
doug2266778822bdmurray: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64445/00:00
bdmurraydoug2266778822: can you browse the dvd using nautilus?  this looks like a hardware issue to me00:06
doug2266778822bdmurray: yes i can.00:07
bdmurraydo you have any other dvds to test with?00:09
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doug2266778822bdmurray: yes00:09
doug2266778822bdmurray: let me try that now.00:10
doug2266778822bdmurray: hmm seems tokyo drift wont work either00:11
doug2266778822bdmurray: any ideas?00:15
bdmurraydoug2266778822: nothing brilliant at the moment00:16
mr-russis the edge kernel really today's bug focus?  if so, why focus on something with 1 week's support left?00:17
bdmurraymr-russ: edgy is actually eol today.00:18
mr-russyeah.  so it there another focus, or a general day?00:18
bdmurraywe normally have bug days on Tuesdays and Thursdays and the focus varies00:19
* mr-russ should read the full bug day wiki page before making comments.00:20
bdmurraydoug2266778822: you could make sure the package you were installing is installed via 'dpkg -l 'pkgname in a terminal00:20
doug2266778822bdmurray:  i am trying somethng else right now.00:25
doug2266778822bdmurray:  i done this  sudo wget http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/hardy.list -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list                 sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install medibuntu-keyring && sudo apt-get update             sudo apt-get install libdvdcss2   and it is still giving me probs.00:28
bdmurrayI'm really not certain what is wrong here.  You might check to see what region your dvd drive is set to via regionset but I'm not familiar with that very much.00:31
doug2266778822bdmurray:  could it be cause i am on 64 bit?00:33
bdmurrayNope, I'm on 64 bit on a couple of systems and can watch dvds00:34
doug2266778822what codes did u use to beable to watch them?00:35
bdmurrayYou said you could watch one dvd right? So its not the codecs.  Its either the DVD encryption, region settings or hardware.00:36
doug2266778822how do i change the region setting00:36
bdmurrayyou could check it and change it with regionset, but you can only do that a limited number of times and it isn't my area of experise00:37
doug2266778822wow only a set number of times that is stupid00:39
lucentdoug2266778822: be very careful, you will toast your drive if you set it too many times00:52
lucentthe only possible fix is to buy a new drive and throw the old one away, if you do this00:52
doug2266778822lucent:  toaste it how by adding and removing codecs?00:53
lucent"regionset" don't do that00:53
lucentplaying region-restricted DVD video discs is possible without sending your drive a command to set the region00:54
lucentyou need to use "videolan" media player with "libdvdcss"00:54
doug2266778822lucent:  i have not gone that route yet00:54
lucent"libdvdcss" may be illegal to posess in your country00:54
lucentwhere are you located?00:54
doug2266778822lucent:  i have but when i click file open disc then openw ith menu or with out vlc closes on me00:55
doug2266778822lucent: in Tx00:55
lucentthe country of Texas?00:55
* lucent facepalms00:55
lucentwell, to my knowlege we're not supposed to have libdvdcss in the USA00:56
lucentbecause of the DMCA laws00:56
doug2266778822lucent: usa00:56
doug2266778822lucent:  lol sorry00:56
lucentthere's a legitimately licensed DVD decoder from the Fluendo company00:56
lucentI think it costs less than $50usd00:56
doug2266778822lucent:  i know someone who lives in usa and done the codecs and now it works on his he paid nothing00:57
secretlondonyeah of course, its whether its illegal or not00:57
lucentdoug2266778822: he's probably in violation of the DMCA laws00:57
lucentsure, you could do it, but I don't want to be thrown into a US-sanctioned torturing camp. Thanks.00:58
doug2266778822lucent:  how can i work around this and why will it cost just to watch dvd's?00:58
lucentdoug2266778822: the Motion Picture Artists Association lobbied Congress to pass the Patriot Act, and the Digital Millenium Copyright Act, to help them maintain a monopoly on profits from DVD player manufacturers, amongst other reasons00:59
