wolfger | question: Is "centered maxpect" scheduled for re-inclusion in KDE with 4.1? | 00:09 |
wolfger | I miss that rather strongly | 00:09 |
DaSkReech | stdin: ping | 01:59 |
nixternal | yay, power is back on! | 02:16 |
DaSkReech | Ha ha I just saw you login too. I was going to bother you but ... | 02:17 |
DaSkReech | snow storm? | 02:18 |
nixternal | who knows what happened...it seems one of the power transformers blew up down the street | 02:34 |
DaSkReech | oh you heard it? | 02:34 |
* ScottK cautions nixternal about Chicago and fires. | 02:35 | |
DaSkReech | :-D | 02:36 |
DaSkReech | great debian doesn't seem o have any .71 packages :-( | 02:38 |
nixternal | DaSkReech: nah, didn't hear it, I don't think...I heard popping but I can't be certain it was the transformer | 02:47 |
nixternal | DaSkReech: debian has .71 packages, I have been watching the Debian Installer notices | 02:48 |
nixternal | but those won't do you any good as their structure would destroy us | 02:48 |
DaSkReech | heh/me blins | 02:49 |
* DaSkReech blinks too | 02:49 | |
DaSkReech | what do you mean? | 02:49 |
nixternal | it would overwrite our KDE 3 packages | 02:49 |
DaSkReech | well can't we patch that out | 02:50 |
nixternal | kdebase-workspace_4.0.72-1_multi.changes uploaded successfully to localhost | 02:50 |
nixternal | along with the files: | 02:50 |
nixternal | DaSkReech: use our packages that are already there | 02:51 |
nixternal | if you went the debian route, you would have to change cdbs/*, control, *.post*, *.pre*, and *.install | 02:51 |
DaSkReech | ok | 02:52 |
DaSkReech | packages.ubuntu.com it is then | 02:52 |
nixternal | I am trying to find a nice messenger bag...anyone have any recommendations? | 02:52 |
nixternal | I know about Tom Bihn and Chrome bags already | 02:52 |
DaSkReech | My friend was doing deep investigation of those the other day | 02:53 |
nixternal | I would use the Ubuntu Ogio bag, but they don't sell it anymore, and plus for me to buy it, I would have to refinance my house since they rip you off for US purchases | 02:53 |
ScottK | nixternal: We need to switch and base off of Debian for Intrepid at some point. | 02:53 |
DaSkReech | Well p.u.c has intrepid up already :) | 02:54 |
nixternal | ScottK: of course for Intrepid | 02:54 |
nixternal | but for Hardy, no way jose | 02:55 |
ScottK | Agreed. | 02:55 |
nixternal | DaSkReech: if you did Debian packages, you couldn't never show your face out in public again...people would hunt you for blood! :) | 02:55 |
nixternal | couldn't never? | 02:55 |
nixternal | wow do I sound like an idiot from Chicago | 02:55 |
nixternal | oh wait, I am...sorry | 02:56 |
* DaSkReech thinks there may be a reason for that | 02:56 | |
DaSkReech | I could be wrong though | 02:56 |
DaSkReech | Ok is there a ubuntu.com/pool ? | 02:58 |
DaSkReech | I'm looking for the source packages | 02:58 |
DaSkReech | since p.u.c doesn't know about kdelibs5 :-P | 02:58 |
DaSkReech | ah /source :) never mind | 02:59 |
DaSkReech | tell canonical the servers suck | 03:06 |
DaSkReech | i'm pulling at single digit k | 03:06 |
vorian | man! | 03:09 |
nosrednaekim | vorian: you have called? :) | 03:09 |
vorian | kde4 comes in cheezy cd sleves | 03:09 |
vorian | lol, howdy! | 03:10 |
vorian | I got my CD's today | 03:10 |
nosrednaekim | :) | 03:10 |
nosrednaekim | from shipit? | 03:10 |
vorian | the kde4 cd's came in white cd sleves from officemax | 03:10 |
vorian | nosrednaekim: yep | 03:10 |
DaSkReech | nixternal: Did I ention a typo on the 8.04 release notes ? | 03:11 |
nosrednaekim | lol | 03:11 |
vorian | but, the disk is rockin' | 03:11 |
DaSkReech | nixternal: also do you always put the string ", and " ? | 03:13 |
jjesse | evening :) | 03:19 |
DaSkReech | hi | 03:21 |
jjesse | how are you DaSkReech? | 03:21 |
nosrednaekim | bloody good observation there jjesse | 03:21 |
DaSkReech | bloody tired and trying to start building KDE 4.1 | 03:21 |
nosrednaekim | DaSkReech: with packaging? | 03:22 |
jjesse | grin thanks nosrednaekim | 03:22 |
DaSkReech | nosrednaekim: that' the ida | 03:22 |
DaSkReech | but the ubuntu servers are slooooooooow | 03:22 |
nosrednaekim | DaSkReech: try the US mirror | 03:24 |
Hobbsee | apachelogger: can you update it on LP from tomorrow? | 03:26 |
jjesse | us mirrors aren't faster :) | 03:26 |
jjesse | hello Hobbsee | 03:26 |
* jjesse hugs Hobbsee | 03:27 | |
* Hobbsee hugs jjesse | 03:27 | |
jjesse | wow us.archive.ubuntu.com is slow :( | 03:27 |
DaSkReech | nixternal: ping | 03:27 |
jjesse | i think he's busy on the gnome channels now | 03:27 |
DaSkReech | troll | 03:27 |
DaSkReech | I mean | 03:27 |
DaSkReech | Gnome | 03:27 |
* jjesse ducks | 03:28 | |
* DaSkReech blames Hobbsee | 03:28 | |
jjesse | haha | 03:28 |
DaSkReech | Hey Hobbsee | 03:29 |
DaSkReech | I could see your house from there :) | 03:29 |
Hobbsee | :P | 03:29 |
DaSkReech | how are you Hobbsee? | 03:29 |
* Hobbsee is fighting finite state acceptors | 03:29 | |
DaSkReech | don't fight them love them | 03:30 |
jjesse | ls | 03:30 |
jjesse | doh | 03:30 |
jjesse | :) | 03:30 |
DaSkReech | better than that guy who posted his crash log for mplayer with his goat pr0n | 03:32 |
jjesse | that's awesome | 03:32 |
DaSkReech | Of course I can't show it to you anymore :( | 03:33 |
DaSkReech | Let me try grab it | 03:33 |
DaSkReech | Haha no Gnome expunged it | 03:35 |
DaSkReech | trying to see it at all redirects you to Gnome front page | 03:35 |
jjesse | hah thats funny | 03:37 |
jjesse | ok this is annoying me i need to configure filesharing but can't do a kdesudo kcmshell4 fileshare ( | 03:37 |
Hobbsee | DaSkReech: do you happen to know much about them? | 03:38 |
DaSkReech | possibly | 03:38 |
DaSkReech | but I'm propping my self up with a pillow right now waiting on nixternal to answer me | 03:38 |
