[00:00] |neon|: turn on "enable on boot" in there. [00:00] |neon|: go to system settings, tab advanced, open disks & filesystems [00:01] hi, good evening [00:03] |neon|: then go into administrator mode, right click on the partition /disc and choose modify; tick the box "open at start" and it should be ok [00:04] how do I find the list of drivers that are being loaded at boot? [00:05] !spanish | xago [00:05] xago: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda. [00:06] hello all [00:07] may someone help me a little here? [00:07] frederick: don't ask to ask, just ask ;) [00:07] ok thanks [00:08] i am new at ubuntu, and having some troubles between su gksu and sudo.... [00:08] what seems to be the trouble? [00:08] they are all pretty much the same thing [00:08] sometimes when apllying a command none of those are working [00:09] A specific command or any given command? [00:09] sudo should give you total control [00:09] well if f ex i type [00:09] sudo apt-get remove wacom-tools xserver-xorg-input-wacom -y [00:09] it tells me sudo: unable to resolve host frederick-laptop [00:10] WOWZORZ [00:10] how can u get flash to work in firefox with 64 bit ubuntu [00:10] hm... [00:10] do i need a 64bit firefox? [00:10] thats a problem with your sources.list dude [00:10] not sudo [00:10] well, its a fresh install [00:10] That's an interesting one...might reside in sources.list [00:11] frederick: try grep frederick-laptop /etc/apt/sources.list [00:11] and see if it gives you any feedback [00:12] nop [00:12] ForzaPalermo: that is quite finicky.... did you install the flashplayer from the repositories? [00:13] any body knows if firefox3 is localized? [00:13] nosrednaekim, yes [00:13] I won't come up in my language [00:13] Taladan: when I did fresh hardy install there were no sources the first time, I had to tick' m somewhere in the package manager; little release-goofup maybe ? [00:13] then made sure i mad a symlink of plugins to my firefox install directory [00:13] and it shows there [00:13] hi [00:13] but its a no go when im online [00:14] Deepthought: could be...I haven't futzed with hardy yet so I'm not familiar with any install intricacies of it [00:14] ForzaPalermo: what I ended up doing(call me cheap) was run a Windows VM just for flash :P [00:14] I don't really use flash alot [00:14] frederick: do this: less /etc/apt/sources.list [00:14] ForzaPalermo: also, try install firefox-2 which seems to work better with flash [00:14] frederick: and see if it has any sources actually /in/ there [00:15] is there a 64bit firefox? [00:15] maybe thats what i need [00:15] <|neon|> e-sata hd how can i auto mount it everytime i boot, instead of going thru settings/advance/disk&filesystem to enable it [00:15] well it seems to have some yes [00:15] frederick: do all of the 'deb' lines have # in front of them? [00:16] not all [00:16] i got some deb [00:16] hm...well, you could try uncommenting all of the repos in /etc/apt/sources.list...but I'm not sure that will fix your problem, tbh [00:16] nosrednaekim, also, i installed java from the repos... and i cant get azureus to work [00:16] azurueus 64 bit version [00:17] i dont get it! [00:17] ForzaPalermo: you already have 64bit firefox installed === Carnage` is now known as Carnage\ [00:17] gaim is now pigwin? [00:17] nosrednaekim, i got it mannually [00:17] its 32bit [00:17] ForzaPalermo: oh... then by all means use the one in the repositories [00:17] chris32882: correct... and it sucks [00:17] indeed [00:18] it was better before [00:18] lol [00:18] ok ill give it a try [00:18] eh, pidgin is just like everything else - a work in progress [00:18] yeah... I know [00:18] nosrednaekim, any ideas on azurueus....? [00:18] and java [00:18] Taladan: no... they are detroying it [00:18] any other messengers to use that is pretty decent? besides kopete and pigwin [00:19] nosrednaekim: well, maybe that's their over-arching goal. - 1) release good product. 2) relabel and destory it. 3) ? 4) profit [00:19] chris32882, i like pidgin [00:19] chris32882: no... [00:19] Taladan: heh.... [00:19] so what can i do with this sourse.list [00:19] ok [00:20] seriously though, I'm okay with pidgin for right now. Wish that it was a bit more robust, but hey, I'm not a programmer. [00:20] chris32882: after those two, it breaks down into single-protocol apps [00:22] Is there a utility in kde4 for setting up dual monitor on nvidia for kubuntu hardy? [00:23] how can I set konversation up to use nick completer, I hate typing ppls names, takes to long lol [00:23] !tab [00:23] You can use for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. [00:23] davf: use nvidia-settings [00:23] thanks [00:23] does it need to be run sudo? [00:24] probably kdesudo [00:24] chris32882: can you not hit tab to complete names? [00:24] Hey, I installed Windows 2000 then Kubuntu, But I can't boot up win 2000, I choose it in grub but it gets a stop, inaccessible_boot_device, [00:24] thanks [00:24] If I reinstall win2000 will it write over grub? [00:24] yes [00:24] psyco: yes [00:24] psyco: yeah [00:24] cinex no it doesn't work [00:24] psyco: it can be repaired though (grub) [00:24] Win2k will eat your mbr for breakfast [00:25] chris32882: are you using konversation? [00:25] crash_: so I found [00:25] cinex: How would I repair that? [00:25] oh [00:25] wait [00:25] psyco: to fix the windows boot loader run a win2k recovery console and use the commands fixboot and fixmbr (I think). that will erase grub [00:25] psyco: grub has commands you can run to fix it from within a live cd [00:25] but then I can't run kubuntu? [00:26] oh lol ok [00:26] psyco: but you would have to google that [00:26] fixing the windows mbr would be quicker than a reinstall [00:27] So, I'd fix win 2000, then fix kubuntu? [00:27] psyco: is your grub entry for windows correct? [00:27] THen would win 2000 be broken again or not [00:27] cinex: I think so. [00:28] Its Windows 2000 Professional then the command is: [00:28] psyco: I dunno if it would be broken or not. proabbly because you wont actually be changin anything. [00:28] root (hd0,0) save default makeactive chainloader +1 [00:28] anyone know the code or some way to like complete a nick without typing the name doesn't work, I am using "Konversation" [00:29] psyco: looks ok to me. as long as windows is the first partition of the first drive [00:29] you can boot windows from a floppy too [00:29] you need ntldr boot.ini and one other file on a floppy [00:29] ntdetect.com [00:30] you can download/create them [00:30] <_neon_3> e-sata hd how can i auto mount it everytime i boot, instead of going thru settings/advance/disk&filesystem to enable it [00:30] jp;;u [00:31] Shit lol I need to find a floppy [00:31] kde4 is awful :/ [00:31] chris32882: type int he first few letters and hit tab === joaquim is now known as joaquim_ [00:31] psyco: it needs to be a windows system floppy or something. [00:31] ahh [00:31] its wierd [00:32] see that worked lmao [00:32] chris32882: its not psycic. it cant guess the name u want [00:32] well didn't know what else to do besides usie tab [00:32] didn't know I was suppose to enter in a few letters [00:32] chris32882: Its like in console [00:32] but thanks now I got it [00:33] <---new [00:33] :) [00:34] psyco: got any mates with windows 2k /xp ? they could drag and drop the files for you onto a floppy [00:34] you would only have to make sure the boot.ini was correct [00:34] which it will be [00:34] chris32882: that works for shell commands too [00:35] nosrednaekim: alright thanks, I'll keep that in mind :) [00:36] anybody know of a mp3 player like xmms for 8.04? [00:37] how can i fix the resolution for ksplash screen? my xorg.conf file seem to be ok... [00:37] In konqueror's cd feature where you can copy and paste to rip cd tracks, can it support flac? I only see ogg and wav [00:38] what is the most stable firefox? 3.0 is beta right? [00:39] chris32882: you can get firefox-21 [00:39] *2 [00:40] nosrednaekim: alright thanks, I am having some issues with 3.0 so prolly would be a good idea [00:40] thanks [00:40] i have a question. anyone know why truecrypt isn't putting the devices into /dev/mapper/truecrypt[0-9] anymore? [00:41] cinex: Ok so I am going to try to fix this.... [00:41] heh; on your won head [00:41] own [00:41] lol thats fine, i'll consult you though :P [00:42] Everything is backed up anyways [00:42] its a 1 day old installation XD [00:42] if windows wont boot after you fix the mbr then its a windows prob [00:42] So if I repair windows 2000, the install grub? [00:42] lol ok [00:42] repair grub [00:43] permission help anyone [00:43] unable to use su sudo or gksudo [00:43] JUST repair grub like right now? Don't even repair windows? [00:43] psyco: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/reinstall-ubuntu-grub-bootloader-after-windows-wipes-it-out/ [00:43] lol ty XD [00:44] cinex: Excellent ty ^^ [00:44] u want a windows one ? [00:45] a windows what? [00:45] instructinos on how to fix the mbr [00:45] hi [00:46] No. I just read this. I'll reapair windows then fix grub. [00:46] Thanks. [00:46] k [00:47] Hello world... quick performance question. I'm looking to upgrade this utterly crap ati radeon 9800xt pro and my friend has managed to find some cheap AGP cards. One is a nVidia 7600 and the other an ati x1650 - according to him, the ati card is better, but my thinking is that the drivers will be crap so the performance upgrade will be a waste. Opinions please. [00:47] how do i mount a samba share so i can use it with amarok? [00:47] is it possible to install kde4, and test it without uninstall kde3 ? [00:47] ninix: Yes [00:47] fleebailey33: like normal ? [00:48] ninix: yes, just install it then run a kde4 session [00:48] which is.... [00:48] Lupus-Angina: go for the ati if it has better performance... the ATI drivers aren't too bad [00:48] fleebailey33: follow any tutorial on ubuntu.com and it will work. [00:48] nosrednaekim: Well they're utter shit for this card [00:48] it just need to me mounted in some place [00:48] Lupus-Angina: which is? [00:48] radeon 9800xt pro [00:48] psyco: i was trying the kd4 package....... is it the one i need ? cause right now i got conflict [00:49] ninix: kubuntu-kde4-desktop [00:49] ha, excellent. thx [00:49] Maybe [00:49] oh.... well, if you don't like ATI's... go with the Nvidia... I personally don't mind my ATI [00:49] Might be wrong [00:49] <_neon_3> e-sata hd how can i auto mount it everytime i boot, instead of going thru settings/advance/disk&filesystem to enable it, the enable at start does not work (doesn't do it) [00:50] it's not personal preference... at a clear cut choice I'd choose nvidia but I really want to know if the drivers for that card are any good. [00:50] I'll ask around [00:50] Lupus-Angina: the nvidia drivers aren't bad... but aren't excellent either [00:50] emmm yeah, it wrong. [00:50] ninix: Use that adept program [00:50] and I'd support ATI for starting to release their cards' hardware API's [00:50] search for desktop or something [00:51] ninix: kubuntu-kde4-desktop should be available in hardy [00:51] The words kubuntu, kde4 and desktop are in some way aranged for the name of that metapackage [00:51] kk possible, im on gutsy right now [00:51] nosrednaekim: I'd be more willing if their drivers didn't so far bend me over and do me analy [00:51] !vista [00:51] Vista is a recent version of Microsoft Windows. Discussion on Windows related topics is available in ##windows. General issues on moving from Windows to Ubuntu is convered in the the wiki guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwitchingToUbuntu/FromWindows === Soccer5555 is now known as Airforce5555 [00:53] hi.. i already install de enlightenment Desktop but i donk know how use it.. please someone can show me a basic tutorial about it [00:53] <_neon_3> e-sata hd how can i auto mount it everytime i boot, instead of going thru settings/advance/disk&filesystem to enable it, the enable at start does not work (doesn't do it) [00:53] eduard510: might want to ask in #e [00:53] vista [00:54] hd0,0 is first HD 1st partiton [00:54] what about 1st hd 2nd partion === LimCore is now known as spion [00:55] hd0,1 === spion is now known as limcore === limcore is now known as we [00:56] wenas === we is now known as what === what is now known as toke === toke is now known as nooooez [00:59] wenas jaime === nooooez is now known as your [01:00] mm I tinhk i have a problem with windows, windows repair can't find windows 2000 XD [01:00] <_neon_3> kbxf , when i select a theme and apply it it does not work , any suggestions [01:01] wenas joaquim por lo menos alguien habla esàñol [01:01] has probado en #kubuntu-es [01:02] es que ace poko que me e pasado a linux y no se mu bien como va esto [01:03] <_neon_3> yo hablo espanol [01:03] !es | jaime [01:03] jaime: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda. === your is now known as gates === gates is now known as l [01:05] FFS [01:05] I fixedmbr for windows and still error... [01:05] I'll just reinstall [01:06] psyco, reinstall ? [01:06] psyco: the problem isn't grub then eh [01:06] what is the error ? === l is now known as I [01:07] how do you add a printer on 8.04 [01:08] Itaku: depends the printer [01:08] Itaku, run the printer wizard in system settings [01:08] HP Deskjet [01:08] okay then, go to system settings, and then add printer wizard [01:08] and do it that way === pottytheshitter is now known as pottythepisser [01:09] Hi guys, anyone here is experiencing system frezees for unknown reasons? [01:09] i want a local printer but it wont let me [01:09] Itaku, do you have admin rights? [01:09] Itaku, there is a HPLIPToolbox for HP printers in Kmenu/system [01:10] yes [01:10] santiago-ve: nope [01:10] BluesKaj: that doesnt work either [01:11] is there a kubuntu git? [01:11] git? [01:11] git repository? [01:11] no, we use bzr [01:11] :S hell i've been wandering arround looking for an answer and it seems my lappy is the only one with this kind of problems... [01:11] Itaku, did you try the printer wizard in system settings/ptinters [01:11] heellllo [01:11] pottythepisser: ya, we are in the kubuntu channel, now git! [01:11] :p [01:11] yes [01:12] How could I control wich application I want to open the files in the firefox donwloads window? [01:12] ;D [01:12] :D [01:12] any chance to configure firefox behaviour in kde? [01:13] tinin, it should be in the same plase as it used to be in other distros/os [01:13] it is most likely to be a program feature... [01:13] tinin, you have to choose where to download apps in firefox/edit/preferences [01:14] Hi, no matter what I do I cant change .pdf files to open in a seperate viewer [01:14] tinin, the default DL target is the desktop [01:14] now each time I want to acces to a folder or a file from there, it opens the gdebi package manager [01:15] not konqueror kpdf or ark [01:15] does kubuntu have support for the evil empires OOXML? [01:15] pottythepisser: no one has support for OOXML, not even MS [01:15] its a same... heh [01:15] how could I configure file asociations in firefox? or at least to open everything with konqueror [01:17] level1: in Settings -> Configure Konqueror -> File Associations -> application/pdf -> Embedding tab -> set to "Show file in separate viewer"? [01:17] nosrednaekim: hey guess what, new problem [01:17] tinin, access a folder or a file from where ? [01:17] nosrednaekim: the patch didn't cause this i know, but now i have no sound [01:17] Jucato: yeah, that just magically doesnt work [01:18] BluesKaj from the firefox downloads window [01:18] Jucato: I do it and click apply, but it forgets [01:18] weird... [01:18] chrisrogers: did you do a kernel upgrade? [01:18] no [01:18] tinin the FF DL window doesn't access files in linux , only windows [01:18] chrisrogers: any updates at all? [01:18] nosrednaekim: no why? [01:18] nosrednaekim: no [01:18] ok [01:18] chrisrogers: iirc, this might be of interest to you --- https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-workspace/+bug/223264/?loggingout=1 [01:18] nosrednaekim: havn't needed any since i reinstalled [01:19] err MS Windows [01:19] BluesKaj under gnome it seems to preserve file asociations or open the containing folders with its default filemanager [01:19] Wow... it's packed in here. [01:20] ...or it's been a while since I've been in here. [01:20] tinin, gimmi a chance to boot my laptop on hardy [01:20] tinin, look in FF preferences to choose to where the files are DL'd [01:20] does anyone know a way to convert an image pdf to a text pdf with ocr? [01:20] Are there a number of issues for WPA encryption on Hardy? [01:20] BluesKaj yeah, I know that trick [01:20] FF does that in gnome? [01:21] perl has some technology to do it but I get too frustrated getting perl to work [01:21] I just wanted it to behave the way it should be. I've never been able under kde [01:21] <---not a gnome user so I wouldn't know [01:21] !register | chrisrogers [01:22] alucardromero: that's dependent on your wireless card and its drivers, it isn't the same across the board [01:22] Well, yeah, I know that. I'm just wondering if there's a general number of complaints for Hardy, period. [01:22] ...regarding WPA. [01:22] I haven't heard any [01:22] That way if there is, I know it's not my wireless configuration. [01:22] Ah, okay. [01:23] BluesKaj, ff is a gnome app, so it should be integratede there. You just need to tweak some gnome config files I think [01:23] I managed to resort to WEP, so I'm cool. [01:23] WPA just doesn't like me for some reason. [01:23] nosrednaekim: hey lemme im you, i'm finally registered [01:23] It was fine with Gutsy, but... it gave me diarrhea with Hardy. [01:23] tinin, there may be a setting in FF preferences , but i've never bothered with it. I just open the file in download destination. [01:24] BluesKaj I wanted to install kubuntu to a friend, so I needed to know how to integrate the web explorer there [01:25] Firefox is a gnome app ? , that;s news to me :) [01:25] lol [01:25] well [01:25] gtk [01:26] !sound | chrisrogers [01:26] chrisrogers: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 [01:26] ff3 seems to have a preferences window called programs, but it does not let you configure anything there [01:27] tinin, I know windows have certain expaectations , but explain to your friend to forget some of that and try to expect new ways of doing things , that's linux [01:28] or atleast part of linux [01:29] well, I never used this too, because I did not know how to change it. Maybe someone knew how to manage firefox asociations on kde. [01:29] :P [01:30] YEAH BOI === harris is now known as HARRIZ [01:31] tinin: configuring firefox is the same whether you're in KDE or GNOME or whatever. you might get some help in #firefox (or is it #mozilla) [01:31] back [01:31] tinin, I don't understand what you mean file associations on FF...do you mean web video and audio content ? [01:31] BluesKaj: file associations: which programs would open certain file types, like PDFs [01:32] Where is the link to the archive? [01:32] what archive? [01:32] BluesKaj: afaik there's a setting in Firefox to change those. not sure where [01:32] BluesKaj no, just in the donloads window (ctrl+y) [01:33] Jucato, look up a bit, and you'll see where I was debating someone [01:33] Jucato, tinin ,yes i understand the "file asscociations" means but what context === nix is now known as _nix_ [01:33] <_nix_> hello everybody :) [01:34] poseidon: I got disconnected so I can't look up a bit. nvm then [01:34] <_nix_> anyone here know how to get a broadband connection up and running on a new kubuntu install? it requires user-id/password.. [01:34] context: I donload a pdf, the donloads window appears, I try to open the pdf from there and only gdebi will try to open the pdf, if I try to open the containing folder, gdebi will try to do so too === HARRIZ is now known as harris__ [01:35] well weird [01:35] tinin, install adobe reader for linux [01:35] I thought ff3 would be more smart [01:35] !compiz [01:35] Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion [01:35] <_nix_> !internet [01:35] Sorry, I don't know anything about internet - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [01:35] <_nix_> lol [01:35] tinin: tried asking in #firefox ? [01:36] sorry [01:36] I was wasting your time here ;) [01:36] tinin, or choose open with KPDF [01:36] thats what I'd like [01:36] tinin: not really [01:36] it's just that you can probably get more specialized help from there than here === pottythepisser is now known as pottytheshitter [01:38] my laptop was cold and fresh but since I ran powertop and accepted the "tip" of making the USB devices autosuspend my laptop is a lot hotter and my battery barely last, further investigations lead me to this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/powertop/+bug/136549 so, how do I correct it? [01:38] tinin, right click on the file , openwith: kpdf [01:38] BluesKaj: can you right-click in the Download dialog box? [01:39] I've got no openwith there [01:39] really [01:39] just open or open the folder [01:39] what's this obsession with the download box ..look for it on the desktop or /home/user [01:40] and it will always launch gdebi (don't ask why) [01:40] or whereverFF DL'd it to [01:40] It's just the only thing I could not integrate with kde [01:42] tinin: this guide for Firefox 2 doesn't work anymore? http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Integrate_Firefox_with_KDE [01:43] Hello [01:44] wats da mascots name of kde? [01:44] konky i think [01:44] pottytheshitter: Konqi [01:44] Konqui or Konqi [01:44] Okay, I'm about to make the switch from Windows to Kubuntu and I was wondering, when burning the ISO image, do I burn as a bootable disk in Nero or burn image to disc? [01:45] cool id like to see gnome have a ascot [01:45] How do I kill the package manager so that I can use it? The last session crashed [01:45] pottytheshitter: suggest it in #gnome [01:45] Jucato I use all the tricks there, Im just lost with this issue [01:45] !aptfix | poseidon [01:45] poseidon: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a » [01:45] tinin: hm... ok... no help from #ubuntu ? [01:45] Fotf: never used Nero before, but burning the image has always worked for me [01:45] or #firefox ? [01:45] no [01:45] Okay, I'll try that first [01:46] * Fotf crosses fingers [01:46] how about my issue? any help? [01:46] Fotf: do not burn as bootable disk or data disc. [01:46] pottythe ,,,, , I'd like to see you change your nick ...normally that kind of language isn't acceptable [01:46] when I do sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev it tells me to put in the kubuntu cd, then press enter, but it doesn't do anything [01:46] !language | pottytheshitter [01:46] pottytheshitter: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. [01:47] that goes for the nick too [01:47] jucato i will change it in a min [01:47] Fotf you should have an option to "record disc image" that's all === pottytheshitter is now known as donaldduck [01:47] how do I enable autosuspend? (i disabled them because of powertop) [01:47] poseidon: go to K Menu -> System -> Adept Manager. in the Adept menu, select Manage Repositories. then in the Third party software tab, uncheck the cdrom line [01:47] *autosuspend for usb === donaldduck is now known as donald_duck [01:49] Okay, next question, will this work on an external hard drive that connects via USB? (120 gigs) [01:49] Fotf: yes, my laptop HDD died once I just ran linux off it with an external hdd [01:50] kk [01:50] how can I stop kde wallet from popping up all the time? [01:50] to use kopete [01:50] Fotf do you want to install it in there, or just use as storage drive? [01:50] Install it there. I want a flexible OS that I can take with me [01:50] yes you can [01:51] thanks [01:51] but is not so easy [01:51] how so? [01:51] can't I just reformat the drive as a single partition and install it there? [01:51] Fotf well I havent tried that yet [01:51] try [01:51] ok [01:52] Fotf I mean that's not as easy as a standard installation, but it is possible === colleen is now known as Artriss [01:53] tinin: its just as easy... [01:53] * sepeck is considering reverting to earlier kubuntu. video just jacked up [01:53] wow [01:53] KDE4 is nice. [01:53] tinin: you point the installer to the external hard drive, done [01:54] I imagine it is but can't get the video to work nicely [01:54] everything is shifted right and gots this big black bar on the left [01:54] auto adjust uor monitor :P [01:54] sepeck: maybe you just need to move the image? [01:55] your* [01:55] Artriss, not the monitor, more likely the video card [01:55] how can I stop kde wallet from popping up all the time? [01:55] could be [01:56] Berzerker: its still beta tho, has bugs :( [01:56] i never had much trouble with video [01:56] Artriss, well, it's not three monitors :) [01:56] * sepeck suspects stupid intel cheapy card :) [01:56] chris32882: still pretty nice [01:56] one more re-install before giving up [01:56] it's nice enough for me to use it a lot [01:57] a re-install wont fix the problem automatically [01:57] i have always used nvidia cards, easy to set up [01:57] how do I do run command on kde4? [01:57] alt+f2 isn't working [01:58] anyone messed with berryl? [01:58] in kd4? [01:58] Berzerker: you can right click on the desktop and select run command [01:58] in general [01:58] well me [01:58] didnt touch the dbus stuff [01:58] tried installing it into ubuntu dapper today [01:58] dapper? [01:58] !sound [01:58] If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 [01:59] couldn't find a repository for xgl that worked for 6.06 [01:59] why havent you updated to 7.10 or 8.04 [01:59] Berzerker: and maybe ctrl + alt + w? [01:59] you wont loose any info doing it [01:59] been running os x [02:00] fresh reinstall [02:00] i guess so [02:00] <--- semi lazy also [02:00] its better to just jump to this last one since in the .23 and .24 of the kernel you could see too many fixes for drivers and faster kernel response [02:01] how do I make kwin the default instead of compiz [02:01] kwin --replace [02:01] brb restarting X === JapyDooge is now known as Japy|zZz [02:01] if you have the compiz activated on kde go to menu-->system--->desktop effects [02:02] I am still 7.10. How is 8.04 working out? [02:02] select no effects [02:02] then to make sure you have kwin default type kwin --replace [02:02] for me awesome [02:02] my 2 wifi cards and my audigy sound work great === colleen is now known as Artriss [02:03] only thing i hate is that i cant still xmms [02:03] i know is old but whatever, its a simple mp3 player that i like [02:03] xmms is SO old now [02:03] Hey, I'm currently expiriencing difficulty with my ATI graphics card. It's a radeon 9800xt pro, I've enabled fglrx but it won't seem to work, fglrxinfo tells me it's using the mesa opengl renderer and dmesg gave me this: [ 84.627160] [fglrx:firegl_unlock] *ERROR* Process 4824 using kernel context 0 I'm currently on a fresh install of Gutsy. What do I do oh great IRC'ers [02:03] anyone in her play wow? [02:03] me [02:03] there are plenty of newer simple players CYREX [02:03] oki tell me one [02:03] exactly [02:03] in kubuntu? [02:03] simple and mp3 player [02:03] beep [02:04] yeah [02:04] beep is pretty simple iirc [02:04] cedega or wine [02:04] well [02:04] Artriss: I do! [02:04] i tried cedega first [02:04] and i was like wow great [02:04] wow works on linux [02:04] but not in kubuntu :( sorry [02:04] but then wine got super powerful [02:04] define super powerful [02:04] i recommend any of them [02:04] +5, Interesting [02:05] on wine at least the voice chat in game works good [02:05] cedega it sucks [02:05] I've subscribed to cedega for six months once [02:05] i haven't gotten wow running in wine yet [02:05] still working on it lol [02:05] CYREX: can wine run max payne? [02:05] what version you using [02:05] yes [02:05] I used to play it under cedega [02:05] hmm ok. [02:05] newest [02:05] CYREX: I meant when I log in [02:05] it's a sound card issue [02:05] after I log in, it sets it to compiz [02:05] I haveint instealled wow yet on here, but I have it and have a lvl 70 human warrior heh [02:05] when I had vista [02:05] i tried the following games: wow, hitman 1, 2, 3, 4, max payne, gta 3,4, san andreas and a lot more [02:06] i have a 70 NE rogue and a 70 NE priest lol [02:06] berzerker [02:06] does hardy still has the bug with the USB devices ? or can I update with no worries? [02:06] let the compiz set [02:06] then alt+f2 [02:06] type kwin --replace [02:06] I did that [02:06] if you are using wine you definitely need to check wine's appdb when you try to install/play games [02:06] but it still sets to compiz after I log in again [02:06] then go check in menu--->system--->desktop effects that you have NO EFFECTS selected [02:06] I just ended up uninstalling it [02:06] I have yet to get into those games. I tried FF XXIV and it didn't quite work out past 2 months. [02:06] umm [02:06] you did all that and still? [02:06] no [02:07] I mean just not [02:07] now* [02:07] a oki [02:07] well do all that and let me know [02:07] DarkShinigami: FF 24? [02:07] I want that game. [02:07] hows the framerates in wow/wine? [02:07] had the same problem yesterday and it worked for me [02:07] CYREX: mpd is also supposed to be really lightweight I believe [02:07] Berzerker: run this "rm .kde/share/config/compizasWM" [02:07] i even went checking on the kdm configure files to make sure all was good [02:07] does hardy still has the bug with the USB devices freezing the PC? [02:07] nosrednaekim: I already uninstalled it [02:07] last time i tried it in cedega i was getting like 7fps in shatt lol [02:07] gonna try it cpk1 [02:07] Berzerker: Sorry, lol. XI [02:07] ty [02:07] Berzerker: yes... but uninstalling doesn't remove things from your home DIR [02:07] heh bad fps [02:07] hmmm... got video working now. Where does one configure the network settings? [02:08] ok..I am stopping..this isn't a wow channel :) [02:08] what about compizrc [02:08] !offtopic [02:08] #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! [02:08] remove that also? [02:08] lol [02:08] Berzerker: don't worry about that [02:08] there's a #winehq channel for Wine-related questions [02:08] k done [02:08] thanks [02:08] yea it's time for me to deliver this PC anyhow ,have a good night guys [02:09] Do any of you guys look at any linux blogs? [02:09] does mpd have a gui [02:10] all i want is a simple mp3 player like xmms [02:10] i know there is pympd, cant promise it will look like xmms [02:10] CYREX: why not use XMMS? [02:10] thats the one i want [02:10] but for some reason in 8.04 is not on the list [02:11] i did a repository look in gutsy but the library that uses xmms is old and there is a new one that wont get downgrade [02:13] has anybody here applied a patch to wine? [02:13] a patch what u mean [02:13] there's xmms2 CYREX [02:14] xmms2 is console based [02:14] Where does one configure the network settings? I would like to set a static IP Address. [02:14] i need to a apply a patch to wine to play a game === adamsad1_ is now known as adamsad1 [02:14] has a daemon and all but i dont want that [02:14] i want a simple, no daemon, no console bases, gui only mp3 player [02:15] you could run knetworkmanager o do a ifconfig [02:15] ifconfig is shell while knetworkmanager is gui [02:15] I guess amarok doesn't qualify for "simple", eh? try Juk maybe [02:15] most everything is console based... [02:16] juk is definitely more simplified [02:16] can anybody help me, over 30% of my interrupts are caused by USB, and I have none atached to this laptop: 31.3% ( 41.2) : uhci_hcd:usb2, ahci, ipw3945 [02:16] hehe amarok is very powerful [02:16] but i have never been able to make it handle so many songs [02:16] I want to dual boot 2 linux distros, [02:16] for instance [02:16] weird.. it's meant to handle large amounts of files... [02:17] do I partion a "/" a "/home" a "swap" and another "/" [02:17] xmms takes about 10 seconds to read all songs, save them on a list and i can open close the xmms and just play any song in there [02:17] wO0t !!!!! [02:17] amarok HAS to read all songs everytime i open it and it takes some time [02:17] yes it handles many songs [02:17] but it takes way too much than simple xmms [02:18] has to read? hm.. I'm not sure it does that... [02:18] lemme check [02:18] WHERES CHOMP??????????? [02:18] beside i dont care about organizing the songs, or looking for artist, etc..i want to play them thats all [02:18] !caps | Snuggles [02:18] Snuggles: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. [02:18] love of linux at last [02:18] sorry folks !! caps lock [02:18] put the repository from gutsy below the one from hardy in the sources [02:19] did an update and at last i have xmms [02:19] APIC error on CPU0: 00(40) is this a serious problem at all? seems to show up in dmesg once in a while but I dont seem to have any problems? should I just turn off apic? (not really sure what the benefits of apic is) [02:19] !upgrade [02:19] For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes [02:20] hey harls can u helpz me fix my computer ? [02:20] no [02:20] thins i would like change in kde that are very good in gnome are the synaptic way of getting updates and packages, firefox and not konqueror and some better vnc manager [02:20] Hi, i need help, i install ubuntu 8 and the driver for my wireless don't work [02:20] cual driver luis? [02:20] bcm4310 [02:21] otra vez ese? [02:21] my upgrade to 8.04 failed... I followed the instructions for using adept to do thw upgrade, it downloaded everything, but nothing would install, kept getting error messages then it said it was gonna stop due to errors, gave me the option to do a recovery (dpkg --configure -a), I hit ok and adept crashed, so I ran the command manually and nothing happened. what do I do now? [02:21] eres de venezuela maracaibo? [02:21] CYREX: english please [02:21] CYREX: English only in here please [02:21] hp pavilion dv6220la [02:21] wifi broadcom 4312 [02:21] I'm at my wits end about this ATI issue... I've tried EVERYTHING on the ati binary drivers wiki page... NOTHING seems to be able to start 3d acceleration, amost errors I've got in dmesg " [02:21] (EE) fglrx(0): [agp] could not determine AGP since mode=0x05000a08 [02:21] (EE) fglrx(0): cannot init AGP [02:21] sorry [02:21] that the pc and wifi card? [02:22] after I install kubuntu-kde4-desktop, can I uninstall kde3? or will it overwrite it? [02:22] again bcm4310? [02:22] luisjavier is it this [02:22] hp pavilion dv6220la [02:22] wifi broadcom 4312 [02:22] chris32882: I'd keep them both, just in case [02:22] Is Hardy stable enough to use at this time? [02:22] DarkShinigami: certainly [02:22] nosrednaekim: that's not true [02:23] Thank you nosrednaekim [02:23] CYREX: as for your proposed changes, none of them except the vnc thing is KDE's problem/fault/concern. Package managers have been left for distros to take care of (Synaptic only works with APT), KDE will never make Firefox their default. have you tried kvnc or some of those remote network stuff? [02:23] its as stable as gutsy :) [02:23] yea jucato [02:23] naa just saying some things that are more user friendly in gnome than in kde [02:23] so it's not "KDE" but "Kubuntu" [02:23] but i have a notebook, hp v3715la [02:23] for the rest of ALL the sutff in kde, kde is better [02:24] nosrednaekim: why keep both? for the most part kd4 works, but buggy [02:24] nosrednaekim: I believe you. I will upgrade from G to H [02:24] oki let me show you [02:24] CYREX: you're confusing GNOME with Ubuntu-branded GNOME [02:24] I'm a buggy person :) [02:24] is it different? [02:24] yes [02:24] doesnt gnome come with synaptic? [02:24] chris32882: just keep it, trust me [02:24] CYREX: GNOME doesn't have a package manager, has Epiphany as its own browser [02:25] AHA! i see [02:25] Hardy is not ready to switch just yet, how about this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kdelibs/+bug/194474 [02:25] what else [02:25] i'm trying to reset my xserver in kde4.. it's only letting me reconfig the keyboard [02:25] nosrednaekim: you think I aint gonna like it, and want to switch back :) [02:25] in this modern usb world you can't have such bugs [02:25] where can i get at the video driver config now? [02:25] chris32882: no... but alot of kde3 app[lications are still useful in kde4 [02:25] luisjavier this is the site http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=405990 [02:25] it covers all about that wifi problem [02:25] I see [02:25] very good and it works [02:25] Carutsu: there are ALWAYS open bugs.... [02:26] oh come on nosrednaekim, i know there are always open bugs [02:26] but that particular bug is damn critical [02:26] well not so many as a ...ndows operating system i know of [02:26] my upgrade to 8.04 failed... I followed the instructions for using adept to do thw upgrade, it downloaded everything, but nothing would install, kept getting error messages then it said it was gonna stop due to errors, gave me the option to do a recovery (dpkg --configure -a), I hit ok and adept crashed, so I ran the command manually and nothing happened. what do I do now? [02:27] do a dpkgp --configure -a [02:27] Carutsu:oh... that one... yes [02:27] !aptfix | caveman26 [02:27] caveman26: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a » [02:27] ok [02:28] anyone? advice on how to reconfigure my video card? tried sudo dpkg xserver-xorg and it's only workin on my keyboard [02:28] kde should put out some "hotfixes" lol [02:28] so mutch for that [02:28] dpkg: --configure --pending does not take any non-option arguments [02:28] Type dpkg --help for help about installing and deinstalling packages [*]; [02:28] Use `dselect' or `aptitude' for user-friendly package management; [02:28] Type dpkg -Dhelp for a list of dpkg debug flag values; [02:28] Type dpkg --force-help for a list of forcing options; [02:28] Type dpkg-deb --help for help about manipulating *.deb files; [02:28] Type dpkg --license for copyright license and lack of warranty (GNU GPL) [*]. [02:28] Options marked [*] produce a lot of output - pipe it through `less' or `more' ! [02:28] caveman@caveman-laptop:~$ [02:28] thats what I got [02:29] chris32882: is not KDE's bug but Kubuntu's [02:29] hey jucato can you please tell me what programs ubuntu adds to gnome that are not in gnome default programs? [02:29] ahh [02:30] Carutsu: just on kde4 not kde3, correct? [02:30] CYREX: not really sure, since I very rarely use Ubuntu/GNOME... but Synaptic, Add/Remove Programs, Compiz, OpenOffice, Firefox, the GIMP etc [02:31] a oki [02:31] so basically all this are gtk programs [02:31] CYREX: F-Spot and Tomboy are not main GNOME programs, but I think they're closely related to GNOME (just like Amarok, K3b, Digikam, Konversation, etc are in KDE) [02:31] just no related directly with gnome [02:31] a oki [02:31] thank you [02:31] guess ima just have to reformat and reinstall for hardy [02:32] since nothing seems to work [02:32] well take care friends [02:32] caveman26: nononoo [02:32] see you all [02:32] CYREX: I'm not familiar with GNOME's structure. but in KDE there's what would be "main" KDE programs, KDE extragear (extragear.kde.org) and 3rd party KDE programs (mostly found on kde-apps.org) [02:32] caveman26: no need [02:32] ill copy those places [02:32] thank jucato [02:32] take care [02:33] caveman26: first type this [02:33] sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock [02:33] copy and paste [02:33] well how do I get it to install all those files it downloaded [02:33] I did that [02:34] then the dpkg --configure -a thing.. all it did was go back to tha cmd line [02:34] chris32882: the bug? no, it happens in 3.5.9 [02:34] ok just installed kde, asking which display manager I want kde or kde 4? which should I select? [02:34] caveman26: when you typed dpkg --configure -a [02:34] Carutsu: oh I see [02:34] caveman26: no output? [02:34] nothing [02:34] not even command not found [02:34] chris32882: do kde [02:35] caveman26: good! [02:35] it just kicked me back to the command line [02:35] caveman26: heres some news, on linux, when something has no output, thats a good thing [02:35] and when I did sudo apt-get dist-upgrade, I got this [02:35] 1481 upgraded, 197 newly installed, 86 to remove and 3 not upgraded. [02:35] Need to get 0B/3187MB of archives. [02:35] After unpacking 623MB of additional disk space will be used. [02:35] Do you want to continue [Y/n]? y [02:35] E: Couldn't configure pre-depend audacious-plugins for audacious-plugins-extra, probably a dependency cycle. [02:35] caveman@caveman-laptop:~$ [02:35] !pastebin > caveman26 [02:36] caveman26: try sudo apt-get upgrade [02:36] !pastebin | caveman26 [02:36] caveman26: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) [02:36] nosrednaekim: how come kde instead of kde4? [02:37] now its doing something [02:37] chris32882: its stabler... you can give the other one a try though with "sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm" [02:37] Need help. Last night I was doing the version upgrade to 8.04. I left it running and went to bed. Before I had a chance to get back to it, the power went out. When I booted my PC back up two things, 1) The desktop is differnt.. showing what looks like / folders. and 2) the internet stopped working.. Any ideas? [02:38] brhad56: ouch... not good. [02:39] anyone? advice on how to reconfigure my video card? tried sudo dpkg xserver-xorg and it's only workin on my keyboard [02:39] The upgrade should have had time to finish before power went out [02:40] crabsperof: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh [02:40] brhad56: maybe you could chroot in and do a dpkg --configure -a [02:40] tried that? ^^^ [02:40] let me see real quick jucato, thanks [02:40] finally my upgrade is going [02:40] brhad56: or skip the chroot part [02:40] Jucato: xorg 7.3 removed the other config options [02:40] nosrednaekim: oh.. didn't know that [02:40] (silly...) [02:41] I just hope it doesnt fail like the last2 attempts [02:41] nosrednaekim: but dpkg-reconfigure is a Debian thing [02:41] dwidmann_: I'm logged in as safe mode now, and trying it [02:41] yeah [02:42] please help with ubuntu 8 and bcm4310 [02:46] Hello, I'm considering reinstalling ubuntu, and I am wondering about kde4? [02:47] i just used the b43-fwcutter - Utility for extracting Broadcom 43xx firmware ---- for my wireless card and it took off. :) [02:47] odinsbane: what about it? [02:47] odinsbane, kde4 is not featre complete. You can easially hafvfe kde3 and 4 on the same system [02:47] thanks [02:48] I have both KDE 3 and 4.... and imo kde4 lacks a lot of features [02:48] hm [02:48] but kde4 is oh so sexy ... [02:49] :) [02:49] yeah this ain't working.. anyone know how to reconfigure vid cards in kde4? [02:49] or how to use a different driver if the newest one is not supported for the video card [02:49] ???? [02:50] depends on the video card. [02:50] dwidmann_: it finshed.. I rebooted and I have my regular desktop back. But the internet still isn't connecting. KNetworkManager says "No Active Device" [02:50] nvidia geforce go 6150 [02:51] There is the nvidia-glx , nvidia-glx-new, and i think one other. [02:51] !find nvidia-glx [02:51] Found: nvidia-glx, nvidia-glx-dev, nvidia-glx-new, nvidia-glx-new-dev, nvidia-glx-legacy (and 1 others) [02:51] sean_: try using nvidia-glx instead of nvidia-glx-new [02:51] sexy...lol my kde3 setup looks better... I would like to know what happened to the ability to make my task bar transparent and add my commonly used program icons to the taskbar in KDE4... I couldnt find it anywere, not to mention the mini command line in KDE3 that I just cant live without [02:51] nvidia-glx-legacy for older cards. [02:51] i cannot use the 169.*.*.*, and i need to use the 100.19.*.* [02:51] sean_: thats nvidia-glx [02:51] k thx [02:52] caveman26: KDE 4.0 is just the first release of KDE 4... more features will come along the way [02:52] !info nvidia-glx [02:52] nvidia-glx (source: linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24 ( NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org driver. In component restricted, is optional. Version 1:96.43.05+ (hardy), package size 3762 kB, installed size 12040 kB [02:52] caveman26: as for the mini command line, you can still use Alt+F2 [02:52] true [02:52] Hmm it seems that 8.04 was supposed to be officially released by the end of april...but not quite yet? [02:52] odinsbane: three days ago :) [02:52] i just got spoiled... im used to it being built into my taskbar/dock [02:52] odinsbane: yeah..... [02:52] odinsbane: few days ago [02:54] i don't like kde4 [02:54] i use kde 3.5.9 [02:54] ima stick to kde3 for a while [02:55] yeah [02:55] til 4.2 [02:55] comes out [02:55] I ran that sudo dkpg --configure -a again and everything is working now.. Thanks for your help dwidmann_! [02:55] howdy channel...coming live to you from new server with hardy :-) [02:55] brhad56: no problem :) [02:55] the kmenu on KDE4 reminds me of windows vista [02:55] lol [02:55] they want to get it to windows soon [02:56] if people from windows use it they might switch to linux [02:56] caveman26: you can get the old one [02:56] Yeah, I don't think anyone likes the default KMenu in KDE4 [02:56] dennister: hey dennister [02:56] I don't like KDE4's kmenu, good thing it has the old one available too [02:56] i don't mind it bug there's still bugs in 4 [02:56] opps [02:56] -bug [02:56] nosrednaekim: hi back...do u have hardy yet? [02:57] anybdy try 'gobuntu' yet? [02:57] I think its kinda neat... but im sticking to kde3 for now... it has everything I use [02:57] dennister: yep, I upgraded a week before the release like I always do :) [02:57] noway [02:57] KDE4's menu is unsightly, hideous, ghastly, horrible, nasty, and it's ugly too. [02:57] i tried xubuntu [02:57] I haven't tried 4.0.3 yet. I may end up just waiting until 4.1 === magi is now known as Nagato_Stefan [02:58] But still better than Gnome. [02:58] I thought it loked cool, but to me it was just a pain to use [02:58] 4.03 is almost exactly the same as 4.02, but with fewer bugs [02:58] i tried it before the release, but on a test machine...and found out hardy doesn't have a crucial package that i needed for that particular machine...so it's now on gutsy, and this one is on hardy [02:58] yeah i don't like gnom e that much [02:58] wow the upgrades have gotten easier. [02:58] I hate gnome [02:58] god I cant stand it [02:58] one problem with hardy i haven't encountered before: how do i get hardy to enable the dma for my dvd drive? [02:59] dennister: I think due to kernel changes, there is no need [02:59] It should take care of it automagically. [03:00] i use gnome for my ipod [03:00] lol [03:00] nosrednaekim: well i beg to differ, as this is the message kaffeine gave me (no dma) and it won't play my dvd i'm using to test all the multimedia [03:00] well, then i'm wrong.... not the first time :P [03:01] oh wait...it did with totem...so it's not the kernel [03:01] italiani? [03:01] can anyone tell me if its possible to use a modem card as a way to turn your computer into a conventional telephone? [03:01] !it [03:01] Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! [03:01] the problem with dvd movie is with kaffeine [03:01] hi, my knetworkmanager doesn't seem to be able to configure my wired connection, can anyone help? [03:02] will00 it depends on your modem card [03:02] will00: It would be easier to use a broadband connection to make calls via Skype, etc. [03:02] halcyonCorsair: I recommend killing knetworkmanager and using "dhclient eth0" instead [03:02] dwidmann_: why? [03:02] halcyonCorsair: yes.... go into your /etc/network/interfaces and comment out the line(s) dealing with your network card [03:02] !it | daxweb [03:02] daxweb: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! [03:03] nosrednaekim: there isn't one [03:03] nosrednaekim: knetworkmanager just doesn't seem to want to play nicely in hardy :( [03:03] it never has :) [03:03] monkeybritches: yes i know, but my college provides me local calls for free through a built in phone jack [03:03] nosrednaekim: yeah, pretty much [03:03] dwidmann_: i can manage it from /etc/network/interfaces no problem, but i want to manage it graphically, coz i can [03:04] Then like odinsbane said it will depend on your hardware. [03:04] halcyonCorsair: or so you thought? .... it has been iffy for at least the last month or two for hardy [03:04] will00 I don't think it is a simple task, compared to buying a 10 dollar phone. [03:04] true [03:04] dwidmann_: bleh >:( it worked when i was on the amd64 version....*sigh* [03:05] heya halcyonCorsair, long time no see :) [03:05] halcyonCorsair: it doesn't seem to want to work for my desktop with amd64 whenst last I checked ... then again I think it's working on my laptop [03:05] dwidmann_: its weird, amd64 version worked seamlessly for network and dvd playback, etc but was weird in terms of interface on kde4 [03:06] dwidmann_: but i386 is the opposite [03:06] Roey: hey yo, sup? [03:06] Roey: had a lot of work / RL going on...just finished my job though, so some free time [03:06] aye [03:07] halcyonCorsair: well a lot of things (I'm doing an information security master's at Johns Hopkins now) [03:07] halcyonCorsair: and I continue to work [03:07] anyway, I've gotta catch a shower and get to bed [03:07] have a good night! :) [03:07] Roey: its weird....after 5 or so years on gentoo i switch to kubuntu [03:07] now i'm working to finish up samba...sbfs isn't being used anymore? in favour of cifs? [03:07] Roey: catch you later [03:08] gentoo? [03:08] compile [03:08] and compile [03:08] yeah [03:08] gentoo is a compile it all from source code distro === sepeck_ is now known as sepeck [03:08] gentoo = major DIY and compile for like 2 days [03:08] lol [03:08] ok i got a dumb question - but how do I switch to terminal mode from X? [03:08] i need to install a video driver [03:08] nosrednaekim: you wouldn't happen to know why global shortcuts don't seem to want to work half the time would you? [03:08] gentoo is wanna be bsd [03:08] dwidmann_: nope [03:09] nosrednaekim: darn, because it's annoying :( it has something to do with focus ... but I thought global shortcuts were umm ... global [03:09] I been wanting to try gentoo because compiling optomizes everything for your spacific hardware.... but kubuntu is so easy [03:09] its easyer than windows [03:09] lol [03:09] lol [03:09] hawkeyex: why not use apt instead? [03:09] dwidmann_: you need "universal" shortcuts I think :P [03:09] nosrednaekim: hehe, yup [03:09] cpk1: cuz I downloaded the driver from nvidia, and I'm just following instructions [03:10] and nvidia install is puking because i'm running x, and konsole isn't helping [03:10] Fa: its fast and its uber customizable, and best of all it doesn't have aptitude doesn't trying to remove everything from your base install for no reason [03:10] hawkeyex: are you aware though that you don't need to use the nvidia installer and can just use apt instead? [03:10] I just want to be able to use the 3d acceleration [03:10] sorry but i don't want to take a week to install an os [03:10] open a console and cd to the dir the driver DL'd to ..then ./nameofdriver.run (I think ) :) [03:11] hawkeyex: then install the driver via apt if you havent tried that yet [03:11] Fa: well it's not like it doesn't take a few days to get kubuntu sorted [03:11] cpk1: looking into that - didn't think of that before [03:11] caveman26: i was thinking the same thing 6 months ago, wanting to try gentoo so everything is optimized for your hardware, so I did...and it was working fine for quite some time [03:12] and then? [03:12] ? [03:12] caveman26: now i've barely touched it in months, and it's woefully out of date [03:12] hawkeyex: unless you specifically want the abolute newest or what is in the repos wont work for yourself you are only making more work for yourself =). just make sure you get the right packages, i believe there are 3 different nvdia drivers in the repos [03:12] yeah - I'm using the GT8500 [03:12] dennister, how long did you take to get it right , any idea ? [03:12] and now I'm running into another problem [03:12] nosrednaekim: which kde4 package do you think deserves the bug report for it? [03:12] i've probably forgotten most of what i learned, lol [03:12] crap this upgrade is going to ditch some packages. Like 'retricted-manager-core.' does this mean Ill have to reinstall my wireless? [03:12] i dont think compiling with optimizations adds much difference to how well things run [03:13] it says data incplete in file /etc/X11/xorg-config [03:13] !nvidia [03:13] For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [03:13] i'll look into it [03:13] dwidmann_: kde-workspace [03:13] BluesKaj: sorry i can't remember...perhaps a couple of tries, a few weeks eventually? by the 2nd or 3rd install i think i had the base process down to 2-3 days [03:13] hi everyone. Does anyone is using amarok 1.4.8? [03:13] well kubuntu works, its not broken, its not a big pain in my ass like redhat was... so thats what I use [03:14] redhat = dependency hell [03:14] the main problem i have with gentoo is how long it takes to download and compile every tiny little file [03:14] wow..think I'll avoid gentoo [03:14] I hated mandrake too for the same reason [03:14] yeah, I've heard that about gentoo [03:14] sanzky: yes [03:14] no way a p4 takes that long to compile gentoo [03:15] Mandrake was a pain in my ass for about a week. The first time I installed it I didn't know what I was doing and I put the 'midnight rider' file manager. [03:15] yes, k/u/xubuntu work and are pretty fast...i really do prefer kde, but must admit i like the lightweight-ness of xubuntu, too, on some machines [03:15] alright how do I get rid of kde 3 now that I installed kde4 I hate seeing double :( [03:15] nosrednaekim, do you have problems with the smart playlists? mine doesnt work at all [03:15] cpk1: I'm looking for the "Restricted" section but it seems not to be there [03:15] i have xubuntu installed to try it off then installed kde 3.5.9 [03:16] so...hardy people: dmbfs doesn't exist anymore? replaced by cifs? [03:16] sanzky: I dont use them [03:16] *smbfs [03:16] i like xfce but i don't like the command line too much [03:16] hawkeyex: here on kde4 it is in applications > system > hardware drivers manager [03:17] I liked vector linux... that thing was uber fast... even on a old p2, but the lack of spacific programs I use had me switching back to kubuntu [03:17] yeah [03:17] but it doesn't have enough packages [03:17] how do I uninstall kde3 now that I installed kde4 [03:17] it's too bad [03:17] sudo apt-get remove kde3-base ? [03:18] chris you won't like 4 for long [03:18] ok [03:18] i see it - but status says "not in use" [03:18] how do I change it? [03:18] dennister, just did a locate ...still have smbfs installed [03:18] hawkeyex: for me there is a check box and I just checked it and then it automagically did everything [03:18] why wont I Fa? [03:18] ok back to sound problems. [03:18] it's slower for one thing and buggy [03:18] if vector had more packages, or mre spacifically my multimedia programs, I would have suck to vector... just for the 4x speed boost [03:19] hmmm...perhaps its being deprecated over time? [03:19] ah. ok. i just unchecked and checked it [03:19] anyone else have no sound with flash in hardy ? [03:19] it's doing everything now [03:19] kde3 is a rock, kde4 ...well everytime I install it I get something different. [03:19] system sounds are also broken. all other sounds work [03:19] ok, so it's asking for a reboot. So I'll leave [03:19] BluesKaj: i know you did the dist-upgrade...this is a brand new fresh install [03:19] caveman you can't upgrade with vector you have to do a clean install [03:19] and thanks for your help cpk1 [03:19] it's appreciated [03:19] Fa: that's funny kde4 is just as fast if not faster and the only "bugs" are konq sometimes crashes when I close it and when I log out something crashes too [03:19] hardy isn't too bad [03:19] you found it as fast? [03:19] dennister, aha , brand new model :) [03:20] not me [03:20] hawkeyex: no problem, hardy is actually the first release where the automagic method for my nvidia card worked === gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak [03:20] lol...actually, i just did a locate, too, and it is still here, even though i didn't install smbfs separately [03:21] as fast if not faster Fa [03:21] i found it slower overall [03:21] maybe the bugs slow it down who knows [03:21] ola [03:21] kde4 ran slightly faster on my laptop [03:21] algum brasileiro [03:21] ? [03:21] dennister, cuz i use smb:/ in konq to connect to wifeys pc windows shares [03:21] there's definitely a new system group in hardy: sambashare [03:21] konq ran slower [03:22] cant wait for more widget support too in 4.1 where you can actually download widgets straight from kde-look and have it do the work for you [03:22] much slower for me [03:22] konq is way better now! [03:22] !br | marcondes [03:22] I found things randomly died [03:22] marcondes: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado. [03:22] lol [03:22] it works much better with gmail now [03:22] * Jucato points to #kubuntu-kde4 [03:22] perdao [03:22] konq? is that konqueror? [03:22] yes [03:22] ok [03:22] i had to do absolutely NOTING to get the ALL the laptop's files to show up as a computer in the workgroup, and to show ALL it's files [03:22] valeu to indo pra la [03:23] nothing to the laptop, that is [03:23] don't get me wrong i like kde 4 but it's just too buggy [03:23] konqueror has really bad flashplayer support [03:23] i guess its just a ymmv [03:23] and no java [03:23] yes caveman [03:23] of course, that's probably an indication of winblows' sooooo-poor security , heheheh [03:23] errr, you can get java on konqueror [03:23] have you tried swiftweasel? [03:24] cpk1, I still hate the google searchbox jumping cursor ...make mistake and you can only change one letter and the cursor jumps to the last space ...I hate that cuz i make so many typos [03:24] BluesKaj: turn off autocompletion [03:24] er.. autosuggest [03:24] Fa: i agree, i did like kde4 at first, but just too buggy [03:24] Jucato, where ? [03:24] brb...need some food [03:25] kde4 on windows will draw a big user base i think [03:25] BluesKaj: right-click on the Google Search box? [03:25] my only problems with konquerer is it doesnt seem able to handle youtube? and gmail still gives it trouble, and yes I use kmail with gmail but still occasionally need to use the html interface [03:25] has any1 figured out a way to speed up myspace? its uber slow with some fancy profiles, but the same ones work and are responsive in windows on machines half the speed of this one [03:25] * Jucato sighs... -----> #kubuntu-kde4 [03:26] Does gmail support pop or does kmail support gmail? [03:26] BluesKaj: I personally use gg and wp in the location bar.. it's faster that way (if you're feeling lazy, you can set gg to be the default search engine so you don't have to type gg [03:26] gmail supports pop [03:26] so you can use kmail with it [03:26] odinsbane: gmail has pop. kmail supports pop [03:27] its one of the only email services that has free pop! [03:27] hey [03:27] cpk1: it worked. had the wrong settings, but a fix was corrected [03:27] i hope it worked hawkeyex [03:27] cool [03:28] hardy was the first release that automagically did my video card for me, i was amazed [03:28] yeah, well, it didn't do it right.. so I had to configure it, I guess. [03:28] usually I have to fiddle around with xorg and whatnot this was a nice breath of fresh air [03:28] it also didn't do the mouse correctly - so after a couple of readings, I got it to work [03:29] odinsbane: you have to enable it in your gmail settings [03:29] I haven't set up a gmail acct. [03:29] now if I could get my Lifecam VX-1000 to work... (heh) [03:29] damn M$ products [03:29] I've never tried using a camera =\ [03:29] odinsbane: ah, okay. there is also some imap support in gmail, i did not like it much though (too slow, too much mail for me) [03:30] oh that reminds me - gotta set up my email.. brb [03:30] look here though hawkeyex https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras [03:30] see if your camera is there [03:32] how do i check as to what they detect? [03:32] is openjdk pretty much just as good as the sun one if you are just using i as a client? [03:33] how do you properly remove kde3?, I just installed kde4, I don't want everything doubled up so I want to get rid of kde3 [03:33] hawkeyex: a first check would be to unplug your camera, and plug it back in, then look at the output of dmesg [03:33] respect my hustle [03:34] chris32882: everything isnt entirely doubled up, kde4 still uses many kde3 apps [03:34] yeah but there is a lot of kde 3 apps still, I don't like how they are doubled [03:35] I can still install the ones I want from adept or terminal [03:35] might be better off removing them by hand [03:35] hi [03:36] my linux sound is not working [03:37] !sound [03:37] If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 [03:38] any good gps interfaces in the repos ? [03:38] oops - hit the power button [03:38] That arts part of the message might want to change itself ... 'specially seeing as kde4 doesn't use it. [03:38] and nvidia didn't save my settings [03:38] all players is on, but the god damn sound is not working [03:38] quick question - if I want to have full admin control over my computer, should I change my group to root? [03:39] hawkeyex: no... don't do that [03:39] or do you suggest something else? [03:39] !bug | dwidmann_ see the half of this about ubotu [03:39] dwidmann_ see the half of this about ubotu: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots [03:39] hawkeyex: you already have full admin control, use sudo [03:39] cpk1: but X isn't saving the settings [03:39] hawkeyex: you can enable the root account, sure.. but don't make yourself root :) [03:39] would admin group be a better choice? [03:39] isnt saving what settings? [03:40] Why when I create a new session, it creates it on vt9 not vt8? [03:40] hawkeyex: if you are using the account that you installed ubuntu with then you are in sudoers and that should be all you need [03:40] Odd-rationale: yeah.. Ubuntu made vt8 the first [03:40] nvidia isn't not being saved [03:40] hawkeyex if you change your group to root you will lose all admin control [03:40] it's not saving at /etc/X11/xorg.conf [03:40] ok [03:40] nosrednaekim: so that is normal? [03:40] hawkeyex: you need to open it using sudo [03:41] anyone install selinux? [03:41] Odd-rationale: I guess so :P [03:41] ah got it [03:41] hawkeyex: for instance if you use nano it would be "sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf" if you use a graphical app like kate use kdesu [03:41] so I put it on the run dialog, and now it's working :P [03:42] save the file , hawkeyex [03:42] I did [03:42] I couldn't earlier [03:42] now to figure out where the hell kmail is.. [03:42] kdesudo with GUIs on hardy [03:42] k [03:43] !ati [03:43] For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [03:43] hawkeyex, kontact in the kmenu [03:43] what do you guys use for mail? kmail? [03:43] nosrednaekim: Odd-rationale: I think 7 is still the first though .... seems like vt8 being unavailable is usplash related or some such [03:43] yup [03:43] i use webmail [03:43] i use kmail [03:44] k, found it [03:44] i use kmail [03:44] never used kmail [03:44] dwidmann_: not for me.. [03:44] lol kde folks trying to take over the browser market too? [03:44] kmail isn't bad ... but it doesn't behave well enough with imap :( [03:44] dwidmann_: yeah, seems like vt7 is first. [03:46] what ever you do; don't set a root password by using "sudo passwd root". and never ever enable "k/g/x"dm to allow root login, by editing /etc//?dm.conf configuration file. and what ever you do, DO NOT; login graphically as root. [03:46] :) [03:46] Agent_bob: how do you set the password if not using sudo passwd root? [03:46] now don't get on to me for telling people how to do that. [03:47] cpk1 you don't use sudo passwd root [03:47] :) [03:47] tis there is no root [03:47] there is root jr [03:47] there is also root [03:48] that's how root jr. works. [03:48] ? [03:48] * Yoshi_Matrix listens intently [03:48] but you can only run as root jr [03:48] root jr. puts on root's shoes to walk around the system [03:48] is there a way to move what is on vt8 to vt6 so that i can use vt8 to start new session? [03:48] okay [03:48] oh i see [03:49] you can log in as root [03:49] I'm up and running... someone grab me [03:49] :P [03:49] but you can do root stuff [03:49] do you guys use filters to clear out spam? [03:49] maduser correct. and if you set a root password you can even login as root [03:50] I have been using SpamAssasin hawkeyex [03:50] I use the adative filter on thunderbird [03:50] and I'm using evolution as the client, and yeah i do the same with thunderbird [03:51] somehow my gmail account doesnt get spam [03:51] * Agent_bob sets his mailbox to /dev/null [03:51] lol [03:51] yeah i don't get much spam [03:51] gmail rocks [03:52] ok. [03:52] next question: xbindkeys - I need to put that in my startup (or the mouse doesn't work right) - how do I fix that? [03:53] well im running hardy now [03:53] one problem... the upgrade broke my nvidia drivers [03:53] yeah [03:54] I had the same problem caveman - got it fixed and working now [03:54] I have nvidia GeForce 8500GT [03:54] oh yeah, that reminds me - gotta test something [03:54] I have geforce4 mx440 go [03:54] I wish it was 64MB insted of 32... I cant run compiz because of that [03:55] extreme tux racer runs smoothly now :P [03:55] yeah I am having a problem in finding a driver for my install of Hardy I have an ATI Mobile Radeon. My display is running fine but there are things I can't do because of the driver not being correct [03:55] like what? [03:56] im using that stupid lil 2D only nv driver [03:56] lol [03:56] well I can't even use the Normal settings [03:56] just the default [03:56] i just use default [03:57] I did download an ati driver from a repository but i don't think it helped lol [03:57] I had to make a custom edid file for it to work on my gutsy install, can I install the new driver and use my old xorg.config for that edid file? [03:57] peace out [03:58] i don't even bother [03:58] all i do is watch some movies that's about it [03:59] well I do a lot of youtube... and I noticed the real nvidia drivers made for a good speed boost [03:59] mind you i just started using ubuntu again [03:59] I didn't like 7 at all [04:00] early seven or late seven ? or both ? [04:00] early 7 [04:01] i can't stand desktopbsd anymore [04:01] with is based on freebsd the os is not stable enough [04:01] which [04:02] what do i need to install for K3B to burn MP3s as an audio CD? [04:03] libk3b2-extracodecs [04:03] I think [04:03] !info libk3b2-mp3 [04:03] Package libk3b2-mp3 does not exist in hardy [04:03] !info libk3b2-extracodecs [04:03] libk3b2-extracodecs (source: k3b): The KDE cd burning application library - extra decoders. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.4-2ubuntu4 (hardy), package size 28 kB, installed size 132 kB [04:04] !info libk3b2-mp3 dapper [04:04] thanks everyonr [04:04] libk3b2-mp3 (source: k3b): The KDE cd burning application library - MP3 decoder. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.12.14-0ubuntu7 (dapper), package size 34 kB, installed size 96 kB [04:04] everyone* [04:06] !info mp32ogg [04:06] mp32ogg (source: mp32ogg): Converts MP3 file to Ogg Vorbis. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.11-9 (hardy), package size 7 kB, installed size 64 kB [04:07] extreme tux racer is cool :P [04:07] so anyone know what I can do about putting xbindkeys in startup? [04:07] anyone? [04:09] !startup [04:09] To make programs start up automatically when you log into your KDE session, run all programs that you want to be started and close all other programs, then select 'Save Session' in the K menu. Alternatively, create a !symlink to the wanted program in ~/.kde/Autostart - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot [04:15] hi, I have purged and install thunderbird, three times [04:15] bbut its not showing in kmenu [04:15] am I missing something/ [04:15] dsmith_: can you add it manually? [04:16] config kmenu to show all apps [04:16] well I do have the version d/l'd but I canot get that to install or even run? [04:16] dsmith_: kde 3 or 4? [04:16] Agent_bob: I tried that [04:16] kde3 [04:17] I did move my /home directtory to its own partition [04:17] firefox worked fine...afterwards, not tbird.. === hawkeyex is now known as Hawkeye-X [04:18] when I install from the repos [04:18] it goes here.. /usr/lib/mozilla-thunderbird [04:18] run-mozilla.sh wont run === ronnie is now known as Trophyhead [04:21] hello? anyone here? =) [04:21] yeh [04:22] abou 308 ppl [04:22] about [04:22] * [04:22] hmm k,.. [04:22] most of them are drunk though. [04:23] I'm shooooo not drunk *hic* [04:23] jusht a little tipshy [04:24] anyone else having issues with the legacy graphics acellerator package?, [04:24] i not sure monitor jus seem to be wobblin all day [04:24] lol [04:24] i joke, ahmmm not havent had any issues [04:24] nope... but I'm not using it either [04:24] heh. does anyone know how to tell me how to add xbindkeys on startup? [04:25] pretty please with $FRUIT_OF_CHOICE on top [04:25] ./startup ? [04:26] so I vi that and add xbindkeys - and that's it? [04:26] assert $FRUIT_OF_CHOICE='more scotch' [04:27] I use to like to play tremulos, with (gutsy) but the 3d acell on this reads my montier as 800x600?, tho it's a 21" sony trinatron = ( [04:27] offtopic kthanksbai [04:27] what does this mean? [04:28] Errors were encountered while processing: [04:28] /var/cache/apt/archives/konqueror-kde4_4%3a4.0.3-0ubuntu2_i386.deb [04:28] E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) [04:28] caveman@caveman-laptop:~$ [04:28] my upgrade isnt going too well [04:28] may system tray icons are dislocated or missing everytime I start KDE with compiz [04:28] I added tbird in kmeu manually but its not working still [04:28] rnartos: yea, mine too... I think its a known bug... [04:28] known bug [04:28] does it on mine [04:29] no fix on it right now? [04:29] not that I know off [04:30] oh well if I don't find any cool new things on (hardy) I'm swithching back to (gutsy), having too many problems, = ( [04:30] or jus go on helpin hardy [04:30] troubleshoot [04:31] damn I feel like a dummy [04:31] hha [04:31] the command is "mozilla-thunderbird" [04:31] lmfao [04:31] basically I'm not a puter geek, if it won't work with a click on a box I can't fix it haha [04:32] lol [04:32] u can fix things by jus reportin the bug here or stuff [04:32] everyone plays a part [04:33] Hi ppl hmmm well i dont know what part i am from because i am new here [04:33] lol [04:33] Can some one pls help [04:33] !ask | lethis [04:33] lethis: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [04:34] is the problem with the konq package a .postinst script error ? [04:34] Can Kubunto linux run serverss like Solaris OS [04:35] remove the set -e and make sure it's #!/bin/bash [04:36] lethis can it do it like solaris does ? no. can it run servers telnet ftp irc mail http and friends... [04:37] late. and lag. [04:38] lethis: Theoretically, in a virtual machine, if supported [04:38] lethis is gone gone gone! [04:39] I'm slow tonight :) [04:39] * Hawkeye-X whips monkeybritches [04:39] YOWCH! [04:39] there. you're fast :P [04:39] For some reason I respond well to physical pain [04:40] -:- CTCP PING reply from Agent_bob: 60.037 seconds [04:41] whats mine? === samuel is now known as gothicd3vil [04:41] /ping yourself and see [04:42] 0 seconds! YES! [04:42] * epimeth churns some butter [04:42] hi [04:43] hi samuel :-p [04:45] we're being invaded with andrews... [04:46] hi, hey can somebody can tell me a good media player? [04:46] music [04:46] heh oops. [04:46] ? [04:46] gothicd3vil: amarok [04:46] gothicd3vil: its installed by default.... [04:46] how can i get that? [04:46] sox but you wont like it. [04:47] is that i'm using right now kubuntu but i was using ubuntu this morning [04:47] vlc is good too. [04:47] gothicd3vil: did you install kubuntu-desktop or just kde? [04:47] * epimeth doesn't like vlc [04:48] !packages | gothicd3vil [04:48] gothicd3vil: You can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, "apt-cache search ", the "apt:/" URL in KDE, or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 20000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways! [04:49] kubuntu 6.06 [04:50] so amarok should be installed [04:50] alt+f2 amarok [04:51] yeap, but the problem is that the music that i have is that the music is in the format of itunes [04:52] a4c? [04:52] ew [04:52] install wine and iTunes then... I don't know if anything plays them.... [04:53] mp3 ? [04:53] mp4 [04:53] wine? [04:53] no, a4c... apple's encoding standard [04:53] !wine [04:53] WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility. [04:53] if it was mp4 you could run it in amarok.... [04:54] Wine Is Not an Emulator :-) [04:54] !info wine dapper [04:54] thanks [04:54] wine (source: wine): Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.9-0ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 8578 kB, installed size 40460 kB [04:54] sorry the off-topic, but anyone knows if there is a way to set up a VPN without a VPN server? I mean, 4 friends are connected through a switch and they want their connection to be secured against those others connected to the same switch [04:54] epimeth notice the version ^^^ he's running dapper [04:54] jajaja thats what i like from linux [04:55] epimeth: doesnt itunes have a right click option to convert songs to aac [04:55] epimeth: and cant any linux player out there play aac? [04:55] or convert aac to something else? [04:55] ubuntu is the same as dapper? [04:55] careful the version [04:55] is that kubuntu is not in the list [04:56] I don't think I was able to play them in gutsy... haven't tried in hardy [04:56] dapper is the 6.06 version... we are now on "hardy" which is the 8.04 version [04:56] gothicd3vil dapper drake is the version of ubuntu you specifed [04:56] epimeth: isnt there a aac converter? [04:57] epimeth: cant LAME do it? [04:57] !version [04:57] To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell [04:57] not that I found.... but I haven't tried in 6 months, either.... [04:57] Hello everyone. While I have figured out to get Hardy to actually load my desktop and use my graphics card the GUI just feels slow. 3D acceleration and lots of other good stuff works but maximizing windows and scrolling down are slow. This didn't happen when I used Feisty. Any ideas? [04:57] !version [04:57] !release [04:57] Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases [04:57] !shell [04:57] The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal [04:59] epimeth: quick googling should give us an answer [04:59] Ertain: This is a long shot, but I noticed that different video drivers had wildly different performance. The vesa driver was horribly slow, for example. Can you try a different driver? [05:00] Ertain: disable the desktop effects.... [05:00] Ertain: dunno where exactly tho... [05:00] " The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful." <<< 464 terodyns [05:00] epimeth: oh hehe, itunes uses drm [05:00] samuel@samuel-laptop:~$ lsb_release -a [05:00] No LSB modules are available. [05:00] Distributor ID: Ubuntu [05:00] Description: Ubuntu 6.06.2 LTS [05:00] Release: 6.06 [05:00] Codename: dapper [05:00] samuel@samuel-laptop:~$ [05:00] epimeth: you would have to go about burning your library to disc and then ripping it [05:00] thats what i get [05:01] !paste | gothicd3vil [05:01] gothicd3vil: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) [05:01] sorry [05:01] its all right :-) [05:02] coreymon77: which is why I set my iTunes to rip mp3s instead :-) [05:02] epimeth: i thought we were talking about itunes store stuff [05:03] !drm | yuch [05:03] Sorry, I don't know anything about drm - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [05:03] coreymon77: buy music? me? only if its got a "+" by it :-) [05:04] drm == digital restriction mechanism [05:05] Agent_bob: i believe the term is digital rights management [05:06] coreymon77 you say potato i say... [05:06] Agent_bob: I'm with you.... [05:06] I'm curious about other peoples opinions about Dolphin vs Konqueror [05:07] Dolphin all the way [05:07] Whenever I close my laptop's lid and re-open it, the screen is black (as if it is turned off) and won't wake up. How can I fix this? [05:07] dolphin doesnt have tabs and you can only split in half... [05:08] sorteal i have seen a lot of "how to i change from dolphin to konqueror" questions, so it may not be as well recieved as some would like. [05:08] My complaint is minor and maybe someone knows how to add it to Dolphin but I must say I miss the copy to and move to option [05:08] why do you need either in a file manager? [05:08] its not like you can copy a file to 3 places at once.... [05:09] It's just a nice feature and I find myself missing it [05:09] its not like you can copy a file to 3 places at once... <<< as a cli user, i can :) [05:09] is there a movie editor for kubuntu? [05:09] which version is better hardy or remix? [05:09] sorteal: I was talking to Odd-rationale [05:09] Whenever I close my laptop's lid and re-open it, the screen is black (as if it is turned off) and won't wake up. How can I fix this? [05:10] . [05:10] Ha Ha oh sorry [05:10] Agent_bob: how? I thought I can specify multiple files to one target, not the other way around? [05:10] epimeth: I like tabs. :) [05:10] sorteal: as for you, I have no idea.... [05:10] jonathan__> There are a lot of suspend problems on Linux still. What are your specs? [05:10] Odd-rationale: tabs are for websites, not folders! :-p [05:10] I'm on a thinkpad x60. What specs are you looking for? I'm on Kubuntu 8.04 [05:11] I have a dual-screen setup [05:11] I guess those :) [05:11] interestingly enough, when I re-open the lid, the external monitor reactivates, while the laptop LCD remains dead [05:11] Have you had suspend problems on earlier releases? [05:11] No, it used to work [05:11] which version of kubuntu is better Hardy or KD4 Remix? [05:12] I like Hardy KDE 4 is still buggy I recommend you wait till KDE 4.1 [05:12] epimeth for q in list of places ;do cp blah $q ;done [05:12] go bash scripting! :-) [05:13] gothicd3vil: I'd reccomend getting the rock solid kde 3 version and install kubuntu-kde4-desktop on top if you really want it. [05:13] gothicd3vil: yea, definitely wait til kde4.1 [05:13] jonathan> My guess is that perhaps some verification steps during X startup and virtual terminal switch were removed for speedy X startup at the cost of problems like these [05:13] If you remove the monitor, does resume work just fine? [05:13] I mean the external monitor [05:14] I don't know, I'll have to try it. It'll probably mess everything up if I remove the monitor, linux doesn't seem to be very good with keeping up on hardware changes like that [05:14] Perhaps you should shut down, remove the external monitor, then start back up to see what happens (to have a more controlled experiment) [05:14] ok [05:14] I'll be back in a bit [05:14] Okay [05:15] or learn to use a console for emergencies [05:16] console is "probably" still on the primary display [05:16] Any idea how to get thumbnails to work in both Dolphin and the desktop (which I assume is still Konqueror based)? Got Dolphin to work with MPlayer thumbnailer but still won't thumbnail on the desktop. [05:17] i haven't played with multi-headed pinguins much. but what little i have the console/s staied put when you moved x around. [05:24] !info gpsman [05:24] gpsman (source: gpsman): A GPS manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.3.2-1 (hardy), package size 1161 kB, installed size 4412 kB [05:28] !wine [05:28] WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility. [05:28] !AppDB [05:28] The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org [05:29] !windows [05:29] For discussion and help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubotu equivalents [05:32] lol! that was priceless [05:32] but windows isn't a bug... its a virus [05:32] ? [05:33] not true epimeth [05:33] lol oh that yeah [05:33] virus' don't have cures. [05:33] or maybe it's a virus that is buggy ? [05:33] the launchpad bug [05:34] oh... wait... my bad. the quote was "windows is not a virus, its a bug" [05:34] is anybody else having logout hard crash, usually with ati restricted driver in hardy? i have submitted a bug and noticed at least 2 other people with this problem: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/223445 ; wondering if there are any other bug reports to amalgamate [05:36] a [05:36] hola [05:36] hi [05:37] !es [05:37] Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda. [05:45] No one was helping me in Ubuntu, maybe you guys can [05:45] mplayer crashed & then after it crashed all apps in ubuntu gutsy stopped making sound, I restarted my computer but still no sound, please help me [05:46] holyguyver : did you try a reinstall of your drivers? [05:46] !sound | holyguyver [05:46] holyguyver: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 [05:46] no [05:46] also check logs like /var/log/messages [05:46] I already asked ubotu about sound [05:46] none of the troubleshoots worked [05:47] holyguyver: try aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Noise.wav [05:47] what does that return, holyguyver? [05:47] I had similar problems in Mandriva and a driver reinatall helped me. Never had that issue in Kubuntu though. [05:47] holyguyver> What version are you on? Gutsy? Hardy? [05:47] install [05:47] also what is in kmix, is there a soundcard? [05:47] this was the response Playing WAVE '/usr/share/sounds/alsa/Noise.wav' : Signed 16 bit Little Endian, Rate 48000 Hz, Mono [05:47] but no sound [05:48] holyguyver: goto kmix and alsamixer and make sure the volume is turned up and not switched off [05:48] I said in my question that I am on Gutsy [05:48] flaccid he said "gnome" not kde. but wasn't getting help in #ubntu [05:48] oh, sorry [05:48] Yes the valume is up I alrewdy checked that [05:48] Gutsy uses the ALSA sound system rather than Pulse, if that points you in the right direction a bit. [05:48] Agent_bob: thus why i said alsamixer.. [05:48] alsamixer is nice and simple; use that :) [05:49] Make sure PCM is turned up, too [05:49] well if the mixer is right and aplay returns no errors, i have no idea what else to do... [05:49] flaccid yeah. i'm lagging about 40 sec. [05:49] np [05:49] holyguyver: submit a bug [05:49] that is if you are confident that the problem is not hardware.. [05:50] As I said what happened was MPlayer crashed & for some reason it killed all of my sound, & even a restart of my computer did not fix it === Xbehave is now known as Xbehave^away [05:50] holyguyver : try a reinstall then report a bug if that doesn't work [05:50] I have had sound in Gutsy for the past 3 days [05:50] Or just stick in the Live CD and see if that has sound. [05:50] reinstall what? [05:50] reinstall of alsa not Gutsy [05:50] look I already said the sound worked until 5 minutes ago [05:50] hello can someone tell me how can I forward the ssh port trough a router? [05:51] just submit a bug if you are confident its not hardware. i mean what else can you do... [05:51] I did not change anything in this tike, all that happened was mplayer crashed [05:51] djdarkman: check the router's manual. use port forward usually [05:51] reinstall alsa ? [05:51] holyguyver: these things happen [05:51] Go into Adept and try to reinstall also if that doesn't work then submit a bug [05:51] sorry synaptic [05:51] Did you turn off your computer all the way, wait for some time, then turn it back on? That could clear any hardware oddities. [05:52] However, I would regard this as a software bug nevertheless. [05:52] yes alsa sorry [05:52] fla [05:52] holyguyver hmm you have been in here for five minutes, either your chronology is bogus, or else you flatly lied about asking in #ubuntu and not being helped... but that's off topic i guess. [05:53] flaccid: but what ports does shh use? [05:53] Agent bob : that is a great handle [05:53] djdarkman_: 22 [05:53] my conology wis off :p [05:53] There I reinstalled alsa, now do I have to restart my comp? [05:53] like i seriously don't know how to troubleshoot further if aplay works and mixer is fine and hardware is non-faulty [05:54] holyguyver: don't, just do sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart [05:54] then try aplay holyguyver [05:54] just do ctr-alt=backspace [05:54] sorteal: never advise doing that unless X has crashed! [05:54] why? [05:54] my kubuntu hardy frezzes when i watch flash [05:55] sorteal: because its hard kills X instead of a graceful logout to which sends the right signal so processes can close properly and save configs [05:55] what do I type in to try that noise sound again? [05:55] with compiz enabled it frezzes frequently [05:55] never had any issue with it yet [05:55] has anyone repooorted trouble with BMPx with 804 [05:55] but I don't do it with progs running [05:55] sorteal: that doesn't conclude anything. there is a right way and there are wrong ways. [05:55] holyguyver: aplay /sound/file.wav [05:55] sorry guess I should have said that [05:56] sorteal: its wrong. [05:56] nope still nothing [05:56] holyguyver: ok so submit a bug. [05:56] case closed. [05:56] !worksforme | too sorteal [05:56] too sorteal: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/ [05:56] I am, I am submitting a bug right now in here as I want this problem fixed now [05:56] holyguyver: we all want our problems fixed now, but in reality that is rare [05:57] i have installed my restrictives and my radio streams work with amaork but not bmpx [05:57] BUt it was only caused by a crash of mplayer, should that neral it down to something [05:57] and they broth use xine engen to play [05:58] holyguyver it's your software. if you want it fixed fast. you fix it. [05:58] holyguyver: you don't know that the mplayer crash caused it. something else could of caused mplayer to crash which is the problem. you have no conclusive evidence, but you can include this behaviour description in the bug [05:58] lets move on [05:58] to? [05:58] Yes I do know that caused it because I know what caused the mplayer crash [05:59] holyguyver: prove it. [05:59] holyguyver: what caused it, you didn't specify before.. [05:59] flaccid : what is your problem [06:00] sorteal: i don't have a problem? [06:00] !bmpx [06:00] Sorry, I don't know anything about bmpx - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [06:00] I tried to play a stream of a flv file from youtube, it caused a laod fuzz noise & crashed mplayer I restarted mplayer 4 times & every time I streamed it, it crashed until eventually my speakers froze with a crackaling sound & no sound since. [06:00] i just don't like making assumptions [06:00] ?? [06:00] oh i've stopped lagging. way cool [06:00] holyguyver: unfortunately that doesn't prove anything [06:00] agent bob what can you tell me about bmpx [06:01] flaccid : this isn't court he's needs help if you can't help (like I can't) then shut up [06:01] can someone give me a tip on how to set up a fast and secure VNC server? [06:01] I had a similar problem happen before in which people in Ubutnu helped me salve it, but that was about 5 months ago. [06:01] rickey nothing. [06:01] !language | sorteal [06:01] agent bob doosent amaork and bmpx run off of the xine engen [06:01] sorteal: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. [06:01] rickey never heard of bmpx until now [06:01] sorteal: i have helped. please watch your language. [06:02] what language? [06:02] !vnc | djdarkman_ [06:02] djdarkman_: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely. It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX [06:02] rickey i was hoping that the bot knew something so i !bmpx 'd it. [06:02] dose anyone know of a good room for bmpx [06:02] my speakers are still making a crackaling sound constantly though ever since the crash [06:02] no i didnt respond [06:03] no it didnt [06:03] holyguyver: have you tried different speakers. sounds like hardware possibly.. [06:03] No it is not hardware [06:03] holyguyver : is it possible it's something as simple as bad speakers? [06:03] flaccid why can't you just believe me when I tell you something [06:03] holyguyver: because i need real evidence, not assumptions [06:04] Guysa the speakers where fine moments ago (before this) [06:04] holyguyver i believe you :) [06:04] This is not assumptions [06:04] flaccid : are you a lawyer? [06:04] !offtopic | sorteal [06:04] sorteal: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! [06:04] holyguyver: they are assumptions. you don't have a POC> [06:04] can we play nice here now childeren [06:04] can we move on? [06:05] Flaccid I have had this problem before, I have been through a fix for it already, & am have tried out all of the things you asked me to do, most of them before I even logged into irc, so I believe my assumptions are accerate [06:06] flaccid : then help someone else and ignore holyguyver and the people who talk to him [06:06] holyguyver: i can't help you any further sorry. if someone here could help, they probably would :( [06:07] holyguyver i don't know what sound server you DE is using, probably esound/esd but i sujest on looking in the 'gnome-control-center' for a way to restart/fine tune your sound server. [06:07] sorteal: don't tell me what to do. [06:07] Now before I came in here I suspected that it simply was that alsa needed to be restarted, but when I restarted my computer & have now since then reinstalled alsa I see that can't be the cause, so what all else would interupt transmission of the signal to make the sounds? [06:07] flaccid: bad day ? [06:07] Agent_bob: nah i just don't like running around in circles... [06:07] Agent_bob : Ha Ha [06:08] k [06:10] holyguyver you could test killing gdm and from a console playing a sound to see that the system is still in a usable state. aplay will work from there. [06:10] gdm Gnome?Manager? [06:11] assuming that it's a sound server issue (i.e. only affecting your gui) then you will have narrowed the problem greatly. [06:11] !gdm [06:11] Sorry, I don't know anything about gdm - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [06:11] !info gdm [06:11] gdm (source: gdm): GNOME Display Manager. In component main, is optional. Version 2.20.5-0ubuntu3 (hardy), package size 1842 kB, installed size 15608 kB [06:11] im not sure how thats going to help [06:12] ummm convince you that his speakers still work :))) [06:12] i would recommend booting from a livecd and seeing if sound works out of the box there and if it still does then wait for the bug result.. [06:12] How about this for you I dual boot & my speakers work with Windows [06:12] Agent_bob: hmm ^^ that might be better for that imho [06:13] holyguyver: ok then wait for result of bug report. [06:13] flaccid hehhe maybe. [06:13] jbkrgureh Yes you stupid freaks sound works out of the box it worked one hour ago in ubuntu [06:13] please don't expect problems to be solved immediately [06:13] !language | holyguyver [06:13] holyguyver: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. [06:13] folks how can I have pt-br support in kile? [06:14] FLacid it is just making me angry that you keep questioning weather it works out of the box when it worked an hour ago out of the box. [06:14] if it doesn't work from console then a visit to #alsa might be productive. if it does then that is not the place for this issue. and it's likely something in ~/ [06:14] holyguyver: thats because you keep repeating yourself when we have tried as much as we can to help you! [06:15] I am reapeting myself because I am trying to tell you something that you keep on asking me [06:15] !fight [06:15] Sorry, I don't know anything about fight - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [06:15] !repeat | holyguyver [06:15] holyguyver: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com http://wiki.ubuntu.com http://www.ubuntuforums.org or http://www.kubuntuforums.net while you wait. Also see !patience [06:16] Here I will repeate it again, my speakers work, my sound worked out of the box with ubuntu until an hour ago, it worked in ubuntu for the past 3 day, I did not update any drivers in this time. [06:16] * Agent_bob feels ignored... [06:17] holyguyver: like ubotu said, don't repeat! [06:17] hola [06:17] hi [06:17] back to you as you keep repeating the questions so I am simply answering your repeates [06:17] quien esta en linea [06:18] sososo [06:18] !es | fvazquezp [06:18] fvazquezp: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda. [06:18] soekfoekfgorgytof [06:18] hello [06:18] how are you [06:18] hi [06:18] Jucato: holyguyver is becoming a problem [06:18] holyguyver: calling people "stupid freaks" is not going to help you get help faster [06:18] hi [06:18] hi [06:18] Agent_Bob : sorry been away, don't feel ignored :) [06:19] dont worry [06:19] Jucato my dear friend, you have helped me with so many problems in the past maybe even this ones earlier incarnation 5 months ago, can you please help me :) [06:19] fvazquezp: welcome. this is #kubuntu, a channel for Kubuntu user support. [06:19] holyguyver you could test by killing gdm (sudo killall gdm) and from a console playing a sound to see that the system is still in a usable state. aplay will work from there. (startx) will return you to a GUI. if it doesn't work from console then a visit to #alsa might be productive. if it does then that is not the place for this issue. <<< i did try... [06:19] holyguyver: unfortunately, no. I suck at sound [06:19] holyguyver: but please try to understand that people here are helping to the best of their abilities and knowledge [06:20] ty Jucato [06:20] they may or may not get it right all the time. calling them names won't help either [06:20] & thank you bob I read all of that earlier & I took it into account, I will do all of that as soon as I can [06:20] * Agent_bob wonders why now is not the time.... [06:20] Jucato, I know & understand it is simply flaccid was making me very angry as he was calling me a lier. [06:21] oh yeah, it would interrupt the fight [06:21] Agent_bob : He He [06:21] sorry. my bad. [06:21] * Jucato glances at Agent_bob [06:22] :) [06:22] well it goes for both sides... nothing comes out of name calling... [06:22] holyguyver: lol. i never said that. [06:22] * Jucato calls Agent_bob names [06:22] *sorteal takes up for Agent_bob [06:22] oops Ha Ha [06:22] Bob the reason why not right now is I am not exactly sure how to do all of that. [06:23] right... leaving for a while. play nice :) [06:23] we'll try [06:23] coz I will be back.. and will deal spanking when necessary:) [06:24] I understand the typing of sudo killall gdm , but I keep forgetting how to test the sound [06:24] [14:47] holyguyver: try aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Noise.wav [06:24] sudo killall gdm login with your username and password. cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp use ctrl+C to end that. startx [06:25] that is too confusing [06:25] holyguyver, Agent_bob: "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop" might be a cleaner way to stop gdm [06:25] (replace gdm with kdm as needed) [06:25] holyguyver: hm... beggars can't be choosers really... [06:26] I am actually on xubuntu [06:26] well gdm then [06:26] Jucato ummm maybe. oh and it's gdm he's on gnome nothing k about it. [06:26] but doesn't matter... gdm, kdm or xdm [06:26] oh sorry xfce not gnome. [06:26] (you can use kdm to start GNOME or Xfce and gdm to start KDE) [06:27] anyway... really gone now. holyguyver, it might be complicated.. but what can you do? you're asking for help, they're giving it. (you can always refuse to follow, but don't complain later :P) [06:27] i understood from his "only comming here because they weren't helping hime in #ubuntu" that it was gnome/gdm [06:27] besides, you learn that way :) [06:28] what? #kubuntu is now the refuge of sinners? -_- [06:28] i need help my kubuntu hardy locksup when playing flash [06:28] If it wasn't I wouldn't be here :) [06:28] (btw.. no one gave him the command to restart gdm... hint hint :) [06:28] * Agent_bob takes up for sorteal [06:28] rm -R /? [06:28] thanks :P [06:29] Jucato i gave him startx [06:29] hint hint [06:29] Agent_bob: that's only half the story hint :P [06:29] flank: that was not for you [06:29] anyway.. really gone [06:29] maduser: please don't throw that command in here, even in a joke. thanks [06:29] k [06:30] but it will get rid of the n00bs [06:30] :) [06:30] maduser and neve sudo that :) [06:30] maduser: and you, if you get caught :) [06:30] r [06:30] well I didn't include sudo [06:30] This is Kubuntu we want the n00bs [06:30] we can't be sure how many newbies are running a root shell (someone who blindly follow advice on how to enable the root account) [06:31] better to err on the safe side [06:31] but some of them are impatient [06:31] /topic this is kubuntu n00b's wanted [06:31] True but that comes with being new [06:31] and expect us to fix their problems [06:31] (also, other ops might not be as forgiving) [06:31] dose anyone know how i can play flash without my computer freezing [06:31] when we don't know the answer [06:31] flank: what version of falsh? [06:31] flank: use Firefox (fortunately or unfortunately) [06:31] Then tell them to Google their prob [06:32] works with any version of Flash... :( [06:32] I do but they don't === andrius_ is now known as andrius__ [06:32] this place should be a resort when google doesn't have the anser [06:33] * jussio1 walks in... consider yourself lucky maduser ;) [06:33] maduser uhh! [06:33] Ha Ha then they need hand holding and that's okay because it spreads linux even if it is a pain [06:33] right.. enough of that... jussio1 is here [06:33] * Jucato can now go in peace [06:33] * Agent_bob always asks here first, then last resorts google [06:33] well when I tried doing that gdm script it crashed my computer, then when my bios came back they said that my memory had decreased in size & then when I got back up I forgot the code of how to play the sound clip. [06:33] i am using firefox 3b5 and flash 9.0.124 [06:34] with the apt install or a manual install? [06:34] [14:47] holyguyver: try aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Noise.wav [06:34] add and remove programs uded extra restricted package [06:34] k [06:34] holyguyver: stopping gdm is supposed to stop X (the GUI) and throw you at a command line prompt [06:35] But I won't be able to remember that, I need my copy (as in copy paste) of it to servive the gdm closer. [06:35] (so it may look like it crashed)... but I hoped you sed "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop" instead [06:35] No I mean my comp froze & I had to kill it with the fizical button [06:35] holyguyver: and "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start" to start it again [06:35] oh [06:35] flank: did you try and do anthing with flash? [06:36] I had an issue when I had both manual and apt on my comp [06:36] no just you tube and conan O brien on NBC.com [06:36] holyguyver: you're supposed to write commands down exactly and carefully the first time. don't rely on your memory :) [06:36] Yes I did do the sudo stop one [06:36] flank ok did you get the nonfree package? [06:36] yes [06:36] oh no. i'm walking blind again. i would ask for help but i couldn't read your answer anyway... ;/ [06:36] i got the non free by installing restriced extras === doc_ is now known as afireinthesky === afireinthesky is now known as fireinthesky [06:37] I have no problems here....... [06:38] dont we all [06:38] when did you install it? [06:38] the flash plugin has been broken before [06:38] recently [06:39] yesterday [06:39] it could be broken [06:39] is there an alternative to non free [06:39] flank: which browser are you using? [06:40] firefox 3b5 [06:40] i really should fix that some day. [06:40] freezes and crashes on konkerer too [06:40] Ha Ha What? [06:40] I have the same flash set up here cept I downloaded it about 3 days ago === neptunepink is now known as purpleposeidon [06:41] i thing i had the same issue 3 days ago also [06:41] hmmmmmm [06:41] flank: curious. there was a bug sometime back, dont know if it fixes your issue. [06:41] seems that if i have gdm running and the users gui session is in a standby state and i kill gdm from a console then "stupidly" switch to the tty where the gui was it blanks the vidio and i haven't found a way to unblank it short of hard reset. [06:42] !fffc | flank, maybe this will help [06:42] flank, maybe this will help: If Firefox is crashing on sites using Flash try adding "export XLIB_SKIP_ARGB_VISUALS=1" to /etc/firefox/firefoxrc (ref: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/14911 ) [06:42] i can soft reset but bios doesn't reset the vidio. i think the simple fix for me is to stop using a dm [06:42] flank: you need to change that path for firefox 3 though [06:43] score one for ubotu [06:43] k [06:44] did anyone see my pre-exit post ? [06:44] yeah, were you wating for that guy to leave? [06:44] I'm having a bit of trouble with Amarok. It keeps on doing a collection update every few seconds, which requires running 100% of the CPU for about 4 seconds. Any ideas on stopping it? [06:44] Probably but I don't remember === epahl_ is now known as halcyonCorsair [06:45] pingveno didn't i see a setting in it's config to disable automatic updates ? [06:45] What did you mean walking blind Ha Ha [06:46] sorteal blank display. [06:46] Oh man ouch [06:46] i mean you could see me. but i couldn't see you. [06:47] s/you/anything/ [06:47] Alright I did it, it said /user/share/alsa/Noise.wav does not exist [06:47] You could see me but I'm an attention freak and that would be bad if you couldn't see me he he [06:47] Agent_bob: It does have an option on whether to watch directories for changes. I just upgraded to Hardy, so I think there's something going on there. [06:47] I didn't have this going before. [06:47] So I guess if the sound click isn't there that explains it failing to play [06:48] how long does it take for a ditro upgrade over broadband [06:48] that's why i said cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp [06:48] *distro [06:49] I just intered in cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp & my terminal seems to have froze [06:49] What sevice 10MG or what? [06:51] it's not frozen ctrl+C to kill that [06:51] Really it varies based on bandwidth service and so on... [06:51] So no response to cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp [06:51] holyguyver: press ctrl+c ?? [06:51] Yes [06:52] holyguyver ok then does sudo alsamixer show anything muted on the playback ? [06:53] hey jussio1, long time no C++ [06:53] No, as I told you nothing is muted [06:53] Master is full blast master M is almost full & headphones is slightly lower then full [06:53] Agent_bob : HaHa good one can I use that? [06:54] holyguyver er no you didn't tell me. you told flaccid i guess. i didn't read all of your argument with him. [06:54] holyguyver: quick question, remind me which sound card, and which version of ubuntu? [06:54] sorteal it's GNU-GPL'd :) [06:54] heya Agent_bob [06:54] Yeah because Flaccid was crazy [06:54] gutsy [06:54] & I don't know what soundcard [06:54] Agent_bob : nice [06:54] holyguyver: lspci please [06:54] holyguyver: in a pastebin [06:54] why in Kopete history are all names from the last chat changed to #kubuntu; is there a way to keep the names ? [06:55] I just finished upgrading to hardy.... where did xmms go? [06:55] jussio1 let me repete him sound was working fine until mplayer crased [06:55] crashed [06:55] its not in the repos either [06:55] Deepthought: use konversation? [06:55] XMMS2 maybe? Just a guess I don't use it. [06:55] jussi01: a different chatter-box ? [06:55] caveman26: superseeded [06:55] !info xmms2 [06:55] xmms2 (source: xmms2): Client/server based media player system. