
mefisto__running xev will tell what is really happening perhaps00:00
pasimefisto__, single click on everything results as double click. If I click for example firefox button on my kbar it opens two firefox windows00:00
Xauththat is odd00:02
ubotuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »00:02
pasigreat. now it works. Thanks again robotgeek :-)00:02
sven_oostenbrinkIf the upgrade process died during the installation process.. Can I continue it with  dpkg --configure -a ?00:02
sven_oostenbrinkupgrade process = upgrading from 7.10 to 8.0400:03
mefisto__pasi: how did you fix it?00:04
Xauthdude download from sweden servers ... I guess no one ever tried ... yesterday I downladed 8.04 at 600kb00:04
Xauthim running it00:04
sven_oostenbrinkXauth> I downloaded it (3.2GB) at an average of 10KB :(::::::::00:04
pasimefisto__, I used a xorg conf section provided in the bug report robotgeek pointed out00:04
sven_oostenbrinkAnyway.. Anyone on fixing a hanging upgrade with dpkg --configure -a ?00:05
sven_oostenbrinkBecause, its hanging here.. Looks like I should have a request window where I have to select yes or no but.. there is no window.. and the upgrade window is not responsive..00:05
pasiGreat. Now I can start enjoying my brand new kubuntu version. Huge thanks to kubuntu team for another release!00:06
sven_oostenbrinkI'd like to be like Pasi.... But how can I fix my upgrade? :(00:06
sven_oostenbrinkIm at 75%00:06
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mefisto__sven_oostenbrink: can you restart the upgrade from adept?00:07
Algyz!hi | replman00:08
ubotureplman: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!00:08
replmanDoes anyone know how to save the session in kde4?00:08
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ubuntu_hey there can anyone help me with the command line to upgrade the dist to 8.04 (with adept) (the fetch update just giving me the 7 although i allready have it)00:11
replmananother thing is: I installed kubuntu 8.04, 32bit from CD, but it seems there is no kde-help installed.00:11
replmanif i run K -> Programs -> Help i only get an empty helpcenter :-(00:12
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=== edguy is now known as edguy7
mefisto__replman: kde4 is still quite new. maybe the help files don't exist yet? someone in #kubuntu-kde4 might know more00:14
edguy7hey there can anyone help me with the command line to upgrade the dist to 8.04 (with adept) (the fetch update just giving me the 7 although i allready have it) ? what is the command line for adept?00:14
replmanedguy7: i think it's apt-get dist-upgrade00:15
mefisto__edguy7: no it's do-release-upgrade00:15
raindo anyone know where i can change brightness?00:15
mefisto__dist-upgrade is discouraged00:16
edguy7for the adept? i think that's for the console and because i'm using default hebrew languge it's working so well..00:16
mefisto__edguy7: for adept it's "kdesu adept_manager"00:16
edguy7that's the usual manger but for dist upgrade?00:17
rainyesterday display was ok but today its terrible  and now i need to know how to change brightness00:17
edguy7i remember that the command was is the kubuntu.org guide but they changed it to fetch update and that's not working..00:17
mefisto__I think you add --dist-upgrade to the end00:18
replmandoes anyone know what package must be installed to get the kde-help?00:18
nosrednaekimedguy7: what you can do is change all gutsys to hardys in /etc/atp/sources.list and then run "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade"00:18
=== Carnage` is now known as Carnage\
sven_oostenbrinkCould anybody please tell me if I can fix (finish) an 7.10 > 8.04 upgrade with dpkg --configure -a  if the upgrade tool hangs?00:19
sven_oostenbrinkMy upgrade tool should now show me a request window which I HAVE to answer, but I can't, because the window with yes / no / show diff isn't there.. so its stuck00:19
sven_oostenbrinkMy upgrade tool should now show me a request window which I HAVE to answer, but I can't, because the window with yes / no / show diff isn't there.. so its stuck00:20
sven_oostenbrink The only way I see how i can fix this is to kill the upgrade tool and to finish it another way (its at 75%)00:20
sven_oostenbrinkBut if I kill the upgrade tool.. How can I finish my upgrade?00:20
edguy7well... i'll try that thank's but if i'm not mistaking the command was wkdesu "adep_manager .." and something with deb00:20
nosrednaekimsven_oostenbrink: its simple00:20
rainHow to changa brightness?00:21
nosrednaekimsven_oostenbrink: after you kill it, run "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"00:21
sven_oostenbrinknosrednaekim> and just resume the upgrade?00:21
rainDO ANYONE know it?00:21
sven_oostenbrinkI mean, it already downloaded all packages, and it was already installing so...00:21
nosrednaekimsven_oostenbrink: thats what that does....00:21
mefisto__nosrednaekim: I did exactly that yesterday and it screwed things up tremendously00:21
sven_oostenbrinknosrednaekim> it will just continue, really??00:21
nosrednaekimmefisto__: really? I've never see it mess up that bad00:21
nosrednaekimsven_oostenbrink: yeah... I think it should be fine00:21
nosrednaekimbetter than doin nothin ;)00:22
sven_oostenbrinkits just that.. Im a weeee bit scared here to get stuck with a braindamaged laptop00:22
mefisto__nosrednaekim: it screwed up dependencies (kdecore-data didn't install, and other problems)00:22
nosrednaekimmefisto__: did you run dist-upgrade or just plain upgrade?00:22
sven_oostenbrinknosrednaekim> Im already in the twilight zone here anyway.. ctrl-alt-esc is dead already, just so is alt-tab, f12, f1, f2, etc..00:22
nosrednaekimbetter hurry up :)00:23
mefisto__nosrednaekim: dist-upgrade. eventually I got it working, but it was a pain00:23
sven_oostenbrinkkilled the upgrade tool.. lets start over ..00:23
nosrednaekimyou may have to run this command00:24
ubotuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »00:24
sven_oostenbrinknosrednaekim> yeah, got that command as a script here already since I encountered that problem like @(#$* times..00:25
sven_oostenbrinknosrednaekim> anyway,  the aptfix won't interfere in hte upgrade process?00:25
sven_oostenbrinknosrednaekim> looks like the aptfix will already fiinish the upgrade here00:26
nosrednaekimah yes... the dpkg --configure -a00:27
mefisto__sven_oostenbrink: leave out the dpkg part00:27
sven_oostenbrinkmefisto__> too late for that one..00:27
sven_oostenbrinkmefisto__> should I abort then?00:27
sven_oostenbrinkmefisto__>  nosrednaekim> and continue with the upgrade tool?00:28
mefisto__sven_oostenbrink: I would let dpkg finish, otherwise things might get worse00:28
sven_oostenbrinkBecause the dpkg --configure -a is running like wind here..00:28
nosrednaekimlet it go00:29
* sven_oostenbrink is praying to the mighty penguin here to be mercyful...00:29
rainCan any one help me or not , i have so easy question and some one should answer it, My question is" How to change brightness and/or which *.conf file i should edit for it"00:29
rickeyi see the download severs are back up and running today00:30
sven_oostenbrinkrain> good morning to you to..  IIRC there is a control in the display settings in KDE for that... you can correct gamma and brightness00:30
mefisto__rain: in systemsettings > display you can adjust gamma, or in /etc/X11/xorg.conf there is a gamma setting00:30
Odd-rationalerain: you should be able to adjust the brightness in the powermanager that should be in your tray00:30
sven_oostenbrinkrain> at least in KDE3.. KDE4 is missing A LOT of those things00:30
sven_oostenbrinkrain> well there you go... like 3 - 4 answers.. :)00:31
Odd-rationalerain: yeah, kde3 i meant...00:31
Odd-rationalealso, some of it (at least on mine) is adjusted in the bios settings00:31
rainwhat is powermanager00:32
Odd-rationalerain: kde3 or 400:32
sven_oostenbrinkrain> that which manages your power settings...00:32
Odd-rationalerain: do alt f2 and type in00:32
ubotuKubuntu Hardy Heron (8.04) torrents can be obtained at http://se.cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/8.04/release/ (KDE 3.5.9) or http://se.cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu-kde4/releases/8.04/release/ (KDE 4.0.3)00:33
nosrednaekimrain: if you have a desktop, the powermanager will not work00:33
rainnothing happens00:33
mefisto__rain: that's for laptops only00:33
Odd-rationalenosrednaekim: really? didn't know that...00:33
rainrain@rain:~$ guidance-power-manager00:34
rainrain@rain:~$ No battery found.00:34
rainThis is not a laptop, quitting ...00:34
poseidonHow do I run the nvidia settings program as a root user?00:34
sven_oostenbrinknosrednaekim> and what if you want to manage your harddrive spin down times, etc on your desktop then?00:34
marx2kWhy are the amd64 torrents for Kubuntu only DVD?00:34
poseidonI try to save my settings to the x configuration file, but it gives me a permission denied00:34
nosrednaekimrain: adjust the gamma... its the easist way00:34
rainhow i do if i dont have laptop?00:34
nosrednaekimsven_oostenbrink: use kpowermanager, guidance doesn't do that anyway00:34
nosrednaekimrain: in system settings00:35
sven_oostenbrinknosrednaekim> ohw, I actually was talking about kpowermanager.. :P00:35
mefisto__poseidon: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf      or      kdesu kwrite /etc/X11/xorg.conf00:35
raingamma settings is not ing xorg.conf00:36
raini am using 8.0400:36
nosrednaekimrain: doesn't your monitor have a britness adjustment?00:37
rickeywell i am not here to gripe tonigth , the download severs are back up and i got everthing squared away00:37
rickey happy am i00:37
mefisto__rain: you can add "Gamma 1.0" in your Monitor section. Highter gamma numbers are brighter00:37
=== Ginungaggap is now known as Ginnungagap
rainin kcontrol -> monitor i couldnt find brightness , there was only gamma00:37
poseidonmefisto__, I need to get nvidia-settings to write to it so I can set up dual screens.  I tried kdesu nvidia-settings but it say "timestamp to far in the future.00:38
nosrednaekimrain: adjust all of the gamma's down and thats the same as brightness00:38
rainThen i can add Brightness 1.0 too?00:38
raingamma and brightness are different items for me00:39
troteki can upgrade a gutsy installation with the hardy dvd, right?00:39
rainhow u make  ur messages in red color?00:39
mefisto__poseidon: is your date and time set correctly?00:39
poseidonmefisto__, I just changed my time00:40
Odd-rationalejust put the person's nick in you line and it will appear highlighted in the other's client00:40
geniirain: When your name is in a message it turns red to let you know. If you put your own name in a message it won't appear red to you however00:40
Odd-rationaleposeidon: wait until you catch up with the time... ;)00:40
rainso it type"Name:<MESSAGE>" ?00:42
ubotuYou can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.00:42
chrisrogersi need help with a problem anybody00:42
nosrednaekimchrisrogers: :)00:42
chrisrogershey nosrednaekim00:42
nosrednaekimsame problem?00:43
chrisrogersnosrednaekim: i figured out what my problem was00:43
nosrednaekimooh really?00:43
chrisrogersnosrednaekim: yea but i can't fix it00:43
chrisrogersnosrednaekim: it's my fglrx driver00:43
rainis kubuntu 8.04 more crap than 7.10 ?00:43
ImLizI'm having an issue with a tar.gz file... I did ./configure and make, but on su comes up with the error "authentication failure". Can I do sudo make install instead????00:43
chrisrogersnosrednaekim: when i reinstalled Kubuntu and installed the fglrx driver it did it again, so i uninstalled it and it's working fine now, but i can't enable compiz without it00:44
chrisrogersnosrednaekim: what am i to do?00:44
nosrednaekimchrisrogers: what graphics card?00:44
nosrednaekimchrisrogers: choose what you want :P00:44
chrisrogersnosrednaekim: ATI Mobility Radeon HD 260000:44
chrisrogersnosrednaekim: this sux mounds00:45
nosrednaekimah... one... of... them00:45
ImLizcan anyone help???00:45
chrisrogersnosrednaekim: i like my video card00:45
nosrednaekimyeah.. I like them too... but the support in the free driver is lacking00:45
chrisrogersnosrednaekim: free driver? is there one you pay for, at this rate, i'll try anything00:46
rain<nosrednaekim>can i write about  brightness inxorg.conf00:46
nosrednaekimI mean, Open-source00:47
nosrednaekimrain: not sure... try "man xorg.conf"00:47
halcyonCorsairhow can i get the UUID for a certain disk i want to mount?00:47
mefisto__halcyonCorsair: sudo vol_id /dev/sda1  or whatever device00:49
chrisrogersany suggestions anybody?00:49
chrisrogersis there another ati driver out there other than fglrx?00:49
Eruaranthe hd2600 is supported by the radeonhd driver00:50
chrisrogershow do i find it00:50
chrisrogersEruaran: ?00:50
Eruaranjust a sec00:50
chrisrogersEruaran: ok00:50
chrisrogersEruaran: i think i found it00:51
EruaranI first saw it there00:51
chrisrogerscross your fingers you guys00:53
rain<nosrednaekim> Should it look like Section "Monitor"00:54
rainIdentifier"Configured Monitor"00:54
rain"Gamma 1.0"00:54
nosrednaekimIDK... never done it00:54
sven_oostenbrinkwoohoo.. my upgrade finished...00:55
mefisto__rain: that's right. but there is normally other stuff in the monitor section of course00:55
sven_oostenbrinknow, restart and lets see if it will start at all...00:55
rain<nosrednaekim> should it look like this Section "Monitor"Identifier"Configured Monitor""Gamma 1.0"EndSection00:55
tekteenanyone know if the servers are going faster?00:55
rainsorry if this message was double00:55
monolithIs it possible to upgrade to 8.04-KDE4 from a 7.10 install? I mean, is there a spesific way to do it or can I just upgrade to 8.04 then install the KDE4 packages?00:56
chrisrogersEruaran: how do i install it?00:56
mefisto__rain: but you can change that at systemsettings > display > colour and gamma tab.  it's the same setting that is changing00:57
rainthen i change gamma with brightness and see what happens00:57
chrisrogersEruaran: it's a tar.bz200:57
raini dont need changa gamma00:57
Eruaranchrisrogers: cool00:57
tekteenmonolith: install kubuntu-kde4 package00:57
raini need changa brightness00:57
Eruaranchrisrogers: is it on your desktop ?00:57
chrisrogersEruaran: yep00:57
ImLizhas anyone installed firefox 2 in kubuntu????00:58
Eruaranchrisrogers: you should be able to right click and use kubuntu's package tool00:58
Eruaranchrisrogers: otherwise there should be instructions on the site you got it from00:58
chrisrogersEruaran: ok that will let me extract it, but how do i install it00:58
mefisto__rain: doesn't increasing gamma make things brighter?00:58
Eruaranonce its extracted you probably have to run the shell script00:59
raini have that 8.04  bog.. brightness changed  from 100% to40%00:59
=== Carnage` is now known as Carnage\
chrisrogersok done00:59
chrisrogershey odd00:59
rainif u set up windows drivers then you chose both gamma and brightness01:00
monolithtekteen: So just normal upgrade then install that?01:00
Odd-rationalechrisrogers: i was trying to ssh and xfce4-session. crashed my xserver...01:00
poseidonIn the nvidia settings manager, what is Xinerama?01:00
tekteenmonolith: yep01:00
monolithtekteen: Thanks! =)01:00
tekteenmonolith: then you will have both01:00
chrisrogersOdd-rationale:  yikes, btw it was fglrx that screwed my system up, so i got "radeonhd" drivers and i'm trying to install them now01:01
chrisrogersOdd-rationale: but i don't know how to install a tar.bz201:01
DevourerHow come my desktop doesn't look like http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Kubuntu_8.04_with_KDE_4.png ?01:01
Eruaranchrisrogers: they usually have a shell script to run in those kind of things... pop open the konsole, cd to Desktop/whateverthefoldernameis and go - sudo sh whatevertheshellfilenameis01:01
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)01:01
monolithtekteen: Good. =)01:01
EruaranIt should only take a few seconds01:02
EruaranWhen its done you'll have to restart x01:02
=== rain is now known as HateUAll
chrisrogerswhat does a shell script look like?01:03
Eruaranchrisrogers: .sh01:04
chrisrogersEruaran: ok thanks01:04
Eruaranotherwise you can open the folder in dolphin and mouse over it to see what kind of filetype it is01:04
tsamanasked too01:05
chrisrogersno input file selected01:05
Eruaranchrisrogers: check spelling ;)01:05
tsamanwhere tree view mode in dolphin01:05
DevourerI just upgraded from 7.10 to 8.04... and now I don't think my sound works... help?01:05
chrisrogerschrisrogers@ubuntu:~/Desktop/xf86-video-radeonhd-1.2.0$ sudo sh install-sh01:06
chrisrogersinstall-sh: no input file specified.01:06
wilsonKubuntu 8.04 - powermanager puts my laptop into hibernate on startup mistaking the lid as being closed.. anyone experience same?01:06
Eruaranchrisrogers: hmm ok01:06
Eruaranoh lol01:06
mefisto__tsaman: dolphin doesn't have a tree view01:07
Eruaranchrisrogers: do this: sudo sh xf86-video-radeonhd-1.2.001:07
chrisrogersin the same folder?01:08
alexidoiahi, I guess its a common report when upgrading, a problem with host not resolved appears for each sudo attempt, this is easily solve with gksudo gedit /etc/hosts but the problem is that I have a (gksudo6294)Gtk-Warning** Cannot open display, what can I do ?01:08
chrisrogerssh: Can't open xf86-video-radeonhd-1.2.001:08
tsamanoooh, thanks mefisto__01:08
Eruaranchrisrogers: oh does it have that $ on the end of the filename ?01:09
chrisrogersEruaran: yep01:09
Eruaranthat doesn't look right01:09
Eruaranoh ok01:09
Eruaranmy bad01:09
chrisrogersdo i need to backup one folder?01:09
Eruaranchrisrogers: do this: sudo sh xf86-video-radeonhd-1.2.0$01:10
chrisrogersno dice01:10
chrisrogerssame thing01:10
chrisrogersthis is getting on my nerves01:10
mefisto__alexidoia: gksudo won't work either if sudo is not working. You have to boot in recovery mode, which will give you root access to everything in a terminal01:10
chrisrogersbrb my g/f is bitching at me to go get food01:10
Eruaranchrisrogers: don't worry, you have the driver so we can sort it out01:11
chrisrogerssorry for the cuss01:11
DevourerNo one likes my problems... :'(01:11
alexidoiamefisto__: ok that is from the bios ?how to reboot in recue mode ?01:11
EruaranDevourer: check sound is not muted ?01:11
DevourerEruaran, I have, and it's not.01:11
mefisto__alexidoia: the grub menu that lists boot options. just choose the second one, which should have (recovery mode) after it01:12
DevourerEruaran, how do I get KMix to select ALSA? :o01:12
Odd-rationaleDevourer: tried a "speaker-test" in terminal?01:12
DevourerOdd-rationale, nope.01:12
alexidoiamefisto__: ok but how do I get to that menu ?>01:12
DevourerOdd-rationale, let me do that.01:12
wilsonhow do i turn off powermanager? it's putting my laptop into hibernate on startup?01:12
EruaranDevourer: system settings > sound system01:12
mefisto__alexidoia: it should appear before your computer starts booting01:13
alexidoiamefisto__: does not for sure01:13
DevourerEruaran, I don't see system settings.01:13
EruaranAm I advising wrongly that all you need to do to start up an install shell script is : sudo sh ?01:14
Eruarananyone ?01:14
DevourerTime per period = 2.98672501:14
Devourer 0 - Front Left01:14
DevourerOdd-rationale, it's printing that out.01:14
Odd-rationaleDevourer: hear anything?01:14
EruaranDevourer: kmenu > system settings01:14
DevourerOdd-rationale, nope.01:14
Odd-rationalectrl+c to stop01:14
Mason059Hi all.  OK if I ask a question?01:15
DevourerEruaran, oh, I see it.01:15
mefisto__alexidoia: how many seconds is timeout set to when you do this: cat /boot/grub/menu.lst | grep timeout01:15
DevourerEruaran,  I don't see anything useful in  sound settings.01:16
DevourerEruaran, or rather sound system.01:16
EruaranDevourer: ok... I'm not an expert but sometimes it helps01:16
Mason059Anyone know which kernel is best to run on a duocore processor?  I'm running generic, but get arbitrary hangs.  I'm thinking I might be better off with an X64 or smp kernel01:16
=== saki_ is now known as neosaki
DevourerOdd-rationale, any other ideas?01:17
Odd-rationaleDevourer: checked the alsa-mixer that nothing is muted?01:17
DevourerOdd-rationale, how? Type alsa-mixer into the terminal?01:18
chrisrogersok, back for just a second01:18
Devourerdevo@devo-desktop:~$ alsa-mixer01:18
Devourerbash: alsa-mixer: command not found01:18
mefisto__no hyphen, just alsamixer01:18
nosrednaekimDevourer: alsamixer01:18
Eruaranchrisrogers: is there a .run file ?01:19
Odd-rationalesorry :/01:19
chrisrogersi'll check01:19
DevourerOdd-rationale, np. :D01:19
DevourerOdd-rationale, how do I change sound levels?01:19
chrisrogerswhat do i do :(01:20
Odd-rationaleDevourer: press m to mute/unmute and use the arrow to addjust level and lft/right to change channels01:20
chrisrogershold on i may be an idiot01:20
Eruaranchrisrogers: can you point me to where you got it from, I'll dl it so I can see whats in it01:20
chrisrogersthat link you gave me01:20
Eruaranoh ok01:20
chrisrogersbut here just in case, direct download link01:21
DevourerOdd-rationale, they are all set to 0...01:21
Odd-rationaleDevourer: hmm01:21
Odd-rationaleDevourer: movethe master, master m and pcm up01:22
Eruaranchrisrogers: install instructions are in the readme file ;)01:22
DevourerOdd-rationale, still no sound. :|01:22
chrisrogersEruaran: i couldn't figure that out01:23
Odd-rationalehmm. dunno.01:23
Eruaranchrisrogers: its one where you have to do a make, make install ...01:23
Odd-rationalegtg eat brb01:23
chrisrogersyea and it says no makefile01:23
Eruaranchrisrogers: ok01:23
DevourerOdd-rationale, don't leave me.01:23
DevourerOdd-rationale, I don't want to be alone.01:23
Odd-rationalei'm hungry...01:23
DevourerOdd-rationale, well, hurry up. :P01:24
chrisrogershold on maybe i'm an idiot01:24
mefisto__Devourer: do you have more than one soundcard?01:24
Devourermefisto__, no. I'm am fairly sure I only have 1.01:24
Nolecan someone tell me how to change the resolution on kubuntu?01:24
chrisrogersi don't have automake installed01:24
Eruaranchrisrogers: in konsole make sure youre in /home/yourhomefolder/Desktop/xf86...01:24
chrisrogersyep i'm there01:25
mefisto__Devourer: type asoundconf list01:25
Devourermefisto__, it returns Intel.01:25
Eruaransudo ./autogen.sh01:25
chrisrogers./autogen.sh: command not found01:27
mefisto__Devourer: if you've got the levels up in alsamixer and still no sound, try to restart sound with: sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart01:27
chrisrogerswtf guys01:27
chrisrogersi an't get this shyt to work01:27
chrisrogersoh wait01:27
Nolehow do i change resolution01:28
arcticpenguin380why is kubuntu 8.04 more slow than 7.10?01:28
Devourermefisto__, I restarted it and I'm still not getting any sound.01:28
wilsonCan someone help me -- Powermanager is putting my laptop into hibernate mode on startup. I cann't use my computer other than safemode.01:28
PseudoOneHow can I find my KDE version? :)01:28
mefisto__PseudoOne: any kde app will tell you in help menu "About KDE"01:29
EruaranPseudoOne: in any kde app you can click the help menu and click 'about kde'01:29
PseudoOneha thanks, found it quickly here Konversation01:30
DevourerOoo... I'm still using 3.5... How can I use 4?01:30
chrisrogersi did sudo ./configure and it did something01:30
DevourerKDE that is.01:30
Eruaranchrisrogers: ah ok01:30
chrisrogersbut i don't know what01:30
Eruaranchrisrogers: thats ok01:30
chrisrogersdid it install it?01:31
Eruaranchrisrogers: not yet but its a step01:31
chrisrogerswhy does the readme not ever have the right stuff01:31
chrisrogersbrb gotta pick up the food i ordered01:32
Devourermefisto__, I am sad.01:32
chrisrogersgo ahead and type what you figure out and i'll try it when i get back01:32
PseudoOneDevourer, you would install the packages for KDE4 (core) and in the login menu you can select a KDE session, I found http://www.fsckin.com/2007/09/29/i-dont-think-were-in-kansas-anymore-how-to-install-kde-4-beta-2-on-ubuntu-gutsy-gibbon-beta-710/ helpful :)01:32
PseudoOneshould've used tinyurl :<01:32
DevourerPseudoOne, wouldn't upgrading from 7.10 to 8.04 automatically install KDE4? :(01:32
mefisto__Devourer: is this a laptop?01:32
Devourermefisto__, nope.01:32
nosrednaekimDevourer: if you are on 8.04, you can just run "sudoa apt-get install kubuntu-kde4-desktop"01:33
PseudoOnenot necessarily, I got KDE 3 on my Hardy distro :<01:33
mefisto__Devourer: and you've got speaker plugged in correctly?01:33
Devourermefisto__, yes.01:34
Devourernosrednaekim, is it sudoa or sudo?01:34
mefisto__Devourer: how are you testing sound?01:35
Devourermefisto__, opening a mp3 with VLC and going to Youtube with FireFox.01:35
Devourermefisto__, BTW, FireFox upgraded to this newer version and now my Google Toolbar doesn't work. :'(01:35
Devourermefisto__, I also did that sound test thing in the terminal.01:36
mefisto__Devourer: ff3 ?01:37
goofyptrhi all01:37
Devourermefisto__, yeah.01:37
Devourermefisto__, it's 3.0b5.01:38
arcticpenguin380will 320MB run kubuntu 8.04?01:40
ImLizanyone know how to install firefox 2  on kubuntu???01:40
nosrednaekimDevourer: sudo of course ;)01:40
will00does anyone know why a working computer would give a grub error 15 after unplugging and replugging each hard drive?01:40
nosrednaekimarcticpenguin380: sure01:40
Devourernosrednaekim, haha, yeah.01:40
nosrednaekimwill00: sure you put the cables back in the right Hard drives01:40
will00yes i am01:41
nosrednaekimdid you boot the computer between plugs and unplugs?01:41
will00yes but i booted a live cd01:41
nosrednaekimah.. there you go... teh BIOS probably remapped the drives01:41
will00so how do i fix this?01:42
nosrednaekimyou need to go in and edit your /boot/grub/menu.lst and swap drive numbers01:42
nosrednaekimyou can do that from a liveCD01:42
will00im guessing i would have to chroot?01:42
nosrednaekimnope... no Chroot, just edit the file01:42
nosrednaekimI think that should fix it. if not, you may have to mess around in your BIOS.01:43
nosrednaekimwhich may be preffered anyway01:43
nosrednaekimcome to think of it.01:43
will00now wait, how would i mess around with it in the bios? iv already set the boot order and i dont think thats changed01:44
nosrednaekimthey are SATA right?01:44
will00iv got 2 sata 1 pata01:44
nosrednaekimok, what you need to do is go in and edit which of those sata drives is the "first"01:45
nosrednaekim(I  think you can do that)01:45
will00yea lemme check i think it hasnt changed though01:45
mefisto__Devourer: for firefox, you can try installing an extension (mr tech toolkit http://www.mrtech.com/msgboard/toolkit.xpi) which will let you "make compatible" other extensions you have installed but are disabled. It doesn't always work, but you could try. It just changes the version number of the extension to whatever your current browser is01:46
Devourermefisto__, too lazy for that. I just want sound to work. :(01:46
mefisto__Devourer: yeah, that's more important. Just thought I'd let you know01:47
Devourermefisto__, thanks. :)01:47
will00nosrednaekim: that worked perfectly thanks01:47
phoenixzHi there, I have some packages in dpkg that *absolutely* won't install.. How can I remove these from the list? they keep causing problems here...01:49
phoenixzI just want to dump them01:49
Eruaranchrisrogers: just message me when you get back01:49
goofyptrhi i need some help -- kubuntu is putting my laptop into hibernate mode on startup01:51
goofyptrhow can i stop that from happening?01:53
goofyptrany ideas?01:54
chrisrogersEruaran: back01:56
chrisrogersany luck?01:57
Eruarantry doing sudo sh install-sh again01:57
chrisrogerscant open01:57
mefisto__goofyptr: you may be able to get around it by putting acpi=off in boot options at grub menu before booting01:57
mefisto__goofyptr: but then you'll have no power management01:58
goofyptrmefisto__: ic. i'll try that. at least it'll give me my computer back!01:58
Eruaranchrisrogers: try make01:59
Eruaran(youre right the readme is totally useless)02:00
chrisrogerstold ya02:00
Eruaranmake install ?02:00
Eruaranok gimmie a sec02:02
violinapprenmy realtek eth cards generates packages with wrong TCP/UDP checksums, any idea? (i tried disabling checksum offloading but says operation not supported)02:03
nosrednaekimchrisrogers: what are you trying to install?02:04
Eruaranhave you searched for hd2600 in the repositories at all ?02:05
Eruarannosrednaekim: I dont think I'm being much help02:05
nosrednaekimchrisrogers: that doesn't even have 3D accel, its not going to do you any good02:07
nosrednaekimyeah :)02:07
nosrednaekimthis is more like it: http://linux.softpedia.com/get/System/Hardware/ATI-Radeon-Linux-Display-Drivers-6719.shtml02:08
nosrednaekimwhich is one version newer than the included one02:08
poseidonI can't enlarge my windows width only it's hight.  If I go to a corner it doens't show the option to click and drage02:09
Eruaranmobility hd2600 is supported by the 'xserver-xorg-video-radeonhd' driver in the repositories...02:09
EruaranI thought you tried that already02:09
chrisrogershow do u install a .run file02:09
nosrednaekimsudo ./installerfilename.run02:10
chrisrogersok cool thx02:10
nosrednaekimfollow this guide though http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Hardy_Installation_Guide02:10
nosrednaekimther are some other steps02:10
nosrednaekim(doing it the manual method)02:10
EruaranI'm learning something as well02:12
EruaranI will probably need this at some stage no doubt (some of our customers at work are ubuntu users who buy notebooks)02:13
Eruaranchrisrogers: sorry I wasnt better help, I don't have much experience with ati drivers02:13
Eruaran(at least radeon mobility drivers)02:14
chrisrogersthat still uses fglrx02:14
nosrednaekimyeah... but the bug might be fixed02:14
Eruaranso the 'xserver-xorg-video-radeonhd' driver in the repo's is only 2d ?02:16
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goofyptrmfisto__: thanks for ur help. I am now able to boot into kubuntu02:19
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dpsHey guys02:20
dpsI just came from opensuse with kde4.0.3 to kubuntu and...02:20
dpsWhere is the plasmas theme selector?02:20
nosrednaekimnot here yet02:20
dpsWhat you mean?02:21
nosrednaekimits not in kubuntu. I think suse backported that from 4.102:21
nosrednaekimkubuntu only ships the default 4.0.302:21
dpsYeah on suse i had updates everyday02:22
dpsthat must be it02:22
nosrednaekimwere you running 4.1 on suse?02:22
nosrednaekimhum, ok02:22
dpsBut i guess they had daily builds02:22
dpsLike 120 rpms every 2 days or so02:23
dpsBut its like KDE 4.0.3 Version... 18.102:23
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john__Hey guys/gals... I'm having an issue(not problem :) ), with Compiz and desktop effects02:24
john__I can't get my desktop settings to anything above 1 screen02:24
nosrednaekimjohn__: ok.02:24
dpsWell wird thing... i was used to having configuration tools...02:24
john__Every time I try to go to 4 it doesn't keep02:24
nosrednaekimwell, not ok... but continue :)02:24
minaquaya...I can't get the rotating cube thing going or anything either02:24
john__I can get effects between two screens even though my panel says one, but no cube02:25
nosrednaekimjohn__: are you using the "desktop effects" program02:25
dpsWell, i find ububtu and kubuntu not friendly for who already knows the drill02:25
john__System > Desktop Effects02:25
nosrednaekimjohn__: ok, and you have that set to custom?02:25
minaquasame as john.  set to custom & nada02:25
nosrednaekimI see..... try disabling it in there.02:26
nosrednaekimthen change the config, and run "compiz --replace"02:26
nosrednaekimlets see where this bug lies :)02:26
john__I'm seeing four desktops now... how do I get the cube to spin?02:27
nosrednaekimctrl+alt +arrow02:27
john__Yeah, that's what I thought-- nothing02:27
nosrednaekimtry ctrl+alt+ click+drag mouse02:28
john__It simulates a virtual desktop in one virtual desktop.  Weird02:28
nosrednaekimdid you run compiz --replace?02:28
nosrednaekimso is it turning?02:28
john__The ctrl + alt + mouse doesn't respond02:28
john__It slides back and forth with the arrows02:28
nosrednaekimand did you set the horizontal desktop size to >3 ?02:29
nosrednaekimi.e. four02:29
john__In the window manager?02:29
nosrednaekimin ccsm02:29
nosrednaekimthe pager/window manager doesn't affect compiz settings02:29
=== johnm is now known as JohnMMkubuntu
john__Do I run ccsm from the terminal02:29
nosrednaekimyou may not have it...02:30
john__I don't02:30
nosrednaekimbut it'll tell you how to get it02:30
john__apt-get ?02:30
nosrednaekimsudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager02:30
john__Cool, thank-you. :)02:30
nosrednaekimminaqua: you following this?02:31
minaquai already have it tho02:31
nosrednaekimjohn__: and try enabling the "extra" option in Dekstop Effects and trying the ctrl+alt+arrow02:32
nosrednaekimminaqua: did you set the horizontal desktop size?02:32
minaquawherez that??02:32
minaquaalso been putzin about with that baghira bit that isn't working quite right02:33
nosrednaekimbaghira is awful hard to get "right"02:34
nosrednaekimthats one mess of a theme02:34
minaquano doubt02:34
minaquafinally ditched it02:34
nosrednaekimuse domino02:35
minaquacan't find a fun dock02:35
john__I think the servers are smoking at my Ubuntu repository... :)02:35
angasulehmm, I'm going to install 8.04 soon, so I guess I might as well mess with the theme now02:36
=== ses59 is now known as ses59_
minaquastill no cubage here02:36
ses59_I have the the new 8.04 running with kde 4 plasma but the task bar is not loading how can I load the task bar.02:36
ses59_alt f2 and kcker will bring up the kde 3 but would like to use all kde 4 setting02:37
nosrednaekimses59_: right click on the panel->add applets ->taskbar02:37
nosrednaekimoh... no panel at all!?02:37
nosrednaekimminaqua: did you disable compiz in Desktop Effects ?02:38
ses59_i can add widgets and add application lancher02:38
nosrednaekimadd widgets02:38
maduserkde4 problems?02:38
ses59_i did just reinable the compiz02:38
minaquanos: no02:38
nosrednaekimminaqua: try doing that and then running "compiz --replace"02:39
nosrednaekimmaduser: oh yes :)02:39
maduserwhat issues?02:40
nosrednaekimmaduser: mostly with static IP's and such02:40
maduserpannel disaperance?02:41
maduserhas that been fixed?02:41
nosrednaekimtaskbar disappearance02:41
nosrednaekimpanel disappearance is simple to fix :P02:41
minaquanos:  it says Checking for Xgl: not present02:41
nosrednaekimerase the config file02:41
john__Yeah, me too02:42
maduserwhich one is that?02:42
minaquaNo whitelisted driver found02:42
nosrednaekimminaqua: interesting.02:42
nosrednaekimyou on ATI?02:42
john__I'm an Nvidia Ge 660002:42
maduserwhich file is the config file nosrednaekim?02:42
cefso, how do I stop KDE talking to my DSLR camera so I can use a different app to talk to it?02:43
nosrednaekimmaduser: .kde4/share/config/plasma-appletsrc02:43
nosrednaekimso compiz really isn't running for either of you and thats why you are having problems...lol :)02:43
john__It's half running :D02:44
nosrednaekimjohn__: eh? are you sure?02:44
john__My number of desktops is highlighted in blue in General settings02:44
minaquanVidia Geforge 6 series02:44
john__Well, I have desktop effects, just no cube02:44
cefnever mind. it was just kde holding onto the comms libs for a while02:44
nosrednaekimjohn__: are you sure? what effects are you getting?02:46
nosrednaekimminaqua: both 6's....i'm seeing a pattern here?02:46
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john__yeah :) ... I'm getting the fading windows on minimize and slidy screens between one desktop02:46
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leo_rockwaloha #kubuntu02:47
nosrednaekimhey leo_rockw02:47
nosrednaekimjohn__: ooooo! you need to enable the cube plugin :)02:47
john__No, it's enabled. :)02:47
minaquajust "upgraded" to Hardy last night...no more rubbery windows or cubes for me  :(02:48
leo_rockwtalking about cube plugin... i know it's offtopic but kwin4 will get the cube effect through google summer of code. just felt like letting you guys know that :-P02:48
poseidonHow do I end a process?02:48
poseidonI'm getting this "Firefox is already running, but is not responding. To open a new window, you must first close the existing Firefox process, or restart your system."02:48
leo_rockwposeidon: killall processname02:48
ses59Here is the link I used to fix it http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-664569.html02:48
nosrednaekimleo_rockw: yeah... isn't that awesome... my favorite SoC project right there :)02:49
minaquadid manage to get the wireless KB, mouse & ethernet goin tho02:49
leo_rockwposeidon: or kill pid#02:49
nosrednaekimjohn__: then... look at the shortcuts its using.02:49
leo_rockwnosrednaekim: i really don't care much about composite effects, but it's nice to have the option02:49
john__kk ... It helps me organize info :)02:49
chrisrogersdamn that was alot of crap to do02:49
crashhowdy there everyone02:49
* NightBird is trying to install kubuntu 8.04 64 from cd, and it starts the graphical interface, then pulls up BusyBox, and just sits there...02:49
nosrednaekimchrisrogers: ^_^02:49
leo_rockwhello mr crash02:50
crashwho wants to help me get the wifi working on this beast?02:50
nosrednaekimNightBird: yeah.... had the same problem!02:50
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leo_rockwcrash: i could try...02:50
nosrednaekimNightBird: seems to be quite common for some reason02:50
NightBirdit also complains about the chip not being 8139C+ compatable02:50
NightBirdnosrednaekim: so I'm hoping there is a solution to it then?02:50
crashKinda wondering why Kubuntu didnt autoinstall it02:50
nosrednaekimNightBird: I don't know.... look up on Launchpad.02:50
leo_rockwcrash: is it a broadcom?02:51
crashits an older laptop, on the wifi is onboard02:51
crashno idea what the chipset is.02:51
BrotherredHello all02:51
leo_rockwcrash: try the lspci command02:51
nosrednaekimcrash: lspci will tell you :)02:51
crashHow would I determine that in kubuntu02:51
crashlspci, one moent02:51
nosrednaekimhello Brotherred02:51
leo_rockwBrotherred: hello02:51
Brotherred< new user02:51
nosrednaekimleo_rockw: we seem to be duplicating each other :P02:51
nosrednaekimwelcome :)02:52
Brotherredrpm guy02:52
leo_rockwnosrednaekim: we seem to be du...02:52
leo_rockwBrotherred: how do you like them apts?02:52
leo_rockwi mean... debs02:52
crashlspci lists my wired ethernet, but not my wireless02:53
nosrednaekimcrash: could you pastebin it?02:53
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)02:53
BrotherredI have always wanted some empirical evidence of deb being better than rpm02:53
chrisrogersso far so good nosrednaekim02:53
Brotherredpclos uses apt and one of the best rpms02:53
leo_rockwBrotherred: i never tried rmps before. i was going to download fedora for some test driving...02:54
Brotherredhmm ok02:54
BrotherredI see two things that do impress me about the buntus so far02:55
nosrednaekimchrisrogers: cool :)02:55
Brotherredthe win installer (Oh well) and some of the Firefox addons in the repo02:56
leo_rockwBrotherred: win installer as in wubi? i haven't tried that yet (and probably never will considering i don't have a license)02:57
nosrednaekimcrash: yeah... i'm not seeing it there.02:57
nosrednaekimcrash: maybe you don't have the cardbus correctly set up02:57
chrisrogersnow it looks weird when i move windows02:57
nosrednaekim(or did you say it was internal?)02:57
crashIts not on a cardbus interface02:58
nosrednaekimchrisrogers: heh... but does loggin out work?02:58
crashits on miniPCI02:58
chrisrogersgonna check02:58
nosrednaekimcrash: ok, then no clue.02:58
crashUnless I took it out and dont remember,...02:58
* crash reaches for a screwdriver02:58
BrotherredI work in a pc repair shop where we have tried about 6 distros in the last six weeks for later distribution02:58
nosrednaekimBrotherred: heh... which one won?02:59
Brotherredmandriva or kubuntu02:59
nosrednaekimwe are flattered :)02:59
Brotherredpclos repo can not stay up or it would have won right off02:59
john__Drr..di.drr.. Nos, I enabled "Rotate Cube" and gave my horizontal desktops "3"  I now have a rotating triangle.  :) Thanks for the help03:00
leo_rockwBrotherred: were things like mint or freespired tested too?03:00
Brotherredmint was03:00
leo_rockwBrotherred: new people seem to like those better, considering they come w/ all the commercial stuff03:01
leo_rockwBrotherred: and kubuntu still won? nice03:01
nosrednaekimjohn__: awesome. thats that the settings should be... but I don't see why that didn't work automaticcally...i'll check into it03:01
Brotherredhardware detection on ten year old stuff03:01
Brotherredis what we need03:01
leo_rockwBrotherred: ooo, i see...03:02
BrotherredMandirva running compiz or at least matisse off the live cd is a real winner03:02
leo_rockwi really don't care much about compiz. it might be because i have ati...03:03
nosrednaekimleo_rockw: sour grapes :)03:03
BrotherredYes the ATI  yucks03:03
leo_rockwit was either ati or 400 dollars more for nvidia (it's a laptop)03:04
BrotherredThat is an on going discussion that I just soon avoid with the owner at this point03:04
minaquathX nos...gonna try a couple other things...let U know wot happnz :)03:04
leo_rockwbut my ati works fairly well. and i'm still waiting for those juicy free drivers03:05
BanditHi, I just upgraded to Hardy and now my wireless don't work.....i have a dell 1390 and i used ndiswrapper previously03:05
Banditdoesn't work*03:05
BrotherredI gave up the waiting03:05
leo_rockwBandit: what card is it?03:05
BanditBroadcomm Dell 139003:06
leo_rockwsophiemg: hello03:06
leo_rockwBandit: is that the name that shows up in lspci?03:06
Bandit05:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Broadcom Corporation BCM94311MCG wlan mini-PCI [14e4:4311] (rev 01)03:06
leo_rockwleo_rockw: si necesitas ayuda en español proba #kubuntu-es03:06
leo_rockwhello luphly_muth03:07
sophiemgva gracias03:07
leo_rockwsophiemg: de nada03:07
leo_rockwBandit: you're lucky, i have that card03:07
leo_rockwBandit: it's pretty easy to make it work03:07
Banditit was working in Gutsy03:07
Brotherredlol in the clutch leo_rockw03:07
Banditbut upgrade to Hardy didn't work03:07
leo_rockwBandit: yes, they changed the drivers03:07
Banditi told ndiswrapper to use bcmwl503:08
leo_rockwBrotherred: first of all install build-essential if it's not installed03:08
leo_rockwBrotherred: forget about ndiswrapper03:08
mot_hey i need helping getting the nvidia driver installed and working03:08
mot_i enabled it in the restricted drivers manager in 8.0403:08
Bandityou mean Bandit? :P03:08
mot_but when i reboot it looks like crap and everything is choppy03:08
leo_rockwer... bandit03:08
mot_the driver is 'nvidia' in xorg.conf, but i thought i wanted the 'nv' driver instead?03:08
mot_i'm confused =\03:08
leo_rockwBandit: that was my autocomplete's fault! lol03:08
Bandityeah i know :)03:08
mot_(i was originally trying to get compiz to work but it was complaining about xgl not being installed - confused on that too)03:09
mot_can i get some help? :D03:09
Banditbuild-essential is installed and to the newest version03:09
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luphly_muthhello leo...03:09
luphly_muthasl pls03:09
leo_rockwBandit: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64457/03:09
flaccidhey guys, any enemy territory users here. i have a sound question03:10
leo_rockwBandit: instructions taken from this page http://linuxwireless.sipsolutions.net/en/users/Drivers/b43  (in case you wondered)03:10
Banditthanks...are you running Hardy?03:10
leo_rockwBandit: yup03:10
Banditdo i have to undo what i did with ndiswrapper03:10
luphly_muthyes,, u can...03:10
leo_rockwBandit: after that just connect in the usual way03:10
leo_rockwBandit: i never used ndiswrapper03:10
leo_rockwBandit: so i really don't know03:10
BanditI will undo what I did03:10
Banditthanks man I'll give it a shot03:10
BrotherredHey were there repo errors this after noon? Open Areana and Nexiz would not apt-get03:11
leo_rockwBandit: if you run into any problem just let me know03:11
BanditI will :)03:11
luphly_muthwhat do u mean?03:11
