dwidmann | awn-manager depends on avant-window navigator depends on awn-manager ...... ....... ...... what??? | 00:00 |
firecrotch | dwidmann: wait what?! | 00:01 |
firecrotch | Tell me you're kidding | 00:01 |
dwidmann | firecrotch: I was just playing around, and decided to see what they depended on, then I saw this lovely looking circular dependency | 00:01 |
mefisto__ | k3b question: when burning, you can set it to verify data after burning. can I get k3b to do that data verification again, or only when burning? | 00:02 |
dwidmann | firecrotch: ie: "apt-cache rdepends avant-window-navigator && apt-cache rdepends awn-manager" | 00:02 |
martijn81 | mefisto__: i think that can only be done when you burn the disk | 00:03 |
firecrotch | mefisto__: methinks only when burning, but if it's an ISO, you could check by making an ISO from the CD and comparing the MD5 hashes | 00:03 |
mefisto__ | they are interdependent :) | 00:03 |
mefisto__ | firecrotch: excellent idea! | 00:03 |
firecrotch | mefisto__: :D thanks | 00:04 |
=== Carnage` is now known as Carnage\ | ||
Simonft | I can't shut down | 00:12 |
Simonft | it does not offer it as an option | 00:12 |
nosrednaekim | Simonft: you have an ATI? | 00:12 |
Simonft | im not sure | 00:13 |
Simonft | its a powerbook G4 | 00:13 |
nosrednaekim | ok... what happens? | 00:13 |
Simonft | I do not have the option where it was before | 00:13 |
firecrotch | Simonft: Can you explain the situation more? | 00:13 |
nosrednaekim | Simonft: ah... but do you have it on the login screen? | 00:14 |
Simonft | I go to the top left of the screen, and click on the icon | 00:14 |
wesley | first kde4.0.4 updates are already there i see | 00:14 |
Simonft | nosrednaekim: im not sure | 00:14 |
Simonft | nosrednaekim: want me to check? | 00:14 |
nosrednaekim | Simonft: yes | 00:15 |
Simonft | brb | 00:15 |
nosrednaekim | wesley: yes... should be | 00:15 |
mefisto__ | Simonft: is this ubuntu/gnome? or kde? | 00:15 |
wesley | nosrednaekim only lib i saw so i gues the other are up tomorrow | 00:16 |
sergio_ | hello | 00:16 |
Simonft | I can do it there | 00:17 |
sergio_ | alguien que hable español | 00:17 |
Simonft | I just installed kubuntu using apt-get from ubuntu, could this be it? | 00:17 |
Simonft | !sp | 00:17 |
ubottu | Factoid sp not found | 00:17 |
Simonft | !es | 00:17 |
ubottu | Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda. | 00:17 |
nosrednaekim | Simonft: yeah... are you using gdm or KDM? | 00:18 |
nosrednaekim | (is the login screen blue or is it brown) | 00:18 |
=== superadmin is now known as nachteule | ||
Simonft | nosrednaekim: it is blue, but I installed kde first, so it is not exactly kdm, it is kdm- something | 00:20 |
nosrednaekim | kdm-kde4? | 00:20 |
Simonft | kdm-kde4 | 00:21 |
Simonft | yes | 00:21 |
nosrednaekim | ok | 00:22 |
nosrednaekim | and you are using kde4 right now | 00:22 |
Simonft | yes | 00:22 |
nosrednaekim | and you have no shutdown options? | 00:22 |
Simonft | no | 00:22 |
Simonft | I mean no I don't | 00:22 |
nosrednaekim | have you rebooted since installing gnome? | 00:22 |
Simonft | you mean ubuntu? | 00:23 |
Simonft | or kubuntu? | 00:23 |
nosrednaekim | yeah... ubuntu | 00:23 |
Choreboy | Can someone tell me why I can't find Firefox 3 via Adept anymore? | 00:23 |
nosrednaekim | Choreboy: its called "firefox" now | 00:23 |
Simonft | yes I have | 00:23 |
Choreboy | that won't just install Firefox 2? | 00:24 |
nosrednaekim | Choreboy: nope | 00:24 |
Choreboy | well that's a handy thing to know. Thanks! | 00:24 |
nosrednaekim | firefox 2 is firefox-2 | 00:24 |
Choreboy | so it is. | 00:24 |
mefisto__ | there's still a firefox-3.0 package isn't there? firefox is a metapackage | 00:25 |
Simonft | nosrednaekim: any ideas? | 00:26 |
Simonft | can anyone else here help me get shut down back to the menu? | 00:28 |
mefisto__ | Simonft: the kde4 menu? | 00:28 |
Simonft | the menu where it list log out, restart, shut down, switch user | 00:29 |
firecrotch | Simonft: Let me see if I understand correctly.... you originally installed Kubuntu, then installed GNOME, then KDE4? | 00:29 |
mefisto__ | but is it gnome? or kde3? or kde4? | 00:29 |
Simonft | firecrotch: ubuntu, then kde, then kbuntu | 00:30 |
Simonft | mefisto__: kde4 | 00:30 |
firecrotch | Simonft: Do apt-get purge kdm-kde4 | 00:31 |
user5 | I don't have in menù wine after reninstall it, why? | 00:31 |
Simonft | firecrotch: what will that do? | 00:32 |
user5 | some ides? | 00:32 |
firecrotch | Simonft: That will get rid of kdm-kde4 | 00:32 |
firecrotch | Simonft: Then you want to run sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm | 00:32 |
Simonft | done | 00:32 |
mefisto__ | user5: you probably have to refresh the menu. you can start the menu editor (right-click Kmenu) and then just save, wait a few seconds, then check if wine is there | 00:33 |
Simonft | done, which should I choose, kdm or gdm? | 00:34 |
firecrotch | Simonft: kdm | 00:34 |
Simonft | ok | 00:34 |
firecrotch | Simonft: Then you'll have to kill X or reboot | 00:34 |
Simonft | still not there, but ill reboot from login screen. | 00:34 |
Simonft | if it works, thanks, if not ill see you soon | 00:34 |
alexis_ | no entiendo | 00:37 |
ere4si | alexis_: in english pls | 00:38 |
Simonft | firecrotch: it did not work | 00:40 |
firecrotch | Simonft: That.... is weird.... | 00:40 |
user5 | mefisto: not appen some menù without wine pannel, sorry | 00:40 |
firecrotch | Simonft: Give me a moment, there's a possibility that I want to investigate | 00:40 |
Simonft | firecrotch: when I logged out, I got an screen, and all it had was a black x which was my curcer, and a strange backround, so I had to manualy restart. | 00:41 |
firecrotch | Simonft: I expected that | 00:43 |
Simonft | um... good? | 00:43 |
firecrotch | Simonft: Eh, neither good nor bad | 00:44 |
firecrotch | Simonft: what groups is your normal user in? you can use the "groups" command to print a list | 00:45 |
Simonft | I know I am a admin | 00:45 |
=== cuznt is now known as gerbil | ||
gerbil | we call them rodents | 00:45 |
firecrotch | Simonft: are you also in the adm group? | 00:46 |
Simonft | simon adm dialout cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev scanner lpadmin adminnetdev powerdev sambashare | 00:46 |
firecrotch | You're not in the admin group. | 00:46 |
Simonft | firecrotch: ok, I thought I was, how do I fix that | 00:47 |
firecrotch | Simonft: useradd -G admin simon | 00:47 |
Simonft | sudo I assume | 00:48 |
firecrotch | Yes | 00:48 |
firecrotch | I *think* that's the problem | 00:48 |
Simonft | firecrotch: it says user simon already exists | 00:48 |
firecrotch | Oy, I haven't used useradd in forever, hang ou | 00:49 |
firecrotch | *on | 00:49 |
r3d | can someone show me where a list of repositories is and how to add? | 00:49 |
Simonft | firecrotch: brb | 00:49 |
=== hexidigital_ is now known as hexidigital | ||
Simonft | firecrotch: im back | 00:52 |
ere4si | !repos | r3d | 00:52 |
ubottu | r3d: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories | 00:52 |
firecrotch | Simonft: adduser simon admin should work, otherwise, use the graphical User Management stuff :) | 00:52 |
=== david_ is now known as corinthiano | ||
Simonft | im a member of admin now | 00:53 |
firecrotch | Simonft: The shutdown option should be there then, otherwise, you may need to log out and back in | 00:54 |
Simonft | um... this will sound stupid, but I just put kubuntu in kde for the first time, and im not sure how to try to shut down. | 00:54 |
firecrotch | K Menu -> Logout | 00:55 |
r3d | hey thx ere4si | 00:55 |
Simonft | yay, it is there. | 00:55 |
Simonft | thanks | 00:55 |
firecrotch | :) | 00:55 |
corinthiano | anybody here talk portuguese? | 00:55 |
borges | Oi | 00:55 |
borges | Eu falo. | 00:56 |
borges | Só tem um pequeno problema eu não sei nada de linux. | 00:56 |
corinthiano | KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK | 00:56 |
corinthiano | aí eu digo " fudeu" | 00:56 |
borges | O que aconteceu? | 00:56 |
ere4si | !pt | 00:56 |
ubottu | Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado. | 00:56 |
borges | Mas... sei de lugares onde você pode encontrar gente que sabe linux e fala português! | 00:57 |
borges | Dois canais são estes que o ubottu falou. | 00:57 |
corinthiano | cara, estou tentando configurar o kmail e o kopete | 00:58 |
corinthiano | e nao consigo | 00:58 |
Simonft | um.... | 00:58 |
Simonft | lol | 00:58 |
firecrotch | Simonft: So all is working well now? | 00:58 |
Simonft | firecrotch: yes, thanks a lot | 00:59 |
Creationist | Why does K3b never recognize when I insert a blank CD? | 00:59 |
firecrotch | Creationist: Can you tell us the model of your drive? | 01:01 |
Creationist | firecrotch: It's an HP... something lol | 01:03 |
Creationist | hp dvd940 | 01:03 |
crweb | nice.. | 01:03 |
crweb | firefox now crashes everytype i type in a input box. | 01:03 |
Feijo_BR | cant install vmware | 01:04 |
crweb | 'segmentation fault' lol... awesome. | 01:04 |
firecrotch | Creationist: insert a blank CD, and pastebin the output of "tail /var/log/syslog" | 01:07 |
ubuntu | alguem do BR ai? | 01:08 |
aaroncampbell | If a group of files was just overwritten, is there anything that can be done to retrieve the old copies? They were part of any svn repo or anything like that (kicking myself) just on an ext partition | 01:08 |
Feijo_BR | eu | 01:09 |
firecrotch | aaroncampbell: Overwritten as in the files themselves were opened and the data changed? | 01:09 |
Creationist | firecrotch: It's just this message repeated over and over: May 5 20:08:31 nrossin-desktop modprobe: WARNING: Not loading blacklisted module ipv6 | 01:09 |
dave11 | !xmms | 01:10 |
ubottu | Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based). Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs | 01:10 |
aaroncampbell | firecrotch: as in, I downloaded the directory with FileZilla, and it was set to overwrite, not prompt | 01:10 |
firecrotch | Creationist: Do you have a windows partition on the machine? I think the CD drive may be failing | 01:10 |
firecrotch | aaroncampbell: Then there *is* hope | 01:10 |
Creationist | firecrotch: Yeah, I have Windows. But other CDs load up just fine. | 01:10 |
Creationist | It's just not the blank ones. | 01:10 |
aaroncampbell | firecrotch: that's good...how? | 01:10 |
dave11 | whats a good replacement for xmms? | 01:11 |
firecrotch | Creationist: Yeah, but still the drive may be failing | 01:11 |
firecrotch | aaroncampbell: unmount the filesystem first | 01:11 |
aaroncampbell | firecrotch: ok, that's my whole /home, so that may have some unforseen difficulties... | 01:12 |
Creationist | firecrotch: Well, it's been giving me this weird quirck since I started using Linux. Often all I need to do is put in a different blank disc. | 01:12 |
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aaroncampbell | firecrotch: also, it looks like the fs is reiserfs, not ext3 (I was wrong) | 01:12 |
firecrotch | aaroncampbell: Do you have another machine you can put the drive into ? | 01:13 |
aaroncampbell | firecrotch: not at the moment, it's actually a hardware RAID, 5 drives | 01:13 |
mike-kubuntu | how do i make kdm-kde4 my default display manager? | 01:14 |
aaroncampbell | but as far as kubuntu it concerned, it's a single physical drive | 01:14 |
firecrotch | Creationist: How old is the computer? | 01:14 |
firecrotch | aaroncampbell: Is the drive full or close to full? | 01:14 |
aaroncampbell | firecrotch: only 26% full | 01:15 |
Creationist | firecrotch: The computer itself is probably about 3-5 years old. The drive is only about a year. | 01:15 |
genii | mike-kubuntu: sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm choose kdm-kde4 as login manager | 01:15 |
mike-kubuntu | genii: thanks! | 01:16 |
firecrotch | Creationist: I don't see any signs of anyone else having problems with that specific model of drive, so I'm thinking it may be that the drive is failing, or the IDE controller on the motherboard is | 01:16 |
Creationist | firecrotch: Hmm... doesn't happen in Windows, though. By the way, I just put in a different blank disc (same brand, from same package) and it's burning just fine. | 01:17 |
firecrotch | aaroncampbell: You *may* be able to recover the files with debugfs | 01:17 |
firecrotch | Creationist: What brand? | 01:18 |
Creationist | firecrotch: They're HP discs. | 01:18 |
firecrotch | aaroncampbell: It's installed be default, I believe. debugfs [device] | 01:18 |
firecrotch | aaroncampbell: then "lsdel" (which will take some time) will show ALL deleted files that have not had their inodes overwritten | 01:19 |
firecrotch | Creationist: Ah, there's the problem. HP discs are crap | 01:19 |
firecrotch | I've had similar problems | 01:20 |
aaroncampbell | firecrotch: I can't umount...it says it's in use. When I run debugfs on /dev/sda1, I get /dev/sda1: Permission denied while opening filesystem | 01:20 |
genii | I agree, always had problems burning with HP discs on non-HP drives | 01:20 |
firecrotch | aaroncampbell: sudo perhaps? | 01:20 |
Creationist | Hmm... they've served me well so far. But what brand would you suggest? Most of my burning is of software and distros | 01:20 |
Creationist | genii: These are HP discs with an HP drive ;) | 01:21 |
dave11 | !pls | 01:21 |
ubottu | Factoid pls not found | 01:21 |
aaroncampbell | firecrotch: With sudo I get /dev/sda1: Bad magic number in super-block while opening filesystem | 01:21 |
genii | Creationist: Even then I've ha as many as 6 out of 10 just bad from factory | 01:21 |
Creationist | Well, I got Kubuntu KDE4 burned... gotta go install this puppy :) | 01:22 |
dave11 | how do we play .pls files without xmms? | 01:22 |
firecrotch | aaroncampbell: This RAID array only has /home, correct? | 01:22 |
aaroncampbell | firecrotch: right | 01:22 |
Creationist | I don't suppose there's an easy way to completely delete my .kde/ directory but save the Amarok, Ktorrent directories, is there? Other than copying them elsewhere? | 01:22 |
firecrotch | aaroncampbell: If you reboot into recovery mode, you'll be root, and thus /home will not need to be mounted at all | 01:23 |
aaroncampbell | firecrotch: how do you boot to recovery mode? | 01:24 |
firecrotch | aaroncampbell: In the GRUB menu, there should be an option for it. Before you go though, I want to give you the directions for doing this | 01:25 |
aaroncampbell | ok | 01:26 |
firecrotch | aaroncampbell: Once you're in the recovery mode, which is a pure command line, you'll want to run this: reiserfsck --rebuild-tree -S -l /root/recovery.log /dev/hda3 | 01:26 |
firecrotch | where hda3 is whatever the device is | 01:26 |
nosrednaekim | WHY is X using 100MB of Ram here? | 01:27 |
firecrotch | This will create a lost+found directory with all of the files that could be recovered | 01:27 |
nosrednaekim | 128 to be exact | 01:27 |
aaroncampbell | firecrotch: ok | 01:27 |
firecrotch | aaroncampbell: the filenames may be gone though, so you'll have to go through all the files, except ones in subdirectories, which should still have the filenames | 01:27 |
* genii sips his coffee and thinks about filesystems designed by madmen | 01:28 | |
aaroncampbell | firecrotch: got it. Thanks | 01:28 |
nosrednaekim | genii: and murders :P | 01:28 |
genii | nosrednaekim: Yup | 01:28 |
firecrotch | aaroncampbell: BTW, it may take a LONG time | 01:29 |
dwidmann | nosrednaekim: wow, that's pretty crazy ..... I think my X is using like ..... 7500k ... | 01:29 |
nosrednaekim | yeah... i'm not sure what it is | 01:29 |
nosrednaekim | maybe Kwin4 | 01:29 |
nosrednaekim | desktop effects aren't on though | 01:29 |
nosrednaekim | maybe its the ATI driver | 01:30 |
potty | will i notice a speed boost with reiserfs?? | 01:30 |
nosrednaekim | potty: probably not | 01:30 |
dwidmann | When I used Reiserfs I actually took a performance hit... | 01:32 |
nosrednaekim | it takes more CPU | 01:32 |
=== joey is now known as CyD | ||
firecrotch | It's kinda pointless to use reiserfs, at least on a desktop machine | 01:32 |
nosrednaekim | and ReiserFs really DOES eat your children :) | 01:32 |
potty | ok i will stick with ext2 =) | 01:33 |
nosrednaekim | 3 | 01:33 |
potty | i use ext2 | 01:33 |
nosrednaekim | why? | 01:34 |
potty | more speed | 01:34 |
potty | well i think i might convert it to ext3 later though | 01:34 |
wesley | i use jfs and ext3 | 01:38 |
ign0ramus | hey all- is it possible to change window decorations/themes for a single app (in this case Amarok)? | 01:39 |
nosrednaekim | ign0ramus: nope | 01:39 |
