=== ciorstaidh is now known as violet_starlight | ||
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=== robbo is now known as robbo_ | ||
=== robbo_ is now known as robbo | ||
steel2 | hola | 00:13 |
william_ | how would I set my user acc to sudo? | 00:13 |
=== william_ is now known as L0N350LDI3R | ||
=== Robbo is now known as Robbo1961 | ||
wirechief | nosrednaekim: the alsa sound script blows out for me at line 255, i wonder if i am missing something. | 00:16 |
wirechief | nosrednaekim: the alsa sound script blows out for me at line 255, i ver.0.4.43 alsa-info.sh | 00:17 |
=== ubuntu_ is now known as mad | ||
mad | Hi i just installed kubuntu and it overwrote my MBR for windows is there any way to get the old MBR back or something? ( the windows MBR is on a fake-raid 5 disk ) | 00:25 |
mad | Or boot from windows and fix it there? ( the MB can handle reading from the disk up until a OS takes over ) | 00:25 |
piquadrat | Hi! Does anyone here know if there's a specific reason to why Amarok is compiled without support vor MP4/AAC tag editing support? | 00:29 |
crimsun | mp4/aac support requires support from universe; amarok is in main | 00:30 |
crimsun | a main source package cannot build-depend on binary packages in universe or multiverse | 00:30 |
* ubuntu_ | 00:30 | |
* ubuntu_ | 00:30 | |
* ubuntu_ is betta | 00:31 | |
ubuntu_ | betta than kubuntu | 00:31 |
piquadrat | crimsun: so are there any options for me to get AAC support besides building amarok myself? | 00:31 |
wirechief | !paste | 00:32 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 00:32 |
crimsun | piquadrat: check the motumedia ppa and medibuntu? | 00:32 |
maduser | ah | 00:34 |
piquadrat | crimsun: dang, I always forget adding medibuntu to my repository list after I install a new kubuntu release. Thanks :) | 00:35 |
mrmonkeyman | anyone know of a program like treesizepro that can be used in linux? | 00:35 |
trident523 | mrmonkeyman: what does treesizepro do? | 00:41 |
dwidmann_ | This configure script is crazy .... make is clearly in my path and it says it isn't :( | 00:41 |
mah_ | hi i cant browes with my kongueror any body can help? | 00:41 |
mah_ | hi i cant browes with my kongueror any body can help? | 00:42 |
trident523 | mah_: Okay... are you using the computer now? | 00:42 |
mrmonkeyman | its like baobab | 00:42 |
mrmonkeyman | shows disk space in a nice tree view | 00:42 |
mrmonkeyman | very convinient | 00:42 |
mah_ | yes and cdma connection | 00:42 |
trident523 | mrmonkeyman: what's wrong with baobab then? | 00:43 |
dwidmann_ | crimsun, with regards to medibuntu, I have a slightly offtopic yet slightly related question, ...If I set pin origin="Ubuntu" to >1000 and upgrade, and I have medibuntu packages, shouldn't that downgrade the packages to the Ubuntu repo versions? | 00:43 |
stdin | mrmonkeyman: try kdirstat | 00:43 |
trident523 | mah_: Uh, try a different browser | 00:43 |
mrmonkeyman | the way you can go into folders and see the free space of the folders | 00:44 |
egork | a perl script complains about missing /usr/local/lib/perl/5.8.8. Perl is installed. | 00:45 |
mrmonkeyman | i mean they're the same in a lot of ways, i've just always found that treesize would give me more information | 00:45 |
mah_ | i dont have | 00:45 |
alexbobp | If I have installed more operating systems since I installed kubuntu, how can I get kubuntu to use it's magic to detect the OS and add an entry to grub's menu.lst? I tried adding it manually, but I seem to have done it wrong. | 00:46 |
crimsun | dwidmann_: no. | 00:47 |
mrmonkeyman | Thanks though, baobab is the closest to what i'm looking for | 00:47 |
mah_ | my browser doesnt know my connection | 00:48 |
billr | kde4! | 00:49 |
billr | oh well | 00:49 |
billr | I need to ask some questions about kde4 - where's the best place for that? | 00:50 |
FenixReign | billr: read topic | 00:50 |
Tm_T | what is? | 00:51 |
dwidmann_ | crimsun: hmm, that's the impression man apt_preferences gave :( ..... http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d4abad634 | 00:51 |
alexbobp | oops, I'll ask again later. I have to go. | 00:52 |
crimsun | dwidmann_: you haven't actually show us your apt_preferences. | 00:54 |
crimsun | shown* | 00:54 |
dwidmann_ | I think this is the right one (it's on the second page of my klipper, so I hope so) http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d6f43638 | 00:55 |
dwidmann_ | @crimsun: | 00:58 |
crimsun | dwidmann_: well, first, you've misunderstood what "Origin" is. | 01:01 |
dwidmann_ | crimsun: Hmm :\ | 01:01 |
dwidmann_ | crimsun: lets correct that so I should understand it in the future :) | 01:02 |
crimsun | dwidmann_: pick a binary package that you have installed from Medibuntu. | 01:02 |
crimsun | (and say it here) | 01:02 |
dwidmann_ | I do know it's in the /var/lib/apt/lists*Release files though ... | 01:02 |
dwidmann_ | amarok | 01:03 |
crimsun | ok, now pastebin `apt-cache policy amarok && apt-cache show amarok' | 01:03 |
dwidmann_ | http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d38722a3d | 01:04 |
crimsun | dwidmann_: ok, so you didn't paste everything that I asked for, but what you have there is sufficient to demonstrate my point. | 01:06 |
crimsun | dwidmann_: note the distinct lack of an Origin for the medibuntu package. | 01:06 |
dwidmann_ | erm, copy+ pasteness will get me every time ... guess it only piped part of that in, oh well, I can grab the rest this time around if you'd like | 01:07 |
crimsun | dwidmann_: not really necessary at this poin | 01:08 |
crimsun | point* | 01:08 |
dwidmann_ | yeah, I had noticed that, so, what purpose is the "origin" portion of the apt_preference tags then if not to be used this way? | 01:08 |
crimsun | it _is_ meant to be used that way. | 01:08 |
dwidmann_ | Now I'm confused. | 01:08 |
crimsun | unfortunately, it has been clear for some time that medibuntu's usage in the Release file is not appropriate | 01:08 |
dwidmann_ | one second | 01:08 |
crimsun | i.e., don't use Origin, because it's often _not_ set appropriately | 01:09 |
crimsun | not every apt repo creator is vigilant | 01:09 |
dwidmann_ | So this isn't correct crimsun? http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d4d9c88e | 01:10 |
crimsun | dwidmann_: if it's not ending up in the cache, no. | 01:11 |
dwidmann_ | Hmmm, gotcha | 01:11 |
dwidmann_ | crimsun: okay, I see where it's supposed to show up in the apt-cache show now ... things are so much clearer now. | 01:13 |
dwidmann_ | I think I can come up with a viable alternative, I was just frustrated at how it wasn't working ... sad that it was that obvious and I didn't see it | 01:14 |
dwidmann_ | crimsun: another question about apt_preference while I've got your attention, seeing as you can do like "release a=blah", can you also keep going like "... b=blah c=blah d=blah...."? | 01:16 |
thehizz | general consensus..... should we be updating to 8.04 lts???? | 01:18 |
stdin | you mean Ubuntu Gnome LTS | 01:18 |
dwidmann_ | in other words kubuntu 8.04 = non-lts | 01:19 |
crimsun | dwidmann_: on the same line? I wouldn't do that. | 01:19 |
crimsun | (for various reasons) | 01:19 |
crimsun | dwidmann_: but yes, order is vital | 01:19 |
dwidmann_ | crimsun: It's a one use deal for the most part. | 01:20 |
dwidmann_ | crimsun: still doesn't seem to want to downgrade the medibuntu packages .... bah | 01:20 |
dwidmann_ | ah, wait, that might be why .... | 01:21 |
=== plinio is now known as Sotero | ||
alfredo | What you mean by Kubuntu 8.04 = non-lts? | 01:22 |
izzyb | is there a link that explains all the kubuntu/ubuntu release names? | 01:27 |
dwidmann_ | There we go, much,much better. | 01:27 |
coreymon77 | alfredo: kubuntu hardy is not an lts | 01:27 |
coreymon77 | alfredo: only ubuntu hardy is | 01:27 |
izzyb | similar to http://www.us.debian.org/releases/ | 01:27 |
dwidmann_ | !names | 01:27 |
ubottu | Ubuntu has an $adjective $animal naming scheme, summarized (and with a list of suggested words which you can add to) at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DevelopmentCodeNames | 01:27 |
izzyb | thanks | 01:27 |
dwidmann_ | Debians names are fun ...hehehe, Sid | 01:28 |
coreymon77 | alfredo: with kde4 still not being fully stable, it wasnt thought right to be making hardy a lts release | 01:28 |
* izzyb makes note of the bot keyword also :) | 01:28 | |
alfredo | Ubuntu was many bugs to be a lts but Kubuntu not | 01:28 |
curtis | i would like to burn a avi file to dvd? | 01:28 |
seledec | hola | 01:28 |
curtis | can anyone recomend a program | 01:28 |
curtis | ? | 01:28 |
alfredo | The kde 3.5.9 is like a rock | 01:29 |
curtis | alfredo, is that for me? | 01:30 |
alfredo | curtis, not for you | 01:30 |
curtis | alfredo, avi burn to dvd and watch on dvd player what can i use? | 01:30 |
santiago | hola como les va | 01:31 |
dragon64 | hola | 01:31 |
alfredo | curtis, You whant to know a program to play DVDs | 01:31 |
alfredo | ? | 01:32 |
curtis | alfredo, no i have an .avi file that i want to burn to a dvd and play on my dvd player. | 01:32 |
alfredo | curtis, you have the k3b burning program or Brasero | 01:33 |
curtis | alfredo, i have the k3b | 01:34 |
curtis | alfredo, ? | 01:35 |
curtis | are you there? | 01:36 |
curtis | ? | 01:37 |
curtis | ? | 01:37 |
curtis | ? | 01:37 |
curtis | ? | 01:37 |
alfredo | curtis | 01:37 |
curtis | yes what can i use? | 01:37 |
curtis | ? | 01:38 |
alfredo | curtis, you have to install eMox and use it with conjunction with k3b | 01:38 |
alfredo | curtis, i supose | 01:38 |
fernando | hi | 01:39 |
dwidmann | ughhhhhh, amarok won't play anything ..... not even ogg files :( | 01:48 |
=== dale is now known as kubuntu-box | ||
=== alejandro is now known as aletorrado | ||
dwidmann | come to think of it, kaffeine doesn't want to either ..... xine issue .... gah | 01:51 |
Sakui | anyone used quasar? | 01:51 |
carl | m | 01:52 |
carl | anybody no how to statically assign a wireless nic in kubuntu gutsy without knetworkmanager fucking up | 01:53 |
izzyb | how do I restart kicker? seems to have crashed (non responsive | 01:53 |
Sakui | kick it :P | 01:54 |
izzyb | lol | 01:54 |
jati | what's up all | 01:54 |
jati | hello carl? | 01:55 |
carl | hello mate | 01:55 |
carl | first time used this | 01:55 |
carl | heard bought it | 01:55 |
jati | me to carl | 01:56 |
jati | what do u come from? | 01:56 |
jati | carl? | 01:56 |
carl | coventry | 01:56 |
izzyb | hmm, I killed the kicker process and ran it again and get this output and kicker pops up and vanishes again | 01:56 |
jati | carl? | 01:56 |
izzyb | *** attempt to put segment in horiz list twice | 01:56 |
jati | coventry?????? | 01:56 |
carl | england | 01:56 |
jati | wow england? | 01:56 |
jati | what time in england now? | 01:57 |
p_quarles | !topic | 01:57 |
ubottu | Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic | 01:57 |
carl | yeh do u know how to statically assign ip adress in kubuntu gutsy without knetwork mager doing 1 | 01:57 |
carl | it is 1.57.am | 01:57 |
carl | its a big bug | 01:58 |
carl | cant seem to sort it | 01:58 |
jati | oh im sorry, i newbie in kubuntu... | 01:59 |
carl | me too | 01:59 |
shahara | me too | 01:59 |
shahara | :D | 01:59 |
carl | but i no some command line | 01:59 |
carl | been thru sum distros | 01:59 |
jati | hello shahara... | 01:59 |
shahara | hello | 01:59 |
carl | my eyballs are strained | 02:00 |
jati | what do u come from? | 02:00 |
carl | thru all the reading | 02:00 |
shahara | indonesia | 02:00 |
jati | realy? | 02:00 |
billyd | Se TX | 02:00 |
shahara | yup | 02:00 |
jati | me too | 02:00 |
shahara | i see | 02:00 |
jati | shahara kota mana? | 02:01 |
carl | im going thanks newaay bye | 02:01 |
jati | bye carl | 02:01 |
shahara | Jakarta | 02:01 |
jati | jakarta? | 02:01 |
shahara | iya | 02:01 |
jati | pke kubuntu juga? | 02:02 |
sepeck | is there a gui fro kron in the latest? | 02:02 |
sepeck | cron not kron | 02:02 |
shahara | iya baru | 02:02 |
SteelRomano | ? | 02:02 |
SteelRomano | Que? | 02:03 |
jati | kerja, kuliah, atau sekolah?? | 02:03 |
SteelRomano | what? | 02:03 |
shahara | kerja | 02:03 |
stdin | English only in here | 02:04 |
shaffy | can someone tell me how to install firefox 2.xx in kubuntu 8.04? | 02:04 |
stdin | shaffy: install "firefox-2" | 02:04 |
shaffy | stdin: "No candidate version found for firefox-2" | 02:05 |
wirechief | !paste | 02:05 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 02:05 |
stdin | !info firefox-2 | 02:05 |
ubottu | firefox-2: lightweight web browser based on Mozilla. In component universe, is optional. Version (hardy), package size 8974 kB, installed size 26044 kB | 02:05 |
stdin | shaffy: ^ | 02:05 |
shaffy | well, i still get the same thing :S | 02:06 |
SteelRomano | Shaffy: Adept | 02:06 |
jati | im out..... | 02:06 |
jati | byee..... | 02:06 |
=== Czessi_ is now known as Czessi | ||
=== chulo is now known as rareas | ||
stdin | shaffy: enable universe | 02:07 |
shaffy | thanks stdin and SteelRomano. i got it working now. universe wasn't enabled. | 02:10 |
billyd | I was wrong when I left old configs iwhen I upgraded from 70.4 to 7.10 and have problems with FireFox. Thinking of un-installing Firefox just befor I upgrade to *.04 and the install it again | 02:14 |
billyd | 8.04 | 02:14 |
billyd | Is there any reason NOT to install KDE 4.0 rrright after I upgrade to 8.04?? | 02:15 |
stdin | none that I can think of | 02:15 |
Jucato | there is one reason... | 02:16 |
billyd | I may well tire my tired old butt to the LogOn Cafe in Beaumont and do both Monday afternoon. Figure on 3 hours or less of computer time. | 02:16 |
billyd | What is the reasom jucato | 02:17 |
Jucato | one reason not to install KDE 4.0 is if you don't want to install it :) | 02:19 |
billyd | OK | 02:19 |
Jucato | :P | 02:19 |
contrast83 | Greets, everyone... | 02:20 |
contrast83 | Upon installing Hardy, my sound card (Intel) and wifi card (Cisco Aironet) didn't work. I compiled my own kernel (2.6.25) and that got my wireless working, but still no sound. Any ideas? | 02:20 |
=== asobiCrash is now known as asobi | ||
billyd | No - I look forward to it. Kontact/KPilot sposed to be able to cope with multiple PalmPilots and their OS % (Garnet??) Also maybe be easier to humor HDA-Intel sound chips. I'm lucky to have stereo ONLY sound right now | 02:21 |
billyd | Palm OS 5 | 02:21 |
stdin | there's no KDE PIM packages in 4.0 | 02:22 |
asobi | is it mandatory to upgrade to hardy? | 02:22 |
Jucato | billyd: well there's another reason ^^^ :) | 02:22 |
Jucato | asobi: no | 02:22 |
contrast83 | asobi: Nope | 02:22 |
asobi | when does support stop? | 02:22 |
contrast83 | asobi: 18 months after its release | 02:22 |
Jucato | asobi: 18 months after release | 02:22 |
billyd | contrast - if that the HAD-INTEL card or chip it has caused TONS of problems | 02:22 |
billyd | HDA-INTEL | 02:22 |
Jucato | asobi: meaning 1 more year | 02:22 |
asobi | can i upgrade to v9 while skipping 8? | 02:23 |
Jucato | no | 02:23 |
stdin | only with LTS -> LTS upgrades can you skip versions | 02:23 |
asobi | so essentially i have to upgrade to 8 | 02:23 |
Jucato | and it's not "v8" or "v9" | 02:23 |
contrast83 | billyd: "$ lspci | grep audio" yields this: 00:1f.5 Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corporation 82801CA/CAM AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 02) | 02:23 |
=== nanduco is now known as caxondillo | ||
contrast83 | billyd: So it's a known problem - wait for the fix, or is there a current workaround? | 02:24 |
caxondillo | ola? | 02:24 |
billyd | THere is a bunch of stuff here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=616845 | 02:24 |
stdin | asobi: the next after hardy will be 8.10 not 9 | 02:24 |
contrast83 | billyd: Awesome, thanks a lot! | 02:24 |
billyd | It may not be the same. THat designation covers several chips ,ine is ALC833 | 02:25 |
asobi | what comes after 8.1? | 02:25 |
Jucato | 9.04 | 02:25 |
stdin | asobi: not 8.1, 8.10. it's <year>.<month> | 02:25 |
billyd | The numerals after thew decimal arew for months | 02:25 |
Jucato | asobi: the version numbers stand for year and month, and we always release in April and October | 02:26 |
Jucato | so it's always .04 and .10 per year | 02:26 |
stdin | except dapper, but dapper is "special" :p | 02:26 |
asobi | so 8.10 then 9.04? | 02:26 |
billyd | And it seems Kubuntu and Ubuntu aren't in step this time on LTS version either | 02:26 |
billyd | Ubuntu 8.04 is LTS | 02:27 |
stdin | asobi: yep | 02:27 |
contrast83 | billyd: Just going over the first part of that thread... Not sure if that's got me on the right track - My sound card doesn't seem to be recognized at all (which was never an issue with any other release/distro). Is that problem addressed in that thread? | 02:27 |
stdin | billyd: that was canonical's decision | 02:27 |
billyd | And it we have a 9.08, it will coincide with my last car note :-) | 02:27 |
asobi | if i skip 8.04 and 8.10, can i upgrade to 9.04? | 02:27 |
stdin | no | 02:27 |
asobi | so in a way, it's mandatory | 02:28 |
billyd | I'm going through thta now | 02:28 |
contrast83 | asobi: In a way, yes. But you decide when. ;-) | 02:28 |
Jucato | asobi: *if* you want to upgrade to a much later version | 02:28 |
stdin | mandatory every 18 months if you want a supported version | 02:28 |
asobi | support is good isn't it? | 02:29 |
contrast83 | Support = critical security patches, etc. Not much else, from my experience. | 02:29 |
asobi | critical patches is good ~_~ | 02:29 |
stdin | we can't possibly support every version ever made with community support, commercial support and security patches | 02:29 |
billyd | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting look at this contrast | 02:29 |
asobi | right | 02:29 |
contrast83 | billyd: Will do, thanks. | 02:30 |
asobi | i wait for 8.10 | 02:30 |
asobi | thanks | 02:30 |
=== wirechief is now known as wirechief1 | ||
izzyb | is it possible to restart kicker without logging out of kde? | 02:41 |
stdin | izzyb: if I remember it right "dcop kicker kicker restart" from konsole should do it | 02:41 |
izzyb | hmm, did something, but still dies | 02:42 |
billyd | Is there more 3rd party documantation for LTS versions?? I sorta get the impression there is. I've been thinking an LTS version might be best for people new to Linux | 02:43 |
izzyb | don't know if it's dieing or if its just not bouncing back up from a hide | 02:43 |
izzyb | is there a way to manually turn off kicker hiding? | 02:43 |
stdin | there's a setting somewere in kcontrol I think | 02:44 |
stdin | or set "AutoHidePanel=false" in section "[General]" in ~/.kde/share/config/kickerrc | 02:45 |
Jucato | stdin: I win this time :P | 02:45 |
stdin | if I want to restart the panel I have to kill plasma :p | 02:46 |
Jucato | stdin: kquitapp | 02:46 |
Jucato | :D | 02:46 |
stdin | s/kill/quit/ | 02:47 |
stdin | I actually use qdbus :) | 02:47 |
stdin | reminds me of the dcop days | 02:47 |
Jucato | kquitapp --help: Quit a D-Bus enabled application easily | 02:47 |
* Jucato guesses it's actually calling qdbus :) | 02:47 | |
stdin | probably easier than "qdbus org.kde.plasma /MainApplication quit" though | 02:48 |
Jucato | :D | 02:49 |
Jucato | maybe not... I mean.. "kquitapp plasma" has got to be harder | 02:49 |
shaffy | !xine | 02:54 |
ubottu | Factoid xine not found | 02:54 |
shaffy | !gxine | 02:54 |
ubottu | Factoid gxine not found | 02:54 |
shaffy | !kubuntu-2 | 02:54 |
ubottu | Factoid kubuntu-2 not found | 02:54 |
Jucato | !msgthebot | shaffy | 02:54 |
ubottu | shaffy: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids. | 02:54 |
Walzmyn | we can add factoid to that bot? | 02:55 |
shaffy | how do you look up a package with the bot? | 02:55 |
stdin | you can suggest them and the bot will send it off to be reviewed | 02:55 |
Walzmyn | ah | 02:55 |
Walzmyn | !topic | 02:56 |
ubottu | Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic | 02:56 |
Jucato | shaffy: !info package_name | 02:56 |
shaffy | damn. | 02:56 |
shaffy | thanks | 02:56 |
shaffy | hehe | 02:56 |
Jucato | shaffy: or you might want to use http://packages.ubuntu.com | 02:56 |
stdin | or apt-cache search | 02:56 |
Walzmyn | the bot gives info about stuff other than just packages, it's got one for !netinstall for example | 02:57 |
Jucato | those would be factoids | 02:57 |
Walzmyn | ah, I see his question was specific for packages, my bad | 02:58 |
shaffy | !info xine | 02:59 |
ubottu | Package xine does not exist in hardy | 02:59 |
osiris | i just have to say that kubuntu has provided me a way better experience than trying to run ubuntu. Hardy has a few issues, being new and all, but the application set in kde makes things much easier to deal with | 02:59 |
* Walzmyn bites his tongue about kde being better than gnome | 03:00 | |
stdin | keep it bitten ;) | 03:00 |
Jucato | shaffy: you will have to provide the *exact* package name | 03:00 |
Schuenemann | does anybody here have an ipod? How is ubuntu support for it? | 03:00 |
shaffy | is there something wrong with the package servers? i've been getting a lot of download errors | 03:01 |
donald_duck | how do i defrag? | 03:01 |
stdin | donald_duck: you don't need to | 03:01 |
stdin | ever | 03:01 |
Jucato | shaffy: there might be, depending on the particular download error and the server you are using | 03:01 |
Jucato | !defrag | 03:01 |
ubottu | The default Ubuntu filesystem (ext3) is engineered to avoid fragmentation issues in most cases, see http://linkpot.net/behead/ for a simple example on how it achieves this. A package "defrag" is available in !Universe, however its use is not safe, and is generally not needed. | 03:01 |
Jucato | donald_duck: ^^^ | 03:01 |
Jucato | Schuenemann: I heard quite ok, specially with amarok... | 03:01 |
Jucato | !ipod | Schuenemann | 03:01 |
ubottu | Schuenemann: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod | 03:01 |
Walzmyn | man, that thing is handy as side pockets | 03:02 |
Schuenemann | hmm I don't have one yet, was just wondering how it would go | 03:02 |
Schuenemann | !iphone | 03:02 |
ubottu | Factoid iphone not found | 03:02 |
Schuenemann | what happened to the other bot? | 03:03 |
stdin | iphones are lame, don't get one :p | 03:03 |
donald_duck | not defrag my ext3 partitions but defrag my fat32 partition which is on my external drive? Its VERY slow | 03:03 |
Schuenemann | stdin, I don't plan getting one... it's just the wiki said ipod touch and iphone aren't supported, I wanted to know if there is a plan of doing so :-) | 03:03 |
Walzmyn | donald_duck, if it's external, plug it into a windows box and defrag it | 03:04 |
donald_duck | i dont have a windoze box =D | 03:05 |
stdin | Schuenemann: I don't know, I only have an ipod (original nano) because it was a gift, but it now runs linux and rockbox so works perfectly with kubuntu :) | 03:05 |
Walzmyn | donald_duck, you don't have a friend or one at work or something? the things are like roaches, they're everywhere. | 03:05 |
donald_duck | I suppose i could go to my library and plug the drive in a defrag | 03:05 |
Schuenemann | stdin, can it play ogg? | 03:05 |
stdin | Schuenemann: yep :D | 03:05 |
stdin | all my music is in ogg | 03:05 |
Schuenemann | that's interesting | 03:05 |
stdin | !rockbox | 03:06 |
ubottu | rockbox is an open source firmware replacement for audio players from Archos, iRiver, Apple (iPod), and iAudio. See http://www.rockbox.org/ to get started! | 03:06 |
Schuenemann | thanks | 03:06 |
stdin | it indeed does rock :) | 03:06 |
Schuenemann | heh | 03:06 |
billyd | You can even put different or altered OS in phone if you know what you are doing - at least I have heard that | 03:06 |
stdin | and you can use it on win/mac as it'll just be seen as an external HD, so just drag+drop music onto it | 03:06 |
Schuenemann | hmmm | 03:07 |
Schuenemann | does itunes work? | 03:07 |
stdin | itunes is evil | 03:07 |
stdin | so no | 03:07 |
stdin | :p | 03:07 |
wesley__ | lol | 03:08 |
Schuenemann | heh... yeah, I was just curious. I don't like that encrypted stuff | 03:08 |
stdin | in fact, itunes will likely break support with linux | 03:08 |
wesley__ | theres enough evil on the world like vista | 03:08 |
wesley__ | !vista | 03:08 |
ubottu | Vista is a recent version of Microsoft Windows. Discussion on Windows related topics is available in ##windows. General issues on moving from Windows to Ubuntu is convered in the the wiki guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwitchingToUbuntu/FromWindows | 03:08 |
stdin | it'll update the firmware just so it no longer works with linux, it's evil | 03:08 |
wesley__ | is that not bad stdin | 03:08 |
donald_duck | why dosent my konquerors internet work?? | 03:08 |
Walzmyn | the internet dosen't belong to your konqueror | 03:09 |
donald_duck | firefox works | 03:09 |
Walzmyn | sorry, donald_duck, what's it doing? | 03:10 |
wesley__ | stdin will kubuntu update kde4 the 7th ? | 03:10 |
donald_duck | An error occurred while loading http://google.com:Could not connect to host http://google.com/. | 03:10 |
stdin | wesley: we'll have 4.0.4 on the day | 03:10 |
wesley__ | cool | 03:11 |
Walzmyn | donald_duck, i'm not sure, since FF is working. I'd reboot and see what I got | 03:11 |
Walzmyn | might not be the best answer, but it's what I always try :) | 03:12 |
billyd | donald_duck - could you possibly have konquerot switched to work offline? | 03:12 |
wesley__ | going upgradeit right away ever stable kde4 update is nice and kde4.1 wil be much faster | 03:12 |
Schuenemann | stdin, do you still get a cool UI with rockbox? | 03:12 |
stdin | Schuenemann: a configurable UI | 03:12 |
stdin | I have quite an old version on my ipod, from around 1.5 years ago, I may update it soon | 03:13 |
donald_duck | konqueror is online mode. | 03:13 |
Schuenemann | hmm | 03:13 |
Schuenemann | I'm checking the features... who the hell would want to play doom on the mp3 player? | 03:14 |
Jucato | it's a "classic" test among geeks. :) | 03:14 |
Schuenemann | =] | 03:15 |
Walzmyn | it's not who would want to play doom, it's can me make it run. | 03:15 |
Jucato | along the lines of "a gadget is not worth it if it can't be made to run DOOM" | 03:15 |
egork | hi, where should I start looking for what is called when a multimeda button is pressed on my keyboard? | 03:15 |
Jucato | !keys | 03:15 |
ubottu | keyboard shortcuts can be set in K -> System Settings -> Keyboard & Mouse. Try also "Input Actions" in KControl. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KDEMultimediaKeys - See !Keyboard for changing layouts | 03:15 |
Jucato | egork: try that ^^^^ | 03:15 |
egork | thanks Jucato | 03:16 |
egork | Jucato, I can not find Input Actions anywhere, is there a way to call it from the command line? | 03:24 |
Schuenemann | egork, it's under regional settings | 03:27 |
Schuenemann | egork, or accessibility, depending if you're in kcontrol or systemsettings | 03:28 |
donald_duck | where do i report bugs | 03:28 |
Schuenemann | bug in what? | 03:29 |
donald_duck | konqueror | 03:29 |
Schuenemann | bugs.kde.org | 03:29 |
donald_duck | not launchpad? | 03:29 |
Schuenemann | as a KDE application, I guess it would be at kde.org | 03:30 |
Mr_Sonoma | I'm having a little trouble with samba shares, specifically sharing a printer hooked to my machine with a windows machine. the windows machine can see the printer but when i try to print a test page it shows "access denied" and will not print. | 03:32 |
egork | My problem is, the volume buttons work but only parially and I can not find where they are configured to fix it. | 03:33 |
Tw|sT | ok, I finally got v8.04 installed to 2 systems. Nice release, but... I noticed that the boot-to-install function is kinda buggy. However, the knoppix-like boot to desktop then install from icon works perfectly | 03:35 |
Tw|sT | anyways, I still give the Kubuntu teams mad props for another great release. considering how well things have gone with 8.04 overall, I'll be migrating my servers to it within the next month ( as soon as I can schedule adequate time to do so). | 03:39 |
PovAddict | I just installed Kubuntu, the restricted drivers, and compiz | 03:39 |
karl_ | i have a usb audio input device (microphone on my usb webcam) which works under skype, but I don't think that it has a mixer associated with it or is mapped as a device (/dev/). I would like to use it over flash, which supports this. Anyone know how to map the device someway for alsa to recognize it? | 03:39 |
PovAddict | I'm getting some strange display corruption | 03:39 |
PovAddict | http://imagebin.ca/view/gt7Z--R.html | 03:39 |
PovAddict | http://imagebin.ca/view/xKQUOhm.html | 03:40 |
PovAddict | inactive titlebars usually don't even show | 03:40 |
PovAddict | ie. unfocused windows (usually) have no titlebar or borders | 03:40 |
yuriy | Tw|sT: buggy in what way? please file bugs on this. | 03:42 |
Tw|sT | will do, asap. | 03:43 |
Tw|sT | the bug was a disconnection to the installation media. after this, using the same hardware, I ran a hd test (via Ultimate Boot CD) then ran a media check from the kubuntu disc. | 03:44 |
Tw|sT | all turned out A-ok | 03:44 |
Tw|sT | every attempt at a direct install failed | 03:44 |
Tw|sT | but, when I booted into desktop mode, and installed via the desktop Icon, everything went as expected. | 03:45 |
=== mats is now known as mts | ||
=== mts is now known as _mats_ | ||
Agent_bob | what happens if you don't register windows vesta ? | 03:59 |
fildo_ | they send the cops to ur house | 03:59 |
fildo_ | a | 03:59 |
fildo_ | asking for cash | 03:59 |
PovAddict | ask in ##windows | 03:59 |
Agent_bob | lol and how whould they know ?? | 04:00 |
Eruaran | they use it ? | 04:00 |
fildo_ | ur ip addy | 04:00 |
fildo_ | the track it down | 04:00 |
PovAddict | Agent_bob: if you don't register it, it will enter Crippled Mode, basically | 04:00 |
fildo_ | anyways, stop asking ridiclous question, goto #windowblows | 04:00 |
PovAddict | I just installed Kubuntu, the restricted drivers, and compiz; and I'm getting display corruption on the window decorations | 04:01 |
fildo | Sysinfo for 'broken': Linux 2.6.20-15-generic running KDE 3.5.6, CPU: Intel(R)Pentium(R)DualCPUE2180@2.00GHz at 1200 MHz (4014 bogomips), , RAM: 511/2027MB, 115 proc's, 51.4min up | 04:01 |
fildo | ops | 04:01 |
PovAddict | http://imagebin.ca/view/xKQUOhm.html | 04:01 |
PovAddict | http://imagebin.ca/view/gt7Z--R.html | 04:01 |
midgard | hi everyone | 04:02 |
Agent_bob | PovAddict yes as i see. crippled mode as you call it. means it will start internet explorer only lol | 04:03 |
Dr_willis | that way it can still get spyware! | 04:03 |
Agent_bob | right :) | 04:03 |
Eruaran | It IS spyware | 04:03 |
Agent_bob | yes drm and all | 04:03 |
Eruaran | a number of processes 'phone home' to a couple of microsoft addresses | 04:04 |
Dr_willis | people at work can not understand how i can 'legally' give away kubuntu/ubuntu and other linux cd's | 04:04 |
Eruaran | send them to the FSF website | 04:05 |
Agent_bob | Dr_willis now that's sad. i can't understand why it would be illeagle to give away windows cd's like aol cd's ... ? | 04:05 |
Agent_bob | would/could | 04:05 |
Dr_willis | Onw guy eas wanting a word processor. but dident want to pirate Word.. so i gave him an OpenOffice cd. :) | 04:06 |
Dr_willis | With OOo and Abiword both on it for windows. Did all the tasks that he needed. | 04:06 |
Eruaran | Imagine if a good book came with a licence and a seal stating that buy opening it and breaking the seal you agree to the publishers EULA... | 04:06 |
PovAddict | Agent_bob: because each person has to pay for Windows | 04:06 |
redmoon | What is the Site for wine? | 04:06 |
PovAddict | winehq.org | 04:07 |
PovAddict | IIRC | 04:07 |
redmoon | k | 04:07 |
Agent_bob | PovAddict correct. "each person" is paying for windows. not only the users thereof | 04:07 |
=== fb is now known as brownbear | ||
redmoon | wait... is that the site for the emurl wine? or.. a " wine drink " site? | 04:08 |
Dr_willis | >hic< | 04:08 |
PovAddict | try it and see | 04:08 |
redmoon | ahm........... | 04:08 |
redmoon | its not the right one >< | 04:09 |
PovAddict | it is | 04:09 |
PovAddict | http://www.winehq.org/ | 04:09 |
Dr_willis | !wine | 04:09 |
ubottu | WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility. | 04:09 |
redmoon | thats what i put in.... =.= | 04:09 |
Agent_bob | Eruaran better still, Imagine if every one that opened their mouth to speak started with the words "by listening to the following, you will be accepting the EULA of the entire speach" | 04:09 |
redmoon | it didnt give me the right site | 04:09 |
PovAddict | btw, W.I.N.E. = Wine Is Not an Emulator | 04:10 |
Eruaran | Agent_bob: heh | 04:10 |
tales_2010 | I downloaded and installed kubuntu 8.04 hardy, but I can't configure my network conection.. it says my default gateway is wrong, but it's not! | 04:10 |
Agent_bob | !wine | redmoon | 04:10 |
ubottu | redmoon: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility. | 04:10 |
PovAddict | Agent_bob: http://bash.org/?577451 | 04:10 |
Dr_willis | Wine is an Open Source implementation of the Windows API on top of X, OpenGL, and Unix. first line on http://www.winehq.org/ | 04:10 |
Agent_bob | !appdb | redmoon | 04:11 |
ubottu | redmoon: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org | 04:11 |
tales_2010 | I downloaded and installed kubuntu 8.04 hardy, but I can't configure my network conection.. it says my default gateway is wrong, but it's not, and my connection does not work.. anyone knows why? | 04:11 |
redmoon | I dont care what if its an emulator or not i need it | 04:11 |
redmoon | >.> | 04:11 |
Dr_willis | Then install it? | 04:11 |
PovAddict | erm | 04:11 |
* Agent_bob doubts that you "need" wine, and rather supects that you "want" it. | 04:12 | |
redmoon | Im trying but im having the same complications =.= | 04:12 |
PovAddict | you'll kill me for asking this, but | 04:12 |
PovAddict | does Kontact support syncing with PalmOS devices? :) | 04:12 |
redmoon | I dont want it... I need it | 04:12 |
redmoon | stupid >.> | 04:12 |
Agent_bob | you need air water and food. you want everything else. | 04:12 |
redmoon | Not really... | 04:13 |
redmoon | You also need a job to buy your water and food | 04:13 |
redmoon | so bleh | 04:13 |
redmoon | not everything is wanted | 04:13 |
redmoon | mind your own buisness please and i'll be fine | 04:13 |
PovAddict | you need air water and food; a job is just a way to get them | 04:14 |
Agent_bob | who poste that bash.org url lol | 04:14 |
redmoon | No... you NEED a job | 04:14 |
redmoon | you can live with just food and water.. its no good unless you have shelter | 04:14 |
Agent_bob | redmoon many people have lived without them | 04:14 |
redmoon | therefore not everything is wanted | 04:14 |
redmoon | w/e im not gonna argue with an idiot =.= | 04:15 |
redmoon | Like i said ill be fine if you mind your own buisness >.> | 04:15 |
Agent_bob | why not? i have been | 04:15 |
redmoon | har har har | 04:15 |
redmoon | im no idiot =.= | 04:15 |
Agent_bob | :) | 04:15 |
Agent_bob | #!ops | would show me to the door please, i'm arguing with an idiot | 04:16 |
tales_2010 | I downloaded and installed kubuntu 8.04 hardy, but I can't configure my network conection.. it says my default gateway is invalid, but it's not, and my connection does not work.. anyone knows why? | 04:16 |
redmoon | Im not an idiot tyvm | 04:16 |
redmoon | Your the idiot... not everything is wanted | 04:16 |
PovAddict | right | 04:16 |
PovAddict | everyone has the right to own a computer... | 04:17 |
redmoon | No... that my friend is something we want | 04:17 |
PovAddict | so is Wine | 04:17 |
redmoon | i said not everything is wanted i never said nothing is wanted | 04:17 |
redmoon | or w/e | 04:17 |
Agent_bob | tales_2010 umm is that in kdenetwork manager? | 04:17 |
redmoon | Wine is wanted | 04:17 |
redmoon | i need it | 04:17 |
redmoon | someone else can want it.. But i need it | 04:17 |
Agent_bob | err knetwork manager i mean ? | 04:17 |