jjesse | grumble grumble | 03:46 |
Hobbsee | DaSkReech: bah. you'res supposed to help me with this stuff. | 03:46 |
nixternal | woohoo, just finished chewing out the LUG adviser and all university staff in a single email! god I love that feeling! | 03:51 |
jjesse | ok so how do configure my box to share between my kubuntu and windows box without being able to access the filesharing portion of things? | 03:53 |
=== uga_ is now known as uga | ||
crimsun | nixternal: beware, that'll probably be you in some years :-) | 04:13 |
=== uga is now known as uga|away | ||
jjesse | it shouldn't be snowing in april, almost may | 04:17 |
nixternal | it is snowing there right nwo? | 04:17 |
nixternal | we had snow the other night, today was nice | 04:17 |
nixternal | tomorrow and friday is supposed to be severe weather | 04:17 |
crimsun | I love it! | 04:17 |
jjesse | almost good thing i'm not flying through chicago on friday :) | 04:17 |
nixternal | hehe | 04:17 |
jjesse | denver -> grand rapids | 04:17 |
jjesse | yay finally configured my system to share things | 04:21 |
jjesse | silly kcscmshell4 network-filesharing still doesn't work right :( | 04:22 |
jjesse | boo on kdesude | 04:22 |
jjesse | kdesudo | 04:22 |
nixternal | seele: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9r9LKiwXicQ <- Jono said he enjoyed your talk the most at SCaLE6X...w00t! | 05:07 |
jjesse | yay? | 05:11 |
seele | nixternal: hmm.. that was nice of him | 05:15 |
seele | it was the first time presenting that material so it was a little rough | 05:15 |
nixternal | did it get on video at all? | 05:22 |
DaSkReech | Hobbsee: Sorry | 05:25 |
DaSkReech | nixternal: ping | 05:36 |
nixternal | yo | 05:36 |
DaSkReech | ok Pulled the tarball for kdelibs5 | 05:41 |
DaSkReech | what am I looking for? | 05:41 |
DaSkReech | nixternal: A debian dir? | 05:43 |
nixternal | you need to either a) create the package from scratch, which isn't logical, or b) apt-get source the package you want to update to the alpha release | 05:46 |
nixternal | word of the wise, the alpha release is quite buggy | 05:46 |
jcastro | seele: palmers ftw. | 05:49 |
jcastro | nixternal: did you get decent spillage from your chat into here? | 05:50 |
DaSkReech | nixternal: I'm trying to pacakage * | 05:51 |
DaSkReech | and I'm wobbling here | 05:52 |
DaSkReech | ok I'm going to try and do my mom's resume and tackle this tomorrow night | 05:52 |
nixternal | jcastro: we got a little spillage, but once again, about 10 pm's | 06:05 |
jcastro | nixternal: that's good! | 06:05 |
jcastro | nixternal: I didn't see too much upstream participation | 06:06 |
nixternal | they were there | 06:08 |
nixternal | about 5 or so in total | 06:08 |
nixternal | they were fielding stuff in the -chat room | 06:09 |
jcastro | oh ok | 06:09 |
nixternal | someone called me Ballmer | 06:09 |
jcastro | nah dude, you're way thinner | 06:09 |
nixternal | haha | 06:09 |
nixternal | and less sweaty | 06:09 |
DaSkReech | and more chair respecting | 06:10 |
nixternal | heh | 06:10 |
jcastro | nixternal: do you know them well? | 06:10 |
nixternal | washing laundry, otherwise I was going to the Qt seminar in the morning dirty | 06:10 |
nixternal | jcastro: know who? those calling me ballmer or upstream? | 06:11 |
jcastro | nixternal: my main poc for kde has been aseigo but he doesn't respond well to mails from me for some reason | 06:11 |
jcastro | nixternal: upstream! | 06:11 |
nixternal | ya, I know some of those well that were present | 06:11 |
jcastro | nixternal: feel free to send them my way | 06:11 |
nixternal | I will see what I can do for ya | 06:12 |
DaSkReech | nixternal: once I apt-get source from debian what do I do? | 06:12 |
nixternal | not from Debian, from ubuntu | 06:13 |
DaSkReech | I'm trying to make the packages for ubuntu | 06:15 |
DaSkReech | for 4.0.71 | 06:15 |
DaSkReech | so grab the ones for 4.0.3 ? | 06:15 |
nixternal | yup | 06:18 |
DaSkReech | right | 06:18 |
DaSkReech | and I need something from that to make the 4.0.71 ? | 06:18 |
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nixternal | you need the debian/ directory and need to tweak the .install files more than likely | 06:27 |
DaSkReech | I must be really tired | 06:29 |
DaSkReech | I don't see it | 06:29 |
nixternal | I know I am..I am waiting for the laundry to dry so I can crash | 06:29 |
DaSkReech | nixternal: can you confirm that there is a source package for kdelibs4 | 06:30 |
DaSkReech | kdelibs5 sorry | 06:31 |
nixternal | there is, and it is 11.1MB | 06:34 |
nixternal | alrighty, going to bed | 06:36 |
nixternal | g'nite | 06:36 |
DaSkReech | night | 06:36 |
DaSkReech | nixternal: | 06:36 |
DaSkReech | what do I do with the debian dir | 06:36 |
DaSkReech | add it to teh tarball I grabbed from kde.org ? | 06:36 |
DaSkReech | hooray got it | 06:46 |
* DaSkReech falls over and snores | 06:46 | |
=== hunger_t is now known as hunger | ||
=== uga|away is now known as uga | ||
DarkMageZ | any kde 4.1 alpha 1 repositories yet? ^-^ | 09:57 |
Riddell | no, I'm waiting for intrepid to open | 09:58 |
DarkMageZ | then i can just backport everything i need to hardy. cool. (yes, i know that includes QT4 & the breakage it could theoretically cause) | 10:09 |
Riddell | backports we'll need to think about, intrepid will use /usr, hardy backports should probably use /usr/lib/kde4 | 10:10 |
Riddell | but not necessarily, they could just come with a very large warning | 10:11 |
DarkMageZ | local backport, not official backport :P | 10:16 |
seaLne | hmm even though there is now kdebase 7.1 kmplayer-konq-plugins konq-plugins konqueror konqueror-nsplugins kubuntu-desktop still want removed due to the kded loop package weird | 10:37 |
