28
jburdfbc: I'm tired of doing that21:28
Starnestommyroffe__: use sudo21:28
IcemanV9roffe__: use sudo; no need to be root21:28
dystopianrayroffe__: sudo -i21:28
jasonyou type in root and pass is your user pass you set up at the begenign21:28
joshua__arkaic do you know what i can do to see them?21:28
scizzo-roffe__: sudo -s -H21:28
ChillumI'm one of these guys having problems trying to set up the internet on Ubuntu 8.04.21:28
styrmani'm invoking movement.sh "movement.sh sprint" how do I get this line: "ability_times=$(($time / $sprint_cooldown))" to accept $1 something like "ability_times=$(($time / $($1)_cooldown))"21:29
Dr_Venturehmm, i'm having trouble setting up dual monitors...21:29
vixmusic01will browse the brain - thanks for first IRC chat since 1990! Bye21:29
amenadofor anyone that cares... Hardy still dont seem want to boot from an ext3 partition, i mounted the liveCD iso and expanded to my /dev/sdb2 and then add entry to my existing linux to boot the new Hardy..  /dev/sdb2 has to be ext2 or else it wont boot21:29
Arkaicjoshua__: just specify the path to the share names.  make sure the account you are using has access prileges to the shares.21:29
FooAtariwireless Chillum ?21:29
SkapareChillum: one of how many?21:29
styrmanoops wrong channel21:29
ChillumFooAtari: I'm trying to set up my ADSL modem21:29
giggseyWhen I login, the sound doesn't play, and a grey box appears for 5 minutes21:29
Dr_Venturei can clone my display, but it i can't make it extend21:29
kR8ViTyhelp anyone?21:29
lakotajames_when i log off and leave the computer to come back later, after pressing a key to wake the monitor a white screen with a mouse appears.  I can move the mouse, but that is it. I then have to hold the power button in until the computer turns off and i have to reboot. i am still using 7.10.  Is there a reason and/or fix for this?21:29
roffe__lots of help there :) I want to be root every time I start up ubuntu is it what scizzo said then?21:29
FooAtariwhats the make and model Chillum21:29
lakotajames_i need some help21:30
scizzo-roffe__: you do not want that trust me21:30
StarnestommykR8ViTy: what do you need help with?21:30
tseughow do i make a directory?21:30
IcemanV9!sudo | roffe__21:30
uboturoffe__: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.21:30
Starnestommytseug: mkdir directory-name21:30
ChillumFooAtari: Speedtouch 33021:30
tseugok thanks21:30
amenadotseug-> mkdir newdir21:30
kR8ViTymay I pm you Starnestommy?21:30
FooAtariah right one of those. you had it working under linux before Chillum ?21:30
fbcjburd, maybe you have really odd hardware of something.. I support a university full of a mishmash of PC's and I've only once run into a similiar problem with a chinese motherboard.21:30
roffe__I'm familiar with sudo, but I have to do the sudo command very often21:30
StarnestommykR8ViTy: go ahead21:30
indian_munndacan anyone tell me how to reduce space between icons on the desktop??????21:30
ChillumNope, just my Windows XP OS i'm afraid.21:30
scizzo-roffe__: root is not something you should use as a normal user21:31
joshua__arkaic how do i do that? i did the windows share connect to server and i bookmarked them. if i go to the book marks they are empty though21:31
IcemanV9roffe__: yeah, but it doesn't ask for password every time, right? ;-)21:31
tinkerghostsort of art deco for backgrounds & OO loads faster21:31
ChillumFirst time with Linux/ Used Unix before at uni21:31
scizzo-roffe__: root is someone you should only use if it really is needed21:31
Lloydie-tI am trying to install the proftpd package but I am getting various error of which one is 'proftpd: Depends: libc6 (>= 2.7-1) but 2.6.1-1ubuntu10 is to be installed'21:31
elektronik123how install nvidia21:31
VletHow can I have samba auth against pam (or kerberos) instead of samba's own password database?21:31
tokahwhy does synaptic not find anty packages yet, apt-get works fine21:31
joshua__install nvidia by synaptic get envy21:31
scizzo-roffe__: in a terminal you can type: sudo -s -H and become root temporary and do the tasks you nee21:31
roffe__At least ten times every time I run ubuntu... definitely!21:31
indian_munndacan anyone tell me how to reduce space between icons on the desktop??????21:31
IcemanV9!nvidia | elektronik123 - this wiki should help ya a bit21:31
ubotuelektronik123 - this wiki should help ya a bit: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto21:31
roffe__ok, scizzo, I'll try it21:32
kornyi despair at the new ubuntu21:32
dystopianrayroffe__: what are you doing that needs root all the time?21:32
[]Muppanyone know why 8.04 .iso downloaded from sunet.se mirror says "temporary key expired"? outdated version?21:32
gpledanyone getting hang at Configuring apt 82% ?21:32
scizzo-roffe__: sudo -s -H is almost like using su - root however it is the sudo way of thinking21:32
PKsteRmilly1234: please elaborate on the nvidia GPu problem so i can test if it works for me as I to cant install nvidia drivers on 8.0421:32
kornyWhere is the 3d effect manager?21:32
Arkaicjoshua__: not sure what you mean. could you view the share files when you created the bookmark?21:32
bartmonHi! I'm just running Rhythmbox in Magnatune mode (it streams music from the Magnatune label). While doing so the volume button in the player disappears! I'd really like to see it. Any ideas?21:32
tyranoshi everyone21:32
indian_munndacan anyone tell me how to reduce space between icons on the desktop??????21:32
giggseyWhen I login, the sound doesn't play, and a grey box appears for 5 minutes21:32
gpledfor 8.0421:32
dystopianraygpled: slow mirror, unplug the network to get past it21:32
Vlet[]Mupp: maybe it's whatever program you're using to burn the iso?21:32
scizzo-roffe__: surfing, logging in to X etc should not be done via root....21:32
tyranosis there some uniform way to configure laptops fn keys21:32
gpleddystopianray: k21:32
ChillumI've tried https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsbAdslModem/SpeedTouch but I don't know if i'm doing anything right.21:33
[]Muppvlet: easy enough to check I guess..*checks*21:33
roffe__ok.. thanks I'll look into it, as long as I need to type it less often :)21:33
PKsteRI need help installing nvidia driver for 8800gtx on ubuntu 8.04 please21:33
emorrisroffe__: if you want to open files as root often , you can create a launcher to                  gksudo "gnome-open %u"               and drag the file(s) on it21:33
elektronik123IcemanV9 low resolution ..21:33
gpleddystopianray: lol21:33
ptn107indian_munnda: it might be in  gconf-editor21:33
gpleddystopianray: worked21:33
Vletemorris: what kinda zany irc client are you using o_O21:33
FooAtaridid you get the revision Chillum ?21:34
dystopianraygpled: all it was doing was sudo apt-get update, you can do that later at any point21:34
indian_munndaptn107: i m not getting it there.21:34
joshua__No i couldnt view them21:34
emorrisemorris: why?21:34
joshua__if you were to create a network what would you do?21:34
ChillumFooAtari: revision?21:34
Vletemorris: because your messages come out somewhat garbled21:34
PKsteRany body having  problams installind nvidia driver on 8.04?21:34
ChillumSorry, not sure what you mean there.21:34
roffe__emorris: thanks I'll try it... But now I was trying to share files over smb, and in 8.04 it demands that the "administrator" grants access for me21:34
Arkaicjoshua__: as said to you before, verify the permissions on the windows side.21:34
tofaffyHow risky is shrinking a windows parition?21:34
joshua__what do you mean?21:35
joshua__shrinkind a partition is fine on vista21:35
linkmaster03xsane exits immedietly on startup with (7.10) :: Segmentation fault (core dumped)21:35
joshua__no problem, little risk21:35
emorrisVlet: the one with the spaces was put there to make the command clear, rather than extra quotes etc21:35
indian_munndaptn107: i m using gutsy.21:35
tofaffyjoshua__, its xp parition I want to shrink so I can install hardy.21:35
joshua__it works if im in vista or xp21:35
joshua__not sure about xp21:35
ptn107indian_munnda: im using hardy, i cant find it in gconf-editor either21:35
Lloydie-tCan anyone advise of an ftpd apart from proftpd?21:35
joshua__norton has partition magic, which i hear does a good job, but not free21:35
traitdoes anybody know what that means, what alsamixer says:21:36
dystopianraytofaffy: i've seen it done half a dozen times, only ever failed once, when the person converted their windows partitoin to a dynamic volume, windows wouldn't boot after it was resized21:36
neuromancerhi just upgraded and was led to believe that in the latest release you could view your folders using a thumbnail view.  I can't seem to locate this option.  is it possible (this is a basic feature which should have been in form the start IMHO!)21:36
joshua__sometimes stuff turns up on torrent though21:36
FooAtariChillum, stick this command into the terminal  grep -B 1 "THOMSON" /proc/bus/usb/devices21:36
gpledLloydie-t: sftp. think thats the name21:36
StinyI'm really depressed that no one can help me. Yes,you gave me some links but there are some things I still don't understand.21:36
traitALSA lib simple_none.c:1738:(simple_add1) helem (MIXER,'Headphone Playback Switch',0,2,0) appears twice or more21:36
traitalsamixer: function snd_mixer_load failed: Invalid argument21:36
Xecuter88hi! having a strange problem. I'm using a python script so that amarok can handle my keyboard buttons and such, but the strange thing is that if i run "python gnome_media_keys.py" in a terminal things is fine. However, if i use the Run program thing (Alt + F2) and "python gnome_media_keys.py", then python is eating all of my CPU. How come?21:36
Vletemorris: ahh... then maybe it's just your client prepending some utf-8 characters onto the beginning of your messages21:36
roffe__"Ask your administrator to grant you permissions to create a share." that's what it says in the GUI for "File manager"21:36
GFHey everybody, I upgraded to Hardy from Gutsy, I got a REALLY bad problem, can anyone help me here???21:36
mohbanahow can i install kde 4 on hardy21:36
emorrisVlet: on every message?21:36
m55how do you find the gateway of a machine from the command line?21:36
dystopianrayXecuter88: check ~/.xsession-errors to see if there is any unusual output from python21:36
tofaffyThanks dystopianray, I quit using ubuntu a few months ago due to not having time to manage it but It's almost summer so no more putting up with 8th grade and such...and I start at my new MUCH BETTER ENVIROMENT school next year so I think I can deal with it again.21:36
PKsteRGF:  state your problem21:36
joshua__Arkaic: i have permission on vista or xp, is there any other permissions?21:36
IcemanV9GF: state the problem you were experiencing. :-)21:37
neuromancerm55: ifconfig?21:37
Starnestommym55: route -n or ifconfig21:37
traitsudo apt-get install kde4-core21:37
VletStiny: did you ask a question?21:37
dystopianraytofaffy: good luck with it21:37
joshua__how do i make my name yellow?21:37
StinyYes I did. Couple time.21:37
ChillumFooAtari: Funnily enough, I tried that. Don't get anything back. Don't think it worked!21:37
Lloydie-tis vsftpd OK?21:37
m55how do you set the gateway of a machine21:37
FooAtariwhat did it say Chillum ? must be something?21:38
PKsteRmilly1234: you there?21:38
gpledLloydie-t: thats the one21:38
VletWell, be patient, ask again occationally, and if you really can't get an answer, it's likely because no one knows the answer to your question.21:38
asteriskmonkeyif i have a debian package file that i use dpkg to install, what switch must i use so its igrnored by aptitude21:38
ChillumFooAtari: I don't quite remember exactly what it said.21:38
neuromanceris it possible in hardy to browse your folders as thumbnails?21:38
PKsteRI need help installing nvidia restricted driver please any body.21:38
Chillum...i'll go back and try again and note down the exact message. Back in a little while.21:38
dystopianrayLloydie-t: vsftpd is considered by many to be the best ftp server21:38
FooAtariany chance you can do it again Chillum21:38
dbristowI think someone decided to slipstream an wubi.exe update at the last minute and didn't update the MD5SUMS21:38
emorrism55: system>admin>network21:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about icon - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:39
neuromancerm55:  please read both the above answers from me and another!!!21:39
VletStiny: I see you asked, "can I get some help?"21:39
Lloydie-tThanks for the info I have just installed it21:39
Shadow420PKsteR it's easy21:39
linkmaster03xsane exits immedietly on startup with (7.10) :: Segmentation fault (core dumped)21:39
StinyVlet: The problem is that If I get a link a to a guide I don't understand it and unsure about. Not because it's english it's because I really have no idea what to do.21:39
PKsteRnot that ease I tried intslling them with the resticted driver manager but when i reboot they are not installed21:40
nixnoobhwo do i creat a symlink?21:40
VletStiny: Well, this is kind of an on-the-fly help chatroom... not really a seminar. Specific questions will be more likely to be answered.21:40
Shadow420PKsteR hmm21:40
jbur2nixnoob: man ln21:40
ubuntucool123will I be able to dual boot windows vista 32 bit and ubuntu 8.04 64 bit? My processor is Intel Core 2 Duo which is 32 and 64 bit compatible21:40
roffe__seriously, I'm going nuts over the new sharing program... It asks me to get permission, but it never asks me to type in a password.. has anyone else tried the new share in 8.04?21:40
n000bhey guys im having a bluetooth problem21:40
neuromancerubuntucool123: yes21:40
dystopianrayubuntucool123: yes you will bea ble to, whether either OS is 32-bit or 64-bit is irrelevant21:41
cgegnerI had the Ubuntu 8.04 beta installed, and now that it's been released if I just do the standard package updates will I be able to upgrade from beta to release?21:41
Starnestommynixnoob: ln -s target-path symlink-path21:41
ptn107cgegner: yes21:41
PKsteRI know "milly1234" had the same problem and found a solution but she/he is ither away or just ignoring me. and my friend google is not really helping ither21:41
arcskyIm trying to install ubuntu from a usbstick and when i booted it up after choose keyboard it ask for it cant mount  the CDrom21:41
dystopianraycgegner: that's right21:41
ubuntucool123ok thanks21:41
cgegnerptn107, that's what I thought21:41
jharrWhat's the tool used to manage which programs have access to which keys in my keyring?21:41
cgegnerdystopianray, thanks21:41
n000bcan anyone help me with bluetooth headsets?21:41
Vlet!ask | n000b21:41
ubotun000b: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)21:41
towliei upgraded to hardy on my laptop but it keeps dimming the display. how can i fix this ?21:41
ibleedubuntucool123, you might consider running the 32 bit version of ubuntu.  less problems that way21:41
n000bis vlet a bot21:41
Lloydie-tare there any recommended web interfaces for vsftpd based on PHP21:42
VletNo, ubotu is a bot, I'm a human21:42
dbristown000b: no, ubotu is the bot21:42
StinyVlet: I understand, but where else can I get help?21:42
n000bi cant seem to connect to my bluetooth headset21:42
ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!21:42
neuromancern000b: no they are telling you to ask the q instead of beating about the bush!21:42
JeahI'm having a weird Window Manager problem in Xubuntu Hardy.  Xfce4-terminal is opening without window decorations.  It has the right shape, but instead of the title bar, frame, close button, etc it is just solid black.  I can click where the buttons should be and they work, but they're not visible.  Window decorations on all my other apps (at least the ones I've used so far) have been fine.  I just tried re-downloading and re-installing th21:42
neuromancer n000b: more info please21:42
VletStiny: Google, books...?21:42
n000bi connected my bluetooth mouse just fine but for some reason, the headset doesnt work21:42
towliei upgraded to hardy on my laptop but it keeps dimming the display. how can i fix this ?21:42
graingertVlet: you failed at the turing test21:42
Vletgraingert: lol21:42
graingertn000b: kill pulseaudio and try21:43
jharrahh! seahorse21:43
* neuromancer didn't fail the turing test and merged with wintermute21:43
n000bgraingert: what the heck is that21:43
cgegnertowlie, I know that I can control my laptop's display by going to System -> Prefs -> Power Management21:43
Vletn000b: have you tried searching for something like "theModelNameOfYourHeadset ubuntu"21:43
PKsteRplease help  nvidia driver are not installing on ubuntu 8.0421:43
ameriohey guys , I have atheros wireless card on my laptop , its in USE and enabled , but wireless aint working , can anybody help me pleaaase?21:43
andycaasssudo mount -o loop file.iso mountpoint (What should i use as a mountpoint)?????21:43
carlosawww crap! now that updater was working cool I dont have enought free space!21:43
n000bno vlet its a very rare model headset21:43
towliecgegner, i checked there. i unchecked dim display but its still dimming the screen21:43
ptn107PKsteR: your trying to install nvidia-glx-new package correct?21:43
n000bits a sony headset21:44
engieHi. I'm running 7.10, update manager is showing no updates pending but isn't offering the 8.04 upgrade. Is there anything I can do to prod it?21:44
roffe__Did anyone know how I could be granted permission in the new sharing software?21:44
Vletn000b: then perhaps it's not supported. Have you TRIED searching?21:44
andycaasssudo mount -o loop file.iso mountpoint (What should i use as a mountpoint)?????21:44
StinyVlet: I don't even know my soundcard. I don't know how to search for answers.21:44
cgegnertowlie, did you check both of the tabs?  There are two for On AC power and On Battery Power21:44
PKsteRptn107: any as long as it installs21:44
n000bno ill try right  now. brb21:44
ameriohey guys , I have atheros wireless card on my laptop , its in USE and enabled , but wireless aint working , can anybody help me pleaaase?21:44
graingertn000b: pulseaudio is the hardy soundserver21:44
jbur2andycaass: /mnt/ is an example21:44
giggseyWhen I login, the audio program crashes, and hangs my system for 5 minutes21:44
alcazoidhi again21:44
neuromancern000b: does it use a certain chipset? does lshw pick up anything?21:44
Xecuter88dystopianray, lost my connection.... didn't find anything in .xsession-error21:44
towliecgegner, yea but its plugged into the ac now and its still doing that so thats not the cause of the problem21:44
Pandemichey can someone tell me the shortcut to run something in hardy?21:44
daemon3What is the current state of the servers?21:44
graingertn00b: run pulseaudio -k21:45
drivetraxengie:  -- the topic says there is a torrent to get it21:45
Pandemici think it was alt + f2 in gusty?21:45
neuromancerdaemon3: smoldering21:45
VletStiny: Well then it would be even harder for someone on the internet to help you, as we're not at your computer.21:45
andycaassjbur2: i want to mount a iso, should i mount it as a cd rom or something?21:45
realcoolguy_amerio, sure =)  i have an atheros on my laptop... does your wireless have it's DHCP server active?21:45
engiedrivetrax: Are upgrades not supported at the mo?21:45
n000bhow do i run pulseaudio?21:45
ptn107PKsteR: when you go to System -> Administration -> Hardware Drivers and check the box next to your nvidia card what happens21:45
daemon3neuromancer: So I shouldn't try to upgrade now?21:45
dystopianrayXecuter88: i'm not sure why it would take up so much cpu then, it's very strange21:45
VletPandemic: or try ctrl-f221:45
PKsteRptn107: i got a 8800gtx but the driver wont install, for some reason i have to re-inwstall them when i re boot so im forced to use low graphics mode every time21:45
drivetraxengie:  -- there's been problems since yesterday21:45
graingertn000b: in the terminal21:45
ameriorealcoolguy_ nop I dont think so21:45
neuromancerdaemon3: better than yesterday, you should be ok21:45
engiedrivetrax: Thanks21:45
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots21:45
n000bgraingert: thanks what do i type in21:45
graingertpulseaudio -k21:46
neuromancern000b: try... sudo lshw21:46
graingertnot sure of spelling21:46
andycaassjbur2: i want to mount a iso, should i mount it as a cd rom or something?21:46
graingerttab complete21:46
ChillumFooAtari: The mesage was that the directory did not exist!21:46
daemon3Also, I got a Kubuntu "alternate" iso image and burned it to a disk.  However, I don't see an "upgrade" option.  Yes, my system is fully updated.21:46
realcoolguy_amerio, well connect your laptop with a wire to the router (have you ever used the wireless before on that router?) some make you enable it, and set the IP pool21:46
drivetraxengie:  -- why, i tried to apt-get a file, and it took quiet a while before it started21:46
PKsteRptn107: it say that they are anabled and that i need to restart but when i do i have to do it again.21:46
jbur2andycaass: sudo mount -o loop -t iso9660 foobar.iso /mnt/21:46
graingertn000b: remermber pulseaudio -D to renalable21:46
ameriorealcoolguy_ yeah when I had gutsy it used to work , when I made a fresh install for hardy stopped working21:46
realcoolguy_amerio: another thing you might want to look at first, is click the littler wireless icon, and does it list the access points you see?21:47
StinyVlet: I gues Linux isn't for me. Maybe because I can't solve simple problems. :)21:47
Xecuter88anyone else know? having a strange problem. I'm using a python script so that amarok can handle my keyboard buttons and such, but the strange thing is that if i run "python gnome_media_keys.py" in a terminal things is fine. However, if i use the Run program thing (Alt + F2) and "python gnome_media_keys.py", then python is eating all of my CPU. How come?21:47
ameriorealcoolguy_ nop its not acitvated at all , wireless isnt working21:47
ptn107PKsteR: pop open synaptic and see if the nvidia-glx-new package and nvidia-kernel-common packages are installed21:47
chubs730andycaass: that command works wonderfully, but gmountiso is also in the repositories if you want something graphical21:47
DgroWhat's wrong repositories/upgrade21:47
DgroW: GPG error: http://mirror3.ubuntulinux.nl dapper-seveas Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 49A120FD1135D46621:47
hellonullandycaass: you can also use gmount-iso for a gui21:47
n000bgraingert can we talk one on one21:47
realcoolguy_amerio: oh, i think it was something about restricted drivers when i installed ubuntu, it found the atheros drivers and put them in21:48
andycaasshellonull: thanks, chubs730: thanks21:48
PKsteRptn107: ok gimmi a minuite and thhanks for the help btw21:48
ameriorealcoolguy_ atheros driver in restricted drivers is enabled and in use21:48
graingertn000b: no keep in room21:48
ptn107PKsteR: no prob21:48
VletStiny: Just remember that probably 99.9999% of linux users figured it out using a combination of google, reading documentation, books, and chatrooms like this... just takes time21:48
graingertn000b: I gtg now so good luck!21:48
PandemicVlet: Nope, that didn't work.21:48
tokahhelp, i was using floola and accidentlaly kileld the process, now my ipod says it has no music on it, however, rythmbox still finds and recognizes the music21:48
openuserhi everybody!, I have a download on firefox 3.0, and I would like reinstall ubuntu, how can I continue the download once Ubuntu is reinstalled from the point where the download stoped?21:48
graingertn000b: bluetooth audio is a bit carp21:48
clwOOt, installed 8.04 and got everything working !!!21:49
VletPandemic: neither ctrl-f2 nor alt-f2?21:49
`Tyler`my internal wifi card wont work21:49
`Tyler`any ideas21:49
corbettcan anyone help determine why my usb external hard drive wont work with ubuntu by checking these log messages - http://paste.ubuntu.com/8002/21:49
n000bwhat do you mean carp?21:49
zaggy-nlwhat bad stuff could happen if you give a daemon user a password?21:49
PandemicOh wait, now it works Vlet.21:49
Vletn000b: carp = crap = lulz21:49
PandemicI just rebooted and it works now. odd.21:49
drivetraxeww.. i dun like this KSirc..thing21:49
ptn107PKsteR: while your in synaptic also verify that linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-16-generic is installed also (it should already be installed)21:50
csaiswhich is the best program to download music like ares in windows ?21:50
Myrttilanguage, kids21:50
graingert!info pulseaudio hardy21:50
ubotupulseaudio (source: pulseaudio): PulseAudio sound server. In component main, is optional. Version 0.9.10-1ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 280 kB, installed size 1080 kB21:50
n000bcan anyone tell me how to configure ubuntu to work with a bluetooth headset21:50
=== zaggy-nl is now known as zaggy-nl^afk
=== GF is now known as GreenFuze
hellonullis there a problem with emerald themes not working after hardy upgrade? compiz-fusion is working for me (cube, wobbly windows, etc) but the emerald themes aren't21:50
clcorbett,  looks like the drive is having problems reading.21:50
chubs730openuser: why are you waiting to finish the download until after the reinstall? out of curiosity21:50
ompaul!bluetooth | n000b21:50
ubotun000b: For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup21:50
clcorbett,  does it work elsewhere?21:50
Vletn000b: have your tried searching for information on using your headset model with linux?21:50
corbettclit works elsewhere21:50
drivetraxhellonull:  go #compiz-fusion21:50
n000bubotu ive checked that out already21:51
nickrobermy sound is very scratchy and distorted in hardy, even when changing everything to use alsa instead of pulse audio21:51
