
kkathmanOdd-rationale:  not at all00:00
Odd-rationalemike-kubunt1: launchpad.net usually.00:00
Odd-rationalekkathman: or are you using emerald?00:00
kkathmanOdd-rationale:  emerald00:00
Odd-rationalekkathman: ok, that is why...00:00
kkathmanahh ok00:01
Odd-rationalethey should develop some patches and call it kompiz00:02
kkathmanOdd-rationale:  I setup my compiz to have 8x1 (8 faces on the "cube"  then I have it to where I can just click my mouse wheel while in a desktop and it rotates to the next workspace00:02
Odd-rationalekkathman: i see00:02
kkathmanBut I use that ring switcher too00:02
Odd-rationalekkathman: expo is cool00:02
kkathmanOdd-rationale:  yeah thats more "Mac-ish" but the ring switcher I think is a little nicer00:03
kkathmanbut to each his own :)00:03
pottytheshitteris kde4 offically supported?00:03
dwidmannpottytheshitter: now00:03
Odd-rationalepottytheshitter: by canonical? I'm not sure...00:03
Odd-rationaleprobably by kde e.V.00:04
=== pottytheshitter is now known as pottythepisser
=== pottythepisser is now known as pottytheshitter
Xbehaveif a program is running as root, how do i make it launch programs as me (it lets me decide the command to launch i just dont know how to unsudo it)00:09
=== desmond is now known as Desmond
gabakis anyone here?00:15
gabakis anyone here?00:15
gabakwhat do u mean?00:15
Desmondwell i ment da00:16
Desmondand its yes in german00:16
gabaki m in argentina right now00:16
gabakcomo andas00:16
gabaksabes hablar español00:16
yodazI've a little problem with konqueror, googl search toolbar disappear00:16
Desmondwhat is that00:17
Desmondi use firefox00:17
yodazwhere I can make it show again ?00:17
Desmondpoll #2: Firefox or Konqueror00:17
gabakdo u know ubuntu00:18
ubottuAquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.00:18
Desmondgabak: yess00:18
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)00:19
=== pottytheshitter is now known as tux
* Desmond welcomes new visitors00:20
Odd-rationaleyodaz: Go to settings --> configure extensions00:22
gabakok great00:22
gabakhold on , plz cuz i have a phone call now00:22
yodazOdd-rationale: thx, but I only have speech synthesis toolbar :-\00:23
Odd-rationaleyodaz: kde4?00:23
yodazOdd-rationale: no, kde300:23
yodazwhich package should I install ?00:23
Odd-rationaleyodaz: are you in the extensions tab/00:23
Odd-rationalehmm. i dunno then. sorry00:24
yodazOdd-rationale: ok, thx00:25
yodazOdd-rationale: ok, I'm a moron00:29
yodazOdd-rationale: with aptitude install konq-plugins, it just works better ...00:29
o0Chris0othe last few times I restarted my system I get this error, "No command arguments supplied!, Usage: kdesudo [-u <runas>] <command>, KdeSudo will now exit" anyone have any ideas?00:29
sebbarhi, with skype on linux is it possible to send sms messages?00:31
o0Chris0ohow do I turn off saving sessions in kde?00:37
o0Chris0ohow do I turn off saving sessions in kde?00:41
XbehaveChris still here?00:45
=== sebastian__ is now known as sebsebseb
Xbehavesebbar: im not familar with skype sms, but it is possible with other programs00:45
Desmondi cant get java to work in firefox00:46
Desmondi installed sun java 6 \00:46
XbehaveDesmond: you on 64bit?00:47
sebsebsebI just updated a computer from Gutsy to Hardy, however  what I am finding odd is how the entry for WIndows XP is no longer there, just my old kernel from Gutsy stuff and the new kernel stuff from Hardy.  Any idea's why that is?   I assume to fix this it's just edit the menu.lst, but I carn't remember exactly what to put in and that, and XP should be the default boot, since this is a family computer, and my Dad is locked00:48
sebsebsebinto Windows, so it will probably take quite a bit of effort to convert him to Ubuntu.  and it's proabably hardly even worth it in his case, even though he is a resonablly technical Windows user.00:48
Xbehavedoes it work in other browsers, have you installed the plugin thorugh repos or manually?00:48
NickPrestasebsebseb, try using: update-grub00:49
Xbehavesebsebseb: there may be a better way of doing this but do you have any backup menr.lst (/boot/grub/menumlist..)00:49
Desmondthrough repos00:49
sebsebsebit woudn't have updated GRub as well?  just the distro?00:49
Desmondi aptitude'd it00:49
sebsebsebnah no backup00:49
Desmondi have 32 bit00:49
Xbehavesebsebseb: you can add windows manually to grub00:50
ubottugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto00:50
sebsebsebyeah I know WIndows can be manually added to GRub since I done it before, but I coudn't remember exactly how etc00:51
sebsebsebDesmond:  I would have thought  Grub would have been updated with the update from Gusty to Hardy?  I guess not?00:52
Xbehaveill look up a guide, as i cant rember exactly00:52
XbehaveDesmond: if its not one of the obvious things e,g 64bit problems or not having installed the java-plugins im no use try the forums, does it work in konq?00:53
Desmondnot sure00:53
sebsebsebwhat's your problem Desmond?  plugins?00:53
sebsebsebbrowser plugins?00:53
sebsebsebI can probably help you with this well if you tell me what it is :D  since you obviouslly said before I came here00:54
Xbehavesebsebseb: open up /boot/grub/menu.lst and it has an example for a windows partition, uncomment the line and correct the partition to add windows00:54
Desmondjava in firefox00:54
sebsebsebXbehave: ah yes now I remember that's what I did last time00:54
Desmond@xbehave no it doesnt00:54
ubottuDesmond: Error: "xbehave" is not a valid command.00:54
sebsebsebDesmond:  yeah Java can be a bit of a pain to install00:55
ubottuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier.00:55
sebsebsebthere is this page or should be on the Ubuntu site, but from memory you want the Sun one from  Synaptec package manager00:55
sebsebsebalso you have to press tab and enter I think it was on the agreement,   just enter on it's own for ok woudn't do the trick00:56
sebsebsebis there any need to keep my old kernel?  I guess not,   in  the past I have just removed the old kernels00:57
sebsebsebon my computer for example.00:57
sebsebsebyeah remove the old  and keep the latest00:57
sebsebsebone from updates00:57
NickPrestasebsebseb, you can keep older kernels. I often do incase I have problems with the newer kernel which prevent my system from running, etc00:57
sebsebsebNickPresta:  yeah, but probably no good reason to keep  my old one from Gutsy or whatever,  plus I guess it can be re installed if there ever was a good reason00:58
Xbehavesebsebseb: the default line will work if windows is in the 1st partion of the 1st drive, otherwise grub names partitions differently from linux (hd0 is hda, hd1 is hdb, etc) and the number afterwards is droped by 1 e.g hdb3 is hd1,200:58
BauldrickOT - how long should it take to transcode video .iso to .avi00:58
NickPrestasebsebseb, it might be hard to reinstall if you can't boot your system ;) At any rate, you can safely remove the older kernel if you wish00:59
gorczeskiboa noite00:59
Xbehavesebsebseb: afaik they cant be reinstalled but if everything is working there is no need to keep old kernels00:59
sebsebsebyeah  Xbehave  I did the example before,  now  I remember.  and  to  make it so XP would boot up first,  I had it as the first one in the file, with Ubuntu stuff after that00:59
gorczeskigood evening00:59
gorczeskibuenas notches00:59
sebsebsebNickPresta:  well Live CD's to the rescue if that happens I suppouse :D00:59
* Xbehave inserts superhero music01:00
=== nick_ is now known as came0
yao_ziyuancan anyone tell me what's the default color scheme in kubuntu 8.04?01:01
sebsebsebthis is the Ubuntu channel you could try  the kubuntu channel ,but01:01
sebsebsebwhat a question?01:01
sebsebsebI wonder why your asking that01:01
Bauldricksebsebseb: kubuntu....01:02
sebsebsebBauldrick: uh yes I know read above01:02
Odd-rationaleyao_ziyuan: kubuntu colors01:02
Desmondlol yea this is kubuntu01:04
sebsebsebwrong channel01:04
sebsebsebok so I was in the wrong tab it seems01:04
psycoits seems01:04
sebsebsebKonversation yeah by the way Kubutnu users, but running  in Gnome/Ubuntu01:04
sebsebsebsince  I don't like KDE enough as my GUI (what a thing to say here :D )01:05
gorczeskiFernando Ike ??01:05
crash__*cough cough hack wheeze*01:06
* crash__ dies01:06
yao_ziyuanOdd-rationale: roger01:07
psycocrash_ that sucks01:08
o0Chris0oalright I just want to use kwin, how do I stop compiz from being the default deco?01:08
psycoturn of desktop effects01:08
psycoand the command is01:08
psycokwin --replace01:08
crash__psyco: Nah, not really. turns out things can't suck when you're dead.01:08
psycocrash__: true01:08
o0Chris0oalright I removed ccsm01:09
o0Chris0oso prolly need to get it again01:09
psycohardy or gusty?01:09
yao_ziyuan8.04's Crystal/Edgy kwin style + 7.10's Polyester kde style = perfect01:09
yao_ziyuanhere is a screenshot of that: http://infowire.googlegroups.com/web/snapshot19.png?gda=94lzwz8AAABaHLW2hQnnro-GYOIyGHcGaDpGNf6h3jt_zCJwRSTgA2G1qiJ7UbTIup-M2XPURDRwn4PMc2FouLEp4KIwhgPa01:10
psycoK menu>System>Desktop effects01:10
psycoand clikc NONE01:10
o0Chris0owell thats the thing, I removed that too lol01:10
yao_ziyuanbut there is a small bug in the Crystal kwin style:01:10
yao_ziyuanIn KDE 3.5.8/9, start a Firefox 2, set the main window in normal state (rather than maximized or minimized), let the main window's upper and lower sides dock the upper edge and lower edge of the desktop, but don't let the left and right sides dock. Then, maximize it, restore it, minimize it, restore it, and now you can see its lower side has an undrawn hollow zone.01:10
psycoYou removed desktop effects :S01:10
o0Chris0oyeah because it messes up my inactive titlebars01:11
yao_ziyuancompiz-kde is buggy01:11
o0Chris0othey disappear01:11
Bauldrickdoes anyone else see npviewer.bin gobbling cpu?01:11
o0Chris0obut compiz is still active somehow01:12
psycowhat happends when you run01:13
psycokwin --replace01:13
o0Chris0oit fixes it, but only works till I exit the terminal01:13
psycowhat if you do01:13
psycothen run01:13
psycokwin --replace01:13
o0Chris0ofixes it till I close out the console01:14
psycoBut alt f2 is a command not console...01:14
psycoif you know what i mean....01:15
hexidigitalYou know you're a geek when you try to save an OOo document by typing: [Esc]:wq[Enter]01:15
hexidigitaler... i know i am a geek01:15
psycowtf XD01:15
Bauldrickjust sat on youtube in firefox and npviewer.bin eats 42% cpu - is it just me? not right surely?01:15
hexidigitalNow i have to proofread my presentation outline for "times i tried to save and quit" errors01:16
walter_ecohi everybody I seem to be having some inconsistencies with shares01:17
walter_ecospecifically 'folder does not exist' type problems01:17
o0Chris0oalright that worked I had run as terminal selected01:18
o0Chris0ohad to untick it01:18
jlarssonhi, how do i update kubuntu 6.06 to 8.04 ?01:20
sebsebsebdoes it not say an update is avilable?01:20
jlarssonyes, but only system packages01:20
sebsebsebmaybe you got to upgrade to gusty first then to hardy01:20
sebsebsebyou just change the sources lists01:20
jlarssonIsnt there a button or something lika in ubuntu ?01:21
sebsebsebyou have both?01:21
Desmondsudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list01:21
sebsebsebor sudo gedit01:21
Desmondchange all the dappers to hardy01:21
jlarssonNo, i only have kubuntu now01:21
NickPrestajlarsson, you can edit your sources.list inside Adept Manager.01:21
sebsebsebwell then sudo kate I guess it is01:21
NickPrestasebsebseb, kdesudo kate, not sudo01:21
sebsebseboh right yeah I suppouse01:22
sebsebsebI use Ubuntu mainly so yeah01:22
jlarssonim a neewbie at this things in kubunto so what exaktly should i do, you are giving me alot of alternatives01:23
Distro^Junkieyou need to go to gutsy first01:23
jlarssonand how did i do that01:24
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
sebsebsebjiarsson:  Ubuntu is easier to start with01:24
sebsebsebin my opinion01:25
jlarssonyes i know01:25
sebsebsebalso you can install  your Kubuntu  programs in Ubuntu01:25
sebsebseband  if you update  a version of Ubuntu/Kubuntu well then your updating both of them01:25
sebsebsebin  Ubuntu it should say a new distribution is avialabe and then you would just install that01:26
sebsebseband that's that01:26
jumpkickno sound after Kubuntu 64 Hardy upgrade01:26
jumpkickwhat's up with that?01:26
jlarssonokey maybe i should install ubuntu back01:27
sebsebsebwell that's easy enough to do01:27
sebsebsebyou know how right? without getting rid of everything and starting over?01:27
Bauldrickwasn't it Alt+f2 kdesu "adept_manager --version-upgrade-devel"01:27
BruceHGreetings. I just upgraded from Gutsy to Heron using the Full Upgrade option. Now my nvidia card refuses to load glx. nividia-glx won't load.01:27
jlarssonbut boys and girls dont forget abount me, im famous in japan !01:27
sebsebsebBruceH:  ah yes the propritary Nivida graphics card driver01:28
sebsebsebyou may have to reinstall it01:28
BruceHI've tried everything on the forums except a reinstall01:28
BruceHI'm downloading the dvd now.01:28
sebsebsebDVD for what?01:28
BauldrickBruceH: ?01:28
jumpkickBruceH, I had some problems after upgrading...   I had a mismatch between nvidia kernel module and the X.org module.... rmmod nvidia; modprobe nvidia_new helps in my case01:28
sebsebsebyou should be able to get the driver from the Ubuntu network01:28
sebsebsebah Kubuntu01:29
BruceHYou would think that works. I've tried installing nvidia-glx, restricted drivers, the new EnvyNG thing, even downloaded the drivers from nvidia.com.01:30
feijogood night01:31
BruceHusing nvidia geforce 5200 fx. Hoping someone here has conquered this :)01:31
mrkeishiiI have a question01:32
=== feijo is now known as Feijo
mrkeishiiis Ubuntu better than Kubuntu?01:32
=== Feijo is now known as Feijo_BR
navetzcan anyone help me, i can't install phpmyadmin01:32
BruceHthanks jumpkick, I'll try that.01:32
Feijo_BRthats relative, a metter of taste01:32
Feijo_BRthe core is the same01:32
navetzwhen i try to install it it fails because it cant install php5-mcrypt01:32
BauldrickYES - but dont tell sebsebseb01:32
Feijo_BRnavetz: try xampp01:32
Feijo_BRremove all apache, php stuff and use xampp.org, they lamp rocks01:33
mrkeishiiis Ubuntu better than Kubuntu?01:33
Feijo_BRmrkeishii: yes and no01:33
Distro^Junkiethat question will open a can of worms01:33
mrkeishiiwell i got kubuntu01:33
mrkeishiiand all01:33
Feijo_BRmrkeishii: some like one, some othre01:33
mrkeishiibut I was wondering01:33
Feijo_BRI like kubuntu01:33
mrkeishiiI installed the video driver01:34
mrkeishiithen I installed xserver-xgl01:34
mrkeishiiwell I downloaded cssm01:34
Feijo_BRhome users prefer kubuntu01:34
Feijo_BRI installed compiz last night01:34
mrkeishiithen Y can't I use CSSM?01:34
navetzFeijo_BR: well I used all the stuff that came with ubuntu server edition01:34
navetzFeijo_BR: then I threw kde on there01:34
mrkeishiithen Y can't I use CSSM?01:35
mrkeishiior How do i make it work?01:35
mrkeishiihow do i make CSSM work on Kubuntu?01:35
Feijo_BRmrkeishii: did you used adept?01:35
mrkeishiidid i had to install through terminal?01:36
Feijo_BRnavetz: I'm using kubuntu installation version 8, removed all apache and php, and installed lampp. Working great01:36
Feijo_BRmrkeishii: no01:36
Feijo_BRmrkeishii: wait01:36
mrkeishiiso how do i make it work?01:36
Feijo_BRdid you installed compiz-settings-manager?01:37
mrkeishiior the next one below01:37
mrkeishiithere was two programs01:37
mrkeishiiwhen i typed in Compiz in search bar01:37
Feijo_BRon your kde blue button, go to config - advanced desktop settings01:37
Feijo_BRI have: compiz core, compiz-fusion-plugins-extra, compiz-fusion-plugins-main, compiz-kde, compiz-plugins, compiz-config-backend-kde, ...01:38
Feijo_BRdesktop-effects-kde, emerald01:38
mrkeishiido i download both programs in adept?01:38
Feijo_BRI dont have simple-ccsm01:39
Feijo_BRall those I mentioned its on my adept01:39
Feijo_BRwhen I search for compiz, those are green01:39
mrkeishiibut when i set it up01:39
Bauldricksomeone do me a favour - go on youtube and then issue top and tell me what npviewer.bin does01:39
mrkeishiii put in cube01:39
mrkeishiibut it does not work01:39
Feijo_BRwhat is your graphic board?01:39
mrkeishiido i have to input a code01:39
Feijo_BRno code01:39
Feijo_BRjust automatic01:40
Feijo_BRI have geforce too01:40
Feijo_BRtry ctrl+alt+left01:40
mrkeishiiI have Nvidia Gforce Go 760001:40
mrkeishiii download driver01:40
mrkeishiiand all01:40
Feijo_BRctrl+left+left mouse click draging01:41
mrkeishiiafter i install xserver01:41
mrkeishiithen emerald01:41
mrkeishiithen ccsm01:41
mrkeishiithen when i checked the boxes in the advance desktop settings01:41
Feijo_BRme too, but worked since first steps, then I started config more stuff, more animations01:41
mrkeishiiit does not work01:41
Feijo_BRmy screens burn when I close, heheh01:41
mrkeishiido i have to config. the initiate buttons?01:41
mrkeishiior is it already auto?01:42
Feijo_BRI didnt change, I guess is auto01:42
mrkeishiiI use a laptop01:42
Feijo_BRCCSM is the compiz manager? Mine is in portuguese01:42
mrkeishiimines in english01:42
Feijo_BRdid you enabled 3d window, cube guear, cube reflex?01:43
Feijo_BRI'm translating, so your screen may have something a bit different01:43
Feijo_BRwhell, here I just use ctrl+alt with mouse or arrows key and work01:43
Feijo_BRmiddle mouse button works to on the desktop01:43
mrkeishiii use laptop01:43
mrkeishiialthough i push the right and left buttons on padmouse and it works on Ubuntu01:44
Feijo_BRno cube at all you can activate?01:44
Feijo_BRyou have gnome and kde?01:44
Feijo_BRubuntu is gnome01:45
mrkeishiii know01:45
Feijo_BRyou mentioned ubuntu, so... hehe01:45
mrkeishiiI'm not noob in ubuntu01:45
mrkeishiimy bad01:45
mrkeishiiwell i gtg thanks for conversation and info.01:45
Feijo_BRhope you can fix it01:46
Feijo_BRI'm new to that too01:46
mrkeishiithanks agian01:46
Feijo_BRfirst week with kubuntu at home01:46
asobiwhat's apache2?01:47
asobilooking at processes01:47
Bauldrickkubuntu is great!!!!! any help just ask not me tyhough I'm piissed01:48
snikker when i insert a media in dvd writer, i've got this error in dmesg: http://pastebin.com/m1cc3d71c01:49
snikkercan you help me please...01:49
crash__Bauldrick: whatsa matta?01:50
Feijo_BRasobi, its a web server01:50
asobii have two instances01:50
asobiand each is taking up 200mb of memory01:51
asobithink i found solution01:51
Bauldrickcrash__: its what everythoings made of of01:51
Feijo_BRtoo much01:51
asobilooks like memory leak01:51
Feijo_BRdo you use it? I do for php01:51
asobii am not even sure why i have two instances01:51
Feijo_BRhow much days your system is up?01:51
Feijo_BR2 is normal01:51
Feijo_BRlets check here01:51
Feijo_BRyeah, 201:52
Feijo_BRtry disable, and if in few days all works, remove it01:52
asobii just did:01:52
Feijo_BRyou installed prefork?01:54
crash__Bauldrick: um.. what?01:54
Feijo_BRnice, I will try it01:54
asobiseems to work01:55
Feijo_BRbut if you dont need apache, why let it runing?01:55
asobihow much ram is your apache using01:55
asobigood point01:55
Roeyasobi:  wouldn't it be better put,  "how many rams is this Apache using?"01:55
asobiactually no roey01:56
crash__roey: no, because "memory" is valid as both a singular and a plural noun01:56
Bauldrickcrash__: the world is built with `matta`!!!!01:56
crash__Bauldrick: boooooo01:56
Roeyasobi, crash__:  I meant it as a wild west pun01:57
Feijo_BRVM size 10,28801:57
crash__booooooo again01:57
Roeyyou guys are waaay too nerdy sometimes ;)01:57
Roeyflew right over your heads ;)01:57
crash__my mind is enhanced with chemical additives right now.01:58
asobiwhat's your login for apache01:58
crash__I dont have time for bad jokes.01:58
crash__GOOD jokes maybe01:58
BauldrickRoey: you're right - sex me up bum, bandit01:58
Feijo_BRapache needs login??01:58
Feijo_BRmysql does01:58
asobiunder sysguard01:58
asobilogin column01:59
BluesKajchemically induced humour01:59
KhaoticMindtalking about chemical...01:59
KhaoticMindthe LSD father died today...01:59
Bauldrickim off - before - yep!!!!!!! BluesKaj01:59
Feijo_BRI use xampp distro, not that one from kubuntu01:59
serruchoHi everyone01:59
asobii have a really weird login01:59
serruchoI have a problem02:00
serruchocan somebody help me with this02:00
crash__medicated ointment will help02:00
serruchoE: Type '--17:52:12--' is not known on line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list02:01
serruchoE: The list of sources could not be read.02:01
serruchoGo to the repository dialog to correct the problem.02:01
serruchoE: _cache->open() failed, please report.02:01
serruchothat`s my problem02:01
ubottupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)02:01
serruchohow i can fix this issue02:01
crash__sounds like your sources.list is toasted.02:02
serruchoi was triend to install some codes02:02
crash__there is a command to fix that I think02:02
NickPrestaserrucho, you have a bad line in your sources.list. Can you post it to a pastebin please02:02
WalzmynI have achieved a state of near nirvana02:04
WalzmynI have windows running in a window - where it belongs02:04
BluesKajthe bad line can be commented with a #02:04
serruchoE: Type '--17:52:12--' is not known on line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.lis02:04
Feijo_BRhmmm, my cron isnt working02:04
BluesKajwindoes=nirvana ? ...that's an oxymoron :)02:04
serruchothat`s the problem02:04
NickPrestaserrucho, either comment out the line or paste the sources.list to a pastebin for us to see and fix02:05
crash__yeah, whe said but typed faster.02:05
Walzmynno, having windows trapped in a window where it can't fook up my system is nirvana02:05
BluesKajnirvana = no windows at all02:06
crash__console ftw02:06
DevourerFor some reason I can't boot up in the most recent kernel version... It'll go to the kubuntu logo and just keep sitting there acting like it's loading something... Then I tried the recovery mode and it gets stuck at something also.02:06
Walzmynbut now I needa ask - what's the proper / best / socially accepted method for getting an internet connection to a guest OS?02:06
WalzmynBluesKaj, yes, you're right, but the boss has winders only crap I have to deal with02:07
Feijo_BRwho use kcron?02:07
serrucho: Type '--17:52:12--' is not known on line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list02:07
serruchoE: The list of sources could not be read.02:07
serruchoGo to the repository dialog to correct the problem.02:07
serruchoE: _cache->open() failed, please report.02:07
BluesKajWalzmyn, i sympathize02:07
Feijo_BRedited .bashrc, thanks pal02:13
slothdoes hardy support ntfs external drives?02:13
psycois this just me?02:13
psycoor are people joining02:13
BluesKajnot done yet , only 200 joins02:13
psycoXD ok02:13
serruchook nick now what02:13
Alucard_Hellsingmy apt just randomly started working again02:13
Feijo_BRwhats going on02:13
NickPrestaserrucho, you have to paste the file to http://pastebin.ca so we can see it02:13
Alucard_Hellsingy are there no ops here02:13
DevourerSo is not having sound after you upgrade to 8.04 a common problem?02:13
serruchonow you see it02:14
BluesKajDevourer, clean cd install ?02:14
slothdoes hardy support ntfs external drives?02:14
DevourerBluesKaj, nope.02:14
DevourerBluesKaj, I upgraded from 7.10.02:14
navetzapt-get fixed itself for me to02:14
NickPrestaAlucard_Hellsing, they're in hiding. ;)02:15
Dr_willissloth,  yes. with ntfs and the ntfs-3g filesystem/tools02:15
BluesKajpaste the URL of the pastebin text here after submitting it , serrucho02:15
BluesKajDevourer, what sound card ?02:15
Alucard_Hellsing.. can any one tell me y my ktorents does not work."Could Not Connect to host"02:15
sloththank you Dr_willis02:15
DevourerBluesKaj, I forgot the command to see.02:16
serruchodo you see it02:16
Dr_willissounds like it cant resolove the hostname, or the host is refusing the client.02:16
Alucard_Hellsingbut it has done this for 3 weeks now02:17
BluesKajDevourer, lspci | grep audio02:17
nickv111Hello, all. I have an Eee PC 8G and I upgraded to Hardy yesterday. I'm having trouble getting audio to work properly. KMix only shows two options: iGain and PhoneOut02:17
NickPrestaserrucho, are lines 1-4 actually present in the sources.list file?02:17
nickv111And PhoneOut is the only one that controls my sound, and it doesn't work right because it jumps between all the way on and all the way off02:18
nickv111Though it worked fine in Gutsy.02:18
DevourerBluesKaj, does grep make an audio text file?02:18
crash__an audio text file?02:18
crash__wth is that02:18
Devourercrash__, a text file named "audio".02:19
BluesKajserrucho, look at the pastebin website and there will be a location url in blue at the top of the text that you pasted ,copy that and paste it here02:19
crash__I call shenanigans02:20
connorhelp with recordmydesktop02:20
DevourerShould I get the newest version of the Linux kernel?02:20
serrucho http://pastebin.ca/100351902:20
Dr_willisthe 'pastebinit' command is very very handy to have installed. :)02:20
connorwhat are some good image recording programs besides recordmydesktop?02:20
BluesKajDevourer, no it merely locates the name of the soundcard02:21
Alucard_Hellsingof course the bittorrent chan give no help02:21
DevourerBluesKaj, nothing happens when I type that into the terminal.02:21
Dr_willisAlucard_Hellsing,  try some other clients. see if they have similer issue, try other torrents, heck, try the kubuntu torrent.02:22
connorwhat are some good image recording programs besides recordmydesktop?02:22
BluesKajDevourer, then just type lspci and look for a line wit "audio controller" or some such in the l;ist02:22
serruchodid you see it nick?02:22
DevourerIntel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller02:23
NickPrestaserrucho, are lines 1-4 actually present in the sources.list file?02:23
nickv111serrucho: I'm sorry, I didn't realize your were talking to m02:23
nickv111Or you weren't.02:24
nickv111Wrong person; sorry.02:24
NickPrestanickv111, :)02:24
connorhey nickpresta02:24
connorcan you help me out?02:24
nickv111There are too many Nicks here.02:24
connorcan you help me out?02:24
ubottuFactoid compix not found02:24
