
tuxiceso is the idea for intrepid still orange and black?14:27
tuxiceis everyone here on the ubuntu-artwork alunchpad team14:28
=== tuxice is now known as ubuntu
=== ubuntu is now known as TuxIce
kwwiiTuxIce: no the idea is not necessarily orange and black14:56
kwwiithere will be more information soon14:57
kwwiibut we will definitely stay with brown of some type14:57
TuxIcelike how soon :D14:57
kwwiianyway, I am out for the afternoon14:57
kwwiivery soon14:57
Erosionwhere can i get the ubuntu font?15:07
TuxIceerosion: it is called ttf-ubuntu-title15:27
TuxIcehey has anyone considered putting the menu text (applications > places >system) in ttf-ubuntu?15:29
terlmannthis room has died16:04
terlmannI guess I killed it.16:04
terlmannwell I told you unless you listened to me, ubuntus artwork would suck major balls. Didnt I say that? hmm.16:05
terlmannwell it does as far as what the typical outsider can see, but thats kind of pointless.16:05
terlmannwell Ive to be going now but be warned:16:10
terlmannas soon as this semester is over16:11
terlmannIm getting into artwork full-blast16:11
terlmanndispite the fact I am actually a coder16:11
kwwiigosh, I just can't wait...finally someone who knows everything better18:57
thorwilkwwii: hi, have i missed something? or someone? :)18:58
kwwiithorwil: hehe, yeah....no worries, I was not talking about you :p19:27
troy_sterlman == ftard.23:43

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