ign0ramus | oh well, i guess i'll just skin Amarok differently | 01:39 |
ign0ramus | thanks mike | 01:40 |
seebs | I have some oldish binaries, and when I try to execute them, my kubuntu system says "no such file or directory". They are not symlinks. strace shows exec failing with ENOENT. | 01:41 |
seebs | $ file cc1 | 01:41 |
seebs | cc1: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.2.5, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), not stripped | 01:41 |
seebs | Is this simply too old to run on a modernish system? | 01:41 |
seebs | (it's a cross-compiler for an embedded target.) | 01:42 |
dwidmann | nosrednaekim: but there is a really out-of-the way way to do it ... seperate user account and run the app with kdesu ... could work | 01:42 |
nosrednaekim | dwidmann: that doesn't change window deco | 01:43 |
dwidmann | hmm, forgot about that ..... darn | 01:44 |
seebs | Oh, I might need IA32 libs. | 01:44 |
dwidmann | seebs: and if ia32-libs isn't enough to fix it, look up getlibs ... it's handy | 01:49 |
seebs | 'k. Thanks. | 01:50 |
seebs | I was very confused because ldd just said "nope, that's not statically linked", so I didn't think it was missing anything. | 01:51 |
seebs | ia32-libs was it. Thanks! | 02:00 |
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HEKTOR___M | merhabalar | 02:16 |
HEKTOR___M | türkçe kubuntu kurlumunu bilen varmý aa*caba | 02:16 |
^u^ | english please HEKTOR___M | 02:16 |
HEKTOR___M | ok | 02:17 |
HEKTOR___M | but i cant speak english :( and turhish room are sleeping :) | 02:17 |
joseph | !compiz | 02:18 |
ubottu | Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion | 02:18 |
tekteen | HEKTOR__M what language do you speak? | 02:18 |
^u^ | HEKTOR___M: I can't speak turkish... | 02:18 |
dwidmann | HEKTOR___M: , tekteen ....... well, there are online translators you could use, though it'd be a bit cumbersome and imprecise. | 02:24 |
hellhound | what is the command to run the new kmenu in kde4? | 02:28 |
hellhound | does anyone know what the command is to run kmenu from the konsole? | 02:42 |
BonesolTeraDyne | hellhound: you mean the kicker panel? | 02:42 |
monkeybritches_ | kmenuedit | 02:42 |
hellhound | i am trying to edit a dock app and place this as one of the available items, but i need the command to launch it | 02:43 |
Agent_bob | i really tried to be fair, honest i did; and to give vesta a chance, i installed it and then i tweeked it (if you can call it that) and i reinstalled it and... well it has finally made me so 'ill' that i folded the disk in half and blanked the hdd. but honest i really tried to find even one redeeming quality in it... | 02:44 |
Agent_bob | hellhound "kicker" | 02:44 |
hellhound | kicker launches the entire panel... i just need the kde menu | 02:44 |
thehizz | hey people, what is the best flash editing program for linux??? | 02:44 |
monkeybritches_ | kmenuedit | 02:45 |
monkeybritches_ | Sorry | 02:45 |
monkeybritches_ | misread it | 02:45 |
thehizz | will that do what adobe flash editing program does? can adobe flash run on linux/ubuntu? | 02:45 |
thehizz | monkeybritches_: can you recommend one? | 02:45 |
yoyoma | Q: I've been playing tremulous fine in Kubuntu 7.10. After upgrading to 8.04, when I launch the game my monitor shows "input not supported" in a floating box on the screen, but the video is visible in the background. What's up with that? | 02:45 |
hellhound | kmenuedit brings up the program to edit the contents of the kde menu... | 02:45 |
thehizz | hellhound: can you recommend the best flash editing program on linux? | 02:46 |
hellhound | thehizz: f4l | 02:46 |
Agent_bob | thehizz flash is not free and best is a relative term. | 02:46 |
Daisuke_Ido | Agent_bob: i beg to differ, the format has been completely opened up so that others can put out implementations of flash. | 02:47 |
hellhound | thehizz: f4l can edit flash and is the only program i have found | 02:47 |
Agent_bob | Daisuke_Ido where is the source code posted ? | 02:48 |
Daisuke_Ido | the format | 02:48 |
Daisuke_Ido | the swf and flv *formats* have had specs published in the past week by adobe | 02:48 |
=== MrJoey is now known as joeyadams | ||
Agent_bob | ok. it's "news" to me. i have been busy lately. | 02:49 |
Daisuke_Ido | which paves the way for open source implementations | 02:49 |
Daisuke_Ido | no worries | 02:49 |
Daisuke_Ido | :) | 02:49 |
Daisuke_Ido | i call it good news though | 02:49 |
Agent_bob | yes. umm if you like flash ;/ | 02:49 |
Agent_bob | but good news anyway | 02:49 |
Daisuke_Ido | anything that that many people use being opened is a good thing overall | 02:50 |
=== yoyoma is now known as yoy0ma | ||
Daisuke_Ido | love it or hate it, it's here to stay :) | 02:50 |
Daisuke_Ido | ...until something better comes along (sit down Silverlight, I'm not talking about you.) | 02:50 |
Agent_bob | Daisuke_Ido yes... i suppose. but it's "why, so mant people use flash" that has troubled me. | 02:51 |
Agent_bob | anyway that OT. i'll quit | 02:52 |
dwidmann | wow, the specs have been published? I wonder how long a solid OSS implementation will take to develop and stabilize :) | 02:54 |
RurouniJones | gnash is working on it | 02:54 |
dwidmann | gnash has been working on it for eternity already ... | 02:56 |
dwidmann | I suppose the specs will help a lot though? | 02:57 |
yoy0ma | i bet it will. it's easier to cook when you know the recipe... | 02:57 |
yoy0ma | what's a quick way to toggle compiz on and off in 8.04? | 02:57 |
Agent_bob | or in that case the actual dish. | 02:57 |
yoy0ma | compiz --replace .... | 03:00 |
yoy0ma | compiz --disable for now | 03:00 |
Agent_bob | kwin --replace | 03:00 |
Agent_bob | but i think he was asking about a hotkey way | 03:00 |
yoy0ma | ok, so... compiz on = compiz --replace, compiz off = kwin --replace. will that effect future sessions? | 03:01 |
yoy0ma | (i can write a script and assign a key combo to it, i guess) | 03:01 |
Agent_bob | will the change of DE affect the hotkeys ? | 03:01 |
Agent_bob | mostlikely it will. but i know 0.01 about compiz | 03:02 |
Agent_bob | ntn | 03:02 |
yoy0ma | national trivia network? | 03:03 |
Agent_bob | next to nothing | 03:03 |
yoy0ma | :) | 03:03 |
joseph | !upgrades | 03:03 |
ubottu | For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 03:03 |
Agent_bob | you-bot-2 is aging quickly. i don't think he's "standing in for ubotu" i think ubotu got canned... | 03:05 |
^u^ | !bot | 03:05 |
ubottu | I am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;) | 03:05 |
binde | slt | 03:07 |
thehizz | hey what's a good filesharing program like pando for linux??? is there such a thing?? | 03:07 |
joseph | ktorrent | 03:07 |
thehizz | where you can send a big file to someone without having to use ftp | 03:07 |
joseph | !p2p | 03:07 |
ubottu | Peer-to-peer filesharing clients are available for several networks/protocols, including !BitTorrent, !Gnutella, !eDonkey, !DirectConnect, !SoulSeek - Multi-protocol engines include !MLDonkey and !giFT - See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information | 03:07 |
joseph | there you go, thehizz, good luck. | 03:07 |
thehizz | joseph: is there an easy way to create an ftp server for one folder shared on ubuntu, that i can let the person just dl from my computer?? | 03:09 |
thehizz | joseph: is there an easy program that acn do that? | 03:09 |
joseph | thehizz: you could use scp | 03:09 |
thehizz | scp? | 03:10 |
joseph | or you could just set up an ftp server | 03:10 |
joseph | !scp | 03:10 |
ubottu | SCP is a secure way of copying files across networks using !SSH. Usage: scp filename user@host:filename - WinSCP is a client for Windows, available at http://winscp.net/ | 03:10 |
Agent_bob | ssh putty scp | 03:10 |
joseph | there's a good free windows client for it, too | 03:10 |
thehizz | joseph: is it easy to setup an ftp server? | 03:10 |
joseph | winscp | 03:10 |
Agent_bob | but for one dir maybe vsftp | 03:10 |
joseph | thehizz: you should read a howto. one sec. | 03:10 |
joseph | !ftpd | 03:10 |
ubottu | FTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP | 03:10 |
joseph | thehizz: one sec. | 03:11 |
thehizz | joseph: which do you recommend, though?? | 03:11 |
joseph | thehizz: FTP mini-HOWTO: http://tinyurl.com/34p323 | 03:11 |
joseph | thehizz: i guess it depends. i like to use torrents, but for your needs, i'd use scp. | 03:11 |
joseph | thehizz: you should read some documentation first, however. | 03:12 |
Agent_bob | fish://their.ip/ and put it there yourself it you have an ssh account on their box | 03:12 |
thehizz | joseph: i understand all that there. i know what they are and how they work. but i dont know which one is best to use.. | 03:12 |
joseph | thehizz: "best" is a subjective word. it all depends on the user. i told you my preferences (see above). | 03:13 |
joseph | thehizz: unless you're trying to start a file transfer flame, which is not a good thing. | 03:13 |
thehizz | joseph: you said scp.. but which of the ftp choices.. there were a lot.. | 03:13 |
thehizz | no, i just want to get this big file to my friend | 03:13 |
thehizz | joseph: will you pm me? | 03:13 |
joseph | thehizz: here is a guide to scp: http://tinyurl.com/5gunnf | 03:14 |
Agent_bob | s s h ! S S H ! S S H ! 'we will hack you, hack you.' | 03:14 |
joseph | thehizz: i'm sorry, i decline all dcc requests. | 03:14 |
Agent_bob | sorry wrong tune. | 03:14 |
thehizz | joseph: how do i pm you? | 03:14 |
joseph | thehizz: i told you all i'm going to tell you about scp. | 03:15 |
joseph | see the links i pasted. | 03:15 |
Agent_bob | !info ssh | 03:16 |
ubottu | ssh: secure shell client and server (metapackage). In component main, is optional. Version 1:4.7p1-8ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 1 kB, installed size 32 kB | 03:16 |
thehizz | joseph: this doesnt make sense, though. i read the tinyurl. i cant use the scp. the tinyurl only said generally about what ftp servers and ftp transfers are.. i know all that.. the ftp! thing you showed me didnt have a link.. | 03:17 |
thehizz | joseph: can you help me set an ftp server up? | 03:17 |
joseph | thehizz: the link tells you how to set up ssh | 03:17 |
joseph | thehizz: i've helped you already. | 03:17 |
thehizz | joseph: i have ssh | 03:17 |
Agent_bob | thehizz why can't you use scp ? | 03:17 |
thehizz | but that isnt an ftp | 03:17 |
thehizz | the other person isnt on windows.. they're on ubuntu also | 03:18 |
joseph | sshd facilitates encrypted file transfers | 03:18 |
joseph | then it should be easy. | 03:18 |
joseph | scp user@friendscomputer file | 03:18 |
thehizz | but i dont know how to set it up so they can log in.. and limit them to the one file.. | 03:18 |
joseph | thehizz: see the ssh documentation. | 03:18 |
joseph | also type 'man sshd' in a terminal for help | 03:19 |
joseph | and 'man sshd_config' | 03:19 |
Agent_bob | scp / root@friends.box:/windows :))) | 03:19 |
joseph | heh | 03:19 |
Agent_bob | oops forgot the -r | 03:19 |
joseph | thehizz: disregard Agent_bob. | 03:19 |
Agent_bob | why ? | 03:20 |
* Agent_bob looks around innocently ... | 03:20 | |
thehizz | ? im pretty confused.. | 03:20 |
* joseph slaps his forehead | 03:20 | |
joseph | thehizz: you have to read the documentation - no one is going to walk you through it. | 03:20 |
Agent_bob | joseph umm i might. | 03:22 |
* joseph sighs | 03:22 | |
Agent_bob | thehizz open a terminal. run; sudo apt-get install ssh ;sudo adduser guest set the password for guest as it prompts you. put the files you want them to have access to in /home/guest run: sudo chown guest -R /home/guest so that they have full access to those files. tell them to use ssh(in linux) or putty(in windows) and the guest account with the password you supplied. the scp command comes wi | 03:26 |
Agent_bob | thehizz alternately you can run; sudo apt-get install proftpd (tweek to your liking) and tell them to login to your ip as ftp://your.ip with the name guest and the password you set up. | 03:28 |
Agent_bob | or vsftp ^ that too. | 03:29 |
Agent_bob | and if we tell you more you will be more confused than you already aren't thehizz | 03:29 |
Agent_bob | cause you know all that. | 03:29 |
thehizz | Agent_bob: awessomee | 03:30 |
thehizz | that looks like it should work | 03:30 |
erpo | I've installed plain vanilla ubuntu and I want KDE 4. Which metapackage should I install to get it? | 03:30 |
Agent_bob | !kde4 | 03:30 |
ubottu | KDE 4.0.3 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0.3 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.3.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde4 | 03:30 |
Agent_bob | joseph i only walked him through it to confound you, you know :/ | 03:31 |
Agent_bob | joking | 03:31 |
erpo | So KDE 4 is not in the main ubuntu repos like KDE 3 is? | 03:32 |
* Agent_bob <shrugs> i turned both keys and pushed the red button... | 03:33 | |
* Agent_bob <gasps> why are those missles leaving ??? | 03:34 | |
=== combo-03 is now known as ivan_k | ||
Agent_bob | ivan O.o | 03:36 |
Dragnslcr | erpo- kubuntu-kde4-desktop | 03:38 |
erpo | Dragnslcr: Thanks! | 03:39 |
Plummet | i am trying to install flash player plugin for firefox...i have it downloaded and i think extracted | 03:44 |
Agent_bob | !flash | 03:44 |
ubottu | To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 03:44 |
Plummet | awesome thanks | 03:45 |
Agent_bob | Daisuke_Ido that infonode needs updated too ^ | 03:45 |
Daisuke_Ido | most definitely | 03:46 |
Plummet | im sure this is a common problem, but my monitor is moved around. how do i get to the x.conf file to fix the problem? | 03:48 |
Plummet | xorg.conf, where is that file? | 03:50 |
Roey | http://bash.org/?574196 | 03:51 |
Roey | heheeh | 03:51 |
vanhack | Plummet: /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 03:52 |
Plummet | what exactly am i supposed to do with that? when i enter it into terminal nothing happens | 03:53 |
Agent_bob | Plummet you asked the location. you did not ask for a command. | 03:53 |
vanhack | Plummet: please provide more details on what "moved around" means and someone may be able to tell you what needs editing | 03:54 |
Plummet | i know xorg.conf needs editing, i dont know how to edit it :( | 03:54 |
vanhack | Plummet: have you tried "System Settings" -> "Monitor & Display"? | 03:55 |
Agent_bob | /etc/X11/xorg.con is the "x.conf" you asked about. it's in /etc/X11 you can edit it as root if needed (and you have a clue what your doing) or, you can reconfigure the xserver with sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg @plummet | 03:55 |
Plummet | cool i got it, thanks a lot | 03:55 |
Agent_bob | conf ^ | 03:55 |
Agent_bob | f i dropped the f | 03:56 |
Agent_bob | where the f went ??? | 03:56 |
cathy_ | hey channel, looks like the freezer trick helped my failing hdd for much longer than 20 min. (in fact, 30 hours and counting) but I've now got to make sure this pc will boot in case that hdd fails again | 03:57 |
cathy_ | so I have some grub questions... | 03:58 |
Agent_bob | launch | 03:58 |
wirechief | !grub | 03:58 |
ubottu | grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 03:58 |
vanhack | cathy_: any drive that's been freezer'd is pretty much guaranteed to fail again on the next boot... | 03:59 |
cathy_ | i know what it is...i need some specific help pertaining to my setup...there have been a number of boots over last 30 hours | 03:59 |
Agent_bob | vanhack ? only if it failed before it was frozen | 04:00 |
vanhack | Agent_bob: ah, context :) | 04:00 |
Agent_bob | all i was saying is that freezing doesn't see to hurt an hdd | 04:01 |
vanhack | Agent_bob: I've never heard of anyone intentionally freezing a drive except as a last-ditch effort on a failed/failing drive | 04:02 |
Agent_bob | now you have :) | 04:02 |
cathy_ | anyway...finished doing the spring cleaning of my pc insides, forgot to attach power to second hdd (iffy one), grub came up, but said the drive was missing...yet i'm pretty sure grub, mbr, and actual installation was all on the other drive...could someone please look at my grub file via pastebin? | 04:02 |
o0Chris0o | sorry for off topic..but I must say......"I am Iron Man" | 04:02 |
* Agent_bob deep freezed entire boxen for testing. | 04:02 | |
vanhack | cathy_: menu.lst? | 04:03 |
cathy_ | yes | 04:03 |
wirechief | put a pasted of fdisk -l in the paste | 04:03 |
cathy_ | and i did freezer it to get data off, as last ditch effort for failing hard drive (3 pc's couldn't detect it in bios all of a sudden) | 04:03 |