amenadodisturbing discovery, Hardy seem to lose settings in network-manager even if static ip addresses are set..one has to /etc/init.d/networking restart to get the route table activated21:51
corbettcl it works elsewhere21:51
hellonullnickrober, having that problem here as well21:51
ompaulcorbett, be nice21:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gogle - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:51
fbcHow do you change your monitor type in hardy?? Is there a graphical tool like in Gutsy or do I have to manually edit the /etc/X11/xorg.conf?21:51
ubotugoogle is the helpers' friend; many newer users dont have the google-fu yet; For GNU/Linux:  http://google.com/linux21:51
csaishey guys which is the best program for ubuntu to download music?21:51
Vletn000b: what's the model of your headset?21:51
nickroberhellonull: been messing with it all day and can't get anywhere with it21:51
Myrtti!repeat | csais21:51
ubotucsais: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience21:52
bashcahi there problem installing hardy ?? i download  desktop-i386 ... iso  and  i burn it  but when click  install  wont work ???21:52
gpledseems like i cant download updates.  should i put servers in by hand?21:52
drivetraxgraingert: .. google-fu??21:52
graingertn000b: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5229621:52
|jess|hello. When I choose ubuntu to install on the same partition where I do the installation. Does ubuntu change my grup settings? Does it do something with the MBR?21:52
clcorbett, what drive is it?21:52
graingert| jess | i think so21:52
openuserchubs730: I explain the dude badly, what I want is resume the download on other computer with ubuntu 8.04 (I also have it), but I don't know how to do it!21:52
fbcjbur2,  well, don't feel bad... I had toerase and start machine all over again like every two months with windows. So maybe it's an improvement. :-p21:52
siriusnovaanyone run ubuntu on their macbook c2d?21:52
drivetrax|jess|:  grub21:53
graingert| jess |: make a grub boot floppy21:53
DaaThi everyone21:53
Vletallo allo21:53
regishello, i realy need help...envy doesn't work for my geforce 8600M GT21:53
superkiwiHello, I have a two audio devices on my motherboard, Nvidia ALC883 Analog, and digital. They are listed when I do: aplay -l. But in 'system settings'/sound the only device listed is the analog one. How can I use the digital one?21:53
chubs730openuser: sometimes with firefox downloads just don't resume, it's very unreliable21:53
DaaTslight prob. When booting into hardy, I have no taskbars... any clue? :)21:53
drivetrax|jess|:  how you installing linux?21:53
bashcahi there problem installing hardy ?? i download  desktop-i386 ... iso  and  i burn it  but when click  install  wont work ???21:53
yupwhat can you suggest for network dictionary server/client software ?21:53
amenadogpled what do you mean you cant? what error if any?21:53
fbcHow do you change your monitor type in hardy?? Is there a graphical tool like in Gutsy or do I have to manually edit the /etc/X11/xorg.conf?21:54
b33r_wtf does that mean? sudo: timestamp too far in the future: Apr 26 00:37:15 200821:54
lindoHi, if I don't have a floppy drive and can't use my MBR for boot-loader installation, is there another way to boot into linux? CD perhaps?21:54
adiabaticWill 8.04 be uselessly sluggish on my celeronDell laptop with 256 MB of RAM?21:54
clcorbett, make and model?21:54
amenadofbc yes thats the standard thing to do, modify xorg.conf21:54
ChillumHas anyone here configured an adsl modem for the internet with Ubuntu?21:54
chubs730fbc: nvidia-settings if you're using an nvidia card21:54
ceil420The upgrade will continue but the '/var/cache/apt/archives/gcl_2.6.7-36_i386.deb' package may be in a not working state. Please consider submitting a bugreport about it.21:54
drivetraxlindo:  - unetbootin21:54
cladiabatic, yes. Install the alternate version21:54
ceil420what's gcl?21:54
gpledamenado: just hangs. have to close it, and it tells me it could not get some files.  get 15 of 2421:54
drivetraxlindo:  Wubi21:54
corbettcl maxtor mini III 100 gb21:54
amenadoadiabatic dont seem like it, i have a emachine t2240 and its okay21:54
lindoThank you drivetrax21:55
fbcchubs730, nope not on my laptop ATI21:55
|jess|drivetrax: I installed from the desktop live cd21:55
jPrattWhat is new in 8.0421:55
amenado!slow | gpled21:55
ubotugpled: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of the latest edition. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.21:55
Vletadiabatic: probably no more than gutsy. it's not like vista in that there was not a ton of useless crap added - just more refined21:55
jPrattIm running it but i see no big difference21:55
sarah_bearhey guys, Im having a problem burning mp3s with the software K3b21:55
JeahI'm having a weird Window Manager problem in Xubuntu Hardy.  Xfce4-terminal is opening without window decorations.  It has the right shape, but instead of the title bar, frame, close button, etc it is just solid black.  I can click where the buttons should be and they work, but they're not visible.  Window decorations on all my other apps (at least the ones I've used so far) have been fine.  I tried re-downloading and re-installing the xfc21:55
drivetrax|jess|:  all you need.. is there.  is it Dual Boot You Want?21:55
ceil420jPratt, you can actually update packages now21:55
clcorbett, are you using the Maxtor DriveLock™ software?21:55
sarah_bearsays something about the file formate?21:55
ameriohey guys , I have atheros wireless card on my laptop , its in USE and enabled , but wireless aint working , can anybody help me pleaaase?21:55
fbcamenado, no it can't be standard as there was a utility in gutsy and feisty.. I just don't understand why it was demoted or something..21:55
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ceil420jPratt, the only reason i'm even upgrading is so i can update libconfuse21:55
adiabaticcl: does the alternate version install an X server, or should I try xubuntu?21:55
dystopianraysarah_bear: burning them as data or audio?21:55
amenadojPratt-> nothing i see yet myself, i haft to try the bcm43xx chips and see21:56
b33r_what does that mean?? sudo: timestamp too far in the future: Apr 26 00:37:15 200821:56
xkcdr0ckz8.04 & graphics is very slow on my IBM T41p notebook! (probably been talked about) can someone point me to a fix (URL) or maybe use previous 7.10 graphics drivers?21:56
NeednVidiaHelpcan't get higher than 800x600 resolution21:56
ja-barrbtw are what do people find to be the least resource intensive web browser minus dillo21:56
chubs730fbc: i'm not sure whether or not ati has a gui configuration tool, perhaps someone else knows? otherwise xorgsetup is a graphical tool to edit your xorg.conf21:56
sarah_bearas audio dystopianray21:56
jPrattOnly thing i noticed is the Firefox21:56
cladiabatic, dunno, never tried it. only saw that is was specifically for systems with <384MB RAM21:56
drivetraxxkcdr0ckz:  What video card?21:56
dystopianrayja-barr: lynx21:56
ja-barrminus text-based21:56
gpledamenado: my system is up and running21:56
ceil420jPratt, i wouldn't notice that; i've been using Firefox 3 betas for months :p21:56
dystopianraysarah_bear: make sure you have this installed: libk3b2-extracodecs21:56
jPrattme to21:56
sarah_bearlet me check,21:56
fbcchubs thanks21:56
amenadofbc behind all those gui, its the xorg.conf that gets modified21:56
jPrattor atleast when i had Windows21:56
meoblast001hello.... i would like to perform the upgrade to Hardy with my Hardy CD and not the web, how do i do this if my bios doest boot off my only working CD drive?21:56
cladiabatic, i put the regular version on a Sempron 3000 with 256MB once. Took 2 hrs to install and was dog slow21:56
PKsteRptn107: yes the are installed21:57
meoblast001i want to upgrade throught Gutsy to Hardy21:57
ceil420Firefox was still at when i switched to Linux :p21:57
lindoDoes wubi negatively impact performance at all?21:57
amenadogpled so be happy, what is the complaint?21:57
gpledthought bittorents solved the load problem years ago21:57
ibleedi installed a gnome icon theme.  despite having installed it all icons changed except for folder icons.  the folder icons instead of switching went to "standard gnome" icons.  how can i fix ?21:57
gpledamenado: cant get update21:57
sarah_bearhmm dystopianray it says "E: Couldn't find package libk3b2-extracodecs21:57
cllindo, a little bit. you probably won't notice.21:57
tyranoswhere can i setup my notebook special keys plz help21:57
cllindo, the bigger probl is that you can't mount your windows drive though.21:57
dystopianraygpled: apt doesn't work over bittorrent though21:57
amenadogpled-> i already told you the servers are extremely busy, just be patient21:57
dystopianraysarah_bear: are you using hardy?21:57
drivetraxlindo:  Wubi is a Loop Mounted Ubuntu.  Not going to change Partitions.. it can be mounted with LVM..21:57
sarah_beari am using gusty21:57
penibleed: you can add the name of that jpg to your theme icon folder and it will put it on automatically21:58
gpleddystopianray: should i add a close server to download?21:58
needcdromhey alls, my computer won't let me update from gutsy to hardy for some reason21:58
ibleedthanks pen21:58
ptn107PKsteR: check your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file,   in the section under 'Device'  the Driver should be "nvidia"; heres my xorg.conf file for reference http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64423/21:58
chubs730lindo: you can also install ubuntu and not change the mbr, and use a usb boot stick21:58
drivetraxlindo:  unetbootin - is a network via internet install that will partition and make MBR21:58
lindogotcha, and you'd consider that preferable to a boot cd or some such?21:58
dystopianraysarah_bear: make sure you have this packaged installed: libk3b2-mp321:58
|jess|drivetrax: I already have 2 distros and wanted to add ubuntu.21:58
amenadoneedcdrom-> the server side may be busy21:58
needcdromit complains about there being unofficial software on my sistem or somethying21:58
penibleed: that's why I love linux. It's all customization21:58
giggseypulseaudio is crashing when I login to my Hardy21:58
needcdromit's not related to the server21:58
dystopianraygpled: that may help21:58
csaisguys where can i find my windows files while im using ubuntu?21:58
adiabaticcl: hmmmm, thanks21:58
drivetraxlindo:  You can use a USB21:58
cladiabatic, ;)21:58
GNUtoohello i'm regis21:59
amenadocsais-> are you trolling?21:59
adiabaticcl: did the machine run Ubuntu OK after the installer finished, though?21:59
clGNUtoo, hello21:59
sarah_bearI already have that installed dystopianray21:59
lindoThanks chubs, drivetrax, I'll look into both21:59
sarah_bearanything else i need?21:59
DaaTalso, when booting from hardy's CD, it gets to the first screen (after choosing install), the language select screen, but can't advance. Cursor moves but doesn't clic, keyboard navigation doesn't work as well. It's the same thing when booting into 8.04 after updating from 7.10, using the latest kernel version21:59
ceil420needcdrom, when i got that message, i had broken packages. the error message should have given you a directory to some logs; look at the latter part of those logs and see what packages are causing the problem, and remove them manually21:59
csaiswhat do you mean with trolling?21:59
cladiabatic, very slow. i put another 256MB in and it was much better.21:59
dystopianraysarah_bear: what problem are you having with k3b then?21:59
strtokAnyone have an issue with 8.04's titlebars turning purple/rainbow every once in a while? They correct themselves if you click on the window21:59
cladiabatic, i wouldn't recommend it.21:59
JeahCan anyone help me with a weird window manager problem in Xubuntu Hardy?21:59
gpledwa hoo, look at it fly21:59
|jess|drivetrax: I did choose to install the Ubuntu bootloader in the same partition as the installation because I didn't want ubuntu to change my grub setup21:59
ptn107strtok: yes21:59
cladiabatic, even WinXP was faster21:59
ChrisVPI'm trying to install some drivers, and getting the message that us.archives.ubuntu.com isn't resolving.  Is that standard behavior?  Will it be resolved soon?21:59
CyberCoddidja all hear about the new Apple product?  its just like the iPhone, except that they gave it an honest name... its called the iBroken21:59
needcdromceil420: thank you thank you! that's the kind of thing I needed to know21:59
drivetraxI found that using a certain ATI Video card.. the drivers were better with the Ubuntu OS.. I just do not have Catalyst.. and video tweaks22:00
amenadoDaat do you have an existing 7.10 running? would you like to try and boot the downloaded 8.04 iso from hd?22:00
dystopianrayamenado: of course he's not trolling, he wants to know where his windows partition is mounted within ubuntu22:00
strtokptn107: any idea what causes it?22:00
gpledcentral control of downloads is a bad idea22:00
noodlesgcChrisVP server is overloaded22:00
PhoenixP3KAnyone else here is bummed out about Hardy Heron?22:00
|jess|drivetrax: But now, I can't reboot one of the old distros... :-(22:00
ceil420strtok, 8.04 Ubuntu, Kubuntu, or Xubuntu?22:00
MulderPhoenixP3K, yes22:00
CyberCodPhoenixP3K: I'm a little22:00
ceil420needcdrom, np22:00
strtokceil420: ubuntu, nvidia drivers22:00
ameriohey guys , I have atheros wireless card on my laptop , its in USE and enabled , but wireless aint working , can anybody help me pleaaase?22:00
noodlesgcPhoenixP3K i would be if i could get it installed22:00
amenadodystopianray-> just checking..22:00
ChrisVPnoodlesgc: alright, thanks22:00
ceil420strtok, i blame Gnome <_<22:00
DaaTamenado, i had 7.10, but updated to 8.04 yesterday :P that's when the problems started22:00
ptn107strtok: i thought maybe my binary nvidia drivers. but even without them it still happens (even on my laptop)22:00
giggseyIs there anyway to stop pulseaudio crashing when I log into gdm?22:00
sarah_bearhmm dystopianray i can't play a mp3 using totem movie player22:00
strtokceil420: it felt like a compiz feature22:00
megatog615anyone wanna tell me why there are no sound drivers?22:00
drivetrax|jess|:  -- dual booting two linux..then22:00
sarah_bearsays something about suitable codec?22:00
amenadoDaaT can you reboot back to 7.10?22:00
ceil420strtok, did you try disabling compiz? :o22:00
pharohhey ya'll.is the new ubuntu release stable?as in is it safe for one to upgrade now,who's tried it so far?22:00
n000bive got a window thats frozen and wont close. what should i do? is there a linux equivalent of control alt delete?22:01
PhoenixP3Knoodlesgc, yeah it took all night to ugrade for me, and i'm a bit dissapointed22:01
xkcdr0ckzdrivetrax: dunno if this is correct (got it from xorg.conf file)  --> "ATI Technologies Inc M10 NT [FireGL Mobility T2]"22:01
CyberCodI can't get this thing to show anything more than 800x600 using the nvidia-glx-new drivers22:01
strtokceil420: i love it too much to disable it22:01
dystopianraysarah_bear: is this a a new problem or the same you were describing earlier?22:01
GreenFuzeHey everybody! Can anyone help me with a problem I got in the Hardy upgrade - my computer won't start....22:01
DaaTamenado, the only options at boot i have are 8.04 (with new and previous kernel)22:01
drivetraxxkcdr0ckz:  You may need the Mesa driver22:01
ceil420pharoh, it's been officially released, if that's what you mean. i wouldn't necessarily call ubuntu "stable" *cough*22:01
ubotuThe Win32 codecs are available from the Medibuntu repositories (see « /msg ubotu medibuntu »), and for releases prior to Gutsy, also at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages22:01
Muldercompiz wont even work with open source radeon driver now but it will with fglrx (oh the irony).22:01
ceil420strtok, then live with it :p or figure out how to change it22:01
meoblasthow do i upgrade Ubuntu from Gutsy to Hardy throught a CD.... my bios does not boot my only working CD Drive so i need to do it from my already installed Gutsy22:01
|jess|drivetrax: yes. Three linux22:01
amenadoDaat previous kernel? as in previous 7.10 ?22:01
ceil420i prefer minimalism to glitz and glitter22:01
noodlesgcPhoenixP3K i cant even get to the "download packages" stage22:01
meoblast001is anyone here?22:01
strtokceil420: i can totally live with it - just checking if anyone knows what it is22:01
sarah_bearits the sameone, but i think i fixed it dystopianray b installed GStreamer plugins22:01
n000bive got a window thats frozen and wont close. what should i do? is there a linux equivalent of control alt delete?22:01
strtokceil420: i don't like compiz for the glitz/glitter, it has functional features22:02
drivetraxMulder:  it will.. it works with the Mesa driver, and some restricted ATI drivers22:02
CyberCodn000b you can hit alt+f2 and then type in xkill and hit enter.... then the next thing you click on will die22:02
noodlesgcn000b ctrl+alt+backspace22:02
ceil420n000b, killall <program name>22:02
pharohceil420: i know.have you tried it?22:02
strtokceil420: window snapping, the "wall" feature, etc22:02
xkcdr0ckzdrivetrax: where can i get the "Mesa" driver?22:02
DaaTamenado, believe so. It's... 2.24 I think (trying to recall from memory) and new is 2.26, or something. You probably know it better than I do :)22:02
meoblasthow do i upgrade Ubuntu from Gutsy to Hardy throught a CD.... my bios does not boot my only working CD Drive so i need to do it from my already installed Gutsy ??22:02
ompauln000b, xkill in a new terminal and then click on the offending program22:02
PhoenixP3Kmeoblast001, are you the same as meoblast?22:02
jPrattdpkg: requested operation requires superuser privilege what the hell does that mean22:02
dystopianrayn000b: press 'alt+f2' then type 'xkill', then click on the application you want to kill22:02
ceil420pharoh, tried compiz? my computer can't use it22:02
StarnestommyjPratt: put sudo before the command22:02
drivetraxxkcdr0ckz:  -- go to #compiz-Fusion, and tell'em your problem .. it affects compiz22:02
Nevstahhey everyone, any reason why i should be getting slow LAN speed since 8.04 upgrade? i get about 800KB/s up / 1MB/s down :(22:02
amenadoDaaT then try to boot from the previous and we can probably load the new 8.04 from hard disk22:02
ptn107meoblast: correct, download and burn the alternate  cd and stick it in while running gutsy22:02
Mulderdrivetrax, stock install picked up the 'ati' driver from xorg, and it refused to enable desktop effects with that despite xorg logs saying aiglx was enabled22:02
RobinRebornI can't update ubuntu, it doesn't work through the automatic way, so I run sudo apt-get install -f22:02
ubotuThe Win32 codecs are available from the Medibuntu repositories (see « /msg ubotu medibuntu »), and for releases prior to Gutsy, also at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages22:02
xkcdr0ckzk thx.22:02
ubutommeoblast: go to your bios and enable booting from cdrom22:02
daedrahow do you get w32codecs?!22:03
ceil420strtok, snapping annoys me; i even turned it off in GIMP22:03
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto22:03
meoblastPhoenixP3K: when i logged in under the network Ubuntu Servers..... it didnt display incomming messages22:03
pharohceil420: what?on ubuntu 8?that's it,am not upgrading.22:03
ceil420i don't know what you mean by 'wall'22:03
jPrattThank you22:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lowres - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:03
drivetraxMulder:  right.. the driver needs to be Mesa22:03
daedrathe link doesn't help for 8.0422:03
RobinRebornbut it tells me I must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' , when I try that it tells me I need to be a superuser (which I think I am22:03
ceil420pharoh, lol my computer is old. it couldn't handle Beryl on 7.0422:03
GNUtoowhat should i do...i passed the day trying to make the nvidia driver work22:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dualscreen - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:03
meoblastubutom: cant...... my internal CD drive is broken, external is not supported by bios to boot off of22:03
StarnestommyRobinReborn: put "sudo" before that command22:03
Mulderdrivetrax, hmmm didnt it used to work with stock ati driver?22:03
DaaTamenado, will do. How do I go about booting the ISO from HDD?22:03
PhoenixP3Kmeoblast, oh i see22:03
strtokceil420: "desktop wall"22:03
meoblastptn107: do i need alternate, i have the regular installer22:03
megatog615Anyone here use 64-bit?22:03
RichardRobinReborn: run sudo dpkg --configure -a22:03
ceil420strtok, you mean the wallpaper?22:03
RobinRebornthanks Richard!22:04
ubutommeoblast: so whats the sense in keeping a broken drive in your machine?22:04
pharohceil420: ah.but since i'm still a newbie(one en a half months now) guess i'll stick to 7.10 til i learn more:)22:04
drivetraxMulder:  -- I dunno, I just got 7.10, and had this difficulty, and #Compiz-Fusion helped me run it down22:04
ptn107meoblast: i think you need the ubuntu-8.04-alternate-$ARCH.iso22:04
strtokceil420: no, "desktop wall" - it's an addon for virtual desktops22:04
meoblastubutom: too poor to buy a new one22:04
strtokmakes it easy to drag windows between virtual desktops22:04
JeahCan anybody help me with a weird window manager problem in Xubuntu Hardy?  Xfce4-terminal is opening without window decorations.  It has the right shape, but instead of the title bar, frame, close button, etc it is just solid black.  I can click where the buttons should be and they work, but they're not visible.  Window decorations on all my other apps (at least the ones I've used so far) have been fine.  I just tried re-downloading and re22:04
ubutommeoblast: and how will it be able to access a cdrom you have?22:04
PhoenixP3KCan anyone confirm that there is transparency all around the windows that are inactive in Hardy?22:04
ceil420strtok, i can do that easily enough with my Enlightenment window manager :)22:04
meoblastubutom: i just cant BOOT from it22:04
=== Richard is now known as delphi
meoblasti have external22:04
amenadoDaaT you have to mount the iso, then copy it over to a ext2 partition ext2 okay not ext3 and then put an entry on exisisting menu.lst for the new 8.0422:05
LebLinuxhello, just upgraded to Hardy, and I noticed in Grub there is both kernels the 2.6.24 (default) and 2.6.22 any ideas why?22:05
drivetraxMany people are in here.. that might need to be in #compiz-Fusion.. with their Video card driver issues22:05
meoblastptn107: that sux22:05
ptn107LebLinux: it keeps your old one just in case, though you can remove it if you want22:05
Mulderthe other issue i've experienced which was a major bummer, was the gnome calendar hangs the gnome environment for me.22:05
amenadoPhoenixP3K-> what is that? transparency meaning i cant see it?22:05
LebLinuxptn107: alright thank you.22:05
drivetraxMulder:  -- gnome is at their site22:05
DaaTamenado, i'll look into it. But i have to say, when i boot into 7.10, there are no taskbars (top and bottom). Happened after yesterday's update22:06
NicDumZHi ! :) Yet another one of these hardy users without _any_ sound since upgrade. Google for vlc error outputs did not help; vlc-plugin-pulse _is_ installed. Any common hardy-sound FAQ / known issues page maybe ?22:06
romanotpHow can I remove the old version of the kernel???22:06
meoblasti guess im f*cked22:06
ceil420Mulder, if all you need is to look at a basic calender, you can just type "cal" on the command line to see one22:06
arooniwhats the name of a screenshot utility22:06
aroonifor ubuntu22:06
PhoenixP3Kamenado, well the borders become translucent. before it was only the top, but now it's all around the windows border22:06
amenadoDaaT-> oh well, you tried to upgrade during the busiest period, most likely it did not complete22:06
jbur2romanotp: sudo vim /boot/grub/menu.list    Backup this file before editing this one.22:06
DaaTamenado, yay :)22:07
drivetraxDaaT:  did you click on the panel for the virtual desktops.. top right.22:07
nuccoarooni just push the "prt scr" button22:07
amenadoPhoenixP3K-> i dont notice it, it may be really transparent that it is hard to see22:07
corbettmaxtor mini III 100 gb                 http://paste.ubuntu.com/8002/22:07
ptn107romanotp: sudo apt-get remove --purge --auto-remove linux-image-$(uname -r)22:07
Mulderceil420, it's not that. i sometimes accidentally click on calendar since it's next to logout icon, and if do that then i need to use ctrl alt del or ctrl alt backspace to bring down the system22:07
DaaTdrivetrax, nope. It happens as soon as it shows the desktop, without any user action22:07
PhoenixP3Kamenado, do you have your desktop effects on normal or extra?22:07
ceil420Mulder, i recommend taking the calender off your panel if it's crashing X >_>22:07
RobinReborndoes anybody have any idea why I see no progress when I am download package files for an update?22:08
nuccoptn107: are you aware that that will remove the currently running kernel?22:08
ptn107nucco: oh shi ya22:08
drivetraxDaaT:  All I could say is that either gnome is not right, or the desktop is still in a past session22:08
StarnestommyRobinReborn: a lot of the servers are overloaded22:08
lifesfhi; i have gotten rid of gutsy and have now installed hardy server but i get an error while [sudo apt-get ubuntu-desktop]22:08
Nevstahany reason why i should be getting slow LAN speed since 8.04 upgrade? i get about 800KB/s up / 1MB/s down :(  or how i can diagnose?22:08
cl!RobinReborn: servers are getting hammered. Try another source22:08
DaaTdrivetrax, looks like it, yes22:08
