curtis | Danish989: yes i do have a question how is your mother's back? | 00:00 |
stefg | James500: package maintainer ? | 00:00 |
James500 | gnomefreak: via Launchpad? | 00:00 |
Liminal | sata 1 or 2? | 00:00 |
node357 | ompaul, yes it is | 00:00 |
adriaan | curtis: hydrogen is right, it IS illegal, and it has nothing to do with this channel | 00:00 |
Danish989 | can someone kick out curtis? | 00:00 |
gnomefreak | James500: yes better place to ask is #ubuntu-bugs | 00:00 |
Liminal | illegal? | 00:00 |
=== Odd-rationale is now known as Odd-rationale_ | ||
evilbug | zvacet- i'll just re-download and re-burn it just to make sure. | 00:00 |
Liminal | whats illegal? | 00:00 |
James500 | gnomefreak: right, thanks | 00:00 |
insomnia_ | appearance manager is: rightclick on desktop > move to theme tab? | 00:00 |
gnomefreak | James500: anytime | 00:00 |
Danish989 | liminal: he's talking about torrents | 00:00 |
Liminal | yes? | 00:00 |
miyarstim | orudie_, also use cat on files in /proc - check whats safe first | 00:00 |
Danish989 | liminal: which through a loophole, are legal somehow | 00:00 |
Liminal | torrents are ilegal? | 00:00 |
hydrogen | no, torrents are legal | 00:00 |
hydrogen | torrents of gta4 are not | 00:00 |
Niteye | hello, i have kubuntu 8.04 with KDE4: two problems: where can i edit the users, secondly, in the network thing i rightclick and do "manual configuration" and nothing happens | 00:01 |
sebsebseb | Danish989: any idea what a virtual machine is? | 00:01 |
Liminal | gta4 torrents aren't legal? | 00:01 |
evilbug | torrents of copyrighted stuff are illegal. | 00:01 |
Liminal | how so? | 00:01 |
Danish989 | insomnia_: in the panel, go into options and look there | 00:01 |
stefg | !traffic | 00:01 |
ubottu | NOTICE - There is a lot of traffic in this channel at the moment. Please try to keep your sentences into a single message, avoid repeating the same question multiple times, use for pasting, remember to mention the nickname of the person you're addressing, and join #ubuntu-offtopic for anything that is not Ubuntu support. Thank you for understanding! | 00:01 |
Liminal | matters of copyright are a civil matter | 00:01 |
Danish989 | sebsebseb: considering that I'm still a newb, no | 00:01 |
evilbug | well..the torrent files themselves are,just not the actual content they point to. | 00:01 |
Sunx | do i need protection like in windows against spyware,adware,virus,etc or i see avast has linux version but is it necessary...i have firestarter installed thanks. | 00:01 |
sebsebseb | Danish989: well I have a clever idea for you | 00:01 |
evilbug | unless you pay for it to the rightful owner(s). | 00:01 |
sebsebseb | Danish989: a very clever idea indeed | 00:01 |
stefg | !antivirus | Sunx | 00:01 |
ubottu | Sunx: antivirus is something you don't really need on Linux, unless you serve windows clients. ClamAV and aegis are decent linux virusscanners. Also see !linuxvirus | 00:01 |
Danish989 | sunx: I wouldnt think so .. ubuntu is very much safer | 00:01 |
FastZ | hydrogen, the torrents for gta4 are legal, the software they are linked to for download is not legal though | 00:01 |
Danish989 | sebsebseb: what is that? | 00:01 |
hischild | Sunx, you won't need much additional protection. You're good as is. | 00:02 |
Niteye | is it possible that kubuntu 8.04 with KDE4 has some bugs? | 00:02 |
=== Odd-rationale_ is now known as Odd-rationale__ | ||
Danish989 | niteye: might be, but what are you talking about? | 00:02 |
gnomefreak | Niteye: all software has bugs | 00:02 |
Sunx | thanks | 00:02 |
Niteye | when i rightclick in the taskbar on the network thing and do "configure" , nothing at all happens | 00:02 |
hydrogen | FastZ: and if you want to argue semantics I'm sure theres someone with a lot more free time than me sitting in ##legal-wasteoftime | 00:02 |
Niteye | also, i cannot find anywhere where you can manage the users | 00:02 |
adriaan | anyway | 00:02 |
FastZ | hydrogen, hey man, im just saying | 00:02 |
Danish989 | sunx: no problem | 00:02 |
adriaan | it was totally unrelated to topic | 00:02 |
adriaan | :) | 00:02 |
insomnia_ | danish989: ive been doing exactly when uve told me but some do not work for some odd reason... if you give me a sec, ill link you the exact theme im trying to install | 00:03 |
FastZ | hydrogen, didnt see anything else to reply to at the moment | 00:03 |
HappyHater | can I switch from gnome to kde without formatting and losing all my files? | 00:03 |
con-man | whats a partial upgrade? | 00:03 |
xaziva | Hey, I dont have any buttons in my windows after I changed some options in COMPIZ, I mean like close, maximize, minimiz etc.. how do I get them back? | 00:03 |
stefg | !kde | HappyHater | 00:03 |
ubottu | HappyHater: KDE ( is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see . Latest KDE version is 3.5.8 for Gutsy and Feisty, 3.5.6 for Edgy, and 3.5.5 for Dapper. See for more information. | 00:03 |
hischild | HappyHater, yes you can. You can even use them next to each other. | 00:03 |
Danish989 | insomnia_: maybe you arent looking at the right place, the same thing happened to me | 00:03 |
Danish989 | insomnia_: there is a Customize option under themes in the appearance manager, right? click on that, and check that list for the theme you just installed | 00:03 |
HappyHater | cool, thanks guys | 00:03 |
xaziva | are you talking to me? | 00:04 |
Niteye | how can i manage users in KDE4 kubuntu? | 00:04 |
Sunx | !antivirus | 00:04 |
ubottu | antivirus is something you don't really need on Linux, unless you serve windows clients. ClamAV and aegis are decent linux virusscanners. Also see !linuxvirus | 00:04 |
zvacet | see you later | 00:04 |
Danish989 | cya | 00:04 |
xaziva | * choudesh ( gick in i #ubuntu | 00:04 |
xaziva | Hey, I dont have any buttons in my windows after I changed some options in COMPIZ, I mean like close, maximize, minimiz etc.. how do I get them back? | 00:04 |
=== Odd-rationale__ is now known as Odd-rationale | ||
sebsebseb | Danish989: still here? | 00:04 |
stefg | Niteye: try #kubuntu , mayber there's even a kde 4 related channel. this channel is quite gnome centric | 00:04 |
Danish989 | xaziva: are you sure its not because of the theme? | 00:04 |
Danish989 | sebsebseb: yesh, right here | 00:05 |
orudie_ | miyarstim, thanx | 00:05 |
jPratt | Is there a Ubuntu Studio channel | 00:05 |
eaxjmpz | HappyHater: Microsoft gold certified partners _Can_ switch from crap to GOLD | 00:05 |
Danish989 | jpratt: try it out, there might be | 00:05 |
sebsebseb | can you talk to me in private chat or not. if so that's eaiser, since we won't see all the other irelivant messages | 00:05 |
stefg | !irc | 00:05 |
ubottu | A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at - For a general list of !freenode channels, see - See also !Guidelines | 00:05 |
FastZ | xaziva, press alt+F2 and then type 'emerald --replace' and hit enter | 00:05 |
sebsebseb | Danish989: you need to be registerd or private chat won't work | 00:05 |
cornell | Evening all | 00:05 |
xaziva | Sweet dreams | 00:06 |
cornell | You too | 00:06 |
Danish989 | sebsebseb: grrr, let me sign out and sign back in with my password, brb | 00:06 |
insomnia_ | danish989: that did help thank you, ill have to fiddle around with it abit to understand fully but i think i got it... | 00:06 |
SnakeArt | jPratt: do "/list" command and then You'll find it. BTW: Are You using wacom tablet in ubuntu? | 00:06 |
sebsebseb | ok | 00:06 |
sebsebseb | do that | 00:06 |
insomnia_ | also how do i install icons and desktop addons? | 00:06 |
xaziva | Danish, respind=) | 00:06 |
stefg | !thems | insomnia_ | 00:06 |
ubottu | Factoid thems not found | 00:06 |
xaziva | respond.. | 00:06 |
stefg | !themes | insomnia_ | 00:06 |
Danish989 | insomnia_: No problem :) happy to have helped! | 00:06 |
ubottu | insomnia_: Find your themes at: - - - - - - - Also see !changethemes and | 00:06 |
cornell | Using gnome-terminal, with tabs, how can I get the title to display the machine I'm on, like a part of the prompt? | 00:06 |
william_ | (I hope a dumb question) Does pidgin protect(ex.encrypt) saved passwords? | 00:07 |
Danish989 | sebsebseb: I'll be right back. | 00:07 |
sebsebseb | ok | 00:07 |
Sunx | !linuxvirus | 00:07 |
ubottu | The short life and hard times of a Linux Virus | 00:07 |
con-man | Hardonwhatever broke my XMMS2 can someone recommend a diff media player? | 00:08 |
Danish989 | hi again, all | 00:08 |
FastZ | con-man, have you tried to remove and reinstall XMMS2? | 00:08 |
xaziva | Hey, I dont have any buttons in my windows after I changed some options in COMPIZ, I mean like close, maximize, minimiz etc.. how do I get them back? | 00:08 |
bebe | oie | 00:08 |
Liminal | audacious | 00:08 |
ifireball | cornell: this has nothing to do with gnome-terminal and everything to do with the kind of settings you have on the target machine | 00:08 |
Liminal | is a great mp3 player | 00:09 |
FastZ | xaziva, I told you already how to fix your button problem | 00:09 |
=== bebe is now known as Barbara | ||
Liminal | install audacious | 00:09 |
con-man | FastZ: yes | 00:09 |
cornell | Oh, ifireball? | 00:09 |
Barbara | HI | 00:09 |
FastZ | xaziva, alt+F2 then type 'emerald --replace' and hit enter | 00:09 |
Barbara | ten quio | 00:09 |
RedWar | can anyone answer williams_ question I am interested to the answer of that one | 00:09 |
adriaan_ | con-man: some gtk players are listen, exaile, banshee or quod libet | 00:09 |
ifireball | cornell: ubuntu's bash for example is set to show "user@machine: directory" at the title of the terminal | 00:09 |
mophead | #pidgin | 00:09 |
FastZ | con-man, amarok is a good media player, VLC is good, Rhythmbox is decent, Banshee is good | 00:09 |
con-man | adriaan_: whats the most popular | 00:09 |
adriaan_ | con-man personally I prefer quod libet, it has good tagging support and a reasonably configurable interface | 00:10 |
ifireball | cornell: just do some digging in your bash dotfiles the trick is with the way the prompt is set up | 00:10 |
zionpsyfer | con-man: If you're looking for a music / media player, the application synaptic has listings of various applications. Media players being among them. You can find synaptic in System->Administration->Synaptic | 00:10 |
aLeSD | hi all | 00:10 |
adriaan_ | con-man: I'm not sure which is most popular, but I'd guess exaile, because it is basically an amarok clone for gtk | 00:10 |
Barbara | Hello | 00:10 |
cornell | Well, yes, but it's the machine that the terminal is running on... I should've explained I seek the machine name that I'm ssh'd into. | 00:10 |
con-man | adriaan_: kk ty | 00:10 |
aLeSD | I'm searching for the application that make a bar like the Mac OS X one ... someone could tell me the name ? | 00:11 |
* cornell forgets that most people use the terminal for things other than ssh. | 00:11 | |
gilan | how to find vendor id for my graphic card | 00:11 |
xaziva | aleSD gdesklets. | 00:11 |
DShepherd | ah! why is firefox crashing so often? :-( | 00:11 |
* hischild wishes all a good night of sleep and colorful dreams | 00:11 | |
* DShepherd pouts | 00:11 | |
FastZ | aLeSD, google "avant window navigator" | 00:11 |
aLeSD | thanks | 00:11 |
zionpsyfer | aLeSD: avant-window-navigator might also work for you | 00:12 |
ifireball | cornell: you just need to setup the shell on the target machine properly, the shell can sent the terminal window a "command" to set the title regardless of where its running | 00:12 |
FastZ | xaziva, did you get your window buttons back yet? | 00:12 |
Barbara | alguem habla prtugues? | 00:12 |
xaziva | nop | 00:12 |
FastZ | xaziva, did you try the method i suggested?? | 00:12 |
aLeSD | zionpsyfer: yes thanks ... I was just searching for that | 00:12 |
Sunx | should i create another account other than the one i created while installing ubuntu 7.10? I am currently just using that account...for security reasons should there be a less powerful account thanks | 00:13 |
cornell | Ok, and I'll find that in bash dot files... on the target machine, into which I'm ssh'd? | 00:13 |
ere4si | !pt | Barbara | 00:13 |
ubottu | Barbara: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado. | 00:13 |
stefg | !br | Barbara | 00:13 |
xaziva | fatsz, can we talk private? | 00:13 |
ifireball | cornell: look for the "magic" escape sequences in ubuntu's .bashrc and copy then to your server's .bashrc | 00:13 |
FastZ | xaziva, no, sorry | 00:13 |
xaziva | okey, alt F2? | 00:13 |
xaziva | but Im using Compiz not esmerald | 00:13 |
insomnia_ | anyone know how to add a menu tray like in mac? | 00:13 |
xaziva | are you sure it should be emerald? | 00:13 |
cornell | Server being the target machien? | 00:13 |
insomnia_ | something like in this | 00:13 |
Barbara | obottu alguem quer falr comigo hello | 00:14 |
FastZ | xaziva, emerald is the window borders... | 00:14 |
ifireball | cornell: use my name when you talk to me, so your lines won't be lost in the clutter | 00:14 |
Sunx | xaziva im using emarld and compiz | 00:14 |
cornell | SOry, ifireball | 00:14 |
cornell | Sorry, ifireball | 00:14 |
FastZ | xaziva, the hold down the control key and then press the alt key as well, and then the F2 key | 00:14 |
ifireball | cornell: yeah server == target machine; afaik if its ubuntu if should already work | 00:14 |
xaziva | nop | 00:14 |
Barbara | alguem habla portugues sabe um pouquinho se queer | 00:14 |
LSG | Just wondering...i've noticed nobody ever agrees to talk in private around here. Any particular reason? | 00:14 |
DanaG | Anybody know why the heck something keeps writing to my hard drive absolutely every single second? | 00:15 |
cornell | It seems to ... sometimes... I was hoping I could finger out how to make it always, ifireball | 00:15 |
FastZ | xaziva, what do you mean "nop"? | 00:15 |
DanaG | Write. Write. Write. Write. Write. Write. Write. Write. Write. Write. Write. Write. Write. Write. Write. | 00:15 |
DanaG | What gives? | 00:15 |
koro | anyone knows of a fix for the white-screen after second user logout problem? | 00:15 |
ere4si | Barbara: /j #ubuntu-pt por favor | 00:15 |
asizemore | huh | 00:15 |
xaziva | no i diden't | 00:15 |
asizemore | I haven't restarted yet | 00:15 |
andre_pl | koro: try the first user's password and hit enter | 00:15 |
andre_pl | s/try/type | 00:15 |
koro | (User A goes to switch users, user B logs on, user B logs out, white screen comes up | 00:15 |
adriaan_ | how do I register my nickname with NickServ? | 00:15 |
asizemore | does the computer restart at any point during the upgrade? | 00:15 |
DanaG | Oh.... it's ntfs-3g. | 00:15 |
FastZ | xaziva, no you didn't what? I didnt ask anything? | 00:15 |
FastZ | adriaan_, | 00:16 |
DanaG | Even though I'm seeding, not downloading, my torrents on NTFS. | 00:16 |
koro | andre_pl: yeah i know that logs you in, but i'm asking if anyone knows of a *fix* for this problem | 00:16 |
xaziva | no IO doenFastzh | 00:16 |
andre_pl | disable compiz, I think that's about it | 00:16 |
koro | that's hardly a fix :) | 00:16 |
FastZ | adriaan_, sorry, hit enter too fast... you have to /msg nickserv register and then put your email address and password in | 00:16 |
andre_pl | write a patch :P | 00:16 |
koro | is this a compiz bug? | 00:16 |
DanaG | Fix for white screen? Switch to tty and killall gnome-screensaver? | 00:16 |
andre_pl | no idea | 00:16 |
adriaan_ | fastz: thank you | 00:17 |
DanaG | I have to do that on resume from suspend. | 00:17 |
koro | from what i saw in the forums it's not clear that it's compiz' fault | 00:17 |
FastZ | adriaan_, then to identify you type /msg nickserv identify followed by your password | 00:17 |
koro | altough it's related to it | 00:17 |
ifireball | well, the trick is to write an escape sequence to the terminal, over here ubuntu configures bash to output that sequence every time it displays the command prompt, however the configuration may be different | 00:17 |
eaxjmpz | LSG: microsoft are trying their breast but failing miserably to misinform us | 00:17 |
ifireball | cornell: well, the trick is to write an escape sequence to the terminal, over here ubuntu configures bash to output that sequence every time it displays the command prompt, however the configuration may be different | 00:17 |
svl | When making changes to /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base - is there any way to make them have an effect short of a complete reboot? | 00:17 |
LSG | eaxjmpz: What do you mean? | 00:17 |
FastZ | xaziva, ok I'm sorry, I'm not understanding you very well. are you saying you don't know how to press control+alt+F2? | 00:17 |
DanaG | svl: start a root shell (sudo -i) | 00:17 |
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq | ||
DanaG | and then cd to /sys/module/module_name | 00:18 |
eaxjmpz | ifireball: and now you are to show this \\\escape secuense | 00:18 |
cornell | And that sequence can be a command controlling the local machines terminal title, ifireball | 00:18 |
DanaG | and echo the parameter > parameters/parameter_name | 00:18 |
r3d3y3 | Greetings | 00:18 |
r3d3y3 | Anyone have any luck with and XFI card and the latest ubuntu yet? | 00:18 |
eaxjmpz | r3d3y3: BOOH! | 00:18 |
con-man | adriaan_: banshee crashes lots | 00:18 |
asizemore | uh | 00:19 |
asizemore | I just updated, and it says I still have the same release | 00:19 |
eaxjmpz | !enable ghost in shells | 00:19 |
ubottu | eaxjmpz: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 00:19 |
eaxjmpz | drone!!! :=) | 00:19 |
* DanaG pipes a rant about Creative into /dev/null | 00:19 | |
monkeyBox | Hi all. I'm having this annoying issue w/ my laptop where the fan speed fluctuates every other second. It seems to me that i8kmon tries to set the fan speed to 2 and something else is setting it back to 1. I have no idea what that "something else" is, and it's driving me nuts :-p Any ideas? | 00:19 |
etheredge | how do i acces the terminal with root privelages? | 00:19 |
DanaG | etheredge: sudo -i | 00:19 |
eaxjmpz | ubottu: Your but a number | 00:20 |
r3d3y3 | I would really like to have sound.. | 00:20 |
asizemore | HELP, my ubuntu did all this updating stuff, but when I type slb_release -a it tells me that I'm still at 6.06.2 | 00:20 |
cornell | ifireball: found a command, following this comment: # If this is an xterm set the title to user@host:dir | 00:20 |
therion_ | Hi all, can i install Kde 4 on my Ubuntu Feisty? how i can do it? | 00:20 |
etheredge | thank you :) | 00:20 |
ere4si | !upgrade | asizemore | 00:20 |
ubottu | asizemore: For upgrading, see the instructions at | 00:20 |
eross | any recommendations for window managers, gnome is ok but tastes like vanilla :P want it to play nice with high-end 3d opengl games | 00:21 |
=== adriaan_ is now known as _adriaan | ||
eross | and be flashy | 00:21 |
cornell | Wait, that's on this machine's, let me check the other, ifireball | 00:21 |
ifireball | cornell: yeah that's the one | 00:21 |
asizemore | ubottu: oh you're a bot | 00:21 |
eaxjmpz | kde is crap | 00:21 |
asizemore | !repositories | 00:21 |
ubottu | The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at and - See for the recommended way to set up your repositories | 00:21 |
eross | !bot | 00:21 |
ubottu | I am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose pwodered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeus looks in the near future ;) | 00:21 |
svl | DanaG: thanks. Just to be sure: looking at /sys/module/snd_hda_intel/parameters/model - right now the file content is "lenovo,<NULL>,<NULL>, [a couple more NULLs]" - those latter NULL parameters can be safely omitted? | 00:21 |
DanaG | You can probably omit NULL. | 00:21 |
eaxjmpz | sane people choose GTK+ over QT crap | 00:22 |
DanaG | After all, when you say 'options ...' you don't do NULL. | 00:22 |
therion_ | Nobody know how to install kde4 on feisty? :-( | 00:22 |
eaxjmpz | crappy kde | 00:22 |
crimsun | the <NULL>s are present to handle multiple cards driven by that driver. | 00:22 |
wuxia | I have two usb keyboards connected to mhy computer. Under X, is it possible to know which keyboard is sending the key? | 00:22 |
ere4si | therion_: try in #kubuntu-kde4 | 00:22 |
svl | thanks | 00:22 |
eaxjmpz | yeah, homkoh buntu | 00:23 |
cornell | ifireball: , same thing on the remote machine. I assume that I can paste the bash command here without screwing up irc. | 00:23 |
fde | eaxjmpz: Sane people don't care one way or the other, they just want the best tool for the job... insinuating that geeks are sane is misleading :P | 00:23 |
therion_ | thanks ere4si | 00:23 |
ere4si | k | 00:23 |
FastZ | therion_, I found you about 1,560,000 links that talk about installing KDE4 on Ubuntu by going to | 00:23 |
eaxjmpz | fde: GNOME you say ? | 00:23 |
eaxjmpz | fde: Dandy isnt it | 00:23 |
cornell | case "$TERM" in | 00:23 |
cornell | xterm*|rxvt*) | 00:23 |
fde | eaxjmpz: I said nothing about Gnome... | 00:23 |
cornell | PROMPT_COMMAND='echo -ne "\033]0;${USER}@${HOSTNAME}: ${PWD/$HOME/~}\007"' | 00:24 |
eaxjmpz | fde: we love it | 00:24 |
therion_ | FastZ: But not on feisty :-) | 00:24 |
ecubuntu | hey guys i have a problema with my wireless, somebody can help me? | 00:24 |
cornell | Kinda looks good, ifireball | 00:24 |
ifireball | eaxjmpz: if you run this command: echo -ne "\033]0;tittle-here\007" it will set the title, ubuntu sets up bash to do this every time is shows the prompt | 00:24 |
lwizardl | Hi | 00:24 |
fde | eaxjmpz: Who is "we"? | 00:24 |
FastZ | therion_, Gutsy tutorials will most likely work for Fiesty | 00:24 |
lwizardl | how do I force ubuntu to use a 1024x768 resolution on my hdtv? | 00:24 |
fde | eaxjmpz: heh... most sane people understand they're using Ubuntu, and that's enough for them. | 00:24 |
MickyB | BENSON IS HERE | 00:24 |
eaxjmpz | ifireball: well, i bet noone will take your word over a main programmers :=) | 00:25 |
therion_ | FastZ: Yes, but i don't find the latest packages of kde4 for feisty... only pre-alpha.. | 00:25 |
=== sh1t is now known as Topocho | ||
xaziva | Hey, I still got my problem with buttons;) | 00:25 |
ifireball | eaxjmpz: I don't quite get what do you mean | 00:25 |
eaxjmpz | ifireball: Everyone knows that ops are microsoft oppositional atm | 00:26 |
* DanaG puts laptop in sleep for now. | 00:26 | |
eaxjmpz | ifireball: we cement them good | 00:26 |
aLeSD | how can I create the trash icon on the desktop ? | 00:26 |
FastZ | therion_, | 00:26 |
fde | eaxjmpz: This is not a chat channel, it is for support only. | 00:26 |
SnakeArt | genii: Are You there? | 00:26 |
ZiggyFish_laptop | I have a laptop that has it's own screen, and I have another screen connected to it. What i want is the laptop screen to be my primary screen and have the 20 inch LCD show as another desktop(i.e not cloned). But when I go though the 'Screen Resolution' and move one of my screens around it doesn't do anything. What is the directive I need to edit in my xorg.conf | 00:26 |
ifireball | eaxjmpz: what are you talking about ?!? | 00:26 |
fde | eaxjmpz: try #ubuntu-offtopic | 00:27 |
genii | SnakeArt: Barely :) I was tinkering with making a deb of linuxwacom but it's giving me grief | 00:27 |
amrik | ZiggyFish_laptop: do you have an NVIDIA card? | 00:27 |
therion_ | Thanks FastZ :-) | 00:27 |
eaxjmpz | Hah, one kid was beeing an ass, a truckload of cement on his porch and away went the booringy | 00:27 |
eaxjmpz | :=) | 00:27 |
FastZ | therion_, no problem | 00:27 |
ZiggyFish_laptop | amrik: intel | 00:27 |
ere4si | aLeSD: you can do that in gconf-editor apps - nautilus | 00:28 |
ifireball | cornell: seems to me it should "just work" if its set that way on the target machine, unless for some reason .bashrc isn't run when you SSH to it | 00:28 |
cornell | Yeah | 00:28 |
lwizardl | can someone help me with getting my 7200gs nvidia card to display using 1024x768 resolution? my highest option is 720x480 | 00:28 |
xim | why doesnt my linux box hostname resolve to the ip on my xp box | 00:28 |
jimlay | My audio is really scratchy when it goes through pulse audio. Does this happen to other people? | 00:29 |
eaxjmpz | lnx: we have the emp, care to joust at this time ? | 00:29 |
SnakeArt | genii: You wouldn't believe! Finally, I've did it. I have /dev/input/wacom , Gimp has recognized my tablet, but at the moment I have no cursor movement, but now I believe it will take much less time to make it work in full. | 00:29 |
=== orudie_ is now known as orudie | ||
aLeSD | ere4si: I didn't understan | 00:29 |
amrik | ZiggyFish_laptop: alright I'm not sure. I was going to suggest the NVIDIA settings utility to try to position the screens | 00:29 |
orudie | whats the channel to ask bot questions about bestest soft ? | 00:29 |
genii | SnakeArt: Nice :) some progress at least | 00:29 |
ere4si | aLeSD: type gconf-editor in a terminal | 00:30 |
=== forever_korg is now known as gsr | ||
ZiggyFish_laptop | amrik: thanks anyway | 00:30 |
aLeSD | ere4si: thanks I have it | 00:30 |
SnakeArt | genii: Thank You very much for all your help. Without You, and your suggestions it will never work. Thanks again. | 00:30 |
genii | SnakeArt: Glad to have participated in some way | 00:31 |
cornell | Thanks ifireball | 00:31 |
ifireball | cornell: n/p | 00:31 |
SnakeArt | genii: I'm glad that finally someone has really helped me. Well, thanks again. CU. | 00:32 |
genii | SnakeArt: Take care | 00:32 |
amnatz | where may i find ubuntu source sode ? | 00:33 |
=== Hasone_ is now known as Hasone | ||
eaxjmpz | Im Kernel Akir Nakesh of the Iranian Airforce :P /Joking | 00:33 |
Canncu | i messed up with my nvidia card.. | 00:34 |
Canncu | can anyone help? | 00:34 |
Zero | hey, im on windows right now, if i install inside windows, will i be able to access my ntfs partioin? or do i have to repartition my HD to do that? | 00:34 |
amnatz | Canncu : what is the problem ? | 00:34 |
Canncu | i uninstalled drivers and i cant go back | 00:34 |
selocol | Zero: you can access your ntfs partition | 00:34 |
Canncu | amnatz:i downloaded a driver from nvidia webpage and installed it.. (sh -a *.run) | 00:35 |
Mega_byte | hi, does anyone know how to make apache (xampp) accessible on a pc behind a comtrend router, please? | 00:35 |
Canncu | and it didnt work.. | 00:35 |
amnatz | Zero : don't know if you can write on it... | 00:35 |
Zero | selocol, if i install inside windows i can access NTFS? | 00:35 |
selocol | Zero: yes | 00:35 |
selocol | Zero: you're using Wubi, right? | 00:35 |
Starnestommy | Mega_byte: forward port 80 on the router to your pc | 00:35 |
Canncu | and i tried apt-get install nvidia-glx but doesnt work:S | 00:35 |
Zero | selocol, yes | 00:35 |
selocol | Zero: you will be able to read and write your windows files | 00:35 |
eaxjmpz | Zero: Put your windblows datas onto an usb stick and then reformat the drive with all the viruses effectively erasing all evils microsoft have done to you | 00:35 |
Zero | selocol, thank you | 00:36 |
Mega_byte | Starnestommy, you mean set something like ip:1234 to forward on local : 80? | 00:36 |
amnatz | any knows where i can find ubuntu source code ? | 00:36 |
ibleed | Canncu, you should make sure /etc/apt/sources.list is correct then do a sudo apt-get update first | 00:36 |
Leonnel | anyone know any good decent brand of raid hardware card that works with ubuntu | 00:36 |
Leonnel | ? | 00:36 |
Zero | eaxjmpz, normally i would agree, but i just installed windows and i need it for work | 00:36 |
Starnestommy | Mega_byte: probably | 00:36 |
Starnestommy | amnatz: for which part of ubuntu? | 00:36 |
Zero | eaxjmpz, im getting a seperate machine later for just ubuntu | 00:36 |
eaxjmpz | Zero: They require it ? | 00:36 |
amnatz | everything ! | 00:36 |
amnatz | :) | 00:36 |
Zero | eaxjmpz, yeah, for gotomeeting | 00:36 |
Starnestommy | amnatz: it's somewhat scattered around the internet | 00:37 |
eaxjmpz | Skit i .wad theyre sayings ... | 00:37 |
amnatz | is there any closed-code part ? | 00:37 |
Canncu | i did apt-get update, and then? | 00:37 |
eaxjmpz | Political crap | 00:37 |
Starnestommy | amnatz: the restricted drivers and some of the stuff in the restricted and multiverse repos are closed | 00:37 |
eaxjmpz | HEJJA SVERIGE!!!! | 00:37 |
Mega_byte | Starnestommy, thanks | 00:37 |
eaxjmpz | We are as such | 00:37 |
Canncu | what could the sh did to my drivers? | 00:37 |
amnatz | okay, thx | 00:37 |
Canncu | is any way back? | 00:38 |
eaxjmpz | !Asset geronimo-attack-vectors | 00:38 |
ubottu | eaxjmpz: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 00:38 |
eaxjmpz | !see-thru-veil | 00:38 |
ubottu | Factoid see-thru-veil not found | 00:38 |
eaxjmpz | ! | 00:39 |
eaxjmpz | ! | 00:39 |
co_mo_CO | hello | 00:39 |
eaxjmpz | ! | 00:39 |
medfly | how do i make my microphone w ork? i already know its working fine, and i tried to see if the mic is muted - its not - and i tried to add "capture" and make that work, but it doesnt. | 00:39 |
FloodBot2 | eaxjmpz: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 00:39 |
eboyjr | ! | 00:39 |
eaxjmpz | ! | 00:39 |
IntangibleLiquid | !flood | 00:39 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 00:39 |
eaxjmpz | ! | 00:39 |
eaxjmpz | ! | 00:39 |
FloodBot2 | eaxjmpz: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 00:39 |
fde | !ops eaxjmpz | 00:39 |
ubottu | Factoid ops eaxjmpz not found | 00:39 |
eboyjr | is there a program that will install LAMP already set up on Ubuntu 8.04? | 00:39 |
little_bear | hi Im try to compile Gcompris but configure: error: Package requirements ( gtk+-2.0 >= 2.4.0 gstreamer-0.10) were not met: pkg-config --modversion gtk+-2.0 | 00:40 |
little_bear | 2.12.9 | 00:40 |
lwizardl | how do I edit the xorg file to add a new setting in? | 00:40 |
eaxjmpz | ubottu: im your father jojodynbe | 00:40 |
little_bear | some ideas? | 00:40 |
Starnestommy | little_bear: is libgtk2.0-dev installed? | 00:40 |
Wolf23 | hi guys, i just have upgrade to hardy and the screen resolution looks bad and it hurts my eyes, so please if anyone can help me | 00:40 |
fde | !ops | eaxjmpz | 00:40 |
ubottu | eaxjmpz: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpatrick or jussi01! | 00:40 |
little_bear | yes | 00:40 |
eaxjmpz | tsktsk | 00:40 |
Danish989 | wolf23: are your graphic card drivers installed? | 00:40 |
eross | any recommendations for slick window managers that play nicely with 3d opengl games? | 00:41 |
Wolf23 | Danish989: i dunno coz i am nwebie on this | 00:41 |
mneptok | eboyjr: yes, the Ubuntu installer. | 00:41 |
musashi | i have several partitions that mount on boot and i'm always getting one of the wanting to check. i know i can use tune2fs to set it to once a month or something rather than 30 mounts, but i don't the exact command. anyone? | 00:41 |
fde | PriceChild: you rock, thank you :) | 00:41 |
Wolf23 | Danish989: can u help me plz | 00:41 |
medfly | how do i make my microphone work if the usual path (of messing with volume control) fails? | 00:41 |
eboyjr | mneptok, What if I already have Ubuntu installed? | 00:41 |
SeaPhor | lwizardl, should be gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf (notice the capital X) | 00:41 |
norty | Question: I just upgraded from ubuntu 7.10 to 8.04 and ive got some bugs. everything seems slower and my animations are gone, like when i minimize something i only see black rectangles instead of the smooth animation, and also when i open up the ubuntu firefox and go to google, when i place my mouse over the input box to search the outline disappears, can anyone help me fix these bugs? | 00:42 |
ifireball | eboyjr: all the components work out of the box, simply select then with synaptic | 00:42 |
lwizardl | because ubuntu is only using 720x480 resolution on my display and I know its max supported resolution is 1024x768 | 00:42 |
IntangibleLiquid | my firefox goes almost fullscreen, cannot see the panel or the title bar. HOw do I return it to normal? | 00:43 |
mneptok | eboyjr: i'm not sure there's an available meta-package post-install | 00:43 |
luderacer | IntangibleLiquid, F11 | 00:43 |
mneptok | eross: i'm a longtime OpenBox user. i swear by it. | 00:43 |
SeaPhor | lwizardl, what dist do you have, 7.10, 8.04? should be gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf (notice the capital X) | 00:43 |
fde | IntangibleLiquid: hit alt+f7 to move it... move it down... then resize window. | 00:43 |
DistroJockey | mnemo, eboyjr : run sudo tasksel and select LAMP | 00:43 |
DefineKThyne | I'm having trouble trying to make my Brother printer work, can someone give me a hand? | 00:43 |
mneptok | DefineKThyne: what model? | 00:44 |
L3D | i was trying to install moblock and say it did but i see nothing? | 00:44 |
fde | IntangibleLiquid: move it down via arrow keys btw | 00:44 |
IntangibleLiquid | luderacer: fde: thanks, it works :) | 00:44 |
VJ_Vis | Hey guys. I'm running 8.04, upgraded from 7.10. Can anyone tell me why my mouse cursor disappears whenever I either open a program or visit a url in firefox? I suspect it's a compiz thing but I can't be sure. | 00:44 |
luderacer | np | 00:44 |
DefineKThyne | mneptok: Brother DCP-110C | 00:44 |
DistroJockey | mnemo (sorry) , mneptok , eboyjr : run sudo tasksel and select LAMP | 00:44 |
asizemore | okay | 00:44 |
Danish989 | wolf23: did you try the settings? | 00:44 |
asizemore | to unlock the dapper repositories, I would change them from home to restricted? | 00:45 |
asizemore | er | 00:45 |
asizemore | change them from restricted to home | 00:45 |
Wolf23 | Danish989: no | 00:45 |
etheredge | quick question | 00:45 |
mneptok | DefineKThyne: | 00:45 |
idyllic | VJ_Vis: metacity has no problem? | 00:45 |
etheredge | if im trying to make a shortcut to the terminal command -- sync; echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches how could i do that? | 00:45 |
eboyjr | DistroJockey, Awesome, thanks.... I see it. | 00:45 |
Wolf23 | Danish989: i download now envyng and nothing change :( | 00:45 |
SeaPhor | lwizardl, what dist do you have, 7.10, 8.04? (Gutsy or Hardy) | 00:45 |
Danish989 | Wolf23: then go ahead and look in those | 00:45 |
mneptok | DistroJockey: ah, nice. got added as a tasksel option. sweeeh. | 00:46 |
luderacer | can some body suggest a program to assign a wallpaper to each desktop | 00:46 |
VJ_Vis | idyllic: Pretty sure it doesn't. I'll temporarily disable compiz on the lext logout though and find out. | 00:46 |
asizemore | how do I enable dapper-updates repository? | 00:46 |
DistroJockey | eboyjr, mneptok : you're welcome | 00:46 |
Wolf23 | Danish989: whihc those? | 00:46 |
fde | asizemore: in System > Administration > Software Souces, simply check the top 4 boxes in the first tab | 00:46 |
etheredge | hmm anyone? | 00:46 |
sebsebseb | asizemore: Dapper is old. why not upgrade to Hardy Heron? | 00:46 |
idyllic | VJ_Vis: just alt-f2: metacity --replace.. no need to log out | 00:46 |
VJ_Vis | idyllic: It does it though whenever there is loading of some sort. it still works, as I can still click things, I just can't see the pointer at all until it's finished loading. | 00:46 |
asizemore | no shit, sebsebseb that's what I'm trying to FIC | 00:46 |
mneptok | sebsebseb: that's probably why he wants -updates | 00:46 |
asizemore | FIX | 00:46 |
redwhitewaldo | where can i get " /lib/ version `GCC_4.2.0' " (required by /usr/lib/ | 00:46 |
etheredge | or is there a way to save a terminal session as an executable? | 00:47 |
VJ_Vis | idyllic: Okay, let me try that real quick. | 00:47 |
eboyjr | DistroJockey, Some of them are already selected... Should I disselect them before continueing llike... Ubuntu desktop? I dont' want to re-install it | 00:47 |
asizemore | fde: commend line | 00:47 |
mneptok | asizemore: language, dear :) | 00:47 |
asizemore | bah | 00:47 |
sebsebseb | asizemore: change the sources.list to hardy stuff :) | 00:47 |
asizemore | sorry | 00:47 |
DistroJockey | eboyjr, no, leave the others alone | 00:47 |
etheredge | hrmm.. | 00:47 |
aLeSD | how can I install the avant qindow navigator applets ? | 00:47 |
Lake | how am I supposed to register my nick if it's already registered ? I can't even choose another nick to register because I simply can't change nicks!! | 00:47 |
mneptok | asizemore: sudo nano -w /etc/apt/sources.list and make sure there are no #s in front of the -updates repos | 00:47 |
asizemore | well I need to enable the dapper repos | 00:47 |
sebsebseb | asizemore: it does not say in the graphical updates that a new release is available? | 00:47 |
DistroJockey | eboyjr, if you deselect them, it will remove them | 00:47 |
etheredge | anyone at all? | 00:47 |
eboyjr | DistroJockey, Okay. | 00:48 |
linux_trojan | how can I verify I am running the latest UBUNTU, I just id an upgrade but everything looks the same, more or less, how can I be sure? | 00:48 |
ibleed | Lake, /nick newnickhere | 00:48 |
fde | linux_trojan: does lsb_version -a show hardy? | 00:48 |
Wolf23 | Danish989: i am not good on ubuntu, just help me please,coz the screen is hurting my eyes | 00:48 |
DefineKThyne | mneptok: k i've run the LPR driver with the GDebiGTK app, how do i do the cupswrapper? | 00:48 |
mneptok | asizemore: save (if necessary) and exit. "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade && sudo do-release-upgrade -d" | 00:48 |
etheredge | is there any way to make a terminal sessioin into a shortcut? | 00:49 |
sebsebseb | linux_trojan: if you open up Firefox. do you get the new hardy page? | 00:49 |
Lake | ibleed: it replyes quite arrogantly: ===Prose ##please_register Cannot send to channel so cannot change nicks | 00:49 |
eboyjr | tasksel: aptitude failed (100) | 00:49 |
SeaPhor | etheredge, whats your question? | 00:49 |
satokun | I put in a new hard drive and installed the new heron to that drive, imported my old settings, rebooted, set the new drive for boot, and I got a GRUB 21 error. I can still boot into the 7.10 install fine. I've hit a stop point and I'm not sure what to do. | 00:49 |
danbhfive | linux_trojan: I use a couple of custom methods, they are little tricks I learned. You can try them too if you like | 00:49 |
DistroJockey | eboyjr, :( | 00:49 |
asizemore | aghagh | 00:49 |
asizemore | jesus, one person help at a time | 00:49 |
joeb3_ | linux_trojan, cat /etc/*release* | 00:49 |
=== ibleed is now known as wwwi | ||
danbhfive | satokun: your menu.lst is setup wrong I believe | 00:49 |
maikol | after making an ext3 filesystem with mkfs.ext3 and setting the stride option, can the stride value later be changed | 00:49 |
asizemore | all I asked was how to enable the repository | 00:49 |
linux_trojan | hardy page? hmm | 00:49 |
=== wwwi is now known as ibleed | ||
linux_trojan | dont think so | 00:49 |
asizemore | so, chill a bit | 00:49 |
Wolf23 | Danish989: on nvidia x server setting ,i got this message --> You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server. | 00:49 |
ibleed | lake, i can change nicks fine /nick <nick> | 00:49 |
foxhop | My NTFS Drives won't mount | 00:50 |
VJ_Vis | idyllic: Okay, the problem still exists with metacity too. | 00:50 |
ispiked | I'm trying to set up a proftpd server and get "ftp: connect: Connection refused | 00:50 |
sebsebseb | linux_trojan: ok if you right click on the desktop (if it's not showing already that is) is there a wall paper of a bird? | 00:50 |
DistroJockey | eboyjr, you could try sudo tasksel -t (for test mode) | 00:50 |
ispiked | " when I try to connect to the server remotely | 00:50 |
mneptok | asizemore: if by "chill a bit" you mean "stop giving me free support that others pay for," OK :P | 00:50 |
satokun | danbhfive: I suspected as much, but I can't get to the new install's menu.lst | 00:50 |
=== L3D is now known as ledbrb | ||
linux_trojan | any solid advice on this? | 00:50 |
idyllic | VJ_Vis: hmph, do you use the default pointer? | 00:51 |
etheredge | SeaPhor my question is im trying to get this command as a shortcut basically so i can run it when i would like without typing it in time after time --sync; echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches | 00:51 |
Simonf1 | does anybody know how to edit the paths that python uses to import files? | 00:51 |
level1 | are there any programs to manipulate .ods files besides KOffice Spread and Open Office Calc? | 00:51 |
foxhop | My NTFS drives won't mount. They used to work, but while I was using them, mount crashed and now it won't come back. I even attempted reboot. | 00:51 |
VJ_Vis | idyllic: No. :) | 00:51 |
eboyjr | debconf-apt-progress -- apt-get -q --no-install-recommends -y install lamp-server | 00:51 |
Lake | ibleed: still cant.. ill figure it out someday | 00:51 |
danbhfive | satokun: hmmm, first off, why not? second, I think that only one menu.lst counts | 00:51 |
sebsebseb | linux_trojan: also if Firefox is 3.0 Beta 5 then you probably got Hardy | 00:51 |
david_-_- | can anyone help me with this please? | 00:51 |
sebsebseb | level1: I haven't used it yet but Gnumeric is a spreadsheet program | 00:51 |
mneptok | Simonf1: export $PYTHONPATH=/new/path/to/search | 00:51 |
Simonf1 | mneptok: thanks | 00:51 |
SeaPhor | etheredge, join me on #SeaPhor | 00:51 |
fde | linux_trojan: I told you how to know. | 00:51 |
danbhfive | linux_trojan: if you are interested in what I got, pm me, I dont want to flood | 00:51 |
linux_trojan | yea I have beta | 00:51 |
etheredge | ok | 00:52 |
jason0_ | Is it possible to install 32bit firefox + jre with 64bit hardy? I followed the instructions but no dice. | 00:52 |
VJ_Vis | idyllic: However, I just tried the default, and it still does it. | 00:52 |
foxhop | My NTFS drives won't mount. They used to work, but while I was using them, mount crashed and now it won't come back. I even attempted reboot. | 00:52 |
sebsebseb | linux_trojan: and there should be some sort of bird background an option for the desktop background | 00:52 |
eboyjr | My origins are main, multiverse, restricted, and universe... should I add more and how? | 00:52 |
mneptok | foxhop: run the Windows repair tools on them from within Windows | 00:52 |
fde | sebsebseb: It's a heron! | 00:52 |
linux_trojan | in mandrake there is a command line that tells you the version | 00:52 |
idyllic | VJ_Vis: Then I am out of idea here. Try to put your question again, maybe other can help. So sorry | 00:52 |
satokun | danbhfive: I'm unable to access the drive where I installed the new version (through the old verson that still works fine), it prompts me for a password but then it just removes the drive and doesn't display. Would I have better luck running a naut through gksudo? | 00:52 |
linux_trojan | I was hoping that Ubuntu had the same command line | 00:53 |
mneptok | linux_trojan: lsb_release -a | 00:53 |
ibleed | jason0_, i'm not sure many 64 bit people chose to run 32 bit ubuntu for that reason flash/java support | 00:53 |
fde | linux_trojan: lsb_version -a | 00:53 |
VJ_Vis | idyllic: No prob. Thanks for trying. :) | 00:53 |
sebsebseb | fde: ok a heron then | 00:53 |
linux_trojan | ooohhhh | 00:53 |
linux_trojan | ok | 00:53 |
linux_trojan | brb | 00:53 |
orudie | how can i tell if i have mysql installed and which version | 00:53 |
* fde said that 5 mins ago | 00:53 | |
ShadowBelmolve | any can help fuck this "Guru of Security"? only need to invade and open the gedit, the ip is this | 00:53 |
DistroJockey | eboyjr, those repos are all you should need | 00:53 |
linux_trojan | FDE: I didnt understand you,sorry | 00:53 |
eboyjr | Okay, thanks | 00:53 |
mneptok | fde: except there is no "lsb_version" command | 00:53 |
asizemore | I think my server is really trying hard to update | 00:53 |
DistroJockey | eboyjr, you don't have Synaptic open at the same time do you? | 00:54 |
fde | mneptok: there should be... type 'lsb_[tab] | 00:54 |
fde | ' | 00:54 |
VJ_Vis | Hey guys. I'm running 8.04, upgraded from 7.10. Can anyone tell me why my mouse cursor disappears whenever I either open a program or visit a url in firefox? Any sort of "load time" will cause the pointer to disappear until it's finished. | 00:54 |
danbhfive | satokun: well, if you can't even access the drive (I assume you don't mean partition), then I would say thats your first problem. You gota figure out a way to access that drive | 00:54 |
eboyjr | DistroJockey, I do , lol! | 00:54 |
DistroJockey | eboyjr, :) | 00:54 |
ibleed | ShadowBelmolve, no cussing here and i'm sure the channel rules are against illegal activities as well | 00:54 |
Simonf1 | mneptok: that did not work | 00:54 |
blah569 | How do you use the "kill" function? If I type, "kill firefox," it tells me that is incorrect. How would I "kill" the Firefox process? | 00:54 |
mneptok | fde: "should be?" | 00:54 |
zaussome | ./configuring an app; E: Couldn't find package mcs | 00:54 |
danbhfive | blah569: pkill | 00:54 |
zaussome | What does that mean? | 00:54 |
Kakurady | blah569: you need to know the process id of Firefox to use kill. | 00:54 |
Danish989 | vj_vis: might be your graphic card or it's drivers? is compiz fusion working fine? | 00:54 |
Simonf1 | mneptok: bash: export: `=/home/simon/Python': not a valid identifier | 00:54 |
eboyjr | DistroJockey, I'll try again... :) | 00:54 |
idyllic | blah569: killall firefox | 00:54 |
DistroJockey | eboyjr, *nods* | 00:54 |
blah569 | thanks | 00:55 |
Danish989 | zaussome: what are you trying to do? | 00:55 |
mneptok | Simonf1: you have to use the same temrinal window, or add the export to your shell's environment. | 00:55 |
eboyjr | It works now | 00:55 |
VJ_Vis | Danish989: Yes, compiz works fine. | 00:55 |
zaussome | Danish989: ./configure an application for compiling. | 00:55 |
rangef1nder | how do you get sound workign in xubuntu 8.04? | 00:55 |
fde | mneptok: I don't know if it was in every release, but every release came with lsb-release | 00:55 |
DistroJockey | eboyjr, excellent :) Have fun. | 00:55 |
mneptok | Simonf1: export $PYTHONPATH=/home/simon/Python | 00:55 |
VJ_Vis | Danish989: The issue also happens even without compiz loaded though. | 00:55 |
eboyjr | muchas gracias | 00:55 |
asizemore | mneptok: I don't mean that, there's just too many people addressing me at the same time | 00:55 |
Simonf1 | mneptok: same terminal window as what? | 00:55 |
DistroJockey | eboyjr, you're welcome | 00:55 |
satokun | danbhfive: drive/partition are the same thing except for the older install. I'm going to go try accessing it working as root. (I may have just needed to talk it out...) | 00:55 |
asizemore | it's a little overwhelming | 00:55 |
linux_trojan | fde: thanks i worked, i am using version 8 | 00:55 |
Danish989 | VJ_Vis: I'm not sure .. I have the same sort of problem too though, audio also starts breaking up on load times | 00:55 |
mneptok | fde: lsb_release, yes. you were saying "lsb_version," which has never existed. | 00:55 |
ShadowBelmolve | ibleed, he have asked for this, to prove what he is the "Guru of Security" | 00:56 |
luderacer | can some body suggest a program to assign a wallpaper to each desktop? | 00:56 |
fde | mneptok: It's here on Hardy. | 00:56 |
mneptok | Simonf1: as anything that needs to use that path | 00:56 |
Simonf1 | mneptok: that is what I entered | 00:56 |
Simonf1 | mneptok: I want idle to find it | 00:56 |
VJ_Vis | Danish989: I don't have any audio issues thankfully, but the pointer disappearing is a little irritating at times. | 00:56 |
mneptok | fde: "lsb_version" is not | 00:56 |
linux_trojan | lsb_version is the one that works | 00:56 |
asizemore | omg | 00:56 |
ShadowBelmolve | ibleed, He chalanged all the #ubuntu-br to this | 00:56 |
fde | mneptok: ugh... type it into a terminal 'lsb[tab] | 00:56 |
asizemore | it's freaking updating | 00:56 |
ibleed | ShadowBelmolve, this channel is for ubuntu support. please dont talk to me | 00:56 |
asizemore | ahhhh | 00:56 |
Danish989 | VJ_Vis: Yeah, I can imagine .. maybe that problem is only till firefox? | 00:56 |
asizemore | sweet | 00:56 |
linux_trojan | oh god | 00:57 |
linux_trojan | wait | 00:57 |
linux_trojan | lsb_release works | 00:57 |
david_-_- | need some help on this post with some errors i am getting.. | 00:57 |
mneptok | [mneptok@set] mneptok :: sudo updatedb | 00:57 |
mneptok | [sudo] password for mneptok: | 00:57 |
mneptok | [mneptok@set] mneptok :: locate lsb_version | 00:57 |
mneptok | [mneptok@set] mneptok :: | 00:57 |
zaussome | Danish989: figured it out, sudo apt-get install mono-mcs | 00:57 |
FloodBot2 | mneptok: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 00:57 |
icanhas | My firefox icon did teh disapear. It works fine when i click on it, but it's just a default launcher icon. Where exactly can I find the firefox icon? | 00:57 |
asizemore | cool, I now have hardy herron on my server | 00:57 |
asizemore | how about them apples | 00:57 |
xiiico | #ubuntu-br | 00:57 |
linux_trojan | i ran lsb_release and it works, I am glad I am running the up to date version | 00:58 |
Danish989 | zaussome: that problem usually occurs if you have synaptic manager running in the back | 00:58 |
mneptok | fde: "lsb_version" does NOT exist in Hardy. "lsb_release" does. you were telling people to use "lsb_version." | 00:58 |
asizemore | thank you whoever helped me | 00:58 |
fde | mneptok: neat... same result here... now type 'lsb_version -a' and note that it works | 00:58 |
zaussome | Danish989: hmm, I don't think I do. | 00:58 |
mneptok | [mneptok@set] mneptok :: lsb_version -a | 00:58 |
mneptok | zsh: command not found: lsb_version | 00:58 |
* Pelo 's got his XP partition to run in VirtualBox | 00:58 | |
linux_trojan | ok i appreciate the input, bye | 00:58 |
idyllic | DJ_Vis: Try open your compiz settings manager, General Options -> Cursor Theme (under general tab) change "default" to your cursor theme name | 00:58 |
fde | mneptok: I said the package is lsb-release ... not the command. | 00:58 |
VJ_Vis | Danish989: It's the most noticeable with firefox, because that takes a few secs to come up. It does it whenever I launch any program though. | 00:58 |
mneptok | fde: and? lsb_version does not work here. | 00:58 |
mophead | Is anhybody having trouble opening pdf files? | 00:59 |
tobias_ | when i try to enable effects in hardy my screen just turns white. any ideas? | 00:59 |
Pelo | !version | 00:59 |
ubottu | To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell | 00:59 |
Danish989 | VJ_Vis: I'd say it's something to do with your graphic card or it's drivers | 00:59 |
xiiico | # joint | 00:59 |
=== tobias_ is now known as tobias | ||
icanhas | tobias_: your video drivers either arne't installed properly or not supported | 00:59 |
xiiico | join ubuntu-br | 00:59 |
jett_ | i just upgraded ubuntu from 7.04 to hardy and i lost all my links in firefox. is there any way i can get them back? | 00:59 |
Pelo | mophead, make sure you have evince installed | 00:59 |
xiiico | join #ubuntu-br | 00:59 |
xiiico | >join #ubuntu-br | 00:59 |
FloodBot2 | xiiico: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 01:00 |
VJ_Vis | Danish989: Possible. I'll try getting the latest ones from the site and see if that solves the issue. Thanks for the help. | 01:00 |
_adriaan | can anyone recommend me a good MUD to play in terminal? | 01:00 |
xiiico | enter #ubuntu-br | 01:00 |
Pelo | jett_, you need to import them back in , ask in #firefox they will tell you how I don'T recall | 01:00 |
Danish989 | VJ_Vis: No problem :) hope your problem goes away | 01:00 |
xiiico | caraca... como eu entro em algum canal? | 01:00 |
jett_ | ubuntu br? | 01:00 |
Pelo | xiiico, /join #ubuntu-br | 01:00 |
Pelo | jett_, brazil | 01:00 |
_adriaan | mind you, I've never played any before, I really just want to try it out | 01:00 |
jett_ | oh | 01:00 |
maikol | after making an ext3 filesystem with mkfs.ext3 and setting the stride option, can the stride value later be changed | 01:00 |
xiiico | Pelo, vlwww...tnks | 01:00 |
tobias | icanhas: they seem to be installed fine... Radeon Mobility X1400 | 01:00 |
danbhfive | _adriaan: nethack :p | 01:00 |
icanhas | tobias: whats the output of fglrxinfo ? | 01:01 |
justin_white | Hello? | 01:01 |
jett_ | is there anyway to recover my favorite saved links from firefox? | 01:01 |
Pelo | !hi | justin_white | 01:01 |
ubottu | justin_white: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 01:01 |
idyllic | jett_: you mean bookmarks? | 01:01 |
Pelo | jett_, ask in #firefox | 01:01 |
jett_ | yeah i upgraded linux and i lost all my bookmarks | 01:01 |
IntangibleLiquid | if compiz effects are used excessively, does it mean my video card will consume a considerable amount of power? | 01:01 |
_adriaan | danbhfive: ah yes, I've heard that one before. Is it hard? | 01:01 |
mophead | Pelo: thanks | 01:01 |
tobias | icanhas: Mesa GLX Indirect (1.4 (2.1 Mesa 7.0.3-rc2)) | 01:01 |
danbhfive | _adriaan: I dunno, my brother told me about it. He had a hard time starting out. | 01:02 |
icanhas | tobias: not only isn't it installed correctly, but it isn't starting. join #tobias and we'll figure it out | 01:02 |
jett_ | pelo:is that on the ubuntu server irc? | 01:02 |
Pelo | IntangibleLiquid, probably more but I don'T think considerable is applicable, | 01:02 |
Danish989 | intangibleliquid: what are you worried about? | 01:02 |
idyllic | jett_: ~/.mozilla/firefox/<Profile Name>/bookmarkbackups | 01:02 |
Pelo | jett_, same network just type /join #firefox , were on freenode atm, | 01:02 |
tobias | icanhas: hm, sure enough. i just installed it and rebooted, but it still says not in use in the hardware drivers panel. | 01:03 |
DefineKThyne | mneptok: i'm following your directions, but there is no /var/spool/lpd folder. can you help me out again? | 01:03 |
IntangibleLiquid | Danish989: I'm testing my battery :) It's now at 70% and exactly 1 hour has passed. | 01:03 |
Wolf23 | Danish989: so if u are a helper so why u let me waiting for your help,this is not good from you | 01:03 |
Uplink | hello, how can i connect my webcam? | 01:03 |
icanhas | tobias: yes :) but i'm going to need a lot of information from you, so please /join #tobias so we don't spam this channel | 01:03 |
Uplink | ubuntu wonk pick it up :( | 01:03 |
Pelo | !webcam | Uplink | 01:03 |
ubottu | Uplink: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at - Supported cams: | 01:03 |
Danish989 | Wolf23: I'm sorry, I didnt think you still had a problem, what was wrong again? | 01:03 |
tobias | icanhas: ok, see you there | 01:03 |
jett_ | idyllic:thanks | 01:04 |
jett_ | pelo:thanks | 01:04 |
Wolf23 | Danish989: what happen man, u know i cant see good my screen | 01:04 |
Mattevt | does windows media player work with wine> | 01:04 |
Danish989 | Wolf23: I told you to check in the settings, did you do that? | 01:04 |
connor | could someone help me find my printer drivers? | 01:04 |
godlygeek | anyone happen to be able to suggest a better way to use a printer with no linux drivers than vmware or virtualbox? | 01:04 |
plik | Mattevt: *why* would you want it to, really? | 01:05 |
Pelo | Mattevt, why would you want wmp in wine ? in anycase check on the website in the app database | 01:05 |
Wolf23 | Danish989: i send u the message | 01:05 |
Mattevt | plik I want to connect my sansa view | 01:05 |
godlygeek | connor: is probably your best bet. | 01:05 |
Wolf23 | Danish989: on nvidia x server setting ,i got this message --> You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server. | 01:05 |
connor | i did | 01:05 |
Pelo | godlygeek, which printer is this ? a lexmark ? | 01:05 |
connor | my printer wasnt fouind | 01:05 |
Mattevt | plik: it's the only thing I use windows for right now | 01:05 |
godlygeek | Pelo: lexmark Z1300 | 01:05 |
plik | there must be a better native app that would work | 01:05 |
satokun | danbhfive: still here? busy? | 01:05 |
connor | my printer is the hp deskjet 1220c | 01:05 |
Danish989 | wolf23: you installed the drivers? | 01:06 |
danbhfive | satokun: still here | 01:06 |
Pelo | godlygeek, I think you are out of luck , unless lexmark can emulate another format | 01:06 |
plik | failing that there are certainly better media players that do work under wine -- eg foobar2000 | 01:06 |
connor | hey pelo | 01:06 |
orudie | how can i tell if i have mysql installed and which version | 01:06 |
Mattevt | If there's another way to make my mp3 player compatible with ubuntu, I'm open to suggestions | 01:06 |
godlygeek | Mattevt: why not mplayer and the restricted formats? | 01:06 |
connor | winamp | 01:06 |
connor | wine+winamp | 01:06 |
connor | what mp3 player? | 01:06 |
=== insomnia_ is now known as Insomniak | ||
Pelo | connor, look for another hp deskjet model with a numbet that is close to it , drivers support several models, like 1200 c or someting | 01:06 |
medfly | how do i make my microphone work if the usual path (of messing with volume control) fails? | 01:06 |
Mattevt | connor: Sansa View | 01:06 |
connor | hmm | 01:06 |
connor | idk | 01:07 |
zionpsyfer | orudie: dpkg -L mysql (or mysql-server) | 01:07 |
Danish989 | medfly, try this | 01:07 |
connor | i tried the 1200c | 01:07 |
connor | it didnt work :( | 01:07 |
hlc | how do I install java JRE? I have an error in openoffice that tells me it requires a java runtime environment. | 01:07 |
Pelo | Mattevt, try asking in #winehq | 01:07 |
Danish989 | medfly: try, sudo alsamixer | 01:07 |
luderacer | xmms is a good mp3 player Mattevt | 01:07 |
connor | my printer is the hp deskjet 1220c, could someone help me find the drivers? I can't find them | 01:07 |
Gerinych | how do i get grub to boot win2k | 01:07 |
Wolf23 | Danish989: just tell me how? | 01:07 |
Pelo | connor, try others, in the same general family | 01:07 |
=== Insomniak is now known as Saki | ||
satokun | danbhfive: excellent. I managed to tap into the drive working as root and found the menu.lst. Now I have the whole thing, and I think I may have found the problem. It points to my old installation twice, on two different partitions of the same drive. | 01:07 |
connor | I DID | 01:07 |
connor | it didnt help | 01:07 |
Mattevt | luderacer: is it compatible with many mp3 players? | 01:07 |
Danish989 | Wolf23: I installed using the synaptic application manager | 01:07 |
Pelo | Gerinych, isn't it listed ? | 01:07 |
satokun | danbhfive: problem is I never figured out which one of those partitions boots. | 01:07 |
Mattevt | pelo: okay thank you | 01:07 |
connor | how can i mange my printer drivers? | 01:07 |
Gerinych | Pelo, where? | 01:07 |
_adriaan | danbhfive: well, thanks for the suggestion, it looks alright (yes, it is a text game) | 01:08 |
luderacer | xmms think so | 01:08 |
Pelo | Gerinych, when you boot in the grub boot menu ? | 01:08 |
medfly | Danish989, mic is at full volume and not muted | 01:08 |
Gaint_Laptop | hey guys, I just got ndiswrapper to install, but when I try to connect to a wireless network, it acts like it has connected and shows the power bar, but I cannot get an IP address.. any suggestions? | 01:08 |
orudie | zionpsyfer, are you sure, it says mysql is not installed | 01:08 |
Gerinych | Pelo, it is, but it gives out some kind of a disk read error | 01:08 |
danbhfive | _adriaan: np | 01:08 |
Wolf23 | Danish989: are u helper friend? | 01:08 |
=== Saki is now known as anabol | ||
Pelo | Gerinych, what number ? | 01:08 |
connor | my printer is the hp deskjet 1220c, could someone help me find the drivers? I can't find them | 01:08 |
=== anabol is now known as D-bol | ||
Gerinych | Pelo, number? | 01:08 |
danbhfive | satokun: your new installation should be bootable, just like the old one | 01:08 |
Danish989 | Wolf23: not really, I'm just a newbie at the moment like you | 01:08 |
hlc | pelo, I have an error in openoffice that says I need a java runtime environment, how do I install a java JRE? | 01:09 |
Danish989 | Wolf23: I tried helping as much as I could, but your problem seems bigger .. | 01:09 |
grom358 | anyone know of software on ubuntu that can open crystal reports? | 01:09 |
medfly | Danish989, thanks though :) | 01:09 |
satokun | danbhfive: I know, but when I boot from that disk I'm getting the 21 from grub. | 01:09 |
zionpsyfer | orudie: the package name of the client is 'mysql-client-5.0'. | 01:09 |
Pelo | hlc, check in synaptic in the admin menu | 01:09 |
Uplink | Um... not even picks it up! i have a trouble with my webcam :( | 01:09 |
Wolf23 | Danish989: ok thanx :), but u know if u see the screen hurts the eye of anyone its too bad :( | 01:09 |
david_-_- | need some help on this post with some errors i am getting.. | 01:09 |
danbhfive | satokun: 21 error I believe means that the menu.lst is pointing to the wrong location | 01:09 |
Wolf23 | Pelo: i have this problem | 01:10 |
Pelo | Gerinych, grub errors are usualy error 22 or someoting , what was the error you got ? | 01:10 |
danbhfive | satokun: how many harddrives are we working with? | 01:10 |
Pelo | connor, | 01:10 |
zionpsyfer | orudie: There is also a meta package named mysql-client that should work as well | 01:10 |
Pelo | Wolf23, what problem ? | 01:10 |
Wolf23 | Pelo: on nvidia x server setting ,i got this message --> You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server. | 01:10 |
Gerinych | Pelo, oh, then I'll have to check | 01:10 |
connor | I tried that page | 01:10 |
satokun | danbhfive: I figured that out but I looked over the menu.lst and it looks fine. | 01:10 |
con-man | is a 64 bit Hardon in my best interests? will my 32 bit apps run ok? | 01:10 |
Gaint_Laptop | hardon...? | 01:11 |
con-man | hery | 01:11 |
satokun | danbhfive: well, as far as I can tell. | 01:11 |
con-man | whatever | 01:11 |
=== D-bol is now known as Anabol | ||
Gaint_Laptop | you've got a 64bit hardon? | 01:11 |
Gaint_Laptop | wow | 01:11 |
Pelo | Wolf23, open a terminal type sudo nvidia-xconfig then restart x with alt ctrl backspace | 01:11 |
mneptok | Gaint_Laptop: let it go | 01:11 |
con-man | Gaint_Laptop: 8.04 | 01:11 |
Gaint_Laptop | sorry... class is boring | 01:11 |
DefineKThyne | can someone help me install "C-Shell"? | 01:11 |
con-man | hardy | 01:11 |
con-man | whatever | 01:11 |
axion | he's con-ning you guys.. | 01:11 |
Pelo | connor, that's the only help I can supply | 01:11 |
con-man | axion: lol, but no im not | 01:11 |
jarens | hi | 01:11 |
sergiu_ | hardon .. :D | 01:11 |
jarens | with ubuntu 7.10, my openoffice only displays the tool bars in text | 01:11 |
axion | hard-on ? | 01:11 |
con-man | they could have picked a better name :( | 01:11 |
jarens | what's wrong ? | 01:12 |
danbhfive | satokun: how about the other menu.lst, not only should that be good too, they should match. They don't really need to match, but why not. Im pretty sure your system will only use one of them, for both installations | 01:12 |
miyarstim | does a 64bit hardon mean you have greater precision during entry | 01:12 |
con-man | whats the benefit of 64 bit? | 01:12 |
zionpsyfer | That stopped being funny four weeks ago. =| | 01:12 |
orudie | zionpsyfer, mysql-client-5.0 is already the newest version. | 01:12 |
mneptok | con-man: do you have >4GB memory? | 01:12 |
con-man | !op | miyarstim | 01:12 |
ubottu | miyarstim: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpatrick or jussi01! | 01:12 |
orudie | miyarstim, mysql-server returns not found | 01:12 |
con-man | mneptok: I can | 01:12 |
con-man | mneptok: I have 2 | 01:12 |
zionpsyfer | orudie: K, so if you got that while trying to install the client.... then you have it installed. | 01:13 |
mneptok | con-man: use 32bit | 01:13 |
Uplink | Um... not even picks it up! i have a trouble with my webcam :( | 01:13 |
con-man | mneptok: I can buy more in a hearbit | 01:13 |
Pelo | connor, try in generic pcl3 printer | 01:13 |
connor | ? | 01:13 |
Uplink | when i plug my webcam into the USB port the light doesnt even turn on :( | 01:13 |
satokun | danbhfive: now there's a thought. I worry though that since one works and one doesn't dead copying the one that doesn't seem to over the one that does (even if it's backed up) will leave me in worse shape. | 01:13 |
con-man | beat | 01:13 |
Pelo | connor, for your driver | 01:13 |
connor | do wha tnow | 01:13 |
connor | what now* | 01:13 |
danbhfive | satokun: no no, dont copy. fix | 01:13 |
mneptok | con-man: complain to Adobe, who make no 64-bit Flash plugin for any platform | 01:13 |
orudie | zionpsyfer, orudie@ubuntu:~$ mysql-server | 01:13 |
orudie | -bash: mysql-server: command not found | 01:13 |
Tom64 | hi. I've got a C2D macbook. How do I boot the live cd on it? | 01:14 |
Gerinych | Pelo, it gives no error number. The only thing it says is that there's a disk error and you have to use CtrlAltDel to restart | 01:14 |
connor | what do i do for the driver? | 01:14 |
jarens | any idea why I can't get the icons in openoffice in the tool bars ? | 01:14 |
satokun | danbhfive: and even if I remove the old drive, I get the same error. .Fix? | 01:14 |
danbhfive | satokun: if you pastebin menu.lst and tell me the layout of your drive, I can help | 01:14 |
Pelo | Gerinych, does this look like a windows error ? | 01:14 |
con-man | mneptok: ok lets pretend I have 4 GB of ram, are there any disadvantages to 64 bit? | 01:14 |
Wolf23 | Pelo: | 01:14 |
eboyjr | What would I set a chmod folder of /var/www/ for apache files? And... how can I get the chmod of something? | 01:14 |
lenovo | my god | 01:14 |
nickellery | Tom64: have you attempted to restart the computer with the CD inside the drive? | 01:14 |
satokun | danbhfive: will do. but where is pastebin again? | 01:14 |
mneptok | con-man: no Flash. few third party native packages. | 01:14 |
Pelo | Wolf23, waht is that ? | 01:14 |
danbhfive | !pastebin | satokun | 01:14 |
ubottu | satokun: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 01:14 |
Gerinych | Pelo, no, not really, when i choose win2k in grub, it instantly gives out this error | 01:14 |
con-man | mneptok: 32 bit it is | 01:15 |
satokun | on it | 01:15 |
Pelo | Gerinych, pastebin your /boot/grub/menu.lst file | 01:15 |
Gaint_Laptop | has anyone gone through installing/configuring ndiswrapper? I'm having problems obtaining an IP address, the forums have been of no help thus far | 01:15 |
zionpsyfer | orudie: The server is a different package. The client is able to connect to and query both local and remote DBs. The server is the actual database itself. I can probably be a little more helpful if you tell me what you're trying to do. | 01:15 |
Tom64 | nickellery: no, the cd is downloading now, I'm just wondering what to do. Do I just put it in the drive and restart, or do I have to hold something down? | 01:15 |
Pelo | Wolf23, run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 01:15 |
Wolf23 | Pelo: this when i do sudo nvidia-xconfig | 01:15 |
connor | it works | 01:15 |
connor | :) | 01:15 |
shachaf | Is restricted-manager no longer used in Hardy? Trying to install ubuntu-desktop says it will be removed. | 01:15 |
orp1 | any one now a good software to make virtual cdrom | 01:15 |
tdoggette | How can I get rid of the one-pixel border on the left edge of my maximized Firefox window? | 01:15 |
Pelo | connor, congrats | 01:15 |
connor | thanks | 01:15 |
connor | i had a ppd and didnt know what to do with it | 01:15 |
connor | but now I do | 01:15 |
Y-Town | whats the command to clean orphan files off your system? | 01:16 |
orudie | zionpsyfer, i'm trying to check which mysql server version i have installed | 01:16 |
danbhfive | Y-Town: I use gtkorphan | 01:16 |
hwilde | vsftp is ridiculous how do I get it to let me log in ?? | 01:16 |
Pelo | connor, ppd ? | 01:16 |
connor | yeah | 01:16 |
connor | .ppd | 01:16 |
connor | its a printer format file for drivers | 01:16 |
axion | orp1, mkisofs | 01:16 |
Pelo | no idea what that is | 01:16 |
Y-Town | danbhfive: dunno that one :o) | 01:16 |
DG19075 | Hey all I have a nice PNG image from Ubuntu_art that was meant to replace the original menu bar, but having trouble working with gconf to put it on | 01:16 |
Gerinych | Pelo, | 01:16 |
danbhfive | Y-Town: but sudo apt-get autoremove might be what you are looking for | 01:16 |
Pelo | oh | 01:16 |
connor | i redownloaded it from that link you gave it | 01:16 |
Wolf23 | Pelo: i got this | 01:16 |
mneptok | Postscript Printer Description | 01:17 |
Pelo | Gerinych, what's thje /dev/sd*** of your windows partiton ? | 01:17 |
connor | i had it originally, i deleted it, redownloaded it, and found out how to use it on my own | 01:17 |
Y-Town | danbhfive: I think its something like apt-get remove orphan | 01:17 |
connor | by looking through the printer settings | 01:17 |
connor | ya | 01:17 |
eboyjr | What would or SHOULD I set a chmod for a folder of /var/www/ for apache files? And... how can I get the chmod of something? | 01:17 |
Pelo | Wolf23, that just means it made a backup , can't you read ? is it working now ? | 01:17 |
zionpsyfer | orudie: To see the version of mysql server that is installed, run this: 'dpkg -l mysql-server-5.0' in a terminal. | 01:17 |
Hejknarneeeeee | any1 else who gets flickering ingame text in world of warcraft? | 01:17 |
Uplink | when i plug my webcam into the USB port the light doesnt even turn on :( | 01:17 |
connor | hmm | 01:17 |
Uplink | anyone? please help :( | 01:17 |
connor | do you have to install drivers | 01:18 |
connor | hey uplin | 01:18 |
Starnestommy | eboyjr: ls -l shows permissions | 01:18 |
Uplink | really? | 01:18 |
connor | uplink* | 01:18 |
connor | do you have AIM? | 01:18 |
Wolf23 | Pelo: after that what can i do , restart x or there is an error? | 01:18 |
FloodBot2 | connor: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 01:18 |
Gerinych | Pelo, im not sure but i definetly got the right hd/partition because if it's wrong, it would give out another error | 01:18 |
Uplink | connor, the drivers are for windows... its an HP webcam | 01:18 |
legend2440 | Y-Town: | 01:18 |
* xpoint wish "apt-get remove_all_dselected" | 01:18 | |
connor | hmm | 01:18 |
connor | do you have WINE? | 01:18 |
eboyjr | Starnestommy, Thanks.. and what do you think I should set the chmod of /var/www/ ? | 01:18 |
Uplink | yes, but i dont know how to use it | 01:18 |
Pelo | Gerinych, pastebin your whole menu.lst file please | 01:18 |
connor | you might be able to install the drivers with WINE | 01:18 |
connor | ok | 01:18 |
connor | uplink | 01:18 |
Starnestommy | eboyjr: 744 | 01:18 |
Uplink | really? :D | 01:18 |
connor | do you have AIM? | 01:18 |
Rolcol | What is a good bittorrent client for my ubuntu server? | 01:18 |
FloodBot2 | connor: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 01:18 |
Uplink | YES :D | 01:18 |
connor | whats your screen name | 01:18 |
nickellery | Tom64: You have to insert the CD, and restart the computer. For more information: | 01:19 |
Starnestommy | Rolcol: rtorrent | 01:19 |
sergiu_ | the hardy heron is the best | 01:19 |
Uplink | did u get my notice? | 01:19 |
Pelo | Wolf23, that wasn,T an error , restart x | 01:19 |
connor | no | 01:19 |
=== sergiu_ is now known as sergiuu | ||
eboyjr | Starnestommy, Thank you.. that sounds good. | 01:19 |
connor | whats your screen name | 01:19 |
Uplink | carlosrc007 | 01:19 |
Gerinych | Pelo, | 01:19 |
Uplink | ^^ | 01:19 |
Pelo | Gerinych, your windows is on a seperate hdd ? | 01:19 |
Gerinych | Pelo, | 01:19 |
Gerinych | Pelo, sorry | 01:19 |
Gerinych | Pelo, yeah, but only my win2k | 01:20 |
Y-Town | legend2440: Thanks :o) | 01:20 |
Pelo | Gerinych,ok hold on I have a solution for you | 01:20 |
aLeSD | hi all again | 01:20 |
SeaPhor | whats the comand that used to be "alias"? for shortening cmds? | 01:21 |
aLeSD | do u know how to make awn and emerald start at login ? | 01:21 |
wargun | saludos | 01:21 |
zionpsyfer | orudie: If you're not comfortable in the terminal, synaptic will also show you the version you have installed. Just search for mysql-server and it will list it in one of the columns. | 01:21 |
orudie | zionpsyfer, my ubuntu is text based | 01:21 |
Pelo | Gerinych, | 01:21 |
Wolf23 | Pelo: back, still nthing change :(( | 01:21 |
danbhfive | satokun: hows it going? | 01:22 |
Pelo | Wolf23, what is wrong with your display ? | 01:22 |
richar1 | hi - can someone explain the difference between "synaptic package manager" "update manager" and "add/remove" ? | 01:22 |
Gerinych | Pelo, is this gonna affect my vista boot? | 01:22 |
zionpsyfer | orudie: yeah, I kinda figured you were at a shell by the apt responses. =) Did you get the version alright? | 01:22 |
Pelo | Gerinych, I don'T know why it should | 01:22 |
Wolf23 | Pelo: and my eyes are hurting me coz the screen brgting colors | 01:22 |
Danish989 | Richar1: add/remove is the list of what you have installed and what not | 01:22 |
Danish989 | Richar1: synaptic package manager lets you search for and install packages and software | 01:23 |
satokun | danbhfive: | 01:23 |
danbhfive | richar1: they use a similar backend, the difference is what-you-see-is-what-you-get | 01:23 |
Pelo | Wolf23, just play with the settings on your monitor , this has notnig to do with xorg | 01:23 |
Starnestommy | richar1: synaptic manages software packages, the update manager updates installed software, and the add/remove program is a very simple frontend to synaptic | 01:23 |
Danish989 | Richar1: update manager is for instaling what you already have | 01:23 |
Gerinych | Pelo, because vista's on my hd0,0 | 01:23 |
Wolf23 | Pelo: the screen looks like hurting my eyes, i cant see very well the colors | 01:23 |
grom358 | anyone know of software on ubuntu that can open crystal reports? | 01:23 |
skinnymg1 | hey everyone hows it goinf | 01:23 |
skinnymg1 | going* | 01:23 |
SiCkNeSs- | good | 01:23 |
richar1 | Danish989: ok - thanks. so basically, they're all just different uis to the same underlying repos & framework? | 01:23 |
Pelo | Gerinych, this just tells grub to lie to windows 2k so it thinks it's on the first hdd | 01:23 |
shachaf | So what do people usually use for virtualization now? | 01:23 |
Danish989 | richar1: pretty much, yeah | 01:24 |
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Wolf23 | Pelo: no not from the monitor,coz i try several times | 01:24 |
Gerinych | Pelo, oh, ok ill try that | 01:24 |
* shachaf is looking at virt-manager. Is there supposed to be a kvm option? | 01:24 | |
Staticwave_Ace | hello all, just upgraded my 1420n to 8.04, and I've lost sound, and NO does not fix the problem, however, unloading all modules using alsa reload does restore sound, how can I make this work on every reboot? | 01:24 |
Starnestommy | richar1: not exactly. The update manager doesn't install anything, it just updates what's already installed | 01:24 |
hellmet | man.. there are nearly 1400 people inside.. the last time I came.. was over an year back.. and there were about 1/4 of this.. | 01:24 |
richar1 | Danish989: cool. thx for the response. | 01:24 |
Pelo | Wolf23, is this a laptop ? | 01:24 |
eboyjr | I have a folder set as 766. and I can't create a folder inside it with Archive Manager! Why is that? | 01:24 |
danbhfive | satokun: so you have 3 harddrives? | 01:24 |
Wolf23 | Pelo: no | 01:24 |
Danish989 | Richar1: No prob :) | 01:24 |
Pelo | Wolf23, a crt ? a lcd ? | 01:24 |
Wolf23 | Pelo: my monitor is hewlett packard d5258A | 01:24 |
Pelo | Wolf23, do you think I know monitor model numbers ? | 01:25 |
Pelo | Wolf23, lcd or crt ? | 01:25 |
satokun | danbhfive: yes. plus various little usb drives I disconnected during the install, but those theree are the relevant ones | 01:25 |
richar1 | Starnestommy: but doesn't synaptic do upgrades too? | 01:25 |
nano_ | hey guys, what is a good wireless network detection application that can sit in my gnome panel? | 01:25 |
Starnestommy | richar1: the update manager manages that | 01:25 |
KooperKool | hi | 01:25 |
Wolf23 | Pelo: what is lcd or crt? | 01:25 |
zionpsyfer | eboyjr: You the owner of the folder? | 01:25 |
danbhfive | satokun: well, your fstab doesn't list them all. How does your other menu.lst look? | 01:25 |
earthsound | i was running kubuntu 7.10 & used the adept-manager version upgrade button, but it crashed near the end of the process & mentioned that it was going to run a repair script of some time, but the GUI froze before it ran it and before I could get a screen capture of the command | 01:25 |
richar1 | nano_: nm-applet? part of network manger | 01:26 |
cheeseboy | hi | 01:26 |
richar1 | Starnestommy: got it. thx | 01:26 |
earthsound | does anyone know what the script/command is to do a version upgrade repair, to make sure everything is cleaned up? | 01:26 |
KooperKool | hi | 01:26 |
cheeseboy | anyone know tool for video capture? | 01:26 |
eboyjr | zionpsyfer, How do I find out? I don't think so though... its /var/www/ | 01:26 |
Pelo | Wolf23, liquid cristal display or catodic ray tv type thing | 01:26 |
trident523 | !hi | KooperKool | 01:26 |
ubottu | KooperKool: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 01:26 |
satokun | danbhfive: I'll pastebin it for you. sorry for the delay, I'm running between my backup laptop and the system itself. | 01:26 |
Jabroni5 | hey, guess what, i have a resolution issue trying to run 8.04 via. Parallels -- any xorg.conf tutorial recommendations? lol | 01:26 |
wargun | como se llama el canal d ubuntu en espanol | 01:26 |
nano_ | richarl: ill try that | 01:26 |
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Starnestommy | !es | wargun | 01:26 |
Pelo | !es | wargun | 01:26 |
ubottu | wargun: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda. | 01:26 |
Wolf23 | Pelo: normal its a pavilion 14 | 01:26 |
=== u^A_ is now known as u^A | ||
* Pelo wins | 01:26 | |
KooperKool | What is a good Program that will let me run Windows. (e.g. VirutalBox, Virutal PC, Parellels) | 01:26 |
nano_ | richarl: that doesn't detect wireless networks | 01:27 |
eboyjr | wargun, #ubuntu-es | 01:27 |
trident523 | !corh Jabr | 01:27 |
ubottu | Factoid corh jabr not found | 01:27 |
Ryan52 | I have this line: "d-i tasksel/first multiselect ubuntu-desktop" in my preseed file and yet I am left with a command line only system once I turn on my computer. If I run "sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop" it tries to install 799 packages. Why weren't these installed during install time? | 01:27 |
danbhfive | satokun: do you have 2 installs of gutsy? | 01:27 |
Staticwave_Ace | hello all, just upgraded my 1420n to 8.04, and I've lost sound, and NO does not fix the problem, however, unloading all modules using alsa reload does restore sound, how can I make this work on every reboot? | 01:27 |
trident523 | !xorg | Jabroni5 | 01:27 |
ubottu | Jabroni5: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: | 01:27 |
richar1 | nano_: sure it does... | 01:27 |
richar1 | nano_: or at least it detects mine :) | 01:27 |
Pelo | Wolf23, can you reply in the way I ask the quesitons instead of telling me models | 01:27 |
John_S | Has anyone here used nm-tool? It says I'm connected with "eth0" and yet I'm using wireless with interface wlan0, in fact my ethernet is totally unplugged. What am I missing? | 01:27 |
Scunizi | KooperKool: VMWare Server if you have your own install disks for win. get it from free | 01:27 |
Jabroni5 | ty ubottu!! | 01:27 |
SeaPhor | Pelo, can you tell me how to make an alias (shortcut in cli) for sync; echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches | 01:27 |
nano_ | richarl: what is the full name of the application you are talking about, is it "network-admin"? | 01:27 |
trident523 | !thanks | Jabroni5 | 01:27 |
ubottu | Jabroni5: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-) | 01:27 |
jerbear | i've got the source of an app with apt-get build-dep that i need to make some changes to... what's the "correct" way to build and deploy this package (and later reinstall the original package)? | 01:28 |
nano_ | richarl: i can't find network-manager on my system | 01:28 |
KooperKool | Scunizi: Wait, Server? I Just to have running. I dont want to have a server. | 01:28 |
zionpsyfer | eboyjr: Usually when I'm working in /var/www on my boxes, I'll either run 'gksudo nautilus' to edit as root, or if I'm in a terminal, I'll do a 'sudo -i' first. | 01:28 |
Jabroni5 | lol, good bot | 01:28 |
jerbear | sorry, apt-get source | 01:28 |
zionpsyfer | eboyjr: I can | 01:28 |
Pelo | Wolf23, screen brightness has nothing to do with x settings or with your video driver , it's part of the monitor, check the manual | 01:28 |
richar1 | nano_: it's just called nm-applet | 01:28 |
pure`eigenVector | KooperKool: VMWare server on hardy is a bit tedious... I don't think there's a straight forward install doc... if you're running gutsy I recommend it, otherwise do some searching for vmware-server and hardy | 01:28 |
Scunizi | KooperKool: not ubuntu server.. vmware server.. it allows you to do a direct install of another OS instead of using an "appliance" | 01:28 |
harris | help | 01:28 |
richar1 | nano_: it shows up in the top-right corner on the panel | 01:28 |
richar1 | nano_: and allows me to choose which wireless (or wired) network to connect to | 01:28 |
nano_ | richarl: not seeing anything | 01:29 |
zionpsyfer | eboyjr: ........ I can't say that it's the approved method of working in the webroot folder, but it is better than a chmod -R 777 to it for sure. | 01:29 |
harris | help | 01:29 |
Pelo | SeaPhor, not sure if this is what you want but shorcuts in linux are called symlink and the command is ln -s sources destination | 01:29 |
richar1 | nano_: what do you see? | 01:29 |
nano_ | richarl: might i add, im running hardy heron | 01:29 |
nano_ | i see nothing | 01:29 |
Starnestommy | harris: what do you need help with? | 01:29 |
Wolf23 | Pelo: i have windows and linux, why windows resolution looks very nice and linux not? | 01:29 |
richar1 | nano_: me too | 01:29 |
Scunizi | KooperKool: don't get confused with "server".. You're current ubuntu install has several servers running in the background.. cups server, vnc.. etc. | 01:29 |
KooperKool | Scunizi: Oh. I thought you meant I had to have a server software (Windows Server 2003, Mac OS X Server edition, Server 2008, etc.) | 01:29 |
SeaPhor | Pelo, Thanks bro! | 01:29 |
Danish989 | richar1: are you on kubuntu or kde? | 01:29 |
pinno | can you embed screensavers into the desktop to animate the desktop ? | 01:29 |
KooperKool | i got it | 01:29 |
richar1 | Danish989: no - gnome | 01:29 |
Pelo | Wolf23, try this, in menu > system> prefs > appearance > font tab, subpixel hinting | 01:29 |
Danish989 | richar1: i had the same problem, btw | 01:30 |
harris | im using GUTSY and im having hard time installing the nvidia DRIVers i already have the | 01:30 |
Danish989 | richar1: I couldnt find it either | 01:30 |
happyzlz | Wolf23, Pelo , d5258A seems like a CRT | 01:30 |
Pelo | Wolf23, this is the problem at this point I'm not even sure I understand what the problem is , but I realy doudt it's from X or your driver | 01:30 |
harris | After you have downloaded the file '', | 01:30 |
harris | change to the directory containing the downloaded file, and as the 'root' user | 01:30 |
harris | run the executable: | 01:30 |
Scunizi | harris: why not just use the restricted drivers manager that's built in? | 01:30 |
KooperKool | Scunizi: What's the Website? | 01:30 |
eboyjr | zionpsyfer, I understand... thx | 01:30 |
richar1 | Danish989: if you're running K then the gnome-based applet won't work without grief ... (from what i remember running kde on fedora.) | 01:30 |
Scunizi | KooperKool: | 01:30 |
KooperKool | thankx!!! | 01:30 |
satokun | danbhfive: the menu.lst you requested is in the pastebin at 9335 | 01:31 |
Pelo | happyzlz, thanks for the info | 01:31 |
harris | no when I installed the restricted drivers built in | 01:31 |
zionpsyfer | eboyjr: No worries, hope I helped. | 01:31 |
Danish989 | richar1: I know, it's a pain :( | 01:31 |
WelshDragon | Hi, my dedicated server seems to constantly be using 50%+ IOWait. Is there a way to find out which process is causing it do that? | 01:31 |
harris | I cant boot to my desktop | 01:31 |
harris | no when I installed the restricted drivers built in,I cant boot to my desktop | 01:31 |
eboyjr | You definitely did | 01:31 |
Danish989 | harris: grub problem or busybox? | 01:31 |
pinno | can you embed screensavers into the desktop to animate the desktop ? | 01:31 |
John_S | Has anyone here used nm-tool? It says I'm connected with "eth0" and yet I'm using wireless with interface wlan0; in fact my ethernet is totally unplugged. What am I missing? | 01:31 |
laspertine | hey everybody! | 01:31 |
harris | ? | 01:31 |
richar1 | Danish989: i found that there's a bunch of cool stuff on kde available, but the basics work better on gnome so stuck with that (basics like playing videos, getting networking working etc.) | 01:31 |
Danish989 | harris: what is the problem, why cant ubuntu boot? | 01:32 |
Pelo | Danish989, he probably gets an command prompt , x fails to load because of a bad drier | 01:32 |
satokun | danbhfive: the answer is I don't know. | 01:32 |
legend2440 | using hardy with firefox 3b5. when i open bookmarks and right click 'sort by name' is grayed out. why? | 01:32 |
Scunizi | KooperKool: here's the link for the download page.. don't forget to click the link at the top of this page to get a serial number.. | 01:32 |
Danish989 | richar1: Yeah, KDE has a better music player, AmaroK | 01:32 |
zionpsyfer | harris: Have you run the .run file and completed the install? | 01:32 |
Gerinych | Pelo, everything works fine, thanks | 01:32 |
harris | I don't know | 01:32 |
danbhfive | satokun: the answer to what? | 01:32 |
KooperKool | VMware Server vs. VMware Workstation? | 01:32 |
nano_ | richarl: when you run "network-admin", do you get the same gui interface as for nm-applet? | 01:32 |
satokun | danbhfive: the first time I installed it that's just how it came out. accessing either drive gives me root. | 01:32 |
dimitree | Can someone tell me why Hardy changes my Desktop resolution every f time i reboot or play a game ? >: ( is there a way to fix that because it's frustrating me mad ! | 01:32 |
Pelo | harris, once you get that .bin file put it on your desktop, open a terminal type cd Desktop , sudo chmod +x filenename.bin , then sudo ./filename.bin | 01:32 |
laspertine | Does anyone here use openvpn to connect to their work computer? | 01:32 |
Scunizi | KooperKool: you'll also have to install build essential on your ubuntu box.. get to a terminal and type "sudo apt-get install build-essential" | 01:32 |
Wolf23 | Pelo: what can i do | 01:32 |
Pelo | Gerinych, congrats | 01:32 |
Danish989 | pelo: do you know anything about the BusyBox problem? | 01:32 |
satokun | danbhfive: err, either partition | 01:33 |
Pelo | Wolf23, no idea , check in the forum | 01:33 |
richar1 | nano_: yes - same thing as if i click on the applet | 01:33 |
harris | wait... okay illl try it | 01:33 |
rendero | hello, some thing is making my disk space, 0.2 gigas every day, how can i find what ? | 01:33 |
zionpsyfer | harris: Alright, we'll walk through it. You're either logged in or looking at a login screen correct? (black and white screen as you don't have X running) | 01:33 |
Pelo | Danish989, I don't even know what a busybox is , I 've never seen one | 01:33 |
nano_ | richarl: so nm-applet is the samething as network-admin | 01:33 |
Danish989 | Pelo: It's a pain in the ass, that's what it is | 01:33 |
dimitree | nevermind :) welcome back Windows XP wohooo | 01:33 |
nano_ | richarl: well anyways, richarl, i can't seem to detect any networks | 01:33 |
zionpsyfer | Pelo: Heh, sorry I missed you helping. =) | 01:33 |
Jabroni5 | is there an end all, be all resource for Hardy Heron and resolution issues? | 01:33 |
Pelo | Danish989, when do tyou get this , during hte install ? | 01:33 |
danbhfive | satokun: can you pastebin sudo fdisk -l ? | 01:33 |
Danish989 | pelo: ubuntu stops booting and you get a busybox command line .... | 01:33 |
mark[oz] | hey guys, how can I set up a raid 1 when installing 8.04? | 01:33 |
harris | YES | 01:33 |
richar1 | nano_: kinda. the applet runs in the panel and shows e.g. my network strength etc. the network-manager dialog lets me setup networking | 01:33 |
laspertine | Jabron, what resolution issues? | 01:34 |
Pelo | Danish989, when ? | 01:34 |
Danish989 | pelo: Ive read in forums, that people have gotten them while installing too, but I got it out of nowhere at boot | 01:34 |
satokun | danbhfive: I'll try. | 01:34 |
Jabroni5 | oh, just upgraded from 7.10 to 8.04 | 01:34 |
richar1 | nano_: does ifconfig show your wireless card? | 01:34 |
shachaf | pinno: xscreensaver can draw to the root window. | 01:34 |
Jabroni5 | i'm stuck in 600x800 is all | 01:34 |
Pelo | Danish989, have you recently upgraded ? | 01:34 |
Jabroni5 | i'm sure there's an easy way out, just haven't found the paperwork yet :( | 01:34 |
Danish989 | pelo: some people have said it's due to faulty shutdowns .. my ubuntu was working fine since 2 days, then suddenly, that started happening | 01:34 |
richar1 | nano_: does iwconfig "work"? | 01:34 |
Danish989 | pelo: nope, I didnt | 01:34 |
danbhfive | satokun: also, can you describe your grub menu as it appears? | 01:34 |
nano_ | richar1: maybe a reinstall of nm-applet is in order | 01:34 |
navin | hi | 01:34 |
richar1 | nano_: you're on kde? | 01:34 |
nano_ | richarl: yes it shows my wlan0 | 01:34 |
Pelo | Danish989, try booting the recovery mode ,that's all I can suggest | 01:34 |
=== edsoncanto is now known as edson | ||
shachaf | pinno: But GNOME normally hides the root window with nautilus, to draw the icons. | 01:34 |
mark[oz] | hey guys, how can I set up a raid 1 when installing 8.04? | 01:35 |
meheren | Hey I was wondering where a good starting place was to get a wirless card working? (it's a linksys WPC54G ver 4.) | 01:35 |
nano_ | richar1: but im running ndiswrapper | 01:35 |
mark[oz] | !raid | 01:35 |
ubottu | Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on and - For software RAID, see | 01:35 |
IntangibleLiquid | is there anyway to disable wifi when it's not in use? | 01:35 |
Pelo | !wifi | meheren | 01:35 |
ubottu | meheren: Wireless documentation can be found at | 01:35 |
Wolf23 | Pelo: :( | 01:35 |
meheren | Pelo, thanks | 01:35 |
Danish989 | pelo: I'm going to run checkdisk on the drive wubi installed on first .. then I'll try that | 01:35 |
Pelo | Jabroni5, reconfigure x , sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 01:35 |
WelshDragon | Hi, my dedicated server seems to constantly be 50%+ CPU IOWait Usage. Is there a way to find out which process is causing it do that? | 01:35 |
zionpsyfer | harris, alright log in if you haven't. You should be in your home directory. | 01:35 |
laspertine | Disable Wifi: right click on the connection manager . . . untick "enable wireless" | 01:36 |
KooperKool | Do I Download the: | 01:36 |
Starnestommy | WelshDragon: maybe top | 01:36 |
Pelo | WelshDragon, try asking in ##linux maybe | 01:36 |
harris | sh | 01:36 |
ahave | hello. I have a mplayer question.. on DVD playback I have audio, but I do not have video. Instead I get a scrambled pinkish image. Can anyone offer advice? | 01:36 |
KooperKool | .tar.gz, .rpm, or the .zip | 01:36 |
WelshDragon | Starnestommy, Top shows one thing using 2%, that's all | 01:36 |
onlyhuman | hello | 01:36 |
harris | sh | 01:36 |
WelshDragon | kk Pelo, will try | 01:36 |
satokun | danbhfive: how do I copy that from a terminal window? it just displays it. would I be able to access it through a text editor? | 01:36 |
harris | sh: Can't open | 01:36 |
Starnestommy | KooperKool: probably the .tar.gz | 01:36 |
Pelo | !enter | KooperKool | 01:36 |
ubottu | KooperKool: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 01:36 |
KooperKool | ok. There are 2. One Says: | 01:37 |
harris | whhheewww | 01:37 |
Pelo | harris, sudo chmod +x | 01:37 |
danbhfive | satokun: you can try sudo fdisk -l > a_text_file.txt | 01:37 |
zionpsyfer | harris: try this: 'cd Desktop' then type 'ls *.run' | 01:37 |
nano_ | richar1: what do you get when you run "network-manager-gnome" | 01:37 |
KooperKool | VMware Server for Linux. The core application needed to run VMware Server and interact with it on the local machine. TAR Binary. | 01:37 |
simon__ | hey | 01:37 |
richar1 | laspertine: do you know if that actually disables the card (i.e. for a plane?) | 01:37 |
nano_ | richar1: im assuming your running gnome | 01:37 |
richar1 | nano_: yes. | 01:37 |
KooperKool | The Other One: The VMware Server Web-based management interface. Install on your VMware Server system to enable control from a Web browser. Includes downloadable VMware Server Console installation files. | 01:37 |
Staticwave_Ace | hello all, just upgraded my 1420n to 8.04, and I've lost sound, and NO does not fix the problem, however, unloading all modules using alsa reload does restore sound, how can I make this work on every reboot? | 01:37 |
KooperKool | which one do I need? | 01:37 |
satokun | danbhfive: just a space for the output or do I need that greater-than? | 01:37 |
richar1 | nano_: network-manager-gnome doens't exist | 01:37 |
wynd | does ubuntu allow you to set static IPs? i've tried every method i can think of and it won't work | 01:38 |
Pelo | Staticwave_Ace, try removing pulseaudio, check in the forum for instructions | 01:38 |
nano_ | richar1: thank, i was just checking | 01:38 |
zionpsyfer | harris: Make sure you're in the same folder as the .run file. If you are, run the command Pelo gave you. That makes it executable. | 01:38 |
wynd | nm-applet, /etc/network/interfaces, ifconfig, etc. | 01:38 |
jawbrey | I'm trying to dual boot xp/ubuntu 8.04 (xp already installed), during the install when I need to partion a space there is no option for "Guided resize and use freed space", any suggestions? | 01:38 |
Staticwave_Ace | Pelo: thanks | 01:38 |
Pelo | wynd, in menu > syustm> admin> network | 01:38 |
mark[oz] | hey guys, how can I set up a raid 1 when installing 8.04? | 01:38 |
SeaPhor | Pelo, do you know how i would put a desktop shortcut to run a comand? | 01:38 |
KooperKool | ubuntu@ubuntu-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get install build-essential | 01:38 |
KooperKool | [sudo] password for ubuntu: | 01:38 |
KooperKool | Sorry, try again. | 01:38 |
KooperKool | [sudo] password for ubuntu: | 01:38 |
KooperKool | Reading package lists... Done | 01:38 |
KooperKool | Building dependency tree | 01:38 |
FloodBot2 | KooperKool: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 01:38 |
Jabroni5 | but, laspertine, do you know of ANY resolution related forums for Hardy Heron? and ty for your prior response | 01:38 |
Wolf23 | Pelo: thanx for helping me, but i cannot see any forum and the resolution hurts my eyes,so i have to reback to gutsy | 01:38 |
Wolf23 | nice helpers here | 01:38 |
danbhfive | satokun: you need the >. its this: sudo fdisk -l > any_name.txt | 01:38 |
satokun | on it. | 01:38 |
zionpsyfer | harris: You will also need to prepend the 'sh' command with 'sudo'. | 01:39 |
onlyhuman | Wolf23, huh? | 01:39 |
Pelo | jawbrey, step back to the desktop and use the gnome partiton editor in the system admin menu | 01:39 |
Gaint_Laptop | Been having problems with ndiswrapper obtaining an IP address, I can see and connect to the same wireless on windows, but when I try to connect in ubuntu (HH), it says its connected, but the connection information shows no IP addresses, just, I've looked through the ubuntu forums, and have tried everything that was there, but alas, still no IP | 01:39 |
dushich | #ubuntu-ru | 01:39 |
Pelo | SeaPhor, right click the destklp , create a new launcher | 01:39 |
mark[oz] | hey guys, how can I set up a raid 0 when installing 8.04? | 01:39 |
connor | how do i add images to use as a splash screen? | 01:39 |
Pelo | dushich, /join #ubuntu-ru | 01:40 |
xoob | hi, I'm trying to remaster the livecd for own purposes but don't understand how to activate nvidia drivers at livecd boot, how do I make the livecd boot with nvidia drivers in xorg? | 01:40 |
Danish989 | connor: through the settings in ubuntu | 01:40 |
Pelo | !theme | connor | 01:40 |
ubottu | connor: Find your themes at: - - - - - - - Also see !changethemes and | 01:40 |
zionpsyfer | !raid | mark[oz] | 01:40 |
ubottu | mark[oz]: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on and - For software RAID, see | 01:40 |
FloodBot2 | ubottu: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 01:40 |
SeaPhor | Pelo, cool, thanks, tryin to help a friend | 01:40 |
Wolf23 | onlyhuman: sorry but i cant use linux if the resolution still like this | 01:40 |
arthurmaciel | hi. I need to compile some programs, but gcc complains it cannot find stdio.h and other headers. Which package should I install? | 01:40 |
harris | harris@SPIDER101:~/Desktop$ ls | 01:40 |
Gaint_Laptop | !ndiswrapper Gaint_Laptop | 01:40 |
harris | | 01:40 |
ubottu | Gaint_Laptop: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 01:40 |
Gaint_Laptop | =( | 01:40 |
mark[oz] | zionpsyfer, they don't answer my question... they're setting up raids when the systrme is installed | 01:40 |
harris | That's what happen | 01:40 |
mark[oz] | I'm doing it at install | 01:40 |
Pelo | arthurmaciel, check in menu > system> admin < | 01:40 |
Pelo | arthurmaciel, check in menu > system> admin > synaptic package manager | 01:40 |
satokun | danbhfive: done. 9338 | 01:41 |
harris | harris@SPIDER101:~/Desktop$ ls | 01:41 |
harris | | 01:41 |
jawbrey | Pelo: when I did that it said my NTFS partion had 320GB of free space, which can't be true because it's already partioned for my xp install, think it will be ok to just partion more space for the ubuntu install? | 01:41 |
arthurmaciel | Pelo: I want to know the name of the package. The package manager can be apt-get or aptitude. | 01:41 |
zionpsyfer | harris: did it list your file? I ask because the Desktop is the default download dir for Firefox.. | 01:41 |
harris | yes | 01:41 |
harris | whhheezzzz | 01:41 |
Pelo | jawbrey, are you installing using wubi ? | 01:41 |
jawbrey | no | 01:42 |
zionpsyfer | harris: Ah, alright, if it spit the name back then you're in the right spot. run the command Pelo gave you 'chmod +x' | 01:42 |
Pelo | arthurmaciel, apt-cache search keyword | 01:42 |
jawbrey | I read that the Wubi is more of a temporary install, which I didn't want to do | 01:42 |
arthurmaciel | Pelo: thanks. | 01:42 |
nano_ | How can you tell if a kde application can run within gnome? (for example, K3b). | 01:42 |
Pelo | jawbrey, please use my nick when talking to me it helps me keep track | 01:42 |
danbhfive | satokun: well, as a side comment, I don't think you need more than one swap partition | 01:42 |
jawbrey | Pelo: no prob :) | 01:42 |
cheeseboy | anyone know tool for video capture? | 01:43 |
LinuxNIT | anyone know if there is a program to mount samba shares via a web browser? (mount not just browse like smb2www) | 01:43 |
satokun | danbhfive: main reason I'm clean installing 8.04. :D | 01:43 |
Pelo | jawbrey, ok this is what is going on , free space is not the same as unallocated space, you need unallocated space to install ubuntu on , in the partition editor you will resize the ntfs partiton to turn the free space into unallocated space | 01:43 |
harris | harris@SPIDER101:~$ chmod +x | 01:43 |
harris | harris@SPIDER101:~$ | 01:43 |
harris | nothing happens | 01:43 |
Pelo | cheeseboy, you desktop ? recordmydesktop-gtk | 01:43 |
danbhfive | satokun: does the 8.04 install show up in your grub menu? | 01:44 |
Jabroni5 | well said Pelo | 01:44 |
ahave_ | hello. I have a mplayer question.. on DVD playback I have audio, but I do not have video. Instead I get a scrambled pinkish image. Can anyone offer advice? | 01:44 |
Pelo | harris, nothing should be happening , it just changed the permission, now type ; sudo ./ | 01:44 |
=== tobias_ is now known as tobias | ||
satokun | danbhfive: when the 7.10 drive is selected in the BIOS, no. When the 8.04 is, I error out in GRUB, so I don't know. | 01:44 |
moon` | anyone use wireshark? | 01:44 |
cheeseboy | Pelo, no usb camera | 01:45 |
zionpsyfer | Pelo: I believe he'll need build-essential first as it compiles a module. | 01:45 |
danbhfive | satokun: you are selecting the drives via bios? | 01:45 |
Pelo | Jabroni5, i learned from experience, it's a hard concept for new linux users to grasp | 01:45 |
Starnestommy | moon`: I sometimes use it | 01:45 |
Pelo | cheeseboy, cheese then | 01:45 |
moon` | Starnestommy, think you could field a few quick questions for me? | 01:45 |
Starnestommy | moon`: maybe | 01:45 |
Pelo | zionpsyfer, I assumed he already had | 01:45 |
danbhfive | satokun: wait, I think I get it, you are choosing which drive to boot off of? | 01:45 |
Pelo | zionpsyfer, which one are we talking about here ? | 01:45 |
Jabroni5 | <-- notes that Pelo is a great multi-tasker | 01:45 |
jawbrey | Pelo: Thanks I'll make an attempt with the Gparted tool, generally how much unallocated space is good for the swap partion? | 01:45 |
* Pelo is getting confused | 01:45 | |
zionpsyfer | Pelo: harris. | 01:46 |
xoob | how do I activate nvidia drivers on the livecd? | 01:46 |
moon` | Starnestommy, well I just now got the program through apt-get install wireshark and when I open the capture interfaces option it doesn't show any available interfaces, do I need to configure something? | 01:46 |
zionpsyfer | Jabroni5: Agreed, herculean multitasker award to Pelo. | 01:46 |
Starnestommy | moon`: run it as gksudo wireshark | 01:46 |
harris | sudo: ./ command not found | 01:46 |
harris | harris@SPIDER101:~$ sudo ./ | 01:46 |
zionpsyfer | harris: run this: 'sudo sh ./' | 01:46 |
moon` | Starnestommy, ahh, dandi, thatnks | 01:47 |
moon` | thanks rather | 01:47 |
satokun | danbhfive: sorta. It asks me what drives have boot priority. I put the old at the top, I can boot the old. I put the new at the top, I error out. Oddly enough if the drive that has home is detected it errors out no matter what. But if I leave it undetected in the bios and run old, it shows up and works just fine. a headscratcher. | 01:47 |
Pelo | jawbrey, this is your first time installing ubuntu /lnux ? just make some unallocated space for ubuntu to install on , and use the guided install , let it make it's own choice, you'll need a bit of time running ubuntu to understand the partitionnning stuff, you can always chagne it later, for now, just let the installer do it | 01:47 |
harris | harris@SPIDER101:~$ sudo sh ./ | 01:47 |
harris | sh: Can't open ./ | 01:47 |
mavric | what do i have to do to get sun java in 8.04? | 01:47 |
Mattevt | can anyone help me mount my mp3 player, which shows up in "dmesg" as usb-storage. | 01:47 |
harris | I cant understand it i can open it last time | 01:47 |
danbhfive | satokun: can you describe the grub menu on the working one? | 01:47 |
Starnestommy | harris: what's the output of "file ./" ? | 01:47 |
danbhfive | satokun: do you have 2 possible gutsy installs to boot into on that one? | 01:48 |
Pelo | zionpsyfer, I don't think he'll need build-essential, the .run files is an installer, he's not actulay building anything I think | 01:48 |
zionpsyfer | harris: the filename isn't | 01:48 |
mavric | ive installed sun-java bin and ad ons packages, no java in firefox, what to do next? | 01:48 |
harris | harris@SPIDER101:~$ file ./ | 01:48 |
harris | ./ ERROR: cannot open `./' (No such file or directory) | 01:48 |
satokun | danbhfive: it gives me two sets of options both for 7.10. I've always just used the first one | 01:48 |
Pelo | harris, stop editing the command I give you , sudo ./ no sh anywhere in there | 01:48 |
zionpsyfer | Pelo: The nvidia driver will build a module if it cannot find one online. I've never had one found for me. :P | 01:48 |
bazhang | Mattevt: what brand of player | 01:48 |
shadowxp | where are the Compiz Desktop Effects settings located at in Kubuntu? Preferebly where i can customize the settings | 01:48 |
Mattevt | bazhang: Sansa view | 01:49 |
harris | ok ok | 01:49 |
harris | it running | 01:49 |
danbhfive | satokun: does the second work? | 01:49 |
harris | wrong spelling | 01:49 |
bazhang | Mattevt: that is the complete name? no numbers or anything? | 01:49 |
=== dime[away] is now known as dimensiOn | ||
Pelo | zionpsyfer, lets try it like this for now , if he gets an error we'll fix it, for now let's not confuse him | 01:49 |
mavric | sun-java bin....sun-java plugins, still no java in firefox | 01:49 |
satokun | danbhfive: I don't know, I've never used it. | 01:49 |
zionpsyfer | Pelo: Agreed. | 01:49 |
shachaf | Hmm. | 01:49 |
Mattevt | bazhang: yes Sandisk Sansa View | 01:49 |
Pelo | harris, linux is case sensitive, keep that in mind | 01:49 |
Starnestommy | mavric: are you using the i386 or amr64 version? | 01:49 |
shachaf | The DVD version of Ubuntu doesn't have Wubi? | 01:49 |
Starnestommy | *amd64 | 01:49 |
mavric | i386 | 01:49 |
harris | now now... here's the error ERROR: You appear to be running an X server; please exit X before | 01:49 |
harris | installing. For further details, please see the section INSTALLING | 01:49 |
harris | THE NVIDIA DRIVER in the README available on the Linux driver | 01:49 |
harris | download page at | 01:49 |
Hejknarneeeeee | Any1 encountered an ingame textflickering in world of warcraft just after entering world? | 01:50 |
FloodBot2 | harris: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 01:50 |
voi1 | I have no wireless all of a sudden (since fresh install Hardy) | 01:50 |
Starnestommy | harris: hit ctrl+alt+f2, log in, then type "sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop" | 01:50 |
harris | okkk im goind to,..... see u later | 01:50 |
meheren | is it safe to hotplug wireless cards? | 01:50 |
paulcros | Is there a way to configure exactly which applications to run at system boot up? | 01:50 |
meheren | (and hot-remove) | 01:50 |
Pelo | back later, | 01:50 |
meheren | or is there some command I should give the system before doing it? | 01:50 |
UnityDivide | paulcros, as in a viewable list? | 01:50 |
satokun | danbhfive: want me to try booting to it? | 01:50 |
USN1520 | paulcros if you install bum you can adjust services | 01:51 |
paulcros | UnityDivide, I mean a .conf file or somthing. | 01:51 |
jtwrite | yep\ | 01:51 |
jtwrite | .vonf | 01:51 |
danbhfive | satokun: sure | 01:51 |
DefineKThyne | how do i create a folder in the /var/spool directory? | 01:51 |
satokun | danbhfive: okay, back in a few. | 01:51 |
jtwrite | you dont | 01:51 |
meheren | DefineKThyne, you don't want to | 01:51 |
paulcros | USN1520, bum? sudo apt-get install bum? | 01:51 |
USN1520 | you got it | 01:51 |
jtwrite | no you fuck you all | 01:51 |
Jabroni5 | is it advisable to edit the xorg.conf file to enable higher resolution/color depths in Hardy Heron on Parallels? | 01:52 |
SilverStreak | I have a separate /swap partition that failed to initialize at startup, is there any way I can initialize it now? | 01:52 |
jawbrey | Pelo: Yes this is my first time installing Ubuntu, also first experience with linux. If I make some unallocated space for the Ubuntu install and use the guided install option, the only option I have is "Guided - use entire disk" - won't that delete my windows installation? | 01:52 |
DefineKThyne | meheren: i'm trying to install a printer, and the terminal gives me errors saying that the folders it needs in there don't exist. | 01:52 |
Jabroni5 | Pelo is afk for a few, Jawbrey | 01:52 |
meheren | jawbrey, yes it will | 01:52 |
TheLastDodo | Jawbrey: Yes, it will. | 01:52 |
USN1520 | I am getting networkmanager output during my login processes, any idea how to stop it? | 01:52 |
Laibsch | I wonder why anki which is in Debian is not in intrepid? | 01:52 |
jawbrey | ah | 01:52 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 145007 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] anki" [Wishlist,In progress] | 01:52 |
voi1 | anybody know how I get wireless back? | 01:52 |
USN1520 | voil how did you lose it | 01:53 |
meheren | DefineKThyne, I suppose you could try root (sudo su) | 01:53 |
voi1 | fresh install hardy | 01:53 |
arthurmaciel | see you. | 01:53 |
voi1 | wireless gone | 01:53 |
voi1 | using wire ruight now | 01:53 |
USN1520 | see the monitor up and right | 01:53 |
DefineKThyne | meheren: so would i need to manually create these folders from terminal as su? | 01:53 |
USN1520 | have to disconnect wired to set wireless | 01:53 |
Starnestommy | DefineKThyne: no, use sudo mkdir /var/spool/new-folder-name | 01:54 |
DefineKThyne | Starnestommy: thanks | 01:54 |
bazhang | Mattevt this is for gutsy; let me check for hardy | 01:54 |
jawbrey | meheren/TheLastDodo - how can I dual boot xp/ubuntu without the option "Guided resize and use freed space", which I DO NOT see when I try to install. XP is already installed too | 01:54 |
meheren | DefineKThyne, or if you want after you login as root run the command nautilus - that would give you a gui | 01:54 |
USN1520 | left click to select wireless ap once wired us unhooked | 01:54 |
voi1 | nothing there when no wire con nected | 01:54 |
DefineKThyne | meheren: thanks for the tip:) | 01:54 |
satokun | danbhfive: it's booting now, but jsyk, the second option said it was on dev/hdc1 | 01:54 |
satokun | danbhfive: the other option doesn't specify what drive it's on | 01:54 |
satokun | *drive/partition | 01:54 |
meheren | DefineKThyne, np :P | 01:54 |
dell__ | Someone could be eavesdropping on you right now (man-in-the-middle attack)! | 01:54 |
dell__ | It is also possible that the RSA host key has just been changed. | 01:54 |
dell__ | The fingerprint for the RSA key sent by the remote host is | 01:54 |
dell__ | 48:2e:50:8c:36:87:4c:57:26:c7:13:35:56:64:db:c2. | 01:54 |
J-_ | Is there anything similr to kalarm for GNOME? Kalarm seems to be not working proper | 01:54 |
FloodBot2 | dell__: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 01:54 |
dell__ | Please contact your system administrator. | 01:54 |
Mattevt | bazhang: thank you | 01:54 |
ChrisColon | When I deactivate the 3D effects in Hardy Heron (doesn't work that well with ATI driver), applications in the task bar at the bottom in Gnome don't flash orange anymore to get attention when I get a new message in aMSN for example or another application wants to tell me it needs attention. Anyone seen this behavior and knows how to make it flash again? | 01:55 |
voi1 | cannot get info on ha=ow to fix wireless interenet without internet :-X | 01:55 |
mawenjun | i have a problem with network-admin. in the connection form .it's blank.howto recover?who can help me? | 01:55 |
SeaPhor | dell__, thats spyware, you on windows? | 01:55 |
Starnestommy | dell__: it means that someone changed that server's ssh key. You'll need to remove one of the lines from ~/.ssh/known_hosts to fix it | 01:55 |
danbhfive | satokun: looks like you have several installs of linux, eh? : ) | 01:55 |
Jabroni5 | i have an ATI x1900 w/ probs on HH Chris | 01:55 |
TheLastDodo | jawbrey: Well, it's been a while since I installed Ubuntu, but I'd do this: manually resize your Windows partition. Once you've done that, you'll have some free space. Quit the installer and fire it up again. This time, it'll detect the free space and give you an option to use that for your Linux and swap partitions. Use that and your Windows installation will be untouched. | 01:55 |
USN1520 | voil, disconnect the wired connection, left click on the monitor at the top right taskbar and select your ap then put your key in | 01:56 |
voi1 | tried that there is nothing there | 01:56 |
paulcros | USN1520, I installed the bum you mentioned. But its not what I wanted. I want to configure applications instead of services. | 01:56 |
Starnestommy | SeaPhor: an ssh key change does not usually mean that there's spyware | 01:56 |
satokun | danbhfive: I'd agree. this one looks like ubuntu did the first time I started it from the drive. | 01:56 |
meheren | does anyone know how I can safely remove pci cards? shut them down | 01:56 |
voi1 | no networks apear even with woreless enabled | 01:56 |
jawbrey | TheLastDodo - resize the Windows partion with Gparted? | 01:56 |
USN1520 | gotcha yeah bum wont do that | 01:56 |
Ex-Cyber | I recently installed Ubuntu 8.04; when I put a blank CD/DVD into my burner, it doesn't seem to be detected (I don't get a "what do you want to do with this disc" dialog); if I start a Brasero project manually, it says there's no disc, but already written CDs work as expected, and cdrecord can see the blank disc... what can I do to get the GUI burning tools to work? | 01:56 |
tenju | ok its official | 01:56 |
satokun | danbhfive: I believe it may be superfluous. | 01:56 |
dell__ | Starnestommy, which line? | 01:56 |
tenju | GRUB has Pissed me off | 01:56 |
USN1520 | voil what do u see by the speaker | 01:56 |
TheLastDodo | Jawbrey: Exactly. | 01:56 |
Starnestommy | dell__: pastebin the error | 01:57 |
tenju | I have tried everything and i can't load up my windows partition | 01:57 |
voi1 | the icon is there but there are no networks | 01:57 |
jawbrey | TheLastDodo/Pelo - Alrighty I'm off to try that, thanks for the help. | 01:57 |
USN1520 | right and there won't be as long as you are wired | 01:57 |
anoble | hey can someone help me with my NIC's and IPtables? | 01:57 |
bazhang | Mattevt | 01:57 |
DefineKThyne | can someone help me install csh? | 01:57 |
SeaPhor | Starnestommy, true, i thought he said he was on windows earlier and the man in the middle attack is released thru spywareon windows, sorry, I miss-read | 01:57 |
F1N1TY | 'lo all | 01:57 |
tenju | Anyone have any experience with Grub and XP instllations? | 01:57 |
anoble | bazhang: are you good with NIC's and IPtables? | 01:57 |
voi1 | Correction: the icon is there most of the time, although a couple of my attempts have made it disapear requireing rboot to make it come back | 01:58 |
Mattevt | bazhang: thanks!! | 01:58 |
earthsound | tenju: i have a little experience, what is the problem? | 01:58 |
anoble | tenju: i have one running XP and HH and one running Vista and HH | 01:58 |
F1N1TY | I have a question, I'm fairly new to it, but I'm trying to setup a LAMP server using Ubuntu Server Edition 8.04 | 01:58 |
DefineKThyne | wait nvm, Synaptic to the rescue | 01:58 |
tenju | ok | 01:58 |
danbhfive | satokun: on the hardy drive, do you have 3 options for booting, and you are saying that the first one gives you the grub 21 error? | 01:58 |
UnityDivide | dell__, That happened to me when I reinstalled my SSH server, and SSHed to it from a computer which had the old key saved, is that what you're doing? | 01:58 |
USN1520 | voil, but when you are wired, you cannot scan for aps | 01:58 |
bazhang | anoble: better to ask your question (all on one line) and whoever knows will answer | 01:58 |
F1N1TY | I need SSL access, as well, but it says that it's missing apach2-ssl-certification | 01:58 |
F1N1TY | IIRC | 01:58 |
tenju | I installed Ubuntu on a 40gig partition of my sata drive | 01:58 |
F1N1TY | (In the middle of reinstalling the server) | 01:58 |
meheren | !remove pci | 01:58 |
ubottu | Factoid remove pci not found | 01:58 |
tenju | and Grub is installed on hd0 | 01:58 |
USN1520 | you can try to set it manually... | 01:58 |
meheren | !pci | 01:58 |
ubottu | Factoid pci not found | 01:58 |
tenju | my windows parition is hd0,4 but yet | 01:59 |
satokun | danbhfive: the options never come up. it errors 21 just after starting grub 1.5 | 01:59 |
ChaosTheory_ | Even though I set my color settings in elinks, color is not showing up. Why? | 01:59 |
tenju | I can't get it to load | 01:59 |
Danish989 | out of context from ubuntu: when you check the Who Is by clicking on a person's name, the information, is that a 100% valid all the time? | 01:59 |
USN1520 | system > administr > network | 01:59 |
anoble | F1N1TY: sudo apt-get install PHP5 mysql-server mysql-client php5-mysql apache2 | 01:59 |
bazhang | meheren: what is your issue; you can /msg the bot in private | 01:59 |
dell_ | yep | 01:59 |
voi1 | nothing there even when unwired | 01:59 |
dell_ | UnityDivide - peace | 01:59 |
earthsound | tenju: you only have 1 HD? | 01:59 |
voi1 | I am two feet from my wireless router, which I know is working | 01:59 |
paulcros | UnityDivide, Right now I only could do part of the work in "system --preferences- session". But I am confused about the "Rember currently running applications ". I want know exactly which applications is running now. | 01:59 |
earthsound | tenju: w/ 4 partitions and Windows is on the 4th? | 02:00 |
USN1520 | but did your card install | 02:00 |
meheren | bazhang, I wish to remove my wireless card saftely | 02:00 |
mark[oz] | hey guys, I've set up raid 1 on my pc at home. I can see the raid when in the raid manager, but ubuntu sees two drives when I'm trying to install 8.04, any suggestions? | 02:00 |
voi1 | just tried one more time | 02:00 |
TheLastDodo | Danish989: Why do you ask? | 02:00 |
tenju | actually | 02:00 |
tenju | its onlye 3 paritions | 02:00 |
anoble | can someone help me enable more then one NIC | 02:00 |
voi1 | yes installed restricted driver | 02:00 |
Mattevt | I'm sorry, this is probably the worst question ever. I'm used to unpackaging things in Winrar...I don't really know what to make of the "tar.gz" files | 02:00 |
tenju | i don't know why the 4th one is comming up | 02:00 |
bazhang | meheren: is this a pcmcia card; please clarify what you are trying to do | 02:00 |
tenju | yes its only one hardrive | 02:00 |
USN1520 | voil, try system > adminisistration > network and tell me what you see | 02:00 |
mrichman | hi all | 02:00 |
tenju | earthsound: check your PM | 02:00 |
mark[oz] | hey guys, I've set up raid 1 on my pc at home. I can see the raid when in the raid manager, but ubuntu sees two drives when I'm trying to install 8.04, any suggestions? | 02:01 |
Danish989 | TheLastDodo: Because I want to see if the person I was talkign to really is in sweden, I have a feeling it's someone I really know playing around with me | 02:01 |
anoble | can someone enable more then one NIC, right now the im trying to setup "network bridge" | 02:01 |
earthsound | tenju: i didn't receive a pm from you | 02:01 |
harris | hehehehhe wheezzzz.... I restart my CPU guys | 02:01 |
mrichman | Anyone know why users-admin is not challenging me for my password? | 02:01 |
voi1 | wireless connection is on, roaming mode enables | 02:01 |
harris | hehehehhehehe...... Prior to beginning the installation, you should exit the X server and kill all | 02:01 |
harris | OpenGL applications | 02:01 |
ahave_ | hello. I have a mplayer question.. on DVD playback I have audio, but I do not have video. Instead I get a scrambled pinkish image. Can anyone offer advice? | 02:01 |
earthsound | tenju: when you boot up, do you get a GRUB menu? | 02:01 |
UnityDivide | paulcros, ah, I'm not entirely sure how to do that | 02:01 |
Starnestommy | tenju: your nick might need to be registered to send PMs | 02:01 |
anoble | can someone enable more then one NIC, right now the im trying to setup "network bridge" | 02:01 |
musashi | i have several partitions that mount on boot and i'm always getting one of the wanting to check. i know i can use tune2fs to set it to once a month or something rather than 30 mounts, but i don't the exact command. anyone? | 02:01 |
harris | Prior to beginning the installation, you should exit the X server and kill all | 02:01 |
harris | OpenGL applications.... how can I stop the x server | 02:01 |
voi1 | how I usually have it since 7.04 | 02:01 |
USN1520 | voil, so unhook wired, reboot then left click on the network icon inthe taskbar | 02:01 |
miyarstim | Mattevt, google for "unpack tar bz" | 02:01 |
moon` | hmm another problem Starnestommy , anytime I start one of the interfaces it crashes | 02:01 |
mark[oz] | hey guys, I've set up raid 1 on my pc at home. I can see the raid when in the raid manager, but ubuntu sees two drives when I'm trying to install 8.04, any suggestions? | 02:02 |
tenju | Yes i get a grub menu | 02:02 |
Mattevt | okay thanks | 02:02 |
danbhfive | !fixgrub | satokun: maybe you should start over, so to speak. Try the "after windows" recovery method | 02:02 |
ubottu | satokun: maybe you should start over, so to speak. Try the "after windows" recovery method: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: | 02:02 |
harris | "Prior to beginning the installation, you should exit the X server and kill all | 02:02 |
harris | OpenGL applications".... how can I stop the x server? | 02:02 |
moon` | Starnestommy, any ideas? | 02:02 |
=== mysterycool is now known as mysterycool[7thD | ||
zionpsyfer | harris: join #zionpsyfer. | 02:02 |
anoble | can someone enable more then one NIC, right now the im trying to setup "network bridge" | 02:02 |
voi1 | tried already | 02:02 |
earthsound | how many entries are listed? | 02:02 |
Starnestommy | harris: do this: Hit Ctrl+Alt+F2, then log in at the console, the put in "sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop" | 02:02 |
USN1520 | ok do you use security | 02:02 |
Starnestommy | *then | 02:02 |
Jabroni5 | dang, who can read this fast? | 02:02 |
voi1 | not linux noob | 02:02 |
Starnestommy | moon`: I'm not sure | 02:02 |
anoble | can someone enable more then one NIC, right now the im trying to setup "network bridge" | 02:02 |
moon` | alright, thanks | 02:02 |
USN1520 | didnt assume so | 02:02 |
paulcros | UnityDivide, yeh. Guess I have to figure it out next time. | 02:02 |
UnityDivide | yea, sorry :/ | 02:02 |
satokun | danbhfive: problem - I don't have a floppy drive anymore. It actually died earlier today. | 02:02 |
USN1520 | sometimes if you install wired the other option is not there | 02:03 |
voi1 | yes buit cannot give password if network does not appear in the window. Manual connection already failed as well | 02:03 |
UnityDivide | ahave_, do you have an nvidia card installed? | 02:03 |
Starnestommy | anoble: sudo ifconfig NAME-OF-NIC up | 02:03 |
USN1520 | thats all | 02:03 |
earthsound | have you tried editing your menu.1st so that it's looking for Windows @ 0,3 instead of 0,4? | 02:03 |
TheLastDodo | harris: control-alt-backspace usually does the trick. | 02:03 |
danbhfive | satokun: do you have the livecd? | 02:03 |
meheren | bazhang, sorry I have a pcmcia card in my laptop and I am trying to remove it to insert a second one, to run lspci on it | 02:03 |
bazhang | anoble you need to specify exactly what you want to do and then those who know will answer-->that is non-simple process-->what is your end goal | 02:03 |
miyarstim | Mattevt, or "extract tar bz" | 02:03 |
TheLastDodo | harris: Meh, nevermind, misread and mixed up your name with another. | 02:03 |
ahave_ | UnityDivide, yes. nvidia geforce 7 series | 02:03 |
tenju | I have one HD it has Windows partition, Swap Partition, and EXt3 | 02:03 |
satokun | danbhfive: yes. both for 7.10 and 8.04 | 02:03 |
bazhang | meheren: best to power down; hot-plugging one of those could cook your motherboard | 02:03 |
UnityDivide | ahave_, do you know which version? | 02:04 |
USN1520 | voil, good luck | 02:04 |
mrichman | Anyone know why users-admin is not challenging me for my password? I tried gksu and sudo...same thing | 02:04 |
UnityDivide | ahave_, which version of the nvidia driver you are using that is | 02:04 |
mark[oz] | please, someone must have set up raid1 in ubuntu before? | 02:04 |
voi1 | :'( | 02:04 |
ahave_ | UnityDivide, should be most recent.. but how can i check? | 02:04 |
Punko3 | Hey guys | 02:04 |
Starnestommy | mrichman: you probably ran something else that needed gksudo or sudo a few minutes before runing users-admin | 02:04 |
tenju | This is what I"m getting from Fdisk | 02:04 |
shane2peru | mrichman, running what command? | 02:04 |
TheLastDodo | Afraid not, mark[oz]. Come back in 10 minutes or so and ask. This place gets a ton of traffic, someone who's on then may know. | 02:05 |
tenju | but yet when i try to root (hd0,4) it says its invalid Device | 02:05 |
bazhang | mark[oz] please see this | 02:05 |
bfallik | does "uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.2: host controller process error, something bad happened!" on Hardy mean I have a hardware problem? | 02:05 |
mrichman | shane2peru: trying to run users-admin | 02:05 |
tenju | earthsound: yes i have | 02:05 |
mrichman | shane2peru: the app runs, i just dont get superuser | 02:05 |
Punko3 | What type of system is best to use ubuntu, because anytime I try to boot it on my compaq or my dell laptop, it takes forever and never loads. | 02:06 |
shane2peru | mrichman, ohh, because it has a new unlock feature you will notice that it is locked when you open it. | 02:06 |
bfallik | i've looked around but found few recent breadcrumbs of similar problems | 02:06 |
anoble | Ok, im trying to setup this computer that has 3 NIC's to work as a "network Bridge" to the other Windows XP Pro Computer, when i plugin a cable from my router to any of the NICs they work, but when plugging in a cable from This Computer to the other computer it doesnt work, and the lights dont light up and neither computers read them. I want to setup "network bridging" using ip tables | 02:06 |
DefineKThyne | *holds breath for test page result* | 02:06 |
shane2peru | mrichman, you have to click unlock. :) | 02:06 |
UnityDivide | ahave_, which release of Ubuntu do you have installed? | 02:06 |
shane2peru | mrichman, it is a new hardy feature. | 02:06 |
bazhang | Punko3: this is the livecd; try the alternate cd | 02:06 |
Ronux | Been searching all day for this and having a cazy time. Is it possible to make a user have the same "rights" as root? | 02:06 |
ahave_ | UnityDivide, Gutsy | 02:06 |
billenium | I just selected ¨Extra¨ in Visual Effects, does this allow me to do that ¨cube¨ affect like the one in the youtube videos. If so how? Thanks :) | 02:06 |
Starnestommy | Ronux: using sudo, yes | 02:06 |
nekostar | being offline for a bit likely | 02:06 |
mrichman | shane2peru: yes, i know, but that option is greyed out | 02:06 |
Punko3 | Alright bazhang, is it a text based installer / | 02:06 |
danbhfive | satokun: use the livecd, and boot with that, and resetup grub using the directions. | 02:06 |
Danish989 | Billenium: I do believe you have to install some other things for that | 02:06 |
bazhang | Punko3: yes it is | 02:07 |
shane2peru | mrichman, hmm, let me check it out. | 02:07 |
Danish989 | billenium: like the compiz settings manager for one | 02:07 |
billenium | okay | 02:07 |
anoble | Ok, im trying to setup this computer that has 3 NIC's to work as a "network Bridge" to the other Windows XP Pro Computer, when i plugin a cable from my router to any of the NICs they work, but when plugging in a cable from This Computer to the other computer it doesnt work, and the lights dont light up and neither computers read them. I want to setup "network bridging" using ip tables | 02:07 |
UnityDivide | ahave_, I had a similar problem a while ago with Gutsy and my nVidia card, according to my googling, it's an issue with that particular version of the nVidia driver, if you restart X, or Log out/Log in, it should "fix" itself | 02:07 |
UnityDivide | well, the googling I did when I had the problem | 02:07 |
zionpsyfer | harris: rejoin. | 02:07 |
shane2peru | mrichman, I think that means you don't have permission to access that, are you the system admin? | 02:07 |
mark[oz] | bazhang, I really wanted my root to be raided | 02:07 |
Punko3 | bazhang, does ubuntu come built with the cubic multiple desktop display ? | 02:07 |
mark[oz] | I didn't want 3 hard drives in my machine | 02:07 |
mrichman | shane2peru: yep...i'm the only user on the system | 02:07 |
UnityDivide | ahave_, with Hardy and the latest nVidia driver (installed with Envy), I've had no problems | 02:07 |
shane2peru | mrichman, hmm, that is odd, how about when you run it from the menu? | 02:08 |
bazhang | Punko3: you need to install a package and then you can get it, provided you have a decent video card | 02:08 |
Danish989 | UnityDivide: what is Envy used for? | 02:08 |
mrichman | shane2peru: the menu is what i tried first, of course ;) | 02:08 |
ahave_ | UnityDivide, i am actually using a mythbuntu build of ubuntu.. so i will wait for the upgrade | 02:08 |
harris | hi Zion Im back | 02:08 |
shane2peru | mrichman, hmm, that is very odd. | 02:08 |
UnityDivide | Danish989, to install the latest versions of the nVidia and ATi drivers | 02:08 |
zionpsyfer | harris: Hi, rejoin #zionpsyfer | 02:08 |
shane2peru | mrichman, I'm not sure about that one, ask again, perhaps someone else will know. | 02:09 |
anoble | Ok, im trying to setup this computer that has 3 NIC's to work as a "network Bridge" to the other Windows XP Pro Computer, when i plugin a cable from my router to any of the NICs they work, but when plugging in a cable from This Computer to the other computer it doesnt work, and the lights dont light up and neither computers read them. I want to setup "network bridging" using ip tables | 02:09 |
Danish989 | UnityDividie: okie, thanks =) | 02:09 |
Punko3 | bazhang, where is the alternate download posted ? | 02:09 |
mrichman | shane2peru: i think i may have found out why....i am logged in via NX | 02:09 |
Punko3 | ah, nvm | 02:09 |
UnityDivide | Danish989, no problem :) | 02:09 |
Punko3 | bazhang, I noticed the checkbox, lol | 02:09 |
shane2peru | mrichman, hmm, not familiar with NX | 02:09 |
noys_ | i installed xchat and it took 200mb for dependencies, but when i remove it it gives me less space whats going on? | 02:09 |
noys_ | apt-get remove --purge xchat | 02:09 |
shachaf | Does the DVD version of Ubuntu not have Wubi? | 02:10 |
shane2peru | noys_, it doesn't remove all the dependencies | 02:10 |
noys_ | 756 kb? | 02:10 |
UnityDivide | ahave_, in the mean time, logging out and back in, or restarting X should fix the problem | 02:10 |
shane2peru | noys_, you have to run sudo apt-get autoremove | 02:10 |
ahave_ | UnityDivide, ok. i will try | 02:10 |
noys_ | aww | 02:10 |
nano_ | how can you tell if a certain kde program will run in gnome? | 02:10 |
shane2peru | noys_, that will get rid of the extra packages installed and not needed | 02:10 |
grte | nano_: They all can. | 02:10 |
dell_ | hey i have postfix setupi shard to get smtp auth setup? | 02:10 |
Danish989 | nano_: they all should .. you just have to install some kde packages form to | 02:10 |
Dr_willis | nano_, i havent really seen any kde apps that CANT run in gnome. | 02:10 |
Danish989 | nano_: for them too* | 02:10 |
lifi | hey, i have some trouble with my hardy... it freezes randomly :< without doing anything special, fresh install with nvidia modul. any idea? | 02:10 |
noys_ | shane2peru so apt-get autoremove xchat? | 02:11 |
grte | Ultimately they are all X applications, and X is universal. | 02:11 |
benpicco | I have an Intel 3945ABG Pro Wireless card, it works but hardy's iwl3934 driver does not support monitor mode - ipw3945 is said to provide it - so can I just install this one from | 02:11 |
anoble | : / hazbang no ones responded | 02:11 |
shane2peru | noys_, no, just suo apt-get autoremove that will clean up whatever was installed before and not needed now. | 02:11 |
anoble | Ok, im trying to setup this computer that has 3 NIC's to work as a "network Bridge" to the other Windows XP Pro Computer, when i plugin a cable from my router to any of the NICs they work, but when plugging in a cable from This Computer to the other computer it doesnt work, and the lights dont light up and neither computers read them. I want to setup "network bridging" using ip tables | 02:11 |
noys_ | aww thank you | 02:11 |
UnityDivide | anoble, are you using crossover cables? | 02:11 |
shane2peru | noys_, no problem | 02:11 |
danbhfive | satokun: i think this maybe out of my league, if you can't even get to a grub menu. You gota complicated setup | 02:12 |
bazhang | anoble this should apply to you | 02:12 |
ahave_ | UnityDivide, ok. that worked! thanks | 02:12 |
UnityDivide | ahave_, awesome! glad to hear it | 02:13 |
nano_ | Is there anything i should know, or be aware of, if i am running kde applications under gnome? | 02:13 |
ahave_ | UnityDivide, so you said this is a driver issue? | 02:13 |
fiyawerx | nano_, should be fine | 02:13 |
SilverStreak | not really nano_, they should run just fine | 02:13 |
jonny | Total newbie here, Does anyone have a minute to answer a quick question about "SoundConverter" | 02:13 |
shane2peru | nano_, it will install a lot of extra dependencies, but they should all run fine | 02:13 |
anoble | UnityDivide: White Orange - Orange - White Green - Blue - White Blue - Green - White Brown - Brown | 02:13 |
fiyawerx | other than needing to hvae the kdelibs installed as prereqs | 02:13 |
UnityDivide | ahave_, according to the article I read, yea | 02:13 |
grte | nano_: Resource usage will generally be higher than using just gnome apps or just kde apps. | 02:13 |
nano_ | Is running kde applications, common? | 02:14 |
nano_ | under gnome i mean. | 02:14 |
bazhang | nano_: aye | 02:14 |
shane2peru | nano_, only the initial kde program will install the extra dep's, after that you will be fine | 02:14 |
nano_ | aye = yes?? | 02:14 |
benpicco | is it possible | 02:14 |
benpicco | eww | 02:14 |
Starnestommy | nano_: yes | 02:14 |
Danish989 | nano_: 100% safe | 02:14 |
shane2peru | nano_, I ran Kopete for a long while | 02:14 |
shane2peru | nano_, under gnome, not problems | 02:14 |
Danish989 | nano_: thats how every desktop is different .. you create your own desktop :) | 02:14 |
jonny | anyone? | 02:15 |
shane2peru | nano_, what apps are you looking at? | 02:15 |
nano_ | some wifi stuff | 02:15 |
bazhang | jonny: ask the question and someone will answer if they know | 02:15 |
benpicco | is it possible to install the ipw driver instead of the iwl one using apt? | 02:15 |
UnityDivide | anoble, I think what's happening, is that the cable you are using is connecting the "Transmit" pin on your "bridge" computer, to the "Transmit" pin on the WinXP computer | 02:15 |
nano_ | although i have found wifi-radar, which is a really cool application | 02:15 |
shane2peru | nano_, should be fine. | 02:15 |
Lossif | has anyone had problems mounting a mythbuntu samba share? | 02:15 |
nano_ | anyways, i have a wifi driver that loads by default and it messes up my ndiswrapper....i have tried to blacklist in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist, but it is still loaded.....any ideas how i can fix this? | 02:16 |
anoble | UnityDivide: guess ill just make a cross-over tom | 02:16 |
UnityDivide | anoble, probably a good idea | 02:16 |
Lossif | I can mount graphically | 02:16 |
fiyawerx | nano_, im not too familiar with that, but maybe try an lsmod and make sure there isn't another module you have to blacklist thats also loading it | 02:16 |
Lossif | but when I try to automount in the terminal | 02:16 |
Lossif | it says it can't find it | 02:16 |
nano_ | fiyawerx: good call, i will check that out. | 02:16 |
chris0 | how do you print your home directory in a terminal, even if you're not in your home directory (so pwd doesn't work)? | 02:17 |
Danish989 | Lossif: maybe you aren't typing the commands correctly? | 02:17 |
nano_ | fiyawerx: how can i find the relationship between modules? | 02:17 |
kneeki | Anyone have a link to a folder sharing setup guide using Ubuntu 8.04 server edition? | 02:17 |
Lossif | well... | 02:17 |
anoble | UnityDivide: hmm wish i could run the cable to my computer then to the router and then to the other computer | 02:17 |
nano_ | fiyawerx: depmod or something? | 02:17 |
bazhang | Lossif: if you dont get a good answer here you can ask in #ubuntu-mythtv | 02:17 |
fiyawerx | nano_: sudo lsmod ? shows you what module and what its used by, not sure after that | 02:17 |
nano_ | i seee | 02:17 |
nano_ | thanks a bunch | 02:17 |
jonny | Okay, this may sound totally moronic, but bear with me. in SoundConverter I am compressing files to "High Quality" mp3s with variable bitrate. So the target is 192kbps. Why are the output files coming out at around 150-160kbps | 02:17 |
grte | anoble: Why can't you? | 02:17 |
q_a_z_steve | Can anyone recommend a linux program to remaster DVD's like DVD Shrink? | 02:17 |
Lossif | does this look ok? | 02:18 |
shane2peru | chris0, you mean list all the contents? | 02:18 |
Lossif | // /media/share/podcasts cifs | 02:18 |
Danish989 | jonny: If no one is answering, that probably means no one has worked with sound converter | 02:18 |
anoble | grte: its like 5 feet that i need more, and its a 47' cable | 02:18 |
chris0 | shane2peru: no, I mean to display "/home/username/" | 02:18 |
Lossif | that is is fstab | 02:18 |
grte | Lame. | 02:18 |
musashi | q_a_z_steve, k9copy is pretty nice | 02:18 |
SilverStreak | q_a_z_steve: try avidemux once you've ripped the DVD | 02:18 |
shane2peru | chris0, pwd, is print working directory | 02:18 |
bigtimer121 | how do i make my volume louder. the maximum is not very loud at all, | 02:18 |
bazhang | q_a_z_steve: you tried devede | 02:18 |
Danish989 | jonny: an alternative method of finding an answer, is posting your problem in the ubuntu forums | 02:18 |
Punko3 | Does anyone know of a version of linux with an easy to use GUI that will fit and run fairly well off of a 4gb flash drive ? | 02:18 |
F1N1TY | K, I have an Ubuntu LAMP installed, and now I want to access it from another computer, yet see the desktop/etc... is that possible, or do I HAVE to install ubuntu-desktop? | 02:18 |
shane2peru | chris0, not sure on that one. | 02:18 |
Danish989 | jonny: they have a different board there for sound and graphic problems | 02:18 |
maluqinho | grettings | 02:18 |
bazhang | bigtimer121: alsamixer in the terminal check the settings | 02:18 |
maluqinho | newbie in ubuntu | 02:18 |
DefineKThyne | can someone help me with an install on a multiple hard drive install? | 02:19 |
maluqinho | until now, interesting. | 02:19 |
maluqinho | 8.04 | 02:19 |
EvilAIM | What program do I need to unrar? | 02:19 |
shane2peru | F1N1TY, use ssh | 02:19 |
chris0 | shane2peru: I'm guessing I need to say $PATH and then use some satanic thing like regex to parse out the foldername.... | 02:19 |
anoble | grte: its a custom made cable, i have another 30 footer, but my router had 3 ports that are dead, my dad pulled the cord and broke out half the pins | 02:19 |
bazhang | maluqinho: how can we help; do you an issue | 02:19 |
SilverStreak | F1N1TY: If you access it via SSH, there's no need to have that package on the server, just the client | 02:19 |
jonny | Danish989: okay thanks | 02:19 |
Punko3 | EvilAIM: winrar or 7zip | 02:19 |
EvilAIM | wtf | 02:19 |
maluqinho | first packages... :-) | 02:19 |
EvilAIM | winrar? | 02:19 |
grte | Also lame. | 02:19 |
Danish989 | jonny: No problem. Hope you find your solution soon | 02:19 |
KnopSUf | sorry for 2 dumb questions, 1) how do I set timezone in Ubuntu Server 8.04 2) how do I sync with atomic clock? | 02:19 |
shane2peru | chris0, I'm not sure, sorry. | 02:19 |
Punko3 | EvilAIM: | 02:19 |
Danish989 | maluqinho: Welcome aboard :) | 02:19 |
Lossif | and no one is answering in #ubuntu-mythtv | 02:19 |
chris0 | shane2peru: no prob | 02:19 |
q_a_z_steve | bazhang: I have the file in .iso and I want to remove certain titles to preserve quality... Can devede do that? | 02:19 |
bazhang | q_a_z_steve: not sure never tried | 02:20 |
Punko3 | EvilAIM: Not sure on 7zip, if you google it, i'm sure you'll find it. | 02:20 |
SilverStreak | I think it can if you mount the DVD | 02:20 |
jonny | Danish989: Where can I find that board? | 02:20 |
stik | Anyone running kde 4? | 02:20 |
musashi | q_a_z_steve, thoes others mentioned are also good but k9copy will seem most similar to dvd shrink - that doesn't mean it's the best. it will just be somewhat familiar | 02:20 |
Danish989 | jonny: | 02:20 |
bazhang | stik: aye | 02:20 |
bigtimer121 | bazhang: thanks man, helped me out | 02:20 |
jonny | thanks | 02:20 |
bazhang | bigtimer121: good to hear :) | 02:20 |
stik | Huge diff from the 3 series? | 02:20 |
Danish989 | jonny: welcome | 02:20 |
anoble | grte: and finding 2 unused RJ-45's is going to be a bummer, since i have pleanty of cables | 02:21 |
bazhang | stik best to ask in #kubuntu-kde4 but yes huuuge difference | 02:21 |
q_a_z_steve | musashi: I thought that was just for burning, once I have all my VOB's and that... What "others" are you talking about? | 02:21 |
Punko3 | anoble: circuit city, a bag of RJ-45s for $15 I believe | 02:21 |
stik | Well I been using gnome for forever ... was thinking about checking it out.. | 02:21 |
paulcross | Ubuntu couldnt automatically backup and recover as MAC OSX time machine, could it? | 02:21 |
shane2peru | stik, it does look cool, however, it isn't Gnome. :) | 02:22 |
billenium | How do i play Anarchy Online on Ubuntu? | 02:22 |
anoble | Punko3: yeah i can get them from my teacher for free, its just that taking the time to do it all | 02:22 |
bazhang | paulcross: with the pretty gui or just the same function? | 02:22 |
leucas | good evening everybody | 02:22 |
Punko3 | anoble: college ? | 02:22 |
shane2peru | stik, I checked it out too, just couldn't stay, too much of a difference, very nice looking though. | 02:22 |
anoble | Punko3: it only takes like 5min, and no Vocational | 02:22 |
stik | heh, yeah, I doubt I'll be switching anytime soon... | 02:22 |
paulcross | bazhang, ANY means will be ok. I just want the function. | 02:22 |
anoble | Punko3: im in Info Tech Shop | 02:22 |
Punko3 | anoble: ahh, me too. I was in a networking class here in Fort Wayne | 02:23 |
shane2peru | stik, you can install it though and check it out, the kde4 has a nice look IMHO | 02:23 |
musashi | q_a_z_steve, k9copy is very similar to dvd shrink it works from the original dvd. I think you can work from vob too but i've never used it that way | 02:23 |
DefineKThyne | it is possible to boot Ubuntu from a removable drive like an external hard drive, right? | 02:23 |
anoble | Punko3: yeah we do it all | 02:23 |
anoble | Punko3: i like programming a little more | 02:23 |
shane2peru | DefineKThyne, yes, you can do this | 02:23 |
bazhang | !backup | paulcross these may help (esp rsync and sbackup) | 02:23 |
ubottu | paulcross these may help (esp rsync and sbackup): There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: , , , - See also !sbackup and !cloning | 02:23 |
Punko3 | anoble: I am working on my Comptia A+ certification and my Desktop Support certifications; they're in windows though | 02:23 |
musashi | q_a_z_steve, the "others" were just devede and such that other people replied with. | 02:23 |
stik | can you get the desktop effects on the live cd? | 02:23 |
shane2peru | DefineKThyne, I found a link and installed it to my wife's computer, her cdrom burned up. :) | 02:23 |
legatic | anyone feel like helping a complete and utter n00b? I just installed ubuntu for the first time, and I fear I'm so lost that even the documentation pages aren't helping me | 02:23 |
anoble | Punko3: yeah im working on A+, CCNA, and ITE | 02:24 |
Punko3 | anoble: I just decided to extend my area of knowledge into the linux field since it's becoming a lot more used by large companies | 02:24 |
bazhang | stik: which live cd | 02:24 |
benpicco | should I install, too? | 02:24 |
Punko3 | anoble: I may do my CCNA next year, I didn't like my instructor this year. | 02:24 |
paulcross | bazhang, thank you. I go check it out. | 02:24 |
stik | <-- long time slackware user switched ubuntu so forgive my lack of ubuntu knowledge :P | 02:24 |
musashi | q_a_z_steve, editing an .iso file will probably not be real easy. i'm sure there are tools to do that but i'm not aware of anything. | 02:24 |
maluqinho | I am slack user too. | 02:24 |
DefineKThyne | shane2peru: thanks: ) | 02:24 |
q_a_z_steve | musashi: k9copy depends: kdelibs-data kdelibs4c2a libarts1c2a libavahi-qt3-1 liblua50 liblualib50 libopenexr2c2a libqt3-mt vamps THIS ISN'T going to install KDE is it? VOB's are the end result, so that sounds like it should work. | 02:24 |
stik | The kde4 live desktop cd | 02:24 |
paulcross | ubottu, Thank you,I will go and check it out. | 02:24 |
bazhang | stik: you mean ubuntu gnome one or kde4 one | 02:24 |
fiyawerx | if your a slack user you shoudlnt have a problem | 02:24 |
shane2peru | DefineKThyne, well, actually I think you would be runnig like a live CD enviroment | 02:24 |
anoble | Punko3: Same, man! and doing my CCNSP sooner or later, and working on getting my MCAS (Microsft w/e w/e w/e) | 02:24 |
ommegang | i just installed 8.04 64bit, and i have a gforce 7600gt, and i am stuck in 800x600 mode and the restricted driver is installed any ideas how i can get to1280/1024 | 02:24 |
shane2peru | DefineKThyne, however it did work, booted off my usb stick | 02:25 |
musashi | q_a_z_steve, it will install the required kde libraries but not the full kde desktop | 02:25 |
Starnestommy | q_a_z_steve: that won't install KDE, just some stuff that some KDE programs need | 02:25 |
bazhang | stik well not the compiz but some other effects in kde4 one | 02:25 |
SilverStreak | okay guys, are corrupted superblocks easy to repair, or should I just reformat? | 02:25 |
q_a_z_steve | kk | 02:25 |
shane2peru | DefineKThyne, make sure you BIOS supports booting off usb | 02:25 |
Punko3 | anoble: MCSA - Microsoft Certified Server Administrator :] | 02:25 |
q_a_z_steve | will try those avidemux and/or k9copy. | 02:25 |
anoble | Punko3: yeah thats what w/e w/e w/e meant : ) | 02:25 |
Punko3 | anoble: I am doing that next year along with my Network+, CCNA, and hopefully MCSE | 02:25 |
bazhang | anoble and Punko3 could you take the chat to #ubuntu-offtopic please thanks | 02:25 |
stik | kk... I'll pop it in and check it out... Thnx for your input guys... | 02:25 |
musashi | q_a_z_steve, i think you can open and then burn the vob with k9 but i've never tried so don't quote me | 02:25 |
DefineKThyne | shane2peru: what i was thinking, more specifically, was that since my friend has a rather large External Seagate, i could boot it from a partition actually off the drive as long as her BIOS does support usb drive. | 02:25 |
Punko3 | sure bazhang | 02:25 |
anoble | Punko3: can you get me your AIM/MSN on private chat? | 02:25 |
q_a_z_steve | musashi: I'll play around with them, if not there's always WINE I suppose. | 02:26 |
bazhang | anoble punko3 you could also create a channel #anoble and chat there | 02:26 |
musashi | q_a_z_steve, avidemux is great if you want to transcode something to play on a psp or something | 02:26 |
satokun | danbhfive: still here/working with someone? | 02:26 |
stik | 8.04 is running pretty freaking sweet btw.. | 02:26 |
DefineKThyne | shane2peru: so she's basically got a very large and able Live Session. | 02:26 |
shane2peru | DefineKThyne, I'm pretty sure this is a do-able, I mean if I installed off a usb stick, you should be able to run off a usb drive, it may be a challenge. | 02:26 |
q_a_z_steve | musashi: useful for later then, good. | 02:26 |
musashi | q_a_z_steve, k9 does just about everything you will probably want if you are looking for a dvd shrink clone. | 02:26 |
shane2peru | DefineKThyne, right, it will run a lot faster than a live CD too. | 02:27 |
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DefineKThyne | shane2peru: i look forward to trying this (: | 02:27 |
legatic | anyone that feels like helping a n00b, please send me a private message. I seem to be lost | 02:27 |
shane2peru | DefineKThyne, let me look for the link that I used, if I can find it. | 02:27 |
Starnestommy | legatic: lost with what? | 02:27 |
bazhang | musashi: is it that good? I thought it just straight out copied stuff--I must have not been doing it right | 02:27 |
ere4si | legatic: what's the first thing you can't do? | 02:27 |
danbhfive | satokun: im still here, but I'm signing off soon | 02:27 |
ommegang | stuck in 800x600 res any ideas | 02:28 |
q_a_z_steve | musashi: sweet. brb, will try now. | 02:28 |
JesusMan | hey guyz | 02:28 |
JesusMan | when i start up oobonto | 02:28 |
JesusMan | ubuntu***** | 02:28 |
nano_ | how can i uninstall a wifi driver that was installed by the install process. Can i simply find the driver.ko file and delete it? | 02:28 |
JesusMan | it tells me it was copyrighted | 02:28 |
JesusMan | and shits | 02:28 |
FloodBot2 | JesusMan: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 02:28 |
legatic | well, I get the difference between root and sudo, but is there a way to do root things in the file browser? say I want to create or delete a file in /etc | 02:28 |
bazhang | !language | JesusMan | 02:28 |
ubottu | JesusMan: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 02:28 |
eboyjr | Can anyone help me? I need help configuring apache2 in Ubuntu 8.04 so that it parses the PHP pages. | 02:28 |
musashi | bazhang, well, it's good at being a dvd shrink clone. it's doesn't do all the stuff avidemux or some of the other hard core tools will do | 02:28 |
legatic | when I try it, it just tells me that access is denied, rather than giving me a chance to enter the password | 02:28 |
JesusMan | spits* | 02:28 |
JesusMan | whoops | 02:28 |
bazhang | musashi: thanks--will have to try again :) | 02:28 |
Pelo | legatic, better do it using the command line, sudo rm , you can always drag drop the file in the terminal after you wrote the first bit | 02:29 |
paulcross | bazhang, rsync and what? I forgot the last ones name. | 02:29 |
shane2peru | DefineKThyne, I think it was right in the community docs, let me look again | 02:29 |
bazhang | paulcross: sbackup | 02:29 |
satokun | danbhfive: well I did the find stage1, and it gave me three options, hd1,0 hd2,0 and hd2,2. I'm not sure which one is my 8.04 drive to set as root. | 02:29 |
ere4si | legatic: in a terminal type sudo gedit/etc/file - file=what you want to call it | 02:29 |
eboyjr | Can anyone help me? I need help configuring apache2 in Ubuntu 8.04 so that it parses the PHP pages. Firefox prompts me to download the PHP pages. | 02:29 |
ommegang | help, having video problems with 64bit | 02:29 |
paulcross | bazhang, oh. thanks again. | 02:29 |
dubby | hey anyone with success in fwbuilder, I have a firewall built, and it compiles, and im sure its right, and when i try to install it tells me that a connection to localhost ssh port 22 was refused | 02:29 |
stik | just blacklist the module | 02:29 |
danbhfive | satokun: I think its hd1,0 | 02:29 |
legatic | and does the same go for installing things? I downloaded the latest non-beta version of firefox and I'm not sure if I should install it in /etc or in my home dir somewhere. also, is just extracting it enough to get it running? | 02:30 |
musashi | bazhang, since dvd shrink seems to be a dead project (last i checked the most recent update was 2005 or something) k9 seems even better comparatively. | 02:30 |
DefineKThyne | shane2peru: Thanks | 02:30 |
legatic | I'm so lost in this, but interested in learning | 02:30 |
bazhang | ommegang: please describe with more details; if someone knows they will answer | 02:30 |
Pelo | satokun, which one is your ubuntu partiton ? /devsd** | 02:30 |
satokun | danbhfive: thanks for all your help by the way. | 02:30 |
cwillu | legatic, re: firefox beta's, it's best to stick with what's in the repository | 02:30 |
dubby | when i save just the compiled though it is in xml form and therefore isn't able to be run | 02:30 |
KnopSUf | *sigh* | 02:30 |
cwillu | legatic, it'll be updated soon | 02:30 |
dubby | ^ when i just save the compiled output | 02:30 |
bazhang | musashi: much appreciated--will look into it more closely for sure :) | 02:30 |
cwillu | if there's a new beta | 02:30 |
ere4si | legatic: you're better off getting firefox-2 from the synaptic package manager | 02:30 |
Pelo | !who | EVERYONE | 02:30 |
ubottu | EVERYONE: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 02:30 |
satokun | Pelo: it's a bit too complicated. all three are ubuntu partitions. | 02:30 |
musashi | bazhang, np | 02:30 |
shane2peru | DefineKThyne, here is the one I used:|(usb)|(from) | 02:30 |
dryrot | hello, where did the xenman package go? | 02:30 |
ommegang | bazhang: just installed the 64bit edition, installed the restricted nvidia driver and i can only do 800x600 and 640x480 any ideas | 02:31 |
dubby | legatic: firefox-2 | 02:31 |
Pelo | satokun, which one is hardy installed on ? | 02:31 |
shane2peru | DefineKThyne, here is another one that looks really interesting:|(usb)|(from) | 02:31 |
legatic | thanks for your help everyone. I'm going to go back at it for a while! | 02:31 |
dubby | is the command | 02:31 |
legatic | I really appreciate it | 02:31 |
danbhfive | Pelo: satokun: I think hd2 has two gutsy installations, and I'm guessing that hardy is on hd1, but I dont think satokun knows | 02:31 |
DefineKThyne | shane2peru: thanks:) | 02:31 |
shane2peru | DefineKThyne, hope that helps. | 02:31 |
shane2peru | DefineKThyne, no prob | 02:31 |
bazhang | ommegang: this is hardy? try sudo displayconfig-gtk from the terminal | 02:31 |
=== chooch is now known as ej | ||
=== ej is now known as ch00ch | ||
stik | bbl gonna check out this live cd | 02:31 |
Starnestommy | eboyjr: is libapache2-mod-php5 installed and did you restart apache after you installed it? | 02:31 |
ommegang | bazhang: yep hardy 64bit | 02:31 |
Pelo | danbhfive, would this be /dev/hd1 or (hd1,0) ? | 02:32 |
=== ch00ch is now known as chooch1 | ||
maluqinho | good night. regards. | 02:32 |
eboyjr | Starnestommy, I sure did... like 2wice | 02:32 |
satokun | Pelo: not sure at all. but danbhfive's seen my fdisk, grub menu files and disk setups so I figure he knew the right one. | 02:32 |
chooch1 | hey guys | 02:32 |
Starnestommy | eboyjr: add +ExecCGI to the Options line in /etc/apache2/sites-available/default | 02:32 |
Pelo | satokun, I don't have enought info 'm gonna but out | 02:32 |
chooch1 | I've got a problem with samba, could some1 help please? | 02:33 |
danbhfive | Pelo: hd1,0 | 02:33 |
sebsebseb | chooch1: yep maybe what's your problem | 02:33 |
Pelo | danbhfive, tell satokun | 02:33 |
bazhang | !samba | chooch1 | 02:33 |
ubottu | chooch1: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: and - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. | 02:33 |
=== elkbuntu is now known as elky | ||
eboyjr | Starnestommy, Okay... I do not plan it to run as a CGI binary though. | 02:33 |
Coder8 | heya, I'm having a hell of a time getting any DVDs to play in hardy | 02:34 |
=== JohnMM is now known as test | ||
=== test is now known as JohnMM | ||
Pelo | !dvd | Coder8 and don'T forget the second part | 02:34 |
ubottu | Coder8 and don'T forget the second part: For playing DVD, see - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs | 02:34 |
chooch1 | sebsebseb: I see my windows computes but when I click on them I can't see the shares | 02:34 |
sebsebseb | Coder8: be more specfic | 02:34 |