Agent_bob | cathy_ sure. paste menu.lst and device.map | 04:03 |
cathy_ | thx | 04:04 |
cathy_ | !pastebin | 04:04 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 04:04 |
ArticWolf | during fsck -c ... what does DRDY ERR mean and is it bad?? | 04:05 |
ASUS-tek | yoo to all | 04:05 |
* Agent_bob notes that what may have actually helped, could have been messing with the cables rather than the cold storrage... | 04:05 | |
cathy_ | Agent_bob: it was NOT missing cables....lol | 04:06 |
Agent_bob | "messing" | 04:06 |
cathy_ | ack...the pastebin link is in another language! | 04:06 |
Agent_bob | try http://pastebin.ca | 04:07 |
vanhack | cathy_: try this one? http://paste.ubuntu.com/ | 04:07 |
BonesolTeraDyne | ArticWolf: Are you using a Dell inspiron 530? | 04:07 |
cathy_ | Agent_bob: ty :) | 04:07 |
cathy_ | i was just typing up a request for this one :) | 04:07 |
ArticWolf | BonesolTeraDyne ... its a asus MB wth athalon 1.3gig cpu 512 ram | 04:07 |
BonesolTeraDyne | ArticWolf: SATA hard drive(s)? | 04:08 |
ArticWolf | no older IDE 40 gig ... thiink WD brand but might be Seagate | 04:08 |
ArticWolf | BonesolTeraDyne .... no older IDE 40 gig ... thiink WD brand but might be Seagate | 04:09 |
cathy_ | k...pertinent portion of menu.lst is at http://paste.ubuntu.com/10386/ | 04:09 |
cathy_ | now i'll do the system map | 04:09 |
Agent_bob | device.map | 04:09 |
BonesolTeraDyne | ArticWolf: Huh. That message has only popped up on me when using SATAs on my dell. I was going to suggest changing the BIOS settings for the SATAs to RAID, but that won't work. | 04:09 |
Agent_bob | never mind cathy i've seen enough. | 04:10 |
cathy_ | Agent_bob: sorry, again, was just gonna ask if it wasn't that one you actually wanted | 04:10 |
cathy_ | it's so simple we don't need pastebin: one one line it says "(hd0)/dev/hda" | 04:11 |
ArticWolf | BonesolTeraDyne ... so you dont know what the message means/??? should i worry | 04:11 |
cathy_ | second & last line of device.map is: "(hd1)/dev/sda" | 04:11 |
Agent_bob | cathy_ only way to make that work both with and without the other disk is if you put a seperate bootloader on both disks and bounce to that disk with something like lines 34,35,36 | 04:11 |
BonesolTeraDyne | ArticWolf: Not in this case, I don't. Sorry. | 04:11 |
ArticWolf | BonesolTeraDyne ... thanks for trying :) | 04:12 |
cathy_ | Agent_bob: are you telling me grub or mbr was installed on wrong drive? the iffy one instead of where both OS's are? | 04:12 |
Agent_bob | cathy_ let me elaborate a little. grub uses bios addressing to find it's disks/partitions/files the address for hd0 is always 0x80 if the first disk fails to detect, then the second becomes 0x80 and BOOMB! grub can't find it's disk cause it's looking for 0x81 and that disk is not there anymore. | 04:14 |
Agent_bob | cathy_ yes the MBR is on the "iffy" disk. and the rest of the grub bootloader is on the second one. | 04:14 |
cathy_ | because before this hdd seemed to fail, i just had winblows on good sata drive, with ubuntu and gentoo on second ide drive...now i just have winblows and kubuntu on sata | 04:15 |
mike-kubuntu | hey, my usplash on bootup doesn't seem to start, or starts and then stops abruptly and moves to a text login, nothing is going wrong on bootup from teh messeges i see, or from what i can see in demsg, any tips on how to get a full graphical boot? | 04:15 |
Ashex | I've currently got the konquerer and adept icon having a seizure next to my cursor | 04:16 |
Ashex | it's kinda distracting | 04:16 |
cathy_ | Agent_bob: so now what i need to do is use BluesKag's supergrub.iso cd to copy the mbr to the good sata drive, right? | 04:16 |
Ashex | well, they're either having a seizure | 04:17 |
cathy_ | oh no, that won't work, will it? | 04:17 |
Ashex | or performing coitus and really enjoying | 04:17 |
Ashex | enjoying it* | 04:17 |
Agent_bob | cathy_ if you can change your bios to boot the "good" drive bios will address it as 0x80 and grub will see it as (hd0) "note; that alone wont make it boot!" but you can then install grub afresh onto the good disk and that should get you booting from the good disk permanantly | 04:17 |
monkeybritches_ | mike-kubuntu: Did you install kde4? | 04:17 |
Agent_bob | cathy_ and as to your Q ^ up there. no. that wont help | 04:18 |
mike-kubuntu | monkeybritches_: yes | 04:18 |
cathy_ | because I want to make sure that if the iffy drive fails again, everythig that's needed will be on good sata drive...so there won't be a hd0 AND an hd1 | 04:18 |
cathy_ | Agent_bob: i can change my bios to boot from the sata drive no problem...used to do it all the time | 04:18 |
Agent_bob | cathy_ yes, i'm telling you the only known way to do that. you must migrate the good drive to a permanant bios address of 0x80 | 04:19 |
monkeybritches_ | I think that may be why. I had the same problem and nothing I did could fix it. Uinstalling KDE4 didn't help either. | 04:19 |
Agent_bob | cathy_ that's one post behind. ^ | 04:19 |
* Agent_bob is slow typing. | 04:19 | |
Agent_bob | 112 words a minute. and three [backspace] edits per word == 20 words/minute | 04:20 |
mike-kubuntu | monkeybritches_: Oh, that just gave me an idea!, nomatter what happens it seems like kdm_kde4 attempts to start, i wonder if i can get it to come back by disableing kdm_kde4 | 04:21 |
Agent_bob | cathy_ did you follow all of that ? | 04:21 |
cathy_ | Agent_bob: so let me get this straight: Step 1: reboot to get into bios and make sure it always boots from sata (unfortunately is the third primary master) | 04:21 |
cathy_ | Step 2: use the supergrub iso to reinstall a new grub on mbr of sata drive | 04:21 |
cathy_ | it will make a new device map and everything? | 04:22 |
monkeybritches_ | mike-kubuntu: Try sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm | 04:22 |
Agent_bob | cathy_ step one and two ok. yes should. | 04:22 |
Agent_bob | cathy_ note. you "may" experance a third glitch in some BIO'II (is that plural for bios ?) some of them ignore your special disk ordering you setup in the bios setup when you boot from cd/dvd and thus the install of grub might need tweeked still. but best to try it first. | 04:24 |
cathy_ | ok, cause when i originally took failing ide drive (primary master) out of box, sata drive (third master) took over and botted me into winblows, automatically | 04:24 |
mike-kubuntu | monkeybritches: cool, ima try now | 04:24 |
Agent_bob | cathy_ yes but windows looks for it's own first fs and ignores other disks/partitions/fs's when starting. so as soon as you get it's loader kick started it will usualy run with the ball | 04:26 |
cathy_ | perhaps I should temporarily remove the iffy ide drive then for the reinstall-new-mbr-on-sata-with-supergrub.iso operation? | 04:26 |
cathy_ | ie step 2? | 04:26 |
Agent_bob | good idea | 04:27 |
cathy_ | Agent_bob: thx heaps...I do think I understand all of that :) | 04:27 |
Agent_bob | to clearify about the differance in windows it calls the first windows partition it finds c: even if it's on 0x83 or higher | 04:28 |
Agent_bob | cathy_ k. welcome. | 04:28 |
cathy_ | yeah...i know all that, as when I first started using linux I wasted weeks trying to "fool windows" with the dual boot howtwo's...then found out I didn't need to do all that by accident...k...gonna reboot for this...will come | 04:29 |
Phantal | My K -> Logoff menu is missing 'hibernate' and 'suspend', options that were there yesterday | 04:31 |
Phantal | Anyone know why? | 04:31 |
monkeybritches_ | Phantal: Does it still have Shutdown? | 04:33 |
Phantal | monkeybritches_: actually no, it just has logoff | 04:33 |
monkeybritches_ | Phantal: And did it not boot into the GUI, but instead make you log on at the command line? | 04:34 |
Phantal | no | 04:34 |
Phantal | i hibernated the laptop last night, resumed from hibernate this morning, and I tried to hibernate it this afternoon | 04:34 |
monkeybritches_ | Phantal: Lok in System Settings > Advanced > Session Manager and verify the Confirm logout and Offer shutdown options are still checked. | 04:36 |
monkeybritches_ | Look, even. :(|) | 04:36 |
Agent_bob | locking in | 04:36 |
Agent_bob | i go now. someone can trouble shoot cathy if needed. i dont think it will be though... | 04:37 |
Phantal | monkeybritches_: alright, both are checked | 04:40 |
Phantal | they were when i went in there taht is | 04:40 |
Phantal | sorry it took so long, there isn't a system settings or advanced, it ws under a different menu | 04:41 |
dbglt | is there anyway to get multimedia keys working | 04:45 |
=== fiyawerx_ is now known as fiya_werkin | ||
dbglt | with kde4? | 04:46 |
monkeybritches_ | Phantal: Under System Settings > System Services is acpid running/set to start at boot? | 04:46 |
Phantal | monkeybritches_: it's a very watered-down interface ... just has a checkmark, no information about the service itself other than its name | 04:47 |
Phantal | but, it is checked | 04:47 |
Phantal | i see two processes running with 'acpi' in their name, usr/bin/acpid, and hald-addon-acpi | 04:48 |
monkeybritches_ | Has anything changed since the last time you were able to do it successfully? | 04:51 |
Phantal | yes, but i wouldn't have expected this to be significant. one sec while i look through this and remember what it was i changed | 04:52 |
tata | sound prob in kubuntu | 04:53 |
tata | using usb sound | 04:53 |
Phantal | I was trying to figure out why the battery monitor in the tray said 'charging' and 99% | 04:53 |
tata | hello | 04:53 |
Phantal | So i went into the power control -> laptop battery, and set 'show battery level percentage' because it was unchecked ... and i think that's it | 04:54 |
Phantal | today when i looked at it, though, the ACPI config page tab had all checkmarks greyed out | 04:55 |
monkeybritches_ | Have you tried unsetting show battery level percentage to see if it reverses it? | 04:55 |
Phantal | nope, it didn't | 04:56 |
monkeybritches_ | I can't think of any other resolutions at the moment. I have problems of my own. Perhaps someone else here knows something? | 05:01 |
o0Chris0o | how do I stop quanta for opening up websites in the editor from irc? | 05:03 |
nimrod | hello | 05:05 |
o0Chris0o | hi | 05:06 |
=== ubuntu is now known as varitech | ||
nimrod | hei o0Chris0o | 05:06 |
o0Chris0o | how do I stop quanta for opening up websites in the editor from irc? | 05:07 |
SebNaitsabes | which IRC client | 05:07 |
nimrod | i dont know | 05:07 |
o0Chris0o | konversation | 05:07 |
nimrod | ah the same as me | 05:08 |
yuikook | hi | 05:15 |
nimrod | hey | 05:15 |
yuikook | i'm thai | 05:15 |
yuikook | i love ubuntu | 05:15 |
nimrod | cool | 05:15 |
nimrod | i like kubuntu 7.10 | 05:16 |
nimrod | i'm norwegian | 05:16 |
yuikook | i use new version | 05:16 |
yuikook | 8.04 | 05:16 |
nimrod | ah | 05:16 |
yuikook | i remove windows and install ubuntu | 05:17 |
nimrod | i tryed 8.04, but it wasn't working on my pc | 05:17 |
nimrod | me to | 05:17 |
yuikook | oh | 05:17 |
nimrod | i would wait until 8.10 coming | 05:17 |
yuikook | 6 month | 05:18 |
yuikook | october? | 05:18 |
nimrod | is 8.10 coming in 6 month? | 05:18 |
yuikook | yes | 05:18 |
nimrod | yes | 05:18 |
nimrod | in october | 05:19 |
nimrod | or, it depends on when you heard the message | 05:19 |
yuikook | i test xubuntu | 05:19 |
nimrod | cool | 05:20 |
yuikook | very fast than ubuntu | 05:20 |
yuikook | but xubuntu have little function | 05:20 |
nimrod | i see | 05:20 |
nimrod | i have only tryed kubuntu | 05:21 |
nimrod | i'm using it now | 05:21 |
nimrod | everythink works fine | 05:21 |
yuikook | i going to work, nice to miss you nimrod | 05:22 |
nimrod | everything* | 05:22 |
nimrod | thank you :) | 05:22 |
nimrod | nice to meet u to | 05:22 |
yuikook | see you again | 05:22 |
yuikook | bye | 05:22 |
nimrod | bye | 05:22 |
nimrod | yes | 05:22 |
nimrod | hei Mr_Pan | 05:23 |
nimrod | what's the fastest windows-alike os in Linux? | 05:25 |
RurouniJones | er | 05:25 |
RurouniJones | You mean window manager? | 05:25 |
nimrod | no | 05:25 |
RurouniJones | distribution? | 05:26 |
nimrod | yes | 05:26 |
RurouniJones | the distributions don't differ that much under the hod if you are after "windows look-a-like" | 05:27 |
RurouniJones | find a window manager that emulates Windows and stick it on top of the distribution of your chocie | 05:27 |
Mr_Pan | nimrod, | 05:27 |
nimrod | ok | 05:27 |
nimrod | i see | 05:27 |
Mr_Pan | i use kubuntu 8.04 | 05:27 |
Mr_Pan | the fastest is puppy linux | 05:27 |
nimrod | puppy linux? | 05:28 |
nimrod | never heard about it :) | 05:28 |
RurouniJones | It isn't one of the big major Distributions | 05:28 |
RurouniJones | but it is small and fast | 05:28 |
RurouniJones | hence the name | 05:28 |
inavat | puppies aren't fast | 05:29 |
nimrod | hehe | 05:29 |
Mr_Pan | arxh linux is fast too | 05:29 |
Mr_Pan | arch linux | 05:29 |
RurouniJones | inavat, chase one with a blowtorch and then say that again. | 05:30 |
inavat | k, brb | 05:30 |
nimrod | i think i will hold a finger on kubuntu...as i will try to learn to build programs | 05:32 |
inavat | learn to build programs? | 05:32 |
nimrod | write programs, i meant | 05:32 |
o0Chris0o | you don't write them | 05:33 |
o0Chris0o | they are already written, you just install them with adept or through the console | 05:34 |
nimrod | yes ..but i want to learn programming | 05:34 |
o0Chris0o | !programming | 05:34 |
ubottu | Factoid programming not found | 05:34 |
o0Chris0o | oops used to other room I was in :-p | 05:34 |
nimrod | hehe | 05:35 |
nimrod | are you a noob to like me? | 05:35 |
dennister | did Agent_bob leave? | 05:38 |
dennister | 'cause while it took some doing...i am now in my new installation, on the sata drive, without the iffy ide drive even attached | 05:39 |
nimrod | i dont know | 05:40 |
dennister | lol...used BluesKaj's supergrub.iso, got the mbr on the right drive, then fsck was giving me a rash...had to manually edit men.lst, device.map (and fstab for good measure), etc....but it worked! :) | 05:41 |
nimrod | cool | 05:41 |
dennister | even had to find the iso disk, couldn't, had to burn a new one...what a saga, but like i said, if I can boot everything now even if the ide drive fails again... | 05:42 |
nimrod | new disk? | 05:43 |
dennister | oh dear, i haven't checked my winblows installation...that pro bably won't work with my menu.lst the way it is | 05:43 |
Emo_Geek | Okay! Can anyone help me? | 05:43 |
flaccid | !ask | Emo_Geek | 05:43 |
ubottu | Emo_Geek: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 05:43 |
=== fildo_ is now known as fildo | ||
dennister | nimrod: the iffy drive is a 300G pata drive less than 2 years old (newest one i have), but it was failing on me a couple of days ago...i did the freezer trick to get the data off yesterday, but it's still working (freezer is only supposed to work for 20 minutes or so, but it's been over 30 hours of success so far) | 05:44 |
Emo_Geek | I need some help. I just installed Kubuntu back onto my computer, and now that I have since before i had the unfinished hardy on it, I cannot download programs like fire fox and pidgin and others I need. Is there something wrong in my sources.list? paste.ubuntu.com/10409 | 05:45 |
nimrod | that sounds ok | 05:45 |
nimrod | dennister | 05:46 |
dennister | Agent_bob really helped me out | 05:46 |
Emo_Geek | I wanna be able to get my computer back up to speed. I have internet connection and I have a live CD. | 05:46 |
flaccid | Emo_Geek: everything is commented out. goto adept manager -> manage repositories and re-enable at least the main repos | 05:47 |
Emo_Geek | flaccid: brb then, | 05:47 |
flaccid | np | 05:47 |
nimrod | i wonder how i can start to learn python-codes | 05:48 |
flaccid | nimrod: google | 05:48 |
dennister | anyway, now i should go back to edit menu.lst again for winblows' sake, and try booting it...i just wanted to thank Agent_bob, but he's gone now | 05:48 |
Emo_Geek | flaccid: Adept Manager will not open for me. It acts like it will open, and then it never appears. | 05:48 |
dennister | another satisfied customer of the kubuntu channel :) | 05:48 |
flaccid | Emo_Geek: please run kdesudo adept_manager from konsole and if it fails to run pastebin the output please | 05:48 |
dennister | lol...good night folks | 05:48 |
nimrod | good night, dennister | 05:49 |
Emo_Geek | flaccid: brb | 05:49 |
nimrod | flaccid, ok | 05:49 |
RurouniJones | nimrod: http://wiki.python.org/moin/BeginnersGuide | 05:49 |
nimrod | thanks RurouniJones :) | 05:50 |