neon | i am trying to install themes from kde=look.ork but noluck is there a tutorial i can read on how to, thx | 04:17 |
Dr_willis | !info wine | 04:18 |
ubottu | wine: Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.59-0ubuntu4 (hardy), package size 11455 kB, installed size 53620 kB | 04:18 |
Dr_willis | Enable universe repository, install wine. | 04:18 |
redmoon | as i said before........ if you mind your own buisness i wont have a problem >.<" | 04:18 |
PovAddict | redmoon: why are you in the channel? | 04:18 |
redmoon | Because Im busy doing multi things | 04:18 |
redmoon | multi-tasking | 04:18 |
redmoon | im adding different servers | 04:19 |
redmoon | and talking in multiple chatroom | 04:19 |
redmoon | chatrooms* | 04:19 |
redmoon | =.= | 04:19 |
redmoon | have a problem with that? | 04:19 |
PovAddict | yea so why did you join this one | 04:19 |
redmoon | Idk.. it was already there | 04:19 |
redmoon | i just clicked it | 04:19 |
redmoon | Once again.......... if youd mind your own buisness id be fine >.>.. | 04:19 |
redmoon | there are other people in here for you to torment | 04:20 |
PovAddict | if we minded our own business, we wouldn't have told you where to find Wine website | 04:20 |
redmoon | =.="..... It was a simple question because i forgot to add it to my favs so i wouldnt have to look for it =.= I asked a simple question and got smart ass remarks instead | 04:20 |
Agent_bob | redmoon enough already. if you stop insulting others you will be treeted much more hospitably | 04:20 |
neon | i am trying to install themes from kde=look.ork but noluck is there a tutorial i can read on how to, thx | 04:20 |
redmoon | Idc how im treated... im treated terrible everyday... Even tho ive never done anything to anyone.. spoken to anyone... Its just a racist thing i guess.... | 04:21 |
Dr_willis | neon, theres a factoid | 04:21 |
redmoon | so... being treated like crap over the internet dont bother me any | 04:21 |
Dr_willis | !installthemes | 04:21 |
ubottu | Factoid installthemes not found | 04:21 |
Dr_willis | !themes | 04:22 |
ubottu | Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy | 04:22 |
PovAddict | if you're treated badly by everyone, the problem might be you... | 04:22 |
Dr_willis | !changethemes | 04:22 |
ubottu | To change gnome themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy. Kubuntu themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu. Xubuntu users should /msg ubotu xfce-themes | 04:22 |
redmoon | The problem isnt me... | 04:22 |
redmoon | I dont even interact with people | 04:22 |
redmoon | retard >.> | 04:22 |
PovAddict | you are, right now | 04:22 |
neon | thx | 04:22 |
redmoon | Thats because its internet | 04:22 |
redmoon | and idc who says stuff about me over itnernet | 04:22 |
redmoon | =.= | 04:22 |
redmoon | There is a diff between... being treated badly by people your surrounded by everyday... and random people over the internet who dont even know who you are =.= | 04:23 |
BluesKaj | redmoon, sorry , we have no resident shrinks here | 04:23 |
fildo | lol | 04:24 |
redmoon | I never said i needed a srhink >.> | 04:24 |
PovAddict | redmoon: then quit the channel | 04:24 |
redmoon | Y would i do that? | 04:24 |
redmoon | Like i said.. it doesnt bother me over the internet =.= | 04:24 |
redmoon | it just gets annoying | 04:24 |
BluesKaj | and for us too | 04:24 |
PovAddict | I thought bother and annoy were synonyms | 04:24 |
redmoon | then ignore it | 04:24 |
Agent_bob | calling people things like "idiot" and "retard" is expressly against the freenode.net CoC it could result in a kline. | 04:24 |
redmoon | So? | 04:25 |
PovAddict | redmoon: why don't YOU ignore it instead of asking us to mind our own business? mind yours and ignore us | 04:25 |
redmoon | Im minding mine tyvm | 04:25 |
redmoon | you should ignore it instead of retaliating | 04:25 |
redmoon | genius >.> | 04:25 |
Dr_willis | Plus it tends to make people want to help you less... so whatever.. Im off to do other things for a while. | 04:25 |
baudthief | having a strange problem after shutting down - I had to (literally) take a screenshot: http://www.horizons-edge.com.au/04052008037.jpg | 04:25 |
baudthief | any ideas? | 04:25 |
baudthief | it just hangs there | 04:25 |
redmoon | I could care less..... | 04:25 |
* Agent_bob notes that "retaliating" is a propper word there. | 04:25 | |
thechris | does 8.04 support installation from linux | 04:26 |
thechris | and if so, what additional kernal paremeters are required to get past usbcore.c | 04:27 |
Agent_bob | baudthief one idea on a workaround, use restart and then the power button before it boots again? | 04:27 |
BluesKaj | baudthief, try this site , it may help, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24/+bug/118605/comments/32 | 04:27 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 118605 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24 "[fglrx] freezes upon Logout or Switch user [patch]" [High,In progress] | 04:27 |
Agent_bob | oh good, patch in progress | 04:28 |
baudthief | Agent_bob: I had to do the whole "REISUB" thing, I didnt think it'd be safe to just hard reset | 04:28 |
baudthief | BluesKaj: thanks, checking it out | 04:28 |
BluesKaj | baudthief, ATI graphics I bet | 04:29 |
baudthief | nope | 04:29 |
baudthief | nVidia actually | 04:29 |
BluesKaj | oh | 04:29 |
Agent_bob | baudthief yeah, i'm talking the restart option rather than the shutdown option | 04:29 |
BluesKaj | hmm | 04:29 |
thechris | i'm getting /dev/ram does not exist when attempting to install | 04:29 |
baudthief | I'm 90% sure its due to samba shares I added - but still the question remains, why? | 04:30 |
BluesKaj | baudthief, sorry I should have asked first , before posting that site | 04:30 |
baudthief | np :P | 04:30 |
thechris | maybe this will work -- i'd like to install linux, but assume i don't have a CD drive | 04:31 |
Agent_bob | !install | thechris | 04:31 |
ubottu | thechris: Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate | 04:31 |
Agent_bob | see the last url | 04:32 |
thechris | ok, but those aren't up to date | 04:32 |
baudthief | BluesKaj: I guess I can just deal with it until I need to reinstall or whatever, things started getting really ugly after a failed upgrade to Hardy. Now I manually have to invoke 'mount -a' to mount my samba shares after logon, shutdown doesnt work, compiz is a bit choppy, etc | 04:32 |
Agent_bob | nothing is uptodate in the software world | 04:33 |
Agent_bob | !uptodate | 04:33 |
ubottu | Factoid uptodate not found | 04:33 |
Agent_bob | bah used to be a good one on that. said something like do you mean what the code monkeys are about to write right now ? | 04:33 |
BluesKaj | baudthief, is there a default restricted driver for your nvidia card ? | 04:34 |
PovAddict | I just installed Kubuntu, the restricted drivers, and compiz; and I'm getting display corruption on the window decorations | 04:34 |
PovAddict | http://imagebin.ca/view/xKQUOhm.html | 04:34 |
baudthief | BluesKaj: I think so, after I upgraded to hardy it didn't make me install manually, just worked right away | 04:34 |
Agent_bob | !compiz | PovAddict if this helps, | 04:34 |
ubottu | PovAddict if this helps,: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion | 04:34 |
baudthief | Blue: usually X dies saying it cant open a display, and i have to re-download and install a restricted driver manually | 04:35 |
PovAddict | Agent_bob: so "it's not supported, you're on your own if it doesn't work"? | 04:35 |
baudthief | * BluesKaj: | 04:35 |
Agent_bob | PovAddict the "further help in #compiz-fusion" part of that post ^ | 04:35 |
|TroubleMaker| | I am having trouble with samba shares, my windows machine (vista) can see my 8.04 machine but when trying to print to the printer connected to the linux box i get an error saying "Access denied, Unable to connect" any suggestions? | 04:35 |
baudthief | |TroubleMaker|: try adding "Map to bad user = Guest" to your smb.conf | 04:36 |
Dr_willis | |TroubleMaker|, you might want to make the printer 'public' also. | 04:36 |
Agent_bob | PovAddict as far as my helping can go on compiz you are totally on your own, but that's not by choice; that's of necessity. sorry. | 04:36 |
BluesKaj | baudthief, ok my symptoms were a shutdown hang , so I had to use the 3 finger salute to shut down after installing the restricted driver , but it was automatic after I chose theoption to do so. | 04:36 |
|TroubleMaker| | make the printer public in cups? | 04:37 |
BluesKaj | automatic install that is | 04:37 |
Dr_willis | Hmm.. samba shared printers are disabled by default? golly.. checking the smb.conf on my system right now. | 04:37 |
baudthief | BluesKaj: sounds ugly :P | 04:38 |
Dr_willis | |TroubleMaker|, guest ok = no Change to yes.. Might help. | 04:38 |
BluesKaj | baudthief, after following the tip on the site i posted earlier , the shutdown is normal | 04:38 |
sirmike1970md | hi all witch samba thing do i need to install to for the server so i can share files with my windows in k | 04:38 |
Agent_bob | BluesKaj bar keep, i'll have a three fingures of salute please :) | 04:39 |
baudthief | BluesKaj: hmm :\ I think i'll deal with it for now heh - the "disappearing checkbox" bug is as annoying as hell though | 04:39 |
BluesKaj | well, it's sacktime for me gents & gentilles... nitey nite | 04:39 |
|TroubleMaker| | under the printers section of the smb.conf file guest ok = yes right? | 04:40 |
baudthief | hah, sacktime :P | 04:40 |
baudthief | |TroubleMaker|: yup | 04:40 |
|TroubleMaker| | ok that was already done | 04:40 |
|TroubleMaker| | and just verified that one. | 04:40 |
GothicD3vil | can somebody give me a little of help? | 04:41 |
baudthief | |TroubleMaker|: try adding "Map to guest = bad user" under [global] | 04:41 |
Dr_willis | i alwyas make a windows user and linux user with the same name and password. making a samba password for the linux user with 'sudo smbpasswd -a USERNAME' - for my printing needs. | 04:41 |
baudthief | without quotes of course | 04:41 |
|TroubleMaker| | this is my wifes laptop and she has a log on with my machine with the same user name..so that issue is already done Dr_willis ...... i'll run the smbpasswd command though (i think i've been down that road too though) | 04:42 |
GothicD3vil | can somebody give me a little of help? | 04:42 |
baudthief | GothicD3vil: Don't ask to ask, just ask :P | 04:43 |
GothicD3vil | ok, my question is i'm looking for a user friendly os, right now im using fedora (not friendly) and i want to know how is kubuntu or ubuntu or mandriva | 04:44 |
Alexman | kubuntu | 04:44 |
Alexman | kubuntu 100% | 04:44 |
baudthief | agreed | 04:44 |
GothicD3vil | and how easy is for get programs and games? | 04:44 |
Alexman | i started out on SuSe and then switched to ubuntu | 04:44 |
Alexman | just run synaptic package manager | 04:44 |
Agent_bob | GothicD3vil last i compared mandriva was as uf as any. but that has been a few years now. | 04:45 |
Alexman | very easy | 04:45 |
GothicD3vil | because fedora is everything is yums | 04:45 |
baudthief | GothicD3vil: but dont take anyones word on it, download :P It runs straight from the CD, so you don't need to install to test | 04:45 |
baudthief | BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE | 04:45 |
* baudthief goes away :( | 04:45 | |
Dr_willis | Installing new stuff = run the packatge manager tool, click a few things, click intall... | 04:45 |
Agent_bob | GothicD3vil in mandriva everything is urpm and in ubuntu everything is apt | 04:45 |
GothicD3vil | i wish fedora was like that, i dont have mind for that too much sand in my brain to think in that | 04:46 |
|TroubleMaker| | ok ran the smbpasswd and made the map to guest change, restarted samba and no joy | 04:46 |
baudthief | |TroubleMaker|: :\ | 04:46 |
GothicD3vil | so you recomend kubuntu? | 04:46 |
baudthief | GothicD3vil: what answer would you expect from #kubuntu :P | 04:46 |
Dr_willis | |TroubleMaker|, try having the user connect to their home shares? | 04:46 |
Agent_bob | GothicD3vil i recomend debian, but you would probably like kubuntu better yes. | 04:47 |
|TroubleMaker| | i dont have home shares enabled..just wanted to share the printer | 04:47 |
GothicD3vil | jajajaja i dont know maybe you run two different programs | 04:47 |
|TroubleMaker| | guess i could uncomment those lines and try it though | 04:47 |
Alexman | how do i get my ip? | 04:47 |
Agent_bob | !whatsmyip | 04:47 |
ubottu | Factoid whatsmyip not found | 04:47 |
|TroubleMaker| | but i can see the printer in the windows machine's network browser | 04:47 |
Dr_willis | Also you might want to enable more verbose logging in the samba config, to see what its saying is going on. | 04:48 |
baudthief | www.whatsmyipaddress.com | 04:48 |
GothicD3vil | thanks for the help | 04:48 |
Dr_willis | It may be some CUPS issue, not a samba issue. | 04:48 |
Alexman | !whatsmyip | 04:49 |
ubottu | Factoid whatsmyip not found | 04:49 |
|TroubleMaker| | http://paste.ubuntu.com/9917/ thats my smb.conf file | 04:49 |
Alexman | umm | 04:50 |
Alexman | that website also says i live near washington :-p | 04:50 |
|TroubleMaker| | it may be Dr_willis but i havent seen what i missed with either service....thats why im here asking questions maybe we will stumble on my error | 04:50 |
Dr_willis | My smb.conf from my old printserver ---------> http://paste.stgraber.org/3153 | 04:51 |
GothicD3vil | kubuntu have compiz by default? | 04:52 |
Dr_willis | GothicD3vil, No it does not | 04:52 |
Dr_willis | !compiz | 04:52 |
ubottu | Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion | 04:52 |
Dr_willis | Takes all of 5 min to setup. | 04:53 |
GothicD3vil | thanks | 04:53 |
thechris | anyone here install 8.04 from something other than a CD/DVD? | 04:55 |
Alexman | i did! | 04:56 |
thechris | Alexman: how? | 04:59 |
Alexman | i did the update manager | 04:59 |
|TroubleMaker| | i tried yours Dr_willis .... no joy either (ofcourse i changed your MSHOME workgroup to WORKGROUP to match my wife's setup) | 05:01 |
Dr_willis | I always have to change the default workgroup to mshome. :P | 05:01 |
Dr_willis | Can she connect to her home shares? | 05:01 |
Dr_willis | if so - then we can say its not a samba issue.. (I think( | 05:01 |
thechris | Alexman: ok, but i don't have a previous version of ubuntu | 05:02 |
Alexman | ooh | 05:02 |
Alexman | then do a cd | 05:02 |
Alexman | or order one | 05:02 |
Dr_willis | thechris, you might want to clarify what you Are wanting to do exactly. | 05:03 |
Dr_willis | There are several alternative isntall methods | 05:03 |
Dr_willis | !install | 05:03 |
ubottu | Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate | 05:03 |
thechris | Dr_willis: without using a CD, and without currently having windows or ubuntu on my box, but with having another distro of linux, as well as grub and a small CD-sized partition available, as well as a network, install 8.04 | 05:05 |
Dr_willis | You can set up a 2nd linux box to do a netboot/install I belive. | 05:05 |
Agent_bob | script getmyip.sh http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d4f1779db | 05:06 |
Dr_willis | That way the intalling-to-box dosent need a cd/dvd at all. | 05:06 |
_mats_ | Why is Kontact trying (and failing) to connect to the server for my offline imap email account when I start it up? I have turned off all reasons I can think of for it to do that. | 05:06 |
|TroubleMaker| | Dr_willis, actually i dont see a home folder when looking at the linux box from this laptop | 05:06 |
thechris | Dr_willis: it seems very sad that there is no way to install 8.04 without a CD | 05:06 |
Dr_willis | thechris, thers are ways to isntall without a cd. | 05:06 |
Dr_willis | net boot, is one way. You can make a 'install able' usb-thumbdrive also. | 05:07 |
Agent_bob | i thought i posted the factoid on that hours ago | 05:07 |
Agent_bob | !install | 05:07 |
ubottu | Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate | 05:07 |
Dr_willis | You could set up a system where you dont even Need to Install on the client box. it could totally boot/run off a server. | 05:07 |
Agent_bob | there is a word for that | 05:08 |
Agent_bob | i just can't remember it. | 05:08 |
thechris | Well, i'm really trying to install in the most painless non-CD way. which should be to simply use a partition to hold the data from the ISO and use grub to boot it | 05:09 |
thechris | but that doesn't work | 05:09 |
thechris | also, "dumb terminal" | 05:09 |
Alexman | whats a "linux box"? | 05:09 |
thechris | any computer running linux | 05:09 |
Dr_willis | Ive heard of that being doable also thechris but ive never used that method so cant help any more. | 05:10 |
Dr_willis | One stillneeds a way to get grub to boot the .iso file. | 05:10 |
thechris | well, no you mount the iso and copy the files to the partition. | 05:10 |
Agent_bob | thechris you could copy an install from a desktop to the laptop using the liveCD | 05:10 |
Alexman | why dont you jsut order a free cd? O_O | 05:11 |
thechris | i just have 2 computers, neither with working CD burners, nor any blank cdrs | 05:11 |
Dr_willis | mounting the .iso will not work that way, since the installer does a lot of other things, for one reason. proberly a dozen other reasons also. | 05:12 |
Dr_willis | No 'usb thumb drives' either ? | 05:12 |
thechris | i might have one somewhere | 05:12 |
Alexman | order a cd | 05:12 |
Dr_willis | http://www.instantfundas.com/2007/08/install-any-linux-distro-directly-from.html | 05:12 |
Agent_bob | i.e. install on a desktop, boot the lappy with any good live linux cd, (good being a relitive term there) partition the hd on the lappy, mount an fs on the lappy and use tar over ssh to copy all files from the installed desktop to the lappy edit the fstab and menu.lst install grub and boot | 05:12 |
Dr_willis | basically sets up Grub on your HD to boot the .iso file. | 05:13 |
thechris | no, i can't install on a desktop | 05:13 |
thechris | i have no cd. | 05:13 |
Agent_bob | thechris go to shipit and order one | 05:13 |
Agent_bob | !shipit | 05:13 |
ubottu | shipit is a service that sends free Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Edubuntu CDs. See http://shipit.ubuntu.com/ and http://shipit.kubuntu.org and http://shipit.edubuntu.org - Shipit will send Hardy (8.04) CDs | 05:13 |
_mats_ | To answer my own question: I had checked "the server supports sieve". It was trying to connect to the sieve port! | 05:14 |
Agent_bob | and well see you in a month or two | 05:14 |
thechris | no, i'm fairly sure they will take more then an hour to send me the CD | 05:14 |
thechris | and if i can fix this in an hour... | 05:14 |
Agent_bob | you are not going to fix it in an hour, case closed | 05:14 |
Agent_bob | next | 05:14 |
thechris | not sure about that | 05:16 |
* Agent_bob checks timestamp on his irc logs... | 05:16 | |
|TroubleMaker| | Dr_willis, if it was a cups issue what else should i check? | 05:17 |
* |TroubleMaker| is still puzzling over the situation | 05:17 | |
=== sakui_ is now known as Sakui | ||
Sakui | /msg NickServ IDENTIFY anime | 05:20 |
pascalFR | aie aie aie :) | 05:20 |
Odd-rationale | thanks! | 05:20 |
Alexman | lol | 05:20 |
Alexman | omg | 05:20 |
Alexman | ROFL | 05:20 |
Sakui | lol | 05:20 |
=== Alexman is now known as Saku1 | ||
=== Saku1 is now known as Alexman | ||
Sakui | hehe | 05:21 |
Sakui | what is the program for kde's window manager? | 05:22 |
Sakui | the default | 05:22 |
Odd-rationale | kwin | 05:22 |
* Sakui sighs | 05:24 | |
chisiyuan | hello? | 05:24 |
Sakui | hi | 05:24 |
Alexman | ? | 05:24 |
Odd-rationale | Sakui: kwin | 05:24 |
Sakui | it's not loading | 05:25 |
Odd-rationale | Sakui: try alt+f2 and type in "kwin --replace" ? | 05:25 |
Agent_bob | don't you need some switch --replace | 05:25 |
Agent_bob | yeah what ^ he said | 05:25 |
Agent_bob | hmmm my kernel does NOT recognize vga=770 ;/ | 05:26 |
Sakui | alt+f2 doesn't work | 05:28 |
Bria3 | Hi! Can I ask something? | 05:29 |
Agent_bob | you just did. | 05:29 |
Agent_bob | do you mean something else ? | 05:29 |
Sakui | how do remove all of these unneeded fonts? | 05:30 |
Bria3 | yes. How to install KDE 4 to Kubuntu Hardy? | 05:30 |
Agent_bob | Sakui package manager | 05:30 |
Agent_bob | !kde4 | Bria3 | 05:31 |
ubottu | Bria3: KDE 4.0.3 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0.3 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.3.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde4 | 05:31 |
Bria3 | why my name becomes bria3? | 05:31 |
Bria3 | oh | 05:31 |
Sakui | I just have Kfontview installed | 05:31 |
thechris | Agent_bob: well, i somehow fixed it. moved grubs root to the same partition as grub and copied over the kernel. no reason this should have fixed anything, but i'll take my victories where i can | 05:33 |
ubuntu | Hey.... Im running the live version of Kubuntu for the first time... Oh and it is 7.10 still. Are there any games on Kubuntu??? | 05:33 |
PovAddict | I just changed a "Window behavior" setting | 05:34 |
PovAddict | and kde-window-decorator crashed | 05:34 |
viperserv2 | hello | 05:34 |
PovAddict | restarted it, changed a delay by 1ms and back to old value, clicked Apply, crashed again | 05:34 |
viperserv2 | i tried the doc on vnc server installation and the files arent there | 05:34 |
viperserv2 | when i use the get command to install | 05:35 |
ubuntu | hello | 05:35 |
viperserv2 | hmm is there another way to install vnc server through ssh? | 05:35 |
Dr_willis | viperserv2, what files are you refering to? theres several vnc varints. | 05:36 |
Dr_willis | viperserv2, i normally install the vnc4server package and clients | 05:36 |
viperserv2 | hmm it says no installation candidate | 05:38 |
viperserv2 | sudo apt-get install vnc4server xinetd | 05:38 |
viperserv2 | i tried that | 05:38 |
Dr_willis | !info vnc4server | 05:38 |
ubottu | vnc4server: Virtual network computing server software. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.1.1+xorg1.0.2-0ubuntu7 (hardy), package size 1063 kB, installed size 2484 kB | 05:38 |
Dr_willis | You might not have the universe repository enabled. | 05:38 |
Jack3 | how come when im in terminal on the live cd and type dolphin it says its not installed but it is? | 05:38 |
Dr_willis | Jack3, perhaps thats not the proper name for it? | 05:38 |
viperserv2 | hmm how do i see if it's enabled? | 05:39 |
PovAddict | Dr_willis: it is, works for me (in my installed Kubuntu) | 05:39 |
Dr_willis | which dolphin gives --> /usr/bin/dolphin | 05:39 |
Jack3 | none of the programs start from konsole on the livecd | 05:39 |
Jack3 | konqueror doesnt work either | 05:39 |
PovAddict | echo $PATH | 05:39 |
Dr_willis | I hate dolphin. i perfer konsole. Couldbe the path is incorrect on the live cd. | 05:39 |
Dr_willis | viperserv2, what ubuntu release are you using? | 05:40 |
Dr_willis | !repo | 05:40 |
ubottu | The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories | 05:40 |
viperserv2 | 7.04 desktop | 05:40 |
azzco | I've got multimedia keys on my beyboard, volume up/down are allready assigned, for global sound. Where do I unbind them? | 05:40 |
Dr_willis | viperserv2, fire up the packatge manager tool and enable the universe and other repositories like the guides say. | 05:41 |
PovAddict | what package contains kde-window-decorator? I can't get apt-file to work | 05:42 |
bibek | hi my server has load average: 5.69, 4.11, 2.93 | 05:42 |
fildo | !eggdrop | 05:42 |
ubottu | Factoid eggdrop not found | 05:42 |
viperserv2 | hmm u can do that through ssh? | 05:42 |
bibek | should i be worried? | 05:42 |
azzco | PovAddict: compiz-kde maybe? | 05:42 |
Dr_willis | compiz-kde - OpenGL window and compositing manager - KDE window decorator | 05:42 |
PovAddict | I wonder if there is any -dbg package for it | 05:42 |
PovAddict | I'm having kde-window-decorator crash as soon as I change any setting | 05:43 |
PovAddict | and stackdump says no symbols | 05:43 |
Jack3 | im trying to fix something with gurb using the live cd, and it says, 9) Run "grub --device.map=device.map" , but that says unrecognized option | 05:43 |
Dr_willis | viperserv2, if you are on a Linux box youc an 'ssh -X' to the remote and run apps.. or you can do all this via the command line. | 05:43 |
azzco | Launch the decorator from cli? | 05:43 |
bibek | load average: 5.69, 4.11, 2.93 is dangerous? my server is so slow | 05:43 |
PovAddict | bibek: mine is at 3.03, 2.53, 2.46 | 05:44 |
PovAddict | by choice :) | 05:44 |
Dr_willis | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/CommandLine On how to add repositories from the command line. | 05:44 |
PovAddict | at least 2.00 of that is solving a math problem | 05:44 |
PovAddict | with both cores | 05:44 |
bibek | PovAddict: :) oh | 05:44 |
bibek | mine is a server on old redhat system | 05:44 |
bibek | and migrating to ubuntu-server seems a real pain | 05:45 |
PovAddict | azzco: not much | 05:45 |
PovAddict | nicolas@ubuntu:~$ kde-window-decorator | 05:45 |
PovAddict | KCrash: Application 'kde-window-decorator' crashing... | 05:45 |
viperserv2 | well my only option is remote cause the server is far | 05:45 |
azzco | I get a big OSD whenever I touch any of my volume up/down keys. Anyone know how to unbind them (It's only kubuntu that has this feature with my kbd iirc) | 05:46 |
PovAddict | note after I restart kde-window-decorator, whatever settings I changed *are* in effect | 05:46 |
Dr_willis | viperserv2, if it has the X stuff installed, you can ssh -X in, and run apps. or you can do all this from the command line. | 05:46 |
PovAddict | if I disable compiz, it crashes too but at least it restarts itself | 05:47 |
Gokee2 | Hello all I am trying to get xdmx to work. I can`t seem to find the package I need I tried getting libdmx1 but that was already the newest version. Anyone know where I should go to get Xdmx? | 05:47 |
Agent_bob | is there any form of sshd for that "other os" ? | 05:48 |
azzco | Agent_bob: putty | 05:48 |
Agent_bob | azzco thought that was client only ? | 05:48 |
PovAddict | Agent_bob: sshD? useless, you can't do much from a command line on "that other os" | 05:48 |
Gokee2 | Does putty do sshd? | 05:48 |
viperserv2 | well ssh -x bring me to ssh usage options | 05:49 |
azzco | Agent_bob: Sorry just jumped right out of my mouth without thinking. Yeah it's only a client from what I know | 05:49 |
PovAddict | Agent_bob: but I think cygwin has a ssh server | 05:49 |
Agent_bob | PovAddict irrelivant. just want a way to ssh into it. | 05:49 |
Gokee2 | Agent_bob, Whats the point if you can`t do anything? | 05:50 |
Agent_bob | Gokee2 if you can't do anything ? that's way to open ended | 05:50 |
PovAddict | kde-window-decorator still consistently crashing | 05:51 |
Gokee2 | Hmmm.... | 05:51 |
Dr_willis | viperserv2, its -X not -x | 05:51 |
Dr_willis | viperserv2, are you on a linux box right now? | 05:51 |
Agent_bob | Gokee2 you can't do anything in that other os anyway, so what's the point in having it is just as factual and relavent | 05:52 |
Matt1728 | can anyone help me install flashplayer on opera | 05:52 |
viperserv2 | i can only remote | 05:52 |
viperserv2 | they box is at a data center :( | 05:52 |
Dr_willis | viperserv2, it may or may not have X on it then. Use the command line howto/guide to enable the extra repositories then is proberly the best bet. | 05:53 |
Sakui | where are the system fonts located? | 05:53 |
Dr_willis | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/CommandLine On how to add repositories from the command line. | 05:53 |
Dr_willis | viperserv2, basicially you edit 1 file and remove the # comment at the front of a few lines. :) | 05:54 |
FlyBye | Hi - I am looking for help with a wubi installation on a system which already has xp(x86) and vista(x64) on it .. anybody with experiance of doing this? | 05:54 |
Gokee2 | Agent_bob, Its handy for IE to make your website look right to people who use it | 05:54 |
Gokee2 | Although I am thinking of setting up IE in wine | 05:55 |
FlyBye | right now even if I put the desktop cd iso in the same folder as wubi it does not find the iso and crashes | 05:55 |
viperserv2 | well it seems it installed vnc now | 05:56 |
Dr_willis | viperserv2, which vnc did you isntall. :) | 05:56 |
viperserv2 | vnc4server xinetd | 05:56 |
FlyBye | Is there a wubi- guru in the House??? | 05:56 |
Dr_willis | if using vnc remotely over the internet. it would be safest to set up some ssh tunnles.. but thats beyond me. | 05:56 |
Dr_willis | viperserv2, you might want to install some very minimal desktop to use with vnc also. Kde can be rather slow. | 05:57 |
Dr_willis | viperserv2, ALSO if you are doing Linux to linux only. that 'freenx' tool may work better for you then vnc. | 05:57 |
Dr_willis | !freenx | 05:58 |
ubottu | FreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX | 05:58 |
FlyBye | nobody keen to have a shot at a wubi- installer problem... | 06:00 |
Dr_willis | I avoide wubi like the plague. | 06:01 |
Dr_willis | !wubi | 06:01 |
ubottu | Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. | 06:01 |
Dr_willis | thats the extent of my Wubi knowledge. :) | 06:01 |
Jack3 | with vi how do i move the cursor to the right side of a letter? | 06:02 |
FlyBye | Hi Dr. Wi... jeah - kool - I got that far myself hehehe | 06:02 |
Agent_bob | maybe i should install windows in a vertual machine so i can install wubi ??? | 06:02 |
Dr_willis | Arrow key? of course ubuntu defaults to the vim-tiny - so that may not be enabled in that. | 06:02 |
Dr_willis | there is a 'vimtutor' program that gives you a vi 101 basics training. :) | 06:03 |
Agent_bob | Jack3 press [ins] then use the arrow keys | 06:03 |
Dr_willis | l = moves right in vi :) | 06:03 |
Agent_bob | in command mode yeah | 06:03 |
Agent_bob | in insert mode l = l | 06:04 |
Dr_willis | Of coruse I recvall in the vim-tiny in INSERT mode. the arrow keys kick you out of insertmode and print out some escape codes. | 06:04 |
Dr_willis | since its in vi compatability mode. (i think) I have my vim so tweaked its scary | 06:04 |
FlyBye | Agent .. that is a somwhat perverse idea... heheh | 06:05 |
Dr_willis | Hmm.. hardy seemes to have fixed that quirk. Yea! | 06:05 |
Agent_bob | FlyBye heh yeah | 06:05 |
dthacker | whoa! hardy means no more control codes with arrows! That's been bugging me for a year. | 06:06 |
FlyBye | so where the f- am I gonna find some help on this wubi thing...? | 06:06 |
dthacker | in vi that is | 06:06 |
azzco | dthacker: control codes? | 06:06 |
dthacker | or escape codes. | 06:06 |
Agent_bob | FlyBye well it's not kde specific so maybe in #ubuntu maybe in #wubi maybe in ##linux or ##linuxhelp | 06:06 |
Agent_bob | !wubi | 06:07 |
ubottu | Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. | 06:07 |
* dthacker needs to do some vi tweaking | 06:07 | |
* Agent_bob never did learn to like vi | 06:07 | |
Agent_bob | </ducks> | 06:07 |
Dr_willis | dthacker, :) thats what vim.tiny and the compatability mode caused. | 06:07 |
PovAddict | heh | 06:07 |
Dr_willis | dthacker, a 3 min fix. :) | 06:07 |
PovAddict | my iPod touch is seen as a *camera* | 06:08 |
Fujisan | !vista | 06:08 |
ubottu | Vista is a recent version of Microsoft Windows. Discussion on Windows related topics is available in ##windows. General issues on moving from Windows to Ubuntu is convered in the the wiki guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwitchingToUbuntu/FromWindows | 06:08 |
Agent_bob | hmmm going to have to cat zero to sda1 "scandisk" found all sorts of disk errors.... | 06:09 |
Dr_willis | use dd may be faster. :) | 06:09 |
Agent_bob | think so ? | 06:09 |
Fujisan | i see an error | 06:09 |
Fujisan | double the | 06:09 |
Dr_willis | be sure you dont use sda1 when you mean sda, and so forth also. | 06:09 |
Fujisan | ;o | 06:09 |
Fujisan | thundercats hooooooooooooooooo | 06:09 |
Agent_bob | Dr_willis no just a partition (yes that laptop has them, unlike all my other boxen) | 06:10 |
Fujisan | !beer | 06:11 |
ubottu | Factoid beer not found | 06:11 |
Fujisan | !love | 06:11 |
ubottu | Love is like racing across the frozen tundra on a snowmobile which flips over, trapping you underneath. At night, the ice-weasels come. | 06:11 |
Fujisan | !hate | 06:11 |
ubottu | hate is a thing we don't encourage - why waste your energy | 06:11 |
Agent_bob | YEAH! "ice-weasel" | 06:11 |
Fujisan | hehe | 06:12 |
PovAddict | stop playing with the bot and fix my OS | 06:12 |
PovAddict | lol | 06:12 |
Fujisan | !help | 06:12 |
ubottu | I am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;) | 06:12 |
Agent_bob | Dr_willis i'm timming it. i'll do both cat and dd to see which is faster | 06:12 |
Fujisan | D: | 06:12 |
PovAddict | lol @ !help | 06:12 |
Fujisan | baba | 06:12 |
Fujisan | nalioth | 06:13 |
viperserv2 | i installed nxserver but it's not in the dir | 06:13 |
Fujisan | :) | 06:13 |
Fujisan | Jucato | 06:13 |
Fujisan | wake up :P | 06:13 |
Fujisan | i need ya'll | 06:13 |
PovAddict | argh | 06:13 |
PovAddict | I keep having kde-window-decorator crash on me when I change any setting | 06:13 |
PovAddict | *and* titlebar display corruption when compiz is in use | 06:14 |
Fujisan | lol | 06:14 |
nalioth | Fujisan: there are 296 other people here that can help you | 06:14 |
Fujisan | which kde version? | 06:14 |
Dr_willis | Agent_bob, use /dev/random also :) | 06:15 |
PovAddict | Fujisan: KDE 3, Kubuntu 8.04 | 06:15 |
Fujisan | sorry nalioth | 06:15 |
PovAddict | no! /dev/random will be slow as hell | 06:15 |
PovAddict | use /dev/urandom | 06:15 |
Dr_willis | heck use /dev/dsp ! :) | 06:15 |
Agent_bob | Dr_willis that would be cheeting. i'll use zero on both | 06:15 |
Fujisan | PovAddict that could be caused by lots of things | 06:15 |
viperserv2 | oh the package isn't there anymore | 06:16 |
Agent_bob | that never would finish... | 06:16 |
Fujisan | -i am novice newb- | 06:16 |
Fujisan | i just boot into kubuntu whenever i want to be white and nerdy :P | 06:16 |
Agent_bob | cli only and i'm not playing sound | 06:16 |
Agent_bob | maybe psaux tho :))) | 06:17 |
Fujisan | kubuntu via andLinux is my preferred medicine :))) | 06:17 |
viperserv2 | hmm will other version of freenx work on ubuntu? | 06:17 |
Fujisan | PovAddict but according to nalioth there are 296 other people here that can help you | 06:17 |
Fujisan | :) | 06:17 |
Agent_bob | Fujisan you can't be white and nerdy in kubuntu, you can only be nerdy cause it's international | 06:18 |
Fujisan | hehe | 06:18 |
Dr_willis | viperserv2, yep. you may want to check the official freenx web site - see if they have newer packages | 06:18 |
Fujisan | it was a reference to the song | 06:18 |
Fujisan | Agent_bob | 06:18 |
Fujisan | the werd al song | 06:18 |
Fujisan | i didnt mean anything negative just a reference to that tune | 06:18 |
Agent_bob | who's werd al ? | 06:19 |
Fujisan | weird Al Yankovic | 06:19 |
Agent_bob | :) | 06:19 |
Fujisan | cant be bothered with spelling | 06:19 |
* PovAddict points at #kubuntu-offtopic | 06:19 | |
Fujisan | PovAddict life is offtopic | 06:19 |
Fujisan | :) | 06:19 |
Fujisan | hence why it is temporary | 06:19 |
Agent_bob | like duh, i even got it without the 'i' | 06:20 |
Agent_bob | :) | 06:20 |
Agent_bob | PovAddict was someone working on something ? | 06:21 |
PovAddict | Agent_bob: wtF | 06:21 |
Agent_bob | oh man, shots fired! be back when. | 06:21 |
Dr_willis | viperserv2, https://launchpad.net/~marceloshima/+archive seems to have some. No idea how reliable they are. | 06:21 |
PovAddict | yeah I bet people around the world are working on something | 06:21 |
viperserv2 | hmm how do i install a source? | 06:29 |
Odd-rationale | !compile | viperserv2 | 06:29 |
ubottu | viperserv2: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first) | 06:29 |
Odd-rationale | viperserv2: you can download the nxserver .deb from nomachine.com | 06:30 |
viperserv2 | .deb is that a binary version? | 06:31 |
Odd-rationale | yes | 06:31 |
Fujisan | http://img215.imageshack.us/img215/9307/ubottuve0.png<-- this is a pic of me and ubottu hitting it off =p | 06:31 |