BluesKajserrucho, delete the the first 4 lines in you r sources list , then uncomment (take out the # in fron of all the lines starting with  'deb  ' . Then save the file and do a sudo apt-get update in the terminal02:24
Dr_willis335? This is rather low..02:24
ubottuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion02:24
NickPrestaconnor, the channel can help you02:25
connorcompiz fusion is easy to install02:25
connori have it working02:25
connori love it02:25
serruchook let me tried02:25
SilentDisOh, i've got it working, the problem i have is that my inactive titlebars disappear, just needed the room info :)02:25
BluesKajDevourer, asoundconf set-default-card "Intel Corporation 82801"02:28
DevourerBluesKaj, what now?02:29
BluesKajDevourer, did you see above ?02:29
DevourerBluesKaj, yeah.02:29
DevourerBluesKaj, should sound work after I type that in?02:29
BluesKajmake sure alsamixer is working02:30
BluesKajand you might need a relogin02:30
DevourerBluesKaj, ok.02:30
DevourerBluesKaj, I still have no sound.02:32
BluesKajmake sure the ctrls in alsamixer are up to 71% or so and unmuted , no M in the box02:32
DevourerBluesKaj, now it works....02:33
DevourerBluesKaj, loool... I had the volume to low I guess....02:34
DevourerBluesKaj, thanks buddy, you get a big hug.02:34
=== connor is now known as asdf
=== asdf is now known as connor
BluesKajcool Devourer , hugs are unecessary  :)02:36
DevourerBluesKaj, now, can you tell me why when I try boot into the most recent kernel version I have it gets stuck in some loop?02:36
DevourerBluesKaj, it'll sit at the kubuntu logo with the progress bar and just keep going like it's doing something but nothing happens.02:37
DevourerBluesKaj, I tried doing recovery mode and I think it got stuck at something as well.02:37
BluesKajDevourer, which graphics card do you have ?02:37
DevourerBluesKaj, uhhh...02:37
connorhelp with recordmydesktop02:38
DevourerBluesKaj, Intel Corporation 82G33/G31 Express Integrated Graphics Controller.02:38
connorthe video didnt save to my desktop02:38
DevourerBluesKaj, this is the first time this has happened by the wya.02:38
DevourerBluesKaj, so far it was working fine... but now it messes up... So I went down a kernel version.02:38
BluesKajlspci again , Devourer ...look for somethig like video controller02:38
DevourerBluesKaj, Intel Corporation 82G33/G31 Express Integrated Graphics Controller02:39
BluesKajok Devourer have you ever done a dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ?02:40
DevourerBluesKaj, nope. Not even sure what that is.02:40
BluesKajopen a terminal , sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and just choose the defaults as you go thru the menus02:41
DevourerBluesKaj, alright.02:41
BluesKajDevourer, when you get to the video/graphics driver , let me know what choices you have , like vesa or ...02:42
naught101my partitioned usb hdd sometimes doesn't auto mount... where should I start looking for answers?02:43
BluesKajnaught101, look in system menu/storage media ..see if it's listed02:44
DevourerBluesKaj, I'm not sure I ever got there... :o02:44
Feijo_BRmy kcron isnt runing02:44
naught101BluesKaj: nope...02:44
yoyomacompliment for kubuntu devs:  smb share interaction is easy02:45
BluesKajnaught101, connect it before you boot02:45
yoyomai didn't think i was spoiled until trying to set up smb connections in xubuntu today02:45
naught101BluesKaj: I can't, because one of the partitions has a bootable linux system on it :/02:46
BluesKajDevourer, try a reboot , if you finished goinf thru the menus02:46
DevourerBlue, ok.02:46
naught101mounted this time...02:46
naught101is there any way to get the storage media applet to open /media/disk instead of media:/sd3 or what ever?02:48
* LEDOhm  Listens to:  [ MINI-ma-L-drid ] >>>> <<<< [Minimal-Techno & Tech-House Radio] - stream - mp3 - 128kbps - stereo02:50
Agent_bobmighty quiet around here!02:52
BluesKajtaking a break02:52
connorwheres the compiz fusion channel?02:53
ubottuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion02:53
Agent_bobyeah  #compiz-fusion02:53
Feijo_BRits time for a great MMPRPG http://delta.astroempires.com/?ref=D.6058902:54
Red_Tearhi people02:54
Red_Teari send you greetings from germany :D02:54
Feijo_BRjoin D52 galaxy02:54
Agent_bobmmp ?02:55
* LEDOhm  Listens to:  [ MINI-ma-L-drid ] >>>> <<<< [Minimal-Techno & Tech-House Radio] - stream - mp3 - 128kbps - stereo02:56
Feijo_BRmassive multi player02:56
Feijo_BRspace strategy, I'm loving it02:57
Red_TearWe in germany have "Walpurgisnacht" right now :D02:58
Agent_bobwell i want a remote corner, far enough away that it will take houndteds of generations for anyone to reach me.02:58
Red_TearHey bob that sounds great02:58
Feijo_BRlol, so join D6402:58
Feijo_BReven corners has already strong players02:58
Feijo_BRbe near my guild, we can help02:58
Agent_bobno. i mean "real" generations.02:59
Agent_boblike realtime02:59
Red_Tearhey im real... in a way... but at all what is real???02:59
Red_Teari dont know... all what i know is what my brain tells me what is real but how can i trust my brain?03:00
Agent_bobRed_Tear just turn the computer off. and walk outside.  you'll see what is real.03:00
BluesKajwe have a botscript running anouncing songs on a web streamer ... wonder if we should ask an op to ban it03:00
Red_TearWell bob but how do i know then that this is real?03:01
hexidigitalreal?  like when i switch to ##c++ ?03:01
=== Agent_bob is now known as _2
Red_Teari just now what i see, hear, feel and so on... but thats all just what my brain tells me03:01
_2hexidigital yes.03:01
tekteenFeijo_BR: how do you join D64? Where can I down it?03:01
asobihow do i switch from onboard sound to sound card?03:02
hexidigitalRed_Tear:  there's a perfectly good explaination to it all. You know it is real because your brain tells you it is real.  Your brain tells you it is real because it is part of the problem.  Ask your brain.03:02
Feijo_BRtekteen: its online, no download needed03:02
tekteenFeijo_BR: what site?03:02
hexidigitalasobi:  kmix ?03:02
Feijo_BRmy bases are in D52, but my guild has ppl on D64 too03:02
asobididn't work03:02
Feijo_BRC31:76:56:30115 / 1151 / 203:02
Feijo_BRtekteen:  http://delta.astroempires.com/?ref=D.6058903:03
hexidigitalasobi:  interesting.  Is your sound card listed in dmesg?03:03
asobier dmesg?03:03
tekteenFeijo_BR: thanks03:03
_2asobi command03:03
asobiit's listed in kmix03:03
Feijo_BRmy pleasure03:04
Feijo_BRcome have fun03:04
_2asobi dmesg is a command.   getches kernel messages for you.03:04
asobii am pretty sure it is03:04
asobihere's the thing03:04
asobiif i reboot now03:04
asobiit will work03:04
asobii reboot again03:04
asobiit won't03:04
asobiand so on03:04
* LEDOhm  Listens to:  [ MINI-ma-L-drid ] >>>> <<<< [Minimal-Techno & Tech-House Radio] - stream - mp3 - 128kbps - stereo03:05
_2this is not M$ we don't reboot to fix things.03:05
asobithis is why i am asking03:05
hexidigitalwait... we can reboot?03:06
BluesKaj!ops > LEDOhm03:06
* LEDOhm  Listens to:  [ MINI-ma-L-drid ] >>>> <<<< [Minimal-Techno & Tech-House Radio] - stream - mp3 - 128kbps - stereo03:06
* LEDOhm  Listens to:  [ MINI-ma-L-drid ] >>>> <<<< [Minimal-Techno & Tech-House Radio] - stream - mp3 - 128kbps - stereo03:07
_2asobi drop to a console ( alt+ctrl+f2   use  alt+f7 to return to GUI )  and check   sudo alsamixer   settings.03:07
hexidigitalmneptok:  i'd love to say it was a bot, but he did that in 2 other channels03:07
hexidigitaltoo random to be a bot03:08
asobiit's showing onboard sound03:08
_2asobi ummm let me see if i can find the howto for this...03:08
asobihow do i tell it to change card03:09
asobibetter yet, is there some startup config file to edit?03:09
Itaku-AAon 8.04 how do i get the game alien arena?03:09
asobiwhere do i find asoundconf03:10
geniiasobi: If you run asoundconf in Konsole it will give you the syntax of how to select a default sound card03:10
asobiand what do i edit03:10
geniiasobi: No editing involved03:10
cahuez_apt-cache search asoundconf maybe..03:10
geniicahuez_: No. It's installed by default03:10
asobiit gives me syntax03:11
asobibut what parameters do i enter03:11
dthackerItaku-AA: use adept to search for the package and install it from there.03:11
_2asobi ok you may also want to "blacklist" your on-board sound chip03:12
asobiok. how?03:12
geniiasobi: eg: To list your cards:   asoundconf list03:12
asobihmm let me try genii's way first03:12
geniiasobie: eg: to pick default: asoundconf set-default-card <one of the names it just gave you>03:13
_2asobi by   sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist   add the driver name to the list03:13
asobido i need to reboot to take effect?03:13
o0Chris0owhat are some cool themes anyone think is cool here?03:13
asobithen it failed03:14
o0Chris0osorry going to offtopic :-p03:14
geniiasobi: Not usually. Just restart the sound server from system Settings03:14
_2you need to restart alsa03:14
asobihow do i restart alsa03:14
BluesKajsudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart03:14
=== Itaku-AA is now known as Itaku-Sleep
geniiasobi: eg: Kmenu...System Settings...Sound System ... unclick Enable Sound System ... click Apply . then click off Enable Sound System. Click Apply03:15
Ketrelnosrednaekim: it started working again I did nothing dfferent03:17
asobiit goes to 100%03:17
asobithen restarts ~_~03:17
nosrednaekimKetrel: thats the weirdest thing :)03:18
nosrednaekimasobi: run what BluesKaj said first then...03:18
asobitried that too03:18
asobistill no sound :/03:18
Ketrelnosrednaekim: it most definitely is. The only solution seems to be time. (and it never happened in Fiesty)03:18
Ketreler Gutsy03:18
* _2 recalls blacklisting a driver and running: while lsmod | grep snd ;do for Q in `lsmod | grep snd ` ;do sudo modprobe -r $Q ;done ;done ;sudo /etc/init.d/module-init-tools start03:19
geniiasobi: Thats fine. It will still take. Just hit cancel button on the little popup after it goes to 100% first time03:20
_2of course you could redirrect stderr to null and clean up the error messages there.03:20
BluesKajasobi, maybe it's as simple as setting the ctrls in alsamixer03:20
asobistill no sound03:20
geniiasobi: Do you have some intel HDA soundcard? They need special attention03:20
asobisound blaster live03:21
asobiand some onboard crap ~_~03:21
ubottuFactoid sblive not found03:21
ubottuFactoid hda not found03:21
ubottuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.03:21
geniiasobi: OK, not it then. Make sure in Kmix that any PCM inputs are not muted03:21
_2!opsnack | o0Chris0o03:21
ubottuo0Chris0o: Chocolate!  And Peanuts!03:21
genii!intelhda > _203:22
asobiit's not03:22
BluesKajasobi, lspci | grep audio , check the audio controllers listed there03:22
asobiboth show up03:23
ubottuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion03:23
geniiasobi: in Konsole: asoundconf is-active <name of card you set to default>03:23
asobistill no :/03:23
BluesKajasobi, then you'll have to choose one as the deafault , asoundconf set-default-card "name of soundcard"03:23
_2genii he needs to be doing that as root    no?03:23
asobilet me do default again03:24
asobiunder root03:24
genii_2: Not if he's a member of the audio group which he should be by default03:24
asobistill failed03:25
BluesKajasobi, you may have to relogin03:25
_2i still say blacklist the onboard and reset.03:25
geniiasobi: You going to be using the onboard at all? If not, disable it in bios03:25
genii(fast and dirty way)03:26
asobihow do i get to bios?03:26
asobimy keyboard doesn't respond during boot03:26
_2wiff da hot key03:26
BluesKaj_2 . that's prolly not a bad idea, ...in windows you have to choose one a delete the other in hardware peripherals ...dunno if that works in linux tho03:26
asobiit's not detected yet i think03:26
geniiasobi: The thing when you power on tha says usually something like: Hit DEL for Setup               sometimes it says F2 or other things. but that key03:27
asobimy keyboard doesn't respond during boot03:27
asobiit's not detected yet i think03:27
asobicould be wrong03:27
_2BluesKaj you add the module name to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist in linux03:27
asobisuppose it is03:27
geniiasobi: Plug some crappy regular ps2 keyboard in to get in, then put your other back on after03:27
asobiwhere in bios am i looking03:28
asobii guess it should be obvious03:28
geniiasobi: Someplace usually like PEripherals  or so03:28
=== santiago is now known as Santi-
_2intergrated priphreals03:29
geniiSorry not peripherals, onboard/builtin whatever section (lan,sound,video settings in there somewhere normally on those embedded boards)03:29
BluesKajasobi, hardware peripherals03:29
_2intergrated <   in some bioii03:29
Santi-i have a very strange problem03:29
asobibut why didn't any of the above work03:29
geniiDifferent bios may call them differentthigs but poking around shuuld find them03:29
Santi-any hardware expert?03:29
geniiSanti-: Better to state the issue then see if someone can help03:30
* BluesKaj backs off ... lotta cooks in the kitchen 03:30
_2Santi- just ask.   if anyone knows they'll answer03:30
geniiBluesKaj: :)03:30
Santi-I only have sound using KDE apps03:30
Santi-but don have03:30
Santi-if i try tu use anything beyond Amarok or Kaffeine03:31
o0Chris0ohow do I install NVIDIA-Linux-x86-169.12-pkg1.run03:31
geniiSanti-: You only have sound with KDE apps but you don't have KDE?03:31
_2set them to use alsa/arts/whatever kde uses now days03:31
Santi-i used to have Gnome03:31
Santi-but i installed Kubunty03:31
Santi-sorry Kubuntu03:31
_2and the other apps are looking for esound rather than arts03:31
Santi-but sound still not working :(03:32
_2that's actually not a hardware question.    it's a DE/+app settings question03:33
Santi-can u solv it?? :)03:33
geniio0Chris0o: http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_ia32_169.12.html03:34
_2but in most applications menus there is a "configure blah"  where you can tell the app to use alsa/arts output for it's sound.03:34
Red_Tearhi people03:34
_2Red_Tear again03:34
geniiasobi: So many different things can be the issue it's sometimes difficult to narrow down immediately why "above didn't work, why?" etc03:34
Santi-yes i know03:34
geniibah he left03:34
Santi-but when i strat de OS it shoul do a "loggin" sound03:35
Santi-but it does not do it03:35
Santi-or any other sound03:35
Red_TearIm heiner... one of many personalitiys in this body^^03:35
geniiSanti-: Are you seeing the speaker icon at all?03:36
=== hydrogen is now known as Idrogeno
_2Santi- and sound works for kde apps ?03:37
Santi-only with Amarok and Kaffeine03:37
genii_2: I think you're right about esound but I'm not sure how to solve that one03:37
mneptokSanti-: adjust the login window settings03:38
_2start esound daemon   esd03:38
_2sudo /etc/init.d/esd start   ???03:38
_2no it's xinit03:38
_2i guess.03:38
Santi-santiago@Clota:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/esd star03:39
Santi-[sudo] password for santiago:03:39
Santi-Sorry, try again.03:39
Santi-[sudo] password for santiago:03:39
Santi-sudo: /etc/init.d/esd: command not found03:39
BluesKajsacktime for me03:39
Santi-santiago@Clota:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/esd star03:40
Santi-[sudo] password for santiago:03:40
Santi-Sorry, try again.03:40
Santi-[sudo] password for santiago:03:40
Santi-sudo: /etc/init.d/esd: command not found03:40
Santi-i have a M2N-E sli motherboard03:41
_2yes. i corrected my self.  ""<_2> no it's xinit   <_2> i guess.""   meaning that there is no init script for it03:42
o0Chris0othere is a new nVidia driver out,, its a 173.08 beta, I am wondering if that could help fix some issues I am having with compiz :)03:42
naknomikWhat is the difference between kubuntu-kde4-desktop package functional?03:42
dwidmanno0Chris0o: I'm sure it could, and I'm sure it comes with brand new problems for you also03:42
Santi-so? what should i do?03:42
dwidmannnaknomik: difference between it and what?03:42
o0Chris0oprobably so03:43
o0Chris0obut going to install it :)03:43
naknomikand kubuntu-desktop03:43
serruchohi im back03:43
bibekhow do i set the color of taxkbar application name TEXT?03:43
naknomikdwidmann: I guess one is 3.5 and other is 4.03:43
dwidmannnaknomik: kubuntu-desktop uses kde3 and kubuntu-kde4-desktop uses kde403:43
serruchoi can`t fix this thing03:43
bibekim on kde303:43
_2you have "/usr/bin/esd" ?03:43
naknomikdwidmann: Is KDE 4 functional or still some pieces missing?03:43
_2@ Santi- ^03:43
ubottu_2: Error: "Santi-" is not a valid command.03:43
dwidmannnaknomik: missing piecs03:44
_2ubottu go ignore yourself03:44
ubottu_2: Error: "go" is not a valid command.03:44
naknomikdwidmann: is there a document/page comparing KDE3 and KDE4 in Kubuntu 8.04?03:44
serruchoE: Type ‘--19:32:31--’ is not known on line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list03:44
serruchoE: The list of sources could not be read.03:44
serruchoGo to the repository dialogue to correct the problem.03:44
serruchoE: _cache->open() failed, please report.03:44
serruchocan somebody tell me how to fix it03:44
dwidmannnaknomik: probably not, seeing as it's not really intended for use by regular users until KDE 4.1 ... which is when those missing pieces should be present again03:45
_2fix your sources.list file serrucho03:45
dwidmannnaknomik: for the moment I recommend trying both, then mixing the two together.03:45
naknomikdwidmann: Is mixing them possible?03:45
naknomikI didn't know that.03:45
serruchocan you tell how03:45
Santi-wait a second03:45
dwidmannnaknomik: sure, I'm using KDE3 with a bunch of KDE4 apps .... opposite is also possible03:45
Santi-santiago@Clota:~$ cd /usr/bin/esd03:46
Santi-bash: cd: /usr/bin/esd: No existe el fichero ó directorio03:46
naknomikCurrently I'm using GNOME but want to try KDE03:46
dwidmannnaknomik: in fact, I would be doing the other way around except KDE4.0.3 doesn't quite have multi-head nailed ....03:46
_2Santi- heh  that's right.  it's not a dirrectory. it's a file.03:46
Santi-LOL :D03:46
naknomikdwidmann: I only have one monitor, so no issues here.03:47
dwidmannnaknomik: I recommend installing kubuntu-desktop and kubuntu-kde4-desktop and seeing what you like, write down the parts you like about each and make your own perfect desktop :)03:47
_2i have to run for a few.03:47
=== MrJoey is now known as joeyadams
dwidmannnaknomik: (keeping in mind you can also mix the window managers, panels, desktops, etc, everything down to the nit and grit, linux is great for that :) )03:47
naknomikI like gnome but hate the default music manager (Rhythmbox)03:49
dwidmannamarok > rythmbox03:50
naknomikdwidmann: amarok >>> rhythmbox, no doubt about it03:50
dwidmannnaknomik: when I mentioned kde4 had missing pieces, that's one of the pieces that's missing.03:51
naknomikdwidmann: that's bad.03:51
dwidmannSanti-: why do you need esd?03:51
Santi-i dont know03:52
dwidmannSanti-: assuming you're using kde (seeing as you're in #kubuntu) ... makes me wonder03:52
Santi-_2 told me that i should look for it03:52
dwidmannSanti-: ah, yes, _2 is right ... it is a file not a directory. Try this::   ------    /usr/bin/esd   -----03:53
mneptokSanti-: what are you trying to do?03:54
Santi-if i run this03:54
Santi-aplay -Ddefault:1 /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Left.wav03:54
Santi-sound works03:55
Santi-however i do not hear OS sounds03:55
Santi-such us loggin music03:55
mneptokSanti-: login music is controlled by the KDM and your session variables.03:55
mneptokSanti-: is the KDM greeter set up to play a sound? is KDE configured to play a sound at each user login? does your profile override this default?03:56
naknomikI am trying to run Amarok under Gnome and I get 'DCOP communication error' dialogbox asking me to 'Please chekc that the "decopserver" program is running' What do I need to do here?03:56
Santi-i dont know :$03:57
dwidmannnaknomik: try running "dcopserver" in a shell and see what it does03:57
mneptokSanti-: wel, i'd find out before installling deprecated sound architectures03:58
thumperhow do I lock an application (firefox) to a particular desktop?03:58
thumpersince the hardy upgrade it always jumps to a different desktop03:58
naknomikWhen I click OK on that dialog box, I get another 'Error-Amarok' dialogbox saying: Amarok could not find any sound-engine plugins. Amarock is now updating the KDEconfiguration database. ......'03:58
mneptokthumper: use only one desktop :P03:58
thumpermneptok: ;-p03:58
mneptokthumper: 3.5 or 4?03:58
Santi-mneptok: i dont have sound in firefox for example :d03:58
mneptokthumper: i'll check on the GF's machine in an hour or so when i get home03:59
thumpermneptok: ok03:59
naknomikdwidmann: I run 'dcopserver' in an xterm and I see NOTHING. I get the prompt back.03:59
mneptokthumper: you awake for the next 2h or so?03:59
thumpermneptok: yeah04:00
thumpermneptok: it is only 3pm04:00
mneptokthumper: remind me on the interal server04:00
dwidmannnaknomik: after doing that will amarok run?04:00
naknomikdwidmann: Now I get another error. 'Amarok could not find any sound-engine plugins. Amarok is now updating the KDE configuration database. Please wait a couple of minutes, then restart Amarok.'04:00
dwidmannnaknomik: is the amarok-xine package installed?04:01
naknomikHow do I find that out?04:01
dwidmannnaknomik: dpkg --list amarok-xine04:02
naknomikdwidmann: ii04:02
dwidmannhmm, yup, it is04:02
lascari just upgraded to hardy and, just like in Gutsy, wifi was shot for my atheros card out of the book.  I recompiled from source, load the module, and get wifi again, but the settings don't get saved.  In fact, the system hangs whenever I try to hibernate or go on standby, and the ath_pci module is to blame.  So, I have to manually load the module after each boot, and my system is no longer capable of hibernation or suspension.  Can I be04:02
dwidmannnaknomik: if you go to settings-> configure amarok -> ... do you see the xine engine listed?04:03
naknomikdwidmann: I don't have KDE desktop installed, so how do I get to 'settings -> configure amarok?04:04
dwidmannnaknomik: I mean in amarok, assuming it runs04:04
naknomikdwidmann: Now, when I can't start amarok, how do get to configure amarok?04:04
naknomikdwidmann: When I press OK on the above mentioned dialog, Amarok splash screen vanishes.04:05
dwidmann:s ah, that rules that out then04:05
dwidmannnaknomik: maybe someone in #amarok would know04:05
=== uga_ is now known as uga
bibekhow do i enable desktop effects in kubuntu? im on kde304:10
bibekhardy has default desktop effects settings somewhere ?04:10
naknomikIs Kubuntu Desktop available with the compiz goodness like Gnome in 8.04?04:12
dwidmannnaknomik: it'll take some work I think04:12
ubottuFactoid ath_pci not found04:13
ubottuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion04:13
=== uga is now known as uga|away
dwidmannthere we go04:13
lascari just upgraded to hardy and, just like in Gutsy, wifi was shot for my atheros card out of the book.  I recompiled from source, load the module, and get wifi again, but the settings don't get saved.  In fact, the system hangs whenever I try to hibernate or go on standby, and the ath_pci module is to blame.  So, I have to manually load the module after each boot, and my system is no longer capable of hibernation or suspension.  Can I04:13
mneptokpaste shorter text snippets? sure.04:14
naknomikI'm using GDM and I want to start two sessions, one KDE and one Gnome (KDE is installed). How do I achieve that?04:17
kumahi, anybody knows witch is the ubuntu spanish channel04:17
ubottuAquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.04:17
naknomikIf I use 'Switch User', and get back to GDM (with one session already started in Gnome), and login with option to start KDE session, it simply takes me back to my gnome session.04:18
kumathanks genni :)04:18
geniikuma: You're welcome :)04:18
mneptokgenii: es "de nada" ;)04:20
geniinaknomik: Since gdm is running in ony one console I'm not sure that way is possible. But if you ctrl-alt-F5 and login then you can issue some command like: startx -:1 & startkde  while Gnome is running in console 604:20
geniimneptok: :)04:20
neonhow can i get make the icon for a external sata hd show on desktop when plugin , i have it configure to get mounted automatically when i plug it, and when on the control center/desktop/behavior and checked to show mounted hd but it does not show any suggestions, thx04:21
dwidmannnaknomik: try using kdm instead?04:23
dwidmannnaknomik: I've never had any issues with multiple sessions with kdm04:23
geniidwidmann: They want 1 X with Gnome and 1 X with KDE at same time04:24
naknomikHow do I change from gdm to kdm?04:24
dwidmannnaknomik: to try it out run "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop && sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start04:24
dwidmanngenii: : i know04:24
naknomikand to change it forever?04:24
dwidmannnaknomik: and if you decide you want it to be permanent run sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm and it should give you a choice04:25
geniinaknomik: Make sure kdm is installed first. Then: sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm                  choose kdm as the login manager04:25
naknomikOK. Off I go!04:25
dsmith_hello I have an error thats showing up, kstartupconfig. I moved my /home to its own sep. partition /dev/sda/04:28
neonhow can i get make the icon for a external sata hd show on desktop when plugin , i have it configure to get mounted automatically when i plug it, and when on the control center/desktop/behavior and checked to show mounted hd but it does not show any suggestions, thx04:29
dsmith_and I edited my fstab04:29
dsmith_but its still not working04:29
spykedtomatohi everyone - I recently upgraded to hardy, and since doing so video playback (divx files among others) is choppy at full screen - any ideas what that's all about? I've never had problems before this upgrade04:29
dsmith_neon, is it formattted? Do you have an entry for the /dev in fstab?04:29
neonit is formated and yes there is an entry on fstab, it gets recognized and mounted as soon as i plug it in, the problem is that it does not show the icon in my desktop so i have to click a few times to get to it04:31
dsmith_under /media or /mnt? something like that?04:31
=== donald_ is now known as KWGoD