Emo_Geek | flaccid: paste.ubuntu.com/10410/ | 05:50 |
flaccid | thanks | 05:51 |
flaccid | Emo_Geek: thats all you get and it fails to load? | 05:51 |
Emo_Geek | flaccid: wasn't it kdesudo adept_manager? | 05:52 |
flaccid | calling your username administrator is not great but i doubt that would affect it, but i guess its possible | 05:52 |
flaccid | yes it was | 05:52 |
Emo_Geek | flaccid: yeah thats what I typed of what you told me to do. | 05:52 |
Emo_Geek | flaccid: and thats what I came up with. | 05:52 |
Emo_Geek | flaccid: *shrugs* so I am not sure what I need to do now. | 05:53 |
Emo_Geek | I have internet access and everything. | 05:53 |
flaccid | Emo_Geek: is your system date correct? | 05:54 |
Emo_Geek | i.. think so. let me check... | 05:54 |
flaccid | Emo_Geek: have you set a root password? can we test this direct under root? | 05:56 |
o0Chris0o | blah! its still doing it! How do I stop Quanta from opening websites I click on here on IRC? I want firefox to do it, Quanta is a web authoring program | 05:56 |
Emo_Geek | i cannot get through because I need root access. it wont let me adjust the date and time which has it set to the 5th. | 05:56 |
needhelp | any ways to combine a few vcds into one single dvd in kubuntu? | 05:57 |
Emo_Geek | i dont know how to let it allow me to have root access. | 05:57 |
flaccid | Emo_Geek: to set a root password do sudo passwd root | 05:57 |
Emo_Geek | ok | 05:57 |
Emo_Geek | brb then | 05:57 |
o0Chris0o | anyone? | 05:59 |
flaccid | o0Chris0o: what client | 06:00 |
o0Chris0o | flaccid: ubuntu, but it should be the same for either kubuntu or ubuntu, | 06:00 |
flaccid | o0Chris0o: irc client i mean | 06:00 |
o0Chris0o | not sure why firefox isn't picking it up | 06:00 |
o0Chris0o | oh | 06:00 |
o0Chris0o | konversation | 06:00 |
flaccid | ok konversation | 06:00 |
pirate_chef | Hhmmm...I had that problem, o0Chris0o | 06:01 |
o0Chris0o | how did ya fix it pirate_chef | 06:01 |
flaccid | o0Chris0o: change the file association in konqueror or system settings for html files | 06:02 |
o0Chris0o | prolly system settings, I don't have konq | 06:02 |
pirate_chef | Yah, I think that's it | 06:02 |
pirate_chef | hhmmm...maybe | 06:02 |
pirate_chef | System Settings > Default Applications? | 06:02 |
Emo_Geek | flaccid: it was having difficulty for me putting in the code. restarting comp and will try again. | 06:03 |
o0Chris0o | pirate_chef: yeah, it was already selected as firefox | 06:03 |
pirate_chef | did you have the path? | 06:04 |
pirate_chef | /usr/bin/firefox | 06:04 |
pirate_chef | Open http and https URLs in the following browser: | 06:04 |
pirate_chef | or /usr/bin/mozilla-firefox | 06:04 |
flaccid | im not aware of konversatin having a config setting for browser, so if html mime is set to firefox it should work | 06:04 |
flaccid | if it doesn't, submit a bug | 06:05 |
flaccid | or ask in #kde or #konversation | 06:05 |
flaccid | is this kde3 or kde4? | 06:06 |
o0Chris0o | neither | 06:06 |
o0Chris0o | I am running gnome | 06:06 |
pirate_chef | hhmmm---- | 06:06 |
o0Chris0o | but it is a kde app | 06:06 |
pirate_chef | don't know much about gnome | 06:06 |
pirate_chef | You would have to change the settings in GNOME, though, right? | 06:07 |
Emo_Geek | flaccid: password updates successfully. date and time adjusted to correct time. | 06:08 |
flaccid | o0Chris0o: you probably need to run it under kde for it to work. its how its designed unfortunately unless gnome has an answer hmm | 06:08 |
flaccid | Emo_Geek: goto konsole and do su then try adept_manager | 06:08 |
needhelp | how to mount a cd? i put in my vcd but nothing happen | 06:09 |
Emo_Geek | got the same thing again. | 06:10 |
Emo_Geek | it is the 5th today is it not? | 06:10 |
Emo_Geek | flaccid: it said it was set too far in the future again. | 06:10 |
o0Chris0o | flaccid: actually gnome can run kde apps | 06:10 |
flaccid | o0Chris0o: yes it can run them. but if a kde app references something in the DE which is not loaded.. | 06:11 |
nimrod | good bye... | 06:11 |
Emo_Geek | flaccid: so what should I do then? | 06:11 |
flaccid | !bugs | Emo_Geek | 06:12 |
ubottu | Emo_Geek: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots | 06:12 |
flaccid | submit a bug | 06:12 |
Emo_Geek | oy. okay. | 06:12 |
needhelp | how to mount a cd? i put in my vcd but nothing happen | 06:16 |
flaccid | needhelp: there could be a problem with the vcd, check dmesg | 06:18 |
Emo_Geek | flaccid: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/227181 | 06:20 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 227181 in ubuntu "Ubuntu "Set too far in future" issue" [Undecided,New] | 06:20 |
Emo_Geek | got it posted. | 06:20 |
clayd | can someone help point me in the right dirrection to set up dual monitors on 8.04? | 06:20 |
zeeon | goodmorning | 06:22 |
flaccid | Emo_Geek: cool see the result i guess | 06:23 |
Emo_Geek | okay. And I also have an IT Friend who is experienced with this and he might be able to help me with it tomorrow and might even take my comp until he can fix it if I dont get a response. Thanks for all the help. | 06:24 |
flaccid | i hope he can, but im out of ideas, Emo_Geek. no errors.. | 06:24 |
Emo_Geek | *nods* its alright. Thanks for the help you gave me tho. :) Definately helped grow my experience with kubunty. | 06:25 |
Emo_Geek | **kubuntu | 06:25 |
flaccid | np | 06:25 |
zeeon | Anyone messed about with compiz fusion in kde4? | 06:25 |
flaccid | Emo_Geek: hey did you see if command line package management works? | 06:25 |
Emo_Geek | mmm no. I don't think I tried it. whats the command? | 06:25 |
flaccid | Emo_Geek: what do you need to do? | 06:26 |
flaccid | !software | Emo_Geek | 06:26 |
ubottu | Emo_Geek: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents | 06:26 |
Emo_Geek | I just wanna be able to install fire fox and stuff. Since its gray right now, it wont let me install it and other programs I need. | 06:26 |
flaccid | Emo_Geek: ah are you telling me that adept manager does actually run? | 06:27 |
zeeon | did you try "sudo apt-get install firefox-3.0" in konsole? | 06:27 |
Emo_Geek | no it won't. | 06:27 |
Emo_Geek | no i have not tried that yet zeeon | 06:27 |
Emo_Geek | bbr | 06:27 |
flaccid | then where is it grayed out? | 06:27 |
Emo_Geek | **brb | 06:27 |
zeeon | try it Emo_Geek | 06:27 |
flaccid | zeeon: no repos is enabled yet.. | 06:27 |
zeeon | edit sources? | 06:28 |
flaccid | yes | 06:28 |
Emo_Geek | zeeon: time stamp too far int he future. | 06:28 |
flaccid | !info firefox-3.0 | 06:28 |
ubottu | firefox-3.0: safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0~b5+nobinonly-0ubuntu3 (hardy), package size 1001 kB, installed size 3436 kB | 06:28 |
flaccid | Emo_Geek: edit the sources manually and then run sudo apt-get update . it should be in the link above | 06:28 |
flaccid | probably just need: deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hardy main universe restricted multiverse if its hardy for example | 06:29 |
Emo_Geek | nah its gutsy. it said the main universe is restricted. | 06:30 |
Emo_Geek | how do I edit the sources manually? | 06:30 |
flaccid | Emo_Geek: with kdesud /etc/apt/sources.list | 06:30 |
flaccid | kdesudo /etc/apt/sources.list | 06:30 |
flaccid | uncomment out main then update list | 06:31 |
flaccid | i still dont' get what you mean by its grayed out if adept can't even run... | 06:31 |
fizzer | morning | 06:31 |
Emo_Geek | so remove the 'uncomment' part? | 06:32 |
Emo_Geek | or remove the comment in main? | 06:32 |
flaccid | yeah the '#' | 06:32 |
Emo_Geek | oh okay brb then | 06:32 |
flaccid | just remove the hash at front | 06:32 |
flaccid | then sudo apt-get update | 06:32 |
Emo_Geek | well when I had the live cd in, it showed me the adept manager | 06:33 |
flaccid | when you run the live cd, everything is to do with the install on the live cd, nothing to do with what is on the hard disk.. | 06:33 |
Emo_Geek | now my cources list is completely empty | 06:35 |
Emo_Geek | **sources | 06:35 |
flaccid | how did you do that Emo_Geek? | 06:35 |
Emo_Geek | i dont know.... | 06:36 |
flaccid | ok change to root with su | 06:36 |
fizzer | btw how i can get my amorak play mp3 | 06:36 |
Emo_Geek | the kdesud says that its already running, so I tried the nano sudo /etc/apt/sources.list and there is nothing there. | 06:36 |
Emo_Geek | how do I do that? | 06:36 |
hydrogen | it should be sudo nano .. | 06:37 |
hydrogen | not nano sudo | 06:37 |
hydrogen | your editing a file called "sudo" | 06:37 |
flaccid | then do this: echo deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy main universe restricted multiverse >> /etc/apt/sources.list; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install firefox-3.0 | 06:37 |
hydrogen | which is obviously empty | 06:37 |
BonesolTeraDyne | fizzer: "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras" | 06:37 |
flaccid | firefox 3 is backported to gutsy i hope | 06:37 |
fizzer | BonesolTeraDyne: tu | 06:38 |
fizzer | ty* | 06:38 |
fizzer | E: Couldn't find package kubutnu-resriced-extras | 06:38 |
fizzer | says that | 06:38 |
hydrogen | ... | 06:39 |
Emo_Geek | so I do this first: echo deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy main universe restricted multiverse, then I do /etc/apt/sources.list? then I do sudo apt-get update and then sudo apt-get install firefox-3.0 at the end? | 06:39 |
flaccid | um no, just like i said: echo deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy main universe restricted multiverse >> /etc/apt/sources.list; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install firefox-3.0 | 06:40 |
hydrogen | I'd suggest just opening adept | 06:40 |
hydrogen | and going to manage repostiories | 06:40 |
flaccid | hydrogen: it doesn't open. | 06:40 |
hydrogen | and enabling multiverse/universe | 06:40 |
hydrogen | ah | 06:40 |
Emo_Geek | with the >> in it? | 06:40 |
flaccid | Emo_Geek: yes | 06:40 |
hydrogen | flaccid: that won't work as he's not root | 06:40 |
Emo_Geek | brb then | 06:40 |
Emo_Geek | okay so those first, then the update and the install? | 06:40 |
flaccid | hydrogen: i told him to do it under root | 06:40 |
hydrogen | echo "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy main universe restircted multiverse" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list | 06:40 |
flaccid | because google says that the problem could be related to sudo.. | 06:41 |
flaccid | hydrogen: sources is currently blank. | 06:41 |
hydrogen | oh man, that was a long read in the scrollback | 06:42 |
flaccid | hehe | 06:42 |
fizzer | now i have downloaded kdm theme manager can some one help to isntal it? | 06:42 |
noaXess | good morning (here it's 0742 am) | 06:42 |
fizzer | hey what was that command that i can unback ziped files | 06:45 |
fizzer | tar ... | 06:45 |
fizzer | or what was it | 06:45 |
noaXess | uis it stable to upgrad fomr 7.10 to 8.04, or are there some things to know? | 06:45 |
hydrogen | heh, that pastebin of the sources.list is pretty cool :> | 06:45 |
flaccid | google fizzer | 06:45 |
flaccid | fizzer: unzip if its zip | 06:45 |
noaXess | fizzer: unzip | 06:45 |
fizzer | what about .tar.bz2 files | 06:45 |
noaXess | fizzer: google | 06:46 |
clayd | how do i set up dual monitors on 8.04. I have both running but the desktops are mirrored and i want to span them. | 06:46 |
noaXess | fizzer: or bunzip2 | 06:46 |
hydrogen | well | 06:46 |
hydrogen | tar.bz2 | 06:46 |
noaXess | clayd: over system setting, display/monitor | 06:46 |
hydrogen | you should use tar -xjf | 06:46 |
hydrogen | so you don't need to run two commands | 06:47 |
noaXess | hydrogen: other way :) | 06:47 |
Emo_Geek | flaccid: permission denied. | 06:47 |
hydrogen | no | 06:47 |
hydrogen | not other way | 06:47 |
noaXess | i mean other solution than run two commands ;) | 06:47 |
flaccid | Emo_Geek: did you run under root. we want to avoid sudo incase its a bug | 06:47 |
hydrogen | what? | 06:47 |
Emo_Geek | ok. how do I run it under root? xP | 06:48 |
hydrogen | (the what being to noaxess) | 06:48 |
Emo_Geek | ** :P | 06:48 |
flaccid | Emo_Geek: just su first | 06:48 |
Emo_Geek | just type su? | 06:48 |
noaXess | hydrogen: your solution to extract a tar.bz2 is another solution instead of running two commands.. bunzip2.. tar... | 06:48 |
flaccid | yeah then put in the root pass you set before | 06:48 |
hydrogen | yes | 06:48 |
noaXess | :) | 06:48 |
Emo_Geek | oh okay! | 06:48 |
Emo_Geek | -brb | 06:48 |
flaccid | i always like tar xjvf | 06:48 |
hydrogen | verbose gets annoying when you unpack really big archives :) | 06:49 |
clayd | noaXess: when ever i run that the desktop goes goes blank and i only have use of my mouse | 06:49 |
fizzer | guys please help this wan, in console how i can go other flower :D | 06:49 |
flaccid | hydrogen: i enjoy it :p | 06:49 |
noaXess | clayd: then.. it's better to manipulate directly the xorg.conf file.. just googling about dual monitor under linux.. | 06:50 |
flaccid | fizzer: huh? | 06:50 |
clayd | thanks | 06:50 |
fizzer | was it cd /home/fizzer etc... | 06:50 |
fizzer | or what was it | 06:50 |
Emo_Geek | flaccid: malformed line 74 in sources list. | 06:50 |
flaccid | clayd: if you are using open drivers its easy, if you use the restricted its manual generally | 06:50 |
Emo_Geek | wouldn't let me do that command you told me to do. got in as root tho | 06:50 |
fizzer | i now have unback kdmtheme and then i need to get that flower where i unback it | 06:50 |
fizzer | in console | 06:50 |
flaccid | Emo_Geek: what does the sources.list look like atm? | 06:51 |
noaXess | clayd: if you can.. then enable the openssh server on your machin.. and connect with an other machin over ssh to the first machine.. an manipulate the xorg.con file.. then you can restart kdm remotly and see whats happend. | 06:51 |
clayd | i am using the restricted ones. is it better to use the open ones | 06:51 |
Emo_Geek | lemme check. will pasteback(?) on paste.ubuntu.com for you | 06:51 |
flaccid | clayd: only easier for dual display as you can use xrandr but otherwise no | 06:51 |
noaXess | clayd: what graficcard? | 06:51 |
flaccid | thanks emo | 06:51 |
clayd | ati x700 | 06:52 |
flaccid | clayd: you could try the open driver "radeon" and use xrandr to set the dual display but the graphics performance won't be as good | 06:53 |
flaccid | in terms of using the restricted driver, google because its not straight forward. | 06:54 |
navetz__ | where is fstab | 06:54 |
clayd | dang looks like i have some time to spend wth google and the restricted drivers | 06:54 |
flaccid | !fstab | navetz__ | 06:54 |
ubottu | navetz__: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions | 06:54 |
flaccid | its in /etc/fstab | 06:54 |
flaccid | clayd: im on ati too and i know what its like :( | 06:54 |
Emo_Geek | flaccid: it wont let me paste to paste.ubuntu.com. it looks the same as paste.ubuntu.com/10409/ tho | 06:54 |
flaccid | but its the same with nvidia. if they supported xrandr then it would all be sweet | 06:54 |
clayd | why is it that it is so hard to work with ATI under linux? | 06:55 |
flaccid | Emo_Geek: run this under root: echo "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy main universe restircted multiverse" > /etc/apt/sources.list | 06:55 |
flaccid | Emo_Geek: then try again | 06:55 |
Emo_Geek | ok | 06:55 |
flaccid | clayd: because ati doesn't support open/x11 hardware standards | 06:56 |
flaccid | not all of them | 06:56 |
clayd | how nice | 06:56 |
flaccid | ie. im happy to put up with a closed BLOB driver as long as its compatible with the display manager | 06:56 |
flaccid | but this is not the case | 06:56 |
Emo_Geek | flaccid: permission denied. | 06:57 |
flaccid | Emo_Geek: are you sure this is done under root? | 06:59 |
Emo_Geek | yes. I have it under root right now. | 06:59 |
Emo_Geek | I put su, entered the password and it has me under root | 06:59 |
flaccid | what does file /etc/apt/sources.list return? | 06:59 |
Emo_Geek | Permission Denied. | 07:01 |
flaccid | Emo_Geek: how about ls -l /etc/apt/sources.list | 07:02 |
fizzer | hmm | 07:04 |
noaXess | Emo_Geek: why not using sudo? | 07:04 |
fizzer | where i can get working kdm theme manager | 07:04 |
flaccid | Emo_Geek: if i get that i might be able to see the problem with the file | 07:04 |
Emo_Geek | -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4275 2008-05-05 22:49 /etc/apt/sources.listr | 07:04 |
flaccid | noaXess: because there might be a bug with sudo | 07:04 |
Emo_Geek | ok | 07:04 |
Emo_Geek | **sources.list | 07:04 |
