
eido_can someone tell me how to format a floppy02:48
os2macDoes Edubuntu install an ICA client by defaut?04:41
achandrashekarhello...i just installed edubuntu 8.04 and it appears that after doing a ltsp-build-client -arch i386 i cannot get my i386 clients to come up....no pxe boot04:44
achandrashekari have installed on a fresh box with two nics04:45
achandrashekarthe system is an athnlon x204:45
achandrashekarany ideas??04:45
achandrashekardo i need to manually create an lts.conf file ?04:45
achandrashekarnot sure how is around...but i installed a 64 bit edubuntu , built the ltsp 32 bit for clients, and cannot seem to PXE..any ideas?07:18
johnnyyou sure leave quickly07:20
johnnylemme respond to what i didn't finish earlier07:21
johnny<achandrashekar> and if i have (dare say it) have some ppc clients is that --arch=ppc ?07:21
johnny<achandrashekar> johnny: oh...the flash doesnt work??  with the --arch=i386 on a 64 bit server?07:21
johnnyno.. ppc isn't that simple, you need to do it on a pcc machine from my understanding.. or find some hackery to get around it07:21
johnnyand flash does work07:22
achandrashekarsorry..went home from work...im at home now :)07:22
johnnywhat i was saying.. is that flash is more difficult to make work properly with sound on your thin clients..07:22
johnnymore magick has to be done07:22
johnnythe problem is mainly due to the fact adobe still doesn't release 64bit flash, even for windows07:23
johnnyunless you want to use gnash or swfdec , which are open source implementations still in the works07:23
achandrashekari see.. I ran into psychotic issue though...i set up a fresh box... and after hitting f4, it went through the install and asked about primary nic...and said nothing about the 2nd nic07:23
johnnyi think ubuntu distributes it07:23
johnnywell you can setup the 2nd nic easily enough07:23
achandrashekari did verify that the installer made the second nic at
johnnygui and console ways07:24
johnnyi'm used to the console way07:24
johnnymigrated from windows myself in the beginning,  but using console always turned out to be faster :)07:25
achandrashekari did the build-client --arch i386 bit, and it installed the 32 bit client07:25
achandrashekarbut what happens is i cant seem to get the clients to pxe at all07:25
johnnyin what way?07:25
johnnythat's too broad :)07:25
achandrashekarno dhcp07:25
johnnydoesn't sound like it involves --arch one way or the other then07:26
achandrashekari tested by plugging my laptop to the same switch that ltsp server is on....and no dhcp aaddy07:26
johnnydid you use ltsp-server or ltsp-server-standalone ?07:26
achandrashekari simply just hit f4, and picked ltsp-server07:27
achandrashekarI also discovered there is no lts.conf in /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i38607:28
johnnyuhmm.. i've never installed edubuntu..07:28
achandrashekaris that normal07:28
johnnyyes it is07:28
johnnyit comes from tftp now07:28
johnnyso you can change it without updating the image07:28
achandrashekarim not sure if you have run into this or not....07:28
johnnyare you sure you have a dhcp server?07:29
johnnyi don't know what the ubuntu install screen that gives you options looks like07:29
johnnyso i don't know whta ltsp-server in that context means07:30
achandrashekari wonder if i explicitly have to tell dhcp to use a certain interface07:30
johnnyso.. first.. you sure you have a dhcp server?07:30
achandrashekaryeah..dhcp-server is installed...because an /etc/init.d/dhcp-server restart initiates07:30
achandrashekaror works...sorry for vagueness07:31
johnnyand you have an /etc/ltsp/ for dhcp ?07:31
johnnycuz the dhcp-server script uses that if available from my understanding07:31
johnnyi only use dnsmasq.. so i've never looked at it..07:31
johnnysorry.. i don't use the common use case obviously :)07:31
achandrashekarthe weirdness might be the interface itself..it is an emachine..so im wondering if i should pop in another card..and disable on board nvidia ethernet07:32
johnnyonboard nvidia ethernet is a good idea07:32
achandrashekarto disable it...you mean.07:32
johnnyi think you need to edit the dhcpd config file07:32
achandrashekari see...07:32
johnnymake sure it is listening in the proper interface07:32
achandrashekarwhere is that done...again?07:33
