PriceChild | Mr. Castro thanked you guys in his blog on planet :) | 00:07 |
Amaranth | Mr. Castro? | 00:29 |
Amaranth | That's pretty formal for a guy you've met in person :P | 00:29 |
PriceChild | Yes, I have.. :) | 00:30 |
mneptok | nalioth: how's you Spanish? | 00:31 |
mneptok | *your | 00:31 |
MagicFab | hey all - a bunch of people are really trashing #ubuntu-ar-cafe which is supposedly friendly OT. Can anyone help ? | 00:53 |
* mneptok gestures at nalioth again | 01:00 | |
mneptok | :) | 01:00 |
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang | ||
ubottu | Pelo called the ops in #ubuntu | 01:46 |
bazhang | just had to mute someone in #ubuntu ; they are not responding--have asked them to go to their local ubuntu channel | 01:49 |
nalioth | bazhang: we appreciate your input, but the play-by-play isn't necessary | 01:51 |
bazhang | sorry nalioth; just wanted to make sure my actions were correct--it being the first time | 01:52 |
nalioth | we'll let you know if we see any oddities in them | 01:53 |
bazhang | thanks very much | 01:54 |
nalioth | you will soon learn the MO of common trolls | 01:54 |
nalioth | this was one. you see he left as soon as his voice was taken. | 01:54 |
bazhang | thanks for the help--sorry to ask so many questions | 01:56 |
nalioth | no worries on the questions | 01:58 |
nalioth | ask away | 01:58 |
bazhang | much appreciated :) | 01:59 |
mneptok | O:) | 02:02 |
mneptok | nice to see you with a head-danish, bazhang :) | 02:03 |
bazhang | did not notice I got kicked :) | 02:03 |
bazhang | hi mneptok :) | 02:03 |
mneptok | welcome to our nightmare. | 02:03 |
bazhang | haha | 02:04 |
mneptok | remember, "non ex transverso, sed deorsum." | 02:05 |
bazhang | willl have to google that :) | 02:06 |
poolie | hi | 02:55 |
poolie | could someone please ask ubotu or its replacement to join #bzr? | 02:56 |
poolie | we miss him | 02:56 |
mneptok | poolie: i'll make sure that happens when jussi01 unidles | 03:03 |
elky_work | mneptok, iirc Jucato and LjL may also have admin, not sure | 03:04 |
poolie | thankyou | 03:04 |
ubottu | BluesKaj called the ops in #kubuntu | 03:06 |
Myrtti | Whose is that | 05:30 |
BunnyRevolution | it's me | 05:30 |
Myrtti | H | 05:32 |
Myrtti | Hrm | 05:32 |
mneptok | 00:33 CTCP VERSION reply from BunnyRevolution: ChatZilla 0.9.81 [Firefox 3.0b5/2008041514] | 05:34 |
mneptok | cute ident | 05:34 |
Myrtti | Indeed | 05:37 |
Amaranth | BunnyRevolution is in that other channel | 06:06 |
elky_work | yes, i know | 06:19 |
Myrtti | I've got admins too to it | 07:29 |
ubottu | Riddell called the ops in #ubuntu | 08:32 |
gnomefreak | you cant use wildcards :( | 08:35 |
gnomefreak | anyone car e to help me remove users? | 08:35 |
ubottu | J-_ called the ops in #ubuntu | 08:38 |
gnomefreak | !staff | 08:39 |
ubottu | Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel or Gary, I could use a bit of your time :) | 08:39 |
Myrtti | whoa | 08:40 |
gnomefreak | thank you for the k-lines | 08:40 |
gnomefreak | i couldnt keep up | 08:40 |
Myrtti | ok, time to leash a regexp ignore | 08:42 |
ubottu | icqnumber called the ops in #ubuntu | 08:42 |
gnomefreak | Myrtti: ther has to be another way | 08:42 |
Myrtti | /ignore -regexp -pattern "K-lined" #ubuntu QUITS | 08:43 |
Myrtti | sure, tell me when you figure one out | 08:43 |
ubottu | DJones called the ops in #ubuntu | 08:59 |
elkbuntu | nalioth, the yvonnebots just got #debian | 09:25 |
ikonia | whoaaa can someone look at YvonneDa* names in #ubuntu | 10:07 |
Myrtti | !staff | 10:07 |
ubottu | Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel or Gary, I could use a bit of your time :) | 10:07 |
ikonia | 9 users suddenly became the same nick | 10:07 |
gnomefreak | they came back? | 10:14 |
Myrtti | seems that they have this funky way to join | 10:15 |
ubottu | ikonia called the ops in #ubuntu | 10:15 |
ikonia | gents linux_user%%% in #ubuntu swearing wants fedora support, won't go | 10:16 |
Myrtti | dealing | 10:17 |
ikonia | appriciated | 10:49 |
ubottu | In ubottu, ikonia said: !envy is envy is an unsupported tool to install newer versions of binary video drivers than provided by the official repositories. Use at your own risk, and remember that the latest version is not necessarily the "best". See « /msg ubotttu binarydriver » | 11:11 |
Myrtti | !envyng | 11:12 |
ubottu | Factoid envyng not found | 11:12 |
Myrtti | !info envyng | 11:12 |
ubottu | Package envyng does not exist in gutsy | 11:12 |