noaXess | what's exactly the problem Emo_Geek? | 07:04 |
flaccid | he can't change sources.list apparently, even under root, nor does adept manager run | 07:05 |
Emo_Geek | I just got kubuntu installed back onto myc omputer after the hardy unfinished messed it up, and now I can't install programs I had lost because of it, and now adept manager doesn't run even through the command window and the programs I want to install are gray and unclickable. And its a she. | 07:05 |
flaccid | Emo_Geek: so you telling me you can't sudo pico /etc/apt/sources.list and save a change? | 07:05 |
=== areels__ is now known as areels | ||
Emo_Geek | i havent tried it yet. | 07:06 |
Emo_Geek | new to this whole ubuntu thing. | 07:06 |
flaccid | Emo_Geek: you keep saying grayed out, yet you say adept manager won't run. what is grayed out and where? | 07:06 |
fizzer | hmm in kde-apps kdm theme manager dowloading wont work :/ | 07:06 |
noaXess | Emo_Geek: start adept_manager over consle.. with: sudo adept_manager | 07:07 |
Emo_Geek | At first when I ran the live cd, it had the firefox stuff grayed out. sorry. Now that I am not running the cd, i cant get adept manager or add remove programs to run. sorry getting info mixed up. been on this for almost 4 hours now. noaXess: tried it. doesnt work | 07:07 |
flaccid | noaXess: already tried that. apparently it doesn't run at all. | 07:07 |
Emo_Geek | so what do I edit in sources.list? writing it all down so I dont miss a beat | 07:08 |
noaXess | hm.. flaccid: already tested to install any package over console? | 07:08 |
noaXess | sudo apt-get.... | 07:08 |
Emo_Geek | yes | 07:08 |
Emo_Geek | done that on my comp | 07:08 |
flaccid | Emo_Geek: put it this way. the only thing you need in sources.list is: deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy main restricted | 07:08 |
Emo_Geek | nuthin. | 07:08 |
flaccid | noaXess: repos need to be enabled to do that. the only thing enabled atm is the cdrom according to http://paste.ubuntu.com/10409/ | 07:09 |
Emo_Geek | yeah I have that | 07:09 |
flaccid | Emo_Geek: without a # ? | 07:09 |
Emo_Geek | I.. think so yes. | 07:09 |
flaccid | Emo_Geek: then sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install firefox | 07:09 |
flaccid | what happens there.. | 07:09 |
Emo_Geek | ok lemme try. | 07:09 |
flaccid | i mean if you do kdesudo /etc/apt/sources.list and can't save then there is something crazy wrong.. | 07:10 |
flaccid | the file exists and with correct perms so yeah. | 07:10 |
Emo_Geek | malformed line 74 | 07:10 |
Emo_Geek | yeah i have tried to edit like the people in #ubuntu for three hours or more told me to do, and it wouldn't sav | 07:11 |
Emo_Geek | e | 07:11 |
flaccid | pastebin the current sources.list so i can see line 74 | 07:11 |
flaccid | i mean if you can't save it wtf. i don't see how the perms can prevent saving. if you are root or under sudo then it should save. | 07:12 |
Emo_Geek | this is the first line in the sources.list in paste.ubuntu.com/10409 and it hasnt changed since i posted it there. | 07:12 |
Emo_Geek | deb cdrom:[Kubuntu 7.10 _Gutsy Gibbon_ - Release i386 (20071016.1)]/ gutsy main restricted | 07:12 |
fizzer | !theme | 07:12 |
ubottu | Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy | 07:12 |
Emo_Geek | I am under root. lemme copy down what it says i am under. brb | 07:12 |
flaccid | well yes we need to get rid of that and use the repos | 07:12 |
Emo_Geek | administrator@administrator-desktop | 07:13 |
Emo_Geek | thats what its under. | 07:13 |
Emo_Geek | i just put it at administrator to just get the install over with. | 07:13 |
flaccid | Emo_Geek: that is not root. | 07:14 |
flaccid | like i said su for root after setting the password | 07:14 |
flaccid | the prompt should be root@administrator | 07:14 |
Emo_Geek | okay. so I have to go through su again. -_- and I had put it at su.... lemme do it again | 07:14 |
flaccid | you can also do sudo -i to use your user password | 07:14 |
flaccid | Emo_Geek: thats what i said 3 times :) | 07:14 |
Emo_Geek | ok now its at root. sorry. this is the 4th hour i have been doing this nonstop | 07:15 |
flaccid | you should of put your OWN username in the install | 07:15 |
flaccid | Emo_Geek: yeah i knew it would have to be user error. | 07:15 |
Emo_Geek | i did. I just put it as administrator. | 07:15 |
Emo_Geek | okay so try the codes again then?] | 07:15 |
Emo_Geek | **commands | 07:15 |
flaccid | Emo_Geek: bad practice. use your OWN username. | 07:15 |
Emo_Geek | okay okay *slaps hand* | 07:16 |
flaccid | one sec | 07:16 |
flaccid | echo "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy main universe restircted multiverse" > /etc/apt/sources.list; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install firefox | 07:16 |
flaccid | run that under root, let me know the result. | 07:16 |
Emo_Geek | ok brb then | 07:16 |
Emo_Geek | OMFG. it all worked. | 07:18 |
Emo_Geek | sheeeeesh! all the commands worked. was able to get update and was able to install firefox 3.0 | 07:18 |
flaccid | yeah of course :) | 07:18 |
Emo_Geek | lol | 07:18 |
Emo_Geek | ok what next then? | 07:18 |
flaccid | thats what happens when you follow directions :p | 07:18 |
flaccid | well whats still wrong? | 07:18 |
Emo_Geek | lol yes. thanks for the help. oh i dont know xP lemme see. | 07:18 |
Emo_Geek | brb | 07:19 |
flaccid | np Emo_Geek | 07:19 |
Emo_Geek | flaccid: I still get gray unclickable programs I wish to install. Now that adept is running. | 07:20 |
Emo_Geek | like firefox for example. | 07:20 |
ackbahr | Hi there! Just installed Hardy from CD, but I don't get sound.... Could someone help? | 07:20 |
flaccid | Emo_Geek: goto manage repositories | 07:21 |
Emo_Geek | in the settings of adept add remove programs? or adept manager? | 07:21 |
flaccid | goto adept manager and goto manage repositories from the menu | 07:22 |
Emo_Geek | ok in manage repos. | 07:22 |
flaccid | yes | 07:22 |
Emo_Geek | **im in manage repos | 07:22 |
flaccid | !info firefox | 07:25 |
ubottu | firefox: meta package for the popular mozilla web browser. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0~b5+nobinonly-0ubuntu3 (hardy), package size 63 kB, installed size 120 kB | 07:25 |
flaccid | make sure main is enabled | 07:25 |
flaccid | which we already did | 07:25 |
Emo_Geek | ok -goes to check- | 07:25 |
Emo_Geek | ok so what next then? how do I check to see if main is enabled? | 07:26 |
Deepthought | is there a way to adjust sync between image and sound in kaffeine ? The sound lags about a quarter of a sec.. | 07:26 |
flaccid | Emo_Geek: its in there. | 07:27 |
tuanpham | hi | 07:27 |
Emo_Geek | ok so I look for.....? just main? | 07:27 |
tuanpham | does anynone know how to zip a folder in kubuntu ? | 07:27 |
tuanpham | i tried zip -r folder name | 07:27 |
tuanpham | but it can't make achiver | 07:27 |
tuanpham | help help :) | 07:28 |
ere4si | try tar | 07:28 |
flaccid | check the boxes for everything but sources. that should do it. | 07:28 |
tuanpham | how cai i do that ? | 07:28 |
Emo_Geek | ok breb | 07:28 |
stefan-f | hmm, okay, Ilost ma network config | 07:28 |
stefan-f | dont know why | 07:28 |
ere4si | tar -cf file.tar folder | 07:28 |
Emo_Geek | flaccid: everything is checked but source code | 07:28 |
flaccid | ok cool | 07:29 |
tuanpham | ere4si: i want to make .zip file | 07:29 |
Emo_Geek | so what next then? | 07:29 |
tuanpham | not .tar file | 07:29 |
ere4si | tuanpham: err there's 7zip I think | 07:29 |
tuanpham | because i send it to other, who use window | 07:29 |
flaccid | if you have them enabled and you fetch updates, you should be able to install them. what is the name of the package you want install | 07:29 |
Emo_Geek | i just want to be able to install fire fox from that window. And perhaps Pidgin too since kopete keeps shutting down on me evertime I try to log into it | 07:30 |
flaccid | well you should be able to | 07:30 |
tuanpham | do we have any kind of zip | 07:31 |
Emo_Geek | ok so I fetch and install updates first then right? | 07:31 |
flaccid | verify by installing with cli. sudo apt-get install firefox or sudo apt-get install firefox-3.0 | 07:31 |
flaccid | Emo_Geek: yes. | 07:31 |
tuanpham | wich use in UI ? | 07:31 |
tuanpham | or contextual menu | 07:31 |
tuanpham | i tried ark | 07:31 |
Emo_Geek | iu already sudo apt-get intalled firefox-3.0 | 07:31 |
tuanpham | but it does not work :( in kubuntu 8 | 07:31 |
Emo_Geek | theres no updates for it to fetch | 07:32 |
flaccid | Emo_Geek: well its already installed. so what is there left to do? | 07:33 |
ere4si | tuanpham: there is a package called zip - have you installed it? | 07:33 |
Emo_Geek | wel... Shrugs* I could look through the adept add/remove programs. I just want my system back to where it was when all the programs I was able to install were not gray and unclickable. *shrugs* | 07:34 |
Emo_Geek | and programs that I used to be capable of installing before hardy messed up my computer are now no longer able to be installed on it. | 07:34 |
flaccid | Emo_Geek: you have to be specific. you have to find what repos the package is in. | 07:35 |
flaccid | !info firefox-3.0 | 07:35 |
ubottu | firefox-3.0: safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0~b5+nobinonly-0ubuntu3 (hardy), package size 1001 kB, installed size 3436 kB | 07:35 |
flaccid | that is in main for example | 07:35 |
mandy | flaccid: it booted me | 07:37 |
flaccid | ok | 07:38 |
mandy | but .. oy anyway. before hardy messed up my computer, I was able to install any program from the adept add remove programs list. now only selected programs are available that I can download. | 07:38 |
mandy | the ones i cant download i used to be able to before are gray and unclickable. that is something i would like to get rid of if i can | 07:38 |
mandy | if it can't, then I guess run it as is? the other issue I am having is that kopete closes every time i try to log into my accounts on it, and i want to down load pidgin instead, but it wond let me download it. do I just do the code sudo apt-get install pidgin? | 07:41 |
flaccid | so what happens mandy when you sudo apt-get install pidgin ? | 07:42 |
mandy | -goes to try- | 07:42 |
Choreboy | I can't use Compiz effects! Halp! I don't seem to be able to start Compiz. I've followed the directions on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion | 07:43 |
Choreboy | and I've installed everything necessary... I just can't get 'er running. | 07:44 |
mandy | flaccid: couldnt find package | 07:44 |
flaccid | !info pidgin | 07:44 |
ubottu | pidgin: graphical multi-protocol instant messaging client for X. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.4.1-1ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 505 kB, installed size 1856 kB | 07:44 |
firecrotch | Choreboy: And you've attempted to start Compiz by hitting alt+f2 and typing compiz --replace ? | 07:45 |
flaccid | mandy: is main enabled in manage repositories and did you fetch updates? | 07:45 |
Choreboy | yes | 07:45 |
Choreboy | it just sits there | 07:45 |
Choreboy | I've done it in Konsole also | 07:45 |
mandy | yes. it didnt have any updates to fetch or something... no updates showed up that it fetched | 07:45 |
firecrotch | Choreboy: Can you pastebin the output from Konsole? | 07:45 |
flaccid | mandy: pastebin current sources.list please | 07:46 |
mandy | ok. one sec. | 07:46 |
Choreboy | Would if I could, Konsole doesn't give me anything except a blank line. | 07:46 |
Choreboy | not even a prompt. | 07:46 |
Choreboy | I tried it with the Alt+F2 and everything flashes but it doesn't have any effects. | 07:47 |
firecrotch | Choreboy: Have you installed compizconfig-settings-manager? Also, what version of Kubuntu are you running? | 07:47 |
Choreboy | yes, 8.04 | 07:48 |
Choreboy | I've configured various settings like the cube rotation, etc... just can't get 'er up and running | 07:48 |
mandy | flaccid: it won't let me paste to paste.ubuntu.com. here is what my sources.list says: | 07:48 |
firecrotch | Choreboy: K Menu -> System -> Desktop Effects | 07:49 |
flaccid | mandy: why won't it paste to the website? | 07:49 |
firecrotch | Needs to be set to Custom | 07:49 |
Choreboy | I've done that too | 07:50 |
Choreboy | and it is | 07:50 |
Choreboy | still no effects. | 07:50 |
firecrotch | Choreboy: What's your graphics card? | 07:50 |
mandy | www.security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy-security universe main multiverse resctricted, www.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy updates universe main multiverse restricted, www.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu gutsy universe main multiverse restricted | 07:50 |
mandy | flaccid: it says there is some error with it | 07:51 |
flaccid | wtf | 07:51 |
wirechief_intel | curl -F file=@/etc/X11/xorg.conf nopaste.com/a | 07:51 |
Choreboy | onboard ATI on laptop | 07:51 |
flaccid | whats with the wwws? | 07:51 |
wirechief_intel | you can use that coding to paste files | 07:51 |
mandy | thats what it says on my sources list. | 07:51 |
wirechief_intel | install curl | 07:51 |
wirechief_intel | mandy ^^ | 07:51 |
mandy | sudo apt-get instal curl? | 07:52 |
flaccid | how is curl going to help wirechief_intel? | 07:52 |
wirechief_intel | yes | 07:52 |
firecrotch | Choreboy: Likely something with your graphics card | 07:52 |
mandy | brb then/ | 07:52 |
firecrotch | Choreboy: Unfortunately I know nothing about ATI cards | 07:52 |
wirechief_intel | change xorg.conf to whatever file name you want to upload | 07:52 |
flaccid | mandy: goto manage repos in adept, uncheck all, update then exit. then go back into adept manage repos and enable all but the source repos then fetch updates. | 07:52 |
Choreboy | firecrotch: you know more than I do :-\ | 07:52 |
wirechief_intel | flaccid that will upload /etc/X11/xorg.conf to paste | 07:52 |
wirechief_intel | flaccid but you can basicallly set it for any file | 07:53 |
flaccid | ok wirechief, you look after mandy | 07:53 |
wirechief_intel | flaccid no i just saw he could not paste, that will help ive got others im working on nwo | 07:53 |
testsubject | would kubuntu run best on an XBOX360 or a PS3? would wine stuff run well on that? | 07:54 |
flaccid | wirechief_intel: if you advise something then you must follow through with them. | 07:54 |
firecrotch | Choreboy: What's the exact model of the graphics card? | 07:54 |
wirechief_intel | flaccid no, its just code you can use it or not who cares. | 07:54 |
flaccid | wirechief_intel: im sure mandy cares. | 07:55 |
mandy | uh yes i do. and also, it still didnt fetch updates. | 07:55 |
Choreboy | Well I could tell you that if I could log back into windows, which is another problem I have. LILO doesn't give me the option. | 07:55 |
flaccid | mandy: please explain why. | 07:55 |
toker | Hi all.. I am not getting much love from the pre-packaged version of wine with guildwars it's really hit-n-miss weather it will start this time or not.. sometimes does and sometimes doesn't.. I have consistantly had good luck when I compile wine by hand.. I remember there being alot of dependent packages that need to be pre installed for a compile of wine to work on *buntu.. I also remember there being a script(?) of some sort | 07:56 |
toker | that will get the required deps for a hand compile.. but I don't remember where that info is located can someone point me in the right direction? Thanks :) | 07:56 |
mandy | why I care? oh xP nm then | 07:56 |
mandy | or it not fetching updates? | 07:56 |
mandy | i am not sure why | 07:56 |
flaccid | what happens? | 07:56 |
flaccid | mandy: what is the output of sudo apt-get udpate; | 07:56 |
flaccid | sudo apt-get update | 07:56 |
mandy | lemme check | 07:56 |
flaccid | !doesntwork | mandy | 07:56 |
ubottu | mandy: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too. | 07:56 |
firecrotch | Choreboy: lspci | grep ATI | 07:56 |
flaccid | i'll brb | 07:57 |
Choreboy | is that a Konsole command? | 07:57 |
mandy | many many MANY erros with archive.ubuntu. so no updates were installed. | 07:57 |
Choreboy | firecrotch: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon Mobility M7 LW [Radeon Mobility 7500 | 07:57 |
firecrotch | Choreboy: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixLaptopATIcard has a fix, I can't personally vouch for the validity of it though | 07:59 |
Choreboy | firecrotch: so it really IS my card? Wowza. | 07:59 |
firecrotch | Choreboy: Could be. I'm by no means an expert on Compiz or ATI problems | 08:00 |
