
* nixternal goes back to uploading stdin's 4.0.4 packages01:15
nixternaljust got home from a bday party for my neice, and I am dead tired01:15
stdinI'm starting to getting sick of the "are there any 4.1 alpha packages yet?" questions in -kde401:58
nixternalput there aren't any plans in the topic01:58
nixternalI have been telling people to put openSUSE in a VM if you want to see a very bad desktop01:59
stdinI'm tempted, but I know no one ever reads the damn topic anyway :p01:59
nixternalif we put up alpha packages, there will easily be 50+ bugs files against plasma not working worth a damn01:59
stdinpeople expect them because we had 4.0 alphas02:00
nixternalif they want 4.1 alphas, do it, but for Intrepid02:00
stdinbreak it before the base is even uploaded, yeah :)02:01
nixternalas soon as you put out Hardy 4.1 alpha packages, people will complain...tell them if they want it so bad, to start working on building the packages02:01
stdinI could answer: depends, are you going to create them for me?  then when they say "how?" I'll just say, !packaging :p02:03
stdinthen I'll /part really fast and run so they can't ask me for help02:03
nixternalstdin: are those 4.0.4 module packages on your broadband connection?02:04
stdinif you can call it broadband, yeah02:04
nixternalhehe, ok02:04
nixternalI am grabbing games now, have the rest to grab02:04
nixternalgoing to just grab them all in one shot while kdebindings 4.0.4 test builds02:04
stdinahh, I noticed my lag jump :p02:04
nixternalthat's me w00tin' your server :p02:05
stdinwhat are you getting, like 30KB/s at the most?02:05
nixternalI have found the same exact problem though in everyone of your module packages you did for 4.0.402:06
stdinI haven't checked in a while and it varies from time to time (depending on who owns my ISP at the time)02:06
nixternalyou didn't create a backport bug and close it in the changelog :p02:06
=== Czessi_ is now known as Czessi
nixternalI have created all of the backport reports, and I am just editing the changelog with emacs so you get the karma02:06
stdinbah, that's the job of a motu :p02:07
nixternaljust adding (LP: #xxxx) to the * New upstream release line02:07
nixternalI may have updated an install file for new stuff added to the package, other than that, they are good02:07
nixternalkind of hard for you to do the testing though w/o libs and base02:08
stdinyeah, it would have taken too long for me to either hack them to build with 4.0.3 or get libs etc built, so I skipped a step there02:09
stdinI usually like to test build before I call them "ready"02:09
stdinI think python is making me lazy, just spent 5 mins trying to figure out what was wrong with my c++ code, turns out I didn't type the variable :/02:11
Riddellstdin: I expect alpha packages will start to appear next week02:11
stdinRiddell: those will be for intrepid right?02:12
Riddellstdin: yes02:17
Riddellbut maybe someone will want to backport them to a PPA02:17
stdinas long as Qt4.4 won't break things, I don't see why not02:18
stdinI haven't even tried Qt4.4 yet, missed out on the whole dev cycle there02:18
Jucatoyou're not the only one stdin02:20
seeleRiddell: i've been under the impression you're afk for most of the weekend02:21
Riddellseele: I have to pass the time somehow while I fill in my tax return02:22
nixternalyikes, kdebindings 4.0.4 is being a brat02:22
Jucatoit always is...02:23
nixternalit just stops building at the same spot every time02:23
RiddellI wouldn't worry too much about it nixternal02:24
Jucatomaybe skip the offending module?02:24
nixternalyup, skipping and moving on...I should have all of the modules uploaded either tonight or tomorrow morning at the latest02:25
seeleew taxes.. good luck02:30
Riddellthe trick is to end up making sure they owe you as much as possible02:32
RiddellI wonder how much I can claim for toilet paper use in the last year02:33
vorianevening :)03:25
* Serega silently: "Good time of day"05:52
SeregaHobbsee: glad to see you06:00
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SeregaRiddell: Jonathan?08:54
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* SiNiESTrO is away: Ausente por ahora.11:36
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RiddellSerega: hi13:27
