[02:37] hi there. i just installed edubuntu 8.04 classroom server and i wanted to check if i still need to set up lts.conf [02:39] How do I measure angles with Kig? [02:40] Can you measure angles with Kig o.O [02:42] sorry I'm not sure, i'm using edubuntu with lower grade students [02:42] ah [02:42] ok [02:42] I'm actually using Kig for homework :P [02:43] I would think you'd be able to [02:43] does it come with documentation? [02:43] Same [02:43] I looked at the docs [02:43] And it said nothing about measuring angles [02:44] Just constructing them, but maybe it can measure those [02:44] is there anyone using 8.04 classroom server with the new italc program? [02:49] uhh yeah, this is disturbing [02:49] I can't figure out how to measure angles either [02:49] I was told to "right click; add text label; measure" [02:50] oh, there it is [02:50] zmjjmz: are you using kig from KDE4 or KDE3? [02:50] KDE4 I think [02:51] ok, I selected the angle [02:51] the right cliked; Add Text Label: Angle in Degrees [02:52] gotta run, bbl [03:17] Kamping_Kaiser: around? [03:17] LaserJock, yeah [03:20] Kamping_Kaiser: I reopened your artwork bug [03:20] I don't have a clue why that person closed it [03:20] LaserJock, i've had a few bugs closed with "talk about it on a list" as the reason. [03:21] so its posible theres some instruction to somewhere [03:28] Kamping_Kaiser: that's silly [03:29] LaserJock, heh. glad you agree. [03:32] Kamping_Kaiser: I can see that only in cases of reports that really should be specs [03:33] even if we need to discuss something on a list, it's very handy to have a bug to track [13:36] Anyone around? [13:38] * ogra is here [13:39] * stgraber too [13:39] working on some nice report and user docs ... (boring stuff) [13:45] Is this an appropriate place to ask a question about libnss-ldap + libpam-ldap problems? [13:48] thats more likely #ubuntu-server [13:48] Thanks. [13:59] howdy [14:37] hi [14:38] I've adviced a friend of mine to use edubuntu for his kids, but I was wondering, do all the programs follow system language? [14:38] he'd install in dutch [14:40] most of them will [14:42] 72.3% of Ubuntu is translated in Dutch [14:42] so if you are lucky you won't see any untranslated string [14:43] any idea where I could fetch an edubuntu software list? [14:43] you mean, other than the ones we have on the addon cd ? [14:43] yeah, just a list with edubuntu specific software, so I can check it out a bit before installing [14:44] see if it's worth the trouble of downloading, instead of just installing ubuntu and get the kiddy software [14:45] if you don't want to download the add-on CD, you could install a standard Ubuntu Hardy and have a look at the education section of the add/remove tool [14:49] ah, ofcourse [14:49] :) [14:49] thanks [15:11] howdy ogra [15:12] hey highvoltage [15:12] yo [15:12] hey stgraber [18:42] hi [18:43] I'm using Hardy with Edubuntu/LTSP installed and have the following problem: thin client users cannot unmount devices. [18:43] pluggin in an usb storage device works: it gets mounted automaticallz [18:43] right [18:44] you dont need to unmount ltspfs devices [18:44] how does it work then? [18:44] they are actually only mounted during real read or write operations, all the rest of the time they are unmounted transparently [18:45] (i get the error message saying that fstab doesnt contain an appropriate entry and thus only root can unmount it) [18:45] so teach your users to not pull them out while a progressbar is shown [18:45] hmm [18:45] yeah, its a bug that you see the options in the menu [18:45] i was wondering if it has something to do with this here: [18:45] there is a fix in the hardy-proposed repo already [18:45] root@asta:/media/annika# ls -l [18:45] ls: Zugriff auf usbdisk-sdb1 nicht möglich: Permission denied [18:45] insgesamt 0 [18:45] d????????? ? ? ? ? ? usbdisk-sdb1 [18:45] root@asta:/media/annika# [18:45] you can just safely pull them out [18:46] it looked kind of broken to me [18:46] hi.. [18:46] you say there IS already a fix in proposed repo? hmmm [18:47] i have the proposed repos enabled and my system is uptodate [18:47] moritz, its ltspfs :) its not broken, its magic ;) [18:47] tss [18:47] ;-) [18:47] underneath there is fuse [18:47] i am not familiar with it, really [18:47] only the owner of the mount can actually see it [18:47] (yes, not even root can) [18:48] but when i see entries in the filesystem like THIS i usually start wondering [18:48] hehe [18:48] indeed [18:48] ah [18:48] thanks a lot so far [18:48] but the fix you mentioned is not there :P [18:48] no, really its safe to just yank out the device as long as nothing writes to it [18:48] well, it might not be built yet [18:49] let me take the chance of asking another question... [18:49] nautilus (1:2.22.2-0ubuntu5) hardy-proposed; urgency=low [18:49] . [18:49] * debian/patches/80_suppress_umount_in_ltsp.patch: [18:49] - update from Oliver Grawert to make lstp clients not list unmount and eject [18:49] actions as that was the case before the gio