Choreboy | firecrotch: well I appreciate the googling. I wouldn't have even thought to search for a fix. | 08:01 |
firecrotch | Google: it's what I do best lol | 08:01 |
Choreboy | firecrotch: I usually don't ask for help with things i can find out there on the googles, I try to keep IRC as a last resort. | 08:02 |
firecrotch | Choreboy: well, I seem to have a knack for finding stuff on Google that other people can't find, anyways | 08:02 |
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq | ||
Piero_Scaruffi | can i get some help please | 08:05 |
Choreboy | firecrotch: you could make money on that Yahoo Answers thing | 08:05 |
firecrotch | Choreboy: Never heard of it.... I'll look into it | 08:05 |
Piero_Scaruffi | i was wondering how i can install this app, which isn't in the repos yet: http://dp0154.debowypark.waw.pl/ac/downloads/alarm-clock-0.9.3.tar.gz ? | 08:05 |
Piero_Scaruffi | gzipped tar | 08:06 |
Piero_Scaruffi | i am clueless | 08:06 |
Choreboy | firecrotch: I think it was Yahoo. My dad has used it. Someone asks a question and says how much the answer is worth to them. If you find the answer, you get that money | 08:06 |
Choreboy | firecrotch: or something to that effect | 08:06 |
mandy | flaccid: it says that there were no updates available to install | 08:07 |
firecrotch | Choreboy: Interesting | 08:07 |
flaccid | mandy: well if you cannot install a program from main after updating repos, then submit a but | 08:07 |
flaccid | bug | 08:07 |
mandy | i did submit a bug. | 08:07 |
flaccid | ok case closed. | 08:08 |
djdarkman | does someone know what this means: | 08:09 |
djdarkman | onfigure.in:43: error: possibly undefined macro: AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE | 08:09 |
djdarkman | ? | 08:10 |
flaccid | djdarkman: anything in google? | 08:10 |
djdarkman | flaccid: nothing that helps, I don`t realy understand automake | 08:10 |
flaccid | ah well | 08:10 |
mandy | thanks for all the help then flaccid. I till talk to my friend to see if he can help me any further. | 08:10 |
flaccid | fair enoug mandy. i still believe its user error so that person might be able to help. | 08:11 |
flaccid | hhahah | 08:11 |
firecrotch | djdarkman: What are you trying to compile? | 08:11 |
djdarkman | firecrotch: http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php/KVolumeOSD?content=80354 | 08:11 |
firecrotch | djdarkman: Is that the only error? | 08:12 |
djdarkman | firecrotch: yes http://djdarkman.pastebin.us/?show=m40bd59cb | 08:13 |
firecrotch | djdarkman: Definitely over my head there.... sorry | 08:16 |
flaccid | those kind of errors usually depict incorrect lang version | 08:16 |
flaccid | incorrect version somewhere thus the undefinitions | 08:17 |
djdarkman | firecrotch: I understand, automake is not for human beings, but thanks anyway | 08:17 |
dbglt | I'm still trying to figure out how to get multimedia keys working with kde4. Anyone got some tips? | 08:18 |
ere4si | dbglt: you might have more luck tying in #kubuntu-kde4 | 08:19 |
dbglt | ere4si: tried that ;) | 08:19 |
ere4si | dbglt: no one home? | 08:20 |
tuanpham | i am here :) | 08:20 |
tuanpham | but i am newbe :D | 08:20 |
ere4si | hehe | 08:20 |
dbglt | ere4si: noone who knows the answer! | 08:20 |
tuanpham | what do you mean like multimedia ? | 08:21 |
tuanpham | do you mean that can play media file in kde 4 ? | 08:21 |
tuanpham | you need add some codec packager | 08:22 |
Piero_Scaruffi | i was wondering how i can install this app, which isn't in the repos yet: http://dp0154.debowypark.waw.pl/ac/downloads/alarm-clock-0.9.3.tar.gz ? | 08:23 |
Piero_Scaruffi | i am clueless | 08:23 |
Piero_Scaruffi | gzipped tar | 08:23 |
flaccid | Piero_Scaruffi: did you read the INSTALL and/or README files? | 08:23 |
ere4si | Piero_Scaruffi: I was going to say that...there nearly always is a readme | 08:24 |
Choreboy | If anyone sees firecrotch in here again, tell him (her?) I said thanks! | 08:24 |
ere4si | Piero_Scaruffi: double click the file and it should unpack | 08:24 |
flaccid | follow the INSTALL please which will specifiy how to build | 08:25 |
Piero_Scaruffi | yes flaccid | 08:27 |
Piero_Scaruffi | i did i extracted it | 08:27 |
Piero_Scaruffi | but i cant find the folder it has been extracted too | 08:27 |
Piero_Scaruffi | i am not so good with kubuntu | 08:27 |
Piero_Scaruffi | and i couldnt find where the location is | 08:28 |
flaccid | maybe this is out of your league | 08:28 |
flaccid | you should learn shell basics first | 08:28 |
flaccid | i don't know where you extracted it.. | 08:28 |
Piero_Scaruffi | yes it is way out of my league hence why i am here to ask you kindly for help | 08:29 |
flaccid | which i am giving | 08:29 |
flaccid | it should be clear with ark in the gui where it goes and as for cli if you use tar for example it does in the pwd | 08:30 |
ere4si | sudo updatedb && locate alarm-clock | 08:30 |
Piero_Scaruffi | k i installed it | 08:34 |
Piero_Scaruffi | now i cant launch it | 08:35 |
Piero_Scaruffi | i dont have a start menu and i want to launch it from Konsole | 08:35 |
Piero_Scaruffi | it says it should be in Applications> Accessories but i cant find this in Konquerer | 08:35 |
flaccid | whats the output via cli - pastebin ? | 08:35 |
Piero_Scaruffi | the application installed only i cant find a way to launch it | 08:38 |
flaccid | Piero_Scaruffi: find out the name of the binary file | 08:38 |
ere4si | Piero_Scaruffi: open a konsole and type which alarm-clock | 08:39 |
Piero_Scaruffi | i found the install dir in usr/share only there is no shortcut there | 08:40 |
ere4si | Piero_Scaruffi: look for it in /usr/bin | 08:40 |
Piero_Scaruffi | k ty | 08:41 |
flaccid | it should be in the doco - ie. default install locations | 08:41 |
Piero_Scaruffi | nope not there it will try to launch when i type: alarm-clock in Konsole but i get an error | 08:44 |
Piero_Scaruffi | error loading pynotify module! | 08:45 |
flaccid | all you can do is google that error | 08:46 |
flaccid | really | 08:46 |
CruX| | hello | 08:48 |
Piero_Scaruffi | yes i can and then i will have instruction which i wont understand and misinterpret and execute wrong because i will be reluctant to ask in here because i got the google treatment | 08:48 |
CruX| | i have problem when i lock session using ctrl+alt+l i cant login | 08:48 |
Piero_Scaruffi | like i said i am very very novice | 08:48 |
CruX| | i always get login failed message | 08:48 |
flaccid | Piero_Scaruffi: yeah its outside of scope/skillset/what people are prepared to help with | 08:48 |
CruX| | where is the problem ? | 08:48 |
Piero_Scaruffi | if i wasnt novice i would be using arch linux | 08:48 |
flaccid | Piero_Scaruffi: its outside of your skillset. | 08:49 |
Piero_Scaruffi | flaccid true thats why i am here asking for help | 08:49 |
Piero_Scaruffi | and by reading instructions full with in depth tech savvy linux language i will just get confused and frustrated | 08:50 |
flaccid | its kind of outside of the scope of kubuntu desktop support | 08:50 |
ere4si | Piero_Scaruffi: in the readme it will tell you it needs certain python modules - you don't have them | 08:50 |
Piero_Scaruffi | so i will just have to install pynotify ere4si? | 08:51 |
ere4si | Piero_Scaruffi: you should read the readme - there might be more | 08:51 |
Piero_Scaruffi | 5. What should I do before installing? | 08:51 |
Piero_Scaruffi | Basically nothing. You need to have Python and PyGTK installed, though. For sound support you need to install GStreamer python bindings. If you want to play MP3 files, you need to download codecs for GStreamer first. | 08:51 |
Piero_Scaruffi | i have all that | 08:52 |
ere4si | Piero_Scaruffi: what sound file are you using? | 08:52 |
Piero_Scaruffi | pulseaudio | 08:53 |
ere4si | Piero_Scaruffi: it makes a sound for the alarm - that is a file - what is it called? | 08:53 |
Piero_Scaruffi | maybe arts i dunno | 08:54 |
ere4si | Piero_Scaruffi: it wil be a file.wav or file.mp3 - look in the readme | 08:54 |
Piero_Scaruffi | ok | 08:55 |
Piero_Scaruffi | thanks | 08:55 |
dhq_ | i am haveing a problem with my touchpad | 09:01 |
dhq_ | [11:00] <dhq_> i cant use the scroll and my 3 click for paste doesnt work | 09:01 |
flaccid | dhq_: did i help you another day? | 09:02 |
dhq_ | flaccid: naa | 09:02 |
flaccid | dhq_: pastebin xorg.conf? | 09:02 |
Choreboy_Sean | Harro. Can someone please tell me how I can boot to Windows via LILO? I don't see any option when I start the computer, it just says "Starting Linux...." | 09:03 |
CruX| | sudo chmod 4755 /usr/bin/kcheckpass | 09:04 |
dhq_ | flaccid: http://pastebin.dylanhq.com/114 | 09:04 |
CruX| | solved problem | 09:04 |
CruX| | damn ubunti is a shit | 09:04 |
Choreboy_Sean | anyone? LILO? | 09:05 |
ActionParsnip | wassup | 09:05 |
flaccid | dhq_: there is no synaptics in there and is generated by the nvidia restricted driver. why is that? | 09:05 |
ActionParsnip | Choreboy_Sean: wassup with lilo? | 09:05 |
ActionParsnip | flaccid: you need to enable the restricted repos | 09:06 |
Choreboy_Sean | ActionParsnip: I think it hates me. It doesn't give me a windows boot option, just says "Starting Linux..." | 09:06 |
flaccid | ActionParsnip: i don't have the problem. | 09:06 |
flaccid | ActionParsnip: more likely nvidia-config overrireded it. | 09:06 |
dwidmann | Choreboy_Sean: more like it hates windows, not like it hates you :P | 09:07 |
dhq_ | flaccid: well i dont know when i used the restricted driver provided by kubuntu i get a black screen and nothin else so i installed the driver directly from the site | 09:07 |
ActionParsnip | Choreboy_Sean: have you been modifying your lilo config? | 09:07 |
flaccid | dhq_: thats why | 09:07 |
Choreboy_Sean | ActionParsnip: I had Xubuntu 7.10 with Grub and that worked just fine, then I formatted the Xubuntu partitions because I wanted XFS file system and installed Kubuntu 8.10 with LILO instead of Grub | 09:07 |
flaccid | ubuntu doesn't support that | 09:08 |
flaccid | which is why synaptics is gone | 09:08 |
kblin | morning folks | 09:09 |
flaccid | dhq_: you need something like this in there: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10442/ | 09:09 |
Choreboy_Sean | ActionParsnip: I can view my windows partition and access the files from Kubuntu but I just do not get any option to boot to Windows | 09:09 |
kblin | I just realized that while upgrading my laptop to hardy, my external monitor setup on my laptop broke | 09:09 |
kblin | the external monitor will be recognized when X11 starts, but if I try and change the resolution of my desktop using xrandr, the external monitor won't get any signal anymore | 09:10 |
ActionParsnip | Choreboy_Sean: you'll need to add a few lines to your boot loader to make the windows boot an option | 09:12 |
=== ville_ is now known as Damenheth | ||
Choreboy_Sean | ActionParsnip: do you have a link with instructions I can follow? Because I have no idea how to do what you just said | 09:13 |
krabador | how can i set totem-xine for using alsa? | 09:14 |
ActionParsnip | Choreboy_Sean: googling now | 09:15 |
ActionParsnip | Choreboy_Sean: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/grub-and-lilo-chainloading-620883/ 2nd post looks good, you'll have to modify it to suit your system | 09:15 |
andres | alguien me puede echar una mano | 09:16 |
andres | es que tengo problemas | 09:16 |
ActionParsnip | !es | andres | 09:16 |
ubottu | andres: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda. | 09:16 |
Damenheth | Hello, I just installed Ubuntu (hardy) 8,04 LST on my Intel D201GLY2 (SiS Mirage 1* graphics), and I get this very annoying vertical flickering troughout my whole screen. Only 640x480 resolution doesn't flicker, but it's pretty damn ugly :D Can somebody help me out? It seems that Ubuntu doesn't even recognize my Graphics accelerator nor monitor. | 09:19 |
ActionParsnip | Damenheth: have you installed the grpahics drivers? | 09:20 |
krabador | how can i set totem-xine for using alsa? | 09:21 |
Damenheth | That is the problem, I have no clue how to install them. | 09:22 |
Damenheth | I have downloaded the source code, and lib tree thingy, and I have no clue what to do with them. | 09:23 |
ActionParsnip | Damenheth: what exact graphics card do you have | 09:24 |
krabador | how can i set totem-xine for using alsa in hardy? | 09:24 |
Damenheth | Integrated SiS Mirage* 1 graphic engine says intel's website. | 09:25 |
Damenheth | http://www.intel.com/products/motherboard/d201gly2/ direct link to my motherboard's specs. | 09:25 |
ASUS-tek | humm.. Am AMD supporter | 09:25 |
ActionParsnip | wassup with amd? | 09:26 |
Choreboy_Sean | ActionParsnip: I don't think that's quite what I'm looking for since it's Grub-oriented, but I think you've set me off on the right track. Thanks. | 09:26 |
ASUS-tek | new low energy comsumption | 09:26 |
ASUS-tek | wait let me search for the link | 09:27 |
Damenheth | In the driver sections, there's "Video: Linux* Graphics Driver", and that's where I dowloaded the library-thingy and sourcecode. | 09:27 |
ActionParsnip | Choreboy_Sean: np duder | 09:27 |
Damenheth | Now I have two tarballs, that I have untarred, but I have no clue what to do with 'em. | 09:27 |
ASUS-tek | AMD Extends Energy Efficient Leadership with 45-Watt Dual-Core AMD Athlon? X2 Processors | 09:28 |
ASUS-tek | http://eon.businesswire.com/releases/energy/amd_athlon/prweb885604.htm | 09:28 |
ere4si | Piero_Scaruffi: how'd it go? | 09:28 |
krabador | how can i set totem-xine for using alsa? | 09:28 |
ActionParsnip | Damenheth: just downloading myself :) | 09:29 |
Damenheth | Okay, thank you alot :) I'm so thrilled about linux atm. If I get this working, I'm never going back to windows again. Luv this. | 09:30 |
vallhalla81 | where do i find the settings to change how windows open and desktop efects ect? | 09:30 |
ActionParsnip | Damenheth: ok you get 2 files from the files | 09:30 |
ActionParsnip | sis_drv.la and sis_drv.so | 09:31 |
kristian__ | join # /ubuntu-de-offtopic | 09:31 |
ActionParsnip | Damenheth: http://www.backports.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=223190 | 09:32 |
dhq | flaccid: could you please paste your xorg conf | 09:32 |
flaccid | dhq: why? | 09:32 |
dhq | flaccid: i just put the synaptics in and then restart the xorg and then i see the screen flicker and then is comes to konsole | 09:33 |
flaccid | can't help sorry | 09:33 |
ActionParsnip | Damenheth: looks like its needed in /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/ | 09:33 |
Damenheth | Okay I see 'em. So I don't need that "src"-part? | 09:33 |
Damenheth | Okay. I open terminal now. | 09:33 |
Damenheth | logged in as root, and now I must copy both files there? or the whole directory? | 09:34 |
XVampireX | Hi, Is there any way to install kubuntu-kde4 without having applications mixed up with KDE3? | 09:34 |
ActionParsnip | Damenheth: you'll need this too | 09:34 |
ActionParsnip | http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=4697207&postcount=4 | 09:34 |
ActionParsnip | Damenheth: please tell me you arent logged in as root and have just su's to root | 09:35 |
Damenheth | No I'm logged in as "Ville" and in terminal I typed "su root" and the password? Did I do something wrong? :o | 09:35 |
ActionParsnip | no, thats fine. never log in as root | 09:36 |
Damenheth | Okay. | 09:36 |
ASUS-tek | which onei s better kde xfce or gome or the me gos cloud enlight | 09:36 |
Damenheth | So I download both "bin" and "src"? | 09:36 |
ActionParsnip | ASUS-tek: depends on personal taste, none are "better" | 09:36 |
ActionParsnip | Damenheth: you only need bin | 09:36 |
ASUS-tek | ok which one u using | 09:36 |
ActionParsnip | Damenheth: you only need src if you plan to compile it | 09:36 |
ActionParsnip | ASUS-tek: KDE all the way for me | 09:37 |
ASUS-tek | like for performance whcih one is nice | 09:37 |
ASUS-tek | and for mininalist | 09:37 |
ActionParsnip | ASUS-tek: performance you want Xfce | 09:37 |
ASUS-tek | humm. | 09:37 |
Damenheth | okay, I need register first, cause I can't download without doing so | 09:37 |
ActionParsnip | check xubuntu | 09:37 |
ere4si | ASUS-tek: try fluxbox | 09:37 |
Damenheth | Could maybe send me that bin? | 09:37 |
ASUS-tek | ya i have tryed it on my firend com have also installed it | 09:37 |
Damenheth | you* | 09:37 |
ActionParsnip | Damenheth: I got it from the intel site. i am not registered | 09:37 |
ASUS-tek | but kde in puppy linux is faster then xfce | 09:38 |
ASUS-tek | i wonder y | 09:38 |
ActionParsnip | ASUS-tek: puppy is made to be small and light, so the DE will be compiled for that too | 09:38 |