Riddell | let met try | 10:39 |
Riddell | works for me | 10:40 |
Riddell | The following packages will be upgraded: kcontrol kdebase-bin kdebase-kio-plugins kdesktop kdm kfind konqueror | 10:40 |
seaLne | dist-upgrade won't run and apt-get -f install wants to remove the above | 10:40 |
Riddell | apt-cache policy konqueror does that know about 7.1 ? | 10:40 |
seaLne | ah still showing 7, i'd noticed 7.1 in -changes maybe not there yet? | 10:41 |
seaLne | hmm that was yesterday morning tho | 10:41 |
Riddell | sure you have -propsed enabled in sources.list? | 10:42 |
Riddell | I have deb http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hardy-proposed main restricted | 10:42 |
Riddell | so is on the gb. mirror | 10:42 |
seaLne | ah its stuck in -proposed | 10:43 |
Riddell | will be for another week | 10:44 |
seaLne | k that fixed it | 10:44 |
Riddell | fdoving: your patch seems to make kio_umountwrapper run indefinately | 11:27 |
Amarilis | hi guys. this is my problem: i booted the last version of ubuntu/kubuntu from the live cd (normal mode), but when it's time to load gnome/kde what i see are only stripes. i rebooted and i selected safe mode. this time i was able to see the desktop | 11:59 |
ubunturos | Amarilis: you need to post this to #kubuntu for help | 12:00 |
Amarilis | i did. but i didnt received an answer to my question | 12:01 |
ubunturos | Amarilis: may be those who are logged on, don't know the answer. You might have to wait a while for it, may be. | 12:02 |
hads | You could try a forum or mailing list too. | 12:02 |
Amarilis | ok | 12:02 |
ubunturos | Amarilis: BTW, which graphic card / motherboard | 12:02 |
Serega | I bet $10 ATI :) | 12:24 |
=== davmor2 is now known as davmor2_lunch | ||
DarkMageZ | now now... no need to pick on ati, it could have just as easily been any of the other crackfilled xorg drivers or something else entirely. | 12:49 |
* Serega have much hope on radeonhd foss driver | 12:52 | |
* Serega for now uses nvidia :) | 12:53 | |
=== davmor2_lunch is now known as davmor2 | ||
seele | are there no meetings this week because of open week? | 14:02 |
seele | or did i screw up utc again | 14:02 |
Riddell | there's no desktop meeting, it's a holiday in many european countries, they're all on strike to start the revolution | 14:05 |
seele | hmm? | 14:07 |
seele | which holiday is it? | 14:07 |
Riddell | May Day | 14:08 |
seele | on a thursday? | 14:08 |
Riddell | the revolution does not wait | 14:08 |
seele | hum.. i guess we're really the only ones who push our holidays to monday for extended weekends.. | 14:08 |
Riddell | except in britain when we move such holidays to mondays | 14:08 |
seele | long weekends > *! | 14:09 |
* Hobbsee gets no holiday :( | 14:12 | |
jaldhar | sorry if its a FAQ but will there be 4.1alpha .debs for hardy? | 14:22 |
Riddell | one day, but not imminantly | 14:29 |
Riddell | hmm, what to do with kde 4.0.4? | 14:43 |
Riddell | backports I suppose | 14:44 |
jaldhar | Riddell: thanks. If I can manage to clear up enough diskspace I'll try building them myself and see about contributing them. | 14:56 |
=== evalles_ is now known as effie_jayx | ||
Riddell | motu needed for testing | 15:08 |
Riddell | who's a motu? | 15:08 |
Riddell | and not a core-dev | 15:08 |
Riddell | please upload something to hardy-backports, we want to see if it'll get rejected | 15:09 |
Riddell | apachelogger? | 15:13 |
=== kitterma is now known as ScottK2 | ||
Riddell | ask mark in #ubuntu-classroom | 16:27 |
mhb | good afternoon | 16:40 |
SiNiESTrO | hi | 17:03 |
Riddell | hi SiNiESTrO, mhb | 17:03 |
Riddell | bddebian: you're a motu | 17:03 |
nosrednaekim | hello mhb... | 17:03 |
bddebian | Riddell: Well I'm supposed to be | 17:04 |
bddebian | I've done a pretty crappy job for the Hardy cycle :-( | 17:04 |
Riddell | bddebian: could you upload a package to hardy-backports, anything will do, we just want to check if motu can | 17:05 |
SiNiESTrO | oh Riddell! do you remember Bardinux? I'm part of actual developer's team | 17:05 |
SiNiESTrO | :P | 17:05 |
SiNiESTrO | Riddell: how are you? | 17:06 |
Riddell | SiNiESTrO: muchos bienos | 17:06 |
Riddell | I'm all good | 17:06 |
bddebian | Riddell: Hmm, do you need it right now? I'm at work :-( | 17:06 |
Riddell | bddebian: not at all | 17:06 |
bddebian | OK | 17:06 |
Riddell | maybe blueyed_ could | 17:06 |
SiNiESTrO | I'm finding the way of configure or modify adept_updater (¿?) to prevent that external repositories disappear on dist-upgrades... | 17:09 |
SiNiESTrO | any suggests? | 17:09 |
SiNiESTrO | my english is very poor... I hope that you understand me | 17:10 |
guaqua | they don't disappear for me | 17:13 |
guaqua | though i do major updates from the command line and edit sources.list by hand | 17:13 |
guaqua | having other repos active during update might break stuff | 17:13 |
Riddell | SiNiESTrO: hmm, that gets done by the dist upgrade tool | 17:14 |
SiNiESTrO | oh, i'm sorry... I mean that they are disabled | 17:14 |
Riddell | SiNiESTrO: I'm afraid the person who maintains the dist upgrade tool is on holiday today | 17:15 |
Riddell | SiNiESTrO: try e-mailing him at michael.vogt@ubuntu. com and CC me if you want, jriddell@ ubuntu.com | 17:15 |
SiNiESTrO | ok, thanks | 17:15 |
* nixternal tries to stay awake during seminar | 17:16 | |
Riddell | ooh, nixternal, you're a motu, could you upload a random package to hardy-backports | 17:17 |
SiNiESTrO | third sources are very important in kubuntu derivated distributions... they can't stay disabled | 17:19 |
SiNiESTrO | on dist-upgrades, artwork and other features say "bye, bye!" | 17:20 |
SiNiESTrO | :P | 17:20 |
nixternal | Riddell: I could, but I am currently in a seminar with less than acceptible wifi connection | 17:20 |
