
=== FooEnMate is now known as TankEnMate
madrazrHii all, yesterday there was a session on Building Upstream kernels at #ubuntu-classroom. I just had this question but unfortunately could not ask.03:46
madrazrSuppose I now have the rpm-src of the Fedora 8 kernel and I want to build it for Ubuntu, how to do it?03:47
madrazrI badly want this because, there is a tool called NCTUNS, which must be mandatorily used by students as per the University for Networks Simulation and this runs only on Fedora03:49
cradekmaybe you could extract the source from that rpm with rpm2cpio and build it.  but I'm pretty sure this is not the right channel for rpm questions.03:55
pwnguinmadrazr: is the source to nctuns available?04:14
madrazrpwnguin: yes04:15
madrazrpwnguin: can some one build it for Ubuntu, I am ready to take the initiative but I am not well versed in Ubuntu package maintainance04:16
madrazrSo If someone helps me, we can bring it to Ubuntu and I can pursuade my college authorities to use Ubuntu from nowonwards04:16
pwnguinim grabbing a tar.gz right now, but im not clear what on earth it is04:17
madrazrWe are actually not happy with Fedora, and we want to shift to Ubuntu, but NCTUNS is standing in between our college and Ubuntu04:17
pwnguinit has linux 2.6.24 as part of then ame04:17
madrazrpwnguin: can you link me to the page frm where you are downloading?04:17
pwnguinstupid frames04:19
pwnguinmy first guess is something related to tun04:19
madrazrpwnguin: I did not get you04:20
pwnguinthat place uses frames well enough that i cant figure out what link to give you04:20
madrazrthis is the link to download page04:21
pwnguinlike i said, im downloading now04:21
madrazroh sorry, fine then04:21
pwnguinanyways, you might consider attending a session by dholbach tomorrow on making packages04:22
madrazrpwnguin: ok04:22
pwnguinbut really, i dont see this happening if it involves patching the kernel04:23
madrazrpwnguin: why so?04:24
madrazrpwnguin: how can end users use this tool then?04:25
madrazrpwnguin: cant we have a NCTUNS supporting kernel in repos, so those who want to use NCTUNS can install this kernel, actually thats what happens when we install it on Fedora04:26
madrazrGrub gives a separate option at boot time04:26
pwnguinfrom what i can tell, this NCTUNS provides a patched kernel for fedora and the application uses it to attach to a special network emulator forked from tun04:26
madrazrpwnguin: yes it does so04:29
pwnguinwho would maintain this kernel?04:29
madrazrthis patched kernel??04:29
madrazrits maintained by those developers only04:29
madrazrpwnguin: so do you mean to say, until those people provide patches to Ubuntu kernel, no one can help us?04:30
pwnguinWhat I mean to say is that ubuntu is fairly burdened already, especially on the kernel. If someone new were to step up and meet the obligations, that would be one thing04:31
pwnguinif the NCTUNS had put their patches into the kernel tree, that'd be another thing04:31
pwnguinbut asking ubuntu to pick up a fedora package that even fedora hasn't picked up seems a bit silly04:31
madrazrpwnguin: ok fine, suppose I am ready to maintain the packages and I am ready to take the initiative for making it work on, what kind of support will I get from Ubuntu community and kernel team?04:33
pwnguinwell, dholbach will love you04:33
madrazrpwnguin: sooper, where can I find him??04:34
madrazrwhich channel?04:34
madrazrpwnguin: fine, thanks a lot04:34
pwnguinyou should also write the kernel mailing list04:34
madrazrpwnguin: ubuntu kernel mailing list?04:34
pwnguinabout whether the patches are okay or not04:35
madrazrpwnguin: actually I dont know where to get started, thats the whole problem here now, because I am not very well versed with Kernel development04:35
pwnguinwell, in your case04:35
pwnguinthe first thing to do is make an actual patch04:35
pwnguinthey provide a set of files, but they're not in patch format04:36
pwnguinyou might also write the NCTUNS folk and ask them if they have plans to get the nctun interface into the kernel04:37
pwnguinlinus' kernel04:37
pwnguinthe patch would make it easier to evaluate whether the modifications to say, syscall_table is dangerous etc04:40
