
ivoksthis was tooooo boring :/00:38
ivokswe can make do-release-upgrade even better00:43
ivoksimplement -y and make it truly automatic :DD00:44
Mythril Does anyone know how I change the mirrors apt uses?00:52
FastZso i accidentally pressed the Print Screen button on my keyboard while my server was in the middle of upgrading (do-release-upgrade).  it then stopped downloading upgrades and spit out the command prompt...00:56
FastZit appears to me like I will be able to restart the do-release-upgrade, but it will start from the beginning again.00:56
ivoksFastZ: no, apt keeps downloaded packages00:58
FastZivoks: it starts where it left off?00:58
ivoksMythril: yeah, with sed00:58
ivoksFastZ: yes00:58
FastZivoks: good deal cuz it'd been downloading for about half an hour... thanks.00:59
ivoksMythril: for example, if you want to change us to uk mirror, running sed -i -e 's/us.archive/uk.archive/g' /etc/apt/sources.list would do the trick00:59
Mythrilivoks: ty, I always forget about sed01:01
ivoksMythril: well, you can use vim too01:01
ivoksvim -c "%s/us.archive/uk.archive/g" /etc/apt/sources.list01:01
Mythrilivoks: I can't operate vim, Its like typing with gloves on for me01:02
ivoksyou should learn vi(m)01:02
ivoksmost powerfull tool on the planet01:02
ivoksdon't listen those emacs guys, they don't have a clue :)01:03
=== joerlend_ is now known as XiXaQ
nijabathe great thing about vi(m) is that, whichever Unix or Linux system you connect to, it is always there :)01:04
ivoksnijaba: right, but i do hate we don't ship it by default on desktop01:04
nijabagoodnight ante01:04
ivoks(full vim)01:05
nijabaivoks: well, yes, it is one of the first thing I upgrade :)01:05
ivokswe should have two desktop CD version01:05
ivoksone as we have now01:05
ivoksand the other one without openoffice, but with latex and vim :)01:06
nijabaUbuntu Pro :)01:06
ivoksright :)01:06
ivoksand 43 versions of tetris01:06
ivoks+ pacman01:07
nijabaivoks: write a blueprint!01:07
ivoksreally time for bed... i have to be up in 2 hours and drive into alpes01:07
nijabaivoks: skiing?01:08
ivoksboarding, yes01:08
nijabaivoks: have fun01:08
ivoksthat's my passion01:08
ivokswill do... me and 4 chicks for 2 days :D01:08
nijabaa good one to have, but is better after sleeping a good night01:08
nijabaspecially with the chicks ;)01:08
DeepsUbuntu Pro? It's called "Install command-line system" from the alternate CD. :P01:09
nijabaDeeps: nah, we still want a GUI to play tetris ;)01:09
ivoksDeeps: no, gnome is nice and all that... but openoffice, even firefox.. bloat :D01:09
Deepsman apt-get, discover 'install'. :P01:09
ivokshm... ubuntu-administrator-8.1001:10
ivoksall the admin tools you would need01:10
nijabaon these fine words, I am going to bed as well.  Goodnight owls :)01:10
DeepsSweet dreams. :)01:10
=== jiqiren is now known as driverafk
* flyback is suffering a total emotional breakdown tonight, stand clear01:19
=== flyback is now known as limpbizkit
=== limpbizkit is now known as flyback
* flyback decides to finally put the extra duron 850 cpu and mb with crappy caps together into a media pc so we can drown his sorrows in streaming movies and anime01:37
Kamping_Kaiseruntil you throw load on the system and the caps throw up01:43
flybackwho cares01:55
flybackit's a media pc01:55
flybackthat's all it will ever do01:55
* flyback brb02:02
* flyback goes to find his inhaler04:09
=== gouki_ is now known as gouki
VletAnyone know how to have samba use pam or kerberos passwords instead of those set with smbpasswd?05:13
driverafkVlet: it really can't be done, as far as i know... you can do the reverse where authentication from pam goes to samba...05:20
=== driverafk is now known as driver
=== driver is now known as jiqiren
Vletoh, that's a bummer... well, my passwords come from a kerberos server, so there's no changing em05:22
Vletbut it's good to know that at least maybe I can quit trying to find the answer05:23
jiqireni think you might be able to get it work as long as you don't mix MS OS's05:23
sommerVlet: you could keep your user accounts in ldap and autthenticat through kerberos05:23
jiqirenbut then there would be the question"why use samba"?05:24
sommerjiqiren: for ms access :)05:24
