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Rinchen | #startmeeting | 19:00 |
Rinchen | doh | 19:00 |
Rinchen | the one time I don't look for mootbot | 19:00 |
* barry mourns mootbot | 19:00 | |
matsubara | mootbot is on holiday | 19:00 |
barry | Rinchen: mootbot is an ex-mootbot, it's pushing up daisies | 19:00 |
Rinchen | ah well, old fashioned way today I guess | 19:00 |
Rinchen | Welcome to this week's Launchpad development meeting. For the next 45 minutes or so, we'll be coordinating Launchpad development. | 19:01 |
Rinchen | Roll Call | 19:01 |
Rinchen | me! | 19:01 |
statik | me | 19:01 |
barry | me | 19:01 |
matsubara | me | 19:01 |
schwuk | me | 19:01 |
salgado | me | 19:01 |
gmb | me | 19:01 |
flacoste | me | 19:01 |
mars | me | 19:01 |
bigjools | me | 19:01 |
bac | me | 19:01 |
herb_ | me | 19:01 |
intellectronica | me | 19:01 |
thumper | me | 19:01 |
sinzui | me | 19:01 |
leonardr | me | 19:01 |
EdwinGrubbs | me | 19:01 |
rockstar_ | me | 19:02 |
allenap | me | 19:02 |
mrevell | me | 19:02 |
Rinchen | I have apologies from Brazil, Germany, Lithuania, and Netherlands | 19:02 |
Rinchen | I'm missing mpt and kiko | 19:03 |
flacoste | Foundations is complete | 19:03 |
Rinchen | I'll keep running I guess...see if we pick up stragglers | 19:03 |
mars | kiko is at lunch I think | 19:03 |
Rinchen | * Next meeting | 19:03 |
Rinchen | Anyone know they will be away next week? | 19:03 |
thumper | Rinchen: code team will be sprinting | 19:04 |
thumper | I'll be here, but the rest probably wont | 19:04 |
abentley | me | 19:04 |
Rinchen | Ok, same time same please next week then. | 19:04 |
Rinchen | * Actions from last meeting | 19:04 |
Rinchen | there were none | 19:04 |
Rinchen | * Oops report (Matsubara) | 19:05 |
Rinchen | matsubara ^^ | 19:05 |
matsubara | No specific oops report today. I've been following up with people about post rollout oopses | 19:05 |
Rinchen | Thanks | 19:05 |
matsubara | thank you | 19:05 |
Rinchen | * Critical Bugs (Rinchen) | 19:05 |
Rinchen | https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/206654 | 19:06 |
Rinchen | This is the memory issue. It appears to have returned. flacoste, can you comment on what we should do now? More ref counts? | 19:06 |
ubottu | Rinchen: Error: This bug is private | 19:06 |
flacoste | Rinchen: yes, start the monitoring instance again and wait for its memory usage to go up | 19:06 |
flacoste | Rinchen: that worked very nicely last time | 19:06 |
thumper | did we find leaks | 19:06 |
thumper | ? | 19:06 |
Rinchen | flacoste, great. Start tomorrow maybe so we get a weekend history? | 19:06 |
Rinchen | yes thumper, one big one found and fixed | 19:07 |
thumper | cool | 19:07 |
flacoste | Rinchen: yes, that's the idea, he LOSAs are aware of this and that was our plan | 19:07 |
Rinchen | flacoste, great thanks | 19:07 |
Rinchen | https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/224623 | 19:07 |
Rinchen | DB load. | 19:07 |
ubottu | Rinchen: Error: This bug is private | 19:07 |
Rinchen | stub isn't here | 19:07 |
flacoste | thumper: it was in +bugs-text (the text bug search) | 19:07 |
Rinchen | herb, can you please touch base with mthaddon on this tomorrow morning and see if he can ping stub about this? | 19:08 |
herb_ | sure | 19:08 |
Rinchen | thanks herb | 19:08 |
Rinchen | There are few more criticals but we're all aware of those and working on them. Thanks. | 19:09 |
Rinchen | * Bug tags | 19:09 |
Rinchen | there are no proposals today | 19:09 |
Rinchen | * Operations report (mthaddon/herb) | 19:09 |
Rinchen | herb_ ^^ | 19:09 |
herb_ | 1.2.4 Rollout well, with the exception of some problems with buildbot/importd. | 19:10 |
herb_ | Tom is off tomorrow and my EOD is 2130 UTC. So any additional rollouts will need | 19:10 |
herb_ | to be through PQM early enough for me to complete them by 2130. | 19:10 |
herb_ | And we've already discussed the two bugs that were on my list | 19:10 |
herb_ | high load on the db and the memory leak | 19:10 |
herb_ | so that's it from Tom and I unless there are any questions. | 19:10 |
Rinchen | thanks herb | 19:11 |
Rinchen | * DBA report (stub) | 19:11 |
Rinchen | stub's not available today | 19:11 |
Rinchen | * Sysadmin requests (Rinchen) | 19:11 |
Rinchen | Is anyone blocked on an RT or have any that are becoming urgent? | 19:11 |