danbhfive | satokun: whats on the third harddrive? | 02:34 |
Pelo | Coder8, actual read the whole first link on there | 02:34 |
sebsebseb | Coder8: you want files from Windows into Ubuntu? | 02:35 |
dryrot | where can i get the package 'convirt' ? | 02:35 |
chooch1 | and when I change to the correct workgroup sudo stop working because it can't resolve "computername.workgroup" | 02:35 |
=== elkbuntu is now known as elky | ||
Coder8 | Pelo: I've got the stuff to decode it, it just plays back stuttering and garbled | 02:35 |
Lossif | is there a way to automount graphically in ubuntu? | 02:35 |
=== Boohbah_ is now known as Boohbah | ||
chooch1 | actually it can't resolve "computername" | 02:35 |
ere4si | !info convirt | 02:35 |
eboyjr | Starnestommy, It still does the same thing... I restarted apache with sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart and cleared my cache in Firefox. | 02:35 |
sebsebseb | chooch1: if you got Samba installed then I think you should be able to just use natuilius and in the URL bar put in smb://internal ip address of the WIndows machine | 02:36 |
dryrot | did you stump the bot ? | 02:36 |
Pelo | Coder8, it's not just stuff to dl there is also a command to run | 02:36 |
=== elky is now known as elkbuntu | ||
satokun | danbhfive: now it fives me the list and throws code 15 | 02:36 |
chooch1 | sebsebseb: just tried it | 02:36 |
Pelo | Coder8, sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/ | 02:37 |
sebsebseb | chooch1: and of course you must set the folders in Windows that you want shared | 02:37 |
danbhfive | satokun: so you get a grub menu? | 02:37 |
sebsebseb | chooch1: you must make them shared folders in Windows | 02:37 |
Pelo | Coder8, sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/ sorry this is the right one | 02:37 |
ommegang | bazhang: ok did that no dice still cant go higher than 800x600 | 02:37 |
chooch1 | I'm able to see the computer names but it tells me it can't find the computer when i try smb://ip | 02:37 |
bazhang | ommegang: you restarted X? | 02:37 |
satokun | danbhfive: yes, and it shows all three installs. | 02:37 |
chooch1 | everything is shared correctly because it works in the windows computers | 02:38 |
Pelo | satokun, why do you have 3 instances of ubuntu installed anyway ? | 02:38 |
david_-_- | if i install xfce through term by typing sudo aptitude install xubuntu , then if i do sudo aptitude --purge remove xubuntu will it remove all the files addons codecs and other stuff with it? or will most of it still be on my hd? | 02:38 |
zionpsyfer | eboyjr: you have tried a simple php page to see if apache processes it? | 02:38 |
Pelo | chooch1, try asking in #samba maybe someone there will know | 02:38 |
Sylphid | what would cause dhcp to over ride a static ip manually set through editing /etc/network/interfaces | 02:38 |
bazhang | david_-_-: you mean xubuntu-desktop? then no it will leave all the stuff | 02:38 |
eboyjr | Starnestommy, I run sudo a2enmod php5 and I get This module is already enabled! | 02:38 |
sebsebseb | chooch1: yeah I probably carn't help you | 02:39 |
chooch1 | ok, thanks. and i've got another question | 02:39 |
satokun | Pelo: a freak n00b mistake. one's heron on it's own disk, the other two are 7.1, one is the one I always used the other's naked. dunno how it happened | 02:39 |
david_-_- | bazyes xubuntu-desktop. | 02:39 |
Starnestommy | eboyjr: add this to /etc/apache2/apache2.conf: AddType application/x-httpd-php .php | 02:39 |
danbhfive | satokun: whats on your first harddrive? | 02:39 |
foxhop | IS there a ubuntu package for vmware | 02:39 |
eboyjr | zionpsyfer, Yeah, its actually a setup sctript for phpmyadmin... But it still prompt to download it. | 02:39 |
Coder8 | Pelo: geesh, I've been googling this for 2 days, and it was just one command, wtf | 02:39 |
ommegang | bazhang: started x yes | 02:39 |
bazhang | david_-_-: you want puregnome? | 02:39 |
david_-_- | bazhang: yes xubuntu-dekstop sorry not xubuntu. | 02:39 |
chooch1 | when I enable emerald theme and start a game it's flickering | 02:39 |
sebsebseb | foxhop: for VMware player you can get one from the repo/network and for server | 02:39 |
mawenjun | ** (network-admin:10766): CRITICAL **: Unable to lookup session information for process '10766' who can help me | 02:39 |
satokun | danbhfive: right now, that's set to the Heron drive in the bios, and based on the grub reinstall, I'd say it agrees. | 02:39 |
Pelo | david_-_-, with aptidute it should remove everthing, possibly enven some packages needed for ubuntu , run sudo aptitude remove xubuntu-desktop --purge && sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop | 02:39 |
chooch1 | until I change back the compiz manager to gnome | 02:39 |
Coder8 | Pelo: I'm not quite sure why that page didn't turn up in google, I was getting stuff about broken dma and crap | 02:40 |
furicle | I can't get gnome-modem-monitor to do anything.... I can dial the modem and use it via network monitor. Activate/Deactivate are greyed out. | 02:40 |
furicle | What am I doing wrong? | 02:40 |
Coder8 | Pelo: thanks for the help | 02:40 |
* Yaro volunteers to help! | 02:40 | |
foxhop | sebsebseb: What do you mean repositoy/network? | 02:40 |
satokun | danbhfive: one sec, I think I know where I messed up. | 02:40 |
Sylphid | what would cause dhcp to over ride a static ip manually set through editing /etc/network/interfaces | 02:40 |
Pelo | Coder8, you didn't have to google for two days you just had to keep reading that,s the page in the link | 02:40 |
larson999 | /home's at %100 | 02:40 |
sebsebseb | foxhop: the synaptic package manager | 02:40 |
Punko3 | bazhang: I am getting an error with the alternate install. After I setup the disk partitions, it says No Root File system | 02:40 |
bazhang | chooch1: why do you need compiz for games--best to just disable it when running games | 02:40 |
Starnestommy | Sylphid: it could be the word "auto" next to the interface's name | 02:40 |
chooch1 | I don't need it for games | 02:40 |
david_-_- | bazhang: i am on pure gnome hardy but if i do sudo aptitude install xubuntu-desktop then later do aptitude --purge remove xubuntu-desktop will it remove everything xubuntu-desktop even xubuntu codecs and apps and folders? | 02:40 |
Pelo | furicle, you probably need to select the modem | 02:40 |
foxhop | sebsebseb: I just looked there, what should I type as a search entry? | 02:41 |
eboyjr | Starnestommy, I have <IfModule mod_php5.c> | 02:41 |
eboyjr | AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .phtml .php3 | 02:41 |
eboyjr | AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps | 02:41 |
eboyjr | </IfModule> in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/php5.conf and in apache2.conf, I have Include /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/*.conf | 02:41 |
FloodBot2 | eboyjr: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 02:41 |
chooch1 | I just don't want to change this setting every time | 02:41 |
sebsebseb | foxhop: VMware | 02:41 |
chooch1 | it's annoying | 02:41 |
bazhang | yaro if you have a question please ask; if someone knows they will answer | 02:41 |
eboyjr | Whoops | 02:41 |
mawenjun | ** (network-admin:10766): CRITICAL **: Unable to lookup session information for process '10766' who can help me | 02:41 |
Raspberry | anybody else seen an issue with firefox not starting "Save and Quit"? No firefox or npviewer processes are running | 02:41 |
danbhfive | satokun: well, the menu.lst that you showed me disagrees. It says that hardy is on the SECOND harddrive, but your fdisk says that that harddrive is not bootable. I'm not sure what that means | 02:41 |
JesusMan | NEWSFLASH: | 02:41 |
JesusMan | DANBHFIVE HAS AIDS | 02:41 |
Yaro | Nonono, I am here as a volunteer, bazhang. | 02:41 |
JesusMan | MORE AT 11 | 02:41 |
FloodBot2 | JesusMan: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 02:41 |
Sylphid | Starnestommy, from what i understand auto signifies enable on boot | 02:41 |
mawenjun | ** (network-admin:10766): CRITICAL **: Unable to lookup session information for process '10766' who can help me | 02:41 |
Pelo | !ops | JesusMan | 02:41 |
ubottu | JesusMan: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpatrick or jussi01! | 02:41 |
ere4si | Sylphid: you sure the file hasn't been overwritten? | 02:41 |
billenium | How do i play Anarchy Online on Ubuntu? | 02:41 |
sebsebseb | chooch1: yes I think certain games will have issues if you have compiz running | 02:41 |
Sylphid | ere4si, positive | 02:41 |
Starnestommy | eboyjr: I'm not sure how to fix it. Maybe someone else here, in #apache, or in ##php knows | 02:41 |
furicle | Pelo: Where? If I try properties it calls up the Network manager - but the 'Unlock' button isn't available | 02:41 |
eboyjr | sorry FloodBot2 :) | 02:41 |
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Pelo | mawenjun, just look up the error msg in the forum | 02:42 |
mawenjun | ** (network-admin:10766): CRITICAL **: Unable to lookup session information for process '10766' who can help me | 02:42 |
Starnestommy | Sylphid: does that file mention "dhcp" anywhere? | 02:42 |
sebsebseb | foxhop: Virtualbox is good as well :) | 02:42 |
chooch1 | sebsebseb, so I guess it is a known bug? | 02:42 |
foxhop | sebsebseb: Doesn't seem to list the proper package when I search vmware | 02:42 |
Greencoat1982 | Anyone familiar with VirtualBox or can point me to the right room for somehelp? | 02:42 |
Sylphid | Starnestommy, nope not at all | 02:42 |
juju | o | 02:42 |
mawenjun | thx | 02:42 |
juju | yo | 02:42 |
eboyjr | Greencoat1982, I can probably help | 02:42 |
Apallo | i use virtual box all the time, it's excellet | 02:42 |
Coder8 | Pelo: okay, before I go down a long road of trouble on another topic... any simple fixes for getting sound to work in wine + oblivion? :P | 02:42 |
eboyjr | _probably_ | 02:42 |
Pelo | furicle, select the decice did you try clicking the unlock button ? | 02:42 |
sebsebseb | yeah chooch1: yeah the effects can cause problems | 02:42 |
ere4si | Sylphid: don't know why it would be ignored - you can sudo /etc/init.d networking restart to see if the file is used | 02:42 |
sebsebseb | chooch1: yeah the effects can cause problems | 02:42 |
zionpsyfer | eboyjr: try sticking this in your index.html file : <?php_info();?> refresh and see if you see a bunch of php info | 02:42 |
foxhop | sebsebseb: I get some widgets and a few mouse and display drivers | 02:42 |
Greencoat1982 | ok I running hardy, have VB running xp pro sp2 | 02:43 |
Pelo | Coder8, select the correct audio device from winecfg , that,s the only suggestion I hve | 02:43 |
sebsebseb | foxhop: normally people in this channel would recommend virtualbox instead of VMware | 02:43 |
eboyjr | zionpsyfer, Do you mean index.php? | 02:43 |
satokun | danbhfive: should I try reinstalling grub to root at 2,0? | 02:43 |
chooch1 | can you tell if the developers of compiz are working to fix it? | 02:43 |
Raspberry | zionpsyfer: you should always use <?php not <? | 02:43 |
zionpsyfer | eboyjr: Gah, yes. | 02:43 |
Punko3 | What is the best file system for ubuntu ? | 02:43 |
sebsebseb | foxhop: however I think there is not a proper version of it for hardy yet, but the Gutsy one may work for you | 02:43 |
Greencoat1982 | I have the Zune.exe on my ubuntu partition and I want to acces it from the guest OS so I can install it | 02:43 |
Yaro | Punko3: That's a matter of personal preference. | 02:43 |
Coder8 | Pelo: okay, thanks anyway | 02:43 |
furicle | It's 'greyed out' when I come at it thru the modem applet. I can't push it. It works fine when I come at it from Network montir | 02:43 |
danbhfive | satokun: I think you need to find your hardy install, actually | 02:43 |
Punko3 | Yaro, it seems to me that Ubuntu doesn't like NTFS | 02:43 |
sebsebseb | foxhop: as for VMware you may have to enable the universe server or something, or just download it from there site | 02:43 |
danbhfive | satokun: I'm still unsure if its on the second or first drive | 02:44 |
Sylphid | ere4si, its not ignored per say what appears to happen is when i restart networking the static is applied as expected but when the dhcp lease expires it renews it ignoring the static | 02:44 |
* Pelo finds this whole new policy kit thing and unlock button a bit disorienting | 02:44 | |
Yaro | Punko3: Oh? I can use NTFS no problems. Perhaps you can describe your trouble. | 02:44 |
Coder8 | Linux doesn't like NTFS because NTFS is stupid :P | 02:44 |
Cale | What package should I install to get a Java 6 browser plugin in Hardy? My Java plugin's been broken ever since the upgrade from Gutsy, and I haven't had any luck installing the various java plugin packages. | 02:44 |
crdlb | chooch1: it's not a compiz problem, but the X driver people are working on it | 02:44 |
chooch1 | ok | 02:44 |
eboyjr | zionpsyfer, Hmm... it works... | 02:44 |
* furicle agrees policy kit weird | 02:44 | |
eboyjr | Wow | 02:44 |
rhsanborn | I'm trying to spec out a box to run some virtual machines on Hardy. I'd like to run a couple virtual web servers that will serve some dev sites only accessed by me, and some windows app machines. No huge performance necessary, but I'd like them not to be terribly pokey in the interface, etc. Any ideas? They have some nice, off lease dual core xeon servers on ebay on one end, or a home built micro atx box on the other end. | 02:44 |
Pelo | Punko3, ntfs doesn'T like linux , ms doesn'T play well with others | 02:44 |
ere4si | Sylphid: can you paste /etc/network/interfaces? | 02:44 |
Greencoat1982 | I don't know if I'm just looking over the answer in the docs | 02:44 |
Coder8 | iirc, NTFS mounts read-only by default, no? | 02:44 |
sebsebseb | Cale: you should be able to get a sun java mozilla plugin from the synaptic package manager | 02:44 |
satokun | danbhfive: well since the grub install setting it for 1,0 throws errors, it must be the 2,0 | 02:44 |
chooch1 | another thing is, I'm looking for dj turntable software, to mix mp3 for fun | 02:44 |
danbhfive | satokun: if you are getting a grub menu, then I don't think you need to reinstall grub | 02:45 |
zionpsyfer | eboyjr: K, so it's phpmyadmin then. | 02:45 |
chooch1 | do u know any? I couldn't find anything in synaptic | 02:45 |
Raspberry | is there a commandline option I can use to get firefox to start with a new session? Firefox refuses to start (the process starts, but nothing loads) since my last click of Save & Quit | 02:45 |
sebsebseb | chooch1: audocity that should do it | 02:45 |
Sylphid | ere4si, | 02:45 |
bazhang | chooch1: this is hardy or gutsy | 02:45 |
Apallo | rhsanborn: you could probably build something decent for yourself off of | 02:45 |
Pelo | chooch1, audacity | 02:45 |
Yaro | Pelo: No, MS doesn't, but I haven't hd trouble with ntfs-3g, which has been included in Ubuntu since... 7.10... I think. | 02:45 |
Cale | sebsebseb: yes, I should. I've tried quite a few packages (sun-java6-plugin and icedtea-java7-plugin among them) and none cause anything to show up in about:plugins | 02:45 |
eboyjr | zionpsyfer, That is extremely weird. Well, thanks... I will test some more stuff. | 02:45 |
sebsebseb | pelo: yeah thanks pelo I meant audacity :) | 02:45 |
chooch1 | it's hardy | 02:45 |
chooch1 | why? | 02:45 |
Apallo | which might be better value for money for you | 02:45 |
satokun | danbhfive: possibly then command line grub to fix it then? no idea how to go about that though | 02:45 |
hellues | are there a channel about java applet in this server | 02:46 |
satokun | danbhfive: or would the problem be in the menu file? | 02:46 |
Greencoat1982 | eboyjr : I'm running hardy w/ xp pro sp2 , I have my zune.exe on the linux host, and want to access it with my xp guest, is that possible | 02:46 |
rhsanborn | Apallo, think a decent spec proc with a pair of SATAs and a couple gigs of RAM would hack it? | 02:46 |
Pelo | hellues, try #java | 02:46 |
sebsebseb | Cale: so you installed from the network, but Firefox still has no working Java plugin? | 02:46 |
hellues | java dont answer me | 02:46 |
Cale | sebsebseb: right. | 02:46 |
Apallo | might want to go quad core, but yeah | 02:46 |
ere4si | Sylphid: that looks right | 02:46 |
zionpsyfer | eboyjr: No worries. If I may, Navicat has worked well as a replacement for phpmyadmin for me. | 02:46 |
hellues | ppl in java channel dont answer me about java applet | 02:46 |
sebsebseb | Cale: I think you may be able to download one from there site | 02:46 |
Gramble | sup you guys. i need some clue-sticking | 02:46 |
Punko3 | What would be the best file system for Ubuntu ? | 02:46 |
TaRDy | amenado, just to follow up yesterday's assistance you offered... | 02:46 |
eboyjr | Greencoat1982, You can set up shared folders. | 02:47 |
bazhang | gramble welcom to ubuntu :) | 02:47 |
danbhfive | satokun: it can't hurt to try that though. I would also suggest to try changing menu.lst so that root for hardy is (hd0,0) instead of hd1,0 | 02:47 |
Dr_willis | Punko3, ext3 is the most commonly used fs. | 02:47 |
Gramble | nice! | 02:47 |
Punko3 | Thanks Dr_willis | 02:47 |
Pelo | Greencoat1982, guest what , guest os on virtual box ? check on digg there is an article about installing virtualbox with usb support | 02:47 |
Cale | sebsebseb: Yeah, I've been thinking I might have to do a manual install of the JRE. | 02:47 |
Raspberry | wow firefox won't even start with -safe-mode | 02:47 |
sebsebseb | Punko3: by default it uses Ext3 which is fine | 02:47 |
Gramble | thx. it's neat to dive in. | 02:47 |
zionpsyfer | eboyjr: An alternative if you can't get phpmyadmin working. | 02:47 |
TaRDy | amenado, the driver installed but the network manager did not detect the wireless card | 02:47 |
Dr_willis | Punko3, its also the default :) | 02:47 |
ere4si | Sylphid: why, with a static ip address, do you have a dhcp lease? | 02:47 |
tomoyuki28jp | After upgrading to hardy, my trackpoint scroll does not work. I have read many of ubuntu forum post and wiki, but I still dont know how I can make it work. Any advice?? | 02:47 |
Cale | (it's just that I figured that seems pretty wrong :) | 02:47 |
Sylphid | ere4si, i had this problem in fedora befor i switched and had to disable network-manager to get it to stop using dhcp, as far as i can tel network-manager is not installed on 8.04 correct? | 02:47 |
TaRDy | amenado, a modprobe ndiswrapper got it to work | 02:47 |
sebsebseb | Cale: yeah Java can be a bit of a pain to install in Ubuntu I say from experience | 02:47 |
Greencoat1982 | eboyjr do I use the VB proggy or the ubuntu os to setup the shared foldews | 02:47 |
satokun | danbhfive: I'll give that a shot. Don't let me keep you over though if you need to be off. | 02:47 |
Sylphid | ere4si, no clue..... i dont want one | 02:48 |
Gramble | i need to know what do to next: I've got root on my new linux box. | 02:48 |
Apallo | rhsanborn: i would try to go x64 if you can too, so you can use 4+ gig of ram | 02:48 |
TaRDy | sebsebseb, shouldn't java installations be easier soon since sun is supposedly opensourcing the parts that made it not able to be pre-packaged? | 02:48 |
ere4si | Sylphid: it is installed - in control center I think | 02:48 |
Pelo | !who | Gramble | 02:48 |
ubottu | Gramble: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 02:48 |
Greencoat1982 | eboyjr I see it now, I'm just an idiot | 02:48 |
eboyjr | Greencoat1982, Do you have VB Guest Additions installed on the Guest OS ( winxp )? | 02:48 |
Dr_willis | Ive never had any java install issues. I just normally install the Ubuntu-restricted-extras package. and it grabs the java runtime stuff for me. | 02:48 |
rhsanborn | Apallo, indeed. I won't be jumping to 4G off the bat (wallet restricting). The only thing that bugs me is the limited x64 package support. | 02:48 |
bazhang | gramble if you explain what you are trying to do then whoever knows will likely answer thanks | 02:48 |
Sylphid | ere4si, any hints on how to manage it via cli..... not running a gui on this box | 02:48 |
sebsebseb | TarDy: will if the plugin is true open source or free software I supopuse it will be in Ubuntu by default and even Debian for that matter a pure free software distro | 02:49 |
Greencoat1982 | thanks for the point in the right direction | 02:49 |
eboyjr | Greencoat1982, glad i could help, lol | 02:49 |
amenado | TaRDy-> so everything okay now? | 02:49 |
sebsebseb | TarDy: yes Debian will have it by default if it's proper free software | 02:49 |
Apallo | rhsanborn: this is true | 02:49 |
eboyjr | Greencoat1982, Heres a link if you want: | 02:49 |
chooch1 | what's the closest program to msn messenger? I really don't like the alternatives for linux.. | 02:49 |
TaRDy | amenado, yes thank you for your help | 02:49 |
danbhfive | satokun: yeah, I need to sign off | 02:49 |
Ordius | hey how is everyone's experience with happy heron? | 02:49 |
rhsanborn | Apallo, It doesn't mean that I can't run x86 binaries until someone catches up though. | 02:49 |
ere4si | Sylphid: I use the interfaces file for that... | 02:49 |
rhsanborn | Apallo, good idea. | 02:49 |
=== Ordius is now known as DarkW0lf | ||
amenado | TaRDy-> you're welcome | 02:49 |
Apallo | rhsanborn: yep | 02:49 |
danbhfive | satokun: last suggestion: | 02:49 |
Gramble | bazhang: so I'll obey the ubottu and address my explanation to you? | 02:49 |
Greencoat1982 | ok thanks again eboyjr, I'm off to wreck some stuff now | 02:50 |
sebsebseb | chooch1: yeah the alternatives aren't that good, but Kmess and AMSN are the closest to MSN | 02:50 |
danbhfive | satokun: maybe you can try that, and see if you can find the hardy install that way. | 02:50 |
klos | ive got a mp4 video file and i want to extract just the audio.. any help ??? | 02:50 |
danbhfive | satokun: good luck! | 02:50 |
Punko3 | Can someone Private message me to help me with the partitioning on ubuntu | 02:50 |
bazhang | Gramble: I may not know; but the other much smarter folks here just may | 02:50 |
eboyjr | Greencoat1982, Hah, knock yrself out! ;) | 02:50 |
Sylphid | ere4si, locate doesnt yield anything named network-manager | 02:50 |
sebsebseb | Punko3: yep I can do that | 02:50 |
chooch1 | too bad. I Just installed audacious and it's not for mixing... it's just a player like winamp | 02:51 |
bigtimer121 | how do i delete a desktop item? | 02:51 |
ere4si | Sylphid: that's a gui thing - and you have no gui - is it something with your router resetting or similar? | 02:51 |
sebsebseb | chooch1: no not audacious | 02:51 |
bazhang | chooch1: audacity | 02:51 |
sebsebseb | chooch1: audacity | 02:51 |
musashi | can i post links to my question on launchpad here or is that bad etiquette? my question was a bit long for all the traffic here and i don't get a lot of help on the answer tracker - i mainly give it :) | 02:51 |
Yaro | bigtimer121: Unless it is a mounted drive/partition, just select it and hit delete. | 02:51 |
Sylphid | ere4si, why would the router be forcing dhcp requests? | 02:51 |
furicle | Does nobody use modem monitor? I see bug#54790 is from 2006! and still applies.... | 02:51 |
bigtimer121 | yaro: it is mounted. i can't unmount it | 02:51 |
ahave_ | how can i check to see what nvidia drivers i am using | 02:52 |
Yaro | bigtimer121: Are you getting a specific error when you try unmounting. | 02:52 |
Sylphid | ere4si, now that you mention it though this did start happening shortly after replacing my old router | 02:52 |
zionpsyfer | chooch1: mixxx was fun to play with too. No clue how useful it would be for really trying to mix though. | 02:52 |
Yaro | ahave_: Are you using the proprietary drivers? | 02:52 |
Gramble | bazhang: gotcha. my new host ( just popped my cherry and I've got SSH into root on Breezy. Shouldn't I create a user or two so I have something other than root to use? Isn't that next? | 02:52 |
chooch1 | it's just a sound editor.. | 02:52 |
ere4si | Sylphid: never had your issue - looking for clues | 02:52 |
ahave_ | Yaro, yes... i think so. but not sure? | 02:52 |
chooch1 | mixxx has no turntables too | 02:52 |
AnthroTechie | I'm having problmes getting Banchee to work in Hardy | 02:52 |
bigtimer121 | yaro: it says it cannot send to trash or delete | 02:52 |
ere4si | Sylphid: there you go | 02:52 |
waxhead | hi everyone | 02:52 |
Yaro | ahave_: Go into system -> Administration -> Hardware Drivers and see. | 02:53 |
IntangibleLiquid | what is the critical level battery | 02:53 |
waxhead | stupid question, since the stable hardy release, have there been any updates? | 02:53 |
Yaro | bigtimer121: You don't unmount a drive that way. | 02:53 |
bigtimer121 | yaro: how do i unmount? | 02:53 |
arvind_khadri | while booting the ubuntu loading bar doesnt show up...any ideas how to get it??? | 02:53 |
waxhead | I haven't seen any in a while.. and I'm wondering if update manager hasn't updated or something... is there a way to check? | 02:53 |
Yaro | bigtimer121_: Right click it and click unmount. And it will be gone. But you won't be able ot access it without remounting. | 02:53 |
chooch1 | i'm talking about something like | 02:53 |
Sylphid | ere4si, ........ im totaly confused by that though... i mean time line matches up .... but that confuses me to the point of taking a shotgun to my computer | 02:53 |
ahave_ | Yaro, is there a command line command to tell? i am using a diffrent build and does not included the normal menus | 02:53 |
ere4si | Sylphid: shoot the router not the comp | 02:54 |
bigtimer121 | yaro: nothing happens when i click unmount | 02:54 |
Yaro | ahave_: I do not know. Anyone here who knows who can answer? | 02:54 |
hakie | which is the best music player for ubuntu8.04? who knows? | 02:54 |
Yaro | hakie: I like Amarok, myself. | 02:54 |
Sylphid | ere4si, i need a new one of both =P | 02:54 |
ere4si | hehe | 02:54 |
waxhead | I'm on the banshee bandwagon myself | 02:54 |
zionpsyfer | chooch1: Yeah, I haven't seen anything like virtualdj. Let me know if you run across anything though, I've a few friends who'd love one. | 02:54 |
arvind_khadri | Hi, While booting the ubuntu loading bar doesnt show up...any ideas how to get it??? | 02:55 |
Yaro | bigtimer121: You can always use the command line: 'sudo umount /dev/<devide name>' | 02:55 |
chooch1 | I just remembered, maybe it can run through wine, what do you say? | 02:55 |
hakie | amarok? i will try it | 02:55 |
rinnan | Wow -- | 02:56 |
hellues | why people in java answer the quuenstion about java | 02:56 |
rinnan | This release had a lot of problems for me -- intel video caps-lock-blinked the kernel... | 02:56 |
hellues | i wonna complain this | 02:56 |
rinnan | and the wireless drops out randomly... | 02:56 |
hellues | are there a channel to complain ? | 02:56 |
zionpsyfer | chooch1: Maybe. Never tried it before. | 02:56 |
chooch1 | zionpsyfer, look: | 02:57 |
jrib | hellues: what do you want to complain about and how is this related to ubuntu? | 02:57 |
orudie | how can i extract mediawiki-1.12.0.tar.gz | 02:57 |
plik | hellues: all complaints to /dev/null | 02:57 |
ere4si | arvind_khadri: in /boot/grub/menu.lst do you have quiet splash at the end of the kernel line? | 02:57 |
hellues | i ask a quenstion about java | 02:57 |
Starnestommy | orudie: tar xzf mediawiki-1.12.0.tar.gz | 02:57 |
arvind_khadri | ere4si, yeah | 02:57 |
zionpsyfer | chooch1: Nice, gold even. | 02:57 |
chooch1 | right | 02:57 |
ryugaka | So how's Hardy guys :D? | 02:57 |
chooch1 | kewl, I forgot about wine... | 02:57 |
eboyjr | Should I install gd2 for php5 with yum? I have PHP running as an apache module. | 02:58 |
arvind_khadri | ere4si, its the splash screen,the orange bar am talking about | 02:58 |
hellues | about java applet nobody answer me to my quenstion | 02:58 |
rinnan | needed lots of work for me... :( | 02:58 |
jrib | hellues: what exactly is your ubuntu support question? | 02:58 |
ryugaka | did they fix the ndiswrapper issue? | 02:58 |
ere4si | arvind_khadri: that should have it showing | 02:58 |
hellues | i joined java channel | 02:58 |
satokun | danbhfive: if you're still here, I edited menu so that my heron install was pointed to 0,0, and it's booted fine. Thanks much for all your help today. :D | 02:58 |
chooch1 | Hardy's nice. but for some reason some sabma program (forgot the name) crashed repeatedly | 02:58 |
hellues | and i ask a quenstion about java applet | 02:58 |
ryugaka | samba? | 02:58 |
hellues | nobody answer me about java | 02:58 |
ere4si | arvind_khadri: do you have the file /etc/usplash.conf? | 02:58 |
arvind_khadri | ere4si, i know,but its been like this since 7.10 didnt have this in 7.04... | 02:58 |
jrib | hellues: this channel is for ubuntu support, it's not for discussing other channels. Do you have an ubuntu question? | 02:59 |
arvind_khadri | ere4si, ok let me check up | 02:59 |
ryugaka | Gutsy was giving me hard locks, so I had to revert back to Windows. | 02:59 |
ibleed | hellues, nobody is required to answer. people volunteer their time. | 02:59 |
sebsebseb | helluses: so your java applets don't work. Java plugin in Firefox? | 02:59 |
plik | hellues: be patient and try again when some different (perhaps more knowledgeable) people are in the channel. | 02:59 |
zionpsyfer | chooch1: Heh, same. Never really considered it I guess. Wine's getting pretty decent. | 02:59 |
ryugaka | Should I wait to get Hardy? It just came out :3 | 02:59 |
ibleed | hellues, maybe you did not wait long enough or nobody was around | 02:59 |
arvind_khadri | ere4si, loacate cannot open itself | 02:59 |
hellues | i wonna tell this situtation to someone | 02:59 |
Yaro | ryugaka: The server lag is almost gone. Shouldn't be too hard to get the ISO now. | 02:59 |
chooch1 | Hardy even solved some ATI mobility driver issue that kept me trying to fix for hours in Gutsy | 03:00 |
jrib | hellues: your offtopic, please do not discuss the issue here anymore | 03:00 |
jrib | you're | 03:00 |
ere4si | !usplash | arvind_khadri | 03:00 |
ubottu | arvind_khadri: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See for adding your custom artwork | 03:00 |
ryugaka | Gutsy was working fine for me, until last week. | 03:00 |
ryugaka | I'm not even sure why it started screwing up. | 03:00 |
ere4si | arvind_khadri: run that command and see the output | 03:00 |
q_a_z_steve | how do I preview, it doesn't seem to want to play | 03:00 |
arvind_khadri | ere4si, ok | 03:00 |
Yaro | ryugaka: Could you be more specific? | 03:00 |
ryugaka | But Hardy had an ndiswrapper issue. | 03:00 |
q_a_z_steve | k9copy that is. | 03:00 |
chooch1 | ryugaka, what happened? | 03:00 |
qwiksand | hey all... | 03:01 |
ryugaka | My computer would just freeze. | 03:01 |
Gramble | bazhang: did you see my question? | 03:01 |
ryugaka | And 2 buttons on my laptop would flash over and over again. | 03:01 |
hakie | 8.04 seems a bit slow on my machine. sometimes the screen becomes grey.why? | 03:01 |
q_a_z_steve | musashi: Starnestommy ^^^ | 03:01 |
arvind_khadri | ere4si, ok done | 03:01 |
guest | hakie, have you checked the system monitor? | 03:01 |
alibcaca | I have run the command sleep 1000; halt ,but now I dont want my system to shutdown. How do I stop it? | 03:01 |
Brenny | hakie, individual applications go grey when they aren't responding | 03:01 |
ere4si | arvind_khadri: did it find a usplash? | 03:01 |
musashi | q_a_z_steve, yes? | 03:02 |
q_a_z_steve | how do I preview, it doesn't seem to want to play | 03:02 |
Brenny | hakie, I find 8.04 is overzealous with this and Firefox 3 does it really often | 03:02 |
arvind_khadri | ere4si, it said only one theme which provides it and stuff | 03:02 |
bazhang | Gramble: yes, sorry; breezy? is that still supported? you may want to get a more recent version :) | 03:02 |
musashi | q_a_z_steve, oh, preview? yeah that seems to be kind of hit or miss. sometimes works. sometimes doesn't | 03:02 |
Amonxz | quien juega openarena aki? | 03:02 |
matt___ | i really know nothing of sql, but I am trying to setup a database using mysql on my "server" downstairs, and then hook up openoffice to it from my client upstairs. For the most part, I know what I'm doing. However, for some reason, it won't connect. I feel that it is probably a config file or something, maybe even "sql user privelages" on the server side, but I'm not sure. | 03:03 |
hakie | yes .firefox3 often happens . | 03:03 |
jrib | !es | Amonxz | 03:03 |
ubottu | Amonxz: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda. | 03:03 |
q_a_z_steve | eww, well is that disc to disc, or computer to computer that it will or won't work? | 03:03 |
ere4si | arvind_khadri: then sudo update-grub and reboot to see | 03:03 |
evilbug | i upgraded directly from a fresh,default gutsy install to hardy via update manager and i got a few errors while the install was going.i got a kernel upgrade error saying packets were unavailable,a metacity error saying the same thing,and a compiz-gnome error.any clues why? | 03:03 |
Amonxz | i know sorry i forgot bout the -es | 03:03 |
jcooke | Is there a way to remove a wireless network from the "known" networks so that the network manager will stop auto-connecting to it? | 03:03 |
Gramble | bazhang: np. so i just hang around for ... how long? | 03:03 |
musashi | q_a_z_steve, drill down through the chapters. sometimes it will preview if you get to the lower levels of the chapter/title | 03:03 |
Yaro | evilbug: I know its not helpful, but the best way to upgrade is still typically a clean install. | 03:03 |
arvind_khadri | ere4si, ok thanks rebooting :) | 03:03 |
ere4si | k | 03:03 |
ryugaka | so yeah, i was gonna install hardy but i had plenty of wireless issues with my dell 1501 | 03:04 |
musashi | q_a_z_steve, my experience is disc to disc as it sometimes works for me and sometimes doesn't | 03:04 |
ryugaka | so i decided to wait, but i hate windows :( | 03:04 |
q_a_z_steve | kk | 03:04 |
evilbug | Yaro- i was planning on doing that tomorrow when i finally get some working blank cd's. | 03:04 |
chooch1 | guys.. I get no answer on #samba | 03:04 |
Yaro | evilbug: Though you'll have to backup your data unless you have /home mounted on another partition like I do. | 03:04 |
chooch1 | what should I do? | 03:04 |
sputnick | see ya guys | 03:04 |
ubuntu_ | hey gang | 03:05 |
bazhang | Gramble: you have breezy--you really should get a supported version; you want to setup a server, a minimal install or what--could you please clarify? | 03:05 |
evilbug | Yaro- ubuntu is not my primary os,so i don't keep anything important in it.last week when i upgraded the same way,i had 2 separate ubuntu entries in the grub boot menu. | 03:05 |
matt___ | i really know nothing of sql, but I am trying to setup a database using mysql on my "server" downstairs, and then hook up openoffice to it from my client upstairs. For the most part, I know what I'm doing. However, for some reason, it won't connect. I feel that it is probably a config file or something, maybe even "sql user privelages" on the server side, but I'm not sure. So does anyone know of perhaps another channel that would help | 03:05 |
Yaro | evilbug: Then it sounds like you're all set. XD | 03:05 |
ubuntu_ | can anyone point me in the right directions for installing beryl on ubuntu 8.04?? | 03:05 |
Yaro | ubuntu_: Beryl doesn't even exist anymore. Compiz-Fusion. | 03:05 |
zionpsyfer | matt___: Mysql by default only allows connections from localhost. You'll need to edit my.cnf and also allow set up the user so they're allowed to log in from other hosts. (in the users table iirc. % being wildcard) | 03:05 |
Brenny | ubuntu_, Beryl is not developed anymore. It merged back with Compiz into Compiz Fusion. | 03:06 |
musashi | ubuntu_, i think beryl is more or less gone. it's compiz now | 03:06 |
evilbug | Yaro- and now i'm getting more errors...nautilus,gnome-applets... | 03:06 |
ere4si | !compiz | ubuntu_ | 03:06 |
ubottu | ubuntu_: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at - help in #compiz-fusion | 03:06 |
bazhang | !compiz | ubuntu_ | 03:06 |
Yaro | evilbug: Yyyyyyyeah, I recommend that clean install. | 03:06 |
ubuntu_ | oh... thanks everyone | 03:06 |
=== qwiksand is now known as roshane | ||
LiKuiD_SiLeNcE | hi everyone | 03:06 |
Gramble | bazhang: right. my first step is to upgrade. I've got a new virtual dedicate server from they provide SSH and root and nothing else. | 03:06 |
musashi | ubuntu_, system-prefs-appearance and set the visual effect to extra. if you have the 3d drivers installed it should just work | 03:06 |
Cale | sebsebseb: aha! I tried moving my old .mozilla out of the way and it showed up. Copying things like my bookmarks back into the new profile fixed the problem. sun-java6 is working now :) | 03:07 |
matt___ | zionpsyfer: i noticed that localhost thing, but what should it be? right now it is what should it be? the ip of my client? And please explain the user part a little more...but I think you've almost got me there :) | 03:07 |
Gramble | bazhang: so from what context do I need to run the apt-get upgrade process? from root?!!? | 03:07 |
=== qwiksand is now known as DeviantMIND | ||
evilbug | Yaro- last time i blamed it on the connection being to solicited and packages not downloading all the data. | 03:07 |
Yaro | evilbug: And it will, probably after a clean install. Upgrading through the Update Manager can cause problems. | 03:07 |
Starnestommy | matt___: | 03:08 |
Shpook | I just upgraded both my laptop and desktop to Ubuntu Hardy, which comes with FF3 beta. The desktop will ask to save open tabs upon close, but the laptop doesn't. Is this an Ubuntu problem or a Firefox problem? And doesn't anyone know how to fix it? | 03:08 |
matt___ | Starnestommy: say what? | 03:08 |
bazhang | Gramble: so you can install on this server via ssh only? | 03:08 |
dubby | hey anyone, Im using fwbuilder to run build a firewall, and anycase I have my firewall all set up, and using linux and iptables, so i press compile and save, and what i get out is an xml file... ok thank you but i don't think xml can be run in terminal too easy... | 03:08 |
matt___ | Starnestommy: would that be what replaces | 03:08 |
evilbug | Yaro- and now it just told me that my system will be in an unusable state :( NNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO | 03:08 |
Starnestommy | matt___: the bind-address setting in my.cnf should be if you want it to allow connections from outside | 03:08 |
arvind_khadri | ere4si, doesnt help...when i boot into the system it says "Cannot Allocate Region xxxxxxx" | 03:08 |
evilbug | Yaro- i guess i know what i'll do tomorrow :) | 03:08 |
Yaro | evilbug: Best of luck to you! | 03:08 |
matt___ | Starnestommy: do you know how to setup a user correctly to allow it? | 03:09 |
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david_-_- | if i do sudo aptitude instaoo xubuntu-desktop then later do sudo aptitude --purge remove xubunut-desktop will it remove everything xubuntu even codecs? | 03:09 |
ere4si | arvind_khadri: are you running a xserver? | 03:09 |
harris | hello GUYs | 03:09 |
arvind_khadri | ere4si, hmm i dont know what it means | 03:09 |
zionpsyfer | matt___: Heh, no worries. I'll dig up a link. | 03:09 |
arvind_khadri | ere4si, could you explain more | 03:09 |
=== TheOzFalcon is now known as ZapO | ||
matt___ | zionpsyfer: I'd appreciate that a lot... | 03:10 |
ere4si | arvind_khadri: using a command line install or with a desktop? | 03:10 |
Ahadiel | david_-_-, I'm pretty sure that will only remove things related to xubuntu-desktop and not required by anything else. (So most likely not codecs) | 03:10 |
chooch1 | guys, I get no answer at #samba, what should I do? | 03:10 |
qwiksand | guess what? i can learn all i've always wanted to learn about Ubuntu now, i finished University today...just did my last exam | 03:10 |
Yaro | chooch1: Have patience! | 03:10 |
arvind_khadri | ere4si, desktop | 03:10 |
=== ZapO is now known as CruftyFalcon | ||
ryugaka | So Hardy is ok eh? | 03:11 |
chooch1 | Yaro, u mean like hours? | 03:11 |
david_-_- | Ahadiel: how do i remove everything xubuntu sudo aptitude --purge remove xubuntu-desktop && xubuntu ? | 03:11 |
Yaro | chooch1: Perhaps finding another channel, possibly on other servers, that can help you with Samba? | 03:11 |
ere4si | arvind_khadri: when do you get that message? - after grub starts? | 03:11 |
whabo | okay if i have 4 GIG of RAM shouldnt ubuntu recognize all 4 GIGs of ram even on a 32 bit version on the OS? only 3.2 gig are being recognized motherboard supports upto 4 GIG of ram. any help? thank you | 03:11 |
ToddEDM | hey guys ever since the upgrade to Hardy, i have no wifi ... anyone know why that would be? | 03:11 |
arvind_khadri | ere4si, after i select the kernel from the list ... | 03:11 |
=== CruftyFalcon is now known as OzFalcon | ||
chooch1 | Yaro, I don't know any, I didn't use linux for a long time | 03:12 |
zionpsyfer | matt___: explains the my.cnf part. | 03:12 |
Bouchmil | /msg ubottu etiquette | 03:12 |
chooch1 | last time I had linux it was Debian... | 03:12 |
matt___ | zionpsyfer: Starnestommy when trying to connect now, it tells me that (my internal ip) is not allowed to connect to i think all i have to do is to setup a user that can login remotely... | 03:12 |
Yaro | chooch1: I am sorry. I do not know where else you can find help. | 03:12 |
foxhop | whabo - 32 bit ubuntu only has access to 4 gb worth of memory addresses | 03:12 |
Gramble | testing Gramble | 03:12 |
Shpook | I think the next upgrade needs to be more of a diplomatic one rather than a functional one. If they can get enough driver support so that Ubuntu "just works," then it will really appeal to a vast majority. | 03:12 |
Starnestommy | matt___: did you restart mysql? | 03:12 |
matt___ | Starnestommy: yes | 03:13 |
Perpetual | I have a problem with usplash - after installing a 2nd OS (debian for example) my usplash stops working correctly. About 10 seconds in to the boot process usplash reverts to text mode at "reading files needed to boot". From there it carries on in text mode until gdm starts. I can't figure out how to correct this. | 03:13 |
whabo | foxhop: i have 4 gig of ram only 3.2 is recognized | 03:13 |
chooch1 | Yaro, thanks, I'll try #samba later | 03:13 |
zionpsyfer | matt___: correct. Look in the mysql db inside the user table | 03:13 |
foxhop | whabo: You have to remember that video card memory needs to be addressed as well | 03:13 |
Yaro | Shpook: Anecdotal as it is, my experience with Ubuntu is that it "just works." | 03:13 |
ere4si | arvind_khadri: well it is looking for the usplash and can't display it - give me a min to see what I can find | 03:13 |
ryugaka | >_> | 03:13 |
ubuntu_ | hey did anyone in here ever run ubuntu 8.05 from a usb? | 03:13 |
ryugaka | It takes me 2 hours to get my ubuntu config proper. | 03:13 |
ryugaka | Before I like it. | 03:13 |
Yaro | ubuntu_: I haven't run it yet. Though I have with 7.10. | 03:13 |
Shpook | Yaro: I wish I could say the same. Granted, I enjoy the challenge, but I have had never ending driver issues. | 03:14 |
ToddEDM | anyone know how to get wifi working on hardy? | 03:14 |
arvind_khadri | ere4si, take your rime | 03:14 |
matt___ | zionpsyfer: like i said..i know nothing really of sql, use it at work some (microsoft sql, windows, etc :( so where is the user table? | 03:14 |
Yaro | Shppok: What drivers are not working? | 03:14 |
foxhop | whabo: | 03:14 |
ubuntu_ | i install it on my 8gig usb, i run it and login and thats as far as it goes | 03:14 |
whabo | foxhop: my video card is not the reason. because i am only seeing 3.2 ram where by when i had 2 gig of ram. the whole 2 gig were recognized | 03:14 |
OzFalcon | Damn Linux is good. I just finished migrating all my apps (.config) from fedora to ubuntu. No problems and pretty easy. | 03:14 |
Gramble | testing Gramble | 03:14 |
the_darkside_986 | Is there a good modtracker software for Ubuntu, like openMPT? I used to know of one but i have completely forgot the name. | 03:14 |
ryugaka | tobddEDM | 03:14 |
ubuntu_ | never kicks over to the desktop, just sits there | 03:14 |
ryugaka | er Todd. | 03:14 |
No1CaNTeL | hey guys, can someone give me a hand with installing a webcam? I am not sure where to find the settings and my cam doesnt seem to work without some cnfig | 03:14 |
ryugaka | What kind of computer do you have? | 03:14 |
ubuntu_ | anyone ever see or hear about that before? | 03:14 |
Shpook | Yaro: Everything is fine now, but on my laptop I had issues with Intel graphics and wireless, and my desktop with Nvidia graphics and Alcatel sound. | 03:15 |
fryfrog | any idea why raid drivers would load *before* ide drivers at boot? due to this, i think my friends kernel raid doesn't get auto-setup at boot :/ | 03:15 |
ryugaka | Or he's gone. | 03:15 |
AnthroTechie | has anyone had any problems getting banshee to work on Hardy? | 03:15 |
Yaro | Shpook: Ah. | 03:15 |
foxhop | Whabo: due to the nature of 32 bit, there is only so many memory addresses to be given out | 03:15 |
ryugaka | If anyone else has an Dell Inspiron 1501 look here | 03:15 |
cwillu | fryfrog, define 'ide driver' | 03:15 |
foxhop | whabo: You hit the max | 03:15 |
cwillu | fryfrog, which module are you looking at? | 03:15 |
the_darkside_986 | Also, I cannot get rosegarden to work right. it says it cannot connect to jack audio server. what package is that in exactly? i already installed jackd | 03:15 |
ToddEDM | sorry im here , its a desktop.. with a wmp54g | 03:15 |
ere4si | arvind_khadri: is it a standard ubuntu kernel? | 03:15 |
jcooke | matt__, you just need to be able to connect to the mysql server remotely from another box? | 03:15 |
zionpsyfer | matt:___: there is a database named 'mysql' that contains configuration info | 03:15 |
arvind_khadri | ere4si, yeah!!!! | 03:15 |
fryfrog | cwillu: in dmesg, i see output from "md" *then* after that i see output from "ata" | 03:15 |
ryugaka | Are you trying to use ndiswrapper? | 03:16 |
matt___ | zionpsyfer: oh, that's what that what do i do with it? | 03:16 |
arvind_khadri | ere4si, i installed using a canonical shipped cd | 03:16 |
ere4si | k | 03:16 |
matt___ | jcooke: correct...for now anyways... | 03:16 |
bazhang | AnthroTechie: hang on a sec | 03:16 |
ToddEDM | ryugaka: it was working under gutsy... i dunno why it wouldnt work on hardy | 03:16 |
fryfrog | cwillu: as in, at boot, the md module/driver is loading, looking for devices, finding none... *then* the ata/sata driver is loading and finding the disks. which of course, does the auto-detection of md no good | 03:16 |
AnthroTechie | bazhang: okay | 03:16 |
foxhop | Whabo, this addressing of memory allocation you see has to do with swap file...The swapped file needs addressing too | 03:16 |
jcooke | matt___, the simplest thing would just to do "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'user'@'hostname' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';" | 03:16 |
david_-_- | Ahadiel: would that remove all xubuntu stuff if i did it that way as well sudo aptitude --purge remove xubuntu ? after i did the remove xubuntu-desktop? | 03:17 |
cwillu | fryfrog, what does your /etc/modules look like? | 03:17 |
fryfrog | cwillu: on my own system, the ata drivers load first (in initrd i'd imagine), then the md drivers load | 03:17 |
=== chmac_away is now known as chmac | ||
OzFalcon | the_darkside_986, have you tried "soundtracker" or "Cheesetracker"? | 03:17 |
fryfrog | cwillu: lemme look | 03:17 |
the_darkside_986 | soundtracker is the exact name i was looking for. thanks. | 03:17 |
foxhop | Whabo: swap + Memory must be less then 4 | 03:17 |
jcooke | matt___, for hostname, you may just want to do 192.168.1.% | 03:17 |
foxhop | or = to | 03:17 |
fryfrog | cwillu: is /etc/modules loaded at boot time from initrd? or at boot time after the system starts up? | 03:17 |
whabo | foxhop: oh okay thank you | 03:17 |
the_darkside_986 | i still can't figure out how to get the jack audio server to work though | 03:17 |
sparr | can someone explain to me why ubuntu does not have the same firefox package naming problem as debian? both ship with patches, yes? | 03:17 |
matt___ | jcooke: oh, so I think that makes sense, and I run that in mysql, or mysqladmin, because that gets confusing... | 03:17 |
=== elninja is now known as Arrr | ||
arvind_khadri | ere4si, ok i found it | 03:18 |
Spaz1331 | I have two issues: one can I stop firefox from getting focus when I click a hyperlink in evolution? two: when can I put a script (or link to a script) to be run when I login to gdm? | 03:18 |
jcooke | matt___, in mysql | 03:18 |
arvind_khadri | ere4si, i think so | 03:18 |
matt___ | " | 03:18 |
ere4si | arvind_khadri: what was it? | 03:18 |
Yaro | sparr: Ubuntu uses its own repositories. They could have simply fixed it themselves and publushed it. | 03:18 |
zionpsyfer | matt___: in the user table, there is a column named host. updated it to either the ip(s) you want or just use '%' if you're not exposing it to the outside world. | 03:18 |
OzFalcon | the_darkside_986, I think timidity can play them also (if you just want a simple player) | 03:18 |
matt___ | jcooke: i think that makes sense | 03:18 |
jcooke | matt___, may help you any further | 03:18 |
the_darkside_986 | I need a music editor. something like OpenMPT. | 03:18 |
matt___ | jcooke: thanks | 03:18 |
arvind_khadri | ere4si, need to install somethings wait a sec will give you the link | 03:18 |
the_darkside_986 | OpenMPT runs fine in Wine and is open source, but I'd rather not deal with Wine atm. | 03:18 |
arvind_khadri | ere4si, | 03:18 |
microwaver | ToddEDM, did u try using WIndows Wireless Drivers through synaptic? | 03:19 |
Veinor | whenever I try to run an I keep getting **Error**: You must have `glib' installed. | 03:19 |
cwillu | foxhop, 32bit can use more than 4gb, it just can't use more than 4gb in any one process | 03:19 |
sparr | Yaro: i was under the impression that Mozilla forbids distributing custom binaries with the mozilla trademarks on them? debian has their own repositories too. | 03:19 |
No1CaNTeL | anyone able to help setup a webcam in ubuntu? | 03:19 |
ToddEDM | microwaver: i cant get online | 03:19 |
jcooke | matt___, it's important that you do the user hostname quoted exactly like I did, user and host in quotes, the @ not in the quotes | 03:19 |
fryfrog | cwillu: my server at home loads scsi drivers, *then* raid (this is all during kernel boot) and doesn't have "md" or anything in /etc/modules | 03:19 |
stbain | Liquid Crystal Display or Cathode Ray Tube | 03:19 |
microwaver | ToddEDM, how are you speakin in here then? | 03:19 |
bazhang | AnthroTechie: problems with iPod; media controllers or other-->just wont launch there are 4 bugs with banshee in Hardy | 03:19 |
matt___ | jcooke: for hostname, could i just do like "desktop" or whatever? | 03:19 |
OzFalcon | the_darkside_986, I haven't tried cheesetracker, But I know soundtracker can edit. | 03:19 |
LinuxNIT | anyone know if there is a program to mount samba shares via a web browser? (mount not just browse like smb2www) | 03:19 |
foxhop | cwilluL I disagree | 03:19 |
microwaver | ToddEDM, or you mean u don't have a browser or something like that? | 03:19 |
foxhop | cwillu: ubuntu 32bit will only see a max of 4 gb | 03:20 |
arvind_khadri | ere4si, another one here | 03:20 |
ToddEDM | microwaver: i cant get online since i upgraded to hardy | 03:20 |
Yaro | sparr: Who said it was custom binaries? Wasn't this merely an issue with package names? Besides, I think the Mozilla foundation allows for custoom Firefoxes depending on circumstances... or... rather, customization modules, perhaps? I am not an expert on Mozilla's software. I'm just grateful it works well. | 03:20 |
bazhang | !webcams | No1CaNTeL | 03:20 |
ubottu | No1CaNTeL: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at - Supported cams: | 03:20 |
jcooke | matt___, hostname is usually the IP address, if you want everything on your network to access it(since the IPs may change, use 192.168.1.%, assuming that matches your network | 03:20 |
No1CaNTeL | ty | 03:20 |
ere4si | arvind_khadri: hope it works :) well done | 03:20 |
ToddEDM | microwaver: im on my laptop | 03:20 |
matt___ | jcooke: got it... | 03:20 |
langsuir | hello | 03:20 |
microwaver | ToddEDM, you want your wireless device working on your other system? | 03:20 |
arvind_khadri | ere4si, :) thanks will try both | 03:20 |
ere4si | k | 03:20 |
matt___ | jcooke: so do i replace password with anything? | 03:20 |
ToddEDM | yes that is what i would like | 03:21 |
bazhang | LinuxNIT: you tried via nautilus (not a web browser but still) | 03:21 |
jcooke | matt___, whatever password you want, I wouldn't recommend just using 'password' | 03:21 |
microwaver | ToddEDM, can u attach an ethernet cable to your other device? | 03:21 |
ToddEDM | nope | 03:21 |
microwaver | ToddEDM, hmmm.... | 03:21 |
LinuxNIT | bazhang, i want remote access... hence web-browser | 03:21 |
matt___ | jcooke: so what does that do? does that make a password for a user? i don't understand that part...does it edit a password or what? if i put it to 1234, do i have to type that to use it? | 03:21 |
ToddEDM | i can download whatever i need on the laptop and put it on USBstick | 03:22 |
matt___ | jcooke: with this method, is my username "matt" if that's what i put in the quotes before @ | 03:22 |
jcooke | matt___, yes | 03:22 |
AnthroTechie | bazhang: so I should file a bug report? | 03:22 |
matt___ | jcooke: so is this creating a new user? | 03:22 |
jcooke | matt___, yes | 03:22 |
microwaver | ToddEDM, Yeah, figured that out. I'm thinking of finding a way what ngdisgtk uses o files so you can put it on usb $> other device | 03:22 |
matt___ | jcooke: got it, thanks...lettme try this. restart mysql afterwords? | 03:22 |
ToddEDM | ahh | 03:23 |
jcooke | matt___, you can run the command with something different in place of *.* also, the first * represents the database name, and the second the table | 03:23 |
bazhang | LinuxNIT: there should be a remote access gui-->not a webbrowser though afaik-->others here may know though | 03:23 |
jcooke | matt___, no, privileges should be flushed automatically with grant | 03:23 |
microwaver | ToddEDM, perhaps this does the trick | 03:23 |
microwaver | this made my wirelss working | 03:23 |
microwaver | ToddEDM, this and ofcourse the driver itself | 03:23 |
matt___ | jcooke: i hit enter, but didn't get a response, did it work? | 03:23 |
Yaro | I Am off again folks. All the power and luck to you! | 03:23 |
Gramble | bazhang: so how are question usually answered? people just scan their logs and respond in a few hours? | 03:23 |
jcooke | matt___, assuming no errors, yes, it worked | 03:23 |
matt___ | jcooke: ok, lettme try | 03:24 |
jcooke | matt___, try running "mysql -umatt -p" | 03:24 |
jcooke | and use the password you created, that should log you in as that user | 03:24 |
ToddEDM | microwaver: thx | 03:24 |
bazhang | AnthroTechie: is it different from the ones already listed? you can confirm the ones already there ubuntu hardy banshee were the search terms I used | 03:24 |
LinuxNIT | bazhang, i want via web browser so that it can be esily and quickly accessed from multiple pcs and or platforms | 03:24 |
foxhop | <3 mySQL | 03:24 |
matt___ | jcooke: um....alright... | 03:24 |
jcooke | matt___, don't use *.* or "GRANT ALL" for production type use, read up on GRANT further | 03:24 |
jcooke | matt___, so you can test that it worked :) | 03:24 |
bazhang | gramble you got a more recent version? can you you install via ssh (know how?) we answer as quick as we can--> sorry for the hold up but juggling 23 things atm | 03:25 |
matt___ | jcooke: it's odd...hmmm | 03:25 |
microwaver | jcooke, you have a nice handy phpmyadmin cfg file lying around? :) | 03:25 |
jcooke | microwaver, I refuse to use phpmyadmin ;x | 03:25 |
jcooke | microwaver, but if you do, please remember to set up auth for it! | 03:26 |
ToddEDM | so ok, heres another problem i have microwaver | 03:26 |
Gramble | bazhang: that's what I need to know: how to install from SSH (context: I have root on my Breezy, but that's all) | 03:26 |
matt___ | jcooke: its not working...but it does with i don't know...right now i'm trying to login on the server using the 192.168.1.% should have that covered... | 03:26 |
microwaver | jcooke, you do anything in terminal? | 03:26 |
AnthroTechie | bazhang: okay, thanks | 03:26 |
microwaver | ToddEDM, yes, tell me | 03:26 |
bullgard4 | My Tracker applet has gone lost when I completely de-installed and re-installed Tracker. How can I reinstall the Tracker applet? | 03:26 |
jcooke | matt___, that won't create a system user, just a mysql user | 03:26 |
jcooke | microwaver, terminal? at the command line you mean? | 03:27 |
matt___ | jcooke: what do you mean? | 03:27 |
arvind_khadri | ere4si, ok wil reboot now and report :) | 03:27 |
microwaver | jcooke, yes. what priveleges should a mysql user need? | 03:27 |
matt___ | jcooke: i'm trying with matt, not root... | 03:27 |
ToddEDM | when i leave the laptop for a while, the screen goes black, then when i return and try to move the mouse i get crazy horizontal black and white lines flashing.. then i need to ctrl-backspace to get it to work by logging in again | 03:27 |
ripper | i can not burn dual layer dvd's with any software (brasero, k3b, gnome-baker) | 03:27 |
jcooke | matt___, on the box with mysql on it, run "mysql -umatt -p" and see if the password works | 03:27 |
bazhang | gramble okay let me check on that --> youwill need to upgrade that version to get support though | 03:27 |
Fritzel | does anyone know of any bug that would cause my pointer to disappear for no reason at all under certain conditions, (busy pointer likes to do it alot) | 03:27 |
zionpsyfer | matt___: mysql users are completely separate from the linux users. | 03:27 |
ripper | i keep getting an input/output error | 03:27 |
matt___ | jcooke: like i said...alreadly tried it, and it doesn't work | 03:28 |
microwaver | ToddEDM, I think that's OR a screensaver error OR a splashscreen error | 03:28 |
John_S | Is anyone familiar with "nm-tool"? It says I'm connected via eth0 when I'm using wireless wlan0. My ethernet is not even connected. Any idea of what's going on? | 03:28 |
matt___ | zionpsyfer: right right...i know...but i'm just saying that the user i created doesn't work... | 03:28 |
jcooke | matt___, not really able to troubleshoot it, you may want to read up on mysql GRANT | 03:28 |
IntangibleLiquid | when the battery reaches its critical level, the screen goes blank instead of hibernation. And I have to restart X. How come? | 03:28 |
bobbo85 | Hi all, I have had Hardy running on my comp from the development area for a few months now, and since the 8.04LTS release came out, I still see a bunch of development options in my boot menu... how can I get it to show the latest LTS version instead of these ones? | 03:28 |
Perpetual | can anyone assist with my usplash changing to text mode during boot after install a new OS to a seperate partition? | 03:28 |
matt___ | zionpsyfer: jcooke is there someway i could use the root user (mysql) to "view" the user matt? | 03:28 |
jcooke | microwaver, creating a user for phpmyadmin? | 03:28 |
juaco | HI PPL anyone can give me a hand plz... after upgrading from 7.10 to 8.04 i have no text consoles anymore | 03:28 |
omnistegan | Hey guys, I have two sound cards installed in my system and I need to disable one of them. I've done it before with your help but I can't remember much of what I did. Any suggestions of where to start? | 03:28 |
microwaver | jcooke, no, a uer for drupal, a cms | 03:28 |
juaco | , everytime a faulty program locks my keyboard/mouse or if X goes down i have to reboot | 03:29 |
matt___ | omnistegan: probably blacklist it, knowing the correct things to blacklist of course | 03:29 |
IntangibleLiquid | omnistegan: I think its in BIOS setup | 03:29 |
ulugeyik | I have problem after upgrading to hardy, it shows up as "GNOME Settings Daemon problem" and the error message says "Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken." | 03:29 |
ToddEDM | micro... ok that may be the prob, the screensaver was set to black screen... i turned it off we will see | 03:29 |
ulugeyik | I looked at various forums, posted to ubuntu forums, bugzilla, launchpad etc with no luck. | 03:29 |
microwaver | ToddEDM, does your computer show a ubuntu loading bar when starting up? | 03:30 |
jcooke | matt___, in mysql, you could do "SELECT User FROM mysql.user WHERE User = 'matt';" | 03:30 |
icesword | hoho, nice | 03:30 |
jcooke | if there are no results, then the GRANT failed | 03:30 |
bazhang | gramble you want to get dapper for that? gutsy or hardy; those are the choices for supported systems | 03:30 |
ToddEDM | microwaver: yeah | 03:30 |
jcooke | microwaver, you mean what grant perms? | 03:30 |
matt___ | jcooke: wow...i'm sorta catching on to this stuff.... | 03:30 |
matt___ | up? | 03:30 |
Jeb | dapper = 7.10, correct? | 03:30 |
matt___ | 22:23 < jcooke> matt___, in mysql, you could do "SELECT User FROM mysql.user WHERE User = 'matt';" | 03:30 |
Gramble | bazhang: yeah that's what I'm trying to learn how to do: upgrade to 8.04 | 03:30 |
ulugeyik | thethe error is intermittent, (does not happen ~25% of the time, but in that case wireless does not work) error. After logging in, it shows a black screen, than a blank background and waits for ~1 minute. Then shows the following error. Afterwards, one of the three things happen: | 03:30 |
ulugeyik | 1) I get unusual icons but everything works, (2) I get unusual icons but after I click on few things, I get back the usual thing, everything works, (3) I get unusual icons, I can't click on any menus or icons. | 03:30 |
microwaver | jcooke, grant perms he needs | 03:30 |
jcooke | what were you asking | 03:30 |
microwaver | ToddEDM, I don't know of such a problem. what you could try is when you leave for a while : do ctrl + alt + l to lock, see if the GUI crashes then | 03:31 |
the_darkside_986 | does anyone have any idea how to get rosegarden to output sound in Ubuntu 8.04? I'm completely lost | 03:31 |
DistroJockey | juaco, try removing vga=XXX from the kernel line in /boot/grub/menu.lst | 03:31 |
RequinB4 | If I had a retailer custom construct my computer for me, where would i find from what hardware manufacturer to get drivers from? | 03:31 |
microwaver | jcooke, what does a cms need, to create a database, be sure it doesn't get too mutch auth | 03:31 |
mjbrooks | Jeb, 7.10 is Gutsy | 03:31 |
matt___ | jcooke: why thought wouldn't that command do anything? | 03:31 |
Jeb | oh... | 03:31 |
the_darkside_986 | I've got my sound bank imported, but when I try to play a short composition, no sound results. | 03:31 |
Jeb | thanks | 03:31 |
Fritzel | I can't believe Linux finally runs all the things I want it to run and I'm going to have to go back to windows because my pointer won't stay on my screen | 03:31 |
jcooke | matt___, the original command I gave you, remove the word "PRIVILEGES" | 03:31 |
jcooke | and re-run it | 03:32 |
Greencoat1982 | Hello again, got another question for you eboyjr | 03:32 |
juaco | thx DistroJockey i'm trying that now | 03:32 |
ToddEDM | micro, im gonna go install that .deb file i got from your link, when i come back i will see if the screen gets fuct | 03:32 |
matt___ | jcooke: umm...ok.. | 03:32 |
eboyjr | Greencoat1982, Fire away :) | 03:32 |
RequinB4 | If I had a retailer custom construct my computer for me, where would i find from what hardware manufacturer to get drivers from? | 03:32 |
dmakalsky | Hi, I just upgraded my RAM to 4GB and Hardy only reports 3GB | 03:32 |
dmakalsky | how to fix? | 03:32 |
DistroJockey | juaco, k, good luck | 03:32 |
Greencoat1982 | I went into my VB soft and selected my shared folder, but it doesn't show up in my network places under my guest os | 03:32 |
matt___ | jcooke: so just remove it? | 03:33 |
bazhang | Gramble: first you need to read this; then decide which version you want | 03:33 |
ulugeyik | any ideas for this daemon error? I am totally puzzled and it slows down things, messes up wireless etc. I do not see any error messages? | 03:33 |
cwillu | dmakalsky, install the server kernel, (and linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-16-server by hand, it doesn't have a meta package for the -server kernels) | 03:33 |
Fezzler | Why is my login screen 800x600 but once logged in my screen is 1024x768? How do I adjust login resolution? | 03:33 |
jcooke | microwaver, I would do GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,CREATE on database.*... | 03:33 |
dmakalsky | cwillu, can I do it with apt-get? | 03:33 |
_adriaan | dmakalsky: do you have 32bit version? | 03:33 |
cwillu | dmakalsky, only the server kernel has -pae installed, which is required to use more than 4g | 03:33 |
RequinB4 | If I had a retailer custom construct my computer for me, where would i find from what hardware manufacturer to get drivers from? | 03:33 |
microwaver | jcooke, thanks. | 03:33 |
TheOzFalcon | the_darkside_986, Have you got rosegarden to work yet? | 03:33 |
larson9999 | so what are the causes when everything except your mouse is locked up? | 03:33 |
Gramble | bazhang: ha! perfect. you just gave me my first quest. :-) | 03:33 |
Greencoat1982 | eboyjr -> am I missing a step somewhere? | 03:33 |
Fritzel | Okay I may have found a solution but because no one here ever responds to having heard of the bug there's no reason to post it :P | 03:34 |
cwillu | dmakalsky, apt-get install linux-server linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-16-server | 03:34 |
microwaver | jcooke, hmm gotta get used to the cli :p cuz haven't set up a config for phpmyadmin | 03:34 |
curiogeo | just upgraded from Gutsy to Hardy and now all of my gksudo apps will not start up ie Hardware Drivers, Synaptic - none of them are giving me a password prompt when I try to start them and they are failing to even open in the GDM | 03:34 |
the_darkside_986 | I've gotten rosegarden to work without giving errors, but I'm not sure how to make sound produced from it. | 03:34 |
Spaz1331 | I have two issues: one can I stop firefox from getting focus when I click a hyperlink in evolution? two: when can I put a script (or link to a script) to be run when I login to gdm? | 03:34 |
jcooke | microwaver, I may be missing one, it could need DELETE, but I hate having to give delete to an application | 03:34 |
_adriaan | Fritzel: Why the drama? | 03:34 |
cwillu | dmakalsky, you'll have to install the newer restricted modules each time the kernel is updated (unless they fix the meta-package thing) | 03:34 |
bazhang | Gramble: if you have more questions after reading then come back and ask :) | 03:34 |
TheOzFalcon | the_darkside_986, What is rosegarden??? | 03:34 |
Gramble | bazhang: nice. ttys. | 03:35 |
dmakalsky | cwillu, ok, thanks a lot | 03:35 |
jcooke | matt___, yes | 03:35 |
RequinB4 | If I had a retailer custom construct my computer for me, where would i find from what hardware manufacturer to get drivers from? | 03:35 |
eboyjr | Greencoat1982, In Windows XP go to Start > Run > then type in 'cmd'... | 03:35 |
microwaver | jcooke, hmmm good remark. I may understand UPDATE = ALTER ? | 03:35 |
Fritzel | _adriaan, because I've tried getting help with this bug at least 10 times over the past month and a half, and not once has anyone even acknowledged that I asked a question, I'm not demanding support, but acknowledgement would be ncie | 03:35 |
the_darkside_986 | Rosegarden is the music tool in the Ubuntu repositories (under Add/Remove) | 03:35 |
microwaver | RequinB4, you want to know what hardware is in ur machine? | 03:35 |
the_darkside_986 | I don't know of any other decent music maker for Ubuntu | 03:35 |
Greencoat1982 | eboyjr -> done | 03:35 |
jcooke | microwaver, no, ALTER lets the user change the database schema(including dropping columns), don't give it ALTER | 03:35 |
dmakalsky | cwillu, is there a conceptual reason why non servers are restricted to 3GB of RAM? | 03:35 |
=== GreenGlenn is now known as greenglenn | ||
jcooke | update != alter | 03:35 |
demonspork | hi, what does it mean when almost every program I try to run exits with "Segmentation Fault" | 03:35 |
sefr0m | comming back to irc | 03:36 |
RequinB4 | microwaver - the brand | 03:36 |
jcooke | update = update a row | 03:36 |
microwaver | jcooke, give it delete but not alter :) | 03:36 |
eboyjr | Greencoat1982, "net use x: \\vboxsvr\sharename" is what you type in and replace x: with the drive letter that you want to use, and sharename with the name of the share | 03:36 |
bullgard4 | My Tracker applet has gone lost when I completely de-installed and re-installed Tracker. How can I reinstall the Tracker applet? | 03:36 |
bobbo85 | How can I clean up my boot menu? It displays tons of beta versions of Hardy right now | 03:36 |
cwillu | dmakalsky, 32bit processors can only address 4gb (and that's still a limitation with the 32-bit server kernel*_ | 03:36 |
microwaver | RequinB4, in terminal try : lspci / lsusb, lshw | 03:36 |
jcooke | microwaver, maybe delete, that'll let it delete rows, if there were some sort of SQL exploit for the app though, it could let people delete data | 03:36 |
sefr0m | can i use vim for journalism writing or is a little bit nerd? | 03:36 |
Fritzel | _adriaan, and if it was a bug I could work with it'd be one thing but when your pointer goes invisible it's pretty hard to work around that one | 03:36 |
dmakalsky | cwillu, so then whats the deal with the 3GB limit? | 03:36 |
demonspork | bobbo85, /boot/grub/menu.lst | 03:36 |
TheOzFalcon | the_darkside_986, Im installing now (curious) rosegarden. | 03:36 |
ulugeyik | sefr0m, no, it would not be too nerdy. why not. | 03:36 |
matt___ | jcooke: still nothing..would there be a problem if that user already exists OR the password is the same as root? | 03:37 |
bobbo85 | thanks demonspork | 03:37 |
microwaver | jcooke, gotta read through the notes of DRUPAL if it uses it safe. and itself is safe | 03:37 |
Greencoat1982 | eboyjr > ok so if I shared /home/xusr/programs I type \\vboxsrvr\home\xusr\programs ? | 03:37 |
cwillu | dmakalsky, the -server kernel has pae enabled, which lets the kernel address more memory, but any given process is still limited to 4gb of address space (which isn't exactly the same thing as memory, but it's close) | 03:37 |
RequinB4 | microwaver: no, those give me the make and model not the company | 03:37 |
cwillu | dmakalsky, pae however does have a slight performance overhead, so you (or rather, I) don't want it unless you actually have more memory | 03:37 |
jcooke | microwaver, I'm reading some people grant DROP, and ALTER, which isn't smart since it'll allow the user to drop tables completelt | 03:37 |
eboyjr | Greencoat1982, No, the name of the share that gets assigned that folder | 03:37 |
microwaver | RequinB4, normally there would be : ATI or NVIDIA in the names. | 03:37 |
docta_v | how can i tell debuild not to clean all makefiles, etc. before compiling | 03:37 |
jcooke | maybe add "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES" to that list of perms | 03:38 |
docta_v | debuild is improperly deleting some of the makefiles | 03:38 |
jcooke | matt___, no | 03:38 |
docta_v | and then it fails to build | 03:38 |
Greencoat1982 | eboyjr Ok, I'm not sure what you mean by share | 03:38 |
jcooke | matt___, what did it output when you ran that query | 03:38 |
dmakalsky | cwillu, I hope the extra gig of RAM is worth the hit :) | 03:38 |
matt___ | jcooke: so what is the command thing again to view the user = matt table? | 03:38 |
bobbo85 | Can I get my OS to change from Ubuntu hardy (development branch), kernel 2.6.24-16-generic to the latest LTS? | 03:38 |
Fritzel | _adriaan, I do owe you at least some thanks for your questioning my drama though, and I appologize for it, but that's the most acknowledgement I've gotten that I even had a problem since I started asking the question. again I apologize, and thank you for responding | 03:38 |
matt___ | jcooke: SHOW FROM mysql.user WHERE USER = matt | 03:38 |
mjbrooks | Greencoat1982, you'd be using he sharename which would probably have defaulted to \\vboxsvr\programs if you hadn't changed it when you set it up | 03:38 |
cwillu | dmakalsky, probably; avoiding swap is almost always a win | 03:38 |
eboyjr | Greencoat1982, When you click on the shared folders in the bottom right, what do you see that comes up? | 03:38 |
IntangibleLiquid | what is Multicast DNS service discovery for? can I safely disable it? | 03:39 |
curiogeo | if I have upgraded to Hardy and I appear to be having issues is there a way I can repair the installation with a CD The live version I have does not have the option so I am wondering if it will kill my current setup if I install over the upgraded version of Hardy? | 03:39 |
Greencoat1982 | ah | 03:39 |
jcooke | matt___, try this: "GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'matt'@'192.168.1.%' IDENTIFIED BY 'password'" replace password with your own. | 03:39 |
Greencoat1982 | so it would be just the last folder name in the directory that I want to share | 03:39 |
RequinB4 | microwaver - i know its broadcom, i mean where to get drivers | 03:39 |
cwillu | IntangibleLiquid, google is a better bet for that sort of thing; it's a standard feature however | 03:39 |
arvind_khadri | isnt xrandr anymore in 8.04 | 03:40 |
microwaver | RequinB4, you want to get your wireless card working | 03:40 |
IntangibleLiquid | cwillu: thanks. I'm googling | 03:40 |
matt___ | now wait...does the GRANT come after a "? | 03:40 |
arvind_khadri | bazhang, xrandr ??? | 03:40 |
bullgard4 | My Tracker applet has gone lost when I completely de-installed and re-installed Tracker. How can I reinstall the Tracker applet? | 03:40 |
jcooke | matt___, don't paste the double quotes, everything inside them | 03:40 |
matt___ | i was... | 03:40 |
Greencoat1982 | eboyjr ok I tried net use Z: \\vboxsrvr\Programs and it gave me error 53 | 03:40 |
cwillu | arvind_khadri, I've got xrandr, dunno | 03:40 |
jcooke | RequinB4, which model broadcom and 32bit or 65bit? | 03:41 |
RequinB4 | microwaver - i can do it i just need the right drivers | 03:41 |
RequinB4 | 32 | 03:41 |
dmakalsky | on another note... how do I get rid of that annoying indexer thing in gnome that's thrashing my system? | 03:41 |
arvind_khadri | cwillu, its all wierd | 03:41 |
RequinB4 | 4306 rev 03 | 03:41 |
Spaz1331 | Is there a way to keep focus inside Evolution when clicking a hyperlink? | 03:41 |
ulugeyik | ok, I guess I am not asking the right question. | 03:41 |
matt___ | jcooke: how should i exit mysql? i've been control+z | 03:41 |
microwaver | RequinB4, 32? | 03:41 |
eboyjr | Greencoat1982, Try taking out the space after Z: | 03:41 |
mjbrooks | jcooke, hehe 65bit... when 64bit isn't enough | 03:41 |
matt___ | jcooke: isn't exit supposed to work? | 03:41 |
microwaver | RequinB4, if you do lshw you get network sections, they should give info on the right wireless pci card | 03:41 |
matt___ | mjbrooks: i'm up to 66 :) | 03:41 |
jcooke | mjbrooks, I think my notebook may be a bad copy ;( | 03:41 |
ldle | Hi, just installed ubuntu 8 and i've clicked on the clock and now the toolbars are frozen? | 03:42 |
jcooke | matt___, "exit;" | 03:42 |
Greencoat1982 | eboyjr Ok that gives me error 67 | 03:42 |
matt___ | jcooke: ohhh....... | 03:42 |
jcooke | matt___, all queries end with a ; | 03:42 |
bazhang | arvind_khadri: you have a question about that? | 03:42 |
jcooke | RequinB4, you're using ndiswrapper I assume? | 03:42 |
eboyjr | Greencoat1982, What exactly does it say? | 03:42 |
RequinB4 | jcooke yes | 03:43 |
arvind_khadri | bazhang, yeah isnt xrandr anymore in 8.04 and what is the installation candidate for that?? | 03:43 |
amenado | matt___-> and jcooke can you both take those topic to #mysql channel? | 03:43 |
matt___ | jcooke: gtocha... | 03:43 |
harris | hello guyss | 03:43 |
ldle | Hi, just installed ubuntu 8 and i've clicked on the clock and now the toolbars are frozen? | 03:43 |
matt___ | amenado: | 03:43 |
jcooke | amenado, sorry, I figured I'd hear that at some point ;x | 03:43 |
=== boomer` is now known as boomer | ||
matt___ | jcooke: you there.. | 03:43 |
tha_toadman | hey all - i could use some help with hardy heron server...all from the command line | 03:43 |
Greencoat1982 | eboyjr : system error 67 has occurred | 03:43 |
Greencoat1982 | network name cannot be found | 03:43 |
mjbrooks | RequinB4, ndiswrapper -l will list your drivers | 03:43 |
bazhang | arvind_khadri: what are you trying to do? could you clarify? | 03:43 |
cwillu | arvind_khadri, do you have x11-xserver-utils installed? | 03:43 |
jcooke | RequinB4, did you see already? | 03:43 |
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jcooke | matt___, just message me, not up for joining other channels | 03:44 |
Greencoat1982 | I think the guest maynot be reading the hos shared folder | 03:44 |
gregbrady | Is there an easy to follow step by step tutorial out there that shows how to setup a dual booting thin client for running a remote X session? | 03:44 |
microwaver | RequinB4, worked like a charm for me | 03:44 |
cwillu | arvind_khadri, (or ubuntu-desktop even?) | 03:44 |
jcooke | Anyone know how to remove "known" wireless essids from the network manager so it doesn't auto-connect to them? | 03:44 |
arvind_khadri | bazhang, when i try to change the screen resolution a pop up says it cant find xrandr | 03:44 |
arvind_khadri | cwillu, yeah i have | 03:44 |
cwillu | arvind_khadri, any standard install with x should have it | 03:44 |
RequinB4 | jcooke - that's what i'm trying to get to work, some say that if it doesn't work i need diff drivers. mjbrooks, yes, i know. microwaver, i can get ndiswrapper to work the question is getting the drivers that work | 03:44 |
cwillu | arvind_khadri, how are you checking that you don't have xrandr? | 03:44 |
amenado | tha_toadman-> hey..please clarify the problem | 03:44 |
DistroJockey | juaco, Any luck? | 03:44 |
arvind_khadri | cwillu, sudo apt-cache policy xrandr | 03:44 |
cwillu | arvind_khadri, it's not in its own package | 03:44 |
microwaver | RequinB4, gotta know what wireless card u have :) | 03:44 |
cwillu | arvind_khadri, try typing it in :p | 03:45 |
jcooke | RequinB4, what happened with the other drivers? | 03:45 |
amenado | jcooke-> modify your /etc/network/interfaces if they appear there | 03:45 |
eboyjr | Greencoat1982, Do you have Guest Additions enabled? | 03:45 |
bazhang | arvind_khadri: via sudo displayconfig-gtk? | 03:45 |
Greencoat1982 | eboyjr where do I enable that? | 03:45 |
tha_toadman | amenado: thank you! when i go to boot my hangs on "NET: Resolving protocol family 17" for about 60 seconds | 03:45 |
arvind_khadri | bazhang, from the gui not cli | 03:45 |
jcooke | amenado, nope, not there | 03:45 |
cwillu | arvind_khadri, if you have x installed, you have xrandr, it's in /usr/bin/ | 03:45 |
arvind_khadri | bazhang, let me try the cli one | 03:45 |
matt___ | jcooke: oh, alright | 03:45 |
TheOzFalcon | the_darkside_986, Have you tried Schism Tracker or Chibi Tracker | 03:45 |
amenado | jcooke-> no essid appears there? | 03:45 |
RequinB4 | jcooke - failed completely, ndiswrapper -l shows fine so i have to assume its the driver. microwaver Broadcom BCM4306 rev 03 | 03:45 |
matt___ | jcooke: could this be it? | 03:45 |
jcooke | amenado, none | 03:45 |
the_darkside_986 | Schism tracker makes absolutely no sense | 03:45 |
matt___ | jcooke: ##########5 | 03:46 |
mjbrooks | jcooke, I'm on KDE, but for me to do that I have to remove the essid from the trusted list | 03:46 |
the_darkside_986 | not sure about chibi tracker. didn't see that | 03:46 |
dmakalsky | cwillu, ok... rebooted now it says I am running Kernel 2.6.24-16-server but RAM is still 3GB. Please note the BIOS says 4GB (I am not insane) | 03:46 |
Farajamo | Hey, anyone think they can help me with installing ubuntu on a diff comp? | 03:46 |
jcooke | mjbrooks, where's this trusted list you speak of | 03:46 |
amenado | tha_toadman-> does your server have a static ip address? | 03:46 |
legatic | ok, I have another question. I seem to be having issues with not being root. I'm trying to install the google browser sync extension for firefox2, but since firefox2 is installed in a root area, I don't think it's letting me add the extension. how to I allow the extension to install itself in a root area? | 03:46 |
eboyjr | Greencoat1982, Its a program that gets installed on the Guerst OS.. You can do this by going to the first item on the menu bar of the Guest OS window ( I cant remember the name ) and choose Guest Additions | 03:46 |
arvind_khadri | bazhang, from the cli it works but not from the GUi :) | 03:46 |
microwaver | RequinB4, download the windows driver and use that worked for me, i thnk i hae a similar card | 03:46 |
Greencoat1982 | ok eboyjr I am again an idiot overlooking a step in my haste | 03:46 |
cwillu | dmakalsky, where are you checking? | 03:46 |
Daliuso | Hey all... what's the easiest way to set up a LAMP server on 8.04 desktop for some local testing and playing around? | 03:46 |
tha_toadman | amenado: yeah i've assigned it one off my router | 03:46 |
dmakalsky | gnome system monitor | 03:46 |
juaco | DistroJockey works - i wonder how could i get that 1280x1024-24 console now | 03:46 |
dmakalsky | cwillu, where should I check? | 03:47 |
RequinB4 | microwaver - i don't have access to the repos | 03:47 |
arvind_khadri | bazhang, The X Server does not support the XRandR extension. Runtime resolution changes to the display size are not available. | 03:47 |
amenado | tha_toadman-> what do you mean off of my router? can you clarify? | 03:47 |
arvind_khadri | bazhang, that was the message i got | 03:47 |
fazed | hello | 03:47 |
mjbrooks | jcooke, I right click on the KNetwork manager and choose Options->Configure and then select Wireless Networks in the window | 03:47 |
ayllu_ | I got a problem whit my webcam after upgrade | 03:47 |
microwaver | RequinB4, when u wnt to sudo apt-get it u mean? | 03:47 |
Eisea | Eisea | 03:47 |
tha_toadman | amenado: i have it an internal static IP on my LAN | 03:47 |
Shadow420 | RequinB4 tyype in terminal sudo gedir etc/apt/sources.list | 03:47 |
cwillu | arvind_khadri, what driver are you using? | 03:47 |
mjbrooks | jcooke, probably similar in gnome | 03:47 |
ayllu_ | I get could not connect to video device | 03:47 |
dmakalsky | cwillu, free -m still shows 3033 | 03:48 |
jcooke | mjbrooks, I wish it was ;( | 03:48 |
arvind_khadri | cwillu, the one which came with in xserver | 03:48 |
tha_toadman | amenado: gave it -- oops | 03:48 |
DistroJockey | juaco, cool. Not sure on that. But it is a known problem, so there should be a fix/workaround. Best of luck. | 03:48 |
amenado | tha_toadman-> that still does not explain how is the static ip address is assigned | 03:48 |
cwillu | arvind_khadri, ... | 03:48 |
cwillu | arvind_khadri, what kind of video card do you have | 03:48 |
RequinB4 | Shadow420, thanks, but that's not the problem | 03:48 |
juaco | thanx | 03:48 |
DistroJockey | np | 03:48 |
arvind_khadri | cwillu, nvidia geforce 7300 gt | 03:48 |
harris | hey, please watch "ken lee" in you tube.... | 03:48 |
tha_toadman | amenado: i did assign it through /etc/network/interfaces | 03:48 |
Shadow420 | RequinB4 ok then what is trhe problem? | 03:48 |
mjbrooks | jcooke, poke around with the options/configure menu items, it should be in there somewhere | 03:49 |
arvind_khadri | cwillu, the restricted drivers | 03:49 |
jcooke | RequinB4, does the interface show up at least? | 03:49 |
Farajamo | Hey, anyone in here think they can help me with installing Ubuntu on a different comp? | 03:49 |
amenado | tha_toadman-> can you paste your interfaces file? in pastebin off course, and what error if any are you getting? | 03:49 |
Greencoat1982 | and that fixed it, thanks yet again eboyjr | 03:49 |
legatic | ok, I have another question. I seem to be having issues with not being root. I'm trying to install the google browser sync extension for firefox2, but since firefox2 is installed in a root area, I don't think it's letting me add the extension. how to I allow the extension to install itself in a root area? | 03:49 |
microwaver | installs he interface | 03:49 |
eboyjr | Greencoat1982, Sure :) | 03:49 |
shreeki | hello! | 03:50 |
RequinB4 | Shadow420 - ndiswrapper + windows drivers aren't working, even with The gui on the panel can't see any networks, makes me assume no driver is loaded | 03:50 |
Greencoat1982 | Well I'm off again | 03:50 |
tha_toadman | amenado: sure..but i don't get any errors...just a REALLY long pause during a reboot | 03:50 |
matt___ | jcooke: well? | 03:50 |
Shadow420 | RequinB4 hmm | 03:50 |
Gramble | bazhang: hey. will the OverSSH process work on a VIRTUAL dedicated server? it's not actually my own box. I'm a VM on a machine. fdisk for example... will that even work?! | 03:50 |
shreeki | so...i need help. i hope i'm in the right place. | 03:50 |
mjbrooks | legatic, extensions dont' go to the root area... they go to your local ~/.mozilla directory | 03:50 |
microwaver | the_darkside_986, u see the ubuntu loading bar? | 03:50 |
Shadow420 | RequinB4 what version of ubuntu are u on? | 03:50 |
RequinB4 | Shadow420 - 8.04 | 03:51 |
amenado | tha_toadman-> umm..perhaps you have ipv6 also enabled ..try to disable that if possible | 03:51 |
shreeki | can anyone help? | 03:51 |
shreeki | any? | 03:51 |
=== amenado is now known as amenado_afk | ||
shreeki | one? | 03:51 |
matt___ | jcooke: well, i think i've almost got it, but it's late, so i'm going to figure it all out tommorow. Thanks for the help. BTW, you have any good tutorials? | 03:51 |
Ratshell | Question anyone know of a ftp client for ubuntu, that allows me to ftp to my server and edit a file live. So when I save the file it is automatically updated on the server? | 03:51 |
bazhang | Gramble: what version you going to go with? Hardy? | 03:51 |
jcooke | matt___, none that I can think of, maybe wikibooks? | 03:51 |
matt___ | jcooke: dunno..i'll google oogles | 03:51 |
mjbrooks | !ask > shreeki | 03:51 |
shreeki | okay! | 03:52 |
tha_toadman | amenado: yeah! i think your right - i just checked it out now and it said something different this time..."eth0: no IPv6 routers present" -- i think you may have it - be right back | 03:52 |
Shadow420 | RequinB4 ok thats a stumper I never had aa problem accessing my network on gutsy but hardy I am not sure | 03:52 |
Gramble | bazhang: i just assumed Hardy, but i haven't gotten thru this doc yet. | 03:52 |
shreeki | i just got heron. it's amazing, hooray. but it's slowing my computer down too much even though i have 10 GB of free space. does anyone know why? | 03:52 |
jtbandes_ | I've got a strange issue with 8.04 on a Mac; whenever I press a key on the keyboard, the mouse stops working for about half a second. Does anyone know how to fix this? | 03:53 |
mjbrooks | shreeki, define "slowing down" | 03:53 |
guest | Ratshell, have you tried nautilus? | 03:53 |
andres | HI | 03:53 |
insomnia | can i get some help with installing gtk2 themes? | 03:53 |
andres | somebody helpme | 03:53 |
ToddEDM | microwaver: ... what was that link you gave me before? | 03:53 |
insomnia | im using 7.10 | 03:53 |
microwaver | ToddEDM, | 03:53 |
Ratshell | guest, yeah I didn't like doing it that wait kind of wanted a program to do it besides nautilus | 03:53 |
achandrashekar | hello..i received some strange apic issues with 8.04 and it only occurs when plugging in a powercord into my laptop. I heard of an apic=force parameter that i might be able to set...where do i set it and does someone have an example ?? | 03:53 |
andres | how install arpwatcher??? | 03:53 |
andres | how install arpwatcher??? | 03:53 |
andres | how install arpwatcher??? | 03:53 |
FloodBot2 | andres: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 03:53 |
co_keren | hyyy | 03:53 |
ToddEDM | microwaver: i disabled screensaver and it still went crazy | 03:54 |
Shadow420 | insomnia I suggest u upgrade to 8.04 | 03:54 |
microwaver | ToddEDM, hmmm. wouldn't know what ekse to do | 03:54 |
LadyNikon | fde: you still about? | 03:54 |
ToddEDM | np | 03:54 |
guest | Ratshell, i cant really say i've used anything else other than that and gftp, but gftp isnt really what you're looking for | 03:54 |
demonspork | Shadow420, I disagree | 03:54 |
jcooke | ha! found it, just have to delete the folder with the ssid name in ~/.gconf/system/networking/wireless/networks | 03:54 |
insomnia | why exactly? and if i do... will i lose any saved work, docs, progs? | 03:54 |
shreeki | slowing as in: when i close windows, it 'fades' away slowly. switching to another workplace goes slowly. opening a window doesn't happen..quickly. even typing words is slow. | 03:54 |
rkvirani | anyone here use irssi?whoa | 03:54 |
jcooke | there's probably some gui way to do it, but whatever works | 03:54 |
LadyNikon | andres: please be patient and don't repeat | 03:55 |
bazhang | Gramble: I would suggest getting a clear picture of what you want to do (after reading those docs) post something on the forums ( and ask some informed questions here--virtual server and cfdisk over ssh? that sounds very complex and I really havent a clue about it-->though others here may | 03:55 |
Ratshell | guest, how you mean to do it in Nautilus, cause if your talking the connect to server thing I tried that then opened a file with gedit and it says can't save cause file is read-only. | 03:55 |
LadyNikon | andres: if someone can help you they can.. if not try the forums or the wiki :) | 03:55 |
sefr0m | ulugeyik thaks, i will try on it | 03:55 |
fazed | ya know, i don't really have any questions about Ubuntu, everything works pretty well | 03:55 |
Gramble | bazhang: sounds good. thx. | 03:55 |
guest | Ratshell, are you sure you're allowed to write to the ftp server? | 03:55 |
demonspork | good to hear fazed | 03:55 |
jcooke | mjbrooks, thanks though, adding "trusted" to my google found the answer :D | 03:55 |
insomnia | shadow420: why exactly? and if i do... will i lose any saved work, docs, progs? | 03:55 |
Ratshell | guest, yeah I can connect to the ftp np upload download its just when I got through nautilus it says the file is readonly with gedit | 03:56 |
AdrianStrays | So I've got a huge collection of music downloaded from Itunes, and I'm switching over to Linux. I'm looking for ways to remove the DRM protection, or atleast circumvent it. Does anyone know how I can either remove it, take it off an ipod as an MP3, or install itunes in hardy? | 03:56 |
bigtimer121 | how do i install a file. "jre-6u5-linux-i586.bin" | 03:56 |
fazed | one day i will learn to download and install software... but it is not something i am really worried about with the package manager | 03:56 |
mjbrooks | jcooke, least I got you close ;) | 03:56 |
Shadow420 | insomnia I everything u have wil still be there excpet for some progs that are old and outdated | 03:56 |
mjbrooks | shreeki, sounds like you're having memory issues | 03:57 |
mjbrooks | shreeki, hwo much meory do you have installed? | 03:57 |
insomnia | alright but how will that help me with themes? more support for gtk2? | 03:57 |
guest | Ratshell, i'm not sure how to solve that then, sorry. is it possible to ssh to the ftp server? or is it out of your hands? | 03:57 |
fazed | Adrian, the 'legal' way to do it would be to burn to a cd and then rip in to mp3... | 03:57 |
Lynet | AdrianStrays: Burn it all to CDs and import. Or try to find a hack. Oh, and remember that DRM is evil and that you wow to never buy that **** again. | 03:57 |
Gramble | bazhang: well, let's just skip the upgrade and talk about how to create a new "user" on bash/unix. could you point me to some reading on that? | 03:57 |
aoglobalent | do any one know if I can have Unbutu on a virtual box with Solaris and XP? | 03:57 |
thec | server | 03:57 |
fazed | adrian, say it with me: | 03:58 |
Ratshell | guest, tried that can't ssh to it | 03:58 |
aoglobalent | ratshell? | 03:58 |
madmoomix | Hello, anyone with a ton of knowledge want to help with an amazingly hardcore problem? | 03:58 |
aoglobalent | are you speaking to me? | 03:58 |
tha_toadman | amenado: it's still hanging... :( | 03:58 |
shreeki | memory = 3.0GiB according to System Moniter (sorry, i'm just a noob) | 03:58 |
AdrianStrays | fazed, I would literally spend days converting this burning/ripping this library. I put it on a DVD, but it became a data dvd, so that was useless. No hacks seem to exist | 03:58 |
mjbrooks | !ask > madmoomix | 03:58 |
luderacer | shreeki, 32bit? | 03:58 |
fazed | there were hacks | 03:58 |
Ratshell | aoglobalent, umm nope talking to guest, but I can try to help you what you need? | 03:58 |
fazed | but i think they may have updated the encryption | 03:59 |
Lynet | AdrianStrays: Then take it as an object lesson on why DRM stinks. | 03:59 |
melter | is there a way to get a list of files that were installed for a package? | 03:59 |
AdrianStrays | fazed, there were, past tense. Now there aren't. | 03:59 |
AdrianStrays | Lynet, thank you for that incrediblely helpful comment. | 03:59 |
Bodsda | grub error 22 -- ive tried manuall grub entry and super grub disk, nothing ive done fixes it ,.,. any thoughts? | 03:59 |
bazhang | Gramble this is for gutsy ; hardy likely will not be too dissimilar | 03:59 |
aoglobalent | my question is, I have just downloaded virtual box and am in the proccess of installing Solaris | 03:59 |
=== amenado_afk is now known as amenado | ||
aoglobalent | can I then install Unbutu | 03:59 |
root_____ | can someone help me find Phex for Ubuntu? I can't find it in the packages. | 03:59 |
shreeki | sorry, what does 32bit mean? | 03:59 |
aoglobalent | Ubuntu | 03:59 |
Shadow420 | Bodsda what did you do to get a grub 22 error | 03:59 |
amenado | tha_toadman-> hanging forever? or you are just impatient? | 03:59 |
luderacer | type of os and proccessor | 03:59 |
Lynet | AdrianStrays: Well, live and learn. What do you expect us to say? | 03:59 |
Ratshell | aoglobalent, yes you can install as many virtual os's you want just create a new virtual machine for each | 04:00 |
Bodsda | Shadow420: installed ubuntu | 04:00 |
bazhang | aoglobalent: dual boot solaris and ubuntu? sure | 04:00 |
aoglobalent | o.k. | 04:00 |
fazed | i am fairly new to the open source community but i think you are going to the wrong place for help with propritary software | 04:00 |
tha_toadman | amenado: lol - roughly 120 seconds | 04:00 |
Bodsda | hey bazhang | 04:00 |
microwaver | shreeki, whidth of your 'bitstream' | 04:00 |
demonspork | can you dual boot operating systems in a virtual OS | 04:00 |
demonspork | lol | 04:00 |
bazhang | hi Bodsda! | 04:00 |
aoglobalent | so where do I go to download Ubuntu | 04:00 |
tha_toadman | amenado: now i have a login prompt but... | 04:00 |
Bodsda | bazhang: me hates grub | 04:00 |
root_____ | aoglobalent: | 04:00 |
microwaver | aoglobalent, | 04:00 |
amenado | tha_toadman-> what kind of router do you have ? | 04:00 |
tha_toadman | there's a [fail] under eth0 .. let me see what it says | 04:00 |
Gramble | bazhang: thx. | 04:00 |
AdrianStrays | Lynet, I expect you to give me suggestions based on my predicament, not snotty comments because my dad insisted on itunes. | 04:00 |
Chapai | !torrents | aoglobalent | 04:01 |
tha_toadman | amenado: linksys | 04:01 |
ubottu | aoglobalent: Hardy can be torrented from or depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: (CD) or (DVD). | 04:01 |
shreeki | where can i find the width of my 'bitstream'? | 04:01 |
root_____ | can someone help me find Phex for Ubuntu? I can't find it in any packages. | 04:01 |
sam_ | where should i go to find the right drivers for my sound? | 04:01 |
bazhang | AdrianStrays: Lynet please calm down | 04:01 |
bigtimer121 | how do i install a program??? | 04:01 |
LadyNikon | so.. anyone wanna try to help me fix my resolution problem. After the lastest 7.10 update the restricted nvidia drivers stopped working. I had a few people help me out with it.. but its not working | 04:01 |
amenado | tha_toadman-> and the bootup log or syslog or any other log says anything? | 04:01 |
luderacer | what version of linux did u install shreeki | 04:01 |
LadyNikon | bigtimer121: synaptic manager | 04:01 |
luderacer | erm what version of ubuntu* | 04:01 |
mjbrooks | root_____, have you tried google? | 04:01 |
guest | LadyNikon, what graphics card do you have? | 04:01 |
cwillu | dmakalsky, sorry, got called away; under the server kernel, any given process will still only see 3gb (there's another option to get around that, but I don't think it's compiled in) | 04:01 |
Bodsda | bazhang: got a spare 5 mins to help with error 22 after a reinstall preserving a seperate /home??? | 04:01 |
root_____ | bigtimer121, open applications, accessories, terminal, and type sudo synaptic | 04:01 |
cwillu | dmakalsky, --> | 04:01 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 116842 in ubuntu "Generic 32 bit kernel should be compiled with 64 GB memory support" [Undecided,Invalid] | 04:01 |
Starnestommy | bigtimer121: sudo apt-get install program-name or use System > Administration > Synaptic | 04:01 |
root_____ | mjbrooks, i have, no luck | 04:01 |
LadyNikon | guest: nvidia 5800 | 04:01 |
adub | <---- help help make error cant figure this one out | 04:02 |
aoglobalent | thanxs | 04:02 |
aoglobalent | be back at you guys in a few | 04:02 |
madmoomix | As simple as possible: Ubuntu installed just fine, booted just fine. I updated the system, and restarted. GRUB, after loading the kernal, would restart the computer (playing with it, it seems to be an Ubuntu problem). Tried re-installing. The kernal on the live-cd no longer boots (not a bad disc, checked multiple discs multiple times). The alt-install disc booted, installed. That installation never even started, LILO threw some er | 04:02 |
madmoomix | ror or another. Put in original live CD. Boots, installs, won't load at all. Same problem. Alt-Install CD now locks up too. | 04:02 |
aoglobalent | going to get Unix as well | 04:02 |
Lynet | AdrianStrays: Barring any hack, the way to do it is to burn to regular audio cds and reimport in linux. If you are unhappy with the situation get angry at Apple or the music industry, not at us. | 04:02 |
shreeki | i installed the latest one: hardy heron yesterday. | 04:02 |
bazhang | Bodsda: you know waht error 22 is right? | 04:02 |
LadyNikon | guest: i had fde and ramkuman working on it.. but not working :(. | 04:02 |
Bodsda | bazhang: cannot find partition? | 04:02 |
tha_toadman | amenado: i need to check... i have to instances of "eth0: link up" then a [fail]...then *setting the system clock*...i'll check the logs | 04:02 |
LadyNikon | guest: my husband wanted to go see ironman instead | 04:02 |
guest | oh, i've had problems with my 8800 after i got it with gutsy, now its recognized in hardy but after its installed it shows a blank screen :( | 04:02 |
tha_toadman | amenado: *two instances | 04:03 |
guest | LadyNikon, what version of ubuntu do you have? | 04:03 |
mjbrooks | root_____, | 04:03 |
amenado | dmakalsky-> look here served for | 04:03 |
LadyNikon | guest: as i said.. 7.10 | 04:03 |
tha_toadman | amenado: where's the bootlog? | 04:03 |
AdrianStrays | Lynet, i'm not angry at Apple, I'm angry at rude Linux users who play the victim | 04:03 |
root_____ | mjbrooks, i need the ubuntu *.deb package, not src | 04:03 |
Gramble | hey absolutley anybody: I'm in root. How do I make a new user? | 04:03 |
amenado | tha_toadman-> all logs typically are in /var/log | 04:03 |
LadyNikon | Gramble: your not in root.. | 04:03 |
PinOnInternet | How much is the LCD 19" ? | 04:03 |
root_____ | Gramble: adduser username | 04:03 |
bazhang | ah he left | 04:03 |
LadyNikon | Gramble: you are the user. who sudo's as root | 04:03 |
tha_toadman | amenado: i was headed for /var/log/messages but i'll look there...brb | 04:03 |
amenado | Gramble-> you have done some tutorial in how to use linux? if not, may I suggest a tutorial? | 04:04 |
Gramble | amenado: yes pls | 04:04 |
amenado | tha_toadman-> thats the directory where most logs are | 04:04 |
fazed | there is a tutorial for linux? | 04:04 |
LadyNikon | fazed: tons | 04:04 |
fazed | sweet | 04:04 |
aoglobalent | Rat I know this question is Stupid, but what is the "REAL" differnece between Unix and Lunix? | 04:04 |
shreeki | luderacer, i have vista and gutsy (dual). then i updated to hardy. once i did that, everything became slower. i don't know what is going on and i'm wondering what i can do to fix it. any help would be appreciated. | 04:04 |
bazhang | Bodsda: you want me to google for you :) | 04:04 |
Gramble | amenado: that's where I need to start | 04:04 |
fazed | well, i usually just google my questions | 04:04 |
Bodsda | Gramble: #ubuntuforums-beginners are happy to help new users get started | 04:04 |
cwillu | aoglobalent, unix == car, linux == toyota | 04:05 |
LadyNikon | aoglobalent: linux is an entention of unix | 04:05 |
Bodsda | bazhang: can do but ive tried manual entry | 04:05 |
root_____ | can someone help me find Phex for Ubuntu? I can't find it in any packages. | 04:05 |
eaglestar83 | hi i was trying to set up samba to work with vmplayer and i think i messed up my network now when i try to do sudo it says sudo: unable to resolve host ahren-laptop | 04:05 |
aoglobalent | which would be conisdered "Better" | 04:05 |
luderacer | shreeki, did you upgrade or do a clean install? | 04:05 |
aoglobalent | ? | 04:05 |
mjbrooks | root_____, it comes as a java JAR for linux... no debs | 04:05 |
madmoomix | linux =/= unix, guys | 04:05 |
Bodsda | root_____: have u searched on ?? | 04:05 |
Gramble | Bodsda: nice. that's my next step i reckon. | 04:05 |
Starnestommy | aoglobalent: Unix is a family of operating systems. GNU/Linux is a unix-like operating system that was made from scratch | 04:05 |
aoglobalent | Unix or Lunix? | 04:05 |
bazhang | aoglobalent: this is not really a chat channel; please /join #ubuntu-offtopic thanks | 04:05 |
fazed | for example, i was about to google "does wireshark capture packets with WEP information" | 04:05 |
furicle | adub: missing usb.h is the first error - check the package to see what you need to compile it - libusb-dev or something like that? | 04:05 |
shreeki | luderacer, upgrade | 04:05 |
amenado | Gramble-> is a good one | 04:05 |
Chapai | because its not there root_____ have you tried wine with it | 04:05 |
root_____ | Bodsda, i'll try that now | 04:05 |
Starnestommy | aoglobalent: and there's more than one Unix | 04:05 |
guest | LadyNikon, your card isnt even listed in the compatibility list have you had any linux distro working on it before? | 04:05 |
luderacer | shreeki, ive found its better to do a clean install rather then upgrade | 04:05 |
Bodsda | Gramble: were always happy to help in there also in ##beginners-help | 04:05 |
LadyNikon | guest: as i said.. it was working fine before I updated | 04:06 |
shreeki | what does a clean install mean? | 04:06 |
guest | LadyNikon, sorry, i didnt catch that :) | 04:06 |
tha_toadman | amenado: "boot" has 'nothing logged yet' | 04:06 |
luderacer | totally reinstall the os and not upgrade | 04:06 |
bazhang | shreeki: erasing everything before install | 04:06 |
LadyNikon | guest: its ok .. thats why i repeated | 04:06 |
Bodsda | shreeki: install after a format of the hard drive | 04:06 |
LadyNikon | guest: text moves fast -.- | 04:06 |
tha_toadman | amenado: syslog has messages but i'm not seeing any errors | 04:06 |
root_____ | an alternative to a samba for vmware would be to install ext2/ext3 support for windows to get to the linux files on windows. | 04:06 |
mjbrooks | shreeki, it means installing on a clean partition, rather than upgradign from a previous installation | 04:06 |
Gramble | heh ... this rocks. that's what i needed. (off to rumage about) | 04:06 |
Gramble | thx much | 04:07 |
shreeki | wouldn't clean install mean having everything (ie. documents/pictures/music) deleted? | 04:07 |
luderacer | yes' | 04:07 |
Starnestommy | shreeki: you can usually back those things up | 04:07 |
amenado | tha_toadman-> and the /var/log/messages ? anything? | 04:07 |
Bodsda | shreeki: no, u can dual boot on a single hard drive without loss of data | 04:07 |
mjbrooks | shreeki, you need to back those up first | 04:07 |
Bodsda | bazhang: any thougts on what i can do? | 04:07 |
Starnestommy | a lot of people keep their /home on a separate partition | 04:07 |
root_____ | Bodsda, no "phex" package on, the program has around 1 million downloads, you think it would be popular enough to have a *.deb made for Ubuntu | 04:07 |
eaglestar83 | any help | 04:07 |
bazhang | Bodsda: grub is messed up? you tried reinstalling it? | 04:08 |
root_____ | eaglestar83, you get my message above? | 04:08 |
mjbrooks | root_____, it's a JAR, no need for apackage | 04:08 |
Bodsda | root_____: it may have one just not in the repo's -- check their home site for a debian download | 04:08 |
melter | is there an apt-get or apt-cache command to get a list of files that were installed for a package? | 04:08 |
Starnestommy | melter: dpkg -L packagename | 04:08 |
Bodsda | bazhang: countless times -- but on my own, only tutos to help | 04:08 |
root_____ | mjbrooks: shoot, forgot about that, thanks | 04:08 |
* mjbrooks loads his shotgun | 04:08 | |
eaglestar83 | yeah root i saw that how do i fix trying to go to sudo | 04:09 |
melter | Starnestommy, thanks! | 04:09 |
madmoomix | sorry to repeat this, but... | 04:09 |
madmoomix | As simple as possible: Ubuntu installed just fine, booted just fine. I updated the system, and restarted. GRUB, after loading the kernal, would restart the computer (playing with it, it seems to be an Ubuntu problem). Tried re-installing. The kernal on the live-cd no longer boots (not a bad disc, checked multiple discs multiple times). The alt-install disc booted, installed. That installation never even started, LILO threw some er | 04:09 |
madmoomix | ror or another. Put in original live CD. Boots, installs, won't load at all. Same problem. Alt-Install CD now locks up too. | 04:09 |
shreeki | i'm not quite sure how to go about storing all documents etc. on to a partition that will not be involved in a clean upgrade. what is the best way to know make sure everything is safe? | 04:09 |
Shadow420 | root_____ also enable the backport and multiverse repos | 04:09 |
eaglestar83 | sudo: unable to resolve host ahren-laptop | 04:09 |
Bodsda | melter: those would be dependencies but im not sure other then reading the message while downloading the package | 04:09 |
bazhang | shreeki: usb key | 04:09 |
root_____ | Eaglestar83: the name of the program you need is ext2ifs_1_11.exe | 04:09 |
tha_toadman | amenado: i have the log but i don't see any errors :( | 04:09 |
eaglestar83 | how do i install ext2/3 file sharing for windows root | 04:09 |
Bodsda | shreeki: make a new partition with gparted or back it up and move to a seperate hard drive | 04:09 |
shreeki | bazhang, ahaha of course | 04:09 |
root_____ | Eaglestar83: that will let you view ext2/3 linux partitions on your windows through vmware or dualboot | 04:09 |
eaglestar83 | i have windows net setup from vista partition | 04:09 |
tha_toadman | amenado: pm? i'll send the log if you don't mind | 04:10 |
neon | does lm-sensors work with intel pm965 notebook chipset | 04:10 |
sebsebseb | eaglestar83: you want to access your Linux partitions in Windows? | 04:10 |
mjbrooks | madmoomix, did you burn the disk in auto mode or DAO? | 04:10 |
amenado | tha_toadman-> maybe its not really an error, you are just impatient? | 04:10 |
eaglestar83 | no | 04:10 |
eaglestar83 | i don't use windows | 04:10 |
DG19075 | shreeki: Or use a USB drive. I do | 04:10 |
root_____ | eaglestar83: that program creates a new drive in windows, like g:, and you can share that through windows sharing like any other folder | 04:10 |
eaglestar83 | only there in case my newbie head screws up something in ubuntu | 04:10 |
eaglestar83 | sudo: unable to resolve host ahren-laptop | 04:10 |
amenado | tha_toadman-> no pm for me..can receive them | 04:10 |
root_____ | eaglestar83: oh, ok, i thought you wanted samba working on vmware (meaning windows) | 04:10 |
eaglestar83 | this is what it says in term when i press sudo | 04:10 |
madmoomix | mjbrooks, tried both, and had someone else burn me a third. All check 100% (the other person's checked on their machine, just in case). | 04:10 |
eaglestar83 | i have vmware of suse with open project | 04:10 |
cwillu | eaglestar83, rename your machine recently? | 04:10 |
tha_toadman | amenado, i's a core 2 duo and i just formatted it from 7.04 to 8.04 - my 7.04 was up in like 30 seconds | 04:11 |
root_____ | eaglestar83: try finding the local ip of that computer, like | 04:11 |
eaglestar83 | i think i renamed domain on accident | 04:11 |
Bodsda | eaglestar83: are you part of the sudoers list? | 04:11 |
shreeki | THANKS EVERYONE! | 04:11 |
Bodsda | np | 04:11 |
eaglestar83 | how do i fix it | 04:11 |
mjbrooks | np | 04:11 |
eaglestar83 | bodsda | 04:11 |
Starnestommy | eaglestar83: go into recovery mode, then add " ahren-laptop" to /etc/hosts where it says | 04:11 |
Bodsda | eaglestar83: no idea -- sounds like its your machine name has been changed | 04:11 |
tha_toadman | amenado: whats with a numbers next to the boot sequence?? | 04:11 |
cwillu | eaglestar83, /etc/hosts needs to have a match for the current hostname for sudo to work | 04:11 |
DistroJockey | eaglestar83, you will need to fix /etc/hosts (probably via a live cd) | 04:11 |
Bodsda | eaglestar83: listen to Starnestommy | 04:12 |
imac | HI! What's the difference between Ubuntu and Suse Linux? Why does the Suse install DVD contain over 4GB? And why choose one over the other? | 04:12 |
fazed | so guys, wireshark doesn't handle decryption does it? | 04:12 |
amenado | tha_toadman-> well you can start digging to the rc.d or init.d for the network startup and monitor those to see if its hanging anywhere | 04:12 |
cwillu | eaglestar83, if sudo doesn't work right now, reboot into the recovery kernel | 04:12 |
root_____ | fazed: no | 04:12 |
cwillu | eaglestar83, it'll dump you at a root prompt where you can fix it | 04:12 |
sebsebseb | imac: most Linux distros are rather similar | 04:12 |
Bodsda | bazhang: your my last hope dude, what shall i do? | 04:12 |
amenado | tha_toadman-> what number? pid? | 04:12 |
tha_toadman | amenado: like [ 26.643986 ] | 04:13 |
eaglestar83 | so i go to pico /etc/hosts | 04:13 |
sebsebseb | imac: the install DVD for Suse contains 4GB's of stuff since it will put on a lot of packages/programs I suppouse | 04:13 |
cwillu | imac, lots of stuff, and yet not a lot of stuff; ask suse, we don't know anything about their dvd here; preferences | 04:13 |
tha_toadman | amenado: seems like a timer to me...? | 04:13 |
Starnestommy | eaglestar83: yes | 04:13 |
bazhang | Bodsda check this | 04:13 |
imac | sebsebseb: so why is ubuntu more popular? | 04:13 |
amenado | tha_toadman-> i dont know | 04:13 |
eaglestar83 | so i go to pico etc/hosts | 04:13 |
Starnestommy | imac: it mas a better community and is more user-friendly | 04:13 |
root_____ | sebsebseb: driver support | 04:13 |
Starnestommy | *has | 04:13 |
sebsebseb | imac: I guess, because Ubuntu is based on Debian one of the first Linux distros that ever existed | 04:13 |
eaglestar83 | ok | 04:13 |
neon | does lm-sensors work with intel pm965 notebook chipset | 04:13 |
eaglestar83 | sorry | 04:13 |
imac | Starnestommy: suse or ubuntu? | 04:14 |
tha_toadman | amenado: my ACPI is at that last number then my networking starts at [ 204.600664] | 04:14 |
Starnestommy | imac: ubuntu | 04:14 |
imac | Ah | 04:14 |
eaglestar83 | ok so how do i setup networking with vmwareplayer so i can share files between ubuntu and suse vm | 04:14 |
Mattevt | In firefox, wherever there is a flash applet (or whatever), i see these large "play" symbols (sideways triangle inside a circle). I have to click them to see the applet/video. Is their a way to get around this? | 04:14 |
artint | ubuntu sux | 04:14 |
tha_toadman | amenado: sorry but something has changed since 7 that's stalling my startup and it's bugging the hell out of me | 04:14 |
cwillu | Mattevt, you have flashblock installed | 04:14 |
bazhang | artint offtopic here thanks | 04:14 |
zeno | Mattevt: remove the flashblock plugin | 04:14 |
cwillu | Mattevt, this is actually a good thing :p | 04:14 |
root_____ | Mattevt: do you have NoScript installed as a plugin, sometimes that does it? | 04:14 |
tha_toadman | amenado: how do i check rc.d or init.d ? | 04:14 |
zeno | Mattevt: although thats great, remember all those annoying flash adds? | 04:14 |
sebsebseb | Imac: plus OpenSuse is the community distro of Novell's Suse Enterprise Linux, and well Novell is not liked that much anymore by a lot of people in the Linux community, because of a deal they made with Microsoft | 04:15 |
Shadow420 | artint /msg ubottu etiquette | 04:15 |
amenado | tha_toadman-> off hand I can not tell you, i have not seen it yet nor a mention of that so far in forums | 04:15 |
Bodsda | bazhang: cheers dude, il try that thanks | 04:15 |
artint | stupid wobbly windows | 04:15 |
Mattevt | zeno: indeed...I guess it's a good thing. Thanks for the fast responses guys! | 04:15 |
sebsebseb | Imac: Ubuntu is also known for very good driver/hardware suppourt | 04:15 |
amenado | tha_toadman-> /etc/init.d | 04:15 |
imac | microsoft stinks, but that's not a reason not to use suse if they won't benifit from it | 04:15 |
tha_toadman | amenado: then i may post this one in the forums *think i'm still registered there* and will post this to see what's up | 04:15 |
zeno | artint: you can turn those off, or try another desktop enviornment like kde | 04:15 |
bazhang | !ot | artint | 04:16 |
EcoBlue-GAYSEX | Ubuntu 8.04 fails on my laptop | 04:16 |
ubottu | artint: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 04:16 |
EcoBlue-GAYSEX | Help | 04:16 |
imac | Someone on the suse irc said suse had better driver support | 04:16 |
IdleOne | artint: take your rant to #ubuntu-offtopic please | 04:16 |
Shadow420 | artint I have never had no mproblems with ubuntu just windows and my computer it self | 04:16 |
eaglestar83 | how do i make it so firestarter starts when i login? | 04:16 |
amenado | tha_toadman-> okay, good luck | 04:16 |
sebsebseb | Imac: so have you got Ubuntu installed now? | 04:16 |
bazhang | EcoBlue-GAYSEX: please change your nick | 04:16 |
tha_toadman | amenado: thanks for your help!!! ;) | 04:16 |
imac | VMware, yes | 04:16 |
sebsebseb | hummmmmm VMware | 04:16 |
root_____ | EcoBlue: what is the specific error message you get, probably you should try a 64-bit of ubuntu if it doesn't even boot | 04:16 |
sebsebseb | so your on an XP host? | 04:16 |
imac | imac | 04:16 |
madmoomix | Anyone know why installing Ubuntu is changing how live-cds work? This should not be happening. | 04:16 |
imac | XP computer is weak lol | 04:16 |
amenado | tha_toadman-> i was not much help to you really, hopefully next time | 04:16 |
artint | i was jokin | 04:16 |
sebsebseb | imac: oh yeah imac so Mac OS X host? | 04:17 |
eaglestar83 | ok i guess its one question a day here | 04:17 |
eaglestar83 | thanks | 04:17 |
imac | yeah | 04:17 |
Shadow420 | I am a XP/Ubuntu user | 04:17 |
cwillu | madmaxmad, ubuntu didn't even have a live-cd originally, it's not like it's something set in stone | 04:17 |
tha_toadman | amenado: well you were the first to offer -- people like you make ubuntu what it is today -- cheers! | 04:17 |
imac | I was thinking about duel booting the xp with linux, so i'm trying ubuntu first | 04:17 |
sebsebseb | imac: well you can download already made Linux distros from the VMware site, for open souse and Ubuntu and so on. even other oprating systems. and then you can try them out, and find out which one you like the most | 04:17 |
hydrogen | of course the performance in vmware is less than impressive | 04:17 |
imac | i guess | 04:17 |
hydrogen | and virtualbox is much cooler :) | 04:17 |
imac | true | 04:17 |
amenado | tha_toadman-> thank you for the kind words... | 04:17 |
rich_freecomm | anyone have 8.04 and play Gweled? | 04:17 |
imac | i can't use compiz so that sucks | 04:17 |
Fezzler | How do I change my login screen resolution? | 04:18 |
Shadow420 | imac then u are in luck ubuntu is very easy to use | 04:18 |
sebsebseb | hydrogen: yeah Virtualbox is good, except I have had issues with it in Ubuntu. | 04:18 |
patricknn | hey, i have a dell 4600 and i have a nvidia video card, with s-video out. whenever i try to use screens and graphics to change the screens, either it becomes a terrible resolution, or the screen size is too large on my lcd monitor, any ideas? | 04:18 |
root_____ | rich_freecomm: I couldn't get Gweled to work on 8.04 | 04:18 |
imac | but I tried ubuntu on windows with wubi and it didn't get driver support for my vid card and no internet either | 04:18 |
sebsebseb | hydrogen: plus when I got it for WIndows recentlly it seemed I would have to build the open source one myself. so I went for the cloused one | 04:18 |
rich_freecomm | root_____: I got it working...but it's in French | 04:19 |
tha_toadman | amenado: i'm off to bed -- you'll have to look for my post in the forum - later! | 04:19 |
rich_freecomm | root_____: which is ok....since I was so used to playing it..I knew what to hit | 04:19 |
root_____ | rich_freecomm: I found a bug in that program, but there was no place on their website to submit it i think, or if there was i submitted it | 04:20 |
ciprian | connect | 04:20 |
Mattevt | OK, now I have a silly question: The text in firefox is really small...then when I enlarge the font, the orientation skews, words overlap etc. am I missing something obvious | 04:20 |
Bodsda | bazhang: that link said to add root (hd0,0) to the boot line,,.,. but i dont get the grub list so il edit in live cd but dont think it will work | 04:20 |
imac | Mattevt change your dpi in resolution settings | 04:20 |
bazhang | Bodsda: reinstalling grub might help as well | 04:20 |
Bodsda | bazhang: how do i do that? | 04:20 |
Mattevt | oh, rad. Thanks imac | 04:20 |
rich_freecomm | root_____: I just upgraded from 7.10 and it still worked, but it had the French problem even though I do not have foreign language support | 04:21 |
bazhang | Bodsda | 04:21 |
Bodsda | ty bazhang ur a url lifesaver | 04:21 |
chris_420 | quick audio question.... my mic isn't working... im running hardy... here's my audio card info as listed by lspci:Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs SB Audigy LS | 04:22 |
bobbo85 | If I edit boot.lst and change the title of the OS, will it still boot? | 04:22 |
Fezzler | I've tried editing xorg.conf but it don't work | 04:22 |
Starnestommy | bobbo85: if you just change the title, yes | 04:22 |
rich_freecomm | root_____: does Gweled give you an error message or just not work? | 04:22 |
bobbo85 | btw i meant /boot/grub/menu.lst in my last question, thanks Starnestommy | 04:23 |
guest | anyone know if it's relatively safe installing(?) a different gtk engine? | 04:23 |
mjbrooks | chris_420, do you also have an integrated sound card on your system? | 04:23 |
sam_ | anybody using an atheros chipset wireless card with madwifi drivers? | 04:23 |
onats | how di i install a vmware player on my ubuntu 7.10? | 04:23 |
surplusxmas | My AMD64 8.04 alternate installation fails at "Select and install software". The terminal (Alt + F4) shows "WARNING**: Configuring 'pkgsel' failed with error code 1", and I am unable to continue the install. | 04:24 |
chris_420 | mjbrooks: yes but its shut off through bios | 04:24 |
LadyNikon | onats: you can get it from the synaptic | 04:24 |
chris_420 | mjbrooks... this installation has never seen it ever turned on | 04:24 |
mjbrooks | chris_420, darn.. that was what I was going to suggest :/ | 04:24 |
bobbo85 | Starnestommy, I just want to get rid of "(development branch)" from the title, any idea why mine has that and people who upgraded after the LTS release it just says ubuntu hardy? | 04:24 |
kye | Does anyone know how to get K&R 2nd edition .c files to compile correctly w/ gcc? | 04:24 |
onats | ladynikon, my sources does not have the vmware player version. i get an error when installing it from synaptic | 04:25 |
neon | what is a good program to use to sync my ipaq pda? thx | 04:25 |
chris_420 | mjbrooks... haha... been there done that... im trying to test the mic for my ma's gaming headset she's sturgglin on her computer with it lol | 04:25 |
sam_ | chris you smoke too much reefer | 04:25 |
chris_420 | < now im feeling all retarded haha | 04:25 |
chris_420 | sam i ain't smoked in 3 months bro haha | 04:25 |
sam_ | haha | 04:25 |
Starnestommy | bobbo85: it's probably a bug | 04:25 |
sam_ | ahhh ok | 04:25 |
bobbo85 | thanks Starnestommy ! | 04:26 |
chris_420 | and i think thats the problem haha | 04:26 |
surplusxmas | My AMD64 8.04 alternate installation fails at "Select and install software". The terminal (Alt + F4) shows "WARNING**: Configuring 'pkgsel' failed with error code 1", and I am unable to continue the install. | 04:26 |
Starnestommy | bobbo85: or you had the beta before upgrading to 8.04 | 04:26 |
leftyfb | has anyone done luks encrypted partitions post-install? | 04:26 |
mjbrooks | chris_420, I had a friend with a similar problem, here's what fixed it | 04:26 |
bobbo85 | Starnestommy, I did, I was just hoping that after upgrading to 8.04 LTS that the Beta stuff would go away | 04:26 |
HappyHater | is there a setting somewhere I can change in kde to use a dblclick to run a file/folder/whatever and not a single click? | 04:27 |
Mattevt | In "Monitor Resolution Settings", the "Clones Screens" box is checked. I un-check it, then click "Apply", but somehow it always re-checks it self. | 04:28 |
onats | how di i install a vmware player on my ubuntu 7.10? | 04:28 |
IndyGunFreak | HappyHater: i'm sure there is, look at mouse preferences | 04:28 |
mjbrooks | chris_420, uncomment blacklist snd-atiixp-modem in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-modem | 04:28 |
leftyfb | I can't seem to get a prompt for passphrase at boot which will then create the devicemapper virtual device in /dev/mapper to then be mounted as my /home. I have /etc/crypttab setup properly by uuid which I have veryified multiple times exists ... I then have my fstab mounting the /dev/mapper/blah device which like I said, doesn't get created until it's opened using the passphrase..... | 04:28 |
Bodsda | bazhang: moment of truth (reboot) if this dont work i dunno what il do | 04:28 |
AbstortedMinds | where can i go to learn to build the best linux desktop i can find, (all open source hardware drivers, greatest compatability etc) | 04:28 |
leftyfb | doing all this manually works fine. It just won't prompt for passphrase at boot | 04:28 |
chris_420 | mjbrooks : ok let me give that a try... if it don't work im a put it back lol | 04:29 |
Bodsda | AbstortedMinds: | 04:29 |
bazhang | good luck Bodsda :) | 04:29 |
chris_420 | BRB | 04:29 |
Bodsda | bazhang: ffs error 22 again!!!!!!!!!! | 04:29 |
AbstortedMinds | when I hold down a button on the keyboard my mouse wont move, whats wrong? | 04:29 |
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bazhang | !hcl | AbstortedMinds check here first | 04:29 |
ubottu | AbstortedMinds check here first: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see | 04:29 |
co_savirus | christian_cow_t3xlov3r | 04:30 |
zionpsyfer | AbstortedMinds: The specs on the machines at would help. Checking the hardware compatibility pages will be good info as well. | 04:30 |
AbstortedMinds | thanks bazhang | 04:30 |
leftyfb | anyone? encrypted filesystems created post-installed? | 04:30 |
Bodsda | !anyone | 04:30 |
ubottu | A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 04:30 |
bazhang | leftyfb: you checked truecrypt? | 04:30 |
AbstortedMinds | i wouldnt trust truecrypt, try geli | 04:31 |
AbstortedMinds | geli is the best | 04:31 |
Bodsda | !best | 04:31 |
IndyGunFreak | !best | 04:31 |
ubottu | Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. | 04:31 |
leftyfb | bazhang: truecrypt doesn't create full linux filesystems, only containers which need to be mounted manually. You cannot mount truecrypt containers using grub | 04:31 |
AbstortedMinds | i dont know if thats on ubuntu, but on freebsd geli is the ultimate option | 04:31 |
rich_freecomm | ubottu: if it weren't for questions getting overlooked or even being read, that would be a great idea | 04:31 |
dubby | hey anyone with fwbuilder working, I have fwbuilder and a firewall i wish to install and any case when i try to compile it it gives me an xml file which i cannot run in terminal, and if i click install it tells me that myfirewall.fw does not exist | 04:31 |
Bodsda | rich_freecomm: ubottu is a bot | 04:32 |
mjbrooks | bazhang, truecrypt also has throughput issues | 04:32 |
chris_420 | ahhh lol forgot to sudo gedit lol... | 04:32 |
nickellery | !ubotu | 04:32 |
ubottu | I am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose pwodered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeus looks in the near future ;) | 04:32 |
rich_freecomm | ah | 04:32 |
leftyfb | I'm using the luks encryption built into ubuntu. There should be no need to use something from freebsd or some other 3rd party tool | 04:32 |
IdleOne | rich_freecomm: questions are rarely overlooked but if nobody has an answer for the question should we all say " I don't know! " ? | 04:32 |
AbstortedMinds | when I hold down a button on the keyboard my mouse wont move, but when i release the button the mouse moves again. ubuntu with an imac | 04:32 |
danbhfive | im having a bunch of hardware problems in hardy. Could this be because of a bad upgrade? | 04:32 |
Utalcn2me | i screwed up my usplash, anyone know how i can fix it? | 04:32 |
leftyfb | I have it working fine being mounted manually. I just need to get it to do it at boot. I thought update-initiramfs -u would do it, but i guess not. | 04:33 |
rich_freecomm | IdleOne: nope...just 1 would do :) | 04:33 |
IndyGunFreak | danbhfive: anything is possible.. i think all upgrades suck. | 04:33 |
Mattevt | In "Monitor Resolution Settings", the "Clones Screens" box is checked. I un-check it, then click "Apply", but somehow it always re-checks it self. How can I stop this. | 04:33 |
IndyGunFreak | rich_freecomm: then you'd say, "anyone else" | 04:33 |
danbhfive | IndyGunFreak: that they do | 04:33 |
rich_freecomm | IndyGunFrak: I might...:) | 04:33 |
chris_420 | okay lets try now haha | 04:33 |
rich_freecomm | IndyGunFreak: I might...:) | 04:33 |
IdleOne | rich_freecomm: :) I believe that even one person telling someone they don't know would upset the person asking...why bother answering to something you don't have answer for | 04:34 |
IndyGunFreak | rich_freecomm: uh huh. *might*? | 04:34 |
Chapai | when i ssh into a box, some how no i have lost the use of aliases but it works on the ssh server. | 04:34 |
rich_freecomm | IdleOne: hmm...versus not even knowing if the message got out...yeah..that's a toughy | 04:34 |
wastrel | if all 1300 people said "i don't know" this channel would be too busy | 04:34 |
IndyGunFreak | danbhfive: i hate upgrading, maybe you should consider backing up/clean install. | 04:34 |
IdleOne | rich_freecomm: the message is out trust me. but not all answer are always available when you want it. | 04:35 |
wastrel | Chapai: where are the aliases stored? | 04:35 |
Chapai | .bashrc | 04:35 |
danbhfive | IndyGunFreak: I am considering that. The only blockage is mysql. I don't know much about backing that up | 04:35 |
rich_freecomm | IdleOne: well, they should be, gosh darned it :) | 04:35 |
IdleOne | rich_freecomm: indeed | 04:35 |
Bodsda | !ot | rich | 04:35 |
ubottu | rich: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 04:35 |
IndyGunFreak | danbhfive: hm,, sorry, can't help w/ that | 04:35 |
IdleOne | !ot > IdleOne | 04:36 |
surplusxmas | My AMD64 8.04 alternate installation fails at "Select and install software". The terminal (Alt + F4) shows "WARNING**: Configuring 'pkgsel' failed with error code 1", and I am unable to continue the install. Any suggestions? | 04:36 |
wastrel | Chapai: .bashrc is only for non-login shells, ssh is a login shell. put the aliases into ~/.bash_profile | 04:36 |
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chris_420 | hmmm mjbrooks: no diff | 04:36 |
IndyGunFreak | surplusxmas: install 32bit? | 04:36 |
RWB | is tehre any way to speed up flash in Linux? | 04:36 |
chris_420 | im a try blisting them one by one | 04:36 |
blbrown | is anyone else having issues with FF and it crashing ALLLLLLLLLLLL the freaking time | 04:37 |
rich_freecomm | ubottu: ok, sorry... "well, UBUNTU answers should be, gosh darned it :)" | 04:37 |
wastrel | blbrown: yes :] it's because of flashplayer | 04:37 |
AaronMT | Its because of flash | 04:37 |
Bodsda | surplusxmas: the exact thing happened to me -- live cd worked though | 04:37 |
surplusxmas | IndyGunFreak: Awww, 32bit. :\ 64bit should work though, I don't see why it wouldn't. | 04:37 |
RWB | blbrown yeah it closes on me from time to time no notice or anything | 04:37 |
blbrown | wastrel, even if I click on a non-flash link like reddit | 04:37 |
surplusxmas | IndyGunFreak: AMD64 Live CD worked? | 04:37 |
Chapai | ahh i created bash_profile a while back, thats why its ignoring .bashrc for ssh wastrel | 04:37 |
IndyGunFreak | 64bit... do as ou please.. 64bit is one big ass hassle | 04:37 |
Bodsda | surplusxmas: yes | 04:37 |
Danish989 | danbhfive: or maybe your hardware isnt supported? | 04:37 |
surplusxmas | Bodsda: You too? :O | 04:37 |
IndyGunFreak | from codecs, to flash, etc etc, its not ready yet in my opinion | 04:37 |
Bodsda | !language | IndyGunFreak | 04:38 |
ubottu | IndyGunFreak: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 04:38 |
Bodsda | surplusxmas: alternate cd didntwork but live cd did | 04:38 |
IndyGunFreak | Bodsda: i think i've been here about 2yrs longer than you, if i need your help w/ my conduct, i'll ask | 04:38 |
Chapai | cheers, its been annoying me since wastrel | 04:38 |
chris_420 | this is hella gay | 04:38 |
mjbrooks | chris_420, you could try uncommenting the other ones in there | 04:38 |
wastrel | blbrown: does the site your leaving have flash? does the site you're going to have flash banner ads? mine's crashy from flash :] maybe yours isn't but i bet it's at least part of the prob | 04:38 |
andar_ | how can i see my computer's hardware components? | 04:38 |
Danish989 | !language | chris_420 | 04:38 |
ubottu | chris_420: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 04:38 |
surplusxmas | Careful, Bodsda, he's a gun freak. | 04:38 |
chris_420 | mjbrooks: im a try one by one... | 04:38 |
danbhfive | Danish989: well, everything worked fine in gutsy. Now, I am having sound, keyboard and mouse issues in hardy. | 04:38 |
hydrogen | "ass" offensive? .. thats a new one | 04:38 |
mjbrooks | chris_420, not sure if you have one of those, but they cause the same problems | 04:38 |
chris_420 | ubottu sorry dude | 04:39 |
surplusxmas | IndyGunFreak: Why is it a hassle? What about it is a hassle? | 04:39 |
Bodsda | IndyGunFreak: i wasnt offering help i was reminding you of the conduct -- i dont care how long uve been here u still have to abide | 04:39 |
IndyGunFreak | hydrogen: i refer to people like that as "wanna-be ops" | 04:39 |
mjbrooks | chris_420, you can do them all at onece... no harm | 04:39 |
blbrown | wastrel, I am righting a serious rant on the ubuntu forums; It just gets worse | 04:39 |
IndyGunFreak | Bodsda: and i was reminding you i don't care what you think | 04:39 |
harris | hey HELP having problem screen resolution my monitor is CRT 15"... what resolution is best? | 04:39 |
mjbrooks | chris_420, you'll only have one of them so it won't harm it | 04:39 |
rich1 | i have a broadcom 4318 card and just upgraded to hardy. i can't remember everything i did to get the card working. how can i tell if i'm using ndiswrapper or fwcutter method? | 04:39 |
harris | hey HELP having problem screen resolution my monitor is CRT 15"... what resolution is best? | 04:39 |
chris_420 | mjbrooks... im a do it one at a time :for absolute knowledge of the problem... and if nothing h elps then ill go all haha | 04:39 |
surplusxmas | IndyGunFreak: What's the hassle with 64? | 04:40 |
danbhfive | harris: on a crt, I think its a matter of opinion, and whatever it supports | 04:40 |
harris | hey HELP having problem of screen resolution my monitor is CRT 15"... what resolution is best? | 04:40 |
tbielawa | harris: when I had a 15" I could get buy with 1024x768 | 04:40 |
IndyGunFreak | surplusxmas: i just listed it above, multimedia codecs, flash, are the first that come to mind. | 04:40 |
Bodsda | IndyGunFreak: my thoughts were of the conduct you fancy discussing this issue more then join me in #someonesmoody | 04:40 |
rich_freecomm | rich1: I went to Dell for my driver (my dell wireless card uses a Broadcom driver) | 04:40 |
Starnestommy | harris: probably 1024x768 | 04:40 |
IndyGunFreak | harris: take a paxil, repeating your question 10x in 5sec isnt gonna get a faster response. | 04:40 |
surplusxmas | IndyGunFreak: Ahhh, thanks for bringing that up! Ack, I would've been hosed! I'm going to go with 32bit. | 04:40 |
AbstortedMinds | Could this be an Xorg problem? when I hold down a button on the keyboard my mouse wont move | 04:40 |
mjbrooks | rich1, I hear that for that one you have to plug into an ethernet jack so your on the internet and then enable the hardware driver | 04:41 |
Utalcn2me | i screwed up my usplash, anyone know how i can fix it? | 04:41 |
IndyGunFreak | surplusxmas: shoulda researched it a bit better, those issues are well known | 04:41 |
wastrel | AbstortedMinds: which button? | 04:41 |
hydrogen | surplusxmas: the biggest thing about 64bit is in almost all cases you don't gain anything from using 64bit | 04:41 |
chris_420 | brb time to retry lol | 04:41 |
Mattevt | In "Monitor Resolution Settings", the "Clones Screens" box is checked. I un-check it, then click "Apply", but somehow it always re-checks it self. | 04:41 |
surplusxmas | IndyGunFreak: Research schmesearch. :) | 04:41 |
IndyGunFreak | Bodsda: not moody at all, if you don't like me, "/ignore indygunfreak" will take care of you | 04:41 |
IndyGunFreak | surplusxmas: :) | 04:41 |
AbstortedMinds | any button | 04:41 |
surplusxmas | IndyGunFreak: Thanks for your help. :) | 04:41 |
zionpsyfer | harris: 1024x768 would be a good starter. Use the nvidia control panel to set it. | 04:41 |
AbstortedMinds | wastrel any button, if i hold down W like in a game the mouse will not move | 04:41 |
Bodsda | IndyGunFreak: never said i dont like you just said !language | 04:41 |
AbstortedMinds | westrel when i released the button the mouse moves again | 04:42 |
IndyGunFreak | Bodsda: ok, let me rephrase, if you don't like my language, or think i'm moody, i told you how to ignore me. | 04:42 |
tbielawa | AbstortedMinds: that might be your hardware. The macs in my office have the same problem | 04:42 |
IndyGunFreak | otherwise, leave me be. | 04:42 |
bazhang | Bodsda: take it easy please | 04:42 |
AbstortedMinds | tbielawa its an imac, did you not find a fix for this? | 04:42 |
chris_420 | if its workin i should be able to hear my self through the speakers right? or i could put the mic by the speakers and wait for feedback haha | 04:42 |
AbstortedMinds | tbielawa is it a known issue, have you found anything about this problem? | 04:42 |
arvind_khadri | enabling restricted drivers doesnt give me proper screen resolution | 04:43 |
tbielawa | AbstortedMinds: yes. we found out that you have to install osX and apply all the updates and apply a bio (whatever macs call it) udpate | 04:43 |
Bodsda | bazhang: im not the one gettin touchy about the rules | 04:43 |
iamchris | Im trying to load mp3's onto my micro sd-card using a converter and a 9in1 on the front of my PC. WHen I put a file onto the card, it shows its been copied, but then when I move up the file system and back in, it dissapears. Any suggestions? | 04:43 |
arvind_khadri | bazhang, enabling restricted drivers doesnt give me proper screen resolution | 04:43 |
qwiksand | i have alot of work to do and i'm used to using windows graphics program, not using ubuntu 8.04 | 04:43 |
bazhang | Bodsda: please let it go | 04:43 |
Bodsda | bazhang: ok boss | 04:43 |
IndyGunFreak | Bodsda: i'm not being touchy, i just don't need you to explain them to me, if you have a problem w/ me, point it out to an op | 04:43 |
AbstortedMinds | Tbielawa, i have it up to date as far as the Software updates are concerned | 04:43 |
Mattevt | oh my god he said "ass". There are more important things like: In "Monitor Resolution Settings", the "Clones Screens" box is checked. I un-check it, then click "Apply", but somehow it always re-checks it self." :) | 04:43 |
IndyGunFreak | lol | 04:43 |
zionpsyfer | lol, nice one. | 04:44 |
Bodsda | IndyGunFreak: if you dont need them explaining then why violate -- any further talk on the subject in a diff channel plz | 04:44 |
AaronMT | !attitude | 04:44 |
ubottu | The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See | 04:44 |
bazhang | Mattevt: ;] | 04:44 |
arvind_khadri | bazhang, ??? plz help :(( | 04:44 |
qwiksand | i dont know what to do, intalled wine but when i installed Xara Xtreme (graphics software) it deem seem to work well | 04:44 |
CaptainMorgan | wow! who would've thought that Ubuntu now has great usb-camera support!? | 04:44 |
tbielawa | AbstortedMinds: I think what we found was that you have to apply the OSX updates before it will allow you to update the firmware bios thing | 04:44 |
CaptainMorgan | this is awesome | 04:44 |
tbielawa | AbstortedMinds: though, we never went through with this, this is all just what I"ve heard. | 04:44 |
Chapai | what camera are you using, mine did not work CaptainMorgan | 04:45 |
AbstortedMinds | Tbielawa, ahh, well ok, any idea what keywords would be able to find this issue in ubuntu forums, im failing at that | 04:45 |
Unknown10369 | wats ubuntu can som1 help pm me if u can | 04:45 |
arbir | is back | 04:45 |
kazol | My Gutsy->Heron upgrade, as expected, was NOT successful and I am left with an empty brown screen when starting the system. I removed the "splash" and "quiet" options from /boot/grub/menu.lst to increase verbosity, and could not find any errors. | 04:45 |
Starnestommy | !ubuntu | Unknown10369 | 04:45 |
ubottu | Unknown10369: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see | 04:45 |
arbir | Unknown10369: state ur question clearly | 04:45 |
bazhang | !ubuntu | Unknown10369 | 04:45 |
CaptainMorgan | ChakRa, Kodak C703 ? | 04:45 |
tbielawa | AbstortedMinds: not sure what you mean there :-\ | 04:46 |
CaptainMorgan | Chapai, , Kodak C703 ? | 04:46 |
Unknown10369 | wtf | 04:46 |
K_Dallas | Hi guys! Q: Does the latest version of stable ubuntu (8.04 I guess) have a bette support for Toshiba laptops (epecially regarding its hibernate/sleep mode). Thanks (the previous version didn't support it). it is a satellite model | 04:46 |
CaptainMorgan | Chapai, you? | 04:46 |
qwiksand | can u use wine to install any widows program | 04:46 |
Unknown10369 | hopw can i hack with linux | 04:46 |
AbstortedMinds | tbielawa, meaning what would this issue be called? | 04:46 |
arbir | how can i increase the general viewport size of audacious ? i tried menu option VIew-> Scale and still nothing is happening. | 04:46 |
* kazol should try Gentoo instead of Ubuntu. | 04:46 | |
bazhang | Unknown10369: wrong channel for that | 04:46 |
IndyGunFreak | Unknown10369: that sort of discussion is not allowed here | 04:46 |
kazol | Unknown10369: Try asking in ##linux | 04:46 |
Bodsda | qwiksand: some windows programs yes | 04:46 |
chris_420 | i have feed back my friends haha | 04:47 |
Chapai | mine was cheap for windows something ... anote CaptainMorgan | 04:47 |
kazol | Unknown10369: People there should definitely know. | 04:47 |
Mattevt | In "Monitor Resolution Settings", the "Clones Screens" box is checked. I un-check it, then click "Apply", but somehow it always re-checks it self. How can I stop this. (If I don't get an answer, I won't be bitter, I've received more than my fair share of help here in the past few days. Thanks all!) | 04:47 |
tbielawa | AbstortedMinds: That's tough, I'd search for usb subsystem stuff, maybe "open firmware" 'imac keyboard" any luck with those terms yet? | 04:47 |
co^Jadul^ | haiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii | 04:47 |
mjbrooks | qwiksand, for more info on wine see: | 04:47 |
chris_420 | never thought id be so happy to hear nails on a chalk board hehe | 04:47 |
IndyGunFreak | Unknown10369: my guess is, if you have to ask, you couldn't even exploit internet explorer, so you probably have a long way to go. | 04:47 |
chris_420 | yo mjbrooks | 04:47 |
mjbrooks | chris_420, yessir | 04:47 |
chris_420 | i black list the intel audion... | 04:47 |
arbir | anybody uses Audacious here ? | 04:48 |
chris_420 | audio even.... | 04:48 |
IdleOne | IndyGunFreak: not that we know anything about exploiting IE :) | 04:48 |
IndyGunFreak | IdleOne: lol | 04:48 |
chris_420 | and left everything else it was option no.2 | 04:48 |
JoCo | hey guys just got my ubuntu up and finally in the GUI but my graphics driver isnt installed and im having trouble | 04:48 |
mjbrooks | chris_420, fixed then? | 04:48 |
chris_420 | mjbrooks thank you much for your help... you rock... | 04:48 |
* mjbrooks bows | 04:48 | |
Unknown10369 | indy i got internt explorer | 04:48 |
silvesterdivas | hi | 04:48 |
* Scrounch is now away: off | 04:48 | |
chris_420 | mjbrooks... most def i got feedback baby... haha thats good enough for me at the moment lol | 04:48 |
AbstortedMinds | tbielawa, trying now | 04:49 |
bazhang | !away > Scrounch | 04:49 |
IdleOne | Unknown10369: you wont find the answers you are looking for here so might as well give it up | 04:49 |
mjbrooks | chris_420, congrats and enjoy | 04:49 |
sebsebseb | !ubuntu | 04:49 |
ubottu | Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see | 04:49 |
neon | what is a good program to use to sync my ipaq pda? thx | 04:49 |
kindofabuzz | Unknown10369: hack with linux = learn linux first | 04:49 |
AaronMT | !attitude > Unknown10369 | 04:49 |
tbielawa | !help | 04:49 |
ubottu | I am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose pwodered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeus looks in the near future ;) | 04:49 |
JoCo | i installed EnvyNG but when I click install Nvidia driver it outputs this as an error: /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/apt/ FutureWarning: apt API not stable yet | 04:49 |
JoCo | warnings.warn("apt API not stable yet", FutureWarning) | 04:49 |
chris_420 | mjbrooks most def.... now i get to go beat up a microshaft winbbloze xp machine hehe | 04:49 |
arbir | ubottu: how can i increase the general viewport size of audacious ? i tried menu option VIew-> Scale and still nothing is happening. | 04:50 |
IndyGunFreak | JoCo: why not just use restricted driver? | 04:50 |
kazol | My Gutsy->Heron upgrade, as expected, was NOT successful and I am left with an empty brown screen when starting the system. I removed the "splash" and "quiet" options from /boot/grub/menu.lst to increase verbosity, and could not find any errors. | 04:50 |
IndyGunFreak | !ubotu | arbir | 04:50 |
ubottu | arbir: please see above | 04:50 |
bazhang | neon: there are a few ubuntuforums posts about that iirc let me check if I can find one | 04:50 |
sergiuu | hello | 04:50 |
madmoomix | right, well, potential fix did nothing | 04:50 |
danbhfive | kazol: have you tried reconfiguring xserver? | 04:50 |
JoCo | IndyGunFreak, if i click enable restricted drivers when i reboot I get a black idle screen | 04:50 |
sergiuu | how to hide mounted partition from desktop? | 04:50 |
Ex-Cyber | cdrtools and dvd+rw-tools work fine, but I can't get CD/DVD Creator or Brasero to recognize the presence of blank discs (neither CD nor DVD); how can I fix this? | 04:51 |
IndyGunFreak | JoCo: do you get any error during that idle screen? | 04:51 |
madmoomix | Installing Ubuntu still stops all ubuntu kernals from loading, even off of live cds. | 04:51 |
arbir | anybody uses Audacious ? I need help on that please. | 04:51 |
kazol | danbhfive: X server does start (with proper resolution, etc.) but I don't see any icons. | 04:51 |
=== zion is now known as zp | ||
chris_420 | oh one last question.... you know when you boot up? you get the stock black screen with the ubuntu text and the ubuntu siybol and the status bar? how do i change that | 04:51 |
chris_420 | < uses audacious!!! | 04:51 |
IndyGunFreak | arbir: just ask your question.. | 04:51 |
blbrown | | 04:51 |
bazhang | neon this may help | 04:51 |
tbielawa | arbir have you tried the forums yet? | 04:51 |
hydrogen | !splash | chris_420 | 04:51 |
JoCo | IndyGunFreak, no its right after the ubuntu loadin splash and the screen just goes black, but if i type my username and pw i can hear the ubuntu login sounds, its like the monitor isnt even there | 04:51 |
chris_420 | arbir whats up ? | 04:51 |
ubottu | chris_420: To change the Gnome splash screen, use !gnome-splashscreen-manager or change the GConf key /apps/gnome-session/options/splash_image using !gconf-editor. | 04:51 |
arbir | how can i increase the general viewport size of audacious ? i tried menu option VIew-> Scale and still nothing is happening. | 04:51 |
hydrogen | hmm | 04:51 |
hydrogen | !bootsplash | 04:51 |
ubottu | Factoid bootsplash not found | 04:52 |
david_-_- | how do i load a iso image of xubuntu into vb? | 04:52 |
IndyGunFreak | JoCo: that suggests a xorg issue. | 04:52 |
arbir | tbielawa: i have been trying and googling for the past 1 hr | 04:52 |
IndyGunFreak | JoCo: is it a very new or very old monitor, perhaps an old crt, or a very new widescreen? | 04:52 |
ere4si | !usplash | chris_420 | 04:52 |
ubottu | chris_420: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See for adding your custom artwork | 04:52 |
mjbrooks | chris_420, usplash | 04:52 |
wastrel | sergiuu: gconf-editor apps/nautilus/desktop/volumes_visible | 04:52 |
arbir | i need to squint my eyes to see audacious | 04:52 |
maw | how can I get all the root CA? I am trying to run postfix with TLS and I am unable to verify people's certificates | 04:52 |
kazol | danbhfive: Do you think I should reconfigure it somehow? | 04:52 |
chris_420 | hydrogen.... i tried that and all it did was change the screen that splashes after gdm(login) | 04:52 |
JoCo | IndyGunFreak, Its a 19" Dell FlatPanel LCD probably 2-3 years old | 04:52 |
IndyGunFreak | JoCo: weird.. sounds like you're gonna need to do xorg surgery thoug | 04:53 |
chris_420 | hmmmmm.... let me dgo dig deeper haha | 04:53 |
hydrogen | chris_420: yea.. I was hoping that ubottu would spit out a different factoid | 04:53 |
sergiuu | wastrel thx | 04:53 |
arbir | chris_420: did you see my question ? | 04:53 |
phoenix180 | I believe I have messed my pc up completely. After several hours yesterday I finally managed to install kubuntu onto my pc(ubuntu 7.10 and ubuntu 8.04 refuse to load). Tonight for no reason at all I decided to try 7.10 again and so as a result, it didn't fully install and my question is this: can I still use my kubuntu setup? or did I just mess things up? | 04:53 |
mjbrooks | !usplash | 04:53 |
ubottu | To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See for adding your custom artwork | 04:53 |
chris_420 | but first im a go beat up moms computer.... | 04:53 |
JoCo | Yikes I wouldn't know where to start..... | 04:53 |
chris_420 | arbir sure did.... i use audacious... didn't see any question after that.... | 04:53 |
arbir | chris_420: how can i increase the general viewport size of audacious ? | 04:53 |
IndyGunFreak | JoCo: try googling your monitor model, and "Ubuntu problems", or something like that | 04:53 |
wastrel | phoenix180: will it boot? | 04:54 |
arbir | chris_420: i tried menu option View-> Scale and still nothing is happening. | 04:54 |
DSMatthews_ | Looking for up-to-date docs for connecting to WiFi with hidden SSID and WPA-PSK security, using usb wifi key which works fine if all security turned off on wifi router, Window$ boxes connecting OK, but not Ubuntu 8.04 :-( | 04:54 |
chris_420 | hydrogen: it never does when you want it do lol.... | 04:54 |
JoCo | IndyGunFreak, all right will do, thanks a lot indy! | 04:54 |
IndyGunFreak | np | 04:54 |
phoenix180 | wastrel, I don't know yet I have just been trying to re-install kubuntu again | 04:54 |
phoenix180 | should I at least see if it will boot? | 04:54 |
chris_420 | arbir one sec... i know how to but let me get the details haha | 04:54 |
rich_freecomm | phoenix180: it took me 34 times to get Ubuntu working on my laptop...the good news is that...if you are works out..and you'll be glad you were | 04:54 |
IndyGunFreak | i installed kubuntu on my mother in laws machine, cuz i knew it was slower than windows. | 04:55 |
arbir | chris_420: thanks for making the effort.... :-) | 04:55 |
acidicbase | is there a fix for ati and ubuntu 8.0.4? | 04:55 |
rich_freecomm | phoenix180: 3-4 times even..not 34 times..I would have def givin up by then | 04:55 |
DSMatthews_ | It is a shame that WiFi with security is so flaky :-( | 04:55 |
IndyGunFreak | acidicbase: what do you mean fix? | 04:55 |
drivetrax | acidicbase, what ati card? | 04:55 |
acidicbase | x800xl | 04:55 |
IndyGunFreak | DSMatthews_: i use wpa w/o issue.. | 04:55 |
acidicbase | gnome is slow as hell | 04:55 |
chris_420 | arbir... when you load it... in the black area where it shows the time or the song and all that you should be able to see a d.... or D click that... | 04:55 |
Mattevt | more time :)... | In "Monitor Resolution Settings", the "Clones Screens" box is checked. I un-check it, then click "Apply", but somehow it always re-checks it self. How can i fix this? | 04:55 |
wastrel | DSMatthews_: hidden ssid is silly. turning that off might help . tho wifi with lunix is a bit of voodoo to me still. | 04:55 |
acidicbase | was fine in 7.10 | 04:55 |
IndyGunFreak | acidicbase: lol, you shoud put the pipe down.. :) | 04:55 |
chris_420 | arbir... it would be on the left side... | 04:56 |
DSMatthews_ | Indy...: hidden SSID? | 04:56 |
bazhang | DSMatthews_: likely usb dongle and wifi is flaky wpa2 works fine here | 04:56 |
IndyGunFreak | DSMatthews_: of coure | 04:56 |
arbir | chris_420: let me check | 04:56 |
acidicbase | no it is slow | 04:56 |
IndyGunFreak | (of course | 04:56 |
acidicbase | i can see it draw the windows | 04:56 |
drivetrax | acidicbase, the driver 8.4 from the ATI site, must be direct rendering on | 04:56 |
acidicbase | ok | 04:56 |
tmr0 | I'm having a problem where ethernet stops working. Can be fixed by ifconfig eth0 down (then up). Marvell 88E8056 controller. | 04:56 |
hydrogen | gnome slow???? blasphemy!!! It's written in C *and* has removed all unnecessary options, how could it possibly be slow! | 04:56 |
arbir | yes when i click that i get a menu @ chris_420 | 04:56 |
DSMatthews_ | Have two laptops, one has Intel chip set, similar pain to get it working. | 04:56 |
drivetrax | acidicbase, - does yours has catalyst | 04:56 |
phoenix180 | ubuntu refuses to's strange. At 31% it tells me that there is something wrong with either my disk drive, hard drive, or I have a corrupted disk | 04:56 |
acidicbase | no, I'm just using what came with 8.0.4 | 04:57 |
chris_420 | crap hold up | 04:57 |
drivetrax | uhm | 04:57 |
rich_freecomm | (waiting for it) | 04:57 |
bazhang | phoenix180: md5sum of the iso may fix that | 04:57 |
IndyGunFreak | DSMatthews_: bottom line, its not Linux's fault, its a developer problem, if they would release their drivers to the community so they could be written for Linux, they would work fine, problem is, they wont, so we have to hack ways to use the windows driver. | 04:57 |
drivetrax | acidicbase, either use the restricted drivers.. or get and install from ATI/AMD | 04:57 |
acidicbase | yea i have restricted drivers, it says in use | 04:58 |
IndyGunFreak | DSMatthews_: i use atheros and mad wifi, works perfect.. i hide my essid, have wpa, etc.., no probs | 04:58 |
DSMatthews_ | Indy..: agreed | 04:58 |
=== tbielawa_ is now known as tbielawa | ||
drivetrax | acidicbase, If those do not work, the work around is to remove them.. and use the Ubuntu 7.10 generic | 04:58 |
just | hello I can,t connect with WP from far away, i use dell vostro 1400, someone can help me | 04:58 |
phoenix180 | I will try that bazhang | 04:58 |
Cpudan80 | just: from far away? | 04:58 |
just | yupz | 04:58 |
Cpudan80 | just: How far is far ? | 04:58 |
just | may 20 m | 04:58 |
Cpudan80 | ehhhh how many feet is that? | 04:58 |
arbir | chris_420: what do i do ? | 04:58 |
drivetrax | acidicbase, are you familiar with xorg.conf? | 04:59 |
just | but from near about 5m, i conneted well | 04:59 |
IndyGunFreak | only issue i have on my laptop w/ Ubuntu, is battery life... | 04:59 |
acidicbase | drivetrax: I will try to download the one from ati's site, what do you mean direct rendering? | 04:59 |
acidicbase | drivetrax: yea | 04:59 |
phoenix180 | ok if my PC loads, can I then attempt to just fix what is missing? | 04:59 |
IndyGunFreak | i'm not really sure it would be better w/ Vista or XP | 04:59 |
DSMatthews_ | Indy...: will dig around and see if I can sort it out, but some uptodate docs for the low level Wifi stuff on 8.04 would help, may be I'll have to write them. ;-) | 04:59 |
Cpudan80 | just: Is there a wall or something in the way? | 04:59 |
chris_420 | arbir... if you left click on the D which should be second from the bottom on that side it should close to double the size | 04:59 |
egc | hi, does anybody here have an ati radeon 9800 with desktop effects enabled? | 04:59 |
Cpudan80 | just: 20 meters is like 65 ft --- that's probably too far away | 05:00 |
kazol | This is ridiculous, the first time I've tried upgrading (Dapper), it failed....I've asked *several* people about upgrading Gutsy->Heron and it was all good for them...I try upgrading, and I'm left with this blank screen. | 05:00 |
chris_420 | arbir.... other then that it seems the only way to make it bigger other then changing the resolution of your screen or something | 05:00 |
just | if I use windows xp it's connected well. | 05:00 |
egc | mine works, but hesitates at times, and i wonder if thats normal | 05:00 |
arbir | chris_420: the D is the second from the bottom | 05:00 |