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2DrJekyll-4ubuntu4 (hardy), package size 10 kB, installed size 56 kB [06:56] I downloaded that... its command line only for some reason [06:56] still doesn't hurt for me to give him the pastebin :p [06:56] !find xmms [06:56] audacious works but has some issues [06:56] Found: gkrellxmms2, gxmms2, libaudio-xmmsclient-perl, libxmmsclient++-dev, libxmmsclient++-glib-dev (and 71 others) [06:56] !info gxmms2 [06:56] gxmms2 (source: gxmms2): xmms2 client for the GNOME desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.4-1.1 (hardy), package size 56 kB, installed size 188 kB [06:58] hhmm when I am clicking the paste! button in firefox nothing is happening [06:58] it is refusing to paste [06:59] holyguyver: can you give me the 1 line about your soundcard? [06:59] elft click highlight, middle click paste [06:59] which line would that be? [06:59] left [06:59] Agent_bob: no, the pastebin paste... [06:59] holyguyver: look for one that says audio [06:59] No bob I mean the button that pastes/posts it to the server [07:00] 00:0e.0 Multimedia audio controller: Ensoniq ES1371 [AudioPCI-97] (rev 08) [07:00] hrm... [07:00] * Agent_bob hasn't used the ubuntu pastebin in so long i didn't know it had a "paste" button. i'll be quiet now. [07:00] Was that good enough [07:02] :~] pastebin `which pastebin` [07:02] pasting file /usr/local/bin/pastebin [07:02] http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d4af2ed [07:02] Jussiol just like Jucato you have helped me many times before in the past year or two :D [07:03] Jussiol I asked Jucato & he said he did not help me out with this same problem, 5 months ago, maybe it was you then :D [07:03] jussi01: I have to admit Konversation is quite nice, lotta options to adjust, better thankopete... buttuhm, it does look a lot like kopete; is one derived from the other ? And is there a way to change the text color ? (I hate black text, want amber on dark, like the ol terminals) [07:03] 5 or so months ago we was succesful in fixing it :) [07:04] Deepthought: no and yes. Personally i dont use either so I dont remember where. :/ [07:04] Bob I don't think Jussio1 was reading the original problem, so maybe I should retell it to him [07:05] jussi01: ehehehe, what do you use ? [07:06] Deepthought: one that isnt yet in the repos, quassel. [07:06] jussi01: what's good about it ? [07:06] Deepthought: many things, to find out more, join #quassel [07:06] bx man! [07:07] jussi01: well, I think I'll dfo some ggogling first... [07:07] Jussial an hour ago I had sound in ubuntu, I had it for the past 3 days, I was trying to play a streamed flv file from youtube whenever it caused mplayer to crash, I reupted it & tried 3 more times, but it kept crashing mplayer, so then I went back to my music player & unpaused my mp3 song & then all sound was gone, & my speakers was making crackling sounds, so I rebooted my computer & still no sound, then I reinstalled also & still no [07:07] thing. [07:07] !tab | holyguyver [07:07] holyguyver: You can use for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. [07:08] !sound | holyguyver, have you been through this? [07:08] holyguyver, have you been through this?: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 [07:08] Hi guys, which are the main difficulties faced by kubuntu 64bits users? [07:08] Yes i have been through that [07:09] the crash caused whatever it was, originally I thought that it had caused my computer to tell alsa not to start, but then the restart & reinstall of alsa & the manual restart of alsa should have fixed that. [07:10] Muriel: The biggest difficulty is Flash and proprietary multimedia codecs [07:10] MurielGodoi: wine, flash and codecs [07:10] MurielGodoi propritary crap. [07:10] pretty much what Agent_bob said ;) [07:11] MurielGodoi: I heard that I can install Firefox and Flash 32bits to solve that. Is it true? [07:11] !64bit [07:11] AMD64 and EMT64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See http://tinyurl.com/jv6tc for more information. [07:12] !flash64 | MurielGodoi [07:12] MurielGodoi: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava [07:12] I tried the tab talk thing [07:13] ? [07:13] :) [07:13] !tab [07:13] You can use for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. [07:14] Yes I tried it to talk to jussi01 because he told me to === stdin changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FAQ | Get Hardy Kubuntu (KDE3) CDs https://shipit.kubuntu.org | Pastes: http://paste.ubuntu.com | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | KDE 4 support in #kubuntu-kde4 | 8.04 Released! http://kubuntu.org/news/8.04-release | Ubuntu Open Week https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek [07:15] * MurielGodoi just read the urls and thanks jussio1 and Agent_bob [07:15] :) [07:19] He tells me to talk to him in tab & then when I do he never replies to me :p [07:21] holyguyver: 2 things, i told you to use tab completion, and I was away. [07:21] what is tab completion? [07:21] where you type the first few characters of a nick and press tab to compete it [07:22] ho[tab] like that [07:22] When I do that it makes the name appear in the chat window [07:22] but not in the message writing window [07:22] click the right one [07:23] holyguyver: do it like this... type in "jus" then press the Tab key [07:23] or press tab to cycle them, then enter [07:23] there is no right one, this is a compressed keyboard [07:23] stdin uhh you have to tab and click ??? yuch ! what client is that? [07:23] ju [07:23] there I did as you said [07:24] did you press the Tab key after "s"? (and I said "jus") [07:24] Agent_bob: I don't no, konversation pops up a list which you can either click on, or cycle through with up/down/tab + enter [07:24] Jucato juc[tab] only one :) [07:24] jussi [07:24] there you go [07:24] hm.. X-Chat? [07:24] yes [07:25] that's why [07:25] xchat doen't display a list, you just keep pressing tab to cycle [07:25] ah no wonder :) [07:25] you can set that in konvi [07:25] jussio1: yeah, but x-chat won't give you a drop-down list to choose from. it just displays possible choices like in bash [07:25] * Agent_bob goes back to rewriting init scripts [07:26] yap [07:26] Jucato: yeah, you can have either way in konvi [07:26] So there I hope all of that tab mess is cleared up [07:26] right, xchat pollutes the chat window [07:27] Back to me Jucato & Juss01, reminds me of 1 year ago :) [07:27] My external harddrive never did work well with linux :p [07:28] what is $' in perl ? [07:28] It is I the man with the 1998 computer [07:30] holyguyver it's all that new fangled hardware that's causing your problems, you should have stuck with something dependable like i did... [07:30] I am on a 1998 [07:30] 1998 gateway [07:30] that's what i said [07:30] see if you would have stuck with a p1... [07:30] Agent_bob's system still uses tubes :p [07:30] I also had a 2004 GQ, but it only had 90Mbs of ram [07:30] :) [07:31] stdin know perl ? [07:32] Agent_bob: only enough to hate it, and that not even much ;) [07:32] I am sure some of you guys remember me, I have been coming into here for years with ubuntu problems, mainly having to do with my externalharddrive(which I no longer have) [07:32] me too. thought you might know what $' is "" $basename=$'; "" [07:33] But can someone please help me with my sound :'( I am sure it requires a simple little fix that we are overlooking [07:33] Agent_bob: not a clue, maybe people in #perl do, but I have no experience in there [07:34] stdin i have exp in there. all bad. [07:34] ;/ [07:34] Last time what fixed it was something really trivial that shouldn't have fixed it & everyone was left puzzed & I said "hey as long as it is working again I don't care what the problem was" & happily left the room [07:35] so do the same thing again [07:35] I can't remember what it was [07:35] hmm i resemble that remark [07:36] that is why I was hoping that it was jussi01 or Jucato who helped me last time, so that they could possibly remember what it was. === Boohbah_ is now known as Boohbah [07:36] Like for instants last night pidgin was crashing & we typed -n into the terminal & that fixed it :) [07:37] holyguyver you have powered speakers ? [07:37] yes [07:37] ok that's not it. [07:37] hello guys, is anybody know how to get the kubuntu version number in terminal? [07:37] !version | casit [07:37] casit: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell [07:37] is there a way to reduce the system load for amarok... 15-20% is a lil high for mp3's especially on a p4... xmms was alwase under 5% and averaged less than 1% cpu load [07:37] holyguyver: it must not have been me. I don't trust my own skills when it comes to sounds... [07:38] thanks [07:38] it was something that should have simply checked out or produced a list of something [07:38] caveman26 ummm use xmms ? heh. no all joking aside. i don't know of any way. [07:39] Agent_bob: all I can find is "" $' is the same as "substr($var, $+[0])" "" [07:39] Here i have a salution what si every single sound related file in ubuntu & what will happen if I remove & reinstall every single one of them? [07:39] stdin ah ok. that makes sense then. [07:39] stdin ty [07:40] caveman26: not looking at it when it plays causes a drop from ~14% to ~4.5% to me [07:40] hope it helped, as I still have no clue :p [07:40] would that possibly do it? [07:40] goodmorning. i am on the download page of kubuntu . in there i see " Kubuntu 8.04 (Hardy)" and "Kubuntu 8.04 (KDE 4 Remix)" . does hardy come with kde4 ? and whats the difference of the remix release ? [07:40] the remix is kde4 [07:40] !khardy | s4xxon [07:40] s4xxon: Kubuntu Hardy Heron expects to ship with both KDE 3 and KDE 4 as 2 separate disks. KDE 3 should be offered by shipit. The KDE 3 CD will be commercially supported for 18 months and KDE 4 will be community supported [07:41] closed the main window... still pulling 15-20% [07:41] Does anybody have problems using gmail with Konqueror? [07:41] So what do you guys think of the removing & reinstalling every sound related file idea? [07:42] holyguyver: you might end up in a worse situation than you are right now... but as I said, I'm no sound expert [07:42] Yes commondore, just make it use a firefox user agent & all will be well [07:42] okie, but i dont see somewhere on Kubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron) download pages something written for kde3 cd or kde4 cd [07:42] that's what i use [07:42] caveman26: I even don't have a very fast cpu, just 1.7G [07:42] the remix is the kde4 cd [07:42] (single core, even) [07:42] mine is a 1.6g [07:42] p4 [07:42] stdin yes, it did. i couldn't see how they were setting the basename var until you mentioned the $0 and it all clicked. [07:43] s4xxon: the regular download links are for KDE 3. the KDE 4 download links are under the Remix category [07:43] caveman26: hmm. Running visualizations somewhere at the same time? [07:44] I can uderstand 20% cpu load to play a mp3 on something like a pentium1 133 mmx or something like that but on a p4 it should be nothing [07:44] so "Download Kubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron)" would give me kde3 ? [07:44] no vis [07:44] ok got it [07:44] one last question [07:44] just basics and EQ [07:44] is the kde4 on remix full functional or something like testing release ? [07:45] could it be the codec thats using so much? [07:45] caveman26 yes [07:45] caveman26: you could ask on #amarok (they know their app well, but the channel is sometimes a bit... lively) [07:45] caveman26 try a simple .ogg file and see what it uses for that [07:46] I like amarok... it has a lot of useful fetures and better SQ than xmms but xmms was soooooo light [07:46] xmms was writen to be light [07:46] and skinned [07:46] how to install plasmoids like lancelot on kubuntu? [07:46] if you can have both in one sentance [07:46] over this past hour I have refined my question, here is what I kust asked again in #Ubuntu : I am running Gutsy have been so for 3 days, I have had sound all those 3 days, but then a few hours ago I tried to stream a flv from youtube through mplayer when it caused mplayer to crash, then from that moment on my sound has not worked, I have restarted my computer & I have uninstalled & reinstalled alsa, & still nothing, please help [07:47] .ogg file... still 20% [07:47] esperegu_: #kubuntu-kde4 please [07:47] caveman26: and to make sure, this is not on kde4? [07:47] nope [07:47] kde3 [07:47] ok, just making sure we compared the same thing :) [07:48] hit stop... my cpu went to 2% [07:48] lol [07:48] caveman26: out of curiousity, sqlite backend or something else? [07:49] something about wubi. on the webpage its written "Wubi does not require you to modify the partitions of your PC" . does that mean it installs kubuntu wherever it wants ? :) i cant decide where to install it and where to install my grub loader ? [07:49] Jucato: thx [07:49] that I dont know [07:49] I though I was using xine [07:49] caveman26: for the track data... if you haven't changed it, it's still sqlite [07:49] s4xxon it installs it in a file on the windows fs iirc. [07:50] (you chan check at settings -> collection) [07:50] VLC = 12% [07:50] not what i need then. i need a pure installation [07:50] !wubi | s4xxon [07:50] s4xxon: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. [07:50] hmmm this is odd [07:50] This is sad I have asked in Ubuntu, Kubuntu & Xubuntu & only the Kubuntu guys actually reply :p [07:50] caveman26: 'watching folders for changes' can be a bit overactive too [07:50] I NEVER had mp3s use more than 5% [07:50] holyguyver: it's sad if you simultaneously asked us all... [07:51] even on my old p3 they were alwase under 5% [07:51] is there any way instead of burning a cd to make the installation from a usb flash drive ? [07:51] No I have been icromentally asking each for the past hour or 2, though I did just now re-ask them all within a few moments of each other. [07:51] !usb [07:51] For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent [07:51] although i think my system doesnt boot from usb devices... [07:51] holyguyver: otherwise, just be happy you got an answer here :) [07:52] it's a good channel :) [07:52] Yes it is, but no one has been able to help me. :'( [07:53] holyguyver: oh, I misunderstood you then. [07:53] my problem is [07:53] I am running Gutsy have been so for 3 days, I have had sound all those 3 days, but then a few hours ago I tried to stream a flv from youtube through mplayer when it caused mplayer to crash, then from that moment on my sound has not worked, I have restarted my computer & I have uninstalled & reinstalled alsa, & still nothing, please help [07:53] OMG... divx video using 25% cpu..... thats a whole lot better than gutsy was doing with them.. but the mp3 perfomance took a hit [07:54] animusic rocks :) [07:54] does hardy make use of "DRM = digital restriction mechanism" ? [07:54] I avoid DRM like the plegue [07:55] holyguyver: if you think it's a kde4 thing, there is still #kubuntu-kde4 [07:55] it is the plaqgue. [07:55] I am on Xubuntu [07:55] bob still same problem? [07:55] I don't have KDe installed [07:55] * Agent_bob hides [07:55] bob fight!! [07:55] maduser let me scroll up and see what that was [07:55] holyguyver: oh, does it use pulseaudio? [07:56] tkae on the problem like a man [07:56] no it uses alsa [07:56] I am on gutsy [07:57] which virtualization softwares are available on kubuntu? I want to run a gues OS windows xp [07:57] stumped too hu Lynoure> [07:58] ? [07:58] holyguyver: just figuring it'll take more than the 3min I have [07:59] I don't get paid for doing this here, so I have to work, too :) [07:59] well just shoot out a suggestion & I will try it :p [07:59] !vm | polysilicon [07:59] polysilicon: There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications [08:00] !KQemu [08:00] kqemu is a kernel module (now free under the GPL license) for speeding up the !QEMU virtual machine. Installation instructions can be found at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/KQEmu [08:00] hai [08:00] im new on kubuntu [08:00] can anyone help me [08:00] with? [08:00] holyguyver: start with rechecking the mute status in alsa. Then check logs for errors and give the next person helping also info on those + what sound chip you use, just in case [08:01] im getting message your adept still runnung how can i fix it? [08:01] Nothing is on mute & the logs report no errors [08:01] sudo dpkg --confugure -a [08:01] that is the apt fix [08:01] I already did all of this hours ago [08:01] do it in terminal [08:02] thanks [08:03] how to install mozilla browser? [08:03] you mean firefox? [08:03] please good not seamonky [08:03] yes [08:04] from KMenu -> Add/Remove Programs [08:04] search for "firefox" and it should be there [08:04] oh [08:04] is that the new version of firefox? [08:05] on hardy it's 3.0 beta 5 [08:05] I got firefox3... not really mutch different... it handles youtube a lot better than 2 did [08:05] no skipping.... at all... none [08:05] i'm using fiesty [08:05] apt-get install firefox [08:06] ok thanks all [08:06] i will try now [08:06] use OPera!!! [08:06] use whatever you want!! ;) [08:06] why must i use opera? [08:06] <_eMaX_> hello all [08:06] boykeubuntu: ?? who said you do? [08:06] boykeubuntu: there is no "must". it was just suggested by someone [08:07] Lynoure: Artem did :p [08:07] <_eMaX_> what may have been gone wrong if the "kicker" replacement in kde4 does no longer show up (I mean, the taskbar) [08:07] boykeubuntu: it was just a recommendation by a single person :) [08:07] oh [08:07] ok [08:07] sorry [08:07] how can i restart DCOP? [08:07] _eMaX_: http://techbase.kde.org/index.php?title=Projects/Plasma/FAQ#My_panel_is_gone.2C_how_do_I_get_it_back.3F and #kubuntu-kde4 in the future [08:08] heya Jucato [08:08] hi Admiral_Chicago! [08:08] * Jucato salutes :P [08:08] Jucato: i want to restart DCOP because it fails with Katapult. [08:08] Jucato: should i do DCOPserver? [08:09] Admiral_Chicago: how is it failing? [08:09] I think "dcopserver_shutdown ; dcopserver" should do it [08:09] i try to lanch kaffeine from katapult and i get this: KLauncher could not be reached via DCOP [08:10] maybe its klauncher [08:10] hm.. maybe [08:10] press Ctrl+Esc and see which one is not running [08:10] hey channel...i think i found something important for all new hardy users who are having trouble with playing dvds [08:10] they are both working [08:10] wull runndng [08:11] there's quite the thread about this in the forums...people who have the right codecs and working cds/players with gutsy, but not with hardy [08:12] dennister: hmm, add it to the wiki or at least share it here... [08:13] <_eMaX_> thanks [08:13] the problem is that there's only a dvd1 and dvdrw1 in /dev; once you add another symlink, making another block device called dvd, gstreamer engine with kaffeine (after you set it to play with dvd) works [08:13] What's the command for finding what programs are currently running? [08:13] top [08:13] <_eMaX_> anyone knows how to configure compiz? [08:14] stdin: tried your idea, didn't work...just restarted X. lets see if that helps at all [08:14] TeslaTony: ps [08:14] TeslaTony: try pstree, that'll let you see it better [08:14] !ccsm | eMax_ [08:14] eMax_: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion [08:14] Admiral_Chicago: Thanks [08:14] Well Jucato & Jussi01 it just got fixed, let me tell you how it got fixed someone in #xubuntu asked me to type in dmesg tail well playing a song in mplayer, & I did & that fixed it :D [08:15] Lynoure: I would share it, but i've forgotten how to edit wikis (don't have a profile anymore, either), and there's still a missing piece: when i changed dvd1 to dvd and then rebooted, it was back to dvd1 (no dvd) after that reboot [08:15] holyguyver: typing dmesg alone fixed it? [08:15] so I have no confidence the new 'dvd' I just created will survive a reboot [08:15] that shouldn't be a fix... [08:15] yep that's close. [08:16] seems like klauncher is the problem [08:16] dennister: udev takes care of /dev so things get restored to how they were if you fiddle with it directly [08:16] got two errors launching something too, anyone know what package handles that? [08:16] <_eMaX_> ere4si: thanks. I'm going to ask there. I installed it but don't know how to run it. [08:16] k [08:16] Yes typing dmesg tail alone fixed it, told you guys it was something simple that should have fixed it that fixed it 5 months ago :) [08:16] ok, so I need to remember how to fiddle with udev :) [08:17] so the fix survives reboot [08:17] holyguyver: that shouldn't have actually fixed anything... dmesg just displays a log file... [08:17] * Jucato shrugs [08:17] if that fixed it, who am I to argue [08:18] holyguyver: dmesg only looks at them logs, nothing more [08:18] I know that is what I told you all earlier I said what fixed it 5 months ago was something silly that should not have fixed it, but only produce a list of processes or something, but it fixed iy & you all was left wondering how. [08:18] Lynoure: will editing the correct udev file make the temp fix permanent? [08:19] So see I was right 2 hours ago when I said just list some silly terminal cammand to produce a list, that is what fixed it then & most likely what will fix it now :p [08:19] holyguyver: tip: this time, take note of it. write it down or whatever :) [08:20] dennister: editing correct udev file, most likely /etc/udev/rules.d/75-cd-aliases-generator.rules correctly will [08:21] Jucato it is like how I also said last night Pidgin kept crashing but typing in pidgin -n fixed it :) [08:22] Lynoure: ty...will try [08:22] holyguyver: more likely passing of time trickered something in your system and that fixed it at the same time... [08:24] can somebody explain to me what in the "kubuntu" sub-directory within the user's home-directory is? [08:24] i mean, i notice there are lots of hidden dirs but what are they for and why are they there? [08:24] how can i acivate root ? [08:24] !root | boykeubuntu [08:24] boykeubuntu: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo [08:24] melkart: lots of it is user defined settings [08:24] boykeubuntu: use sudo [08:25] i prompted for password [08:25] So Jucato I am constantly amazed by the power of Linux :p [08:25] melkart kubuntu or .kde ? [08:25] i dont know the root pass [08:25] melkart: not ~/.kde ? [08:25] type it in boykeubuntu [08:25] boykeubuntu: its your regular one [08:25] oh [08:25] ok [08:25] the one you use to log in [08:25] boykeubuntu: there is no root pass. it's asking for *your* password [08:25] detaching screen, see ya later Jucato. [08:25] see yah Admiral_Chicago!! [08:25] cpk1: i have the .kde/ sub-directory with all the kde settings twice - once in my home-dir and once in home-dir/kubuntu/ ... which one contains the settings? [08:25] Lynoure: that i have on top of it [08:26] Lynoure: nope...took a look at both udev files with 'cd' in them, and see nothing I can change [08:26] there shouldn't be a ~/kubuntu/ directory, should there? O.o [08:26] i try boykeubuntu but fail [08:26] Jucato: ummmm, I don't haveone [08:26] i use kubuntu 7.04 [08:26] boykeubuntu: that is your user pass? [08:26] dennister: I'm not sure I understand. What's stopping you? And even if things are, you can make a new one. [08:26] Yap all system sounds are working again thanks to dmesg tail :p [08:26] no [08:26] Jucato that's what i'm thinking. [08:27] boykeubuntu: use your user pass [08:27] fail [08:27] melkart: no ~/kubuntu here at all, so no idea [08:27] Lynoure: the only time i ever fiddled with udev is when i installed a printer/scanner, and then when I had a howto telling me exactly what the file needed to be called, what to put into it, etc. [08:28] hm... :S ... thank you, anyway [08:28] melkart ls -lA ~/ | grep kubuntu [08:29] i am sorry... i just looked into it further and realized that i didnt get a kubuntu sub-dir in the completely fresh install i have on another addition [08:29] during bootup there are plenty of i/o buffer errors for that drive, it does not mount/get ready to be used [fails], etc....although working fine in gutsy [08:29] so i suppose ... i dont know why it is there, but it must have been me then [08:29] So Bob what do you think of that fix that worked? :p [08:29] Nobody messes with my meat! [08:30] Making.. bacon. [08:30] melkart: I just have a .kde and .kde4 [08:30] * harolddong blackrockpodcast@gmail.com (Curt & Dan) - The Shape of Things to Come [08:30] !offtopic | harolddong [08:30] harolddong: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! [08:30] sorry I just clicking stuff random [08:31] no [08:31] I am so happy :D [08:32] holyguyver i think it's a kernel bug. [08:32] dennister: hmm, I also upgraded from gutsy, though over a month before the release, and so such problems... [08:32] bob taking the easy way out [08:32] although i did notice in fstab that the cd drive, /dev/scd1, is mounted on /media/cdrom0, and /dev/scd0 (the dvd drive) is mounted on /media/cdrom1, so that's a small fix I'm implementing that probably won't make much of a difference to playability [08:33] on me the cd & dvd drive are both cdrom0 [08:33] Lynoure: this seems to be a recent bug/problem...lots are having trouble with it, too, a 6-page thread that's been stickied in ubuntuforums..........and mine was a clean install, not a dist-upgrade [08:34] dennister: where should they rather be mounted to? [08:34] well, i'm going to reboot, see if my tiny fstab mod makes any difference [08:35] cpk1: i don't think it matters too much where they're mounted to; it just seemed backward and illogical to me [08:35] dennister: if you want, you could pastebin that udev file I mentioned, I could check if that is same between us. [08:36] who knows? maybe only dvd1 and dvdrw1 will be generated again, but maybe i'll be in luck [08:36] Lynoure: ty...i will, after I reboot [08:38] * Agent_bob wonders if it could be hardware overheated and when cooled sufficently it works again. or if holyguyver's issue is reproducable? === Japy|zZz is now known as JapyDooge [08:43] !pastebin [08:43] pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) [08:48] Lynoure: ok, i pasted it, but what i see from end result is not word-wrapped, so you may not be able to see all the text i do :( http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64804/ [08:51] dennister: no difference there... [08:53] dennister: /lib/udev/write_cd_rules seems to do the heavy lifting [08:53] may i ask what yall are fixing Lynoure & dennister ? [08:53] well, i think i should go to bed...i didn't get that problem fixed, but I really should work on finishing the samba tomorrow, then postgres & ledgersmb...sql-ledger is crap, and one of the biggest reasons why i wiped this hard drive and started from scratch in the first place... [08:53] ohhhhh, in that case....... [08:53] hi [08:54] ok. === abdoreza is now known as [abdoreza] [08:54] well i'm out then. shalom! [08:54] hey can someone help me with proxychain? [08:54] dennister: anyway, I'd expect Launchpad to have something useful on this === [abdoreza] is now known as Abdoreza [08:55] yes, i will check there, too... [08:56] ubuntu forums still didn't have a fix, that's for sure [08:58] dennister: what happened if you instead just made xine to use /dev/dvd1 or some of the other existing dvd nodes? [08:58] hellp can someone tell me why proxichains mght be telling me can't connect to proxy for every socks proxy? could it be because of my ipod [08:58] hellp can someone tell me why proxichains mght be telling me can't connect to proxy for every socks proxy? could it be because of my router? [08:59] can anyone help me how to install java? [09:00] Lynoure: if i don't creat the temporary dvd and dvdrw, and then change Kaffeine's engine to gstreamer, with the media parameter set to dvd, then there's the smashing glass sound, i'm told there's no data in the stream or no disk in the drive... [09:01] it's a lot of work to watch a movie, let alone simply test it :) [09:02] boykeubuntu: try installing "sun-java6-jre" package maybe? [09:02] totem worked almost right away, except that i have preferences set to load subtitles right away, and the subtitles in this movie that i know exist don't appear [09:02] dennister: What if the kafferine uses default xine and the dvd location is set to existing /dev/dvd1 (or whatever is the existing one on that system)? [09:03] ok [09:03] if kaffeine uses default xine i get the same result as when i don't do the fiddling with /dev/dvd and setting the media pareameter within gstreamer...broken glass, etc. === stdin_ is now known as stdin [09:04] using gstreamer is the only way i can get any results, and only after more fiddling === c|M_Wolfseye2 is now known as cmwolfseye [09:05] dennister: hmm. [09:07] Lynoure: yep it's a bona fide new Bug #221654:, according to launchpad [09:08] no solutions yet, importance undecided, not assigned [09:11] hmm, #221654 (maybe ubotu will give me a direct url) === cmwolfseye is now known as c|M_Wolfseye [09:14] Lynoure: i'll give u the url for the new bug (221654) last, i'm now perusing a similar, but older one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/totem/+bug/103173 [09:14] dennister: found it already... [09:14] ok, i won't give you the new one then...just copied the url [09:15] dennister: do you also get a DriveReady SeekComplete Error } [09:17] Lynoure: no i don't [09:17] at least, not that i remember... [09:19] <_eMaX_> re [09:20] <_eMaX_> when using kde4 with or without compiz, anyone has an idea how to create more than 2 virtual desktops? [09:20] <_eMaX_> rightclicking on the pager, I can configure, but when I set more than 2, it reverts to 2 [09:21] as the more-established bug suggested, i tried installing xine-ui, and then kaffeine would play the movie with the xine engine, but as soon as i deleted the temporary /dev/dvd kaffeine refused again, with the error message that the source can't be read, suggesting a rights problem, or source doesn't contain data (e.g. no disc in drive)...of cource, it's referring to /dev/dvd, which doesn't exist anymore because i just deleted my [09:21] temporary one [09:22] <_eMaX_> looks like http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=746868 anyone has that as well? [09:22] how to disable the window resizing when window is maximized ? [09:23] found it already :P [09:24] Lynoure: it looks like another fix might be to edit the xine engine itself...i forget the config file for it... [09:24] get xine to look for dvd1 instead of dvd [09:24] a new distribution version is available? when did that happen? [09:25] !hardy [09:25] Hardy Heron is the codename for the current release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS) You can get it now from http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu but please use !torrents [09:25] few days ago now [09:25] wow, i must really not be paying attention [09:26] hehe [09:26] new kernel in it forcing a reboot? [09:26] anyone know where the main config file for the xine engine is? [09:26] dennister: that's what I meant when I asked what happens if you make xine use /dev/dvd1 [09:26] is there any way to remove DRM from m4p files without the use of iTunes itself? [09:27] dennister: kaffeine -> settings -> xine engine parametres [09:27] burn to cd, then rip the cd? [09:27] Lynoure: that won't work, i've tried it...that's why i'd like to try and edit xine's main config file [09:27] dennister: but if you too have a problem where the eject button won't work, I don't think that will fix it [09:28] i did it once a long time ago... [09:28] ok...no, the eject button does not want to work [09:28] pteague: other than that, I've about 18GB to go through [09:28] oh wait, it is ejecting [09:29] we can't give support for potentially illegal activity (even if DRM sucks) [09:30] teach me to pay for my music!! [09:30] teach you to buy DRMed music ;o) [09:31] oh well, was going to go to be a little while ago...definitely this time... [09:31] 'night all...will keep working on the problem in a few days [09:31] i tried to swap l/r stereo channels in alsa (gutsy,ENS1371 - Ensoniq AudioPCI ) according to http://tinyurl.com/23hv7g, but it takes no effect. Is there anything else to be done? [09:32] Bauldrick> who buys CDs anymore anyways? me... & none from sony... & only when they're older CDs & don't cost me a fortune cause it's the latest fad... that way i can rip them & reburn them so i can actually listen to them in my car ;) [09:32] although that's nearing impossible... cd player only wants to let me start on track 1 [09:34] !ati [09:34] For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [09:39] that helped.. [09:44] I am trying to compile rp-pppoe on Kubuntu 8.04 kde4, I am getting this error : C compiler cannot create executables.. which package I need to install? I already have gcc [09:44] !build-essential | polysilicon [09:44] polysilicon: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first) === JanMalte_ is now known as JanMalte [09:47] I am getting multiple access concentrators from pppoe-discovery. How to select an access-conncentator in pppoe? [09:52] how do i mount a fstab mount in konsole? [09:52] sudo mount /mountpoint [10:04] Excuse me, why is the notification area not offering me to upgrade to Hardy? (Used to work fine I think) [10:07] hi..does anyone know how to enable the taskmanager in kubuntu-hardy...for some reason , i've seem to lost it [10:10] Aww, and I was just about to tell him... [10:12] after upgrade to 8.04 all my ksplash screen are oversized... How can i restore this setting? [10:12] Have you tried rebooting yet? [10:14] i tried to swap the stereo channels of my soundcard according to http://alsa.opensrc.org/FAQ#How_can_I_tell_ALSA_to_swap_the_left_and_right_stereo_channels_on_my_soundcard.3F , but after creating a ~/.asoundrc and a restart, channels still aren't swapped. Is there anything else to be done? The system is kubuntu 7.10, alsa 1.0.14, card is ENS1371 - Ensoniq AudioPCI (sb16pci) [10:15] Hmm, I don't know about that one... anyone? [10:16] llutz: did you add in the "pcm.default pcm.swapped" line? [10:17] dwidmann: i did [10:19] llutz: does it swap them if you force it by specifying the pcm.swapped device? [10:20] dwidmann: not at all [10:26] hey there [10:26] can anybody help me ?.. how to instal beryl on kubuntu hardy ? [10:27] point me in the right direction or something :) pls [10:27] !compiz [10:27] Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion [10:27] !beryl | emy [10:27] emy: Beryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion. New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz [10:27] use the desktop effects app === niels_ is now known as NielsE [10:28] !compiz [10:28] Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion [10:29] ïðèâåò íàðîä :) [10:36] does anyone know if i can use the same settings for dual screen in 8.04 as in 7.10? because if i follow the how-to's they tell me to change the xorg.conf file in section "screen", subsection "display" and add a line with virtual problem is, if i take a look at my xorg.conf, there is no subsection "display".. === dms is now known as dps [10:37] Hello all [10:37] How can i stop the annoying pop-ups ok Kopete? [10:37] Even if the chat window is active they still appear [10:37] Can't find a place on the setup that stops it [10:38] hi all morgen [10:39] the german link please [10:39] !german [10:39] Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de [10:39] thanks [10:39] hallo morgen [10:40] gibts auch skype für kubunto ? [10:40] hpk: not here, you neeed to type: /join #kubuntu-de [10:41] Guy, anyone here uses kubuntu kde 4? [10:41] !kde4 [10:41] KDE 4.0.3 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0.3 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.3.