
DanaGHeh, have you seen the Fedora 9 wallpaper as it is now?  It makes me want to sneeze, for some reason.00:24
DanaGIt's likely a cross between looking sparkly reminding me of pollen and such, and simply the "photic sneeze reflex"00:26
BHSPitLappybahahahaha http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Artwork/F9Themes/electric-sphere?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=bb_26.jpg00:28
DanaGWhat the ??????00:31
DanaGThat's amusing and odd, and, "why?"00:31
BHSPitLappythat's one of their actual submissions00:36
DanaGThat's just plain odd.  Picture me with a giant "¿¡!?" over my head.00:39
DanaGs/me/a person/00:39
=== Dana1 is now known as DanaG
bersacekwwii: hi12:13
bersaceit's always the same12:13
bersaceeach new cycle12:14
bersaceso much people comes with *their own* idea for ubuntu artwork12:14
bersacecompletely irrationnal ;)12:14
WarMXhi there12:34
WarMXdoes someone know anything about Intrepid Ibex' artwork?12:35
WarMXtoo early maybe..12:35
WarMXhello there?12:39
=== nand_ is now known as nand

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