geniineon: Also, did you move the contents of the old /home there somehow? If so how? cp -someswitches? usermod -d /newhomedir username? Did permissions get preserved? etc04:31
dsmith_genii: that was me04:32
KWGoDhow do i change the audio in konsole?04:32
dsmith_genii: I did migrate all my data, but left /home04:32
KWGoDhow do i change the audio in konsole?04:32
geniidsmith_: There are many "gotchyas" in this situation04:32
dsmith_what I did was after my data was working from /dev/sda4 i mv /home to /home_old04:33
Red_Tearmany what?04:33
dsmith_and mkdir /home04:33
dsmith_then made edits in /etc/fstab04:33
geniidsmith_: Some ppl forget the base dir /home still requires to exist for instance :)04:34
KWGoDhow do i change the audio in konsole?04:34
dsmith_so I should not have moved /home?04:35
Red_Tearyou know, /home is powerful^^04:35
geniidsmith_: Well, so long as you remake it it's fine04:35
dsmith_my data is still there04:35
dsmith_did I say that I did remake the /home dir, its show wehn cd /04:36
geniidsmith_: But a better inital approach would be more like something: sudo cp -a /home /somewhere       then they both still exist04:36
dsmith_sooo... perhaps sudo cp -a /media/sda4 /home will reverse the breakage?04:37
geniidsmith_: Where /somewhere is the new partition it will be in. Then too the original /home is there in emergency in case that new partition fails at some point04:37
KWGoDhow do i change the audio in konsole?04:37
Red_Tearwhat exactly do you mean KWGoD ?04:37
intelikeymy data transfer seems slow.  1.90 MB/s   someone tell me that's not normal ?04:38
geniidsmith_: /media/sda4 is where your working /home is right now?04:38
dsmith_genii, gotcha kinda like a cheap raid 104:38
flaccidintelikey: normal fr?04:38
intelikeyflaccid hda > hdb04:39
KWGoDi need to screw with the audio in konsole cuz my audios not workin right n someone told me earlier how to fix it it was like a one word thing that started with a and ended in mixer or somethin04:39
dsmith_intelikey: thats not normal, normal is 10-20MB/s04:39
flaccidyeah can be normal. what disks are they?04:39
dsmith_well it depends though04:39
flaccidcan be normal if its notebook 4200rpm..04:39
intelikeyi'll have to look04:39
flaccidon same bus04:39
dsmith_many variables04:39
flaccidyeah heeeeaps of vars04:39
will00does anyone have a reccomendation for a graphics setup for a touchscreen point of sale system?04:40
geniidsmith_: Since in this cae it's mounted as /home you have to put it somewhere temp, then something tricky like: sudo umount /home && cp -a /thattempplace /home04:40
dsmith_wacom board? lol04:40
genii*sudo cp -a blahblah           that is04:40
flaccidwill00: check out wacom otherwise i guess anything will do if its supported04:41
intelikeyproduct: WDC WD800BB-00CAA1 > product: WDC WD200AA04:41
dsmith_7200 rpm?04:41
o0Chris0oI dunno04:41
o0Chris0oI kinda wanna run gentoo now04:41
intelikeynot listed04:41
dsmith_how old?04:41
intelikeyprobably 540004:41
dsmith_those seem old04:42
intelikeyumm not too old.  80g04:42
KWGoDtear did ya get that?04:42
flaccidif its not normal on your system then it might be hard to work out why04:42
will00flaccid, well im looking for more linux friendly gpus04:42
intelikeybeing on the same cable slows it down ?04:42
dsmith_I trpically get 10-20 over smb and nfs04:43
dsmith_sometimes higerh then that04:43
dsmith_copy to disc to disc on same machine should be quick04:43
flaccidwill00: nvidia generally04:44
dsmith_intelikey: must be running Vista04:44
nbf7777help with amarok.04:44
o0Chris0oI do I stop X in kubuntu?04:44
o0Chris0osudo /sbin/init 2?04:45
nbf7777it sais cannot play cool streams. error media not found/.04:45
flaccido0Chris0o: sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop ?04:45
flaccidnbf7777: try #amarok04:45
intelikeydsmith_ bite your tongue04:45
geniio0Chris0o: The init levels 2,3,4 and 5 in ubuntu are the same04:45
intelikeythem's figntin' words04:46
dsmith_intelikey: only reason Isaid that was I copying 160MB across vista to my NAS for someone, it took 5 mins!04:47
intelikeyheh  yeah.04:48
dsmith_where as it takes ~30 sec's for any of my other machines04:48
intelikeyonly 10x04:48
intelikeyit may be ext2 to ext2   but that shouldn't slow it down much over ext304:49
o0Chris0odidn't work :(04:50
KWGoDhow do i change the audio in konsole?04:50
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto04:51
intelikeyummm hda ext3 > hdb ext204:51
intelikeyit must be because it's the same cable04:51
intelikeyi've never noticed that kind of "slowness" before04:52
flaccidintelikey: maybe you are usuing an ata33 cable and not 13304:52
intelikeyerr umm prolly04:52
intelikeyi'm not pulling the box apart to see tho04:53
flaccidhaha :p04:53
intelikeymay be mfm cable for all i know04:54
genii<coughcough> MFM has two cables04:54
o0Chris0ohow do I stop x or restart it so I can use the console? and not the GUI?04:54
intelikeywhat they used on the first hdd's   was about 16 pin04:55
intelikey15 maybe04:55
flaccido0Chris0o: you can use the console with a tty eg. ctrl+alt+f2. no need to stop X/kdm, but if you want to [13:45] <flaccid> o0Chris0o: sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop04:55
intelikeygenii has seen them too   :)04:55
geniiintelikey: 2 cables, one is same as FD cable width, the second is about that 1604:55
flaccidum what sort of disks are these04:56
intelikeygenii no it's smaller than fdd04:56
flaccidsata are quite small :p04:56
intelikeygenii the fdd cable is about the size of both mfm cables togather04:56
KWGoDhow do i change the audio in konsole?04:56
KWGoDand my Ark program doesnt work04:56
flaccidKWGoD: change audio how?04:57
flaccidKWGoD: alsamixer ?04:57
geniiintelikey: Yeah probably :) Been so long i forget04:58
* intelikey turns around to see if the 5" mfm hdd is still lying in the floar behind him...04:58
o0Chris0othat didn't work ;(04:58
o0Chris0oI I couldn't type after tty started04:59
intelikeynope got rid of it last week.04:59
KWGoDThe utility unrar-free is not in your PATH.04:59
KWGoDPlease install it or contact your system administrator.04:59
KWGoDsomeone help me fix that?04:59
geniiintelikey: I think there were two types even of MFM, 20 and 34 as well04:59
intelikeyKWGoD install it04:59
intelikeygenii i couldn't argue that.05:00
KWGoDwhere at?05:00
intelikeypackage manager05:00
intelikey!apt | KWGoD05:01
ubottuKWGoD: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)05:01
flaccido0Chris0o:  ?05:01
o0Chris0oit didnt' work05:01
o0Chris0oI want to shut down x and be able to type in console05:02
o0Chris0obut I am unable to do it05:02
flaccido0Chris0o: specifically why can you not?05:02
intelikeyhow would you setup a file system where /usr was on nfs shared and /usr/local was on the local machine ?05:03
sparr__the nfs /usr would need to have an empty local folder, and be mounted first05:04
intelikeyyou can mount a local on an nfs ?05:04
flaccidyou could symlink on the remote fs i guess /usr/local  -> /mnt/sdb1 for example05:05
flaccidi think you can05:05
flaccidi mean a symlink is just a pointer05:05
sparr__symlink is VERY bad for that05:05
flaccidsparr__: what to do then05:05
sparr__use mount05:05
flaccidi guess if its mounted after the first 1 it should be ok?05:06
intelikeyi'm trying to understand the "file system hierarchy" page   it says that /usr/local is for local use only and many system have /usr on nfs for whole networks to use...    just trying to see the logic in that...05:07
Idrogenoyou could use a relative symlink I guess05:07
Idrogenoto get around the mount order05:07
flaccidtry google?05:07
intelikeywops that page is patched.  no /usr/local on it.05:10
Ketrelhow can I stop X from starting automatically?05:10
intelikeymy cached copy wasn't patched05:10
intelikeyKetrel remove the symlink in /etc/rc2.d/S???dm05:10
intelikeynot sure that's "upstart"'s way of doing it.05:11
Ketrelintelikey: if I want it back, I'd remake that symlink?05:11
dsmith_I'm stuck grrrr... my home directory is /mnt/home, the partition is /dev/sda4, fstab says /dev/sda4 /mnt/home ext3 defaults 0 2 Why isn't this working05:11
intelikeyKetrel yes05:12
intelikeyKetrel there is a script for that    update-rc.d05:12
Ketrelintelikey: if I understand right, unlinking it will stop X from starting and running update-rc.d will put it back?05:13
intelikeyKetrel update-rc.d is a script that helps you remove/add symlinks in the rc#.d dirrectories05:14
intelikeyyou can do it by hand.     rm /etc/rc2.d/S<tab>42gdm    <<< the tab completion...      and  ln -s /etc/init.d/gdm /etc/rc2.d/S42gdm05:15
geniidsmith_: If you're using /mnt as root dir for /home then you need to tell system /home/myname is now /mnt/home/myname       eg:  sudo usermod -d /mnt/home/myname myname05:16
Ketrelintelikey I use KDE, so I'd substitute kdm?05:16
intelikeyKetrel yes.  but i don't support kdm05:16
intelikeyit's a personal thang05:17
Ketrel(I'm asking because I'm hit by the bug where I can't get to a terminal once X has started)05:17
intelikeydisabling fbcon would probably be a better solution   (note fbcon is used for the boot splash)05:18
dsmith_seawolf, old redhat kernel name05:18
dsmith_omg genii05:19
Ketrelhow would that work? wouldn't kdm start anyway afterwards?05:19
dsmith_I owe you big time05:19
dsmith_genii: thanks a million05:19
dsmith_its loading now finally05:19
geniidsmith_: :) You can make all new home dirs be created there from now on as well if you like05:20
neo__why kde405:20
neo__why isn't kde4's login manager work?05:20
dsmith_genii it was the sudo usermod command that was holding me back05:21
dsmith_I forgot about that one and have it stuffed in one of my books somewhere05:21
intelikeyartical says http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d4e8fdaea05:21
* intelikey jsut edits /etc/passwd for that... 05:22
intelikeyand yes i know you can break things there.   you can just as easily break things using usermod05:23
* dsmith_ must now help at least 5-1 10 ppl to give back to the spirit of Linux05:25
dsmith_I did help one gal out in utah switch from vista to ubuntu.. even got her going to the Utah LUG05:26
fildo/j #fildo.org05:27
geniidsmith_: For all new users to be in /mnt/home edit /etc/adduser.conf to change /home to /mnt/home  in there05:27
geniidsmith_: (as a sidenote to previous conversation)05:27
dsmith_lol intelikey05:31
mneptokintelikey: and you can get hurt stubbing your toe, and you can get hurt by a moving bus. i'll take the toe.05:33
intelikeymneptok you take your toe i'll take the bus and lets see who gets there first  :)05:33
geniiYou'll take his toe??05:33
geniinvm mis-read05:34
intelikeydsmith_ i think that virus is open sourced :)05:34
Myrth[home]hi, does anyone else need to restart networkmanager at least once a day because it takes up to 25% of 1GB RAM?05:36
T3after i did the kubuntu upgrade (up to 8.04) today, i'm facing 'frozen screen' when i close my notebook05:36
dsmith_genii: should I just leave /home as is?05:36
T3anybody heard about something like that?05:36
intelikeydsmith_ what are you doing with the new addressing of home/ ?05:36
geniidsmith_: In case the mount ever fails for /mnt/home you'll have a fallback. So yes05:36
intelikeymounting someihing to live in ?05:37
T3it does not fail when i lock the screen05:37
dsmith_eh? I just created apartition and moved my home dir to it thatsall05:37
T3but only when i 'close' the laptop and open again05:37
crazy_bushow do I tell firefox-2, to open when I type firefox.  As I think that's causing some problems in a OOo extension05:37
dsmith_genii: whats the best way for file redundancy then if one partiton were to fail?05:37
T3it stalls on black screen, but i can notice the system is working normally05:38
T3looking at leds etc05:38
intelikeydsmith_ you can have it mount on /home if you want.  or you can set your $HOME variable to /whatever/ and mount it there.   linux i Xscreemly flexable that way05:38
geniidsmith_: Backups05:38
T3also is possible to ctrl+alt+fX and open other terminal normally05:39
* intelikey mounts hda / hdb /home hdc /var/www hdd /usr/local only thing that is tricky to use as a mountpoint is /etc and /lib05:40
intelikeyoh and /proc of course    like duh05:40
dsmith_I am using keep to make daily backups05:40
dsmith_I am still stuck in using gui's too much05:41
intelikeyt3  that hardy ?05:41
intelikeynevermind i see it is.05:42
intelikeyt3 i know very little about hardy.   can you reconfigure your xserver ?05:42
intelikeyt3  or if you are using a propritary driver, reinstall it ?05:43
T3intelikey: yes, is05:43
intelikeycrazy_bus symlink it05:44
intelikeycrazy_bus sudo ln -s /usr/bin/firefox-2 /usr/local/bin/firefox      or something like that05:45
crazy_busthanks intelikey05:46
intelikeywell come05:46
T3intelikey: what do you mean by reconfigure my xserver?05:46
intelikeysudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg05:46
intelikeysudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -plow05:46
crazy_busthe OOo extension still isn't working but at least I know it's not that05:46
intelikey@ t305:46
ubottuintelikey: Error: "t3" is not a valid command.05:46
T3i use a Intel 945 video driver05:47
* genii feeds intelikey some coffee05:47
* intelikey wishes that ubottu had an ignore me switch05:47
intelikeygenii spike it.05:48
intelikey;/   long night05:48
* genii covertly pours some 20 year scotch in intelikey's coffee05:48
T3intelikey: done.. will test05:49
intelikeycoffee strong enough to float a horse shoe in,  and strong enough to make the horse stagger       yeee hah !05:49
geniiintelikey: I understand. Had a 14 hour workday today. Sorta winding down now (trying to)05:50
intelikey19.5 hour == long    14 = normal    well almost   13.5 is normal05:51
geniiintelikey: You should seriously sleep sometime05:52
T3intelikey: a logical coffee to you, as a THANKS award05:52
geniiT3: hE LIKES COOKIES TOO05:52
geniiBah caps lock05:52
intelikeywelcome t305:52
genii!helpersnack | intelikey05:52
ubottuintelikey: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!05:52
intelikey!botsnack | to you05:53
ubottuto you: Yum! Err, I mean, APT!05:53
intelikeyok that's too geeky even for me.    back in a few.05:54
=== ubuntu is now known as EngYU
dwidmannUmm, I've been getting random shutdowns lately, with no messages whatsoever, does anybody have any ideas how I can track down the cause?05:56
o0Chris0oI don't want to be a noob anymore05:56
o0Chris0oI am going to install gentoo05:56
o0Chris0oand run fluxbox05:56
o0Chris0oI wanna learn05:57
o0Chris0osorry off topic convo05:57
geniio0Chris0o: Have fun :)05:57
dwidmanno0Chris0o: I have an idea for you that doesn't involve switching distros if you're interesting05:57
neo__how long will gentoo installing take?05:57
dwidmannneo__: I heard the number "ten hours" from someone else, but it's highly dependent on your machine05:57
intelikeydwidmann he's not very interesting05:57
robotgeekdwidmann: take a look at output of dmesg | less05:57
* robotgeek recommends linux from scratch :)05:58
o0Chris0odwidmann: whats the idea05:58
dwidmanno0Chris0o: install a minimal ubuntu system, with no gui, and try to survive for a week.05:58
dwidmanno0Chris0o: while still remaining productive05:59
neo__10 hours, not so bad05:59
o0Chris0ognome enviroement?05:59
neo__what about inside a virtual machine?05:59
o0Chris0ooh nvm05:59
o0Chris0owith no gui05:59
robotgeekit does not take 10 hours, they have binaries now.05:59
o0Chris0oand installers06:00
o0Chris0ofrom live cd06:00
neo__sounds great.06:00
dwidmannThat sounds contradictory to the supposed benefits gentoo was supposed to offer :s06:01
philsfI just upgraded to hardy and noticed that in kmail (or kontact, fwiw) the keys +/- (next unread/prev unread) don't work anymore. Can anyone confirm this behaviour?06:02
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots06:03
dwidmannrobotgeek: I'm looking, but an extra set of eyes couldn't hurt, tell me if you see anything -- http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d3847e22006:03
robotgeekphilsf: it works fine for me.06:04
philsfrobotgeek: any idea what can I do to fix it?06:04
dwidmannrobotgeek: and dmesg.0 also - http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d6c97276306:05
robotgeekphilsf: does it work from the menu (Go -> Next Unread Message?)06:05
philsfrobotgeek: yup06:05
robotgeekphilsf: does it have the correct shortcuts listed next to them?06:05
robotgeekdwidmann: i don't see anything odd there, lemme see if i need to look at a different log file06:06
philsfrobotgeek: yup, also06:06
robotgeekdwidmann: might be work looking at both the syslog and kernel.log (/var/log)06:07
philsfrobotgeek: actually, I'm used to using the numpad + and - keys for this, but the + in the main pad works06:07
philsf(and yes, the numlock light is lit)06:07
philsfweird, then it's not kmail's fault06:08
shree_hi how do I join ubuntu channel06:11
flaccidshree_: /join #ubuntu06:11
shree_flaccid: thanks06:11
philsfrobotgeek: it's not kmail, at all06:13
philsfI an consistently crash X with any number in the numpad06:13
dwidmannThings certainly were acting funny after removing network-manager .... no wonder I lost my connection06:14
intelikeyblack mate finish, browning a-bolt .308  with a nightforce 8-32x56.   why?   what do you use ?   i just assumed that was a standard issue...06:14
intelikeyoh crap.06:14
intelikeysorry guys.06:14
flaccidyeah best t put up with network manager and learn how to use it06:14
dwidmannrobotgeek: http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d19a81abd06:14
dwidmanncrud, the syslog backed up a minute ago06:15
amaafuihey, I am new to linux ubuntu.. can you guys suggest me a website to learn about it..06:16
robotgeekamaafui: i suggest you read the help file in your computer (Kmenu-> help)06:17
intelikeyamaafui ubuntu.com06:17
geniiamaafui: http://ubuntuguide.org/          is very good although it is Gnome centric.06:17
intelikeygah-know-meh centric06:18
dwidmannIt talks a lot about lawn ornaments?06:19
intelikeyyeah that tooo06:19
geniiamaafui: http://kubuntuguide.org/Hardy is not bad for KDE06:19
geniiamaafui: For clarification, Gnome is the window manager (graphical interface) for regular Ubuntu, KDE is the window manager of Kubuntu06:21
geniiAnd no lawn ornaments are involved06:21
intelikeyoh that reminds me.  i have an issue     as most of you know, when i start a GUI it's usually blackbox.  but; if i run nautilus in there i lose my menus.    err i guess that's one for the other channel tho...06:22
kennedyVou dar uma saída =D06:22
kennedyAlgum português nessa merdica?06:22
ubottuFactoid pr not found06:22
ubottuFactoid t not found06:22
ubottuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.06:22
mrmonkeymanwhere can I find the correct parameters for adding a secondary ext3 partitioned hard drive to fstab?06:24
dwidmannrobotgeek: that other pastebin was being a PITA, here it is: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9130/06:25
kubuntumy kubuntu 8.04 keeps freezing06:25
kubuntuanyone have that ame problem06:25
dwidmannkubuntu: nope, mine's randomly resetting, completely different problem >.>06:25
kubuntudwidman does it randomly reset while watching flash06:26
kubuntumine freezes most while watching flash06:26
dwidmannrobotgeek: around line 124 I think06:26
geniimrmonkeyman: Something like UUID=57987654-f040-4ae4-93fc-b7ae8dabcdef6 /media/somename ext3 user,defaults,noauto 0 0                 find the right uuid from output of: blkid   and make the directory in /media you want to use in the fstab06:27
intelikeymrmonkeyman man mount   man fstab    and google.com    or just ask in here :)06:28
mike-kubunt1anyone with tips on a splash screen error or compiz not showing kde window decorations unless it is the active window?06:28
geniimrmonkeyman: You can change noauto to auto if you want it mounted each boot. Also manpage of fstab is informatove, as intelikey points out06:28
mrmonkeymanlol, thanks blkid is what i'm looking for06:28
mike-kubunt1for some reason, i'm stuck in a text based boot, except for about 5 seconds at the very begging, no errors in console06:29
intelikeyby "stuck" i assume that means you want out of there ?06:30
mike-kubunt1intelikey: yes, i liked the cool blue kubuntu bar :'06:30
intelikeysudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -plow06:30
intelikeyoh wait.06:30
intelikeylet me re read that06:30
robotgeekdwidmann: brb06:30
intelikey!usplash | mike-kubunt106:31
ubottumike-kubunt1: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork06:31
dwidmannrobotgeek: but wait, there's more ;) http://paste.ubuntu.com/9131/ -kern.log, around line 3406:31
intelikeythat's probably what you are asking about06:31
mike-kubunt1yeah, but for some reason, its like it plays part of the usplash, then goes to verbose mode06:31
mike-kubunt1you think reselecting will fix it?06:31
geniiI think you either require more coffee, or more sleep but i'm not sure which ( intelikey )06:32
dsmith_gn all06:32
intelikeyfollow that link   ^06:32
mrmonkeymanI just converted 4 hard drives to ext3 without losing any data woohooo!06:32
intelikeygenii i   bu  mmm   well   ok.06:32
robotgeekdwidmann: npviewer.bin is flash plugin process, i think06:32
mike-kubunt1kk brb, gonna check if that did it ^ ^06:33
dwidmannrobotgeek: hmm, come to think of it, konqueror 4.0.3 has some really nasty issues with that06:33
intelikeygenii i thought he meant he was booting to a text login    not that usplash was dropping out early on him...     some times those kind of "i'm doing this and want that" messages are a little fuzzie  !!!06:34
dwidmannrobotgeek: there, I just now disabled it in konqueror 4.0.3, but I wasn't anywhere near my computer when it mysteriously reset this last time06:34
geniiintelikey: True, true :)06:34
* genii slips intelikey more (spiked) coffee06:35
dwidmannintelikey: don't blame yourself, it's the price others pay for being vague, by being vague they're practically begging you to interpret it however you please06:35
intelikeythat'll clear it all up...  hickup06:35
robotgeekdwidmann: that usb disconnect seemed to occur at an odd time06:36
intelikeydwidmann like   "my ubuntu hurts, can anyone fix it for me? </super whine voice>"06:36
dwidmannrobotgeek: 00:56 is when I came back upstairs to see it asking for my encryption passphrase ...06:37
mike-kubuntugrr, it gives me a little of the usplash at the begining, a full one on shutdown06:37
dwidmannrobotgeek: come to think of things, my keyboard has been weird lately, and it's usb, I wonder.06:37
mike-kubuntubut a little way into startup, it jumps to *reading files needed to boot [ok] etc...06:37
mike-kubuntucould it be taking my apache 2 "warning" of set /etc/conf/saslsd, USESASL = YES to enable sasld06:38
mike-kubuntuthat shouldn't be a seriouse issue though06:38
intelikeymike-kubuntu sounds like  /etc/rc2.d/S98usplash   is running to quickly   maybe    (race condition instigated by upstart)     idk.06:39
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dwidmannrobotgeek: though, I did remove my flash drive a while ago ...06:40
intelikeymike-kubuntu or maybe you are loading a vidio driver and it's disabeling the fbcon     <-- quite possable.06:40
intelikeymike-kubuntu what vidio chip ?06:41
mike-kubuntunvidia 8600 gts06:42
intelikeylook and see if nvfb is blacklisted06:42
intelikeyor nvidiafb06:43
intelikeywhich ever that is06:43
mike-kubuntuneither is06:43
mike-kubuntuit works on shutdown, which is wierd06:43
mike-kubuntuits like somethings pulling it out of the boot splash06:43
mike-kubuntuit does the part where the blue bar bounces back and forth, then cuts out when its supposed to slowly fill up06:43
dwidmannmike-kubuntu: most errors and/or input requests will make usplash disappear06:44
intelikeyno. it's like something switching the gpu out of vga mode    and loading drivers do that06:44
intelikeydmesg | less06:44
robotgeekdwidmann: i gotta go, sorry.06:45
dwidmannrobotgeek:  aww :( later06:45
dwidmannrobotgeek: maybe later/06:46
dwidmannrobotgeek: I'll save those links06:46
mike-kubuntuhmm, i don't see anythign thats an error, closes i get is that hint from apache in case i want to turn on sasld06:46
mike-kubuntui see NVRM: loading NVIDIA UNIX x86_64 kernel module 169.12 Thu feb 14 17:51:09 pst 2008, follode by a ACPI: PCI Interrupt, could that be it?06:47
intelikeychange the time that apache loads and see if it changes when it drops out of vga mode06:47
mike-kubuntuwhere can i find those boot up messeges? what is sasld, maybe if i enable it it'll go away06:48
mike-kubuntunot sure what it is though06:48
intelikeymike-kubuntu yes that could be it.    that's what i was saying at first.   but, that may not be it.06:48
intelikeyto the NV Q ^06:49
intelikeyif it's the apache daemon that's doing it to you.   just change the order of startup so that apache doesn't start until after gdm  (kdm for those that "must" use it)06:50
rich1can someone help me with setting a static ip and port forwarding, please?06:52
mike-kubunturich1: its all router dependent if your behind that06:52
rich1mike-kubuntu: i'm using the actiontec dsl modem that qwest sent.06:53
mrmonkeymanThanks to everyone that helped me tonight06:53
mike-kubunturich1: its dependent on their hardware, however, if you wanna try poking around, is all on the router side06:53
mike-kubuntuyou need to set ip by mac adress06:53
intelikeyrich1 how do you like qwest dsl  ?   if you don't mind my asking.06:54
rich1ugghhh.  this is all new to me.  i guess more googling.06:54
mike-kubuntuyou can find it out by doing a ifconfig -all, and then you probably wanna forward ports 20 22 21 and 8006:54
rich1intelikey: i guess it's ok.  i have the 7.5mbps connections but bittornado only dls about 10-12kbs.06:54
mike-kubuntuintelikey: how do i change the start-up order of the events06:55
intelikeyk.   & ty for responding.06:56
intelikeymike-kubuntu the /etc/rc#.d/S##names    changing the  ## will change the order    i would only move apache to something like 8706:57
mike-kubuntuintelikey: right now its at 9106:57
intelikeymike-kubuntu in rc2.d ?  or rcS.d ?06:57
martinHow do I hide a .desktop file (in /usr/share/applications) so that it does not appear in the menu for any user? E.g. the control panel that comes with Sun Java. I can of course delete it, but that's not so nice.06:58
intelikeyhmmm that's not the cause.   go back to looking at the nv driver as the culpret06:58
