figmentj1324 | hi | 08:26 |
Omahn | Hello everyone. Yesterday in the preseeding talk by evand a tool called debconf-get-selections was mentioned for saving the selected answers from an install. Unfortunately I can't find this on my alternate install environment. I can see debconf-set-selections and debconf-get but no debconf-get-selections.. any ideas? | 12:16 |
* Omahn wonders if the use of the server CD is the issue here | 12:18 | |
cjwatson | it won't be there until after reboot | 12:21 |
cjwatson | you do have to be careful with its output - it should only be used in conjunction with the installation guide | 12:21 |
cjwatson | oh, remember to install debconf-utils | 12:21 |
Omahn | Aha. evand suggested that it needed to be done in the installation environment. | 12:22 |
cjwatson | debconf-get-selections --installer | 12:23 |
cjwatson | (for alternate/server installations) | 12:23 |
Omahn | cjwatson: Perfect. Thanks. | 12:29 |
Omahn | Almost working :-) | 14:59 |
Omahn | I've getting the confirmation dialog about removing existing logical volume data, even though I have: | 14:59 |
Omahn | d-i partman-auto/purge_lvm_from_device boolean true | 14:59 |
Omahn | in my preseed. | 14:59 |
Omahn | # And the same goes for the confirmation to write the lvm partitions. | 14:59 |
Omahn | d-i partman-lvm/confirm boolean true | 14:59 |
Omahn | A bug or am I doing it wrong?... | 14:59 |
cjwatson | exactly which messages are you seeing? We need the text in order to search | 15:01 |
xivulon | evand, bean123 has updated the grub4dos svn code | 15:01 |
xivulon | I can now do the new builds which support find + relative path | 15:01 |
Omahn | Just doing another build now, I'll copy the text when it gets there. | 15:02 |
xivulon | evand, can you please run the tests in | 15:02 |
xivulon | and if successful patch grub-installer as indicated? | 15:02 |
evand | xivulon: will do | 15:03 |
xivulon | great! | 15:03 |
xivulon | also seems that the vista bug is fixed with the 7z trick (davmor2) | 15:04 |
xivulon | note that to build the CD build you use a different command: make wubi-selfextract | 15:04 |
xivulon | which will also run make and create 2 different binaries | 15:04 |
Omahn | Ready for this screen text?.. | 15:05 |
Omahn | [!!] Partition disks | 15:05 |
Omahn | The selected device already contains logical volumes and/or volume | 15:05 |
Omahn | groups from a previous LVM installation, which must be removed from | 15:05 |
Omahn | the disk before creating any partitions. | 15:05 |
Omahn | Note that this will also permanently erase any data currently on the | 15:06 |
Omahn | logical volumes. | 15:06 |
Omahn | Remove existing logical volume data? | 15:06 |
Omahn | (done) :-) | 15:06 |
evand | xivulon: I thought you said the 7z trick did not work for you? | 15:06 |
cjwatson | d-i partman-lvm/device_remove_lvm boolean true | 15:06 |
Omahn | aha.. I'll stick that in and try again.. | 15:07 |
xivulon | evand that was using UPX | 15:07 |
evand | ah, my mistake | 15:07 |
xivulon | UPX cretes a package that when unpacked is not bit-identical to the original :( | 15:07 |
xivulon | and since nsis uses internal CRC check those fails | 15:07 |
xivulon | 7z is a bit larger but does not suffer from the same issue | 15:07 |
xivulon | The other attempt in the middle was to postpone the eject call to the very end, but it did not work and I have reverted the changes | 15:08 |
Omahn | cjwatson: Perfect. I'm guessing that should go into appendix B of the installation guide?.. | 15:10 |
cjwatson | Omahn: yep, I just edited my local copy to include that | 15:10 |
Omahn | cjwatson: By local copy, do you mean locally checked out copy? :-) | 15:10 |
cjwatson | whatever terminology you prefer | 15:11 |
Omahn | Good stuff. Just wanted to make sure it goes back in to the docs. | 15:11 |
cjwatson | I don't really understand the distinction you're drawing | 15:11 |