Myrtti | there should be different factoids | 11:13 |
Myrtti | !envy | 11:15 |
ubottu | envy is an unsupported tool to install newer versions of binary video drivers than provided by the official repositories. Use at your own risk, and remember that the latest version is not necessarily the "best". See « /msg ubotu binarydriver » | 11:15 |
ikonia | ubotu never got updated with envyng | 11:16 |
ikonia | just cautious of the links in ubottu thats referencing ubotu | 11:16 |
elkbuntu | they should all have been a self reference to begin with, similar to how <reply> is done | 11:19 |
ikonia | yes, there are a few (looking through the database) that hard code the name of ubotu | 11:19 |
ikonia | help in #ubuntu again | 11:25 |
ikonia | the yyoonne guys are back | 11:25 |
ikonia | about 15 nick changes at once | 11:25 |
ikonia | !staff | 11:26 |
ubottu | Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel or Gary, I could use a bit of your time :) | 11:26 |
ikonia | elkbuntu: thank you | 11:26 |
Gary | asked for senior staffer assistance | 11:28 |
ikonia | poor elkbuntu banning about 20 nicks | 11:29 |
ikonia | elkbuntu: nice effort | 11:31 |
elkbuntu | Gary, the yvonnebots have been hanging around for days, im not sure it's something they can cope with | 11:31 |
elkbuntu | Gary, is there a way to put a ban in that matches and removes when they change nick? | 11:32 |
elkbuntu | there was already a new batch waiting in #debian by the looks | 11:34 |
Gary | you could ban yvonne* | 11:36 |
elkbuntu | Gary, and that would *remove* them when they change the nick to that? | 11:41 |
Gary | if it were a mute, it'd mute em | 11:44 |
Gary | but no, it'd not remove them | 11:44 |
elkbuntu | so your answer to 'is there a way' is 'no'? | 11:44 |
ikonia | elkbuntu: rather than freenode banning / kicking I wonder if it would be possible to have something like flood bot kick %yvonne% nicks | 11:45 |
ikonia | elkbuntu: eg: as it see's a list of known nicks kick them | 11:45 |
elkbuntu | what about one of those chanserv bans... the type sev cracked over | 11:45 |
ikonia | that shouldn't be too big an augment | 11:45 |
ikonia | then it's useful beyond this current problem | 11:45 |
elkbuntu | ikonia, a floodbot hitlist could be useful yes | 11:45 |
ikonia | you could have a "known nick" list for things like this | 11:45 |
elkbuntu | LjL, ^^ | 11:45 |
gnomefreak | today is a german holiday? | 12:26 |
Myrtti | today is a Finnish holiday for sure | 12:34 |
bazhang | not a Taiwanese holiday | 12:36 |
Pici | May Day | 12:36 |
Myrtti | almost every Finn is suffering from a mild headache today | 12:38 |
Pici | Solar flares? | 12:38 |
Myrtti | hangover | 12:40 |
Hobbsee | ikonia: envy is in ubuntu now | 12:48 |
Pici | envyng, and only for hardy. | 12:48 |
Hobbsee | yeah, that. | 12:50 |
Hobbsee | seeing as that's released now... | 12:51 |
gnomefreak | is the bot missing the @ plugins? | 13:01 |
gnomefreak | or is it borked | 13:01 |
elkbuntu | @ping | 13:02 |
ubottu | pong | 13:02 |
gnomefreak | @now berlin | 13:02 |
ubottu | gnomefreak: Error: "now" is not a valid command. | 13:02 |
elkbuntu | gnomefreak, it just hates you | 13:02 |
gnomefreak | it does | 13:02 |
gnomefreak | maybe its the now info that is missing | 13:02 |
gnomefreak | and its breaking on !info iceape-browser gutsy | 13:03 |
gnomefreak | but !info firefox works | 13:03 |
jussio1 | !info iceape-browser | 13:03 |
ubottu | Package iceape-browser does not exist in gutsy | 13:03 |
jussio1 | !info iceape-browser hardy | 13:04 |
jussio1 | hrm | 13:04 |
gnomefreak | jussio1: its seamonkey in hardy | 13:04 |
gnomefreak | iceape is transitional in hardy | 13:04 |
jussio1 | gnomefreak: yeah, but it still should have returned it doesnt exist | 13:04 |
jussio1 | I need to look at that. | 13:05 |
gnomefreak | thanks :) | 13:05 |
gnomefreak | if you used seveas plugins and code it should all be there and working unless he changed it while i was gone | 13:05 |
jussio1 | gnomefreak: Ill have a look at it. this bot has been running for a while, but seveas stuff was used as a base. | 13:06 |
gnomefreak | ah | 13:06 |
jussio1 | gnomefreak: do you know the plugin name that was used for the now command? | 13:07 |
gnomefreak | jussio1: no i dont | 13:07 |
gnomefreak | i was never a bot guy i had one it worked like crap and that was the end | 13:08 |
jussio1 | gnomefreak: ahh, got you. Ill go look at it anyway :) | 13:08 |
gnomefreak | incoming | 13:19 |
* Pici ducks | 13:19 | |