sirmike1970mdhi all for reason i cant get my menu bar to pop back up any thoughts06:59
intelikeyunless you are loading something like apache-mod in rcS.d that is  ^06:59
rich1mike-kubuntu: sorry, but i don't see a mac address in ifconfig -a.06:59
mike-kubunturich1: its the HWaddr07:00
intelikeyHWaddr xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx07:00
blankbDoes VirtualBox OSE work out of the box w/ 8.04?07:00
rich1oooooh.  ok thanks.07:00
intelikeyyes and no blankb, more no than yes for most.07:01
blankbintelikey: thanks.... I will do a backup before I try installing it then. 8)07:02
mike-kubuntuNVRM attempts something at 55.250895, but then does it again at 99, somthing07:03
mike-kubuntuthe 55 one is followed by a GSI 18 (level, low) -> IRQ 18 ACPI PCI interupt07:03
mike-kubuntubesides that i don't see anyhing wierd though, not sure what it means07:03
surplusxmasMy Kubuntu 8.04 AMD64 (KDE4 Remix) Alternate Install CD install fails at the step "Select and install software".  I verified the md5sum after downloading, then ran the check integrity utility on the CD Itself, which came back valid.  The CD was burned at 16x, my lowest speed available.  My specs: Pentium D 3.00GHz, 1GB RAM, 300GB SATA HDD.  This seems to be all over the forums but none of the threads can resolve this problem fo07:03
surplusxmasa different mirror, burned with a different burner (K3B on Slax this time instead of MagicISO on Windows XP).07:03
intelikeyirq18 may be your vga interrupt  you can check in /proc/interrupte and see07:04
mike-kubuntuintelikey: cat /proc/interupt | less ?07:04
geniisurplusxmas: do alt-f4 to see what the install messages/errors may be07:05
intelikeyless is not needed here.. you may have a long list,  i dont'07:05
geniisurplusxmas: alt-f1 to go back to main install screen07:05
mike-kubuntuintelikey: /proc/interupt doesnt exist supposedly07:05
surplusxmasgenii: Here - http://surplusxmas.net/kubuntulog/07:05
intelikeymike-kubuntu it's plural07:05
intelikey!tab | mike-kubuntu07:05
ubottumike-kubuntu: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.07:05
mike-kubuntuintelikey: sorry, 18 is EMU10K107:06
intelikeyeven "M$ Windoze command prompt"  now has tab completion07:06
flaccidlol even07:06
intelikeymike-kubuntu that would be a eth or ath card i think07:07
geniisurplusxmas: The info there is not extremely helpful in finding out why the alternate cd is stalling. To find out what it's attempting to do or the process it's stalling on, when it stalls, do: alt-f4 to view the scrolling output of what the installer is doing. There may be some theme there which has informative information.07:07
intelikeymike-kubuntu ummm   you might ask in #ubuntu  seeing that i have told you just about all i can on that.    and usplash is not DE related/specific07:08
surplusxmasgenii: OK.  It's actually this machine that I'm trying to install on - I'm on a Slax LiveCD right now, so it's impossible at the moment.  Because of that, do you have any other suggestions that I can use during the same install attempt to take advantage of the install attempt?  You know, since I have to go back and fourth. :)07:09
mike-kubuntuwell, i don't mind the nongraphical boot as much as the window decorations dis appearing when compiz is launched except for the active window07:09
mike-kubuntuintelikey: thanks, i'll try there07:09
intelikeyanyone know a map source for garmen gps units ?   or a  converter for map files ?07:10
geniisurplusxmas: If the console4 has something informative you can go to busybox of console2 or console3 to try and fix it from commandline07:11
geniisurplusxmas: Unfortunately I need to sleep soon and willnot be around to assist07:12
intelikeyFOSS is key there   ^07:12
genii2:15AM here, goodnight all07:15
flaccidwhere is ubotu?07:22
intelikeygetting a face lift07:22
ubottuFactoid ubottu not found07:23
flaccidis there anywhere i can look up the most popular ubotu factoids?07:23
flaccidor has the project done studies on the popular support requests/issues?07:23
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/07:24
flaccidi guess logs aint going to grep out the frequent stuff07:24
ubottuI am ubottu, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new, gorgeous looks in the near future ;)07:25
ubottuFactoid dkfjdsklf not found07:25
intelikeyanyway wherever the factoid list is   you could     for Q in `somthign to put the list here` ;do echo "$Q `grep -c $Q channel.log`" ;done07:27
flaccidintelikey: yeah i searched google and i can't find the factoids anymore, its like its 404 on a .nl site..07:27
flaccidi want to identify the holes in our support etc.07:27
intelikeyflaccid vidio and audio    and minor networking07:28
intelikeythoes are the major sore spots07:28
flaccidyep plus i guess samba07:28
flaccidtrying to see if there are more major ones07:29
flaccidwondering if its possible to come up with generic troubleshooting processes for things like these eg. 'my audio doesn't work out of box'07:29
mike-kubuntuwhere can i find the md5sums for the dvd i386 release07:30
flaccidthats a good question07:31
intelikeyflaccid i don't see why not.    #alsa  can even help on that.  they use scripts07:31
flaccidthey use scripts?07:32
intelikeyflaccid yes  for gathering information on problem systems07:32
intelikeyyou join there and they tell you    dl and run this...  give me the url...07:32
flaccidinteresting, thanks i'll investigate07:33
intelikeynot sure about   #xorg   but you might hit a good idea there too.07:34
flaccidyeah. lots of thinking to do here07:34
intelikeymay require some thinking drinking....07:34
flaccidi ran out of milk so im on long blacks07:35
octetmike-kubuntu: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/8.04/release/MD5SUMS07:40
=== ubuntu__ is now known as manossss
flaccidstdin: mate i think we need the dvd / all checksums on the download page07:41
ubuntu_hi all . I am first time using kubuntu. How do I get jre installed for FireFox, so that I can play java games ?07:41
flaccid!java | ubuntu_07:42
ubottuubuntu_: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier.07:42
flaccidubuntu_: most people will want to install kubuntu-restricted-extras which gives java plus other common wants07:42
manosssshello, i am doing an installation after i broke my system :) . What do you think about this partition scheme? swap:512,/ 30G,/home 45 G, /data 45 G ? 30 G for / is good?07:43
flaccidwhats /data?07:43
ubuntu_ok I am running live right now, have not installed onto hrd drive quite yet, just wanted to get the hang of it first07:43
flaccidubuntu_: coolio07:43
manossssflaccid : it's like another partition.. it can also be in /media.. it's just another partition..07:45
manossssi don't know about / ..07:45
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=== shooshc is now known as shoosh
ere4si10G for / is heaps07:45
manossssere4si: so, 10 G is enough for /  ? i don't want / to be full.. can lead to bad stuff!07:46
flaccidmanossss: well thats probably not the best way to do it but cool...07:46
* intelikey normally uses 4g /07:47
flaccidmanossss: the / depends on things like spooling as there is no separate /var07:47
ere4sithe install is only 3G or so07:47
flaccidif its a mail or print server, / may need to be large for example unless using in /home like maildir07:47
flaccidintelikey: what other servers do users install on desktops a lot like samba?07:48
flaccidi guess x11vnc07:48
manossssyes, that is why i'm 'afraid' of giving to litle space for /.. i don't want /tmp to fill my partition and then my system will not be good.. Maybe 5 G ?07:48
flaccidmanossss: what are the roles of this puter?07:49
intelikeyflaccid ftp  but don't ask why07:49
flaccidintelikey: ah yeah so openssh-server for sftp and something else for insecure07:49
LamerManguys, is it worth now to switch to kde4? is it stable enough? :)07:49
manossssflaccid: I work on this computer. no servers (even ssh), i have my server for these stuff.. No big games07:50
manossssmy desktop+my production machine07:50
intelikeyyeah   vsftp  even07:50
ubuntu_one more quick question, if I may. When I install things while running live, then decide to install onto the hard drive, do the extra things I just installed also get installed onto the harddrive, or do I have to install them again after?07:50
manossss'production':i study07:50
flaccidmanossss: in that case 5G should be enough unless you install heeeaps of apps07:51
ere4siubuntu_: you have to reinstall them07:51
ubuntu_ok thank you07:51
intelikeymanossss i might even ask why you are "partitioning" it...   could give the disk to /   if you have a backup server  then nothing gets full07:51
flaccidintelikey: i guess insecure is only recommended in the case where the client doesn't have sftp support, which means they should change to winscp if on windows :)07:51
dwidmannwhat does it take to get recordmydesktop working in hardy? It dies with some sort of "locking assertion failure" :(07:52
ere4siwith a separate /home fresh installs are easier07:52
flaccidintelikey: any other servers you can think of that are common for desktop users07:52
manossssintelikey : i am installing from a system failure.. so, i want /home seperete this time..07:52
flaccidi wonder why the installer doesn't advise a separate home, i would of thought that would be a good practice07:53
manossssflaccid for real!07:53
flaccidhopefully im real :)07:53
flaccidmanossss: actually im a power user and have a 40G / but use over 6GB. maybe a 10GB is wise manossss07:54
dwidmannflaccid: I think it's planned07:54
flacciddwidmann: coolio07:54
flaccidan option for separate /var and /usr would be mad as well...07:55
manossssflaccid 10 G is what i'm thinking of using. it's a 120 G drive so, 10 is not so much.. i think a seperate /home is enough07:56
surplusxmasMy AMD64 Kubuntu 8.04 (KDE4 Remix) Alternte Install CD fails at "Select and install software".  The CD is fully valid/integrity checked.  I looked in the console after the failure message was given and I saw the following: "WARNING**: Configuring 'pkgsel' failed with error code 1" and "WARNING**: Menu item 'pkgsel' failed." What does this mean and how can I fix it?07:56
flaccidmanossss: yep exactly. im on a 120GB notebook hdd and apply same sort of principle07:56
flaccidsurplusxmas: did you try google?07:56
dwidmannsurplusxmas: maybe it's just trying to download things ....... that's what happened to me, if you use the expert mode on the alternate installer it'll let you skip that07:57
intelikeyflaccid not really.   most people are just running httpd (a private web page or two) sshd (which smarter people use with konqurer and fish://)  X11vnc (shared desktops) samba & cupsysd      and a few even dare the less common private mailbox daemon of choice but that's not common.07:57
surplusxmasYes, it was unusually unfriendly.07:57
surplusxmasWhat's the difference between this and expert mode?07:57
manossssand i think 512 swap @ beggining is enough.. i never use swap anyway..07:57
dwidmannsurplusxmas: flexibility, user controll, the ability to know what's going on07:57
flaccidintelikey: ok cool thanks for the input. i think i might start recommending the web server applet for basic http then apache for users that actually are devs or whatever07:58
surplusxmasdwidmann: I don't consider myself an "expert," but I'll try it out.  Thanks for your suggestion. :)07:58
flaccidmanossss: depends how much ram you have07:58
intelikeyflaccid and i'm lagging about a minute now.07:58
flaccidhehe dang intell07:58
manossssi have 1.2 G07:59
flaccidmake it 1.2GB just in case your puter needs it in peak use07:59
flaccidlinux manages memory well so increasing swap size is no detriment..07:59
manossssi never really use swap.. would a bigger swap also make it slower?08:00
intelikeyslightly larger than ram will allow suspend to disk08:00
flaccidnah ^^08:00
intelikeysorry that's gonna be late.08:00
flaccidwindows will love using swap when ram is still available. generally linux only uses swap when out of ram08:01
manossssmm.. so, when i have a smaller than my ram swap, i cannot suspent to disk?08:01
dwidmannmanossss: if you're not going to suspend to disk and you have enough ram that you never run out, then swap mostly just wastes disk space (which may or may not be precious08:01
manossssi usually suspent to ram.. but i still want to have the option.. and for 1 G.. i think it's ok08:02
dwidmannmanossss: suspend to disk basically just dumps what's in your ram to the swap, so you have to have more swap than ram to suspend.08:02
intelikey   The  maximum  useful08:02
intelikey       size  of  a  swap  area now depends on the architecture.  It is roughly 2GiB on i386, PPC,08:02
intelikey       m68k, ARM, 1GiB on sparc, 512MiB on mips, 128GiB on alpha and 3TiB on sparc64.08:02
intelikeyman mkswap08:02
flaccidi generally never go over 2048MB swap which kind of matches that theory sweet08:03
manossssdwidmann i didn't knew.. so even if i use part of my memory, i would need the space to copy ALL my memory.. (even 0s)08:03
* intelikey never uses swap period.08:04
dwidmannwhich reminds me, I need to spring for that extra 2GiB of RAM08:04
flaccidintelikey: you have lots of ram?08:04
intelikeyMemory Used/Total Percent: 61/503 MB (12%)08:05
noisekillerMorning all08:05
intelikeySwap   Used/Total Percent: 0/0 MB (0%)08:05
intelikeyi don't use a lot of ram.08:05
flaccidare you not running X ? 61MB is not much08:05
manosssswhat do you think of: swap:1.4(ram 1.2),/ 10, /home 50,/data 50   ?08:06
flaccidsounds good to me manossss08:06
intelikeyummm let me check  i don't think so right now.08:06
intelikeyno  no X atm08:06
manossss:) i'm going with it..08:07
intelikeybut i do have a lot going on right now.   several consoles busy08:08
intelikeylike 8 busy consoles08:08
flaccidyeah but nothing graphical and shiz08:08
intelikeypasting file /usr/local/bin/mem08:08
dwidmannMem:   2061244k total,  1135628k used .......08:08
intelikeythe script that gets that ram usage   ^08:08
intelikeymy lag time is down08:09
intelikeyso much for that...   lag going up ^08:11
=== BuZZ-dEE is now known as BuZZdEE
dwidmannnice script intelikey08:13
dwidmannwas it you who I got that pastebin script off of? If so ... many thanks for it also (though the site it uses is a bit flakey at times :( )08:15
LamerMani'm doing now upgrade to 8.04 from 7.10, will my settings and additional packets be saved? I was told by someone that upgrade tool installs a fresh OS with default packages and no settings will be saved08:16
dwidmannwow .... my apps aren't using a whole lot atm ... Memory Used/Total Percent: 433/2012 MB (21%)08:17
Kr|ptiXive recently updated to 8.04 an now im haven  sound problems can  someonee help08:20
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP308:20
intelikeydwidmann idk could be me.   http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d21aeaac3   <<< is that it ?   if so the first uncommented line is where you set the url.08:20
intelikeydwidmann try   s/us/ca/  maybe   ?08:21
intelikeyi've never had any problem with the site.  but then again, that's normal.08:22
intelikeydwidmann stdin also wrote a script for pasteing things   it might have been his you got     idk.08:25
dwidmannHm, hard to tell, all I know is it required me to install curl first08:26
intelikeyif anyone wants to update this one feel free   http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d3191e30e08:26
intelikeydwidmann umm probably mine    i think his used wget08:26
dwidmannintelikey: I do see the option to change the URL, but how compatible is it with other pastebins?08:27
intelikeydwidmann try just changing the .us to .ca  and see if it helps you08:28
Qnuffy have an difficult problem with Hardy (Kubuntu) - i have installed DeKorator and now my top windows titles are disappeared http://img520.imageshack.us/img520/6347/bildschirmphoto1ck7.png <-- heres an screenshot to my problem08:28
LamerMandid anyone update from 7.10 to 8.04? :) do settings and additional packaged save after update? I have wireshark, avr-gcc and other packages that are not a part of official release, will all they be saved?08:29
QnuffyI dont know where they are08:29
dwidmannintelikey: hmmmm ..... no, still won't work for me ..... bah. It worked a couple times earlier08:31
intelikeydwidmann ummm maybe not too compatable   hehhe oops.   but i didn't really write it for the world to use.    just for me and if someone in here needed it, i'd share.   but hey   it is FOSS change it to suit your self08:32
Qnuffyis there nobody who can help me?08:32
intelikeyi might make it more portable some time.  if i do i'll let you know dwidmann08:32
dwidmannintelikey: I'd think about it if I could make heads or tails of it .......08:32
intelikeyQnuffy i don't/can't    i'm still on dapper and a CLI guy at that.08:34
ere4siQnuffy: have you tried typing   man dekorator   in a konsole?08:36
Qnuffyclemens@8u773r8r07:~$ man dekorator08:36
QnuffyNo manual entry for dekorator08:36
dwidmannintelikey: odd that I'm going to be using pastebin to see if I can figure things out, but I feel like seeing if I can get it to working, step one being to stop the output from being redirected to /dev/null ....08:36
dwidmannintelikey: seems to be uploading, but ... it's not giving me a link :s http://paste.ubuntu.com/9139/08:38
MythosGrIs this the right place to discuss some upgrade issues with Hardy and amd64?08:38
dwidmannMythosGr: sure08:39
MythosGrThanks, It seems there is something weird with ide hard drives in my machine which has become extremely slow since I upgraded from 7.10 o 8.0408:40
dwidmannMythosGr: you'll probably see a lot of output in your logs in that case I bet08:41
MythosGr... I had to install live-initramfs for the system to boot with 2.6.24-16-generic08:41
dwidmannMythosGr: check your /var/log/syslog, /var/log/dmesg, and /var/log/kern.log files08:41
noisekillerHeeelp! xgl is using 99% cpu .... how to disable xgl?08:41
Qnuffyi hate my window titles08:42
Qnuffyi install compiz - they're gone, i install Dekorator - they're gone ...08:43
ere4siQnuffy: are you using compiz/desktop effects as well?08:43
Kr|ptiXcan someone help me  set up my sound08:43
intelikeydwidmann i'm not going to fix it right now.    here   http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d49174a9a   i did add a comment or two to help you understand it i little.   and note that   the   |\    means it pipes that output into the next line.08:43
Qnuffyno i dont - this time i havent install compiz08:43
Qnuffybut i need dekorator because i want to use the Azenis Desktop theme08:43
MythosGrI have examined the logs already and I see no errors, however I have the lsmod output from the previous kernel on 7.10 (2.6.22-14-generic) which seems to load different modules for the hard drives (raid1 with xfs))08:45
dwidmannthanks intelikey, I'll see what I can do :)08:45
MythosGr2.6.22 loads ata_generic where 2.6.24 loads pata_amd08:46
ere4siQnuffy: nothing on google about that - what is the graphic card you're using?08:48
MythosGrIf I remove the live-initiramfs the system will not boot, I get no busybox or other maintenance shell whatsoever (busybox-initramfs and initramfs-tools installed)08:48
Qnuffyan geforce 7600gt08:49
Qnuffy@ ere4si08:49
ubottuQnuffy: Error: "ere4si" is not a valid command.08:49
MythosGr...It's a Gigabyte nforce 430 MB with amd64x2 CPU08:50
ere4siQnuffy: that should be good enough then...08:50
Qnuffyi have installed the drivers correctly too :-/08:50
Qnuffyclemens@8u773r8r07:~$ glxinfo | grep rendering08:51
Qnuffydirect rendering: Yes08:51
MythosGrAny ideas?08:51
Qnuffywhen i use crystal i have my windows titles08:54
Qnuffyonly when i use Dekorator they are gone08:54
ere4siQnuffy: enough people have the no titlebars issue in compiz - it is easily solved - but in dekorator I don't know...08:54
Qnuffywith compiz i have the same problem too^^08:55
ere4siQnuffy: in #compiz that will be solved easy08:55
intelikeyi'm sure nobody ever needs anything like this http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d1e3e1837   and anyone that did would just jump streithg to google  rather than using a script.   but here it is anyway.08:56
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Qnuffynow i have installed Emerald and an skin but when i select the skin there isn a change09:15
Qnuffyno reaction09:15
intelikeyapply ?09:16
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Qnuffydouble click on theme09:17
Qnuffythere's no apply button o:09:17
intelikeyoh me i go now.    gooday09:17
Trophyheadhey any know if the memory bus on my computer would make any video card slow?, cause it's an old computer has only 133mhz, it's a pentium4 netvista 2ghz 768 ram = )09:19
flaccidyeah that would make a diff09:20
Trophyheadk thx, guess I'd be better off buying a new computer than a good card that won't help with a low sys bus = )09:21
flaccidsorry what is 133mhz?09:21
flaccidthe ram? what type of ram is it? SDRAM?09:22
Trophyheadthe memory bus, I guess, system bus,09:22
flaccidthey are different09:23
flaccidFSB != memory bus09:23
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flaccidif its p4 its doesn't have a 133mhz fsb...09:23
flaccidnot much you can do if your computer has old ram slots. still the difference in speed it not necessarily dramatic09:24
Trophyheadhmm, ill take a look at the utilty screen again, I see alot of videos cards say 300 mhz, & because my sys bus is only 133mhz figured it won't perform as well as it could09:25
Trophyheadit has only a x4 agp slot09:26
flaccidum are you sure your system bus is 133mhz. i mean hate to point out the obvious, but of course a new computer is going to be faster..09:26
Trophyheadwell at least thats what kubuntu reads it as09:26
flaccidp4 is usually up to 800mhz for bus..09:27
flaccidread what as exactly, where? what part of kubuntu?09:27
flaccidwhat application in kubuntu?09:27
Trophyheadwhen i bought a video card & looked at it in the K-info center program it said x4, tho the card was up to x809:28
flaccidyeah backwards compat agp09:29
flaccidagp is dead now, its pci-x09:29
Trophyheadya true, the fastest09:30
flaccidbut where in kinfocenter does it say 133mhz ?09:30
Trophyheadoh not there on the IBM utilty screen, where you can see a summery of the system09:31
flaccidyou have to find out what bus its actually talking about...09:31
flaccidp4 is usually 533mhz, 400 or 800 and p3 was 133mhz..09:32
Trophyheadi think it said either memory bus, or system bus, I'll go check & reboot09:32
flaccidok. i mean if you are using old sdram which is 133mhz then yeah, but i would expect most p4 motherboards to have ddr slots09:32
Trophyheadoh dam, then I was scammed on this pc yet another way = (   the motherboard had been changed, probably for the pentium 3 = (09:33
Trophyheadif its 13309:33
flaccidTrophyhead: well i would advise checking kinfocenter and places to see what exactly you have09:33
flaccideg. cat /proc/cpuinfo09:33
Trophyheadya im going to thx = )09:34
jeremy_hey, i need help with WEP please?09:34
flaccidjeremy_: whats the problem?09:34
jeremy_i have my network goin on the windows computers, but it wont work with kubuntu unless i make it unsecured09:35
flaccidjeremy_: why, what happens?09:35
flaccidare you using knetworkmanager, jeremy_ ?09:35
ubottuWEP is totally insecure, don't use it, the full Wireless Documentation for Ubuntu can be found at:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs09:35
flaccidtrue. you should be using WPA unless your router cannot support it via firmware upgrade (if needed)09:36
jeremy_yea i heard it was pretty average, but really just want it to stop my neighbours using my network, no ones gonna bother trying to hack it09:36
flaccidwep is crackable in a few seconds09:36
flaccidjeremy_: use WPA>09:36
jeremy_yea i use knetworkmanager but it just says unable to connect09:36
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SlimeyPetewep's OK if your neighbours aren't tech-savvy09:36
flacciduntil someone wardrives you09:37
flaccidjeremy_: so can you use WPA ?09:37
SlimeyPeteyeah, but the chances of that vary depending on your location09:37
jeremy_i gave it a go with the router but it wouldnt save the settings for some reason09:37
flaccidwhy take  a risk?09:37
jeremy_my options were wpa 801.1x or ascii pass or hex pass09:38
flaccidjeremy_:  i would advise working out why its a problem. probably because you were mismatching asii passphrase and key.09:38
flaccidjeremy_: pastebin /etc/network/interfaces please09:38
flaccidyou want WPA-PSK with passphrase in ascii.09:38
flaccid!pastebin | jeremy_09:39
ubottujeremy_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)09:39
jeremy_i dont think my router does wpa-psk09:39
flaccidjeremy_: or TKIP09:39
flaccidjust select the one for passhprase and hopefully it should look after the rest09:40
flaccidjeremy_: what make/model is the router?09:40
jeremy_auto lo09:40
jeremy_iface lo inet loopback09:40
jeremy_thats the interfaces file, not much to it09:41
jeremy_its a dlink 604g09:41
jeremy_g604t sorry09:41
flaccidpastebin jeremy_!09:41
jeremy_oh sorry i thought it was small enough09:41
jeremy_oh an sorry again my router does do psk09:42
jeremy_i can choose psk hex or psk string09:42
flaccidplease attempt the wpa psk which is secure. i mean so far looks like no problem. likely dlink as they are pretty bad quality usually09:42
flaccidpsk string is what you want09:42
flaccidwhich will convert to hex for you..09:43
jeremy_any rules for the string? 8 character minimum right?09:43
ere4sithere's no net in that "paste"09:43
flaccidere4si: there shouldn't be any net in it as its done on the user level with knetworkmanager09:44
flaccidjeremy_: yes 8 min please09:44
jeremy_k just trying that now09:44
jeremy_although the browser just seems to freeze when i clcik 'save details and reboot modem'09:45
flaccidjeremy_: yeah can be typical of bad routers09:45
jeremy_yea its a piece of crap haha09:46
flaccidtotally. i put dlink in my shitlist years ago. now for soho appliance routers i only use linksys wrt-54gl or similar09:46
jeremy_ill try do it in the advanced user mode09:47
jeremy_is group key interval important?09:47
jeremy_what is that?09:47
flaccidim not sure what that is. should just use the first key..09:48
jeremy_k ill give it a go now09:48