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-4.0.3.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde4 [10:41] dps: join #kubuntu-kde4 [10:41] Ok... thank you [10:41] k] [10:42] hi [10:42] anybody know of any problems with the hardy version update? [10:42] pteague: I've not used it [10:42] !hardy > pteague [10:42] pteague: many, depending on hw. whats your problem? [10:43] * jussio1 had no problems [10:43] nothing yet, just wanted to know what i might run into... any known issues with nvidia? [10:44] pteague: i suggest you have a look on lp [10:44] k [10:49] is there some site which allows to browse kubuntu translations? [10:50] I need Lithuanian translation file for monitor & screen systemsettings [10:52] dzekas: launchpad [10:53] https://launchpad.net/ [10:53] !launchpad [10:53] Launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/ [10:59] Hello, I need some help with KUbuntu after upgrade. Some things that didn't work previously work now, but some other got broken. [11:00] One weird thing is that Psi ceased to work with GnuPG. [11:06] !compiz [11:06] Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion [11:07] part [11:09] !psi [11:09] Sorry, I don't know anything about psi - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [11:09] OK, I'll be better off with forums I guess... [11:10] how to install ksynaptics? [11:11] sudo apt-get install synaptic [11:11] ? [11:11] <_julian> hi all [11:11] <_julian> are there packages for kernel 2.6.25 for kubuntu 8.04 somewhere? - actually I suffer under regular system freezes with 2.6.24 [11:12] cinex, Package ksynaptics is not available, but is referred to by another package.This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source [11:12] polysilicon: that tends to mean you need to add a repository [11:12] kubuntu- kde4 [11:13] which repository? [11:13] do i have to use force to mount a mac drive with read-write permissions? [11:13] beats me. you could try finding a .deb file on its website [11:13] or try compiling it [11:13] you'd have to google either way [11:13] hmm [11:13] maybe it isn't supported in kde4 [11:14] <_julian> no ideas about 2.6.25? [11:14] cinex, alas... [11:15] maybe [11:15] why should one use kde4 over kde3? [11:15] as far as the looks are concerned kde4 rocks [11:16] kde4 is very basic I'm finding [11:16] so you switched back to 3.5.9 ? [11:16] I'm going to get rid of it even [11:16] not yet. finding out how :P [11:16] hello [11:17] hi [11:17] hello, i am infront of a serious problem that i cant solve.i was using kubuntu (on a pretty working state the last 5-6 months). now i wanted to try kde4 . So before doing that i did a ghost image of my working kubuntu (i had also an image of a fresh installed kubuntu that i use to restore sometimes). [11:17] finally i installed kde4, but as i didnt like it , i thought of restoring (with ghost) back to my last kubuntu state. and then the problems started [11:18] hmm [11:18] although the restoring completed succesfule (in both images that i had and tried to be sure) i was getting some inode errors. like "inode table 37472 conflicts with some other fs blocks . relocate ? (y/n) . [11:18] what problems ? [11:18] holaaaaaaaaaaaaa [11:18] i did press yes in more than 1000-2000 blocks , when i finally rebooted not even the grub load was able to load [11:18] i formated to drive and tried again to restore the working image. again the same problem . [11:18] cinex, did you figure out how to roll back to 3.5.9? [11:19] then i thought it could be the partition damaged, having some errors, checked for errors , nothing there. also installed (fresh install from a cd) succesfuly kubuntu on it just for a test [11:19] polysilicon: no. not yet. there may be a repository you can use to install it. [11:19] ok [11:19] tried to restore again both images that i have and i know they are working as i did restore them a few months ago , but still the same problem [11:19] s4xxon: after you restore the image - is the data on the harddrive ? [11:19] dont know how to fix it. or if it is a partition structure error and debian tries to fix it. any ideas ? [11:19] cinex, yes they are on the disk [11:19] also grub is working well [11:19] so its all installed it just wont boot ? [11:20] i see all dirs , and files that i got on my home dir. [11:20] it boots, i choose which kernel i want to load. but then it tells me i need to do a fsck [11:20] can you back them up to disk or memory card? [11:20] oh [11:20] well fsck'n is easy [11:20] and when i do that i get deferent inode and block errors and i am asked if i want to fix them . i do fix them . and after they are 'fixed' not even the boot loader starts [11:20] fsck /dev/ [11:21] the boot loader can be fixed [11:21] yes , i got my data allready backed up. thats not a problem. the problem is that i want to restore the image as i got many apps installed, drivers , configurations and stuff like that [11:21] [11:22] try doing that to restore grub [11:22] i just cant understand why restoring from an image doesnt work, when i know that i restored several times those images and worked. [11:22] Hi, where does apt keep information on what cpu type (x86, ppc, x86-64, etc) I have? [11:22] i dunno s4xxon maybe your drive was damaged === JapyDooge is now known as Japy|AFK [11:22] no errors, i checked it. as i said , i installed fresh kubuntu on it just to test it [11:22] Hi, where does apt keep information on what cpu type (x86, ppc, x86-64, etc) I have? [11:23] s4xxon: if you were to isntall ubuntu over the top you could keep all your files in $HOME you would just lose the apps - user-configurations would be kept though [11:24] assuming /home is on its own partition [11:24] i got also global configurations (and yes i got the whole home dir saved) [11:25] but as i said, there are many drivers also isntalled and config files configured [11:25] yes [11:28] polysilicon: apt-get install kubuntu-desktop [11:28] works [11:28] which I'm sure i tried last night with no success [11:28] no success?? [11:28] level1: I can't seem to find where it keeps it ... easier to figure out the architecture in use with "uname -m" [11:29] yeah, it didnt work last night === kokuho is now known as Satan2k^tux [11:29] but did jsut now [11:29] cinex, for kde4 its kubuntu-kde-desktop [11:29] ahh [11:29] ok [11:29] polysilicon: you forgot the 4 [11:29] yeah kubuntu-kde4-desktop [11:29] its soooooooo basic and uncustomisable [11:30] dwidmann: actually, I wanted to change it... I know thats a no-no, but I'm just poking around [11:30] I think i'm going to enjoy see the face of my boss when he found out the new 10k€ file server as Linux [11:30] just wondering how much is the % of users with kde4? [11:30] I'm gonna get fired! [11:30] level1: can't really say I'd recommend even trying to change it, that's sooooooo screw things up I bet. [11:30] YES! [11:30] dps: yay [11:30] Hi, I'm still having problems with my soundcard, I think the driver doesn't work on 64 bits Linux... Does anybody know where to get a good driver, of maybe anoter solution? [11:31] dps: sounds like fun [11:31] dps: why would you get fired for that? If hes really pissed just install IIS [11:31] Minnozz: which card? [11:31] Please [11:32] Well... He was MAD when installed a redundant pfsende bds solution [11:32] Insted of the cisco€€€€ [11:32] dwidmann: It's the onboard sound chip of my motherboard (ASUS P5B Deluxe WIFI/AP), lspci says 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 02) [11:32] But its working... [11:32] does ubuntu support NTFS [11:32] still no joy for my broadcom wifi card either [11:32] !NTFS [11:32] To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubotu NTFS-3g or /msg ubotu FUSE [11:32] Minnozz: is the "snd_intel8x0" driver loaded? [11:32] every sound card in the world is "Intel Corporation HD Audio Controller" lol [11:32] cinex, so you are going to stay with kde3 only.. [11:33] its probably a realtek [11:33] dwidmann: not that exact name, but I do have "snd_hda_intel" loaded [11:33] polysilicon: I will keep it installed and keep checking on its progress [11:33] hopeing someone creates a normal kmenu for it [11:33] good idea [11:33] Minnozz: ah, oops, I missed the last bit, so that should be the right one [11:34] Minnozz: (always requisite) none of the sound channels are muted, and they're all set to at least 75% rigth? [11:34] cinex: normal kmenu for what? [11:34] kde4 [11:34] dwidmann: I'm pretty sure it's a driver problem, KMix doesn't see anything and Amarok gives an error when I start it [11:34] you mean the old style kmenu? [11:35] yeah, the "old style" [11:35] cinex: it's already there. look at the Application Launcher Menu applet. #kubuntu-kde4 for more help [11:35] dwidmann: So I can't even mute channels, change volume etc. [11:35] is it? I googled around and found nothing [11:35] Minnozz: hmm, kay [11:35] cinex: and in KDE 4.1, it will be easier, you can just right-click on the icon to switch styles [11:36] cinex, on my laptop 7.10 was working out of the box, here in kde4 nothing is working no sound/no multimedia keys [11:36] brb [11:37] Please, Can any one reply to me please [11:37] dwidmann: KMix says 'mixer cannot be found' and alsamixer says 'alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory' [11:37] * dwidmann hops off to download kde4 svn because he is too impatient to wait for kde 4.1 [11:37] I need to know if the ubuntu support NTFS or not [11:37] I need to install Ubunt beside windows [11:37] Neo_4583: It does [11:37] Ok, does it require clean partiion === ronnie is now known as Trophyhead [11:37] !ntfs | Neo_4583 [11:37] Neo_4583: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubotu NTFS-3g or /msg ubotu FUSE [11:37] ext2 or ext3 [11:38] * polysilicon downgrading to kde 3.5.9 : 2 hours 45 minutes remaining... [11:38] Neo_4583: you need to use a Linux-type partition to install Kubuntu on. you can't use NTFS. but you can read/write to NTFS partitions from Kubuntu [11:38] re [11:38] I know that it support most of the files system, what I ment is Does it work if it is installed [11:38] Minnozz: yeah ... dunno why it wouldn't be seeing it even though the driver is loaded and such, take a look at your /var/log/dmesg maybe it has some hints in there [11:38] on NTFS partion [11:38] Neo_4583: no [11:38] Neo_4583: alternatively, you can try out Wubi [11:38] Ok, Thanks a lot guys [11:38] !NTFS-3g [11:38] ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions [11:39] Neo_4583: Wubi will install Kubuntu as a "file" in an NTFS partition [11:39] one more question, do anyone have referance for the objective C [11:39] Why would someone want to try to install linux on an NTFS FS anyway?? ... it's inferior. [11:39] that is installed with Ubunt KDeveloper [11:39] dwidmann: dmesg has an interesting line: "[ 3136.761581] HDA Intel: probe of 0000:00:1b.0 failed with error -16" [11:39] I have my own reasons :D [11:39] dwidmann: its so people do not to modify their existing partitions/windows [11:39] I used VM to install linux and I wanna have it on HD, so I though it will be nice to have it with the other files [11:40] +need [11:40] Great Flaccid ;) [11:40] u got the point [11:40] lol yeah [11:40] Minnozz: interesting indeed. Looks like something good to google withh [11:40] Neo_4583: Wubi will install Kubuntu as a "file" in an NTFS partition <---- you mean I didn't get the point? [11:41] !wubi | Neo_4583 [11:41] Neo_4583: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. [11:41] dwidmann: already doing that ;) [11:41] is there any hardware designed for the ubuntu [11:42] Minnozz: anyhow, I *doubt* it is 64-bit related, both this computer and my laptop are functioning very well with two different intel hda chips with 64-bit kubuntu :) [11:42] to maximize the performance of the hardware [11:42] Neo_4583: not that I know of, but ubuntu performs really well already, if you want to boost performance the best thing you can do is make sure you have plenty of RAM [11:42] dwidmann: Hmm okay, but then I'm not sure what is te problem, because before the clean install (I was using Gutsy) my soundcard worked perfectly... [11:43] I have 2 G, does it Ok with it [11:43] AMD Athlon 4000+ x2 [11:43] Minnozz: could be an issue with either ALSA or the kernel [11:44] dwidmann: any idea on how to fix this? [11:44] Hello. I want to run the live CD via PXE netboot. Is this possible? [11:44] maybe another version of the ALSA driver? [11:45] I think it will work fine, thanks for ur help guys [11:45] Minnozz: well, narrowing down the problem might not be too easy. I would start with googling either your motherboard model (if you know what it is) or computer model (if you have no idea) and see if you can find out which chip it is [11:46] dwidmann: the chip is "ADI AD1988B" [11:46] Minnozz: okay, I'll help you look for issues with it then, off to google we go :) [11:47] dwidmann: thank you for helping me :) [11:47] Minnozz: google "adi ad1988b ubuntu hardy" to see what I see. [11:48] how can i add a patch .patch to the exsting kernel [11:49] !install | vlt [11:49] vlt: Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate [11:50] **sigh** having such a prob with the nvidia 3d acellerator package, second time I reboot, it reads the moniter different & tremulos no-longer works = ( [11:51] !nvidia [11:51] For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [11:52] dwidmann: I see something about a kernel option, should I try that? [11:53] Minnozz: of course, If I were in your shoes I'd be trying anything and everything to make things work :) [11:53] yeah, guess so ;) [11:54] dwidmann: I'm not really sure what kind of option that is, is it a boot option? [11:54] Not sure what you're looking at, atm, minozz, what is the option and maybe I'll be able to tell right off? [11:55] dwidmann: ah sorry, I meant "pnpacpi=off" [11:56] umm. the desktop just crashed kinda - the taskbar disapeared. i ran kicker and it has the old kde3 taskbar come up - was I supposed to run something else ? [11:56] you weren't supposed to run kicker :) [11:56] heh [11:56] there's no kicker in KDE 4. #kubuntu-kde4 for more help [11:56] (which I pointed to earlier) [11:56] kk [11:56] Minnozz: when booting, at grub, press 'e' on the line you're going to boot, go to the line starting with "kernel" and press 'e' again, add that option to the very end of the line and press enter, then press 'b' to boot [11:56] sorry [11:57] I've a new toy [11:57] dwidmann: thanks a lot, I'm going to try it right away, brb [11:57] cinex: you were supposed to run plasma [12:00] salve [12:00] dwidmann: Yaay, this worked! Thanks a lot! [12:01] Minnozz: no problem :) [12:01] dwidmann: GRUB didn't save this option, right? [12:01] Minnozz: right [12:02] how do i mount hfsplus with write permissions? [12:02] Minnozz: kdesudo kate /boot/grub/menu.lst [12:02] dwidmann: where should I edit? (btw, I'm using vim) [12:03] between the double-commented lines? [12:03] Minnozz: ctrl+f look for "defoptions" -- add it to that, save, and run "sudo update-grub" [12:04] Minnozz: yay for vim! [12:05] dwidmann: indeed :D I edited it, ran the update, so now everything should be fine... thanks again! ;) [12:06] Minnozz: enjoy your working soundcard [12:06] I will ^_^ === dcorbin_ is now known as dcorbin_work [12:21] I can't seem to use smb://fileserver no more. it is saying that it does not exist. any idea's? [12:22] hello everyone I was wondering if it was possible to change file managers ? [12:23] hello all:) [12:23] I cab I use partimage at runtime? [12:24] can I use partimage at runtime? [12:26] hello everyone I was wondering if it was possible to change file managers ? [12:29] nobody has smb problems after upgrading to 0804 ? [12:37] nope - I use nfs === Fujisano is now known as Fujisan [12:47] For updating from Gusty to Hardy, can I do the clean-up later? [12:49] LetsGo67: you mean removing the downloaded packages? [12:49] Yes, SmileyPete.. [12:50] LetsGo67: yes, you can [12:50] I had to do that myself because Adept crashed [12:50] So, I can sudo apt-get clean, and it will clean l8r? [12:50] I just did "sudo apt-get clean" after I booted Hardy [12:51] Good stuff, SmileyPete. [12:51] My gui looked all weird for a second during updating. [12:51] Firefox icon missing. [12:52] BTW, in Breezy, Firefox icon had no Firefox, did Canonical get permission to use the image in later releases? [12:53] Firefox icon in Ubuntu used to be just a globe, but later, a fox was added. [12:56] Thanks man, ttyl. [12:57] greets [12:57] was wondering if anyone is available to help with firefox issues? [12:57] depends on the issue. :) [12:57] thanks [12:58] dropped back to firefox-2 to get extensions I need and I cannot install any extensions at all [12:58] the error message is always the same [12:58] var installLocation = this._em.getInstallLocation(id); [12:58] anyone knows how to fix that using 'smb://' is broken on 0804 ? [12:58] the above line comes back as being the source of the error [12:59] me thinks the is an Kubuntu config error as both firefox (defaulting to 3) and firefox-2 are available [12:59] hi [13:00] but I have no idea on how to change it or too what?..:) [13:00] I'm running kubuntu in vmware, but I no longer have any internet access/connection. [13:00] where do I start looking? [13:00] for what? [13:01] esperegu, ive seen it break. then it works when i next reboot.. then works for a few days, then stops again.. very annoying. even under gnome, and fusesmb all samba browsing/shares will stop working but i cant find the cause. [13:02] I use the daily tester tools for Firefox3 - that lets me use all the extensions i want in firefox3 even if they are not 'supported' in FF3. :) and golly.. most of them work. heh [13:02] hi all [13:02] in 7.10 kdm usually comes up with the wrong resolution. after logging in kde switches to the proper res, but not always. known bug? [13:03] is there anybody who could help me to upgrade my kubuntu from 6.10 to 8.04? [13:03] "daily tester tools"....where can I read up on that? [13:03] a user can have their own res under kde. It mayjust be reading that to swith res. [13:03] chris123, its a firefox extension. [13:04] thanks === Tonio__ is now known as Tonio_ [13:07] Dr_willis: seems to be broken on ubuntu also: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/209520 === magical is now known as shay_lo_croma [13:10] !nvidia [13:10] For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [13:15] esperegu, try it with the fusesmb tool. even THAT wouldent work for me. [13:15] Ciao a tutti [13:15] ho un enorme problema [13:16] stavo aggiornando kubuntu 7.10 a 8.04 [13:16] e ho interrotto per errore l'upgrade [13:16] great - now the printer printed one page.. then wont print no more. [13:17] !it | mimmors [13:17] mimmors: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! [13:17] ok grazie [13:24] hi, all... I want to buy TV card, can anybody give me some tips with good support for Kubuntu, plz? [13:26] basy, check out the reccomended cards on the MythTV web site. [13:27] its all about how well LINUX supports the card. :) not kubuntu specific [13:27] hi there [13:27] thanks [13:28] i need some help, i got a failure at the boot up with ubuntu 8.04 i386 [13:28] its called SRST Failure (errno=16) [13:29] its only on the i386 version, the 64bit version runs perfect [13:29] does anybody here what to do? [13:32] nobody? [13:34] !it [13:34] Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! [13:34] hi, is the KDE4 remix worth the effort? [13:35] hello, whats the difference between kubuntu and kubuntu generic ? [in download mirror , i see 2 versions for i386, the kubuntu generic and kubuntu so whats the difference? [13:35] for hardy heron [13:38] moope1, not really. [13:38] one may be the kde4 variant khaleel5000 . [13:38] moope1: for KDE 4.0.3? not really... unless you're really curious and willing. you might want to ask more in #kubuntu-kde4 [13:39] which is the 3x varient ? [13:39] which is the kde* 3x varient ? [13:40] khaleel5000: link to the download mirror you are talking about? [13:41] hallo [13:41] wie gehts euich? [13:42] Can i sync google calendar with kontact? [13:42] Jucato: rafb.net/p/rfcj6a20 [13:43] the link is there [i am in cli giving ftp would be difficult, [13:43] ftp is pasted there [13:43] khaleel5000: not found on server [13:44] Jucato: rafb.net/p/rfcj6a20.html :) [13:44] still not found... [13:46] ok found it [13:46] khaleel5000: for reference, the URL is case sensitive: http://www.rafb.net/p/rFcJ6a20.html [13:47] khaleel5000: I don't see any "generic" download there [13:47] yup that [13:47] go to the link [13:47] khaleel5000: only alternate and desktop variants. no generic and non-generic === dondon is now known as turtleneck [13:48] oh yeah sorry alterneate [13:48] (i am asking on behalf of someone else, [13:48] sorry [13:49] !alternate [13:49] The Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-alternate-i386.iso.torrent [13:49] alternate and desktop , whats the different [13:49] !livecd [13:49] The Ubuntu Desktop CD is a "LiveCD" which can be run without altering existing files on your harddrive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option. [13:49] khaleel5000: ^^^^^^^ [13:50] I have installed kubuntu hardy heron-alternate but the problem is at booting , after some time it shows a blank screen (prolly when it should startx) and all I can do is reboot :( [13:50] why is this bot linking to an gnome cd in this channel oO [13:51] flipstar: because it's a generic bot. depends on where the factoid was first made [13:52] my system is intel p4 2.66, 1gb , mobo is Mercury P4vm800m7 (already runing pclinux 2006, debian etch and also ran ubuntu 6x on this system [13:52] okay..but you could make it channel specific ;) [13:52] sure. but that only happens when someone notices that it was wrong. we don't know *all* factoids you know [13:52] we're not ubotu [13:53] no offense i just wondered [13:53] I forgot to :P btw [13:53] so :P [13:54] Jucato: speak for yourself :P [13:55] khaleel5000: did you tried an livecd before installed ? and btw what's your graphic card ? [13:56] !alternate | flipstar and jussio1 [13:56] flipstar and jussio1: The Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. Look for the alternate checkbox on the Kubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/8.04/kubuntu-8.04-alternate-i386.iso.torrent [13:56] great :) [13:57] happy now? :) [13:57] very :p [13:57] jussio1: ok. from now on, I'm calling you jussiobotu :) [13:58] * jussio1 huggles Jucato [13:58] :D [14:00] bai [14:03] someone have a comand for delete the complete ubuntu desktop, i tried sudo aptitude purge ubuntu-desktop but i still have a lot of gnome apps [14:03] !purekde | terrestre [14:03] terrestre: purekde is If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE » [14:03] all the login manager options grayed out in 8.04 KDE4, am i doing something wrong? [14:05] Jucato, thank you, the list ofr gusty could be usable in hardy? [14:05] not really sure :) [14:06] why i can't specify a 64/128 wep key in network manager? [14:06] or it doesn't matter at all? [14:06] Jucato, i will check now [14:06] i just can't connect to my wireless ap [14:08] dmesg keeps outputing wlan0: RX deauthentication from MY:AP:MC:AD:DR (reason=2) [14:09] i running kubuntu hardy amd64 with iwl3945 driver [14:10] no one know where i can start looking for? [14:10] hello , i have hardy heron , i was having touble starting system (it froze before starting X , so i copied my xorg.conf from pclinux2008 to kubunto and its working flawlessly except my mouse isint working. === rignes_ is now known as rignes [14:11] how do i configure mouse on kubuntu? [14:18] !mouse [14:18] Enabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto [14:19] does anyone here experience slow window resizing? [14:19] * polysilicon is happy with kde 3.5.9 ! [14:20] because mine is terribly slow :S [14:23] not a common problem? [14:24] anyone here into problems with IPv6? I tried the blacklist ipv6 and that got rid of the error messages [14:24] but I still got no internet [14:24] sudo dhclient does get me online though [14:25] !ipv6 [14:25] To disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv4 [14:26] it seems ipv6 is disabled now.. [14:26] ip a | grep inet6 gives nothing now [14:26] but unless I run dhclient manually I still get no internet? why? [14:27] <_eMaX_> strange problem here - had a crash running kde4 and compiz (unrelated to compiz) and when I rebooted and logged in I get a crash of kde-window-decorator immediately. When I try compiz --replace, I get the window manager in a "window". [14:28] where are the desktop effects?? like compiz. I am unable to see then in 'System settings' [14:28] polysilicon: it's in the kmenu under system [14:30] ohh I thought its already packaged in kubuntu-desktop [14:30] I need to download some files again [14:31] does networkmanager have a config file where i cant set the encryption methodo? [14:32] does supported encryption depends on wirelless device or device driver? [14:32] if so ...does networkmanager load the encryption methods accordly? [14:33] why in on machine with ubuntu the network lists 5+ encryption methods and in my machine with kubuntu it lists only 3? [14:33] can anyone help with why I need to run dhclient manually to get online? [14:33] the machines are equal...with the same hardware [14:34] one with ubuntu other with kubuntu === kokuho is now known as Satan2k^tux [14:34] why does i have to listen from my coleagues that the problem is with kde? [14:34] :D [14:38] does anyone know hoe to get rid of the resize window lag? [14:38] jony_: lag? Sounds like you graphics driver's not up to snuff [14:42] where can i find which version im running SlimeyPete? [14:42] where do I find the control center / why don't I have a control center? [14:43] have u looked in the startmenu? [14:44] yep.. can't find it [14:44] can I run it manually? [14:44] write in the console Kcontrol [14:44] hmm. not there [14:45] sorry i meant command [14:45] kirean: in Kubuntu it is replaced by System Settings [14:45] you can still run KControl yourself. press Alt+F2 and type "kcontrol" [14:45] it wasn't there? [14:46] huh? [14:46] K Menu -> System Settings [14:47] I found system settings.. [14:47] but no KControl, neither by Alt+F2 [14:47] Hello. Is it just me or is rt73 support a little buggy in 8.04? [14:48] aerith: new drivers in 8.04 [14:48] the serialmonkey drivers where added [14:48] kirean: KDE 4? [14:48] yep [14:49] kirean: ah right... no more KControl in KDE 4 [14:49] completely replaced by System Settings (same contents though) [14:49] Gabz: Is there any way to improve preformance that you know of? [14:49] same contents, just different interface [14:49] hmm.. I wan't to look at DHCP settings [14:50] but there is no useful settings to be found anywhere? [14:50] aerith: latest cvs version of the drivers. newer kernel.. the 2.6.24 kernel sucks for wireless drivers they updated the intel ones and broke those aswell [14:50] kirean: I don't think there is any at all. try asking in #kubuntu-kde4 [14:50] Gabz: Sounds like I might be better off with 7.10 in regards to wireless.:) [14:50] ok, thanks [14:51] aerith: maybe, what's the problem with the rt73 driver ? [14:52] Howdy all [14:52] Gabz: Under 8.04 I get alot of dead connections with my linksys wireless adapter. [14:53] Gabz: I mean connections that register but do not do anyhting at all. [14:53] check out dmesg to see if there is errors in there. and if they are WPA enterprise connections you probably want to install and patch the latest driver [14:54] aerith: got to fly it's bed time in aus [14:54] Gabz: Just connecting to an unsecured network, but will check Dmesg thanks. [14:56] 'morning genii, jpatrick [14:56] BluesKaj: Mornin :) [14:56] BluesKaj: mornin' [14:57] * BluesKaj hands out coffees to those in need [14:58] * genii sips [14:59] interesting , I got kaffeine to play both real media and quicktime on the CBC site [15:01] is there any way by which I can select the Compiz effects to be run? in System>Desktop Effects I have only 4 options [15:01] I mean select individual effects.. [15:01] is this a new capapbility for kaffeine , or have I been struggling with real media quicktime all this time for no reason ? [15:02] real media & quicktime [15:03] or is it a 'wrapper' that the website uses [15:03] polysilicon: you have to install 'advanced desktop settings' with synaptic, then you get acces to all the goodies [15:04] polysilicon: if you have ati or nvidia card, you also need restricted driver for it to work [15:05] Deepthought, ok I have Intel [15:05] polysilicon: should work [15:06] Deepthought, I'm quite impressed with the Hardy ATI restricted driver version , does 3D and DRI exceptionally well compared to previous efforts. [15:06] am i right that you can't mount hfs+ read-writeable with kernels > 2.6.15? [15:08] is Adept same as synaptic? [15:08] How combine multiple files from one folder, they have .001, .002... .007 name, and there's .crc file? It is splitted .mkv file [15:08] BluesKaj: wouldn' t know, am totally nvidia minded, upgraded from tnt2 to gefoce 2 to 3 to 4200 to 5200 to 7900 GS [15:08] ahhh, a gamer [15:08] BluesKaj: but what to do with all teh old cards ? [15:09] put 'em on ebay ? [15:09] polysilicon: The end result is the same. Although strictly speaking they are not the same same [15:10] #plasma [15:10] okk [15:10] BluesKaj: not only; though I must confess keeping my windoze around to kill some VC in the jungle, some aliens on Xen and spiders in the halflife-lab and racing at night in frisco from time to time.. [15:11] algyz, dunno for sure but mencoder can join files together and avimerge can as well. mencoder -oac copy -ovc copy inputfile1.avi inputfile2.avi -o outputfile.avi [15:11] Okay, thanks for idea [15:11] avidemux maybe? [15:11] BluesKaj: don' t trust internet biz [15:12] Deepthought, i heard the new GTA is already in the torrents [15:12] BluesKaj: have a second rig in bedroom to play in the old settings on the last card; no more rooms though... GTA is the newest driver or what ? [15:13] algyz, mencoder especially does agood job [15:13] BluesKaj: Oh wait, Grand Theft Auto [15:14] Deepthought, join us in #kubuntu-offtopic [15:14] BluesKaj: not to sure about that, to complicated, prefer just driving and oversterring and upgrading tires & engine and stuff [15:14] BluesKaj: in command line? === Japy|AFK is now known as Japy|Gaming [15:14] yes algyz [15:15] Japy|Gaming: we don't care [15:16] sorry, don' t get all worked up... it's a use of the system at any rate too... [15:17] needs all sorts of complicated stuff too... [15:17] algyz, here's an explanation http://www.misterhowto.com/index.php?category=Computers&subcategory=Video&article=join_with_mencoder [15:17] thx [15:22] algyz, I would also investigate ffmpeg . I believe it can convert .mkv files too [15:27] does anyone know how I can make kubuntu rebuild my /etc/fstab? [15:28] the upgrade broke my swap (happens every update, since the uuid was introduced) === Tonio__ is now known as Tonio_ [15:30] Any way easy mount UFS file system? [15:33] berkes, you can edit partitions using gparted , it will fix your swap and fstab . Highly recommended for resizing and reformatting as well [15:34] BluesKaj: thx. I haved qtparted,but will apt the gnome one/ :) [15:35] so where = U ? I'm curious too [15:35] berkes: there's no need, they are both GUIs to the parted app [15:36] stdin: but doe they write changes to the fstab? [15:36] berkes, it's saved me a few times [15:36] berkes: neither do afaik [15:37] arghh. the latest 8.04 uses sda rather then hda again.... grrr [15:37] berkes, I see hda on my partitions === pep is now known as PeP` === ubuntu_ is now known as mocap [15:38] BluesKaj: fdisk -l shows me sda. guess Iĺl need to hand-edit fstab again. [15:39] I just looked in system settings/disks and file systems === cool is now known as cool__ [15:41] stdin, how does a clean install screw up fstab .. ? [15:41] anyone have a clue to converting to mtv format in linux (the movie format chi-pods use, also amv) [15:42] BluesKaj: not a clue [15:42] hi all, i am "waiting for root file system" at boot-time ... seems like kubuntu mixes up sda sdb and UUIDs ... help [15:43] español [15:43] !es [15:43] Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda. [15:46] BluesKaj: maybe on wine with the proprietary prog, afeter installign all teh codecs (dyslexia rhaaaa !) [15:47] Deepthought, checkout ffmpeg and mencoder ...they seem to be the most versatile video conversion apps around , unless you prefer GUI's. [15:48] Hello [15:48] BluesKaj: I know, tried, but doesn' t do the trick; they's pretty awkward formats; mtv appears to be a chan of jpegs, doesn't make sense, but functions well [15:48] amv is different, more like mpeg [15:48] chain [15:49] are there any windows apps that might work , if you're dual booting [15:50] BluesKaj: ???? [15:50] something that works in both after conversion [15:51] is it possible to set it up so that one user logs into KDE while another one logs into Gnome? [15:51] both windows and linux like mpg === hanumankatuwal is now known as bibstha === Japy|Gaming is now known as Japy|Shopping [15:51] inavat, trivial.. the KDM/GDM login screen has a menu the users can select what desktop to use [15:51] inavat, at the login menu [15:51] oh.. lol [15:51] sorry [15:55] stdin? [15:55] yes? [15:55] whats wrong on changing my nick when i go afk -_- [15:55] !away > Japy|Shopping (see /msg from ubotu) [15:56] its annoying and pointless. :) [15:56] anyone have a clue to how to keep caht-memberlist from reappearing after each login in kopete ? I allways tick it away, but each new instance it's ther e again; want it gone, all the time.. don't need it, unless I ask for it... don' t telll me to use Kommunicator, it' s like kopete, but not enough, and I want to keep track of other IM accounts as well [15:56] chat meber list I mean [15:57] stdin: then i better part #kubuntu, you're the only one whining about it and there are channels where it's preferred in the way i do it. good luck :) i was here to help people, not to get in a pointless fight about manners... === edney is now known as edneymatias [15:58] hi! where do i go if i want kde4 support? [15:58] #kubuntu-kde4 [15:58] thank you! [15:59] I use an IRC client for IRC ...aN IM client for IM ...those clients that try to do everything are just too frutrating IMO [16:00] <--- old school , use the right tools for the job [16:01] * nosrednaekim likes Old school stuff :) [16:01] hugs BluesKaj [16:03] just to add...i managed to get my wireless working [16:04] good [16:05] thank you all! [16:08] is there a way to disable all the "so and so has left this server" "so and so has joined" stuff? [16:09] tortoisehead, which client ? [16:10] español [16:10] !es [16:10] Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda. [16:10] konversation [16:10] i see the list under the settings that allows me to set programs and things to happen when the things come up [16:10] tortoisehead: settings -> configure konversation -> behavior -> chat window -> hide join/part/nick events. or something. [16:11] but i want to just only see conversation, not renaming, sign in, sign out [16:11] hmm [16:11] hold on, i might have missed it [16:11] tortoisehead, settings/configure konverstaion/chat window ..there's an option for hiding joins and part [16:11] wah, thanks [16:12] ok guy,s my adept installer has crashed and locked up , what the fix [16:12] hi all [16:12] is there a lock in var? [16:12] !aptfix [16:12] If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a » [16:12] beat me to it [16:12] haha [16:12] tortoisehead: :) [16:18] while i'm here, i have a very strange question [16:19] i have a partition that keeps disappearing every time i log on [16:19] where all of my data is stored [16:19] i'm looking at the system settigns disk usage [16:19] and it says that it should be enabled at boot [16:19] and mountable by any user [16:20] will just turning it to "allow only root to enable/disable" fix the problem? [16:20] tortoisehead: you have it mounted as /home or something? [16:20] what does mount say? [16:20] a few months back i was trying to use kde4 in kubuntu and was having problems and was told by someone in here that the kde4 implementation wasnt fully complete and that is why some apps werent working. [16:21] mount is ok now [16:21] What is the status of kde4 and kubuntu now? [16:21] it's currently mounted, but it's just when i log on it's not there [16:21] "home/name/storage" [16:22] tortoisehead: oh.... don't mount things there.... [16:22] hmm [16:22] i assumed it was just a frontend for mount [16:22] Limbeaux, you can install a mixer version , Hardy +KDE4 [16:22] Limbeaux: in hardy, it works very well [16:22] hold on, i'll double check what mount says [16:23] well, as well as KDe 4.0 should work :P [16:23] mount lists is right now [16:23] so it seems to have worked for that time [16:23] do i have to change fstab to make it permanent? [16:23] what's up with the font in Firefox 3 @ Hardy Heron? Monospace looks really weird (light greay and small) [16:23] *fonts [16:23] can I see thr output of mount... and the contents of the fstab [16:23] thanks!! i will give a shot again soon [16:24] is there a pastebin i should use? [16:24] or do you just want to see that one line? [16:25] !pastebin [16:25] pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) [16:25] that one line is "/dev/sda6 on /home/scott/garden type ext3 (rw)" [16:25] but i can do that too [16:25] haha [16:26] http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64878/ [16:27] that's bash [16:27] er [16:27] mount [16:27] tortoisehead: ok, what about the contents of your fstab? [16:27] next is fstab [16:28] http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64879/ [16:29] lol === ubuntu is now known as ubuntu__ [16:29] love [16:29] how to enable vertical, horiz, circular scrolling on synaptic touchpad? [16:30] i'm guessing it's the nouser thing? [16:31] tortoisehead: any reason you are mounting to /home/scott in particular? [16:31] well, it was an accident during the reinstall, to be honest [16:31] i couldn't remember the mount point [16:31] haha [16:31] tortoisehead: :) ok, then change that to /media/something and save the file [16:32] hmm [16:32] I don't think you are supposed to be mounting things in /home [16:32] any reason? [16:32] and then do "sudo mkdir /media/samesomething" [16:32] tortoisehead: because then it only belongs to that user... despite the current permissions on the drive (I think) [16:32] anyone else having problems with weird monospace fonts in Firefox 3 ? [16:33] that would mess things up ( i'm guessing.... never tried, nor seen it done) [16:33] hmm [16:33] what are the permissions on media? [16:34] i thought i would entertain everyone by detailing my upgrade process to hardy [16:34] whatever the permissions on the drive are I think [16:34] i was here a few days ago wtha hosed upgrade, and then was only able to find an old fluxbuntu 6.06 disc [16:34] (or however its mounted) [16:34] ah yes, a command line update of two years of changes [16:35] lots of wrestling with aptitude [16:35] wow.... [16:35] :) [16:35] it took 10 hours [16:35] haha [16:35] my cd drive on my laptop mysteriously stopped opening after the desktop upgrade was hosed [16:36] and my roommate's mac keeps burning error prone discs (always with 2 errors) [16:36] i now understand the appeal of pressed cds [16:37] actually, there was some bizarre error with evms oo [16:37] too, it basically makes the hard drive thrash but never boots [16:37] had to use the dapper kernel to boot [16:37] ah... updating... [16:39] XD [16:39] that is why i now have a "rescueme" partition [16:40] which can be use for a tiny distro like puppy if thre is a problem [16:40] at least i can fire up a browser or burn a cd [16:41] español [16:41] !es [16:41] Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda. [16:42] it's amazing how quiet this channel is compared to the regular ubuntu one [16:43] that one is a nightmare [16:43] tortoisehead, see the member count... [16:44] its 1/5th of #ubuntu [16:44] i know [16:44] but even so, it's still a lot [16:44] they seem like they've got about 10,000 members i there [16:45] <_eMaX_> wow. [16:45] <_eMaX_> I've a reverse capslock key led effect in hardy [16:45] lol [16:45] <_eMaX_> yeah [16:46] <_eMaX_> my laptop led tells me I've capslock on, yet I type mixedcase. [16:46] newbies to linux are most likely to use Gnome than KDE [16:46] <_eMaX_> hey that's cool. with hardy I can show off with having one more LED constantly on. [16:46] that's a shame [16:46] because if i had to put up with gnome, i probably would have stuck with windows [16:47] i love my right click menu, dammit [16:47] hello I just tried running updates on my 8.04 kubuntu and there are 5 packages to update however they all fail with a 404 error [16:47] 404 error? [16:47] <_eMaX_> ne1 here uses vmware 6 on hardy? I've problems getting sound to work in the vmware clients [16:47] yeah [16:47] click "Fetch Updates" again [16:47] Err http://us.archive.ubuntu.com hardy-proposed/main foomatic-filters 3.0.2-20071204-0ubuntu2.1 [16:47] 404 Not Found [IP: 80] [16:47] <_eMaX_> no packages to update here [16:47] try updating with apt-get === _Czessi is now known as Czessi [16:48] apt-get safe-upgrade, i think [16:48] tortoisehead, I did thats how I saw the errors [16:48] :P [16:48] dist-upgrade [16:48] hmm [16:48] dist-upgrade would not solve 404 [16:48] wait [16:48] is the us.archive the problem? [16:48] fetch the list again "sudo apt-get update" [16:48] I dont know [16:48] ok [16:48] that seems like it's odd... [16:49] fetched [16:49] see if it still 404's [16:49] k [16:49] hmm nope its working now [16:49] that was very strange [16:50] that's kind of a cool problem [16:50] maybe the files had just not gotten to that particular server yet [16:50] haha [16:50] usually happens when something is moved from one dir to another but the package list hasn't been updated (usually only a few secs apart) [16:50] basically mean "opps you're too quick, try again" [16:50] sweet well that took care of my updates [16:50] ;D [16:51] i still am impressed with the level of activitiy here [16:51] hmm, have the fonts changed in Heron? Or have I just lost fonts that I hadbefore. [16:51] enough to be useful but not overwhelming [16:51] i think heron makes a lot of things arial by default [16:51] yeah I tried asking in ubuntu but that channel is way to busy [16:51] i remember the theme manager changing things to arieal [16:52] a lot of them are weird questions too [16:52] "help. how do i install flash?" [16:52] Righto, it is messing up some of my Java apps. Fonts running of the bottoms of menus etc [16:52] i know there is a problem with firefox brutally destroying fonts in hardy [16:52] is 4.7GB enough for kubuntu? [16:53] donald_duck: shouldbe [16:53] it's enough if you don't keep updating without cleaning the cache [16:53] donald_duck: yes [16:53] ok i will shrink it down to 5GB later. [16:53] I am not sure if I like KDE 4 yet [16:53] :/ [16:53] is this including "/home" or no? [16:54] until kde4 is stable and has domino as a theme [16:54] tortoisehead: firefox always looks ugly in KDE [16:54] i will stick with 3 [16:54] /home is pretty much empty by default [16:54] good point [16:54] konqueror hates gmail though [16:54] er, gmail hates konqueror [16:54] I found an interesting bug in kde 4 dealing with the desktop icons [16:55] toyo|desk: when you delete them... the file isn't deleted [16:55] :) [16:55] that's well known [16:55] probably more people know that than know about KDE 4 in the first place ;) [16:55] is qtparted better than gparted [16:55] if you rotate the icon and try to move it it cant determine that its been rotated and still thinks that the top of the icon is up [16:55] i think gparted is a bit more useful, generally [16:56] so when you move it it makes things real interesting [16:56] qtparted gives me lip [16:56] tortoisehead: LOL.... [16:56] *toyo [16:57] hi. I have a pdf file. Is there a way to make another pdf so that will have more pages on a paper (I have a pdf with slides, and would like to print two slides on one page). I know I can setup this on the printer, but I'm interested if there is another way [16:57] toyo|desk: that's just for fun ;) but still known [16:57] lol [16:57] ok [16:57] :D [16:57] codeRat:are you using a pdf created from a powerpoint type thing? [16:58] Hi, KDE 3.5.8, how should I normally joina Cisco VPN on 64 bit distro? I have a URL my network administrator gave me [16:58] that URL starts a Java progranm which in turn starts a Cisco AnyConnect VPN client [16:59] whats the issue [16:59] after this program is started... what should I do? [17:00] alesan, think your net admin needs to give you that info [17:00] to ne honest I'd prefer the VPN to start in one of the following ways: 1) by a command line 2) by a KDE applet or sometihng [17:00] or a Cisco FAQ [17:00] toyo|desk: or ask google mh? my sys admin will begin to ask me if I'm still running XP or Vista [17:01] alesan, well what info dose it ask you when it runs [17:01] is there anybody could help me on this : http://pastebin.com/m50aa27cc [17:01] Hi there. Can u help me with KDE? [17:01] ) [17:01] gromozekin: what problem do you have? [17:01] my gmail account keeps flooding with spam, I dunno how to avoid spam.. moreover sometimes valid mails go in spam folder so I have to browse through all the spam to check [17:02] polysilicon, thats not really a kubuntu issue [17:02] some menu troubles with transparency [17:02] i dunno where edit it [17:02] Hello, is there anybody could help me on this : http://pastebin.com/m50aa27cc ? i got an error when try to start networking service [17:04] soontak: delete the first line of that file [17:04] hey [17:04] nosrednaekin, can u help m? [17:04] gromozekin: maybe... could you be more specific? [17:05] Thank you nosrednaekim [17:05] soontak: lemme guess, you are on KDE4? [17:06] nosrednaekin, yes. i downloaded qtcurve, and somewhere i setup transparency\shading\etc and now my system is working so slow (Intel Core2Duo t5450 1.6MhZ btw) [17:06] hehe no gfx acceleration is my guess for the slowness [17:06] nosrednaekim : haha, i just upgrade from 7.10 to 8.04 [17:06] oop I GTG [17:06] ttyl [17:07] thanks for the help on the update guys [17:07] :) [17:07] gromo: what video card are you using? [17:07] gromozekin: ah... ok go to systemsettings->appearnace->style->effects [17:07] sec [17:07] 0 [17:07] 8) [17:08] damn not this [17:08] gromozekin: ok.. then its the other place... one moment [17:08] ok [17:08] in this place there were some stuff to drag and correct transparency [17:09] oprn up kcontrol->desktop->windowbehavior-> translucency [17:09] *open [17:09] i'm going to ask a question to the air that no one can likely answer, but what the hell: anyone know how to get zynaddsubfx working without ubuntustudio? === tortoisehead is now known as oxpoxitive [17:11] I don't even know what the heck that is :P [17:11] !info zynaddsubfx [17:11] zynaddsubfx (source: zynaddsubfx): Realtime software synthesizer for Linux. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.2.1-4.1ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 962 kB, installed size 2212 kB [17:11] yeah, that was my guess [17:11] hha [17:11] i'm not sure if i have to use jack or can use it with alsa [17:11] oxpoxitive: ok..... you'll need the realtime kernel and jack is my guess... good lukc :) [17:12] yeah.... [17:12] that's what i'd like to avoid [17:12] damn [17:12] i can`t find this [17:12] it can wait [17:12] gromozekin: kcontrol? [17:12] hydrogen is enough fun for now [17:12] * nosrednaekim <3 hydrogen [17:12] you mean kontrol center [17:12] if you know hydrogen, you should at least play with zynaddsubfx [17:12] it's loads of fun [17:13] heeey [17:13] gromozekin: no.... "kcontrol" run it from a run dialog [17:13] STOP IT [17:13] ha [17:13] gotcha [17:13] oxpoxitive: i'm a drummer... so i'm only interested in hydrogen [17:13] thanks a lot [17:13] fair enough [17:13] noises are noises though [17:13] and they're all fun! [17:13] ^_^ [17:14] i'm looking for a taiko drumkit actually for hydrogen [17:14] but it's sort of a niche item [17:14] STOP HIGHLI9GHTING ME [17:14] i may have to sample them myself [17:14] where exactly in control center [17:14] ) [17:14] hydrogen: might want to make yourself 1) not the name of a common material, and 2) not the name of a linux drum machine [17:15] from now on i will refer to the said program as "highdrogen" [17:15] that works. [17:15] thanks oxpoxitive :) [17:15] gromozekin: desktop->window behavior [17:15] or [17:15] "that drum machine" [17:15] or "not as cool as the person by the same name" [17:15] any of those will be satisfactory [17:15] or we could just call it hydrogen [17:16] or you could stop being annoying [17:16] haha [17:16] and you could change your nick to "Not as cool as the drum machine by the same name" === hydrogen is now known as Hydrogone [17:16] NOW WHAT? [17:16] JK JK... i'll stop using the "h" word [17:16] actually, my name is a chemical reference too [17:16] oxidation results in a positive charge [17:16] from high school chem [17:16] after all these years, i still like the sound of it [17:16] STOP IT I hate Chem. [17:16] yeah me too [17:16] but i like the word [17:17] if i loved chem, i wouldn't have needed mnemonics to get me through it [17:19] later guys.... [17:19] thanks for your help [17:19] adios === shay_lo_croma is now known as magical [17:31] is there a way to reload kde window manager? Mine crashed due to compiz and now all of my windows' borders are gone when I enable window effects [17:31] praeses: run kwin [17:31] <--- linux noob [17:32] hy guys... [17:32] so how exactly do i run kwin? [17:32] honestly... did anyone here like the new kubuntu release? i mean... 8.04 ? [17:34] praeses: open a konsole, type in kwin, hit enter [17:34] praeses: alt-f2 kwin --replace [17:34] it was my favorite distro...until 7.10... but today... i did install the 8.04... and...for god.. it's so full of bugs... :/ and it's so heavy... anyone had problems with it? [17:34] ah thanks [17:34] needed the --replace bit [17:34] Level15: Without the --replace it will try to keep compiz running as regular wm and then start kwin in a separate instance [17:35] windows' borders are all still gone once I enable compiz [17:35] kalib: I know... I can't believe they launched the distribution with a beta version of firefox as your default firefox option [17:35] praeses: did you install emerald? [17:36] nope [17:36] makdaknife, :/ too sad.. [17:36] http://img.minnozz.com/ff3_fonts.png vs http://img.minnozz.com/konq_fonts.png -- what's wrong with Firefox' monospace font? [17:36] where do i fetch emerald? [17:36] genii: he did say his wm had crashed [17:36] Adept has emerald. [17:36] first... i couldn't install flash plugin... it's not installing for default like the other versions... [17:36] kk [17:36] thx lemme find it [17:37] installing [17:37] kalib: and of course all your extensions fall apart... :-( [17:37] kalib: only issues with shuttdown and ATI, and java on firefox 2 [17:37] second... it's not shuttind down... when i do click on k menu..close session...etc... it's not working.. [17:37] kalib: ATI card? [17:37] yeah... ATI [17:37] Is it locking up with a black screen? [17:37] yeah... that's it.. [17:37] kalib: one sec, i have a fix [17:38] i need to shutdown by press the power botton... :/ [17:38] MilitantPotato: ok i have emerald now, should i do anythign with it? [17:38] kalib: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24/+bug/118605/comments/32 [17:38] Works perfect, you'll need to reboot for it to work [17:38] kalib: try sudo shutdown -r now [17:38] praeses: open CCSM [17:38] let me check the link... [17:39] ok i'm in ccsm [17:39] praeses: click the Window Decorator plugin [17:39] there's a box with the lable command, type in emerald --replace [17:39] Kudos to the kubuntu/ubuntu team in making the upgrade script absolutely perfect to upgrade to Hardy!! Many thanks! [17:40] praeses: open a terminal, and type compiz --replace & disown [17:41] praeses: also, sometimes windows will go full screen, hiding your taskbar and boarders, hit alt+tab a few times, till the taskbar shows up, right click the window, go to advanced and untick fullscreen [17:41] hmm ok now active windows have borders while inactive ones don't [17:41] Really? [17:41] yeah [17:41] head to www.compiz-look.org [17:42] wait wrong URL [17:42] indeed [17:42] http://compiz-themes.org/ [17:42] so what does emerald do exactly? [17:42] It's a window decorator [17:42] handles boarders, title bar, and button themes [17:43] instead of kde's default? [17:43] yea, instead of KWIN [17:43] ok thanks [17:43] err, yea, KDE WIn decorator [17:43] Not sure the name of it. [17:43] something like that [17:43] ok should i get a theme from that site? [17:44] yes, for emerald, just any random one for now [17:44] praeses: you may want to install fusion-icon from the repos, makes compiz easier to work with. [17:44] Also allows you to switch between compiz and Kwin in 3 clicks [17:45] nifty [17:45] ok just installed that, still need to get the theme [17:45] where's the download button :/ [17:45] left side [17:45] it's just text [17:45] oh right [17:46] blind i am [17:46] it took me awhile the first time i was on that site too [17:46] it opens automatically with kate [17:46] the theme :/ [17:47] mind if i open a pvt window with you MilitantPotato? [17:47] hello, i am trying to burn an iso file to cd/dvd and when I try to, k3b refuses to recognize a cd/dvd in the drive. can someone suggest alternatve iso burning apps? [17:48] MilitantPotato, thanks man... one problem solved... [17:48] now i can make a logoff without have my screen locked... :] [17:48] but i still having some problems... for example... [17:49] i tryed to open youtube's website with firefox 3.0 (the default in kubuntu 8.04)... [17:49] Help... I've noted that I have no Floppy Disk [17:49] should i download a compiz or emerald theme, MilitantPotato? [17:49] emerald [17:49] and when i try to click on a video to install automatically the flash plugin... [17:49] wath sould i do? [17:49] it did't work.. :/ [17:50] kalib: do you have ubufox installed? [17:50] i had to install it by aptitude.. [17:50] ubufox gives firefox apt-get ability [17:50] no..never saw it before... [17:51] it's installed by default in 7.10 IIRC [17:51] not 100% sure. it's in adept [17:51] my menu got kde3 and kde4 applications, how do i get rid of kde3 [17:51] It's also supported by canocal [17:51] Does anyone know a tutorial or something of how to do a multi-boot cd with kubuntu and ubuntu? [17:52] i c.. sounds great.. i'll take a look on it..for sure [17:52] and I dont want to install, I just want to do a multiboot cd [17:52] close firefox first :) [17:52] MilitantPotato: i have the theme in emerald now but how do i activate it? [17:52] praeses: open fusion-icon, right click it, click Emerald Theme Manager [17:52] It will run the system tray [17:53] There's an Import button [17:53] ok but it wont apply the theme. i can see the theme in emerald after importing it [17:54] oh there it goes [17:54] yay [17:54] spydon: Since the squashfs file containing the livecd images is more than half a cdrom in size, I don't think it's possible to dualboot both from a regular cd [17:54] i have window borders! [17:54] thanks MilitantPotato [17:54] genii, sorry dvd :P [17:55] hello, i am trying to burn an iso file to cd/dvd and when I try to, k3b refuses to recognize a cd/dvd in the drive. can someone suggest alternatve iso burning apps? [17:55] praeses: Np :) [17:55] For once I've been helpfull here. [17:55] !modem [17:55] You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto [17:55] eddieftw: have you tried a different disc? [17:55] yes MilitantPotato [17:55] ive tried 6 different disks [17:55] Odd. [17:56] does ubuntu/kubuntu see he disc? [17:56] eddie try the gnome burner app [17:56] ah yea [17:56] do you get a black media detected popup eddie? [17:56] blank* [17:56] yes [17:56] which one is the gnome burner app? [17:56] Checked google for that problem with k3b? [17:57] eddieftw: does it detect your Burner (k3b)? [17:57] yup. everything works fine, except burning iso files [17:58] Can it burn other things? [17:58] I'm not sure what Ubuntu uses for a burner app [17:59] doesn't this cube have a 3D effect? [17:59] looks pretty two dimensional [17:59] Does anyone have a solution to the whole knetworkmanager wireless "28% (configuring device)" problem? [17:59] Yes === fileshare is now known as SQLDarkly [18:00] hi all [18:00] right click F-I, go to CCSM, click General Options, then the Desktop Size Tab [18:00] is there sort of a cpu load widget for kde4? [18:00] hey! i have a non-kde related problem with my system. after installing gentoo on another partition, i "accidentally" mounted my kubuntu partiton in gentoo, changed some permissions...(don't actually remember exectly what i did, cause it was a packed day :D ) and now... kubuntu doesn't work [18:01] okay all thanks. [18:01] praeses: go in the compiz settings - general options - desktop size and set horizontal virtual size to 4 and vertical to 1 and number of desktops to 1 [18:01] raymears: what does not work? [18:01] eddieftw: any luck? [18:01] Excuse me, I upgraded to Hardy and installed firefox-2, and now my fonts are completely screwed. It's even using serif ones for non-serif ones. Anybody else noticed this? [18:01] praeses: set Horizontal to 4, v to 1, and number of desktops to 1 also. [18:01] well.. when in log in with my user... i get a "unable to cd to home/bla" message [18:02] nope, i'll figure something out though. thanks all. [18:02] if i add my user to the root group, i can login... but not everything works (not even eth0) [18:02] busfahrer: my fonts got screwed soon after upgrading to hardy, too, but i dont know if it was firefox that caused it [18:02] raymears: try sudo chown -r username:username /home/username [18:02] in ctrl+alt+f1 [18:02] i already did that [18:02] melkart: Any hints on how to fix it? [18:03] ah thanks it works now :D [18:03] :) [18:03] MilitantPotato: (i logged in as root after editing the /etc/passwd file) [18:03] praeses: if ya need more help with compiz, try #compiz-fusion [18:03] or the compiz-fusion wiki page [18:03] Can anyone, then, tell me how to connect to a wirless network via the commandline? Knetworkmanager seems hopelessly busted. [18:03] busfahrer: just a guess, because i reinstalled 7.04 ... have you set anti-aliasing -> hinting to "full"? [18:03] kevman_: yes [18:03] thanks MilitantPotato [18:03] waht is your wireless interface? [18:03] i wonder why cutting and pasting a file in dolphin doesn't really delete it? [18:03] wlan0 [18:03] busfahrer: but even then... no that cant be it :/ [18:03] wlan0, eth0, eth1 ..? [18:04] sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid networkname [18:04] i just need help finding a PPPoE connection creator [18:04] melkart: Did you overwrite 8.04 or a clean new install? [18:04] busfahrer: a clean new install [18:04] is how I do it, but I use wlan0 kevman_ [18:04] Ah, ok. [18:04] melkart: OK thanks === moon is now known as STREENG [18:04] melkart: Was it possible for you to keep your dot-directories? (.kde .mozilla etc) [18:04] hzi all, while booting i am "waiting for root file system" until busy-box [18:04] I'll try that soon. Its a shame they broke knetworkmanager since Gutsy. [18:05] busfahrer: no [18:05] kevman_: that is for unencrypterd wireless networks [18:05] Yeah, I know. [18:05] yao_ziyuan: if the file is owned by the root account, you won't be able to delete it without running dolphin as root. [18:05] i forget how to pass the key via cli, i think it's the man page for iwconfig though [18:05] MilitantPotato: it isn't [18:06] yao_ziyuan: try konqueror yet? [18:06] Can anybody help me find a way to create PPPoE connections? [18:06] MilitantPotato: konqueror as file manager? [18:06] Hi everyone [18:07] yao_ziyuan, don't you like dolphin? [18:07] MP, that's a .conf file edit, I think [18:07] kubuntu español? [18:07] yao_ziyuan: yes [18:07] kalib: my dolphin does not delete a file after cutting and pasting it elsewhere [18:07] I don't care for dolphin myself either [18:07] (konqueror 3.5.x) can anybody play embedded realaudio-streams within konqueror (3.5.x)? like at http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/ -> click on "listen live" [18:07] in KDE3.5 Konq is a much better file manager then dolphin In my opinion [18:07] a need kubuntu es [18:07] i agree, mpp [18:08] no speak english [18:08] !es [18:08] Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda. [18:08] !es [18:08] que nececitas, jon? [18:08] !es | jonatan [18:08] jonatan: please see above [18:08] yao_ziyuan, i see...i don't like dolphin too.. [18:08] i prefer konqueror... [18:08] MilitantPotato: i agree, therefore i changed back to 7.04 instead of 7.10... [18:08] yao_ziyuan, wanna change to konqueror? [18:08] Konq is in 7.10 and 8.04 [18:08] kalib: i don't mean i don't like it... it's the default file manager in the System Menu [18:09] Just need to open konq and change the Inode application preference [18:09] MilitantPotato: oh, i didnt know that [18:09] yao_ziyuan, i know... but i changed it... now....my default file manager is konqueror [18:09] inode* [18:09] kalib: how to change? [18:09] you can change it on... [18:09] i forget where the conf file is [18:10] Settings Configure Konqueror [18:10] ok... [18:10] Alt + F2 [18:10] MilitantPotato: can u give me a hint where i change the "inode application preference" (whatever that is)? [18:10] open kcontrol... [18:10] How do I get system monitor graphs? [18:10] KDE components [18:10] Then Go to File Assosiations [18:11] Then Inodes [18:11] then drop down inode, go to directory, move Konq above dolphin [18:11] oh yeah! [18:11] MilitantPotato, are we a team? hahahha [18:11] MilitantPotato: thank you very much ! :) [18:11] do the same for system directory :) [18:11] i spend way too much time, in windows land...i forget this stuff too easily [18:11] I only spend time there to game [18:12] raymears: then check permissions on /home/bla [18:12] i have to support windows at work :( [18:12] thanks god i don't have to.. [18:12] I can't get my G25 wheel to work correctly in linux, spent to much on it to cripple it :( [18:12] i wish i didn't [18:12] i wanna get a gig supporting linux, but i feel like i have too much to learn yet [18:12] i do work with fedora... even i don't like rpm distros too much... but..anyway...it's better then windows ;] [18:12] kalib: i see [18:12] kalib: if you decide to use firefox-2 again, java will be broken, it's easy enough to fix by editing a script [18:13] eMaX: well they are all ok, as far as i can tell. everything belongs to me; only myself and my groups have write access that folder [18:13] MilitantPotato, i guess i'll try to keep the 3.0... [18:13] Hi! After upgrading to 8.04, firefox (3.0) is not localized anymore (german). How do I fix this? [18:13] if i don't like.... i'll downgrade it [18:14] is creating an unpartitioned section of a HD hard? [18:14] does anyone find konqy better at rendering web pages in 3.59 than earlier versions? [18:14] jesse, you can use that gtk-based parted (i think) to change the size of the partitions on a volume [18:14] If I start X with a projector plugged into my laptop, then I get a video signal on the projector. But if I don't boot with the projector plugged in, there is no way to get it without restarting X. Is this normal behavior for you guys? I'm thinking this must have something to do with Linux, because when I boot to Windows, I can just plug in, and it works. [18:14] chris__, well... i do never use konqueror to navigate... :/ [18:15] lol [18:15] firefox only, eh? [18:15] chris__: i've only used firefox [18:15] ok, Is it called 'parted'? [18:15] chris__: need stumbleupon or I'll die. [18:15] i think so [18:15] stumbleupon? [18:15] jesse: gparted [18:15] that's the one! [18:16] thanks, both of you [18:16] yw [18:16] chris__: firefox plugin, takes you random webpages/videos in subjects you choose. Great way to kill free time. [18:17] but I'm offtopic [18:17] lol - i wish i had more free time to kill [18:17] i've started studying for my lpi cert [18:19] and now i've come to this irc for the first time to get even more into the community [18:19] lpi? [18:19] linux professional institute [18:20] like getting a microsoft mcp or an a+ cert [18:20] wow, sounds big [18:20] i figure i need one if i'm gonna move into supporting linux for a livinv [18:20] living [18:20] how long have you been programming? [18:21] i don't, it's just for desktop and network support [18:21] don't have a head for coding [18:21] how long have you been working with linux? [18:21] personally, since 2002 [18:22] how to get _exact_ sources of current ubuntu kernel (including ubuntu patches) and just change one option and build that? [18:22] so, .. it would be your job to be avail. on forums and chat? [18:23] not really, but i would do it [18:23] i'd like to find work at a company that doesn't use windows [18:23] remote tech? [18:23] maybe [18:23] oyhh, okay [18:23] not sure, rr === fophillipse is now known as fophillips [18:24] i usually just go with the kernel in the latest updates [18:24] !offtopic | chris__ and jesse [18:24] chris__ and jesse: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! === Hydrogone is now known as Hydrogen [18:24] Any ideas why "login -f blah" would give "Permission denied"? How can I debug what's going on? [18:25] sorry bonesol [18:25] first day here [18:26] chris__: It's not really a problem. I'm not an op, but I've seen people kicked for less. I just like to make sure that doesn't happen to someone new. [18:26] Pupeno_: sudo login -f blah try [18:26] JoshOvki: I'm already as root when running login. [18:27] Pupeno_: dangerous business [18:27] what happens when you run just login [18:29] what are the differences between Kubuntu and ubuntu? [18:30] Kubuntu has KDE desktop, Ubuntu has Gnome desktop [18:30] to the layman [18:30] jesse: Aside from the desktop manager and default applications, nothing as far as I know. [18:30] the interface [18:30] you can check on google images... [18:31] different images from ubuntu and kubuntu... [18:31] same system...different graphical interface [18:31] really, it's just aesthetics then? [18:32] bbasically [18:32] thanks [18:32] jesse: And a few default applications. Like Konqueror comes default instead of Firefox, and a few others. [18:33] same kernel....some few different applications.... kubuntu comes with some KDE applications... ubuntu comes with gnome applications... but in the base...is the same system [18:34] thanks