
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak
* mneptok harumphs00:39
* nalioth stuffs mneptok with persimmons00:43
mneptokrodserling needs a reminder that -offtopic rules apply to everyone. despite their connection to the channel.00:44
Seeker`what connections does rodserling have to the channel?01:05
mneptok"i use it a lot" or something.01:13
ubotuFlannel called the ops in #ubuntu (BOBBYgr)02:33
FlannelHey. anyone awake?  could use help in #ubnutu02:34
ubotuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (clone flood)02:34
ubotuPaddy_EIRE called the ops in #ubuntu ()02:34
Flannelxaxaxaxaxa as well02:34
Flannelthanks gnomefreak02:34
gnomefreakmy damn scripts died02:35
* Hobbsee waves02:36
ubotuFlannel called the ops in #ubuntu (xaxaxaxaxa)02:36
gnomefreakhi :)02:37
Hobbseeoh nice, whereis renders correctly in ff now02:37
mneptokgnomefreak: how you feelin' these days, ace?02:38
gnomefreakmneptok: better than i was thanks02:38
gnomefreakjust tired02:38
mneptokgnomefreak: (and please leave your ISP out of it) ;)02:38
gnomefreakits fixed02:38
* Hobbsee beats whereis with a big stick02:42
* mneptok vends tickets02:42
* Hobbsee adds more stops, so it gets her going in a sane wya.02:43
PiciI'm going away for a few days starting tomorrow... so don't do anything I wouldnt do.02:45
mneptokso ... we hide the toilet paper and toothpaste? >:)02:49
=== Jack_Smirnoff is now known as Jack_Sparrow
Jordan_UFor some reason if I try to post anything in #ubuntu-bots I get the error "ubuntu-bots :That channel doesn't exist" even though I joined successfully and see the topic03:47
Jordan_UFor some reason if I try to post anything in #ubuntu-bots I get the error "ubuntu-bots :That channel doesn't exist" even though I joined successfully and see the topic04:58
naliothJordan_U: just because you acn see the topic, doesn't mean you're synced05:02
Jordan_Unalioth, I don't know much about how IRC works, what is causing the problem? ( I am not the only one who cannot post to #ubuntu-bots )05:03
tonyyarussoThe channel is +m05:04
nalioththat would explain it05:04
tonyyarussoIs there a reason for that or should it be removed do you think?05:05
naliothi think Jordan_U should introduce themselves to nickserv05:07
Jordan_Unalioth, I am registered and identified, is there something more I should do?05:10
stdinyou wern't identified before05:11
naliothJordan_U: what he said05:11
Jordan_Unalioth, I still can't post anything05:11
naliothbut now we know it's you05:12
Jordan_Unalioth, Ahh05:12
tonyyarussoSeveas, LjL: Hey, just curious what the reason for +m in #ubuntu-bots is.05:22
Seveastonyyarusso, the release :)08:20
HunterSThompsonhow can I change my password?08:20
tonyyarussoSeveas: ah.08:20
tonyyarussoHunterSThompson: that would be a question for #freenode instead.08:20
* ompaul kills something very very big08:22
elkbuntucan someone please help me in -offtopic, i fear being accused of personal attack if i remove this creep10:59
* PriceChild looks in11:00
elkbuntuPriceChild, he's pushing the boundaries constantly, and being creepy11:00
PriceChild-o might help11:01
elkbuntui stayed +o on purpose11:02
PriceChildI figured.11:02
PriceChildI think that's the end of it.11:03
elkbuntui'll give it a few more minutes11:04
tcpdumpgodAnyone else have an onboard intel display adapter that they're using?11:04
tcpdumpgodor using the i810 driver in xorg.conf?11:04
elkbuntutcpdumpgod, this is not a support channel11:04
tcpdumpgodWhere did i ask or mention support?11:05
tcpdumpgodask for^11:05
elkbuntuwell, intel display adaptors tend to factor very little in the topic of this channel11:05
tcpdumpgodOh CRAP!11:06
tcpdumpgodSorry brothern!11:06
tcpdumpgodThought i was in offtopic ;)11:06
* tcpdumpgod kicks self.11:06
tcpdumpgodmy apologies11:06
elkbuntudid you have a reason to be here to begin with?11:06
tcpdumpgodOther than I just love ubuntu and want to jump at any chance to help with something cool and productive?11:07
tcpdumpgodIf you like, I'll leave :(11:07
elkbuntuwe prefer to keep this free from idlers as we do get some heated discussions from misbehavers some times11:08
elkbuntuthey dont always succeed in keeping us as their targets11:08
tcpdumpgodSure thing :)11:08
tcpdumpgodI'll kick it elsewhere :D11:08
tcpdumpgodLater guys (and gals)11:08
elkbuntuhve fun11:08
elkbuntuthe guy i removed earlier has just shown up in -women11:13
PriceChildelkbuntu: I'll have a chat.11:13
elkbuntui am not liking where this is going...11:13
elkbuntuyeah... he hasnt said anything yet... but well11:13
elkbuntuthe russians showed up in -women again last night i believe.11:19
elkbuntuPriceChild, how did you go with that chat?11:42
PriceChildnowhere, he's looking to pick up some ubuntu women12:05
elkbuntualexmlw is one of the russians from the other night... he never actually said anything yet from what i've seen so far, but he joined with the pack of them12:12