SeregaRiddell: hi!13:27
SeregaRiddell: I have a debdiff, could you please review and upload it?13:28
RiddellSerega: any idea what would cause this? http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16159213:31
ubottuKDE bug 161592 in general "kaffeine loops trying to install a codec that can't be used" [Normal,New]13:31
Riddellpossibly the lack of decss?13:31
ArbyRiddell: if you're in review mode could you have a look at the debdiff on https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/koffice/+bug/226281 when you get a chance.13:32
SeregaRiddell: I have already fixed this, thank you for pointing13:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 226281 in koffice "Please merge koffice 1:1.6.3-5 (main) from Debian Unstable" [Wishlist,Confirmed]13:32
RiddellSerega: can you say so on that bug, or got a comment for me to add?13:32
SeregaI will add a comment13:33
RiddellArby: yes, sorry I got busy yesterday13:34
ArbyRiddell: no problem it was pretty late anyway, no rush13:34
Arbyjust trying to make pbuilder behave for testing purposes13:35
HobbseeRiddell: you missed the meeting, too13:35
RiddellHobbsee: I know, I said I would13:35
SeregaRiddell: http://kubuntu.pastebin.ca/100689613:36
SeregaRiddell: look at the line 32 of the debdiff - is if a fix for "looping"13:37
RiddellArby: your diff is backwards but otherwise all good13:39
ArbyRiddell: oh, what is the correct way then?13:40
Arbyand what happens next, I'm still learning the process13:40
SeregaRiddell: how detailed that comment should be?13:41
apacheloggernixternal: what's the build error for kdebindings?13:41
RiddellArby: just means you diffed the new against the old rather than the old against the new, so I need to patch with -R13:41
RiddellArby: next I upload13:41
Arbyyay, first ever package done :)13:42
* Arby looks for something else to do13:42
RiddellArby: kdelibs if you're feeling like doing important stuff :)13:45
RiddellSerega: which comment?13:45
ArbyRiddell: I'm just wondering if that would be considered insane at this stage13:46
Arbylet me look at the report13:46
RiddellArby: I happen to not use the merge reports, I tend to just start with Debian's debian/ dir and apply changes listed in debian/KUBUNTU-DEBIAN-DIFFERENCES and the changelog13:47
SeregaRiddell: below the bugreport at the bugs.kde.org13:48
ArbyRiddell: I've been using the Conflicts section to know where I should be looking for things to check13:48
ArbyRiddell: I'll give it a go if you're prepared to pick up the pieces13:48
RiddellSerega: oh just say it's a kubuntu specific bug and will be fixed in an update13:48
RiddellArby: go for it13:49
Arbycommence operation suicide13:49
Riddelloperation arby-is-elite13:51
ArbyRiddell: what does dfsg mean in the version number for kdelibs13:52
Hobbseemeans they ripped out the good bits13:53
Hobbseeor the bad bits.  depending on your POV>13:53
Hobbseethe debian nonfree bits, anyway13:53
Arbyoh so dfsg = debian free software guidelines?13:54
Arbyand they've removed the bits that are non-compliant?13:54
apacheloggerArby: yes13:54
Riddellthey'll have removed some RFC files14:00
Riddell(which I've removed upstream)14:00
RiddellI don't know if that'll give them a higher or lower version number than we have14:00
Riddelldpkg --compare-versions 1 gt 2; echo $?  to find out14:01
stdinI got bored one day, so I made this http://stdin.pastebin.com/d2f36677a for dpkg --compare-versions14:02
Riddellstdin: that could be added to ubuntu dev tools14:02
stdinmaybe, but like everything I do, it's just a hack :p14:03
* apachelogger is afraid of that sh magic14:03
* Hobbsee shakes her head14:04
Hobbseestdin: of all the infinitely more useful things that you could have been doing.....14:04
ArbyRiddell: where 1 = Ubuntu version and 2 = debian version? or the other way round14:04
stdinHobbsee: I made that months ago actually, almost forgot about it14:05
Hobbseeoh, i guess there is text in there, so you wouldn't be able to do it wiht an alias...14:05
apacheloggerstdin: sounds familiar to me14:06
* apachelogger created approx. 3 billion scripts related to packaging and revuing14:06
apacheloggerspread all over the system :D14:06