ASUS-tek | ya even mandriva is as fast is gonome ubuntu | 09:38 |
ASUS-tek | whats is DE | 09:39 |
ASUS-tek | am in all those thing | 09:39 |
ASUS-tek | actionparsnip | 09:39 |
Damenheth | Sorry ActionParsnip, I really don't know what to download and from where. From Intel site, which of those three? (32 bit, 64 bit or src) | 09:39 |
ActionParsnip | DE = desktop environment | 09:40 |
ASUS-tek | ohh ok nice | 09:40 |
ASUS-tek | can we make kde fast | 09:40 |
ASUS-tek | like as it is very custom.. able naan | 09:40 |
ActionParsnip | Damenheth: what version of KUbuntu are you runnig. What bit version (32 or 64) | 09:41 |
flaccid | ASUS-tek: yes run it under freebsd. | 09:41 |
ASUS-tek | ok thx | 09:41 |
ActionParsnip | ASUS-tek: compile it with some options to take features and stuff out to make it quicker | 09:41 |
ASUS-tek | ok humm.. | 09:41 |
ASUS-tek | i have not installed kubuntu | 09:41 |
Damenheth | Oh shit! I'm on kubuntu lol. | 09:41 |
Damenheth | I'm using gubuntu :E | 09:41 |
ASUS-tek | but does it have compiz effects | 09:41 |
Damenheth | In what way does it differ, but only the graphical part? | 09:42 |
ASUS-tek | what is gubuntu | 09:42 |
ASUS-tek | any one on gOS here | 09:42 |
Damenheth | Gnome ubuntu, it's mimicing Mac's graphical user interface. | 09:42 |
ASUS-tek | lol its a gamming distro nice | 09:43 |
ActionParsnip | Damenheth: its the frontend, under the bonnet is thesame in *Ubuntu | 09:43 |
Damenheth | I'm running 32 bit. | 09:43 |
ActionParsnip | Damenheth: KDE has different apps to GNOME etc, but you can install gnome libs and run both | 09:43 |
ActionParsnip | Damenheth: some purists even dual boot to keep their systems pure | 09:43 |
ere4si | I thought gos was ubuntu using google apps? | 09:43 |
ASUS-tek | can we play nornal windows game on gubuntu | 09:43 |
ActionParsnip | Damenheth: then thats your answer, get the i386 driver | 09:43 |
Damenheth | okay got it | 09:43 |
Damenheth | What now? | 09:44 |
ActionParsnip | ASUS-tek: some have native installers, some will run through wine. If yuo have a little cash Id get cedega | 09:44 |
Damenheth | I untar that to the location you said before? | 09:44 |
ActionParsnip | Damenheth: copy it where its needed like i said before | 09:44 |
ActionParsnip | Damenheth: id decomress it then manually copy it | 09:44 |
ActionParsnip | !wine | ASUS-tek | 09:44 |
ubottu | ASUS-tek: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility. | 09:44 |
ASUS-tek | in wine do ue need direct x 9 | 09:44 |
Damenheth | Okay. What was location again? Sorry :E | 09:45 |
ActionParsnip | !cedega | ASUS-tek | 09:45 |
ubottu | ASUS-tek: cedega is a project based on WINE, aimed at running Windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega | 09:45 |
ActionParsnip | ASUS-tek: its all handled for you :) | 09:45 |
ASUS-tek | ohh ok nice | 09:45 |
ActionParsnip | ASUS-tek: CStrike actually gets a few more frames in Linux | 09:45 |
ASUS-tek | lol kool | 09:45 |
ActionParsnip | ASUS-tek: doom3 runs natively as its coded properly | 09:45 |
ASUS-tek | and will it work on my nvidia card | 09:46 |
kblin | ASUS-tek: wine has directx9 support | 09:46 |
XVampireX | Hi, Is there any way to install kubuntu-kde4 without having applications mixed up with KDE3? | 09:46 |
ASUS-tek | ok kool | 09:46 |
ActionParsnip | ASUS-tek: indeed, nvidia are very well supported in Linux | 09:46 |
ASUS-tek | nice that i brought nvidia | 09:46 |
ASUS-tek | well how are the new ati vdeo cards | 09:46 |
ActionParsnip | XVampireX: no as not allapps are using KDE4 yet, there is a pure KDE4 version of KUbuntu but it doesnt have all the apps the KDE3 one has | 09:47 |
ASUS-tek | theyahve the samve support as nvidia or is it less | 09:47 |
ActionParsnip | ASUS-tek: its getting better | 09:47 |
ASUS-tek | ok how about 780 g chipset mother board | 09:47 |
ActionParsnip | ASUS-tek: id say it was less but some folks have had great success with ATi | 09:47 |
Damenheth | ActionParsnip: do I copy the files or the directory to that location? | 09:47 |
XVampireX | ActionParsnip: What I meant is that if there's a way to install KDE4 and still have KDE3, but so that I don't see KDE3 apps inside KDE4 and vice versa... | 09:47 |
ASUS-tek | ok hum.. | 09:48 |
ActionParsnip | Damenheth: yes indeed | 09:48 |
ActionParsnip | XVampireX: not all apps are using KDE4 yet, they are being updated so KDE3 can be dropped, if you are running KDE4 and are running certain apps you will have KDE3 libs installed as well | 09:49 |
ActionParsnip | XVampireX: if all the apps you run have moved over you will not need KDE3 at all but its highly unlikely | 09:49 |
XVampireX | Well here's an example, There's amarok 1.4.7 right and there's amarok 2.0 if I install KDE4 I'll have only amarok 2 or will I have both versions? | 09:50 |
Damenheth | I really didn't get that one :D which is it? Sorry my mother's tongue is finnish.. | 09:50 |
ActionParsnip | XVampireX: you will have both KDE3 and 4 unlesyou uninstall KDE3 | 09:50 |
ActionParsnip | Damenheth: copy both to the location | 09:50 |
Damenheth | Okay. | 09:50 |
ActionParsnip | Damenheth: if you google for the .so file's name then it tells you much :) | 09:50 |
XVampireX | So it's not recommended installing KDE4 on top of KDE3 | 09:50 |
Damenheth | how do I copy a whole directory? | 09:51 |
ActionParsnip | Damenheth: you just copy the files | 09:51 |
ActionParsnip | Damenheth: sudo cp * /etc/whatever/the/folder/is/i/forgot | 09:52 |
ActionParsnip | DONT COPY THAT | 09:52 |
ActionParsnip | hehe | 09:52 |
Damenheth | :E | 09:53 |
Damenheth | it said "Omitting directory.." | 09:53 |
ActionParsnip | huh | 09:53 |
ere4si | cp -rvcp -vr | 09:53 |
ActionParsnip | make sure you are in the folder with the files | 09:53 |
ere4si | oops cp -vr | 09:53 |
Damenheth | yep | 09:54 |
Damenheth | I'm there | 09:54 |
ActionParsnip | Damenheth: you want the 2 files you extracted in the folder I told you | 09:54 |
Damenheth | sudo cp sis_drv.la /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers ? | 09:55 |
Damenheth | and the same for the other? | 09:55 |
ActionParsnip | Damenheth: then backup your xorg.conf and add those lines that the website i pasted you said | 09:55 |
ActionParsnip | Damenheth: that'll do it | 09:55 |
ere4si | hi styles_ | 09:58 |
styles_ | hi | 09:58 |
styles_ | haha | 09:58 |
ere4si | hehe | 09:58 |
styles_ | I hear kde3 is nicer than 4 | 09:58 |
styles_ | 4 is more .. vistaey. | 09:58 |
styles_ | no offense to anyone! | 09:58 |
styles_ | Sorry wow I should have though that out before I said that .. | 09:58 |
ASUS-tek | minimalist gonome | 09:59 |
=== ville__ is now known as Damenheth | ||
ASUS-tek | gnome * | 09:59 |
Damenheth | Okay, what the fuck just happened. | 09:59 |
ere4si | !ohmy | 09:59 |
ubottu | Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 09:59 |
ActionParsnip | styles_: you have that choice | 09:59 |
ASUS-tek | hahahah | 09:59 |
Damenheth | When I copied that sis_drv_i386.so, my whole screen turned into rainbow. | 09:59 |
Damenheth | Flickering stopped :D | 09:59 |
ActionParsnip | styles_: kde4 is also customisable, KDE4 default is black but can be made to look much like how you want | 09:59 |
Damenheth | But I can't adjust my resolutions now.. | 10:00 |
ActionParsnip | Damenheth: cool | 10:00 |
ActionParsnip | Damenheth: id reboot just to check | 10:00 |
Damenheth | Okay. | 10:00 |
styles_ | ActionParsnip: is that what comes with kubuntu-desktop ? | 10:00 |
Damenheth | See u soon. | 10:00 |
styles_ | if I'm sudo apt-get kubuntu-desktop | 10:00 |
ActionParsnip | styles_: theres a kde4 and a kde3 version | 10:00 |
styles_ | o | 10:00 |
ActionParsnip | styles_: welcome to choice | 10:00 |
styles_ | Where are these things being gotten from? | 10:00 |
styles_ | Is it an SVN somewhere? | 10:01 |
ActionParsnip | styles_: kubuntu repositories | 10:01 |
styles_ | ahh | 10:01 |
styles_ | and it compiles them locally? | 10:01 |
ActionParsnip | styles_: specified in /etc/apt/sources.list | 10:01 |
styles_ | o.0 | 10:01 |
styles_ | I think linux is my best friend now.. SOO much to learn :D | 10:01 |
ActionParsnip | styles_: they are binarys (pre compiled), emerge downloads source and compiles locally | 10:01 |
ASUS-tek | is 4 kde nice or it s........ | 10:01 |
flaccid | kde 4 is way behind imho | 10:04 |
ASUS-tek | means | 10:05 |
ASUS-tek | i didnt get ya | 10:05 |
ActionParsnip | flaccid: behind in what way? | 10:05 |
ASUS-tek | actionparsnip what do u say on this | 10:05 |
flaccid | ASUS-tek: a lot of features and system admin is lacking + bugs | 10:05 |
ackbahr | Hello! Problems setting up sound.... Could someone help me? Thanks! | 10:05 |
flaccid | !sound | ackbahr | 10:05 |
ubottu | ackbahr: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 10:05 |
ASUS-tek | ubottu is nice who programed it | 10:06 |
ActionParsnip | i use kde3 cos I know it works. I am very reluctant to run beta software and wait for the updates to happen automatically. I work on servers all day so want as few headches as possible, hence me not running windows and only buying hardware that will work out of the box garunteed | 10:06 |
ackbahr | Ah, sorry, I'm on gnome.... Why does Konversation take me there by default? I'll go ask somewhere else, sorry about that.... | 10:06 |
flaccid | ubottu is good if its updated. | 10:06 |
flaccid | ActionParsnip: well kde 4 is not beta | 10:06 |
flaccid | yet if feels like beta to me :( | 10:07 |
ActionParsnip | ackbahr: if you are running gnome with konversation you have installed KDE as well | 10:07 |
ActionParsnip | flaccid: exactly, ive heard nothing but problems so im not bothering | 10:07 |
ASUS-tek | ya there are very nice app with kde | 10:07 |
flaccid | ActionParsnip: i agree. | 10:07 |
ASUS-tek | me instated kde 3 with ubuntu and xfce | 10:07 |
ASUS-tek | its was nice lots of software | 10:08 |
ActionParsnip | i chat, browse and play music / videos with my main pc so im not too bothered | 10:08 |
ASUS-tek | which all aver very ncie | 10:08 |
ASUS-tek | are* | 10:08 |
ASUS-tek | but i didnt get chance to plae videos with kde main player | 10:08 |
ASUS-tek | i wonder how is taht software | 10:08 |
ASUS-tek | amark is very nice | 10:09 |
ActionParsnip | people moan its a resource hog | 10:09 |
ere4si | and dolphin is the pits | 10:09 |
ASUS-tek | ok how do u feel its is | 10:10 |
dwidmann | ASUS-tek: kaffeine is pretty decent | 10:10 |
ASUS-tek | which media player us use | 10:10 |
ASUS-tek | u all * | 10:10 |
ActionParsnip | i use amarok but its the main function of the system so i dont mind | 10:10 |
dwidmann | ASUS-tek: vlc is very good also ..... kmplayer has its merits too | 10:10 |
jussi01 | !best | 10:10 |
ubottu | Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. | 10:10 |
ASUS-tek | tell me more about km player | 10:11 |
ASUS-tek | i had used mplayer i guess it was beter then m player | 10:11 |
jussi01 | !info kmplayer | 10:11 |
ubottu | kmplayer: media player for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 1:0.10.0c-0ubuntu3 (hardy), package size 178 kB, installed size 2004 kB | 10:11 |
ASUS-tek | vlc player * i meant | 10:12 |
ASUS-tek | by the way who programed ubottu | 10:12 |
jussi01 | !info supybot | ASUS-tek | 10:13 |
ubottu | asus-tek: supybot: robust and user friendly Python IRC bot. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.83.3-1 (hardy), package size 495 kB, installed size 2968 kB | 10:13 |
dwidmann | ASUS-tek: vlc player is the videolan projects player, its gui is a bit plain, but it has some nice features and can play a plethora of different file types. | 10:13 |
ASUS-tek | woww kool | 10:13 |
ASUS-tek | what is plethora | 10:14 |
kblin | lots | 10:14 |
* ActionParsnip doesnt mind a plain gui | 10:14 | |
dwidmann | vlc even has proper support for matroska containers :) | 10:15 |
ere4si | any from what I've found - even .swf | 10:15 |
ASUS-tek | koolo se | 10:15 |
ASUS-tek | http://packages.debian.org/supybot | 10:15 |
jussi01 | ASUS-tek: ? | 10:16 |
ASUS-tek | itas about aupy bot | 10:16 |
ASUS-tek | supybot | 10:16 |
ASUS-tek | i jsut came to know about it now | 10:16 |
jussi01 | yes... but thats debians version... | 10:16 |
jussi01 | ASUS-tek: do you have a question about it? if you just are looking to chat, then I suggest #kubuntu-offtopic | 10:17 |
ASUS-tek | i dont want talk about it :P | 10:17 |
ActionParsnip | sup jussi | 10:18 |
jussi01 | heya ActionParsnip | 10:18 |
ASUS-tek | yoo action man | 10:19 |
ASUS-tek | what does ur nick mena | 10:20 |
ASUS-tek | actionparsnip | 10:20 |
ActionParsnip | its a harry hill joke | 10:20 |
ASUS-tek | ?? | 10:20 |
jussi01 | !ot | ASUS-tek | 10:20 |
ASUS-tek | what is harry hill joke | 10:20 |
ubottu | ASUS-tek: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! | 10:20 |
ActionParsnip | ASUS-tek: hes an english comedian | 10:20 |
ASUS-tek | woww like russels peters | 10:20 |
ASUS-tek | well tell me some jokes from him | 10:21 |
ASUS-tek | :P | 10:21 |
ActionParsnip | pm ASUS-tek | 10:21 |
ASUS-tek | action u dont use win xp at all | 10:21 |
ASUS-tek | ok | 10:21 |
jussi01 | ActionParsnip: thanks ;) | 10:22 |
ActionParsnip | jussi01: np bro | 10:22 |
=== JackWinter_ is now known as JackWinter | ||
ville__ | Okay, that was one helluva hassle. | 10:51 |
=== ville__ is now known as Damenheth | ||
ugaciaka | hi | 10:53 |
=== ugaciaka is now known as ugaciaka_ | ||
=== ugaciaka_ is now known as ugaciaka | ||
=== wayne_ is now known as wayneandleanne | ||
ex1stenz | can any1 tell me if the page opens? http://www.colectionarul.com/existenz1.html | 11:00 |
wayneandleanne | does anybody know how to change where mtd dumps the ouput file> | 11:11 |
sonoftheclayr | wayneandleanne: mtd? | 11:12 |
wayneandleanne | it's part of mythtv it's a componant that handles the ripping of dvd's and cd's | 11:13 |
sonoftheclayr | wayneandleanne: can't help you sorry | 11:14 |
sonoftheclayr | wayneandleanne: unless there is a config file in your home directory, but beyond that | 11:14 |
wayneandleanne | that the one place i havent checked | 11:15 |
ere4si | wayneandleanne: there is a #mythtv-users | 11:15 |
wayneandleanne | i dont even get an answer there | 11:16 |
ere4si | wayneandleanne: might have to try later when the us and europe wake up | 11:17 |
flaccid | wayneandleanne: did you check the doco ? | 11:17 |
wayneandleanne | good point | 11:17 |
wayneandleanne | not found the docs yet | 11:17 |
flaccid | this is mythtv? | 11:18 |
jussi01 | wayneandleanne: you may want to try #mythbuntu | 11:18 |
FallenHi1okiri | hi, should it be possible to activate a svideo out while using the livecd? | 11:18 |
wayneandleanne | yep i cant find anything about cofiguring the myth transcode daemon, other than how ensure it runs at startup | 11:19 |
flaccid | wayneandleanne: not sure if it helps your problem: http://www.mythtv.org/modules.php?name=MythInstall | 11:19 |
wayneandleanne | i'll have to go looking, but thanks to all that helped!!! | 11:21 |
ere4si | good luck | 11:21 |
flaccid | !mythtv | 11:21 |
ubottu | MythTV is a TV framework for Linux - Instructions for using with Ubuntu at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV | 11:21 |
flaccid | ^^ if you aint seen before | 11:21 |
wayneandleanne | read it that many times , i can recite it in my sleep | 11:22 |
flaccid | np | 11:22 |
wayneandleanne | cheers anyway | 11:23 |
flaccid | np.. i mean myth used to have a lot of install bugs. now im not sure its status in ubuntu | 11:24 |
wayneandleanne | mythtv run's superb in kubuntu 8.4 no probs, anyway a more kubuntu related question what can somebody recomend for html editing | 11:25 |
jussi01 | !mythbuntu | 11:25 |
ubottu | Mythbuntu is an Ubuntu derivative centered upon setting up a standalone MythTV system. See: http://www.mythbuntu.org for more information | 11:25 |
FallenHi1okiri | wayneandleanne: kate or vim | 11:25 |
wayneandleanne | i must admit i use vim to edit files as root, but i dont know html enough to code by hand | 11:26 |
FallenHi1okiri | wayneandleanne: oh you want a WYSIWYG? bluefish (IIRC) | 11:27 |
jussi01 | !html | wayneandleanne | 11:27 |
ubottu | wayneandleanne: html is HyperText Markup Language, used to build web pages. WYSIWYG editors: KompoZer (was Nvu), Iceape Composer, Amaya - Development environments: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem - For a howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com/ | 11:27 |
wayneandleanne | sorry, should have said first, | 11:27 |
jussi01 | wayneandleanne: kompozr and quanta+ are both ok | 11:27 |