PovAddict | eww vista | 06:32 |
Fujisan | PovAddict | 06:32 |
Fujisan | no | 06:32 |
Fujisan | its a theme | 06:32 |
Fujisan | borders | 06:32 |
PovAddict | so what | 06:32 |
Fujisan | its not vista | 06:32 |
PovAddict | I know it's not | 06:32 |
PovAddict | you're making it look like Vista | 06:32 |
Fujisan | yes | 06:33 |
PovAddict | I'm sick of themes that are just like Vista with a color or two changed - no originality anymore? | 06:33 |
Odd-rationale | you can make linux look like whatever you want. who cares? | 06:33 |
PovAddict | Odd-rationale: and I can say "eww" to whatever I want. who cares? | 06:34 |
Fujisan | PovAddict you have a chip on your shoulder matey | 06:34 |
Fujisan | be nice :) | 06:34 |
Odd-rationale | not me... :P | 06:34 |
Fujisan | be well be liked :D | 06:34 |
PovAddict | well been asking questions here for a while, I'd say not a single useful answer so far | 06:34 |
PovAddict | and you just go offtopic | 06:35 |
PovAddict | then tell me to "be nice", when I'm not saying anything wrong... | 06:35 |
viperserv2 | hmm i am not sure what to get off that site | 06:35 |
Odd-rationale | viperserv2: let me show you... | 06:35 |
Odd-rationale | viperserv2: first, what have installed so far and from where | 06:36 |
Dr_willis | https://launchpad.net/~marceloshima/+archive had some debs and lines for the sources.list for hardy. | 06:36 |
Odd-rationale | ? | 06:36 |
Fujisan | PovAddict the virtue of patience is a virtue you still need to master young paddawan | 06:36 |
Dr_willis | use at your own risk - of course. | 06:36 |
yao_ziyua1 | can anyone suggest faster solutions than tor? | 06:36 |
viperserv2 | i installed vnc server ealier | 06:37 |
Odd-rationale | viperserv2: did you install any nx, freenx stuff? | 06:37 |
viperserv2 | not sure if it's runner | 06:37 |
viperserv2 | no | 06:37 |
viperserv2 | the server is a core2due with 4gb of ram i think. would vnc lag it down much? | 06:38 |
Dr_willis | vnc needs a little bit of setting up. and it does not run by default as a service. | 06:38 |
Odd-rationale | not too much | 06:38 |
Dr_willis | the issue with vnc is the connection between machines - which can make the desktop laggy | 06:38 |
Odd-rationale | viperserv2: are you running 32bit? | 06:38 |
viperserv2 | freenx is the same thing but smoother? | 06:39 |
viperserv2 | not sure | 06:39 |
Dr_willis | freenx is a similer tool. but supposed to be faster | 06:39 |
Dr_willis | I only use vnc on local lans. | 06:39 |
Odd-rationale | viperserv2: or are you running 64bit? | 06:39 |
viperserv2 | how do i get what os and system info? | 06:39 |
=== Jucato_ is now known as Jucato | ||
Fujisan | Jucato :D | 06:40 |
Fujisan | my tagalog linguel expert :) | 06:40 |
Dr_willis | lsb_release -a viperserv2 | 06:41 |
Agent_bob | -d | 06:41 |
viperserv2 | says nothing about the bit | 06:42 |
viperserv2 | so it might be the normal version | 06:42 |
Agent_bob | Dr_willis it isn't finished but i can already tell you that cat * > * is more than twice as fast as dd if=* of=* | 06:42 |
Odd-rationale | well, if you don;'t know, then you are probably running 32bit... | 06:42 |
Odd-rationale | viperserv2: download the client, the node, and the server, and install them in that order. | 06:43 |
Odd-rationale | http://www.nomachine.com/download-package.php?Prod_Id=5 | 06:43 |
Odd-rationale | viperserv2: got that? | 06:46 |
Dr_willis | Agent_bob, there may be the reason one always sees dd used with a blocksize argument. | 06:46 |
viperserv2 | yeah | 06:46 |
viperserv2 | i am ul the nod and server to the server | 06:47 |
Agent_bob | Dr_willis can't see that it would matter, it defaults to bs=512 | 06:47 |
Odd-rationale | viperserv2: ? | 06:47 |
Dr_willis | Hmm.. i cant figure out freenx. :() lol. thats proberly why i always used vnc | 06:47 |
Odd-rationale | viperserv2: what are you doing? | 06:47 |
Dr_willis | Agent_bob, i just recall always seeing dd examples with some bs options. I normally just dd from cd/dvd disks to iso files. | 06:48 |
Agent_bob | Dr_willis but doesn't dd 1.read write read compare 2.read write read compare 3.... ? | 06:48 |
viperserv2 | still ul those to the server | 06:48 |
Odd-rationale | viperserv2: what is ul :? | 06:48 |
Dr_willis | Agent_bob, i ALSo recall a special recovery dd variant for imaging bad disks that i think skiped some steps :) | 06:49 |
Agent_bob | whereas cat readZ and the out is redirrected to the device... | 06:49 |
Odd-rationale | upload? | 06:49 |
viperserv2 | yeah sorry | 06:49 |
Agent_bob | Dr_willis hmmm well the clock is still running and it looks like dd is at least three times slower than cat > by defautl | 06:49 |
Odd-rationale | viperserv2: let me know when all is finished installing. (just double-click the .deb to open with gdebi-kde) | 06:50 |
Dr_willis | Agent_bob, file a bug! :) | 06:50 |
viperserv2 | well odd theres a problem | 06:50 |
viperserv2 | i can only ssh | 06:50 |
Odd-rationale | viperserv2: what is that? | 06:50 |
Agent_bob | why? it seems to be functioning like it was designed to Dr_willis ;/ | 06:50 |
Odd-rationale | viperserv2: np | 06:50 |
jonee | hello how are you able to set up wep in kubuntu? | 06:50 |
Odd-rationale | viperserv2: just do "sudo dpkg -i /pathto.deb | 06:51 |
Agent_bob | Dr_willis or did you mean on your advice :))) | 06:51 |
Dr_willis | Agent_bob, reading up on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/Dd they state the trade offs of using a small vs a large block size | 06:52 |
Dr_willis | writing TO your disk like you are a large BS would help a lot. | 06:52 |
Dr_willis | Agent_bob, Hmm. that url has some neat dd tricks. :) | 06:53 |
Agent_bob | i still doubt that it can compair to cat > | 06:54 |
Jack3 | can someone that is good with grub take a look at this and possibly help me http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=781157 | 06:55 |
viperserv2 | dirno go | 06:55 |
Odd-rationale | viperserv2: ready for the next step? | 06:55 |
Agent_bob | jack3 i'll look but i'm not claiming any grateness. | 06:55 |
Dr_willis | Agent_bob, im guessing theres some reason tht i see NO 'examples' or suggestions to use cat, over dd.. Heck i cant even find any examples on google with using 'cat' to do it. | 06:56 |
Agent_bob | Jack3 do you have a live linux CD ? booted in that system ? | 06:57 |
jonee | can anyone help me setup my wep key in kubuntu? | 06:57 |
viperserv2 | it didn't install for some reason | 06:57 |
Odd-rationale | viperserv2: what did it say? | 06:57 |
viperserv2 | dpkg: error processing /pathto.deb (--install): | 06:58 |
gwen | Greets, everyone... | 06:58 |
Odd-rationale | viperserv2: you were suppose to replace /pathto.deb with the corecct file path to the .deb file | 06:58 |
Odd-rationale | viperserv2: hold on... | 06:58 |
Agent_bob | Dr_willis getting close to 4x the time... and you said it might be faster :))) | 06:59 |
* Agent_bob razzes the good doctor while he can hehhe | 06:59 | |
Dr_willis | Agent_bob, from the guide i just saw using the bs=40whatever the speeds should be identical | 06:59 |
Odd-rationale | viperserv2: the computer you want to be the nxserver, is not the computer you are on now? | 06:59 |
viperserv2 | no it's a server at a data center | 07:00 |
Agent_bob | Dr_willis i'll test it when this one gets finished. and it's 4096 | 07:00 |
Odd-rationale | an you want to remotely control that server with nx? | 07:00 |
Dr_willis | Agent_bob, some inte4ersting info on http://www.kernel.sg/roller/eugene/entry/cat_1_is_as_fast also | 07:00 |
gwen | I just installed Kubuntu Hardy on my aunt's desktop and GRUB is failing to load Windows XP - My menu.lst: http://www.pastebin.ca/1006731 - Any ideas? | 07:00 |
Dr_willis | Agent_bob, also it appears that one 'cat' is not always the same as another disrtos cat. :) | 07:01 |
Odd-rationale | viperserv2: an you want to remotely control that server with nx from you local computer? | 07:01 |
Odd-rationale | viperserv2: I'm tryin to understan your situation... | 07:01 |
Agent_bob | Dr_willis it finished exactly 4x as long. i'll test with bs=4k now. | 07:01 |
Dr_willis | Agent_bob, then post a report.. :) | 07:01 |
Dr_willis | with powerpoint graphs | 07:02 |
Agent_bob | lol | 07:02 |
Agent_bob | not a chance | 07:02 |
viperserv2 | yes | 07:02 |
Dr_willis | Then try with bs=1gb | 07:02 |
Dr_willis | :) | 07:02 |
viperserv2 | this computer is using vista | 07:02 |
* Agent_bob wonders where jack3 went | 07:02 | |
viperserv2 | server ubuntu 7.04 | 07:02 |
Dr_willis | I will have to rember to set the bs when i dd from cd/dvd disks to iso in the futyre also. | 07:02 |
Agent_bob | Dr_willis why not 22g seeing that's the partition size ;/ | 07:02 |
Odd-rationale | viperserv2: right now, you are on your local (vista) computer, connecting to the remote computer via ssh? | 07:03 |
Dr_willis | Agent_bob, use 30g see ifyou can enlarge the disk | 07:03 |
Agent_bob | ummm aren't cd's some wierd 1008 or something size ? | 07:03 |
viperserv2 | yes | 07:03 |
viperserv2 | i also have winscp connected | 07:03 |
Agent_bob | Dr_willis i already know enough about dd to know that that will fail | 07:04 |
Jack3 | Agent_bob, oh gosh im sorry i totally forgot :( | 07:04 |
Agent_bob | Jack3 do you have a live linux CD ? booted in that system ? | 07:04 |
Jack3 | Agent_bob, yes i have a kubuntu bootable cd | 07:04 |
Agent_bob | ok | 07:04 |
Jack3 | should i start it up? | 07:04 |
Odd-rationale | viperserv2: so you donwloaded the three .deb files already? | 07:04 |
viperserv2 | yeah there in the /home dl | 07:05 |
Agent_bob | jack do this in a terminal and pastebin the results for me please "cat /proc/partitions" and what is the linux installation location ? | 07:05 |
Odd-rationale | viperserv2: thay are on your locale machine or the remote machine? | 07:05 |
Agent_bob | jack3 yes running linux do that ^ | 07:05 |
viperserv2 | both | 07:06 |
ttread | gwen, can you access the Windows partition ok from Kubuntu? | 07:06 |
Jack3 | Agent_bob, linux is on a partition of the 120gb that is the first primary master drive during post. | 07:06 |
Jack3 | it is /dev/hde1 | 07:06 |
Odd-rationale | viperserv2: where are they on the remote machine? what folders? | 07:06 |
viperserv2 | ./hom | 07:06 |
viperserv2 | ./home | 07:06 |
Agent_bob | Jack3 ok but, just because you change the order of disks in bios; it does not mean that you change them in linux. it does however mean that you changed the order in grub. so we need to see where linux sees the disks and where bios sees them. k | 07:07 |
Odd-rationale | viperserv2: ok so put the entire path to file. sudo dpkg -i /pathtofile | 07:07 |
Odd-rationale | get it? | 07:07 |
gwen | ttread: Yeah... And it shows up in the boot menu, but when I select it, it just says something to the effect of "Now starting..." and just hangs indefinitely (10+ minutes). | 07:08 |
Jack3 | Agent_bob, okay, sec live cd is still startin | 07:08 |
Agent_bob | k | 07:08 |
Odd-rationale | viperserv2: remember to install the nxclient first. | 07:09 |
Agent_bob | Dr_willis i'll know in less than a minute if it's as fast with bs=4096 or not | 07:09 |
viperserv2 | ah how do i install it? | 07:09 |
Dr_willis | Agent_bob, Im seeing no rhyme or reason or logic to the differnt bs= options on these guides. | 07:10 |
Odd-rationale | viperserv2: do "sudo dpkg -i /path to nxclient.deb" | 07:10 |
Dr_willis | ive seen them from 1024x1 x2 x3 and even a few with bs=200m :) | 07:10 |
Agent_bob | Dr_willis i'm still thinking that the reason for the time differance is that dd tests it's write. | 07:10 |
gwen | Is FreeNX/NXClient even available on Hardy yet? I tried earlier today with the Gutsy packages (the latest available from NoMachine's site) and was getting dependency issues. | 07:10 |
=== ubuntu is now known as Jurgentje | ||
Odd-rationale | gwen: really? I tried them them too and it worked... | 07:11 |
Agent_bob | Dr_willis it's only slightly longer with bs= it's 32 seconds longer than cat | 07:11 |
Agent_bob | that for 22g write | 07:11 |
gwen | Odd-rationale: All three (client, node and server)? | 07:11 |
Odd-rationale | gwen: yes. | 07:11 |
Agent_bob | 31.44 seconds actually | 07:12 |
Dr_willis | Agent_bob, from what i am gathering also.. any bs over 1mb can be slower then a smaller bs count | 07:12 |
gwen | Strange. -_~ | 07:12 |
Odd-rationale | gwen: + the web plugin | 07:12 |
gwen | Hmm | 07:12 |
Agent_bob | Dr_willis 4k is optimum on hdd's | 07:12 |
Jurgentje | Hi... I've got a problem: I can't mount my EXT3-drives from the Kubuntu Live CD (my system hangs, would like to alter my grub.conf file) | 07:12 |
Agent_bob | most hdd's | 07:12 |
Jurgentje | I get this error: hal-storage-fixed-mount refused uid 999 | 07:13 |
gwen | Odd-rationale: Thanks for the info. I'll have to give it another go, I guess. | 07:13 |
Agent_bob | you want to write a full sector at a time. | 07:13 |
gwen | ttread: Any ideas? :-) | 07:13 |
Odd-rationale | viperserv2: got it? or still won't install? | 07:13 |
Dr_willis | Agent_bob, yep. also there is mention of sync and async. issues. but thats from one hd to another from what i gather in the posts | 07:13 |
Jack3 | http://pastebin.com/m18567a0b | 07:13 |
ttread | gwen: Not off the top of my head, I'm googling around | 07:13 |
Jack3 | Agent_bob, thats for you haha | 07:13 |
Agent_bob | Dr_willis yes should not matter at all on char device to block device | 07:13 |
Agent_bob | jack3 looking | 07:14 |
Dr_willis | I wonder if 4k is optimal for reading from a cd/dvd - I imagine so... | 07:14 |
gwen | ttread: Same here. Thanks. | 07:14 |
Sir_Corgi | Hello, can someone please help me? I recently re-installed Firefox after unstalling the 3b5 that Hardy installed, and now my Java plug-ins won't work. I've tried uninstalling and re-installing them, but they still don't work. | 07:14 |
Agent_bob | Dr_willis i think that at least cda is a funny size 1008 or some such | 07:14 |
Agent_bob | Jack3 did i miss the fdisk -l post ? | 07:15 |
Agent_bob | jack3 sorry if i over looked it some place but i'd like to see it to | 07:16 |
Jack3 | okay ill grab it | 07:17 |
Odd-rationale | viperserv2: hey, sorry. but I really got to go now. I'm sure others will be able to help you set it up. Good Luck! | 07:18 |
Jack3 | Agent_bob, http://pastebin.com/m11f06116 | 07:19 |
ttread | gwen: You could try changing the menu.lst so that the root (hd0,0) command in the windows section to rootnoverify (hd0,0) instead | 07:20 |
ttread | gwen: see http://www.linuxselfhelp.com/gnu/grub/html_chapter/grub_toc.html#TOC14 | 07:20 |
Agent_bob | Jack3 in the terminal do sudo -i | 07:20 |
Jack3 | okay | 07:20 |
Jack3 | whats that do? | 07:21 |
Agent_bob | Jack3 now do mount /dev/hde1 /mnt | 07:21 |
gwen | ttread: Cool, I'll give that a shot. Thanks a lot! :-) | 07:21 |
Jack3 | k done | 07:21 |
Agent_bob | Jack3 grub-install --root-directory=/mnt | 07:21 |
Agent_bob | err sorry | 07:22 |
Agent_bob | Jack3 grub-install --root-directory=/mnt /dev/hde | 07:22 |
Jack3 | just hde or hde1 | 07:23 |
Agent_bob | hde | 07:23 |
Agent_bob | MBR of that disk. | 07:23 |
Agent_bob | it will probably report a warning, warnings are ok errors are not. | 07:24 |
viperserv2 | freenx not working? | 07:24 |
viperserv2 | well it don't work for ubunto? | 07:24 |
Jack3 | Agent_bob, i messed with the device.map on that disk too,, i will pastebin the original and the new one. | 07:24 |
Agent_bob | jack3 only the new one will be fine | 07:25 |
Jack3 | Agent_bob, http://pastebin.com/m57baca7 | 07:25 |
Agent_bob | k | 07:25 |
gwen | ttread: No joy, thanks anyway though... | 07:26 |
Agent_bob | Jack3 if your bios boots hde first you need to put it like the old one | 07:26 |
Jack3 | k will do | 07:27 |
Agent_bob | Jack3 lets see /mnt/boot/grub/menu.lst too | 07:27 |
Agent_bob | Jack3 /mnt/boot/grub/device.map and /mnt/boot/grub/menu.lst when you get done editing the device.map | 07:28 |
ttread | gwen, too bad | 07:30 |
* Agent_bob cautions Jack3 to not forget the /mnt/ we don't want to work on /boot/* it's in ram | 07:30 | |
Jack3 | Agent_bob, i know that atleast ;) :D | 07:31 |
Agent_bob | wasn't trying to imply that you didn't, jsut that anyone can overlook that. | 07:31 |
Agent_bob | many have ;/ specally old linux hands. habbits formed in the installation can make for mistakes in the liveCF | 07:32 |
Agent_bob | cd even | 07:34 |
Jack3 | hehe :D | 07:34 |
* Agent_bob == typo king of channel | 07:34 | |
Agent_bob | i stole that title from intelikey | 07:34 |
Sakui | argh | 07:35 |
Jack3 | Agent_bob, http://pastebin.com/m3ee53ac3 | 07:35 |
Agent_bob | looking | 07:36 |
Sakui | kde window manager is crashing when I edit something in kcontrol >:( | 07:36 |
Agent_bob | Jack3 ok change (hd2,0) (hd0,0) in menu.lst | 07:37 |
Jack3 | Agent_bob, all traces of hd2,0 change to hd0,0? | 07:39 |
viperserv2 | how would i go about taking 2 drives out of marrior with ssh? | 07:39 |
Agent_bob | Jack3 yes, and you have windows on hdf1 ? and sdb1 ? if so you'll have to change the listing for Microsoft Windows XP Professional shows to be on the same partition as your linux install hde1 | 07:40 |
Jack3 | Agent_bob, non working windows partitions, i dont want them booting | 07:41 |
Agent_bob | it is really on (hd3,0) and you can comment them out and leave them there if you want. | 07:42 |
Agent_bob | not (hd0,0) ^ the XP line | 07:42 |
Jack3 | how do i do the # sign in vi? | 07:45 |
Agent_bob | Jack3 [ins] enters insert mode i think | 07:46 |
Agent_bob | then it's normal type writer | 07:46 |
Agent_bob | [esc] brings you back to command mode iirc | 07:46 |
viperserv2 | i have 2 hds in raid1 there anyway to get them into raid0 or unraid them with ssh? | 07:47 |
Jack3 | Agent_bob, when i press shift + 3 it screws up | 07:49 |
Agent_bob | Jack3 here's a thought for you from my own config http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d1555fbb1 notice the last four enterys "bounce" to the next disks boatloader that way if you install say windows on sdb you can let it install it's boot loader on the MBR of that disk and just switch the bios to boot from your linux disk once installed then to boot windows you select the disk and let it's own boot loader take over | 07:49 |
Agent_bob | Jack3 use nano / | 07:49 |
Agent_bob | like i said, just a thought. | 07:50 |
* Agent_bob has three bootloaders on his box | 07:51 | |
Agent_bob | all three of which can "bounce" to the other two, meaning i can bootload bootloaders all day if i want... | 07:53 |
Sir_Corgi | YES!!!! w00t! | 07:54 |
Jack3 | Agent_bob, how do i save in nano? | 07:54 |
Sir_Corgi | I finally have Java on FF2! | 07:55 |
Agent_bob | [ctrl]+X | 07:55 |
Agent_bob | the menu is at the bottom of the screen | 07:55 |
Agent_bob | ^ == [ctrl] key | 07:55 |
jonee | which is better wpa2 enterprise or personal? | 07:57 |
Jack3 | Agent_bob, after all that still error 17 :'( | 07:58 |
Agent_bob | Jack3 you do have bios set to boot hde first ? | 07:58 |
Agent_bob | not the sata but the ide disk | 07:59 |
Jack3 | yes i do | 07:59 |
Agent_bob | ok boot the the menu and hit [esc] | 08:00 |
Jack3 | im there | 08:00 |
Agent_bob | select the ubuntu | 08:00 |
Agent_bob | hit e | 08:00 |
Agent_bob | not enter. the e key | 08:00 |
Agent_bob | you there ? | 08:01 |
Jack3 | Agent_bob, wait boot what? | 08:02 |
Agent_bob | [esc] (select ubuntu) [e] (select root) [e] change (hd0,0) to (hd2,0) [enter] [b] | 08:02 |
Jack3 | when booting the computer? | 08:03 |
Jack3 | it just goes straight to error 17 ... | 08:03 |
Agent_bob | yes at grubs menu that's the full instructions to test | 08:03 |
Agent_bob | oh.. | 08:03 |
Agent_bob | ok ummm we have to find a way to tell it where grub really is. | 08:03 |
Jack3 | yeah esc doesnt do anything | 08:03 |
Agent_bob | Jack3 what is happening to you is this. you boot the live CD and the bios is not the same as when you later try to boot the linux install. i have fought with this before. it's never fun tho. not any chance you can disable the sata disks and install grub then reconnect them is there ? | 08:05 |
Jack3 | Agent_bob, i dont ahve sata, its an pci IDE card | 08:06 |
Jack3 | i can take that card out though... | 08:06 |
ek247 | hello | 08:07 |
Agent_bob | all but the hde and hdf ? | 08:07 |
ek247 | I am new to the chat | 08:07 |
ek247 | is everyone here use linux | 08:08 |
Jack3 | Agent_bob, yeah io can | 08:08 |
ek247 | hi rosco | 08:08 |
Agent_bob | jack that might be the easiest | 08:08 |
ek247 | hi jack | 08:08 |
ek247 | hi agent jack | 08:09 |
viperserv2 | well it seems i can shutdown a array | 08:09 |
ek247 | do you have private chat person 2 person | 08:10 |
ek247 | hi dekans | 08:10 |
Agent_bob | steps are like this 1. disable the other disks 2. boot the live CD 3. mount the hde1 on /mnt 4. grub-install --root-directory=/mnt /dev/hde "shouldn't need to change the config this time. but you might back it up." 5. power down reconnect the other disks 6. test @ jack3 | 08:11 |
Agent_bob | i need a marble to lay on the f key on this lappy so i don't have to press f ... | 08:12 |
Dekans | ek247: hello | 08:14 |
viperserv2 | there anyway to disable raid in ssh? | 08:14 |
viperserv2 | raid1=back :( | 08:15 |
viperserv2 | bad | 08:15 |
ek247 | hi dekans | 08:16 |
ek247 | are you a regular here | 08:16 |
ek247 | dekans | 08:17 |
ek247 | iam trying to register so i can do a prvate one on one | 08:18 |
ek247 | dekans | 08:18 |
ek247 | this linux system is fairly new to me | 08:19 |
ek247 | and i came here to seek some help/advice | 08:19 |
ek247 | dekans | 08:19 |
Agent_bob | ek247 actually pm=private messaging without being invited is kinda frowned upon. if you just want to chat there are channels for that. #kubuntu-offtopic is ont. | 08:19 |
Agent_bob | one | 08:19 |
Agent_bob | ek247 if you have help related questions feel free to ask. | 08:20 |
ek247 | yes I read i need to register first | 08:20 |
Agent_bob | !patience | 08:20 |
ubottu | The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 08:20 |
Agent_bob | ek247 only to PM people. and you probably don't need to do that yet. | 08:21 |
Agent_bob | but that's not my choice, it's yours. | 08:21 |
ek247 | is this a help chat room | 08:21 |
Agent_bob | !register | ek247 | 08:21 |
ubottu | ek247: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. | 08:21 |
Agent_bob | yes it is ek247 | 08:21 |
ek247 | ok you all are administer | 08:22 |
ek247 | i'll be back | 08:22 |
Agent_bob | ek247 oh. and welcome to ubuntu. | 08:22 |
viperserv2 | hmm i killed my raid | 08:23 |
viperserv2 | how do u mount sata hds? | 08:23 |
ek247 | is this for developers or individuals pls | 08:24 |
Agent_bob | viperserv2 sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt where 'a' is the disk and 1 is the partition fdisk -l will list them for you | 08:24 |
ek247 | ty bob | 08:24 |
Agent_bob | ek247 for both developers and normal user to help each other with kubuntu issues. | 08:24 |
ek247 | ok | 08:25 |
ek247 | brb | 08:25 |
Agent_bob | !kubuntu | 08:25 |
ubottu | Kubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE | 08:25 |
Jack3 | Agent_bob, i am an idiot | 08:26 |
=== pramod is now known as Helios | ||
Jack3 | the drive that i set to have the bios boot first, is SDA1 not HDE1 | 08:27 |
Agent_bob | :) sorry :) | 08:27 |
Helios | Does anyone knows how can i install a virtual drive on my kubuntu so i can mount .iso or nrg images? | 08:27 |
Helios | Does anyone know how can i install a virtual drive on my kubuntu so i can mount .iso or .nrg images? | 08:28 |
Agent_bob | Jack3 not to rub salt in an open wound but if you don't answer my questions correctly, i can't help you :) | 08:28 |
ek247 | I am confused now cause i can't seem to find the registration | 08:28 |
Agent_bob | !register | ek247 | 08:29 |
ubottu | ek247: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. | 08:29 |
dalgo | hello all linux users :) | 08:29 |
ek247 | i am not a group or oganization | 08:29 |
Lynoure | Helios: mount -o loop disk1.iso /mnt/yourmountpoint | 08:29 |
emonkey | Helios, with kiso you can mount an iso | 08:29 |
Agent_bob | ek247 /msg nickserv help register | 08:29 |
Agent_bob | /msg nickserv help register | 08:30 |
Lynoure | but gone now | 08:30 |
Agent_bob | ek247 ^ that will help you. | 08:30 |
Helios | thanks | 08:30 |
viperserv2 | hmm i unmounted md2 | 08:30 |
GothicD3vil | hi | 08:30 |
dalgo | is in latest Kubuntu dvd includes Emerald Theme manager and is it work on kubuntu? | 08:30 |
GothicD3vil | how can i install a .deb file like limewire? | 08:31 |
ek247 | ok ill try | 08:31 |
Agent_bob | Lynoure i don't know if you caught my binary exit message glad to hear that you got it streight with so simple of a command, i did make a note xrandr --auto | 08:31 |
naut | Best tv client software? | 08:31 |
llutz | !best | naut | 08:32 |
ubottu | naut: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. | 08:32 |
shaffy | can someone tell me how to run a scandisk/filesystem check on an external usb hd? | 08:32 |
xt828 | i don't suppose it's possible to upgrade from an x86 to x86_64 install? | 08:32 |
GothicD3vil | !limewire | 08:32 |
ubottu | limewire is a popular P2P client running on the Gnutella network. To get it running, install /msg ubotu java first, then download Limewire from http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and finally run runLime.sh. Consider /msg ubotu FrostWire as an alternative. | 08:32 |
kristian__ | hi | 08:33 |
Boyke_buntu | please anyone help me | 08:33 |
Boyke_buntu | i cannot startx with my account | 08:33 |
Boyke_buntu | it says cannot write to /temp | 08:33 |
Agent_bob | shaffy fdisk -l to list the fs addressing and fsck /dev/<that address> | 08:33 |
Boyke_buntu | what should i do? | 08:33 |
shaffy | Agent_bob: thanks you :) | 08:34 |
Agent_bob | shaffy example might look like: sudo fsck /dev/sdb2 | 08:34 |
Boyke_buntu | what should i do? | 08:34 |
llutz | shaffy: make sure the drive isn't mountet | 08:34 |
Agent_bob | or sudo fsck.vfat /dev/sdc1 or something. | 08:34 |
llutz | d | 08:34 |
cahuez | boyke, are you in console mode..? | 08:35 |
Boyke_buntu | howbout me? | 08:35 |
Boyke_buntu | ya | 08:35 |
Boyke_buntu | no | 08:35 |
Boyke_buntu | im using root | 08:35 |
Boyke_buntu | and it start the x | 08:35 |
viperserv2 | anyone good with raid here? | 08:35 |
cahuez | ok.. | 08:35 |
cahuez | but you started well a kde session right..? | 08:35 |
Boyke_buntu | ya | 08:36 |
Agent_bob | Boyke_buntu ls -l /tmp | 08:36 |
Helios | hey i upgraded from kubuntu 7.10 to 8.04 KDE4 Remix... | 08:36 |
Boyke_buntu | yes | 08:36 |
Boyke_buntu | and | 08:36 |
Agent_bob | Boyke_buntu sorry ls -ld /tmp and show me. | 08:37 |
Boyke_buntu | how to show u? | 08:37 |
Helios | the problem is that after i installed it... when i installed an application which requires the cd... it did not recognise my cd... | 08:37 |
Boyke_buntu | just copy and paste? | 08:37 |
Helios | can anyone help me please? | 08:37 |
sirmike1970md | can someone help i stopped something in k and i cant get a internet connection | 08:37 |
Agent_bob | it will only be one line | 08:37 |
Boyke_buntu | alot | 08:37 |
Agent_bob | not form ls -ld /tmp | 08:38 |
Boyke_buntu | drwx------ 3 root root 4096 2008-05-04 14:17 1392550851 | 08:38 |
Boyke_buntu | total 24 | 08:38 |
cahuez | boyke, test it ls -ls /tmp in console .. | 08:38 |
Helios | i had to disable the cd rom repository to be able to install the packages... | 08:38 |
Agent_bob | Boyke_buntu no. cahuez -ls ? no -ld | 08:38 |
Agent_bob | ls -ld /tmp | 08:38 |
cahuez | yeap.. | 08:39 |
Agent_bob | one line of output form that ^ i want to see it. | 08:39 |
cahuez | mine> drwxrwxrwt 10 root root 4096 2008-05-04 01:37 /tmp .. | 08:39 |
Agent_bob | cahuez that's correct. | 08:39 |
shaffy | Agent_bob: fdisk -l doesn't give me anything | 08:39 |
Agent_bob | i'm thinking his is not. | 08:39 |
Boyke_buntu | drwx------ 3 root root 4096 2008-05-04 14:17 1392550851 | 08:39 |
Boyke_buntu | bash: drwx------: command not found | 08:39 |
cahuez | humm..! | 08:39 |
Agent_bob | Boyke_buntu ok sudo chmod 1777 /tmp | 08:40 |
Agent_bob | that should fix you | 08:40 |
Agent_bob | shaffy fdisk -l /dev/sd* | 08:40 |
dalgo | <dalgo>is in latest Kubuntu dvd includes Emerald Theme manager and is it work on kubuntu? | 08:40 |
xt828 | is it possible to upgrade from an x86 to an AMD64 install? | 08:40 |
Agent_bob | shaffy and it may spit out errors | 08:40 |
Boyke_buntu | done | 08:41 |
Agent_bob | xt828 upgrade no. reload yes | 08:41 |
cahuez | xt828, you need a amd_64 distro as well.. | 08:41 |
Boyke_buntu | can i re login with my account? | 08:41 |
Agent_bob | Boyke_buntu just type startx to test it. | 08:41 |
Boyke_buntu | ok | 08:41 |
Boyke_buntu | thanks | 08:41 |
shaffy | Agent_bob: i used to use a command "blkid" and it use to spit out all the partitions and drives. but it doesn't seem to work in 8.04? | 08:41 |
cahuez | aroaroux..! | 08:41 |
Agent_bob | or are you in X now ? | 08:41 |
xt828 | how do you mean 'reload'? is there a walkthrough or something? | 08:42 |
Gokee2 | Why is xdmx here https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+package/xdmx with packages but not in the repository? | 08:42 |
Agent_bob | shaffy yes but i think you'll have to supply a switch to "reread" the disks with blkid ? | 08:42 |
emonkey | I've got a problem, my knetmanager isn't anymore in the control list since the update to hardy, I see the pricess with ps -A|grep knet and it do not help if I kill it and start a new one. any suggestions? | 08:42 |
emonkey | s/pricess/process/ | 08:42 |
Agent_bob | xt828 i mean reinstall. there's not a supported way to upgrade from one architecture to another | 08:43 |
Choreboy | can someone answer something for me... I want to install Kubuntu 8.04, is there a way to get i686 instead of i386? | 08:43 |
xt828 | Agent_bob: righto, so how could I do that while keeping my settings and suchlike? | 08:43 |
ccc4 | odd help plz | 08:44 |
Agent_bob | Choreboy there's no i686 optimization no. it's generic i386 for all x86 versions | 08:44 |
ccc4 | how do i find ma usb in kubunto | 08:44 |
Choreboy | I could swear I read somewhere that there was... oh well. | 08:44 |
ccc4 | im a newbiee | 08:44 |
shaffy | Agent_bob: after fdisk -l /dev/sd*, how do i know which is the one i want to fsck? they are ambiguous. | 08:44 |
Agent_bob | xt828 $HOME will not be affected if it's on a seperate partition | 08:44 |
xt828 | Agnet_bob: time to find out how to migrate /home to a seperate partition then | 08:45 |
Agent_bob | shaffy umm size ? partition type ? use the command mount to see what's mounted where. | 08:45 |
xt828 | cheers | 08:45 |
boyke_buntu | im back | 08:45 |
boyke_buntu | im still cannot login with my accounts | 08:45 |
boyke_buntu | now im using root | 08:45 |
sirmike1970md | i'm stuck by accident i closed something in my tray and now i cant connect to the net | 08:45 |
boyke_buntu | still the same problem | 08:46 |
xt828 | sirmike1970md: i'm pretty sure you're connected to the net right now | 08:46 |
boyke_buntu | cannot write to /tmp | 08:46 |
Agent_bob | xt828 cd / ; sudo tar -czvf my_home.tgz /home then store /my_home.tgz file anywhere | 08:46 |
Choreboy | Is there any reason I can't install Kubuntu on a XFS file system? | 08:46 |
sirmike1970md | sorry from my other comp | 08:46 |
Agent_bob | xt828 but it may be big. | 08:46 |
Agent_bob | Choreboy no. | 08:46 |
Choreboy | ok thanks | 08:47 |
Agent_bob | boyke_buntu ok lets see what you have mounted there. mount | grep tmp | 08:47 |
boyke_buntu | varrun on /var/run type tmpfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,mode=0755) | 08:48 |
boyke_buntu | varlock on /var/lock type tmpfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,mode=1777) | 08:48 |
boyke_buntu | udev on /dev type tmpfs (rw,mode=0755) | 08:48 |
boyke_buntu | devshm on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw) | 08:48 |
boyke_buntu | lrm on /lib/modules/2.6.20-15-generic/volatile type tmpfs (rw) | 08:48 |
Agent_bob | ok. i guess i should have used a / | 08:48 |
cahuez | boyke, do a > whoami .. | 08:48 |
xt828 | Agent_bob: is there any reason that I can't just copy-paste everything from within Konquerer - I have showing hidden files and folders enabled | 08:49 |
Agent_bob | boyke_buntu or sudo echo boo | 08:49 |
boyke_buntu | boo | 08:49 |
Agent_bob | xt828 umm to where ? | 08:49 |
xt828 | to a ready partition | 08:49 |
Agent_bob | boyke_buntu ok and you did sudo chmod 1777 /tmp | 08:50 |
Agent_bob | ? | 08:50 |
Agent_bob | xt828 what fs ? | 08:50 |
xt828 | ext3 | 08:50 |
Agent_bob | xt828 k that's fine. | 08:50 |
Agent_bob | xt828 you do know that /home != $HOME / | 08:50 |
Agent_bob | ? | 08:51 |
Agent_bob | i.e. $HOME = ~ = /home/$USER by default anyway | 08:51 |
Adapter48 | !seen catweazle | 08:51 |
ek247 | i keep get refefered back to group registration, i'm an idividual trying to get some help with my ubuntu | 08:51 |
viperserv2 | anyone here use mdamd? | 08:52 |
Agent_bob | ek247 so why register then ? just suscently desctibe the issue you are having in here, if anyone knows the information you need they will answer you. | 08:52 |
Agent_bob | mdadm ? | 08:52 |
ek247 | do I have to use ok | 08:52 |
boyke_buntu | sorry | 08:53 |
viperserv2 | for raiding drives | 08:53 |
boyke_buntu | agent bob i did sudo chmod 1777 /tmp | 08:53 |
Agent_bob | boyke_buntu ok lets see the results one more time of ls -ld /tmp | 08:53 |
ek247 | well my ubuntu froze up when I installed a linux version of explorer | 08:53 |
boyke_buntu | drwxrwxrwt 10 root root 4096 2008-05-04 14:42 /tmp | 08:54 |
xt828 | Agnet_bob so if i set the home partition to be what i currently have mounted as /media/sda3 then my home path would be in /media/sda3/xt828 or /media/sda3/home/xt828 ? | 08:54 |
Agent_bob | boyke_buntu ok that's correct now. and startx still doesn't work for you? | 08:54 |
boyke_buntu | no if im using ordinary accounts not my root | 08:54 |
Agent_bob | the former xt828 | 08:54 |
Agent_bob | the current /media/sda3 will be mounted on /home so that anything in /media/sda3/ will then appear in /home/ | 08:55 |
xt828 | Agent_bob, cheers, that's what i thought | 08:55 |
boyke_buntu | it said must be check | 08:56 |
cstorstenson | I hope this isn't rude, I'm kinda a n00b, but I was wondering if anyone could give me a hand getting screenlet manager to run in kubuntu 8.06 | 08:56 |
boyke_buntu | 2 files | 08:56 |
Agent_bob | boyke_buntu wait? you can or can not login as normal user ? | 08:56 |
boyke_buntu | yes | 08:56 |
Agent_bob | yes can ? | 08:56 |
boyke_buntu | i can login | 08:56 |
boyke_buntu | but i cannot start x\ | 08:56 |
Agent_bob | boyke_buntu but you can not as root ? | 08:56 |
boyke_buntu | but i cannot start x | 08:56 |
ek247 | mil are you avail | 08:56 |
Agent_bob | boyke_buntu is x already running ? | 08:56 |
boyke_buntu | if im using root i can start x | 08:57 |
boyke_buntu | but if im login as a normal user it said cannot write to /tmp | 08:57 |
ek247 | melkart r u avail. | 08:57 |
boyke_buntu | and cannot start the x | 08:57 |
cstorstenson | I mean 8.04 | 08:58 |
ek247 | I AM SO LOST HERE??? | 08:58 |
Agent_bob | boyke_buntu ok. try this. sudo killall -9 X ;sudo /etc/init.d/?dm stop ;sudo rm /tmp/* -r | 08:58 |
Agent_bob | boyke_buntu then try startx | 08:58 |
boyke_buntu | ok | 08:59 |
SSJ_GZ | ek247: What's the problem? | 08:59 |
Agent_bob | ek247 most are user. | 08:59 |
boyke_buntu | how to change user? | 08:59 |
SSJ_GZ | ek247: What does it matter who is staff and who are users? | 08:59 |
ek247 | your kiddingme! | 08:59 |
ek247 | bob | 08:59 |
Agent_bob | ek247 no he's not. | 08:59 |
cstorstenson | not trying to flood, but I could use some help getting screenlets manager working if anyone has experience. | 09:00 |
Agent_bob | ek247 you are new to opensource ? | 09:00 |
chisiyuan | i need a lightweigh music player either of GUI or in command line. Anyone has an idea? | 09:00 |
ek247 | i gues i need 2 b programmer to b here | 09:00 |
SSJ_GZ | ek247: Again, most people here are users. | 09:00 |
ek247 | yes 4 months new | 09:00 |
SSJ_GZ | ek247: What problem are you having exactly? | 09:00 |