pwnguinim not even sure regular tun is still in the kernel04:40
pwnguinanyways, if the kernel team were to decide this was worthy of inclusion in ubuntu mainline, you'd basically provide a patch and they'd include it, then the rest of the work would be in MOTU -- but the idea of providing a special nctun build of the kernel I don't think will fly04:42
pwnguinmaybe I'm wrong04:43
madrazrpwnguin: ok04:44
ackrcv1Hi, how do I go about installing 2.6.25 for 8.04?06:24
Saiedis there a 2.6.25 kernel available for ubuntu?10:27
=== asac_ is now known as asac
BenCOk people...there's supposed to be a kernel meeting today, but there's not much to discuss on account of work is starting for intrepid17:08
BenCBut if anyone has any questions, we can answer them now17:08
laga(i've got a question about a bug report, but i'm not sure if it's appropriate for the meeting)17:09
BenCCloser to UDS we will review the topics for the kernel track, and we invite people to add to the list of topics17:09
BenClaga: It's usually not, but for lack of anything else to discuss, feel free to bug drop :)17:09
lagasure. i'll just need a minute to make thunderbird behave again..17:10
lagathat guy basically suggests a change to CONFIG_HZ to get his remote working, and i'm not sure if that's the right way ;) any advice?17:11
smblaga: To throw in my opinion, I agree with your initial answer. A driver that requires a certain HZ number is broken and should be fixed instead of changing HZ.17:24
BenCYeah, that's my answer too17:30
lagagood, thanks17:32
alex_joniBenC: mind if I jump in with a question?17:49
BenCalex_joni: sure17:49
alex_joniabogani asked me if I plan to push the custom flavour I did for hardy (IPIPE patch in the kernel, and RTAI packages) back to Ubuntu17:50
alex_joniso far I haven't considered it (until he approached me), mainly because I didn't think there's enough interest.. also maintaining might be a bit of a problem17:51
alex_joniare there any thoughts/pages about processes like these?17:51
alex_joniBenC: was that so scary?18:58
BenCalex_joni: It's all documented in source in debian/binary-custom.d/ in the git tree19:00
BenCalex_joni: the other thing is we need reassurances that it will be maintained, especially post-release19:00
BenCwe generally like to see a team behind custom flavors and someone who will respond immediately when we see a build failure cause by patch conflicts19:01
alex_joniI see19:01
alex_joniwell, I'll talk to abogani about it19:02
alex_joniI'm also concearned I don't have the time/energy for long-term support19:03
BenCMay be best to keep it in a PPA then19:07
amitkalex_joni: ppa = personal package archives, feature of launchpad to allow users to upload source deb package and have it spit out Ubuntu binaries. It also provides a way to host your own packages19:41
alex_joniamitk: I have a repo set up19:45
alex_joniwith proper package signing, etc19:45
amitkalex_joni: in that case you probably don't care about ppa20:02
pwnguinunless you're popular and want canonical to foot the hosting bill ;)20:05
alex_jonicjwatson: any idea what this means? http://pastebin.ca/100222222:04
cjwatsonalex_joni: no, although the /dev/sda I/O error suggests hardware trouble22:06
smbalex_joni: this means the block layer returned one sector bad. 22:07
alex_joniso it's faulty HW ?22:07
smbalex_joni: somewhere yes. but depending on hw setup could be somewhere one the way down to the disk. is that a real scsi disk or sata?22:09
alex_jonismb: so it could be a problematic driver of the chipset or something like that?22:10
smbalex_joni: the message itself comes from the generic block layer. normally the drivers would or could issue additional info. it could even be a bad sector on the disk. or bad cable (if the error is not always the same sector)22:12
alex_jonismb: ok, I'll poke it some more22:12
smbalex_joni: is there anything before that message?22:12
alex_jonismb: it's a livecd I built, run by another user.. I'll have him run with nosplash, and without quiet22:13
smbalex_joni: ah, ok22:13
alex_jonithanks for the pointers22:13
smbalex_joni: np :)22:15

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