nixternal | oooh, learning Qt race conditions and locks....so much fun | 17:21 |
nixternal | I need a smaller laptop | 17:22 |
Riddell | SiNiESTrO: the code that does it is in DistUpgradeController.py in update-manager, but I don't see a way to work around it (although there may well be) | 17:22 |
SiNiESTrO | oh, python! i will try | 17:24 |
SiNiESTrO | thanks Riddell | 17:24 |
=== xRaich[o]2x is now known as raichoo | ||
=== raichoo is now known as xRaich[o]2x | ||
Riddell | so, who fancies packaging 4.0.4? | 17:42 |
Riddell | nixternal? stdin? | 17:42 |
nixternal | Riddell: I will work on it tonight->weekend | 17:42 |
nixternal | where is it getting uploaded to? | 17:43 |
nixternal | PPA? Kubuntu.org/ | 17:43 |
Riddell | -backports ideally | 17:43 |
nixternal | lovely, so you want the paperwork then :) | 17:43 |
Riddell | should be just some accept commands | 17:44 |
Riddell | the other problem being low build priority | 17:44 |
Riddell | but since nothing is building currently that ought to be ok | 17:44 |
jjesse | morning | 17:45 |
Riddell | hi jjesse | 17:45 |
jjesse | hello Riddell | 17:46 |
nixternal | so we could file the bug report, and as soon as it is approved upload right away to -backports? | 17:46 |
nixternal | or should we wait until Sunday/Monday for uploading? | 17:46 |
nixternal | Riddell: would it be possible to get a kde 4 wide ack for -backports instead of filing the necessary bug reports for each uploaded item? | 17:47 |
Riddell | nixternal: oh don't both with bug reports | 17:48 |
Riddell | just upload and I'll let it through at the appropriate time | 17:48 |
Riddell | ScottK won't mind :) | 17:48 |
nixternal | hehe | 17:48 |
nixternal | if I have YOUR word, then OK | 17:48 |
ScottK | Except it takes a core-dev to upload source to backports pockets. | 17:49 |
nixternal | we have a new package with 4.0.4 as well - skanlite | 17:49 |
* nixternal is liking the PPA idea right now for Hardy | 17:50 | |
Riddell | ScottK: well, this is what I've been trying to work out | 17:51 |
Riddell | ScottK: I'm told that motu should be able to | 17:51 |
nixternal | ditto | 17:51 |
ScottK | OK. Maybe it's changed. | 17:51 |
nixternal | hrmm, with KDE 4 moving to main for Intrepid, something tells me I should start thinking about core-dev | 17:51 |
nixternal | nah, I will just bug ScottK and Riddell until they hate me! | 17:52 |
Riddell | ScottK: we don't know until we find someone to test it | 17:52 |
ScottK | ... hate me/get upset enough to file piles of bugs against kubuntu-docs | 17:52 |
nixternal | heh | 17:52 |
ScottK | Right. | 17:52 |
nixternal | oh man, would you really do that? | 17:53 |
ScottK | Can't hurt for him to try it. | 17:53 |
nixternal | I will subscribe jjesse to all of them, so go ahead :p | 17:53 |
nixternal | I can't right now though, this hotel connection is horrid | 17:53 |
nixternal | knemo keeps bouncing | 17:53 |
nixternal | Trolltech does up a great lunch spread though! | 17:54 |
ScottK | nixternal: I got annoyed at ubuntu-dev-tools developers a could of months ago and file 11 bugs in about an hour. | 17:54 |
ScottK | All valid. | 17:54 |
nixternal | hahahahaha | 17:54 |
ScottK | could/couple in any case. | 17:54 |
nixternal | you my friend, just might be a bigger arse than I :) | 17:54 |
ScottK | Nah. Not possible. | 17:55 |
nixternal | didn't think that was possible, but I forgot you live on the east coast :p | 17:55 |
ScottK | ;-) | 17:55 |
ScottK | I was trying to make the point that they needed a little more care in what they were uploading. | 17:55 |
ScottK | It seems to have got their attention. | 17:55 |
nixternal | ScottK and Riddell: if either of you have any pointers for core-dev, fill me in because I am seriously thinking about it due to KDE 4 going into main eventually | 17:57 |
nixternal | I have a guy in front of me that is a Gtk dev on the Winblows platform, and he is driving me up a wall constantly laughing at stuff | 17:59 |
nixternal | he leans back and spills my coffee again, the CoC is out the window :p | 18:00 |
nixternal | OK, time for lunch....bbiab | 18:00 |
guaqua | you might have to accidentally spill the coffee | 18:00 |
nixternal | haha, it isn't hot enough | 18:00 |
nixternal | ooh, gotta wait for lunch, they are going to give us Qt 4.4 final release! | 18:01 |
guaqua | it still sucks to have coffee all over you ;) | 18:01 |
nixternal | true | 18:01 |
nixternal | k, battery dying now...bbiab | 18:02 |
=== never|mobi is now known as neversfelde|mobi | ||
Riddell | nixternal: yes, I think core-dev is a very good idea | 18:03 |
Riddell | nixternal: I presume the process is still to turn up at a tech board meeting and ask | 18:03 |
ScottK | nixternal: It's pretty much like going for MOTU, but you have to show up at a tech board meeting and answer questions. | 18:03 |
ScottK | It seemed pretty benign to me. | 18:03 |
Riddell | nixternal: to be a core-dev you need to show you want to work on the major areas of the distro, and packaging KDE will be there | 18:04 |
jjesse | yay for nixternal and core-dev :) | 18:12 |
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=== santiago-php is now known as Gabrielle | ||
=== Gabrielle is now known as Antha | ||
=== blueyed_ is now known as blueyed | ||
blueyed | Riddell: I'll upload hello to hardy-backports, ok? I assume you'll reject it then? | 18:46 |
Riddell | blueyed: yes, thanks | 18:47 |
ryanakca | Where can I find the branch for the dist-upgrade tool? *found a bug...* Should be "Upgrading to Kubuntu version 8.04" and not "Upgrading to Kubuntu version 8.04 LTS" in the title, correct? | 18:53 |
Riddell | it's update-manager in launchpad | 18:54 |
Riddell | but it's too late to change that, i18n freeze | 18:54 |
ryanakca | Ah, bummer. | 18:54 |