Omahn | Well, if you have a local copy of the installation guide on your machine, editing it is of no use to other users unless it goes back upstream to the distro. | 15:12 |
cjwatson | yes, I mean my checkout of the guide's source; I'm the person who normally uploads it | 15:12 |
Omahn | Fantastic. :-) | 15:12 |
Omahn | BTW - how did you find the answer? Or did you know it already? (for future reference) | 15:12 |
cjwatson | I searched the templates files in a couple of candidate packages | 15:13 |
cjwatson | i.e. roughly analogous to reading the source | 15:14 |
Omahn | I see. Thanks. | 15:14 |
cjwatson | we don't really have any way to automatically generate documentation from debconf templates yet, unfortunately, even though the format would theoretically support it | 15:15 |
Omahn | Ok. I'm guessing documenting every possible option would be overkill anyway? | 15:15 |
cjwatson | overkill and probably harmful | 15:16 |
evand | some options are not meant to be used outside the installer, preseeding them can have unexpected results. | 15:17 |
evand | er, questions | 15:18 |
Omahn | Does a 'server' tasksel exist? I've just used standard for now but that installs openoffice which doesn't seem ideal for our servers. | 15:18 |
cjwatson | standard doesn't itself install; the things you're missing are: | 15:19 |
cjwatson | d-i pkgsel/language-pack-patterns string | 15:19 |
cjwatson | d-i pkgsel/install-language-support boolean false | 15:20 |
cjwatson | (from /cdrom/preseed/ubuntu-server.seed on server CDs) | 15:20 |
Omahn | I've just realised I used the alternative installer CD.. that would explain it.. | 15:21 |
cjwatson | you'd need to preseed those items either way (at least theoretically) | 15:22 |
Omahn | I've added them and just reinstalling with the server CD. | 15:22 |
CIA-1 | anna: cjwatson * r410 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 1.31ubuntu1 | 15:46 |
evand | xivulon: didn't work for me. Did it work for you? It doesn't seem like it would as I don't believe you can do 'root find...' | 16:16 |
xivulon | evand hm I tested directly with an edited menu.lst and missed that... | 16:25 |
xivulon | good point | 16:25 |
xivulon | we have 3 options then: | 16:26 |
xivulon | 1) go for the wubi specific case: root ()/ubuntu/disks | 16:26 |
xivulon | 2) ask bean 123 to change the root syntax root()/ubuntu/disks --find=/path/to/look/for | 16:27 |
xivulon | 3) change update-grub / grub-installer to support an extra line: find --set-root | 16:27 |
xivulon | any preference? | 16:29 |
evand | definitely not 3, imo. | 16:32 |
evand | I suppose 1 is our best bet. | 16:32 |
xivulon | 1 is the first patch provided then, I have been suggesting it around and nobody complained so far | 16:34 |
evand | well actually, I take that back. I guess 3 wouldn't be terrible, but I'm not swayed. | 16:34 |
evand | ok | 16:35 |
xivulon | 1 is not invasive but it ties the implementation to wubi | 16:36 |
xivulon | the question is there anyone else likely to use grub-installer/bootdev_directory? | 16:37 |
evand | I doubt it. cjwatson does going with 1 seem unreasonable to you? | 16:37 |
cjwatson | 3 sounds like the right long-term answer, but for 8.04.1 we should pick the thing that's most contained and least likely to affect anything else, IMO | 16:40 |
evand | agreed, so 1 for now and we'll work on 3 in 8.10. | 16:41 |
xivulon | sounds good to me | 16:42 |
xivulon | | 16:42 |
xivulon | I would still need to upgrade grub4dos since that includes fixes for gate A20 #224311 | 16:47 |
evand | ok | 16:52 |
xivulon | evand we posted together :) | 16:59 |
xivulon | "Forget the above post" now looks bad on my comment to #217348... | 17:00 |
evand | heh, whoops | 17:00 |
xivulon | editing comments in LP is #1 on my wishlist | 17:00 |
evand | cjwatson: for changes to packages that are going to go into proposed (grub-installer), should I create a hardy branch or is it safe to commit to trunk? | 17:39 |