Mulderceil420, yeah i might have to do that. guess i'll have to substitute with something like screenlets instead :S22:08
ptn107romanotp: scratch that replace $(uname -r) with the one you want to remove22:08
amenadoPhoenixP3K-> normal22:09
ceil420Mulder, the CLI's "cal" is good enough for me :p22:09
nuccoptn107: probably best to just leave it there. the newest one is usually even the default...22:09
joshua__how do i find shared folders?22:09
DaaTamenado and drivetrax, thanks for the help. I'll keep trying to install from CD, though with it not accepting any user commands... *crosses fingers*22:09
romanotpptn107:  thanx22:09
drivetraxDaaT:  I know, when I click the panel with my 4 virtual tops.. all task/panel applet bars go away22:09
VletAnyone know how to have samba auth against pam or kerberos instead of samba's built-in password db?22:09
joshua__where do i find Shared folders, that were in system-administration previousley22:09
PhoenixP3Kamenado, last question, do you have the Human theme on?22:09
Theo_I have two harddrives. I can't boot into windows after installing ubuntu on the second harddrive. I can look inside the windows partition from ubuntu and see that everything is there. How do I get windows to boot?22:09
DaaTdrivetrax *nod*22:09
Steve^Does the amd64 version support 32 bit apps? Am I going to have compatibility issues?22:09
ptn107romanotp: nucco is correct though, it only takes up about 74 mb so you can leave it be if you choose22:09
joshua__theo what version of windows?22:10
hwildeis there an scp equivalent flag to get ALL files, like cp -apR   ?   scp is missing the .bashrc and other hidden files22:10
amenadoPhoenixP3K-> what indicator can i see to tell me it is that?  what clue?22:10
joshua__amd 64 is a pain for apps22:10
ceil420Theo_, press "ESC" while grub is loading on startup to see boot options22:10
jbur2Steve^ yes and yes22:10
chroeteCan someone tell me in which deb xkb is?22:10
DaaTdrivetrax, how to get them back? just in case that's what happened22:10
joshua__lots work but it is much more work22:10
Steve^jbur2, so I should just go with i386?22:10
ubutomTheo: Have you tried scrolling down at grub start?22:10
jms1989Is there a mirror of the ubuntu repos I can add to my sources?22:10
rothchildanyone got any tips for stopping xgl from spanking my processor quite so hard?22:10
Theo_i chaned the boot sequence to boot from the windows harddrive and it doesnt work22:10
psychis there a bug on gnome keyboard tool (hardy) ??22:10
jbur2Steve^, I'd say go with amd64.22:10
amenadoPhoenixP3K-> from appearance preferences, i have human clearlooks22:10
arcskynone installed ubuntu from a usbstick?22:10
xb3rtwhats the best iso burner for ubunutu that can do a .uif and .iso?22:11
chubs730nevstah: i'm not positive as to why that would be, but there seems to be a few bugs in the networking infrastructure for 8.04, so maybe file a bug report and see if updates don't fix the issue22:11
hwilde!usb | arcsky22:11
ubotuarcsky: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent22:11
joshua__where do i find "shared folders" that were previously in the system-> admin?22:11
dbristowxb3rt: I like k3b22:11
psychany thoughts?22:11
jbur2Steve^, but then that's me.  I'd rather make full use of the processor and be ready for the future instead of going backward.22:11
Nevstahchubs730: thanks22:11
chubs730nevstah: it could also be an incorrect driver for your networking card22:11
joshua__i would also say go 64 steve22:11
amenadonevsta ...  disturbing discovery, Hardy seem to lose settings in network-manager even if static ip addresses are set..one has to /etc/init.d/networking restart to get the route table activated22:11
joshua__i have it22:11
drivetraxDaaT:  ctrl+alt+tab22:11
joshua__32 is slow ass22:11
beniaminodoes anyone know why the file http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release-lts has not been updated for hardy?22:11
DaaTdrivetrax, thanks :)22:11
Steve^jbur2/joshua__ if I can still use 32 apps, where do the problems lie? Drivers and plugins?22:11
hwildeamenado, pastebin your ifconfig route and /etc/network/interfaces please22:11
arthurHi. Since ubuntu 8.04 I can't access remote to my 8.04 pc. I have got the same settings as with 7.10 on the "server" and tried different client (vncviewer, viagre)22:11
leo_rockwhello everyone22:12
arcskyhwilde: that guide doesnt work22:12
poseidonIs there anyway to get faster download speeds by setting max packets per requests, MTU, etc?22:12
ToM-xStill busy here I see :)22:12
ubutomTheo_: Use Windows CD, repair console and do a fixmbr and fixboot22:12
Stormx2I've been trying to sort flash out for ages. If another music app is using the soundcard when firefox is started, I can't watch flash videos. They stop after 2 seconds and there's no sound, something I remember back from dapper. I've followed the wiki page on it (under !flash). I've install alsa-oss and set the firefoxrc. I've install libflash-mozplugin. It's all come to naught, and I'm at a loss as what to do next.... Also, once a flash video does22:12
Stormx2 play (which requires absolutely no other app using the sound card when firefox is started AND when the video plays) I have to restart firefox afterwards to be able to use other sound-producing apps. Help! :)22:12
joshua__you need to get 32 bit libraries for them22:12
leo_rockwhow can i force apt not to update a package?22:12
Nevstahi'm connecting to network and internet fine22:12
drivetraxDaaT:  -- f1+  (search : panel ) select assistive tools22:12
amenadohwilde i have to kill you if I show you..hehehe..22:12
hwildearcsky, sry that's all i've got - but it is official so it should work22:12
joshua__you can usually find them, but they are more work to install22:12
hwildeamenado, no share = no support :)22:12
amenadohwilde nothing special really, i just added it myself22:12
Nevstahchubs730: how do i check if i'm using right drivers?22:12
amenadohwilde no problem i dont need support.. :P22:12
joshua__ubuntu only keeps 64bit libraries you have to manually enter 32bit22:12
chubs730steve: i'm on 64bit and i run plenty of 32bit apps, it's pain free for the most part22:12
DaaTthanks drivetrax22:12
hwildeamenado, I bet it's your interfaces file tho22:12
hwildeis there an scp equivalent flag to get ALL files, like cp -apR   ?   scp is missing the .bashrc and other hidden files22:13
amenadohwilde am just stating what i discovered.. thats all22:13
weefellertheres no ndisgtk in hardy... and is ndiswrapper still screwed up in hardy?22:13
hwildeamenado, i'm sure it's your interfaces file ....22:13
hwilde!launchpad | amenado22:13
amenadohwilde my interface file is no different from what i have on my other 7.1022:13
ubotuamenado: Launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/22:13
mo3hi all22:13
PhoenixP3Kamenado, oh ok - i don't know why mine looks strange. it's different from when I had Gusty on. I think i'll try re0installing compiz22:13
joshua__chubs is right, they can be quite pain free or a big pain, depends what you're looking for22:13
GreenFuzeHey, I'm kinda really stuck here after installing hardy, Can anyone help me here???22:13
MRutterhi, I'm getting this audio error when running a game called spring: ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:874:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave22:13
daemon3For some reason, my update manager (now it's apitutude) doesn't say I need to upgrade.  What could be the problem?22:13
MRutteropen /dev/[sound/]dsp: Device or resource busy22:13
Steve^chubs730, which areas aren't ok? Is development work fine?22:13
hwilde!ask | GreenFuze22:13
ubotuGreenFuze: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)22:13
lifesfwhat is the ubuntu server channel name?22:13
hwilde!alsa | MRutter22:13
ubotuMRutter: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP322:13
PhoenixP3KDoes anyone else have the translucent border issue after upgrading?22:13
Bubble_teaCan i have two user with english for one and chinese for another user 'language'?\22:13
hwildeBubble_tea, yes language is set by profile22:14
amenadoBubble_tea-> why not? different locales ?22:14
Starnestommylifesf: #ubuntu-server, but this channel also supports it22:14
psychis there a bug on gnome keyboard tool (hardy) ??22:14
plikhwilde: scp -r is recursicve, but iof you're not getting .files transfered it's prolly coz of your * wildcard  - try rsync -avz on the directory instead22:14
chubs730nevstah: you'd have to check your /etc/network/interfaces22:14
instantsouphello there.22:14
MRutterhwilde: lol, must be a common problem to have a bot set up for that :P22:14
leo_rockwhow can i force apt not to update a package?22:14
leo_rockwhello instantsoup22:14
Bubble_teaamenado, hwilde how would i do this?22:14
hwildeMRutter, yep but that's good news too bc there is a common fix22:14
joshua__does anyone know where they moved "Shared Folders" to? it was previously in System, Administration22:14
chubs730steve: there are only a few applications that just don't run, the only thing i can think of is blender, but with work you can still install blender22:15
daedrasn is the symlinking program right?22:15
Starnestommydaedra: ln -s22:15
lifesfok... well... i just need help because i have no idea why [sudo apt-get ubuntu-desktop] does not work on fresh install of ubuntu server hardy22:15
hwildeBubble_tea, it's probably an option in System -> Admin -> Language Support22:15
noodlesgcFINALLY!! ok usefull INFO!! anyone upgrading using do-release-upgrade you MUST use the "-m desktop" switch22:15
Bubble_teaamenado, hwilde I checked and install Chinese supported Langauges however .22:15
daedraStarnestommy: ahh ok22:15
Steve^chubs730, that's no problem, I won't be using blender22:15
Wirta-hey is there somekind of force close option in ubuntu? my wine configuration window freezed22:15
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs22:15
jbur2noodlesgc: Why?22:15
* test3r is getting nice, proper speed off the torrent right now. Hooray for the Desktop "LiveCD" for allowing me to test my hardware beFORE my *buntu dies! TY again guys for such a proper job. Can't wait to try the newest.22:15
Bubble_teaamenado, hwilde it only allow one default language for user..22:15
chubs730if anyone else is aware of problems (joshua?) for specific apps do speak up22:16
hwildeplik, ok I didn't think to use rsync duhh22:16
ravi_I have a UPS. Ubuntu displays the remaining charge correctly, but does not hibernate at the set critical point. I have checked the settings and they are OK. What could be the problem? This happens in Gutsy, Hardy as well.22:16
joshua__steve i would definitly say go 64 if you are doing development work, i think you can handle installing a couple libraries22:16
instantsoupi have a weird problem with pidgin. When i try to add an icq account it tells me the screen name must start with a letter/must be an email.  But it should be the icq number, right? And it shows the AIM symbol in the account manager22:16
noodlesgcjbur2 because otherwise it will turn you into a server22:16
StarnestommyWirta-: hit alt+f2, enter "xkill", then click on the frozen window22:16
Nevstahchubs730: drivers arent shown in /etc/network/interfaces? just IP settings?22:16
hwildeBubble_tea, have you made the three user accounts?22:16
noodlesgcjbur2 or just will not work22:16
amenadoBubble_tea-> i have to look around, since i dont use foreign chars.. look into SCMI perhaps22:16
Steve^joshua__, I hope so! :)   thanks22:16
brakkvatninstantsoup: Try choosing the green flower again :)22:16
Bubble_teahwilde i made 222:16
hwildeBubble_tea, log in as the other one and change the language to Chinese22:16
joshua__i had some issue with epsxe but i got it working after about 20 minutes22:16
giggseyIs there anyway to stop audiopulse crashing when I log into gdm?22:16
plikhwilde: much easier - just take note of the trailing  / on source dir22:16
Wirta-thanks Starnestommy22:16
amenadoBubble_tea-> maybe SCIM..22:16
nickroberanyone having scratchy sound problems?22:17
instantsoupbrakkvatn nope not that simple22:17
arthurDoes anyone successfully use Remote Desktop with Ubuntu 8.04?22:17
brakkvatninstantsoup: What happens when you select it?22:17
ToM-xWho was it who asked about sharing folders?22:17
yaroslavthis is madness but this is not sparta.. even european servers are slow as hell22:17
EruditeHermithey, I tried upgrading to hardy, but the upgrade failed and when I try to login, I get a brown background. However, I am able to login via console. When I login with console, and try to do apt-get upgrade or apt-get -f install it says that dpkg-divert rename involves overwriting /sbin/depmod with different file, not allowed.22:17
nonewmsgsnickrober i had that trouble with builtin sound cards22:17
nonewmsgsnickrober regardless of OS22:18
alastair_bug reporting?22:18
jms1989The stupid ubuntu servers need to speed up. I need to download some packages.22:18
chubs730nevstah: you're right, sorry, i usually just compare the outputs of lsmod and lspci to make sure the correct drivers are in use22:18
nickrobernonewmsgs: oh well some people here including myself were having a scratchy sound problem in 8.04 and i just found the fix22:18
JeahCan anybody help me with a weird window manager problem in Xubuntu Hardy?  Xfce4-terminal is opening without window decorations.  It has the right shape, but instead of the title bar, frame, close button, etc it is just solid black.  I can click where the buttons should be and they work, but they're not visible.  Window decorations on all my other apps (at least the ones I've used so far) have been fine.  Compositing is off.  I tried re-do22:18
instantsouplike i said, i add or modify the account, choose icq and add everything, then i save it and it shows the account in the account manager as ICQ but with the AIM symbol next to it22:18
nonewmsgsnickrober: sweet :)22:18
daemon3Yesterday I tried to install Hardy, but I quit a little after I started downloading the packages.  No actual installs took place.  Now my update manager doesn't say I need to upgrade.  I tried apt-get clean, aptitude clearn, apt-get autoclean, and aptitude autoclean, but I still get the same resutls.  Why do you think this is?22:18
dubbyhey anyone does hardy have a samba configuration gui?22:18
instantsoupand won't enable it22:18
_ditoaim installing hardy on my brand new dell :D22:18
_ditoacant wait!22:19
danagedubby: nautilus22:19
chubs730nevstah: the actual location of them escapes me at the moment though22:19
DanaGOh hey, anybody know why Gnome Power Manager no longer offers battery brightness control?22:19
noodlesgc_ditoa which model?22:19
Scunizianyone using Gizmo? if so which version.. the .deb or the binary tarball?  (Gutsy/Hardy)22:19
corbettanyone got any tips on how to get my maxtor mini 111 external hard drive working on ubuntu - http://paste.ubuntu.com/8002/22:19
Pilhahello world22:19
_ditoanoodlesgc: i bought an inspiron 530N, it came with Ubuntu 7.1022:19
yaroslavBTW whats the deal with Gnome using Mono-built (!?) stuff full-on?22:19
_botois there a gui front-end for gprof results file?22:19
ToM-xdubby: sudo apt-get install system-config-samba22:19
_ditoaonly got it this afternoon :)22:19
brakkvatninstantsoup: Sorry, I can't help you. Try asking over at #pidgin , they're usually friendly.22:19
instantsoupalright, thanks22:20
noodlesgc_ditoa cool, i bought my dell a while ago, an inspiron 1420n with 7.0422:20
Zacaagood evening :)22:20
_ditoai am SO impressed with ubuntu22:20
Pilhappl, what's the file I edit to change grub's boot order?22:20
jbur2noodlesgc: broadcom?22:20
Pilhacan't seem to remember that22:20
_ditoaalthough the upgrade from 7.10 to 8.04 killed it :(22:20
brakkvatnWho utters that word?22:20
noodlesgcjbur2 no, intel 3945 abg22:20
doug2266778822how do i make it where i can watch protected DvD's on my computer? i get an error message when i try toAn error occurred. Could not read from resource22:20
nuSharperhi there. is there any diff between installing Ubuntu from the LiveDVD or the LiveCD? i mean, i know the DVD has more software, but is that extra software installed by default?22:20
cardstrokerhow do i stop ubuntu from trying to connect for updates that it cannot connect to?22:20
_ditoathere seems to be a bug as the hdd controller is set to IDE by default but i had to change it to RAID22:20
chubs730boto: google says xgprof22:21
ToM-xPilha: sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst22:21
daemon3My update manager doesn't tell me I need to upgrade.  Is anyone else having this problem?22:21
jbur2noodlesgc: lucky22:21
Pilhaok, menu.lst22:21
_botooh thanks a lot chubs73022:21
kindofabuzzwoot bcm wireless in Hardy!22:21
|DuReX|daemon3: try: apt-get update22:21
noodlesgcjbur2 yes it works quite well22:21
PilhaToM, thx22:21
ToM-xNo problem :)22:21
ditoanoodlesgc: switched back to my main account :)22:21
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash22:22
Nevstahchubs730: thanks22:22
ditoabut otherwise ubuntu is superb22:22
drivetraxremember Hardy is not an update,, it is an Upgrade22:22
noodlesgcdaemon3 try sudo update-manager -d22:22
jbur2I digress.  Hardy is a clean install.22:22
ScunizinuSharper: the DVD has ubutnu, kubuntu, xubuntu and related packages.. but not any more than what you would normally get if picking one of the versions and downloading the livecd22:22
daemon3|DuReX|: I did about 90 times.  I tried apt-get update, apt-get upgrade, apt-get dist upgrade, and combinations with aptitude.  I even tried apt-get/aptitude clean/autoclean.22:22
ravi_Is the kernel clocksource (tsc/hpet) problem solved in hardy?22:22
Jeahdaemon3: Are you talking about security/recommended updates or the upgrade to Hardy?  It won't pop up a notification icon for the distro upgrade, you'll see that if you open update manager manually.  At the top it should say that a new version is available and give you the option of upgrading.22:23
cardstrokerI'm a newby  and need some help.  right now at the command line it keeps trying to update and cannot connect, how do i stop it?22:23
daemon3drivetrax: I know.  I make a mistake of using them interchangeably.22:23
b33r_where is iced tea cache directory location?22:23
hwildecardstroker, ctrl+c22:23
mistapapahi all...22:23
daemon3noodlesgc: What would the -d command do?22:23
hwildeb33r_, sudo updatedb;   locate "iced tea"22:23
cardstrokerctrl-c, thank you.22:23
nuSharperScunizi: thx!22:23
ToM-xcardstroke, elaborate.22:23
ruewani think hardy heron is trying to kill my hard drive22:23
drivetraxI found on the Ubuntu Website about where/how to get 8.04.. But there are no documentations pages on their website22:23
lewenchAnyone know in CompizConfig what the plugin is for the shadow color outside the window? For some reason mine is hot pink, it was not like that before patch =)22:23
noodlesgcdaemon3 check for a new dist22:23
DELUhi where is Grub by BT322:23
gnuskoolexternal monitor resolution is still an issue, i see, mine is intel 855,22:23
hwildedrivetrax, go to the ubuntu wiki22:24
chubs730ruewan, explain?22:24
hwilde!wiki | drivetrax22:24
ubotudrivetrax: http://wiki.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu development documentation wiki. If you are looking for system help, please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community - the Ubuntu community documentation.22:24
ruewanmy hard drive has been going non stop since installed it22:24
_mannyHi all :)22:24
hwildeDELU, /boot/grub22:24
mistapapamy question: how can i run a shell skript at startup and wake up from hibernate that requires root... i need this to get my wlan up and running: sudo ifdown eth1 sudo ifup eth122:24
crimsunruewan: using Firefox 3.0b5?22:24
daemon3Jeah: I'm talking about upgrading to hardy.  I know it won't pop up a notification Icon.  I go into "Update Manager" and, even though I have Gutsy, it says that my system is up-to-date.22:24
meoblast001my update manager's upgrade button is taking too long to bring up the update wizard and apt-get dist-upgrade isnt working, what do i do?22:24
hwilderuewan, type "top"  then hit capital C    that will show you the processes running sorted by cpu.22:24
b33r_hwilde, it didn't show anything :/22:24
mohbanahey guys, why aren't there any themes after i've installed emerald?22:24
_mannyAnyone successfully compile Apache 1.3.41 on Ubuntu Server 7.10?22:24
noodlesgcruewan it could be you tracker deamon indexing your HD22:24
hwilde!upgrade | daemon322:24
ubotudaemon3: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes22:24
lewenchAnyone know in CompizConfig what the plugin is for the shadow color outside the window? For some reason mine is hot pink, it was not like that before patch =)22:24
hwilde!themes | mohbana22:24
ubotumohbana: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy22:24
ruewanhow do i kill the deamon22:25
daemon3noodlesgc: I did that, too (check for a new dist)22:25
chubs730daemon3: look a little above that, it should say a new distribution is available22:25
graingerthow can I stream sound with pulseaudio between two pc's?22:25
corbett>anyone got any tips on how to get my maxtor mini 111 external hard drive working on ubuntu - var msg log as follows  http://paste.ubuntu.com/8002/22:25
fooshhello everyone22:25
hwildedaemon3, you have to follow the link from ubotu22:25
hwilde!upgrade | daemon322:25
ubotudaemon3: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes22:25
mohbanawhy question is before i would get the themes automatically now where have they gone? this is a new instlal22:25
fooshi have a partition that i can't quit get to load right22:25
mistapapahow can i run a shell skript at startup and wake up from hibernate that requires root...??? i need this to get my wlan up and running: sudo ifdown eth1 sudo ifup eth122:25
drivetraxSkipping versions is not advised and can cause a lot of damage to your installation.22:25
ravi_daemon3,  check the "Updates" tab in Software Sources system settings22:25
nuSharperanother question, a given program that, when installed in Ubuntu, works out of the box without the need of extra configuration (due to codecs, let's say), would also work straight after the installation in Xubuntu?22:25
lunarteari have public key access working from user_x@host1 to userx@host2, but using the same public key on user_y@host2  goes directly to password auth, The key is silently failing for user_y?22:25
crimsungraingert: install padevchooser22:25
daemon3ubotu2: I've followed those directions.22:25
hwildemistapapa, pastebin your /etc/network/interfaces file please22:26
drivetraxIf you are using an earlier version, and want to 'skip' a version, the only safe way is to backup your data and do a fresh install, or to progressively upgrade to each successive version.22:26
noodlesgcnuSharper it should. the only way to be completely sure is to try22:26
hwildelunartear, ssh -vvv    it will show you verbose output22:26
romanotpthanx guys for the help, see you soon22:26
lunartearhwilde ok22:26
mistapapahwilde: kk22:26
daemon3chubs730: I know, it should.  But it doesn't.22:26
noodlesgcdrivetrax i thought they made it possible to upgrade between LTS's22:26
drivetraxThe LTS version is recommended for people in an environment (generally commercial/industrial) that want to keep the same version for a longer amount of time and do not require newer/faster/updated versions, but instead do not want things to change.22:26
ubotulilo is an alternative [Li]nux Boot[Lo]ader. Note: it is recommended that you use GRUB on Ubuntu instead.22:26
graingertcrimsun: already installed22:26
mohbanawhy question is before i would get the themes automatically now where have they gone? this is a new instlal22:27
Swianhow do I rollback to 7.1022:27
hwildelunartear,  you probably have to install the key in user_Y:~/.ssh/authorized_keys22:27
drivetraxTo find your Ubuntu version:22:27
drivetraxlsb_release -a22:27
fooshthats my fstab22:27
ruewannow what?22:27
noodlesgcSwian clean install is your only option22:27
fooshmy /dev/hda1 won't load up correctly22:27
hwilde!themes | mohbana22:27
ubotumohbana: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy22:27
fooshit wants everyone to be root22:27
chubs730daemon3: odd, and apt-get dist-upgrade does nothing??22:27
lunartearhwilde, i did that22:27
daemon3chubs730: Right.  It doesn't do anything.22:27
Swianreally because it stated on the ubuntu site you could uninstall22:27
fooshits ext3 and i've just had defaults on in the past to successful rw for all users22:27
fooshits just a storage partition22:27
JeahCan anybody help me with a weird window manager problem in Xubuntu Hardy?  Xfce4-terminal is opening without window decorations.  It has the right shape, but instead of the title bar, frame, close button, etc it is just solid black.  I can click where the buttons should be and they work, but they're not visible.  Window decorations on all my other apps (at least the ones I've used so far) have been fine.  Compositing is off.  I tried re-do22:27
hwildechubs730, he has to change his repos in /etc/apt/sources.list   he needs to follow instructions from ubotu22:27
Steve^^Hi, my laptop just froze and the num lock / caps lock lights just started flashing... any idea what's up?22:27
noodlesgcdaemon3 try this: sudo do-release-upgrade -m desktop22:28
crimsungraingert: choose Applications> Sound & Video> PulseAudio Device Chooser, then left-click the notification icon and choose Configure local server22:28
hwilde!mount | foosh22:28
ubotufoosh: Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in !GNOME under !Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For !Edgy and later, see !fstab and !DiskMounter22:28
=== Ward1983__ is now known as Ward1983