gnomefreak | Yvonne is complaining about being banned | 13:20 |
gnomefreak | said it wasnt him | 13:20 |
gnomefreak | i started banning than they were being k-lines | 13:21 |
gnomefreak | k-lined | 13:21 |
gnomefreak | whats the command to bring up ban list? | 13:23 |
Pici | /bans or /mode +b #channel | 13:23 |
gnomefreak | thanks | 13:23 |
gnomefreak | it doesnt even show that i banned anyone | 13:25 |
Yvonne | hello | 13:25 |
gnomefreak | Yvonne: i know i banned a few of them just cant seem to locate it in the channel | 13:25 |
Yvonne | that's ok hun I understand you had to do this | 13:25 |
gnomefreak | i did ban you as im seeing it but hard to tell between you and the other nicks | 13:26 |
Yvonne | I understand | 13:26 |
Myrtti | collateral damage :-< | 13:26 |
Yvonne | I just sit idle here I'm innocent :P | 13:27 |
Pici | Which channel? | 13:27 |
gnomefreak | ill unban you to try it if it hapens again than we will see what happens than | 13:27 |
gnomefreak | Pici: i got it | 13:27 |
Yvonne | I could get in already it's fine now | 13:27 |
Pici | Okay | 13:27 |
Myrtti | it's really scary to see 10+ nicks change to Yvonne[^\w]{2} | 13:27 |
Yvonne | yeah I get it | 13:27 |
Myrtti | oh, I suck at regexpes | 13:28 |
Yvonne | I just didn't want anyone to think it was me doing this. | 13:28 |
gnomefreak | 08:28 -!- Irssi: Channel not fully synchronized yet, try again after a while | 13:28 |
Hobbsee | gnomefreak: use a +e? | 13:28 |
gnomefreak | Yvonne: try to join | 13:29 |
gnomefreak | Hobbsee: i had script command wrong | 13:29 |
Yvonne | I'm already in hun | 13:29 |
gnomefreak | than why did i unban you? | 13:29 |
Yvonne | I don't know =) | 13:29 |
Yvonne | that's weird indeed | 13:30 |
gnomefreak | ok i see what happened too many of you started banning all of them | 13:32 |
elkbuntu | Yvonne, we're seasoned ops, we know how it goes :) | 13:34 |
Yvonne | :) | 13:34 |
Yvonne | thanks for fixing things :) | 13:35 |
Amaranth | crap i fell asleep with my laptop on my lap | 13:35 |
gnomefreak | 100+ of someones nick its bound to happen | 13:35 |
jussio1 | Amaranth: :P | 13:35 |
Amaranth | worse, i fell asleep pushing the f1 key | 13:35 |
gnomefreak | good f1 doesnt do anything outside of compiz | 13:35 |
Pici | I was going to suggest seeking help if you fell asleep like that, but I guess you're one step ahead of me | 13:35 |
gnomefreak | good thing * | 13:35 |
Amaranth | err, f1 is help | 13:36 |
gnomefreak | oh crap f1 does do something | 13:36 |
Amaranth | for, say, xchat-gnome | 13:36 |
Pici | ba-dum | 13:36 |
gnomefreak | yeah i got gnome-term help | 13:36 |
Amaranth | i have like 100 yelps open | 13:36 |
gnomefreak | ok im gone for a bit | 13:37 |
elkbuntu | Yvonne, have you any clue what they're wanting from you, or are they just sick puppies? | 13:38 |
Yvonne | they got what they want I guess, me banned. | 13:38 |
Yvonne | I don't know | 13:38 |
Yvonne | I have a weird feeling they come from my network. | 13:38 |
elkbuntu | Yvonne, havent considered changing your nick? | 13:39 |
Yvonne | maybe I should if it continues | 13:40 |
Yvonne | I rather not. | 13:40 |
elkbuntu | i think there's more coming guys | 13:40 |
ubottu | FloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor | 13:41 |
Pici | lag methinks | 13:42 |
Yvonne | I'll leave the #ubuntu for now | 13:42 |
Yvonne | maybe they part | 13:42 |
elkbuntu | i doubt it | 13:42 |
Yvonne | if they are out to get me only they wont have fun if I can't see it. | 13:43 |
elkbuntu | Yvonne, if you changed your nick to Yvonne| it would probably make sure you're the last yvonne on the tabcomplete list | 13:43 |
Hobbsee | Yvonne: that's admitting defeat. | 13:43 |
Yvonne | Hobbsee: I know, but what can I do. | 13:43 |
elkbuntu | and hence, we'd not accidentally hit you | 13:43 |
Hobbsee | Yvonne: keep participating anyway, and rely on freenode staff to kline the trolls. | 13:44 |
Hobbsee | if, in their infinite wisdom, they choose not to do anything, then you may want to quit | 13:44 |
elkbuntu | Hobbsee, they *are* klining them, but they're coming back with more ips really quickly | 13:45 |
Yvonne | they join slowly, sit for a while then "attack" | 13:45 |
Hobbsee | elkbuntu: ah, damn. i was under the impressoin they'd stopped for a bit. | 13:45 |
elkbuntu | they might be catching breath, yeah | 13:46 |
Yvonne | If they really come from my network, they know I can't *line them here | 13:46 |
elkbuntu | you should be gathering a really nice collection of ips for there though ;) | 13:47 |