IndyGunFreak | DSMatthews_: beauty of it is, only thing stopping you, is you.. :) | 05:00 |
kazol | I am seriously loosing faith in Ubuntu developers. | 05:00 |
drivetrax | acidicbase, there is a caommand to see if the vid card is using tha rendering, but first try the install of that Huge linux driver from ati.. and see if it works for your card. For my 9600 AIW, it was no good. | 05:00 |
DSMatthews_ | And the void.... | 05:00 |
Cpudan80 | just: It's probably barely connected --- XP does weird things with wifi | 05:00 |
DSMatthews_ | ... of knowledge I must traverse. ;-) | 05:00 |
chris_420 | arbir yes... from the bottom of the black area... theres a V then above it is a D | 05:00 |
acidicbase | drivetrax: will do | 05:00 |
IndyGunFreak | lol, true. | 05:00 |
rjune_ | I'm running Hardy, when I try to start firefox, it tells me that it's already running and I have to close it or reboot | 05:01 |
IndyGunFreak | kazol: on eof these days people will learn, upgrades always suck, do clean installs, and you'll have no headaches | 05:01 |
rjune_ | I rebooted, and it's still telling me that. what lockfile do I have to delete | 05:01 |
arvind_khadri | ikonia, are you around | 05:01 |
arbir | chris_420: i have already done that through the menu option, and still its super small | 05:01 |
mjbrooks | kazol, perhaps there is something specific to how you do your setup that causes the breakage | 05:01 |
chris_420 | < plays amy winehouse rehab.... | 05:01 |
drivetrax | acidicbase, if the driver does not work remove it, disable restricted drivers, and that would mean removing fglrx | 05:01 |
just | before I have use ubuntu fiesty itu working well. but now I change to hardy | 05:01 |
arvind_khadri | bazhang, hello | 05:01 |
DSMatthews_ | Thanks guys, will let you know if I discover anything worth sharing. Bye | 05:01 |
egc | drivetrax: it seems like that ati driver was for 9800 and above | 05:01 |
arbir | chris_420: also , if i play audacious, all other programs are not able to output their sounds | 05:01 |
kazol | IndyGunFreak: Maybe I should just install Gentoo. | 05:01 |
bazhang | arvind_khadri: hi | 05:01 |
drivetrax | egc, I fink | 05:02 |
chris_420 | arbir yeah i think that has to do with the xmms/winamp heritage haha | 05:02 |
IndyGunFreak | kazol: lmao, yeah.. there's a problem-free | 05:02 |
arvind_khadri | bazhang, issue with the resolution | 05:02 |
momelod | hello ubuntu friends | 05:02 |
bazhang | kazol: that is offtopic here thanks | 05:02 |
arvind_khadri | bazhang, cat set 1024x | 05:02 |
HardyOne | rjune_: type ps aux | grep firefox and find the PID usualy 5 numbers and then type kill PID ( replace with the numbers ) | 05:02 |
bazhang | arvind_khadri: what card and what drivers how installed | 05:02 |
rjune_ | HardyOne: I rebooted. | 05:02 |
momelod | i upgraded to hardy, and now i cannot use sudo | 05:02 |
tbielawa | rjune_: some time firefox won't shut down cleanly. try running `killall -9 firefox` in a terminal | 05:02 |
arbir | chris_420: is there no way out of that audacious, hogging the sound device ? | 05:02 |
chris_420 | arbir i think thats relatively normal.... mine does the same.... but i always turn off the sounds in most of my programms from the get go lol | 05:02 |
kazol | bazhang: Well I wasted all this time configuring this desktop, now I need to reinstall all over. | 05:02 |
arvind_khadri | bazhang, nvidia 7300 gt restricted drivers no envy | 05:02 |
rjune_ | tbielawa: again, I rebooted. this is still hapening. | 05:02 |
kazol | bazhang: I'm sick of Ubuntu right now. | 05:02 |
drivetrax | oh my | 05:02 |
chris_420 | arbir im not to sure about that hold on one sec | 05:02 |
egc | is the ati proprietary driver available in the repo the same as whats available from the ati site?? | 05:02 |
bazhang | kazol: best to take a break then | 05:03 |
kazol | bazhang: The same thing happened TWICE! On *different* hardware. | 05:03 |
hydrogen | tbielawa: sending -SKILL is a bit drastic in most cases | 05:03 |
just | Cpudan80: before i use ubuntu fiesty it's working goods | 05:03 |
Cpudan80 | just | 05:03 |
Cpudan80 | oopps | 05:03 |
arbir | chris_420: suppose if i need to play my youtube video, then i pause my song, and see my video. but audacious, just sucks away all the audio. | 05:03 |
kazol | mjbrooks: I'm not aware of anything specific. | 05:03 |
rjune_ | yeah, TERM works fine usually. | 05:03 |
bazhang | kazol feisty did not work for me--> but this should be in #ubuntu-offtopic | 05:03 |
momelod | egc, use envy to install your ati drivers.. | 05:03 |
arvind_khadri | bazhang, i have been reconfiguring X a 100 times nothing seems to work | 05:03 |
Cpudan80 | its possible there was some minor change to the driver - I really dont know :-/ | 05:03 |
drivetrax | bazhang, is Hardy preconfigured.. some modules for some pc | 05:03 |
mjbrooks | kazol, if you have your /home on a seperate partition, or backup and restore you entire /home directory you won't need to reconfig your desktop | 05:03 |
tbielawa | hydrogen:, rjune_ We use this script in my office: | 05:03 |
bazhang | arvind_khadri: 7300? works fine here | 05:03 |
bazhang | arvind_khadri: PM? | 05:04 |
kazol | mjbrooks: I'll still lose some system settings and installed programs. | 05:04 |
chris_420 | arbir it seems to be the case | 05:04 |
arvind_khadri | bazhang, it used to work with 7.10 not here...compiz doesnt work with out the drivers | 05:04 |
hydrogen | tbielawa: thats a pretty huge amount of code to replace a one line entry | 05:04 |
Crito | I installed ubuntu on a usb external drive. when I boot up grub says" rror 2" | 05:04 |
bazhang | drivetrax: you mean kernle modules? | 05:04 |
arbir | chris_420: how is it, that such a big issue has been overlooked ? | 05:04 |
arvind_khadri | bazhang, i reconfigured my X and all this happend | 05:04 |
brak014 | can anyone help me, for some reason i dont have any audio from music video or web browser | 05:04 |
rjune_ | tbielawa: I wasn't removing .parentlock. thank you | 05:04 |
chris_420 | unless theres a way to run multiple sessions ot the audio driver | 05:04 |
tbielawa | hydrogen: it covers allllll the bases and you only run one line ;) | 05:04 |
arvind_khadri | bazhang, can i get back my old X?? | 05:04 |
tbielawa | rjune_: you're welcome! | 05:04 |
arbir | chris_420: Rythmbox is choppy when i minimise and maximise windows | 05:05 |
bazhang | arvind_khadri: pm okay? | 05:05 |
Crito | is there some sort of "guide" on installing+booting from USB drives? | 05:05 |
chris_420 | arbir im not sure.... but im thinking it might be a positive... | 05:05 |
k20a | i can set my display right with displayconfig but then on restart it goes back to the max settings what should i do? | 05:05 |
arbir | chris_420: so, i need a good music player which is light weight | 05:05 |
chris_420 | arbir... rhythmbox only has one thing going for it.... the ease of adding many files at the same time haha | 05:05 |
drivetrax | bazhang, yes.. are some of them pre-configured .. I see folks here saying repeatative things.. like the hang at the login.. like this video driver issue .. etc | 05:05 |
hydrogen | arbir: mpg321! | 05:05 |
arbir | chris_420: rythmbox also helps me copy files from my ipod and other ipods. | 05:05 |
Ded_Ryzing | are there any screencasting apps that actually work with hardy and nvidia drivers? | 05:06 |
chris_420 | arbir that might help but i know i had the same prob with xmms... | 05:06 |
arbir | hydrogen: let me check | 05:06 |
Mattevt | I have Ubuntu installed on a 15 gig partition. I save all my files to the partition that windows is on (125 gig). Is there anything wrong with this, or should I resize the partitions and move everything to the Ubuntu-side. | 05:06 |
bazhang | drivetrax: well there are a *few* bugs to be worked out with Hardy atm; the perils of early adoption :) | 05:06 |
drivetrax | Ded_Ryzing, screencasting? whas that? | 05:06 |
Crito | any help please? | 05:06 |
chris_420 | < has no mp3 player other then my cd player so thats not an issue for me haha | 05:06 |
Ded_Ryzing | desktop vid recording | 05:06 |
skarface | Mattevt: there's nothing wrong with that if you're still using windows | 05:06 |
drivetrax | bazhang, -- I'm seeing that.. | 05:06 |
larson9999 | yeah, ubuntu has had a locking up issue for a long time now. don't have it with any other distro :( | 05:06 |
hydrogen | bazhang: shouldn't perils of early adoption go away by the time its released...? | 05:06 |
arbir | chris_420: also, audacious is not showing those popups from the system tray when song changes | 05:06 |
just | so fast here | 05:07 |
drivetrax | Ded_Ryzing, yes, there is that for linux | 05:07 |
chris_420 | arbir you have that plugin initialized? | 05:07 |
just | amazing | 05:07 |
arbir | yeah its on the system tray @ chris_420 | 05:07 |
chris_420 | arbir what version ubuntu you running? | 05:07 |
Netham45 | there's a program that lets me install Ubuntu from an XP install, can someone tell me what it's named? | 05:07 |
arbir | 8.x @ chris_420 | 05:07 |
bazhang | hydrogen: hard to do with 6mos release cycle though | 05:07 |
Ded_Ryzing | For Ubuntu 8.04...have tried Istanbul and xvidcap (and others) and none seem to work | 05:07 |
Psyco_Chipmunkk | Hey guys | 05:08 |
chris_420 | arbir same here i just upgraded and so far knock on wood im having little problem with it haha | 05:08 |
bazhang | Netham45: wubi? | 05:08 |
phoenix180 | Netham45 do you mean Wubi? | 05:08 |
Psyco_Chipmunkk | I have a few problems with my new instalation of ubuntu hardy haron | 05:08 |
drivetrax | Ded_Ryzing, load up your add/remove programs and look in Sound&Video | 05:08 |
JoCo | Psyco_Chipmunkk, what would they be? | 05:08 |
hydrogen | bazhang: which suggests that a six month release cycle is a bad idea | 05:08 |
arbir | chris_420: so far, 8.x has been choppy on my laptop.. | 05:08 |
wastrel | i love the 6mo cycle | 05:08 |
danbhfive | hydrogen: muahahaha, all of linux is early adoption! the joke is on you! | 05:08 |
arbir | dont know if thats the case with other people as well | 05:08 |
Psyco_Chipmunkk | first of all, for some reason, the sound on the applications of my computer wil go off and on, but programs like firefox with always have sound | 05:09 |
Psyco_Chipmunkk | But now VLC | 05:09 |
Fezzler | For some reason, after upgrading to Hardy, my login screen resolution is too low 800x600. How do i fix? | 05:09 |
drivetrax | Avidemux | 05:09 |
Mattevt | skarface: ok thanks, I just wanted to be sure i wasn't hurting anything, by storing files in windows and accessing them through ubuntu. I just wanted to try ubuntu, then when I decided I liked it better, I started doing all my work in ubuntu and just saving it in vista's space. | 05:09 |
hydrogen | bazhang: reguardless of what our favorite diety Mr. Shuttleworth likes to preach | 05:09 |
mjbrooks | kazol, this might interest you | 05:09 |
erat123 | i'm trying to learn how to use Anjuta IDE. Does anyone know of any good references for learning this? | 05:09 |
Psyco_Chipmunkk | Or rythmbox | 05:09 |
Netham45 | bazhang, phoenix180 yes, thanks. | 05:09 |
Psyco_Chipmunkk | So, wtf? | 05:09 |
chris_420 | arbir ahhh.... what laptop you got? | 05:09 |
el_ja|out | hello i have a problem when using wubi, after installing it shows inconsisten filesystem structure | 05:10 |
arbir | chris_420: i have an inspiron 9300 | 05:10 |
el_ja|out | anyone knows how to fix this? | 05:10 |
just | hello Cup | 05:10 |
brak014 | my audio card is weird with ubuntu (running 8.04) if i am running firefox and playing a video from it i cant play a song from rhythmbox without closing firefox and then restarting rhythmbox | 05:10 |
Psyco_Chipmunkk | So, whats wrong ?? | 05:10 |
mjbrooks | *sigh* I have two XP->Kubuntu conversions and one Vista->Ubuntu conversion tomorrow... gonna be a long day | 05:10 |
just | any one use dell vostro 1400 | 05:10 |
brak014 | anyone know how to fix this | 05:10 |
Psyco_Chipmunkk | I thought ubuntu was sooo stable? | 05:10 |
arbir | chris_420: my display is very bright.. i use the Nvidia X server settings to get the gamma corection going.. | 05:10 |
chris_420 | arbir come to think of it i have never had to programs make sound at the same time... sometimes it even through an error or a warning... like hey your audio stuff is already busy | 05:10 |
darkcrab | I noticed that is only offering rpm files now, so what are my choices for flash and what is the best? | 05:11 |
drivetrax | Kino | 05:11 |
arbir | chris_420: but each time, i start up, my display its super bright.. and i need to reset it through that ndivia control panel | 05:11 |
chris_420 | arbir ahhh | 05:11 |
arbir | Psyco_Chipmunkk: why do u think ubuntu is not stable ? | 05:11 |
skarface | !flash | 05:11 |
ere4si | !flash | darkcrab | 05:11 |
ubottu | To install Flash see (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 05:11 |
IndyGunFreak | Psyco_Chipmunkk: it is stable... its probably a user malfunction | 05:11 |
ubottu | darkcrab: please see above | 05:11 |
tbielawa | brak014: it sounds like you don't have a sound mixer running, check over your audio settings and see if "enable software eound mixing" is checked ont he second page | 05:11 |
el_ja|out | can anybody help? | 05:11 |
arbir | chris_420: why do you say aah ? | 05:12 |
chris_420 | arbir i have a couple programs i have to go through that with... im thinking its mostly do to linux being meant to have long uptimes | 05:12 |
darkcrab | thank you | 05:12 |
bazhang | mjbrooks: :) | 05:12 |
just | what your problem el jalout | 05:12 |
mjbrooks | !anyone > el_ja|out | 05:12 |
el_ja|out | heh | 05:12 |
chris_420 | arbir last message haha | 05:12 |
drivetrax | OME, open movie editor? | 05:12 |
Psyco_Chipmunkk | arbir: read what i said up there | 05:12 |
RyanPrior | Wubi is awesome! Good show with that. | 05:12 |
IndyGunFreak | !wubi | el_ja|out | 05:12 |
ubottu | el_ja|out: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at | 05:12 |
brak014 | ugh i thought you guys would be a bigger help | 05:12 |
el_ja|out | well, i installed inside windows with wubi | 05:12 |
Psyco_Chipmunkk | IndyGunFreak: so its unstable? | 05:12 |
drivetrax | Pitivi - NLE | 05:12 |
IndyGunFreak | Psyco_Chipmunkk: no, i think you're unstable | 05:12 |
tbielawa | brak014: did you see my message up above? | 05:12 |
Psyco_Chipmunkk | Or, if it is stable, how do i fix this little problem? | 05:12 |
el_ja|out | and everything goes ok, but when i try to boot it shows inconsistent filesystem structure | 05:12 |
Psyco_Chipmunkk | IndyGunFreak: i'm fine | 05:13 |
bazhang | brak014: you may not get an instant answer; best to wait until more folks are active | 05:13 |
mjbrooks | bazhang, more like =D | 05:13 |
chris_420 | bl;ack eyed peas suck lol | 05:13 |
el_ja|out | i tried with the 64 and 32 bit iso and happens with both | 05:13 |
chris_420 | black even | 05:13 |
drivetrax | for over $5,000 you can get the NewTek Studio.. it is broadcast equipment, software native to linux | 05:13 |
brak014 | oh sorry i missed it thanks dude | 05:13 |
just | anyone can help with wireless config | 05:13 |
el_ja|out | I read something about setting savedefault to false, but its not working either | 05:13 |
drivetrax | NewTek bought the Toaster software | 05:13 |
chris_420 | RALINK CHIPSETS ROCK | 05:14 |
drivetrax | offtopic.. sorry | 05:14 |
mjbrooks | !anyone | 05:14 |
ubottu | A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 05:14 |
Netham45 | christhen you got lucky. :D | 05:14 |
Psyco_Chipmunkk | What can i do to fix this sound issue? | 05:14 |
Netham45 | chris_420 | 05:14 |
chris_420 | mjbrooks>.. anyone? | 05:14 |
chris_420 | netham45 wuts up? | 05:14 |
Psyco_Chipmunkk | WHy do some programs play sound one hour but the next they dont? | 05:14 |
* mjbrooks loads his shotgun | 05:14 | |
blbrown | FF: I have restarted it like 500 times in the last hour | 05:14 |
brak014 | its checked and i was having the problem already | 05:14 |
Netham45 | chris_420, you got lucky then. :D | 05:14 |
blbrown | oops, just crashed | 05:14 |
wastrel | too much youtube | 05:14 |
tbielawa | Psyco_Chipmunkk: solar flares | 05:15 |
Fezzler | Any idea why my login screen resolution would be different from GNOME? It's too low and I don't know how to adjust it. | 05:15 |
chris_420 | netham with what? ralink chipsets? | 05:15 |
bazhang | Psyco_Chipmunkk: there is an outstanding bug with that; best to play one source of sound for now--esp youtube and mp3 | 05:15 |
drivetrax | Hey, for those using FireFox.. there is.. Seamonkey | 05:15 |
strobedream | for some odd reason when I leave my computer on screensaver for a while... like a weekend I have to reboot it. | 05:15 |
RyanPrior | drivetrax: Seamonkey is much more bloated than Firefox is, unfortunately. | 05:15 |
chris_420 | netham... it seems to be pretty plug and play for me lol.... well except for the whole broken antenna thing lol | 05:15 |
Psyco_Chipmunkk | tbielawa what? | 05:15 |
drivetrax | ry yeah, but I like e-mail right there built-in, and HTML editor.. oooohhhh yeah | 05:16 |
chris_420 | arbir.... did i answer all your questions? i have a feeling that i missed something | 05:16 |
ere4si | strobedream: the hard disks prob get turned off with a bios setting | 05:16 |
el_ja|out | so nothing? | 05:16 |
Psyco_Chipmunkk | bazhang: theres no fix? | 05:16 |
tbielawa | Psyco_Chipmunkk: I was just messing around | 05:16 |
Netham45 | chris_420, I've had many kernel panics as the results of ralink chipsets | 05:16 |
bazhang | Bodsda: got to head out; will try to fix your problem when I get back | 05:16 |
strobedream | ere4si: cool thanks I'll look into that. | 05:16 |
adub | <---- help help make error cant figure this one out | 05:16 |
drivetrax | Ryan52, -- besides... Mozzy gold is what I started with | 05:16 |
bazhang | Psyco_Chipmunkk: that bug is being worked on yes | 05:16 |
bazhang | Psyco_Chipmunkk: you can read the bug reports and see if there are any workarounds in the meantime | 05:17 |
chris_420 | netham45 ouch.... never had the kernel spaz on me yet... but then again im noly into linux about a year( as a total) | 05:17 |
chris_420 | so i got a while lol | 05:17 |
Psyco_Chipmunkk | bazhang: so its for everyone? when is it expected to be fixed? | 05:17 |
drivetrax | Opera.. has gotten very good.. | 05:17 |
Netham45 | heh, I had some cheapo chipset, it crashedalot. | 05:17 |
Netham45 | Opera is very good. :D | 05:17 |
brak014 | i unchecked the box and it worked fine but i cant do system sounds, that works by me :D | 05:17 |
mjbrooks | el_ja|out, try to not use line breaks as punctuation, it's tough to follow what you are saying | 05:18 |
sam_ | when i install a program in synaptic why doesnt it show up in my applications list | 05:18 |
tbielawa | adub: you know there is a package for that, you shouldn't need to compile it | 05:18 |
el_ja|out | ok, let me write it again | 05:18 |
Bodsda | bazhang: u back or have u left? | 05:18 |
drivetrax | I think Flash-9 might be an issue under FF2, and mebe FF3 will fix0r that.. dunno | 05:18 |
wastrel | sam_: not all programs add an entry in the menu | 05:18 |
ere4si | sam_: some do - some don't - depends how they're written | 05:18 |
bazhang | Psyco_Chipmunkk: not for everyone--> the fix date no idea best to watch the bug report on that or just listen to one sound source--you might try switching to alsa instead of autodetect as well | 05:18 |
chris_420 | netham45 and also have only dealt with like 3-4 versions of ubuntu... as well as knoppix was my first live cd haha | 05:18 |
chris_420 | brb yall | 05:18 |
[Lowkey] | Can someone please help me install the driver for the spca5xx chipset? | 05:18 |
Psyco_Chipmunkk | Oh, and another problem. My programs keep freazing. They just stop working and i have to reopen them | 05:18 |
sam_ | ok, so where do i go to run the ones that dont | 05:18 |
adub | tbielawa i could not find it | 05:19 |
Netham45 | chris_420, I started Ubuntu with 6.10 | 05:19 |
bazhang | Bodsda: just heading out; hope to work that out with you later | 05:19 |
nickellery | !cube | 05:19 |
ubottu | Compiz-Fusion (and the older Compiz and Beryl) are window managers that employ the "composite" extension of X to draw windows using graphics cards' 3D hardware. They can additionally provide "desktop special effects" (such as the "cube") by means of plug-ins. Join #compiz-fusion for help and support with advanced features. See also « /msg ubotu compiz » and « /msg ubotu effects » | 05:19 |
tbielawa | adub: tell me your setup, what ubuntu are you running | 05:19 |
wastrel | sam_: you can use alt-f2 and type the name | 05:19 |
ere4si | sam_: typing their name in a terminal is usually enough | 05:19 |
Bodsda | bazhang: ok, cya dude | 05:19 |
sam_ | ok, thanks | 05:19 |
wastrel | sam_: also you can add things to the menu with alacarte, or create a launcher | 05:20 |
chris_420 | back | 05:20 |
adub | Linux adub-laptop 2.6.22-14-generic #1 SMP Tue Feb 12 07:42:25 UTC 2008 i686 GNU Ubuntu 7.04 | 05:20 |
DeNT_ | hello is anyone around | 05:20 |
bazhang | Psyco_Chipmunkk: that is another issue; the more info you provide the better folks can help you--there may not be instant answers however thanks | 05:20 |
chris_420 | heatlightning rocks haha | 05:20 |
drivetrax | anyone around.. hahaha | 05:20 |
el_ja|out | I installed ubuntu using wubi in one of my HD that has some space left. So everything goes ok, it reboots then install ubuntu, then reboots again. Grub comes out and when I choose to boot ubuntu (normal and safe mode) it shows "Error 16: inconsistent file structure". Tried 64 and 32 bit version and both the same problem | 05:20 |
[Lowkey] | Can someone please help me install the driver for the spca5xx chipset? I need it for my webcam. | 05:20 |
tbielawa | adub: it's packaged in hardy, you aren't running hardy... are you? | 05:20 |
DeNT_ | i need help installling drivers on tx2000z | 05:21 |
adub | no | 05:21 |
chris_420 | netham45: i think thats the first ubuntu install i did from cd the first adventure from livecd's lol | 05:21 |
adub | i can download the deb tho cant i? | 05:21 |
wastrel | [Lowkey]: where are you stuck | 05:21 |
[Lowkey] | I don't even know where to get it :( | 05:21 |
mjbrooks | el_ja|out, I'm not familiar with wubi installs... are you installing it on an NTFS partition or are you reformatting the drive that has space? | 05:21 |
`KoRn | hi anyone, i just installed postgresql how do i start using it? | 05:21 |
Mattevt | sorry...another silly question: I'm used to winrar and the whole .exe deal. I extracted a tar.gz file to the desktop, what am I looking for to install this? | 05:21 |
tbielawa | adub you can try, here's the url: | 05:21 |
wastrel | [Lowkey]: | 05:22 |
chris_420 | netham45: i remeber when you used to be able to reliably upgrade distros from the commandline haha | 05:22 |
ere4si | Mattevt: just double click it | 05:22 |
[Lowkey] | :D Thank you wastrel | 05:22 |
adub | how would i download the deb | 05:22 |
Psyco_Chipmunkk | ok, a update on my problem... When i try to play like a song in rythembox, nothing work's now as it did yesterday. I click a song and the song progress bar doesent even move | 05:22 |
chris_420 | now its recommended not to hahaaaaaaaaaa | 05:22 |
el_ja|out | I'm not reformatting, because that drive has some folder from windows and it has like 60gb left, so the wubi installer lets me choose that drive to make a partition. I think its doing another ntfs, I'm not sure. | 05:22 |
Mattevt | double click what, ere4si? It's a folder with a bunch of files. I just want to know which does which | 05:23 |
tbielawa | adub: | 05:23 |
mjbrooks | el_ja|out, I think you need to do a scandisk in windows on that drive | 05:23 |
adam7 | Mattevt, are you trying to install something? | 05:23 |
darkcrab | fyi, just in case anyone does know, wubi is on for trials. | 05:23 |
drivetrax | el_ja|out, to actually mount .. I believe you use LVM | 05:23 |
ere4si | Mattevt: is there a readme file? | 05:23 |
darkcrab | doesnt | 05:23 |
Mattevt | yes adam7 | 05:23 |
darkcrab | only | 05:24 |
Mattevt | i'm looking now | 05:24 |
el_ja|out | mjbrooks ok I'll try | 05:24 |
thanhlong | chào | 05:24 |
Mattevt | yes there's a readme, but it didn't help | 05:24 |
el_ja|out | drivetrax I don't know how to use lvm | 05:24 |
adam7 | Mattevt, you probably want to use the package manage (Synaptic) found in System -> Administration -> Package Manager to install things, it is *far* easier :) | 05:24 |
thanhlong | hi | 05:24 |
Mattevt | oh, thanks adam7. I'll try that. | 05:24 |
mjbrooks | el_ja|out, an incositent filesystem on an NTFS partition means windows didn't let it go cleanly | 05:24 |
No1CaNTeL | hey guys, I was here before asking for some help with setting up my webcam, I have tried the the options from ubottu but none of them are working :( my cam should be supported but when I try the "make" commands of the packages selected I get errors. I think I might of messed up the settings by now from trying all of the options available. | 05:24 |
`KoRn | ubuntu-women | 05:24 |
No1CaNTeL | any help getting this working would be appreciated :D | 05:25 |
darkcrab | do you have to run maintenance scripts in ubuntu | 05:25 |
adub | dependancy not satisfied libc6 | 05:25 |
wastrel | No1CaNTeL: you need the "build-essential" package to run "make" | 05:25 |
strobedream | How do I get all the man pages for things like time.h on my machine? | 05:25 |
wastrel | strobedream: manpages-dev | 05:26 |
el_ja|out | mjbrooks I'm going to, and tell you what happens after | 05:26 |
No1CaNTeL | make seems to work but it fails while processing | 05:26 |
strobedream | wastrel: thanks | 05:26 |
No1CaNTeL | where do I find build essentials? | 05:26 |
Mattevt | whoa, adam7, thanks. | 05:26 |
mjbrooks | No1CaNTeL, sudo apt-get install build-essential | 05:26 |
No1CaNTeL | yeah, it was already installed | 05:27 |
strobedream | wastrel: ok so I did that, but I still get no manpage. Is there a way I can rebuild them? | 05:27 |
drivetrax | Wubi - Can I move my virtual disk file to a dedicated partition? (YES) use LVPM. | 05:27 |
mjbrooks | No1CaNTeL, what do the errors during make say? | 05:27 |
wastrel | strobedream: man time.h ? | 05:27 |
adam7 | Mattevt, that is probably the most different thing about Ubuntu then Windows - but it allows you to easily install any software, or to upgrade the entire system at once :) | 05:27 |
No1CaNTeL | when I run the commands from the help page I was suggested to use, the processes while running make seem to fail | 05:27 |
thanhlong | chane group | 05:27 |
No1CaNTeL | mj, one sec | 05:28 |
wastrel | strobedream: try man 2 time | 05:28 |
strobedream | wastrel: it says no manual entry. Even though manpages-dev is up to date. | 05:28 |
strobedream | ahh | 05:28 |
strobedream | ok | 05:28 |
strobedream | wastrel: that got me something | 05:28 |
DeNT_ | hello | 05:28 |
DeNT_ | hello all... | 05:29 |
wastrel | yes hello | 05:29 |
DeNT_ | is any1 familiar with tx2000z? | 05:30 |
mjbrooks | meh | 05:30 |
No1CaNTeL | mjbrooks: | 05:30 |
adub | tbielawa im assuming you have or had a motorola razor. Have you been able to get moto4lin to work?? | 05:30 |
mjbrooks | !anyone | 05:30 |
ubottu | A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 05:30 |
adub | i have it installed but it will not connect to my razor | 05:30 |
adub | the razor will charge off my laptop so the drivers are working | 05:30 |
DeNT_ | how do i get sound working on tx2000z | 05:31 |
mjbrooks | No1CaNTeL, are you executing that command with sudo? | 05:31 |
MrAristo | Nice, this place does exist. | 05:31 |
No1CaNTeL | I have one other q too, if one of ya can PLEASE help with this :D for some reason when I run console, my "l" button loads a new console window instead of typing the character "l", anyone have an idea why? "L" works but not "l" | 05:32 |
Mattevt | I'm trying to access (it streams custom radio). It's flash, (I'm guessing, judging by the large "play" symbols.) and the load freezes at the same spot every time. | 05:32 |
No1CaNTeL | mjbrooks: yes I am | 05:32 |
bullgard4 | What is the reason that top and GNOME system monitor designate the process /usr/bin/X as 'Xorg'? | 05:32 |
surplusxmas | What are the drawbacks to using encrypted LVM? | 05:32 |
ZehRique | og_: Maciel? | 05:32 |
adub | or is this p2k program let you mess with the filesystem?? | 05:32 |
mjbrooks | No1CaNTeL, it looks like you might not have the right version of gcc installed | 05:33 |
No1CaNTeL | gcc version 4.1.3 20070929 (prerelease | 05:34 |
No1CaNTeL | ) | 05:34 |
wastrel | No1CaNTeL: sounds like a bad keyboard shortcut got put in | 05:34 |
mjbrooks | No1CaNTeL, hmmmm | 05:34 |
studentsae | hello..can someone aid in getting r128 card working right in ppc? | 05:34 |
prettyricky | how do I close a program that does not want to close? | 05:34 |
prettyricky | It keeps running even after I select to close | 05:34 |
AgentHeX | so i see VLC doesn't support sftp connections. is there a way to map an SSH connection to a folder to make the link transparent? | 05:34 |
wastrel | No1CaNTeL: edit > keyboard shortcuts | 05:34 |
surplusxmas | What are the pitfalls/drawbacks to using encryption on an LVM partition scheme? | 05:34 |
DeNT_ | i found the website link for the sounds | 05:35 |
DeNT_ | but its not working | 05:35 |
bullgard4 | prettyricky: Then you might consider to 'kill' its process. | 05:35 |
prettyricky | how? | 05:35 |
studentsae | prettyricky: ps -ef | more then look for the pid of the process | 05:35 |
hydrogen | doesn't gnome have a process monitor? | 05:35 |
prettyricky | ok | 05:35 |
bullgard4 | hydrogen: yes. | 05:35 |
hydrogen | in kde you just hit ctrl-escape | 05:35 |
wastrel | pgrep/pkill <3 (use with care) | 05:35 |
wastrel | also xkill | 05:35 |
hydrogen | guis are nice things | 05:35 |
hydrogen | I'd suggest recommending their use | 05:36 |
mjbrooks | hydrogen, <3 KDE ;) | 05:36 |
hydrogen | rather than age old console fallbacks | 05:36 |
wastrel | <3 cli | 05:36 |
studentsae | guis are nice because they allow you to open more shells :) | 05:36 |
bullgard4 | hydrogen: It is called GNOME system monitor. | 05:36 |
hydrogen | original.. | 05:36 |
No1CaNTeL | wastrel: I dont see anything in keyboard shortcuts regarding "l" or terminal | 05:37 |
mjbrooks | <3 anythings that gets the job done | 05:37 |
DeNT_ | hello i cant get my music up and my screen is acting up i have a tx2000 tablet | 05:37 |
DeNT_ | what can it be | 05:37 |
wastrel | so much for that idea | 05:37 |
No1CaNTeL | mjbrooks: any other ideas with the cam? | 05:37 |
rjune_ | <3 women | 05:37 |
prettyricky | studentsae----------ok I see a lot of stuff what to do?? by the way the program I cant terminate is NES emulator | 05:37 |
rjune_ | I was feeling left out. | 05:37 |
No1CaNTeL | wastrel: it jsut started to happen a couple days ago, no real reason for it form what I can tell | 05:37 |
studentsae | prettyricky: ps -ef | grep nes | 05:38 |
No1CaNTeL | I keep havng to cut & paste the letter l each time | 05:38 |
hydrogen | prettyricky: start up gnome system monitor | 05:38 |
prettyricky | ok ty | 05:38 |
hydrogen | and then right click on the process | 05:38 |
studentsae | prettyricky: then kill the pids for it | 05:38 |
studentsae | should disappear | 05:38 |
wastrel | jesus | 05:39 |
rjune_ | he's ok. | 05:39 |
prettyricky | first time doing this,, how do I do that? | 05:39 |
wastrel | No1CaNTeL: there's also the gnome shortcuts system > preferences > keyboard shortcuts | 05:39 |
hydrogen | no invocation of religious deities in a secular channel, please | 05:39 |
No1CaNTeL | sorry, open terminal window option is set to disabled, it is ther I just missed it but by the looks of it it is not the reason :( | 05:39 |
mjbrooks | No1CaNTeL, unless this is you, you aren't the only one | 05:39 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 206069 in spca5xx "problem to compile spca5xx with actual versions of gcc" [Undecided,New] | 05:39 |
wastrel | there's a "new terminal" shortcut | 05:39 |
studentsae | could be that it was the spanish channel..then jesus is cool | 05:39 |
No1CaNTeL | wastrel: oh, that is wher eI went :P | 05:40 |
studentsae | just wrong channel | 05:40 |
wastrel | prettyricky: alt-f2, xkill click the window you want to kill | 05:40 |
prettyricky | ok thank you | 05:40 |
studentsae | prettyricky: kill -9 usually gets the job done ;) | 05:41 |
wastrel | No1CaNTeL: in the terminal menu edit > keyboard shortcuts | 05:41 |
No1CaNTeL | wastrel: is edit > keyboard shortcuts in the terminal? | 05:41 |
wastrel | yeah | 05:41 |
hydrogen | studentsae: it's already been pointed out at least once tonight that kill -9 is a *really bad* first resort | 05:41 |
solrize | is hardy supposed to support the intel 3945ABG wifi card without needing to download drivers? | 05:41 |
prettyricky | studentsae---------you mean type kill -9 in terminal right? | 05:42 |
No1CaNTeL | mjbrooks: ty, I will look this over tonight, and if it is still a prob in the morn I will return the cam and grab a different one | 05:42 |
surplusxmas | Should I not use encrypted LVM unless I really need to? | 05:42 |
studentsae | hydrogen: ever work with java its sometimes the only resort. | 05:42 |
Daisuke_Ido | studentsae: sometimes, that doesn't mean you should resort to it first thing | 05:42 |
mjbrooks | solrize, mine works fine | 05:43 |
solrize | hmm | 05:43 |
studentsae | Daisuke_Ido: true..not for every issue. but as a first resort depends on the issue. | 05:43 |
kevineamigh | Hey does anyone know how to get sound from everything to come through my usb headset. I am using Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy | 05:43 |
hydrogen | studentsae: No idea what java has to do with this | 05:44 |
hydrogen | studentsae: nothing, based on the previous discussion | 05:44 |
hydrogen | unless of course, you just want to provide evidence that java is a really bad langauge | 05:44 |
hydrogen | but that soff topic | 05:44 |
hydrogen | ! | 05:44 |
studentsae | hydrogen: alot...if you have a runaway thread. | 05:44 |
mjbrooks | solrize, are you on a laptop? | 05:44 |
solrize | mjbrooks, yes, thinkpad t61 | 05:44 |
=== ka2u is now known as ka2zzzz | ||
Daisuke_Ido | again, *if* | 05:44 |
hydrogen | so, if you write bad code... you need to take drastic measures? | 05:45 |
hydrogen | sounds right to me! | 05:45 |
=== tbielawa_ is now known as tbielawa_smkbrk | ||
studentsae | hydrogen: then its poor development programming that can cause nasty things to happen to a linux box..sometimes the only resort is to kill -9 ...and until developer fixes is then the first and only resort. | 05:45 |
solrize | i notice several bugs in the isntall, i wonder if there will be a bugfix release? | 05:45 |
mjbrooks | solrize, does it have a switch to turn it on and off? | 05:45 |
arooni-mobile | when i'm connected to a wireless router... how can i get the IP address of the router (to login/administrate). i'm on ubuntu gutsy. | 05:45 |
Daisuke_Ido | hydrogen: like forcing that bad code to be preloaded on almost every pc :) | 05:45 |
solrize | the wifi? yes, it is turned on | 05:45 |
prettyricky | Thanks a lot guys! | 05:45 |
solrize | at least it says it's in the on position | 05:45 |
studentsae | Daisuke_Ido: didnt say i wrote it...:) | 05:45 |
solrize | lemme try it in the other position | 05:45 |
hydrogen | studentsae: even if you need to kill -9 it, that doesn't mean its the first thing you do | 05:46 |
mjbrooks | solrize, lol i always get mine backwards | 05:46 |
surplusxmas | Will encrypted LVM considerably slow down my read/write? Are there any other drawbacks? | 05:46 |
hydrogen | you fall back to it iff kill -15 (or something in between) doesn't work | 05:46 |
studentsae | hydrogen: like said..its based on case..then based on might be the resort. | 05:46 |
=== elninja is now known as Arrr | ||
wastrel | arooni-mobile: try "arp" | 05:46 |
bullgard4 | What is the reason that top and GNOME system monitor designate the process /usr/bin/X as 'Xorg'? | 05:46 |
prettyricky | By the way is anyone using NES emulator if so, how in the world do you use the controls.. Do you need a usb controller? | 05:46 |
mjbrooks | surplusxmas, the slowdown is slight for normal use | 05:46 |
wastrel | or route | 05:47 |
surplusxmas | mjbrooks: Thank you. Can you think of any reason not to use it? | 05:47 |
hydrogen | studentsae: right, if you know from *past experience* that you need to kill -9 something, then you can kill -9 that same something again | 05:47 |
hydrogen | that does not make it in any way, shape, or form, the first resort if a process is hanging | 05:47 |
surplusxmas | mjbrooks: This will be for an average use desktop PC. | 05:47 |
kevineamigh | I've been trying for days to get sound to come out of my usb headset for everything, but the login and logout sound still doesn't which isn't important, but it's part of a bigger problem because the game enemy territory also does not send sound through my headset only my speakers which plug into the computer with a analog plug | 05:47 |
* Scrounch is now away: off | 05:47 | |
studentsae | hydrogen: it is a bit circular in logic...but read what you wrote... | 05:48 |
mjbrooks | surplusxmas, kinda silly on a desktop PC, definately recommended on a laptop | 05:48 |
studentsae | hydrogen: depends on the sitch. | 05:48 |
hydrogen | studentsae: no, it doesn't. | 05:48 |
hydrogen | studentsae: you are wrong in this case | 05:48 |
surplusxmas | mjbrooks: Yes, true. I've considered that before, but never seriously until now. | 05:48 |
studentsae | hydrogen: experience | 05:48 |
hydrogen | and argueing won't make you right | 05:48 |
Firefishe | I'm using Feisty 7.04 kubuntu. kevineamigh: Now that was strange. I was just going to paste a similar problem ;) | 05:49 |
studentsae | hydrogen: said it and stated it yourself | 05:49 |
surplusxmas | mjbrooks: Especially for home use. I'm going to go without. Thanks for your help. :) | 05:49 |
* Scrounch is now away: off | 05:49 | |
hydrogen | studentsae: yes, and that has nothing tod o with what your saying | 05:49 |
prettyricky | guys I did a ctrl alt del... that worked, | 05:49 |
hydrogen | if process foo requires you to kill -9 it every time it hangs | 05:49 |
ere4si | kevineamigh: does the headset show up in lsusb ? | 05:49 |
hydrogen | that doesn't mean when process bar hangs, you kill -9 it immediatly | 05:49 |
prettyricky | newbie here so just trying to learn, thanks for all your help | 05:49 |
* Firefishe headset does show up in lsusb | 05:49 | |
studentsae | hydrogen: well im here to make technical arguments so lets get back on topic...thanks for the 2 cents though. | 05:50 |
solrize | bah, laptop had gone into suspend mode and when i hit a key to come out of suspend it started dumping squashfs error messages to the screen and i had to power cycle it] | 05:50 |
Firefishe | but I don't have sound. the volume switch on the cord seems to work though. | 05:50 |
hydrogen | studentsae: thats not a technical arguement | 05:50 |
kevineamigh | yes my headset does show up | 05:50 |
solrize | i'm getting pretty close to saying "hardy doesn't work" | 05:50 |
hydrogen | studentsae: you've pretty much said "I'm wrong, but rather than conceeding that I'm wrong I'm going to try and bring up the fact that this is off topic" | 05:50 |
Firefishe | I'm keeping Feisty and hardening it | 05:50 |
TOPSECRET | ubuntu 8.04 is loading vesa instead of ati for my firegl 9000... how to fix the problem? | 05:50 |
hydrogen | prettyricky: you've been given multiple methods of disposing of the process | 05:50 |
kevineamigh | wait a sec what is lsusb | 05:50 |
ere4si | kevineamigh: in a terminal type alsamixer and see that all is up | 05:51 |
Firefishe | kevineamigh: it's a command line command | 05:51 |
prettyricky | hydrogen: ty | 05:51 |
studentsae | hydrogen: you win | 05:51 |
mjbrooks | solrize, I was close to saying that at first, but now that I've used it a bit I can't imagine going back to Gutsy | 05:51 |
prettyricky | does anyone here have a tablet pc if so how did you get the pen to work again? | 05:51 |
kevineamigh | yep my headset is the only thing showing up | 05:52 |
niuq | hi, i upgraded to ubuntu 8.04, theres any way to go back to 7.10 :)? | 05:52 |
prettyricky | I have a toshiba satellite and pen wont work, it was working with 7.10 but updated to 8.04 and wont work now | 05:52 |
zionpsyfer | niuq: Unfortunately, no. You would have to reinstall from scratch. | 05:52 |
niuq | zionpsyfer: :( | 05:52 |
sektor | what kind of archive is .bz2 ? | 05:53 |
mjbrooks | sektor, bzip | 05:53 |
kevineamigh | I found a work around when I had gutsy that seemed to work great, but things were working good, but it doesn't work since ubuntu changed to pulse audio as a default in 8.04 | 05:53 |
niuq | zionpsyfer: i have some troubles with this upgrade, i think i'll have to reinstall 7.04, and waint untill everything is working well with 8.04 | 05:53 |
ere4si | kevineamigh: I meant turned up | 05:53 |
sektor | mjbrooks, so how can i extract articles.xml.bz2 | 05:53 |
TOPSECRET | ubuntu 8.04 is loading vesa instead of ati for my firegl 9000... how to fix the problem? | 05:54 |
hydrogen | sektor: `bunzip` | 05:54 |
hydrogen | bunzip2 actually | 05:54 |
ere4si | !ati | TOPSECRET | 05:54 |
ubottu | TOPSECRET: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see | 05:54 |
=== tbielawa_smkbrk is now known as tbielawa_ | ||
zionpsyfer | niuq: Gah, no good. What all are you having trouble with? | 05:54 |
TOPSECRET | ere4si, firegl does not support this card | 05:54 |
sektor | hydrogen, so the command with rules would be ? | 05:55 |
kevineamigh | yes it is turned up | 05:55 |
TOPSECRET | *fglrx | 05:55 |
sriramoman | is there any gui in ubuntu for selinux, preferably as in fedora | 05:55 |
wastrel | bunzip2 <filename> | 05:55 |
hydrogen | sektor: bunzip2 articles.xml.bz2 | 05:55 |
kevineamigh | I can hear most things through, it fine, music, movies, the web all send sound through it | 05:55 |
navetz | can someone help me get dual screen (extended screen working) | 05:57 |
ere4si | kevineamigh: so it is just the game that is the issue for sound? | 05:57 |
TOPSECRET | ubuntu 8.04 is loading vesa instead of ati for my firegl 9000... how to fix the problem? | 05:58 |
kevineamigh | for the most part the game only sends sound through my speakers not my headset. Also the same is true about the login sound that is made when the system boots | 05:58 |
kevineamigh | it doesn't come through my headset | 05:58 |
arooni-mobile | when i'm connected to a wireless router... how can i get the IP address of the router (to login/administrate). i'm on ubuntu gutsy. | 05:59 |
dryrot | it's sad xen doesn't work in hardy! so sad. | 06:00 |
ere4si | kevineamigh: if you have a mp3 try this - aplay -c 1 /path/to/mp3 - and see if the sound comes through the headset pls | 06:00 |
solrize | any idea how often they put a distro together? maybe i'll wait for the next one | 06:00 |
ere4si | 6 months | 06:00 |
sektor | thanx | 06:01 |
=== tbielawa_ is now known as tbielawa | ||
wastrel | solrize: i have a t61 running hardy | 06:01 |
kevineamigh | ok let me try | 06:01 |
wastrel | it is super | 06:01 |
danfg | what package does dig belong to? | 06:01 |
wastrel | i don't use suspend | 06:01 |
solrize | wastrel what did you have to do go get the wifi to work? and did you notice the ethernet config pulldown shows up blank? and what timezone are you in? when i try to set it to california, it snaps back to new york. | 06:02 |
wastrel | i'm in nyc. the wifi Just Works, and i don't know what you mean by ethernet config pulldown | 06:02 |
wastrel | danfg: dnsutils | 06:03 |
TOPSECRET | some serious issues with the network applet in 8.04 | 06:03 |
TOPSECRET | it doesnt remember wpa2 passwords | 06:04 |
wastrel | TOPSECRET: it remembered mine | 06:04 |
TOPSECRET | not after changing locations | 06:04 |
danfg | wastrel: thank you so much! :) | 06:04 |
wastrel | i haven't done that so can't comment. you should file a bug :] | 06:04 |
* Scrounch is now away: off | 06:05 | |
solrize | i'm still running the live session haven't actually installed yet, based on the live session having various probs. maybe they go away with a real install, though part of the install process is to set the timezone and it wouldn't let me do that. | 06:06 |
kevineamigh | it doesn't seem to work this is what I typed and it said kevineamigh@kevineamigh-desktop:~$ aplay -c l /media/My Book/limewirefiles/Matchbox20-Unwell.MP3 | 06:06 |
kevineamigh | aplay: main:444: value 0 for channels is invalid | 06:06 |
ere4si | kevineamigh: that should be a one not an l | 06:06 |
=== c is now known as Charitwo | ||
* Scrounch is now away: off | 06:06 | |
=== Charitwo is now known as c | ||
kevineamigh | oh sorry | 06:07 |
ere4si | hehe | 06:07 |
cvd-pr | Hey, is there something like this but for linux? | 06:08 |
prettyricky | does anyone here have a tablet pc if so how did you get the pen to work again? | 06:08 |
prettyricky | I have a toshiba satellite and pen wont work, it was working with 7.10 but updated to 8.04 and wont work now | 06:08 |
Scrounch | set | 06:08 |
jim_beam | wow i fixed the logout / shutdown freezes in 8.04 | 06:08 |
gr1ff1n | hello | 06:09 |
wastrel | cvd-pr: try mail-notification | 06:09 |
wastrel | cvd-pr: apt-get install mail-notification | 06:10 |
gr1ff1n | anyone knows how to make a card reader works, if I mount it, the laptop crashes ? pls | 06:10 |
cvd-pr | wastrel, ok let me check | 06:10 |
kevineamigh | I hear sound but not music | 06:11 |
kevineamigh | just static | 06:11 |
kevineamigh | but it is coming through my headset | 06:11 |
ere4si | hmmm | 06:12 |
GG2 | on windows .exe is executable file .. what's executable file on linux? | 06:12 |
hydrogen | most don't have an extension | 06:12 |
ryugaka | deb is pretty close isn't it? | 06:12 |
hydrogen | though .sh, .rb, .pl, .py ... all of those usually are executable | 06:13 |
hellmet | My system just beeped without reason. | 06:13 |
hellmet | Is it bad? | 06:13 |
wastrel | deb is a package format, not executable | 06:13 |
ere4si | GG2: any file can be executable if it is written to be | 06:13 |
ryugaka | ah alright. | 06:13 |
kevineamigh | kevineamigh@kevineamigh-desktop:~$ aplay -c 1 /home/kevineamigh/Desktop/Matchbox20-Unwell.MP3 | 06:13 |
kevineamigh | Playing raw data '/home/kevineamigh/Desktop/Matchbox20-Unwell.MP3' : Unsigned 8 bit, Rate 8000 Hz, Mono | 06:13 |
wastrel | GG2: file extensions are voluntary not required on linux | 06:13 |
kevineamigh | that is what is my terminal after I ran that command | 06:14 |
wastrel | and traditionally binaries don't have any extension at all. | 06:14 |
ere4si | kevineamigh: it is playing - just not well through the headset | 06:14 |
kdorf | If I installed flash player in firefox and have mp3 codecs installed, will flash player be able to play mp3s? I can't seem to do it in mine. | 06:14 |
GG2 | so if I do g++ -O3 binarytrees.cpp -o binarytrees.o .. am I getting executable file? | 06:14 |
hydrogen | yes | 06:14 |
wastrel | GG2: run the file command to see what a file is. file binarytrees.o | 06:15 |
ere4si | kevineamigh: sorry - I have reached the end of my knowledge on sound issues... :) | 06:15 |
hydrogen | or if ls --color=auto file shows it as green.. | 06:15 |
hydrogen | its executable | 06:15 |
hydrogen | :) | 06:15 |
kevineamigh | yeah well thanks I don't know what they did with 8.04 but I think it has something to do with them changing from alsa to pulse audio | 06:16 |
=== snask is now known as och | ||
wastrel | that's just the file permissions | 06:16 |
=== och is now known as fnask | ||
drivetrax | You ever use Upstart? | 06:16 |
GG2 | bash: binarytrees.o: command not found | 06:16 |
drivetrax | What to use to schedule a recurring event | 06:17 |
wastrel | GG2: "file binarytrees.o" | 06:17 |
hydrogen | wastrel: right, and if a file has +x it's executable... | 06:17 |
hydrogen | and therefore runnable | 06:17 |
kneeki | Has anyone found the solution for fixing the graphics issues with nVidia & Ubuntu 8.04 LTS? | 06:17 |
bullgard4 | What is the reason that top and GNOME system monitor designate the process /usr/bin/X as 'Xorg'? | 06:17 |
wastrel | hydrogen: yes try to run an object file | 06:17 |
hydrogen | GG2: to run the file you need to prepend ./ as its not in your path | 06:17 |
hydrogen | wastrel: we've already established that the extension doesn't matter | 06:17 |
GG2 | binarytrees.o: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.6.8, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), not stripped | 06:18 |
hydrogen | tadaa | 06:18 |
wastrel | hydrogen: not all binaries are executable | 06:18 |
wastrel | s | 06:18 |
mortal1 | hello, if I encrypt a partition using the alternate cd, and then do a clean install of ubuntu (retaining the encrypted partition) will ubuntu be able to recognize that I have an encrypted partition and be able to use it? | 06:18 |
GG2 | how do i run it though | 06:18 |
hydrogen | wastrel: correct | 06:18 |
hydrogen | GG2: ./binarytrees.o | 06:18 |
=== fnask is now known as snask | ||
wastrel | it's misnamed, object files should get .o , not executables | 06:19 |
hydrogen | wastrel: sure, but _the extension doesn't matter_ | 06:19 |
kevineamigh | is there anyone else that has any knowledge of getting usb headsets to work for every program in 8.04 | 06:19 |
hydrogen | and making assumptions based off of it is bad thing to do #0 in the world of linux | 06:20 |
GG2 | yes that worked | 06:20 |
wastrel | meh in the general case i'm right | 06:20 |
GG2 | what's ./ | 06:20 |
wastrel | best practices | 06:20 |
mortal1 | Just wondering if anyone has done an install of ubuntu and had it successfully use a pre-exsisting encrypted partition that was created with the same version of ubuntu? | 06:20 |
hydrogen | wastrel: the current directory | 06:20 |
hydrogen | err | 06:20 |
hydrogen | that was to GG2 | 06:20 |
adam7 | Is there a way to change where the apt-get lock file lives? (I don't want it in /var/cache/apt/archives/lock, something like /var/cache/apt/lock would be awesome) | 06:20 |
hydrogen | sorry :) | 06:20 |
FloodBot2 | hydrogen: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 06:20 |
Bidget | does anyone know if there is a limit to the number of things you can download with firefox simaltaneously? | 06:20 |
GG2 | I need to change my IP to 192.168 | 06:20 |
hydrogen | GG2: your current directory is rarely in the path the shell looks for executables.. | 06:20 |
GG2 | I need to change my IP to | 06:21 |
hydrogen | GG2: so you need to give it the path to the executable | 06:21 |
GG2 | I tried it via System/Adminstration | 06:21 |
GG2 | but when I choose static IP, it won't connect to internet | 06:21 |
GG2 | it only works when free roaming is selected | 06:22 |
warriorforgod | I am trying to install timidity on hardy 64 bit and get the following error. Any suggestions? ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:874:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave! | 06:22 |
hydrogen | sounds like another failure of pulseaudio.. | 06:23 |
GG2 | Any suggestions/links on how to setup static IP? | 06:23 |
harris | wahahahahahaa | 06:23 |
patifa | GG2: Turn off roaming mode | 06:23 |
GG2 | I ttried turning off roaming mode and entering static IP | 06:24 |
GG2 | it won't connect to network/router then | 06:24 |
hellmet | My system just beeped without reason.. Is it a reason to worry? I've had my Gmail hacked recently, so I'm a bit skeptical.. | 06:24 |
patifa | You'll need to enter the correct everything in there, including DNS, default gateway, submask | 06:24 |
GG2 | There was no option to enter DNS | 06:24 |
snask | how do i use my wireless card as a router? | 06:24 |
moromole | BAN MY IRANIAN TERRORIST IP | 06:25 |
GG2 | it only gave IP, default gateway and subnet mask | 06:25 |
=== amidaniel is now known as mwbot | ||
patifa | hellmet: Hard to tell from just that. Are you sure you didn't just click somewhere wrong? There's quite a few things that can cause a system beep, and by quite a few, I mean A LOT. | 06:25 |
moromole | PROPHET MUHAMMAD SUCKS DICK | 06:25 |
=== mwbot is now known as amidaniel | ||
patifa | Would now be a good time for !ops? | 06:25 |
hydrogen | impressive | 06:25 |
harris | hey kick | 06:25 |
moromole | BAN MY IRANIAN TERRORIST IP | 06:26 |
hydrogen | /ignore would work | 06:26 |
FloodBot2 | moromole: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 06:26 |
patifa | !ops | moromole | 06:26 |
Shakeel | ? moromole | 06:26 |
ubottu | moromole: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpatrick or jussi01! | 06:26 |
[Lowkey] | My webcam has a built in microphone, I just got the webcam to work but I cant get the mic to work. Can anyone help me? =[ | 06:26 |
hydrogen | patifa: floodbot had it under control | 06:26 |
patifa | bah, and RIGHT as I do that, floodbot wakes up | 06:26 |
patifa | yeah I found that out right as he started flooding. :( | 06:26 |
moromole | MARY (JESUS' MOM) WAS A COMMON WHORE | 06:26 |
harris | hahahaahaha very good | 06:26 |
patifa | or... not | 06:26 |
adam7 | the problem is the floodbot only helps for ~10 seconds | 06:26 |
hydrogen | hmm, he's getting more creative! | 06:26 |
harris | hehehehee moromole | 06:27 |
moromole | hydrogen: WHY DON'T YOU GO FUCK YO MAMA | 06:27 |
c | !ops | moromole | 06:27 |
ubottu | moromole: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpatrick or jussi01! | 06:27 |
drivetrax | let it be, let it be | 06:27 |
hydrogen | ouch :( | 06:27 |
harris | hey kick moromole | 06:27 |
moromole | hydrogen: GO FUCK YO MAMA KID | 06:27 |
harris | moromole is lyk a kid | 06:27 |
hydrogen | man, now he's gonna highlight me all night | 06:27 |
harris | ahahaaahaaaaa | 06:28 |
c | ignore works | 06:28 |
kdorf | Is there any way I can get my flash plugin in firefox to be able to play mp3s? Flash mp3 players don't work for me :( | 06:28 |
hydrogen | c: I'm sure it does | 06:28 |
adam7 | hydrogen, just until the ops show up | 06:28 |
harris | moromole is quite good...... | 06:28 |
harris | heheheeee | 06:28 |
moromole | LAST TIME YOU BANNED MY IP ONLY COZ I SAID "damn canon retards? | 06:28 |
harris | do you want some bombs.... | 06:28 |
moromole | ? | 06:28 |
adam7 | !language | moromole | 06:28 |
ubottu | moromole: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 06:28 |
moromole | ? | 06:28 |
moromole | " | 06:28 |
FloodBot2 | moromole: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 06:28 |
moromole | NOW EAT THIS | 06:28 |
Bodsda | moromole: issues like this in #ubuntu-ops plz | 06:28 |
harris | moromole: I like ice cream | 06:29 |
[Lowkey] | My webcam has a built in microphone, I just got the webcam to work but I cant get the mic to work. Can anyone help me? | 06:29 |
hydrogen | okay, thats enough troll food for one night | 06:29 |
moromole | PROPHET MUHAMMAD SUck GOAT PENIS | 06:29 |
hydrogen | let him be :) | 06:29 |
Bodsda | !ops | 06:29 |
kdorf | Is there any way I can get my flash plugin in firefox to be able to play mp3s? Flash mp3 players don't work for me :( | 06:29 |
ubottu | Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpatrick or jussi01! | 06:29 |
moromole | BAN MY IRANIAN IP | 06:29 |
moromole | I'M A TERRORIST B-) | 06:29 |
hydrogen | Bodsda: if you look up you can see that thats already been used twice.. the ops are apparently asleep | 06:29 |
harris | is moromole a BOT? | 06:29 |
patifa | [Lowkey]: Right click the speaker icon and open the FULL volume control. Make sure the mic for it isn't muted. | 06:29 |
hydrogen | harris: nope | 06:30 |
[Lowkey] | did that :( | 06:30 |
[Lowkey] | thanks though | 06:30 |
Bodsda | hydrogen: ok,.il go in personally ty ,.lol | 06:30 |
harris | how the heck.... he can't be kick? | 06:30 |
moromole | hydrogen: I TOLD YOU TO <GO FUck YO MAMA | 06:30 |
bullgard4 | What is the reason that top and GNOME system monitor designate the process /usr/bin/X as 'Xorg'? | 06:30 |
hydrogen | harris: theres no ops around, so no. | 06:30 |
cgentry72 | is there a way to download videos from sites other than youtube, like yahoo etc | 06:30 |
harris | i hate him | 06:30 |
kevineamigh | yeah the default gateway and the subnet mask should match the current settings. Also if you have a router then you'll have to most likely set up a virtual server on the website for your router. Like for example my IP ends in .1 but my static ip is .137 so I had to go on the website for my router and set up a virtual server so it would recognize my static ip | 06:30 |
harris | hehehehehehe | 06:31 |
cgentry72 | i already download youtube-dl but it only download youtube videos | 06:31 |
ere4si | bullgard4: X is the server built by xorg | 06:31 |
patifa | kdorf: Let me check something. | 06:31 |
adam7 | I think the freenode ops should be able to assist us... | 06:31 |
kdorf | patifa: thanks. | 06:31 |
hydrogen | adam7: I don't believe he's breaking network rules.. | 06:31 |
hydrogen | unfortunatly | 06:31 |
wastrel | he is | 06:31 |
bullgard4 | ere4si: I know this. But this fact cannot be made resposible for changing an identifier. | 06:32 |
adam7 | hydrogen, is racism against freenode rules? | 06:32 |
patifa | [Lowkey]: Open the prefs in that volume control and open up the mic select and try switching it to other mics | 06:32 |
Bodsda | adam7: yes | 06:32 |
moromole | adam7: no its not | 06:32 |
ere4si | bullgard4: ok | 06:32 |
jtmonz | what was racist? | 06:32 |
[Lowkey] | patifa: I did that, I went to Select Devices and chose USB camera, turned it up all the way and unmuted it.. | 06:32 |
cgentry72 | is there a way to download videos from sites other than youtube, like yahoo etc | 06:32 |
moromole | I'M A RETARD IRANIAN SAND NIGGER | 06:32 |
cgentry72 | i already download youtube-dl but it only download youtube videos | 06:32 |
bullgard4 | jtmonz: Stop it. | 06:32 |
moromole | BAN MY SAND NIGGER IP | 06:33 |
D1V0U | DIVOU O/////////// KKKKKKKK | 06:33 |
ere4si | !ot | moromole | 06:33 |
patifa | Bidget: A large number of simultaneous connections. Somewhere close to 1024 is likely. | 06:33 |
moromole | I'M AN IRANIAN RETARD SAND NIGGER | 06:33 |
bodhi_zazen | moromole, yawn, move on please | 06:33 |
Bodsda | cgentry72: get downloadhelper addon for FF will download any video FF can play | 06:33 |
harris | moromole: im so baddddd | 06:33 |
ubottu | moromole: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 06:33 |
adam7 | jtmonz, see up, in CAPS | 06:33 |
harris | hahahahahaha | 06:33 |
cgentry72 | Bodsda, is that a plugin? | 06:33 |
ere4si | !offtopic | moromole | 06:33 |
Bodsda | cgentry72: yes | 06:33 |
jtmonz | bullgard4: i'm sorry, i just joined the channel, what do you want me to stop? | 06:33 |
ere4si | !lag | 06:33 |
ubottu | You have lag, I don't have lag | 06:33 |
=== moromole is now known as AHMADINEJAD | ||
cgentry72 | Bodsda, thanks | 06:33 |
drivetrax | elkbuntu, WAKE UP | 06:34 |
patifa | [Lowkey]: Did you select the video as the USB camera, or did you also select the mic? | 06:34 |
bullgard4 | jtmonz: I want you to stop trolling. | 06:34 |
Bodsda | bodhi_zazen: can u not kick amd ban him? | 06:34 |
jtmonz | bullgard4: i am doing no such thing, sir | 06:34 |
adam7 | great, now we have two of them. | 06:34 |
[Lowkey] | patifa: I did it from Volume Control, so mic | 06:34 |
kdorf | Who trolls the #ubuntu channel, seriously? | 06:34 |
hydrogen | stop feeding the troll people | 06:34 |
jtmonz | me, apparently | 06:34 |
hydrogen | /ignore is your friend | 06:34 |
jtmonz | ? | 06:34 |
c | !ops | AHMADINEJAD | 06:34 |
ethana2 | you see here a troll corpse. do you want to eat it? | 06:34 |
Bodsda | c, there asleep | 06:34 |
ethana2 | yecch, the troll corpse tastes terrible | 06:35 |
bullgard4 | What is the reason that top and GNOME system monitor designate the process /usr/bin/X as 'Xorg'? | 06:35 |
Laser87 | just /ignore... | 06:35 |
simone | I want to install KDE 4 on my Ubuntu Hardy install. What packages should I mark for installation? | 06:35 |
Bodsda | simone: kde desktop i believe | 06:35 |
ubottu | AHMADINEJAD: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpatrick or jussi01! | 06:36 |
wastrel | bullgard4: hardy? | 06:36 |
Lardarse | bullgard4: hard to explain, but is the version of X that ubuntu uses | 06:36 |
bullgard4 | simone: I cannot recommend this. It is too early for a reliable operation. | 06:36 |
nosa-J | AHMADINEJAD, qht rhw lNFUfw>? | 06:36 |
=== jtmonz is now known as jtmoney | ||
bullgard4 | wastrel: Yes. | 06:36 |
RyanPrior | !ops | 06:36 |
ubottu | Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpatrick or jussi01! | 06:36 |
nosa-J | AHMADINEJAD, qht rhw lNFfw? | 06:36 |
cgentry72 | Bodsda, wow, that was so easy thanks man | 06:36 |
patifa | ops are seriously sleepy | 06:37 |
ere4si | AHMADINEJAD: your spelling needs work | 06:37 |
hydrogen | thats like the tenth time... | 06:37 |
k20a | i am having flash problems since switching from 32 bit to 64 do i have any options? | 06:37 |
sektor | from one of the tutorials i got instructions to download and then do chmod in terminal, however chmod returns chmod: missing operand after `' | 06:37 |
sektor | anyone ? | 06:37 |
Bodsda | cgentry72: no probs | 06:37 |
k20a | !anyone | 06:37 |
Mynk | /msg nickserv link mynk trustno1 | 06:37 |
wastrel | bullgard4: are you sure it's not /usr/bin/Xorg that's running | 06:37 |
patifa | k20a: Few. I think I've seen a solution to install 32-bit firefox and then it's flash plugin. | 06:37 |
ubottu | A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 06:37 |
TOPSECRET | ubuntu 8.04 is loading vesa instead of ati for my firegl 9000... how to fix the problem? | 06:37 |
Lardarse | simone: ask in #kubuntu-kde4 - they are miore liekly to know there | 06:37 |
Bodsda | k20a: make sure the flashnonfree package is installed | 06:37 |
k20a | thanks patifa | 06:37 |
AHMADINEJAD | ere4si: no it doesn't, coz my mother tongue is Persian | 06:37 |
bladinho | D1V0U | 06:37 |
bladinho | biba | 06:38 |
D1V0U | k | 06:38 |
D1V0U | corno | 06:38 |
adam7 | k20a, if you did a fresh install, the 64bit flash plugin should install by going to youtube and clicking the "Additional plugins" button in firefox | 06:38 |
D1V0U | :D | 06:38 |
spenser | Hi, I'm having an issue installing hardy. The live cd boots but fails to initialize hal, because hal is not initialized I cannot run ubiquity. Are there any work arounds, I see there is a proposed package for hal in the proposed repo. | 06:38 |
Bodsda | TOPSECRET: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg then choose drive | 06:38 |
bladinho | !netsplit | 06:38 |
ubottu | netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See | 06:38 |
D1V0U | [bladinho]: cade? | 06:38 |
spenser | !hardybugs | 06:38 |
ubottu | Factoid hardybugs not found | 06:38 |
bullgard4 | wastrel: I am speaking about /usr/bin/X (full stop) | 06:38 |
spenser | !bugs | 06:38 |
ubottu | If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at | 06:38 |
adam7 | !msgthebot | spenser | 06:39 |
ubottu | spenser: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids. | 06:39 |
TOPSECRET | Bodsda: choose drive? | 06:39 |
sektor | from one of the tutorials i got instructions to download and then do chmod in terminal, however chmod returns chmod: missing operand after `' | 06:39 |
Bodsda | TOPSECRET: choose driver | 06:39 |
TOPSECRET | Bodsda: that command does not allow you to choose a driver in 8.04 | 06:39 |
Bodsda | sektor: chmod 777 ./ | 06:39 |
wastrel | 777 really? | 06:39 |
Jordan_U | !ops | 06:39 |
Bodsda | TOPSECRET: really? | 06:39 |
ubottu | Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpatrick or jussi01! | 06:39 |
lumgwada | hi, is it possible a laptop using a lower wattage power pack (70 instead of 90) could mess up a partition attempt? (ubuntus iso partitioner that is) cheers | 06:40 |
[Lowkey] | lowkey | 06:40 |
Bodsda | Jordan_U: they have been called many times m8 they all asleep | 06:40 |
unop | sektor, chmod +x | 06:40 |
[Lowkey] | thats me. | 06:40 |
TOPSECRET | Bodsda, yes, it was a bad decision if you ask me | 06:40 |
Bodsda | lumgwada: only if machine died half way through | 06:40 |
patifa | lumgwada: power failure during partitioning could be very bad | 06:40 |
Bodsda | TOPSECRET: true -- not sure then im afraid | 06:40 |
Nox_ | hey anyone know why xchat wont send a file? | 06:40 |
Nox_ | it just sits at 0% | 06:40 |
Bodsda | Nox_: its never worked afaik | 06:40 |
adam7 | !offtopic | Nox_ | 06:40 |
ubottu | Nox_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 06:40 |
Lardarse | Nox_: ask in offtopic and i;ll answer there | 06:41 |
patifa | kdorf: It's possible you don't have restricted extras. But it's more likely your sound system isn't working that great :S | 06:41 |
lumgwada | Bodsda: patifa yeah fortunately the disk was ok (after a long windows scandisk) | 06:41 |
ethan961 | !language | 06:41 |
ubottu | Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 06:41 |
Bodsda | lumgwada: cool | 06:41 |
ere4si | AHMADINEJAD: at least be original please | 06:41 |
Bodsda | !ops | 06:41 |
ubottu | Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpatrick or jussi01! | 06:41 |
kindofabuzz | yeah don't say muhammad in here =) | 06:41 |
Nox_ | im there | 06:41 |
adam7 | ethan961, don't bother, there isn't any point :) | 06:41 |
iltechie | quoting line from #suse | 06:41 |
iltechie | <talonzx> this is my first time using opensuse and its pretty nice so far ... even picked up my usb ethernet where ubuntu failed to | 06:41 |
kdorf | patifa: It seems I have intermittent problems with flash, as now youtube isn't working that great either. | 06:41 |
hydrogen | !stopbeingrepetitve andpagingtheopseverythreesecondswhentheyobviouslyarenothere | 06:41 |
ubottu | hydrogen: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 06:41 |
maw | AHMADINEJAD: | 06:42 |
maw | your webserver? | 06:42 |
kdorf | patifa: But I switched back to ALSA because Pulse was giving me so many problems, so I would think it would work better | 06:42 |
hydrogen | ubottu: don't worry, I never made that mistake! | 06:42 |
kdorf | I didn't have such problems in gutsy | 06:42 |
patifa | go elky_work | 06:42 |
iltechie | so trolled here!!!! | 06:42 |
adam7 | well, that got one... | 06:42 |
iltechie | no ops around ? | 06:42 |
Bodsda | ops sorted it | 06:42 |
maw | AHMADINEJAD has NFS port open | 06:43 |
ethan961 | hahahahha | 06:43 |
unop | offtopic | 06:43 |
Bodsda | back to business guys | 06:43 |
maw | AHMADINEJAD also has some older php applications open to the web that are vulnerable to sql injection | 06:43 |
maw | have fun... | 06:43 |
patifa | maw: It's probably not his/her ports anyways. | 06:43 |
Bodsda | !ot | 06:43 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 06:43 |
bullgard4 | What is the reason that top and GNOME system monitor designate the process /usr/bin/X as 'Xorg'? | 06:43 |
iltechie | 1300 here ? tons fo idling | 06:43 |
hydrogen | maw: thats likely one of the other 1331 people who clicked the link that you spammed in here.. | 06:43 |
Bodsda | iltechie: bout 1200 idling | 06:44 |
spenser | I'm having a hal error that will not let me install anyone know a workaround | 06:44 |
maw | that was the IP he was connected from | 06:44 |
Bodsda | spenser: try googling the esact error message | 06:44 |
tigga | what is this?? | 06:44 |
TOPSECRET | ubuntu 8.04 is loading "vesa" instead of "ati" for my firegl 9000... how to fix the problem? | 06:44 |
iltechie | outtahere | 06:44 |
unop | maw, no one cares about a spammer, really -- stay on topic. | 06:44 |
hellmet | My system just beeped without reason.. Is it a reason to worry? I've had my Gmail hacked recently, so I'm a bit skeptical.. | 06:44 |
Bodsda | TOPSECRET: google "How to change video driver ubuntu hardy" | 06:45 |
tigga | ahh | 06:45 |
=== TheOzFalcon is now known as aaa | ||
tigga | is this a ral chat room? | 06:45 |
sektor | how can i edit .sh ? | 06:45 |
tigga | real* | 06:45 |
Wallgod | hi.. i installed eclipse and then later installed easyeclipse. I want to get rid of th earlier eclise but synaptic only selects eclipse... not its dependencies.. how can i remove the dependencies as well? thanks in advance | 06:45 |
Bodsda | hellmet: shouldnt do that but nothing serious justa beep | 06:45 |
ere4si | !topic | tigga | 06:45 |
ubottu | tigga: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic | 06:45 |
patifa | tigga: For Ubuntu, yes. Did you have a question? | 06:45 |
Lardarse | sektor: vi, emacs, gedit, nano--- take your pick | 06:45 |
wm_eddie | Wallgod: apt-get autoremove | 06:46 |
Bodsda | !ops | 06:46 |
ubottu | Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpatrick or jussi01! | 06:46 |
tigga | ah no not really.. i was just lloking at stuff.. and i clicked at this.. thanx.. bye | 06:46 |
Lardarse | hellmet: anything on the consoles (crtl+alt+F1 - F6) ? | 06:46 |
ethan961 | lol again :P | 06:46 |
Bodsda | !ops | AHMADITROLL | 06:46 |
ubottu | AHMADITROLL: please see above | 06:46 |
hydrogen | now the freenode ops can be invoked for ban evasion :) | 06:46 |
[Lowkey] | My webcam has a built in microphone, I just got the webcam to work but I cant get the mic to work. Can anyone help me? | 06:46 |
RyanPrior | lawlz | 06:46 |
ere4si | elky_work | 06:46 |
Wallgod | wm_eddie, thanks.... do i also mention eclipse in tht comand? | 06:46 |
Lardarse | AHMADITROLL: ban evasion is grounds for banning fromt he freenode network... it' also against the law | 06:46 |
AHMADITROLL | I'm a proud Iranian retarded terrorist | 06:46 |
AHMADITROLL | salam | 06:46 |
patifa | ere4si: elky_work left right after banning him before. | 06:46 |
ebaad | Hi I just installed the new version of ubuntu and when in terminal window I enter sudo it says that unable to resolve host......any ideas | 06:46 |
=== aaa is now known as TheOzFalcon | ||
hellmet | patifa: Didn't click nothing.. just watching a movie | 06:46 |
wm_eddie | Wallgod: It should remove any package not being used anymore. | 06:47 |
AHMADITROLL | ebaad: prophet muhammad sucks dick | 06:47 |
hydrogen | Lardarse: I'm pretty sure theres no law in any country/state or city about evading bans on irc networks | 06:47 |
patifa | ebaad: I've heard of that error before. | 06:47 |
Bodsda | !dontfeedthetroll | 06:47 |
ubottu | Bodsda: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 06:47 |
Bodsda | !dftt | 06:47 |
hellmet | Lardarse: Nope.. Was just watching a movie | 06:47 |
cellwind929 | I was wondering what would be the easiest way to fix the issues of poor connections on RT 2500 wifi cards. There is a launchpad bug, but it just says install seamonkey drivers, which is vague. Is there a good guide or way to fix the RT 2500 bug in 8.04 | 06:47 |
ubottu | Factoid dftt not found | 06:47 |
sektor | how can i display line numbers in nano ? | 06:47 |
Wallgod | wm_eddie, but how wud it know which one... i havent used either of them | 06:47 |
Lardarse | hellmet: sure it isn't in the movie? | 06:47 |
hellmet | Bodsda: If its not serious, then I'm happy.. thanks | 06:47 |
ere4si | AHMADITROLL: pls practise your spelling | 06:47 |
k20a | i just put 32 bit firefox on my 64 bit to use some plugins but now the 32 bit won't resolve any address | 06:47 |
fluxy | Is global installation of firefox extensions supported in ubuntu? | 06:47 |
ebaad | I think u should restrain your self from comments like this | 06:47 |
hellmet | Lardarse: Mighty sure | 06:47 |
adam7 | I think that was the wrong person... | 06:47 |
MaxHR | Hello, Can anyone recommend a decent gui file renamer for linux? | 06:47 |
RyanPrior | ere4si: Please don't feed our trolls. =D | 06:47 |
Lardarse | hellmet: then i have no idea | 06:48 |
ebaad | we r here to discuss technology not religion | 06:48 |
stdin | !feedthetroll | 06:48 |
RyanPrior | MaxHR: Nautilus? | 06:48 |
ubottu | The above mess was caused by someone who thought it was funny (they're gone now). Please ignore it completely, since discussing it and making a fuss will only make them think they've reached their "fun" goal. | 06:48 |
bobbie4 | ooops, I gotta go to bed now. bye-bye | 06:48 |
wastrel | bullgard4: the name of the process is Xorg in /proc/<pid>/status | 06:48 |
hellmet | Lardarse: okay.. thanks | 06:48 |
patifa | ebaad: It's a bug scheduled to be fixed... | 06:48 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 32906 in sudo "sudo fails if it cannot resolve the local hostname and no MTA is installed" [High,Fix committed] | 06:48 |
wm_eddie | Wallgod: It looks for packages that were installed via dependencies. It doesn't need to know what package you are talking about. | 06:48 |
Bodsda | sektor: check settings | 06:48 |
ebaad | oh ok but how can i run any command as root then | 06:48 |
Bodsda | !sudo | ebaad | 06:49 |
ubottu | ebaad: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at for more information. | 06:49 |
elky_work | msg Bodsda sorry, this is what happens when one tries to multitask bans :( | 06:49 |
Wallgod | wm_eddie, for safety shud i put apt-get autoremove eclipse? | 06:49 |
patifa | Bodsda: Did you read before taht? | 06:49 |
Bodsda | elky_work: no prob thanks for the message though | 06:49 |
Bodsda | patifa: no sorry | 06:49 |
elky_work | yeah... which i messed up. gah! | 06:49 |
ebaad | yes but sudo gives error saying unable to resolve host......... | 06:49 |
patifa | ebaad can't sudo due to bug 32906 | 06:49 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 32906 in sudo "sudo fails if it cannot resolve the local hostname and no MTA is installed" [High,Fix committed] | 06:49 |
wm_eddie | Wallgod: autoremove doesn't break anything. And I'm not sure it takes a package name argument. | 06:49 |
Bodsda | elky_work: cheers for op'ing and such lol :~) | 06:50 |
Lardarse | patifa: boot into single user? | 06:50 |
cellwind929 | I was wondering what would be the easiest way to fix the issues of poor connections on RT 2500 wifi cards. There is a launchpad bug, but it just says install seamonkey drivers, which is vague. Is there a good guide or way to fix the RT 2500 bug in 8.04 | 06:50 |
ebaad | i'm looking at the bug report | 06:50 |
Wallgod | wm_eddie, ok.. thanks for ur time | 06:50 |
Wallgod | wm_eddie, and patience | 06:50 |
Bodsda | patifa: log in as root to resolve? | 06:50 |
Lardarse | Bodsda: effectively the same | 06:51 |
patifa | looks like it, Bodsda | 06:51 |
Bodsda | Lardarse: what do you mean? | 06:51 |
grovers | hello - I was wondering if the restricted formats wiki page is up to date for hardy, specifically because I'm having problems with occasional (~every 30 seconds) audio/video skipping in DVD playback | 06:51 |
Lardarse | Bodsda: in the grub menu, select the recovery mode option | 06:51 |
patifa | computer-name <-- Needs to be added to /etc/hosts | 06:51 |
Bodsda | Lardarse: what are you telling me for? | 06:52 |
patifa | it's not Bodsda's problem, it's ebaad's problem. | 06:52 |
Bodsda | lol | 06:52 |
Lardarse | (known as single user because it is, and the word "single" is added to the options passed to the kernel) | 06:52 |
bullgard4 | wastrel: This is correct. -- But this deviates from normal usage: Command's name and process's name are identical. | 06:52 |
Lardarse | Bodsda: because you asked me? | 06:52 |
patifa | ebaad you still there? | 06:52 |
Bodsda | Lardarse: i didnt understand why u said to me 'effectivly the same' | 06:52 |
amirman84 | does anybody know whats going on when i hibernate and it says that pat entry 2 is already configured? | 06:52 |
ebaad | yes | 06:53 |
ebaad | I was just reading thru the bug report | 06:53 |
Lardarse | Bodsda: because root is disabled normally, unless you are in snigle user mode (which logs you in as root) | 06:53 |
bullgard4 | elky_work: Thank you. | 06:53 |
ebaad | it is confusing | 06:53 |
wm_eddie | Aptitude is freezing on libmono-cecil0.5-cil And now it's in a limbo where it can't be removed or installed, How can I force dpkg to remove it completely? | 06:53 |
Bodsda | Lardarse: single user does not log you in as root | 06:53 |
ebaad | i wanted to check the host file and hostname file | 06:53 |
TOPSECRET | how can i use the feisty version of a package with gutsy | 06:53 |
Lardarse | Bodsda: hmm... it gives you root acces, though, doens't it? | 06:54 |
[Lowkey] | My webcam has a built in microphone, I just got the webcam to work but I cant get the mic to work. Can anyone help me? | 06:54 |
Bodsda | Lardarse: only if you have set and know a root passwd | 06:54 |
patifa | ebaad: It looks like you need to add your-computer-name into /etc/hosts | 06:54 |
wm_eddie | TOPSECRET: try installing it, if it's compatible it'll install, else it's not possible to install it. | 06:54 |
Jordan_U | Bodsda, No, single user mode logs you in as root, password or not | 06:54 |
ebaad | but how can I edit the file if cant login as sudo | 06:54 |
adam7 | Jordan_U, that is only if you haven't set a root password, IIRC | 06:54 |
student | how to format flash disk in ubuntu? | 06:54 |
amirman84 | !hibernate | 06:54 |
ubottu | Factoid hibernate not found | 06:54 |
amirman84 | !hibernation | 06:55 |
ubottu | Factoid hibernation not found | 06:55 |
Bodsda | Jordan_U: that would be extremely insecure and then why does it ask me for a username and passwd? | 06:55 |
ethan961 | !suspend | 06:55 |
ubottu | Factoid suspend not found | 06:55 |
Bodsda | !msgthebot | 06:55 |
ubottu | Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids. | 06:55 |
wuxia | how do I tell ubuntu to download + install all the dependencies required to build package X? | 06:55 |
wm_eddie | [Lowkey]: That depends on the webcam. For my quickcam for notebooks pro it works out of the box. | 06:55 |
Bodsda | wuxia: by downloading package 'x' | 06:55 |
stdin | ebaad: you can start in recovery mode and use the command line text editor "nano" | 06:55 |
wuxia | Bodsda: no, there's some apt-get build source command | 06:55 |
ethan961 | wuxia: apt-get build-dep package | 06:55 |
wuxia | ethan961: thank you | 06:56 |
wm_eddie | wuxia: apt-get build-dep packagename | 06:56 |
ebaad | ok I will restart in rescue mode and try to edit the file | 06:56 |
amirman84 | can anybody tell me what a pat entry is? i hate talking to bots | 06:56 |
ebaad | thanks for all the help | 06:56 |
n2diy | student: check out the mlabel command? | 06:56 |
Lardarse | ebaad: good luck | 06:56 |
Jordan_U | Bodsda, If you have physical access to the machine there is no security provided by passwords without data encryption any way, the only way to boot in single user mode is with physical access | 06:56 |
ebaad | and please do something about the wierd people and their comments | 06:56 |
wastrel | bullgard4: i suggest you email the maintainer for the xorg package about your question. | 06:56 |
student | N2DIY HOW? | 06:56 |
wastrel | bullgard4: you're not likely to find an answer in a user support channel :] | 06:56 |
patifa | ebaad: Can you access the terminal? | 06:56 |
Bodsda | Jordan_U: erm -- so your saying i can choose recovery from grub and be root? | 06:57 |
ebaad | they should be reported and expelled from the room | 06:57 |
n2diy | man mlabel, and also man mtools | 06:57 |
Jordan_U | Bodsda, Yes | 06:57 |
ebaad | yes i can access the terminal | 06:57 |
Bodsda | Jordan_U: 5 mins -- testing theory | 06:57 |
ebaad | is there a better way | 06:57 |
Jordan_U | Bodsda, You can also boot a LiveCD and be root | 06:57 |
kneeki | Any ideas how I add nvidia drivers back to my restricted drivers listing? | 06:57 |
wm_eddie | student: don't screem | 06:58 |
ere4si | !caps | 06:58 |
ubottu | PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. | 06:58 |
patifa | ebaad: absolutely confirm that typing 'sudo nano' does it not let you enter your password due to the hostname problem. | 06:58 |
stdin | !format | 06:58 |
ubottu | Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in !GNOME under !Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For !Edgy and later, see !fstab and !DiskMounter | 06:58 |
[Lowkey] | wm_eddie: It's a Microsoft LifeCam VX-1000 | 06:58 |
patifa | ...that it does not let you... | 06:58 |
student | sorry | 06:58 |
ere4si | np | 06:58 |
Bodsda | Jordan_U: u can become root in a terminal | 06:58 |
ebaad | yes i just checked and it is not allowing any action with sudo | 06:58 |
Jordan_U | Bodsda, Or do many other things with physical access, preventing logging in in single user mode would just give a false sense of security, *NIX people tend do be against things like that :) | 06:58 |
patifa | ebaad: Let's try a few other oddball methods, even though none of them should work, apparently they worked for the bug testers at some point. | 06:59 |
ebaad | oh ok | 06:59 |
Bodsda | Jordan_U: ur right theres an option to drop to root shell well thanks for the info - ;~) | 06:59 |
ebaad | give me the lead | 06:59 |
ebaad | i will try them | 06:59 |
patifa | ebaad: start aptitude from the terminal. It recognises mouse input, use that to go to Actions -> Become root | 07:00 |
ebaad | i try to use cat and edit it that way but didnt work | 07:00 |
Bodsda | ebaad: use nano | 07:00 |
legend2440 | student: | 07:00 |
k20a | hello, i installed 32 bit firefox but it won't resolve any address i am on 64 and the 64 firefox works fine | 07:00 |
n2diy | student: mtools | 07:01 |
Bodsda | k20a: why use 32 FF then? | 07:01 |
cvd-pr | ubuntu dont have the new version of mail-notification that suport windos live mail | 07:01 |
k20a | bodsda cause my 64 plugins aren't working | 07:01 |
cvd-pr | mail-notification 5 | 07:01 |
ebaad | how can i start nano from here | 07:01 |
Bodsda | k20a: arent working is a big statement | 07:01 |
patifa | ebaad: any luck from aptitude? | 07:01 |
=== BuZZ-dEE is now known as BuZZ--dEE | ||
patifa | nano won't matter, it doesn't have the permissions any more then rest of the termainal. | 07:02 |
ebaad | i was able to start aptitude and became root | 07:02 |
patifa | oh | 07:02 |
patifa | :D | 07:02 |
patifa | the command is 'nano' | 07:02 |
ebaad | but how can I start nano from here | 07:02 |
Bodsda | sudo nano /path/to/file ebaad | 07:02 |
bullgard4 | wastrel: I will consider e-mailing the maintainer. -- Thank you for your thorough comments. | 07:02 |
patifa | Bodsda: he's already root, there's no sudo :| | 07:03 |
Bodsda | patifa: ok,.lol,.no harm | 07:03 |
patifa | actually | 07:03 |
patifa | you're in graphical mode, aren't you ebaad? | 07:03 |
speps | hey guys is there a way to manage applets on gnome-panel? | 07:03 |
k20a | bodsda my adobe flash plugin (which only comes 32 bit) is not working | 07:03 |
ebaad | yes | 07:04 |
mrpockets | man | 07:04 |
mrpockets | my shits freezing. | 07:04 |
patifa | Enter the command: gedit & | 07:04 |
k20a | mrpockets perhaps you have legacy hardware and would benefit from xubuntu? | 07:04 |
Bodsda | k20a: use 64 bit FF go to youtube and try and watch a vid, FF will have a little menu at the top appear syaing install plugins, click it, then choose the 2nd one (flash) install and reload oage | 07:04 |
ebaad | yes i am but, what ever I'm typing it starts listing packages | 07:05 |
patifa | O_o | 07:05 |
patifa | ebaad are you running kubuntu? | 07:05 |
student | my pc has a debian login how do i go back to its default login | 07:05 |
Bodsda | ebaad: press ctrl+shift+t | 07:05 |
ebaad | no ubuntu | 07:05 |
k20a | bodsda i am not a noob the fact is my 64 bit firefox won't fully use the 32 bit flash plugin right | 07:05 |
zcat[1] | k20a: mine does! | 07:05 |
k20a | mine does for videos but not for cams | 07:06 |
Bodsda | k20a: well a fresh install here and its running fine so perhaps try providing more info then 'its not working' | 07:06 |
ebaad | yes i did ctrl+shift+t and it opened up another term window | 07:06 |
k20a | just did | 07:06 |
ebaad | and I tried sudo nano in that and it gave me the same error | 07:06 |
patifa | ebaad: You still have the root console open, right? | 07:06 |
k20a | i get error when i try to login to any webcam through flash | 07:06 |
Bodsda | !elaborate | 07:07 |
ubottu | Please elaborate, your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel) | 07:07 |
poopuser | hello.hey i got problem(probably like most of ppl here) when i press alt + number i get square to instead for example hush to fix it?; ( | 07:07 |
ebaad | yes the one I hit become root | 07:07 |
patifa | k we'll just use that, then | 07:07 |
wastrel | poopuser: you mean shift+number? | 07:07 |
k20a | bodsda my flash gets system error when i try to login to a flash based webcam | 07:08 |
poopuser | omg there is somehing wrong with my brain.thank u bye | 07:08 |
patifa | ebaad: just enter the command nano All the commands are with ^ being Ctrl | 07:08 |
Bodsda | k20a: ok what error? | 07:09 |
ebaad | yes id did | 07:09 |
k20a | it exactly says system error | 07:09 |
Bodsda | patifa: graphically gedit would be easier for him | 07:09 |
zcat[1] | k20a: can you provide an exmple, eg URL that fails? | 07:09 |
=== Martinp24 is now known as Martinp23 | ||
kevineamigh | ok still trying to get my sound to work properly, alsa works great with my usb headset but ubuntu 8.04 uses pulse audio by default which does not work. There are many things I like about 8.04, but is there any way that I can set alsa as the default for sound instead of pulse audio | 07:09 |
k20a | yes any webcam on the net that is flash based it fails | 07:09 |
patifa | ebaad: one sec | 07:09 |
zcat[1] | I don't know any flash based webcams on the net | 07:09 |
ebaad | i tried vi and it also opened the file with read only permission | 07:09 |
patifa | read only? | 07:10 |
patifa | really? | 07:10 |
Bodsda | kevineamigh: system-->pref-->sound | 07:10 |
navetz | can anyone here help me get dual screen extended mode working | 07:10 |
patifa | k well do you know the name of your computer, ebaad? | 07:10 |
Bodsda | ebaad: sudo gedit /path/to/file | 07:10 |
ebaad | yes | 07:10 |
zcat[1] | I was watching our axis webcams a few days ago, no issue at all, but I din't think they use flash | 07:10 |
k20a | zcat[1] ifriends.. | 07:10 |
patifa | Bodsda: sudo is busted for ebaad, I told you this before | 07:10 |
n2diy | !twinview | navetz | 07:10 |
ubottu | navetz: xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See - See also !DualHead | 07:10 |
Lardarse | patifa: might be worth having a look at ls -l /etc/hosts ? | 07:11 |
patifa | yeah | 07:11 |
ebaad | it is owned by root | 07:11 |
Lardarse | it's the 10 characters on the left that i'm interested | 07:11 |
ebaad | and if i try anything vi, gedit, nedit or nano it only opens file in readonly state | 07:11 |
navetz | n2diy: i am trying to use xinerama because I have inted card. I have followed the steps but I get two blank screens when I try rebooting X | 07:11 |
=== adnans_ is now known as adnans | ||
patifa | anyways, ebaad, just to confirm, do you know the name of your computer? Not sure if your yes answer was to me or Bodsda. | 07:12 |
Bodsda | patifa: ahh,.,. i forget quickly sorry dude, will keep the trap shut | 07:12 |
k20a | man even swiftweasel 32 bit didn't work | 07:12 |
Lardarse | ebaad: looks something like -rw-r--r-- | 07:12 |
patifa | (It should be -rw-r--r--) | 07:12 |
Rabiddog | damn ubuntu and its dmraid bugs | 07:12 |
kevineamigh | Bodsda: I already changed all of the preferences in sound to alsa, and most things work through my headset just fine now, however there must be another setting because the sounds the system makes when it logs in and out still only come through the speakers and also enemy territory only sends sound through the speakers | 07:12 |
ebaad | yes i know the name and when I list the contents of the hosts file there was the workgroup added to the name | 07:12 |
ebaad | may be that is why it cannot recognize the name | 07:13 |
n2diy | navetz: hmm, just guessing, but try booting with the nodma, nopci, etc... options? | 07:13 |
ebaad | or resolve the name | 07:13 |
patifa | ebaad: sounds like it | 07:13 |
ebaad | so is there a way besied rebooting | 07:13 |
ebaad | besides | 07:13 |
zcat[1] | wow, what a shitty site. | 07:13 |
Bodsda | kevineamigh: for ET sound prefs will be ingame settings prob -- not sure bout system sound sorry | 07:13 |
n2diy | navetz: restart gdm? | 07:14 |
darkcrab | im having trouble with my trashcan, when I click empty the icon doesnt change or when I put a file in the trash, the icon doesnt change, until later, its like delayed. anybody heard of that? | 07:14 |
=== Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschibo | ||
navetz | n2diy: what is nodma and nopci? | 07:14 |
navetz | n2diy: i have rebooting | 07:14 |
Bodsda | navetz: they are boot parameters/options | 07:14 |
patifa | ok ebaad, looking at the bug reports and whatnot | 07:14 |
navetz | n2diy: also I am using KDE, I dunno if that matters. | 07:14 |
n2diy | navetz: nodma is no direct memory access, I forget what no pci is? | 07:14 |
AbstortedMinds | my mouse wont work if any key is being held down, except shift, tab and a cntl and a few others, does anyone know of a fix? google has failed me | 07:15 |
patifa | 'hostname the-right-hostname' should fix things | 07:15 |
navetz | n2diy: oh ok, well I tried it with the default settings in that guide | 07:15 |
Gokee2 | How do i get kde4? I installed kde4 but still have a lot of kde3.5.x things around like konqueror. I also don`t think anyhting has changed with my taskbar. | 07:15 |
n2diy | navetz: yes that would matter, you have to restarte kde instead of gdm. | 07:15 |
Bodsda | lol | 07:15 |
darkcrab | you didnt uninstall kde 3.5 first did you gokee | 07:15 |
vlad | hey ppl can somebody help me i need a ftp client with ssh or tsl encryption im a linux noob | 07:16 |
Gokee2 | No... Do I need to? I was hoping to have the old apps around in case I wanted them for anything.... | 07:16 |
navetz | n2diy: rebooting my computer restarts kdm right? | 07:16 |
wastrel | vlad: gftp should work | 07:16 |
darkcrab | if you want kde 3.5 to be gone, yes. | 07:16 |
navetz | n2diy: also do I restart faster by just doing /etc/init.d/kdm restart ? | 07:16 |
kevineamigh | Bodsda: unfortunately et doesn't have a setting in game. Some other programs I had a issue with before did have a setting in the program, but not et. Also, since the system sounds don't work then there has to be another sound related issue with 8.04 that is causing the problem. I know I read they changed from alsa to pulse audio for 8.04, but I didn't think they would make it harder to use headsets in the new version then | 07:16 |
kevineamigh | it was in the old one. It just is kind of studpid | 07:16 |
n2diy | navetz: you might find better answers in #kubuntu, they play with kde? | 07:16 |
Gokee2 | Hmm "Package kde is not installed" | 07:16 |
vlad | wastrel: hey man i just installed gftp but it says i got not ssl activated or smth can u help me? | 07:16 |
navetz | n2diy: ah ok, I have asked there as well but no respone | 07:17 |
ebaad | its ok I will try the reboot in the secure mode thing and see if it fixes the issue | 07:17 |
wastrel | vlad: i don't use it sorry. i use sftp on the command line | 07:17 |
ebaad | thanks for the help | 07:17 |
Gokee2 | So what package sould I remove for kde 3.5? | 07:17 |
ebaad | and the time | 07:17 |
ethan961 | !kde | Gokee2 | 07:17 |
ubottu | Gokee2: KDE ( is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see . Latest KDE version is 3.5.8 for Gutsy and Feisty, 3.5.6 for Edgy, and 3.5.5 for Dapper. See for more information. | 07:17 |
patifa | ebaad: You'll need to make the edits anyways in the recovery console | 07:17 |
vlad | thx man | 07:17 |
maek | test | 07:17 |
darkcrab | im having trouble with my trashcan, when I click empty the icon doesnt change or when I put a file in the trash, the icon doesnt change, until later, its like delayed. anybody heard of that? | 07:17 |
stdin | Gokee2: when you install kde4 you have to choose to login to it, there'll be another entry in the login manager | 07:17 |
kevineamigh | I even tried to uninstall pulse audio but it I do it says that it has to uninstall the ubuntu desktop | 07:17 |
ebaad | yes i will try that way | 07:17 |
Bodsda | AbstortedMinds: a quick google was all thats needed -- | 07:17 |
patifa | ebaad: Did the hostname command not work? | 07:17 |
Bodsda | kevineamigh: sorry not sure what to suggest | 07:18 |
n2diy | navetz: Ok, when the Xwindow splash screen comes up for you to log in, is there an options menu to select from? | 07:18 |
ebaad | it cannot make edits in the hosts file only in hostname file | 07:18 |
Gokee2 | stdin, I told it to use kdm-4 as the default splash screen | 07:18 |
patifa | odd | 07:18 |
ebaad | no problem | 07:18 |
ebaad | thnx anyway | 07:18 |
patifa | well try the recovery console, then. Shouldn't be any wierd write permissions there | 07:18 |
ebaad | see you soon | 07:18 |
Bodsda | patifa: can u not use chowner or chmod to give write access to the file?@ | 07:18 |
stdin | Gokee2: who told you that? it doesn't matter which you use, kdm/kdm-kde4/gdm | 07:18 |
navetz | n2diy: yes, the probelm is when I configure my xorg to use dual screen, I don't get to a splash screen | 07:19 |
n2diy | navetz: hmmm, sorry, I'm lost, I don't run dual screens. | 07:20 |
navetz | n2diy: alright, thanks :) | 07:20 |
n2diy | navetz: GL | 07:20 |
Gokee2 | I logged out and choose kde4... Wow does it ever look awful! | 07:21 |
patifa | vlad: you might want to try "gftp-gtk", a package you cn install from the synaptic package manager. | 07:22 |
amirman84 | gokee2: you can make KDE look ok by a lot of customization | 07:22 |
patifa | It's a 'classic' FTP client with SSH support | 07:22 |
DanaG | Argh, I can't bookmark anything in Firefox! | 07:22 |
DanaG | What gives? | 07:22 |
DanaG | I go to "organize" and I get three completely empty panes. | 07:22 |
amirman84 | gokee2: that's why a lot of people prefer KDE, more customization, but i still use GNOME :) it does look better | 07:22 |
amirman84 | gokee2: but KDE4 lacks in customization options so it sucks | 07:23 |
DanaG | ARGH! | 07:23 |
qman__ | Hi everyone, I had a question regarding screen brightness adjustment on my dell laptop in ubuntu 8.04. When I press the fn+ keys to adjust the screen brightness, it does adjust, but instead of just going one notch, it adjusts about 60% of the bar in that direction. Is there any way to adjust how much it changes with each keypress? | 07:23 |
n2diy | DanaG: who owns the Bookmark file? | 07:24 |
end-user | GNOME vs KDE: I find I prefer whichever one I'm not using at the time ;) | 07:24 |
ackbahr | Hello! Can I clean a faulty Hardy upgrade from the CD I just downloaded and toasted? | 07:24 |
DanaG | It's on fat32, so there's no such thing as permissions. | 07:24 |
kevineamigh | ok well since my problem with my headset does not have a current solution by the looks of it since I've spent like a week trying to find one, I have a rather simple question to ask that probably has a easy solution | 07:24 |
patifa | ackbahr: how 'toasted' did you get? | 07:24 |
Gokee2 | Hmm I did not like gnome when I tried it. I mostly use xfce, but kde4 is really REALLY bad! I think something must be set wrong | 07:24 |
DanaG | drwxrwxrwx 2 root shadow 4096 2008-05-01 22:56 bookmarkbackups | 07:24 |
DanaG | stuff like that. | 07:24 |
kevineamigh | how do I get number lock to be on by default on startup | 07:24 |
Bodsda | ackbahr: did u put it in a toaster? | 07:24 |
patifa | I'd like to know that one, too. My numlock light turns on it, but numlock isn't actually active. | 07:25 |
n2diy | DanaG: ok root owns it, who are you? | 07:25 |
DanaG | It's set to 777 permissions, though. | 07:25 |
kevineamigh | my password has numbers in it along with letters so it is much more convient if number lock is on | 07:25 |
ackbahr | patifa: I backed it in a oven, actually (parmigiano, olive oil on a slice of brown bread) | 07:25 |
Bodsda | ackbahr: sounds nice | 07:25 |
ackbahr | patifa: But my laptop is more or less in the same state as if I had put it in a toaster, thanks to this Hardy upgrade! | 07:26 |
n2diy | DanaG: ok on the 777, bad practice. And it is called bookmarkbackups? | 07:26 |
DanaG | That's just one of the folders there; all files in the profile are there. | 07:26 |
ackbahr | Bodsda: More seriously, is there something else to do than wipe everything and start over? | 07:26 |
OzFalcon | Ackbar! | 07:26 |
DanaG | I mean, all are 777. | 07:26 |
DanaG | Oh yeah, and some pages are bookmarkable, but some are not. | 07:27 |
patifa | ackbahr: Still need to be more specific. Does GRUB start? Can you make it to flash screen? Does it power on? | 07:27 |
ackbahr | OzFalcon: AckbaHr | 07:27 |
Bodsda | ackbahr: you want a clean install -- tar your /home then put it on a seperate hd then reinstall, other then that, not really | 07:27 |
OzFalcon | ackbahr, ;-) | 07:27 |
patifa | err, that's splash screen | 07:27 |
n2diy | DanaG: use my nick in your replies, so I can pull them out of the noise! | 07:27 |
navetz | how can I find out what intel graphics card I have? | 07:27 |
qman__ | navetz: lspci | 07:28 |
navetz | i think i have i810 but i am not sure | 07:28 |
n2diy | navetz: lshw | 07:28 |
arvind_khadri | navetz, lspci | 07:28 |
kevineamigh | I know it's hard to press the number lock button everytime I boot up to put in my password, but I've kind of got used to not having to do it over the years | 07:28 |
navetz | thanks | 07:28 |
ackbahr | patifa: This is what went wrong : dpkg is screwed up and would only install things again after I wiped its memory, and my graphical settings are completely off. | 07:28 |
OzFalcon | ackbahr, Couldn't figure out why I couldn't change nick...... Then I used Ackbar (Like Frak). ANd your right there! | 07:28 |
qman__ | does anyone know how to configure the screen brightness controls for a laptop? | 07:28 |
Bodsda | !ops | AHMAGHNEJAD | 07:28 |
ubottu | AHMAGHNEJAD: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpatrick or jussi01! | 07:28 |
FloodBot2 | AHMAGHNEJAD: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 07:28 |
ackbahr | patifa: And stupid things happen like zombies, no subtitles in videos, ..... | 07:28 |
n2diy | !ops | AHMAG | 07:29 |
ubottu | AHMAG: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpatrick or jussi01! | 07:29 |
AbstortedMinds | Bodsda that fixed it thanks a million man! | 07:29 |
Bodsda | cheers stdin | 07:29 |
snowveil | I have appeared to have lost a drive partition when installing ubuntu this morning, anyone have any ideas as to why? | 07:29 |
Bodsda | AbstortedMinds: what did? | 07:29 |
snowveil | I've got 2 drives, 4 partitions | 07:29 |
ackbahr | Bodsda: Yes, that was a good decision.... | 07:29 |
snowveil | one of those 4 partitions was used for ubuntu (well, split into 2 for the swap as well) | 07:30 |
OzFalcon | snowveil, you let it auto part. | 07:30 |
snowveil | I didn't | 07:30 |
navetz | this is my dispaly controler: Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS/GME, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03) | 07:30 |
snowveil | I manually did it | 07:30 |
Bodsda | ackbahr: yeah ;~) | 07:30 |
navetz | does that mean I am using i810 intel? | 07:30 |
navetz | I am not to familiar with this | 07:30 |
tech0007 | snowveil: did u format it | 07:30 |
arvind_khadri | navetz, yeah | 07:30 |
snowveil | no | 07:30 |
OzFalcon | snowveil, Hmmm. Is the part GONE or just unmounted? | 07:30 |
Rabiddog | Any experts with dmraid on? | 07:30 |
snowveil | I set it to ignore that partition | 07:30 |
navetz | arvind_khadri: thanks | 07:30 |
snowveil | I guess just unmounted? | 07:30 |
lapar | hoi .. I'm trying to install 7.10 without install ... | 07:30 |
patifa | Classic 945G integrated graphics on navetz's computer. I had a used dell with that once. | 07:30 |
snowveil | I'm not sure | 07:30 |
barana | gday all | 07:30 |
snowveil | I can't figure out how to find it | 07:30 |
lapar | what file shall I fix> | 07:30 |
FloodBot2 | snowveil: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 07:30 |
lapar | I remember there is one particular python file | 07:31 |
arvind_khadri | navetz, welcome | 07:31 |
ackbahr | Bodsda: So you see it's not that bad, but it's clearly crippled | 07:31 |
snowveil | tech0007: how would I go about seeing if it's simply just not mounted? | 07:31 |
ere4si | arvind_khadri: how's the usplash? | 07:31 |
Bodsda | ackbahr: yeah, reinstall would be best | 07:32 |
barana | is there anyone here who wants to help me get my cdrom functioning? | 07:32 |
tech0007 | snowveil: use gparted | 07:32 |
arvind_khadri | ere4si, pissed off and left it :) | 07:32 |
ackbahr | Bodsda: I backed up /home, but before I do a complete reinstall, is there something else I should backup? | 07:32 |
tech0007 | snowveil: what filesystem is it? | 07:32 |
arvind_khadri | ere4si, had issues with xserver after words proper | 07:32 |
snowveil | it is either ntfs or fat32, I can't recall | 07:32 |
ere4si | arvind_khadri: seems the kernel was trying to allocate resources twice | 07:32 |
Bodsda | ackbahr: nope -- ul lose installed apps but thats it,.,. just reinstall now m8 | 07:32 |
snowveil | I'm thinking it's fat32 but I'm not 100% positive | 07:32 |
ere4si | arvind_khadri: from what I read | 07:32 |
n2diy | ! backup | ackbahr | 07:32 |
ubottu | ackbahr: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: , , , - See also !sbackup and !cloning | 07:32 |
tijn | !firefox | 07:33 |
ubottu | firefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see Installing plugins: | 07:33 |
arvind_khadri | ere4si, yeah...i feel i need to tweak it myself the kernel ...but have no idea | 07:33 |
=== nico_ is now known as nico_|gone | ||
=== Whatever|UrT is now known as Jessica_alba | ||
zvacet | ackbahr : var/cache/apt/archives with aptoncd ( it is in synaptic) | 07:33 |
ackbahr | n2diy: Thanks | 07:33 |
arvind_khadri | ere4si, afterwards its assigning the region but display doesnt show up | 07:33 |
DistroJockey | ackbahr, you could take a copy of /var/cache/apt/archives (to save some re-downloading possibly) | 07:33 |
tech0007 | snowveil: you should see it when you do dmesg | grep sda | 07:33 |
ere4si | arvind_khadri: there's a good howto at the forums | 07:33 |
arvind_khadri | ere4si, ACPI issues right | 07:33 |
tech0007 | snowveil: or dmesg | grep sdb | 07:34 |
n2diy | arvind_khadri: you are comfortable playing with kernel programming? | 07:34 |
ackbahr | DistroJockey: What's in this folder? | 07:34 |
DistroJockey | zvacet, beat me to it :) | 07:34 |
DSMatthews | NetworkManager is poop! It will not set up WPA with Hidden SSID, but you can do it using these instructions,, anyone know why NM does not do a complete setup of interfaces? | 07:34 |
n2diy | ackbahr: GL | 07:34 |
ere4si | arvind_khadri: I would have thought mem address | 07:34 |
DistroJockey | ackbahr, downloaded apt-get updates/installs | 07:34 |
darkcrab | yes it will ds | 07:34 |
arvind_khadri | n2diy, my cousin is kernel hacker so if i cant do ,he can guide me | 07:34 |
Rabiddog | DSMatthews: cause teh devs got lazy? :) | 07:34 |
=== Jessica_alba is now known as CC | ||
ariqs | can someone please explain to me how to get WINE to run a program right? I'm trying to run warcraft 3 with it, and when I load it, it runs like utter crap | 07:34 |
zvacet | ackbahr : all packages you downloaded with synaptic or apt-get | 07:34 |
DSMatthews | ACK | 07:34 |
Bodsda | ariqs: #winehq | 07:34 |
darkcrab | it very much will DS | 07:34 |
darkcrab | your doing something wrong | 07:35 |
arvind_khadri | ere4si, aah ok ... i feel Ubuntu is trying to bring in a lot of changes which are not good...its going hayward | 07:35 |
n2diy | arvind_khadri: ask in #ubuntu-kernel, they are quite now. | 07:35 |
Rabiddog | darkcrab: always the users fault :P | 07:35 |
darkcrab | heh | 07:35 |
arvind_khadri | n2diy, :) thanks for that | 07:35 |
ackbahr | DistroJockey: Ah, ok.... I was rather thinking of some setting things like printer settings, little tweakings I did now and then.... Where are they likely to be? | 07:35 |
ere4si | arvind_khadri: it's a lts - think long term | 07:35 |
darkcrab | if I didnt know it for a fact I wouldnt have said it | 07:35 |
=== CC is now known as Whatever|UrT | ||
barana | is three anyone here who could help me sort out my optical drive plz? | 07:35 |
Rabiddog | darkcrab: hehe | 07:36 |
omnz0r | ikonia: I don't know if you remember, but I had some trouble getting fully maximized windows on an external monitor, that mirrors my laptop because the resolution wasn't set properly. I haven't found an elegant way to do it, but if I move the window's titlebar down to the bottom of the screen (so it's below the 800 height of my laptop) and then maximize it, it works as expected. Just to let you nkow. | 07:36 |
DSMatthews | It should be a "no brainer", that is the point of a GUI, in the end I wrote the required parameters to /etc/network/interfaces | 07:36 |
DistroJockey | ackbahr, they should all be in your home dir | 07:36 |
DistroJockey | ackbahr, all the .whatever folders | 07:36 |
darkcrab | it is a no brainer ds my friend | 07:36 |
OzFalcon | snowveil, Have you run "ls /dev/sd*" ??? | 07:36 |
ere4si | barana: is it listed in /etc.fstab? | 07:36 |
darkcrab | just choose other network | 07:36 |
darkcrab | enter your ssid | 07:36 |
ere4si | */etc/fstab | 07:36 |
tijn | any know problems with firefox 3? | 07:36 |
darkcrab | enter wpa | 07:36 |
DistroJockey | ackbahr, they be hidden by default | 07:36 |
arvind_khadri | ere4si, this is long term but what about the ones that follow .... i feel really weird about such a small release cycle....should be atleast a year gap .... | 07:36 |
ackbahr | DistroJockey: Ah yep, that's right.... | 07:36 |
DSMatthews | Well I must have to much brain then.... | 07:36 |
darkcrab | and enter your key | 07:36 |
ariqs | bodsda: wine channel people are not helpful. They're linux elitists | 07:36 |
snowveil | which dir should I run that from, OzFalcon? | 07:36 |
patifa | tijn: flash randomly crashes FF3 | 07:37 |
ackbahr | DistroJockey: Yep, I know.... How can I display them to copy them? | 07:37 |
* Rabiddog slaps his damn newly upgraded ubuntu kernel...........I guess I need to remember how I recompiled the kernel to support dmraid and slowed the startup by about 3 secs for the raid array to spin up, dang ubuntu won't recognize my /home drive which is a raid array | 07:37 | |
darkcrab | flash works better in epiphany | 07:37 |
barana | ere: ill look | 07:37 |
sz0 | I have a Python which I want to run it on a server. I can run succesfully it on 8.04 desktop but not on server. Here is the command: python -c "import socket, struct; struct.unpack('L', socket.inet_aton(\"\"))[0]" , It gives the error message "struct.error: unpack requires a string argument of length 8". Any idea about this? | 07:37 |
OzFalcon | snowveil, any | 07:37 |
ere4si | arvind_khadri: 3 years support for the lts - I hang off until 8.04.1 for a regular use desktop install | 07:37 |
Bodsda | ariqs: yes,.,.but i bet they are helpfull | 07:37 |
DistroJockey | ackbahr, in Nautilus, goto View - Show Hidden Files (or press Ctrl+H) | 07:37 |
DSMatthews | I tried everything logical on two laptops with different chip sets, on both NM fails, but setting up interfaces works! | 07:37 |
arvind_khadri | ere4si, whats that ?? | 07:38 |
snowveil | just ran it OzFalcon | 07:38 |
darkcrab | dont know what to tell you DS, I have never had a problem. | 07:38 |
ackbahr | DistroJockey: Yep, found that.... :) Sorry for asking before checking! | 07:38 |
n2diy | ere4si: me too. | 07:38 |
arvind_khadri | ere4si, dont you feel a release cycle of 6 months is too short?? | 07:38 |
DistroJockey | ackbahr, np, needed a warmup ;) | 07:38 |
DSMatthews | or a solution? ;_0 | 07:38 |
tech0007 | snowveil: sudo /sbin/parted /dev/sdX print | 07:38 |
ere4si | arvind_khadri: I have 8.04 on a "testing" machine - the comp I do work on has 7.10 | 07:38 |
stdin | sz0: try #python | 07:38 |
darkcrab | the solution is that Network Manager has always worked for me. | 07:39 |
ere4si | arvind_khadri: yes | 07:39 |
=== FriedCPU is now known as FRiEd|BnC | ||
ere4si | arvind_khadri: 6 months seems less than optimal | 07:39 |
n2diy | arvind_khadri: no, LTS is on a three year release cycle, IIRC? | 07:39 |
DSMatthews | used *nix since 1996, I'm not that green.... | 07:39 |
OzFalcon | snowveil, then try something like this "sudo fdisk /dev/sda -l" | 07:39 |
sz0 | stdin: Ok. | 07:39 |
arvind_khadri | ere4si, we wont loose Users in six months or making the cycle so short we make every thing so unstable | 07:39 |
barana | ere4si: is seems to be there under scd0 - yes | 07:39 |
OzFalcon | snowveil, to list the partitions on that disk. | 07:40 |
arvind_khadri | n2diy, :) am talking about the release cycle not the support :) | 07:40 |
kevineamigh | I really think that a new operating system that is developed in today's world should not have so many issues when it comes to sound, number lock, or some of the other issues people have that they shouldn't have to worry about in the first place | 07:40 |
ere4si | arvind_khadri: following - users want the latest/newest | 07:40 |
darkcrab | ubuntu has tons of issues, im just boreed | 07:40 |
darkcrab | so I installed it | 07:40 |
TooFly | Hello! I'm very new and have a question regarding installing Ubuntu. I have both an on-board graphics card, as well as a PCI-express card, and I am having trouble beginning the installation from CD. | 07:40 |
n2diy | arvind_khadri: Well, if you have three years of support, why worry about the current releases? | 07:40 |
ere4si | barana: and what isn't it doing pls - sorry I missed the original post | 07:41 |
TooFly | Anyone know what I'm supposed to do? | 07:41 |
patifa | TooFly: What's the error? | 07:41 |
DSMatthews | Ubuntu is great, and getting better all the time, but some core functions are still klunky. | 07:41 |
snowveil | OzFalcon, under gparted I'm only seeing one drive, not both of them | 07:41 |
TooFly | I begin the install, and the computer reboots and goes black. | 07:41 |
arvind_khadri | ere4si, ok we can make the cycle a year and half .... and i really dont think Canonical should care about people who are leaving | 07:41 |
TooFly | It looks like my monitor is cycling between analog and digital trying to get a signal. | 07:41 |
snowveil | however, ubuntu is able to recognize both drives and 3 of the 4 partitions | 07:41 |
stdin | !ot | 07:41 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 07:41 |
GG2 | what's better Ubuntu or Kubuntu | 07:41 |
bullgard4 | [Hardy] In what directory does tracker store its undex files? | 07:41 |
bullgard4 | [Hardy] In what directory does tracker store its index files? | 07:41 |
LSD|Ninja | GG2: which do you prefer, GNOME or KDE? | 07:41 |
Rabiddog | Ubuntu video recognition sucks | 07:41 |
mmmiiikkkeee | I am having problems with installing the package 'hal' since I upgraded to hardy. | 07:41 |
ere4si | arvind_khadri: seen the popularity contest app in ubuntu... | 07:42 |
GG2 | I haven't used KDE | 07:42 |
DistroJockey | snowveil, Gparted has a dropdown menu to change the drive you are viewing | 07:42 |
DSMatthews | Kubuntu is for KDE people, more windows like in some ways. | 07:42 |
GG2 | no clue | 07:42 |
* Rabiddog knows os a great script that will get nvidia video working with glx right off the bat | 07:42 | |
arvind_khadri | n2diy, :) no comments | 07:42 |
snowveil | haha, there it is | 07:42 |
patifa | TooFly: Does the CD even start with the selection menu? | 07:42 |
DistroJockey | :) | 07:42 |
GG2 | Kubunto is easier to use? | 07:42 |
OzFalcon | snowveil, Is gparted some extra install? | 07:42 |
norty | Question: I just upgrade to 8.04 from 7.10, but when I try to play videos like youtube or myspace the sound doesn't work... how do I fix this? | 07:42 |
snowveil | looks like the drive in question is still there | 07:42 |
arvind_khadri | ere4si, yeah i did ,why do we need all that.... | 07:42 |
n2diy | arvind_khadri: trolling? | 07:42 |
TooFly | Yes, it does. I select install from the menu. | 07:42 |
snowveil | /dev/sdb2 | 07:42 |
patifa | TooFly: Then what happens? | 07:43 |
TooFly | I tried "install in safe graphics mode" as well, and it does the same thing. | 07:43 |
Carbonflux | does anyone know where the routing table is in Ubuntu ? | 07:43 |
william__ | hey um ubuntu studio isnt very good at installing other things eyecandy or games or alot of apps i noticed......sigh | 07:43 |
barana | sorry mate - its not mounting on the desktop- and i go into the fie browser and when i click it a requester bow tell me it cant mount. i also look int the dev/cdrom0 folder and its empty | 07:43 |
darkcrab | depends whether you like gnome or kde GG2 | 07:43 |
Carbonflux | I can't find it in /etc/routes | 07:43 |
ere4si | arvind_khadri: it's a mindset perhaps | 07:43 |
TooFly | It loads the kernel, and the screen goes black | 07:43 |
Rabiddog | norty: make sure you don't have adblock installed | 07:43 |
Rabiddog | in firefox | 07:43 |
ere4si | barana: ? | 07:43 |
arvind_khadri | n2diy, no not at all do you want me to move to OT | 07:43 |
TooFly | And stays black :( | 07:43 |
DSMatthews | Some people like Kubuntu because is seems more familiar, but it is just a desktop... | 07:43 |
arvind_khadri | ere4si, perhaps | 07:43 |
darkcrab | is it better to install firefox addons from synaptic or from the browser | 07:43 |
DistroJockey | TooFly, I assume it is the Desktop CD you are trying? | 07:43 |
n2diy | arvind_khadri: sure, give me a sec. | 07:43 |
TooFly | yes | 07:43 |
Rabiddog | TooFly: do u figure it finished loading? | 07:43 |
zvacet | GG2 : i think that depends on your habit but you can try it if you want to and then decide which one you like | 07:43 |
DistroJockey | TooFly, if you can, try the Alternate CD | 07:44 |
arvind_khadri | n2diy, fine | 07:44 |
TooFly | yeah it reaches 100% | 07:44 |
bullgard4 | Carbonflux: It is in the kernel. Run 'route' in a GNOME terminal. | 07:44 |
TooFly | where can I get it, and what's the difference? | 07:44 |
norty | Rabiddog, i looked those all plugins, extensions and add-ons in firefox but i dont see adblock... ? | 07:44 |
patifa | TooFly: Installer is text-only in alternate CD | 07:44 |
darkcrab | i refuse to use to kde personally, i will only use gnome | 07:44 |
Rabiddog | ok then its something else | 07:44 |
DSMatthews | Ubuntu / Gnome suits some people more, it's clean and streamlined. | 07:44 |
Rabiddog | norty | 07:44 |
keegan | hi , when i connect to an unsecured wireless network , i get the following message. authenticated, Associated with AP (machine address), invalid aid value 0 , Rx Assoc rep, AP denied Association. I cant connect even with vista. Its a netgear AP. Any ideas | 07:44 |
hellues | !paste | 07:44 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 07:44 |
Rabiddog | TooFly: is this a live cd.....or a hdd install? | 07:44 |
Carbonflux | bullgard1, what if I want alter the routes so they persist when I reboot ? | 07:44 |
norty | Rabiddog, It seems to only ont work when the player is built-in to the site | 07:44 |
TooFly | I'm sorry, I'm not quite sure. I downloaded the image, burned it to a CD, and booted off the CD. | 07:45 |
icesword | sigh.... the same story, same dialogue | 07:45 |
darkcrab | probably that network keegan | 07:45 |
barana | sorry mate - its not mounting on the desktop- and i go into the file browser and when i click it, a requester tells me it cant mount. i also look in the dev/cdrom0 folder and its empty. | 07:45 |
DSMatthews | keegan: are you using DHCP? | 07:45 |
TooFly | I guess live CD? | 07:45 |
snowveil | how can I tell what mounted name corresponds with the /dev/sdX name? | 07:45 |
Rabiddog | norty, I had issues until I installed non-free flashplayer and removed adblock (this is not the same as adblock plus) | 07:45 |
patifa | keegan: It sounds like a MAC address filter. Furthermore it doesn't sound like an ubuntu problem, but more likely a problem with a misconfigured router blocking wireless access. | 07:45 |
barana | ere4si ^ | 07:45 |
Shadow420 | well I have noticed that when I am trying to run a java game on hardy it's just a bad of using it like gutsy I may have to reinstall it because I upgraded it | 07:45 |
tech0007 | snowveil: mount | 07:45 |
stdin | snowveil: type "mount" in a terminal | 07:45 |
Rabiddog | TooFly: hmm | 07:45 |
GG2 | Is there anything as good as mIRC on linux? this XChat doesn't even come close | 07:45 |
ere4si | barana: is that with one cd or several? | 07:45 |
keegan | DSMatthews: yes i am using DHCP. | 07:46 |
tech0007 | GG2: try pidgin | 07:46 |
darkcrab | Ah, that makes since Rabi, I think I had that problem before. | 07:46 |
keegan | patifa: how do i find out if its a MAC address filter | 07:46 |
zcat[1]_ | | 07:46 |
Rabiddog | GG2: what do u mean is it lacking? | 07:46 |
DSMatthews | Keegan: Do you have admin access on the WiFi router? | 07:46 |
TooFly | I suspect it is a problem with the fact that I have both an on-board video card and another video card in my PCI-express, which is what my monitor is connected to. | 07:46 |
bullgard4 | Carbonflux: Please use the 'route' command for that purpose. See 'man route'. | 07:46 |
hellues | hey | 07:46 |
ruang1 | hei juga | 07:46 |
Rabiddog | GG2: or try chatzilla with the faces theme | 07:46 |
Carbonflux | thank you bullgard4 :) | 07:46 |
Shadow420 | GG2 there is other IRC programs for linux just google irc programs for linux | 07:46 |
keegan | DSMatthews: no i do not have admin access to the WIFi router. | 07:46 |
Carbonflux | I understand | 07:46 |
darkcrab | i hate chatzilla | 07:47 |
icesword | !irc | 07:47 |
ubottu | A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at - For a general list of !freenode channels, see - See also !Guidelines | 07:47 |
DistroJockey | TooFly, to get it, go to the following link and tick the box below the green download link: | 07:47 |
Rabiddog | TooFly: disable onboard video | 07:47 |
darkcrab | x-chat 4tw | 07:47 |
norty | Rabiddog, what is non-free flash player? | 07:47 |
barana | ere4si: no just one cd its a combo drive - im trying to read the installed cd | 07:47 |
patifa | keegan: All I know is that, by the error, the netgear AP is going through the motions to connect you, then deciding it wants to deny you access. Ubuntu's wireless driver responds to the deny message and ends the connection attempt. | 07:47 |
TooFly | DistroJockey: Thank you | 07:47 |
darkcrab | adobe flash norty | 07:47 |
Rabiddog | norty the one that comes direct from adobe flash | 07:47 |
TooFly | Rabiddog: is this done in BIOS? | 07:47 |
ere4si | barana: soory - I meant disk not drive | 07:47 |
DSMatthews | keegan: did you look at, | 07:47 |
DistroJockey | TooFly, there may be a workaround you can use if you don't wan't or can't download another 700 odd MB though) | 07:47 |
Rabiddog | yes depends on mobo | 07:47 |
darkcrab | adobe only problems rpms now which I think is fedora core. | 07:47 |
ere4si | *sorry | 07:47 |
snowveil | well, it appears that sdb2 is the other partition on the drive that ubuntu is installed on | 07:47 |
TooFly | What would the workaround be? | 07:47 |
barana | *installer | 07:47 |
Rabiddog | darkcrab: huh | 07:48 |
TooFly | Is this a common problem? | 07:48 |
zcat[1]_ | 'non-free' just means it's not open-source, it diesn't mean anyone has to pay money to use it.. | 07:48 |
tech0007 | !adobe | 07:48 |
ubottu | Factoid adobe not found | 07:48 |
OzFalcon | WTF, Why does gparted have option to unmount, But none to mount??? | 07:48 |
icesword | yep | 07:48 |
patifa | TooFly: Before you attempt that. Could you try hooking your monitor up to the onboard video after the kernel starts to load? | 07:48 |
keegan | patifa: seems likely. how can i change my MAC address on ubuntu ? | 07:48 |
DistroJockey | TooFly, you're welcome. I always get the Alternate as it supports more install scenarios) | 07:48 |
snowveil | and my second, 200gb drive, which should be split into two partitions, is only showing up as one large partition in GParted | 07:48 |
Shadow420 | well adobe flash is becoming open-sourced | 07:48 |
ere4si | !wtf | OzFalcon | 07:48 |
ubottu | OzFalcon: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 07:48 |
darkcrab | adobe's website, Rabidog, only provides an RPM package now, and you cannot use that on ubuntu | 07:48 |
TooFly | patifa: good idea, let me try | 07:48 |
darkcrab | so basically we are stuck with flash-nonfree | 07:48 |
Rabiddog | darkcrab: idiots.... | 07:48 |
sriramoman | can someone tell me what is wrong with the following script? | 07:48 |
sriramoman | if [ ! -f "calendar" ]; then echo "making"; mkdir "calendar"; else echo "Hi"; fi ; | 07:48 |
snowveil | could ubuntu have merged the two partitions into one, even though they're not directly related with the installation? | 07:48 |
TooFly | i'm gonna feel dumb if this works :) | 07:48 |
Rabiddog | lol | 07:48 |
helai | ubuntu is not so good as I think | 07:49 |
DSMatthews | Keegan: no point changing the MAC if you can't see the list of allowed MAC numbers set onb the WiFi router. | 07:49 |
Rabiddog | helai: don't think :P | 07:49 |
Shadow420 | helai it all depends on your taste | 07:49 |
zvacet | TooFly : did you disabled on p your graphic in BIOS | 07:49 |
keegan | DSMatthews: i think i know the list of allowed MAC address. | 07:49 |
icesword | helai, hmm, define "not so good" | 07:49 |
snowveil | strange though, because it's a 200gb drive, and the partition that makes up that drive is only listed as 107GB | 07:49 |
stdin | sriramoman: you're checking for a file "-f" you want to check for a dir "-d" | 07:49 |
Carbonflux | bullgard1, my problem is a I have a device on my internal net I want to get at, its at my router and gateway etc are one and all the computer are 0.x addy, if I change the subnet mask to I can get it the device from my windows machine but not my Ubuntu machine, its weird, it should be working | 07:49 |
mmmiiikkkeee | I am having problems with installing the package 'hal' since I upgraded to hardy. | 07:49 |
snowveil | so there is definitely still either extra unformatted space on there, or the other partition exists | 07:49 |
darkcrab | yea, I am finding epiphany to be a much more compatible browser in gnome. | 07:49 |
sriramoman | stdin, ok. i shall try. | 07:49 |
emergion | Hello, anyone had a problem with 8.04 freezing on boot? | 07:49 |
darkcrab | though I do like the firefox extra features. | 07:49 |
emergion | sorry shutdown :P | 07:49 |
knix | Why is the hardy installer telling me / must be at least 2gb, that's insanity | 07:50 |
keegan | DSMatthews: since its an unsecured network a promiscous scan will show me MAC addresses of all machines connecting. | 07:50 |
patifa | TooFly: I'm suspecting that you still have onboard video enabled. After Ubuntu starts up, it loads up the simplist drivers at first, which is probably starting up your onboard video. Without manually changing back to PCI-e with a different graphics driver, it'll stay using that onboard. However if you disable onboard, the basic driver (vesa) will start up your PCI-e graphics card in VESA mode. | 07:50 |
sriramoman | stdin, what is the common tag for both file and dir? | 07:50 |
helai | of course I also don't think winxp is good | 07:50 |
darkcrab | 2 gb for what knix? | 07:50 |
Rabiddog | darkcrab: me too | 07:50 |
knix | darkcrab: my / partition | 07:50 |
tech0007 | snowveil: what does fdisk -l /dev/sdb2 say? | 07:50 |
stdin | sriramoman: "-e" (exists) | 07:50 |
Carbonflux | heh, this channel is too busy anymore | 07:50 |
knix | It's giving me an error telling me to make it larger | 07:50 |
zcat[1]_ | adobe's site shows tar.gz, rpm and yum packages.. who said they only do rpm?! | 07:50 |
tech0007 | snowveil: sorry fdisk -l /dev/sdb | 07:50 |
Rabiddog | patifa: thats why I suggested disabling it in bios | 07:50 |
darkcrab | na, thats not possible knix | 07:50 |
sriramoman | ok | 07:50 |
helai | this is why I migrate to ubuntu | 07:50 |
knix | darkcrab: what's not? | 07:50 |
DSMatthews | Keegan: some chip sets will allow MAC change, if the Linux driver for it has that option, it isn't a priority | 07:50 |
TooFly | OK, I tried connecting my monitor to onboard video after kernel loaded - no dice. I'll fuddle through BIOS and try to disable the onboard video | 07:50 |
Rabiddog | zcat[1]_: heh teach me to take darkcrab 's word for it | 07:51 |
snowveil | "cannot open sdb" | 07:51 |
zvacet | knix : that is realy minimum | 07:51 |
darkcrab | 2 gib partition? could it be, maybe. | 07:51 |
Shadow420 | helai I am a WinXP/Ubuntu user | 07:51 |
tech0007 | snowveil: sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdb | 07:51 |
amen51 | hi, the flash plugin(s) for firefox does not seem to work under ubuntu 8.04? (e.g. CNN website complains) | 07:51 |
zcat[1]_ | I never take anyone's word for anything :) | 07:51 |
keegan | DSMatthews: I have an intel pro, | 07:51 |
knix | zvacet: maybe if you make your entire system on / like a fool | 07:51 |
patifa | TooFly: If your PCI-e graphics card also has two outputs, try both of them. | 07:51 |
darkcrab | well, I only have ubuntu on here right now | 07:51 |
Shadow420 | helai I use linux as an OS to get away from windows for awhile | 07:51 |
Rabiddog | zcat[1]_: :D | 07:51 |
helai | yes I also have this two os installed | 07:51 |
knix | I have /usr /var /home /boot /tmp all on their own partitions ... | 07:51 |
cycom | knix: it's not so foolish if your drive is small. | 07:51 |
knix | My drive isn't small =( | 07:52 |
DSMatthews | keegan: look up the driver docs for it.... | 07:52 |
TooFly | patifa: Yet another good idea! | 07:52 |
patifa | I remember when I first put in a PCI-e card, it defaulted to the DVI output, when all I had was a VGA monitor hooked up to the VGA output. | 07:52 |
norty | Rabiddog, how do i download that flash player, is there an apt-get command or something? | 07:52 |
keegan | DSMatthews: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 4965 AG , can u direct me to some documentation where i can chane the MAC address. | 07:52 |
zcat[1]_ | if adobe made a .deb I wouldn't trust them anyhow... they'd probably try to bundle the yahoo search toolbar for firefox with it :( | 07:52 |
keegan | DSMatthews: thanks. | 07:52 |
tech0007 | norty: flash-plugin-nonfree | 07:52 |
OzFalcon | Why doesn't gparted have option to mount??? | 07:52 |
Rabiddog | patifa: yeah i had a issue with one port not working under linux,,,,,I forget the option I had to enable as a option on the kernel boot to get it to work | 07:52 |
cycom | knix: no, but calling someone a fool before you know the details of why they did something can be evidence that your brain is. | 07:52 |
barana | ere4si: r u still there? | 07:52 |
helai | just like thunder,this is easy for me to download stuffs | 07:52 |
snowveil | sdb is accounted for | 07:52 |
Shadow420 | helai heck if I wanted to I could have 3 on my PC | 07:52 |
snowveil | I'm gonna run it for sda | 07:52 |
ere4si | barana: | 07:52 |
darkcrab | it works amen, just not well | 07:52 |
bastadr | hallo .... how to install 7.10 WITHOUT FORMAT? | 07:52 |
tech0007 | norty: flashplugin-nonfree | 07:52 |
zvacet | knix : CD is ~700MB and after decompressing what so you think how much space will need | 07:52 |
bastadr | please .. I'm in the middle of it | 07:52 |
Rabiddog | norty: actually it may be in ubuntu's non free repository iirc | 07:53 |
patifa | TooFly: It'll probably never touch something like an s-video by default, but a VGA/DVI pair it definately could. | 07:53 |
stdin | OzFalcon: because it's a partitioning tool, and partitions need to be unmounted to edit them | 07:53 |
snowveil | Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System | 07:53 |
snowveil | /dev/sdb1 1 892 7164958+ 83 Linux | 07:53 |
snowveil | /dev/sdb2 893 9187 66629587+ c W95 FAT32 (LBA) | 07:53 |
snowveil | /dev/sdb3 9188 9729 4353615 82 Linux swap / Solaris | 07:53 |
cycom | bastadr: resize your partitions... | 07:53 |
FloodBot2 | snowveil: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 07:53 |
zcat[1]_ | !pastebin | 07:53 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 07:53 |
tech0007 | !paste | snowveil | 07:53 |
ubottu | snowveil: please see above | 07:53 |
darkcrab | there are better gecko based browsers out there though and there is opera too | 07:53 |
snowveil | I just used :-/ | 07:53 |
devrethman | Are there any linux AIM clients that support video? | 07:53 |
amen51 | darkcrab, used to work fine in 7.04 | 07:53 |
zcat[1]_ | hehe, let's all flood the channel with don't flood trigegrs.. | 07:53 |
knix | zvacet: / is used for almost nothing ... I have a seperate /usr /var /boot /tmp /home ... | 07:53 |
OzFalcon | stdin, k | 07:53 |
norty | Rabiddog, it says that i already have it... | 07:53 |
darkcrab | yea, its probably because of firefox 3 or its a new bug | 07:53 |
darkcrab | there is a fix | 07:54 |
Rabiddog | then remove the other flashplayers that u have installed | 07:54 |
darkcrab | but I forget the download | 07:54 |
Rabiddog | norty: | 07:54 |
ere4si | barana: I asked if it was with one disk or several...? | 07:54 |
amen51 | darkcrab, can you watch CNN? | 07:54 |
darkcrab | let me check | 07:54 |
TooFly | yeah I have DVI/VGA on my monitor. My PCI-e card has DVI and VGA, and my onboard has only VGA. I plugged the DVI from monitor into my PCI-e card, and the VGA from monitor into the onboard. | 07:54 |
Shadow420 | bastadr you have to format because linux uses a differentfilesystem than windows or other OS's | 07:54 |
TooFly | Now I have no video at all :( | 07:54 |
Rabiddog | .... | 07:54 |
TooFly | I at least got the boot menu with VGA in my PCI-e card | 07:54 |
zvacet | knix :O.K. | 07:54 |
Rabiddog | too fly did u disable onboard video? | 07:54 |
=== zcat[1]_ is now known as zcat[1] | ||
snowveil | oh, ok, I get it | 07:54 |
tech0007 | TooFly: i think u should use either not both if you have 1 monitor | 07:55 |
DSMatthews | keegan: not off the top of me head... sorry... that is the problem I had today, finding relevant and uptodate info for a specific setup. | 07:55 |
patifa | TooFly: The VGA doesn't work past the boot menu? | 07:55 |
Shadow420 | bastadr you have to format because linux uses a different FileSystem than windows or other OS's | 07:55 |
TooFly | OK. | 07:55 |
helai | but from time to time,you will stick in the mud of the we site,(ie incompatibility) | 07:55 |
mmmiiikkkeee | I am having problems with installing the package 'hal' since I upgraded to hardy. ... Is this the right place to ask about this problem? | 07:55 |
keegan | DSMatthews: its okay. thanks a lot for the help given | 07:55 |
snowveil | | 07:55 |
darkcrab | yes I can watch CNN amen51 | 07:55 |
amen51 | which plugin did you install | 07:56 |
barana | ere4si: sorry i replied a little while ago i have just one but _it is_ a combo drive | 07:56 |
Shadow420 | helai I deal with that constantly because I have an older system at home | 07:56 |
darkcrab | flash-nonfree | 07:56 |
nickthorley | hi all - i installed a network wireless driver via ndis. if i go into it the driver is showing as hardware present but when i click the network settings box all cards are greyed out - is this because networkmanager has control? | 07:56 |
Rabiddog | norty did u check for other installed flash players? | 07:56 |
tech0007 | snowveil: are you referring to the swap/solaris partition? | 07:56 |
DSMatthews | keegan: google is your friend, if you spend time wading through all the noise | 07:56 |
amen51 | ok, thanks | 07:56 |
snowveil | sda is only showing one partition, when it should be two (107gb and roughly 80gb) | 07:56 |
norty | Rabiddog, no.. | 07:56 |
helai | yes,linux system is always good for old hardware | 07:56 |
barana | ere4si: and yeah there is only one disk in it. | 07:56 |
Rabiddog | u should only have 1 flashplayer installed at a time, otherwise they conflict | 07:56 |
snowveil | when opening the 107gb partition in ubuntu's GUI, it shows that it is only 107gb in size, not the full 187 | 07:56 |
zvacet | mmmiiikkkeee : sudo dpkg --configure -a | 07:57 |
darkcrab | the only thing ubuntu wont detect is my dialup, but frankly oh well | 07:57 |
darkcrab | I doubt I will ever have a need for my dialup | 07:57 |
=== nico_|gone is now known as nico_ | ||
darkcrab | on my laptop | 07:57 |
ere4si | barana: I saw that - then said I meant disks not drives - the round shiny things - try another disk and see if it is the same | 07:57 |
aLeSD | hi ... how can I run awn and emerald on startup ? | 07:57 |
snowveil | however, when running that sudo fdisk command it only lists one parition, being the full size | 07:57 |
zcat[1] | helai: you gotta be kidding.. Hardy is slow on machines that still run XP pretty well, it's only light compared to Vista! | 07:57 |
mmmiiikkkeee | zvacet: I get the same out put with sudo dpkg --configure -a. it still does not install! | 07:57 |
darkcrab | the opensource flashplayer gnash sucks so bad. | 07:57 |
Rabiddog | zcat[1]: u gotta be kidding | 07:58 |
ikt | flash + firefox :< | 07:58 |
zvacet | mmmiiikkkeee : sudo apt-get -f install | 07:58 |
darkcrab | my machine was made for xp and hardy runs really fast. | 07:58 |
Rabiddog | dark I agree | 07:58 |
zcat[1] | I can still run XP in 128M ram, ubuntu is dog slow with that little. | 07:58 |
Rabiddog | ... | 07:58 |
darkcrab | in fact, hardy uses less ram on my system than xp did. | 07:58 |
ikt | xp with 128mb of ram would be dog slow as well | 07:58 |
helai | why you don't chose xfce instead | 07:59 |
tech0007 | snowveil: try mounting that SFS partition as NTFS | 07:59 |
ikt | we never recommended xp with less than 256mb of ram, and that 256 was just for xp | 07:59 |
TooFly | I'm sorry, my BIOS is confusing me. There is no option for "onboard video" in the menu. There is a PCI/PnP setup menu. I have change the field "Init Display First" from "PCI" to "PCI Express." Is this it? | 07:59 |
darkcrab | ok, you can only run xp in 128 mgs of ram hacked zcat. | 07:59 |
snowveil | sorry to be so ignorant, but how would I go about doing that? | 07:59 |
snowveil | because it should be ntfs | 07:59 |
zcat[1] | I dunno, perhaps it's just my expectation, I haven't actually run XP for a while but I'm pretty sure it wasn't this slow in 128M | 07:59 |
barana | ere4si: oops sorry yeah tried a few discs dvds too but same issue | 07:59 |
desneedy_ | I've just installed xubuntu on my pc, and unfortunately have forgetten the root passwd. | 07:59 |
patifa | doesn't sound right, TooFly. What's your Motherboard and/or BIOS maker? | 07:59 |
Rabiddog | zcat: its nt ubuntu its gnome | 07:59 |
desneedy_ | What can I do? | 07:59 |
Slart | desneedy_: there is no root password.. do you mean your user password? | 08:00 |
darkcrab | if you ran xp right now it woudl be super slow in 128m zcat | 08:00 |
darkcrab | trust me | 08:00 |
TooFly | patifa: ECS (some $50 mobo :() | 08:00 |
mmmiiikkkeee | zvacet: it gets to " Starting Hardware abstraction layer hald" and hangs and says: " initscript hal, action "start" failed. dpkg: error processing hal (--configure):" | 08:00 |
darkcrab | xp needs 512 minimum | 08:00 |
zcat[1] | ubuntu -is- gnome .. if I wanted kde or xfce i'd have said kubuntu or xubuntu | 08:00 |
ere4si | barana: the drive might be dying - can you try the same disks in another comp? | 08:00 |
darkcrab | unless you nlite it | 08:00 |
zionpsyfer | zcat[1]: I'm running ubuntu server on an old 233 with 64M. apache, mysql, proftpd. runs well enough. | 08:00 |
Rabiddog | desneedy_: boot recovery and select root, then passwd (username) | 08:00 |
patifa | TooFly: name some other BIOS options :S | 08:00 |
kane77 | zcat[1], try running xfce instead of gnome, I was running xfce on machine with 128MB ram and it was bearable... | 08:01 |
ikt | running ubuntu 7.10 with 300mb of ram, p3, isn't fast but neither was xp on it | 08:01 |
Shadow420 | zcat[1] we know that other wise u would be here if u didn't have gnome | 08:01 |
darkcrab | xfce is sweet | 08:01 |
tech0007 | snowveil: mount -t ntfs /dev/sda1 /mountpoint | 08:01 |
darkcrab | or even fluxbox | 08:01 |
helai | if you prefer gnome ,of course it is heavy | 08:01 |
patifa | TooFly: Do you know anything about your motherboard other than manufactuer? Do you know what socke type the CPU is? Trying to find your manual online. | 08:01 |
node357a | desneedy_, check out | 08:01 |
ikt | flux = torrentflux? | 08:01 |
zionpsyfer | darkcrab: + 1 fluxbox | 08:01 |
ere4si | barana: if the disks work in another comp - and your drive is found by nautilus then the drive is on its' way out | 08:01 |
DistroJockey | mmmiiikkkeee, this bug relates to your issue I believe: | 08:01 |
TooFly | Yeah, it's 775 socket type I believe | 08:01 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 212960 in linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24 "Hardy: cx88 NULL pointer dereference (dup-of: 212271)" [High,Fix released] | 08:01 |
ere4si | +1 flux | 08:01 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 212271 in linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24 "2.6.24-15-generic: saa7134-alsa makes HAL to fail" [High,Fix released] | 08:01 |
kane77 | ikt, flux = fluxbox | 08:01 |
Shadow420 | ikt I have a p3 with 512MB and ubuntus fine on it | 08:02 |
darkcrab | I like fluxbox a lot but I dont know how to configure my wireless in fluxbox without the gnome manager. | 08:02 |
zcat[1] | perhaps I've just forgotten how slow XP used to be, I dunno.. | 08:02 |
TooFly | I will look up the manual | 08:02 |
* Rabiddog slaps TooFly for buying a crap ecs mobo | 08:02 | |
CygnusX1 | Is the gentleman that told me to use KDE if I wanted move/copy/cancel contecxt menu popup on drag-n-drop present? | 08:02 |
snowveil | I need to log in as root :-/ | 08:02 |
darkcrab | zcat, with updates, its changed a lot | 08:02 |
tech0007 | snowveil: yep | 08:02 |
snowveil | haha | 08:02 |
TooFly | Rabiddog: it was a cpu/mobo deal from Fry's on black friday! | 08:02 |
snowveil | sorry, but I forget how to do that | 08:02 |
tech0007 | snowveil: or use sudo | 08:02 |
TooFly | great cpu, terrible mobo | 08:02 |
patifa | TooFly: Ug, there's at least 50 different mobos listed from ECS with 775 socket type. | 08:02 |
DistroJockey | mmmiiikkkeee, if you like, you can pastebin the output of dmesg | 08:02 |
snowveil | what does sudo do exactly? | 08:02 |
darkcrab | logs you into root snow | 08:02 |
Rabiddog | TooFly: just because its cheap don't mean its a great deal :P | 08:02 |
TooFly | Patifa: My apologies, it is 671T-M | 08:02 |
tech0007 | snowveil: gives you superuser priveleges | 08:03 |
patifa | snowveil: "super user do" | 08:03 |
Rabiddog | patifa: yep | 08:03 |
tech0007 | !sudo | snowveil | 08:03 |
ubottu | snowveil: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at for more information. | 08:03 |
TooFly | Rabiddog: I am starting to agree. | 08:03 |
snowveil | and, should I substitute "/mountpoint" with something else? | 08:03 |
zvacet | mmmiiikkkeee : sudo apt-get install --reinstall hal | 08:03 |
yrlnry | How can I tell grub I want it to default to kernel 2.6.22-14 instead of to 2.6.22-16 | 08:03 |
tech0007 | snowveil: yep | 08:03 |
magnetron | !grub | yrlnry | 08:03 |
ubottu | yrlnry: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: | 08:03 |
zionpsyfer | shame enlightenment died, used to love it. | 08:03 |
zcat[1] | anyhow.. was using Vista last week, twice the ram I have, faster CPU, better everything.. and it just felt sluggish! I'll be installing Ubuntu on the box next week, I think the owner will be quite surprised at the difference | 08:03 |
Viper111 | hello guys i need help in VPN issues | 08:03 |
Shadow420 | snowveil sudo is your main command for many adim stuff like software installation and other things | 08:03 |
helai | when you log on to the system ,please choose it in the grub menu | 08:04 |
zcat[1] | (BTW; this box doesn't have 128M ram, it's got 2G :) | 08:04 |
patifa | snowveil: Also whenever the system prompts you for your password to do computer administration, it's using sudo behind the scenes. | 08:04 |
barana | ere4si: they work on anotherr machine(desktop) this machine is a new laptop - ive installed then re-installed ubuntu - the drive works under xp - my laptop is a lenovo 3000 n200 6xx the n200 769 has been tested by the community and is listed on the site - unfortunately they didnt say whether they tested the optical drive | 08:04 |
darkcrab | personally, you know what I like about ubuntu over windows zcat, the command line | 08:04 |
Viper111 | i connect to my ubuntu server through VPN since connection is established i loose route to internet to everyhting, anybody can help in soloving such prob | 08:04 |
snowveil | sorry for all of the questions again, but how what should I substitute "/mountpoint" with? | 08:04 |
darkcrab | windows has crappy command line support | 08:04 |
jasonbx | how can i make different file types to be opened with tehir default applications in nautilus? | 08:05 |
Shadow420 | zcat[1] well Vista needs at least a 1GB to run so I won't go to vista unless I have too | 08:05 |
babolat | hello | 08:05 |
zcat[1] | darkcrab: yah, give me a cmd with tab completion!! | 08:05 |
Rabiddog | yrlnry: /boot/grub/menu.lst , not sure if u have to reinstall grub though don't remember | 08:05 |
darkcrab | oh yea | 08:05 |
tech0007 | snowveil: mkdir /media/sda | 08:05 |
yrlnry | Rabiddog: thanks. | 08:05 |
DistroJockey | yrlnry, in /boot/grub/menu.lst where it says default 0 (meaning the 1st title in the list) change it to an appropriate number | 08:05 |
flemnos | windows' cmd has tab completion | 08:05 |
babolat | jasonbx: you'll have to define them if they're not that common file types | 08:05 |
tech0007 | snowveil: sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sda1 /media/sda | 08:05 |
patifa | TooFly: huuge manual :S | 08:05 |
helai | left click it then follow it | 08:05 |
zcat[1] | it does?! | 08:05 |
yrlnry | Rabiddog: menu.list also mentions that grub has a "savedefault" command. | 08:05 |
ere4si | barana: if the disks work and the drive is recognized in nautilus the drive is on its' way out/dead - can't be anything else afaik | 08:05 |
flemnos | zcat[1]: yea. | 08:05 |
bullgard4 | [Hardy] In what directory does tracker store its index files? | 08:05 |
yrlnry | DistroJockey: thanks. | 08:05 |
zcat[1] | never works for me | 08:06 |
jasonbx | babolat, whre do I define them? | 08:06 |
TooFly | patifa: I'm reading the paper copy, which looks short. Could you link me? | 08:06 |
mmmiiikkkeee | DistroJockey: here is my dmesg | 08:06 |
DistroJockey | Rabiddog, yrlnry : no you don't need to re-install grub (changes take affect straight away after reboot) | 08:06 |
FloodBot2 | !netsplit | 08:06 |
ubottu | netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See | 08:06 |
zcat[1] | XP, not Vista ... | 08:06 |
patifa | | 08:06 |
DistroJockey | yrlnry, you're welcome | 08:06 |
tech0007 | snowveil: you may have to use sudo mkdir /media/sda | 08:06 |
flemnos | zcat[1]: and up/down arrow for previous command scrolling. | 08:06 |
Viper111 | i connect to my ubuntu server through VPN since connection is established i loose route to internet to everyhting, anybody can help in soloving such prob | 08:06 |
patifa | TooFly: Either that or I'm downloading a bunch of pictures in a PDF, won't know till I finish since the thing is zipped. | 08:06 |
babolat | jasonbx: Right click the file and get to Open with Different Application or somethin' like that. then browse to your app | 08:06 |
snowveil | yup, figured that one out :) | 08:06 |
flemnos | zcat[1]: yea, in xp. | 08:06 |
zcat[1] | flemnos: but not between sessions .. | 08:06 |
Rabiddog | DistroJockey: ah thats right, been a long time since I played with grub directly | 08:06 |
snowveil | k, time to see if anything changed I guess | 08:06 |
zionpsyfer | Viper111: you might want to check your route? only route the subnet you need to get to through VPN through the interface. | 08:06 |
mmmiiikkkeee | zvacet: I have tryed to do sudo apt-get install --reinstall hal before and that does not work either. | 08:06 |
TooFly | patifa: gotcha | 08:06 |
flemnos | zcat[1]: true. | 08:07 |
darkcrab | i do love xp for so many reasons, but one thing that annoys me is that every time you install something you get a new startup item. | 08:07 |
tech0007 | snowveil: you'll get the hang of it :-D | 08:07 |
darkcrab | and you have to keep that startup item for your new program to work | 08:07 |
LSD|Ninja | Is their somethign wrong with my system or has Hardy received no updates at all yet? | 08:07 |
barana | ere4si: im a ubuntu noob how do i envoke nautilus to check it? | 08:07 |
darkcrab | ok back to topic | 08:07 |
helai | it is the interesting point of xp | 08:07 |
patifa | TooFly: Only 50 KB/sec for a 23 MB document, and I know I can pull more than 50 KB/sec. | 08:07 |
babolat | LSD|Ninja: no updates as far as i know | 08:07 |
darkcrab | what do you mean barana | 08:07 |
Shadow420 | zcat[1] I have a p3 1Ghz with 512MB and XP/Ubuntu run just fine | 08:07 |
ere4si | barana: open your /home folder and see if the cd is listed in the right pane | 08:07 |
TooFly | patifa: Bad mobo = bad company = bad server :) | 08:07 |
DistroJockey | mmmiiikkkeee, seems to be having an issue with your network card driver | 08:07 |
bullgard4 | LSD|Ninja: No, there were no updates yet. | 08:08 |
DistroJockey | Rabiddog, :) | 08:08 |
zvacet | mmmiiikkkeee : that is all I can think of,sorry | 08:08 |
yrlnry | Something on my system is causing disk seeking once per second. The noise is bugging me. How can I track down what it is? | 08:08 |
* Rabiddog growls at ubuntu kernel and dmraid | 08:08 | |
zcat[1] | Shadow420: yeah, the ram makes all the difference | 08:08 |
snowveil | tech0007: mounting it as NTFS appears to only duplicate what is already mounted as SFS | 08:08 |
mojoe430 | whats up | 08:08 |
n2diy | yrlnry: top | 08:08 |
LSD|Ninja | Ah, OK. Was getting a bit woried there :P | 08:08 |
darkcrab | i have 1.26 gb of ram | 08:08 |
desneedy_ | Rabiddog: I remember the user passwd, just forgot the root passwd | 08:08 |
yrlnry | n2diy: I already stared at top; it didn't help. | 08:08 |
aLeSD | hi all -... someone could tell me how to start awn on login ? | 08:08 |
yrlnry | n2diy: Unless top has a sort-by-disk-activity option or something. | 08:09 |
babolat | yrlnry: disk seeking /? | 08:09 |
tech0007 | snowveil: so its already mount before you did sudo mount -t nfs? | 08:09 |
Shadow420 | zcat[1] plus the amount of the graphics card onboard memory | 08:09 |
TooFly | I'm sorry, someone linked me to the Alternate (non-graphic) installation of Ubuntu, but I lost the link. Could I get it again? | 08:09 |
snowveil | yes | 08:09 |
ere4si | barana: sorry - left pane... | 08:09 |
snowveil | but on sda | 08:09 |
darkcrab | ah my graphics card sucks | 08:09 |
snowveil | there should be another partition | 08:09 |
darkcrab | thats the only thing about this sytsem that really bugs me | 08:09 |
yrlnry | babolat: I can hear the disk head moving, and the disk activity LED is blinking once per second. | 08:09 |
patifa | <-- It's on that page, TooFly. | 08:09 |
Slart | !alternate | TooFly | 08:09 |
tech0007 | snowveil: so which partition is missing? | 08:09 |
ubottu | TooFly: The Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at | 08:09 |
babolat | !log | Toofly | 08:09 |
ubottu | Toofly: Official channel logs can be found at - For LoCo channels, | 08:09 |
snowveil | the drive is 200gb (well, 188 or so really), and the only visible partition is 108GB of that | 08:09 |
adam7 | desneedy_, if you can use sudo you can do sudo passwd root to change the root password | 08:09 |
DistroJockey | mmmiiikkkeee, doesn't look like a very happy dmesg at all :( | 08:09 |
TooFly | thank you | 08:09 |
gina_ | hi.. im frustrated can someone help me.. i had to reinstall ubunto on my macbook pro and now i cant found the site with the instructions to install the wireless! | 08:09 |
n2diy | yrlnry: where are you? It could be fdisk running around 4am? | 08:10 |
gina_ | someone help me out here before | 08:10 |
adam7 | !wireless | gin-san | 08:10 |
ubottu | gin-san: Wireless documentation can be found at | 08:10 |
HermanChess | is it possible to install ubuntu leaving /home intact ? | 08:10 |
barana | ere4si: yeah its listed there as cd-rom 1 | 08:10 |
adam7 | !wireless | gina_ | 08:10 |
ubottu | gina_: Wireless documentation can be found at | 08:10 |
bokey | @join #ubuntu-np | 08:10 |
ubottu | bokey: Error: You don't have the admin capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified. | 08:10 |
mmmiiikkkeee | DistroJockey: should i remove the network card and try to install hal again? | 08:10 |
DistroJockey | TooFly, | 08:10 |
bokey | ubottu: >_< | 08:10 |
tech0007 | snowveil: from the looks of it, it seems you did not make full use of sda when you did th emanul aprtitioning | 08:10 |
Rabiddog | gina_: when I get frustrated I take a long break and go out and party :) | 08:10 |
babolat | yrlnry: check your SysMon if there are processes that's trying to access that HD | 08:10 |
yrlnry | n2diy: Could be something like that. I'll see if it continues tomorrow. | 08:10 |
ere4si | barana: you have a drive that won't read then... | 08:10 |
kane77 | HermanChess, if you have separate partition for it | 08:10 |
snowveil | is there a way to remedy that? | 08:10 |
LSD|Ninja | gina_: there's an Intel Mac page on the wiki | 08:10 |
barana | ere4si: but when i try to open it tells me it can mount selected volume | 08:10 |
ere4si | barana: it's hardware not ubuntu | 08:10 |
zcat[1] | brb | 08:11 |
snowveil | the partitions were already established before I installed ubuntu | 08:11 |
tech0007 | snowveil: you can repartition if you dont have any data on sda | 08:11 |
darkcrab | gina, administration>hardware drivers | 08:11 |
DistroJockey | mmmiiikkkeee, try to install linux-ubuntu-modules | 08:11 |
gina_ | ok | 08:11 |
gina_ | im checking this website but | 08:11 |
LSD|Ninja | gina_: I take it that since you have a problem the new madwifi isn't in 8.04? | 08:11 |
barana | ere4si: sorry canT mount volume | 08:11 |
gina_ | someone sent me another one | 08:11 |
snowveil | I have about 70GB on sda, plus the other 100 or so that's visible :-/ | 08:11 |
gina_ | very easy to install! | 08:11 |
gina_ | for the macbook pro! | 08:11 |
gina_ | i dont remember the name of the site :( | 08:11 |
darkcrab | i keep forgetting these new macbooks are intel | 08:11 |
ere4si | barana: 'cause it can't read the cd 'cause it's broken | 08:11 |
tech0007 | snowveil: not sure, but did you ask if you can use all 200G of that hard drive | 08:12 |
tech0007 | ? | 08:12 |
HermanChess | kane77: I thought it was going to be a new feature .... ah well | 08:12 |
gina_ | that site rules!!! | 08:12 |
babolat | darkcrab: i know.. aint that weird | 08:12 |
gina_ | and help me install my wireless very easy :() | 08:12 |
gina_ | but well | 08:12 |
darkcrab | it totally is man | 08:12 |
yrlnry | babolat: I don't see anything relevant in SysMon. | 08:12 |
gina_ | i will search more | 08:12 |
desneedy_ | adam7: thanks, I changed the root passwd with sudo. Great. | 08:12 |
barana | ere4si: so even if xp on another partition when booted on the same machine reads ? | 08:12 |
snowveil | not that I recall, tech0007 | 08:12 |
=== roxahris is now known as roxandAWAY | ||
LSD|Ninja | gina_: yeah, 7.10 went onto my MacBook without too much hassle. Having to compile madwifi to get the wireless going though... forget it. Ubuntu was removed shortly after that :) | 08:12 |
Carbonflux | so if the routing tables are in the kernel how does it know how to restore them after a reboot ? | 08:13 |
DistroJockey | mmmiiikkkeee, check out those launchpad bugs I listed for possible fixes | 08:13 |
Carbonflux | they must be in a file | 08:13 |
mmmiiikkkeee | DistroJockey: is said: "linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24-16-generic is already the newest version" I guess it is already installed? | 08:13 |
stdin | !away > roxandAWAY | 08:13 |
gina_ | i dont get it ninja | 08:13 |
tech0007 | snowveil: ok, coz 200G-188G=12G seems a lot | 08:13 |
desneedy_ | xubuntu seems to slow on my 256m ram laptop. | 08:13 |
nickthorley | lsd|ninja: if you dont mind me asking what was it about linux that tore you away from mac osx - i can understand windows but would have thought os x very good? | 08:14 |
ere4si | barana: you've tried lately? | 08:14 |
desneedy_ | Is there any way to speed it up? | 08:14 |
TooFly | patifa: I finished downloading the manual - perhaps you'll see the genius that is ECS's BIOS setup. | 08:14 |
DistroJockey | mmmiiikkkeee, sounds like it, yeah. Maybe a re-install of those. (but not sure that will work or help) | 08:14 |
snowveil | Gparted shows 185.17 used out of 186.31GB in one single partition | 08:14 |
TooFly | I swear there is no on-board VGA option. | 08:14 |
Hamled | how would I determine what brand of touchpad I have? For some reason it has become really sensitive, and the turning off "enable mouse clicks with the touchpad" in the mouse configuration app is not working | 08:14 |
DistroJockey | mmmiiikkkeee, I'm assuming you upgraded? | 08:14 |
snowveil | however, the GUI in ubuntu shows the mounted /sda as only having a total capacity of 107GB | 08:14 |
tech0007 | snowveil: gparted would should unused or unparitioned space | 08:14 |
snowveil | hum | 08:15 |
Rabiddog | TooFly: gigabyte has a key combo that enables advanced features, although I doubt ECS does that | 08:15 |
mmmiiikkkeee | DistroJockey: yes I upgraded | 08:15 |
barana | ere4si: definately | 08:15 |
DistroJockey | mmmiiikkkeee, *nods* | 08:15 |
zvacet | gina_ : are you looking for this | 08:15 |
LSD|Ninja | nickthorley: I only installed Ubuntu on it for S&G. If the wireless had worked OOB I may have left it there a little longer but I wasn't prepared to put the kind of effort that was required into getting it working for somethign I was never going to really use | 08:15 |
DistroJockey | mmmiiikkkeee, seen lots of upgrades go bad unfortunately | 08:15 |
babolat | hello | 08:15 |
HitMan | I havea VDS. If I install Ubutu-Desktop or Kubuntu or Xubuntu, and many people connect to it via Nomachine NX or something. Will they all see the same desktop or different ones? | 08:15 |
xintron | ok, how should I split my hdd when installing ubuntu? I got a 60 GB | 08:16 |
patifa | TooFly: indeed | 08:16 |
ere4si | barana: ok - one min | 08:16 |
mmmiiikkkeee | DistroJockey: you think a fresh install might fix it? | 08:16 |
Viper111 | i connect to my ubuntu server through VPN since connection is established i loose route to internet to everyhting, anybody can help in soloving such prob | 08:16 |
