fbond | lifeless: http://bazaar-vcs.org/Documentation/LoomAsSmarterQuilt | 04:34 |
fbond | lifeless: This is a pretty crude explanation of how I use loom. | 04:35 |
fbond | lifeless: It needs more detail added, but it is a start. | 04:35 |
fbond | I'll see if I can flesh things out a bit more. | 04:35 |
cybX | hello all | 05:22 |
cybX | anyone alive? good grief...I haven't irc'd in a year | 05:22 |
cybX | i feel like a newbie all over again | 05:22 |
cybX | yay | 05:22 |
cybX | alrighty then | 06:03 |
rexbron | hmm... | 10:48 |
rexbron | bzr: ERROR: Repository KnitPackRepository('file:///home/rexbron/packages/quassel/.bzr/repository/') is not compatible with repository SvnRepository('http://svn.quassel-irc.org') | 10:48 |
rexbron | is it not possible to use bzr-svn inside a repo? | 10:48 |
fullermd | Yes, but only if the repo uses a rich root capable format like bzr-svn requires. | 10:49 |
AfC | rexbron: yes it is, but you need to make the repository be of format "rich-root-pack" | 10:49 |
AfC | rexbron: (at least, that's what I had to use a month back) | 10:49 |
rexbron | ok | 10:49 |
fullermd | (which means you probably don't want to mix it with repos containing other stuff) | 10:49 |
AfC | fullermd: did they get that rich-root stuff into the default as of 1.4, or are they still faffing about? | 10:49 |
rexbron | thanks | 10:49 |
fullermd | It's not in 1.4 certainly. | 10:50 |
fullermd | abentley was fiddling. At one point the next format would be default and rich root. Last I heard, he was waffling toward switching defaulting rich-root-pack. | 10:50 |
AfC | rexbron: ... regarding what fullermd just said, if you follow a convention of having a directory (containing a repository) being the parent directory of a bunch of branches all related to the same project, then things work out rather well. | 10:50 |
AfC | rexbron: [I have | 10:51 |
AfC | ~/src/andrew/project1/branchN | 10:51 |
AfC | ~/src/andrew/project2/branchN | 10:51 |
AfC | ... | 10:51 |
AfC | and | 10:51 |
AfC | ~/src/otehr/project3/branchN | 10:51 |
AfC | other* | 10:51 |
AfC | where project3 has a different repo format | 10:51 |
AfC | but the real matter is that each of projectN has its own repo | 10:52 |
rexbron | AfC: that is how I approach it aswell | 10:52 |
AfC | rexbron: you'll be all set then | 10:52 |
AfC | just create a new project directory with | 10:52 |
AfC | $ bzr init-repo --rich-root-pack project3 | 10:53 |
AfC | [or whatever the current recommended format is, {sigh}] | 10:53 |
mathrick | https://launchpad.net/~bzr/+archive <-- bzr debs are mislabelled | 11:26 |
mathrick | they all say ~hardy1, when the series listed is different | 11:27 |
mathrick | in fact, the whole thing confuses me | 11:29 |
mathrick | half of the builds have no corresponding .debs linked | 11:29 |
bimberi | mathrick: Launchpad build records remain even after a package is deleted. | 12:05 |
bimberi | *Launchpad *ppa* | 12:05 |
mathrick | ah | 12:07 |
bimberi | wrt the mislabelling, I'm guessing that the new LP feature allowing package copying was used. | 12:08 |
bimberi | ref: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/launchpad-users/2008-May/003665.html | 12:10 |
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nick125 | Hello | 20:10 |
nick125 | I'm having a *small* issue with bzr ignore...for some reason, it isn't ignoring my pattern. In my .bzrignore file, I have *~ and *.pyc, but it's still adding those files. Am I doing something wrong? | 20:11 |
jelmer | nick125: Are you specifying the files explicitly perhaps? | 20:17 |
nick125 | jelmer: Hmm...that's possible. I did a bzr add *..would that add ignored files? | 20:18 |
jelmer | nick125, yep it would | 20:19 |
jelmer | nick125, try "bzr add" if you want it to obey the ignores file | 20:19 |
nick125 | neat..thanks! | 20:19 |
lifeless | fbond: thanks | 21:48 |
=== abentle1 is now known as abentley |
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