Riddell | blueyed: not seeing anything, did you upload? get a reject message? | 18:55 |
blueyed | Riddell: yes, rejected ("Signer is not permitted to upload to the component 'main' of file 'hello_2.2-2ubuntu1.dsc'"). I'll try again with a universe package. | 18:56 |
blueyed | Riddell: "jedit waiting for approval" | 19:00 |
Riddell | right, that makes sense I guess | 19:03 |
Riddell | so nixternal or stdin or whoever can upload kde into backports | 19:03 |
Riddell | well, not stdin, we need to get him into motu :) | 19:03 |
jjesse | i though stdin was already in motu | 19:07 |
Riddell | no, but you would imagine it wouldn't you | 19:09 |
* stdin get's back and reads backlog | 19:09 | |
jjesse | yes yes i would imagine it | 19:10 |
stdin | I can probably start on 4.0.4 tonight | 19:11 |
stdin | and I should probably do something about getting into motu soon | 19:11 |
stdin | it's been on my "should do" list for a while now | 19:11 |
jjesse | those darn should do list | 19:14 |
jjesse | my should do list is getting longer every da7y not shorter | 19:14 |
stdin | I think my "should do" list is also on my "to do" list :p | 19:15 |
Riddell | I can't find anything on the wiki for how to become a motu | 19:20 |
jjesse | its magical | 19:37 |
jjesse | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Mentoring | 19:38 |
jjesse | and i'm sure its under https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU someplace? | 19:38 |
jjesse | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess | 19:39 |
ScottK | Riddell: I can't find anything on the wiki since dholbach reorganized it. | 19:42 |
ScottK | jjesse: Did you see the blog link I left you the other day on multiple screen configurations? | 19:43 |
jjesse | ScottK: yes i did | 19:43 |
jjesse | thanks | 19:43 |
ScottK | Great. We'll get you off Windows yet. | 19:44 |
jjesse | #wftlchat | 19:44 |
jjesse | doh | 19:44 |
jjesse | ScottK: i totally doubt i will be completly off windows | 19:44 |
jjesse | kind of hard when the program i consult on runs under windows :P | 19:45 |
ScottK | Ah. Well then how does it work on WINE? | 19:45 |
jjesse | well its a server product, runs with .NET and MS SQL connections | 19:46 |
jjesse | ScottK: www.altiris.com | 19:46 |
* ScottK looks | 19:46 | |
jjesse | now owned by symantec | 19:46 |
gribelu | is there a date scheduled for starting Intrepid development? i'm more anxious about KDE 4.1 official snapshots actually but i guess you'll be doing that quite a bit for Intrepid :) | 20:41 |
stdin | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IntrepidReleaseSchedule | 20:43 |
gribelu | ah | 20:44 |
gribelu | didn't catch that | 20:44 |
gribelu | lots of work/time ahead it seems | 20:44 |
gribelu | are you planning to start building 4.1 after the beta surfaces? | 20:45 |
gribelu | and the hard feature freeze.. | 20:45 |
* nixternal grabs 4.0.4 tarballs | 20:46 | |
stdin | plans for exactly when 4.1 will be packaged aren't finalised yet | 20:46 |
stdin | *packaged for II | 20:46 |
nixternal | I would say possible on a 4.1 beta... 4.1 alpha is a mess....it crashes quite well | 20:48 |
gribelu | yeah i noticed | 20:48 |
gribelu | plasma :/ | 20:48 |
nixternal | that's because of the huge plasma rewrite | 20:48 |
nixternal | if you aren't using plasma, then it tends to be fine :p | 20:48 |
JontheEchidna | SVN is already re-stabalized, for the most part. | 20:49 |
gribelu | not too long till the beta though.. everything should be pretty nice after that | 20:49 |
nixternal | there is still a bit of plasma`esque issues | 20:49 |
nixternal | we are less than 3 months for the 4.1 release now...man that is awesome, it comes out on my birthday...I am going to party hardcore! | 20:49 |
gribelu | 4.0.x is stupid at this point anyway.. mostly worse than the 4.1 head | 20:49 |
JontheEchidna | heh | 20:49 |
JontheEchidna | Well, I had some bugfixes that I really enjoyed with the 4.0.x releases | 20:50 |
nixternal | I think thus far, 4.0.0 and 4.0.3 were the worst releases...it was funny, 4.0.2 was damn stable for me | 20:50 |
JontheEchidna | but then they had to go and introduce more bugs iwth plasma backports :/ | 20:50 |
nixternal | hoping 4.0.4 brings that back | 20:50 |
gribelu | nixternal: i don't think there's too much work going into 4.0.4 .. the SVN shows that plenty | 20:51 |
JontheEchidna | I've not had Plasma crash since 4.0.1, unless it was from a buggy 3rd party plasmoid | 20:51 |
JontheEchidna | Like the Amar4k controller on KDE look | 20:51 |
gribelu | with more development on 4.1, less can be backported to 4.0 | 20:51 |
gribelu | lots of stuff changed | 20:51 |
seele | all that time to ask a question and he doesn't really even answer it.. oh well | 20:51 |
gribelu | qt for one | 20:51 |
nixternal | seele: what question/answer, and which he? :) | 20:52 |
seele | i asked about how the Desktop Team was planning on working on the "experiences" they keep talking about and how contributors can help | 20:53 |
nixternal | oh, other chan | 20:53 |
* nixternal looks | 20:53 | |
seele | basically he said come to UDS and attend Desktop Meetings -- which i am already doing.. | 20:53 |
seele | plus it doesnt really help anyone else not already involved to know how to get involved | 20:54 |
seele | it would be nice to figure out how they plan to solve these problems | 20:54 |
seele | everything is either in the dark or they really have no clue yet | 20:54 |
nixternal | I will choose the latter :) | 20:54 |
fdoving | Riddell: around? - made a new patch to the eject_error case. bug 222041 - still not tested, i don't have time. sorry. :| | 21:00 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 222041 in kdebase "unmounting a usb stick gives a stupid error" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/222041 | 21:00 |
