[00:38] why hello [00:50] ok firefox is finishing sunbird is finished and im done until tomorrow when i try to reproduce his bug [01:23] gnomefreak: gnomefreak: here is the upgrade output: http://pastebin.com/m412bc287 and my sources.list: http://pastebin.com/m412bc287 [01:23] blahblahx: hi thank you [01:23] blahblahx: do you have more than one OS installed on that pc [01:24] blahblahx: no [01:24] good :) [01:24] blahblahx: run cd /boot/grub [01:24] let me know when you are there [01:24] gnomefreak: i dont have one [01:25] thats what i thought :) [01:25] blahblahx: cd [01:25] when your back in home dir let me know [01:25] okay [01:25] i am [01:25] ok run grub-install [01:25] this should fix the issue totally [01:26] and i have less than 20 minutes to find out [01:26] it says install device not specified [01:26] sorry [01:26] do i need to specify a directory or a disk? [01:26] run mkdir /boot/grub [01:26] blahblahx: not yet [01:26] ok i made it [01:26] just run that and let me know [01:26] good [01:27] now run grub-install [01:27] it still says device not specifiec [01:27] *specified [01:27] what variable or path do i run it with [01:27] blahblahx: what does apt-cache policy grub say [01:27] blahblahx: you would run it with whatever your hd is -1 [01:28] installed 0.97-29ubuntu21 [01:28] it should be placed on hd0, 0 i think but its been so long [01:28] okay [01:28] shit [01:28] what? [01:28] blahblahx: ok your gonna have to do this by hand [01:29] sounds fine [01:29] let me look at mine first [01:29] you know i have some knowledge of linux, but not much grub [01:29] sorry if its too late, but im not running stock ubuntu [01:29] try grub-install hd0,0 [01:29] im running something close to it with different packages [01:30] blahblahx: well now you tell me :( [01:30] sorry man [01:30] blahblahx: this shoul fix it though [01:30] hopfully [01:30] blahblahx: since its not stock i cant say it will fix it because the packages you have may cause upgrade to fail [01:30] when i do grub-install hd0,0 i get: cannot read table of mounted filesystems, no such file or directory [01:30] gnomefreak: right but at least i hope i can get a bootable system [01:31] ill be fine sniffing my way around other errors [01:31] hold on a sec [01:31] ok [01:32] should i just try again? i did it in a controlled environment, so starting from scratch doesnt loose me anything except time [01:32] gnomefreak: maybe see the "sudo fdisk -l" output in order to understand the partitions structure? [01:32] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [01:32] blahblahx: ^^^ that should help [01:33] Volans: grub is always on mbr if this is his only os it shouldnt change should it? [01:33] gnomefreak: sure i shouldn;t try again? [01:33] blahblahx: you can [01:33] gnomefreak: will it fix things? [01:33] gnomefreak: sure, if only one OS and one HD, is forcely hd0,0 [01:33] * gnomefreak not the most knowledgible in grub but its not that hard [01:33] gnomefreak: also, if it asks to overwrite a file that i have modified and i dont know what it is? [01:34] default is n [01:34] gnomefreak: i think im going to restart t [01:34] gnomefreak: from the beginning [01:34] blahblahx: if you dont know than leave it with n [01:34] im going to retry it [01:34] thank you for your help [01:34] blahblahx: do you have a /boot/grub/device.map [01:35] gnomefreak: i dont have a /boot/grub untill a few minutes ago [01:35] blahblahx: ah [01:35] remember? [01:35] * gnomefreak wonders if its lilo [01:35] no [01:35] ok good [01:36] im going to redo it, its okay [01:36] blahblahx: have you xfs partitions? [01:36] no ext3 Volans [01:36] but guys its okay im redoing it from the beginnign [01:36] ok, because Ubuntu install lilo when xfs root partition is choosed [01:37] * gnomefreak wonders how he booted before upgrade [01:37] but eh its too late to worry about that now [01:38] asac: firefox-2 seems fixed and bzr is made sinc ei didnt have one for ff2 i will be here before i go to dr tomorrow remind me than please ill ask for merge now, [01:38] what the hell happened we used to merge bzr branches :( [01:39] bye [01:40] how the hell