Yvonne | ahh, my coffee is cold now | 13:49 |
jussio1 | morning Jucato | 13:49 |
Jucato | hey jussio1 good evening | 13:49 |
Hobbsee | morning Jucato! | 13:56 |
Jucato | hiya Hobbsee!!!! :) | 13:56 |
Hobbsee | :) | 13:57 |
Yvonne | maybe staffers can see they have different usermodes set, I know most floodbots on my network mostly have deaf mode set so they are easy to find | 13:57 |
Yvonne | not that we have a network full of floodbots though, that didn't sound good :) | 13:58 |
elkbuntu | you could always pop into #freenode and ask | 13:58 |
Yvonne | thanks, I hope it wont happen again | 13:59 |
Myrtti | !ubotu | 13:59 |
ubottu | I am ubottu, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new, gorgeous looks in the near future ;) | 13:59 |
Yvonne | have a nice day/evening all | 13:59 |
elkbuntu | poor thing | 14:00 |
jussio1 | Myrtti: is there a problem? | 14:00 |
Myrtti | !no ubotu is I am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose pwodered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeus looks in the near future ;) | 14:00 |
ubottu | I'll remember that Myrtti | 14:00 |
elkbuntu | incoming | 14:00 |
Myrtti | !bot | 14:00 |
ubottu | I am ubottu, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new, gorgeous looks in the near future ;) | 14:00 |
Myrtti | *sigh* | 14:00 |
jussio1 | Myrtti: someone screwed the alias's | 14:00 |
Myrtti | !ubotu | 14:01 |
ubottu | ubotu is I am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose pwodered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeus looks in the near future ;) | 14:01 |
ubottu | FloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor | 14:01 |
Myrtti | dangh | 14:01 |
jussio1 | !-bot | 14:01 |
ubottu | bot aliases: list, everything - added by Seveas on 2006-06-18 00:41:01 | 14:01 |
jussio1 | !-ubotu | 14:01 |
ubottu | ubotu aliases: yourself, usage, factoid, brain, help, add, help me, syntax, factoids, me - added by Seveas on 2006-06-19 12:15:56 | 14:01 |
Myrtti | I give up | 14:01 |
jussio1 | !no, bot is <alias>ubotu | 14:01 |
ubottu | I'll remember that jussio1 | 14:01 |
jussio1 | !-ubotu | 14:02 |
ubottu | ubotu aliases: yourself, bot, usage, factoid, brain, help, add, help me, syntax, factoids, me - added by Seveas on 2006-06-19 12:15:56 | 14:02 |
jussio1 | !no, list is <alias>ubotu | 14:02 |
ubottu | You are editing an alias. Please repeat the edit command within the next 10 seconds to confirm | 14:02 |
jussio1 | !no, list is <alias>ubotu | 14:02 |
ubottu | I'll remember that jussio1 | 14:02 |
jussio1 | !no, everything is <alias>ubotu | 14:03 |
ubottu | You are editing an alias. Please repeat the edit command within the next 10 seconds to confirm | 14:03 |
jussio1 | !no, everything is <alias>ubotu | 14:03 |
ubottu | I'll remember that jussio1 | 14:03 |
jussio1 | Myrtti: there we are :) | 14:03 |
hischild | not to be annoying, but what's up with the huge k-line spam in #ubuntu? | 14:03 |
Myrtti | it's not spam | 14:03 |
Myrtti | if you're using irssi, feel free to use ignore | 14:03 |
hischild | i use xchat, how would i use ignore? | 14:04 |
Pici | klines are done by freenode staff, not Ubuntu ops. | 14:04 |
Myrtti | /ignore -regexp -pattern "K-lined" #ubuntu QUITS | 14:04 |
Myrtti | that's for irssi | 14:04 |
Dave2 | you can't ignore by pattern in XChat by default | 14:04 |
Dave2 | (annoyingly.) | 14:04 |
hischild | Pici, alright thank you. | 14:04 |
Myrtti | well doh, everybody knows irssi is the superiour irc client... ;-) | 14:05 |
hischild | Myrtti, i'm still getting used to all the command line features and programs | 14:05 |
hischild | but thank you all for the info. I'll see what i can manage with irssi. | 14:06 |
* Dave2 is an xchat user, but has a tendency to get annoyed by its limitations... (Thankfully I use irssi-proxy also.) | 14:06 | |
Hobbsee | yay, proxies@ | 14:07 |
Myrtti | !bot | 14:08 |
ubottu | ubotu is I am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose pwodered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeus looks in the near future ;) | 14:08 |
Myrtti | !no ubotu is <reply> I am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose pwodered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeus looks in the near future ;) | 14:08 |
ubottu | In #ubuntu-ops, Myrtti said: !no ubotu is <reply> I am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose pwodered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeus looks in the near future ;) | 14:08 |