jeremy_it doesnt seem to keep the wpa string09:50
jeremy_ill press apply and itll just clear the field09:51
flaccidwhich browser?09:51
flacciddlink probably got invalid code09:51
flaccidtry firefox and failing that Internet Explorer on windows if available09:51
jeremy_ill go get ie, prolly easiest bet09:52
flaccidyeah, thats what they code it for because like most firmware makers they totally ignore web standards09:52
jeremy_yea it sucks09:54
flaccidany luck but?09:55
flaccidi mean i would re-flash the firmware on it with latest myself09:55
jeremy_ive tried with ubuntu before but kinda gave up, but decided to give it a more serious effort this time09:55
jeremy_jus stating up another laptop with windows09:55
flaccidyeah in this case it appears ubuntu is fine :)09:56
ubuntualgum brasileiro ?09:57
jeremy_oh k, its sticking now, ill reboot the router then give it a go09:57
ubottuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.09:58
crazy_busis there anyway to get a large deb from universe in a torrent (200mb) kget4 is not finishing downloads properly (gets to 100% and then does nothing) and I'm missing a few bytes and don't want to download 200mb's again10:00
cahuezgive a try to amule crazy_bus..10:01
crazy_buscahuez: can amule resume a broken file like ktorrent can?10:02
crazy_bus*like ktorrent can if theirs a app. .torrent file10:03
cahuezyes it can..10:08
cahueztry amule and find out the requested file..10:09
crazy_busthanks cahuez.  So I just input a server address into amule and it will fix the file?10:10
cahuezmm, better than that, just go to search and find the desired file, or..10:10
cahueztry to copy/paste the original .torrent address into it..10:11
crazy_buscahuez: so it can search all of the debs from the universe repo?10:11
crazy_buscahuez: I don't have a torrent for the file.  That's the problem10:11
cahuezhumm, then try a search of the file inside amule..10:12
crazy_buscahuez: do you know if this deb is there? http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/all/fgfs-base/download10:13
=== ronnie is now known as Trophyhead
snikkerwhen i insert a cd/dvd in a second dvd drive, the system don't mount it and in dmesg, i've got this: http://pastebin.com/m1cc3d71c10:14
cahuezchecking crazy_bus...10:15
Trophyheadwell I guess I was scammed!, my computer reads 133MHz memory bus speed, like a pentium3 motherboard, in a pentium4 caseing = (  awww F***!!!10:17
cahuezhumm crazy, i can't check the link at this time, traffic jamms or so, ehe but, for what is the link for..!?10:18
jeremy__got wpa all up and running10:18
crazy_buscahuez: the package for Flight Gear Flight Simulator -- base files10:18
cahuezwanna install flightgear right now..!?10:19
crazy_buscahuez: what do you mean?10:19
cahuezare you looking for> cahuez: the package for Flight Gear Flight Simulator -- base files ..!?10:20
crazy_buscahuez: I'm looking for the deb file which contains: Flight Gear Flight Simulator base files10:21
cahuezmm, before of all, try to search all the stuff with> apt-cache search flightgear ..10:22
crazy_buscahuez: this package; fgfs-base10:23
cahuezyeap, is available as a complete apt-getting...10:24
cahuezthen if desired, just type> apt-get install flightgear..10:24
crazy_buscahuez: I know.  But the 200mb file is corrupt, and I would much prefer a way to fix it10:25
cahuezwell, doing it the safe way, just try to apt-getting it and then forget the other one..10:27
cahuezi did install the flightgear the apt-get install flightgear way and runs beautiful, hehe..10:27
crazy_buscahuez: the internet is so slow here that would take half a day.  And I'm afraid it wouldn't resume if I had to turn the computer off10:28
XyQrTwHello all10:28
XyQrTwI've some problems with Kubuntu. My ethernet conection dont strat automaticaly. Who can help me ?10:32
hamalawyhello everyone, please i need help.. everytime i try to update kubuntu 8.04 it gives me this message " There was an error commiting changes. Possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages.10:32
cahuezyour ethernet connection..?10:33
XyQrTw(excuse me ; but i'm french)10:33
hamalawyi can't update my system, but i can install software10:33
cahuezis ok..10:33
cahuezhamalawy, are you doing a online upgrade..?10:33
cahuezxyqrtw, lets check the following...10:34
sisifXyQrTw: what chipset do you have for you ethernet card ?10:34
XyQrTwWhere i can see that ?10:34
sisiflspci | grep Ether10:34
cahuezlet's enter to K/system configuration..10:35
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cahueznetwork connectivity..10:35
cahuezand no problem warren, my kubuntu is in spanish but i can read some languages..10:36
hamalawyyes i'm doing an online upgrade10:36
hamalawyi already installed kubuntu and i'm trying to update kubuntu it's self if that's what you mean10:36
sisifcahuez: do you have any experience with modules issues ?10:36
Signilwhats the easiest way one could upgrade to kde410:36
cahuezyeap sisif..10:36
cahuezjust let's try to do the online upgrade first and then..10:37
cahuezhamalawy, the upgrade was succesfull..?10:37
sisifcahuez: If it`s not much trouble to you, can you please check this post (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=776378) and maybe gimme an advice on what to do next ..10:38
noaXessi want install two deb packages.. one is a dependencie of the other.. it's a newer version of the package mixxx and mixxx-data..10:38
noaXesshow can i do that with the .deb files, that it use also the dependency deb file for the installation?10:38
cahuezsure, let me try to check it; i'm doing a online upgrade for one of the lan pc's and the stuff is a bit slow...10:39
sisifcahuez: yup, no hurry. and thank you.10:39
cahuezhumm, i can't firefox while is upgrading..10:40
sisifnoaXess: have you tried with sudo dpkg -i deb1 deb2 ?10:40
hamalawyokay, i have 6 updates waiting to be installed. when i press apply updates it gives me "There was an error commiting changes. Possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages. "10:40
cahuezand the message is near to the end of the upgrade hamalawy..!?10:41
hamalawyno.. it's as soon as i press the apply updates button10:41
cahuezand the disk space is fine..?10:42
hamalawyyeah, i have 30 gigs free10:42
sisifhamalawy: is you have any experience with ubuntu / kubuntu , you can edit your /etc/apt/sources.list by hand and add the new repos there. And the do a apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && apt-get dist-upgrade.10:42
sisifHmm, but I guess not :(10:43
XyQrTwsisif > Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8029(AS)10:43
hamalawyi marked every option in the source list if that's what you mean, including the CD10:43
cahuezhold, hamalawy, just give a google search for "medibuntu" please..10:45
crazy_buscahuez: nm I fixed it with rsync10:45
cahuezmy network is traffic jammed by the time, hehe..10:46
cahuezooks fine crazy_bus..10:47
hamalawyi forgot to say that i installed synaptic and tried to upgrade with it but still the same problem10:48
cahuezmmm, synaptic is usually already installed by default with kubuntu; probably you overwrite something..!?10:50
octetmike-kubuntu: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/8.04/release/MD5SUMS10:52
hamalawydunno :) ... buti did this as a last hopeless thing10:52
clau30_hi. how can I install kde3 in kubuntu-remix(kde4)?10:55
sisifcahuez: do you have any idea on what might cause this error: "ERROR: Module ndiswrapper does not exist in /proc/modules" ?10:55
cahuezyep, let me check...10:57
Signilwats the easiest way to upgrade to kde4? I am on feisty :s10:57
cahuezplease sisif, do a google search for> "ERROR: Module ndiswrapper does not exist in /proc/modules" ..10:58
cahuezthere is some usefull info there..10:58
jonathan__UIve a big problem :D11:00
jonathan__my external storage drive isn't recognizes automatically when i boot my pc!11:00
cahuezjonathan, try to boot the pc first and then, if usb device, connect it later...11:02
hamalawyis there anything i can do to fix this problem11:03
hamalawyi did some research in the forums and other forums but nothing did the trick11:04
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noaXesscan i restart sound without rebooting?11:06
cahuezgo to system config..11:07
noaXesscahuez: and then?11:08
cahuezcheck for system admin and click at sound system please..11:09
cahuezat the bottom, there is a button for test sound..11:09
noaXessjep and if i press it, it hangs11:09
cahuezmm, then click at the hw tab and check for what is the sound device, by default, autodetect...11:13
kreibabout writing, not programming, just plain text. Things is you want to have it possible to convert your writing to different formats like tex, html etc. So the best thing is probably t just write in plain text in vim and use xml tags so a parser later can recognize different elements like tables etc. But you dont want to invent a xml standard for this, so where can I find such a standard with supprted parsers?11:15
SlimeyPetekreib: I think that's what docbook is?11:17
kreibI see, I'll check that out. thx11:18
jeremy_any1 here running 64bit? i need help with flash11:35
jeremy_anyone here?11:36
ubottuYou can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava11:37
OrnedanMy sound stops working after hibernation. This didn't happen in 7.10 and does happen in 8.04. Known issue? Or if not, where should I start looking for the cause?11:40
Amarilishi guys11:44
Amarilismy problem: i booted the last version of ubuntu/kubuntu from the live cd (normal mode), but when it's time to load gnome/kde what i see are only stripes11:45
Amarilisi rebooted and i selected safe mode. this time i can see the desktop11:46
Amarilisi have gigabyte graphic card nvidia 6600GT. do you think that this graphic card is the problem or is the X server ?11:48
Amarilisi've met this problem from the 7.x version of ubuntu/kubuntu11:49
Amarilisi even tried last version on a hp laptop and i encountered the same problem11:50
Amariliscan anyone tell me why this problem occured ?11:50
XceIIare the gutsy updates shut down?11:54
ubunturosKubuntu 8.04 has the wubi feature, but is anyone using it?11:57
teteubunttu: How i am can download konversation cz11:58
emilsedghubunturos:why not?12:00
ubunturosemilsedgh: may be because, it becomes a window app, than an OS?12:01
emilsedghubunturos: people are using it.12:01
emilsedghtoday for example on slashdot i read someone used it and was so happy12:01
ubunturosAmarilis: btw, which graphics card / motherboard?12:04
Amarilisubunturos: i have gigabyte graphic card nvidia 6600GT12:05
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Amarilisand a samsung syncmaster 959nf12:06
ubunturosAmarilis: hmm, looks like, the graphics driver module for that card was not loaded; but I'm not so sure12:07
ActionParsni1Amarilis: can we have a pastebin of your xorg.conf please12:07
Amarilisubunturos: do you think that a kubuntu dvd will resolve the problem12:07
_eMaX_hi all12:08
_eMaX_anyone here uses Xephyr?12:08
Amarilisyes i'll paste the xorg.conf12:08
ActionParsni1Amarilis: ty12:08
ubunturosAmarilis: I'm not sure, if it will. Use Pastebin to paste your xorg.conf, ActionParsni1 might be able to answer your query12:08
Amarilisok ubunturos12:09
ubunturosAmarilis: also, in meantime, you could look at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1237412:10
ActionParsni1Amarilis: !nvidia you may also want to check: | Amarilis12:11
ActionParsni1!nvidia | Amarilis12:11
ubottuAmarilis: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:11
ActionParsni1Amarilis: ^ may be helpful12:11
Amarilisok. thanks guys12:11
ActionParsni1they should make a pastebin service you can cat files into and it gives you a link12:12
ActionParsni1cat /etc/X11/xorg.con > /dev/paste12:12
ActionParsni1Amarilis: you ok with pastebin?12:15
ActionParsni1!paste | Amarilis12:16
ubottuAmarilis: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)12:16
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Amarilisi've put the xorg.conf on paste.ubuntu.com12:29
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dresnuhello, I have installed kubuntu hardy in greek. Is there a way to get firefox in greek too? I mean the toolbar entries and menus that are in english right now. Thank you13:10
darkytry to look for firefox's greek support on adept13:11
ubottu#ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes13:11
jussio1you could also ask there ^13:11
dresnuok thank you I'll check that channel out13:12
dresnuanyway (kubuntu-gr is a little void, i'm alone :-), I had already tried searching in apt for "firefox greek) and the only package I get is mozilla-firefox-locale-el13:15
kgx0can telnet show server response headers?13:16
TomatoI want to install Kubuntu on my pc13:22
MiescoIf KDE 4.1 is released (alpha), does that mean that KDE 4.0 is stable?13:23
Dr_willisMiesco,  i dont think so.13:26
Dr_willisof course kde4 is very much a work in progress. Hopefully 4.1 added some much needed missing features13:26
josuehola a todos13:27
josuesoy nuevo en esto13:27
Dr_willisNocho Bell Grande!13:27
ubottuAquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.13:27
shadowboxwhat more can i do to play quicktime movies. I used to be able to play trailers for upcoming movies but now I need plug-ins13:32
Picikubuntu-restricted-extras should include the packages you need to play QT stuffs13:34
dresnuquicktime and realmedia are a pain to play...13:35
dresnuonly mplayer is able to open really everything13:35
Dr_willisthats why i tend to use mplayer :)13:35
dresnubut has such an ugly integration to kde...13:35
Dr_willisNever noticed dresnu  :) 'integeration' is such a buzz word that seems to tossed about so much. and mean so little.13:36
shadowboxI cant preview QT on apples site13:36
dresnuok, but I prefer kaffeine as a player13:37
dresnuI like its features, but it doesn't work unfortunately with the mplayer engine (never understood why though)13:37
shadowboxhey wow, did I miss the release of 8.04? oh, or is that just Ubuntu?13:38
dresnuyou probably missed it..13:39
Jucatoshadowbox: you missed it13:39
dresnuit's out there, go grab it!13:39
shadowboxahh, man13:39
shadowboxanyone here using it?13:40
jussio1most of us...13:40
shadowboxlol, thanks13:40
Dr_willisBeen under a rock for the last month? :)13:42
shadowboxlol, more like out of town13:42
shadowboxstate actually13:42
falloppioHello there!13:43
shadowboxI'm opening up a computer store that will (fingers crossed) be the largest in ECity , NC13:43
dresnuand you will sell linux preinstalled?13:44
shadowboxand the ONLY one that will be offering Linux only line of PC's (Kubuntu)13:44
shadowboxthats the plan, yes13:44
dresnualright! :-D13:45
dresnugood luck then!13:45
shadowboxhey what do you think of the name?     Byte Me Computers13:46
shadowboxhehe, I thought it was catchy13:46
shadowboxwe will be online in a day or two and growing daily13:47
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!13:47
dresnuothers have had the same idea i guess: http://bytemeusa.com/store/index.php http://www.byteme.com.au/13:48
dresnuand that's you probably: http://mybytecomputers.com/13:48
shadowboxsorry, it all stemed from offering preinstalled linux pcs13:48
shadowboxactually no13:48
Dr_williswalmart has the $200 pc with linux :)13:49
shadowboxyeah hard to beat13:49
shadowboxbut can do a $22513:49
Dr_willisIve not seen one in a local walmart yet. -13:50
dresnuwill you offer some kind of aftermarket service?13:50
shadowboxdont think you will13:50
dresnuok, then that's somewhere you can compete13:50
shadowboxas long as WM has had those$200 pc's (and selling out regularly) they are still timid on putting them in the stores.13:51
shadowboxKubuntu PC's will actually be in the show room for demo13:52
Dr_williswith a big ICON on the middle of the desktop leading.. here! :)13:53
shadowboxand plans are to have one machine that will be a media pc w/ 32" HDTV for support (of course)   :o)13:53
shadowboxheck yeah13:53
shadowboxI might get with you guys on how to compile a complete package on one dvd for installation13:55
shadowboxI will also be giving away Kubuntu oo.o and other popular software on CD on demand13:56
shadowboxactually have a flyer in the window now13:56
shadowboxdresnu: www.bytemecomputers.net & www.bytemecomputersonline.com & www.bytemecomputersllc.com13:58
polysiliconI am finding it very difficult to enable vertical scrolling on my laptop touchpad. Does anybody know how to do it exactly? someone told me that i should define scrollable area on touchpad, how to do that?13:59
chxI tried to google without much success. Where can I read about the svn+ssh kioslave?13:59
shadowboxpolysilicon: the right side of your finger pad close to the edge13:59
polysiliconshadowbox, yes but how to define the area?14:00
shadowboxoh, it should already be defined14:01
canenanyone familiar with the issue of the "kded [kdeinit] --new-startup" taking 100% of CPU on first start up?14:01
canenonly seems to happen if kopete or kcheckgmail is set to startup on login14:01
polysiliconshadowbox, yes but when I try to scroll the pointer moves which means synaptics driver is not configured for vertical scrolling...14:03
polysiliconthe area is not acting as scrollable14:03
shadowboxpolysilicon: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-485289.html14:03
polysilicongreat! thanks14:04
polysiliconI hope it should work now14:04
shadowboxpolysilicon: and here for info  http://lwn.net/Articles/255662/14:04
shadowboxyour welcome14:05
shadowboxand good luck14:05
hernangood morning14:05
blkhtbrigade I'm having trouble rebuilding a module.   I've got the module all ready to make, but when I run make it only outputs the .o and not the .ko.  modpost is showing but doesn't seem to want to convert to .ko =/   any ideas?14:08
Dr_willischeck the kernel guide yet?14:09
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - For more: /msg ubotu stages14:09
blkhtbrigadeDr_willis: I will now =) thanks14:09
Dr_willisId bet theres some little step you overlooked. :)14:09
Dr_willisbut thats all i know on the topic. so good luck14:09
blkhtbrigadeThere usually is =)14:09
canenso no one familiar with the "kded [kdeinit] --new-startup" 100% CPU problem?14:13
Dr_willisNot heard of it canen14:15
canenannoying problem14:15
Dr_willisIm having other annying problems.. :)14:15
canenkilling the process solves it but annoying anyway14:15
canenDr_willis: ?14:15
Dr_willisDVD/cd burning has been goofed up on this machine since the beta testing began. :(14:16
canenoh, haven't done any of that in a while. I am not even sure it still works :)14:17
Dr_willisI cen burn ONE disk/dvd/cd - and then the cd/dvd just 'vanishes' from the system. :) like some deep kernel issue is going on.14:18
ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!14:25
Edulixanyone here with latest fglrx driver? can you tell me what version of the module fglrx is shown as the output of dmesg | grep fglrx please?14:26
SlimeyPeteyou mean latest as in the one that comes with hardy?14:26
SlimeyPeteor the latest from ATI?14:26
* SlimeyPete has the former14:26
Edulixfrom ati14:26
SlimeyPeteah, sorry.14:26
Dr_willisSorry Not using those either.14:27
EdulixSlimeyPete: but if you have the latest from hardy please tell me which version it is14:27
Edulixmine says:14:27
Edulix[   28.923530] [fglrx] module loaded - fglrx 8.47.3 [Mar 29 2008] on minor 014:27
Dr_willisHardy finially  worked with the fglrx drivers on my laptop. :)14:27
SlimeyPete[   54.546743] [fglrx] module loaded - fglrx 8.37.6 [May 25 2007] on minor 014:27
Edulixthat's old!14:27
EdulixI want 8.47.6 :P14:28
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tycale_Yep §!§14:37
tycale_Need some help14:37
tycale_I've install emacs-snapshot14:37
tycale_Then, i want emacs -> emacs-snapshot14:37
tycale_And I've make a mistake14:38
tycale_rm /usr/bin/emacs14:38
tycale_Who whas a symbolic links -> emacs -> /etc/alternatives/emacs14:39
tycale_then, I've tried update-alternatives --config emacs14:39
tycale_and choose the emacs-snapshot14:39
tycale_but it doesn't work14:39
tycale_tycale@tycale-desktop:~$ emacs14:40
tycale_bash: /usr/bin/emacs: Permission non accordée14:40
Dr_willisYou could just remove emacs-snapshot, and reinstall it.14:40
tycale_emacs-snapshot works14:40
tycale_I've to remove emacs, no?14:40
Dr_willisNo idea.14:43
Dr_willisremove/reinstall whatever you might of messed up..  and see if it works14:43
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Dr_willisand quit messing about in /usr/bin :P14:43
Dr_willisI use vi :) heh .14:43
tycale_I was a vim user14:44
Dr_willisabout once a month i reread some of my vi docs. and learn a new vi feature/or gain some skill in using the standard features..14:44
kblinhi folks14:44
Dr_willisI do use 'fte' a lot for some editing14:44
tycale_It works14:46
tycale_With a wrong way, but it's okay :-'14:46
kblinis there an easier way to get a single proposed upgrade deb than enabling the -proposed repo via adept?14:47
josephkubuntu rules14:47
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes14:47
josephis it worth it for me to upgrade from gutsy to hardy?14:47
ubottuHardy Heron is the codename for the current release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS) You can get it now from http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu but please use !torrents14:50
ubottuKubuntu Hardy Heron (8.04) torrents can be obtained at http://se.cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/8.04/release/ (KDE 3.5.9) or http://se.cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu-kde4/releases/8.04/release/ (KDE 4.0.3)14:50
* stephen saute même s'il ne sait pas pourquoi14:55
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr14:55
josephanyone upgraded from gutsy to hardy?14:56
kblinworked nice14:56
josephany issues in upgrading?14:56
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josephlike, did you have any problems?14:56
kblinit removed a couple of packages I was using, especially -dev packages14:57
kblinnothing an aptitude install couldn't fix14:57
nicolasI made it from alternate dvd and got no problem once I found the way to laucnh the upgrade14:57
josephdo you notice any better functionality?14:57
josephany performance difference?14:57
Dr_willisI perfer to Update Not upgrade. :)14:58
josephDr_willis: can you elaborate on that?14:58
Dr_willisFrom what i gather in the irc rooms. Many upgraders have had issues with.. wireless, video, sound, and..  a few other bits14:58
nicolassome problem here with Wifi right14:58
Dr_willisI mean i tend to do Clean reinstalls.. :) heh.14:58
kblinjoseph: dunno, I mostly upgraded to get KVM support and virt-manager working14:58
josephDr_willis: yeah, see that's why i'm dragging my feet on upgrading.  if it ain't broke, why fix it?14:59
josephkblin: virt-manager?14:59
nicolasbut these issues are usual issues coming with the few days after upgrade no?14:59
ubottuFactoid virt-manager not found14:59
kblinjoseph: a python GUI for managing qemu and Xen virtual machines14:59
josephwhy not use VirtualBox?15:00
pippoZhi all15:01
kblinjoseph: because networking in virtualbox sucks15:01
josephkblin: ok, that's a good reason.  and vm-manager doesn't work in gutsy?15:01
kblinjoseph: it's not even installable, some of the deps don't exist15:02
josephkblin: k15:02
kblinso even building it manually is a bit of a pain15:02
josephkblin: what platform do you usually launch from vm-manager? windows?15:02
kblinyeah. and a couple of linux test boxes15:03
pottyis kde more lighta den ubuntu?15:03
josephpotty: it's a matter of personal preference, actually.15:04
Dr_willispotty,  about the same - if you want LIGHT - go with xfce, or some minimal window manager.15:05
pottyI was juz wondering as gnome gets more heavy every release15:05
Dr_willisand its Still missing   soooo many features...15:07
Dr_willismake ya wonder where its growing at.15:07
kblinwell, I haven't tried KDE 4 yet, but I'd be surprised if that got any lighter15:07
Dr_williskde4 is a total new animal. :) so its hard to tell.15:07
Dr_willisLightness of a desktop is not that huge a demand these days.. theres plenty of alternatives if you want light i guess.15:08
pottyit is for vista =)15:08
kblinxubuntu is really nice for that. I run it in a couple of VMs where I want to have a GUI15:09
pottyvista drained 600MB just idleing15:09
polysiliconI cannot find ksynaptics package. Where is it?15:14
polysiliconsudo apt-cache search ksynaptics > no result15:14
BluesKajhiyas all15:17
kblinpolysilicon: there's a ksynaptic package?15:19
kblinpolysilicon: what's wrong with adept?15:19
ConficioIs there any kdm expert around? I have Kubuntu 7.04/kde 3.5.8 and want to enable xdmcp, however, it does not work and the most likely culprit is kdm listening on udp6 instead of udp. How can I change that?15:20
pottyI have an dapper install want to upgrade to fiesty will i have to upgrade to edgy then fiesty?15:23
Dr_willisLTS upgrades are supported15:24
kkathmanpotty  you might think about backing up critical things and do a fresh install of hardy15:24
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polysiliconkblin, I couldn't find any. I got a deb file from gutsy packages15:31
polysiliconits working15:31
navetzcan someone please help me, knetwork manager is not detecting any devices15:44
navetzbut it does at home15:44
LeeJunFannavetz: have you rebooted?15:49
polysiliconI cannot get ksynaptics to control my touchpad, changes do not take effect. I have added Option SHMConfig "on" in /etc/X11/xorg.conf15:49
lascarwhat command displays Linux kernel info?15:49
Quetzlcoatluname -a15:49
LeeJunFannavetz: and if you're plugged in it probably won't detect if the cable isn't working right.15:49
lascarquetzlcoatl: ty15:49
ramribeiro_i installed kubuntu on toshiba Qosmio with great success, where can i report it?15:51
navetzLeeJunFan: hey, yes I have rebooted15:53
navetzLeeJunFan: also the cable is being used right now on a networking printer and it is working15:54
SeicherlBoBI have a problem with a problem with an application. After starting the app. it reduces itself down to the controllbar, but there is no icon, only a blank space. So i can't click it to "open" the application. Is there a way to access items from the controllbar without clicking them?15:54