mhb | seele: that's what people who have no clue do say | 21:02 |
mhb | seele: I've learned that Ask Mark sessions are full of those | 21:07 |
jjesse | people who have no clue what to say? | 21:07 |
seele | we'll see what happens at UDS then | 21:07 |
jjesse | or just people who have no clue? | 21:07 |
seele | these desktop experiences have existed since the last UDS but nothing has come from them yet | 21:07 |
nixternal | but Mark is a super hero, he can tell 99% of the people who ask a question that dirty diapers rock, and people will go out and buy diapers, and dirty them up | 21:08 |
* jjesse is bummed that he can't come to UDS this time around | 21:08 | |
nixternal | jjesse: you and I both | 21:08 |
nixternal | the Prague labeled me as a terrorist and I am not allowed in :p | 21:08 |
seele | nixternal: seriously? | 21:08 |
* nixternal waits.... | 21:08 | |
seele | lol | 21:08 |
jjesse | lol | 21:08 |
jjesse | my wife is due w/ firts child the week after UDS | 21:09 |
nixternal | nah, I was waiting for mhb to say something, cuz the US told him "NO! YOU CANNOT ENTER!" for the last UDS | 21:09 |
nixternal | jjesse: congrats man! | 21:09 |
jjesse | nixternal thanks | 21:09 |
seele | yeah, but that was because he is a student, wasn't it? | 21:09 |
nixternal | I love how you don't tell anyone until a month prior :p | 21:09 |
nixternal | seele: no idea, but it was fun playing the terrorist card with him :) | 21:10 |
jjesse | seriously i thought more knew | 21:10 |
mhb | seele: that sounds almost racist :-) | 21:10 |
nixternal | hahahahaha | 21:10 |
jjesse | i thought i mentioned it on my blog that i wasn't able to come to UDS because of my wife supposed to be giving b9rth | 21:10 |
nixternal | mhb: since when is "student" racist? | 21:10 |
seele | mhb: student's aren't a protected class in the U.S. | 21:10 |
nixternal | I know plenty of people here in Chicago that would rather be called student then what they are typically called | 21:10 |
seele | mhb: (housing discrimination is one of the most common discriminations against students) | 21:10 |
mhb | nixternal: not sure, ask seele :-) it really sounds like "no wonder, he's a student, the lower type of people" | 21:11 |
seele | nixternal: you mean a bum? | 21:11 |
jjesse | ah just mentioned family reasons | 21:11 |
nixternal | I noticed that when I decided to go back to school...I was going to move into a condo but they didn't like the "student" status so they denied me | 21:11 |
seele | mhb: no, they just think you're going to try and come to the U.S. to get a job and not go back | 21:11 |
nixternal | so I said foo on you and moved in to the closet at the other end of my parents house | 21:11 |
nixternal | FREE! | 21:11 |
nixternal | which is perfect, cuz I am absolutely broke right now | 21:11 |
mhb | seele: right, it's my fault | 21:13 |
JontheEchidna | anybody got a good python tutorial? | 21:13 |
seele | mhb: yeah -- why the hell would you want to earn american dollars anyway? :) | 21:13 |
mhb | well, thanks for bringing it up | 21:15 |
seele | mhb: have you been to the U.S. before (recently?) or was that the first time you tried to get a visa while you were a student? | 21:16 |
mhb | seele: the first time | 21:18 |
mhb | and for the foreseeable future, the last | 21:18 |
seele | hehe | 21:18 |
seele | stupid state department | 21:19 |
mhb | hm | 21:23 |
nixternal | speaking of the state department, them, homeland security, and INS just did a sweep of a local commercial area nabbing over 100 "illegal aliens"....I love how they call others "aliens", what morons | 21:29 |
mhb | nixternal: on the plus side, you could be travelling to Mars this month! | 21:31 |
nixternal | ya, but my rover battery died | 21:31 |
mhb | hmm, I still don't see what are we going to discuss at UDS :o) I expect it to be like "we would do this if we had 10 active developers, which we all know we haven't got" | 21:39 |
jjesse | you mean kde wise? | 21:40 |
jjesse | in boston it seemed like the kde people were myself and Riddell | 21:40 |
mhb | us as in Kubuntu | 21:40 |
jjesse | and i don't do any development | 21:40 |
seele | jjesse: i was there during fosscamp | 21:40 |
mhb | well I couldn't be there for reasons well discussed before | 21:41 |
jjesse | nixternal instead of aliens what would you call people who were there and they sholdn't be | 21:41 |
seele | mhb: i think one of the big agenda topics is figuring out if we are syncing to the kde release schedule and if we are going with 4.1 | 21:41 |
jjesse | seele didn't make it in time for fosscamp | 21:41 |
nixternal | jjesse: trespassers | 21:42 |
mhb | seele: hmm, I wonder how that would be possible, given that there is only one repository at the moment | 21:42 |
seele | nixternal: tourists? :) | 21:42 |
nixternal | or that :) | 21:42 |
seele | mhb: dunno.. i just know it's on the list :) | 21:42 |
nixternal | hah, I have always called "tourists", "terrorists", and it recently got me in a bit of trouble at the airport | 21:42 |
mhb | seele: we can't influence all the command-line tools and all the libraries we rely on | 21:42 |
nixternal | if we sync to KDE, people will complain, if we don't sync to KDE people will complain, if KDE syncs with us people will complain | 21:44 |
mhb | KDE4 is boring anyway :-) who needs plasma? who needs Mac OS X widgets? :-) | 21:44 |
seele | kde isnt' going to sync to us | 21:44 |
nixternal | if we don't provide kde 3, people will complain, if we don't provide kde 4.1, people will complain | 21:44 |
mhb | who needs Konqueror with its stubborn developers? :o) | 21:44 |
nixternal | so I say at UDS, everyone just complain! prepare for what's going to come with the 8.10 release :p | 21:44 |