Myrtti | /me ignores Ubotwo | 14:08 |
Dave2 | \allserv back | 14:11 |
ikonia | Hobbsee: sorry. missed your comment earlier, envyng is in ubuntu as I understand it, but envy isn't | 14:54 |
ikonia | I appriciate one is really a front end from what I've read, but is there any distincation that is not clear | 14:54 |
Hobbsee | ikonia: yeah, that. | 14:56 |
Hobbsee | ikonia: it should have it's crackfulness removed | 14:56 |
ikonia | Hobbsee: so is "envy" still the hunk of junk, or is it a new re-write thats been incoperated (envy - not envyng" | 14:59 |
Amaranth | envy still sucks, envyng is not bad | 15:00 |
ikonia | Amaranth: thats as I understood it also | 15:01 |
ikonia | just want to make sure I don't rubbish a product thats trying to be brought forward | 15:01 |
Hobbsee | heh | 15:02 |
* Hobbsee doesn't know | 15:02 | |
bazhang | envyng is fine | 15:08 |
ikonia | bazhang: as in fine it works, or as in fine it's "supported" | 15:18 |
ikonia | bazhang: and are you differentiating between results from envy over envyng | 15:18 |
ikonia | (sorry, just being clear) | 15:18 |
Amaranth | sort of supported | 15:19 |
Amaranth | it's in universe and the guy had help from ubuntu people to make it not suck | 15:19 |
bazhang | ikonia: sorry did not see your message--works fine in results as using it now and no problems whatsoever; envy is a bit of a problem to say the least | 15:20 |
ikonia | bazhang, got you, and Amaranth response also paints a clearer picture of why | 15:21 |
ikonia | maybe an update on the facotid of that, makes it easier to differentiate for people | 15:21 |
bazhang | ikonia as to the why--well only gurus could say | 15:21 |
bazhang | as I suspect you are | 15:22 |
ikonia | no no, that makes sense, if ng is a re-write / update with ubuntu input, I suspect the quality control will be better than the tosh that envy as a tool knocked out | 15:22 |
ikonia | my reading suggested it was just a re-submital to ubuntu with a front end, but a re-write/update makes sense | 15:22 |
ikonia | input appriciated, | 15:22 |
ikonia | !envyng | 15:22 |
ubottu | Factoid envyng not found | 15:22 |
ikonia | ok, | 15:22 |
ikonia | !envy > ikonia | 15:23 |
ubottu | In ubottu, ikonia said: envy is "envy is an unsupported tool to install newer versions of binary video drivers than provided by the official repositories. Use at your own risk, and remember that the latest version is not necessarily the "best". For an updated solution, see !envyng - a package provided in the ubuntu universe repository | 15:24 |
ubottu | In ubottu, ikonia said: !envyng is "envyng is an updated version of the unsupported !envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository and has community support. As an early app, it's results may very but this should be used over the unsupported envy package. | 15:26 |
jussio1 | !envyng | ikonia | 15:31 |
ubottu | ikonia: envyng is an updated version of the unsupported !envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository and has community support. As an early version, it's results may very but this should be used over the unsupported envy package. | 15:31 |
ikonia | better | 15:32 |
ikonia | thanks | 15:32 |
jussio1 | :) | 15:32 |
ikonia | nice to give peopler a better solution rather than saying unsupported ! tough luck ! | 15:32 |
ikonia | jussio1: may "vary" not "very | 15:32 |
ikonia | fat fingers on my part | 15:32 |
Pici | !envyng =~ s/very/vary/ | 15:33 |
ubottu | I'll remember that Pici | 15:33 |
ikonia | ta | 15:33 |
Pici | oh hey, the bot listened to me too | 15:33 |
* Pici gives jussio1 a cookie | 15:33 | |
wgrant | Also, s/'// | 15:34 |
ikonia | wgrant: ahhh wrong its | 15:35 |
* jussio1 passes the cookie onto stdins | 15:35 | |
Pici | !envyng =~ s/'// | 15:35 |
ubottu | I'll remember that Pici | 15:35 |
ikonia | well spoted | 15:35 |
ikonia | spotted | 15:35 |
wgrant | Pici: Thanks. | 15:35 |
Pici | surely | 15:35 |
ubottu | FloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor | 15:37 |
ubottu | eth01 called the ops in #ubuntu | 15:40 |
Amaranth | Wow, these guys are getting good | 15:41 |
Amaranth | Join slowly then part flood, never seen that before | 15:42 |
Dave2 | i think i've see nthat sort of behaviour from bots a few times in the past. relatively rarethough. | 15:49 |
Dave2 | ugh, nobody can possibly tell from my typing that I'm utterly knackered \o/ | 15:49 |
Pici | MetaMorfoziS: Hello, how can we help you today? | 16:09 |
MetaMorfoziS | hi, no thanks | 16:09 |