nuSharpernoodlesgc: reason why i asked is beause i wanna try a lighter distro but i wouldnt do it if that means extra hassles with the programs hat i already learnt how to deal with.22:28
b33r_how can I change iced tea java cache directory?22:28
Pilhacool, so I've got my boot order right22:28
kindofabuzzfor those of you that have broadcom chips wireless, all i did was edit /etc/modeprobe.d/blacklist, add blacklist b43 and blacklisttssb and uncomment blacklist bcm43xx, reboot, boom i have wireless22:28
mohbanahwilde: i hope i was clear, why aren't they any themes to start of with?22:28
graingertcrimsun: it it possible to stream over the internet?22:28
chuy_maxhi, I had hardy heron beta installed, now I wanted to upgrade to stable via update-manager, but I get a message telling me that "Not all updates can be installed", any ideas?22:28
MRutterhwilde: those troubleshooting guides don't seem to apply. Spring uses openal, which defaults to using OSS. under 7.10 Spring worked fine, but with 8.04 it only works if its the only audio application running. If another audio application is running I get this error: ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:874:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave22:28
hwildemohbana, you have to install the themese yourself22:28
MRutteropen /dev/[sound/]dsp: Device or resource busy22:28
graingertcrimsun: via ssh etc22:28
PilhaI have a question about linux-rt22:28
crimsungraingert: I just told you the menu you need to choose.22:28
mohbanahwilde: why? in gusty they would come with emerald22:28
crimsunMRutter: pasuspender -- Spring22:28
hwildeMRutter, right, only one app can access the hardware at a time :/22:28
noodlesgcnuSharper xfce is easy to get used to, just boot off a live cd and try it out, or install the xubuntu-desktop package from the repo22:28
hwildemohbana, this isn't gusty anymore!22:29
GreenFuzeHi, my hardy heron get stuck when the login window should pop-up.  instead, nothing happens22:29
cardstrokerhow do i shutdown from the command line?22:29
PilhaI had installed (via Synaptic) linux-rt in Ubuntu7.10; after upgrade to 8.04 I find myself with too many linuxes to boot from, it seems22:29
graingertcrimsun: that's all enabled22:29
crimsunhwilde: no, that's due to the way pulseaudio is configured, which I'm attempting to alter for
chuy_maxis it safe to upgrade?22:29
mistapapahwilde: i've sent you an im22:29
mistapapahwilde: did you get it?22:29
daemon3noodlesgc: It appears to be frozen when I run do-release-upgrade22:29
kindofabuzzfor those of you that have broadcom chips wireless, all i did was edit /etc/modepok just did sucessful upgrade, but my grub still lists 7.10 for this drive, how can i fix that?22:29
covalentcardstroker: use 'shutdown -h now'22:29
naelThis might be a silly question but, I have the release candidate for hardy are there any advantages for me to install the hardy that came out on the 24th?22:29
fooshany takers?22:30
noodlesgcdaemon3 at which step22:30
crimsungraingert: and in Preferences?22:30
drivetraxYou Use Update Manager to Check for Updates.. get them, then a window should open, and tell you Hardy is available.. click Upgrade22:30
kindofabuzzfor those of you that have broadcom chips wireles just did sucessful upgrade, but my grub still lists 7.10 for this drive, how can i fix that?22:30
EruditeHermithey, I tried upgrading to hardy, but the upgrade failed and when I try to login, I get a brown background. However, I am able to login via console. When I login with console, and try to do apt-get upgrade or apt-get -f install it says that dpkg-divert rename involves overwriting /sbin/depmod with different file, not allowed.22:30
graingertcrimsun: all checked22:30
noodlesgcnael no, the newer Hardy is more stable and is supported22:30
kindofabuzzsucessful upgrade, but my grub still lists 7.10 for this drive, how can i fix that?22:30
spartanii117chuy_max: i have successfully upgraded both a 32bit systems without a problem22:30
b33r_how can I change iced tea java cache directory?22:30
GreenFuzeEruditeHermit - I got the same problem!22:30
fredmvHardy is like using win an an operating system form.22:30
Pilhaall they're all named Ubuntu 8.04 by Grub, but I have kernels 2.6.24-16-rt, 2.6.24-16-generic and 2.6.24-14-rt (all with and w/o recovery mode)22:30
pagodais the bookmarks file for firefox 3 beta 5 in the same place as firefox 2?22:30
cardstrokercovalent, says "Need to be root."22:31
daemon3noodlesgc: "Checking for new Ubuntu Release"22:31
fiz1hey everybody, my synaptic is having problems downloading repositorys,22:31
Ntemis /msg NickServ IDENTIFY fedora22:31
graingertpagoda: yes22:31
EruditeHermitGreenFuze: did you workaround it?22:31
naelnoodlesgc: thanks22:31
MRuttercrimsun: well that kinda works, but all it does is stop sound mixing and gives priority to spring22:31
keymoois it possible to upgrade from the CD? i have burnt a hardy CD - can I upgrade my desktops with that?22:31
drivetraxUpgrading using the alternate CD/DVD - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades22:31
covalentcardstroker: use 'sudo shutdown -h now' and your password.22:31
noodlesgcdaemon3 yes i got that too for a while. i just hit ctrl+c and chose a different server22:31
GreenFuzenope, really stuck here...22:31
pagodagraingert: ie, ~/.mozilla/firefox/423hg5k.default/bookmarks.html?22:31
chuy_maxspartanii117, did you read my first message?22:31
Pilhabooting 2.6.24-16-generic worked fine, but 2.6.24-16-rt froze before log in screen even showed up22:31
spartanii117keymoo: yes, but you need the alternate cd22:31
Ntemisi need some help please22:31
graingertpagoda oh I thought you meant the shortcut22:31
livingdaylightdoes one need to install anything extra to get the cube?22:32
noodlesgckeymoo yes, to a certain extent. type gksu sh /cdrom/cdromupgrade22:32
Ntemisafter i type22:32
Pilhaany hints? maybe just reinstalling linux-rt via Synaptic?22:32
Ntemisapt-get install gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse22:32
Ntemis gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg libxine1-ffmpeg libdvdread322:32
livingdaylighthow do i get the cube?22:32
Ntemisask foe y/n and i press Y and says abort22:32
pagodagraingert, so you don't know?22:32
drivetraxlivingdaylight:  get into #compiz-fusion22:32
daemon3noodlesgc: I was actually running aptitude at the same time.  I'll try it again.  Thanks for your help by the way.  I can tell it's a hectic day in IRC.22:32
fiz1livingdaylight, that is an option you can apply in advanced desktop settings22:32
ravi_livingdaylight, you need to isntall Compiz Config advanced settings manager22:32
graingertpagoda: no lol22:32
Ntemisin hardy heron22:32
pagodagraingert, ok thanks heh22:32
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs22:32
corbettanyone got any tips on how to get my maxtor mini 111 external hard drive working on ubuntu - var msg log as follows http://paste.ubuntu.com/8002/22:32
MRutterhwilde: you have any idea hwilde, or do you know where I could go to where someone would know?22:33
noodlesgcdaemon3 yes it is22:33
jpruskinI'm trying to install/configure LILO, and have opened my etc/fstab file, but it contains barely anything, and certainly nothing like the example- how daring can I be in attempting to change it?22:33
livingdaylightravi_, is that in synaptic?22:33
cardstrokercovalent, got it, thanks!22:33
livingdaylightfiz1, is that under settings?22:33
ravi_livingdaylight, yes22:33
doug2266778822i have a brand new dvd player and it playes cd's fine and played jaws dvd just fine but i put in a brand new dvd and i get this error "An error occurred. Could not read from resource." please help me fix this.22:33
doug2266778822i am on ubuntu gnome 8.04.22:33
moveaxWhat's the best way to get the relevant libs and required codecs for playing DVD on Ubuntu? I'm used to Fedora 8 so I'm a little lost.22:33
Bubble_teahwilde thx22:33
ToM-xYou know people. it would be nice to have apci working on my laptop..but lifes a bitch and I'm pissing in the wind :P22:33
noodlesgcok good luck everyone i have to leave22:33
covalentcardstroker: -h = halt  -r = restart for your information. and you're welcome22:33
fiz1livingdaylight, you have to download compiz advanced settings manager, you can get that in the add/remove applications22:33
lunartearhwilde its saying debug1: Trying private key: /home/userX/.ssh/id_dsa     debug3: no such identity: /home/userX/.ssh/id_dsa    debug2: we did not send a packet, disable method   when issuing the command userX$  ssh -vvv userY@host2.com22:34
Steve^^my 7.10 just died for no reason. Any logs I can read? (I think the kernal paniced)22:34
drivetraxmoveax:  -- the gstreamer, get it going for media22:34
noodlesgcdaemon3 i have to leave, but keep trying22:34
kindofabuzzsucessful upgrade, but my grub still lists 7.10 for this drive, how can i fix that?22:34
daemon3noodlesgc: It's owkring now, I think.  Thanks.22:34
kindofabuzzwhat's the command to see kernel version?22:34
hwildelunartear, ok so yeah it is not finding the local side of the key22:34
ruewanis there a way to tell what process is reading from my hard drive?22:34
bastid_raZori upgraded to heron and now my monitor(actually it is my tv) is Not supported.. i'm getting failed modules in nvidia_new and nvidia_legacy  i have a pastebin of .xsession-errors and my xorg at :: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64427/22:34
doug2266778822moveax: i as well am lost i have done million of things and on same distro as you.22:34
nuccoSteve^^ did you notice unusual disk activity before it died? (that is, was it running?)22:34
hwildeMRutter, I do not think you wil be able to have two processes access the sound card at the same time22:34
hwilderuewan, type "top"  then hit capital C    that will show you the processes running sorted by cpu.22:35
chuy_maxHi, I installed Hardy Heron Beta a couple of weeks ago today I wanted to update my system, but I get "Not all updates can be installed", what's up with that?22:35
EruditeHermitGreenFuze: I seem to have managed to workaround it. I will let you know once it is done if it worked22:35
lunartearhwilde, the same key works for userX@host2.com22:35
Steve^^nucco, I had just plugged in a memory stick and the power cord when it went.22:35
nwillettShould there be a bunch of updates waiting in the update manager after I install 8.04. I installed, went to check update manager and it said everything was up to date but I can't tell if that's the truth or if it's just that the servers are fubared.22:35
tiaxHi, after upgrading to hardy yesterday, some programs won't start or some action will faile (e.g. accessing sftp locations in nautilus) due to "ressources" being "temporarily not available", even when I start new shells it gives me "cannot fork: ressource temporarily unavailable"22:35
hwildelunartear, can you pastebin you terminal output?22:35
MRutterhwilde: But i was able to do that in all the previous releases of ubuntu22:35
SkaBeatim tryng to do a fresh install of 8.04 but when booting from my laptop get : initt: respawwning too fast, stopped22:35
SkaBeatwats wronbg with it=? :S22:35
hwildeMRutter, there is an #alsa channel22:35
nuccoSteve^^: are you sure that it is ubuntu that died, and not your main board?22:36
zoommy99does anyone know how to get XFI sound to work in Hardy22:36
Pilhahi ppl, can anyone give me some hints about an rt kernel?22:36
tiaxwhat's happening here? It's not about RAM, is it? I have 3 GB + 3GB Swap22:36
MRutterhwild: ok, I'll give that a shot22:36
Pilha(namely 2.6.24-16-rt)22:36
periscopehi, somehow I seem to have borked my sound again. I was trying to do the libflashsupport fix for the flash nosound bug, and now I have no sound for anything at all22:36
josh04Anyone here with detailed knowledge of debugging sleep?22:36
lunartearhwilde, of just userX@host1 to userY@host2?22:36
ruewannothing suspicious there22:36
periscopeI also have no sound in the sound test thing, even though I know it is not muted and etc, and also amarok freezes when I play a song22:36
ravi_josh04, whats the problem?22:36
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)22:36
livingdaylightfiz1, Advanced Effects Settings?22:36
hwildelunartear, do ssh -v to the one that works, then ssh -v to the one that doesn't work, and pastebin the whole thing22:36
keit1well... just copied my old backup home folder from an external to my current home folder and now everything is ballsed up. presume my permissions ahve gone carzy (even though its same user name et al) so how do I fix this as hardly any programs start and when I try to chown it keeps feeding back this error chown: cannot access `/home/keito/.gvfs': Permission denied22:36
Steve^^nucco, everything froze, the numlock and capslock lights flashed on and off. No commands worked, not even REISUB (though I don't know if that ever works)22:36
hwilde!sound | periscope22:36
ubotuperiscope: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP322:36
lunartearhwilde ok22:36
doug2266778822moveax: i even made a post on ubuntu forum for it but no one seems to want to answer this question.22:36
ravi_livingdaylight, you may need to add additional software sources. search for CCSM on web22:37
mark_hi. anyone know how to get rid of kde if installed thru synaptec without having to uninstall every goddam thing individually?!22:37
moveaxdoug2266778822: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats <- this any good?22:37
livingdaylightravi_, i see ccsm in Add/Remove22:37
keit1this is the command i used to try to get my permissions back ... chown: cannot access `/home/keito/.gvfs': Permission denied22:37
moveaxmark_: remove kdebase22:37
hwildekeit1, sudo chown22:37
nuccoSteve^^: I mean, is the system booting at all? the bios. not that I can help though, my own 7.10 just packed up today, showed unusual load, I had to power-cycle, then, that was it.22:37
moveaxmark_: everything kde depends on it22:37
kindofabuzzmajor problem here, somehow the upgrade didn't update my grub, so i am now running Hardy on the gutsy kernel, how can i fix that?22:37
fiz1lvingdaylight, yes, just search for compiz in the add/remove apps program, it should show up, select and install it and then open it via system>preferences>advanced settings manager22:37
doug2266778822moveax: nope i done that as well nothing worked.22:37
=== neversfelde_ is now known as neversfelde
josh04ravi_: Goes to sleep, doesn't wake up. Hard crashes before the hard disk is spun up again22:38
mark_will that keep all the apps tho?22:38
drivetraxravi_:  -- yes.. if you have no Advanced settings.. then install ccsm.. i tried to tell folks that the nice ppl in #Compiz-Fusion, are there to help22:38
hwilde!fixgrub | kindofabuzz22:38
ubotukindofabuzz: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto22:38
mark_dont want them :)22:38
tawtcan anyone please tell me what wireless card I have?  Here is the output of lspci  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64429/22:38
keit1hwilde: this is what i put ... sudo chown -R keito:keito /home/keito22:38
Wirta-I have installed ubuntustudio:s audio packages to normal ubuntu version, is there a way to unistall those? it kinda fucks up my sound device22:38
Steve^^nucco, oh it works again now, I'm doing everything I normally do22:38
donomoive got 'Desktop Cube' and 'Rotate Cube' turned on, but ctl-alt-rightarrow does a 2d flip instead of a 3d cube. any ideas?22:38
moveaxmark_: no, because kde-based applications require kdebase.22:38
mark_ok cool.  thnx22:38
keit1hwilde: why is this not working! (damn you gnome vfs!!!)22:38
hwildekeit1, that is correct.  don't typo your password22:38
ravi_drivetrax, thanks22:38
tawtdonomo, ctl-alt left click22:38
ravi_josh04, hmm cant help you there sorry22:38
keit1hwilde: password is correct22:38
periscopeI have no sound after trying to do the libflashsupport and nspluginwrapper fixes for flash sound, and now amarok crashes when I play a song and there is no test sound22:38
nuccoSteve^^ cool. me, I had to do a clean install... fsck was telling me to go get a new HDD :p22:38
hwildekeit1, try /home/keito/*22:38
periscopeand yes, the right device is selected and no, it is not muted22:38
donomotawt: ohh i had only 2 desktops. hard to make a cube with 2 faces!22:38
keit1hwilde: k22:38
kindofabuzzhwilde: i think it's more complex than that probly22:38
josh04ravi_: That's fine, I'm beginning to think no-one and nothing can :P22:39
nibsa1242btawt: I don't see one listed there. Is the wireless card turned on?22:39
drivetraxdonomo:  ----- You need to also have switching enabled, and 3 virtual desktop in your panel22:39
drivetrax3 or more22:39
graingertdonomo: disable desktop wall22:39
hwildekindofabuzz, those instructions will rebuild your grub...22:39
donomoive got it now, thanks. needed more than 2 desktops22:39
tawtnibsa1242b  hmm...  lol  no22:39
tawtlet me retry22:39
Steve^^nucco, that's not ideal! (Ironically, I just ordered a new HDD to put 8.04 on, I drop my laptop too much to expect the current one to last forever)22:39
donomodamn this is fun.22:39
drivetraxyah.. two desktops flipping back and forwards.. ehehe22:40
nuccoSteve^^ my laptop is two weeks old, sadly...22:40
nibsa1242btawt: try turning it on, and then doing an lspci22:40
mark_i'm such a linux newbie  -  & loving the ride!  what a revelation :)22:40
sanozukedoes anyone know's perl22:40
kindofabuzzhwilde: and i thought my wireless was working with hardy, well it is, but now i know it doesn't work because of the kernel with hardy since i'm running hardy on gutsy kernel, i guess i confused it by having hardy already on another partition22:40
GreenFuzeEruditeHermit: thanks alot mate!22:40
keit1hwilde: by jove. i think thats done it!22:40
donomoomg this is f-ing cool22:40
tawthttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64430/  <nibsa1242b>22:41
Steve^^nucco, is it actually broken then? or did it just think it was broken?22:41
nuccokindofabuzz: reboot, and select the hardy kernel...22:41
Wirta- have installed ubuntustudio:s audio packages to normal ubuntu version, is there a way to unistall those? it kinda fucks up my sound device22:41
drivetraxActually.. a desktop that Flys in from the left.. in triangles, and lands in a space into a forward looking line of four desktops is cool.. and functional22:41
hwildekindofabuzz, fix your grub and boot hte correct kernel22:41
nuccoSteve^^ I think the format caused the device to remap the bad block to a reserved one, eitherway, if it happens again, I'm calling support.22:41
demonspork!ohmy Wirta-22:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ohmy wirta- - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:41
keit1Wirta-:  sudo apt-get remove (said packages)22:41
hwildekindofabuzz, hal changed so they're not easily backwards compatible22:41
Pilhappl, can anyone help with real-time kernels?22:41
Steve^^nucco, who makes the laptop?22:41
hwilde!rtlinux | Pilha22:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about rtlinux - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:41
kindofabuzzhwilde: but if i select the hardy kernel that's not the partiton i want22:41
hwildePilha, look for rtlinux22:41
keit1Wirta-:  even sudo apt-get purge will do nicely and take all setting too22:42
nibsa1242btawt: I still don't see one... lsusb?22:42
* hwilde stares at kindofabuzz 22:42
nuccoSteve^^ HP, ironically, its their expensive "business" machines...22:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about linux-rt - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:42
ruewandoes top show what is reading the hard drive?22:42
hwilde!info rtlinux | Pilha22:42
ubotupilha: Package rtlinux does not exist in hardy22:42
nuccoruewan: tracker uses the hard drive a lot.22:42
doug2266778822moveax: if you find the answer out you let me know please? in #wwed as for i am going afk for awhile.22:42
hwildePilha, I guess the bot doesn't know but look for rtlinux22:42
nuccoruewan: but its mostly harmless if you've got a dual core cpu22:42
fiz1livingdaylight, another thing you might want to look at is system>preferences>appearance and then the tab visual settings22:42
tawthttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64431/  <nibsa1242b>22:42
jburdfbc: Hardy clean install.  No display, no gdm, no login screen.22:42
ruewani don't want my hard drive to die i want to kill tracker instead22:42
Pilhahwilde: ok, will do22:42
jburdHardy is a waste of time.22:43
anteatersaHey I just updated to Hardy Heron... I though there was sposed to be some new admin tool for setting up video card but I can't see it22:43
fiz1livingdaylight: you need to have extra selected22:43
demonspork!ohmy | Wirta-22:43
ubotuWirta-: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.22:43
JeahCan anybody help me with a weird window manager problem in Xubuntu Hardy?  Xfce4-terminal is opening without window decorations.  It has the right shape, but instead of the title bar, frame, close button, etc it is just solid black.  I can click where the buttons should be and they work, but they're not visible.  Window decorations on all my other apps (at least the ones I've used so far) have been fine.  Compositing is off.  I tried re-do22:43
kindofabuzzhwilde: i had this partiton with guty and another with hardy, just updated this gutsy, but it didn't put the new kernel in grub for this partiton, this part still says 7.1022:43
Pilhathere is a linux-rt package in synaptic, my problem is at boot time with it22:43
anteatersaand the old tool has dissapeared as well22:43
keit1ahhh, forgot to make an evoltuion back before refoematting but _did_ backup my home folder.  it still appears to want to start afresh now I try to launch it... any help!???22:43
Pilhawill study more22:43
radiomanhardy is perfect, fire making, so cool ;} ftp://ctv-79-132-160-134.vinita.lt/Ftp/Share/rec.ogg22:43
fbcjburd, what kinda motherboard do you have??22:43
* Lifeisfunny is here to see if he can pick up some new tips.22:43
=== schillyh is now known as schilly
fbcjburd, or computer?22:43
SyaZMy laptop have wireless card, but on System -> Administration -> Network there's no wireless connection, only "Wired Connection". What should I do?22:43
Ben225I'm having trouble upgrading from 7.10 to 8.04. It seems to download files VERY slowly and quit at a different point each time I try it. Is there something wrong with Canonical's servers?22:43
hwildejburd, hit ctrl+alt+f1   can you get to the terminal ?22:43
jburdfbc: ASUS M2N VM DH with an nvidia 6100 graphics card with an AMD X2 dual core processor22:43
kindofabuzzhwilde: i'm gonna delete the other partition with hardy and reinstall grub and hope it fixes it22:43
jburdhwilde: yes I can22:43
nuccoSyaZ: turn on the wireless first?22:44
calcBen225: too many people downloading at one time22:44
hwildeSyaZ, what kind of wireless card22:44
amenado!slow | Ben22522:44
donomoBen225: the package mirrors are getting hammered22:44
ubotuBen225: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of the latest edition. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.22:44
hwildekindofabuzz, or you could follow the fixgrub instructions from ubotu22:44
hwilde!fixgrub | kindofabuzz22:44
ubotukindofabuzz: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto22:44
* calc is trying to download a package to check out a bug and can't even get that off a mirror at a decent speed, heh22:44
drivetraxlivingdaylight:  First - right click the desktop, and get backgrounds..set, click Visual effects tab22:44
kindofabuzzwel that's what i mean22:44
jburdfbc: Gutsy loaded *perfectly* fine.  I don't know what Hardy has done to break all of that.22:44
Styrbjornhmm has vmware been removed from the ubuntu repro in the latest upgrade?22:44
fbc jburd which CD did you use?22:44
nibsa1242btawt: wow... I don't see anything22:44
drivetraxlivingdaylight:  try to set "Custom"22:44
kindofabuzzhwilde: i may just stick with this kernel since my wireless works on it22:44
fbcjburd, alternative or desktop?22:44
jburdfbc: I used the alternate disc to install because the live cd did the same thing as the installation.22:44
ruewanthink i found how to kill tracker22:45
kindofabuzzhardy on gutsy kernel, working good so far22:45
billisnicemy puter says i have 500+ updates for 8.0422:45
=== mlhshino is now known as ps_shino
livingdaylightdrivetrax, i got it set to 'extra'22:45
CorbinFoxis there a command to switch all the windows in one desktop to another all at once?  Like, i have firefox and pidgin open in desktop 1, can i press a command to make them all move to Desktop 2?22:45
nuccojburd: if the livecd didn't boot fine, you probably shouldn't have installed22:45
=== ps_shino is now known as mlhshino
tawtnibsa1242b, I think it might be Realtek22:45
Mustard_Is_Blueanybody know anything about acpi?22:45
SyaZhwilde, I don't really know what kind, but it's Acer Travelmate 2355 and 802.11b/g wireless LAN.22:45
nuccoruewan: please don't kill tracker. just go disable it.22:45
alastor666bonne nuit recycled :)22:45
jburdnucco: Both upgrading and clean installs failed.22:45
NicDumZNo sound since upgrade to hardy, with HDA Intel. Backports are on. I tried several fixes, installing pulseaudio, vlc-plugin-pulse, none of these helped. Alsamixer volume is up... Where can I look now ???22:45
darren_hi i need help getting video's to run in firefox22:45
fbcjburd,  right,, so when you get a blank screen is the hard drive still going??22:45
ruewandisabled it in the session options22:45
amenadobillisnice-> i would not doubt it22:45
dumnuthi, i am installing kubuntu8.04amd64, in partition it said to partition for root, but scroll down only has choices for ext3 ext2 reiserfs jfs xfs fat16 fat32 swap and dontuse, where do i go to select root?22:45