BonesolTeraDyne [18:34] thanks kalib [18:35] ;] [18:35] If I'm having a broadcom wireless card, how should I get that working? With ndiswrapper or with the method from here :http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/b43 ? And which firmware do I need with hardy? [18:40] so I installed gparted.. [18:40] how do I start the hardware manager in kubuntu to activate my braodcom card? [18:40] but only root can access it, what now? [18:40] jesse: become root [18:41] as in, gksudo gparted [18:41] hi trappist, I don't know how [18:41] oh [18:42] Phlogi: try, "kdesudo jockey-kde" [18:43] Phlogi: use the b43 drivers, you will need wired connection [18:46] y does gparted 90 mins and counting to expand an ext3 partition? [18:47] I mean actually that was the b43 running then... not totally sure though [18:47] where do I tell kubuntu to use b43? [18:48] Hi, I have a problem [18:49] Does anyone know one of the following: 1) How do I access the KDE4 settings manager from the konsole (i.e. what is the program name?) Failing that, 2) Where is/are the KDE4 config file(s) stored? [18:49] Muzer: systemsettings [18:49] .kde/share/config [18:49] or .kde4 [18:50] /usr/lib/kde4/bin/systemsettings and ~/.kde4 like phlogi_ says. [18:50] Systemsettings is for KDE3 only [18:50] Oh, I'll try that fdoving [18:50] it might be defaulting to the KDE3 one, might find that first [18:50] it does if you're in kde3. [18:51] I'm in KDE4 failsafe [18:51] I enabled too many effects that my GFX card can't support and I get a black screen when trying to start it normally [18:51] Muzer: err, systemsettings is for kde4.. [18:52] is kubuntu 8.10 gonna be based on kde4? [18:52] I'll have to quit because there doesn't seem to be any other way of activating the konsole window... [18:52] donald_duck: I don't know if thats been completely determined yet... It probably depends a lot on the state of kde 4.1 when its released [18:52] Muzer: ah, you can also use 'kcmshell4 kwincompositing' [18:52] If its as unfinished as kde 4.0.0... === gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak [18:57] wat does the f mean in ## -#f [18:57] anyone else has that logout bug in kubuntu (kde3): The screen stays black quite some time until the shutdown splash appears... [18:58] donald_duck: force === __max_ is now known as _max_ [18:58] ok thx [18:58] man rm btw [18:59] hi [18:59] rm --help|grep "\-f" [18:59] I Just installed ubuntu using alternate cd I'd like to change the resolution but the resolution list is empty, can anyone help please? [19:00] kubuntu* === djdarkman_ is now known as djdarkman__ === djdarkman__ is now known as Darknet3 === gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak [19:03] It's working fine now [19:03] thanks a lot [19:03] oooh, KDE4 is soo shiny!!! [19:03] lol [19:04] I had to type the whole program path BTW, it seems the failsafe mode is actually from KDE3 but using the KDE4 wallpaper for some reason. [19:05] Hmm... I can't seem to access efnet now, has it gone down again or is Opera messing up? [19:06] !it [19:06] Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! [19:09] what version of ati fglrx comes with hardy? [19:10] Phlogi_ i don't know - i use server edition :) [19:10] MaKARON: thanks for the answer then :ü [19:11] hola [19:11] alguen habla español [19:11] Phlogi_: How would I find out for you? fglrx --version or something? [19:12] OK, that doesn't work. === ron is now known as r0n625 === eht is now known as Weasel[DK] [19:17] hi [19:21] hey arriesp [19:22] didnt realise no one was about [19:24] hey there [19:24] joern: hey [19:24] i got a question: does someone now how to suppress join-messages in konversation? [19:25] anyone has an idea why my sound stopped working after the update to hardy? [19:25] Phlogi_: in kmix make sure nothing is muted [19:25] JoshOvki: ok good idea :) [19:26] JoshOvki: does not help [19:27] Phlogi_: does your sound device show up in lspci ? [19:27] If you have an intergratede soundcard and a PCI one, make sure the PCI one is priority [19:27] (in settings --> sound in KDE4) [19:28] Try swapping the cable to your motherboard's port if you can, that's an easy way to diagnose [19:29] In Edgy when it was getting near the end of my OS install cycle, my sound cards used to swap randomly between boots, and stop working all together sometimes === ken_fallon_away is now known as ken_fallon [19:29] hi [19:29] hi [19:30] I have problems getting my wlan working with 7.10, laptop with Intel 3945 [19:30] everything seems quite ok, except that it doesn't get an IP address via DHCP [19:31] Is DHCP enabled on your AP? [19:31] Can't you just not use DHCP? [19:31] Muzer: yes, it works for all other machines, and I enabled it also for this MAC [19:31] Muzer: this would be a first step, but somehow it also didn't work [19:31] ifdown wlan0 [19:32] It might mean there's a connection problem [19:32] followed by ifconfif .... [19:32] sometimes mine used to have a connection problem but not tell me, it would just fail to aquire an IP. [19:32] Muzer: the AP is just in the next room and works for all other machines in the apartement [19:33] one or twice it worked, but I couldn't reproduce it [19:33] I mean like, a WLAN card problem [19:33] Muzer: you mean like broken hardware ? [19:33] If you have a dualboot, does it work on the other OS? [19:33] I don't have dualboot [19:33] It could be the new version of [19:33] anyone know which firewall port I need to open in guarddog to connect to this firewall. I tried "IRC" but it was still blocked, so I had to open all ports. [19:33] it could be 7.10 doesn't work with your card [19:34] I remember I had problems with it. [19:34] I was happy to upgrade to 8.04 [19:35] how is 8.04 ? [19:35] good [19:35] any problems with it ? [19:35] not yet [19:35] although I've only had it for a day [19:35] and it works much much better with my WLAN card [19:35] Muzer: what wlan do you have ? [19:35] the old one I had to disable an dreenable it every 10 minutes [19:35] I have a belkin one [19:35] can't remember the make [19:36] I'll have to check [19:36] it's ok [19:36] *model not make [19:36] adept_manager is the kde default package manager right? [19:36] yes [19:36] yes [19:36] Might not be KDE4 [19:36] I'll have to check that === Weasel[DK] is now known as Weasel[DK]2 [19:38] aleXXX: check that your device has a hardware address in ifconfig [19:38] Hmm, they all say /KDE3 as if there was an alternative, but I can't find a KDE4 version [19:38] not impressed with kde4 , terrible on my setup , no maximize, no minimize, noclose buttons on the browsers or apps, for starters. [19:38] JoshOvki: it has [19:38] what are you talking about [19:38] it has [19:38] got the maximise, minimise etc buttons [19:38] the window decorator's failing then [19:38] that's only in failsafe where it doesn't [19:39] that was annoying [19:39] BluesKaj: you get further than I do [19:39] it doesn't work at all for me [19:39] awful IMO [19:39] worked on Gutsy, ish. [19:39] though it was horrible slow and crashed a lot. [19:39] Hardy works fine [19:40] works great for me :) [19:40] Maybe gutsy doesn't like it [19:40] hardy is designed for it [19:40] worked better on gusty ...wonder if it has to do with the kdm manager , didn't know which one to choose ...guess i should have done some reading up [19:40] It's in the repo for hardy. [19:40] KDE4 is [19:41] KDE 4 isnt ready [19:41] well, KDE4 is new and possibly unstable (I've had no problems), and KDE3.5 is stable [19:41] I thought it was ready [19:41] anyway, gonna dump kde4 fpr now [19:42] KDE4.0 final was released in JAn [19:42] sorry,I have a problem with kubuntu installation, it stop at 95%, could you help me? [19:42] seawolf ci sei????sono semenosda!!!!!!se ci se aiutamI!!!!!!!!!!!!! === gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak [19:46] ubuntu: any messages? [19:46] no no, i have [19:46] done [19:46] thank you...... [19:47] okay, have fun ;) [19:47] adept_manager is the kde default package manager right? [19:47] i mean in kubuntu [19:47] yes, Phlogi_ [19:47] ok, by... [19:47] SlimeyPete: ok thanks [19:47] what version of ati fglrx comes with hardy? [19:48] I dunno [19:48] how would I find out for you? [19:48] (I have hardy here now) [19:48] Phlogi_: http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/xorg-driver-fglrx [19:49] bit of a cryptic version number, unfortunately [19:49] jap... thats not the real driver btw [19:50] For some reason, inserting a blank CD/DVD doesn't prompt me if I want to open K3B (it doesn't prompt at all), and likewise, plugging in my camera doesn't prompt (usually prompts to use digiKam) [19:51] hola [19:51] es de habla hispana [19:51] hola? alguien me puedo leer? [19:52] !es [19:52] Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda. [19:52] soy algo nueva en todo esto de linux, y me gustaria saber si tengo bien configurado el IRC [19:52] ok [19:52] thanks [19:52] sorry [19:55] hello all [19:55] <_sourcemaker> is there a apt repositor for vmware player or server in gusty? [19:55] any irc channel for joomla or mambo? [19:55] <_sourcemaker> SORRY: is there a apt repository for vmware player or server in hardy not gusty? === kokuho is now known as Satan2k^chezTux [19:59] <__-osh-__> Anyone care to help me find out why I don't have any sound on my new HardyHeron machine? [20:00] __-osh-__: i would suggest making sure nothing is muted in kmix. a few people have had that problem [20:01] <__-osh-__> JoshOvki: Nothing muted that I can see. :-/ [20:01] <__-osh-__> JoshOvki: Would have been nice if it had been that simple tough. === ubuntu_ is now known as n000b [20:02] things are hardly ever that simple tho. audio isnt my forta sorry [20:02] what is the pb [20:03] <__-osh-__> pHoeni[X]: No sound. And I don't seem to be able to convince the machine otherwise. [20:03] does anyone know a way to permanently hide the chatmember-list in kopete ? I get tired of having to tick it in the menu averytime after I log in... [20:04] are you sure it's not a hardware problem? [20:04] <__-osh-__> joern: It works in windows and it did work in Gutsy (or the version before that). [20:04] oh, and did you try whether you have the problem with every program? [20:05] there isn't any tutorials on the official website [20:05] hm, did you also update from kde3 to 4? [20:05] ??? [20:05] For some reason, inserting a blank CD/DVD doesn't prompt me if I want to open K3B (it doesn't prompt at all), and likewise, plugging in my camera doesn't prompt (usually prompts to use digiKam) [20:05] <__-osh-__> joern: I've tried kaffeine and amarok. both dead silent. [20:05] Also, I have two DVD burners. I can only burn ONE DVD each, then I have to reboot [20:06] hola [20:06] <__-osh-__> joern: No, kde3 still. no kde4 on this machine. [20:06] anyone knows if tablet pc is supported? [20:06] no [20:06] i mean the touchscreen [20:06] <__-osh-__> pHoeni[X]: Anything you can show me will help. [20:07] i 'm not skilled enpough to teach you anything [20:07] If I burn one on each, then close and reopen K3B, it says I have no CD or DVD burners [20:07] moreover I have to confess that my best firned is google [20:07] <__-osh-__> I seem to have two soundcards in this machine. One called "Via8237" and one "Audigy2" [20:08] do you ask to your computer any informations about your system [20:08] ??? [20:08] __-osh-__: i think someone asked that before, but does lspci prompt your soundcard? well, i think the via chip is a popular onboard-chip, i think it's well supported === TameLion is now known as InsaneLion [20:09] <__-osh-__> joern: Yeah, I can see both cards with lspci. === InsaneLion is now known as TameLion [20:09] lspci should show all pci cards === moon is now known as STREENG [20:10] <__-osh-__> BluesKaj: Yep. It does. [20:11] maybe you should check if alsa is properly installed [20:11] have you check on internet people with the same problem [20:12] strange my number lock is doing the opposite ...only works when lock is off [20:12] <__-osh-__> joern: aptitude sais alsa-base is installed. [20:12] <__-osh-__> pHoeni[X]: Yeah, I've done that. Can't seem to find a solution though. [20:12] hi, I'm having a lot of trouble trying to get dual monitors working in 8.04 using displayconfig-gtk. Could anyone help me get dual monitors working? I can post my xorg.conf or anything else if need be. [20:13] hola [20:13] in fact it's simple you have to change xorg.cong [20:13] alguien me puede ayudar a pasarme al canal en español [20:13] !es | jonatan [20:13] <__-osh-__> !es [20:13] jonatan: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda. [20:13] make a copy of your original xorg.conf [20:14] then I don't know how to send you my Xconf [20:14] BluesKaj: do you know the application (or daemon or whatever) that takes care of that, sets it on at boot (no matter what bios sez, cause that don' t seem to matter anyhoo... as if noone uses the numberpad; strangem huh ?) anyway, it' s in the repos, just search for numlock in synaptic and you' ll find it [20:15] __-osh-__, try this in the console, asoundconf set-default-card "name of soundcard" [20:16] <__-osh-__> BluesKaj: will do. hang on. [20:16] Deepthought, i was using the system settings/keyboard&mouse/NumberLock on startup options [20:16] pHoeni[X]: so what do I need to do? post my xorg.conf to pastebin? [20:16] or were you not talking to me? [20:16] sorry [20:16] ok thx Deepthought , i'll check synaptic [20:17] Help! I tried upgrading from gutsy to hardy but the upgrader stopped and now I am left with a partially upgraded system. I try restarting the upgrade from an xterm but it won't complete. One out of many error messages is "var/cache/apt/archives/qtpfsgui_1.9.0-1build1_i386.deb [20:17] E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)" [20:17] i looking for the tutorial in order to help you [20:17] What to do? [20:17] it's in fact very simple [20:17] pHoeni[X], oh, thank you [20:17] BluesKaj: so there' s already a solution in kde 9eventhough i take it it doesn't work) / [20:17] I'm also trying to decide whether to use the open source nv driver or the proprietary nvidia driver, which do you suggest? [20:17] Deepthought, well itused to work in gutsy [20:17] BluesKaj: guess I got too much used to gnome... [20:18] it's very quick and I was astonished of the simple manipulation [20:18] <__-osh-__> BluesKaj: no difference I'm afraid. [20:18] pHoeni[X]: that sounds promising =) [20:18] <__-osh-__> BluesKaj: Hmm, wait. I'l probably have to restart alsa. Hang on. [20:18] Deepthought, I installed numlockx [20:18] I' ll try it, cause anxtra piece of soft just for numlock seems like overkill to me; still strange linux switches it off by default, innit ? [20:18] Another error message is "trying to overwrite `/usr/share/qtpfsgui/i18n/lang_de.qm', which is also in package qtpfsgui-data [20:18] dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)" [20:19] yeah, weird [20:19] gonna relogin [20:19] BluesKaj: you' ll have to reboot for it to work (remember windoze ?) [20:19] i fetch it just a seconde [20:20] BluesKaj: and ? [20:20] do you have any special Graphic card [20:21] BluesKaj: woikz ? [20:21] pHoeni[X], I have an nvidia 7950 GT or GTX if I remember [20:21] ddin't rurn it on [20:21] turn [20:21] gonna reboot [20:23] got it [20:23] http://www.ryxeo.com/index.php/2003/06/01/89-lexique-la-gestion-du-double-ecran-ou-dual-screen [20:23] followed this [20:24] good luck [20:24] pHoeni[X], will I be able to follow this without knowing French? [20:24] thank you btw [20:24] yeah [20:24] in fact first [20:24] BluesKaj: and now ? [20:25] you have to make a copy of your original xorg.conf [20:25] nope, din't turn it on ...back to the same old [20:25] thanks to cp etc... [20:25] then just haeve a look on nVidia paragraph [20:26] ok, but the page is in french and I can't read french [20:26] after I've upgraded from Gutsy to Hardy my vmware workstation won't run, any help on this please? [20:26] however if you have any doubt you can fetch english tutorial [20:26] is there a translation available that you know of? [20:26] tzd: your kernel will have been upgraded so I expect you'll have to reinstall vmware. [20:26] it uses a kernel module. [20:26] sorry about that I forget I wasn't on french chan [20:27] I dunno [20:27] SlimeyPete: that's what i thought too, just wanted a serious opinion since I'm quite new to vmware :) Thanks! I'll reinstall it and see if it works [20:27] heh, I managed to capslock defeat cmnd to work in X , wonder if there's a setting that can be changed for numberlock [20:27] allright, well I'll give it a shot. Thank you very much =) [20:27] soo=rry about the french [20:29] I have reinstalled kubuntu 8.04 and have restored /etc/ from a backup. postfix won't work correctly and I suspect the permissions of /etc/postfix/ might have changed. Should they be owned by root, or by some special postfix user? [20:31] hey wsup ppl === bayank is now known as bayank_ === bayank_ is now known as bayank__ [20:38] For some reason, inserting a blank CD/DVD doesn't prompt me if I want to open K3B (it doesn't prompt at all), and likewise, plugging in my camera doesn't prompt (usually prompts to use digiKam) [20:39] Also, I have two DVD burners. I can only burn ONE DVD each, then I have to reboot. If I burn one on each, then close and reopen K3B, it says I have no CD or DVD burners [20:40] slaut [20:40] salut === soniczny is now known as CoCaInE [20:44] What is the 8.04 alternative to katapult [20:44] or isn't there one [20:44] because that was really useful [20:44] its still there [20:44] Muzer: you are so right^^ [20:45] or do you use kde4? [20:45] I use KDE4 [20:45] Muzer: katapult still exists,k use it [20:45] It's still there, just not auto-starting [20:45] Muzer: you'll have to use Katapult from KDE3 because it hasn't been ported yet [20:45] I'm a noob, how do I autostart things? [20:45] in kde4 i'm using a shortcut to "start program" [20:45] Katapuilt does work [20:45] Muzer: ~/.kde4/Autostart [20:45] I tried it from Konsole [20:46] So I just symlink into that? [20:46] OK [20:46] hm, how can i put katapult on "alt+tab"? [20:47] i can't find it in system settings, that's where i could do this in kde3 [20:48] joern: get katapult up on screen, then press ctrl+c [20:51] having troube again... lol, need help with non-booting laptop. KDE and GNOME are installed, and it is conflicting display managers im pretty sure... help please [20:51] oh, 7.10 [20:55] having troube again... lol, need help with non-booting laptop. KDE and GNOME are installed, and it is conflicting display managers im pretty sure... help please [20:56] any active in here? [20:56] Coggz: try running: "sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm" [20:56] or kdm? [20:57] i want kdm :] [20:57] hello. I just installed kubuntu 8.04 and the restricted driver manager doesn't seem to recognize that I have a broadcom card that needs a driver. This worked perfectly in gutsy. Is there any way to tell the driver manager to rescan my computer for things that need drivers? [20:57] Coggz: it will give you a choice [20:57] ok [20:58] nosrednaekim, which is the right choice for kde4 ? kdm or the other one :) [20:58] reldruh: try running "kdesudo jockey-kde"? [20:59] BluesKaj: there are three kdm-kde4, kdm and gdm.... and they all work pefectly fine [20:59] konqueror... the new java that replaced icedtea (that was working). anyone point me in the direction to where the... 'java executable' is hidden today? [20:59] It is our turn next in Ubuntu Open Week! (#ubuntu-classroom) [20:59] Odd-rationale: I get the same things as before, just an nvidia driver (that's not in use for some reason?) and nothing about a wireless card [20:59] kdm didn't do much for my kde4 setup ...it was terrible so i dumped it [21:00] reldruh: hmm, you can just install it. It is b43-fwcutter. you will need wired connection [21:00] firephoto: probably somewhere in /usr/lib/jvm [21:01] Odd-rationale: just installing that package will get the firmware and put it where it needs to be? [21:01] sounds like someones had the same issues as me with wireless [21:01] bcm43xx-fwcutter has been discontiued... [21:01] dwidmann: right, but what package is suppose to install and configure so that I have a 'java'? [21:01] BluesKaj: so you didn't like kdm-kde4 either? [21:01] (Kubuntu 7.10) i installed flashplugin-nonfree, it didnt work (complained about md5 mismatch after download, although file size is correct). then i installed flashplugin from adobe.com myself, works in firefox. then i rebooted. then i started konqueror and encountered a startup-script for flashplugin which complained that some file in /tmp was missing. i answered "skip". now nspluginviewer crashes every time i want to display flash. i [21:01] deinstalled flashplugin-nonfree but to no avail. what can i do to repair this mess? [21:01] for bcm its ndiwsrapper [21:01] I chose kdm [21:01] reldruh: Yes. it will ask you if you wan to download the drivers. say yes. (again, you need wired connection) [21:01] firephoto: should be the openjdk-6-* packages [21:01] maybe I should retry , dwidmann [21:02] BluesKaj: because I didn't like it .... maybe it's theming related, hard telling [21:02] ok, so it's just a broken symlink somewhere... we'll never have the day when we can have the installed java in the path i suppose. [21:03] Odd-rationale: there is no package with that name... [21:03] reldruh: search for b43 [21:03] reldruh...bcm wireless card? [21:03] Odd-rationale: I did, no results [21:04] bcm4311 [21:04] I just did "sudo konqueror" and deleted the contects of a folder. is there some way to return it? [21:04] reldruh...tbh ndiswrapper... [21:05] http://paste.cluenet.org/736 [21:05] thats what i had to do to get hardy to pick up my 4328 [21:05] tgreer: I've had to use that in the past. It's not an experience I want to repeat :-( [21:05] reldruh: its the only way for mine, hence why i'm in here....need a hand getting knetwork manager to work with my wificard [21:05] so i can actually pick a network to connect to :P [21:06] atm it only picks up my wired connection [21:06] tgreer: it worked perfectly in gutsy, it's the reason I use kubuntu now :-( [21:06] reldruh: did you do an apt-get update? [21:06] Odd-rationale: no, fresh install [21:06] reldruh: update you package list and search again. [21:06] http://paste.cluenet.org/736 [21:07] reldruh: how did u get knetworkmanager to pick up the wifi card and not you're ethernet card? [21:07] tgreer: my ethernet card works fine, both were working fine in gutsy. I'm on the ethernet now in hardy, trying to get wireless to work in hardy [21:08] yeh its hardy i'm in...surprisingly enough, gusty refused to work with my ndiswrapper... [21:08] i just cant pick a network now :( [21:08] suggestions? [21:08] reldruh: can I see your sources.lst? pastebin [21:08] its the only thing i cant get to work in hardy on my macbook pro [21:08] tgreer: when I had that problem in gutsy, I fixed it by connecting to a network manually in konsole [21:09] tgreer: sorry, i'm in the Open Week session..... as are alot of other support people :) [21:09] did knetworkmanager pick it up then? [21:09] nosrednaekim: is that meant to be a wind up or something? [21:09] Anybody who has some knowledge about "networkmanager" here? [21:09] tgreer: no... I just stopped using the gui tools [21:10] :/ [21:10] ok nosrednaekim , I just reinstalled kde4 ...I'll report back in few [21:10] hi [21:10] i use hardy and ff3 [21:10] Odd-rationale: I updated the package list and it's there now. Thank you :-) [21:10] i chop and change between 2x WPA/WPA2 networks and an unsecured network... [21:10] Anybody who has some knowledge about "networkmanager" here? [21:10] knetworkmanager actually managed to become worse between 7.10 and 8.04.. :( [21:10] reldruh: np [21:10] sven_oostenbrink: what is the problem [21:11] the message save file to doesnt work, cant save files is that normal or could it be my old .mozilla which i copied of my old ff version [21:11] <_sourcemaker> is there a vmware apt repository in hardy? [21:11] still got problems [21:11] I really wish konversation had split windows... [21:11] Odd-rationale> where to start... I have a laptop with a broadcom card (yeah yeah, I know, but 2.6.17 kernel has built in support finally!!) and.. I can not connect to networks < 80% strength.. [21:11] gdm is not working, neither is kdm === vit is now known as vit_ [21:11] then when knetworkmanager connects the first time.. after 10 seconds it disconnects.. I connect again and its ok.. always like this [21:11] hi, good evening [21:12] Hi again [21:12] reldruh: can you give me commands to connect to a WPA network? [21:12] Many times, when I sit right next to an AP from which I have the key, knetworkmanager still asks me for the key [21:12] Odd-rationale> but now, knetworkmanager will even delete the key from kwallet in those cases, so I have to retype the key every time! [21:13] help please... i must access my laptop :[ [21:13] this effectively makes wifi a forgettaboutit for me.. [21:13] tgreer: I don't know about secured networks, I usually use unsecured ones when I'm having problems. But the commands for that are: sudo ifconfig eth1 down (whatever your wireless connection is should go where eth1 is) [21:13] what could be the reason that gimp is english although all other programs are egrman and all locales are german? [21:13] kde fails with compiz etc [21:13] then do ifconfig to make sure it's down, then take it back up with sudo ifconfig eth1 up [21:13] Coggz> what seems to be the problem? [21:13] sven_oostenbrink: hmm. I never had those problems... Don't think I can help much. Try the forums [21:13] sometimes it works sometimes it doesnt... is it just me [21:13] do sudo iwconfig eth1 essid "Nameofyournetwork" [21:13] rrr3> doesnt kubuntu8.04 do compiz for KDE3? [21:14] hi all, i'm trying to enable administrator mode 8.04 so i can change some time and date settings, i don't see an admin button on the windows I've looked at, can anyone help? [21:14] well I use it (this 3d stuff) and it overall works with kde, but sometimes fails [21:14] tgreer: then sudo dhclient to get an ip address, assuming the router you're connecting to uses dhcp [21:14] JaredBuck: what are you trying to do? [21:14] i installed GNOME over kubuntu, now neither will load as the displayh managers wont run [21:14] rrr3> in any case, used compiz with kde3 on fedora 6, kubuntu 7.04 and 7.10.. there were some flaws, but they were rare and usually predictable [21:14] it seem to work better with Gnome, but gnone seem to suck. event can't choose separate background for each desktop WTF? [21:14] sudo spkg-reconfigure gdm won't do it [21:15] reldruh: and if its wpa protected, same things? [21:15] Coggz> gdm and or kdm are available? [21:15] mneptok: I'm trying to change the date and time settings, the clock shows 24 hour time but i want it to show am/pm because i live in the US. [21:15] hi, today I've tried to upgrade kubuntu 7.10 to 8.04 following the instruction at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades/Kubuntu. The over the Internet procedure stops at step "6) After the Upgrade Wizard completes the download and verification of the upgrade tool, press the Finish button". Pressing the button should close APM and launch the Distribution Upgrade Tool, but this doesn't happen. Anyone with the same problem? [21:15] yes sven_oostenbrink [21:15] JaredBuck: right-click the clock [21:15] Odd-rationale: huzzah! Working wireless networking! [21:15] mneptok: okay. [21:15] tgreer: there has to be an extra step to put in a passkey === ken_fallon is now known as ken_fallon_away [21:16] tgreer: I just don't know what it is... [21:16] Coggz> mmmmm.... which one is configured to run? [21:16] JaredBuck: 24h/12h display is set there. and 24h is not a non-American thing. ask anyone in the military. ;) [21:16] ok thanks [21:16] * sven_oostenbrink tries to remember where the configuration of kdm or gdm is located.. [21:16] will report back in 5 after reboot [21:16] mneptok, i'm using the kde4 version of kde though. [21:16] was kdm, now im trying gdm [21:16] neither work [21:16] JaredBuck: ah! OK. [21:16] Coggz> try google on that one, but my guess would be that the confirugation of X is a bit messy [21:16] reldruh: Great! [21:16] ok, it was working 10mins ago [21:17] Coggz> what you also could try is dump gnome [21:17] Coggz> or better, do a reinstall of KDM [21:17] JaredBuck: not too much experience with KDE4 yet. that will change as my girlfriend switched from KDE3.5 last night. [21:17] mneptok: yeah. so i don't see any area to set 24h/12h time. i think it has to be done from the computer adminstration area of system settings in the date/time area. i'm trying to enable admin mode so i can fix that. [21:17] how do i reconfigure xorg.conf? [21:17] Or a reinstall of (k)ubuntu :p [21:17] sudo dpkg... [21:17] dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg [21:17] i know what happened [21:18] sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg === _aib is now known as aib [21:18] mneptok: if you're trying to change the 24/12 hour time display you need to go to system settings, regional and languagea, the time and dates tab and then put a p where the first capital H is in time format [21:19] weird , still max or minimixze or close buttons on the apps [21:19] no [21:19] reldruh: I shall have to remember that one :) [21:19] mneptok: that sets the system way of displaying the time, if that's what you're tryign to do [21:19] BluesKaj: in KDE4? [21:19] yup [21:19] nosrednaekim: it comes in handy :-) [21:19] can't mave the apps around on the scrn either [21:19] If I install the official legacy NVIDIA drivers for my card (from the repos, nvidia-glx-legacy I think) I get a segmentation error when I try to configure it, and if I configure manually (change nv to nvidia in xorg.conf) it goes at 800x600 max. [21:20] move [21:20] BluesKaj: is it trying to start compiz? [21:20] mneptok: ah, i found it. you can change it through the regional/language settings. under date and time there's a drop down box for time and date format :) [21:20] fixed [21:20] compiz not installed [21:20] Also, I get a segmentation fault w [21:20] hen running FCEU [21:20] i pissed around with video drivers... lolo [21:20] from the repos. [21:20] BluesKaj: Are those "Window Decorations" or "Widgets"? [21:21] Muzer: in 8.04? [21:21] BluesKaj: so Kwin 4 is crashing... ok erase your .kde4/share/config/kwinrc [21:21] hello. The little problem I've got is that once I press restart i get a black screen and noting happens [21:21] no just my regular apps , jhutchins_wk [21:21] Muzer: i think i have the same problem [21:22] Coggz: I haven't tried it yet, but it happened in 7.10 [21:22] oh [21:22] Coggz: I'll have to try again [21:22] Nvidia Geforce 4? [21:22] GeForce 2 Ti [21:23] yes, similar to mine [21:23] I think it affects all NVIDIA-Legacy cards [21:23] also, OpenGL won't work [21:23] BluesKaj: Well, I know that those elements are what change when the compiz window_decorations modules are run, and if one crashes, you don't have them, so I'm thinking that kde calls them something similar and has a similar mechanism of generating common ones. [21:23] That's why I was trying to install those drivers [21:24] The thing is, when I had 6.10, X gave me a BSOD when starting up after installing [21:24] well, i did a completely fresh install of hardy on the laptop [21:24] Muzer: compiz seems to work on GNOME 8.04, but gl im not sure [21:24] so I've not had much luck with those drivers [21:24] debating whether to do the same here [21:24] jhutchins ,I'm seartching for the run command box [21:24] uh [21:25] I'm not on the right PC ATM, I'll try opengl tomorrow, then reinstalling nvidia-glx-legacy if that doesn't work (and manually reconfiguring X, I think the automatic tool is broken or something) [21:25] BluesKaj: + [21:25] Muzer: same [21:25] Kubuntu talk in #ubuntu-classroom going on [21:26] chatting on tablet, using laptop, wathcing desktop [21:27] yeah Coggz , i just did that , thx ...a bit confused here , not thinking [21:27] hi, today I've tried to upgrade kubuntu 7.10 to 8.04 following the instruction at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades/Kubuntu. The over the Internet procedure stops at step "6) After the Upgrade Wizard completes the download and verification of the upgrade tool, press the Finish button". Pressing the button should close APM and launch the Distribution Upgrade Tool, but this doesn't happen. Anyone with the same problem? [21:27] ok jhutchins_wk, the .kde4/share/config/kwinrc file is wiped clean , now relogin or... ? [21:28] ale__: Worked fine for me. I had problems with 6.10 to 7.04, however [21:28] Try using the alternative CD methof [21:28] *method [21:28] if you have a CD-R(W) to sparwe [21:28] *spare [21:28] I hate laptops :p [21:29] . [21:30] thanks muzer, I installed feisty and gutsy with the alternate and had some problems. I think I'll have to do the same for hardy... [21:30] hi again all [21:31] anyone know how to add a line in grub bootloader? [21:31] reldruh: computer says no....probs cos it need wpa key [21:31] tgreer: probably, I just don't know how to do it. I turn off any kind of authentication when I'm having wireless problems :-( [21:32] heh there's always that [21:33] tgreer: it seems to help. You said knetworkmanager isn't working for you? [21:33] correct [21:33] it wont detect my wireless card [21:33] tgreer: and you're using ndiswrapper? [21:33] and when i try to disable my ethernet card it moans about the default gateway ip being invalid... [21:33] reldruh: yup [21:34] tgreer: and you have a broadcom card? [21:34] thats the only way for the 4328(rev 05) [21:34] I hate ndiswe [21:34] ndiswrapper [21:34] Muzer: ditter [21:34] *ditto [21:34] Muzer: me too :-( [21:34] You have to restart the computer if you want to connect to a dr [21:34] I havent had a wireless card stump me yet... :) [21:34] different network [21:34] tgreer: I have a 4311 and installing b43-fwcutter made it jsut work [21:34] I hate laptops :p [21:34] tgreer: I don't know the specific differences between our two cards, but did you try that? [21:35] Or remove the card [21:35] Muzer: wireless is wonderful :-) [21:35] i've looked about it [21:35] and not all of us have the good fortune to pick our cards :-0 [21:35] :-) [21:35] I now have a Japanese belkin USB which doesn't work on Windows but works on linux fine [21:35] and works like a dream with my laptop's xubuntu [21:35] but from what i've read