elkbuntuzloy actually followed me to -au but i didnt see how that ended, i opped up one of the regulars who i know stays awake until the wee hours and went to bed12:13
PriceChildI'm off to install hardy, if I don't return, its because I forgot where I put my ssh and gpg keys :D12:47
jussio1hrm... small issue12:49
jussio1why is this? [04/26/08 14:38:35] *** #ubuntu Cannot send to channel12:49
PriceChildjussio1: bantracker is down, and you are getting that yourself?12:49
jussio1PriceChild: yeah12:49
jussio1ahh, I think i see it12:50
jussio1Im on the same sever as ubot5. Sev.eas has muted the ip. but that shouldnt affect me if im identified, should it?12:52
PriceChildjussio1: ip, or hostmask?12:53
PriceChildthen yes it will12:53
jussio1[04/26/08 14:46:23] *** 205 - #ubuntu: ban %ubot5!*@* [by Pici, 170173 secs ago]12:53
jussio1[04/26/08 14:46:23] *** 206 - #ubuntu: ban %*!*@ [by Seveas, 167297 secs ago]12:53
PriceChildbans on ips take effect whatever hostmask you have12:53
Seeker`what about if you are cloaked?12:54
jussio1so if i remove Sev.eas' mute there, I should be fine? (and ubot5 wont get a word in?)12:54
jussio1alright, looks like that fixed it. 12:55
PriceChildjussio1: should be12:57
PriceChildSeeker`: all cloaks.... project/unaffilated/gateway/rdns whatever12:57
ubotuIn ubotu, emorris said: What is the best text editor?14:11
PriceChild!best > emorris14:17
emorrissorry, I was trying to use BestBot14:19
ompaulPriceChild, let me help you here15:29
ompaul#ubuntu has grown a lot from its circa 100 users and we thought it was busy then to now 15:29
PriceChildompaul: hmm? :)15:29
ompaulPriceChild, now I declare that channel officially nuts :)15:29
PriceChildyup :)15:30
ompaulwhat is the expectation on the life cycle of release-party - seems beyond any really useful function now15:35
PriceChildmeh, no harm in them staying a little longer?15:37
ompaulwe are having a release party on Thursday this week15:40
ompaulit was planned before the release parties became an issue15:40
ompaulas in a POTD is being subverted for it :)15:40
ompaulpint 15:42
ompaulwork it out ;-)15:42
AmaranthI was just about to let you guys know I was closing #ubuntu-release-party :P15:42
PriceChildahhh :)15:44
AmaranthI guess maybe I won't now?15:47
AmaranthI dunno, we're down to 100 people that don't talk15:47
ubotuIn ubotu, crashanddie said: fr is <reply>Ce channel est en anglais uniquement, si vous avez besoin d'aide ou si vous voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr16:12
crashanddieHi there, it would be nice to add a new !keyword into ubotu, !firefox2: Firefox 3 and Firefox 2 can be installed at one given time without any major problems. If you want to make Firefox 2 your default browser, go to System -> Preferences -> Preferred Applications, change Web Browser to custom, and use 'firefox-2 %s' (no quotes) for the command.16:28
crashanddieI tried setting it with !firefox2 is <reply>..., but that didn't seem to work...16:28
crashanddiebtw, I corrected the !fr keyword, it wasn't really bad, just not very nice French. If you need the exact translation, PM me16:31
gnomefreakAmaranth: why the change of heart in closing -release-party?16:41
PriceChildgnomefreak: I think because me and ompaul thought not yet16:41
PriceChild*looks at the translation above*16:41
gnomefreakah ok16:41
* gnomefreak cant read french16:42
crashanddieI don't remember what I wrote, cp it here and i'll translate it16:46
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.16:47
crashanddiethat's the old one16:47
PriceChildit is :)16:47
PriceChild!no fr is <reply> Ce channel est en anglais uniquement, si vous avez besoin d'aide ou si vous voulez  discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr16:47
ubotuI'll remember that PriceChild16:47
crashanddienot taking the new one? :(16:47
crashanddieah :)16:47
=== Jack_Sparrow is now known as orson_j
crashanddieI'm off, take care everyone !17:09
=== orson_j is now known as Jack_Sparrow
PriceChild!no fr is <reply> Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr17:42
ubotuI'll remember that PriceChild17:42
MyrttiFlambot at ot18:40
MyrttiOn mobile, cant do a thing18:41
MyrttiTobmalf <> flambot18:42
ubotubazhang called the ops in #ubuntu (tobmalf)18:49
ubotuIn ubotu, tobmalf said: ubotu: think is the most part, people don't see his messages anymore. gonna waste money, i'd rather have something to know about any country outside of this and a lie18:50
MyrttiTold you18:58
naliothit's quieted ( or quit ) #ubuntu 18:58
gnomefreakafter i warning it it stopped but i didnt know it was a bot19:00
naliothi've found the owner19:00
MyrttiBack at ot19:00
nalioththey seem to have departed.19:11
gnomefreakdamn bigtimer121 dont listen19:56
gnomefreaki hav eto go so i leave him with you :)19:56
ubotuIn ubotu, ffm_ said: edgy is <reply>Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) was the fifth release of Ubuntu. It is now in end of life, and is unsupported. Please upgrade to !feisty, !gutsy, or !hardy.20:07