livingdaylightdrivetrax, there is 'none' 'normal' and 'extra'22:45
delphidoes anyone know why.. when I log into my ubuntu server and I get prompted for my username, it takes a good few seconds before I get asked for my password?22:45
jburdfbc: yeah22:45
ruewanmy hard drive is still going22:46
hwildeSyaZ, type in "lspci -v"   do any of those seem like wireless to you22:46
drivetraxlivingdaylight:  -- if it is extra, you may need to try to look at your video card driver.. change them to get the Custom.. and set preferences22:46
lunartearhwilde: http://nopaste.snit.ch/1281922:46
nuccojburd: I mean if the livecd didn't boot fine, you shouldn't have upgraded or something.22:46
Pilhaok another totally unrelated question: can I change the size of icons on the desktop like I do in a folder window? if so, how?22:46
Starnestommydelphi: select ext3 as the type and / as the mount point22:46
fbcjburd, ok you just may not have a splash screen... I had that case with my laptop but it did give me a login after a while22:46
corbettanyone got any tips on how to get my maxtor mini 111 external hard drive working on ubuntu - var msg log as follows http://paste.ubuntu.com/8002/22:46
Starnestommydumnut: select ext3 as the type and / as the mount point22:46
alastor666sorry all je me croyais mirc -_-22:46
nibsa1242btawt: the problem is that if it doesn't show up... the system won't know its there and you won't be able to use it22:46
amenadodelphi-> cud it possibly it is trying to resolved your ip address? look into pam.d modules for configuring that?22:46
Mustard_Is_Blueanyone know how to disable ASPI?22:46
ceil420i think my distro upgrade got frozen :( it's been "Configuring motion" for like 5mins... with no change22:46
jburdnucco: Ah, with the upgrade I could log in to a non functional gnome desktop.  With a clean install, nothing works.22:46
nuccoPilha: just increase the default zoom size in file management preferences22:46
livingdaylightdrivetrax, ?22:46
drivetraxlivingdaylight:  -- the people in #compiz-Fusion can help you, really!22:46
livingdaylightlook at video card driver?22:46
tawtnibsa1242  :(22:46
Pilhanucco: cool, thx22:47
nuccojburd: what kind of errors do you see?22:47
delphisorry, I should have mentioned: logging in via ssh ;)22:47
jburdnucco: In which case?22:47
billisniceis there a new bit t file with all these updates i see today?22:47
Shadow420I am upgrading Gutsy To Hardy22:47
dumnutStarnestommy: ty22:47
nuccojburd: start with the one that annoys you first :)22:47
fbcjburd, wait until the hard drive stops going before determining you have no login... You can always try pressing CTRL-ALT-F3 to see if you have a terminal session visible...22:47
nibsa1242btawt: I know are you sure its on (the light is blinking or what not).22:47
spatryblank screen after loggin... is that a known problem with Hardy??22:47
amenadodelphi same thing, look into how sshd allows incoming log ins..if it trying to resolve them22:47
whirlybird20Does anyone know how i can play a DVD in ubuntu?22:47
Mustard_Is_Bluedoes anybody know how to disable ACPI?22:47
jburdfbc: I can log into a virtual terminal22:47
tawtnibsa1242, right, the light is on.22:47
nuccospatry: did you do a clean install, or an upgrade?22:48
hwildewhirlybird20, just put it in the drive it works automagically22:48
SyaZhwilde, yes, Ethernet controller: Linksys Wireless LAN Adapter..22:48
spatrynucco: clean install22:48
amenadojburd-> crtl+alt + F1 to F622:48
jburdamenado: all of them work except f722:48
nuccospatry: whitish means compiz has issues, brownish means gnome has issues22:48
fbcjburd, ok the your going to need to login and run the X config... which I forget how from the command prompt....22:48
hwildeSyaZ, ok can you type "ifconfig -a" and "iwconfig" and "cat /etc/network/interfaces"  and pastebin the output ?22:48
dra1Hello everyone, yestarday I upgraded from 7.10 to 8.04, and now I have no sound, ive searched the forums and noticed this to be a popular problem, but I still have found no answer to resolve this issue, has anyone had a similiar problem or no of a fix? Any help would be great!22:48
amenadojburd yes22:48
spatrynucco: brownish22:48
Shadow420how can I mount a dvd iso22:48
SyaZhwilde, That'd be troublesome, that laptop does not have internet connection. =P22:48
B-rabbithey guyz, i get an error when i try to send an e-mail, i am using thunderbird, the error --> "An error has occurred while sending mail. The mail server responded: 5.7.0 Must issue a STARTTLS command first. t10sm3820234xxxxxxx. Please verify that your email address is correct in your Mail preference and try again". HOW DO I VERIFY MY EMAIL ADDRESS, i did check the preference but i could't find any options to do it. any id22:49
hwilde!sound | dra122:49
ubotudra1: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP322:49
nuccospatry: installed to an unclean /home partition?22:49
amenadodra1 its not new, 7.10 have same sound issues..22:49
fbcjburd, use the username and password you created during the setup, and the command is going to be something like 'sudo xorgconfig'22:49
Pilhaok ppl, thx for everything - bye22:49
whirlybird20When I put the drive in it says "An error occurred. Could not read from resource."22:49
spatrynucco:no, formatted before.22:49
koomberhas nyone made progress with getting hardy to run on a Dell in IDE mode (seems newer models)22:49
CShadowRundid the splash screen problem get fixed?22:49
drivetraxShadow420:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades22:49
hwildeB-rabbit, go into the account settings under smtp and change it to TLS22:49
Mustard_Is_BlueCan someone please help me disable ACPI using the grub boot menu?22:49
fbcjburd, or xorgsetup22:49
XVampireXHi I have opera installed and I tried to run it but at first it just didn't appear, second when I went to terminal it said some stuff about libjvm and libawt and when I checked the whole line in google it gave me a solution and I installed the java jre and then still it doesn't help and gives me the same stuff... what goes? I'm using hardy heron22:49
hwildeMustard_Is_Blue,  put "noacpi" in there22:49
amenadokoomber-> IDE mode? as opposed to what22:49
nuccospatry: weird. you've not managed to login at all, or it worked before, and now it isn't working?22:50
Mustard_Is_Bluehwilde: under which line?22:50
darren_ok anyone can you help getting video's running in firefox22:50
StarnestommyMustard_Is_Blue: the kernel line22:50
johnmikeHi, does anyone have a Dell Inspiron 6400?  If so, have you installed Heron yet?22:50
whirlybird20I have tried to install automatix but there is no version for hardy22:50
drivetraxdarren_:  get Flash_922:50
nibsa1242btawt: you could always open it up and look at the card...22:50
Mustard_Is_Blueok thankyou.22:50
jburdfbc: I'm going to look at my xorg.conf file22:50
koomberamenado->  It seems that hardy will only install onto Dell Vostro 200 in Raid mode22:50
spatrysince it's installed,  no login.  live cd works (but sometimes I get the brownish blank screen)...22:50
darren_is it in the firefox addons22:50
Starnestommywhirlybird20: automatix is dead and it has been known to cause problems.  Try looking for libdvdcss22:50
Derspanksterwhirlybird20: for good reason - not needed, plus, it's evil.22:51
drivetraxdarren_:  You can get it from flash site, untar it.. or I think, ADD it22:51
lunartearhwilde did you see my post?22:51
Shadow420whirlybird20 automatrix is not recommended22:51
nuccospatry: I've experienced those screens before, usually gnome-session is the problem.22:51
tawtnibsa1242, lol.  i don't really want to.  I have a habit of breaking things...22:51
spatrynucco: I'll check it out...22:51
XVampireXAnyone knows?22:51
Shadow420!dvd iso22:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dvd iso - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:51
spatrynucco: thx22:51
koomberjohnmike : Is it jusst rebooting when you try and install or have you tried installing yet?22:51
hwildelunartear, no where is the link22:51
lunartearhwilde: http://nopaste.snit.ch/1281922:51
nuccospatry: I usually remove the file "session" from ~/.gnome2/ (or is it ~/.gnome) ?22:51
narancoany known sound issues in heron?22:52
ruewanok i think it was mytv backend22:52
DerspanksterXVampireX: know what?22:52
drivetraxread all release notes for Hardy Heron22:52
ChaosTheory^What's the best LaTeX editor?22:52
XVampireXHi I have opera installed and I tried to run it but at first it just didn't appear, second when I went to terminal it said some stuff about libjvm and libawt and when I checked the whole line in google it gave me a solution and I installed the java jre and then still it doesn't help and gives me the same stuff... what goes? I'm using hardy heron22:52
ruewani have been saved from vista22:52
johnmikekoomber: I haven't tried installing yet. It always has such a hard time with new upgrades like this because of the ATI and wireless card.22:52
nucconaranco: beauty of a live cd. try it before you dive22:52
XVampireXDerspankster ^22:52
johnmikekoomber: Have you?22:52
drivetraxruewan:  - HalleLuja22:53
Darknezzwhen i go into terminal and want to download/instal a program i get this msg "unable to resolve host (comp name)" internet seems to be working but i cant get that to work22:53
ruewani was scared22:53
drivetraxruewan:  yah, me 222:53
naranconucco, just tried it, very choppy sound, mixer doesnt seem to work, skype and rhythmbox dont get along.... seen that way back in warty...22:53
ruewannow my only problem in life is solving the mystery behind the stupid design of the american toliet22:53
DerspanksterXVampireX: how did you install Opera?22:53
smithey93hey guys, how do i install the compiz gui?22:53
koomberjohnmike: Hmm.  The vostro 200 and a couple other models are having a big problem installing Heron.  It can only be installed if the bios is set to RAID mode22:53
hwildelunartear, from host1,   scp userX:~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub userY@host2.com:~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub_userX       then ssh to userY@host2.com, cd .ssh, cat id_dsa.pub_userX >> authorized_keys22:53
drivetraxruewan:  - ahahahahaa22:53
amenadoDarknezz-> paste your cat /etc/resolv.conf22:54
XVampireXDerspankster, First I tried from the official repos (Ubuntu) and then I tried from a deb package from opera website22:54
ruewanwhy the heck do they put so much water in the bowl i get splashed everytime i go to pee22:54
nucconaranco: if I were you, I'd probably stick to erm, gutsy22:54
Lifeisfunnysmithey93, ccsm22:54
narancothat was a real dissapointment, sound is basic22:54
XVampireXboth didn't work22:54
spiderfireruewan: you too?!22:54
smithey93Life is funny - do i apt-get install it?22:54
corbett>anyone got any tips on how to get my maxtor mini 111 external hard drive working on ubuntu - var msg log as follows http://paste.ubuntu.com/8002/22:54
ruewanenglish toliets don't do that22:54
amenadoruewan get an arabic toilet then22:54
wwalkerI need the package that provides SDL_image.h.  Is there a way to get apt-get or a-pt-cache to go figure out the package for me?22:54
DerspanksterXVampireX: it's available, in Synaptic (whoa, I thinks so, at least) in Hardy22:54
catmistakeHey... how do I find a slower, less huge #ubuntu channel?22:55
Lifeisfunnysudo apt-get install compiz-config*   (I'm to lazy to type it all out)22:55
kst-any ideas why i'm getting fps drops in opengl games (quake 3) with hardy when it worked perfectly fine in gutsy? using same xorg.conf and home directory, other than that a clean hardy install22:55
spiderfirewhats an arabic toilet?22:55
XVampireXDerspankster, I tried it from there... I did sudo apt-get install opera22:55
XVampireXthen I tried to run it it just didn't appear22:55
ruewanthanks for the help22:55
saudubuntu 822:55
Jackamonspiderfire: a hole22:55
XVampireXthen I went to console it wrote that:22:55
johnmikekoomber: Ew. Maybe now is not the time for us to upgrade! I know a few people on http://www.mylittleubuntuguide.com have had success installing it when it was beta, but I don't know enough about Ubuntu to fix something if it didn't go smooth.22:55
XVampireXERROR: ld.so: object 'libjvm.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored.22:55
XVampireXERROR: ld.so: object 'libawt.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored.22:55
narancoyep, sticking to gutst for now... not the 1st time a ubuntu release has sound issues... not sure how this isnt caught...22:55
B-rabbithwilde, erm, i went to account settings > server settings > use secure connection > tls , but thats the onle tsl option that i see, and it doesn't solve the problem, i still get an error22:55
XVampireXthen I went to google to look maybe there's a fix22:55
Darknezzamemado: ... paste what???22:55
Lifeisfunnysmithey93, do...........  fusion-icon      too22:55
DerspanksterXVampireX: use Synaptic, perhaps you're missing something22:55
amenadoDarknezz-> paste your cat /etc/resolv.conf22:55
XVampireXIt said I had to install java5-jre stuff and I did then tried installing again22:55
radiomanjust make clean install & enjoy clear system ;}22:56
XVampireXerr, running again22:56
Lifeisfunnythat will put it in the taskbar22:56
B-rabbithwilde, maby i done something wrong22:56
saudi have problem with Nvidia card...dosn't work good22:56
kst-might go back to gutsy :(22:56
koomberjohn: I'm going to give it a blast I think.  I'll just kill off Vista then reinstall after I have ubuntu on.22:56
drivetraxcorbett:  -- It says the drive is not partitioned.. did you format the drive.. is it new install drive?22:56
whirlybird20I opened the synaptic package manager and searched for libdvdcss and several results came up22:56
whirlybird20I already have libdvdreal322:56
DerspanksterXVampireX: then uninstall from synaptic and reinstall22:57
smithey93Lifeisfunny, im useing 8.04, and ccsm isnt there when i apt-get22:57
whirlybird20is that the right one?22:57
unocrashhow do i get Compiz again? i ALWAYS forget......22:57
fbcIs there anyway to put DISPLAYCONFIG-GTK back into the administration menu??? Why was it removed in Hardy?22:57
hwildeB-rabbit, Edit -> Preferences -> Account Settings -> Outgoing Server (SMTP) -> Edit ->   Use secure connection: TLS22:57
moveaxdoug2266778822: seems to be working for me buddy22:57
B-rabbitcatmistake, whats wrong with this channel22:57
Lifeisfunnysmithey93, hold on22:57
catmistakeB-rabbit: too much information22:57
lunartearhwilde, do you mean id_rsa.pub not id_dsa.pub?22:57
whirlybird20what about libdvdread-dev?22:57
johnmikekoomber: are you installing by disk?  How would you revert back to previous OSs if anything? Just reinstall it all?22:57
catmistakethere should be... idk... #ubuntu2, #ubuntu3, etc...22:57
Starnestommywhirlybird20: try running sudo sh /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/install-css.sh22:57
corbettdrivetrax: it work perfecly on windows on another pc, is ntsf, i've not anything special to get it part for ub.22:57
hwildelunartear, for userX to be able to login to userY using the key, userX's key has to be in userY's authorized keys.    rsa or dsa whichever you are using22:57
ubotuSvensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du pa #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se22:58
XVampireXDerspankster, doesn't work22:58
DerspanksterXVampireX: I run Opera on my laptop that was upgraded to Hardy without issue - although I much prefer FF3.22:58
hwildelunartear, userX and userY have separate authorized_keys files in their respective ~/.ssh/ directories22:58
unocrashHow do I get compiz? I ALWAYS forget....:-[22:58
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player", not available for Gutsy, only Feisty and Edgy), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. Instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers22:58
nuccocatmistake: or your irc client should be smart enough to highlight stuff addressed to you :)22:58
lunartearhwilde, i did that already22:58
Lifeisfunnysmithey93,                 sudo apt-get install compizconfig* fusion-icon    (my bad)22:58
ruewanFF3 is fast22:58
ubotuThere are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications22:58
billisnicei know lots of folks trying ubuntu for the first time, i am concerned about all the updates22:58
fbcunocrash,  you already have it install you just need to instal your crads accelerated driver..22:58
catmistakenucco: usually, I like to see stuff going on... there's just too much stuff going on here. Makes me crazy.22:58
drivetraxcorbett:  this drive a scsi?  And.. is it plugged in USB?22:58
Wirta-how do I uninstall wine so I can re-install it?22:58
unocrashfbc: Huh?22:59
corbettdrivetrax: i believe so22:59
hwilde!wine | Wirta-22:59
ubotuWirta-: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.22:59
nuccocatmistake: you'll get used to it... :) sometimes I hate it too22:59
Lifeisfunnysmithey93,   compizconfig-setting-manager           is what it actually is22:59
acoustyki just installed ubuntu 8.04 and my display is lopsided22:59
fbcunocrash, What kind of video card do you have???22:59
catmistakenucco: thanks for the reassurance22:59
drivetraxcorbett:  oh.. k, it may be usb with linux..22:59
B-rabbitcatmistake, lol, erm this is the main channel, u will get used to it, the more info the better ;)22:59
acoustykthere is black space above my panel22:59
unocrashfbc: I need ccsm. ATi. It's Installed. Im on 8.04 LTS (Non-Beta) if that helps22:59
unocrashi need ccsm.22:59
Lifeisfunnysmithey93,   compizconfig-settings-manager           i left out the s in settings, again, my bad22:59
smithey93Lifeisfunny: yea thats it, its just i forgot what it was called after installing hardy and i like having effects well, because my pc copes well with it lol and i push it to the max23:00
nuccocatmistake: don't try to follow everything though LOL23:00
fbcunocrash, Have you tried doing into preferences>>apperance>>visual effects and eneabling them?23:00
jburdWow this is amazing.23:00
DerspanksterXVampireX: did you mark Opera for complete removal in synaptic?23:00
jburdfbc: Ubuntu detected NONE of my graphical hardware.23:00
XVampireXDerspankster, Yeah23:00
kklimondawhy doesn't swfdec works with pulseaudio? ffs, there is no good flash player for amd64 version of ubuntu :/23:00
Lifeisfunnysmithey93, enjoy23:00
corbettdrivetrax: meaning?  to run it on windows i had to download software from seagate23:00
unocrashyes! they are on! I need ccsm23:00
Darknezzamenado: it says "search (isp)" "nameserver (IP)" "nameserver (IP)"23:00
jburdNot my monitor, not my card23:00
radiomani like fire effect makink with mouse ;}23:00
ubotuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion23:00
XVampireXor maybe not23:00
catmistakeB-rabbit | nucco : but... I'd like to chat up some convos about hardy... and I feel like it'd just be not important enough to flood even more info through here...23:00
fbcjburd, damn... I'm not and nvidia 6800 guru.... let me google it...23:01
Rankbinehola a todos23:01
amenadoDarknezz-> if you dont paste those, hard to tell if your name server is working23:01
nuccocatmistake: go ahead, you can always address me23:01
DerspanksterXVampireX: well, then do so, remove config files23:01
catmistakenucco: are you using hardy?23:01
carparkhi, i upgraded yesterday and i'm having an issue w/ firefox - when i watch videos on a website, i get no sound. downloaded videos & music play fine, but firefox will play no sounds23:01
rjonesx"import gtk" is failing when i open up many programs - it appears to be related to Cairo. this is causing most programs to crash immediately upon opening. Any ideas?23:01
unocrash!es | Rankbine23:01
ubotuRankbine: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.23:01
nuccocatmistake: downloading right now, at the amazing rate of 1.35KB/s :)23:01
tawtcarpark, same problem23:01
Darknezzamenado: nameserver
lunartearhwilde, somehow the key i originally copied got corrupted.  its working now...   Why would ssh not give a warning about the key verification failing or something23:02
XVampireXDerspankster, It only uninstalls and then only installs opera and still doesn't work...23:02
drivetraxcorbett:  Do you need to keep the ntfs.. is the drive for data, or installing Linux23:02
nuccocatmistake: although I have got a slow connection, so I can't blame the mirrors!23:02
doug2266778822moveax: so that code works for you? weird how it wont work for me.23:02
Wirta-wine freezes when I click Sound configure tab...23:02
Rankbine /join #ubuntu-es23:02
fbcjburd,  here is your solution... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto23:02
carparktawt: is this common, or is it just a small percentage of us? maybe it's an issue with the beta version?23:02
fbcjburd, a person with the same problem your having referenced it as his solution..23:02
amenadoDarknezz-> can you do  a  dig   @  www.yahoo.com ?23:02
johnmikeWhat's the best way to back everything up before upgrading?23:02
corbettdrivetrax: the drive is for data -so i guess you're suggesting i convert it?23:03
nuccocatmistake: if your questions aren't specific to hardy, I could help, in any case, asking them here is more likely to get you answers or responses23:03
tawtcarpark, i think we installed a bad plugin.  i don't yet know how to fix it23:03
freeman163for some reason, ubuntu won't recognize my keyboard layout until i login with qwerty (i use dvorak). any way to fix this?23:03
DerspanksterXVampireX: does FF3 work?23:03
catmistakenucco: I got the alternate yesterday... I always curl because I hate leaving a browser open when I'm not using it. I'll be replacing a edgy install... but... it works so well, I 'm almost afraid to... gotta do backups.23:03
johnmikeI tried searching google and no one has a direct answer! ;)23:03
drivetraxcorbett:  -- no,, not at all.. asking..23:03
XVampireXDerspankster, yeah23:03
drivetraxcorbett:  searching now23:03
tawtcarpark, before i did a clean install, i had sound working for vids23:03
unocrashwhat's new in Hardy?23:03
nuccocatmistake: you should get the livecd and test it, just to be sure everything is cool.23:03
XVampireXDerspankster, I installed beta opera and it works23:03
carparktawt: it's weird though, i watched a video maybe 15 minutes ago just fine, it seemed to stop when i opened rythmbox because everything then went slow - i don't know if it's a coincidence or something, though23:03
ubotuHardy Heron is the codename for the current release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS) You can get it now from http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu but please use !torrents23:04
radiomanhardy is NEW, thats is new ;}23:04
Darknezzamenado; nameserver
nuccocatmistake: but if your hardware is all intel, then you should have minimal (or no) worries23:04
tokahhey, i need to have /usr/bin/ffmeg also be able to be called from /usr/local/bin/ffmeg how do i do that23:04
tawtcarpark, is rythmbox still open?23:04
DerspanksterXVampireX: well, that's something, at least.23:04
amenadoDarknezz-> can you do  a  dig   @  www.yahoo.com ?  is it responding with good results?23:04
nuccounocrash: there's a tour guide at www.ubuntu.com23:04
catmistakenucco: I've been waiting for the LTS, for... well, years now... I didn't like Dapper, but edgy worked great, so I used that... but its getting long in the tooth...23:04
jrabbitI get a No Bootable Device error on boot to my third parttion on my intel mac I am able to boot to it and have installed GRUB to the / parttion with /home folowing23:04
Darknezzamenado: woops ; <<>> DiG 9.4.2 <<>> @ www.yahoo.com23:04
Darknezz; (1 server found)23:04
carparktawt: yes, i closed it earlier to see if that was the issue, but sound still didn't play. i'll try it again though23:04
DerspanksterXVamireX: I'm not on a hardy box right now.23:04
Darknezzamenado: it seems to work23:04
rjonesxhow would one update either python or cairo or both from the command line?23:04
hwildelunartear, I dunno, ssh -vvv23:04
rjonesxor uninstall and reinstall them?23:05
XVampireXDerspankster, Yeah23:05
nuccocatmistake: dappar was my best ever ubuntu, I hope hardy doesn't disappoint me too.23:05
catmistakenucco: its not so much the release I'm worried about, its getting everything back just so from a clean install23:05
tawtcarpark, try restarting firefox23:05
Starnestommytokah: sudo ln -s /usr/bin/ffmpeg /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg23:05
Darknezzamenado: ;; ANSWER SECTION:23:05
Darknezzwww.yahoo-ht3.akadns.net. 31INA69.147.114.21023:05
amenadoDarknezz-> so it seems to resolve ip addresses, what was the issue again?23:05
acoustykis thunderbird compatable with 8.04?23:05
FloodBot2Darknezz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:05
unocrashI mean I upgraded to Hardy today (took all the way from 7:35 to 12:00) And im extremely used to using ubuntu (and SUSE Linux), and Hardy doesn't feel new....23:05
unocrashill see wahts new on the website23:05
nuccocatmistake: as you get better with linux, you might find that you can have a separate partition for /home, then when you do a clean install, you don't have to lose all your data :)23:05
lunartearhwilde, thats the command i issued but didnt see anything23:05
bastid_raZori upgraded to heron and now my monitor(actually it is my tv) is Not supported.. i'm getting failed modules in nvidia_new and nvidia_legacy  i have a pastebin of .xsession-errors and my xorg at :: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64427/23:05
lunartearhwilde: ohwell its fixed.. thanks23:05
