
NafalloLjL: bot to -server please? :-)00:37
LjLnot my bot, and not sure whose this one is00:37
LjLmine isn't working00:37
MVHi All, can any one help me with installation of Ubuntu. I am new with linux and Ubuntu. I am having problem while installation, every time I boot with live cd, the computer boots and then ask me question to start and install ubuntu, after my enter the screen comes with bar and then when orange bar is finished there is nothing but black screen06:33
emonkeyMV, the support channel is #ubuntu06:35
MVemonkey, thanks, but I dont get any help from there ! ! ! !06:36
naliothMV: this is an adminstration channel  :(06:37
naliothMV: patience is sometimes required in #ubuntu06:37
emonkeyUnfortunately this is only a administrative channel for the ubuntu IRC operaters. But maybe there' s another ubuntu channel from a local team which can support.06:37
emonkeymaybe in native language from you if english is not ...06:38
MVok sorry all and thanks06:41
jpatrickLjL: "06:37:22 < ~ubuntero> ***#ubuntu-cool el room fantasma mas cool del planeta" in -es11:47
sorenWhat sort of approval do I need to get to add a bot to a channel?13:52
Myrttican't tell before you tell which channel13:53
soren#ubuntu-server, for instance.13:54
Myrttioh yeah, ubot5 was updated and booted13:54
Myrttihold on13:54
sorenubot5 does what, exactly?13:55
Myrttiit's a backup of ubotu13:55
Myrttidoesn't do all ubotu did, but it's better than nothing13:56
sorenWell, it's doesn't do the one thing that I really use ubotu for, namely the Bugtracker thing.13:56
LjLsoren, it does13:56
LjLjust need to enable it13:56
LjLsoren: that is unless you need a bug *feed*13:56
Myrttisoren: to tell you the truth, the current situation for the bots is such that I would be happy we have any bots at all13:56
Myrttiexcluding LjL's floodbots13:57
Myrttiwhich work nice and dandy as always13:57
sorenLjL: And how to enable it?13:57
LjLsoren: it's enabled already, i think it just doesn't have launchpad set as default13:58
sorenCan it please join #ubuntu-virt, too? Or is it ok if I add one myself? Then I could get the bug feeds, too.14:08
sorenHence the initial question..14:08
LjLsoren: no bug feeds available14:08
sorenI know Myrtti suggested it was fine, but is the sufficient approval?14:08
LjLso add it yourself14:08
LjLsoren, the bot is broken. you don't need anyone's approval to fix it if you have a way to14:09
LjLubotu's bugfeed needs an imap account and other fancy stuff14:10
sorenI know. I've already set it all up.14:13
erUSULen #ubuntu  CrazyMax [n=CrazyMax@] requested CTCP PING from #ubuntu: 120948153416:06
bokeyhi where's ubotu gone today? :(18:17
bokeyjpatrick: how goes?18:17
bokey1500+ users in #ubuntu.. crazy crazy!18:18
bokeywaiting for the day when it crosses 200018:18
=== emonkey-t is now known as emonkey

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