ogasawara | kees: I was able to reproduce 190329. I'm currently waiting for the kernel to finish building with the patch to hopefully resolve it. I gotta jam out of here for a second before the build will likely finish but I'll ping you with the results. | 00:49 |
kees | ogasawara: okay, cool. if so, we can put it into the hardy security update (that doesn't exist yet) | 01:01 |
ffm | When's the next hug/bug day schedueled? | 02:43 |
ffm | Wiki says "The next Hug Day is scheduled for Tuesday, April 29, 2008. " | 02:44 |
ffm | That's yesterday. | 02:44 |
ffm | How do I report issues with the ubuntu website itself? | 03:34 |
pedro_ | ffm: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-website/+filebug <- there | 03:36 |
ffm | pedro_: thanks | 03:36 |
pedro_ | you're welcome | 03:36 |
ffm | So, whens the next Hug Day? | 03:42 |
pedro_ | probably next Tuesday (May 06) | 03:44 |
ffm | pedro_: Also, what;s the place to report release notes bugs? | 03:44 |
pedro_ | but every day is good for working on bugs so if you want to triage and have any doubt just ask here in the channel | 03:44 |
ffm | pedro_: Will it ever be a thursday, friday, saturday, or sunday? | 03:44 |
ffm | pedro_: kk. | 03:45 |
pedro_ | ffm: yep, we have 2 hug days a week, one the tuesday and another one on thursdays | 03:45 |
pedro_ | we didn't have one last weeks because of the hardy release | 03:45 |
pedro_ | but i'm pretty sure we're going to have at least one next week | 03:46 |
ffm | pedro_: So, is there one tomorrow? | 03:46 |
pedro_ | i don't think there's one planned for tomorrow, no | 03:47 |
ffm | In Bug #224171 , what package should that be? It's an issue in the release notes (website maybe?). | 03:48 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 224171 in ubuntu "Upgrade to 8.04 (Hardy) trashed RAID Array" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/224171 | 03:48 |
ffm | pedro_: I'd set priority to High by the way, that's a big undocumented change. | 03:49 |
pedro_ | i think it's better to assign it to mdadm in case they don't know about it | 03:52 |
ffm | pedro_: mdadm? | 03:53 |
ffm | madame? | 03:53 |
pedro_ | haha | 03:54 |
pedro_ | the package of mdadm.conf | 03:54 |
ffm | No idea what package that belongso. | 03:56 |
ffm | to. | 03:56 |
pedro_ | "mdadm" | 03:57 |
ffm | pedro_: I'll do both. | 03:58 |
ffm | pedro_: Good thing I've been triaging, I was about to upgrade my school-s power-edge RAID server from dapper... | 03:58 |
ffm | Can someone mark this as whishlist? https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/223524 | 04:07 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 223524 in ubuntu "interrupted package upgrade should continue on next boot in case of a problem" [Undecided,New] | 04:07 |
=== boomer` is now known as boomer | ||
ffm | pedro_: ^^^ | 04:08 |
pedro_ | oh sorry | 04:08 |
pedro_ | yeah let me do it | 04:08 |
ffm | pedro_: Thanks. | 04:10 |
pedro_ | you're welcome | 04:12 |
InsClusoe | Hi all... | 05:33 |
InsClusoe | I was looking at bug #221525. It seems to be wrongly marked as duplicate of bug #216266. It looks more like a duplicate of bug #195434. | 05:33 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 221525 in ubuntu "Hardy takes a long time to shut down, prints network manager error message (dup-of: 216266)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/221525 | 05:33 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 216266 in usplash "Usplash problem on shutdown." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/216266 | 05:33 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 195434 in gdm "Hardy alpha5: Shutting down GDM takes a long time." [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/195434 | 05:33 |
InsClusoe | It will be great if somebody can confirm. | 05:34 |
InsClusoe | Hello... anybody there? | 05:56 |
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kblin | hi folks | 08:56 |
=== LucidFox_ is now known as LucidFox | ||
=== LucidFox_ is now known as LucidFox | ||
=== LucidFox_ is now known as LucidFox | ||
=== LucidFox_ is now known as LucidFox_Atlanti | ||