leo_rockwBrotherred: my friend was having problems today to get dosbox03:11
flaccidBrotherred: whats your problem with which package?03:12
BrotherredOk close enough it answers it03:12
leo_rockwBrotherred: but only for a while, it didn't last long03:12
luphly_muthwill what?03:12
flaccid!info nexuiz03:12
ubotunexuiz (source: nexuiz): A fast-paced 3D first-person shooter. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.4-1 (hardy), package size 657 kB, installed size 2080 kB03:12
flaccidBrotherred: universe repos must be enabled03:13
leo_rockwposeidon: hello03:13
BrotherredJust that a lot of my games that I checked and their dependaneis would not install03:13
flaccidBrotherred: provide the error so we can help please03:13
Brotherredok thanx flaxxid03:13
flaccidthank me when we fix it:)03:13
Brotherredoh sorry am home now and on older dads win box03:14
flaccidthats no good03:15
flaccidjust fyi 'would not install' never helpers the helpers to help you :O03:15
leo_rockwBrotherred: get a pendrive with qemu and damn small linux :-)03:15
flaccidlol sif thats needed03:16
flaccidit would be slow as well03:16
Brotherredflaccid you told me about the universe. thanx that helps03:16
flaccidjust manage repositories in adept and then reload then it should be available03:16
leo_rockwflaccid: you mean dsl with qemu is slow?03:17
flaccidoff a pen drive it is03:17
flacciddepending on what you run03:18
leo_rockwflaccid: it worked pretty well for me in windoze and in my kubuntu box03:18
BrotherredThe win box does bring up some love for mandriva though. It auto upgraded my slmodem on one of the boxes at the pc repair shop so I can maybe convert my dads pc to full linux03:18
flaccidyeah dpends what you are running...03:18
Banditleo_rockw i copied and pasted those commands directly03:18
Banditmy wifi light didn't come on03:18
leo_rockwBandit: did you restart after that?03:18
Banditnot yet03:18
leo_rockwBandit: i think you need to restart for the drivers to kick in03:19
Banditalright let me try03:19
Banditthanks bro03:19
leo_rockwBandit: ok, np03:19
chrisrogerswell that fucked me up royally03:19
leo_rockw!ohmy | chrisrogers03:20
ubotuchrisrogers: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.03:20
BrotherredWell if I ever go to OLF again I will have to probe the *Buntu guys on .deb vs. .rpm03:21
Brotherreddiscussions on rpm heck are not enough for me03:22
flaccidBrotherred: see rpm hell03:22
flaccidall packaging systems have caveats03:23
leo_rockwdependency hell!03:23
leo_rockwi come from slackware...03:23
Brotherredand Ean Murdock has said that he sees the same thing happing in the .deb03:23
flaccidlike i said no packaging system is going to not have issues. you can read about the problems on google03:24
totocoolhi all I`ve just installed kde 4 but the panel went away, any Ideas how to add it again03:24
Banditleo_rockw i love you03:24
Brotherredso no matter what distro wins out I still will wonder03:24
Videirais there anyone using NVidia graphics with console framebuffer support? I'm trying to enable 1280x1024 console but it says that vga=795 is invalid03:24
leo_rockwBandit: i could give you my paypal account... but i don't have one :-P03:24
flaccidtotocool: #kubuntu-kde403:24
Bandithaha thanks man03:24
Banditmuch thanks03:24
leo_rockwBandit: go to my blog and leave a message on the Exit Gutsy Enter Hardy II03:25
leo_rockwBandit: leorockway.wordpress03:25
leo_rockwBandit: :-P03:25
BrotherredYes all packaging has issues sure03:25
leo_rockwBandit: that post got like 80 views in 3 days, haha03:25
crashwifi card is gone03:25
flaccidwhat i dislike is that out of the box, kubuntu fails with doing upgrades. that imo is pathetic03:26
flaccidi guess thats because adept cannot handle interactive yet with apt03:26
Brotherredoh and your rolling releases have always impressed so that answers part of the rpm question03:27
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baudthiefholy shit, 1.5gb of download to do a dist-upgrade :(03:29
leo_rockw!ohmy | baudthief03:29
ubotubaudthief: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.03:29
Iomeres there anyone using NVidia graphics with console framebuffer support? I'm trying to enable 1280x1024 console but it says that vga=795 is invalid03:29
baudthief*great googamooga, 1.5gb of download to do a dist-upgrade :(03:29
flaccidi think its funny. you install gutsy 7.10 and then straight up adept says a new version is available and suggests 7.10. err but im already on that lol <-- not logical03:30
carloszhey, what's with the xorg in the new kubuntu? how do I enable nvidia?03:30
leo_rockwbaudthief: lol03:30
flaccid!nvidia | carlosz03:30
ubotucarlosz: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:30
stdinflaccid: that was a bug in adept that was fixed after release03:30
baudthiefanyone NOT recommend upgrading from gutsy to 8.04?03:30
baudthiefis it worth the 1.5gb :p03:31
Dr_willisThe xorg.conf now uses a minimal setup. I had to install the nvidia-glx (or glx-new) package and then restart X - i dident have to tweak my xorg.conf last time.03:31
Dr_willisbaudthief,   if you want the features go for it.. if not.. dont. :)03:31
flaccidstdin: ah ok a bit weird that it wasn't picked up in testing. also it still fails with the upgrade as it asks a question such as which config file to keep original, maintainers versin etc. is this handled in next version?03:31
IomereDr_willis: are you able to use framebuffer on console?03:31
stdinflaccid: how could it be, the option to upgrade only comes a short time before release03:32
flaccidbaudthief: i always wait for stable/prod release03:32
stdinflaccid: otherwise everyone would have upgraded before release03:32
Dr_willisIomere,  I normaly disable the framebuffer and splash stuff.. but Yes.. I can use the framebuffer on my laptop. I set the vga=SOMTHING in the kernel options in menu.lst i recall for it to be enabled.03:32
flaccidstdin: im not sure what you mean. are you saying that testers don't do an upgrade test with dummy packages?03:32
Dr_willisIomere,  i was thinking the framebuffer was disabled by default03:32
stdinflaccid: yes, a popup window asks what to do03:32
poseidonWhats a good dvd player?03:32
flaccidstdin: it doesn't with me. i get no popup only a dialog saying upgrade failed03:32
stdinflaccid: the upgrade button is enabled when the servers say "hey I have a new release"03:33
Dr_willisposeidon,  i tend to use gmplayer, or one of its variants, or vlc for my needs03:33
leo_rockwi like smplayer03:33
flaccidstdin: doesn't mean a test suite cannot be prepared. ie. test upgrade with apt asking questions.03:33
IomereDr_willis: usplash doesnt use fb? I'm trying to set vga=795, but it says that is an invalid option03:33
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Dr_willistry 'vga=ask' then when you boot it will show a list of modes you can try03:34
stdinflaccid: it worked when I upgraded several boxes to gutsy, just popped up a window asking what to do03:34
mneptokposeidon: i like my Playstation 303:34
baudthiefmneptok: PS3 ftw!03:34
baudthiefSuper Startdust HD rocks :p03:34
flaccidstdin: maybe its a gutsy bug then. i've done 3 fresh installs from iso of gutsy in the last week. all failed upgrade.03:34
stdinflaccid: like #10 https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades/Kubuntu03:34
IomereDr_willis: it only allows 80xSOMETHING options... how do I know which one is 1280x1024?03:34
chrisrogersanybody know why 8.04 autodetects my Ati Mobility radeon HD 2600 and when i enable the propriatary driver for it (fglrx) i can't log out without getting a black screen, and i've tried adding TerminateServer=true to my kdmrc03:35
mneptoki tried playinmg Super Angeldust, but the hallucinations in 1080p were too much.03:35
Dr_willisIomere,  try them all? theres some sites/docs somewhere that explaine those modes.. i rarely use the framebuffer. I only enabled it so i could get mplayer working on the console as a test.03:35
baudthiefmneptok: Then try Super STARdust :P03:35
flaccidstdin: you are right. in 10) it handles it there. maybe this is because adept version is later once gutsy is upgraded but not from the iso03:35
chrisrogersanybody know why 8.04 autodetects my Ati Mobility radeon HD 2600 and when i enable the propriatary driver for it (fglrx) i can't log out without getting a black screen, and i've tried adding TerminateServer=true to my kdmrc03:36
flaccidchrisrogers: check /var/log/Xorg.0.log for the error03:36
stdinflaccid: possibly03:36
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mot_is it me03:36
mot_or is there no longer a 'fetch gpl'ed themes' button in emerald?03:36
baudthiefmneptok: http://au.ps3.ign.com/articles/797/797927p1.html <-- check out the videos, marvel to behold at 1080p03:36
flaccidstdin: do you know if there are any apt situations not handled by adept now?03:37
stdinmot_: emerald is dead, their svn repo no longer responds03:37
baudthiefrip emerald :(03:37
mot_responded to me just now03:37
mot_i did the svn ls blah blah03:37
mot_and it crapped out a bunch of themes03:37
stdinflaccid: don't think so, it even pops up and asks me what display manager I want to use when I install more than one03:37
lmcjferhi, good evening, I just installed ubuntu 8.04 and have a problem I was wondering is a known fault03:38
stdinmot_: last time I tried it died, but that was a while ago now03:38
flaccidthats good news. i just wish that kubuntu/ubuntu wasn't so buggy. each new release there is too many bugs imo03:38
mot_try again03:38
chrisrogersflaccid: i'm sending it to you see if you can find anything, i cna't make heads or tales of it, i'm not really a noob but there's not too much i can do03:39
mot_svn ls https://svn.generation.no/emerald-themes03:39
poseidonHow do I make it so that kate doesn't save everything as x.x~?03:39
flaccidchrisrogers: pastebin please03:39
flaccid!pastebin | chrisrogers03:39
ubotuchrisrogers: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)03:39
stdinflaccid: then you should go fix them ;) testing pre-releases is a good way to find bugs that devs won't run into03:39
stdinmot_: where are you checking for the button though?03:39
rahmedhey guys, I want to apt-get install from /var/cache/apt from my local machine03:39
Dr_willisposeidon,  its saveing the 'backups' with a ~ at the end. theres options  in the menus to disable that03:39
rahmedhow can I do this ?03:39
flaccidstdin: unfortunately i don't have enough time for the project and a lot of people dislike me heh03:39
stdinrahmed: it does it automatically03:40
rahmedso it won't go out on the internet03:40
flaccidif its in the cache it won't d/l it again rahmed03:40
rahmedokay thank you guys03:40
stdinrahmed: not if it already has the deb, no03:40
rahmedneed to reboot03:40
chrisrogersflaccid: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64459/03:40
chrisrogersflaccid: that's a neat little service03:41
linuxguymarshallI am not upgrading to 8.04 because the servers are getting bombed and the servers are slow as hell. Any idea when they will get some bandwidth?03:41
chrisrogersflaccid: anything look suspecious03:42
baudthieflinuxguymarshall: I'm getting 1.1Mbytes/sec here03:42
leo_rockwlinuxguymarshall: if you can use torrents download an alternate iso and upgrade from that03:42
stdinlinuxguymarshall: use a local mirror03:42
Dr_willisIve gotten the cd's off torrents very quickly today. :)03:43
lmcjferafter the successful installation, gnome desktop is not starting03:43
leo_rockwlinuxguymarshall: it took me like 40 minutes to get that iso03:43
flaccidchrisrogers: well there is no errors in it technically. so kdm won't start? goto a tty and do a sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop; startx and then look at the screen and see if it returns an error when it tries to start kde manually03:43
Dr_willisbut i know better then to try to upgrade till like monday or tuesday03:43
leo_rockwDr_willis: you can upgrade from an alternate cd03:43
Dr_willisleo_rockw,  yep. :) theres that way also.03:43
chrisrogersflaccid: it will start, but i can't log off without having a black screen come up and i've tried adding TerminateServer=true to my kdmrc03:43
tekteenHi all! Can someone help me with my wireless? I installed hardy and now udev is not finding my wireless card. Can someone walk me through editing /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules to include my wireless card?03:43
chrisrogersflaccid: it won't shut down, log off, or restart, or even ctrl+alt+bksp03:44
andrew_I am having a problem with Guidance (on Hardy).  When I plug it in, guidanc'e icon shows that I'm plugged in and charging.  However, it's not changing the brightness nor swtiching to dynamic.03:44
leo_rockwDr_willis: i upgraded at the beta for testing. then downloaded an alternate cd and did a fresh install on thursday :-P03:44
andrew_Essentially it's staying as if it is running on battery.03:44
flaccidchrisrogers: does it freeze up - prevent you from getting to a tty when that happens?03:44
leo_rockwandrew_: click on the battery icon on the traybar and adjust the settings03:44
chrisrogersflaccid: yep03:44
mot_i put a bunch of emerald themes in ~/.emerald/themes03:44
mot_but when i open emerald they don't show up03:44
mot_any suggestions?03:45
andrew_leo_rockw: that's useless as the setting it makes me adjust is the battery one.03:45
leo_rockwandrew_: it lets me adjust both03:45
andrew_leo_rockw: adjusting the main, has no effect03:45
flaccidchrisrogers: which driver are you using - is it from the repos because it kind of doesn't look like it. ie. dpkg -l | grep fglrx03:45
andrew_only the battery one has any effect03:45
leo_rockwandrew_: mmhh... that sounds like a bug to me03:45
chrisrogersit's flgrx03:45
flaccidchrisrogers: where is it from03:45
andrew_leo_rockw: I'm going to try rebooting and see if it detects it right if it starts like that.03:45
andrew_(startes plugged in I mean)03:46
chrisrogersflaccid: it came with 8.0403:46
chrisrogersflaccid: i think03:46
baudthiefanything under ubunut that can visualise disk use?03:46
flaccidchrisrogers: we only supporty gutsy and prior here, please goto #ubuntu+103:46
chrisrogersflaccid: but it's from the repo's03:46
leo_rockwbaudthief: as in file sizes and stuff?03:46
mneptokbaudthief: df and du are fine for me03:46
chrisrogersthis is Kubuntu 8.0403:46
leo_rockwbaudthief: there is a graphical one... lemme see if i can find it... (i did a fresh install yesterday and i can't remember the name of the app)03:47
mneptokflaccid: incorrect03:47
mneptokflaccid: 8.04 is released, and thus supported.03:47
baudthiefleo_rockw: I hate it when that happens :P03:47
flaccidwhen did it get released?03:47
chrisrogersmneptok: thanks03:47
leo_rockwbaudthief: there's filelight03:47
chrisrogersflaccid: a couple of days ago03:47
leo_rockwbaudthief: but there's another one i like better03:47
chrisrogersflaccid: read up :D03:47
flaccidwell my cache is obviously stuck in my browser03:47
flaccidmuch sorry for that, it still says RC2 for me hmm03:48
chrisrogersmneptok: any help http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ with a blackscreen on logout03:48
flaccidchrisrogers: does the same thing happen when using ati or vesa drivers?03:48
mneptokchrisrogers: ATI proprietary drivers? good luck.03:48
leo_rockwbaudthief: it might be kdirstat, let me apt-get it03:48
chrisrogersflaccid: well havn't used ati drivers i don't think, but when using vesa drivers it works fine, but i have no 3d support which is what i want for compiz03:49
* mneptok doesn;t touch anything binary from ATI03:49
leo_rockwbaudthief: yes, kdirstat!03:49
* chrisrogers laughs out loud03:49
leo_rockwbaudthief: both filelight and kdirstat are good03:49
flaccidchrisrogers: unfortunately ati is not great. which card is it?03:49
leo_rockwi'm using ati's propietary drivers atm03:49
flaccidim on fglrx as well atm03:50
leo_rockwnot the one from the repos, but the ones from ati.com03:50
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chrisrogersflaccid: i like my ati card (ATI Radeon Mobility HD 2600 256 dedicated, 768 shared by ram)03:50
chrisrogersthat's on a laptop too03:50
flaccidthats a newish card. what does it show up as in lscpi chrisrogers03:50
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baudthiefleo_rockw: Thanks!03:51
tyyrant27my work computer is on ati's driver, it works very well for me03:51
leo_rockwbaudthief: no problem03:51
* flaccid will upgrade now so i can help03:51
chrisrogersflaccid: lscpi?03:51
flaccidmany ati cards, many variables03:51
flaccidchrisrogers: yes in konsole03:51
flaccidor shell03:51
andrew_leo_rockw: I rebooted and the results are even weirder.03:51
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chrisrogersflaccid: do i type lspci in console03:51
flaccidchrisrogers: yes03:51
leo_rockwandrew_: then it might be a good idea to report a bug03:52
flaccidstdin: i shall test upgrade now from fully up to date gutsy to 8.0403:52
leo_rockwandrew_: or to search launchpad and see if someone else reported it already03:52
andrew_It starts out showing that I'm plugged in and batter is at 89% and charging.   When I unplug it.  It then indicates, that I'm still plugged in, and at 89% (and FULLY CHARGED)03:52
chrisrogerslscpi command not found03:52
flaccidandrew_: is the battery old?03:52
andrew_Where do I go to report and/or check to see.03:52
tyyrant27just finished my upgrade03:52
andrew_flaccid: no, pretty new actually03:52
tyyrant27seems to be working gtg03:52
flaccidandrew_: ok03:52
flaccidstdin: is lscpi not in 8.04?03:53
tyyrant27it is03:53
stdinyeah, it is03:53
lmcjferthanks for not helping at all03:53
andrew_So, where would I find this Launchpad?03:53
flaccidchrisrogers: try `which lspci`03:53
flaccid!bugs | andrew_03:53
ubotuandrew_: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots03:53
leo_rockwandrew_: launchpad.net03:53
chrisrogersflaccid: not it just says /usr/bin/lspci03:53
chrisrogersflaccid: now**03:53
flaccidchrisrogers: do it with the backticks or just run /usr/bin/lspci it looks like your path is stuffed03:54
flaccidhow do i upgrade to the remix it is not detailed in the upgrade on the website03:54
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flaccidit says i can get 2 dif releases on http://kubuntu.org/ so i click on upgrade and it doesn't mention kde4 remix in the upgrade guide :(03:55
chrisrogers01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc M76 [Radeon Mobility HD 2600 Series]03:55
flaccidchrisrogers: pastebin your /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:55
tyyrant27flaccid: that is what im looking up now...03:55
poseidonAre there any good kubuntu blogs out there?03:56
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chrisrogersflaccid: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64461/03:56
mrkeishiiwhich is better to use Kubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron or Kubuntu 8.04 KDE 4 Remix???03:56
stdinflaccid: one upgrades normally then installs kubuntu-kde4-desktop03:56
flaccidstdin: i think this needs addressing asap03:56
Dr_willismrkeishii,  you can easially install kde4 later..  if you want kde403:56
flaccidstdin: then the upgrade guide needs this information and instructions..03:57
mrkeishiiand how do i do that03:57
Dr_williskde4 is  still very limited.03:57
leo_rockwmrkeishii: kde4 is not ready for dailiy use, imo03:57
Dr_willisyou can isntall kde4 later, same as you would any other app/desktop03:57
stdinyou can't just upgrade directly to kde403:57
mrkeishiiso it would be better to download hardy version03:57
andrew_leo_rockw and flaccid: In case you were curious: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hal/+bug/213128  <--- same bug, on same brand laptop, so I guess it was noticed03:57
mrkeishiiso it would be better to download hardy version???03:57
chrisrogersnot if your in my shoes lol03:58
zoranothAny ideas regarding garbled text on the console after waking from suspend?03:58
stdinmrkeishii: they are both hardy03:58
chrisrogersjust one has kde403:58
leo_rockwandrew_: suscribe to it. if they find a solution you'll be the first one to know03:58
mrkeishiibut y r they saying kde 4 is not ready for daily use03:58
tyyrant27there is an iso from englad that has kde4 on it i know that03:58
chrisrogersi want kde for windows03:58
stdinmrkeishii: because that's what they think03:58
tyyrant27i installed 8.04 and then installed kubuntu-kde4-desktop03:59
mrkeishiiso both are hardy03:59
stdinif that's their opinion then fine03:59
flaccidstdin: can you https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades/Kubuntu?action=edit or get JR to do so? i don't want to attempt an edit on such an important document03:59
Brotherredditto that mrkeishii03:59
mrkeishiithey have two types then03:59
chrisrogershey flaccid any luck?03:59
mrkeishiione 3.5 and second 4.003:59
andrew_leo_rockw: already plan to do that :)03:59
stdinflaccid: I'll try and get round to it today03:59
leo_rockwmrkeishii: there's kubuntu 8.04 hardy heron kde 3.5.9 and kubuntu 8.04 hardy heron kde403:59
mrkeishiibut would'nt it be better to use KDE 4?03:59
flaccidandrew_: thanks. i think i've seen this before but i thought it was my battery stuffed04:00
flaccidchrisrogers: looking now04:00
chrisrogersstill unstable mrkeishii04:00
Brotherredkde for win will help the N80 spread and help Linux desktop migration04:00
flaccidstdin: thanks04:00
chrisrogersok flaccid thanks04:00
Dr_willismrkeishii,  if you have never used kde4... you may not like it.04:00
leo_rockwmrkeishii: kde4 is still a work in progress04:00
Dr_willis'work in progress' is being nice also. :)04:00
maduserwhere is kdm for kde4?04:00
mrkeishiithanks to all04:00
leo_rockwmaduser: kdm-kde404:00
chrisrogersif i knew i was going to have this many problems i wouldn't have done this in the first place04:00
andrew_flaccid: you have a vaio?04:01
flaccidandrew_: nah ASUS W1000Na04:01
flaccidstdin: doing upgrade now. i click show terminal, it shows nothing!04:01
chrisrogersi really wish i could just get this fixed04:02
BrotherredOH and another thing I like about *buntu is that it is more for the GDM. Most of the themes that I down load from kde-look.org are actually gdm! oh well04:02
linuxguymarshallI am on a 7.10 live dvd right now and have a question. If I hit version upgrade on my Live dvd when it is done installing will it be 8.04 when I boot? I can already install programs so will it work for a version upgrade?04:03
flaccidchrisrogers: so its a case of it hangs on logout and thats  a hard hang right?04:03
chrisrogersflaccid: yep04:04
chrisrogersflaccid: brb04:04
flaccidok well im upgrading as well to check this out04:04
flaccidstdin: the kde4 remix sits beside the normal stable release? ie. you select kde4 from the kdm dropdown after installing the package?04:05
Brotherredlinuxguymarshall: I think it will stay 7.10 untill you upgrade your version04:05
flaccidok cool. so its really just a cutting edge alternate DE04:05
zoranothFor some reason I can't make the Panel icons small anymore with this install04:05
chrisrogersflaccid: back04:05
flaccidok cool04:05
chrisrogersflaccid: any luck :(04:06
chrisrogersflaccid: i'm pulling my hair out here04:06
chrisrogersflaccid: been working on it for 3 days04:06
chrisrogersflaccid: i can't get any support anywhere04:06
flaccidchrisrogers: well your xorg.conf is basica and doesn't do anything out of the ordinary. so im not sure why you get a lot of warnings and the crash04:06
linuxguymarshallBrotherred:On the previous computer I was working on i installed VLC in Live mode and it was there when I rebooted. So mabye I can upgrade in live cd mode04:06
flaccidchrisrogers: so you did kill kdm and run startx manually to test if it still hangs?04:06
flaccidfrom a tty..04:07
chrisrogersflaccid: no warnings, just a black screen when i try to logoff, restart, shutdown or kill X04:07
thadbryhas anyone had a problem installing packages w/ new ubuntu 8.04?04:07
Brotherredlinuxguymarshall:  I would not depend on the live that is not what it is for04:07
flaccidchrisrogers: and that prevents you from checking log anyway right because it hangs?04:07
chrisrogersflaccid: yep04:07
chrisrogersflaccid: i've tried everything on the net04:08
Brotherredlinuxguymarshall: it *may* work and that would be impressive. but I would not risk it04:08
chrisrogersflaccid: i want my compiz and my logoff's to work right04:08
chrisrogersflaccid: this is pissing me off majorily04:08
flaccidchrisrogers: did you try the latest driver from ATI direct. you may need that04:08
linuxguymarshallBrotherred:Ok, I just wanted to get as much done as possible. I really don't care just thought it would be nice04:08
chrisrogersflaccid: i'll check but i don't think they have them04:08
flaccidchrisrogers: don't worry ive had many ati problems to fix. at this point it looks more like the card model->driver04:08
leo_rockwchrisrogers: the fglrx drivers from the ati website improved a lot lately... they are still garbage but better garbage04:09
Brotherredlinuxguymarshall: if it is a wash either way then ok04:09
BrotherredI would not hog my bandwidth that way on a test though04:09
flaccidchrisrogers: feel free to remove fglrx and do http://ati.amd.com/support/drivers/linux/linux-radeon.html04:10
intelikeymight i sujest (to flaccid and chrisrogers) trying to pin point the actual issue.   maybe boot with "nosplash vga=0x0f05" || "noacpi" || "noscsi" ...   ?04:10
intelikeyflaccid or that ^04:11
flaccidim not sure how that will help stdin04:11
flaccidworth a try but im sure hmm04:11
intelikeyflaccid you may already know that it's the ati chip/s   just thought i might sujest a "process of elimination" on it.04:12
flaccidintelikey: ok. how will that help the POE ?04:13
intelikeyflaccid if the ati vidio driver is the issue then it's most likely interavting badly with fbcon   so not using the framebuffer should circumvent the hang.04:14
flaccidok mad intelikey04:14
flaccidchrisrogers: can you try that suggestion and report back?04:14
chrisrogersintelikey: how do you do that04:14
intelikeyif it's acpi then turning that off should preven the hang.   and as for scsi   well it's not likely but it could be.04:14
chrisrogersflaccid: how do i turn off the framebuffer?04:15
intelikeychrisrogers boot time options04:15
chrisrogersintelikey: grub.lst?04:15
flaccidpress 'e' at grub entry and then append the options?04:15
flaccidor edit menu.lst04:15
chrisrogerswhat options04:16
intelikeychrisrogers better to jsut use the "e" == edit feature of grub at the boot prompt.04:16
chrisrogersintelikey: ok, but what do i need to type in?04:16
intelikeyin order try the three things i listed.  { "nosplash vga=0x0f05" || "noacpi" || "noscsi"}      if the first doesnt help try the next.04:17
flaccidjust append all options yeah04:17
intelikeychrisrogers that will go on the  "kernel" line04:17
flaccidso add nosplash vga=0x0f05 noacpi noscsi (to the end of the entry)04:18
flaccidyep kernel line ^^04:18
chrisrogershave to keep scsi on, using sata drives04:18
chrisrogersok, brb guys thanks04:19
intelikeychrisrogers as i stated try the first then the second...  not both  cause you wont know which helped...04:19
chrisrogersbut if i turn off scsi then won't my sata drives not work?04:19
intelikeyhopefully you wont get that far down the list... :)04:20
chrisrogersso try each one seperately?04:20
chrisrogersok brb guys thanks04:20
thadbryhas anyone had a problem with updates since installing 8.04?04:21
flaccidi'd do the first 3 to see if it does anything then eliminate it down from there if it does succeed. thats just what i would do but to save time04:21
flaccidintelikey: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/222298 :(04:21
intelikeyflaccid yeah that would work too but i'm thinking that your first guess is probably right.    ati + fbcon !04:22
flaccidlol the fb is your first guess04:22
flaccidat this point my money is on the driver04:22
intelikeywell the dirver selddom does that with fbcon not in use though04:23
flaccidintelikey: his xorg log showed a lot warnings which i don't think would be related to fb04:24
intelikeyflaccid is that bug supposed to be related ?04:24
mot_what repo do i need to enable to get libdvdcss? can't play dvds =\04:25
flaccidintelikey: negative04:26
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs04:26
flaccid!info libdvdcss | mot_04:26
ubotumot_: Package libdvdcss does not exist in hardy04:26
mot_yea, i know i need libdvdcss04:26
mot_but it's not in the official repos04:26
flaccid!info libdvdcss204:26
ubotuPackage libdvdcss2 does not exist in hardy04:26
flacciddang. sorry i bb in 10mins04:26
intelikeyi'd check the page    ^04:26
chrisrogersok finally figured out how to do the nosplash vga thingy04:28
chrisrogersnothing out of the ordinary on startup04:28
chrisrogershere we go with shutdown04:28
GothicD3vilhey can i ask something?04:28
olrraianyone try kubuntu 8.04 remix?04:28
intelikeyyou just did04:28
GothicD3vilnot yet04:28
intelikey<GothicD3vil> hey can i ask something?  <- question #104:29
GothicD3vilhey I'm from Puerto Rico and here Linux Kubuntun is not that famous, how can i get programs for it?04:29
intelikey!packages | GothicD3vil04:29
ubotuGothicD3vil: You can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords or regex>", the "apt:/" URL in KDE, or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 20000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!04:29
GothicD3vilthanks i'm new using this04:30
olrraiGothicD3vil: los puedes bajar de internet con algun gestor de paquetes04:30
mot_i still can't find repos with w32codecs and libdvdcss304:30
GothicD3vilgracias estoy bajando el OS ahora y pues intentare instalarlo ya q solo se bregar con Mac y Win04:31
intelikeymot_  i can not verify that they are avalable for hardy (i'm on dapper)  but if so that first url "http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html" should have a link to what you want.04:32
=== jbrown_ is now known as tyyrant27
ubotuDesktop Effects are supported on graphics cards that use the default Intel and ATI drivers and the restricted !NVIDIA drivers, except for the following, which are blacklisted due to stability/compatibility issues: Intel 965, ATI Rs480 and Rv350, ATI Mobility x300, x600 and x700 - Join #compiz-fusion for anything not officially supported by Ubuntu04:34
olrraianyone try kubuntu 8.04 remix? How is it going?04:34
maduserkde4 remix?04:34
mot_i need w32codecs and libdvdcss04:34
thadbryI'm using kubuntu 8.0404:34
mot_and can't find any current working repos with them :(04:34
thadbrynot well so far04:34
olrraiKubuntu 8.04 with KDE 4.004:35
stdinmot_: they should be available in medibuntu repos04:35
ubotumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org04:35
fulat2khi folks, i've enabled desktop effects.  however, alt-f4 doesn't work.  all other combos work.  any ideas?04:35
intelikeymot_ and if they aren't in medibuntu repo for hardy, then just follow that page and grap a .deb and install it.    you do know how to install a debian package don't you?04:36
stdinintelikey: we even have a GUI for that now ;)04:37
stdincalled gdebi04:37
stdingrabs deps too, quite nice04:37
intelikeythought they had a kdeb too ?04:37
stdinthey split it, gdebi-{core,gtk,kde}04:38
intelikeyah ok.04:38
intelikeylets see. how hard would it be to script that....     dpkg -i "$@" && apt-get install -f04:39
Dr_willisThat wont get the dependencies I thought.04:40
rignesHello everyone.04:40
stdinyeah, but it can check if the deps are available04:40
rignesAnyone here  having trouble installing add-ons in firefox 2 in hardy?04:40
stdinand it's in ubuntulang, er I mean python04:40
intelikeystdin oh pre-checking deps would take a little more code... but not a lot.04:40
Brotherreddoes kubuntu come with slmodem in the repos? Will it scan and recognize most modems on install?04:40
thadbryrignes:  I was having problems with firefox 2, I used firefox 3 that comes standard now, uninstalled the add-ons that weren't working, and then reinstalled them and everything seems to work fine now04:41
intelikey!info slmodem04:41
ubotuPackage slmodem does not exist in hardy04:41
BrotherredI mean does kubuntu have scan modem in the install scripts?04:41
stdinBrotherred: I think that's in the restricted-drivers package04:41
stdinand the sl-modem-daemon pacakge04:42
intelikeyBrotherred ah scanmodem   yeah04:42
chrisrogersi'm back04:42
Brotherredit has scanmodem? cool04:42
chrisrogersnone of those worked, but i did find something interesting04:42
Brotherredthat is some thing anyway04:42
rignesthadbry: Thanks, but I'm trying to install an addon that won't work on Firefox 3 yet.  So I'm sort of stuck on 2. :(04:43
flaccidBrotherred: did you check restricted drivers04:43
BrotherredI just now thought of it04:43
chrisrogersintelikey: i tried those and none seemed to work, but i did figure something interesting out04:43
intelikeyBrotherred no. it doesn't have "scanmodem" package, it has sl-modem-daemon04:43
Brotherredwill be hogging the repos on every level first chance I get later today04:44
thadbryrignes:  have you tried what I suggested, I thought Firebug wasn't supported on 3, but it is04:44
intelikeychrisrogers i'm all ears04:44
Brotherredsounds even better04:44
chrisrogersintelikey: when the screen goes black, i can override the freeze by hitting my power button a crapload of times, but then it restarts no matter what option i choose04:45
Brotherredrings: HI from lottalinuxlinks and tllts04:45
chrisrogersintelikey: eariler on04:45
Brotherredringes: he04:46
rignesBrotherred: Hey.04:46
chrisrogersintelikey: looks like that's my only option if i want to do anything, shutdown, restart, anything i'll just hve to do that04:46
baudthiefmy dist-upgrade appears to be hanging on "setting up wvdial", it's said 2 mins remaining for the past 20mins04:46
intelikeychrisrogers normally pressing and holding for about 10 seconds the power button will do that.    that's known as "hard reset"04:46
rignesI don't remember see you in those other channels, unless you go by a name different that you have your nick set to now.04:46
flaccidchrisrogers: tried the ati drivers from official site yet?04:46
flaccidintelikey: hard power off/shutdown :p04:46
Brotherredyou been using Kubuntu long?04:47
Brotherrednope I seen you there with this name of mine04:47
intelikeyflaccid ummm maybe i was hitting it more than one time then holding   lol04:47
Brotherredor while using this name04:47
xoqaumm... how do you go dual screen?04:47
flaccidatx 2 specification04:47
xoqai just plugged in my crt to the ol lappy04:47
xoqashould i restart X?04:47
flaccidxoqa: configure via system settings | display and monitor04:48
intelikeychrisrogers ok.  i have one other thing that you might test quickly.   (might need to check with flaccid, to make sure that the config isn't rewriten each boot) but you can change the vidio "driver  ati" to "driver  vesa"   and test that.04:49
xoqaflaccid: hmm.. it doesn't show my seperate monitor there04:50
intelikeyin /etc/X11/xorg.conf     ^04:50
flaccidintelikey: i think you were not alive before. using vesa and ati works04:50
flaccidxoqa: there is an option to enable dual display04:50
intelikeyoh he did that already ?04:50
intelikeysorry i did miss that.04:50
flaccidyeah.. thus why i suspect its the fglrx driver specifically04:50
flaccidnp y004:50
flaccidi suspect many people upgrading as mirrors are slow04:51
intelikeythen yes if not using the frame buffer with it.  doesn't fix it.    change drivers.04:51
chrisrogersok i'm back04:51
chrisrogerstemporary internet outage04:51
chrisrogersstorms like crazy here04:52
intelikeychrisrogers ok flaccid updated me on more of what all you have tested.    change your display driver.04:52
chrisrogersintelikey: to what?04:52
chrisrogersintelikey: i've tried every one out there04:52
chrisrogersintelikey: i think04:52
flaccidchrisrogers: just make sure you remove the repos fglrx before installing the official one04:52
intelikeyuse vesa  if you have to until there is a fix.04:53
flaccidchrisrogers: you tried 8.4 from http://ati.amd.com/support/drivers/linux/linux-radeon.html ?04:53
xoqaflaccid: in the hardware tab?04:53
flaccidxoqa: yes04:53
chrisrogersflaccid: yea it didn't even pick up i had an ati video card, must not have configured it right04:53
chrisrogersflaccid: after installation04:53
flaccidxoqa: enable in hardware tab then enable in size tab04:53
intelikeylshw -C vidio04:54
flaccidchrisrogers: that doesn't tell us the specific issue at all04:54
xoqaflaccid: not seeing it04:54
chrisrogersflaccid: what specific issue?04:54
chrisrogersflaccid: you know my issue04:54
chrisrogersflaccid: :D04:54
flaccid'didn't even pick it up'04:54
flaccidyou wouldn't even get to your issue..04:54
flaccidintelikey:  [12:55] <chrisrogers> 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc M76 [Radeon Mobility HD 2600 Series]04:55
rignesOh well, it's not permissions stopping me from installing any extensions in firefox-204:55
xoqaflaccid: http://bayimg.com/CajcOAAbi04:55
intelikeyarrrr it's called display     -C display    sorry04:55
chrisrogersi'm just going to have to deal with this myself aren't i04:56
flaccidxoqa: have you restarted X ? you will need to do that because it doesn't pick it up dynamically04:56
xoqaheh, that's what i asked earlier :)04:56
flaccidchrisrogers: no. we will help you if you install the official driver.04:56
chrisrogersi wish there was a number i could call or something with the people who created this stuff on the other end04:56
=== ubuntu_ is now known as Y-Town
flaccidchrisrogers: you can pay canonical for support iirc04:56
chrisrogersno ty04:56
intelikeychrisrogers call ati04:56
intelikeythey did it.04:57
flaccidor you can just do what we said and we can help once you have installed it04:57
intelikeywasn't the open source community that made your system this hard to deal with.04:57
flaccidxoqa: which driver are you using ?04:57
chrisrogersintelikey: flaccid: i am trying to tell you, i have the official linux fglrx driver installed, not the ati one04:57
flaccidchrisrogers: thats not what you said before04:58
baudthiefI think update-manager killed my machine04:58
flaccidthat doesn't make sense04:58
flaccidyou said it was from the repos, i want you to remove that and install from ati's site04:58
xoqaah suweeeet04:59
baudthiefwvdial failed to upgrade, just hanged for over 30 mins - I got a few prompts saying my machine might be unsuable, and it's going to run dpkg --reconfigure, it did, then it crashed04:59
xoqait detected it automatically04:59
xoqawish i could assign the new screen to workspace 204:59
xoqaflaccid: i'll look04:59
flaccidxoqa: thats a relief04:59
baudthiefnow everytime I try to sudo something, it says "unable to resolve host baudthief"04:59
xoqaflaccid: not really sure.. i think radeon04:59
chrisrogersflaccid: the ones from the repositories04:59
intelikeychrisrogers flaccid has been telling you for, ever sense i got here, to install the "official ati driver"04:59
chrisrogersintelikey: from the ati website?04:59
flaccidchrisrogers: i've been asking you to try the offical driver direct from the site for quite a while now04:59
intelikeychrisrogers yes04:59
rignesOk, I'm totally stumped.  Google searches aren't turning anything up.  Anyone else here manage to get any extensions at all to install in firefox-2?05:00
flaccidhere is the link again lol http://ati.amd.com/support/drivers/linux/linux-radeon.html05:00
chrisrogersintelikey: the last time i tried this file, it wouldn't come up that i had an ati card05:00
chrisrogersintelikey: i don't know if i configured it right or not or whatever05:00
flaccidchrisrogers: like i said we can help you with that once its installed05:00
chrisrogersintelikey: how do you install a run file again05:00
flaccidexactly chrisrogers could of been user error...05:00
* chrisrogers jumps from the thunder05:00
flaccidchrisrogers: you must remove fglrx first! use sudo sh /file.sh05:00
flaccidi mean sudo sh ./file.bin05:00
intelikeychrisrogers   bash path/to/file.run05:01
xoqaflaccid: anywhos.. not seeing the dualscreen option05:01
chrisrogersintelikey: thank you, that's the right extention05:01
xoqathe monitor says "unknown" still05:01
intelikeyflaccid ummm is dash or bash linked th sh now ?05:01
xoqaand g.card ati05:01
flaccidchrisrogers: read the instructions.. https://a248.e.akamai.net/f/674/9206/0/www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/linux_cat84-inst.html05:01
flaccidintelikey: no idea, sh should be fine for a compiled binary05:01
baudthiefguys... help, I cant sudo, and if I reboot, my machine will break05:02
intelikeyhehhe that's a fix you are in there baudthief05:02
flaccidintelikey: the ati doco suggests using sh command05:02
intelikeybaudthief what did you do to it ?05:02
chrisrogersflaccid: i did all that, but idk how to use the aticonfig command at all05:03
baudthiefdist-upgrade crashed, it tried to run dpkg --reconfigure, but that crashed too05:03
baudthiefnow everytime i try and sudo, it says "sudo: unable to resolve host baudthief"05:03
baudthiefso I cant correct the problem ;\05:03
flaccidchrisrogers: idk? um like i said we can help you once this is set up. we need specific errors to help otherwise the scope is millions of possibilities05:03
intelikeyflaccid ok.   i was just reflecting on the many file.* installers that borked on sh cause they aren't really posix complient.05:03
intelikeybaudthief hostname05:04
flaccidintelikey: ouch. yeah i come from bsd so we generally look for a the particular shell requirement that sh can't provide heh05:04
baudthiefhostname returns "baudthief"05:05
baudthiefI'm screwed aren't I?05:06
intelikeybaudthief i'm trying to recall what exactly that error is telling us.  i think it is a variable not set correctly, just can't recall exactly what to fix.   and it probably wouldn't matter.  you can't fix anything without root access anyway05:06
flaccidyeah um whats the problem baudthief05:07
intelikeybroke sudo05:07
baudthiefflaccid: dist-upgrade crashed out, tried to recover, then it crashed again, now sudo wont work05:07
chrisrogersbroken module now that i removed fglrx driver05:07
flaccidright. did you check /etc/sudoers to make sure it is right and that you are in the admin group?05:07
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion05:07
baudthiefflaccid: I cant do that without sudo'ing :P05:08
flaccidchrisrogers: what do you mean? i don't expect fglrx to work until the repos one is remove, the new one installed and then rebooted05:08
flaccidbaudthief: you never set a root password?05:08
intelikeybaudthief you can look.    cat /etc/sudoers05:08
intelikeynot that it helps.05:08
chrisrogers"The module Monitor & Display could not be loaded."05:08
flaccidits protected intelikey05:08
baudthiefintelikey: permission denied05:08
intelikeyflaccid ? really.   didn't use to be05:09
baudthiefflaccid: I have, everything (including sudo) was fine before dist-upgrade05:09
flaccidchrisrogers: where is that coming from?05:09
chrisrogersflaccid: system settings, clicked on Monitor & Display05:09
flaccidbaudthief: what does it say in /var/log/messages after trying sudo?05:09
flaccidchrisrogers: why are you going there?05:09
chrisrogersflaccid: it's not even using the generic driver right now05:09
KetrelQuestion, is there any reason Pidgin isn't installed with all of its dependencies?05:09
flaccidchrisrogers: isn't that the aim of this procedure?05:10
chrisrogersflaccid: to make sure that the fglrx driver is gone and it was using the generic one again05:10
chrisrogershow do you reinstall a module05:10
baudthiefok that was weird, it just started working again, I'm root05:10
intelikeyflaccid on baudthief's issue.   he showed the cli error message  "it says "sudo: unable to resolve host baudthief""05:10
flaccidchrisrogers: don't call it generic. you can only verify for real what is being used etc. by looking in the log. kubuntu only supports the repos driver so i wouldn't expect the gui front end to handle it05:10
flaccidbaudthief: what does host -v baudthief return?05:11
chrisrogersi forgot what the driver is called, V something05:11
intelikeybaudthief and flaccid i have see a hostname issue cause that.  with nothing wrong with the "sudoers/root jr." stuff.05:11
