
nekohayohey there, I need to rename a hundred files or so, is there any way to not do it one by one with bazaar?00:21
LeoNerdfor F in `find -name *.foo`; do bzr mv $F ${F/.foo/.bar}; done00:29
nekohayoLeoNerd: so this replaces the ".foo" string to ".bar" ? what is the ${F  for?00:40
TFKylenekohayo: to reference the env var F (which is set to the current filename)00:44
TFKyle'course, technically that does do it one by one00:44
nekohayoTFKyle: is there a way to do a "dry run" for this? to see what it would do without actually doing the changes00:50
LaserJockyou could do "echo" instead of "bzr mv"00:53
TFKylenekohayo: you could use echo "bzr mv $F ${F/.foo/.bar}" instead of just bzr mv,00:53
nekohayoTFKyle: hm, it just prints "bzr mv" and nothing after in the term00:55
nekohayooh no wait :)00:55
nekohayoTFKyle, it prints this: bzr mv find -name 20070216* find -name 20070216*00:56
nekohayothe command was               for F in 'find -name 20070216*'; do echo "bzr mv $F ${F/20070216-/}"; done00:57
TFKylenekohayo: `, not '00:57
TFKyle(for the find part)00:58
nekohayook, I found out the syntax                  for F in `find . -name '20070216*'`; do echo "bzr mv $F ${F/20070216-/}"; done01:04
nekohayoTFKyle: heh, when I make it echo the command it looks all fine to me (bzr mv ./20070216-gimp_ui-09.png ./gimp_ui-09.png) but when I run it, bzr says 404.01:12
nekohayosomehow, doing the rename command by hand (exactly the same input as when done through the find loop thingy), it works01:23
nekohayoah, there needs to be no quotes near the end01:36
acemo$ bzr serve --directory=/home/acemo/development/bzr/repo --allow-writes04:32
acemo is what am using to start my server.. from localhost i am able to do commits, but from other computer only able to update, unable to commit, getting these msges04:32
acemoadded design/classDiagram.jude04:32
acemobzr: ERROR: [Errno 13] Permission denied04:32
acemowhat could be the reason of this and how to fix it?04:33
spivacemo: when you say "from localhost", you mean via "bzr://localhost/" ?04:50
spivIf so, I have no idea what's going on.  "bzr serve" doesn't care which host you're connecting from.04:50
acemospiv: yep bzr://localhost04:51
spivI guess you could do "bzr -Dhpss commit ..." from the host getting the error, to see which particular command is failing.04:51
spiv(by looking in the ~/.bzr.log after it fails)04:51
acemowhere in windows would the log file get placed?04:53
spiv"bzr version" will tell you04:53
spivacemo: any luck?  Feel free to pastebin the relevant part of the log file.05:02
acemospiv: friend of me is at the remote comp.. n she cant find the log file..05:03
acemospiv: doh she was just looking for .txt05:03
spivAh :)05:04
acemothats the full bzr.log05:06
* spiv looks05:08
acemoafter doing bzr checkout bzr://hostname/branch.. u can just commit and it will commit to that branch right?05:08
spivIt's not failing on a network operation.05:09
spivIt's failing trying to read a file in the working tree on disk, if I'm reading that traceback correctly.05:09
acemoyeah i saw that too...05:09
spivCheck the permissions/attributes on design/caseDiagram.jude, maybe?05:10
acemoshe just created and bzr add them on her comp..05:10
spivRight.  But it seems for some reason that bzr can't read it.05:11
spivSo I'd expect e.g. "bzr diff design/caseDiagram.jude" to fail too.05:14
spiv(And that operation doesn't need the network server)05:15
acemowe found the problem..05:16
acemoshe still had jude open, jude locked the file while having it in use05:16
acemothanks alot!05:16
spivGlad I could help :)05:16
spivThat error could be clearer, though.  It would have helped for it to say which file it couldn't read.05:17
acemowas pretty clear tbh.. right after it prints out what file its processing it says it doesnt has permissions05:18
acemojust i thought it was no permission on the server instead of local comp05:18
spivRight, it's clear if you already know where the problem is :)05:18
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jelmerOdd_Bloke, cr3: externals will hopefully be supported once nested tree support in bzr gets merged10:46
vilaabentley: ping, BB flooding my mailox with 'voting error' messages and may be restarting also...11:11
vilaOne mail is emitted every 3 minutes, this metronomic precision making me suspect a restart ;-) I voted directly on site hoping to somehow solve the problem, but no luck...11:13
jelmermathrick: I'd be happy to answer questions wrt rebase11:28
cammoblammoIs there an easy way (ie shell agnostic) way to specify directories or files which shouldn't be committed in a tree?12:58