secretlondon | james_w Just read your email re: testing. You make it sound like there is overlap between bug work and testing | 12:59 |
james_w | secretlondon: the one I sent a moment ago? | 13:00 |
secretlondon | james_w I don't think I'm experienced enough for that yet. I think my next step will be to do motu beginner type jobs | 13:00 |
secretlondon | james_w yes | 13:00 |
james_w | Can you explain how I gave that impression? | 13:01 |
james_w | The QA team does include people who work mainly on bugs, so I think there is an overlap. | 13:01 |
secretlondon | james_ w https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Roles, Kernel bug first-response, and the fact that you said the qa team live in -testing | 13:02 |
james_w | ah, true. There is definitely overlap I guess. I probably should have mentioned #ubuntu-bugs as well. | 13:03 |
james_w | Do you think I need to clarify something in the mail? | 13:03 |
secretlondon | I'm not exactly sure what the qa team do, that bug-control don't | 13:04 |
james_w | bugcontrol is supposed to be part of the wider QA team I think, even if it's not reflected in group memberships. | 13:05 |
secretlondon | james_w I wonder whether promoting the qa team on Ubuntu women may be too advanced. Most people on the list are users, not contributors. You seem to need to be a pretty strong contributor to be part of qa | 13:05 |
james_w | secretlondon: point taken. It's rare to get these roles outlined like this though, so I thought I would take advantage of that though. | 13:06 |
secretlondon | cool | 13:07 |
* secretlondon generally makes her own jobs, looking for unloved bits | 13:07 | |
james_w | yep, that's a great way to do it. | 13:07 |
james_w | do you think a mention of bugcontrol in response to the mail would be a good thing? | 13:07 |
secretlondon | I think a mention of entry level stuff would be good | 13:08 |
secretlondon | bug control isn't entry level either | 13:08 |
secretlondon | and hug days as a good 1st step | 13:08 |
james_w | would you like to write something explaining about hug days, bugsquad and bugcontrol in response? | 13:09 |
secretlondon | okay, but I have to go out very soon | 13:09 |
secretlondon | I personally didn't know about the qa team, so it's useful for me! | 13:10 |
secretlondon | I've book marked their wiki pages | 13:10 |
james_w | great, thanks. | 13:10 |
james_w | I think the forums role doesn't require too much knowledge, certainly to get started. | 13:10 |
secretlondon | true | 13:11 |
secretlondon | but it's a big job I imagine | 13:11 |
james_w | oh yeah | 13:11 |
james_w | but even starting to do a little bit would be a great help. It seems like there's loads of information on the forums related to QA, and I'm not sure how much flows back. | 13:12 |
secretlondon | There is loads on unofficial channels. I see refs to bugs on twitter even | 13:13 |
secretlondon | james_w oh btw do you know what bzr error 104 is? I get it from the 5-a-day applet | 13:15 |
james_w | secretlondon: yeah, thekorn asked me about that, I don't know I'm afraid, I didn't think it gave any error codes over 4, but maybe I misunderstand. | 13:16 |
james_w | The traceback about not having an address associated with a name is weird as well, I assume you have no trouble accessing launchpad otherwise? | 13:17 |
secretlondon | okay. I think it may be my ISP | 13:17 |
secretlondon | I think bzr and vodafone may not be compatible, even though I've got rid of the filter | 13:17 |
secretlondon | james_w no problems at all | 13:17 |
secretlondon | unless it is confused by the fact that I use wvdial for connectivity | 13:18 |
secretlondon | but everything else copes, except nm | 13:18 |
james_w | it shouldn't be, but it's a possibility. | 13:18 |
james_w | can you "ssh bazaar.launchpad.net"? | 13:19 |
secretlondon | permission denied, ssh key error | 13:19 |
secretlondon | Launchpad user 'secret' doesn't have a registered SSH key | 13:19 |
secretlondon | secret is my login on this box | 13:19 |
james_w | secretlondon is your lp id? | 13:20 |
secretlondon | yes | 13:20 |
james_w | does "ssh secretlondon@bazaar.launchpad.net" work? | 13:20 |
secretlondon | Launchpad user 'secret' doesn't have a registered SSH key | 13:20 |