baudthiefflaccid: Host baudthief not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)05:11
baudthiefI managed to somehow get "sudo su -" working, and am now root05:12
flaccidbaudthief: it wants resolution via dns it seems. i guess need to change lookup order if you don't have it in dns05:12
baudthiefI tried that maybe 3 times before to no effect, then it just started working05:12
intelikeyah /etc/hosts or /etc/hostname   not set correctly05:12
chrisrogersflaccid: i forgot what the driver is called, V something05:12
=== julio_ is now known as Mikau
leo_rockwhello Mikau05:12
intelikeyneeds localnost   > ^05:13
Mikaucan you help me with amarok?05:13
Mikauit doesn't play mp3 files...05:13
intelikeyi remember now.     it's a messed up localhost05:13
chrisrogers.run file again intelikey05:13
flaccidchrisrogers: do a sudo aticonfig --initial -f and then restart X and then pastebin both xorg.conf and the log for me05:14
flaccidyeah you are most probably right intelikey as defaults is hosts then dns iirc in ubuntu05:14
leo_rockw!pm | Mikau05:14
ubotuMikau: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.05:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about run - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:14
LeeuwMikau: it probably needs the codec for that; go to install applications and search for mp3; then install the codecs you find05:14
intelikeyflaccid yes i have broken su/sudo that way myself a time or three.   it's a hostname issue.05:15
flaccidchrisrogers: whats the problem?05:15
baudthiefintelikey: you're right, /etc/hosts somehow stuffed up05:15
intelikeychrisrogers    bash path/to/file.run05:15
intelikeychrisrogers sudo it05:15
intelikeybaudthief welcome.05:15
flaccidfor ubuntu you want       localhost and       computername in /etc/hosts05:16
leo_rockwMikau: it's not legal to include mp3 codecs in the base installation05:16
flaccidcanonical hostnames should have dns resolution as a best practice05:16
MikauLeeuw: can you tell me where i can find that application?05:16
intelikeyflaccid can bee one line. localhost my_special_name.blah_blah_blah05:16
flaccidno it can't, they are different IP addresses in this case05:17
baudthiefintelikey: but now this other problem lol, I'm afraid to restart - is it possible to get update-manager to pick up where it left off? already did 'dpkg --configure -a'05:17
=== johnm is now known as JohnMMkubuntu
leo_rockwMikau: amarok should ask you if you want to install mp3 support the first time you try to play and mp305:17
Y-Townanyone know the command in 8.04 to rebuild x on kde4?05:17
chrisrogerschrisrogers@ubuntu:~/Desktop$ aticonfig --initial -f05:17
chrisrogersUninitialised file found, configuring.05:17
chrisrogersUsing /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:17
chrisrogersSaved back-up to /etc/X11/xorg.conf.original-105:17
chrisrogersaticonfig: Writing to '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' failed. Bad file descriptor.05:17
LeeuwMikau, go to start menu, start add/ remove applications, then type mp3 in the search box, you should find some codecs then05:17
LeeuwMikau: I' ll check myself too05:18
stdin!paste > chrisrogers05:18
intelikeyflaccid always worked for me and i have done that several times. several machines flaccid    but you are probably right, it's probably a bad advice!05:18
flaccidchrisrogers: try under sudo please chrisrogers05:18
flaccidintelikey: negative. tbh i don't know why ubuntu uses
LeeuwMikau: correction: it' s add/remove programs05:18
chrisrogersflaccid: ok that worked, now what05:18
Mikau... i cant start that because it's upgrading.. (Adept, isn't it?)05:18
phil_can anyone helpo me switch screen resolutions?05:18
chrisrogersflaccid: restart x?05:18
flaccidchrisrogers: yes05:18
leo_rockwMikau: wait until it's done05:18
chrisrogersstdin: sorry man05:19
Mikauit will take a loooong time...05:19
Mikaui just finished installing kubuntu here05:19
leo_rockwMikau: play some ogg vorbis in the meantime :-)05:19
Mikaui'll try to find any...05:19
leo_rockwMikau: download some music from jamendo.com05:19
LeeuwMikau: you' ll find the Gstreamer codecs, is there a tick in he box ?   If there' s not, that's the problem; install them and it should work (maybe needs a restart, probably not)05:19
Y-Townanyone know the command to rebuild the x server?05:19
* baudthief cries05:20
baudthiefI'm afraid to reboot lol05:20
Mikauok... i'll try that later...05:20
leo_rockwY-Town: it's in your xorg.conf05:20
intelikeyflaccid oh   maybe i was not clear     i have localhost something   \n 192.168.*.* something      didn't mean    that it had only one line.   just that it can resolv your hostname to the and to localhost on one line.05:20
leo_rockwY-Town: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg05:20
Mikaubut do i have to pay to download music from "jamendo.com"?05:20
Y-Townleo_rockw: thanks05:20
leo_rockwY-Town: np05:20
leo_rockwMikau: nope05:20
leo_rockwMikau: it's all creative commons05:21
intelikeyand i drifted off topic didn't i.05:21
phil_is there a gui option somewhere to switch screen resolutions?05:21
flaccidintelikey: yep thats normal on unix, but not sure why ubuntu uses ... for the canonical hostname05:21
flaccidphil_: system settings | monitor and display05:21
intelikeyflaccid me either.05:21
flaccidlol ah well hehe05:21
LeeuwMikau: please use the name of the person you're talking too at the start, makes it less confusing and gives an attention sound to that person (he may be doing something else too); just type two or three begin letters, then press tab to get the whole name05:22
rignesFor anyone who noticed my question before, i worked out how to fix that firefox-2 error when installing extensions.05:22
MikauLeeuw: ok... actually, it's the first time i talk on konversation...05:23
leo_rockwMikau: IRC is fun! :-P05:23
rignesThe trouble seems to have come from the fact that I ran firefox 3 and then tried to run firefox-2 w/ the 3.0b5 .mozilla directory.   I nuked that directory and started over.  Now I can install extensions.05:23
phil_it's saying it's trying the new screen size and giving the timer bar but the size is the same05:23
Mikauleo_rockw: yep...05:23
intelikeymulti-player notepad05:23
phil_I got stuck with 640 x 480 when my daughter presses something wrong in tuxmath fullscreen mode05:24
Mikauleo_rockw: hey.. do you know how to write in japanese/chinese/korean in kubuntu?05:24
LeeuwMikau: no problem, we've all been here for the first time once, I' m kinda new to it myself; someone taught me too, that's what it' s about, isn' t it ?  <tańcze>05:24
intelikeyphil_ maybe ctrl+alt++ ?05:24
leo_rockwintelikey: no, that would be gobby :-P05:24
intelikeygobby ?05:25
leo_rockwMikau: you need to install scim or one of those. i had it working before (just for kicks) but i don't really remember how to do it05:25
leo_rockwintelikey: multiplayer-notepad05:25
Mikauleo_rockw: ok...05:25
intelikeyleo_rockw never heard of gobby. sorry.05:25
Mikauleo_rockw: but where can i find that scim?05:25
baudthiefpersonal settings/files/etc are pretty much installed int ~/home right?05:25
leo_rockwintelikey: it's a collaborative text editor. i was just kidding05:26
intelikey!info scim | Mikau05:26
ubotumikau: scim (source: scim): smart common input method platform. In component main, is optional. Version 1.4.7-3ubuntu8 (hardy), package size 718 kB, installed size 1992 kB05:26
leo_rockwMikau: everything is in the repos05:26
leo_rockwMikau: but i don't know if that's exactly what you need05:26
leo_rockw!info gobby | intelikey05:26
ubotuintelikey: gobby (source: gobby): collaborative text editor. In component main, is optional. Version 0.4.6-3 (hardy), package size 482 kB, installed size 1704 kB05:26
leo_rockwbut irc is better... :-P05:27
Mikauleo_rockw: is there anything else to write asias characters?05:27
leo_rockwMikau: i'm pretty sure there is, i just don't remember. i speak spanish :-P05:27
leo_rockwMikau: i only got it working once, just to see how it was done, then i forgot about it and never documented it05:27
Mikauleo_rockw: and i speak portuguese...05:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pr - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:28
leo_rockweither pt or br :-P05:28
intelikeyyeah pt was what i was thinking of.05:29
leo_rockwMikau: there's an ubuntu forums administrator who lives in japan. he has a blog, i'm pretty sure he explains how to make that work on ubuntu... lemme get you the url05:29
leo_rockwMikau: http://kmandla.wordpress.com see if you can find some information there05:29
baudthiefis /home the only "important" dir I should back up, as in, files/settings for evolution etc05:30
intelikey$HOME is.05:30
intelikeywhich is normally /home/your_name/05:30
phil_thank for the help everyone :D all good after a restart :)05:30
baudthiefyup, sorry, meant ~/home heh05:30
Mikauleo_rockw: i WAS going to use ubuntu...05:30
baudthiefor rather ~/05:31
Mikauleo_rockw: but it wasn't opening mp3!!05:31
intelikey~ == $HOME05:31
leo_rockwMikau: it can't open mp3 for legal reasons. you need to install a package to make it work05:31
LeeuwMikau: did check for that codec ?05:31
MikauLeeuw: not yet..05:31
intelikeybaudthief i normally use $HOME because dir names can have the tild char in them.05:32
leo_rockw~ sweet ~05:32
intelikeycuts down on confusion05:32
Leeuwtry it, be sure to tick the box on the right: proprietary software, you' ll find it, then it will work.   You' re looking for gstreamer codecs05:32
LeeuwMikau:  try it, be sure to tick the box on the right: proprietary software, you' ll find it, then it will work.   You' re looking for gstreamer codecs05:33
MikauLeeuw: ok...05:33
leo_rockwLeeuw: amarok should prompt him to install the codecs and do it automagically05:33
leo_rockwLeeuw: problem is he's already installing stuff05:33
* intelikey is not a fan of "automagic krap"05:33
Leeuwleo_rockw:  ok, so he' s not finished downloading...   I thought he had..05:34
rignesIs there a Automatix or easyubuntu replacement?05:34
leo_rockwintelikey: neither am , but in his case would be the best05:34
flaccidrignes: yes. kubuntu05:34
flaccidwell adept manager05:34
intelikeyrignes it's called "restricted drivers"  i think05:34
Odd-rationalerignes: kubuntu-restricted-extras05:34
Leeuwleo_rockw: so if you' re downloading the autoprompting for codec get's f* d ?05:34
rignesahhh ok.05:34
flaccidyeah that package05:34
Odd-rationalerignes: and jockey-kde05:34
intelikeyrestricted-extras  sorry05:34
rignesapt-get install restricted-extras?05:35
leo_rockwLeeuw: i'm guessing it will try to install and tell you you can't because apt is already being used05:35
intelikeysudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras05:35
Odd-rationalerignes: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras05:35
Odd-rationaleintelikey: beat you!05:35
intelikeybeet ya05:35
Leeuwleo_rockw: I was already wondering why the auto-thing hadn' t happened, that's probably it05:35
Odd-rationale[23:35:25] <Odd-rationale> rignes: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras05:35
Odd-rationale[23:35:26] <intelikey> sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras05:35
leo_rockwrignes: unless you wanted a destructive equivalent of automatix :-P05:36
intelikeynot on my screen05:36
Odd-rationaleI was one sec faster05:36
Leeuwleo_rockw: thought he might' ve missed it, many people do for some reason05:36
leo_rockwLeeuw: hardy was my first fresh install since the automagic thing was included. it worked perfectly for me.05:36
rignesleo_rockw: No, don't want destructive. ;)05:36
flaccidOdd-rationale: i guess you don't know how irc works..05:37
intelikeyOdd-rationale you are lagging.05:37
rignesDoes the restricted extras include win32 codecs?  I imagine not.05:37
Leeuwleo_rockw: although linux users are genrally better at reading dialogs than the  win-people where I work; the auto worked fine for me too, did so in Gutsy as well; it's beautiful, luvvit05:37
Odd-rationalei know... 1 sec lag... :(05:37
Leeuwleo_rockw: one of the plusses of (k)ubuntu05:37
leo_rockwrignes: medibuntu does...05:37
leo_rockwrignes: idk if restricted extras does too05:38
leo_rockwi doubt it05:38
chrisrogersflaccid: ok i'm back05:38
intelikeyflaccid which did actually post first ?   cause i might be lagging a little too ?05:38
chrisrogersflaccid: ok i'm back05:38
=== julio_ is now known as Mikau
chrisrogersflaccid: more problems tho05:38
flaccidintelikey: on my screen it was you05:38
leo_rockwintelikey: you won on my end. i have 358ms of lag atm05:39
flaccid217ms here05:39
flaccidchrisrogers: what are they05:39
intelikey.325 here05:39
chrisrogersflaccid: got the ati driver installed, works beatuifully, but now when i enable compiz it turns the whole screen white and i can't use it at all05:39
=== ubuntu is now known as glyphy
leo_rockwchrisrogers: did you enable aiglx and composite in xorg.conf?05:40
flaccidchrisrogers: compiz is dead. what kubuntu version is this?05:40
chrisrogersleo_rockw: no clue05:40
leo_rockwchrisrogers: and did you include fglrx in compiz whitelist?05:40
flaccidchrisrogers: usually there is a little more config for compiz fusion etc.05:40
glyphywhere is the xorg.conf that the DVD uses stored? the one in /etc/X11/ doesn't seem to have anything in it05:40
Mikauleo_rockw: hey ... i tried to open a mp3 file with amarok but when i click to install mp3 package, it stops working...05:41
leo_rockwMikau: are you still installing something else?05:41
Mikauleo_rockw: nope05:41
amitMikau: seems like you are using gutsy..it doesn't quite work in gutsy05:41
chrisrogersflaccid, leo_rockw how do i do all that stuff05:41
intelikeyglyphy ?    you playing dvd's from the console ?05:41
flaccid!compiz-fusion | chrisrogers05:41
ubotuchrisrogers: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion05:41
Mikauamit: no... i'm using feisty faun...05:41
leo_rockwchrisrogers: you need to modify /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:41
leo_rockwMikau: ooo, you're on feisty! that's why05:42
amitMikau: have you tried installing libxine1-ffmpeg ?05:42
glyphyintelikey: i ran the hardy dvd and it got the x config right. my old one stopped working after the upgrade, so i'm trying to get back to a workable state05:42
Mikauamit: how do i do that?05:42
chrisrogersleo_rockw: what do i put in xorg.conf?05:42
chrisrogersleo_rockw: and where?05:42
leo_rockwchrisrogers: h/o05:42
chrisrogersleo_rockw: ok05:42
flaccidchrisrogers: please read the above link05:42
intelikeyglyphy oh.  sorry.  i misunderstood you.   my bad.05:42
amitopen up konsole -- type this-->  sudo apt-get install libxine1-ffmpeg05:42
intelikeyglyphy it isn't stored on the dvd it's reconfigured each boot time.05:43
Leeuwleo_rockw: aha !  feisty...05:43
glyphyintelikey: it there any way to find out what the current settings are?05:43
Mikauamit: it isnt't working...05:43
amitMikau: what's it say?05:43
glyphyalso, i seem to remember there being a cmd-line for configuring x, but i can't remember it now. something like xconfig or something05:43
Mikauamit: well... i can't translate it exactly to english...05:44
leo_rockwLeeuw: that changes __everything__!05:44
Mikauamit: but05:44
Mikauamit: i'm gonna try..05:44
amitMikau: you will have to enter your own password when its asks for it05:44
Leeuwleo_rockw: yep; do you know if feisty uses gstreamer ?05:44
Mikauamit: yeap05:44
Mikaui did that..05:44
leo_rockwLeeuw: i don't remember05:44
Mikauactually, the root pwd and mine are the same...05:44
=== dran is now known as DannyR
chrisrogersmy window's are moving, very .... slowly05:45
Mikauit was unable to lock administration directory..05:45
leo_rockwchrisrogers: http://paste-it.net/public/t30c820/05:45
amitMikau: yes, because *buntu uses sudo05:45
Leeuwleo_rockw: hm... let's hope that apt get works, else the search for mp3 and codec in add/remove should do it ?05:45
leo_rockwchrisrogers: check if you have those05:45
intelikeyglyphy you can boot to the non-GUI installation and login on a console and run    sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg   select the driver for your hardware or the   vesa (generic vga) driver   and  ctrl+alt+del should  fix you.   but i would sujest running    startx  to make sure rather than just rebooting.  saves time.05:45
Mikauamit: kubuntu?05:45
amitMikau: seems like some another instance of apt-get is already running05:45
leo_rockwLeeuw: i never use add/remove :-P apt-cache search is how i roll05:46
Mikauhow can i stop it?05:46
Leeuwleo_rockw: oh yeah, well I'm lazy ;-)05:46
amitMikau: type this in konsole --> pidof apt-get05:46
leo_rockwLeeuw: me too, yakuake is faster :-P05:46
Mikauamit: and now?05:46
intelikeykillall apt-get05:46
Leeuwleo_rockw: yakuwhat !05:46
glyphyintelikey: ok, i'll try that. thanks05:46
leo_rockwchrisrogers: you might need to put your driver in compiz whitelist too05:46
flaccidyakuake rox my sox except for the paste several lines bug that puts them on 1 line05:46
chrisrogersleo_rockw: how do i do that?05:47
leo_rockw!info yakuake | Leeuw05:47
ubotuleeuw: yakuake (source: yakuake): a Quake-style terminal emulator based on KDE Konsole technology. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8.1-1ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 176 kB, installed size 1100 kB05:47
chrisrogersleo_rockw: lol05:47
Mikauit worked!!!05:47
amitMikau: kill <number>05:47
Mikauamit: it worked!!!05:47
chrisrogersleo_rockw: and where is that xorg.conf file i forgot05:47
leo_rockwchrisrogers: /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:47
amitMikau: good :)05:47
flaccidchrisrogers: have you tried the link yet?05:47
leo_rockwchrisrogers: make a copy before you change it05:47
chrisrogersleo_rockw: thanks05:47
chrisrogersleo_rockw: ok05:47
Mikauamit: with that i'll be able to open mp3?05:47
flaccidthe documentation is updated/written for a reason :005:47
Leeuwleo_rockw: a konsole in quake-style ..?   Do you get to shoot the errors with a big gun ?05:47
leo_rockwLeeuw: if you're terminal addicted you'll love yakuake05:47
amitMikau: you still have to install libxine1-ffmpeg05:47
leo_rockwLeeuw: it's a drop down console a shortcut away05:48
Mikauamit: noo... i mean... with libxine i'll be able to open mp3?05:48
amitMikau: if it still doesn't work, try this05:48
amitMikau: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/10876005:48
Leeuwleo_rockw: Oh.. yeah, I' ll like that, I get fed up with opening the large window everytime for one command05:48
Mikauamit: with libxine i'll be able to open mp3?05:48
amitMikau: seems lik there's a lotta trouble in getting feisty to run mp3s05:48
leo_rockwLeeuw: yakuake and katapult are my bread and butter05:49
amitMikau: not sure man...seems like there's a bug...follow the link i have provided05:49
Leeuwleo_rockw: now I understand quake-style05:49
Mikauamit: ok05:49
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leo_rockwMikau: why did you install feisty anyway... (just wondering)05:49
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Mikauleo_rockw: well... i installed gutsy or something before... but i just can't work with gnome..05:50
leo_rockwchrisrogers: just to make sure... you're using ati's privative drivers, right?05:50
leo_rockwMikau: there's ubuntu gutsy (gnome) and kubuntu gutsy (kde)05:50
leo_rockwMikau: feisty is just an older version05:50
Mikauleo_rockw: and the only kde version of ubuntu i have is feisty05:50
Leeuwleo_rockw: ooooohhhh, that's coooollll, thanx !   now to check out catapult (never really bothered)05:50
Leeuw <tańcze>05:50
Mikauleo_rockw: i didn't download feisty... i ordered it some months ago xD05:51
leo_rockwLeeuw: with katapult you press alt + space and you can call any app from the menues05:51
amitMikau: you can always install the kde packages on ubuntu05:51
leo_rockwMikau: some months ago must have been last year :-P05:51
chrisrogersleo_rockw: yes05:51
amitMikau: that way you will have two DEs and you can use the one you like :P05:51
chrisrogersleo_rockw: nothing is smooth, scrolling, moving, nothing05:51
Leeuwleo_rockw: sheeezz, where have I been ?!?05:51
leo_rockwchrisrogers: yeah, that's the ati drivers for you05:51
leo_rockwLeeuw: hahaha05:52
Leeuwleo_rockw:  maybe I should read trhe kde intro...05:52
leo_rockwLeeuw: i increased your productivity 390%05:52
=== csid is now known as bobc0bbbb
* intelikey is yet to test that katapult thingy05:52
Leeuwleo_rockw: fershure05:52
Mikauleo_rockw: last year xD05:52
Mikauleo_rockw: is there any problem using 7.04?05:52
Mikauleo_rockw: any bug or something?05:53
leo_rockwMikau: hardy came out yesterday, that's 2 versions after the one you have05:53
amitLeeuw: instead of using katapult, how about using Alt+F2 ? :P05:53
chrisrogersleo_rockw: so what do i do now, restart X?05:53
leo_rockwchrisrogers: yup05:53
Leeuwleo_rockw: I always hated the startmenu, especially with my double screen, it ends up on the other mon when it' s to big (and it is)05:53
chrisrogersleo_rockw: ok brb05:53
leo_rockwchrisrogers: and pray everything works05:53
Mikauleo_rockw: i know...05:53
leo_rockwamit: katapult is nicer :-D05:53
Mikauleo_rockw: i downloaded the beta version xD05:53
leo_rockwamit: and katapult has some extra features05:53
amitleo_rockw: hmm..it suggests :P05:54
Leeuwamit: that's cool too, not such a nice pic though...   is it built in kde ?  (katapult is extra deamon, right ?)05:54
leo_rockwamit: like a calculator, or spell checker05:54
amitLeeuw: yes...built-in.. nothing fancy05:54
Leeuwleo_rockw: what xtra f ?05:54
leo_rockwamit: autocomplete for all apps too05:54
leo_rockwLeeuw: katapult is an app, not a daemon05:55
Odd-rationaleis there katapult for kde4? or has the kind of been replaces with alt+f2 ?05:55
amitleo_rockw: hmm...05:55
chrisrogersleo_rockw: still really jumpy on scrolling and moving windows, and i havn't tried compiz yet05:55
leo_rockwOdd-rationale: i think i saw it for kde... but i'm not possitive05:55
Leeuwamit, yeah, but if katapult is a deamon, switching it of lightens my sys, wich I always strive for... still waiting for the xtra opts though to make up my mind05:55
Oleg_People, how do I install ntfs-3g in kubuntu?05:55
flaccid!ntfs-3g | Oleg_05:55
ubotuOleg_: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions05:55
Leeuwleo_rockw: app, ok, how did it end up in memory at start then ?05:55
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leo_rockwOleg_: what version of kubuntu? doesn't it come by default in hardy?05:55
chrisrogersleo_rockw: installing compiz back i'll let you know how it works05:56
Leeuwleo_rockw: and if I don' t need the xtra's how do I remove it ?05:56
leo_rockwLeeuw: that's not a daemon, nor a service05:56
leo_rockwLeeuw: sudo apt-get remove --purge katapult05:56
amitLeeuw: autocomplete, calculator, spellcheck..i don't fancy that stuff, cuz I almost always know what I wanna run05:56
GothicD3vilkubuntu hardy have beryl?05:56
leo_rockwamit: me too... from katapult05:56
trophyheadhi all = )05:56
leo_rockwGothicD3vil: beryl doesn't exist anymore05:56
Leeuwleo_rockw: tell me about the xtra' s !?05:56
leo_rockwLeeuw: calculator, spellchecker05:57
leo_rockwLeeuw: autocomplete05:57
amitleo_rockw: yeah...but my system is like 256MB of RAM..so I am kinda striving to get rid of apps that are replaceable05:57
GothicD3viland what can i use to play with the computer like beryl?05:57
Leeuwamit: I agree on spellcheck etc, I' vre my own built in at school long time ago, still works fine05:57
Leeuwleo_rockw: ok lol05:57
chrisrogersleo_rockw: should i have done sudo apt-get install compiz* ?05:57
ubotuBeryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz05:57
leo_rockwGothicD3vil: beryl and compiz came back together. we have compiz fusion now05:57
Leeuwleo_rockw: how do I xs them ?05:57
chrisrogershey flaccid05:58
leo_rockwchrisrogers: compiz comes by default in hardy i believe05:58
leo_rockwchrisrogers: it's not on by default, just installed05:58
Leeuwleo_rockw: I love the autocompl though...05:58
flaccidheya chris05:58
* flaccid is named chris as well05:58
leo_rockwLeeuw: yup, alt+f2 doesn't have that for all apps, just the ones you previously opened05:58
chrisrogersflaccid: how do i add my driver to the compiz trusted thing or whatever05:58
Leeuwleo_rockw: ok, so it gets smarter... over sessions or per session ?05:59
leo_rockwchrisrogers: there should be a file in /usr/bin/compiz or smth like that05:59
amitLeeuw: thats true :)05:59
chrisrogersthanks leo05:59
leo_rockwLeeuw: idk, i stopped using alt+f2 since i got katapult05:59
amitLeeuw: over sessions05:59
leo_rockw!pm | GothicD3vil05:59
ubotuGothicD3vil: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.05:59
flaccidintelikey: yeah anglo trash..05:59
leo_rockwGothicD3vil: that was beryl, but beryl is gone05:59
chrisrogersleo_rockw: what do i add to that file, fglrx?05:59
leo_rockwGothicD3vil: it was replaced by compiz-fusion, which is an upgraded version06:00
leo_rockwchrisrogers: exactly06:00
chrisrogersleo_rockw: nice, thanks06:00
flaccidchrisrogers: are you sure its needed. its usually not at all..06:00
leo_rockwchrisrogers: yeah, it might not be needed06:00
chrisrogersleo_rockw: well we'll see first06:00
Leeuwamit: leo_rockw  the jury's still out, think I' ll use' m both...   Still, I love kde, was on gnome for some time, switched & never went back...06:00
flaccidthats why we have the guide06:00
chrisrogersis there a command to turn off compiz?06:00
flaccid!compiz-fusion | chrisrogers06:00
ubotuchrisrogers: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion06:00
leo_rockwchrisrogers: kwin --replace06:00
flaccidits there ^^06:00
Odd-rationalechrisrogers: alt+f2 and type "kwin --replace06:00
leo_rockwflaccid: that's old, kubuntu comes w/ compiz installed in hardy06:00
leo_rockwflaccid: so it says in kubuntu's site06:01
chrisrogersleo_rockw: i really wish i could get my smooth mouse scrolling and window moving back06:01
chrisrogersanybody know why it's doing that?06:01
leo_rockwchrisrogers: i gave up on compiz a long time ago06:01
Odd-rationaleIt comes with a compiz installer, but not compiz itself...06:01
Leeuwflaccid: what WM does kde use then ?   it's own or something ?06:01
Odd-rationaleLeeuw: kwin06:01
leo_rockwLeeuw: kwin06:01
trophyheaddoes kubuntu read parity or pre-fetch on my computer, should I enable this to have it work better or maybe even faster??06:02
LeeuwOdd-rationale: leo_rockwok, can I get more settings on that, like in compiz ?   Or do I need compiz then ?06:02
leo_rockwGothicD3vil: what video card do you have?06:02
leo_rockwLeeuw: kwin-kde4 has composite. kwin doesn't06:02
flaccidleo_rockw: sorry didn' know it was outdated06:02
Odd-rationaleLeeuw: in kde4, kwin has its own compositing06:02
flaccidLeeuw: kwin06:03
leo_rockwflaccid: i asked about that a couple of days ago, otherwise i wouldn't have known :-P i don't use compiz06:03
Leeuwleo_rockw: now I understand why that thing with composite enable didn' t work...   Is kde4 stable enough to switch ?06:03
GothicD3vilgive me a second because this is a try laptop06:03
Odd-rationaleLeeuw: One GSoC is to have the cube effect for kwin. so soon you  won't need compiz at all for kde406:03
baudthiefHooray my machine didn't break after reboot!06:03
leo_rockwLeeuw: it's ok... i wouldn't use it on a dailiy basis tho...06:03
baudthiefstupid question, but how do I know I'm running 8.04?06:03
HUDMeisterYesterday, when I plugged in my USB flash drive for the first time, my 7.10 AMD64 system froze - clock didn't change but my mouse still worked.  I had to run to work so I had to hard reset the PC.  When tried to boot the PC after I returned home, it will never enter the OS.  I did notice that it is in an endless loop of ubuntu boot up "attempt to access beyond end of device" for sda1.  any ideas? I'm stumped.06:04
Odd-rationaleLeeuw: I'm waitning at least for the next release...06:04
LeeuwOdd-rationale: what'sGSoC ?06:04
baudthiefeverything looks exactly the same as 7.10 lol06:04
flaccidyeah im outdated myself with this stuff06:04
leo_rockwbaudthief: lsb_release -a06:04
Odd-rationaleLeeuw: Google Summer of Code06:04
chrisrogersOdd-rationale: LMAO06:04
LeeuwOdd-rationale: ok06:04
baudthiefleo_rockw: cool, thanks... I'm running 8.0406:04
baudthiefyay? :P06:04
leo_rockwHUDMeister: next time don't hard reset again, next time use the raising elephants method06:05
chrisrogersleo_rockw: raising elephants?06:05
HUDMeisterwhat is the raising elephants method, and how can i recover my system?06:05
LeeuwOdd-rationale: leo_rockw, what;s the problem with kde4 now ?06:05
leo_rockwchrisrogers: that's my blog's name too :-P raising elephants is so utterly boring is a mnemonic rule06:05
Odd-rationaleLeeuw: it is stable. it is just not complete06:05
flaccidchrisrogers: so whats the current problem?06:05
leo_rockwLeeuw: there are some things you can't configure. some apps are not even ported yet06:06
Odd-rationaleLeeuw: http://code.google.com/soc/2008/06:06
chrisrogersflaccid: nothing right now, still installing all the components for compiz06:06
leo_rockwchrisrogers: it's a way to turn off your comp without breaking anything. alt + sys req + reisub06:06
LeeuwOdd-rationale: what's missin that's important ?   (think it's answered, thanx for link !06:06
flaccidchrisrogers: coolio06:06
leo_rockwLeeuw: amarok2 !06:06
chrisrogersleo_rockw: what is reisub?06:06
Leeuwleo_rockw: doesn' t amarok 1 run n it ?06:07
=== julio_ is now known as Mikau
leo_rockwchrisrogers: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key#Raising_Elephants06:07
Odd-rationaleLeeuw: adept, guidance-power-manager konversation, amarok2, etc...06:07
leo_rockwLeeuw: yup06:07
GothicD3vilIntel® Graphics Media Accelerator 95006:07
LeeuwOdd-rationale: leo_rockw hm...   how fast are these people ?06:07
leo_rockwLeeuw: 4.1 should be out in july or so, 4.2 should be out in december/january06:08
GothicD3villeo_rockw: Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 950 with 8MB-128MB dynamically06:08
GothicD3vilallocated shared graphics memory06:08
Leeuwleo_rockw: I' ll get it for my birthday then July...06:08
GothicD3vilis a laptop06:08
leo_rockwLeeuw: 4.1 should be good enough for dailiy use, 4.2 should be good enough to ditch 3.5 and switch to kde4 completely06:08
Mikauhey guys... thank you very much... i can now open mp306:08
Leeuwleo_rockw: might chack it out thou06:08
leo_rockwMikau: don't forget about those ogg, tho. jamendo rocks06:09
leo_rockwLeeuw: yeah, i installed it a while ago to try it, it's really good but it needs more work done06:09
leo_rockwGothicD3vil: nvidia's are better for compiz06:09
Mikauleo_rockw: ok06:09
LeeuwMikau: did you get it going ?06:09
leo_rockwMikau: and jamendo ships mp3s too06:09
MikauLeeuw: yeah06:09
HUDMeisterhow can i recover from an endless "attempt to access beyond end of device" during bootup?06:09
Mikauleo_rockw: rigth! can you tell me again that guy's blog06:10
LeeuwMikau: I see you did, great !   welcome to the world of building yer box !06:10
Mikauleo_rockw: the one who lives in japan...06:10
flaccidHUDMeister: never seen that. try google?06:10
leo_rockwHUDMeister: try using the live cd and running a disk check06:10
MikauLeeuw: 10x06:10
leo_rockwMikau: http://kmandla.wordpress.com06:10
HUDMeistertried google...  i cant find anyone that has the problem during boot up06:10
leo_rockwMikau: idk if he has the answer there, he might, but i'm not positive06:10
Mikauleo_rockw: ok06:11
leo_rockwMikau: just remember that google is your friend too06:11
Mikauleo_rockw: and, again, what is that program name?06:11
Mikauleo_rockw: sc something..06:11
ronnieIs x86 same thing i386, to install on older desktops?06:11
LeeuwMikau: scim06:12
leo_rockwGothicD3vil: just one thing... don't switch to gnu/linux just for the eye candy... you'll be disappointed06:12
ubotuChinese, Japanese, Korean Language input. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SCIM06:12
leo_rockwMikau: what Leeuw said06:12
Leeuwhey ?!?06:12
leo_rockw!info scim06:12
ubotuscim (source: scim): smart common input method platform. In component main, is optional. Version 1.4.7-3ubuntu8 (hardy), package size 718 kB, installed size 1992 kB06:12
Mikauleo_rockw: ok06:12
MikauLeeuw: thanks06:12
Leeuwcoffee, anyone ?06:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cookie - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:13
Leeuw7:15 am here...06:13
leo_rockw2:13 am06:13
ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!06:13
leo_rockwOdd-rationale: thanks :-)06:13
Odd-rationale!helpsnack | leo_rockw06:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about helpsnack - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:13
Odd-rationale!helpersnack | leo_rockw06:13
ubotuleo_rockw: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!06:13
leo_rockwhaha, i didn't know that one06:14
Mikauwow... adept is now working.. xD06:15
Mikau---installing scim06:15
chrisrogerscompiz isn't working now06:17
Leeuwnice wizza coffe, that ubotu-cookie... where is it though, it's not in the cookie-jar... ?!?06:17
Leeuwleo_rockw: you' re late, I' m early..06:18
leo_rockwLeeuw: i should be sleeping, flisol is tomorrow06:18
Leeuwleo what's flisol ?06:18
leo_rockwlatin american festival of software libre installation06:18
leo_rockwa huge install fest06:19
leo_rockwLeeuw: it's happening in many cities of southamerika06:19
Mikauhey guys... i'm leaving now..06:19
Leeuwleo_rockw: wow !06:19
Mikauhere it's 2:20 AM06:19
LeeuwMikau:  bye, take care !06:19
leo_rockwLeeuw: this is a list of all the cities involved: http://www.installfest.net/FLISOL2008/Ciudades06:20
Leeuwleo_rockw: welll , I' ll be there in spirit; have some new old p4 to tst, and maybe build a new xtra rig wizzit...06:21
Leeuwleo_rockw: man !   That' s some party...   And all the rooms are in a chat or on the net or so ?06:22
leo_rockwLeeuw: it's my first time in an install fest. i hope i don't destroy somebody's harddrive :-P06:22
Leeuwleo_rockw: lol06:22
leo_rockwLeeuw: no, we gather06:22
Leeuw <glupek>06:22
leo_rockwLeeuw: like, in real life06:22
Leeuwby th way, do you get the puinguin ?   or yer own theme ?06:23
leo_rockwLeeuw: all those cities will have an event where people take their computers too06:23
ISS_StudentI wish they would have an install fest here in Salt Lake City06:23
Leeuwleo_rockw: dif' rent types event ?06:23
leo_rockwLeeuw: just one install fest event per city listed06:23
LeeuwISS_Student: yeah, me too, her in Amsterdam would be nize06:23
leo_rockwLeeuw: there will be stands of different distros and some lectures too06:24
leo_rockwLeeuw: i'll be in the ubuntu-ar stand, as always06:24
ISS_StudentOr even a Ubuntu users group would be nice.06:24
Leeuwleo_rockw:  should be fun...   ubuntu-ar issa... ?06:24
Leeuwargentina ?06:24
ISS_StudentI've gotten a few people at school (ITT-Tech) runing on Ubuntu06:24
leo_rockwLeeuw: exactly, the biggest ubuntu local community team06:24
Leeuwleo_rockw: so I heard... in america or the woild ?06:25
leo_rockwLeeuw: we had a party on thursday in my city for the hardy release.06:25
leo_rockwLeeuw: in the world, except for the US of course06:25
leo_rockwthe US has the local community teams divided by states06:25
LeeuwISS_Student: are you sure there' s no group in SLC ?06:26
Odd-rationalethe us is part of the world06:26
leo_rockwOdd-rationale: but the US has the local community teams by states, not just a big one for the whole country06:26
ISS_StudentLeeuw I heard there is supposed to be one but I can't find there meetin times and location06:26
Odd-rationaleI'm in #ubuntu-dallas only 7 peeps (including ChanServ)06:27
leo_rockwwe usually hang out on irc, the forums and the mailing list06:27
LeeuwISS_Student: I just googled ubuntu salt lake city, got: Ubuntu Utah Gutsy Release Party  in salt lake city, wAS 2007, BUT SEEMS THERE is A GROUP IN THE VINCINITY.. ?!!06:27
leo_rockwour mailing list is huge!06:27
leo_rockwLeeuw: caps are autopilot for leetness :-P06:27
chrisrogersflaccid: how do i remove this driver06:28
ISS_StudentHmm there is a Ubuntu-UT channel06:28
chrisrogersflaccid: how do i remove this driver06:28
flacciddont know.06:28
chrisrogersi'm tired of it06:29
flacciddid you read the doco from ati, chrisrogers?06:29
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leo_rockwchrisrogers: there might be a script in /etc/ati06:29
chrisrogersflaccid: yes06:29
chrisrogersflaccid: wait what?06:29
flaccidwell im still waiting for you to report specific problems06:29
leo_rockwchrisrogers: depending on the version...06:29
flaccidinstead of being 'tired of it'06:29
LeeuwISS_Student: it 's called 'The Ubuntu Utah LoCo team' party was at Paradise Cafe, 618 East 400 South Salt Lake City UT 84102.   That info should get you their adress on the long run ?06:29
chrisrogerswell let's see, i can't move windows, scroll smoothly and every time i install and enable compiz it turns the whole screen white06:30
leo_rockwLeeuw: well, there might not be an address... (i mean, physical one) ubuntu-ar doesn't have any headquarters06:30
flaccidand you blame the driver. did you ever think the problem is compiz-fusion or that maybe logs should be checked?06:30
LeeuwISS_Student: go to ubuntu wiki, search for utah, you 'll find a page of' m06:30
chrisrogersflaccid: i don't f-ing know i'm getting tired of working on this for 3 day06:30
chrisrogersflaccid: s06:30
flaccidthen give up. i mean there is two options here. persist or give up..06:31
flaccidthats how linux is usually06:31
Leeuwleo_rockw: makes sense...   with internet you don' t need a building anymore...06:31
Leeuwleo_rockw: still I would not like to sleep on the net..   glad I have a building..06:32
leo_rockwLeeuw: it'd probably be too noisy06:32
chrisrogersflaccid: so what can i do, except revert to the original driver that came on there when i installed Kubuntu06:32
Leeuwleo_rockw: the beeping, man the beeeeping alllll the time; drives ya nuts06:32
chrisrogersflaccid: vega or something06:32
flaccidchrisrogers: no. lets look at the problem closer instead of making assumptions!06:33
leo_rockwLeeuw: well, considering the net is like 90% pr0n... i would like to stay there for a night06:33
chrisrogersflaccid: i don't think i could get any closer than i have, my gf is getting pissed at me for sitting here working on this for so long and i'm getting tired of it06:33
Leeuwleo_rockw: yeah, but it's all silicon...06:33
leo_rockwLeeuw: silicon valley lol06:34
Leeuwleo right06:34
=== johnm is now known as JohnMMkubuntu1
flaccidchrisrogers: welcome to linux.06:34
chrisrogersflaccid: vesa that's it06:34
Odd-rationalechrisrogers: as they say, you can only have a gf or linux. not both ;)06:34
chrisrogersflaccid: i've been on linux for a while and never had this much problems06:34
leo_rockwchrisrogers: you can't have a g/f and linux... we use linux cuz we have no g/fs! :-P06:34
flaccidts up to you if you wanna cite logs etc. or just give up06:34
flaccidchrisrogers: ive been on it probably longer and this is nothing compared to other problems06:34
chrisrogersflaccid: well i have both and i want to keep both06:34
Odd-rationalechrisrogers: good luck!06:35
chrisrogersflaccid: i'm switching back to vesa driver06:35
leo_rockwchrisrogers: i heard linspire will help you w/ that06:35
amitcan't play videos in Kaffeine.. have installed all the required codecs... all i get is a blue screen06:35
flaccidchrisrogers: if thats the case you will probably have better performance with the "radeon" driver06:36
Odd-rationaleamit: what type if file?06:36
amiti have put the Option "XaaNoOffscreenPixmaps" in the device section of xorg.conf as told on the xine website06:36
amitOdd-rationale: also, i have tried the xshm driver and it works fine, but its very slow06:37
chrisrogersflaccid: so... now what06:39
Odd-rationaleamit: hmm. strange. I didn't need to do anything special after install kubuntu-restricted-extras...06:39
flaccidchrisrogers: have a beer?06:39
chrisrogersflaccid: more like a cigerette, i don't drink06:39
chrisrogersflaccid: no beer, no video, i'm screwed06:44
chrisrogersflaccid: this sux06:44
flaccidits pretty common06:44
leo_rockwchrisrogers: i know this won't make you any happier, but keep in mind this is ati's fault and not gnu/linux06:44
chrisrogersleo_rockw: :@ no... it dosn't make me any happier06:45
ISS_StudentIs it possible to play blu-ray dvd's in Kubuntu 8.0406:47
chrisrogersleo_rockw: but here's how i look at it, gnu/linux just relased this version of kubuntu and this card has been out for a while, so they should support it already06:48
leo_rockwchrisrogers: if you have the specs of the card i'll get someone to code the drivers for us06:48
chrisrogersleo_rockw: are you serious or being sarcastic?06:48
leo_rockwchrisrogers: the latter06:49
chrisrogersleo_rockw: figured as much06:49
flaccidi would contact ati/amd because it thought they were taking linux support more seriously now06:49
leo_rockwflaccid: they are actually. last year the drivers were the biggest crap in the world06:50
chrisrogersok, i'll try that06:50
flaccidwell the new cards (which i thought) the HD2* series were to get the new driver with good support iirc. do some research i guess06:50
leo_rockwfeisty's live cd didn't even boot on my comp... i had to do a hack06:50
leo_rockwflaccid: amd released some of the specs, so there should be a good open driver soon06:51
weswh-does anyone have a problem where video (like xvid) has all kinds of 'tearing' in high movement scenes?06:51
flaccidrightio, wonder when this driver is actually going to be released instead of being talked about...06:52
weswh-happens in every player for me, kaffeine, mplayer...it's not unwatchable...i get by06:52
=== oleg_ is now known as Oleg_
weswh-but, very frustrating. has been this way for a year or so...i'm still on feisty. everytime a new nvidia driver comes out i cross my fingers06:52
weswh-my brothers system (ubuntu not kubuntu) does the same thing06:52
chrisrogersi'm removing kubuntu from my computer and just using vista, i get full 3d graphics support on there at least06:53
leo_rockwflaccid: yeah... i hope we get those drivers before the end of the year06:53
leo_rockwchrisrogers: glhf06:53
nexanogood luck have fun06:54
leo_rockwchrisrogers: say hi to the drm for me06:54
chrisrogersi'll stay on #kubuntu on mirc to keep up with you guys and you can tell me when gnu/linux or ati gets their heads out of their A$$es and gets on this06:55
intelikeychrisrogers welcome to the wonderful world of "propritary" *****06:55
SiR-HaCkalguien vivo?06:55
leo_rockwSiR-HaCk: este canal es solo en ingles. podes ir a #kubuntu-es para ayuda en español06:56
flaccidits unfortunate that the open drivers from xorg don't cut it for ati or nvidia otherwise i would use them. if you are a bsd user like me the support is even worse!!06:56
intelikeychrisrogers it's not gnu/linux   it's the hardware maker not opensourcing a driver06:56
leo_rockwpeople get mad at linux for samba, for the drivers, for .doc not formatting correctly... i just don't get it06:57
chrisrogersintelikey: yea but they should figure out some way to support it (GNU/Linux i mean)06:57
leo_rockwchrisrogers: when was the last time you donated money to the cause?06:57
chrisrogersleo_rockw: not recently :P06:58
intelikeychrisrogers and get taken to coart, suied for billions, and put in jail...06:58
Level15jeez, apt is SLOW lately06:58
intelikeyyeah they should06:58
madusertheres alot of people using it06:58
chrisrogersintelikey: huh?06:58
leo_rockwchrisrogers: hackers are not being paid as much as they should... and reverse engineering is not easy, particularly if they sue you every other day06:58
Level15maduser: yeah... this is when i kind of wish linux wasn't so popular :P06:59
chrisrogerswell i'm going back to windows i'll talk to yall there06:59
intelikeychrisrogers you might want to read a little about how things actually work in the "dog eat gnu" world...   ;/06:59
Level150% [Waiting for headers]06:59
nexanoso, when i try using twinview via nvidia-settings it restricts my second monitor to 640x48006:59
nexanosound familiar?06:59
leo_rockwLevel15: you could try mirrors closer to your place maybe07:00
Level15leo am using mirrors in my country :(07:01
leo_rockwLevel15: well, the mirrors __for__ my country are not __in__ my country07:02
leo_rockwLevel15: i live in argentina, they are in the UK07:02