TooFly | Time to try the alternate installation? | 08:16 |
manhthienbkhn | helo | 08:16 |
patifa | TooFly: It stinks. PCI / PnP Setup might be it, but it's also clear this was all translated, so who knows how accurate the translation was. | 08:16 |
DistroJockey | mmmiiikkkeee, 90% sure :) | 08:16 |
barana | ere4si: its the ubuntu install cd i used to re-install on sda2 this morning | 08:16 |
babolat | xintron: my take wud be gparted | 08:16 |
TooFly | Ok, I'll give it a shot. | 08:16 |
nickthorley | lsd|ninja: no thats fair enough - suppose you could use a vm anyway - what do you do for a living are you a designer hence a mac or just prefer the hardware and os | 08:16 |
xintron | babolat: How big for home and how big for the rest? | 08:17 |
TooFly | Do you know what "Allocate IRQ to PCI VGA" means? | 08:17 |
ere4si | barana: can you paste the /etc/fstab file ? | 08:17 |
TooFly | or what is IRQ? | 08:17 |
Ziroday | !grub | 08:17 |
ubottu | grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: | 08:17 |
ere4si | !paste | barana | 08:17 |
ubottu | barana: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 08:17 |
Rabiddog | patifa: I was thinking that too but ain't willing bet money on it | 08:17 |
Viper111 | i connect to my ubuntu server through VPN since connection is established i loose route to internet to everyhting, anybody can help in soloving such prob | 08:17 |
DistroJockey | mmmiiikkkeee, go the Alternate CD if you plan do download a CD | 08:17 |
Rabiddog | TooFly: not a issue nowadays really | 08:17 |
TooFly | ok | 08:17 |
Rabiddog | although being a ECS board... | 08:17 |
TooFly | heh heh... | 08:18 |
Rabiddog | sighs | 08:18 |
tijn | Does anyone else had the big font problem with Firefox 3? | 08:18 |
tijn | has* | 08:18 |
patifa | TooFly: Uhh. I do, but it's not something I can explain in any level of simple terms. The trick is that that options may also fully disable the onboard graphics. | 08:18 |
xintron | How big should the partitions be when installing ubuntu on a 60 GB? | 08:18 |
Rabiddog | tijn: ctrl -? | 08:18 |
mmmiiikkkeee | DistroJockey: only problem is i don't have a cd-burner. :( | 08:18 |
TooFly | I see | 08:18 |
tijn | Rabiddog, no, that not it | 08:18 |
patifa | TooFly: Or it'll just make it really, really slow. | 08:18 |
Rabiddog | patifa: lmao | 08:18 |
tijn | Rabiddog, that makes to text in links even smaller | 08:18 |
=== nico_ is now known as nico_|gone | ||
roxandAWAY | N-N-N-Netsplit! | 08:19 |
DistroJockey | !install | mmmiiikkkeee | 08:19 |
ubottu | mmmiiikkkeee: Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see for documentation. Problems during install? See Don't want to use a CD? Try - See also !automate | 08:19 |
ere4si | tijn: you can set the font size in edit-preferences | 08:19 |
Rabiddog | weeeeeeeeeeeee | 08:19 |
DistroJockey | mmmiiikkkeee, check out that first link first | 08:19 |
TooFly | Ok, I'll just try the alternate install for now. | 08:19 |
DistroJockey | mmmiiikkkeee, there are ways to do it without burning | 08:19 |
ere4si | DistroJockey: hi | 08:19 |
patifa | TooFly: Here you go. The wikipedia article isn't something I'd consider an 'easy read', either. | 08:19 |
tijn | ere4si, i know, already set to smallest | 08:19 |
DistroJockey | Heyya ere4si :) | 08:19 |
TooFly | Will it be easy to install the drivers or whatever to enable Ubuntu to recognize my PCI-e card after alternate installation? | 08:20 |
TooFly | patifa: thanks | 08:20 |
KAMPIZJ | !ops | DistroJockey | 08:20 |
ubottu | DistroJockey: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpatrick or jussi01! | 08:20 |
* Rabiddog gives TooFly his tinfoil hat | 08:20 | |
KAMPIZJ | !ops DistroJockey | 08:20 |
ubottu | KAMPIZJ: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 08:20 |
DistroJockey | KAMPIZJ, ? | 08:20 |
KAMPIZJ | !ops | DistroJockey | 08:20 |
stdin | KAMPIZJ: what? | 08:20 |
DistroJockey | KAMPIZJ, what's your issue? | 08:20 |
=== Mattz is now known as MatBoy | ||
HitMan | I have a VDS. If I install Ubutu-Desktop or Kubuntu or Xubuntu, and many people connect to it via Nomachine NX or something using their accounts. Will they all see the same desktop or different ones? | 08:20 |
Rabiddog | heh | 08:20 |
ere4si | tijn: and holding the ctrl key and scrolling with the mouse wheel doesn't help? | 08:20 |
patifa | looks like the spammer is resorting ot spamming !ops, how nice :\ | 08:21 |
tijn | ere4si, hmm dont have a wheel mouse, mom | 08:21 |
Rabiddog | patifa: enlightening | 08:21 |
manhthienbkhn | do u know RAID? | 08:21 |
patifa | TooFly: if you can get it to output something after the kernel finishes initial boot. | 08:21 |
sriramoman | could someone tell me how to install gambas in hardy x86_64? | 08:21 |
ere4si | tijn: ctrl and the + - buttons? | 08:21 |
HitMan | somebody answer me! | 08:21 |
tech0007 | !patience | Hitman | 08:21 |
ubottu | Hitman: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See | 08:21 |
TooFly | patifa: I let the black screen sit for about 5 minutes this time, and the peach-colored Ubuntu background came up! | 08:22 |
manhthienbkhn | RAID+Fedora 6 | 08:22 |
winux | Hi all.. is there a way to use a terminal emacs instead of this graphics emacs? | 08:22 |
TooFly | and there was music and a cursor | 08:22 |
TooFly | it was glorious | 08:22 |
ere4si | HitMan: whats a vds? | 08:22 |
flemnos | winux: emacs -nw | 08:22 |
TooFly | and then it went back to the black screen | 08:22 |
TooFly | :( | 08:22 |
HitMan | Virtual Dedicated Server | 08:22 |
manhthienbkhn | install hardware RAID+Fedora? | 08:22 |
patifa | TooFly: :( | 08:22 |
winux | flemnos: sweet thanks | 08:22 |
patifa | You may have some other wierd issues. I dunno. | 08:22 |
mmmiiikkkeee | DistroJockey: If I am going to reinstall how can I get a list of all the packages I currently have intsalled? | 08:22 |
gina_ | i get it now! i see the problem now!... r3403 has been reported not to work since march 28 | 08:22 |
gina_ | | 08:22 |
TooFly | Yeah, I think you're right. | 08:22 |
patifa | That cheap mobo probably isn't helping a ton. | 08:22 |
TooFly | Not at all. | 08:23 |
ere4si | HitMan: someone in #ubuntu-servers might know | 08:23 |
tijn | ere4si, it helps a little :) whats the diff between ctrl - - and ctrl - scroll? | 08:23 |
DistroJockey | mmmiiikkkeee, maybe apt-cache showpkg | 08:23 |
HitMan | Also, which desktop version of Ubuntu is lightest? gnome, xfce, or KDE? | 08:23 |
zvacet | mmmiiikkkeee : dpkg --get-selections > installed-software | 08:23 |
ere4si | tijn: I have a scroll wheel and ctrl + up/down with it makes the font largr/smaller | 08:23 |
tech0007 | HitMan: xfce | 08:23 |
DistroJockey | zvacet, ahh, nice | 08:23 |
qwiksand | hey, u used to use windows now ubuntu and i'm finding it really hard to use gimp to design anything. can i get some help with that? | 08:23 |
TooFly | patifa: It looks like it's working! | 08:24 |
TooFly | Just had to wait a bit | 08:24 |
TooFly | So now I'm at a desktop with 3 icons, one of which is "install". That's where I go, yes? | 08:24 |
babola1 | !gimp | qwiksand | 08:24 |
ubottu | qwiksand: gimp is an advanced image manipulation application for Ubuntu. See for tutorials and more information. | 08:24 |
tech0007 | qwiksand: !gimp | 08:24 |
qwiksand | what does "! gimp" mean? | 08:24 |
zvacet | DistroJockey I know.And for reinstall dpkg --set-selections < installed-software and then dselect | 08:24 |
patifa | TooFly: Install would be it. Just look up the install guide online, now, if you want. | 08:25 |
DistroJockey | mmmiiikkkeee, ignore my command, go with zvacet's :) | 08:25 |
babola1 | qwiksand: we were trying to tell the channel bot to help u where to go | 08:25 |
TooFly | patifa: fantastic, thanks for your help (and patience!) | 08:25 |
TooFly | thanks to DistroJockey and Rabiddog too | 08:25 |
DistroJockey | zvacet, ahh, thanks. Never done/need to do that :) | 08:25 |
qwiksand | babolal oh thanks | 08:25 |
DistroJockey | TooFly, you're welcome | 08:25 |
tech0007 | qwiksand: try #gimp-users | 08:25 |
patifa | TooFly: You may yet have some strange issues, considering how long it took to boot. There could be a hardware interface problem that was stalling the boot up. | 08:25 |
babola1 | qwiksand | 08:26 |
zvacet | DistroJockey : but it is good to know | 08:26 |
babola1 | qwiksand: also try this --> qwiksand | 08:26 |
DistroJockey | zvacet, indeed | 08:26 |
babola1 | | 08:26 |
patifa | ooo, FloodBot1 just took FloodBot2 down a notch. ;) | 08:26 |
babola1 | qwiksand: | 08:26 |
HitMan | Do the application : Firefox, Emule, and BitTorrent run fine on XFCE? | 08:27 |
tech0007 | HitMan: yep | 08:27 |
stdin | HitMan: all applications will | 08:27 |
HitMan | Thanks | 08:27 |
zvacet | mmmiiikkkeee : or you if you have separate home you can save it with aptoncd (itis in synaptic) | 08:27 |
bullgard4 | [Hardy] In what directory does tracker store its index files? | 08:27 |
ihancioglu | Hello , I have installed latest driver and ubuntu 8.04 . I would like to switch powerstate automatic when change the power source battery or AC. I was configured /etc/default/fglrx file in the past on my 7.10 and previous driver version. But that file is not exist any more. Do you have any idea to do that? | 08:28 |
HitMan | stdin: if all applications run fine of all desktops, then what are these different desktops for? | 08:28 |
figmentj1324 | hi can someone help me? | 08:28 |
unop | bullgard1, use find and find out :) find ~ -iname "*tracker*" -type d | 08:28 |
tech0007 | HitMan: taste? choice really.. | 08:28 |
stdin | HitMan: different preferences | 08:28 |
patifa | HitMan: different style/behavior | 08:28 |
HitMan | So which desktop is the best? | 08:28 |
stdin | !best | 08:28 |
ubottu | Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. | 08:28 |
tech0007 | HitMan: that's debatable | 08:29 |
babola1 | !poll | HitMan | 08:29 |
ubottu | HitMan: please see above | 08:29 |
ikonia | bullgard4: according to the docs it doesn't appear to be index files | 08:29 |
DistroJockey | ooo, nice one ubottu :) | 08:29 |
zvacet | mmmiiikkkeee : but if you don´t have it mail that text file to yourself | 08:29 |
TooFly | In general, how much swap space do you guys allocate? | 08:30 |
ikonia | TooFly: depends on your ram, disk space and how you use the system | 08:30 |
patifa | HitMan: Though it's GNOME/KDE as the really popular ones. xfce is almost a special case for being really lightweight and fast (and thus running on older hardware better) | 08:30 |
* DistroJockey didn't expect the bot to say "see above" :) | 08:30 | |
HitMan | patifa: Thats useful | 08:30 |
gina_ | hello i need to edit.. /etc/default/acpi-support | 08:30 |
gina_ | how can i go there? | 08:30 |
figmentj1324 | HELLO? | 08:30 |
ikonia | gina_: sudo vi /etc/default/apci-support | 08:30 |
gina_ | i type that on terminal but didnt work | 08:30 |
TooFly | I have 2gb ram, ~400gb disk space, and I won't be using the system for anything TOO intense.. a few scripts here and there | 08:30 |
ikonia | figmentj1324: hello | 08:30 |
gina_ | ok thanks | 08:30 |
TooFly | ballpark amount? | 08:31 |
ikonia | gina_: what did i say | 08:31 |
figmentj1324 | cool | 08:31 |
stdin | TooFly: in general you won't need more that 1GB, but if you want to be able to hibernate you need ~1.5-2*RAM | 08:31 |
DistroJockey | !ask | figmentj1324 | 08:31 |
figmentj1324 | ikonia | 08:31 |
ubottu | figmentj1324: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 08:31 |
HitMan | I already have Ubuntu Server, how do i get ubuntu desktop? | 08:31 |
ikonia | TooFly: is it a laptop ? | 08:31 |
Girindor | gina: it's much easier using gedit - instead of sudo vi ..... do "sudo gedit ......" | 08:31 |
ikonia | TooFly: do you use suspend ? | 08:31 |
LSD|Ninja | TooFly: with 2GB you don't need an awful lot of swap space unless you plan on using hibernate | 08:31 |
vlad | gftp is installed but it doesnt support ssl connections how can i activate this? | 08:31 |
stdin | HitMan: install "ubuntu-desktop" | 08:31 |
TooFly | ikonia: No, desktop. I don't usually hibernate - just leave it idle sometimes. | 08:31 |
ikonia | HitMan: download the ubuntu desktop cd, rather than using the server platform with a desktop | 08:31 |
zvacet | HitMan : sudo apt-get install ubuntu-sesktop | 08:31 |
ikonia | TooFly: 1, 2GB | 08:32 |
ikonia | TooFly: more than enough | 08:32 |
HitMan | Thanks : zvacet, stdin | 08:32 |
zvacet | *desktop | 08:32 |
TooFly | Should I make a separate 2gb partition? | 08:32 |
ikonia | TooFly: yes | 08:32 |
joshjjosh | ubuntu isnt fast enough what do i do | 08:32 |
ikonia | TooFly: marked as swap | 08:32 |
united | how do i customise the start menu? | 08:32 |
ikonia | joshjjosh: what do you want to do ? | 08:32 |
figmentj1324 | I want to know if anyone can teach me how to create a .deb fie out of a source code | 08:32 |
TooFly | Great, thank you ikonia | 08:32 |
united | so i can change the words | 08:32 |
ikonia | figmentj1324: thats quite a long process, one moment | 08:32 |
patifa | united: The Applications menu of GNOME? | 08:32 |
ikonia | figmentj1324: | 08:32 |
DistroJockey | united, right click on Applications and choose Edit Menus | 08:32 |
gaurav | hey how do i enable user dirs in apache2 on gutsy? soething like ? | 08:33 |
joshjjosh | i dont know, i have good graphics turned off because it was hurting my eyes | 08:33 |
Viper111 | guys i need ur help | 08:33 |
ikonia | gupruo: load the mod_userdir | 08:33 |
shtewe | yes? | 08:33 |
gaurav | ikonia, ah! | 08:33 |
figmentj1324 | wouldit be possiable to do it for me? | 08:33 |
Viper111 | when i connect to my server through VPn i loose connection can anybody guide me | 08:33 |
unop | gaurav, | 08:33 |
=== FRiEd|BnC is now known as FriedCPU | ||
ikonia | figmentj1324: pardon ? | 08:33 |
DistroJockey | united, no renaming via that though it that's what you need | 08:33 |
HitMan | stdin: what are the minimum requirements for installing KDE, gnome or Xfce? | 08:33 |
ikonia | Viper111: lose connetion to what ? | 08:34 |
nefrin | hello everyone, was wondering if I could get some input on some segfaults I am receiving while running Ubuntu 8.04 | 08:34 |
ikonia | nefrin: in what application | 08:34 |
negge | hi guys | 08:34 |
united | thx guys | 08:34 |
negge | is it possible to share folders with NFS over the internet? | 08:34 |
Palik | óó | 08:34 |
stdin | HitMan: generally no less than 256MB RAM, but 512 recommended, any modern CPU and a graphics card | 08:34 |
ikonia | nefrin: sure, not advisable but it is possible | 08:34 |
zvacet | HitMan :Xfce need less ram then other two | 08:34 |
nefrin | ikonia: several apps, including firefox 3, sticky notes, gnome, etc | 08:34 |
ere4si | negge: best if you ssh the nfs mounts | 08:35 |
DistroJockey | united, you're welcome, hope that helped | 08:35 |
Viper111 | ikonia loose internet connection | 08:35 |
HitMan | zvcet: thanks | 08:35 |
HitMan | stdin: thanks | 08:35 |
Palik | áëÿ à ÷å ýò òóò âñå íà àíãë áàçàðÿòü? | 08:35 |
ikonia | nefrin: Hmmmm that leans more towards ram/cpu issues than software, have you run a memcheck ? | 08:35 |
negge | ere4si do you know any guide somewhere that'll tell me how to do it? | 08:35 |
united | sure it is | 08:35 |
united | for newbie like me | 08:35 |
Viper111 | ikonia i need to go throuogh internet and browse shared folders usng VPn but its not working | 08:35 |
ere4si | negge: one min | 08:35 |
nefrin | ran memtest earlier for 5 passes, no errors | 08:35 |
=== desti_T2 is now known as desti | ||
ikonia | Viper111: you will do as your vpn'd onto another network so your tunneled off the network | 08:35 |
Palik | ïèçäåö | 08:35 |
lassegul | negge: it is but it is not recommended. Try ftp? | 08:35 |
Palik | off | 08:35 |
Viper111 | ikonia i didnt get wat you mean | 08:36 |
HermanChess | how can I know what video card I have ? | 08:36 |
negge | lassegul FTP is too complicated | 08:36 |
HitMan | How do I create a user that has equal access as root? | 08:36 |
Flannel | HitMan: you mean has the ability to sudo? | 08:36 |
HermanChess | HitMan: that would be root | 08:36 |
ikonia | Viper111: one you open a VPN, your tunneled onto that network, so if that network doesn't have internet access, you won't get onto the internet | 08:36 |
negge | I'd like my friends music folder to appear as a normal folder on my computer and vice versa | 08:36 |
joshjjosh | how come i cant get the desktop switching thing in windows | 08:36 |
lassegul | negge: nfs over internet isnt easy either. | 08:36 |
HitMan | flannel: yes | 08:36 |
stdin | HitMan: they just need to be in the admin group to use sudo | 08:36 |
negge | lassegul are there any other messages? | 08:36 |
nefrin | ikonia: I have a listing of the segfaults I have been recieving, posted a few of them to the ubuntu forums as well | 08:36 |
ikonia | nefrin: windows doesn't have desktop switching lke ubuntu | 08:36 |
Viper111 | ikonia ok thts gd, how can i make my VPN connection when dialed go through internet | 08:36 |
ikonia | nefrin: post the thread | 08:37 |
HitMan | stdin: ho do I PUT them in the admin group? | 08:37 |
Flannel | HitMan: Just create the new user, then add them to the admin group. Actually, in users and groups, there should be a checkbox for it. | 08:37 |
zvacet | HitMan : sudo adduser username admin | 08:37 |
HitMan | zvacet: thanks | 08:37 |
ikonia | Viper111: you can make a vpn connection, over the internet over any connection, as long as you are connected to the internet access | 08:37 |
zvacet | HitMan :np | 08:37 |
mgmz | whats the deal with synaptic? | 08:37 |
ikonia | mgmz: in what way | 08:37 |
napnap_ | hello here | 08:37 |
lassegul | negge: try this guide, its easy | 08:38 |
nefrin | ikonia: errors are listed on page 2 | 08:38 |
=== m_billybob is now known as billybob | ||
figmentj1324 | i just want someone to quickly teach me how to make install ./configure from source code... | 08:38 |
mgmz | ikonia:? | 08:38 |
Flannel | !compile | figmentj1324 | 08:38 |
ubottu | figmentj1324: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first) | 08:38 |
mgmz | are the servers down? | 08:38 |
figmentj1324 | i want to install celtx | 08:38 |
AnswerGuy | !bugreport | 08:38 |
ikonia | figmentj1324: thats not an ubuntu "problem" has guides to making basic software, there is also the ubuntu guide I posted you | 08:38 |
ubottu | Factoid bugreport not found | 08:38 |
Viper111 | ikonia i have a ubuntu server that has internet access + squid server, i made a vpn connection, but when i dial it i llose internet connectivity on my pc's | 08:39 |
ikonia | mgmz: which servers, there are hundreds | 08:39 |
AnswerGuy | !bug | 08:39 |
ubottu | If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at | 08:39 |
ere4si | negge: try this - | 08:39 |
zvacet | figmentj1324 : | 08:39 |
mgmz | i mean for synaptic | 08:39 |
mgmz | i cant get any packages | 08:39 |
negge | ere4si lassegul thanks for the links | 08:39 |
DistroJockey | figmentj1324, all decent source packages have a readme | 08:39 |
ikonia | Viper111: yes, as I explained you will do, once your server is cnnected to the VPN, you will drop off your public connection as it's on the vpn networ | 08:39 |
qwiksand | doesnaanyone have an animated wallpaper running | 08:39 |
herbaliser | i have upgrade to 8.10 and i'm running in low graphics mode | 08:39 |
joshjjosh | i cant get tinyos to work in heron | 08:40 |
ikonia | mgmz: can you browse the internet | 08:40 |
Viper111 | so how i can fix that ad make it go through internet through this VPN connection | 08:40 |
mgmz | ikonia: i changed to the main server, i htink its working | 08:40 |
ikonia | joshjjosh: tinyos? | 08:40 |
ActionParsnip | hey all | 08:40 |
herbaliser | how do i install nvidia drivers? | 08:40 |
ActionParsnip | !nvidia | herbaliser | 08:40 |
ubottu | herbaliser: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see | 08:40 |
lassegul | negge: i agree with ere4si, sshfs is easy. you can even just use a regular fpt-client with ssh support to make it even easier. | 08:40 |
napnap_ | I try to use java plugin with Hardy x64, I'm very sad because all my tests fails... :-( ...I've installed a 32bit version of firefox, with a 32bits JRE, then I created the symbolic link in the firefox plugin dir ... But all applets said me "Class not found". Anyone can tell me how to do please ? | 08:40 |
DistroJockey | heyya ActionParsnip | 08:40 |
mgmz | ikonia: i was using the AUS server.. i dont htink it works atm | 08:40 |
ActionParsnip | hi DistroJockey | 08:40 |
ikonia | Viper111: you'll need to setup routing, but I don't think your understanding, once your server is connected to the VPN, it will not be on your local network | 08:40 |
ikonia | mgmz: change servers ? | 08:40 |
AnswerGuy | I found a bug in the python-twisted-conch script | 08:40 |
mgmz | ikonia: yeh i did | 08:41 |
Viper111 | how can i setup routng | 08:41 |
ikonia | napnap_: is your class path setup ? | 08:41 |
mazingaz78 | hi, in the ubuntu 8.04 not exchange resolution video, and dpkg-reconfigure... only mouse and keyboard..... help | 08:41 |
ikonia | Viper111: that depends on your nework | 08:41 |
ikonia | network | 08:41 |
qwiksand | napnap i had the same problem | 08:41 |
Viper111 | ikonia i have a real IP on one NIC and face on other | 08:41 |
HitMan | How do I install Firefox and BitTorrent on my Ubuntu? | 08:42 |
negge | lassegul it seems pretty easy, gonna install it now | 08:42 |
negge | I have SSH access to the other computer so I can test to see if I can get it working | 08:42 |
ere4si | HitMan: they come standard | 08:42 |
ikonia | Viper111: thats not enough information | 08:42 |
mgmz | HitMan: use synaptic.. search for them | 08:42 |
Viper111 | ikonia tell me wat do u need | 08:42 |
napnap_ | ikonia: is not stupid :) lol, I will try | 08:42 |
ikonia | HitMan: it's already installed | 08:42 |
ikonia | HitMan: use the desktop OS | 08:42 |
mgmz | HitMan: firfox should already be installed, but bit torrent is in repos | 08:42 |
zvacet | HitMan : firefox should be there | 08:42 |
ikonia | HitMan: stop using the server | 08:42 |
ActionParsnip | HitMan: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install firefox | 08:42 |
mgmz | lol | 08:43 |
ActionParsnip | HitMan: you will probably already have gtorrent (or whatever gnome uses) | 08:43 |
ikonia | Viper111: I'm not going to help you design routing for your network, you need to get a basic understanding of routing | 08:43 |
HitMan | I have 512 ram, what desktop do I install? | 08:43 |
zionpsyfer | Viper111: You really should read up first so you have a good basic understanding. Here's a good page: | 08:43 |
ere4si | HitMan: there's a hint | 08:43 |
ActionParsnip | !torrent | HitMan | 08:43 |
ubottu | HitMan: Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: - See also !P2P | 08:43 |
ikonia | HitMan: the ubuntu desktop install CD | 08:43 |
ikonia | hullon: I believe you installed the server | 08:43 |
zvacet | HitMan : I use gnome with same ram | 08:43 |
ikonia | HitMan: I believe you insalled the server | 08:43 |
Jamsori | I have a WG111v2 internet adapter (yucky, i know) and it stops working in about 5 seconds. Any help? | 08:43 |
HitMan | I have the server, I want dresktop on it | 08:43 |
zionpsyfer | Viper111: Pay attention especially to the routing section. | 08:44 |
ikonia | HitMan: download the desktop OS | 08:44 |
ActionParsnip | HitMan: if you wanna save max ram install xubuntu | 08:44 |
Jamsori | I'm using Hardy. | 08:44 |
ikonia | HitMan: you'll find it much easier to you | 08:44 |
ikonia | use | 08:44 |
bullgard4 | unop: Thank you for your help. | 08:44 |
ikonia | bullgard4: did it use files ? | 08:44 |
Jamsori | Anyone? :) | 08:45 |
ikonia | Jamsori: saying anyone is pointless | 08:45 |
Jamsori | True :( | 08:45 |
Tux2K8 | hi | 08:45 |
ikonia | Jamsori: if someone didn't see the question "anyone" won't help you, if someone doesn't answer saying "anyone" won't get a response | 08:45 |
Tux2K8 | where do I need to put a script to run 'ddclient' each time the system starts ? | 08:45 |
ActionParsnip | Jamsori: you go tall the latest updates? | 08:45 |
HitMan | What softare does Xubuntu come with as standard? | 08:45 |
ikonia | Tux2K8: /etc/rc.local | 08:45 |
ikonia | HitMan: standard desktop suite | 08:45 |
napnap_ | ikonia: I set the JAVA_HOME , CLASSPATH, and PATH but same error | 08:45 |
Tux2K8 | ikonia : thanks | 08:46 |
unop | Tux2K8, you can also create a cron job with @reboot | 08:46 |
ikonia | napnap_: what class is it failing to load | 08:46 |
HitMan | ikonia: which includes? | 08:46 |
joshjjosh | is that the same as ~/.profile | 08:46 |
ikonia | hullon: - have a rad | 08:46 |
ikonia | read | 08:46 |
ikonia | ughh | 08:46 |
FloodBot1 | ikonia: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 08:46 |
mgmz | i was using windows XP with vmplayer... how do i uninstall it - im in ubuntu atm | 08:46 |
ikonia | HitMan: - have a read | 08:46 |
=== ka2zzzz is now known as ka2u | ||
Jamsori | It doesn't say i can update anything. I've tried ndiswrapper - it doesn't work as intended. | 08:46 |
ActionParsnip | mgmz: add remove programs? | 08:46 |
zionpsyfer | heh | 08:46 |
fudus4 | how do i hide join/parts from xchat-gnome? | 08:46 |
HitMan | and finalyy, how do i install Xubuntu? | 08:46 |
mgmz | ActionParsnip: it doesn shop up | 08:46 |
bullgard4 | ikonia: Nautilus calls the type of Tracker files 'db documents'. Don't thea include indexes? | 08:47 |
qwiksand | i saw a youtube video where XP was installed on ubuntu, how do i do that? | 08:47 |
ActionParsnip | Jamsori: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade | 08:47 |
DistroJockey | HitMan, sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop | 08:47 |
TooFly | Installing Ubuntu -- stuck at "Configuring apt" at 82% "Scanning the mirror...", anyone had this problem before? | 08:47 |
mgmz | and i cant see the Windows Partition in QTparted | 08:47 |
ikonia | bullgard4: possibly, I was reading the docs when you asked, I don't know | 08:47 |
ActionParsnip | mgmz: then run the installer to install then uninstall gracefully | 08:47 |
zvacet | HitMan :adding to server version or fresh install | 08:47 |
Banditul | what is the command that let me sort lines | 08:47 |
Jamsori | Thanks - doing it now. | 08:47 |
ikonia | HitMan: download the ubuntu desktop cd from and install the desktop cd | 08:47 |
HitMan | zvacet: adding | 08:47 |
bullgard4 | ikonia: What docs do you refer to? | 08:47 |
mgmz | k | 08:47 |
Jamsori | Nope, says nothing needs updating or upgrading. | 08:48 |
ikonia | bullgard4: on soureforge and the ubuntu wiki | 08:48 |
zvacet | HitMan : sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop | 08:48 |
HitMan | zvacet: thanks | 08:48 |
zvacet | HitMan : it is O.K. | 08:48 |
ikonia | HitMan: I'll only mention it one more time. The desktop install cd is more setup for desktop hardware and will give you better results. I STRONGLY advise you download it and use it to learn rather than typing blinding into a server install | 08:48 |
ActionParsnip | Jamsori: if you still get no joy i'll help you websearch | 08:48 |
bullgard4 | ikonia: Thank you for your information. | 08:48 |
Mell | papua | 08:48 |
HitMan | ikonia: why? | 08:49 |
=== MidgetARG is now known as MidgetSpy | ||
paco_ | ciao | 08:49 |
paco_ | in italiano? | 08:49 |
fudus4 | How can I bind commands to mouse keys? | 08:49 |
ikonia | HitMan: because it's more setup for destktop hardware, has specialist packages and tools for desktop hardware use, it's easier to use as a learning tool and will run better and more supported on desktop hardware | 08:49 |
fudus4 | like send page down when i scroll down | 08:49 |
DistroJockey | ikonia, HitMan : I advise the Alternate CD if you don't need a Live CD :) | 08:49 |
ikonia | HitMan: you'll find it a much more useful and easy tool | 08:49 |
Flannel | !it | paco_ | 08:50 |
ubottu | paco_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 08:50 |
qwiksand | how so i install windows xp to run in ubuntu | 08:50 |
HitMan | DistroJockey: Whats an Alternate CD? | 08:50 |
fudus4 | web searches and ubuntu forum is all unhelpful | 08:50 |
ikonia | DistroJockey: thanks for opening another can of worms for him | 08:50 |
ActionParsnip | !alternative | HitMan | 08:50 |
ubottu | HitMan: The Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at | 08:50 |
DistroJockey | HitMan, tis an install cd that has more options | 08:50 |
ActionParsnip | ikonia: and now its closed | 08:50 |
Jamsori | ActionParsnip: Well, the adapter itself works fine for about 5-30 seconds, but then the Internet is inaccessible and doesn't work. Unplugging it and plugging it back in just makes it work again for another 5-30 seconds. | 08:50 |
DistroJockey | ikonia, well, it's closer to server | 08:50 |
HitMan | Actually, i am installing it to Virtual Dedicated Server, so I am BOUND to use the Apt-Gt ay to get it | 08:51 |
ikonia | DistroJockey: no it's nothing like a server install | 08:51 |
ActionParsnip | Jamsori: | 08:51 |
DistroJockey | ikonia, HitMan : and I usually hit Esc at boot and then type expert at the prompt :) | 08:51 |
ikonia | HitMan: your not, you can use iso images to install into desktop servers | 08:51 |
DistroJockey | ikonia, I said closer, not that it was like it :) | 08:51 |
ikonia | DistroJockey: it's not closer | 08:52 |
ere4si | !minimal | HitMan | 08:52 |
ubottu | HitMan: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See | 08:52 |
ikonia | DistroJockey: please think about the advice your giving tot he level of user your giving it to | 08:52 |
DistroJockey | ikonia, ok, peace | 08:52 |
TooFly | I am installing Ubuntu, installation is stuck at 82% (Configuring apt, Scanning the mirror)... any help? | 08:52 |
HitMan | its in America. How am I suppose to go to America and Insert the CD? | 08:52 |
Jamsori | ActionParsnip: Looking now - thanks. | 08:52 |
ikonia | HitMan: there are mirrors all around the world | 08:52 |
DistroJockey | ikonia, he was running server, I think my advise was appropriate | 08:52 |
HitMan | How do I run the image on a server to which I only have access through SSH? | 08:53 |
Jamsori | Hitman: Can't you ask your VPS/VDS host to install Ubuntu for you? | 08:53 |
gharz | guys, i'm learning c programming... but everytime i run gcc filename.c i always get an error error: stdio.h: No such file or directory.. what could be the problem? | 08:53 |
HitMan | Jamsori: he doesn't have Uuntu-desktop on his install rack | 08:53 |
bazhang | Bodsda: you still around? | 08:53 |
ikonia | HitMan: in that senario DistroJockey's alternative cd would be solid advice | 08:53 |
ikonia | HitMan: if you only have ssh access to that machine, why are you trying to install firefox ? | 08:54 |
ere4si | !build-essential | gharz | 08:54 |
ubottu | gharz: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first) | 08:54 |
ikonia | HitMan: eg: how do you expect to run firefox over ssh | 08:54 |
sinzmanual | hello,i have a problem la | 08:54 |
sinzmanual | W: GPG error: gutsy-security Release: The following signatures were invalid: NODATA 1 NODATA 2 | 08:54 |
Jamsori | Hitman: I see. :( | 08:54 |
aaronp | Wow, the default Gutsy /boot partition size isn't big enough for the Hardy upgrade. Way to go, Ubuntu installer. | 08:54 |
HitMan | I dont have physical access, only virual. through all means | 08:54 |
ikonia | HitMan: ok, so why do you want the desktop products installed ? | 08:54 |
HitMan | ikonia: I will run NX server on it | 08:54 |
TooFly | I am installing Ubuntu, installation is stuck at 82% (Configuring apt, Scanning the mirror)... any help? | 08:55 |
cartman|office | ok I did a stupid thing and did s/hardy/inteprid in my sources list and did a apt-get dist-upgrade | 08:55 |
zvacet | sinzmanual : sudo apt-get update | 08:55 |
denysonique | HitMan: you want to run ff on an other rremote machine? | 08:55 |
HitMan | I have to run firefox thats hy | 08:55 |
cartman|office | is there a way to go back to hardy? | 08:55 |
gharz | thanks... i'll check. | 08:55 |
saschahl | aaronp: maybe you just have too many kernels installed | 08:55 |
ikonia | HitMan: use the alternative cd as DistroJockey suggested then | 08:55 |
bazhang | TooFly: let it run | 08:55 |
ikonia | HitMan: it will install a read to go desktop for you | 08:55 |
sinzmanual | igot that problem after sudo apt-get update | 08:55 |
HitMan | ikonia: how do I run it? | 08:55 |
ere4si | TooFly: give it a few minutes | 08:55 |
TooFly | Any idea on how long? It's been about 10 min | 08:55 |
TooFly | ok | 08:55 |
ikonia | HitMan: the same way you run the server install | 08:55 |
ikonia | HitMan: download the cd | 08:55 |
HitMan | then? | 08:55 |
zvacet | sinzmanual : did you try to change server | 08:56 |
ikonia | HitMan: install it, the same way you installed the sever install | 08:56 |
bazhang | cartman|office: there is no intrepid | 08:56 |
HitMan | I didn't | 08:56 |
HitMan | The host did | 08:56 |
ikonia | HitMan: you didn't install the server ? | 08:56 |
ikonia | oooh | 08:56 |
bazhang | aaronp: what is wrong with your installer | 08:56 |
DistroJockey | !install | HitMan The first link has methods of installing from an iso | 08:56 |
ubottu | HitMan The first link has methods of installing from an iso: Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see for documentation. Problems during install? See Don't want to use a CD? Try - See also !automate | 08:56 |
sinzmanual | zvacet,same la.i've change other server | 08:56 |
aaronp | saschahl, bazhang: Turns out there was an initrd.img-2.6.22-14-generic.bak file wasting enough space for there to not be enough to upgrade. | 08:57 |
HitMan | How do i run the iso image? | 08:57 |
TooFly | so i pressed ctrl+alt+f1, how do i get back to the gui? | 08:57 |
DistroJockey | HitMan, read link :) | 08:57 |
HitMan | ok | 08:57 |
ikonia | HitMan: don't worry about it, you'll struggle to install it as you already have a running os | 08:57 |
bazhang | ctrl alt f7 TooFly | 08:57 |
TooFly | lol thank you | 08:57 |
ikonia | HitMan: from what your saying, your locked into the server os | 08:57 |
negge | ere4si sshfs worked perfectly! | 08:58 |
negge | i could even skip a couple of steps in the guide as it was meant for breezy | 08:58 |
ere4si | negge: happy for you :) | 08:58 |
emergion | Anyone know whats up with flash and sound in the latest release? | 08:58 |
negge | ere4si yeah thanks | 08:58 |
zvacet | sinzmanual : check your source list it is working for me | 08:58 |
emergion | Just installed from package manager | 08:58 |
negge | --> smallville and lost | 08:58 |
emergion | but no go on sound | 08:58 |
fudus4 | how do i bind a key to mouse down? | 08:58 |
CarlF1 | how can I turn on the cpu fan ? | 08:59 |
ikonia | CarlF1: the cpu fan should be running 24x7 | 08:59 |
CarlF1 | ikonia: on a laptop | 09:00 |
ikonia | CarlF1: it should not be turn off-able | 09:00 |
magnetron | emergion: there's a checklist on the page that ubottu while tell you about | 09:00 |
ikonia | CarlF1: ah | 09:00 |
magnetron | !flash | emergion | 09:00 |
ubottu | emergion: To install Flash see (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 09:00 |
ikonia | CarlF1: it should turn on / off as needed | 09:00 |
CarlF1 | ikonia: i agree, but this laptop has issues, and is way hot right now | 09:00 |
DistroJockey | CarlF1, ikonia : sounds like an acpi issue | 09:00 |
ikonia | CarlF1: I'm not sure how you could force it on | 09:00 |
CarlF1 | it hurts my leg it is so hot | 09:01 |
Jamsori | ActionParsnip: Thanks for all your help, but it doesn't look like that guide worked. | 09:01 |
mattycoze | !logs | 09:01 |
ubottu | Official channel logs can be found at - For LoCo channels, | 09:01 |
leeyee | Hi guys, i got a problem on 3D acceleration with ATI9000 in Ubuntu 8.04 | 09:01 |
DistroJockey | ikona , CarlF1 : maybe a setting in /proc/acpi/fan (no idea what though) | 09:01 |
mattycoze | can someone tell me where to find logs about what might be causing my pc to freeze randomly? | 09:02 |
leeyee | It was fine under Gusty, i could enable compiz effect normally. but it doesn't work anymore in Hardy | 09:02 |
ikonia | CarlF1: mattycoze /var/log/messages | 09:02 |
ikonia | oops | 09:02 |
ikonia | mattycoze: /var/log/messages | 09:02 |
CarlF1 | FN00$ cat state; status: on | 09:02 |
CarlF1 | doesnt feel on | 09:02 |
ikonia | CarlF1: try disabling power managment in the bios | 09:02 |
ikonia | CarlF1: so it is on all the time | 09:03 |
gogeta | ikonia acully in linux | 09:03 |
DistroJockey | CarlF1, what about in /proc/acpi/thermal_zone | 09:03 |
united | how can i run kopete in gnome? | 09:03 |
KAMPIZJ | !ops|united | 09:03 |
ubottu | united: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpatrick or jussi01! | 09:03 |
KAMPIZJ | !ops|united | 09:03 |
KAMPIZJ | !ops|united | 09:03 |
gogeta | ikonia you whant the bios to controle it | 09:03 |
FloodBot1 | KAMPIZJ: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 09:03 |
thecarp | hey, quick question, does anyone know where I could see the source for various basic linux commands like who or ls | 09:03 |
DistroJockey | !ops | KAMPIZJ | 09:03 |
ubottu | KAMPIZJ: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpatrick or jussi01! | 09:03 |
KAMPIZJ | !ops | united | 09:03 |
ikonia | gogeta: pardon ? | 09:03 |
mattycoze | ikonia the file "messages" isn't there, is that because the system has no record of the problem that occured? | 09:03 |
KAMPIZJ | !ops | ikonia | 09:04 |
ubottu | ikonia: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpatrick or jussi01! | 09:04 |
DistroJockey | remove KAMPIZJ please | 09:04 |
ikonia | KAMPIZJ: what are you doing calling the ops ? | 09:04 |
gogeta | ikonia if your gonna disable power mangment do it in linux let the bios handel it | 09:04 |
qwiksand | i'm trying to download a movie, i know that if i was using windows it would have been further but its moving really slow. any suggestions as to what might be we wrong...using BitTorrent Download Client | 09:04 |
sinzmanual | ihave the error Failed to fetch Could not connect to ( - connect (111 Connection refused) [IP: 80] | 09:04 |
blame | Is therey any tool to set my ubuntu box execute NAT and enable internet on a secondary computer? | 09:04 |
mattycoze | ikonia; i thought there was a whole program that summarised the logs for shutdown, startup ect... | 09:04 |
ikonia | gogeta: it looks like linux has it set "on" though, if this laptop has a problem, I thought it sensibelt to force it on at a hardware level | 09:04 |
thecarp | hey, quick question, does anyone know where I could see the source for various basic linux commands like who or ls? | 09:04 |
kane77 | blame, yes, wait a second | 09:04 |
TooFly | My Ubuntu installation is still stuck at 82% (Configuring apt, scanning the mirror). It seems this is a common problem, but I can't find a solution? | 09:04 |
manifest_ | good morning | 09:05 |
ikonia | thecarp: they are just gnu tools, things like "binutils" as a package or "fileutils" | 09:05 |
gogeta | ikonia thats noramly a acpi issue with fans letting the bios set it as always on will work around it | 09:05 |
Smegzor | I have several old kernels and I want to remove all but the last two. I can see them in synaptic. Do I remove them there and do i want to do a complete removal or just the remove option? | 09:05 |
ActionParsnip | TooFly: i think you need to drop to cli and nuke a task | 09:05 |
ikonia | thecarp: | 09:05 |
ikonia | gogeta: yes, sounds reasonable | 09:05 |
thecarp | thank you very much | 09:05 |
CarlF1 | DistroJockey: temperature: 60 C - ouch,,,, | 09:05 |
ikonia | Smegzor: your call | 09:05 |
TooFly | ActionParsnip: Sorry, I am new to this - could you explain "drop to cli"? | 09:05 |
manifest_ | carlF1: where do u have such temperatures? | 09:05 |
bazhang | TooFly: best to let it run | 09:06 |
DistroJockey | CarlF1, yeah, a little high | 09:06 |
CarlF1 | manifest_: /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THRM$ cat temperature ; temperature: 60 C | 09:06 |
TooFly | It isn't frozen, it just takes a while? | 09:06 |
HitMan | Ikonia: I think my head will explode. Just tell me what will be the disadvantage to using sudo apt-get to install Uuntu-Desktop | 09:06 |
zvacet | Smegzor : complete removal | 09:06 |
manifest_ | :S | 09:06 |
COMBIZ | !ops | manifest_ | 09:06 |
Smegzor | thanks | 09:06 |
blame | kane77: ? | 09:07 |
ActionParsnip | TooFly: | 09:07 |
gogeta | ikonia i had acpi do that on a old pc of mine it would turn a fan off but not back on | 09:07 |
gogeta | ikonia then overheat and init shutdown | 09:07 |
ubottu | manifest_: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpatrick or jussi01! | 09:07 |
bazhang | TooFly: you can control c out of it if you want--that will mean you just have to set up your sources list later--best to let it time out on its own | 09:07 |
ikonia | gogeta: sounds very reasonable | 09:07 |
DistroJockey | CarlF1, what notebook is it? running Hardy? | 09:07 |
HitMan | Ikonia: I think my head will explode. Just tell me what will be the disadvantage to using sudo apt-get to install Uuntu-Desktop | 09:07 |
TooFly | bazhang: So the installation will time out, and then continue on its own? | 09:07 |
Jack3 | will my install ever finish? it has been sitting at 94% configuring hardware for 30 minutes now..? | 09:07 |
ikonia | HitMan: in your senario, it doesn't matter as a.) your using virtual kit b.) your locked into the server os | 09:08 |
bazhang | TooFly: the configuring apt will and then continue | 09:08 |
omnz0r | Jack3: No it wont | 09:08 |
kane77 | blame, replace wlan0 with interface that has internet, and eth0 with interface that you want to have internet... | 09:08 |
CarlF1 | DistroJockey: "built on asus" - installed ubuntu about 2 years ago, havn't really kept it up to date | 09:08 |
TooFly | bazhang: Ballpark time on how long this will take? | 09:08 |
HitMan | ikonia: I am not locked. I can use sudo apt-get to get desktop | 09:08 |
ikonia | HitMan: yes, but thats still the server os | 09:08 |
HitMan | ikonia: so? | 09:08 |
DistroJockey | CarlF1, and your fan has been like that for 2 years?! | 09:08 |
bazhang | TooFly: hard to say; maybe go make a cup of hot chocolate | 09:09 |
ikonia | HitMan: so thats why I'm saying it doesn't apply in your senario, your locked into the server OS | 09:09 |
TooFly | Haha, alright. | 09:09 |
kane77 | blame, and you will also need to do this as a root: echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward | 09:09 |
sajt | Hello | 09:09 |
Jack3 | omnz0r, are you serious? | 09:09 |
DistroJockey | CarlF1, not that 60c is critical | 09:09 |
blame | thanks kane77 I'll try and let you know what happened. | 09:09 |
HitMan | ikonia: I am not. I can use sudo apt-get. then startx. then install NX server./ then use NX client to access it | 09:09 |
bazhang | Jack3: what is it doing? installing grub part been reached yet? | 09:09 |
omnz0r | Jack3: Normally it takes about 30 mins to do the entire install, so it sound like it froze | 09:09 |
ikonia | HitMan: yes thats the Server OS - you can't change the core os | 09:09 |
bullgard4 | Nautilus lists a type for every filename it displays. Where can I find a list of the elements of the set of types that are available in this Nautilus column? | 09:10 |
HitMan | ikonia: just tell me the differnce betwenn CD install and apt-get install I will face? | 09:10 |
CarlF1 | DistroJockey: i think it got worse - todays thought is that the thermo broke, and it dosn't think it is hot enough for the fan - but 60 should have turned it on i would think | 09:10 |
ikonia | HitMan: there isn't any | 09:10 |
Jack3 | mouse still works and such and cd is still spinnging but nothing seems to be working | 09:10 |
CarlF1 | DistroJockey: i think the fan broke | 09:10 |
ikonia | HitMan: it's the same package | 09:10 |
DistroJockey | CarlF1, possible | 09:10 |
HitMan | ikonia: so I WILL see the desltop if I use apt-get? | 09:10 |
kane77 | blame, actually you can append that last line I written (echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward) into that script and run it all as root... | 09:10 |
omnz0r | Jack3: try burn a new cd or something | 09:10 |
sajt | I upgraded from gusty to hardy but mysound is not working. I have a gigabyte motherboard with a realtek alc889A sound. How can I make it? | 09:10 |
Jack3 | bazhang, im not sure, but i do know i chose XFS for my root and it said GRUB might not work but didnt give an option for lilo | 09:10 |
omnz0r | it sounds weird | 09:10 |
gogeta | CarlF1 disable acpi let your bios handel it they should run at 100% | 09:10 |
ikonia | HitMan: no - you will get A desktop on the server OS, not the desktop OS install | 09:10 |
DistroJockey | CarlF1, if sothing changed software wise, then it is highly likely the fan has failed | 09:11 |
DistroJockey | nothing^ | 09:11 |
HitMan | ikonia: I ill se the desktop. do everything that can be done on a desktop? | 09:11 |
sajt | I do not find any sound support in the kernel | 09:11 |
gogeta | DistroJockey sudden failers are to rare | 09:11 |
bazhang | Jack3: any particular reason to choose xfs instead of ext3? was it for the speed? :) | 09:11 |
ikonia | HitMan: most things, but as your using virtual hardware it won't call you issues | 09:11 |
gogeta | DistroJockey it woulda been making alot of noise befor hand | 09:11 |
DistroJockey | gogeta, with a fan in a 2 year old laptop? | 09:12 |
gogeta | DistroJockey yep | 09:12 |
DistroJockey | gogeta, maybe, maybe not | 09:12 |
Jack3 | bazhang, yes ;) but you dont think that is why this is hpapening? | 09:12 |
HitMan | ikonia: but it WILL run firefox and bittorrent? | 09:12 |
ikonia | HitMan: yes | 09:12 |
HitMan | ikonia: thats all I want from it | 09:12 |
ikonia | HitMan: you'll be fine | 09:12 |
DistroJockey | gogeta, alot of dust could just slow it to a crawl then stop it | 09:12 |
HitMan | ikonie: you worried me for nothing in particualr | 09:12 |
phoenix180 | greetings everyone! I managed to start re-installing kubuntu after messing it up by trying to install 7.10 but at around 82%, the install actually froze. I restarted the PC and now it looks like part of kubuntu installed. My question is this: can I "update" kubuntu to just install whatever didn't get to finish installing? | 09:12 |
gogeta | DistroJockey that woulda straned the abring making noise | 09:12 |
bazhang | Jack3: possible though difficult to say without trying ext3 and another burned disk with the md5sum matched against the iso file | 09:13 |
norty | Question: I've just upgraded from ubuntu 7.10 to 8.01 and when i put my mouse over the text box in google the outline disappears, is there a fix for this? | 09:13 |
Jack3 | i have the iso, how do i check md5sum? | 09:13 |
gogeta | DistroJockey i blow up powersupplys alot soo | 09:13 |
DistroJockey | gogeta, maybe, but not always | 09:13 |
DistroJockey | gogeta, :) | 09:13 |
bazhang | !md5 | jack3 | 09:13 |
ubottu | jack3: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see or | 09:13 |
zibcom | !ops | Jack3 | 09:13 |
ubottu | Jack3: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpatrick or jussi01! | 09:13 |
blame | kane77: I didn't work, how do I assess the problem? | 09:13 |
gogeta | DistroJockey i never had a sudden failer | 09:13 |
shtewe | i love ubuntu | 09:14 |
milos_ | I can't send files from Nokia N70 to Hardy(in Gutsy everything worked fine) anybody know the solution? | 09:14 |
Jack3 | bazhang, i acutlaly did something stupid that may have caused it, half way thru the download in firefox, i accidently clicked paused and then resumed the download, maybe that messed it up? | 09:14 |
DistroJockey | gogeta, that's good. Just saying it's possible and can be gradual | 09:14 |
kloeri | bazhang: ban the host instead of nicks | 09:14 |
gogeta | DistroJockey not that a fans expensiv to replace anyways | 09:14 |
Jack3 | zibcom, why did i need to know the oplist? | 09:14 |
bazhang | Jack3: ignore him he is try to spam the chan | 09:15 |
magnetron | milos_: are you using bluetooth? | 09:15 |
=== ubuntu_ is now known as BlackAladar | ||
milos_ | magnetron: yeah | 09:15 |
* gogeta rember 1 of his case fans needs cleaning | 09:15 | |
napnap_ | whart can be the reason to obtain all the time "class not found" with the 32 bits java 6 plugin on firefox 32 bits on hardy x64 with CLASSPATH and JAVA_HOME set ? | 09:15 |
gogeta | lol | 09:15 |
DistroJockey | heh | 09:15 |
gogeta | DistroJockeyi own a amd this thing eats fans | 09:15 |
chazco | Hi... i've tried to move to FF2 on Hardy (FF3 is very unstable), but not sure how to do it properly. Is there any guide to doing this? | 09:16 |
kane77 | blame, what does "sudo iptables -L" tell you? and waht about "cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward" ? | 09:16 |
napnap_ | chazco: have you the java plugin working ? | 09:17 |
ikonia | napnap_: are you using a 32bit OS | 09:17 |
napnap_ | ikonia: no, a 64 os | 09:17 |
manifest_ | how do i open an mp3 player from terminate? | 09:17 |
maek | sudo apt get remove firefox3.0 | 09:17 |
chazco | napnap_ - No idea... it just crashes when i try to enter a URL, scroll a page... close FF3... | 09:17 |
bazhang | jack3 that is unlikely | 09:17 |
ikonia | napnap_: the java plugin is a real effort with 64bit | 09:17 |
ikonia | napnap_: what class is failing ? | 09:17 |
maek | sudo apt get install firefox2.0 | 09:17 |
chazco | maek - Tried that approach, caused issues with some other stuff | 09:17 |
DistroJockey | maek, that would be sudo apt-get install firefox-2 | 09:18 |
blame | kane77: It worked!!! I just re-executed the script you recommended and it actually worked. Thank you so much! | 09:18 |
napnap_ | ikonia: all...specific class of the applet, not inner java class (the first attempt) | 09:18 |
chazco | May move back to Gusty for now, seemed to be generally more stable | 09:18 |
Arelis_ | Hello everybody. I found a nice laptop, will it work with Ubuntu? here are the specs: | 09:18 |
kane77 | blame, no problem ;) | 09:18 |
shtewe | they say that you should wait a month after the release to update because of bugs | 09:19 |
fudus4 | how do i add apps to the quck launch thing? the one which starts off with firefox evolution | 09:19 |
ikonia | napnap_: can you just use the jvm to do say -version | 09:19 |
manifest_ | arelis: i see no problem why shouldnt work | 09:19 |
chazco | Also having the font issue on Hardy, but only on one PC (identical installs) | 09:19 |
ikonia | napnap_: sounds like it's not got all the 32bit stuff it wants | 09:19 |
shtewe | not like vista, u have to wait 2 years until it will be almost as good as xp | 09:19 |
magnetron | milos_: i installed gnome-bluetooth and gnome-vfs-obexftp to connect my N95 in gutsy. i also had to set the gnome-obex-server to autostart | 09:19 |
Heston | Arelis_, although i recommend you research what you buy a fair but, that laptop should have no problem running ubuntu | 09:19 |
napnap_ | ikonia: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_06-b02) | 09:19 |
manifest_ | how do i open an mp3 player from terminate? | 09:19 |
ikonia | napnap_: can you build a hello world class ? | 09:20 |
magnetron | manifest_: it's usually in the /media folder | 09:20 |
zvacet | manifest_ : try type player name | 09:20 |
napnap_ | ikonia: I will try... a moment. | 09:20 |
ikonia | napnap_: apologies this is overkill | 09:20 |
magnetron | manifest_: wait, are you referring to the software or a USB hardware? | 09:21 |
blame | kane77: slight problem. Routing at some poing seem work, though the DNS look ups are failing. Skype connected (which uses direct IP) but it cannot resolve domain names on the target computer. Where do I dig up? | 09:21 |
Jack3 | bazhang, my iso passed md5sum | 09:21 |
manifest_ | magnetron: software | 09:21 |
bazhang | Jack3: now try burning at a lower speed if possible then run diskcheck when you boot up | 09:22 |
kane77 | blame, do you have the dns set up on the second computer? | 09:22 |
Arelis_ | Hello everybody. I found a nice laptop, will it work with Ubuntu? here are the specs: | 09:22 |
magnetron | manifest_: you cans start a graphical mp3 player from terminal. is this what you want? | 09:22 |
napnap_ | ikonia: I don't javac , I only the jre for the moment | 09:22 |
ikonia | napnap_: ah | 09:22 |
gogeta | Arelis_ i probly can find better | 09:22 |
manifest_ | yes, a program that plays mp3-format sounds | 09:23 |
gogeta | :P | 09:23 |
milos_ | magnetron: i am always starting gnome-obex-server manualy. Is there any difference, I mean it should be the same. I also have gnome-bluetooth and gnome-vfs-obexftp installed | 09:23 |
gogeta | Arelis_ thats pretty sad | 09:23 |
blame | kane77: I am using static routing, did not install dhcpd and on the target box (XP) the DNS is set to be the ubunut's gateway (, should I try and place the my ISP's NS on the target box? | 09:23 |
jmg | hi all | 09:24 |
magnetron | milos_: i just find it more convenient. did you repair the phone after you installed hardy? | 09:24 |
jmg | freevo is broken in hardy | 09:24 |
DistroJockey | !broken | jmg | 09:24 |
ubottu | Factoid broken not found | 09:24 |
DistroJockey | :( | 09:24 |
kane77 | blame, yes I'm having that set up and am using ISP's dns on the second box | 09:24 |
magnetron | jmg: ok, would you please consider filing a bug at launchpad? | 09:24 |
jmg | magnetron: not until i can fix it | 09:25 |
mymines | 大家好! | 09:25 |
Hejknarneeeeee | Any1 here having wow on wine working in the 8.04 ? | 09:25 |
artti | I have problem with file rights. I have game under in home folder, how i do that other users can play it. | 09:25 |
magnetron | jmg: filing the bug will give some publicity to the problem and speed up the process of fixing it | 09:25 |
zionpsyfer | Hejknarneeeeee: Works well here. PulseAudio with it is nice, finally have music, game sounds and voice chat | 09:26 |
jmg | also launchpad is too slow to report any bugs today | 09:26 |
jmg | magnetron: doubt it | 09:26 |
Jack3 | bazhang, right now im checking the cd with defects, that shoudl tell right? | 09:26 |
Hejknarneeeeee | zionpsyfer, do you have an ati card ? | 09:26 |
milos_ | magnetron: no, i didn't chage nothing on the phone. I did a upgrade from Gutsy, maybe upgrade have make some problems, i will try now to put gnome-obex-server in Sessions | 09:26 |
zionpsyfer | Hejknarneeeeee: Nay, I have a geforce | 09:26 |
bazhang | Jack3: sorry ; yes that would be a good idea | 09:27 |
magnetron | jmg: launchpad is also an effective way on getting YOUR fix into ubuntu fast | 09:27 |
blame | kane77: as expected ISP DNSs worked on target box. Last question, do I need to execute the iptable script everytime I boot ot is it permanent? | 09:27 |
zvacet | Jack3 : if Cd is good go for install | 09:27 |
Hejknarneeeeee | zionpsyfer, does your minimap work ? | 09:27 |
bazhang | !cn | mymines | 09:27 |
ubottu | mymines: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk | 09:27 |
zionpsyfer | Hejknarneeeeee: Indeed. I haven't run into any weird issues yet besides my mouse feeling very very slightly sluggish | 09:28 |
magnetron | milos_: the pairing needs to be ok on both sides, check if your phone is in the list: right click the B in the notification area and see if gnome knows about it | 09:28 |
Jack3 | zvacet, i did already but it just sat at configuring hardware 94% for like 40minutes lol | 09:28 |
bazhang | zvacet: this is round 2 :) | 09:28 |
Jack3 | bazhang, it passed with no defects :( | 09:28 |
Hejknarneeeeee | zionpsyfer: ok, all my ingame text gets bugged when i switch between outdoor and indoor areas | 09:28 |
bazhang | Jack3: dont feel bad; one user in here took 34 times before it worked | 09:29 |
Hejknarneeeeee | zionpsyfer: when i have the minimap enabled | 09:29 |
Jack3 | haha ouch | 09:29 |
zionpsyfer | Hejknarneeeeee: lame. =( Maybe a firegl bug? | 09:29 |
^root^ | hi! can anyone tell me in which my panel related information is stored? e.g. which applets were placed on the panels, what was the size and etc | 09:29 |
^root^ | A music messaging session has been requested. Please click the MM icon to accept. | 09:30 |
bazhang | jack3 but he finally got it :) | 09:30 |
phoenix180 | reetings everyone! I managed to start re-installing kubuntu after messing it up by trying to install 7.10 but at around 82%, the install actually froze. I restarted the PC and now it looks like part of kubuntu installed. My question is this: can I "update" kubuntu to just install whatever didn't get to finish installing? | 09:30 |
Jack3 | hopefully me too | 09:30 |
Hejknarneeeeee | may be.. indeed | 09:30 |
manifest_ | how do i delete mplayer? | 09:30 |
Hejknarneeeeee | well i'll try to solve it | 09:30 |
bazhang | phoenix180: that does not sound good-->best go for a fresh install | 09:30 |
magnetron | Hejknarneeeeee: are you running wow in opengl mode? | 09:30 |
zvacet | manifest_ : from synaptic | 09:30 |
napnap_ | ikonia: I installed the jdk, compiled the class, then java test said me "Hello World", so it works | 09:30 |
Jack3 | my setup right nnow has 3 ide hard drives + floppy (2 of the hdds of fujitsus 3gb and 1 is a maxtor 9gb. im installing xfs on the 9gb and swap on one of the fujitsus) | 09:30 |
anAngel | Hello. I just installed ubuntu 8.04 and it doesn't detect my graphics adapter at all. I am using intel g33 chipset with integrated intel X3100 video. The xorg.conf file is almost empty, nothing specific about my adapter or monitor. And my screen resolution is wrong and i cant set it up to say 1280x1024 | 09:30 |
phoenix180 | darnit!! that's what I feared..thanks bazhang | 09:31 |
mymines | haha | 09:31 |
Jack3 | i just removed the USB pinheaders that go to the front of the case cause i dont think i put them on correctly anyways | 09:31 |
zionpsyfer | Hejknarneeeeee: Yep, opengl with latest winehq deb. | 09:31 |
bazhang | phoenix180: perhaps technically possible but know way of telling how long it would hold or what was damaged | 09:31 |
zionpsyfer | Hejknarneeeeee: You running opengl? | 09:31 |
magnetron | anAngel: the drivers of that card are no good. ubuntu knows about your card but there's unfortunately not much to do | 09:31 |
Hejknarneeeeee | magnetron: i have the opengl setting activated in the file | 09:31 |
bazhang | mymines: /j #ubuntu-cn thanks | 09:32 |
phoenix180 | yea I am going to attempt to install it once more before sleeping. I have been fighting with it all night | 09:32 |
^root^ | anyone? | 09:32 |
Hejknarneeeeee | and i installed wine yesterday from scratch | 09:32 |
mymines | thank you! | 09:32 |
magnetron | Hejknarneeeeee: the official wine/wow guide is on wowwiki, try the troubleshooting solutions in there | 09:32 |
zionpsyfer | Gah, I know it's getting time for bed when I start mixing up peoples messages and mistaking them as meant for me. | 09:32 |
ArthurArchnix | Looks like rythmbox removed close to tray support back in version 0.96... anyone know how to get that back? | 09:32 |
zvacet | manifest_ : did you try run man mplayer to see options | 09:32 |
kane77 | blame, the way I do it is that I run it each time I boot (just save it as script somewhere and put it in rc.local) but there should be something to save your iptables and then restore them, but I'm not quite sure | 09:33 |
Jack3 | bazhang, the cd boots into live mode fine, should i look at anything in there before trying to install again? | 09:33 |
anAngel | magnetron: so can i do something about the resolution at least. is there any other configuration utility? i tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg but nothing changed | 09:33 |
bazhang | jack3 if grub is warning about xfs, then why not go for ext3? the speed gain will not be *that* great imo | 09:33 |
Jack3 | can i use resier instead? | 09:34 |
magnetron | anAngel: are you confusing me with someone else? | 09:34 |
bazhang | sure jack3 should do, but really ext3 is the best one out there | 09:34 |
=== arcsky_ is now known as arcsky | ||
jetyang | hi | 09:35 |
ArthurArchnix | haha... nevermind. To get it to close to tray you just click the tray icon. Very clever. | 09:35 |
bazhang | hello jetyang | 09:35 |
jetyang | hello | 09:35 |
jetyang | i am a freshman | 09:35 |
anAngel | magnetron: well you replied on my first post right | 09:35 |
Heston | anAngel, if you're so inclined, you could try writing your own xorg.conf to force the resolution | 09:35 |
zvacet | jetyang : nevermind | 09:36 |
bazhang | jetyang this is ubuntu support channel do you have an ubuntu support question? | 09:36 |
nishan_n | !hello | 09:36 |
ubottu | Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 09:36 |
bentob0x | ok, I need to fully erase and scan disk a HD, what are the best tools for this? | 09:36 |
godlygeek | Jack3: is there any particular reason why you don't want to use ext3? | 09:36 |
Jack3 | i duno i want to be cool | 09:36 |
Jack3 | lol | 09:36 |
tobe002 | be very cool | 09:36 |
bazhang | jack3 cool is a working system :) | 09:36 |
tobe002 | yeah | 09:36 |
tobe002 | hao | 09:36 |
^root^ | bentob0x: fdisk? | 09:36 |
anAngel | Heston: is there any good tutorial or xorg.conf template file? | 09:37 |
tobe002 | fdish | 09:37 |
Jack3 | i read some articles about xfs and resier being much faster/better | 09:37 |
tobe002 | who | 09:37 |
tobe002 | o | 09:37 |
bentob0x | even to erase/wipe proprely ^root^? | 09:37 |
bazhang | !enter | tobe002 | 09:37 |
ubottu | tobe002: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 09:37 |
desneedy | I have installed fcitx in xubuntu, but I can't normally activate and use it. | 09:37 |
^root^ | bentob0x: yup, its army wiss knife | 09:37 |
desneedy | please help | 09:37 |
^root^ | swiff* | 09:37 |
^root^ | what the hell, typos | 09:37 |
Heston | anAngel, there should be a template in your /etc/ directory, however, if not, check the man page or google | 09:37 |
^root^ | desneedy: yes? | 09:37 |
godlygeek | Jack3: search around for more metrics. they're much faster at a few types of uncommon operations. | 09:37 |
bentob0x | nice, going to have a dig into it, thx ^root^ :) | 09:37 |
foraoh | hi does anyone know how to create a different effect for minimizing/restoring windows with compiz? | 09:37 |
foraoh | i mean, one effect for minimizing, and a different one for restoring | 09:38 |
desneedy | I have installed fcitx in xubuntu, but I can't normally activate and use it. fcitx is a Chinese input method. | 09:38 |
anAngel | Heston: ok thanks | 09:38 |
bazhang | #compiz-fusion will help with that foraoh | 09:38 |
Kamil | I hear a distorted sound after installing Ubuntu Hardy. | 09:38 |
bazhang | desneedy have you tried scim? | 09:39 |
Heston | anAngel, if you want, paste your xorg.conf somewhere, and ill see if i can come up with something | 09:39 |
ArthurArchnix | So on hardy we apparently got his cool new pulse audio system... where's the gui to control the volume level of the running apps? | 09:39 |
Przemek1910 | | 09:39 |
desneedy | no. | 09:39 |
desneedy | bazhang: no.l | 09:39 |
^root^ | desneedy: ahan, sorry, limited knowledges, tried Ubuntu-cd channel... | 09:40 |
^root^ | ch* | 09:40 |
godlygeek | Jack3: a bit dated, but this is a decent benchmark: | 09:40 |
bazhang | #ubuntu-cn | 09:40 |
hooer | hiya | 09:40 |
Jack3 | eek i think the problem might be my hdd | 09:40 |
Jack3 | i hear some real nice clicking going on | 09:41 |
hooer | can someone please explain this? -> [ 47.145048] Driver 'sd' needs updating - please use bus_type methods | 09:41 |
anAngel | Heston: ok this is my xorg.conf. Pretty blank i guess. | 09:41 |
ovidiu | Hi everybody | 09:41 |
ovidiu | I need some help in LIRC configuration | 09:42 |
Heston | anAngel, that's not looking too good | 09:42 |
nemesis | how to migre gutsy in hardy please | 09:42 |
ovidiu | I configured my remote control using this tutorial: | 09:42 |
=== Arelis_ is now known as Arelis | ||
godlygeek | Jack3: here's another good one: | 09:42 |
mymines | update to ubuntu 8.04,and "get apt-get update",buthave no "" | 09:42 |
mymines | vmware | 09:42 |
mymines | server | 09:42 |
godlygeek | Jack3: ech, hard drive crashes always suck. | 09:42 |
nemesis | thx | 09:42 |
bullgard4 | hooer: The first is a time-stamp. Then it follows the desire that you should update your 'sd' driver. | 09:42 |
lacyc3 | re | 09:43 |
dubby | hey anyone in hardy is there anyway to know what ports I have open without just port scanning myself? | 09:43 |
DistroJockey | ArthurArchnix, you could try pavucontrol | 09:43 |
hooer | yeh the latter was what i was not sure about | 09:43 |
ovidiu | the configuration was successful, but the problem is that everytime when I boot ubuntu the DRIVER device changes from /dev/input/event7 to /dev/input/event4 and viceversa | 09:43 |
ovidiu | and my remote control is no more detected correctly | 09:43 |
godlygeek | mymines: don't believe vmware-server runs on as new a kernel as hardy has yet. | 09:43 |
ovidiu | what can I do? | 09:43 |
mymines | update to ubuntu 8.04,and "get apt-get update",but have no "vmware server",why?please help. | 09:43 |
hooer | ive seen an article explaining how to get vm-ware server to work on hardy | 09:44 |
anAngel | Heston: that's why i am asking ;( | 09:44 |
bazhang | mymines see the answer above | 09:44 |
godlygeek | mymines: have you considered trying virtualbox instead? | 09:44 |
DistroJockey | mymines, package names don't have spaces in their names | 09:45 |
fudus4 | hj | 09:45 |
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mymines | VBOX is nice,but i like vmware better | 09:45 |
DistroJockey | mymines, may be off track there, sorry if I was | 09:45 |
gharz | guys... i've just compiled and linked a c program... how do i run it? the filename is a.out... please help | 09:46 |
hooer | i use vmware at work so it's nice to be able to use it :p | 09:46 |
Slart | gharz: ./a.out | 09:46 |
kane77 | gharz, ./a.out | 09:46 |
dubby | which is better, vmware server or workstation ? (not including cost) , and my previous question is there a way to know what ports you have open without actually port scanning yourself? | 09:46 |
Heston | hanAngel, although this is unlikely to work without proper detection of your hardware, this may be worth a shot ttp:// | 09:46 |
gharz | thanks!!!!!! | 09:46 |
kane77 | I'm lagging :) | 09:47 |
hooer | they're both useful (workstation and server) | 09:47 |
anAngel | Heston: ok i will try it | 09:47 |
anAngel | Heston: thanks | 09:47 |
anAngel | Anybody tried these drivers for intel x3100 on intel g33 chipset on ubuntu 8.04 | 09:49 |
omg911 | how do you search using the command tool apt-get like you can using the gui front end synaptic manager? | 09:51 |
martint | can I make ubuntu panel narrower then the whole screen wide (like in KDE)? | 09:51 |
fudus4 | j | 09:52 |
aLeSD | someone know how to substitute emerald to metacity on startup ? | 09:52 |
godlygeek | omg911: apt-get search pattern | 09:52 |
omg911 | i mean search for packages with partial match | 09:52 |
omg911 | godlygeek: E: Invalid operation search | 09:52 |
godlygeek | omg911: oops, i meant: apt-cache search pattern | 09:52 |
omg911 | godlygeek: thx that works i think | 09:53 |
bullgard4 | Nautilus lists a type for every filename it displays. Where can I find a list of the elements of the set of types that are available in this Nautilus column? | 09:53 |
godlygeek | omg911: it's a regex search, see man apt-cache | 09:53 |
martint | can I make ubuntu panel narrower then the whole screen wide (like in KDE)? | 09:54 |
DistroJockey | bullgard1, maybe /etc/gnome/defaults.list ? | 09:54 |
hooer | so i have an mdadm raid question.. | 09:55 |
DistroJockey | bullgard1, may be not what you wanted | 09:55 |
zm | i downloaded a software package named gmlive-0.20b3 | 09:55 |
zm | how to install it in a shell? | 09:55 |
zm | gmlive-0.20b3.tar.gz | 09:56 |
DistroJockey | zm, did you read the readme? | 09:56 |
hooer | i replaced a failed drive in my raid1 array. it's fine but when i went to test it by unplugging the original drive and trying to boot just from the new one it ddint work | 09:56 |
hooer | it got to a certain point then dropped me to initfs | 09:56 |
zm | yes I did, but it shows nothing | 09:57 |
bazhang | martint: right click on panel select properties then look at pixels should do it | 09:57 |
zm | the readme is empty | 09:57 |
martint | THANKS! | 09:57 |
DistroJockey | zm, all good packages should have a decent readme | 09:57 |
DistroJockey | zm, any other readme type files? | 09:57 |
bazhang | I cant get vmware or vbox to work in Hardy :( | 09:57 |
ciro | hi all | 09:58 |
martint | <bazhang> I meant not hight but with, does it still work the same? | 09:58 |
Carbonflux | I am using 8.04 does anyone have any idea why I can't get at from 8.04 but I can from a windows box after setting my netmask to | 09:58 |
zm | no, but there is a INSTALL file | 09:58 |
bazhang | martint: you want to have the retractor feature? or something else in mind | 09:58 |
zm | the Installation Instructions | 09:59 |
hooer | Carbon, have you set default gateway? | 09:59 |
ciro | i wanna create a lancher for choosing if closing or rebooting my computer ... how can i do? | 09:59 |
martint | <bazhang> in KDE I can tell the pane;\taskbar to use only 75% of screen wigth, for example | 09:59 |
DistroJockey | zm, well, if you trust it, you could use ./INSTALL from the directory you extracted to (assuming INSTALL is the name of the file) | 09:59 |
Carbonflux | hooer, its a second router that I just want to get into the website on, I already have a working net on 192.168.0.x | 09:59 |
bazhang | martint: width is all I know at this point; just started using gnome again since forever--will google for karma though :) | 10:00 |
zm | yes let me try it | 10:00 |
=== nico_ is now known as nico_|gone | ||
Carbonflux | arp can see the other router | 10:00 |
zm | zm@zm-laptop:~/gmlive-0.20b3$ ./INSTALL | 10:01 |
zm | bash: ./INSTALL: Permission denied | 10:01 |
L3D | ok i am running firestarter and have it set to minimize to the sys tray and after a bit it disappears any ideas? | 10:01 |
Carbonflux | but thats it, can't ping it or web-browse to it | 10:01 |
zm | it couldn't | 10:01 |
martint | <bazhang> Good though :) | 10:01 |
DistroJockey | zm, you may also need to chmod +x INSTALL (INSTALL being the file you are trying to run) | 10:01 |
Carbonflux | its something about how linux is dealing with subnet masks but I don't know enough to ask the right question | 10:02 |
hooer | does the route table shed any info? | 10:02 |
Carbonflux | not really | 10:02 |
thefish | Hasone, update must be up to about 90% now eh? | 10:03 |
Carbonflux | if I set the gateway to the second router I can get at it just fine | 10:03 |
hooer | weird | 10:03 |
Carbonflux | which is silly really | 10:03 |
Carbonflux | ya, its this specific linux box | 10:03 |
Carbonflux | all the other computers can get at both routers | 10:03 |
zm | and then? | 10:04 |
Carbonflux | I was using DHCP | 10:04 |
DistroJockey | zm, try the ./INSTALL again | 10:04 |
Carbonflux | I am confused by whats wrong, it should work | 10:04 |
Carbonflux | thanks for thinking about it hooer :) | 10:05 |
chmac | ikonia: I just thought, changing nicks to _away, and then back, is no less channel noise than logging on / off | 10:05 |
hooer | np... so why do you want a 16 bit subnet mask? | 10:05 |
chmac | ikonia: I have #ubuntu on my auto-join now, so every time I fire up xchat I'll create at least 2 messages... | 10:05 |
zm | zm@zm-laptop:~/gmlive-0.20b3$ ./INSTALL | 10:06 |
zm | ./INSTALL: line 1: Installation:找不到命令 | 10:06 |
zm | ./INSTALL: line 2: aclocal.m4:找不到命令 | 10:06 |
zm | ./INSTALL: line 4: 在未预料的“C”附近出现语法错误 | 10:06 |
zm | ./INSTALL: line 4: `Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005,' | 10:06 |
FloodBot1 | zm: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 10:06 |
united | i've downloaded kopete,but still can't run it though i've download it's libraries,why's that? | 10:06 |
Carbonflux | hooer, until I set the subnet mask for the local lan to I could not get at any 1.1 addys, only 0.1, my WAN mask is still | 10:06 |
hooer | should route between .0.0 and .1.0 | 10:07 |
DistroJockey | zm, well, I guess it runs. Can't help further sorry. Don't know the program or the language. | 10:07 |
Carbonflux | well, in windows I had to change to subnet mask to get it to use both the 0.1 and 1.1 subnets | 10:07 |
end-user | Totem Movie Player question: When using the firefox-plugin, and, say, listening to audio, there is a rewind/fast forward bar at the bottom that I've never seen work, inside the browser. You can pause, so I'm assuming that means it is being cached. Why can't you rewind/fast forward: is this a bug or just only a part of a feature that has yet to be implemented? | 10:07 |
zm | it means bash: ./INSTALL: No such file or directory | 10:07 |
Chapai | how do i get the lines out of my video its driving me out of my mad | 10:08 |
end-user | Chapai: Are you using gnash? | 10:08 |
RandomCake | Hi, I can't boot to any OS, the Grub settings appear to be correct, but I get an error saying the partition doesn't exist when I select an OS, anyone any idea what's going on? | 10:08 |
hooer | oh i meant use a router, i.e. a hardware one with 2 nics, one for .1.0 one for .0.0, or do it with virtual machine software routers :P | 10:08 |
DistroJockey | zm, as I said INSTALL is the thing you want to run, may be named different (remember it's case sensitive) | 10:08 |
Chapai | no idea what that is end-user | 10:08 |
united | i've downloaded kopete,but still can't run it though i've download it's libraries,why's that? | 10:09 |
bazhang | united: downloaded? why not install from repos | 10:09 |
hischild | Chapai, please describe the situation. There are a couple dozen situations where you can use video which have different causes. | 10:09 |
zm | yes | 10:09 |
united | yes,i mean download through synaptic | 10:09 |
zm | you may tell me how to install the package | 10:10 |
bazhang | united try alt f2 kopete | 10:10 |
DistroJockey | zm, also as I said, all good packages have a decent readme type file | 10:10 |
Chapai | all my videos (flash, vlc) has lines sorta jittering very noticable when panning | 10:10 |
zm | the instruction says type './configure' and then type 'make' | 10:10 |
end-user | Chapai: gnash is the free (non-restricted) version of Flash. It is installed in Gutsy by default, but wasn't installed in my Hardy. Anyway, gnash isn't fully perfected yet, and for example, youtube videos had lines in them. You might want to use flash. To check if you are using Gnash, start by just right clicking the video you are trying to watch, and see if it brings up adobe flash dialog or gnash dialog | 10:10 |
hischild | zm, if the instruction says so, then do so. | 10:11 |
DistroJockey | zm, yes, that is common | 10:11 |
zm | but when i finish typing 'make', it says 'no such a common | 10:11 |
milos_ | can't send files from Nokia N70 to Hardy, anybody? (from pc -> phone is working) | 10:11 |
Carbonflux | hooer, this is what I plan on doing but first I need to get past just being able to talk to both routers, which should work but is not | 10:11 |
zm | i stopped at step 2 | 10:11 |
DistroJockey | zm, sudo apt-get build-essentials | 10:11 |
end-user | Chapai: and if you need help getting flash, I can help you do with that too, but first I just want to figure out if gnash is your problem | 10:12 |
DistroJockey | zm, do that first then try again | 10:12 |
hischild | zm, that's not an error that make throws when configure was run properly. Can you pastebin the output from ./configure? ( DistroJockey ) | 10:12 |
CRASH69 | have been any update in 804? I ask 'cause since installing I have not get any (for some reason I considerer that odd, lol) | 10:12 |
hischild | CRASH69, no it's solid. Don't have any updates either. | 10:12 |
bazhang | CRASH69: none so far here | 10:12 |
Chapai | its not gnash end-user it happens with every video, the best i can describe is a very low frame rate with videos hischild end-user | 10:12 |
Carbonflux | the frustrating part is that I am sure someone around here knows the answer but I am not able to explain the issue properly | 10:12 |
roxahris | hey | 10:13 |
roxahris | the search feature didn't find a file | 10:13 |
roxahris | do I have to set it to recurse subdirectories | 10:13 |
roxahris | is there an option for that? | 10:13 |
zm | sudo apt-get build-essentials is an error common | 10:13 |
bazhang | zm build-essential no 's' | 10:13 |
hischild | Chapai, have you tried to use a different video player? like vlc? what gfx card do you have? | 10:14 |
end-user | Chapai: Sorry :( if you are already using Flash, then I don't know what that problem is. I had the problem with Gnash, so I thought that might be it. | 10:14 |
robbie | xorgconfigure is missing. what package contains it? | 10:14 |
DistroJockey | cheers bazhang , sorry zm typo | 10:14 |
zm | yes | 10:14 |
zm | nothing | 10:15 |
bazhang | DistroJockey: :} | 10:15 |
bazhang | Carbonflux: just like in that link? | 10:15 |
hooer | i was hoping someone might know the answer to my raid question too :p | 10:15 |
Chapai | i have hischild | 10:15 |
DistroJockey | bazhang, just tried it here and only get build-dep as a tab complete for build | 10:15 |
hooer | Carbon, that's great but i would do it in a virtual appliance instead of on the host system :p | 10:16 |
zm | this is what after i type './configure' shows | 10:16 |
bazhang | zm sudo apt-get install build-essential | 10:16 |
Carbonflux | bazhang, I just want to be able to ping the addy from this machine, its something specific to this machine, the problem is really simple | 10:16 |
zm | well | 10:16 |
hischild | DistroJockey, build-dep is a switch from apt-get. build-essential is a meta package. | 10:16 |
Carbonflux | hooer, yes that works fine | 10:16 |
Chapai | is there an app that registers frame rate? | 10:16 |
Carbonflux | hooer, I use virtualbox | 10:16 |
hooer | orly :p | 10:16 |
DistroJockey | hischild, ahh, thanks :) | 10:16 |
mind | has anyone else had the problem that clicking the time/date in the taskbar leads to freezing the whole taskbar? | 10:16 |
Carbonflux | hooer, but if I don't have basic connectivity its pointless :) | 10:16 |
thyko | does grub work with XFS yet? | 10:16 |
hooer | pointless.. but cool | 10:17 |
Carbonflux | hooer, 8.04 inside a VM inside Windows can get at all the addys fine | 10:17 |
bazhang | thyko: apparently it is problematic still | 10:17 |
DistroJockey | hischild, forgot the install part as usual ;) | 10:17 |
hooer | hmm | 10:17 |
musa | i upgraded last night from gutcy to herdy, everything went well except their is no sound. | 10:17 |
Carbonflux | anyway, this problem is hypersimple | 10:17 |
Carbonflux | and someone here knows the answer | 10:17 |
hischild | Carbonflux, then ask so we may answer | 10:17 |
Carbonflux | but I am giving up because I can't explain it | 10:17 |
Carbonflux | :) | 10:17 |
hooer | you might have to whip out the traffic capture and see waht's going on | 10:18 |
RandomCake | does anyone have any idea why Grub would be failing to boot Ubuntu when the settings all look right? :S | 10:18 |
=== nico_|gone is now known as nico_ | ||
hischild | DistroJockey, np | 10:18 |
thyko | bazhang: dang, i'll use lilo then, but its sloooow! | 10:18 |
magnetron | RandomCake: because the settings isn't right? | 10:18 |
bazhang | RandomCake: because it only 'looks' right? | 10:18 |
hischild | RandomCake, they may look ok, but perhaps they're still wrong? | 10:18 |
hooer | lilo is slow? | 10:18 |
Carbonflux | hischild, I can't ping from one linux machine, I don't know why, it works from all the other machines on the same net, same settings, same routing table | 10:18 |
end-user | mind: While I have not yet had that problem, the time/date for me still runs sort of harshly, for example, I have added a couple international times (the new feature) and there is a big delay when bringing it up, the times start in 24:00 time instead of 12:00 time, but then go correct after a while, and sometimes the edge is cut off the edge of the screen | 10:18 |
thyko | very | 10:18 |
zm | and then? | 10:18 |
hooer | how come | 10:18 |
hischild | Carbonflux, describe the network please then :) | 10:19 |
j0be | Carbonflux: check the netmasks... sure they are all | 10:19 |
DistroJockey | !grub hooer | 10:19 |
ubottu | Factoid grub hooer not found | 10:19 |
DistroJockey | !grub | hooer | 10:19 |
ubottu | hooer: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: | 10:19 |
hooer | i mean.. doesnt the boot loader just do that, start the boot process? | 10:19 |
hischild | !grub | hooer | 10:19 |
thyko | hooer: it usually is, about 15 seconds to decompress the kernel | 10:19 |
DistroJockey | hehe | 10:19 |
Carbonflux | does not work on any machine | 10:19 |
Carbonflux | clearly it masks off 1.1 addys | 10:19 |
monk | bonjour bonjour, je sais que ce doit etre une question bete mais dans la montagne de données je n'arrive pas à trouver: comment fait-on pour supprimer manuellement un disque dur dans /media à partir d'un terminal? merci | 10:19 |
hooer | heres the weird thing, i installed 8.0.4 server from scratch and it's LILO not Grub | 10:19 |
zm | i still cannot install | 10:19 |
hischild | Carbonflux, you're using virtualisation? what software did you use? | 10:19 |
j0be | Carbonflux: it is a netmask! not an ip address | 10:20 |
thyko | but xfs is dang fast after that | 10:20 |
magnetron | !fr | monk | 10:20 |
ubottu | monk: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr | 10:20 |
hischild | hooer, grub does support xfs, yet the installer sometimes fails to install it thus defaults to lilo. | 10:20 |
Carbonflux | hischild, two routers connected to one switch, one router is the other is at | 10:20 |
hooer | oooh | 10:20 |
hooer | that's why. | 10:20 |
bazhang | zm what is gmlive-->please clarify | 10:20 |
hischild | Carbonflux, and you get one way traffic? | 10:20 |
hischild | !info gmlive | 10:20 |
thyko | !xfs | 10:20 |
ubottu | xfs is a high-performance journaling filesystem originally developped by Silicon Graphics for their IRIX OS. It is now fully supported by Linux so you can install Ubuntu on it if you wish. More info at | 10:20 |
hooer | i setup my raid arrays with xfs using the installer, so it would have been that? | 10:20 |
milos_ | magnetron: not woking :( | 10:20 |
monk | ubottu, oups, excuse me... | 10:20 |
Carbonflux | I can't keep explaining this over and over, everyone keeps making it more complex heh | 10:20 |
IntangibleLiquid | I set the laptop to hibernate when the battery runs down. But it just goes blank and shuts down unexpectedly a few seconds later. What is wrong? | 10:21 |
DistroJockey | hooer, most likely | 10:21 |
Carbonflux | thanks for trying tho heh | 10:21 |
RandomCake | well, bazhang, hischild, I've checked what drives there are, hda and hdb are both hard drives, so grub should be counting them both, the partition Ubuntu is on is hdb5, so it should be (hd1,4) and windows is on hdb1, so that should be (hd1,0), yes? :S | 10:21 |
hooer | ok good to know | 10:21 |
magnetron | Carbonflux: if the netmask is , the first three parts of their respective IP adress has to be identical | 10:21 |
hooer | when's ZFS support coming? :) | 10:21 |
zm | just like sopcast | 10:21 |
Carbonflux | magnetron, right, which won't work if I am routing from to | 10:21 |
DistroJockey | hooer, for more control, you can Esc out of the boot/install screen and type expert at the prompt | 10:21 |
roxahris | Question | 10:22 |
=== c1|freaky_ is now known as c1|freaky | ||
roxahris | Err, nothing | 10:22 |
BadElvis | hi, does anybody know how to disable the autoscan of rhythmbox? | 10:22 |
j0be | Carbonflux: whatev! I was assuming you had a simple basic network. Using two routers gets you into routing troubles (hence routers) | 10:22 |
bazhang | zm do you have a better description? would it be helpful to talk in #ubuntu-cn ? | 10:22 |
Carbonflux | thats not it at all j0be | 10:22 |
hooer | i dont't really need more control, it's a simple thing - i replaced a dead driev in my RAID1 array, but the replacement can't boot by itself when I test | 10:22 |
Carbonflux | its just a device | 10:22 |
hischild | RandomCake, sounds like solid theory. But it sometimes also throws in the cd player, mixes up partitions, and also note that hdb5 is an extended partition which may also screw things up. I suggest you get the supergrub disc and fix grub with that. | 10:22 |
Carbonflux | I want to get on its website form linux | 10:22 |
Carbonflux | it works in windows np | 10:22 |
j0be | Carbonflux: yes it is... anyway. draw a diagram somewhere and post it, so you have something to talk by | 10:23 |
zm | well, it a net tv | 10:23 |
DistroJockey | hooer, ahh, not my area sorry. | 10:23 |
sixtyby3 | Hello all, I need some help with getting a Broadcom 94311MCG Wifi card to work with Hardy 8.04 | 10:23 |
hooer | Carbonflux, have you tried adding a manual route? | 10:23 |
Carbonflux | j0be, thanks for thinking about it, I don't want to waste your time :) | 10:23 |
j0be | Carbonflux: I bet the windows machine is on the same side as your website and your linux behind the 2nd router. | 10:23 |
Carbonflux | hooer, in theory, I am not sure it worked | 10:23 |
napnap_ | whart can be the reason to obtain all the time "class not found" with the 32 bits java 6 plugin on firefox 32 bits on hardy x64 with CLASSPATH and JAVA_HOME set ? | 10:23 |
robbie | what replaced xorgconfigure? | 10:23 |
Carbonflux | j0be, no | 10:23 |
musa | Carbonflux r u using dhcp | 10:24 |
Carbonflux | j0be, if I change the gateway of the linux machine to the 1.1 addy I can get at uit | 10:24 |
Carbonflux | no, its all static ips | 10:24 |
Carbonflux | something is messed up in the linux box is all | 10:24 |
aLeSD | mmm ... does skype use qt4 library ? | 10:24 |
Carbonflux | its something simple | 10:24 |
hooer | did you have 24 bit subnet mask originally, then change to 16? | 10:24 |
RandomCake | okay hischild, I'll have a look at that, do you know which version is the English version? The one I downloaded last time was spanish and I couldn't understand a thing! | 10:24 |
hooer | maybe the route table is trynig to use the gateway to get to .1.0 network | 10:25 |
j0be | Carbonflux: which linux machine? the one you are trying to connect to your website? what is the default gateway then, where does that lead to, where is the website. | 10:25 |
Carbonflux | this is my op route show.... | 10:25 |
Carbonflux | dev eth0 scope link metric 1000 | 10:25 |
Carbonflux | dev eth0 proto kernel scope link src default via dev eth0 metric 100 | 10:25 |
hischild | RandomCake, they are all multilanguage, so you can just switch languages. It should have -en with it at least. | 10:25 |
hischild | !pastebin | Carbonflux | 10:25 |
ubottu | Carbonflux: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 10:25 |
Carbonflux | oh for peaks sake | 10:25 |
Carbonflux | it was just one line | 10:25 |
bazhang | haha | 10:26 |
Carbonflux | never mind | 10:26 |
bazhang | !enter | 10:26 |
ubottu | Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 10:26 |
bobbyyes_ | some body help me? | 10:26 |
j0be | Carbonflux: what is the IP of the website? | 10:26 |
zm | bazhang? | 10:26 |
united | stange,i've tried alt-F2 and kopete is not in the string | 10:26 |
bazhang | bobbyyes_: please ask away | 10:26 |
RandomCake | ah, okay, thanks hischild :) | 10:26 |
Carbonflux | look I just forgot to remove one of the enters | 10:26 |
Carbonflux | if you can't help me fine | 10:26 |
j0be | Carbonflux: can see this website | 10:26 |
DistroJockey | !ask | bobbyyes_ | 10:26 |
ubottu | bobbyyes_: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 10:26 |
united | yet i've downloaded kopete time and time again | 10:26 |
bazhang | Carbonflux: he was just kidding | 10:26 |
Carbonflux | ah | 10:27 |
hischild | Carbonflux, i count 2 lines, which are pasted. | 10:27 |
Carbonflux | well, this channel is getting more and more restrictive | 10:27 |
bobbyyes_ | i install a Ubuntu 8.04 server in my laptop,but i can't use it .the error msg. is : unable to boot - please use a kernel appropriate for your cpu | 10:27 |
Carbonflux | and I am jumpy | 10:27 |
Carbonflux | sorry | 10:27 |
j0be | Carbonflux: can see this website, and what is it IP address | 10:27 |
sixtyby3 | Hello if anybody's free help with a wifi card, please do so: key words are broadcom hardy | 10:27 |
Carbonflux | hischild, ya I made a mistake and missed a return, so shoot me | 10:27 |
bobbyyes_ | my laptop's cpu is PM 1.7G | 10:27 |
hischild | Carbonflux, it's nothing personal against you. But there has to be a line somewhere on what can and cannot be pasted. | 10:27 |
magnetron | sixtyby3: just ask | 10:27 |
hischild | Carbonflux, i prefer not to shoot you ;-) | 10:28 |
j0be | Carbonflux: focus please! it is not IM | 10:28 |
Carbonflux | I am not going to waste pastebin for what will fit on one line | 10:28 |
magnetron | sixtyby3: if anyone knows, they will anser | 10:28 |
bazhang | aye hischild you are correct; this is pretty slow right now though | 10:28 |
Carbonflux | it just a mistake for peats sake | 10:28 |
end-user | BadElvis: Edit>Preferences>Music Tab>Uncheck "Watch my library for new files" | 10:28 |
Carbonflux | I have a real problem here, I am have been working on it for hours | 10:28 |
Carbonflux | forgive me | 10:28 |
j0be | Carbonflux: can see this website, and what is it IP address | 10:28 |
asfalt | hi all, I installed the blubuntu-theme with apt-get but it is not seen in the Appearance preferences (hardy). Has anyone suffered the same problem ??? | 10:28 |
sixtyby3 | Thanks, I've never managed to get my Broadcom 94311MCG Wifi card to work with any Ubuntu distro till now, I was hoping that it would be resolved in hardy. | 10:29 |
sixtyby3 | No luck so far. | 10:29 |
Carbonflux | j0be, that is the addy of router one, I can get to its website | 10:29 |
hooer | RAID question: 2 drives in 2 x RAID1 arrays, mdadm, one drive failed, replaced with new, created partitions, synched arrays, ran LILO to write MBR, rebooted - fine. HOWEVER, when I test with just the new drive it fails to boot. What's missing? :( | 10:29 |
bokey | ubottu: you rascal | 10:29 |
biabia | from what i hear wireless is greatly improved in hardy | 10:29 |
Carbonflux | j0be, 1.1 is the other router, if I use that for a gateway I can get at its site | 10:29 |
roxahris | less-then slash three? | 10:29 |
sixtyby3 | But my card doesn't even show up the list of 'Restricted Drivers' | 10:29 |
Carbonflux | j0be, but it will not route between 0.1 and 1.1 and only on this one linux box | 10:29 |
musa | Carbon try to trace the ip address, see where the package is stopping: # tracepath | 10:30 |
sixtyby3 | There are a couple of posts in the forums which list steps to make my particular model work, but then, no luck so far. | 10:30 |
Carbonflux | thank you musa :) | 10:30 |
j0be | because the 0.1 does not know how to get to IPs that end with | 10:30 |
DistroJockey | asfalt, same issue (not a very good .deb that one) | 10:30 |
j0be | Carbonflux: or trace via a ping with # ping -R | 10:31 |
bazhang | sixtyby3 this seen yet | 10:31 |
Carbonflux | thank you j0be | 10:31 |
asfalt | DistroJockey ahh I see, might have to install manually, pity ;) | 10:31 |
Carbonflux | the frustrating part is that arp can see both routers fine | 10:31 |
thefish | Carbonflux, you could also just add a route to your machine there: route add net netmask gw | 10:32 |
* Scrounch_ is now away: off | 10:32 | |
hooer | this is as far as I get in the boot process with just the new drive: | 10:32 |
thefish | Carbonflux, im assuming you are using /24 | 10:32 |
bazhang | !away > Scrounch_ | 10:32 |
hooer | if i add the original one, it goes all the way | 10:32 |
DistroJockey | asfalt, I would suggest making a bug report as it is in the repo and does not work as expected | 10:32 |
Carbonflux | thefish, ok, I tried something like that | 10:32 |
=== Scrounch_ is now known as Scrounch[AfK] | ||
=== Scrounch[AfK] is now known as Scrounch_ | ||
Carbonflux | thefish, ip route show returns 0/16 | 10:32 |
macan | hello there | 10:32 |
thefish | Carbonflux, theres your problem | 10:33 |
Carbonflux | ah | 10:33 |
Carbonflux | good | 10:33 |
thefish | with /16 1.1 and 0.1 are on the same net | 10:33 |
DistroJockey | asfalt, happy to add a confirmation to your report | 10:33 |
Carbonflux | thefish, I don't understand I guess | 10:33 |
thefish | Carbonflux, is your netmask on all the other machines or | 10:33 |
egoleo | hello | 10:33 |
dutch201 | hi, i am trying to upgrade to 8.04 but i have some problems. | 10:33 |
thefish | Carbonflux, for 192.168.x.x, its normally /24 or | 10:34 |
Carbonflux | | 10:34 |
bazhang | please specify dutch201 | 10:34 |
=== Outlande1 is now known as Outlander | ||
egoleo | i seems to have installed everything but i still cant play mp3 files on hardy | 10:34 |
dubby | hey anyone in synaptic how do i clear the history? | 10:34 |
dutch201 | some packjages did not install but most were corrupted during donwload somehow. Redownloading it and starting do-upgrade helped on those | 10:34 |
bazhang | egoleo: ubuntu-restricted-extras and win32codecs? | 10:34 |
egoleo | i have all that installed | 10:34 |
dutch201 | but now gedit package will not install bcs it is missing gedit.dirs | 10:34 |
zm | how to install a tar.gz package? | 10:35 |
thefish | Carbonflux, and you have set this on the linux box with the problems as well? | 10:35 |
asfalt | DistroJockey I am just checking if it has been reported already, one moment | 10:35 |
hischild | zm, unpack, compile, install | 10:35 |
bazhang | zm | 10:35 |
jatt | I need to run ssh-add each time I login to be able to use ssh without password. Is there a way to run ssh-add automatically? | 10:35 |
robbie | how do you make apt search for a specific command? | 10:35 |
DistroJockey | asfalt, k, not looked as I don't know the package | 10:36 |
foolip | Hi. How can I change the keyboard layout on a ubuntu dapper server install? It has no X window system or similar, just a console. | 10:36 |
robbie | im looking for xorgconfigure | 10:36 |
zm | thanks | 10:36 |
dutch201 | apt-cache search <keyword> | 10:36 |
^root^ | I am using Ubuntu 8.04LTS. It had Fx3.0, i uninstall it and installed the 2.0.x and now i cannot install any extension, whatever i install, get, "Firefox couldnt install extension at _______ becasue unexpected installation error, Review the error console for more details. -203" any idea? | 10:36 |
enis | good morning | 10:36 |
berry_sky | bandung | 10:36 |
sixtyby3 | @bazhang thanks, I'm checking it out. The instructions are a little different, this one uses fwcutter which I didn't have luck with in Feisty, let's see. | 10:36 |
thefish | jatt, you can either just remove the password from the key, or write a script and add it to your startup (you can also ad a @reboot line to your crontab) | 10:36 |
zm | after unpack, how to compile? | 10:37 |
bazhang | !compile | zm | 10:37 |
ubottu | zm: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first) | 10:37 |
hischild | zm, ./configure and watch if it gives you any error. also ^ | 10:37 |
thefish | zm, ./configure - make sure it doesnt reurn errors, then make | 10:37 |
DistroJockey | zm, if it doesn't have a good readme, why would you install it? | 10:37 |
bazhang | zm you may wish to bookmark that link | 10:37 |
smmagic | Hi, everytime I connect my PSP to ubuntu it opens rhythmbox, how do I stop it from opening? | 10:38 |
CRASH69 | robbie: /etc/X11/xorg.conf ? | 10:38 |
osfameron | smmagic: look in System -> Preferences -> Removeable Drives and Media | 10:38 |
smmagic | nothing is there | 10:39 |
smmagic | I checked :P | 10:39 |
robbie | thats the guessing theres no tool to configure it then? | 10:39 |
DistroJockey | smmagic, and in /etc/gnome/defaults.list | 10:39 |
robbie | because my settings got mis detected | 10:39 |
jatt | thefish: thanks for the suggestions. The problem I had trying to do it with a script is that ssh-add always seems to ask for a password interactively (if I understood ssh-add(1) correctly). What does the @reboot line on my (now empty) crontab do? | 10:39 |
hischild | robbie, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ? | 10:39 |
osfameron | smmagic: under my "Multimedia" tab there is an option "Play music files when connected" to a portable music player | 10:39 |
musa | @foolip # sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup | 10:39 |
rausb0 | jatt: but having the password for the key i a file is as good as having no password for the key | 10:39 |
osfameron | smmagic: that's on Gutsy at least | 10:39 |
robbie | tried that | 10:39 |
xlink | here's a good noob question | 10:39 |
CRASH69 | robbie: dpkg-reconfigure xserver | 10:39 |
bazhang | robbie: sudo displayconfig-gtk for hardy | 10:39 |
=== newb is now known as newb721 | ||
xlink | how do I delete files in /etc? | 10:39 |
* smmagic checks | 10:39 | |
smmagic | I did it a long time ago but I forgot how to | 10:40 |
xlink | sudo ???? | 10:40 |
^root^ | xlink: why you should? | 10:40 |
bobbyyes_ | some people know what does this problem? unable to boot - please use a kernel appropriate for your cpu | 10:40 |
bazhang | xlink why do wish to do that?? | 10:40 |
xlink | ok how do you delete a fil via terminal | 10:40 |
thefish | jatt, its the same as adding a time, except it just runs on reboot :) I use it to start off simpserver for my user here | 10:40 |
^root^ | xlink: yes, you woul need sudo... | 10:40 |
xlink | I added a configuration file | 10:40 |
xlink | which i don't like anymore | 10:40 |
xlink | affects fotn properties | 10:40 |
hischild | xlink, sudo rm <file> but this is HIGHLY unsuggested. Also do NOT use recursive in there no matter what the reason may be. | 10:40 |
xlink | and while not horid... | 10:40 |
smmagic | Don't see it under preferences, osfameron | 10:40 |
robbie | displayconfig-gtk only goes up to 800x600 | 10:40 |
robbie | I can do more | 10:40 |
thefish | jatt, the easiest would be to make a user who connects to the other machine, give them the least amount of access possible, and give them a no-password key | 10:40 |
mcdiesel | xlink: sudo rm /etc/badconffile | 10:41 |
DistroJockey | bobbyyes_, sounds like you are trying to use 64bit on a 32bit CPU | 10:41 |
bazhang | bobbyyes_: you installed 64bit on a 32bit system? | 10:41 |
xlink | only deleting files I added myself | 10:41 |
CRASH69 | robbie: dpkg-reconfigure xserver.xorg *************** | 10:41 |
dutch201 | so i do: apt-get -f dist-upgrade. it gives me WARNING: /usr/share/python-support/gedit.dirs does not exist. | 10:41 |
xlink | so no worries there | 10:41 |
foolip | musa: dapper doesn't have console-setup. some googling told me it's console-data, and it works now. thanks | 10:41 |
^root^ | xlink: search for files with the owner name as you, and delete, read man find | 10:41 |
xlink | also thank you | 10:41 |
dutch201 | and then Traceback (most recent call last): | 10:41 |
dutch201 | File "/usr/sbin/update-python-modules", line 269, in <module> | 10:41 |
dutch201 | args.remove(arg) | 10:41 |
dutch201 | ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list | 10:41 |
robbie | crash69: I ran that exact command, the entries are still the same | 10:41 |
FloodBot1 | dutch201: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 10:41 |
zzz_ | Hello, gnash doesn't play Youtube videos... What could be wrong? | 10:41 |
xlink | sudo rm drop and drag... | 10:41 |
dutch201 | ow i am sorry | 10:41 |
robbie | ill try restarting x then come back | 10:41 |
bobbyyes_ | no, is 32 bit Ubuntu and 32 Bit CPU | 10:42 |
jatt | thefish: I agree this seems the easier solution: use a no-password key. Actually this laptop is used only by me but I connect to many others machines through ssh. How do I remove the password from the key? You can point me to a man page ;). | 10:42 |
bazhang | got to head out for a bit good luck to all :) | 10:42 |
smmagic | Does anyone else know how to stop rhythmbox from opening when I connect my PSP? | 10:42 |
DistroJockey | bobbyyes_, you have amd or intel? | 10:42 |
mcdiesel | xlink: sudo rm 'drop and drag' (if you have spaces in your file name) | 10:42 |
thefish | jatt, if you connect to many servers and do admin stuff, dont use a blank password | 10:42 |
Temporar1 | alright, i'm trying to install something that requires libxml2 on Ubuntu 8.04 but it says i don't have it. it is installed though | 10:43 |
robbie | nope, still the same thing even after running dpkg-reconfigre xserver-xorg and restarting x | 10:43 |
bobbyyes_ | Intel CPU. PM 1.7G. Frist generation Centrino | 10:43 |
Temporar1 | anyone know what i need to do? | 10:43 |
robbie | still only goes up to 800x600 | 10:43 |
CRASH69 | robbie, what is your issue? | 10:43 |
xlink | drop and drag would have been a physical action | 10:43 |
CRASH69 | ah ok | 10:43 |
hischild | jatt, perhaps use something like keepassx (i probably write it wrong) so keep track of the passwords | 10:43 |
robbie | I want to put it up to 1024x768 | 10:43 |
xlink | not a file name | 10:43 |
DistroJockey | bobbyyes_, what iso are you using? | 10:43 |
jatt | thefish: hmm could be I need to find a compromise... However I don't do admin stuff on this machines. I'm just a developer so use only a user account (not root) to install software I write. | 10:43 |
xlink | as in I dropped the file into terminal | 10:43 |
thefish | jatt, if you are doing admin on the machines and need "proper" access, I would make a strong passphrase, then just ssh-add -t{some huge time}, you'll only need to do it once, and it means all your access is safe | 10:43 |
CRASH69 | robbie: nvidia? | 10:43 |
xlink | since that copy/oases the URL | 10:43 |
robbie | yep nvidia | 10:43 |
xlink | nvidia drivers are in synaptic now aren't they? | 10:44 |
robbie | its a pretty new comp | 10:44 |
CRASH69 | robbie: I have it, wait a second | 10:44 |
xlink | I just manually installed them out of memory... | 10:44 |
xlink | took a look in synaptic | 10:44 |
^root^ | I am using Ubuntu 8.04LTS. It had Fx3.0, i uninstall it and installed the 2.0.x and now i cannot install any extension, whatever i install, get, "Firefox couldnt install extension at _______ becasue unexpected installation error, Review the error console for more details. -203" any idea? | 10:44 |
xlink | and was like... | 10:44 |
xlink | wow that's overdue | 10:44 |
xepra | anyone know a good way to remote desktop to ubuntu 8.04? Not through vnc tho | 10:44 |
xepra | I am running it under xen | 10:44 |
bobbyyes_ | DistroJockey: file name: ubuntu-8.04-server-i386.iso | 10:44 |
xepra | and gdm won't start | 10:44 |
thefish | jatt, problem is if someone gets that key file, they instantly have all your access without any work, and you will not know, inless you are checking your auth logs regularly | 10:44 |
jatt | hischild: thanks will take a look at keepassx (seems it isn't in the ubuntu repositories though). | 10:45 |
xepra | and it doesn't really have to, but I was looking at stuff like xdmcp, xephyr, etc | 10:45 |
robbie | nvidia-cg-toolkit ? | 10:45 |
hischild | jatt, i'm probably writing it wrong. It is in the repo's. | 10:45 |
robbie | I did an apt-cache search for nvidia | 10:45 |
Temporar1 | to be more specific, i'm trying to install compiz on Ubuntu 8.04 but it says it can't find libxml-2.0 even though i have it =( | 10:45 |
jatt | hischild: dapper repos? | 10:45 |
DistroJockey | bobbyyes_, hmm | 10:45 |
thefish | jatt, i think ubu can now save your key passes as well cant it? | 10:45 |
hischild | !info keepassx | 10:45 |
jaffarkelshac | my usb reader is not working, the on lights comes on blinks a bit then goes off anyway to fix this? | 10:45 |
umbrualbert | Guys, sharing folders in hadry looks like its broken...anybody has a fix? | 10:45 |
smmagic | Hi, does anyone know how to stop rhythmbox from opening when I connect my PSP to ubuntu | 10:45 |
CRASH69 | robbie: aplicattions>add/remove>NVIDIA X server settings, remember to backup xorg and replace old xorg with new one | 10:45 |
xlink | brb restarting X | 10:45 |
asfalt | hey DistroJockey I made a bug report for blubuntu-theme, if you wish to add here is the link | 10:45 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 225606 in blubuntu-look "blubuntu-theme broken in Hardy 8.04" [Undecided,New] | 10:46 |
baalsgate | is there a what provides search for the package tool ? | 10:46 |
DistroJockey | bobbyyes_, should be suitable. | 10:46 |
dutch201 | is there a channel for 7.10-8.04 upgrade problems ? | 10:46 |
robbie | I just did an apt-get install nvidia-cg-toolkit | 10:46 |
DistroJockey | asfalt, cheers, looking | 10:46 |
sixtyby3 | @bazhang thanks, I'm going to have to reboot to check whether it worked. | 10:46 |
hischild | jatt, not sure. Ubotu seems gone again. aptitude search keepassx ? | 10:46 |
sixtyby3 | Thank you, | 10:46 |
jatt | thefish: I don't know much about ubu. It's an application? | 10:46 |
bobbyyes_ | yeah, but i can't star my Ubuntu server. | 10:46 |
CRASH69 | robbie, believeme that pakage fix the issue, just spent 3 days with that | 10:46 |
jatt | hischild: aptitude search keepassx gave no output :( | 10:47 |
musa | foolip: try manually editing /etc/X11/xorg look for "XkbLayout" | 10:47 |
smmagic | =\ hardy has no multimedia tab | 10:47 |
hischild | jatt, perhaps get it online then and compile yourself? For me it serves like a great tool. | 10:47 |
bullgard4 | dutch201: No, not a specific one. This channel is suitable, though. | 10:47 |
=== bobbyyes_ is now known as bobbyyes | ||
umbrualbert | I get a permissions error when trying to shafiles with Hardyre | 10:47 |
alado2 | is it possible to run this disk check that runs sometime at start up from inside ubuntu/xubuntu? | 10:47 |
jaffarkelshac | my usb reader is not working, the on lights comes on blinks a bit then goes off anyway to fix this? | 10:47 |
asfalt | Have there been any updates for Hardy ? apt-get update then upgrade does not find any updates. Could my config be wrong or have there been no updates ?? | 10:48 |
gizzo | hi all, i have a very annoying problem, every time a window becomes out of focus its TITLE bar turns transparent, its very aggravating how can i make it not transparent if its not on focus? | 10:48 |
Schypher_ | hello | 10:48 |
dutch201 | i am running into a problem wchich i cannot solve by redownloading the .deb file | 10:48 |
dutch201 | i pasted the last error when i do a dist upgrade | 10:48 |
xepra | anyone know a good way to remote desktop to ubuntu 8.04? Not through vnc tho, like xdmcp or xephyr - anyone play with those? | 10:48 |
umbrualbert | asfalt:....I've also had no updares | 10:48 |
roxahris_ | Hey, did anyone answer my question? | 10:48 |
xlink | well all is well | 10:48 |
roxahris_ | I dropped off the internet. | 10:48 |
Schypher_ | how can i speed up the panel animation? | 10:48 |
xlink | man I'm surprised I hadn't learned what rm did before | 10:48 |
jaffarkelshac | gizzo, are you using compiz | 10:48 |
asfalt | xepra FreeNX seems to be popular but I have not used it myself | 10:49 |
xlink | I need to learn console a bit better | 10:49 |
xepra | thanks, I'll take a look | 10:49 |
gizzo | jaffarkelshac: i'm using the advanced effects so i guess the answer is yes :) | 10:49 |
thefish | jatt, ubuntu i mean, theres something in gnome that does it iirc | 10:49 |
xlink | I'm a hardware buff and software is my downfall | 10:49 |
smmagic | Hi, in hardy there is no multimedia tab located under system --> preferences --> removable devices and media. What replaces it? | 10:49 |
roxahris_ | I'll ask again... what package is SDL? | 10:49 |
umbrualbert | I do I share files in Hardy | 10:49 |
DistroJockey | asfalt, added to your report | 10:49 |
jaffarkelshac | look for the reflections plugin and disable it | 10:49 |
LSD|Ninja | umbrualbert: right click a folder | 10:49 |
jaffarkelshac | gizzo, up* | 10:50 |
bentob0x | what do you use to scan an unpartitionned, unformatted HD for defect? | 10:50 |
Carbonflux | thefish, heh, sorry my machine decided to freeze right when it was getting good :( | 10:50 |
jatt | hischild: yes I will read more about it... Reading the brief description on I understand keepassx can store passwords but it's possible to make it to interact with ssh-add? My problem is that I want to avoid to run ssh-add manually once I login to my system. | 10:50 |
LSD|Ninja | bentob0x: ultimate boot cd :P | 10:50 |
smmagic | Hi, in hardy there is no multimedia tab located under system --> preferences --> removable devices and media. What replaces it? | 10:50 |
asfalt | DistroJockey cheers, let's hope we can soon banish the poo brown theme ;) | 10:50 |
gizzo | jaffarkelshac: up*? | 10:50 |
LSD|Ninja | smmagic: probably nothing :/ | 10:50 |
bentob0x | k checking up LSD|Ninja | 10:50 |
umbrualbert | LSD|Ninja: ..I get a permission error when trying to share | 10:50 |
smmagic | Then..but...what do I do :'( | 10:50 |
jaffarkelshac | nv | 10:50 |
LSD|Ninja | smmagic: that's a common thread in Hardy, stuff being dropped with no usable replacement | 10:50 |
jaffarkelshac | look for the reflection tab gizzo | 10:51 |
DistroJockey | asfalt, heh, I have not seen the theme you speak of, but the functionality to add it is broken for sure | 10:51 |
smmagic | Then this is annoying me >_> | 10:51 |
rausb0 | roxahris_: if some configure skript complains about SDL not being there, install libsdl1.2-dev | 10:51 |
gizzo | jaffarkelshac: ok, let me see if i find it | 10:51 |
dutch201 | can anyone give me something to try when the dit-upgrade breaks on a certain package? | 10:51 |
xepra | asfalt: I am running a domU in xen and gdm can't start - will freenx still be able to connect? | 10:51 |
umbrualbert | trying to usershare' returned error 255: net usershare: cannot open usershare directory /var/lib/samba/usershares. Error Permission denied | 10:51 |
hischild | jatt, i'm not sure if you can integrate it on such a way. | 10:51 |
asfalt | DistroJockey I have seen a few screenshots but haven't seen it all | 10:51 |
umbrualbert | Urgently need to access winblows share | 10:51 |
LSD|Ninja | umbrualbert: I haven't actually tried the usershare system, I'm still miffed about the old Folder Sharing control panel being relegated to the background with no real replacement :/ | 10:51 |
asfalt | xepra I don't know I am afraid | 10:52 |
gizzo | jaffarkelshac: i found cube reflection | 10:52 |
roxahris_ | Thanks! | 10:52 |
smmagic | So in turn, this means EVERYTIME I connect my PSP rhythmbox will open, LSD|Ninja | 10:52 |
gizzo | jaffarkelshac: is that the one i should be looking for? | 10:52 |
thefish | jatt, accessories > passwords and encryption keys - there is an option to store ssh key passphrases there | 10:52 |
linuxuser_xmanx | hi, a friend of mine cant connect to xchat he gets "Unknown host. Maybe you misspelled it?" error every time. What would be the solution? | 10:52 |
thefish | Carbonflux, no worries :) | 10:52 |
* elektronik123456 LG mobile fones are good sory offtopic | 10:52 | |
asfalt | umbrualbert Places, Network, Windows Network or in nautilus type in "smb://machine/share" in the address bar | 10:52 |
smmagic | linuxuser_xmanx, when he sets up his server window, does he press enter after he types it in | 10:52 |
jaffarkelshac | gizzo, actually there is a reflection below that, but it does not make it opage but you can replace it with an image | 10:52 |
LSD|Ninja | asfalt: he wants to be able to share files, not connect to shared files. Or at least that was my guess... | 10:53 |
Carbonflux | thefish, while I was gone I reset everything so its: dev eth0 proto kernel scope link src | 10:53 |
umbrualbert | asfalt...Thanks...I also urgently need to share a folder for other winblows users | 10:53 |
asfalt | LSD|Ninja he needs both ;) | 10:53 |
DistroJockey | !samba | 10:53 |
ubottu | Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: and - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. | 10:53 |
linuxuser_xmanx | smmagic: he types in no thing, just clicking on ubuntu servers | 10:53 |
gizzo | jaffarkelshac: i see it, so there is no way besides this workaround? | 10:53 |
smmagic | ah. Is it correctly set, linuxuser_xmanx ? | 10:54 |
jatt | thefish: hmm looks promising. I haven't that menu but I it turns out it's provided by the seahorse application will install it now. | 10:54 |
linuxuser_xmanx | i presume it is | 10:54 |
smmagic | have a check? o_o | 10:54 |
jaffarkelshac | i am just searching coz it never bothered me before gizzo | 10:54 |
Stonekeeper | network-manager-openvpn does not seem to work as it runs as a normal user and that normal user does not have the rights to create tun/tap devices. Is there a fix? Group add the user?? thanks | 10:54 |
OzFalcon | How do I make a user login with NO password? | 10:55 |
Stonekeeper | this is for hardy | 10:55 |
dutch201 | need some help on an 8.04 upgrade that is stopping at package gedit | 10:55 |
LSD|Ninja | OzFalcon: don't give them one | 10:55 |
adac2 | since I upgraded to hardy my accu does not load this a known issue? or probably my accu is really death? | 10:55 |
dutch201 | i pasted the error on | 10:55 |
OzFalcon | LSD|Ninja, I tried deleting the password. But login just gets stuck - Asking for a password....!? | 10:55 |
dutch201 | the error comes after a warning about gedit.dirs not present | 10:56 |
LSD|Ninja | OzFalcon: ... | 10:56 |
LSD|Ninja | OzFalcon: how did you try "deleting the password" | 10:56 |
TheBigNoob | so | 10:56 |
TheBigNoob | really quick noobie question | 10:56 |
OzFalcon | LSD|Ninja, passwd -d public | 10:56 |
DistroJockey | adac2, upgrades on systems with special stuff/heavily modified don't seem to work well | 10:57 |
herby_ | hallo spricht hier jemand deutsch | 10:57 |
_ruben | !de | 10:57 |
ubottu | Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 10:57 |
TheBigNoob | Why won't my refresh rate change to 60hz it will only stay at 85Hz | 10:57 |
LSD|Ninja | TheBigNoob: yet another thing to get dropped on the cuting room flor for Hardy | 10:57 |
rexnublr | TheBigNoob you could manually edit the conf files. | 10:57 |
kripz | im after a network manager that supports 802.1x, anyone know of any? | 10:57 |
TheBigNoob | yeah | 10:58 |
TheBigNoob | i know | 10:58 |
umbrualbert | This Windows filesahring is really a problem, for a LTS release we need this working out the box | 10:58 |
TheBigNoob | i went through the xorg | 10:58 |
LSD|Ninja | rexnublr: you shouldn't have to do that in a distro like Ubuntu | 10:58 |
TheBigNoob | but im using glx drivers | 10:58 |
TheBigNoob | for my video card | 10:58 |
FloodBot1 | TheBigNoob: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 10:58 |
DistroJockey | umbrualbert, agreed | 10:58 |
TheBigNoob | so | 10:58 |
rexnublr | TheBigNoob then modify the source or something. | 10:58 |
dutch201 | no idea on my problem? | 10:58 |
dutch201 | anyone? | 10:58 |
umbrualbert | I've searched the web without any joy...production machines need this to work | 10:58 |
DistroJockey | umbrualbert, smbclient is not working very well in Hardy | 10:58 |
TheBigNoob | i change to 60Hz in my nvidia setting control panel | 10:58 |
LSD|Ninja | rexnublr: especially when Gutsy had a nice control panel for sorting this stuff out | 10:58 |
dannyr_ | hi | 10:58 |
rexnublr | TheBigNoob is it a known issue? | 10:58 |
TheBigNoob | sort of | 10:59 |
musa | @umbrualbert: r you setting up samba server | 10:59 |
TheBigNoob | but the one known solution isnt working for me | 10:59 |
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umbrualbert | DistroJockey: have you seen a bug-report for it | 10:59 |
rexnublr | TheBigNoob tried the known fixes? | 10:59 |
asfalt | an ssh bookmark manager, is there another aside from the sshmenu package ? | 10:59 |
TheBigNoob | yes | 10:59 |
umbrualbert | I'd like to add to that | 10:59 |
TheBigNoob | i really hate buggin people on irc | 10:59 |
rexnublr | TheBigNoob nothing eh? | 10:59 |
OzFalcon | anyone know how to make a user login with NO password? | 10:59 |
TheBigNoob | yeah | 10:59 |
DistroJockey | umbrualbert, not had a chance to look yet, sorry | 10:59 |
TheBigNoob | basicly | 10:59 |
TheBigNoob | my screen works | 10:59 |
TheBigNoob | and I can see everything fine | 10:59 |
TheBigNoob | but | 10:59 |
FloodBot1 | TheBigNoob: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 10:59 |
rexnublr | TheBigNoob dude :) its ok to ask for help :). | 10:59 |
TheBigNoob | I have a monitor box floating around saying the my input is not supported | 11:00 |
umbrualbert | DistroJockey:...Have you seen any updates for Hardy? | 11:00 |
LSD|Ninja | TheBigNoob: As I said before, Gutsy hada nice control panel that let you set the resolution, refresh rate etc globally but that was dropped in Hardy it seems | 11:00 |
rexnublr | TheBigNoob do you have an LCD? | 11:00 |
asfalt | umbrualbert I have not seen any updates yet for Hardy | 11:00 |
TheBigNoob | and I cant get rid of it becasue its running at a higher hertz | 11:00 |
DistroJockey | umbrualbert, nope, none | 11:00 |
TheBigNoob | yes I have an lcd | 11:00 |
rexnublr | LSD|Ninja is it for GLX drivers? | 11:00 |
TheBigNoob | I run nvidia-settings refreshrate in terminal | 11:01 |
rexnublr | TheBigNoob tried Fedora? | 11:01 |
Temporar1 | does anyone know why my system says it can't find libxml2 when i have it for sure? | 11:01 |
TheBigNoob | it says 85 hz | 11:01 |
LSD|Ninja | rexnublr: it used to be in System -> Administration -> Screens and Resolution orsomething | 11:01 |
TheBigNoob | yeah | 11:01 |
TheBigNoob | I prefer ubuntu | 11:01 |
TheBigNoob | ive been using it for awhile | 11:01 |
Schypher_ | how do I stop autologin to gnome? | 11:01 |
LSD|Ninja | rexnublr: it wasa night and day improvement over the crappy one in the Prefernces menu | 11:01 |
rexnublr | LSD|Ninja ya? so it supports the GLX drivers for sure eh? | 11:02 |
DistroJockey | umbrualbert, my mirror is a day behind at most and I have all appropriate repos enabled | 11:02 |
OzFalcon | Schypher_, System/admin/Login window | 11:02 |
=== dannyr_ is now known as dannyr | ||
herby_ | hallo ich suche skype für debian amd64 kann mir jemand sagen wo und wie ich das finde ? | 11:02 |
LSD|Ninja | rexnublr: I assume so | 11:02 |
sdakak | !dvd | 11:02 |
ubottu | For playing DVD, see - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs | 11:02 |
=== dannyr is now known as dannyr_ | ||
TheBigNoob | im feeling creative | 11:02 |
rexnublr | TheBigNoob just try that then, what LSD|Ninja said. | 11:02 |
TheBigNoob | I might try something | 11:02 |
sdakak | Where do I find the universe dvd for hardy? | 11:02 |
keegan | hi is there a packet reconstructer like eEye iris on linux ? | 11:02 |
rausb0 | herby_: you were already told to go to the german channel | 11:03 |
Schypher_ | OzFalcon: these options are under wrong category | 11:03 |
OzFalcon | anyone know how to make a user login with NO password? | 11:03 |
ikonia | sdakak: universe repos are online | 11:03 |
LSD|Ninja | rexnublr: that's the problem, it was dropped in Hardy :/ | 11:03 |
ikonia | OzFalcon: set the password to null ? | 11:03 |
umbrualbert | The SMB share problem looks like a permissions problem | 11:03 |
sdakak | ikonia: I want to download the torrent. | 11:03 |
OzFalcon | ikonia, How? | 11:03 |
LSD|Ninja | OzFalcon: repeating the question every 5 minutes isn't a way to get on a channels good side ;) | 11:03 |
rexnublr | when ever I install ubuntu I sudo su passwd root :) | 11:03 |
Hamled | is there a key command to minimize a window in gnome? | 11:03 |
ikonia | OzFalcon: passwd $user | 11:03 |
rexnublr | I hate sudo, its so lame. | 11:03 |
ikonia | OzFalcon: or set the password to blank in the user manager tool | 11:03 |
ikonia | rexnublr: don't use it then | 11:03 |
sdakak | ikonia: for the universe repo. The site was in the channel topic of #ubuntu-release-party. Do you know what is it? | 11:03 |
rexnublr | ikonia HAH :) | 11:03 |
ikonia | sdakak: I'm sorry I don't | 11:03 |
DistroJockey | umbrualbert, it worked fine with 7.10 (smb:// that is) | 11:04 |
musa | @umbrual: did you added the user to samba db: # smbpasswd -a <user> | 11:04 |
CRASH69 | robbie: did it work? | 11:04 |
LSD|Ninja | musa: that's supposed to be handled in 8.04 | 11:04 |
oleavr | stupid question; I left my laptop installing Hardy through the alternate installation method (network install), and it ran out of power. /var/log/dpkg.log tells me that grub was the last package to be installed. can I trust that the system is fully installed, or would you recommend reinstalling? | 11:04 |
keegan | hi is there a packet reconstructer like eEye iris on linux ? | 11:04 |
rexnublr | I have a question, technically how hard would it be to emulate the Win XP interface in Ubuntu? | 11:04 |
robbie | well I get You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X configuration file when I run nvidia-settings(just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server. | 11:04 |
rexnublr | graphically its a master of copy and paste images to PNG or something | 11:04 |
rexnublr | but touchy feely wise. | 11:04 |
ikonia | OzFalcon: boot it, try it | 11:04 |
OzFalcon | ikonia, Doesn't work. Can;t set it blank in the user manager tool | 11:05 |
robbie | when I run nvidia-settings | 11:05 |
musa | LSD: oh ok | 11:05 |
robbie | ive done what it said but it does the same thing again | 11:05 |
ikonia | OzFalcon: passwd $user then | 11:05 |
=== void^_ is now known as void^ | ||
asabil | rexnublr: XPDE | 11:05 |
manchicken | rexnublr: Many have created artwork skins for that, none of them are very good. | 11:05 |
OzFalcon | ikonia, I'll try that. But (passwd -d user) didn't work. | 11:05 |
ikonia | OzFalcon: oh really, thats odd | 11:06 |
* asabil wonders why people like the ugly teletubbies inspired windows XP interface | 11:06 | |
TheBigNoob | ouch | 11:06 |
manchicken | rexnublr: There comes a time when one must realize that Ubuntu isn't Windows... I would think most Ubunteros would encourage you to embrace Ubuntu as Ubuntu, and not try to turn it into Windows. | 11:06 |
ikonia | OzFalcon: I would have expected passwd -d to work | 11:06 |
CRASH69 | robbie: did you tried what I said? | 11:06 |
TheBigNoob | lol it just changed into 320x175 graphics | 11:06 |
OzFalcon | ikonia, Couln't login at all after deleting the password. | 11:06 |
LSD|Ninja | Speaking of SMB, why doesn't Ubuntu list shares when you browse to a server in GNOME? I double click a machine and get nothing. I can access the shares with smb://server/share but that's a pain | 11:06 |
DistroJockey | umbrualbert, the main issue is that it doesn't request a user/pass in most cases | 11:06 |
ikonia | OzFalcon: try setting it to null | 11:06 |
robbie | yep | 11:06 |
robbie | installed those packages | 11:07 |
rexnublr | asabil ya ya, but its lame, the fonts are all wrong etc. | 11:07 |
umbrualbert | mmmm.I cant find a fix....Hope this gets resolved | 11:07 |
ikonia | umbrualbert: what's the problem, I missed you question | 11:07 |
Temporar1 | would it make my life easier to reinstall with 7.10 then? | 11:07 |
asabil | rexnublr: then use GNOME, or go back to windows XP | 11:07 |
Temporar1 | 8.04 is causing me so much trouble --_-- | 11:07 |
umbrualbert | Creating shares on Hardy for winblows users to access | 11:07 |
keegan | hi is there a packet reconstructer like eEye iris on linux ? | 11:07 |
DistroJockey | umbrualbert, and even with the right credentials it fails for most secure shares | 11:07 |
rexnublr | asabil maybe I will do it myself, but is there a copyright issue there? | 11:08 |
ikonia | umbrualbert: you mean "windows" users, I assume | 11:08 |
LSD|Ninja | Windows file sharing was never the best in Ubuntu, 8.04 just seems to have made it worse :( | 11:08 |
asabil | rexnublr: I am not a lawyer | 11:08 |
OzFalcon | ikonia, I can't set it to null. it says "no password supplied" | 11:08 |
CRASH69 | robbie: and did you run: system>administration>Nvidia x server settinngs ? | 11:08 |
keegan | hi is there a packet reconstructer like eEye iris on linux ? | 11:08 |
ikonia | OzFalcon: ahh, thats a pain, one moment I'll try it on a box here | 11:08 |
DistroJockey | LSD|Ninja, I agree, it has gotten worse | 11:09 |
unop | keegan, ubuntu is linux :) | 11:09 |
rausb0 | LSD|Ninja: smbmount (kernel based) is not working? | 11:09 |
umbrualbert | ikonia: Yip, Windows... | 11:09 |
LSD|Ninja | rausb0: hmm? | 11:09 |
asabil | rexnublr: go ahead and do it, even if I am not really convinced about the "beauty" of the teleptubbies inspired green and blue interface | 11:09 |
ikonia | umbrualbert: what's actually the problem ? | 11:09 |
rexnublr | I think the linux file system needs to be reconstructed. | 11:09 |
rausb0 | LSD|Ninja: not the gnome vfs thing and not smbclient. kernel based smbfs. | 11:09 |
bullgard4 | LSD|Ninja: "Windows file sharing was never the best in Ubuntu, 8.04 just seems to have made it worse": The contrary is true. | 11:10 |
LSD|Ninja | rausb0: I'm sure that works, that isn't the point | 11:10 |
umbrualbert | rausb0.....for smbmount to work...apt-get install smbfs...was dropped in hardy | 11:10 |
LSD|Ninja | bullgard4: no, not it's not | 11:10 |
unop | rexnublr, it's fine as it is .. you need to get around how it is constructed, it takes a little time, but you get there. | 11:10 |
rausb0 | umbrualbert: really? | 11:10 |
ikonia | rexnublr: your making a theoretical discussion that is nothing to do with ubuntu, I suggest you try #ubuntu-offtopic | 11:10 |
DistroJockey | Ubuntu box (8.04) trying to smb:// fails as does Connect to Server from places | 11:10 |
jaffarkelshac | gizzo, i found it in terminal type gconf-editor apps>gwd> metacity theme opacity to 1 | 11:10 |
umbrualbert | worked for me | 11:10 |
asabil | rexnublr: do you know what a filesystem is ? | 11:10 |
robbie | yeah its saying I dont have the driver enabled and to run nvidia-xconfig, ive done that and restarted x. its doing the same thing when I go to that nvidia administration program again | 11:10 |
OzFalcon | ikonia, Any luck? | 11:10 |
asabil | rexnublr: what do you want to change in the filesystem ? | 11:11 |
ikonia | OzFalcon: how are you trying to login ? | 11:11 |
rexnublr | I think we should create a new text charset, based on algroithms that generate png images at any size, thus replacing ascii and ansi 100 percent. | 11:11 |
ikonia | asabil: rexnublr take it to #ubuntu-offtopic please. | 11:11 |
rausb0 | !info smbfs | 11:11 |
rexnublr | ok | 11:11 |
ikonia | OzFalcon: eg: gdm, ssh ? | 11:11 |
asabil | ikonia: ain't interested | 11:11 |
ikonia | asabil: ok, drop the topic then | 11:11 |
thyko | say, which repo has quakeIII demo? | 11:11 |
OzFalcon | ikonia, gdm (human list) | 11:12 |
asabil | ikonia: just wondering what is he talking about ... | 11:12 |
ikonia | asabil: nonsense | 11:12 |
ikonia | OzFalcon: ok | 11:12 |
asabil | agreed | 11:12 |
paulcross | How could MAC OSX be so fast?! Is it because the hardware? | 11:12 |
rausb0 | hey ubottu, don't know !info anymore? | 11:12 |
ikonia | paulcross: pardon ? in relation to what ? | 11:12 |
rausb0 | silly bot | 11:12 |
asabil | paulcross: it is *not* fast, it is slower in fact than other OSes | 11:12 |
paulcross | ikonia, The cover flow, The time machine..... | 11:13 |
ikonia | OzFalcon: Hmmm it looks like pam is playing a part | 11:13 |
ikonia | paulcross: how is this anything to do with ubuntu ? | 11:13 |
paulcross | asabil, Really. But in the video its very fast. | 11:13 |
ikonia | OzFalcon: just tracking it down | 11:13 |
OzFalcon | ikonia, I've hear of pam, But don't know anything about it. | 11:13 |
paulcross | ikonia, ubuntu use the same cover flow effect. But it seems not fast enough. | 11:14 |
asabil | paulcross: it is not fast. it just got smooth animations (I got a mac myself) | 11:14 |
ikonia | OzFalcon: just walking it through now, I get the same issues, there is also application level configs for ssh/gdm etc which has options like "allow blank passwords) | 11:14 |
paulcross | asabil, Oh | 11:14 |
ikonia | paulcross: the X server is totally different | 11:14 |
keegan | hi is there a packet reconstructer like eEye iris on linux ? | 11:14 |
ikonia | keegan: check the repo's | 11:14 |
keegan | okay | 11:15 |
rausb0 | keegan: you mean something like dpkg-repack? | 11:15 |
ikonia | rausb0: network tool | 11:15 |
rausb0 | ikonia: oh, okay | 11:15 |
paulcross | ikonia, oh. I thought its because OSX use the directx instead of opengl. | 11:15 |
OzFalcon | ikonia, Hmmm. | 11:15 |
ikonia | paulcross: directX is a windows technology isn't it ? | 11:15 |
asabil | paulcross: oO no directX on osx | 11:16 |
paulcross | ikonia, No .OSX panther using the directx. | 11:16 |
asabil | paulcross: everyone uses OpenGL except microsoft | 11:16 |
ikonia | paulcross: I think your mistaken on that | 11:16 |
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keegan | rausb0: no to reconstruct network packets | 11:16 |
asabil | paulcross: no no dude, DirectX is only for windows and XBox | 11:16 |
OzFalcon | ikonia, somehthing in /etc/pam.d/ ? | 11:16 |
ikonia | OzFalcon: one moment | 11:17 |
ikonia | OzFalcon: got it | 11:17 |
ikonia | OzFalcon: /etc/gdm/gdm.conf | 11:17 |
paulcross | asabil, wait a miniute. I belive i could find the youtube link which shows panther using the directx | 11:17 |
OzFalcon | ikonia, yeah, looked at that. But doesn't mean much to me. | 11:17 |
musa | paulcross maybe inside vmware fusion | 11:18 |
asabil | paulcross: what are you talking about ? yeah sure there is Cider (cedega equivalent for OSX), but that's a DirectX implementation on top of OpenGL | 11:18 |
kripz | Where are the ca certificates stored?? | 11:18 |
ikonia | OzFalcon: look for "PasswordRequired=false" int eh config file. | 11:18 |
OzFalcon | ikonia, oh, hold on. I was looking at /etc/pam.d/gdm sorry | 11:18 |
asabil | paulcross: and to let you know, OpenGL is generally faster/better than DirectX (except on windows) | 11:19 |
ikonia | OzFalcon: no problem | 11:19 |
OzFalcon | ikonia, ok thanks for that | 11:19 |
nonewmsgs | is there a program or an option to use id3/4 tags of an mp3 when burning an audio cd instead of the file name? | 11:19 |
OzFalcon | ikonia, trying out now. | 11:19 |
ikonia | OzFalcon: /etc/gdm/gdm.conf and the line PasswordRequired=false | 11:19 |
j0be | Carbonflux: still there? i saw a /16 coming by, you are messed up with your netmasks | 11:19 |
ikonia | OzFalcon: read the text above that line too | 11:19 |
paulcross | asabil, I am looking for the link. | 11:19 |
ikonia | paulcross: maybe take this to #apple | 11:19 |
ikonia | paulcross: not really an ubuntu discussion | 11:20 |
gurpreet | my dvd playback's video quality is quite bad, how can i correct it? | 11:20 |
OzFalcon | ikonia, k. so editing with vi now. | 11:21 |
asfalt | an ssh bookmark manager, is there another aside from the sshmenu package ? | 11:21 |
ikonia | asfalt: putty does it | 11:21 |
paulcross | ikonia, Yes. sorry | 11:21 |
asfalt | ikonia oh there is a repo package for putty? or you mean to run it in wine ? | 11:21 |
ikonia | paulcross: no need for apologies | 11:21 |
ikonia | asfalt: no, putty is available on linx too | 11:22 |
gralexey | hello, how can i mount sata hdd? | 11:22 |
ikonia | gralexey: same as every other disk "mount" is the command | 11:22 |
asfalt | ikonia excuse my ignorance then I shall apt-cache search and install it ;) | 11:22 |
ikonia | asfalt: no ignorance, the repo's are massive, the package is putty I think | 11:22 |
assargadon | Hi there. | 11:22 |
wicker_liu | mount | 11:23 |
=== nous is now known as _nous | ||
ikonia | asfalt: putty and putty-tools | 11:23 |
gralexey | <ikonia> on which dev it do you know? | 11:23 |
asfalt | thanks again ikonia | 11:23 |
ikonia | gralexey: which ever one you want to mount eg: sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/sdb1 /mnt" | 11:23 |
assargadon | I use firestarter for internet sharing in ubuntu 7.04. Now I need use 6.06 - what can I use for internet sharing in 6.06? There are no firestarter in 6.06 synaptic list | 11:24 |
ikonia | asfalt: iptables, sqiud | 11:24 |
_nous | ikonia, is gralexey trying to set up a mount point for a hd? | 11:24 |
gurpreet | my dvd playback's video quality is quite bad, how can i correct it? | 11:24 |
gralexey | /dev/sdb1 its my flashdisk | 11:24 |
musa | gralexey: find out partition you want to mount # sudo fdisk -l -l = list | 11:24 |
ikonia | asfalt: iptables is firestarter without the front end, a tool like fwbuilder may help you if you don't know the commands | 11:24 |
ikonia | gralexey: ok, what device file is your disk ? | 11:24 |
ikonia | _nous: just mount a disk | 11:25 |
ikonia | gralexey: use fdisk or gparted on teh device to see the partitions | 11:25 |
nonewmsgs | gurpeet did you just install the dvdcss2? | 11:25 |
ikonia | gralexey: then mount the correct device | 11:25 |
_nous | ikonia, i see.. I am trying to create a mount point and proper fstab entries for one of my hd's | 11:25 |
_nous | i forgot to label it during install ;/ | 11:25 |
ikonia | _nous: ok, are you having issues ? | 11:25 |
gralexey | i dont know exectly( | 11:25 |
ikonia | gralexey: how many hard disks do you have ? | 11:25 |
tARrAScH | Hi, I want firefox 2.x instead of 3 beta :(, Is it possible to migrate back without to much suffering in Ubuntu 8.04? | 11:25 |
gralexey | i have tried any | 11:26 |
ikonia | tARrAScH: there is a firefox-2 package int eh repos | 11:26 |
gurpreet | nonewmsgs, i've ran the script | 11:26 |
ikonia | gralexey: how many disks sata/ide/flash do youhave in the system | 11:26 |
_nous | well, just unsure how to get it to automount and also need to have it point to a directory/ | 11:26 |
tARrAScH | ikonia: ah, OK, seems good :) | 11:26 |
scheggio | ciao | 11:26 |
ikonia | _nous: anything in your /etc/fstab gets automounted | 11:26 |
gralexey | already mounted two: hda2 and hda5 | 11:26 |
xeQter | sup | 11:26 |
schitzo | sup | 11:26 |
gurpreet | nonewmsgs, yes, its installed | 11:26 |
ikonia | gralexey: thats 1 disk, - 2 partitions | 11:26 |
ikonia | gralexey: how many physical disks do you have in your system | 11:27 |
xeQter | no | 11:27 |
schitzo | dunno | 11:27 |
_nous | ikonia, so just create a dir/ in / and then add fstab entries? | 11:27 |
gralexey | two: one ide and one sata | 11:27 |
shomon | hi, I'm about to upgrade to the newest ubuntu but I'm scared that nautilus is going to lose my mapped ftp drives - is there a way to back them up just in case? | 11:27 |
nonewmsgs | gunpreet have you rebooted since? | 11:27 |
ikonia | _nous: created a mount point where ever you want (/media/$ or /mnt/$ are common) and then update your fstab | 11:27 |
gurpreet | no | 11:27 |
ikonia | gralexey: ok, and is /dev/sda your ide disk ? | 11:27 |
bullgard4 | Nautilus lists a 'type' for every filename it displays. Where can I find a list of the elements of the set of types that are available in this Nautilus column? | 11:28 |
shomon | (I mean the stuff in the Places menu) | 11:28 |
_nous | ikonia, i would prefer to have it in the root dir | 11:28 |
ikonia | _nous: root dir is fine - it's your system, mount where YOU like, | 11:28 |
OzFalcon | ikonia, Still not working. I uncommented out the line to make passreq=false, I don't have a file /etc/default/login | 11:28 |
gurpreet | nonewmsgs, going to reboot now | 11:28 |
_nous | or I guess I could symlink it | 11:28 |
* _nous shrugs | 11:28 | |
ikonia | OzFalcon: why do you think you need a /etc/default/login file | 11:28 |
gralexey | <ikonia> i already tried to mount it, said that wrong filesystem | 11:29 |
[volk] | I can't play movies inside gnome apps anymore after last upgrade | 11:29 |
OzFalcon | ikonia, no, Im saying I don't have one. (Hence no overide) so it should work, | 11:29 |
[volk] | they play slow motion without any sound | 11:29 |
m1r | i installed thunar to this low spec pc, but i cant access windows network shares anymore. are there any gui programs for thunar to enable networking ? | 11:29 |
ikonia | gralexey: I'm not sure whats going on, I'm asking you questions and your responding with random answer | 11:29 |
[volk] | I can play everything just fine in vlc though | 11:29 |
ikonia | OzFalcon: ahhh | 11:29 |
ikonia | gralexey: is /dev/sda your ide disk ? | 11:29 |
gralexey | no | 11:30 |
shomon | [volk]: have you got all your extra apt repositories turned on? I'm not an expert but it could be missing apt packages... | 11:30 |
ikonia | OzFalcon: one moment why I read | 11:30 |
OzFalcon | ikonia, I wouldn't have to reboot would I? | 11:30 |
[volk] | shomon, hmm no.. | 11:30 |
ikonia | OzFalcon: just restart X ? | 11:30 |
OzFalcon | ikonia, or restart gdm | 11:30 |
ikonia | gralexey: ok, so you know that /dev/sda is your sata disk then, so /dev/sda$ is all the partitions on your sata disk | 11:30 |
OzFalcon | ikonia, can't remember how now. :-( | 11:30 |
ikonia | gralexey: so in answer to your first question /dev/sda is your sata disk, and then /dev/sda$number is your partitions | 11:30 |
ikonia | OzFalcon: ctrl+alt+backspace | 11:31 |
shomon | [volk]: do your video apps give you an error message, like "no codec for this" etc? | 11:31 |
OzFalcon | ikonia, that'll log me out wont it? | 11:31 |
ikonia | OzFalcon: yes it will | 11:31 |
OzFalcon | ikonia, if so, Back in a tick. | 11:31 |
gralexey | ikonia, ok thanks, will try again | 11:31 |
ikonia | OzFalcon: no problem | 11:31 |
nigma | hi all | 11:32 |
[volk] | shomon, no.. they just play things ni slow motion | 11:32 |
gurpreet | nonewmsgs, video is alright now, thanks | 11:32 |
[volk] | shomon, what extra repositories do you mean? | 11:32 |
=== chmac7 is now known as chmac | ||
shomon | ah, sorry you lost me then... ok wait, I'll fire up synaptic and take a look | 11:32 |
nonewmsgs | gurpreet good! i had the same problem that's how i knew | 11:32 |
gurpreet | nonewmsgs, i watched LOTR for 1 hour in bad video :( | 11:32 |
gralexey | anybody know how to pair bluetooth device with pc in console? | 11:32 |
[volk] | shomon, I seem to have all the usual reps enabled | 11:32 |
OzFalcon | ikonia, No luck. Still doesn't want to login by just clicking the user. | 11:32 |
paulcross | "black window" again! Why nobody fix this bug! Its really a bigggggg bug! | 11:32 |
antalb | a | 11:33 |
ikonia | OzFalcon: and that password is "passwd -d" on that user | 11:33 |
[volk] | shomon, hardy, hardy-updates, hardy-security | 11:33 |
shomon | sorry, can't take a look now cos I'm already started with an upgrade... | 11:33 |
xen_ | Hey how do i install a amp stack on a 8.04 desktop installation? | 11:33 |
_Andrew | paulcross, Don't report it, it doesn't get fixed | 11:33 |
nigma | i've a problem with my HD. It's broken, gparted shows it as UNALLOCATED. It was divided in more than one partition. I'd like to recovery at least my /home partition, how can I do that? is there any tool? | 11:33 |
OzFalcon | ikonia, yes. passwd -d public | 11:33 |
paulcross | _Andrew, Impossible?!!! | 11:33 |
_Andrew | paulcross, try filing a bug | 11:34 |
ikonia | OzFalcon: out of interest, have you looked in the gdm gui ? | 11:34 |
usb_help | Hey, is this the place to get a bit of help? :/ | 11:34 |
_Andrew | yes | 11:34 |
shomon | hmm [volk] - this page might help, but it's a bit old... | 11:34 |
musa | nigma: try to use testdisk, its recovery tool | 11:35 |
OzFalcon | ikonia, Not sure where you mean. The login screen config? | 11:35 |
ikonia | OzFalcon: yes, I'm just walking through the pam config now | 11:35 |
nigma | thank you musa | 11:35 |
gurpreet | how can i make kde remember file associations? | 11:35 |
nigma | i'm gonna try | 11:35 |
shomon | looks like it could be some kind of acceleration on your card isn't being picked up... | 11:36 |
shomon | anyway, I'll ask again: in my places menu I have a lot of mapped ssh and ftp drives. how do I make sure I can keep them after upgrading ubuntu? | 11:36 |
DistroJockey | gurpreet, I suggest you ask in #kubuntu | 11:37 |
usb_help | I'm having a bit of trouble with a usb flashdrive that I tried to install ubunto on. It split it into 2 partitions. How do I merge the 2 partitions, and make the flash drive back to the way it came? | 11:37 |
usb_help | Sorry...I'm kinda new to linux. | 11:37 |
benh | hi ! | 11:37 |
xoob | is it secure running the livecd as the live session user (ubuntu)? | 11:37 |
usb_help | Partition magic on windows doesnt seem to recognise flashdrives. | 11:37 |
benh | is there a good howto somewhere to turn my laptop into a wireless AP/router | 11:37 |
benh | or I'll have to configure the thing just by hand | 11:38 |
OzFalcon | ikonia, file gdm.conf-custom mentions: lder versions of GDM used the "gdm.conf" file for configuration....... | 11:38 |
benh | ie. is there GUI options to do AP and route the network to it ? | 11:38 |
zappy | hello | 11:38 |
ikonia | OzFalcon: just checking | 11:38 |
zappy | i need help | 11:38 |
xen_ | Hey how do i install a apache-php-mysql stack on a hardy desktop installation? | 11:38 |
zappy | about songbird | 11:38 |
jimcooncat | If I roll my own custom debian packages, how do I name them so as not to conflict with existing/future package names? do I use a prefix like "custom"? Are there any reserved prefixes/suffixes for local admins to use? | 11:39 |
zappy | any1 can help me plz | 11:39 |
thyko | xen_: start adept | 11:39 |
judgen | where is the settings for antialiasing stored nowdays when the xorg.conf barely contains any info at all. | 11:39 |
ikonia | OzFalcon: gdm.conf-custom appears for user customization | 11:39 |
xen_ | start adept? | 11:39 |
thyko | xen_: actually the asiest way is adept -> phpmysql, mysql-server | 11:39 |
zappy | plz | 11:39 |
DistroJockey | !ask | zappy | 11:39 |
ubottu | zappy: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 11:39 |
zappy | ok | 11:39 |
zappy | ty | 11:39 |
zappy | so | 11:39 |
thyko | !adept | xen_ | 11:39 |
ubottu | xen_: adept is the Kubuntu package manager. Howto: | 11:39 |
ikonia | OzFalcon: I'm looking through pam now | 11:39 |
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak | ||
xen_ | oh, im on ubuntu not kubuntu, so i take it its sudo apt-get adept? | 11:40 |
[volk] | what would the reason be for packages to be held back? | 11:40 |
xen_ | *install | 11:40 |
musa | xen: | 11:40 |
zappy | ive installed an extension called work it need java...ive installed it...but it dones't work propely | 11:40 |
thyko | !synaptic | xen_ | 11:40 |
ubottu | xen_: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see | 11:40 |
ikonia | OzFalcon: this solution would work for you but I don't think it's what your looking for | 11:41 |
clemix | ger | 11:41 |
anteaya | my .bashrc file seems to be missing some PATHs that I put there. Why would that be? | 11:41 |
zappy | any idea? | 11:41 |
usb_help | So, is there a ubuntu partition manager I can use? | 11:41 |
black_ubuntu | try to write new .bashrc | 11:41 |
dutch201 | i have a buggy upgrade whic will not run past gedit package. how do i get a list of new packages that were not processed during the upgrade? | 11:42 |
musa | usb_help: try gparted | 11:42 |
hischild | [volk], they can depend on other packages which aren't installed? | 11:42 |
anteaya | black_ubuntu: yes I will have to do that but I am wondering if an install overwrote the file, I don't want to have to keep editing .bashrc | 11:42 |
simNIX | I just installed 8.04 desktop - looks very nice - compliments | 11:42 |
DistroJockey | usb_help, sudo apt-get install gparted | 11:42 |
simNIX | I installed tightvncserver | 11:43 |
magnetron | usb_help: yes. it's called "gparted". if you want to use it on your main partition, you need to run it from the desktop CD. it's in the System menu | 11:43 |
usb_help | thanks. | 11:43 |
simNIX | when I login with vncviewer I get an x sesiion but nog the desktop I see when I am at pc screen | 11:43 |
black_ubuntu | you can create a copy of your .bashrc and do new. if there are happen any problem, go back | 11:43 |
simNIX | s/nog=not/ | 11:44 |
black_ubuntu | to your old .bashrc | 11:44 |
usb_help | GNOME partition Editor? | 11:44 |
black_ubuntu | gparted | 11:44 |
black_ubuntu | =) | 11:44 |
OzFalcon | ikonia, K. I'll look at that info. | 11:45 |
musa | usb yes | 11:45 |
anteaya | black_ubuntu: yes, that is good advice, but I am wondering if new installs have a habit of over-writing .bashrc, editing .bashrc requires a re-boot which is a pain when i am working | 11:45 |
UbuntuUser | hello...! my sound card stopped working recently. when i click on the icon on panel, it says ' ... you don't have the right GStreamer plugins installed, or that you don't have a sound card configured.... ' | 11:45 |
black_ubuntu | UbuntuUser try to reinstall gstreamer | 11:45 |
desneedy | | 11:45 |
simNIX | how can I get desktop with menus and taskbar through vnc ? -> I now only get a grey background with only a xterm open - no taskbar .. | 11:46 |
black_ubuntu | vnc :0 or :1? | 11:46 |
simNIX | :1 | 11:46 |
hischild | anteaya, it doesn't need a reboot to make the changes in .bashrc active. Just start a new bash session will do it. | 11:46 |
anteaya | hischild: how do I start a new bash session? | 11:46 |
ikonia | anteaya: type bash | 11:46 |
hischild | anteaya, just type bash. | 11:47 |
a_c_1 | is it possable to get Nvidia+Xinerama+Compiz working? now and then i read about Xinerama not being compatable with the composite extension... anyone got any ideas? | 11:47 |
black_ubuntu | simNIX you enter to remote machine with vnc :1 as root? | 11:47 |
anteaya | ikonia & hischild: thank you, do either of you know what may have overwritten my .bashrc? | 11:47 |
hischild | anteaya, i'm afraid not. | 11:47 |
hooer | any mdadm/RAID experts can help me? :) | 11:47 |
ikonia | anteaya: many things | 11:47 |
ikonia | hooer: what's up | 11:48 |
anteaya | ikonia: such as? | 11:48 |
ikonia | anteaya: a script, a package that needed to append to it, user error | 11:48 |
hooer | i swappedo out a dead drive in my raid1 array, seems fine but i tseted it by removing the old working one to see if the new drive could boot by itself but it didn't complete the boot | 11:48 |
timr92 | I just upgraded to 8.04, and now I think I am having authentication probs, I'm a linux noob so I can't be sure, and I am having trouble running administrative apps, anyone help me? | 11:48 |
hooer | it gets to the raid part of the boot and says basically there's 0/2 instead of 1/2 as i'd expect | 11:49 |
ikonia | hooer: you had a failure, you removed the dead drive, and now the 1 drive thats left can't boot ? | 11:49 |
anteaya | ikonia: really, hmmmm, how would I know if .bashrc is overwritten, would it be in a log file somewhere? | 11:49 |
ikonia | anteaya: I doubt it's logged. check the time stamp on the file | 11:49 |
anteaya | ikonia: good point | 11:49 |
black_ubuntu | anteaya: type sudo bash | 11:49 |
thyko | what are some cool linux games? | 11:49 |
ikonia | black_ubuntu: why does he need sudo | 11:49 |
hischild | !games | thyko | 11:49 |
ubottu | thyko: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at and | 11:49 |
black_ubuntu | quake | 11:50 |
black_ubuntu | openarena | 11:50 |
ikonia | black_ubuntu: thats going to luanch a shell owned by root | 11:50 |
usb_help | I'm in GParted, how do I merge partitions? | 11:50 |
hooer | ikonia - no, i had a failure, but i swapped the bad drive for a good one, partitioned it up, synched the arrays, wroute the MBRs so it seemed fine. i wanted to make sure it really was mirrored 100% including beign able to boot | 11:50 |
[volk] | hischild, but it's packages like initramfstools, I can't see why they would have some missing dependencies :S | 11:50 |
ikonia | hooer: ahh ok, so the replacment drive on it's own can't boot | 11:50 |
hooer | no | 11:50 |
black_ubuntu | games quake openarena warsow nexuiz | 11:50 |
hischild | [volk], what is the situation you're having, that you need to install that? | 11:50 |
black_ubuntu | shooters | 11:50 |
hooer | ikonia - it gets so far but then dumps me to initfs | 11:50 |
hischild | !enter | black_ubuntu | 11:50 |
ubottu | black_ubuntu: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 11:50 |
[volk] | hischild, after upgrading to hardy | 11:50 |
ikonia | hooer: 1.) did you update the mdadm.conf file, 2.) is your raid partition set to "fd" raid autodetect ? | 11:50 |
wookienz_ | hi, im trying to run a python build command on my ubuntu box but im getting a cant find sqlite3 error... anyone can help or point me in the right direction? | 11:50 |
ikonia | wookienz_: do you have sqlite3 installed ? | 11:51 |
UbuntuUser | black_ubuntu: i reinstalled gstreamer0.10-alsa. now when i click on panel icon it says 'no volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found' | 11:51 |
hischild | [volk], that's odd. do you have disabled sources? | 11:51 |
hooer | ikonia - 1) yes i updated mdadm.conf and 2) i did set it to fd | 11:51 |
chimp_ | gdebi when installing .deb packages deals with the dependencies, is there a way to have dpkg do this when installing the .deb manually | 11:51 |
wookienz_ | ikonia: i believe i do...anyway i can check? | 11:51 |
timr92 | someone help me, I'm having trouble running administrative apps, and sudo in terminal gives me error | 11:51 |
[volk] | hischild, I don't seem to have any.. | 11:51 |
timr92 | ? | 11:51 |
ikonia | wookienz_: look in the package manager | 11:51 |
[volk] | maybe they are just missing.. | 11:51 |
ikonia | hooer: how far along does it boot | 11:51 |
musa | tinr92: whats the error msg | 11:51 |
black_ubuntu | try su | 11:51 |
hischild | [volk], that explains why it can't fix the dependencies. It needs sources to fix the dependencies. | 11:52 |
jpatrick | black_ubuntu: sudo -i | 11:52 |
ikonia | hooer: is yoru grub config using uuid ? (is that updated too ?) | 11:52 |
timr92 | sudo: unable to resolve host lcars_ubuntu | 11:52 |
speps | hey guys where can i get error logs about unsuccessful gnome applets loading ... such as OAFIID=GNOME_AppletName errors?THANKS | 11:52 |
anteaya | ikonia: good suggestion, something overwrote it last friday, I can't even remember what I was working on last friday | 11:52 |
areels | where can i see lhardware list ? | 11:52 |
KnopSUf | how do I run a task with different credentials in console? | 11:52 |
ikonia | timr92: your host file has a bug in it | 11:52 |
hooer | ikonia - i'm using LILO (cos of XFS i assume) but yes it is using UUID | 11:52 |
jpatrick | timr92: you changed your hostname? | 11:52 |
black_ubuntu | timr92: try IP | 11:52 |
hischild | timr92, can you pastebin /etc/hosts for me? you're probably missing a line in there. | 11:52 |
[volk] | hischild, you mean sources as in source packages? or sources to download the packages from? | 11:52 |
black_ubuntu | enter IP instead o hostname | 11:52 |
crash91 | im having problems with my x server, every time i boot i need to do xfix so it works....otherwise it doesnt. What is wrong here? | 11:52 |
ikonia | hooer: check the uuid's of your disks AND meta device, I have no idea why lilo is on your box, grub is fine with xfs | 11:52 |
thyko | !games | 11:53 |
ubottu | Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at and | 11:53 |
ikonia | black_ubuntu: can you stop giving out bad advice, how do you enter an IP address in a sudo comment | 11:53 |
hischild | black_ubuntu, if you don't know the error, please don't give advice which won't work. Sudo needs it's own host in the hosts file, which he probably is missing. | 11:53 |
hooer | ikonia, oh.. someone said that maybe grub can't boot XFS so the installer put lilo on innstead. I'll cehck the UUIDs now cheers | 11:53 |
hischild | hooer, that was me. | 11:53 |
areels | how can i open device manager? | 11:53 |
ikonia | timr92: you need to edit the /etc/host file to make sure your hostname is mapped to a valid IP address | 11:53 |
ikonia | timr92: eg: ubuntu-lcars | 11:53 |
wookienz_ | ikonia: ye si have it installed... im running the from my home dir... is it possible i cant find the sqlite3 from inside here? | 11:54 |
hischild | ikonia, timr92, make that a localhost address. | 11:54 |
ikonia | hooer: I boot xfs fine | 11:54 |
hooer | hmmm | 11:54 |
ikonia | wookienz_: possible, can you paste the exact error please. | 11:54 |
ikonia | wookienz_: into a pastebin please. | 11:54 |
timr92 | hischild, it is a localhost address | 11:54 |
hischild | timr92, can you pastebin your /etc/hosts file please? | 11:54 |
hooer | i have no explaination for that, there was no option to select LILO or Grub, it just did it :| | 11:54 |
timr92 | and I can't pastebin, coz no internet on it atm | 11:54 |
ikonia | hooer: not a big deal, | 11:55 |
wookienz_ | ikonia: | 11:55 |
Myrtti | !ask | zAMz | 11:55 |
ubottu | zAMz: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 11:55 |
inertial | what happened to the monitor configuration app in 8.04? | 11:55 |
icesword | timr92 what | 11:55 |
ikonia | timr92: just make sure your hostname is in your /etc/hosts file and maps to a valid IP addres | 11:55 |
Myrtti | mäehäh | 11:55 |
Myrtti | zAMz: sorry | 11:55 |
=== ka2u is now known as ka2zzzz | ||
hooer | what's the location of disk_by_uuid again please? :) | 11:55 |
icesword | Myrtti what the hell is that | 11:55 |
ikonia | hooer: /dev but you can also just do "blkid" | 11:55 |
usb_help | How do I change ext3 to fat32 in gparted? | 11:56 |
ikonia | hooer: /dev/disk | 11:56 |
hcnet | I'm using Hardy and I want dnsmasq and pdnsd to be installed on a single machine (both are mutually exclusive). I want dnsmasq to point to pdnsd (running on another port) to request for dns information instead of looking in /etc/resolv.conf. Can this be achieved? | 11:56 |
ikonia | usb_help: you can't change it, you need to format it | 11:56 |
timr92 | ikonia, lcars_ubuntu ? I'm a real noob | 11:56 |
hooer | cheers | 11:56 |
areels | how can i open device manager? hardy? | 11:56 |
blinkiz | I seems like something to much has been removed with "rm -rf" command. Can anyone recommend a recovery tool for ext3? | 11:56 |
icesword | blinkiz photorec | 11:56 |
=== _t00r is now known as t00r | ||
icesword | !info photorec | 11:57 |
nirly | i used ntfs configuration tool to mount NTFS drives and now i want to change their names, how can i do this? | 11:57 |
hcnet | blinkiz: aptitude search recover | 11:57 |
UbuntuUser | hello...! sound used to work for me, but now stopped working after some update on 8.04. can you help? | 11:57 |
hischild | icesword, the !info factoid seems to be gone atm. | 11:57 |
ikonia | timr92: what happens if you "ping lcars_ubuntu" | 11:57 |
icesword | hischild hmm, kk | 11:57 |