johnnyon the other interface, it will conflict with any other dhcp servers you have going, if you don't do it right07:33
johnnyi just told you :)07:33
johnnyi'm not booted in the hardy right now.. don't recall the exact file name, but you should notice it in /etc/ltsp07:33
johnnyit has dhcpd in the name07:33
achandrashekaroh right..sorry..a abit tired here.. :)07:33
johnnyachandrashekar, i'm a gentoo user normally.. i just happened to do a somewhat specialized ltsp install on an ubuntu machine07:34
johnnyand use ubuntu on my laptop..07:34
achandrashekarso the recommendation to disable the on board nvidia ethernet you recommend.07:34
johnnyso.. i'm not expert on the ubuntu/debian stuff in general..07:34
achandrashekargentoo is cool stuff :)07:34
johnnyno.. don't disable it :)07:34
johnnyunless it doesn't work07:34
achandrashekaroh..use the onboard nvidia ethernet..are they good?07:35
johnnyonboard any nic is good for me :)07:35
achandrashekarim not so up on hardware these days.07:35
johnnygo onbord ethernet :)07:35
achandrashekarjust curious as to why.07:35
johnnyit rarely is problematic07:35
johnnyi use onboard everything except video07:35
achandrashekari see.07:35
johnnyhell.. even onboard video.. if it has open drivers07:36
johnnyi'm not a big gamer.. so these machines with onboard 64mb video.. are just fine!07:36
achandrashekaryep that too is nvidia07:36
johnnyit makes me sad to use the nvidia drivers :(07:36
johnnybut i do need a little bit of 3d07:36
johnnyhopefully the open 3d driver will be better soon07:37
johnnythey are getting there..07:37
johnnybut intel and ati stuff really leads the path07:37
johnnyintel in particular has the best open source drivers for video07:37
johnnyif i was doing any sort of business related install that didnt need heavy graphics.. i'd always choose intel07:37
johnnycuz they dont' sell seperate graphics cards..07:37
johnnymaybe some day they will..07:38
achandrashekari remember when ati was vilified by linux peeps approx 5 years ago.. but things have changed.07:38
johnnywell i didn't use them07:38
johnnyuntil the ati dirver started working for real hardware07:38
johnnysomebody gave me a dual head dvi out card07:38
johnnyfor our machine at red emma's07:38
johnnyalso my ltsp install machine..07:38
johnnyand i made it work with the open soure drivers with 3d and dual head07:39
johnnyand i was happy07:39
achandrashekaryou are definitely the champion here..for always being on :)07:39
johnnyi keep odd hours!07:39
achandrashekarhow do you stay awake all these hours07:39
johnnyit's 2:40am07:39
achandrashekaryeah 11:39 here07:39
achandrashekarin L.A.07:39
johnnywell.. i like the quietness of night07:39
achandrashekarsame here..07:39
johnnyeasier to get work done07:39
johnnyaltho now that i do stuff from home..07:39
achandrashekarthinking about going back to IT though.. teaching is fun..but so is money :)07:40
johnnyit sucks being worried that you'll get that phone call07:40
achandrashekarlol...i remember those days as well...07:40
johnnyIT for money.. i don't think i could do it07:40
achandrashekari hear ya..i hated the 56 mile drive to work07:40
johnnythey'll be like.. OMG my site is down.. or omg internet is down at the store07:40
achandrashekarone way07:40
johnnyIT is no fun unless it is for a good cause07:41
johnnyi would never do it07:41
johnnyweb is hard enough :)07:41
johnnyIT means actually going somewhere07:41
johnnywhenever something is down07:41
achandrashekarsome how making that 4 billion dollar company a 5 billion dollar company just wasnt working for me anymore07:41
johnnyyeah.. no way07:42
johnnyi just can't07:42
achandrashekari teach math now....when kids do get it, it is awesome07:42
johnnyi like managing our little shop07:43
johnnyit's fun07:43
achandrashekarsomehow...its very rewarding to see these kids from this low socio-economic area make it.07:43
achandrashekarkind of evens the playing field. :)07:43
johnnyfor a coffeeshop.. we sure have alot of tech07:43
achandrashekarthat is cool07:43
johnnycustom RoR scheduling app for people to schedule shifts07:43
johnnyopen source point of sale software07:43
johnnywritten by one of the mebers07:43
achandrashekartouch screen?07:43
johnnywe use that same computer for general internet browsing too07:44
johnnyand ltsp :)07:44
achandrashekari see.07:44