sommerleast I'd assume that'd be the reason for using it in the first place, heh05:25
jiqirenexactly.. blame AD for MS-LDAP/Kerb that doesn't work with others05:25
sommeractually with likewise-open it works with linux pretty well05:26
sommeror at least it greatly simplifies the configuration05:26
jiqirenyou mean everything authenticates from AD? that can also be done with samba if once needs a central directory master thing stuff .... :)05:27
sommeryep yep05:27
Vletyes, I want to use samba to allow individuals in my office to be able to access shares using their kerberos login and pass via their XP machines without having to come over to the server room and dictate their pass to me :)05:31
sdakakI have setup a bind9 server. And got it to resolve example.com to my internal ip. Now this resolution works from the localhost only. If i try to do it from other machine on the lan than the dns doesn't work. I have tried stopping the firewall. But if from the other lan machine I key in the ip of my machine then it appears. Bind doesn't seem to resolve names from other lan machines.07:53
jiqirensdakak: is bing only listening on lo?07:54
sdakakSorry got it, firewall issue. If i turn off the firewall then I can do the other lan machines can access my bind server07:55
sdakak*then the other lan machines can access my dns server07:55
sdakakjiqiren: Can you help me setup firestarter?07:55
sdakakso that my dns server doesn't block incoming dns requests?07:55
Kamping_Kaisersdakak, make sure port 53 is open (iirc)07:56
jiqireni don't know what firestarter is07:56
sdakakjiqiren: It is a GUI for iptables afaik07:56
sdakakKamping_Kaiser: How would I do that?07:56
Kamping_Kaiserin firestarter? no idea07:57
sdakakKamping_Kaiser: :(07:57
sdakakKamping_Kaiser: Still try and help me, I would have to configure the incoming policy right?07:58
Kamping_Kaisersdakak, sounds probable. i dont know the terminology fierstarter uses though07:58
sdakakKamping_Kaiser: Ok got it. Now I need to allow incoming connections from only lan machines.07:58
sdakakKamping_Kaiser: I got it to allow it from one lan machine only?07:59
sdakakKamping_Kaiser: Would it accept 192.168.99.xx?07:59
sdakakWhat is this range setting rule/07:59
sommerKamping_Kaiser: what up?07:59
Kamping_Kaisersommer, about to ask #ipv6 for some help :) hows things at your end?07:59
sommerheh, don't know too much about ipv6, but other than than things are awesome08:00
Kamping_Kaiser this tunnel has worked before, but it "stopped working" some time after a blacout, and i'm only trying to fix it again now08:01
sommerdo you have a shovel?08:02
sdakakKamping_Kaiser: Do you know how to tell the firewall to allow connections not from only but from 192.168.99.xx?08:02
sdakaksommer: help?08:02
jiqirensdakak:  iptables -A INPUT -p udp -m udp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT (to allow anything to connect to your dns)08:02
sdakakjiqiren: I need to allow connections only to 192.168.99.xx. How would that look like?08:03
jiqirenyou mean allow only from?08:03
Kamping_Kaiser-range iirc08:03
sommersdakak: sorry bro I'm not that good at ipv608:03
sdakaksommer: Is this ipv6?08:04
sdakakjiqiren: Yes only allow08:04
sdakakKamping_Kaiser: I will try that08:04
sdakakKamping_Kaiser: I can also say, can't i?08:04
Kamping_Kaisersdakak, you can, but its not valid :)08:05
Kamping_Kaiserso iptables will probably throw up on you08:05
sdakakKamping_Kaiser: then 254?08:05
sommersdakak: ya, I've only ever used ipv408:05
Kamping_Kaisersdakak, no, /2408:06
sdakakDoes means what?08:06
Kamping_Kaiserits a CIDR netmask08:06
sdakakI thought it mean to allow connection from - to
jiqirenor through
sdakakjiqiren: How could I tell it to allow through
sdakakKamping_Kaiser: ?08:07
jiqirenwell... with iptables (not using a mask) you could do --src-range
Kamping_Kaiser^^ i was about to suggest an RTFM08:08
sdakakKamping_Kaiser: I can't find a manual for firestarter.08:12
jiqirenhttp://www.fs-security.com/docs.php <- first result from google when I search for "firestarter documentation"08:15
sdakakjiqiren: Kamping_Kaiser: firestarter accepted thank you08:15
sdakakjiqiren: It doesn't load here08:15
sdakakjiqiren: The site appears in the Help>online manual in firestarter also. But it looks down :)08:16