leo_rockwLevel15: i'm using brazil's now07:02
Level15i'm pretty sure Canada's mirrors are in Canada...07:02
leo_rockwLevel15: mmhhh... most likely lol07:03
Level15or at the very least, in the US07:03
=== Ketrel is now known as Boris
=== Boris is now known as Ketrel
chrisrogerswell until they get support  for an ATI Mobility Radeon HD 2600 with 256 MB of Dedicated VRAM and 768 Shared with the ram07:08
Myrthhi, it looks like with KNetworkManager it is possible to choose wifi network only with the systray right click popup... in my area there's so many networks that it wraps to 3 columns and i can't find my network in there... is there another way to connect to WPA network?07:09
intelikeychrisrogers again.   complain to ati  that's where the problem is.07:11
intelikeynot to mention "you bought it without doing your homeowrk first"    almost like bying an old mac and wondering why it wouldn't run windows...07:12
KetrelMyrth, you should be able to enter it manually if you choose "Connect to other wireless network"07:13
Myrthoh, right, thanks :)07:14
DaBonBonsomeone told me that snd-hda-intel was kind of disabled in hardy, to convenience the other sound card drivers. is that true?07:14
Myrthsucks that i can't see the strength of networks when it goes to 2 and more columns07:14
leo_rockwMyrth: you could report it as a bug, or maybe post about it in the brainstorm07:14
intelikeyDaBonBon maybe ask in #ubuntu if no one here knows07:17
DaBonBonintelikey: the problem itself is not ubuntu or kubuntu specific07:17
leo_rockwDaBonBon: but #ubuntu has more people07:17
intelikey!drm | should include DefectiveByDesign.org07:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about drm - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:18
DaBonBonleo_rockw: right, asked there already07:18
intelikeyDaBonBon correct  and the help base is larger in #ubuntu07:18
DaBonBonbtw, doesn't firefox look really ugly in kubuntu 8.04? the tabs and icons look so misplaced and misaligned07:19
Odd-rationaleDaBonBon: agreed. can't wait for a webkit kpart07:20
DaBonBoninfact, firefox looked much better in 7.1007:21
intelikeyoh here's a good one  http://www.fsf.org/resources/hw/how_hardware_vendors_can_help.html07:23
Oleg_People, help! I wanna use mplayer with coreavc decoder for playing h264 files07:23
Oleg_to install command line mplayer, I gotta install mplayer-nogui package?07:24
DaBonBonanyone noticed that after typing apt-get or aptitude foo bar and pressing enter, the complete system hangs for a moment? as it if is "searching" for something?07:25
DaBonBonor is it only me?07:26
leo_rockwOleg_: sudo apt-get install mplayer07:26
Oleg_why mplayer, but not mplayer-nogui?07:26
Oleg_I don't want gui mplayer07:26
Oleg_only command-line mplayer07:26
leo_rockwOleg_: ooo07:26
leo_rockwOleg_: yeah, then nogui07:27
ere4si!cn | hushaohua07:29
ubotuhushaohua: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk07:29
leo_rockwgnite/day everyone, going to bed07:31
KetrelWhen using telnet, is there any way to make backspaces and arrow keys treated as such and not as adding in characters?07:34
intelikeyKetrel ummm test.   alt+SysRQ+R    and try it.   if that doesn't help   ctrl+alt+f1  &  ctrl+alt+f7   should "un-do" it.07:36
Oleg_I need to re-compile the kernel07:37
intelikeyOleg_ you have done that before ?07:37
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)07:38
ubotuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - For more: /msg ubotu stages07:38
Oleg_ok, maybe I can install the pre-built package07:38
Ketrelintelikey I will try that when I boot into kubuntu again, thanks07:39
Oleg_I need the one that supports sse, sse2, mmx extensions07:39
Oleg_I don't know why kubuntu didn't install it during installation07:39
Oleg_how do I install the kernel sources07:41
JackWinterany one care to have a quick look in adept to tell me which pulseaudio component was installed by default in 8.04 ?  i think there was just 1 lib when filtering with pulse.  wanna remove to get my sound working again.  will check out ubuntustudio to see how pulse works...07:41
baudthiefafter upgrading from gutsy to hardy, my samba mounts keep failing with "mount error: could not find target server. TCP name Multimedia/Unsorted not found"07:43
baudthiefI can browse the shares though, and they work fine on windows machines07:43
baudthiefany ideas?07:44
Oleg_just tell me what package installs kernel sources07:44
intelikeyOleg_ ^           if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile07:45
JackWinteranywhere i can browse to see the default installed libs of 8.04 ?07:47
Oleg_ok, it's linux-source-2.6.2407:47
zeno_hi! my /etc/enviornment is set with a :~/src, but starting a new bash echo $PATH outputs it without! why could this be/how to fix?07:47
intelikey!find linux-source07:49
ubotuFound: linux-source, linux-source-2.6.2407:49
intelikey!info linux-source07:49
ubotulinux-source (source: linux-meta): Linux kernel source with Ubuntu patches. In component main, is optional. Version (hardy), package size 25 kB, installed size 52 kB07:49
maduserfor kde4 how to I add the number of desktops back to the taskbar?07:49
intelikeyright click the taskbar and add applet   pager?07:50
intelikeyno not pager?    something07:50
=== ubuntu is now known as donald__
donald__Can somebody help me in the process of removing Kubuntu 8.0407:51
intelikeymaduser or umm kde4 may not have multiple desktops ....07:51
donald__I'm in the Kubuntu liveCD and I'm unable to delete the linux-swap partition because it says it's mouned07:51
maduserit does07:51
intelikeydonald__ sure.   delete the partition/s and fix the MBR07:51
maduserI see 2 i want 407:52
intelikeydonald__ umount it07:52
donald__I dont know how to unmount it07:52
intelikeydonald__   sudo swapoff -a07:52
madusernevermind got it07:52
intelikeymaduser oh   right click the desktop and configure that07:52
donald__thanks intelikey07:52
intelikeymaduser if all else fails     "kcontrol"   answers all07:53
intelikeydonald__ you do know you have to fix your MBR07:53
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto07:53
donald__yes, intelikey I am aware of how to do that :)07:54
intelikeyjust mentioned cause after deleting the partition that grubs files is on     you can't use grub to boot anything.07:54
delarooneyquestion bout wubi08:02
delarooneyI installed ubuntu base, and want to try switching to kubuntu, see if i like that desktop better.  Do i do it through a package manager or something, or should I run the wubi.exe from windows08:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wobi - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:04
ubotuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.08:04
Daisuke_Idodelarooney, you'll install the kubuntu-desktop package through synaptic while you're in ubuntu08:04
Daisuke_Idothen log out and choose a kde session08:05
=== andrew_ is now known as Ketrel_
kblinhi folks08:14
=== zeke is now known as HunterSThompson
kblinI'm running kubuntu hardy, and it seems like my sound is broken for everything apart from KDE system sounds08:18
Jucato!pl | krawczyk08:18
ubotukrawczyk: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl08:18
Jucato(that's a first... everything except KDE sounds working :)08:19
krawczykok dzieki pozdro08:19
kblinso if I try to "test sound" from system settings, that plays just fine08:19
kblinif I try to run an ogg file from amarok or mplayer, sound doesn't start for about 10s, then it starts with weird noises in the background08:20
drackmereNot surprising, my sound really bites in 7.10.  I can't get it to get rid of the fuzz.08:20
kblinsame for wav files08:20
intelikey"Some GNU/Linux operating system distributions add proprietary packages to the basic free system, and they invite users to consider this an advantage, rather than a step backwards from freedom."  http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-software-for-freedom.html08:20
kblinit _was_ working in 7.10 just fine08:20
drackmereHardy for KDE is still in beta isn't it?08:21
kblinis it?08:21
Odd-rationaledoes anyone know how to move kooldock  from the bottom to the top? I can't find it in the pref...08:21
Jucatosee the channel's topic :)08:22
Odd-rationaledrackmere: no, it is official08:22
drackmereI thought that the stable release was Gnome.08:22
kblinthe funny thing is that it seems to work just fine on my x86_64 box08:22
drackmereReally? Why won't the upgrade show up in Adept?08:22
Jucatoyou might be confusing the LTS mark with a release08:22
drackmerePossibly.  Long week.08:23
drackmereSo here is a question, can I run compiz in E-KDE?  If so, how?08:23
HunterSThompsonanyone know if Assasin's Creed works in WINE?08:24
JucatoHunterSThompson: people in #winehq might know better08:24
drackmereNow if only that was H.S. Thompson.08:25
drackmereOkay, I am suffering from brain death, just checked the site, sorry.08:26
drackmereAny takers on the compiz question?08:27
drackmereOkay, way past my bedtime, I will try tomorrow.  Thanks anyway.08:28
intelikeywho is H.S. Thompson ?08:28
drackmereHunter S. Thompson, just do a google on him, that will tell you all you need to know.08:29
LynoureNot really a help request yet, but if I have ati (floss) driver and soon an external monitor with bigger resolution than my laptop screen can do, what kind of hassle can I expect switching between them?08:31
Lynouregoogling for it does not work as all I get is solutions for the proprietary driver08:32
kblinI just killed X and ran mplayer from console, sound works just great there08:32
* kblin blames artsd08:32
corbanSo is Kubuntu a decent distro?08:36
corbani'm wondering if it's gona be worth moving from a source based distro to a binary based one08:37
kblindepends how much time you want to spend compiling things, I gues08:39
kblinbut I figure most people here aren't exactly neutral08:39
intelikeycorban no08:39
corbanwell...i like having the newest software available08:39
intelikeycorban it includes non-free junk by default.08:40
corbannon-free is fine08:40
corbanjust as long as it has no price tag08:40
TimSDoes the dist update process create a log?08:40
* intelikey would rather pay for free/open-source than recieve propritary without charge08:41
intelikeyTimS yes08:41
intelikeyTimS /var/log/dpkg.log08:41
TimSOk thanks08:42
intelikeyTimS note that is all dpkg actions not only an upgrade08:42
corbannothing wrong with propriatry08:42
intelikeycorban nothing right with it either.08:43
TimSintelikey: I couldn't find it, but I did find /var/log/dist-upgrade/main.log and thats exactly what I want =]08:43
corbanwhy not?08:43
intelikeyTimS heh yeah that one too.   but there should be a dpkg.log there too.08:43
TimSOkay, i guess its because I hadn't got to the download or install bit yet08:44
TimSOh, i see it now. Thanks08:45
corbannot trying to be difficult but why on earth would you pay for something open-source....may as well just get the source and compile it yourself08:45
robert__Hi everyone - I got a bit of a problem: I want to throttle my cpu (to let it not overheat), but whenever I try e.g. "sudo -i echo -n "90:80:50:55:50:45" > /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THRM/trip_points" or "echo 4 | tee /proc/acpi/processor/P001/throttling" I just get "Permission denied"08:46
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intelikeyintentionally difficult, but why on earth would you use propritary when there is free.   :)08:46
intelikeyrobotgeek "echo 4 | sudo tee /proc/acpi/processor/P001/throttling"08:47
corbanbecause it's there...and may be better then free alternative....take ATi drivers for instance08:47
LynourePolitikerNEU: why not just use power manager for that?08:48
LynourePolitikerNEU: sudo does not pass over a >08:48
PolitikerNEUah, ok08:48
intelikeyLynoure   tee   ^08:49
PolitikerNEUI have tried power manager, but it is still too hot08:49
corbanlook before i get people annoyed with me, i just want you to know i'm thinking of moving from sabayon to Kubuntu08:49
LynourePolitikerNEU: something wrong with your hardware, then? (or fans not speeding up?)08:49
PolitikerNEUfan is speeding up and it's blowing hot out of the fan08:50
corbanand i do greatly appreciate all the help08:50
intelikeypipes and redirrects are stdout which is owned by the user and you can pipe into sudo  whereas tee can then write.08:50
Lynourecorban: someone needs to write the source, it's not like it grows itself (more on #kubuntu-offtopic if you wish)08:50
PolitikerNEUhmm ... I just have used sudo su now08:50
PolitikerNEUbut thanks08:50
corbani know someone needs to write source08:51
Lynourecorban: I'll happily explain more on whys, but not here :)08:51
intelikeyPolitikerNEU sudo -i08:52
intelikeysame as sudo su -      and if you did sudo su i hope you added the dash08:52
corbani'm on offtopic08:52
PolitikerNEUno, what is the dash needed for?08:52
intelikeyman su         in short it sets to login env08:53
dave11to bad kubuntu 8.04 isnt a LTS version08:53
Odd-rationaledave11: I'm upgrading to 8.10 anyways... :)08:54
dave11it rocks08:54
Odd-rationaleIt would be boring to use the same version for 2 years...08:54
haroldi dont' care if its LTS... it still gets the ladies 8)08:54
Repsa_JihHello. I really need to make a larger backup (about 30Gig) of my hard drive. Therefore, I want to copy these files to another computer (WinXP). What is the best and fastest way to do this?08:54
Odd-rationaleespecially if you get the new version FREE!08:55
intelikeyi need to start my upgrade process to 9.06 now to be done in time for the release...08:55
dave11Odd-rationale: 8.10 thats cutting edge08:55
progzy: Hi ! I have a keyboard problem : sometimes when I press a key it does not print anything on the screen ; does anyone know where the problem comes from please ? (I am in dual boot and it is ok on windows)08:55
intelikeyprogzy is it a kernel issue or an xorg issue ?08:56
PolitikerNEUhmm ... If i do "echo 6 | tee /proc/acpi/processor/P001/throttling", system feels MUCH slower (so the command should have worked), but the temperature is still high08:56
PolitikerNEU(of course I did echo 6 | tee /proc/acpi/processor/P002/throttling too)08:56
intelikeyprogzy i mean is that problem repetable in console, or is it something that only happens in the GUI08:57
intelikeyctrl+alt+f1 to reach a console    ctrl+alt+f7 to find xorg again.08:57
dave11does kde 4 run better on 8.04?08:58
intelikeyPolitikerNEU did you not see my answer ^ up there ?08:58
intelikeypolitikerneu; "echo 4 | sudo tee /proc/acpi/processor/P001/throttling"08:59
intelikeyyou pipe into sudo tee08:59
PolitikerNEUyeah, but I was in sudo su - now, but I'll try it08:59
intelikeysimple test;   echo boo | sudo tee /root/testing09:00
intelikeysudo cat /root/testing09:00
PolitikerNEUecho boo | sudo tee /root/testing09:00
PolitikerNEUroot@robert-laptop:~# sudo cat /root/testing09:00
PolitikerNEUbut I'm in "sudo su -" currently09:00
intelikeyit will work anyway09:01
PolitikerNEUso sudo shouldn't be needed09:01
intelikeyno it's not while you are root09:01
progzyintelikey : it seems both : console or GUI09:01
intelikeyinfact   you can just redirrect echo from root.   echo ooob > /root/testing09:01
progzyI ve just tesed09:02
thumperwith compiz running in hardy with kde 3.5.9, how do I restart the window decorations after they crash?09:02
thumperalso, did anyone notice that their laptop became very unresponsive after the upgrade?09:02
intelikeyprogzy ok that's a kernel/hardware issue.   i'm not sure what to tell you there.     at least you know where the problem is.    if you can't find someone in here or  #ubuntu that can help you    and no bug reports on launchpad about it.   check in  ##linux and #kernel   maybe.09:04
PolitikerNEUhmm ... ok, now I've done "echo 4 | sudo tee /proc/acpi/processor/P001/throttling" - but still, temperature isn't decreasing. (The command must have worked, see:09:04
PolitikerNEUcat /proc/acpi/processor/P002/throttling09:04
PolitikerNEUstate count:             809:04
PolitikerNEUactive state:            T409:04
intelikeyprogzy i have never found that particular issue before, so i'm clueless there.09:05
kblinRepsa_Jih: use smbclient?09:05
jpatrickthumper: compiz usually has a ton of problems...09:06
Malicstupid question: i have removed firefox 3 and installed firefox-2. I want to start firefox with the command. How can i change this?09:06
kblinprogzy: and typing "reset" in the console doesn't help?09:06
Malicwith the command firefox09:06
thumperjpatrick: yeah, but it was pretty good prior09:06
intelikeyPolitikerNEU idk.09:06
thumperjpatrick: do you know how to restart the window decoration?09:06
* intelikey hides in fox-hole and srceems it's gonna blow !09:06
Hix-Nixhey guys, i have a question about your livecd... does it have klamav on it?  im geeking on a effed-up win-blows box and its all messed up09:06
PolitikerNEUok, thanks anyway09:06
Hix-Nixi need a quick livecd with AV support09:07
* thumper is pleased to have suspend/resume back09:07
jpatrickthumper: to switch back to kwin? 'kwin --replace'09:07
intelikeyHix-Nix why a live cd ?09:07
Dr_willisI recall some rescue cd's that had clamv on them.09:07
thumperjpatrick: not quite what I was asking, but thanks09:07
thumperjpatrick: do you know anything about normal windows becoming non-responsive?09:08
Hix-Nixintelikey, well, i just want to run an AV program on the winbows box. its a clients machine and my distro (gentoo) is down for the moment09:08
jpatrickthumper: oh, xgl disables the hiberation options yes - at least it did here09:08
progzyintelikey : ok thanks ... (Moreover it sometimes print more than one char at once - if I type "m" it could print "mmmmm" ...09:08
jpatrickthumper: it's usually xgl eating all the memory..09:08
thumperjpatrick: top says 99% idle09:08
progzykblin : I am trying ...09:08
thumperjpatrick: but then the konsole stops updating and stops repainting for about 10s09:09
intelikeyHix-Nix oh.   one could boot the ubuntu live and install clamav on it...   but i'd look for a rescue disk that the docter mentioned prolly09:09
jpatrickthumper: I'd try uninstalling xserver-xgl and see if it helps09:09
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thumperjpatrick: this is even with kwin09:09
thumperjpatrick: does that make a difference?09:09
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jpatrickthumper: it killed xgl here, which ate most of the memory when I used compiz, even with kwin09:10
thumperjpatrick: ouch09:10
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Hix-Nixwell, i know the gentoo based rescue cd HAS clam/klamAV on it... problem is the sourceforge page is down :(09:11
baudthiefdoes samba keep an access log somewhere? preferrably one that shows failed access attempts09:11
jpatrickthumper: my personal experience was: Xgl == bad, compiz or kwin, and it removed hiberation options...09:11
Hix-Nixso i need another quick fix09:11
Dr_willisYou can enable a lot of log options in the samba configs.09:11
intelikeybaudthief look in /var/log//09:12
progzykblin : I don't know what reset is supposed to know but the problem is still here09:12
Dr_willisbaudthief,  thers  /var/log/auth.log that may have some minimal info.09:13
kblinprogzy: reset the console09:13
baudthiefwhoa this is weird: startsmbfilepwent_internal: file /etc/samba/smbpasswd did not exist. File successfully created.09:13
pradaloverFailed to fetch cdrom:[Ubuntu 8.04 _Hardy Heron_ - Release i386 (20080423)]/dists/hardy/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz  Please use apt-cdrom to make this CD-ROM recognized by APT. apt-get update cannot be used to add new CD-ROMs09:13
baudthiefsomehow it keeps losing smbpasswd?09:13
jpatrickpradalover: you cannot apt-cdrom the CD, because of the file system it uses09:14
Tidussorry about that guys... had to refresh my nick list and i forgot to part all channels.09:14
pradaloverlike i know what you are talking about09:14
jpatrickTidus: no problem09:14
intelikeypradalover you can comment out the line for the CD in your sources.list and go09:16
Hix-Nixwell, thanks guys. i appreciate the help09:16
pradaloverI'm thinking its no big deal09:17
progzykblin : ok ...09:17
baudthiefDr_willis: doesnt contain anything about samba, netiher does anything else in /var/log/samba ;\09:17
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wizardokay so i installed the latest kubuntu off the live CD and it installed kde 3.5.9... instead of 4.0.8 which was the CD i thought i downloaded... and, it removed windows from my grub install09:18
Odd-rationalewizard: that is ok. just install kubuntu-kde4-desktop09:18
wizardOdd-rationale: and how do i get my windows partition back onto grub?09:18
intelikeypradalover i would comment out the cd in the sources     if you don't you may find less friendly messages later on.     adept package manager  is one way to do that.09:18
Odd-rationalewizard: reinstall grub?09:19
intelikeyor edit /boot/grub/menu.lst  and add it manually09:19
wizardOdd-rationale: kubuntu-kde4-desktop isn't in my list for apt-get09:19
intelikey@ wizard ^09:20
Odd-rationalewizard: running hardy?09:20
CapitalTHi, I had to install in safe graphics mode (because of gigantic fonts) and now my video driver is "vesa". How can I let it auto detect my real driver?09:21
Odd-rationalewizard: did you apt-get update?09:21
dmitry_dpkg-reconfigure xorg09:21
intelikeysudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:22
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Odd-rationaleintelikey: have you tried to reconfigre the xserver in hardy. It is different now. you can't select driver...09:22
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wizardOdd-rationale: i did something really frickin dumb09:23
wizardso dumb i wont tell you09:23
wizardand its hilarious09:23
intelikeyOdd-rationale i haven't seen hardy    no09:23
wizardbut ohh boy is it DUMB.09:23
intelikeyOdd-rationale have you tried    -plow09:23
Odd-rationalewizard: too bad. I like to laugh at dunb people....09:23
Odd-rationaleintelikey: what's that?09:24
wizardbe nice!09:24
wizardthis is shameful09:24
wizardi burt the 8.04 disk and put it into the case with all my ubuntu cd's09:24
intelikeyOdd-rationale switch for dpkg09:24
wizardand somehow, in a rash of genuine stupidity...09:24
intelikeysudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -plow09:24
wizardi pulled out my dapper cd09:24
Odd-rationaleintelikey: I'll try that next time..09:24
wizardand totally installed dapper, oblivious to it until now09:24
Odd-rationaleintelikey: what does it do?09:24
Odd-rationalewizard: ha!09:25
wizardhaha oh my god09:25
* wizard burries face in shame09:25
intelikeyOdd-rationale ummm   man dpkg-reconfigure        but in short -p priority09:25
Dr_willisNows the time to test the LTS upgrade feature!09:25
Odd-rationaleintelikey: oh, yeah. I've done that... didn;t work09:25
intelikeyOdd-rationale hmmm09:26
wizardnows the time where i hang my head low in shame and ask why my mother didn't abort.09:26
intelikeycan anyone confirm that  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -plow   <<< does NOT allow selecting the display driver in hardy ?09:26
* rawleto don't bileive 09:27
Dr_willishardy is 'supposed' to be very auto-configuraing for the X settings..  I wouldent be suprised at that.09:27
wizardare there no american mirrors yet for the remix verion?09:27
Dr_willisIm cheating and using my old xorg.conf file.09:27
Dr_williswizard,  i used the torrents. and got it so fast.. my pc was smoking. ;)09:28
wizardwheres the torrent for the remix?09:28
Dr_williswith the other torrents on the ubuntu torrent site i alwys find by googling for 'ubuntu torrent'09:28
monkeybritcheswizard: http://se.cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu-kde4/releases/8.04/release/09:29
chris32882alright, heres the story, Its been awhile since I used kubuntu....and trying to get back on track....how do I say...install firefox or search?09:29
Dr_willischris32882,  fire up the package maanger/add-remove programs tool and start installing09:30
Dr_willisor use the command line tools.09:30
Odd-rationalerawleto: try it. I bet you it won't work...09:30
jussio1chris32882: kmenu - system -adept09:30
wizardDr_willis: nothin' came up for me with that search strand09:30
chris32882alright, I remember there was a way to install the "Extras" for kubuntu? do you know what the line is?09:31
Dr_willisI find that hard to belive wiz that 'nothing' came up when you googled for 'ubuntu torrent'09:31
wizardwell, nothing short of a few repositories of private trackers09:31
monkeybritches*cough* http://se.cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu-kde4/releases/8.04/release/09:31
jussio1chris32882: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras09:31
Dr_willisfirst hit. has a link to all the ubuntu torrents that i think exist. 'officially'09:32
wizardmonkeybritches: that doesn't have a torrent link on there09:32
monkeybritchesScroll down09:32
chris32882ty  jussio109:32
ubotuKubuntu Hardy Heron (8.04) torrents can be obtained at http://se.cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/8.04/release/ (KDE 3.5.9) or http://se.cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu-kde4/releases/8.04/release/ (KDE 4.0.3)09:32
Dr_willisis where i always  go.09:32
wizardokay finally there we go09:34
wizardhopefully this will o nice and quick09:34
wizardso i can walk this mistake of shame off and learn from my mistakes lol09:34
tony403anyone here use ubuntu also? is there anything missing in ubuntu you can do in kubuntu?09:34
wizardconfigure anything tony40309:35
Dr_willisI alwyas install ubuntu and kubuntu desktops. I like some of the ubuntu tools for some tasks.09:35
Odd-rationaletony403: more like the other way...09:35
monkeybritchesThey're basically the same09:35
momalHey I just updated to hardy from gutsy and now I am getting this weird error in Kaffeine, "Loading of player part 'XinePart' failed." Details: "All Video Drivers failed to initialize!" Anyone know how I can go about fixing it ?09:35
wizardgnome tends to overstupify things.09:35
rawletowhat's name of daemon for autoupdate kubuntu?09:35
Dr_willisand under gnome, thers some kde tools i perfer09:35
Odd-rationalewizard: I'm seedin the alt cd right now :)09:35
monkeybritchesKDE is prettier :)09:35
wizardim doing the regular desktop one, Odd-rationale09:36
Odd-rationalepolicykit isn't intergrated in kubuntu09:36
wizardOdd-rationale: i cant get over how i somehow managed to install dapper without even catching it once that it was the WRONG cd09:36
intelikeyhave you slashed your dot lately ?09:36
tony403i was thinking of trying ubuntu for a change but afraid i'll be missing something after using kde a while09:36
wizardi'll never again do a linux install while on a narcotic sleeping aid.09:36
Odd-rationaleand you can't watch youtube vidoes in kaffeine like you can in totem...09:37
wizardin soviet russia, youtube watches you Odd-rationale09:37
Dr_willistony403,  its trivial to have kde and gnome both on the same machine.09:37
Odd-rationalebut in all. I still like kde better! :)09:37
chris32882check out the korean baby singing "Hey Jude" pretty cool09:37
tony403Dr_willis, yes, i know. i haven't tried it but was going for a light install09:38
Odd-rationaleI remember the first time I tried KDE i couldn't figure out how to delete folders/file. Because whenever I click on them it would open... :/ I ended up doing it from the terminal...09:38
haroldewwww totem09:38
Odd-rationalenow, ctrl+click seems natural...09:38
Dr_willisOdd-rationale,  i tend to do a 'click/drag/select box' to select files. :)09:38
monkeybritchesProbably not as cool as the three-year-old Chinese girl who can solve a Rubik's cube in two minutes.09:38
haroldthat just made me feel so worthless09:39
tony403ok, so i'll go with kubuntu again. does anyone suggest kde 4.03?09:39
Odd-rationaleDr_willis: for single files09:39
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Odd-rationaletony403: i'd reccmend getting kubuntu 3.5.909:39
t3hwiz0rdinstalled dapper instead of hardy... this is the dumbest thing i've done since engagement.09:39
chris32882check it out monkeybritches, surprised a lil toddler like that can sing the song, in english09:39
Odd-rationaletony403: then install kubuntu-kde4-desktop if you really want it.09:39
Odd-rationaletony403: you can choose kde/kde4 session in the kdm login screen09:40
monkeybritchesI just upgraded to 4.03 and wished I had installed it from the start instead of upgrading09:40
t3hwiz0rdkde 4.0 is more or less cutting edge and isn't considered stable09:40
Dr_willisi barely consider kde4 'useable' :)09:40
t3hwiz0rdinstall kde 3.5 on the back end to make sure you've got a stable desktop to revert to incase things get... messy? :-)09:40
monkeybritchesNow I've got to get rid of all the older versions of apps from 3.509:40
t3hwiz0rdi downgraded :D09:41
t3hwiz0rdto dapper :D lmao09:41
t3hwiz0rdby mistake...09:41
Dr_willismonkeybritches,  oddly enouhg - i had kde3 and 4 both installed in the beta.. then one day a lot of the redundant kde3 apps that were in kde4. got removed... Not sure what did that.09:41
Odd-rationaleanyways. gtg. good night all!09:41
haroldgnight night09:41
monkeybritchesMaybe if I do nothing they'll go away09:41
intelikeyt3; i'm using dapper full time.    have been sense about a month before it released.09:43
intelikeyit doesn't seem like i've used ubuntu for three years09:44
intelikeydoesn't seem like i've used linux for 9 years...   where did the time go09:45
PennycookI've just installed Hardy on my laptop and I'm trying to get to my desktop from it. I can ssh but not sftp or fish. Any ideas?09:45
tony403anyone know if there's an option yet to hide the panel in kde4 to use your own dock?09:47
intelikeyPennycook hmm no, i was just testing and anything i can ssh into i can fish:// into     are you getting an error message ?09:49
monkeybritchesRight-click on the panel > Configure Panel > Hiding > Hide immediately09:49
jussio1tony403: probably best to ask in #kubuntu-kde409:50
tony403jussio1, thanks, will do09:50
delarooneyJust used package manager to install kubuntu.  how do I get the kicker program to show up?09:50
intelikeyPennycook you are using the same username and password for ssh and fish://  ?09:50
tony403monkeybritches, thanks, just wondering. haven't installed the latest one yet09:50
chris32882whats the command to search in the terminal? -s?09:51
tony403last time the panel would mess up and i couldn't use a different one because it wouldn't hide09:51
Dr_willisdelarooney,  what exactly did you install?09:51
intelikeychris32882 find ?   or  grep ?09:51
Dr_willisdelarooney,  the complate kde/kubuntu desktop is in  the 'kubuntu-desktop' package09:51
delarooneykubuntu desktop from synaptic09:51
Pennycookintelikey: I was, yes.  It's just sorted itself out, the password box was appearing behind Konqueror. ^^;09:51
monkeybritchesdelarooney: Alt-F2 > Kicker, or 'kicker' in terminal09:51
monkeybritcheschris32882: What are you searching for?09:52
intelikeyPennycook oh   i see.     heh   ok.09:52
chris32882I know I could use the manager, but I want to get used to using the terminal again09:52
delarooneyokay.  Now I have that kicker toolbar, but I have the old ubuntu toolbar at the bottom now09:52
chris32882want to install firefox browser09:52
chris32882want to be able to search using apt-get09:52
intelikeyapt-cache search blah09:53
Dr_willisdelarooney,  you just ran kicker, (a kde app) while using gnome..  :) thats what you asked how to do...09:53
Dr_willisdelarooney,  if you want the whole kde desktop. logout and use the menus on the login screen to select KDE09:53
intelikeychris32882 and for details   apt-cache show blah09:53
delarooneyhm... I'll try.  thanks09:53
Dr_willisGotta love it when you answer a question and its not really the right question the guy was mening to ask.. :)09:54
intelikeysave a sudo    don't need to be root to search packages09:54
intelikeyDr_willis yeah that looked like a loaded question from word one.09:55
delarooneywow.  thanks.  this is cool09:55
intelikeywell i'm done.09:56
chris32882alright, it asks if I am root, which I am how do you enter my name and pass?09:56
monkeybritchesprefix your command with sudo09:57
tony403anyone know if kde comes in the ubuntu dvd and vice versa?09:57
Dr_willisdelarooney,  so much easier then what you expected eh?  :)09:57
monkeybritchesIt's available, but Gnome is installed by default, and vice versa09:58
The_ManU_212i wanted to make a backup of all my files in /home/manu09:58
The_ManU_212so i made sudo cp -r  /home/manu /media/usbsik/destination09:58
The_ManU_212but du -shm shows a difference of some mb, is that normal?09:59
Dr_willistony403,  i do not think it does.09:59
The_ManU_212and some directories of my buckup now have only root rights (reason of sudo?)10:00
chris32882alright its late here, gots to get some sleep, I'm sure I will be back10:00
delarooneythis dual booting windows thing is neat.10:02
puihi all10:03
tony403Dr_willis, ok, thanks. i just wish there was more collaboration in a desktop environment for linux so i wouldn't have to choose10:03
puianyone can help me ?10:03
puiwith ubuntu 8.0410:03
pui ?...10:03
Dr_willistony403,  choises are good.10:03
momalSince upgrading to hardy from gutsy kaffeine just gives me: "Loading of player part 'XinePart' failed. All Videos Drivers failed to initialize!" Anyone have any ideas what the problem is?10:04
Dr_willistony403,  you can mixx/match apps from kde/gnome fairly easially. check out the freedesktop.org site also.10:04
tony403i'm looking at kde-apps.org and gtk-apps.org. sorting by rank, most gnome apps are screenlets while kde apps are more work oriented. maybe that tells me right there to go kde10:05
antoI know this ain the kde4 channel but dose anyone know how to fix the ugly gtk widgets?10:06
lunaciao all, I'm problem with wifi card on asus laptop:S10:06
Pennycookanto: There's a gtk-qt-engine-kde4 package. Install that and there's a GTK configuration option in the Appearance tab of System Settings.10:06
lunaAtheros Communications Inc. AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01)10:06
lunathis is working on kubuntu?10:07
antoill give it a try10:07
* TimS has started his upgrade to Hardy =]10:18
vistakillergood luck :D10:18
vistakillerand if you cant install your gpu driver try envung from synaptic10:19
TimSI need to find someone with my gpu, the last nvida driver didn't work with it, there was a bug, so i need to check it works with the new one, then I can have compiz fusion for a first time in 6 months!10:20
TimSOh and decent screensavers!10:20
Dr_willisYea - screensavers are so Critucal to an os's useability!10:22
vistakillerTims try to install the driver with envyng10:22
TimSExactly! :p10:22
vistakilleryou will find it in synaptic10:22
vistakillerthere is a problem with the some gpu cards10:22
TimSOkay, Ill have a look in 26mins after its installed10:22
Dr_williswhat card was this?10:22
TimS7300 series didn't work on the old drivers10:22
TimSBut the fix was not backported to 7.10, it is suposed to be in 8.04 according to a launchpad bug thing :p10:23
vistakilleri see in different forum that there is problem10:24
vistakillerwith nvidia 7***10:24
vistakillerand nvidia 8***10:24
vistakillerthe only way to install the driver is envyng10:24
vistakillerwith this cards10:24
TimSoh, interesting10:25
TimSIll ask on the forums if anyone has my card and if it works under hardy10:26
vistakillerit works nice10:26
vistakillerwith the last driver10:26
TimSDr_willis: something odd about upgrading to hardy, its removed mono, it didn't reinstall it, unless the package name has changed.10:26
vistakillerubuntu have problem to set corect your card10:27
delarooneyAPT database could not be opened error10:27
vistakillertry to restart and try again10:28
Jucatovistakiller: did you just tell delarooney to restart to fix his APT database error?10:30
Jucato!aptfix | vistakiller10:31
ubotuvistakiller: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »10:31
Jucatonext time just show him that10:31
vistakilleris not break only corrupt10:31
Jucatoyes, that would unlock it10:32
vistakillerand with restart will unlock it :P10:32
vistakilleris faster way than i dont know it10:32
krishAny idea why gutsy repositories are not accessible10:32
Dr_willisthe servers are very loaded right now.10:33
krishsince yesterday I've not been able to do a successful reload of my sources list of a new gutsy installation :(10:34
AranelI upgraded to Hardy but my FFox is still 2, I tried upgrading it to 3.0 but It says it will remove j2re packages.10:35
wizard_okay i got kde 4 installed10:35
wizard_but now my panel disappeared o.O10:35
krishAranel: download source and install10:35
wizard_after ichanged my video settings10:35
Aranelkrish: source ?10:35
Araneldo you mean i need to recompile it ?10:35
Jucatowizard_: #kubuntu-kde4 maybe?10:35
krishwizard_: kde4 shipped with kubuntu or from kde trunk10:35
krishAranel: you installed ff from adept/aptitude/apt-get?10:36
Aranelkrish: yes.10:36
cool_walking_Hi, I upgraded from Gutsy to Hardy with KDE4, and Konqueror won't browser directories: "There appears to be a configuration error. You have associated Konqueror with inode/directory, but it cannot handle this file type."10:36
wizard_i installed nvidia settings, then restarted X and my panel was gone10:36
krishAranel: download ff3 beta from mozilla site10:36
krishand follow instructions from there10:36
Aranelkrish: oh, ok. but There is a ff3 package in Ubuntu Repository too. Why we dont use the package instead of mozilla ff3 ?10:37
krishbtw, in gutsy list if you install ff3, you get some other language pack rather than english.. it says Grand Paradiso for firefox10:37
cool_walking_Gah, am I allowed to ask about KDE4 here since it's not officially supported?10:37
krishcheck in hardy10:37
krishit must be same10:37
Aranelkrish: yes package named firefox-3.010:38
krishcool_walking_: its better to build from kde branch or trunk10:38
Aranelkrish: but when I try to install it, it says it will remove j2re.10:38
krishok wait10:38
cool_walking_krish: I just read the channel topic.. going to #kubuntu-kde410:38
delarooneyPackage manager isn't working anymore.  Restarted, and still saying that apt database cant be opened10:40
wizard_how does one set up the effects on kde 4?10:41
krishdelarooney: hardy?10:41
krishwizard_: #kde310:41
ubotuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »10:41
TimS!apdetfix | delarooney10:42
TimSThere we go :p10:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about apdetfix - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi10:42
TimS!adeptfix | delarooney10:42
ubotudelarooney: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »10:42
TimSgah, spellings :p10:42
=== cappy_ is now known as CapsY
delarooneyand i typed in apt get update..10:42
delarooneyand it gave me...10:42
delarooneyjohn@john-desktop:~$ apt-get update10:43
delarooneyE: Type 'sudo' is not known on line 62 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list10:43
TimSdelarooney: Just run that in a terminal "sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a"10:43
Aranelkrish: did u find anything ? :)10:43
CapsYcan i ask something about xorg config ?10:43
delarooney USER        PID ACCESS COMMAND10:44
delarooney/var/lib/dpkg/lock:  root       5681 F.... adept_updater10:44
delarooneyKill process 5681 ? (y/N)10:44
krishAranel: patience he-man10:44
TimSJucato: The upgrade wants me to replace my modprobe.d/blacklist, but my wireless usb key is in there, so should I keep it?10:45
krishAranel: sudo aptitude -R install firefox-310:45
TimSIt would easier if I could merge both together :P10:45
momalKaffeine Error: "Loading of player part 'XinePart' failed. All Videos Drivers failed to initialize!" Anyone know how to fix?? Xine-ui plays videos fine10:45
delarooneyadept fix didnt work10:47
delarooneyE: Type 'sudo' is not known on line 62 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list10:47
delarooneyis what i get when i type in apt-get update10:47
momalsounds like you have "sudo" written in that file10:47
TimSOh, sounds like an error with your sources.list10:47
Aranelkrish: aptitude trying to remove lot of libraries. can we use apt-get instead ?10:47
delarooneysources.list can be fixed?10:48
dystopianrayhas anyone here used kget?10:48
krishapt-get may do the same10:48
snikkeri've updete the kernel from 2.6.22-14 to 2.6.22-16 and now all ide device are recognized as scsci device. how fix this?  i'm under herdy.10:48
dystopianraysnikker: it's normal, there is nothing to fix10:48
ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories10:49
Malicwhat is ld-linux.so.2 ?10:49
krishAranel: use apt-get10:49
krishwith -s10:49
krishand simulate10:49
krishsee what are going away10:49
snikkerdystopianray: it's a nornmal thing that an ide device is detected as scsi?10:49
Malicit has 80% in my process table10:50
TimSkrish: Have you updated to Hardy?10:50
dystopianraysnikker: it's using the new libata driver, yes it is normal10:50
krishTimS: No. Downloading hardy studio10:50
Aranelkrish:  E: firefox-3 paketi bulunamadı (Couldnt find firefox-3 package in english)10:50
krishAranel: check your adept10:50
krishwhat is it?10:50
krishfirefox-3.0 i guess10:51
* TimS is updating, but backing up every config file it wans10:51
TimSwants to overwrite10:51
Aranelwhen i try firefox3.0 it says it will remove j2re10:51
krishAranel: I recommend downloading latest beta from firefox site10:51
krishand install according to the instructions there10:51
snikkerdystopianray: ah, ok... but in this way i have a problem thi an ide hard disk...10:51
dystopianraysnikker: what problem do you have?10:52
Aranelkrish: whats the version of default hardy browser ? 2.0 or 3.0 ?10:52
dystopianrayAranel: 3.0 beta 510:52
krishAranel: no idea10:52
Araneloh ok :/ i'll try to install it manually.10:52
krishanother 200MB of download left10:53
snikkerdystopianray: at boot i've a console prompt, i must press ctrl-d to go away, than start kdm, but the hd is not accessible...10:53
trixonHi, Im working on a cell phone theme, but I cant find a good picure of the "kubuntu gears", does anyone here know where to get it?10:53
Aranelin fact i need to use ffox3 with j2re. but it tries to remove it.10:53
krishAranel: yep, thats better, cos whatever you are getting on sources list might just be 3.0 and not 3.0.x10:53
dystopianraysnikker: hrrm i'm not sure, might want to ask in #ubuntu and file a bug report10:53
krishtrixon: google10:53
trixonkrish done that10:53
snikkerdystopianray: ok i'll ask in #ubuntu... thank you for answer :)10:54
delarooneyif sources.list is messed, how do i fix?10:54
krishwhat kinda gears do you want10:54
krishsleek metallic or just plain10:54
trixonkrish plain kubuntu vanilla10:55
TimSArg, just got loads of updates about failing to update PHP, leaving unconfigured10:56
PennycookI'm looking to report a bug, but want to make sure I do it in the right place. I'm running Hardy (KDE4 remix) and run into a problem every time that I try to open a text file in Kate from within Konqueror or Dolphin. How do I file it, KDE4, Kubuntu, Kate or Konqueror/Dolphin? ^^;10:56
krishtrixon: i guess you will have to draw it yourself if you aren't satisfied with the ones available10:57
krishtrixon: try asking in #kde-artists10:57
krishsomeone may help10:57
TimSOh christ. I am updating, "Could not install 'kubuntu-desktop'". I am slightly concerned now!10:58
trixonkrish, ty10:58
* TimS fears for his install now :(11:00
* TimS backs up everything lol11:01
TimSAh emilsedgh!11:01
TimSHave you upgraded to hardy?11:02
emilsedghhey TimS, whats up?11:02
TimSI am updating, I just got an error saying "Could not install 'kubuntu-desktop'". I am slightly concerned now!11:02
emilsedghTimS: what else?11:03
TimSIt failed to install/configure loads of PHP and MySQL files11:03
TimSIs it a serious error?11:03
emilsedghi have no idea TimS11:04
TimSI have about 1 min left of the install updates step, then I can see if this is the third update to break my system.11:04
TimSOkay :p11:04
emilsedghTimS: did you try sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get -f install ??11:04