johnnyit coudl use a touch screen i guess07:44
achandrashekardo mind me asking "where" this is ?07:44
johnnybut .. that would never work for us07:44
johnnybaltimore , maryland07:44
achandrashekaris it nice there?? we have concrete and more concrete..07:45
johnnyso do we :(07:45
johnnynot as bad as yours for sure07:45
johnnyyou're only like 10 minutes away from concrete07:45
johnnyby car07:45
achandrashekarnice site!07:45
johnnywe also have wireless.. so i set that up07:46
achandrashekarthe whole ddwrt thing?? or a system with a wireless nic in it?07:46
johnnyi wouldn't use ddwrt07:46
johnnyopenwrt is more extensible07:46
johnnyddwrt does a bit too much07:47
achandrashekaryeah..ill have try that.07:47
johnnyi actually used coova07:47
johnnycuz it had a built in captive portal07:47
achandrashekari tried to use the mesh capability..and it was so so07:47
johnnyand is built on top of openwrt07:47
johnnyso we have a terms of service thing07:47
johnnyand a plea for them to buy something :)07:48
achandrashekarbookfair link not working..but the other stuff is very cool.07:48
johnnyit'll be back up soon07:48
johnnyso.. i joined up with them almost a year ago07:48
johnnybeen interesting learning to be a barista07:48
achandrashekaryeah i bet!07:49
johnnyi used to hang out at coffeehouses.. now i help run one :)07:49
johnnyim trying to get some space at our other venue07:49
achandrashekarWe have place out here known as the Coffee Klatch..and heather supposedly united states barista champion07:49
johnnywe have a partnership with a local methodist church07:50
johnnywe cook our baked goods in their food safe certified kitchin :)07:50
johnnyand now we host events in the big room..07:50
achandrashekarlinux, coffee, how can you beat that??07:50
johnnythere's another place or 3 that does it07:50
johnnyone is canada, it has the word linux in the name07:51
johnnyaltho we are different in that we are worker owned07:51
johnnyit's something i always wanted to do back home.. before i moved up here07:52
johnnymy girlfriend's brother is one of the founding collective members ...07:53
johnnythat's how i knew about it ..07:53
achandrashekarjohnny: you might wanna check that coffee klatch place out...in san dimas california on the net...im told they are one of the best in the country07:53
achandrashekarmike the owner is former chemist :)07:54
johnnyit's interesting to see such a radical oriented space, being so public..07:54
achandrashekarit sounds like you are having fun with it07:54
johnnyour folks have even been on the frontpage of main paper in the city07:54
achandrashekarthat is cool!07:54
achandrashekarwhere does the name come from?07:54
achandrashekaremma goldman ;)07:55
achandrashekaryeah that is cool07:56
johnnyhttp://flickr.com/photos/h1113/2207915321/  there's a picture of two of my terminals ..07:57
johnnythe caption is incorrect.. just normal people i'm sure..07:58
achandrashekarha ha07:58
johnnywe're pretty public with our presence.. as you can see from the giant sign..07:58
achandrashekaranything that is not Micro$haft is these days :)07:58
johnnyall sorts of people come through07:58
achandrashekarmy fiance would be in love with that place....she is the avid reader..07:59
johnnywell our coffee and food ain't bad either..07:59
johnnysome of the best and cheapest in the area07:59
achandrashekarwe are very all tired of $tarbucks here..08:00
johnnythere's a small premium for all the organic stuff we use.. but you can get a medium cup of shade grown, fair trade coffee that is mighty tasty for 1.6008:00
achandrashekarthe coffee shop here in town gave coffee away for free when starbucks was closed.. and btw..that is a great price for fair trade08:01
achandrashekarwell..ill know where to stop by in baltimore :)08:01
johnnywell.. on that note...  here's where i wnt to setup a mobile ltsp lab ...08:02
johnnyerr moveable..08:02
achandrashekarlaptops maybe?08:02
johnnywas thinking moving tables08:03
johnnywith power strips and hubs attached08:03
johnnysince we have many events there already08:04
achandrashekarpretty church08:04
achandrashekarwell johnny i gotta get some z's here...before trying again...i do appreciate the help as always, and pleasure talking to you. :)08:06