cammoblammoHmm, I hadn't thought of that. It might do the trick.13:01
PengOr, just list the stuff you want to commit?13:01
PengHm, most hg commands have include/exclude options. Maybe bzr should support that.13:02
cammoblammoI have a top level tree with several directories in it. One of those directories will be committed hourly via a cron, while the others will be committed as needed. Having to specify the directories to commit every time will be a pain.13:03
cammoblammo.bzrignore might work, but I'll have to unignore it as part of the cron job.13:04
PengNote that you don't have to commit .bzrignore before changes to it will be used.13:09
PengYou might be able to kludge something together using .bzrignore.13:10
Penghg-like exclude stuff would be better.13:10
PengWell, sort of.13:10
jelmerPeng: afaik bzr's .bzrignore supports regexes which can do exclusion stuff13:11
jelmernot that I've ever used it..13:11
PengYeah, it does.13:11
cammoblammoHow does that work?13:12
PengNot that I've ever used it either..13:12
cammoblammoThe problem isn't the ignoring the directory, but the unignoring of it. Also, versioned files aren't ignored.13:13
PengOh, right, they aren't ignored. I totally forgot that.13:13
cammoblammoI'll kludge something together in the shell for now. If an exclude option is ever added, though, I'll definitely be a happy camper!13:15
Odd_Blokecammoblammo: Open a bug for it, if there isn't one already.13:20
Odd_BlokeElse it'll get lost in the ether.13:20
cammoblammoWill do.13:22
cammoblammoArgh, sorry folks. I forgot to search for this bug before I submitted. Turns out several other people have asked for it too. Sorry devs...13:32
Odd_Blokeemgent: Hi.13:36
dwtHey guys13:36
dwtI'm using (trying to use) bzr-svn to push to a subversion repository13:37
dwtwhen doing so I get this error:13:37
dwtSetting property 'bzr:revision-id:v3-single-open-source/animated-grid' with invalid characters in name13:37
dwtbzr: ERROR: libsvn._core.SubversionException: ('Mindestens eine Eigenschafts"anderung ist fehlgeschlagen; Projektarchiv nicht ge"andert', 175008)13:37
dwtWhich I think (reading the code) means that it barfs on the "/" in the property name.13:37
dwtWell, thats where I'm a bit stuck...13:37
dwtCan anyone help me get rid of this or debug this further?13:38
jelmerdwt: What version of bzr-svn are you using?13:40
jelmerthere was a bug like that that was fixed in 0.4.913:40
dwtAh cool, you're the developer. :-)13:40
dwtGreat work by the way. :)13:41
Odd_Blokecammoblammo: None of the other bugs are _quite_ the same request (as they are command-specific, rather than 'this should generally exist').13:41
dwtYeah I'm on 0.4.8 I just updated this morning to the latest released version - had that bug in the last version (0.4.8 too, but with a less expressive error message)13:42
jelmerdwt: 0.4.9 is the latest released version and should no longer contain this bug13:44
jelmeryou may have to throw away your local state (~/.bazaar/subversion.conf) though13:44
dwtDoes it work with bzr. 1.3.1?13:44
dwtI'm not quite ready to go to 1.4 yet...13:44
jelmeryes, it works with 1.313:45
dwtoh dang.. sorry about that, but I am on 0.4.913:45
dwtSo the bug is still present13:46
dwt  svn                  /Users/dwt/.bazaar/plugins/svn [0.4.9]13:46
jelmeryou may have to throw away your local state (~/.bazaar/subversion.conf) though13:47
dwtok, I'l try that13:48
dwtindeed that changes the output13:49
dwtnow I'm getting this : "bzr: ERROR: These branches have diverged.  Try using "merge" and then "push"." which ges me a bit, as I'm sure I didn't commit to these directories from anywhere else13:50
dwt<g> and trying "bzr merge" then gives "bzr: ERROR: Branches have no common ancestor, and no merge base revision was specified."13:51
* dwt is off to the manual to find out how to get the correct merge base revision.13:53
ubotuNew bug: #223042 in bzr "Feature request: Exclude option for some commands" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22304213:54
cammoblammoOdd_Bloke: Phew!!13:59
jelmerdwt: You may have to recreate your local branch :-(14:00
jelmerdwt: this is part of the bugfix14:01
dwtjelmer: Is there a way to get the changes I did locally out of the bzr repo into the new branch?14:01
dwtapart from using diff and patch directly?14:01
jelmerdwt: the "replay" and "rebase" commands in the rebase plugin should be able to help you14:02
dwtthanks I'l look into them14:02
dwtjelmer: I'm a bit confused by the documentaton of the rebase plugin14:19
dwtit seems it does the exact oposite of what I want14:20