secretlondon | secret@celery:~$ ssh bazaar.launchpad.net -l secretlondon | 13:20 |
secretlondon | No shells on this server. | 13:20 |
secretlondon | Connection to bazaar.launchpad.net closed. | 13:20 |
secretlondon | secret@celery:~$ ssh secretlondon@bazaar.launchpad.net | 13:21 |
secretlondon | No shells on this server. | 13:21 |
secretlondon | Connection to bazaar.launchpad.net closed. | 13:21 |
james_w | secretlondon: that's ok, it only lets bzr log in for security, it shows that it works though, so I'm not sure what the problem is. | 13:21 |
secretlondon | ok | 13:23 |
=== LucidFox_Atlanti is now known as LucidFox | ||
freetown | it appears to me that ppp is broken on hardy heron. pppd does not update resolv.conf with the name server information it gets nor does it run ip-up.local or perhaps any of those scripts | 14:07 |
james_w | freetown: is there a bug reported in launchpad? Just telling us in here means that it will get lost and won't get acted upon | 14:08 |
freetown | looking | 14:08 |
freetown | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ppp/+bug/75218 seems to describe what i see but that was filed against 6.07 and marked undecided | 14:11 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 75218 in ppp "ppp does not put nameservers into /etc/resolv.conf" [Undecided,New] | 14:11 |
freetown | is ubottu a bot? | 14:13 |
laga | yes | 14:13 |
freetown | ah | 14:13 |
freetown | francais, bugs. neat | 14:13 |
james_w | freetown: does it work if you install resolvconf? | 14:15 |
freetown | no bug report related to ip-up.local. I guess I will have to file one? But it appears to be related to pppd not running any scripts at all after establishing a connection. | 14:15 |
freetown | james_w, hold on | 14:16 |
|chris_t| | ? | 14:27 |
james_w | Is there a wiki page on debugging wireless driver problems? | 14:31 |
qense | I don't think so | 14:32 |
qense | we really should have such a page | 14:32 |
qense | more and more people are using wirelss | 14:32 |
james_w | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingNetworkManager is reasonably helpful | 14:32 |
qense | but drivers are often kernel modules | 14:33 |
james_w | yup | 14:33 |
james_w | I'm going for lunch in a local cafe where wireless didn't work last time, so I want to debug it. I won't have a second machine, so I'm trying to load up on information first. | 14:34 |
qense | i think /var/log contains some useful information | 14:36 |
qense | lspci of course | 14:36 |
qense | dmidecode? | 14:36 |
qense | dmesg? | 14:36 |
james_w | I' | 14:38 |
james_w | I'll try them, thanks. | 14:38 |
kblin | ah, rats. | 14:39 |
kblin | I hate to file dups. | 14:40 |
freetown | james_w, after installing resolvconf, do i need to run pppoeconf again or something? if not...installing resolvconf does not fix the zero update resolv.conf by pppd problem | 14:43 |
freetown | james_w, file generated by resolvconf...but empty | 14:44 |
james_w | freetown: I don't know I'm afraid it was just mentioned in the bug report you linked to. | 14:47 |
james_w | have you tried running pppoeconf again? | 14:48 |
freetown | anybody here who understands the intricracies between pppd, pppoe, resolv.conf and resolvconf? | 14:57 |
ogra | freetown, is usepeerdns set in your config ? | 15:09 |
ogra | (you dont need resolvconf installed, it will cause more headdaches than it solves) | 15:09 |
freetown | ogra, well, i did set it via pppoeconf | 15:10 |
ogra | freetown, /etc/ppp/peers/ has your peer configs, make sure to have usepeerdns in the provider file you use | 15:10 |
freetown | ogra, okay. i will check. however, can you explain why pppd does not run ip-up.local? | 15:11 |
ogra | it runs the scripts from /etc/ppp/ usually | 15:11 |
ogra | i dont think there is a .local | 15:12 |
freetown | ogra, if it did...it should have updated resolv.conf. .local is what you are recommended to use. ip-up checks for executable ip-up.local | 15:12 |
ogra | ls -l /etc/resolv.conf ? | 15:13 |
ogra | (pppd wont update it if its executable) | 15:14 |
freetown | coming | 15:14 |
ogra | or rather the usepeerdns script wont :) | 15:15 |