neil_dhi, I am trying to configure ltsp to use the dhcp server from one machine but boot from another.  What do I put in the dhcp.conf file to say get files from a second computer ?08:38
johnnyi think you want next-server ..08:59
johnnyi know it is documented in the installed ltsp example09:00
neil_djohnny: I will try and find it10:13
=== gnomefre2k is now known as gnomefreak
neil_dhi my dhcp on is trying to get the clients to boot from, I have setup the 'next-server' option for the dhcp and according to wireshark it seems to be working.  but the client isn't booting :(  the tftp file doesn't seem to be being sent.  what is the actual name of the file on the server ?15:42
ograit lies in /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386/15:43
ogratftp path should be /ltsp/i38615:44
ogra(resulting in a: filename "/ltsp/i386/pxelinux.0"; stanza)15:44
neil_dogra: its there so I did generate it correctly. :)15:45
neil_dis there any way to check the tftp server is going ?15:46
ogragrep tftp /etc/inetd.conf15:50
ograon the server15:50
neil_dthere is an entry.15:51
ograyour next-server is properly pointing to the right machine ?15:51
neil_dthe DHCP offer packet includes the correct 'next server' info.15:55
ograbut you dont get a kernel ?15:55
neil_dnope! the clients tftp load times out :(  and I see no attemp in wireshark to connect :(15:56
* neil_d but I could miss that I suppose.15:57
ograthe dhcp server and thinc client network are on the same network segment ?15:57
ograso your ltsp server has only one NIC, right ?15:58
ograif you install a tftp client on another machine, can you get pxelinux.0 manually ?15:59
neil_dI don't know.  I will start one up, is there a client likely to be installed ?16:01
ograsudo apt-get install tftp-hpa16:02
ograthat will get you a client16:02
neil_dok I have it installed16:08
ogratftp <serverip>16:08
ograthen enter: get /ltsp/i386/pxelinux.016:08
ograat the prompt16:08
ograhot ctrl+d to exit16:09
ograand check if it lies in your dir16:09
neil_dok done that and it did load it in.  So I suppose this must mean there is a problem with the dhcp ?16:10
ograare you sure there is only one dhcpd running in your network ?16:11
neil_dyep!  I have had a fedora 4 dhcp server running for years now.  I have been thinking of updateing its OS but its my main file server, and I really don't want to upset it.16:12
ograyou cant run two dhcp servers in one network and have proper netbooting16:13
ografix that and it will work16:13
neil_dogra: oh I know that, that is why I have trying to get a seperate DHCP server to the LTSP tftp server configured.16:14
ogra(thats why we default to a two NIC setup and run the thin client network on a dedicated interface with its own dhcpd)16:14
ogra(and thus on a completely separate netwirk)16:15
ogracan you ping the ltsp server from the dhcp machine?16:16
neil_dI now the default is two nics, but this is just a testing system, and I won't be using it that much.  The main system (with two nics) is somewhere else.16:16
ograwell, there must be a second dhcpd somewhere16:17
neil_dI don't think so or none of the computers would boot correctly as they all rely on DHCP to configure there connections.16:18
ograthey do netbooting ?16:19
neil_dno, they have dynamic IP, except the one I am using for the ltsp server, its DHCP configuration sets a static IP.16:20
ograyou dont have a dhcpd running on the ltsp server either i suppose ?16:20
neil_dthere isn't even one installed.16:22
neil_dis there a terminal program that does the same job as wireshark ?16:23
neil_dogra: not installed on the DHCP computer. :(16:27
neil_dogra: thanks for the help.   I got to go to bed now 1:33am here.16:33
ograi'm here every day usually ...16:34
neil_dbye for now.16:36
ukubuntuapologies if  this has been asked before but did the edubuntu team have a session in Ubuntu week?17:38
ukubuntuThank you ogra,17:39
ukubuntuI see there is no Live CD planned, in order to show edu facilities the system, I guess the best way is to bring in a laptop, or can you suggest another way?17:40
ograsadly no17:41
ukubuntuOK thanks17:41
ograwell, you can use a liveCD and install edubuntu-desktop fro the net in the runing session17:41
ukubuntuheheh, if I were as good as you! :D17:42
juliuxhey ogra18:02
ograhey juliux, thanks for handholding my mother yesetrday :)18:02