DerspanksterXVampireX: I do run hardy on my laptop and my server has been upgraded as well but I'm waiting for the smoke to clear to upgrade this desktop.23:05
derenrichIs there any way for me to change the compiz effects level from the command line? I screwed around too much and now I'm frozen out.23:06
RolcolHas anyone had a problem in Hardy in which the shadows, scroll bars, and buttons don't look like they should?23:06
doug2266778822is there any codes i can use that will let me watch protected Dvd's?23:06
nuccocatmistake: and it doesn't take long to get things back *better* than they were before23:06
catmistakenucco: ah... that's a great idea. I left some space on the partition to install Solaris on the same box, but never bothered... so I have to repartition anyway to recover that extra 30GB or so23:06
XVampireXDerspankster, Alright23:06
carparktawt: i closed rhythmbox and then reloaded the page, and the video played with sound! do you think your problem might've occured because of a media player also?23:06
nuccocatmistake: yeah, for me, I make 10G for "/" , 1G for swap, and the rest for "/home"23:06
jburdfbc: Heck, even dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg does not work.  It still creates a blank xorg.conf.23:06
B-rabbitcatmistake, you are as important as everyone else here :) and if u want to talk about something me and everyone else will be more than happy to help u out23:07
drivetraxcorbett:  -- go here!  http://linux.derkeiler.com/Mailing-Lists/Ubuntu/2008-04/msg00879.html23:07
narancosound seems to be an issue (or the mixer)23:07
catmistakenucco: one thing I've gotten used to is nxserver... and NoMachine is real slow in updating... so I'm ... well, asking now if anyone knows if nxserver works in hardy?23:07
B-rabbitcatmistake, just askaway :)23:07
jburdfbc: I can't use "Restricted Drivers Manager" if I don't have a GUI to use23:07
LifeisfunnyRolcol, I did,it was on the amd64 version ........... I fixed it by installing the 32 bit version23:07
Itakuim on 8.04 and im wondering how i reinstall mysql-server completely so it asks me for a root pass again23:07
Starnestommydoug2266778822: libdvdcss, which can be installed via sudo sh /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/install-css.sh after libdvdread3 is installed23:07
catmistakethanks B-rabbit23:07
towlie  23:07
carparktawt, but here's the weird thing: with the vid playing, i opened rhythmbox, and now THAT won't play songs while the video is playing...23:07
Darknezzamenado: when i want to install or download (apt -get instal) it says unable to resolve host (home)23:07
tawtcarpark, no.  i have no media player yet (clean installed about an hour ago) I think it's the plugin.  how do i download other plugings?23:07
corbettdrivetrax: thats me23:07
tawtcarpark, ...23:07
Lifeisfunnyit might not be what you want to do, I admit23:07
catmistakenxserver on hardy? anyone?23:07
RolcolLifeisfunny, well, I have the 32 bit installed.... I guess Ill have to do a reinstall23:07
fbcjburd, keeep on reading the guid23:07
acoustykmy mouse scroll works!23:08
nuccocatmistake: never heard of nxserver and nomachine though... I won't expect them to break, especially if they're in in ubuntu's repositories23:08
corinthIs there a command to reconfigure a program to its default settings?23:08
tawtcarpark, interesting.  i have too little experience to deal with this23:08
Lr5corinth: maybe dpkg-reconfigure23:08
jrabbitI get a No Bootable Device error on boot to my third parttion on my intel mac I am able to boot to it and have installed GRUB to the / parttion with /home folowing ?????23:08
Lr5no idea if that does it though23:08
amenadoDarknezz-> hard to assist you if you are hiding your ip address, hard to tell what the error is really telling you23:08
jrabbitI've never gotten this error from GRUB23:08
catmistakenucco: I don't think their in the repositories... I'm pretty sure I dled binaries from NoMachine23:08
oddalotanyone gotten emerald repositories to work?23:08
fbcjburd, you'll get to a section that tells you if you get a blank screen press CTRL-ALT-F1 adn login and alter your xorg.conf with special parameters so that you can get a picture...23:08
nuccocorinth: completely remove the package, and then reinstall it.23:08
carparktawt: plugins for firefox? click 'tools'>'add-ons'>'get add-ons' :)23:08
ruthbuzzardhey did they finally fix the libata or whatever the problem was that caused slow dvd burning on non sata (plextor?) drives23:08
ruthbuzzardin 8.0423:09
doug2266778822Starnestommy: when i type that i get this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64433/23:09
corbettdrivetrax: shall i paste dmesg ouput with the ehd plugged?23:09
illDecreehey everyone23:09
nuccocatmistake: in that case, its only a matter of time before they provide binaries for hardy.  you might wish to wait for them, or upgrade and wait for them23:09
tawtcarpark, which video plugin do you have?23:09
drivetraxcorbett:  -- then go here.. check again -- the command that tells if the disk is formatted!  -  http://linux.derkeiler.com/Mailing-Lists/Ubuntu/2008-04/msg00881.html23:09
fbcjburd, something about changing "NV" to "NVIDIA" and a couple other parameters to get your video to come up23:09
Darknezzamenado: you need my ip?23:09
doug2266778822Starnestommy: after i hit enter it went through a whole ten min ordeal then it still does not work.23:09
amenadoDarknezz-> no the ip from the errors..23:09
carparktawt: doh! i gave you directions for extensions, not plugins. i have divx and totem23:10
amenadoDarknezz-> paste the whole error and not translate it23:10
Itakuim on 8.04 and im wondering how i reinstall mysql-server completely so it asks me for a root pass again... not just the --reinstall option23:10
hwildeplik, rsync -av is not preserving ownership23:10
AngryBaconIs downloading from apt being very slow for anyone?23:10
hwildeItaku, remove --purge23:10
StarnestommyAngryBacon: yes.23:10
catmistakenucco: I'm not so optimistic. They haven't even fixed their OS X client for leopard yet... but, well, Apple's got a problem with their X11 and XQuartz anyway that their not rushing to fix either23:10
carparktawt: and there's a windows media, also23:10
=== dubby is now known as dice14u
Itakuk thanks23:10
hwildeAngryBacon, everyone is upgrading man23:10
AngryBaconStarnestommy: thats what i figured23:10
nuccoItaku: dpkg-reconfigure 'package name'23:10
jburdhwilde: not everybody is upgrading.23:10
rjonesxwhy when I try to uninstall cairo does it tell me I have to uninstall tons of other software?23:10
anteatersayou guys know you can upgrade off cd.....23:10
jburdI'm for sure not going to use hardy23:10
=== ajmorris|AFK is now known as ajmorris
tawtcarpark, it says i have 10 plugins, and none of them allow me to watch vids with sound23:10
Peddycan someone please tell me why the 'custom' option (for compiz) is not avaliable in appearences>visual effects?23:10
hwildejburd, go be miserable somehwere else23:10
ubotuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)23:10
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories23:11
doug2266778822Starnestommy: here is the out post of the install http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64434/23:11
unocrashhwilde: Whats wrong with upgrading????23:11
jburdhwilde: Eh?  Fsck off.23:11
nuccocatmistake: hardy is an LTS, any one who considers ubuntu will take supporting it seriously23:11
catmistakenucco: just fyi, nxserver/client is like vnc, but over ssh and tiny, built to work on dialup, its a full remote windowing solution23:11
AngryBaconAny one know any mirrors to go to?23:11
hwildeunocrash, that's why the repos are slow - everyone is upgrading23:11
Itakunucco and hwilde none of those work...23:11
unocrash!language | jburd23:11
ubotujburd: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.23:11
hwildeAngryBacon, the git mirrors are fast23:11
catmistakenucco: yeah... but hardy is so old now...23:11
Starnestommydoug2266778822: it looks like it should have worked23:11
=== dice14u is now known as dubby
mabushow come when I vnc to my ubuntu machine when it's first booted, it just shows a basic x desktop before closing after a minute or so. never brings up gdm. I can only login remotely if I first login using my keyboard locally on the machine. how can I remedy this?23:11
Itakui want it to ask me for a new root pass23:11
hwildeItaku, apt-get remove --purge mysql-server23:11
carparktwat: that's odd, i have 11, most of which handle both video and audio.23:11
AngryBaconhwilde: thats assuming i want compiz23:11
jburdunocrash: !manners | hwilde23:11
Itakuhwilde: thats wha ti did23:11
doug2266778822star i know but it didnt.23:11
hwilde!attitude | jburd23:12
ubotujburd: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines23:12
Itakuand then i reinstalled23:12
nuccoItaku: I didn't understand your statement23:12
whirlybird20Anyone got any tips on how to capture videos of your screen in ubuntu?23:12
necro606hi I am trying to srt up two moniters in ubuntu 7.10. Every time i try i only get 640x400@60 on both moniters when i go in and try to config the res file it crashes and all i get is the consile any ideas23:12
nuccocatmistake: old?23:12
Darknezzamenado: http://img403.imageshack.us/img403/8848/screenshotdarknezzpwnddds9.png23:12
jburd!attitude | hwilde23:12
ubotuhwilde: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines23:12
tawtcarpark, lol  you mispelt my nick.  hmm  i don't know23:12
Itakunucco: i want it to remove all the libs and all...23:12
edoceowhirlybird20: xvidcap23:12
lunarteardoes anyone know if the ssh + svn "killed by signal 15" bug has been fixed or addressed?23:12
catmistakenucco: when was hardy released? When does its support lifecycle end?23:12
fbcjburd, all of that reading should have led you to this page with those specific instructions I told you about. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia23:12
unocrashjburd, hwilde | botabuse23:12
corbettdrivetrax: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8116/23:12
catmistakenucco: I meant dapper! duh!23:12
nuccoItaku: then select them all and "mark for complete removal". use synaptic.23:12
catmistakenucco: brain fart23:12
towliehardy is driving me nuts1!!!!!23:12
jburdfbc: Yeah, I'm reading that.23:13
carparktawt: oh god, i'm sorry :P i'll check firefox FAQs i suppose.23:13
towlieits automatically dimming my laptop screen even though i went to power management and disabled it23:13
nuccocatmistake: hardy: for desktop edition, 3 years from now, for server edition, 5 years from now23:13
Darknezzamenado: hope that helps23:13
edoceoI have some new Dell Vostro 200's that use the Intel 82G33 video adapters - which driver should I be using?23:13
B-rabbitcatmistake, how long have u been using ubuntu?23:13
catmistakenucco: I meant dapper is old, gotta a little switcharoo in the brain... hardy, of course, is spankin23:13
catmistakeB-rabbit: since edgy release23:13
whirlybird20I have tried xvidcap. It looks like it could be good only when ever i click on the record button the program closes23:13
nuccocatmistake: dapper was released june 2006, support ends for desktop june 2009, for servers, june 201123:13
fbcjburd, great, that should help you fix that specific problem  and get you on your feet.23:13
Lifeisfunnywhirlybird20,   three programs are......... XVidCap Wink  Istanbul.23:13
doug2266778822star any other ideas?23:13
tawtcarpark  lol  it's ok.  i noticed that after i picked the name.  thanks23:13
nuccocatmistake: I understood :)23:14
unocrashdapper's LTS ends June of Next year23:14
catmistakenucco: thanks23:14
jburdfbc: The problem is I have the nvidia drivers installed.23:14
tawtcarpark, i need a name that doesn't mispell twat23:14
whirlybird20I shall try some of those other programs23:14
andycaasswhat is the  build dependency package????23:14
doug2266778822can someone please help me with this problem?  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4793889#post479388923:14
koomberedoceo:  Have you tried installing Ubuntu yet?23:14
FrozenballDoes a talk channel for Ubuntu exist+23:14
edoceokoomber: Yes! I have been using Ubuntu for over three years23:14
nuccoFrozenball: is this not a talk channel?23:15
koomberedoceo, sorry, I meant have you tried installing Heron on the Vostro's yet?23:15
edoceokoomber: I've got six Dell's that need Hardy and the Intel Video is jammed23:15
carparktawt: i sued to use the name imthirsty72, but then people seemed to take it sexually, so i had to switch to carpark which, i hope, has no chance of being misunderstood!23:15
hwilde!offtopic | nucco Frozenball23:15
ubotunucco Frozenball: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!23:15
edoceokoomber: Yes! THat is my issue23:15
unocrashFrozenball | !offtopic23:15
rjonesxPlease help: how would one go about reinstalling python and/or cairo in Ubuntu? When I try to do it with synaptic or apt it tells me i have to remove literally a gig worth of programs.23:15
amenadoDarknezz-> its says it can not resolve Pwnd23:15
towliei upgraded to 8.04 but i dont havevirtualbox in the menu23:15
FrozenballI got it already23:15
hwildeunocrash, you know you are doing that backwards right23:15
=== Exposure` is now known as Exposure
edoceotowlie: Have to re-install the VBox modules too - think it's now virtualbox-ose?23:16
tawtcarpark, lol  i can't think of any way it could be except when you 'park' your car23:16
dassoukihas anyone else lost their sound after upgrading to hardy?23:16
BrodwenHi all, I've encountered a problem when booting Ubuntu, my screen resolution is unsupported, has anyone got a fix for this?23:16
Darknezzamenado: thats my host name23:16
jrabbitI have this error : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4792181#post479218123:16
hwilde!sound | dassouki23:16
ubotudassouki: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP323:16
fbcjburd, but there is abug with the Nvidia drivers in xorg.conf that this page talks about... about adding a line into xorg.conf to fix that problem23:16
amenadoDarknezz-> can you paste your /etc/hosts ?23:16
jrabbitSimilar situation23:16
towlieedoceo, what do you mean  ?23:16
roffe__when I tried to ./configure a source it says "not all dependencies could be satisfied" could someone help me find out what those dependancies are if I pastebin it?23:16
unopandycaass, it depends on what you are trying to do? what are you doing exactly?23:16
mabushow come when I vnc to my ubuntu machine when it's first booted, it just shows a basic x desktop before closing after a minute or so. never brings up gdm. I can only login remotely if I first login using my keyboard locally on the machine. how can I remedy this?23:16
myfanybody knows where to get the torrent for the alternate cd23:16
towlieedoceo,i dont think i had it in 7.1023:16
unocrashhow do i change the usrname?23:16
mtaylorhey guys - anything know anything about ssh X11 forwarding in hardy?23:16
dragon3700.join #taspring23:16
necro606can anyone help setup dual moniters with diffrent resalutions23:16
hwildemtaylor, ssh -X23:16
mtaylormy hardy client machine doesn't seem to be doing it, even if I ssh -X23:16
unoproffe__, use a pastebin and show us the output of ./configure there23:16
edoceotowlie: ohh -though you had in Gutsy then lost in Hardy... that was an issue I had.23:16
amenadomtaylor should be same as in gutsy23:16
hwilde!dualhead | necro60623:16
ubotunecro606: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama23:16
jburdfbc: yeah trying that now23:16
mtaylorhwilde: yup. not working23:16
amirman84hello fellow nerd clan, quick question. i'm about to install the new ubuntu. i have the release candidate ISO from last week. should i use the new ISO or are they the same thing?23:16
hwildemtaylor, ssh -X xclock23:17
danonurais it possible to get any sound from my auzen prelude? i know the official drivers aren't released but maybe something else works.23:17
unocrashi wnat to have a diffrent screen name..... how do I Change it?23:17
fbcjburd, unders creans you need to create a line that reads Option "UseDisplayDevice" "DFP"23:17
Darknezzamenado: host.conf23:17
nuccoamirman84: if you've got the new one, go with it please23:17
unopamirman84, they are the same thing if you complete the updates when you finish installing23:17
Darknezzamenado: ???23:17
fbcjburd, you have a flat panel right??23:17
acoustykhow do i install tar.gz files?23:17
roffe__unop: yes, I'll try it then I've never used pastebin but I figure it can't be too hard... wait a sec, please23:17
hwildeamirman84, they are pretty close but the new one will require less updates23:17
amenadoDarknezz-> can you paste your /etc/hosts23:17
Lifeisfunnywhirlybird20,   there's all so record my desktop       http://recordmydesktop.sourceforge.net23:17
mtaylorhwilde: mtaylor@solace:/usr/local$ ssh -X mordred@camelot xterm23:17
mtaylorxterm Xt error: Can't open display:23:17
mtaylorxterm:  DISPLAY is not set23:17
unop!pastebin > roffe__23:17
fbcjburd, with the digital connector right??23:17
Darknezzamenado: # The "order" line is only used by old versions of the C library.23:17
Darknezzorder hosts,bind23:17
Darknezzmulti on23:17
BrodwenHi all, I've encountered a problem when booting Ubuntu, my screen resolution is unsupported, has anyone got a fix for this? (Sorry if anyone said anything before, it's a bit packed in here :))23:17
jburdfbc: yeah23:17
drivetraxcorbett:  -- fstb...23:17
fbcjburd, well, that is your fix...23:17
hwildemtaylor, ssh -X mordred@camelot DISPLAY=yourIP:0 xterm23:17
B-rabbitacoustyk, what package are u trying to install?23:17
amenadoDarknezz-> can you paste your /etc/hosts   <-- not hosts.conf23:18
jburdfbc: I'm using DVI and an nvidia card, that's right.  thanks :-)23:18
towliegod ubuntu is so slow... i have 2 freaking GB of ram!!!23:18
doug2266778822can someone please help me with this problem?  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4793889#post479388923:18
amirman84hwilde, the reason i ask is because when i did the update last night through wubi some of the packages wouldn't install23:18
koomberdoes anyone know there is a solution to getting Vista and Ubuntu to dual boot on a Vostr 200?23:18
nuccoBrodwen: run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg in a terminal23:18
dassoukihwilde, i've been through that alread, my sound card is detected, but for some reason refuses to play back23:18
mtaylorhwilde: the machine I'm ssh-ing to does not have a network route to the machine I'm sshing from23:18
mtaylorhwilde: I'm sshing out through a fwall23:18
carparktawt: i think i found the solution! http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=708907&page=223:18
corbettdrivetrax: sorry ?23:18
KooperKooluncocrash is now known as KooperKool!23:18
towliecan anyone help me ?23:18
Darknezzamenado: i dont think i have one23:18
Calciferhow much disk space does a standard ubuntu install take? is it inadvisable to install it on a 2gig drive?23:18
towlieits automatically dimming my laptop screen even though i went to power management and disabled it23:18
hwildemtaylor, ssh to it then type "who -u"   get your IP and then put that in the command I sent you23:18
towliehardy is ..23:18
Darknezzamenado: it should be a folder right23:19
mtaylorhwilde: yeah... that IP is going to be the public ip of my firewall... but...23:19
edoceokoomber: I have that - Vista and Hardy on the same machine - Vostro (Shit!) 20023:19
amenadoDarknezz-> as file23:19
hwildeCalcifer, default install about 2.7G   you won't make it on 2G until you remove a bunch of stuff.  But I have it down to 845M23:19
fbcjburd, Since I had to practically walk you through it, you owe me your first born..you have to name him Frank... :-p23:19
rchasewubi ends with 'running update-grub' does this mean that it will not clobber my existing menu.lst on a dual boot system?23:19
corbettdrivetrax: should i be adding a line to fstab?23:19
=== ajmorris is now known as ajmorris|AFK
tawtcarpark, downloading23:19
Calcifer845 eh, cool.23:19
jburdHahaha fbc23:19
edoceoI got from Dell with Vista - did the Vista install / configure dealy - updates23:19
drivetraxcorbett:  http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/ubuntu-63/access-to-slave-drive-in-7.10-626659/23:19
QuadForcecan someone help a noob out? I have installed 8.04, but I cannot get a full screen resolution when I try to enable the restricted driver for my 8800GT. I have tried using envy, too, but it just wont allow it23:19
jburdfbc: I've been up for more than 24 hours now23:19
slaytanicAny tips on cleaning up after a dist-upgrade from gutsy? (For instance, removing firefox-2)23:19
edoceoThen Booted my Hardy CD and chose install - partition 50/50 and boom!23:19
acoustykB-rabbit: thunderbird23:19
nuccomtaylor: if the connectivity isn't open both ways, I don't see how you can establish an ssh session23:19
Darknezzamenado: sorry i found it. localhost23:19
Darknezz127.0.1.1 Pwnd.MSHOME23:19
Darknezz# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts23:19
Darknezz::1 ip6-localhost ip6-loopback23:19
Darknezzfe00::0 ip6-localnet23:19
Darknezzff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix23:19
FloodBot2Darknezz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:19
hwilde!fixres | QuadForce23:19
ubotuQuadForce: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto23:19
edoceoWorks no problem, except for my crappy video23:19
mtaylornucco: because that's how ssh works23:20
roffe__unop: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64435/23:20
jrabbithttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4792181#post4792181 <- any solution??????23:20
fbcjburd, I can't beleive you never googled it in all that time...23:20
mtaylornucco: I'm sshing outbound through the firewall23:20
mtaylorI don't need inbound connection,23:20
edoceoWhich I just fixed:23:20
mtaylorbut that's why ssh X11 forwarding is so great23:20
hwildemtaylor, it should still work just set the display variable like I toldja23:20
roffe__unop: at the end it says not all dependancies are found23:20
hwildemtaylor, ssh -X mordred@camelot DISPLAY=yourIP:0 xterm23:20
nuccomtaylor: can you reach the remote machine through the firewall?23:20
fbcjburd, Worse case scenario use a basic VGA cable with your monitor until you find a fix....23:20
tawtcarpark, i'm downloading the gstreamer codexs23:20
amenadoDarknezz-> change this line to localhost.myhomedomain.com localhost pwnd23:20
drivetraxcorbett:  -- drives in Ubuntu have drivers for more than a certain amount of GB gigs, on one partition.. if You format with Linux.. then check for some drivers to read all the parts on that disk23:20
KooperKoolhow come it takes the 8.04 CD 9both live and alt) 6+ HOURS to download?23:21
towliedamn alt tab switching is so slow23:21
hwildeKooperKool, everyone is downloading right now23:21
kbrooksdrivetrax, huh?23:21
jburdfbc: I came across this issue only after I did a clean install.  the upgrade did not have this problem23:21
SindaciousHas anyone had problems with Emerald on Hardy?23:21
amenadoKooperKool-> way too busy23:21
kbrooksdrivetrax, um, you're confused23:21
mtaylornucco: yes. but that's an outbound connection23:21
mtaylorhwilde: nope23:21
drivetraxkbrooks:  the fstb is prolly not seeing the drive23:21
ruthbuzzardanyone catch that?23:21
Fogel1497I'm having some trouble using an NTFS formatted external hdd, can anyone point me in the right direction?23:21
kbrooksdrivetrax, the what?23:21
mtaylorbut the whole thing is, if I could ssh to the remote host and reach the network back,23:21
mtaylorI'd just do xhost + on my client machine23:21
drivetraxfstb should see the drive23:21
KooperKoolNo wonder it took from 7:00 to Noon to upgrade. Man, that was long........23:22
koomberedeceo:  lucky man!  I have to switch the SATA mode to RAID from IDE to get it to run, but Vista won't run from RAID mode.23:22
nuccomtaylor: what you need to do is find out if ssh needs another open port for the incoming traffic... anybody got any ideas?23:22
unoproffe__, what is the name of the package you are installing here?23:22
fbcjburd, ahh..23:22
mtaylornucco: it doesn't23:22
koomber sorry, IDE to RAID23:22
fbcjburd, now go to sleep...23:22
kbrooksdrivetrax, care to pm?23:22
mtaylorthis is something that's been working for about 10 years... just stopped on hardy23:22
nithhow do i get the UUID for a drive so I can add it to fstab?23:22
mtaylorI'm wondering if there were any "improvements" made in hardy23:22
hwildemtaylor, xhost +   ??23:22
Fogel1497Can anyone help me with getting my NTFS external hdd to work in ubuntu?23:22
nuccomtaylor: then if the remote machine has port 22 open, I guess you shouldn't have any trouble. unless I don't understand your problem23:22
mtaylorthat might affect this23:22
carparktawt: how are the downloads? i tried libflashsupport but synaptic won't download the package for some reason23:22
unopnith, try .  vol_id /dev/sdXX23:22
B-rabbitacoustyk, http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/install-thunderbird-2-in-linux/23:22
amenadomtaylor what is the issue? i came in late to the convo23:22
Darknezzamenado: what line?23:22
hwilde!ntfs | Fogel149723:22
ubotuFogel1497: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubotu NTFS-3g or /msg ubotu FUSE23:22
unopnith, or.  volname /dev/sdXX23:22
mtayloramenado: ssh -X isn't forwarding my X traffic23:22
amenadoDarknezz-> the first line of that /etc/hosts23:22
fbcjburd, they say that for every hour past 24 that you are awake you degrade your immune system by like 25%..23:23
hwildemtaylor, amenado yes it is trying but it needs the DISPLAY env variable!23:23
roffe__unop: it's napkin... it's software for a device called the sleeptracker(helps you to wake up easier and records data during the night)23:23