freetown | ogra, 644 permissions | 15:21 |
freetown | and userpeerdns is set in the provider file | 15:22 |
ogra | are you sure your providers dhcp sends dns data ? | 15:24 |
ogra | (one would expect so, but you never know) | 15:24 |
freetown | well, pppd logs down the name server ips from the isp...so...i take the answer to be yes? | 15:25 |
freetown | i think i should just add debug code to the ppp scripts just to see if they are run properly.... | 15:26 |
ogra | ok | 15:26 |
ogra | do you have a /etc/ppp/resolv.conf file ? | 15:26 |
ogra | (thats what the usepeerdns script merges into /etc/resolv.conf actually) | 15:27 |
freetown | yes. and it is populated too | 15:28 |
ogra | hmm | 15:28 |
ogra | do you have a /etc/resolv.conf.pppd-backup file ? | 15:28 |
freetown | nada | 15:28 |
freetown | zip, zilch | 15:28 |
freetown | borken pppd? | 15:29 |
ogra | hmm, looks like something is wrong with the /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/0000usepeerdns script | 15:29 |
freetown | or maybe all scripts? | 15:29 |
ogra | nah | 15:29 |
ogra | it works as far as creating the /etc/ppp/resolv.conf file apparently | 15:30 |
freetown | strange, i do not see anything in the script that shows it creating that file? | 15:31 |
freetown | pppd creates that file and not the script right? | 15:31 |
ogra | USEPEERDNS=1 sudo /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/0000usepeerdns | 15:31 |
ogra | run that | 15:31 |
ogra | then check the /etc/resolv.conf file | 15:32 |
freetown | changed. | 15:32 |
freetown | borken pppd. | 15:32 |
freetown | it don't run no ip-up scripts | 15:32 |
ogra | well, we would have tons of bugs if that were the case | 15:33 |
freetown | which is why i am here :-D | 15:33 |
ogra | somehow your USEPEERDNS variable doesnt get set | 15:33 |
freetown | no resolv.conf updating and no ip-up.local execution | 15:34 |
kblin | freetown: on hardy? | 15:34 |
ogra | ip-up.local isnt used | 15:34 |
freetown | YES | 15:34 |
freetown | ogra, yes it is...if you create it. | 15:34 |
freetown | 'if [ -x /etc/ppp/ip-up.local ]; then' found in ip-up | 15:35 |
ogra | oh, right | 15:35 |
ogra | did you try to remove that ? | 15:35 |
freetown | no way | 15:35 |
freetown | i want that | 15:35 |
ogra | uepeerdns should definately suffice to update resolv.conf | 15:35 |
freetown | i need to update ddns on bootup | 15:35 |
kblin | ah, duh, I'm just using kppp myself, which updates resolv.conf on it's own | 15:36 |
freetown | ogra, yes i know. but pppd is borken because it does not appear to run ip-up at all. | 15:36 |
ogra | kblin, right, works here as well | 15:36 |
ogra | (no k here though :) ) | 15:36 |
ogra | freetown, it does on other systems | 15:37 |
freetown | ogra, that is my point? it does not work on hardy >:( | 15:37 |
ogra | move your ip-up.local away (and remove crap loke the resolvconf script, it does more harm than helping) and then try again | 15:37 |
ogra | s/loke/like/ | 15:38 |
ogra | i.e. get into a fresh state with everything | 15:38 |
ogra | i suspect your ip-up.local contains something that makes it break, lets check that :) | 15:38 |
freetown | ogra, i doubt my ip-up.local affects anything... | 15:38 |
ogra | well, easy to test | 15:38 |
freetown | i will move it PAST the run-parts okay? | 15:38 |
ogra | mv ip-up.local ip-up.local.bak | 15:39 |
ogra | make sure it doesnt get executed while testing | 15:39 |
freetown | so ip-up gets a go at ip-up.d and then ip-up.local | 15:39 |
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ogra | does it work with the script removed ? | 15:52 |
freetown | ogra, yes it does. | 15:55 |
ogra | so lets find out why your script breaks it then :) | 15:55 |
ogra | can you paste it to a pastebin ? | 15:56 |
freetown | http://files.cjb.net/dynip/cjb-update.sh | 15:56 |
freetown | i just have a one liner that calls that script. | 15:57 |
ogra | heh | 15:57 |
freetown | similar to the clampmss script which is also a one liner | 15:57 |
ogra | have a look at the first line | 15:57 |
ogra | remove the space | 15:57 |
ogra | #! /bin/bash wont work :) | 15:58 |
freetown | doh. no wonder it runs from the command line but no via pppd. | 15:58 |