inertial | anyone know why xrandr might only be displaying one of my monitors? | 11:57 |
inertial | when in fact both of them are working as a cloned screen.. | 11:57 |
tijn | i have the wierdest FF3 problem, the fonts are still way to big, user defining them doenst help, ctrl-+/- neither -> screenie | 11:57 |
timr92 | ikonia, ping in the terminal on the computer in question? | 11:57 |
usb_help | Also, why are my 2 petitions locked. A padlock symbol is displayed and I cannt edit them. | 11:58 |
tijn | since hardy that is | 11:58 |
areels | how can i open device manager? | 11:58 |
ikonia | timr92: thats right yes | 11:58 |
[volk] | ahh it seems I had to run dist-upgrade once again to upgrade the held back packages | 11:58 |
timr92 | ok | 11:58 |
UbuntuUser | i reinstalled gstreamer0.10-alsa, now when i click on sound icon on panel, it says "no volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found" | 11:58 |
leyin | i am using ubuntu8.04 | 11:58 |
timr92 | ikonia, "unknown host lcars_ubuntu" | 11:58 |
icesword | !host > timr92 | 11:59 |
hooer | okay.. none of the arrays UUID's in the mdadm.conf match the ones in /dev/disk/by_uuid or blkid :| | 11:59 |
ikonia | timr92: ok, for arguments sake, boot into recovery mode and edit /etc/hosts to contain lcars_ubuntu | 11:59 |
ikonia | hooer: there you have it | 11:59 |
mahadasda | hey there. I got an external HD that is having some kind of error. folders keep loosing write access... what can I do?what is the best command to check the disk and correct errors? its a vfat formatter disk | 11:59 |
hooer | in fact they even have different syntax.. mdadm.conf uses : and the blkid ones use - | 11:59 |
ikonia | hooer: thats one of the issues of blkid, changing disks changes the partition, which then changes your config | 11:59 |
timr92 | ikonia, get rid of everything else? | 12:00 |
papat | I cannot get icons seen in my Desktop, in kubuntu hardy, though I've activated the "see icons option". Any ideas? | 12:00 |
ikonia | timr92: keep your localhost entry | 12:00 |
ikonia | timr92: I assume you have localhost in thre too | 12:00 |
timr92 | ikonia, I think so | 12:00 |
hooer | ikonia, i dont understand why /dev/md3 would be different tho, that's an 8-drive RAID5 array on a RAID controller that shouldbnt have changed? :| | 12:00 |
ikonia | hooer: new disk - new partition | 12:00 |
mahadasda | papat - did u enable the advanced desktop effekt things? if u enable the option to have different backgrounds on each screen u loose the desktop icons. well u dont loose them but they stay "hidden" behind the wallpapers | 12:00 |
ikonia | hooer: think of the uuid as an md5 | 12:00 |
hooer | oh | 12:01 |
ikonia | hooer: thats the best examaple I can give | 12:01 |
timr92 | ikonia, I just realised i have doubled up entries in grub, is that bad? | 12:01 |
hooer | shouldn't the mdadm.conf be kept upto date automatically then? | 12:01 |
ikonia | hooer: any changes to the parittion structure = changes to the "uuid" or "cheksum | 12:01 |
ikonia | timr92: doubled up entries, what do you mean please ? | 12:01 |
ikonia | hooer: script it :) | 12:01 |
ikonia | hooer: there is no mechanism | 12:01 |
hooer | ah :p | 12:01 |
musa | after i upgraded to 8.04, the sound card is detected but their is no sound. | 12:01 |
timr92 | ikonia, 2 entries for normal mode, 2 entries for recovery mode | 12:01 |
mahadasda | I got an external HD where folders keep loosing write access... what can I do? what is the best command to check the disk and correct errors? its a vfat formatter disk | 12:01 |
edward__ | what sorta sound card u got | 12:02 |
ikonia | timr92: just remove the old ones | 12:02 |
timr92 | ikonia, what do I do in the recovery menu? | 12:02 |
hooer | so i should change the "-"'s for ":"'s when i put the blkid UUID's into mdadm.conf? | 12:02 |
musa | edward: HDA Intel | 12:02 |
timr92 | ikonia; resume, root, or xfix? | 12:03 |
edward__ | so it was working before the upgrade right | 12:03 |
musa | yes edward | 12:03 |
matt___ | if you know of mysql, please help. How can I view the row (or column) in the mysql database where the user = matt? what would the command be | 12:03 |
crash91 | im having problems with my x server, every time i boot i need to do xfix so it works....otherwise it doesnt. What is wrong here? | 12:03 |
nirly | i used ntfs configuration tool to mount NTFS drives and now i want to change their names, how can i do this? | 12:03 |
=== adam7 is now known as adam__ | ||
desneedy | perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings: | 12:04 |
desneedy | LANGUAGE = (unset), | 12:04 |
desneedy | LC_ALL = (unset), | 12:04 |
=== adam__ is now known as adam___ | ||
inertial | anyone know how to get to the screen configuration admin app? i can't find it anymore in 8.04 | 12:04 |
case_ | matt___, SELECT * FROM <table> WHERE user = 'matt'; | 12:04 |
desneedy | LC_CTYPE = "zh_CN.UTF-8", | 12:04 |
desneedy | LANG = "en_HK.UTF-8" | 12:04 |
desneedy | are supported and installed on your system. | 12:04 |
FloodBot1 | desneedy: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 12:04 |
=== adam___ is now known as adam7_ | ||
matt___ | case_: THANKS, I'LL GIVE IT A TRY | 12:04 |
=== adam7_ is now known as adam7__ | ||
Tm_T | matt___: now need to shout ;) | 12:04 |
mystic | anyone help me with an install problem - as in I install via the windows installer - reboot and ubuntu hangs at hald | 12:04 |
matt___ | Tm_T: sorry, had caps lock on :( | 12:04 |
case_ | matt___, OK BUT I'M NOT DEAF :) | 12:05 |
mahadasda | can anyone help me with fsck? | 12:05 |
Tm_T | ;) | 12:05 |
edward__ | musa is linux-ubuntu-modules updates | 12:05 |
matt___ | case_: ok. didn't know. | 12:05 |
edward__ | updated | 12:05 |
timr92 | ikonia, what to do?? noob here remember | 12:05 |
Tm_T | mahadasda: what about it? we cannot help if you can't tell what is your problem | 12:05 |
edward__ | try apt-get updating it | 12:05 |
matt___ | case_: the command wont work....i don't know the table name though? | 12:05 |
OzFalcon | ikonia, That seems to have got it working well enough. | 12:05 |
edward__ | mahadasda what is ur external HD formatted as | 12:05 |
edward__ | i mean the fs | 12:05 |
case_ | matt___, you have to find the table you want to use... | 12:05 |
mahadasda | Tm_T - i keep loosing write access to a external HD of mine. so i wanna fsck it. its vfat formatted | 12:06 |
usb_help | Thanks fr your help guys. :) Problem solved. | 12:06 |
matt___ | case_: how? | 12:06 |
huzz | Hello, using 8.04 lts on a core duo 2.4ghz 7600GS Nvidia, i've tried with the restricted drivers and now installed the latest drivers, dual monitors twinview enable video is choppy i've searched and tried a lot of methods but nothing seems to work (Players used: vlc, mplayer). | 12:06 |
nirly | i used ntfs configuration tool to mount NTFS drives and now i want to change their names, how can i do this? | 12:06 |
musa | edward: i assume so, how to i verify | 12:06 |
case_ | matt___, in you have to know whish database of mysql you want to use, and then which table of the database | 12:06 |
Tm_T | mahadasda: so upi prolly need fsck.vfat | 12:06 |
case_ | matt___, how am i supposed to know that? :) | 12:06 |
Tm_T | mahadasda: but run it when the partition is unmounted | 12:06 |
case_ | matt___, it depend of what you want to do... | 12:07 |
matt___ | case_: it is the mysql database, but i mean how to find out. i've veiwed the tables before, but once again, i've forgotton the command | 12:07 |
edward__ | musa - try apt-get install linux-ubuntu-modules and it should output the version number | 12:07 |
crash91 | im having problems with my x server, every time i boot i need to do xfix so it works....otherwise it doesnt. What is wrong here? Please help! | 12:07 |
case_ | matt___, mysqlshow will show you all the databases, and mysqlshow <database> will show you the tables of that database | 12:07 |
dubby | hey anyone what is it called when an application runs as a little icon in the top panel ? | 12:07 |
mystic | anyone help me with an install problem - as in I install via the windows installer - reboot and ubuntu hangs at hald - just message me if you can help | 12:07 |
edward__ | musa - not sure that works...if it doesn't try installing 'linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24-16-generic' | 12:08 |
TJ13820 | i have just installed ubuntu 7.10 on an HP Pavillion Ze2700 US, and it will not load to the login screen without pressing CTRL+ALT+1 or otherwise for text mode | 12:08 |
edward__ | via apt-get | 12:08 |
mahadasda | Tm_T - ok i did that but now it asks me "FATs differ but appear to be intact. Use which FAT ?" | 12:08 |
case_ | matt___, mysqlshow is a shell command, not to use inside mysql... if you see what i mean | 12:08 |
TJ13820 | how do i get the gui back? | 12:08 |
matt___ | case_: yeah..but could i do something similiar in sql? | 12:08 |
edward__ | musa - an old module may cause wireless and sound to malfunction | 12:08 |
mahadasda | Tm_T - 1)use first FAT 2)use second FAT | 12:08 |
edward__ | on harduy | 12:08 |
edward__ | hardy | 12:08 |
Tm_T | mahadasda: I assume that you have to tell to fsck what fat version you're using, no idea about your case what it is | 12:08 |
timr92 | someone?? uhm, I'm in the recovery menu and I need to change /etc/hosts ... and I'm a noob :D help me? | 12:09 |
edward__ | u can try | 12:09 |
edward__ | or another text based editor | 12:09 |
case_ | matt___, show databases; | 12:09 |
mahadasda | Tm_T - how can i discover what version it is? (not my PC, helping out a friend) | 12:09 |
case_ | matt___, then: use <database>; | 12:09 |
TJ13820 | i have just installed ubuntu 7.10 on an HP Pavillion Ze2700 US, and it will not load to the login screen without pressing CTRL+ALT+1 or otherwise for text mode. How do i get the GUI back? | 12:09 |
case_ | matt___, and then : show tables; | 12:09 |
timr92 | edward, were you talkin 2 me? I'm at the recovery menu and what do I choose? | 12:10 |
case_ | matt___, and after that you can type in the SELECT command. | 12:10 |
edward__ | timr i assumed u were at a console | 12:10 |
musa | edward: should i update the module, my kernel vertion is, so i need linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22-14? | 12:10 |
matt___ | case_: it's weird, the SHOW TABLES; command just gives me another prompt, as in nothing happens | 12:10 |
mahadasda | Tm_T - its vfat formatted (fat32) thats all info i can see here | 12:10 |
mystic | anyone help me with an install problem - as in I install via the windows installer - reboot and ubuntu hangs at hald ?? | 12:10 |
edward__ | timr92 - i'm not sure how exactly to get into a console from the recov. menu | 12:11 |
papat | mahadasda, I had no option enabled for special effects. They simply don't wanna show. It's veeeery annoying | 12:11 |
timr92 | edward, there's resume, root, or xfix | 12:11 |
huzz | Hello, using 8.04 lts on a core duo 2.4ghz 7600GS Nvidia, i've tried with the restricted drivers and now installed the latest drivers, dual monitors twinview enable video is choppy i've searched and tried a lot of methods but nothing seems to work (Players used: vlc, mplayer). | 12:11 |
case_ | matt___, what prompt? mysql> or -> ? | 12:11 |
matt___ | -> | 12:11 |
timr92 | edward, I think its root, lol. I'll try it | 12:11 |
case_ | matt___, you've forgoten the final ';' | 12:11 |
mahadasda | papat - sry cant help u there then... im not THAT experienced. only had that error once and in my case that was the reason... | 12:11 |
edward__ | timr92 - a root shell?? then just sudo vi /etc/hosts | 12:11 |
matt___ | so is it SHOW TABLES;; | 12:11 |
nirly | i tried setting global keyboard shortcuts in amarok but the only work when i'm in the application window (not globally), anyone know how to do this? | 12:12 |
papat | btw, which are the right repositories to upgrade hardy? | 12:12 |
timr92 | edward, now what | 12:12 |
case_ | matt___, no, it's SHOW TABLES; | 12:12 |
timr92 | edward, I don't know how to use it | 12:12 |
matt___ | nirly: i believe you can edit the global keys... | 12:12 |
matt___ | nirly: seriously | 12:12 |
edward__ | timr u got into vi? | 12:12 |
wookienz_ | anyone knoow a irc bot that will let me use the !tell or !ask command? | 12:12 |
timr92 | edward, yes | 12:12 |
munkhbold | hi | 12:12 |
matt___ | case_: that's exactly what i've been trying.. | 12:12 |
edward__ | timr alright...i'm reading off a manual here | 12:13 |
timr92 | lol | 12:13 |
matt___ | case_: actually, the prompt now is '> | 12:13 |
edward__ | timr kjhl for up down left right respectively | 12:13 |
case_ | matt___, so , type just ';' | 12:13 |
crash91 | im having problems with my x server, every time i boot i need to do xfix so it works....otherwise it doesnt. What is wrong here? Please help! | 12:13 |
timr92 | edward, ok | 12:13 |
huzz | /join #ubuntu-help | 12:13 |
edward__ | timr so scroll to what u want to edit | 12:13 |
mystic | anyone help me with an install problem - as in I install via the windows installer - reboot and ubuntu hangs at hald | 12:13 |
timr92 | edward, I think I did. I think it needs to be lcars_ubuntu where it says localhost? | 12:14 |
matt___ | case_: ok, i think i'm figuring this out a little bit... | 12:14 |
acegikmo | apparently there's no-one active in the mythbuntu channel so I'll ask it here: is it now any easier to get the winfast dtv1000t's IR remote working with myth tv? apparently hardy has some patch that fixes the major bug, but I can't find a working config file anywhere | 12:14 |
hischild | timr92, no, you need 2 lines. One with localhost and one with lcars_ubuntu | 12:14 |
matt___ | case_: if you don't use the ; on something, it sorta continues doesn't it? | 12:14 |
QuasarRichter | Hello | 12:14 |
nirly | matt___: you mean in setting -> configure global shortcuts? or somewhere else | 12:15 |
timr92 | hischild, ok and how do I use this thing? | 12:15 |
case_ | matt___, yes, since it encounter a ';' | 12:15 |
matt___ | nirly: that should work... | 12:15 |
skywalker | hi everybody | 12:15 |
case_ | matt___, thus you can type a muti-line command. | 12:15 |
edward__ | timr | 12:15 |
matt___ | case_: so on the select from user = matt thing, should it end in; | 12:15 |
hischild | timr92, this is still about your /etc/hosts file? it needs 2 lines in it. One has to be localhost and one has to be lcars_ubuntu | 12:15 |
nirly | matt___: they don't work globally | 12:15 |
timr92 | hischild, and it also has tims.ubuntu01.ubuntu01 tims_ubuntu.OURHOUSE that's old info, can I delete it? | 12:15 |
skywalker | how i can see the videos | 12:15 |
matt___ | nirly: huh..... | 12:15 |
case_ | matt___, yes, as i've stated first | 12:16 |
edward__ | yeah vi is confusing to use at first timr | 12:16 |
skywalker | which program i can use? | 12:16 |
hischild | timr92, if it's old info, yes | 12:16 |
case_ | matt___, it have to be: SELECT * FROM <your table> WHERE user = 'matt' ; | 12:16 |
DistroJockey | acegikmo, try searching then I guess | 12:16 |
hcnet | skywalker: firefox | 12:16 |
timr92 | edward, how to I backspace :D | 12:16 |
jtravnick | if I do chmod 777 to a folder will that also change permissions to the files in that folder? | 12:16 |
case_ | matt___, you have to type : USE <your database>; before | 12:16 |
hcnet | skywalker: install ubuntu-restricted-extras first | 12:16 |
huzz | Hello, using 8.04 lts on a core duo 2.4ghz 7600GS Nvidia, i've tried with the restricted drivers and now installed the latest drivers, dual monitors twinview enable video is choppy i've searched and tried a lot of methods but nothing seems to work (Players used: vlc, mplayer). | 12:16 |
case_ | matt___, also the quotes are important | 12:16 |
skywalker | after that wants adobe | 12:16 |
case_ | matt___, user = matt won't work. it has to be user = 'matt' | 12:17 |
skywalker | where i can install it? | 12:17 |
newbie | hi, i have the server and desktop disc with me.i wanna have server apps on my system, which one do i need to install first | 12:17 |
newbie | ? | 12:17 |
mahadasda | jtravnick - do chmod -R 777 folder -R means recursive and will change all subfolders to | 12:17 |
edward__ | timr92 what you do is use the directional keys i gave u earlier | 12:17 |
SFR | hi all | 12:17 |
edward__ | to one space before what u wanna edit (replace | 12:17 |
mahadasda | jtravnick - and files of course | 12:17 |
edward__ | timr (replace) | 12:17 |
hcnet | skywalker: Open a terminal and type this: sudo aptitude install ubuntu-restricted-extras sun-java6-jre | 12:17 |
matt___ | case_: oh right, i just didn't want to type it out perfect here... | 12:17 |
mystic | anyone help me with an install problem - as in I install via the windows installer - reboot and ubuntu hangs at hald ?? | 12:17 |
case_ | matt___, i suggest you to search for any suitable SQL tutorial. you have plenty of them on the interweb... :) | 12:17 |
edward__ | then press R | 12:17 |
timr92 | edward, ohok | 12:17 |
timr92 | edward, what happens if I want to type R? | 12:18 |
jtravnick | mahadasda, ok thanks guess i should have asked this question five mins. ago before i did the first folder | 12:18 |
edward__ | press [escape] to make sure you're in command mode | 12:18 |
adac2 | my battery won't recharge anymore since I upgraded to hardy...any ideas? | 12:18 |
recon69 | is it just me who is having apparently random total system lockups after 6.06 -> 8.04 upgrade? | 12:18 |
Jak | have you done all updates? | 12:18 |
alexMK | hi, | 12:18 |
D45H | how to install gcc m using VMWARE! | 12:18 |
matt___ | case_: i've got a bunch of ------------++++++++++ and that normal? | 12:18 |
alexMK | how can I force fsck to check the root filesystem at startup even if it doesn't have errors? | 12:18 |
timr92 | edward, I'm lost | 12:18 |
edward__ | timr i think :wq in command WILL SAVE AND CLOSE | 12:18 |
QuasarRichter | uhm | 12:19 |
hcnet | D45H: sudo aptitude install build-essential? | 12:19 |
QuasarRichter | hi? | 12:19 |
QuasarRichter | I have never used linux | 12:19 |
timr92 | edward, where's command? | 12:19 |
QuasarRichter | of any kind | 12:19 |
edward__ | timr so type in R in command mode | 12:19 |
newbie | i have the server and desktop disc with me.i wanna have server apps on my system, which one do i need to install first? | 12:19 |
case_ | matt___, yes, it try to draw a sort of table, so you have to enlarge your terminal to see it clearly | 12:19 |
Jak | Hey, anyone got any cool tweaks etc for ubuntu? | 12:19 |
=== musa is now known as shirwa | ||
edward__ | timr keep pressing esc | 12:19 |
hcnet | QuasarRichter: Well, hi and welcome to Linux. :-) | 12:19 |
matt___ | case_: as large as it'll go :( | 12:19 |
edward__ | timr till you see a cursor | 12:19 |
skywalker | how can i install adobe flash player? | 12:19 |
case_ | matt___, or you can replace the * by any coma separated list of the column you're interested in | 12:19 |
edward__ | timr at the bottom of the screen | 12:19 |
timr92 | edward, I see a cursor | 12:19 |
inertial | argh ati strikes again | 12:19 |
edward__ | ok now press 'R' and enter | 12:19 |
hcnet | skywalker: Installing ubuntu-restricted-extras will install all of that for you automatically. Can you please do what I just said above? | 12:19 |
timr92 | edward, omfg | 12:20 |
case_ | like : SELECT user,password,dob FROM <table> WHERE user='matt'; | 12:20 |
timr92 | edward, now it has another line | 12:20 |
matt___ | case_: what i'm trying to do is create a user that can log in from open office on the network...can you show me how i would delete all the users named "matt" | 12:20 |
DistroJockey | !ask | QuasarRichter | 12:20 |
ubottu | QuasarRichter: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 12:20 |
timr92 | edward, and an r | 12:20 |
Solusian | Hey guys, I had my system work perfectly fine just now.. but when I tried to automount a NTFS drive.. after that didn't succeed and I set it back to what it was.. my wireless stopped working. Any ideas? | 12:20 |
skywalker | what do you said? | 12:20 |
=== HardyOne is now known as IdleOne | ||
timr92 | edward, so lets get rid of the 2 extra lines? | 12:20 |
case_ | matt___, realy, i've no time to teach you sql... have a look on google with request like "mysql delete row" or something like that. | 12:21 |
timr92 | edward, how do I do that | 12:21 |
edward__ | timr ok | 12:21 |
hcnet | skywalker: Open a terminal and type: sudo aptitude install ubuntu-restricted-extras sun-java6-jre | 12:21 |
edward__ | timr dd is the command to delete a line the cursor is on | 12:21 |
matt___ | case_: so that's how i'd do it, delete the row? alright, sounds good, thanks for the help | 12:21 |
edward__ | timr you gotta be in command mode tho | 12:21 |
Solusian | Reinstalled about three times last night to get it working just right, but now the wireless failed on me again >< 8.04 version, AR5007EG card | 12:21 |
case_ | matt___, you're welcome. good luck | 12:21 |
timr92 | edward, it worked so I must be in command mode | 12:22 |
timr92 | edward, how do I get out of command mode? | 12:22 |
edward__ | timr good | 12:22 |
mystic | anyone help me with an install problem - reboot and ubuntu hangs at hald ?? | 12:22 |
edward__ | timr esc again | 12:22 |
edward__ | timr it toggles it | 12:22 |
timr92 | ohok | 12:22 |
hcnet | Solusian: Reinstalling Linux may not be a one-shot solution. You will need to provide details and probably file a bug report at | 12:22 |
edward__ | timr there's edit and command mode | 12:22 |
edward__ | esc toggles between them | 12:22 |
matt___ | case_: but i can't help but asking, i *think i remember someone mentioning some tool that would make this all easier, but i'm not sure about that. I may be thinking of phpmyadmin, but it's all a mess up there (my brain). | 12:22 |
jerry_ | helllo | 12:22 |
Arelis | Hey everybody. I composed a desktop PC of custom parts. Can anybody tell me if this will work fine with SuSe/Ubuntu/Fedora/any other distro? (i have to be sure): (Ignore the parts between the ()'s, they are Dutch descriptions) | 12:22 |
skywalker | said that the files are 118 mb and will be 328 mb .........what is that? | 12:22 |
timr92 | edward, ok, and now I put the cursor at the start of localhost, coz localhost says localhokt atm | 12:23 |
matt___ | Arelis: it should, but just give it a try | 12:23 |
papat | is it possible to downgrade from hardy to another former version that works properly? | 12:23 |
timr92 | edward, and I push escape? | 12:23 |
edward__ | timr use kjhkl | 12:23 |
edward__ | kjhl | 12:23 |
timr92 | I did | 12:23 |
edward__ | that's up down left right | 12:23 |
edward__ | so put it before press esc and start inputting | 12:24 |
edward__ | before the text u wanna edit | 12:24 |
hischild | edward__, in vim you can just use the arrow keys. | 12:24 |
nirly | i used ntfs configuration tool to mount NTFS drives with certain names and now i want to change those names, how can i do this? | 12:24 |
matt___ | papat: 1:Download Iso 2: Burn Iso 3: Boot disk and install *former version that works properly | 12:24 |
dare | how to give one user root privilages? | 12:24 |
edward__ | it's easier to use hjkl (well for me) | 12:24 |
hcnet | skywalker: Those are package installation files (.deb) that will be downloaded to install Java, Flash, Audio/Video codecs, etc. | 12:24 |
hischild | !sudo | dare | 12:24 |
ubottu | dare: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at for more information. | 12:24 |
skywalker | ok thanks man | 12:24 |
hcnet | skywalker: That one command will download and install *all* of them for you automatically. | 12:24 |
timr92 | edward, hischild, arrows easier 4 me, lol | 12:24 |
edward__ | lol ok | 12:24 |
timr92 | edward, so I managed to create a new line also | 12:24 |
timr92 | edward, so then localhost went on a new line | 12:25 |
timr92 | edward, and I deleted that line | 12:25 |
dare | hischild: but without typing sudo, just like root login? | 12:25 |
hischild | !root | dare | 12:25 |
ubottu | dare: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at | 12:25 |
timr92 | edward, so I am left with | 12:25 |
skywalker | ok man thanks | 12:25 |
timr92 | edward, I hate this prorgam | 12:25 |
hischild | dare, root access itself is achieved via sudo. | 12:25 |
edward__ | timr text based editors suck | 12:25 |
skywalker | can i hack or create a program into the linux ubuntu 8.04? | 12:25 |
edward__ | lol | 12:26 |
edward__ | to timr | 12:26 |
Samuel | sure you can | 12:26 |
timr92 | edward, ya, so uhm, yeah | 12:26 |
case_ | skywalker, sure you can :) | 12:26 |
shally87 | hi | 12:26 |
skywalker | how man? | 12:26 |
shally87 | help! | 12:26 |
Samuel | just gotta be 1337 man | 12:26 |
skywalker | with terminal | 12:26 |
skywalker | ? | 12:26 |
case_ | skywalker, what language do you know? | 12:26 |
hischild | timr92, one you get used to vim, it's very easy to use. A simpler one is nano. | 12:26 |
timr92 | edward, lol. I have, and I need to put localhost after it | 12:26 |
hcnet | skywalker: What application do you wish to create and which languages do you wish to use for it? | 12:26 |
skywalker | python | 12:26 |
shally87 | question: i just installed drupal but having problem with folder cannot be to fix this? | 12:26 |
hischild | timr92, use nano. Move with arrows, type at cursor. ctrl x to quit. | 12:26 |
bigboss | hI :) | 12:26 |
hcnet | skywalker: Easy. Open a terminal and type 'python' without the quotes. | 12:26 |
Samuel | python will do everything | 12:27 |
timr92 | hischild, is nano on there by default and how do I exit this thing | 12:27 |
hcnet | skywalker: The rest should be familiar to you. Creating a python module and running it for instance. | 12:27 |
shally87 | help? | 12:27 |
case_ | skywalker, python is installed by default. just start write python code with your favorite text editor, and here you go :) | 12:27 |
edward__ | exit vi using :q i think | 12:27 |
shally87 | !help | 12:27 |
ubottu | I am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose pwodered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeus looks in the near future ;) | 12:27 |
hischild | timr92, ctrl + x to quit. It'll ask to save or not. exit vi and vim by :wq! | 12:27 |
edward__ | timr won't save it | 12:27 |
ikt | dare: go into system > admin > users, give root a password of your choice, then head into system > admin > login window and there should be an option under local for allowing local admin login, hope this helps | 12:27 |
hischild | edward__, won't quit at all if there are changes. | 12:27 |
skywalker | and what about the hacking part | 12:27 |
skywalker | ? | 12:27 |
timr92 | edward, it says E37 bla bla bla | 12:27 |
case_ | skywalker, depend of what you want to hack :) | 12:27 |
aquarius | How much disc space do I need free on a Dapper machine to upgrade it to Hardy? | 12:28 |
dare | hischild, I dont want to use sudo and to enter passwords, i want to be superuser, administrator. | 12:28 |
timr92 | edward, add ! to override | 12:28 |
Pici | skywalker: apt-get source somepackage will get you the source for that package, then have fun | 12:28 |
timr92 | edward, so what do I do?? | 12:28 |
skywalker | others computers | 12:28 |
Samuel | Is anybody else downloading 8.04 through the update thing right now? Man it's slow. | 12:28 |
case_ | skywalker, ha ha! :D | 12:28 |
bigboss | can ne 1 help me with psybnc | 12:28 |
hischild | dare, you have to use sudo. You can set it to not require a password. | 12:28 |
edward__ | oh type in :q! | 12:28 |
case_ | skywalker, to hack the another computer, just type sudo kill -9 -1 | 12:28 |
Dave123 | Samuel, of course it's slow... ;-) | 12:28 |
inertial | dare: sudo -s | 12:28 |
edward__ | that'll quit without saving according to the manual | 12:28 |
hischild | case_, don't add useless suggestions please. | 12:29 |
timr92 | edward, I did :!q, and I think it did something good | 12:29 |
Samuel | so slow.... | 12:29 |
erUSUL | dare: then use windows; there you are admin and free to shoot yourself in the foot ;) | 12:29 |
jatt | how do I insert a tab in the shell (command line)? | 12:29 |
mystic | anyone help me with an install problem - as in I install via the windows installer - reboot and ubuntu hangs at hald ?? | 12:29 |
edward__ | bak to the console? | 12:29 |
shomon | hi, how can I back up the drives in "Places" menu before an upgrade? | 12:29 |
Samuel | torrent rejected me.. | 12:29 |
timr92 | edward, oh crap... no | 12:29 |
dare | erUSUL, dont like win :D | 12:29 |
erUSUL | Samuel: maybe trying different mirrors ?? | 12:29 |
bigboss | !help | 12:29 |
ubottu | I am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;) | 12:29 |
shally87 | anyone: i've install drupal on my ubuntu but the folder need permission to be my drupal cannot create some files..anyone know how to change the permission in ubuntu?? | 12:29 |
jatt | I want to write foo<tab>bar | 12:29 |
case_ | hischild, his question is ridiculous, so is my answer. | 12:29 |
timr92 | edward, better now | 12:29 |
Pici | !ask | 12:29 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 12:29 |
ikt | dare, why do you want to login as root? | 12:29 |
timr92 | edward, how to get to nano? | 12:29 |
enis | I am experiencing some weird problem: I am running 8.04 and I am trying to get my wireless connection to work. I have a pcmcia "option globetrotter fusion". Seems to be working. Wireless networks are scanned and detected as they should. I suspect a problem with the wpa_supplicant. any hint? | 12:29 |
hischild | timr92, type <esc><esc>:wq!<enter> | 12:29 |
edward__ | same | 12:29 |
edward__ | sudo nano /etc/hosts | 12:29 |
bigboss | hello case_ | 12:29 |
erUSUL | dare: if you work in linux as admin you defeat all the things that make it secure a problem free | 12:29 |
skywalker | ip , ports? | 12:30 |
D45H | i need deb for installing speedtouch 330 modem! | 12:30 |
Samuel | anyone else as drunk as me? | 12:30 |
hischild | case_, i know his question was ridiculous, but that doesn't mean we have to lower ourselves to his level | 12:30 |
D45H | i still cant leave XP for drivers mNA | 12:30 |
D45H | MAN" | 12:30 |
QuasarRichter | so anyone play crysis? | 12:30 |
edward__ | sorry bout that completetly forgot bout nano | 12:30 |
timr92 | edward, I'm in recovery console, so I don't think I need sudo correct | 12:30 |
Samuel | linux is hard.. | 12:30 |
Pici | !offtopic | 12:30 |
timr92 | edward, sudo doesn't work anyway | 12:30 |
shally87 | anyone can help me?? | 12:30 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 12:30 |
edward__ | i think that's correcgt | 12:30 |
case_ | hischild, right. won't do it again. | 12:30 |
edward__ | i just like typing in nano lol | 12:30 |
dare | ikt, Im hate to enter passwords, but I have a lot thing in my accaunt so dont wont to login as root, i want to convert my accaunt to root | 12:30 |
edward__ | i mean sudo | 12:30 |
shally87 | this nothing to do with drupal but with ubuntu.. | 12:30 |
jatt | it used to work Ctrl+Q TAB | 12:30 |
shally87 | !anyone | 12:31 |
ubottu | A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 12:31 |
haxor | If you can get this to play games it would be all over | 12:31 |
case_ | hischild, just note i could have suggested a more dangerous command... | 12:31 |
timr92 | edward, lol | 12:31 |
hischild | edward__, he is in recovery mode right? otherwise he can't save the file. | 12:31 |
shally87 | !permission | 12:31 |
ubottu | An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at | 12:31 |
hischild | case_, you could, and you'd be banned by one of the ops most likely. | 12:31 |
edward__ | then what can he do | 12:31 |
Pici | !msgthebot | shally87 | 12:31 |
ubottu | shally87: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids. | 12:31 |
hummesse | thats a pretty bad idea dare | 12:31 |
erUSUL | D45H: | 12:31 |
case_ | hischild, probably. | 12:31 |
hischild | edward__, reboot into recovery mode, fix the file, reboot, and done | 12:31 |
inertial | dare: use sudo passwd root to enable the root account | 12:31 |
shally87 | ok | 12:31 |
skywalker | hack without ip ? | 12:32 |
timr92 | hischild/edward, yes I'm in recovery mode, and uhm so there needs to b one line with localhost and one with lcars_ubuntu ? | 12:32 |
Pici | !noroot | inertial | 12:32 |
ubottu | inertial: We don't support a root password so don't suggest one unless you are going to be here 24/7 to help someone who has problems as a result of having one, many thanks ;-) | 12:32 |
Dr_willis | hummesse, you can always set up sudo where you dont need to reenter your password. - you dont need to enable the root password to do that. | 12:32 |
D45H | thanks erUSUL and hcnet | 12:32 |
skywalker | just type sudo? | 12:32 |
Pici | skywalker: what? | 12:32 |
bigboss | case_ , can u tell me how to make nicks for my channel , what is the best way out | 12:32 |
case_ | skywalker, forget it. don't type that commande. | 12:32 |
hummesse | i know | 12:32 |
edward__ | yeh u in nano yet timr | 12:32 |
timr92 | edward, yes | 12:32 |
crash91 | Coudld anyone please help me out with this emerald problem?? | 12:32 |
skywalker | what is that sudo? | 12:32 |
timr92 | edward, so much easier, lol | 12:32 |
Pici | !sudo | skywalker | 12:32 |
ubottu | skywalker: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at for more information. | 12:32 |
hummesse | i just understood that dare wants to log in as root as default | 12:32 |
dare | hummesse, I know for root accaunt but can I convert my accaunt to root privilages my ID 1000 to ID of root | 12:32 |
inertial | Pici: ok, i see | 12:32 |
dare | hummesse, yes | 12:32 |
hischild | dare, no | 12:32 |
INternat | so i have a wierd issue that i THINK is related to gdm. If i startx as root, the display loads and everything runs fine. If i use gdm or even kdm and then login, all my fonts are fubar.. everything is like massive, yet KDE reports the resolution is fine | 12:32 |
timr92 | edward, fixed it | 12:32 |
Samuel | i am drunk | 12:33 |
hummesse | which is such a bad idea dare | 12:33 |
hummesse | really really bad idea | 12:33 |
Samuel | i have drunkin beers | 12:33 |
Dr_willis | theres no need to login in to root by default You gain nothing by doing so. | 12:33 |
case_ | skywalker, before "hacking" anything you have to learn how your system work, or you'll be a lame script kiddy for the rest of your life. | 12:33 |
edward__ | ok | 12:33 |
Samuel | beers are good | 12:33 |
Samuel | i like beers | 12:33 |
erUSUL | dare: we are not going to help you do that... as you can see is channel policy. You will have to ask elesewhere | 12:33 |
hummesse | most programs (like xhcat) warns you whenever you try to start them as root | 12:33 |
edward__ | wtf samuel | 12:33 |
Samuel | i like flightof the concords | 12:33 |
hummesse | i think firefox too | 12:33 |
hischild | Samuel, please go to #ubuntu-offtopic ok? | 12:33 |
Pici | Samuel: Thats great, but this is a support channel, and if you are going to be offtopic I am going to have to ask you to leave or try to be normal in #ubuntu-offtopic | 12:33 |
enis | thanks anyway, dudez. Probably I'd better post to the forum. | 12:33 |
timr92 | edward, and so with that other stuff, would that be left behind from network-manager ? | 12:33 |
Samuel | its ok cause im from new zealand | 12:33 |
case_ | skywalker, and i don't think you give "hacking" the meaning we give to it | 12:33 |
dare | hummesse,erUSUL, ok thanks | 12:33 |
timr92 | edward, I don't use network-manager, I use wicd | 12:33 |
Samuel | but you shouldnt like them | 12:33 |
Dr_willis | If you really could handle being 'root' then you really should know enough linux to know how to do it. :) | 12:33 |
case_ | skywalker, and i hope nobody will give you advice how to do dirty things. | 12:34 |
edward__ | timr network manager? | 12:34 |
timr92 | edward, I had trouble with network manager and stuff. everything would be so slow when starting up when there's no wireless router present | 12:34 |
haxor | lol @ samuel | 12:34 |
skywalker | hacking i mean to access to others pc linux or windows to get files or to add | 12:34 |
hischild | !lol | haxor | 12:34 |
ubottu | haxor: Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks. | 12:34 |
edward__ | timr i guess that means that it is scanning for one | 12:34 |
Pici | skywalker: Thats the kind of thing we dont not condone here. | 12:35 |
haxor | roger | 12:35 |
mystic | anyone help me with an install problem - as in I install via the windows installer - reboot and ubuntu hangs at hald ?? anyone please | 12:35 |
edward__ | that | 12:35 |
aquarius | How much disc space do I need free on a Dapper machine to upgrade it to Hardy? | 12:35 |
edward__ | less that 1G | 12:35 |
case_ | skywalker, if you mean "without the authorisation of the computer owner" it's *bad* and i won't help you in any way | 12:35 |
edward__ | *than | 12:35 |
ikt | isn't that cracking case_? | 12:35 |
case_ | ikt, it is | 12:35 |
skywalker | without the permission anyway | 12:35 |
edward__ | timr how r things going | 12:35 |
Pici | !illegal | skywalker | 12:35 |
ubottu | skywalker: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o | 12:35 |
boubbin | do i need w32codecs from medibuntu to play wmv ? | 12:36 |
skywalker | how i can hack into linux? | 12:36 |
hummesse | are you going to hack your own computer or somebody elses? | 12:36 |
edward__ | goodbye people | 12:36 |
skywalker | sb else | 12:36 |
hummesse | ok, i think you should shut up with that | 12:36 |
hummesse | i think you'll be banned the first time an admin sees that | 12:37 |
case_ | nice one Pici :) | 12:37 |
haxor | Poor skywalker went to the darkside | 12:38 |
skywalker | hey | 12:38 |
ikt | boubbin, looks like you might need to install them | 12:38 |
ikt | to play wmv videos you will need w32 codecs | 12:38 |
ikt | not necessarily from mediabuntu | 12:38 |
apecat | uhm, where's gnome terminal's setting for not allowing blinking cursors (in 8.04) | 12:39 |
KRF | boubbin, i think so | 12:39 |
timr92 | hischild, how to I restart the computer from the recovery thing :D | 12:39 |
inertial | so did the fglrx Catalyst 8.4 driver get included with hardy? | 12:40 |
stepomaticc | hello, would like a regex to exclude everyfile thats not hidden, can you help | 12:40 |
hischild | timr92, just type reboot now | 12:40 |
skywalker | what commands are working into the terminal? | 12:40 |
nirly | i used ntfs configuration tool to mount NTFS drives with certain names and now i want to change those names, how can i do this? | 12:40 |
inertial | stepomaticc: hidden files start with a dot, non hidden files do not | 12:40 |
Fritzel | if I installed the "kde" package is there a way I can uninstall it and all the crap it added to my menus I ment to get the dev package and made an oops | 12:40 |
timr92 | hischild, thanks | 12:40 |
kbrooks | um | 12:40 |
timr92 | lol | 12:41 |
case_ | skywalker, all the commands that are in $PATH and all the bash builtins :) | 12:41 |
papat | is it possible to downgrade from hardy? | 12:41 |
Pici | !cli | skywalker I think this is what you are asking | 12:41 |
ubottu | skywalker I think this is what you are asking: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: | 12:41 |
stepomaticc | yes i know, but want a regular expression to match that | 12:41 |
Pici | papat: no. | 12:41 |
kbrooks | papat, no. | 12:41 |
Pici | !downgrade | papat | 12:41 |
ubottu | papat: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system. | 12:41 |
ikt | apecat: system > pref > keyboard afaik | 12:41 |
rausb0 | case_: yeah. unspecific question, unspecific answer :) | 12:41 |
case_ | :> | 12:41 |
papat | ok, then return to debian. short ubuntu experience | 12:41 |
case_ | rausb0, but i think my answer is accurate :) | 12:41 |
skywalker | i have ubuntu and i can't hear sound solutiion? | 12:41 |
rausb0 | case_: it is | 12:41 |
Dr_willis | papat, the joys of disrto hopping. | 12:41 |
kbrooks | um, is there a site which offers the ability to connect to a computer via vnc online | 12:42 |
Dad | Upon startup one of our computers is giving this error message: "Failed to Publish the Service -- KDE Panel", and can no longer connect to the LAN. Is there any way to fix this? | 12:42 |
jtravnick | papat, think the only way you can do that would be doing a fresh install to the version you want | 12:42 |
papat | of course, I return home, Dr_willis , more work but it works | 12:42 |
Dr_willis | kbrooks, 'sharemydesktop' or somthing liek that. | 12:42 |
case_ | skywalker, you have to learn how to use the shell, and that's not trivial | 12:42 |
Fritzel | kbrooks, allmost all vnc compatible servers have their own java web client | 12:42 |
kbrooks | jtravnick, that's not "downgrading" | 12:42 |
Pici | !sound > skywalker (Please see the private messsage from ubotu) | 12:42 |
case_ | skywalker, you can stat with trying "cd" , "ls" , "pwd" ... | 12:42 |
Fritzel | kbrooks, try the host at port 5800 | 12:42 |
macchiea | anyone get compiz related hangs with their application? | 12:43 |
huzz | Hello, using 8.04 lts on a core duo 2.4ghz 7600GS Nvidia, i've tried with the restricted drivers and now installed the latest drivers, dual monitors twinview enable video is choppy i've searched and tried a lot of methods but nothing seems to work (Players used: vlc, mplayer). | 12:43 |
case_ | skywalker, and read the man (manual) pages about them, with the man command | 12:43 |
case_ | skywalker, like : man ls | 12:43 |
kbrooks | Fritzel, um, the default vnc client doesnt offer java | 12:43 |
jtravnick | kbrooks, it is if your taking hardy off may not be a true downgrade but its a downgrade | 12:43 |
papat | Dr_willis, it's simply ridiculous that icons won't show in my Desktop | 12:43 |
case_ | skywalker, and you have a long way to go, little padawan :D | 12:43 |
case_ | skywalker, sorry, a long way to go you have, little padawan :)) | 12:43 |
Dr_willis | papat, no idea what your problem is. I just got here. I always remove icons on the desktop. | 12:44 |
Fritzel | kbrooks, not a clue then sorry | 12:44 |
Slart | I've got a small problem using libdca on ubuntu.. when I run it I get "dcadec: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory", but when I take a look the library file is there.. all permissions seem correct etc.. I just installed the library (compiled it myself, no errors etc).. do I have to do something to make my system aware of the newly created library files? | 12:44 |
apecat | ikt: so i have to disable blinking in all text fields? o_O | 12:44 |
rausb0 | case_: we are yoda of borg. futile resistance is. assimilate you we will. | 12:44 |
case_ | :DD | 12:44 |
adac2 | my battery won't charge anymore since I upgraded to hardy...any ideas? | 12:44 |
ikt | I do believe so, happy to be corrected | 12:44 |
haxor | huzz did you try the ones in add\remove | 12:44 |
huzz | haxor: what ones add/remove? | 12:45 |
skywalker | sound problems | 12:45 |
adred | hi..i know this isn't the right place to ask bout this. i just have some trouble running windows xp sp3 on virtualbox non-free. the file is .exe. is it bootable?if not how do i make bootable. need help pls. i have to have autocad on my desktop running ubuntu.. | 12:45 |
huzz | this is making me crazy | 12:45 |
skywalker | solution? | 12:45 |
huzz | i've got my system tweaked so perfectly works but the video is just choppy and i dunno what else to do | 12:45 |
rausb0 | skywalker: did you read the links ubottu gave you? | 12:46 |
huzz | i've disabled one of the monitors and tried it i've used different settings everything but just nothing works | 12:46 |
skywalker | ok sorry i do now | 12:46 |
Marco | Hey all, I have a quick question about upgrading | 12:46 |
case_ | adred, i think the sp3 has to be run like any other windows bug^g program, from windows itself, not booting on it... | 12:46 |
Tux2K8 | hello! | 12:46 |
Dr_willis | huzz, disabled compiz? | 12:46 |
Tux2K8 | is there anyway to copy a file from a linux machine to a windows machine using SSH? (im logging to the linux via windows2000 with putty) | 12:46 |
huzz | Dr_willis: yes | 12:46 |
huzz | everything | 12:47 |
Dr_willis | Tux2K8, winscp for windows - is a Must get . :) | 12:47 |
rausb0 | Tux2K8: winscp | 12:47 |
fiyawerx | pretty much any ftp client will do sftp | 12:47 |
fiyawerx | over ssh | 12:47 |
case_ | Tux2K8, there is a scp and sftp on the putty website... | 12:47 |
Marco | Do I need to make a copy of my Home Folder somewhere before I upgrade or will the upgrade not overwrite it? | 12:47 |
haxor | huzz there are some nvidia drivers in add\remove applications | 12:47 |
rrohde | hey everyone.. got Ubuntu 8.04 installed just fine, however, the dualboot with WinXP doesn't work. Even though WinXP was detected right and it's partition is available to me from within Ubuntu, attempting to dualboot into XP always starts the silly HP recovery function on hd0,1, even though hd0,0 is fine.. .any thoughts? | 12:47 |
case_ | Marco, it won't overwrite it, but it's always a good idea to make a backup before upgrading... | 12:47 |
huzz | haxor: tried the restricted as well as the latest drivers | 12:47 |
DistroJockey | Marco, always have a backup | 12:48 |
huzz | installed them manually | 12:48 |
Marco | thanks case_, also what about the things in my /opt dir? | 12:48 |
haxor | huzz are the sli | 12:48 |
haxor | they* | 12:48 |
case_ | Marco, same answer | 12:48 |
huzz | haxor: no | 12:48 |
Marco | awsome, thanks case_. I appreciate the reassurance. | 12:49 |
case_ | Marco, but do backups. a lot. always :) | 12:49 |
huzz | i am just about at my wits end here | 12:49 |
Marco | Will do. | 12:49 |
huzz | its become so bad i am actually thinking of going back and trust me thats a horrible choice | 12:49 |
case_ | Marco, don't come back crying if hardy brick your PC :) | 12:49 |
adred | case_ i dont get you sorry. the idea is i want to have sp3 as a guest OS on virtualbox. i already have other linux variants running as a guest. but i dont how with windows. anyone out there who has tried this? pls.. | 12:49 |
case_ | adred, SP3 is just a program to upgrade you're windows XP. you have to install Windows XP, and then run SP3 from windows XP | 12:50 |
case_ | adred, the service pack is not an OS in itself | 12:50 |
adred | ok | 12:51 |
davmor2 | Help please. I'm having hardware issues in hardy and I'm trying to track down what is causing it exactly. My dvd-rw and cd-rom lock up and become unusable. This also causes elements of the system to lock up also. I believe I am lowering it down slowly but just need some help to nail it completely. I believe it to be either a driver issue or the kernel. I have tried 32bit and 64bit to rule out it being a 64bit issue, I | 12:51 |
asdrubal | so ubuntu SP3 isn't out yet? | 12:51 |
case_ | (ok ok, windows xp isn't an OS in itself neither ;p ) | 12:51 |
* fiyawerx laughs | 12:51 | |
Dr_willis | case_, its a upgrade to dos. :) | 12:51 |
adred | case_ ok thanks for the info. haha im so sorry :) | 12:51 |
Slart | I've got a small problem using libdca on ubuntu.. when I run it I get "dcadec: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory", but when I take a look the library file is there.. all permissions seem correct etc.. I just installed the library (compiled it myself, no errors etc).. do I have to do something to make my system aware of the newly created library files? | 12:51 |
case_ | Dr_willis, a downgrade you mean? dos was less memory consuming :) | 12:51 |
Dr_willis | case_, dos used 100% of my ram. :) | 12:52 |
stib | hi all is there a way to browse samba shares and windows shares with Thunar (or any other file manager)? | 12:52 |
haxor | 16 bit direct access memory | 12:52 |
case_ | stib, Thunar doesn't support samba browsing | 12:52 |
Slart | stib: I think nautilus can do it.. poorly.. haven't used thunar so I wouldn't know about that | 12:53 |
case_ | stib, there are stand alone samba browser but i can't remember the names | 12:53 |
fiyawerx | | 12:53 |
haxor | huzz still here | 12:53 |
fiyawerx | How to: Xubuntu - Thunar Native Windows Network Browsing | 12:53 |
case_ | stib, Nautilus has this feature, but i guess that if you're using Thunar, it's to avoid Nautilus :) | 12:53 |
huzz | haxor: yes | 12:53 |
fiyawerx | stib: see that link, may still be good | 12:53 |
haxor | huzz still thinking of your problem | 12:54 |
fiyawerx | I wonder if people try to look up answers on their own at all before hopping into irc to ask | 12:54 |
stib | case: yes, running xubuntu on a feeble old laptop. Gnome is too much for it | 12:54 |
huzz | haxor: please let me know if you can come with anything | 12:54 |
case_ | fiyawerx, short answer: no :) | 12:54 |
fiyawerx | chances are 99% of them have been asked and documented already | 12:54 |
stib | fiyawerx: thanks, I'll check it out | 12:54 |
ikt | if they didn't ubuntu bot would be out of a job =o | 12:54 |
QuasarRichter | well.... if this is the best linux has.. | 12:54 |
crash91 | fiyawerx: well i certainly couldnt find an answer for this: | 12:55 |
Dr_willis | fiyawerx, from what i see in here... No.. people expect magical 1 click answers to amazingly-weird-and-complex problems. | 12:55 |
crash91 | fiyawerx: i google before asking | 12:55 |
QuasarRichter | guess I will wait another 10 years | 12:55 |
case_ | i feel like i could be replaced with a very small bash^W python script :) | 12:55 |
rausb0 | fiyawerx: many people do no know hot to google efficiently. or they are simply lazy. sad but true. | 12:55 |
* Dr_willis waves bye to Quasar | 12:55 | |
hooer | ikonia are you still here dude? | 12:55 |
fiyawerx | crash: emerald doesn't come with any themes any longer | 12:55 |
crash91 | fiyawerx: i cant install themes at all...i even used the svn repo | 12:56 |
hooer | can someone else help with my RAID/mdadm problem? | 12:56 |
Dr_willis | I was thinking the Emerald Theme repo was down the other day | 12:56 |
ikt | what happened to emerald, what handles compiz themes? | 12:57 |
LadyNikon | well i guess since it seems my graphics is messed up.. and I tried to upgrade to 8.10 and that screwed up as well.. I am just gonna go with doing a fresh install | 12:57 |
fiyawerx | crash91, the only one I know works for sure (as its the onyl one i installed) is this one - | 12:57 |
LadyNikon | I can't believe updating could do this much damage :/ | 12:58 |
gordboy | i hope this is logged. hardy is a complete mess. and the fault lies squarely with the amateur muppets who "maintain" the packages. i used both feist and gutsy, with little complaint. i am going to ditch hardy, as soon as i line up a replacement | 12:58 |
fiyawerx | but if i click download, the option comes right up to open it with emerald theme manager, and it loads in fine | 12:58 |
INternat | howdy all.. so i have a wierd issue that i THINK is related to gdm. If i startx as root, the display loads and everything runs fine. If i use gdm or even kdm and then login, all my fonts are fubar.. everything is like massive, yet KDE reports the resolution is fine | 12:58 |
maunykah_ | greetings everyone! I'm facing an error concerning my APT database. The error message states that it couldn't be opened and that it may be caused by incorrect APT configuration or similar problem. How can I go about fixing it? | 12:58 |
haxor | huzz: try this | 12:59 |
Slart | maunykah_: do you have the verbatim error message? | 12:59 |
ikt | maynykah, are you using desktop or server? | 12:59 |
Andii | HI, I was wondering if anyone could quickly run me through on installing compiz on 8.04? :D | 12:59 |
crash91 | fiyawerx: cant see it, blank window | 12:59 |
maunykah_ | desktop, kubuntu 8.04 | 12:59 |
Dr_willis | INternat, users can have their own defined resolutions. - I forget what tool under kde/gnome sets it however. I always edit my xorg.conf to allow ONLY one res. | 12:59 |
Slart | Andii: it should be installed by default, system, preferences, appearance to enable it | 12:59 |
gordboy | and you need not say "well if you are not going to contribute, then you should not complain". i have been prevented from participation by people that are not fit to tie my shoelaces | 12:59 |
maunykah_ | here is the error message: The APT Database could not be opened! This may be caused by incorrect APT configuration or some similar problem. Try running apt-setup and apt-get update in terminal and see if it helps to resolve the problem. | 12:59 |
Andii | Ok... | 12:59 |
maunykah_ | I tried apt-setup and nothing happened | 13:00 |
fiyawerx | crash91, if you run emerald-theme-manager from the console, do you see any errors there when you try to import at heme? | 13:00 |
taomaster | good morning to all- how do i change the root password? | 13:00 |
mystic | anyone help me with an install problem - as in I install via the windows installer - reboot and ubuntu hangs at hald ?? | 13:00 |
Slart | maunykah_: hmm.. sudo apt-setup doesn't work either? | 13:00 |
rungss | hi all ... can anyone help me with this.. I have posted the problem in forum at | 13:00 |
maunykah_ | I tried apt-get update and it ran through some sort of list and then at the end it says something can't be found..something dpkg | 13:00 |
derspankster | anyone know how to scale vncviewer? | 13:00 |
Slart | taomaster: are you sure you mean the root password? ubuntu doesn't use it by default | 13:00 |
crash91 | fiyawerx: tar: /home/crash/.emerald/themes/Vista-Compiz: Cannot chdir: No such file or directory | 13:01 |
ikt | dpkg shouldn't be missing :/ | 13:01 |
taomaster | yes root | 13:01 |
crash91 | fiyawerx: aha! so is it a tar error? | 13:01 |
taomaster | sudo mayb | 13:01 |
maunykah_ | should I just restart to see if that fixes the problem? | 13:01 |
rrohde | Any idea why trying to boot into XP from Grub ends up in HP Pavilion's Windows repair mode instead of booting into XP? The Windows partition seems ok and I can access it just fine from within Hardy... | 13:01 |
Slart | maunykah_: does "sudo apt-get install dpkg" work? | 13:01 |
maunykah_ | I'm going to try that Slart | 13:01 |
fiyawerx | crash91, try to cd into that directory, cd /home/crash/.emerald/themes | 13:02 |
hooer | rrohde, probably choosing wrong parition? the HP repair partition is usually the first one | 13:02 |
bobbob1016 | rrohde, Grub found the first XP looking it found, which was the recovery. Open a terminal | 13:02 |
Slart | taomaster: sudo passwd or something similar | 13:02 |
fiyawerx | ls | 13:02 |
fiyawerx | oops | 13:02 |
hooer | haha :p | 13:02 |
maunykah_ | it says dpkg is already the newest version | 13:02 |
Slart | taomaster: but it's not recommended to use the root account.. be warned =) | 13:02 |
rrohde | ok.. terminal ready and waiting | 13:02 |
rrohde | :) | 13:02 |
Slart | maunykah_: and "sudo apt-get install apt" | 13:02 |
bobbob1016 | rrohde, Type "sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst" find the one titled XP, one second, I'm doing this at the same time... | 13:03 |
Slart | !root | taomaster | 13:03 |
ubottu | taomaster: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at | 13:03 |
neeto | I am runnig webmin 4.10, and after my upgrade to 8.04. none of the modules seem to be linkking correctly. Does anyone use webmin and have this problem/know how to fix it? | 13:03 |
maunykah_ | it says apt is already the newest version | 13:03 |
haxor | huzz: | 13:03 |
crash91 | fiyawerx: i had to sudo make the themes dir, maybe it is to do with write permission problems | 13:03 |
neeto | And by linking correctly, I mean, I click on networking, and it says "Error - File not Found" | 13:03 |
hooer | Slart, I borked my first Hardy install by changing the root password. after that I could no longer login as my normal user! | 13:03 |
rrohde | bobbob1016 ok | 13:03 |
haxor | huzz: You get that | 13:03 |
huzz | haxor: yes thankyou will check it out | 13:04 |
Stonekeeper | re boot into live cd :D | 13:04 |
Slart | hooer: ah... another notch in the belt for "I want my root password" =) | 13:04 |
hooer | bah! you mean it does that intentionally! :| | 13:04 |
bobbob1016 | rrohde, Change hd(0,0) to hd(0,1), then reboot, if you get XP then, you're ok, if not change it to (0,2) and so on | 13:04 |
bobbob1016 | rrohde, Actually wait a second | 13:04 |
crash91 | fiyawerx: tar: ./theme.screenshot.png: Cannot open: Permission denied | 13:04 |
haxor | Everyone says to run 6 why should i run 8 | 13:05 |
mystic | anyone help me with an install problem - as in I install via the windows installer - reboot and ubuntu hangs at hald ?? | 13:05 |
Slart | maunykah_: well.. now I'm out of clever ideas.. you could try removing the apt database.. whereever that is located.. I don't know if will be rebuilt so I'd recommend some serious thinking before you do it | 13:05 |
fiyawerx | crash91, that would do it, the permissions | 13:05 |
neeto | crash91: sudo tar -xf whatever | 13:05 |
bobbob1016 | rrohde, You can edit it from grub, that would be quicker. When you're at grub, press e on the option for XP, and change it to hd(0,1) there, and so on, it won't save there, but that would be faster than booting and rebooting all the time | 13:05 |
paulcross | The minimize animation of metacity is very urgly.(bunch of black edge block) How can I turn it off? | 13:05 |
fiyawerx | neeto, no he needs to change the permissions to his own user from root | 13:05 |
Solusian | Anyone able to assist me with a wireless issue? I'm running 64 bit 8.04 with the AR5007EG, it can see the WiFi networks.. yet is unable to acquire a network address.. It worked before I attempted to auto-mount a NTFS drive, which I reverted to it's default state after. | 13:05 |
neeto | fiyawerx: ah, I wasn't here for the first part of the problem, sorry | 13:06 |
maunykah_ | oh no..I wouldn't attempt to do that all! I barely know what I'm doing as it is..silly question but is it because I was attempting to install Limewire? I don't think so right? | 13:06 |
rrohde | bobbob1016, I have 2 entries pertaining to XP there already... | 13:06 |
fiyawerx | crash91, someone else can correct me but I believe it'd be sudo chown crash -R /home/crash/.emerald | 13:06 |
paulcross | The minimize animation of metacity is very urgly.(bunch of black edge blocks) How can I turn it off? | 13:07 |
Slart | maunykah_: hmm you could try this... "sudo apt-get install --reinstall dpkg apt" | 13:07 |
bobbob1016 | rrohde, And you've tried booting from the other one, the Windows 2000 one? | 13:07 |
fiyawerx | then try installing the theme with emerald-theme-manager again | 13:07 |
rrohde | yep | 13:07 |
crash91 | fiyawerx: nvm i used nautilus :) it works | 13:07 |
SoUkSoU | f?e?? | 13:07 |
SoUkSoU | e?a ?e | 13:07 |
SoUkSoU | ?a?a e?ste? | 13:07 |
fiyawerx | crash91, used nautilus to change the permissions? | 13:07 |
crash91 | fiyawerx: yes | 13:07 |
fiyawerx | cool | 13:07 |
haxor | Solusian: did you check your settings after that they mave have changed | 13:07 |
rrohde | bobbob1016, one gives me an error, the other, after a wait, launches this HP thingy | 13:07 |
Slart | SoUkSoU: broken keyboard? or some weird kind of language? | 13:07 |
judgen | anyone know where i can get hold of an menu editor for ICEVM? | 13:07 |
judgen | icewm | 13:08 |
maunykah_ | say something is installing! Should I start celebrating? | 13:08 |
bobbob1016 | rrohde, Try hd(0,2) then, not sure | 13:08 |
Dr_willis | judgen, check the package maanger. I belive there was some icewm config tools. Or read the icewm docs./homepage - may have some pointers/links to one | 13:08 |
Slart | maunykah_: well.. a little.. perhaps.. but let's not overdo it yet | 13:08 |
maunykah_ | darnit! Same error message | 13:08 |
ikt | what was the error message? | 13:08 |
judgen | Dr_willis: thanks.. synaptic can only find icemc but that one is broken.. | 13:09 |
maunykah_ | ikt are you asking me? | 13:09 |
judgen | Dr_willis: but ill check their page | 13:09 |
fiyawerx | You know what would be a nice plugin, the abilitiy to right click a user and select that person, and see the lines in your scrollback that only include their name | 13:09 |
Le1 | Hi, how can I force a running process to die | 13:09 |
rrohde | bobbob1016 I tried that already.. I went up to 0,3 ... | 13:09 |
Shebsa | Does anyone here use LinuxMCE? | 13:09 |
erUSUL | fiyawerx: /lastlog Nick | 13:09 |
Slart | Le1: pkill <name of process>, or xkill and click on the window.. or just kill <pid> | 13:10 |
erUSUL | Le1: kill -9 PID | 13:10 |
crash91 | fiyawerx: thanks for helping! | 13:10 |
rrohde | bobbob1016 as on 0,4 onwards Ubuntu lives | 13:10 |
bobbob1016 | rrohde, Not sure then. Is XP on your main HD? | 13:10 |
Le1 | ok thanks | 13:10 |
rrohde | bobbob1016 yes it is | 13:10 |
Le1 | i tried normal kill and it doesnt go away, what's -9 mean? | 13:10 |
Slart | Le1: all those work with a -9 added.. for the ultimate in process violence =) | 13:10 |
ikt | yeah | 13:10 |
Le1 | ah | 13:10 |
Le1 | thanks :D | 13:10 |
bobbob1016 | rrohde, Have you booted XP since you installed Ubuntu? | 13:10 |
ikt | yeah maynykah, sorry didn't catch the error message | 13:10 |
rrohde | bobbob1016 .. doesn't work.. that's the prob :) | 13:10 |
Le1 | thanks it worked =] | 13:11 |
rrohde | bobbob1016 yet I accessed the data from Ubuntu just fine | 13:11 |
Slart | Le1: you're welcome | 13:11 |
legend2440 | maunykah_: | 13:11 |
maunykah_ | that's quite alright=) Here is the error message: The APT Database could not be opened! This may be caused by incorrect APT configuration or some similar problem. Try running apt-setup and apt-get update in terminal and see if it helps to resolve the problem. | 13:11 |
rrohde | All I get is that HP thingy trying to reinstall Windows | 13:11 |
bobbob1016 | rrohde, That is good, I was about to say it could be XP got wiped out... but since you got your data, it should be fine. | 13:11 |
Solusian | Anyone able to assist me with a wireless issue? I'm running 64 bit 8.04 with the AR5007EG, it can see the WiFi networks.. yet is unable to acquire a network address.. It worked before I attempted to auto-mount a NTFS drive, which I reverted to it's default state after. Using ndiswrapper to load the XP-64 drivers. | 13:12 |
Slart | maunykah_: what happens if you run "apt-get update" | 13:12 |
rrohde | bobbob1016 I wonder if HP thinks that because Grub's there that Windows has a | 13:12 |
bobbob1016 | rrohde, System->Administration->Partition Editor | 13:12 |
rrohde | bobbob1016 ok | 13:12 |
Slart | maunykah_: sorry.. "sudo apt-get update" of couse | 13:12 |
rrohde | bobbob1016 - don't have Partition Editor | 13:12 |
bobbob1016 | rrohde, It's possible, but not really with XP, with Vista's BitLocker garbage maybe. But it's unlikely the HP thing found grub. | 13:13 |
roxahris | is there a channel for compiz help? | 13:13 |
bobbob1016 | rrohde, Terminal -> sudo apt-get install gparted | 13:13 |
Svish | my music stops when I switch to a terminal with ctrl+alt+fN, is that on purpose? has it always done that? mean to remember that it didnt do that before.... | 13:13 |
rrohde | oki | 13:13 |
bobbob1016 | roxahris, #compiz | 13:13 |
bobbob1016 | rrohde, That will let you see how many, and where your XP partitions are. | 13:14 |
matt___ | exit | 13:14 |
matt___ | exit | 13:14 |
matt___ | exi | 13:14 |
maunykah_ | thanks legend2440! Great help that is-especially since I'm using my tablet as a mouse for the time being..can't drag windows back and forth. Slart, the message that I get is this: reading package lists...done | 13:14 |
FloodBot1 | matt___: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 13:14 |
haxor | huzz: you still here | 13:14 |
roxahris | never mind | 13:14 |
roxahris | thanks anyway | 13:14 |
rrohde | bobbob1016 ok | 13:14 |
timr92 | anyone know if "Advanced Desktop Effects Settings" is meant to be crashing in 8.04 | 13:14 |
fiyawerx | timr92, seems to be working ok for me | 13:14 |
gordboy | and another thing. the metapackages are supposed to hold groups of packages together. what happened to the new kernel metapackages ? they are completely broken. this is unacceptable. have any of the "maintainers" got the SLIGHTEST bit of experience actually maintaining. and have the release crew got the slightest clue about releases ? i think the answer is obvious : INCOMPETENT IDIOTS who wouldn't last 5 minutes in a wel | 13:15 |
gordboy | l-run organization | 13:15 |
rrohde | bobbob1016 it's started... let's see | 13:15 |
huzz | haxor: yes | 13:15 |
timr92 | fiyawerx, it wants to report an error whenever I try use it | 13:15 |
huzz | haxor: that link just suggests installing the other drivers | 13:15 |
ikt | gordboy, I think your rant would be better on the forums | 13:15 |
inertial | anyone know why displayconfig-gtk might not be showing a 2nd VGA monitor that i just plugged in before i restarted? i am using fglrx | 13:15 |
jrib | gordboy: this isn't the appropriate forum. File bugs (hopefully with a better attitude) | 13:15 |
bobbob1016 | rrohde, Try everything fat32 and ntfs to boot from | 13:15 |
timr92 | fiyawerx, there is also no custom option in the apperance effects tab | 13:15 |
haxor | huzz: sorry | 13:15 |
haxor | huzz: what card you running | 13:16 |
huzz | Nvidia 7600GS | 13:16 |
rrohde | bobbob1016 there is a fat32 partition on /dev/sda2 that seems to be that HP thingy, and the larger /dev/sda1 is ntfs and contains XP (It's also mounted in fstab) | 13:16 |
timr92 | fiyawerx, perhaps should I try reinstalling it?? I have no idea, I'm a linux noob | 13:16 |
gordboy | ikt: i'm going to rant until the hardy BULLSHIT ceases. this is one of the worst releases, of any distro, ever | 13:16 |
jrib | !offtopic | gordboy | 13:17 |
ubottu | gordboy: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 13:17 |
bobbob1016 | rrohde, Remember hd(0,0) applies to the first hard drive's first partition, hd(0,1) is the first hd's second partition, hd(1,0) is the second hd's first partition, and so on | 13:17 |
haxor | huzz: did you find the programs in add \remove applications | 13:17 |
huzz | i know tried it | 13:17 |
boubbin | !medibuntu | 13:17 |
rrohde | bobbob1016 right... thanks :) | 13:17 |
ubottu | medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See | 13:17 |
haxor | huzz:k | 13:17 |
inertial | xrandr is also not seeing my second monitor.. using ati fglrx drivers | 13:17 |
Solusian | Anyone able to assist me with a wireless issue? I'm running 64 bit 8.04 with the AR5007EG, it can see the WiFi networks.. yet is unable to acquire a network address.. It worked before I attempted to auto-mount a NTFS drive, which I reverted to it's default state after. Using ndiswrapper to load the XP-64 drivers. | 13:17 |
bobbob1016 | rrohde, My idea would be just to try all of those | 13:17 |
ikt | gordboy, I don't understand why though, what is it about ubuntu that keeps you here if it's so bad? | 13:18 |
CapaH | Can someone please tell me how to FIX the Clipboard size in Ubuntu? I hate when I have to paste LARGE items of text from one window to another and they just wont paste.. Anyone? | 13:18 |
rrohde | bobbob1016 will do | 13:18 |
paulcross | HA. I fixed the metacity minimize problem. | 13:18 |
bobbob1016 | gordboy, You can go back to Gutsy, Gutsy will have support until Ibex comes out. | 13:18 |
_adriaan | ikt: wouldn't you rather start that discussion in antoher channel? | 13:18 |
oga | hey all | 13:19 |
n3o__ | ubuntu-fr | 13:19 |
timr92 | ikt, ubuntu keeps people here coz its not windoze :D | 13:19 |
ikt | pass >.> | 13:19 |
tyeman | how can i set a file server for my mp3s and movies for xp machines? sharing enough or any tool for this ? | 13:19 |
timr92 | and anything is better than windoze, nearly | 13:19 |
haxor | huzz: Are you using the Nvidia control panel application | 13:19 |
Tyrion | hi, i'm new to ubuntu and have messed up my GUI ... maybe someone here able to help me ? | 13:19 |
gordboy | ikt: i switched to ubuntu when fedora 7 was broken. feisty and gutsy were ok. hardy is a disaster. the reason i am still here, is that it is not just me using hardy. i have a whole research team. and i am FED UP with the hassle and extra admin | 13:19 |
bobbob1016 | tyeman, You should just have to share the folder with samba. | 13:19 |
_adriaan | Tyrion: what's the problem, exactly? | 13:20 |
bobbob1016 | Tyrion, Do you get any gui or no? | 13:20 |
rrohde | Doesn't work... whenever I call WinXP from Grup (root (hd0,0)), it goes to hd0,1 and launches the HD recovery thingy.. :( | 13:20 |
rrohde | *Grub | 13:20 |
Siph0n | gordboy, than why don't you use Gutsy instead? | 13:20 |
oga | problem with sudo / something when attempting sudo gedit program takes approx 5 mins to load, possible problem with pam from logs | 13:20 |
rungss | Can someone help me with | 13:20 |
bobbob1016 | rrohde, This is on another machine? | 13:20 |
tyeman | thank you bobbob1016 i will give a try | 13:20 |
_adriaan | gordboy: and what exactly is broken? I mean, everything works just fine here | 13:20 |
Tyrion | i've install ubtuntu 8.04 Desktop Version out of the Box .. everything worked finde, until i tried to install custom desktop themes .. don't no what i exactly did wrong, but here's what's happening: | 13:21 |
rrohde | bobob1016 nope.. tried it all before :) | 13:21 |
bobbob1016 | tyeman, There could be a permissions error though | 13:21 |
rrohde | Just looked through my notes again | 13:21 |
maunykah_ | so this occured because I installed limewire without installing the commercial or partner package? | 13:21 |
gordboy | bobbob1016 & Siph0n : because i upgraded all the machines already. and i am NOT spending more time and effort to gi back again. unless hardy improves dramatically, i am switching distros forever | 13:21 |
hooer | can anyone help me with my RAID problem? my replacement RAID1 drive isn't bootable (only the original one is) | 13:21 |
bobbob1016 | tyeman, It could have errors if the people connecting don't have a user name on the ubuntu server. | 13:21 |
oga | question: "sudo gedit" runs at snails pace, (incredibly, unusable slow). while all other systems run normally | 13:22 |
Tyrion | i'm getting a login screen and can login (grapic login) .. but after that i'm only getting a empty window with a blank box ... gdm & x11 are running and when i start metacity manually the blank box gets a window skin ... | 13:22 |
Slart | gordboy: if you want it to get better, file bugs... if you just want to vent some anger.. write a nasty mail to someone that is kind of responsible.. most people here are just users.. just like you | 13:22 |
tyler_roach | gordboy: what is the problem you're having witih hardy? | 13:22 |
fiyawerx | gordboy, from the way you switched from your other distros, i doubt you'll do anything forever | 13:22 |
timr92 | I removed ccsm and now its not appearing in synaptic :D | 13:22 |
ikt | gordboy, no offense but you're not doing a very good job admining if you upgrade all the systems without testing it out first :/ | 13:22 |
* fiyawerx nods | 13:22 | |
tyeman | i see bobbob1016 bot they aren't run on any domainjust with group | 13:22 |
gordboy | tyler_roach: unacceptable extra admin due to broken packages. is the short answer | 13:22 |
_adriaan | ikt: don't encourage it, please. | 13:22 |
ikt | sorry! | 13:23 |
timr92 | lol | 13:23 |
CapaH | Does anyone know how to set the size of the COPY/PASTE clipboard? It is a massive frustration for me because I often need to copy/paste LARGE text from one window to another and I cant, it gets cut off ? | 13:23 |
* ikt hides | 13:23 | |
jrib | gordboy: if you want support for actual issues, feel free to ask specific questions. don't rant here | 13:23 |
bobbob1016 | gordboy, First off, I think this would be better for #ubuntu-offtopic, since this channel is for help. There are some known issues with hardy that are being fixed. Getting mad at us won't help. | 13:23 |
bobbob1016 | rrohde, I'm not sure then, sorry. | 13:23 |
Wobe | I dont get these hardy issues, I've done a ton of machines with very little issue, just read beforhand and know what to expect | 13:23 |
timr92 | yes, well I need help | 13:23 |
ikt | did maynykah fix the apt issue? | 13:23 |
fiyawerx | dont know if i'd upgrade important machines this soon after a release either, in general, always too paranoid | 13:23 |
timr92 | I uninstall compiz advanced thing, and now I can't reinstall | 13:23 |
Slart | ikt: I don't know.. haven't heard anything from him in a while | 13:23 |
gordboy | ikt: no offence, but if you can't even spell "offence" .... | 13:23 |
_adriaan | Tyrion: Not sure whether I can help with that, sorry | 13:23 |
rrohde | bobbob1016 trying to set the boot flag on sda1 | 13:23 |
rrohde | brb | 13:24 |
Solusian | Anyone able to assist me with a wireless issue? I'm running 64 bit 8.04 with the AR5007EG, it can see the WiFi networks.. yet is unable to acquire a network address.. It worked before I attempted to auto-mount a NTFS drive, which I reverted to it's default state after. Using ndiswrapper to load the XP-64 drivers. | 13:24 |
Wobe | uh oh spelling nazi alret ;) | 13:24 |
Wobe | I cant spell either | 13:24 |
oga | question: "sudo gedit" runs at snails pace, (incredibly, unusable slow). while all other systems run normally. any advice on how to debug? It's so bad that I cannot save an edited config file. | 13:24 |
bobbob1016 | gordboy, You could also state your problem... offense is spelled with an s not a c | 13:24 |
Tm_T | Wobe: don't use "nazi" that lightly danke | 13:24 |
gordboy | bobbob1016: BULLSHIT | 13:24 |
Pici | !language | gordboy | 13:24 |
ubottu | gordboy: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 13:24 |
Wobe | Tm_T: sorry was using it in the meme sense, nothing else | 13:24 |
Zombine | It's actually spelled that way man | 13:25 |
timr92 | oga, gksu gedit maybe | 13:25 |
tyler_roach | oga: technically, you should use gksudo gedit, not sudo. | 13:25 |
Wobe | oga: that's odd, and other editors are working normally? | 13:25 |
gordboy | fucking morons who can't even spell, let alone run a help channel, that is constantly crowded cos the distro is falling apart. WHAT A FUCKING DUMP | 13:25 |
Slart | offence, offense.. american vs brittish I think.. but it's !ot | 13:25 |
bobbob1016 | gordboy, Both are correct according to | 13:25 |
haxor | huzz: did you try this one | 13:25 |
timr92 | yay, gordboy left | 13:25 |
Slart | bye bye gordboy | 13:25 |
timr92 | what's difference with gksu and gksudo? | 13:26 |
Tyrion | hmm, maybe someone other is able to help me ? the probleme is the same as mentioned here: .. but i'm using a ATI card | 13:26 |
Zombine | Anyone know where I can get my hands on a library I can use for reading encrypted DVDs? | 13:26 |
Slart | Zombine: the dvd css thingy? | 13:26 |
Slart | !dvd | 13:26 |
ubottu | For playing DVD, see - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs | 13:26 |
Siph0n | timr92, I am pretty sure they are both the same | 13:26 |
tyler_roach | gksudo is for when you want to run a graphical apllication, sudo is from the command line. | 13:26 |
Myrtti | *yawn* | 13:26 |
Zombine | Slart: Yes. Thanks :D | 13:26 |
Slart | timr92: something about the way it sets up the enviroment I think.. check the man page for details | 13:26 |
oga | timr92 tyler_roach using gksu nothing loads (or it might just be taking forever because now i don't have terminal feedback | 13:27 |
timr92 | siph0n, ok then. and anyone know why dvd's won't work 4 me when I've got the restricted extras and whatever.. do I need other stuff? | 13:27 |
timr92 | oga, that's funny, that's what was happening with my prob b4 | 13:27 |
timr92 | kinda | 13:27 |
maunykah_ | ok would adding the restricted packages help resolve my apt database error? | 13:27 |
inertial | oh no wonder xrandr doesn't work with fglrx... ati has it's own way of doing graphics setup with aticonfig.. | 13:28 |
Siph0n | timr92, ok just confirmed it, the man pages for gksu and gksudo are the same :) | 13:28 |
oga | timr92 try terminal sudo gedit and see if you replicate | 13:28 |
Wobe | Tyrion: can you use ubuntu paste to show the xorg.conf | 13:28 |
huzz | haxor: checking out the link now | 13:28 |
timr92 | oga, mines fixed now though | 13:28 |
Pici | !gksudo | oga | 13:28 |
ubottu | oga: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See to know why) | 13:28 |
timr92 | oga, I do gksu gedit, and it asks 4 password, straight away | 13:29 |
Tyrion | @wobe: no .. i'm chatting from a other box ... the network is also not working anymore :( (worked fine bevor without configuration [DHCP]) | 13:29 |
hansheng | hello, may I know about mount? what mean is utf8 0 0 or utf8 0 2 this 0 0 or 0 2 mean? | 13:29 |
Solusian | Anyone able to assist me with a wireless issue? I'm running 64 bit 8.04 with the AR5007EG, it can see the WiFi networks.. yet is unable to acquire a network address.. It worked before I attempted to auto-mount a NTFS drive, which I reverted to it's default state after. Using ndiswrapper to load the XP-64 drivers. | 13:29 |
timr92 | oga, b4 I was getting errors about the hostname | 13:29 |
timr92 | oga, but that might have been with sudo | 13:29 |
Tyrion | i've some few are interesting, i can copy them manually | 13:30 |
Wobe | Tyrion: can you get into X at all on that other machine? | 13:30 |
hischild | timr92, sudo and gksudo both ask for your normal password. | 13:30 |
timr92 | hischild, I know | 13:30 |
alpikat | I can't open gnome, I'm writting in KDE | 13:30 |
Tyrion | the other maschine is WinXP | 13:30 |
legend2440 | maunykah_: can you paste your /etc/apt/sources.list? not here. in pastebin | 13:30 |
Myrtti | hansheng: man fstab, also | 13:30 |
oga | timr92 i might have those problems also but i stopped worrying once my wifi was working.... Problem is after password has been entered. | 13:30 |
timr92 | hischild, oga asked me to replicate, whatever that ment, lol, and uh when I had the probs with the hosts, it wouldn't do anything with gksu | 13:30 |
soulc | anyone have a clue as to why my number pad is no longer working? And don't say numlock that would be insulting | 13:30 |
hansheng | thanks | 13:30 |
hischild | timr92, i see. I can explain the entire situation if needed. | 13:31 |
fiyawerx | soulc: i usually have to turn numlock off and then back on for it to work after startup | 13:31 |
fiyawerx | even tho numlock is on | 13:31 |
maunykah_ | where is the pastebin? Sorry I don't remember and does it matter that I have already tried to delete some lines? | 13:31 |
Pici | !paste | maunykah_ | 13:31 |
hischild | !pastebin | maunykah_ | 13:31 |
ubottu | maunykah_: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 13:31 |
legend2440 | !paste | 13:31 |
timr92 | hischild, yes well, it was just a thought but now I don't know oga's prob, lol.. still too much of a noob I am :D | 13:31 |
Wobe | Tyrion: I meant the one you are having issue with | 13:31 |
dim | hello to every one, I entered here bc i been having some difficulties with my screen and I don't know how to fixed it | 13:31 |
hischild | oga, you're having trouble with sudo? | 13:31 |
Myrtti | !ask | dim | 13:31 |
ubottu | dim: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 13:31 |
rrohde | didn't work.. hd0,0 gets a "disk read error" | 13:32 |
rrohde | even though I can mount it just fine under Ubuntu | 13:32 |
Tyrion | the messed up one starts X11 and gdm | 13:32 |
Slart | CapaH: still having clip board problems? I just tried a little copy pasting.. I don't know how large texts you use but I just copied and pasted a 115 MB text file without any problems...but I'm still using gutsy.. perhaps it's a hardy thing | 13:32 |
Solusian | Anyone here knowledgeable on WiFi issues per chance? | 13:32 |
fiyawerx | CapaH, how much ram do you have? | 13:32 |
Wobe | Tyrion: I suggest trying envy, then working from there | 13:32 |
hischild | timr92, i see. If he has trouble with sudo, perhaps i can help out. | 13:32 |
Myrtti | !anyone | Solusian | 13:32 |
ubottu | Solusian: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 13:32 |
Tyrion | what's nevy ? | 13:32 |
Myrtti | !envy | 13:33 |
ubottu | envy is an unsupported tool to install newer versions of binary video drivers than provided by the official repositories. Use at your own risk, and remember that the latest version is not necessarily the "best". See « /msg ubotu binarydriver » | 13:33 |
Myrtti | envyNG is in the repos though | 13:33 |
Wobe | what the bot says :) | 13:33 |
Myrtti | you can use that quite safely | 13:33 |
maunykah_ | ok here it is: | 13:33 |
Solusian | Myrtti: I did, though I didn't get any responses like that. | 13:33 |
oga | hischild yes i am, "sudo gedit" means that program runs ***incredibly slow (like memory overload). timr92 suggested possible problem due to editing hostname (which i did manually through network settings). gksu / gksudo don't seem to work either. | 13:33 |
Tyrion | ok thx | 13:33 |
Slart | I had some problems on my laptop with using sudo after upgrading to hardy.. something about not being able to resolv the hostname.. I never got around to fixing that.. | 13:33 |
Wobe | Tyrion: I find that using envy usually sets things up right, and if not at least get's you a bit closer | 13:33 |
Slart | isn't envyng now included in hardy? | 13:34 |
coolkid112 | Hey guys | 13:34 |
dishayu | i can't go beyond 800x600 on my FRESH hardy 32 bit install... geforce 7300 512MB , 2GB RAM... tried envy and installing the package from nvidia website too... still doesn't work.. nvidia settings manager gives a "You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server. " error... | 13:34 |
Solusian | Myrtti: Anyone able to assist me with a wireless issue? I'm running 64 bit 8.04 with the AR5007EG, it can see the WiFi networks.. yet is unable to acquire a network address.. It worked before I attempted to auto-mount a NTFS drive, which I reverted to it's default state after. Using ndiswrapper to load the XP-64 drivers. | 13:34 |
hansheng | erm.. I have no see the 0 0 or 0 2 or 1 1 or 1 2mean... | 13:34 |
babolat | Slart: what exactly were u trying to do? or does it happen with all sudo commands? | 13:34 |
timr92 | :D hischild, I had funny probs with sudo and gksu, but yeah, oga's prob obviously aint that anymore | 13:34 |
Wobe | Slart: it's in the repo's but not installed by default | 13:34 |
Slart | babolat: with all sudo commands | 13:34 |
discoverpc | lenovo laptop suspend issue some times with ubuntu 8.04 ? | 13:34 |
Tyrion | ok, but my other problem, that i can't get network access (anymore) prevents me from using/installing envy ... but because i'm using a DHCP i'm assuming this is only a question of the right commands to get it started ? | 13:35 |
oga | timr92 i'm not sure, i am having a funny problem with sudo | 13:35 |
Slart | Wobe: ah.. well.. at least that makes it a little bit accepted =) | 13:35 |
soulc | yeah tried that no go | 13:35 |
sisif | Hello guys. Anyone here has any experience with ndiswrapper and wicd ? | 13:35 |
timr92 | oga, well do you get an error about hostname when you try use sudo? | 13:35 |
coolkid112 | Well uh, i was wondering if you guys could help me with the menu bar? It dissapeared | 13:35 |
soulc | ok I have a kvm switch but here is the thing it stopped working after upgrading to hardy | 13:35 |
babolat | !anyone | Sisif | 13:35 |
ubottu | Sisif: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 13:35 |
dim | I bought and samsung lm32, a 32 inch tv, Im using the vga cable to conect it to my pc, the problem is that i can't get ubuntu to detect it or to give me the option to tell it the screen resolution "1360x768" | 13:36 |
babolat | Slart: one moment :) | 13:36 |
tyler_roach | oga, does your user have permssion to use sudo? | 13:36 |
southafrikanse | hello. I'm installing Stage and it says: WARNING: A suitable GTK+ was not found. GTK+-2.4 or later is required | 13:36 |
oga | timr92 nope, no relation then. | 13:36 |
sisif | babolat: Sorry. | 13:36 |
timr92 | oga, and my probs were with all administrative apps, I still think I'm too nooby to help coz you are prob is diff to mine | 13:36 |
soulc | num lock ligh goes on and off no diff I have changed the keyboard type nothing | 13:36 |
oga | tyler_roach yep.... | 13:36 |
oga | tyler_roach only user on pc | 13:36 |
CapaH | It appears the copy/paste issues i have only exist on TERMINAL -- using the terminal app | 13:36 |
babolat | Slart: care to shoot me with the prompt you get again? | 13:37 |
Pici | !hostname | timr92 | 13:37 |
ubottu | timr92: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at system>administration>networking on the "General" tab | 13:37 |
tyler_roach | oga are you working with a fresh install of hardy/ | 13:37 |
timr92 | er, what's up with ubottu?? | 13:38 |
timr92 | is it a bot? | 13:38 |
hischild | oga, i see. Well, it might have much to do with the hostname as it is important with it. Do you use a domain or workgroup with it? | 13:38 |
soulc | I use the clunky ibm type keyboard with the springy keys | 13:38 |
oga | tyler_roach upgrade 7.04=>7.10=>8.04 | 13:38 |
hischild | timr92, yes | 13:38 |
hischild | !bot | 13:38 |
ubottu | I am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;) | 13:38 |
timr92 | lol | 13:38 |
timr92 | that's hilarious | 13:38 |
Slart | babolat: sure.. let me power up the laptop | 13:38 |
timr92 | the bot thing | 13:38 |
maunykah_ | the lines that I had deleted first contained something about canonical partner | 13:38 |
bobbob1016 | dishayu, Not sure if someone else helped you yet, but System->Administration->Hardware Drivers, then just click "enable" for the nvidia driver. It should install the driver. | 13:38 |
tyler_roach | oga this problem started after the upgrade? | 13:38 |
babolat | Slart: please do ;) | 13:39 |
sisif | So my problem is: I just installed ndiswrapper and wicd, but I can`t see no wifi connection in wicd. If i do "ifconfig", it shows me my eth1, also the ndiswrapper module is loaded. And I don`t have any clue on how to connect to my wifi router or even check if my wifi connection actually works. Any suggestion ? | 13:39 |
oga | hischild i have smb installed but not used for a long time dont' remember workgroup settings | 13:39 |
oga | hischild just about to dig around in smb conf | 13:39 |
crash91 | How can i set a disk to automount at startup? | 13:39 |
dishayu | bobbob1016 : LOL, do you think i didn't try it already?? that was the 1st thing i did... | 13:39 |
hischild | oga, it's only important whether you've added the workgroup to the hostname in /etc/hosts. | 13:39 |
babolat | crash91: edit fstab | 13:39 |
legend2440 | maunykah_: everything looks fine except for lines you removed. don't remove lines just comment them out using #. have you run sudo apt-get update lately? | 13:39 |
babolat | !fstab | crash91 | 13:39 |
ubottu | crash91: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See and !Partitions | 13:39 |
bobbob1016 | dishayu, I'm just saying, some people wouldn't have, no need to get cynical. Try the simple things first | 13:40 |
Solusian | Anyone able to assist me with a wireless issue? I'm running 64 bit 8.04 with the AR5007EG, it can see the WiFi networks.. yet is unable to acquire a network address.. It worked before I attempted to auto-mount a NTFS drive, which I reverted to it's default state after. Using ndiswrapper to load the XP-64 drivers. | 13:40 |
oga | tyler_roach actually after the upgrade, was working... now isn't. Definitly was working pre upgrade | 13:40 |
maunykah_ | oh no! What should I do I deleted them and then saved that new document! | 13:40 |
tyler_roach | oga what exactly is the error message? | 13:40 |
georgesa | how could i download all the .vim files from | 13:40 |
crash91 | babolat: thanks | 13:40 |
babolat | !wireless | Solusian | 13:40 |
ubottu | Solusian: Wireless documentation can be found at | 13:40 |
southafrikanse | WARNING: A suitable GTK+ was not found. GTK+-2.4 or later is required how to I solve this? | 13:40 |
maunykah_ | so I comment them out by just putting "#" before and after? | 13:40 |
fiyawerx | anyone know what sun-java6-plugin installs or how to see? I installed it but no luck with firefox/java still | 13:40 |
babolat | crash91: np | 13:40 |
legend2440 | maunykah_: no just before is fine | 13:41 |
psilikon | What sets the font type for the framebuffer during bootup? | 13:41 |
maunykah_ | so this would be for the lines that I deleted? How can I get them back? | 13:41 |
v0lksman | How do you map a drive persistently using only GUI tools? I know how to edit the fstab but I'm trying to help my father get into Ubuntu and want to keep him in the GUI as much as possible... | 13:41 |
maunykah_ | or can I just put it in another line? | 13:41 |
ikt | admin > system > software sources, does it put the lines in for apt-get automatically? | 13:42 |
MrFawkes | is there any way I can get synaptic to print out the differences between the packages on my box and the standard ubuntu setup? | 13:42 |
oga | tyler_roach no error just runs at a rate that makes the program totally unusable, hangs on action (e.g. save, close etc.) | 13:42 |
timr92 | can anyone answer a quick question about bluez? | 13:42 |
babolat | whew | 13:42 |
legend2440 | maunykah_: i vcan paste my sources.list so you can add lines you removed. but i use a different server than you so it will look different | 13:42 |
rym | Hmm im wondering if its really important to update to 8.04.. the updates i just read dont seem that necessary to me? | 13:42 |
maunykah_ | thanks legend2440! | 13:42 |
MrFawkes | rym: well, you'll get newer versions of most packages, which is usually nice. | 13:42 |
rym | Or more importantly, would i get issues like programs not wanting to run anymore in 8.04 ? | 13:43 |
maunykah_ | would I just paste the lines? or is it going to look completely different | 13:43 |
tyler_roach | oga graphical apps and the command line? | 13:43 |
rym | Hmm | 13:43 |
babolat | !ask | timr92 | 13:43 |
ubottu | timr92: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 13:43 |
fiyawerx | rym: can alwyas try it out in a vbox | 13:43 |
hansderagon | Greetings. Stupid question. How can I adjust the different volumes in Gnome without having to add the volume applet so I can right click it? | 13:43 |
rym | true | 13:43 |
soulc | what a drag | 13:43 |
paulcross | rym, some programe do have problems with 8.04 | 13:43 |
rym | well until now ive only been using generic programs | 13:43 |
bobbob1016 | rym, It isn't urgent or anything, Gutsy still will be supported for a while. Programs should still run though. Some people have issues with Hardy though, so maybe waiting a bit would help. | 13:43 |
rym | with the exception of ushare | 13:43 |
georgesa | how could i download all the .vim files from | 13:44 |
insomnia_ | hello, could i get some help with my 8.04 upgrade... im in the process of setting installation settngs and have reached debconf | 13:44 |
timr92 | ok then, well, with bluez, there is an option to "Share files from public folder", where is the public folder? | 13:44 |
oga | tyler_roach yep, but i'm going to stuff around for a bit and see what i can get going, maybe problems with /etc/hosts as I manually changed user-desktop.(something) to user-desktop as part of debugging wifi (which is now working) | 13:44 |
Slart | babolat: ahh.. just found something new.. it works if I'm connected to internet.. if I'm not I get "sudo: unable to resolve host markus-laptop" | 13:44 |
MrFawkes | georgesa: firefox+downthemall or a wget sctipt | 13:44 |
v0lksman | georgesa: get DownthemAll for firefox and | 13:44 |
level09 | guys, whats the apache process user in CentOS ? | 13:44 |
rym | Allright I guess i'll jsut wait a bit and update whenever I feel like it | 13:44 |
v0lksman | MrFawkes beat me to it.. :) | 13:44 |
georgesa | alright, thanks | 13:45 |
MrFawkes | is there any way I can get synaptic to print out the differences between the packages on my box and the standard ubuntu setup? or just the manually installed ones? | 13:45 |
insomnia_ | hello, could i get some help with my 8.04 upgrade... im in the process of setting installation settngs and have reached debconf, anyone got a sec? | 13:45 |
babolat | Slart: I'm looking at some bugs reported just like yours.. reading up.. | 13:45 |
fiyawerx | anyone else having issues with java in firefox? can't seem to get it to load | 13:45 |
legend2440 | maunykah_: for example your last line says deb-src hardy-security multiverse mine will say deb-src hardy-security multiverse because i am using mit server | 13:45 |
fiyawerx | sun java, that is | 13:45 |
MrFawkes | or, hell, all packages? there's diff for the rest. | 13:45 |
legend2440 | !pastebin | 13:45 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 13:45 |
dim | I bought and samsung lm32, a 32 inch tv, Im using the vga cable to conect it to my pc, the problem is that i can't get ubuntu to detect it or to give me the option to tell it the screen resolution "1360x768" | 13:45 |
maunykah_ | oh ok | 13:45 |
v0lksman | MrFawkes: you can run dpkg -l from the CLI.... | 13:46 |
maunykah_ | should I paste that? | 13:46 |
inertial | georgesa: wget | 13:46 |
MrFawkes | v0lksman: ah, that's what i need. thanks. | 13:46 |
v0lksman | MrFawkes: you may need to grep it to trim it down a bit though | 13:46 |
inertial | georgesa: wget -r url pretty much | 13:46 |
timr92 | someone help me? where is the public folder that bluez talks about? | 13:46 |
georgesa | yea | 13:46 |
BarBaric | Fresh 8.04 AMD64 - AMD6000+ dual core Asus M2NPV-VM MB - xorg sucks +80% CPU | 13:46 |
MrFawkes | v0lksman: i'm planning a reinstall just because i can, so diff will be enough on the new system. :) | 13:46 |
legend2440 | maunykah_: no. here is mine | 13:46 |
hansderagon | Greetings again. So, there is no way from the menus to setup the level of volumes of the different audio devices? I have to add the applet to a panel to access them? | 13:47 |
alado2 | has anybody got voipstunt,voipbuster etc. to work with ubuntu? if so how? | 13:47 |
babolat | Slart: I was looking at --> --> but no help at all... still looking | 13:47 |
MrFawkes | s/diff/cat | uniq | 13:47 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 32906 in sudo "sudo fails if it cannot resolve the local hostname and no MTA is installed" [High,Fix committed] | 13:47 |
Milos_SD | Does Nokia 6280 works with Hardy via USB Cable? | 13:47 |
tyler_roach | oga that probably has something to do with it. Have you checked your /etc/hostname file? | 13:47 |
dim | HELP please,I bought and samsung lm32, a 32 inch tv, Im using the vga cable to conect it to my pc, the problem is that i can't get ubuntu to detect it or to give me the option to tell it the screen resolution "1360x768" | 13:47 |
nickthorley | hi all - i have added a ndis driver on 8.04 but the network settings from the windows drivers gui is greyed out - is this due to network manager having control of it | 13:47 |
oga | tyler_roach i have but i'm trying to remember what i changed itt from etc. | 13:48 |
oga | brb | 13:48 |
neeto | Is there a way to globally disable gnome tooltips? | 13:48 |
maunykah_ | just so I don't mess it up again, I would paste the lines that I deleted and then afterwards put a # on the lines that stated that I need to add the # symbol? | 13:48 |
derspankster | anyone know how to scale vncviewer? | 13:48 |
tyler_roach | oga run 'strace sudo su -' as root and see what happens. | 13:48 |
maunykah_ | thanks a great deal legend2440. I was so terrified that I would have to re-install kubuntu | 13:48 |
legend2440 | maunykah_: they already have ## | 13:48 |
babolat | Slart: have u upgraded that lappy from gutsy to hardy? | 13:48 |
maunykah_ | you mean on your list right? | 13:49 |
legend2440 | maunykah_: just cut and paste the missing lines | 13:49 |
legend2440 | maunykah_: yes | 13:49 |
dim | I bought and samsung lm32, a 32 inch tv, Im using the vga cable to conect it to my pc, the problem is that i can't get ubuntu to detect it or to give me the option to tell it the screen resolution "1360x768" | 13:50 |
babolat | Slart: u still in here? | 13:50 |
maunykah_ | fantastic! thanks legend2440! I can't copy and paste individual lines unfortunately-my wireless mouse stopped working for some odd reason and so I'm using my Wacom as a "mouse" for now. | 13:51 |
ceacro | I am worried about installing ubuntu | 13:51 |
mystic | must be a hard problem to fix then if no one can help me :( | 13:51 |
fde | ceacro: What concerns do you have? Did you set aside space on your hard drive for it? | 13:51 |
ceacro | it showed a screen saying ACPI Exception (acpi_processor-0681): AE_NOT_FOUND, Processor Device is not present [20060707] | 13:51 |
legend2440 | maunykah_: anyway there is nothing wrong with your sources.list so that is not your problem. run sudo apt-get update after you restore yhe missing lines and see if you get any errors. ok? | 13:51 |
roxahris | Processor device!? | 13:51 |
ceacro | and it does not start booting | 13:52 |
roxahris | Isn't that... the CPU? | 13:52 |
maunykah_ | ok I will do so! thanks again. I will update after | 13:52 |
Mattias | Hi, I cant add printers. If i open administration -> printing its all grey (cant click anywhere), cant start cups get signal 15. Any ideas how to get it working? | 13:52 |
fde | ceacro: Do you know how to set your BIOS to boot from CD? | 13:52 |
ceacro | this is a bug for ubuntu 8.4 or a problem for my laptop 8.4 | 13:52 |
fiyawerx | !java | 13:52 |
ubottu | To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository (in !Backports for !Edgy) | 13:52 |
babolat | Slart: go try this --> | 13:52 |
fiyawerx | !java-plugin | 13:52 |
ubottu | Factoid java-plugin not found | 13:52 |
paulcross | How to add some items to EVINCE's menu? | 13:52 |
ceacro | I installed windows Xp and vista and all of them worked perfectly | 13:53 |
fde | fiyawerx: sun-java6-plugin | 13:53 |
fiyawerx | fde, its installed, still no luck with firefox | 13:53 |
Slart | babolat: sorry.. girlfriend was describing the big plans for the appartment.. had to pretend to listen | 13:53 |
ceacro | but I am a Ubuntu addict and want to install it to the hard disk | 13:53 |
Slart | babolat: yes, upgraded from gutsy to hardy | 13:53 |
fiyawerx | fde: not sure what i'm missing | 13:53 |
elektronik123456 | how i can set high resolution on owners drivers ? | 13:53 |
ghatak | Hi, are there any other security repositories apart from | 13:53 |
babolat | Slart: ;) got that link? | 13:53 |
fde | fiyawerx: dpkg -l | grep openjdk <-- that return anything? how about dpkg -l | grep icedtea ? | 13:54 |
fde | fiyawerx: Those are the open source alternatives, but they don't work for most sites on the net. | 13:54 |
mystic | anyone help me with an install problem - as in I install via the windows installer - reboot and ubuntu hangs at hald ?? | 13:54 |
fiyawerx | fde: i can't get the test on to work | 13:54 |
crash91 | there is something wrong with my x server | 13:54 |
fiyawerx | ii icedtea-gcjwebplugin | 13:54 |
bogey- | longtime ubuntu users, first time irc chatter | 13:54 |
fiyawerx | also 3 ii's for icedtea | 13:54 |
dim | I bought and samsung lm32, a 32 inch tv, Im using the vga cable to conect it to my pc, the problem is that i can't get ubuntu to detect it or to give me the option to tell it the screen resolution "1360x768" | 13:54 |
babolat | mystic: hald? | 13:54 |
crash91 | when i log in all is see is a black desktop with awn at the bottom | 13:55 |
fiyawerx | btu i also installed sun-java6-jdk | 13:55 |
fde | fiyawerx: please remove those, do you know how? once they are removed, restart firefox, and it should work... | 13:55 |
fiyawerx | restart the icedtea / openjdk? | 13:55 |
fiyawerx | er remove? | 13:55 |
fde | remove | 13:55 |
fiyawerx | k | 13:55 |
frank_ | hi there | 13:55 |
Slart | babolat: sure.. testing it now | 13:55 |
Slart | babolat: yay.. success | 13:55 |
frank_ | could i ask someone a question about proxy and synaptec? | 13:55 |
babolat | Slart: congrats :) | 13:56 |
chell | hi | 13:56 |
chell | I need some partitioning advice | 13:56 |
hooer | could someone please help with my raid issue? :*( | 13:56 |
chell | I've got a 500 GB hdd | 13:56 |
babolat | !ask | chell | 13:56 |
ubottu | chell: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 13:56 |
fde | frank_: whats up? | 13:56 |
Slart | babolat: thanks for the help | 13:56 |
chell | how much should I use for /, swap and /home | 13:56 |
Crashed | Hey guys, I'm worried about memory consumption | 13:56 |
babolat | Slart: np | 13:56 |
mystic | it scans whats connected i beleave babolat | 13:56 |
Crashed | So I checked top, and I have 11 of these: 4831 root 154112 kB /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start | 13:56 |
fiyawerx | fde: that wants to remove ubuntu-restricted-extras, also netbeans, along with some other stuff | 13:56 |
Crashed | So do I have 11 of those? | 13:56 |
fiyawerx | when i try to remove openjdk | 13:56 |
chell | I was planning to use 40 GB for /, 6 GB for swap (got 4 GB RAM) and the rest for /home | 13:56 |
Crashed | So why do* | 13:56 |
bogey- | Swap space should be totla system ram multplied by 4 | 13:57 |
frank_ | hi fde and others: i can't get synaptec to look for packages; i assume this is because of the proxy server here at work. any ideas? | 13:57 |
fde | chell: make / no smaller than 5gigs... swap should be 2gigs... /home is whatever you plan to use for your stuff... | 13:57 |
chell | okay, so 10 GB for / should suffice? | 13:57 |
MrFawkes | bogey-: what!? | 13:57 |
babolat | mystic: and this happened when u tried to install via Wubi? | 13:57 |
fde | frank_: Settings > Preferences > Network tab is set correctly? | 13:57 |
bogey- | chell: yes | 13:57 |
Solusian | babolat: Thanks for the link, but that doesn't address the issue sadly. | 13:57 |
AnRkey_ | !xmms | 13:57 |
ubottu | Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based). Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs | 13:57 |
hummesse | bogey-, usually you have 1½ times total system ram | 13:57 |
bogey- | chell: i assume you are doing a separate partition for /home and for /usr | 13:57 |
dim | ccess | 13:58 |
dim | <frank_> could i ask someone a question about | 13:58 |
mystic | babolat yes it does | 13:58 |
chell | bogey-: just a separate one for /home | 13:58 |
chell | not for /usr | 13:58 |
fiyawerx | fde: thanks, removing the old ones did it, that was a pain | 13:58 |
frank_ | fde: yes | 13:58 |
bogey- | chell: ok | 13:58 |
babolat | Solusian: i thought so. even the guys who reported those bugs didnt get very far anyways | 13:58 |
chell | bogey-: by the way, should I use a separate one for /usr | 13:58 |
bogey- | chell: 1.5 times system ram is in adequate under heavy use. Remember that when linux runs out of VM it stops running. | 13:58 |
AnRkey_ | how do i install xmms or audacious on ubuntu hardy? | 13:58 |
fde | fiyawerx: ahh... it shouldn't... you're doing it via 'sudo apt-get remove <package>' not synaptic or aptitude? | 13:58 |
fiyawerx | hah, actually.. the test on now says "You are using a newer version of JRE than the current version available on" | 13:58 |
elektronik123456 | i am patient .... | 13:58 |
bogey- | Anr: apt-get install xmms | 13:58 |
babolat | mystic: could u give me the error line that u got? | 13:59 |
crash91 | Im having X problems. When i log in all is see is a black desktop with awn at the bottom could someone help me solve this? | 13:59 |
chell | bogey-: I've got 4 GB of RAM, how big should I make my swap? | 13:59 |
fde | fiyawerx: yay... ignore my last message then... congrats :) | 13:59 |
dim | I bought and samsung lm32, a 32 inch tv, Im using the vga cable to conect it to my pc, the problem is that i can't get ubuntu to detect it or to give me the option to tell it the screen resolution "1360x768" How can I put this resolution | 13:59 |
frank_ | fde: not sure if i understand you | 13:59 |
dsehl | random thought ... it seems audacious is finally stable, ver 1.5.0 - im happy with it... old version use to crash a lot ! | 13:59 |
frank_ | can i private msg you? | 13:59 |
mystic | no error just hangs on that | 13:59 |
bogey- | chell: i would make it min of 8gb | 13:59 |
ikt | audacious > xmms | 13:59 |
Solusian | babolat: It did work perfectly fine before messing with the auto mounting of the NTFS drive though | 13:59 |
fde | frank_: hmm... you're using manual config? | 13:59 |
fiyawerx | fde: | 13:59 |
frank_ | i enetered the proxy in my network settings | 13:59 |
marcelo1 | Hi! | 13:59 |
frank_ | over the gui you suggested | 13:59 |
AnRkey_ | chell, you don't need swap | 14:00 |
hummesse | you would never try to run anything that takes 5 times you system ram. | 14:00 |
maunykah_ | ok here is the update: the error message is still there | 14:00 |
fde | fiyawerx: yeah... don't use aptitude ... it'll remove suggests too. | 14:00 |
marcelo1 | I configure my sound card with alsaconf in Debian, how can I do this on Ubuntu? | 14:00 |
mystic | starting hardware abstraction layer hald and nothing | 14:00 |
AnRkey_ | chell, you can make it 1gb to be safe if you want | 14:00 |
babolat | Solusian: hmmm... can't get it though. automounting hasnt anything to do with it right? but try it anyways.. nothing to lose. | 14:00 |
fde | fiyawerx: just do sudo apt-get remove | 14:00 |
chell | AnRkey_: I'm using 32 bit Ubuntu though, so I won't be able to use all of my RAM | 14:00 |
chell | (but 32 bit is just more compatible in terms of flash, etc) | 14:00 |
Solusian | Yeah, I reinstalled 8.04 two times yesterday. It worked perfectly fine the second time with everything I needed installed. | 14:00 |
AnRkey_ | 32bit supports up to 4gb | 14:00 |
cosminb | what partitioning tool do you guys recommend for ubuntu? I have some free space (lots) on my laptop, I want to create new partitions... ran out of space ;) | 14:00 |
Solusian | Then when I went for the auto-mounting it just stopped working. | 14:00 |
Tu13es | anyone got a wired Mighty Mouse working before? | 14:01 |
Solusian | Right now KwifiManager is saying that it cannot find the access point | 14:01 |
MrFawkes | cosminb: cfdisk, oer, er, gnuparted | 14:01 |
fde | fiyawerx: aptitude is awesome... for 95% of use cases... the other 5, it's a pain unless you know what you're doing | 14:01 |
cosminb | MrFawkes: thanks | 14:01 |
legend2440 | maunykah_: i think this will help | 14:01 |
chell | mmm | 14:01 |
chell | so | 14:01 |
MrFawkes | cosminb: oer, er <- me stammering, btw | 14:01 |
fiyawerx | fde: any clue why neatbeans needs openjdk? | 14:01 |
chell | what would you guys recommend | 14:01 |
chell | on a 500 GB drive | 14:01 |
rym | mrfawkes: what partiton manager does the ubuntu installer use | 14:01 |
FloodBot1 | chell: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 14:01 |
frank_ | fde: Reading package lists... Done | 14:01 |
frank_ | Building dependency tree | 14:01 |
AnRkey_ | how do i install xmms or audacious on ubuntu hardy? | 14:01 |
fiyawerx | the netbeans package won't install without it it seems | 14:01 |
rym | i found gparted not as handy as that one | 14:01 |
frank_ | Reading state information... Done | 14:01 |
frank_ | 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. | 14:01 |
FloodBot1 | frank_: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 14:02 |
chell | separate /, /home? | 14:02 |
fiyawerx | which is a little silly if you have sun jdk | 14:02 |
chell | separate /usr? | 14:02 |
Solusian | Oh well, going to reinstall. Bye | 14:02 |
bazhang | AnRkey_: sudo apt-get install audacious | 14:02 |
cosminb | MrFawkes: lol, I was gonna search for those :)) | 14:02 |
mystic | bobolat thats all it does nothing else no errors just hangs | 14:02 |
babolat | mystic is what u get "Booting 'find /wubi/boot/grub/menu.lst'" ? | 14:02 |
AnRkey_ | bazhang, it's broken | 14:02 |
MrFawkes | rym: no idea, really, since i didn't use it at all | 14:02 |
fde | fiyawerx: it is the current alternative providing java | 14:02 |
rym | Ah | 14:02 |
AnRkey_ | bazhang, the package that is | 14:02 |
fiyawerx | fde: yeah but shouldn't netbeans be able to use either that or sun jdk? | 14:02 |
maunykah_ | oh my gosh it works!!! Thanks soooo much! | 14:03 |
AnRkey_ | and xmms was removed up stream | 14:03 |
nickthorley | bazhang: hi again | 14:03 |
rever | Is there any way to see what is accessing my harddrive? My HDD is constantly be accessed. | 14:03 |
ceacro | what does this error mean in UBUNTU: ACPI Exception (acpi_processor-0681): AE_NOT_FOUND, Processor Device is not present [20060707] | 14:03 |
fiyawerx | so my options with this are either have netbeans installed, or have a working java plugin | 14:03 |
fiyawerx | heh | 14:03 |
fde | fiyawerx: update-alternatives --list java | 14:03 |
fiyawerx | wonder if i install netbeans, let it install openjdk, then remove jdk again | 14:03 |
mystic | nope goes through all the boot up and i can see it then gets to "starting hardware abstraction layer hald" and hangs | 14:03 |
MrFawkes | rever: man lsof | 14:03 |
babolat | rever: check with SysMon? | 14:03 |
legend2440 | maunykah_: debtags worked? | 14:03 |
fde | fiyawerx: you'll need sun-java6-bin installed to use netbeans still | 14:03 |
fiyawerx | its installed | 14:03 |
maunykah_ | yes it worked perfectly legend2440=) | 14:04 |
maunykah_ | thanks so much!! | 14:04 |
ceacro | what does this error mean in UBUNTU: ACPI Exception (acpi_processor-0681): AE_NOT_FOUND, Processor Device is not present [20060707] | 14:04 |
legend2440 | maunykah_: ok good | 14:04 |
fiyawerx | it was apt-get that wanted to install openjdk again with netbeans | 14:04 |
elektronik123456 | how hide xchat-gnome to sys tray ? | 14:05 |
fde | fiyawerx: update-alternatives --set java /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/bin/java | 14:05 |
bolle | What causes "Grub loading... Error 2" on start up? | 14:05 |
crash91 | Help!! I have a serious problem | 14:05 |
crm57 | how can i see all the hardware on my comp | 14:05 |
fiyawerx | Using '/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/bin/java' to provide 'java'. | 14:06 |
crash91 | X is not working properly, even xfix does not work. All i can see when i log in is a black desktop with avant running at the bottom. | 14:06 |
* elektronik123456 how hide xchat-gnome to sys tray ? | 14:06 | |
v0lksman | MrFawkes: check out just happened upon the article and thought it may help! | 14:06 |
fiyawerx | fde: thanks, that did the trick, guess i just need to settle for having openjdk installed | 14:06 |
fde | fiyawerx: yup... now it should accept removal of openjdk/icedtea stuff | 14:06 |
fiyawerx | oh | 14:06 |
fiyawerx | nope | 14:06 |
fiyawerx | still wants to uninstall netbeans | 14:06 |
mystic | babolat : thats all that happens so i cannot even get it to boot | 14:07 |
crash91 | elektronik123456: right click xchat in systray and click hide | 14:07 |
RoyK | hi. I have seen this before with Debian, but the same happens now with an IBM xSeries 456: I boot up Ubuntu 8.04 server and it fails to mount the CD, reporting hardware failure. I've seen this happen on other IBM boxes. any idea why this happens? | 14:07 |
fde | fiyawerx: then I'm confused... I don't use netbeans... but you'd think suns software would play nice with other sun software... heh | 14:07 |
bogey- | How can I manually configure an IP address and connect to a wireless network that does not use WEP or WPA? | 14:07 |
fiyawerx | fde: it does, somehow the netbeans package is linked to the openjdk | 14:07 |
fiyawerx | maybe incorrectly set as a dependency somewhere | 14:07 |
bazhang | bogey-: you mean the command line? | 14:07 |
MrFawkes | v0lksman: ah, thanks, it's just what I want. | 14:08 |
egrgn | qualcuno che parla italiano? | 14:08 |
babolat | mystic: go try this link.. but not sure if this is you --> | 14:08 |
elektronik123456 | crash91 i haven`t got icon in sys tray | 14:08 |
hoelk | is there any way of invoking a dialogue window from thunars' custom actions (eg a window saying "done") | 14:08 |
bazhang | !it | egrgn | 14:08 |
fde | fiyawerx: It's not... apt-cache show netbeans shows nothing about openjdk. | 14:08 |
ubottu | egrgn: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 14:08 |
fiyawerx | hmm | 14:08 |
pawan | hi | 14:08 |
babolat | mystic: tell me if its not :) | 14:08 |
bogey- | bazhang: i do not care how | 14:08 |
v0lksman | MrFawkes: kinda figured....nice coincidence I found it in my list of articles today... :) | 14:08 |
pawan | nvidia drivers not getting installed | 14:08 |
bogey- | bazhang: i was trying to use the network manager in gnome | 14:08 |
egrgn | grazie | 14:08 |
fiyawerx | fde: interesting | 14:08 |
bazhang | prego :) | 14:08 |
_adriaan | fiyawerx: Hmm, I seem to have the same problem | 14:08 |
hoelk | or from a bash script | 14:08 |
mystic | will give it a go when i get home remote at the mo :) | 14:09 |
_adriaan | fiyawerx: And only since my last updates | 14:09 |
gurpreet | how can i know which files of a package will be installed and at what location? | 14:09 |
fde | fiyawerx: oh well... just make sure openjdk's web plugin is never installed again, and it should be fine. | 14:09 |
fiyawerx | apt-cache show libnb-java1-java | 14:09 |
Cew27 | hey all | 14:09 |
fiyawerx | is required by netbeans, and requires openjdk | 14:09 |
fde | fiyawerx: firefox doesn't like 2 plugins for the same thing | 14:09 |
tony403 | anyone know how to add the gnome menu to avant window navigator? | 14:09 |
ikonia | hooer: I'm back, apologies had a lunch meeting | 14:09 |
fiyawerx | but that says openjdk | sunjdk | 14:10 |
bazhang | bogey you have a wifi hotspot to test it out on; ifconfig will tell you the name of the nic (wlan0 etc) sudo dhclient wlan0 (or other) | 14:10 |
pawan | alaways runs in low graphics mode | 14:10 |
junkeR | hello, would this be adequate protection for a couple (smaller) ubuntu servers? | 14:10 |
junkeR | | 14:10 |
hooer | ikonia, ah cheeers :P one sec trying something | 14:10 |
fde | fiyawerx: openjdk-6-jdk | sun-java6-jdk <--- this means if you have sun-java6-jdk installed, then you don't need openjdk | 14:10 |
MrFawkes | gurpreet: er, right click on it in synaptic? | 14:10 |
fiyawerx | yeah | 14:10 |
Cew27 | i need help my old advent pc is running ubuntu live cd i need to back up files from windows partition but it isnt happeneing, i cant seem to mount an external usb harddrive | 14:10 |
gurpreet | MrFawkes, thanks pal | 14:10 |
MrFawkes | np | 14:11 |
bogey- | bazhang: the wifi is already up but I want a manual address instead of the DHCP address | 14:11 |
fde | fiyawerx: SO... install sun-java6-jdk ... and you should be able to remove openjdk foreal this time :) | 14:11 |
Cew27 | i need help my old advent pc is running ubuntu live cd i need to back up files from windows partition but it isnt happeneing, i cant seem to mount an external usb harddrive | 14:11 |
bazhang | junkeR: this is more a software (OS) support channel; you could always ask in #hardware | 14:11 |
fiyawerx | already had sun-java6-jdk installed | 14:11 |
areels | how can i install cinepaint? | 14:11 |
fiyawerx | which is why im confused | 14:11 |
fiyawerx | :) | 14:11 |
areels | package is removed? | 14:11 |
bazhang | bogey manual = static? | 14:11 |
gurpreet | MrFawkes, is there some command for this also? | 14:11 |
tony403 | anyone know how to disable status messages in xchat? | 14:11 |
bazhang | right click nick list tony403 does not do it? | 14:12 |
fiyawerx | oh well, i can deal with having openjdk installed now as long as sun is working and firefox is working, which seems to be the case, definately odd | 14:12 |
marcelo1 | alsaconf is not on Ubuntu! | 14:12 |
nbkr | tony403, Right-click on the channel tab "Hide Join/Part Messages" | 14:12 |
hooer | ikonia, i deleted the mdadm.conf and still the mdstat UUID's didnt match the blkid's | 14:12 |
MrFawkes | gurpreet: er, probably, but i don't know it. try man dpkg | 14:12 |
crash91 | X is not working properly, even xfix does not work. All i can see when i log in is a black desktop with avant running at the bottom. | 14:12 |
_adriaan | fiyawerx: yeah, but sooner or later that's going to bite you in the ass | 14:12 |
bogey- | bazhang: you cannot use roaming mode and a static ip address | 14:12 |
crash91 | Some one please help me. | 14:12 |
MrFawkes | or man apt* | 14:13 |
fde | fiyawerx: yup... the depends directly say it shouldn't be the case... so that's annoying... unless the others depend other similar cases... | 14:13 |
_adriaan | fiyawerx: two plugins for the same thing is a bad, bad idea | 14:13 |
gurpreet | MrFawkes, ok thanks | 14:13 |
bogey- | crash91: what is the question? | 14:13 |
enquest | how can I do {{ request.GET.variable }} | 14:13 |
fiyawerx | _adriaan, yeah, best option is to prob install netbeans from binaries really | 14:13 |
bazhang | bogey what exactly do you wish then please clarify thanks | 14:13 |
fiyawerx | can get 6.1 that way too | 14:13 |
fde | fiyawerx: anyway, what you initially wanted works now without breaking what was there before.... so your question is answered, just strange | 14:13 |
=== scottyLohb is now known as scottyL | ||
crash91 | bogey-:X is not working properly, even xfix does not work. All i can see when i log in is a black desktop with avant running at the bottom. | 14:13 |
bogey- | bazhang: i want to configure my wireless card to connect to a SSID of Office with no encryption and a static ip address | 14:13 |
Cew27 | i need help my old advent pc is running ubuntu live cd i need to back up files from windows partition but it isnt happeneing, i cant seem to mount an external usb harddrive | 14:14 |
Speckal | hello all | 14:14 |
tony403 | nbkr, thanks, done it. though i do recall a permanent way to do it in xchat via command line | 14:14 |
Speckal | can I remove the "Places" menu from the menu bar? under "Edit Menus" I don't see a way to do that | 14:14 |
_adriaan | fde: you apparently _have_ to install openjdk if you want to use netbeans, it doesn't install without it, even if you have sun-java | 14:14 |
bogey- | crash91: that is a good one, I assume you never get to the login screen | 14:14 |
fde | _adriaan: it's depends conflict with that though... so I'm not sure why that's the case... | 14:14 |
crash91 | bogey-: no, i log in and then i get a black desktop. | 14:14 |
fiyawerx | it's probably a second or third tier depend | 14:15 |
fde | _adriaan: the depends state you can use openjdk OR sun-java6 packages. | 14:15 |
crash91 | bogey-: i see the login alright, but not my desktop | 14:15 |
fiyawerx | someone typo'd somewhere :) | 14:15 |
bogey- | crash91: and you are using the live cd? | 14:15 |
fiyawerx | not sure i have the patience to track down just where | 14:15 |
bazhang | bogey this might help out; you are free to read it | 14:15 |
crash91 | bogey-: no installed 8.04 | 14:15 |
bogey- | bazhang: ill read it | 14:15 |
babolat | hello | 14:16 |
fde | fiyawerx: It's going to bug me, but I'll get over it too :) | 14:16 |
fiyawerx | hmm | 14:16 |
bogey- | crash91: give me a minute | 14:16 |
pro-rsoft | Hi, is there any good cvs client out there that is NOT kde and NOT tk? | 14:16 |
tony_ | anyone know how to add the gnome menus to avant window navigator? | 14:16 |
pro-rsoft | graphical* | 14:16 |
fiyawerx | firefox is locking up on my every few seconds now, grr | 14:16 |
bogey- | crash91: you need to disable the extra features of the desktop (i.e. cubes, effects, etc) but you will have to do it from the command line | 14:16 |
fenermumi | hi | 14:16 |
_adriaan | fiyawerx: yeah, I uninstalled openjdk, i'm going to try my luck with the netbeans binaries | 14:17 |
babolat | mystic: got it yet with wubi installation? | 14:17 |
derspankster | pro-rsoft, it's an aplet under preferences | 14:17 |
fiyawerx | _adriaan, ditto | 14:17 |
crash91 | bogey-: i can see fusion-icon in the AWN tray, should i switch the window manager? | 14:17 |
fde | fiyawerx: I removed all openjdk stuff, and have no such issues... | 14:17 |
fiyawerx | fde: you're on 8.04? | 14:17 |
fde | fiyawerx: yeah | 14:17 |
mystic | babolat pm me its easier | 14:18 |
pro-rsoft | derspankster, im not going to run gnome-panel cuz it will start settings deamon and volume manager | 14:18 |
fenermumi | selam | 14:18 |
bogey- | crash91: ok i got what you need to do | 14:18 |
fiyawerx | thats really odd, esp. since _adriaan is getting it too | 14:18 |
ikonia | hooer: what do you mean by the mdstat uuid | 14:18 |
Chapai | what is the native protocol for sharing files between linux boxes, i am aware of samba i believe its for linux-windoze sharing | 14:18 |
_adriaan | 8.04 as well | 14:18 |
Speckal | can I remove the "Places" menu from the menu bar? under "Edit Menus" I don't see a way to do that | 14:18 |
fde | fiyawerx: similarities between you that isn't the case for me: openjdk | 14:18 |
_adriaan | and I've had it since yesterday (when firefox prompted me to install openjdk) | 14:19 |
babolat | mystic: right | 14:19 |
pro-rsoft | sudo apt-get purge gnome-panel, but that won't just remove "Places" | 14:19 |
derspankster | pro-rsoft, are we talking about Awn preferences? | 14:19 |
fiyawerx | fde: do you have the sun jdk installed or just the jre? | 14:19 |
pro-rsoft | Awn? whats that | 14:19 |
_adriaan | jdk | 14:19 |
fiyawerx | pro-rsoft, avant-window-navigator | 14:19 |
fde | fiyawerx: right now, just the jre | 14:19 |
_adriaan | it was needed by netbeans (before this) | 14:19 |
bogey- | crash91: you need to login with the fail safe terminal option, so at the log in screen there is a wheel at the bottom left called option, click on it, click select session, click failsafe gnome, then login | 14:19 |
fiyawerx | fde: that may be why | 14:19 |
Kinetic | !awn | pro-rsoft | 14:19 |
ubottu | pro-rsoft: Avant Window Navigator, is a dock-like navigation bar for the linux desktop that positions itself at the bottom of the screen. Homepage Awn-Manager can be found the Gutsy !backports repository and in Universe in Hardy | 14:19 |
pro-rsoft | no, you got the wrong person derspankster :P | 14:19 |
bogey- | crash91: you need to login with the fail safe terminal option, so at the log in screen there is a wheel at the bottom left called option, click on it, click select session, click failsafe gnome, then login. finally sudo apt-get remove --purge compiz-core desktop-effects | 14:20 |
fiyawerx | somehow it might accept the jre if you install it specifically | 14:20 |
fiyawerx | but it's not liking the jdk | 14:20 |
blinkiz | I have put one of my own modules in modules path on my computer. What command should I run so modprobe can find it? | 14:20 |
derspankster | pro-rsoft, AWN Avant Window navigater | 14:20 |
pro-rsoft | i know, but i wasnt talking about that | 14:20 |
crash91 | bogey-: ok can i reinstall then later? | 14:20 |
crash91 | bogey-: compiz i mean | 14:20 |
derspankster | pro-rsoft, OK NP | 14:20 |
bogey- | crash91: yes you can reinstall compiz with sudo apt-get install compiz-core desktop-effects | 14:20 |
hooer | ikonia, well the UUID's that were in the mdadm.conf matched the mdstat ones, but not the fstab or /dev/disk/by-uuid one's | 14:21 |
shoto | gh | 14:21 |
pro-rsoft | does anyone know a good graphical cvs client that is NOT kde and NOT tk? | 14:21 |
Kinetic | pro-rsoft what were you talking about? | 14:21 |
crash91 | bogey-: ok i will try that | 14:21 |
bogey- | crash91: then when you are done recovering you can work out the video issue later | 14:21 |
fde | fiyawerx: these 'libnb-whatever' packages REALLY aren't helping diagnoses of why openjdk is required :/ | 14:21 |
pro-rsoft | Kinetic, about cvs clients but someone thought i was talking about AWN | 14:21 |
Kinetic | ahh | 14:21 |
pro-rsoft | so clearly a misunderstanding :) | 14:21 |
crash91 | bogey-: ok doing it now | 14:21 |
fde | fiyawerx: libnb-apisupport depends like 6 more libnb-* packages... heh | 14:21 |
Kinetic | indeed | 14:21 |
bogey- | crash91: cool, yw | 14:21 |
matteopc | ciao a tutti | 14:22 |
matteopc | c'è qualcuno italiano? | 14:22 |
Pici | !it | matteopc | 14:22 |
ubottu | matteopc: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 14:22 |
wilk | Hi, I'm running xubuntu gutsy and upgrade-manager doesn't propose the upgrade to hardy. keeps saying that my system is up to date | 14:22 |
bogey- | wilk: did you try do-release-upgrade at the command line? | 14:22 |
pro-rsoft | does anyone know a good graphical cvs client that is NOT kde and NOT tk? | 14:22 |
Pici | !repeat | pro-rsoft | 14:23 |
ubottu | pro-rsoft: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search or while you wait. Also see !patience | 14:23 |
pro-rsoft | k | 14:23 |
wilk | bogey-: yes, it takes a few minutes to check for a new release but doesn't find it either | 14:23 |
ikonia | hooer: ahhh thats good, thats fine | 14:23 |
ikonia | hooer: the mdadm ones are for individual meta stat entries, not device id's | 14:23 |
hooer | ooh | 14:23 |
ikonia | hooer: apologies if I didn't make that clear | 14:23 |
hooer | no probs | 14:23 |
babolat | pro-soft: | 14:24 |
bogey- | pro-rsoft: | 14:24 |
pro-rsoft | babolat, most of them (if not all) are based on either kde or tk | 14:24 |
fde | fiyawerx: ahh... libnb-javaparser-java depends openjdk-6-jre explicitly :/ | 14:24 |
ikonia | hooer: what happens if you boot from the "known good" disk | 14:24 |
ikonia | hooer: does the raid arry boot properly | 14:24 |
bogey- | pro-rsoft: the one i posted it gtk and tcl | 14:24 |
hooer | ikonia, yes | 14:24 |
fiyawerx | fde: aha | 14:24 |
blinkiz | I have put one of my own modules in modules path on my computer. What command should I run so modprobe can find it? | 14:24 |
ikonia | hooer: does it show 1 or 2 disks in the array if booting from the good disk | 14:25 |
babolat | babolat: hav u tried the platform neutral client SmartCVS? | 14:25 |
pro-rsoft | bogey-, its tk/tcl | 14:25 |
tony403 | anyone know how to give awn the same menu as gnome menu? | 14:25 |
fiyawerx | fde: nice tracking there | 14:25 |
=== Scrounch_ is now known as Scrounch | ||
hooer | 2 | 14:25 |
pro-rsoft | bogey-, yup | 14:25 |
goo | Hello. I have two Nvidia fx4600, and try to get SLI working on 64bit Hardy. I am getting this error message: "Chipset not approved for SLI" in Xorg.0.log. Does this mean I am scr*wed, and just have to wait for NVIDIA to come up with new drivers? | 14:25 |
bogey- | pro-rsoft: so you want a graphical cvs client that does not use any graphical interfaces? | 14:25 |
ikonia | hooer: and then from the replacament disk it shows 0 | 14:25 |
fiyawerx | fde: how can we report that? | 14:25 |
ikonia | hooer: as in zero disks in the array | 14:25 |
pro-rsoft | bogey-, no, what about native gtk? | 14:25 |
babolat | pro-soft: i actually pointed you to --> It's a conversation you might want to see | 14:25 |
goo | I am running the latest Nvidia driver | 14:25 |
Speckal | can I remove the "Places" menu from the menu bar? under "Edit Menus" I don't see a way to do that | 14:25 |
pro-rsoft | babolat, yeah, i already read it | 14:26 |
fde | fiyawerx: it's the only case where there isn't a depends on one or the other too... so you want to file a bug on that? | 14:26 |
bazhang | tony403: you want awn to have that popup like osX? add the gnome menu that is? | 14:26 |
bogey- | pro-rsoft: what about java based? | 14:26 |
hooer | ikonia, well no thats the weird thing. it stops the boot process cos it says that it can't mount /dev/md0 as root..somethnig about device not ready or busy.. but then if i type "mount /dev/md0 /root" that works! and it shows 2/2 drives | 14:26 |
pro-rsoft | bogey-, hoggy | 14:26 |
fiyawerx | fde: we prob. should, i know netbeans should run fine without openjdk | 14:26 |
Pici | Speckal: Not with the default gnome menu applet, you may want to look at the gnome-main-menu package though | 14:26 |
tony403 | bazhang, yes, to access all my stuff from awn menu i access in gnome menu | 14:26 |
ikonia | hooer: can you show me the exact error, it may give more of a reason | 14:26 |
pro-rsoft | only 256mb ram and also wanna run an IDE and firefox... | 14:26 |
fiyawerx | good job, too | 14:26 |
bogey- | pro-rsoft: then i know of no others | 14:26 |
pro-rsoft | bogey-, k, thx | 14:27 |
marcelo1 | Bye. | 14:27 |
Speckal | Pici: ty :) | 14:27 |
hooer | i'll have to re-create it because i can't dump that error to file for some reason (it doesnt appear in dmesg) | 14:27 |
fde | fiyawerx: Filing now unless you want to file it? | 14:27 |
hooer | re-create it and type it out i mean | 14:27 |
fiyawerx | fde: go ahead since you have the apt-cache's handy | 14:27 |
fiyawerx | never done it before | 14:27 |
pro-rsoft | nvm ill just stick to good old command line cvs | 14:28 |
MrFawkes | how can I get numlock on on *X* startup? | 14:28 |
crash91 | bogey-: i removed and reinstalled them but no difference | 14:28 |
ikonia | hooer: sorry, I appriciate thats hard, but from what you've said I can't see why you'd have a problem, so the only thing I can do is check the exact error mesage | 14:28 |
ikonia | !numlock | MrFawkes | 14:28 |
ubottu | MrFawkes: To enable Number Lock by default, see | 14:28 |
crash91 | bogey-: did you mean i should remove then and then reinstall them later? | 14:28 |
Odd-rationale | How does one completely remove packages with residual config" | 14:28 |
hummesse | MrFawkes, In gnome it is in the keyboard settings as far as i remember | 14:29 |
hummesse | Odd-rationale, apt-get purge package | 14:29 |
Odd-rationale | How does one completely remove packages with "residual config" from the command line as oppose to synaptic | 14:29 |
Odd-rationale | sorry. I accidently pressed enter... | 14:29 |
MrFawkes | ikonia: ah, thanks | 14:29 |
bazhang | tony403 | 14:29 |
Odd-rationale | hummesse: ok. how do I find all the packages I can purge? | 14:30 |
hooer | ikonia, also, that's a different problem than if i actually physically unplug the known good drive and try boot from the other one. in that case it also won't continue booting, but tells me i can mount it in degraded state by typing xxx | 14:30 |
Fritzel | what is the actual player behind "Movie Player" | 14:30 |
Odd-rationale | Fritzel: totem-gstreamer | 14:30 |
blinkiz | I have a hardware Via raid chipset. How do I handle that chipset in ubuntu? Can dmraid to all the tricks? | 14:30 |
pro-rsoft | Fritzel, its either configurable or gstreamer | 14:30 |
Fritzel | Odd-rationale, thank you | 14:30 |
bazhang | crash91: what are you trying to do? | 14:30 |
hummesse | im not sure really but why would one want to purge something you dont know what is? | 14:30 |
=== guja_nebeska is now known as guj4_n3b3sk4 | ||
crash91 | bazhang: when i log in, i can only see a black desktop with AWN running at the bottom, nothing else | 14:31 |
ikonia | hooer: the mounting in degraded stat is not a problem though is it, as if you only have 1 drive in, it will only every be degraded | 14:31 |
Chapai | !tv | 14:31 |
ubottu | has extensive information about using TV cards under Linux. Available viewers for analog cards: Zapping, tvtime (GTK/GNOME), kdetv (KDE), xawtv, motv. For digital cards: Klear (KDE), dvb-utils. For both analog and digital cards, !MythTV is a powerful framework. Your card may work the !IVTV drivers. See also !TV-Out | 14:31 |
bazhang | crash91: is this hardy? | 14:31 |
Odd-rationale | hummesse: because in synaptic, you can see all the packages that have "residual config" I would like to do the same from the cli | 14:31 |
crash91 | bazhang: yes | 14:31 |
nbkr | Odd-rationale, try deborphan | 14:31 |
bazhang | crash91: you can boot into recovery mode? | 14:31 |
tony403 | bazhang, couldn't find the applet repo. i'll google some more. thanks | 14:31 |
=== recon69 is now known as recon69|away | ||
hooer | ikonia, yeh but i expected it to keep booting all the way. i suppose that's related to not being able to boot from the drive even when they're both plugged in | 14:31 |
crash91 | bazhang: ive tried xfix it doesnt work. | 14:31 |
krdjis | is there a place to discuss aticonfig and big desktop? | 14:31 |
Odd-rationale | nbkr: orphaned packages are different... Thanks though | 14:31 |
hummesse | i see. Cant help you with that, sorry. But if you tell me what it is you want to purge then maybe i know the name of the package. | 14:32 |
battlemidget | any kvm, virt-manager users here? | 14:32 |
tony403 | bazhang, nvm, gotta add the repo | 14:32 |
ikonia | hooer: it doesn't look like that replacement drive has taken to being part of the array properly for some reason | 14:32 |
blinkiz | battlemidget, yep | 14:32 |
ikonia | hooer: depiet 2 disks being available if you boot from the good disk | 14:32 |
battlemidget | blinkiz: did you setup a bridged interface manually? | 14:32 |
hooer | depiet? | 14:32 |
Odd-rationale | hummesse: that's the thing, I want to know if there are any packages with "residual config" that I can purge. | 14:32 |
bazhang | crash91: can you boot into recovery mode? if so try sudo displayconfig-gtk; alernately there is envyng-gtk; sudo apt-get install envyng-gtk | 14:32 |
blinkiz | battlemidget, No | 14:33 |
hummesse | oh like that. sorry then... | 14:33 |
bazhang | tony403: you got it? | 14:33 |
battlemidget | blinkiz: so how are you connecting to the guest? | 14:33 |
crash91 | bazhang: so if gtk doesnt work i get the other package? | 14:33 |
fde | fiyawerx: _adriaan: please add to this bug: | 14:33 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 225711 in libnb-javaparser-java "Depends openjdk-6-jre explicitly" [Undecided,New] | 14:33 |
Odd-rationale | hummesse: ok. thanks... | 14:33 |
crash91 | bazhang: brb then | 14:33 |
tony403 | bazhang, yep, it's working now. much appreciated | 14:33 |
bazhang | crash91: well first you need to boot into recovery mode and have a desktop you can see :} | 14:34 |
fde | fiyawerx: _adriaan: also confirm it etc, please :) | 14:34 |
bazhang | tony403: nicely done :} is it easy to setup? may go for it myself | 14:34 |
blinkiz | battlemidget, libvirt creates a NAT service for the machines. You can see on your host with "route -n" that you have routes into the network your guests is using. | 14:34 |
LordMorgoth | made a small bash script that will be triggered when i want to decrease or increase my screen brightness. however is is not able to execute nvidia-settings from the script. any ideas ? | 14:34 |
ikonia | LordMorgoth: nvidia-settings is an x app, what happens when you try to luanch it | 14:34 |
tony403 | bazhang, yeah, pretty easy. i'm not sure if it's really as practical but def. looks better than the default bar | 14:35 |
LordMorgoth | ikonia: it is an x app but u can use it from the command line also | 14:35 |
blinkiz | battlemidget, What am saying is, I just type the IP number that my guest vm got from the virtual DHCP. | 14:35 |
van | hallo | 14:35 |
bazhang | thanks tony403 :) | 14:35 |
ikonia | LordMorgoth: the command line and executed from a script can be different, hence why I'm asking for the results | 14:35 |
fiyawerx | fde: thanks a lot | 14:35 |
van | how much user from china? | 14:36 |
LordMorgoth | ikonia: oh, well if i run nvidia-settings it will open the GUI app, and when i type it with additional arguments (the one im executing from the script) it executes them perfectly | 14:36 |
Waistless | hey, I've got a strange problem with X. After restarting my laptop, I need to login twice. The first login restarts X, but the 2nd login appears to work. I'm also suspicious that it looks like it's restarting | 14:37 |
bazhang | van most are in #ubuntu-cn #ubuntu-tw or #ubuntu-hk | 14:37 |
ikonia | LordMorgoth: what happens when you start it from the script | 14:37 |
Waistless | X while i'm logging in as well, putting up some pastebins.. | 14:37 |
_adriaan | fde: thank you | 14:37 |
van | ubuntu-cn | 14:37 |
bazhang | van /join #ubuntu-cn | 14:37 |
crash91 | bazhang: if i use failsafe-gnome everything works fine, | 14:37 |
bazhang | crash91: you can try those out now | 14:38 |
van | thank you | 14:38 |
Waistless | my xorg.conf... | 14:38 |
bazhang | van you're welcome :) | 14:38 |
LordMorgoth | ikonia: if i ./ everything works well. but when i trigger the brightness button, while tail -f /var/log/acpid i notice this error : ERROR: The control display is undefined; please run `nvidia-settings--help` for usage information. | 14:38 |
ikonia | LordMorgoth: thats interesting. | 14:39 |
LordMorgoth | and i can't find out why it is happening ! though the script itself works flawlessly | 14:39 |
ikonia | LordMorgoth: it looks like the environment it's being run in is not taking settings from your user environnment | 14:39 |
LordMorgoth | ikonia: thats frustrating :( | 14:39 |
ikonia | I can appriciate that | 14:39 |
battlemidget | blinkiz: im not seeing that | 14:40 |
Waistless | and xorg.0.log anyone able to help? | 14:40 |
bazhang | Waistless: this is gutsy? | 14:40 |
Waistless | hardy heron | 14:40 |
LordMorgoth | ikonia: well i though of this, ... the enviroment thingy | 14:40 |
Waistless | i'm not sure why X is showing such inconsisitent behaviour | 14:40 |
LordMorgoth | ikonia: how do i change the path for it ? | 14:40 |
bazhang | Waistless: how about giving a spread of values to vertrefresh ; set to 60 now | 14:40 |
idyllic | Hi, my nautilus on Hardy still show thumbnail/preview on file larger than 5mb, even though i have set the preference in both nautilus and gconf. Any fix for this? | 14:40 |
ikonia | LordMorgoth: I don't think it's a path sort of thing | 14:40 |
ikonia | LordMorgoth: assuming it is an envionment thing, let me ponder it | 14:41 |
crash91 | bogey-: if i select failsafe gnome it works fine, any idea why normal gnome isnt working? | 14:41 |
bazhang | crash91: your drivers | 14:41 |
gralexey | why when i try to change dir to mounted sata hdd it say "you have not permission" | 14:41 |
tony403 | anyone know how to forcibly mount all my windows drives at one time? mount -a -f didn't work | 14:41 |
LordMorgoth | ikonia: k mate :) | 14:41 |
idyllic | Hi, my nautilus on Hardy still shows thumbnail/preview on file larger than 5mb, even though i have set the preference not to cache thumb larger than 5mb in both nautilus and gconf. Any fix for this? | 14:42 |
Waistless | bazhang: so it doesn't like being clamped at a certain value? ok i'll try putting to 45.0 - 75.0 then? | 14:42 |
crash91 | bazhang: my video drivers? I have an intel card and its configured correctly using the i810 driver. | 14:42 |
bazhang | Waistless: that would be a good frist step | 14:42 |
Kinetic | tony403 are they in your fstab? | 14:42 |
hooer | ikonia, I shouldn't get this should I? "mdadm: No md superblock detected on /dev/sdi." from typing mdadm -E /dev/sdi | 14:42 |
blinkiz | battlemidget, well, that's how it works. That simple. You can see on your host that you have the network card vnet0 (ifconfig). That is for your virtual network. Of course you have to choose default network when you are setting up your machine frow virt-manager | 14:42 |
Jord | people please explain why ubuntu-8.04-desktop-amd64 refuses to install on Intel Core Duo2 E4400? is it because of Intel namely? at i read this release should be used for all 64-bit processors. | 14:42 |
bazhang | crash91: could you pastebin xorg.conf | 14:42 |
RandomCake | bazhang, sorted it all! :D Was for some reason not seeing the SATA drive, so it needed to be hd0,4, not hd1,4! :) | 14:42 |
idyllic | Hi, my nautilus on Hardy still shows thumbnail/preview on file larger than 5mb, even though i have set the preference not to cache thumb larger than 5mb in both nautilus and gconf. Any fix for this? | 14:43 |
bazhang | RandomCake: yay! :) | 14:43 |
cogumel0 | como e que eu altero as permissoes do meu sd3 para eu poder escrever nesse? ele diz que so o root e que tem poderes administrativos | 14:43 |
Waistless | bazhang: I seem to recall setting that shortly before it happend.. i'll test if that worked | 14:43 |
cogumel0 | oops, wrong channel | 14:43 |
level09_ | guys, what was the command to pastebin through ssh ? | 14:43 |
bazhang | cogumel0: portugues? | 14:43 |
_Andrew | Is there a way to print screen while fullscreen in a game? | 14:43 |
roxahris_ | >_> | 14:43 |
crash91 | bazhang: | 14:43 |
cogumel0 | bazhang: yes | 14:43 |
battlemidget | blinkiz: yea thanks ill try to igure it out | 14:43 |
_Andrew | I want to take a screenshot of my game | 14:43 |
RandomCake | now, I'm having trouble getting media codecs to install, the process just locks up and does nothing :S (worked fine when I did it from the LiveCD as well!) :S | 14:44 |
bazhang | cogumel0: #ubuntu-pt or #ubuntu-br :) | 14:44 |
idyllic | Hi, my nautilus on Hardy still shows thumbnail/preview on file larger than 5mb, even though i have set the preference not to cache thumb larger than 5mb in both nautilus and gconf. Any fix for this? | 14:44 |
insomnia_ | s | 14:44 |
tony403 | Kinetic, yes, they were all mounted by default | 14:45 |
demonspork | In Gutsy and previous versions, mounted media was identified in nautilus by its mount point, but now it shows it in the navigation (and on the desktop) as things like 104.8 GB Media instead of its mount point. I even have a partition mounted to my /home/user/Videos directory and it shows up in "Places" as 215.2 GB Media instead of the normal Videos folder. I had the same setup in gutsy but it showed the mount point. I am in Hardy r | 14:45 |
demonspork | ight now | 14:45 |
bazhang | crash91: does that use restricted drivers? what about the displayconfig-gtk command (envyng cant help with intel cards btw) | 14:45 |
ikonia | hooer: that doesn't look right at all | 14:45 |
hooer | i thought so :/ | 14:46 |
crash91 | bazhang: I figured :), I reconfigured in displayconfig-gtk to make sure, im posting the new xorg.conf | 14:46 |
Chapai | i started using cron, what does 00 00 * * * refer to | 14:46 |
idyllic | Hi, my nautilus on Hardy still shows thumbnail/preview on file larger than 5mb, even though i have set the preference not to cache thumb larger than 5mb in both nautilus and gconf. Any fix for this? | 14:46 |
bazhang | crash91: :) | 14:46 |
ovots | join #ninjamonkey | 14:46 |
crash91 | bazhang: :) | 14:46 |
hooer | ikonia, there doesn't seem to be md superblock on any of my arrays | 14:46 |
Kinetic | tony403 these are windows shares? can you pastebin your fstab please | 14:47 |
ikonia | hooer: one moment let me check it on mine | 14:47 |
Chapai | i started using cron, what does 00 00 * * * refer to(is it 24 hours) | 14:47 |
ikonia | hooer: what are you doing to check for a super block | 14:47 |
demonspork | idyllic, I think that it won't cache the thumb if the thumb itself is larger than 5mb. also, there is a difference between caching and displaying. Just because it isn't cached doesn't mean it won't display it | 14:47 |
Waistless | bazhang: unfortunately that didn't work. still had to login twice, vertrefresh 45.0 - 75.0 | 14:47 |
Scunizi | !cron | Chapai | 14:47 |
ubottu | Chapai: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See - There is also a decent Howto at | 14:47 |
soulc | oh man not only the desennex burger besides the number pad no working after upgrading to hardy but no I find out that I can't print | 14:47 |
Barnose | How can i get an installer.... or can i not install things like FullTiltPoker on Ubuntu??????????? | 14:48 |
celine | !list | 14:48 |
ubottu | I am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;) | 14:48 |
hooer | ikonia, mdadm -E /dev/md0 | 14:48 |
tony403 | Kinetic, no need really. it will mount them but won't due to unclean shutdown or something and i'm sure they're in good condition | 14:48 |
Barnose | How can i get an installer.... or can i not install things like FullTiltPoker on Ubuntu??????????? | 14:48 |
fiyawerx | Barnose, pokerstars works 100% perfect for me with wine | 14:48 |
Waistless | anything else you could suggest? | 14:48 |
fiyawerx | i don't see why fulltilt or others wouldn't | 14:48 |
Barnose | what is wine? | 14:48 |
ArthurArchnix | Barnose: Stuff like that has to either run under wine or a virtual machine | 14:48 |
fiyawerx | a program you can use to run windows apps on linux | 14:48 |
crash91 | !wine | Barnose | 14:49 |
ubottu | Barnose: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility. | 14:49 |
demonspork | !wine | Barnose | 14:49 |
Barnose | how do i get this? | 14:49 |
fiyawerx | sudo apt-get install wine | 14:49 |
fiyawerx | then just try to run the intsalls for the poker | 14:49 |
crash91 | demonspork: ha! beat you ! :P | 14:49 |
idyllic | demonspork: hi, thanks for your response. But i just did a clean install of hardy then this problem surface. When i upgraded from gusty to hardy, file larger than 5mb won't previewed | 14:49 |
cosminb | how can I change how "##.#GB Media" devices are labeled on the desktop? | 14:49 |
ikonia | hooer: I don't see superblocks on mine | 14:49 |
bazhang | crash91: that looks better; what about putting the modelines you want in there under screen 1024x768@60 for example | 14:49 |
hooer | oh | 14:49 |
=== ballzee is now known as Sinister | ||
idyllic | demonspork: strange it happens for a clean install. | 14:49 |
demonspork | hmm | 14:49 |
ikonia | hooer: you should query the device disks for that, not the meta disks | 14:49 |
Barnose | please tell me how to get this WINE? | 14:49 |
Barnose | !wine | 14:49 |
ubottu | WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility. | 14:49 |
ikonia | hooer: eg: mdadm -E /dev/sda1 | 14:49 |
fiyawerx | Barnose, we did | 14:49 |
demonspork | a lot of things break for a clean install | 14:49 |
hooer | ikonia, i tried both | 14:49 |
fiyawerx | sudo apt-get install wine | 14:49 |
* Scrounch is now away: off | 14:50 | |
fiyawerx | from the console, or look for it in the package manager | 14:50 |
ikonia | hooer: I can see the super blocks on my devices, just not on the meta devices | 14:50 |
demonspork | I haven't had a problem with an upgrade from gutsy to hardy, but I have had all sorts of trouble with my clean install | 14:50 |
bazhang | !away > Scrounch | 14:50 |
idyllic | demonspork: =O I guess I will keep on posting my question then. Maybe i will get a clue or two. | 14:50 |
hooer | ikonia, ah i see what you mean.. i didn't put the partion numbers | 14:50 |
idyllic | demonspork: many thanks though | 14:50 |
Scunizi | My first couple of shutdowns on a hardy upgrade worked fine.. now it hangs. Any way to fix this? | 14:51 |
RandomCake | demonspork: the main problem I've had with my fresh install of Hardy was that it got the Grub settings wrong! :P | 14:51 |
ikonia | hooer: yeah, you need a partition (remember - type fd) rather than the device | 14:51 |
Milos_SD | How can I get Nokia 6280 to work with Ubuntu via USB cable? | 14:51 |
hooer | ikonia, yep. i can see the info now. not sure whatto look for to help my problem tho :P | 14:51 |
southafrikanse | hello. I think I must have destroyed my gdm theme and now I can't fix it :/ | 14:51 |
demonspork | RandomCake, I haven't had gutsy install grub for me, I have another partition that I use for grub and I just add things into there when I need them | 14:51 |
crash91 | bazhang: do i just put the resolution and bitrate in quotes next to it? | 14:52 |
neeto | I want to know how to change the color of the tooltip at the gdm-login screen... does anyone know how to do this? | 14:52 |
ikonia | hooer: well as long as your devices have a super block on, that should all be fine | 14:52 |
crash91 | bazhang: refresh rate** sorry :P | 14:52 |
idyllic | Hi, my nautilus on Hardy still shows thumbnail/preview on file larger than 5mb, even though i have set the preference not to cache thumb larger than 5mb in both nautilus and gconf. Any fix for this? | 14:52 |
fisfia | this is my loginscreen after installing xubuntu: what can I do about that? | 14:52 |
Scunizi | idyllic, did you restart? | 14:52 |
hooer | ikonia, yeh they're fine in normal boot, just wish i could boot with either drive failed :/ | 14:53 |
bazhang | crash91: well the xorg is a bit different; dont totally have all the ins and outs of it myself--worth a try though | 14:53 |
idyllic | Scunizi: haha I used for a week. | 14:53 |
crash91 | bazhang: is this line better? modeline "640x480@60""1280x800@60" 25.2 640 656 752 800 480 490 492 525 -vsync -hsync | 14:53 |
bazhang | crash91: the xorg for hardy I mean | 14:53 |
idyllic | Scunizi: i mean ya i restarted daily | 14:53 |
demonspork | fisfia, what graphics card do you have? | 14:53 |
ndo | hi guys. ive a little question. does dvdrom drive alweys also cdrw drive or not perse? plz, ty. Have a nice day! :) | 14:54 |
bogey- | crash91: what are you trying to accomplish now? | 14:54 |
fisfia | demonspork: dont know what do I write i the shell to see? | 14:54 |
bazhang | crash91: under monitor and likely screen need "1280x800@60" | 14:54 |
Scunizi | idyllic, that's my only idea.. I think there's an update to nautilus coming.. I saw it in proposed repos.. don't know if it will fix this or not. | 14:54 |
Waistless | bazhang: nothing to suggest? i'll try fully overwriting the xorg.conf with nvidia X server settings, hopefully that'll fix it up | 14:55 |
bogey- | bazhang: 1024/768 is more safe | 14:55 |
ikonia | hooer: I've never seen a mirror fail as yours is doing | 14:55 |
Dr_willis | ndo - let me be the first to say.. that made No sence. | 14:55 |
ikonia | hooer: it should either work - or fail with a more helpful error | 14:55 |
hooer | ikonia, same as this -> | 14:55 |
ikonia | hooer: reading | 14:55 |
hooer | ok | 14:55 |
overridex | I've noticed on some of my computers running firefox 3 beta 5, I have an "undo close tab" option if I right click on my tab bar, yet some installs don't seem to have this... is it an option somewhere? | 14:56 |
asdrubal | Oink A Doink | 14:56 |
babolat | how do i change a different user's folder and its subsequent contents? | 14:56 |
bazhang | waistless the new xorg has me a bit baffled--doing some reading on it now | 14:56 |
hooer | ikonia, should i recreate the problem and type the error message down? | 14:56 |
Dr_willis | babolat, change what exactly ? | 14:56 |
ikonia | hooer: I think I may have something | 14:56 |
crash91 | bogey-: it works in failsafe gnome...should i try and logout to see whether normal gnome works? | 14:56 |
LordMorgoth | ikonia: any hope ? | 14:56 |
babolat | Dr_willis: sorry.. its permissions | 14:56 |
Cew27 | hey i just installed ubuntu desktop on mint by accident is there anyway i can uninstall al the applications that came with it | 14:56 |
hwilde | how do I tell if a system is 32b or 64b installed ? | 14:56 |
andre_pl | how can I set my TV out (nvidia) to be the only X Display? | 14:57 |
ikonia | hooer: when you did root (hd0,0) style setup on the raid disks, did you use the same "root" on both ? | 14:57 |
ikonia | LordMorgoth: not yet, | 14:57 |
bogey- | crash91: at your own risk | 14:57 |
ikonia | LordMorgoth: I'll get to you though | 14:57 |
Barnose | I got WINE...... how do i open this... OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i got a folder | 14:57 |
LordMorgoth | ikonia: k dude thanks | 14:57 |
ikonia | Barnose: calm down | 14:57 |
crash91 | bogey-: :) | 14:57 |
hwilde | how do I tell if a system is 32b or 64b installed ? | 14:57 |
bazhang | Barnose: winecfg in the terminal | 14:57 |
ikonia | LordMorgoth: sorry, busy channel, you in the queu though | 14:57 |
jatt | uname -a | 14:57 |
ikonia | hwilde: uname -a | 14:57 |
hooer | ikonia, i first created it in the installer. i created the volume /dev/md0 and mounted it as root. is that what you mean? | 14:57 |
LordMorgoth | ikonia: no problema :) | 14:57 |
fisfia | demonspork: what shall I write in the shell to know the graphics card? | 14:57 |
hwilde | ikonia, Linux rugrat-desktop 2.6.20-16-generic #2 SMP Tue Feb 12 05:41:34 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux | 14:57 |
ikonia | hooer: , no when you put the replacment disk you re-install grub yes/no | 14:58 |
hwilde | ikonia, which part of that says 32bit or 64bit | 14:58 |
ikonia | hwilde: 32bit | 14:58 |
ikonia | hwilde: the i686 | 14:58 |
bogey- | hrmph stupid ircn wont hide the joins and parts. | 14:58 |
hwilde | ikonia, what would it say if 64b | 14:58 |
jatt | hwilde: i686 | 14:58 |
ndo | Dr_willis: oke, i was thinking the same when ive already pushed enter. :D but.. i'll try agane. If u have a dvdrom drive, is it also the cdrw drive included perce, or not? like it only reads dvds/cds and still cant write anything. i hope this is more sensable. :) | 14:58 |
Barnose | Whree is the WINE exe file? | 14:58 |
hooer | ikonia, it was lilo, but yes i did type lilo and it said it had modified both disks, so i thought that was it? | 14:58 |
ikonia | hwilde: x86_64 | 14:58 |
ikonia | hooer: sorry, I keep forget your using lilo | 14:58 |
babolat | how do i change PERMISSIONS OF a different user's folder and its subsequent contents? | 14:58 |
bogey- | babolat: sudo chmod | 14:58 |
hwilde | ikonia, gracias amigo! | 14:58 |
Barnose | ALL THIS CRAP...... I BETTER GO TO WINDOWS...... WHAT tIS THE POINT!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! | 14:58 |
hooer | ikonia, i can change to grub if that helps (as long as it's easy) :p | 14:58 |
ikonia | Barnose: sudo chown -R | 14:58 |
hwilde | !ops | 14:58 |
ubottu | Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpatrick or jussi01! | 14:58 |
ikonia | Barnose: no point in using caps | 14:59 |
Dr_willis | ndo, a DVD-Burner - also works as a CD=Burner | 14:59 |
smmagic | Barnose, blasphemy D: | 14:59 |
Barnose | sorry | 14:59 |
ikonia | hwilde: calm down | 14:59 |
jatt | Linux h 2.6.13-15-smp #1 SMP Tue Sep 13 14:56:15 UTC 2005 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux | 14:59 |
ikonia | hooer: no no, it's fine, I just keep forgettting | 14:59 |
hwilde | no caps lock, no screaming about windows. period | 14:59 |
babolat | bogey-: trying it | 14:59 |
bogey- | babolat: you could also do a "sudo chgrp or chuser" | 14:59 |
babolat | bogey-: i'll have to cd to it first, right? | 14:59 |
hooer | ikonia, i still don't know whether it worked or not doing lilo, but surely it must have done something otherwise the replacement disk wouldn't even start loading Lilo at all | 15:00 |
atlonchik | can you help me? | 15:00 |
tonyyarusso | Barnose: 'wine someprogram.exe' or right-click on the program, open with wine. | 15:00 |
bazhang | sorry ikonia clicked your name to PM accidentally | 15:00 |
bogey- | babolat: give me the directory and the permission you want to make it and ill give you the command | 15:00 |
ikonia | hooer: I'll explain where I was going with gurb, then I'll see if we can map it thorugh to lilo | 15:00 |
babolat | bogey-: what do chgrp and chuser do? | 15:00 |
fde | Barnose: Keep in mind, no one here made you use Ubuntu/Linux... we are volunteers, we don't appreciate the negativity, there are millions perfectly happy with Linux. | 15:00 |
hooer | okiw | 15:00 |