its ndiswrapper or nothing [21:36] I can't find any way to configure printers in kubuntu hardy. [21:36] But my main PC has always been fine with my belkin pci [21:36] I think it's something like system --> printers [21:36] Only see one printer config but it's only about 5 check boxes [21:36] not sure [21:36] tgreer: give it a shot? You've got nothing right now [21:37] nothing in general or advanced system settings [21:37] reldruh: i will tomorrow @ uni i'm 'studying' to please the parents so cant exactly be tinkering with kubuntu [21:37] ndiswrapper is a last resort, but if you have to do it, it's better than nothing [21:37] Or import a cheap japanese USB adaptor. [21:37] actually [21:38] wow, what a mess ! kde3.5.9 to the rescue :) [21:38] if we are talking about desktop pci cards here [21:38] Like my buffalo wli-usb-ks11g [21:38] Muzer: i can see the card in Network in System Preference Panel [21:38] whew [21:38] but knetworkmanager wont pick it up [21:38] are we talking about desktop pci cards? [21:38] I could as well [21:38] but it didn't work [21:38] coreymon77: laptop mini pci [21:38] Broadcom 43xx cards can be a real bear. There's native bcm43xx driver, which is transitioning to the new bcm module, and where the firmware files need to be is not consistent for any two of the three solutions. [21:38] ahh [21:38] it just said connecting... and didn't connect [21:38] !w mini PCI [21:38] oh, the wikipedia bot isn't here [21:39] Muzer: i got news for you, knetworkmanaher is the worst piece of arse ever [21:39] just use iwconfig [21:39] Wifi-radar is also good [21:39] er [21:39] And yes, knetworkmanager is crap [21:39] apt-get install wifi-radar? [21:39] yes [21:39] i just use kwifimanager, and iwconfig [21:40] awesome [21:40] will give it a bash later [21:40] Please anyeone can help me configure printers I'm in a little hurry [21:40] there is no system-setings option like b4 [21:40] Is knetworkmanager the one not in kubuntu 6.10, and in 7.10, but not 8.04 (I think)? [21:40] david_: hp printer? [21:40] knetworkmanager didn't pick up mine either [21:40] I had to use the old one from 6.10 [21:40] worked fine [21:40] kde4 provides no way closing apps such as system settings ...all the max , min and close buttons are still mssing on everything including browsers and applications [21:41] no dell laser [21:41] that's odd [21:41] coreymon77 ^ [21:41] oh [21:41] david_: cause hp printers have their own manager utility [21:41] .. [21:41] kde4 is nice eye candy but totally useless to me :/ [21:42] coreymon77 yes I found that. [21:42] It works like a dream with me [21:42] I enabled desktop effects but then my screen went blank. How can I disable desktop effects again from terminal? [21:42] I had to do that [21:42] it's the systemconfig, guys [21:42] I'm using kde4 with hardy [21:42] can anyone remember it or will I have to google it again? [21:42] Muzer, i din't ask if it worked for you ... as if that's gonna help anyone else :) [21:43] OK, I can't find it [21:44] what is the full path in kde4 for the system settings so I can google it? [21:44] /usr/lib/kde4/bin/systemsettings [21:44] guest: What he said ^^ [21:45] type that inro konsole [21:45] Muzer: But I use kde3 [21:45] Not kde4 [21:45] oh [21:45] lol [21:45] sorry [21:45] /usr/bin/systemsettings them [21:46] But I can't run it from my account as the screen is blank... [21:46] Use the failsafwe [21:46] *failsafe [21:46] It's in the menu somewhere on the login screen [21:46] there will be the option of KDE or failsafe [21:47] choose failsafe then login, and type the command [21:48] Muzer: Where do I disable desktop effects from system settings? [21:48] guest: System Settings > Desktop [21:49] how do you add a panel to the System Settings? [21:50] JoshOvki: tried that. Maybe I'm blind but I can't see any desktop effect button there [21:50] tgreer: i don't think you can [21:50] :( [21:50] ubuntu hlp ftl :( [21:51] the system settings has a prescribed set of functions [21:51] handy.. [21:51] tgreer: what did you want to add to it? [21:52] chris__: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro#head-c0f8e103a33dc32cc89664a81513c2497d44b336 [21:53] tgreer: i'm not sure i follow [21:53] it says [21:54] you've installed ubuntu on a mac? [21:54] Right Click in the main panel menu and 'Add to Panel...' the 'Hardware Sensors Monitor', then right click on Hardware Sensors Monitor applet and go to 'Preferences' > 'Sensors' and Enable > 'hddtemp' > '/dev/sda', and also Disable > 'libsensors' > temp2 to temp11 . [21:54] kubuntu [21:54] mabook pro [21:54] yeh [21:54] the one i'm sitting on and fighting with wireless [21:55] you might want to try the ubuntu-specific irc...this is for kde, and i'm not to swift with gnome [21:55] i'm usin kde [21:55] oh, ok [21:55] am just wondering if its compatible with kde [21:55] http://paste.cluenet.org/736 [21:55] http://paste.cluenet.org/736 [21:55] i don't think any of the sensors for gnome are [21:56] Please look at that link ^^ [21:57] also: i followed some instructions and apparently some modules should be running at artup up but are showing as not running... [21:58] tgreer: which services? are they installed? [21:59] well applesmc tho i cant find it on the system [21:59] pommad is one [21:59] Hi, in Konqueror, it organizes alphabetically, but it includes Uppercase and Lowercase as different things, so all my files that are named uppercase come first, then after a-z in uppercase it does a-z in lowercase, how do i make it just do a-z and ignore case? [22:01] hm, how can i stop kde creating directories like "Music" in my home dir everytime it starts up? [22:01] Makuseru: you can't...unix and variants view upper case and lower case as different becuase they're different ascii codes [22:01] Makuseru: you'd have to rename your files...just change the starting letter [22:01] chris__: this wasnt a problem before i upgraded to 8.04 [22:02] Makuseru: are you using dolphin or konqueror for file browsing? [22:02] For some reason, inserting a blank CD/DVD doesn't prompt me if I want to open K3B (it doesn't prompt at all), and likewise, plugging in my camera doesn't prompt (usually prompts to use digiKam) [22:02] Also, I have two DVD burners. I can only burn ONE DVD each, then I have to reboot. If I burn one on each, then close and reopen K3B, it says I have no CD or DVD burners [22:03] ok, got some stuff working in kde4 after enabling std effects in the Desktop effects Manager ...at leasT I can close minimize and maximize apps now [22:03] I hate dolphin, is there an easy way without breaking anything or causing KDE4 to mess up, to switch to Konqeror? [22:03] chris__: konqueror [22:03] !dolphin [22:03] oh, oops [22:03] !dolphin [22:03] bots not here [22:04] [00:00:30] Dolphin, or more properly D3lphin, is the new default file manager for Kubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon. If you would like to make Konqueror your default file manager again, go to Konqueror - Settings menu - Configure Konqueror - File Associations and change the association for inode/directory and inode/system_directory to Konqueror at the top rather than Dolphin. [22:04] for me, dolphin ignores case, but konqueror doesn't [22:04] i'm not sure what the answer is [22:05] Muzer: ^^ [22:05] Can someone explain why when I start KDE the kicker dies, I restart it in a terminal and see http://paste.cluenet.org/736 [22:06] Thanks, jussio1 [22:07] :) [22:07] Makuseru: sorry, but i don't know what the answer is. I can't find any settings to change the case recognition [22:07] someone else may know [22:08] hi all [22:09] hi jOure [22:09] I'm trying kubuntu hardy with kde4, when I apt-get install new software they don't are visibile in the menu K, how can I refresh it? [22:09] joern: that i'm not sure. [22:10] Are you sure they are programs that are supposed to show up in the menu? [22:10] in kde3, you can right-click on the k button, and edit the menu [22:10] I haven't tried installing new software yet [22:10] note sure about kde4 [22:11] this is why i'm not moving to kde4 yet...so many things to readjust to [22:11] Muzer: yeah.. but changes only get applied on restart fo kde4 [22:11] that sucks [22:11] hmm wifirouter picks it up [22:11] oops [22:11] if i use ndiswrapper...what driver should i use for wpa? [22:11] Can someone explain why when I start KDE the kicker dies, I restart it in a terminal and see http://paste.cluenet.org/736 [22:12] chris__, in kde3 when I install new softwares they are visibile in the K menu in auto, in kde4 no [22:12] nosrednaekim: Sorry. I was talking to someone else... Just saws you post. Which meeting are you talking about? and how would one go about that? [22:13] j0ure: i haven't had that problem. any time i make a change in the menu in kde3, it shows in kde4 [22:13] Odd-rationale: there is a Kubuntu meeting agendas... and I think they are having a meeting this saturday [22:14] <_sourcemaker> is there any way to install vmware-server via apt???!!! I can't find the right repository... [22:14] nosrednaekim: how would one go about suggesting Shaman on the meeting? Just show up? [22:14] _sourcemaker: VirtualBox is better [22:15] Odd-rationale: and add it to the agenda [22:15] <_sourcemaker> TDJACR|Away: I can't use Virtualbox... ia have a vmware image [22:15] <_sourcemaker> TDJACR|Away: and NO... it's splittet using scsi....! [22:16] <_sourcemaker> TDJACR|Away: so virtualbox is not working :-) [22:16] _sourcemaker: I don't believe you can do that, possibly due to licensing. [22:17] _sourcemaker: I think there are parts of it that you have to build on the target box so the kernel matches. [22:17] I'm trying kubuntu hardy with kde4, when I apt-get install new software they don't are visibile in the menu K, how can I refresh it? [22:17] <_sourcemaker> jhutchins_wk: in gusty... everythink was working well [22:17] <_sourcemaker> jhutchins_wk: vmware-workstation would also be fine for me.... but that's also not in apt [22:19] how do I change the name of my / disk [22:19] it says 44G Media [22:19] <_sourcemaker> jhutchins_wk: I am searching the repository... but I can only find manual installation guides [22:20] :v virtualbox [22:20] !info virtualbox [22:20] is it safe to upgrade from kde3 to 4, or is there something special I have to know before I just hit: sudo aptitude install kde4? [22:20] <_sourcemaker> jhutchins_wk: please not... don't show my virtualbx... [22:20] Hm, bot is MIA. [22:21] !test [22:21] KR-data: KDE4 doesn't replace KDE3 [22:21] KR-data: You can install it and use one or the other. [22:21] Can someone explain why when I start KDE the kicker dies, I restart it in a terminal and see http://paste.cluenet.org/736 [22:21] KR-data: If you don't like it, log out and swtich Session Type [22:21] is working the automount (for hard drives) in-built system? [22:22] then it's perfectly safe to install the kde4 package? [22:22] yes [22:22] it doesn't touch anything dealing with KDE3 [22:23] ok, what about kubuntu-kde4-desktop? I saw someone using that one. Any particular reason for that? [22:23] kubuntu-kde4-desktop is better [22:23] KR-data: sudo apt-get install kdebase-bin kdebase-workspace kdebase-kde4 kdebase-runtime === myrtille is now known as _myrtille_ [22:24] so it's kind of a metapackage to save me for doing some work, correct? [22:24] My kicker is broken.... [22:24] yes [22:24] it sounds just like the solution for me :) thanks a lot [22:25] np [22:25] btw. when at it, is there any reason to use apt-get over aptitude? [22:25] nope [22:25] preference [22:25] I like apt-get [22:26] eaiser, aptitude tends to get extra i's or t's [22:26] Berzerker: any ideas on http://paste.cluenet.org/736 after starting teh kicker? [22:26] nope [22:26] I don't know what linux is, sorry. [22:26] ok hehe, well I just seen a lot of people using both and the only difference I've seen is that aptitude seems to remove unused packages [22:26] kidding, but no I don't, sorry. [22:27] apt-get doesn't have search [22:27] aptitude removes packages automatically (bad in my case) [22:27] so I use aptitude for search [22:27] and apt-get for install/remove [22:27] ok, how do I determine the "right" packages to remove? [22:28] TDJACR|Away: do you have KIMA installed? [22:28] TDJACR|Away: shows CPU frequency [22:28] and does it do the "right" choices? [22:29] KR-data: whatever you choose to remove will remove that and things it installed when you installed the pckage [22:29] Berzerker: Why? [22:29] TDJACR|Away: Some one on a forums had the same problem, uninstalled it and kicker worked agian [22:30] Let me look. [22:30] I am to understand if I install package a and it depends on b and c, then if I remove a, b and c will be removed? [22:31] whats the deal? [22:31] KR-data: no, only a will. [22:31] anyone here? [22:31] k [22:31] KR-data: but apt-get autoremove will remove the rest [22:32] i just upgraded and it seems a bad deal - are others feeling this? [22:32] SlimeyPete, ok, but then I'm still confused on how aptitude "know" what to remove [22:32] Berzerker: What version do you run? [22:33] KR-data: it keeps a database of package dependencies [22:33] KR-data: Unused libs [22:33] it 8.04 now I guess [22:33] and it knows what you've installed [22:33] andre: I'm not hugely impressed myself, but it's ok on the whole [22:33] but then isn't it the same as apt-get autoremove [22:34] TDJACR|Away, unused libs? Isn't that dependencies that don't exist any more? [22:35] does anybody use kooldock? [22:35] KR-data: too busy atm, need to fix this [22:35] ok, sorry [22:35] gekkoo: yeah, I do [22:36] SlimeyPete: cool. do you also use the taskbar feature of it? [22:36] yep [22:37] if Iii try in terminal sudo dhclient wlan0 I recieve no dhcp offers,,,,, yet knetwork manager can see wireless APs and receive a dhcp offer, so whhhat is knetwork mamager doing that sudo dhclient is not? [22:37] kooldock? Something worth having a look at, or? [22:37] how do you handle it with kopete or similar programs, where you usually see on the kicker taskbar a blinking task if somebody writes you a message. or do you have kooldocker always visible? [22:38] gekkoo: I just check every so often to be honest [22:38] I don't think it includes any way to deal with that [22:38] SlimeyPete: ah, ok. because i was looking for a way not to check often :) [22:39] Kicker is borked [22:39] gekkoo: you can have kopete have other ways of reminding you... [22:39] popup, etc [22:40] SlimeyPete: one of my friends has a similar dock application for gnome and he uses some kind of script if somebody writes him a message the bar hides/unhides a few times...was pretty cool [22:40] TDJACR|Away: remove your kicker config [22:40] nosrednaekim: yea, I'll check for that [22:41] nosrednaekim: Where, see MAc [22:41] oops [22:42] nosrednaekim: http://paste.cluenet.org/736 [22:42] I could connect to an open wireless using dhclient but in hardy it will not connect using this method, knetwork manager works ok though and connects no problem what is it doing other than using the dhclient script?? [22:42] My Azureus is acting erratic since the upgrade. What to do? [22:42] Error^ [22:42] TDJACR|Away: .kde/share/config/kickerrc [22:43] Sweet jebus. Can someone please help me install java runtime environment for hardy heron? I can't get it and I am really frustrated XD [22:43] Also, has anyone been dealing with this firefox 3 beta? [22:43] TDJACR|Away: thats a normal error [22:43] TDJACR|Away: sure you didn't just set kicker to autohide? [22:43] andre: I just use konqueror4 [22:44] nosrednaekim: It is autohiding, but it doesn't come back up [22:44] Andre: I use it [22:44] TDJACR|Away: erase the config then... I said where it was above ^^ [22:44] :D [22:46] nosrednaekim: Thank you, why'd it die? [22:47] bad config... IDK.... :) [22:47] I've seen it happen now and then [22:47] For some reason, inserting a blank CD/DVD doesn't prompt me if I want to open K3B (it doesn't prompt at all), and likewise, plugging in my camera doesn't prompt (usually prompts to use digiKam) [22:47] Also, I have two DVD burners. I can only burn ONE DVD each, then I have to reboot. If I burn one on each, then close and reopen K3B, it says I have no CD or DVD burners [22:47] aaroncampbell: make sure kded is running [22:48] nosrednaekim: A new error :'( [22:48] nosrednaekim: The specified library Kicker could not be found. Library files for "kcm_kicker.la" not found in paths. (Config) [22:52] TDJACR|Away: ok....... odd [22:53] nosrednaekim: The system settings link in the K menu is also gone [22:53] did you try uninstalling kicker? [22:53] nosrednaekim: Once [22:54] erasing a config should NOT have done that :) [22:54] TDJACR|Away: better try installing it again :P [22:55] nosrednaekim: I did, still doesn't work === ubuntu_ is now known as Dodom === andre is now known as wilsonfrisk [22:57] TDJACR|Away: oh...wow....uhh..... how's kde4 lookin to you :P [22:58] nosrednaekim: I hate 4, I use 3 [22:58] 4 looks like Aero [22:59] nosrednaekim: ps aux | grep -i kded shows: 1000 7208 0.1 0.4 41756 15576 ? S 09:11 0:34 kded [kdeinit] --new-startup [23:00] package for glib-2.0? [23:00] where can I get ccsm?? [23:00] aaroncampbell: ok... go into systemsettings->advanced->services manager and make sure everything there is checked on [23:00] hey all [23:01] psyco: package name is "compizconfig-control-center [23:01] *compizconfig-settings-manager [23:01] sorry [23:01] nosrednaekim: not EVERYTHING right? [23:02] nosrednaekim: Ty [23:02] aaroncampbell: in service manager? yes [23:02] not system services... [23:02] nosrednaekim: My bad [23:03] helo evry body [23:03] i need help pease [23:03] its the first time i use linux [23:03] nosrednaekim: I'm trying, but it seems to have frozen system settings when I clicked that. [23:03] ubuntu__: whats the problem? [23:03] hey all [23:04] o i said that already [23:04] and u need help [23:04] hi! [23:04] i have downloaded kubuntu but i cant install it in the hard drive [23:05] and i have evdo connection [23:05] pcmca evdo cdma [23:05] i got a kubuntu boot cd, which would hang after the "Mounting /" (or something. the second thing displayed in the bootsplash), it kicks me back to the "uncompressing linux kernel" where it remains hung. this same cd just worked on another PC, so i dont think its the media. im thinking its a known issue with the new intel mbs with the socket for quad core [23:05] i cant connect it to my laptop [23:05] or rather im, im thinking its an issue with the new mbs, and hoping its a known one [23:06] this is one of them quad cores [23:06] ubuntu__: you can't install it becuase of the network? [23:07] perhaps i there is a boot option [23:07] actually im in the wrong room, the cd is ubuntu [23:07] FuriousGeorge: try "noacpi" [23:08] :) [23:08] was just thinking that, thanks [23:08] FuriousGeorge: You may need to try the alternate install CD. [23:08] things like that don't matter :) [23:08] FuriousGeorge: Yeah, noacpi, noapic, vga=normal [23:08] Hmm [23:09] that boot menu was so nice i didnt realize it was grub [23:09] why is my printer gone from the printer drivers, it used to be there.... [23:09] psyco: Because "newer" != "better". [23:09] jhutchins_wk: one of those or a combination is bound to work. im not by the thing now, but ill let you guys know one way or another [23:09] nosrednaekim: Thanks for your help, I fixed it :DD [23:10] TDJACR|Away: what'd you do? [23:10] nosrednaekim, how do i add my fav app icons to the panel, this dumb kde4 widgets thing keeps getting in the way [23:10] jhutchins_wk: loool XD [23:10] nosrednaekim: Login/out [23:10] other way :P [23:10] jhutchins_wk: what should I choose instead? [23:10] BluesKaj: use kickoff, and right click on the application, it will have to option to add it to the panel [23:10] ok [23:10] thx [23:12] ok, I have looked every where and I need to print from a guest OS to the host OS in vmware... anybody can tell me how to do this? [23:12] is there any personne speak frenah here [23:12] i need gtran 6210 driver [23:13] zhere can i get it [23:13] <_myrtille_> french? [23:13] <_myrtille_> !fr |ubuntu__ [23:13] yes [23:13] gundam_rx78nt1: print to ghost script and transfer the file [23:13] Hi there.. Friend of mine just upgraded 7.10 > 8.04 but ever since his compiz stopped working. There is no window decorator anymore when he starts compiz... Tried starting emerald --replace from command line, but it just hangs.. direct rendering checks okay.. Any idea on how to fix this? [23:13] reinstall won't work either [23:14] <_myrtille_> ubuntu__ join #kubuntu-fr [23:14] je veux bien le driver de mon modem evdo cdma [23:14] compatible avec linux [23:14] ke doit je faire [23:14] ubuntu__: Anglais ici [23:14] =>ubuntu-fr [23:15] <_myrtille_> on ne parle pas francais ici ;) Pour parler francais passe sur #kubuntu-fr [23:15] ok merci infiniment [23:17] pas de driver compatible avec linux ke doi je faire [23:17] phoenixz: is it an nvidia? [23:18] nosrednaekim> intel 945 [23:18] but AFAIK there is no direct rendering problem... [23:18] plus, it worked flawlessly on 7.10 [23:19] run "compiz --replace"from the command line and pastein the output [23:20] FFS [23:20] Someone help me get java to work ..... [23:20] AGH [23:20] i need gtran 6210 driver a there any person zho cqn help me [23:21] psyco: get rid of the OSE and install the real sun java [23:21] java-runtime environment, firefox wont register it [23:21] nosrednaekim: OSE? [23:21] the "iced tea" version [23:21] that comes with kubuntu-restricted-extras [23:21] I think I did... [23:21] I installed: (sec) [23:22] i need gtran 6210 driver a there any person zho cqn help me please [23:22] nosrednaekim, its me, phoenixz on the computer of the person with compiz problems.. http://rafb.net/p/R7f5zP17.html [23:22] I installed: sun-java5-jre [23:22] nosrednaekim, there is the output of compiz --replace [23:22] and plugin, [23:23] thanks mid5 [23:23] psyco: oh.. ok [23:23] no person hav any idea to solve the probleme [23:23] mid5: ok... you sure you have direct rendering? [23:23] !fr [23:23] nosrednaekim: Yeah its so weird, Do I have to reboot or something>? === ubuntu__ is now known as taghastien007 [23:24] psyco: no... are you sure the iced tea version is removed? [23:24] Yes [23:24] mid5, yeah, glxinfo says so, glxgears shows nice FPS [23:25] nosrednaekim: oops found some more iced tea p[ackages [23:25] mid5: ok, i'm not familiar with Intels..but your problem is certainly this line -- compiz: GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap is missing [23:25] mid5: ask in #compiz-fusion [23:25] i neeed help pease who can solve the probleme of gtran 6210 fo evdo cdma internet connection and i have a proble of hdd lock can u help me please [23:26] nosrednaekim: ok I deleted them, still nothing [23:26] psyco: you may have to logout. [23:26] I'll try [23:26] what are you trying to run anyway> [23:26] A stock ticker [23:26] no person have any idea loll [23:27] How do I get FLAC using konq audiocd:/ feature? like in the screen shot in this tutorial: http://docs.kde.org/userguide/audio-cd.html [23:27] brb relog [23:28] nosrednaekim, okay, thanks! [23:28] HDD LOCKED in the demarrage are there any solution [23:29] RWAR still nothing === sean_ is now known as psyco [23:29] !repeat [23:29] *rwar, now I am psyco :P [23:29] :) [23:30] !fr | taghastien007 [23:31] but yeah, no luck [23:31] Shoot, no bot, I forgot. [23:31] no way to solve the brobleme [23:31] i have bouth an external box but no thing [23:31] taghastien007: It sounds like you have some unusual hardware. [23:32] taghastien007: #kubuntu-fr [23:32] What happedn to kubotu? [23:32] *ibitu [23:32] **ubotu [23:32] *ubotu [23:32] ubotu - not in today. [23:32] He was my best friend [23:32] I have a greyed out icon in my taslkbar that just won't go away , quitting doen't do anything , it just sits there [23:32] jussi01 killed it :P (i dont think he did but thats who i blame anyway) [23:32] BluesKaj: dcop kicker kicker restart [23:33] dang [23:34] hoz cqn i regester to this [23:34] how can i register to send private msg [23:35] jhutchins, error message: call failed [23:35] !register [23:35] yes [23:35] oh.. dumb bot! [23:35] err [23:35] :) [23:36] question for video guru's, currently running 6.06LTS with nvidia GForce2 5200 card, using vesa driver [23:37] can [23:37] but its slow, wold like to try nv driver, what do I need to install to try it? [23:38] HDD LOCKED and i have forgotten the password is there any solution [23:38] HDD LOCKED and i have forgotten the password is there any solution [23:39] nosrednaekim: I tried java in Konqueror, I enable it and then it gets stuck on loading applet [23:39] HDD LOCKED and i have forgotten the password is there any solution [23:39] also, java -version get me 1.5.0 [23:39] taghastien007: please be patient. do not repeat your question again and again [23:39] gene: no need to install it, edit your /etc/X11/xorg.conf and change the vesa to nv [23:39] taghastien007> Can you boot in through a live CD? [23:40] What is the command to delete : sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin sun-java6-fonts [23:40] I installed the semantik package, but the program is nowhere to be found. [23:40] How do I prevent randr from borking my dualhead config on logon? I have custom xorg.conf and it works as dualhead right until I log into my KDE session. [23:40] what happens with FUSE that doesn't allow me to do what I used to do in the past? [23:40] :S [23:40] Do that, learn how to mount your locked partition (e.g. sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt), and read up on how to reset the password. [23:41] psyco: sudo apt-get purge packagenames [23:41] yes thas i m doing but i must extract the hdd from the laptop [23:41] theunixgeek: can you try running it from the command line? [23:41] Jucato: tried, doesn [23:41] 't work [23:41] taghastien007: get an hdd unlock program, works with most drives. need a: drive [23:41] Ty [23:41] theunixgeek: how did you install it? [23:41] Jucato: sudo apt-get install semantik [23:41] taghastien007> Your laptop doesn't have a CD drive? [23:41] when I do that, my monitor says the sych is out of range, its a Samsung SynchMaster 763MB [23:41] sych/synch [23:41] Do you mean you forgot your Unix password, or your BIOS password? [23:42] i tried this hddunlock but how can i use it [23:42] it is not capable to detect usb hdd [23:42] need 3.5 disk [23:42] oh i don't know about external [23:42] bios paasszord [23:43] I would think it would work the same, but you would have to set external as default drive [23:43] theunixgeek: oh it's a kde4 app. it installs in /usr/lib/kde4/bin/ [23:43] Jucato: thanks :D [23:43] hoe does one remove linux kernels? [23:43] I had one show up that says server [23:43] which is odd [23:43] i have cd drive [23:43] what's wrong with this line on the fstab: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8591/ [23:43] Jucato: thanks a bunch! :D [23:43] I think it used to work in the past [23:44] cant use cd drive. need 3.5 inch disk [23:44] dsmith_: just uninstall it like any other package. from Adept Manager or using apt-get [23:44] hmmmmm.... that easy?> [23:44] ok [23:44] I don't know I would look into the xbox hackers documentation as they are expert with this [23:44] mrjoey it seems that u can help me [23:44] * dsmith_ has never done it before [23:45] dsmith_: just make sure you are removing the correct version of the kernel:) [23:45] (and not the version you are currently using) [23:45] Jucato: hahaa, I already am aware of that [23:45] I did not know you can do it from adept, sweet [23:45] thanks [23:45] dont remove kernal it will fuck something up i promise [23:45] maybe not from adept though [23:45] it won't let you [23:46] this is a server kernel [23:46] i am on generic now [23:46] why did you install it? [23:46] I didn't [23:46] upgraded from 7.04 to 7.10 [23:46] wilsonfrisk: what are you talking about? [23:46] bah , KDE4 is too much like a comic book for my taste , unecessarily complicated panel and desktop settings that don't work very well on my setup [23:46] so no persom can help anymore [23:46] it installed itself? it is ai? [23:46] yes [23:46] lol [23:46] blues [23:46] nosrednaekim: If I installed 2 versions of java (6&5) could that be a problem [23:46] BluesKaj: I dont like kde either [23:46] er....kde4 [23:47] infidel! He must die! [23:47] :) [23:47] jk [23:47] Jucato: remove or purge? [23:47] yup, dsmith_ uninstalling as we speak [23:47] dsmith_: your choice [23:47] taghastien007 > If it's a relatively new computer, you might be able to call the manufacturer and ask for a generic password. [23:47] heh, I love choice! yay [23:47] remove. dont purge [23:47] wilsonfrisk: do not PM me. I asked you a question in here. I am asking what are you talking about not removing kernels from adept [23:47] Otherwise, you'll have to unscrew a bunch of stuff. [23:48] If you're lucky, one of the software-based unlockers may work. [23:48] silly stuff on there ..widgets ...who gives a care about propellerhead stuff like that [23:48] * Jucato sighs [23:48] Jucato: if you did not PM me, why are words red? [23:49] wilsonfrisk: because I mentioned your name in the sentence [23:49] taghastien007> Check this out: http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/CmosPwd [23:49] Right [23:49] Konversation (and most IRC programs) will color the sentence red if your nick is mentioned in it. I didn't PM you [23:49] I didn't know you could uninstall kernals from adept [23:49] thy told me that i must bouth a nez hdd its more expansive than i bouth an ather laptop [23:50] Jucato: fair enough. I am new to graphic irc. [23:50] wilsonfrisk: you can. and it won't f*ck anything up as long as you don't remove the kernel you are currently using [23:50] thank verrrryyyy mautch mrjoey [23:50] taghastien007: I believe you are looking for the word "bought". [23:50] Jucato: I think though that adept would not let you remove the kernal you are currently using. That is why I thought it might be safer. [23:51] cmospwd may not necessarily work; I tried it on an old laptop, and it did not. You'll just have to see. [23:51] Why is Firefox 3 beta 5 giving me so much shit? [23:51] If it doesn't, try contacting the author [23:51] wilsonfrisk: can you please stop with the cursing [23:52] !Ohmy [23:52] wilsonfrisk: What part of beta don't you get? [23:52] >.> [23:52] psyco: No bot. [23:52] anybody know how to get bluetooth working on a macbook pro? Ubuntu tells me I have no bt device, but I've used it from Mac OS! [23:52] psyco: rememebr? no bot? [23:52] I jsut remmebered [23:52] Jucato: sorry didn't realize it was a christian channel; I don't mean to offend [23:52] :P [23:52] Ahem, [23:53] !OhMy : blah blahj please keep it family rated channel blah blah [23:53] Who needs ubotu :P [23:53] wilsonfrisk: it's not a christian channel. but we have rules against foul language of any kind (or in any language if we catch it) [23:53] jhutchins_wk: lol. The part I don't get is why kubuntu automatically installed a beta program when i upgraded [23:53] ola [23:53] ang gtran evdo cdma modem connection i need the driver for linux evry time i connect i must do a network [23:53] wilsonfrisk: Firefox beta 3 is the default version that Ubuntu 8.04 has [23:53] It's a matter of civility - it's the intent, not the actual language. [23:54] hello ubuntu [23:54] nosrednaekim: ZOMG! I found the problem...... Only firefox 3 picks up JRE! ZOMG I don't know why but hooray [23:54] wilsonfrisk: You're kidding. They default to a beta? [23:54] FF is beta [23:54] How do I get java applets working in firefox? I already have the JRE [23:54] Jucato: well then excuse my language. it is nice to keep things clean, I suppose. I like that about the Scandanavians. [23:54] jhutchins_wk: yes [23:55] Jucato: yes, this is the issue. why have they defaulted a beta? who's plan was this? [23:55] nosrednaekim: NVm it works everywhere. Hooray at something... ^_^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [23:55] MRjoey i tried it but no change [23:55] wilsonfrisk: ask in #ubuntu [23:55] hi there! [23:55] wilsonfrisk: we use konqueror here :) [23:55] hello mattelacchiato [23:55] not the cmos pword that i have forgot but the hdd pword [23:56] Jucato: but it was kubuntu that has done this. I don't think ubuntu has upgraded yet. [23:56] (or at least we try to. or try to promote it :P) [23:56] we all use opera* [23:56] fixd [23:56] I use opera sometimes [23:56] wilsonfrisk: Kubuntu and Ubuntu use the same repositories [23:56] taghastien007: You may have better luck in one of the french-speaking channels where you're not dealing with a language barrier. I don't think it's a CMOS issue, but I can't be sure. #ubuntu-fr, #kubuntu-fr [23:56] kubuntu doesnt install firefox by default [23:56] wilsonfrisk: Kubuntu doesn't even touch Firefox at all [23:56] Jucato: upgrades are staggered though, no? [23:56] taghastien007: #linux-fr [23:56] dunno [23:57] wilsonfrisk: Ubuntu hardy is shipping with the same version of packages as kubuntu hardy. [23:57] does anyone know how to install skype on amd64? [23:57] wilsonfrisk: Staggered? [23:57] will00: #skype possibly? [23:57] Jucato: what do you mean it doesn't touch it? I upgraded to 8.04 and it gave me ff 3 beta 5 by default [23:57] ah, will00: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=474790 this could be very helpfull for you [23:57] Hydrogen: okay that was my question [23:57] ok thanks since #skype doesnt exist [23:58] i just didn't test it, but it should work... [23:58] wilsonfrisk: only because you had it installed before. The kubuntu set does not depend on firefox [23:58] wilsonfrisk: Kubuntu doesn't package Firefox. it's the Ubuntu side that does. Kubuntu development is concerned mainly with KDE-related packages. and as you can plainly see, Firefox is not [23:58] wilsonfrisk: Kubuntu and Ubuntu share the same repositories. What Kubuntu has, Ubuntu has and vice versa. Ubuntu uses Firefox as their default browser, so they are in charge of taking care of that [23:59] Hydrogen: oh yes that's correct. still don't know why they would force this unstable program on me, just because i was using the old one. I am going to have to downgrade. Or switch to konquerer, if they will import bookmarks and rss. [23:59] so they will know more about why they decided to ship beta 3 [23:59] wilsonfrisk: there is a firefox-2 package [23:59] wilsonfrisk: there's a firefox-2 package [23:59] wilsonfrisk: install firefox-2 [23:59] yes, its unconvienient [23:59] and yes, its stupid to depend on a beta