cjwatson | hardy branch would be good | 17:40 |
xivulon | hmm I have already committed a few changes to wubi/hardy branch would that be ok? | 17:40 |
evand | ack'ed | 17:41 |
evand | xivulon: I'd prefer to have a branch of Wubi for just the things that are going to go into 8.04.1 | 17:43 |
xivulon | evand then I will rename hardy -> hardy.old (obsoleted) and re-upload hardy as of 501 (since do not know other way to revert things in launchpad) | 17:46 |
xivulon | then I will add hardy.pointrelease or something with the extra changes | 17:46 |
xivulon | is that ok? | 17:46 |
cjwatson | you can just 'bzr revert -r501' and then commit that, thereby committing a change which takes you back to r501 | 17:48 |
cjwatson | (possibly branching first so that you have the state handy for later) | 17:48 |
xivulon | ah thanks will that later on tonight then | 17:48 |
evand | am I right in assuming that the proper bzr workflow is make a change in trunk then merge in the hardy branch, so we carry any necessary changes to the next release and preserve the changelog entries? | 17:55 |
evand | merge the changes into* | 17:56 |
xivulon | if so I could also rename hardy->trunk + branch trunk -r 501 and upload as "8.04" + create a third branch called 8.04.1 | 18:00 |
evand | there's no need for three branches | 18:11 |
evand | we just need a branch for keeping changes that will go into 8.04.1 and trunk | 18:11 |
xivulon | so trunk I keep trunk ("hardy" in my case) at r501 and add a new branch with r505+ | 18:12 |
xivulon | correct? | 18:13 |
evand | indeed | 18:13 |
xivulon | will do | 18:13 |
evand | thanks | 18:13 |
xivulon | np (should have thought about branching earlier on) | 18:14 |
CIA-1 | ubiquity: evand * r2677 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/frontend/ * Handle the migration-assistant UI being fed non-UTF data gracefully. | 19:07 |
evand | cjwatson: can you confirm the above? Is the right workflow to make changes in trunk and then merge into the hardy branches for most changes? | 19:53 |
cjwatson | evand: that's usually sensible, yes | 20:22 |
cjwatson | although the other way round is not a critical failure or anything | 20:22 |
evand | cjwatson: ok, thanks for clearing that up | 20:23 |
CIA-1 | ubiquity: evand * r2678 ubiquity/ (3 files in 2 dirs): * Make capitalization of migration-assistant consistent (LP: #225555). | 20:31 |
evand | Hrm, "Migration Assistant: " generated in scripts/summary and thus untranslated or "None" untranslated? (in reference to bug 225558) | 20:46 |
evand | I suppose I also have the option of sticking a text question in debconf for either option and gaining translations. | 20:48 |
mpt | evand, do you mean that none of the summary text is localized? | 20:54 |
evand | mpt: no, it is. | 20:54 |
evand | the summary text is translated, but the stuff m-a substitutes in is not | 20:55 |
mpt | It didn't occur to me at the time, but "Migration Assistant" doesn't appear anywhere else in the interface, does it? | 20:55 |
evand | hrm, no, I don't believe it does | 20:55 |
mpt | it's the hidden engine | 20:55 |
evand | should it just say something like, "Documents and settings to import: "? | 20:56 |
mpt | sure | 20:56 |
mpt | followed by either "None", or the list of what it is importing | 20:56 |
evand | ok, will do | 20:57 |
cjwatson | I wondered why that text isn't left out for non-m-a installs | 21:00 |
evand | well, it wouldn't get translated if I subst'ed it in, but I think what I'm going to do is make ubiquity/none or something similar to hold translations for None | 21:01 |
killroy1971 | Question for the team about the Ubuntu installer | 22:33 |
killroy1971 | the installation hangs at the "detecting hardware" seciton | 22:36 |
cjwatson | usually, that's because trying to load a module hung, and is typically a kernel bug of some kind | 22:42 |