ek247 | well my other computer with ubuntu froze | 09:01 |
Agent_bob | ek247 my first question would be this. did you get the system "unhung" and my second question would be "why on earth are you trying to install 'explorer' in linux" and my third question would be do you know anything about debian packages yet ? | 09:02 |
Agent_bob | !apt | ek247 please read this | 09:02 |
ubottu | ek247 please read this: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE) | 09:02 |
Agent_bob | !Adept | ek247 following that. | 09:02 |
ubottu | ek247 following that.: adept is the Kubuntu package manager. Howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto | 09:02 |
ek247 | don't know what un hung means | 09:03 |
Agent_bob | no longer "froze" as you put it. | 09:03 |
ek247 | know this is really my system and my friends system froze | 09:04 |
ek247 | she wanted to put IEon not me | 09:04 |
ek247 | I know linux and microsft don't get along | 09:05 |
xt828 | there's a linux version of IE? | 09:05 |
Agent_bob | ek247 there is also the possability that english may not be your first language, if so you can check for a kubuntu help channel of your language with !?? where ?? is the two letter country code like this | 09:05 |
Agent_bob | !es | 09:05 |
ubottu | Aquà solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allà obtendrá más ayuda. | 09:05 |
ek247 | I know about the adept manager | 09:05 |
ek247 | it's the techno terms that lose me that is all | 09:07 |
Jack3 | Agent_bob, i fixed it,. i am a huge idiot | 09:07 |
Agent_bob | ok. just trying to help all i can. | 09:07 |
Jack3 | i had confused which physical drive i actually installed linux on lol | 09:07 |
Jack3 | i found out it was the maxtor 120gb | 09:07 |
Agent_bob | Jack3 welcome to the club. but get in line, :))) | 09:07 |
Jack3 | so i made that master and everything and it works fine now | 09:07 |
ek247 | I appreciate all u helping | 09:07 |
Jack3 | thanks a lot for the help Agent_bob | 09:08 |
Agent_bob | welcome | 09:08 |
ek247 | just frustrated a little | 09:08 |
prince_jammys | ek247: describe in detail what you did, and what happened | 09:08 |
Agent_bob | ek247 understandable. at least we don't make you talk to a recording to calm you down like some companies/orgenizations... | 09:08 |
ek247 | we have intall ubuntu 3 times | 09:09 |
prince_jammys | ek247: you installed something called IEs4Linux ? | 09:09 |
ek247 | I like ubuntu I do but my roomate doesn't | 09:09 |
ek247 | they won't spend the money for the windows | 09:10 |
Agent_bob | side note. nothing i know of ticks me off more than an automated system calling my house late at night ... "is this so and so <pause> i'm sorry i didn't understand you, is this so and so <pause> ok would you ask so and so to come to the phone <pause> " and i haven't said even hello yet.... really ticks me off. i refuse to talk to any machine. | 09:11 |
ek247 | I hate vista and anything microsoft related personally | 09:11 |
* Agent_bob likes ek247 already :) | 09:12 | |
ek247 | feelings mutual | 09:12 |
ek247 | I really not techy but want to be | 09:13 |
ek247 | I wish linux had a school | 09:13 |
Agent_bob | prince_jammys you here for a while ? i have things i need to do. | 09:13 |
prince_jammys | i'm off pretty soon | 09:14 |
Agent_bob | ;/ | 09:14 |
prince_jammys | it's late | 09:14 |
Agent_bob | heh it's early | 09:14 |
ek247 | I would go so I could teach linux at regular school about linux | 09:14 |
prince_jammys | it's getting so late over here, it's about to be early | 09:14 |
Agent_bob | tz matters i guess. | 09:15 |
Agent_bob | prince_jammys well maybe someone can fill in for us. i'm out. | 09:16 |
Agent_bob | shalom ! | 09:16 |
prince_jammys | bye | 09:16 |
ek247 | bob | 09:16 |
ek247 | jak | 09:17 |
ek247 | anybody | 09:17 |
ek247 | are we closing the channel | 09:17 |
xt828 | i'm not real skilled, but i might be able to help | 09:17 |
xt828 | what exactly is the problem? | 09:17 |
ek247 | well i told bob that I was tryin to get some help with seeing some images and hearing sound on the web page | 09:19 |
ek247 | it is not showingup | 09:19 |
ek247 | hi synergy | 09:20 |
ek247 | the flas won't install right | 09:20 |
Jack3 | does kubuntu come with compiz? | 09:20 |
ek247 | sure!! | 09:21 |
ek247 | I haven't installed it yet | 09:21 |
Jack3 | ! compiz | 09:21 |
ubottu | Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion | 09:21 |
Jack3 | lol | 09:21 |
Jack3 | guess not | 09:21 |
=== desti_T2 is now known as desti | ||
ek247 | yes compis | 09:22 |
morphius_ | I am getting the following error: "trying to create local folder //.kde/share: Permission denied" | 09:22 |
xt828 | ek247: so did you install the Kubuntu restricted extras and Macromedia Flash packages from within Add/Remove Programs? | 09:22 |
morphius_ | any idea how to resolve? | 09:22 |
ek247 | not the restricted no | 09:23 |
ek247 | first off I have ubuntu 8.04 | 09:23 |
xt828 | the restricted extras includes the plugins for stuff like mp3 playback and flash | 09:23 |
xt828 | ubuntu or kubuntu? | 09:23 |
ek247 | ubuntu | 09:24 |
ek247 | its the new version | 09:24 |
xt828 | you know that this is the kubutnu channel, right? #ubuntu deals more with ubuntu-specific stuff | 09:24 |
viperserv2 | how do u unraid? | 09:24 |
ek247 | oh, i feel stupid | 09:24 |
ek247 | sorry? | 09:25 |
viperserv2 | well your not the only linux n00b here hehe | 09:26 |
xt828 | what do you mean, unraid? | 09:26 |
Jack3 | are there any repositories for hardy? | 09:26 |
ek247 | so is this irc for regular people or developers | 09:26 |
ek247 | sure | 09:26 |
ek247 | there are? | 09:27 |
xt828 | this is the IRC for users of Kubuntu | 09:27 |
viperserv2 | both | 09:27 |
ek247 | I wish they gave you a list tof recomended software you need | 09:28 |
viperserv2 | if there was only dev in here without ops we would be helped by now hehe | 09:28 |
ek247 | my friend and I will probably reinstall | 09:29 |
xt828 | i don't know about ubuntu, but kubuntu comes with everything that you need that is under a free license | 09:29 |
ek247 | is kbuntu like kde desktop | 09:29 |
xt828 | it's essentially ubuntu with kde instead of gnome, iirc | 09:30 |
ek247 | what do you know about fedor8 | 09:30 |
xt828 | very little | 09:31 |
xt828 | in a practical sense | 09:31 |
ek247 | fedora 8 | 09:31 |
ek247 | oh? | 09:31 |
ek247 | we tryed it | 09:31 |
=== wayne_ is now known as wayneandleanne | ||
holyguyver_ | If you are asking about fadora8 I would say you are in the wrong irc channel :p | 09:31 |
holyguyver_ | !off-toppic | 09:32 |
ubottu | Factoid off-toppic not found | 09:32 |
ek247 | was to where are the other channels | 09:32 |
holyguyver_ | try #fadora | 09:32 |
ek247 | the channel directory | 09:32 |
xt828 | the fedora website would probably have some information on an irc channel you could use for help | 09:33 |
ek247 | thaks every one I am swichin to another channel to help with specific problem | 09:34 |
holyguyver_ | anyway my sound works fine, but my micraphone doesn't work, & I have tried to different working mics so it is obviously not the mics, so is there anything I can do since it must be on the chips side of things? | 09:35 |
holyguyver_ | Also what is the terminal cammand to show me what all of my hardware is? | 09:36 |
ere4si | lshw | 09:36 |
holyguyver_ | So here is my hardware http://paste.ubuntu.com/9940/ anything to help me be able to record things with my mic? | 09:39 |
holyguyver_ | Also is my amount of ram good? | 09:41 |
wayneandleanne | anybody got any ideas on enabling the second audio output on a asrock k7vt4a+ motherboard | 09:42 |
holyguyver_ | similar problem to me, but I need to figure out how to get mic input to work :p | 09:42 |
wayneandleanne | whats the board | 09:43 |
holyguyver_ | I gerentie it is different from yours since I am on a 1998 gateway | 09:43 |
holyguyver_ | Here is my hardware http://paste.ubuntu.com/9940/ | 09:44 |
wayneandleanne | holyguyver: check in kmix, when i installed kubuntu the mic ws muted and switched off in switches | 09:44 |
holyguyver_ | I already checked that & unmuted the mic a few days ago, & still nothing | 09:44 |
wayneandleanne | mic boost? | 09:45 |
=== christian__ is now known as droetker | ||
wayneandleanne | stupid question time, does the mic work? | 09:46 |
holyguyver_ | Yes, I even bought a brand new second mic & I tried them both in windows & they work | 09:46 |
holyguyver_ | As for mic boost, what is that? | 09:46 |
TeslaTony | Does anyone know how to change the font size in the terminal (what you see when you type ctrl+alt+F1)? | 09:48 |
wayneandleanne | re: mic boost, it boost's your voice by 20 Db | 09:49 |
holyguyver_ | As I said how do I activate it? | 09:49 |
wayneandleanne | does the mic work in windows? | 09:49 |
wayneandleanne | sorry two secs | 09:49 |
holyguyver_ | I jyst said they both work in windows | 09:49 |
wayneandleanne | sorry multiple chats going on, geting confused | 09:50 |
holyguyver_ | I said "I tried them both in windows & they work" | 09:50 |
foormea | hi | 09:50 |
holyguyver_ | O Okay :p | 09:50 |
carl | helo does anybody know how to set a static ip in kubuntu gutsy without network manager messing up | 09:50 |
carl | for wireless | 09:51 |
carl | it works with dchp | 09:51 |
holyguyver_ | Yes I forgot to mention that I am on Gutsy as well. | 09:51 |
wayneandleanne | right click on kmix and select show mixer windows, kmix will appear, select switches mic boost will be there | 09:51 |
holyguyver_ | just to let you know I am on xubuntu :p | 09:51 |
foormea | my kde system is in english. i need keyboard support for french and chinese. i don't know how i managed to get that but now i can switch english/french with ctrl-alt-K. problem is, french accents only work properly in a few programs... any idea how to fix that? other problem: chinese: in some programs, such as xchat, i cannot switch to chinese input... any idea?! (these keyboard layouts work fine under gnome) | 09:52 |
wayneandleanne | hmmmm xubuntu, gimme two secs | 09:52 |
holyguyver_ | I found it :) | 09:52 |
Jucato | holyguyver_: no help in #xubuntu ? :) | 09:52 |
holyguyver_ | same process with switches :p | 09:52 |
holyguyver_ | No help in xubuntu, but don't worry it worked the same :p | 09:52 |
holyguyver_ | I clicked on show switches & it was there :p | 09:53 |
holyguyver_ | Alright let me give it a try now :p | 09:53 |
wayneandleanne | ok, let me know either way, | 09:53 |
holyguyver_ | Nothing, just made the static louder :p | 09:54 |
holyguyver_ | I also tried both mic 1 & 2 switch & mix & mic switch in the switches | 09:56 |
wayneandleanne | hmm humor me, are the speakers and mic plugged in correctly?? | 09:56 |
holyguyver_ | Yes silly :p | 09:56 |
holyguyver_ | I was actually listening to music right before testing this :p | 09:56 |
wayneandleanne | ok, just to rule that out | 09:57 |
holyguyver_ | Also my original question said "my speakers work fine, but I can't get my mics to work" | 09:57 |
wayneandleanne | true | 09:57 |
wayneandleanne | what sound system are you running? | 09:57 |
wayneandleanne | oss, alsa ? | 09:58 |
holyguyver_ | What are you asking for? would you like me to give you my hardware again? | 09:58 |
holyguyver_ | Alsa | 09:58 |
wayneandleanne | no this is a software thing, what were you playing music in? | 09:58 |
holyguyver_ | totem | 09:58 |
holyguyver_ | as said I am using alsa | 09:59 |
wayneandleanne | check if you can confgure alsa in totem | 09:59 |
wayneandleanne | are we talking about 3.5 milli jack plug mic's? | 09:59 |
shaffy | does anyone know how to get the audio to work in 3gp video files? (using any player) | 09:59 |
holyguyver_ | we are talking about ones that their blugs are like those of walkman headphones | 10:00 |
wayneandleanne | ye 3.5 mm, | 10:00 |
=== malik_ is now known as malik__ | ||
wayneandleanne | so that rules out usb-audio, is the xubuntu a live cd? | 10:01 |
holyguyver_ | Anyway I am trying to record in Audicity, shouldn't I try & see about configuring it in that? | 10:01 |
malik__ | i installed new kde4 kubuntu but i cant access my ntfs partitions .........can any1 help? | 10:01 |
holyguyver_ | No this is a full install | 10:01 |
TeslaTony | shaffy: Have you installed any of the medibuntu packages? | 10:02 |
droetker | @shaffy: i got it work with mplayer. | 10:02 |
droetker | but i think not the ubuntu one, but the one from their homepage. | 10:02 |
holyguyver_ | I would hate to have been using a live CD for the past 2 weeks :p | 10:02 |
wayneandleanne | try and grab a live cd, (bandwidth allowing) to test if something went wrong during install | 10:02 |
wayneandleanne | no not are you running a live cd, did you install using a live cd | 10:03 |
holyguyver_ | Yes, I did install using a live CD | 10:03 |
casper__ | hey....is there a way of getting my gnome to look more like kde....withought actually installing kubuntu? | 10:03 |
cahuez | casper, switch between kde/gnome but, I like more kde stuff.. | 10:04 |
hellhound | i have just upgraded to kubuntu hardy heron and noticed that on secondary windows (windows that open within an application such as setting preferences) that I get black on black so that I cannot see the text. I know this is part of my theme, but I want to know how to change this while keeping my theme. The text color are correct in all other places | 10:04 |
wayneandleanne | try booting the live cd, to rule out a install problem | 10:04 |
holyguyver_ | I already did, & no, it doesn't work in the live CD either tragicly | 10:05 |
casper__ | i like it 2, but very use to my gnome, so want to give kde a try..what is the best approach? | 10:05 |
shaffy | TeslaTony: i've installed only the kubuntu-restricted-extras | 10:05 |
shaffy | droetker: do you know the steps you took to get it to work? | 10:05 |
holyguyver_ | Anyway I have tried using OSS too | 10:06 |
TeslaTony | shaffy: OK. Are you using 7.10 or 8.04? | 10:06 |
cahuez | casper, using right now kde..? | 10:06 |
wayneandleanne | this has got me stumped, have you got a spare soundcard? | 10:06 |
shaffy | TeslaTony: 8.04 | 10:06 |
holyguyver_ | Well I showed you my hardware http://paste.ubuntu.com/9940/ | 10:06 |
cahuez | casper, did you come from gnome world..? | 10:07 |
casper__ | still in gnome world...just formatted into ubuntu heron | 10:07 |
TeslaTony | shaffy: Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu | 10:07 |
wayneandleanne | ye, ive just re read your specs, can you beg / steal another soundcard just to rule out that your Ensoniq card doesnt work underl linux | 10:08 |
cahuez | cool casper, then.. | 10:08 |
holyguyver_ | But if it didn't work under linux then wouldn't I not get sound either? | 10:08 |
cahuez | when you start ubuntu, is there at login screen some options just to select another desktop environment..? | 10:09 |
cahuez | you know, i do kubuntu as well..! | 10:09 |
holyguyver_ | Also as stated all of my hardwhere (except my DVD drive) is from 1998. | 10:09 |
TeslaTony | shaffy: Once you've enabled the repositories, there's a package or two to install, which I'm trying to find | 10:10 |
holyguyver_ | Also I do not know anything about soddering on microchips so I wouldn't know how to change soundcards anyway | 10:10 |
casper__ | yes there is....i have tried the sudo apt instal kubuntu method, then choose kde as my defualt session, but there were soo many program, i got scared, tried unistall kde, but it left all the programs, so formatted, but i want to try it again | 10:11 |
wayneandleanne | if your Ensoniq sound card is built into your motherboard if you were to insert a pci sound card your pc's bios would diasable the bult in | 10:11 |
casper__ | am i the only one scared of kde ? | 10:12 |
wayneandleanne | do you have anyother pc's in the house? | 10:12 |
holyguyver_ | I don't know the first thing about PCI, but as I said if my sound works doesn't that mean that my 10 year old sound card works? | 10:13 |
cahuez | let me check casper... | 10:13 |
cahuez | your distro is kde enclosed, is kubuntu..? | 10:13 |
holyguyver_ | Yes I do have other PC's but all of their soundcards are built in to their motherbords too as it is a 1995 (one before this one) | 10:13 |
wayneandleanne | maybe, maybe not. some hardware is known to be stubon, can you beg / borrow a sound card from a mate? | 10:14 |
=== malik_ is now known as malik__ | ||
Choreboy | Can you install Kubuntu 8.04 with LILO from the liveCD? | 10:14 |
Choreboy | I want to use XFS instead of EXT3 and it recommends LILO instead of GRUB | 10:15 |
holyguyver_ | Sure, here I go, mayeandleanne , do you have a soundcard, a pci one that I can barrow? also can you come to Arizona & install it for me? | 10:15 |
wayneandleanne | instaling it is the easy bit, i will find a document that you can print to walk you through installing the soundcard if you can get one? | 10:16 |
holyguyver_ | well can you give me yours? | 10:16 |
holyguyver_ | Honostly I have no friends | 10:17 |
holyguyver_ | plus as said my sound card works | 10:17 |
Choreboy | anyone? Lilo? yes? | 10:17 |
holyguyver_ | choreboy I have never gotten lilo to work | 10:17 |
Choreboy | ugh bogus. | 10:18 |
Choreboy | Well can I still use GRUB then? It says GRUB hangs when you install on XFS | 10:18 |
wayneandleanne | not a chance!!, are you anywere near arizona state university? | 10:18 |
Choreboy | moi? | 10:19 |
MrBogus | hello | 10:19 |
Choreboy | if by Arizona State University you mean Tampa, FL then yes. | 10:19 |
MrBogus | i installed ubuntu but i only got in console mode | 10:19 |
MrBogus | any help? thanks | 10:19 |
wayneandleanne | holyguyver_: are you anywere near arizona state universitity? | 10:20 |
holyguyver_ | No, I am in Northern Arizona in the town of Chino Valley near the town of Prescott | 10:22 |
holyguyver_ | & I have no friends | 10:23 |
holyguyver_ | As said this computer is 10 years old though & if the sound out works then surely there must be some way to get the sound in to work too | 10:23 |
wayneandleanne | google to see if any linux user groups are near you, see if you can take the pc to them to see if they can help ( i cant dig around in your configuration from the uk! | 10:25 |
holyguyver_ | understandable :p | 10:25 |
holyguyver_ | But what if I want to yahoo the query insted though? | 10:26 |
holyguyver_ | or how about if I want to do a web search engine search for it? | 10:26 |
wayneandleanne | unless you want a large bill from ups !!!, sure use yahoo if you want | 10:26 |
pascalFR | ping | 10:26 |
wayneandleanne | it's your choice | 10:26 |
holyguyver_ | Anyway thanks :) | 10:27 |
wayneandleanne | sorry i couldnet help resolve this one | 10:28 |
wayneandleanne | type | 10:28 |
holyguyver_ | Hey we can't fix all of the worlds problems, & this is such a miner one :p | 10:28 |
holyguyver_ | Plus if I really want to record badly I can just restart my computer & boot into windows since I am dual-booting :p | 10:29 |
wayneandleanne | true, but bloody anoying | 10:29 |
holyguyver_ | Yes I agree | 10:29 |
holyguyver_ | But my scanners, I own 3 of them & none of them suply linux drivers & the linux scanner driver project has been unable to crack them either, so when I need to scan something I need to boot into windows anyway :p | 10:30 |
wayneandleanne | trust me i know how anoying it is having no mic, ever try'd having a voice chat in secondlife without a working mic !!!!!!! | 10:30 |
holyguyver_ | no, because I don't play video games :p | 10:30 |
holyguyver_ | I don't even play card games :p | 10:31 |
holyguyver_ | The closest thing I have to a game is GIMP :p | 10:31 |
wayneandleanne | think about it!, no mic in a voice chat | 10:31 |
holyguyver_ | Yes I know | 10:32 |
khajx | Hi.. | 10:32 |
wayneandleanne | so what do you do on your pc all day long then? | 10:32 |
khajx | can anyone help with finding a good dock for kubuntu? | 10:32 |
holyguyver_ | I use OO.o write, & OO.o draw, & GIMP, & listen to music, & chat on message forums & Bulliton Boards & partisipate in a fe newsgroups & mailing lists. | 10:33 |
ere4si | holyguyver_: have you tried typing alsamixer in a konsole and using the right arrrow to see all options? | 10:33 |
holyguyver_ | nope, trying that now | 10:34 |
wayneandleanne | ere4si: never thought of that, durgh | 10:34 |
holyguyver_ | I already had all of those options in the xubuntu sound gui | 10:35 |
cahuez | hello to all.." | 10:35 |
cahuez | humm, i need some help just to install> http://sheltermanager.sourceforge.net/linux_deb.php ..! | 10:36 |
cahuez | just give it a check, please.. | 10:36 |
ere4si | holyguyver_: I have a mic boost option in mine - your card might not support it tho | 10:37 |
holyguyver_ | As you can see wayneandleanne my computer use is like office use :p even though it is a home computer. I have just never been one for games. | 10:37 |
holyguyver_ | As I said I also have a mic boost option in mine & I tried it & it only made the static louder | 10:38 |
wayneandleanne | hmmm, still thinking# | 10:39 |
cahuez | apt-getting sinaptic... | 10:39 |
shanky | good morning | 10:39 |
shanky | I have just installed kubuntu-hardy-kde4 | 10:40 |
shanky | during installation or livecd, x works great | 10:40 |
wayneandleanne | nope sorry i'm stumped | 10:41 |
shanky | but after installation at hte first boot I can't start x | 10:41 |
shanky | I get a "No screens found" error messages | 10:41 |
shanky | is there any command line x setup tool? | 10:41 |
ere4si | shanky: do you get a login? | 10:41 |
ere4si | shanky: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 10:42 |
holyguyver_ | As said Wayne you really don't need to worry about it, I will just boot into winXP | 10:42 |
wayneandleanne | ok | 10:42 |
holyguyver_ | I will however do a web search (I prefer yahoo) for getting my soundcards mic input to work ;) | 10:43 |
wayneandleanne | kk | 10:43 |
shanky | ere4si: I get the same error after dpkg-reconfigure | 10:43 |
wayneandleanne | may i sugest google.com/linux | 10:43 |
holyguyver_ | Sure :p | 10:43 |
holyguyver_ | I will try that :p | 10:44 |
=== malik_ is now known as malik__ | ||
hluo | who | 10:45 |
ere4si | shanky: can you do nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf and paste what is in the screen section? | 10:45 |
the-erm | Anyone in here run php in cli on this channel? | 10:47 |
the-erm | script.php& isn't working any more, and I'm wondering what changed. | 10:47 |
the-erm | It basically just exits. | 10:47 |
khajx | can anyone help with finding a good dock for kubuntu? and how to add shortcuts to the desktop (hh8.04+kde4) | 10:47 |
ere4si | !dock | 10:47 |
ubottu | Factoid dock not found | 10:47 |
ere4si | !kiba-dock | 10:48 |
ubottu | Factoid kiba-dock not found | 10:48 |
malik_ | how do i make kubuntu show my ntfs partitions coz i cant see em its giving errors when i try to click on it n also they are absent in /etc/fstab | 10:48 |
ere4si | khajx: try kiba dock and right click the desktop to add shortcuts | 10:48 |
holyguyver_ | !unotu | 10:49 |
ubottu | Factoid unotu not found | 10:49 |
holyguyver_ | !ubotu | 10:49 |
ubottu | I am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;) | 10:49 |
ere4si | shanky: when you did the dpkg xserver what did you select for the vid card driver? | 10:50 |
khajx | ere4si: is kiba dock stable on kubuntu? and do i need something else to use it? its a fresh installed copy.. one more thing, i got add widgets when i right click the desktop, and i tried to add icons but i cant make it a shortcut... | 10:51 |
malik_ | !ntfs partitions | 10:51 |
ubottu | Factoid ntfs partitions not found | 10:51 |
shanky | ere4si: nop | 10:51 |
shanky | http://paste.ubuntu.com/9944/ | 10:51 |
ere4si | shanky: do the dpkg again and select vesa for the vid card driver | 10:52 |
shanky | ere4si: but, it did not aske me the driver | 10:53 |
shanky | it just asked me to use framebuffer or not, and keyboard settings | 10:53 |
ere4si | shanky: forgot that hardy was a barstard like that - don't know how to get around that yet - sorry | 10:55 |
faisal | hi all, i just installed kubuntu, i hvae downloaded some packages from cnr.com. Plese let me know how to install them? | 10:55 |
shanky | what I can't understand it is why during installation, or using live-cd works fine | 10:56 |
shanky | ere4si: using xorg.failsafe it looks to work | 10:57 |
ere4si | khajx: shanky great | 10:58 |
ere4si | khajx: nothing about a shortcut when you right click the desktop? | 10:58 |
ere4si | oops | 10:58 |
khajx | ere4si: lol, no | 10:58 |
khajx | so less user-friendly then ubuntu.. | 10:59 |
ere4si | khajx: is it kde3 kubuntu or kde4? | 10:59 |
khajx | kde4 | 11:00 |
ere4si | khajx: try in #kubuntu-kde4 - I don't use it | 11:00 |
khajx | i downloaded the latest kde4 remix release.. | 11:00 |
khajx | ok | 11:00 |
khajx | Thanks | 11:00 |
khajx | ere4si ^ | 11:00 |
ere4si | np | 11:00 |
=== storm_ is now known as STREENG | ||
khartahk | hi there | 11:19 |
khartahk | can anyone here help me to change mime type icons in kubuntu 8.04 KDE4 remix version | 11:20 |
ccoffey | Hi all. | 11:23 |
khartahk | hi | 11:24 |
ccoffey | I'm having an issue upgrading from 7.10 to 8.04. The kernel doesn;t want to install. here's the pastbin: http://pastebin.com/m1603ad65 | 11:24 |
ccoffey | just wondering if it's a common error | 11:24 |
khartahk | sorry, I don't know | 11:26 |
ccoffey | ok, no problem. thanks for looking | 11:26 |
Pennycook | ccoffey: Have you tried following the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades/Kubuntu | 11:32 |
xt828 | what's the command to force the package system to recheck itself again? | 11:33 |
jim | Hey what program do i use to open .bin files ? | 11:34 |
jim | i am trying to install realplayer for linux ! i have downloaded it from the site but i cant open it for some reason | 11:34 |
ccoffey | jim: vlc should play them | 11:35 |
jim | what a vlc > | 11:35 |
jim | ? | 11:35 |
ccoffey | Pennycook: Yup. but i did a google now and found a thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=671796 , hopefully some luck there | 11:35 |
ccoffey | jim: or mplayer. vlc is videolan.org, a fairly fantastic media player | 11:36 |
jim | ah ok | 11:37 |
ccoffey | jim: should be able to just sudo aptitude install vlc, if not let me know | 11:37 |
jim | reason why i am chosing realplayer is becuase i am trying to listen to HHUK Rave music from the website but it only wants windows media or realplayer ! that why | 11:37 |
Dr_willis | I thought gmplayer, or vlc with the right plugins/browserplugins could play realplayer | 11:38 |
Dr_willis | last i heard the official 'realplayer' linux binaries - where total.. well... doo doo. :) | 11:39 |
ccoffey | Dr_willis: afiak not all the realaudio stuff but i could be wrong | 11:39 |
Dr_willis | Your Mileage may vary. :) | 11:39 |
jim | http://paste.ubuntu.com/9950/ | 11:39 |
viperserv2 | anyway u can un raid raid1? | 11:39 |
Dr_willis | Realplayer REALLY dropped the ball.. they were the BIG name.. and now look at them. :) | 11:40 |
ccoffey | Dr_willis: actually thinking a bit hardeer now i think i am wrong, remember having a lot of success with kaffeine a few months back | 11:40 |
ccoffey | viperserv2: without data loss? | 11:40 |
viperserv2 | well aslong as the os is ok | 11:40 |
ccoffey | viperserv2: is it linux software raid? | 11:41 |
viperserv2 | /dev/sdb1 * 1 392 3148708+ fd Linux raid autodetect | 11:41 |
viperserv2 | /dev/sdb2 393 91136 728901180 fd Linux raid autodetect | 11:41 |
viperserv2 | /dev/sda1 * 1 392 3148708+ fd Linux raid autodetect | 11:41 |
viperserv2 | /dev/sda2 393 91136 728901180 fd Linux raid autodetect | 11:41 |
viperserv2 | it might be hardware | 11:42 |
ccoffey | viperserv2: I's day you possibly could. I've done it under solaris software raid, but that's no comparisson really. Is there much on google? I's day someone has tried. Can you expieriment? | 11:43 |
viperserv2 | well google teaches how to raid | 11:43 |
ccoffey | ls -l /dev/mapper. anything in there? | 11:43 |
viperserv2 | total 0 | 11:44 |
viperserv2 | crw-rw---- 1 root root 10, 63 2008-05-04 05:09 control | 11:44 |
ccoffey | hmmm, do a lspci and see if there is any raid sounding devices there | 11:45 |
ccoffey | jim: something else is using apt. is there any packmanagers open? | 11:46 |
viperserv2 | v 01) | 11:47 |
viperserv2 | 00:1f.2 IDE interface: Intel Corporation 82801GB/GR/GH (ICH7 Family) SATA IDE Co | 11:47 |
viperserv2 | i goes it's either bios or software | 11:48 |
ccoffey | viperserv2: i think that's just a standard sata chipset. i could be wrong. | 11:49 |
ccoffey | what's is / mounted from? | 11:49 |
viperserv2 | root | 11:50 |
viperserv2 | /dev/md1 3.0G 573M 2.3G 20% / | 11:51 |
blekos | hello could u tell me the command to check if my nvidia is enabled? | 11:51 |
ccoffey | blekos: as in the gpu? | 11:52 |
malik_ | what should i put in my fastab file so that i can access my ntfs partitions in kubuntu 8.04 kde4 so that i can acess em? | 11:52 |
viperserv2 | there a md2 that i unmounted | 11:52 |
ccoffey | viperserv2: I think that is software raid. do a lsmod | grep -i mdadm | 11:52 |
blekos | yes | 11:53 |
mefisto__ | can I mount a hard disk formatted in TinyUDF (from a digital TV recorder) with kubuntu? Has anyone here tried? | 11:53 |
Dr_willis | I always remove the 'nologo' option that Ubuntu for some odd reason loves to put in the xorg.conf file. That way when i start X - i See the nice nvidia logo and Know the driver is working. :) | 11:53 |
viperserv2 | root@ns356979:/# lsmod | grep -i mdadm | 11:53 |
viperserv2 | Opening /proc/modules: No such file or directory | 11:53 |
ccoffey | blekos: loomk at your .etc/X11/xorg.conf and see what driver it is using, it';; be nv or nvidia. the latter is the non free driver blob | 11:53 |
viperserv2 | hmm says that dir isn't there | 11:54 |
Dr_willis | mefisto__, totally depends on what file system it is.. Ive never heard of TinyUDF. - I thought UDF was a dvd rom filesystem - you could always try mounting it manually with the udf filesystem | 11:54 |
malik_ | Jucato: u there mate? | 11:54 |
tomekg | hi all I have a problem with compiz fusion in Kubuntu 8.04 | 11:55 |
ccoffey | viperserv2: -r--r--r-- 1 root root 0 2008-05-04 11:54 /proc/modules | 11:55 |
tomekg | anobydy wishes to help me? | 11:55 |
Dr_willis | state the exact problem and lets see | 11:55 |
tomekg | ok | 11:55 |
xt828 | i need to reconfigure my apt or dpkg | 11:55 |
malik_ | what should i put in my fastab file so that i can access my ntfs partitions in kubuntu 8.04 kde4 so that i can acess em? can any help me there? | 11:56 |
ccoffey | malik_: do you want read write supprt? | 11:56 |
Dr_willis | /dev/hda5 /media/winstorage ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.UTF-8 0 0 | 11:57 |
Dr_willis | <------------- example entry from my servers fstab | 11:57 |
viperserv2 | now it's saying command not found | 11:57 |
mefisto__ | Dr_willis: tinyUDF is, as far as I can tell, based on UDF. < http://www.storagelabs.com/products/tinyudf/ > I don't have the disk yet, considering buying a DVR that uses this filesystem, hoping I can get to the files with kubuntu | 11:57 |
Dr_willis | Or you can use the uuid or label. LABEL="XPBoot" /media/windows ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.UTF-8 0 0 | 11:57 |
viperserv2 | command-not-found: error: no such option: --r--r--r-- | 11:57 |
viperserv2 | -bash: --r--r--r--: command not found | 11:57 |
Dr_willis | mefisto__, i would do some researching befor spending too much ## | 11:58 |
Dr_willis | viperserv2, that was not a command to run. | 11:58 |
Dr_willis | it was the output from the ls command. :) | 11:58 |
ccoffey | viperserv2: that's was just the ls -l of my /proc modules, not a command. i was getting worried for you there. do you have the file /proc/modules? | 11:58 |
tomekg | I read many faqs and tutorials about compiz, and they didnt work until last - uninstalling all compiz and isntalling new one. Some effects works fine (i.e. windows animation) but Desktop Cube and many other doesn't work. Besides the ccsm doesn't show any picture off plugins... (nude ccsm). | 11:58 |
viperserv2 | theres no module dir there | 11:59 |
ccoffey | viperserv2: it's a file in /proc, not a dir. you should be able to cat it | 11:59 |
malik_ | ccoffey: yes i have that installed or atleast it is showing me in adept that i have its just that fstab is missing all my ntfs partitions | 12:00 |
Dr_willis | tomekg, compiz and ccsm can be buggy. Its working very well under Feisty here. | 12:00 |
malik_ | ccoffey: i guess thats what happens when u install bleeding edge distro | 12:00 |
viperserv2 | nothing | 12:00 |
viperserv2 | there is a mdstat tho | 12:00 |
ccoffey | malik_: you'll have to construct it by hand. it's not too hard. | 12:00 |
ccoffey | malik_: use file -s on your /dev/sd?? to find the ntfs partitions, and then add them to your fstab. don't forget to make the mount pint | 12:01 |
malik_ | ccoffey: i know its just i dont know how to set up read write permissions for all the users | 12:01 |
ccoffey | s/pint/point | 12:01 |
blekos | can i chanbe the hz of my screen from to 50 to 60? also i see that my nvidia driver is installed and in use. But in the monitor settings the driver is: standard and greyed out | 12:02 |
ccoffey | blekos: is it a tft? | 12:02 |
tomekg | thanks Dr_wills. I rember it work well on 7.10. That's why I asked | 12:02 |
blekos | it is a laptop | 12:02 |
=== pascalFR is now known as PascalFR | ||
blekos | dell 1530 | 12:02 |
ccoffey | blekos: i don't think there a need for 60hz on a tft panel. it's not like a crt. | 12:03 |
blekos | i c | 12:03 |
tomekg | I have one more question - how can I change a resolution of text mode (terminal) in Ctrl+Alt+F1 screen | 12:03 |
tomekg | I just want to see more text | 12:03 |
llutz | blekos: set "DynamicTwinView" "false" and it will report 60 or 75Hz, its a bug in nvidia-drivers, don't worry | 12:04 |
Dr_willis | tomekg, enable the framebuffer support, and set a vga=MODE that you like in the menu.lst file | 12:04 |
llutz | blekos: even if it reports 50Hz, it will use the correct freq | 12:04 |
francesco | !it | 12:04 |
ubottu | Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 12:04 |
kaminix | Hello, I'm trying to install proftpd. Anyone who can help me set it up? | 12:04 |
blekos | aa ok | 12:04 |
tomekg | menu.lst file - where can I found this? | 12:04 |
mefisto__ | Dr_willis: how do you enable framebuffer support? | 12:05 |
viperserv2 | hmm i know mdadm is what made this raid1 i think | 12:05 |
viperserv2 | should i just kill the partition and make new one? | 12:05 |
ccoffey | tomekg: it's in /boot/grub | 12:05 |
tomekg | thanks | 12:06 |
Dr_willis | !framebuffer | 12:07 |
ubottu | Information about changing your framebuffer modes in GRUB can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FrameBuffer#grub | 12:07 |
ccoffey | viperserv2: if it's not critical, you could just change the mount points in your fstab to the single disks rather than the mirror. i.e. from /dev/md1 to /dev/sda1 anf see what happens. have a live disk nearby to rescue it though! | 12:07 |
ccoffey | viperserv2: Not sure if it'll work with mdadm but i've done it on other distros | 12:08 |
viperserv2 | saying permission denied | 12:10 |
ccoffey | you need to do it as root. | 12:11 |
viperserv2 | i am | 12:11 |
ccoffey | you have the potential to really screw things up though, sounless you are comfortable with recovery/reintsalling i wouldn't try it. | 12:11 |
ccoffey | what command gave you permission denied? | 12:12 |
kaminix | Is there any simple way to make .-folders unavailable via the proftpd-server? | 12:12 |
lidy | ahoj | 12:14 |
viperserv2 | ./dev/md1 to /dev/sda1 | 12:15 |
odinsbane | good morning. I am trying to install kde3.?? and I am wondering what is the name of the package I should install. (ubuntu hardy heron) | 12:22 |
neo_ | kde3 | 12:22 |
neo_ | kde | 12:22 |
neo_ | kde | 12:22 |
neo_ | apt-get install kde | 12:22 |
stdin | odinsbane: kubuntu-desktop is the preferred package | 12:23 |
odinsbane | Ill try this for now. I might reinstall ubuntu for kubuntu. | 12:24 |