sdakak*sorry down :(08:16
sdakakThank you :)08:16
sdakakjiqiren: really.08:17
sdakaksomeone will come and second that. No need to get all sarky08:18
jiqirenworks for me! :)08:18
Kamping_Kaiserlols @ site08:19
jiqireni don't get how someone is setting up dns and doesn't understand netmasks...08:20
jiqirenno wonder finding good SA's is such a bitch08:20
* delcoyote hi08:32
* flyback is seriously ponderijng checking himself into psych ward and spending the rest of his life there15:50
* flyback goes to sleep for a little while till he feels better15:55
Noah0504Is there any reason 8.04 won't even start up to install but 7.10 will?  I'm thinking it has something to do with the kernel.  Is there anything I can do?19:06
stiv2khi I just upgraded to 8.04 and it replaced my sudoedit with vi or vim19:12
stiv2khow can I revert this back to nano19:12
* stiv2k just likes nano better.19:12
Noah0504Man, this channel is pretty dead.19:18
stiv2kyeah it is19:18
Deepsstiv2k: change your EDITOR variable back to nano19:19
Noah0504If 8.04 won't even boot to install, do you think it would work to upgrade from 7.10?19:20
DeepsNoah0504: Dunno, but if it doesn't, you'll be able to restore from the backup you made before you performed the upgrade ;)19:21
DeepsNoah0504: and you'll need to be a bit clearer about what you mean by "wont even boot"; how far does the boot process get? Do you get a menu? Do you get the start of the installer? What do you get?19:21
Noah0504Yeah, I figured that wouldn't be too helpful.  Basically I select install and all I get is a blinking cursor.  Nothing more.19:22
Noah05047.10 works fine, so I'm guessing the kernel doesn't like my computer...19:22
DeepsClearer still please19:22
Deeps"I'm booting an Ubuntu server 8.04 disk, and I've selected 'Intall ubuntu server' from the initial menu, after which I get a blinking cursor on my screen, and my cdrom drive goes nuts / spins down"19:23
=== gouki_ is now known as gouki
DeepsSomething like that?19:24
stiv2kDeeps: where is thsi EDITOR variable defined19:24
Noah0504I'm not sure what else to say.  The CD boots to the main menu, but after I select install, I see it load the kernel to 100% the screen goes black, and all I get is a blinking cursor.  I hear the CDROM spin up but then it quiets down and I see no indication of the HDD or processor having any activity.19:24
DeepsOkay! That's a lot better. I have no idea. Heh. Sorry. :)19:25
DeepsNoah0504: confirmed the md5 of the iso matches? if so, burn it again and see? possibly bad media19:25
Deepsstiv2k: you can define it whereever you want. if you're using a bash shell, and want to define it system wide, you could define it in /etc/profile19:26
Noah0504Yeah, I verified the burn.  Also, I'm not even able to have the CD check itself for errors.  The same thing I described above happens when I select that option.19:26
Deepsstiv2k: if you only want to adjust it for your user account, you could define it in ~/.profile19:26
Deeps"verified the burn" wasn't on my list of thing to check ;)19:26
Noah0504The hash matched and I also verified the burn.19:27
stiv2kDeeps: ok19:27
DeepsNoah0504: Asked Google?19:27
stiv2kDeeps: you sure its not ~/.bash_profile?19:28
Noah0504Not yet.  I just assumed the computer is a little fickle because it's older.  Things can't be supported forever.19:28
Noah0504I'll run a search and see if I can come up with anything though.19:28
Deepsstiv2k: .bash_profile is specific to bash, .profile relates to all bash compatible shells19:29
stiv2kis there a specific syntax i need to follow19:29
stiv2kor just EDITOR="nano"19:29
Deepsstiv2k: apologies, header of ~/.profile reads: This file is not read by bash(1), if ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bash_login exists19:29
Deepsstiv2k: export EDITOR=/full/path/to/nano19:29
stiv2kand i need to log out and back in for it to take effect?19:30
Deepsstiv2k: sure, or you could just run export EDITOR=/full/path/to/nano from your shell19:30
stiv2knice :D19:31
stiv2kthanks, Deeps19:31
* stiv2k actually has yet to restart his server from the release-upgrade, heh19:31
Deepsthat's a bit silly19:31
stiv2kdon't want to ruin my 76 days uptime :(19:31