BonesolTeraDyneEveryone, there's been a change in the UbuntuOpenWeek lineup. Ask Mark will be starting in about 5 minutes. Join #ubuntu-classroom and #ubuntu-classroom-chat if you want to join.15:55
BonesolTeraDyneThis is being posted here by request of jcastro15:56
ramribeiro_i have one Toshiba qosmio, and i didn't get extra keyboard ...some examples are Fn+F5...and i have tried Keytouch tools...15:57
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ramribeiro_someone can help me?15:58
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MetaMorfoziShi all16:08
MetaMorfoziShow can i get libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3 ?16:09
MetaMorfoziSi get error "error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" from a program16:09
leftbasadd it from adept16:09
MetaMorfoziSbut no package that contains this file16:09
leftbasjust launch it, and type the library name in the filter16:09
hydrogenYou need to recompile the program16:09
hydrogenagainst a modern version of gcc16:09
hydrogenI assume you updated from an older version of kubuntu?16:10
leftbasright click and request an install16:10
MetaMorfoziSand any other way16:10
hydrogenor downloaded the binary off the internet?16:10
hydrogenleftbas: No. No. No.16:10
leftbashydrogen: why not? he didn't say he already had a version of it16:10
hydrogenthen you need to find a binary designed to work for kubuntu hardy16:10
SlimeyPetehe's definitely already got a version16:11
leftbasoh...sorry then16:11
SlimeyPeteit's critical to the operation of much of k/ubuntu16:11
SlimeyPetebut you weren't to know :)16:11
hydrogenSlimeyPete: a version _incompatible_ with the version the program was compiled against16:11
SlimeyPetehydrogen: yes16:11
SlimeyPeteI was answering leftbas :)16:11
hydrogenand he has a version of libstdc++, not a version of libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.316:11
MetaMorfoziSi can't recompile it and i can't get other version16:12
MetaMorfoziSso i need that libstdc something16:12
hydrogenthen you can't use that program16:12
MetaMorfoziSif it's possible16:12
leftbaswhat are you trying to run that doesn't like the version you already have?16:13
combohi, i have problem with internet. how to confgure network on kub-8.10 ? in windows it's simple cuz automatically but in linux, doesn't :/16:15
leftbascombo: how are you connecting? ethernet or wifi?16:16
comboleftbas: ethernet16:16
comboi have only a cable and that's all16:16
leftbascombo: was it connected when you installed 8.04?16:16
comboleftbas: after winXP installation internet works16:16
leftbascombo: is it a dual boot?16:16
[nix]you guys know what file manager is shown in this shot? http://fc06.deviantart.com/fs30/f/2008/113/b/f/Sehenn_SShot_by_VisionsofArt.png16:17
comboleftbas: never tried that on 8.04.16:17
comboleftbas: when choosing DHCP it says "uknown host"16:18
leftbascombo: so you only have kubuntu on the machine you're talking about?16:18
comboleftbas: yes - this is my friend's notebook in his house. i'm trying to connect that notebook with kub-8.1016:19
leftbascombo: are you connecting to a router, or straight to the modem?16:19
comboleftbas: i have kub 8.04 in my house (i have router) and evertyhing works fine. but can't configure his internet16:19
combocable comes from a nest16:20
comboleftbas: no modem or router just a provider nest :]16:20
leftbasa nest? community service, like in an apartment building?16:20
comboleftbas: yeah :)16:22
comboleftbas: the place where are comming from cables from phone etc.:)16:22
comboleftbas: i mean socket :P16:22
leftbascombo: then i recommend talking to whomever supports that LAN16:23
leftbascombo: there's some piece of info you might not have gotten16:23
leftbascombo: like the dns servers or something16:23
comboleftbas: ok then :)16:24
comboleftbas: thanks for help :)16:24
comboleftbas: will contact with that Internet provider :)16:24
leftbasno problem16:24
combosee ya16:24
leftbas[nix]: sorry, never seen that desktop style before16:25
Riddellask mark in #ubuntu-classroom16:27
humehi... in the new KDE4 - is there a way to create a subpanel, or extra panel, where I can have program icons (like in KDE 3.5)?16:36
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bipolaris anyone else having a problem with strigidaemon crashing when indexing?16:48
bipolarstrigidaemon: /build/buildd/strigi-0.5.7/src/streams/subinputstream.cpp:30: Strigi::SubInputStream::SubInputStream(Strigi::InputStream*, int64_t): Assertion `length >= -1' failed.16:48
nosrednaekimhume: no, not until 4.116:49
Pennycookhume: You can add program icons to the taskbar, if that's useful.16:52
Shakaanhello world16:53
Shakaani use IRC for the first time16:53
SlimeyPeteit is dark16:53
nosrednaekimhello Shakaan16:53
SlimeyPeteyou are likely to be eaten by a grue16:53
SlimeyPeteyour sword is glowing faintly16:53
Shakaanhello nosrednaekim16:53
nosrednaekimlol @ SlimeyPete16:54
Shakaanis there some French here?16:58
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr16:58
Shakaanok ubottu17:00
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joseQue es esto17:06
ubottuAquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.17:06
Kr|ptiXcan someone help  me fix my sound i just recently updated to 8.04 an now my  sound doesnt work17:12
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Kr|ptiXright now my soundcard is intel how do i switch it to oss or alsa17:17
ramribeiroi have installed kubuntu 7.10 on my toshiba Qosmio, but the extra keysboard didnt works....example  Fn+F5... somebody help-me?17:20
mohihi :)17:20
moonnighttry change the language of the keyboard17:22
mohiI upgraded to hardy and now when I type sudo in the begining of the command, it says: sudo: unable to resolve host ...17:22
ramribeiromoonnight, my keyboard is english US. my kde is too.17:23
mohiramribeiro: this promlem is know solved for me in hardy! just upgrade17:23
coggzcan anyone assist me with rsync17:23
ramribeiromohi: ok, i'll try.very good. and about Debian, it's works?17:24
mohiI haven't tried yet17:24
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monkeybritchesmohi: What command are you trying to run with sudo?17:25
mohimonkeybritches: sudo apt-cdrom add, everything17:26
doctorwhitewhere can i find the release notes for hardy 4 kubuntu 8.0.4?17:27
monkeybritchesmohi: Did you try it without the ', everything'?17:28
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mohimonkeybritches: I meant every command ;)17:28
coggzanyone able to help me set up rsync?17:28
monkeybritches!hardy | doctorwhite17:28
ubottudoctorwhite: Hardy Heron is the codename for the current release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS) You can get it now from http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu but please use !torrents17:28
monkeybritchesThere should be a link thereabouts17:28
ubottuUse hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at system>administration>networking on the "General" tab17:29
doctorwhitei dont see the release notes.  i just want to see the what pkgs are included.17:29
monkeybritchesmohi: And you have apt-cdrom installed? I can see how if you didn't it would try to get it remotely and might give you that message, but I would think it should be there by default.17:30
mohiwhat does "should the hosts and hostname be equal" mean?17:30
mohimonkeybritches: yes. I can run them without sudo17:31
monkeybritchesThere needs to be an entry in hosts for whatever your hostname is17:31
monkeybritchesIt appears they have forgotten to hadd 8.04 release notes...17:32
mohi:( yes..17:33
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monkeybritchesI want my monkey back ;)17:33
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doctorwhitedoes the kubuntu 8.0.4 dvd version include mysql, php etc?17:34
mohiyes! me2!17:34
mohimonkeybritches: ^17:34
coggzany ideas with rsync????17:35
monkeybritchesI would assume so, given the size it should be complete.17:35
bazhangcoggz: what is your issue with rsync?17:36
coggzok, i want to set up a backup on a pc, and have 2 laptos sync all documents with the server, and so there will be identical documents on Laptop 1+2, and a backup on PC17:37
coggzdo you understand that?17:39
bazhangthis is gutsy or hardy coggz17:39
coggzlaptops are gutsy and desktop is hardy17:40
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Ardarandir_ina: huhu17:41
Ardarandir_Ich bins ;)17:41
bazhangcoggz: here are two links worth a look: one is general (includes rsync) while the other deals with sbackup https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem http://www.debianadmin.com/backup-and-restore-your-ubuntu-system-using-sbackup.html17:44
damI'm having problems with firefox con someone help ?17:45
=== adrien is now known as Wiss
ramribeiroi have one problem with my intel gm965/x3100 when runs opengl...! the screen shutdown, but the notebook don't freeze.17:47
mohimonkeybritches: I'm in recovery mode! how may I set the correct host name?17:48
ramribeirothere are some problem with opengl on intel graphics?17:48
DatzHow long does Kubuntu usually take to start up?17:55
Datzbecause mine is stuck at "Running local boot scripts 9/etc/rc.local)17:56
Datz9 = (17:56
DatzI think last time it was improperly shut down17:57
ramribeirohathleen: ola17:57
kathleenI hope some of you can help me with my wlan problem17:57
ramribeirokathleen: what's happen with our wlan?17:58
kathleenit stoped working after upgrading from Kubuntu 7.10 to 8.0417:58
kathleeneverithing seems to be fine17:58
kathleenat least as far as I can tell17:58
ramribeirokathleen: which is your card?17:59
kathleenI use a linksys WPC54G ver. 317:59
pandaalgien que hable español18:00
jeffm_Hi, all.18:00
DatzDoes anyone think they could help me with my problem?18:00
ramribeirokathleen: looks in kubuntu site for suport this card.18:01
kathleenramribeiro: it did work before and Kubuntu did offer new driver18:01
jeffm_I've just upgraded my system to 8.04, the KDE 3 version.  When i enable the desktop effects from the K menu, however, I see no change in effects or window behavior at all.  Are these effects only for KDE 4 (and if so, why are they in my menu), or am I missing something else entirely?18:01
kathleenbutnow only the LAN connection is working18:02
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haygusbonjour, comment on peut regarder les espace libre de son disque dur ?18:02
haygusje vien de reinstaller kubuntu et il me sort disque plein18:02
jeffm_It should be noted that I'm running without 3-D acceleration if that makes a difference.18:02
kathleenramribeiro: all the setting seems to fine and the card is marked as active18:03
DatzKubuntu  is stuck loading at "Running local boot scripts (/etc/rc.local) under starting K Display Manager: kdm18:03
kathleenramribeiro: IPsettings, Router, WEB key all seems to ebe fine18:03
ramribeirokathleen, i never got the new release of OS, always i wait for the next release...like kubuntu 7.04, i wait for the 7.1018:03
kathleenramribeiro: but 7.10 is already out for some time now18:04
kathleenand 8.04 is the new final release18:05
ramribeirokathleen, u don't see the wirelles conects or don't achieve the conect?18:05
monkeybritchesDatz: Try booting up in recovery mode18:05
monkeybritchesand choose the option to fix the X-terminal18:06
ramribeirokathleen, i now it, boot i think that have many boog. let me search for your card on google...just a minute18:06
kathleenramribeiro: I don't understand. What conects18:06
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ramribeirokathleen, look it http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=564518:08
kathleenramribeiro:thanks give me a minute18:09
ramribeirokathleen, so sorry...i now somethings about linux, but my english is poor18:09
ramribeirokathleen, now* know18:10
ramribeirokathleen, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18653818:11
slothwill wlan work for wireless or do I need to get my comp to use eth1?18:11
bleakedso for years i've been using the kicker media applet to eject my external hard drives, ipod, camera, etc.. with no trouble.. however, ever since i installed hardy, i cannot seem to eject (safely remove) *anything* without numerous eject or fstab errors.  this is on a clean hardy install.18:12
* CubaCola is away: Parti pour l'instant.18:20
slothbleaked have you tried right clicking the external drives and using the unmount option? that has been working for me18:20
wesleyhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/9243/ i get fatal error in planeshift does someone know why ?18:23
Datzmonkeybritches, thanks I'll try recover mode18:23
Datzmonkeybritches, how do I choose recovery mode?18:25
slothdatz when grub first starts press esc then scroll down to recovery mode and press enter18:25
CoCaInEDatz: when grub is working while runnin pc u press Esc, and u can choose there18:25
slothhow do i change the grub splash image?18:27
Malichi! does anyone know if envyng supports the new ati driver (8.4) ?18:27
slothmalic it works for me :)18:27
ubottuTo select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork18:28
Malicsloth: any improvements compared with 8.3?18:29
DatzOk, thx guys I will try it18:29
slothmalic: only thing better ive noticed is that with compiz turned on running full effects, my graphics dont crash anymore18:30
Malicsloth: ok thx.. i will try the new one18:30
mattikHello, How could I take a part KUbuntu meeting. Do I need jabber or irc-client or something else?18:36
monkeybritchesDo you mean a net-meeting?18:37
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ArkardHi people18:40
bleakedsloth: sorry for the late response, was distracted.. well isn't it necessary to 'safely remove' external devices to maintain data integrity?  i really don't know much about the mounting process versus the eject process, but if the option exists, it seems necessary.. that said, mounting/unmounting works just fine, it's the 'safely remove' / eject feature that causes the errors.18:40
monkeybritchesYou could use a VNC connection18:40
Arkardi have a problem with my Microphone, no one can hear me18:40
monkeybritchesI'm still looking to see what the equivalent for Netmeeting would be...18:40
monkeybritchesAnyone, feel free to chime in if you know the answer :)18:40
monkeybritchesSorry Arkard, you'll have to speak up. I can't hear you. ;)18:41
Arkardin my alsa the MIC BOOST is Disabled18:41
monkeybritchesThat could be a problem right there.18:42
aLeSDhi all18:42
TimSAnyone here have a core 2 proccessor and nVidia 7300 series graphics card?18:42
Arkardbut how can i enable it?18:42
aLeSDI just installed kubuntu with the kde4 environment18:42
aLeSDIt's my first time in kde18:43
aLeSDand I have some troubles18:43
Faust-CaLeSD, wtg kde4 isnt really ready18:43
aLeSDhow can I active compiz ?18:43
aLeSDwell it's nice18:43
ArkardaLeSD: need to install compiz kde18:43
aLeSDI will move to kde only for the qt418:43
monkeybritchesmattik: Check out this URL - http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html18:44
monkeybritchesThere are some alternatives to Netmeeting. I haven't tried any of them but they link to each application.18:44
monkeybritchesaLeSD: You have Compiz installed, right?18:45
monkeybritchesOops, didn't see that :)18:45
aLeSDthe konsole works very strange18:45
monkeybritchesUnder System > Desktop Effects you can select a setting18:45
Arkardmonkeybritches, what about my microphone?18:45
aLeSDI mean it's buggy18:45
monkeybritchesArkard: Did you enable mic boost?18:45
Arkardhow can i activate the mic boost?18:45
monkeybritchesI should have asked a more pointed question. :)18:46
monkeybritchesI thought it was a checkbox18:46
kblinit's in kmix18:46
kblinin the "switches" tab18:46
Arkardi cannot monkeybritches, i cannot turn up the volume of the MIC BOOST18:46
monkeybritchesHit Alt-F2 and type 'kmix'18:47
aLeSDand now how can I active compiz ?18:47
aLeSDwow kde is faster than gnome18:47
aLeSDa lot faster18:47
monkeybritchesaLeSD: Did you go to System > Desktop Effects ?18:47
ArkardaLeSD: alt-f2 compiz --replace18:47
monkeybritchesIMO, KDE4 isn't ready yet, and I'm going to stick with 3.518:47
aLeSDmonkeybritches  I haven't that entry in my menu18:48
mattikmonkeybritches: Thank you :) I just liked to know and now I know can use irssi18:48
aLeSDArkard I'd like something that will active it permanently18:48
monkeybritchesGlad to be of help. :)18:48
Arkarddo that once and is enabled all the time18:49
aLeSDirssi rules18:49
Datzmonkeybritches, thanks it worked18:49
monkeybritchesGreat to hear it. :)18:50
ArkardTotally work with Kmix, Thanks to all18:53
DexterFanyone know of the 8.04 live cd will try to auto-assemble software raids from 0xFD partitions?18:54
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LimCorebrand new system, brand new errors18:55
LimCoreis it just me, or is Xgl crashing like crazy18:55
LimCorelike in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xgl/+bug/22533818:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 225338 in xserver-xgl "segfault error 6, and trap divide error" [Undecided,New]18:55
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aLeSDso kde4 has already 3d effects ?18:57
LimCoreaLeSD: it worked a bit with kde, but then stoped working18:58
LimCoreIm using the default kde, 318:58
DatzHi, with Ubuntu I can open a directory with command "nautilus (some dir)"  what can I use for Kubuntu?18:58
trappistDatz: try file:///path/to/dir18:59
Datzok, I'l try thatnks18:59
trappistDatz: I just tried, it works :)18:59
cheese_I am wondering if Kubuntu8.04 fixed edition has been released.19:01
Datz trappist:, that is to open a fie, but not a directory?19:01
Datzor I just specify a file in the dir?19:01
aLeSDmmm +19:02
aLeSDI noticed a strange stuff : I installed some programs but I haven't the entries in the menu ?19:03
Datz trappist, I am having no luck19:03
combocan someone give me the name of docker so i can have icons dock same way like in MacOSX ? (i use Kub-7.10)19:03
aLeSDI mean programs like firefox amarok19:03
aLeSDdo u know why ?19:03
Datz trappist, something like this : "file:///home/datz/Music"  does not work for me19:03
trappistDatz: that's to open a directory19:03
combodoes anybody know where KDE4 will be available? :))19:04
trappistDatz: are you doing this on the command line, or in the address bar, or what?19:04
cheese_To combo:maybe avant winddow navigator19:04
Datzcommand line19:04
trappistcombo: kde4 is available19:04
combocheese_: thx :)19:04
Datz trappist, I see19:04
trappistDatz: I just did konqueror file:///home/trappist/Documents and it worked fine19:04
combotrappist: upss... it looks i still use KDE 3.5.8 in kub-7.10 :/19:04
trappistcombo: that's the default.  there's a kubuntu "remix" I think they called it that ships with kde4, and I think you can install the packages from the kubuntu.org repository19:05
combotrappist: is this worth of that? i mean is KDE4 much better than KDE 3.x.x ? :D19:06
Datz trappist, I want to open a directory, but not in the browser, so I can change some things19:06
Datzthanks, though19:06
LimCorewhy KUbuntu shiped XGL that have like 20 crash reports? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xgl/+bugs19:07
trappistcombo: last time I tried it (early beta) I couldn't deal with it.  I'm sure it's much better now - there are a lot of inherent improvements, now it's just a matter of filling in functionality holes19:07
LimCorecan I upgrade to other version of xgl?19:07
trappistDatz: not in the browser?  just cd to it... or am I still misunderstanding you19:07
combotrappist: can i install KDE4 with Adept Manager? :)19:07
Datz trappist, ah, ok I will cd it then19:07
trappistcombo: I would imagine if you have the appropriate repositories enabled, yes19:08
lupinderwolfwhat's about?19:08
combotrappist: ok then, thanks for info :)19:09
trappistLimCore: almost all packages have bugs.  some of them have lots and lots of bugs.  for most of us, they work just fine though.19:09
Datztrappist, basically I want to open a hidden dir to have a  folder view19:10
LimCoretrappist: xgl crashes each few hours, for me and around 20 people that bothered to send bug report.19:10
Datzwith Ubuntu I could give the command eg "nautilus .wine" and it would open in folder view19:10
trappistDatz: not sure I understand.19:10
trappistLimCore: nvidia drivers?19:10
LimCoretrappist: yes19:11
trappistyeah I've heard about that one19:11
LimCorethis reminds me of a ##C++'s joke19:12
Datztrappist,  in order to work in a directoy other than in command line19:12
* LimCore <nolyc> It compiles?! SHIP IT!!19:12
LimCoreok I disabled XGL. But, can I install easly other verstion to try to compare?19:12
Datztrappist, guess I will try "sudo apt-get install nautilus"  :)19:12
GreeneryDatz: use konqueror19:13
Datz Greenery, ah that may be what I am looking for19:14
Datzwhoohoo, it is19:14
Datzthanks guys19:14
DatzI figured it would be something like that19:15
trappistDatz: I said konqueror!19:15
Datzoops, must have missed it...sorry19:15
DatzI had already tried "knautilus"  lol19:15
smerilmy sound dossent work and i cant acces the volume control19:15
chisiyuansmeril:i have the same problem days ago19:16
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smerilhow did you fix it?19:17
Greenerywhat kind of sound issue? I have sound issue at the moment also19:17
Greenerymy sound is playing intermittently, it comes and go19:17
chisiyuansmeril:well.....i just reinstall the whole system....sorry , i am a rookie19:18
smerilok but thanks19:19
smerilanybody else who have a clue?19:19
chisiyuanit is said alsa should be update19:20
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP319:20
monkeybritchesAlso run Kmix to see if the channels are enabled19:21
Muzer_realHi, I'm fine with KDE4 except for one thing: The version of Ark is crap. What would be the best way to make a) KDE4 Dolphin use KDE3 Ark and b) KDE3 Ark use KDE4 Dolphin. Currently the KDE4 Dolphin uses the KDE4 Ark and KDE3 Ark uses KDE3 Dolphin. Please note I already have the KDE3 Ark installed and it shows up in the K menu. I have a pretty good idea how to get KDE4 Dolphin to use KDE3 Ark, but not KDE3 Ark using KDE4 Dolphin.19:23
Muzer_realOh yeah, and also, when in Dolphin, after opening a file successfully and after closing it, it always says (for example) "KDEInit could not launch '/usr/lib/kde4/bin/kate'."19:23
Muzer_realAnyone therE>19:25
Muzer_realDid you see my big questions?19:25
chisiyuanYa,i see it, but withou kde4 experience, i don't know what to do with it.19:26
jhutchins_wkMuzer_real: Did you have a question, or are you merely pointing out the obvious fact that KDE4 is a test platform for applications being ported?19:26
vbhidecould anyone please show e how to use telnet? i'm regularly getting the error "could not resolve..."19:26
jhutchins_wkvbhide: Dead simple, telnet <host>.19:26
Muzer_real<Muzer> Hi, I'm fine with KDE4 except for one thing: The version of Ark is crap. What would be the best way to make a) KDE4 Dolphin use KDE3 Ark and b) KDE3 Ark use KDE4 Dolphin. Currently the KDE4 Dolphin uses the KDE4 Ark and KDE3 Ark uses KDE3 Dolphin. Please note I already have the KDE3 Ark installed and it shows up in the K menu. I have a pretty good idea how to get KDE4 Dolphin to use KDE3 Ark, but not KDE3 Ark using KDE4 Dolph19:26
vbhidei tried atleast 10 hosts19:26
Muzer_realThat one19:27
jhutchins_wkvbhide: If you can't resolve the host, that's a different problem.  Your DNS isn't working or you have a bad hostname.19:27
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com  http://wiki.ubuntu.com http://www.ubuntuforums.org or http://www.kubuntuforums.net while you wait. Also see !patience19:27
vbhidethanks jhutchins19:27
Muzer_realI was telling you which was my question that I meant19:27
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vbhidebut then how can i acess the net?19:27
jhutchins_wkMuzer_real: That's not a question, it's just a complaint.19:27
=== Muzer_real is now known as Muzer
chisiyuanyeah,perhaps kde4 is not stable enough now19:28
Aisonhello, im using firefox and thunderbird under kubuntu. When I klick on a link inside an email, no browser opens. I would like that firefox opens the URL19:29
jhutchins_wkchisiyuan: Well, this isn't a stability issue - instability means it sometimes works one way, sometimes another.  This is a matter of most applications haven't been ported to qt4 yet.19:29
Aisonwhat's wrong here?19:30
jhutchins_wkAison: You probably need to either set the browser in Thunderbird's preferences, or set it in the KDE Components sections of kdesu kcontrol.19:31
chisiyuanjhutchns_wk:yeah,i will use my kde3.5.8 until kde4 is satisfatory19:31
Muzer_realDid anyone give an answer? My wifi keeps needing resetting for some stupid reason19:31
stdinjhutchins_wk: kdesu would set it for root19:31
Muzer_realI need to go with a better WiFi client19:31
stdinAison: System Settings -> Default Applications19:31
jhutchins_wkMuzer_real: You didn't ask a question.19:32
Muzer_realNotice the second (or third?) sentance, What would be the best way to...19:32
Muzer_realThat sounds like a question to me.19:32
smerilhow can i reinstall my soundcard?19:33
jhutchins_wkMuzer_real: I don't see any question in your posts that have reached here, but since you apparantly missed it:  KDE4 is far from finished yet.  Don't expect it to be a full working environment.19:33
Muzer_realWhat would be the best way to make a) KDE4 Dolphin use KDE3 Ark and b) KDE3 Ark use KDE4 Dolphin.19:34
Muzer_realThat is my question19:34
jhutchins_wksmeril: Remove the screws holding the cover on the case...19:34
Muzer_realI extracted it from the big post19:34
DarkriftXthe guy IS asking a question19:34
jhutchins_wkMuzer_real: If it's possible you're going to have to ask in #kde or somewhere.  As far as we know, KDE4 just doesn't completely work so far.19:35
DarkriftXhe knows it doesnt work and he is looking for a workaround19:35
Muzer_realI assume that's on the same server?19:35
jhutchins_wkDarkriftX: How 'bout that.  So he is.19:35
DarkriftXyes Muzer_real19:35
DarkriftXalso i think there is a #kde4 you might try19:35
jhutchins_wkMuzer_real: I would assume it would be a mime type file association.19:35
=== Muzer_real is now known as Muzer
DarkriftXmime sounds liek it owuld fix the first problem19:36