freetown | thnx | 15:58 |
ogra | :) | 15:58 |
freetown | but i guess it is do not use network-manager and use pppoeconf for now? :-D | 15:59 |
freetown | using network-manager to setup pppoe was a complete disaster | 15:59 |
freetown | i only got it working with pppoeconf | 15:59 |
ogra | i havent tried that every, my router doesnt have a gui (but runs hardy ) | 16:00 |
freetown | ha! if my friend had a router, i wouldn't be here :-) | 16:01 |
freetown | hardy has no problems with dhcp :-) | 16:01 |
ogra | good | 16:01 |
freetown | but anyway, thanks. I think I will not push too much on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-system-tools/+bug/180535 | 16:01 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 180535 in gnome-system-tools "network settings; utter uselessness thereof for PPPoE" [Undecided,New] | 16:01 |
ogra | ah, well, its surely worth to push there, we were hoping NM 0.7 would be ready for hardy, but it wasnt | 16:02 |
freetown | oh, so that is what happened | 16:02 |
ogra | 0.7 is far advanced wrt static interfaces, ppp and the like | 16:03 |
freetown | i hear network-admin came from RH? | 16:03 |
ogra | no | 16:03 |
ogra | network-admin belongs to gnome-system-tools which was written by a spanish guy on his own | 16:03 |
ogra | (might be that RH hired him later though, not sure :) ) | 16:03 |
freetown | can i quote you? :-D. | 16:03 |
ogra | heh | 16:04 |
freetown | some chap on the ubuntu channel claimed it was from RH | 16:04 |
freetown | but anywya | 16:04 |
freetown | thnx. i hope you get a...maintainer? for network-admin | 16:04 |
kblin | ogra: to be honest, it's hard to be less advanced for static interfaces ;) | 16:05 |
ogra | haha | 16:05 |
ogra | yeah | 16:05 |
freetown | :-) | 16:06 |
freetown | okay, night guys. thanks for your help | 16:06 |
ogra | enjoy | 16:06 |
bddebian | Boo | 17:02 |
iulian | Hello bddebian | 17:06 |
bddebian | Hi iulian | 17:06 |
=== never|mobi is now known as neversfelde|mobi | ||
gruber | If I change one data file in a patch is it necessary to install the whole package to test the patch or is it enough to just substitute the one changed file manually? | 18:19 |
qense | What the heck is this? bug 225266 | 18:20 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 225266 in bug-buddy "bug-buddy borked" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/225266 | 18:20 |
Pici | how random | 18:23 |
bdmurray | I don't see anything else reported by them | 18:23 |
qense | (what does to bork mean?) | 18:24 |
bdmurray | ah, they have a question | 18:24 |
bdmurray | irreversibly damaged or broken | 18:25 |
qense | and SNAFU? | 18:25 |
Pici | qense: bork = broke, SNAFU = situation normal: all **** up (!language|pici) | 18:25 |
qense | he complains that everything doesn't work like it had | 18:26 |
qense | wow, how informative | 18:26 |
qense | thx | 18:27 |
bdmurray | I found a question they asked in answers.launchpad.net | 18:27 |
qense | shall we ask for more information or mark it as invalid(like the reporter already said he thought we would do)? | 18:28 |
bdmurray | I think trying to make a connection to them might be a good idea | 18:31 |
bdmurray | However, you should look at their question, number 4337, to get some idea of where it might head | 18:31 |
qense | their? | 18:33 |
bdmurray | They asked a question at answers.launchpad.net | 18:34 |
qense | why are you saying they, them and their? :) | 18:35 |
qense | it doesn't look good :) | 18:35 |
qense | but I've signed the CoC :) | 18:35 |
bdmurray | I referring to the reporter of the bug-buddy bug you mentioned | 18:36 |
qense | but they? he isn't king I hope | 18:37 |
qense | he tries to speak like one though :D | 18:38 |
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qense | He has a blog, mostly about politics: http://jcwinnie.biz/wordpress/ | 18:44 |
qense | but it looks like it's composed with articles from all over the web | 18:45 |
qense | maybe he's an editor for NYT | 18:46 |
qense | not all his articles seem composed | 18:46 |
zir3 | hello bugsquad | 18:50 |
zir3 | i wanna say you if my problem is a bug but the thing is gonna that.... | 18:51 |