changes (lp: #220564) [18:49] shoot :) [18:49] Hardy uses this new PolicyKit stuff. and it all works well as long as i am sitting behind the server itself. [18:50] but from the ltsp clients i do not have access to the "unlock" buttons [18:50] they are grey. [18:50] yeah, it doesnt allow non local sessions by default [18:50] there is a gui for setting polkit permissions [18:50] alright [18:50] so i need to go through that list.. [18:50] you might need to change stuff there [18:50] and figure out what to do. [18:50] ok [18:51] the nautilus fix was uploaded around 9:00 today [18:51] should be up soon [18:51] youre german ;) so it will take a moment to propagate to the german mirror [18:51] it very likely is already on archive.ubuntu.com [18:51] great.. [18:51] lovely [18:52] there are more fixes to come (sadly) [18:52] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ltsp/+bug/224259 [18:53] in case you try printing, read that bug first [18:53] oh, i have configured printing few minutes ago [18:53] (fix underway, i hope to have it up before the weekend) [18:53] but didn't walk to the printer yet to verify the test page was printed ok [18:54] well, thats only an issue for printers attached directly to the clients [18:54] oh, thats for local printers [18:54] i see [18:57] didn't find anything in the edubuntu documentation so far: how do i set the default session in ldm? [18:59] it uses whatever is the default set on the server [18:59] sudo update-alternatives --config x-session-manager [19:00] ah, thanks [19:01] ah [19:01] your patch is there [19:01] :) [19:01] launchpad doesnt lie :) [19:06] but [19:07] your patch doesn't prevent that in the nauitlus browser view list you can still see the "unmount" option through the context menu [19:07] anywaz [19:07] i need to run and get my bus [19:07] thanks [19:20] ogra: remind me to ask adam for a cmpc for our iTalc upstream one mr stgraber [19:20] RichEd, good idea [19:20] especially as we head towards 8.10 - intel will want a feature for feature match with the MSFT app [19:21] stgraber will need to coordinate that as our upstream [19:23] was there an Edubuntu meeting already today? [19:23] LaserJock: it's a late one IIRC [19:23] so in maybe 30min or so? [19:24] hmm, I have a QA team meeting in 30 min, so probably 1h30 for the Edubuntu one [19:24] 1h30 my LaserNonPrecisionJock [19:24] ogra: due to news in the canonical channel i cannot make the meeting [19:24] sorry LaserJock ogra stgraber [19:24] domestic issue [19:25] RichEd, fine, i'll run it [19:26] thanks [19:27] well, I have a meeting with my advisor at that time actually [19:28] hopefully it will be quick ~ 15-30min [19:28] LaserJock, well, the last meetings were rather empty anyway [19:28] i dont expect it to be full today either [19:28] as it's the release <-> uds break we won't have much to discuss anyway [19:31] ogra: I'm about to start working on an iTalc wikipage, what's the best place to put it ? Edubuntu/iTalc or /iTalc ? [19:32] * stgraber notes that /Edubuntu needs updating [19:32] probably /iTalc [19:32] erk, "Locked Page" ??? Who can edit /Edubuntu ? [19:32] we can link to it/forward from Edubuntu/iTalc [19:32] are you logged in ? [19:33] hmm, cookie issue I guess [19:33] I'm on wiki.edubuntu.org and am logged in on wiki.ubuntu.com I guess :) [19:33] ok, that was the problem :) [19:35] heh [19:36] I wouldn't mind having a "status and future" chat at some point [19:37] I'm not really up to speed on the Edubuntu/Ubuntu Education Edition change [19:37] and what specs are up for UDS [19:37] etc. [19:37] maybe it's just me though :-) [19:38] no, i didnt tell anyone what i proposed for UDS yet :) [19:39] i'll publish a list in the meeting, but no guarantees for any of the proposals to get thoguht anyhow [19:40] hey guys [19:41] hey [19:42] monday was a public holiday here. so is tomorrow, and so is friday. [19:42] and guess what... I have to work [19:42] and saturday and sunday :( [19:42] bah [19:43] only tomorrow is public holiday here [19:43] i likely will work anyway [19:43] but its public holiday here as well tomorrow [19:45] hmm [19:45] Noooo !!! /me suddently wants to kill asac :) [19:45] no holiday here :/ [19:45] I had just completed half of the iTalc wiki page and FF crashed !!! [19:46] highvoltage: it looks to me like you're set to expire from edubuntu-members, do you want the extended? [19:46] FF3 isn't as stable as FF2 yet [19:46] clearly not [19:46] LaserJock: yep. I e-mailed ogra about it [19:47] LaserJock: LP keeps e-mailing it about it, but I figured it's time I "get the message" ;) [19:47] LaserJock: if you could extend it, it would be great [19:47] I've been a lousy member, but as long as you'll have me I'll be around. [19:48] ah, i was planning to do tha after the meeting tonight ... sorry [19:48] no problem, I understand that you've been very busy. [19:48] i still am [19:49] that darn kernel situation on the cmpc is biting [19:49] highvoltage: actually could you return the favor? :-) [19:49] lol [19:49] we al signed up