Deeps 19:32:23 up 11 days,  2:46,  2 users,  load average: 0.02, 0.04, 0.0019:32
Deepson my home router19:32
Deepsuptime doesn't matter unless you're running critical applications, or have a small penis and need to compensate with a big epeen19:33
stiv2kthis is true19:34
Noah0504I just installed Tomato on a brand new Linksys router.  It's amazing.  :)19:34
Deepsthat said, I once had a Windows NT4 server go over 3 months without a reboot, and it only went down due to a power failure19:34
stiv2kNoah0504: tomato is good?  I currently use DD-WRT and have been looking at tomato19:35
Deepsand my personal uptime record is around 800 days on debian19:35
stiv2kwow :|19:35
Deepsof course, that machine was vulnerable to any number of exploits as a result19:35
Noah0504stiv2k: I like it.  Gives me what I need with still being quite simple.  Also, I'm not too fond of what is going on in the DD-WRT camp.19:35
stiv2kNoah0504: what do you mean?19:35
stiv2kwhats going on in the DD-WRT camp19:35
Noah0504stiv2k: Well, the biggest thing is the theft of GPL code and things of that nature.  Also, I just don't like what it's turning into.  They have a pay version now, and I don't know...19:36
Noah0504Just not a big supporter.19:36
Noah0504That's why I went with Tomato.  And I also like it a little better.19:37
AtomicSparkhow come they removed install a lamp server option from the boot menu? did they just move it to the server options page when installing?19:37
stiv2kNoah0504: you have a good point19:37
stiv2kNoah0504: does tomato support wireless repeating19:37
stiv2kthats the main thing that attracted me to DD-WRT19:37
AtomicSpark<3's me some tomato19:38
AtomicSparki use it at work and home19:38
stiv2ktomato is GPL?19:38
Noah0504WDS?  Yes.19:38
AtomicSparkits completely open sourced. donno if it's gpl. he has the source code on the website19:38
stiv2ki see19:39
Noah0504Yeah, I don't think it's GPL.19:39
* stiv2k has a WHR-HP-G125 by buffalo19:39
stiv2kthe website says they support WHR-HP-G5419:39
AtomicSparkah. i have a wrt54gl. i think its great. never had the stability problems as i did with netgear. man i had to restart that router a few times a day. lol19:40
Noah0504stiv2k: Run a Google search for Tomato and that model number.19:40
stiv2kdoesnt turn up much19:40
stiv2ki mean it runs DD-WRT just fine19:40
Noah0504AtomicSpark: Just got my GL in yesterday and the first thing I did was put Tomato on it.  :)19:40
stiv2kso... i don't see why it shouldn't run tomato19:40
AtomicSparkNoah0504: nice!19:41
DeepsAtomicSpark: Reading The Fucking Manual suggests so: http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/installing-from-cd.html19:41
* Deeps ahems, heh.19:41
DeepsThat came out harsher than I intended19:41
AtomicSparkDeeps: i did silly angery kid. i was just wondering if they moved it on purpose. they used to gloat about their LAMP option :P19:42
DeepsAtomicSpark: Apologies, that came out harsher than intended. The manual does suggest that it was intentional, given the additional task options available now though.19:42
AtomicSparkDeeps: ah. didnt see that part.19:43
AtomicSparkhmm. i should use lvm this time so i can properly partition my server without worrying about not being able to change the sizes later.19:44
DeepsAtomicSpark: Hehe, thanks btw, discovered the 'tasksel' util thanks to you. :)19:49
DeepsHad a monkey install a Debian machine for me, and failed to unselect the desktop, mailserver + printserver tasks during intallation, making my debian minimal install not so minimal.19:49
Deepstasksel remove desktop, woo19:50
AtomicSparkhow stable has lvm become for resizing? i don't really feel like corrupting my data.19:50
Noah0504Deeps: So, it turns out if I wait long enough, the install for Hardy starts.20:28
DerspanksterI recently built a server for use at home. It runs Hardy and I also installed gnome desktop because of my unfamiliarity of the Linux command line. When I installed the system I partitioned the hard drive into one partition. I then added folders for the various files that I wanted to serve and set permissions and sharing using gksudo nautilus.21:26
DerspanksterMy issue is this, when I boot the system I get the following error.21:26