does this work now [01:43] asac: important do we want merge to your branch or mozillateams branch, i will check in in morning night [01:43] night Volans [01:43] good night gnomefreak :) [01:43] !grub [01:43] grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [01:44] ok we have a somewhat bot [01:44] not all plugins are there and full db isnt there afaik [03:14] hi, i'm trying to get java working, i installed the sun jre and bin packages but still firefox say i don't have java, is there some other package i should include? [03:14] this is in ubuntu 8.04 and FF3 [03:58] koro: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin or one of the icetea packages with more info we cant say why. are you using 2.0 or 3.0 and are you in hardy [04:41] i found out [04:41] i'm in hardy and it's 3.0 [04:41] but i'm on amd64 :( [04:41] there's no sun java plugin for amd64 :( [04:41] java works fine, but the firefox plugin is not available for some reason [04:47] koro: you need to use icetea [04:47] - need + most likely need [05:53] [reed]: are you here? [05:53] <[reed]> gnomefreak: yes [05:53] [reed]: im looking for mozilla dev icals but cant find them [05:53] [reed]: happent o know wher eto look? [05:54] <[reed]> the developer calendar ical? [05:54] yes there meetins/or releases ect... [05:54] <[reed]> http://www.google.com/calendar/ical/pdighgf028nmbjbrno8oed8vsg@group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics [05:54] <[reed]> that has most stuff [05:54] ty that wasnt one that came up on my search [05:56] ty that is the one i was looking for [05:56] we still never did change the icon for sunbird [09:37] http://launchpadlibrarian.net/14002907/buildlog_ubuntu-intrepid-sparc.xulrunner-1.9_1.9%7Eb5%2Bnobinonly-0ubuntu3_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.g [09:37] aehh http://launchpadlibrarian.net/14002907/buildlog_ubuntu-intrepid-sparc.xulrunner-1.9_1.9%7Eb5%2Bnobinonly-0ubuntu3_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz [10:27] gnomefreak: can you give me an update? did you push your firefox-2 changes somewhere yet? [10:36] gnomefreak: any good feedback from sunbird/lightning front? [10:50] CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS moz_classifier_chunk_index on moz_classifier(chunk_id); [10:50] yeah [10:50] that takes ages ;) [12:58] @time [12:58] asac: Error: "time" is not a valid command. [12:59] @now [12:59] asac: Error: "now" is not a valid command. [12:59] k [13:26] lol [13:26] @date [13:26] armin76: Error: "date" is not a valid command. [13:28] @bumb [13:28] armin76: Error: "bumb" is not a valid command. [13:28] @kick asac [13:28] armin76: Error: You don't have the #ubuntu-mozillateam,op capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified. [13:29] @stab asac [13:29] armin76: Error: "stab" is not a valid command. [13:45] bug 1 [13:45] @bug 1 [13:45] fta2: Error: "bug" is not a valid command. [13:45] !bug 1 [13:45] For discussion and help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents [13:45] lol [13:48] fta2 testing time for ubot5 ??? LOL [13:55] !bug 161987 [13:55] bug 161987 [13:56] hmm === asac_ is now known as asac [14:21] fta: ok, i updated https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Firefox3Extensions/LargeScaleMaintenance and hope i addressed your comments for now. maybe remove those comments that are properly addressed ;) [15:06] asac: the LargeScaleMaintenance procedure is only for those extensions for which you have no contact with the developers and have only the XPI file downloaded from mozilla site? [15:08] Volans: no, the intention is that at some point that document will cover most corner cases [15:08] Volans: for now it deals with support in maintaining extensions based on .xpi [15:09] ok, because I'm thinking also for the little part of the extensions for which we have the source code or the developer have a LP account and for those that want to have LP as primary upstream [15:12] indeed. however, we would need kind of a tag policy so auto upgrader would notice that a particular upstream bzr branch is a _release_ that should be merged [15:13] a sort of