
dsasmdke: I'm sort of assuming you either figured out your problem filtering lp mail last year, or you quit using gmail. but bug 133720 has a good workaround09:28
ubotuLaunchpad bug 133720 in malone "Prefix subject in emails sent by LP" [Medium,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13372009:28
mdkedsas: yes, I filter ok now10:39
mdkedsas: although, that workaround is nicer :)10:39
dsas:), I came across your list post while googling for the answer myself.10:40
dsas(just moved to apps-for-your-domain)10:40
mdkedsas: what's that?10:42
dsasyou can keep your domain name and jabber id for your personal domain, but let google do all of the work.10:42
nixternalI added our team report for april17:48
mdkenixternal: wasn't there one already? I added some stuff during the week, I thought17:55
mdkenixternal: ah, yes. We have a dup now, I'll remove it17:55
mdkenixternal: actually you have the lock, can you remove it?17:56
nixternalya, I just seen that17:59
nixternaland removed what I added :)17:59
nixternalno problem17:59
=== po1ter is now known as polter
LaserJockmdke: sorry for messing up your conversion the other day20:21
LaserJockmdke: I had assumed you were done20:21
mdkeLaserJock: no worries20:22
mdkeLaserJock: it takes quite a long time to delete the .bzr folder via lftp so I left it running overnight20:22
LaserJockit was weird because http worked fine20:23
LaserJockit was just bzr+ssh that didn't work20:23
mdkeLaserJock: that's because launchpad doesn't mirror a broken branch to http20:23
mdkebut bzr+ssh gets you to the writeable area, which is where I was working20:23
ubotuNew bug: #222706 in kubuntu-docs (main) "Lots of duplicate entries in KDE Help Center when opening "About Kubuntu"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22270620:46
LaserJockmdke: are the doc.ubuntu.com docs being built from the intrepid branches?20:54
mdkeLaserJock: probably not, i'll fix it later21:16
LaserJockmdke: I'm just working on the edubuntu-intrepid branch21:17
LaserJocktrying to redo the structure21:17
* mdke out for a bit, back soon21:18
LaserJockright now I have two makefiles21:18
LaserJockMakefile and edubuntu/Makefile21:18
LaserJockI'm not sure if I need both or just edubuntu/Makefile21:18
mdkeLaserJock: what I did for ubuntu was to ditch the one in the top directory, and use ubuntu/Makefile - the other one was for old stuff.22:52
LaserJockok, that's what I figured22:52
LaserJockI just wasn't sure if maybe that was used by the doc.ubuntu.com script22:52
LaserJockI'm still not sure how I'm gonna handle the common libs/22:53
LaserJockI like that you put all the various tools in scripts/22:55
mdkeLaserJock: it isn't as convenient as having them in the top dir, but it's tidier ;)23:15

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