zir3 | i has installed the ubuntu 8.04 en another partition to my ubuntu 7.10 | 18:51 |
qense | ok | 18:51 |
zir3 | and the ubuntu 8.04 break my computer | 18:51 |
qense | in what way? | 18:52 |
zir3 | i try with two archs and nothing the same problem | 18:52 |
zir3 | my ubuntu 7.10 fly like a falcon... but 8.04 increment the temperature of my notebook to sky and kill it | 18:53 |
zir3 | sorry my english but im a mexican Linux user | 18:53 |
qense | it's quite good :) | 18:54 |
qense | so the temperature of your laptop is uncontrolled? | 18:54 |
qense | and it becomes so high that your laptop eventually crashes? | 18:55 |
qense | that's very tricky in a country like mexico :) | 18:55 |
qense | I think it's a bug, but I'm not sure which package causes it | 18:55 |
qense | maybe the kernel, hal or gnome-power-manager | 18:55 |
qense | can you copy and paste the file /var/log/syslog in http://pastebin.ubuntu.com ? | 18:56 |
qense | and place the link you get here | 18:56 |
zir3 | ok wait a momento please... | 18:59 |
zir3 | http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/9248/ | 19:03 |
qense | ok, wait a sec | 19:04 |
zir3 | i dont saw nothing interesting in that.... i was check it yesterday at night | 19:05 |
qense | ok | 19:05 |
qense | so this is the whole log? including the moment where it turns off because of the heat? | 19:06 |
qense | could you post /var/log/kern.log too ? | 19:08 |
zir3 | ok | 19:08 |
zir3 | my boos will kill me xD hahahahahahah | 19:09 |
qense | why? | 19:09 |
zir3 | http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/9250/ | 19:11 |
zir3 | because i should be working | 19:12 |
qense | bad you! :) | 19:12 |
qense | there is a gdm segfault just before the system turns off | 19:12 |
zir3 | it's make th crash? | 19:14 |
qense | I don't know | 19:14 |
qense | it could be related | 19:14 |
qense | does your system freezes? | 19:14 |
qense | freeze* | 19:15 |
qense | at the end of almost half the times the computer was on gdm crashes | 19:20 |
qense | are you sure it has something to do with temperature? | 19:21 |
zir3 | my system crash or freeze and i dont have nothing i wait a long long time and nothing, then turn off my notebook for force brute :p | 19:21 |
zir3 | i dont sure is the temperature it was a conjeture.... | 19:22 |
qense | my brother has something similar with his laptop | 19:22 |
qense | he has a packard bell mz35 | 19:22 |
qense | what's your laptop? | 19:22 |
zir3 | really i dont know what it's, but it's very molestous i wanna make ubuntu 8.04 my new system but i see if cant be possible ubuntu 7.10 it's my unique love | 19:23 |
zir3 | well slacware too but this for my servers :p | 19:23 |
zir3 | compaq v3417LA | 19:23 |
qense | do you have this issue at both versions(7.10 adn 8.04)? | 19:24 |
zir3 | SEMPRON 3000+, 1.5 Ghz. RAM, BIOS updated | 19:24 |
zir3 | nop i repeat you 7.10 fly excelent | 19:25 |
zir3 | i just want update for fix a some problems but nothing important | 19:26 |
qense | ok, so it's probably the same bug my brother has | 19:26 |
qense | do you have a launchapd account? | 19:26 |
zir3 | mmmmmmm not? :S | 19:27 |
qense | ok | 19:27 |
qense | I wanted to ask you to add the same information to bug 224782 as I already added to it(expect edid.bin) | 19:27 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 224782 in linux "Ubuntu freezes randomly" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/224782 | 19:27 |
qense | (wait :) edid.bin isn't included) | 19:27 |
qense | you can get lspci, dmidecode, dmesg by executing it as command | 19:28 |
zir3 | i remember this same problem was happen me in ubuntu 7.10 for arch i386 | 19:30 |
zir3 | for this reason i install for arch 64 and zero problems | 19:31 |
qense | a similar bug indeed did occur in earlier versions of the kernel | 19:31 |
zir3 | conclusion?... i married with 7.10 arch 64 :p ...or not? | 19:33 |
qense | can someone help me with bug 224782 by the way? I think it isn't complete, but my brother doesn't like it :) | 19:33 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 224782 in linux "Ubuntu freezes randomly" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/224782 | 19:33 |