doug2266778822lucent:  when i ran on feisty about two yrs ago i didnt have this problem.00:59
lucentwe've never been able to play CSS encrypted DVD video discs on fresh installs of Ubuntu OS01:00
lucentso, it was something you did before01:00
lucentI think the Fluendo thing is something to look into01:00
lucentlet's try that01:00
lucentdoug2266778822: personally, I don't ever bother with DVD video for this reason01:02
doug2266778822lucent:  im trying to get it to work for my 5 yr old son who wants to watch movies01:03
doug2266778822i just do not want to pay for it i mean vlc you never had to with xp01:03
lucentMicrosoft has paid to include a licensed copy of DVD playback directshow filters with their media player01:04
doug2266778822lucent: then could i get vlc .exe and run it wine wise?01:05
lucentyou'll get a "better" answer out of someone who has no regard for local law ;)01:05
lucentit does work but I can't tell you how to do it.01:05
doug2266778822lucent:  lol thanks and i respect your ways of obeying the law even though it is going to hell in  a hand baskett01:06
lucentdoug2266778822: Canada is looking better and better every day01:11
* lucent :/01:11
doug2266778822lucent: lol not the usa ='(01:11
lucentthose portable DVD player units are cheap and perfect for the kids, I have seen them on every plane flight nowadays01:12
lucent"130usd" is not really cheap to most people, but it is less expensive than what you'd have to do to get the kid to be quiet for a couple of hours a day anyhow01:13
doug2266778822lucent:  lol yea same here but the screen is so SMALL!01:13
lucentdoes a 5-year old kid care? :P   no way! they should be lucky to have a block of wood and a charmed life to have a second block of wood01:14
lucentshoot I grew up all I had was a rusty meccano set, and I was living the good life with that01:14
doug2266778822haha shoot me all i had was out doors and anything i could find out side to play with.01:15
bdmurraygreg-g: ping01:21
greg-gbdmurray: pong01:28
bdmurraygreg-g: I've found what I was looking for I think.  Sorry for the false alarm.01:29
greg-gbdmurray: no worries01:30
howaptDoes anyone know where the login scripts are kept? Im fairly new to linux in general, but since upgrading to hardy I now have to log in twice ¬¬ was wondering if theres a .conf file or what have you02:07
gravemindI'm having trouble with the alt cd updater, but I'm not sure if I need to report a bug, what do you thing, bug peopls?02:12
dsasgravemind: If it's a bug then report it :)03:01
dsas(unless it already has been reported)03:01
graveminddsas the thing is I wonder if its just something wrong with my computer03:01
gravemindor if it's something wrong with the code03:01
gravemindhow do I know03:01
dsasgravemind: If you explain the problem then maybe someone else will...03:01
dsasgravemind: the other thing you can do is use the support tracker on launchpad - then if it is a bug someone will hopefully notice and create a bug from it.03:02
gravemindok - it's with the amd64 alternate cd, when I run the ugrader it hangs on the first step (preparing upgrader, checking package manager)03:02
gravemindshould I just create a bug that says that03:02
gravemindand include the logs03:03
dsasgravemind: Yes please.03:03
gravemindalrighty :)03:03
greg-ggravemind: and do a disk check (one of the options from the boot menu of the cd, the integrity of the cd check)03:04
gravemindalright, will do03:04
gravemindgreg-g: I'm not using a physical cd though, I'm just mounting the image03:05
greg-ggravemind: to clarify, I mean check the cd's integrity, not your harddrive03:05
gravemindwhich worked ok for my other two computers03:05
gravemindbut this one is 64 bit03:05
greg-gin a virtualized situation of PXE?03:05
gravemindI just did this03:06
gravemind sudo mount -t iso9660 -o loop /home/phix/Desktop/ubuntu-8.04-alternate-amd64.iso /media/cdrom/003:06
gravemindmaybe that's the problem03:06
gravemindno, it still doesn't work even when I change /cdrom/0 to /cdrom003:07
greg-ggravemind: not sure03:14
gravemindhere, what do you think? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/22227803:18