jhutchins_wkAh, yes, if there's a kde4 definitely take it there, you'll only annoy people in #kde.19:36
DarkriftXbut the second sounds harder19:36
MuzerI'll check19:36
DarkriftXand beyond my scope :S19:36
jhutchins_wkMuzer: One way to set mime associations is to right-click a local file, choose Open With, and check the box to remember the choice.19:36
Muzer#kde4 is #kde19:36
Muzerit's a symlink19:36
smerili have a laptop19:36
Odd-rationalethere is #kubuntu-kde4 (see the topic)19:37
Muzerjhutchins_wk: You'd have to do that for every archive type19:37
jhutchins_wksmeril: Lots more screws and parts to remove then.19:37
MuzerCould I just remove The KDE4 Ark and replace it with a symlink to the KDE3 one19:37
smerildo you know a more simple solution?19:37
jhutchins_wkMuzer: Well, there might be a component setting.19:37
MuzerI'll join #kubunt-kde4u19:37
jhutchins_wkMuzer: No, a symlink would be active in any environment, and we don't know if ark from kde3 woudl work.  (I suppose you could try launching it manually to see...)19:38
smerili dont hear any sound and i cant acces the volume control or any other sound related programs19:38
jhutchins_wksmeril: Does alsamixer run in the console?19:38
smerilalsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device19:38
smerileverything worked fine last time i used the computer19:39
Muzerkde3 ark from kde4 does work, but it loads the kde3 dolphin when open file after extract is ticked19:40
chisiyuansmeril: It sounds like you are repeating my story. Have backup your system?19:41
smerilno but i can take what i need on a usb stick19:41
Mimi*sigh* ive been looking for days. Does anyone have a guide to record audio that you can hear? (im not looking to record streams,  just a game and voice chat on it)  --  Sound Recorder doesnt work for me19:43
smerilis hardy heron the best ubuntu?19:43
Mimismeril:  For me, yes its the best19:43
RurouniJonesIt is the latest19:43
melkartit wasnt good for me, wrecked my system19:43
RurouniJonesBut then so is Windows Vista and look at what people are saying about that ;)19:43
delta16hey guy's can someone help me ?19:44
Mimi!ask | delta1619:44
ubottudelta16: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)19:44
MuzerBugger it, no-one's replying on #kubuntu, #kde, or #kubuntu-kde4, I'll just try a backup + symlink19:46
delta16i have Kubuntu install wit  Dutchas system languge ,whe many software packages that i want to install cant becouse it's ging me an error that it's not in the ropsitry. one of the packeges is UNRAR.19:47
BluesKajdelta16, sudo apt-get install unrar19:48
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delta16yea  that is the normal way i install the packages , but them i'm gettein the error messages19:49
SchmittyTukde and blackberry? you guys heard of anything fancy?19:49
trappistdelta16: you need to enable the universe repository, and possibly multiverse19:49
trappist!universe > delta1619:49
delta16thax il try that19:50
KetrelIf I have scripts in my Autostart folder and one of them didn't work, where can I find the output it would've produced so I can see why?19:50
BluesKajdelta16, Open Adept Package Manager, On the menu of that screen click on Adept -> Manage Repositories, click the Kubuntu Software tab, check all the boxes "X".The same goes for the Third Party Software tab. Close,and then in the terminal type " sudo apt-get update ".Now, you have more sources for applications other than the defaults that came with Kubuntu.19:50
delta16BluesKaj   , sorry  didn't work :(19:53
acer4920ı am halil19:53
acer4920ı am new kubuntu19:53
trappistKetrel: maybe ~/.xsession-errors, but it's easier if the script explicitly produces its own output19:53
delta16i did a repo updat and then try'd to install unrar but still the sam error message19:54
Ketreltrappist: that's the one I was thinking of, thanks19:54
acer4920kubuntu 8.04 java how?19:54
LimCorewow, ubuntu fails me so hard today19:54
delta16could it be becouse the packeg isn't transelated yet ?19:54
LimCoregnome or kde,   xgl or not-xgl,  there is tons of X crashing or invalid drawing.  anyone know how to fix this?19:54
BluesKajdelta16, what error messages are you getting ?, post them in pastebin if there are more than 3 lines19:55
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delta16delta@delta-desktop:/media/winddows/Downloads$ sudo apt-get install unrarPakketlijsten worden ingelezen... KlaarBoom van vereisten wordt opgebouwdStatusinformatie wordt gelezen... KlaarPakket unrar is niet beschikbaar, hoewel er naar verwezen wordt dooreen ander pakket. Mogelijk betekent dit dat het pakket ontbreekt,verouderd is, of enkel beschikbaar is van een andere bronE: Pakket unrar heeft geen installeerbare kandidaat19:56
trappistdelta16: that's all dutch to me :)19:57
KetrelI installed nvidia driver 96.43.05 with EnvyNG19:57
KetrelHowever, now when I log out I can't get back to KDM19:57
ubottuenvy is an unsupported tool to install newer versions of binary video drivers than provided by the official repositories. Use at your own risk, and remember that the latest version is not necessarily the "best". See « /msg ubotu binarydriver »19:57
delta16that is the dutch eroor mesage that i'm getting ! it actuelly sais: the same error message in english taht you getting : no soutible candidate found19:57
KetrelOdd-rationale: I installed an older one because I was getting blank TTYs with the current one19:58
KetrelBut now I can't log out right19:58
trappistdelta16: have you enabled the universe and multiverse repositories?19:58
KetrelI end up on a blank screen with a flashing cursor19:58
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trappistdelta16: the unrar package is in the multiverse repository19:58
delta16i have done as Blueskay told me , enable all  repo in adapt packet menager19:59
trappistdelta16: grep multiverse /etc/apt/sources.list19:59
ovidiuhow I disable the spell checker?19:59
trappistovidiu: in what application.20:00
melkartovidiu: i achieved this only by disinstalling its dictionary :S20:00
=== Tear is now known as Tear^
ovidiuin pidgin, for example20:00
melkartuninstalling, rather20:00
ovidiuit appear in the most of GTK applications20:00
delta16this is what i get as a aoutput20:00
trappistdelta16: don't paste here if it's long!20:00
tgreerhi guys...any idea how to solve the error E: Not primary DBus name owner20:01
delta16delta@delta-desktop:/media/winddows/Downloads$ grep multiverse /etc/apt/sources.list## multiverse WILL NOT receive any review or updates from the Ubuntudeb http://nl.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hardy multiversedeb-src http://nl.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hardy multiversedeb http://nl.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hardy-updates multiversedeb-src http://nl.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hardy-updates multiverse# deb http://nl.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu20:01
delta16iverse# deb-src http://nl.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hardy-backports main restricted universe multiversedeb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hardy-security multiversedeb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hardy-security multiversedelta@delta-desktop:/media/winddows/Downloads$20:01
delta16just a couple of lines20:01
delta16but it looks to me like it's enabled20:01
trappistdelta16: have you done 'sudo apt-get update' since you added the other repositories?20:01
trappistdelta16: what does 'apt-cache policy unrar' show (summarize, don't paste)20:02
tommyi don't have an internet connection at home, how can i install new software?20:03
delta16would you minde expaling me the commad ?20:03
arekzis kubuntu different from ubuntu?20:03
ovidiuwhat are the packgages for dictionaries?20:03
ovidiuor how I uninstall it?20:03
trappistdelta16: it should show you where apt thinks the package is20:03
acer4920java kubuntu 8.04 how?20:03
Tear^hello my stik i dont know were is20:03
Tear^in kubuntu20:03
ubottuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier.20:03
chisiyuantommy:do you have cd or dvd?20:03
Ketrelas far as my problem, I can fix it if I do "sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart"20:03
delta16installd: (none)20:04
monkeybritchesKubuntu and Ubuntu are the same, but they use different desktop managers20:04
melkartovidiu: not that i really know these things well... but what about "aspell" or "ispell"?20:04
arekzeverytime i open a website, or reload a page, my computer seems to be "buffering" stopping music and freezing everything else for few seconds. What can i do to correct this?20:04
delta16candidate: (none) , versiontable: (none)20:04
acer4920ubottu: please kubuntu java how?20:04
ovidiumelkart: ok, I found it20:04
ovidiubut I wasn't sure20:04
trappistarekz: what browser?20:04
tgreeranyone know how to fix E: Not primary DBus name owner20:04
arekzis there any other recommended browser for ubuntu users?20:05
trappistarekz: it could be an extension overworking your computer - mine acted that way and it turned out to be an extension20:05
monkeybritchesTear^: stik?20:05
delta16arekz the rocomendet browser is FIREFOX20:05
arekzExtension, you mean addons right?20:05
trappistarekz: yes20:06
Tear^monkeybritches,  yea20:06
Tear^usb stik20:06
trappistarekz: in my case it was codeweavers crossover plugin20:06
Tear^i dont know were is20:06
Tear^to open it20:06
acer4920hello kubuntu java how?20:06
monkeybritchesIf it automounted, it should be under /media20:06
chisiyuantommy:well, if dvd, with more contents, you can install some from it20:06
trappistacer4920: ubottu already told you20:06
delta16trappist: i get : instlld:(none) || Candiddat:(none) || Versiontable:20:07
trappistdelta16: can you pastebin (not paste!) your /etc/apt/sources.list ?20:08
mohihi :)20:08
tommyi can download at work and burn it but where can i download them?20:08
mohihow can I restart kicker?20:08
dwidmannmohi: killall kicker && kicker20:08
trappistmohi: alt-f2 -> kicker20:08
delta16what you mean by paste bin ?20:08
delta16pastebin ?20:08
ubottupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)20:08
mohiaha.. ty :)20:08
Jucatomohi: Alt+F2, "dcop kicker kicker restart"20:08
mohiwow! lots of ways! :D20:08
trappistJucato: ooh, much better20:08
trappistmohi: do it jucato's way20:09
chisiyuantommy:go to ubuntu.com20:09
Jucatodwidmann: killall kicker is a bit... abrupt20:09
* Jucato waves to trappist20:09
dwidmannJucato: but very functional none-the-less20:09
* trappist waves back20:09
trappistdwidmann: also potentially destructive20:09
mohinothing happened Jucato!20:09
LimCorehow to report a bug that ubuntu FAILED to provide usable 3d environment?  xorg?20:09
dwidmannJucato: it's sigterm so it does get to do whatever it needs to die instead of just dying20:09
trappistLimCore: launchpad.net20:09
Jucatomohi: is kicker running in the first place?20:09
dwidmannit's not liking kill -9'ing it or anything20:09
LimCoretrappist: I know.  xorg or what package/project?20:10
mohiJucato: what do you mean?20:10
trappistLimCore: compiz-fusion20:10
Jucatomohi: press Ctrl+Esc and see if kicker is in the list20:10
LimCoretrappist: how to disable that, btw20:10
Jucatomohi: I'm presuming you're using KDE 3.5?20:10
trappistLimCore: or maybe the source package is just compiz20:10
LimCoretrappist: to have not-crashing desktop20:10
arekzi disable my greasemonkey and other extension, still not working trappist20:10
trappistyeah, compiz20:10
arekzany other recommendation?20:11
trappistLimCore: don't know, actually - google probably does :)20:11
mohiJucato: yes. 3.520:11
Jucatomohi: so is kicker running?20:11
mohiJucato: I killed it via ctrl+esc and started it again! worked!20:11
mohity :)20:11
Jucatook. it might have just been hidden20:12
delta16trappist  if done in on pate.ubuntu.com20:14
mohiwho has aptoncd here? does the botton "load" in restore mode workes for you? I have 2 systems and none of them works!20:14
trappistdelta16: need to have a link to your specific paste20:15
vbgunzanyone have any idea what this means or how to trace a signal 11 on xserver? http://paste.ubuntu.com/9259/20:15
delta16trappist http://paste.ubuntu.com/9257/20:16
vbgunzI swear my X is restarting on me randomly. never when I am at the PC ***only*** when I am away or someone else is logged on... absolutely beyond a shadow of a doubt very frustrating... had this issue the last past 3 releases :/20:16
LimCorevbgunz: report it... try reinstalling clean.. hardware?20:16
vbgunzanybody have any clue how to ***trace*** the cause of the issue?20:16
Pollywoghello, since upgrading to Hardy I can't play audio cd's20:16
vbgunzI have reported it. months ago. had to just give up on it20:17
LimCorePollywog: try mixer settings.  enable more mixer options in config20:17
Pollywoganyone know what the problem is, apparently others have the same problem but I did not find a fix on the forums20:17
dwidmannvbgunz: check your logs20:17
santiago_i have a problem with sound20:17
PollywogLimCore: k thanks20:17
vbgunzI pulled my paste out of a log20:17
trappistdelta16: that looks right - just for fun, please do this: "sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get install unrar"20:17
yerlitürçe konuşan varmı20:17
lliw00ey im trying to install something from source and i keep getting this error http://pastebin.com/m6420c2fa20:17
lliw00any ideas to the problem?20:17
vbgunzother than that, I have no idea what in the world is *causing* a signal 11 :(20:17
santiago_the sound only works with amarok or kaffeine20:18
dwidmannvbgunz: most X problems are video driver related20:18
RurouniJonesvbgunz: Done a memtest? Could be dodgy RAM20:18
dwidmannas far as I've seen20:18
santiago_but not with any other aplication or OS sound20:18
PollywogI have sound, I just can't play cd's20:18
trappistlliw00: do you have an nvidia card?20:18
Pollywogsince I upgraded to Hardy20:18
lliw00just a little embedded sis 66220:18
Pollywogit was fine in Gutsy20:18
=== santiago_ is now known as Santi-
trappistlliw00: install mesa-common-dev20:18
delta16trapist damn i'm getting the same error message :(20:19
vbgunzunexpectedly is no definitive answer... I am as much in the dark as the dark itself... lame analogy but true. I can live with the fact I am getting a signal 11 *but* is there anyway to actually trace it or something. any way to actually catch the cause, log the actual cause?20:19
trappistdelta16: not sure what to tell you :/ maybe it's just missing from the nl repo20:19
delta16ok , is ther a way to use the english repo with dutch a system languge ?20:20
trappistdelta16: got it!  sudo apt-get install unrar-nonfree20:21
dwidmanndelta16: you can use whatever repo you want.20:21
dwidmanndelta16: probably anyhow20:21
delta16cous i think english repo wil solve the problem20:22
trappistdelta16: but yeah dwidmann's right, you don't have to use a local repo to get your local language... but, "sudo apt-get install unrar-nonfree"20:22
delta16trappist  the trick (sudo apt-get install unrar-nonfree) didn't work20:23
delta16i got the erromessage that the package does not exist20:23
trappistdelta16: I guess just download the package and install it: http://nl.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/multiverse/u/unrar-nonfree/unrar_3.7.8-1_i386.deb20:23
trappistdelta16: then sudo dpkg -i unrar-nonfree/unrar_3.7.8-1_i386.deb20:24
trappisterr without the unrar-nonfree/ part20:24
trappistjust the filename20:24
delta16hhaahah yea well iwa already thinking of dooing it the easy way :P20:25
jhutchins_wk!info unrar20:27
ubottuunrar: Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:3.7.3-1 (gutsy), package size 94 kB, installed size 228 kB20:27
_2my running linux system is on /dev/hdb    i just did this  cat /dev/zero > /dev/hda ;mke2fs /dev/hda ;lilo (lilo is setup to install the MBR on /dev/hda)   now when i boot hdb is blank all but /lost+found      however if i bounce the bootloader to hdc and boot from there, same system just a different MBR loading the same kernel/initramfs pair, here i am with everything on hdb and it's hda that's clean      how is this happening ?20:28
jhutchins_wk_2: Perhaps you could be more specific about "bounce the bootloader to hdc".20:29
_2jhutchins_uk i have boot from hda, boot from hdb, boot from hdc, boot from hdd   listings in my lilo.conf  which simply chainload the next drive20:31
_2so i could, if it seemed like the thing to do; bounce from drive to drive all day. and never boot an os20:31
Santi-need help20:32
=== jonder_-_ is now known as jhoe
_2actually "chainload" is a grub term, lilo does   other=/dev/hdc20:33
_2same basic effect20:34
Santi-_2 !!!20:34
Santi-yesterday you tried to help me20:34
Santi-i discovered something20:35
Rodrigo_de_OliveHello!!! I'm needing informations about ubuntu... can I convert my operation system of english to portuguese?20:35
Santi-Amarok and Kaffeine work though xine motor20:35
_2jhutchins_wk any clue?20:35
Santi-how can use that onfo in order to have sound?? :p20:35
_2Santi- insyall arts ?20:36
Santi-whats that?? :S20:37
Santi-i am a newbbie :p20:37
_2!arts | Santi-20:37
ubottuFactoid arts not found20:37
jhutchins_wkRodrigo_de_Olive: I believe you can.  This is the channel for kubuntu, ubuntu with KDE instead of gnome, and there's even a portuguese IRC channel.20:37
jhutchins_wk!pt | Rodrigo_de_Olive20:37
ubottuRodrigo_de_Olive: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.20:37
_2!info arts20:37
ubottuarts: sound system from the official KDE release. In component main, is optional. Version 1.5.6-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 5 kB, installed size 36 kB20:37
_2           ^20:37
Santi-a manual apperars :s20:38
jhutchins_wk_2: Hm.  Sounds a lot like it's ordering the drives differently.  Try assigning them a UUID and see if you can tell.20:38
Santi-what should I do?? :S20:38
_2jhutchins_wk but i dont think lilo supports uuid's20:39
jhutchins_wk_2: Doesn't matter.  With the UUID, you can tell if hdb is being assigned to a different drive.20:40
_2how ?20:40
_2note if it is i'm only going to see the busybox shell20:40
_2i'll go fix it now and stop bothering you folks.20:41
Santi-please help me??20:41
_2p.s. someone get santi-'s sound working for him.20:42
SlimeyPetesorry Santi-, we are listening but I guess no-one here is a sound expert20:42
Santi-where should I go??20:43
SlimeyPeteif there's a #alsa you could try there20:43
Santi-also, kopetes web cam does not work20:43
Santi-no help there :s20:43
jhutchins_wk!webcam | Santi-20:49
ubottuSanti-: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras20:49
tailsfanHello, What is a good download manager for Kubuntu, I wanted to get the DVD Image of Hardy20:51
tailsfanplus, does anyone have trouble with Internet Connection Sharing on Kubuntu20:54
dwidmanntailsfan: kget is good, kget-kde4 is even better20:54
* tailsfan doesn't like KDE 420:54
Boohbah_tailsfan: ktorrent20:55
tailsfanbut ktorrent doesn't downlooad HTTP files20:55
Boohbah_but the torrent is just as fast20:56
tailsfanfor me, not so much20:56
Boohbah_tailsfan: why?20:57
BluesKajktorrent has a new beta out ..wonder how stable it is ?20:57
humeis there a way to have a second panel for most used program icons in KDE 4, like in KDE 3.5? Running Kubuntu Heron20:57
madohi guys ...20:58
tailsfanbecause the best I downloaded was at 200 kb/s20:58
tailsfanand my net sometimes kicks me off20:58
madoi don't know why but i get this error message quite often ...20:58
madoDie Desktop-Datei20:58
madohat einen ungültigen Menü-Eintrag20:58
madoave! :)20:59
ubuntuho appena installato il mio modem usb su kubuntu20:59
ubuntusolo che non riesco ad andare in rete20:59
ubuntucioè non capisco20:59
BluesKaj!it | ubuntu21:00
ubottuubuntu: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!21:00
ubuntuqui accedo ma alla rete no21:00
* tailsfan likes Kubuntu a little more than Windows21:01
Kirytails, that doesn't take much!21:01
* Desmond likes almost anything better then windows21:01
humeanyone knows hot to add a second panel i KDE4?21:01
tailsfanwell, for me, I'm used to Windows and linux gives me probs on some things21:01
tailsfanlike Internet Connection Sharing, for my brother's 26021:01
tailsfanand unlike Kubuntu, there is no Music, Movie and Video Support for Xbox 36021:02
ubuntusalve ragazzi21:03
trident523tailsfan: xb360 is fun and all, but trying to use media on it is a pain anyhow... in my limited experience with it.21:03
Agent_bobanyone here that saw yestergo that i was only getting 1.6m/s hda -> hdb data transfer ?    well to day i'm getting  12.67 MB/s hdb -> hda     <note reverse dirrection   and no partition    not sure which one is making the differance though21:04
=== ubuntu is now known as ubuntu_
=== ubuntu_ is now known as ubuntu__
ubuntu__hello guys21:05
ubuntu__excuse me21:05
ubuntu__i need support21:05
SlimeyPete!ask | ubuntu__21:05
ubottuubuntu__: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)21:05
ubuntu__is there someone who can help me?21:05
trident523!ask | ubuntu__21:06
ubottuubuntu__: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)21:06
trident523... s'rly.21:07
ubuntu__I've problem. I'm Italian, so if I can't spaek good English... I've installed my usb modem on Kubuntu. Now I see that I can join in mIRC but i can't go in Internet.  Can you say me why? Please help me!21:07
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!21:07
ubottuSo, you wanted to lure me into saying I don't know anything about anything? Yeah, that would be funny, of course. Now leave me alone.21:07
ubuntu__@ubottu, in ubuntu-it  non mi apare nessuno21:07
Desmond!thank you21:07
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)21:07
Desmondhes a bot21:08
ubuntu__oh, I understand21:08
ubuntu__I don't use often mIRC21:08
ubuntu__and I never used this channel21:08
ubuntu__can anyone help me?21:09
=== matthew_ is now known as Daemon
Desmondwhats yo problem?21:09
Agent_bobDesmond scroll up  he said modem blocking http access21:09
Agent_bobthat or dns issue21:09
=== Daemon is now known as DarkArk
BluesKajubuntu__, click here,  www.google.com .. tell us what happens21:10
Desmondgoogle opens21:10
Agent_bobmore likely dns problem   but i'm not a network guy21:10
Desmondwith artist frame21:10
Desmondgoogle opend for me21:10
ubuntu__Impossibile connettersi all'host http://www.google.com/. I translate: Impossible to connect to the host21:10
ScorpKingubuntu__: how do you connect to the internet?21:11
ubuntu__this is my problem..21:11
=== blkhtbrigade-afk is now known as blkhtbrigade
ubottuFactoid internet not found21:11
ubottuFactoid web not found21:11
ubuntu__i can go on IRC but not on sites21:11
ScorpKingubuntu__: adsl? dialup?21:11
Agent_bob<ubuntu__> I've problem. I'm Italian, so if I can't spaek good English... I've installed my usb modem on Kubuntu. Now I see that I can join in mIRC but i can't go in Internet.  Can you say me why? Please help me!  <<< everyone see.21:11
tailsfanBRB, have to restart21:12
ScorpKingubuntu__: close knetworkmanager and it should work21:12
Agent_bobtailsfan working on the mbr ?21:12
ScorpKingthanks Agent_bob :)21:12
ubuntu__ok, I try21:12
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!21:12
Desmondgo to that channel21:12
Desmond#ubuntu-it <<click21:12
Desmondall in italian21:13
Desmondgood lucj21:13
ubuntu__it is all okay21:13
ubuntu__you are geniuses21:13
ubuntu__(i can't speak good english..oh)21:13
ubuntu__thank you thank you thank you!!!21:13
ScorpKingubuntu__: i know. it's a problem with knetworkmanager if you use dialup or any modem21:13
Agent_bob"even a blind hog will find an acorn every now and then"21:13
BluesKajyour english ok , we understood  , ubuntu__21:14
MrCraighey guys, i got a quick question21:15
Agent_bobhuttoh! ""Cannot create target directory "/mnt/usr/share/~ons/crystalsvg" No space left on device (28)""    i wonder what the krap that error message is?   or what is causing it i mean...21:16
MrCraigwhen KDE 4.1 one comes out, will it be a kubuntu "sponsored" update, or will we have to wait until 8.10 before 4.1 is in there?21:16
MrCraig*the final release21:16
Agent_boband don't say the disk is full  it's not even close.  63G free21:17
Agent_bobno reserve and root is doing the copying21:17
FenixReigncan anyone tell me if there is a way to upgrade 7.10 to 8.04 with the downloaded disc?21:18
Agent_bobso why would mc error with   ""Cannot create target directory "/mnt/usr/share/~ons/crystalsvg" No space left on device (28)""21:18
SlimeyPeteonly if you downloaded the alternate CD21:19
madohi guys ...21:19
madocan you help me on that too? ...21:19
SlimeyPeteon what?21:19
madojust a sec ... i'm writing it down21:20
ubottuFactoid remaster not found21:20
ScorpKingdoes anyone know what that's supposed to be?21:20
shaffymay anyone help?  i've installed kubuntu kde4 (clean install), however, after the first logon, now i have nothing on my desktop (not even a taskbar), only the widget icon in the corner.  any ideas anyone?  have I somehow disabled the taskbar?21:21
FenixReignSmileyPete, what do you mean alternate CD?21:21
ubottuKDE 4.0.3 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0.3 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.3.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-4.0.3.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde421:21
madoi found this on a homepage ...21:21
madoQUESTION: Is there any place I can download a .zip file of all the pages? - ANSWER. If by "download" you mean purchase, and by ".zip file" you mean book. Otherwise you have to save all of them individually. Good luck.21:21
josephis there any free web forum software in the repos?21:21
madomy question now is ... is it illegal to download the pages?21:21
SlimeyPeteFenixReign: there are two CDs - the liveCD and the alternate CD. Both are available from the download page.21:22
Agent_bob1 [root@/mnt/usr/share/apps] mkdir kde21:22
Agent_bobmkdir: cannot create directory `kde': No space left on device21:22
madobecause the creator didn't say it was21:22
Agent_bob63gig free but no space left ....21:22
madowhat do you think?21:22
nysinI downloaded and tried Kubuntu Hardy KDE4, and some of KDE4 is kind of neat, but it's also, as expected, pretty unstable. So my question is, will just doing something like uninstalling the main KDE4 (meta)package and installing the KDE3 equivalent be sufficient to switch?21:22