nuccomtaylor: its ssy -Y not -X23:23
KooperKoolMachinTrucChose: Hi23:23
grandpahey guys i have a code red o.0! I was upgrading to hardy from gutsy, and then my computer crashed and gnome won't start...how can I finish the installation from the terminal (the update-dist command returns an error :(23:23
MachinTrucChosecan someone tell me how to stop Nautilus from displaying thumbnails for videos? That "media preview" crap is one of the things I hated the most on Windows, I can't believe it's enabled in Ubuntu.23:23
tawtcarpark, i think it downloaded, but i tried to get the sound and it prompted me to install the missing codecs23:23
jburddidn't know that fbc23:23
hwildenucco, it's definitely -X23:23
amenadomtaylor are you getting any kind of error?23:23
mtaylorhwilde: just that DISPLAY is not set23:23
linxuz3rdoes anyone know why apt-get network connection is slow?23:23
mtaylornormally ssh sets that23:23
hwildeMachinTrucChose, go to the menu bar and select list view23:23
B-rabbitacoustyk, or u could just go into application?add/remove > and search for thunderbird23:23
corbettdrivetrax: thanks , how do i format with linux23:23
MachinTrucChosehwilde: without going into listview, I meant23:23
milly1234hi, I am having a problem with my rt2500pci wireless linksys card in Ubuntu Hardy being insanely slow nomatter what and it is performing basically how this describes: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/190515   but I don't exactly understand how to go about resolving this issue23:23
nuccomtaylor: kick me, you wish to run an app on the remote host and have it show on your local machine? use -Y23:23
moveaxdoug2266778822: actually i'm still struggling with dvd playback, but I have a card up my sleeve23:23
roffe__unop: http://kin.klever.net/napkin/23:24
unoproffe__, try this.  sudo aptitude install xsltproc23:24
* nucco thinks text-replacement can be a PITA23:24
mtaylornucco: mtaylor@solace:/usr/local$ ssh -Y mordred@camelot xterm23:24
mtaylorxterm Xt error: Can't open display:23:24
mtaylorxterm:  DISPLAY is not set23:24
Derspankstergrandpa; sudo apt-get upgrade --fix-missing might work23:24
hwildenucco, it's definitely -X23:24
mtaylornucco: but I'm also pretty sure it's -X23:24
KooperKoolso.....I know its earlty but..... the next Release is Ubuntu 8.10, right?23:24
hwilde!pr | yodaFOX23:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pr - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:24
hwilde!br | yodaFOX23:24
ubotuyodaFOX: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.23:24
mtayloramenado: ssh -X mordred@camelot xterm23:24
mtaylorxterm Xt error: Can't open display:23:24
mtaylorxterm:  DISPLAY is not set23:24
MachinTrucChosehwilde: additionally, listview does not stop it, it just makes them HIDDEN. It's still scanning your hard drive to create thumbnails for each video.23:24
grandpaDerspankster, i also have the alternate install disc, but i can't seem to run upgrade from there..is that an option?23:24
fbcjburd, try nyquil, or any cough medication with heavy alcohol content and your set. Remember your not an alcoholic, your just practicing.23:24
tawtkooperkool, yes, 8.10 intrepid ibex23:24
mtaylorI've checked /etc/ssh/ssh_config and ~/.ssh/config, both have ForwardX11 yes23:25
linxuz3rdoes anyone know why apt-get network connection is slow?23:25
Sergiu9!codec > nagoHak23:25
yodaFOX[hwilde]: how?23:25
hwildeyodaFOX, /join #ubuntu-br      /join #ubuntu-pt23:25
EruditeHermitGreenFuze: hey did you figure it out?23:25
ruthbuzzardhey did they finally fix the libata or whatever the problem was that caused slow dvd burning on non sata (plextor?) drives in 8.0423:25
Derspankstergrandpa; unknown23:25
grandpaDerspankster, would that command even work if sudo apt-get upgrade-dist says a lib is missing?23:25
doug2266778822moveax:  ah i thought you said you had it fixed.?23:25
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.23:25
bcnaatlinxuz3r:everyone is downloading Hardy right now so its slow on the servers23:25
hwildelinxuz3r, think about it, everyone is upgrading right now...23:25
ubotuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke23:25
daysleeprhello all, general question... any thoughts on why a machine would take a looong time to shut down?23:25
ettoreI've installed ubuntustudio 8.04 and my hd icon are ghost, why ?23:25
amenadomtaylor the camelot host is the new ubuntu 8.04 ?23:25
unoproffe__, ok, it does not say much about what the requirements are - try install xsltproc first and then ./configure again .. if you run into problems, post output to pastebin again23:25
nuccomtaylor, hwilde, hmmm... never needed to do the whole X display thing before. -Y usually suffices for me, I can run almost any app that way23:25
whirlybird20When I click record on xvidcap the program closes, Wink wont open at all, and Istanbul crashes when you click record23:25
Derspankstergrandpa: should23:25
daysleeprit takes several minutes for each process to give the [OK] to the shut down23:25
tawtcarpark, ROFL  now i have sound and no vid!23:25
KooperKoolthen 9.04, 9.10, X.4, X.10........ in only 6 months......thats fast23:25
mtayloramenado: nope, camelot is running lenny. the client host is hardy23:25
moveaxdoug2266778822: well I can play everything else23:25
shane2peruhas anyone done the upgrade from fiesty?  How did it go??23:26
moveaxdoug2266778822: wmv, avi, wma, mpg, flash files, the lot23:26
hwildemtaylor, ssh mordred@camelot echo $DISPLAY23:26
amenadomtaylor let me try that..i have just installed Hardy23:26
carparktawt: oh no! i have to go eat dinner now, i'll be back in chat later trying to get to the bottom of this23:26
Derspankstergrandpa; but, the servers are still being blasted23:26
moveaxdoug2266778822: looking into mplayer and libdvdcss now23:26
shane2perunope, I mean Gutsy!?23:26
unopnucco, what does this the $DISPLAY variable contain?23:26
Itakunucco: it still doesnt ask me for a root pass again23:26
nuccomtaylor: did you check that X forwarding or something is enabled on the remote host? it could have an effect. Just guessing though23:26
unopnucco, echo $DISPLAY23:26
mOrO^I have VERY bad choices in screen resolutions in Hardy?23:26
shane2peruhas anyone done the upgrade from Gutsy?  How did it go?23:26
tawtcarpark, lol  i'll fix it later.  i need to go to diner too23:26
mtaylorhwilde:  ssh mordred@camelot 'echo $DISPLAY'23:26
fbcjburd, well, i gotta catch my bus.. it was cool helping you...see you later...23:26
doug2266778822moveax:  i am asking all around and doing what i can as well so far no luck on my end.23:26
tawtcarpark, i'll see you later!23:26
mtaylorhwilde: blank line23:26
linxuz3rdoes anyone know why SYNAPTICS network connection is slow?23:26
hwilde!fixres | mOrO^23:26
ubotumOrO^: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto23:26
nuccounop: :0.0 but its mtaylor that needs help23:26
hwildemtaylor, it's not going to work until that DISPLAY var is set right23:26
mOrO^hwilde: thanks23:26
Lyk4ni upgraded, and now my wireless isn't working again..23:26
unopnucco, ohh, sorry23:27
KooperKoolshane2peru: Fine, took forever though... so many people trying all at once...23:27
mtaylorhwilde: I agree - but that's ssh -X's job23:27
moveaxdoug2266778822: I can't understand why it won't work. Fedora 8 didn't have this issue once libdvdcss was installed.23:27
milly1234linxuz3r, repositories are busy23:27
Sergiu9!ubotu > sergiu9 language23:27
evandrchase: correct, it will not touch your existing menu.lst23:27
mtaylornucco: don't forget to quote $DISPLAY from your local shell with ' 's23:27
TristamMy sound is crappy now that I upgraded.  :P23:27
koomberthis is a silly question, but if I have to switch my bios SATA settings from IDE to RAID mode to install Ubuntu, will I still be able to reinstall Vista oncein raid (as Vista will not boot unless in IDE at teh moment)23:27
B-rabbitshane2peru, not too good for me, i had to reinstall feasty back( i am not try to put u off, from doing it lol) and firefox stoped working when i upgreded23:27
whirlybird20When I click record on xvidcap the program closes, Wink wont open at all, and Istanbul crashes when you click record. Does anyone know of a solution or another program that i can try?23:27
amenadomtaylor no problem here,  hardy ssh client into gutsy..forwarding X23:27
shane2peruKooperKool: but all went well23:27
=== gbs is now known as fserve
mtayloramenado: ok. thanks!23:27
roffe__unop: I didn't read it through but I did as you said and it still gave me the error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64436/23:27
whirlybird20would it be better if i disabled my desktop effects?23:27
KooperKoolTristam: Is it turned up?23:27
mtayloramenado: I'll keep checking my setup23:27
TristamKooperKool, I hear it just fine, but it's very distorted23:28
KooperKoolshane2peru: Yeah.... no problems.23:28
shane2peruB-rabbit: sorry, I meant gutsy23:28
psychhi, why wireless have to be manually configured to work after reboot ?23:28
Itakunucco: it still doesnt ask me for a root pass again23:28
DBautell!ot > DBautell23:28
johnmikeWhats the best way to back up my system in case anything happens when upgrading?23:28
shane2peruKooperKool: did you have gutsy?23:28
towliewhen i run virtualbox i get this error "The character device /dev/vboxdrv does not exist". i installed the virtualbox-ose-modules but am still getting this error. can anyone help23:28
drivetraxThrough painful experience and sleepless nights, I finally figure out how to install Ubuntu or any kind of Lux distro to an external USB drive.23:28
drivetraxThe key idea is to modify the mini ramdisk to start USB support module during the boot sequence.23:28
hwildemtaylor, ssh -X mordred@camelot DISPLAY=localhost:10.0 xterm23:28
GreenFuzeEruditeHermit - I'm still working on it. I just found this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=742382 , seems quite helpful.23:28
nuccoItaku: remind me what we were talking about please :p23:28
moveaxdoug2266778822: I get an error: "Cannot read from resource" - when trying DVDs.23:28
KooperKoolTristam: It's probabaly your speakers. I'm using new speakers cuz my old ones were bad.23:28
mtaylorhwilde: yup. tried that. no dice :(23:29
jburdthanks fcb that works :-)23:29
doug2266778822moveax:  same here. XO23:29
LARefugeeHi. Anyone try upgrading to Hardy from Dapper?23:29
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto23:29
szentiHi everzbodz$23:29
TristamKooperKool, it's not the speakers, it does the same thing with headphones and my laptop speakers.23:29
hwildemtaylor, try 1-10.0   one of them has to work23:29
KooperKoolshane2peru: yes.23:29
szentiHi everybody!23:29
nuccowho wants libdvdcss should go to www.medibuntu.org23:29
hwildemtaylor, when I ssh -X to another machine and echo $DISPLAY it says localhost:10.023:29
TristamAnd it worked just fine before the upgrade.  :P23:29
szentiHow many swap space should I assign to make hibernation work?23:29
shane2peruKooperKool: great, thanks!  I'm tempted to give it a try, the cdrom died today, so upgrade, or just stay are my only choices at the moment.23:29
hwildeszenti, 2x your ram23:29
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion23:29
whirlybird20I can't get any screen video capture software working23:29
fxfitzMy parents all of a sudden lost their internet on their ubuntu computer. When they do 'sudo /etc/init.d/network restart' It says "Ignoring unknown interface eth0=eth0" Does anyone know what this means?23:29
=== Earthling is now known as eArThLiNg
nuccoszenti: as big as your RAM23:30
johnnyftwI have an issue ...23:30
milly1234ugh... to heck with this, I am buying a new wireless card, sounds to me that the rt2500pci drivers have been an issue with ubuntu for a while with alot of cards although not all, but alot23:30
szentihwilde, should I create two separate swap partitions?23:30
mtaylorhwilde, amenado: for some reason xauth wasn't installed23:30
KooperKoolTirstam: Did you upgrade before the 23rd?23:30
hwildefxfitz, check the /etc/network/interfaces file23:30
shane2peruKooperKool: however if upgrade fails, ohh, I'm dead. :)  I'll be shopping for a cdrom. lol23:30
hwildeszenti, no, one partition, 2x the size of your ram, so it can write the whole ram to swap23:30
amenadomtaylor ahh, that surely will prevent you from getting in23:30
masterjailanyone knows in which file the settings of the login screen are?23:30
szentihwilde, thx23:30
VeinorIf I don't have a spare blank CD-R handy, can I mount the alternate CD on loopback and update that way?23:30
Darknezzamenado: sorry i dont understand  ' localhost.myhomedomain.com localhost pwnd' myhomedomain does not need to be a .com right?23:30
psychhi, why wireless have to be manually configured to work after reboot ? someone can help me?23:30
drivetraxcorbett:  -- still here?23:30
heartsbloodis there any advantage to running a software raid0 over raid1?23:30
johnnyftwI'm getting a black screen when I go to install Ubuntu 8.0.4, This is before installing.23:30
DBautell!ISO | Veinor23:31
ubotuVeinor: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.23:31
mtayloramenado: can you do "ls /usr/bin/X11/xauth" for me?23:31
hwildepsych, pastebin your /etc/network/interfaces file23:31
corbettdrivetrax: yeh23:31
unopVeinor, it's better to upgrade directly from the repos23:31
fxfitzhwilde, What exactly should I be looking for?23:31
kenanhi, i installed hardy heron and i still cant allow multiple applications access soundcard, how come?23:31
amenadoDarknezz-> yes, i just made up  myhomedomain.com  make one your own23:31
Lyk4npsych: did you upgrade? I'm having an issue with my wireless..23:31
darkcrabwhenever I play a DVD in 8.04 LTS, it plays fine, but the sound is really low even when I have the sound turned all the way up, anyone know a fix??23:31
LARefugeefxfitz: The kernel and/or udev didn't enumerate your ethernet interface as "eth0" probably eth123:31
drivetraxcorbett:  read pls.. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RenameUSBDrive23:31
amenadomtaylor on hardy?23:31
Veinorunop: no net access on the computer I want to upgrade.23:31
eArThLiNgHi all23:31
seamus7fxfitz did they try sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart23:31
shane2peruKooperKool: thanks for the info.23:31
hwildefxfitz, you should be looking for iface eth0=eth0 and it should just say   iface eth023:31
fxfitzseamus7, Yeah23:31
psychi just installed hardy Lyk4n23:31
KooperKoolshane2peru: one thing is it's just like an upgrade. You can still use the computer (Dont like, work though, the update can lose files that are open in e.g. gedit) It'll probably take like what 5+ Hours, though.23:31
psychwireless is working23:31
psychbut ive to set it up23:31
mtayloramenado: nevermind... I thought mine was missing, just slow tab completion23:31
VeinorDBautell: I know how to mount it, I was just wondering if it'd work as well if I mounted that was as opposed to burning to actual cd23:31
KooperKoolhe left23:31
psychevery reboot23:31
darkcrabwhenever I play a DVD in 8.04 LTS, it plays fine, but the sound is really low even when I have the sound turned all the way up, anyone know a fix??23:32
hwildefxfitz, if your interfaces are swapping names check /etc/iftab23:32
DBautellVeinor, it worked for me, very well23:32
Veinordarkcrab: check the DVD program volume control?23:32
heartsbloodhas anybody here worked with software raid configurations in dept?23:32
Cpudan80Can anyone get sound to play from XChat when you are listening to music in Rhythmbox ?23:32
hwildedarkcrab, alsamixer   from the command line23:32
moveaxdarkcrab: thank your self lucky you can even play dvds23:32
darkcrabit is turned all the way up veinor23:32
CrshmanHi all, i'm trying to upgrade using an alternate cd (i've burned it to a DVD)....23:32
nuccodarkcrab check the mixer settings23:32
Cpudan80In Hardy Heron23:32
moveaxdarkcrab: i can't even get them playing23:32
roffe__unop: is it possible to get it compiled somehow even if not every dependency is there?23:32
unopVeinor, you can use an ISO offline like that sure, but it needs to be an alternate CD ISO not the normal live CD23:32
Crshmani insert the disk and it says "a volume with software packages has been detected" so i start the package manager.....23:32
Cpudan80For whatever reason, the sounds from XCHat never play (ex. the highlight sound)23:32
nuccodarkcrab: and make sure its not from the disc you're playing23:32
Darknezzamenado: and everything else would still stay the same?23:32
cronixhello guys, ive installed ubuntu8.04 and got and error21 from grub (Selected disk does not exist.), now i am in command line interface of grub, and i know that ubuntu is on hd0,2 .. can u tell me with which command i can boot up ubuntu from here on?23:32
hwildeCrshman, you have to boot from the cd23:32
milly1234anyone know of a really good wireless pci card with no issues in Hardy? my linksys using the rt2500pci module is pretty much junk23:32
amenadoDarknezz-> yes23:32
psychhwilde, http://pastebin.com/m3aa7dd2323:33
umpc|ubuntui just got hardy and my wireless doesnt work23:33
Crshmanhwilde, i can't update it from within the distro?23:33
unoproffe__, no, without the right headers the compile will definitely fail - thats how code works23:33
kbrookscronix, to help...23:33
heartsbloodcronix: I had that to, are you running a raid setup by any chance?23:33
towlieis hardy supposed to use kernel  ?23:33
milly1234or rt2x00 module23:33
hwildeCrshman, you have to boot from the cd23:33
nucco!grub | cronix23:33
ubotucronix: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto23:33
kbrookscronix, root (hd0,2)23:33
mtayloramenado: I didn't have xauth on the server, I should clarify23:33
whirlybird20When I click record on xvidcap the program closes, Wink wont open at all, and Istanbul crashes when you click record. Does anyone know of a solution or maybe another screen capturing program?23:33
josh04Does anyone know when we're getting an Ibex board on ubuntuforums.org :P23:33
umpc|ubuntui just got hardy and my wireless does'nt work how can i fix this?23:33
unoproffe__, does that package come with a README/INSTALL file?23:33
hwildepsych, put "auto wlan0" on the line before iface wlan0   and it will come up automatically23:33
psychhwilde, got it?23:33
DBautellTo Upgrade from the CD/ISO, you'll need the alternate ISO or the DVD: run cdromupgrade from the root of the CD/ISO/DVD. If you don't want to/can't burn a disc, you can 'mount -o loop nameofiso /path/to/mount/'23:33
kenanhi, i installed hardy heron and i still cant allow multiple applications access soundcard, how come?23:33
milly1234umpc|ubuntu, I've been trying to figure that one out too23:33
kbrookscronix, then kernel /boot/<replace this with pressing the tab key>23:33
DaveG|hey, how do i upgrade my 7.10 to 8.04 by just using a cd? i don't want to download all the files again.23:33
roffe__unop: yeah, a very basic one.. pastbin? :)23:33
josh04kenan: Which appliations?23:33
Darknezzamenado: thanks for the help it works now :-D23:34
unoproffe__, ok sure23:34
CrshmanDBautell, i've tried this23:34
szentihwilde, do you recommend me to create a separate /home partition?23:34
VeinorDaveG|: what do you mean 'download all the files'?23:34
kbrookscronix, then initrd /boot/<replace this with pressing the tab key>23:34
DBautellCrshman, and I just did it23:34
amenadoDarknezz-> cool23:34
kbrookscronix, then boot23:34
kenanjosh04: well an example is youtube videos and rhythmbox23:34
DaveG|Veinor, by doing it using update-manger -d23:34
szentiI know it's safer to have one.23:34
amenadoDarknezz-> thats hardy?23:34
KooperKoolDaveG|: boot to it23:34
hwildeszenti, if you want to.  it's a personal preference23:34
szentiAnd it's easier to backup.23:34
umpc|ubuntumilly1234 they need to take ubuntu 7 wifi support and put it in 823:34
DaveG|KooperKool, i don't want to burn a cd :P23:34
josh04kenan: try installing libflashsupport with synaptic23:34
kbrookscronix, in kernel and initrd when you tab you need to look for the revelant files, eg vmlinuz23:34
nuccohwilde: why won't you recommend it off-hand?23:34
psychhwilde, ty, gonna test it23:34
Veinordaveg| download the alternate cd ISO and mount it loopback23:34
kbrookscronix, andb initrd, from the tab completion23:34
Darknezzamenado: ya. just instaled it yesterday and never used linux besides at school (basics)23:34
KooperKoolDaveG|: What Version Of Ubuntu do you have?23:35
nuccohwilde: I mean the separate /home partition23:35
kbrookscronix, do you understand?23:35
DaveG|KooperKool, 7.1023:35
VeinorYou'll still have to download a huge file but you won't need to make a CD23:35
southafrikansehello. I have a problem with Mozilla Firefox 3 Beta 5 on Hardy Heron. I installed the wrong plugin to watch videos on youtube but now I'm unable to remove it.23:35
cronixno, root (hd0,2) does not return any errors, but nothing happens either :>23:35
KooperKoolDaveG|: go to System--Administration--Update Manager23:35
TristamSo anyone have ideas on why my sound is horribly distorted after the upgrade?  I've got an Nvidia MCP51 HDA23:35
hwildenucco, if you want to deal with that fine, it's not really much difference23:35
evilbugi upgraded to hardy via alternative cd and i had a bunch of errors on some components not being able to install.then i ran "sudo apt-get -f install" after reboot and now things work alright,but the grub boot menu is showing me 2 different ubuntu options.both are 8.04 but one is with the previous kernel and the first one is the current kernel.23:36
hwildenucco, might be easier to switch to aq different repo later on23:36
CrshmanDBautell, when i try to use the dvd as a source it gives me the error: "E: Unable to locate any package files, perhaps this is not a Debian Disc"23:36
amenadoDarknezz-> well make a note of that, i noticed it earlier and didnt think much of it,  that line in /etc/hosts has to be corrected..i tried to set that via n-m and know it does not work23:36
cronixwhat is that with initrd? it sais that the kernel must be loaded before23:36
KooperKoolI dont think HDA is good on Hardy23:36
SirBob1701hey guys when i try to update vmware on hardy on my desktop i get " make: *** [vmmon.ko] Error 2 " does anyone know a solution?23:36
josh04Tristam: Just an offhand guess, but try going to the mixer and turning PCM down, then up again23:36
nuccosouthafrikanse: check your ~/.firefox folder or wherever firefox hides its settings, you might find something deletable there23:36
DaveG|KooperKool, yeah, and then?23:36
GreenFuzeEruditeHermit: Here is the solution: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=74238223:36
szentiHmm, this new release [8.04] of Ubuntu is more complete than the previous one. I'm glad I can use it. :)23:36
KooperKoolClick the Check Button23:36
amenadocronix-> what are you trying to do?23:36
nuccohwilde: yeah, makes it easy to do clean installs without losing data23:36
livingdaylightFF3 doesn't allow Delicious bookmarks?23:36
mythici had trouble with vmware on a hardy beta before because the vmware modules would not build on the new kernel23:37
KooperKoolDaveG|: Click the check button23:37
szentilivingdaylight, install firefox-2 ...23:37
roffe__unop: it claims I'm a spammer :) can I send the install file to you instaed?23:37
DaveG|KooperKool, ok23:37
jaffarkelshacgot that fixed mythic23:37
southafrikansenucco, if I unnistal and install mozilla again will that help?23:37
hwildenucco, or you could just copy youre /home directory it's really not that hard23:37
unoproffe__, use the !pastebin23:37
DBautellCrshman, it worked for me by running 'gksudo /media/cdrom/cdromupgrade' from a terminal23:37
unop!pastebin > roffe__23:37
cronixi want to boot up ubuntu, but grub shows up an error21 (cant find disks or sth). but i know that ubuntu is on hd0,2 ..23:37
KooperKoolDaveG|: when its done, at the top it should say "A New OS is avaible" Or somthing like that23:37
livingdaylightszenti, i might have to... Hardy came with FF3 so i been using that, but i'm not sure it is better than FF2. What is the differnce?23:37
roffe__unop: yeah, but it says I'm a spammer for doing it three times now :/23:37
DaveG|KooperKool, it says it already actually xD23:38
nuccosouthafrikanse: I doubt that, but look in that folder, and if you see something named similar to the offending plugin, remove it.23:38
Darknezzamenado: i have one more question when i do install xmms2 it seems to work (in terminal) then when i go to applications i cant find it. when i run it again it says no updated available making it sound like its installed. i also run it (xmms2) and all i get is a list of commands (stop, play, shuffle ect.)23:38
Acxtyhi guys, how can I connect to a proxy server. I have the domain, user and passwd23:38
DaveG|KooperKool, but it doesn't attempt to get it from the CD i don't think23:38
pagodai downgraded to firefox-2 and now i can't open it.23:38
Tux2008How do I check if a deamon (/etc/init.d/ssh) is already runing????23:38
unoproffe__, pastebin.com then23:38
n000bhow do i get ubuntu to work better with my graphics card23:38
nuccohwilde: copying a 100G /home partition isn't something I like to do over and over :)23:38
szentilivingdaylight, I've been using FF3 beta5 since a week and I've found out that some extensions are not yet upgraded to support it.23:38
josh04Tux2008: ps -a|grep ssh23:38
pagodait says firefox is already running, but i just rebooted23:38
KooperKoolDaveG|: The 8.04 installation files aren't on a CD unless you downloaded the cd ISO23:38
Darknezzamenado: i dont know if im doing somthing wrong or its a bug with xmms2 or ubuntu23:38