around this time :) there you see the old farts in the community :) [19:49] I've honestly been thinking of letting it expire since I've been such a rotten help [19:50] you werent [19:50] you did a lot even while being rarely here [19:50] but I guess I might have a little time after my PhD is done [19:50] LaserJock: of course. [19:51] I would like to see a bit more roadmapping so I can maybe plan something here or there [19:51] I just don't have time to be on IRC much [19:53] well, i plan to do a lot with your menus in intrepid :) [19:53] to give it the attention it deserves finally [19:56] I'd like to have time to work on gcompris and KDEEdu [19:56] and work on getting more/better science apps in [19:56] btw seems we got wiped off the fridge again [19:56] no trace of our meeting [19:57] LaserJock, pull in as you like, we have heaps of space [19:58] but looks like the QA one isnt scheduled either [19:59] yeah, we're kinda at a new month [20:00] it's incredibly annoying that Fridge editors have to do each meeting by hand [20:01] ogra: I'm seeing, now that we are an addon CD, more people asking "well, what's the difference and why should I download the CD?" [20:01] so I'm thinking of things we can do for a "value added" experience [20:01] if you have fast net, the cd is unnecessary right? [20:02] you can install the same packages, as you can with Ubuntu, Kubuntu, etc. [20:02] if i didn't still mostly use a cd burner for my car stereo.. i would never need a cd drive [20:02] except for initial install .. but even that.. not so much.. since many PCs include usb boot :) [20:03] but I think we need to address this specific issue maybe on edubuntu.org or come up with some interesting things to do [20:03] well, but essentially they are right [20:03] * johnny does't personally see a reason to ever use the cd, except in low bandwidth env [20:03] but that's the same for every distro [20:04] the best added value would be if you could get the alternate+addon ndle via shipit [20:04] *bundle [20:07] but I think it'd be worth our time to figure out what exactly we are adding [20:08] if you know what I mean [20:09] it seems to me there's a rather significant shift from "the LTSP distro" to "edu app maintainers" [20:20] it definately is [20:20] but it also gives us lots of new opportunities [20:27] ogra: exactly, and that's what I'm trying to think about [20:27] ogra: and especially I'm think we need to do more/better marketing and documentation of that [20:28] I just don't know exactly how to do that ;-) [20:28] well, the marketing team was the trigger for that change [20:28] i bet they have a masterplan :) [20:28] (which i dont know though) [20:34] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/iTalc <-- Still all the installation/key transfer part to do but I at least managed to create the page before FF crashes this time :) [20:35] schweet :) [20:57] ********** reminder edubuntu meeting un #ubuntu-meeting in 2min ********** [21:00] ********** edubuntu meeting in #ubuntu-meeting in now ********** [21:02] LaserJock: ^ [21:04] yeah, I'm running to my advisor meeting [21:04] I'll be back hopefully soon [21:48] http://www.seqfault.de/files/hardy-thankyou.png [21:48] :) [21:49] sorry, meeting took longer than expected [21:49] * stgraber still wonders how this picture was generated [21:49] and my advisor is coming down to the lab in a minute so it'll be a while before I can do much discussion [21:49] I can't find a common LP team or something for all the names listed here [21:50] somebody had to take some time [21:50] it's a rather large list [21:50] maybe ubuntu members + something? [21:50] yes, I thought of ubuntumembers + uploaders to main/universe for Hardy [21:51] s/uploader/changelog entry/ as the real uploader is in ubuntumembers anyway [21:53] * johnny takes away thanks for ogra... that guy doesn't do anything [21:53] hehe [21:53] yeah, i'm slacking through my days :) [21:54] hey ogra [21:54] * juliux waves to the rest [21:54] * ogra just got some steaming dinner [21:59] guten hunger [22:05] stgraber: There are ubuntumembers who aren't in that picture. I think the creator got the LP member list for each team described at https://wiki.ubuntu.com (the fron page, no the whole wiki). [22:05] *front [22:07] * lns applauds for everyone who helped with Hardy, and laughs at the latest slashdot story about Ubuntu "selling out"...gotta love the slashbots and their willingness to complain about just about anything [22:09] HAHAHAHA.... i love this quote - "Ubuntu is not completely open source, not as long as you understand that "Ubuntu" is ultimately just a brand name exploited for commercial purposes by Canonical Ltd." [22:10] exploited. Yes, grand choice of words. [22:10] * bimberi notes that the article is tagged as 'troll' :) [22:10] pardon my french, but what a douchebag [22:10] nice bimberi [22:40] lns: I didn't know that was French ;-) [22:42] * stgraber didn't either :) [22:43] Actually, it's technically German [22:43] bbl to talk more in-depth though. =p