ubotuLaunchpad bug 222278 in update-manager "[Gutsy to Hardy] amd64 alt cd upgrade hangs on first step" [Undecided,New]03:18
greg-ggravemind: good report (you provided good information) but I can't find anything in the logs that scream "this is what went wrong" to me :(03:20
greg-gof course, I'm not the best at debugging upgrades03:20
gravemindyeah, I couldn't find anything either :(03:21
gravemindI had a problem with the upgrader earlier, but in that case, it didn't want to remove nvidia-glx, so I could remove it beforehand and things were ok after that03:21
bdmurraygravemind: can you post your sources.list file?03:43
gravemindsure thing03:43
gravemind/etc/apt/sources.list <http://launchpadlibrarian.net/13918359/sources.list>03:45
bdmurrayIt's probably a -proposed package causing the issue03:46
gravemindwhat can I do then?03:47
bdmurrayyour apt.log looks strange too03:53
bdmurraydid you upgrade from feisty to gutsy at one point?03:54
gravemindback when gutsy was new, I think03:54
gravemindyes I did, because I remember having to get the iced tea java instead of the regular java03:56
bdmurraysome of the logs are from from that upgrade03:56
bdmurraylike main_pre_req.log03:56
bdmurrayand most of apt.log03:57
gravemindthere's something that stops the dist upgrade before it can really do anything, that's why the logs are all old03:57
bdmurraydo you see anything in the terminal you start the upgrade in?03:59
gravemindno, after I run gksu "sh /cdrom/cdromupdate" it just leaves that command open and doesn't do anything until I ctrl-c04:00
bdmurraylook in /tmp/ for a file named hardy04:05
bdmurraywe could try executing that directly and see what happens04:05
gravemindI don't see one in /tmp/04:05
gravemindbut that was the name of the prog that locked the cache04:05
bdmurrayI found it in /tmp/tmp.xyz/hardy04:07
bdmurraybut I'm just guessing this might be more revealing04:07
gravemindI'm seeing lots of distupgrade files as well04:09
gravemindok I found hardy04:09
gravemindit's a python script04:09
gravemind"python hardy" and see what happens?04:09
bdmurrayso execute it via 'sudo python hardy --cdrom /cdrom'04:10
gravemindoops, still locked, just a sec04:11
gravemindhmm, same thing happens as if I do it the other way04:12
gravemindno output in terminal04:12
bdmurrayI'm about stuck now is there a reason you aren't trying a network upgrade?04:20
bdmurrayYou could see if it can do the calculation w/o doing the full upgrade04:23
gravemindjust because servers were slow04:23
bdmurrayit'll present you with information about the upgrade and then ask if you want to proceed04:24
gravemindoh ok - I'll give it a shot04:24
gravemindus mirrors I guess04:24
gravemindit's still downloading the upgrade tool04:32
gravemindguess what04:36
gravemindhangs in the same place :(04:36
bdmurrayhow long do you give it?04:38
gravemindit's still open right now04:39
gravemindI left it open for half an hour once04:39
gravemindbut it turns blank if I drag another window over it04:39
bdmurrayI think it is going to take a developer's help to figure this one out04:43
gravemindyea - I hope they see the bug report04:45
gravemindI'm going to have to call it a night soon04:45
bdmurraygravemind: I'll make sure they do04:45
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ArelisI found a broken package. the name is 'funguloids' and it has dependencies that can't be satisfied07:21
Arelisthe name of the dependency is ogre-plugins-cgprogrammanager07:21
Arelis!info funguloids07:21
ubotufunguloids (source: funguloids): space-flying-mushroom-picking-simulator game. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.06-4 (hardy), package size 14449 kB, installed size 20600 kB07:21
Arelis!depends funguloids07:21
techno_freakArelis, file a bug07:27
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t3r0https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/218637   < can anyone else confirm this07:38
ubotuLaunchpad bug 218637 in ubuntu "[Hardy] Piping commands does not work always" [Undecided,New]07:38
* techno_freak looks into it07:44
techno_freakworks for me, will check out with a fresh install of hardy07:45
wolfgeranybody else having 5-a-day issues after gutsy->hardy upgrade?08:30
