
=== davmor2 is now known as davmor2_lunch
xivulon:( LP doesn't like my comments... Got me to retype half a page... Third time today.13:08
xivulonevand pls see my last couple of comments on #21734813:09
=== davmor2_lunch is now known as davmor2
xivulondavmor2: have a new build for you13:14
xivulondidn't have time to test it myself though13:14
davmor2xivulon: is it the one attached to the bug report ?13:14
xivulonmight want to rename it wubi.exe13:15
davmor2xivulon: yes I'll try it in a bit I got a few things going on today but I'll let you know as soon as I've tested it.13:15
xivulontry it first standalone, you should see a small dialog with progress bar, then wubi13:15
xivulonincidentally upx didn't work because the unpacked copy is not bit identical to the initial file, and nsis uses CRC check which will obviously fail13:17
xivulonthe new one uses 7z for packaging13:17
mptxivulon, what happened to your comment exactly? Did Launchpad give you an error message?13:18
xivulonmpt, that happens very often when I take some action such as adding a comment or editing a bug properties. I think the error is cannot show the page.13:19
xivulonI will pay close attention next time13:19
mptthanks, even a screenshot of the error would help13:20
mpt(if that's easier than transmitting the text)13:20
xivulonha got it again13:21
xivulonCannot find server or DNS Error13:21
xivulonmight be our network/proxy13:24
xivulonmpt http://paste.ubuntu.com/9180/13:26
mptYou're using Internet Explorer!!!13:31
mptThere's your problem ;-)13:31
xivulonhehe like I have a choice in the matter :(13:33
evandxivulon: ok, I'd like to see more testing (no response from #ubuntu-testing, unfortunately, but I'll give it a go after my OpenWeek session today)14:16
evandOnce you, davmor2 and myself have tested it, we can start the SRU process14:17
evanderr s/more testing/testing/, since the patch has changed.14:17
xivulonevand, in the last comment I suggest using find --set-root --relative to set both root partition and relative path14:43
xivulonas opposed of only setting the relative path using: root ()/relative/path14:43
xivulonas suggested previously14:43
xivulonfind --relative requires a new grub4dos, which is not yet in wubi (I am waiting for them to upload onto SVN first)14:44
evandah, ok14:44
xivulonroot ()/relative/path14:44
xivulon^ seems to work by the way14:44
xivulonand it does not require a new grub4dos, I have been suggested that to people with drive order problems and nobody complained so far ;)14:45
evandok, but --set-root --relative is the route you'd like to take, correct?14:46
xivulonit is more general, being egoistic, root ()/relative/path is perfectly adequate for wubi, but it assumes that root has already been set beforehand14:47
xivulonso it is wubi-specific (and do not think cjwatson would like that)14:47
evandright, so lets go with the more general solution.14:48
xivulonyep, hopefully I will have the new grub4dos code soon14:49
evandindeed, keep me posted and we'll get it tested and in the archive.14:51
xivulonevand: any luck with #222690?15:25
xivulonI asked the users to try to sanitize the os_prober output http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=4843938&postcount=47 and installation does go through (even though the guy that tested that had rebooting problems)15:25
evandsome luck15:31
evandeven with set -x shoved in there, I'm not entirely sure what the problem is and why it would fail with accented characters.15:31
evandAt any rate, using expr isn't ideal for that and I've replaced it with something more sane in trunk.15:32
evandunfortunately, I cannot reproduce the bug myself and replacing os-prober with a shell script that outputs an accented character in the line does not reproduce the bug.15:40
evandyay rendundancy15:41
xivulonevand I think that the expr match fails16:23
xivulonyou can use http://paste.ubuntu.com/9227/ to reproduce16:23
xivulonand instead of os-prober you can feed some line with UTF-8 chars16:23
evandThat's essentially what I did, and it did not reproduce the bug.  Did it for you?16:25
evandAs I said above, I replaced the expr match with something slightly more sane, so if that is indeed the problem, it should be fixed in trunk, but I'd first like to get a better handle on why it's failing in the first place.16:25
xivulonyep saw the code, loc="${line%%:*}"  makes sense16:28
xivulonI didn't try to trigger an error, since I am not on linux at the moment16:28
xivulonbut I would expect $(expr match "$line_with_unicode"  '\(.*\):.*:.*:.*') to fail16:29
cjwatsonI wonder if it's actually non-UTF-8 data16:29
xivulonin the case of the chaps it's an accented capital E16:30
xivulonEdicion in french16:30
cjwatsonI bet there's a file in the Windows filesystem with that text in non-UTF-8 form16:31
cjwatsontry running the text through 'iconv -f UTF-8 -t ISO-8859-1' before you feed it to os-prober16:31
xivulonthat would make sense...16:32
xivulonand it explains why evan cannot reproduce16:32
xivulonif you know the filename os-prober scans I can have them to upload16:32
cjwatsonguessing encoding of arbitrary data is basically impossible (at least in the worst case) but os-prober should at least cope with non-UTF-8 data somehow; that said heuristics are sometimes possible16:35
cjwatsonbeware that d-i doesn't have iconv16:35
xivulonis sanitizing unproper chars as opposed to converting them an option? It was tested and it works16:37
cjwatsonsanitising how?16:47
cjwatsonI mean, sure, you can drop anything that isn't valid UTF-8 data16:47
cjwatsonit'll look pretty poor though, so if heuristics are possible that would be better16:48
xivulonyep  I intended to drop/replace unconvertable chars as a safenet if proper conversion is not possible16:50
xivulonsuch safenet should be added anyway (and should already produce a fix for 222690)17:09
xivulonis there any reason/use to pass raw uncovenrted chars?17:09
cjwatsonI don't quite understand what/why you're asking17:10
xivulonthat the string should first go through convet_to_unicode(raw_str) and then through sanitaize(str)17:10
cjwatsonI'm afraid I'm not familiar with those functions17:11
cjwatsonyou can't "convert a raw string to Unicode"17:11
xivulonjust made the name up17:11
cjwatsonthere is no such function with only that input17:11
cjwatsonyou need to know the source encoding as well17:11
cjwatsonin this case it happens to be ISO-8859-1 (I'm guessing), but in general there is no way to tell17:11
xivulonwell in our case we do not know right? so the convert_to_unicode has to use heuristic (I assume)17:12
cjwatsonso, yes, you want "Windows XP Édition familiale" to show up that way in the boot menu rather than as "Windows XP dition familiale" as it would be if you just dropped the character17:12
cjwatsonthat said, I'm not sure whether grub will display UTF-8 text (this isn't me saying it doesn't, I just don't know)17:12
xivulonyes I am saying we can add the sanitize(str) function immediately, and worry later about convert_to_unicode()17:13
cjwatsonthere is a decent chance that if you pass "Windows XP Édition familiale" to grub (as UTF-8) then it will show up as "Windows XP Ã�dition familiale" in the boot menu17:13
cjwatsonso somebody needs to test this17:13
cjwatsonthe safest approach is to make the change at the migration-assistant/ubiquity level, but to leave os-prober's output just the way it is17:14
cjwatsonthen we're leaving the boot loader menu the way it is too17:14
xivulonthat's more than good enough :)17:14
cjwatsonand worst case the output looks a bit wrong in the installer, but nobody will care after the installer's finished17:14
xivulonevand https://bugs.launchpad.net/wubi/+bug/217348/comments/923:22
xivulonthis is wubildr including new grub4dos patches for relative-path in find23:22
xivulonI have also asked #ubuntu-testing to give it a go23:23

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