qense | zir3: I've reported your issue, thank you for telling it. Please keep an eye in the previously mentioned bug if you want to stay informed. | 19:40 |
zir3 | yes dotn worry and thank you was a pleasure | 19:40 |
zir3 | greetins from Merida, Yucatan. Mexico | 19:41 |
qense | :) | 19:42 |
qense | thank you for reporting thsi :) | 19:42 |
Gringo_ | has anybody notices audio glitches in Hardy? | 19:53 |
Gringo_ | i've been googling around and can't find anything | 19:53 |
Gringo_ | but i've been able to reproduce the problem on 2 differend sound cards | 19:54 |
qense | there is a bug report about this in rhythmbox at launchpad | 19:54 |
Gringo_ | qense: i'll check it out, tnx | 19:54 |
qense | what happened to the package manager???? bug 225308 | 20:11 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 225308 in aptitude "aptitude doesn't keep a log in Hardy" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/225308 | 20:11 |
qense | I don't a thing of his reply | 20:11 |
qense | is aptitude really so weird? | 20:11 |
gnomefreak | qense: depends what log you are looking for | 20:25 |
gnomefreak | qense: no need to log download but dpkg.log and dpkg.log.* has the setting up and installingof packages | 20:25 |
gnomefreak | qense: iirc term log has the downloading of packages | 20:26 |
LimCore | hello | 21:10 |
LaserJock | hi | 21:10 |
ffm | So, how long does it take for a bugcontrol app to be approved? | 21:11 |
LaserJock | specifically I think you want to become a member of the ubuntu-bugcontrol team | 21:11 |
LimCore | I noiced really high amount of bugs in 8.04, in example in compiz/3d desktop stuff. What can we do have them fixed | 21:11 |
ffm | LimCore, Write patches. | 21:11 |
LimCore | ffm: probably thoes bugs are resolved by upstream | 21:12 |
LaserJock | LimCore: helping to report and triage bugs certainly helps | 21:12 |
LimCore | I report them, how to "traige"? any good manuyal on this? | 21:12 |
ffm | !triage | LimCore | 21:12 |
ubottu | Factoid triage not found | 21:12 |
ffm | LimCore, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToTriage | 21:12 |
LimCore | how about adding a form with ubuntu version etc directyl to bug submit form? and having part of it auto filled in and/or remembered in cookies? | 21:16 |
ffm | LimCore, File a bug in launchpad itself asking for it! | 21:19 |
bdmurray | A lot of that information is automatically gathered if you use apport to report your bug about Ubuntu | 21:20 |
ffm | bdmurray, hey, you're the person who admins bugcontrol, right? | 21:21 |
bdmurray | ffm: that's correct | 21:21 |
ffm | bdmurray, have you reviewed my application? | 21:21 |
bdmurray | ffm: I'm afraid I haven't yet. I've been busy doing verification for some stable release updates | 21:22 |
ffm | bdmurray, oh, kk. that's definitely more important. | 21:22 |
ffm | bdmurray, How exactly do you guys do QA on those? | 21:23 |
bdmurray | We've some information written up at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/PerformingSRUVerification | 21:24 |
bdmurray | but we could always use more people testing packages in -proposed and making sure they work weel | 21:32 |
bdmurray | err, well | 21:32 |
LaserJock | bdmurray: I've kinda been wondering about that | 21:32 |
bdmurray | LaserJock: which part of that? | 21:33 |
LaserJock | I'm sort of in Universe SRU mode right now looking at policy and how we can improve our ability to get SRUs done quickly and efficiently | 21:33 |
ligemeget | bdmurray are you here? | 21:33 |
ligemeget | heh, obviously yes | 21:33 |
ligemeget | bdmurray, we were speaking about the Danish translation of the graphical bootloader a couple of days ago, yes? | 21:33 |
LaserJock | one of the things that's most difficult about SRUs is to get enough users to really do good testing | 21:34 |
LaserJock | often times in Universe we have niche software or bugs that have pretty complicated test cases | 21:34 |
bdmurray | I'm with you | 21:34 |
LaserJock | bdmurray: it stuck me the other day that maybe we can use something like the iso QA tracker | 21:34 |
bdmurray | ligemeget: that sounds a bit familiar | 21:34 |