hooer | okie | 15:00 |
ikonia | hooer: stop me if I don't expalin clearly | 15:00 |
Myrtti | Barnose: !attitude | 15:00 |
bogey- | babolat: chgrp = change group , chuser = change user | 15:00 |
Myrtti | !attitude | Barnose | 15:00 |
ubottu | Barnose: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See | 15:00 |
ikonia | hooer: from a grub point of view you have 3 disks, 2 physical disks and 1 meta device. | 15:00 |
atlonchik | ðóññêèé òóò ïîíèìàþò? | 15:00 |
hooer | ok | 15:00 |
babolat | bogey-: thanks.. it's home > user2 > music | 15:00 |
ikonia | hooer: the meta device is of no interest to grub - despite initrd and all that | 15:00 |
fde | Myrtti: He's +b just no one really explained why, so I thought I'd tell him. | 15:01 |
bogey- | babolat: who do you want to be able to access it? | 15:01 |
ndo | Dr_willis: ty, thats logical. But if im looking for a cheap sollution. And i want to look for a dvd rom drive instead of dvdrw drive. do i have to be looking for dvd rom + cd rw in one or just any dvd rom knowing it already is able to write cds. thats what im asking myself. :) | 15:01 |
ikonia | hooer: grub will read from the physical disk | 15:01 |
ikonia | hooer: follow so far | 15:01 |
babolat | bogey-: muyself | 15:01 |
hooer | yep | 15:01 |
hooer | just the MBR tho? | 15:01 |
ikonia | hooer: actually, thats not true, it will read the boot data from the physical disk, but use the boot file system from the meta device | 15:01 |
ikonia | hooer: exactly, just he mrb and in grubs case (not lilo) the menu.lst | 15:01 |
hooer | yeh ok that makes sense | 15:01 |
ikonia | hooer: with me ? | 15:01 |
ikonia | hooer: ok great. | 15:01 |
ikonia | hooer: so a normal grub setup on a raid disk would be 2 grub install, one on eacvh mbr. | 15:02 |
hooer | yep | 15:02 |
bogey- | babolat: ok the simple answer is chmod -R 777 /home/user2/music the complex answer is to create a group and put yourself and user2 in the group and do a chgrp mygroup /home/user2/music | 15:02 |
ikonia | hooer: however the "root" and "setup" options for grub would change as you don't want the mbr on disk 2 looking for the boot partition on disk 1, as if disk1 is dead - it's a pointless boot | 15:02 |
ikonia | hooer: yes ? | 15:02 |
bogey- | babolat: i forget the sudo | 15:02 |
ndo | Dr_willis: i guess ive already founded the wight answer, there are dvd/cd only readers to. :) | 15:02 |
bogey- | babolat: sudo chown.... sudo chgrp.... | 15:03 |
babolat | bogey-: ok.. trying it now | 15:03 |
hooer | hang on.. | 15:03 |
Scunizi | Other than a reinstall, it there another way to fix Hardy's shutdown freeze? | 15:03 |
ikonia | hooer: (remeber this is just grub, not lilo | 15:03 |
hooer | ah i see | 15:03 |
hooer | ooh i see where this is going... maybe :P | 15:03 |
ikonia | hooer: ok, so for disk one your grub install would be (example) hd0 for setup and hd0,1 for root | 15:04 |
ikonia | and then hd1 for setup and hd1,0 for root on disk 2 | 15:04 |
ikonia | hooer: now lilo is different as it writes everything to the MBR | 15:04 |
hooer | ah | 15:04 |
fisfia | this is my loginscreen after installing xubuntu: what can I do about that? | 15:04 |
ikonia | hooer: however the data that lilo writes is basiclly the same data as grub wants, but hard coded into the mbr, hence every change requires a lilo -v | 15:04 |
bazhang | Scunizi this may be of interest | 15:04 |
hooer | -v being/ | 15:05 |
Scunizi | Thans bazhang | 15:05 |
hooer | ? | 15:05 |
babolat | bogey-: i get No such file or directory.. i'm putting in the right directory i think | 15:05 |
ikonia | hooer: I'm wondering if the boot sector on mbr disk2, actually contains pointers for disk1 | 15:05 |
ikonia | hooer: verbose | 15:05 |
ikonia | hooer: think of lilo as hardcoded grub options | 15:05 |
hooer | yeh that would probably explain the weird behaviour | 15:05 |
bogey- | babolat: ok, uhm, cd to the directory you want to change and type in pwd and tell me the output | 15:05 |
ikonia | hooer: does it make sense what I'm saying | 15:05 |
hooer | yep definately | 15:05 |
babolat | bogey-: doing :) | 15:05 |
ikonia | hooer: more so for raid as the lilo.con will be only 1 file | 15:05 |
bazhang | Scunizi this might help as well | 15:06 |
babolat | bogey-: can't cd either ?@#$? | 15:06 |
hooer | so i need to find out what lilo is doing | 15:06 |
ikonia | hooer: my personal opinion (just an opinion) is this behaviour is due to lilo using a shared hardcoded liilo.conf for both disks | 15:06 |
babolat | bogey-: are directories Caps sensitive? | 15:06 |
hooer | well the conf file seems to be really basic. i guess the problems are in the MBR as you say? | 15:06 |
ikonia | hooer: yes, the info gets written to the mbr staticlly, rather than dynamiclly | 15:07 |
babolat | bogey-: oh.. so they ARE caps sensitive | 15:07 |
ikonia | hooer: hence the need for a lilo after each kernel change for example | 15:07 |
bogey- | babolat: yes they are :) | 15:07 |
ikonia | hooer: where as grub is dynamic from teh menu.lst | 15:07 |
=== evo is now known as evolvedlight | ||
hooer | ...which is not stored in MBR | 15:07 |
bogey- | babolat: is your matter now resolved? | 15:07 |
ikonia | hooer: exactly ! | 15:07 |
=== MTeck is now known as MTecknology | ||
Scunizi | bazhang, thanks.. I'll give those a try.. irritating issue.. fortunatly /home is on a separate partition. | 15:08 |
ikonia | hooer: which grub would have 3 copies of, 1 shared on the meta device and the 2 exact copies on the physical disks that grub would read from | 15:08 |
babolat | bogey-: yeah.. figured that out.. hehe... it's figured out.. thanks | 15:08 |
bogey- | Scunizi: always a wide partition move | 15:08 |
ikonia | hooer: do you see where I'm going with this ? | 15:08 |
bazhang | Scunizi: couple of launchpad bugs as well if you are interested | 15:08 |
hooer | yep | 15:08 |
bogey- | babolat no problem | 15:08 |
ikonia | hooer: perfect | 15:08 |
MTecknology | What do I want to use for an SSH key? RSA or DSA? | 15:08 |
ikonia | MTecknology: your call, dsa is more supported these days | 15:08 |
schitzo | yo | 15:08 |
hooer | ikonia, maybe it'd be easier to replace lilo with grub rather than decipher what lilo is doing? | 15:08 |
Fritzel | is there any specific package I can remove that will remove all the kde apps installed by accident when I installed the kde package? | 15:09 |
MTecknology | ikonia, aaside from supported, what's the dif? | 15:09 |
Milos_SD | How can I get Nokia 6280 to work with Ubuntu via USB cable? | 15:09 |
ikonia | hooer: thats how I'd do it, it's been a while since I used lilo with raid, but I do remember a few issues with it | 15:09 |
voodoo | i have some problems with audacious cueplugin? it doesn't read any cue... anyone knows why? | 15:09 |
schitzo | secret | 15:09 |
ikonia | MTecknology: different encyption patterns | 15:09 |
bazhang | !hi | schitzo | 15:09 |
ubottu | schitzo: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 15:09 |
MTecknology | ikonia, i mean, is there much difference as far as performance or security? | 15:09 |
ikonia | MTecknology: performance - well, it's a hardcoded file, no. Security, not really it may take 30001 years to break dsa rather than 29999 to do rsa | 15:10 |
MTecknology | lol | 15:10 |
MTecknology | ty | 15:10 |
hooer | ikonia, thanks heaps for that.. i couldn't find anything similar on teh webs :p | 15:10 |
ikonia | hooer: no problem, I use raid a lot so I'm happy to spend time with you on this, lilo + raid = rare these days so I can't see you finding much data | 15:10 |
ikonia | hooer: I'm working from memory on the lilo options so hence why I'm slow putting this together | 15:11 |
hooer | ikonia, is there many danger points to installnig grub? can i just apt-get install and verify the config | 15:11 |
MTecknology | ikonia, Is there any way to encrypt RAID? | 15:11 |
bazhang | Fritzel: sadly no; let me find a link for you | 15:11 |
MTecknology | ikonia, or do I need LVM for that? | 15:12 |
ikonia | hooer: I can't see any danger points, install it, then do 2 manual installs to the boot sector of each disk | 15:12 |
ikonia | MTecknology: no, you can encypt raid, you don't need lvm | 15:12 |
ikonia | MTecknology: just think of it as a disk device | 15:12 |
ikonia | MTecknology: works exactly the same | 15:12 |
bazhang | Fritzel | 15:12 |
MTecknology | ikonia, How do I set that up then? I don't recall seeing an option for that in the installer | 15:12 |
Fritzel | bazhang, it's not super important but I went from having a nice limited number of applications in my menus to not being able to find anything, just once I want to install the dev package when I intend to | 15:12 |
Fritzel | bazhang, thank you | 15:12 |
ikonia | MTecknology: Ii assume your using software raid ? | 15:13 |
MTecknology | ikonia, ya | 15:13 |
bazhang | Fritzel: I understand; having kde3 kde4 and gnome here | 15:13 |
ikonia | MTecknology: I think you have to do it post install | 15:13 |
ikonia | MTecknology: my personal view is there is no real reason to encypt root file systems unless your working in a major finaicial institute | 15:13 |
ikonia | MTecknology: but I can appricaite say a /home directory | 15:13 |
mystic | bobolat: its not wubi that crashes its after Ubuntu install - I reboot to get it to boot into Ubuntu - I see the splash screen and then it hangs when it gets to "Starting abstraction layer hald" and wont go any further ??? or anyone else | 15:14 |
hooer | here we go.... | 15:14 |
pawan | how to download videos from youtube | 15:14 |
Milos_SD | How can I get Nokia 6280 to work with Ubuntu connecting with USB cable? | 15:14 |
vi390 | hej. Is there any Installer with Text, and NO graphic. I only have 256MB ram, and the Graph. Installer takes 20 Min. to Load. I just want to install, and Iam Fine with text | 15:14 |
Fritzel | bazhang, this isn't going to remove my settings is it? I see it reinstalls gnome in the process | 15:14 |
bogey- | vi390: the server edition is text only | 15:14 |
frank__ | vi390: use the alternate cd | 15:14 |
bogey- | vi390: the server edition is text only and you can always apt-get install ubuntu-desktop | 15:15 |
bazhang | pawan youtube-dl (url you want here) | 15:15 |
XGenster | hey all | 15:15 |
MTecknology | ikonia, I'm not sure I actually will, you just mentioned you know something about it so I thought it's worth asking. I have one more question. I want to run email and jabber on my server. I'd like to separate the email from /home but still use Maildir format. How hard would that be? | 15:15 |
vi390 | bogey-: aah o thats fine thanks | 15:15 |
ikonia | MTecknology: not hard at all, mail delivery is the thing that defines where mail actually goes | 15:15 |
ikonia | MTecknology: some of my machines have it in /var for example | 15:15 |
jharkn | bazhang, pawan: the -t switch is useful too :) | 15:15 |
amenado | mystic can you paste in pastebin the /boot/grub/menu.lst ? | 15:15 |
Waistless | hey. I'm still stumped at my problem. Basically after restarting the laptop on which hardy is running on, I need to login twice to login successfully, because at the first attempt at logging in, xorg crashes/restarts. Pastebin of a new xorg.conf here | 15:16 |
bazhang | jharkn: thanks forgot that :) | 15:16 |
jharkn | bazhang, pawan: adds the page title to the file name | 15:16 |
hooer | ikonia, i did apt-get install and it installed the programs, so i did grub-install /dev/md0 and it said "The file /boot/grub/stage1 not read correctly. | 15:16 |
XGenster | is it possible to upgrade ubuntu from cd if i have not downloaded the alternate cd, but instead the default desktop cd ? ifso how ? the updatemanager doesnt pick up that i can upgrade | 15:16 |
hooer | " | 15:16 |
jharkn | :) | 15:16 |
Fritzel | bazhang, eh nevermind worst case scenario I have to reinstall a few things | 15:16 |
MTecknology | ikonia, where do you set that up in the configs? I've been using postfix and courier | 15:16 |
incorrect | how can i get evolution to use an ldap server? | 15:16 |
ikonia | hooer: whoaaaaa you don't install it to the mbr | 15:16 |
Fritzel | bazhang, thanks again | 15:16 |
bazhang | Fritzel: removing the kde stuff will not do that | 15:16 |
azexian | hi, I'm having problems burning a cd in ubuntu 8.04 (fine in 7.10) my ide drives are coming up as /dev/sr0 (scsi) which seems odd, and hdparm shows 'Inappropriate ioctl for device' anyone got any ideas? | 15:16 |
ikonia | hooer: think about it, when you first turn on your machine - md0 doesn't exist | 15:16 |
ikonia | hooer: only sda1 and sdb1 do | 15:16 |
hooer | ooh :p | 15:16 |
I_B_Panadero | Need a URL for getting Broadcom wireless to work with Hardy. Driver/firmware worked on all previous versions | 15:16 |
pawan | where does the video gets stored | 15:17 |
hooer | grub-install is for the mbr? | 15:17 |
XGenster | and there is not /cdrom/cdromupgrade file | 15:17 |
ikonia | arvind_khadri: you where looking for me last night, can I help ? | 15:17 |
bazhang | Fritzel: if you used aptitude to install you can sudo aptitude remove kubuntu-desktop | 15:17 |
ikonia | hooer: I wouldn't use gurb install in your senario | 15:17 |
jharkn | pawan: in your home dir | 15:17 |
ikonia | hooer: I'd use "grub" and then the grub shell commands to make sure I got it right | 15:17 |
hooer | aah | 15:17 |
pawan | thanks | 15:17 |
arvind_khadri | ikonia, actually yeah but i just left the prob all alone...its about the booting bar the orange doesnt show up since i got 7.10 | 15:17 |
jharkn | np | 15:17 |
amenado | azexian-> thats not too odd, your cdrom being /dev/sr0 | 15:17 |
neeto | I have a question about GDM. When GDM starts, what is the UID that starts the gdmserver? | 15:17 |
ikonia | arvind_khadri: shout if you want help with it | 15:18 |
Fritzel | bazhang, -nod- unfortunatly that wasn't the case | 15:18 |
arvind_khadri | ikonia, :) you cant?? | 15:18 |
azexian | amenado: well this issue wasn't in 7.10, and I'm sure that my drive used to be /dev/hda | 15:18 |
ikonia | I can't what ? | 15:18 |
amenado | neeto-> you can do a ps aux| grep gdm to search for it? | 15:18 |
arvind_khadri | ikonia, you cant help me? | 15:18 |
jvai | ooo i apt-get removed usplash, now i'm booting ncurses, cool, i don't know if it's faster | 15:19 |
ikonia | arvind_khadri: fair enough | 15:19 |
neeto | amenado: I suppose. | 15:19 |
hooer | uh oh.. what have i done :| | 15:19 |
mystic | amenado this one thats in my winboot dir | 15:19 |
arvind_khadri | ikonia, am all game | 15:19 |
neeto | In gnome, is there a way to change the appearance of windows run as root? | 15:19 |
amenado | azexian-> well things do changed, perhaps if you look into udev, but thats one thing i dislike of ubuntu using udev, its much more difficult to find out hte rules and events | 15:19 |
mystic | pasted | 15:20 |
arvind_khadri | ikonia, ??? | 15:20 |
ikonia | arvind_khadri: what ? | 15:20 |
petermarks | can anyone help me with an nVidia config problem? I upgraded to the latest driver from the nVidia site and now my machine starts in low res mode! by unloading and reloading the kernel driver I can get it working, but same problem each time I boot. | 15:20 |
ikonia | arvind_khadri: sorry, I may be missing part of your conversation | 15:20 |
hooer | i think i just borked my system :/ | 15:20 |
amenado | mystic-> im wanting to see your menu.lst | 15:20 |
ikonia | hooer: really ? | 15:20 |
azexian | amenado: hm, it's very strange, I can't burn, it gives strange errors, and that hdparm thing is very odd, I'm sure someone else must have had this.. | 15:20 |
XGenster | so there is no way to upgrade unless u have a "alternate installation CD." or and internet connection ? | 15:20 |
amenado | mystic-> not here, in pastebin okay? | 15:20 |
arvind_khadri | ikonia, i meant am ready to get helped | 15:20 |
amro | hi. is there a minimal CD that installs from the internet? | 15:20 |
mystic | its in the bin :) | 15:20 |
* XGenster downloaded the desktop cd :-( | 15:20 | |
=== berry_sky is now known as lieta | ||
hooer | ikonia, yeh.. i did grub-install /dev/sdi and it kinda got stuck... i can still ping the box but can't login | 15:21 |
ikonia | arvind_khadri: ahhh, sorry, I thought you said I couldn't help, I missed part. sorry | 15:21 |
amenado | azexian-> are you sure you can use hdparm on a ide? not sure if thats okay to use with scsci | 15:21 |
ikonia | hooer: as I said, I wouldn't have done grub-install | 15:21 |
hooer | yeh i did it too soon :/ | 15:21 |
ikonia | hooer: for your config you really needed to do it manually | 15:21 |
arvind_khadri | ikonia, i just meant that i had stopped worrying about it :) | 15:21 |
ulrich_ | Hallo! Wie bringe ich einen Scanner (Multif.-gerät Brother mfc-240)zum laufen!! | 15:21 |
ikonia | arvind_khadri: I see | 15:21 |
Pici | !de | ulrich_ | 15:21 |
linuxvacuum | I cannot set my sound volume with alsamixer! I get : alsamixer: function snd_mixer_load failed: No such file or directory | 15:21 |
amenado | amro-> yes, you have a linux now? then you can download debootstrap and use that | 15:21 |
azexian | amenado: yeah, I thought that too, but it seems to work on my /dev/sda* (although that is ide with a ide-sata converter) | 15:21 |
amenado | azexian-> i would google for more info on that if I were you, not too sure right of what causes that issue for you | 15:22 |
fde | ikonia: grub-install is necessary to get grub into the mbr... grub-install /dev/<raid_base_device> (probably md rather then md0 for instance) | 15:22 |
ryanryan | is there a flag to make netstat display ip4 addresses instead of ip6? | 15:22 |
ikonia | fde: no it's not | 15:23 |
arvind_khadri | anybody around to help me with the loading bar issue...its not showing up since on 8.04 now...kernel hasnt been tweaked | 15:23 |
ikonia | fde: thats not he the only way to install grub to an mbr | 15:23 |
fde | ikonia: umm... k | 15:23 |
amenado | fde umm grub does not even need to be in the mbr | 15:23 |
mystic | not sure which one you want amenado as i have 2 | 15:23 |
fde | ikonia: another way would be? | 15:23 |
amenado | mystic paste in pastebin both..we will get an idea | 15:23 |
bazhang | arvind_khadri: did you remove quiet from the boot params? | 15:23 |
ikonia | fde: the user had a reasonably complex sollution, and needed a manual definition | 15:23 |
ikonia | fde: using the grub shell | 15:23 |
amro | amenado: yes. I see one on Debian- is there an ubuntu version or will that work fine? | 15:23 |
azexian | amenado: hm, yeah, I have looked quite a bit, not too sure, I guess I'll take another look, or try my dvd-rw through that converter I mentioned, and the hdd straight into had, that way perhaps it'll work | 15:23 |
mystic | this one ? D:\ubuntu\install\boot\grub | 15:23 |
amenado | fed use also dd :P | 15:23 |
arvind_khadri | bazhang, no i didnt | 15:23 |
ikonia | amro: yes, grub does have to be on the mbr | 15:23 |
azexian | amenado: thanks for trying =) | 15:23 |
fde | ikonia: which would do the same thing as grub-install ... via 'install' | 15:24 |
ikonia | fde: no it's not grub install guesses for you | 15:24 |
ikonia | fde: hence why some peoples installs are borked | 15:24 |
fde | amenado: hah... well that's cheating... also hard to guess bits required... I'm not aware of how at least. | 15:24 |
fde | ikonia: some peoples installs are b0rked because they didn't want to replace MBR probably... | 15:25 |
amenado | amro then download debootstrap and use that to install ubuntu from the net..its the most basic one and i dont think it even have a kernel | 15:25 |
ikonia | fde: tell you what, you fix his issues then | 15:25 |
ulrich_ | gibt es hier auch Deutsche! | 15:25 |
linuxvacuum | Hardy Heron, cant change volume, alsamixer error? please help! | 15:25 |
ikonia | fde: it's a 2 disk raid mirror, one disk with a hard coded lilo boot sector that won't boot | 15:25 |
ikonia | fde: over to you | 15:25 |
fde | ikonia: I didn't answer because I am not familiar enough with RAID arrays... then, it seems you're guessing too. | 15:25 |
hooer | ikonia... a miracle :p | 15:25 |
ejer | hooer: check bottom of page here | 15:25 |
ikonia | fde: I'm not guessing at all | 15:25 |
ejer | grub-install should be fine | 15:25 |
ikonia | fde: hence why I'm advising him | 15:25 |
ikonia | hooer: it worked ? | 15:26 |
gangsterlicious | gonna install hardy on PE 2950 with PERC controllers, does it work? | 15:26 |
linuxvacuum | alsamixer: function snd_mixer_load failed: No such file or directory | 15:26 |
fde | ikonia: ok... then continue... | 15:26 |
hooer | ikonia, i rebooted from original drive and its on lilo still | 15:26 |
ikonia | hooer: yes, it will be | 15:26 |
gangsterlicious | gonna have a SAS brick connect to it as well | 15:26 |
tony403 | anyone know how to uninstall gnome-panel without uninstalling gnome-desktop? | 15:26 |
mystic | amenado: pasted both as im not sure which is which | 15:26 |
amro | amenado: I found a MinimalCD | 15:26 |
ikonia | hooer: you need to do 2 grub installs to the native partitions of your disk | 15:26 |
hooer | ikonia, so now i can correct my grub mess | 15:26 |
bazhang | tony403: ubuntu-desktop? | 15:26 |
amenado | mystic we will take a look, and maybe there are some thing you can do find out which is which | 15:26 |
tony403 | bazhang, yeah, now i've got awn installed, i want to uninstall gnome panel but it's wanting to uninstall gnome desktop too now | 15:27 |
lordleemo | ulrich_: moin #ubuntu-de mein gute freund | 15:27 |
amenado | amro thats a possibility, like the mini.iso, but i myself have not used those to install yet, other than debootstrap | 15:27 |
ikonia | hooer: you need 1.) grub install to the mbr of disk1 referenceing the boot partition of disk1, you then need to do the same thing for disk b, but writing to the mbr of disk2 and refercning the boot parttion of disk2 | 15:27 |
tony403 | bazhang, so it's safe to uninstall gnome-desktop? | 15:27 |
linuxvacuum | alsamixer: function snd_mixer_load failed: No such file or directory | 15:27 |
amro | amenado: thanks for the debootstrap hint. I'll use that if mini.iso proves impractical | 15:27 |
hooer | ikonia, yep that makes sense | 15:28 |
andreita | hello | 15:28 |
bazhang | tony403: gnome-desktop or ubuntu-desktop? | 15:28 |
ikonia | hooer: good good | 15:28 |
tony403 | bazhang, gnome-desktop is what it says | 15:28 |
amenado | amro good luck, and share the know how to us later | 15:28 |
ejer | tony403: why would u want to? you cannot have gnome-desktop without the panel | 15:28 |
mystic | amenado: as i have never installed with the windows installer before I am not sure where the file is but at a gues I would guess the one you want is D:\ubuntu\install\boot\grub\menu.lst. | 15:29 |
bazhang | tony403: hang on a sec | 15:29 |
tony403 | ejer, because it looks like crap and autohide only hides most of it, not all of it | 15:29 |
pawan | how to install nvidia geforce 5200 drivers | 15:29 |
pawan | my pc alaways starts in low graphics mode | 15:29 |
amenado | mystic well i thought you said you have both, paste them both, in separate links so we can distinguish | 15:29 |
ejer | tony403: right-click the panel and say delete this panel | 15:29 |
fisfia | now I know my graphics card if that helps. | 15:29 |
fisfia | VGA compatible controller: ATI Thechnologies Inc Rage Mobility M3 AGP 2x (rev 02) | 15:30 |
mystic | yep i have pasted both | 15:30 |
tony403 | ejer, i need to uninstall the whole bar, not just one panel | 15:30 |
ejer | bar=panel | 15:30 |
qwiksand | i wanna install xp on ubuntu via VirtualBox, do u think its a good seeing that i only have 1.25gb memory | 15:30 |
amenado | mystic where is the link? how am i suppose to know where it is? | 15:30 |
tony403 | if you resize the bar, it looks like crap, reskin it, it looks like crap, etc. i've noticed this with kde and gnome panels | 15:30 |
fde | qwiksand: should be fine... | 15:31 |
ejer | qwiksand: sure, just give xp 512 u should be ok | 15:31 |
linuxvacuum | alsamixer: function snd_mixer_load failed: No such file or directory | 15:31 |
mystic | | 15:31 |
bazhang | tony403: gnome-desktop-environment? that is the only thing I can see close to that; the ubuntu-desktop is a meta-package and is safe to remove; cannot find gnome-desktop though | 15:31 |
amenado | qwiksand-> plenty enuff, 1.25gb of ram | 15:31 |
=== evo is now known as evolvedlight | ||
tony403 | bazhang, well, i uninstalled. going to log back in and see if i have a usable desktop still, lol | 15:31 |
Yaroze | anyone happen to know how to get bluetooth working in hardy? it wont accept file-transfer even tho its on in the settings.. | 15:32 |
Speckal | ejer: I was also thinking about doing that... but only 1G here. And I'm doing compiles in the bg all the time | 15:32 |
qwiksand | fde, ejer amenado and that would be enough to run compiz fusion as well? | 15:32 |
amenado | qwiksand-> you're referring to ram memory right? not hd ? | 15:32 |
Angelus | guys | 15:32 |
fde | qwiksand: Compiz has issues in the 0.7.2 branch, but it should at least work, yes | 15:32 |
ejer | Speckal: it will run, just not amazingly well, but if you know how to slim down xp... | 15:32 |
Angelus | do you know when the kubuntu dvd will be out for sale? | 15:32 |
Angelus | :/ | 15:32 |
qwiksand | fde what does that mean? | 15:32 |
pawan | hello | 15:32 |
bazhang | Angelus: has a link | 15:33 |
Speckal | ejer: define "slim down".... disable useless services and such? | 15:33 |
qwiksand | amenado: yes, ram | 15:33 |
ejer | Speckal: look at xplite and yes services, useless progs etc | 15:33 |
tony403 | ok, uninstalled gnome panel and all looks good. although i won't know how to logoff yet | 15:33 |
amenado | qwiksand-> that is plenty fine, i have 512meg of ram on my celeron and it has compiz | 15:33 |
curtis | can you play the halo trial in ubuntu? | 15:33 |
fde | qwiksand: Many things... search for Compiz | 15:33 |
Blueface | I recently upgraded to Hardy and now all sound is gone. I think it is a kernel-related issue since the old kernel works fine. Can anybody help me? | 15:34 |
bazhang | curtis check the appdb ( #winehq ) | 15:34 |
qwiksand | fde i'm not sure if ma system is running how it should right now, is there anything i can do to ensure maximum effeciency? | 15:34 |
curtis | bazhang: i am new with ubuntu what do i have to do? | 15:34 |
Blueface | curtis: Install Wine | 15:34 |
qwiksand | amenado: i'm running dual core...amd x2 | 15:34 |
curtis | blueface: okay | 15:34 |
bazhang | curtis look here | 15:35 |
fde | qwiksand: just try to use virtualbox... it should be fine as someone else is reporting no issues with compiz + virtualbox | 15:35 |
amenado | qwiksand-> thats okay, finding out max effeciency is something you have to tweak and customize | 15:35 |
ejer | curtis: | 15:35 |
Blueface | Can anybody help me with my sound problem? | 15:35 |
egoleo | hello | 15:35 |
curtis | okay i installed wine | 15:35 |
bazhang | Blueface: you tried setting from autodetect to alsa? | 15:36 |
qwiksand | ok guys, i'm gonna download it now..can some walk me through the steps for installation? | 15:36 |
Blueface | It works fine with the old kernel | 15:36 |
Blueface | but not with the new | 15:36 |
egoleo | how do i install adobe acrobat reader on gutsy? | 15:36 |
curtis | what do i do next? | 15:36 |
Blueface | egoleo: Why don't use Evince? | 15:36 |
ejer | Blueface: | 15:36 |
asizemore | how do I add a user to the sudoers group or file? | 15:36 |
egoleo | yeah i know | 15:36 |
Kinetic | egoleo why do you need it on gutsy? | 15:36 |
amenado | asizemore-> visudo | 15:37 |
bazhang | egoleo | 15:37 |
egoleo | but i need it plse | 15:37 |
ejer | asizemore: add them to admin group in user dialog | 15:37 |
curtis | i need to download cedega or is wine going to work? | 15:37 |
asizemore | ejer: no GUI | 15:37 |
ejer | ok then visudo | 15:37 |
amenado | asizemore-> and then copy an entry that is there for one of your regular user | 15:37 |
bazhang | curtis you need to read that appdb link I gave you first | 15:37 |
ejer | or gpasswd -a username admin | 15:37 |
curtis | bazhang: okay | 15:38 |
curtis | bazhang: do i need a windows xp disc to install? | 15:38 |
bazhang | curtis: nay | 15:38 |
qwiksand | can i download virtualbox with synaptic? | 15:38 |
__mork | hi folk. | 15:38 |
bazhang | qwiksand: yes | 15:39 |
curtis | bazhang: what do i have to download now? | 15:39 |
asizemore | thanks, ejer | 15:39 |
linuxvacuum | 8.04 ALSAMIXER IS BROKEN, how can I fix it??? someone please answer | 15:39 |
asizemore | and thanks amenado | 15:39 |
bazhang | curtis you need to read that link and look for the game you want to play | 15:39 |
amenado | asizemore-> you're welcome, good luck | 15:39 |
linuxvacuum | alsamixer: function snd_mixer_load failed: No such file or directory | 15:39 |
curtis | bazhang:i will play half-life 22. | 15:39 |
curtis | *2 | 15:39 |
linuxvacuum | ... | 15:40 |
linuxvacuum | help | 15:40 |
curtis | bazhang: there is not link for 8.04. | 15:40 |
mojoe430 | anyone know how to update touch pad drivers? | 15:40 |
qwiksand | bazhang: which one[s] do i download in synaptic? | 15:40 |
LMJ | hi | 15:40 |
mojoe430 | qwiksand what are you looking for? | 15:41 |
tech0007 | linuxvacuum: see | 15:41 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 192382 in alsa-driver "alsamixer broken in hardy - intel hda" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 15:41 |
Aide-services | qui parle en français? | 15:41 |
qwiksand | mojoe430 virtualbox | 15:41 |
bazhang | curtis please actually read this one thanks | 15:41 |
mojoe430 | oO | 15:41 |
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echa | hello | 15:41 |
echa | indonesia | 15:41 |
ejer | !fr | pingyan | 15:41 |
ubottu | pingyan: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr | 15:41 |
pingyan | !fr | 15:42 |
pingyan | ok | 15:42 |
Lunar_Lamp | I have enabled desktop effects in hardy, but I can't see how to edit the window decorations - hwo do I do this? | 15:42 |
curtis | bazhang: i am going to play counter-strike. | 15:42 |
bazhang | echa please /join #ubunut-id | 15:42 |
pingyan | thanks ejer | 15:42 |
callewaert | slt | 15:42 |
__mork | using hardy 64bit I am experiencing a problem with wireless activation. What I do: i 1.unplug the ethernet 2. use network manager (manual mode) to activate my wireless profile (only wireless flagged). what I get: 1. routing problem ( gw (through eth0 ethernet) remains in route table so the system fails to use the new gw through wireless eth1; 2. password problem: nm seems to forget wpa password eachtime | 15:42 |
bazhang | Lunar_Lamp: you installed ccsm yet? | 15:43 |
bazhang | echa oops please /join #ubuntu-id | 15:44 |
fiftyMIPsparc | hello all | 15:44 |
fiftyMIPsparc | has anybody noticed a bug in firefox, in re: clearing private data? | 15:44 |
thegattaca | Okay, need a bit of Evolution Mail support for a new ubuntu install .... how does one setup an out of office reply?? (or what channel should i be in) | 15:45 |
curtis | i need to know how to install adobe photoshop cs3? | 15:46 |
curtis | its for school. | 15:46 |
hooer | ikonia, i used this page ( specifically the "Making every drive bootable" part. there's no grub.conf yet. do i need to set the kernel for both devices? | 15:46 |
curtis | anyone know how to? | 15:46 |
ikonia | hooer: grub doesn't use grub.conf | 15:46 |
curtis | can i install an iso game with cedega? | 15:46 |
hooer | oh | 15:46 |
fiftyMIPsparc | curtis: i haven't tried actually, though i doubt it would work | 15:46 |
gwww | download wine and wine-doors | 15:46 |
bazhang | thegattaca have you read through this yet | 15:46 |
ikonia | hooer: I'd be worried about the usefulness of that guidd | 15:46 |
ikonia | guide | 15:46 |
egoleo | hey guys | 15:46 |
curtis | fiftymipsparc: you have tried installing an iso or cs3? | 15:47 |
thegattaca | bazhang: looking ... | 15:47 |
ikonia | hooer: that guide doesn't mention grub.conf ? | 15:47 |
egoleo | i have all my codecs installed but still cant play mp3 files | 15:47 |
ikonia | hooer: where did you get grub.conf from ? | 15:47 |
amjad | can someone recommend me any other network manager beside wicd | 15:47 |
fiftyMIPsparc | i have not tried cs3 but i tried an older version of ps and it didn't go well | 15:47 |
curtis | egoleo: what version of ubuntu are you running? | 15:47 |
hooer | oh i used to use grub years ago and thought that i remembered having a conf for it :p | 15:47 |
egoleo | i am running hardy | 15:47 |
rgriffit | anyone successfully connnected to an overhead projector using 7.10? h/w is Dell d630. | 15:48 |
hooer | ikonia, i only took this part from the guide, is this okay -> | 15:48 |
curtis | egoleo: the beta or real version? | 15:48 |
egoleo | real | 15:48 |
fiftyMIPsparc | does anybody know about a bug in firefox with clearing private data? it doesn't work unless i do it through prefs or use the keyb shortcut. auto clearing upon exit and using the menu does not work | 15:48 |
david_-_- | anyone use vb at all? | 15:48 |
bazhang | ff3b5 fiftyMIPsparc? works here | 15:48 |
fiftyMIPsparc | thats strange, yes it is ff3b5 the one that comes with hardy | 15:49 |
hydrogen | oh boy | 15:49 |
hydrogen | attack of the clones! | 15:49 |
fiftyMIPsparc | well i should specify, its not private data per se | 15:49 |
fiftyMIPsparc | form data is not cleared | 15:49 |
hydrogen | heh | 15:49 |
bazhang | fiftyMIPsparc: have you edited the settings? | 15:49 |
thegattaca | bazhang: glanced through the contents outline, didn't notice anything referencing an auto reply .... i've tried making a rule but there is no option to "reply with message" or anything to that effect | 15:49 |
hydrogen | I'm being floodbotted! | 15:49 |
fiftyMIPsparc | like google search box on the google page itself | 15:49 |
gangsterlicious | wtf | 15:49 |
Mez | !feedthetroll | 15:49 |
fiftyMIPsparc | yes i changed settings | 15:49 |
ubottu | The above mess was caused by someone who thought it was funny (they're gone now). Please ignore it completely, since discussing it and making a fuss will only make them think they've reached their "fun" goal. | 15:49 |
Mez | ¬traffic | 15:49 |
Mez | !traffic | 15:49 |
ubottu | NOTICE - There is a lot of traffic in this channel at the moment. Please try to keep your sentences into a single message, avoid repeating the same question multiple times, use for pasting, remember to mention the nickname of the person you're addressing, and join #ubuntu-offtopic for anything that is not Ubuntu support. Thank you for understanding! | 15:49 |
LMJ | I'm really stuck right now : I can't find a way to see my 2 network card on my fresh Hardy server install : 1 eth is nvidia gigabit (forcedeth) onboard who works fine, the other one, an old 100Mbits D-link one is not seen by the kernel, nor during the boot or via lspci. I through the card was day, i've tried another one who I know it works, same issue, I can get this second eth card working please ? | 15:50 |
fiftyMIPsparc | it also does not ask to clear private data upon exiting | 15:50 |
* hydrogen thinks floodbot2 and 3 are a bit redundant | 15:50 | |
bazhang | fiftyMIPsparc: you can set it to not ask | 15:50 |
FloodBot1 | NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now. | 15:51 |
FloodBot2 | NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now. | 15:51 |
mystic | when ubuntu boots does ctrl-c stop process loading like some other distro's | 15:51 |
Lunar_Lamp | bazhang> Lunar_Lamp: you installed ccsm yet? <== yes :-/ | 15:51 |
mystic | also how do i get to boot menu | 15:51 |
FloodBot1 | NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now. | 15:51 |
fiftyMIPsparc | bazhang: i want it to ask, but regardless of settings, it does not ask me or clear the data automatically | 15:51 |
bazhang | Lunar_Lamp: look in the compiz plugin window decorations | 15:51 |
fiftyMIPsparc | mystic: for grub, its /boot/grub/menu.lst | 15:51 |
dini | i want to play 3d games for ubuntu | 15:51 |
bazhang | fiftyMIPsparc: you can also tell it to ask | 15:51 |
dini | where can i find it | 15:51 |
egoleo | install neziux | 15:51 |
Lunar_Lamp | bazhang: yes, but there are no styles etc to choose from - just a few settings like shadows etc | 15:51 |
egoleo | for 3d games | 15:52 |
fiftyMIPsparc | bazhang: i understand, but if i tell it to ask, it does not ask upon exiting | 15:52 |
bazhang | dini windows games or linux games | 15:52 |
dini | linux games | 15:52 |
fiftyMIPsparc | dini: what kind of games are you looking for | 15:52 |
bazhang | dini has a whole gaming section | 15:52 |
=== hydrogen is now known as Remember | ||
dini | i want 3d games | 15:52 |
dini | i want 3d games for linux | 15:52 |
bazhang | !games | dini | 15:53 |
ubottu | dini: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at and | 15:53 |
mosibfu | dini, try :) | 15:53 |
bazhang | dini please read those links above | 15:53 |
silver-edge | | 15:53 |
bujar | what is super button 4 | 15:53 |
bujar | ? | 15:53 |
fiftyMIPsparc | dini: there's a game called alien arena, that's a 3d game similar to UT, you can get it through package manager | 15:53 |
mosibfu | bujar, the "windooze" key + 4 | 15:53 |
dini | i want games like quake-III | 15:53 |
Remember | want want want. | 15:53 |
bujar | i still dont get it | 15:53 |
silver-edge | lol | 15:53 |
bazhang | dini did you read those links already? | 15:54 |
bujar | what do i press to do that | 15:54 |
bazhang | bujar windows key and the 4 key | 15:54 |
hischild | dini, take a look at sauerbraten, tremulous, warsow, nexuiz and openarena. | 15:54 |
silver-edge | can anyone help me out? bit of a noob at linux but when i try mount my windows drive i cannot write to it :\ access denied | 15:54 |
dfgas | what is the command to do a distro upgrade at cli? | 15:54 |
genii | bujar: Super button = Windows button | 15:54 |
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Remember | because windows = super | 15:54 |
bazhang | dfgas: sudo do-release-upgrade -m desktop | 15:54 |
bazhang | dfgas that is gutsy to hardy | 15:55 |
fiftyMIPsparc | i cant find any information about my firefox bug, i'm going to log it in bugzilla | 15:55 |
dini | i want need for speed game for linux | 15:55 |
dfgas | bazhang: thats not going to be a gui upgrade is it? | 15:55 |
fiftyMIPsparc | dini: check for windows games that will run on linux. k? k. | 15:55 |
silver-edge | dini: google wine | 15:55 |
__mork | using hardy 64bit I am experiencing a problem with wireless activation (iwl3945). Some1 could help please? | 15:55 |
hischild | dini, google for linux game <type of game> and look from there. With that attitude you won't get any help from here. | 15:55 |
twistage | Why is the "locate" command listing files of mine that don't exist? | 15:55 |
Pici | dini: You need to look at these links yourself | 15:55 |
dini | i already tried the wine but its not working | 15:56 |
Myrtti | twistage: have you run sudo updatedb lately? | 15:56 |
hischild | twistage, it might have to be updated. try sudo updatedb and check again. | 15:56 |
bazhang | dini please read all these links now thanks | 15:56 |
__mork | it seems that nm don't manage correctly the new route (and neither remembers password) | 15:56 |
=== erUSUL_ is now known as erUSUL | ||
silver-edge | hey can anyone help me out?when i mount my windows partition i cant seem to write to it... ive tried sudo etc but nothing works... seems to happen the same with any usb drives aswell | 15:56 |
=== stefg_ is now known as stefg | ||
fiftyMIPsparc | silver-edge, what type of fs | 15:56 |
twistage | Myrtti: Ah, no, but I figured there would be something like that. Thanks. Do you always have to do this manually? | 15:57 |
silver-edge | fiftyMIPsparc ntfs | 15:57 |
crash91 | sorry if this has been asked before, but is it possible to run office 2007/adobe CS3 on wine? or is there some kind of integrated virtualization? | 15:57 |
fiftyMIPsparc | crash91: office2007 will run on wine, except for outlook | 15:57 |
Myrtti | twistage: I always end up adding it to my gnome/kde/xfce sessions to be run when I log in | 15:57 |
fiftyMIPsparc | silver-edge: is this gutsy or hardy | 15:57 |
bazhang | crash91: you best check the appdb for how well cs3 runs if at all | 15:57 |
twistage | Myrtti: Thanks | 15:58 |
roxahris_ | ugh | 15:58 |
silver-edge | fiftyMIPsparc: not too sure what does that mean? | 15:58 |
roxahris_ | update manager is crashing again | 15:58 |
tech0007 | silver-edge: use ntfs-config | 15:58 |
TwoD | Does anyone know what the screen resolution app uses to determine how many screens you have? It only finds one of my screens and is thereby useless. I have to use nvidia-settings and twinview to get anything working, but it's buggy as heck and sometimes leaves my monitors "out of range" or other weirdness. | 15:58 |
__mork | silver-edge: have you tried to google ubuntu enable ntfs write or to use ntfs-config? | 15:58 |
crash91 | bazhang: on the appdb it says for office: what works- installation, what doesnt - everything.. | 15:58 |
fiftyMIPsparc | silver-edge: which version of ubuntu are you using? | 15:58 |
silver-edge | tech0007: what does that mean? | 15:58 |
bujar | im impressed :) | 15:58 |
ejer | CS3 PS on Wine slightly works apparently | 15:58 |
silver-edge | what is ntfs-config... as i said im pretty new to linux/ubuntu | 15:59 |
bazhang | crash91: you have a working browser? ;] | 15:59 |
tech0007 | silver-edge: sudo apt-get install ntfs-config | 15:59 |
silver-edge | cool ill give it a try | 15:59 |
crash91 | bazhang: oh, long story, but it kinda got fixed, | 15:59 |
crash91 | bazhang: :) if it didnt im going to be using gnome-failsafe for the rest of my life :P | 15:59 |
bazhang | crash91: still some issues? lets fix them then | 15:59 |
alado3 | how can i stop my monitor from power saving, i disabled pover saving in bios and the power manager that starts up with xubuntu | 15:59 |
twistage | I'm using gnome and I have a hidden KDE directory under my home directory, is this necessary? I dont believe I have any KDE applications installed, although I did in the past | 16:00 |
Jared` | I'm trying to use the latest Ubuntu 8 Server Edition CD to install the OS, but my system appears to freeze on the splash screen. I cannot select a language. Is there a workaround for this? | 16:00 |
paynito | upgrading 6.06 to 8.04 went bad, fresh install of 8.04 shrunk the first install, now i have cleaned the first partition to use for data, but still have 2 swap partitions, booting from install cd in recovery mode should it be easy to combine these two swaps? | 16:00 |
akincer | Anybody know what commands I need to add to sudoers so that an unprivileged user can connect with vpnc without having to enter a password? I've already added vpnc, vpnc-connect and vpnc-disconnect. It seems the vpnc code is failing on a socket bind() function | 16:01 |
silver-edge | whats it called to run? i just installed it and went: ntfs-config and came up with unknown | 16:01 |
Turski | paynito: you can modifu swap partitions without live-cd | 16:01 |
silver-edge | wait nvm typo | 16:01 |
stefg | twistage: find out by hidng it inside a tar.gz archive. | 16:01 |
crash91 | bazhang: if i could just install office and CS3 on ubuntu then i will format vista :) | 16:01 |
david_-_- | how do i fix it in virtual box where i do not have to hit right control to leave the box all the time? | 16:01 |
k[5\5] | ----- | 16:01 |
bazhang | crash91: ;] | 16:02 |
fxjr | david_-_-, you could install virtual box guest tools | 16:02 |
silver-edge | great thanks that worked appriciate it guys thanks for the help | 16:02 |
fxjr | david_-_-, at least for mouse support. | 16:02 |
Blinny | I'm moving a bind9 server to Ubuntu Hardy and the Ubuntu version is not recognizing access control lists ("Unknown option acl") - Anyone know if this is supported in Ubuntu's bind9 package? | 16:02 |
david_-_- | fxjr: thanks | 16:02 |
ron | whats the trick to mounting a second drive at boot? | 16:02 |
ron | i added it to fstab | 16:03 |
__mork | no good soul that can help me???? :-( | 16:03 |
Jokka | /join #gnome | 16:03 |
__mork | (wireless problem: routing and remembering password) | 16:03 |
TwoD | Anyone who knows how to "reset and rescan" hardware devices? I swapped motherboard a while back (identical type, old one was broken) and now I have things like eth2 & 3 instead of eth0 & 1. Breaks my old settings... | 16:03 |
ron | /dev/sdc1 /media/400gig/ ext3 defaults 0 2 | 16:03 |
ron | i can mount it from command line | 16:03 |
Blinny | ron: and /media/400gig/ exists? | 16:03 |
FastZ | anyone know how to update the time via the command line? | 16:03 |
FastZ | my server is running about 5 minutes fast | 16:03 |
ron | yes | 16:03 |
Blinny | FastZ: man date | 16:03 |
georgez | Hello. I am having a problem with a new 8.04 install. The Screen Resolution GUI says that it wont support Randr. It was my understanding that part of this upgrade was support for RandR in the OS... IE the GUI | 16:03 |
FastZ | Blinny, thanks | 16:04 |
Blinny | fastz or use the ntp server | 16:04 |
Pici | !time | FastZ | 16:04 |
ubottu | FastZ: Information about using and setting your computer's clock on Ubuntu can be found at - See for information on usage of the Network Time Protocol (NTP) | 16:04 |
bazhang | __mork: the 3945? doe the machine see it? can the nic see the ap? what is the encryption? wep/wpa/wpa etc | 16:04 |
hooer | im confused with grub :/ | 16:04 |
tech0007 | FastZ: /usr/sbin/ntpdate -u | 16:04 |
fxjr | hooer, what's the problem? | 16:04 |
Jared` | I am having a freeze-issue with a new 8.04 install. When I'm presented with the language selection screen, my system appears non-responsive to keyboard commands (numlock will not turn off, arrow keys not functional). Is there a workaround I can use to install Server Edition? | 16:05 |
hooer | fxjr. the guides im using dont seem to help. i want to know if i've converted from lilo to grub properly | 16:05 |
Cpudan80 | So I am having a problem with my keyboard | 16:05 |
n3o | #ubuntu-fr | 16:05 |
bazhang | Jared`: what about tab and enter | 16:05 |
Cpudan80 | The numlock light is off - even though numlock is engaged | 16:05 |
danbhfive | Jared`: have you tried ctrl+alt+f1? | 16:05 |
Cpudan80 | Numlock light turns on when numlock is off | 16:05 |
Jared` | Let me give those a try, one moment :) | 16:05 |
=== DavidW_ is now known as Mystic | ||
fxjr | hooer, hmmm, sorry. I don't know anything about lilo and I also only configure grub menu | 16:05 |
__mork | bazhang: thanks, all works fine, except that when i disconnect cable on eth0 and start wireless (iwl3945) (hardware switch+network manager profile): 1. it remembers eth0 in the routing table (which mess up the route) and 2. it don't remember wpa personal (open) password | 16:06 |
Jared` | bazhang: Tab and Enter and CTRL+ALT+F1 are nonresponsive | 16:06 |
hooer | fxjr, how do i know grub is all setup properly with the kernel specified etc? | 16:06 |
dfgas | how do i upgrade from 7.10 to 8.04 in cli, gui installer is not working | 16:06 |
=== Mystic is now known as Dryrd | ||
bazhang | __mork: you know the command line at all? | 16:07 |
Cpudan80 | dfgas: Do you want to do it from the command line and get the files over the net? | 16:07 |
fxjr | hooer, did you do the grub configuration? | 16:07 |
david_-_- | fxjr: do i have to install anything on the os im running in Vb,? | 16:07 |
Cpudan80 | dfgas: ex. no CD | 16:07 |
dfgas | Cpudan80: yes | 16:07 |
Cpudan80 | dfgas: sudo apt-get upgrade | 16:07 |
silver-edge | hey sorry quick other question... just shared the drive with smb and unticked read only... tried to access the computer accross the network and comes up with login/pass prmpt.. put in my usual login but doesnt work... how can i disable that? | 16:07 |
fxjr | david_-_-, yeap. what is your guest OS? | 16:07 |
hooer | fxjr, sort of.. i wasn't sure what to do | 16:07 |
stefg | Cpudan80: xset led 1 | 16:07 |
georgez | Hello. I am having a problem with a new 8.04 install. The Screen Resolution GUI says that it wont support Randr. It was my understanding that part of this upgrade was support for RandR in the OS... IE the GUI. thank you | 16:07 |
bazhang | check here __mork | 16:07 |
danbhfive | where should I report compiz bugs? Should I report compiz bugs? | 16:07 |
silver-edge | before i even get to the shared folders on the network drive | 16:07 |
__mork | bazhang: yes, but i would like the process is automated: i have a WIFE (!), a difficult password, and to delete the route eth0 | 16:07 |
david_-_- | fxjr: it is xubuntu | 16:07 |
gralexey | how to make linux not to load X by default? | 16:07 |
Cpudan80 | stefg: nope | 16:07 |
=== n3o_ is now known as electrik | ||
Jared` | danbhfive: CTRL+ALT+F1 non responsive | 16:08 |
bazhang | __mork: why are you switching between eth and wifi? | 16:08 |
twistage | Is there a disk clean utility? It seems like there is remnants of applications I removed long ago scattered all over my hard drive. | 16:08 |
__mork | bazhang: i forgot to mention that i use nm in manual config mode. | 16:08 |
devindia | hey... i want to upgrade from KDE3 to KDE 4... how do i do it | 16:08 |
_eMaX_ | hello all | 16:08 |
paulcross | Can EVOLUTION be removed without damaging the gnome-desktop? | 16:08 |
tyler_roach | gralexey: the best way would be to install the server vversion | 16:08 |
__mork | bazhang: i have to move the notebook, you know | 16:08 |
bazhang | twistage: deborphan? | 16:08 |
fxjr | hooer, about grub configuration, I could point to you Gentoo documentation. I don't know where is one for ubuntu: | 16:08 |
Blinny | gralexey: either boot into init 2 (appending 2 to kernel boot line) or /etc/init.d/gdm stop | 16:08 |
fxjr | hooer, | 16:08 |
_eMaX_ | anyone here having problems with sound in vmware where the base OS is hardy? | 16:08 |
devindia | hey... i want to upgrade from KDE3 to KDE 4... how do i do it | 16:08 |
ejer | gralexey: sudo update-rc.d -f gdm remove | 16:08 |
devindia | hey... i want to upgrade from KDE3 to KDE 4... how do i do it | 16:08 |
bazhang | __mork: right I mean why not just alway leave it on wireless | 16:08 |
danbhfive | Jared`: well, the other option is to get the alternate cd | 16:09 |
fxjr | there you can see what commands to use to setup grub | 16:09 |
Jared` | danbhfive: Will the Alternate CD do a Server-Edition install? | 16:09 |
dfgas | k, a friend of mine did a upgrade, and half way through he says it locked up, so he had to use the power button to shutdown and restart it, now it wants to do a partial upgrade, however when he does it just closes out the window. any ideas how to fix? | 16:09 |
Jared` | danbhfive: When I tried to select Alternate CD and Server Edition on the Website it gave me the standard install CD as the download. | 16:09 |
danbhfive | Jared`: hmmm, actually, it might not | 16:09 |
fde | devindia: install kubuntu-kde4-desktop ... this won't really upgrade though, it'll just give you both KDE3 and 4... | 16:09 |
bazhang | devindia: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-kde4-desktop for hardy; sudo apt-get install kde-core for gutsy(need special repo for this) | 16:09 |
twistage | bazhang: Is deborphan generally pretty safe? I've heard stories of it removing packages that people needed | 16:10 |
tyler_roach | devindia you dont need to upgrade, KDE4 is a separate environment | 16:10 |
fxjr | david_-_-, You will need to use the menu devices -> install guest additions | 16:10 |
bazhang | fde: that is kde4 only; kubuntu-desktop is kde3, correct? | 16:10 |
__mork | because of radiations... who knows... | 16:10 |
fde | bazhang: yup... he'd needs to remove all deps on kubuntu-desktop | 16:10 |
david_-_- | fxjr: ok thanks but anything on the xubuntu side? after i start it up? | 16:10 |
bazhang | fde okay thanks :) | 16:11 |
tyler_roach | fxjr yep | 16:11 |
fde | bazhang: (that aren't deps of -kde4-desktop) | 16:11 |
Vlet | gralexey: or, in the 'services' admin control panel, you can disable 'graphical login manager' | 16:11 |
Ubuntu | hello | 16:11 |
fxjr | david_-_-, I found that on google: | 16:11 |
devindia | wat is the name of the repo | 16:11 |
Vlet | omg, it's ubuntu | 16:11 |
fxjr | I hope it helps. | 16:11 |
bazhang | devindia: see | 16:11 |
danbhfive | Jared`: well, I would try again. The site worked for me just now. you can also try !torrents | 16:11 |
david_-_- | fxjr: thanks lots. | 16:11 |
Wobe | | 16:12 |
bazhang | twistage safe? this is linux ;] | 16:12 |
fxjr | david_-_-, you are welcome! | 16:12 |
fxjr | tyler_roach, hi! | 16:12 |
bazhang | wobe is there a support question with that? if not please dont post here | 16:12 |
__mork | bazhang: I read the article you posted, but all that works fine. I have in fact a /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf file with all ok. | 16:12 |
Jared` | danbhfive: Are there extra steps I will need to make the Alternate CD install as Server Edition? I would basically have to take Desktop and modify it? | 16:12 |
bazhang | __mork: ah good | 16:13 |
=== Mazer is now known as mazzer | ||
__mork | bazhang: I don't understand how to modify the route change after the wireless is switched on and activated in nm manual configuration applet. | 16:13 |
zylche | Hey guys, how'd I go about writing a bash script that checked /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THRM/temperature every 30 seconds and if it were higher than a predefined limit do several commands? | 16:13 |
fde | Jared`: the alternate CD will let you install it as server or desktop... just read the initial screen of that install method. | 16:13 |
Jared` | fde: Thank you! That is very helpful :) | 16:13 |
Jared` | danbhfive: Thank you for your help | 16:13 |
bazhang | __mork: likely a networking restart will do that | 16:13 |
alibcaca | zylche: ask in #bash | 16:14 |
__mork | another prob is why it forgets the password... I already had this prob on gutsy but solved in some way (yes, but... which!!!) | 16:14 |
zylche | will do | 16:14 |
fde | Jared`: It'll be "minimal" if it doesn't state "server" explicitly... did you have anything in mind for that server? | 16:14 |
__mork | bazhang: I do let network restart each time wireless (or wired) profile is selected in nm applet? | 16:14 |
Qnux | hi | 16:15 |
Qnux | anyone an idea how to link a folder | 16:15 |
Qnux | permanently | 16:15 |
Myrtti | ln -s | 16:15 |
Jared` | fde: Nothing really. I was more concerned of specific server modifications to the base OS like the Kernel that would be absent on a Desktop install | 16:15 |
Myrtti | man ln | 16:15 |
bazhang | __mork: still not clear why you dont wifi all the time--you can get a $5 range extender for that you know | 16:15 |
=== HHLee is now known as yondie | ||
fde | Qnux: ln -s /folder/location /new/location/here | 16:15 |
=== yondie is now known as Topeng | ||
Ali_ix | hi, any one getting 'failed to initialize hal' after restart recently? | 16:16 |
Qnux | fde: will it be there even if i restart? | 16:16 |
__mork | bazhang: well, i have fear of radiations | 16:16 |
fde | Jared`: apt-cache show linux-image-server | 16:16 |
bazhang | __mork: that should not be an issue | 16:16 |
__mork | bazhang: maybe irrational but... so it sis. | 16:16 |
fde | Qnux: yes. | 16:16 |
Qnux | fde: cool :D thx | 16:16 |
Jared` | fde: I like it when you talk dirty. Thank you again. | 16:16 |
justprogramming8 | i have screensaver how can i get source code of it | 16:16 |
justprogramming8 | ??? | 16:16 |
bazhang | __mork: tinfoil is even less than $5 ;] | 16:16 |
Qnux | fde: i even tried it with mount xD | 16:16 |
aurum | Is there a computer hardware-esque channel on this server? | 16:17 |
bazhang | #hardware | 16:17 |
Pici | justprogramming8: one of the xscreensavers? | 16:17 |
paulcross | How to add some items into evience's menu. | 16:17 |
__mork | bazhang: i feel that machine should do what i want: i.e. set up correctly the route after a net interface is up and working | 16:17 |
hooer | ugh... back to Lilo i go... oh course now i have to reinstall though :/ since it kernel panics now | 16:17 |
PeterFA | I'm having a bugger of a time installing FF. I go through Adept and request install, but ever time a commit, I watch the details and it says another process has locked the file. Alas, lsof lists nothing. | 16:17 |
danbhfive | Jared`: if you want the server install, I would try the server cd. Don't do the alternate cd. Some alternate cds can do a server install, other cannot. I forget which | 16:17 |
Speckal | if you walk up to an ubuntu system, how can you tell which version it is? | 16:17 |
hooer | i think a re-install might be easier anyway | 16:17 |
__mork | bazhang: this one seems to me the right linux way | 16:17 |
whileimhere | Hi I have an External USB Acer CDRW 4x4x6 that I use. Often when I insert a CDR or CD Linux does not auto-mount it. In fact often I am forced to re-boot the computer to recognize it. Can anyone tell me why or maybe how to fix this? | 16:17 |
Jared` | danbhfive: My system appears to freeze with the server CD. That's the issue I'm experiencing | 16:18 |
bazhang | __mork: my limited knowledge only extends to wireless; the much smarter folks here can likely help with that | 16:18 |
Pici | justprogramming8: they are in the xscreensavers-data, xscreensavers-data-extra, xscreensavers-gl, and xscreensavers-gl-extra packages, just apt-get source packagename | 16:18 |
PeterFA | Speckal, cat /proc/version | 16:18 |
justprogramming8 | yup in ubuntu its name endgame | 16:18 |
PeterFA | Speckal, that's one way, but doesn't tell you the distro version. | 16:18 |
bazhang | whileimhere: you are hotplugging it? | 16:18 |
__mork | bazhang: thanks anyway, you were very kind. | 16:18 |
__mork | so the gurus here can help please??? | 16:18 |
Speckal | PeterFA: I'm looking for distro version :) | 16:18 |
zylche | Oh. Applications aren't being able to take focus over other one, how'd I fix that? :P | 16:18 |
Speckal | PeterFA: eg. Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon 7.10 or some such | 16:18 |
bazhang | Speckal: lsb_release -a | 16:19 |
hooer | so angry..grrrrrr | 16:19 |
hooer | night | 16:19 |
Speckal | bazhang: nice. ty ;) | 16:19 |
david_-_- | fxjr: hmm it does not work that way | 16:19 |
ramkumar | speckal: or you could go to system monitor...and it shows it there under system ;) | 16:19 |
van | #ubuntu -cn | 16:20 |
whileimhere | bazhang: I usually leave it plugged into the computer via the back USB. I have tried different USB ports with the same results. I have tried unplugging it when both the computer and the CDRW burner are on and that sometimes works. Otherwise I am forced to re-boot to get it to recognize the CDRW. | 16:20 |
fxjr | zylche, have you tried sensors-applet? | 16:20 |
Wobe | bazhang: no, and I thought it was a good article to be aware of, sorry. | 16:20 |
hangthedj | does Epiphany have their own irc channel? | 16:20 |
justprogramming8 | Pici i couldnt understand | 16:20 |
fxjr | it has support to execute commands on predefined thresholds | 16:20 |
justprogramming8 | can u explain | 16:20 |
bazhang | van type /join #ubuntu-cn | 16:20 |
zylche | Oh. | 16:20 |
fxjr | david_-_-, what problem did you get? | 16:21 |
zylche | The alarm part was hidden in the sensors properties | 16:21 |
zylche | :P | 16:21 |
fxjr | yeap | 16:21 |
zylche | My mistake. Was used to the old interface | 16:21 |
Speckal | ah... fyi, that info is stored in /etc/lsb-release | 16:21 |
david_-_- | fxjr: thats just it no problems no errors just doesnt work. | 16:21 |
bazhang | wobe would be better in #ubuntu-offtopic thanks :) | 16:21 |
cgentry72 | can i use emerald in hardy? I don't see it installed? | 16:21 |
bazhang | cgentry72: sure install it | 16:21 |
cgentry72 | bazhang, ok wasn't sure | 16:22 |
fxjr | david_-_-, did you enabled the install guest additions? | 16:22 |
Pici | justprogramming8: you need to determine what package the screensaver is in, then run apt-get source thepackagename | 16:22 |
david_-_- | fxjr: yep | 16:22 |
fxjr | cgentry72, I think you need to install it with synaptic | 16:22 |
fxjr | ok, | 16:22 |
justprogramming8 | how can i determine ?? | 16:22 |
fxjr | did the virtual box additions guest cd appeared on xubuntu desktop? | 16:22 |
cgentry72 | fxjr, i found it there.. does it load automatically on startup? | 16:23 |
fxjr | cgentry72, nope. | 16:23 |
Pici | justprogramming8: its in the xscreensaver-gl package | 16:23 |
fxjr | you have to execute a script inside it | 16:23 |
david_-_- | fxjr: not rly worried about it its just annoying sometimes lol | 16:23 |
cgentry72 | fxjr, ok i'll figure that out then | 16:23 |
fxjr | ./ | 16:23 |
bazhang | cgentry72: alt f2 emerald --replace | 16:23 |
cgentry72 | bazhang, ok | 16:24 |
bazhang | cgentry72: same with compiz; alt f2 compiz --replace ; to disable alt f2 metacity --replace | 16:24 |
whileimhere | No ideas ? | 16:24 |
cgentry72 | bazhang, good to know thanks | 16:25 |
fxjr | david_-_-, rly ??? what does this stand for? | 16:25 |
bazhang | whileimhere: best to just leave it plugged in when you start up | 16:25 |
bazhang | fxjr: really | 16:25 |
david_-_- | fxjr: what does what stand for? | 16:25 |
fxjr | cgentry72, I think you can configure compiz to run it automagically for you. | 16:25 |
fxjr | david_-_-, Whoops, sorry. wrong nick :) | 16:26 |
danbhfive | sorry Jared`I think the problem you are experiencing is out of my league | 16:26 |
cgentry72 | fxjr, yes i see that | 16:26 |
jayakumar2 | is there a simple x application i can use that'll draw text like xconsole except it will read from a text file? | 16:26 |
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bazhang | back in a second | 16:26 |
PeterFA | I keep getting the same error installing packages. It always says it couldn't commit the changes since either it couldn't download or installing would break things. | 16:26 |
justprogramming8 | ok then what i should do ?? | 16:26 |
PeterFA | This happens all the time. | 16:26 |
fxjr | david_-_-, rly | 16:26 |
fxjr | but bazhang already answered me. :) thanks bazhang | 16:27 |
diedo | اثممخ | 16:27 |
diedo | helllo | 16:27 |
diedo | i need some | 16:27 |
jayakumar2 | i wonder if there is something like xbanner | 16:27 |
diedo | the new ubuntu os always freezing on my laptop ? | 16:27 |
fxjr | I've never been in so active channel.... :) | 16:27 |
diedo | why | 16:27 |
diedo | ? | 16:28 |
fxjr | there is so many people helping and wanting help.... | 16:28 |
diedo | Dell inspiron 1300 | 16:28 |
Speckal | yeah, ubuntu's pretty popular | 16:28 |
alibcaca | !enter > diedo | 16:28 |
fxjr | I'm glad I'm being able to help someone :) | 16:28 |
paynito | Turski you mena gksudo gparted and delete both swaps and make a new swap? | 16:28 |
fde | alibcaca: that /msg's them about the factoid? | 16:28 |
wizz1 | tadas@tadas-desktop:~/Desktop$ sudo sh PlaneShift-v0.4.00-x86.bin | 16:28 |
wizz1 | ]PlaneShift-v0.4.00-x86.bin: 1: Syntax error: "(" unexpected | 16:28 |
fxjr | Speckal, yeap. And this is very nice! | 16:28 |
wizz1 | what might the problem be ? | 16:28 |
cgentry72 | fxjr, yes its under decorations just replace gtk-window-decorator --replace with emerald --replace :) thanks | 16:28 |
alibcaca | fde I think so | 16:28 |
balgarath | can't find any info online, so I thought I would ask here: looking and buying a new computer, anyone used an Asus M2V-MX SE motherboard w/Ubuntu | 16:29 |
malocite | Hey gang! How do you send a message to the current user in gnome from a tty screen? Like I'm logged in via ssh and I want to send a message to the user on screen | 16:29 |
fxjr | and I can say that ubuntu is one of the best gnu/linux distribution I ever used. | 16:29 |
fde | !test > fearl | 16:29 |
polysilicon | which DE is more laptop-friendly? gnome or kde? | 16:29 |
fde | !test > fde | 16:29 |
fxjr | cgentry72, yes, that's it! I'm glad you found it!! | 16:29 |
fde | It does | 16:29 |
cgentry72 | fxcp, me to. was a piece of cake ;) | 16:29 |
beniamino | i just deleted the top toolbar on my ubuntu desktop. how can i get it back? | 16:30 |
fxjr | cgentry72, nice, nice!! | 16:30 |
skywalker | hi | 16:30 |
skywalker | how i can to downgrade? | 16:30 |
skywalker | any help? | 16:30 |
arvind_khadri | skywalker, firefox?? | 16:31 |
skywalker | yes | 16:31 |
krebs | .net | 16:31 |
fxjr | well, guys! I gotta go now.... | 16:31 |
fxjr | heading job.... | 16:31 |
wizz1 | ]PlaneShift-v0.4.00-x86.bin: 1: Syntax error: "(" unexpected what might the problem be ? | 16:31 |
ramkumar | beniamino: right click on another toolbar and select new panel | 16:31 |
fxjr | thank you very much for your attention. see you later. | 16:31 |
arvind_khadri | skywalker, remove your FF3 now and then install the new one using sudo apt-get install firefox-2 | 16:31 |
beniamino | ramkumar: cool, but how can i get all the default stuff back on it (apps menu, logout button etc) | 16:32 |
ramkumar | beniamino: just add the stuff back, right click -> add to panel | 16:32 |
SuperQ | wtf, 8.04 alternate installer put lilo on this box | 16:33 |
arvind_khadri | !language | SuperQ | 16:33 |
ubottu | SuperQ: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 16:33 |
beniamino | ramkumar: i know this is dumb, but what is the default set? | 16:33 |
ramkumar | beniamino: default gnome menu on the left | 16:34 |
ikonia | SuperQ: did you do a raid setup, or use xfs ? | 16:34 |
ramkumar | beniamino: user switcher on the right, just before the notification area | 16:34 |
skywalker_ | hey | 16:34 |
skywalker_ | says that the ff2 is insatlled | 16:35 |
skywalker_ | and the latest version | 16:35 |
fde | beniamino: menu bar, notification area, clock, volume control, and application launchers for firefox, and evolution should have you set... all via "Add to panel" | 16:35 |
arvind_khadri | skywalker, what is the exact problem | 16:35 |
sparr | does aptitude have a function similar to "apt-cache policy"? | 16:35 |
dot | Hello I have problem with my iPhone and linux ubuntu hardy heron | 16:35 |
beniamino | ramkumar, fde: thanks | 16:36 |
ramkumar | beniamino: welcome | 16:36 |
chell | dot: what's your problem? | 16:36 |
fde | sparr: Fairly sure it doesn't, sorry. | 16:36 |
dot | chell: it recognizes my iphone as a camera, and when I put iphone-mount | 16:36 |
skywalker_ | hello guys my ubuntu have problem | 16:36 |
skywalker_ | any help? | 16:36 |
dot | it gives me a error | 16:36 |
arvind_khadri | skywalker, what problem | 16:36 |
ikonia | skywalker_: with what ? | 16:36 |
chell | dot: mmm | 16:37 |
Speckal | please state your question, skywalker_ | 16:37 |
dot | chell: if you help, can I query you | 16:37 |
fde | skywalker_: Please explain the issues you're having so we can actually assist you :) | 16:37 |
dot | so I can send you the error messages | 16:37 |
SuperQ | ikonia: just LVM root with ext3 | 16:37 |
skywalker_ | my ubuntu starts now in very low resolution | 16:37 |
tesseracter | skywalker, dont worry, i have ESP and can figure out your problem even if you dont tell me anything about it. | 16:37 |
sadiel | Hello guys. I'm having issues with my soundcard when using the jack server. I get lots of noises. My card is "82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller". Any hint? | 16:37 |
ikonia | SuperQ: thank you, your not the first person to say this, I personally think it's user error and that you missed the boot loader selection screen, but I'm trying to put a picture together of what everone who has the problem is doing | 16:38 |
orgy` | hi, is there a way to create a password protected *rar file under linux? | 16:38 |
SuperQ | ikonia: sure | 16:38 |
jatt | is there a command to know which filesystem a given partition is using? | 16:38 |
fde | jatt: fdisk -l will tell you | 16:39 |
SuperQ | ikonia: Would you like the D-I logs? | 16:39 |
skywalker_ | help? | 16:39 |
jatt | fde: thanks, I tried and I see: | 16:39 |
jatt | /dev/hda2 2551 4495 15623212+ 83 Linux | 16:39 |
jatt | I was expecting something like ext3 though. | 16:40 |
fde | jatt: cat /etc/mtab ... but don't edit that file ever. | 16:40 |
nikolaj | join #ubuntu-dk | 16:40 |
fiftyMIPsparc | otherwise things will blow up | 16:40 |
skywalker_ | my ubuntu have problem | 16:40 |
dot | chell: can you watch your query | 16:40 |
hangthedj | How do i get Epiphany to open links in new tabs automatically instead of new windows? | 16:40 |
skywalker_ | if you want to help me open private window | 16:40 |
PeterFA | Oh no, apt-get can't find any packages. | 16:40 |
fde | jatt: any cutomizations to that file should be handled via /etc/fstab instead... | 16:41 |
ramkumar | skywalker: it'd help to post your question directly | 16:41 |
skywalker_ | please help | 16:41 |
danbhfive | !ask | skywalker_ | 16:41 |
ikonia | SuperQ: D-I ? | 16:41 |
ubottu | skywalker_: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 16:41 |
chell | dot: I can't help you I'm afraid | 16:41 |
SuperQ | ikonia: /var/log/installer | 16:41 |
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SuperQ | ikonia: debian-installer | 16:41 |
dot | chell: it's ok | 16:41 |
SuperQ | ikonia: I used the alternate CD | 16:41 |
skywalker_ | i am greek and my eglish sucks | 16:41 |
dot | Anyone here knows about Linux Ubuntu and iPhone? | 16:41 |
nikolaj | Do some one know why wvdial is not default installed on a ubuntu-server version? | 16:41 |
PeterFA | What's the name of a package that I KNOW I can install? | 16:41 |
skywalker_ | my ubuntu starts in low resolution | 16:42 |
ikonia | SuperQ: sure, that would be great. I'll pm an email address to send to if thats ok ? | 16:42 |
jatt | fde: thanks! /etc/mtab is fine | 16:42 |
fde | SuperQ: please paste the logs to | 16:42 |
skywalker_ | any help? | 16:42 |
ikonia | dot: there is nothing to know | 16:42 |
fiftyMIPsparc | dot: do you mean putting ubuntu ON a smartphone? or getting an iphone to work with ubuntu | 16:42 |
SuperQ | ikonia: | 16:42 |
ikonia | SuperQ: perfect, thank you | 16:42 |
SuperQ | yup | 16:42 |
dot | fiftyMIPsparc: I want my ubuntu to find my iphone | 16:43 |
ikonia | ahhhh | 16:43 |
SuperQ | now to see if I can correct this | 16:43 |
dot | so I can insert songs in it | 16:43 |
danbhfive | !greek | skywalker_ | 16:43 |
ubottu | skywalker_: #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές / #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes | 16:43 |
dot | and movies | 16:43 |
fiftyMIPsparc | dot: have a look here | 16:43 |
sadiel | skywalker_: try ->preferences -> screen resolution, and the reboot... | 16:43 |
Jokka | Does anyone know an msn client that shows "personal message" and pictures? I know about kmess, but thats a buggy progg. | 16:43 |
dot | fiftyMIPsparc: I have problem with the iphone-mount it gives me a error | 16:43 |
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ikonia | Jokka: amsn | 16:44 |
edgy | Jokka: what about pidgin | 16:44 |
ugend-shtill | good evening | 16:44 |
edgy | hi, I want to redirect any X client to an X server in a remote computer so I tried kedit from my localhost but it didn't work. I also tried xhost + from the remote PC and still nothing redirected, what's wrong please? | 16:44 |
sadiel | Hello guys. I'm having issues with my soundcard when using the jack server. I get lots of noises. My card is "82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller". Any hint? | 16:44 |
Jokka | edgy: pidig doesnt show personal messages | 16:44 |
Jokka | ikonia: thx | 16:44 |
edgy | sadiel: I think it's better to ask at #alsa | 16:44 |
SuperQ | ikonia: any suggested config changes that won't make it do that? | 16:45 |
danbhfive | sadiel: whats the jack server? | 16:45 |
sadiel | thanks a lot edgy! | 16:45 |
Jua1 | Hello ... how do I change the way Gnome shows me the ALT-TAB windows? I don't want a screenshot ... I want a simple list of open programs | 16:45 |
SuperQ | maybe I should just use the desktop CD | 16:45 |
edgy | sadiel: you are welcome | 16:45 |
cgentry72 | just a quick question, i am able to play dvds but i get no sound. any ideas why? | 16:45 |
sadiel | danbhfive: jack server is a program. If I get it well, it's like a virtual sound driver or something | 16:45 |
fde | danbhfive: apt-cache show jackd | 16:45 |
edgy | cgentry72: can you hear sound from other files? | 16:46 |
cgentry72 | edgy, yes | 16:46 |
ikonia | SuperQ: not at the moment, just reading though | 16:46 |
danbhfive | thanks | 16:46 |
cgentry72 | edgy, nevermind works with movie player just not vlc | 16:46 |
david_-_- | how do you delete an os off of virtual box? | 16:46 |
Jua1 | Hello ... how do I change the way Gnome shows me the ALT-TAB windows? I don't want a screenshot ... I want a simple list of open programs | 16:46 |
danbhfive | Jua1: I think you need to edit the compiz settings | 16:47 |
morghanphoenix | how do I get a console login without x? | 16:48 |
Jua1 | Weird, I don't think I have compiz installed? I thought it was metacity, right | 16:48 |
david_-_- | how do you delete an os off of virtual box? | 16:48 |
ramkumar | jua1: should be compiz...are you sure it's not installed? | 16:48 |
fde | Jua1: System > Preferences > Appearance ... default is to use Compiz. | 16:49 |
asdrubal | compiz makes games slower | 16:49 |
asdrubal | I dont like it | 16:49 |
morghanphoenix | compiz makes everything slower, but then again so does gnome :P | 16:49 |
Jua1 | Well, apprently I must have compiz installed ... just ran "compiz" in terminal and all my windows got refreshed | 16:50 |
danbhfive | david_-_-: I just delete the harddrive file, and then delete it in the manager | 16:50 |
david_-_- | danbhfive: thanks hey u join me in room #wwed please so we could talk about dif os's? | 16:50 |
morghanphoenix | Can someone tell me how to get a console login with ubuntu? I have no option to leave x in the display manager and I don't know where ubuntu stores the runlevels since it's not in etc inittab like I expected to find it. | 16:51 |
fde | morghanphoenix: there are two ways, either create the file /etc/X11/default-desktop-manager and throw '/bin/false' in there... or remove gdm from the system. | 16:51 |
danbhfive | Jua1: just turn compiz off, the way fde suggested, and I think you will be satisfied | 16:51 |
morghanphoenix | ah | 16:51 |
Jua1 | wow that helped quite a bit. Thanks! | 16:51 |
polysilicon | morghanphoenix, does gnome make system slower? | 16:52 |
dot | my computer is now fiding my iPhone through ssh. and what should I do now? | 16:52 |
morghanphoenix | compared to fluxbox or ice, yes, compared to KDE, no | 16:52 |
fde | polysilicon: Not really, as it loads typical libraries that your apps will use... | 16:52 |
xintron | How do I get a visual bell on my bar when someone hilight me on irssi? | 16:52 |
P_Kable | hello | 16:53 |
ghostknife | Upgrade manager told me 8.04 is available. Is it safe to upgrade? I won't reboot and suddenly have a non-working system? I didn't have any problems with 7.10 except sometimes when I shutdown and plug out the charger during (in which case ACPI crashes and I have to force poweroff the machine) | 16:53 |
fde | morghanphoenix: those window managers will require you to start GTK related and Gnome related libs after the session has started... so it feels slower. | 16:53 |
ramkumar | xintron: are you using pidgin? | 16:53 |
polysilicon | is gnome suitable for laptops | 16:53 |
polysilicon | ? | 16:53 |
royally_fscked | yes | 16:54 |
polysilicon | I mean does it provide any laptop specific settings/ | 16:54 |
^root^ | hi! i am getting really low speed on package installation, tried from everywhere, normal download is about 50k, while in add/remove, synaptic, apt-get i get 10K, 20K. tried local mirrors as well as us mirrors | 16:54 |
Jokka | how to install 'Tk GUI Toolkit' | 16:54 |
=== magnet_ is now known as magnet | ||
dot | My computer found iphone's Library and Media directories with "ls" | 16:54 |
ghostknife | polysilicon: not having any problems with it on any of the laptops I have used it on | 16:54 |
fde | xintron: There is no way via irssi to do that. | 16:54 |
royally_fscked | polysilicon: i'm using a laptop with gnome and it works very well | 16:54 |
P_Kable | I find the new way the volumes are shown (xxx GB Media) on the desktop really annoying. How can I display sdc1 and sdd1 instead on the desktop please ? | 16:54 |
morghanphoenix | I've used gnome KDE 3 & 4 as well as the current fluxbox on this laptop | 16:54 |
fde | xintron: Recommend you use XChat if you wish for such features. | 16:54 |
dot | My computer found iphone's Library and Media directories with "ls"... I have not written "iphone-mount" because it gives me an error so what should I do? | 16:54 |
ghostknife | xintron: what do you want to do? | 16:54 |
xintron | fde: While using putty on windows I got a visual bell on hilight (connecting to a shell and using irssi) | 16:54 |
fde | xintron: Putty is available for Linux... | 16:55 |
xintron | ghostknife: Get a flashing terminal when someone hilights me on irssi | 16:55 |
ghostknife | xintron: want the task bar to highlight/flash? | 16:55 |
xintron | yes ghostknife | 16:55 |
javaJake | Does displayconfig-gtk exist in Hardy? | 16:55 |
morghanphoenix | anyways, time for me to reboot, nvidia drivers await me | 16:55 |
MrFawkes | any idea why pressing alt+right sends different key codes under gnome-term and rxvt? | 16:55 |
xintron | fde: I would like to use the terminal if possible | 16:55 |
kikr | my icons all just disappeared, and the Menus are not working either. how can this be fixed | 16:55 |
kikr | ? | 16:55 |
ghostknife | xintron: ah, well your terminal needs to support it. irssi sends the \a escape sequence when it highlights. Your terminal needs to convert this to a visual bell | 16:55 |
xintron | ghostknife: wanna tell me how? | 16:56 |
MrFawkes | or on fixing it? | 16:56 |
morghanphoenix | the driver manager wasn't working and I couldn't get a login of console only, so now I should be all set to get my windows games running again. | 16:56 |
ghostknife | xintron: no idea. I don't know which terminals support that | 16:56 |
simmerz | I'm trying to share a directory on my machine with a windows machine. however it doesn't work, and trying to add the windows user using smbpasswd -L -a username doesn't work either. I get an error like: Failed to modify password entry for user username | 16:56 |
dot | My computer found iphone's Library and Media directories with "ls"... I have not written "iphone-mount" because it gives me an error so what should I do? | 16:56 |
ghostknife | xintron: ask in ##linux, they might know. Or ask in #gnome if the gnome terminal supports turning it on or something | 16:56 |
xintron | ok, thanks anyway ghostknife | 16:56 |
ghostknife | xintron: as long as the terminal software supports it, everything will work fine | 16:56 |
ugend-shtill | bye | 16:57 |
=== Remember is now known as Hydrogen | ||
nullie | hello. How can I reinstall package? | 16:57 |
javaJake | Does anyone know how to tell Hardy what kind of monitor I have? | 16:57 |
javaJake | I could do it in Gutsy | 16:57 |
Jokka | nullie: remove and install | 16:57 |
ghostknife | xintron: if the terminal supports it but with some OTHER escape sequence, then let me know. I'll give you a script that sends that escape sequence. What you can also do is play an MP3 when someone types your nick, then you choose some distinct sounds that will notify you | 16:57 |
nullie | Jokka, no other way? | 16:57 |
javaJake | nullie: apt-get install --reinstall <nameofsoftware> | 16:58 |
pajamian | nullie: you can reinstall from synaptic | 16:58 |
Jokka | nullie, i do it that way=) | 16:58 |
javaJake | nullie: Synaptic also lets you reinstall by right-clicking on the software you want to reinstall | 16:58 |
nullie | humm, still | 16:58 |
nullie | updatedb: fatal error: load_file: Could not open file: /etc/updatedb.conf: No such file or directory | 16:58 |
javaJake | nullie: hmmm | 16:59 |
javaJake | Dang, I forget the name of the software that manages updatedb | 16:59 |
javaJake | ...locate? | 16:59 |
danbhfive | nullie: have your tried it with sudo? | 16:59 |
javaJake | slocate.... | 16:59 |
nullie | danbhfive, I'm running it as root | 16:59 |
lastelement0 | hey all, i have a MX3200 wireless logitcech keyboard. in gutsy i had all of the multimedia keys functioning but in hardy that functionality seems to be gone. anyone know of a way to addresss this? | 16:59 |
nullie | javaJake, findutils | 16:59 |
javaJake | nullie: great, reinstall that. :) | 17:00 |
Fishscene | Hello everyone. Does anyone have the Japanese language pack installed in Ubuntu 8.x? | 17:00 |
adrian_kx | i have an ati card an just typed the videoOverlay=on activating command and with desktop effects running i can`t get videoplayback | 17:00 |
nullie | javaJake, just did that. no luck | 17:00 |
Jeruvy | anyone know how to restore a VNC session in xfce? | 17:00 |
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javaJake | nullie: temporary solution is to run "sudo touch /etc/updatedb.conf" | 17:00 |
javaJake | nullie: that'll create the ifle | 17:00 |
Konam | someone here is having problems with gnome-subtitles, 'cause I am. It crash when I try to create a sub and doesn't open the ones I have on my hdd | 17:00 |
javaJake | nullie: but you'd better hope the default configuration is good enough if you do that | 17:00 |
PeterFA | I have some packages that vanished and I can't install them, such as apache or firefox. I need to redownload the whole tree, or at least I think so. What do I do? | 17:01 |
=== \etc\bin is now known as e1mer | ||
jatt | is there an easy way to change the icon on the left of the menu panel? I want to change the ubuntu icon with the gnome "foot" icon... | 17:01 |
Fishscene | Does anyone here have the Japanese Language pack installed in Ubuntu? | 17:01 |
lastelement0 | hey all, i have a MX3200 wireless logitcech keyboard. in gutsy i had all of the multimedia keys functioning but in hardy that functionality seems to be gone. anyone know of a way to addresss this? | 17:01 |
nullie | javaJake, I guess that's wrong method | 17:01 |
javaJake | Would someone here mind posting their /etc/updatedb.conf file from a clean Ubuntu Hardy install? | 17:01 |
javaJake | nullie: maybe someone else can share their file. ;) | 17:01 |
PeterFA | javaJake, I think we have a similar problem. | 17:02 |
javaJake | PeterFA: I think you might've disabled repositories | 17:02 |
danbhfive | !pastebin > danbhfive | 17:02 |
darrylb | How do I switch the default compiler from gcc 4.2 to gcc 4.1? | 17:02 |
javaJake | PeterFA: check in System -> Settings -> Software | 17:02 |
danbhfive | javaJake: | 17:03 |
pajamian | javaJake: updatedb.conf is in the mlocate package | 17:03 |
javaJake | pajamian: great, thanks | 17:03 |
pajamian | $ dpkg-query -S /etc/updatedb.conf | 17:03 |
pajamian | mlocate: /etc/updatedb.conf | 17:03 |
javaJake | nullie: sudo apt-get install --reinstall mlocate | 17:03 |
PeterFA | javaJake, where is "System -> Settings -> Software"? | 17:03 |
bazhang | Fishscene: aye | 17:03 |
javaJake | nullie: if that doesn't work danbhfive provided a /etc/updatedb.conf file | 17:03 |
biagidp | Are there any common problems for dual monitors on ubuntu that would cause simple things like loading a weppage to be really slow? | 17:03 |
darrylb | isn't there some dpkg configure thing to swap from one gcc to another? I just don't know what it's called if so | 17:03 |
Fishscene | bashang, Can you read this? かたかな | 17:04 |
javaJake | PeterFA: Software Sources perhaps? | 17:04 |
bazhang | Fishscene: yes | 17:04 |
Daisuke_Ido | PeterFA: adding a repo? Software Sources | 17:04 |
Fishscene | Bazhang, awesome. Thanks :) | 17:04 |
lastelement0 | hey all, i have a MX3200 wireless logitcech keyboard. in gutsy i had all of the multimedia keys functioning but in hardy that functionality seems to be gone. anyone know of a way to addresss this? | 17:04 |
PeterFA | javaJake, in like Firefox? | 17:04 |
javaJake | PeterFA: it's in the menu's along the top | 17:04 |
PeterFA | javaJake, you mean in konsole? | 17:04 |
javaJake | PeterFA: No, the "Applications | Places | System" menus | 17:04 |
bazhang | Fishscene: do itashimashte ;} | 17:04 |
mortal1 | I have a 120gb hard drive that I need to format, is there any utility in ubuntu that would let me do this? | 17:04 |
PeterFA | Oh. | 17:04 |
javaJake | PeterFA: System -> Settings -> Software Sources | 17:04 |
nullie | javaJake, I want to fix my ubuntu, not make patches | 17:04 |
Fishscene | Typing in a different language I have to admit is about a thousand times easier than any other OS I've used | 17:04 |
UnityDivide | mortal1, do you have gparted installed? | 17:04 |
^root^ | [Off-topic] who has the highest score in nibles :P :D ? | 17:04 |
mortal1 | i've tried mkfs.xfs -f /dev/hda1 | 17:04 |
pajamian | Fishscene: I can see it and I don't have the japanese language pack (at least I don't think I do). | 17:05 |
javaJake | PeterFA: check the boxes next to everything except unstable or unsupported software | 17:05 |
PeterFA | javaJake, I'm in KDE4 and I uninstalled Gnome. | 17:05 |
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky | ||
javaJake | nullie: this will fix that problem. :P | 17:05 |
Fishscene | Pajamian, interesting. Is anyone else able to read it? O_o | 17:05 |
javaJake | nullie: now sure what you mean. | 17:05 |
ph8 | Hi all - can anyone tell me how to disable 'roll up' in compiz? i'd so much rather it maximised the window | 17:05 |
pajamian | Fishscene: can't read it, though, since I don't know Japanese ;-) | 17:05 |
ramkumar | fishscene: i can see it too | 17:05 |
paulcros | HOW can I put some comments or notes into a PDF files. | 17:05 |
bazhang | Fishscene: likely many; but how many can write it ;] | 17:05 |
Fishscene | Niether do I :P | 17:05 |
paulcros | HOW can I put some comments or notes into a PDF file. | 17:06 |
nullie | javaJake, some package must have that file | 17:06 |
UnityDivide | ph8, I do you have the compiz settings manager installed? | 17:06 |
Fishscene | I'm quite surprised by this. It seems you do not need the Japanese language pack to view the characters- only to type them. | 17:06 |
lastelement0 | paulcros that isn't really anything to do with ubuntu | 17:06 |
javaJake | nullie: right, mlocate does | 17:06 |
pajamian | paulcros: flpsed | 17:06 |
javaJake | nullie: or probably does | 17:06 |
javaJake | nullie: try reinstalling that package to see if the file comes back | 17:06 |
P_Kable | How can I change the name of the volumes on my desktop PLEASE | 17:06 |
danbhfive | nullie: you may just want to do a fresh install. Upgrades suck | 17:06 |
javaJake | nullie: sudo apt-get install --reinstall mlocate | 17:06 |
nullie | javaJake, that's better | 17:06 |
PeterFA | javaJake, know the KDE way to do that? | 17:06 |
nullie | I cannot do fresh install | 17:06 |
PeterFA | javaJake, or console way? | 17:06 |
ph8 | UnityDivide: Yup! i can configure the spinning cube and things! | 17:06 |
nullie | this is vps | 17:06 |
juso | Anyone use a security scanner on a regularly basis here by any chance? Looking to setup a daily remote scan of our little network, and email the results to myself. | 17:06 |
nullie | and they only offer 6.10 | 17:06 |
shira | allright.. something crazy just happened. I rebooted (as demanded when [I think it happened after I removed virtualbox]) and find my desktop broken. I'm in low-graphics mode and my graphics card (GeForce 7 series) and monitor resolution isn't detected... Any ideas? | 17:07 |
javaJake | PeterFA: mmmm.... Check the System menu... | 17:07 |
UnityDivide | ph8, there should be an option in there somewhere to disable the roll-up effect | 17:07 |
paulcros | pajamian, thank you | 17:07 |
javaJake | PeterFA: I forget the name of the Software Sources executable... otherwise you could just use Alt+F2 | 17:07 |
hobo | zup pplz??......... | 17:08 |
bazhang | shira: try sudo displayconfig-gtk if hardy | 17:08 |
javaJake | bazhang: ah! thanks! | 17:08 |
javaJake | bazhang: that's what I was here for originally, lol | 17:08 |
pajamian | paulcros: it'sw supposed to be able to import and export pdfs, but I find it works better if you convert the pdf to a ps file yourself first. | 17:08 |
sharperguy | Anyone know what causes realplayer streaming not to work properly in 8.04? (Its something to do with the totem helix plugin) - its simply gives garbled sound (tested on bbc listen again) | 17:08 |
PeterFA | javaJake, what's the console way of doing it? | 17:09 |
PeterFA | javaJake, I'm sure thre's a list of repos somewhere. | 17:09 |
bazhang | javaJake: :) | 17:09 |
david_-_- | hmm what are some cool linux iso images to download and to run? | 17:09 |
hobo | How do i cahnge ma desktopp bakround???????????? | 17:09 |
P_Kable | How can I change the name of the volumes on my desktop PLEASE | 17:09 |
jbroome__ | david_-_-: dsl is a small, quick download to play with | 17:09 |
javaJake | PeterFA: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list | 17:10 |
bazhang | david_-_-: that is offtopic best to look at | 17:10 |
hobo | 3lp me trampz!!!!!!!!!!!! | 17:10 |
UnityDivide | hobo, right click on desktop -> change desktop background | 17:10 |
=== paulproteus is now known as rackmount_your_m | ||
darrylb | is just changing the /usr/bin/gcc symlink sufficient for swapping gccs? | 17:10 |
ramkumar | david_-_: wolvix is nice to try too | 17:10 |
=== rackmount_your_m is now known as paulproteus | ||
pmetzger | any ideas on how to find a problem with the echi_hcd driver? | 17:10 |
_adriaan | hobo: right click on your desktop > change desktop background | 17:10 |
pajamian | P_Kable: right-click on the desktop and select "Desktop Background" from the popup menu. | 17:10 |
ikonia | P_Kable: thats disk volume names | 17:10 |
bazhang | hobo please speak english | 17:10 |
_adriaan | argh, I'm slow | 17:10 |
javaJake | PeterFA: uncomment any line with ONE # in front of it | 17:10 |
ikonia | pajamian: do'nt misslead people | 17:10 |
shira | bazhang: I'm in 800x600 resolution using vesa drivers. If I try to use the nvidia driver (I have nvidia-glx-new installed), it just reverts back to vesa. | 17:10 |
ikonia | pajamian: how is desktop background going to change his disk volume name | 17:10 |
david_-_- | jbroome__: thnks | 17:10 |
javaJake | PeterFA: or, what i mean is, remove any single # from the beginnings of lines. | 17:10 |
biagidp | Has anyone experienced random xserver restarts when minimizing/closing windows in 7.10? | 17:10 |
pajamian | ikonia: oops | 17:10 |
javaJake | Anyone recall the name of the Software Sources if I were to run it in a terminal? :P | 17:10 |
javaJake | nullie: how is it going? | 17:11 |
pmetzger | I seem to have no ability to use USB high speed storage devices without unloading the ehci_hcd driver. | 17:11 |
^root^ | I have a collection of fonts, where does ubuntu manages its fonts? so i can paste all there, is tehre any other step required? | 17:11 |
bazhang | shira that command did not work? in Hardy? did you restart X server? | 17:11 |
nullie | javaJake, mlocate worked good | 17:11 |
javaJake | nullie: did you reinstall mlocate? | 17:11 |
pmetzger | I was hopig Hardy might fix it but it didn't | 17:11 |
hobo | bazhang, a am spekin eng. . . . . . tiz nawt ma fault dah am dizlexic | 17:11 |
javaJake | nullie: great! | 17:11 |
lastelement0 | hey all, i have a MX3200 wireless logitcech keyboard. in gutsy i had all of the multimedia keys functioning but in hardy that functionality seems to be gone. anyone know of a way to addresss this? | 17:11 |
shira | bazhang: the command works, the settings manager loads but I don't have the correct resolution available to me and it won't load the nv or nvidia drivers | 17:12 |
eneias | oi | 17:12 |
Tm_T | fop | 17:12 |
eneias | alguem aki____???? | 17:12 |
PeterFA | javaJake, nope, firefox nor apache show up when I search for them in Adept | 17:12 |
Tm_T | gah | 17:12 |
ramkumar | javajake: in gnome its software-properties-gtk, not sure in kde though | 17:12 |
javaJake | PeterFA: did you save the file, close out nano, and run "sudo apt-get update"? | 17:12 |
^root^ | I have a collection of fonts, where does ubuntu manages its fonts? so i can paste all there, is tehre any other step required? | 17:12 |
nullie | humm | 17:12 |
eneias | oi | 17:13 |
nullie | to which package /usb/bin/xargs belongs? | 17:13 |
skenmy | How can one create a keyboard macro? | 17:13 |
PeterFA | javaJake, running. | 17:13 |
javaJake | PeterFA: ramkumar just mentioned the name of the Software Sources program: software-properties-gtk | 17:13 |
bazhang | eneias: this is ubuntu support channel do you have a support question? | 17:13 |
fophillips | Tm_T: You rang? | 17:13 |
Tm_T | fophillips: no I didn't sorry | 17:13 |
gimplandecker | to root yes i tried it too to copy fonts in usr/share/fonts with the sudo mv(move | 17:13 |
fophillips | Lies. | 17:13 |
UnityDivide | ^root^, /usr/share/fonts? | 17:13 |
pajamian | !fonts | ^root^ | 17:13 |
ubottu | ^root^: Font installation basics here: - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer | 17:13 |
javaJake | PeterFA: you can run Alt+F2 and type in the above software name to run it (if you still have it installed) | 17:13 |
PeterFA | javaJake, I haven't uninstalled anything. | 17:14 |
javaJake | PeterFA: that will be easier to use than the terminal. Even I use it, because it keeps everything very organized. :) | 17:14 |
bazhang | !etiquette > fophillips | 17:14 |
pmetzger | nullie: you can find out what any file is in with dpkg | 17:14 |
javaJake | PeterFA: OK | 17:14 |
pmetzger | I guess no one has ideas on my USB problem, eh? | 17:14 |
nullie | pmetzger, I found it strange what xargs belongs to findutils | 17:14 |
pmetzger | nullie: why is that strange? | 17:15 |
nullie | dunno | 17:15 |
UnityDivide | pmetzger, what was your USB problem? | 17:15 |
pajamian | pmetzger: only if you have that package installed, otherwise you need to use apt-file | 17:15 |
PeterFA | javaJake, oh yeah, I see what I said. I don't have Gnome installed, sorry for the confusion. | 17:15 |
javaJake | PeterFA: OK. :) | 17:15 |
pmetzger | unitydivide: I can't seem to use usb high speed storage devices on my laptop | 17:15 |
=== rwhe is now known as rwhe1 | ||
javaJake | PeterFA: in that case you will have to edit /etc/apt/sources.list to add and remove repositories | 17:15 |
pmetzger | unitydivide: the workaround is to unload the ehci_hcd driver, then I can use them in low speed mode. which is very annoying. | 17:15 |
vaibhav | Hi | 17:16 |
PeterFA | javaJake, I did, and I'm waiting for updates. | 17:16 |
vaibhav | all | 17:16 |
javaJake | PeterFA: once apt-get update is done, software should re-appear. | 17:16 |
pmetzger | I filed a bug report a long time ago and it was marked verified but nothing has happened. | 17:16 |
javaJake | PeterFA: oK | 17:16 |
God-Complex | hi yall, i was wondering what irc channel to use for random chatter, i am aware this is off topic but i cant find a good channel for random chat | 17:16 |
UnityDivide | pmetzger, ah, forgive me for asking the obvious, but I'm assuming that you have high-speed usb ports | 17:16 |
pmetzger | and I don't know how to go about debugging it. | 17:16 |
PeterFA | javaJake, W: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead. | 17:16 |
=== Hydrogen is now known as Ydrogone | ||
javaJake | PeterFA: are you online? | 17:16 |
pmetzger | unitydivide: I do, and they work fine under BSD and Windows. | 17:16 |
ramkumar | PeterFA: you should see the option to modify sources in Adept Manager in KDE | 17:16 |
javaJake | PeterFA: can you identify which files? | 17:16 |
pajamian | nullie: the command to find out what package a file belongs to is: dpkg-query -S filename | 17:16 |
ramkumar | PeterFA: K menu > System > Adept Manager | 17:16 |
javaJake | ramkumar: thanks. :) | 17:16 |
Tyrion | hi, can someone helpme to get the Network Manager to connect to my CiscoVPN Tunnel ? | 17:17 |
skenmy | Anyone know of any utilities to create a keyboard macro? | 17:17 |
pmetzger | unitydivide: and even, I believe, under other versions of Linux in the past. | 17:17 |
ramkumar | javajake: sure :) | 17:17 |
bazhang | God-Complex: #ubuntu-offtopic | 17:17 |
pmetzger | skenmy: depends on what you mean by a keyboard macro. | 17:17 |
hwilde | !offtopic | God-Complex | 17:17 |
ubottu | God-Complex: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 17:17 |
javaJake | God-Complex: you can't beat #ubuntu-offtopic :D | 17:17 |
hwilde | it actually mentions random chatter :) | 17:17 |
vaibhav | Hello all | 17:17 |
lastelement0 | hey all, i have a MX3200 wireless logitcech keyboard. in gutsy i had all of the multimedia keys functioning but in hardy that functionality seems to be gone. anyone know of a way to addresss this? | 17:17 |
hwilde | !keytouch | lastelement0 | 17:17 |
ubottu | lastelement0: Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at - See !Keyboard for changing layouts | 17:17 |
morghanphoenix | there a manual way to install the nvidia drivers aside from the script on the nvidia page that crashes x saying there is a different version of the driver and the module the installer just compiled. | 17:17 |
bhsx | is there a metapackage for LAMP? | 17:17 |
hwilde | !nvidia | morghanphoenix | 17:17 |
ubottu | morghanphoenix: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see | 17:18 |
hwilde | !lampp | Bhaal | 17:18 |
ubottu | Factoid lampp not found | 17:18 |
hwilde | !lamp | bhsx | 17:18 |
ubottu | bhsx: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) | 17:18 |
babolat | skenmy: | 17:18 |
skenmy | pmetzger: I mean binding aone key to perform a series of keystrokes | 17:18 |
genii | bhsx: No, you need to run tasksel and select it as a task. | 17:18 |
PeterFA | Hmm, maybe the problem is the Canadian server. | 17:18 |
bhsx | thanks | 17:18 |
genii | bhsx: np | 17:18 |
ramkumar | PeterFA: are all the repositories enabled? | 17:18 |
morghanphoenix | Yeah hwilde, that helps, just said that wasn't working and the script wasn't either | 17:18 |
PeterFA | ramkumar, yes. | 17:19 |
javaJake | PeterFA: can you post the output of apt-get update? | 17:19 |
javaJake | PeterFA: | 17:19 |
mirdin76 | can anyone help me out? my install of Hardy fails at select and install right after xserver around 6% no matter which disk, drive or optical drive I use | 17:19 |
pmetzger | skenmy: again, it depends on what you mean by that. you might mean "I want the window manager to intercept some keystrokes and do something no matter what application I'm in" or you may mean "I want this particular application to do something in response to a given keystroke" | 17:19 |
PeterFA | javaJake, that might not be necessary because I changed the servers to the US one. | 17:19 |
hwilde | morghanphoenix, do you have an error message or anything | 17:19 |
bazhang | mirdin76: even the minimal? | 17:19 |
pmetzger | mirdin76: do other versions of Ubuntu install okay? | 17:20 |
PeterFA | javaJake, the update worked flawlessly this time. | 17:20 |
shira | so I have an nvidia card (7 series) but it doesn't appear in the restricted drivers manager | 17:20 |
PeterFA | javaJake, yeah, and it found firefox | 17:20 |
javaJake | PeterFA: awlright! :D | 17:20 |
pmetzger | unitydivide: no ideas then, right? :) | 17:20 |
morghanphoenix | None in ubuntu, the driver manager just doesn't start, when I used the nvidia script I got plenty of errors and had to manually edit my xorg config to get back in to x | 17:20 |
ramkumar | PeterFA: nice! it's the server then | 17:20 |
babolat | i just got this error now. "Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/loc - open (11 resource temporarily unavailable)" and "Unable to lock the list"... what does this mean? | 17:20 |
skenmy | pmetzger: well, I specifically want it to work with irssi, but I am unable to do so, so i'm currently wanting to get it just intercepting a keystroke and running a series - I don't use the keys for any other reaspm | 17:20 |
PeterFA | javaJake, I'm going to write Canonical and let them know there may be a problem with there Canadian servers. | 17:20 |
skenmy | *reason | 17:20 |
hischild | !aptfix | babolat | 17:21 |
ubottu | babolat: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a » | 17:21 |
gangsterlicious | ubuntu-xen-server contains hypervisor PKG 3.2. but ioemu still on 3.1. what's the way to get ioemu working? uninstall all xen-3.2* pkgs and install 3.1 ones? | 17:21 |
PeterFA | javaJake, and it installed fine. | 17:21 |
PeterFA | javaJake, not a hitch. | 17:21 |
javaJake | PeterFA: OK. I'd stick with the Canadian servers after this has passed: the main servers get really slow sometimes. | 17:21 |
UnityDivide | pmetzger, not a one, sorry :. | 17:21 |
UnityDivide | :/ | 17:21 |
javaJake | PeterFA: especially on release day. :P | 17:21 |
PeterFA | javaJake, yeah, but the Canadian server doesn't work. | 17:21 |
neocrypter | anyone haveing issues getting the restricted ATI drivers to work on the new ubuntu release? | 17:22 |
babolat | hischild: what does <<sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a>> do? | 17:22 |
mophead | Morning y'all. So, after running sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree, I consistentlly get this error: Any ideas what I might be doing wrong? | 17:22 |
pmetzger | skenmy: irssi has its own system for keyboard bindings I believe | 17:22 |
PeterFA | Time to write them. | 17:22 |
skenmy | pmetzger: yep, but it does not want to work with my keys | 17:23 |
skenmy | hence why I am asking for a "global intercept" method | 17:23 |
wkeenan | hi | 17:23 |
morghanphoenix | well, trying something else, back in a bit. | 17:23 |
mirdin76 | bazhang: the alternate? yes, even the alternate | 17:23 |
pmetzger | skenmy: I'd say you should debug why it isn't working with irssi directly | 17:23 |
pajamian | PeterFA: if you go into software sources it has a function that checks all the servers for the fastest one. | 17:23 |
jimmy51vinsky | does anyone here have experience with mdadm for software raid 5? | 17:23 |
javaJake | mophead: the Canadian servers are down. :) | 17:23 |
mirdin76 | pmetzger: no, actually I have the same problem with gutsy | 17:23 |
pmetzger | skenmy: no point in trying to find a shotgun to kill a fly. | 17:23 |
ramkumar | mophead: looks like a bad server, try changing to another server and try | 17:23 |
neocrypter | I try to enable the restricted ati drivers and when I come back I get just a blank screen | 17:23 |
bazhang | !minimal | mirdin76 not the alternate | 17:23 |
ubottu | mirdin76 not the alternate: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See | 17:23 |
mophead | javaJake: that... that would explain a lot | 17:23 |
pmetzger | mirdin76: does the hardware run another OS successfully? | 17:23 |
skenmy | pmetzger: Because they are non-standard keys :) | 17:23 |
mophead | javaJake: any idea how long? ballpark estimate? | 17:24 |
pmetzger | skenmy: what is a "non-standard key" in this context? | 17:24 |
javaJake | mophead: "gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list" <- remove any "ca." from that file. | 17:24 |
mirdin76 | bazhang: oh, no I don't have any internet connection to it though | 17:24 |
javaJake | mophead: that will give you the main servers instead | 17:24 |
skenmy | pmetzger: on my G15 they are the "G" keys | 17:24 |
javaJake | mophead: no idea | 17:24 |
wkeenan | I cant find any info on the forums to help me with my 7.04 to 7.10 upgrade. everytime I try to upgrade (GUi and 'do-release-upgrade) it tells me there are no upgrades | 17:24 |
pmetzger | skenmy: but they send normal X events I imagine, yes? | 17:24 |
javaJake | mophead: if you want, you can also use the GUI way: System -> Administration -> Software Sources | 17:24 |
wkeenan | /etc/issue tells me 7.0.4 | 17:24 |
pmetzger | skenmy: if they send X events, they're not really "non-standard" | 17:24 |
mirdin76 | pmetzger: yeah, actually I was able to install gutsy xubuntu on it once in text mode, but it was a buggy install so I'm trying again from scratch | 17:24 |
skenmy | pmetzger: well, xev picks them up | 17:24 |
skenmy | pmetzger: but cat does not. | 17:25 |
pmetzger | skenmy: if they send x events, that doesn't mean the tty driver knows about them. | 17:25 |
pmetzger | skenmy: but any X app can know about them. | 17:25 |
skenmy | irssi is not an X app | 17:25 |
skenmy | so perhaps my question should be - how can I get my keys to be recognised by tty | 17:25 |
ramkumar | mophead: or K menu > System > Adept Manager if you're in kde, heh | 17:25 |
pmetzger | skenmy: xmodmap | 17:25 |
Simonf1 | my computer will not go to sleep. it is a Powerbook G4 and I get the error that it does not work with this type of machine. Is this true, or can it be fixed? | 17:26 |
pmetzger | skenmy: or at least, xmodmap is one reasonable way, there are several. | 17:26 |
mirdin76 | ubottu: it can't connect to the internet until I can configure ndswrapper | 17:26 |
GhostFish | If someone has some free time I could really use some help with as vmware installation.. ERROR: | 17:26 |
Simonf1 | !ubottu | mirdin76: it's a bot | 17:27 |
ubottu | Factoid ubottu not found | 17:27 |
mirdin76 | oh ha! | 17:27 |
mophead | javaJake: uh-oh... | 17:27 |
ikonia | GhostFish: vmware is in the repos | 17:27 |
bazhang | ubottu lag | 17:27 |
mophead | !ubotu | 17:27 |
ubottu | I am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;) | 17:27 |
babolat | ubottu doesn't know himself? | 17:27 |
GhostFish | ikonia: ? | 17:27 |
dfgas | E: /var/cache/apt/archives/human-theme_0.18_all.deb: trying to overwrite `/usr/share/applications/screensavers/ubuntu_theme.desktop', which is also in package gnome-screensaver | 17:27 |
ikonia | GhostFish: not, it's not, never mind | 17:27 |
javaJake | mophead: "sudo apt-get update" | 17:27 |
dfgas | when trying to update | 17:27 |
javaJake | mophead: you forgot to update your repository information. :) | 17:28 |
Zasch | Hello. I just noticed that when I hover over an mp3 file, it starts to play it. This is a really annoying behaviour - is there any way to turn it off? | 17:28 |
paynito | is fstab a tabseparated file? do i hit tab after the /dev/sda1 and the mountpoint even if it makes it look wrong to my eye? or can i just type some spaces? | 17:28 |
ikonia | Zasch: turn preview off in nautlius | 17:28 |
alexandru | which package has cdev.h? | 17:28 |
Pici | paynito: its whitespace separated, you can use tabs if you want | 17:28 |
babolat | not sure if this is the right place to ask.. here goes.. where do i get layered version of that beautiful heron wallpaper i have now? | 17:28 |
benanzo | paynito: spaces or tabs | 17:28 |
mophead | javaJake: a-ha! thanks! should I sudo apt-get upgrade next, and then try the install again? | 17:28 |
tyler | Does anyone know of a way to do a mass permission change of files? | 17:29 |
Zasch | ikonia: I'm not used to such simple solutions. Thanks :P | 17:29 |
ikonia | babolat: check out the artwork forum on | 17:29 |
shira | so I have an nvidia card (7 series) but it doesn't appear in the restricted drivers manager | 17:29 |
GG2 | Yesterday I was trying Ubunto installed via Wubi and the power went down. Now I can't boot with it. It just brings the command line terminal instead of login user screen | 17:29 |
pajamian | tyler: yes | 17:29 |
tyler | shira: what version of ubuntu are you running? | 17:29 |
ikonia | GG2: did the install finis ? | 17:29 |
babolat | ikonia: been there just now.. nothin' | 17:29 |
ikonia | babolat: make a post | 17:29 |
tyler | pajamian: Would you enlighten me please? | 17:29 |
shira | tyler: 8.04 | 17:29 |
pajamian | tyler: chmod terminal command. | 17:29 |
tyler | shira: how long have you been using ubuntu | 17:29 |
dfgas | os[Linux 2.6.24-16-generic x86_64] distro[Debian lenny/sid] cpu[2 x Intel(R) Pentium(R) D CPU 2.80GHz (GenuineIntel) @ 2.80GHz] mem[Physical: 2.0GB, 76.4% free] disk[Total: 35.4GB, 85.6% free] video[nVidia Corporation GeForce 8600 GT] sound[HDA-Intel - HDA VIA VT82xx] | 17:30 |
GG2 | Yes insstall finished fine and it was working fine till power went down | 17:30 |
unop | GG2, login at the command line and run. sudo apt-get install -f | 17:30 |
shira | tyler: 2 years ish | 17:30 |
evand | GG2: Boot into Windows and run chkdsk C: /F /R from the command prompt (start->run cmd) | 17:30 |
mophead | javaJake: yay, I have installed it! Thank you very much! | 17:30 |
ikonia | dfgas: please disable that script | 17:30 |
tyler | pajamian: is it a gui? | 17:30 |
babolat | GG2: please check this --> | 17:30 |
unop | GG2, you might also need this. sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop | 17:30 |
evand | GG2: unless, as others have asked, you were in the middle of the install. | 17:30 |
pajamian | tyler: it's a terminal command (ie not a gui) | 17:30 |
tyler | shira: was this a clean install or an upgrade? | 17:30 |
javaJake | mophead: you're welcome! | 17:30 |
pmetzger | anyway, my usb bug was reported a long time ago: | 17:30 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 98608 in linux-source-2.6.20 "USB problems on IBM T41 laptop" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 17:30 |
pmetzger | but not much has happened to it. | 17:30 |
tyler | pajamian: thank you | 17:30 |
pantsu | | 17:30 |
shira | tyler: upgrade from 7.10. I aslo don't have a screens and preferences option in my Systems menu. I have to run displayconfig-gtk manually. | 17:31 |
pajamian | tyler: also to change owners: chown | 17:31 |
GG2 | I tried chkdsk /f ... not sure what chkdsk /r for | 17:31 |
ramkumar | pmetzger: unloading the ehci_hcd module solves the problem | 17:31 |
mirdin76 | 6%, why there? every time. I wonder what I'm doing wrong | 17:32 |
tyler | shira: Hmmm, are you running compiz fusion, eh or where you in Gutsy? | 17:32 |
shira | tyler: yes I was running compiz fusion, not anymore since my drivers are not detected | 17:32 |
fiftyMIPsparc | hey all, i'm having some issues with dual monitors in hardy | 17:32 |
unop | GG2, chkdsk /? - ought to tell you what /r does | 17:32 |
neocrypter | is the steps to install the flgrx drivers the same in the new version of ubuntu as it was in the old, cause the xorg.conf seems to be missing a lot of info such as an entry for the video drivers and such. | 17:32 |
tyler | pajamian: thanks alot. I backed up my files on another drive and for some odd reason it set all permissions and ownerships of the files to root | 17:32 |
kneeki | Bah! Is synergy in the Ubuntu repos? | 17:33 |
mirdin76 | pardon the newb question, but could it have something to do with the xserver configuration? | 17:33 |
fiftyMIPsparc | i can't seem to get dual monitors working, i can get them to mirror each other but i can't have two distinct desktops. also, my main screen has a higher res than the second, is that a problem? | 17:33 |
steel_lady | Hi! I have an .iso image movie on my hard. How can I see it without recording it? | 17:33 |
tyler | shira: try 'compiz --replace' and or 'emerald --replace' in terminal | 17:33 |
javaJake | !fglrx | neocrypter | 17:33 |
ubottu | neocrypter: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see | 17:33 |
unop | !iso | steel_lady | 17:33 |
ubottu | steel_lady: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning. | 17:33 |
neocrypter | thanks | 17:33 |
javaJake | neocrypter: that ought to be up-to-date | 17:33 |
GG2 | locate the bad sector and recover readable info | 17:33 |
bazhang | steel_lady: mount it with vlc for example | 17:33 |
mophead | zasch: | 17:33 |
paynito | steel lady mplayer or vlc should work | 17:33 |
pajamian | tyler: I'm guessing you copied the files as root, for future reference, "cp -a" will do a recursive copy that preserves all permissions and ownership. | 17:34 |
GG2 | In any case, I already tried chkdsk. It showed no problem | 17:34 |
shira | tyler: yeah, glx is not available | 17:34 |
neocrypter | thanks, lol i was jut tryign to enable the bundled restricted driver and it messes up every time I enable it | 17:34 |
Fassan | Anybody know the solution why some computer get stuck in the "BusyBox" when trying to install 8.0.4 on them? And you get the error "message drive not ready for command". I was able to install the older verision but when i upgraded to the new sam problem during bootup. I was also able to install the server Version of 8.0.4 but when I installed the ubuntu desktop i received the same error message. | 17:34 |
tyler | shira: what's synaptic showing on the drivers? | 17:34 |
pmetzger | ramkumar: it does not "solve the problem", it lets me read the device at low speed. | 17:34 |
mophead | shira: #cmpiz-fusion | 17:34 |
paynito | sudo apt-get install mplayer, mplayer ~/downloads/mymovie.iso | 17:34 |
mophead | shira: #compiz-fusion | 17:34 |
pmetzger | ramkumar: backing up a laptop on low speed USB is not fun. | 17:34 |
shira | mophead: this isn't a compiz-fsion prolbem =) | 17:34 |
tyler | pajanian: I remember that ubuntu set root as the owner of the backup drive and I think that's what did it | 17:34 |
Jeruvy | in session management what does Xclient relate to? | 17:34 |
ramkumar | pmetzger: well, bad ;) | 17:34 |
javaJake | paynito: mplayer rules the world. :D | 17:35 |
aliosha | hello | 17:35 |
pmetzger | ramkumar: it does indicate that the bug is in ehci_hcd though. | 17:35 |
javaJake | aliosha: hi | 17:35 |
neocrypter | just trying to get second life up and going lol | 17:35 |
aliosha | does anyone know reason? | 17:35 |
shira | tyler: i hae nvidia-glx-new installed | 17:35 |
aliosha | and are there any comparable ubuntu programs? | 17:35 |
unop | tyler, well, did or didn't you have to use sudo to copy the files across? | 17:35 |
tyler | pajanian: I just don't want to have to manually go in with nautilus and change ownership of 25gigs worth of data | 17:35 |
ramkumar | pmetzger: yup, and it is strange though...i never knew about it until it happened to one thinkpad i installed ubuntu on | 17:35 |
paynito | at least on this 256 RAM system mplayer works great and totem looses frames | 17:35 |
tyler | unop: no | 17:36 |
devastator | ciao a tutti | 17:36 |
mophead | shira: ...oh | 17:36 |
bazhang | dfgas: please disable that script thanks | 17:36 |
javaJake | neocrypter: there are a few reasons: 1) you upgraded instead of doing a fresh install 2) you are not online 3) there's a bug | 17:36 |
GhostFish | If someone has some free time I could really use some help with as vmware installation.. ERROR: PLEASE!!!!! | 17:36 |
tyler | unop: I gave it root pw to access the drive and it let me do whatever | 17:36 |
pajamian | tyler: drives don't have owners, but like I said, cp -a will preserve permissions and ownership if you need to back up in the future. | 17:36 |
unop | tyler, it's easy.. just run this. sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /path/to/backup_dir | 17:36 |
tyler | unop: hell now I have to use gparted to change the flags on the back up drive just to access it. | 17:36 |
unop | tyler, what filesystem does the drive/partition use? | 17:37 |
javaJake | GhostFish: OK, let's walk through this. This is a compile error, right? | 17:37 |
GhostFish | Yes | 17:37 |
tyler | unop: /ext3 | 17:37 |
tyler | pajamian: are you sure? it wouldn't let me access it in my default account with out root permission | 17:37 |
Delerious | anybody know why my 5 button mouse should show up as a standard 2 button, and how i might fix that? | 17:38 |
unop | tyler, you don't need to use gparted, just modify permissions on the mount-point (or directories under it) and that's that. | 17:38 |
javaJake | GhostFish: OK, now, the key to solving these is finding the _FIRST_ error that occurs. Can you find it? | 17:38 |
bazhang | Delerious: this is gutsy or hardy; old xorg (gutsy) can edit; not quite sure how new minimal xorg handles that | 17:38 |
pajamian | tyler: the parent directory can be set to onwership, but not hte drive itself. If you had used a command that preserves ownership and permissions to perform the copy then the files and subdirectories would have been properly preserved, even if you run the command as root. | 17:39 |
Cointoss | how or where do i set options saa7134 card=83 tuner=54 to the module saa7134? | 17:39 |
tyler | no no I'm getting some crazy errors | 17:39 |
tuirgin | 2 | 17:39 |
Cointoss | would that be modules.conf? | 17:39 |
GhostFish | javajake: make[2]: *** [/tmp/vmware-config5/vmmon-only/linux/driver.o] Error 1 | 17:39 |
rMn | can you please send me a torrentleech invite? | 17:39 |
tyler | pajamian: unop: thank you all, i'm gonna try it out now. I was baffled by all this so thanks for shedding light | 17:39 |
bazhang | rMn: not here please | 17:40 |
ikonia | rMn: thats nothing to do with ubuntu | 17:40 |
stx_rich | #join solaris | 17:40 |
ikonia | bazhang: too quick | 17:40 |
pepi | hello, i am very happy with ubuntu | 17:40 |
rMn | sorry, wrong one :) | 17:40 |
ikonia | pepi: thats great to hear | 17:40 |
pepi | can someone sujest a webhost application? | 17:40 |
pajamian | tyler: for more info on the commands that you need now: "man chmod" and "man chown" | 17:40 |
bazhang | ikonia: ;] | 17:40 |
Delerious | bazhang: running feisty fawn still. any ideas? | 17:40 |
unop | tyler, you need to use root if another user (including root) owns the mount-point -- root does own the directory by default on a new ext3 filesystem, you'll need to change it | 17:40 |
rMn | oops | 17:40 |
pepi | ;) | 17:40 |
javaJake | GhostFish: no, that's not it | 17:40 |
ikonia | pepi: browse through the package manager repos' with synaptic see what you fancy | 17:40 |
bazhang | Delerious: may likely be the same | 17:40 |
javaJake | GhostFish: run from the top to the bottom, and look for the first mention of "error" | 17:40 |
kling0n | hmm when i try to unmount my usb devices, nautilus no longer closes open nautilus windows... it just gives me an empty error window | 17:40 |
pepi | can u please suggest sth easy, since i am not a linux exper | 17:40 |
javaJake | GhostFish: | 17:41 |
ikonia | pepi: go to "system --> administrator --> synaptic package manager" | 17:41 |
demonspork | what is a good non-kde full featured cd/dvd creator? | 17:41 |
pajamian | tyler: but like I said, in the future, just use the cp command with -a to perform the copy and it will preserve all the permissions and ownership in the copy. You can run that command as root. | 17:41 |
ikonia | pepi: that opens a nice gui, you can then browse the packages available by category | 17:41 |
nubunt1 | anyone know what this means? There was no SOAP-ENV:Body in the xml payload sent by the server. | 17:41 |
steel_lady | ok, thanx! | 17:41 |
piege | I have a problem installing new gnome theme .... it seems they only install on the root account... anyone can help me please? | 17:41 |
bazhang | demonspork: brasero gnomebaker | 17:42 |
GhostFish | javajake: ok error: conflicting types for ‘uintptr_t | 17:42 |
ikonia | piege: how are you trying to install them ? | 17:42 |
pepi | thx i think i'll manage | 17:42 |
smallfoot- | what license is the Human theme under? | 17:42 |
piege | to install 'em I copied the theme to /use/shared/theme then open up appearance and select the theme I want | 17:42 |
javaJake | GhostFish: exactly | 17:42 |
javaJake | GhostFish: now, Google that with quotes. The quotes tell Google to look for taht exact phrase | 17:43 |
ikonia | piege: thats not the best way, you probably messed up the permissions. | 17:43 |
piege | erm ok? | 17:43 |
ikonia | piege: open the "appearence --> theme" window and drag and drop the tar file into the window, it will install it for you | 17:43 |
GhostFish | k | 17:43 |
atlef | piege: easier to open apperance and drag and drop | 17:43 |
piege | ok thanks | 17:43 |
javaJake | GhostFish: the first result says "With kernel 2.6.24 you will need a patch to install Cisco VPN" <- this looks a bit tough, and we aren't working with Cisco VPN, so let's move on | 17:43 |
javaJake | GhostFish: "HOWTO: Nvidia nForce SoundStorm APU" <- nope, not Nvidia | 17:44 |
javaJake | GhostFish: "VMware Communities: vmware tools won't compile in Fedora 8" <- a little ways down, we find this. We are using Ubuntu, but maybe we can pull some tips from this. | 17:44 |
God-Complex | hi yall, i was wondering what irc channel to use for random chatter, i am aware this is off topic but i cant find a good channel for random chat | 17:44 |
ikonia | God-Complex: bazhang told you before | 17:44 |
ikonia | docta_v: #ubuntu-offtopic | 17:44 |
GG2 | If I install Ubuntu on a different hard drive than Windows, what are the chances that something might go wrong and windows install is corrupted? | 17:44 |
ikonia | God-Complex: #ubuntu-offtopic | 17:44 |
ikonia | docta_v: sorry | 17:44 |
God-Complex | sorry, my client went strange | 17:45 |
GentilKiwi | hi guy ! :) | 17:45 |
Cointoss | how do i set kernel module options like options saa7134 card=83 tuner=54 , do i have to instert that into modprobe.conf or how does that work? | 17:45 |
javaJake | GhostFish: are you following? | 17:45 |
Jeruvy | heya, switched my desktop on a 7.10 box from gnome to xfce, looks great but VNC doesn't work anymore? It all seems running. If I try to point to a display (box:1) I get a blank X screen, not the desktop? | 17:45 |
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GentilKiwi | maybe someone know a trick to disable the complet ipv6 support on ubuntu server 8.04 ? | 17:46 |
GhostFish | yeah | 17:46 |
bazhang | gg2 very unlikely in the extreme; the worst that would happen is that grub is installed badly and you have to reinstall it | 17:46 |
pepi | i would like to install apache on ubuntu, is this possible? | 17:46 |
ikonia | pepi: sure | 17:46 |
fiftyMIPsparc | pepi: yes very much | 17:46 |
pepi | it is not listed | 17:46 |
javaJake | GhostFish: OK, notice the answer the guy gives to the Fedora 8 problem: | 17:46 |
Cointoss | pepi: sudo apt-get install apache2 | 17:46 |
tyler | shira: any luck? | 17:46 |
pepi | thx | 17:46 |
ikonia | pepi: in the package manager, do a search for "apache" you'll find a list of applications like apache-prefork for example. Select that for installation and click" install" | 17:46 |
Cointoss | np | 17:46 |
javaJake | GhostFish: GhostFish part of his post says "When running after a kernel upgrade to I was getting the output below. However, after spotting your query I checked for a newer any-any patch (I had 113) and found 115. Having installed that patch, I have successfully rebuilt VMware." | 17:47 |
nubunt1 | There was no SOAP-ENV:Body in the xml payload sent by the server. | 17:47 |
rtm1981 | Hello :) I'm completely new to Linux... so a couple of stupid questions, first one of which is: I'm trying to change to a directory in console mode to install a program.. what is the command used in linux? In windows console the command was CD | 17:47 |
zionpsyfer | rtm1981: it is the same in linux. | 17:47 |
GentilKiwi | rtm => it's "cd" too :) | 17:47 |
unop | rtm1981, same with unix. cd | 17:47 |
javaJake | GhostFish: so, this any-any patch is what we need. I did some more research and Googling for you, and found out that this error occurs in Ubuntu too, and the patch works in Ubuntu as well | 17:47 |
rtm1981 | hmmmm... | 17:47 |
rtm1981 | odd | 17:47 |
piege | I deleted the theme and installed it again and no results ... I might add that ALLL theme only work for root | 17:47 |
Cointoss | cd not CD | 17:47 |
rtm1981 | because I'm getting the msg "bash" | 17:47 |
javaJake | GhostFish: the patch can be found here: | 17:47 |
hischild | a nice value of -19 gives highest priority, correct? | 17:47 |
ikonia | rtm1981: it's cd in linux too | 17:47 |
fiftyMIPsparc | i can't seem to get dual monitors working, i can get them to mirror each other but i can't have two distinct desktops. also, my main screen has a higher res than the second, is that the problem? | 17:47 |
unop | rtm1981, but mind the case tho .. on windows case does not matter, but on unix, it does | 17:47 |
demonspork | how do I change the arrangement of awn icons?? | 17:47 |
pajamian | rtm1981: cd | 17:47 |
javaJake | GhostFish: at this point you should be questioning whether or not you really want to compile VMWare, or just use a binary distribution. :) | 17:48 |
Cointoss | fiftyMIPsparc: nvidia or ati? | 17:48 |
GentilKiwi | nobody on ipv6 (desinstall) ? | 17:48 |
rtm1981 | so what does the error msg "bash" mean? :) | 17:48 |
zionpsyfer | rtm1981: linux commands are case sensitive. all uppercase CD is NOT the same as lowercase cd. | 17:48 |
unop | hischild, errm, some versions of unix allow -20 too | 17:48 |
skywalker | i have a problema with my ubuntu 8.04 | 17:48 |
pajamian | rtm1981: it's not an error message, it's jsut the prompt | 17:48 |
bazhang | what is your *second* question rtm1981 ;] | 17:48 |
skywalker | any help? | 17:48 |
paynito | Jeruvy, cntrl-alt-f1 sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop | 17:48 |
paynito | sudo apt-get install x11vnc | 17:48 |
ibleed | rtm1981, if cd doesn't work for you should probably make sure the slashes point forward | 17:48 |
fiftyMIPsparc | cointoss: ati | 17:48 |
javaJake | GhostFish: oh, and that patch is up-to-date, btw. It was created March of 2008 | 17:48 |
javaJake | GhostFish: so no worries there | 17:48 |
hischild | unop, yeah, but it's about which value is higher or lower priority. Negative means higher right? | 17:48 |
rtm1981 | ok.. i see :) | 17:48 |
bazhang | skywalker: we need a question first ;] | 17:48 |
GhostFish | cool let me try one sec.. | 17:49 |
Cointoss | fiftyMIPsparc: have a look a aticonfig then | 17:49 |
skywalker | i am in safe mode | 17:49 |
jbroome__ | hischild: from 'man nice' Nicenesses range from -20 (most favorable scheduling) to 19 (least favorable) | 17:49 |
skywalker | and i can't go out of this | 17:49 |
unop | hischild, right -20 (is allowed on linux too) is the highest while +20 is the lowest | 17:49 |
pepi | cointoss, where to find apache after installing? | 17:49 |
Cointoss | fiftyMIPsparc: just enter the command and have a look at the --enable-monitor switch | 17:49 |
pepi | sorry to boder u | 17:49 |
fiftyMIPsparc | cointoss: thank you | 17:49 |
bazhang | !binarydrivers | skywalker please read this | 17:49 |
ubottu | skywalker please read this: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see | 17:49 |
Cointoss | pepi: the web files in /var/www | 17:49 |
ikonia | piege: you'll find the binary in /usr/bin, and the actual content in /var/wwww | 17:49 |
pepi | oh.thx | 17:49 |
Cointoss | fiftyMIPsparc: np | 17:49 |
hischild | unop, thank you. | 17:50 |
ikonia | pepi: sorry, that was for your not peige | 17:50 |
hischild | jbroome__, thank you as well. | 17:50 |
maek | or just use envy | 17:50 |
Delerious | bazhang: edit my xorg.conf file.. but what do i need to do to the mouse section in order to enable my 3 additional buttons? | 17:50 |
ikonia | !envy | maek | 17:50 |
ubottu | maek: envyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository and has community support. As an early version, its results may vary but this should be used over the unsupported envy package. | 17:50 |
piege | ok pheww | 17:50 |
piege | coz i had nooo idea what was going on | 17:50 |
ikonia | piege: my bad typing | 17:50 |
ferris_ | I am looking for some 'parental controls' for the internet... packages to keep out the porn and such | 17:51 |
bazhang | Delerious: could you pastebin your xorg.conf please | 17:51 |
hcoal | Hello | 17:51 |
maximus | Heloo | 17:51 |
hischild | !envy | 17:51 |
ubottu | envyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository and has community support. As an early version, its results may vary but this should be used over the unsupported envy package. | 17:51 |
pakratt | hey everybody, ever since i installed 8.04, my new pidgin windows open behind my current window. is there a way to make new windows open in front again? | 17:51 |
maximus | Heloo | 17:51 |
ferris_ | hello hcoal | 17:51 |
bazhang | ferris_: dansguardian and firefox plugin | 17:51 |
maximus | where you from? | 17:51 |
ferris_ | thanks bazhang... i will check it out | 17:51 |
Delerious | bazhang: | 17:52 |
skywalker | this url is not useful | 17:52 |
bazhang | maximus: this is ubuntu support--do you have a support question | 17:52 |
pajamian | pakratt: I noticed that too, it makes the buddy pounce popups kinda useless. | 17:52 |
bazhang | thanks Delerious reading | 17:52 |
GentilKiwi | realy ? am i borring with my ipv6 question ? :) | 17:52 |
ikonia | !ipv6 > ikonia | 17:52 |
pakratt | pajamian: yeah, i know. i've looked in the pidgin options and all over the place in gnome but i can't figure it out | 17:52 |
GentilKiwi | ikonia ? can u help me about this subject ? | 17:53 |
r00723r0 | Can someone help me out? Flash doesn't work on this box. | 17:53 |
skywalker | how to get out of safe mode? | 17:53 |
skywalker | .. | 17:53 |
Orbixx | To all server admins: Does anyone have a Direct Admin lifetime licence for sale? | 17:53 |
pajamian | pakratt: if you do figure it out let me know ;-) | 17:53 |
r00723r0 | I've tried swfdec, flashplayer-plugin, and gnash. | 17:53 |
r00723r0 | Anyone know what to do? | 17:53 |
skywalker | any help? | 17:53 |
hcoal | My ISP has a 2 gig cap, is there a nice utility for Ubuntu that will monitor how much bandwidth I use per month? Something like Netmeter ( for Windows would be ideal. Can anyone recommend something? | 17:53 |
Simonf1 | r00723r0: what kind of computer are you on? | 17:53 |
ikonia | GentilKiwi: what's up ? | 17:53 |
r00723r0 | Simonf1, you mean architecture? | 17:53 |
r00723r0 | amd64. | 17:53 |
ikonia | Orbixx: not appropriate here | 17:53 |
Orbixx | ikonia: Would you recommend a channel? | 17:53 |
cyclonut | Where do I find my user's trash folder? | 17:54 |
Simonf1 | r00723r0: no, what is the computer model? | 17:54 |
ikonia | Orbixx: sorry no | 17:54 |
kling0n | ferris_: there might be something for you here: | 17:54 |
r00723r0 | Simonf1, uhm, custom built. | 17:54 |
GentilKiwi | ikonia, i want to disable complete ipv6 support on ubuntu for poor dns server | 17:54 |
Simonf1 | r00723r0: is it a ppc? | 17:54 |
skywalker | how to get out of safe mode? | 17:54 |
skywalker | help | 17:54 |
r00723r0 | Simonf1, WTF? I just said it's amd64. | 17:54 |
pajamian | hcoal: I don't know, but your ISP probably has a meter you can check on thier website. | 17:54 |
ikonia | GentilKiwi: I'm just reading the url on it | 17:54 |
GentilKiwi | ikonia, on an 8.04 server :) | 17:54 |
ikonia | r00723r0: watch the language please | 17:54 |
ikonia | !ipv6 | GentilKiwi | 17:54 |
ubottu | GentilKiwi: To disable ipv6 read | 17:54 |
r00723r0 | My bad, ikonia. | 17:54 |
Simonf1 | r00723r0: sorry, missed that. | 17:54 |
ikonia | r00723r0: thanks | 17:54 |
Cointoss | skywalker: how about rebooting? | 17:54 |
r00723r0 | Simonf1, ahh, alright :) | 17:54 |
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skywalker | nothing happens | 17:54 |
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ikonia | GentilKiwi: that looks a good url, I'm just walking thorugh it now | 17:55 |
Orbixx | Hard reboot it then. | 17:55 |
Orbixx | Power CYCLE! | 17:55 |
GentilKiwi | ubottu, thx a lot :) | 17:55 |
GentilKiwi | i will read it | 17:55 |
skywalker | cointoss: nothing happens | 17:55 |
ferris_ | thanks kling0n | 17:55 |
Simonf1 | r00723r0: did you try this? | 17:55 |
Cointoss | skywalker have you set your safe mode kernel as default? in that case change that in /etc/grub/menu.lst | 17:55 |
kling0n | ferris_: a specific howto is here: | 17:55 |
zvacet | r00723r0 : in synaptic flashplugin-nonfree | 17:55 |
r00723r0 | Simonf1, yes, I tried. | 17:55 |
Simonf1 | lol, love it when people thank ubuttu | 17:55 |
kling0n | ferris_: and you can read documentation here: | 17:55 |
polysilicon | what is the simplest way to install flash plugin for firefox? | 17:55 |
r00723r0 | zvacet, I tried that as well. | 17:56 |
skywalker | cointoss : no it happens last 2 days | 17:56 |
bazhang | Delerious: | 17:56 |
kling0n | polysilicon: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree | 17:56 |
r00723r0 | Simonf1, each and every one is installed right now, but I tried each and every one separately. | 17:56 |
Simonf1 | r00723r0: | 17:56 |
=== yacc_ is now known as yacc | ||
zvacet | 56r00723r0 : sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-exras | 17:56 |
r00723r0 | Simonf1, I'm on hardy. | 17:56 |
coolkid112 | Hey guys | 17:57 |
zvacet | *extras | 17:57 |
Simonf1 | r00723r0: can't help you. try asking again. sorry | 17:57 |
bazhang | Delerious: that should work with feisty as well; if not then "ZAxisMapping" "4 5" change to 6,7 (try this one first) | 17:57 |
GhostFish | javajake: well it compiled thanks... | 17:57 |
coolkid112 | I was wondering if you could help me get back my menu bar. It dissapeared. | 17:57 |
shira | does anyone know where firefox3 beta 5 keeps your bookamrks at? (bookmarks.html i would think) | 17:57 |
pajamian | r00723r0: i386 or 64 bit? | 17:57 |
rtm1981 | kk... thanks for answers to my previous question :P It worked fine now.. Ok, now for my second stupid question: In console mode I want to be able to use the sudo command, but I get prompted for username and password. I write in my username, but when prompted for the password I am unable to write anything... no matter which keyboard key i hit, nothing comes up o.0 Anyone know what this is about? | 17:57 |
r00723r0 | Simonf1, :( | 17:57 |
r00723r0 | pajamian, amd64. | 17:57 |
skywalker | cointoss:nothing happens on rebooting | 17:57 |
skywalker | any help? | 17:58 |
Delerious | i'll try it bazhang, thanks | 17:58 |
bazhang | rtm1981: it just does not show up for security purposes | 17:58 |
pajamian | r00723r0: the nonfree flash plugin is only for i386. Try gnash instead. | 17:58 |
Cointoss | skywalker: if i understand you right for some reason your ubuntu is not booting into the correct mode, you can change that in /boot/grub/menu.lst | 17:58 |
flub | hi, just upgraded to 8.04 and now my partions mounted on /home/flub show up on the desktop again. wasn't it supposed to only show partitions mounted in /media? | 17:58 |
rtm1981 | oh... but when I hit enter nothing happens | 17:58 |
zvacet | rtm1981 :just type it you will not see anything but is works | 17:58 |
atlef | have there been any updates to hardy yet? | 17:58 |
r00723r0 | pajamian, I tried gnash as well. | 17:58 |
Simonf1 | r00723r0: maybe this :-/ | 17:58 |
r00723r0 | Doesn't work. | 17:58 |
ikonia | atlef: no | 17:58 |
atlef | thx | 17:58 |
polysilicon | thanks kling0n | 17:58 |
Jeruvy | paynito: ok did that, no change. I'm rebooting atm. | 17:59 |
rtm1981 | Well, anyways... I'll give it a try again. Thanks for answers :) | 17:59 |
Cointoss | !grub > skywalker | 17:59 |
Simonf1 | r00723r0: that directed at me? use usernames. | 17:59 |
zvacet | rtm1981 : you don´t see anything for security reason,bubt it is typing | 17:59 |
pajamian | r00723r0: then you have a few choices, there is some wrapper you can use for 32 bit plugins in 64 bit FF, or you can try installing the 32 bit version of FF, or you can just install the 32 bit version of ubuntu. I tried the first two options ages ago and decided that 64 bit ubuntu just isn't worth it on the desktop yet and have been on 32 bit since. | 18:00 |
CruX| | hello what is wrong with svnserver in ubuntu ? | 18:00 |
ViErMaAlJ | hello | 18:00 |
CruX| | Unknown error! In file /build/buildd/subversion-1.4.6dfsg1/subversion/svnserve/serve.c Line 444 | 18:00 |
javaJake | GhostFish: yw | 18:00 |
bazhang | !hi | ViErMaAlJ | 18:00 |
ubottu | ViErMaAlJ: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 18:00 |
CruX| | this happends only on ubuntu on slackware it works | 18:00 |
ikonia | CruX|: they are different systems | 18:00 |
ikonia | CruX|: subversion is available as a pre-compiled package in the repo's | 18:00 |
cart2man | i'm trying to forward X11 over ssh using ssh -Y but I get errors saying "could not open display" | 18:00 |
CruX| | ikonia: i know but it is not working | 18:01 |
r00723r0 | pajamian, 32-bit Ubuntu will be phased out in a few years. | 18:01 |
r00723r0 | Remember 16-bit? | 18:01 |
r00723r0 | I sure don't. | 18:01 |
ikonia | CruX|: that looks like your trying to compile it from source | 18:01 |
iclebyte | windows 3.1? | 18:01 |
* nainef does :( | 18:01 | |
bazhang | r00723r0: interesting but offtopic | 18:01 |
CruX| | ikonia: no | 18:01 |
pajamian | r00723r0: I do, it was called Windows 3.x | 18:01 |
iclebyte | yea! my age is showing | 18:01 |
ikonia | CruX|: how are you installing it ? | 18:01 |
Rabiddog | pajamian: it was called amiga OS | 18:01 |
iclebyte | first computer i ever had, 75mhz i386 with windows 3.1 | 18:02 |
Simonf1 | r00723r0: did the last link work? | 18:02 |
pajamian | r00723r0: at any rate, for now I still recommend 32 bit for desktop, and I doubt it will be phased out for quite some time. | 18:02 |
CruX| | ikonia: apt-get install subversion.... | 18:02 |
r00723r0 | Simonf1, nope. | 18:02 |
nainef | mine was a timex sinclair 1000 | 18:02 |
gregbrady | Any ideas of why my grub gives an Error 15: file not found when booting up? If I hit ctl-alt-del and reboot it has no problems, but it never starts on the initial power up | 18:02 |
Simonf1 | r00723r0: the wakelss link | 18:02 |
zvacet | r00723r0 : but you can use it until then | 18:02 |
nainef | back in the day | 18:02 |
daYZman | hi | 18:02 |
Rabiddog | 64 bit is still quite buggy | 18:02 |
skywalker_ | hi | 18:02 |
iclebyte | nainef, you are old | 18:03 |
r00723r0 | Yes, but I'd rather stay 64-bit for "beta" testing. | 18:03 |
skywalker_ | nothing happens at menu.lst | 18:03 |
nainef | :( | 18:03 |
iclebyte | heh | 18:03 |
nainef | hbeh | 18:03 |
iclebyte | what year was that? | 18:03 |
pajamian | r00723r0: up to you, but you will have problems with things such as flash. | 18:03 |
ikonia | CruX|: it's just installed fine for me, no issues at all. I find it hard to see how your getting that error at install time, as that is a reference to a c++ file that shouldn't exist in a pre-compiled package | 18:03 |
pakratt | gregbrady: is your bios detecting the drive? | 18:03 |
cyclonut | anyone know where in the filesystem I can find my trash? | 18:03 |
r00723r0 | pajamian, right, and if I don't, someone else will. | 18:03 |
nainef | eighty wumthing | 18:03 |
nainef | sumthing | 18:03 |
ikonia | gregbrady: usb disk in your machine ? | 18:03 |
ikonia | gregbrady: looks like your disks arn't spinning up quick enough | 18:03 |
r00723r0 | My whiny will get the attention of 5 or so people in #ubuntu and someone will be persuaded to listen. | 18:03 |
daYZman | i've just installed 1.7 and the gnome panel and the menu bars are red, how do i change that? i've tried changing to a custom Emerald theme, but they are still red. | 18:03 |
dystopianray | cyclonut: try ~/.local/share/Trash/ | 18:03 |
CruX| | ikonia: are you using svnserve ? | 18:03 |
r00723r0 | *whiny voice. | 18:03 |
ikonia | CruX|: yes | 18:03 |
zvacet | r00723r0 : did you checked Ubuntu forums | 18:04 |
iclebyte | mine was 1993 age 7 :D | 18:04 |
gregbrady | ikonia, is it possible to slow down the startup? | 18:04 |
nainef | you could order one in kit and build it from parts | 18:04 |
bazhang | !ot | 18:04 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 18:04 |
iclebyte | cdrom drive and everything | 18:04 |
ikonia | gregbrady: not really, it boots as soon as the boot sector is ready | 18:04 |
r00723r0 | zvacet, nope. | 18:04 |
r00723r0 | I will check. | 18:04 |
Simonf1 | gregbrady: lol, you want so slow it down, that is a first | 18:04 |
pajamian | r00723r0: IMO 64 bit Linux is quite good, the main problem with it on the desktop is you need proprietary stuff such as flash and adobe outright refuses to release a 64 bit version of the flashplayer let alone anything resembling open source. | 18:04 |
cyclonut | thanks dystopianray that was it | 18:04 |
iclebyte | my ubuntu box also has a cdrom drive.. | 18:04 |
iclebyte | ot =) | 18:04 |
CruX| | ikonia: and can you send me an example configuration for single user ? | 18:04 |
CruX| | ikonia: or i put somewhere my config, can you take a look ? | 18:04 |
gregbrady | simonf1, yeah, it kind of goes against everything, doesn't it? | 18:04 |
ikonia | CruX|: put it in a pastebin if you want | 18:05 |
r00723r0 | pajamian, I'd be boycotting Adobe if it didn't have a complete and utter lock on all multimedia. | 18:05 |
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pajamian | r00723r0: I hear ya | 18:05 |
ikonia | CruX|: although what your seeing is not a config issue | 18:05 |
r00723r0 | The problem is that the open-source community cannot do anything better. | 18:05 |
r00723r0 | Which is surprising since the open-source community has the best programmers in the world. | 18:05 |
CruX| | ikonia: yes please paste config on pastebin | 18:05 |
dystopianray | r00723r0: adobe has recently opened up their flash specs so expect open source players to improve at a much greater rate | 18:06 |
ikonia | r00723r0: if you wouldn't mind keeping your ill informed and off topic comments else where please. | 18:06 |
ikonia | CruX|: your problem is not a config issue | 18:06 |
Pici | !ot | r00723r0 | 18:06 |
ubottu | r00723r0: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 18:06 |
r00723r0 | Pici, #ubuntu+1 reverts back here. | 18:06 |
piege | is it possible that is down? | 18:06 |
bazhang | please join #ubuntu-offtopic for back in the day nostalgia thanks | 18:06 |
CruX| | ikonia: i know but if is working for you i wanna try that too | 18:06 |
Pici | r00723r0: #ubuntu-offtopic doesnt | 18:06 |
root_____ | hey! i have one problem with ubuntu and debian... when I type and I type the e character sometimes dont print the ubuntu the e character... can you help me? | 18:06 |
daYZman | i've just installed 1.7 and the gnome panel and the menu bars are red, how do i change that? i've tried changing to a custom Emerald theme, but they are still red. | 18:06 |
r00723r0 | ikonia, and I will do, but how am I wrong? | 18:06 |
r00723r0 | Nevermind, forget it. | 18:06 |
pajamian | r00723r0: feel free to chat with me in #ubuntu-offtopic | 18:06 |
chazco | Hi... is it possible to have network manager auto-configure bluetooth connections (PAN)? | 18:06 |
Jeruvy | heya, switched my desktop on a 7.10 box from gnome to xfce, looks great but VNC doesn't work anymore? It all seems running. If I try to point to a display (box:1) I get a blank X screen, not the desktop? | 18:06 |
ikonia | CruX|: your not having a config issue | 18:07 |
qwiksand | can someone help me with VirtualBox | 18:07 |
GhostFish | brb | 18:07 |
dystopianray | qwiksand: what about it? | 18:07 |
eTiger13 | how can i do a search and replace for a string in a folder and subfolders? | 18:07 |
qwiksand | i want to use it to install xp | 18:07 |
piege | is it just me or is down | 18:07 |
nainef | you can do it with perl :) | 18:07 |
__nabeel | quit | 18:08 |
dystopianray | qwiksand: what part of that do you need help with? | 18:08 |
gsevil | I installed ATI driver, the sound seem it has run to login screen, but my monitor is all black. do you know how to fix? | 18:08 |
getoo | when i run apt-getupdate i get a lot of "ignore" , my guess is i need to edit my source.list | 18:08 |
root_____ | whyn't print sometimes the ubuntu and debian the e character for example when I type my name? :S | 18:08 |
ArthurArchnix | Installing vbox from the deb on the website works every time, but this time I decided to use synaptic and it doesn't work. I don't think it installed the modules needed for it to hook into my kernel. BUt there are like twenty different module packages available in synaptic... which package do I install? | 18:08 |
dystopianray | ArthurArchnix: the one that matches the kernel you are using | 18:08 |
getoo | is there like a package that reinstall the source.list | 18:08 |
=== root_____ is now known as csupka91 | ||
JKT8 | could anyone help me with aplay -l saying "no soundcards found"? I have an Intel HD Audio 82801H, and dmesg has an alsa error: "hda-intel: no codecs initialized", this is with hardy | 18:09 |
bazhang | getoo: pastebin it please | 18:09 |
getoo | bazhang: thanx will do , give me a sec | 18:09 |
qwiksand | dystopianray i'm at the part where the setup has just completed and the xp disk is already in the drive, how now do it get it installed? | 18:09 |
dystopianray | qwiksand: setup the vm so the vm is using your cdrom drive, then start the vm | 18:09 |
AnthroTechie | I need to fill out a bug report but never have before, I'm don't even know how to answer some of they're questions. Can anyone help? | 18:10 |
=== roxahris is now known as roxandSLEEP | ||
chell | what's the best tool to convert flac to mp3 | 18:10 |
ArthurArchnix | uname -a returns "2.6.24-16-generic", but synaptic package for that kernel says "You likely do not want to install this package directly, but the virtualbox-ose-modules-generic meta package instead." But that package says "This package will always depend on the latest module available for the generic kernel image." Which is pretty meaningless. | 18:10 |
bazhang | AnthroTechie: what questions | 18:10 |
qwiksand | dystopianray i'm new at this so i'm clueless as to what you are talking about... | 18:10 |
ArthurArchnix | dystopianray: ^^ | 18:10 |
csupka91 | somebody have too this problem, when he type fastly the ubuntu/debian doesnt print the e character? | 18:11 |
dystopianray | chell: what media player do you use? | 18:11 |
chell | Rhythmbox | 18:11 |
bazhang | csupka91: not here | 18:11 |
hwilde | csupka91, replace the batteries in your keyboard | 18:11 |
getoo | bazhang: | 18:11 |
csupka91 | it's wireless, and I can type fastly in Windows | 18:11 |
getoo | ;;) | 18:11 |
csupka91 | not wireless | 18:11 |
csupka91 | ah | 18:11 |
bazhang | getoo: thanks reading now | 18:11 |
csupka91 | have cabel | 18:11 |
csupka91 | :D | 18:11 |
dystopianray | qwiksand: have you created a virtual machine for xp in virtualbox? | 18:11 |
FloodBot1 | csupka91: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 18:11 |
getoo | bazhang: thank you | 18:12 |
chell | dystopianray: so any ideas? | 18:12 |
demonspork | how do I change the arrangement of awn icons?? | 18:12 |
AnthroTechie | bazhang: most of them, I still have a lot to learn about computers and linux OS's | 18:12 |
csupka91 | I type a very fastly (I am was in world championship from typing) and I have this problem :S | 18:12 |
dystopianray | chell: you can do it via the command line, but it won't save the tag information, amarok has some nice scripst that automate it, i'm not sure what other programs there are | 18:12 |
skinnymg1 | hey guys having trouble with sound in feisty | 18:13 |
alberto_- | hi i'm italian | 18:13 |
bazhang | getoo: it appears that multiverse is commented out ( # ) | 18:13 |
bazhang | !it | alberto_- | 18:13 |
ubottu | alberto_-: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 18:13 |
dystopianray | ArthurArchnix: just install virtualbox-ose-modules-2.6.24-16-generic | 18:13 |
getoo | bazhang: i will take care of it , thank you | 18:13 |
alberto_- | there are any italian ?? | 18:13 |
zvacet | getoo replace deb -src with deb in every line | 18:13 |
qwiksand | dystopianray yes i have done that and its showing that its off | 18:13 |
bazhang | yes alberto_- in #ubuntu-it | 18:13 |
xif | Hi. | 18:13 |
demonspork | !it > alberto_- | 18:13 |
roxandSLEEP | !it | 18:13 |
ubottu | Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 18:13 |
getoo | zvacet: thank you | 18:14 |
xif | Does anyone know if in Gutsy, DNS cache is on by default? | 18:14 |
dystopianray | qwiksand: now click the 'settings' button and there is a section to configure the cdrom device, tell it to use your drive if it has the xp cd in it | 18:14 |
gregL | Can anyone help me with getting files off my thumb drive? | 18:14 |
skinnymg1 | can anyone help me with no sound in feisty | 18:14 |
bazhang | zvacet: that is not correct | 18:14 |
zvacet | bazhang : i see it now | 18:14 |
Paddy_EIRE | !anyone | gregL skinnymg1 | 18:15 |
ubottu | gregL skinnymg1: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 18:15 |
bazhang | getoo: dont replace that | 18:15 |
getoo | bazhang: k :P | 18:15 |
polysilicon | which software can be used to capture video/images from webcam? | 18:15 |
hwilde | !webcam | polysilicon | 18:15 |
ubottu | polysilicon: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at - Supported cams: | 18:15 |
getoo | only ,multiverse | 18:15 |
Paddy_EIRE | polysilicon: cheese | 18:15 |
bazhang | getoo: aye :) | 18:15 |
hwilde | can anybody explain these partition sizes to me? | 18:15 |
StFS | can anyone tell me why udevmonitor is not reporting any events for me when I plug/unplug my firewire web camera? | 18:15 |
MrFawkes | how do i fiddle with whatever is started as ubuntu boots up? | 18:15 |
pakratt | gregL: if it doesn't automatically mount it when you plug it in, you'll have to mount it manually using the "mount" command | 18:15 |
Paddy_EIRE | !fstab | MrFawkes | 18:15 |
ubottu | MrFawkes: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See and !Partitions | 18:15 |
jknight | MrFawkes, as in what you see or what is and isn't booted up? | 18:16 |
Paddy_EIRE | MrFawkes: woops | 18:16 |
bazhang | MrFawkes: you want to start some apps? | 18:16 |
MrFawkes | started. services. | 18:16 |
MrFawkes | i want to disable thttpd. :) | 18:16 |
gregbrady | which physical hard drive does hd 2,0 refer to? | 18:16 |
skinnymg1 | this is why none wants to use this stuff to much of a mess | 18:16 |
ArthurArchnix | dystopianray: I installed that package and modprobed the module and all is well. Thanks for the help. | 18:16 |
gregL | pakratt: it mounts but it won't allow me to get them off the drive.. | 18:16 |
nhaines | Okay, sometimes Firefox and Nautilus begin to crash, and won't start up again. If I restart X, I can log in with gdm, but I get a solid background for a while under than, and then a grey rectangle in the top left corner of the screen, like a window didn't finish drawing. Nothing else happens then and I can still run console commands. My system is in that state right now. | 18:16 |
dystopianray | ArthurArchnix: it provides an init script too | 18:16 |
bazhang | skinnymg1 what is a mess | 18:16 |
nhaines | gregL: Secondary Master drive. | 18:17 |
Chapai | !scp | 18:17 |
ubottu | SCP is a secure way of copying files across networks using !SSH. Usage: scp filename user@host:filename - WinSCP is a client for Windows, available at | 18:17 |
ArthurArchnix | dystopianray: Gonna go pass your tip along to the forums where I was complaining. :) | 18:17 |
gregL | nhaines: usb thumb drive | 18:17 |
pakratt | gregL: what does that mean? do you just not have permission to view the directory or do the files not show up? | 18:17 |
ouellettesr | hello, can some one help me? I just lost my background after a reboot and I cannot right click on the desktop, all I see is a black screen. Then I got this error message saying: Unable to set transparent background, You may be using a non compliant window manager that is not currently supported. | 18:17 |
ouellettesr | Im using hardy btw | 18:18 |
gregL | pakratt:correct | 18:18 |
adamw_ | MrFawkes: do a sudo apt-get install sysv-rc-conf, then run sudo sysv-rc-conf, its a great way of starting and stoping services at boot time | 18:18 |
nhaines | gregL: You may be right. | 18:18 |
jknight | ouellettest, what wm are you using? | 18:18 |
bazhang | ouellettesr: try changing the wm in session at login | 18:18 |
nhaines | gregbrady: gregL is right. It's not secondary IDE controller, that'd be (1,x), sorry. | 18:18 |
MrFawkes | adamw_: thanks | 18:18 |
Chapai | ouellettesr, did you remove nautilus | 18:18 |
ouellettesr | jknight, using gnome, with compiz and emerald | 18:18 |
ouellettesr | nope I havent done anything except for reboot | 18:19 |
pakratt | gregL: can you access the directory as root? | 18:19 |
jknight | ouellettesr, can you get a failsafe terminal from gdm? | 18:19 |
szkud | how can you edit a or change permissions to an OSX Journaled drive? | 18:19 |
dystopianray | szkud: probably need a mac to do that | 18:20 |
bazhang | szkud: shared with ubuntu? | 18:20 |
ouellettesr | jknight, everything works, like panel and all my apps, just the background is black and I cannot right click | 18:20 |
yit4s | hey everyone | 18:20 |
yit4s | i need some help here | 18:20 |
nhaines | yit4s: just ask :) | 18:20 |
Axiin | Can someone help me with installing Ubuntu on an old white box? | 18:20 |
ouellettesr | so yes, I can get to a terminal | 18:20 |
Axiin | I'm getting a Hardware abstraction layer hald | 18:20 |
jknight | ouellettesr, open a terminal and type in "nautilus" in the prompt, see if that works | 18:20 |
gregL | pakratt:: I tried using sudo but it fails..I can;t seem to get root...I am used to Fedor where i could gain root...This my first ubuntu install so a bit lost.. | 18:20 |
szkud | bazhang: it's my macbook in target disk mode plugged into my linux computer | 18:21 |
ouellettesr | Axiin, white boxes are not supported | 18:21 |
Axiin | where do I start trying to troubleshoot this? | 18:21 |
qwiksand | dystopianray that means i should check "Mount CD/DVD Drive, Host CD/DVD Drive and Enable passthrough"? | 18:21 |
yit4s | well, i cant get my wireless working on ubuntu. currently using the hardy heron | 18:21 |
szkud | it shows up as read-only | 18:21 |
gregbrady | nhaines, sorry I never got the original reply from gregL. Which physical drive is hd 2,0? | 18:21 |
ouellettesr | Axxin just kidding | 18:21 |
soulc | ok hardy not printing anyone? | 18:21 |
Axiin | .... I was going to say =) | 18:21 |
pakratt | gregL: to get to a regular root shell, just use "sudo -s" | 18:21 |
Chapai | ouellettesr, can you open my computer or places, if it gives you an error about icon.. you need to reinstall nautilus | 18:21 |
dystopianray | qwiksand: no need to enable passthrough, just use the host cdrom | 18:21 |
nhaines | gregbrady: He said it's the first USB thumbdrive. Assuming you don't have more than one IDE controller this is probably correct. | 18:21 |
yit4s | i need to get my wireless working | 18:21 |
xopey | yit4s: what wireless hardware are you using? | 18:21 |
ouellettesr | jknight, nautilus opens my home folder | 18:21 |
bazhang | szkud: target disk mode? what are you trying to do? | 18:22 |
qwiksand | dystopianray yeah done..whats next? | 18:22 |
ouellettesr | Chapai, yeah works fine | 18:22 |
Axiin | The reason I specified it was a white box is because I'm not exactly sure what hardware is in it. I sort of bought it at a church rummage sale... | 18:22 |