DerspanksterUsers $HOME/.dmrc file is being ignored. This prevents the default session and language from being saved. File should be owned by user and have 644 permissions. Users $HOME directory must be owned by user and not writable by others.21:26
DerspanksterDoes this mean that I have some of my permissions wrong? Or, is the fact that I formatted the drive into one partition? Do I need to create another logical disk and move my shared folders into it?21:26
DerspanksterI want to be able to move files from my other computers to the server from all of my computers.21:26
DerspanksterGuess I'm just a nOOb at this and need some guidance. Even though I can move past this warning when I boot, I want to run the server headless and I can't because I can't "OK" my way past this warning. I can't connect via ssh before the server actually boots.21:26
DerspanksterOne more thing before I end this flood (sorry) When i input ls -lh ~/.dmrc   I get, no such file or directory21:28
DiesIraeDerspankster: what's the output of: ls -ld ~21:29
Derspankstersays it's an invalid operation21:31
DiesIraehow about: echo $HOME21:32
Derspankster/home/(user Name)21:33
DiesIraeand if you do: ls -ld /home/(username) od you also get invalid operation?21:34
Derspanksteruser name = my user name21:34
DiesIraeyeah I understand21:35
DiesIraelooks like the permissions of your home directory are incorrect21:36
Derspankstershould I pastebin my smb.conf?21:39
DiesIraeit might be a good idea to fix the permissions of your home dir (if they are wrong of course:)21:40
DiesIraecan you create file in your home dir?21:41
Derspanksterbut I cannot share it21:43
Derspanksterbut, then again, I don't want to21:43
Derspanksterls -Id~21:46
DerspanksterDesktop    index.html    Music     Public  stuff      Videos21:46
DerspanksterDocuments  index.html.1  Pictures  Samba   Templates  webmin_1.370_all.deb21:46
ehti installed hardy, but with wrong keyboard layout... how can i change that. ?    i have tried 'dpkg-reconfigure console-data' but that makes no change ?21:48
DerspanksterDieslarae: just finally understood that the command you asked for contained a upper case i and not a lower case L21:50
Derspankstereht: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  (try that)21:52
ehtDerspankster:  sorry it a server.. no X21:52
Cahaneht, check /etc/rc.conf ?21:54
Derspankstereht: OK, well being a newbie, I installed ubuntu-desktop on my server so I can still run that21:54
ehtCahan: no such file ?21:55
Cahanah, sorry, that's the BSD way :321:56
ehthe he21:56
blue-frogeht: dpkg-reconfigure console-setup21:58
Derspankstereht: that should work (blue-frog)22:02
blue-frogit will work.. need reboot though22:04
blue-frogi think22:04
ehtyes it's working... trying to reboot to if it keeps the settings22:05
ehtblue-frog: works perfect... thank you :)22:07
Derspanksterstill trying for a solution to my problem  http://pastebin.com/m2fb8d9fa  if anyone wants to take a stab at it.22:08
blue-frogDerspankster: have you checked all that you've been warned about?22:12
Derspanksteryou mean home dir permissions?22:13
DerspanksterI have rights to create and delete files22:14
blue-frogchmod -R 770 your-user /home/your-user22:15
blue-frogchown -R  your-user /home/your-user22:15
blue-frog chmod -R 770  /home/your-user22:16
DerspanksterI get a warning of a missing operand22:19
blue-frogchown -R your-user /home/your-use22:19
blue-frogwhat's the name of your user?22:20
blue-frogchown -R larry47.larry47 /home/larry4722:20
blue-frogwhat does it say22:21
Derspankstermissing operand22:21
Derspanksterproblem with id?22:22
blue-frogid <enter>  what is the result?22:23
Derspanksteruid=1000(larry47) gid=1000(larry47) groups=4(adm),20(dialout),24(cdrom),25(floppy),29(audio),30(dip),44(video),46(plugdev),107(fuse),114(lpadmin),115(admin),1000(larry47)22:24
blue-frogsudo chown -R larry47.larry47 /home/larry4722:24
blue-frogsudo chmod -R 770 /home/larry4722:25
Derspanksterchown: missing operand after `larry47.larry47/home/larry4722:25
blue-frogtry logging in graphically22:25
blue-frogDerspankster: know how to read?22:26
Derspanksterblue-frog: what??22:26
blue-frogt t22:26
blue-frog= tspacet22:26
Derspanksterchown: cannot access `/home/larry47/.gvfs': Permission denied22:28