watch in some sense [16:49] jcastro, asac, i've checked the xul patches from songbird, some are imho not wanted in a shared xul like ours, for ex, they change some frozen APIs, they load unconditionally some songbird CSS, they hardcode songbird as product name... [16:50] fta2: if you could document that in the bug I would appreciate it. [16:51] fta2: also, don't spend too much time on it, it will be a while for them to sort out their artwork issues so it's no hurry [16:52] jcastro, yep. I don't have much time anyway. [16:52] jcastro: what blocks their artwork issue? in worse case we could replace it ;) [16:53] asac: they want a special deal like for FF for the artwork. [16:53] asac: I was just going to bring it up @ UDS [16:53] asac, i'm not sure but i think it blocks more debian than us, based on what we do with mozilla. [16:54] jcastro: no special deals please [16:54] yeah [16:54] fta2: no it blocks us if this means we need a deal [16:55] other distros have a deal ? [16:55] no, they don't ship in any distro [16:55] oh [16:55] bad for them then [16:58] * asac off for some shopping and so on [17:50] asac: i just walked in door for a few. i pushed ff2 to my bzr ill give you address to it in a minute, i will check email on the sunbird part in a few [17:52] asac: grab it with bzr branch http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~gnomefreak/firefox/ubuntu-2.0.0.x or look at it https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~gnomefreak/firefox/ubuntu-2.0.0.x [17:55] hmmmmm tb3 memory leak? [17:56] this cant be good im gonna reboot [18:02] thats not good [18:02] 2.0 works fine === willguaraldi_ is now known as willguaraldi [18:33] ola [18:33] have to finish cooking dinner ;) [18:43] asac: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lightning-sunbird/+bug/223869 when you get time since im not sure wth is going on with langpacks [18:43] Launchpad bug 223869 in lightning-sunbird "Sunbird does not load remote calendar data" [Undecided,Won't fix] [18:44] asac: ping [18:47] jimmy_: hes gone for a while [18:48] asac: also bug 188922 on sunbird but that is pretty much it. You never set bird icon to use default or atleast didnt replace default cal icon let me know when we are online at same time or leave me message and ill get it look into it or whatever needs to be done [18:48] Launchpad bug 188922 in lightning-sunbird "lightning add-on not working in" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188922 [18:53] gnomefreak: ok [18:53] bluekuja: :) [18:55] jimmy_: will be here in 15 min i guess [18:55] gnomefreak!!! [18:55] how are u man? [18:55] lol comes in to tell when he will return (i have to stop pinging him) [18:56] bluekuja: better adn yourself? [18:56] and* [18:56] really good :) [18:56] long time no see here [18:56] do u have some news for me? [18:57] i dont, that is i dont think i do [18:58] I went off for some months now [18:58] it's the first time I get on irc [18:58] after 4-5 months [18:58] I guess [18:59] bluekuja: i just got back wednesday [18:59] oh, so you was off like me then [18:59] I hope everything is fine for you now [19:00] im getting there just alot of stuff to do now that im home again [19:01] yeah, same [19:01] I guess I'll have something like 2000 emails [19:01] :) [19:02] leaving now [19:02] say "hi" from me to asac [19:02] when he's up again [19:03] gnomefreak: cya mate [19:03] later [19:03] cya === fta_ is now known as fta [19:08] back [19:08] fta: tb3 freezing have you seen that yet [19:09] its working properly now maybe it was the 180 emails it couldnt handle [19:09] nope, but as it said, i'm not really using tb* [19:09] -it+i [19:11] ok im gone hopfully asa* has what he needs so far [19:15] asac, for the addons pkg names, why no prefix ? it would be easier to search in synaptic [19:16] Hi Jazzva resolved connection problems? :) [19:17] Volans, yeah... Back online :). [19:17] good! I have updated the logo in the wiki on sunday, little difference, now the "worlds" are more "land" populated [19:18] Volans, good :) [19:18] you have news on using the official logos? [19:18] Maybe this should be promoted