progzyHi ! I use kubuntu 6.06 LTS ; I have changes my source list to this one : http://www.neurologeek.net/linux/linux--ubuntu/depots-pour-kubuntu-6.06-lts.html ; And know when I applied changes, a error occurs (something like "unable to apply changes) ; any idea please ?11:04
TimSIts still installing updates, emilsedgh ill try that if it boots up with a black screen and a load of errors :P11:05
emilsedghTimS: i hope it will work correct ;)11:05
emilsedghTimS: usually if serious error happens, it wont continue11:06
TimSErrors were encountered while processing: php5-cli libapache2-mod-php5 php5-mysql php5-snmp php5-curl php5-gd php5 gallery2 samba-common smbfs smbclient kubuntu-desktop libphp-adodb smb4k cacti phpmyadmin11:06
TimSThank god I don't use PHP much anymore!11:06
progzyDoes anyone can give me his source list or a link for kubuntu 6.06 LTS please ?11:07
emilsedghTimS: i would try to delete the packages that you mentioned above from /var/cache/apt/archives, then run apt-get update and try to upgrade again11:07
TimSNow I am getting an error that amarkoapp crashed, but it didn't, its still playing music! :p11:08
TimSOkay, Ill try that when its restarts and everythign breaks :p11:08
TimSI've been backing up most of the config files and error logs it produces :P11:09
TimSthe dist upgrade window has frozen, oh hell.11:09
=== cappy_ is now known as CapsY
TimSemilsedgh: Can you remeber the command to run to copy the names of every package installed to a text file?11:10
dystopianrayTimS: dpkg -l > packages11:11
TimSCheers :P11:11
ubuntuhow do i get xgl on Kubuntu 8.0411:11
Zaqqanyone having problems with their WUBI install.. with boot hanging up at the (initramfs) prompt?? this error occurs after installing nvidia drivers and rebooting.11:11
jimatHi, all. I am using Hardy KDE4. I've just installed several programs but I don't see them on menu. How do I make it appear on menu?11:12
ubuntuhow do i get xgl on Kubuntu 8.0411:12
emilsedgh!compiz | ubuntu11:12
ubotuubuntu: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion11:12
cool_walking_emilsedgh: what's "bitwise or of negated compiz and ubuntu" supposed to mean?11:15
emilsedghdunno cool_walking_11:15
cool_walking_Then why'd you say it?11:15
jimatah just realised I am on the wrong channel :(11:17
momalKaffeine Error: "Loading of player part 'XinePart' failed. All Videos Drivers failed to initialize!" Anyone know how to fix?? Xine-ui plays videos fine11:17
Kohlrabi`sudo apt-get install mplayer` *cough*11:17
TimSWhat file is the info about Hard Drives stored, like what to mount on start up if you know what I mean?11:21
Dr_willisthe /etc/fstab file defines mountpoints for filesystems11:23
emilsedghTimS: /etc/fstab11:23
=== manu_ is now known as Neptun651
dreamcodercan someone help me get my display working i am wokring on 640 x whatever its well annoying when i change it in the gui and restart x it keeps going back to normal11:31
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion11:33
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto11:33
momalKohlrabi: If the answer to fixing something that shouldn't be broken is to just install something else then I would just install windows.11:33
=== ryan__ is now known as n3ksus
n3ksusewwww windows11:34
momalexactly my thoughts as well n3ksus11:34
* Mekzholan has just upgraded to 8.04 :) but has a problem with Thunderbird/Firefox :(11:35
MekzholanBoth programs don't know each other anymore :(11:35
chakiehm, my update stopped at 99% with a message: "Errors were encountered while processing: lirc" and then just sits there11:36
MekzholanWhen I click on a link in Thunderbird nothing happens (I'd expect firefox to open the page...)11:36
chakiethe adept updater has never succeeded in doing a full upgrade...11:36
MekzholanAnd clicking on a mailto: in firefox just shows me a dialog about what application to use :(11:36
Mekzholancan someone help me?11:37
=== samuel_ is now known as samuel16
chakiedamn, now adept updater left lock files11:38
EruaranMekzholan: does firefox have settings for that ?11:39
samuel16Hello everybody11:39
chakieand stray processes...11:39
samuel16Does anyone know which package provides XShm?11:39
ubotuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)11:39
dreamcoderplease can someone help my with my display settings i have GeForce 6100 nForce 43011:39
samuel16I need it for wine11:39
MekzholanEruaran: Firefox has a setting for the "mailto:"  - but that seemed to be getting lost by an update :(11:39
Eruarandreamcoder: xorg11:40
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto11:40
samuel16what package do I need to get XShm?11:41
kaminixI keep getting this error when trying to use sudo: sudo: must be setuid root..... why?11:41
samuel16Does nobody knows it?11:42
Dr_willisI though xshm was an optuon in the xorg.conf file11:46
tsbis kmilo supposed to work in 3.5.9? I don't get any response using the x..vol up/down keys11:48
=== tackat__ is now known as tackat
Oleg_People, to what place I need to copy my compiled bzImage to boot kubuntu with it?11:51
Dr_williskernel images are normally in /boot somewhere11:52
Oleg_yeah, I know11:52
Oleg_but exactly where - I dunno11:53
uros_hi all. does anyone know what i have to install if i want to install gnome and don't want gnome apps all over the place in my menu (i know there is something that groups them together)11:53
Dr_willisI would think you would want to give it a more specific name, and add a grub entry to boot it.11:53
sigma_1234how do i install kde 4 on hardy and how big is it to download?11:53
ForsakenSoulhi I shared 2 partitions with samba and I can find them in the net with windows but It doesn't give me access to them when I try to open them ... can the permissions on the linux be the problem I mean the permissions for the folders11:54
Dr_williskde4 - the K Desktop Environment version 4 official modules11:54
Dr_willisHmm.. I dont see any kde4-desktop metapackage.11:55
seilhi, how do you uninstall kde 3.5.9 from kubuntu?11:55
seili'm using kde 4.0.311:55
Dr_willisI wouldent advise uninstalling kde3 - I find kde4 lacking too many features and specific tools11:56
ForsakenSoulhow can I set a mounted partitions permissions so that everyone could enter it (regardless of group or user)11:56
seilwell, certain things i would like to keep from kde 3.5, such as skim and knetworkmanager, but i would like to uninstall the rest11:56
MekzholanEruaran: hm, can you help me with my problem (esp. that thunderbird doesn't work with links anymore...)11:56
seilForsakenSoul: right click on the drive inside dolphin11:57
Dr_willisForsakenSoul,  depends on the filesystem of the partition to some degree11:57
seilForsakenSoul: dolphin will give you the option to mount the partition as user11:57
warrenDumXhi dear kubuntu users11:58
warrenDumXi have a stupid question, can someone send me a screenshot of openoffice opened in hardy heron ?11:58
warrenDumXor find a screenshot on the web11:58
=== vince is now known as Ghodmode
LynourewarrenDumX: hmm, it's not that different at least on the kde3 side11:59
ForsakenSoulseil no such option11:59
Oleg_I may dump kubuntu and go back to using gentoo because I am not used to kubuntu!11:59
warrenDumXwell i still would like a screenshot :)11:59
ForsakenSoulDr_willis its NTFS ...11:59
Dr_willisOleg_,  this is linux.. use whatever you perfer. :)12:00
EruaranMekzholan: not sure Mekzholan, I don't use thunderbird except at work (and thats with Windows)12:00
ForsakenSoulI have all my music there and I need to open it from another computer which has windows ... I find the folders no problem but I cant open them12:00
Dr_willisForsakenSoul,  You most likely want to use the ntfs-config tool to enable all users to access the filesystem then.12:00
EruaranMekzholan: I usually use Kontact12:00
Dr_willisForsakenSoul,  if you are having issues with accessing them as a samba share.. well you might want to set up the disk as a public share on the linux box.12:01
ForsakenSoulwell I've set it up12:01
ForsakenSouldone it through dolphin and through the samba gui in settings12:01
ForsakenSouland through the network samba setting12:01
ForsakenSoulI don't think samba is the problem because the other pc can see the folders but it can't open them12:02
EruaranMekzholan: try here, http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-18175.html12:02
Dr_willisForsakenSoul,  that sounds exactly like a samba permission  problem.12:02
ForsakenSoulDr_willis any suggestions12:03
rootsnatchhey guys what is a good system montitoring tool for KDE?12:03
Dr_willisForsakenSoul,  set up a specic public samba share just for that filesystem.  Thats what i did for my 'movies' share on my fileserver.12:03
rootsnatchI have tried Conky but no matter what I do with it runnin whenever I add anything to the desktop the desktop flickers12:04
ForsakenSouljust for the folder ... not the whole partition ?12:04
warrenDumXrootsnatch : isn't there one installed bby default ?12:04
Dr_willisbut the  fact that its a ntfs filesystem - might be the issue12:04
Dr_willisForsakenSoul,  you can do it that way if you want. I imagine.12:04
rootsnatchya, but it doesn't give you any numbers it just has random graphs12:04
rootsnatchI want like menumeters on OS X for kde12:04
rootsnatchpretty much12:04
warrenDumXno there's another prog i think12:04
ForsakenSoulDr_willis I'll try12:04
Schorfirootsnatch: try a superkaramba script12:04
rootsnatchSchorfi: do you know of any good ones?  I can google around but any recommendations12:05
Schorfirootsnatch: http://kde-look.org/index.php?xsortmode=high&page=0&xcontentmode=38 you should find one here i guess12:06
Schorfiand they are easy to edit to fit your needs12:06
rootsnatchok cool thanks12:07
Schorfiyoure welcome12:07
kaminixWhen right-clicking the KMenu in Hardy, it opens programs instead of giving me the menu edit option.12:08
ForsakenSoulDr_willis this didn't work12:09
ForsakenSoulcan you guide me through the process12:10
ForsakenSouljust to see if I am doing everything right12:10
Dr_willisForsakenSoul,  i manually edit my samba  /etc/samba/smb.conf file and just add a new share.12:10
ForsakenSoulbtw I don't know if this is  relevant but I says that the network path isn't found in win12:10
=== leah is now known as nosrednaekim
MalicHi! Can anyone tell me where i can find the bookmarks folder of firefox?12:12
ForsakenSoulDr_willis well I actually never did learn how to do with in the smb.conf file :D12:12
nhnFreespiritHi guys! I upgraded the GF's laptop ( Acer ferrari 4000 ) from gytsy to hardy last night, and since then it has been experiecngin random hard freezes where to only fix wahs tore start it completely ( killing x did not work, nor does any of th vt's )12:12
Dr_willisegads.. my 'pastebinit' command is not working!12:12
Dr_willisOh the humaninty of it all...  This is a critical bug. Heh12:13
nhnFreespirit... nice typing by me there....12:13
ForsakenSoulMalic if you want you can go to bookmarks in the firefox menu and click on manage bookmarks12:13
nosrednaekimMalic: yes, /.mozilla/firefox12:13
nosrednaekimMalic: that has an ATI, no?12:13
nosrednaekim^^ n12:14
nosrednaekim^^ nhnFreespirit12:14
Dr_willisForsakenSoul,  my example samba conf file -->  http://paste.stgraber.org/281212:14
nosrednaekimsorry... its early :P12:14
nhnFreespiritnosrednaekim: yes12:14
nhnFreespiritan x700 IIRC12:14
Malicnosrednaekim: thank you!12:15
nosrednaekimnhnFreespirit: did you install the fglrx driver?12:15
nhnFreespiritnot on hardy, I did on gutsy though12:15
ForsakenSoulbtw Dr_willis where was the smb.conf file12:15
Dr_willisin etc/samba  of course.12:15
Malicnosrednaekim: what you mean with ati? i have an ati card..12:15
Dr_willis<Dr_willis> ForsakenSoul,  i manually edit my samba  /etc/samba/smb.conf file and just add a new share.12:16
nosrednaekimMalic: sorry, I put int he wrong nick :P12:16
ForsakenSoulyep silly me12:16
nhnFreespiritnosrednaekim: I have not actively installed a new driver on hardy, I think I did back on gutsy though12:16
nosrednaekimnhnFreespirit: since it was an upgrade, the new driver came across as well12:16
nhnFreespiritnosrednaekim: should I try to remove these?12:17
nosrednaekimnhnFreespirit: I'd give it a shot and see if that fixes it12:17
nhnFreespiritnosrednaekim: ok, will do, thanks! :-)12:17
nosrednaekimnhnFreespirit: when exactly do these freezes occur12:18
nhnFreespiritnosrednaekim: at completely random times it seems12:18
nosrednaekimis it over heating?12:18
nhnFreespiritunlikely since both freezes have been while idling or nearly so12:19
Dr_willisI  Just dusted out one of my pc's...  :) its amazing how much crud those things can suck in12:20
ForsakenSoulDr_willis one stupid question what was the command in the console to write in a file through root ?12:22
nhnFreespiritnosrednaekim: which driver should it use instead?12:22
nosrednaekimnhnFreespirit: "ati"12:22
=== JanMalte_ is now known as JanMalte
* nhnFreespirit is not really that fammiliar with *ubuntu12:22
nhnFreespiritnosrednaekim: ok, thanks12:22
Dr_willisForsakenSoul,   if you want to know how to 'edit' a file as root from the terminal...12:23
Dr_willissudo vi /etc/samba/smb.conf12:23
Dr_willisor use kdesudo or kdesu + a gui editor name12:23
jussio1or nano12:23
Dr_willisnano just annoys me too much. :)12:24
Dr_willisof all the editors out.. they could of picked a slightly better one.12:24
nhnFreespiritnosrednaekim: hehe, after removing the fglrx on, it frose, so now it has no driver. Wha is the correct way to make it use ati from the command line ( I assume manually hacking the xorg.conf is not the kubuntu way )12:25
nosrednaekimnhnFreespirit: that works :)12:26
=== vince_ is now known as Ghodmode
nhnFreespiritnosrednaekim: no, it very decidely does not as X will not start at all now12:27
nosrednaekimdid yuo go in and tell it to use ati in the xorg.conf?12:27
ForsakenSoulDr_willis I took you example smb.conf modified it for my needs but now it asks for a pass12:28
ForsakenSoulwhere do I change the pass ?12:28
nhnFreespiritnosrednaekim: no, I was not sure that was the right way.  oh... thats what you meant with "that works :)"12:28
Dr_willis'sudo smbpasswd USERNAME'12:28
* nhnFreespirit goes editing the xorg.conf file12:28
Dr_willisis how i set a user password for the linux box.  Theres proverly some setting to allow connection with no password.. but i never set that up12:29
nhnFreespiritthat was not the epected result12:30
nosrednaekimnhnFreespirit: ?12:30
GhodmodeRegarding samba setup, if you set security = share in /etc/samba/smb.conf, you can set up shares that don't require passwords to be sent from Windows boxes.12:31
nhnFreespiritchanging the driver to ati and restarting kdm resulted in the login screen being shown but being all messed up with thin horisontal flimmering lines all over the place12:31
ForsakenSoulDr_willis how do I set it up without a pass and how can I assign a username to samba12:31
halleanybody here who is good with sound/alsa?12:32
nhnFreespiritnosrednaekim: after a restart i look sok though...12:32
Dr_willisThis is when we go back to the 'install the samba-doc package, and read the samba docs' :) comes into play12:32
nhnFreespiritlooks ok*12:32
nosrednaekimnhnFreespirit: i've seen that before, forgot what it really is12:32
nosrednaekimnhnFreespirit: ko, good12:32
Dr_willisthere is no username for samba. your linux users have samba passwords.12:32
nosrednaekimI hope that fixes the freezes12:32
Dr_willisa public share (i think) lets any legal user get in and access the dirs.12:32
nhnFreespiritnosrednaekim: ditto. We will give it a try and report back here if it does not12:32
GhodmodeSamba does maintain its usernames and passwords separately from the *nix usernames and passwords, but it always ties them to a valid *nix account12:33
Dr_willisi always cheat and make my linux users have the same samba and linux passwords. :)12:33
Dr_willistheres some way to make them auto-sync. but i dont have a large enough lan to worry about that.12:34
ForsakenSoulDr_willis well you must have noticed but I'm a complete noob but my situation is that when I open the ip to this pc from my win pc it gives me automatically the Guest username and wants a pass ... when I try to set a pass for Guest it says there is no such user12:34
Ghodmodeto make them "auto-sync", look at the usernames map entry for smb.conf (man smb.conf)12:34
Dr_willisForsakenSoul,  i always make my linux user name and windows user names the same also.  Windows is REALLY annoying at times and makes it a pain to login to  a share as a idfferent user.12:34
surfaceis kubuntu 8.04 a LTS version?12:35
Dr_willisForsakenSoul,  what version of windows is this?12:35
Dr_willisForsakenSoul,  the samba docs/configs also have special options for allowing 'guest' accounts.12:35
ForsakenSoulxp .. vista is too slow12:35
Synergy_PeaceHow can I remove a package that cannot be removed using adept in the console?12:35
emilsedghSynergy_Peace: sudo apt-get remove packagename12:36
ForsakenSoulDr_willis as little as I understood I have to make a new linux user with the name of the win user and set it a pass with the command you gave me earlier ?12:37
ForsakenSoulor is there an easier painless way12:37
ForsakenSoulbtw didn't think that sharing lin to win would be such a pain in the .... last time I must have been lucky I did it without any problems in ubuntu .... must have been lucky indeed12:38
Dr_willisa linux user needs a samba password in Addation to their normal password. Then when you connect from the windows box. it should ask for a user/password. You give it the linux users name/pass12:38
=== ubuntu_ is now known as danakil
GhodmodeThere's an easiser way.  My Windows User names are not on my Linux boxes.12:39
Dr_willisi always make a windows user and linux user on the machines with the SAME ussername.  I think it defaults to that user when trying to access the shares.12:39
ForsakenSoulDr_willis no it just fixes to the Guest user12:39
Dr_willisForsakenSoul,   I never mess with 'guest' so you are on your own there. :)12:39
ForsakenSouland I have no Guest user I think12:39
Dr_willisyou can enable the guest access in the samba config some how.12:40
ForsakenSoulDr_willis: you can enable the guest access in the samba config some how. ... that 'SOME HOW' part I don't like at all ;)12:40
Dr_willisForsakenSoul,  how many times to i need to suggest the 'samba-doc' package...   and doing a little reading12:40
ForsakenSoullooks like I would have to annoy someone else ... I think I'll try the samba channel lets hope they help12:40
Dr_willisI recall knowing all i needed to know by chapter 4 of the book. :)12:41
ForsakenSoulthanks for the help Dr_willis and sorry for the annoyance D:12:41
Dr_willisthose are some  VERY worthwhile readng to do.  I need to reread them some time.12:41
ForsakenSoulok I'll try the samba-doc package ... but I'm never comfortable with those things12:41
Dr_willisIts amazing some of the things samba can do.12:41
Dr_willisYou are more comfortable with getting advice from an unknown-skill-level person in chat rooms?12:42
ForsakenSoulwell yeah ... it's kinda risky but :D12:43
Dr_willisinstall samba-doc   go to  /usr/share/doc/samba-doc/  last i looked there were 3 books in there.12:43
Dr_willisindex.html  manpages/  Samba3-ByExample/  Samba3-Developers-Guide/  Samba3-HOWTO/  samba.css  using_samba/12:43
ForsakenSoulsamba3-byexamples samba3-howto and using_samba should be the ones for me12:44
surfaceis kubuntu 8.04 a LTS version?12:45
ubotuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.12:45
ubotuHardy Heron is the codename for the current release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS) You can get it now from http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu but please use !torrents12:45
Dr_willisForsakenSoul,  file:///usr/share/doc/samba-doc/htmldocs/using_samba/ch09.html   has info on 'guest' users12:46
ForsakenSoulok thanks a lot and sorry again for losing your time :D12:47
Illusionhello folks12:47
Illusiondoes anybody knows where i can find the updates log?12:47
Dr_willisi need to set up my video shares so the wife can connect without needing a password. :)12:47
GhodmodeIllusion... which updates?12:48
Synergy_PeaceI am trying to remove a stubbon file and got this output is there a flag to force removal12:48
Synergy_Peacesynergy@synergy-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get autoremove lexmark-z700-cups-driver12:48
Synergy_PeaceReading package lists... Done12:49
Illusionthe updates through apt-get update/adept manager12:49
Synergy_PeaceBuilding dependency tree12:49
Synergy_PeaceReading state information... Done12:49
Synergy_PeaceThe following packages will be REMOVED:12:49
Synergy_Peace  lexmark-z700-cups-driver12:49
Synergy_Peace0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 1 to remove and 0 not upgraded.12:49
Synergy_Peace1 not fully installed or removed.12:49
Synergy_PeaceAfter this operation, 680kB disk space will be freed.12:49
Synergy_PeaceDo you want to continue [Y/n]? y12:49
kaminix_What's this? Get it when trying to reach the UIM settings panel.     Error: in scm_symbol_value: unbound variable: custom-group-label12:49
Synergy_Peace(Reading database ... 138436 files and directories currently installed.)12:49
Synergy_PeaceRemoving lexmark-z700-cups-driver ...12:49
Synergy_Peace/var/lib/dpkg/info/lexmark-z700-cups-driver.postrm: 2: /etc/init.d/cups: not found12:49
Synergy_Peacedpkg: error processing lexmark-z700-cups-driver (--remove):12:49
Synergy_Peace subprocess post-removal script returned error exit status 12712:50
GhodmodeIllusion, this is just a guess, but see what's in /var/log/apt12:50
Synergy_PeaceErrors were encountered while processing:12:50
=== Soccer5555 is now known as Airforce5555
Synergy_Peace lexmark-z700-cups-driver12:50
Synergy_PeaceE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)12:50
Dr_willisForsakenSoul,  from what i am reading one may need to use   security = share   istead of secuity=user12:50
Synergy_Peaceis there a way to force removal of a package?12:50
ForsakenSoulDr_willis I will try ... btw why doesn't anyone today make short doc file ... :D12:52
danakilhello, does anybody else must use the "all_generic_ide" when I want to boot on Ubuntu ?12:52
danakil"all_generic_ide" boot argument12:52
Dr_willisForsakenSoul,  have you bothered to google for this? theres 100000's of guides/docs/forums threads on the topic12:53
tsbHow can I see which program captures input? KMilo is not responding to vol up/down, yet the volume does. I've killed xbindkeys.12:53
Dr_willisegads.. gnome/hardy isent seeing the windows network now. :(12:54
=== jean_ is now known as jcgq
IllusionGhodmode: what program do i need to open these logs?12:54
GhodmodePlease someone say "Hello Ghodmode".  I'm very new to IRC and, for all I know, messages aren't visible to everyone.12:54
okvHow much extra space about would it take to upgrade to 8.04 from 7.10?12:54
Illusionkate doesn't work - the file looks empty12:54
Dr_willisHello Ghodmode12:54
danakilhello Ghodmode <__<12:54
okvI just upgraded from 7.04 to 7.10 and I noticed that I've got only 1.3GB of free space, before the upgrade I had about 4GB12:54
danakilanybody for my boot argument problem ? :)12:54
Illusionwith nano i can read the log properly12:54
Synergy_Peacehow do I remove a stubbon package ?12:54
abcdcan anyone check what are the commands for printing jobs and hplip toolbox - I've removed these entries from menu12:55
ForsakenSoulDr_willis well I didn't thought that it would be a fast one liner fix ... btw with the security = share and the guest ok =yes and other guest options worked .. now I'm back to my first problem ... I doens't open the music folder beucase the permissions of the partition don't let it12:55
GhodmodeThank you... at least I can get IRC working :)12:55
Dr_willisForsakenSoul,  you MUST mount  the ntfs filesystem in a way that all users have access.12:55
kaminix_Error: in scm_symbol_value: unbound variable: custom-group-label          <--- What does this error mean and how do I fix it?12:56
Dr_willisForsakenSoul,  ntfs-3g  has options for that.12:56
ForsakenSoulI'll look it up in google12:57
TimSThe links to the 8.04 DVD iso only have 7.10 DVD isos, not 8.04 ones. Where can I get an 8.04 DVD iso?12:57
TimSAlso, whats actually different about the DVD edition12:57
danakilthere a lot more package12:57
danakilthat's all12:57
Synergy_Peacesynergy@synergy-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get purge lexmark-z700-cups-driver12:57
Synergy_PeaceReading package lists... Done12:57
Synergy_PeaceBuilding dependency tree12:57
Synergy_PeaceReading state information... Done12:58
Synergy_PeaceThe following packages will be REMOVED:12:58
Synergy_Peace  lexmark-z700-cups-driver12:58
Synergy_Peace0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 1 to remove and 0 not upgraded.12:58
Synergy_Peace1 not fully installed or removed.12:58
Synergy_PeaceAfter this operation, 680kB disk space will be freed.12:58
Synergy_PeaceDo you want to continue [Y/n]? y12:58
Synergy_Peace(Reading database ... 138436 files and directories currently installed.)12:58
Synergy_PeaceRemoving lexmark-z700-cups-driver ...12:58
jussi01Synergy_Peace: please dont flood. Ill remove the mute in a moment.12:59
assanec ou le forom fr12:59
jussi01!paste | Synergy_Peace12:59
ubotuSynergy_Peace: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)12:59
jussi01!fr | assane12:59
ubotuassane: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.12:59
Dr_willisDang it - Once again hardy is not seeing my samba shares/network with  Gnome, kde, or fusesmb.. same bug i reported during beta..12:59
Dr_williswell i will bbl13:00
Synergy_Peaceplease how do i remove this file13:00
jussi01Synergy_Peace: try sudo apt-get install -f13:01
Zamberafter upgrading to 8.04 I have / instead of my Desktop folder. I presume somebody else had this issue to but I can't google it out. Any thoughts?13:02
Zamber / instead of the /home/[]user/Desktop/ on the desktop ofcourse :P13:03
Synergy_Peacejuss01 subprocess post-removal script returned error exit status 12713:04
Zamberchanging via systemsettings is trying to copy / to /home/[user]Desktop/ xD13:04
snikkerin the kdm screen (login and post-login) i have a low resolution (i think 640x480), how can i set it a 1024x478???13:18
abcdCould anybody check what are the commands for printing jobs and hplip toolbox  for me ?13:21
=== ryan__ is now known as junkysospunky
* junkysospunky waves13:22
Synergy_Peacei have a package which says it is not fully installed or removed  how do i fix please?13:23
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junkysospunkyinstall synaptic, and use the menu option 'fix broken packages'13:23
klerfaytjunkysospunky: can you install synaptic if apt is broken?13:24
junkysospunkyyou can download the deb from the web, if you download it's dependencies as well13:25
junkysospunkythen install with dpkg -i13:25
lusumi would like the best methon on kubuntu to connect to a wireless wpa net with hidden ssid13:26
lusumi have tried knetworkmanager but it is not so cool like network manager of eeepc13:27
JackWinteranyone know a nice prog to check disk throughput ?13:32
DragnslcrIs there a simple way to upgrade to 8.04 from the DVD? Figure I could save the servers a little bandwidth13:33
=== Timmy is now known as TimS
ForsakenSoulI'm trying to change permissions to a folder ... the command chmod 777 -R /path/to/someDirectory  doesn't work please some help13:35
v6lurchmod -R 777 /path/to/dir13:37
Roeylike stødied hard for his class and got a 96%13:39
Roeywrong chan, sorry13:39
leleobhzinstall kde4 into hardy kde3 is dangerous?13:39
gourdinhi there13:39
gourdinis there a problem to upgrade gutsy to hardy when kde4 is installed ?13:40
leleobhz(a.k.a. can i have kde3 and 4remix in same instalation?)13:40
ForsakenSoulv6lur still doesn't work13:40
ForsakenSoulI'm trying to change the permissions to a folder that is in a mounted ntfs partitions ... does that make nay difference13:41
Dragnslcrleleobhz- assuming it's the same as in 7.10, yes, KDE4 installs separately from KDE313:42
gourdinDragnslcr: so upgrading from 7.10 wont destroy my kde4 installation ?13:43
DragnslcrI wouldn't think so, but I haven't tried it yet, so I can't say for sure13:43
dreamcoderis unrar working in 8.04 or still does winrar have to be installed on wine13:44
devilsadvocate_dreamcoder, ark has always been able to open rar for me...13:45
dreamcoderah right i had alot of problems with gutsy espeacilay with password protected files13:45
devilsadvocate_ah. never tried pw protected ones myself. sorry13:46
xanax`I ran adept (on a kubuntu 8.04) and it has finished downloading packages but it takes AGES to complete the installation (it seems it freezes after downloading packages), is it normal ?13:46
devilsadvocate_xanax`, how long has it been?13:46
ForsakenSoulcan someone tell me if there is a way to change the permissions to a ntfs partition so everyone can access it13:46
xanax`about 5 minutes now13:46
ForsakenSoulno only the user or the groupt13:46
baojigourdin: it will tell you if it wants to remove any packages in the installation--then you'll have an option to approve or not.13:46
dreamcoderi still cant decide between gnome or kde argh13:47
devilsadvocate_xanax`, and you see no atcivity at all?13:47
devilsadvocate_dreamcoder, i never could either. i ened up using kde apps on gnome and gnome apps on kde :|13:47
dreamcodersame as me13:48
xanax`I did the same half an hour with only one package this time.. it took a long time too. But now, with 78 packages.. it seems adept wants to take its time...13:48
devilsadvocate_xanax`, can you open up a terminal and run "top". see if the package manger is eating up cpu (As in still running)13:48
dreamcoderfor instance i like konversation on gnome13:48
xanax`oh, it works now13:48
xanax`settings in progress..13:48
devilsadvocate_dreamcoder, i'm behind a proxy, so xchat and pidgin are my gnome apps, and firefox with gtk13:49
devilsadvocate_xanax`, cool13:49
xanax`it's weird though, that it takes so much time after downloading packages..13:49
dreamcoderi couldnt get xchat to connect to multiple servers (Auto connect)unless i was using the wrong verison or something13:49
devilsadvocate_dreamcoder, my kde apps on gnome were amarok, yakuake, kmail, knode. decided to go with kde since a bulk of my stuff was from there13:49
dreamcoderyeah me too amorak and also ktorrent13:50
dreamcoderand also k3b13:50
gourdinbaoji: I'm going to use apt-get distupgrade, is there a best way to do the upgrade ?13:50
dreamcoderi think it may be just that gnome looks more polished and its newer to me why i am contimplating which one to use13:51
xanax`thanks for your help, devilsadvocate_13:51
devilsadvocate_gourdin, i think there is an update-manager that is supposed to do it nicely13:51
ForsakenSoulcan someone tell me if there is a way to change the permissions to a ntfs partition so everyone can access it or just a folder in that partition13:51
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP313:51
baojigourdin: sudo adept_manager --dist-upgrade-devel13:52
baojigourdin: then click the Upgrade button on the right side of the toolbar13:52
gourdinbaoji: devilsadvocate_ thx !13:52
dreamcodercant find something solid to sway me to either side gnome or kde though13:52
devilsadvocate_ForsakenSoul, there is. unfortunately i dont remember it now. it has to do with changing a thing or two in /etc/fstab13:53
leleobhz09:42 < Dragnslcr> leleobhz- assuming it's the same as in 7.10, yes, KDE4 installs separately from KDE313:54
leleobhzDragnslcr: im using ppa-packages13:54
leleobhzits safe make a dist-upgrade or is best to reinstall everything13:54
dreamcoderi always reinstall fresh and clean13:55
dreamcoderpersonal pref though13:55
devilsadvocate_ForsakenSoul, just a folder in the partition is much more tricky. im not sure if it can even be done without serious gymnastics. basically you need to add an option called allow_other to the mount options. i dont remember what exactly the syntax is, i'm afraid13:55
devilsadvocate_dreamcoder, that is often not an option on production systems13:55
dreamcoderyeah there is varying factors to consider13:56
sigma_1234i just installed kde4 in hardy. how do i get it to run kde4 and not kde3?13:56
SlimeyPetesigma_1234: use the session menu in the login manager13:56
devilsadvocate_sigma_1234, in the KDM (login screen) you select KDE4 in teh session menu13:56
SlimeyPete(on the right)13:56
sigma_1234and why can i not logout of kde3 anymore? the screen just goes blank13:57
devilsadvocate_sigma_1234, when you click on logout?13:58
reesetry ctrl-alt-backspace14:00
devilsadvocate_ctrl-alt-backspace is a little too extreme to be a real fix...14:01
devilsadvocate_sigma_1234, you are able to shutdown / reboot fine?14:01
snikkerin the kdm screen (login and post-login) i have a low resolution (i think 640x480), how can i set it a 1024x478???14:02
=== vince___ is now known as Ghodmode
sigma_1234wait im testing something14:05
=== mp__ is now known as ligemeget
v6lurForsakenSoul, you could try adding option "umask=0" to that partititions entry in /etc/fstab14:12
=== misha is now known as Gramh
snikkerin the kdm screen (login and post-login) i have a low resolution (i think 640x480), how can i set it a 1024x478???14:16
ligemegetwtf, why can't I download: http://kde-look.org/content/download.php?content=37030&id=1&tan=49454157 ?14:19
dick-richardsonin kde4 how do you autostart an application?14:30
ligemegetnot many supporters today, are there...?14:32
v6lurligemeget, because that domain has expired14:32
ligemegetv6lur, but I want the theme... :(14:32
v6lurligemeget, did you see the last comment at http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/Universe+Crimson?content=3703014:38
TimSHoly hell! The updater crashed, yet after a restart, everything appears to still be working!14:39
TimSExccept for sound. Well, I knew there would be a catch!14:39
TimSHow can I find out what version I am running on the command line??14:40
v6lurwhat version of what?14:40
ligemegetv6lur, I wrote him14:40
TimSOh ubuntu v6lur14:41
TimSI want to see if it think I am running Hardy14:41
TimSThe sound works now too, awesome!14:41
v6lurligemeget, well that seems to be all you can do... i googled the theme, and everywhere the download link just points at that expired/"parked" domain..14:42
v6lurTimS, 'lsb_release -a'14:45
TimSAwesome! I am running 8.04 hardy, even though the updater crashed and I got errors that Kubuntu-destop wasn't installed properly =]14:45
anthony_hi, I am having trouble enabling desktop effects on kubuntu 8.04 kde414:45
digistyl3hi, what exactly changed in kubuntu considering the mounting of harddisks?14:46
anthony_enabling the nvidia accelerated graphics driver(latest cards) crashes kde after the splash screen,14:47
devilsadvocate_TimS, i would suggest you run an apt-get upgrade once again to make sure you didnt leave out any packages14:48
TimSAlright, cheers =]14:48
TimSI think i may need to re-enable repositories first14:48
devilsadvocate_TimS, you have your repos diabled?14:49
TimSI think it does in the update, does it not?14:49
linuxloveri am going to install wine on my kubuntu gutsy. i have added winehq repository in my /etc/sources.list and also added the gpg key. now, opened adept installer and i can see 'Wine Windows Emulator' under Office; and 'Windows Applications Wine Configuration' under Settings. which one should i install? or install both?14:50
devilsadvocate_it changes the repos to the newest ones. i dont really remember if it adds new ones, though14:50
devilsadvocate_linuxlover, Wine Windows Emulator. It should pull in the config one along with it14:50
TimSdevilsadvocate_: Ones like medibuntu are disabled now, I am just changing them to hardy first14:51
devilsadvocate_TimS, ok14:51
linuxloverdevilsadvocate : thank you for your quick reply. i am now going to install that one14:52
TimSdevilsadvocate_: Something odd, adept looks different, the fonts are slightly blury and the style looks different to normal apps14:52
devilsadvocate_TimS, run a sudo apt-get update14:53
TimSIts only medibuntu packages that need updating, i am updating now14:53
TimSI think its because its running as root, its using different styles and fonts14:54
devilsadvocate_TimS, i suppose its possible. It may be because kde4 applications (if you are running kde4) have significantly differnet lok and feel than kde3 ones14:54
TimSNo, I am still on kde314:54
TimSOdd :p14:55
TimSLocate doesn't work anymore!14:56
amerigo_! game14:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about game - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:56
ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php14:56
devilsadvocate_TimS, doesnt work as in?14:57
Ax-AxHow do you spell the plural form of 'activity'?14:57
_julianhi all14:57
TimS"locate: can not open `/var/lib/mlocate/mlocate.db': No such file or directory"14:57
_juliandoes kubuntu 8.04/kde4 offer compiz support?14:57
devilsadvocate_Ax-Ax, activities14:58
linuxloverdevilsadvocate: i am getting an error while trying to install wine. the error says, "There was an error commiting changes. Possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages."14:58
devilsadvocate_TimS, strange. i dont know why an upgrade would break that14:58
linuxloveri have performed sudo apt-get update14:59
TimSdevilsadvocate_: I have googled a bit, seems I need to do a "sudo updatedb"14:59
devilsadvocate_linuxlover, can you run "apt-get install wine" and pastebin the output?14:59
linuxloverdevilsadvocate: sure, doing that14:59
_julianor does kde4 itself include usable desktop effects?14:59
devilsadvocate__julian, it does15:00
_julianah I just found it (c:15:00
_julianlooking for a destop cube... I love that thing15:00
devilsadvocate__julian, it doesnt have a desktop cube15:00
devilsadvocate_not yet, anyway15:00
SSJ_GZ_julian: Someone is writing one for his GSoC project.15:01
_julianah cool15:01
linuxloverdevilsadvocate: sudo apt-get install wine showing, "15:01
linuxloverErr http://wine.budgetdedicated.com gutsy/main wine 0.9.59~winehq0~ubuntu~7.10-115:01
linuxlover  404 Not Found [IP: 80]15:01
linuxloverFailed to fetch http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/pool/main/w/wine/wine_0.9.59~winehq0~ubuntu~7.10-1_i386.deb  404 Not Found [IP: 80]15:01
linuxloverE: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?15:01
devilsadvocate_linuxlover, is there any specific reason you arent using ubuntu's package?15:02
linuxloverdevilsadvocate: sudo apt-get isntall wine.... now the error :15:03
linuxloverErr http://wine.budgetdedicated.com gutsy/main wine 0.9.59~winehq0~ubuntu~7.10-115:03
linuxlover  404 Not Found [IP: 80]15:03
linuxloverFailed to fetch http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/pool/main/w/wine/wine_0.9.59~winehq0~ubuntu~7.10-1_i386.deb  404 Not Found [IP: 80]15:03
linuxloverE: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?15:03
linuxloversorry posted twice.........very sorry15:03
devilsadvocate_!pastebin > linuxlover15:03
devilsadvocate_anyway, its better to post things like that on pastebin.com or somthine to avoid flooding15:03
Ahmuckopening up adept, and finding all compiz packages and  "sudo aptitude purge blah blah" appears to fix the whole compiz problem15:04
linuxloverwhat is pastebin? don't know all these............ can i install wine for me?15:05
devilsadvocate_linuxlover, is there any specific reason you arent using ubuntu's package?15:05
devilsadvocate_linuxlover, why did you add the wine repo?15:05
linuxloveri searched in google and i found winehq. then i proceed as directed by them15:06
devilsadvocate_linuxlover, ok15:06
devilsadvocate_linuxlover, i suggest you remove the wine repository, run an apt-get update, and then try again15:06
_julianany suggestions for a kde3 style that better fits the oxygen style of kde4?15:07
linuxloverok ..... but that is installing older version of wine (probably before 2005) because i got an error message with that installation of wine15:08
devilsadvocate_linuxlover, its wine 9.5915:09
linuxloverstill if you suggest, i can install it once more15:09
linuxloverok devilsadvocate, i going to install that once again15:09
_julianoh and another question: how do I configure  my side mousebuttons to do forward/backward in the browser?15:09
Black_Monkeyhi, I just upgraded to hardy, and my mouse (USB, Logitech MX1000) isn't working - anyone else had this problem?15:11
crashhandlerwhere can i found default kde startup sound,somewhere on the net?15:11
devilsadvocate_crashhandler, you can find it on your computer15:12
devilsadvocate_(if you have kde that is)15:12
poseidonIs there a command-line argument where I can give my root password, so that it doesn't prompt me.  ie I use kate a lot as sudo, and I would like to be able to put kdesudo kate and my password so it doesn't prompt me every time I open it15:12
devilsadvocate_poseidon, thats kindof against the whole idea of sudo15:12
crashhandlerdevilsadvocate_^ all of kde sound on my kubuntu suddenly,disappeared15:13
devilsadvocate_crashhandler, as in the soundfiles disappeared?15:13
poseidondevilsadvocate_, It seems like i have to pretty much sudo everything.15:13
crashhandlerdevilsadvocate_ yes,fully disappeared15:13
devilsadvocate_poseidon, whatever you have to sudo to edit is a file that you should take care while editing.15:15
devilsadvocate_poseidon, i dont know of anything that will set the password across sessions, but suring one session (on one terminal) you can use sudo -s15:15
devilsadvocate_sudo -i*15:15
anthony_hi, i have a nvidia 7300 go on a laptop and enabling the nvidia accelerated graphics driver(latest cards) crashes kde after the splash screen,15:15
poseidondevilsadvocate_, ok, that will help a little.  Thanks15:16
devilsadvocate_crashhandler, strange. You can find the files somewhere, i guess, but i have a feeling the problem is elsewhere15:17
linuxloverdevilsadvocate: installed wine 9.46 from ubuntu.... now may you please help me to install IE7 (already downloaded the .exe file)15:19
soulrider_linuxlover: are you sure you want ie 7?15:19
=== romain__ is now known as ElegantAngel
soulrider_uhm ok15:20
soulrider_im guessing its like a regular install15:20
soulrider_where is your exe loated?15:20
=== soulrider_ is now known as soulrider
linuxloversoulrider: i am not able to run some application as they are not finding ie in my windows (here my wine)15:20
soulrideri see15:21
soulriderim not sure if ie7 works actually =/15:21
soulriderhold on, let me google, thatw ill be easier :P15:21
soulriderhttp://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/news/ check this out15:22
linuxloveropening that15:24
linuxloversoulrider: i need to install ie>ver 515:25
kreibwhen copying a python file in the terminal by right click and pasting, a crazy amount of tabs are placed into the result. How to prevent this?15:25
thecaptI am having a problem with nvidia-settings, it detects one of the monitors as a 640x480 and I cannot find a way to override the wrong autodetected setting15:26
kreibedit xorg.conf at all the places where 640x480 and replace with your res of choice15:27
thecaptkreib, ok, is there also a way you know of of letting nvidia-settings to enable me to override it's findings? the button for it is disabled15:28
kreibno sorry, not using nvidia15:28
soulriderlinuxlover: that also works for ie 6 and 7 i believe15:29
kristian__hi to al15:29
linuxloversoulrider: if i use 515:30
ElegantAngelHi all15:30
ElegantAngelon the new Hardy, which imlementation of Java works best ?15:30
ElegantAngelsun java ? openJDK ? free java ?15:31
Diexhi, someone speaking spanish ?15:31
ubotuAquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.15:31
soulriderElegantAngel: IMO, sun always works best15:31
ElegantAngelthanks solrider15:31
=== |Algyz| is now known as Algyz
kreibwhen copying a python file in the terminal by right click and pasting, a crazy amount of tabs are placed into the result. How to prevent this?15:33
Nolecan someone help me get wine working on kubuntu dapper?15:33
AlgyzNole:  what's not working?15:34
rohanfor anyone finding firefox really ugly by default in kubuntu hardy, i suggest doing "sudo aptitude install qtcurve", then go to kcontrol -> appereance -> gtk styles and fonts -> GTK Styles select "Use another style" - there select QtCurve15:34