blue-frogwith sudo at the beginning of the line?22:29
blue-frogsudo chown -R larry47.larry47 /home/larry4722:29
Derspanksteryes, tried it again22:30
blue-frogls -ld /home/larry4722:30
DerspanksterDesktop    index.html    Music     Public  stuff      Videos22:32
DerspanksterDocuments  index.html.1  Pictures  Samba   Templates  webmin_1.370_all.deb22:32
blue-frogno impossible22:32
blue-frogthe command I gave you do not give that as a result22:32
DerspanksterOK, maybe I got it wrong.22:33
blue-frogyou have nothing to do with a server I am afraid to tell you22:33
blue-frogyou should start to install ubuntu the easy way and leran linux/unix22:33
Derspanksterdrwxrwx--- 35 larry47 larry47 4096 2008-04-26 17:09 /home/larry4722:33
Derspanksterblue-frog: i have been using desktop for some time but this is my first foray into server22:34
blue-frogls -al .dmrc22:35
blue-frogyour problem is not a server problem, it is just a simple desktop problem22:36
Derspanksterls: cannot access .dmrc: No such file or directory22:36
Derspanksterblue-frog: I've not had this problem with my desktop or laptop installs22:36
blue-frogback to tty 7 and try to log in22:37
Derspankstersorry - tty 7?22:38
Derspanksterwell, I guess i ran him off with my ignorance.  I did appreciate his patience and his efforts to help.22:39
osmosisim getting really high load averages.23:10
osmosisi dont know the cause23:10
osmosisclean install hardy server23:10
osmosishave kvm module loaded23:10
osmosisany type of disk access seems to send the load average > 123:10
UnNaturalHighdoes anyone here know how I might install just hpijs with hplip and the gui component?23:16
UnNaturalHigh*and not the23:16
osmosisugh...is there a 3ware high load average bug?23:19
SelfDeletioncan anyone remind me what the command is to add server roles in ubuntu server? I.e. install the LAMP suite23:22
SelfDeletionnm just found it :) tasksel for anyone else that needs it23:23
osmosisSelfDeletion: tasksel23:29
SelfDeletionthanks :) just out of curiosity has anyone tried this on Hardy Heron yet?23:30
osmosisSelfDeletion: yah, im on it and havning hella problems with my 3ware controller right now23:30
SelfDeletionjust that its sitting at 0% and don't seem to be doing anything :S23:30
SelfDeletionwere you getting bounced to that lovely busybox shell? (i ended up doing a format of it today after the dist-upgrade was stable for only 1 day :S)23:31
UnNaturalHighwish my print server would work23:32
UnNaturalHighever since I upgraded to hardy I haven't been able to print to it23:32
SelfDeletionlooks like 8.04 might not be LTS after all :<23:32
UnNaturalHighno doubt23:33
UnNaturalHighstarting to think I should migrate back to gutsy23:33
UnNaturalHighat least it worked23:33
SelfDeletionaye just what i was thinking :<23:33
osmosismy server is going super slow. terminals are freezing for like 30 seconds23:34
SelfDeletionoh wait w00t its gone from 0% to a prompt for the mysql root password,!23:34
SelfDeletionyeah ive been getting some random freezes on my desktop, things like firefox and other apps graying out for not responding and then coming back after a few minutes..23:35
UnNaturalHighSelfDeletion, same23:35
UnNaturalHighfirefox especially23:35
SelfDeletionand compiz is glitching as well :<23:35
UnNaturalHighinfact I am sad to say I am terribly disappointed in hardy23:35
UnNaturalHighI thought it being an LTS it would be rock solid23:35
SelfDeletionaye that was my hope, maybe it means, this is going to need the long term support :p23:36
SelfDeletionare there any good tuts online for setting up a firewall on ubuntu server?23:39
UnNaturalHighman, I need to print a report for school and I have no printer23:39
UnNaturalHighSelfDeletion, I just used the iptables one on the ubuntu help wiki23:39
SelfDeletionok cool cool23:39
SelfDeletionright im off for the night, gl with the printing and thanks for the help folks23:42
osmosiseven light to moderate constant writing to disc occurs, the load average rises very rapidly, blocking logins and other processes until the writing is virtually done.23:42
osmosisis there anyone out there who actually uses AMD64 ??23:48
UnNaturalHighosmosis, I do on my laptop23:53

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