Hobbseestdin: we'll find more useful stuff for you to do, than to write wrappers around dpkg --compare-versions.14:06
* apachelogger gives everyone a cookie and leaves for ice cream14:06
RiddellArby: any way round, you're just trying to find out if one number is considered larger than the other14:06
stdinHobbsee: like write it in python? ;)14:07
* Hobbsee smacks stdin :)14:07
stdinI think Hobbsee was actually the inspiration for that script, so it's all her fault14:08
Hobbseeapachelogger: sh's not so bad.  i wrote a shell script that rsyncs iso's.14:08
Hobbseestdin: what?  how?14:08
stdinHobbsee: I was confused with what ~ meant at the time, and you showed me the dpkg --compare-versions command14:08
stdinHobbsee: and then I got the idea for the script14:09
Hobbseeah yes, true14:09
* Hobbsee has wrappers around dpkg-buildpackage written, though14:09
stdinI can go one better, I have a wrapper around debuild14:09
stdinagain, in #!/bin/sh14:10
ArbyRiddell: dpkg --compare-versions kdelibs_3.5.9.dfsg.1-4.dsc gt kdelibs3.5.9-0ubuntu7.dsc; echo $? returns 014:10
stdinmy infamous backport script14:10
Arbywhich I think means there version is higher than ours14:10
Arby*their even14:10
HobbseeRiddell: hmm, it might actually be debuild, but still adds more switches.14:11
RiddellArby: it does indeed14:11
RiddellArby: so we can swap to using their .orig fiel14:11
Arbyso I should work from kdelibs_3.5.9.orig.tar.gz14:12
Arbysorry I'm struggling to keep up here14:13
RiddellArby: you should work with the debian .orig file14:14
Riddellsince we want to be as close to debian as possible, they have a larger version number which means we can14:15
Arbyoh so the file I mentioned is the kde upstream file, and  kdelibs_3.5.9.dfsg.1.orig.tar.gz is the debian version?14:16
RiddellSerega: what does the change to kubuntu_07_codecs_installation.diff do?14:17
RiddellArby: yes14:17
RiddellSerega: and where is "Hide extra error messagebox"?14:24
SeregaRiddell: "extra error messagebox" see line 195 of the patch14:35
SeregaRiddell: also at line 225 starts handling of additional situations of the codecs absense14:36
Arbywhat does AM_MAINTAINER_MODE mode mean in the context of a configure.in file?14:37
Arbyspecifically, this diff http://paste.ubuntu.com/9977/14:37
Seregaa sense of all another changes I cannot understand (diff?)14:37
RiddellArby: do whatever debian does14:37
SeregaRiddell: do you know what that stuff means? like line 17714:38
SeregaI have really not changed anything around it14:43
ArbyRiddell: advice please http://paste.ubuntu.com/9978/14:51
Arbymy guess is take the debian version14:51
Arbybut keep launchpad-integration14:51
Hobbseenixternal: i think your tasque is buggy.15:11
RiddellArby: we don't want menu-xdg15:31
ArbyRiddell: thanks15:31
ArbyRiddell: almost all done, just stuck with one conflict15:34
Arbyhttps://merges.ubuntu.com/k/kdelibs/REPORT shows a conflict with 98_buildprep.diff15:34
Arbybut I can't find what it conflicts with15:34
RiddellArby: oh scrap buildprep patches15:35
Arbyoh ok15:35
Riddellthey just contain the Makefile.in etc diffs, but I just let those live in the package .diff.gz15:35
Arbyok thanks15:35
Arbyin that case I'm nearly there I think15:35
Arbyjust need to run debuild and make a debdiff15:36
Arbyif it builds :)15:36
Arbycross everything15:36
RiddellSerega: that's just diff being difficult, I can try and remove those15:40
RiddellSerega: what's the change to kaffeine.cpp?15:40
RiddellslotPlaylistPlay() ?15:40
SeregaRiddell: overall changes? or this commit?15:40
SeregaRiddell: yes, slotPlaylistPlay is overall15:41
RiddellSerega: line 11015:41
Arbywoohoo it builds15:41
RiddellArby: already?  that's a quick build15:41
ArbyRiddell: well debuild -S went to completion15:41
SeregaRiddell: I meant entire kubuntu07-autoinstallation.patch15:41
SeregaRiddell: no, changes there15:41
Seregathis time15:42
=== neversfelde|mobi is now known as kubuntu-deIRC
RiddellSerega: oh I see, so it is15:42
Seregaall my changes for ubuntu9 are in kxinewidget.cpp15:42
Riddelldiffs of diffs are tricky things15:42
Seregatrue :)15:42
=== kubuntu-deIRC is now known as neversfelde|mobi
SeregaRiddell: I could pick it myself if you have more importrant things to do15:43
Seregado not want to overhead you, Jon15:45