in some way ;). [19:19] Nothing, except what [reed] said... [19:19] and what he said? (maybe I was not here or I don't remember) [19:19] give me a sec... [19:20] Jazzva, when I edit the wiki, if I hit the insert key in the text field, i get a lot of Gdk-CRITICAL logs in the console, do you? [19:20] fta, haven't tried. Will let you know... [19:21] jimmy_: pong [19:22] fta: sometimes there is no prefix given that extensions can support more than one application. [19:23] asac: we have a patch for the download dialog in the toolkit/mozapps/downloads that determines where the save-to destination is upon the dialog popup, it's about 10 lines of code, but since we are buliding with the external xulrunner now, the patch is no longer valid [19:24] hmm, paste.ubuntu is reporting some errors... :/ [19:24] Volans: http://nopaste.com/p/a9dghmYUk [19:25] Jazzva: then we wait for a definitve [reed] reply? [19:25] asac: you know of a easy way to actually pull that out and integrate it into the midbrowser so that it builds with the xulrunner? or is it possibly for that patch to be integrated into the xulrunner? [19:26] asac, do you know if we can use mozilla logos for mozilla extensions team? [19:27] jimmy_: are you talking about the xdg by mime-type hack? [19:27] asac: right [19:27] Jazzva: i think nobody would complain. maybe use the mozilla icon and overlay it with the puzzle piece from the addons dialog [19:28] jimmy_: you have a link to that commit at hand? [19:28] asac: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Extensions/Logo <= like that? [19:28] asac: let me check [19:29] Jazzva: i think you cannot merge GFDL with GPL, but in general that idea is good [19:29] Volans: ^ :) [19:30] asac: these two are the most similar firefox and puzzle logo I have found with open license [19:30] always license problems... [19:30] Jazzva: ffox should have a similar puzzle piece in its source under tri-license [19:30] most likely not scaled that big [19:30] Ok, I'll try to find it... [19:31] Volans: ^^ [19:31] asac: http://www.moblin.org/repos/?p=projects/mobile-browser.git;a=commit;h=396d87c8ab41a07424b1beaec5e707315d832a3e [19:31] I have to go to dinner... Jazzva if you found this image can send me the link? I can try to make something [19:31] Volans: Sure... [19:31] thanks, see you later [19:31] see ya [19:31] asac: http://www.moblin.org/repos/?p=projects/mobile-browser.git;a=blobdiff;f=toolkit/mozapps/downloads/src/nsHelperAppDlg.js.in;h=864b6ada14b3f88c293e51183c419d078063239d;hp=63fc481fbd3c0d7959a77889492f178a0a9232b9;hb=396d87c8ab41a07424b1beaec5e707315d832a3e;hpb=5cf6dc6bbaee506490efa87b55a9298b314bfc04 [19:32] this is the actual change [19:36] fta: I got a lot of Gdk/Gtk-criticals too... [19:37] ok [19:40] Jazzva, and do you see a blue background on the favicon of https sites ? [19:40] no [19:42] my ppa ? [19:42] yes [19:46] jimmy_: first thing that would be important is to remove the hard-coded paths and use special directories for the xdg directories already defined in ffox [19:46] jimmy_: http://lxr.mozilla.org/seamonkey/search?string=xdg [19:46] Jazzva, http://www.sofaraway.org/ubuntu/tmp/blue_favicon.png [19:46] there you can get music/video and so on directories [19:46] jimmy_: ^^ [19:48] fta: Plain white here... [19:48] asac: are these XDG defines mappings to specific directories? or they are standard across Linux [19:48] jimmy_: they are defined in xdg configuration files [19:49] i thin the music/video and all fall back to download if those are not defined [19:49] fta: Try to use some other theme and see if it happens again... :/ [19:49] asac: ok [19:49] jimmy_: xdg tries to provide a solution that is distribution independent [19:49] asac: that makes sense [19:50] jimmy_: i think that the fallback to directory needs to be implemented in http://lxr.mozilla.org/seamonkey/source/uriloader/exthandler/nsExternalHelperAppService.cpp ... but not really sure [19:50] (to do it proper) [19:51] asac: right, that's where it initiates the call to the dialog [19:51] asac: except that's also part of the xulrunner [19:52] isn't it? [19:52] jimmy_: yes, trying to find a solution