juliuxogra, btw take some euros withyou too prag;)18:02
ograoh, right18:03
juliuxogra, it was your mother?18:03
ograwe'll need to find a printer for the form18:03
ograbiggi is my mom :)18:03
juliuxi thought my parents are modern, but they are not in the irc;)18:03
ograwell, i've set it up for her :)18:04
juliuxogra, i will bring a form with me to prag18:04
juliuxmy parents have jabber accounts but they don't use them18:04
ograi have the form as pdf i think18:04
ograwe just need to print it18:05
juliuxon friday i am a helper for the claires so we will have a printer;)18:05
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak
RichEdogra: you on for the intel call tomorrow ?18:23
ogrado i have a choice :P18:23
RichEdnot really since colin will not be there ... damn silly time zones18:24
ogradamn silly uk holidays18:24
RichEdwell chat to you tomorrow ... still getting my head straight ... see you then18:24
ograright, final image is up btw18:25
achandrashekarjohnny: i forgot to ask a question about whether flash and java would work if i build the 32 bit clients..i think you had mentioned something about that.20:07
johnnynot sure about java.. don't use it20:07
achandrashekari just simply need jre20:07
johnny32bit clients has nothing to do with it20:07
johnnythe problem is 64bit server20:07
achandrashekari see.20:07
achandrashekari guess installing the 32 bit version of ubuntu will solve many of these headaches20:08
achandrashekarso i wont see the overall benefits of the 64bit x220:08
johnnyit is possible to work20:09
johnnybut really.. not many benefits to 64bit for normal desktop work as far as i've heard20:10
johnnyif i could do my server over again... i'd do it 32bit20:10
johnnyachandrashekar, this is what you get for relying on proprietary technologies20:10
johnnythe open source flash and java implementations will work on 64bit20:11
johnnybut because the proprietary implementations have been working good enough for most people20:11
johnnynot enough time has been spent on them20:11
johnnyadobe is slowly opening up more and more tho20:11
achandrashekaryeah....good ol closed source... yuck20:19
achandrashekari see....and Im guessing you installed the 32bit version of the OS on your 64 bit server right?20:20
johnnyno.. i said i wish i did20:20
achandrashekaroh..so you did go with the 64 bit, and then built the 32 bit client...and that is off 7.10??20:20
johnnymy terminals don't have sound, otherwise i prolly would have already20:20
johnny7.10 and now 8.0420:21
achandrashekarbtw..found the place to change the which interface dhcp is to listen on -> /etc/default/dhcp20:21
johnnyso.. you got taht workin?20:21
achandrashekargoing in 10 mins to work20:21
achandrashekarand ill let ya know20:21
achandrashekarif it works.20:21
achandrashekarthe huge problem is i cant trust the other admin with ldap implementation i did before... and that is why im hoping a 2gb system can power like 20 systems20:22
achandrashekarbut i doubt it will20:22
achandrashekarso i might have to split the lab up20:22
achandrashekarinto two parts with two systems20:22
achandrashekarand then have him manage accounts on both or something psychotic like that20:23
achandrashekarany suggestions on an idea to make it work with that many systems - approx 34 in that lab?20:23
johnnyldap seems the best way?20:24
achandrashekaryeah...this guy cant be trusted with it though.20:25
achandrashekarjust seems to mess things up worse...im sure youll remember the power cord debacle i posted up.20:25
johnnyfire him?20:26
achandrashekarlol...im sure they are on their way.20:26
achandrashekari was made a strange offer of sorts..20:27
achandrashekarhow would i like being "out" of the classroom and dealing with tech..is how they approached it.20:27
achandrashekari h8 deals like that though20:27
achandrashekarthey dont have to get service...being cheap.20:27
achandrashekarbut then again..its what you love to do i suppose..after  seeing the place you work at..it was pretty incredible to see what you do..20:28
achandrashekarso i might just tend that way.20:28
johnnyi'm having trouble finding local open source geeks ..20:29
johnnythe only geeks i know.. are the kinds who spend lots of time on forensics and security20:29
johnnywhich is not exactly that useful to me20:29