elmargolIf someone reports a missing feature (not a regression) on a old release (gutsy) wich is fixed on a newer version... Can I reject the bug?09:08
thekornelmargol, I think I would close it with "fix released" and  a response similar to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses#head-246b9a0b2091d7aee70afd2b0579dbbc986eb51b09:12
askandAnyone knows something about the status of bug 59695 ?09:43
ubotuLaunchpad bug 59695 in suse "High frequency of load/unload cycles on some hard disks may shorten lifetime" [Unknown,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/5969509:43
hggdhg'morning Iulian10:48
ffm_Wouldn't #222496 be an invalid bug, or converted to a question?12:47
jeromegbug #22249612:48
ubotuLaunchpad bug 222496 in update-manager "Please allow upgrade from local ISP archives" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22249612:48
ffm_jeromeg, They want their ISP's repos to be added to the mirror list. I pointed them to the "register a mirror" page.12:48
jeromegthis is definately not a bug with update manager12:49
jeromegso the bug task can be closed12:50
ffm_jeromeg, I converted it to a question.12:53
jeromegffm_: cool12:53
ffm_Worlds most descriptive bug: bug 22498.12:54
ubotuLaunchpad bug 22498 in linux-source-2.6.15 "skge driver doesn't handle setting hardware address immediately after being upped" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2249812:54
ffm_*bug 22249812:54
ubotuLaunchpad bug 222498 in ubuntu "Save as" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22249812:54
jeromegffm_: :)12:55
jeromegffm_: don't forget to set the bug status when triaging12:56
jeromegI moved the bug as incomplete for you12:56
ffm_jeromeg, Just remembered.12:56
ffm_jeromeg, Ah, I see.12:56
jeromegffm_: i think it's also always nice to say something like "Thank you for your bug report." at the beginning12:57
ffm_jeromeg, Will do. I've not done a lot of this before.12:57
jeromegffm_: no problem, it's just a little advice to improve ;)12:57
ffm_Can someone (other than me) confirm bug #222525 for me?13:58
ubotuLaunchpad bug 222525 in nautilus "Cannot modify removable media mountpoint when unmounted" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22252513:58
Jazzvabdmurray: ping14:28
hggdhffm_: what exactly did you do on the removable device?14:35
calccatching up with bugmail takes forever :\14:38
* calc has 125+ left to go through14:38
* calc gets about 4-5 new bugs a day plus old bug updates14:41
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Stomp442Anyone willing to help me out with some issues with AWN and/or Emerald?15:42
=== bdmurray changed the topic of #ubuntu-bugs to: Ubuntu BugSquad | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad | Documentation: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | If you have been triaging bugs for a while, please apply to https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-bugcontrol/ - http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-bugsquad
danageso in the hardy final, there is a firefox that crashes on every second or so page with flash and sound that you open16:46
Nafallodanage: can't reproduce that. do you have libflashsupport installed?16:49
danagei do.16:51
Nigromantei want to know if anyone is having problems with panel positions in gnome. Thay change randomly between logins in 8.04 (i want them on low position, both) This didnt happen in gutsy16:52
ubotuLaunchpad bug 192888 in pulseaudio "firefox crashes on flash contents when using libflashsupport" [High,In progress]16:53
Nafallodanage: can you reproduce if you uninstall that package?16:56
danagewill try and report back16:58
fkbreitlHello, I found a suspend to RAM problem for HP nc6120 laptops. I filed this bug report: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/222561 . I would appreciate any support.17:30
ubotuLaunchpad bug 222561 in ubuntu "Suspend to ram occasionally not resuming on HP nc6120 with Ubuntu 8.04" [Undecided,New]17:30
* yuriy wonders whether to consider bug 222141 a bug17:39
ubotuLaunchpad bug 222141 in kdepim "Color of Items changed after upgrade" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22214117:39