NoleAlgyz: im kinda lost on what to do15:34
rohanafter that firefox looks absolutely cool, and well integrated with the kde theme too :)15:34
AlgyzNole:  $wine /way/to/your/file15:35
NoleAlgyz: i have the .deb package on my desktop and now i dont konw what to do15:35
AlgyzNole:  .deb has nothing about wine15:36
flipstarhe probably means wine.deb15:36
AlgyzNole:  just click this .deb15:37
verduzI can't find an example of kubuntu 8.04 sources.list. Anyone can help me?15:37
AlgyzNole:  the other way is: sudo dpkg -i /way/to/deb/file15:37
NoleAlgyz: then it loads ark and i get an error15:37
AlgyzNole:  then do this another way ;)15:38
_juliancan anybody tell me how to configure imwheel to work with kde4? - imwheel -c detects the buttons like I want it to, but no events happen ie in konqueror15:38
NoleAlgyz: thanks i think its working now15:39
AlgyzI hope that :)15:39
NoleAlgyz: its done installing i think15:39
Nolei should just be able to pop in a game and it should load now right?15:40
ElegantAngelsomeone know the besto solution for FLASH on AMD64 ?15:40
Alex_alex hello everybody, I've got a question about kde. Where can I configure the positions of the icons in the kde desktop?15:41
ElegantAngeli mean using with Firefox ?15:41
Alex_alexI've got a transparent konsole and new icons are created behind it15:41
flipstarAlex_alex: just drag and drop them15:41
flipstarNole: if it is a supported game, yes15:41
Algyz!flash | ElegantAngel15:41
ubotuElegantAngel: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash15:41
Noleflipstar: ok15:41
Alex_alexthe problems is new icons (when I insert a USB drive)15:42
ElegantAngelthx ubotu15:42
Alex_alex(are, sorry for my english)15:42
AlgyzNole:  look for supported games in www.winehq.org15:42
flipstar!bot | Alex_alex15:42
ubotuAlex_alex: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots15:42
KiryI have a stupid question about the 8.04 release and why the sound isn't working anymore15:43
jhutchinsKiry: Yeah, that's happening.  Pulseaudio is coming along and sortof replacing alsa in order to accomodate new cards.15:45
jakerohan: that made firefox look much nicer thanks.15:45
Kiryah, so I'm not the only one who got nailed?15:45
Kirydon't feel *quite* so bad then15:45
tseughello, i cannot get my Home folder to open.  when i click the Home icon, all my desktop items disappear and nothing else happens. this began after upgrading to Hardy.  any ideas how to fix this?15:45
Kiryis there a way to fix it?15:45
jhutchinsKiry: Yes, but I'm going to let someone more familiar with 8.10 help you.15:46
tseugthe thing is, i can access my programs that are within Home using the terminal, but i can't cd to home directory itself, only in directory within Home folder15:46
DaveDormy'all be nice to Kiry she's my padewan15:46
weswh-has anyone done a feisty => hardy upgrade?15:46
DaveDormbut she's 200+ miles away and I can't help her :)15:47
NoleAlgyz: i got it to run diablo so i guess i got it to work15:47
vicky123_hi everybody, i hav pentiun dual core processor. so which ubuntu i should download. (PC (Intel x86) desktop CD or 64-bit PC (AMD64) desktop CD)?15:49
Walzmyn_vicky123 do you want 32 bit or 64 bit?15:51
will00ey im lookin to figure out how to transfer a call from my phone to my computer, anyone have any idea how to do that15:51
Algyzvicky123_:  how much ram do you have?15:52
Algyzweswh-:  after upgrade I had to reinstall everything :D15:52
AlgyzSystem didn't boot, so I made fresh install15:53
MilitantPotatoSame here Algyz, I got a busy box and nothing else15:53
vicky123_i have 512mb ram15:53
Algyzvicky123_:  use intel x8615:53
vicky123_can u plz explain me why15:54
Algyzvicky123_:  64 bits are for those with plenty of ram15:54
MilitantPotatovicky123_: the only real advantage to a desktop user for X64 is the ability to use more then 3.2gb of ram.  32 bit operating systems have a limit of 3.2gb15:54
Algyzif machine has =<2GB of it, i'd recommend x8615:54
vicky123_i hav another 128mb ram if reqd. i can use that also15:55
vicky123_ok i got it15:55
Algyzvicky123_:  no, use alternate15:55
vicky123_ok thanx buddy15:55
MilitantPotatovicky123_: Most applications are made for 32 bit, it's much easier to get hardware and software working in 32 bit also.  :)15:55
flipstarbtw with the HIGHMEM option the 32bit kernel also supports more than 4gb15:55
Algyzvicky123_:  I'm afraid live cd will not boot on 128MB15:56
Walzmyn_I didn't realize 32 bit was limited to 3.2Gb of ram15:56
Algyzflipstar:  yeah, I heard this somewhere :)15:56
vicky123_no . i'm saying i can add that ram also with 512mb15:56
MilitantPotatoIt's really 4gb Walzmyn_but video memory and the bios use up a lot of it.15:56
Algyzvicky123_:  not sure, ask specialists15:56
flipstarvicky123_: 64bit will probably bring more trouble for you than benifits15:57
Algyzvicky123_:  normally when people buying ram, it's better to do ramtest15:57
Walzmyn_MilitantPotato, ah.15:57
MilitantPotatovicky123_: it's best not to mix and match RAM, linux doesn't need much, but you could try it.  It might cause instability.15:57
Algyzvicky123_:  better don't do it15:57
Algyz512 is enough15:57
MilitantPotatovicky123_: buying identical ram sticks is generally the best way to go, especially if your computer can do dual channel RAM15:57
Walzmyn_Any body here familiar with KVM?15:58
Walzmyn_vicky123_ how fast is your processor?15:58
Nolecan someone help mw with running diablo in wine15:58
MilitantPotatoNole: try #winehq15:59
will00can anyone tell me how to use my computer as a bluetooth headset for my phone?15:59
MilitantPotatowill00: heavy headset :)15:59
Walzmyn_vicky123_ Wow, I would think you'd want more RAM just to satisfy your processor16:00
AlgyzNole:  try in #winehq16:00
NoleAlgyz: i did16:00
Algyzwhat kind of trouble?16:00
Ahmuckman, hardy is seriously problematic16:01
MilitantPotatoNole: diablo 2?16:01
Nolehow do i change my res back to normal if a program resizes it and doesn't change it back16:01
NoleMilitantPotato: original diablo16:02
AlgyzAhmuck:  seems that :|16:02
will00militantpotato, is that a package that needs to be installed?16:02
AlgyzAhmuck:  reinstalled everything today after upgrade :D16:02
Ahmuckcompiz really screws it up16:02
Ahmuckpurging does not help16:02
Algyzseems like beta :)16:02
flipstarAhmuck: try running <kwin --replace>16:02
MilitantPotatowill00: I'm not sure16:02
Algyzfirefox beta included :)16:02
MilitantPotatoI installed firefox 216:03
NoleMilitantPotato: i try to play it and it just crashes16:03
MilitantPotatohad to edit some script file for java to work, but otherwise I'm happy with gutsy16:03
will00militantpotato what exactly is heavy handset16:03
MilitantPotatoNole: origional seems to not work well, check ttp://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iVersionId=4916:03
MilitantPotatoer, http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=349816:03
Noleoh than ill install 216:04
MilitantPotatowill00: carying a PC around to use as a headset :)16:04
AlgyzNole:  start from terminal and look, what errors it's causing16:04
NoleMilitantPotato: do you know what the video card requirement for d2 is16:04
AlgyzNole:  $wine /program16:04
MilitantPotatoNole: nope, try google16:04
will00militantpotato so is there a way to connect my phone to my computer so i can use the mic and speaks on the comp?16:05
MilitantPotatowill00: I've no idea, sorry16:05
Nolewill00: look on hackaday i think theres on on there16:05
AhmuckAlgyz: beta was more stable than this16:05
Ahmuckseriously, firefox3 and some of the other "beta" stuff should have been saved for the next release16:06
Nolewill00: or on i-hacked.com i remember seeing a tutorial on that somewhere16:06
MilitantPotatoAhmuck: Firefox beta has been marked as ready for the public16:07
MilitantPotatoAhmuck: all they're doing in the final is some minor GUI updates16:08
Walzmyn_I get these names goofed up, which one's gusty?16:08
MilitantPotatothey're all alphabetical, gutsy= 7.10, hardy = 8.0416:09
MilitantPotatothe 9.10 will start with an i16:09
Nolehey they are aphebitical16:09
AlgyzI was hoping to stay with kubuntu....16:09
Walzmyn_MilitantPotato, well. I'd missed the alphabetical bit16:09
AlgyzBut after adept upgrade today system did not started :|16:09
AlgyzSo now I have ubuntu 8.04 in another partition :)16:10
Algyznot kubuntu16:10
MilitantPotatoAlgyz: install kubuntu-desktop16:10
MilitantPotatoand walla :)16:10
Algyzbecause somehow kubuntu isn't LTS :(16:10
Walzmyn_So, is anybody here familiar with KVM?16:10
AlgyzYeah, I know, thx :)16:10
AlgyzMilitantPotato:  I think I'll do this one day16:10
dthackerAlgyz: there are good reasons that kubuntu is not LTS16:10
Algyzwhy so?16:11
MilitantPotatoKDE 3.5 is being phased out16:11
AlgyzFortunately I have FreeBSD, which I'm using now :)16:11
dthackerbriefly, because of KDE4.  but that is an offtopic discussion16:11
AlgyzI like KDE 3.5 :)16:11
Algyzokay, sry16:11
dthackerlong term support16:12
AlgyzLong Time Suppor16:12
AlgyzSry, english is not my native :)16:12
AhmuckMilitantPotato: in firefox beta, radio buttons do not work properly16:12
dthackerAlgyz: you do just fine :)16:13
Walzmyn_Algyz, ha! your english looks pretty good to me16:13
AhmuckMilitantPotato: in addition, there very few extensions, one of those, firebug, is not installable16:13
dthackerAhmuck: file a bug in launchpad16:13
Nolei know this isnt kubuntu related but could you fry a 56k modem if you aren't grounded while touching it?16:13
Walzmyn_you can fry anything if you're not grounded when you touch it16:14
Ahmuckicy iguanna16:14
Noleok thats what i think i did to my modem16:14
Ahmuckthat will be the next one ... har har har16:14
Noleicy iguanna nice one16:14
_Enissay_hey, i copiying a verry big file from/to a windows partition and i got a lot of "Could not change permissions for file" messages, how to stop those messages?16:14
MilitantPotatoAhmuck: the lack of extensions is why I'm using firefox 2 still16:14
Kiryfirefox beta ad block doesn't seem to be working16:14
MilitantPotatoAhmuck: I do agree that installing firefox 3 out of the box isn't the best idea IMO.16:15
* dthacker beats head against desk16:15
* Kiry slips a pillow between head and desk16:15
Ahmuck*shrugs*, i'm using it for now, waiting for firebug16:15
Ahmuckworking around the bugs16:15
Walzmyn_dthacker, what did the desk do to you?16:15
Algyz_Enissay_:  first: sudo konqueror16:15
Algyz_Enissay_:  then copy ;)16:15
Ahmucki'm split on the decision, to be considered stable, it should be stable, to get to stable you need testing, and what better way then to release it in a distro16:15
* dthacker notes that the firefox bug fixers probably don't hang around this channel waiting for bugs to fix, and that if you really want a problem fixed, you should file a bug in launchpad16:16
Ahmuckkinda like ms testing of vista :-)16:16
_Enissay_the command to copy is...?16:16
Algyzdthacker:  I think mozilla developers have lots of work now :)16:16
Algyz_Enissay_:  it's "cp"16:16
ubuntuHi i have a problem, i just installed 8.04 and when booting i get to the part where grub is about to load still in bios screen and it stops loading 'Grub _' i'm currently on livecd16:16
Ahmuckdthacker: point exactly.  if ff3 is b5, then why include it in a LTS version16:16
Algyz_Enissay_:  sudo cp /file /file16:16
_Enissay_Algyz: lol, thanks16:17
Walzmyn_ubuntu, have you tried re-installing?16:17
dthackerAhmuck: If you want to make an impact in an organization run by committees, get on the committee16:17
=== ubuntu is now known as Corban
Walzmyn_ubuntulog, the whole thing16:17
EruaranHe's using a live cd16:18
Ahmuckdthacker: to much red tape16:18
Corbani don't think that will work...coz i get same problem when trying to install fedora16:18
AlgyzCorban:  just a moment16:18
MilitantPotatoCorban: Did you just install linux for the first time?16:18
MilitantPotatoCorban: Try this, go into your BIOS, set your SATA controller to RAID16:18
EruaranCorban: youre getting a Grub error during boot ?16:19
AlgyzCorban:  did it boot earlier?16:19
Corbanok...i had sabayon linux installed then formated and clean installed kubuntu16:20
NoleMilitantPotato: i installed 2d and now it wont recognize my play cd16:20
Corbanit boots after a sabayon install16:20
Corbanbut not after kubuntu or fedora install16:20
Eruaranhmm ok16:21
* Eruaran wonders what is different about a Fedora or Kubuntu install to Sabayon16:21
MilitantPotatoNole: http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iVersionId=4916:21
MilitantPotatothere's a guide16:21
Corbanwhile in bios screens, it gets to the text GRUB and then goes no further16:21
MekzholanAhmuck: Firefox 3 also seems to use the theme for the 2 version - and thus has display bugs :(16:22
EruaranCorban: I've heard of a grub boot error before, but I've never had it myself16:22
Walzmyn_corban does liveCD have a re-install grub option?16:22
BluesKajhowdy folks16:22
Corbani don't know16:22
Corbani'll check16:22
MekzholanKubuntu 8.04 also destroyed the mailto: functionality in firefox as well as the links in thunderbird16:22
Eruaranyou can fix grub16:22
Mekzholannot very nice :(16:22
Walzmyn_Corban, just a shot in the dark16:22
EruaranMekzholan: I gave you a link for that16:22
EruaranMekzholan: its in the ubuntu forums16:23
MekzholanEruaran: I know :) Thanks :) - but why isn't that workinhg out of the box?!16:23
Corbani don't think so16:23
Corbanman i was so stoked when i could boot the 8.04 livecd as 7.10 or Gutsy would not boot16:24
EruaranMekzholan: the default software that comes with kubuntu works out of the box16:24
DarthFrogEruaran: Except compiz, which seems to do nothing16:25
LeeuwI messed with some settingz and now if I try to login om IRC with Kopete x resets; what's goimng on, any ideas ?16:25
DarthFrogOther than limit the pager to only two desktops.16:25
EruaranDarthFrog: you have to install compiz as far as I know16:25
Corbangrub is wack16:25
DarthFrogEruaran: Been there, done that.16:25
MekzholanEruaran: Firefox also comes with (K)ubuntu, it's one of the packages. It is also one of the major applications, not a special one16:25
DarthFrogLeeuw: Delete that IRC account and create another.16:26
EruaranDarthFrog: apparrently its easy in kubuntu 8.04, no messing around, just install16:26
Walzmyn_DarthFrog, you can make more than 2 desktops in compiz - the option is not labled desktops it's kinda non-intutive16:26
Leeuwthat was my first hunch, but I didn' t mess with kopete, think still it' ll work ?16:26
DarthFrogEruaran: Been there, done that.  Doesn't do anything.16:26
LeeuwDarthFrog: that was my first hunch, but I didn' t mess with kopete, think still it' ll work ?16:26
EruaranMekzholan: such is life16:26
MilitantPotatoCorban: do you see the grub menu at all?16:26
DarthFrogWalzmyn_: Do you know if there is any documentation for using Compiz in Kubuntu Hardy?16:27
EruaranDarthFrog: ok16:27
AhmuckDarthFrog: compiz does work, to get real functionality from it you need to install the compiz settings manager, however, good luck.  once the settings are set, if you remove the compiz settings manager, your screwed.  in addition, it screws up the desktop pager somehow.16:27
DarthFrogLeeuw: Give it a shot.  Can't hurt.16:27
Ahmuckimho, compiz on kubuntu is alpha16:27
Corbani see no grub menu16:27
LeeuwDarthFrog: true16:27
Corbanjust the text GRUB16:27
Walzmyn_DarthFrog, not specifically - check the wiki16:27
Corbanand it stops16:27
LeeuwDarthFrog: I will16:27
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto16:28
EruaranMekzholan: its fixed now isnt it ?16:28
DarthFrogAhmuck: Tnx.  I'll check that out.16:28
MilitantPotatoCorban: try and repair grub16:28
MilitantPotatoCorban: can be done from the Live CD16:28
AhmuckMekzholan: did you do a upgrade?16:28
Corbanhow do u do that16:28
DarthFrogI was at a Hardy release party last night.  Compiz was being demoed.  I was blown away. :-)16:28
Corbanjust re-install or is there a special way to do it?16:28
MekzholanEruaran: "such is life" doesn't help to convince people coming from windows...16:29
MilitantPotatoCorban: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto#head-f60bd54bfea5b5afbbb8eab20586240d973cdde316:29
MilitantPotatoCorban: do you know how to mount drives?16:29
MekzholanEruaran: didn't have time to fix the mailto: thing yet, but I'm sure it'll help. It won't fix the Thunderbird problem though16:29
LeeuwDarthFrog: strange... I'm on pidgin now, deleted kubuntu and made new, went nicely, tried #ubuntu (old) and kopete crashed, no x-reset though; lemme go back to KDE and try it all; thanx sofar, we' tre gettin'  there me thinx16:29
MilitantPotatosudo mkdir /media/sda16:29
MekzholanAhmuck: yes, just did an upgrade from 7.10 to 8.0416:29
MilitantPotatosudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/sda16:30
MilitantPotatoand such16:30
AhmuckMekzholan: i had the same problem.  it does not appear that a full install has that problem16:30
MilitantPotatodo a mkdir, then mount in that dir16:30
Corbani know that much16:30
Corbanwhat do i need to mount16:30
DarthFrogCorban:  A drive partition to mount.16:31
MilitantPotatoprobably just your root partition for linux16:31
MilitantPotatoif you installed grub to it16:31
MekzholanAhmuck: which problem (theme, mailto:, or thunderbird links)? how did you solve it?16:31
EruaranMekzholan: So what you're telling me is that if you have one problem using Kubuntu youre going to start whining and do the dummy spit and talk about Windows ? Go back to Windows then... Its not like Windows does not have more than its fair share of problems... Seriously I get really sick and tired of that kind of attitude: People will bend over backwards to solve their Windows problems, but if they have one problem with a16:31
EruaranGNU/Linux distribution they throw a tantrum and whine about everything under the sun not working 'out of the box'... seriously, have you installed vanilla Windows lately ?16:31
Corbani just have never manually edited linux partitions b4...only windows paritions16:32
DarthFrogEruaran: You're condemning the poor fellow to Vista! :-)16:32
Corbani have been a linux user for the last month16:32
AhmuckEruaran: i use windows, yes.  but i don't have these type of bugs16:32
MinnozzHello, when I don't have mixer in the drop-down list of KMix, does that mean there is no driver installed or something? I don't have any sound right now (Just installed 8.04)16:32
Corbanhehe, i moved from vista to linux16:32
AhmuckEruaran: i don't use Vista, Vista is not windows LTS edition16:33
Corbanbtw all the help is greatly appreciated16:33
DarthFrogCorban: Then you should be well  motivated.16:33
alnisCorban: 1. Boot from your live CD16:33
MekzholanEruaran: common mate, have you eaten rooten mountain oysters?!?16:33
EruaranThe point remains the same. At work I've seen more than enough problems with Vista...16:33
alnis2. Find on which partition you have /boot/grub16:33
BluesKajEruaran, good rant ! :)16:33
EruaranBluesKaj: thx :P16:34
Corbanok i'm really lost with linux partitions16:34
Ahmuckno offence, but pointing out the flaws is what improves the distro.  some of you are like micrsoft flunkies (shhhh, don't talk to loud.  let's hide those flaws for as long as we can)16:34
LeeuwDarthFrog: am back in KDE now, tried it, same sh*t, x-reset; now on pidgin in KDE, no prob; what on earth could it be ?16:34
MekzholanEruaran: there are different reasons I'm using Linux - for quite a few years now. And the problem is not that I have to fix these problems. The problem is that Kubuntu gives a sub optimal user experience here16:35
alnis3. from the console, type " grub" to enter grub shell16:35
MilitantPotatoLinux tip: If you want things to work properly, avoid newly released software.16:35
AhmuckMekzholan: theme16:35
DarthFrogMekzholan: Marcel Gagne has written several excellent books on coming to Linux from Windows.  Perhaps you might find them useful.16:35
AhmuckMilitantPotato: heh, avoid kubuntu hardy for three months16:35
EruaranMekzholan: I tried to help...16:35
alnis4. mount that partion in grub shel:16:35
CygnusX1Ahmuck: Ah...so this really is a beta release?16:36
CygnusX1Wait for service pack1?16:36
Corbanwhats the root password for livecd?16:36
BluesKajwell , I have some issues with Hardy , altho relatively minor they are still a PITA. For example the shut procedure is flawed on my setup. Gotta use the 3finger salute to get out of hardy.16:36
DarthFrogLeeuw: Use Adept to totally remove Kopete, including all the config files.  Then re-install it.  Worth a shot.16:36
AhmuckDarthFrog: so, your telling me, the book explains why coming from windows to linux you will be loosing many hairs?16:36
alniscorban: none16:36
MekzholanEruaran: something that Windows users (which we are trying to convince to try Linux) are not seeing (e.g. becaus they are using a monolithic system and not a very variable one like Linux with different desktop environments)16:36
BluesKajerr shutdown procedure16:36
MilitantPotatofind /boot/grub/stage116:36
Corbannone didn't work16:36
Corbanin terminal16:37
MilitantPotatoshould be ubuntu16:37
Corbanalka konsole16:37
Algyz!lv | alnis16:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lv - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:37
LeeuwDarthFrog: I just did , pray to the big chip in the sky while I try16:37
Algyzalnis:  #ubuntu-lv16:37
DarthFrogAhmuck: Well, I don't know about that.  But it explains, very well, much that a Windows user needs to know.16:37
Corbannone of the below are working .. "" "ubuntu" "kubuntu"16:38
DarthFrogLeeuw: And if Pidgin works for you, then use it.16:38
MekzholanEruaran: I appreciate your help very much, but ranting about windows when there's a but in the distribution of our choice wasn't very helpfull...16:38
EruaranMekzholan: I don't believe in trying to convince people. If someone really wants change, they will go for it. Others will look at you like you're a Jehovas Witness for even mentioning Linux. I'm not into the hard sell.16:38
LeeuwIt does, but I like Kopete better, and I can' t stand loose ends in my rig16:38
DarthFrogEruaran: Zigzactly!16:38
MilitantPotatoCorban: try sudo su16:38
LeeuwDarthFrog: it worked befor16:38
LeeuwDarthFrog: before I went xploring16:39
DarthFrogLeeuw: Try creating a different account in Kubuntu and see if Kopete works from that new account.16:39
MekzholanEruaran: isn't more convincing for people if they try something new that that works much better thant their old crap? I wasn't talking about force feeding... ;)16:39
MekzholanAhmuck: did you solve the theme problem? I've just installed a 3.0 beta 5 theme and it's (a bit) better - but still not there...16:40
EruaranIf someone wants change they will welcome it. If someone had to have it sold to them, they will look at every little fault under a microscope and complain. You can't help that person because they don't really want it, they want to go back to what they were using before.16:40
DarthFrogMekzholan: You have your experience and emotional reaction to that experience.  We can validate that reaction but cannot invalidate it.16:41
Corbani have 3 different GRUBS installed in the MBR it seems16:41
MinnozzAnyone else having problems with sound (aka: no sound) on Hardy Heron?16:41
LeeuwDarthFrog: back again... reset again....   I did notice however that there' s 2 kopetes now, one regular and one kde4; where the * dd that come form... WIll try to remove both and reinstall; but meantime I' ll ask dif question, because my hunch sez that' s where the problem iz...16:41
MilitantPotatoCorban: wow.16:41
Corbangrub stage 1, 1.5 and 216:42
DarthFrogLeeuw: Try creating a different account in Kubuntu and see if Kopete works from that new account.16:42
EruaranCorban: that might be part of the problem ? ;)16:42
LeeuwDarthFrog: very good idea, since it did work in XFce...   will try later16:42
Corbangona reboot and see if that worked16:42
Corbanwish me luck16:42
Eruarangood luck16:42
LeeuwDarthFrog: first I' ll ask dif question, cause my hunch sez that could be source of trubble...16:43
reisihi everyone! in case there's devs on the channels great job with kde4-remix16:43
AhmuckMekzholan: as far as i know.  i went with a full install of kubuntu after working with some bugs on the upgrade16:44
MekzholanDarthFrog: no need for invalidation. I'm writing it here so that the problems can be solved (via an update) for all of those that won't write here (and esp. for those that tried kubuntu and are turned away by those litte inconveniences)16:44
* Ahmuck is thinking about a re-install again to see if i can't fix the compiz settings retention thingy16:45
Ahmuckso, i'm curious, who is here from canocial (paid) as damage control on for this release?16:45
LeeuwI ticked to ' off'  some setting in KDE that said something like 'scan KDE at boot'  something like that, it had a warning that after changing stuff it could break the system; I forogot about it, did a lot of tweaking, and then the troubles began; missing start-menu (xcuse win-terminology), and trouble with IRC on Kopete, among other stufff; sys seeems right now again, but kopete keeps crashing on initiate IRC;...   I can' t find that setting back, wher16:45
MilitantPotatoAhmuck: do you own all the files in your home directory?16:46
EruaranMekzholan: sorry if I offended... I've had to deal with a few unresonable people lately...16:46
AhmuckMilitantPotato: yes.  i have several partitions, one for virtual box, one for data, one for home, one for /var/www one for /usr/local, so it's trivial for me to wipe and reload16:46
DarthFrogAhmuck: I've been running Hardy since Alpha 3.  Doesn't need damage control.  That a few people have problems with it doesn't translate to a universal experience.  A few people will have problems with anything new, one just hopes that it's not the same few people each time. :-)16:47
AhmuckMilitantPotato: i've found the quickest way to "refresh" is to backup things like konversation logs, etc. and then do a "rm -rf ." on my home directory from a command prompt tty16:48
AlgyzDarthFrog:  I had problems with upgrade. Huge problems :)16:48
EruaranDownloading was much faster tonight16:48
AhmuckMilitantPotato: that way i can tell if the problem is buried in my /home or in some other setting in /16:48
DarthFrogAlgyz: Then backup /home and re-install instead of upgrading?16:48
MilitantPotatoit took my wife's PC 8 hours to download 8.0416:48
Ahmuckbefore re-install16:48
reisibittorrent worked fine yesterday, after you found a torrent file from somewhere :)16:48
MilitantPotatoAhmuck: sounds like a plan :)16:49
AhmuckMilitantPotato: as an upgrade?16:49
MilitantPotatoAhmuck: via adept yes16:49
EruaranHow do I seed stuff with ktorrent so everyone can see it ?16:49
=== ubuntu is now known as Corban
Corbanok back16:49
reisiEruaran: i guess there was a post about that on the forums16:49
suiEruaran: you do automatically16:49
Corbandidn't work16:49
MilitantPotatoCorban: did you follow that full guide?16:49
Corbani followed the repair part....whats the link again16:49
Eruaransui: not one that I've gotten via torrents already... I want to seed my kubuntu iso's that I have on my computer that aren't already being seeded by ktorrent...16:51
Eruaranreisi: I'll check16:51
=== rignes_ is now known as rignes
AhmuckEruaran: locate a torrent for what you want to seed.  point the download to that directory.  at that point, ktorrent will check the iso and then begin seeding16:52
=== Steven__ is now known as Walkboss
Eruaranthanks Ahmuck16:53
suiEruaran: when you download a torrent file you normally have a column in which you can read the data you seed16:53
suiwuah, completely misunderstood the question ;)16:54
Eruaransui: yes I know... but I have the kubuntu-desktop iso here which I ftp'd16:54
LeeuwI ticked to ' off'  some setting in KDE that said something like 'scan KDE at boot'  something like that, it had a warning that after changing stuff it could break the system; I forogot about it, did a lot of tweaking, and then the troubles began; missing start-menu (xcuse win-terminology), and trouble with IRC on Kopete, among other stufff; sys seeems right now again, but kopete keeps crashing on initiate IRC;...   I can' t find that setting back, w16:54
WalkbossHello. I'm having a bit of trouble with my kubuntu installation. I decided to move my /home folder onto a new partition but kdm just crashes on login16:54
MilitantPotatoCorban: sudo apt-get install gparted16:55
kaminixHow do I make Kontact not close itself but only minimize to tray when I push the X button?16:56
WalkbossAny ideas on why this is happening?16:56
suiEruaran: can you move the iso to your torrent-folder?16:56
MilitantPotatoCorban: make sure your linux is set active, and boot16:56
AhmuckWalkboss: ln -s /newpartition /oldhomedirectory may fix it16:56
suiEruaran: and restart ktorrent. perhaps this makes the download happen16:56
Corbanit is16:56
Odd-rationalekaminix: edit the kamil pref the enable tray16:56
Corbani'm wanting to dual boot Kubuntu & OSx8616:56
DarthFrogWalkboss:  Did you edit the /etc/fstab file appropriately?16:56
LeeuwWalkboss: you have to do that sort of thing from another system, like a live cd, because the sys can' t go without a home folder; if you removed the old one you have to somehow remount the new one as /home; I ' m not to familiar thoug with xactly how to do that; anyoen ?16:56
MilitantPotatoCorban: is the primary drive set as bootable?16:56
Corbanwell yeh otherwise i wouldn't see GRUB16:57
WalkbossI didn't edit it manually. I did a fresh install with sda1 as / and sda2 as /home16:57
Corbani need to wipe and rebuilt MBR16:57
DarthFrogWalkboss:  And is sda2 mounting properly as /home?16:57
Corbanas i think i have like 6 different instances of GRUB in it16:58
WalkbossI can access the files via console16:58
flaccidhooray! i have the but where computer crashes with ati prop. driver when logging out with hardy!16:58
DarthFrogWalkboss: Anything in the log files?16:58
Walkbossbut when I try to login, kdm crashes and restarts16:58
Corbanstage1 is active i'm sure16:58
WalkbossWhere would I find those?16:58
Odd-rationalekaminix: look in settings --> configure kmail --> appearence --> system taray16:58
DarthFrogWalkboss: /var/log is the usual place.16:58
WalkbossOk, one second. I'm on a different computer16:59
Leeuwflaccid: congratulation !   Wanna buy my obsolete nvidia-card ? ;-)16:59
BluesKajCorban, you may want to check the /boot/grub/menu.lst , to make sure "hiddenmenu" isn't enabled. Disable it by placing a # in front of it. Alt+F2, kdesudo kate /boot/grub/menu.lst16:59
Corbani see16:59
Corbanyeh it's enabled17:00
flaccidLeeuw: i have a notebook17:00
Leeuwflaccid: ehehehe17:00
BluesKajplace a # there so the menu is no longer hidden17:00
Corbanlets try again17:00
VousDeuxI cannot, for the life of me, seem to figure out how to modify the list of programs that are on the K-Menu. Can someone help me out?17:00
flaccidif you stop shouting17:00
Jucato!caps | Leeuw17:01
ubotuLeeuw: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.17:01
Leeuwsorry fer capslock folks, I'm gonna take it off17:01
JucatoVousDeux: modify in what sense? you can right-click on the K Menu icon and select Menu editor17:01
fildoyay for caps locks u goon17:01
Leeuwflaccid: I know, sorry, it's to close to tab , really...17:01
fildoim all for cyber bullying :)17:01
flaccidfildo: you got initial hardy bugs?17:01
fildoyeah, major crash on logout17:02
flaccidati or nvidia?17:02
fildoafter first boot17:02
fildonv mate17:02
flaccidbut only happened once? mine is happening on every logout17:02
VousDeuxJucato: I'm trying to remove some programs that have been uninstalled, and move some items to other spots that make more sense to me. The Menu Editor option does not appear when I right-click.17:02
fildouhm, mines a bit slow on the logout, but ive only tried it twice, its a fresh box17:02
flaccidim dissapointed17:03
MilitantPotatomine won't shut down17:03
MilitantPotatohave to use rseiub every time17:03
flaccidseems pretty common problem17:03
JucatoVousDeux: KDE 3?17:03
Walkbossok DarthFrog.17:03
fildowhy not released with kde4 ?17:03
MilitantPotatoalt+ctrl+sysRQ   +  RSEIUB17:04
MilitantPotatoemergency safe restart17:04
VousDeuxJucato: No, KDE4...I asked in #kubunto-kde4, but I didn't get any response yet.17:04
SlimeyPetefildo: kde4 doesn't work very well yet, for many people17:04
LeeuwVousDeux: click right on the menu-button, not the menu itself17:04
LeeuwVousDeux: or doesn' t that go on 4 /17:05
JucatoVousDeux: first, to "refresh" the menus when you have uninstalled something, you can run the command "kbuildsycoca4"17:05
fildofair enough17:05
fildodosnt surprise me with the amount of bugs around17:05
Walzmyn_kde4 is imcomplete, lots of options not in yet17:05
fildonow im dissapointed17:05
WalkbossThe only things that look remotely relevant are "(WW) NV: No matching Device Section for Instance (BusID PCI:0:10:3) found" -- which I'm guessing is something to do with the device section in xorg.conf. I guess that isn't relevant at all17:05
JucatoVousDeux: second, try running the command "kmenuedit4" to manually start the menu editor17:05
fildonewyas seeyas17:05
VousDeuxOkay, thanks.17:06
Walkbossalso: "Atom 4, CARD32 4, unsigned long 4" whatever that is supposed to mean17:06
MilitantPotatoSpeaking of not being able to shutdown, has anyone found a fix for it?  It starts closing aps, the GUI goes black and everything stops responding.  I can't open a TTY and shutdown that way.17:08
Ahmuckctl-alt-f9 ?17:09
emsshow do you disable konquerors scrollbars?17:09
Minnozzcan anyone help me with fixing my audio under Hardy Heron?17:09
VousDeuxOkay, the kmenuedit4 does not appear to exist yet, but kmenuedit loaded. Thanks again.17:10
JucatoVousDeux: hm.. strange... but ok :)17:10
VousDeuxOh, haha, I guess kmenuedit doesn't work on KDE4 menu...I'll bother the other channel about it...thanks anyway.17:10
Ahmuckis there a kubuntu-kde4 channel?17:11
VousDeuxat least I know I can stop searching for it :)17:11
Odd-rationaleAhmuck: yes17:11
Ahmucki'd be interested in that channel name, i'd like to see what problems is happening in kubuntu-kde417:12
EruaranWhats a good sharing site to set my tracker to so people can see it and it will start uploading ?17:12
WalkbossI've tried mounting sda2 (the partition with my home files in it) to a random mount point and having /home on the main partition. This worked fine so the I changed sda2 to mount under /home via the "Disks and Filesystems" settings, which also worked until I rebooted and am now unable to login to KDE17:12
* Ahmuck sit's down for pizza17:15
Minnozzis there a known problem with SoundMAX chips and 64bit Linux?17:16
BluesKajMinnozz, in the terminal type alsamixer17:16
MinnozzBluesKaj: "alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory"17:17
LeeuwI ticked to ' off'  some setting in KDE that said something like 'scan KDE at boot'  something like that, it had a warning that after changing stuff it could break the system; I forogot about it, did a lot of tweaking, and then the troubles began; missing start-menu (xcuse win-terminology), and trouble with IRC on Kopete, among other stufff; sys seeems right now again, but kopete keeps crashing on initiate IRC;...   I can' t find that setting back17:19
BluesKajMinnozz, agian in the terminal, ' lspci | grep audio '17:20
MinnozzBluesKaj: no output17:20
=== _x-X-x_ is now known as x-X-x
x-X-xso far so good on hardy heron17:21
x-X-xbit dissapointed that kde4 is still not finished and i had to installed kubuntu hardy heron kde3 version not remix17:22
BluesKajok Minnozz, just ' lspci ' this time..look for a line with 'audio controller ' in it17:22
MinnozzBluesKaj: 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 02)17:23
* Minnozz note to self: use `grep -i'17:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about intel-audio - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:23
x-X-xanyone else having trouble downloading themes for emerald ??17:24
x-X-xon hardy ?17:24
BluesKajlooks like you need to download the drivers for the Intel Corporation 82801H, but I'm not sure. IIRC , there are some issues with Intel audio devices on kubuntu17:25
x-X-xi have intel integrated audio and it works fine on nix17:26
MinnozzBluesKaj: hmm okay, thank you :)17:26
tobiashi anybody, i just was upgrading to hardy (from 7.10) using the upgrade-wizard. now it crashed, firexfox won't run and i don't know what to do. can you help me?17:26
BluesKajx-X-x, we're talking about Intel products , not integrated17:26
MinnozzBluesKaj: AFAIK this is an integraged chip...17:27
BluesKajyes, most are17:27
Algyztobias:  what you have now?17:27
Minnozz* integrated17:27
x-X-xBlueskaj kk sorry17:27
tobiasAlgyz: my system running as before, only some apps won't start17:27
Algyztobias:  well, to be honest, I reinstalled whole system after upgrade :D :(17:28
tobiasAlgyz: the wizard simply dissapeared17:28
BluesKajMinnozz, try the Intel support site for linux drivers17:28
Algyztobias:  run them from terminal17:28
tobiasAlgyz: how?17:28
Algyztobias:  $firefox17:29
Algyztobias:  probably you'll see errors in terminal17:30
ubuntuciao peolpe, qualcuno mi sa dire come operare da root in un live cd_17:31
Odd-rationale!it | ubuntu17:31
ubotuubuntu: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!17:31
Algyz!it | ubuntu17:31
emilsedgh!it | ubuntu17:31
Odd-rationaletoo slow ;)17:31
Arehucashola??? alguien en español??'17:32
Odd-rationale!es | Arehucas17:32
ubotuArehucas: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.17:32
Algyz!es | Arehucas17:32
Odd-rationaletoo slow again....17:32
Arehucasok, tanks17:32
Odd-rationale2 -017:32
AlgyzOdd-rationale:  you won ;)17:32
tobiasAlgyz: hm, calling dkpg from the terminal seems to continue the update process...would the wizard perform any actions that won't be done this way and i need to do them manualley17:33
Odd-rationaleAlgyz: what client are you using?17:33
AlgyzOdd-rationale:  kvirc+beer17:33
Odd-rationaleAlgyz: konversation is good.17:34
AlgyzBeer is slowing process/accesing to keyboard :D17:34
AlgyzYeah, I know17:34
Odd-rationaleAlgyz: especially with nick completition17:34
Odd-rationalewith tab, i get a list of names that begin with the same letter(s).17:35
AlgyzWow :O17:35
Odd-rationaleIn order of last spoken. not alpha betical17:35
BluesKajppl compalin about konversation not contain autolisted servers, but i don't miss that anymore :)17:36
AlgyzI'll think about that, actually I'm not using Kubuntu now :)17:36
Odd-rationaleAlgyz: so if you spoke last before Arehucas, your nick would appear first in the list.17:36
AlgyzOdd-rationale:  bsd 6.317:37
Odd-rationaleAlgyz: freebsd?17:37
Algyzeasier to manage :)17:38
Algyzkubuntu just in next partition ;)17:38
v6lurwhat's the least painful way to rip some 20 CDs?17:38
BluesKajAlgyz, how's the hardware recognition with pcbsd ?17:38
AlgyzBluesKaj:  more or less okay17:39
Odd-rationaleAlgyz: so pc-bsd --> freebsd as Ubuntu --> Debian ?17:39
AlgyzBluesKaj:  well, my network card is down always during boot, though I tried different methods17:40
AlgyzOdd-rationale:  something like that17:40
Algyzpcbsd is freebsd with installer, kde and some stuff17:40
Algyznot a fork17:40
livingdaylightAlgyz, is it better than DesktopBSD?17:41
Algyzlivingdaylight:  you can install desktopbsd-tools17:41
livingdaylightDesktopBSD is an os17:42
AlgyzIt is possible also with freebsd, they are in ports17:42
AlgyzFreeBSD is an OS ;)17:42
AlgyzBoth above mentioned are only couple of packages with FreeBSD kernel17:43
livingdaylighti'm waiting for a pc-bsd or desktopBSD to do in the bsd world what ubuntu did in the Linux17:43
AlgyzYou can try pcbsd, good luck17:43
livingdaylightAlgyz, true... but the installer n'stuff makes it noob friendly17:43
AlgyzThat's good :)17:44
livingdaylightlast time i tried pcbsd it wasn't quite there yet... mainly lacking driver support17:44
AlgyzBut you can compile proudly17:44
AlgyzLooks like this17:44
AlgyzMost things are working17:44
* Algyz sorry for a little offtopic17:45
Odd-rationaleAlgyz: so it includes ff by default?17:45
AlgyzOdd-rationale:  yes17:45
BluesKajyeah same here, but it's been 3 yrs since i tried bsd ...it was on an old pc and the hardwre wasn't recognized17:45
BluesKajwel, most of it17:46
AlgyzBluesKaj:  it's up to you now ;)17:46
Odd-rationaleI might give it a spin in virtualbox.... I don't want to bork my new Hardy install... :)17:46
AlgyzBut... but kubuntu is also good :)17:46
BluesKajno, I'll stick with kubuntu17:46
Odd-rationaledoes bsd use grub?17:46
BluesKajlilo I think17:47
AlgyzOdd-rationale:  I'm using Kubuntu GRUB to boot this stuff17:48
AlgyzDon't install *BSD booter17:48
AlgyzIf you're using Linux in the same comp17:48
AlgyzBluesKaj:  well, I gave just 15 GB for this another OS :)17:50
livingdaylightAlgyz, another reason i don't use pcbsd; small community and empty support #channels17:57
Algyzlivingdaylight:  good reason (seriously)17:59
livingdaylightAlgyz, presumably you're not having those issues in kubuntu?18:00
VousDeuxIs there a cursor theme editor? I have loaded a cursor theme, but two of the cursors are inverted...I would like to fix it if I can.18:03
MakuseruWhat would you say the easiest way to upgrade to 8.04 from 7.10 would be?18:03
woddf2If KDE 4 crashed at start for me before in 7.10 Gutsy, will it crash at start in 8.04 Hardy?18:04
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AlgyzMakuseru:  you mean downgrade, isn't it? :D18:04
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MakuseruAlgyz: umm, what?18:04
Arehucasalguen me puede pasar de nuevo la direccion del irc hispano?18:04
AlgyzAh, OK, I misunderstood18:05
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AlgyzArehucas:  la puta madre ;)18:05
MakuseruAlgyz: oh, haha. i thought you were saying 8.04 wasnt as good as 7.1018:05
Arehucasjajaja, lo siento, tengo un caco que no veas18:05
Arehucascomo entro en el irc hispano18:05
AlgyzMakuseru:  well, I just reinstalled all the stuff18:05
Arehucasque me da que aqui son giris18:05
Corbanwell still no luck....i wiped my mbr i think...and now installing hardy for the 3rd time18:05
AlgyzArehucas:  O follamos todos, o la puta ol rio ;)18:05
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Arehucasvenga, yo me la follo primero, despues los demas18:06
VousDeuxwoddf2: unless you have a system specific bug, I would have to say no; because I have KDE4 on Hardy and it is loading just fine.18:06
woddf2Did it crash for you in Gutsy?18:06
Arehucascomo veo los canales del irc?18:06
woddf2I mean18:06
Arehucasque hace un monton que no utilizo el mirc, me da que casi una decada18:06
woddf2VousDeux: Did it crash for you in Gutsy?18:06
Algyz!es | Arehucas18:07
ubotuArehucas: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.18:07
Arehucasgracias, y lo siento18:07
VousDeuxwoddf2: I didn't have it in Gutsy...that's why I said unless you have a system specific bug...18:07
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woddf2Did anyone else use KDE 4 in Gutsy?18:08
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VousDeuxwoddf2: I think I understand now that your question is whether or not an upgrade to Hardy would fix your KDE4 problem...I don't know the answer.18:08
dave11I cant get flash to fullscreen firefox 5 beta, is this a known bug?18:09
* trident523 is afriad of the regular #ubuntu18:09
woddf2I want to know because I am debating whether or not to uninstall GNOME.18:10
linuxguymarshallCan I uninstall programs from a Kubuntu DVD. For example, if my computer locks up because of a program (As it seems to happen with my NVIDIA drivers quite often) can I uninstall these from a DVD? Because sure I could uninstall this from a terminal but what if I don't know the package name. Is this possible?18:10
woddf2I have personal data that I cannot back up because I do not have a CD burner.18:10
trident523linuxguymarshall: Like, remove it from the livecd boot?18:10
linuxguymarshalltrident523:Preferably, or from text mode.18:10
trident523woddf2: It was working in hardy for me... but that's generally not the same now.18:10
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woddf2trident523: Did you have KDE 4 in Gutsy? How stable was it?18:11