dentuk | hello | 12:25 |
viperserv2 | i wish i could reinstall my ubuntu box | 12:25 |
viperserv2 | but its 4k miles away | 12:25 |
dentuk | I installed python-qt4-doc but I don't know how to read the documentation now... | 12:28 |
dentuk | could someone help me ? | 12:28 |
JackWinter | is there a newsreader for kontakt? | 12:28 |
viperserv2 | hmm where was ssd at again? | 12:29 |
viperserv2 | sshd | 12:29 |
JackWinter | never mind found it myself. called knode ;) | 12:32 |
viperserv2 | i found sshd also | 12:35 |
MarcoPau | I see there's no more xmms in the hardy repos, except for this xmms2 which seems to be text only... what shall we use as a sober music player? | 12:35 |
Dr_willis | fire up the package manager and look at all the other media players. | 12:40 |
Dr_willis | xmms2 has several gui front ends. | 12:40 |
pavs | I forgot the word, but what are hidden features/pranks in software called? | 12:42 |
Dr_willis | Easter Eggs ? | 12:42 |
pavs | thanks | 12:42 |
pavs | :) | 12:42 |
stdin | apt-get moo | 12:42 |
stdin | ^that's a famous one | 12:42 |
pavs | I know thanku very much it was killing me :) | 12:42 |
Dr_willis | i recall some abussive option somewhere also | 12:42 |
viperserv2 | hmm is there something i should put befor this? | 12:42 |
viperserv2 | ./dev/md1 to /dev/sda1 | 12:42 |
pavs | I just couldnt remember it | 12:42 |
Dr_willis | viperserv2, what are you trying to do exactly? | 12:43 |
Dr_willis | If thats a bash command.. it meaningless. | 12:43 |
Dr_willis | :) | 12:43 |
viperserv2 | changed a raid1 into normal hds | 12:43 |
Dr_willis | You mean 'convert' or 'delete' or what exactly? | 12:44 |
viperserv2 | convert would be best | 12:44 |
Dr_willis | i would backup stuff from the raid system to another location, for the safest way. | 12:44 |
viperserv2 | well the only thing on it is the os mostly | 12:45 |
Dr_willis | If theres no imporntant data.. whipe it out. :) | 12:45 |
Dr_willis | you could backup your /etc/ configs I guess. | 12:45 |
MarcoPau | Dr_willis: I'm also here :) | 12:45 |
Dr_willis | MarcoPau, you stalker! | 12:45 |
Dr_willis | :P | 12:45 |
MarcoPau | LOL | 12:46 |
viperserv2 | aright | 12:46 |
MarcoPau | I'm sorry for xmms, I think I used it for some ages, and actually had no problem with it. is there anything similar to it for kde? | 12:47 |
Dr_willis | Thres literally DOZENS of media players for songs under linux... | 12:48 |
Dr_willis | amarok is popular :) | 12:48 |
Dr_willis | bmpx, mpd, others.. depends on your needs | 12:48 |
MarcoPau | yeah I know there are a bunch of them, and I tried already a few, but can't find anything as essential as xmms | 12:48 |
anoble | helllo | 12:49 |
viperserv2 | when i convert it will destroy the os? | 12:49 |
MarcoPau | small, light, to be put on the corner | 12:49 |
anoble | hey do all security tools like Nessus work on Kubuntu? | 12:49 |
Dr_willis | In theory - yes | 12:51 |
anoble | ok, shound i get gnome? | 12:51 |
viperserv2 | hmm same with converting raid1 to raid0? | 12:51 |
anoble | Dr_willis: should i get Gnome? | 12:52 |
Dr_willis | convert is a vague term. :) | 12:52 |
Dr_willis | anoble, i dont know.. do you want gnome? | 12:52 |
MarcoPau | Dr_willis: amarok is definitely huge according to my use | 12:52 |
Lynoure | anoble: there is no should, you can have it on side by side with kde if you are curious about it | 12:52 |
anoble | Dr_willis: yes, only reason im using Kubuntu is bec it reads the graphics card, and Ubuntu Doesnt | 12:52 |
Dr_willis | MarcoPau, then fire up the package manager and try out others. | 12:52 |
anoble | Dr_willis: *i think it does | 12:53 |
Dr_willis | anoble, kubuntu and ubuntu both use the identical core. There should be no differeance in the graphics card. | 12:53 |
anoble | Dr_willis: lol well Ubuntu wont go over 800x600 | 12:53 |
Dr_willis | If you want gnome then install it. :) install 'ubuntu-desktop' for the full gnome/ubuntu system | 12:53 |
BobDH | I need instructions for installing Creative Soundcard XFi 32/64 drivers. I have the tar file downloaded from Creative. | 12:53 |
MarcoPau | Dr_willis: also bmpx is enormous. all I want is a small player that can fit in the little free corner on my desktop, on top of kvirc | 12:53 |
Dr_willis | anoble, compare the xorg.conf files perhaps. There should not be any differances. | 12:53 |
MarcoPau | Dr_willis: if you know anthing that can look like that, please let me know | 12:54 |
viperserv2 | i think ill take the gamble | 12:54 |
Dr_willis | MarcoPau, go explore the package manager.......... | 12:54 |
Dr_willis | MarcoPau, or use a command line tool. :) | 12:54 |
anoble | Dr_willis: well Ubuntu is gone from this computer, im running Ubuntu on one computer and Kubuntu on this one | 12:54 |
Dr_willis | anoble, i normally install kubuntu-desktop and ubuntu-desktop on all my machines. | 12:54 |
MarcoPau | Dr_willis: well that I'm not really into, althou I used quite often the -e (enqueue) option from xmms command line | 12:55 |
MarcoPau | when hacking in the shell | 12:55 |
Dr_willis | MarcoPau, you might want to check out mpd, or the other features of xmms2 if you want to controll the player with scripts. | 12:55 |
Dr_willis | other players may even have similer or identical features. I tend to 'play all, random' and let them play for hours on end. | 12:56 |
Dr_willis | !info mpd | 12:56 |
ubottu | mpd: Music Player Daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.13.1-3ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 143 kB, installed size 428 kB | 12:56 |
viperserv2 | ./dev/md1 to /dev/sda1 | 12:57 |
viperserv2 | oh | 12:57 |
viperserv2 | mkfs /dev/md1 to /dev/sda1 | 12:57 |
viperserv2 | that didn't work either | 12:58 |
Dr_willis | viperserv2, those are jibberish command line commands... | 12:58 |
MarcoPau | Dr_willis: it seems to be a small little thing. I'll try that out, hope it can play flac and other crap like that | 12:58 |
Dr_willis | if you want to format sda1 then you mkfs /dev/sda1 | 12:58 |
pavs | off-topic anyone knows the originality of apt-get moo? | 12:58 |
Dr_willis | Ive got no idea wher eyou got this '/dev/md1 to /dev/sda1' being a command from. :) | 12:59 |
viperserv2 | ccoffey | 12:59 |
Dr_willis | I would bet you misunderstood what he said. | 13:00 |
stdin | pavs: bored developers I'd guess | 13:00 |
Dr_willis | <ccoffey> viperserv2: if it's not critical, you could just change the mount points in your fstab to the single disks rather than the mirror. i.e. from /dev/md1 to /dev/sda1 anf see what happens. have a live disk nearby to rescue it though! | 13:00 |
viperserv2 | ah | 13:00 |
Dr_willis | You change the lines IN the fstab file to change the device mounted... this is not converting the drives at all | 13:00 |
Dr_willis | thats just changing the mount point/info | 13:01 |
Dr_willis | !mount | 13:01 |
ubottu | Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Kubuntu, go to System Settings -> Advanced Tab -> Disks & Filesystem. See also !fstab and !DiskMounter | 13:01 |
viperserv2 | it refused to format | 13:01 |
Dr_willis | what was the exact command you used? | 13:01 |
viperserv2 | .mkfs /dev/sda1 | 13:02 |
Dr_willis | You could just delete the partitions on sda1 and other sd## disks that are in the raid and reboot and restart the installer | 13:02 |
viperserv2 | that hd is there | 13:02 |
Dr_willis | You just have 1 hd? | 13:02 |
pavs | stdin makes sense ;) | 13:02 |
viperserv2 | 2 | 13:02 |
Dr_willis | viperserv2, also think.. :) if formating a disk.. thats a big system task.. so you will want to use 'sudo' to do it as the root user. | 13:03 |
Dr_willis | sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda1 | 13:03 |
Dr_willis | for example. | 13:03 |
Dr_willis | Be sure you want to get rid of sda1... that will whipe it out | 13:03 |
viperserv2 | /dev/sda1 is apparently in use by the system; will not make a filesystem here! | 13:04 |
Dr_willis | well it would be best to not try to format the disk you are running the system from. :) | 13:04 |
viperserv2 | yeah i only have ssh access | 13:04 |
Dr_willis | viperserv2, You may manage to totally screw things up then... and make the system unbootable.. How are you goign to reinstall? | 13:05 |
viperserv2 | would have to get someone from the data center todo that | 13:05 |
Dr_willis | viperserv2, so.. whats the point of all this then? have them reinstall, and l the raid when they install. | 13:06 |
Dr_willis | and disable the raid.. i mean.. | 13:06 |
viperserv2 | ah thats the only way then | 13:07 |
Dr_willis | all you are going to manage to do is trash the system. | 13:07 |
viperserv2 | yeah too bad they have it raid1 instead of 0 | 13:07 |
Dr_willis | I dont even mess with raid any more. It wasent worth the hassle. | 13:08 |
viperserv2 | no u don't need raid unless u need to ul stuff at 1gbits or more | 13:08 |
Dr_willis | i was testing it out for 'game speed boosts' :) | 13:09 |
viperserv2 | or that | 13:09 |
Dr_willis | faster loading and so forth. - wasent worth the effort. | 13:09 |
viperserv2 | games load faster | 13:09 |
Dr_willis | many of the newer games.. have done some major optmizing in that area. Bioshock could load faster.. but givben the size/details of the levels.. it was ent too bad. | 13:10 |
Dr_willis | most of the MMORPGS i play - you dont even notice the loading any more | 13:10 |
viperserv2 | hmm what mmo r u able to run on ubuntu? | 13:10 |
rdw | hi folks. what about java 6 support for amd64? | 13:10 |
Dr_willis | viperserv2, i dont. :) but many of them do work with Wine | 13:11 |
ealx | ciao a tutti | 13:11 |
viperserv2 | whats the command for system specs? | 13:12 |
ealx | sapreste dirmi se è possibil fare in modo che le icone del system tray siano visualizzabili in più righe | 13:12 |
=== gnomefre2k is now known as gnomefreak | ||
ealx | risparmiando spazio del pannello | 13:13 |
stdin | !it | 13:13 |
ubottu | Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 13:13 |
rdw | what about java 6 support for amd64? | 13:13 |
stdin | rdw: what about it? | 13:14 |
rdw | how do i upgrade some package in kubuntu 7.10? | 13:15 |
rdw | build Blackdown-1.4.2-02 | 13:15 |
Dr_willis | sudo apt-get update then sudo apt-get upgrade for the latest from the repos | 13:15 |
Dr_willis | if its not in the repos.. use the source. | 13:15 |
rdw | repos is old stuff | 13:21 |
Dr_willis | Thats often the case | 13:22 |
Dr_willis | one of the problems with 6 mo release cycles. | 13:22 |
stdin | actually 6 was recently updated | 13:22 |
Dr_willis | i never use the blackdown java.. since a lot of apps dont like it. | 13:24 |
corban | is it possible for a hdd without an active parition not to be picked up by the bios | 13:24 |
stdin | you can try the icedtea-java7-* packages too, but they are slightly less complete atm | 13:24 |
corban | a sata drive | 13:24 |
Dr_willis | corban, i wouldent think so. | 13:24 |
Dr_willis | the bios menus should show it no matter what. | 13:24 |
Dr_willis | unless the power is unplugged, or sata cable is loose. or somting like that. | 13:24 |
stdin | bios just detects hardware, not partitions | 13:24 |
corban | wierd | 13:25 |
rdw | ok here's the deal - i had it installed. i only didn't know about update-java-alternatives command! | 13:25 |
corban | coz i have a SATA hdd in another computer and after i had plugged i a master IDE drive and unplugged tge master IDE hdd it's no longer detected as a primary hdd | 13:25 |
corban | any ideas | 13:26 |
corban | this computer i'm working on no matter if you set it to boot only from the HDD it tries to boot from CD/DVD | 13:27 |
ubuntu__ | Ubuntu smell shit, archlinux is the Best | 13:27 |
Jucato | !language | ubuntu__ | 13:28 |
ubottu | ubuntu__: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 13:28 |
asdfe | hey Jucato, icecruncher here | 13:29 |
Jucato | hi | 13:29 |
* Jucato has to go afk in a while | 13:29 | |
stdin | ubuntu__: if you don't like ubuntu, then /part | 13:30 |
Jucato | oh good stdin's here | 13:30 |
Jucato | afk now :) | 13:30 |
=== ubuntu__ is now known as flexible | ||
flexible | ubuntu is for babies | 13:31 |
stdin | I guess he should know.. | 13:32 |
Jucato | buhbye :) | 13:32 |
viperserv2 | anyone get freens working befor? | 13:33 |
Lhademmor | QUESTION: Can somebody tell me what I need to do to get either Konqueror or Firefox to enter this page: https://www.netbank.nordea.dk/netbank/index.jsp and display a login box correctly? | 13:39 |
nico_ | . | 13:41 |
nico_ | hello everyone | 13:42 |
* JoshOvki is either too suspisious or correct that the above link just doesnt seem right | 13:43 | |
Lhademmor | JoshOvki - what do you mean? | 13:43 |
JoshOvki | just looks like the sort of thing you get in a phishing email | 13:43 |
Lhademmor | It's my online bank! | 13:43 |
Lhademmor | Or rather "my bank, online" | 13:44 |
mefisto__ | Lhademmor: do you have java installed? Firefox asked to confirm if I want to run the java on that page. then when I said yes and refreshed the page, the login boxes are there | 13:44 |
Lhademmor | Yes, I think that I have java installed, at least with Firefox 3.0 | 13:45 |
JoshOvki | Lhademmor: im too suspisious then ;) | 13:45 |
Lhademmor | I installed Firefox 2, and now it suddenly asked me to install JRE, which I'm trying to do from suns homepage now | 13:45 |
nonewmsgs | sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 13:45 |
nonewmsgs | lhandemmor jre is in synaptic | 13:46 |
Lhademmor | nonewmsgs: Weird... | 13:47 |
Lhademmor | Synaptic states that I have both sunjava5-jre AND sun-java6-jre installed... | 13:48 |
nonewmsgs | lhademmor maybe uninstall 5? | 13:48 |
nonewmsgs | i just have jre6 and everything is working properly | 13:48 |
Jurgentje | yeah, well... Firefox doesn't really gets its info from apt... apparently it creates its own info | 13:48 |
Jucato | Firefox needs sun-java6-plugin | 13:48 |
JoshOvki | even after java is installed dont you then need to install the plugin for ff? | 13:48 |
nonewmsgs | oh josh0vki is right | 13:48 |
nonewmsgs | you need that too | 13:49 |
nonewmsgs | sorry i just woke up | 13:49 |
Lhademmor | Jucato, I have that one too... | 13:49 |
nonewmsgs | also jucato was right too | 13:49 |
Jucato | Lhademmor: what does "about:plugin" in Firefox say? | 13:49 |
Jucato | (if you're using Firefox 3 beta, I'm not sure if it works) | 13:50 |
Lhademmor | nonewmsgs, unfortunately I need Java 5 in order to get Oracle's JDeveloper working. But that's something else | 13:50 |
Lhademmor | Jucato, in Firefox 2 it says that the URL is not valid and couldn't be loaded... | 13:51 |
Jucato | er.. about:plugins I think | 13:51 |
sacha_ | yeah it is pluginS | 13:51 |
JoshOvki | Lhademmor: you using FF2 or FF3? | 13:52 |
Lhademmor | jucato, I've got Shockwave Flash installed - it says | 13:52 |
Jucato | we're looking for Java :) | 13:52 |
Lhademmor | Jucato, nothing | 13:52 |
Lhademmor | JoshOvki, I was using FF3, but then I only got a grey box at the abovementioned link. In FF2 I at least get a request to install additional plugins | 13:53 |
Jucato | weird... | 13:53 |
mefisto__ | I'm using FF3 beta 5 on hardy, and I can see the login (after reloading the page) | 13:53 |
Lhademmor | I guess you're all running KDE, right? | 13:54 |
nonewmsgs | i runs em all | 13:54 |
Lhademmor | I'm removing java5 now | 13:54 |
nonewmsgs | how do you set kmail to check for new mail every x minutes? | 13:55 |
x-X-x | i used firestarter on ubuntu gnome, can anyone reccomend me a good firewall manager like firestarter for kde or qt ? | 13:56 |
Lhademmor | In FF3, the statusbar tells me "Applet com.ibm.cbt.thinclient.netbank.LogonApplet started" but I 0only get a grey box | 13:56 |
x-X-x | anyone can help me ? ^ | 13:57 |
stdin | x-X-x: try guarddog | 13:57 |
Jucato | nonewmsgs: Settings -> Configure -> Accounts (forgot the exact name) -> Receiving tab -> Modify the account and set the fetch interval | 13:57 |
x-X-x | stdin = god | 13:58 |
x-X-x | thnx man exactly what i was looking for | 13:58 |
stdin | I don't want to be god, too many people asking you for things ;P | 13:58 |
Jucato | (or you can keep on using firestarter if that's what you prefer or if that works better for you :D) | 13:58 |
x-X-x | lol | 13:58 |
nonewmsgs | judcato i dont havea recieving tab?? | 13:59 |
Lhademmor | Nobody's able to help...? | 13:59 |
x-X-x | jucato yeh but i wanted to have something which integrated better with kde | 13:59 |
x-X-x | firestarter was easier than abc to use but i want to try something else | 13:59 |
nonewmsgs | oh there it is | 13:59 |
cbr | hello, my Kubuntu Intrepid fails to start X server, the logs say it can't find the FIXED font | 13:59 |
cbr | what's going on? | 14:00 |
nonewmsgs | thanks jucato | 14:00 |
Lynoure | cbr: Intrepid support is on #ubuntu+1 if even yet there | 14:00 |
jussi01 | !tab | nonewmsgs | 14:01 |
ubottu | nonewmsgs: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. | 14:01 |
Lynoure | I didn't think it was even developed yet | 14:01 |
stdin | it's not | 14:01 |
stdin | use it and you FAIL | 14:01 |
x-X-x | lol | 14:01 |
Lhademmor | I take that as a no | 14:03 |
mefisto__ | Lhademmor: what happens when you reload, or try changing to the second tab, then back to the first? | 14:04 |
Lhademmor | mefisto__: Absolutely nothing | 14:06 |
mefisto__ | do you see the two tabs in the page, or just a grey box? | 14:07 |
Lhademmor | I see the two tabs | 14:08 |
ganastasiou | hello everyone | 14:11 |
faderhval | Greetings | 14:11 |
ganastasiou | anyone uses kopete for msn client? | 14:11 |
Lhademmor | QUESTION: Where is the Firefox plugins directory? | 14:11 |
ganastasiou | i have a problem with slow file transfer | 14:11 |
ganastasiou | noone has experience with that? | 14:13 |
faderhval | Im trying to get DRI enabled on my gfx (Gefore 6800 LE PCI-E) so i need the "restricted" drivers and i looked up how to acces them but i can't find anything for kubuntu 8.04 anyone able to point me in the direction?? | 14:13 |
faderhval | preferably the right direction ;) | 14:14 |
Lynoure | ganastasiou: sure, plentu with slow servers :) | 14:14 |
Quetzlcoatl | did you tried the nvidia site ? | 14:14 |
Lynoure | s/plentu/plenty/ | 14:14 |
faderhval | yeah i did but i can have anohter look if you think there should be something there | 14:14 |
trident523 | Hey #kubuntu, how could I get skype working on an x64 install? | 14:17 |
mefisto__ | Lhademmor: /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ and also (but not always) ~/.mozilla/plugins/ | 14:18 |
faderhval | so i get a *.run file but as im not to familiar with more than the pretty basics of installing applications on linux im not entirely sure what to do with it :)?? | 14:18 |
trident523 | Try dragging it into konsole, and hitting enter. | 14:19 |
Lhademmor | Haha, I used Suns (braindead) instructions for installing Java manually and linking it to my Firefox 2 browser and NOW, finally, I can see the box! | 14:19 |
Lhademmor | Praise tha lord! | 14:19 |
trident523 | !lord | 14:19 |
ubottu | Factoid lord not found | 14:19 |
trident523 | ubottu does not yet know. | 14:20 |
trident523 | Kay, the forums knew what I wanted to do. | 14:22 |
faderhval | so didn't help dragging and pressing enter... how ever i tried the dpkg function but as it is not a *.deb i get an error | 14:23 |
jcfp | !nvidia | faderhval | 14:23 |
ubottu | faderhval: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 14:23 |
faderhval | thanks | 14:23 |
jcfp | faderhval: yours is an nvidia card | 14:24 |
faderhval | will look into it at once | 14:24 |
Quetzlcoatl | faderhval: sudo sh Nvidia......run | 14:24 |
faderhval | jcfp: i looked into that but there are no instrictions for 8.04 and i have the package from nividia i wanna use | 14:25 |
faderhval | instructions* | 14:26 |
Quetzlcoatl | and you need to install nvidia kernel source | 14:26 |
faderhval | Quetzlcoatl: uhm..hehe yes okay i'll have to google that thanks ^ | 14:26 |
Quetzlcoatl | and if i remember well you have to install also libc6-devel...anyway nvidia installer will tell you what you need | 14:27 |
faderhval | ok got the kernel source! i'll try running the driver app. and see whats missing | 14:28 |
faderhval | see ya soon seems it doesn't allow X to be running :) | 14:29 |
Quetzlcoatl | ok. good luck ! | 14:29 |
faderhval | worked like a charm, thank you Quetzlcoatl | 14:35 |
Quetzlcoatl | :) | 14:35 |
faderhval | now to test if rendering is working ^^ | 14:35 |
faderhval | well i'll be...it does :) | 14:36 |
Quetzlcoatl | great ! | 14:36 |
faderhval | only thing left is WoW and wine -.- | 14:37 |
Quetzlcoatl | :)) | 14:37 |
xtremejuice | hey whta going on bruss? | 14:38 |
xtremejuice | wht up dawg??/ | 14:38 |
Alfred-AU | hi | 14:40 |
peixoto | Hi all | 14:43 |
peixoto | Is there an advanced tellico user around ? | 14:44 |
peixoto | Got a problem | 14:44 |
mefisto__ | I love tellico, don't know if I'm "advanced" | 14:44 |
peixoto | I Love it too, but now I am getting trouble tring to get a printed version of my collection | 14:44 |
peixoto | I just want a printout list of the titles | 14:45 |
raymears | hi, everyone. small issue: just installed the kde4 meta-package on hardy and everything seems to work fine, except for the window decorations, which are missing. any suggestions as to what i could do to get them working? | 14:45 |
mefisto__ | never used it to print the reports. what's wrong, peixoto? | 14:46 |
peixoto | but the problem is that the report tool from tellico doesnt know how to break pages correctly, so that some line are cut in the middle... | 14:46 |
charly | wenas | 14:46 |
peixoto | I tried to export the list to CSV and open in OOficce, but it misbehaving interpratating the comments of the films | 14:47 |
peixoto | I exported using the ṕ character, but even this way OOfice cant separate the fields correctly.... | 14:48 |
peixoto | Is it so hard to get a printed list of my films ? | 14:48 |
Mak2 | Would anyone know how to install 32-bit compatibility in Kubuntu 8.04 amd64 or am I screwed and need to install the 32-bit version instead? | 14:49 |
faderhval | whats the option to get dpkg install a package with dependecies? | 14:49 |
sacha_ | linux32 lets you run 32-bit binaries mak2 | 14:50 |
Mak2 | So simply apt-get install linux32 ? | 14:50 |
sacha_ | its in the package: util-linux | 14:50 |
Mak2 | Ok, that package is already installed, sacha_. But SecondLife refuses to run. | 14:50 |
astan | hey. kubuntu does not include the rar plugin for ark in the kdeutils package? is it because of licensing or something? | 14:51 |
sacha_ | Mak2, run it like: wine secondlife | 14:51 |
sacha_ | but, linux32 secondlife | 14:51 |
Mak2 | Ah, ok. | 14:51 |
astan | (kdeutils-kde4 4.0.3) | 14:51 |
Mak2 | Apparently linux32 secondlife doesn't work, sacha_ | 14:52 |
sacha_ | what does it say? | 14:52 |
Mak2 | linux32: secondlife: No such file or directory | 14:52 |
sacha_ | :P linux32 /path/to/secondlifebinary | 14:52 |
Mak2 | When I do that, sacha_, second life claims it cannot find bin/do-not-directly-run-secondlife-bin which is clearly in the bin/ folder. >_> | 14:53 |
Mak2 | An error message which baffles me for the simple stupidity that the program cannot find something which is clearly there. | 14:54 |
sacha_ | oh, how are you meant to run secondlife if not directly? (i havent run it before) | 14:55 |
raymears | help, anyone: just installed the kde4 meta-package on hardy and everything seems to work fine, except for the window decorations, which are missing. any suggestions as to what i could do to get them working? (just discovered that if i start kwin manually, it works...) | 14:56 |
mefisto__ | peixoto: is it cutting off the top of the page because of the filename and page number header? | 14:56 |
Mak2 | One runs the secondlife binary in the main folder which then runs the bin/do-not-directly-run-secondlife-bin and configures it properly, I guess. | 14:56 |
sacha_ | oh.. hmm | 14:56 |
Mak2 | The secondlife binary in the main folder has a bunch of config settings in it. | 14:57 |
Mak2 | Well, not really a binary. >_> It's a config script thing. | 14:57 |
sacha_ | linux32 /home/mak2/secondlife/bin/do-not-directly-run-secondlife-bin <-- like this? | 14:57 |
sacha_ | ahhh, it's a script? you can open that script in a text editor and just add "linux32" to the part where it runs secondlife | 14:57 |
Mak2 | I'll give it a go. | 14:58 |
Mak2 | Hang on | 14:58 |
peixoto | mefisto: no, it is cutting in the middle of line (randomly, in fact). It produces a long page, that doesnt fit in an A4, so when I print it cut some lines... | 14:58 |
Mak2 | export SL_CMD='$LL_WRAPPER bin/do-not-directly-run-secondlife-bin' | 14:58 |
Mak2 | Should I edit that one? >_> | 14:58 |
sacha_ | can try: export SL_CMD='linux32 $LL_WRAPPER bin/do-not-directly-run-secondlife-bin' | 14:59 |
mefisto__ | peixoto: have you tried printing to a pdf file instead of your printer, then printing the pdf? | 14:59 |
peixoto | mefisto: yes, it gives me the same result... | 14:59 |
peixoto | mefisto: the PDF itself is cutted... | 15:00 |
Mak2 | linux32 $LL_WRAPPER bin/do-not-directly-run-secondlife-bin | 15:00 |
Mak2 | erf | 15:00 |
=== ubuntu is now known as bakke | ||
Mak2 | linux32: bin/do-not-directly-run-secondlife-bin: No such file or directory | 15:00 |
Mak2 | I'm adding the full folder address to it now | 15:01 |
sacha_ | ok | 15:01 |
Mak2 | Nope. And even when changing the order of $LL_WRAPPER and linux32 no go | 15:02 |
sacha_ | when is SL_CMD executed? | 15:02 |
Mak2 | Er.. about 60/70% down in the thing? | 15:03 |
sacha_ | whats that line say | 15:03 |
Mak2 | # Run the program | 15:03 |
Mak2 | eval ${SL_ENV} ${SL_CMD} ${SL_OPT} || LL_RUN_ERR=runerr | 15:03 |
Mak2 | I could change that to ${linux32 SL_CMD} ? Maybe that works? | 15:04 |
peixoto | mefisto: I thought it was more common problem (at least I want a printed list when I go shopping:-) )... I'll drop a line to the author, to see if he has a solution, but thanks anyway | 15:04 |
sacha_ | no that wont work | 15:05 |
sacha_ | mm thats confusing. anyway, there are 64-bit versions of secondlife for ubuntu | 15:05 |
Mak2 | But do those work with RestrainedLife? | 15:05 |
=== Lhademmor is now known as ligemeget | ||
sacha_ | no idea lol | 15:05 |
ShawnRisk | I am trying to install parallel tools for Parallels on my Mac to run Kubuntu 8.04 and I get this error: Found xorg version . Installation for xorg.. not found Any ideas? | 15:06 |
mefisto__ | peixoto: it seems to not like A4 size | 15:06 |
sacha_ | Mak2: what is SL_ENV set to | 15:06 |
Mak2 | export SL_ENV='LD_LIBRARY_PATH="`pwd`"/lib:"`pwd`"/app_settings/mozilla-runtime-linux-i686:"${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}"' | 15:07 |
stdin | ShawnRisk: try installing xorg-dev | 15:07 |
sacha_ | what happens when you run the script normally? with nothing changed | 15:08 |
Mak2 | with or without linux32 | 15:09 |
Mak2 | ? | 15:09 |
sacha_ | without | 15:09 |
Mak2 | ./secondlife | 15:09 |
Mak2 | ./secondlife: line 92: bin/do-not-directly-run-secondlife-bin: No such file or directory | 15:09 |
Mak2 | *** Unclean shutdown. *** | 15:09 |
ShawnRisk | stdin: trying | 15:09 |
sacha_ | im just curious since it said it didnt know where bin/do-not-run.. was before.. maybe it doesnt know it normally | 15:09 |
sacha_ | yeah | 15:09 |
sacha_ | so the linux32 thing did work.. its just that file really doesnt exist | 15:09 |
Mak2 | But it does | 15:10 |
Mak2 | It shows in konqueror | 15:10 |
sacha_ | what directory are you running secondlife in? | 15:10 |
slow-motion | hi | 15:10 |
Mak2 | /home/maki/SL/RestrainedLife-1.10.4-SL- | 15:10 |
peixoto | mefisto__: I tried Letter, and it worked now (I dont know if it was by chance, but it worked anyway).... I'll try a couple more reports... | 15:10 |
sacha_ | and what directory is the do-not-directly-run.. in? | 15:10 |
Mak2 | /home/maki/SL/RestrainedLife-1.10.4-SL- | 15:10 |
sacha_ | ok for SL_CMD line make it this: export SL_CMD='linux32 $LL_WRAPPER /home/maki/SL/RestrainedLife-1.10.4-SL-' | 15:11 |
sacha_ | with full path.. maybe itll get it then | 15:12 |
Mak2 | $ ./secondlife | 15:12 |
Mak2 | ./secondlife: line 92: /home/maki/SL/RestrainedLife-1.10.4-SL- No such file or directory | 15:12 |
Mak2 | *** Unclean shutdown. *** | 15:12 |
sacha_ | try this: ls ~/SL/RestrainedLife-1.10.4-SL- | 15:12 |
Mak2 | $ ./secondlife | 15:13 |
Mak2 | ./secondlife: line 92: /home/maki/SL/RestrainedLife-1.10.4-SL- No such file or directory | 15:13 |
Mak2 | *** Unclean shutdown. *** | 15:13 |
Mak2 | Still the same error. | 15:13 |
sacha_ | no i mean, try running this command: ls ~/SL/RestrainedLife-1.10.4-SL- | 15:13 |
ShawnRisk | stdin: installed should I restart? | 15:14 |
Mak2 | er | 15:14 |
Mak2 | That gives me a list | 15:14 |
TheGateKeeper | how do you upgrade from dapper 6.06 to the latest version (Full Upgrade button in adept is greyed out) ?? | 15:14 |
Mak2 | the bin directory is blue | 15:14 |
sacha_ | ok good | 15:14 |
sacha_ | $ ./secondlife <-- where are you running this from? are you sure this isnt /home/maki/ ? | 15:14 |
stdin | ShawnRisk: you don't need to reboot, just try installing parallel tools again | 15:14 |
Mak2 | download and burn the iso and run the install CD, TheGateKeeper. | 15:14 |
ShawnRisk | stdin: did, still same error | 15:15 |
Mak2 | I'm pretty sure of that, sacha. | 15:15 |
Mr_Sonoma | A little help with a SAMBA/CUPS issue? trying to print from a windows vista machine to my linux box (kubuntu 8.04) so far i can browse printers on the windows box, and when i attempt to print a test page it shows in the "jobs" page of CUPS but goes no further. suggestions, ideas? | 15:15 |
Mak2 | maki@Kokoro:~/SL/RestrainedLife-1.10.4-SL-$ | 15:15 |
TheGateKeeper | Mak2: you can't do it over the net? | 15:15 |
sacha_ | mm why would it say file doesnt exist? | 15:15 |
stdin | ShawnRisk: I don't know then, it usually means it want's the dev files and what's why you installed. unless it's looking in the wrong place | 15:15 |
Mak2 | Not to my knowledge, TheGateKeeper. | 15:15 |
Mak2 | See, that's what puzzles me as well, sacha_. | 15:15 |
Mak2 | The file IS there. I even reinstalled the thing to try and see if that works. | 15:16 |
sacha_ | Mak2: can you `cd bin` and then ./do<TAB><TAB> and run it? | 15:16 |
TheGateKeeper | Mak2: you are talking about an upgrade & not a fresh install ? | 15:16 |
ShawnRisk | stdin: no other ideas? | 15:16 |
Mak2 | Er | 15:16 |
Mak2 | I fresh installed, TheGateKeeper, so I dunno. | 15:17 |
stdin | ShawnRisk: I've never tried to install it, so I don't know. have you looked on the forums? | 15:17 |
Mak2 | $ ./do-not-directly-run-secondlife-bin do-not-directly-run-secondlife-bin | 15:17 |
Mak2 | bash: ./do-not-directly-run-secondlife-bin: No such file or directory | 15:17 |
ShawnRisk | stdin: yes | 15:17 |
sacha_ | thats just weird | 15:18 |
Mak2 | I upgraded from 7.04 to 8.04 with my /home/ on a different partition, TheGateKeeper. | 15:18 |
Mak2 | Yes, sacha_ | 15:18 |
sacha_ | a file that is there that .. isnt? | 15:19 |
Mak2 | I'm dumping a copy to /home/maki/restrainedlife/ and see if it runs from there. | 15:19 |
Mak2 | Might be the Capitals or the dots or something.. I dunno | 15:20 |
crazy_bus | is there any program that will allow me to view a folder of images one after another length wise on the same page. Because I have a whole bunch on book snippits and I want to view them as a page with only a small gap between each one | 15:20 |
Jucato | crazy_bus: gwenview? | 15:20 |
viperserv2 | hello | 15:20 |
Mak2 | Nope, doesn't work either. It gives me the same 'No such file or directory' error when running from that folder. | 15:20 |
BluesKaj | hiyas all | 15:20 |
Mak2 | As I said: It worked fine in 32-bits 7.04 | 15:21 |
viperserv2 | is there anyway to convert a raid1 into raid0 or normal hds with ssh? | 15:21 |
sacha_ | the 32-bits/64-bits doesnt matter at all | 15:21 |
Mak2 | Ok | 15:21 |
xtremejuice | fuck ypu | 15:21 |
sacha_ | thats some freaky thing going on where it cant see a file that is there | 15:21 |
Mak2 | So 7.04 runs fine and 8.04 chokes to death. >_> | 15:21 |
stdin | !language | xtremejuice | 15:21 |
ubottu | xtremejuice: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 15:21 |
crazy_bus | Jucato: so the kde3 version can do that? As I only currently have the kde4 version installed | 15:21 |
sacha_ | Mak2: are you sure there isnt some symlink in there that got lost when you copied something? | 15:21 |
sacha_ | crazy_bus: kde4 one does that | 15:22 |
Jucato | so does kde 3 | 15:22 |
Jucato | by lengthwise I presume you mean "vertical"? | 15:22 |
crazy_bus | sacha_: how do I make it do it. I only get a single image, or lots of previews at a time | 15:22 |
Mak2 | sacha_ I am pretty sure that after I installed 8.04, the /home/ directory being on a different partition from / and swap that I kept the files as they were in 7.04 and upon trying to run secondlife it failed majorly with the errors I showed you. | 15:23 |
crazy_bus | Jucato: yes vertical | 15:23 |
ShawnRisk | anyone else can help me? | 15:23 |
Mak2 | Being that it can't even find the darned file I am pretty sure, also, that it's nothing to do with audio or video driver issues or anything and am completely baffled. | 15:23 |
Jucato | crazy_bus: well, if you're viewing book pages as images, why not just go to View image mode (one image at a time) then press Space/Backspace to navigate the images sequentially? | 15:24 |
ShawnRisk | I am trying to install parallel tools for Parallels on my Mac to run Kubuntu 8.04 and I get this error: Found xorg version . Installation for xorg.. not found Any ideas? | 15:24 |
crazy_bus | Jucato: not book pages. More like three line images and it's hard to concentrate going going forwards individually | 15:25 |
sacha_ | Mak2: ls -alF /home/maki/SL/RestrainedLife-1.10.4-SL- | grep not | 15:25 |
Mak2 | $ ls -alF /home/maki/SL/RestrainedLife-1.10.4-SL- | grep not | 15:25 |
Mak2 | -rwxr-xr-x 1 maki maki 35847120 2008-04-05 01:06 do-not-directly-run-secondlife-bin* | 15:25 |
sacha_ | what colour is it in | 15:25 |
Mak2 | huh? | 15:26 |
sacha_ | the file | 15:26 |
Mak2 | er | 15:26 |
Mak2 | green | 15:26 |
ShawnRisk | I am out of here | 15:26 |
sinkz | how do i join Quakenet? | 15:26 |
BluesKaj | sinkz, quakenet has it's own server , youll have to set it up on your IRC client | 15:27 |
Jucato | crazy_bus: this is the only way I can think of. in Gwenview's Browse mode, there is a slider in the toolbar at the top, beside "Thumbnails with Info on Bottom". slide that up way left to increase the preview size to 256x256 | 15:27 |
sacha_ | Mak2: bash SL/RestrainedLife-1.10.4-SL- | 15:28 |
sacha_ | oops | 15:28 |
Mak2 | er | 15:28 |
sacha_ | Mak2: bash ~/SL/RestrainedLife-1.10.4-SL- | 15:28 |
Mak2 | $ bash ~/SL/RestrainedLife-1.10.4-SL- | 15:28 |
Mak2 | /home/maki/SL/RestrainedLife-1.10.4-SL- /home/maki/SL/RestrainedLife-1.10.4-SL- cannot execute binary file | 15:28 |
crazy_bus | Jucato: unfortunately their not big enough in my version. Maybe I'll try imagemagick | 15:29 |
Jucato | crazy_bus: both kde4 and kde3 versions seem to have that max "preview" size | 15:30 |
Mak2 | The error persists throughout SL versions, sacha_ | 15:31 |
sacha_ | weirdest thing ever :P | 15:31 |
Minnozz | !kmilo | 15:31 |
ubottu | Factoid kmilo not found | 15:31 |
Mak2 | RestrainedLife- does the same. | 15:31 |
Minnozz | does anybody know how to fix KMilo for my Logitech keyboard? | 15:31 |
crazy_bus | Jucato: I found how to do it perfectly by stitching them together into a pdf. Thanks for all your help ( sacha_ too ) | 15:34 |
sacha_ | Mak2: well if this doesnt work i dunno whats going on: export SL_CMD='linux32 $LL_WRAPPER /home/maki/SL/RestrainedLife-1.10.4-SL-' | 15:34 |
Mak2 | $ ./secondlife | 15:35 |
Mak2 | linux32: /home/maki/SL/RestrainedLife-1.10.4-SL- No such file or directory | 15:35 |
Mak2 | *** Unclean shutdown. *** | 15:35 |
Mak2 | $ linux32 /home/maki/SL/RestrainedLife-1.10.4-SL- | 15:36 |
Mak2 | linux32: /home/maki/SL/RestrainedLife-1.10.4-SL- No such file or directory | 15:36 |
Mak2 | >_>; | 15:36 |
Mak2 | sacha_ | 15:37 |