LaserJock | where each SRU has a page that has the test case steps and has buttons for "didn't work" or "works fine" | 21:35 |
bdmurray | so similar to mozilla.qa.ubuntu.com ? | 21:35 |
ligemeget | bdmurray, oops.. I was going to ask you to upload it but I just noticed that I have upload privileges as well so I can do that myself | 21:36 |
ligemeget | Nevermind :) | 21:36 |
LaserJock | bdmurray: basically yes | 21:37 |
LaserJock | bdmurray: it would need a bit of tweaking to work with SRUs, but I wonder if that kind of thing would allow use to promot SRU testing more | 21:38 |
bdmurray | LaserJock: I think the issue is communicating with package users that there is a new package to test w/o them being subscribed to all the bug mail more or less. | 21:39 |
LaserJock | yeah | 21:41 |
LaserJock | taking that testing away from bug reports | 21:41 |
LaserJock | sometimes if the bug report is rather involved users may not even know exactly what to test | 21:41 |
bdmurray | well, that was the point of having a "TEST CASE" in the description | 21:41 |
LaserJock | besides the fact that they need to know that the bug report exists in the first place | 21:41 |
LaserJock | yes, although I think it's still fairly easy to for some users to get confused | 21:42 |
bdmurray | it's too bad you can't subscribe to feeds of bug searches | 21:42 |
bdmurray | like all gpsbabel verification-needed bugs | 21:43 |
LaserJock | hmm | 21:43 |
LaserJock | what if we had a Main/Universe SRU feed? | 21:44 |
bdmurray | that might work, perhaps using the hardy-changes mailing list? | 21:44 |
LaserJock | so when a package enters -proposed a feed item is created | 21:44 |
bdmurray | because -proposed packges so up there | 21:45 |
bdmurray | s/so/show/ | 21:45 |
LaserJock | that has a link to the bug, the Test Case maybe even | 21:45 |
LaserJock | well, it would have to be *-changes but yeah | 21:45 |
bdmurray | I think having feeds like that would be a good start | 21:52 |
bdmurray | and there is a launchpad bug about feeds for searches | 21:59 |
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LaserJock | well | 22:09 |
LaserJock | I was thinking of having a more SRU-specific feed | 22:09 |
LaserJock | rather SRU testers-specific feed | 22:09 |
ffm | Ok, can someone upload bug/review #223922 to hardy-proposed? | 22:09 |
ffm | Ok, can someone upload/review bug #223922 to hardy-proposed? | 22:10 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 223922 in gnome-vfs "gnome-vfs hardcodes to firefox" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/223922 | 22:10 |
bdmurray | LaserJock: right what I was thinking was that if that bug got resolved people could subscribe to bugs tagged as verification-needed | 22:12 |
LaserJock | bdmurray: yeah, that would probably be helpful | 22:15 |
LaserJock | bdmurray: you got any other helpful ideas about how to get more testers? :-) | 22:15 |
bdmurray | I've one idea but I'm not sure how technically feasible it is from an archive admin point of view | 22:16 |
LaserJock | oh? | 22:18 |
bdmurray | something as simple as ack'ing tests in the changelog | 22:18 |
bdmurray | er testers! | 22:19 |
LaserJock | hmm | 22:20 |
LaserJock | yeah, that's tricky | 22:20 |
LaserJock | since packages are copied | 22:20 |
bdmurray | Right, that's what I'd thought | 22:21 |
LaserJock | it used to be we actually reuploaded to -updates | 22:21 |
LaserJock | and in that case we could do that | 22:21 |
LaserJock | but with all the fancy Soyuz goodies we don't do that anymore ;-) | 22:21 |
LimCore | the #ubuntu-bugs-announce seems to be broken.. any plans to fix :) ? | 22:41 |
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janba | Hi | 23:24 |
janba | could someone take a look at #110975 and tell me if this is a valid bug or not ? | 23:24 |
secretlondon | bug #110975 | 23:25 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 110975 in ubuntu-meta "Install CD should include samba" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/110975 | 23:25 |
secretlondon | janba: it's a wishlist bug, I've just set it as such | 23:26 |
janba | Ok for wishlist. Thx | 23:27 |
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