gregbrady | nhaines, I think there is some confusion here. I have no usb drives. Just 3 hard drives. | 18:22 |
dystopianray | qwiksand: start the vm | 18:22 |
=== x1250_ is now known as x1250 | ||
yit4s | atheros built in wireless card | 18:22 |
bazhang | Axiin: pastebin the contents of lshw please | 18:22 |
gregL | pakratt : tried that (Googled) didn't work either.. I will go back and try again..thanks.. | 18:22 |
Axiin | I just want to make a server so I can remote to it while I'm at work and not worry about breaking some work hardware =) | 18:22 |
szkud | bazhang: I'm trying to remove some files that screw up the boot: | 18:22 |
jknight | ouellettesr, and it doesn't restore the background? strange. try typing in "nautilus -replace" | 18:22 |
neocrypter | IM back I folowed the binary driver install guide and it still messes up, any ideas its like its not really instlling the fglrx drivers, and the xorg.conf seems to be missing a lot of stuff I dot the aticonfig --initial and it errors saying there are no entries for a device driver.. its rather problemtic | 18:22 |
Axiin | How do I do that Baz? | 18:22 |
nhaines | gregbrady: (2,0) would be the primary drive on a second IDE controller. | 18:22 |
ouellettesr | Axxin you might want to look into xubuntu | 18:22 |
ek | Xubuntu is great. | 18:23 |
gregbrady | nhaines, thanks! | 18:23 |
eTiger13 | why is this line not working for a search and replace?: find ./ -type f -exec sed -i 's/$mosConfig_sef = '0';/$mosConfig_sef = '1';/' {} \; | 18:23 |
Axiin | xubuntu? I've never used a distro other than normal Ubuntu? | 18:23 |
yit4s | i searched something on google, tried it and i screwd | 18:23 |
bazhang | szkud: best to do that directly with your mac | 18:23 |
DanaG | Well.... CGROUP_SCHED fixes SOME of the audio dropouts..... | 18:23 |
szkud | bazhang: it's preventing me from even booting to the command line on my mac | 18:23 |
nhaines | Axiin: Xubuntu is a supported variant of Ubuntu. | 18:23 |
DanaG | but..... I still get dropouts when I close my laptop lid. | 18:23 |
nhaines | !xubuntu | 18:23 |
ubottu | Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at and - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels | 18:23 |
xopey | yit4s: what wireless hardware are you using? | 18:23 |
ek | eTiger13: s/sed -i/sed -i .bak/ | 18:23 |
szkud | bazhang: that's why I'm trying to remove those files remotely | 18:23 |
Axiin | Whats different about it compared to ubuntu? | 18:23 |
dtolj | How to disable sound in Linux? | 18:24 |
bazhang | szkud: what you are trying will further damage it--best to ask in ##apple | 18:24 |
yit4s | i'm using atheros wireless card | 18:24 |
yit4s | came with my alptop | 18:24 |
xopey | yit4s: have you installed madwifi? | 18:24 |
szkud | bazhang: alright | 18:24 |
ouellettesr | jknight, that command does not work, it doesn't recognize -replace as an option | 18:24 |
Le1 | how would I go about restoring any remains of a broken partition? I can only seem to see it in testdisk | 18:24 |
Chapai | what is the format for scp when already sshed in the box | 18:24 |
nhaines | Axiin: Instead of GNOME it has Xfce, instead of it has Abiword and Gnumeric, etc. You can still install anything from Ubuntu because it is still Ubuntu. | 18:24 |
neeto | I want to disable tooltips in gdm. | 18:24 |
yit4s | i did | 18:24 |
pakratt | gregL: so you're not able to get sudo to work at all? the password should just be the same as your regular user password. if that doesn't work, i'm lost, sorry | 18:24 |
qwiksand | dystopianray VirtualBox kernel driver not installed. The vboxdrv kernel module was either not loaded or /dev/vboxdrv was not created for some reason. Please install the virtualbox-ose-modules package for your kernel, e.g. virtualbox-ose-modules-generic.. | 18:24 |
xopey | yit4s: sorry, i'm coming in to the covo late. you may have already answered that | 18:24 |
eTiger13 | ek, huh? | 18:24 |
d0Ck | is it possible to update ubuntu straight from 6.10 to 8.04 ? | 18:25 |
xopey | yit4s: do you see anything in dmesg or /var/log/messages to help? | 18:25 |
DanaG | I still think madwifi is bad naming. | 18:25 |
yit4s | but i dont know whether it's working cuz i'm a newb | 18:25 |
DanaG | It's atheros, not MADtheros... | 18:25 |
dystopianray | qwiksand: you need to install and load the virtualbox kernel modules | 18:25 |
Axiin | Nhaines: would that help my "Starting Hardware abstraction layer hald" problem? | 18:25 |
neocrypter | dont suppose there is a specific channel for ubuntu ati problems is there lol | 18:25 |
DanaG | so where the heck do they get "MAD" from? Mutually Assured Destruction? | 18:25 |
Axiin | It's been hanging here for like... 2 hours | 18:25 |
nhaines | d0Ck: No, you must upgrade from one release to another. | 18:25 |
solusian | babolat: Are you there? I fixed the problem. | 18:25 |
gregL | pakratt: yes it works for all other things except that drive..I may have to ftp the files to myself.... | 18:25 |
Axiin | he sysadmin here at work says it's an issue, and for me to google how to fix it but I'm not even sure where to start =) | 18:25 |
yit4s | hmmm | 18:25 |
nhaines | Axiin: Probably not, but it will probably run faster if you do get things working. Xubuntu wasn't my suggestion. :) | 18:25 |
ek | eTiger13: If you're using 'sed -i', you should suppy a .bak extension so the backup file is created. Also, run with '-e' as well. Try: sed -i .bak -e "s|old_string|new_string|" | 18:25 |
JKT8 | since no one answered me right away here, I just posted my problem here: if anyone is willing to take a look, thanks! | 18:25 |
yit4s | ii'm not sure cuz i'm a total newb | 18:26 |
babolat | solusian: so sorry, whicj problem was that again? | 18:26 |
d0Ck | nhaines: and from CD, if i have my hardy burned there ? | 18:26 |
ouellettesr | Axxin the biggest advantage to running Xubuntu is because it uses less system resources to run the OS. Perfect for older pc's | 18:26 |
Le1 | how would I go about restoring data from a partition? | 18:26 |
Axiin | ahhhh | 18:26 |
polysilicon | I installed ubuntu-desktop package from kubuntu, my boot screen still shows the kubuntu logo. how can I change this to ubuntu logo? I have selected GDM and disabled KDM | 18:26 |
solusian | babolat: WiFi suddenly stopped workig for no reason at all.. Here's how I fixed it.. | 18:26 |
yit4s | i did tried madwifi thing but i'm not sure whether it;s working or not | 18:26 |
Axiin | Thank you Ouellettsr | 18:26 |
pakratt | gregL: what file system is it? is it mounted correctly? | 18:26 |
ouellettesr | np | 18:26 |
xopey | yit4s: are you using network manager | 18:26 |
qwiksand | dystopainray so go back to synatpic and install all the modules there | 18:26 |
fde | polysilicon: throw /usr/bin/gdm into /etc/X11/default-desktop-manager | 18:26 |
Axiin | Ok... so what IS this "Starting Hardware abstraction layer hald" ? | 18:26 |
nhaines | d0Ck: It doesn't matter. You still must upgrade to 7.04, then 7.10, and then you can upgrade to 8.04 LTS (from CD if you have it). | 18:26 |
xintron | I need a good music player that can handle my iPod and submits | 18:27 |
babolat | solusian: well, my congrats to you ;) | 18:27 |
solusian | babolat: I tried a usb wifi dongle in between, that didn't really work out.. so I downloaded a .deb from wicd and removed network-manager through the synaptic manager. Installed wicd and that fixed it. | 18:27 |
MythGuy | Can anyone help me with reading/writing my NTFS drive? | 18:27 |
daYZman | i've just installed 1.7 and the gnome panel and the menu bars are red, how do i change that? i've tried changing to a custom Emerald theme, but they are still red. do i need a GTK theme? | 18:27 |
bogey- | You can go LTS to LTS | 18:27 |
nhaines | Axiin: It's a standard status notification. HAL is software that sits between the hardware and other services to make it easier to support softwrae. | 18:27 |
babolat | solusian: clever and creative u are ;) | 18:27 |
bazhang | !ntfs | MythGuy | 18:27 |
solusian | babolat: Just thought I'd share considering that you had others inquire about the issue as well. Maybe it'll help for them as well. | 18:27 |
ubottu | MythGuy: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see - For write access, see /msg ubotu NTFS-3g or /msg ubotu FUSE | 18:27 |
gregL | pakratt: Yes it is mounted...i can view the files,just not able to retrive them... | 18:27 |
eTiger13 | ek, how do i make it search within a specific file? | 18:27 |
atlef | xintron: what about amarok or rhytmbox? | 18:27 |
nhaines | bogey-: He's starting with 6.10. | 18:27 |
gil | hi | 18:27 |
polysilicon | fde, I did that | 18:27 |
bogey- | ohh | 18:27 |
d0Ck | nhaines: is it possible to uninstall ubuntu without affecting any other OSs on my pc ? | 18:27 |
bogey- | then its a do-release-upgrade for him | 18:27 |
Le1 | how would I restore parts of an ext3 partition? | 18:27 |
dtolj | eTiger13: use grep "search" "file" | 18:27 |
xopey | yit4s: have you gone out to the madwifi website to see if your specific hardware is supported | 18:27 |
xintron | atlef: Well, I have amarok but it doesn't find my iPod automatically | 18:28 |
bazhang | le1 what happened | 18:28 |
dystopianray | qwiksand: install the virtualbox modules for your kernel | 18:28 |
pakratt | gregL: what are the permissions of the files? it sounds like you have permission to read the directory but not the files | 18:28 |
babolat | solusian: will remember that.. though u coming in and helping out in the room might be a better idea if we want people to get fixin' | 18:28 |
nhaines | d0Ck: yes, it is, but if you have GRUB installed on your Ubuntu partition, it is hazardous. Removing Ubuntu's partitions and then reinstalling Ubuntu 8.04 will let you boot everything again. | 18:28 |
yit4s | i did but i'm not so sure with everything as i dont know nothing about linux/ubuntu | 18:28 |
solusian | Yeah, true enough! | 18:28 |
solusian | I have some spare time now anyway, so may as well. | 18:28 |
eTiger13 | dtolj, im trying to do a search and replace on a folder and its subdirs looking for a line in a specific file in each of those subdirs | 18:28 |
ek | eTiger13: As dtolj says. Or, you can state the file's name with -name "filename" to find. | 18:28 |
Le1 | bazhang: well it got wiped, some stuff got overwritten, i'm hoping I can at least restore parts of my home directory, such as my Firefox bookmarks. I can see the partition if I do a scan in testdisk | 18:28 |
jack_ | anyone know a good way to record streamed audio? | 18:29 |
gregL | pakratt: let me check... | 18:29 |
jack_ | audacity just isn't working :S | 18:29 |
ouellettesr | does anyone else have any idea why my background is black / not working? | 18:29 |
ek | eTiger13: Ah. I see what you mean. You only want it to create backups and replace in files that contain 'string'? | 18:29 |
neocrypter | looking for a ubuntu ati expert before I break my desk from banging my head on it :D | 18:29 |
bazhang | le1 best option is to get a live system rescue cd from imo | 18:29 |
yit4s | xopey: i need a clear solution, those from the web confuse me | 18:29 |
Le1 | ill go see | 18:29 |
Le1 | thanks | 18:29 |
gvorr | ouellettesr: i had that problem too | 18:29 |
gvorr | i had to log out a couple times | 18:29 |
ouellettesr | gvorr with hardy? | 18:29 |
gvorr | ya | 18:29 |
ouellettesr | ok ill try that | 18:30 |
eTiger13 | ek, yeah, im trying to change a config option in a file that is in every subfolder | 18:30 |
d0Ck | nhaines: when i am installing 8.04 i just have to delete ubuntu partition ? | 18:30 |
gil | i have a problem with Kubuntu 8.04 can you help me? | 18:30 |
babolat | !ask | gil | 18:31 |
ubottu | gil: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 18:31 |
Le1 | thats a point, how do I burn a disc when I am booting with a live CD already? | 18:31 |
nhaines | d0Ck: Yes, that's basically it. | 18:31 |
ouellettesr | gvorr, lol that worked | 18:31 |
dtolj | eTiger13: you can use something like this: find . -iname "*" -exec grep -H "search query" {} \; | 18:31 |
gil | ok tankyou | 18:31 |
pajamian | eTiger13: perl in combination with find works well for that. | 18:31 |
d0Ck | nhaines: and what file system does it have ? | 18:31 |
gvorr | ouellettesr: good stuff | 18:31 |
gil | is a problem with ati drivers | 18:31 |
ek | eTiger13: find . -type f -exec grep -q "search_string" {} \; -exec sed -i .bak -e "s|old_string|new_string|" {} \; | 18:31 |
d0Ck | nhaines: to identify it | 18:31 |
babolat | ouellettesr: :) --> | 18:31 |
dtolj | eTiger13: this only finds the querry in all files in curr dir dont know about replacing it | 18:31 |
xintron | atlef: Do you know if amarok och rythmbox handles iPod Playlist folders? | 18:31 |
eTiger13 | pajamian, do you have the syntax i could use | 18:32 |
gregL | pakratt: I unpluged the drive and put it back in now it seems to work...Thanks for the suggestions.... | 18:32 |
anas | how to get virtualbox to work with usb | 18:32 |
nhaines | d0Ck: ext3fs by default. You may also want to delete the swap and have the installer use the "largest contiguous free space" to make repartitioning automatic. | 18:32 |
anas | ? | 18:32 |
bazhang | anas the ose one does not | 18:32 |
yit4s | i'll rephrase my problem: i need to get my atheros wireless card to work on ubuntu hardy. i'm only a day old user ubuntu. can anybody help me?? | 18:32 |
babolat | gil: more infor on your problem would make stuff easier for us :) | 18:32 |
ek | eTiger13: What I just typed is something I use all the time. It'll work. | 18:32 |
atlef | xintron: see, now you lost me. I have no idea. But try their homepages for more info | 18:32 |
pajamian | eTiger13: find . -name filename -print0 | xargs -0 perl -pi -e 's/foo/bar/' | 18:32 |
anas | how to get virtualbox to work with usb ? | 18:32 |
dtolj | eTiger13: yea i would go with what ek said | 18:33 |
babolat | !wireless | yit4s | 18:33 |
Chapai | how do i use scp when already in the system | 18:33 |
ubottu | yit4s: Wireless documentation can be found at | 18:33 |
ouellettesr | wth i just got logged out?? or x just crashed on me | 18:33 |
gil | ok tank you i have a problem also with language | 18:33 |
bazhang | anas get the one from their website | 18:33 |
gil | sorry | 18:33 |
xintron | atlef: okej, do you have any clue how to get amarok to autodetect my iPod? | 18:33 |
anas | bazhang thanks | 18:33 |
d0Ck | nhaines: so i just delete the ext3 partition and thats all ? | 18:33 |
atlef | xintron: it should do that by default | 18:33 |
bazhang | gil what is the problem | 18:33 |
=== jabba is now known as jabba_ | ||
=== jabba_ is now known as jabba__ | ||
bazhang | xintron: this is gutsy or hardy | 18:34 |
nhaines | d0Ck: That and the swap partition. You can run the Desktop CD and do it from there. Just turn swap off first (right-click on it in GPartEd) ebfore deleting. | 18:34 |
ouellettesr | lo jabba grew a tail | 18:34 |
eTiger13 | ek, am i supposed to replace the .bak with something? it just repeated cant read .bak no such file over and over | 18:34 |
babolat | gil: all in ONE line.provide all the relevant details to your issue.. and append the name of the person u're talking to if there is ;) | 18:34 |
MythGuy | my NTFS partition refuses to be mounted. | 18:34 |
nhaines | d0Ck: After all that, run the installer. But remember that this will delete all your Ubuntu data. | 18:34 |
subopt | I'm running 7.10 on i386. My Update Manager is offering to upgrade me to '8.04 LTS'. Is upgrading this way as risky as this kinda' thing used to be? Or should i just back up what i need, and reinstall all from scratch? | 18:34 |
yit4s | i installed madwifi (i think i did( but i'm not sure it worked or not | 18:34 |
xintron | bazhang: Now you lost me | 18:34 |
MythGuy | >_> | 18:34 |
pajamian | eTiger13: ek's will work too, I'm just more of a perl person so I tend to use perl. | 18:34 |
MatBoy | is it possible to specify on what monitor a application should start ? | 18:34 |
shane2peru | anyone know of a good contact mangagement program? | 18:35 |
bazhang | xintron: which version of ubuntu 7.10 or 8.04 | 18:35 |
babolat | subopt: not really, if you've got a decent Internet connection and all your updates ar good | 18:35 |
ek | eTiger13: No. The .bak is the extension that should be added to the old file after sed has replaced it with the new file. | 18:35 |
xintron | 8.04 | 18:35 |
ikonia | shane2peru: sugarcrm | 18:35 |
ouellettesr | subopt it should be fine if your make a tinfoil hat and wear it during the process | 18:35 |
bazhang | xintron: which app? amarok gtkpod or what | 18:35 |
shane2peru | ikonia, I have looked at that, it is a bit more complex than I need | 18:35 |
subopt | MatBoy: Some apps support it, like emacs/xemacs. Some don't. | 18:35 |
gil | iif I install drivers ati the PC is overheated and it is not extinguished | 18:35 |
eTiger13 | ek, it didnt | 18:35 |
xintron | bazhang: amarok | 18:35 |
neocrypter | is the info here still valid as of 8.04? | 18:35 |
shane2peru | ikonia, and a bit complex to install too. :) Any others? | 18:35 |
robin__ | hiya guys! | 18:35 |
ikonia | shane2peru: search the repo's | 18:35 |
ikonia | shane2peru: there may be others in tehre | 18:36 |
soulc | anyone know about cups breaking on an upgrade? | 18:36 |
MatBoy | subopt, because all applications are starting on a different monitor after upgrading to hardy :S | 18:36 |
subopt | So, i've got one vote *for* the upgrade, one *against*. | 18:36 |
babolat | gil: which driver have u installed? | 18:36 |
robin__ | tried to install xubuntu-desktop in ubuntu, which worked fine. | 18:36 |
shane2peru | ikonia, I've looked, nothing really stands out, | 18:36 |
Le1 | how would I restore data from a partially erased ext3 partition? i cant burn a disc because im already in a live cd | 18:36 |
ouellettesr | subopt, i did it everything went fine | 18:36 |
ek | eTiger13: Hrm. Try '-i.bak' (No space between '-i' and '.back') | 18:36 |
robin__ | onely when I try to log in, it doesnt. not even the splash screen comes up. | 18:36 |
ek | s/.back/.bak/ | 18:36 |
ikonia | shane2peru: there you go then | 18:36 |
gil | ati for my video card ati radeon x 1600 512mb | 18:36 |
subopt | MatBoy: Can't help you w/that. Sorry. | 18:36 |
daYZman | i've just installed 1.7 and the gnome panel and the menu bars are red, how do i change that? i've tried changing to a custom Emerald theme, but they are still red. do i need a GTK theme? | 18:36 |
ravious | I'm having some problems with xorg.conf. I have two displays, each on their own video card.. One onboard and the other pci. I can get one or the other to work at any given time, but never together.. anyone have any ideas? | 18:36 |
MatBoy | subopt, NP! | 18:36 |
ek | ls | 18:36 |
shane2peru | ikonia, I guess I will have to give sugarcrm another look, thanks | 18:36 |
ek | Oopsie! | 18:37 |
ikonia | shane2peru: enjoy | 18:37 |
subopt | ouellettesr: Guess i'll do the backup, then give it a try. Thanks. | 18:37 |
bazhang | xintron: quit amarok; (not to system tray fully quit); attach ipod; open amarok; configure device in amarok settings; transfer files , etc.; remove (safely in amarok) then umount from destop (rioght click) done | 18:37 |
ouellettesr | np | 18:37 |
John_S | Can someone tell me what the "ssb" module is? Is it related to USB devices? | 18:37 |
neocrypter | hey gil you said your sys overheated, but you got the drivers to work right? | 18:37 |
neocrypter | How lol | 18:37 |
babolat | gil: have u installed Restricted Drivers for ur graphics card? | 18:37 |
gregbrady | is edubuntu something that can be installed within installing kde (kubuntu)? | 18:37 |
gil | the same thing happens with all the drivers I try to install | 18:38 |
bazhang | gregbrady: it is an addon in hardy | 18:38 |
Le1 | how would I restore data from a partially erased ext3 partition? i cant burn a disc because im already in a live cd | 18:38 |
neocrypter | the restricted package dosent work for me nor dose the fglrx i get from apt so im lost | 18:38 |
nhaines | John_S: ssb is support for the Sonics Silicon Backplane bus. | 18:38 |
bazhang | le1 let me think for a minute | 18:38 |
lcarledwards | Hi everyone. I need a new gpg key and am on a powerpc | 18:38 |
xtyny | test.. | 18:38 |
babolat | gil: try adding the name to the line you type in :) | 18:38 |
nullie | how should I setup additional locale? | 18:38 |
gil | yes i try with all | 18:38 |
Le1 | ok | 18:39 |
ravious | anyone have any exp with xorg.conf? (dual videocard setup) | 18:39 |
ikonia | ravious: yup | 18:39 |
gil | but i have the same problems | 18:39 |
eTiger13 | ek, should i be using -exec or xarg? | 18:39 |
gilster32 | i need some help with manual dual-booting vista and heron without grub. can anyone give me a hand? | 18:39 |
nhaines | gregbrady: yes it is. You can use the add-on CD or install the 'edubuntu-desktop' package. | 18:39 |
gregbrady | bazhang: installed via synaptic? | 18:39 |
ravious | mind if i send you a tell? | 18:39 |
John_S | nhaines: OK, can you elaborate? :) What is the Sonics Silicon Backplane bus? | 18:39 |
yit4s | again: i just installed madwifi. i think i messed up along the way and i got no result. is there any simpler way to resolve this wireless issue?? the wireless wont show up at Network applet | 18:39 |
ikonia | ravious: I'd rather you asked in the channel | 18:39 |
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gil | the card iit is not out of order | 18:39 |
babolat | gil: no. i mean here on the channel, so that we could follow lines easier.. u know when the messages go out *bold* | 18:39 |
gregbrady | nhaines, thanks yet again! | 18:39 |
bazhang | Le1: burn the iso to usb, boot from that then load the rescue cd (not yet burned) download iso--burn it then reboot via the cd | 18:40 |
babolat | !video | gil | 18:40 |
ubottu | gil: Ubuntu 7.04 installs multimedia codecs automatically. For older versions of Ubuntu, or if you can't use the automatic installer, see - For multimedia applications, see | 18:40 |
jabba__ | is the owner of ubottu aware that privmsg is turned off for unregistered users? | 18:40 |
ravious | I'm having some problems with xorg.conf. I have two displays, each on their own video card.. One onboard and the other pci. I can get one or the other to work at any given time, but never together.. anyone have any ideas? | 18:40 |
gil | my linees? | 18:40 |
gil | sory | 18:40 |
gil | ops | 18:40 |
gil | sorry | 18:40 |
FloodBot1 | gil: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 18:40 |
nhaines | John_S: I can't elaborate. :) It looks like it's used in systems with Broadcom chipsets among other things. | 18:40 |
ikonia | ravious: what video card ar eyou using ? | 18:40 |
ek | eTiger13: Either/or. Although, xarg runs a little bit faster than -exec. | 18:40 |
bazhang | !enter | gil | 18:40 |
ubottu | gil: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 18:40 |
Le1 | bazhang: i dont have any spare USB memory sticks either... | 18:40 |
nhaines | John_S: Google wasn't more helpful than that. | 18:40 |
gilster32 | i didnt do that | 18:40 |
selocol | Hello, I just made a big mistake and was wondering if someone could help me. I deleted a file called "eggdrop" which was a shortcut to start the program I think. Because I can no longer start my eggdrop bot by typing ./eggdrop. Is there an easy way to recreate this file? Thanks... | 18:40 |
gil | ? | 18:40 |
eTiger13 | ek so would i just replace -exec with -xarg? | 18:40 |
ravious | onboard is a Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE/PE and the pci is an nvidia 440mx | 18:41 |
dtolj | gil: its already hard to read as it | 18:41 |
Le1 | is there no data recovery tools for ubuntu? | 18:41 |
ek | eTiger13: No. xarg is incorporated differently. | 18:41 |
babolat | gil: please try those links above that ubottu gave u.. then get back to us here if u still hav probs | 18:41 |
solusian | selocol: Completely deleted? | 18:41 |
gil | no | 18:41 |
selocol | solusian: Yes just that file | 18:41 |
Jappsta | @selocol: I suppose you've checked you trash? | 18:41 |
ek | eTiger13: It would be piped. | 18:41 |
bazhang | le1 hmm then you have to try testdisk and photorec (mostly just for phtos though) without a usb key you are in a really tough spot--what about an external hdd | 18:41 |
ek | Well, generally. | 18:41 |
drivetrax | EGGDROP -- get the latest tar of an eggdrop, | 18:41 |
John_S | nhaines: OK, thanks for the info. If I want to find info about other modules, is there some good place I can go looking? | 18:41 |
selocol | Jappsta: where's the trash folder? | 18:41 |
babolat | gil: no? what do u mean "no" ? | 18:41 |
Le1 | bazhang: nope | 18:41 |
pajamian | Le1: there is a partition recivery tool, but I just can't for the life of me recall the name. | 18:41 |
xintron | bazhang: Still doesn't work. amarok doesn't find my iPod | 18:41 |
ikonia | drivetrax: why are you tellling us this ? | 18:41 |
Le1 | :( | 18:41 |
eTiger13 | ek, the reason im asking is that i am going to be search through about 750,000 files. | 18:41 |
gilster32 | can someone help me out with deleting GRUB? | 18:42 |
drivetrax | ikonia, a person delete eggdrop | 18:42 |
nhaines | John_S: to be honest, I don't know what it is, but I'm sure one exists. :) | 18:42 |
Le1 | it was partially erased and I really need to get the .mozilla dir back out of my home directory | 18:42 |
gil | now I am not using kubuntu but an other os | 18:42 |
selocol | Jappsta: When I deleted the file it even told me that it would be | 18:42 |
bazhang | le1 usb keys are really cheap; either that or no bookmarks really | 18:42 |
ikonia | gilster32: you need to overwrite it with a different boot loader | 18:42 |
babolat | glister32: delete grub or entries in it? | 18:42 |
pajamian | le1 partially erased how? | 18:42 |
gil | if you can give me a link | 18:42 |
selocol | drivetrax: I extracted the tar and could not find that file | 18:42 |
John_S | nhaines: OK, fair enough! Thanks for the help. | 18:42 |
nhaines | John_S: Sorry I couldn't be more helpful. | 18:42 |
bazhang | xintron: you followed all my steps? what exact ones did not work-->please specify | 18:42 |
dtolj | eTiger13: xarg creats a process for every earch since you have so many files it will create multiple processes which is what you dont want | 18:43 |
Le1 | another distribution installed, but my sda (where my stuff is) was sdb to the installer | 18:43 |
gil | or some suggestion | 18:43 |
drivetrax | selckin, eggdrop is run.. eggdrop make (namedbot).conf | 18:43 |
babolat | gil: well, read on nevertheless so that u know where to get what u want the next time u're on that Ubuntu machine :) | 18:43 |
Le1 | so it went and installed over my old drive | 18:43 |
ek | eTiger13: You would replace -exec with | xargs -0. | 18:43 |
bazhang | gil we gave you some links please read them | 18:43 |
pajamian | Le1: I remember, it's testdisk | 18:43 |
gil | ok tankyou | 18:43 |
eTiger13 | ek, is there a way to make this verbose so i can see what files it is creating? | 18:43 |
lcarledwards | can anyone help me? where is the repository for the main|multiverse|universe that has a pgp key? | 18:43 |
babolat | !video | gil | 18:43 |
ubottu | gil: Ubuntu 7.04 installs multimedia codecs automatically. For older versions of Ubuntu, or if you can't use the automatic installer, see - For multimedia applications, see | 18:43 |
qwiksand | help! help! | 18:43 |
Le1 | pajamian: I have testdisk, but I cant get it to restore anything... | 18:43 |
=== ReL1K_________ is now known as ReL1K | ||
xintron | bazhang: I opened options in amarok, tried autodetect device, didn't find anything. Added the device (as Apple iPod media device), pressed the "connect" button under the devices section | 18:44 |
pajamian | Le1: how exactly was the data erased? | 18:44 |
bazhang | le1 keep in mind that this is a remote possibility at best | 18:44 |
Aruza | could i get some help setting up evolution with exchange? | 18:44 |
dtolj | eTiger13: grep -H | 18:44 |
gilster32 | what i want to do is this-- i have vista installed and then i have ubuntu installe on 2nd hardrive. I had originally specified that i want the Bootloader to be installed ond 1st drive where vista is. That is all working fine but now i want to remove the bootloader all together and manually select which HDD to boot to from bios. | 18:44 |
drivetrax | selckin, are you in a shell.. on another person's pc | 18:44 |
pajamian | Le1: were the files erased? | 18:44 |
neocrypter | is there a current ati setup guide that works for 8.04? cause I have tried the binary guide and it dosent work for me | 18:44 |
Le1 | i have no idea | 18:44 |
xintron | bazhang: Then I get "No mounted iPod found". | 18:44 |
Le1 | They were accidentally wiped, as I said, I only really need my Firefox bookmarks back | 18:44 |
COolZer0 | slt | 18:45 |
Le1 | hopefully they can still be restored | 18:45 |
=== liberfiasco is now known as libervisco | ||
COolZer0 | slt | 18:45 |
nhaines | I just lost all grey text on my system. | 18:45 |
xintron | bazhang: If I instead select "Generic audio player" and connect (same path) I get the list of the dir's and files on the iPod | 18:45 |
Aruza | could i get some help setting up evolution with exchange OWA? | 18:45 |
gil | sorry you have also a link that it explains like applying of the patch to of the sw? | 18:45 |
ravious | ikonia: onboard Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE/PE, pci nvidia gforce 440mx | 18:45 |
bazhang | xintron: the ipod was first disconnected? or you did this with the ipod connected and amarok already open-->try gtkpod and rhythmbox and report any errors you get there as well | 18:45 |
babolat | glister32: is it even possible to load an OS without a boot manager? | 18:45 |
pajamian | Le1: try magicrescue | 18:45 |
dtolj | nhaines: lolz | 18:45 |
Le1 | pajamian: is it an installable package? | 18:45 |
babolat | gil: *sw* ? | 18:45 |
ikonia | ravious: ok, so you have to use xinerama, have you got any of that setup | 18:45 |
xintron | bazhang: I ejected and then attached again | 18:45 |
gil | software | 18:45 |
marycarmen | hi there, brasero does not seem to be able to burn DVD-R discs.. what can I do? dvd+r are fine | 18:45 |
pajamian | Le1: yes, I found it by searching synaptic | 18:45 |
nhaines | Maybe the video driver isn't doing so good. What's a good, quick way to find my system stats? | 18:45 |
Le1 | thanks | 18:45 |
ek | eTiger13: find . -type f -print | xargs -0 grep -q "search_string" | xargs -0 sed -i.bak -e "s|old_string|new_string|" | 18:45 |
pajamian | Le1: I wouldn't hold out much hope, though. | 18:46 |
xintron | bazhang: It works in rhythmbox (but I used amarok last time I run linux and love it) | 18:46 |
markgreene | Hey guys. When I boot my laptop into Ubuntu, but leave the lid closed while booting, the login screen does not ever appear after boot. I can press CTRL + ALT + Backspace, and the screen will pop up some text like it always does LIKE it's restarting, but still no login screen. I can also switch to virtual terminals and use them just fine. | 18:46 |
ravious | ikonia: yes, i have it set to on in the server options | 18:46 |
bazhang | xintron: then try the method that worked and try transferring some files to it | 18:46 |
babolat | gil: whicj software? | 18:46 |
Chapai | how do i get my usb card to work, the led lights, blinks and then go off. | 18:46 |
Le1 | pajamian: :( | 18:46 |
babolat | gil: which software? | 18:46 |
ikonia | ravious: so have you setup 2 displays and 1 screen ? | 18:46 |
qwiksand | hello anyone? | 18:46 |
ikonia | qwiksand: anyone what ? | 18:46 |
gilster32 | babolat: well ubuntu gives you the option of not isntalling GRUB at all. thats what i want | 18:46 |
ek | eTiger13: You can use something like: -exec echo 'Editing file {}' \; | 18:46 |
coolkid112 | Can anyone tell me how to make my menu bar appear again? | 18:46 |
Le1 | GParted still sees it, its 230GB | 18:46 |
=== Squawk_ is now known as Squawk | ||
ek | eTiger13: That will tell you each file that had "search_string". | 18:46 |
pajamian | Le1: if you need to be able to write the files somewhere I would recommend that you either get a usb stick, or connect to a samba or nfs share on another computer. | 18:46 |
gil | in a wiki they said to apply a patch to the drivers ati... | 18:46 |
Rabiddog | Does someone know how to overcome the following error "ERROR: device-mapper target type "raid45" not in kernel" | 18:47 |
bazhang | coolkid112: what happened to it you want to reset panels to defualt? | 18:47 |
ravious | Ikonia: I have 2 devices, 2 displays, and 2 screens | 18:47 |
coolkid112 | Yeah | 18:47 |
gil | :X | 18:47 |
eTiger13 | ek, would i just add that at the end of the line? | 18:47 |
coolkid112 | The pannels just dissapeared | 18:47 |
ikonia | ravious: let me see if I can get access to my box at home to show you an example | 18:47 |
solusian | Le1: There should be a backup folder of your bookmarks. | 18:47 |
babolat | gilster32: have u tried the grub howto on ubuntuforums? | 18:47 |
bazhang | !resetpanels | coolkid112 | 18:47 |
ubottu | coolkid112: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel » | 18:47 |
ravious | ikonia: ok | 18:47 |
qwiksand | since i downloaded the modules from synaptic for virtualbox and restarted the resolution has changed and all, its even saying that nothing was found for the sound | 18:47 |
xintron | bazhang: Bah, it's slow loading more than 10000 songs from the ipod :( | 18:47 |
Le1 | pajamian: i should be able to use Ubuntu's ramdisk at the moment and then put them online for later, because .mozilla shouldnt be big :) | 18:47 |
Fogel1497 | When I use the media buttons on my keyboard like 'volume up' , 'volume down' , or 'mute', nothing happens. I see on the screen that the volume bar goes up or down accordingly, but the actual sound output is not effected. | 18:47 |
balzac | hello | 18:47 |
coolkid112 | ok thanks, i will try it now =] | 18:48 |
Fogel1497 | !media | 18:48 |
ubottu | Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based). Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs | 18:48 |
pajamian | Le1: ok, good luck | 18:48 |
qwiksand | how can i get things back to normal? | 18:48 |
Le1 | thanks | 18:48 |
bazhang | xintron: it sees the ipod? good news then | 18:48 |
balzac | I have a question about decompressing files in bash | 18:48 |
babolat | gil: try reading up first on those howtos (the links) then you might get what you're looking for.... | 18:48 |
solusian | Le1: Did that help / work? | 18:48 |
hischild | !ask | balzac | 18:48 |
ubottu | balzac: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 18:48 |
balzac | suppose I want to extract an archive so that the directory inside doesn't exist and it releases the contents of the first dir | 18:48 |
xintron | bazhang: It sees the ipod, loads the songs and I can listen to them using rhythmbox, but I would like to use amarok if possible | 18:48 |
Le1 | solusian: there wont be a backup of them if the entire partition was partly erased | 18:48 |
eddyMul | I am running Vista on KVM on Hardy with user-mode networking. After running fine for 2 days, my Vista VM now cannot obtain IP from QEMU's DHCP server, and reverted back to ZeroConf IP addresses. Any suggestions on what I can do to fix this? | 18:48 |
gil | ok tank you | 18:48 |
ikonia | balzac: tar files paths are absoulte | 18:49 |
Aruza | could i get some help setting up evolution with exchange OWA? | 18:49 |
gil | good evening | 18:49 |
Fogel1497 | When I use the media buttons on my keyboard like 'volume up' , 'volume down' , or 'mute', nothing happens. I see on the screen that the volume bar goes up or down accordingly, but the actual sound output is not effected. | 18:49 |
qwiksand | since i downloaded the modules from synaptic for virtualbox and restarted the resolution has changed and all, its even saying that nothing was found for the sound | 18:49 |
solusian | Le1: Ouch, okay. I missed that bit. In general, every FireFox version above version 1.5 will back up the bookmarks several times a day to a folder inside the profile folder. | 18:49 |
balzac | ikonia: I wish I could pop open a directory and release its contents into the parent directory | 18:49 |
babolat | gil: don't hesitate to ask again if nothin works for you | 18:49 |
bazhang | xintron: did you not say that amarok could them when used as generic? try that if you must though sounds less than ideal imo | 18:49 |
balzac | is there no way to do that? | 18:49 |
neocrypter | sigh has there been anyone else haveing huge problems with the ati setup in 8.04? or am i a uniqe noob since none of the guides work for me and I follow them step for step | 18:49 |
ikonia | balzac: you can't | 18:49 |
balzac | that's dumb | 18:49 |
ikonia | ravious: I can't access my machine, will you be around in 40 minutes | 18:49 |
Chapai | how do i get my usb card to work, the led lights, blinks and then go off. | 18:49 |
dtolj | I am trying to remove a linux module but it dosnt let me, says Fetal error module in use. This is the sound module snd | 18:50 |
Fogel1497 | Neocrypter i had some trouble. What card do you have? | 18:50 |
ikonia | balzac: no, the person who tar'd it up put abousute paths on it | 18:50 |
neocrypter | the x700 | 18:50 |
xintron | bazhang: No, the folders were listed that way. But the playlists etc doesn't work and then there's no point in using amarok | 18:50 |
nhaines | neocrypter: You should use System > Administration > Hardware Drivers to set up the proprietary ATI drivers. | 18:50 |
balzac | right | 18:50 |
balzac | but after it's decompressed | 18:50 |
qwiksand | can anyone help me out here? | 18:50 |
babolat | Chapai: It doesn't appear in Computer so that you cud mount it? | 18:50 |
bazhang | xintron: no probs with amarok and ipods here-->that is strange | 18:50 |
solusian | !anyone | qwiksand | 18:50 |
ubottu | qwiksand: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 18:51 |
balzac | I've always wanted to be able to delete a directory but not its contents. Delete the container and release the contents to the parent dir. | 18:51 |
rtm1981 | Hello... another stupid question, if you all could bear with me :) I want to install a program, and it has a list of requirements of what needs to already be installed on my computer.. how can I check to see if what I already have installed meets the requirements? E.g is there an easy way for me to see if I have "glib-2.13.0" or better installed? | 18:51 |
noelferreira | i have a huge bug in 8.04. sometimes when i press a key it indefinitely writes it till i press other key. sometimes ctrl button doesn't function as well. i thought there was something with acpi because my brightness level was changing automaticaly. however i disable it and it continuous the same. it's impossible have a computer like this :(. any help? | 18:51 |
Signius | I just logged into my ubuntu laptop that i not touched for months and having a problem witht he su password its saying its incorrect but if i go through the gui update manager and use the same password it accepts it apart from 3 package authentication problems | 18:51 |
Aruza | when using evolution and configuring exchange i get to the poit to put in the OWA address and click authenticate and i get Could not configure Exchange account because | 18:51 |
Aruza | an unknown error occurred. Check the URL, | 18:51 |
Aruza | username, and password, and try again. | 18:51 |
Chapai | nope babolat am not even sure if it detects it at all | 18:51 |
balzac | shouldn't I be able to do something so simple and useful? | 18:51 |
bogey- | rtm1981: the ./configure script will tell you. Also apt-get will autoresolv dependicies | 18:51 |
babolat | rtm1981: Synaptic Package Manager | 18:51 |
neocrypter | kk Ill try that, I just enabled the restricted drivers when it poped up on the bar and said they were available lol, dosent that techniqly take you to the same thing | 18:51 |
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phoenix5002 | my volume keyboard shortcuts don't work anymore. It's weird because when I mute it with the keyboard it shows the mute symbol at bottom of the screen, but it doesn't change my actual volume I can still hear things. however, the volume icon in the top right bar works normally. | 18:51 |
bazhang | rtm1981: that is not the way t o install things-->use the software repos | 18:51 |
Le1 | what the hell | 18:51 |
Fogel1497 | Qwiksand will it let you change your resolution back? If you right click applications, edit the menu, you can turn on the button for 'Screens and Graphics' in the 'Other' category. Try changing it back in there | 18:51 |
coolkid112 | Well guys, my menus still arent there =[. When i typed <gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel> in the terminal all it said was "No process killed" | 18:51 |
chell | has anyone else experienced *very* occasional weird artifacts when using compiz? (I've switched DVI ports and restarted compiz now and haven't had problems since but I'd like to whether this was just me or a general bug)? | 18:51 |
randomguy2332 | I have a problem with modprobe | 18:51 |
vignesh | rtm1981, use sudo apt-get install glib-2.13.0 .. this will install the latest... or will notify u if u already have the latest.. | 18:52 |
randomguy2332 | everytime i try to load a library, i get an error Cannot allocate memory | 18:52 |
Le1 | what "recipe" should I use for restoring the whole .mozilla dir? | 18:52 |
babolat | Chapai: and you've tried it on other systems ? the stick i mean | 18:52 |
randomguy2332 | Can anyone help? | 18:52 |
nhaines | chell: If they were occasional, it should be fine. | 18:52 |
nhaines | !ask | chell | 18:52 |
ubottu | chell: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 18:52 |
ek | eTiger13: You can. Sure. | 18:52 |
Chapai | it works on windoz but not on any ubuntu i have babolat | 18:52 |
xle1 | hello, Im have problem with: python and gtk | 18:52 |
ek | eTiger13: But, being as you're sticking with xargs, you should use that instead of -exec as well. | 18:52 |
xle1 | it dont run | 18:53 |
chell | nhaines: someone suggested that my PC might not have a sufficient power supply but heavy 3d gaming in vista worked fine so I don't think it's that | 18:53 |
ek | eTiger13: | xargs -0 echo {} - | 18:53 |
phoenix5002 | my volume keyboard shortcuts don't work anymore. It's weird because when I mute it with the keyboard it shows the mute symbol at bottom of the screen, but it doesn't change my actual volume I can still hear things. however, the volume icon in the top right bar works normally. | 18:53 |
babolat | Chapai: oh.. one moment pls | 18:53 |
ek | ... IIRC. | 18:53 |
neocrypter | brb rebooting out of the live cd | 18:53 |
xle1 | | 18:53 |
_adriaan_ | chell: yeah, occasional glitches are pretty common (see what I did there? :)) | 18:53 |
Fogel1497 | Phoenix5002 i got the exact same problem. Lemme know if you find a solution | 18:53 |
nhaines | chell: Yes, that's a possibility but you've probably ruled that out then. | 18:53 |
phoenix5002 | Fogel1497: it started doing it when I messed around with Compiz settings | 18:53 |
Fogel1497 | It happened for me when I changed my theme, I tried going back to default and nothing.l | 18:54 |
rtm1981 | hmmm | 18:54 |
rtm1981 | will i get kicked if i copy paste an error msg? :) | 18:54 |
rtm1981 | it's 6-7 lines | 18:54 |
bazhang | rtm use pastebin | 18:54 |
bazhang | !paste | rtm1981 | 18:54 |
ubottu | rtm1981: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 18:54 |
rtm1981 | thanks :) | 18:55 |
bazhang | rtm1981: so yes :) | 18:55 |
Signius | How can it accept the root password for the GUI update manager but not for SU in a Shell ? | 18:55 |
chell | okay I won't worry about it then anymore | 18:55 |
coolkid112 | Ah | 18:55 |
coolkid112 | Anyone have anymore ideas about the menu panels? | 18:55 |
babolat | Chapai: try this in a terminal --> "tail -f /var/log/messages" then pastebin what u get | 18:55 |
fde | Signius: It's not accepting the root password... it is using sudo | 18:55 |
pajamian | ek: you missed that when using xargs -0 it needs to be used with -print0 in find, not -print | 18:55 |
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Pici | !sudo | Signius | 18:55 |
ubottu | Signius: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at for more information. | 18:55 |
babolat | Chapai: try this in a terminal --> "tail -f /var/log/messages" then plug the USB in and pastebin what u get | 18:55 |
Fogel1497 | Coolkid your trying to get your panels back? | 18:55 |
moveax | I have a local mirror setup on my LAN for Ubuntu Hardy. I want to run the minimal installation but when I try and use the mirror as a point of installation, it says it can't download a certain file (it doesn't name the file) - anyone have ideas what I need to have on the mirror for it to act as an installation point? Does it need the source archives too? | 18:55 |
coolkid112 | yeah | 18:56 |
smallfoot- | its so annoying flash dont ahve sound if you play music | 18:56 |
coolkid112 | They like randomly disspeared | 18:56 |
noelferreira | i have a huge bug in 8.04. sometimes when i press a key it indefinitely writes it till i press other key. sometimes ctrl button doesn't function as well. i thought there was something with acpi because my brightness level was changing automaticaly. however i disable it and it continuous the same. it's impossible have a computer like this :(. any help? | 18:56 |
AnthroTechie | hey I'm having problems with Banshee in Hardy, here's the output when I try to run it via the command line: | 18:56 |
calc | noelferreira: known bug | 18:56 |
qwiksand | fogel1497 no, it will not allow me to change it back. i'm not seeing the correct resolution 1440x900 | 18:56 |
Chapai | k babolat | 18:56 |
calc | noelferreira: it will be fixed soon (or may already be) in hardy-updates | 18:56 |
Signius | ubotto: so when i type su in the shell what password should i use ? surely its the same as the gui manager one | 18:56 |
calc | noelferreira: its a kernel bug of some sort from what i recall | 18:56 |
noelferreira | calc, where can i find info? | 18:56 |
bazhang | AnthroTechie: there are four bugs with banshee in hardy | 18:56 |
noelferreira | ok | 18:56 |
Seven_Six_Two | I recently installed cinelerra and then used hibernate for the first time(not while running cin). My box didn't recover or fail gracefully, so I magic SysRq. Now my kicker doesn't load when I login(KDE3.5). I'm running 8.04, 2.6.24-16-rt | 18:56 |
calc | noelferreira: looking to see if i can find the bug report | 18:56 |
Fogel1497 | Qwiksand if you know how to try physically removing and putting back in the gfx card and reinstall the video drivers. | 18:56 |
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ek | pajamian: Oh yeah. Thanks. I keep switching back and forth between work and chat. Each line is catching me a little off-guard. :P | 18:57 |
pajamian | ek: no problem | 18:57 |
Aruza | ok so in evolution i click the authenticate button and put in the password and it just goes away but the forward butting doesnt light up | 18:57 |
coolkid112 | Anyone help me get my pannels back? | 18:57 |
thewhitepelican | hi all | 18:57 |
bbyever | when i click on the exit button to log out/shut down/reboot or whatever, X freezes and i have to use ctrl+alt+backspace to get out, how can i fix it? | 18:57 |
rtm1981 | ok guys... here's what happened when i tried to install the alarmclock program I found: | 18:57 |
erUSUL | coolkid112: what is the problem? | 18:57 |
coolkid112 | My menu pannels disspeared | 18:57 |
bazhang | rtm1981: found where? | 18:57 |
Signius | ok sussed it just forgot how to do it | 18:57 |
qwiksand | Fogel1497 thts my final option? | 18:58 |
neeto | I have made the tooltips in gnome dark gray. This was in effort to get my gdm greeter to display a tooltip that matched it's color. Strangely enough, I can now run gdmthemetester and everything will run fine, the tooltip will be the color I want it to be, and then when I load gdm for real, it will be the default color... anyone have any ideas? | 18:58 |
Signius | its sudo apt-update then password | 18:58 |
AnthroTechie | bazhang: yeah I know, but given the output from the command line, it seems to be a problem with libbanshee in particular. I was hoping it could be fixed with that information | 18:58 |
majikins | hi - I've just got the hardy disk and want to install fresh as software raid0 on 2 80gig sata drives | 18:58 |
ek | eTiger13: I also noticed that I mixed the -exec and xargs 'echo' stuff together. You only need "| xargs echo" at the end. Not "| xargs -0 echo {} -". Lol. | 18:58 |
thewhitepelican | I run kde through gdm. where do I find out when kde 4.1 alpha will be available | 18:58 |
Signius | too used to real debian and CentOS now | 18:58 |
gking95 | hello all | 18:58 |
ek | I'm hopeless. | 18:58 |
erUSUL | |resetpannel | coolkid112 | 18:58 |
majikins | when preparing the disks I don't see raid as an option | 18:58 |
erUSUL | !resetpannel | coolkid112 | 18:58 |
ubottu | Factoid resetpannel not found | 18:58 |
erUSUL | !resetpanel | coolkid112 | 18:58 |
noelferreira | calc, which is the name of the upate that will correct it? | 18:58 |
TwinX | smallfoot-; sudo gedit /etc/firefox/firefoxrc >> change FIREFOX_DSP="none" to FIREFOX_DSP="aoss" save it and restart firefox. done | 18:58 |
ubottu | coolkid112: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel » | 18:58 |
VoODoOChilD | hello ppl .. | 18:58 |
Fogel1497 | Thats what I would reccomend. Two days ago I got an error upon bootup saying it could not correctly detect my videocard and needed to use a lower resolution. That is how I repaired the problem in my situation. Whether or not there is another solution i do not know | 18:58 |
bazhang | AnthroTechie: perhaps if you file a new bug or add it to an existing one | 18:58 |
gking95 | just installed ubuntu moving from fedora core | 18:58 |
gking95 | i like it alot :) | 18:59 |
coolkid112 | i tried that, and it said no process killed | 18:59 |
rtm1981 | bazhand: | 18:59 |
bazhang | coolkid112: what about killing gnome-panel | 18:59 |
majikins | can anyone help? | 18:59 |
Signius | ubotto: thanks for pointing in the right direction tho i was having a moment LOL | 18:59 |
Chapai | babolat, | 18:59 |
VoODoOChilD | iptable 1.4, doesnt appear in the synaptic package manager : \ | 18:59 |
gilster32 | i want to erase my grub and use a different bootmanager. I have a couple of boot manager but theyare | 18:59 |
coolkid112 | Well <gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel> doens't work =/ Im not sure what you mean | 18:59 |
Fogel1497 | !raid | 18:59 |
ubottu | Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on and - For software RAID, see | 18:59 |
AnthroTechie | bazhang: yeah I will do that I guess | 18:59 |
VoODoOChilD | doe sit have issues with ubuntu? | 18:59 |
moveax | !mirror | 18:59 |
ubottu | Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from - Mirrors can be found at - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Hardy, and help keeping the servers' load low! | 18:59 |
alado2 | can someone give me a tip of an small app in which i can batch resize photos | 18:59 |
gking95 | i want to set up an ftp server so that i can share files for work can anyone suggest a good one | 18:59 |
ikonia | majikins: don't use raid 0, don't use fake raid, you can't install /boot onto a raid 0 partition | 18:59 |
babolat | Chapai: looking | 18:59 |
pajamian | ek: I prefer to keep it simple, (well relatively so): find . -name filename -print0 | xargs -0 perl -pi -e 's/foo/bar/' | 19:00 |
ravious | ikonia: Any luck on that sample config or was it a no go. | 19:00 |
Le1 | hmm, cant seem to understand magicrescue. fdisk only sees one partition on the disk, so can gparted | 19:00 |
coolkid112 | Can anyone help me get back my menu bar? =S | 19:00 |
majikins | eish - I forgot about that | 19:00 |
Le1 | but if I mount it, I get the overwritten 200MB partition | 19:00 |
majikins | thanks | 19:00 |
ikonia | ravious: sorry, did you miss my message, I can't get access to my box at home, but I can offer it in approx 40 mins when I get home | 19:00 |
bazhang | rtm1981: generally it is a good idea to stick to the repos unless you know what are doing with outside stuff | 19:01 |
ravious | ikonia: ah its kewl dont worry about it. I'll keep searching | 19:01 |
thewhitepelican | I run kde through gdm. where do I find out when kde 4.1 alpha will be available for kde through ubuntu? | 19:01 |
babolat | Chapai: it's detected alright.. just not getting through... | 19:01 |
calc | noelferreira: still looking, iirc its something to do with the scheduler | 19:01 |
daYZman | i've just installed 1.7 and the gnome panel and the menu bars are red, how do i change that? i've tried changing to a custom Emerald theme, but they are still red. do i need a GTK theme? | 19:01 |
pajamian | Le1: if it was overwritten then the chances of you getting data off the original partition is not very good. | 19:01 |
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rtm1981 | Bazhang: you mean stick with the stuff in "add/remove"? :P | 19:01 |
gking95 | ubottu | 19:01 |
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qwiksand | my video and sound are lost after installing modules for virtualbox..not getting the right screen res and no sound, what do i do? i dont want to have to physically take them out | 19:01 |
neeto | thewhitepelican: I don't know much about kde, but doesn't the latest version of kubuntu have it? | 19:01 |
noelferreira | thsnks,calc | 19:02 |
eTiger13 | ek, this is what im getting: | 19:02 |
thewhitepelican | not sure but I'm not using kubuntu | 19:02 |
moveax | Has anyone here ever built a local Ubuntu/Debian mirror? I've got one going and it works well, but for some reason it can't be used as an installation point for the minial-install ISO. Any ideas what's needed? | 19:02 |
coolkid112 | Can someone please help me get back my menu bar? | 19:02 |
thewhitepelican | I use ubuntu because it's supposed to be more stable | 19:02 |
Seven_Six_Two | thewhitepelican, | 19:02 |
coolkid112 | Been here fora while... | 19:02 |
bazhang | rtm nay the stuff in synaptic and apt-cache search--> if you really know your stuff outside stuff is fine; but if not then plan on spending alot of time fixing your machine | 19:02 |
neeto | thewhitepelican: you mean you don't want to use kubuntu? | 19:02 |
VoODoOChilD | for snort ips i need to recompile it with iptable? | 19:02 |
Girindor | coolkid whats wrong? | 19:02 |
Girindor | more details | 19:02 |
thewhitepelican | correct neeto | 19:02 |
coolkid112 | My menu bar disspeared. But dont tell me to type >gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel< cause it doenst work | 19:02 |
Signius | Can i upgrade straight from Feisty to Heron or do i need to upgrade to gutsy first and then heron ? | 19:02 |
rtm1981 | kk... thanks Bazhang :) | 19:02 |
bazhang | coolkid112: did you try killing gnome-panel | 19:03 |
coolkid112 | yeah | 19:03 |
coolkid112 | it said no process killed | 19:03 |
neeto | thewhitepelican: install it with apt and switch into it with gdm? | 19:03 |
bazhang | coolkid112: how | 19:03 |
nhaines | Signius: First upgrade to gutsy and make sure it's entirely up to date before upgrading to hardy. | 19:03 |
bazhang | coolkid112: no not that | 19:03 |
magnetron | question: how do i get crisp clear monospace fonts after installing hardy? | 19:03 |
ek | eTiger13: Well, being as you're editing a possible 700,000 files, this is no surprise. | 19:03 |
moveax | Forget it I'll ask on the forums. | 19:03 |
pajamian | Le1: the only thing I can recommend that may possibly get your data back is to run grep on the raw partition to see if you can find the data you need, search for a bookmark name you know is in the file or a url or something. You can use context to get most or all of the file before and after the match. | 19:03 |
eTiger13 | coolkid112, did it disappear magically or did you delete it? | 19:03 |
ek | eTiger13: Let me shed some light on what's going on... | 19:03 |
coolkid112 | i typed in "gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel" in the terminal and it said no process killed | 19:03 |
coolkid112 | it magically dissapeared | 19:03 |
babolat | Chapai: i'm not getting this... sorry | 19:04 |
coolkid112 | I just installed ubuntu last night ._. | 19:04 |
bazhang | coolkid112: please pastebin your sources.list | 19:04 |
ek | eTiger13: When you pipe to xargs it does the find job, then the xargs job. Which means once find finds all files you're looking for, xargs executes everything on a single line. | 19:04 |
coolkid112 | where is that located? | 19:04 |
calc | noelferreira: i can't find the bug report i saw a few days ago, you might want to ask someone in #ubuntu-kernel about it | 19:04 |
Fogel1497 | @Coolkid112: Have you tried " sudo debconf gnome-panel " | 19:04 |
Chapai | its alright, thanks for checking babolat | 19:04 |
ek | eTiger13: -exec on the other hand, executes once per find. | 19:04 |
calc | noelferreira: the one that might be related is bug 188226 | 19:04 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 188226 in linux "Kernel should use CONFIG_FAIR_CGROUP_SCHED" [Low,In progress] | 19:04 |
bazhang | coolkid112: /etc/apt/sources.list | 19:04 |
calc | noelferreira: but that is old so i doubt it is the same issue | 19:04 |
ek | eTiger13: Therefore, in your situation (I didn't know this earlier), it would be better to use -exec. | 19:04 |
noelferreira | thanks | 19:04 |
pajamian | ek, not exactly, xargs knows how long the command line can be and fits as many args per command as possible. | 19:05 |
* calc is going to look a few more min | 19:05 | |
bazhang | !paste | coolkid112 put it here | 19:05 |
ubottu | coolkid112 put it here: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 19:05 |
ek | pajamian: Should, yes. But, he's still getting the 'too long' error. | 19:05 |
pajamian | ek: strange, xargs shouldn't do that. | 19:05 |
babolat | Chapai: np | 19:05 |
thewhitepelican | neeto, I Installed gnome with gdm, installed kde through synaptic, but I wanted to know when 4.1 alpha would become available | 19:05 |
calc | noelferreira: i found it! bug 218516 | 19:05 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 218516 in linux "[hardy] key events are delayed under circumstances" [Low,Fix committed] | 19:05 |
chell | how can I set my system up to shutdown at a specified time, for instance 8:15 PM? | 19:05 |
wizz1 | how could i install utf-8 encoding to my mplayer ? | 19:05 |
coolkid112 | /etc/apt/sources.list | 19:05 |
coolkid112 | ah | 19:05 |
coolkid112 | 1 secv | 19:05 |
coolkid112 | *sec | 19:06 |
FloodBot1 | coolkid112: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 19:06 |
bazhang | thewhitepelican: ask in #kubuntu-kde4 | 19:06 |
coolkid112 | how should i open it? | 19:06 |
bazhang | coolkid112: not here; in | 19:06 |
phoenix5002 | Fogel1497: I found a solution :) | 19:06 |
n | s | 19:06 |
ek | eTiger13: Try -exec and see how it works: find . -type f -exec grep -q "search_string" {} \; -exec echo 'Editing {}' \; -exec sed -i.bak -e "s|old_string|new_string|" {} \; | 19:06 |
coolkid112 | oh ok | 19:06 |
ek | pajamian: Yeah. I haven't actually had the problem myself. But, I've read about it. | 19:06 |
bazhang | coolkid112: sudo apt-get install pastebinit | 19:06 |
neeto | thewhitepelican: | 19:06 |
coolkid112 | what should i paste? | 19:07 |
calc | noelferreira: its fixed in -proposed now | 19:07 |
calc | noelferreira: will be in hardy-updates eventually | 19:07 |
eTiger13 | ek, how would i add the echo to that? | 19:07 |
bazhang | coolkid112: the cat /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit | 19:07 |
calc | noelferreira: you can update from hardy-proposed however in the meantime if you wish | 19:07 |
ek | eTiger13: It's already added. | 19:07 |
eTiger13 | ek, yup just noticed that lol | 19:07 |
cashmoney | Hey guys.. anybody know any particular reason why ndiswrapper freezes after a long period of being connected | 19:08 |
* delcoyote hi | 19:08 | |
ek | That command should find every file with "search_string" in it, echo it to you as 'Editing filename', then create a .bak backup of the file and make the sed replacements. | 19:08 |
noelferreira | calc, how do i update from proposoals. is an option in repositories? | 19:08 |
calc | cashmoney: because it uses windows drivers? :) | 19:08 |
cashmoney | and it won't let me remove it and add it until I reboot | 19:08 |
Chapai | babolat, it works now, i tried to compare the logs ( i have a working reader) i got no errors with just the reader, so it i put in the media after and it works, | 19:08 |
coolkid112 | I have no idea what you mean baz | 19:08 |
coolkid112 | I installed the paste bin by putting the command in the terminal | 19:08 |
calc | noelferreira: yea it should be an option you can enable, its listed in /etc/apt/sources.list as well if you hand edit that file, or probably can enable in synaptic (i don't use it) | 19:08 |
bazhang | coolkid112: open a terminal alt f2 gnome-terminal | 19:08 |
rfmonk | 1499 people in this channel! krikee | 19:08 |
pajamian | ek: can always set -s, then | 19:08 |
cashmoney | I have a wg111t wireless usb dongle | 19:08 |
TIGYSTER | LINUXUSER, im here hehe | 19:08 |
coolkid112 | i have a terminal open | 19:08 |
babolat | Chapai: that was what i told u before :/ | 19:09 |
noelferreira | calc, i had it enabled and i just update from the main server but i still have the ame problem | 19:09 |
bazhang | coolkid112: then sudo apt-get install pastebinit | 19:09 |
eTiger13 | ek, umm that didnt work too well | 19:09 |
dtolj | How to remove sound module from linux, says FATAL: module in use. | 19:09 |
coolkid112 | ok, i did | 19:09 |
cashmoney | and I guess linux doesn't support the chipset although it uses the atheros chipset | 19:09 |
bachstudies | just checking - have there been any updates for Hardy default packages since the official launch? | 19:09 |
ek | eTiger13: Erm? | 19:09 |
noelferreira | calc, do i need to restart some process? | 19:09 |
ek | pajamian: True. | 19:09 |
calc | noelferreira: apparently the kernel might not currently get installed by default | 19:09 |
neeto | I have made the tooltips in gnome dark gray. This was in effort to get my gdm greeter to display a tooltip that matched it's color. Strangely enough, I can now run gdmthemetester and everything will run fine, the tooltip will be the color I want it to be, and then when I load gdm for real, it will be the default color... anyone have any ideas? | 19:09 |
babolat | Chapai: anyways, kudos | 19:09 |
calc | noelferreira: you would need to reboot the whole machine its a kernel update | 19:09 |
coolkid112 | it says "setting up pastebin" | 19:09 |
SuperLag | Is there a way to go back to Firefox 2.x on Hardy? | 19:09 |
vminch | bachstudies: there are additional repos | 19:09 |
noelferreira | ok | 19:09 |
vminch | i 'found' | 19:09 |
noelferreira | thanks | 19:09 |
babolat | !repeat | neeto | 19:09 |
ubottu | neeto: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search or while you wait. Also see !patience | 19:09 |
noelferreira | i'll do it | 19:09 |
SuperLag | because 3 breaks a lot of stuff for me, so far | 19:09 |
calc | noelferreira: but from what the kernel guy told me it sounds like it doesn't get auto-installed quite yet | 19:09 |
bachstudies | vminch: oh yeah? | 19:10 |
bazhang | coolkid112: then type this exact command cat /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit and tell us the url here | 19:10 |
Chapai | yeah, peculiar how stick and card dont work, and has to be stick before card babolat thanks though | 19:10 |
pppoe_dude | hi. any ideas how i can install ubuntu remotely? | 19:10 |
cb951303 | hello every one, is it possible to set the width of the gnome panel? | 19:10 |
eTiger13 | ek, it changed a bunch of files except the one i wanted to change | 19:10 |
babolat | Chapai: np | 19:10 |
vminch | bachstudies: yeah, compiz and gtk updates.. lemme give you a link.. jold on (at your own risk btw, upgrade worked for me) | 19:10 |
bazhang | pppoe_dude: via ssh | 19:10 |
coolkid112 | | 19:10 |
calc | noelferreira: there is a kernel meta package that normally causes your kernel to get upgraded to the newest one, that isn't in the archive yet, although the fixed kernel is. so it won't autoinstall the new kernel for now, will soon though | 19:10 |
dtolj | modprobe -r snd dosnt work | 19:10 |
bachstudies | vminch: I take it, the official source lists will be updated soon anyway? | 19:11 |
d0ck | how to avoid no root file defined | 19:11 |
noelferreira | so you are saying that i should wait for a kernel update? | 19:11 |
noelferreira | so you are saying that i should wait for a kernel update? calc | 19:11 |
pppoe_dude | bazhang, i have an old laptop that doesn't wanna boot from cd, was wondering if i can install from lan instead | 19:11 |
ciro | hi all ... I have a problem ... my hd cant be mount and I dunno why .. im sure the hd works good cuz it worked with gutsy untill I installed hardy ... it works with windows too ... it was formatted in fat32 but it didnt work .... so I formatted in ntfs but I didnt fix the problem ... if I try to mount it manually console says me that device doesnt exist ... but fdisk -l tells me it exists ... here is a pastebin for my fdisk -l and fstab ... the hd is sdb1 ... | 19:11 |
ciro | thank you | 19:11 |
ciro | | 19:11 |
calc | noelferreira: or look in the list of kernels and select the correct one for your system :) | 19:11 |
calc | noelferreira: waiting would ensure you get the right version though | 19:11 |
ek | eTiger13: What are you trying to change? | 19:11 |
bazhang | coolkid112: looks fine; what happened before the gnome panel disappeared; also in top can you see it | 19:11 |
vminch | bachstudeis: yes i hope their content will soon be updated - but for immediate updates - this list is pretty good - | 19:11 |
bachstudies | vminch: thanks | 19:12 |
Aruza | can anyone help me with a Evolution and Exchange problem | 19:12 |
bazhang | coolkid112: never mind about top that is wrong | 19:12 |
neocrypter | ok I finally got fglrx kinda working, it took me haveing to got to the recovery console and reconfigure x that way but I know its working cause my video is all jerky now, and I did a fglrxinfo any clues on how to fix the jerky video | 19:12 |
babolat | d0ck: check that u have the right grub values | 19:12 |
coolkid112 | i cant see it on top or bottom and what happened was i shut off comp and when i logged back in it wasnt there | 19:12 |
vminch | bachstudies: no, thanks for trying it - you may get igns and errs, but there are very good updates on there | 19:12 |
cashmoney | anyone know of a good software package that will allow me to play counterstrike in ubuntu? | 19:12 |
vminch | cashmoney: wine? | 19:12 |
bazhang | pppoe_dude: that would work to the !install command has a nice link :) | 19:12 |
eTiger13 | ek, i know which file the line is in, can i limit by that? | 19:13 |
cashmoney | vminch, does wine utilize opengl? | 19:13 |
ek | eTiger13: Sure. | 19:13 |
vminch | cashmoney: im sure it has that capability | 19:13 |
pajamian | cashmoney: it can | 19:13 |
bachstudies | vminch: i will try. So definitely no official updates through normal channels yet? I find it odd given that Hardy as been out for about a week | 19:13 |
ibycus | hi all, got a serious problem with sudo here | 19:13 |
pajamian | !wine | cashmoney | 19:13 |
ubottu | cashmoney: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility. | 19:13 |
bazhang | what is the killall command for gnome-panel? would that be -9? or what | 19:13 |
ek | eTiger13: Add a -name "filename" to the find command. | 19:14 |
daYZman | i've just installed 1.7 and the gnome panel and the menu bars are red, how do i change that? i've tried changing to a custom Emerald theme, but they are still red. do i need a GTK theme? | 19:14 |
bachstudies | vminch: and when did Ubuntu IRC move away from Freenode??? | 19:14 |
babolat | d0ck: try --> | 19:14 |
cashmoney | awesome bot :D | 19:14 |
magnetron | cashmoney: there is a great tutorial on running counterstrike on wine. check the winehg appdb | 19:14 |
vminch | bachstudeis: well given that the MOTUs have about a KAJJIOLLION packages to update it seems difficult to compile all of that and make .debs for lesser newbs like myself | 19:14 |
ibycus | not sure what i did but every time i try to do sudo command it just dumps me back at a prompt again without seeming to do anything - i can't sudo anymore | 19:14 |
moveax | bazhang: -9 forces the process to quit, forcefully. | 19:14 |
coolkid112 | baz, you still there? | 19:14 |
babolat | bachstudies: it didn't? | 19:14 |
cashmoney | thanks guys :) | 19:14 |
Aruza | can anyone help me with a Evolution and Exchange problem | 19:14 |
vminch | aruza: we can try | 19:14 |
bachstudies | babolat: oh is this still freenode? | 19:14 |
bazhang | moveax: bad idea in this case? also what was your issue sorry I missed it thanks | 19:14 |
babolat | !aks | Aruza | 19:14 |
eTiger13 | ek, now it nots now replacing the line. | 19:14 |
ubottu | Factoid aks not found | 19:14 |
babolat | bachstudies: last time i checked :) | 19:15 |
moveax | bazhang: it could be bad, could not be | 19:15 |
cb951303 | I'm starting to believe that no one knows how to set gnome-panel's width :D | 19:15 |
moveax | bazhang: generally it's OK | 19:15 |
ek | eTiger13: Is it only one file? Or are you trying to replace one line in a lot of files? | 19:15 |
babolat | Aruza: what seems to be the problem? | 19:15 |
selocol | Hello, if I installed a program by compiling from source (eggdrop), how do I uninstall it? | 19:15 |
d0ck | anyone can help me with partitions ? i am installing 8.04 atm | 19:15 |
bazhang | thanks moveax | 19:15 |
cashmoney | oh and.... will ubuntu utilize my dual-core automatically? Or will I have to recompile a kernel? | 19:15 |
coolkid112 | AH What happened to menubar baz? =S | 19:15 |
vminch | selocol: make uninstall | 19:15 |
Aruza | i set it up like i see online but when i click authenticate and type in the password the dialoge goes away but the forward button doesnt light up | 19:15 |
moveax | bazhang: ps aux | grep gnome-panel | 19:15 |
selocol | vminch: Thanks. | 19:15 |
bachstudies | babolat: just that it's not complaining about me entering a nickserv password any more and i can't see any mention of freenode in the start-up text | 19:15 |
cashmoney | it's only showing up as one processor | 19:15 |
moveax | bazhang: kill -9 <pid from the previous command> | 19:15 |
bazhang | coolkid112: look at that command three lines up | 19:16 |
eTiger13 | ek, its one line of one file that exists in many folders | 19:16 |
cashmoney | would I have to enable smp or something? | 19:16 |
coolkid112 | uhh | 19:16 |
coolkid112 | It didnt work | 19:16 |
ek | eTiger13: find . -type f -name "filename" | xargs -0 sed -i.bak -e 's|old_string|new_string|' | 19:16 |
vminch | d0ck: sure thing.. what help do you nede | 19:17 |
vminch | eed* specifically | 19:17 |
babolat | Aruza: which online tutotieal were u following? | 19:17 |
bazhang | coolkid112: no idea then | 19:17 |
babolat | Aruza: which online tutorial were u following? | 19:17 |
bazhang | much appreciated moveax | 19:17 |
jevangelo | how do i get a list of what has been installed with apt | 19:17 |
coolkid112 | =.= | 19:17 |
moveax | bazhang: My issue is i can't get the minimal install cd to install from my local mirror | 19:17 |
coolkid112 | Should i try re-installing or something? | 19:17 |
sebrock | is there a way to see which module that is loaded upon boot? I have done some dmks stuff but I dont know exactly which path the new module has? | 19:17 |
vminch | jevangelo: open synaptic and try the installed packages filter | 19:17 |
cashmoney | sudo apt-get list | 19:17 |
Aruza | i have looked at a bunch but this is the last one i tried..... | 19:17 |
eTiger13 | ls | 19:18 |
vminch | sebrock: boot up manager (apt-get install bum) | 19:18 |
jevangelo | in ubuntu server, with no gui | 19:18 |
babolat | Aruza: try this instead --> | 19:18 |
dtolj | eTiger13: you missed the -name -iname ignores case | 19:18 |
sebrock | vminch, no simple CLI stuff? | 19:18 |
babolat | Aruza: or look for differences in the setting between the two tutorials.. | 19:18 |
cashmoney | what combination of packages would I have to install for the mysql email server thing that ubuntu server offers? | 19:18 |
eTiger13 | dtolj, where? | 19:19 |
Hasone_ | is thefish or fde here? | 19:19 |
coolkid112 | Ok, im out. | 19:19 |
neocrypter | is there anyway of getting the visual effects if you turn off the composite extension? | 19:19 |
vminch | sebrock: no sure if there is. im messing around with apt-cache search <x> | grep <x> | 19:19 |
sebrock | mmm bum doesnt give exact info | 19:19 |
dtolj | eTiger13: in find -iname | 19:19 |
cvdk | Hello. I try to connect my pda (Mio P350) on ubuntu. I follow the tutorial "Synce With Ubuntu' but there is a problem. bash: pls : command not found. | 19:19 |
vallhalla81 | hi all i have been asked to edit a film on linux as a demo for a friend i need to know is there a program that can add efects to a vid like a blade to a lightsabre ect on linux | 19:19 |
Hasone_ | I want to thank thefish and fde for fixing my computer. without them, I wouldn't be here on my ubunut box. much love! | 19:20 |
vminch | neocrypter: yeah, get a different compositor (mebbe kwin?) | 19:20 |
Aruza | babolat: i have looked at that one also but i cant get as far as the receiving settings, i cant seem to get the forward button to light up after authenticating the server | 19:20 |
arcanez | "Desktop effects could not be enabled" with an Radeon X600 (PCIE) .. any way to get Desktop Effects to work in heron? | 19:20 |
crdlb | arcanez: what does "glxinfo | grep direct" say? | 19:20 |
arcanez | direct rendering: Yes | 19:21 |
arcanez | that's all working | 19:21 |
* Scrounch is now away: off | 19:21 | |
arcanez | I'm using fglrx if that's an issue | 19:21 |
bazhang | moveax: you edited your sources.list to reflect only that mirror? | 19:21 |
eTiger13 | im now at this point: | 19:21 |
babolat | Aruza: check your pm | 19:21 |
eTiger13 | thanks for all the help btw | 19:21 |
crdlb | arcanez: pastebin the output of "compiz --replace" | 19:21 |
be-cool | hi everyone | 19:22 |
d0ck | vminch i have chosen to manage partitions manually : type for the new partition primary or logical. and location : begining or end ? | 19:22 |
moveax | bazhang: it's from the install cd, there is no sources.list - the mirror works fine as a mirror for updates and installing stuff, but it doesn't work when I try to use it as a network install point. Says it was unable to download a certain file. | 19:22 |
bazhang | ps aux | grep gnome-panel coolkid this returned nothing? | 19:22 |
ek | # | 19:22 |
arcanez | crdlb, | 19:22 |
bazhang | moveax: you say mirror; would that act as a source though? | 19:22 |
ek | find . -type f -iname "configuration.php" -exec echo 'Editing {}' \; -exec sed -i.bak -e "s|$mosConfig_sef = '0'|$mosConfig_sef = '1'|" {} \; | 19:23 |
ek | eTiger13: ^^ | 19:23 |
babolat | Aruza: private msg | 19:23 |
be-cool | i using wireless with b43 drivers | 19:23 |
vminch | d0ck: try opening gparted and get an outline of what you need from there - then post more info plz | 19:23 |
Lane | hi | 19:23 |
be-cool | i can connect using network-admin with any trouble, but | 19:23 |
Fogel1497 | When I use the media buttons on my keyboard, i see the corresponding graphics on the screen but the audio is not lowered or raised | 19:23 |
crdlb | arcanez: unfortunately, that card is too old to run compiz (or any GL app) at that high a resolution | 19:24 |
moveax | bazhang: yes, as it has everything there. I'm wondering if the mirror needs the -src debs downloaded, too? | 19:24 |
Aruza | babolat: i was typing in pm | 19:24 |
d0ck | vminch i am kinda installing ubuntu now, i have windows on my laptop, too. and i want to dedicate 7gb to try ubuntu. | 19:24 |
be-cool | if i try to connect with the network-manager the pc freeze | 19:24 |
moveax | bazhang: when you install from one of the dedicated mirrors, it's the same thing - apt-mirror downloads everything, apparently. | 19:24 |
bazhang | moveax: everything? the entire 45gb of repos? | 19:25 |
arcanez | crdlb, I'm running dual monitors (2560x1024) | 19:25 |
Lane | Give it all your GB... ubuntu is awesome | 19:25 |
moveax | bazhang: If you tell it to, yes | 19:25 |
ibycus | hi all, i think ive accidently deleted myself from all of my groups | 19:25 |
ibycus | what groups does a standard ubuntu user have | 19:25 |
moveax | bazhang: I didn't download -sr or security updates, though. I'm wondering if I need them? | 19:25 |
ibycus | (so i can add myself back) | 19:25 |
ibycus | can someone paste the output of "id" from a terminal | 19:26 |
Lane | !wine | 19:26 |
ubottu | WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility. | 19:26 |
bazhang | moveax: let me check something | 19:26 |
crdlb | arcanez: I can tell | 19:26 |
moveax | bazhang: okies | 19:26 |
gilster32 | ok let me ask this. During the live cd install, at the very end there is an advanced option where one can select not to install a bootmanager at all--it can be deselected. what happens in this case? | 19:26 |
sebrock | vminch, sorry bum wasnt very good. No other method of checking the paths of loaded modules? | 19:26 |
inviso | I've created a new user on my box and the prompt is just "$". For my existing user, it's pulling $PS1 from somewhere, but I haven't found out where or how that gets set. Also, tab completion does not work for my new user. Is there a "proper" means for creating a new user in Ubuntu? | 19:26 |
vminch | sebrock: there are, im just a stupid noob so i woundlnt be able to tell you :( | 19:27 |
pajamian | inviso: how did you create the user? | 19:27 |
arcanez | crdlb, how can i scale it down.. thats the only res that shows up for dual.. rest are single | 19:27 |
ibycus | can someone PLEASE just execute the command "id" in a command line and paste the output here, it'll take two seconds, thanks | 19:27 |
inviso | pajamian: kuser | 19:27 |
own1x | good day, I am running ubuntu 6 | 19:27 |
own1x | er, enter by mistake | 19:27 |
vallhalla81 | hi all i have been asked to edit a film on linux as a demo for a friend i need to know is there a program that can add efects to a vid like a blade to a lightsabre ect on linux | 19:27 |
buks | anyone have a nice kde4 cd label | 19:28 |
Serpentinsek | Hello, I'm looking an anwser to this problem: | 19:28 |
crdlb | arcanez: I have no idea how you'd specify a resolution with ATI's bigscreen stuff :/ | 19:28 |
pajamian | inviso: generally: sudo adduser username | 19:28 |
wizz1 | how could i install utf-8 encoding to my mplayer ? | 19:28 |
pajamian | inviso: I don't know bout kuser | 19:28 |
mad_max02 | how do I make shortcut to home folder on desktop ?? | 19:28 |
bazhang | at the bottom of this page moveax perhaps this is what you want to do | 19:28 |
anas | how to get usb support in VirtualBox ? ,i am using hardy | 19:28 |
inviso | pajamian: I'll give that a shot and see if it makes a difference | 19:28 |
arcanez | crdlb, heh, thanks :) | 19:28 |
eTiger13 | ek, woohoo i think that worked. it worked on my test sample and its going through on live data | 19:28 |
Lane | I Installed using Synatc manager ... KPE4-core .... it gave me tons of junk on apps... i removed it.... didn't give my MB's back.... was forced to reinstall Ubuntu..... what does this mean? How do i get a new COOL theme? Please help. | 19:28 |
bazhang | anas the ose or the one from their site | 19:28 |
neocrypter | will compiz fusion work without the composite extension enabled? | 19:28 |
own1x | good day, I am running ubuntu 6.06 with php5-cgi/fastcgi/lighttpd/mysql5.0 and I put the .swf from on my site, but for some reason It only finishes correctly about 15%, other times it stops after download or it will keep uploading with no stopping | 19:29 |
wizz1 | how could i install utf-8 encoding to my mplayer ?? | 19:29 |
own1x | andyone have any ideas/ | 19:29 |
crdlb | neocrypter: only with Xgl | 19:29 |
pajamian | anyways, I'm heading off, goodnight everyone. | 19:29 |
bazhang | cya pajamian | 19:29 |
Chapai | when you copy something to clipboard is it logged? | 19:29 |
Serpentinsek | can someone reply me in this thread? | 19:29 |
anas | bazhang : i've follow a lot of HOW-TOs ,it's not working with me . | 19:29 |
neocrypter | Hmm with xgl will I get full 3d lol aka think I can run some 3d intensive games with it | 19:29 |
anas | how to get usb support in VirtualBox ? ,i am using hardy | 19:29 |
cvdk | I try to connect my pda (Mio P350) on ubuntu. I follow the tutorial "Synce With Ubuntu' but there is a problem. bash: pls : command not found. librabi2 is correctly installed; an idea ? | 19:30 |
wizz1 | how could i install utf-8 encoding to my mplayer ??? | 19:30 |
Serpentinsek | anyone? | 19:30 |
moveax | wizz1: #mplayer | 19:30 |
bazhang | anas you need to specify the exact errors you got; as I said the ose does not support that | 19:30 |
Lane | Please someone tell me what to click to change my desktop from ubuntu to others like KPE desktop??? | 19:30 |
d0ck | vminch i am kinda installing ubuntu now, i have windows on my laptop, too. and i want to dedicate 7gb to try ubuntu. | 19:30 |
Lane | !kpe | 19:30 |
xintron | Checking for Xgl: not present. | 19:30 |
xintron | Found laptop using ati driver. | 19:30 |
ubottu | Factoid kpe not found | 19:30 |
xintron | how do I fix that? | 19:31 |
bazhang | lane kde3 or kde4 and are you on hardy or gutsy | 19:31 |
vminch | d0ck: are you on the liveCD? | 19:31 |
anas | bazhang : it was working with me in 7.04 | 19:31 |
Chapai | you need to install kde desktop, logg off and select it in sessions Lane | 19:31 |
bazhang | anas that is not info to help us | 19:31 |
Lane | I am very new to this.... But i am on Ubuntu 8.07???? | 19:31 |
Serpentinsek | Can someone please help me with slooown scrolling in ubuntu hardy | 19:31 |
thor^^ | hi, how do i make an app start on login? | 19:31 |
d0ck | vminch i am installing ubuntu on laptop atm | 19:31 |
thor^^ | ubuntu 8.04 | 19:31 |
hischild | Lane, that'd be ubuntu 8.04 | 19:31 |
bazhang | lane you want kde3 or kde4 | 19:31 |
drivetrax | why you want kde? | 19:32 |
Lane | yes, how? | 19:32 |
bazhang | which one lane | 19:32 |
Lane | what is the differeence | 19:32 |
thor^^ | drivetrax: maybe because he/she like kde better than gnome? | 19:32 |
bazhang | one is more usable lane | 19:32 |
vminch | d0ck: im not sure how the manual installer works - but i can say that the guided option lets you split your HDD how you need - thats how installed hardy | 19:32 |
drivetrax | thor^^, no | 19:32 |
bazhang | drivetrax: please dont start | 19:32 |
vminch | thor^^ - yes there is | 19:32 |
Lane | I want a theme like i saw in youtube video.... | 19:32 |
drivetrax | just asking | 19:32 |
anas | bazhang : i was following and it not working. | 19:32 |
moveax | So does anyone know what is required of a repo mirror to act as a network installation point over http? | 19:33 |
thor^^ | vminch: what? | 19:33 |
vminch | thor^^: open system->preferences->sessions | 19:33 |
vminch | and add a program to the list | 19:33 |
thor^^ | vminch: thanks := | 19:33 |
thor^^ | *:) | 19:33 |
bazhang | anas which step is 'not working' | 19:33 |
xintron | How do I get compiz to work with my ati card? | 19:33 |
Lane | Maybe just a theme for what i got now? .... I am using MIST.... pretty lame ,yes? | 19:33 |
vminch | xintron: tried envy? | 19:33 |
=== Rikard is now known as ubuntunoob | ||
Serpentinsek | I've just upgraded to Hardy 8.04 LT from 7.10 and I can't believe how slow the scrolling is while listing trough a PDF document in the default PDF browser or scrolling down a web page in FireFox 3 Beta.Can someone please help me to fix this problem? | 19:34 |
bazhang | lane likely kde4 but that is a bit difficult for a new user | 19:34 |
m1r | hello | 19:34 |
xintron | vminch: Whats that? | 19:34 |
sparr | why is #ubuntu+1 closed? | 19:34 |
ghostknife | xintron: did you come right witht the visual bell? | 19:34 |
anas | i have done all of the steps and after rebooting it was not worked | 19:34 |
drivetrax | update adobe | 19:34 |
curtis | Serpentisek: format the hd and then install it. | 19:34 |
Serpentinsek | I've also posted this problem over here I've just upgraded to Hardy 8.04 LT from 7.10 and I can't believe how slow the scrolling is while listing trough a PDF document in the default PDF browser or scrolling down a web page in FireFox 3 Beta. | 19:34 |
Serpentinsek | Can someone please help me to fix this problem? | 19:34 |
ubuntunoob | Anyone here who's got the name of a webserver such as Wampserver which works well for Ubuntu? | 19:34 |
d0ck | vminch no root file system is defined appears | 19:34 |
ghostknife | Serpentinsek: you using adobe reader? | 19:34 |
anas | bazhang : i have done all of the steps and after rebooting it was not worked | 19:34 |
vminch | its this program by alberto milone (i think) that finds correct drivers for restricted (ati, nvidia) cards | 19:34 |
bazhang | anas how did you try starting it | 19:35 |
Serpentinsek | <ghostknife>: nope | 19:35 |
xintron | ghostknife: Didn't have time to work on that at the time and it's not priority atm. But I'll tell you if I get it owrking | 19:35 |
Shadow420 | sparr because ubuntu 8.04 is out and the next version is not in testing stage yet | 19:35 |
drivetrax | Release candidates & betas.. might have glitches | 19:35 |
ghostknife | Serpentinsek: you still running the same Xorg driver for your screen? | 19:35 |
curtis | Serpentinsek: look on | 19:35 |
Lane | bazhang: I tried to install Kde4-core from syntac manager... it gave me lots of crap in my menu...... | 19:35 |
bazhang | lane sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 19:35 |
vminch | d0ck: crap. | 19:35 |
ghostknife | xintron: memoserv me. It would be nice to have the same | 19:35 |
vminch | d0ck: sorry, im not sure if i can help | 19:35 |
sparr | Shadow420: so do we discuss intrepid in here? | 19:35 |
bazhang | lane then in sessions choose kde3 and startup | 19:35 |
xintron | ghostknife: memoserv? | 19:35 |
StFS | crimsun: you there? | 19:35 |
ghostknife | xintron: I'm upgrading to 8.04, after that I'll check myself | 19:35 |
Fogel1497 | How do you make it so after you run a program from the terminal it DOES NOT close when you close the terminal you ran it from | 19:36 |
Serpentinsek | ghostknife: what do you mean by the same driver? | 19:36 |
crimsun | StFS: yes | 19:36 |
curtis | anyone know how to play cod4 in ubuntu? | 19:36 |
Shadow420 | !intrepid? | 19:36 |
ubottu | Factoid intrepid? not found | 19:36 |
Pici | Fogel1497: nohup yourprogram & | 19:36 |
xintron | vminch: How do I get envy? | 19:36 |
Shadow420 | !intrepid | 19:36 |
ubottu | Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 2008 - For more info, see: | 19:36 |
bazhang | curtis via wine | 19:36 |
ghostknife | xintron: /msg memoserv send ghostknife <msg> | 19:36 |
StFS | crimsun: ok I'm rebooting right now | 19:36 |
Fogel1497 | Curtis see the APPDB at | 19:36 |
mad_max02 | how do I make shortcut to home folder on desktop ?? | 19:36 |
ghostknife | xintron: or: /msg memoserv help | 19:36 |
slashzul | I/quit | 19:36 |
mad_max02 | how do I make shortcut to home folder on desktop ?? | 19:36 |
d0ck | who can help me : i get "no root file system defined" | 19:36 |
Fogel1497 | and look for cod4 | 19:36 |
xintron | ghostknife: ah, ok, I'm used to quakenet, started using freenode yesterday | 19:36 |
anas | bazhang : system tools > VirtualBox OSE | 19:36 |
bazhang | xintron for hardy sudo apt-get install envyng-gtk | 19:36 |
curtis | bazhang: i am having problems with my network card can you help me? | 19:36 |
vminch | xintron: sudo apt-get install envyng-gtk | 19:36 |
ghostknife | Serpentinsek: you have a screen driver for Xwindow system. Maybe it's using vesa where it used a hardware driver/ | 19:36 |
sparr | Shadow420: yes, that | 19:37 |
midlertid | d0ck, just use \ | 19:37 |
midlertid | i mean / | 19:37 |
sparr | Shadow420: with #ubuntu+1 closed, i assume this is the place for intrepid discussion | 19:37 |
Shadow420 | sparr no it's not discussed here I would worry about it until the public beta is out | 19:37 |
emorris | hi, I'm trying to run vncviewer, but since i upgraded to hardy, i get this error: | 19:37 |
emorris | vncviewer: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory | 19:37 |
bazhang | anas that is the one that does not support usb | 19:37 |
curtis | bazhang: i have a 802.11g Wireless LAN | 19:37 |
curtis | bazhang: and it is a gateway ml6714 | 19:37 |
sparr | Shadow420: i worry about it the day new packages go into it. its already in my sources | 19:37 |
Serpentinsek | ghostknife: sorry ... I'm new to this | 19:37 |
LaneLimited | ty for your help | 19:38 |
mad_max02 | can anyone help me with this its driving me insane | 19:38 |
d0ck | midlertid i am installing hardy atm, i get this error when i have partitioned 7gb space for linux, and try to install it there | 19:38 |
mad_max02 | how do I make shortcut to home folder on desktop ?? | 19:38 |
ubuntunoob | Anyone here who's got the name of a webserver such as Wampserver which works well for Ubuntu? | 19:38 |
ghostknife | Serpentinsek: first time you boot the system after the upgrade? | 19:38 |
Serpentinsek | ghostknife: I dunno what are you talking about | 19:38 |
Fishscene | Apache? | 19:38 |
Serpentinsek | ghostknife: nope ... the second time | 19:38 |
curtis | ubuntu sucks | 19:38 |
LaneLimited | ! | 19:38 |
own1x | O.o | 19:38 |
bazhang | curtis I have to step away for a bit; the other fine folks here can likely help you | 19:38 |
Fishscene | Curtis? | 19:38 |
ek | curtis: Everyone knows this... Now, run along. | 19:38 |
LaneLimited | Ubuntu rocks | 19:38 |
anas | bazhang : may u tell me how to get it ? | 19:38 |
cvdk | ubuntunoob: check your mp | 19:38 |
skeletal | hi guys somenody already use the dsniff? | 19:38 |
Fogel1497 | When I press the media buttons on my keyboard I see the corresponding gfx on the screen but the volume or mute function do not actually do anything | 19:38 |
own1x | good day, I am running ubuntu 6.06 with php5-cgi/fastcgi/lighttpd/mysql5.0 and I put the .swf from on my site, but for some reason It only finishes correctly about 15%, other times it stops after download or it will keep uploading with no stopping? | 19:38 |
curtis | ek: shut you fucking mouth bitch! | 19:39 |
ek | Haha. | 19:39 |
Fishscene | !ops | curtis | 19:39 |
ubottu | curtis: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpatrick or jussi01! | 19:39 |
StFS | crimsun: hmm... ok... with a fresh reboot I have no /dev/video1394 | 19:39 |
xintron | is there an easy way to start tv-output? When I used 7.04 a while back, I had to logout and login again to get tv-out working. Is there an easier way? | 19:39 |
emorris | mad_max02: right click on desktop>create launcher>type: location>name: ~ | 19:39 |
LaneLimited | curtis, what is wrong? | 19:39 |
Fogel1497 | Curtis did you find cod4 in appdb of | 19:39 |
hischild | LaneLimited, don't bother. | 19:39 |
Shadow420 | sparr intrepid is not even avaible for download so wait until the annoucement of the public beta release then ubuntu+1 will be open again | 19:39 |
ubuntunoob | cvdk - my what? I have recieved no PM if that's what you meant? | 19:39 |
midlertid | d0ck, I dont remember correctly, but I did get that message too. was something about a mount-point.. | 19:39 |
ravious | Anyone willing to take a look at my xorg.conf and tell me where my error might be? | 19:39 |
xintron | reboot, brb | 19:39 |
sparr | Shadow420: ubuntu+1 will be open months before the public beta, like always | 19:39 |
LaneLimited | ok lol | 19:39 |
ek | curtis: Quite the troll this evening, eh? | 19:39 |
Fishscene | Thanks bazhang >.> | 19:39 |
crimsun | StFS: pre- or post-camera plug? | 19:39 |
cvdk | ubuntunoob: yes, i send you a link | 19:40 |
StFS | crimsun: pre | 19:40 |
Serpentinsek | Anyone willing to respond in this thread in ubuntu forums | 19:40 |
ubuntunoob | I haven't recieved anything, at least. | 19:40 |
crimsun | StFS: correct, that's appropriate. | 19:40 |
ek | We call this problem 'Tiny Penis Syndrome', Curtis. You can get help though. | 19:40 |
mad_max02 | emorris, I do all that and it says : Could not show '/home/username' The specified location is invalid | 19:40 |
cvdk | ubuntunoob:|en&hl=fr&ie=UTF-8 | 19:40 |
stdin | !language | ek | 19:40 |
ubottu | ek: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 19:40 |
=== jabba is now known as jabba__ | ||
StFS | crimsun: so what should I do now, start up a tail of syslog, fire up another terminal with udevmonitor and then see what happens when I plug it in? | 19:40 |
drivetrax | time to ride | 19:40 |
n6rej | hey guys, i've got a weird problem on my server... I have a list of files in a samba share that for some reason isn't showing up in windows but is in *nix. | 19:40 |
ek | ubottu: Oopsie. Sorry. I didn't even realize I typed that. My apologies. | 19:40 |
sparr | stdin: if you think "penis" is an inappropriate word, i feel sorry for wherever you grew up | 19:41 |
LaneLimited | I wish I had something to give... I really need step by step instruction to get a good desktop theme working... It took me 2 hours to install adobe flash player.. =( < Not kidding. | 19:41 |
crimsun | StFS: sure, but make sure you also issue `sudo udevsettle' afterward. | 19:41 |
frostburn | n6rej, check the file permissions on the files, make sure others can read | 19:41 |
jonaskoelker | hi all | 19:41 |
stdin | sparr: in the context, yes | 19:41 |
n6rej | frostburn: 664 and troy.users | 19:41 |
ubuntunoob | Ah, thanks cvdk! | 19:41 |
StFS | crimsun: after I plug in the camera? why? what does udevsettle do? | 19:41 |
CydeSwype_ | hello all, i'm having a few troubles with hardy heron: first one is the calendar function. when i click on the panel clock, it freezes, trying to open the calendar. anyone else notice this? | 19:41 |
gregbrady | What is the best music player for streaming shoutcast? Amorok just seems to stall all the time | 19:41 |
ompaul | sparr, it is offtopic for a ubuntu technical support channel | 19:41 |
ghostknife | Serpentinsek: hmm | 19:41 |
crimsun | StFS: flushes the event queue. | 19:41 |
bazhang | !themes | LaneLimited | 19:42 |
ubottu | LaneLimited: Find your themes at: - - - - - - - Also see !changethemes and | 19:42 |
frostburn | n6rej, and you're able to see the computer itself \\hostname ? | 19:42 |
Shadow420 | sparr still it's long way off so just check back to see if the room is opened ok | 19:42 |
gking95 | !ftp | 19:42 |
ubottu | FTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd | 19:42 |
n6rej | frostburn: yeah, I can even see the directory but no files IN the folder | 19:42 |
gking95 | !ftpd | 19:42 |
ubottu | FTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP | 19:42 |
StFS | crimsun: ok... well.. now I get a whole bunch of stuff in udevmonitor | 19:42 |
hasone_ | has nautilus received major upgrades in the last update? | 19:42 |
moveax | Why isn't FileZilla in that list? :( | 19:42 |
jonaskoelker | question: I want to assign IP addresses to eth1 and eth1:0 via dhcp. When I try ifup'ing eth1:0 with eth1 already up, I get "SIOCSIFFLAGS: Cannot assign requested addres". How can I get multiple IP addresses for my box? | 19:42 |
ghostknife | Serpentinsek: try reconfiguring X | 19:42 |
sparr | Shadow420: "check back" is not an answer. i want to discuss intrepid today. | 19:42 |
Serpentinsek | ghostknife: can you please have a look over here | 19:42 |
ravious | I'm having a problem getting duel video cards setup under xorg. . Any feedback would be great. | 19:43 |
LaneLimited | Oh cool... Thanks.... I only now need to know how changing my envirorment.... OR what do i have now ... GNOME????? | 19:43 |
moveax | jonaskoelker: you need to config each device to request an address from the dhcp server | 19:43 |
cvdk | nobody to help me with synce ? | 19:43 |
Milos_SD | /msg ubottu etiquette | 19:43 |
StFS | crimsun: and /dev/video1394/0 has appeared with the same permissions as before (crw-rw-rw- 1 root video) | 19:43 |
PeterFA | Oh crud... I have to rewrite my sound card file. The Ubuntu installer finds my two cards just fine, but one I want to use over the other. I have an onboard one that I want to support and an added one that I want to be listed as the main one. How do I fix this? | 19:43 |
mad_max02 | how do I make shortcut to home folder on desktop ?? | 19:43 |
bazhang | LaneLimited: you can switch in sessions at login screen | 19:43 |
sparr | cvdk: windows ce *sucks*. synce has some horrible serial hacks. i would suggest upgrading your pda | 19:43 |
gking95 | can anyone recommend a ftp sever | 19:43 |
LaneLimited | Also... this desktop workspace areas can be higher then 2? | 19:43 |
frostburn | n6rej, what does the samba log say in /var/logs/samba/log. where is the ip of your windows box | 19:43 |
emorris | mad_max02: try type:application name:Home command:nautilus . (include the space and dot) | 19:43 |
Shadow420 | sparr until ubuntu+1 is opened there is no discussion | 19:43 |
ghostknife | | 19:43 |
sparr | Shadow420: i disagree | 19:43 |
ghostknife | sorry | 19:43 |
jonaskoelker | moveax: I have "auto $IF" and "iface $IF inet dhcp" in /etc/networks/interfaces (for IF=eth1 and IF=eth1:0) | 19:43 |
crimsun | StFS: good. And I presume that you can perform whatever action that you needed? | 19:44 |
=== jabba is now known as jabba__ | ||
jonaskoelker | moveax: should that do it? | 19:44 |
stdin | sparr: the only place to discuss it is -devel, and that's not a support channel | 19:44 |
moveax | jonaskoelker: I'm not to sure to be honest with you | 19:44 |
=== hasone_ is now known as hasone | ||
thebitguru | Can I upgrade gutsy to hardy using the desktop cdrom or do I have to download the alternate cd? | 19:44 |
sparr | stdin: of course not | 19:44 |
n6rej | wth? | 19:44 |
ghostknife | Wtf, 8.04 comes with a beta version of firefox. That's stupid | 19:44 |
Shadow420 | sparr this room is for support of hardy or older | 19:44 |
thebitguru | brb | 19:44 |
ghostknife | Now my plugins don't work | 19:44 |
sparr | thebitguru: i believe that you can | 19:44 |
n6rej | frostburn: says "failed to create administrators and also users" | 19:45 |
StFS | crimsun: well... umm... I'm still unable to start up the application that is supposed to show me the video stream from the camera as a regular user | 19:45 |
ghostknife | I hope the system isn't filled with beta software | 19:45 |
n6rej | frostburn: it was working fine pre hardy upgrade | 19:45 |
sparr | thebitguru: but i believe it's non-trivial | 19:45 |
mad_max02 | emorris, that works :D | 19:45 |
LaneLimited | Thank you... So do I only need KPE4-core from the sytac manager.... is that going to give me a whole lot of stuff on my menu?!! | 19:45 |
cvdk | sparr: yes I know, but unfortunately I have to do some synchro with a windows xp. so I would like to access WM5 with hardy | 19:45 |
ompaul | ghostknife, bythe time three years has gone by I think you will find that the version 3 beta was a good choice | 19:45 |
bazhang | LaneLimited: will do :} | 19:45 |
thebitguru | back | 19:45 |
n6rej | frostburn: and testparm didn't say there was a problem | 19:45 |
frostburn | n6rej, did you replace the samba.conf or use the new one? | 19:45 |
ra1 | bug #220771 | 19:45 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 220771 in ubuntu "sync ttf-lg-aboriginal from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Invalid] | 19:45 |
toxic__ | untu-fr | 19:45 |
LaneLimited | I don't want all that stuff? wth | 19:45 |
=== HangukMiguk_ is now known as Miguk | ||
StFS | crimsun: but I'm gonna do some experiments and see if I can unplug and replug and if it then generates events or not... at any rate, I should have enough information now to create a udev rule to change the permission for the initial creation | 19:46 |
water_foul | will I notice any difference when updating to 8.04? | 19:46 |
thebitguru | sparr: I was hoping I wouldn't have to download another CD. Is it just a matter of adding the cdrom as source for apt? | 19:46 |
=== Squawk_ is now known as Squawk | ||
n6rej | frostburn: no I used the orginal that I made... which is probably overly complicated because all I need is simple access from the lan... no restrictions whatsoever | 19:46 |
ghostknife | ompaul: why do you say so? | 19:46 |
emorris | mad_max02: the other way should work, don't know why it doesn't | 19:46 |
Shadow420 | sparr | !intrepid | 19:46 |
n6rej | frostburn: but i'm not a samba expert | 19:46 |
bazhang | thebitguru: only the alternate allows that | 19:46 |
LaneLimited | omg i need help | 19:46 |
mrgoodbar | How do i use "Safe Graphics Mode" once I have install 8.04 to my hard drive? | 19:46 |
sparr | Shadow420: fail | 19:47 |
thebitguru | bazhang: really? | 19:47 |
LaneLimited | =) | 19:47 |
stdin | ghostknife: do you think mozilla will support ff2 with security patches for 3 years? | 19:47 |
ghostknife | ompaul: I need firebug. There is no v3 compatible version. I sure hope apt still has a v2 ff | 19:47 |
Shadow420 | !intrepid | 19:47 |
StFS | crimsun: ok... there are still no udev events when the camera is unplugged / replugged... so I guess creating the device is just a one time deal :-( | 19:47 |
ubottu | Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 2008 - For more info, see: | 19:47 |
zth | could some Hardy user post their sources.list file, i messed mine up :/ | 19:47 |
emorris | hi, I'm trying to run vncviewer, but since i upgraded to hardy, i get this error: vncviewer: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory | 19:47 |
StFS | crimsun: thanks a bunch for your help man | 19:47 |
n6rej | frostburn: create_builtin_administrators: Failed to create Administrators | 19:47 |
Shadow420 | sparr |!intrepid | 19:47 |
ghostknife | stdin: no, but by the time mozilla has stopped support v2, firebug and others will surely have ported their plugins | 19:47 |
frostburn | n6rej, you might want to consider using the default that came with 8.04 and then reconfiguring it to allow guest account. The only other article i found regardind that error message is: | 19:47 |
ompaul | ghostknife, three years on version 2 would most likely lead to version 2 being deprecated by the mozzie people forcing version 3 mid LTS | 19:47 |
Pici | !usage | Shadow420 | 19:47 |
zetheroo | why this? 'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare: cannot open usershare directory /var/lib/samba/usershares. Error Permission denied | 19:47 |
ubottu | Shadow420: I am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;) | 19:47 |
zetheroo | You do not have permission to create a usershare. Ask your administrator to grant you permissions to create a share. | 19:47 |
crimsun | StFS: ok, but you can pull the video when you use root? | 19:47 |
Pici | Shadow420: Its !fact | user | 19:47 |
StFS | crimsun: yup | 19:47 |
sparr | cvdk: best of luck, id suggest looking at iforgottheprefix-synce, a better supported fork of synce | 19:48 |
stdin | ghostknife: that's the reason to have ff3 beta now, a new version can't be added after release | 19:48 |
n6rej | frostburn: do you know how to configure samba so that every thing in a share is shared without restriction? | 19:48 |
Shadow420 | !intrepid | sparr | 19:48 |
ubottu | sparr: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 2008 - For more info, see: | 19:48 |
Pici | Shadow420: And he already knows what intrepid is | 19:48 |
frostburn | n6rej, This is normal if you are using an idmap backend other than tdb or ldap. The annoying error message will be fixed in the next release. | 19:48 |
frostburn | n6rej, yes, one second | 19:48 |
jonaskoelker | zth: have a look at -- remove the "localhost:3142/" bit though | 19:48 |
sparr | Shadow420: was that supposed to tell me something that I didn't already know? | 19:48 |
akhilesh | hi is there a soulseek for ubuntu ?? | 19:48 |
ghostknife | Mozilla won't stop supporting FF2 until FF3 has become stable. I don't see how a smart development will easily do that | 19:48 |
jonaskoelker | akhilesh: soulseek? | 19:48 |
Shadow420 | Pici ell he doesn't understand that public testing and disscusion is not opened yet | 19:48 |
crimsun | StFS: interesting. Check the `strace -f' output of the app for raw access, because raw access requires block device permissions, which for video1394 isn't given. | 19:49 |
n6rej | frostburn: its a wins server also if that makes a diff | 19:49 |
zth | jonaskoelker: thank you man | 19:49 |
scmadi | .... need a little time to wake up.... | 19:49 |
jonaskoelker | zth: yw :) | 19:49 |
ghostknife | If you think your system is stable enough to stop supporting a previous one, you will first mark it as stable, and not beta or RC | 19:49 |
water_foul | will I notice any difference when updating to 8.04? | 19:49 |
LaneLimited | Yes or No??? If I go to syntac manager and install Kpe4-core and apply it then select it under sessions... My screen will be cool looking? | 19:49 |
jonaskoelker | zth: do you happen to be a networking guru? ;) | 19:49 |
akhilesh | jonaskoelker: its a p2p for downoading music | 19:49 |
water_foul | will I notice any difference when updating to 8.04? (x86_64) | 19:49 |
zth | jonaskoelker: i'm more of an average nub ;) | 19:49 |
zylche | Anyone got a list of key mappings like KEY_LEFT, KEY_RIGHT, etc? | 19:49 |
TJ13820 | i just installed ubuntu 7.10 on an HP Pavillion Ze model notebook. When i start it up, it does not show the GUI boot screen. So i press CTRL+ALT+(1-8) to get text mode startup. How do i get the GUI to work, instead of the text mode? | 19:49 |
zylche | Needing them to get this wiimote up and about | 19:49 |
n6rej | water_foul: I had a problem with the .16 kernel and had to roll back to .14 | 19:50 |
ghostknife | I hope FF3 firebug comes out for V3 soon though. I've played with FF3 and it's got some leet features. Especially bookmark tagging | 19:50 |
d0ck | while installing ubuntu, it offers me to create swap partition. what is swap partition and how to create it ? | 19:50 |
jonaskoelker | akhilesh: "apt-cache search soulseek" seems to say yes | 19:50 |
sparr | d0ck: swap partition is where your "virtual memory" will go | 19:50 |
Rabiddog | Anyone know where gnomes, default video setting is stored, everytime I log into gnome it switched to a video mode my monitor cannot display? | 19:50 |
Shadow420 | jonaskoelker it's a music sharing program like limewire and emule | 19:50 |
nirly | i used ntfs configuration tool to mount NTFS drives with certain names and now i want to change those names, how can i do this? | 19:50 |
Pici | !soulseek | akhilesh | 19:50 |
ubottu | akhilesh: SoulSeek clients: Nicotine (GTK), Museeq (KDE), Mucous (terminal-based) - See also !P2P | 19:50 |
n6rej | d0ck: in the windows world a swap partition is your virtual memory... you should have one roughly equal to at least 50 | 19:50 |
n6rej | % of your ram | 19:50 |
n6rej | unless you have a lot of ram, then a small one is fine | 19:50 |
akhilesh | !soulseek | 19:50 |
jonaskoelker | any hardcore networking geeks in here? | 19:51 |
sparr | bah @ 50%, ive got 4GB of RAM and 20GB of swap :) | 19:51 |
marco___ | HI all | 19:51 |
n6rej | !swap | d0ck | 19:51 |
ubottu | d0ck: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See for more info | 19:51 |
nainef | heh | 19:51 |
=== DatImp is now known as TheInfinity | ||
n6rej | sparr: you do video alot | 19:51 |
n6rej | ? | 19:51 |
cvdk | sparr: Ok. in fact, synce run: I have communciation between pda & pc but the command pls (to list file) is not found. | 19:51 |
LaneLimited | Important question!! When i turn on my PC and press OS Ubuntu it will not load the OS til I press ctrl+alt+del.... and i press F1 and it types in A:\ or something.... Is this normal? | 19:51 |
ravious | Im having some problems setting up my xorg.conf. I have 2 video cards. one onboard intel card, and one pci nvidia card. I cant seem to get them to work. Any input would be great. | 19:52 |
n6rej | LaneLimited: no | 19:52 |
gilster32 | ok let me ask this. During the live cd install, at the very end there is an advanced option where one can select not to install a bootmanager at all--it can be deselected. what happens in this case? | 19:52 |
TJ13820 | i just installed ubuntu 7.10 on an HP Pavillion Ze model notebook. When i start it up, it does not show the GUI boot screen. So i press CTRL+ALT+(1-8) to get text mode startup. How do i get the GUI to work, instead of the text mode? | 19:52 |
frostburn | n6rej, I think the original conf file is under /usr/share/samba/ copy that over to /etc/ take note of file permissions, you'll have to enable the account guest per share... that's line... 103 in the latest conf | 19:52 |
sparr | n6rej: yes, and very large still images (gigapixel+) | 19:52 |
frostburn | jonaskoelker, what do you need? | 19:52 |
marco___ | i need some help with my mv program from breezy there is a dependency break with libc6 can someone help? | 19:52 |
LaneLimited | Thats not good news | 19:52 |
n6rej | sparr: :D how'd i know :D | 19:52 |
maxb | So, I have a working openvpn config on the command line, and thought I'd try seeing if I could make NetworkManager do the login in pretty GUI fashion just for fun. So, I enter the settings, enter my password..... and NOTHING happens. Where might I look for logs from this? | 19:52 |
jonaskoelker | frostburn: dhcp-assigned addrs for eth1 and eth1:0 | 19:52 |
StFS | crimsun: yup: open("/dev/raw1394", O_RDWR) = -1 EACCES (Permission denied) | 19:52 |
Rabiddog | Where is gnomes default video setting stored, everytime I log into gnome it switched to a video mode my monitor cannot display? | 19:53 |
n6rej | frostburn: ok thats the ticket i have it at user right now.. tyvm | 19:53 |
sparr | n6rej: my swap is 4x5GB partitions across 4 drives on separate IDE controllers. striping makes it SO much faster | 19:53 |
water_foul | why should i upgrade from 7.10 to 8.04 (x86_64) | 19:53 |
d0ck | how to create swap partition ? | 19:53 |
sparr | water_foul: imho, you shouldnt | 19:53 |
crimsun | StFS: bingo. | 19:53 |
LaneLimited | Is it possible to delete things under my applications/games/ "something" <delete??? | 19:53 |
n6rej | water_foul: it all depends on what software/features you wan't/need | 19:53 |
gentlyninja | i cannot play music via rhythmbox or totem. so i guess its a matter of gstreamer. how can i fix it without restarting? | 19:54 |
sparr | water_foul: 8.04 is the least solid of the ubuntu versions ive seen to date. decisions were made to keep it less-out-of-date for the next 3 years that result in it being a little shaky right now | 19:54 |
marco___ | simion314 i need some help with my mv program from breezy there is a dependency break with libc6 can someone help? | 19:54 |
DarkLordVenom | what is a good program to convert MP3's to wav so i can burn them to an audio cd? | 19:54 |
simion314 | hi, something happen and my fat32 partition appears locked, the files and folders and i can delete or write to it(it worked untill now, no reboot and i do not know what happen | 19:54 |
StFS | crimsun: ok... so /dev/raw1394 is owned by root:disk. would the "proper" solution to this be to add my user to the disk group or what? | 19:54 |
water_foul | Is there any added wine support in 8.04 (specifically in blizzard games) | 19:55 |
frostburn | jonaskoelker, $man interfaces | 19:55 |
TJ13820 | i just installed ubuntu 7.10 on an HP Pavillion Ze model notebook. When i start it up, it does not show the GUI boot screen. So i press CTRL+ALT+(1-8) to get text mode startup. How do i get the GUI to work, instead of the text mode? | 19:55 |
heartsblood | I just installed moblock in hardy and I'm having trouble with it being able to flag ok packets for transmission. | 19:55 |
crimsun | StFS: no, that's a very, very bad "solution" | 19:55 |
StFS | crimsun: yeah... I had a funny feeling you'd say that ;) | 19:55 |
sparr | TJ13820: examine /var/log/Xorg.0.log to see why its failing to start | 19:55 |
water_foul | my x86_64 7.10 ubuntu machine doesn't show the spash, how would I fix that? | 19:55 |
crimsun | StFS: (however, in this case, you could kludge by doing that - but be aware of the ramifications.) | 19:56 |
d0ck | how to create a swap partition please ? | 19:56 |
jonaskoelker | frostburn: you want me to say "iface $FACE inet dhcp" twice, right? I'm doing that; when I ifup eth1:0 (eth1 is already up), I get "SIOCSIFFLAGS: Cannot assign requested address" | 19:56 |
water_foul | my x86_64 7.10 ubuntu machine doesn't show the spash, how would I fix that? | 19:56 |
StFS | crimsun: so changing permission to 0666 on the /dev/raw1394 device is a better one or what? what would be the "correct" solution here? | 19:56 |
simion314 | marco___ do you use an older ubuntu version? i do not know how to solve the problem | 19:56 |
sparr | water_foul: you have usplash-theme-ubuntu installed? | 19:56 |
jonaskoelker | frostburn: I heard that dhclient3 wants to send from IP address ... could that be somehow problematic? | 19:57 |
crimsun | StFS: unfortunately, that's where things become murky. | 19:57 |
Ghotler | hi all , how can i share folders in the new hardy, cuz when i try to do it i get an error the i have no permission | 19:57 |
StFS | crimsun: yeah... thought as much ;) | 19:57 |
water_foul | apt-get says "usplash-theme-ubuntu is already the newest version." | 19:57 |
Jokka | How do i specify an workspace for an program to open when using terminal? | 19:57 |
crimsun | StFS: you definitely don't want 0666 for raw1394; your single user in @disk is "less bad" | 19:57 |
gregbrady | Is the Amorok shipped with 8.04 stable, or is it a beta? Mine just crashes and then will not restart. | 19:57 |
d0ck | people, please explain me how to create a swap partition | 19:57 |
water_foul | sparr: apt-get says "usplash-theme-ubuntu is already the newest version." | 19:57 |
jonaskoelker | Jokka: my understanding is that you can't | 19:58 |
crimsun | StFS: (since if your user is compromised, your user already is in @admin, so flying over the disk is the least of one's concerns) | 19:58 |
jonaskoelker | Jokka: but perhaps you can use wmctrl and some shell-scripting magic to compensate | 19:58 |
Rabiddog | d0ck: you might want to read a wiki on hdd organization | 19:58 |
TJ13820 | sparr: could you examine my log file? i would have no idea what to look for | 19:58 |
jonaskoelker | Jokka: and maybe devilspie can do something... (I'm not sure, I haven't really used it) | 19:58 |
Ghotler | how can i share folders in the new hardy, cuz when i try to do it i get an error that i have no permission | 19:58 |
n6rej | frostburn: do I want dns proxy on? I have my router serving dhcp | 19:58 |
MitchM | when i hit super-key + r i go into a Zoom mode on 8.04 (that i'm stuck in)... | 19:59 |
Lynet | d0ck: Create a partition, set it to swap type, run mkswap /dev/yourswappartition, add swap partition to fstab. | 19:59 |
water_foul | my x86_64 7.10 ubuntu machine doesn't show the spash, how would I fix that? | 19:59 |
MitchM | how do i get out of it? | 19:59 |
Rabiddog | Where is gnomes default video setting stored, everytime I log into gnome it switched to a video mode my monitor cannot display? | 19:59 |
crimsun | StFS: more appropriately, the application could be fixed to special-case a blacklist of devices that require raw1394, etc. | 19:59 |
Jokka | jonaskoelker: devilspie can if specified but i mean with terminal commands and then specify | 19:59 |
StFS | crimsun: well.. I don't know what else there is to do here? | 19:59 |
frostburn | jonaskoelker, is it trying to get the same address for both nics? that sounds like a cool issue, not sure how much i'll be of help, there was some forum posts that looks like they're having the same issue | 19:59 |
frostburn | n6rej, you shouln't need it | 19:59 |
brane | i am downloading file from torrent and see that only use Deluge but others use mtorrent and Azureus :) | 19:59 |
crimsun | StFS: in your case, choose the one that least discomfits you :-) | 19:59 |
n6rej | frostburn: same with name resolve order? | 19:59 |
StFS | crimsun: well ok :) thanks a whole heap for your help | 19:59 |
Ghotler | how can i share folders in the new hardy, cuz when i try to do it i get an error that i have no permission | 19:59 |
water_foul | my x86_64 7.10 ubuntu machine doesn't show the spash, how would I fix that? (I have usplash-theme-ubuntu) | 20:00 |
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crimsun | StFS: np | 20:00 |
water_foul | i gtg | 20:00 |
frostburn | n6rej, not sure, I always use ips rather than hostnames | 20:00 |
n6rej | frostburn: yeah, as long as they are in the 192 ip pool I don't care of they access samba | 20:00 |
n6rej | or the server | 20:01 |
Ghotler | how can i share folders in the new hardy, cuz when i try to do it i get an error that i have no permission | 20:01 |
Balachmar | Hi, evolutions spam filter doesn't seem to be working with my computer | 20:01 |
jonaskoelker | Jokka: what do you mean? You run an xclient in your terminal, then specify the workspace you want it on after... what? After the client has connected? | 20:01 |
jonaskoelker | Jokka: I'm not sure what you want to do | 20:01 |
n6rej | !samba | Ghotler | 20:01 |
ubottu | Ghotler: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: and - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. | 20:01 |
tubutu | join /#ubuntu-no | 20:01 |
damaltor | hi everybody. i have thefollowing problem: a new kubutnu hardy system (kde3) set up, everything works nice. i was wondering why the xorg.conf is so empty (no drivers specified). i opened systemsettings, where my graphics adapter was found correctly (intel i910 driver). BUT: if i dont change anything (!) and klick on apply, the xorg.conf is filled, but x doesnt start anymore. "no video bios modes selected", something like that. so, ... | 20:01 |
damaltor | ... everything works without specifying the adapter, but does not if the adapter is enabled... whats that? thnaks for any help | 20:01 |
tubutu | join #ubuntu-no | 20:01 |
Ghotler | n6rej, ubottu thx | 20:02 |
Pici | tubutu: /join #ubuntu-no | 20:02 |
Jokka | <jonaskoelker> i wnna specify where the program opens. like typing "xmm", xmms start but i want it to start on desktop 4 instead of 1 without going to desktop 4 | 20:02 |
jonaskoelker | ahh | 20:02 |
Ghotler | ubottu, has any gui for samba? | 20:03 |
jonaskoelker | Jokka: with wmctrl, you can let it start on the current desktop, then move it to desktop 4... | 20:03 |
jbroome__ | !swat | Ghotler | 20:03 |
ubottu | Ghotler: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: and - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. | 20:03 |
Ghotler | thx | 20:03 |
wuxia | man rxvt-unicode tells me to read man 7 X for the details on escape values for keysym ... man 7 X brings up nothignnn ... waht's the likely package for me to apt-get ? | 20:04 |
Blueface | I have no sound since I upgraded to Hardy. Can anyone help me? It works with the old kernel but not with the new. | 20:04 |
Mathman | Ghotler: I highly recommend the samba 3 by example book. you can find it free online. | 20:04 |
Ghotler | Mathman, thx | 20:04 |
d0ck | why after creating ext3 partition free space becomes unusable, and i cant create swap partition ? | 20:05 |
jonaskoelker | d0ck: are you using four primary partitions? | 20:05 |
brane | file sharing with samba, but can i enable guest accaunt like in Xp ? | 20:05 |
qwiksand | i'm about to cry guys! | 20:07 |
heartsblood | Anybody here use moblock? I've edited the following lines in my moblock.conf file but I can't ping my router or resolve | 20:07 |
ogre | why does my external drives keep getting renamed? i get an underscore under drive name | 20:07 |
LaneLimited | May someone tell me how to turn on KDE4-core ?? I downloaded and installed this from the syntac manager ... went to SESSIONS/ startup... clicked ADD+ What do i type there? or how do i do this.. Please?? | 20:07 |
qwiksand | i think my video card just got messed up.. | 20:07 |
qwiksand | i have to be using the onboard video now | 20:07 |
d0ck | jonaskoelker yea, i am using 4 primaries | 20:08 |
punzada | anyone else experience a lot of extra idle resource use with hardy over gutsy? | 20:08 |
ghostknife | Does ubuntu (or linux in general) have some backup package that I can use to backup my system only, so I can install it again on other systems using the same configuration? | 20:08 |
jonaskoelker | d0ck: that's why, you can only have four of those | 20:08 |
ghostknife | Without /home | 20:09 |
qwiksand | after installing the modules for virtualbox and it asked me to restart the system, the resolution and everything went, including the ound | 20:09 |
ghostknife | Or it would be nice to specify what doesn't come with | 20:09 |
jonaskoelker | d0ck: make an extended partition if you want more | 20:09 |
tushyd | When I try to install the nvidia 169.12 driver, i restart X and it fails and goes to safe mode. When I roll back to 100.14.19 it works just fine. Anyone know whats up? | 20:09 |
LaneLimited | please I really don't know how to enable this KDE desktop.... please help me | 20:09 |
qwiksand | now, nothing! | 20:09 |
jonaskoelker | d0ck: I recommend using a swap file over a swap partition--it gives you more flexibility (resizing partitions is time-consuming; resizing files is fast) | 20:10 |
Lynet | d0ck: It might perhaps be easier to create a swap file instead. | 20:10 |
punzada | ghostknife you can do that easily, check out this guide | 20:10 |
tushyd | LaneLimited, what do you mean by "enable this KDE desktop" | 20:10 |
LaneLimited | May someone tell me how to turn on KDE4-core ?? I downloaded and installed this from the syntac manager ... went to SESSIONS/ startup... clicked ADD+ What do i type there? or how do i do this.. Please?? | 20:10 |
LaneLimited | that is what i mean | 20:10 |
d0ck | Lynet so i ignore installer offering me to create swap partition ? | 20:10 |
Lynet | d0ck: Ah, you are doing a fresh install? | 20:11 |
asdrubal | why does scrollkeeper take so long to configure? | 20:11 |
qwiksand | i'm not getting anything from my video card, does that mean its not working? | 20:11 |
asdrubal | it's really annoying | 20:11 |
asdrubal | why does scrollkeeper take so long to configure? | 20:11 |
d0ck | Lynet, yes at the momenet | 20:11 |
jonaskoelker | asdrubal: to annoy you :p | 20:11 |
brrt | hi everyone, gnome-terminal ignores my font settings and I'm pissed because of it | 20:11 |
tushyd | LaneLimited, so when you get the GDM login screen, did you try selecting a different session? | 20:12 |
qwiksand | is anyone even listening? | 20:12 |
brrt | anyone knows a fix? | 20:12 |
Lynet | d0ck: Ah, if there is nothing you want to keep on the Linux partition make it an estended instead of primary partition. | 20:12 |
Rabiddog | Where is gnomes default video setting stored, everytime I log into gnome it switched to a video mode my monitor cannot display? | 20:12 |
jonaskoelker | qwiksand: what do you mean "not getting anything"? | 20:12 |
jackfruit | has anyone got a problem with ssh frozen in hardy ? | 20:12 |
Frotos | on the features page for 8.04 under office tools( you notice a 3D view of openoffice, how can I enable/active that? | 20:12 |
LaneLimited | What is GDM.... Should i restart my computer?? I went to administartion- sessions-starup tab | 20:12 |
Rabiddog | Lane gdm is the login u see when u startup | 20:13 |
d0ck | Lynet how can i dont want to keep anything on linux partition ? | 20:13 |
jonaskoelker | LaneLimited: GDM is the thing you enter your password into when you boot your 'puter | 20:13 |
jonaskoelker | LaneLimited: (it does a few things besides just accepting your password, but... oh well) | 20:13 |
tushyd | LaneLimited, at the GDM login screen, you can choose different sessions. You can make the switch there to KDE if you want | 20:13 |
LaneLimited | That screen is just USER NAME.... So i should go to options at the bottom left? | 20:13 |
tushyd | LaneLimited, yes | 20:13 |
LaneLimited | ty brb | 20:13 |
blind | I'm wondering if someone can point me in the right direction.. I want to share an internet connection between a windows xp laptop and my ubuntu desktop... my wireless in my desktop isn't working, but it is in the laptop. | 20:14 |
Frotos | on the features page for 8.04 under office tools( you notice a 3D view of openoffice, how can I enable/active that? | 20:14 |
glasgowkody | Can you run visual basic projects in ubuntu? | 20:14 |
andy_ | hello | 20:15 |
blind | glasgowkody: sometimes | 20:15 |
brane | Hdd only can have 3 primary and 1 extended partition, in that one i have Ubuntu with / /home and swap block :) | 20:15 |
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glasgowkody | What is the best programming language to learn for programs I can run in linux? | 20:15 |
iclebyte | glasgowkody, umm.. start with some bash scripting.. | 20:16 |
blind | glasgowkody: it's usually a pain, but you need to have all the ocx and dll files it needs, usually wherever the program expects to look for them, and you run them in wine | 20:16 |
neeto | glasgowkody: if you move on from bash scripting, start python... | 20:16 |
iclebyte | glasgowkody, that way you can learn to automate tasks on your linux box.. | 20:16 |
gregbrady | How can one get a listing of all shoutcast stations in Rhythmbox? | 20:16 |
iclebyte | glasgowkody, or learn java and run your programs anywhere =) | 20:16 |
cellofellow | glasgowkody: yeah, bash is great, and then a it of python. If you want a GUI in bash, try Zenity. | 20:16 |
qwiksand | my video card was working fine up until a few minutes ago what i downloaded and installed modules for virtualbox, not its not reading only the onboard video works | 20:16 |
blind | I'm wondering if someone can point me in the right direction.. I want to share an internet connection between a windows xp laptop and my ubuntu desktop... my wireless in my desktop isn't working, but it is in the laptop. | 20:16 |
iclebyte | well.. anywhere there is a Java VM | 20:16 |
magnetron | glasgowkody: Python. | 20:16 |
qwiksand | my video card was working fine up until a few minutes ago when i downloaded and installed modules for virtualbox, not its not reading only the onboard video works | 20:17 |
iclebyte | blind, use an ethernet cable and a switch.. | 20:17 |
magnetron | blind: | 20:17 |
blind | iclebyte: don't have a switch. have a crossover cable, thouh | 20:17 |
d0ck | brane so i create one partition in linux partition in //home ? | 20:17 |
iclebyte | blind, that'll do it | 20:17 |
erUSUL | blind: if the two boxes con ping each other you have to set up internet connection sharing on XP and make the XP ip be the gateaway on the ubuntu box | 20:17 |
n6rej | frostburn: idk what it was but that fixed it. TYVM | 20:17 |
frostburn | n6rej, no problem | 20:18 |
blind | oh, simple enough | 20:18 |
nikolaj | God evening | 20:18 |
blind | thanks, erUSUL | 20:18 |
n6rej | frostburn: you can email me a new dado blade for my table saw can you ? :P | 20:18 |
bullgard4 | [Tracker] Is it normal to have 23 different files 'file-index.tmp'? See | 20:18 |
frostburn | n6rej, if you email me another gigabit switch =P | 20:19 |
sebrock | I get this error when tyring to build with dkms: /usr/sbin/dkms: line 28: popd: directory stack empty, what is that?? | 20:19 |
brane | np ! 3 partition in extended partition one is root / one is /home and one is swap , swap is 2*RAM capacity | 20:19 |
erUSUL | blind: also you may need to set up the nameservers on the ubuntu box | 20:19 |
n6rej | frostburn: yeah I've been looking at cat6E, wondering if it will make a big enough diff with my 100mb network... everything is gigabit BUT my router :( | 20:19 |
brane | logical partition ! | 20:19 |
n6rej | frostburn: i've got all cat 5 and cat5E right now | 20:19 |
qwiksand | been in here for the longest time, threw out my questions and none have been answered | 20:20 |
Frotos | I noticed on the presentation flash here a 3D display of openoffice, could someone explain to me how I can get openoffice to do that, right now on my computer its just flat | 20:20 |
soulc | anyone hear of a laser printer printing the test page in reverse where if you look through the page you see the image correctly | 20:20 |
nikolaj | Do anyone knows why wvdial is not on the ubuntu server cd? can that really be true? | 20:20 |
cellofellow | soulc: some printers have a Mirror option. | 20:20 |
d0ck | brane linux is gonna be my fourth primary, how can i make an extended swap partiiton ? | 20:20 |
frostburn | n6rej, i got a nice new one off of newegg for 45$ netgear 8 porter, metal(!) case | 20:20 |
StFS | crimsun: hey again, just one quick question... why is it that raw1394 is owned by the disk group anyways? Do you know? | 20:20 |
n6rej | frostburn: oh very nice! | 20:21 |
Lynet | d0ck: "The number of partitions on an Intel-based system was limited from the very beginning: The original partition table was installed as part of the boot sector and held space for only four partition entries. These partitions are now called primary partitions. " | 20:21 |
soulc | I think my printer got set in that mode then | 20:21 |
Lynet | d0ck: "One primary partition of a hard drive may be subpartitioned. These are logical partitions. This effectively allows us to skirt the historical four partition limitation. " | 20:21 |
cellofellow | d0ck: you can have only 4 partitions, with IDE drives. If you want more than that, replace one of the primaries with an extended and put logicals inside of that. | 20:21 |
jbrouhard | Whose bright idea was it to include all these "locked down" measures in Firefox ? | 20:21 |
tushyd | When I try to install the nvidia 169.12 driver, i restart X and it fails and goes to safe mode. When I roll back to 100.14.19 it works just fine. Anyone know whats up? | 20:21 |
brane | no you cant ! only if you have 3 primary ! | 20:21 |
Frotos | I guess no one knows about 3D desktops... | 20:22 |
MythGuy | how do I upgrade from 7.10 to 8.04 using a 8.04 CD? | 20:22 |
nikolaj | anyone who knows something about ubuntu? | 20:22 |
nikolaj | server | 20:22 |
Lynet | !ask | nikolaj | 20:22 |
Barnabas | nico _ check | 20:22 |
Fishscene | Ubottu must be offline :S | 20:22 |
Lynet | Ubotu, were art thou? | 20:22 |
cellofellow | nikolaj: I'd recommend #ubuntu-server but it's a very quiet channel. | 20:23 |
brane | because linux have lot partitions - let it be logical ! in extended ! | 20:23 |
d0ck | which file system does windows use ? | 20:23 |
nikolaj | Thanks <cellofellow> | 20:23 |
Pici | nikolaj: or just ask in here | 20:23 |
Lynet | d0ck: Windows is NTFS or FAT/FAT32. | 20:23 |
cellofellow | d0ck: normally FAT32 (Windows) or NTFS (Windows NT, including 2000, XP, and Vista). | 20:23 |
d0ck | could grub create some partitions ? | 20:24 |
zetheroo | I logged into hardy today and there was a message saying something about HOME/.dmrc being ignored .. and now everything looks strange..... whats happened? | 20:24 |
Lynet | grub is bootloader, nto partition editor. | 20:24 |
cellofellow | d0ck: no, use cfdisk or gparted. | 20:24 |
d0ck | shi, i have to quit installing now :( | 20:25 |
d0ck | or should i just create a swap file ? | 20:25 |
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bon955 | Wie sehen Sie Download Ubuntu | 20:26 |
ghostknife | I also have slow scrolling with 8.04, it's apparently Ubuntulooks/Clearlook. How can I replace this with something generic? | 20:26 |
glasgowkody | Once I download active python, it gives me a .tar.gz archive.. what do I do to install it? | 20:26 |
Pici | glasgowkody: Python is in the Ubuntu repositories, any particular reason you need | 20:27 |
Pici | Active Python? | 20:28 |
glasgowkody | Oh I didn't know it was already there | 20:28 |
amikrop | How is the "Volume Control" program called? | 20:28 |
Frotos | Does anyone know what feature this is in ubuntu? | 20:28 |
=== emet is now known as _emet_ | ||
glasgowkody | So what do I need to do to install the one from the repository? | 20:28 |
Pici | glasgowkody: In fact, its probably already installed. | 20:28 |
amikrop | Hello. Does anybody know what program launches the "Volume Control"? | 20:29 |
fde | Frotos: That is Compiz. | 20:29 |
Mimi | Frotos: The Cube? You get it with Compiz Fuzion. Join #compiz | 20:29 |
Frotos | ok | 20:29 |
Frotos | I have 8.04 is it installed? | 20:29 |
d0ck | how to manage partitions on lifecd ? | 20:30 |
fde | Frotos: yes. | 20:30 |
tushyd | amikrop, alsamixer | 20:30 |
tushyd | Frotos, go to System>Preferences>Appearance and then click on the Visual Effects tab | 20:30 |
x1250 | whats the package for wxpython? $ aptitude search wx, gives a disturbing list of 4 packages, none of them python related | 20:31 |
fde | tushyd: Nope, he was looking for 'gnome-volume-control' but alas, he left. | 20:31 |
tushyd | fde, ah | 20:31 |
kvo | can anyone here help me? | 20:32 |
grandmaster_ | i'm having problems displaying flash animations in hardy heron 32 bit...any help? | 20:32 |
kvo | im having a problem with the game Frets on Fire for Ubuntu | 20:32 |
fde | kvo: Maybe, how about we start with your question? | 20:32 |
fliegenderfrosch | x1250: I have a package called pxthon-wxgtk2.8 | 20:32 |
kvo | ok | 20:32 |
fde | kvo: What problems? | 20:32 |
nyuu | | 20:32 |
kvo | i downloaded the game fgrom Sypnatic anda when i start it its very slow | 20:32 |
PaRaSiTe2 | Is anyone here on dial up? | 20:32 |
fde | nyuu: /newserver then /j #radioproject | 20:33 |
grandmaster_ | i'm having trouble with gnash | 20:33 |
brane | in past with lucent modem :) | 20:33 |
PaRaSiTe2 | I mean currently. | 20:34 |
PaRaSiTe2 | My current modem won't work with 8.04. | 20:34 |
fde | grandmaster_: It's not very full featured yet... you'd do better to use flashplugin-nonfree for now. | 20:34 |
PaRaSiTe2 | So I want to know which one will. | 20:34 |
billy12 | some one just told me linux user's are nothing but drugie, new age hippies | 20:34 |
kvo | ? | 20:34 |
brane | you must have driver for 8.04 kernels | 20:34 |
erUSUL | !ot | billy12 | 20:34 |
tushyd | billy12, it's true. All of us are currently on drugs. | 20:34 |
_rik_ | exit | 20:35 |
billy12 | lol, well me too | 20:35 |
grandmaster_ | fde thanks | 20:35 |
x1250 | fliegenderfrosch: thanks, could you please $ apt-cache policy the package to see in what repository resides? | 20:35 |
x1250 | I'm on hardy | 20:35 |
PaRaSiTe2 | brane: Huh? | 20:35 |
billy12 | maybe 8.10 should be called puff puff | 20:35 |
tjb891 | i can't get my subwoofer to work even though i have LFE turned up all the way, does anyone have any idea? | 20:35 |
billy12 | might get more users | 20:35 |
daYZman | i've just installed 1.7 and the gnome panel and the menu bars are red, how do i change that? i've tried changing to a custom Emerald theme, but they are still red. do i need a GTK theme? | 20:36 |
brane | yes i know buy lucent modem ! | 20:36 |
fde | billy12: /j #ubuntu-offtopic ... this is a support only channel. | 20:36 |
kvo | frets on fire... can anyone help me? | 20:36 |
billy12 | daYZman> | 20:36 |
fliegenderfrosch | x1250: it's in universe, but I'm still on feisty | 20:36 |
billy12 | srry | 20:36 |
jf_ | What's up with flash on hardy? | 20:36 |
jf_ | Crashes on me ALL the time. | 20:37 |
mluser-work | Does ubuntu used selinux by default? | 20:37 |
jf_ | It's a 50/50 chans. | 20:37 |
fde | jf_: Turn off Compiz. | 20:37 |
tushyd | jf_, I second that and I'm not using compiz | 20:37 |
=== toxic__ is now known as toxic__|aw | ||
brane | 8.10 must to work with Asus A7U laptop and ECS KA3 MVP mobo and ........ | 20:38 |
PaRaSiTe2 | !modem | 20:38 |
jf_ | fde: Is it compiz that is causing it? | 20:38 |
fde | jf_: It will crash more with Compiz around, yes. | 20:38 |
jf_ | fde: Never had the problem with gutsy. | 20:38 |
fde | jf_: It's mostly because Adobe Flash is proprietary, and thus we can't fix issues with it ourselves, and they don't care enough about Linux at this point. | 20:39 |
tushyd | fde: do you think that'll change now that flash is being opened up? | 20:39 |
Frozenball | gnash | 20:39 |
fde | tushyd: I have no idea, I haven't seen any sign of source code being released, so gnash and swfdec are still the best hopes | 20:39 |
grandmaster_ | fde: how do i get rid of gnash, then? | 20:40 |
jf_ | fde: Someone should buy flash and open source it. Just for fun :( | 20:40 |
jf_ | :) | 20:40 |
bullgard4 | [Tracker] Is it normal to have 23 different files 'file-index.tmp'? See | 20:40 |
fde | (mostly swfdec though, as it has a better infrastructure - gstreamer) | 20:40 |
oussama | Salut | 20:40 |
fde | grandmaster_: sudo apt-get remove gnash | 20:40 |
grandmaster_ | fde oh that makes sense...haha | 20:40 |
ghostknife | where is the gtkrc files for themes located? | 20:40 |
=== |GuS| is now known as [GuS] | ||
fde | jf_: also try installing 'libflashsupport' as it apparently helps ... you too grandmaster_ | 20:41 |
mike | Hi! I'm sorry to bother you guys with a really pissy problem, but the thing is that I'm running KTorrent and it maxes at 20kb/s for ten seconds, then dies for half a minute and then it starts again the same way, which is a bit odd, any one know what the problem might be? | 20:41 |
tushyd | mike, did you try opening up the ports? | 20:42 |
ghostknife | mike: it's your connections | 20:42 |
ghostknife | tushyd: he gets to transfer some data, the ports are obviously open | 20:42 |
fde | jf_: Adobe already did. | 20:42 |
fde | jf_: Adobe are part of the Linux Foundation now, so we'll see what comes of that. | 20:42 |
zetheroo | please help.... I am being told on login that HOME/.dmrc is being ignored..... and everything is screwed up when I login..... please help!!! | 20:42 |
ghostknife | mike: try downloading a different file and see if it still does that | 20:43 |
zetheroo | I am running Hardy | 20:43 |
ether_c | hi, has anyone had the "applet not initialized" problem with java? | 20:43 |
ghostknife | mike: usually that means the connection isn't stable. how fast is your connection? | 20:43 |
tushyd | ghostknife: not true. i was getting really slow transfers on torrents but when I opened the ports on my router/modem it flew | 20:43 |
mike | But if it's my connections, I guess there's nothin' I can do, is there? | 20:43 |
timposey | Help, I tried to update to 08.04 we had a power shut down right after starting the upgrade and I have tried starting again with update manager but it just seems to freeze or lock up ... any suggestions | 20:43 |
billy12 | mike:you have flash? | 20:43 |
jf_ | fde: Link me to info about that plz. | 20:44 |
ghostknife | tushyd: true, some of it might work if you have half of the connections open | 20:44 |
brane | how can i got MDI form in GIMP not SDI ? Like in Photoshop | 20:44 |
billy12 | mike : goto and do a speed test | 20:44 |
ghostknife | mikefoo1: try opening up all your ports, both udp/tcp | 20:44 |
legion_ | I need a bit of help with mounting an ntfs drive that didn't shut down right. I've tried to do what ubuntu tells me to, but I just get the message that only root can do what I ask | 20:44 |
billy12 | mike : and post the results | 20:44 |
mortal1 | I did a "check cd" on ubuntu alternate, and it said one of the files is corrupt | 20:44 |
mortal1 | so then I checked the md5 of the iso vs the one on the site | 20:45 |
fde | jf_: | 20:45 |
mortal1 | it's the same | 20:45 |
fde | jf_: This is starting to deviate from support though... | 20:45 |
zeker | hello gentlemen. I have a machine with two ethernet cards and I intend to use it as a firewall for my office network. It currently has the latest ubuntu release installed, and it also has firewall builder and firestarter. Hardy heron is installed, and I believe it's the client version of the OS. Can it be used as a tunnel/firewall for other computers to access the internet? If so, what steps do I need to take to configu | 20:45 |
mortal1 | does that mean the media was bad? | 20:45 |
bobbob1016 | I have a network drive mounted in my fstab. I want to be able to search the whole drive via beagle, however I can't. If I search for "music" it shows up, but if I search for an artist in the music folder, it doesn't appear. How can I make sure that this drive is being indexed? | 20:45 |
stbain | zeker: yes, it can | 20:45 |
bobbob1016 | I added it in my beagle-settings already | 20:45 |
PeterFA | I want to report a problem but it's definately not a bug. How do I report it? | 20:46 |
jf_ | fde: Focus on Linux != Open Source? | 20:46 |
timposey | Help, I tried to update to 08.04 we had a power shut down right after starting the upgrade and I have tried starting again with update manager but it just seems to freeze or lock up ... any suggestions | 20:47 |
fde | jf_: Nope... | 20:47 |
ubuntu_ | Erm, my firefox won't even work XD | 20:47 |
=== jf_ is now known as jf | ||
fde | jf_: But generally, companies that join the Linux Foundation end up contributing to open source as part of their work. | 20:47 |
belor1 | hey, After the upgrade to 8.04 my GDM theme is no lonmger centered and on the logoin screen there is no language or shutdown buttons | 20:47 |
billy12 | | 20:48 |
billy12 | belor1> | 20:48 |
brane | 8.04 is better to be 8.06 | 20:48 |
bullgard4 | PeterFA: If it is not a bug, what is it then? | 20:48 |
belor1 | Billy12:Thanks, its well appreciated | 20:49 |
fde | belor1: In hardy, those lines won't exist yet keep it in mind when reading that... | 20:49 |
billy12 | np | 20:49 |
chris_420 | quick should be simple open office question.... where can i go to download templates? preferably resume templates | 20:49 |
belor1 | fde: so i have to addthe,m? | 20:50 |
chris_420 | loked at source forge that the open office page... only to find nothing | 20:50 |
billy12 | belor1> true, another way to fix the problem, is to pick a differnt login window | 20:50 |
TJ13820 | my splash screen is not loading in ubuntu. I tried to install a new splash screen with Startup manager, but it won't work | 20:50 |
fde | belor1: Not sure, depends what it's telling you to do... I just skimmed briefly, and Hardy doesn't use Mode lines by default anymore though... it tries to auto-detect such things. | 20:50 |
belor1 | billy12, but none are centered like they were before | 20:50 |
billy12 | belor1> in System >administration >login windows | 20:51 |
PeterFA | bullgard4, their Canada server has issues. All my problems were instantly fixed when I switched to main servers. | 20:51 |
=== flavioribeiro is now known as aeciosantos | ||
PeterFA | bullgard4, clearly, it's not a bug and clearly it must be reported. | 20:51 |
chris_420 | no body knows? | 20:51 |
belor1 | billy12, i know were to change then just none are centered | 20:51 |
billy12 | belor1> pick a diffent style | 20:52 |
belor1 | billy12, all styles wont center | 20:52 |
laeg | is ubuntu hardy 'a Linux distribution package which supports RPM'? | 20:52 |
ohyouknow1987 | hey guys, i can't get my evolution to send/receve. any ideas? | 20:52 |
billy12 | belor1> did u try plain (no face borswer) | 20:52 |
fde | laeg: Uhh... not really, you can use alien to turn rpm's into debs, then use them though. | 20:52 |
bullgard4 | PeterFA: Are you referring to IRC servers of this network 'Freenode'? | 20:53 |
belor1 | billy12, yes | 20:53 |
legend2440 | chris_420: | 20:53 |
claudio | ragazzi come posso cambiare la mia password | 20:53 |
billy12 | belor1> umm | 20:53 |
fde | laeg: alien is installed by default... simply 'alien --to-deb whatever.rpm' | 20:53 |
Takalius | I'm having a problem with Ubuntu Install CD. Buffer I/O error on fd0, Status: {DRDY} | 20:53 |
chris_420 | legend will check... | 20:53 |
claudio | chris come cambio la mia passwod? | 20:53 |
laeg | fde: ty i am going to try tar xfz openvpn-[version].tar.gz | 20:53 |
PeterFA | bullgard4, no. | 20:53 |
billy12 | you log out and hit crl+alt+backspace | 20:53 |
ohyouknow1987 | evolution problem cannot send or recieve | 20:53 |
tarvid | need pointers on connection sharing setup with ebox | 20:53 |
PeterFA | bullgard4, I'm referring to the repositories. | 20:54 |
fde | laeg: sudo apt-get install openvpn ... however I was wrong, alien isn't installed be default anymore. | 20:54 |
Y-Town | I am trying to get rid of wine and all apps installed in it. I have an app (mono 1.9.1) that shows as being installed, yet its not... any ideas how to get rid of it from the menu list so I can reload wine? | 20:54 |
danand | Takalius - do you have a floppy drive?? | 20:54 |
chris_420 | SWEET LEGEND THANKS | 20:54 |
Takalius | Yeah, I do | 20:54 |
chris_420 | im outty to make a new resume haha... lates | 20:54 |
Takalius | danand, I do | 20:54 |
fde | laeg: Generally, if it's worth having, just use synaptic or sudo apt-get install to get it. | 20:54 |
Teastro | on xubuntu 8.04, i have to install wireless dlink g132 for internet...i have downloaded ndiswrappers, installed,but when i install neta5agu driver: sudo ndiswrapper -i /Desktop/Driver/netA5AGU.inf | 20:54 |
billy12 | <Y-Town> rm -R ~/.wine | 20:54 |
GhostFish | Help!! I getting the WHITE screen of death ... with an ATI Video Card | 20:54 |
PeterFA | danand, dang, if you're asking about floppy drives, someone is desperate. | 20:54 |
billy12 | <Y-Town> sudo apt-get remove wine | 20:55 |
laeg | fde: i need the beta version for my VPN provider and i can't get that in synaptic or sudo apt-get, right? | 20:55 |
danand | Takalius - is it a removable drive? Dell floppy module? | 20:55 |
Takalius | Uh | 20:55 |
PeterFA | billy12, is there also a purge function? | 20:55 |
Sonja | is there a .deb for this | 20:55 |
Takalius | I don't think so | 20:55 |
Teastro | couldn't open /desktop/driver/netA5AGU.inf: no such file or directory at /usr/sbin/ndiswrapper-1.9 line 181. | 20:55 |
Y-Town | billy12: thanks ... I will try the first one... the second option in synaptic doesnt work | 20:55 |
Teastro | someone can help me? | 20:55 |
Takalius | Danand - Keep forgetting to highlight - I don't think so. | 20:55 |
laboutin | hi | 20:55 |
billy12 | <PeterFA> apt-get clean or autoclean mayne | 20:56 |
Sonja | i want to install the rogue-like Doom | 20:56 |
jco | hi, where is cpu frequency managed in Ubuntu? (The equivalent of cpu-freq) | 20:56 |
PeterFA | billy12, ah. | 20:56 |
fde | laeg: Hardy has OpenVPN 2.1 RC 7 | 20:56 |
zeker | stbain, do you know of any tutorials that will help me configure ubuntu for this? | 20:56 |
Lynet | Teastro: Sounds like the driver files are not in the place that ndiswrapper is expecting them to be. | 20:56 |
Takalius | Danand - If this helps, I'm using a HP Pavilion 513n, from 2003 | 20:56 |
fde | laeg: If that's not the version you need, it's not supported, and I can't help you. | 20:56 |
Darth_Vader | hi, i've got installed alsa-base and alsa-utils but still, doesnt recognize alsaconf ! how could i fix that ? | 20:56 |
billy12 | <PeterFA> i really dont understand wht you are trying to do | 20:56 |
ghostknife | Anyone know about editing gnome theme files (gtkrc files)? | 20:57 |
bullgard4 | PeterFA: I do not know who is responsible for them. You could ask this question here in this channel. I am sure there are people here who can tell you who is in charge of them. | 20:57 |
danand | Takalius - :) I had this problem when installing on my laptop. Does the error message repeat? | 20:57 |
Teastro | where ndiswrapper expect them to be?!?!?!? | 20:57 |
Takalius | danand - Yeah. It also seems to do that when I try booting Debian without Single User MOde | 20:57 |
ghostknife | I want to use the radio/checkbox buttons of one theme, but keep everything else of another. Simply using the customize button and changing the controls option isn't enough, since it changes the scrollbars/tabs/buttons aswell | 20:57 |
Y-Town | billy12: here is the error I get: rm: remove write-protected regular file `/home/dan/.wine/drive_c/windows/temp/IS2bd3.tmp/eula.3076.txt'? | 20:57 |
timposey | Help, I tried to update to 08.04 we had a power shut down right after starting the upgrade and I have tried starting again with update manager but it just seems to freeze or lock up ... any suggestions | 20:57 |
PeterFA | Who's in charge of the Canadian repository servers? | 20:57 |
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billy12 | <Y-Town> sudo rm -R ~/.wine | 20:58 |
Y-Town | billy12: thats what I did, and thats the error that come up | 20:58 |
billy12 | <Y-Town> if you where useing wine in THIS seesion you will have to log out to close wine b4 you can remove it | 20:59 |
FloodBot1 | !netsplit | 20:59 |
ubottu | netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See | 20:59 |
jereme_ | hey I'm just in time for the netsplit.. sweet | 20:59 |
belor1 | My GDM theme wont center no matter what i do, can someone help me solve this issue | 20:59 |
zetheroo | why can't I share a folder on the network in Hardy??? In Gutsy it worked fine... | 20:59 |
billy12 | <Y-Town> wine is probly useing that file | 20:59 |
billy12 | <Y-Town> logout and back in and try agian | 20:59 |
danand | Takalius - if so leave it a while. Usually the message repeats for a while (5 mins) and then the install carries on as normal. Might be due to over zealous hardware detection on the install cd. Just give it a while... | 20:59 |
Takalius | ... | 20:59 |
Y-Town | billy12: OK.... the sudo worked. :o) | 20:59 |
Lord_Devi | still surprises me after all these years that netsplits are still a plague | 20:59 |
GhostFish | Help!! I getting the WHITE screen of death ... with an ATI Video Card anyone know How to fix ???? | 21:00 |
Takalius | Danand - The error keeps repeating itself both when I try using the Ubuntu install CD, and when I try booting Debian outside of Single User Mode | 21:00 |
zetheroo | anyone? | 21:00 |
timposey | Help, I tried to update to 08.04 we had a power shut down right after starting the upgrade and I have tried starting again with update manager but it just seems to freeze or lock up ... any suggestions | 21:00 |
Kyle__ | hey Ubuntu server defaults to a console right? | 21:00 |
billy12 | <Y-Town> nice, what error does sudo apt-get remove wine give you | 21:00 |
Lord_Devi | GhostFish: Yeah. Get an nvidia! | 21:00 |
Starnestommy | Kyle__: yes | 21:00 |
Lord_Devi | GhostFish: hehe, sorry I know.. Had to say it for some reason | 21:00 |
jereme_ | wwwwwhhhuuu? the default version of firefox on hardy is beta? | 21:00 |
Y-Town | billy12: lemme run it now | 21:00 |
danand | Takalius - is the Pavillion a desktop or laptop? | 21:00 |
Lord_Devi | jereme_: 3b5, yeah | 21:01 |
Takalius | danand - Desktop | 21:01 |
billy12 | jereme_> ff 3 5beta is stable | 21:01 |
magnetron | Question: My nvidia 6800 card seems to get quite hot (57 degrees Celsius for desktop). is there anything i could do to save power, when talking about graphics? | 21:01 |
billy12 | jereme_> and uses *much* less ram | 21:01 |
jereme_ | billy12: that's nice, but firebug and foxmarks don't work on it | 21:01 |
billy12 | jereme_> i know | 21:01 |
umbesca | ciAO | 21:01 |
Lord_Devi | jereme_: foxmarks doesn't, but Gmarks does - and if you ask me it is much better | 21:01 |
StFS | crimsun: I ended up creating a raw1394 group and added my user to that as well as assigning ownership of /dev/raw1394 to it... seems to work ok... until I figure out the reason why they assign it to the disk group | 21:01 |
Y-Town | billy12: | 21:01 |
Y-Town | E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) | 21:01 |
Y-Town | E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? | 21:01 |
Y-Town | dan@dan-laptop:~$ | 21:01 |
ether_c | do Java applets work for anyone on hardy? | 21:02 |
danand | Takalius - do you know if the floppy drive works ok or not? :) | 21:02 |
lordz | Hi | 21:02 |
Teastro | qualche italiano che se ne intende di ubuntu? | 21:02 |
Takalius | danand - I have tried using it before with floppies, and it does not work. | 21:02 |
Gramble | question: i'm installing ubuntu right now. what's a ballpark range of how long the partition process takes? | 21:02 |
belor1 | Y-Town | !pastebin | 21:02 |
bobbob1016 | GhostFish, First off, more punctuation doesn't get your question answered sooner. Second, are you using Hardy? | 21:02 |
billy12 | <Y-Town> log out and back in, wine is still running | 21:02 |
lordz | I am having a problem with my - 3D Effects | 21:02 |
lordz | It keeps saying | 21:02 |
lordz | Let me find it a second | 21:02 |
Y-Town | billy12: thanx | 21:02 |
zetheroo | anyone? | 21:02 |
billy12 | <Y-Town> np, any time | 21:02 |
d0ck | guys, i want to clear: if i choose to use largest continious space while installing will my windows partition be limited in disc space ? | 21:02 |
lordz | Desktop Effects Was not Enabled | 21:02 |
lordz | Thats the error i keep getting | 21:03 |
zeker | hello gentlemen. I have a machine with two ethernet cards and I intend to use it as a firewall for my office network. It currently has the latest ubuntu release installed, and it also has firewall builder and firestarter. Hardy heron is installed, and I believe it's the client version of the OS. Can it be used as a tunnel/firewall for other computers to access the internet? If so, what steps do I need to take to configu | 21:03 |
ether_c | do Java applets work for anyone on hardy? | 21:03 |
danand | Takalius - hmmm.... Have you thought of just unplugging it from the mainboard?? | 21:03 |
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jereme_ | hey, so I just updated and it's been so long since I setup fglrx, that I can't remember where I got the kernel module from... any fglrx users that would know this tasty tidbit? | 21:03 |
magnetron | ether_c: yes. | 21:03 |
Lord_Devi | zetheroo: I have just shared a folder on my network on my brand new hardy install yesterday and it worked fine so I don't know | 21:03 |
ether_c | damn.. I keep getting "applet not initialized" | 21:03 |
fde | ether_c: Yup... using sun-java6-plugin | 21:03 |
Lord_Devi | zetheroo: i DID however share it using "gksudo nautilius" rather from default nautilus | 21:03 |
lordz | I have been getting a problem with 3D Effects Every time i try and use it i get DESKTOP EFFECTS COULD NOT BE ENABLED, Which is quite annoying, Does anybody know a cure for this | 21:03 |
gnychis | whats the proper way to install flash player in hardy? | 21:03 |
magnetron | !it | Teastro | 21:03 |