cjwatson | it may be interesting to know whether the system is otherwise responsive | 22:42 |
killroy1971 | this time it's hanging at the "resizing partitions" section | 22:43 |
cjwatson | if you are using the desktop CD, try wiggling the mouse | 22:43 |
cjwatson | if you are using the alternate or server CD, press Alt-F2 and then Alt-F1 and see if the screen changes | 22:43 |
killroy1971 | the system is as responsive as a bootable CD can be | 22:43 |
killroy1971 | the gui really slows things down | 22:43 |
cjwatson | how much memory do you have? | 22:43 |
killroy1971 | 2 GB | 22:44 |
killroy1971 | I built this machine last year and I've run Ubuntu on it before | 22:44 |
cjwatson | ok, plenty | 22:45 |
cjwatson | pop up a terminal and look at the end of /var/log/syslog | 22:45 |
killroy1971 | stand by | 22:45 |
killroy1971 | strange, the install moved forward when I launched terminal | 22:46 |
killroy1971 | I don't have any error messages in the syslog | 22:48 |
cjwatson | curious that starting a terminal nudged it | 22:49 |
cjwatson | note that resize is known to take some time without feedback | 22:49 |
killroy1971 | well I'm at the next step and this is where it's been hanging up | 22:49 |
killroy1971 | it hangs at "detecting file systems" | 22:50 |
cjwatson | anything in /var/log/installer/debug or /var/log/kern.log? | 22:50 |
killroy1971 | hey it moved this time, but the difference was that I was running terminal | 22:51 |
killroy1971 | I did get a Python "Future warning" but things are moving along | 22:52 |
killroy1971 | I left this same config last night but it just hung up | 22:52 |
killroy1971 | I wasn't running terminal | 22:52 |
cjwatson | future warning> probably from the apt module, that one's harmless | 22:53 |
killroy1971 | that's what I figured | 22:53 |
cjwatson | random freezes that unwedge when you move something smell of lost interrupts to me | 22:54 |
cjwatson | (again, kernel ...) | 22:54 |
killroy1971 | the kern.log has a warning about the ufstype and a bad magic number | 22:54 |
killroy1971 | maybe it hung up on mounting the new file partitions? | 22:54 |
killroy1971 | one issue with the graphical installer: if you choose to just run the installer you can't pop up a terminal to see what's wrong | 22:58 |
cjwatson | shouldn't think so, it's (unfortunately) normal behaviour for a vast number of such warnings to be emitted during os-prober runs | 22:58 |
cjwatson | true, though you can press Ctrl-Alt-F1 and look there | 22:59 |
killroy1971 | really? I didn't know that was available | 22:59 |
killroy1971 | what does that function do? | 22:59 |
killroy1971 | does it pull up a console or does it display a running log? | 23:03 |
cjwatson | ctrl-alt-f1> switch to Linux virtual terminal | 23:09 |
cjwatson | i.e. switch away from the graphical environment | 23:09 |
cjwatson | you can switch back with alt-f7 | 23:09 |
killroy1971 | I'll have to try that next time | 23:11 |
killroy1971 | I've done that when I ran Debian and had the video driver dump on me | 23:11 |
killroy1971 | but that was several years ago | 23:11 |
killroy1971 | anyways, thank for your help | 23:22 |
xivulon | evand, can you see if you are happy with the wubi branches? | 23:37 |
xivulon | then I will add the grub4dos code | 23:38 |
xivulon | there is a new branch called hardy.proposed for rev 501+ | 23:38 |
elixam | salve a tutti! | 23:42 |
elixam | c'รจ qualche buon'anima a cui posso chiedere un help su ubuntu? | 23:42 |
cjwatson | I'm afraid I don't speak Italian; #ubuntu-it might be of more help | 23:43 |
elixam | ops...sorry, right, i'm go to you very much | 23:44 |
elixam | bye | 23:44 |
elixam | :-) | 23:44 |
xivulon | elixam, Io parlo italiano | 23:48 |
xivulon | what is good practice when a bug is actually fixed in another project (see 217348) shall I mark wubi in such case as invalid? | 23:51 |
xivulon | or as fix committed? | 23:51 |
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