Whisp | Has anyone got LTSP working over a router running DD-WRT?.. I currently have this in my DNSMasq Options "dhcp-boot=pxelinux.0,," | 01:03 |
Tuneap | afternoon all! | 13:10 |
Tuneap | have a quick question on installing edubuntu... | 13:10 |
Tuneap | anybody about to help? | 13:11 |
Tuneap | anybody please!?!? | 13:12 |
Tuneap | question is: when installing edubuntu 8.04, When I press F4, I only the choice for "Normal"... I don't get all 4 choices.. | 13:17 |
ogra | did you download the alterate CD (as stated everywhere in the docs) ? | 13:20 |
ogra | sound like you have the desktop one | 13:20 |
Tuneap | Yeah, 1st I selected the server cd, then noticed the checkbox, about alternate CD and redownloaded but it seems the same as just the server version, same filename... | 14:06 |
Tuneap | I checked with another UK mirror and filenames match the straight server version... | 14:07 |
Tuneap | my aim is to setup a classroom, with 1 server +15 clients... | 14:08 |
ogra | http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/8.04/ | 14:16 |
ogra | just get it directly | 14:17 |
ogra | https://wiki.edubuntu.org/HardyClassroomServer | 14:17 |
Tuneap | Great!!!!!! Thanks for that link!!! | 14:18 |
Tuneap | d'loading now!!! | 14:18 |
stgraber | ogra: hmm, is it a known issue that the root account is expired in the LTSP chroot ? | 15:43 |
stgraber | ogra: I set a password in the chroot and can't login :( | 15:44 |
ogra | i never do that, so i cant tell (i use SCREEN_02=shell usually) | 15:45 |
stgraber | ogra: I'm playing with iTalc in the LTSP chroot. I have added it in /usr/share/ldm/rc.d/ and it works quite well | 16:26 |
stgraber | my only problem is : How do I set an env variable or something so the script running in the gnome session knows iTalc is already running ? | 16:26 |
ogra | well, ldm could need some love here to add such vars to the LDM_SESSION variable | 16:29 |
stgraber | ok, I have updated my ldm/rc.d/ script to use xprop for now | 16:41 |
stgraber | ogra: is : if [ -f /etc/ltsp_chroot ]; a good way to know if we are installing inside a LTSP chroot ? | 17:08 |
ogra | yup | 17:10 |
ogra | its guaranteed to be there | 17:10 |
stgraber | ok, so I have a working implementation of iTalc in LTSP chroot | 17:10 |
ogra | yipiiee | 17:12 |
stgraber | with the ldm.conf option and using xprop to detect a running ica | 17:13 |
ogra | nice | 17:13 |
stgraber | btw, is boolean_is_true() available somewhere other than /etc/init.d/ltsp-client-core ? | 17:13 |
stgraber | I don't like copy/pasting it in my script | 17:13 |
ogra | sadly no | 17:13 |
ogra | it has bitten me wih a bugfx to ltspfs as well | 17:13 |
ogra | it will move into a -common-functions script with intrepid | 17:14 |
stgraber | cool, so I'll just have to source this one then | 17:14 |
ogra | right, thats the plan | 17:14 |
ogra | vagrant is after getting the common stuff into a single function script | 17:14 |
ogra | (he might even have done it upstream already, our checkout in hardy is from feb.) | 17:15 |
johnny | yes he has | 17:28 |
stgraber | cool, so I'll switch to using it once we have the new ltsp in Intrepid | 17:30 |
ogra | yeah | 17:30 |
musashi | is anyone here from the edubuntu school support project on launchpad? | 17:35 |
calimer- | what is that about? sounds interesting | 17:57 |
calimer- | and I really need to sign up on launchpad | 17:57 |
musashi | see https://launchpad.net/~edubuntu-school-support | 18:05 |
musashi | thing is, i was made an admin and I don't know why. now i get requests from people wanting to join and i'm not sure what i'm supposed to be doing. just looking for someone who can fill me in. | 18:06 |
scrapbunnyserver | is anyone else having problems with tuxpiant, tux math and tux typing not closing on thin clients? | 19:18 |
stgraber | ogra: new version of italc uploaded to PPA :) I just need Tobias to release 1.0.9 with the changes I asked and the avahi integration will be perfect. | 20:18 |
ogra | yippie :) | 20:19 |
ogra | we need to talk to jdong ;) | 20:19 |
ogra | so he does a backport | 20:19 |
stgraber | indeed, all the new deps being in main it shouldn't be a big problem | 20:19 |
LaserJock | -backports don't respect Main/Universe | 20:20 |
LaserJock | at least it shouldn't, there was a LP bug that prevented that, but I think that's fixed in any case | 20:20 |
growlyae | some brazilian here ? | 23:09 |
growlyae | (: | 23:09 |
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