ffm_Much appreciated if that could be approved.20:07
ubotuUbuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) was the fifth release of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Edgy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades - Downloading: http://us.releases.ubuntu.com/6.10/ - Release Notes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseNotes20:08
Seveas!edgy is <reply>Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) was the fifth release of Ubuntu. It is now in end of life, and is unsupported. Please upgrade to a newer release.20:08
ubotuBut edgy already means something else!20:08
=== ffm_ is now known as ffm
Seveas!no edgy is <reply>Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) was the fifth release of Ubuntu. It is now in end of life, and is unsupported. Please upgrade to a newer release.20:08
ubotuI'll remember that Seveas20:08
ffmSeveas, Thank you.20:09
Myrttihas it been that long already20:14
Myrttiagain I feel old20:15
tuxiceare we allowed to ask why burnt beans are banned?20:40
Myrttisure, though I personally don't know the answer20:41
tuxiceanyway to find out?20:41
Myrttiyes, if I had more than cli atm20:42
tuxicelike is there a website that lists it, or do i have to speak to the op that banned him?20:42
tuxicecli atm?20:42
MyrttiI don't have X installed on this laptop yet20:42
Myrttiso I can't (read: am to tired to play with links and even that isn't installed) access the bantracker20:43
Myrtticli = command line interface, atm = at the moment20:43
tuxiceyes i thought by atm you meant automated teller machine :-[20:44
tuxiceany other ops that have X installed?20:44
tuxicemyrtti: another question, do you know if he was an op20:45
tuxiceis it even possible to ban other ops20:45
Myrtti*shrug* today is a  popular day of Release Parties20:45
Myrttieven I came from one just about an hour ago20:45
tuxicea release partie - never heard of it20:46
MyrttiI don't know if he was an op, I doubt it20:46
tuxiceya, i cant seem to remember20:46
Myrttiand I guess it's technically possible to ban another op20:46
jussio1you can ban them, but then they could unban themselves...20:46
ompaulwhat is this?20:47
tuxicejussio1, do you have access to why RAV TUX got banned20:47
tuxicei was just wondering20:47
tuxicecause he was active in feb20:47
jdongwhere is he banned from?20:47
tuxiceit says burnt beans20:48
jdongwhat's "it"?20:48
jdongI'm thinking you're referring to the forums20:48
ompaulthis is not the forums20:48
jdongok, that's confusing. This is the IRC operator channel ;-)20:48
ompaulthis is IRC20:48
tuxiceis there an ubuntuforums-ops?20:49
jdongno, there is #ubuntuforums. I can try to answer your question as much as I feel is appropriate there though20:49
ompaulthere is an appeals format on the forums afik and it can be asked about in #ubuntuforums20:49
Myrttiis there something wrong with my settings or what's going on20:56
Myrttisince my kicking aliases don't work anymore20:56
naliothMyrtti: are you synced?21:08
MyrttiI think so21:09
Myrttitheres a status message that I need to be an op to do what I try21:09
MyrttiI can op myself just fine21:09
Myrttitoo tired to think21:10
naliothsounds syncy to me21:14
MyrttiI guess my aliases have become too fast then21:17
Myrttithough I've not done anything to them21:17
Seeker`Myrtti: Obviously you've been using them so much, they have gotten enough exp to go up a level21:18
PriceChildYay I have an msn stalker.21:23
PriceChildBut also had a fun bbq which kind of balances it out.21:23
jussio1ok, who made #kubuntu -t ?21:26
PriceChildits always been like that hasn't it?21:28
PriceChildjussio1: did someone abuse it?21:28
jussio1PriceChild: accidently21:28
jussio1PriceChild: no, we have had +t as long as I can remember21:28
PriceChildi remember asking about it a few months ago, and hearing something like "those kde folks are weird like that"21:29
jussio1really? well its +t now. 21:31
jussio1hrm... does anyone mid if I split !best  into !best and !polls ? its long and ungainly, and the polls bit doesnt always apply...21:44
ubotuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.21:44
jussio1PriceChild: Im thinking something like: !best is <reply> Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. See also !polls21:47
jussio1and: 21:48
jussio1!poll is <reply>Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. See also !best21:48
ubotuIn #ubuntu-ops, jussio1 said: !poll is <reply>Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. See also !best21:48
jussio1alright, Ill leave it open for opinions, if no one has any issues in a few mins, Ill go do it :)21:49
ubotuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.21:50
SeveasI'd rather leave it as is21:50

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