nixternal | mhb: konqi devs are stubborn, khtml devs maybe :) | 21:44 |
nixternal | s/are/aren't | 21:45 |
mhb | right | 21:45 |
nixternal | as long as the kde webkit plugin is rockin', that's fine with me | 21:45 |
mhb | Konqueror is dead anyway, like I said when Dolphin first came out | 21:45 |
nixternal | that way there I can use webkit when looking at websites such as....well I don't go to gmail.com, so I don't need it I guess :) | 21:45 |
mhb | give me a fast and lightweight KDE browser and I'll trash it anytime :o) | 21:45 |
nixternal | the only thing I would ever consider replacing konqi with, is Opera, if and only if they opened it up | 21:46 |
nixternal | I hate firefox with a passion, and this ff3 beta crap we got in 8.04 is horrid | 21:46 |
mhb | I'll replace it with anything gladly | 21:46 |
seele | why they shipped a beta product in a release is beyond me | 21:46 |
nosrednaekim | thatnkfully we can blame that on ubuntu, not us :P | 21:46 |
nixternal | I have used Konqi pretty much since day 1, I love it and will continue doing so | 21:46 |
mhb | in fact, I don't use it anymore because of the silly way they display warning messages when changing from/to SSL | 21:46 |
mhb | and you can't hide them like you can in your hated Firefox :o) | 21:47 |
nosrednaekim | yeah.... firefox3 made me go to Konqueror4 | 21:47 |
nixternal | is that the popups people are complaining about mhb? | 21:47 |
mhb | nixternal: I dunno | 21:47 |
nixternal | I have been seeing complaints about some security related popups in ff3 or something | 21:47 |
mhb | nixternal: I know firefox3 is having trouble with SSL, and I know konqueror had these annoying popups too | 21:47 |
smarter | firefox3 has some really nice features | 21:47 |
nixternal | konqi 4 still has thise problems | 21:47 |
nixternal | even in trunk | 21:47 |
mhb | no wonder | 21:48 |
nixternal | https in konqi 4 == popup hell | 21:48 |
mhb | no wonder I dislike it with a passion :o) | 21:48 |
mhb | perhaps this Qt demo browser will turn good | 21:48 |
nixternal | click OK, click this session only, pray it doesn't start over and go surfing | 21:48 |
nixternal | we played with the qt demo browser today...it is damn close to epiphany actually | 21:48 |
nixternal | that's what it reminds me off...very lightweight and fast | 21:49 |
fdoving | that's a site-problem, proper https sites with signed certificates works just fine in konq4. | 21:49 |
nixternal | is that what it is? ya, I don't think any of the *buntu.com site cause the popup | 21:49 |
mhb | hmm | 21:49 |
fdoving | if the certificates are selfsigned or broken in any other way the browser complains. | 21:49 |
mhb | we do have a saying here | 21:49 |
fdoving | if it doesn't its broken. | 21:50 |
nixternal | hey, I just found a shortcut that kills the computer in kde 4, but don't ask me to find it again :p | 21:50 |
mhb | it says "the wiser one backs down" | 21:50 |
nosrednaekim | nixternal: does it have something to do with sysreq? | 21:51 |
mhb | meaning that two stubborn (and not wise) people will keep on blaming each other, but a smart guy will fix stuff even though it's not his fault | 21:51 |
mhb | that's what should be done here | 21:51 |
fdoving | mhb: so you prefer a broken browser that doesn't tell you when something bad happens? - or do you just want an option to make it not ask again? | 21:52 |
mhb | I mean you don't say I'm an incompetent fool just because my English is not Standard XEnglish 1.1 Strict, right? | 21:52 |
fdoving | no, but https is entirely different. | 21:52 |
fdoving | it relies on trust. | 21:52 |
fdoving | that's why they are signed. | 21:53 |
fdoving | the idea is to make it secure. | 21:53 |
fdoving | to some degree. | 21:53 |
mhb | right, so I could argue that https itself is based on a really weak precondition - that you have to trust a third party | 21:53 |
fdoving | ok, let's redesign the internet. | 21:54 |
mhb | :o) | 21:54 |
mhb | OR, make our apps behave like it should, not blaming the Internet, even though we know it's not our fault | 21:54 |
mhb | and make Fascist Mode available for the ultra paranoid among us | 21:55 |
mhb | (do they still keep the name in the OpenSSH configs?) | 21:55 |
fdoving | i think konqueror behaves correnctly when it comes to https. I use it to manage my money online-bank-thing. no issues with https. popups appear when it needs to tell me something. | 21:55 |
fdoving | MiM attacks would be waaay to easy if we just removed that popup. | 21:56 |
fdoving | even if people just click continue anyway. | 21:57 |
mhb | how many of those have you encountered yet< | 21:58 |
mhb | ? | 21:58 |
fdoving | using a secure protocol should atleast be as secure as the protocol can be, not false-secure, like https with selfsigned certs usually is. | 21:58 |
mhb | I dunno. | 21:58 |
mhb | I really believe in the "no popups unless user input required" thing | 21:59 |
fdoving | I haven't encountered any, but it's a fact that they happen every day somewhere on the internet. it's what all those nice spammers out there wants to trick us into to make our machines zombies or spam-senders or whatnot. | 21:59 |
fdoving | I belive in that too, but this one is among the important ones, not useless at all. | 22:00 |
fdoving | having a hidden option to 'dont-ever-warn-me-of-anything-ever-again' would of course be nice for those who don't care. | 22:01 |
smarter | if you try to access wiki.kubuntu.com page, it shows a "server not found"-like page, just because the certificate is for kubuntu.org | 22:01 |
yuriy | there's a kubuntu.com? | 22:01 |
smarter | yep | 22:02 |
yuriy | hmm both konq4 and firefox display it without complaining here | 22:02 |
fdoving | smarter: that is -exactly- the reason we have certificates in https. | 22:03 |