Seregawith a mechanic work15:46
RiddellI'm out for half an hour just now15:50
Riddellif you want to try and get it down to a minimal diff that would be good15:50
ArbyRiddell: debdiff attached to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdelibs/+bug/22647615:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 226476 in kdelibs "merge kdelibs 4:3.5.9.dfsg.1-4 (main) from Debian Unstable" [Wishlist,Confirmed]15:50
ArbyI think I have the version number wrong but that can be fixed later15:51
ArbyRiddell: I'm off out too. please leave feedback or instruction in the bug report15:51
Arbywhenever you have time15:51
nixternalapachelogger: there is no build error, it just stops building16:07
nixternalHobbsee: yes the tasque is buggy...I don't get why people are getting the evolution-sharp error and then a lot of others are not getting it16:08
apacheloggernixternal: Oo that sounds almost strange16:15
=== blueyed_ is now known as blueyed
nixternalKDE 4 just ate my dog!17:10
* jpatrick wonders what KDE5 will do17:11
nixternalgo go gadget kde4 builders!17:12
* Serega dreams to retab all sourcecode in the world... arrgh17:21
nixternalmy dog just got stung in his twig and giggleberries, totally hating it right now17:25
Seregalol :)17:29
SeregaRiddell: I have updated the pastebin. I doubt we can strip it more safely.17:38
RiddellSerega: url?17:38
SeregaRiddell: http://kubuntu.pastebin.ca/100712017:39
jjessenixternal: your dog got stung?17:52
NightroseRiddell: Neon is going live soonish - maybe you want to get it on kubuntu.org17:52
nixternaljjesse: ya17:52
jjessewhat is neon?17:54
jpatrickjjesse: buildy amarok builds17:54
Nightroseamarok nightly builds17:55
jpatrickor nightly..17:55
jjesseah :)17:55
jjesseguess whose hard drive is going again17:55
jjessehave my 2nd replacement drive from dell coming17:56
fdovingRiddell: around?17:56
RiddellNightrose: sure, if I know what to say17:57
Riddellhi fdoving17:57
NightroseRiddell: great :) one sec17:58
fdovinghi riddell. if you're touching kio-umountwrapper, please add dependencies on konqueror and dolphin. without those it'll randomly get uninstalled after one or both of those, and fail because the files it tries to "un-divert" does not exist. (uninstalled before).17:58
fdovingRiddell: i was thinking it might be possible to push that 2 word change into the other debdiff with the eject error patch. if its not already pushed.17:59
nixternalw00t, foxnews.com video now works in Linux (in Konqueror at that!)17:59
Riddellfdoving: am I touching kio-umountwrapper?  surely the patch was just for kdebase17:59
fdovingRiddell: ah, right. sorry tehn. i'll make a debdiff myself then :)17:59
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fdovingRiddell: is intrepid open for uploads yet?18:22
nixternalfdoving: ^^18:23
fdovingnixternal: thanks. I need a main sponsor.18:23
fdovingin a few min.18:23
nixternalfdoving: ping Riddell, Hobbsee, or ScottK :)18:24
nixternalthere, did it for you actually :p18:24
fdovingor rather, i'm ready in a few min if someone is available :)18:24
fdovingthanks again :)18:24
Seregawhat does this mean - "open for uploads"?18:38
Seregaand "yet" in this context :)18:39
fdovingopen for uploads means that packages can be uploaded, and added to the archives of the distribution version.18:39
fdoving"yet" in this context is because in the past it took some time after a release before the new version was "opened for uploads"18:40
Seregaah, cool. thank you18:42
fdovingRiddell: would be nice if you could push http://frode.kde.no/ubuntu/intrepid/kio-umountwrapper/ to intrepid. - this might be a sru candidate, as it can complicate upgrades.19:09
fdovingrelated to bug 18672919:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 186729 in kio-umountwrapper "Cannot uninstall kio-umountwrapper" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18672919:12
=== apachelogger is now known as releaselogger
Artemis_Fowlseele: I am back to developing again. If you have in mind anything about how the new KGRUBEditor's UI should be, let me know19:59
Artemis_Fowlseele: it is highly probable that with this release I will create the SytsemSettings module, too20:00
nixternalArtemis_Fowl: are you the original kgrubeditors dev?20:01