* bigjools waves as usual | 19:12 | |
cprov | me (very late, sorry) | 19:12 |
Rinchen | bigjools, ping me tomorrow afternoon and let's see if we can't make some progress on that | 19:12 |
bigjools | Rinchen: roger. | 19:12 |
Rinchen | thanks | 19:13 |
Rinchen | * New packages required (salgado) | 19:13 |
flacoste | salgado: you already handled python-epydoc? | 19:13 |
salgado | do we need any other packages for this cycle? | 19:13 |
salgado | flacoste, I did | 19:13 |
salgado | but looks like I did something wrong | 19:14 |
salgado | I'll sort it out | 19:15 |
Rinchen | thanks salgado | 19:15 |
Rinchen | * A top user-affecting issue (mrevell) | 19:15 |
mrevell | Hello. We've had a few requests, lately, that complain about the volume of bug mail or that request a temporary holiday from bug mail. | 19:15 |
mrevell | So, I wonder if we could have a "Suspend my bug mail" button in Launchpad accounts. | 19:16 |
flacoste | mrevell: we have a bug for that | 19:16 |
flacoste | mrevell: and it was scheduled for next cycle, don't know if that will hold yet though | 19:16 |
mrevell | flacoste: Ah, I didn't find it. Thanks for letting me know. | 19:16 |
matsubara | the vacation mode one? | 19:16 |
mrevell | matsubara: That sounds right | 19:16 |
barry | yep | 19:16 |
flacoste | mrevell: https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+spec/launchpad-vacation, there's a bug link to the spec iirc | 19:16 |
mrevell | Great, that's brilliant news. Thanks flacoste for the link, back to you Rinchen :) | 19:17 |
Rinchen | thanks mrevell | 19:17 |
Rinchen | * Doc Team report (mrevell) | 19:17 |
* mrevell changes hats | 19:17 | |
mrevell | I'd like to share some of the feedback I've had on our new release notes format from some of our more hardended users. The feedback is largely positive but, earlier in #launchpad, there was some mourning for the loss of the more comprehensive changelog format and another request for regular updates of what's changed on Edge. | 19:17 |
mrevell | In future, if you've worked on something cool, expect me to ask you for a quote (or more) for the release announcement :) | 19:18 |
mrevell | Talking of which, I'd love a call with each team lead next week to discuss 1.2.5's docs needs and what stand-out features we should talk about in the release announcement! | 19:18 |
gmb | mrevell: Could we add the full changelog as an attachment? | 19:18 |
gmb | ... to the abbreviated version, I mean. | 19:18 |
gmb | Or put it on t'wiki or something? | 19:18 |
statik | mrevell: I liked the quote from thumper | 19:18 |
mrevell | gmb: Maybe, but it's additional work. So it's something we need to discuss, I tihnk | 19:19 |
statik | I think that is a nice touch in the release announcement | 19:19 |
gmb | Right. | 19:19 |
mrevell | yes statik, thumper's quote was ace | 19:19 |
Rinchen | "Ace"? wow, you're showing your age :-) | 19:19 |
mrevell | Oh, and one other thing: I'm going to put out a call for user questions for our podcast. If you want to be in the podcast or have an idea for a feature, please update the Podcast page on our team wiki. I'd like to record and publish it next week. | 19:19 |
mrevell | Rinchen: :) | 19:19 |
mrevell | And, to come back to the name of this section, I'll be putting some effort into the doc team next week | 19:19 |
mrevell | thanks, back to you Rinchen. | 19:19 |
Rinchen | thanks mrevell | 19:19 |
Rinchen | There are no proposed topics and we have a lot to do in 30 minutes or so ..... | 19:20 |
Rinchen | Thank you all for attending this week's Launchpad Developer Meeting. See the channel topic for the location of the logs. | 19:20 |
Rinchen | = The End! = | 19:20 |
mrevell | thanks Rinchen | 19:20 |
thumper | OMG!! | 19:20 |
thumper | quickest ever | 19:20 |
flacoste | Rinchen: go, go, go! | 19:20 |
gmb | ZOOOOOM | 19:20 |
Rinchen | actually in this case, the channel topic won't help | 19:20 |
thumper | thanks Rinchen | 19:20 |
gmb | Rinchen: greased for speed. | 19:20 |
bac | good job joey | 19:20 |
gmb | bad mental image there... | 19:20 |
flacoste | lol | 19:21 |
* bigjools blinks and looks at his watch | 19:21 | |
barry | me | 19:21 |
barry | oh wait | 19:21 |
bigjools | moo | 19:21 |
barry | :) | 19:21 |
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