ubottu | Teastro: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 21:03 |
ether_c | I've uninstalled and reinstalled sun-java6-stuff 3 times | 21:03 |
Takalius | danand - Alright I'll try that after, it should do it. I have to go right now, but thank you for your help | 21:03 |
=== kubuntu-deIRC is now known as neversfelde|mobi | ||
d0ck | guys, i want to clear: if i choose to use largest continious space while installing will my windows partition be limited in disc space ?? | 21:04 |
bullgard4 | [Tracker] Is it normal to have 23 different files 'file-index.tmp'? See | 21:04 |
danand | Takalius - np :) | 21:04 |
zetheroo | Lord_Devi: but through gksudo isn't that root sharing it? | 21:04 |
Takalius | ^^ | 21:04 |
lordz | I have been getting a problem with 3D Effects Every time i try and use it i get DESKTOP EFFECTS COULD NOT BE ENABLED, Which is quite annoying, Does anybody know a cure for this | 21:04 |
Lord_Devi | Here is a question. If I have a theme i really like, and would like apps running under 'gksudo' to use the same theme, how would I do this? | 21:04 |
magnetron | gnychis: application > add/remove, search for "flash" | 21:04 |
Lord_Devi | zetheroo: Yeah it is. The reason i did that tho was because I was sharing a point located under /mnt rather than /home | 21:04 |
zeker | can someone please offer assistatnce? | 21:04 |
balzac | hello | 21:04 |
Lord_Devi | zetheroo: point is, it worked for me | 21:04 |
lordz | Arg this is really annoying me i cant get 3D Effects to work -.= | 21:05 |
zetheroo | Lord_Devi: over the network? | 21:05 |
magnetron | !repeat | lordz | 21:05 |
ubottu | lordz: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search or while you wait. Also see !patience | 21:05 |
=== neversfelde|mobi is now known as kubuntu-deIRC | ||
balzac | I'm using firefox 2. When I click "install missing plugin", the downloads fail | 21:05 |
sushith | Hi, I have selected a screen resolution of 1024x768 in my Ubuntu Hardy, But my login Screen is still at 800x600 and after login only its being changed to the resolution of my prefernece, How can i fix this? | 21:05 |
balzac | I'm having no luck getting java plugin running on firefox, ubuntu, hardy | 21:05 |
heartsblood | does anybody here run team speak or have the client handy? I'm trying to test my ts server and make sure it's getting NAT access to outside | 21:05 |
umbesca | ho aggiornato ad HH ed ho difficoltà a vedere i divx | 21:05 |
heartsblood | | 21:05 |
ether_c | Lord_Devi: try gksudo? | 21:06 |
balzac | W: Failed to fetch | 21:06 |
zeker | hello gentlemen. I have a machine with two ethernet cards and I intend to use it as a firewall for my office network. It currently has the latest ubuntu release installed, and it also has firewall builder and firestarter. Hardy heron is installed, and I believe it's the client version of the OS. Can it be used as a tunnel/firewall for other computers to access the internet? If so, what steps do I need to take to configu | 21:06 |
magnetron | !it | umbesca | 21:06 |
ubottu | umbesca: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 21:06 |
Lynet | zeker: Yes, pretty much any linux distribution can be used as a firewall/internet gatway. | 21:06 |
ether_c | I'm having java problems too | 21:06 |
Lord_Devi | ether_c: that's my question, whenever i use gksudo i would like the app to be using my users theme rather than root's theme(which is nonexistant.) | 21:06 |
zetheroo | Lord_Devi: ok I did it through gksudo and it worked | 21:06 |
umbesca | oks | 21:06 |
GhostFish | Any help me out with the damn WHITE screen of death ??? | 21:06 |
zetheroo | thanks | 21:06 |
sushith | anyone? | 21:06 |
Lynet | zeker: As for configuring it, it depends on what tools you use. | 21:06 |
Ubhubdub | hello | 21:06 |
Lord_Devi | zetheroo: yw man, sorry I didn't answer sooner, so many questions.... hehe | 21:06 |
zeker | lynet, does it matter if it's the server/client version? | 21:06 |
magnetron | !patience | GhostFish | 21:06 |
bullgard4 | [Tracker] Is it normal to have 23 different files 'file-index.tmp'? See | 21:06 |
ubottu | GhostFish: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See | 21:06 |
bobbob1016 | GhostFish, Did you get my response? | 21:07 |
lordz | Seriously for those who are having problems with 8.04 go back to 7.10 I had to go back twice because its quite buggy at moment | 21:07 |
billy12 | sushith> | 21:07 |
bobbob1016 | GhostFish, First off, more punctuation doesn't get your question answered sooner. Second, are you using Hardy? | 21:07 |
zetheroo | Lord_Devi: for sure... no worries | 21:07 |
Ubhubdub | hello | 21:07 |
Ubhubdub | i want to install the new linux kernel (version over the one Ubuntu 8.04 has (version 2.6.24) | 21:07 |
billy12 | sushith> the same issue | 21:07 |
Ubhubdub | can you please guide me? | 21:07 |
jereme_ | ah hrm, fglrx isn't in restricted moduls anymore | 21:07 |
ether_c | Lord_Devi: oh, I haven't actually tried it, but I figured it should use your settings if you run gksudo rather than gksu | 21:07 |
Ubhubdub | and i want to completely remove the old kernel | 21:07 |
Lynet | zeker: Afaik, no. Although desktop would by default install some stuff that you'd typically not need/want on a firwall box. | 21:07 |
ether_c | just looking at the man page now | 21:07 |
Lord_Devi | I find 8.04 to be incredible personal. Blows my mind how much work they have put into it. | 21:07 |
billy12 | <Ubhubdub>: | 21:08 |
ether_c | I wish my flash applets would work.. | 21:08 |
billy12 | <Ubhubdub>: give me a sec | 21:08 |
Ubhubdub | ok | 21:08 |
PriceChild | !highno | Ubhubdub | 21:08 |
ubottu | Ubhubdub: A higher version number does not mean that it's better. Especially with packages such as the linux kernel. The packages in the Ubuntu repositories are stable and will work fine. You should have a better reason than "newer" when considering compiling from source or using 3rd party repos. | 21:08 |
billy12 | <Ubhubdub>: ill find the page w. the guide | 21:08 |
Lord_Devi | ether_c: Hrm, I suppose I should have done that at least shouldn't I. Kinda gettin lazy in my old age.. | 21:08 |
Ubhubdub | billy12, ok | 21:08 |
PriceChild | Ubhubdub: many of the improvements will have been backported anyway | 21:08 |
sushith | Hi, I have selected a screen resolution of 1024x768 in my Ubuntu Hardy, But my login Screen is still at 800x600 and after login only its being changed to the resolution of my prefernece, How can i fix this? | 21:08 |
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PriceChild | Ubhubdub: do not upgrade your kernel unless you really know what you're doing as it will cause problems | 21:09 |
Ubhubdub | PriceChild, i always strive for perfection | 21:09 |
sortudo_78 | hello from brazil, i need some help please | 21:09 |
SnakeArt | Hi! I need some help with wacom tablet configuration. Anyone? | 21:09 |
PriceChild | Ubhubdub: as does the several man kernel team which spent 6 months on the one you're using right now ;) | 21:09 |
PriceChild | Ubhubdub: if you think you can do a better job in an afternoon, please get in touch with them and let them know what they're doing wrong | 21:09 |
zeker | lynet, thank you. Do you have experience setting up ubuntu as a gateway? I have another linux machine that has no gui and is breaking down, but I'd like to set up ubuntu if possible as a gateway. What's the most efficient way of doing this? | 21:09 |
Ubhubdub | i have 6 minutes that the full source of the kernel tarball downloads (i have a 512kbit download speed so it takes a while) | 21:10 |
belor1 | fde, hardy does use Modes | 21:10 |
sortudo_78 | anybody can halp me with PCMCIA modem instalation !!! | 21:10 |
Lord_Devi | Does anyone know of any soundcards that are both 24bit and also have hardware mixing? | 21:10 |
Ubhubdub | *before the .... | 21:10 |
guest | sushith, this link might help you | 21:10 |
KL3B3R | I have just installed Ubuntu 8.04 on a 4GB RAM based computer. Do you guys know how can I install (apt-get) a "server" kernel for PAE support ? | 21:10 |
sushith | guest: thanks | 21:11 |
Lynet | zeker: I have some experience with setting up routers/firwalls in general, although not on ubuntu in particular. I suppose I could take you through the basics. | 21:11 |
guest | sushith: you're welcome | 21:11 |
fde | belor1: Weird... fresh install, I don't have any... | 21:11 |
sap | Hello guys, any idea of a good webpage editor? (ease of use and good editing properties ). thx. | 21:11 |
Ubhubdub | is there any "build new kernel from source" for hardy? | 21:11 |
KL3B3R | sap, bluefish | 21:11 |
guest | sap, try out bluefish | 21:11 |
belor1 | fde, well ididnt fresh install thats probly why, but if i change the modes it works | 21:11 |
ArthurArchnix | Ubhubdub: What's that? | 21:12 |
qwiksand | fde i really need help with something | 21:12 |
Ubhubdub | a tutorial i ment | 21:12 |
Starnestommy | Ubhubdub: the kernel already in Hardy is fine. Why would you need a different one? | 21:12 |
fde | qwiksand: What are you having an issue with? | 21:12 |
qwiksand | sound and video | 21:12 |
Ubhubdub | Starnestommy, i want the latest version ;) | 21:12 |
sap | KL3B3R, guerby k ty guys . i'm doing it for first time so guess I should be able to handle it fairly easily.. ;D | 21:12 |
ArthurArchnix | Ubhubdub: Yes, there's plenty of tutorials for ubuntu. I'm of the opinion though that if you can't find them, you shouldn't try it. ;) | 21:12 |
sebrock | how do I figure out exactly which module that has been loaded upon boot? | 21:13 |
sap | guerby, sry that wasnt directed at u | 21:13 |
zeker | lynet, thank you. I hear firestarter is a good way to maintain a firewall. I wonder if it's good enough for what I need it for? As a firewall/gateway for an office? | 21:13 |
Starnestommy | Ubhubdub: there will be some things that won't work with the latest version. Only the versions in the repositories are guaranteed to work | 21:13 |
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Lord_Devi | Starnestommy: Trimming the kernel still does help improve performance at the cost of convenience. Also it is a very good learning experience I personally believe | 21:13 |
sap | guest, lol i misdirected the post above to someone else instead of u | 21:13 |
KL3B3R | sap, It's a bit simple. I'm sure you'll apreciate it ;-) | 21:13 |
Ubhubdub | Starnestommy, why is that? | 21:13 |
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fde | qwiksand: care to elaborate? white sound card, what video card... what issues are you experiencing, etc... if you ask the channel more specific questions, you'll get a better reply. | 21:13 |
billy12 | <Ubhubdub>: | 21:13 |
billy12 | <Ubhubdub>: sorry i lost the link to the page, but thats the text back up i kept | 21:13 |
billy12 | <Ubhubdub>: pleas tell me how it went | 21:13 |
ArthurArchnix | Ubhubdub: Have you thought about trying archlinux or gentoo? If you like debian, debian sid might work as well. | 21:13 |
guest | sap, i noticed :) | 21:13 |
marcel_ | how can I save a document as PDF ? | 21:13 |
billy12 | <Ubhubdub>: you can find me @ #ubuntu-powerpc 24/7 | 21:14 |
danand | Ubhubdub - beware that ubuntu apply patches to their kernels for you... if you download from another source you may not get those patches... your kernel may not work quite as the ubuntu kernels do... | 21:14 |
qwiksand | fde after downloading the modules for virtualbox, and it said i should reboot, i noticed when it rebooted that the screen resolution was off and the sound was gone. said that the gstreamer plugins are missing | 21:14 |
Ubhubdub | oh another thing... which kernel does Fedora 9 use? | 21:14 |
sortudo_78 | how do i create a simbolic link to /dev/usb/ttyUSB0 using ln -s comand line ??? | 21:14 |
Ubhubdub | billy12, i will ;) | 21:14 |
guest | marcel_, in open office theres a button that exports the document to pdf | 21:14 |
fde | Ubhubdub: | 21:14 |
Starnestommy | sortudo_78: ln -s /dev/usb/ttyUSB0 /path/to/symbolic/link | 21:14 |
sortudo_78 | please, some help !!! | 21:14 |
PiojoSSo | sorry... can someone help me please? | 21:15 |
PiojoSSo | when i try to startUbuntu Hardy, it starts with the leftcount "Press 'Esc' to enter the menu"... | 21:15 |
PiojoSSo | after this, it shows the Ubuntu logo for a few seconds... | 21:15 |
PiojoSSo | and then i get the message: | 21:15 |
PiojoSSo | "BusyBox v1.1.13 (Debian 1:1.1.3-5ubuntu12) Built-in shell (ash) | 21:15 |
PiojoSSo | Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands. | 21:15 |
FloodBot1 | PiojoSSo: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 21:15 |
SnakeArt | Is there someone with wacom tablet? | 21:15 |
Ubhubdub | thank you all for the wonderfull links ;) | 21:15 |
Ubhubdub | *wonderful | 21:15 |
billy12 | <Ubhubdub>: i upgraded my server, but i would listen yo wht they are saying about doing this to a desktop | 21:15 |
marcus`` | Hi, anyone successful in installing Xfi drivers? | 21:15 |
KL3B3R | guest: I have just installed Ubuntu 8.04 on a 4GB RAM based computer. Do you know how can I install (apt-get) a "server" kernel for PAE support ? | 21:15 |
marcel_ | thank you | 21:15 |
fde | qwiksand: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras to fix gstreamer issues. | 21:15 |
Lord_Devi | Because Ubuntu is so well made and really does have for the most part a "it just works" thing goin on, people seem to be gettin scared to poke around the manually. Kinda sad. | 21:15 |
fde | qwiksand: Not sure what that has to do with VirtualBox though. | 21:15 |
guest | KL3B3R, no sorry, thats out of my league | 21:15 |
Ubhubdub | ok now, the full source of the latest linux kernel is on my hard drive :) | 21:15 |
Lord_Devi | z | 21:16 |
sortudo_78 | starnestomy: that is the question, /with/path/to/use ??? | 21:16 |
KL3B3R | guest, anyway, thank you :) | 21:16 |
marcus`` | need help installing 32bit x-fi sound drivers on ubuntu 8.04 | 21:16 |
guest | KL3B3R, no problem :) | 21:16 |
sebrock | how can I check if my patched module has made it into the kernel and not the old one? | 21:16 |
quickone | I have a really quick question that i'm sure will be answerd easily | 21:16 |
XenThraL | Hi everyone, I have the bug where I updated my ubuntu now sudo can't find my hostname, anyone can point me out to any fixes? | 21:16 |
quickone | i want to make it so what i have in my clipboard stays across program closes | 21:16 |
Kl4m | ask it | 21:16 |
quickone | like when i close firefox | 21:16 |
ghostknife | the murrine/clearlooks theme engines are super slow. Aren't there good looking alternatives? | 21:16 |
quickone | how do i change the settings so it doesn't clear it | 21:16 |
ghostknife | or how can I edit them to find the problem? | 21:16 |
dubby | marcus'' alsa did not work? | 21:16 |
fde | marcus``: That sound card currently isn't supported, apologies. | 21:17 |
Starnestommy | XenThraL: you'll need to go into recovery mode then edit /etc/hosts to fix it | 21:17 |
marcus`` | dubby: no, alsa doesnt support it. | 21:17 |
=== MTeck is now known as MTecknology | ||
Y-Town | billy12: I still find applications/wine/programs/mono 1.9.1. I have removed wine and deleted .wine in my home directory. How can I go about getting the mono 1.9.1 gone? | 21:17 |
marcus`` | fde: drivers are released | 21:17 |
KL3B3R | ABOUT SERVER KERNEL --> I have just installed Ubuntu 8.04 on a 4GB RAM based computer. Do you guys know how can I install (apt-get) a "server" kernel for PAE support ? | 21:17 |
ArthurArchnix | Lord_Devi: Kinda off-topic, but yeah, if you're interested in compiling your own kernel maybe you ought to use distros that lend themselves to that kind of model. It'd be harder on Ubuntu because it's not really made with that kind of user in mind. | 21:17 |
erUSUL | quickone: you need a clipboard manager like glipper | 21:17 |
XenThraL | well I managed to open that now | 21:17 |
jasperarcher | Hello, I just installed 8.04 on my laptop (no other OS installed). I had some pictures and other files backed up on a USB stick, I tried to drag them onto my “documents” folder, but it says I don't have enough space – only 5 MB left free on that drive. Did I do the partitions incorrectly? I'm sure its a total newb question but any help would be much appreciated. | 21:17 |
PiojoSSo | sorry... can someone help me please? when i try to startUbuntu Hardy, it starts with the leftcount "Press 'Esc' to enter the menu"... after this, it shows the Ubuntu logo for a few seconds... and then i get the message: "BusyBox v1.1.13 (Debian 1:1.1.3-5ubuntu12) Built-in shell (ash) Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands. (initframs)" | 21:17 |
fde | marcus``: There are beta drivers, yes... but you'll have to talk to Creative about those. | 21:17 |
billy12 | <Y-Town> where is it that you see it | 21:17 |
fde | marcus``: If they were up to standards, they would have been in Hardy. | 21:17 |
quickone | so anybody? | 21:18 |
billy12 | <Y-Town> nm, i didnt read it rite | 21:18 |
XenThraL | oh cool, its working now | 21:18 |
XenThraL | :D | 21:18 |
quickone | im sure it's really easy | 21:18 |
Y-Town | billy12: when i click applications on my menu bar | 21:18 |
billy12 | <Y-Town> how did u install mono? | 21:18 |
qwiksand | fde the computer just froze with a lot of green and white fragments | 21:18 |
javaTN | anyone here? | 21:18 |
KL3B3R | thanks men | 21:18 |
Y-Town | billy12: I used the mono uninstall | 21:18 |
dassouki | how can i make folder writeable by all from terminal ? | 21:18 |
zvacet | jasperarcher : do you have separate home partition | 21:18 |
PiojoSSo | sorry... can someone help me please? when i try to startUbuntu Hardy, it starts with the leftcount "Press 'Esc' to enter the menu"... after this, it shows the Ubuntu logo for a few seconds... and then i get the message: "BusyBox v1.1.13 (Debian 1:1.1.3-5ubuntu12) Built-in shell (ash) Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands. (initframs)" | 21:19 |
sap | KL3B3R, guest , can bluefish run in windows? or does it require another package? | 21:19 |
javaTN | i need some help installing a few programs... i just switched over from Mandriva to Ubuntu | 21:19 |
Ubhubdub | billy12, "However, instructions remains the same for any other distribution except for apt-get command." and ubuntu has apt-get :/ | 21:19 |
Y-Town | billy12: is there a way to go back and force the removal? | 21:19 |
Lord_Devi | ArthurArchnix: I agree with that. i.e. the obvious; gentoo. Truely a great way to learn debuging skills, similair to slackware being great to learn 'standard' linux philosophy. but Ubuntu has gone through a lot of work to allow for customization, including kernels. Just I feel it is sometimes a neglected featureset. | 21:19 |
fde | qwiksand: yuck... I don't know what the issue could be though based on what you've said... I'm using VirtualBox fine... | 21:19 |
javaTN | how can i install avant window manager on Ubuntu 8.04? | 21:19 |
guest | jasperarcher, go to System > Administration > System monitor, then click on the File Systems tab to check how much space you have left | 21:19 |
=== KL3B3R is now known as KL3B3R_Brazil | ||
Ubhubdub | billy12, what does that actually mean? | 21:19 |
billy12 | <Y-Town> mono is a windows program? | 21:19 |
fde | javaTN: look for avant-window-navigator in synaptic | 21:19 |
javaTN | i tried searching that, it doesnt show me anything | 21:19 |
dubby | Hey anyone, I installed icedtea-gcjwebplugin and i go into firefox to check out if it is there and no dice it doesn't show up | 21:19 |
guest | sap, i'm not sure about that | 21:19 |
javaTN | am i supposed to add repos or something? | 21:20 |
derspankster | javaTN, I'd like to find that out as well, haven't upgraded yet | 21:20 |
Y-Town | billy12: yes its a windows .exe file i loaded in wine | 21:20 |
PiojoSSo | sorry... can someone help me please? when i try to startUbuntu Hardy, it starts with the leftcount "Press 'Esc' to enter the menu"... after this, it shows the Ubuntu logo for a few seconds... and then i get the message: "BusyBox v1.1.13 (Debian 1:1.1.3-5ubuntu12) Built-in shell (ash) Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands. (initframs)" | 21:20 |
qwiksand | fde when i restarted the system after that it was not reading my video card and also the on board doesnt work if the other card is plugged in | 21:20 |
fde | javaTN: It's not a manager, it's a navigator, it's there I assure you, please look again. | 21:20 |
billy12 | <Ubhubdub>: that is you are not a on a debian based distro the apt-get command wont wotk | 21:20 |
ghostknife | If I log out, does my Xorg settings become applied? | 21:20 |
sap | guest, the wiki says Linux, Mac OS X, OpenVMS, Unix, Windows (Cygwin) (POSIX) . wonder what that means? | 21:20 |
javaTN | oh | 21:20 |
=== Squawk_ is now known as Squawk | ||
javaTN | i was looking in the | 21:20 |
javaTN | add/remove programs thing | 21:20 |
javaTN | this is like SMART i think | 21:20 |
Lord_Devi | ghostknife: No it doesn't. you have to restart gdm. Logout and hit ctrl-alt-backspace | 21:20 |
billy12 | <Y-Town> the wne you removed ./wine it got deleted, just the link is still there | 21:20 |
adinc_ | i installed successfully ubuntu on a sata harddisc which is connected via a sata to ide adapter, the installation was without problems, but now it doesnt boot it hangs and claims ata errors, is there any documentation i would look for? | 21:21 |
guest | sap, oh, you have to install cygwin | 21:21 |
ghostknife | Lord_Devi: ok. just wondering, since it didn't look like any changes happened, but the logs showed settings being loaded | 21:21 |
qwiksand | fde what about the sound? its saying that the gstreamer plugins and/or devices are missing..everything was working fine b4 | 21:21 |
fde | Ubhubdub: sudo apt-get install kernel-package && man make-kpkg | 21:21 |
Y-Town | billy12: thats what I wouls assume, but also, how do I know its really gone? | 21:21 |
iqson716 | how can i add pidgin plugin? | 21:21 |
javaTN | o sweet i did it | 21:21 |
javaTN | now how do i go about compiz fusion? | 21:21 |
sap | guest, oh i see. i hope it runs fine with cygwin :) | 21:22 |
zvacet | billy12 : system>preferences>main menu > delete it there | 21:22 |
Ubhubdub | fde, and how can i remove the old kernel? | 21:22 |
ere4si | !compiz | javaTN | 21:22 |
Lord_Devi | ghostknife: to be honest i am rather surprised that the logs showed settings being loaded. I would not have expected that.. | 21:22 |
ubottu | javaTN: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at - help in #compiz-fusion | 21:22 |
billy12 | <Y-Town> open your file explore to your home dir, and hot "ctl+h" | 21:22 |
xaziva | Is there someone who got god knowledge in Compiz? | 21:22 |
fde | qwiksand: I think you can ignore the gstreamer part of that message... but again, I can't really guess, sorry... | 21:22 |
billy12 | <Y-Town> and .wine shouldnt be there | 21:22 |
javaTN | i just installed emerald the same way... now how to get it to 1) run and 2) start on startup | 21:22 |
sortudo_78 | ubuntu: could i wait for your help ???? | 21:22 |
guest | sap, it should run fine from what i've experienced with cygwin :) | 21:22 |
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fde | Ubhubdub: You really don't want to.. but sudo apt-get remove is to remove any package. | 21:22 |
Ubhubdub | after i install the new kernel, i want to use that new kernel and remove the old kernel | 21:22 |
zvacet | Ubhubdub : in synaptic find package named linux-image and delete one with lower number | 21:22 |
=== _weltall is now known as weltall | ||
jasperarcher | guest: thank you. here is what i get. device gvfs-fuse-daemon ... /home/ubuntu/.gvfs total=251.5 MB free=30MB (88% used) ... but I have an 80 gig hard drive! :) in System - Administration - Partition Editor, there is a /dev/sda1/ "filesystem - ext3" and that is marked as "boot" in Gparted | 21:23 |
sap | guest, k thx a lot :)) | 21:23 |
billy12 | <Ubhubdub>: dont remove the old one | 21:23 |
J-Unit | how can i get halo to work in gutsy? | 21:23 |
fde | Ubhubdub: You should ensure you always have the default kernel around. | 21:23 |
billy12 | <Ubhubdub>: in case you have problems w/ the new one | 21:23 |
qwiksand | fde does that mean there is nothing you can do? | 21:23 |
Y-Town | billy12: it was after the wine uninstall and I went back and rm-R .wine | 21:23 |
Malin | My global keyboard shortcuts stopped working for my music player (mpd+Sonata) after upgrading to Hardy. It works in other applications. Can anyone help? | 21:23 |
guest | sap, you're welcome :) | 21:23 |
mojoe430 | whats up guys | 21:23 |
sushith | Does anyone know how to enable cube effects in Hardy | 21:23 |
billy12 | <Y-Town> system>preferences>main menu > delete it there | 21:23 |
zvacet | Ubhubdub : but it is good idea to have two kernels until you are sure that new one work as it should | 21:23 |
SnakeArt | I need some help with configuration of my wacom bamboo one. In gimp, there's no device "stylus" and "linux input" section in gimp returns with "state: device unavailable permission denied" | 21:23 |
fde | qwiksand: I'd say remove the virtualbox modules... beyond that, I have no idea if everything was fine before that... obviously your computer doesn't like virtualbox. | 21:24 |
Ubhubdub | zvacet, is that all there is to remove the old kernel or are there any other corresponding files of the (old) kernel i can get rid of? | 21:24 |
sortudo_78 | ubuntu: could i wait for your help ??? | 21:24 |
GAPeach | I need some help with getting a Netgear WPN111 to connect to a wireless network in Ubuntu 8.04. | 21:24 |
javaTN | hmm there are so many package managers in ubuntu | 21:24 |
javaTN | its hilarious | 21:24 |
LaneLimited | Hello all... How do i make my machine use GDM default? instead of KDE???? | 21:24 |
adinc_ | is ubuntu hardy's kernel able to boot from a sata drive? | 21:24 |
zvacet | Ubhubdub : mar it for complete removal and all should be gone | 21:25 |
billy12 | <Ubhubdub>: just keep the old one, its only like 70-100mb on your HD | 21:25 |
fde | Ubhubdub: Removing the package will take care of removing all corresponding files... especially if you use --purge | 21:25 |
calc | javaTN: i only see one (real one) installed by default | 21:25 |
oliver_1 | hello | 21:25 |
Ubhubdub | zvacet, ok | 21:25 |
sanneo | can someone help me how to play mp3 files in ubuntu. I clicked the mpe3 file and used the auto search to install GStreamer codec. But when I install the mouse cursor goes in waiting mode n nothing happens | 21:25 |
neXyon | how does the remove/add application thing manage it to uninstall apps like evolution without uninstalling ubuntu-desktop? | 21:25 |
Y-Town | billy12: yea that works. I guess that since i went thru the deletion process of wine I should figure its all really gone now? | 21:25 |
LaneLimited | Hello all... How do i make my machine use GDM default? instead of KDE???? | 21:25 |
javaTN | calc: what do u mean, real one what? | 21:25 |
guest | jasperarcher, does it say (in Gparted) how big the ext3 partition is? | 21:25 |
calc | javaTN: there is synaptic under system->administration, and then a user friendly add/remove thing on the menu | 21:25 |
fde | Ubhubdub: I seriously recommend you do not remove the default kernel though... I can't stress that enough... you could render your system unbootable and end up reinstalling. | 21:25 |
billy12 | <Y-Town> most likely | 21:25 |
calc | javaTN: the add/remove thing isn't really a true package manager | 21:25 |
Y-Town | billy12: Thank You | 21:25 |
lonran | hi everybody | 21:25 |
PiojoSSo | sorry... can someone help me please? when i try to start Ubuntu Hardy, it starts with the leftcount "Press 'Esc' to enter the menu"... after this, it shows the Ubuntu logo for a few seconds... and then i get the message: "BusyBox v1.1.13 (Debian 1:1.1.3-5ubuntu12) Built-in shell (ash) Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands. (initframs)" | 21:25 |
billy12 | <Y-Town> might i ask why u didnt like wine | 21:26 |
calc | javaTN: only packages that are on a special list show up in it | 21:26 |
lonran | where should i install an plugin for deskbar-applet? | 21:26 |
javaTN | oh, im just too new to this with this IRC window scrolling so fast (the mandriva IRC is more quiet) | 21:26 |
billy12 | <Y-Town> np, any time | 21:26 |
Starnestommy | LaneLimited: sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm | 21:26 |
Ubhubdub | what is the kernel's package name again? | 21:26 |
Lord_Devi | sanneo: | 21:26 |
javaTN | its like overload, lol... i just click around to install etc, gotta learn how to use that apt-get command | 21:26 |
jasperarcher | guest: thank you. yes. ext3 reads 73.09 GiB, 2.64 Used. 70.45 unused, flagged as "boot" | 21:26 |
Starnestommy | PiojoSSo: it looks like a crash on booting. | 21:26 |
Y-Town | billy12: wine was fine but mono was not working. I will reload wine..I need wine to run ie4linux so I can update my webpage | 21:26 |
svl | VLC (and Totem and mplayer) seems incapable of reading non-region2 DVDs. Yet it's perfectly capable of ignoring region code under windows. What piece am I missing? (yes, I've installed libdvdcss2 already, and read all of RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs). VLC gives a warning in its messages: "cannot get next block (Error reading NAV packet.)" | 21:26 |
eTiger13 | when you get help its always good to say thank you: | 21:26 |
LaneLimited | how do i do this dpkg-reconfigure??? | 21:27 |
fde | Ubhubdub: you need to figure that out if you want to remove it... building a kernel is a far more complicated process than looking for a package and removing it. | 21:27 |
billy12 | do you have a decent PC | 21:27 |
svl | (This is on a new laptop: a Toshiba portege R500) | 21:27 |
GhostFish | Does anyone know How to fix the White screen of death issue.... | 21:27 |
PiojoSSo | what should i do starnestommy? | 21:27 |
Starnestommy | LaneLimited: run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm" and follow the on-screen instructions | 21:27 |
* calc bbl | 21:27 | |
billy12 | <Y-Town> do you have a decent pc | 21:27 |
Starnestommy | PiojoSSo: does "dmesg" output anything? | 21:27 |
LaneLimited | run it how? | 21:27 |
Y-Town | billy12: my website admin section has a ie interface for website update | 21:27 |
dubby | !sun-java6-jre | 21:27 |
ubottu | Factoid sun-java6-jre not found | 21:27 |
Starnestommy | LaneLimited: in a terminal | 21:27 |
Ubhubdub | linux-image is the package | 21:27 |
Kl4m | !java | 21:27 |
ubottu | To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository (in !Backports for !Edgy) | 21:27 |
neXyon | how does the remove/add application thing manage it to uninstall apps like evolution without uninstalling ubuntu-desktop? | 21:27 |
Ubhubdub | and if i mark that for complete removal, i will completely remove the old kernel | 21:28 |
Y-Town | billy12: im on a dell D620 laptop with 2 gig ram and 100 gig 7200rpm drive | 21:28 |
timposey | my update manager is freezing up and turning grey after starting the 08.04 upgrade any help here? | 21:28 |
PiojoSSo | i'll try... would you wait a minute for me please? this is really pissing me off.. | 21:28 |
javaTN | hmm | 21:28 |
billy12 | <Y-Town> you can run windows in a virtual PC and all your windows program's will work fine | 21:28 |
guest | jasperarcher, have you tried the "disk usage analyzer" to see what, if anything, is taking up all that space? | 21:28 |
OzFalcon | ikonia, Hi you there? | 21:28 |
fde | neXyon: You can't... ubuntu-desktop depends evolution ... it is safe to remove ubuntu-desktop though, but remember to install it again before you upgrade to the newest version in 6 months else you'll encounter issues. | 21:28 |
GhostFish | whats the xwindows manual configure screen ? | 21:28 |
Ubhubdub | fde, you said i must do sudo apt-get install kernel-package && man make-kpkg | 21:29 |
billy12 | <Y-Town> | 21:29 |
fde | Ubhubdub: yup... | 21:29 |
Ubhubdub | what is that && man make-kpkg? | 21:29 |
Y-Town | billy12: yea....I got vmware running fine.. I just liked the ie4linux quick access from wine. | 21:29 |
javaTN | wow getting compiz fusion to work again like i used to have it is hard | 21:29 |
fde | Ubhubdub: make-kpkg is a tool for building kernel .debs | 21:29 |
bullgard4 | [Tracker] Is it normal to have 23 different files 'file-index.tmp'? See | 21:29 |
Ubhubdub | oh | 21:29 |
billy12 | <Y-Town> how is vmware | 21:29 |
PiojoSSo | starnestommy: dmesg shows lots of things... and i don't know what to do with them | 21:29 |
xaziva | Hey, does someone know how I get workspaces on all surfaces in Compiz | 21:29 |
Ubhubdub | and the 'man' thing? | 21:29 |
javaTN | xaziva: do u mean all 4 sides of the cube? | 21:29 |
jasperarcher | guest: thank you. i have not tried that. will load it up presently. seems strange that GParted reports ext3 with 70 GiB free, but "System Monitor" does not list it? | 21:29 |
Starnestommy | PiojoSSo: what are some of the things that it's saying? | 21:30 |
Y-Town | billy12: I am going to build my server with ubuntu server and run vmware next week on it... it has windows now | 21:30 |
Ubhubdub | fde, and the 'man' thing? | 21:30 |
qwiksand | fde how do i remove them? | 21:30 |
fde | Ubhubdub: It is a documentation viewer... or user MANual. | 21:30 |
zvacet | Ubhubdub :manual page | 21:30 |
neXyon | fde: well the add/remove application thing actually DOES it! | 21:30 |
LaneLimited_ | Can you give me that command again please for GDM..... also it said it won't take effect til x sessions end or something..... REELOAD FAILEd.... do i need restart or do it again?? | 21:30 |
Ubhubdub | i see | 21:30 |
Ubhubdub | ok let me try this | 21:30 |
billy12 | you are you going to but windows on it | 21:30 |
billy12 | <Y-Town> why are you going to put windows on it | 21:30 |
Ubhubdub | oh another thing... does the && mean AND? | 21:30 |
xaziva | | 21:31 |
fde | neXyon: yes... because you told it to remove a package that depends on ubuntu-desktop... | 21:31 |
Y-Town | billy12: vmware is great but was very hard to get going... I fianlly found a great how that worked like a charm... want the link? | 21:31 |
Ubhubdub | logical and? | 21:31 |
billy12 | <Y-Town> naw qemu is good for me | 21:31 |
RightSideLeft | My screen went black on the usplash during boot-up and nothing appears to happen after that. The laptop, an HP Pavilion with AMD64, worked fine previously so I'm not sure what caused the problem. | 21:31 |
fde | Ubhubdub: && means "when you're finished, do this other command" | 21:31 |
phiqtion | !kde-desktop | 21:31 |
ubottu | Factoid kde-desktop not found | 21:31 |
PiojoSSo | starnestommy: "[ 5018] usb 3-1: USB disconnect, address 2" thigs like this | 21:31 |
phiqtion | !kde | 21:31 |
ubottu | KDE ( is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see . Latest KDE version is 3.5.8 for Gutsy and Feisty, 3.5.6 for Edgy, and 3.5.5 for Dapper. See for more information. | 21:31 |
guest | Ubhubdub, the && only lets the next command run after the one before it | 21:31 |
Ubhubdub | ok | 21:31 |
fde | Ubhubdub: kinda hard to read the kernel-package man page when it's not installed ;) | 21:31 |
neXyon | fde: but it doesn't remove ubuntu-desktop and that is the error, it breaks dependencies | 21:31 |
OzFalcon | Have there been any updates to Hardy yet? | 21:31 |
LaneLimited_ | !gdm | 21:31 |
Ubhubdub | why not '&' ? | 21:31 |
ubottu | Factoid gdm not found | 21:31 |
zvacet | Ubhubdub : if you put in between two commands it means that second will run only if first is end up correctly | 21:31 |
jasperarcher | guest: when I "Scan Filesystem" in "Disk Usage Analyzer", it says my total filesystem capacity is 2.1 GiB and 1 GiB free... weird?! | 21:31 |
Darth_Vader | why i cant use alsaconf!!! | 21:31 |
LaneLimited_ | !GDM | 21:32 |
Kl4m | bullgard4: It looks like the tracker crashes. | 21:32 |
GhostFish | Anyone help with getting WHITE screen of death fixed.... ? | 21:32 |
Darth_Vader | i have installed alsa-utils and alsa-base -.-! | 21:32 |
xaziva | | 21:32 |
Ubhubdub | zvacet, so it is like Boolean logic | 21:32 |
billy12 | <Y-Town> you should use debian stable on a server | 21:32 |
Y-Town | billy12: yes.. I will run windows 24/7 on the server with vmware | 21:32 |
PiojoSSo | Starnestommy: "[ 5018] usb 3-1: USB disconnect, address 2" thigs like this... | 21:32 |
=== _croPe_ is now known as _croPe|off_ | ||
billy12 | <Y-Town> but y | 21:32 |
maap_rj | I have a Pentium 233 MMX with 32 MB of RAM. What linux flavour I can install in this old machine? This machine will be used to access internet and edit some texts (is necessary be compatible with M$ Officce 97) | 21:32 |
Lynet | Ubhubdub: cmd1 && cmd2 = run cmd2 if cmd1 worked sucessfully (did not return an error). | 21:32 |
Starnestommy | PiojoSSo: anything else? | 21:32 |
zvacet | Ubhubdub : you ask me too much now | 21:32 |
guest | jasperarcher, that is weird, open a terminal and run the command "df -h" see if that outputs anything useful | 21:33 |
Kl4m | bullgard4: you can probably remove the whole .cache/tracker directory without any side effect | 21:33 |
LaneLimited_ | Can someone please tell me the command for GDM default again... what subu?? | 21:33 |
Starnestommy | LaneLimited: run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm" and follow the on-screen instructions | 21:33 |
Speckal | have you guys noticed that Firefox is remembering states waaaay too long. eg. FF crashed yesterday, but when it came up it restored all the tabs I had open (perfectly). Now, every time I open it after a clean shutdown, it opens those same four tabs... I can't clear that "state" | 21:33 |
zeker | lynet are you there? For some reason I can't seem to pm | 21:33 |
bullgard4 | Kl4m: Only very few people seem to know Tracker's innards. | 21:33 |
Ubhubdub | Lynet, i see | 21:33 |
Y-Town | billy12: I a small business and I have my customer database scheduling system which is windows | 21:33 |
frostburn | maap_rj, you're going to have a tough time installing anything on that, check out DSL linux | 21:33 |
Ubhubdub | Lynet, thanks | 21:33 |
billy12 | <Y-Town> oo | 21:33 |
zeker | stupid webbrowser based irc... | 21:33 |
sanneo | <Lord_Devi> thanks but when i run this command in terminal as mentioned in the site sudo wget -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list | 21:33 |
zvacet | Ubhubdub : but you can say it means if and only if | 21:33 |
xaziva | | 21:33 |
PiojoSSo | yeah... but lots of things like that one... [ 5314] PM: Resume from disk failed. | 21:33 |
Lynet | zeker: Ah. Great. :-) Well, had a quick look at firestarter and it seems ok. | 21:33 |
Ubhubdub | everyone! now i'm off to install the new kernel on Hardy Heron! yeee :) | 21:33 |
bullgard4 | Kl4m: What would be the benefit of removing ~/.cache/tracker/ ? | 21:34 |
sanneo | it says me "unable to resolve host" | 21:34 |
Starnestommy | PiojoSSo: did you try to hibernate recently? | 21:34 |
moon` | Hey, when are the government tax rebate checks suppose to come out? | 21:34 |
erUSUL | maap_rj: puppy linux + AbiWord ?? | 21:34 |
zvacet | Ubhubdub : good luck | 21:34 |
qwiksand | help needed, my sound just went after an installation, how can i get i back..its saying gstreamer plugins needed and/or devices | 21:34 |
zeker | lynet, good! And it looks like it supports iptables as well | 21:34 |
PiojoSSo | no... i didn't.. i've used ubuntu for just two days... | 21:34 |
Y-Town | billy12: ok to message you? | 21:34 |
billy12 | <Y-Town> yea | 21:34 |
midlertid | Whats the minimum amount Ubuntu 7.10 needs for install (normal) | 21:34 |
midlertid | ? | 21:34 |
Ubhubdub | zvacet, thanks i hope i don't brake anything ;) | 21:34 |
LaneLimited_ | Can someone please tell me the command for GDM default again... what subu?? | 21:34 |
jasperarcher | guest: sorry got kicked off for a second | 21:34 |
Starnestommy | midlertid: 2GB | 21:34 |
Lynet | zeker: Hmm.. If you know what iptables is, why are you asking us for help? ;-p | 21:34 |
PiojoSSo | Starnestommy: no... i didn't.. i've used ubuntu for just two days... | 21:35 |
Starnestommy | LaneLimited_: run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm" and follow the on-screen instructions | 21:35 |
zvacet | qwiksand : sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras | 21:35 |
midlertid | What? | 21:35 |
Kl4m | bullgard4: get rid of those files. If the tracker works it'll rebuild that directory and all the indexes soon | 21:35 |
LaneLimited_ | Thanks a lot | 21:35 |
guest | jasperarcher, its alright, did you get the message i sent you about "df -h" ? | 21:35 |
zeker | lynet, because I'm a total linux n00b haha | 21:35 |
midlertid | Impossible I have runned it on 512mb | 21:35 |
zvacet | Ubhubdub . you allways have old one | 21:35 |
Starnestommy | PiojoSSo: I'm not sure how to fix it, but you may need to reinstall | 21:35 |
fde | qwiksand: I forgot to reply to you... remove the packages listed via 'dpkg -l virtualbox* | grep ^ii' as that is what seems to have caused your issues. | 21:35 |
jasperarcher | guest: i am still here, i ran df -h, it gave me 9 lines | 21:35 |
Kl4m | bullgard4: I'm going to try it right now if you're nervous about it. | 21:35 |
Ubhubdub | zvacet, yup | 21:35 |
guest | what does the first one say? | 21:35 |
PiojoSSo | okay...thanx a lot... | 21:35 |
PiojoSSo | i'll try... :S | 21:35 |
Ubhubdub | zvacet, but to use the new kernel... how can i set that the new kernel is the default one? | 21:36 |
svl | VLC (and Totem and mplayer) seems incapable of reading non-region2 DVDs on my laptop. Yet it's perfectly capable of ignoring region code under windows. _What piece am I missing?_ (yes, I've installed libdvdcss2 already, and read all of RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs). VLC gives a warning in its messages: "cannot get next block (Error reading NAV packet.)" /var/log/messages is filled with "I/O... | 21:36 |
svl | ...error, dev sr0" | 21:36 |
StavFX | hey i was wondering if someone could help me with creox, it won't do any effects for my guitar | 21:36 |
jasperarcher | guest: tmpfs, 252M 16M used mounted on /lib/modeules/2.6.24-16-generic/volatile | 21:36 |
zvacet | Ubhubdub : it should show in grub | 21:36 |
qwiksand | fde i dont understand how to do that | 21:36 |
fde | Ubhubdub: after installing the resulting .deb from make-kpkg you can just 'update-grub' and restart. | 21:36 |
jasperarcher | guest: it says the same thing for the second line | 21:36 |
zeker | lynet, I know the theory, never done the practice. since desktop OS =/= server OS, i figured it would impose a problem, since most OS's were set up to handle personal firewalls, and not necessarily to be gateway trafficers | 21:36 |
fde | qwiksand: copy and paste not including ' 's into a terminal | 21:37 |
xaziva | | 21:37 |
guest | jasperarcher, is there anything that says "/dev/sd" ? | 21:37 |
zvacet | Ubhubdub : different number | 21:37 |
maap_rj | erUSUL, i will look this distro now ;) thanks for the tip | 21:37 |
Ubhubdub | fde, update grub? ok that's a thing you should guide me through | 21:37 |
GhostFish | How do you revert back to the orginal Ubuntu drivers so I can get rid of this damn white screen of death ????????/// | 21:37 |
bullgard4 | Kl4m: I am not nervous. I am interested in normal functioning. And up to now my Tracker does not work all right in Hardy. For example it does not stop indexing or something similar. | 21:37 |
RightSideLeft | My screen went black on the usplash during boot-up and nothing appears to happen after that. The laptop, an HP Pavilion with AMD64, worked fine previously so I'm not sure what caused the problem. | 21:37 |
Ubhubdub | i must edit the menu-lst? | 21:37 |
fde | Ubhubdub: you'll just type it... it'll do it's thing | 21:37 |
Ubhubdub | i must edit the menu.lst? | 21:37 |
xavier_ | #ubuntu-fr | 21:37 |
zvacet | Ubhubdub : sudo update-grub | 21:37 |
Lynet | zeker: Ok. So, basic firewall/router fuctionality is part of the linux kernel (e.g., packet filtering, NAT). Tools like firestarter are really only providing a user interface for configuring it. | 21:38 |
fde | Ubhubdub: It'll do that for you... and activate any initrd's you create. | 21:38 |
Ubhubdub | zvacet, oh i see | 21:38 |
qwiksand | fde can u send it again not including that things i'm not suppose to paste | 21:38 |
jasperarcher | guest: there is a /dev/sdc1 1.9 GiB, 1GiB free, I think this is the pen drive with my pictures and documents on it... I should also say that so far I have always had to boot via a (different) pen drive, since I couldn't install from CD (physical damage to CD-ROM) | 21:38 |
Ubhubdub | ok let me do this now | 21:38 |
StavFX | no one know how to help me with creox? | 21:38 |
fde | qwiksand: dpkg -l virtualbox* | grep ^ii | 21:38 |
ghostknife | Damn scrolling is slow in firefox | 21:38 |
ghostknife | I seriously regret this upgrade. | 21:38 |
qwiksand | zvacet i;m doing just that now | 21:38 |
ghostknife | Is there a way to revert ? | 21:38 |
RightSideLeft | StavFX:What was your Creox problem? | 21:38 |
zeker | lynet, I see what you mean | 21:38 |
erUSUL | ghostknife: no | 21:38 |
xaziva | Hey, what IRC program do u use? | 21:38 |
ghostknife | :< | 21:38 |
erUSUL | xaziva: irssi | 21:39 |
Kl4m | bullgard4: I removed it and asked tracker to reindex. it recreated it | 21:39 |
Starnestommy | xaziva: xchat, irssi, xchat-gnome, konversation, or telnet | 21:39 |
ghostknife | Are there better gtk engines that murrina or clearlooks? | 21:39 |
erUSUL | !info irssi > xaziva | 21:39 |
fde | Starnestommy: telnet? ouch | 21:39 |
Mathman | irssi? weak. real men use telnet | 21:39 |
bullgard4 | Kl4m: How long did it take? | 21:39 |
StavFX | RightSideLeft: it won't actually do any effects for my Line In although it doesn't give any error either (i have jackd running in the background) | 21:39 |
qwiksand | fde did that and nothing happened | 21:39 |
RightSideLeft | StavFX: are you sure your line in works? | 21:40 |
Proteque | hey there. | 21:40 |
erUSUL | Mathman: well to be fair a use a combination of socat and raw tty scapping codes ;P | 21:40 |
neocrypter | how do I configure my monitor? | 21:40 |
Kl4m | bullgard4: it depends on how much stuff you have. On my office machine it's about 15 minutes | 21:40 |
StavFX | yes i can hear my guitar, just no effects | 21:40 |
qwiksand | zvacet what happens after completion? | 21:40 |
fde | qwiksand: You said that you installed VirtualBox and got those errors? | 21:40 |
pr0nGuy | I want to upgrade from Gutsy to Hardy. Do I need to back up my home directory? | 21:40 |
Proteque | I tried installing newest ubuntu on a MBP. but seems the hardware accelerated X is not working out of the box. ATI X1600. Is there anything I should do to enable it? | 21:40 |
zeker | lynet, I have a clean install of ubuntu. I have both ethernet cards set up already, one's ip is set for internal traffic, the other for external (internet) traffic. If I direct a PC to ubuntu as its gateway, should it work even if the firewall isn't configured? | 21:40 |
RightSideLeft | StavFX: did you click the run engine button in Creox (something like that)-I think its icon is little gears or something | 21:40 |
erUSUL | pr0nGuy: no | 21:40 |
kane77 | how can I do such a thing: I need list of all files that end with -1.jpg or -2.jpg etc (those are duplicates)? | 21:40 |
matt444 | why are fonts in epiphany always so tiny and how do i correct taht? | 21:40 |
StavFX | yes, nothing happens | 21:41 |
bullgard4 | Kl4m: I did the same as you. It did not finish after 4 hours on my laptop computer. | 21:41 |
zvacet | qwiksand . if you mean after installing ubuntu extras then you should be able to play music | 21:41 |
fde | matt444: It should obey System > Preferences > Fonts. | 21:41 |
Mathman | pr0nGuy: depends on what you mean by "upgrade". | 21:41 |
qwiksand | fde forgot to tell you, i went into synaptic, search of virtualbox and completely removed all of them | 21:41 |
RightSideLeft | StavFX: youhave the effects enabled on the right side? | 21:41 |
matt444 | <fde> i don't have a system > preferences > fonts | 21:41 |
fde | qwiksand: Did you try restarting after that? | 21:41 |
Mathman | pr0nGuy: but heck, it never hurts to back up your home directory anyway | 21:41 |
guest | jasperarcher, so when you installed it you booted it from a pen drive? | 21:42 |
StavFX | terminal says, but nothing else happens. and yes effects are enabled | 21:42 |
StavFX | JACK tmpdir identified as [/dev/shm]SSE2 detected | 21:42 |
GhostFish | How do you revert back to the orginal Ubuntu drivers so I can get rid of this damn white screen of death ????????/// | 21:42 |
pr0nGuy | Mathman: using the update manager (GUI) | 21:42 |
Kl4m | bullgard4: I think it should manage this, but maybe you have a cyclic symlink somewhere? | 21:42 |
qwiksand | fde havent restarted since, restart now? | 21:42 |
Lynet | zeker: By default, it won't route. And unless you have internet-routable adresses on the internal network, you will have to do NAT (sometimes also called ipmasq). | 21:42 |
Mathman | pr0nGuy: that shouldn't touch your home directory at all, so no. | 21:42 |
qwiksand | zvacet its not working, restart first? | 21:42 |
fde | matt444: gnome-appearance-properties ... in package 'gnome-control-center' | 21:43 |
fde | qwiksand: yup | 21:43 |
jasperarcher | guest: yes, since my CD-ROM doesn't work I put the install files on the USB and followed the instructions on, i did not want to have to boot from a pen drive each time. However, when I set my BIOS to boot from my internal HD first, it hangs on a black screen with "GRUB _" | 21:43 |
zeker | lynet, by internet-routable, do you mean DHCP enabled? | 21:43 |
davidfetter | hello | 21:43 |
qwiksand | fde soon come, will do just that | 21:43 |
bullgard4 | Kl4m: How can I check for cyclic symlinks? | 21:43 |
neocrypter | anyone where do i go to configrue my monitor its limiting my resoulution and my refresh rate? | 21:43 |
grims | is there a way to change the www-data password? i am trying to setup my proftp using gproftp and want to use the www-data user | 21:43 |
davidfetter | how do i tell which version of ubuntu i'm running? preferably from the command line. | 21:43 |
SpaceCow567 | join #irc | 21:43 |
SpaceCow567 | woops | 21:43 |
davidfetter | heh | 21:43 |
xaziva | Is there possible to mount a windows share map= | 21:44 |
Lynet | zeker: No, I mean a block of adresses you have received by your ISP. For home/small businesses that's usually not done so don't worry about it. :) | 21:44 |
guest | davidfetter, "uname -a" | 21:44 |
jasperarcher | guest: the only way for me to boot is to have the pen drive, and in the pen drive menu, i choose "boot from hard drive" .. and then it works. its kind of annoying, and i would like to skip this extra step | 21:44 |
Myrtti | davidfetter: lsb_release -a | 21:44 |
zvacet | neocrypter : sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 21:44 |
StavFX | RightSideLeft: could creox/jackd be working on something that's not the line in? or another sound device? | 21:44 |
Ubhubdub | well, i wasn't able to install the linux kernel | 21:44 |
davidfetter | guest, and that'll say stuff like "feisty" or "heron?" | 21:44 |
neocrypter | ty | 21:44 |
Kl4m | guest, davidfetter : cat /etc/issue | 21:44 |
Myrtti | guest: that tell's the version of the kernel, not ubuntu | 21:44 |
davidfetter | Kl4m, guest, thanks :) | 21:44 |
fde | davidfetter: no, do what Myrtti said | 21:44 |
zvacet | Ubhubdub .: what happened | 21:44 |
Ubhubdub | i did sudo apt-get install kernel-package && man make-kpkg | 21:45 |
davidfetter | fde, Myrtti thanks :) | 21:45 |
RightSideLeft | StavFX: how do you have Jack set up? | 21:45 |
fde | Ubhubdub: Ok... that won't have gotten you a kernel... that is instructions how to build a kernel. | 21:45 |
belor1 | Help, No themes will change the look of the folder icons | 21:45 |
bullgard4 | davidfetter: 'lsb_release -a' | 21:45 |
StavFX | i run it with the command jackd -d alsa -d hw:0 | 21:45 |
Ubhubdub | No manual entry for make-kpkg | 21:45 |
guest | jasperarcher, i'm thinking you're running from the pen drive and not an actual install on your hard drive. i'm afraid i dont know how to help you out with that problem | 21:45 |
Ubhubdub | that's what it said | 21:46 |
fde | Ubhubdub: you installed kernel-package, correct? | 21:46 |
davidfetter | bullgard4, thanks :) | 21:46 |
Ubhubdub | fde, i have the full source, not a .deb package | 21:46 |
sortudo_78 | fde: may i wait for your help? | 21:46 |
zeker | lynet, yay, one less thing to worry about :) | 21:46 |
Ubhubdub | oh | 21:46 |
belor1 | Help, No icon themes will change the look of the folder icons | 21:46 |
grims | is there a way to change the www-data password? i am trying to setup my proftp using gproftp and want to use the www-data user | 21:46 |
fde | sortudo_78: Ask your question of the whole channel, if I know the answer, I'll tell you :) | 21:46 |
mib_ma5qwk | i'm trying to watch a dvd using totem or vlc and they both say that the source is unreadable | 21:46 |
Ubhubdub | my bad, i was trying to install the full source | 21:47 |
Ubhubdub | lol | 21:47 |
mib_ma5qwk | i know the dvd works, and one time, it worked in totem | 21:47 |
Ubhubdub | let me try again | 21:47 |
jasperarcher | guest: i don't have any documents or files that i really need on here (only been a few days now), maybe I should just try a fresh install? | 21:47 |
StavFX | RightSideLeft: i'm unregistered, let me reg real quick so i can pm u back | 21:47 |
fde | Ubhubdub: Yes... make-kpkg will take that source, and create a .deb for easy management on a debian system. | 21:47 |
sortudo_78 | ok fde | 21:47 |
zeker | lynet, so how can I configure ubuntu to route? | 21:47 |
unop | grims, it's probably wiser to make the proftpd user a member of the www-data group | 21:47 |
Lynet | zeker: Firestarter should take care of all that. | 21:47 |
guest | mib_ma5qwk, try installing libdvdcss2 | 21:47 |
grims | unop, how would i do that? :] | 21:47 |
grims | just chown? | 21:47 |
guest | jasperarcher, that would probably the easiest fix | 21:48 |
Ubhubdub | ok now | 21:48 |
Ubhubdub | something is downloading | 21:48 |
=== Darth_Vader is now known as Dartho|away | ||
crimsun | StFS: the reason is documented in /etc/udev/rules.d/40-permissions.rules | 21:48 |
sidelil | excuse me is it possible to have rdp on ubuntu? | 21:48 |
dubby | hey anyone i installed firefox 2.0 and am trying to get the java-plugins to work and so i tried installing the different ones out there and none of them show up in my about:plugins | 21:48 |
zeker | lynet, thank you for your patience/help. Now that I've researched this a bit, I'll get on it :) | 21:48 |
jasperarcher | guest: off to try that now, thank you for your help and patience today | 21:48 |
unop | grims, well first, what does this return? getent passwd | grep -i proftpd | 21:48 |
Ubhubdub | i did sudo apt-get install kernel-package && man make-kpkg | 21:48 |
guest | jasperarcher, you're welcome | 21:48 |
fde | Ubhubdub: Once that's done, 'man make-kpkg' ... | 21:48 |
Ubhubdub | what would happen after this files are downloaded? | 21:49 |
mib_ma5qwk | does anyone know why a dvd taht looks like it's mounting correctly would fail to play in totem? | 21:49 |
grims | unop, proftpd:x:110:65534::/var/run/proftpd:/bin/false | 21:49 |
Ubhubdub | i see | 21:49 |
fde | Ubhubdub: you'll be able to use make-kpkg | 21:49 |
unop | grims, then this should do. sudo adduser proftpd www-data | 21:49 |
mirdin76 | need some install advice: on a new install I can get to recovery mode, is there a way to install ubuntu desktop from the cd from the command line? | 21:49 |
Ubhubdub | ok now... | 21:49 |
fde | Ubhubdub: I really don't think it's a good idea at this point for you to be building your own kernels... I will not be assisting with that process either. | 21:49 |
unop | grims, you might need to restart proftpd there | 21:50 |
zvacet | Ubhubdub : | 21:50 |
mib_ma5qwk | guest: wha is libdvdcss2? | 21:50 |
Ubhubdub | make-kpkg - build Debian kernel packages from Linux kernel sources | 21:50 |
unop | Ubhubdub, what does this give you? which make-kpkg | 21:50 |
zvacet | mib_ma5qwk : package for DVD play | 21:50 |
guest | mib_ma5qwk, allows for dvd decryption | 21:50 |
Ubhubdub | i have the man page of the make-kpkg shown in the Terminal now | 21:50 |
mib_ma5qwk | ahaaa | 21:51 |
grims | unop, done and restarted proftpd -- now what would i use for a password? | 21:51 |
mib_ma5qwk | can i just apt-get it? | 21:51 |
guest | mib_ma5qwk, yes | 21:51 |
mib_ma5qwk | ok | 21:51 |
mib_ma5qwk | thx | 21:51 |
zeker | is ubuntu based on linux 2.4? | 21:51 |
guest | mib_ma5qwk, you're welcome | 21:51 |
unop | grims, well, depends on how you have setup proftpd .. the proftpd user's password or your own password. | 21:51 |
zvacet | Ubhubdub : check link maybe will be helpful to you | 21:51 |
fde | Ubhubdub: Read it. | 21:51 |
zvacet | zeker :2.6 | 21:52 |
Ubhubdub | ok | 21:52 |
Sake | how do I check the health of a disk? I'm setting up a backup server that's being mirrored on a usb drive, I'd like to check the health of the machine's HD and the usb drive's HD daily so I can detect/replace busted hard drives early. | 21:52 |
sidelil | excuse me is it possible to use rdp on ubuntu? | 21:52 |
fde | sortudo_78: Did you ever ask your question? I still don't see it? | 21:52 |
unop | sidelil, rdp as in remote desktop? | 21:52 |
mib_ma5qwk | apt-get said it had no candidate | 21:53 |
mirdin76 | can anyone recommend me on how to recover from a failed "select and install"? I installed grub, but can't seem to get a desktop going | 21:53 |
sidelil | unop: yes | 21:53 |
fde | sidelil: Yes... Applications > Internet > Terminal Server Client | 21:53 |
mib_ma5qwk | guest: apt-get said it had no candidate | 21:53 |
grims | well unop, i am trying to get it so in ftp it says the user who owns the files being uploaded are www-data. i was able to do it before, but forget how :[. | 21:53 |
unop | sidelil, well yes, server or client? | 21:53 |
sidelil | fde, no, i mean a server not a client | 21:53 |
sidelil | unop: server | 21:53 |
guest | mib_ma5qwk, System > Administration > Software Sources and enable multiverse | 21:54 |
fde | sidelil: rdesktop | 21:54 |
unop | grims, just make sure the files are owned by the group www-data .. proftpd should be able to read them then | 21:54 |
mib_ma5qwk | guest: danke | 21:54 |
unop | sidelil, xrdp | 21:54 |
grims | ok | 21:54 |
grims | thanks unop | 21:54 |
guest | mib_ma5qwk, np | 21:54 |
unop | !info xrdp | 21:55 |
ubottu | xrdp: Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) server. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.0~dfsg-3 (hardy), package size 193 kB, installed size 688 kB | 21:55 |
unop | sidelil, ^^ | 21:55 |
epicure | Hello, I am about to install firefox-32 on a amd-64 for addon compatability. Should I unistall the existing firefox-64 or just leave it? | 21:55 |
lightfight | I'm trying to install Windows XP over Ubuntu on a computer. For some reason I can't get my system to boot from the disk. Is this something to do with Ubuntu? Any ideas? | 21:55 |
sortudo_78 | i am installing a PCMCIA modem (yiso c893), i am folowing thise steps: -> i used this driver: insmod /lib/modules/`uname –r`/kernel/drivers/usb/serial/usbserial.ko vendor=0x0eab product=0xc893 -> but i do not have thise directory /dev/usb/ttyUSB0 -> for with directory i have to create a simbolic link to run my modem ? | 21:55 |
fde | epicure: Either or... firefox32 will be an entirely different app to the system. | 21:55 |
ElNebuloso | hi zusammen,ich wollte mal fragen, ob mir einer erklären kann warum ich nur mit sudo xchat ins irc komme | 21:56 |
unop | !de | ElNebuloso | 21:56 |
ubottu | ElNebuloso: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 21:56 |
guest | lightfight, it has nothing to do with ubuntu. either your BIOS or CD drive not reading it | 21:56 |
zvacet | lightfight : no it is something with windows you can not install it | 21:56 |
jeremie78 | hello | 21:56 |
epicure | fde: thanx | 21:56 |
sidelil | fde, unop: ok, any difference between rdesktop and xrdp that you suggested me? Thanks a lot | 21:56 |
ElNebuloso | thx | 21:56 |
lightfight | That sucks. I've tried everything else. Can't figure out why it's not working. | 21:56 |
octopus | hello all. i have big problems with my harddisk. chown faild an now all folders dont have permissions. if i mount the disk the floders are files. i cant cd the disk because missing rights. can any body help me to get my rights back? | 21:56 |
mib_ma5qwk | guest: it was already enabled. apt-get says that is may have been obsoleted. | 21:56 |
fde | sidelil: Use xrdp sorry. | 21:56 |
At0x0 | I added glipper to my toolbar this morning, and when I logged out/in, gnome broke. None of my toolbars load, even in gnome failsafe. Is there a way to reset my gnome toolbars/menus? | 21:57 |
guest | mib_ma5qwk, thats new to me then, have you tried playing it with vlc? it has libdvdcss built-in | 21:57 |
sidelil | fde: ok, thank you very much | 21:57 |
jeremie78 | i would like to know to disable the "auto mount devices" (when i connect a USB HDD, i don't want it to be mounted automatically) | 21:57 |
zvacet | lightfight : maybe you can delete ubuntu with garted live CD and with it format NTFS partition | 21:57 |
epicure | What is the best release version so-far for amd-64 | 21:58 |
blt | is it necessary to load some sort of firewall or edit any files in ubuntu to improve security | 21:58 |
sortudo_78 | please !!! i am installing a PCMCIA modem (yiso c893), i am folowing thise steps: -> i used this driver: insmod /lib/modules/`uname –r`/kernel/drivers/usb/serial/usbserial.ko vendor=0x0eab product=0xc893 -> but i do not have thise directory /dev/usb/ttyUSB0 -> for with directory i have to create a simbolic link to run my modem ? | 21:58 |
mirdin76 | why does select and install always fail at 6% ? changed installdisks, changed hard drives, changed optical drives, always fails right at configuring xserver | 21:58 |
blt | that is fairly simple | 21:58 |
indian_munnda | can anyone tell me what is the problem with my ubuntu?? Whenever i am leaving my system idle for a download, its getting turned off ????? | 21:58 |
blt | or is it pretty secure out of box | 21:58 |
fde | sidelil: I believed that rdesktop could handle RDP server things, but it can't. | 21:58 |
bardyr | epicure, hardy | 21:58 |
mib_ma5qwk | guest: yeah actually, it just closes itself. when i opened it using terminal, it said that "there was nothing to play" | 21:58 |
lightfight | zvacet: I was thinking of wiping my harddrive and then trying but I'll be SOL if I still can't boot any install disk. | 21:58 |
qwiksand | fde i'm still getting the sound to work or videos, its saying the same thing | 21:58 |
GhostFish | Someone PLEASE frekin help me with Fix the White screen Issue ? or atleast get it back to a normal desktop ?? | 21:58 |
guest | jeremie78, System > Preferences > Removable Drives and Media | 21:58 |
sektor | how can i convert .svg to png | 21:58 |
qwiksand | zvacet its not working still | 21:58 |
_paradox_ | i need a good url organizer that can import/export to from firefox and opera. can anyone suggest something? | 21:58 |
blt | ghostfish what version are u using | 21:58 |
thinkingfrog | does anyone know why enabling desktop effects (compiz) causes graphical responsiveness/performance to improve? | 21:59 |
fde | qwiksand: I really have no idea then, apologies... | 21:59 |
guest | mib_ma5qwk, have you tried other another DVD? | 21:59 |
indian_munnda | !hibernate | 21:59 |
ubottu | Factoid hibernate not found | 21:59 |
zvacet | qwiksand : what format you want mp3? | 21:59 |
GhostFish | blt 8.04 and an ATi 256mb vid card | 21:59 |
mib_ma5qwk | guest: yes, they all fail but when i tried one about a half an hour ago,it worked fine. | 21:59 |
blt | hrm nope sry | 21:59 |
fde | thinkingfrog: It's using the GPU to render the Windows with Compiz enabled. | 21:59 |
jeremie78 | guest: i know, it was there before, but not anymore, now, there is just "cameras, pdas, printers & scanners, input devices" | 21:59 |
mib_ma5qwk | guest: i can browse the dvd but not play it | 21:59 |
GhostFish | blt all was great until I updated the drivers and now its whits screen from hell | 21:59 |
zvacet | qwiksand : if so you need to install lame from synaptic | 22:00 |
ghostknife | Heh, the slow scrolling is a FF3 setting. FF3b5 doesn't seem to be stable just yet. | 22:00 |
qwiksand | fde what i really wanna know though is what happened to the card and if it really stopped working? | 22:00 |
ghostknife | I still can't believe they added it | 22:00 |
sipickles | Hi All! I'm new here ;) | 22:00 |
guest | mib_ma5qwk, do other CDs play normally? | 22:00 |
blt | i don't know how to help | 22:00 |
sortudo_78 | please ! i am installing a PCMCIA modem (yiso c893), i am folowing thise steps: -> i used this driver: insmod /lib/modules/`uname –r`/kernel/drivers/usb/serial/usbserial.ko vendor=0x0eab product=0xc893 -> but i do not have thise directory /dev/usb/ttyUSB0 -> for with directory i have to create a simbolic link to run my modem ? | 22:00 |
_paradox_ | anyone know of a good one? | 22:00 |
crdlb | GhostFish: you can use the Failsafe Gnome session | 22:00 |
thinkingfrog | fde: so the rendering of the windows is using opengl? | 22:00 |
mib_ma5qwk | guest: i don't have anny around to test | 22:00 |
Lord_Devi | what is/are the best ipod manipulation software available in the ubuntu repositories? | 22:00 |
GhostFish | ????? | 22:00 |
At0x0 | I added glipper to my toolbar this morning, and when I logged out/in, gnome broke. None of my toolbars load, even in gnome failsafe. Is there a way to reset my gnome toolbars/menus? | 22:00 |
fde | zvacet: His video and audio devices are acting up since he added the virtualbox modules... that is just one example of a symptom... nothing directly to do with gstreamer though, it is the audio device in that case. | 22:00 |
fde | thinkingfrog: Yup. | 22:00 |
GhostFish | How crdlb ??? | 22:00 |
crdlb | GhostFish: when you say updated the drivers, you mean you used the installer? :< | 22:00 |
ciro | hi all | 22:00 |
GhostFish | yeah | 22:01 |
GhostFish | :( | 22:01 |
crdlb | GhostFish: select that session at the login screen | 22:01 |
crdlb | in the menu at the bottom left | 22:01 |
thinkingfrog | fde: that's interesting. I'll have to read up on it. Thanks bro | 22:01 |
guest | mib_ma5qwk, i'm guessing, if one dvd worked before and now it doesnt, its either a faulty drive or a dusty one. other than that, i'm not sure. | 22:01 |
jeremie78 | well, bu | 22:01 |
Phantal- | i edited my /etc/apt/sources.list to add a mirror because a package wasn't showing up when I tried to install it, but even after that and apt-get update, the package still isn't available | 22:01 |
zvacet | fde :O.K. | 22:01 |
fde | zvacet: Thing is, it was working prior to the virtualbox modules being enabled, and removing them hasn't fixed it... | 22:01 |
jeremie78 | bye guys, i'm going to the french irc channel (didn't knew there were one =)) | 22:01 |
Phantal- | Anyone have a minute to try helping me out? | 22:01 |
qwiksand | fde, zvacet but what could have happened to both devices at the same time? | 22:01 |
mib_ma5qwk | guest: i was worried abuot that, thanks for your help | 22:01 |
Chenko | hi, upgraded to 8.04 yesterday and my computer is a little fkd up, is there any way to go back to gutsy gibbon maybe? | 22:02 |
guest | mib_ma5qwk, np | 22:02 |
=== Squawk_ is now known as Squawk | ||
ciro | i have a problem to mount a hd ... when I format it (ext3, ntfs or fat32) i can mount it, but when i reboot and I try to remount it console says me "special device doesn't exist" ... who can help me please? | 22:02 |
sortudo_78 | fde ! i am installing a PCMCIA modem (yiso c893), i am folowing thise steps: -> i used this driver: insmod /lib/modules/`uname –r`/kernel/drivers/usb/serial/usbserial.ko vendor=0x0eab product=0xc893 -> but i do not have thise directory /dev/usb/ttyUSB0 -> for with directory i have to create a simbolic link to run my modem ? | 22:02 |
fde | sortudo_78: I saw, and didn't know the answer, so didn't reply ;) | 22:02 |
zvacet | fde : is something else removed with VB | 22:02 |
sortudo_78 | tjaks fde | 22:02 |
pbjman | Hello- while trying to execute razorback, I get this error: Can anyone help me? Thanks in advance :) | 22:02 |
sortudo_78 | thanks fde | 22:02 |
indian_munnda | can anyone tell me hoe can i remove automatic hibernating of ubuntu????? | 22:02 |
narkeeso | Hello, I'm running Ubuntu Server VPS, can someone point me in the right direction for System Administration for local Users and Groups? I'm trying to harden the filesystem so standard users don't have access to sensitive files. | 22:03 |
fde | zvacet: shouldn't be, no... lets see... | 22:03 |
thinkingfrog | anyone know where the best place for me to learn to streamline Ubuntu for my system? I want to make it run as fast as humanly possible...after all it is Linux for humans | 22:03 |
qwiksand | zvacet what could have gone wrong to cause both hardwares from functioning? | 22:03 |
wired | cd writer is not reading my CD R's how can i fix this? | 22:03 |
laszlo_ | hi, am I right that I feel FF3b5 slow? Googlemaps particularly | 22:03 |
indian_munnda | can anyone tell me how can i remove automatic hibernating of ubuntu????? | 22:03 |
balleyne | indiana_munnda: System -> Preferences -> Power Management ? | 22:03 |
zvacet | qwiksand : synaptic>file tab>history and there you will find what you removed | 22:03 |
ciro | i have a problem to mount a hd ... when I format it (ext3, ntfs or fat32) i can mount it, but when i reboot and I try to remount it console says me "special device doesn't exist" ... who can help me please? | 22:04 |
guest | indian_munnda, System > Preferences > Power Management Preferences and change first slider to the right until it says never | 22:04 |
fde | qwiksand: can you please try lspci and lsmod and paste both outputs to for us? | 22:04 |
rwycuff | narkeeso: you would want to create group with the cradintials you would want and then chmod the users to that group | 22:04 |
balleyne | anyone familiar with ogg encoding in rhythmbox? I'm having trouble setting it at the quality I'd like... | 22:04 |
Gixxer_K7 | hi | 22:04 |
Lord_Devi |! i've been using pastebin all this time... cool | 22:04 |
balleyne | ciro: I know a little bit about mounting hard drives... when do you get that error, when you run the mount command? | 22:05 |
wired | cd writer is not reading my CD R's how can i fix this? | 22:05 |
indian_munnda | guest thnx | 22:05 |
fde | Lord_Devi: heh... Ubuntu set up there own cuz Ubuntu users slam other pastebins and have brought some down :P | 22:05 |
zChris | ive added myseflf to a group, how do i fix so those settings applies ? | 22:05 |
laszlo_ | is there any way to detect whether my pc components have their best drivers? my wireless card is around 50% instead of 90% what it used to be with Windows, its a Belkin BTW | 22:05 |
ciro | balleyne, when I run mount command after rebooting | 22:05 |
qwiksand | fde how do i do that? | 22:05 |
guest | indian_munnda, you're welcome | 22:05 |
balleyne | ciro: not sure exactly what that error means, but have you tried fdisk -l? does the disk appear in that list? | 22:06 |
Lord_Devi | fde: lol really? that's funny. What a great community huh? =) | 22:06 |
phiqtion | !kde4 | 22:06 |
ubottu | KDE 4.0.3 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0.3 packages can be found at - Support in #kubuntu-kde4 | 22:06 |
fde | qwiksand: please type both commands into a terminal... then just copy and paste into when you hit "Paste!" just let us see the URL of the result. | 22:06 |
ciro | balleyne, if i format and mount it could be mounted ... after rebooting i cant ... fdisk says the device exist | 22:06 |
cb951303 | !AppDB | 22:06 |
ubottu | The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: | 22:06 |
ferris_ | I am trying to get games to work... they say you need to use shockwave, but there isn't an installation for it for linux, I have flashplayer and the plugin installed but the games still do not work... how do i get around the shockwave player issue, or is there a work around? | 22:06 |
fde | Lord_Devi: Yes, although I doubt those other pastebin sites think so :P | 22:06 |
laszlo_ | hi, am I right that I feel FF3b5 slow? Googlemaps particularly | 22:06 |
laszlo_ | is there any way to detect whether my pc components have their best drivers? my wireless card is around 50% instead of 90% what it used to be with Windows, its a Belkin BTW | 22:06 |
qwiksand | fde will do | 22:07 |
XB23 | guys i have a user called system logged into my box, but i have no idea who they are or how they got in there | 22:07 |
comicinke1 | how can I increase screen resolution in hardy in virtualBox? | 22:07 |
XB23 | its showing active ssh sessions | 22:07 |
XB23 | how do i find out more information on it | 22:07 |
zChris | anyone? :< | 22:07 |
pbjman | ferris_: Either install ie4linux and download shockwave through them, or crossover. No work around atm :( | 22:07 |
fde | qwiksand: I'm going to be making sure the sound and video card modules are loaded ... if it's not nvidia or ati then video card won't be enlightening here though... we'll need something else, I'll get to that... | 22:07 |
ferris_ | thanks pbjman... i will do the ie4linux thing... | 22:08 |
jburd | laszlo_: Do you feel the same when you turn of desktop effects? | 22:08 |
ciro | i have a problem to mount a hd ... when I format it (ext3, ntfs or fat32) i can mount it, but when i reboot and I try to remount it console says me "special device doesn't exist" ... who can help me please? | 22:08 |
wired | cd writer is not reading my CD R's how can i fix this? | 22:08 |
jburd | laszlo_: I find Google Maps to be pretty smooth using both Firefox 3.0b5 and Swiftfox 3.0-pre2 | 22:08 |
pbjman | ferris_: I've found it lags a bit, and flash flickers.... some crashes... but the only free way that I know of. | 22:08 |
laszlo_ | how to do that? | 22:09 |
balleyne | ciro: hmm... sorry, to be honest I'm not quite sure what that error means. I'd try rebooting with the disk plugged it, and rebooting without it plugged in... see if there's any difference... | 22:09 |
XB23 | how do i kill an active user from the box | 22:09 |
amenado | XB23-> do you know if you have a user system in /etc/passwd ? | 22:09 |
ciro | balleyne, still tried | 22:09 |
pbjman | Again, though, does no one know how to fix: ? | 22:09 |
European-African | are there any packages that improve the nvidia hardware | 22:09 |
rwycuff | XB23: you could always cange that users permissions and cutt port 22 off | 22:09 |
XB23 | amenado yeh the user is there, but its system | 22:09 |
XB23 | it used by lots of system processes | 22:09 |
amenado | XB23-> you can toy with him, ie, enable/disable their access till he gets frustrated... | 22:10 |
comicinke1 | how can I increase the sreen resolution when I run Hardy as guest in VirtualBox? | 22:10 |
amenado | XB23-> can you paste your /etc/passwd entry for this user system ? | 22:10 |
balleyne | anyone familiar with ogg encoding in rhythmbox? I'm having trouble setting it at the quality I'd like... | 22:10 |
European-African | are there any packages that improve the nvidia hardware | 22:10 |
XB23 | its home directory is set to /tmp/sess_17f67f15cc14a2b562622698c9092b041 | 22:11 |
teicah | I "remove purge" firefox-3.. how do I re-install it from the CD (hardy)? | 22:11 |
fde | European-African: ensure 'linux-restricted-modules-generic' is installed. | 22:11 |
laszlo_ | jburd: how to do that? what seems to be slow is the downloading of the map elements (satellite view) with Vista+FF2 it is very fast on the same connection | 22:11 |
fde | teicah: sudo apt-get install firefox | 22:11 |
scope006 | here is a quick Q: When I log in a little box pops up that says Error and has an OK button I have to click before it logs me in. The FUNNY part is even if i log in command line the word Error appears immediately after i log in. Any ideas? | 22:11 |
XB23 | how do i kill an active user | 22:11 |
amenado | XB23-> i asked if you can paste the one line entry in /etc/passwd ... for the user system | 22:11 |
dubby | pidgin doesn't know what a panini is... | 22:11 |
zvacet | teicah : can you find it in synaptic | 22:12 |
European-African | fde: ok will | 22:12 |
comicinke1 | XB23: you shouldn't use a gun. | 22:12 |
damg | are there no more ugly gstreamer-plugins? | 22:12 |
balleyne | XB23: ? | 22:12 |
dubby | come on people... culture ubuntu | 22:12 |
mib_0abd8m | ubuntu installation: my laptop freezes in partitioning stage? | 22:12 |
amenado | XB23-> no use in killing the user at the moment, he is already there..find out what he is doing get a feel. | 22:12 |
mib_0abd8m | would i report this as a bug? | 22:12 |
magnetron | dubby: mmm, panini | 22:12 |
comicinke1 | sorry | 22:13 |
magnetron | mib_0abd8m: yes please | 22:13 |
XB23 | well all it shown was an active ssh session | 22:13 |
dtolj | whats the wget to download entire repo? | 22:13 |
bung | mib_0abd8m, you have any huge harddrives ? mine did that | 22:13 |
teicah | zvacet: I would prefer the command line, but will try synaptic | 22:13 |
bung | i just turned off my external | 22:13 |
jburd | laszlo_: System > Preferences > Appearance > Visual Effects (Use None) | 22:13 |
XB23 | and editting the apache config fie | 22:13 |
mib_0abd8m | what do you mean by huge harddrives? | 22:13 |
jburd | laszlo_: Check whether that remedies the problem. Also do tell us which graphics card you're using. | 22:13 |
festr_ | hi | 22:13 |
xaziva | men va sjutton | 22:14 |
scope006 | any idea why the word "Error" would print right after a login? | 22:14 |
zvacet | teicah :maybe sudo apt-get install firefox | 22:14 |
bung | mib_0abd8m, i have a big 750gb external usb, i had to turn it off | 22:14 |
qwiksand | fde i've uploaded the files..keep in mind though that the card is not in the system now | 22:14 |
amenado | XB23-> you can unplug the cable his session will stop for the moment then turn it back on..kind a harazz him a bit | 22:14 |
fde | XB23: you can sudo pkill -9 ssh in that case (sudo required as it likely isn't your user, so needs more privs) | 22:14 |
magnetron | mib_0abd8m: i had a similar problem. what i did was i used the gparted live CD for the partioning, then did just the installing and formatting in the ubuntu installer | 22:14 |
fde | qwiksand: did you get the URL for the paste? | 22:14 |
jburd | laszlo_: nvidia cards are known to perform better when the compiz options --loose-binding is enabled and --indirect-rendering is disabled | 22:14 |
festr_ | i cant google my problem with hardy 8.04. i've T2400 core 2 duo laptop and 2.6.24-16-generic but /proc/cpuinfo shows only processor 0. any advice? | 22:14 |
belor1 | Whats the name of the folder that holds or stores the themes | 22:14 |
teicah | zvacet: It tries to download it .. but why when I have the CD? | 22:14 |
fde | belor1: Themes for what? | 22:14 |
qwiksand | fde yeah and i copied both of them and pasted them on the site | 22:15 |
bung | mib_0abd8m, magnetron, yea i also used the ubunbu live cd partition editor manually, then the install went easier | 22:15 |
ciro | sco> grazie mille | 22:15 |
ciro | <francesco> | 22:15 |
fde | qwiksand: care to tell me the URL? | 22:15 |
ciro | i have a problem to mount a hd ... when I format it (ext3, ntfs or fat32) i can mount it, but when i reboot and I try to remount it console says me "special device doesn't exist" ... who can help me please? | 22:15 |
jburd | laszlo_: Also you can get the latest version of Swiftfox at | 22:15 |
guest | belor1, gtk themes go in /home/YOURUSERNAME/.themes | 22:15 |
ciro | i have a problem to mount a hd ... when I format it (ext3, ntfs or fat32) i can mount it, but when i reboot and I try to remount it console says me "special device doesn't exist" ... who can help me please? | 22:15 |
belor1 | fde, icon themes and stuff i nee to know the folder there stored in | 22:15 |
amenado | festr_-> you're system is working? | 22:15 |
qwiksand | fde | 22:15 |
laszlo_ | I have Nvidia | 22:15 |
fde | belor1: /usr/share/icons and /usr/share/pixmaps | 22:16 |
Torrential | My friend's having some trouble installing from CD. He hits "Install" and it hangs up. He's using a Gateway laptop, what special boot parameters does he need to pass? | 22:16 |
laszlo_ | an I have enabled the nonfree driver | 22:16 |
anteaya | i just edited xorg.conf, how do i restart X? | 22:16 |
cobrien | Why, after setting the ip address in /etc/network/interfaces as a static IP, does the box change over to DHCP? Is there something else running that takes control of the network? | 22:16 |
festr_ | amenado: yes it is | 22:16 |
Lord_Devi | Does anyone know if such a thing exists as a good book on the topic of LDAP/Single Sign on etc? | 22:16 |
belor1 | fde, is there a reason why my folder icons wont appear the ways there supposed to | 22:16 |
amenado | festr_-> enjoy then..dont worry too much :) | 22:17 |
guest | anteaya, log out and back in, or Ctrl+Alt+Backspace (make sure to quit running programs) | 22:17 |
cobrien | That's just crazy... .I set it to .90 in the interfaces file and then it changes to .99 | 22:17 |
fde | qwiksand: ouch... nvidia :S please make sure 'linux-restricted-modules-generic' is installed though... other than that, again, can't really help. | 22:17 |
jburd | laszlo_: Can you paste the contents of this file: /etc/X11/xorg.conf ? | 22:17 |
Phantal- | i edited my /etc/apt/sources.list to add a mirror because a package wasn't showing up when I tried to install it, but even after that and apt-get update, the package still isn't available ... anyone have a moment to help with that? | 22:17 |
Takalius | darrend - You're the one who was helping me earlier, correct? | 22:17 |
cobrien | I'm using 7.04 | 22:17 |
anteaya | guest: thanks | 22:17 |
festr_ | amenado: but i'm not sure if the second core is in use :) | 22:17 |
amenado | cobrien-> is the roaming checked? | 22:17 |
fde | belor1: Not that I can think of off hand... | 22:17 |
qwiksand | fde the other command was lsmod right? | 22:17 |
fde | belor1: What is wrong with them? | 22:17 |
unop | Phantal-, what is the package name? | 22:17 |
cobrien | amenado: not sure. How would I check that with the server edition? I'm not using the desktop version. | 22:17 |
qwiksand | fde how can i check? | 22:17 |
fde | qwiksand: please install the package I said if it's not around, restart and come back... at least we'll have the drivers if they're supported then :) | 22:17 |
amenado | festr_-> does it matter? what speed do you like to have? super duper fasta mundo? | 22:18 |
belor1 | fde, the fodler icons wont change to the ones there supposed to | 22:18 |
Phantal- | unop postgresql-client-8.3_8.3.1-1_i386, and postgresql-8.3_8.3.1-1_i386 | 22:18 |
fde | qwiksand: dpkg -l linux-restricted-modules-generic | 22:18 |
amenado | cobrien-> so you are not using gui to configure? | 22:18 |
teicah | I "aptitude purge firefox-3.0" ... how do I re-install it *from the CD* (hardy)? | 22:18 |
fde | belor1: Sometimes you must log out and back in for theme things to take effect... | 22:18 |
At0x0 | I need a way to completely reset my gnome desktop settings. My menus/toolbars don't load at all. My desktop background appears and then nothing. I've deleted some of the gnome config files/folders, but that hasn't been enough. Is there a command to reset my gnome profile? | 22:18 |
festr_ | amenado: i sometimes compile large projects so i need both cores :) | 22:18 |
cobrien | amenado: correct. did a: iface eth0 inet static in the interfaces file in /etc/network | 22:18 |
pbjman | Guys, no help? (Problem is: cannot find "" Pastebin: | 22:18 |
jburd | laszlo_: Also, try this: gksu gedit /usr/bin/compiz Edit that file, look for a variable named "COMPIZ_OPTIONS" modify it to look like this: COMPIZ_OPTIONS="--ignore-desktop-hints --loose-binding --replace" | 22:19 |
cobrien | amenado: but... about 10 minutes later or so, the thing has a .99 address.. . .puzzling. | 22:19 |
qwiksand | fde Desired=Unknown/Install/Remove/Purge/Hold | 22:19 |
qwiksand | | Status=Not/Installed/Config-f/Unpacked/Failed-cfg/Half-inst/t-aWait/T-pend | 22:19 |
qwiksand | |/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err: uppercase=bad) | 22:19 |
qwiksand | ||/ Name Version Description | 22:19 |
qwiksand | +++-==============-==============-============================================ | 22:19 |
FloodBot1 | qwiksand: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 22:19 |
cyclonut | anyone know where the stock plugins for gedit are stored? | 22:19 |
jburd | Save and restart X (by pressing Ctrl-Alt-Backspace). @ laszlo_ | 22:19 |
amenado | festr_-> it maybe a switch you enable on your compiler to use multi processor | 22:19 |
cobrien | amenado: I heard sometihng about NetworkManager... I don't know if that has something to do with this. | 22:19 |
qwiksand | sorry | 22:19 |
fde | At0x0: Log out and go to ctrl+alt+f1 then remove the folders, else gnome-settings-manager will reset them. | 22:19 |
mib_0abd8m | where do i find the gparted livecd for partioning? | 22:20 |
festr_ | amenado: I know. i'm solving problem showing only one processor in /proc/cpuinfo | 22:20 |
fde | qwiksand: dpkg -l linux-restricted-modules-generic | grep ^ii sorry | 22:20 |
unop | Phantal-, both those packages seem to be provided by the main repository.. are you on hardy? | 22:20 |
amenado | cobrien-> do you have network manager running? | 22:20 |
fde | qwiksand: if that returns anything, it's already there. | 22:20 |
At0x0 | fde: gnome-settings-manager isn't a command on my system (hardy heron) | 22:20 |
fde | At0x0: I didn't say it was... | 22:20 |
amenado | festr_-> actually i should not comment, i never owned a dual bad.. | 22:20 |
cobrien | amenado: i guess not. I don't even have a /etc/NetworkManager directory | 22:20 |
qwiksand | fde nothing really happened | 22:21 |
fde | At0x0: Do what I said to remove the gnome settings | 22:21 |
phiqtion | i installed Kubuntu, and it override my ubuntu startup logo, now it says KUBUNTU. how can i change it back to UBUNTU? | 22:21 |
jburd | cyclonut: open("/usr/lib/gedit-2/plugins", O_RDONLY|O_NONBLOCK|O_DIRECTORY|0x80000) = 15 <-- strace output | 22:21 |
festr_ | amenado: anyway thanks :) | 22:21 |
fde | qwiksand: Then please type 'sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-generic' | 22:21 |
At0x0 | fde: like I said, I removed .gnome* and .gconf* already | 22:21 |
amenado | cobrien-> can you paste your /etc/network/interfaces file? | 22:21 |
cobrien | phiqtion: you can't! It's stuck in the BIOS now! You will be forever with Kubuntu! muhahahaha! | 22:21 |
fde | At0x0: Ok, but if you were logged in at the time in Gnome, then they were recreated by that daemon. | 22:21 |
phiqtion | muuuaahahaha | 22:21 |
phiqtion | ' | 22:21 |
cobrien | amenado: sure... shall I paste it in a privmsg or in chan? | 22:22 |
qwiksand | fde already the newest version | 22:22 |
fde | AtomicMongoose: My mistake, it's actually 'gnome-settings-daemon' | 22:22 |
wired | cd writer is not reading my CD R's how can i fix this? | 22:22 |
amenado | festr_-> honestly, i dont know if any of the apps can even make use of dual procs..or multi procs | 22:22 |
fde | qwiksand: Ugh, then something would have happened with the last command. | 22:22 |
Phantal- | unop, gutsy | 22:22 |
amenado | cobrien-> in pastebin please | 22:22 |
belor1 | fde, ive tried they still dont change | 22:22 |
fde | AtomicMongoose: sorry | 22:23 |
mib_0abd8m | where is the gparted livecd partitioner? | 22:23 |
jburd | wired: Blanks? | 22:23 |
wired | yes | 22:23 |
amenado | mib_0abd8m-> on the livecd ? | 22:23 |
mib_pv25i9 | phiqtion: install the xubuntu-desktop - that'll give you the ubuntu screen at startup again | 22:23 |
jburd | mib_0abd8m: It's on the LiveCD. System > Adminsitration > Partition editor | 22:23 |
sebsebseb | mib_0abd8m: Gparted comes on the Ubuntu Live CD | 22:23 |
wired | hot letting me burn | 22:23 |
wired | not | 22:23 |
amenado | !paste | cobrien | 22:23 |
mib_0abd8m | then how do i access it during installation? | 22:23 |
ubottu | cobrien: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 22:23 |
_polto_ | hello all | 22:23 |
fde | qwiksand: Anyway, yeah, then I don't know what's wrong. | 22:23 |
unop | Phantal-, well, the recommended way to go is try and enable the gutsy-backports repo and try again, if not, you will need to either compile the hardy sources or upgrade | 22:24 |
qwiksand | fde, damn! i'm so depressed | 22:24 |
unop | !ubotu | 22:24 |
ubottu | I am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;) | 22:24 |
sebsebseb | mib_0abd8m: the installer has it's own basic parition thing. I suggest doing your partitions in Gparted first, and then using the installer to install | 22:24 |
amenado | mib_0abd8m-> you have to use a terminal and execute gparted | 22:24 |
fde | qwiksand: Sorry man... I don't do nvidia ... for the reasons you're encountering. | 22:24 |
fde | qwiksand: I paid $200 more for my computer simply to avoid such things... | 22:24 |
Phantal- | unop, i just did an apt-get upgrade, and afterward it shows up when i do apt-get install postgresql-8.3* ... but when I actually do: apt-get install postgresql-8.3, it says no installation candidate | 22:25 |
fde | (well, that and it was simply a much better system - but all intel devices) | 22:25 |
qwiksand | fde i want to know though if this problem will be corrected if i use a different card | 22:25 |
minus198 | Hi.. Gnome-power-manager can only be set to turn of the monitor after 11 minutes or higher. I want to be able to set it to 5 minutes. How do I do that? | 22:25 |
minus198 | Yes I asked #gnome first. No one is there.. | 22:26 |
jburd | qwiksand: What is the original question? | 22:26 |
cyclonut | jburd: thanks sir. | 22:26 |
slipttees | new Via Driver supported GLX | 22:26 |
=== mehdi_ is now known as dropix | ||
fde | minus198: #gnome is on /newserver | 22:26 |
jburd | laszlo_: Do you find your desktop experience smoother (with desktop effects/visual effects turned on)? | 22:26 |
fde | jburd: You're aware that user is not currently online? | 22:27 |
qwiksand | jburd after installing virtualbox's modules and restarted my video card started acting up, i cant get it to work anymore and now even the sound it gone. everything was working fine b4 and now i cant even get the system to read the video card [nvidia] | 22:27 |
jburd | fde: (02:56:33 IST) laszlo_ [] entered the room. | 22:27 |
fde | jburd: ahh... I'll shush then :P | 22:28 |
unop | Phantal-, by 'upgrade' i meant, move from gutsy to hardy .. but that can be inconvenient .. the recommended way is to add a deb-src line for the hardy repos in your /etc/apt/sources.list, then do something like. apt-get update; apt-get build-dep postgresql-8.3 postgresql_client-8.3; apt-get source -b postgresql-8.3 postgresql_client-8.3; | 22:28 |
cool_pimp | pot sa va trag la muie ? | 22:28 |
fde | jburd: Just wondering, cuz I keep seeing that question without reply... | 22:28 |
laszlo_ | seems ok | 22:29 |
jburd | laszlo_: Ok. There are a few tricks you'd need to follow to improve performance with an nvidia card. I'll paste the stuff I did to improve mine. | 22:29 |
egoleo | hello guys | 22:30 |
qwiksand | jburd after installing virtualbox's modules and restarted my video card started acting up, i cant get it to work anymore and now even the sound it gone. everything was working fine b4 and now i cant even get the system to read the video card [nvidia] | 22:30 |
unop | Phantal-, the "no installation candidate" means that the package is not available for gutsy, and a quick check on indeed verifies that. | 22:30 |
laszlo_ | I did the COMPIZ_OPTIONS stuff | 22:30 |
egoleo | is there a tool to track the temperature of my computer on hardy? | 22:30 |
meuerro | good evening, well, good whatever, it's evening 'round here | 22:31 |
PovIpod | I have the dvd | 22:31 |
laszlo_ | Is there any way to see the networks statistics to the sites I am connected to? | 22:31 |
PovIpod | how do I boot a live KDE system? | 22:32 |
zChris | Hello, i was wondering how i can make the changes to groupadd active without logging out and in again | 22:32 |
Zyrando | helloo.. I'm a Linux Noob and I have problems, installing Ndiswrapper without Internet :( NO howto helped me | 22:33 |
meuerro | Zyrando: there is a topic on the forum | 22:33 |
fxn | what package do I need to install to have standard C headers for gcc? | 22:33 |
=== carl is now known as bgabba | ||
meuerro | I suppose you'd need to gather some packages while online on another computer | 22:33 |
Zyrando | meuerro: will look it up.. hope it will help | 22:34 |
fxn | or how can I query aptitude for /usr/include/stdio.h ? | 22:34 |
PovIpod | fxn: apt-file | 22:34 |
Daisuke_Ido | fxn: you need the build-essential package | 22:34 |
meuerro | shit, with 4 desktops I get lost | 22:34 |
Rabiddog | Why am I getting the following error "sudo: unable to resolve host House" | 22:34 |
Zyrando | okay.. thx.. will look it up.. by now im going stillt online with windows :-$ | 22:34 |
fxn | Daisuke_Ido: thanks | 22:34 |
meuerro | Zyrando: I'm trying to find it for you | 22:34 |
jburd | laszlo_: Here are the changes I've made to make my desktop experience smoother | 22:34 |
PovIpod | how do I boot a KDE live system from Ubuntu DVD? | 22:34 |
jburd | that's only for newer nvidia cards | 22:34 |
Zyrando | thx :) | 22:34 |
Daisuke_Ido | PovIpod: get a kubuntu disc. | 22:35 |
gregbrady | Hey everyone! How to get a Broadcom BCM4306 network card working without access to the internet? | 22:35 |
Daisuke_Ido | gregbrady: no can do | 22:35 |
Daisuke_Ido | wire yourself to get the firmware | 22:35 |
gregbrady | Not feasable | 22:35 |
Daisuke_Ido | no other option | 22:35 |
PovIpod | Daisuke: I thought the DVD had all three desktop environments | 22:35 |
gregbrady | Not from the cd? | 22:35 |
Daisuke_Ido | PovIpod: not to my knowledge | 22:36 |
SniZ | hi, i upgrade to 8.04 from 7.10, all fine, but some error with nvidia drivers: Failed to load /usr/lib/xorg/modules// and Failed to load module "glx" (loader failed, 7) \\\\ what i must do? i reinstall drivers.... | 22:36 |
Daisuke_Ido | gregbrady: *possibly* | 22:36 |
Daisuke_Ido | not the ubuntu cd, of course | 22:36 |
meuerro | Zyrando: | 22:36 |
gregbrady | hmmm.... | 22:36 |
PovIpod | can I *install* kubuntu from the DVD? | 22:36 |
Daisuke_Ido | no, no you can't, because you need fwcutter, which you have to be online to get | 22:36 |
Shadow420 | Sniz best thing to do is re-install the nvidia drivers | 22:36 |
Zyrando | thx :) | 22:36 |
jburd | laszlo_: the + lines indicate the lines i've added | 22:36 |
Zyrando | will have a look ;) | 22:36 |
__Ali__ | hey where is the 'network installation' iso for 8.4?? | 22:37 |
SniZ | Shadow420, i reinstall it, but not help.... | 22:37 |
jburd | laszlo_: the - lines indicate the lines i've removed | 22:37 |
Daisuke_Ido | PovIpod: you can install ubuntu from the *ubuntu* dvd | 22:37 |
Zyrando | hope will talk next time with linux as os :D | 22:37 |
__Ali__ | am talking about that 10-15 MB iso | 22:37 |
Zyrando | *Ubuntu | 22:37 |
__Ali__ | to install ubuntu by internet | 22:37 |
Daisuke_Ido | THEN you can install the kubuntu-desktop package :) | 22:37 |
Shadow420 | weird | 22:37 |
gregbrady | Daisuke_Ido....too bad. | 22:37 |
__Ali__ | without downloading and burning the whole cd | 22:37 |
Shadow420 | SniZ weird | 22:37 |
PovIpod | daisuke: can I install *without* gnome, so | 22:37 |
Daisuke_Ido | gregbrady: it's a serious pain in the butt for broadcom users, i know :( | 22:38 |
SniZ | Shadow420, yes. i know..... | 22:38 |
__Ali__ | helloo? | 22:38 |
laszlo_ | ok i get it | 22:38 |
Daisuke_Ido | PovIpod: sure can, go download a kubuntu cd | 22:38 |
PovIpod | so I can install kde manually later? | 22:38 |
arindam | hey suspend does not seem to work in you guys have any solution to that | 22:38 |
SniZ | Shadow420, all work, but only glx module doesnt load | 22:38 |
gregbrady | Daisuke_Ido, sure choice now but XP | 22:38 |
arindam | i have a hp pavilion | 22:38 |
Shadow420 | SniZ to bad bazhang is not around | 22:38 |
PovIpod | cmd line install I guess | 22:38 |
meuerro | PovIpod; if you want to install without gnome: choose a server install | 22:38 |
Daisuke_Ido | gregbrady: why can't you connect via ethernet for 10 minutes to get the firmware? | 22:38 |
jburd | laszlo_: you'll need to do sudo aptitude install compizconfig-settings-manager before you can set the refresh rate | 22:38 |
=== insomnia_ is now known as anabol | ||
zetheroo | in hardy heron when a window is not being used the border becomes semi-transparent.... is there a way to change that? | 22:39 |
meuerro | then you run apt-get from a terminal | 22:39 |
gregbrady | Daisuke_Ido, wireless only | 22:39 |
anabol | hey everyone :D | 22:39 |
meuerro | to download the desktop environment you wish to use | 22:39 |
jburd | laszlo_: and sudo aptitude install nvidia-settings as well | 22:39 |
Daisuke_Ido | you have wireless but no ethernet port? | 22:39 |
Daisuke_Ido | that's... i've never heard of that before | 22:39 |
Shadow420 | PovIpod use sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop after installing ubuntu with gnome or server install | 22:39 |
Daisuke_Ido | weird | 22:39 |
PovIpod | grr @ boot music lol | 22:40 |
=== arindam is now known as duke_of_cal | ||
anabol | one quick question; how hard is shell scripting compared to java programing, although it maybe hard to answer some input would be helpful | 22:40 |
duke_of_cal | did anyone out there have the same problem as me....suspend freezes up the computer | 22:40 |
Shadow420 | PovIpod or go download the Kubuntu ISO | 22:40 |
Mazus | hmm my audio just nuked itself, worked, than it doesnt | 22:40 |
Mazus | :( | 22:40 |
laszlo_ | thanks for your help I play around with it to see if | 22:40 |
PovIpod | anabol: completely different | 22:40 |
sebsebseb | duke_of_cal: yes suspend and hibernation not working is a common issue | 22:41 |
meuerro | would anybody know which font is used in the ubuntu logo? | 22:41 |
kuda | duke_of_cal, Mine will freeze if i use the screen to suspend, but not the command. | 22:41 |
sebsebseb | duke_of_cal: it really depends on the computer though and it's hardware | 22:41 |
zetheroo | anyone? | 22:41 |
Mazus | can someone tell me what version of alsa is in the repos? | 22:41 |
Shadow420 | Mazus latest version | 22:41 |
Mazus | ah ok | 22:42 |
boz | hello all | 22:42 |
Mazus | had to compile mine from source before | 22:42 |
sebsebseb | kuda: yeah if I suspend on this desktop with Ubuntu it will freeze. Vista Home Premimum it works. so there is a command to suspend ay? maybe that will work, worth a try not now though | 22:42 |
gregbrady | Daisuke_Ido, not a router issue, location. | 22:42 |
meuerro | zethero: do you have the compiz config package installed? | 22:42 |
anabol | what use would get out of learning shell scripting besides having fun making my own commands and making command line more customized? what is it primary purpose? | 22:42 |
Shadow420 | Mazus alsa comes with the ubuntu installation | 22:42 |
boz | help /dev/cdrom is pt of mount CD ? | 22:42 |
gregbrady | I will haul it here and wire it up I suppose | 22:42 |
sebsebseb | anabol: to be a cool geek :d that's the primary purpouse. more seriosulely though you can save a load of time when you know how to use it well | 22:43 |
kuda | anabol, Shell scripting helps automate tasks, thats what i mainly use it for. | 22:43 |
Zyrando | meuerro, still having a problem... | 22:43 |
Mazus | Shadow420: i hit upgrade | 22:43 |
duke_of_cal | I have tried setting POST_VIDEO=false and SAVE_VBE_STATE=false | 22:43 |
Daisuke_Ido | gregbrady: ah... that's really the best option, takes a few minutes, but shouldn't be a big problem getting it installed | 22:43 |
backgen | hey guys, is it possible to get Skype on Linux? | 22:43 |
meuerro | if so go to system/preferences/advanced desktop settings | 22:43 |
duke_of_cal | found it in a blog somewhere | 22:43 |
Shadow420 | boz please be more precise on what are you are trying to ask | 22:43 |
PovIpod | I'm on the live system of the DVD, can I do a server install from it, or do I have to reboot and choose server install on the boot screen? | 22:43 |
meuerro | Zyrando, and that would be? | 22:43 |
Shadow420 | Mazus ok | 22:43 |
gregbrady | Daisuke_Ido, no problem, just a bit of work. No real issue | 22:43 |
stueng | is there a seperate channell for ubuntu server? | 22:43 |
mirdin76 | can anyone give me a tiny hint: my hardy text install fails at select and install, right after it loads xserver-xorg. I can install grub OK, and boot to recovery, but it has no Internet so I can't get further | 22:43 |
Mazus | i wonder /me trys livecd | 22:43 |
stueng | er channel | 22:43 |
comicinke1 | backgen: yes. visit skype they offer a ubuntu package for skype | 22:44 |
meuerro | PovIpod: I'd say reboot, just a guess though | 22:44 |
Zyrando | this howto needs a internet connection, too and I dont know how to install stuff without a connection | 22:44 |
backgen | comicinke1: thank you! | 22:44 |
sebsebseb | backgen: yes there is a Skype for Linux | 22:44 |
anabol | and ubuntu already has all preqs for shell scripting? and is ubuntu a good environment for such purposes? | 22:44 |
Zyrando | whenn I "add" a software.. it says "the list will be refreshed, it needs a build up connection to the internet" or something.. | 22:44 |
anabol | btw sorry for the lame questions | 22:44 |
stueng | Zyrando: press the reload button | 22:45 |
hacknslash | anabol, ubuntu is perfect for scripting | 22:45 |
anabol | just excited on getting started.. wanna have a good start | 22:45 |
Zyrando | yeah.. I mean this reload button ^^ | 22:45 |
kuda | anabol, I may be wrong but i think just about every Linux distro comes with the capability to shell script, and ubuntu is great :) | 22:45 |
Y-Town | anyone here figured out how to get the wine menu list back after wine has been removed and re-installed? | 22:45 |
Zyrando | when I click it it says "you need a internet connection" | 22:45 |
meuerro | Zyrando: you download the stuff you need and save it to a mass device | 22:45 |
Zyrando | mkay | 22:45 |
meuerro | which you then connect to the computer that has no internet | 22:46 |
anabol | and do i need to enable any repositories to start? or its all there? | 22:46 |
stueng | can anyone tell me where snmpdtrapd saves its log files for incoming traps ??? | 22:46 |
anabol | in order to get started | 22:46 |
cahnewbie | good morning everybody | 22:46 |
Zyrando | aaahh... | 22:46 |
Zyrando | got it ^^ | 22:46 |
_polto_ | I am trying to understand the new way of patching for Launchpad. It does not use dpatch anymore, but I do not understand how it work now. I never used bazar before. :/ | 22:46 |
Zyrando | will try it ;) | 22:46 |
Shadow420 | anabol any Linux OS is good for shell scripting just depends on your taste of a Linux Distro | 22:46 |
hacknslash | anabol, its all there ready to go | 22:46 |
kuda | anabol, Its all there already | 22:46 |
meuerro | zyrando: for the packages you take the .deb files | 22:46 |
mneptok | anabol: the only prerequisite to shell scripting is a shell. and every Unix ever has shipped with a shell. | 22:46 |
_polto_ | I would apply a simple patch and upload it to my PPA.. | 22:46 |
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Zyrando | sure ^^ | 22:46 |
meuerro | the drivers you just download and save locally where you prefer | 22:46 |
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anabol | also, if any "cool geek :P" has a good site for self taught shell scripting with good foundation teaching id really appreciate it | 22:47 |
MichelciaS | anybody from Brazil? | 22:47 |
AdemoS | Ubuntu 8.04 Live CD: I get a "zd1211rw IO: Read Error" on Live CD boot, but Ubuntu 7.10's Live CD has no problem with the exact same driver....? | 22:47 |
magnetron | MichelciaS: there's a #ubuntu-br channel | 22:48 |
Shadow420 | anabol type in terminal sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list to see all of the repos you have access to and to add edit or delete repos | 22:48 |
AdemoS | it's a modem driver | 22:48 |
shreeki | Hi, I was told that to try to make the computer run smoother (ie. not as slow as it is), I am to do a 'clean upgrade'. I have already installed Heron (two days ago) and I want to know if it is possible to do a clean upgrade even though I just installed it. Where would I go or how would I go about doing a clean upgrade? And if I do, does my other partitions get removed (I have Vista installed on a seperate partition | 22:48 |
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MichelciaS | ok.. sorry, I'm new here and my english is wrong | 22:48 |
MichelciaS | :D | 22:48 |
meuerro | anabol: have you looked in the "how-to" section of the forums? | 22:49 |
anabol | alright guys thanks for all the help and support, <3 | 22:49 |
MrKeishii | how do i download and install The Widget Factory??? | 22:49 |
anabol | tc all, ill be back later with more questions ;) | 22:49 |
Shadow420 | !widget factory | 22:49 |
ubottu | Factoid widget factory not found | 22:49 |
anabol | meuerro: not yet.. but i will have to head out atm | 22:49 |
Shadow420 | !find widget factory | 22:50 |
ubottu | Found: libcwidget-dev, libcwidget-doc, libcwidget3, libcwidget3-dbg, bwidget (and 19 others) | 22:50 |
anabol | bye | 22:50 |
magnetron | shreeki: "clean upgrade" means to remove all system files and add them again, to get rid of various changes you've done yourself. it shoudln't be necessary. | 22:50 |
meuerro | bye | 22:50 |
MrKeishii | how do i download and install The Widget Factory in Terminal? | 22:50 |
Shadow420 | !find widget factory | MrKeishii | 22:50 |
ubottu | mrkeishii: Found: libcwidget-dev, libcwidget-doc, libcwidget3, libcwidget3-dbg, bwidget (and 19 others) | 22:50 |
UnknownFear | hello? i need some help with sound | 22:50 |
UnknownFear | i just installed ubuntu 7.10 | 22:50 |
sebsebseb | UnknownFear: 7.10 is the old version | 22:51 |
svenstaro | id need some help concerning global variables. how does my compiler/IDE know where $(WX) is for example? | 22:51 |
sebsebseb | UnknownFear: 8.04 Hardy Heron is the latest | 22:51 |
Shadow420 | MrKeishii use sudo apt-get install from terminal then !find Widget factory | 22:51 |
meuerro | plus, it's long term support | 22:51 |
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MrKeishii | okay | 22:51 |
UnknownFear | so should i uninstall 8.10 and install 8.04 hardy heron? | 22:51 |
prolix | hello | 22:51 |
khamael | can I uninstall pulseaudio? I am using programs that doesn`t work with it | 22:52 |
prolix | does 8.04 install within windows? | 22:52 |
meuerro | UnknownFear: open synaptic | 22:52 |
shreeki | magnetron: But I was told it would be the best way to get my computer to be as fast as it was prior to upgrading to Hardy. I just don't know the steps to do it. And if all system files and removed and added again, is it only within the partition that holds the system files? I'm worried that my Vista stuff will be gone or something. | 22:52 |
Shadow420 | UnknownFaer you mean 7.10 and launch the update manager | 22:52 |
hacknslash | prolix, no it doesnt | 22:52 |
meuerro | first, do update, then do upgrade | 22:52 |
sebsebseb | prolix: yes 8.04 can be installed inside WIndows, but it is best to use the old/standard way and partition the hard disk | 22:52 |
prolix | hacknslash: huh. that's odd, i thought i read a relase stating it could. thank you | 22:52 |
gribelu | UnknownFear: 7.10 not 8.10.. but yeah you should install 8.04 especially because it's a fresh install. We could help you, or you could upgrade.. but it's better in the long run to just remove 7.10 and install 8.04 | 22:52 |
sebsebseb | prolix: after all think about it what if Windows screws up, Ubuntu screws up then to? | 22:53 |
UnknownFear | im running the livecd because i am partitoning my harddrive so i cant really do anything at the moment | 22:53 |
meuerro | shrreeki: others partitions should be untouched | 22:53 |
prolix | sebsebseb: well, i have debian on another partition, but i'd like the flexibility of a *nix o.s. when i'm on the winders side | 22:53 |
stemount^ | Hey everyone, has anyone got 8.04 live CD onto a USB pen/thumb drive? | 22:53 |
hacknslash | prolix, you need to shrink the windows partition, then install 8.04 | 22:53 |
sebsebseb | prolix: Wubi will install it inside Windows yes, but you carn't use it when your inside Windows if you install it with Wubi | 22:53 |
meuerro | you mean you still have to install it and you are just preparing the drive for it? | 22:53 |
shreeki | meuerro: so what are the the steps to do a 'clean upgrade'? go through terminal... etc. etcv...? | 22:53 |
PovIpod | prolix: use a VM | 22:54 |
prolix | sebsebseb: ? | 22:54 |
stueng | does anyone know how I can test snmptrapd.... there are no log files in /var/log | 22:54 |
UnknownFear | can i just cancel the partition editor and uninstall ubuntu? | 22:54 |
sebsebseb | prolix: wubi is just a way to put Windows on your hard disk instead of it having it's own partitions, and so by using your Windows partition | 22:54 |
UnknownFear | and how do i actually uninstall ubuntu without messing up my other partition? | 22:54 |
magnetron | shreeki: a clean upgrade involves: 1. make sure your /home folder is on a separate partition 2. format the partition that used to hold the root partition of ubuntu. 3. install ubuntu like if it never was there, except make sure to tell it about your /home partition | 22:54 |
meuerro | shreeki: the update/upgrade thing I said was for UnknownFear | 22:54 |
sebsebseb | prolix: if you want to run WIndows and Ubuntu at the same time, well then your after a virtual machine | 22:54 |
Shadow420 | prolix or do on better get another Hard Drive | 22:55 |
stemount^ | definitely no Ubuntu pen drive installers? :'( | 22:55 |
xaziva | I want to mount smb://boden/pfilm/ to a folder on my computer it's possible? | 22:55 |
ferris_ | who told me about wine and ie4linux? | 22:55 |
magnetron | stemount^: there are. | 22:55 |
in4mer | interest | 22:55 |
meuerro | UnknownFear, if you didn't choose to modify the other partitions they will be untouched | 22:55 |
prolix | meh | 22:55 |
magnetron | !install | stemount^ | 22:55 |
ubottu | stemount^: Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see for documentation. Problems during install? See Don't want to use a CD? Try - See also !automate | 22:55 |
prolix | i thought it would be something like cygwin or andlinux | 22:55 |
grandmaster_ | anyone know if there's support for the soundblaster xfi fatal1ty cards? | 22:55 |
UnknownFear | so it is safe to cancel the partition editor? | 22:55 |
svenstaro | id need some help concerning global variables. how does my compiler/IDE know where $(WX) is for example? | 22:55 |
sebsebseb | prolix: Cygwin is basically a Linux shell emulater than can run some programs | 22:56 |
meuerro | stemount: the usb install process should work with any iso of ubuntu | 22:56 |
Master_Z | hellow | 22:56 |
sebsebseb | prolix: andlinux is a bit like WIne really except it's on WIndows and for running Linux apps | 22:56 |
Master_Z | What is Ubuntu's default GUI format? | 22:56 |
prolix | sebsebseb: i use cygwin, as a matter of fact that's how i'm here now | 22:56 |
Master_Z | (Compiz, metacity, etc) | 22:56 |
stemount^ | Thanks meuerro / magnetron, was useful | 22:56 |
Daisuke_Ido | prolix: what, on irc? | 22:56 |
sebsebseb | prolix: you can run a real Ubuntu installation inside WIndows inside a virtual machine | 22:56 |
prolix | sebsebseb: thank you, and the others who helped. | 22:57 |
stemount^ | I had 7.10 running off a pen drive, but I somehow made 8.04 go wrong :( | 22:57 |
prolix | Daisuke_Ido: yes | 22:57 |
MauL^ | is there a linux competitor of BizTalk? | 22:57 |
Matic`Makovec | I remember having a nice program on Gutsy which ran .bin file (mounted it actually) by itself. Now I upgraded to Hardy and seems this is lost. Would anyone know the name of the program? | 22:57 |
prolix | irssi in cygwin | 22:57 |
Master_Z | question, what is ubuntu's gui? (metacity, beryl, etc) | 22:57 |
meuerro | Master_Z: gnome | 22:57 |
jasperarcher | hello, i installed 8.04 from a USB drive (CD-ROM on laptop has physical damage) -- I seem to have installed it actually onto the USB... also i can only boot from the USB, and then select "boot from hard drive" to get into ubuntu. I want to do a fresh install but when i choose that option it spits out some USB drive errors and i get dropped into BusyBox... any help would be much appreciated. any way to do a fresh ins | 22:57 |
jasperarcher | tall from here within the OS? i'm only using 8.04 on my laptop, no other OS installed | 22:57 |
Daisuke_Ido | prolix: you know there are a ton of windows irc clients, and even irssi for windows... | 22:57 |
sebsebseb | prolix: check this out :) :) | 22:57 |
sebsebseb | :) | 22:57 |
meuerro | that's the default desktop/window manager | 22:57 |
prolix | Daisuke_Ido: irssi for windows just installs cygwin and runs from it | 22:57 |
prolix | Daisuke_Ido: that's what i have | 22:57 |
Daisuke_Ido | ouch | 22:57 |
Daisuke_Ido | hah | 22:58 |
Shadow420 | Master_Z ubuntu GUI is Gnome | 22:58 |
prolix | it's not so bad | 22:58 |
Daisuke_Ido | alrighty then :D | 22:58 |
prolix | sebsebseb: thanky | 22:58 |
Master_Z | meurro: so if I went to a website where I could download themes, what formats could I download? | 22:58 |
Daisuke_Ido | no, i just expected there to be a native build | 22:58 |
sebsebseb | prolix: you can also run already made VMware virtual machines in virtualbox | 22:58 |
Ubhubdub | hello | 22:58 |
meuerro | Master_Z: go to | 22:58 |
fiory69 | ciao a tutti!!! | 22:58 |
prolix | that's what i thought, too, but apparently they chose to work smarter, not harder. | 22:58 |
sebsebseb | prolix: yes for examle an already made Ubuntu virtual machine that is in the VMware format will run in virtualbox | 22:58 |
Daisuke_Ido | prolix: makes perfect sense :) | 22:58 |
MauL^ | is there any BizTalk* kind of software for linux? | 22:58 |
Shadow420 | Master_Z also theres KDE and one other one | 22:58 |
Ubhubdub | i have tried to update my kernel with kernelcheck | 22:59 |
stemount^ | Master_Z, there is GDM, KDM and XFCE | 22:59 |
fiory69 | italiani' | 22:59 |
meuerro | also: you probably have compiz installed, while metacity is something that works inside gnome that you would need to get from synaptic | 22:59 |
prolix | thank all of you kind ubuntu people | 22:59 |
Daisuke_Ido | stemount^: that made no sense | 22:59 |
gregbrady | Daisuke_Ido....all is well! Thanks. | 22:59 |
Ubhubdub | how can i remove a directory? | 22:59 |
shreeki | magnetron: i have saved all things in my /home folder to a USB so i don't care if it's all deleted. i'm new to ubuntu (VERY NEW) so formating a partition that holds the root and installing ubuntu like it was never there is all very .... unknown to me. is there a site that goes through the steps of doing that? | 22:59 |
Daisuke_Ido | you listed two display managers and a desktop environment. | 22:59 |
Daisuke_Ido | gregbrady: glad to see it worked :D | 23:00 |
stemount^ | my bad | 23:00 |
stemount^ | :x | 23:00 |
meuerro | rm /name of directory | 23:00 |
Daisuke_Ido | xdm? :D | 23:00 |
stemount^ | yeah | 23:00 |
Matic`Makovec | rm -rf dir Ubhubdub | 23:00 |
Daisuke_Ido | no worries | 23:00 |
stemount^ | thats what I meant, heh | 23:00 |
gregbrady | Daisuke_Ido, pain in the butt, but it works... | 23:00 |
fiory69 | qualcuno conosce italien ? | 23:00 |
Daisuke_Ido | gregbrady: yeah, i blame broadcom for being so stubborn about providing real drivers | 23:00 |
gregbrady | Daisuke_Ido, much better than the alternative....XP | 23:00 |
Ubhubdub | Matic`Makovec, what do the flags -rf do? | 23:00 |
gregbrady | Daisuke_Ido, yes, agreed....Broadcom is a pain. Not Ubuntu. | 23:01 |
Matic`Makovec | rm --help | 23:01 |
magnetron | shreeki: i've never seen such a site. unless you've installed a lot of software in ubuntu, there will be a very little difference doing a clean install. | 23:01 |
hacknslash | Ubhubdub, type man rm | 23:01 |
Daisuke_Ido | the only other chipset i see issues with (and i'm sure i'm missing some people have had problems with) is ralink's RT73 | 23:01 |
meuerro | remove recursively | 23:01 |
Ubhubdub | thanks | 23:01 |
hacknslash | Ubhubdub, it will explain | 23:01 |
shreeki | magnetron: i don't know how else to solve my original problem: slow computer. nothing is running as fast as it was prior to updating to heron and i don't know how to go about solving it... | 23:02 |
Ubhubdub | it did | 23:02 |
Ubhubdub | very good | 23:02 |
meuerro | shreeki: system details? (cpu/ram) | 23:02 |
Ubhubdub | do you happen to know how can i remove kernelcheck? | 23:03 |
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meuerro | shreeki, anyway, if you were clever enough as to divide root and home folders in 2 different partitions | 23:03 |
Ubhubdub | i just remove the directories that hold the scripts? | 23:03 |
nabcore | I'm seeing this error when I try to install 8.04 to my laptop: SQUASHFS error: zlib_inflate returned unexpected result 0xfffffffd, srclength 131072 | 23:03 |
meuerro | reinstalling the system without touching the data should be even easier | 23:04 |
Master_Z | Can someone help me with a step by step install of ndiswrapper? | 23:04 |
vallhalla81 | !jahshaka | 23:04 |
ubottu | Factoid jahshaka not found | 23:04 |
Master_Z | my wireless wont work, and I really need it to (Realtek 8185L) | 23:04 |
meuerro | Ubhubdub, look for a topic in the forums about startup scripts | 23:04 |
vallhalla81 | does any one know how to get jahshaka on ubuntu? | 23:04 |
hacknslash | !ndiswrapper | 23:04 |
ubottu | Wireless documentation can be found at | 23:04 |
shreeki | meuerro: if it were a windows, i would be able to, honest. but i don't know anything about ubuntu. in fact, ubuntu was installed by a friend who is unfortunately not here anymore. i will get you the cpu/ram info---one minute | 23:04 |
Wirta- | is there a way to force eject cd drive? | 23:04 |
meuerro | it explains what does what, so you can decide what to run automatically | 23:05 |
Mattevt | none of my windows are visible in the taskbar. What happened? | 23:05 |
meuerro | Wirta-: other than pressing the external button? | 23:05 |
ere4si | Wirta-: eject in a terminal | 23:05 |
Master_Z | hacknslash: its too complicated. I need someone to explain it to me while I do it | 23:05 |
Naib | l | 23:05 |
vallhalla81 | does any one know how to get jahshaka on ubuntu? if so could they please advise me | 23:06 |
mysterycool | I can't listen the to the sound in videos in youtube | 23:06 |
Wirta- | meurro, it sais "Application is preventing the volume...." | 23:06 |
mysterycool | But I can listen to songs etc... | 23:06 |
meuerro | shreeki: for unrational that it might seem, managing the install from the command line instead of the graphical one, is a lot more self explanatory | 23:06 |
hacknslash | master_of_master, do you know what wireless card you have | 23:06 |
mysterycool | Some help please? Thank you in advanced. | 23:06 |
hacknslash | Master_Z, do you know what wireless card you have | 23:06 |
meuerro | mysterycool: do you see the pictures on you tube? | 23:06 |
Master_Z | hacknslash: Realtek 8185L | 23:07 |
mysterycool | meuerro: yes, just the sound is the problem. i restarted, but nothing :S | 23:07 |
meuerro | is your browser allowed to reproduce sounds? | 23:07 |
mysterycool | meurro: i am using Mozilla Firefox 3 Beta 5 and i didnt change any settings. it just happened now, like just a bit ago. | 23:07 |
jonnymac | very ubuntly challenged 1 here. How in name of Beelzebub can I find my SD card slot? Or make it so it mounts, or so's I can see it? | 23:08 |
jonnymac | pleasee... | 23:08 |
Matic`Makovec | I remember having a nice program on Gutsy which ran .bin file (mounted it actually) by itself. Now I upgraded to Hardy and seems this is lost. Would anyone know the name of the program? | 23:08 |
meuerro | did it ever work, since the new install? | 23:08 |
Ubhubdub | Matic`Makovec, res ne bi vedu :) | 23:08 |
mysterycool | meuerro: yes. it just happened now. =[ | 23:09 |
Wirta- | I am trying to install a game (for wine) the installer uses 2 cd-rom:s I am in situtation where it asks to put in the CD 2 but I cant eject CD 1 cos it sais "Application is preventing...pla pla pla" any way to force eject? | 23:09 |
Matic`Makovec | Good for you. I do tend to speak english here. | 23:09 |
Ubhubdub | Matic`Makovec, me too.. :P | 23:09 |
ere4si | Wirta-: does typing eject in a terminal work? | 23:09 |
meuerro | mysterycool, check if another website that uses flash works | 23:09 |
meuerro | if not, uninstall and then reinstall the flash plugin | 23:10 |
mysterycool | meuerro: ok, sec. | 23:10 |
mneptok | Wirta-: hit the eject button? | 23:10 |
xaziva | jonathan@jonathan-desktop:~$ sudo mount -t cifs \\BODEN\pfilm /home/jonathan/BODEN | 23:10 |
xaziva | mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on \BODENpfilm, | 23:10 |
xaziva | missing codepage or helper program, or other error | 23:10 |
xaziva | (for several filesystems (e.g. nfs, cifs) you might | 23:10 |
xaziva | need a /sbin/mount.<type> helper program) | 23:10 |
FloodBot1 | xaziva: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 23:10 |
xaziva | In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try | 23:10 |
pvandewyngaerde | Wirta-: have you tried sudo eject ? | 23:10 |
Wirta- | ere4si: it sais: eject: tried to use `/dev/hdc' as device name but it is no block device | 23:10 |
Wirta- | eject: unable to find or open device for: `cdrom' | 23:10 |
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Matic`Makovec | xaziva, try using for such things | 23:10 |
Wirta- | mneptok: it does not work | 23:11 |
pvandewyngaerde | sudo umount -l /dev/hdc sudo eject /dev/hdc | 23:11 |
pbjman | Does anyone know of any good Snort log parsers? Razorback didn't work for me, and acid/base give me wrong version... | 23:11 |
ere4si | sdc? | 23:11 |
Rafabe | hi | 23:11 |
pbjman | Or management systems. | 23:11 |
pvandewyngaerde | or whatever | 23:11 |
Buck380 | yo | 23:11 |
Ubhubdub | Rafabe, hi | 23:11 |
asdfqwer | How can I access my hdd on my desktop from my laptop? Both computers are connected to a router, 1 wired 1 wireless. | 23:11 |
Ubhubdub | Rafabe, can we help you? | 23:11 |
mysterycool | meuerro: it doesnt. so shall i uninstall flash and re install it? | 23:12 |
ckin2001 | Wirta-, umount /dev/cdrom | 23:12 |
Buck380 | via ssh | 23:12 |
mysterycool | :s | 23:12 |
mysterycool | :s | 23:12 |
shreeki | meuerro: memory = 3041MiB cpu = product: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU @ 2.40GHz bus info: cpu@0 version: 6.15.7 size: 1600MHz capacity: 1600MHz width: 64 bits | 23:12 |
meuerro | asdfqwer, router options | 23:12 |
Rafabe | I'm installing Ubuntu on a brand-new computer...I get to the partitioner, and I created a 200mb /boot partition, and now I need to create / and /home. Do they need to be Primary or Logical? | 23:12 |
Rafabe | I had previously used Guided installs | 23:12 |
shreeki | meuerro: i think i gave you more info than necessary? :S sorry... | 23:12 |
Mathman | asdfqwer: any number of ways. share it via http, sftp into the thing, samba, ftp, etc, etc | 23:12 |
Rafabe | but this time I want to split it manually | 23:12 |
meuerro | and then configure samba | 23:12 |
AttractiveApe | Rafabe: primary. | 23:12 |
Wirta- | ckin2001: it sais /dev/cdrom is not mounted (according to mtab) | 23:13 |
visualdeception | asdfqwer, Personally I would use nfs if they are both linux | 23:13 |
Rafabe | attractive: everything should be primary? | 23:13 |
meuerro | shreeki, hardware is definitely not the problem | 23:13 |
AttractiveApe | Rafabe: yes. | 23:13 |
mysterycool | meuerro: still not working :S | 23:13 |
meuerro | try disabling advance desktop settings, and then restart | 23:13 |
asdfqwer | visualdeception: They are. | 23:13 |
Rafabe | thanks AttractiveApe | 23:13 |
Ubhubdub | Rafabe, please use the Entire disk - guided method of partitioning your hard disk | 23:13 |
shreeki | meuerro: that's what i thought as well! it couldn't be. what else should i check? | 23:13 |
meuerro | see if it gets better | 23:13 |
ckin2001 | Wirta-, try mount, look for device / directory with cdrom, and umount it | 23:13 |
Mathman | asdfqwer: depending on what you're after, sftp would perhaps be the simplest | 23:13 |
Ubhubdub | Rafabe, that'll make all for you | 23:14 |
meuerro | shreeki: well, dmesg after a full reboot | 23:14 |
asdfqwer | Mathman: I want to be able to grab some files from the desktop. | 23:14 |
meuerro | to see if there's anything wrong | 23:14 |
asdfqwer | quickly they are big. | 23:14 |
=== jrb_ is now known as Naib | ||
Wirta- | so there is no "force" eject command? | 23:14 |
Rafabe | Ubhubdub: that's how I used to do it, but I don't want a "proportional" partitioning this time. it's a 500gb drive. I want to use 200mb for /boot, 20gb for /, and leave everything else for /home. If I use Guided it's going to split them in sizes I don't want | 23:14 |
meuerro | otherwise you have to look in the archive section for the topic about startup processes | 23:14 |
Rafabe | it would be a waste :) | 23:14 |
shreeki | meuerro: ... dmesg? :S i'm sorry! i'm such a noob >_>; | 23:14 |
Mathman | asdfqwer: so yeah, I'd go with sftp. quick, eh, your network will probably be the bottleneck. | 23:14 |
meuerro | Wirta: doesn't the eject button (the mechanical one, on the drive) work? | 23:15 |
Ubhubdub | Rafabe, i see | 23:15 |
ckin2001 | Wirta-, eject shows up as a command on my machine | 23:15 |
meuerro | shreeki, reboot, open terminal, type dmesg, hit enter, and then look for any errors in the output | 23:15 |
schregge | hi, i have a problem with xen 3.1 and hardy.... | 23:15 |
mfisch | I'm using kubuntu and it's not letting me install ubuntu-desktop, errors with broken packages: | 23:15 |
Wirta- | meuerro: no, it pops up a window that sais: An application is preventing the volume 'WizardsWarriors' from being unmounted | 23:16 |
dembo | Hi | 23:16 |
schregge | when i try to run xm -c vm.cfg then i get no console output | 23:16 |
mfisch | I've apt-get updated already | 23:16 |
Wirta- | meuerro: and that is the installer | 23:16 |
visualdeception | asdfqwer, | 23:16 |
Wirta- | I need to somehow change to installing rom 2 | 23:16 |
schregge | the vm is runnnig, but i cant ping the vm....... | 23:16 |
xaziva | I want to mount smb://boden/pfilm/ as /home/jonathan/boden | 23:16 |
xaziva | How do I do? | 23:16 |
dembo | When I type iwlist scan into my ubuntu laptop, it lists the network next door but not my ubuntu wlan ... however my flatmate with her windows machine can connect just fine | 23:17 |
schregge | I also tried xen3.2 but there i can not even start the vm.... (strange loopsetup error) | 23:17 |
gausus | anone using ubuntu-xen-desktop/server package? | 23:17 |
gausus | schregge: i have the same problem with losetup and i have no idea how to fix it | 23:17 |
meuerro | Wirta-: brute force killing the install process would surely let you open the drive | 23:17 |
meuerro | but that would mean aborting the install | 23:17 |
ckin2001 | Wirta-, type mount | grep cdrom - then umount "whatever device is the cdrom" | 23:18 |
funddevi | hello | 23:18 |
Wirta- | meuerro: I know it would... but the problem is that I want to complete the installation process? | 23:18 |
schregge | gausus: hmm, but why is xen 3.1 not working? | 23:18 |
xaziva | I want to mount smb://boden/pfilm/ as /home/jonathan/boden | 23:18 |
xaziva | How do I do? | 23:18 |
ckin2001 | xaziva, something like mount -t smbfs //boden/pfilm /home/jonathan/boden | 23:19 |
shreeki | meuerro: this seems strange? "[17562.317613] Buffer I/O error on device sdg1, logical block 1548387 | 23:19 |
shreeki | [17562.317619] lost page write due to I/O error on sdg1 | 23:19 |
shreeki | [17562.702503] sd 8:0:0:0: [sdg] READ CAPACITY failed | 23:19 |
shreeki | [17562.702510] sd 8:0:0:0: [sdg] Result: hostbyte=DID_NO_CONNECT driverbyte=DRIVER_OK,SUGGEST_OK | 23:19 |
shreeki | [17562.702515] sd 8:0:0:0: [sdg] Sense not available. | 23:19 |
shreeki | [17562.702944] sd 8:0:0:0: [sdg] Write Protect is off | 23:19 |
FloodBot1 | shreeki: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 23:19 |
meuerro | Wirta-: how about saving the two cd iso images on your hard drive | 23:19 |
Matic`Makovec | !paste | 23:19 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 23:19 |
dembo | Does the card in the laptop need to be on the same channel as the router? | 23:19 |
meuerro | shreeki, you take the errors | 23:19 |
gausus | schregge: no idea :( i have not tried it | 23:19 |
meuerro | and look in the forums | 23:19 |
Wirta- | meuerro: ah.. why dindt I thought of that.... thanks :) | 23:19 |
shreeki | floodbot 1: sorry.. :/ | 23:19 |
=== nico_ is now known as nico_|gone | ||
schregge | anyone else has an idea? | 23:19 |
meuerro | shreeki, you take the errors | 23:19 |
meuerro | and look in the forums | 23:19 |
thor^^ | hi | 23:20 |
vallhalla81 | where can i read about instaling from binary on ubuntu | 23:20 |
shreeki | okay, i will do that! thank you | 23:20 |
thor^^ | is it possible to force a i386 package into x86_64 system? | 23:20 |
NoJunkFromLinux | Hello - I am looking for a server control panel for Ubuntu 8.04 - any ideas? | 23:20 |
albuntu | hello to all. i wanted to try hardy server edition but i am not so experienced so what i excatly want to know is that does it come with desktop environment or i have to add gnome later ? | 23:20 |
meuerro | shreeki: also, remember to look up the how to about processes that are run at startup | 23:20 |
Scrounch | thor^^: dpkg -i --force-all your.deb | 23:20 |
thor^^ | thank Scrounch | 23:21 |
meuerro | you'll choose from that anything that you can do without | 23:21 |
Yan1 | Why are there no updates for hardy since it has been released? | 23:21 |
visualdeception | albuntu, you would need to add gnome later | 23:21 |
NoJunkFromLinux | I am looking for a server control panel for Ubuntu 8.04 - any ideas? | 23:22 |
meuerro | Yan1: do you need one in particular? | 23:22 |
Scrounch | thor^^: dpkg -i --force-architecture it's too good | 23:22 |
albuntu | visualdeception: i thought so too. do i have just to do apt-get install gnome-desktop-environment or first i have to install some things before this ? | 23:23 |
NoJunkFromLinux | I was looking at openpanel - but unable to download, and source added via ubuntu was unable to refresh | 23:23 |
Wirta- | ok, any easy way how do I create image from cd rom in linux and how do I mount it? any softwares like daemon tools that works in linux? | 23:23 |
visualdeception | albuntu, you should just need to apt-get install it...I would verify that is the name of the package by running aptitude search gnome-desktop-environment | 23:24 |
NBZ4live | !list | 23:24 |
ubottu | I am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;) | 23:24 |
NBZ4live | !command | 23:24 |
ubottu | Factoid command not found | 23:24 |
NBZ4live | !commands | 23:24 |
ubottu | The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: | 23:24 |
genii | !iso | Wirta- about mounting isos: | 23:24 |
albuntu | visualdeception: thanks | 23:24 |
ubottu | Wirta- about mounting isos:: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning. | 23:24 |
visualdeception | albuntu, np | 23:24 |
stueng | anyone familiar with snmptrapd ?? | 23:24 |
NoJunkFromLinux | anyone on a server control panel? | 23:25 |
CC-rulaz | 15899291/10/2006 16:39:05112116745,713LUIZ G R MALHEIROS498446945996332709/09532VISAR$ 3,25R$ 0,00 | 23:25 |
CC-rulaz | GustavoRocha Cayowaá, 1794, apto. 71-ASumaréSão PauloSP01258-01013643219806209126334-1 | 23:25 |
CC-rulaz | 16179434/10/2006 22:03:1652627157,513carlos anselmo dias498442206015909010/08507VISAR$ 3,25R$ 0,00 | 23:25 |
CC-rulaz | 1262carlosmeneleucasa2411José CarlosMeneleu Mirandacarlosmeneleu(21) 2594-2928Rua Adolfo Bergamini, nº153/204Engenho de DentroRio de JaneiroRJ2073000008103389714214392789-1 | 23:25 |
FloodBot1 | CC-rulaz: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 23:25 |
visualdeception | NoJunkFromLinux, | 23:25 |
Fishscene | What happened there? | 23:25 |
Yan1 | what's that? | 23:26 |
genii | Poor guy. He'll be getting lots of spam and unwanted mail now | 23:26 |
ckin2001 | someones bot posted something very naughty | 23:26 |
cpare | "8.04 64bit server install fails on CD Mount" - Anyone have a suggestion? | 23:27 |
ckin2001 | genii - those are credit card numbers / etc - probably not his | 23:27 |
Fishscene | I'm going to e-mail him alerting him to the vulnerability | 23:27 |
_paradox_ | im using ubuntu 8.04. im looking for a good url manager. and i dont mean an online service. can anyone suggest one? | 23:27 |
Rafabe | hey, could I get some advice on where to store my media files? I'm wondering if I should create a 400gb partition called /storage or whether I should just make /home bigger. I know I can do whatever I want, but what is the "best practice" for Linux users? | 23:27 |
hacknslash | Master_Z, it looks a tricky one to set up | 23:27 |
genii | _paradox_: Please define "url manager" | 23:27 |
_paradox_ | kk hang on | 23:28 |
Rafabe | bookmark manager, I presume | 23:28 |
ckin2001 | Rafabe, separate - you can always ln -s the partition into /home if you want | 23:28 |
NoJunkFromLinux | that was an alright form | 23:28 |
Rafabe | ckin: allright, thanks | 23:28 |
NoJunkFromLinux | but no real panel - just discussion | 23:28 |
_paradox_ | aomething similar to these | 23:29 |
genii | Rafabe: He couls also mean some tool to manage domains or dns servers | 23:29 |
_paradox_ | yes a bookmark manager url organizer whichever u want to call it | 23:29 |
NoJunkFromLinux | for controlling the server | 23:30 |
NoJunkFromLinux | mysql, php, mysql | 23:30 |
Uranellus | hello, is there a way to have dpkg output the list of installed packages ordered by installation date? | 23:30 |
NoJunkFromLinux | something similar to yast in SUSE | 23:30 |
visualdeception | NoJunkFromLinux, like phpmyadmin? | 23:30 |
NoJunkFromLinux | kindof | 23:31 |
ferfactor | hi... a program can run .ratdvd? | 23:31 |
Naib | unload | 23:31 |
NoJunkFromLinux | openpanel looks nice | 23:31 |
NoJunkFromLinux | any ideas where to get it | 23:31 |
_paradox_ | no i mean something to storre urls bookmartks | 23:31 |
_paradox_ | so i dont have to store literally over 100 bookmarks in firefox | 23:32 |
BaKKaR | hello | 23:32 |
visualdeception | NoJunkFromLinux, | 23:32 |
visualdeception | _paradox_, delicious? | 23:32 |
ferfactor | hi... somebody can help me with a dvd that has a format .ratdvd!!! please!!! | 23:32 |
shachaf | Is there a reason virt-manager doesn't show KVM as one of the options in its connect menu? | 23:33 |
CorbinFox | Are there any easy to use benchmarking programs to test system performance? | 23:33 |
visualdeception | NoJunkFromLinux, install instructions: | 23:33 |
BaKKaR | can someone tell me, why when i am booting from the live 8.04 I cannot see in the partaion app my desk, i see it only as a ONE partation?? | 23:33 |
Rafabe | when the Ubuntu installer asks me where to install the boot loader, do I select the partition that has /boot? | 23:33 |
BaKKaR | shoould i format it from windows? | 23:33 |
_paradox_ | thats not what im looking for please see these links | 23:33 |
papatrpt | Rafabe, do you have just one HD? | 23:34 |
xaziva | I want to mount smb://boden/pfilm/ as /home/jonathan/boden | 23:34 |
Rafabe | papa: i have two, why? | 23:34 |
david_-_- | how do you replace something that was deleted four days ago and is now gone out of the trash can? | 23:34 |
Dark-Fx | david_-_-: by recreating it | 23:34 |
papatrpt | do you have any other OSes installed? | 23:35 |
tw33k | Would someone please whisper me, I have a question about an error msg I'm getting when trying to connect to the update server for ubuntu 8.4 AMD 64 | 23:35 |
CorbinFox | Are there any easy to use benchmarking tools for ubuntu? | 23:35 |
Ballena | . | 23:35 |
_paradox_ | something similar to those | 23:35 |
david_-_- | Dark-Fx: it was a pdf file. took me 2 days to get because of my low speed connection. | 23:35 |
ferfactor | someboda can help me with this type of compressing format (ratdvd) | 23:35 |
papatrpt | rafabe: you want to install the bootloader to whichever HD the BIOS looks to first | 23:36 |
Wirta- | corrupted cd? | 23:36 |
Dark-Fx | There are ext3 recover utils, but if the file has been gone for several days, you probably won't be able to get the whole file back unless something was locking it open | 23:36 |
Yan1 | ferfactor: | 23:36 |
_paradox_ | im simply not interested in an online bookmarking social service | 23:36 |
Fishscene | ok. I sent the spam victim an e-mail. I hope I don't get murdered | 23:36 |
ferfactor | Yan1 thanks :P | 23:36 |
genii | _paradox_: Best bet is likely some firefox extension like (from list at ) | 23:37 |
tw33k | Hello, When I try to connect to download updates it says is available I get the error msg | 23:37 |
tw33k | W: Failed to fetch | 23:37 |
tw33k | Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused) | 23:37 |
Rafabe | papa: ok, that's the one I'm installing the OS on, obviously, but which PARTITION should the boot loader be insatlled to? I have one for /boot, one /swap, one /home, and one /root | 23:37 |
GeorgeAScott | hi all, im having to restart /etc/networking/interfaces after each boot to connect to wifi. is there anything i can do to fix this, (i'd prefer it to work right rather than writing in the restart in a scipt) | 23:37 |
_paradox_ | u mean they dont make anything at all like the two i listed for ubuntu? | 23:37 |
sydlex | ferfactor: i just checked into ratdvd and it was developed by a self-proclaimed "ignorant windows nerd". he says he plans to release components as open source, but is unable to develop a Linux or Mac port at this time | 23:38 |
Rafabe | nothing wrong with that | 23:38 |
genii | _paradox_: Since the bookmarking built into Firefox already allows for searching,sorting,renaming, etc I'm not sure exactly what it is you are looking for | 23:38 |
ferfactor | ok thanls sydlex i think that now the solutions is have a player that reproduce this type of formtat thanks :P | 23:39 |
NBZ4live | Hello | 23:39 |
sydlex | ferfactor: it may be possible to use wine, or just use a windows box and the ratdvd -> dvd converter at to turn it into a dvd format | 23:39 |
NBZ4live | Do someone know, where I can get ATI Radeon Xpress 1100 drivers? | 23:39 |
ferfactor | yeap maybe :P thanks a lot :P | 23:39 |
sydlex | ferfactor: you wont find a commercial product to do it, fyi, but glhf | 23:39 |
timandtom | What do I need to install so I can extract/create .rar archives? I installed unrar(Non free), but it only EXTRACTS, not creates. | 23:39 |
_paradox_ | im looking for an application to which i can save links and organize them | 23:39 |
visualdeception | NBZ4live, apt-get install envyng-gtk | 23:40 |
genii | _paradox_: The Scrapbook extension I pointed you to allows extraction of specific content in pages, naming,indexing, etc of those as well | 23:40 |
Master_Z | how can I get a metacity theme to work with Hardy? | 23:40 |
papatrpt | rafabe: i'm not sure, but i believe that you want to install to whatever partition comes first on the disk. are you installing via the install icon on the Desktop, or putting the bootloader in manually? | 23:40 |
NoJunkFromLinux | sorry for the response time | 23:40 |
NoJunkFromLinux | thanks for the links | 23:40 |
NBZ4live | visualdeception: Type this in Terminal? | 23:40 |
_paradox_ | i bookmark things all the time for my groups and it can easily get into the 100s | 23:41 |
darkcrab | do you guys know if there is a free driver available for a conexant v.92 modem? mdm? | 23:41 |
darkcrab | all I could find is a paid one | 23:41 |
selocol | Hello, I need some help with checkinstall. If I do sudo checkinstall, will it install & create a .deb package? More importantly, if it installs, will it allow me to specify the installation directory as in "make install DEST=..."? Thanks. | 23:41 |
Rafabe | papa: it's during the regular install, it asks me where to put the bootloader (after I already finished the partition selection) | 23:41 |
visualdeception | NBZ4live, yes, add sudo before it. It will install envyng which is what I use to install my ATI drivers | 23:41 |
visualdeception | NoJunkFromLinux, no prob | 23:41 |
GeorgeAScott | timandtom - sudo apt-get install rar? (muliverse and universe needed) | 23:42 |
smallfoot- | if you press f6 it goto address bar in fierfox, but not if you press many time, why? | 23:42 |
timandtom | GeorgeAScott: Ah, thanks :) I had only installed unrar, haha. Muchthanks. | 23:42 |
NoJunkFromLinux | I like ehcp alright | 23:42 |
NoJunkFromLinux | but hoping to find openpanel | 23:43 |
ph8_ | in a standard gutsy install will i be using alsa or oss? | 23:43 |
NoJunkFromLinux | it is great | 23:43 |
NBZ4live | visualdeception: thx=) | 23:43 |
visualdeception | NBZ4live, then to run envyng -t | 23:43 |
GeorgeAScott | np | 23:43 |
crimsun | ph8_: former. | 23:43 |
ph8_ | thx | 23:43 |
darkcrab | do you guys know if there is a free driver available for a conexant v.92 modem? mdm? | 23:43 |
crimsun | ph8_: all supported Ubuntu releases use the former. | 23:43 |
eugman|college | I plan to have a compuer that dual boots and I'd like grub to defaultly boot to ubuntu but somehow have ubuntu be able to restart in some way that it'll start back on windows. Is that possible? | 23:44 |
linkmaster03 | is there any way to refer to the most recently edited file in a directory from terminal? | 23:44 |
papatrpt | rafabe: the best that i can come up with is putting it the first partition of your first HD | 23:44 |
papatrpt | honestly, I am probably not the best guy to ask | 23:44 |
papatrpt | | 23:45 |
papatrpt | that might help you a little | 23:45 |
papatrpt | | 23:45 |
papatrpt | that is a graphical installation guide for Hardy | 23:45 |
jmiller_ | hey can any1 help me, i dunno how to get the desktop cube to come up? | 23:45 |
mysterycool | i cant listen to the sound in flash videos in Mozilla Firefox 3 Beta 5 but i can watch the videos. I can listen to songs from audio files. The only problem is at flash videos =[ Please help me. Thank you in advanced. =] | 23:45 |
papatrpt | rafabe: good luck! | 23:46 |
GeorgeAScott | eugman|college - you can set your windows install as the default in grub and set the time short, but not to short.. | 23:46 |
sef | jmiller > have you read Frodon's blog? | 23:46 |
tribui | quick question on login pages... Why does a static regular html page that posts credentials to /users/login just get a blank login page rendered? | 23:47 |
NBZ4live | visualdeception: big thx. Now its done. I go to reboot=) | 23:47 |
genii | darkcrab: Dell has on their site a Conexant driver which supports most of them. Says it's for 7.04 Ubuntu but works on at at least 7.10 that I know of | 23:47 |
visualdeception | NBZ4live, good luck | 23:47 |
NoJunkFromLinux | could someone help me find openpanel .deb | 23:47 |
NoJunkFromLinux | please - as the source for ubuntu is busted | 23:47 |
NBZ4live | thx=) | 23:48 |
suparice | Hi, need help with fresh install of 8.04 | 23:48 |
eugman|college | GeoregeAScott, well simply, I want to be able to switch which os is on by remote. i think having windows as default would only work one way. | 23:48 |
sef | NoJunk > check out that link. | 23:49 |
fiyawerx | eugman|college, if you install the windows ext3 drivers, you could gain access to your grub/menu. list file and change the default to linux, then reboot | 23:49 |
fiyawerx | to boot from win -> linux | 23:49 |
Master_Z | how can I get metacity themes to work on hardy ? | 23:49 |
_paradox_ | im afraid scrapbook wouldnt do | 23:49 |
NoJunkFromLinux | k | 23:49 |
Scunizi | can I put a line space between different uuid listings in fstab without any detrimental problems? | 23:49 |
eugman|college | fiyawerx, hey that'd work. | 23:50 |
NoJunkFromLinux | sef - that may work | 23:50 |
NoJunkFromLinux | I hope | 23:50 |
NoJunkFromLinux | it is a different source | 23:50 |
sef | I hope it does too. | 23:50 |
NoJunkFromLinux | will test asap | 23:50 |
suparice | I installed over my previous system which I had lost the password for. However, my home directory was saved, so I created a new account called "bob" during installation, and then renamed my old home directory from bsmith to bobsmith. then created a user using CLI adduser of bsmith, and then moved all my files into that new user's directory. However, I can't get that user to run anything that requires SU and I can't edit bsmith 's account properties fro | 23:50 |
suparice | m any account | 23:50 |
sef | it's from openpanel's, so it should work. | 23:50 |
NoJunkFromLinux | yes | 23:51 |
_paradox_ | let me pull up the description of the second link i posted | 23:51 |
genii | darkcrab: The link (tiny-urled) | 23:51 |
sydlex | i am trying to do a fresh install of ubuntu 8.04 i386 on my amd64 custom-built system with ASUS mobo, nVidia GF7800GTX (PCI-E), SATA-II drive. after half an hour of read errors on fd0 (i dont have a floppy) and sr0 (?) i receive a busybox prompt. running init returns an error from kinit. kubuntu 7.10 installed perfectly well, not sure whats up. any ideas, or links to a bug and fix if ive missed something obvious on ubuntuforums. | 23:51 |
NoJunkFromLinux | but their other install section was a different source | 23:51 |
NoJunkFromLinux | and was busted | 23:51 |
NoJunkFromLinux | openpanel looks very nice | 23:51 |
Seeeb | hey, how can i shut down xfce, to run fluxbox ? | 23:51 |
sef | ahh ok. | 23:51 |
syn3rgy | Hey all, When I try to update ubuntu 8.4 amd 64 it gives me an error, Could someone help me resolve this? | 23:51 |
suparice | how do I edit bsmith to allow him to SU? The account manager progam won't let me with any account? | 23:51 |
_paradox_ | StorURL is a small utility that allows you to store all your favorite website URLs with a descriptive title to go along with the URL. Features include import/export to and from Internet Explorer favorites as well as the option to sort your links into as many categories as you like, search throught them and export them to a formatted HTML page. Double-clicking on an entry will launch the your default browser. In addition, you can choose to validate indi | 23:51 |
_paradox_ | vidual or all links in a category, and the program will mark the ones that contain broken links. | 23:51 |
Scunizi | sydlex: did you have kubuntu installed and were trying to install ubuntu afterwords? | 23:52 |
danand | suparice - check that your user has admin group - type groups in a terminal and check the output | 23:52 |
Rada | I'm here ONLY to be a filler on the /names list. | 23:53 |
_paradox_ | thats for windows. there must be something like it for ubuntu | 23:53 |
sydlex | Scunizi: yes, ive had kubuntu installed for some time and am trying to dump it and go back to ubuntu with 8.04 - hal permissions errors with no solutions, etc. are just not worth it no matter how much i <3 kde :-P | 23:53 |
suparice | danand - it does not. I can't get users-admin to let me change it either though | 23:53 |
syn3rgy | I get this error msg when I try to update or install apps Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused) | 23:53 |
Rada | How about that, eh? | 23:53 |
syn3rgy | Can someone help resolve this plz? | 23:53 |
=== paranic_ is now known as paranic | ||
Rada | syn3rgy: Look in /etc/hosts and /etc/apt/sources.lst | 23:53 |
Scunizi | sydlex: couple of questions.. is kubuntu still installed.. do you have a separate /home partition? | 23:53 |
antibody | hi can I install ubuntu from a usb pen or mmc? I do dd if=ubuntu-desktop-blabla.iso of=/dev/mmcblk0? | 23:53 |
suparice | danand - I even tried "sudo users-admin" from the shell. It says "** (users-admin:6681): CRITICAL **: Unable to lookup session information for process '6681'" | 23:53 |
Master_Z | guys | 23:54 |
Rada | syn3rgy: Also, check with your Gnome proxy settings. Have you installed tor lately? | 23:54 |
Master_Z | how can I install metacity themes on ubuntu? | 23:54 |
danand | suparice - you'll need to log in to an account with su access and run adduser youruser admin ... | 23:54 |
sydlex | i do still have kubuntu installed and no, i have a / and a swap, plus my xp. i intend to reformat the kubuntu partition when i manage to get the livecd working | 23:54 |
syn3rgy | Thank you, Rada | 23:54 |
antibody | master_z sistem -> looks(look & feel maybe) | 23:54 |
Rada | syn3rgy: Or else (as a last measure) you can "sudo find /etc -type f -exec grep 4001 {} +" and tell me what it finds, aside from the "services" file. | 23:54 |
antibody | it's the one with shirt and tie icon | 23:54 |
suparice | danand - Cool, is there a way to do that to an existing user? I've already added the user. | 23:55 |
visualdeception | Master_Z, have you downloaded some? Go to System then Preferences and then Appearance then bottom right is install - point it where your file/s are | 23:55 |
KaRLyCoS | alguien que hable en español y que me pueda ayudar si no es mucha molestia con un asuntillo del java? | 23:55 |
syn3rgy | Ok Rada, I'll try that | 23:55 |
desneedy | hello. | 23:55 |
Master_Z | visualdeception: I tried that, but it didnt recognize it | 23:55 |
genii | _paradox_: Builtin Firefox bookmarking features: Alows you to store all your favourite website URLs with a descriptive title to go along with the URL. Firefox builtin features also allow export to Internet Explorer favourites format, as well as the ability to sort your links into as many categories as you like, and search through them. Firefox also allows saving of any webpage into more than just default html format.Clicking only once on the | 23:55 |
genii | bookmark immediately opens them in the browser window. | 23:55 |
antibody | KaRLyCoS, se conseguires perceber portugues | 23:55 |
visualdeception | sometimes the files are messed up...have you tried a different one? | 23:55 |
GhostFish_ | someone help me out I'm running version 2.6.24 kernal and Vmware giving me a Version mismatch with vmmon module 167.0 should be 161 ???? | 23:55 |
jmiller_ | hey, im having heaps of trouble setting up multiple desktops, can any1 help? | 23:56 |
desneedy | I woke up this morning to find that the panels in the desktop were gone. | 23:56 |
genii | _paradox_: So what parts are missing? | 23:56 |
paulcros | paulcross, hi | 23:56 |
genii | bah, he left | 23:56 |
desneedy | What can I do? | 23:56 |
danand | suparice - just run that command with a user that has sudo access - ie sudo adduser "user" admin | 23:56 |
Malaz | jmiller: Multiple desktop computers, virtual desktops, or monitors? | 23:56 |
paulcross | paulcros, hi | 23:56 |
jmiller_ | virtual desktops sorry | 23:56 |
frank_ | hi | 23:56 |
Scunizi | sydlex: good.. since you're going to reformat use the manual partition portion of install and just delete the kubuntu partitions.. you could probably leave swap. recreate the partitions using 9-12 gigs for / and 1 gig for swap the rest for /home.. format and you should be good to go. | 23:57 |
sydlex | KaRLyCoS: hablo espanol, pero no soy fluente. con que puedo ayudarle? | 23:57 |
Malaz | jmiller: Well, if you just right click on the desktop pager, you can add or subtract desktops. | 23:57 |
suparice | danand - trying that... Thanks! | 23:57 |
frank_ | sydlex, ?ke | 23:57 |
jmiller_ | the desktop pager being bottom right of the screen? | 23:57 |
sydlex | frank_ huh? | 23:57 |
sef | When you manually partition root, the swap partition will automatically be partitioned. | 23:57 |
genii | !caps | ubuntu__ | 23:58 |
ubottu | ubuntu__: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. | 23:58 |
Malaz | jmiller_: Normally. It's the little grey rectangle that shows representations of windows on each virtual desktop. | 23:58 |
sef | reformatted* | 23:58 |
Scunizi | ubuntu__: STOP YELLING.. IF SOMEONE CAN HELP THEY WILL | 23:58 |
sydlex | Scunizi: i cant get into the installer, at least not that im aware of | 23:58 |
jmiller_ | when i right click on that and go to preferences, set the rows to 2 and columns to 2 i just get 4 copies of desktop 1 | 23:58 |
mysterycool | i cant listen to the sound in flash videos in Mozilla Firefox 3 Beta 5 but i can watch the videos. I can listen to songs from audio files. The only problem is at flash videos =[ Please help me. Thank you in advanced. =] | 23:58 |
ubuntu__ | hey i need help to install a file | 23:58 |
Scunizi | sydlex: you might need to use the alternate install cd instead of the live cd.. | 23:58 |
ubuntu__ | anyone how do you install things | 23:59 |
hischild | ubuntu__: perhaps if you explain what file you're trying to install, we can help :-) | 23:59 |
sydlex | Scunizi: i cant get any graphics working. the error is basically that kinit cant mount the root partition, i think. (sorry, im at work, dont have the comp in front of me). | 23:59 |
Malaz | jmiller: Yes. What, exactly, do you mean by different virtual desktops? | 23:59 |
suparice | danand - DOH! I'm an id-ten-T n00b... That worked, Thanks! | 23:59 |
ubuntu__ | ok | 23:59 |
frank_ | ubuntu__: sudo apt-get <name of app> | 23:59 |
antibody | ubuntu__, sudo synaptic | 23:59 |
Malaz | ubuntu__: Applications > Add/remove... | 23:59 |
antibody | or sudo apt-get install name of app | 23:59 |
Shielderen | bonsoir à tous | 23:59 |
antibody | \o Shielderen | 23:59 |
Malaz | or synaptic | 23:59 |
danand | suparice - np - glad that worked for you :) | 23:59 |
KaRLyCoS | hola | 23:59 |
Scunizi | sydlex: no problem.. if you're booting directly from the ubuntu live cd kinit shouldn't even come into play. | 23:59 |
sydlex | Scunizi: if i have to use the alternate install cd, whats to say that ill have a working gooey when i get everything installed? :-P | 23:59 |
KaRLyCoS | no eres español? o que no hablas bien español? no he entendido muy bien lo que me has querido decir | 23:59 |
KaRLyCoS | bueno.. espero que nos entendamos sea lo que sea.. jeje veras.. llevo horas intentado que el java me funcione en mozilla firefox.. he echo de todo pero nada.. que no hay manera | 23:59 |
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