ScorpKingAgent_bob: df -h?21:22
SlimeyPetemado: erm that's not really appropriate for this channel (try #kubuntu-offtopic) but it's perfectly legal I should think21:23
Agent_bobScorpKing 63 g free21:23
Agent_bobi just said that21:23
ScorpKingAgent_bob: dmesg | tail or maybe something in the logs?21:23
madook ... thanks SlimeyPete --- could you explain me in a query why do you think it is?21:23
FenixReignSlimeyPete, you mean the one with the KDE4 remix... correct?21:23
Agent_bob /dev/hda               75G   13G   63G  17% /mnt21:23
SlimeyPeteFenixReign: no21:23
ScorpKingAgent_bob: it could be that /tmp is full21:23
BluesKajAgent_bob, why not use /home or21:23
SlimeyPeteFenixReign: hang on I'll find a link21:23
FenixReignSlimeyPete, I don't see an alternateCD choice then...21:24
Agent_boblast two entries  [17179727.040000] EXT3 FS on hda, internal journal21:24
Agent_bob[17179727.040000] EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode.21:24
nysin(I didn't partition it so that I could just wipe the / partition or something)21:24
SlimeyPetemado: I prefer not to query. Try asking the same question in #kubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu-offtopic21:24
Agent_bobBluesKaj ?  i'm migrating to another drive   or was trying to21:24
ScorpKingAgent_bob: touch /tmp/testfile - any errors?21:25
SlimeyPeteFenixReign: http://mirrors.ccs.neu.edu/releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/hardy/      - look for "alternate" in the filename21:25
Agent_bobScorpKing it's not / it's /mnt that is reporting full21:25
SlimeyPeteFenixReign: you can upgrade from that CD21:25
ubottuThe Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate checkbox on the Kubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/8.04/kubuntu-8.04-alternate-i386.iso.torrent21:25
DevourerHow do I check to see what my default soundcard is?21:25
madook SlimeyPete ... thanks anyway21:25
melkarti just read there is a limit on maximum 32000 subdirs in ext321:26
ScorpKingah but that should show in dmesg or the logs then21:26
FenixReignSlimeyPete, Thanks... I just downloaded a CD last night.... argh!!  I don't think that it was the alternate one though....21:26
SlimeyPeteFenixReign: if your kubuntu box has an internet connection you can just upgrade via the 'net21:27
Agent_bobScorpKing   see that   ^21:28
spirooAdobe has opened up the restrictions in Flash. How would that affect us users which using (k)ubuntu21:28
* ScorpKing takes a look..21:28
Agent_bobScorpKing also   tty23 [root@dell.~] mkdir /mnt/bob21:29
Agent_bobmkdir: cannot create directory `/mnt/bob': No space left on device21:29
FenixReignSlimeyPete, I know... thought that it would be faster doing it from the cd that I downloaded instead... I have Satellite Internet and I'm damn near close to reaching  FAP (Fair Access Policy) and when I do they cut me off....21:29
SlimeyPeteFenixReign: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades/Kubuntu for instructions by the way21:30
BluesKajFenixReign, cut you off ...limits on your DLs ?.I thought that went out with dialup21:30
ScorpKingAgent_bob: fdisk -l /dev/hda and pastebin that21:31
udiThunderbird refuses to open urls that are embedded in email messages.  What do I do?21:31
FenixReignBluesKaj, since I have Sat. internet the company can't just go rent bandwidth when they want to, so they start cutting ppl off when they reach a certain point.21:32
ScorpKingudi: there is a setting for that in preferences21:32
Agent_bobScorpKing it's in the pastebin21:32
ScorpKingAgent_bob: link?21:32
BluesKajFenixReign, is it bundled with TV service ?21:32
udiscor- in teh Thunderbird preferences?  I could not find it21:33
Agent_bobScorpKing it starts at line 6   or didn't you notice ?21:33
ScorpKingAgent_bob: /dev/hda on /mnt type ext3 (rw) and fdisk -l doesn't show the partitions of /dev/hda or am i missing that?21:33
FenixReignBluesKaj, no separate service... I live in the country and sat. is the only way for now to get "high speed"  so far I am disappointed, but there is nothing else right now.21:33
Agent_bobthere are no partitions ScorpKing21:33
ScorpKingAgent_bob: oops ;)21:34
ScorpKingAgent_bob: ok i see now21:34
udiScorpking-- where in the preferences do I find the instructions to open a browser with the url from the email message?21:34
Agent_bobanyway while you catch up i'll reformat the disk and try again.21:35
ScorpKingudi: i'll check just now. one sec21:35
BluesKajok, FenixReign , sounds better than dialup tho ....my buddy lives on a farm about 10 mi from and he uses satinternet as well. He's never mentioned the "cap".21:35
WalzmynAnybody know how to use shared folders with virtualbox?21:35
FenixReignBluesKaj, what service does he have?21:36
fdovingWalzmyn: yeah, i managed to use that once. what is the problem? - i've only done this with windows guests.21:36
ScorpKingAgent_bob: i'm wondering if not having partitions might be the problem but i'm not sure. i'll do some thinking21:37
spirooHow do I change language for firefox3?21:37
Agent_bobScorpKing nope.   i hardly ever use a partition.  and this it the first time a disk has ever done that.21:38
DevourerHow do I set my default sound card?21:38
Agent_bobScorpKing i'm wondering if having a journal might have caused it,   journal corruption ???21:38
ScorpKingAgent_bob: could be. unmount it and run fsck on it21:39
Agent_bobDevourer  asoundconf --help  might know21:40
Agent_bobScorpKing already reformated and trying again.21:40
BluesKajFenixReign, i think it's Galaxy Broadband21:41
BluesKajwe're in Canada21:41
ScorpKingudi: http://kb.mozillazine.org/Default_browser21:42
FenixReignBluesKaj,  He also might have a different package internet than I....21:43
BluesKajyeah, looks like a lotta options21:43
udiok-- I shall look at that21:43
Walzmynfdoving, sorry, I was in the guest - I'm trying to move some files between the two, and I can't figure out how to get the guest to see the shared folder.21:44
fdovingWalzmyn: troy to go to \\vboxsrv\21:45
fdovingerr. \\vboxsvr21:46
dave11lol.. Walmarts website is crashing my firefox everytime21:46
Walzmynfdoving, put that in the windows explorer21:46
ScorpKingAgent_bob: i just looked at my own df -h "/dev/sda1    9.7G  9.2G  0 100% /" oops!21:46
fdovingWalzmyn: yeah, \\vboxsvr\21:46
Agent_bobhehhe that page doesn't render correctly in text based browsers   all lines are cut at 78 chars long   the remainder of the line is not warpped it's just lost  lol    ^21:46
Walzmynfdoving, ok thanks21:47
Agent_bobthat page   http://kb.mozillazine.org/Default_browser  ^21:47
ScorpKingAgent_bob: use w3m ;)21:47
arvidWhy can't i do Apply in System Settings-Display?21:48
Agent_bobScorpKing http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d246328e7 :)21:48
_juananyone using kde4?21:49
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras21:49
arvidyes im using kde421:50
Walzmynfdoving, remind me, how does winders handle file names with a space in them?21:50
ScorpKingAgent_bob: i can see all of it with w3m here21:50
_juanin the kmenu all i get for icons are question marks21:50
fdovingWalzmyn: no clue. ##windows21:50
Agent_bobScorpKing hmm version maybe different.  but elinks does the same thing to me21:51
Walzmynfdoving, thanks21:51
Agent_bobw3m version w3m/0.5.1,21:51
_juanand what's worse, i cant seem to find how to edit the kmenu, any ideas arvid?21:51
ScorpKingAgent_bob: w3m version w3m/0.5.1+cvs-1.96821:52
Agent_bobit's obviously a bad page ;/      lynx does render it correctly tho21:53
ScorpKingcould be. i have to go21:53
arvid_juan sorry, i installed kde today, never used it before in my life21:53
Agent_bobjust checked the progress of my data transfer    14.16 MB/s   69% complete21:53
Agent_bobi think thats' the highest transfer rate i have ever seen here21:54
DevourerOk, I got my sound to work in FireFox but now it doesn't work in VLC.. why not?21:56
Agent_bobtell vlc to use arts21:56
wirechief-inteljoin /#kubuntu-devel21:56
DevourerAgent_bob, what is arts?21:56
Agent_bob!info arts21:56
ubottuarts: sound system from the official KDE release. In component main, is optional. Version 1.5.6-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 5 kB, installed size 36 kB21:56
sigma_1234can the oxygen window theme / decorations be used in kde 3 somehow? i see that the icons can21:56
Agent_bobthat    ^21:56
nosrednaekimsigma_1234: the decorations can...21:57
nosrednaekimnot the widget themes though21:57
DevourerAgent_bob, how do I tell VLC to use that?21:57
XyQrTwhello chan21:57
Agent_bobDevourer or if you don't use arts at all,  tell vlc to use alsa as it's audio output21:57
sigma_1234how do i apply them? i checked in kcontrol and oxygen is not listed there21:58
Agent_bobDevourer in the vlc menu   settings thingy-ma-bob21:58
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy21:58
sigma_1234nosrednaekim: i just want to use the window decorations21:58
ubottuTo change gnome themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy.  Kubuntu themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu. Xubuntu users should /msg ubotu xfce-themes21:59
Dystopianty ubottu21:59
nosrednaekimsigma_1234: grab kwin4 and run "kwin4 --replace"21:59
Agent_bob!thanks | Dystopian21:59
ubottuDystopian: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)21:59
sigma_1234!info kwin421:59
ubottukwin4: Connect Four clone for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.6-0ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 175 kB, installed size 608 kB21:59
DevourerAgent_bob, didn't work. :'(22:00
sigma_1234nosrednaekim: what does that kwin4 do?22:00
Agent_bobif you select the right one it will.   try alsa22:00
nosrednaekimsigma_1234: uses kwin4 instead of kwin322:00
DevourerAgent_bob, so I'm selecting output modules?22:01
sigma_1234nosrednaekim: and il still be able to run kde3 with it?22:01
Agent_bobnosrednaekim but both are listed as "kwin" are they not ?    cause there is a nomynclature problem there if not.22:01
XyQrTwI've some problems with my network.When i open a session, i must enable ethernet for the connection ...22:02
Agent_bob!info kwin4 | nosrednaekim22:02
ubottunosrednaekim: kwin4: Connect Four clone for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.6-0ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 175 kB, installed size 608 kB22:02
nosrednaekimooooh....  haha22:02
Agent_bob!info kwin4 dapper | nosrednaekim22:02
ubottunosrednaekim: kwin4: Connect Four clone for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.6-0ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 175 kB, installed size 608 kB22:02
nosrednaekimyou're right... its /usr/lib/kde4/bin/kwin22:02
Agent_bobthere you go.22:03
KetrelHow do I change the KDM theme? I search the repository, but I can't seem to find the theme manager? (Hardy)22:03
Agent_bob!info kwin4 hoary22:03
ubottukwin4: Connect Four clone for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.6-0ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 175 kB, installed size 608 kB22:03
Agent_bobwhy does that thing only show gutsy packages ?22:03
LimCore!info wesnoth22:03
ubottuwesnoth: fantasy turn-based strategy game. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.2.3-0ubuntu1.3 (gutsy), package size 1936 kB, installed size 4396 kB22:03
Agent_bob              ^ (gutsy)22:04
Ketrelignore my question for now, I think I found the answer22:04
Agent_bobtoo late.22:04
XyQrTwI've some problems with my network.When i open a session, i must enable ethernet for the connection ...22:05
DevourerAgent_bob, :(22:06
Vermuxhow do I find the smbpasswd data file?22:08
ubottuKDE 4.0.3 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0.3 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.3.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-4.0.3.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde422:09
Agent_bobVermux the docs ?   man pages maybe ?22:09
KetrelOk new question, I installed kdmtheme, is there anywhere in the GUI to run it? (so far kcmshell kdmtheme is the only way I found to run it)22:13
XyQrTwHow i can activate ethernet for each user who login a session in KDE ?22:14
=== rajdhani is now known as rajdhani_
martijn81XyQrTw: should be activated automaticly22:15
XyQrTwmartijn81> yes22:16
XyQrTwmartijn81> But i must click for activate ethernet22:17
martijn81XyQrTw: why is that not the case for me ?22:17
=== jordi_ is now known as jordi_Alins
DevourerTo see kanji in a text editor do I have to use unicode view or somethin'?22:18
XyQrTwmartijn81> I dont know ...22:18
ercan_Hi, my update to hardy is hanging at "Stopping Bluetooth Services". Any ideas what I can do to get it going again.22:19
martijn81XyQrTw: i have a modem doing all the work for me22:19
noisekillerThere is no decoder available... kubuntu 7.10 fresh installation22:23
humehi...how do I configure compiz effects in kubuntu heron, KDE4?22:23
humeI have compiz-kde installed - but how do I enable it?22:23
Odd-rationalehume: open kmenu --> system --> desktop effects and choose your effect level and click apply22:25
humeok... how do I know which effects are at each level?22:26
nosrednaekimhume: just select the highest :P22:27
humeand need I restart X to make them work?22:27
nosrednaekimyou shouldn't, no22:27
nosrednaekimyour windows should blink..22:27
nosrednaekimafter hitting apply22:27
humei click on "extra effects" and done, but makes no difference...?22:28
humeapply, i mean, then ok. but no change...?22:28
nosrednaekimok, opne up a terminal and run "compiz --replace"22:30
eatatjoescan anyone help me with sharing folders from ubuntu to xp with vbox (i have ubuntu as host and xp as guest)22:31
gromozekinHi there. I have  problem with dualcore22:31
gromozekinit doesnt shows at batterymenu22:32
nosrednaekimeatatjoes: no... just worked for me....22:32
gromozekinkernel - 2.6.2522:32
eatatjoesnosrednaekim, did u just have to click shared folders from the vbox window22:32
eatatjoesor did u have to do something within xp?22:32
gromozekinkubuntu 8.04, laptop, intel core2duo t545022:32
nosrednaekimyou have to do something within XP... its in the docs22:32
nosrednaekimhume: don't close that terminal tho ;P22:34
humecause then compiz closes?22:34
gromozekinhey nosrednaekim22:34
humeseems to be some problems with my graphics card, need to check that... this is a laptop22:34
eatatjoesnosrednaekim,  what docs?22:35
nosrednaekimhume: yes :)22:35
nosrednaekimeatatjoes: within Vbox22:35
fuzzybytehelp! my kicker bar vanished in kde4! how do i get it back22:45
fuzzybytei tried rebooting X but it doesnt come back22:46
nosrednaekimfuzzybyte: "killall plasma && rm .kde4/share/config/plasma-appletsrc && plasma"22:46
fuzzybyteit's a bug?22:47
nosrednaekimIDK... but that fixes it :)22:48
fuzzybytethis new kde4 GUI is so confusing.22:48
* genii sips his coffee22:49
nosrednaekimeverything is really the same... you just can't do as much22:49
superdude2435my monitor is stuck in 640X48022:49
superdude2435just installed compiz and it worked fine22:49
fuzzybytehow do i get the start menu to act like old way?22:49
superdude2435until my computer chrashed22:49
dwidmannfuzzybyte: there's a plasmoid for that22:50
nosrednaekimfuzzybyte: remove the current one, and add "application menu launcher traditional" or something like that22:50
fuzzybytehow do i do that22:50
superdude2435uhg every thing is in 640x48022:51
humehi again... now my window borders are crazy in KDE4 - suddenly they are red and very visible - the default almost borderless oxygen look is all gone - anyone could help me get it back?22:51
hydrogenfuzzybyte: you should be able to just right click on the icon22:52
hydrogenand switch22:52
hydrogen"Switch to classic menu style"22:52
darkyDoes anyone has a Geforce Nvidia here?22:53
fuzzybytei have22:53
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?22:53
tiberius1701i have also22:53
darkyare you on Hardy heron?22:54
darkywith the nvidia-glx driver?22:54
genii/msg ubotu !aptfix22:55
fuzzybytehow can i move those widgets in kicker22:55
geniiWhats the bot called now?22:55
tiberius1701im on hardy and i have what ever diver it gave me when i installed22:55
humei have "click for focus" marked, but focus follows mouse...anyone knows swhy?22:55
martha505    22:55
nosrednaekimhume: do you have "custom" elected in the desktop-effect manager22:56
connorwhats the channel for compiz fusion?22:57
nosrednaekimconnor: #compiz-fusion22:57
humenosrednaekim, i uninstalled the compiz driver, it crashed my desktop... but the grayed out dot is on "extra"22:57
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »22:57
geniiOK two t's now in bot name22:58
martha505i opened katapult and the process is running but when i press alt+enter nothing happens22:58
nosrednaekimhume: and you are trying to use the ccsm?22:58
=== Boohbah_ is now known as Boohbah
humenosrednaekim, the what?22:58
nosrednaekimhume: ok... you are still running compiz obviously..22:58
Avgustinhey... peoples, tell me please, who knows programm for ADSL connection to PPPoE protocol?22:58
nosrednaekimhume: run, form a run dialog, "kwin --replace"22:59
humenosrednaekim, ok..that means that now it's kwin managing my desktop, earlier it was compiz...? is that right?23:00
geniiAvgustin: pppoeconfig23:01
geniiAvgustin: pppoeconf    rather23:01
fuzzybytehow can i get the kicker to auto-hide?23:01
Avgustinhume> thanks23:02
Odd-rationalefuzzybyte: kde3? yes23:02
humenosrednaekim, another issue (or two): in KDE 3.5 I used to have an extra panel with icons for my favourite programs - how do I do that in KDE4?23:03
Odd-rationalefuzzybyte: Right-click panel --> Configure panel --> Hiding23:03
fuzzybytethere's no autohide option or anything here23:03
Odd-rationalefuzzybyte: dunno. try asking in #kubuntu-kde423:03
hydrogenhume: you should be able to right click on the desktop and add panel.. I don't remember if that was backported to the 4.0 branch though23:03
hydrogenfuzzybyte: not possible23:03
nosrednaekimhume: you can't in kde4.0.3 (very easily at least) in 4.1 it will be possible23:03
fuzzybytehydrogen: why?23:04
patpondanyone wanna give a n00b a helping hand ?  :D23:04
nosrednaekimhydrogen: it wasn't :(23:04
humenosrednaekim, is there another way to manage the "favourite programs"?23:04
patpondI can't get vmware to work on kubuntu Hardy... :(23:04
fuzzybytekde4 seems rather unfinished product23:05
hydrogenIt is23:05
hydrogennow that we've got that out of the way23:05
Fakde still has too many bugs23:05
fuzzybyteyea, im going back to kde323:05
nosrednaekimhume: kickoff has a favorite applications thwt you can add things too... as does the traditional menu (wo which you can just add the favotite programs)23:05
slothwhat is the command to open up control center?23:06
humeok, thx23:07
fuzzybyteis there a easy way to revert back to kde3?23:07
chisiyuansloth: run kcontrol23:07
sloththank you23:08
chisiyuansloth: np23:08
nosrednaekimfuzzybyte: yeah... "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop"23:08
hydrogensystemsettings actually23:08
hydrogenis the reccomended way23:08
jimHow do i update the system to the new ubuntu ?23:09
hydrogenjim: see the toipc23:09
chisiyuanjim:sudo apt-get dist-upgrade23:10
jimwill that also remove any of my files do you kow ?23:10
nosrednaekimjim: it depends on what method you use?23:11
jimsudo apt-get dist-upgrade23:11
jimthat 123:11
hydrogenthats not the recommended method23:11
nosrednaekimuhh without the "?" ;)23:12
nosrednaekimthats shouldn't remove any of your files.... but back them up anyway23:12
jimi was more thinking... will it remove compiz23:13
Avgustin_genii> tell me please, how can i run dsl connection after configured dsl-provider?23:13
jimahh good23:13
jimill let you know how it goes23:13
jimhow has the responce been with the new distro ?23:14
jimhas it cleaned out a lot of the old buggs ?23:15
nosrednaekimand introdiced some new ones23:15
Vermuxhow do I restart Samba in Kubuntu?23:15
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.23:15
jimok i did the sudo apt-get dist-upgrade and its finished23:16
jimdo i reboot now ?23:16
nosrednaekimjim: I don't think that worked properly... better read all the instructions23:17
Desmondhey anyone know a slack support irc?23:17
Desmond !slack23:17
ubottuFactoid slack not found23:17
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines23:17
Desmondim dualing23:17
Desmondkubuntu and slack23:18
Desmondand slack isnt a start-up choice23:18
geniiAvgustin_: If you ran pppoeconf and it finished fine, you are now connected23:19
nosrednaekimDesmond: #slackware would be a channel I'd guess23:20
Avgustin_genii> not... i can't remote to any syte23:21
chisiyuani hope jim has made it23:22
Avgustin_genii> do you speak russian? =)) but i bad know the english))23:22
geniiAvgustin_: No, I do not speak russian :)              Try at command line: sudo pppoe-start23:24
Walzmynwhere do i edit the grub boot list?23:24
Avgustin_genii> ok, i try23:24
DragnslcrWalzmyn- /boot/grub/menu.lst23:24
WalzmynDragnslcr, thanks23:25
jimThere is a bug in open office23:27
LimCorejim: there are tons of bugs23:27
LimCorejim: report it23:27
jimis there anyway i can get it working properly ?23:28
Walzmynin Grub.lst I don't see any "default" option, I assumn the first one will be excuted as default?23:28
LimCorereport bug and wait... or try other version, or google work around23:28
WalzmynFor some reason, mine is trying to open the openvz kernel which is locking up23:29
chisiyuanjim: maybe you can reinstall it. Be careful.23:29
Walzmynjim what's the bug?23:29
geniiAvgustin_: At this time I cannot be of much assistance. Please try instructions here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE23:31
=== James_Keele is now known as James
monkeypaw201I installed Pidgin and tried connecting and it said Authorization Failed ... trying to connect to google chat... i checked online and went through troubleshooting... other IM accounts work.... any help?23:38
Jamesgreetings all23:39
monkeypaw201Hi James23:39
=== James is now known as GoldBug
GoldBugahh better23:39
GoldBughow are you23:39
GoldBugsorry this is James laptop23:40
monkeypaw201fine, yourself? im just getting frustrated at Pidgin23:40
GoldBugwell i just converted to kunbuntu today from XP23:40
monkeypaw201finally! :P23:40
GoldBughey i am a gamer23:40
GoldBugso that has been the major reason for my not converting23:41
monkeypaw201you need help getting them running?23:41
ScorpKingi have about 40 packages that i want to copy to one directory from my local repo in /ubuntu/ .how can i use find and give it all the package names in one command so it will copy those to my home directory? will [ find -name "bash apt amarok konsole" | xargs cp /home/me/temp ] work?23:41
GoldBugbut XP just got a virus and I don't have my disks for XP23:41
GoldBugso i thought what the hell23:41
monkeypaw201lol, you can easily re-install and run most games in ubuntu23:41
GoldBugso i downloaded it and installed it and now i am just trying to get everything configured properly23:42
GoldBugyea that is what i have been told and my reason for the conversion23:42
monkeypaw201scorpking, im not sure... sorry check in #ubuntu23:42
Danish989 Does anyone know how to fix the BusyBox problem yet? I installed Hardy Heron using WUBI inside Windows XP two days ago, and out of nowhere, now it refuses to boot and I'm stuck at the Busy Box command line ..... does anyone know what to do?23:42
GoldBugworse case senario i figgure i can just run xp in a VM23:42
ScorpKingmonkeypaw201: np i'm reading the manual ;)23:42
GoldBugbut right now i am having the WORSE time getting my video drivers to work properly23:43
GoldBugi have a 8600gts23:43
monkeypaw201look in the upper-right corner23:43
GoldBugand my desktop is set to 640 by 4823:43
monkeypaw201next to the clock23:43
KetrelIf I want to chmod to be executable for all, I can do +x or 0111. If I wanted ot make it just executable for say group, I could do 0010, but how would I do that int he +x type syntax?23:43
monkeypaw201you should see something similar to an electronic card... just click on it and it should list all in-active / not-working drivers23:44
GoldBugk monkey i have the hardware driver up23:44
KetrelSlimeyPete, so g is for group, what are the other two?23:44
monkeypaw201ok, now just click the driver and apply/install/ or something and it will go and install the linux driver for you23:44
SlimeyPeteKetrel: a, g, u and o if I remember correctly - all, group, user, owner23:45
Ketreldanke danke23:45
GoldBugdid that already and that is what caused my desktop to go from 12X10 to 640X48023:45
DragnslcrKetrel- u is user, g is group, o is other23:45
SlimeyPeteah, other23:45
SlimeyPetemakes more sense23:45
monkeypaw201hmm... what version area you running??23:46
Ketrelthanks :)23:46
GoldBugthe stable kde23:46
monkeypaw201ubuntu, kubuntu, xubuntu?23:46
darkymost users of this chanel are running kubuntu23:47
monkeypaw201hmm... strange im not really sure...23:47
monkeypaw201darky, i know.. im just making sure23:47
GoldBugKubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron)23:47
monkeypaw201sorry Bug, im not sure23:47
darkydid anyone try to install nvidia-glx-new for his geforce?23:47
darkybecause it doesn't work on my computer23:48
darkyI'm running KDE423:48
BluesKajmonkeypaw201, open konqueror and click on help / about kde23:49
goldbug_ok i am here on the kubutu box now23:51
darkycan you help me with my graphic chipset please?23:52
darkyNvidia Geforce FX 523:52
goldbug_hmm i am running an 8600gts23:52
goldbug_heh hopefully the solution can fix both of our problems23:52
darkywith the appropriate driver or kubuntu's default driver?23:52
goldbug_heh the default driver worked better then the one that it downloaded for me23:53
darkyThe one I downloaded doesn't work23:56
darkyit shows wierd things, the screen turns to different collors23:56
goldbug_OH i should prolly mention that i am running the 64 bit version23:56
VousDeuxhello: I just installed all of the updates, but now when I try to launch VMware I get this error: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libbonoboui-2.so.0: undefined symbol: g_once_init_enter_impl23:57
VousDeuxany thoughts?23:57
darkyah in my case I am running the i68623:58

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