Mak2 | I tried installing several versions of the RL viewer as well as the SL viewer to several different folders, repeating what you told me. | 15:38 |
Mak2 | They all come out on not being able to find the bin/do-not-directly-run-secondlife-bin binary | 15:38 |
sacha_ | maybe they did some cray voodoo thing so you cant run their file directly | 15:38 |
Mak2 | heh | 15:39 |
Mak2 | I wouldn't know how to edit a binary to check, sacha_ | 15:39 |
Mak2 | But since the secondlife script executes the binary, wouldn't that still need to work somehow cause it did before? o.O; | 15:40 |
TheGateKeeper | Need to get 0B of archives. After unpacking 0B will be used. <<< what is OB ? | 15:42 |
=== neversfelde|mobi is now known as kubuntu-deIRC | ||
=== kubuntu-deIRC is now known as neversfelde|mobi | ||
velho | i need some help, please. i've just installed lasted kubuntu version with kde4, and after making some changes, now kde doesn't start! | 15:43 |
velho | can i restart kde to default installation version or something? | 15:44 |
BluesKaj | velho, describe doesn't start | 15:44 |
Minnozz | TheGateKeeper: not much | 15:45 |
Minnozz | ( zero bytes ) | 15:45 |
velho | x loads and ask me to put my name and password. by trying to load kde, it stops in the middle and restart to the logion window | 15:45 |
velho | *login | 15:46 |
BluesKaj | velho, | 15:46 |
faderhval | can someone point me to a man/guide where i can read a bit aobut the directory structure in kubuntu/linux can't find much on google | 15:46 |
BluesKaj | you have to choose wich desktop in the menu, if you have kde3 and4 | 15:46 |
Minnozz | faderhval: type 'man hier' | 15:47 |
hydrogen | !fhs | 15:47 |
ubottu | An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview | 15:47 |
TheGateKeeper | well looks like nothing has changed, upgrading from one version to the next seems like you still have to trash everything and start again from scratch | 15:47 |
faderhval | Minnozz: and hydrogen thanks.. | 15:48 |
BluesKaj | TheGateKeeper, not really | 15:48 |
velho | BluesKaj: when i choose KDE4, it doesn't start. i'm in "Failsafe" now... :S | 15:48 |
Minnozz | you're welcome :) | 15:48 |
BluesKaj | velho, do you have kde 3 installed ? | 15:48 |
TheGateKeeper | BluesKaj: ok so how do I upgrade from 6.06 ? | 15:48 |
velho | no, i guess not | 15:48 |
hydrogen | TheGateKeeper: "You can only directly upgrade to Kubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron) from Kubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon)" | 15:50 |
velho | BluesKaj: i have the latest kubuntu version with kde4. is this a kde4 bug? | 15:50 |
dhq | hello guys ... i just installed kubuntu 8.04 but the problem is it uses vesa drivers when i install the propariety drivers i get the white screen of death | 15:50 |
BluesKaj | TheGateKeeper, you made a blanket statement , but din't mention that you were 4-5 releases behind the curve | 15:50 |
hydrogen | BluesKaj: well.. one would expect that it would be possible to updat from LTS to what should have been a LTS | 15:51 |
BluesKaj | velho, it could be your hardware doesn't work with kde4 | 15:51 |
hydrogen | as it is on nonkubuntu | 15:51 |
TheGateKeeper | BluesKaj: hydrogen you should be able to upgrade from one LTS version to the next | 15:51 |
hydrogen | TheGateKeeper: however, kubuntu 8.04 is not a lts | 15:51 |
velho | BluesKaj: but it WAS working | 15:51 |
BluesKaj | hmm is Hardy is an LTS ? | 15:51 |
hydrogen | which means everythings going to be thrown off | 15:51 |
hydrogen | BluesKaj: it is for ubuntu, not kubuntu | 15:52 |
TheGateKeeper | hydrogen: I thought it was | 15:52 |
BluesKaj | velho, so what has changed since it was working ? | 15:52 |
Mr_Sonoma | A little help with a SAMBA/CUPS issue? trying to print from a windows vista machine to my linux box (kubuntu 8.04) so far i can browse printers on the windows box, and when i attempt to print a test page it shows in the "jobs" page of CUPS but goes no further. suggestions, ideas? | 15:52 |
velho | BluesKaj: i was changing the K menu | 15:53 |
BluesKaj | velho, you changed the kicker ? | 15:54 |
BluesKaj | Mr_Sonoma, so which pc is the printer actually connected to ? | 15:55 |
Minnozz | any help with the case "Logitech keyboard vs. kmilo" ? | 15:55 |
velho | BluesKaj: exactly | 15:55 |
velho | BluesKaj: can i pu kicker in default mode? | 15:56 |
BluesKaj | velho, dunno how to help , maybe change it back ? | 15:56 |
Mak2 | sacha_ still alive? | 15:56 |
sacha_ | hi | 15:56 |
Mak2 | Hehe | 15:56 |
velho | but can i change back the kicker? by a command line or something? | 15:57 |
Mak2 | You just went silent all of a sudden, sorry. I'm still not quite sure what to do. Should I install the 32-bit version of 8.04 or see if there's a solution for this problem I have in the amd64 version? | 15:57 |
viperserv2 | is there anyway to convert a raid1 into raid0 or normal hds with ssh? | 15:58 |
Mak2 | I mean, if the binary isn't supposed to be run by itself, but can't run without linux32 or something.. as far as I understand now.. it might be that it would work in the 32-bit version because it doesn't depend on working with linux32? | 15:58 |
sacha_ | naah it has nothing to do with 32/64 bits | 15:59 |
sacha_ | it doesnt run even without linux32 | 15:59 |
Mak2 | Then I'm stumped | 15:59 |
Mak2 | So how do I solve it? | 16:00 |
Mak2 | Backtrack to 7.04? | 16:00 |
sacha_ | no idea | 16:00 |
sacha_ | its just completely weird. never seen a file that is there but not there before | 16:00 |
Mak2 | Me neither. | 16:00 |
Mak2 | But as I said: It happens to other installs as well. | 16:01 |
Mak2 | do-not-directly-run-secondlife-bin just doesn't exist on disk but exists regardless. >_> | 16:01 |
Mak2 | And is 34.2 MB or (35,847,120 B) on said disk. >_> | 16:01 |
ccc4 | some one help am a newbie:) | 16:02 |
sacha_ | lol | 16:02 |
genii | !ask | ccc4 | 16:02 |
ubottu | ccc4: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 16:02 |
genii | ccc4: eg: State the nature of your kubuntu emergency ;) | 16:03 |
ccc4 | well | 16:03 |
ccc4 | i put ma usb device in and ma kubunto wont read it or i dnt find it ? help | 16:03 |
sacha_ | kde3 or kde4? | 16:03 |
sujith | hi I want to how can I voice chat in ubuntu | 16:03 |
ccc4 | its kubunto | 16:04 |
sujith | yes | 16:04 |
genii | ccc4: What is the usb device you plugged in? | 16:04 |
ccc4 | 7.10 | 16:04 |
ccc4 | genii its a normal 1 | 16:04 |
Lynoure | sujith: there are many ways, skype, lots of other voip software, some messaging software | 16:04 |
ccc4 | just with pictures | 16:04 |
sacha_ | a flash drive | 16:04 |
velho | can i restart the default kicker in kde4? i guess i can't acess kubuntu because i changed the kicker. help? | 16:04 |
BluesKaj | velho, maybe you should ask in #kubuntu-kde4 | 16:05 |
plinio_ | what is new in ubuntu 804? | 16:05 |
velho | BluesKaj: thanks | 16:05 |
genii | ccc4: OK, so storage device. What filesystem? Was it used before with a windows system? | 16:05 |
ubottu | plinio_: Error: Could not parse XML returned by Ubuntu: not well-formed (invalid token): line 382, column 84 | 16:05 |
genii | hmm | 16:05 |
sacha_ | lol | 16:06 |
sujith | anybody pls help me which messenger is available for voice chat other than skype for yahoo and gmail account | 16:06 |
genii | Mak2: What is your 32/64 bit dilemma? | 16:07 |
Mak2 | Well, sacha_ sorta ruled out it was a 32/64 bit problem, genii | 16:08 |
genii | I just got here so sorta need a recap | 16:08 |
sacha_ | genii: konqueror and `ls` show that a file exists.. but if he attempts to run the file, it says file or folder doesnt exist | 16:09 |
Mak2 | Apparently the file do-not-directly-run-secondlife-bin in the /bin/ folder in pretty much all versions of the SecondLife and RestrainedLife viewers I tried so far doesn't exist. Yet still takes up about 30 MB worth of room and shows in both Konsole and Konqueror and is executable and can be manipulated.. | 16:09 |
Mak2 | I'm a she, sacha_. | 16:09 |
sacha_ | oh sorry | 16:09 |
* Mak2 pets softly. "No problem." | 16:09 | |
sujith | anybody pls help me which messenger is available for voice chat other than skype for yahoo and gmail account | 16:09 |
sujith | anybody pls help me which messenger is available for voice chat other than skype for yahoo and gmail account | 16:09 |
hydrogen | patience | 16:10 |
rootsnatch | hey guys so I want to have the output of a shell command appear on my desktop, is that possible? | 16:10 |
sacha_ | sujith: MSN? | 16:10 |
rootsnatch | I have tried conky but I can't get conky to work without it flickering whenever I put something on the desktop or take it off the desktop | 16:10 |
rootsnatch | any other ideas? | 16:10 |
sujith | both yahoo and Gtalk client in linux for voice chatr | 16:11 |
genii | Mak2: What does ls -l of the file show? (executable, is it a symlink(to a nonexistant target), ownership, etc) | 16:11 |
Mak2 | sacha_ & genii I solved the problem! | 16:11 |
sacha_ | genii: its a green file (executable) and not a symlink | 16:11 |
sacha_ | how did you solve it? | 16:11 |
sujith | sacha can u help me?? | 16:11 |
BluesKaj | rootsnatch, whynot just copy&paste the output to a text file | 16:12 |
sacha_ | sujith: what is the problem? | 16:12 |
rootsnatch | ok then can I display the text file on the desktop | 16:12 |
Mak2 | I just installed wine and dependencies and now the do-not-directly-run-secondlife-bin does work. I think it has something to do with the dependencies. The following packages came with wine: binfmt-support ia32-libs lib32asound2 lib32gcc1 lib32ncurses5 lib32stdc++6 lib32z1 libc6-i386 | 16:12 |
sujith | i want to know is ubuntu supports voice chat for yahoo and gtalk | 16:12 |
sacha_ | BluesKaj: i think he just wants a console on his desktop | 16:12 |
sacha_ | sujith: yeah, yahoo, gtalk and msn | 16:12 |
rootsnatch | BluesKaj: pretty much, or at least just the output of a command on the desktop | 16:13 |
sujith | can u please let me which application | 16:13 |
Mak2 | Now I just need to figure out how to get the proper video drivers for my ASUS EN6200LE TC1G to work. >_> Cause SL gave me a window creation error. XD | 16:13 |
sacha_ | binfmt-support would be it | 16:13 |
BluesKaj | well desktop to me is a "desltop not TTY prompt or shell prompt | 16:13 |
BluesKaj | dektop | 16:13 |
sujith | sacha binfmt is the answer for me?? | 16:13 |
* BluesKaj ties to clean L+KB | 16:13 | |
sacha_ | sujith: no | 16:13 |
astan | rootsnatch: i think you could use root-tail (aptitude install root-tail) | 16:13 |
sacha_ | sujith: have you tried kopete for msn? | 16:14 |
BluesKaj | KB is in bad shape here ...bbl | 16:14 |
sacha_ | and yahoo | 16:14 |
sujith | yes | 16:14 |
sacha_ | sujith: also, there is Skype for Linux | 16:14 |
sujith | general chat support | 16:14 |
sujith | no voice chat | 16:14 |
sujith | ya skype works fine | 16:14 |
sacha_ | theres voice chat in my kopete | 16:14 |
sujith | are sure?? | 16:15 |
sacha_ | also, google has a list with all linux clients that work with it: | 16:15 |
sacha_ | http://www.google.com/talk/otherclients.html <-- none of them do voice sorry | 16:15 |
sacha_ | (for google talk) | 16:15 |
astan | rootsnatch: if you put "yourcommand > /tmp/cmd-output" in a shell script somewhere, and then root-tail --reload 1 /path/to/shell/script /tmp/cmd-output | 16:15 |
astan | rootsnatch: (note i've not tried this myself, just going by the root-tail manual). | 16:15 |
sujith | ok | 16:16 |
rootsnatch | thanks! | 16:16 |
astan | np. | 16:17 |
sujith | sacha anyway thanks for u r support | 16:17 |
sujith | also one more quory how can we remove startup programs in linux | 16:17 |
sacha_ | ~/.kde/Autostart has startup programs, there would be more in the method used to start kdm (xinit/startx), there are also services | 16:18 |
melania123456 | que c hago | 16:19 |
sacha_ | you can configure them all in SystemSettings->Advanced | 16:19 |
sacha_ | sujith: i believe the latest version of Pidgin now supports voice with google talk | 16:20 |
Mak2 | Hasta la vista baby! XD | 16:20 |
sacha_ | sujith: http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/34 <-- in here it details about what pidgin voice support is currently | 16:21 |
sujith | thanks sacha | 16:21 |
sacha_ | sujith: aMSN also boats voice support | 16:22 |
sujith | sacha how can i remove startup programs | 16:23 |
sujith | is there any commands | 16:23 |
sacha_ | sujith: in System Settings application go to Advanced and then Service Manager | 16:24 |
arke | good evennig. :) | 16:24 |
arke | err | 16:24 |
arke | evening | 16:24 |
* arke can't type | 16:24 | |
arke | any suggestions for decreasing the base system's RAM footprint? | 16:25 |
sacha_ | what is it now and what are you trying to decrease it to? | 16:25 |
sacha_ | there are different distros that specialise in low memory footprints | 16:25 |
sacha_ | i think kubuntu aims at 256-512 | 16:26 |
mefisto__ | arke: you could disable any services you don't use/need | 16:26 |
sujith | thanks sacha for ur support | 16:27 |
sujith | i am just biginner in linux | 16:28 |
sacha_ | its ok. its hard with so many different applications for one purpose all with varying features | 16:28 |
sujith | so I dont know much abt the utilities | 16:28 |
sujith | ok | 16:28 |
sujith | I couldnt find any suitable application for voice chat | 16:29 |
sujith | how can i upgarde pidgin | 16:29 |
genii | arke: The biggest hog is usually the window manager, lighter window managers lighten the load. For systems where ram is tight, ppl usually go with fluxbox or xfce (fluxbuntu or xubuntu) | 16:29 |
sujith | is it like windos? | 16:29 |
sacha_ | sujith: sudo apt-get install pidgin | 16:29 |
BluesKaj | sujith, what do like doing with your pc , what were you doing in windows or mac that you want to do in linux too ? | 16:29 |
sacha_ | sujith: or, if you prefer a graphical interface, open up adept_manager | 16:29 |
sacha_ | BluesKaj: he just wants voice chat in google talk or yahoo | 16:30 |
sujith | ya its showing the pidgin is the latest version | 16:30 |
sacha_ | sujith: alt+f2 and then type in: pidgin | 16:31 |
BluesKaj | yup sacha_'s right ..pidgin is prolly the best bet | 16:31 |
sacha_ | im not sure really because they lost voice and webcam support after the name change from gaim. hoping they got it back recently | 16:31 |
sujith | sacha i think still it does nt support that | 16:32 |
sacha_ | not working? | 16:33 |
sujith | ya no voice options | 16:33 |
sacha_ | ah ok, mmm | 16:34 |
sacha_ | and kopete didnt work for you? | 16:34 |
BluesKaj | is voice and webcam, that important to users..i thought cellphones & pda's and the like were what "happening dudes and dudettes" were using nowadays :) | 16:34 |
sujith | ya | 16:34 |
sacha_ | voice and webcam works fine in msn on pretty much every client (except pidgin) :P | 16:34 |
sacha_ | not sure about yahoo though, on kopete, because i dont have a yahoo | 16:35 |
sujith | BluesKaj I was using windows and just learning linux | 16:35 |
sujith | I want to try all services in linux tooo | 16:35 |
sujith | ok | 16:35 |
BluesKaj | right , welcome to linux , sujith | 16:35 |
sujith | thanks BluesKaj | 16:36 |
sujith | Iam just a beginner so iam distubing u people with questions | 16:36 |
sujith | sorry for that | 16:36 |
genii | The pidgin devs have no plans for webcam or voice support | 16:36 |
genii | (reference http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/34 ) | 16:37 |
BluesKaj | kopete is a good client for the regular IMs from my experience anyway..not a yahoo user tho | 16:37 |
sacha_ | ekiga does voice but not sure what protocols it uses | 16:37 |
sujith | same command works for ekiga | 16:38 |
sujith | sudo apt-get install ekiga?? | 16:38 |
llutz | ekiga uses SIP and h323 | 16:38 |
sacha_ | yes sujith | 16:38 |
sacha_ | this thing looks dodgy but it has voice support for yahoo: http://www.phrozensmoke.com/projects/pyvoicechat/ | 16:39 |
mefisto__ | how can I do a bulk rename? I want to change .JPG to .jpg | 16:42 |
llutz | mefisto__: krename | 16:42 |
llutz | or mmv | 16:43 |
mefisto__ | you mean mv ? | 16:43 |
llutz | mefisto__: nope mmv | 16:43 |
llutz | mmv - Move/Copy/Append/Link multiple files | 16:44 |
sacha_ | mefisto__: rename -v 's/\.JPG$/\.jpg/' *.JPG | 16:45 |
sacha_ | mefisto__: dont worry bout the scary slashes and stuff, just regex | 16:45 |
mefisto__ | but I do worry about regex. I'll get around to learning it one day :) | 16:46 |
sacha_ | did that work? | 16:46 |
sigma_1234 | whats a good program to convert a dvd to a high quality avi file? | 16:46 |
llutz | sigma_1234: dvd:rip, k9copy | 16:47 |
viperserv2 | hmm i hate raid1 | 16:48 |
viperserv2 | waste hd space | 16:48 |
mefisto__ | sacha_: didn't work. filename already exists. so it doesn't seem to differentiate uppercase and lowercase | 16:48 |
=== genii_ is now known as genii | ||
sigma_1234 | thanks | 16:48 |
sacha_ | sigma_1234: well, mencoder.. but you want a graphical frontend for mencoder | 16:48 |
sacha_ | sigma_1234: which is like acidrip or dvd::rip | 16:48 |
sigma_1234 | yeah i need one | 16:48 |
sacha_ | mefisto__: thats weird.. it definitely does differentiate between those | 16:49 |
sigma_1234 | acidrip doesnt work anymore | 16:49 |
sacha_ | mefisto__: but maybe the filename really does exist? changed some names already? | 16:49 |
viperserv2 | hmm there no safe way to deraid? | 16:49 |
sigma_1234 | hope dvd rip does | 16:49 |
sacha_ | oh dvd::rip is a frontend for transcode | 16:49 |
sacha_ | sigma_1234: takes about 8 hours for dvd->avi high quality | 16:50 |
sigma_1234 | whats the difference? | 16:50 |
sacha_ | differet backends are different code which means completely different results | 16:51 |
Lynoure | viperserv2: from raid 1? hw, software, something else? Basicly you already deraid if you pop out the second disk, but it will be unhappy into your logs :) | 16:51 |
viperserv2 | well i only have ssh to work with | 16:51 |
Lynoure | viperserv2: hardware or software raid? | 16:52 |
sujith | sacha one more help | 16:53 |
sujith | i have a tar.gz file | 16:53 |
sujith | i dont know how to install this file | 16:53 |
sujith | can u help me | 16:53 |
therion | Hi all, how i can install compiz without installing also gnome libraries or dependencies? | 16:53 |
sacha_ | sujith: tar xvf filename.tar.gz | 16:53 |
sacha_ | sujith: that extracts the file to a directory called filename (whatever it was called) | 16:54 |
sujith | this is a them file | 16:54 |
Lynoure | viperserv2: if it's hardware raid, you are pretty much out of luck unless you have a ipmi card that lest you talk to the hardware raid management... | 16:54 |
sacha_ | you can also open .tar.gz with the extractor program, Ark | 16:54 |
sacha_ | sujith: oh right, i think you can use themes directly from the tar.. go to System Settings->Appearance->Themes | 16:55 |
sacha_ | and then Import... | 16:55 |
viperserv2 | hmm its md1 and md2 | 16:55 |
Lynoure | viperserv2: that's software raid then... :) | 16:56 |
viperserv2 | hmm there is a safe way to get rid of it then? | 16:56 |
viperserv2 | well sda1 and sdb1 r the drives | 16:58 |
mobile | has any one had any experiance ATI binary driver and catar?lyst control cente | 16:58 |
Lynoure | viperserv2: not very safe, but at least it should be doable. I would not try to walk you through it remotely, too many variables and if you'd mess it up it would be sad. If you really have only remote access, I wholeheartedly recommend sticking to raid1 unless it's a throwaway system. I know, it feels useless until one of the disks break | 16:59 |
mobile | with kunbuntu | 16:59 |
sujith | sacha i couldnt find a theme options in appearance window | 16:59 |
sujith | sacha i couldnt find a theme options in appearance windo | 17:00 |
mobile | HELP | 17:00 |
sujith | anybody pls help me how can I install tar.gz file | 17:02 |
bean | don are you there | 17:03 |
Lynoure | viperserv2: sooner or later one of them will and then with raid1 your data is still safe and fine, which raid0 or no raid it's just gone (better have good backups). | 17:03 |
genii | It eludes me why raid0 is even used at all | 17:04 |
genii | It's like a step backwards | 17:04 |
pramod | I just upgraded to kubuntu 8.04 and am not able to play sounds... :( | 17:04 |
viperserv2 | well if the drive is cooled it wont fail | 17:04 |
genii | pramod: Please report result of command (in Konsole): lspci -v | grep Audio | 17:04 |
=== pramod is now known as pramodok | ||
pramodok | ok | 17:05 |
genii | viperserv2: All drives fail. Thats why they have MTBF ratings | 17:05 |
=== pramodok is now known as pramod | ||
sujith | anybody pls help me how can I install tar.gz file | 17:05 |
mobile | Can anyone help me with a ati graphics driver for linux unbuntu and kunbuntu. | 17:06 |
pramod | even my konsole has crashed... | 17:06 |
pramod | got to restart pc... i will be right back | 17:06 |
sujith | sacha r u there | 17:07 |
sujith | can u help me? | 17:07 |
mobile | Can anyone help me with a ati graphics driver for linux unbuntu and kunbuntu. | 17:07 |
genii | pramod: Make sure you run the Konsole version of the kde you are in | 17:07 |
Lynoure | viperserv2: if you still want to unraid, I'll pastebin you something might work, no promises it will not end up with tears, I would not do it remotely, or on an non-backed up system, myself. | 17:08 |
viperserv2 | well if there is a small partition for the os it shouold be ok to delete a partition | 17:08 |
pramod | i am using kde 3.5.9 | 17:08 |
bean | i,m not vayant | 17:08 |
sujith | I want to install a file with extn tar.gz | 17:08 |
sujith | how can I install that | 17:08 |
pramod | even i installed upgraded to the KDE 4 version.... it's still on KDE 3.5.9 | 17:09 |
stdin | sujith: tar.gz is a compresses file you extract, it usually contains source files you need to compile | 17:10 |
stdin | !compile | 17:10 |
ubottu | Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first) | 17:10 |
viperserv2 | \i will try it | 17:10 |
pramod | am not able to play get sounds on the Kubuntu 8.04 | 17:14 |
viperserv2 | md2 is unmounted | 17:15 |
viperserv2 | /dev/md1 3.0G 573M 2.3G 20% / | 17:15 |
viperserv2 | varrun 2.0G 48K 2.0G 1% /var/run | 17:15 |
viperserv2 | varlock 2.0G 0 2.0G 0% /var/lock | 17:15 |
viperserv2 | udev 2.0G 48K 2.0G 1% /dev | 17:15 |
viperserv2 | devshm 2.0G 0 2.0G 0% /dev/shm | 17:15 |
Arelis | How do i turn a series of images into an animation with a set FPS rate?> | 17:16 |
pramod | i just upgraded to kubuntu 8.04 and am not able to play sound.. :( | 17:16 |
mefisto__ | pramod: did you upgrade from gutsy? | 17:17 |
pramod | yeah | 17:17 |
genii | pramod: Again. Please report the sound card type with the result of command: lspci | grep Audio | 17:17 |
pramod | fron gutsy 7.10 | 17:17 |
pramod | ah ok thaks i was waiting for that | 17:17 |
mefisto__ | I was reading in ubuntuforums yesterday about the upgrade installing -386 instead of -generic linux images, and that was causing some people to lose sound. | 17:18 |
freitasx | ola | 17:19 |
genii | mefisto__: Also a lot of ppl on < 8.04 ran the !intelhda fix forgetting they did so, and need to re-do it | 17:19 |
pramod | 80:01.0 Audio device: VIA Technologies, Inc. VIA High Definition Audio Controller (rev 10) | 17:19 |
hellhound | in Hardy Heron, what program is used to search the words of files within a folder. for example I want to search for files containing a specific word in a folder and its subfolder | 17:20 |
rishi | hi | 17:21 |
rishi | i want to ask | 17:22 |
pramod | genii: 80:01.0 Audio device: VIA Technologies, Inc. VIA High Definition Audio Controller (rev 10) | 17:22 |
genii | pramod: Ok, now to get device code, : lspci -nn | grep Audio | 17:22 |
freitasx | alquem sabe se o ug do virtualbox ja foi corrigido | 17:22 |
Lynoure | viperserv2: if you have only 3G, is that a VPS? | 17:22 |
pramod | genii: 80:01.0 Audio device [0403]: VIA Technologies, Inc. VIA High Definition Audio Controller [1106:3288] (rev 10) | 17:22 |
genii | pramod: That will tell us vendor/device identifiers which can be useful to find chipset, etc | 17:23 |
genii | pramod: OK, give me a minute (or 3) for research | 17:23 |
rishi | is ubuntu 7.01 is compatilable with windows vista???? | 17:23 |
pramod | ok thanks you... :) | 17:23 |
Lynoure | viperserv2: don't even try if it is, ask the supplier to move you to raid0 or something. And you still have 80% of it free! | 17:23 |
freitasx | somebody speak portuguese???? | 17:23 |
jonfhancock | Dude... so far, I'm more irritated than impressed with KDE4 | 17:24 |
jpatrick | !pt | freitasx | 17:24 |
ubottu | freitasx: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado. | 17:24 |
rishi | is ubuntu 7.01 is compatilable with windows vista???? | 17:24 |
pramod | yeah true... KDE 4 still has some bugs... i wonder whether i did the right thing by downloading the KDE4 Remix version... :S | 17:24 |
rishi | pls tell me | 17:24 |
jpatrick | !windows > rishi | 17:25 |
Lynoure | rishi: compatible in what way? You can have both 7.10 and vista on same system... | 17:25 |
rishi | yes | 17:25 |
pramod | rishi: Ubuntu is installed in dual boot in another partition... it has no relationship with its compatibility with vista... | 17:26 |
rishi | pramod:are u from india??? | 17:26 |
pramod | nope... Mauritius... | 17:26 |
rishi | ok | 17:27 |
viperserv2 | well it has 2 750gb drives | 17:27 |
viperserv2 | but i unmounted the md2 | 17:27 |
jonfhancock | rishi: do you mean: Can the grub bool loader boot windows vista? | 17:27 |
jonfhancock | if so, then yess | 17:27 |
pramod | rishi: The only compatibility issue is with it's hardware... | 17:27 |
rishi | what about the ububtu 8 | 17:27 |
jonfhancock | I got the remix cd too.. I was irritated that it didn't come with amarok | 17:27 |
jonfhancock | or konversation | 17:27 |
rishi | pramod:i am asking because | 17:27 |
jonfhancock | and I hate the new panel/widgets | 17:28 |
rishi | pramod:i installed | 17:28 |
rishi | ubuntu 7.10 | 17:28 |
rishi | on a hp pavalion dv67000 | 17:28 |
rishi | laptop | 17:28 |
Lynoure | jonfhancock: well, go back to kde3? kde4 support is on #kubuntu-kde4 anyway :) | 17:28 |
rishi | which have vista on it | 17:28 |
rishi | wjen i finished | 17:28 |
jonfhancock | Lynoure: I probably will | 17:29 |
rishi | installation | 17:29 |
rishi | and restart laptop | 17:29 |
rishi | then grub start showing | 17:29 |
rishi | two option for vista | 17:29 |
viperserv2 | if i de partition md2 that would be enough? | 17:29 |
Lynoure | jonfhancock: it's possible to have both too, that way you can occasionally go take a look at the side you normally don't use | 17:29 |
rishi | and when i boot my vista | 17:29 |
genii | pramod: I'm not having much success with google. But it seems that this chipset is somehow tied up with winmodem HSF driver, a lot of reverences to this. PErhaps due to bundled VIA chipset. | 17:29 |
Maximilian001 | hi guys | 17:29 |
Maximilian001 | is there something like .kde/Autostart but for the END of the session? I need to define a command which has to be executed by logging out | 17:29 |
rishi | then it will not boot | 17:29 |
rishi | but ubuntu working currectly | 17:30 |
jonfhancock | rishi google vista grub | 17:30 |
rishi | pramod:so wht's the problem??? | 17:30 |
jonfhancock | Lynoure: good point | 17:30 |
parkin | my adept manager doesnt start, it just loads for a while and then closes | 17:30 |
rishi | jonfhancock:so what the problem with my vista??? | 17:31 |
viperserv2 | yeah i want to gamble things cause tech support will just install a new os at the data center | 17:31 |
pramod | rishi: the problem is with vista... not ubuntu.... u might have deleted an essential partition in vista... | 17:31 |
pramod | rishi: while making partition for ur ubuntu... | 17:31 |
rishi | it has only two partion | 17:32 |
rishi | one for recovery and one for vista | 17:32 |
rishi | and i just resize vist partion | 17:32 |
jonfhancock | You resized the partition? | 17:32 |
jonfhancock | hmm | 17:32 |
rishi | yes | 17:32 |
rishi | so what?? | 17:33 |
viperserv2 | /dev/sda1 * 1 392 3148708+ fd Linux raid autodetect | 17:33 |
viperserv2 | /dev/sda2 393 91136 728901180 fd Linux raid autodetect | 17:33 |
viperserv2 | /dev/sda3 91137 91201 522112+ 82 Linux swap / Solaris | 17:33 |
viperserv2 | /dev/sdb1 * 1 392 3148708+ fd Linux raid autodetect | 17:34 |
viperserv2 | /dev/sdb2 393 91136 728901180 fd Linux raid autodetect | 17:34 |
viperserv2 | /dev/sdb3 91137 91201 522112+ 82 Linux swap / Solaris | 17:34 |
jonfhancock | rishi can you post your /boot/grub/menu.lst to pastebin.com? | 17:34 |
stdin | !paste > viperserv2 | 17:34 |
mefisto__ | rishi: can you mount the vista partition in kubuntu? | 17:34 |
genii | pramod: Please report result of : lspci -nnv -s 80.01.0 (pastebin and not here please) | 17:34 |
rishi | at the time i have not that laptop so i acn't | 17:35 |
rishi | can't | 17:35 |
jonfhancock | ah | 17:35 |
Lynoure | viperserv2: Like I said, I won't walk you through it, but you can use http://pastebin.com/d32b68a4a as inspiration, but not recommended at all to be done remotely or on a system with unreplacable data, and you'll need to figure out yourself what device is which. (Read: not recommended at all) Good luck. | 17:35 |
rishi | jonfhancock:but | 17:35 |
rishi | when i go to hp services | 17:35 |
rishi | then they tell | 17:35 |
rishi | me that there is an | 17:35 |
jonfhancock | rishi: make sure the line to boot vista in your menu.lst looks like this http://www.pronetworks.org/forum/about78184.html | 17:36 |
stdin | !enter | rishi | 17:36 |
ubottu | rishi: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 17:36 |
rishi | ok | 17:36 |
genii | pramod: I *suspect* you have an ATI SoundBlaster SB450 attached to a VIA bus but want to know for sure | 17:36 |
rishi | special think with dv series of hp that they only support vista | 17:36 |
jonfhancock | rishi: Past that, you may have damaged your windows partition when you resized it. If you're desparate, use the vista CD to repair the vista boot loader and try that | 17:37 |
viperserv2 | none of them work | 17:37 |
pramod | genii: WAt's pastebin??? :S | 17:37 |
parkin | i can get the adept manager to start | 17:37 |
genii | !pastebin | pramod | 17:37 |
ubottu | pramod: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 17:37 |
rishi | i tryed to install a new vista on my laptop but when i boot my system from taht dvd then it cant boot with it | 17:37 |
parkin | its just loads then dissapears | 17:37 |
pramod | genii: i have no soundblater card... | 17:37 |
Lynoure | viperserv2: and you'll prolly need to edit mdadm.conf in the end to do away with nagging which you'll get if the md is still there | 17:38 |
genii | pramod: It will be a builtin card on the motherboard but not immediately recognised | 17:38 |
pramod | genii: hmmm the card i am using is an integrated one... | 17:39 |
rishi | ok i see that on that url it is clearly written that do not resize vista partion | 17:39 |
rishi | so my mistake is that by mistake i resize vista partion | 17:40 |
genii | pramod: A more exact model is what we are trying to find here, along with how it is attached | 17:40 |
pramod | it's integrated on the mainboard... | 17:41 |
jonfhancock | rishi: If you can mount the vista partition in linux, you can salvage the data | 17:41 |
pramod | genii: a realtek soundcard | 17:41 |
genii | pramod: builtin=integrated The card may report as some VIA thing but instead be made by another maker and sort of spliced in. | 17:41 |
rishi | jonfhancock:my ubuntu doesn't showing vista partions | 17:42 |
narothepharoh | im having a problem with wine | 17:42 |
pramod | genii: ok i will try to research it and tell you about it... :) | 17:42 |
jonfhancock | rishi: you may have to mount it manually | 17:43 |
jonfhancock | !fstab | 17:43 |
ubottu | The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions | 17:43 |
jonfhancock | !mount | 17:43 |
ubottu | Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Kubuntu, go to System Settings -> Advanced Tab -> Disks & Filesystem. See also !fstab and !DiskMounter | 17:43 |
genii | pramod: OK. Get back to me when you have a better idea of the exact card, etc. | 17:43 |
pramod | ok... thanks... | 17:43 |
rishi | but i want to ask that when i boot my laptop from a fresh dvd of vista for a new install why it can't boot | 17:43 |
narothepharoh | i recently updated to 8.04 and now when i try to browse the c drive in wine it says url not supported | 17:44 |
rishi | and that dvd working coorectly on others | 17:44 |
jonfhancock | rishi: that is an hp/vista question. | 17:44 |
rishi | ok | 17:44 |
parkin | . | 17:44 |
rishi | i am just asking because if u have any idea about it | 17:44 |
jonfhancock | rishi: I'm affraid I don't | 17:45 |
jonfhancock | I don't use vista. | 17:45 |
rishi | i also hate windows | 17:45 |
jonfhancock | because Ubuntu kicks vista's rear | 17:45 |
rishi | and i am building my own linux | 17:45 |
rishi | it will comes to market soon | 17:46 |
narothepharoh | anyone have any ideas? | 17:46 |
rishi | with name ILINUX | 17:46 |
jonfhancock | narothepharoh: what file browser are you using? | 17:46 |
faderhval | something good have happent with kubuntu 8.04! i can actually install and update World of warcraft with no major problems go Kubuntu | 17:46 |
jonfhancock | konqueror or dolphin? | 17:46 |
pramod | rishi: how u build ur own linux? | 17:46 |
genii | jonfhancock: I need to keep Vista on my laptop for warrantee purposes, but I've booted up to it a total of 3 times | 17:46 |
narothepharoh | it is thunar | 17:46 |
rishi | i am just download the latest kernel | 17:47 |
rishi | then compilie all pakages | 17:47 |
narothepharoh | jonfhancock i believe it is dolphin | 17:47 |
rishi | and all basic utils | 17:47 |
jonfhancock | narothepharoh: hmm not familiar with that one. try it in another browser. mine opens ok in konqueror | 17:47 |
rishi | first i make a temporary minimal syatem | 17:47 |
rishi | which is able to boot my system only nothing else | 17:48 |
pramod | rishi: there is a site called linuxfromscratch... i want to use that.... | 17:48 |
narothepharoh | jonfhancock: how do i get konqueror | 17:48 |
fildo | !games | 17:48 |
ubottu | Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php | 17:48 |
jonfhancock | narothepharoh: you're in kubuntu right? | 17:48 |
rishi | pramod:great that a good one | 17:48 |
narothepharoh | jonfhancock: yes | 17:48 |
jonfhancock | narothepharoh: it should be installed already | 17:48 |
rishi | pramod:do u use it before??/ | 17:48 |
jonfhancock | under internet in the menu | 17:49 |
genii | pramod: It is a very good site if you want to get in-depth. Although I have not visited there now in a few years | 17:49 |
narothepharoh | it uses the thunar file browser | 17:49 |
narothepharoh | i dont know how to change that | 17:49 |
pramod | rishi: not yet... currently busy with exams... will complete exams first... then will take a look at it... :) | 17:49 |
pramod | Hey guys got a question... | 17:50 |
pramod | Am a student of computer science and engineering... With ur experience... which linux distribution u recommend me to use? | 17:51 |
jonfhancock | narothepharoh: hmm mine opens in dolphin too... I'm not sure what to tell you | 17:51 |
narothepharoh | jonfhancock: i have tried to uninstall and install too | 17:51 |
rickey | adept manger keep frezing up | 17:52 |
jonfhancock | pramod: I'm a cs student too. I've settled on kubuntu | 17:52 |
jonfhancock | narothepharoh: you mean uninstall and install wine? or kubuntu? | 17:52 |
=== rishi_dhingra is now known as rishi | ||
mefisto__ | how to make konqueror default file browser? is that the problem jonfhancock and narothepharoh? | 17:52 |
rishi | if follow lfs then it's very good | 17:52 |
pramod | ok.. thanks... Kubuntu is felxible... and can play a lot with it even if it's risky... :P | 17:52 |
jonfhancock | rickey: use apt-get on the command line. it's easier and faster | 17:52 |
narothepharoh | mefisto: yes | 17:52 |
rishi | pramod: u can find me in the channel of lfs-support also | 17:52 |