achandrashekaryeah...the linux world has changed a bit..a lot of the guys have now gone into corporate20:30
achandrashekarand the "homebrew" ones are disappearing20:30
johnnyi'd rather have some of the folks with corporate implementation jobs than security peeps :)20:31
johnnysecurity peeps are useless for jump starting stuff20:31
achandrashekaryeah..they know wireshark and nessus..and that is it.20:33
johnnydont forget reading bugtraq (or whatever is hot these days)20:34
achandrashekarall right johnny im gonna sign off for a sec here..and drive into work.20:38
achandrashekarsee you back in a bit20:38
achandrashekarwell with some figuring out, it turns out network slowness was due the nvidia network card that comes with motherboard...it uses forcedeath, and that was causing issues. I chose to simply plugin another network card, and all is okay now.22:03
johnnyhmm.. i use forcedeth here.. no problems22:07
johnnybut it's not under heavy load22:07
johnnymaybe that'd the difference22:07
privetupgraded my aging FC4 with LTSP 4.2 to a new ubuntu 8.4.   some new thing to learn!22:13
privetthe test PXE client boots fine, I see a "ubuntu knight rider splash" screen22:14
privetand then I get dropped in a busybox "ash"22:14
privetfrom the Wiki the default is for LDB to be SCREEN_01, right?22:14
johnnySCREEN_01 is always ash22:18
johnnybut it's not the good one22:18
johnnyif you want a proper shell22:18
johnnydo SCREEN_NN  where NN is not 01 or 0722:19
johnnyi wish i could figure out why this silly machine won't read my dnsmasq config22:19
johnnywon't read my lts.conf from tftp22:19
johnnywhich i think might be related to dnsmasq22:20
privetjohnny: okay, so perhaps SCREEN_08 = ldm22:22
johnnySCREEN_07 is default to ldm22:22
johnnyyou don't even have to set it22:22
privetthat is the thing22:22
privetthen it is not working22:22
privetI only get one "tty" and that gives me a ash22:23
johnnydoes it flash like i tries X?22:23
johnnymaybe your settings are brokenz22:23
johnnyset SCREEN_02=shell22:23
johnnyand try to check into that22:23
johnnytry to start ldm manually22:23
privetwell, I do get the  "ubuntu night rider splash" screen22:23
johnnyyou can turn thta off22:23
privetand then, yes: t flashses and I get the ash22:23
johnnyif you wanna see all the bootup messages22:23
johnny it's in the pxelinux.cfg/defautl file22:24
privetshould I start it from that ash or onthe actual server?22:24
johnnyfrom the SCREEN_0222:24
johnnyas i said :)22:24
johnnyset that22:24
johnnyto shell22:24
johnnyand remove quiet splash from pxelinux.cfg/default22:26
achandrashekarjohnny: okay...have one system connected to switch with the ltsp server...For some reason the performance is very slow...22:29
achandrashekarjhonny: when doing a top..i dont see the memory or processors being overloaded by anything..so im not sure where to begin to debug here.22:30
johnnytry just transfering a big file maybe?22:31
achandrashekarthe ltsp server performance is fine, the ping times to google from the ltsp client is acceptable, but the client itself when launching a browser or whatever takes at least 15-20 seconds22:32
privetmounting /rofs on /rot/rofs failed: invalid argument22:37
privettarget filesystem does not have /sbin/init22:37
privetjohnny: those errors mean anything to you.22:40
privetI suspect I have some NFS config lying around...22:40
* privet takes a step back and start over...22:41
johnnyltsp doesn't use nfs by default22:54
johnnyon ubuntu22:54
johnnyi am heading out to get some foodz.. but i'll be somewhat back after that22:57
killsaladhi all, right now i'm writing a paper about LTSP, and i stuck with section which i called limitations of clients, please tell me what else can I plug to client beside printer and usb stic?23:32
killsaladok - is it possible to burn cd on terminal?23:36
LaserJockyes it is23:36
LaserJockdo you mean specifically from a thin client?23:37
killsaladok from thin client which has a cd burner23:38
LaserJockhmm, I'm not sure23:43
LaserJockthat might be pretty difficult to do23:43
LaserJockI wouldn't think the data could be transferred fast enough over the netwrok23:44
LaserJockI don't know alot about LTSP though23:45
stgraberMost thin clients don't have CD/DVD drives anyway and indeed I wouldn't try it :)23:57

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