Pici | MetaMorfoziS: Please see the topic then. | 16:10 |
chmac_away | G'day | 16:21 |
chmac_away | ubottu says: See also «/msg ubotu Guidelines» | 16:21 |
ubottu | chmac_away: Error: "says:" is not a valid command. | 16:21 |
Pici | chmac_away: How can we help you? | 16:21 |
Pici | chmac_away: ah, thankyou | 16:21 |
Pici | chmac_away: which factoid? | 16:22 |
chmac_away | It needs 2 Ts, and it doesn't recognise Guidelines as a command :) | 16:22 |
ikonia | thats me | 16:22 |
ikonia | it's !away | 16:22 |
chmac_away | Ahh, yes, that would be the factoid | 16:22 |
chmac_away | :) | 16:22 |
Pici | *sigh* | 16:22 |
ikonia | Pici: it's in the udpate I sent Myrtti | 16:22 |
Pici | !guidelines | 16:23 |
ubottu | The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See | 16:23 |
ikonia | !away | 16:23 |
ubottu | You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair to new users. (Please set your preferred nick in your client's settings instead.) The same goes for using noisy away messages; use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently. See also «/msg ubotu Guidelines» | 16:23 |
Pici | !away =~ s/ubotu/ubottu/ | 16:23 |
ubottu | I'll remember that Pici | 16:23 |
chmac_away | But !command doesn't produce the same result as /msg ubottu command, or at least not with Guidelines | 16:24 |
chmac_away | Try /msg ubottu guidelines, you get "Error: "Guidelines" is not a valid command." then the factoid | 16:25 |
Pici | chmac_away: Yeah, its currently a known issue. ubottu was just put in place because we have had some issues with the original bot's host :( | 16:25 |
chmac_away | Cool | 16:26 |
chmac_away | And apologies for the nick changes, I'm on a load of channels, I know it's one of those controversial things :) | 16:27 |
Myrtti | checkout myrtticam before my battery dies! | 17:00 |
Seeker` | Myrtti: link? | 17:01 |
Myrtti | my host + cam | 17:01 |
Pici | Is that a trashcan? | 17:02 |
Myrtti | yeah, I'm at my moms | 17:02 |
Pici | booo | 17:02 |
Myrtti | you want to see my playhouse? | 17:02 |
Pici | BÖÖÖÖÖ rather | 17:02 |
Pici | Playhouse? | 17:04 |
Hobbsee | will mootbot come back, at some point? | 17:05 |
Seeker` | Hobbsee: I would hope so - been too busy to try and sort anything esle | 17:07 |
Seeker` | I dont currently have a host to run it on | 17:08 |
ikonia | Seeker`: you do now | 17:08 |
Seeker` | ikonia: ? | 17:08 |
ikonia | I have host available :) | 17:09 |
Seeker` | hmm | 17:10 |
Seeker` | I'll have to get the code etc. together to be transferred -depends on whether I still have access to Seveas' server | 17:11 |
ikonia | ah | 17:11 |
ikonia | you where working well with that bot | 17:12 |
ikonia | I remember you starting it I think | 17:12 |
Seeker` | I dont seem to have access any more | 17:12 |
Seeker` | I iwll have to send him an email about it | 17:12 |
Seeker` | lecture over, bye | 17:14 |
Yvonne | sorry to bug you, but could someone unban me from #debian please | 17:16 |
Yvonne | I've msgd several staffers but they are all gone it seems. | 17:17 |
Myrtti | Damn neighbours | 17:18 |
Myrtti | Pulled the plug from wlan routers | 17:19 |
ikonia | poor yvonne, must have been banned with the nick flood guys earlier | 17:21 |
Hobbsee | [02:16] <sabdfl> elmo says he will run ubotu with pleasure | 17:22 |
Hobbsee | [02:16] <sabdfl> can you coordinate with him? | 17:22 |
Hobbsee | goody. | 17:22 |
Seeker` | yay! | 17:28 |
Seeker` | sadly the mootbot plugin for the new ubotu was never finished | 17:29 |
Seeker` | so it still needs to run on eggdrop, which noone with a "decent" network will touch | 17:29 |
Hobbsee | so, PriceChild has offered to handle it, as i'm afk for the next while (work, uni, etc) | 17:29 |
Hobbsee | Seeker`: ewww. | 17:29 |
Hobbsee | someone had better finish teh plugin. | 17:30 |
Seeker` | yeah | 17:30 |
Seeker` | I dont know python | 17:30 |
Seeker` | :( | 17:30 |
Seeker` | Was the new ubotu ever finished? | 17:30 |
ikonia | not according to the repo | 17:30 |
Pici | eww eggdrop | 17:31 |
Seeker` | hmm, laptop battery is almost dead- I may go a bit quiet soon :) | 17:32 |
Seeker` | Pici: It is very easy to code in - but wrt security it has been compared to swiss chees | 17:32 |
Seeker` | e | 17:32 |
Pici | I do not like tcl | 17:32 |
Seeker` | It took about an hour to learn | 17:33 |
Pici | I tried using it a while ago to make a trivia bot and failed miserably | 17:34 |
tonyyarusso | I wish there was a way to put a comment on the same line as "chanserv gives|removes op to|from foo" | 17:35 |