fdoving | smarter: myhackedbank.com is different from myregularbank.com | 22:03 |
nixternal | time to head to school...see ya'll later! | 22:03 |
fdoving | bye nixternal. | 22:03 |
fdoving | are there browsers out there that supports https but does not complain about these things? | 22:04 |
smarter | yuriy: http://wiki.kubuntu.com redirects to kubuntu.org, but https://wiki.kubuntu.org don't | 22:05 |
yuriy | smarter: ah | 22:06 |
Riddell | fdoving: hmm, with that updated patch i don't see the kio_umountwrapper dialogue at all | 22:06 |
mhb | any tips on what I should be involved in for Intrepid? | 22:07 |
mhb | this release cycle I want to do something fun | 22:07 |
fdoving | Riddell: hum. | 22:08 |
mhb | writing KDE UIs for GTK apps can be boring sometimes | 22:08 |
fdoving | Riddell: sounds strange. does it unmount? | 22:09 |
Riddell | fdoving: yep | 22:09 |
fdoving | Riddell: that sounds weird, kio_umountwrapper is the one invoking the safely-remove so it needs to be executed. | 22:10 |
fdoving | the new ::exit(0); is inside ejectFinished() - so i don't understand this. | 22:11 |
mhb | ah yes, again mumbling for myself. good night, folks. | 22:11 |
yuriy | mhb: write a d-bus based opengl accelerated policykit packagekit SVG themable SSL service that does many functions | 22:11 |
fdoving | nite mhb. | 22:11 |
mhb | yuriy: right, that's fun :o) | 22:11 |
mhb | you read 20 posts about how Kubuntu is inferior to Ubuntu and OpenSUSE and everything and you'd be as grumpy as me :o) | 22:12 |
mhb | the KDE frontend for jockey didn't end up in the default install, did it? | 22:13 |
fdoving | Riddell: can i please have your kio_media_mounthelper binary please? - i don't have things setup to compile qt3-things. | 22:14 |
fdoving | Riddell: the one with the most recent patch applied. | 22:14 |
mhb | Riddell: that was a question for you, I guess... | 22:15 |
Riddell | fdoving: http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/kio_media_mounthelper | 22:15 |
mhb | you should know | 22:15 |
Riddell | mhb: yes, it did | 22:16 |
Riddell | even worked for me, once I fixed the bugs in the backend | 22:16 |
mhb | hmm | 22:16 |
mhb | I wonder why it was not mentioned anywhere | 22:16 |
Riddell | probably not sufficiently different than restricted-manager | 22:17 |
mhb | okay | 22:17 |
yuriy | how is it different and why is there a new program? | 22:17 |
fdoving | Riddell: where do you safely remove from ? | 22:18 |
mhb | yuriy: the difference is that I made a Qt4 frontend and I wasn't paid for it! would you believe it | 22:18 |
fdoving | Riddell: try 'kio_umountwrapper /mount/point' - i suspect it's the .desktop file for the safely remove action that is not updated to use kio_umountwrapper. | 22:18 |
mhb | yuriy: the real difference is in the backend | 22:18 |
mhb | yuriy: so unnoticable for the user | 22:19 |
mhb | yuriy: except that it's gone from systemsettings | 22:19 |
mhb | nobody bothered to write a link to it | 22:19 |
mhb | that's why it stinks | 22:20 |
mhb | the kcontrol stuff is so overengineered that it's too hard to create a simple link for systemsettings to another app | 22:20 |
mhb | but we all love and adore kde, don't we | 22:20 |
mhb | so I better shut up. | 22:21 |
yuriy | hehe, good night mhb | 22:22 |
Riddell | fdoving: that works, which .desktop file? | 22:22 |
* mhb has grumpy moods these days a lot | 22:22 | |
fdoving | Riddell: where are you unmounting from? - dolphin or konqueror or kdesktop? | 22:23 |
Riddell | fdoving: konqueror | 22:23 |
fdoving | Riddell: the kio-umountwrapper package tries to divert those .desktop files. | 22:23 |
fdoving | Riddell: /usr/share/apps/konqueror/servicemenus/media_safelyremove.desktop | 22:24 |
Riddell | fdoving: ooh | 22:24 |
Riddell | and I just compiled kdebase by hand and installed the original .desktop file over the diverted one | 22:24 |
fdoving | Riddell: that's what causes it then :) atleast the patch now works :) | 22:25 |
fdoving | it needs to use Exec=kio_umountwrapper %u | 22:25 |
Riddell | well, hang on, let me test with kio-umountwrappre from konqueror | 22:25 |
Riddell | it works | 22:25 |
Riddell | genius | 22:25 |
fdoving | the design of that should probably be changed. kio-umountwrapper should instead divert kio_media_mounthelper - and know it's new name to use internally. | 22:26 |
fdoving | that way the desktopfiles never needed to change. | 22:26 |
smarter_ | +1 | 22:26 |
fdoving | but, not tonight. | 22:27 |
fdoving | nite. | 22:27 |
jjesse | its funny how this channel can go so long with nothing happening in it and sometimes i can hardly keep up wit hthe scroll | 22:46 |
nosrednaekim | sssh! :) | 22:49 |
* Serega says "knite friends" | 22:56 | |
SiNiESTrO | hi | 23:13 |
nosrednaekim | hello SiNiESTrO | 23:15 |
JontheEchidna | nixternal: When you package 4.0.4 tonight, could you take a look at bug 225123? | 23:54 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 225123 in update-manager "crashed on hardy upgrade around moblin and armagetron" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/225123 | 23:54 |
JontheEchidna | oops | 23:54 |
JontheEchidna | wrong bug | 23:54 |
JontheEchidna | https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdeartwork-kde4/+bug/225213 | 23:55 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 225213 in kdeartwork-kde4 "wrong wallpapers in kdewallpapers-kde4" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 23:55 |
JontheEchidna | ^The wallpapers aren't wrong, per se, but the package description would have you think that the other wallpapers released with KDE 4.0 were included in kdewallpapers-kde4 rather than kdebase-workspace-wallpapers | 23:56 |
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