nixternalthat is the same one I saw on kde-apps.org right?20:01
Artemis_Fowlnixternal: yep20:02
nixternalrock on with your badself then :)20:03
* Artemis_Fowl rocks on with his badself...20:03
nixternalyou inspired some gnome devs to work on something similar...I remember then all going "we need something to graphically edit grub with and there is nothing out there"20:03
nixternalthen I showed them kgrubeditor and they were like "damn, got beat to the punch" :)20:03
nixternalactually, it was LaserJock who had a GSoC student last year that was working on it20:04
Artemis_FowlKDE ftw20:04
nixternalno doubt :)20:04
* Artemis_Fowl could say that he hates GNOME20:04
nixternalI used to, but I am starting to like Gnome apps more and more each day20:06
nixternalthe DE doesn't suit me, but they do have some nifty little apps20:06
Artemis_Fowlthe funny thing is that I may work on creating a Desktop Enviroment independent core for the app20:06
Artemis_Fowlso that we could sdare code20:07
* Artemis_Fowl will be back in some mins20:07
nixternalthat would rock20:15
Artemis_Fowlnixternal: have the GNOME guys created a project page or something like this?20:29
nixternalArtemis_Fowl: it was on wiki.ubuntu.com somewhere20:30
nixternalif you can't find it, just keep an eye out for LaserJock in ubuntu-devel or ubuntu-motu20:30
Artemis_Fowlnixternal: good20:31
ScottKlaserjock is active in #ubuntu-motu right now.20:31
Nightrosehttp://amarok.kde.org/en/node/482 \o/20:32
Nightrosecookies for the releaselogger everyone!20:33
fdovingyay, systray works in 4.1 :)20:33
nixternalRiddell: should I upload all of these kde 4.0.4 packages to intrepid as well?20:37
ScottKnixternal: Do you think we need to?  Why not just go straight to the 3.1 alpha?20:41
nixternaloh ya, derr I forgot Riddell is working on that for next week already20:41
nixternalthanks for reminding me there20:41
ScottKNo problem.  I'd suggest give 4.0.4 a skip.  The buildd's have enough to digest this weekend already.20:42
seeleanyone have Artemis_Fowl's email?20:49
=== releaselogger is now known as apachelogger
Nightroseseele: https://edge.launchpad.net/~artemis-fowl-200720:55
ArbyRiddell: around?22:00
Arbyor anyone who has experience of merging k3b for that matter22:01
=== Czessi_ is now known as Czessi
Riddellhi Arby22:07
ArbyRiddell: I'm looking at merging k3b, there's some stuff in KUBUNTU-DEBIAN-DIFFERENCES that I don't understand22:08
Arbyso far I'm down to http://paste.ubuntu.com/10072/22:08
ArbyI don't know what that means I actually need to do22:08
Arbyor is that just a record22:09
ArbyI've resolved the conflicts listed in the report file to the best of my knowledge22:09
ArbyI just don't want to leave the job half finished22:09
RiddellArby: there are patches in debian/patches?22:11
Riddelland presumably something in debian/rules to apply those patches22:11
Riddelland something else in debian/rules to create the translation .pot file22:11
Arbythere could be, what would it look like22:11
ArbyI don't know how to read rules files yet22:12
Riddelldiff the rules files and see what the changes are22:13
Riddellgrep for patch I'd guess22:13
Arbycan't find any mention22:14
Riddellthe .pot generation will be the bunch of lines that include createdesktop.pl22:14
Riddellinclude /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/simple-patchsys.mk  ?22:15
Arbyis this it -> include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/simple-patchsys.mk22:15
Riddelllooks like it uses cdbs in the version I have, so there won't be a need for createdesktop.pl22:15
Riddellthat's the one :)22:15
Arbyok that's present22:16
Arbyso I think rules is ok22:16
Arbywhat about the last 3 lines in the file I pasted above22:17
Riddellk3b uses some mp3 and other codecs we can't include on the CD22:17
Riddellso those get split out into the libk3b2-extracodecs package in kubuntu22:18
Riddelllook for libk3b2-extracodecs.install and the lines for libk3b2-extracodecs in debian/control22:18
Arbythe .install file is present22:18
Arbychecking control22:19
nixternalRiddell: how did kxsldbg get skipped from the kdewebdev package?22:19
nixternalthere was a .install file, but there wasn't anything in control for kxsldbg-kde422:19