h00kHm, I have a bug to fill a report for, I can't seem to find any  duplicates.  What's the best way to go about that?  I believe it's in the kernel18:32
MightyTweekh00k: are you asking the best way to report the bug or to search for duplicates?18:35
h00kMightyTweek: I guess the best way to report a bug, I got a bunch of useful debug info18:36
h00kMightyTweek: but found nothing too similar, I think it's new18:37
MightyTweekCheck out this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs18:38
h00kyeah, I am just looking ther enow18:38
greg-gh00k: and you can practically never give too much information18:39
h00kgreg-g: okay.  Cool.18:39
h00kIm reporting it now :)18:39
greg-gh00k: good deal18:40
h00kgreg-g, MightyTweek: thanks, that was pretty painless18:47
MightyTweekno problem18:48
ffm_hggdh, I changed the mount point from the default (empty, auto-genereated) to "/media/wd0" (which is invalid, it should be "wd0" as / isn't allowed in drive mount names)19:29
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hggdhsecretlondon: cheers21:08
secretlondonhggdh: is that useful?21:08
secretlondoni've set one to 60 and will try rebooting21:08
hggdhsecretlondon: yes. methinks this is a race on buildup of the gnome session21:08
hggdhand, perhaps, I do not get hit because I have two CPUs. Perhaps. I posit that almost all that were hit have one single CPU. I wonder if I am correct21:10
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secretlondonI don't have a multi cpu machine to test on21:14
hggdhsecretlondon: that's OK. But -- if you do not get hit by it after upping the order, then that is already good results...21:16
hggdhyou might need to up both of the entries21:16
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macabro22I am trying to update my distribution and I got a message saying update manager found an unresolvable error and I should file a bug against it and attach a log file from /var/log/dist-upgrade23:25
macabro22can you guys help me out?23:25
ffmmacabro22, try #ubuntu23:27
gor1which is very (++very) busy right now, so u gonna need a little patience, but someone might have same problem as u u see:)23:29
ffmHey, I'm new to triaging, and am wondering what to do with bug #222498.23:29
ubotuLaunchpad bug 222498 in ubuntu "Save as" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22249823:29
dsaseh macabro22, if you've come to report a bug then we can help you with that, if you've come to find a workaround/solution then yes #ubuntu is the best place for that.23:30
secretlondonmacabro22, one issue is that if you have random stuff in your sources.list then upgrading will probably fail23:30
macabro22dsas: I would like to file a bug, thats all.23:30
ffmmacabro22, feel free to.23:31
macabro22ffm: I am new to this. So I heard I have to find out if the bug has already been filed first. How do I do that?23:31
secretlondonyou file bugs on launchpad, the form will search to see if there are similar bugs23:32
dsasmacabro22: You can browse https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bugs (though there's a fair few to browse through) or just try to file a bug and see if it finds any (https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+filebug)23:33
secretlondonffm it needs moving to openoffice from ubuntu23:33
secretlondonas they can select a new desktop it's not a computer freeze, or even x23:34
macabro22ffm: can I find out whether it has already been filed by looking at that /var/log/dist-upgrade log file?23:35
secretlondonmacabro22, not easily23:35
secretlondonit's the error that's interesting anyway23:36
macabro22secretlondon: the update crashes in the beginning, right after reading the release notes. The log file displays a bunch of errors relating to the OOffice.org package23:39
macabro22That confounds me. I am not sure if I should file a bug against the update-manager or against the openoffice package23:40
secretlondonmacabro22, file it on update manager, and if it is openoffice then someone will move23:46
secretlondonI can't do a lot without the message anyway23:46

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