rishi | with name peeyush | 17:52 |
narothepharoh | jonfhancock: wine | 17:52 |
genii | pramod: The programming tools in KDE like KDevelop make Kubuntu preferable for the *buntu set of linux if you plab to do programming, etc | 17:53 |
genii | *plan | 17:53 |
rickey | what is the reset command | 17:53 |
mefisto__ | narothepharoh: first, start konqueror (alt-F2, then type konqueror) | 17:53 |
genii | !aptfix | rickey | 17:53 |
ubottu | rickey: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a » | 17:53 |
jonfhancock | pramod: I'm also using eclipse for developing in Java, C++ and PHP | 17:53 |
BluesKaj | mefisto__, Open Konqueror/Settings/Configure Konqueror/File Associations/ under "Known Types" choose Inode/System Directory/Application Preference Order , move Konqueror to the top , click apply, close konq configure.Then open Konqueror Settings on the toolbar and choose "Configure View Profiles",choose "File Managaement",then save | 17:53 |
jonfhancock | pramod: which is nice because it's cross platform | 17:53 |
rishi | promod:do u want to ask any question abot linux from scratch?? | 17:54 |
mefisto__ | what BluesKaj said ^^ | 17:54 |
narothepharoh | mefisto: The command "konqueror" failed to run: | 17:54 |
narothepharoh | Failed to execute child process "konqueror" (No such file or directory) | 17:54 |
pramod | rishi: Thanks for the help... will really need you... | 17:54 |
viperserv2 | i hate raid1 so much | 17:54 |
genii | !helpersnack | BluesKaj | 17:54 |
rishi | ok thak u | 17:54 |
ubottu | BluesKaj: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie! | 17:54 |
pramod | rishi: currently i got exams... so will look at it after exams... | 17:54 |
rishi | ok | 17:55 |
sujith | Hi can anyone help me with how can i install tar.gz file | 17:55 |
pramod | rishi: can i get ur contacs? msn... | 17:55 |
BluesKaj | mefisto__, the same goes for 'system directory ' | 17:55 |
sujith | this is a theme file | 17:55 |
jonfhancock | sujith: you don't really install a tar.gz, you just unzip it | 17:55 |
rishi | yes | 17:55 |
sujith | ya i unzipped it | 17:55 |
jonfhancock | so what was inside? | 17:55 |
narothepharoh | mefisto: i am installing it now | 17:55 |
genii | sujith: Firstly: Was it some program thet you could not install by the package manager that you need this tar.gz file for | 17:55 |
rishi | u can contat me on my email | 17:55 |
sujith | i want to install a theme file which is in tar.gz format | 17:55 |
rishi | cpeeyush@gmail.com | 17:56 |
mefisto__ | narothepharoh: did you remove konqueror? | 17:56 |
narothepharoh | mefisto: no | 17:56 |
sujith | i want to install a new theme rishi | 17:56 |
sujith | it is tar.gz format | 17:56 |
rishi | pramod:in which standered u r studying???? | 17:56 |
narothepharoh | mefisto: i dont think so unless when i updated it did it | 17:56 |
sujith | i unzipped it | 17:56 |
rishi | sujith:u just untar it | 17:56 |
sujith | ya | 17:57 |
pramod | rishi: final year.. University of Mauritius... | 17:57 |
BluesKaj | mefisto__, one more thing , choose directory in the inode tree as well as sytem directory | 17:57 |
sujith | but i dont know how to install in linux | 17:57 |
rishi | sujith:then | 17:57 |
jonfhancock | sujith: is there a README or INSTALL file in the folder that was created? | 17:57 |
sujith | it is theme file | 17:57 |
pramod | rishi: BSc... :D | 17:57 |
mefisto__ | BluesKaj: it's narothepharoh that needs help with konqueror | 17:57 |
sujith | but i think i need to compile it | 17:57 |
sujith | right? | 17:57 |
rishi | pramod:ok i am a first year student from india | 17:58 |
rishi | i am doing B.TECH in computer science | 17:58 |
jonfhancock | sujith: maybe, but maybe not. It may just be one of those things you drop into a folder, or run a script | 17:58 |
jonfhancock | sujith: compiling can be complicated | 17:58 |
rishi | sujith:is there any reame file?? | 17:58 |
genii | sujith:Fast theme install instructions in KDE http://www.mepis.org/docs/en/index.php/Install-KDE-Themes/Icons | 17:58 |
sujith | there is no readme file | 17:59 |
rishi | sujith:ok | 17:59 |
pramod | rishi: cool... great ambitions... ;) | 17:59 |
rishi | so just follw genii url | 17:59 |
rishi | it's better | 17:59 |
rishi | pramod:thank u | 17:59 |
rishi | sujith:r u using KDE??? | 18:00 |
BluesKaj | oops sorry mefisto__ ;) I hope he read my post | 18:00 |
sujith | yes | 18:00 |
BluesKaj | too many tasks | 18:01 |
pramod | Got to reinstall Linux 8.04 in the end of next month? | 18:01 |
rishi | ok then follow that url | 18:01 |
mefisto__ | BluesKaj: he was having trouble even starting konqueror. narothepharoh, is konqueror working now? | 18:01 |
narothepharoh | i am still getting this error Failed to open URL "~/.wine/drive_c". The URL "~/.wine/drive_c" is not supported. | 18:02 |
BluesKaj | trying to open konq in wine ? | 18:02 |
rishi | sujith:that url has complete refrence for u just follow it | 18:02 |
narothepharoh | mefisto_: i have konqueror all set now and still this | 18:02 |
rishi | genii;thank u for that url | 18:03 |
BluesKaj | narothepharoh, in wine ? | 18:03 |
mefisto__ | BluesKaj: trying to navigate to the wine c: drive directory, in konqueror | 18:03 |
narothepharoh | blueskaj: i did what you wrote to make konqueror default | 18:03 |
fidelio | hi | 18:03 |
narothepharoh | i dont know whats up with wine | 18:04 |
BluesKaj | narothepharoh, ok good | 18:04 |
fidelio | anybody knows the command to list hda devices? | 18:04 |
narothepharoh | it was working fine before i updated to 8.04 | 18:04 |
genii | rishi: np | 18:04 |
mefisto__ | narothepharoh: what if you replace the ~ with /home/narothepharaoh/ ? | 18:04 |
Lynoure | fidelio: not sure what you mean, ls /dev/hda* maybe | 18:05 |
BluesKaj | narothepharoh, what are you trying to run on wine ? | 18:05 |
fidelio | thanks Lyn: this command does not work unfortunately | 18:05 |
narothepharoh | Blueskaj: a windows game marine sharpshooter or anything | 18:06 |
narothepharoh | nothing works | 18:06 |
Lynoure | fidelio: can you tell in different words what you want? | 18:06 |
mefisto__ | narothepharoh: go to your ~/.wine directory and make sure the drive_c dir is still there | 18:07 |
fidelio | list all my hda devices to get info on my external HD | 18:07 |
BluesKaj | narothepharoh, you don't need to use konq to navigate to the game | 18:07 |
mefisto__ | fidelio: what about ls /dev/sd* | 18:09 |
Lynoure | fidelio: that command I gave you should list all devices (partition device nodes) for hda, if there is none, the system might not see hda at all | 18:09 |
BluesKaj | narothepharoh, find the game-install.exe and , right click on it , choose install with , choose wine | 18:09 |
rishi | ok buy buy to all | 18:09 |
narothepharoh | Blueskaj: it works to install it but when i try to run it i get nothing | 18:10 |
rishi | i just ask one more intersting thing | 18:10 |
mefisto__ | narothepharoh: is it a directx game? | 18:10 |
rishi | ububtu i totally free even shiping also | 18:10 |
narothepharoh | mefisto_: yes | 18:10 |
rishi | so how any orhanizer of all thise earn money for it???/ | 18:11 |
fidelio | Lyn: this is what i get -ls: cannot access /dev/hda*: No such file or directory | 18:11 |
narothepharoh | wine | 18:11 |
mefisto__ | narothepharoh: I've never got wine to run anything directx | 18:11 |
BluesKaj | narothepharoh, open it with wine as well | 18:11 |
Mkop | I'm trying to setup printers, but there is no printers module in KControl | 18:11 |
asdasdqweqweqw | I am unable to drag windows from one virtual desktop to another after installing compiz. Is there something I am missing? I tried several methods I found using google, but none worked | 18:11 |
mefisto__ | fidelio: try ls /dev/sd* instead of hda | 18:12 |
narothepharoh | Blueskaj: i try to open it with wine but nothing happens | 18:12 |
pramod | Where can i get some idea about Fedora Linux? | 18:12 |
rishi | pramod:u cah go to fedora site | 18:13 |
rishi | or join chnnel of fedora | 18:13 |
BluesKaj | maybe mefisto__ has a point , about it requiring directX , there maybe a workaround but Ican't recall now what that is | 18:13 |
pramod | wat's the fedora channel? | 18:13 |
fidelio | Lyn:/dev/sda /dev/sda1 /dev/sda2 /dev/sda3 /dev/sda4 /dev/sda5 | 18:13 |
rishi | pramod:u can find it in IRC channel list | 18:13 |
rishi | easily | 18:13 |
Lynoure | fidelio: so no hda at all. | 18:14 |
rishi | pramod:or use fedora forums | 18:14 |
rishi | pramod:on fedora web site | 18:14 |
pramod | ok thanks | 18:14 |
Mkop | does anyone have any ideas for me? | 18:14 |
rishi | Mkop;pls tell ur problem | 18:15 |
narothepharoh | well what do i do about this? Failed to open URL "~/.wine/drive_c". The URL "~/.wine/drive_c" is not supported. | 18:15 |
Mkop | there is no Printers module in KControl | 18:15 |
Mkop | I should point out, I'm using andLinux and whatever KDE stuff I have I installed via Synaptic | 18:15 |
rishi | Mkop;so u want to use printer??? | 18:16 |
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak | ||
=== never|mobi is now known as neversfelde|mobi | ||
mefisto__ | Mkop: printers is under the peripherals section in kcontrol. Also in systemsettings | 18:16 |
rishi | promod:http://fedoraproject.org/ | 18:16 |
rishi | promod: http://fedoraproject.org/ | 18:17 |
Mkop | it's supposed to be under peripherals, but isn't | 18:17 |
BluesKaj | narothepharoh, the forums all seem to suggest installing cedega to play directX games on wine | 18:17 |
=== JohnFlux2 is now known as JohnFlux | ||
pramod | rishi: thanks i got it... | 18:17 |
mefisto__ | narothepharoh: what about ~/.wine ?? does that exist? is there anything inside that dir? | 18:17 |
rishi | promod: ok so find it there | 18:18 |
BluesKaj | ok errands to do , BBL | 18:18 |
rishi | Mkop:is problem is solved???/ | 18:18 |
narothepharoh | Blueskaj: how do i get cedega? i tried sudo apt-get but it says couldnt find it | 18:19 |
rishi | is any one have any idea about MANDRIVA?? | 18:19 |
Mkop | rishi: no | 18:19 |
mefisto__ | narothepharoh: cedega is a commercial version of wine | 18:19 |
Mkop | the module is not there - peripherals contains Joystick, Mouse, and Storage Media | 18:19 |
rishi | Mkop:r u using root??? | 18:20 |
pramod | well after seeing the net... and looking everywhere... i think Kubuntu is the best option... | 18:20 |
Mkop | yes | 18:20 |
mefisto__ | Mkop: what about in systemsettings? | 18:20 |
genii | narothepharoh: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega the CVS link | 18:20 |
pramod | it's been more popular than fedora | 18:20 |
rishi | promod: ok | 18:21 |
Mkop | do you mean System Administration in KControl? | 18:21 |
Mkop | there's no printers in there | 18:21 |
rishi | promod: is ur printer is supportaable to linux | 18:21 |
mefisto__ | Mkop: in kmenu, system settings, or type systemsettings in konsole | 18:21 |
rishi | promod: soory i am just asking to Mkop | 18:22 |
Lynoure | Mkop: and you are in kde3? | 18:22 |
rishi | Mkop: is ur printer is supportaable to linux | 18:22 |
Mkop | bash: systemsettings: command not found | 18:22 |
Mkop | I haven't even gotten to the part of adding the printer itself yet | 18:23 |
rishi | Mkop: is ur printer is supportaable to linux??? | 18:23 |
Mkop | how do I know what version of kde I have? | 18:23 |
=== plinio_ is now known as sotero | ||
mefisto__ | Mkop: are you running kubuntu? | 18:23 |
Mkop | I'm running andLinux, and I should be able to access the printer via samba | 18:23 |
genii | Mkop: in Konsole: lsb_release -a | 18:23 |
Mkop | no, I'm running andLinux with some KDE stuff installed | 18:23 |
genii | Oh KDE ver | 18:24 |
Lynoure | what is andLinux? | 18:24 |
Mkop | it's a thing to run linux natively in Windows | 18:24 |
genii | Mkop: rightclick KMenu..Panel Menu..Help...About KDE | 18:24 |
tales_2010 | is there a way to change the way you open applications or files on kde4? I want to change it to double-click instead of only one.. | 18:25 |
Mkop | I'm using KDE release 3.5.8 | 18:25 |
rishi | tales_2010;u go to the system seetings | 18:26 |
Lynoure | Mkop: http://www.andlinux.org/faq.php point "Printer Setup" | 18:26 |
mefisto__ | Mkop: but it's not kubuntu, right? | 18:26 |
Mkop | no, it's not kubuntu | 18:26 |
Lynoure | Mkop: and next time maybe #andLinux | 18:26 |
rishi | tales_2010:then u can easily find it there | 18:26 |
Mkop | I'm trying to follow the instructions there, but there is no Printers Module in KControl | 18:27 |
genii | Mkop: How did you decide #kubuntu was the place to get kde/andLinux support?? ;) | 18:27 |
Mkop | I was in #ubuntu and they suggested I ask here | 18:27 |
tales_2010 | rishi: oh that's right, thank you | 18:27 |
Mkop | andLinux is running on/in/around (I'm not sure which) ubuntu | 18:27 |
mefisto__ | Mkop: you could try installing kde-systemsettings, if your distro is ubuntu-based | 18:29 |
freitasx | hello | 18:29 |
rishi | tales_2010:ok | 18:29 |
rishi | tales_2010:ur welcome | 18:30 |
rishi | freitasx;hi | 18:30 |
freitasx | hello | 18:30 |
freitasx | I'from Brazil | 18:30 |
rishi | freitasx:can i help u??? | 18:30 |
freitasx | and I don speak english well | 18:31 |
freitasx | :) | 18:31 |
rishi | freitasx:so what???? | 18:31 |
pramod | freitasx: do not worry.. we speak english well.... :) | 18:31 |
freitasx | :) | 18:31 |
freitasx | I know | 18:31 |
genii | !br | freitasx If you ask clearly in English here we may be able to assist, otherwise | 18:32 |
ubottu | freitasx If you ask clearly in English here we may be able to assist, otherwise: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado. | 18:32 |
tales_2010 | freitasx: or speak to me in pm and I'll translate your question :P | 18:32 |
freitasx | ok | 18:32 |
genii | Remember to register if you haven't already to be able to PM | 18:32 |
Mkop | OK, I installed kde-systemsettings, but there's no printers item in there either | 18:33 |
freitasx | I was using the virtualbox but I discoverd that it was a bug because my system dont work very well | 18:33 |
rishi | freitasx:pls exlian | 18:34 |
rishi | explain | 18:34 |
pramod | Can anyone tell me wat's the virtualbox??? | 18:35 |
freitasx | the system before some minutes no boot more | 18:35 |
freitasx | virtualbox-ose | 18:35 |
faderhval | uhm...any work around the Audio driver crash when restarting X in 8.04 ? or is a reboot the only solution? | 18:35 |
freitasx | thereÅ› a book this program | 18:35 |
freitasx | there Å› a bog in the kernel 2.6 | 18:36 |
rishi | freitasx:i thnk no | 18:36 |
mefisto__ | faderhval: sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart | 18:36 |
rishi | freitasx:pls tell commplete version of kernel | 18:37 |
freitasx | | 18:37 |
faderhval | thanks | 18:37 |
rishi | freitasx:wait for while i am jst checking it | 18:38 |
freitasx | Iḿ install again windows Xp with virtualbox | 18:38 |
rishi | freitasx:why??? | 18:38 |
freitasx | because I can boot my virtualsystem | 18:38 |
freitasx | can't | 18:39 |
to0om | hi all | 18:39 |
to0om | my kded has a continous cpu usage of 100%, does anyone know why? | 18:39 |
mefisto__ | Mkop: does "kcmshell printers" do anything? | 18:39 |
faderhval | mefisto__: thanks but it didn't work i still get "Xine was unable to initiallzie any audio drivers" | 18:40 |
Mkop | kcmshell (kdelibs): WARNING: Could not find module 'printers'. | 18:40 |
rishi | to0om:what linux u r using?? | 18:40 |
to0om | rishi: kubuntu hardy heron | 18:40 |
rishi | to0om:tell me configratioj of ur system | 18:40 |
rishi | to0om:configartion | 18:41 |
to0om | rishi: nothing special, i run kde with (mostly) default settings | 18:41 |
to0om | rishi: and i'm using dualhead | 18:41 |
mefisto__ | Mkop: is kdeprint installed? I'm out of ideas after this one | 18:41 |
Mkop | no, it wasn't | 18:42 |
Mkop | I'm installing it now | 18:42 |
rishi | to0om:dualhead??? | 18:43 |
to0om | rishi: 2 monitors | 18:43 |
to0om | rishi: i have a notebook and an external dvi display attached | 18:43 |
Mkop | ok, that fixed it :-) | 18:44 |
rishi | to0om:i am just asking confrigation of ur cpu | 18:44 |
rishi | to0om:e.g. processer,ram etc | 18:44 |
genii | Mkop: I think "printers" is a module which is bundled in kde-guidance metapackage | 18:44 |
to0om | rishi: cpu configuration? intel core 2 duo 2x2.0 ghz, 2 gb of ram | 18:44 |
to0om | rishi: asus a8js notebook | 18:45 |
rishi | to0om:ok | 18:46 |
rishi | to0om:is this problem comes last days or comes regularly | 18:46 |
to0om | rishi: yesterday, i migrated to hardy, and since then i have this problem | 18:47 |
rishi | to0om:do install any new software or a new hardware??? | 18:48 |
rishi | to0om:do u install any new software or a new hardware??? | 18:48 |
to0om | rishi: well, yesterday i installed kubuntu and after first boot, i installed lots of things, such as apache, php, mysql server, thunderbird, ... | 18:48 |
to0om | rishi: no hardware changes | 18:49 |
rishi | to0om:ok | 18:49 |
rishi | to0om:there is something in ur softwares which is unsupported or courrepted | 18:49 |
to0om | rishi: and why should that lead to 100% cpu usage of kded? | 18:50 |
rishi | to0om:i don't understand what is kded is u mean kde??? | 18:51 |
to0om | thanks rishi for you help, but i guess you don't know what i'm talking about | 18:52 |
genii | I noticed this 100% usage with kded will happen if you are trying to run for instance a kde4 app from in kde3 | 18:52 |
to0om | rishi: kded is the KDE daemon | 18:52 |
rishi | to0om:ok | 18:53 |
rishi | to0om:i am asking because i am just confused | 18:53 |
to0om | genii: there's no kde4 app running | 18:53 |
rishi | to0om:so go to control centre or in system settings as root | 18:53 |
to0om | i don't even have the libs at this time | 18:53 |
SSJ_GZ | to0om: I think I heard somewhere that device auto-mounting can cause 100% kded CPU usage with KDE3.5.9 | 18:53 |
rishi | to0om:and check out about any running services | 18:54 |
to0om | SSJ_GZ: that could be the problem | 18:54 |
to0om | SSJ_GZ: i'm using device automount | 18:54 |
slow-motion | re | 18:54 |
SSJ_GZ | to0om: explore in Section~\ref{sec:stubbornsetswith_h}. | 18:54 |
SSJ_GZ | oops | 18:54 |
SSJ_GZ | to0om: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kdelibs/+bug/194474 | 18:54 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 194474 in kdelibs "[hardy] kded in loop (100%CPU) when using 'mount automatically'" [Undecided,In progress] | 18:54 |
SSJ_GZ | Stupid Klipper! | 18:54 |
to0om | SSJ_GZ: sounds like my problem | 18:55 |
to0om | ok i'll dig into it | 18:55 |
to0om | thanks for you help guys | 18:55 |
SSJ_GZ | np:) | 18:55 |
darkmatter | hi | 18:57 |
rishi | genni:so what the solution of that problem??? | 18:57 |
darkmatter | is it true that Dolphin for 3.5.9 is not maintained? | 18:58 |
genii | rishi: When I had that kded issue I just forcibly killed it. | 18:59 |
SSJ_GZ | darkmatter: It's certainly not maintained by the guy who started the project. | 18:59 |
darkmatter | SSJ_GZ that's rather diplomatic answer :) | 18:59 |
rishi | genni:but that's not the solution dude | 18:59 |
SSJ_GZ | darkmatter: Also the correct one ;) | 19:00 |
albuntu | is there any gui manager for lamp in kde ? | 19:00 |
genii | rishi: I know :) | 19:00 |
darkmatter | i just come across the bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dolphin/+bug/136695 and I was shocked | 19:01 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 136695 in kdebase "Cutting and pasting files with Dolphin does not work properly" [Unknown,Fix released] | 19:01 |
rishi | albuntu:lamp meams??? | 19:01 |
darkmatter | aha, ubottu knows more | 19:01 |
genii | albuntu: No. server comes without gui for security. Instead, install a web control panel for which program you prefer gui control of. | 19:02 |
albuntu | genii: ok you mean like phpmyadmin , webmin and things like this ? will them do the trick ? | 19:03 |
fdoving | darkmatter: yeah, you should change the default filemanager back to konqueror. dolphin-kde3version is broken and won't be fixed. | 19:04 |
fdoving | it just looks rather good. | 19:04 |
fdoving | a nice alternative file manager. | 19:04 |
darkmatter | fdoving: i've done that already... except... why is it set up as default in KDE3 Heron, which came out 2 weeks ago? | 19:05 |
melkor | hello I have just installed kde3 and I am wondering how do I make the small 4x4 application launchers | 19:06 |
fdoving | darkmatter: the majority wanted dolphin to be the default. it was discussed early in the development cycle. for the record, i voted against it beeing default. | 19:06 |
darkmatter | fdoving: it is not very fortunate... | 19:08 |
darkmatter | fdoving: i consider it showstopper for recomending system to newbies | 19:09 |
darkmatter | fdoving: nevermind, thanks to info | 19:10 |
fdoving | darkmatter: it is, but changing back to konqueror is rather simple, even for new users. (right-click folder -> properties -> wrench -> move konqueror to the top of the list) | 19:10 |
rishi_dhingra | albuntu:lamp meams??? | 19:10 |
stefan-f | !usb | 19:10 |
ubottu | For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent | 19:10 |
rishi_dhingra | therer is a network problem soory for delay | 19:11 |
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darkmatter | fdoving: well, it is PR disaster..."try this cool system, but do not forget to change default file manager for a one more reliable"... | 19:13 |
darkmatter | fdoving: anyway, it is not your fault | 19:14 |
melkor | Is there a problem with dolphin | 19:14 |
fdoving | darkmatter: yep. | 19:14 |
D_Eagle | i m facing serious problem in kubuntu, I can't shutdown my computer ! :(can any body help ?big problem while shutting down... i always hard shutdown my computer :( | 19:15 |
D_Eagle | just blank screen appears and stays like that | 19:19 |
jussi01 | D_Eagle: what happens when you do: sudo shutdown -h now | 19:21 |
jussi01 | ? | 19:21 |
wojci_ | hi all | 19:21 |
D_Eagle | just blank screen appears and stays like that | 19:21 |
darkmatter | you can at least try ALT SYSRQ R , S, E, I, U, B ke combination to avoid cold reboot | 19:22 |
D_Eagle | in that blank screen, if i press ctrl + alt+ backspace, login screen appears from where if i shutdown, kubuntu shutdowns.. but still my computer doesn't turn off | 19:22 |
BluesKaj | D_Eagle, are you running hardy with an ati graphics card ? | 19:22 |
D_Eagle | nope | 19:22 |
wojci_ | how can i add repositories to kubuntu 7.04? | 19:22 |
D_Eagle | in hardy | 19:23 |
fdoving | !repositories | wojci_ | 19:23 |
ubottu | wojci_: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories | 19:23 |
D_Eagle | but with intel 945 chipset | 19:23 |
D_Eagle | it used to be okay before | 19:23 |
wojci_ | thanks | 19:23 |
D_Eagle | but.. after i installed few things. like avant window navigator and made few changes in login manager thenthe problem started | 19:23 |
BluesKaj | ahh, kde4 ? | 19:24 |
D_Eagle | yeah kde4 | 19:25 |
D_Eagle | but the problem is there in kde3 too | 19:25 |
BluesKaj | ok, perhaps the ppl at #kubuntu-kde4 can help | 19:25 |
D_Eagle | i just been thru there | 19:26 |
rishi_ | hi | 19:26 |
D_Eagle | :D | 19:26 |
rishi_ | i am back | 19:26 |
D_Eagle | they referred me there | 19:26 |
D_Eagle | here | 19:26 |
wesley | !adeptfix | 19:27 |
ubottu | If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a » | 19:27 |
BluesKaj | !avant | 19:28 |
ubottu | Factoid avant not found | 19:28 |
MintLars | Hi, I need some help debugging. The X-server crashes with sig11 when trying to log into first class client. However, there's at least a third party involved, since login in fcc doesn't cause the crash when it's the only app running on the desktop. I need to know what to do to send some relevant bug info. | 19:28 |
francesco | !it | 19:32 |
ubottu | Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 19:32 |
viperserv2 | how do i install freens? | 19:32 |
darkmatter | !fstab | 19:32 |
ubottu | The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions | 19:32 |
D_Eagle | !shutdown | 19:35 |
ubottu | Factoid shutdown not found | 19:35 |
D_Eagle | !halt | 19:35 |
ubottu | Factoid halt not found | 19:35 |
faderhval | anyone in here been succesfull with WoW on 8.04 hardy?? | 19:39 |
D_Eagle | !logout | 19:40 |
ubottu | Factoid logout not found | 19:40 |
alexman | hello | 19:42 |
alexman | i have a question | 19:42 |
BunnyRevolution | ask | 19:42 |
D_Eagle | then u shud ask :D | 19:42 |
alexman | i recently discovered my monitor supports 1600X1200 res, but once i enabled my nvidia drivers in linux it doesnt support my res | 19:42 |
alexman | so my prob is how do i get my nice 1600X1200 res? | 19:43 |
BluesKaj | D_Eagle, look in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file for aline that says "composite = 0" , change that line to "composite = enable" | 19:44 |
alexman | anyone? | 19:45 |
D_Eagle | there isn't any line like "composite" | 19:46 |
BluesKaj | Section "Extensions" | 19:47 |
BluesKaj | Option "Composite" "Enable" | 19:47 |
BluesKaj | EndSection | 19:47 |
D_Eagle | BluesKaj, my xorg.conf doesn't even contain "composite" word :S | 19:47 |
BluesKaj | copy and paste those lines to the bottom of the file and save , if you have permissions | 19:47 |
D_Eagle | oh sure | 19:48 |
D_Eagle | okie..hope this solves my problem :) | 19:48 |
D_Eagle | thnx for everything | 19:48 |
BluesKaj | thank me if it works | 19:48 |
viperserv2 | hmm with freenx what windows should i use? | 19:49 |
viperserv2 | kde or gnome | 19:49 |
alexman | gnome | 19:49 |
alexman | i recently discovered my monitor supports 1600X1200 res, but once i enabled my nvidia drivers in linux it doesnt support my res | 19:50 |
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Walzmyn | !dolphin | 19:54 |
ubottu | Dolphin, or more properly D3lphin, is the new default file manager for Kubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon. If you would like to make Konqueror your default file manager again, go to Konqueror - Settings menu - Configure Konqueror - File Associations and change the association for inode/directory and inode/system_directory to Konqueror at the top rather than Dolphin. | 19:54 |
binde | slt | 19:54 |
PovAddict | I have compiz, and I set it to use the desktop cube | 19:55 |
PovAddict | how do I add more desktops? | 19:55 |
Fujisan | trivia: Which scifi movie stars Bill Clinton? | 19:55 |
Fujisan | PovAddict oh man i missed ya | 19:55 |
PovAddict | if I go to Configure desktops and change the count, the change doesn't take effect | 19:56 |
Walzmyn | PovAddict, are you using the gui? | 19:56 |
Fujisan | did you miss me too PovAddict? | 19:56 |
Fujisan | =p | 19:56 |
darkmatter | fstab now looks unfamiliar, what does the <pass> parameter means? | 19:56 |
PovAddict | and I can't find it on CompizConfig either | 19:56 |
Walzmyn | PovAddict, compiz calls their desktops viewports - that's what your looking for. | 19:57 |
PovAddict | "Viewport switcher" has no option for number of viewports | 19:57 |
Fujisan | PovAddict listen to Walzmyn | 19:57 |
wayneandleanne | can somebody help me please, on running mythtv-setup i get an error "cannot login to database" can anybody help? | 19:58 |
PovAddict | found it - it's in General Options :) | 19:58 |
Fujisan | PovAddict you are welcome | 19:59 |
Fujisan | :) | 19:59 |
Fujisan | we are friends now PovAddict? | 19:59 |
PovAddict | although the pager on the KDE panel still shows two | 20:00 |
clayd | con someone point me in the right direction to set up dual monitors (spanned desktop) | 20:01 |
Fujisan | PovAddict | 20:02 |
Fujisan | my best friend on the globe | 20:02 |
Fujisan | bye | 20:02 |
Fujisan | Nicolas | 20:02 |
Fujisan | Alvarez | 20:02 |
giacomo | !it | 20:04 |
ubottu | Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 20:04 |
wayneandleanne | is there anybody here with any experiance with mythtv? | 20:05 |
clayd | any ideas on dual screen setup. i dont know why i can find this. I am using 8.04 | 20:07 |
ek | Anyone here know why my sound would stop working once I try to play music via Amarok or MPlayer? | 20:07 |
ek | When I log into KDE, it works fine. All KDE sounds work. But, as soon as I open Amarok nothing works anymore. | 20:07 |
ek | clayd: http://www.astahost.com/info.php/help-using-dual-monitors-kde-kubuntu_t12101.html | 20:08 |
ek | That help? | 20:08 |
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European-African | hey guys, just installed kde-desktop for ubuntu, and i am very confused? like where is the synapic package manager? | 20:09 |
clayd | you have to install it. | 20:09 |
clayd | sudo apt-get install synapic | 20:09 |
clayd | something like that | 20:09 |
European-African | does it not come preinstalled | 20:09 |
clayd | no | 20:10 |
European-African | what is adept | 20:10 |
clayd | i just installed it this morning | 20:10 |
p_quarles | well, Adept comes preinstalled | 20:10 |
faisal | i want to learn about installing grub and playing with it. Plz help me | 20:10 |
p_quarles | that is the KDE graphical apt manager | 20:10 |
jussi01 | !grub | faisal | 20:10 |
ubottu | faisal: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 20:10 |
clayd | what the last person said :) | 20:10 |
European-African | what is the best package manager for kde | 20:10 |
faisal | Thx alot dear | 20:11 |
European-African | the one that comes with it? | 20:11 |
BunnyRevolution | European-African: adept is the equivalant | 20:11 |
clayd | i like synapic | 20:11 |
European-African | or the spm | 20:11 |
p_quarles | European-African, it depends on the distro | 20:11 |
BunnyRevolution | adept works well | 20:11 |
p_quarles | for Kubuntu, adept is the best; some people like synaptic, but that requires Gtk libs | 20:11 |
usamahashimi | Hello Everyon! | 20:11 |
ubuntu | my kubuntu 8.04 hardy heron linux is not playing .mp3. Can anyone help in teling how to configure Amarok? | 20:11 |
fdoving | !mp3 | ubuntu | 20:11 |
ubottu | ubuntu: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 20:11 |
European-African | ok, will try adept, this is all so confusing coming from gnome! | 20:12 |
usamahashimi | How can I install my (restricted) nvidia driver? | 20:12 |
clayd | so my turn. any ideas on setting up multiple screens | 20:12 |
European-African | thanx | 20:12 |
p_quarles | European-African, you can also use aptitude (an ncurses program) or just command line apt | 20:12 |
BunnyRevolution | European-African: actually, i think you'll enjoy it | 20:12 |
acemo | can i configure the volume of flashplayer or firefox..? | 20:12 |
faisal | How to get the classical KDE menu? | 20:12 |
BunnyRevolution | acemo: configure? | 20:12 |
usamahashimi | !nvidia | 20:13 |
ubottu | For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 20:13 |
European-African | ok thanx agian | 20:13 |
BunnyRevolution | faisal: i assume your using kde4 | 20:13 |
faisal | ya | 20:13 |
BunnyRevolution | there is an option for that | 20:13 |
acemo | BunnyRevolution: the sound of flash is about 3 times as loud as all other sound | 20:13 |
faisal | plz | 20:13 |
clayd | thanks | 20:13 |
faisal | where is the option of KDe clasic menue? | 20:14 |
usamahashimi | can anyone tell me that how can i install (restricted) nvidia driver? | 20:14 |
European-African | how do you filter apps in adept? like just to games? | 20:14 |
jussi01 | !nvidea | usamahashimi | 20:15 |
ubottu | Factoid nvidea not found | 20:15 |
jussi01 | !nvidia | usamahashimi | 20:15 |
ubottu | usamahashimi: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 20:15 |
usamahashimi | jussi01: I check that but I can not find the restricted driver option in control panel | 20:16 |
usamahashimi | jussi01: its missing | 20:16 |
gra | holaA!!! | 20:16 |
jussi01 | !es | gra | 20:16 |
ubottu | gra: Aquà solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allà obtendrá más ayuda. | 20:16 |
European-African | BunnyRevolution: could u help me. how do you filter apps in adept? like just to games? | 20:16 |
ifroog_ | European-African, Simply search for "game" | 20:16 |
jussi01 | usamahashimi: did you look in the advanced section? | 20:16 |
BunnyRevolution | European-African: there is a menu "add/remove programs" | 20:16 |
BunnyRevolution | on you K menu | 20:16 |
BunnyRevolution | there is a game's menu there | 20:16 |
usamahashimi | jussi01: yes, i know that it used to be there but in kubuntu hardy heron, its missing | 20:17 |
European-African | ok thanx | 20:17 |
BunnyRevolution | European-African: something you might consider is looking at different linux game sites on the inet | 20:17 |
jussi01 | usamahashimi: are you on kde3 or 4? | 20:17 |
European-African | ok will do | 20:17 |
BunnyRevolution | that way you can peruse thier sites and find games that suits you before trial and error install | 20:17 |
BunnyRevolution | European-African: what kind of games are you looking for? | 20:17 |
usamahashimi | jussi01: i am using kde 3 | 20:17 |
European-African | 3d multiplayer shooter | 20:18 |
ifroog_ | BunnyRevolution, whats the best lan game out there ? | 20:18 |
BunnyRevolution | ah, there are several i can recommend | 20:18 |
jussi01 | usamahashimi: install jokey-kde | 20:18 |
Nix3rrr | iam using ktorrent. when i launch it. it downloads at good speed. then after some time it decreases and gradually to zero speed. stailed. why? | 20:18 |
jussi01 | !info tremulous | European-African | 20:18 |
ubottu | european-african: tremulous: Aliens vs Humans, team based FPS game with elements of an RTS. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.1.0-4 (hardy), package size 645 kB, installed size 1512 kB | 20:18 |
usamahashimi | jussi01package jokey-kde not found | 20:19 |
acemo | is there a way to lower the volume of flashplayer in firefox? atm flashplayer is about 3 times as loud as the rest of the system | 20:19 |
administrator | h | 20:19 |
jussi01 | usamahashimi: my bad, jockey-kde | 20:19 |
European-African | ubottu: i have installed it? but dont know how to use it:) | 20:19 |
BunnyRevolution | European-African: i assume like CTF, Quake, UnReal Tourney | 20:19 |
usamahashimi | jussi01: jockey-kde is already the newest version | 20:19 |
ifroog_ | European-African, Nexuiz | 20:20 |
jussi01 | !bot | European-African | 20:20 |
ubottu | European-African: I am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;) | 20:20 |
Nix3rrr | iam using ktorrent. when i launch it. it downloads at good speed. then after some time it decreases and gradually to zero speed. stailed. what can be wrong? | 20:20 |
European-African | ok will try your suggestions, just looking on the net now | 20:20 |
usamahashimi | jussi01: ok download started, thanks | 20:20 |
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jussi01 | usamahashimi: :) | 20:21 |
mwe | what package provides X includes? | 20:21 |
European-African | lol | 20:21 |
mwe | I'm trying to compile a window decoration style and ./configure complains about missing X includes. | 20:21 |
ifroog_ | European-African, http://www.alientrap.org/nexuiz/ | 20:21 |
jussi01 | !info nexuiz | European-African | 20:22 |
ubottu | european-african: nexuiz: A fast-paced 3D first-person shooter. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.4-1 (hardy), package size 657 kB, installed size 2080 kB | 20:22 |
jussi01 | !games | 20:22 |
ubottu | Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php | 20:22 |
European-African | ifroog_and ubottu: ok will try, looks good | 20:22 |
BunnyRevolution | nexuiz is a good first person shooter | 20:23 |
fitzgerald | anyone else having trouble enabling the desktop cube in compiz fusion through simple-ccsm? | 20:23 |
European-African | still trying to learn how to use the package manager and everything | 20:23 |
jussi01 | European-African: its simple, open adept, search for the package, click install, cliack apply | 20:24 |
European-African | i was playing alien-arena but it had problems | 20:24 |
European-African | jussi01: it is not a particular package i want, i like to browse | 20:25 |
European-African | gnome had a good browsing environment | 20:25 |
jussi01 | European-African: use the tags on the right - they help :) | 20:26 |