Riddellnixternal: dunno, I expect I just copied what debian had at the time22:19
nixternalhehe, well I fixed that...I just have like 2 more of the core packages to upload to backports22:19
ArbyRiddell: debian/control has a section for libk3b2-extracodecs22:20
nixternalkdewebdev and kdetoys for core packages, well kdebindings as well22:20
RiddellArby: in debian?22:20
Arbyas far as I can tell yes22:21
Riddellby libk3b2.files it means libk3b2.install, make sure that has the separate files listed, (so it doesn't install the mp3 codecs)22:21
Riddellthe kubuntu-media-k3b bit seems to be obsolete, according to the changelog22:23
Arbylibk3b2.install doesn't mention mp322:23
Arbyok I that in the changelog22:24
Arbys/I/I see/22:24
Arbyso I think we're there22:25
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Arbyexcept that debuild -S fails with debian/rules:64: *** target file `clean' has both : and :: entries. Stop.22:31
Arbysounds like some sort of syntax error22:31
Riddellapachelogger: dude, this nightly amarok thing really works22:58
ArbyRiddell: could you take a look at debian/rules for k3b, I can't get it to build http://paste.ubuntu.com/10099/23:07
ArbyI tried removing the ubuntu section of that diff23:07
Arbybut debuild fails with the error just up there ^^23:08
RiddellArby: looks like us and debian have entirely different debian/rules files23:13
Arbyah, that sounds bad23:14
Riddellpick whichever you prefer I guess and go with that23:14
ArbyI'm not qualified to have a preference23:14
Riddelltoss a coin23:14
Riddellwe should, I suppose, keep the diff with debian as small as possible23:15
Arbyare you saying I need a completely new rules file from debian?23:17
Arbysorry I'm a bit out of my depth here23:17
Arbya lot actually23:17
Riddelljust copy it over from debian23:18
Arbylooking for it now23:18
Riddellhaving said that, you'd need to work out how to add patch support to it23:27
Riddellso maybe it's easiest to stick with the cdbs one we have currently23:28
Arbyso where do I look for that23:29
Arbyin a previous package version?23:29
RiddellArby: yes23:29
Riddellapt-get source k3b23:29
Riddellsurely you have the existing source already, else what are you starting from?23:30
ArbyI do, I'm just getting lost among all the different files23:30
Riddellmm, that happens23:30
ArbyI'm starting from what grab-merge.sh k3b spits out23:30
Arbyand I don't yet know which of the numerous files contains what I want23:32
Arbythis is becoming one of those 'why did I start this moments' :)23:33
RiddellArby: I can't get your kdelibs patch to apply against the current debian version, could you just tar up the debian/ directory and get that to me somehow?23:36
Arbysure, give me a minute23:37
RiddellArby: oh never mind, I worked out how to do it23:39
ArbyRiddell: did I get something wrong (likely)?23:39
Riddellnot at all23:40
RiddellI just wasn't sure how to apply a debdiff with different .orig files23:40
RiddellArby: did you test compile kdelibs?23:40
ArbyRiddell: I ran debuild -S as advised on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/Merging23:41
Arbyand that completed23:41
Riddellthat just compiles a source package, which is good, you should also run debuild to see if it compiles binary packages ok23:42
RiddellI'll run that now on kdelibs#23:42
Arbyah I haven't been doing that23:43
Arbyoh well, now I know :)23:43
Arbyah yes now I know why I didn't do it23:44
seeleNightrose: thanks23:45
Arbyit fails for lack of builddeps23:45
Arbybecause I couldn't get pbuilder to work23:45
ArbyRiddell: debuild -S completes on k3b when I replace debian/rules with the our previous version23:46
Arbypreparing debdiff23:46
ArbyRiddell: debdiff attached https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/k3b/+bug/22663523:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 226635 in k3b "merge k3b 1.0.4-8 (main) from Debian Unstable" [Wishlist,Confirmed]23:52
Arbyand that's enough packaging for one day23:54
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Welcome to the Kubuntu developers channel | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | 8.04 Released http://kubuntu.org/news/8.04-release | Let's do merges!

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