that is suitable for inclusion [19:53] jimmy_: in helperapp thing there is also a check for: var autodownload = prefs.getBoolPref("browser.download.useDownloadDir"); [19:53] we might wanna add there a new pref called "browser.download.useDownloadDirByMimeType" [19:53] or something [19:54] and in that case look for the proper xdg directory #ifdef XP_UNIX [19:54] that setting should default to false, so out code is not run if its not enabled [19:55] that should make any patch unintrusive [19:55] (well, but please fix the hard coded paths :)) [19:55] asac: ok [19:55] asac: let me fix that then [19:56] jimmy_: /etc/xdg/user-dirs.defaults should contain the defaults you get [19:57] but those look reasonable by default [20:00] asac: moblin has specific directories that they wanna to use , but as long as it is configurable, then it is ok [20:02] jimmy_: maybe you can do a backout commit of the current patch, so we can look at a single commit again to get the patch? [20:04] all right [20:29] http://www.0xdeadbeef.com/weblog/?p=359 [20:42] asac: what's the impact on us for upstream bug 411341? [20:50] mozilla bug 411341 [20:50] Mozilla bug 411341 in Release Engineering "mothball 1.8.0 Firefox and Thunderbird build machines" [Normal,Assigned] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=411341 [20:50] jcastro: that was expected [20:50] ok [20:50] its just unconvenient, but it had to come [20:50] Volans: I found just a 32x32 puzzle icon inside firefox source [20:50] i replied [20:51] jcastro: ^^ [20:51] k [20:51] \o/ === dholbert_ is now known as dholbert [21:10] Jazzva: mmmh if we are planning to use only puzzle or puzzle over the firefox logo maybe is better the open one I have found, you agree? [21:11] I don't mind, as long as the licenses are compatible... [21:11] Volans: Jazzva: i think we could just use the puzlle [21:12] asac: only the puzzle without the "globe"? [21:12] why not? [21:12] its probably pretty well known from the firefox addons dialog [21:12] Hmm, google also says GFDL is not GPL-compatible... [21:12] and might be enough to trigger association [21:12] yeah, thats what i said. thank rms about that pita [21:13] asac: the puzzle is GFDL, no problem if used alone? [21:13] asac: I like the puzzle logo for 14x14, but the earth overlayed with puzzle is nicer for the bigger ones :) [21:13] Volans: I think that's ok [21:14] Volans: i think any license that allows redistribution is ok [21:15] ok, for me no problem to add a 5th proposal with only puzzle for all size... I can add it tonight , and maybe search for a compatible globe... [21:15] * Volans away for a while [21:15] yeah ;) ... maybe there is one on wikipedia :) [21:15] Ok... [21:16] not sure where else you can find artwork licensed GFDL :/ [21:16] asac: I think this one is from wiki... [21:19] i guess they cleaned up the blockers [21:19] or they are not fixing them all [21:23] ok im out again. [21:33] asac: the two logo I have used are both from wikipedia, but unfortunately with these different license... but I can search more :) === rZr is now known as RzR [22:19] Jazzva: I have found a frind of mine that have a world icon in svg he have maked for a personal icon set... he can release it under any free license I need [22:20] good :) === ubot5 is now known as ubottu [23:01] fta: Just updated to the latest FF from your ppa... I see blue background on favicons using https [23:01] ahh [23:01] i'm not crazy [23:01] [reed], is that a feature ? [23:16] mozilla bug 417844 [23:16] Mozilla bug 417844 in Theme "SSL appearance for site identity button and location bar should be consistent across platforms" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=417844 [23:28] http://www.seqfault.de/files/hardy-thankyou.png [23:28] cool :) [23:30] we are on it :) [23:31] Yaaay ... looks like a list of contributors :). [23:31] How did they make this? [23:31] http://www.seqfault.de/blog/index.php?/archives/87-Einfach-mal-Danke-sagen.html [23:31] took the names from changelogs? :) (although, I'm using "Sasa" and not "Saša") [23:32] аааh... I see [23:32] http://www.seqfault.de/files/hardy-thankyou_300dpi.png