jelmeryou should be able to create a new copy of the branch in svn14:20
dwt[x] done14:20
jelmerand then run "bzr replay" from there for each revision in your previous local branch that you would like to import14:20
dwtThe important bit is not to try to use rebase. :-)14:21
dwtThanks a bunch, I'l see what I can get done this way.14:21
dwtYehaw. Thanks jelmer! Now I got the commit working to svn. :-)14:29
dwtOn to the next question: Is there a way to make bzr remember the pasword for the svn server? Preferably in the mac os x keychain... :-)14:29
jelmerdwt: bzr-svn should already be using the os x keychain but unfortunately there are some bindings missing14:32
jelmer(python-subversion doesn't contain bindings for the os x keychain yet)14:33
dwtIs that going to be included in 1.5?14:33
jelmerdoubt it - nobody has done the patch for that yet afaik14:36
jelmeryou can still use the trick described in the FAQ though14:37
dwtwhois jelmer14:46
dwtups, sorry14:46
jelmerI'm jelmer (-:14:46
dwt:-) Yeah, I wanted to get your correct lastname to give credit on my blog14:47
dwtgot it14:48
abentleyvila: My apologies for the spam.14:56
jelmerdwt: ah, cool15:05
dwt:-) You're welcome jelmer15:06
awmcclainHey all... what's the command to change the branch's remembered location?17:42
radixawmcclain: pass --remember to push or pull17:46
vilaabentley: no worries, BB is a good friend. You recognize *real* good friends in that, at least once, they deceive you :-)19:41
abentleyvila: :-)20:03
epsyi'm getting problems getting a repository to work properly21:31
beuno_epsy, what problems are you having?21:31
epsywhenever i try to co from it (bzr+ssh://) i get this:21:32
epsybash: line 1: bzr: command not found21:32
epsyi had the same problem locally, because i had bzr installed in my home dir21:32
epsyso i've put an alias in my ~/.bashrc21:32
beuno_epsy, do you have bzr installed remotely?21:33
beuno_bzr+ssh invokes bzr on the other end too21:33
epsywhen i just said locally, i meant locally on the server, heh21:33
beuno_epsy, and how about locally?21:33
epsyso i shall try with ssh:// alone?21:34
epsybeuno_, on my computer?21:34
beuno_it seems you are missing bzr on one of the ends  :)21:34
beuno_epsy, yeap21:34
beuno_try ssh://21:34
beuno_or sftp even21:34
epsyssh:// --> unsupported21:34
beuno_epsy, sftp21:35
epsyoh, i'll have to install paramiko, this will take a little while21:35
beuno_epsy, or use http, if you have access via http21:35
epsyi don't want this repo to be accessible via http21:35
beuno_brb, I don'nt know why I'm here twice  :p21:35
beuno_epsy, try and ssh to the remote machine21:36
beuno_and run:  bzr version21:36
beuno_and make sure it runs correctly21:36
epsyhm, cya? :)21:38
epsy$ bzr version21:39
epsyBazaar (bzr) 1.3.121:39
epsy[goes forth with more details]21:39
beunoboth locally and remotely?21:39
epsynote that bzr is aliased21:39
epsyon the remote machine i mean21:39
epsy $ grep "bzr" ~/.bashrc21:40
epsyalias bzr="python2.4 ~/bin/bzr"21:40
beunoepsy, well, I can't think of anything else then. If you bzr command works fine on both ends, you shouldn't be getting a command not found21:42
epsyi am trying with ftp:// right now21:43
epsy$ bzr co ftp://xclan@xclan.armagetron.co.uk/xclan.armagetron.co.uk/21:44
epsyFTP xclan@xclan.armagetron.co.uk password:21:44
epsy/  0/021:44
epsylooks like stuck21:44
beunoepsy, might take a while if the repo is big21:44
epsy2 revisions yet21:45
epsybeuno, is there a way i can tell my bzr client which bzr command to use on the other end?21:46
Verterokepsy: BZR_REMOTE_PATH=~/bin/bzr21:48
beunohey Verterok  :)21:48
Verterokbeuno: hi :)21:48
epsyhi and thank you very much :)21:49
Verterokepsy: Hi, np ;)21:49
abentleyepsy: There is also a configuration variable: bzr_remote_path.  I think this is better to use, because it can be specified on a per-location basis.21:49
epsywow, neat21:49
abentleyYep, see bzr help configure.21:49
abentleybzr help configuration, I should say21:49
Verterokabentley: Hi, and thanks for the tip (I wasn't aware of it) :)21:50
abentleyVerterok: Hi, and np.21:50
thumperabentley: I see you had a prolific weekend21:53
abentleythumper: Heh, still having my weekend.  Might get some moe fixes for fetch ready.21:54
epsythe documentation on the authentication.conf file isn't very clear22:25
epsythere's an example:22:25
epsywhat would i put intead of myprojects?22:26
frskwild guess; the path to your project22:26
epsylocal path?22:26
frskI'm just gessing :)22:27
epsyblah it's still prompting me for a password, are there characters i need to excape?22:34

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