trident523woddf2: I never tried it in gutsy, sorry.18:11
SlimeyPetelinuxguymarshall: you mean you want to be able to boot the livecd/dvd, and then remove a package from the Kubuntu installation on your hard disk?18:11
woddf2Did anyone else use KDE 4 in Gutsy?18:12
trident523woddf2: But it's sort of wonky in hardy anyhow. (some stuff missing...etc.)18:12
kerncoHow do I set up dual-monitors in KDE4?18:12
corbani fixed the mbr18:12
trident523kernco: What kind of graphics card do you have?18:12
VousDeuxany idea why Kubuntu almost always thinks my battery is dead?18:12
kerncotrident523: Nvidia 880018:13
linuxguymarshallSlimeyPete:Yeah, sure it's a security issue but is there an easy hack to place a backdoor in my own system that would be only accesable through a custom Live CD. BTW, this is just a local machine that is not connected to the internet that I am talking about18:14
trident523I think xinerama still works now...18:14
VousDeuxIt doesn't seem to matter whether I have it plugged in or not, it keeps doing stuff like dimming the screen.18:14
trident523!xinerama | kernco18:14
ubotukernco: xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead18:14
amrushhey all .. I have a problem logging out of a session .. everything goes black and i have to turn the computer off and boot it again .. anyway can help ..18:14
linuxguymarshallamrush:How long has this been happening?18:14
SlimeyPetelinuxguymarshall: you could probably do it via a chroot, however I wouldn't be able to tell you exactly how. Might be worth googling a chroot howto and going from there.18:14
amrushyesterday, just upgraded to heron ..18:15
linuxguymarshallamrush:Did it happen as soon as you upgrade or did it take some time?18:16
daimadoshiHi ! is anyone else having issues with the updateing process ? i cant even get past the fetching part18:16
amrushlinuxguymarshall: since i upgraded, i can't log out ..18:16
* NightBird is still having problems with starting kubuntu from cd... it does the splash page, then dumps me at the BusyBox prompt18:17
trident523daimadoshi: Well, the servers are still being attacked with thousands upon thousands of downloads...18:17
NightBirdit does it for kubuntu 32 and 64 bit, as well as ubuntu 64..18:17
trident523NightBird: Are you using wubi?18:18
trident523mischel: Hi! This is #kubuntu.18:18
mischeli am new here18:18
NightBirdtrident523: nope, booting from the cd18:18
NightBirdI don't have windows installed at all on my laptop actually18:18
daimadoshitrident523:i figured that it wouls be super slow, but not that i would get time outs18:18
mischelnot bad not bad this programm18:18
daimadoshitrident523:thanks though... it just confirmed my suspicions18:19
trident523NightBird: Oh. Hm... have some sort of different hard drive setup? (RAID...etc?)18:19
trident523daimadoshi: Heck, I got around to updating my old server.18:19
trident523daimadoshi: It was still running 6.06, with no updates installed. I'm still catching up. :P18:19
NightBirdtrident523: it's a classic single 2.5" laptop harddrive18:19
mitkoсамо да попитам ако някой знае как да премахна искането на парола и потребител при стартиране на убунту нека каже ще съм благодарен18:20
trident523NightBird: Well, whenever I got the buisybox message, it meant that my hard drive was loaded incorrectly.18:20
trident523!ru | mitko18:20
ubotumitko: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke18:20
NightBirdthere is an error stating "This (id 10ec:8139) is not an 8139C+ compatible chip" "8139cp 0000:08:02.0: Try the '8139too' driver instead."18:21
NightBirdtrident523: kubuntu 7.10 installed and ran from it just fine18:21
trident523NightBird: Have you asked #ubuntu? Sorry... I don't know of those sort of issues.18:22
NightBirdI'll ask there since it happens to both distros18:22
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trident523NightBird: I'm sort of avoiding #ubuntu right now... my brain can't take that many messages at once.18:23
NightBirdtrident523: I'm hoping nickname highlight will save me :P18:24
linuxguymarshallDoes anyone use Automatix in KDE?18:24
DragnslcrHopefully no18:24
dinarti can't find the "Hardware information" on my ubuntu18:24
dinartin the help there are some refereces to it18:25
ubotuAutomatix is no longer developed or supported by its creators and is not recommended, supported or needed by Ubuntu. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe »18:25
trident523linuxguymarshall: People sort of avoid automatix now... it's too much of a hasle.18:25
dinarti'm having some difficulties in installing my wireless usb adapter18:25
trident523dinart: What kind of wireless adapter?18:25
dinart!dwl g13218:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dwl g132 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:25
trident523... oh.18:25
linuxguymarshallDragnslcr: What are the downsides to using it? My friend just got Kubuntu but hates to compile source and work with a terminal. Is there a coultions besides Automatix for him?18:26
azizquick question: I'm going to shrink an ext3 partition. Does qtparted also relocate the files if they reside in the blocks that are being freed?18:26
trident523dinart: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?s=a38135418b72be6d4dd28d70d4474e0d&p=909727&postcount=418:26
Dragnslcrlinuxguymarshall- has he tried Adept?18:26
trident523dinart: I follow outdated directions simetimes.18:27
Dragnslcrlinuxguymarshall- most modern distributions have package managers these days18:27
monolithI upgraded to Hardy from 7.10 and now my sound doesn't work, Not in KDE not in KDE 4. The only thing that gives sound is KDE4's statup sound, nothing else.18:27
dinarttrident523: thanks ^18:27
vurvhey.. i just upgraded from Feisty to Hardy.. everything went without a hitch, asked me to reboot.. rebooted, and since, Xorg won't load18:27
vurvkdm is running, but i have no Xorg18:27
trident523monolith: Do you know what kind of soundcard you have?18:27
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vurvwhen i try startx, it says it can't load the nvidia kernel module18:27
linuxguymarshallDragnslcr:I tried but he loves alot of pictures. Can I state he just moved from Using M$ his whole like and ever worse just switched from Vista18:27
trident523vurv: What drivers are you using?18:27
vurvbut nvidia-glx-new is installed18:27
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trident523vurv: oh. What card?18:28
vurvFX 520018:28
vurveverything was working fine in Feisty18:28
Dragnslcrlinuxguymarshall- good for him, but what does liking pictures have to do with installing programs?18:28
vurvno issues18:28
vurvdoes glx-new have to be reinstalled or something?18:28
trident523vurv: Try running sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ... and chosing nvidia, not nv at drivers.18:28
vurvk, sec18:28
ignmanhow do I access the ubuntu default screensavers through kububntu?18:28
monolithtrident523: Wait, scratch that. I just realised the 'PCM' slider was set to minimum in KMix. Sorry about that...18:29
linuxguymarshallDragnslcr:He likes less text. He likes to click on an exe file and be done. Sure he can dig around the web for a .deb or install wine but for some reason everyone I convert hates package managers18:29
trident523monolith: Happens, people were up in arms about my model that the headphone port didn't work.18:29
trident523monolith: turns out, no one thought about the headphone slider/it got fixed in 8.04.18:30
trident523linuxguymarshall: What's wrong with a list? Click it off, click install... sit back and relax?18:30
Dragnslcrlinuxguymarshall- if they prefer hunting around dozens of websites instead of typing in a name (or even just part of a name or description) and clicking the Install button, I don't know what else you can tell them18:31
monolithtrident523: Ahh, I'm haveing some other problems with the upgrade though. Amarok won't read from the MySQL database I use for it's database properly.18:31
Dragnslcrlinuxguymarshall- it really doesn't get much easier than Adept18:31
navetzcan somebody please help me get a mail server set up?18:31
trident523monolith: Well, you're better than I. I use sqlite. :P18:31
vurvtrident523: hm, didn't ask me for that18:31
vurvjust a bunch of keyboard questions18:32
trident523vurv: Well, try restarting and see what happens?18:32
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linuxguymarshallDragnslcr:Yeah, I know. I will go tell him to suck it up and use Adept.18:32
monolithtrident523: Lol, It's strange. It seems to have reset all the track data after the upgrade for when I just load tracks via Album view. It's started a new playcount for example. But when I load the same song with a dynamic playlist. the orginal data apperas...18:33
trident523vurv: Hmm.18:33
Dragnslcrlinuxguymarshall- Adept Install (KMenu -> Add/Remove Programs) even organizes everything by category18:33
DragnslcrEr, Adept Installer18:33
matrixwhere i am18:34
trident523monolith: Well, maybe the newer amarok writes some data differently? Try asking their devs... maybe submit a bug?18:34
monolithtrident523: Righty, I'll take this to the #amarok chanel. Thanks for the help anyway!18:34
linuxguymarshallDragnslcr:Ok. I will relay that on to him18:34
trident523Y'know, if I am really on #kubuntu... I should be running KDE.18:35
JoshOvkitrident523: does that mean i should really be just in  #kubuntu-kde4 ?;)18:36
linuxguymarshallIn my Linux Format magazine I got the other day it had a dvd with some programs, FreeBSD,Ubuntu 7.10 and KDE4 Live. What OS is the KDE 4 live most likely build off of?18:36
trident523linuxguymarshall: OpenSUSE.18:37
trident523linuxguymarshall: It's probably this: http://home.kde.org/~binner/kde-four-live/18:37
BluesKajtrident523, there is an #ubuntu room :)18:37
ubotuLDAP is the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. For more information and installation instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenLDAPServer18:38
trident523BluesKaj: I'm afraid of it... too many people around after a release.18:38
trident523Eh. Switching to KDE... running more KDE apps than GTK apps.18:39
Odd-rationaletrident523: good choice!18:39
v6lurwhat's the quickest way to rip some 20 CDs?18:39
Odd-rationalev6lur: one at a time...18:39
linuxguymarshallv6lur:Starting now18:39
yakuzii've a problem: i did a clean install with 8.04, but now kontact keeps crashing on me (like some e-mails don't show while they are there, quickly followed with a crash)18:40
BluesKajtherte were alotta ppl here 2 days ago too , but I guess a lot still don't understand that kde is the better desktop :)18:40
linuxguymarshallWhat media player do you guys use?18:40
Algyzlinuxguymarshall:  try some of them18:41
trident523Hello again.18:41
BluesKajkaffeine is a good one18:41
JoshOvkilinuxguymarshall: VLC for videos and amarok for music18:41
Algyztotem also good18:41
Odd-rationalekaffeine works great for me too18:41
linuxguymarshallJoshOvki:that is what I am currently using18:41
Odd-rationaleis there a qt/kde vlc frontend in the repos?18:42
v6lurOdd-rationale, linuxguymarshall, :D18:42
v6luri meant, which program or so...18:42
Odd-rationalev6lur: k3b works great18:43
Odd-rationalebrb. got to check the integrity of an iso I just burnt for a friend...18:43
v6lurok, will try... right now i'm using konqueror and it's "virtual folders" feature, but it takes ~ 30 min per disc :(18:44
Odd-rationalev6lur: I never used that virtual folder feature.18:45
Odd-rationalev6lur: how does that work?18:45
linuxguymarshallIf my dad has a Windows server with all the music stored on it How can I access it through Amarok. Currently I can access it throught18:45
tanioque hay ..por aqui18:45
linuxguymarshallKonquerer but not throught amarok18:46
tekteen!es | tanio18:46
ubotutanio: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.18:46
taniomucha gracias ..Ñ=18:46
trident523linuxguymarshall: Well, two ways.18:46
v6lurOdd-rationale, you insert audio CD, open it in konqueror, and it shows several "virtual" files and directories there18:46
v6lurmp3, ogg, etc18:46
Odd-rationalev6lur: I noticed that.18:46
trident523linuxguymarshall:the way I do it is through tangerine and DAAP sharing... which can take some configuration.18:47
v6luryou an just drag them from there18:47
Odd-rationalev6lur: so If I want flac, just open the flac folder?18:47
v6lurand drag from there18:47
Odd-rationalecopy/paste, done?18:47
trident523linuxguymarshall: Tangerine is an app that you run on the host PC... then you can connect to it in amarok by setting up a share... it's not too hard.18:47
v6lurbut it's terribly slow18:47
v6lurtried soundkonverter earlier, but that wasn't much faster eitherquicker18:48
coreymon77hey everyone, meet Berzerker18:48
Odd-rationalev6lur: i doubt k3b would increase the speed though18:48
Odd-rationalesince they probably use the same backend18:48
v6luri feared that18:49
trident523linuxguymarshall: To do DAAP in amarok go to settings -> configure amarok -> media devices -> add -> pick music share ... and be done.18:49
Odd-rationaleanyways. brb...18:49
coreymon77Berzerker: so, what exactly is the matter18:49
v6luranything else to try?18:49
Berzerkerwell, after I installed, I would hold option on boot up and a second drive would not show up18:49
BerzerkerI'm trying to avoid using refit18:49
trident523Berzerker: Did you... uh, install boot camp... and follow the directions?18:51
BerzerkerI didn't do it with boot camp18:51
BerzerkerI supposed I should though18:51
coreymon77i would think so probably18:52
trident523Berzerker: Well, let me find some good directions for that.18:52
coreymon77better off using bootcamp18:52
BerzerkerWell I know how to do it18:52
BerzerkerI just didn't do it with that18:52
trident523Berzerker: Just remember to replace the formatted windows drive.18:52
jhutchinsBerzerker: You have to have a bootloader that will show both options, refit, elilo, some versions of grub will.18:52
dinartto the one that helped me with dwl g13218:53
dinartthank you ^18:53
dinarti'm at the wireless conection now18:53
jhutchins...Or so i hear about elilo & grub.  Most people use boot camp, but I think refit's pretty good.18:53
coreymon77i havent talked to you in ages!18:53
trident523dinart: No problem.18:53
DragnslcrHm, has anyone tried upgrading from the DVD and gotten a permission denied error on kdesu /cdrom/cdromupgrade?18:54
jhutchinsWhen I installed kubuntu on a mini, it wouldn't boot to the OS-X install any more until I installed refit.18:54
dinarttrident523:  just worked ^^18:54
coreymon77Berzerker: youre prob better off using either bootcamp or refit, and im better at helping once kubuntu is installed and booted :p18:54
terrestrekde4 in heron its stable? or better just kde3?18:54
coreymon77jhutchins: hows it going man?18:54
coreymon77terrestre: its been stable for a while18:54
trident523terrestre: In heron is's okay... some stuff is a bit odd for me still.18:55
coreymon77terrestre: just not enough to make it the default18:55
trident523terrestre: ... it does run. That's good.18:55
jhutchinscoreymon77: Crazy full time job these days.18:55
coreymon77thats why kubuntu hardy is not an lts18:55
coreymon77canonical prob didnt want an lts with kde4 still not fully stable18:55
terrestreso better kde3 for a noob?18:56
coreymon77terrestre: as of now, yes18:56
trident523terrestre: debateable.18:56
coreymon77jhutchins: still havent gotten around to getting some sort of cloak, or becoming a kubuntu member huh?18:56
chairmeleonanyone here running audacious?18:56
coreymon77Berzerker: so ya, try it with BC18:57
Berzerkerpartitioning now18:57
jhutchinsNo, I mostly work with CentOS, and run Mandriva by choice, so I'm a bit out of touch with kubuntu.18:57
terrestrecoreymon77, trident523 thanks for your opinion18:57
trident523chairmeleon: Uh... why?18:57
Seven_Six_Twocan I have kde3 and kde4 installed at the same time?18:57
Dragnslcrterrestre- probably better to stick with KDE3 for now. KDE4 is still missing a few things that are supposed to be ready for 4.118:57
coreymon77Seven_Six_Two: yup18:58
terrestreDragnslcr, thanks18:58
Berzerkerdoes it matter if I install from a DVD or not?18:58
Berzerkerlike I downloaded the CD image, but I put it on a DVD18:58
jhutchinsBerzerker: For what it's worth, we're doing about six sites using dual mac mini's for banking servers.18:58
Seven_Six_Twocoreymon77, thanks. I'm going to try it..18:58
trident523chairmeleon: Most things have other codecs... you don't need to really use that... unless you want to.18:58
DragnslcrBerzerker- that shouldn't matter18:58
jhutchinsBerzerker: nope.18:58
Berzerkerwill install now18:58
chairmeleontrident523: what do you mean other codecs?18:58
jhutchinsTime for lunch, laters.18:58
chairmeleonI want a simple winamp clone, so I went for audacious, the audio player18:58
terrestreits some one using ufw?18:59
chairmeleonbut I can't stop it from opening multiple instances18:59
trident523chairmeleon: Well, there are plenty of other media players that I (opinion follows) think are better... and support more stuff.18:59
DragnslcrBleh, wish the DVD upgrade would work. I hate sucking up the servers' bandwidth when I don't really need to18:59
Seven_Six_Twochairmeleon, wouldn't xmms be closer?18:59
chairmeleonSeven_Six_Two: can't find it in hardy heron repos, think audacious replaced it18:59
chairmeleontrident523: ok, gimme one?19:00
chairmeleonsure you guys are not thinking about audacity, the recording software?19:00
Seven_Six_Twochairmeleon, well it would be a simple build I think. Or just install a deb by hand19:00
trident523chairmeleon: Well, you are in kubuntu... so, kaffiene as an audio player is good, amarok as a bloated manager... JuK...19:00
chairmeleontrident523: what were you thinking outside of kubuntu/kde?19:01
trident523chairmeleon: Rythmbox, totem, and some older stuff that I used to use.19:01
trident523chairmeleon: Probably because I never liked xmms.19:01
chairmeleontrident523: well, I myself run rhythmbox in gnome, but my dad wants a dead simple winamp clone19:02
trident523chairmeleon: dead simple? When was winamp ever... simple? :P19:03
crashthat was annoying19:03
crashwth happened19:03
Frederickfolks which program can I use to generate a restauration point in my system?19:03
trident523chairmeleon: Anyhow... beep player is the other fork, and I think is still in the repo.19:03
yao_ziyuanmy normal user account is "yaoziyuan"19:03
trident523Frederick: Full backup is the easiest way to go.19:03
yao_ziyuani checked it out in System Settings -> User Accounts19:03
chairmeleontrident523: bmp won't run, complaining that dbus is not on, while it certainly is19:04
yao_ziyuani found out that it has the power to "Administer the System"19:04
Fredericktrident523: how?19:04
yao_ziyuanwhen i want to administer the system, i need to sudo or kdesu19:04
coreymon77thats right yao19:04
yao_ziyuanwhy does User Accounts say this normal account can "administer the system"?19:04
trident523Frederick: Well, Keep is a kde program that does full backups of files... then all you need to do if things go south is re-install and put the files back in.19:04
coreymon77it means that you are allowed to use the sudo or kdesu command yao19:05
trident523yao_ziyuan: because people tend to not mind sudo privledges... you can de-sudo them though. But I on;y remember how to do that in gnome.19:05
sigma_1234is there a problem with video playback in hardy? slight jerks in the video19:05
coreymon77yao_ziyuan: you can disallow someone to use the sudo command19:06
yao_ziyuantrident523: ah19:06
trident523sigma_1234: Probably related to your graphics card. Or something.19:06
yao_ziyuani'm actually trying to create another user account "backup" of the same class as "yaoziyuan"19:06
trident523Eh, kde4 didn't load my audiomixer. See you all again on the flipside.19:06
yao_ziyuanin case some virus/trojan ruined "yaoziyuan"'s startup scripts (such as ~/.kde/Autostart)19:06
sigma_1234no it worked fine in gutsy. and on my laptop its even worse19:07
coreymon77umm, linux virus?19:07
yao_ziyuanand took over the system by spawning multiple processes that recover each other if i kill any of them19:07
coreymon77do those even exist?19:07
karaluhi've got problems booting hardy with 2.6.24 kernel19:08
yao_ziyuanif a virus takes control of account "yaoziyuan",19:08
coreymon77no virus could do anything without the root password, so, they are pretty much powerless19:08
coreymon77yao_ziyuan: even still19:08
yao_ziyuandoes it also mean it takes control of the user group "yaoziyuan"?19:08
Dragnslcrcoreymon77- sure you can write a script that deletes the user's files and starts spawning new processes19:08
coreymon77yao_ziyuan: unless it has the root password, a virus cant do jack19:08
Dragnslcrcoreymon77- you just have to get the user to execute the script19:09
Boohbahcoreymon77: it can delete all files owned by your user19:09
yao_ziyuancoreymon77: but it can put things in ~/.kde/Autostart?19:09
coreymon77good point19:09
Boohbahcoreymon77: it can also escalate its privileges to root using a local exploit on your user account19:09
trident523Hi, psyco, this is #kubuntu.19:10
yao_ziyuanBoohbah: is the "local" exploit recently disclosed in slashdot/wired.com which is a CPU-based attack? :)19:10
coreymon77i think he knows that trident19:10
karaluhhardy kernel doesn't recognize any drives, what can i do?19:11
trident523coreymon77: Hi, coreymon77, you are coreymon77. This is #kubuntu. I am trident. The sky is blue.19:11
coreymon77its actually grey right now where i am :P19:11
terrestreoooh i read the most funny post about the world new ubuntu uncomplicated firewall19:11
Boohbahyao_ziyuan: well if, you're talking about the recent vmsplice local kernel exploit, yes :)19:11
psycoCan someone help me. I am currently partitoning my HD. I want to install /home on a seperate partion (I know how to do that) but I also want to install two distros so that I can dual boot. Can onyone help me with that? Like how to partiton the parts??19:11
psycoXD thanks trident52319:11
trident523psyco: While I have no idea how to do either of those things... what's the other distro you are thinking of? (always interested in stuff like that)19:12
psycoWell I am going to install Kubuntu then have another one open for experimenting with different distros.19:13
trident523psyco: Well, I bet if you install kubuntu second, it will have the correct GRUB settings...19:13
karaluhpsyco: do you want to have /home shared between those two distros?19:13
trident523psyco: Or, use the super GRUB disk, and fix it each time. But I'm not to sure.19:14
psycokaraluh: yes19:14
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psycotrident523: grub confuses me (shiver, ugh grub.....), I'm sure there is a simpler way19:14
trident523psyco: Use LILO? :P19:15
karaluhpsyco: i'm not sure if it is a good idea, but if you realy want to you have to create at least 4 partitions19:15
trident523Aw crimitey. Someone screwed up my audio. Time for a re-boot.19:16
psycoI see..19:16
dinartmy ubuntu has no mp3 codec19:16
dinartcan someone tell me one?19:16
psycokaraluh: I think it is possible and practical, I just want to know :19:17
BluesKajdinart, sudo apt-get install libk3b2-mp3 , then, sudo aptitude install libxine1-ffmpeg19:17
psycoDo I just have like two partitions with mountpoints / and then a /home?19:17
psyco(and a swap)19:17
Boohbahahh, libk3b2-mp319:17
Boohbahi was looking for that the other day19:17
Boohbahwhy doesn't ubuntu distribute mp3 with k3b? license/royalty issues?19:18
traitdoes anybody know where kadressbook saves its adresses?19:18
DragnslcrBoohbah- mp3 is patented19:18
Seven_Six_Twohow long do the servers normally get hammered for a new release?19:18
traitsomehow i made it woking with mp319:18
traitbut do not remember atm19:18
Boohbahtrait: somewhere in ~/.kde/share/apps/19:18
BluesKajdinart, you might need to add the medibuntu sources to your sources.list or package manager19:18
Berzerkerno dice on it showing up19:18
traityes somewhere :)19:18
BerzerkerI guess I'll have to install refit19:18
Boohbahtrait: yeah i think that libk3b2-mp319:18
Frederickfolks flash seems to have died in my machien I have no error message justa grey screen any ideas?19:19
traitmaybe :)19:19
karaluhpsyco: 1st for kubuntu /, 2nd for other distro /, 3rd for swap and 4th for /home19:19
Dragnslcrpsyco- you'll need at least a home partition, two system partitions (one for each OS), and a swap partition19:19
Dragnslcrpsyco- depending on what CPU you have, it might be better to experiment with other distributions by installing them into virtual machines19:19
Boohbahlibk3b2-extracodecs in hardy, apparently19:20
psycokaraluh: I think I found a guide on google.19:20
BluesKajtrait, try kontact/contacts19:20
karaluhDragnslcr: but you don't have shared home then19:20
Boohbahkaraluh: yeah but you're not going to actually use all those distros19:21
Boohbahkaraluh: and you can setup shared folders in virtualbox19:21
Dragnslcrkaraluh- true, but there may be a way to fake it (or just copy /home and/or rsync it between the host and VM)19:22
Boohbahpsyco: ^^19:22
psycoBoohbah: Well I have an amd athlon 2200+ I think. Its 1.8Ghz19:22
yao_ziyuani failed to duplicate my current user account :(19:22
Boohbahpsyco: how muchRAM?19:22
yao_ziyuani created one using exactly the same options as the original "yaoziyuan"19:22
Dragnslcrpsyco- an older Athlon XP?19:22
psycoBoohbah: 512, but I'm thinking about getting another 1GB soon/19:22
yao_ziyuanit can't login to a kde session19:22
psycoYes. Its an old PC19:22
Boohbahyao_ziyuan: they can't have the same UID19:22
yao_ziyuanBoohbah: they don't19:22
yao_ziyuanthe system says its preferences folder is in use by another session19:23
Boohbahyao_ziyuan: your new user is in the same groups as your old user?19:23
traitBluesKaj , there is no folder called kontact19:23
yao_ziyuanBoohbah: no, it's in "backup_1"19:23
yao_ziyuanBoohbah: it's called "backup"19:23
karaluhDragnslcr: i think dual boot is easier to set up19:23
BluesKajtrait, look in the kmenu for am app called kontact19:24
Berzerkerforgot to enable19:24
Boohbahyao_ziyuan: that's the primary group, you need to add it to all the other groups to give it access, like 'adm disk dialout cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev scanner lpadmin admin netdev powerdev vboxusers'19:24
yao_ziyuani added19:24
yao_ziyuanjust like "yaoziyuan" has19:24
Berzerkerforgot to enable it. heh19:24
yao_ziyuan"admin", "dip", ...19:24
Boohbahdoes backup1 have a home folder?19:24
traiti'm using an other homefolder and don't want to add a new user19:24
yao_ziyuanBoohbah: yes19:25
Boohbahand wirte permissions to it?19:25
yao_ziyuanBoohbah: write permissions i'm not sure, but i assume19:25
yao_ziyuanBoohbah: you can try it yourself:19:25
Dragnslcrkaraluh- could be. I haven't done much with either dual-booting or virtualization. Especially if it's an older Athlon, the virtualization might not work as well as on a CPU that supports it in hardware19:25
yao_ziyuanBoohbah: in kubuntu's system settings -> user accounts, create a new account and use the same options from your current normal user account19:26
karaluhDragnslcr: exactly19:26
yao_ziyuanBoohbah: and then lock the current account and start a new session with that new acc19:26
BluesKajtrait, it's in the internet list19:26
DragnslcrOne of these weekends I'll spend some more time trying to get the networking setup correctly for a VM19:26
traitwhat do you mean BluesKaj19:27
coreymon77Dragnslcr: network problems?19:27
yao_ziyuanLogin Name: backup19:27
coreymon77Dragnslcr: need some help?19:27
yao_ziyuanReal Name: Backup19:27
yao_ziyuanUser ID: 100119:27
yao_ziyuanPrimary Group: backup_119:27
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yao_ziyuanHome DIrectory: /home/backup19:27
yao_ziyuanShell: /bin/bash19:27
yao_ziyuanPrivileges and groups: just use yaoziyuan's, verbatim19:28
yao_ziyuanPassword: make one19:28
yao_ziyuanthen start a new kde session with this new account19:28
yao_ziyuanit will fail19:28
BluesKajtrait in the kmenu19:29
traitatm im using kde419:29
bebop_un canal de puros gringos ? que flojera19:30
JoshOvki!fr | bebop_19:30
ubotubebop_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr19:30
Berzerkercoreymon77: now it's giving me no bootable device19:30
* JoshOvki hopes he got the correct language19:30
BluesKaj!es | bebop_19:31
ubotubebop_: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.19:31
BluesKajda nada19:31
BluesKajor is it de nada , I forget19:31
epimethahoy everybody!19:34
traitBluesKaj its in .kde/share/apps/kabc :)19:34
yao_ziyuani googled this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=70063019:34
yao_ziyuanmaybe it's a bug19:35
yao_ziyuananyone can create a new user account that can successfully log into a new kde session?19:35
yao_ziyuani think maybe a ubuntu session can do this easier19:36
dinarthow can i edit menu.lst19:36
dinartit say's i'm not the owner19:36
dinartbut i want to edit the boot sequence19:36
psycoWhat is a reasonable partition size just to hold linux and not /home19:37
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azUBUNTUjoin #kubuntu-kde419:38
BluesKajtrait, normally whan ppl ask about an app we direct them to the kmenu not the folder in the /home/user dir19:39
zen-xstathello everyone, i'm having some trouble to compile ndiswrapper under kubuntu-gutsy, it fails with no rule to make asm-offsets.c needed by asm-offsets.s. Do you know how can I fix this?19:40
coreymon77zen-xstat: first thing, what card are you using?19:40
zen-xstatbcmcoreymon77: 06:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM94311MCG wlan mini-PCI (rev 01)19:41
Dragnslcrcoreymon77- ideally I want to get the bridge working so that the VM and host can connect to each other normally (my computer has two Ethernet ports, so the VM can use a separate port from the host)19:42
traitdon't understand you, BluesKaj19:42
coreymon77zen-xstat: wow, never heard of the card19:42
coreymon77you sure its not bcm431119:42
coreymon77you sure theres that 9 in there?19:43
zen-xstatcoreymon77: I have installed ndiswrapper-common and ndiswrapper-utils-1.9 from repositories but no kernel module found in packages19:43
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coreymon77zen-xstat: are you sure your card has that 9 in there19:43
zen-xstatcoreymon77: it is a copy-paste19:43
BluesKajtrait , i thought you were looking for your email contact list , so i told you where to find it the easiest way , is that clear ?19:43
coreymon77darn, cause if it was jsut 4311, that would be much easier19:43
epimethdoes anybody know how to connect kontact with exchange?19:44
traitah ok :)19:44
zen-xstatcoreymon77 i think that if i can get ndiswrapper working properly the windows driver will work, but i cant compile clearly19:44
BerzerkerI got it19:44
coreymon77zen-xstat: hmm, sorry, its been a long while since i used ndis19:45
coreymon77Berzerker: it worked?19:45
ubuntuguys, i've lost GRUB, and i started my computer with a live CD so i can reinstall it... i mounted my / partition, i chroot'd there, and when i tried to do grub-install, i noticed my hda didn't exist under /dev19:45
BerzerkerI had to resync the partition tables with refit19:45
ubuntuany idea how to make it appear so i can make grub-install ?19:45
zen-xstatcoreymon77: maybe there is a problem in the kernel sources provided in gutsy or the kernel headers...19:45
Berzerkercoreymon77: how do I connect my bluetooth mouse?19:46
coreymon77Berzerker: umm, with bluetooth :P19:46
zen-xstatcoreymon77: thanks anyway19:46
coreymon77Berzerker: what are you using now?19:46
BluesKajubuntu , why are installing grub seperately ,...it's automatic with the live cd install19:47
Berzerkerthe trackpad19:47
Berzerkerit's horrible19:47
BerzerkerI want to use the mightymouse19:47
ubuntuBluesKaj: i reinstalled windows19:47
BluesKajafter installing kubuntu I'll bet19:47
yao_ziyuani just went to a gnome session19:47
Berzerkerwhat's the firefox 3 package called19:47
yao_ziyuanand created a new user there19:47
ubuntuBluesKaj: yup19:47
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto19:47
Berzerkerand is it on apt?19:47
yao_ziyuanand logged into a new kde session using that new user19:47
yao_ziyuanman, you have to admit that gnome is a more mature desktop19:48
coreymon77Berzerker: bluetooth is built in right?19:48
coreymon77Berzerker: isnt the might mouse corded?19:48
yao_ziyuanor kubuntu hardy is just too young?19:49
BluesKajyao_ziyuan, you mean old and wrinkled19:49
Berzerkercoreymon77: I have the wireless one19:49
ubuntuBluesKaj: what i usually do after loosing it (after reinstalling windows) is bootup with a livecd, mount / partition, chroot there, then grub-install /dev/hda and that's it... but now, my hda disk is no longer appearing under /dev :(19:49
yao_ziyuanBluesKaj: if you use the Nimbus gnome theme and Ubuntu Hardy's default wallpaper, it seems gnome is very cool19:49
BluesKajubuntu, do you have super grub boot disk ,if not it's highly recommended for solving the boot/grubmenu prob19:50
coreymon77Berzerker: well, go into system settings19:50
coreymon77Berzerker: and enable bluetooth19:50
coreymon77then pair this thing like usual19:50
Berzerkerit's enabled19:50
psycoWhat will happen if I partition TWO / mount points??19:50
coreymon77Berzerker: then pair with your mouse19:51
Berzerkerit says connected19:51
Berzerkerbut it doesn't work19:51
coreymon77it says you are connected?19:51
Berzerkerconnected to wireless mouse19:51
Berzerkerand it gives the mac address19:51
BluesKajyao_ziyuan, being an old windows guy , i prefer the familiar look of kde :)19:52
coreymon77okay, so, its just not responding?19:52
yao_ziyuanBluesKaj: me too19:52
yao_ziyuanBluesKaj: but let me give you a look of my gnome desktop19:52
karaluhcan anyone help with unbootable hardy kernel?19:53
coreymon77Berzerker: have you tried restarting19:53
BerzerkerI got it19:54
BerzerkerI did it via the command line19:54
coreymon77okay then19:55
Berzerkerhcitool -scan19:55
Berzerkerand sudo hidd --connect19:55
BluesKajkaraluh, pls explain19:55
coreymon77sorry im not of much help, my kubuntu box doesnt have bt19:55
Berzerkerit's fine, I did it before, I just forgot how19:55
Berzerkerquick google search helped19:55
coreymon77im assuming wifi works fine19:55
karaluhBluesKaj: after upgrade i've got kernel panic on hardy kernel19:55
coreymon77Berzerker: yay, thats what im good at19:55
karaluhBluesKaj: gutsy one drops to busybox19:56
coreymon77Berzerker: so, chipset?19:56
Berzerkerhold on19:56
Berzerkermy dad needs me to work on somethi00:14:51:D2:AE:88ng19:56
karaluhBluesKaj: there are no disk devices on /dev19:56
Berzerkermac address for my mouse, if anyone wants it19:56
Berzerkercoreymon77: sorry, bbl19:56
coreymon77k, no problem19:57
karaluhBluesKaj: the kernel panic message is abount not being able to mount root19:57
szymon_gekhm, i just installed kubuntu 8.04 on my computer, and i wonder : where is wizzard? after deletion of default .kde folder kubuntu restores default view instad of giving me a possibility to change it (like in 3.x.x) :|19:57
karaluhBluesKaj: i bootet with rescue cd19:57
BluesKajkaraluh, is it an older pc ?19:57
andrew_are there any Kubuntu developers online ?19:58
karaluhBluesKaj: 3-4 years19:58
coreymon77karaluh: #kubuntu-devel19:58
BluesKajhmm karaluh , strange , and you can't drop down to gutsy ?19:59
karaluhBluesKaj: gutsy kernel gives me busybox with no disk devices20:00
BluesKajor the older kernel rayjer20:00
yao_ziyuanBluesKaj: http://tinyurl.com/54tptk20:01
The_ManU_212i want 3d acceleration what to install for nvidia 6600gt?20:01
yao_ziyuaneverybody see my ubuntu desktop: http://tinyurl.com/54tptk20:01
karaluhBluesKaj: i reverted initramfs to the one generated on gutsy20:02
yao_ziyuanain't it cool :)20:02
karaluhBluesKaj: and it worked20:02
BluesKajkaraluh, good20:02
BluesKajyao_ziyuan, nice ...doesn't make me want to change to gnome tho :)20:03
karaluhBluesKaj: but i would like to get 2.6.24 working20:03
BluesKajkaraluh, try upgrading with adept on the older kernel20:04
karaluhBluesKaj: tried that with no luck20:04
andrew_mount.nfs reports "internal error" when trying to connect to a server20:06
BluesKajhmm karaluh , sorry I'm not really well versed in handling kernel panics ... coreymon77 ?20:06
andrew_andrew@apollo:~/Download/DEB$ sudo mount /zeus20:08
andrew_[sudo] password for andrew:20:08
andrew_mount.nfs: internal error20:08
coreymon77BluesKaj: you think im any better?20:09
coreymon77i have no clue20:10
BluesKajcoreymon77, I thought I'd ask anyway  :)20:10
BluesKajWe don't seem to have many of the regular "heavy Hitters" / "Gurus" here today :(20:12
coreymon77i just dont know anything about kernel panics20:12
bent_They're all fighting off the throng that appears to be #ubuntu, my guess.20:12
coreymon77whats going on in ubuntu?20:12
bent_And my nick got stolen before I forgot to identify.20:12
coreymon77bent_: no worries20:12
bent_8.04 came out recently. People have problems, and IRC attacked.20:13
bent_... they attacked IRC*20:13
coreymon77bent_: you can get your nick back20:13
coreymon77bent_: whats your normal nick?20:13
BluesKajor they're hiding out and letting we apprentices hold the fort under the hardy onslaught :)20:13
bent_trident523... and I like identified, but I forgot to... login.20:13
coreymon77bent_: okay then ghost the person20:13
coreymon77bent_: is this nick linked to your other one?20:14
bent_coreymon77: How does one go about doing that?20:14
bent_coreymon77: Nope.20:14
coreymon77bent_: do you have an alt nick?20:14
karaluhok, i'll try my luck on #ubuntu then :)20:14
bent_coreymon77: Nah, didn't get around to it. :/20:14
evilhow i can change the background of the kicker bar20:14
BluesKajkaraluh, yeah thy might be of more help ATM20:14
coreymon77bent_: well register an alt under the same password as your regular nick20:15
coreymon77bent_:  then type /msg nickserv link trident523 [your password]20:15
coreymon77bent_: then /msg nickserv ghost trident52320:15
coreymon77bent_: then /nick trident52320:15
=== bent_ is now known as trident523
harleyevil: open kcontrol and go to Desktop --> Panels.  Then click on the Appearance tab and you'll see it under Appearance tab20:16
trident523Thanks, coreymon77.20:16
harley*under Panel Background20:17
coreymon77no problemo!20:17
psycoWhen installing a linux distro, is there an option to skip the boot loader installation??20:17
trident523psyco: depends on the installer20:17
coreymon77psyco: and why would you want to do that, you kinda need the bootloader to boot20:17
chosigsilly package managers... making apache a dependency in the php5 deb...20:17
* trident523 just tried to boot his i386 system with the i686 disk. Sigh.20:17
psycocoreymon77: If I want to install two linux distros but Id ont want the second to write over GRUB.20:18
epimethdoes anybody know how to connect kontact with exchange?20:18
coreymon77wouldnt it just write over grub with grub, updating it? or am i mistaken20:18
psycoI dont know but I read that the first disto disappears from the list.20:19
coreymon77okay then, i must be mistaken20:19
Dragnslcrchosig- did you try installing php5-cli instead?20:20
psycotrident523: SO for example. Does kubuntu have that option?20:20
trident523psyco: I didn't see it when I use ubiquity (regular ubuntu installer,) but I did accidently do it once in some other installer. Forgetting to install a bootloader. That was a fun day.20:21
harleyIf you install the command line base system from the alternate cd you get a more debian like installer you can choose to install grub or not20:21
psycotrident523: lol ok20:22
chosigDragnslcr: ah, thanks... (still don't understand why apache's a dependency tho :P)20:23
Dragnslcrchosig- of php5, or php5-cli?20:23
harleyAnyone here know why the cd icon doesn't pop up on the desktop when I put in a cd?20:24
iskaldurhi, im having trouble with k3b: it doesn't access any cddb info, even though i have remote CDDB queries enabled. is there some special server i need to use? (im using freedb2.org, port 80)20:25
chosigDragnslcr: apache2 installes with php520:25
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tsbI'm trying to complete the 8.04 install by doing -f install, but I'm getting "ubuntu-desktop: Depends: rss-glx but it is not installable"20:27
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Level15hi. does any of you guys have by any chance the OS-L icon set?20:27
Level15the download link is broken :(20:27
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Dragnslcrchosig- "php5" may be a metapackage that installs the Apache module. php5-cli is probably just the CLI executable20:33
danya_Hi , I'm on Ubuntu 7.10 .. I was looking for my trash icon but i cant find it :S .. how can I get it back ?20:44
trident523danya_: in KDE? Well...20:45
dennisterso how's the feedback as to how hardy's working out since the release?20:46
trident523danya_: I think you cam make a shortcut to *yourhomedirectory/.trash20:46
trident523dennister: Just like 7.10, extreme hit, and extreme miss. Luckily, I got an extreme hit... ubuntu booted on this computer.20:46
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danya_dennister : no Gnome20:46
harleydennister:  Works fine for me20:47
VousDeuxWhat command can I execute to modify my touchpad settings? The keyboard & mouse settings don't even have it listed.20:47
chris__I am having a problem with my CD-ROM, just installed Kubuntu last night, I put a CD-RW in the drive with my files, to put back on my system. says unable to identify CD-Rom format, any ideas? I am new. Plz bare with me20:47
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trident523chris__: Well, two things could have gone wrong. the disk might have not been finished burning when you burned it, or something is wonky with the support for your drive in ubuntu. Try another CD... see if that works.20:48
xenolhello, i would like to ask if kde4 is enough stable for everyday work20:48
trident523chris__: Even an audioCD.20:48
chris__damn, I hope I didn't lose my shit lol20:49
trident523xenol: Stable when it works.20:49
chris__k..trying another disc20:49
dennisterif someone has it working well, i need to know if there's a file called 'netkit-inetd' in the hardy repositories20:49
jussio1!ohmy | chris__20:49
ubotuchris__: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:49
chris__my bad, sorry20:50
chris__ :(20:50
dennisterharley: could u pls check if netkit-inetd exists in the hardy repositories?20:51
dennisteri'd really appreciate it20:52
dennisterhi BluesKaj :)20:52
xenolwhen is documentation for HH is supposed to be added plz?20:52
trident523dennister: I don't see it. I see netkit-ping.20:52
BluesKajinetd.conf updater is a package in adept20:52
chris__ahh must of been the disc20:52
chris__oh man, does that suck20:52
chris__I think I am gonna cry20:52
BluesKajbut don't see a netkit-inetd, dennister20:53
dennisterok, that's one problem...i mean i did install the release candidate on one test server, and the file i needed for the pxeinstall server wasn't available, but was hoping the full release would bring it back20:53
dennisterBluesKaj: so you have hardy isntalled and its working well for u?20:54
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Itakuon 8.04 how do i change the clock to 12 hour?20:54
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BluesKajyes dennister20:55
BluesKajworking quite well20:55
trident523Itaku: Hm, is it because your local normally uses 24hr clock? I'ma go look.20:55
dennisteri certainly did like what i saw with xubuntu in the release candidate...but if it doesn't serve my needs...but then again, gutsy on the other server that's more established is giving me a rash, too :(20:55
albuntuhello. i have 20 upgradable in adept manager after upgrading from gutsy to hardy and when i do full upgrade it doesnt do anything and "apply changes" remains inactive20:55
ksjdfHi. I got two sidebars in Dolphin. How do I remove one of them? couldn't find the setting.20:55
dennisterand i liked kde4 at first, too...then got frustrated with it20:56
trident523!time | Itaku20:56