Pici | tonyyarusso: What do you mean? | 17:35 |
tonyyarusso | Pici: Like, I just opped myself in -classroom to handle questions, but then popey came back so I didn't need to, so I could do something like '/quote chanserv op #ubuntu-classroom -tonyyarusso "Lets popey handle it instead"' | 17:39 |
tonyyarusso | Pici: Or, sometimes I op in another channel just to do /invites, and it looks weird to op up, do nothing visible, and deop. | 17:39 |
Pici | tonyyarusso: ah | 17:39 |
Pici | I'm gonna pull down a branch of the new ubot code and take a look at it since Seveas probably wont be touching that anymore | 17:47 |
nalioth | DONUTS! | 18:11 |
Pici | WHERE?! | 18:11 |
nalioth | thought you were bringing them, Pici | 18:15 |
Pici | nalioth: Pastries and donuts I have none | 18:17 |
=== mc44_ is now known as mc44 | ||
ubottu | FloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor | 21:31 |
ubottu | FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor | 21:31 |
ubottu | FloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor | 21:31 |
Hasone | I'm trying to fix this dcc thing, but I can't find th options in chatzilla | 21:38 |
hischild | i've given it some thought and was wondering whether the pastebin factoid can contain some info for pastebinit (the app)? | 22:54 |
stdin | what it would you want it to say? | 23:04 |
gnomefreak | we have pastebinit in the archives? | 23:06 |
gnomefreak | i was using webboard | 23:06 |
gnomefreak | we do | 23:06 |
gnomefreak | hm | 23:06 |
hischild | stdin, i have no idea. I only gave it some thought as it's one of the main utilities i make others use for pastebinning information and then i started wondering. | 23:13 |
hischild | gnomefreak, we do :-) | 23:13 |
hischild | stdin, perhaps a new factoid explaining the purpose of pastebinit with a link in !pastebin? | 23:16 |
stdin | go ahead and suggest one | 23:17 |
gnomefreak | it doesnt show up anywhere though | 23:17 |
hischild | gnomefreak, pastebinit is a command line app. You can feed it information and it'll produce a pastebin link. cat /etc/X11/xorg | pastebinit gives you a pastebin with your xorg.conf for example. | 23:18 |
hischild | stdin, where/how? (sorry new to this) | 23:18 |
gnomefreak | oh | 23:18 |
hischild | gnomefreak, fix that typo there to xorg.conf and not just xorg | 23:19 |
gnomefreak | sweet | 23:19 |
gnomefreak | gnomefreak@Development:~$ pastebinit -i /etc/apt/sources.list | 23:19 |
gnomefreak | | 23:19 |
stdin | hischild: you can "/msg ubottu pastebinit is ....." or do "!pastebin it is ...", or just type it here | 23:19 |
gnomefreak | omg i love it | 23:19 |
gnomefreak | its easy | 23:20 |
hischild | /xorg ==> sudo aptitude install pastebinit && cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | pastebinit | 23:20 |
gnomefreak | -i worked with less work :) | 23:21 |
hischild | stdin, i'm afraid i'm not that good at wording and stuff. | 23:21 |
hischild | gnomefreak, true, but piping works with ls as well, as with most other commands | 23:21 |
gnomefreak | oh | 23:21 |
hischild | gnomefreak, your way works better for files, i'll admit that :) | 23:21 |
gnomefreak | but wont work for everything unless you pipe output to file | 23:22 |
hischild | gnomefreak, stuttering output is true. Temp files work for that. | 23:22 |
gnomefreak | yep but proble is cant use it when building failures occur as it would be way too much text | 23:23 |
gnomefreak | problem but its fixable | 23:23 |
hischild | perhaps pipe to a file and then tail it? | 23:23 |
gnomefreak | yeah that would work | 23:23 |
hischild | gnomefreak, it's very useful when helping someone who can't use a pastebin service good, or has some command line problems. It's hard for a newcomer to copy out of a terminal sometimes. | 23:24 |
gnomefreak | xorg issues it works great for | 23:25 |
gnomefreak | install that mouse app and you can paste with mouse | 23:25 |
hischild | that mouse app? | 23:26 |
gnomefreak | cant recall name of it off hand | 23:27 |
gnomefreak | its like 3 letters | 23:27 |
hischild | what does it do? | 23:27 |
gnomefreak | allows you to paste without X | 23:28 |
gnomefreak | gpm i think it is | 23:28 |
hischild | sounds nice | 23:29 |
gnomefreak | that is the app | 23:29 |
hischild | !show gpm | 23:29 |
ubottu | Factoid show gpm not found | 23:29 |
hischild | !info gpm | 23:30 |
ubottu | gpm: General Purpose Mouse Interface. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.19.6-23build1 (gutsy), package size 340 kB, installed size 660 kB | 23:30 |