CrshmanDBautell, i just tried that and it says "Failed to add the CD", the error message was: "E: Unable to locate any package files, perhaps this is not a Debian Disc"23:38
Tristamjosh04, I don't know why, but that seemed to work23:38
rippsWhat's up dawgs!23:38
amenadoDarknezz-> did the install completed?23:39
Tux2008josh04 : thanks a lot!!!23:39
szentiFor example Firebug...23:39
StarnestommyTristam: ps aux | grep ssh23:39
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n000bhow do i get ubuntu to work better with my graphics card23:39
Starnestommyer, whoops.23:39
cronixi think that it is just a wrong link in the grub config, cause i had ubuntu installed before. but when i use root (hd0,2) ... nothing happens, i need one more command like "boot this shit :)"23:39
Darknezzamenado: ya23:39
josh04Tristam: No idea either, but it worked for me too :P23:39
josh04Tux2008 np23:39
livingdaylightszenti, yes, that's no good. Delicious is like essential to me23:39
Tristamjosh04, Thanks much23:39
milly1234hi, I am having a problem with my rt2500pci wireless linksys card in Ubuntu Hardy being insanely slow nomatter what and it is performing basically how this describes: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/190515  but I don't exactly understand how to go about resolving this issue23:39
DaveG|KooperKool, i have the ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso mounted so23:39
roffe__unop: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64438/23:39
szentiI'm using two Firefox versions parallel on my windows machine.23:39
n000bhow do i get ubuntu to work better with a graphics card23:39
amenadoDarknezz-> i dont know xmms, you have to dig around where it resides..dont know if you need to log of and log back on23:39
fxfitzhwilde, Okay, I just called them and they have the same /etc/nework/interfaces file as I do, it says "auto eth0" and "#iface eth0 inet dhcp"23:39
KooperKoolDaveG|: oh! Why didn't you say so. Just burn it to A CD, then boot to it.23:39
szentiI think it can be managed to work on Ubuntu as well.23:39
fxfitzhwilde, Any ideas?23:39
chefkoch842hello everybody. my question is: how can i decide which driver is loaded afer a usb connet ?  ( i have the drivers pwc and gspca ( both for webcam). pwc would be the better one for mine.  the module is loaded ( sudo modprobe pwc ) the other driver is unloaded ( sudo rmmod gspca). BUT when i plugin the cam i allways get:23:40
n000bhow do i get ubuntu to work better with a graphics card23:40
teamcobrahas anyone found a workaround for the segfaulting gnome-keyring-daemon?23:40
amenadofxfitz-> what is the problem?23:40
DaveG|KooperKool, lol, but i don't want to burn =/ i don't have any CDs23:40
chefkoch842usbcore: registered new interface driver Philips webcam[  811.098927] usb 1-4: new full speed USB device using ohci_hcd and address 6[  811.311551] usb 1-4: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice[  811.386024] /build/buildd/linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24-2.6.24/debian/build/build-generic/media/gspcav1/gspca_core.c: USB GSPCA camera found.(ZC3XX)23:40
nuccon000b: you really gotta define "better"23:40
DBautellCrshman, that makes me wonder if it's a bad burn or if having the CD on a DVD is confusing to the system... I used the DVD image... You are using alternate? and, is your system otherwise up to date?23:40
Darknezzamenado: i have restarted and logged off and on, and still nothing23:40
DJDarkstarHi, anyone use Cheese? Need to know of anyway to increase contrast or brightness23:40
hwildefxfitz, that line should not start with a pound symbol - it's commented out23:40
fxfitzamenado, My parents just lost all their internet at their house. When they do /etc/init.d/network restart, it says "Ignoring unknown interface eth0=eth0"23:40
B_166-ER-XJust upgraded from 7.10 to 8.04, and my other Hard Drives (one in ext3, and one in NTFS Windows xp)   are no more auto detected after startup.   how can i turn this back on ?23:40
Tux2008Im not using ssh, but I see it running, (as a process) , should I turn it off????23:40
n000bhow do i get ubuntu to work with my graphics card. period.23:40
rippsn000b: what's your card23:41
KooperKoolDaveG|: Then you have to update from the update manager or go out and buy some CD-Rs.23:41
unoproffe__, ok, try this.   sudo aptitude install xsltproc; ./configure   # and then pastebin the output of configure again23:41
hwildefxfitz, tell them to type   "sudo ifconfig eth0 up"   "sudo dhclient eth0"23:41
poseidonWhats a good cd burner?23:41
nuccon000b: you mean you can't see anything? or what exactly is the problem? giving you errors?23:41
amenadoDarknezz-> i dont know much about xmms..cant get you anymore help23:41
CrshmanDBautell, I am using a DVD, i tried to mount the image aswell and it didn't work....the system is up to date23:41
drivetraxcorbett:  -- the only other thing I saw was where a person tried to use USP IPod..23:41
KooperKoolThe built in one23:41
n000bthe screen is just a little blurry23:41
evilbugi upgraded to hardy via alternative cd and i had a bunch of errors on some components not being able to install.then i ran "sudo apt-get -f install" after reboot and now things work alright,but the grub boot menu is showing me 2 different ubuntu options.both are 8.04 but one is with the previous kernel and the first one is the current kernel.23:41
DJDarkstarposeidon k3b is23:41
DaveG|KooperKool, =/23:41
roffe__unop: should the # you wrote be part of the command?23:41
newborn_bonjour a tous.Je cherche un canal d'aide francais.qui peut m'aider?23:41
fxfitzhwilde, So, take out the # and save the file. And then: sudo ifconfig eth0 up and sudo dhclient eth0??23:41
ahboyhey guys how would i find out what kind of mother board i have23:41
Vespyhey guys anyone know anything about beryl/3ddesktop? it was working fine on my computer before but then randomly the shortcut stopped working, and i tried all the settings but nothing seems to activate it23:41
Darknezzamenado: xmms2 tray seems to work (but i used add/remove on ubuntu)23:41
seamus7B_166-ER-X (your nickname is difficult) are you sure those drives aren't listed in Places?23:41
n000band media is squary23:41
KooperKoolposeidon: The one that's built in to the file manager.23:41
unoproffe__, well, it can be .. :) but no23:41
amenadofxfitz-> are you at your parents house now?23:41
ahboyi know its a dell but not sure what one23:41
Darknezzamenado: kk thanks23:42
=== B_166-ER-X is now known as B116erx
=== B116erx is now known as B166erx
amenadoDarknezz no sweats23:42
hwildefxfitz, they should fix the file yes, but if they just type   "sudo ifconfig eth0 up"  that will bring up the interface, and "sudo dhclient eth0"  that will grab dhcp, then you can ssh in and fix it yourself?23:42
drivetraxcorbett:  -- if the volume name cannot be re-labled, then to format that drive ext3.. might be all can do.  But talk to Maxtor First.. directly thru their support23:42
fxfitzamenado, Hehe hell no. I have to call them and phonetically spell "sudo /etc" - It takes forever23:42
n000bi cant stand this blurry screen23:42
DJDarkstaranyone using Cheese? my camera works but it is way too dark23:42
fxfitzhwilde, Oh okay, that sounds like a good idea.23:42
corbettdrivetrax: yeh, im still struggling , gong thro those help pages - perhaps i shoud get onto maxtor23:42
nuccoB166erx: someone's been watching the animatrix :P23:42
B166erxseamus7 , well they are in thee 'Shortcut' menu, and in the Taskbar Mount app. , but Saying 'not mounted'23:42
amenadofxfitz-> be nice, you may have to come home for a nice warm dinner...lol23:42
B166erxnucco , indeed ;)23:43
n000bcan anyone help?23:43
drivetraxcorbett:  --- Well, I would not format it, if there is data on it, until I had talked with Maxtor, and asked alot about USB2.0 in Gutsy..23:43
seamus7b166erx can't you just right-click on them and choose mount?23:43
rippsn000b: have you tried installing the nvidia binary driver?23:43
n000bripps how do i do that23:43
nuccon000b: restricted-manager23:44
corbettdrivetrax: i have backed up my data to a pc at work23:44
rippsn000b: hold on while a find a good guide online23:44
DBautellCrshman, I'm afraid I can't be much help... Like I said, I mounted the DVD iso to /media/cdrom, and just ran /media/cdrom/cdromupdate . Is that file there?23:44
ahboyanyone know how to find out what kind of mother board i have i tried lspci but doesnt tell me.. i know its a dell rev02 but i dont know the model of the computer that goes with. basically this computer was rebuilt but no longer has the dell tower23:44
drivetraxcorbett:  GREAT!23:44
Fogel1497When I play movies using the default media player in Ubuntu the frame rate is so low it is unwatchable. Any suggestions?23:44
B166erxseamus7  'Impossible to mount selected Volume'    ntfs-3g:Failed to acess volume '/dev/hda1': no such file or directory23:44
darkcrabthe alsamixer fixed my low sound on my DVD's, but now I have absolutely no sound on my youtube videos, anyone know a fix? I am using 8.04 lts23:44
roffe__unop: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64439/23:44
rippsn000b: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia23:44
Fogel1497AHBOY: Try Everest Home Edition. I believe they have a linux version.23:45
amenadoahboy open the tower and read the labels?23:45
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Fogel1497This will diagnose your computers hardware components23:45
ahboyamenado i tried that too23:45
kane77what is some iPod management tool that can work with iPodlinux?23:45
darkcrabthe alsamixer fixed my low sound on my DVD's, but now I have absolutely no sound on my youtube videos, anyone know a fix?23:45
B166erxFogel1497,  'sysinfo'   does that too, in linux23:45
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amenadoahboy i bet its labeled in chinese chars? hehe23:45
yoniHi all23:45
drivetraxdarkcrab:  -- mebe it broke Flash_9  ?23:45
|jess|hello. I have installed ubuntu, and I installed the bootloader on the same partition. I boot from mbr where I have another grub, and then chainload to the ubuntu grub. The problem: all entries in the ubuntu grub gives this error message: Error 15: File not found23:46
n000bcan anyone tell me what the disadvantages are to xubuntu?23:46
yoniI'm sure that in feisty I could got access automaticly to my ntfs partitions..23:46
|jess|Any ideas what I have done wrong?23:46
josh04darkcrab: install libflashsupport23:46
seamus7B166erx I remember that the directory that the drive gets mounted to must already exist ... maybe that's the issue ... does /dev/hda1/ directory exist?23:46
Fogel1497Anyone know why my framerate for playing movies is so low in the default ubuntu media player23:46
yoninow I'm using the hardy version... & I have my external 500GB (2 partitions) NTFS23:46
darkcrabthank you josh23:46
yonihow can I mount them to the system?23:46
nuccoseamus7: why would you want to create a directory named /dev/hda1 ?23:46
josh04darkcrab: thank me when it works :P23:46
milly1234anyone know of a good wireless card that works at full speed out of the box with hardy?23:47
Fogel1497YONI i just had the same problem23:47
milly1234wireless pci card23:47
n000bcan anyone tell me what the disadvantages are to xubuntu?23:47
nuccoseamus7: you could mount the iso to any folder in your /home23:47
nuccon000b: it's a matter of choice or preference23:47
darkcrabjust so you know other flash works, its just you tube23:47
yoniFogel1497: I hapy to know that you had :) How can I solve it as well?23:47
n000bnucco: but whats the difference?23:47
seamus7nucco: I'm only referring to the message B166erx included ... looks like the drive was attempting to mount in that particular directory ...23:47
drivetraxJust YouTube. OMG.. I'm falling out!23:48
Danikarn000b: The GUI is less resource intesive.23:48
nuccodarkcrab: have you tried that pulse-audio volume manager?23:48
Fogel1497YONI I PM'd you. Visit this link: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions23:48
psychhwilde, didnt work23:48
rippsn000b: Xubuntu using XFCE desktop instead of Gnome, it's more lightweight. It more of a desktop preference23:48
masterjailanyone knows in which file the settings of the login screen are?23:48
Fogel1497YONI I PM'd you. Visit this link: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions23:48
darkcrabdoing it now.23:48
Danikarn000b: But imo not as nice, but as darkcrab said matter of preference.23:48
nuccon000b: you gotta try it to really know. I'm too used to GNOME/Ubuntu to try anything else on my own23:48
yoniFogel1497: thanks a lot!!! :)23:48
milly1234please, I know someone here might be using a good wireless card with ubuntu 8.04, one that works well, at full speed, no problems, that sort of stuff, I am trying to find one that will work unlike the one I have, which worked in 7.10 but now is terrible in 8.0423:48
doug2266778822moveax: you find any thing yet?23:48
n000bhow do i switch to XFCE?23:48
KooperKool!xfce | n000b23:49
ubotun000b: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels23:49
J-a-k-ehi does about sound quality and ubuntu?23:49
Steve^How can I make more than 4 partitions on a disk?23:49
B166erxseamus7 ok , getting weirder now : the HD are accesible from the 'Workstation' (I use ubuntu in french, so traducing ) its there and called 'Media 40.1 gig'  (so is my other 'Media 320 gig' ) wich both used to be called respectively, Windows' and 'Barracuda'  and showed on the desktop.23:49
nuccosteve^ make them inside a logical partition, then you can have up to 6423:49
storm-zenis there a place on this server to go for assistance with a simple legal statement?23:49
rippsJ-a-k-e: What's wrong with your sound quality?23:49
Steve^nucco, I make a logical one and it just takes up all the space, do I need to make it of a certain type?23:49
zeeeeehelp, i got a major problem!  after trying to upgrade, it failed, told me my system may be in an "unusable state", and now after rebooting, gnome won't start (i just see a tan wallpaper and nothing else)23:50
pagodahas anyone downgraded to firefox 2 in hardy?23:50
hwildezeeeee, ctrl+alt+f1   go to terminal23:50
zeeeee*it = the update process23:50
nuccoSteve^ you make a logical one, then make the others inside of the logical one23:50
zeeeeehwilde, i'm there23:50
zeeeeehwilde, i ran:23:50
KooperKoolzeeeee: Did you use Wubi?23:50
zeeeeedpkg --configure -a23:50
hwildezeeeee, just run "apt-get upgrade"23:50
nuccoSteve^ think of the logical one as just a container. don't need a type23:50
zeeeeeKooperKool, perhaps not, what is it?23:50
moveaxdoug2266778822: I've asked a local mailing group of mine who I met up with yesterday. During the meeting they suggested Ubuntu as it, "justs works." So, I'm putting their expert (most of them are Dr's of IT) to the test.23:51
zeeeeehwilde, that tells me to run dpkg --configure -a23:51
KooperKool!Wubi | zeeeee23:51
ubotuzeeeee: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.23:51
zeeeeeKooperKool, no i'm upgrading from 7.1023:51
hwildezeeeee, ok what does that tell you23:51
Steve^nucco, I'm doing this from inside the installer, I don't see how to make a logical without a type, nor how to add to a logical partition23:51
zeeeeehwilde, i'll paste..23:51
hwildezeeeee, pastebin!23:51
roffe__unop: If you've given up, I can more than well understand it :)23:51
hwilde!pastebin | zeeeee23:51
ubotuzeeeee: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)23:51
B166erxseamus7 , and in the 'File system'   in /media there is 2 folder called 'Disk' and Disk-1 , which contains my Hard drives files23:51
Steve^nucco, perhaps I make all my partions as "logical" and it'll figure it out itself?23:51
KooperKoolzeeeee: It crashed my Ubuntu and my Windows. I bascially had to wipe my harsd drive23:51
nuccoSteve^ please explain what you're trying to accomplish23:51
unoproffe__, not given up, just reading up on this .. well, from http://kin.klever.net/napkin/requirements i assume you need to do this. sudo aptitude install libgtkmm-dev libsqlite3-dev autotools-dev autoconf automake libtool23:52
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zeeeeeKooperKool, i'm sorry to hear that!23:52
harfgany one using flumotion successfully with hardy?23:52
drivetraxSteve^:  if You see a partition, hit enter.. on it, and then tell it what to partition, and keep doing that until you get the /swap and all of them partitioned23:52
Steve^nucco, I have 80 gigs. I want 2 gig swap, 30 gig for / and 50 for /home, but I only have 2 partitions left. you're right that I need a logical partition, but I don't see how I get this tool to do it23:52
Cpudan80pagoda: It is in there already23:52
fxfitzhwilde, Alright, well, the dhclient gave them six different "dhcpdiscover eth0 port 67 interval" and at the end it said "no dhcpoffers received"23:52
zeeeeeKooperKool, i have 2 machines, both ubuntu 7.10, both had problems upgrading to 8.04 (and they were different problems)23:52
hwildefxfitz, lan cable is unplugged, dsl modem needs rebooted, etc etc23:53
jaffarkelshacwhat video editors are there for hardy, that support ogg file format23:53
drivetraxSteve^:  -- hover over the logical drive name you see, and hit enter23:53
Steve^drivetrax, since you mention swap, is 2 gigs enough?23:53
J-a-k-eripps: ubuntu 7.10, it's working alright the prob is it only just sounds "ok" to me. I'm quite picky with my sound, music sound as if the mids are exagerated and treble is flat cymbals and such sound as if they're in the background23:53
adinccan someone please tell me which kernel-version is the newest for hardy?23:53
nuccosteve, delete "/" and "/home" then create a logical partition big enough to hold them both23:53
n000bonce i install xubuntu can i revert back to ubuntu?23:53
B166erxseamus7 , also ( ;) ) , the Mount app ofthe task bar, lists 2 times, bothe my drives, on time as '300gig' mounted, and on time as 'Barracuda' 'not mounted' (same for the windows one)23:53
nuccoSteve^: make the swap first though23:53
SindaciousCould anyone tell me why I can't download packages -.-23:53
drivetraxnucco:  -- yes.. right23:53
nuccoSteve^ delete "/" and "/home" then create a logical partition big enough to hold them both23:53
seamus7B166erx ... have you looked in gconf editor ... I think it's listed in apps/nautilus/desktop ... make sure 'volumes visible' is checked23:53
jaffarkelshacadinc,  2.6.24-1623:53
fxfitzhwilde, Okay, and you're sure that would be it? Because the modem is really hard to get to and I don't want them going into the attic if they don't have to (I already had them check the ethernet cable in the back of the computer)23:53
Cpudan80Sindacious: the server is very slow - give it time23:54
roffe__unop: I think I had checked that they were installed from the beginning, but I'll run your command now23:54
Cpudan80Sindacious: we just released 8.04 yesterday23:54
doug2266778822moveax:  ah cool, i just uninstalled and reinstalled still getting same thing.23:54
hwildefxfitz, are there more than one network cards?  like eth1 ?23:54
n000bonce u install xubuntu can u revert back to ubuntu?23:54
fxfitzhwilde, Nope23:54
hwildefxfitz, dhclient eth0   should get a dhcp address from whatever it's plugged into23:54
drivetraxnucco:  -- I don't think the thing is too easy to see, but I hit enter on the logical disk name, and it started needing partitions23:54
rippsJ-a-k-e: Have checked in the Volume Control preferences for a Tone option. I had to enable Tone in my SBLive! 5.1 to mess with my Bass and Treble. Just turning Tone on improved sound quality.23:54
adincjaffarkelshac: can users expect newer kernel versions for hardy and will it be installed when saying dist-upgrade23:54
Steve^nucco, drivetrax, I make my 80 gig parition, Logical (it forces me to select a type, so I select ext3), hitting enter on it just gives the "Edit parition" box. Do I need to do this outside of the installer in gparted?23:54
B166erxseamus7, Volume Visible was checked23:54
seamus7B166erx just do ALT +F2 and type gconf ... then it's apps/nautilus/desktop23:54
unoproffe__,  if thats the case, try this instead.  sudo apt-get install --reinstall libgtkmm-dev libsqlite3-dev autotools-dev autoconf automake libtool23:54
fxfitzhwilde, Alright, well it sounds good. Thanks a lot123:54
hwildefxfitz, have them do "sudo ifconfig eth0 down"  "sudo ifconfig eth0 up"  "sudo dhclient eth0"23:54
seamus7B166erx oh nevermind23:54
moveaxdoug2266778822: I have this irssi session screened on a remote server, so if you like, keep checking back with me and I@ll let you know how I got on. Already got one reply, but it doesn't help.23:54
fxfitzhwilde, Okay will do23:55
KooperKoolwhat happens if I Remove ubuntu-desktop?23:55
jaffarkelshacadinc, usually gets installed by update manager23:55
pmcclellandhaving trouble playing .mkv files they are running pretty choppy23:55
doug2266778822moveax: how i join the irrsi?23:55
nuccodo you already have some windows partitions?23:55
pmcclellandusing nvidia proprietary drivers23:55
JoelitoHi, I notice the icon effect while pushing the icons on the upper panel of ubuntu hardy, can I enable that effect on the menu items?23:55
zeeeeehwilde, http://rafb.net/p/agfzmf24.html23:55
nuccoSteve^ do you already have some windows partitions?23:55
pmcclelland8800 GT23:55
n000bonce u install xubuntu can u revert back to ubuntu?23:55
hwildeSteve^, just use guided partitioning man!23:55
adincfinal version of hardy has been released, are the updates going to be less frequent now23:55
Steve^nucco, yup, a fat16 and a ntfs23:55
thompahas there been an update since yesaterday?23:55
drivetraxSteve^:  -- I believe it is saying.. do you want to make this an ext3 partition, and to do that you Edit the partition, and Make it a Partition of that type23:55
moveaxdoug2266778822: haha, you don't, it's an irc client.23:55
moveaxdoug2266778822: btw, the gstreamer driver, i've just noticed, doesn't include dvd playback of encrypted dvds23:56
nuccoSteve^, those also count as part of the 4 maximum you can have.23:56
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Steve^nucco, yea, I know23:56
zeeeeethose are the errors i'm getting23:56
SindaciousCpudan80, obviously. I just updated to it, and I'm getting lag from nowhere, and I cannot install anything through the Add/Remove23:56
nuccoSteve^, so, you gotta delete all the linux partitions you have, and make them all inside a logical partition23:56
zeeeeedpkg basically crashes with a failed assertion after a bunch of failed attempts to configure packages23:56
hwildezeeeee, sudo apt-get install x11-xfs-utils23:56
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nuccoSteve^ delete them all including the swap, then make a new logical partition with all the space, see what it gives you23:57
Steve^nucco, yea, but the tool won't let me make logical partitions. I'm going to try and make all swap, / and /home as "logical" and see if that works23:57
thompafirefox is causing my screen to lock up23:57
seamus7B166erx when I plug media cards in they get mounted twice ... so I don't know what's happening there23:57
nuccoSteve^ you gotta delete the existing ones first, just leaving the two windows partitions you dont want to touch23:57
doug2266778822moveax: ah ok23:57
zeeeeehwilde, that just tells me to run dpkg --configure -a23:58
nuccoSteve^ the logical partition also counts as part of the 4 maximum :)23:58
ethana2Got a problem with intel pro wireless 3945 abg network adapter23:58
ethana2not seeing any networks23:58
Steve^nucco, I  have the 80 gigs of free space. I select logical and it appears to just make it as a normal parition. There is nothing in the table to indicate it is logical23:58
ethana2suspected driver bug23:58
hwildezeeeee, sorry that's way over my head.  you need to install those things that says "Package x11-xfs-utils is not installed"  bcause the other things depend on it23:58
B166erxSeamus7 i think i'm trying to 'get it' ..Ubuntu, while trying to make it simple, just keep Frakkin up everything for old timers like me.  Instead of having to go in Fstab, create a folder in /media, ect...   Hardy auto mount and detect the drives...and simply name them 'Media  **gig'     , But since i upgraded, i still have the Fstab lines and all, maybe thats it..23:58
ethana2i'm helping a guy out, his wireless isn't working, but there's no sensical reason for that23:58
nuccoSteve^ when you make logical, that gives you 3 partitions including the windows ones right?23:58
hansengelHi, I just updated to Hardy and for some reason the sound is REALLY quiet.23:59
roffe__unop: I did both the commands you gave me now, and still an error: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64444/23:59
hansengelIf I raise the volume to the highest it can go, it's a normal level23:59
zeeeeehwilde, yeah, i read the messages too, but the upgrade process was completely hosed23:59
hansengelMy speakers are as high as they can go also23:59
nuccoethana2: explain the problem please, better chances of getting help that way23:59
zeeeeehttp://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/222096 is what happened23:59
Steve^nucco, yea, its working like I thought. You don't make a logical partition. You make them all with the "logical" option, it assigned them to sda5,6,7 and it'll make the logical bit for you23:59
KooperKoolWhat happens if I remove ubuntu-desktop?23:59
KrimZonwhat's that acpi script in hardy where you can enable/disable laptop-mode?23:59
hwildeKooperKool, what do you think man?  it uninstalls the desktop23:59
Steve^nucco, its trying to be user friendly and therefore confusing people who know what they want23:59
josh04KooperKool: nothing, it's a meta-package23:59

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