ubotuItaku: Information about using and setting your computer's clock on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime - See https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/server/C/NTP.html for information on usage of the Network Time Protocol (NTP)20:56
psycowhat is the terminal command to see info on your HD's?? like partions and stuff20:56
harleyksjdf: you can remove the left sidebar by pressing F8 or the right sidebar with F920:56
BluesKajdennister , except adept updater keeps wanting to upgrade an already upgraded amarok , but otherwise fine20:56
miloszgpsyco: sudo fdisk -l20:56
trident523albuntu: You might have broken packages, open adept, and look for them.20:56
psycomiloszg: ty20:56
dennisterBluesKaj: did u do a clean install, or use dist-upgrade?20:57
xenol!mysql | xenol20:57
marthahi guys20:57
marthai've got a question20:57
trident523!ask | martha20:57
ubotumartha: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)20:57
ksjdfharley: It worked! thanks20:57
albuntutrident523: no i dont have broken packages. just checked them20:58
psycohow do I find out my HD space??20:58
chris__this the exact error I get when the DVD-R I put in with my files.... "mount: block device/dev/scd0 is write-protected, mounting read-only, mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/scd0, missing codepage or helper program, or other error"20:58
xenol!mysql | xenol20:58
miloszgpsyco: df -h20:58
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trident523albuntu: Hm... dunno, sorry.20:58
marthahow can i mount a bin/cue image?20:58
psycomiloszg: ty again20:58
BluesKajdistupgrade , but I used the US repos , cuz the Canadian one swewre so slow last week ...as it was it took 2 1/2 hrs from upgrade to reboot20:58
dennisterk, that's good to know...on the gutsy server there's real probs witht he translation-en-CA areas21:00
BluesKajdennister , I recommend using the US repos ,... check the speed of the canada ones if you have them just by doing sudo apt-get update21:00
BluesKajyoull see how slow they are21:00
trident523psyco: I just found out something related to GRUB... ubuntu dosen't have to install the GRUB boot loader...21:01
dennisteryes, i do see...and still ignoring all the Translation-en_CA sources21:01
trident523psyco: Right at the "Ready to install" screen, click advanced... then there us an un-tick for bootloader.21:01
=== JackWinter is now known as JackWinter_
psycotrident523: &YES Awesome thanks so much21:02
chris__this the exact error I get when the DVD-R I put in with my files.... "mount: block device/dev/scd0 is write-protected, mounting read-only, mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/scd0, missing codepage or helper program, or other error"  any ideas?21:02
trident523psyco: Reinstalling another computer, just found that out.21:02
BluesKajdennister , this my sources.list if youd like to copy the 'debs"21:02
psycotrident523: lol Thanks so much21:02
dennisterare there any sql-ledger/postgres users in here? that's my other issue that's driving me totally bonkers...want to ditch sql-ledger for ledgersmb, but i can't because the backup portion of sql-ledger says it's missing a table, so i can't do the backup without backing up the problem, too21:03
dennisterBluesKaj: thx :)21:03
trident523chris__: Try asking #ubuntu... maybe they know?21:03
NDPTAL85Anyone else having problems with the Kubuntu 8.04 KDE 4 ISO? I've tried to install it on two drives and after it finishes installing I can't get it to boot.21:03
trident523dennister: I saw the word SQL... but that's it. :P21:03
trident523NDPTAL85: Did you verify your burnt disks?21:04
NDPTAL85trident523: Yes21:04
dennisterlol @ trident52321:04
trident523NDPTAL85: I don't know of any major trouble... it might not be installing GRUB correctly... or something.21:04
dennistermaybe i should just print the whole bloody inventory and start from scratch21:05
Berzerkercoreymon77: back21:06
Berzerkercoreymon77: you there?21:06
dennister<------feels like crying21:06
* psyco is rather happy. #kubuntu is depressing....21:06
Berzerkerwhat's the package to control a synaptics touchpad21:06
dennisterxserver-xorg wacom or something like that21:07
trident523>.> dell. What boot option is "Normal!"21:07
dennisterBerzerker: xserver-xorg-input-wacom21:08
dennisteri just looked it up in system services21:08
Berzerkerit's like a program21:08
Berzerkersynaptics-manager or something21:08
trident523Berzerker: I'm using a synaptics... and I didn't install anything else. Ajusting it isn't something important to me.21:09
BerzerkerI want to turn it off21:09
Berzerkeror at least disable tap-clicking21:09
dennisterBerzerker: ur probably right...i just see wacom all over my xorg.conf file, and i stop it from starting at boot because i don't need it?21:09
trident523Berzerker: Har, I have a button for it that's not part of the keyboard.21:09
nodesertIs there anyone we can tell me why kde4 kicker is not working on my Kubuntu 8.0421:10
Itakuon 8.04 how do i change the clock to 12 hour?21:10
PhilRodBerzerker: look up syndaemon21:10
PhilRodmight do what you want21:10
BerzerkerItaku: right click on date21:10
=== JackWinter_ is now known as JackWinter
BerzerkerDate and Time Format21:10
jussio1nodesert: Id suggest asking in #kubuntu-kde421:10
BerzerkerTime & Date tab21:11
Itakui looked there before21:11
nodesertItaku:right click the clock and click format time and tab21:11
BerzerkerItaku: it's there21:11
BerzerkerI just changed it right now21:11
fdovingItaku: systemsettings -> regional & language -> time & dates -> timeformat21:11
BerzerkerPhilRod: that may be it21:11
x_linkIsn't xmms in hardy?21:11
albuntucan anyone help me with this ? after the upgrade to hardy i lost my wireless connectivity. i have a intel 3945abg. no propietary drivers showing although21:12
fdovingx_link: no.21:12
BerzerkerPhilRod: says package not found21:12
x_linkfdoving: Okey, that really sucks =/21:12
Itakuit says HH:MM:SS21:12
Itakutheres no 12 hour option21:12
Berzerkerchange it21:12
dennisterfdoving: long time no see :)21:12
harleyx_link: try audacious21:12
fdovingx_link: you can use 'beep-media-player' it's similar.21:12
BerzerkerItaku: the down arrow next to it21:12
fdovinghi dennister. :)21:12
Berzerkeris the a firefox 3 beta package that can install from apt?21:13
Berzerkeror do I have to build it21:13
harleyfrom apt21:13
trident523Berzerker: fx3b5 comes with hardy.21:13
Itakuok i changed it and its not updating21:13
BerzerkerI can't find it21:13
Itakuits still 24 hour21:13
BerzerkerItaku: restart KDE21:13
dennisterfdoving: do u know postgresql? and secondly (perhaps not as important) sql-ledger? u know so much...21:13
trident523Berzerker: ... like, it's the default browser. It shows up to me as the regular firefox package.21:13
SlimeyPeteBerzerker: apt-get install firefox21:13
Berzerkerdefault for me is konqueror21:13
BerzerkerSlimeyPete: that installs FF221:14
x_linkharley: Okey.21:14
x_linkfdoving: Okey.21:14
coreymon77Berzerker: hehe, sorry, playing wii21:14
harleyapt-get install firefox-321:14
Berzerkerharley: nope21:14
SlimeyPetehrm, coulda sworn I did "apt-get install firefox"21:14
Berzerkercoreymon77: heh21:14
SlimeyPetewhich pointed me at firefox-321:14
coreymon77Berzerker: its apt-get install mozilla-firefox-321:14
* trident523 crosses fingers that this CD drive dosen't crap out like the last did.21:15
Berzerkerstill no lol21:15
coreymon77Berzerker: or, if worst comes to worse, apt-cache search is your friend21:15
harleyBerzerker: apt-get install firfox-3.021:15
Berzerkerit's 3.021:15
amir__How do I tell kde to display password in clear text?21:16
harleyamir__: You mean so you can see your password?21:16
PhilRodamir__: don't think it allows you to do that21:16
harleyI don't think you can, but I'm not positive21:16
amir__Alright. thanks21:17
sepeckno OS will allow that21:17
coreymon77Berzerker: so, wifi, you wanna get that working?21:17
NightBirdwell... it would appear that I'm running 8.04 now... not sure what I did to fix the problems I was having... but it looks like it works now..21:17
Berzerkerwindows will probably let you21:17
Berzerkerbecause it's windows.21:17
Berzerkercoreymon77: yeah21:17
amir__What's so wrong with that? I don't care about people looking over my back!21:17
coreymon77Berzerker: okay, now for what im good at21:18
psycoBerzerker: XD yeah21:18
coreymon77Berzerker: chipset?21:18
Berzerkercoreymon77: heh21:18
sepeckno, it won't but you are free to promote your product by saying untrue things about another if it's the only way yours is superior21:18
Berzerkerhold on21:18
trident523amir__: Screen grabbers have a harder time with dots.21:18
amir__Ok, finoe21:18
NightBirdI still never got the live cd's to work... but I managed to get my old install booted and working right, after which I finished the upgrade, and fixed the wireless device(using b43 now rather than ndiswrapper), and it appears to be working...21:18
NightBirdI think21:18
Berzerker0b:00.0 Network controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR5418 802.11abgn Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01)21:18
trident523NightBird: My card magically worked after last night's update too.21:19
sepeckI haven't had anyluck with the online update.  I am going to try the cd update method21:19
* NightBird attempts a few things before declaring it all working..21:19
coreymon77Berzerker: is it the airport card?21:19
coreymon77airport extreme correct?21:19
NightBirdtrident523: yours magically worked? lucky.  I had to beat mine into submission before it worked...21:19
Berzerkercoreymon77: yes21:19
NightBirdof course, I'm used to having to do that with my wireless card...21:19
trident523NightBird: Well, I beat it into submission before finishing the update last night... 5 clean installs, 3 different ndiswrappers... a mess.21:20
coreymon77NightBird: i got smart, when my previous wifi card died on me, i researched a bit to find a card that would work out of the box21:20
NightBirdtrident523: ah, yeah, I tried reinstalling ndiswrapper several times, as well as the drivers... then I tried b43, and I had to download and install the firmware, then it worked21:20
NightBirdcoreymon77: yeah, well, I'm still using the wireless driver my laptop came with21:21
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VousDeuxWhat is klipper and why does it keep my CPU at 100%?21:21
NightBirder... device... but oh well21:22
coreymon77NightBird: well ya, my linux box is a desktop, so i just got the airlink101 awlh403021:22
Berzerkercoreymon77: so uhm...halp?21:22
DragnslcrVousDeux- it's the copy/paste clipboard21:22
DragnslcrVousDeux- no idea why it'd be using the CPU like that21:22
VousDeuxhmmm...I wonder why I can still copy/paste even after I kill it21:23
coreymon77Berzerker: ya, from what i know, you are prob gonna have to use the madwifi stuff21:23
BerzerkerI've used it before21:23
BerzerkerIt's worked sometimes21:23
Berzerkerlast few times I used it, it didn't work21:23
=== Berzerker changed the topic of #kubuntu to: dsdf
Berzerkeryou might want to fix that21:23
=== ubuntu is now known as GWillakers
NightBirdalso; is there a way to blacklist drivers for a livecd startup?21:24
VousDeuxthanks Dragnslcr21:24
DragnslcrNo problem21:24
BerzerkerI was just about to change it back21:24
BerzerkerOfficial Kubuntu support | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FAQ | Get Hardy Kubuntu (KDE3) CDs https://shipit.kubuntu.org | Pastes: http://paste.ubuntu.com | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | KDE 4 support in #kubuntu-kde4 | 8.04 Released! http://kubuntu.org/news/8.04-release Party in #ubuntu-release-party21:24
Berzerkerthat's thedsdf topic, anyway21:25
coreymon77Berzerker: okay then, lets do this21:25
Berzerkercoreymon77: kk21:25
=== jussi01 changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FAQ | Get Hardy Kubuntu (KDE3) CDs https://shipit.kubuntu.org | Pastes: http://paste.ubuntu.com | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | KDE 4 support in #kubuntu-kde4 | 8.04 Released! http://kubuntu.org/news/8.04-release Party in #ubuntu-release-party
Berzerkercoreymon77: what about the audio out21:26
coreymon77Berzerker: give me a sec21:26
coreymon77Berzerker: okay, make sure that the madwifi-tools package is installed21:27
jermainhi, can anyone tell me how i find out the ip of my gateway?21:27
Berzerkerjermain: ifconfig21:27
jermainbut several numbers show up, how do i recognize the gateway?21:28
Berzerkercoreymon77: ok, that's installed21:28
Berzerkerjermain: it should be the first 3 numbers of your local IP then .121:28
Berzerkerso, or something like that21:28
nodeserthow can i disable xgl21:28
ferraohi ppl21:28
algyz!hi | ferrao21:29
ubotuferrao: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!21:29
jermainthank you Berzerker :)21:29
coreymon77Berzerker: okay then21:29
coreymon77Berzerker: so, type iwconfig21:29
Berzerkerno wireless extensions21:29
coreymon77Berzerker: tell me if you see ath0 or ath1 or anything like that21:29
Berzerkereth0 and lo21:29
algyzlol ;)21:29
coreymon77not good21:30
coreymon77is there a madwifi tools app in your kmenu somehwere21:31
Berzerkersudo modprobe ath_pci sudo modprobe wlan_scan_sta21:32
Berzerkerwhat about those21:33
Berzerkerdo I need to do that21:33
coreymon77try it21:33
coreymon77couldnt hurt21:33
Berzerkerstill nothing21:34
coreymon77Berzerker: okay then21:35
coreymon77what does wlanconfig do for you21:35
Berzerkergives me 3 usage lines21:36
coreymon77Berzerker: pastebin them21:37
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Berzerkerthey're not long21:37
Berzerkerusage: wlanconfig athX create [nounit] wlandev wifiY21:37
Berzerker            wlanmode [sta|adhoc|ap|monitor|wds|ahdemo] [bssid | -bssid] [nosbeacon]21:37
Berzerkerusage: wlanconfig athX destroy21:37
Berzerkerusage: wlanconfig athX list [active|ap|caps|chan|freq|keys|scan|sta|wme]21:37
coreymontell me if this does anything21:38
coreymonsudo wlanconfig ath0 create wlandev wifi0 wlanmode sta21:38
ferraowhat a diferent ubuntu e xubuntu?21:40
coreymon77ferrao: ubuntu=gnome xubuntu=xfce21:40
kristian__xubuntu is with xfce4 deskstopp21:40
Berzerkercoreymon: ioctl: no such device21:40
fdovingferrao: ubuntu uses gnome by default, xubuntu uses the lighter xfce.21:41
coreymon77okay dokey21:41
ferraothe best is?21:41
kristian__kde 421:41
fdovingyour choice.21:41
coreymon77Berzerker: maybe you should take a look at this, im assuming you are familiar with compiling?21:41
coreymon77ferrao: its all personal preference21:41
coreymon77Berzerker: okay then21:42
jussio1!best | ferrao21:42
ubotuferrao: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.21:42
coreymonthat might help21:42
ferraosorry my question, is 1st i install Uguntu21:42
coreymon77Berzerker: search around there, you mind find something that helps21:43
Monika|Kin the system menu (next to the K menu) there is now after upgrading to hardy an entry "documents" which leads nowhere ... can someone tell me how to remove it?21:43
ferraoAlguem fala portugues?21:44
jussio1!pt | ferrao21:45
ubotuferrao: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.21:45
ferraotks ppl21:45
Berzerkercoreymon77: FATAL: Module wlan is in use.21:45
coreymon77Berzerker: ah ha!21:46
coreymon77Berzerker: good21:46
coreymon77Berzerker: what command produced that error21:47
coreymon77Berzerker: did you bring down te wlan interface21:47
coreymon77wait a sec21:47
coreymon77does wlan appear in iwconfig21:47
coreymon77go to system prefs21:48
coreymon77then network prefs21:48
coreymon77what interfaces are listed21:48
coreymon77that it?21:49
coreymon77try this21:49
coreymon77sudo ifconfig wlan0 up21:49
Berzerkerno such device21:49
coreymon77sudo ifconfig wlan up21:49
Berzerkerwlan0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device21:50
Berzerkersame thing21:50
Berzerkeronly wlan:21:50
coreymon77so wait, it says that you are using it, yet it doesnt seem to appear21:50
BerzerkerI'm going to remove the modules21:50
Berzerkerand try with thiswlan0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device21:50
Berzerker version21:50
coreymon77sorry im not much help, its wierd, madwifi cards should just work by now21:51
ehti installed hardy, but with wrong keyboard layout... how can i change that on the console. ?    i have tried 'dpkg-reconfigure console-data' but that makes no change ?21:52
coreymon77umm, you cant just go and change in in system prefs?21:52
Berzerkerit's not working21:52
Berzerkerstill doesn't show it21:52
Berzerkereven though I got no errors21:52
coreymon77you got no errors from what?21:53
coreymon77compiling what?21:53
coreymon77you mean the thing that they showed you?21:54
Berzerkeroh hold on a second21:54
Berzerkernope nvm21:55
Berzerkerstill didn't work21:55
coreymon77umm, this might help21:55
Berzerkerstill nothin21:57
coreymon77you disabled the thing?21:57
coreymon77now try doing the unload.bash21:58
Berzerkersame error21:58
coreymon77what is using it21:58
coreymon77try restarting21:59
ferraowhat last BERYL?21:59
gloopyI'm trying to install 8.04, but the installer doesn't detect one of my hard drives21:59
flipstari'm having trouble playing a dvd..could it be an bad dvd or so ? http://pastebin.com/d4037c59621:59
coreymon77maybe that will help out21:59
Berzerkerrestart the computer or restart KDE21:59
flipstartwo others just played fine22:00
v6lurany way to force reading CDs at max possible speed?22:01
v6lureject .x 52 seems to have zero effect22:01
v6lur-x 52*22:01
coreymon77still cant unload?22:02
Berzerkeroh no22:03
Berzerkerit unloaded22:03
Berzerkerno FATALs22:03
Berzerkerok now what22:03
coreymon77the unload.bash worked?22:03
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!22:03
daemon3The servers still seem pretty busy.  It's taking me about 10 hours to upgrade!22:03
daemon3...at a fast connection!22:04
coreymon77Berzerker: okay then, do you have the madwifi source dled?22:04
BerzerkerI'm pretty sure I already installed it, before I restarted22:04
Berzerkershould I just try to modprobe again?22:04
coreymon77go through the instructions there, just to be sure22:06
noam_hey... i've heard people complaining that hardy broke sound support in flash. is that true? are there workarounds?22:07
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daemon3With an upgrade, once I download the packages, do I need to be connected to the net any more?22:08
Berzerkerstill nothing is showing up22:08
GrahamAdaemon3: Any reason you'd need to disconnect?22:08
coreymon77Berzerker: did you go through all of the steps22:08
coreymon77up to and including the modprobe part22:09
daemon3GrahamA: I'd rather not explain.22:09
GrahamAAre you really power conciencous?22:09
daemon3It's not about power.22:10
coreymon77Berzerker: so, iwconf still doesnt give you anything?22:10
GrahamAdaemon3: Is it an actual good reason?22:10
GrahamAAre you on dialup or something?22:10
daemon3GrahamA: Yes there is a reason.  It's not dial up.22:10
daemon3GrahamA: I just don't want to explain.  Thanks you.22:10
WarodAny idea what stuff might stop me from changing content of a file under /sys/devices/platform/ ?  applesmc module in use and trying to change min speed of the fan.22:11
coreymon77Berzerker: maybe its time you went to the madwifi support channel22:11
coreymon77Berzerker: #madwifi22:11
daemon3But am I able to disconnect form the net once I download the instlal packages for Hardy?22:11
WarodWorked fine before I upgraded the system from beta to release version.22:11
BerzerkerI'm there22:11
Berzerkerhold on22:11
GrahamAdaemon3: I'm 80% sure you could if you needed to and 100% sure it's a bad idea22:11
daemon3Thanks, GrahamA22:12
coreymon77daemon3: i wouldnt22:12
coreymon77daemon3: dont say we didnt warn you if something messes up22:12
daemon3I know, coreymon77.  I guess I won't.22:12
daemon3It's just that the way I connect to the internet is very limited and the download is takign so long. (the guess time ranges from 4 - 9 hours).22:13
daemon3...and that's at 90 kb/s22:14
GrahamATell me about it22:14
psycoHow much space does kubuntu require minimally?22:14
GrahamAdaemon3: I'm on Virgin Media... the ISP of the hour22:14
coreymon77Berzerker: do you have any idea what to ask on that channel?22:14
daemon3psyco: Probably about 10 G.22:14
daemon3Maybe less.22:15
f00fI just got 8.04 :)22:15
flipstarpsyco: minimal of minimal ~500mb22:15
f00fcan kde3 and kde4 exist concurrently without problems?22:15
psycodaemon3: What if /home is on a different partition??22:15
daemon3f00f: How logn did it take you?22:15
f00fdaemon3: lol server was packed.. I did it overnight22:15
BonesolTeraDynepsyco: I wouldn't install it in a partition of less than 2 GB.22:15
yakuzido you guys know an easy (fast) way to change the icon of the trashcan while all other icons stay the default crystal-svg icon theme? i know i can change them all by hand, but i did it once and after a while i could do it again (some update reversed it or something)22:15
GrahamAdaemon3: Might be a better idea to download the ISO because if it cocks up you'll know.22:15
flipstarpsyco: i would recommend at least 5gig22:16
psycoPecause I gave it 5GB, and at about 72% it said there wasn't enough22:16
GrahamAdaemon3: Trying to download all the packages and then having issues you're likely to f*ck your entire system22:16
GrahamAAnd you'd be well and truley snookered22:16
daemon3GrahamA: Thanks.  I already have the ISO.22:16
f00fI want to check out KDE4, but I don't want to mess up my KDE3 install22:16
Berzerkercoreymon77: I'm already talking to someone22:16
coreymon77f00f: no worries, you can have both kde3 and 4 alongside eachother22:16
f00fcoreymon77: awesome! :D thx22:16
f00fbtw.. looove openoffice 2.4 :D22:17
GrahamAdaemon3: Then why use the online updater?22:17
coreymon77you can have both at the same time, they are in different directories22:17
flipstarbtw where can i get avisynth.dll ? i'm having trouble playing a dvd.. http://pastebin.com/d4037c59622:17
daemon3GrahamA: The update CD wouldn't update.22:17
coreymon77heres my solution22:17
coreymon77dont get hardy immediately22:17
psycoIf I want home on a differnet partion22:18
coreymon77wait a few days for everyone to get it and for the initial crucial bugs to be ironed out22:18
daemon3coreymon77: My solution to me?22:18
psycoI make a "/" partiton and a "/home" partiton right??22:18
daemon3...rather your solutoin for me?22:18
coreymon77not only is the server less bloated, but bugs are ironed out22:18
BonesolTeraDynepsyco: right22:18
psycoBonesolTeraDyne: ok ty22:18
coreymon77daemon3: if it works for you great, but i was just commenting on what i do22:18
Berzerkercoreymon77: I got it!22:20
Asche_83mhello! after upgrading to hardy youtube's sound doesn't work anymore22:22
Asche_83mplz help me22:22
Asche_83mI already installed libflashsupport22:23
GrahamAGuys I have an inital crucial bug.22:23
flipstaris anyone here familar with torrentflux ?22:23
=== Berzerke1 is now known as Berzerker
xenol!sound | Asche_83m22:23
ubotuAsche_83m: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP322:23
Berzerkercoreymon77: it works!22:24
tdjacr|awayCan someone review http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=768908 for me?22:24
Asche_83mthx xenol22:24
GrahamANo seriously, I've got an ATI Radeon 9800XT pro, which is a bug anyway but we'll run with it, and I've told it time and time again to use fglrx, like... I went tinto xorg.conf and said "Hey, you know what, why don't you, instead of the standard driver use fglrx instead." and I thought we'd get on well... but it stabbed me in the back and left me for some hunky mesa driver which always shows up in fglrx and never leaves me alone.22:25
Asche_83mthough this doesnt really help me22:25
Asche_83msound in amarok works fine22:25
Asche_83mit's flash (youtube), nexuiz (game) that dont work anymore22:25
winterelfhi.... i m tring to use axfr and i dont have it even in the apt, hou can i get it?22:25
winterelftrying :P22:26
f00fGrahamA: I'm an ati user, what are you trying to do?22:27
patrick87can i get the "oxygen" style for KDE3?22:27
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs22:27
GrahamAf00f: Use fglrx22:27
GrahamAWon't load22:27
GrahamAI offered it cake.22:27
f00fGrahamA: and you're on a 9800XT.. hmm22:27
winterelfsome 1?? hi.... i m trying to use axfr and i dont have it even in the apt, hou can i get it?22:27
f00fGrahamA: did you install the drivers from the ATI website?22:28
BerzerkerI still can't find that package22:28
GrahamANo I did not.22:28
Berzerkerit's a GUI synaptics touchpad manager22:28
BerzerkerI just don't know what it's called22:28
GrahamAI've installed them from the restricted drivers manager22:29
f00fGrahamA: honestly that's the best way to do it.  I tried messing with the ones in the repository, but for ATi you should always be using the latest stuff22:29
GrahamAI should say22:29
tdjacr|awayCan someone review http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=768908 for me?22:29
f00fyou'll just need to move or delete the /lib/your-kernel-version/volatile/fglrx.ko file after you install the ati drivers.22:29
GrahamABefore fleeing to use the restricted drivers from the repo, I did try that22:29
matt__anyone know of a cad program that starts with a p someone recommended a while back that is free, like autocad, and works 100% in wine?22:30
f00fthen run aticonfig --initial22:30
matt__i was thinking it was progecad, but i don't thini that is it....22:30
f00fthat's the only way I got my HD-2600XT to run22:30
GrahamAf00f: Sooo... your advice is uninstall the drivers... then get the ATI ones22:30
Berzerkerhow can I tell if I'm using the nvidia drivers or not22:30
f00fGrahamA: yeah, just don't uninstall the restricted drivers package, you might need that for other stuff22:30
f00fjust move or delete that one file after you install the official ATi ones22:31
GrahamANot to be cynical but considering this card is ungodly amounts of old... would the repository really be out of date?22:31
f00fGrahamA: oh.. my bad LOL read it wrong... it's a 9800XT... hmm.. should work...22:31
GrahamAWhat do you mean you read it wrong?22:32
GrahamA9- 8-0-0 EX TEE22:32
GrahamAI don't even think it's a real card... my brother decided to overclock it.22:32
f00fGrahamA: for some reason I read the 9 as a 3... don't ask how lol22:32
GrahamAFair enough22:32
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malvoroHola a todos como estan22:33
f00fthe ones in 8.04 aren't that old either.. hmm..22:33
f00fGrahamA: what does your xorg.conf look like?22:33
xenolcan anyone tell me if there is any way to install kubuntu in archlinux style?22:33
f00fjust to see try running aticonfig --initial as root22:34
f00fit might just magically work after that22:34
jussio1xenol: what is archlinux style??22:34
xenoljussio1: i mean, u just install base system and then install packages u want22:34
jussio1!minimal | xenol22:35
ubotuxenol: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD22:35
GrahamAf00f: http://pastebin.com/d639b4c7722:35
xenoljussio1: thx m822:35
ubotuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto22:36
Berzerkercoreymon77: you there?22:37
GrahamAf00f: I've thought of somethin, shouldn't the module loading part be at the top?22:37
xenoljussio1: any ideas plz if it is possible to use w32codecs, flash, java plugins, opera and skype on 64bit kubuntu?22:37
f00fGrahamA: maybe... I don't think it matters though22:37
QwerasdfI think I broke my computer.22:38
f00fand try loading "dri" as well22:38
psycoI think I also broke my PC22:38
f00fGrahamA: run glxinfo | grep direct and see if you get yes22:38
jussio1!flash64 | xenol22:38
ubotuxenol: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava22:38
QwerasdfRather, the new kubuntu broke my computer.22:38
GrahamAf00f: program is not installed22:38
GrahamAf00f: Gimme a second22:39
iskaldurhi, im trying to rip some cds using k3b...is there a way to specify the bitrate? or is there a ripping program that will let me?22:39
xenoljussio1: there aint any HH version of minimal cd :/22:39
GrahamAf00f: No (If you want to find out why, try setting LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose)22:39
GrahamAf00f: omgwtf :'(22:39
jussio1xenol: really?22:39
QwerasdfEvery time I try to log in, it just reboots the login menu...22:40
jussio1xenol: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hardy/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/mini.iso22:40
xenoljussio1: ah sry, i couldnt find one on wiki22:41
jussio1xenol: dont think the wiki has been updated yryt22:41
f00fGrahamA: lol.. try aticonfig --initial22:41
f00fmaybe that'll work, just back up your xorg.conf first22:41
GrahamAFound fglrx primary device section22:41
GrahamANothing to do, terminating.22:41
tdjacr|awayCan someone review http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=768908 for me?22:41
f00fGrahamA: ok.. under the module section comment out Load "glx"... and put Load "dri"22:42
Qwerasdf...So, no help?22:42
xenoljussio1: thx one more question, with minimal cd, can i install rly only what i want?22:43
GrahamAf00f: Right... anything else captain or shall I restart X?22:43
QwerasdfGreat, thanks.22:44
jussio1xenol: correct22:44
xenoljussio1: but if i install kubuntu-desktop it means that i will get everything what on live cd? can i install only apps i want?22:45
f00fGrahamA: restart X :)22:45
f00fand pray22:45
jussio1xenol: no, kubuntu-desktop is a meta which has loads of stuff22:46
GrahamAOur kernel, who art in x, modprobed be his name...22:46
xenoljussio1: so if i dont want to install kubuntu-desktop and i will apt-get install for kde, will i get vanilla ked?22:47
xenoljussio1: kde*22:47
coreymon77Berzerker: so, is it working?22:47
jussio1xenol: I dont know, but i assume so.22:48
xenoljussio1: uhm thx will look on this, really th22:48
xenoljussio1: uhm thx will look on this, really thx22:48
coreymonBerzerker: is it working now?22:49
Berzerkercoreymon: yeah22:50
Berzerkerit is22:50
BerzerkerI'm back in OS X, just for a little while22:50
GrahamAf00f: Hey22:50
flipstaris anyone here familar with torrentflux ?22:50
Berzerkerto see if everything works ok22:50
GrahamAIT DIDN'T WORK :'( </wrists>22:50
coreymonBerzerker: was it working?22:50
Berzerkerit was22:51
coreymonBerzerker: yay! you got them to list?22:51
BerzerkerI connected also22:51
Berzerkerinternet was working fine22:51
coreymonit was22:51
coreymonso i was right!22:51
f00fGrahamA: hmm.. wait a second.. let's retrace your steps22:51
coreymonanyways, food time22:51
f00fyou tried to install the ati drivers from the website first right22:51
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GrahamAThey worked - yay - then I upgraded and they stopped working - boo - then I tried unintsalling and reinstalling ati drivers from repository, then I tried website drivers22:53
BerzerkerI'm totally drawing a blank on the make a directory command22:53
Berzerkeroh mkdir22:53
GrahamATHEN I got ragged and reinstalled  from fresh, and put on a fresh install of hardy22:53
GrahamAAnd then I installed from repo, never worked, followed instructions, same, here we are22:54
f00fhmm.. really weird....22:55
f00flsmod | grep fglrx22:55
ranceIve had some problems since the 8.04 upgrade, and I need some help, like first, where did the sound go?22:55
GrahamAfglrx                1555468  022:55
GrahamAagpgart                34760  2 fglrx,amd64_agp22:55
f00fok.. so since now you haven't attempted to install or upgrade any ati drivers22:56
gloopyturn the volume up :)22:56
GrahamAf00f: I used restricted drivers manager22:57
GrahamAWait... this is od..22:57
f00flsmod | grep drm22:57
rancegloopy :) according to kmix, volume is maxed out, no sound22:57
GrahamAf00f: Nothing showed up22:57
GrahamAf00f: But according to restricted drivers manager... no propriatry hardware exists...22:58
Berzerkeranyone help with mounting a linux disk on OS X?22:58
GrahamASodding thing!22:58
f00fit is a 9800...22:58
f00fthat might be legacy by now22:59
gloopyrance I had to klick the green dot above 'front' to hear anything here22:59
f00fGrahamA: ok.. run amdcccle22:59
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GrahamAf00f: Installing fglrx-control23:00
GrahamAOk, it's open23:01
rancegloopy: already lit for me23:01
Berzerkercoreymon: you there?23:02
f00fGrahamA: does it have any info for you23:02
weswh-anyone upgraded from fesity to hardy?23:03
f00fgo to the information page23:03
GrahamAYes... yes it does...23:03
f00fdoes it see your hardware?23:03
GrahamAYes... yes it does...23:03
f00fnow under the opengl part23:03
flipstarweswh-: this is not a good idea23:04
GrahamAMesa... it says nothing but mesa23:04
GrahamAMesa this... mesa that...23:04
mefisto__rance: do you have more than one soundcard?23:04
Xbehavei have a vista partition in my HD but ubuntu didnt detect it on install, is it possible to boot to it?23:04
f00fthat's bad23:04
weswh-flipstar: need to stage to gusty? or need to do a full reinstall?23:04
GrahamAYes I know that's bad... that's the problem I'm trying to fix.23:04
rancemefisto__: nope, only one23:04
flipstarweswh-: both is possible23:05
flipstaryour desicion23:05
GrahamAf00f: Maybe I offended the mesa gods by calling them kernel23:05
GrahamASo they've struck me down...23:05
GrahamAMore likely than you think!23:05
f00fis this installed: xorg-driver-fglrx ?23:05
GrahamAf00f: Amazingly yes23:06
f00fsomething must be up with ubuntu.....23:06
GrahamAI'm trying to figure it out.23:07
Xbehavesorry to chime in with no idea whats going on, but, why do you have fglrx? is this an ATI system & whats the original problem?23:07
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto23:07
GrahamAXbehave: Yes... I did first think to check It was an ati system :/23:08
f00fI'm totally lost as to how to fix it...23:08
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GrahamAAnd the original problem is I keep getting 'mesa' to manage my openGL and It won't give me 3d acceleration23:09
GrahamAdisplay: :0.0  screen: 023:09
GrahamAOpenGL vendor string: Mesa project: www.mesa3d.org23:09
GrahamAOpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect23:09
GrahamAOpenGL version string: 1.4 (2.1 Mesa 7.0.3-rc2)23:09
GrahamAAs so23:09
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BlackThundernecesito ayuda23:09
Xbehaveare you on 7.10, on 7.10 i had some ati problems with the prop driver, then i update to a non repo version, i got that problem because i didnt read it properly, ill have a look back over my history see if i can find the guide23:10
BlackThunderi need some advice23:10
GrahamANo I recently went from 7.10 to 8.0423:10
flipstarBlackThunder: »»> #kubuntu-es23:10
GrahamAXbehave: I did a fresh install of Hardy23:11
GrahamAWorked on Gutsy23:11
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XbehaveGrahamA: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Hardy_Installation_Guide23:17
Xbehavethats the guide i used (well the gutsy version) are you on a 64 bit system?23:18
GrahamAXbehave: I'll try it23:19
GrahamAIf it works, I'll show you naked pictures.23:20
Xbehavejust a thx will do tbh ;P23:20
AMIGrAvejust tried to install kubuntu 8.04 desktop (kde 3.x) on my brand new HP Pavillon HDX (nvidia geforce 8800M GTS) and the max resolution used is 800x600. I had a look to xorg.conf and saw it was nearly empty. No driver specified, no resolution specified. I guess a lot of changes has been made to xorg since last realease. Could someone point me to an url or something about how to setup...23:23
AMIGrAve...correctly the video settings under kubuntu 8.04 ?23:23
flipstarAMIGrAve: just use the nvidia-settings if you already installed the nvidia drivers23:24
f00fthat reminds me... I need to order a DVI cable...23:27
XbehaveAMIGrAve: do you have restricted drivers?23:27
minaquahow can I get the trash off the kicker and on to the desktop?23:27
AMIGrAveflipstar: didn't installed yet. Is there more than one package for proprietary drivers ? I remember something about legacy and not legacy drivers and I don't know which one to take23:27
mefisto__rance: have you seen this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=72987323:28
Xbehaveyou dont need legacy if its brand new23:28
flipstarAMIGrAve: just use the driver manager.. kmenu>system>driver manager23:28
flipstarit will care about all this23:28
AMIGrAveXbehave: flipstar : oh now I remember ! I have to install restricted. I remember on last release that a popup told me about that. But it didn't happened this time. Going to apt-cache search restricted23:30
AMIGrAveXbehave: flipstar : going to reboot and try23:30
mefisto__minaqua: to put trash on desktop: right-click desktop, create new, link to location, and for the URL put in trash:/23:30
flipstarAMIGrAve: you don't have to.. there is a nice app for this..>driver manager23:30
sumanthi all23:31
AMIGrAveflipstar: ok, I'll try the front end for this task. After all, the reason I switched from debian to kubuntu is that I don't want to hack this kind of things anymore. So I'll check kmenu>system>driver manager. Thanks23:32
mefisto__minaqua: to remove trash icon from panel: right-click panel, remove from panel, applet, wastebin23:32
AMIGrAveflipstar: anyway, I hope that we can still override xorg settings by using xorg.conf23:33
flipstarAMIGrAve: sure23:33
sumantwant help regarding usb modem23:33
GrahamAXbehave: No such luck23:33
GrahamAThough I will try it with the gnome restricted drivers manager rather than the KDE provided one23:33
AMIGrAveflipstar: because I have an arcade cabinet and for this  I have to set up special modelines that should output 15khz horizontal frequency23:33
sumantam new to linux23:34
sumantcan anyone help23:34
AMIGrAveflipstar: Xbehave : thanks for your help. Going to try this23:34
GrahamAXbehave: As far as it's concerend... I don't have any propriatry devices anymire23:34
flipstarAMIGrAve: thats no problem..you can even do this with nvidia-settings23:34
mefisto__sumant: just ask your question and see23:35
minaquamefisto: not working23:35
mefisto__minaqua: desktop icon not working?23:36
Xbehavehave you added the ignore flgx line to devices?23:36
sumant@mefisto: i have a fixed wireless cdma phone....have the usb cable installed. (kubuntu7.10)23:36
sumantits shown here...but dunno how to run the commands23:36
sumanthave reached step 223:37
sumant     sudo wvdialconf23:37
flipstarsumant: open a shell (kmenu>konsole) and paste that there23:38
sumantflipstar:let me see23:39
minaquamefisto: no...gives me an icon that looks like folded page23:39
terrestredo you think its a good idea install ubuntu and kubuntu in the same partition or its better separated?23:39
flipstarminaqua: if the link itself is working you can change the icon23:39
sumantflipstar:reached this step23:39
mefisto__minaqua: did you put in "trash:/" for the location (URL)? --without the quotes23:39
flipstarsumant: done? then now type <kdesu kate /etc/wvdial.conf> in a shell or the run dialog (alt+f2)23:41
minaquamefisto: tried that and as soon as I type the slash, the OK button cannot be selected23:41
JimmyJamhello, I am attempting to install my D-Link Air DWL-650 on Kubuntu 7.10 and when I save the settings my laptop freezes and the caps and scroll lock indicators blink23:41
JimmyJamI have let it sit for 30+ mins before restarting to make sure that it wasn't just still working23:41
mefisto__minaqua: you need to give it a name, eg trash or wastebin23:42
rawhello, is it possible to switch from ubuntu to kubuntu in a vmware?23:42
sumantflipstar: thanks buddy...am doing it jsut a sec23:43
Fujisanhow do i add a user in Konsole ?23:43
minaquagot it!  thX :)23:43
SlimeyPeteFujisan: "adduser username"23:43
SlimeyPeteeg "adduser bob"23:43
SlimeyPetesorry, sudo adduser23:43
mefisto__minaqua: np23:43
terrestreraw ----> using windows?23:43
rawterrestre: yes.23:43
rawiam just testing a bit the envoironments.23:43
terrestreraw, you can use the livecd23:44
rawbut i dont want to install and setup every install.23:44
sumantflipstar: reached it , (wvdial.conf-kate)23:44
SlimeyPeteif you want to switch you can just install the kubuntu-desktop package using synaptic.23:44
sumantso paste the new dialer defaults there ?23:44
SlimeyPeteand then install ubuntu-desktop to switch back if you want to.23:44
rawSlimeyPete: thank you!23:44
JimmyJamhas anybody had any similar expieriences?23:45
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flipstarsumant: it's probably an individual setting with password and so23:45
mefisto__raw: you choose which one you want at the login screen menu23:45
terrestreraw, if you use the livecd you dont need to install23:45
sumantflipstar; yeah its common across all subscriber i did paste it ther23:46
sumantflipstar: http://ubuntu-in.org/wiki/BSNL_CDMA_WLL_Howto23:46
minaquanow I just need to figure why I can't get rotating cube in Hardy, while I could in Gutsy23:46
flipstarsumant: okay then save and go to step 423:46
krash3xDoes anyone know anything about installing nvidia drivers I got mine to work after installing them manually but I didnt install the 32 bit libraries23:46
rawterrestre: yes but i have to burn a cd, reboot and acts, i think looking with vmware player in different envoironments helps to choose more easylier.23:46
flipstarminaqua: compiz running and the plugins enabled ?23:47
sumantflipstar: saved the file, done step 4 buddy23:47
flipstarraw: a vm is also slower23:47
rawflipstar: you are right, but just for checking a system its perfect.23:47
minaquacompiz running 4 sure...plugins, me no know.  how 2 find out bout plugz?23:48
flipstarsumant: <kdesu kate /etc/sudoers> and paste this in the mentioned section, thats important23:48
terrestreraw and then you can use wubi23:48
rawthen i have to reboot and configure.23:48
flipstarraw: than you have an idea of how it look, but not how it acts :)23:48
flipstarand btw no 3d and stuff in an vm23:49
rawflipstar if i found something that looks nice to me, handling and stuff, i will install it on harddrive.23:49
rawi know.23:49
mefisto__how does wubi work? does it install in a folder on windows partition? does it create a file that works as a "virtual" partition? anyone know?23:50
flipstarraw: okay..but using a live cd doesn't mean to have to install anything or so23:50
rawmefisto__: it installs a virtual partition and adding a line in boot.ini23:51
rawflipstar: i know, but to burn a cd. ;)23:51
flipstarraw: use a cd+rw ;)23:52
rawi just have dvds laying around here now. :(23:52
flipstarthere are also dvd images..23:52
sumantfipstar: typing that in konsole opened a new kate window23:52
flipstarsumant: thats how it should be23:53
flipstarsumant: if you done editing this file and saved please type <sudo visudo -c> in a shell to check the syntax23:54
sumanti need to paste23:54
sumant# User privilege specification23:54
sumant     username machine_name = NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/wvdial, /usr/bin/killall23:54
rawbut if just <anyhardwaredevice> doesnt work nice at start you have to configure and do stuff instead of checking the system.23:54
flipstaryou need to edit username and machine name sumant23:54
Fujisanhow do i add a user in Konsole ? (sorry but i cant scroll up and my logging is disable , this text here scrolls too fast)23:55
sumantflipstar, pasted the23:55
sumant# User privilege specification23:55
sumant     username machine_name = NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/wvdial, /usr/bin/killall23:55
sumantthere now save it?23:55
flipstarraw: at least you know it will make trouble..in a vm you don't23:55
flipstarsumant: no.. you NEED to edit username and machine name23:56
flipstarsumant: and you need to paste this in the "User privilege specification" it already is there in the file23:56
sumantflipstar:i type myused name n machine name in the respective fields23:57
sumantflipstar: done that23:57
flipstarsumant: also in the right section ?23:58
flipstarsumant: good then save and run <sudo visudo -c> in a shell23:58
spirooIs it possible to reset adept to factory settings?23:58
spirooSomething has happened. I cannot fetch updates at all anymore in Adept.23:59
sumantflipstar: u mean the internet user name, n m machine name23:59
flipstarsumant: if sumant is your username on your pc you need to type sumant there..look at the example23:59
jussio1spiroo: whats the error?23:59

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