hischild | i see. *checks* | 23:30 |
gnomefreak | im 99% sure on it | 23:30 |
hischild | oh man my pc is slow ... converting a dvd to avi | 23:30 |
* mneptok whispers "avi is not a format" :P | 23:32 | |
hischild | gnomefreak, yes you're right. Says so in aptitude show :) | 23:32 |
* gnomefreak cant sign in :( | 23:33 | |
* hischild whispers back that it's a rough description, but would you call dvd a file format then? | 23:33 | |
gnomefreak | its possible dvd is a type of format | 23:34 |
mneptok | AVI is a container. it can wrap many codecs, including DivX and XviD, which are probably the most poular. | 23:34 |
mneptok | *popular | 23:34 |
gnomefreak | why dont they just spell it backwards | 23:34 |
mneptok | DVD video uses a raw encrypted video stream, and a timing hint track, IIRC | 23:35 |
gnomefreak | someone stopped thinking of names i guess | 23:35 |
ompaul | gnomefreak, backawards has more letters than it ;-) | 23:35 |
gnomefreak | :) | 23:35 |
ompaul | gnomefreak, and upon more reflection it is also noted that backawards has more letters than ti ;-) | 23:35 |
hischild | gnomefreak, from my point of view, dvd is also a container, as is avi. Though i'm currently converting to an XviD format :) | 23:35 |
mneptok | lol | 23:36 |
mneptok | that's the spirit! | 23:36 |
gnomefreak | lol | 23:36 |
gnomefreak | DivX and Xvid are different. how? | 23:36 |
gnomefreak | why | 23:36 |
ompaul | don't ask why politics of being a monopoly are boring | 23:37 |
gnomefreak | he worte it on paper and went to a mirror | 23:37 |
mneptok | DivX is a proprietary codec based off work done on MPEG4 | 23:37 |
mneptok | XviD is an open reverse-engineering of the DivX codec. | 23:37 |
ompaul | and what is on a DVD to start with? | 23:37 |
* ompaul knows nothing of DVDs | 23:37 | |
mneptok | DVD video uses a raw encrypted video stream, and a timing hint track, IIRC | 23:37 |
mneptok | (x2) :) | 23:37 |
gnomefreak | scratches | 23:37 |
hischild | ompaul, a music dvd from immortal souls. | 23:38 |
ompaul | mneptok, so it is just a data dump | 23:38 |
ompaul | done on a sector by sector basis or whatever way they do it | 23:38 |
gnomefreak | all i know is i learned how to do bad things with dvd files | 23:38 |
hischild | mneptok, i have no idea which codec came to be from which one or how they came to be at all, but from my experience so far XviD gives me better results then DivX | 23:38 |
mneptok | ompaul: it is compressed and encrypted in some way. guy named Jon knows about that stuff. ;) | 23:39 |
ompaul | mneptok, ack | 23:39 |
gnomefreak | so do i :( but shhh | 23:39 |
ompaul | mneptok, that would be a surname then ;-) | 23:39 |
mneptok | ompaul: yeah, his given name is "DVD" | 23:39 |
ompaul | hehe | 23:39 |
ompaul | ok | 23:39 |
* ompaul wanders back to doing silly stuff to postfix queues | 23:40 | |
* gnomefreak trying to rememb3er java :( ill trade jobs | 23:40 | |
ompaul | how come last night before I went to bed there were something like 47 spams waiting to die in the q and tonight there are only 7 don't spammers work Thursdays? | 23:41 |
* ompaul grins | 23:41 | |
ompaul | the long expiring queue | 23:41 |
ompaul | la la lala laaaaaa | 23:41 |
* ompaul looks for the plot | 23:42 | |
gnomefreak | they did alot today | 23:43 |
gnomefreak | except not email just IRC | 23:43 |
hischild | the jesus dude is kind of freaking out it appears in #ubuntu. | 23:51 |
Nafallo | nail him to a cross! | 23:52 |
* Nafallo hides | 23:52 | |
* hischild grabs nails n hammer | 23:53 | |
elky_work | ompaul, did your restriction on the nick 'jesus' get lifted? | 23:54 |
ompaul | elky_work, people thought it was far too broad and now we get this | 23:54 |
elky_work | indeed | 23:55 |
hischild | curtis is asking for torrent links to cod4 and spamming me. I'll put him on ignore, but i'm fairly sure he'll bother others with it as well. | 23:55 |
elky_work | hischild, iirc curtis was in last night spamming with '?' | 23:55 |
hischild | elky_work, after refusing to help him obtain a link for a cod4 torrent he started to do that, yes. | 23:56 |
elky_work | ompaul, can you please waste some time on curtis before removing him | 23:56 |
hischild | i'm sure you'll enjoy yourself with it | 23:56 |
elky_work | im at work. i shouldnt even be in *this* channel | 23:57 |
ompaul | ack | 23:57 |
gnomefreak | i have no history with him :) | 23:58 |
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