BunnyRevolution | European-African: i suspect your talking about firefox? | 20:27 |
BunnyRevolution | as a browsing environment? | 20:27 |
European-African | when i click them they do not filter the apps | 20:27 |
jussi01 | European-African: drag and drop to the i want/i do not want boxes | 20:27 |
European-African | no, browsing the apps, like on adept or spm | 20:28 |
faderhval | hey again peeps...im having some troubles with my video driver: I can install it in a terminal with out X of course and then start x back up again how ever if i reboot i can\t load KDM and I am forced into recovery mode and do an xfix to reconfigure my xorg.conf any ideas_ | 20:28 |
faderhval | ? | 20:28 |
fitzgerald | anyone else having trouble enabling the desktop cube in compiz fusion through simple-ccsm? | 20:28 |
jussi01 | fitzgerald: you may want to ask in #compiz-fusion | 20:29 |
fitzgerald | K | 20:29 |
BunnyRevolution | European-African: you may be comfortable with synaptic. you can install this if you wish. | 20:29 |
BunnyRevolution | as that is what your used to. you need to do what's comfortable for you | 20:30 |
ek | Hrm. This really is rather strange. | 20:30 |
ek | I don't understand what happens. | 20:30 |
European-African | BunnyRevolution: i think it is still on from gnome setion, will try find it | 20:30 |
koen_ | hello | 20:31 |
BunnyRevolution | you can open up a terminal and type in "sudo aptitude install synaptic" be aware that it will install other programs you would not normally use in kubuntu | 20:31 |
BluesKaj | synaptic works just fine in kubuntu. I use it more than adept | 20:31 |
BunnyRevolution | hi koen_ | 20:31 |
BunnyRevolution | ek: what is strange? | 20:32 |
koen_ | how is it going out there? | 20:32 |
BluesKaj | it goes | 20:32 |
BunnyRevolution | for me, great. sunny weather, and a lazy afternoon | 20:33 |
koen_ | nice :d | 20:33 |
European-African | ok found it | 20:33 |
European-African | thanx | 20:33 |
BunnyRevolution | np. your welcome | 20:33 |
koen_ | are there people here who work with ubuntu ultimate edition? | 20:34 |
koen_ | ??? | 20:35 |
Matt1728 | can someone tell me what is the best browser | 20:35 |
koen_ | are there people here who are familiarwith ubuntu ultimate edition? | 20:35 |
jussi01 | !mint | koen_ | 20:36 |
ubottu | koen_: The following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes, please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (support in #linuxmint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), Ubuntu Ultimate | 20:36 |
European-African | i cant find the control center button they keep talking about, is it the systems setting button? | 20:36 |
jussi01 | !best > Matt1728 | 20:36 |
Dragnslcr | Matt1728- lynx, by far | 20:37 |
=== hydrogen is now known as Idrogeno | ||
powertool08 | what are the different ways to get an embedded terminal? | 20:38 |
=== Idrogeno is now known as Hydrogen | ||
Matt1728 | cool thanks ill try lynx | 20:38 |
BluesKaj | European-African, system settings/advanced | 20:38 |
jussi01 | Matt1728: lynx is a terminal browser... | 20:38 |
Matt1728 | really? | 20:38 |
jussi01 | yes... | 20:38 |
jussi01 | !info lynx | 20:38 |
ubottu | lynx: Text-mode WWW Browser. In component main, is optional. Version 2.8.6-2ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 1140 kB, installed size 4880 kB | 20:38 |
Matt1728 | so just plain text? | 20:39 |
jussi01 | yes | 20:39 |
Matt1728 | ahh | 20:39 |
European-African | BluesKaj, there is no system>>settings | 20:39 |
Matt1728 | is there anything better than firefox because it crasher for no reason on my computer | 20:39 |
jussi01 | Matt1728: what are you looking for in abrowser? then maybe we can help you? | 20:39 |
European-African | there is system>>services | 20:40 |
Matt1728 | like a firefox type | 20:40 |
BluesKaj | European-African, look in the k-menu | 20:40 |
jussi01 | !browsers | Matt1728 | 20:40 |
ubottu | Matt1728: Browsers available for Ubuntu: Firefox (GTK, Gecko engine), Konqueror (KDE/Qt, KHTML engine), Epiphany (GTK, Gecko engine), Dillo (GTK), w3m (terminal-based), Links2 (terminal-based or graphical, see !man page), edbrowse (command-line), Opera (Qt, proprietary) | 20:40 |
European-African | ok found it | 20:40 |
jussi01 | Matt1728: try some of those and find what you like | 20:40 |
dhq | could anyone help me with my nvidia 8600m gt | 20:40 |
Matt1728 | thanks :) | 20:40 |
European-African | thanx BluesKaj | 20:41 |
ifroog_ | dhq, No, No one can help !.. | 20:41 |
ifroog_ | :D | 20:41 |
dhq | ifroog_: lol | 20:41 |
dhq | ifroog_: howcome ur not on # | 20:42 |
ifroog_ | dhq, Wazap ! | 20:42 |
European-African | BluesKaj, i do not think that is the control center, i want the one that loads when u type kcontrol in the terminal | 20:42 |
Tokeiito | evening | 20:42 |
European-African | they said there was a button on the kmenu | 20:42 |
European-African | but i cant find it | 20:43 |
dhq | ifroog_: how ya doin | 20:43 |
ifroog_ | dhq, cool ! | 20:43 |
jussi01 | European-African: there is no menu icon for kcontrol | 20:43 |
mefisto__ | European-African: you can edit the menu and add kcontrol | 20:43 |
BluesKaj | European-African, alt+f2, type kcontrol | 20:43 |
Tokeiito | does KDE4 has pannel similar to Vista where i can store widgets/plasmoids, or similar to OSx where i can call widgets/plasmoids by moving mouse to the edge of screen? | 20:43 |
European-African | ok thanx | 20:43 |
dhq | ifroog_: i upgraded to hardy | 20:43 |
European-African | is there another way of getting to it | 20:44 |
European-African | other than through the terminal | 20:44 |
jussi01 | European-African: alt+f2 kcontrol | 20:44 |
European-African | jussi01, i think that is just a small terminal | 20:45 |
European-African | but thanx anyway | 20:45 |
dhq | there seems to be a problem with the nvidia graphics driver in the propritary corner | 20:45 |
ifroog_ | dhq, remix ? | 20:45 |
BluesKaj | it's the run command box , not the terminal | 20:45 |
ek | BunnyRevolution: This sound card issue. | 20:45 |
European-African | i want one so i do not have to type | 20:46 |
ek | BunnyRevolution: When I would log into KDE, it would play the login sound and such. No problems. | 20:46 |
dhq | ifroog_: naa kde3 | 20:46 |
ifroog_ | dhq, cool.. | 20:46 |
=== jim is now known as jimius | ||
ek | BunnyRevolution: Even the 'Test Sound' would work. But, once I opened Amarok, it would stop working. | 20:46 |
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ifroog_ | dhq, So whats the first diff you noticed ? | 20:46 |
ek | Unless, I logged out and back in again. | 20:46 |
ek | So, I wasn't able to play any music. | 20:46 |
ek | I'm about to test again as MPlayer seems to be working. | 20:46 |
BunnyRevolution | great | 20:46 |
European-African | BluesKaj, i think it is just a interface to the terminal | 20:46 |
dhq | ifroog_: well it was kinda smooth | 20:47 |
European-African | a one command terminal | 20:47 |
mefisto__ | European-African: right-click the Kmenu and "edit menu". Then you can add kcontrol wherever you want it to appear in the menu | 20:47 |
European-African | mefisto__: thanx doing now | 20:47 |
ek | Yup. Okay. Figured it out. Just had to manually add the snd-via82xx to the /etc/modules I guess. | 20:48 |
ek | *shrug* | 20:48 |
dhq | ifroog_: well i cant use nvidia propriaty drivers i am using vesa it sux | 20:48 |
ek | Anyhow, creating playlists and finishing my unpacking. :p | 20:48 |
ifroog_ | dhq, Check bugzilla on this issue | 20:49 |
dhq | ifroog_: i have been there | 20:49 |
=== Extrapan100^BNC is now known as Extrapan100 | ||
=== jim is now known as jim_ | ||
European-African | guys, do any of you know how to use tremulous? | 20:53 |
European-African | the keys and all | 20:53 |
European-African | or point me to a help file | 20:53 |
=== Extrapan100 is now known as Extrapan100^BNC | ||
mefisto__ | European-African: sudo apt-get install tremulous-doc | 20:55 |
European-African | and then where do you find it? | 20:55 |
European-African | in the game itself? | 20:55 |
mefisto__ | don't know, maybe. or try typing "man tremulous" | 20:56 |
European-African | k | 20:56 |
European-African | thanx again :) | 20:56 |
=== Extrapan100^BNC is now known as Extrapan100 | ||
Hacker007 | how to join yahoo voice chat rooms? plz if any body could help | 21:02 |
Hacker007 | how to join yahoo voice chat rooms? plz if any body could help | 21:04 |
BluesKaj | Hacker007, goto yahoo.com | 21:05 |
ganastasiou | hi everyone | 21:05 |
Hacker007 | how ti install source files in kubuntu? | 21:05 |
=== Extrapan100 is now known as Extrapan100^BNC | ||
ganastasiou | i have an ati carf and with ubuntu the tvout was working with kubuntu a black screen apears... | 21:05 |
ganastasiou | anyone has a solution? | 21:06 |
mefisto__ | is it still working in ubuntu? | 21:06 |
ganastasiou | i have removed ubuntu | 21:07 |
ganastasiou | but i used to have tv out with this...the same conf... | 21:07 |
ganastasiou | now tv out is just a black screen | 21:07 |
mefisto__ | did you reinstall with kubuntu? or you just removed ubuntu-desktop? | 21:08 |
ganastasiou | reinstall | 21:08 |
ganastasiou | kde3 if u want to know | 21:08 |
mefisto__ | so it's not the same conf at all. are you using the proprietary driver? (Hardware Drivers in Kmenu if you have hardy) | 21:10 |
ganastasiou | i use the ati drivers... | 21:10 |
ganastasiou | i have hardy but with kde3 | 21:10 |
mefisto__ | so in Hardware Drivers, it shows the ati driver enabled? | 21:12 |
ganastasiou | yeap | 21:13 |
faderhval | good evening | 21:13 |
Mystriven | good evening | 21:13 |
faderhval | just a quick question how do i "purge" my sytem of all nvidia display drivers? | 21:14 |
gtt | how can i get my flash to work correctly, every time. | 21:14 |
jb_ | good evening | 21:14 |
jb_ | i just re-installed kubunto | 21:14 |
jb_ | i forgot many things | 21:14 |
jb_ | i want to create a file in /etc/modutils, but i can't ! ? | 21:15 |
jb_ | #ubuntu | 21:15 |
mefisto__ | ganastasiou: I think the aticonfig command can set up xorg.conf to do TVout. Try "man aticonfig" or "aticonfig --help", and take a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI | 21:18 |
tzd | Hi, I'm trying to automount my ipodShuffle as vfat in my fstab config but once I'm in kubuntu I'm unable to mount it as user even though I'm using the parameter "user". Can someone please help? | 21:21 |
DiViN3 | hello there i need a resolutions for the error message : sudo: must be setuid root | 21:22 |
DiViN3 | anyone here nows how to resolve that as i cant seem to inst all anything with out that | 21:22 |
jb_ | hi, i'd like to run dolphin as super user | 21:23 |
tzd | jb_: there should be an option on your right hand side saying "run/open/edit as root"... be careful with running as root though! You should know what you're doing before playing around as superuser | 21:24 |
acemo | thought there was a button for that in dolphin? | 21:24 |
Lynoure | DiViN3: you could boot in the single user mode (called Recovery mode or something) then setuid root sudo binary | 21:24 |
DiViN3 | Lynoure : i dont get wat u mean | 21:24 |
European-African | hey guys, just played tremulous and i could not move, how do you frickin move? | 21:24 |
DiViN3 | Lynoure : Dont mind plz elaborate | 21:25 |
|Dreams| | can any 1 tell me why my folders in my documents are greyed out? | 21:28 |
GothicD3vil | is there any program that i can run mac os applications in kubuntu? | 21:28 |
mefisto__ | DiViN3: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=219767 | 21:30 |
Lynoure | DiViN3: sorry, I was away for a bit | 21:31 |
mefisto__ | DiViN3: there's a typo in there. It should be "chown" not chwon | 21:31 |
simion314 | hi, in ubuntu 8.04 the video card configuration in xorg.conf had been moved in other place? now there is just a configured device | 21:31 |
tzd | GothicD3vil: as far as I know you can use VMware or Virtualbox which emulates the whole mac os x... I'm not sure if there is anything similar to wine though | 21:32 |
DiViN3 | adminghs@divine:~$ chown root:root /usr/bin/sudo | 21:32 |
DiViN3 | chown: changing ownership of `/usr/bin/sudo': Operation not permitted | 21:32 |
DiViN3 | i m getting this error may i know how to resolve it | 21:32 |
Lynoure | DiViN3: mefisto__'s link looks good, though I don't think you need to boot with livecd, choosing the Recovery (or what was it called) option from grub menu should worrk | 21:32 |
GothicD3vil | tzd, but i need to have mac installed? | 21:33 |
mefisto__ | DiViN3: you have to do it as root, but since you can't sudo, you need to boot in recovery mode (which gives you root access --you don't need to type sudo) read that thread and make some notes, then reboot in recovery mode | 21:33 |
DiViN3 | isnt there anyother way beside going into recovery mode as i m concerned abt my uptime | 21:34 |
tzd | GothicD3vil: for VMware you need to have mac operative system installed yes. Pretty sure that's the case with Virtualboc as well. With wine (which is for windows) you don't need to have the whole operating system installed | 21:34 |
|Dreams| | DiViNe sudo chown user:group /usr/bin | 21:35 |
GothicD3vil | thanks | 21:35 |
tzd | GothicD3vil: yw | 21:36 |
neville_ | hello, I dunno what I did but on booting, everything goes fine, except when it's starting KDM, it just shows a busy cursor (the spinning white one) on a black screen for a short time, then dumps me to a prompt. Stopping KDM then starting it again fixes it, but that is a bit of a pain in the bum, is there another way to do it? | 21:37 |
arturjuma | !help | 21:38 |
ubottu | I am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;) | 21:38 |
arturjuma | !rules | 21:38 |
ubottu | The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 21:38 |
|Dreams| | ? display | 21:38 |
|Dreams| | ?display | 21:38 |
mefisto__ | neville_: try looking for errors in /var/log/Xorg.0.log or see if you have a xorg.conf backup that you can restore | 21:41 |
=== ubuntu is now known as archconf | ||
melkor_ | I'm having a little difficulty figuring out where to configure my desktop | 21:42 |
melkor_ | How do I turn off my touch pad. 'touch to click' | 21:43 |
neville_ | okay, there aren't any errors listed in the log, not even in the old ones | 21:43 |
=== linuxmce is now known as simon_b | ||
archconf | @melkor - I'm not an expert - could that be something to do with X11.conf perhaps? | 21:44 |
archconf | one of the X11 config files? | 21:44 |
melkor_ | I think there is a graphical one. In gnome there is a settings panel | 21:45 |
mefisto__ | neville_: what about xorg.conf backups in /etc/X11 ?? | 21:45 |
archconf | oh - that sounds more like it, yes | 21:45 |
archconf | http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2006/03/24/disable-synaptics-touchpad/ | 21:47 |
niche | does anyone here use virtualbox? | 21:47 |
ttread | niche, I use virtualbox | 21:47 |
archconf | @melkor - does that help? | 21:48 |
melkor_ | checkin | 21:48 |
neville_ | Everything looks okay, but I'll try a fresh one just quickly | 21:48 |
neville_ | brb | 21:48 |
niche | ttread, is it exactly like running the OS (save for minor performance) or are there any driver/configuration issues? | 21:49 |
archconf | has anyone here upgraded to Kubuntu 8.04 ? | 21:50 |
archconf | (from 7.10) | 21:50 |
mefisto__ | yes | 21:50 |
|Dreams| | wish i hadnt have had nothing but problems | 21:50 |
archconf | I had a bit of trouble - I used the Upgrade button | 21:50 |
archconf | after restarting, "kernal panic" | 21:51 |
archconf | and "not syncing" | 21:51 |
ttread | niche, it's very nice and is close to running the OS natively. I've had no driver/configuration issues. | 21:51 |
|Dreams| | well my kde thinks that my home folder is my desktop :|:|:| | 21:51 |
archconf | and "cannot find /etc/arch.conf" and such things... | 21:51 |
archconf | I just wanted to ask if anyone else has had similar problems... | 21:51 |
neville_ | okay it must have been something in xorg.conf, as a new one has fixed the problem | 21:52 |
archconf | It looks as though I need to buy a new hard disk! | 21:52 |
mefisto__ | archconf: did the upgrade complete normally? | 21:52 |
neville_ | thanks for the guidance =] | 21:52 |
niche | very good to know ttread (i'm assuming you're running xp in that virtual box though) | 21:52 |
ttread | niche, yes running Win XP Pro | 21:52 |
ttread | I was using VMWare and switched to Virtualbox because it's open source | 21:52 |
dasos | my wireless card doesn't seem to automatically prompting me for drivers (broadcom in a laptop) on my fresh install of kubuntu 8.04-kde4, any suggestions on how to get it? nothing is showing up in hardware manager | 21:53 |
niche | thank you | 21:53 |
DiViN3 | ok thanks guys | 21:54 |
DiViN3 | i hv solve the problem | 21:54 |
mefisto__ | DiViN3: did you chown /usr/bin directory, or just /usr/bin/sudo ? | 21:55 |
DiViN3 | errrr....i cant remember that mefisto__ | 21:56 |
archconf | well, I guess most people have not had any problems with 8.04, then... | 21:56 |
DiViN3 | all i can rem is that i follow from th e web | 21:56 |
DiViN3 | but now i can sudo already | 21:56 |
ttread | archconf, I wiped the drive and installed clean, cuz I was in the mood to start fresh anyway | 21:57 |
ttread | so I can't offer advice on upgrade | 21:57 |
DiViN3 | mefisto__ : now i get this error - [04:57] * CAN'T WRITE TO TEMP DIR | 21:57 |
ttread | but can't you just start over and install fresh? You do have a backup right? | 21:58 |
mefisto__ | DiViN3: another ownership problem? at least you have sudo to fix it now | 21:59 |
DiViN3 | ok how to fix that now | 21:59 |
DiViN3 | mefisto__ : wats the command to fix the problem | 22:00 |
archconf | thanks ttread - that is probably the best strategy :) | 22:00 |
DiViN3 | mefisto__ : i cant seem to load my bots or make my stuff work | 22:00 |
=== Czessi_ is now known as Czessi | ||
mefisto__ | DiViN3: I think it's sudo chown root /tmp (change ownership of /tmp to user:root) | 22:04 |
mefisto__ | DiViN3: what user:group does it show for /tmp when you ls -l / | 22:05 |
mefisto__ | it should be root root | 22:06 |
DiViN3 | -rw-r--r-- 1 root root | 22:07 |
DiViN3 | this is wat it shows | 22:07 |
geoffrey | desplains | 22:07 |
DiViN3 | mefisto__ its still the same | 22:08 |
mefisto__ | DiViN3: mine is drwxrwxrwx 16 root root if you don't have that d at the front, it means it's not a directory. can you cd to /tmp ? | 22:08 |
DiViN3 | mefisto__ : is it possible for u to just gv me the commands directly as i m not sure | 22:09 |
mefisto__ | DiViN3: I'm not too sure either. Just trying to work it out | 22:09 |
DiViN3 | mefisto__ : drwxr-xr-x 2 adminghs adminghs | 22:10 |
DiViN3 | i get this | 22:10 |
|Dreams| | how can i reinstall kde please? | 22:14 |
DiViN3 | mefisto__ : is it possible for u to log into my shell n help me fix it plz | 22:14 |
DiViN3 | mefisto__ : you there | 22:17 |
|Dreams| | ok my desktop is showing the entire contents of my home folder how i do fix? | 22:18 |
mefisto__ | DiViN3: I think it's this: sudo chmod 1777 /tmp | 22:19 |
mefisto__ | |Dreams|: did you have a crash during upgrade? | 22:20 |
DiViN3 | mefisto__ : it worked | 22:20 |
|Dreams| | no i delted the desktop icon by mistake and without realising empties the trash | 22:21 |
DiViN3 | mefisto__ : i really appreiciate it thanks | 22:21 |
mefisto__ | np DiViN3 | 22:21 |
DiViN3 | mefisto__ : dont mind can u pm me now plz | 22:21 |
mefisto__ | |Dreams|: you mean you deleted the Desktop folder in your home directory? | 22:22 |
|Dreams| | yep | 22:22 |
|Dreams| | and i am thinking i am going to spend hours reinstalling because of this | 22:23 |
mefisto__ | have you tried recreating it? mkdir /home/your-username/Desktop | 22:23 |
|Dreams| | yeah and rebooted didnt make a difference | 22:23 |
Walzmyn | !mpeg | 22:24 |
ubottu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 22:24 |
mefisto__ | |Dreams|: you could create a new user and log in with that. that would probably work. Then you might want to move your old home dir files to the new home dir | 22:25 |
|Dreams| | and then delete the olde username and recreate it and move it back? | 22:26 |
Walzmyn | !wmv | 22:26 |
ubottu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 22:26 |
|Dreams| | wouldnt sudo apt-get install kde --reinstall work? | 22:27 |
|Dreams| | kde-desktop even | 22:27 |
mefisto__ | |Dreams|: you could rename the old home dir, then delete and recreate the username, then move everything back to the NEW old home dir | 22:29 |
mefisto__ | |Dreams|: but first try logging in with a new user, to see if it works. May be something else | 22:30 |
|Dreams| | okie | 22:30 |
|Dreams| | thanks for ur time n help | 22:30 |
faderhval | anyone got some experiance with themes/style for KDE/KDM under hardy?? | 22:31 |
DiViN3 | mefisto__ : Private messages from unregistered users are currently blocked due to spam problems, but you can always message a staffer. Please register! ( http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#privmsg ) | 22:33 |
mefisto__ | DiViN3: are you registered? | 22:35 |
Walzmyn | Why do we have noatun and kaffine? | 22:35 |
selocan | hi | 22:35 |
Walzmyn | hello | 22:35 |
mefisto__ | why? why not? | 22:35 |
Walzmyn | they seem to do the same thing. | 22:36 |
selocan | what is going on here? | 22:36 |
Walzmyn | I'd never heard of noatun until it just started opening when I tried to play an mpg | 22:36 |
mefisto__ | Walzmyn: they do the same, but differently | 22:36 |
selocan | is there anybody from turkey | 22:36 |
Walzmyn | << USA | 22:36 |
Walzmyn | mefisto__, how so? | 22:37 |
DiViN3 | mefisto__ : i m not registerd so how do i register | 22:38 |
=== ubuntu is now known as EngYU | ||
mefisto__ | Walzmyn: kaffeine is probably more configurable. double-click goes to fullscreen mode, keyboard shortcuts can be customised, plays virtually any kind of media file | 22:39 |
Walzmyn | DiViN3, the opening little spill from the server when you log on tells you the website to go to | 22:39 |
mefisto__ | DiViN3: follow that freenode link, it explains how | 22:39 |
Walzmyn | hmm, is there a way to see a preview of my movies in dolphin? al la that other OS? | 22:40 |
Walzmyn | mefisto__, thanks | 22:40 |
mefisto__ | where does the preview play? | 22:41 |
DiViN3 | mefisto__ : i hv regiterd my nick sometime back so how to retrivev the password | 22:41 |
=== george__ is now known as BIGSk8s | ||
Walzmyn | mefisto__, no, i mean the icon for the file. I'd like for it to show an image from the vid so I can tell them apart. | 22:42 |
mefisto__ | Walzmyn: I don't think dolphin can do that, but konqueror does when you hover the mouse over a file, or if you have previews on and the icons are large enough | 22:44 |
monkeybritches | There's another OS? | 22:44 |
Walzmyn | mefisto__, i tried konqueror, but didn't hover. i'll give it a whirl | 22:44 |
Walzmyn | monkeybritches, yeah, i saw some just at work using it. looked painfull though | 22:44 |
Walzmyn | just = guys | 22:45 |
mefisto__ | Walzmyn: no, I'm wrong. you can switch to preview mode in dolphin. Ctrl-3 is the kb shortcut | 22:45 |
Walzmyn | mefisto__, i'm in that view, but all i see is the generic mpg icon, not an image from the vid | 22:45 |
monkeybritches | I'll avoid it then. I'm squeamish. | 22:45 |
Walzmyn | good call, monkeybritches | 22:46 |
=== DiViN3 is now known as |DiViN3| | ||
monkeybritches | :D | 22:46 |
=== cyryl is now known as Cyryl | ||
=== suse_ is now known as Ca | ||
=== Ca is now known as Cain_nod | ||
Cain_nod | what client of irc do u use? :D | 22:50 |
monkeybritches | I like Xchat | 22:52 |
endoftheinternet | I am in a failsafe sessino right now since Compiz make sthe X Server crash | 22:53 |
endoftheinternet | how do I fix this? | 22:54 |
Cain_nod | monkeybritches: basicaly why? | 22:54 |
Walzmyn | Xchat here | 22:54 |
Walzmyn | endoftheinternet, uninstall compiz? | 22:54 |
endoftheinternet | whats the package name? | 22:54 |
Walzmyn | endoftheinternet, looking | 22:55 |
endoftheinternet | it says compiz isn't installed | 22:55 |
Walzmyn | endoftheinternet, looks like it's just "compiz" | 22:55 |
endoftheinternet | well... according to apt-get it doesn't exist | 22:56 |
endoftheinternet | i need to start adept but I can't | 22:56 |
Walzmyn | ok, if you pop your CD back in, there's an option as it boots up to fix your X config, you might try that | 22:56 |
endoftheinternet | can't remember which cd was it | 22:56 |
endoftheinternet | it was* | 22:57 |
Walzmyn | warning- it will overwrite a bunch of settings | 22:57 |
endoftheinternet | i might be back hold on | 22:57 |
mefisto__ | you can get that xfix in recovery mode in hardy | 22:57 |
endoftheinternet | maybe oit is trying to find compiz but ti can't so it's failing | 22:58 |
Walzmyn | oh you can? that's nice. | 22:58 |
BluesKaj | sudo apt-get install compiz | 22:59 |
endoftheinternet | maybe kdm isn't running I did sudo killall kdm... | 23:00 |
endoftheinternet | i think | 23:00 |
Cain_nod | bye i love u all | 23:00 |
narothepharoh | how do i open a .package file in the new 8.04? | 23:13 |
faderhval | im going nuts here anyone got time to help med with compiz ? | 23:13 |
faderhval | me* | 23:13 |
mefisto__ | narothepharoh: a .deb file? | 23:14 |
narothepharoh | mefisto: it just says .package | 23:14 |
mefisto__ | where did you find it? | 23:15 |
curtis | what is a good program to manage an ipod? | 23:15 |
coreymon77 | curtis: itunes :P | 23:15 |
coreymon77 | !ipod | 23:15 |
ubottu | For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod | 23:15 |
mefisto__ | curtis: amarok | 23:16 |
curtis | mefisto, will that hold and play all the music? | 23:16 |
coreymon77 | curtis: look at ubotu | 23:16 |
=== endoftheinternet is now known as nohelphere | ||
mefisto__ | curtis: yes, it's a great music player/library thingie | 23:16 |
nohelphere | i'm not sur eif KDM is running how do you START compiz? | 23:16 |
_Angelus_ | guys | 23:17 |
_Angelus_ | can kubuntu read from Mac Os X partitions? | 23:17 |
coreymon77 | i believe so | 23:18 |
stdin | !hfs | _Angelus_ | 23:18 |
ubottu | _Angelus_: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubotu NTFS-3g or /msg ubotu FUSE | 23:18 |
mefisto__ | compiz --replace | 23:18 |
curtis | i am banned from the debian chat | 23:19 |
curtis | how can i get back in? | 23:19 |
curtis | ? | 23:20 |
endoftheinternet | mayeb now I hsould uninstall compiz | 23:20 |
stdin | curtis: you'd have to contact one of their ops and ask | 23:20 |
endoftheinternet | is there a way I can repair X from a terminal? | 23:21 |
narothepharoh | mefisto_: it just says .package | 23:21 |
curtis | stdin, can i just change me ip adress? | 23:21 |
mefisto__ | narothepharoh: what is it? what are you trying to install. normally you install .deb packages | 23:22 |
stdin | curtis: evading bans is against freenode policy and could earn you a k-line | 23:22 |
PhilRod | curtis: using technical means of getting round bans is not a good way to make friends | 23:22 |
narothepharoh | mefisto_: it is vdrift | 23:23 |
curtis | i would just like to get back in that chat my best friend is in it. | 23:23 |
endoftheinternet | typing compiz make sit compile then restart X | 23:23 |
mightyman | greetings... can someone help me "aliening" an rpm to deb on a 32bit system? :$ please :) | 23:24 |
endoftheinternet | compile something then restart X | 23:24 |
endoftheinternet | what do I type when I attempt to reapir X? | 23:24 |
BluesKaj | ok curtis question , you were banned for a reason. care to share it with us ? | 23:24 |
stdin | curtis: contact one of their ops then, best place to ask about this is in #freenode | 23:24 |
BluesKaj | mightyman, what app ? | 23:25 |
mightyman | it's a driver... and I'm on a amd64 | 23:25 |
mefisto__ | endoftheinternet: if you have hardy, reboot in recovery mode, at the end of boot process you'll see a menu, one item is xfix (attempt to fix X server). | 23:25 |
mightyman | and can't do that... | 23:25 |
mightyman | BluesKaj, would you mind helping me? please please please :) | 23:26 |
BluesKaj | most drivers are linuxwide | 23:26 |
BluesKaj | what is the driver | 23:26 |
mightyman | yeap... except this... :D can't turn the rpm to deb | 23:26 |
endoftheinternet | recovery mode on the CD or the recovery kernel? | 23:26 |
mightyman | epson multifunctional driver... | 23:27 |
mefisto__ | recovery kernel | 23:27 |
endoftheinternet | by the way I think my Vid card is failing | 23:27 |
endoftheinternet | got flashing color changing lines during boot then screen went black then everything is fine | 23:27 |
BluesKaj | mightyman, are there any drivers that fir your needs that end in .run ? | 23:28 |
mefisto__ | endoftheinternet: does it happen with livecd? | 23:28 |
endoftheinternet | i might be back | 23:28 |
mightyman | nope.. | 23:28 |
narothepharoh | mefisto_: it is vdrift i downloaded it from the vdrift site | 23:28 |
mightyman | the problem is that the rpm is created for 32bit systems... I've 64 | 23:28 |
mightyman | and I can't convert it as well to work | 23:29 |
BluesKaj | I've never had luck with RPM>deb | 23:29 |
mightyman | I've created a lot of times.... | 23:29 |
mightyman | there was no problem... | 23:29 |
mightyman | except this | 23:30 |
mightyman | can't help me ? | 23:30 |
mightyman | it's not even a minute...:) | 23:30 |
dwidmann | !punctuation > mightyman | 23:32 |
mightyman | :| | 23:32 |
endoftheinternet | xfix didn't work | 23:32 |
BluesKaj | mightyman, intel CPU ? | 23:33 |
endoftheinternet | can I re-install KDM? | 23:33 |
draik | How do I get k3b to accept mp3 files to burn onto an audio CD? | 23:33 |
endoftheinternet | I need to delete ALL trace sof compiz | 23:33 |
endoftheinternet | how do I repair KDM? | 23:33 |
mightyman | BluesKaj, anything...just 32bit | 23:33 |
BluesKaj | what cpu do you run | 23:33 |
endoftheinternet | me? | 23:34 |
mightyman | amd | 23:34 |
BluesKaj | there's an ia32 utility for intels but dunno if they work on amd | 23:34 |
endoftheinternet | nothing happened until I messed with desktop effects | 23:34 |
mightyman | what utility? that can convert an 32bit rpm to a 64bit deb ? | 23:35 |
mefisto__ | narothepharoh: http://autopackage.org/docs/howto-install/ (found that link on the vdrift website) | 23:36 |
BluesKaj | mightyman, it 's called microcode.ctl in adept and synaptic | 23:36 |
narothepharoh | mefisto_: I am looking at the same site right now thanks though | 23:36 |
mightyman | BluesKaj, thanks I'll give a try | 23:37 |
BluesKaj | doesn't do the conversion directly | 23:37 |
FuzzyTheBear | Greetings , seems my kubuntu grub entry in the grub.conf of my gentoo dist is wrong .. any good document on the peculiar requirements of kubuntu for boot somewhere ? cant seem to locate a clear document .. | 23:37 |
BluesKaj | but may support it | 23:37 |
mightyman | but? | 23:37 |
mightyman | great :) | 23:37 |
BluesKaj | dunno | 23:38 |
endoftheinternet | i removed compiz | 23:38 |
endoftheinternet | how do you reinstall something from apt-get? | 23:39 |
mightyman | it's not the thing I'm looking for... but thanks indeed | 23:39 |
endoftheinternet | i'll be back | 23:39 |
BluesKaj | endoftheinternet, sudo apt-get install "application" , in the terminal | 23:39 |
mightyman | thanks BluesKaj, bye | 23:40 |
BluesKaj | good luck , mightyman | 23:40 |
endoftheinternet | is there ANY wa to reinstall KDM? | 23:41 |
endoftheinternet | will GDM work with KDE? | 23:41 |
mefisto__ | endoftheinternet: sudo apt-get install --reinstall kdm | 23:42 |
mefisto__ | and yes, gdm will work, but you'll have the gnome login screen | 23:42 |
FuzzyTheBear | mefisto__ : is there a perticular channel to discuss grub issues with kubuntu ? | 23:42 |
* mefisto__ shrugs | 23:43 | |
FuzzyTheBear | that bad eh ? :D | 23:43 |
endoftheinternet | do I need to restart my compute rafter re-installing KDM? | 23:45 |
FuzzyTheBear | you only restart a computer whne the kernel is concerned .. restart the KDM service | 23:45 |
endoftheinternet | how? | 23:46 |
endoftheinternet | wait... kill it | 23:46 |
FuzzyTheBear | -.- | 23:46 |
ttread | FuzzyTheBear, the grub entry for kubuntu is not unusual, I can copy the lines here if you want | 23:48 |
FuzzyTheBear | that would be most appreciated | 23:48 |
=== BunnyRevolution is now known as Polly | ||
endoftheinternet | note to self: don't kill kdm | 23:48 |
ttread | titleUbuntu 8.04, kernel 2.6.24-16-generic | 23:48 |
dwidmann | endoftheinternet: why not? | 23:49 |
ttread | root (hd1,0) <or whatever drive you installed kubuntu on> | 23:49 |
FuzzyTheBear | up to now .. simple .. and i got that part | 23:49 |
=== Polly is now known as BunnyRevolution | ||
ttread | kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.24-16-generic root=UUID=25fd4e1a-fb4f-404a-b9b5-0395339ed781 ro quiet splash | 23:50 |
endoftheinternet | well... what happened was nothing screen went crazy | 23:50 |
dwidmann | endoftheinternet: though, sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start|stop|restart would be much more appropriate | 23:50 |
endoftheinternet | yeah | 23:50 |
ttread | the UUID would be different for your drive | 23:50 |
FuzzyTheBear | uuid of the drive i installed on i suppose ? | 23:50 |
ttread | yes | 23:50 |
endoftheinternet | i might switch to GDM | 23:51 |
FuzzyTheBear | .. ill have to find that .. we cant use the drive designation ? | 23:51 |
ttread | initrd /initrd.img-2.6.24-16-generic | 23:51 |
endoftheinternet | since i restarte dmy system and it still doe sthe same thing | 23:51 |
ttread | yes I think you can use the drive designation but I'd have to look up how | 23:51 |
endoftheinternet | all I did was change desktop settings | 23:51 |
endoftheinternet | can I get a normal session in failsafe instea dof just a terminal? | 23:52 |
ttread | quiet <last line of menu.lst entry> | 23:52 |
FuzzyTheBear | i tried that and the boot hangs at the splash with the cursor coming back and forth and just stays there .. which is why i was asking | 23:52 |
endoftheinternet | what I need to do Is get to the configuration for compiz so I can disable it | 23:53 |
endoftheinternet | i NEED to | 23:53 |
endoftheinternet | the Desktop Effects configuration | 23:53 |
endoftheinternet | but I cant get to it within terminal | 23:54 |
ttread | FuzzyTheBear: are you sure this is a grub problem? Sounds like it's booting into the kernel ok | 23:54 |
FuzzyTheBear | well here's the story so far .. | 23:54 |
endoftheinternet | how can I start adept from terminal? | 23:55 |
FuzzyTheBear | i had to edit the grub line for kubunto so's i wouldnt get the splash .. it seems to boot fine .. but sfter it finds all the drives and most hardware has been found .. i get a message | 23:55 |
dwidmann | endoftheinternet: adept_manager | 23:55 |
FuzzyTheBear | Check ROOT = Boot.. | 23:56 |
FuzzyTheBear | cat /proc/cmdline or missing modules , devices | 23:56 |
FuzzyTheBear | cat /proc/modules ls /dev ALERT does not exist | 23:57 |
FuzzyTheBear | that's the end result .. | 23:57 |
_dennister | how's the feedback on hardy coming along? is the general consensus like mine? ie. tired of all these broken packages and ready to return to gutsy? | 23:57 |
endoftheinternet | wait... I can open dolphin and save my conf files | 23:58 |
_dennister | almost nothing seems to work as its supposed to | 23:58 |
endoftheinternet | what command is it to start dolphin? | 23:59 |
mefisto__ | _dennister: I think hardy is just a little more stable than gutsy | 23:59 |
ttread | well you could try running grub-install from the kubuntu live cd | 23:59 |
dwidmann | FuzzyTheBear: is that what it says verbatim, or what you remembered or something? (I'm googling) | 23:59 |
ttread | I take it you don't have a backup of menu.lst? | 23:59 |
endoftheinternet | i think I fixed it | 23:59 |
endoftheinternet | what commmand restarts KDM again? | 23:59 |
_dennister | mefisto__: how can you say "stable" when so many important packages are broken, and stay broken? | 23:59 |
FuzzyTheBear | it's redacted from the message i had .. so unless i forgot caps etc .. it's 98% accurate id say .. | 23:59 |
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