wayneandleanne | installing kompozer now cheers | 11:28 |
jussi01 | :) | 11:28 |
kaminix | How did I run gdb again? gdb kaffeine... then? | 11:37 |
gp | hi | 11:40 |
gp | is intel hda isuue is fixed in the ne2 8.04 release ? | 11:40 |
flaccid | gp: not sure. but from keeping an eye on updates, i have not seen one but could be wrong | 11:41 |
gp | intel sound issue | 11:41 |
ronnie | just my bad luck! = ( I bought a new video card (geforce 5500-256MB) & it's not listed in the driver choices, so kubuntu reads it as geforce4 (generic) any help how to fix this? very much appreciate it! : ) | 11:41 |
flaccid | ronnie: which driver are you using? | 11:42 |
gp | i will give 1 million dollors to any one who fix sound on my laptop | 11:42 |
ronnie | I just reinstalled kubuntu & it read it automatically as geforce4 | 11:42 |
jussi01 | gp: it should be. but please, we dont want your money. | 11:42 |
flaccid | gp: ok, i'll take that money then use it t buy a windows notebook | 11:42 |
flaccid | actually a mac book | 11:43 |
gp | mac sucks | 11:43 |
FallenHi1okiri | gp: no it doesn't | 11:44 |
jimmy51vinsky | are there any MS exchange server compatible mail clients for linux/kubuntu? | 11:44 |
gp | it does , its most closed sourced OS in world | 11:44 |
flaccid | gp: why is that | 11:44 |
flaccid | jimmy51vinsky: yeah most of them. the exchange server needs to enable IMAP access. | 11:45 |
FallenHi1okiri | gp: yeah, ubuntu users complaining about closed source,... lol.. *hint* lunchpad | 11:45 |
FallenHi1okiri | jimmy51vinsky: take a look at evolution | 11:45 |
flaccid | gp: care to give a real answere | 11:45 |
ronnie | hmm maybe I can put the driver as a geforce 6 , kinda scared to fry it tho hehe | 11:45 |
jimmy51vinsky | does imap support the exchange calendar and all? | 11:45 |
jimmy51vinsky | and yes, mac does suck | 11:45 |
gp | mac == reality distortion field | 11:46 |
flaccid | jimmy51vinsky: no only the closed protocol, 'exchange' does that. | 11:46 |
FallenHi1okiri | gp: it's nice that you produce a lot line noise, but do you mind bringing some real arguments in? or is that just bad trolling? | 11:46 |
gp | kububtu + on one only supported hardware will be 10 times better than mac | 11:46 |
flaccid | gp: prove it. | 11:47 |
flaccid | such broad terms.. | 11:47 |
gp | i will | 11:47 |
jimmy51vinsky | crap. i'd like to switch my workstation over to kubuntu (we're an MS shop here) but exchange is the showstopper | 11:47 |
flaccid | jimmy51vinsky: can't do anything. you are working backwards. server infrastructure needs to be changed to open source! | 11:47 |
gp | jimmy51vinsky: use popand smtp | 11:48 |
flaccid | gp: that won't help. | 11:48 |
flaccid | and pop is legacy compared to imap | 11:48 |
gp | it works | 11:48 |
flaccid | gp: not for calendar which is the requirement | 11:48 |
gp | evolution has exchange plugin use that | 11:48 |
gp | use wine + outlook | 11:49 |
jimmy51vinsky | hmm | 11:49 |
flaccid | so which is it, evolution or wine + outlook ? | 11:49 |
jimmy51vinsky | that sounds like it would work, if outlook is stable under wine. i've never had luck with wine | 11:49 |
ActionParsnip | jimmy51vinsky: why not just use thunderbird / kmail? | 11:50 |
flaccid | its not stable under wine at all | 11:50 |
gp | try crossover office if got some $$ | 11:50 |
flaccid | ActionParsnip: because he needs calendar | 11:50 |
ActionParsnip | !sunbird | jimmy51vinsky | 11:50 |
ubottu | jimmy51vinsky: Mozilla Sunbird™ is a cross-platform calendar application, built upon Mozilla Toolkit. Our goal is to bring Mozilla-style ease-of-use to your calendar, without tying you to a particular storage solution. | 11:50 |
gp | install zimbra | 11:50 |
flaccid | i have not heard of this working under evolution or similar | 11:50 |
ronnie | oh well I have always found linux to be a trial N error system on some packages ; ) if only I could install all my cd drivers I'd be estatic! tho their all exe. ones for win-doohs! | 11:51 |
flaccid | mozilla != microsoft | 11:51 |
flaccid | ronnie: linux is not windows. | 11:51 |
jimmy51vinsky | hehe, no money... IT would just refuse the order and say to use Windows :). | 11:51 |
flaccid | jimmy51vinsky: not much is scientific when m$ is involved. | 11:51 |
gp | visrtual box + outlook +xp | 11:51 |
flaccid | gp: why not just boot info windows? the performance is much better. | 11:52 |
FallenHi1okiri | ideas getting worser... | 11:52 |
gp | or configure wine + outlook | 11:52 |
ActionParsnip | why install propietary on linux when 9 times out of 10 theres anopen alternative | 11:52 |
flaccid | ActionParsnip: not for the exchange protocols. | 11:52 |
FallenHi1okiri | ActionParsnip: because sometimes it's the one thing you need for your business | 11:52 |
gp | flaccid: he will protected from virus in linux | 11:52 |
jimmy51vinsky | if there's an open alternative to Outlook that fully supports the mail and calendar features, i'd jump on it. it doesn't sound like there is though | 11:53 |
flaccid | gp: that doesn't make sense at all | 11:53 |
ActionParsnip | flaccid: i thought thunderbird talked to exchange nicely | 11:53 |
flaccid | there is no alternative here. | 11:53 |
flaccid | ActionParsnip: maybe im wrong. it didn't when i tested it. | 11:53 |
FallenHi1okiri | flaccid: it actually does if you have no clue and try to troll ;) | 11:53 |
flaccid | FallenHi1okiri: as i said. i tested it. | 11:53 |
flaccid | and it failed. | 11:53 |
ActionParsnip | http://www.downloadsquad.com/2007/03/30/howto-thunderbird-and-ms-exchange-server/ | 11:54 |
flaccid | so now its you who is trolling FallenHi1okiri | 11:54 |
gp | reverse engineer exchange protocol | 11:54 |
flaccid | i guess you are talking in theory. im talking in practive. | 11:54 |
FallenHi1okiri | flaccid: i refered to "145518 < flaccid> gp: that doesn't make sense at all" | 11:54 |
flaccid | FallenHi1okiri: yes. | 11:54 |
jimmy51vinsky | that link doesn't mention calendar | 11:54 |
flaccid | exactly lol. | 11:55 |
FallenHi1okiri | ActionParsnip: looks like mail only? | 11:55 |
ActionParsnip | http://kb.mozillazine.org/MAPI_Support | 11:55 |
gp | its just says how to use IMAP and stuff | 11:55 |
flaccid | i tried that it didn't work. FallenHi1okiri please explain | 11:55 |
ActionParsnip | install sunbird for calendar | 11:55 |
jimmy51vinsky | we use calendar for meetings (obviously) but also to book resources (meeting rooms, projectors, whatever) | 11:55 |
jimmy51vinsky | is sunbird client compatible with exchange? | 11:55 |
flaccid | i've never seen it working | 11:55 |
ActionParsnip | sunbird / exchange integration is not planned | 11:56 |
FallenHi1okiri | flaccid: i'm sorry but you seem to get me terrible wrong. mind if we query? | 11:56 |
flaccid | i rest my case. | 11:56 |
flaccid | FallenHi1okiri: nah im done. | 11:56 |
ActionParsnip | jimmy51vinsky: if outlook does what you need, install it. its the tool for the job | 11:56 |
jimmy51vinsky | ok, but it's gotta be under windows, from the comments above. | 11:57 |
jimmy51vinsky | thanks for the help (and i didn't mean to start an argument) | 11:57 |
gp | jimmy51vinsky: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-158553.html | 11:58 |
ActionParsnip | jimmy51vinsky: then use windows | 11:58 |
flaccid | i mean if anyone can show me a full working exchange solution for *nix, im happy to view it | 11:58 |
tsb_ | Hi. For some reason metacity starts up as the wm in kde. If I kill it, start kwin and log out, it is still the same when I log in again, which is strange because of the session manager. Any ideas? | 11:58 |
gp | jimmy51vinsky: stop using exchange or change ur company | 11:58 |
flaccid | hehe | 11:59 |
flaccid | finally it comes out | 11:59 |
ActionParsnip | jimmy51vinsky: or shell out for crossover office | 11:59 |
flaccid | exchange is imap2 modified btw | 11:59 |
gp | http://www.fsckin.com/2007/10/29/how-to-run-microsoft-outlook-natively-on-linux-using-virtualbox/ | 12:00 |
ActionParsnip | http://toastytech.com/guis/wineoutlook.png | 12:00 |
ActionParsnip | Outlook 2000 seems ok :) | 12:00 |
jimmy51vinsky | 2000 would be fine | 12:00 |
jimmy51vinsky | in fact, i think i have that laying around here somewhere... | 12:01 |
ActionParsnip | jimmy51vinsky: give it a go, run it via wine | 12:01 |
flaccid | ouch | 12:01 |
ActionParsnip | it claims it needs Internet Exploder v. 4.01 or greater to run OL2003 | 12:01 |
ActionParsnip | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=589941 | 12:01 |
flaccid | hahaha | 12:02 |
ActionParsnip | flaccid: sup? | 12:02 |
flaccid | ActionParsnip: just laughing at the situtation | 12:02 |
gp | i used run outook 2k on wine | 12:02 |
gp | it used to crashh a lot | 12:02 |
ActionParsnip | flaccid: me 2 | 12:02 |
gp | after that i started using evolution | 12:03 |
flaccid | just to let you know, ive run up against this with many clients. there is no reliable solution if you are using exchange without outlook. | 12:03 |
gp | not sure abt calender i never use calededer | 12:03 |
flaccid | thtas m$ design. | 12:03 |
* ActionParsnip agrees with flaccid | 12:03 | |
flaccid | if you can cite one program that can do calendar, then im all ears | 12:03 |
ActionParsnip | could just not use exchange and get a decent mail system | 12:03 |
flaccid | i worked in a massive corp. and there is nothing. | 12:03 |
jimmy51vinsky | hehe, that's not going to happen. i'm not sure what could replace a large scale exchange setup anyway. | 12:04 |
mklimaschewski | bye | 12:04 |
ActionParsnip | Scalix (?) | 12:04 |
gp | scalix , zimbra are good option replace exchange | 12:04 |
flaccid | jimmy51vinsky: a lot of solutions. | 12:04 |
ActionParsnip | http://www.scalix.com/ | 12:04 |
flaccid | jimmy51vinsky: you are just ignorant. | 12:05 |
gp | or use google app for your domain | 12:05 |
jimmy51vinsky | no, just not in IT anymore | 12:05 |
ActionParsnip | people think "ooh we need a mail server..bam..exchange" | 12:05 |
flaccid | jimmy51vinsky: same thing. | 12:05 |
=== ere4sli is now known as ere4si | ||
gp | i will give 5 million dollors to any one who fix sound on my laptop | 12:06 |
flaccid | let me just remind people that a calendar is not mail | 12:06 |
gp | i am too lazy to do it now | 12:06 |
ActionParsnip | gp: lspci output please | 12:06 |
flaccid | gp: can i have it in writing first? | 12:07 |
ActionParsnip | i'll do it for free | 12:07 |
flaccid | ActionParsnip: ok challenge | 12:07 |
flaccid | bring it on | 12:07 |
ActionParsnip | huh? | 12:08 |
flaccid | we have access to same resources ok | 12:08 |
flaccid | lets do it | 12:08 |
ActionParsnip | may as well | 12:08 |
flaccid | gp: you have to give what we need asap | 12:08 |
flaccid | lspci | 12:08 |
flaccid | give it! | 12:08 |
ActionParsnip | !paste | gp | 12:08 |
ubottu | gp: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 12:08 |
gp | yeah pasting it on pastebin | 12:08 |
ActionParsnip | cool | 12:08 |
* flaccid drinks wine | 12:08 | |
viperserv2 | hey | 12:08 |
ActionParsnip | sup viperserv2 | 12:08 |
ActionParsnip | !hi | viperserv2 | 12:09 |
ubottu | viperserv2: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! | 12:09 |
viperserv2 | how do i make a site with apache/ | 12:09 |
flaccid | !lamp | viperserv2 | 12:09 |
ubottu | viperserv2: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) | 12:09 |
gp | http://paste.ubuntu.com/10493/ | 12:09 |
flaccid | gp: there is no audio in that | 12:10 |
ActionParsnip | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/122560 | 12:11 |
jimmy51vinsky | 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03) | 12:11 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 122560 in linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22 "no sound with 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller" [Medium,Fix released] | 12:11 |
gp | i was installing alsa drivers manually after its not showing | 12:11 |
flaccid | ah ok | 12:11 |
flaccid | i'll go loook | 12:11 |
jimmy51vinsky | after i upgraded to 8.04, i lost sound with that intel controller. all i had to do was open alsamixer and unmute all of the channels | 12:11 |
ActionParsnip | gp: have you fully updated your system? | 12:11 |
flaccid | gp: 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03) | 12:12 |
gp | updating | 12:12 |
ActionParsnip | sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade | 12:12 |
ActionParsnip | should sort it | 12:12 |
gp | upgrade to 8.04 | 12:12 |
gp | ?? | 12:12 |
ActionParsnip | there are some kernel patches but a simple upgrade may do it | 12:12 |
ActionParsnip | no upgrade what is already installed | 12:13 |
flaccid | what model notebook is this | 12:13 |
ActionParsnip | gp: copy the command into a konsole and it'll update your gutsy / hardy or whatever | 12:13 |
gp | i heard in newer ubututhey swiched away from Alsa | 12:13 |
gp | ActionParsnip: I know but I heard upgrade was mot safe | 12:14 |
gp | not safe | 12:14 |
flaccid | what release is this | 12:14 |
gp | 7.10 | 12:14 |
flaccid | please answer | 12:14 |
gp | 7.10 | 12:15 |
ActionParsnip | upgrading can be messy but you are refering to distupgrade, i'm saying use upgrade | 12:15 |
ActionParsnip | which is different | 12:15 |
flaccid | i gtg but this should help: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&safe=off&client=opera&rls=en&hs=l9K&q=00%3A1b.0+Audio+device%3A+Intel+Corporation+82801H+%28ICH8+Family%29+HD+Audio+Controller+%28rev+03%29+ubuntu&btnG=Search | 12:15 |
gp | looks like a huge | 12:17 |
lovre | is there a way i can test Gnome, without loosing anything in kubuntu? I would like to have a choice on login, to choose gnome or kde. How to do this? | 12:17 |
gp | is any one able to use microphone on ubuntu ;-) | 12:17 |
lovre | gp: i have the problem too, cant use mic on kubuntu | 12:18 |
ActionParsnip | lovre: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install gnome-desktop | 12:18 |
ActionParsnip | lovre: when you log in, choose kde or gnome | 12:19 |
lovre | ActionParsnip: Couldnt find package | 12:19 |
lovre | says | 12:19 |
viperserv2 | hmm thats hard stuff there | 12:19 |
jimmy51vinsky | ii think it's gnome-desktop-environment | 12:20 |
ActionParsnip | lovre: try sudo apt-get install ubuntu-dektop instead | 12:20 |
jimmy51vinsky | oh | 12:20 |
jimmy51vinsky | that's right | 12:20 |
lovre | installing... | 12:20 |
gp | ActionParsnip: I am updating now but i cant find anyupdate related to Alsa | 12:20 |
jimmy51vinsky | ubuntu-desktop is the one | 12:20 |
ActionParsnip | gp: let it update and we'll go from there | 12:20 |
jimmy51vinsky | FYI, on my home machine i've got the xubuntu, kubuntu, and ubuntu desktops | 12:21 |
lovre | it wont mess up anything i hope.. | 12:21 |
viperserv2 | python is a webserver? | 12:21 |
jimmy51vinsky | you choose your session type on the login screen | 12:21 |
lovre | viperserv2: python is a scripting language.... | 12:21 |
ActionParsnip | lovre: not at all, you'll just have 2 enviroments installed. You can always uninstall | 12:21 |
lovre | ActionParsnip: ok, thank you | 12:21 |
jimmy51vinsky | (which would be apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop) | 12:21 |
ActionParsnip | lovre: np, you will also be able to run gnome apps in kde and vice vera as you have the libs | 12:22 |
lovre | ActionParsnip: nice. I would not be able to do this if i had only KDE? | 12:22 |
viperserv2 | admin@ns356979:~$ apache2 | 12:22 |
viperserv2 | apache2: bad user name ${APACHE_RUN_USER} | 12:22 |
lovre | ActionParsnip: cuz i see some apps works nice while others show errors | 12:22 |
ActionParsnip | viperserv2: try apa <press tab> ;) | 12:23 |
ActionParsnip | viperserv2: you can autocomplete commands | 12:23 |
viperserv2 | still | 12:24 |
viperserv2 | it did the samething in root | 12:24 |
lovre | ActionParsnip: is there a widget application for gnome? | 12:24 |
ActionParsnip | widget? | 12:25 |
=== ville_ is now known as Damenheth | ||
viperserv2 | hmm it must not be installed | 12:26 |
Damenheth | ActionParsnip: the whole thing worked really oddly.. Upon startup, it said first that I'm running on "Low graphics mode", and I could try different drivers and monitors. None of them worked. Resolution puts up, but then my comp crashes. | 12:28 |
lovre | ActionParsnip: you know, the stuff that stay on desktop, showing things like cpu consumption, hdd, rss, time, etc... | 12:28 |
ActionParsnip | !karamba | 12:28 |
ubottu | superkaramba is an application that gives you interactive eye-candy on your desktop. To get themes for it, head over to http://kde-look.org | 12:28 |
lovre | ty | 12:28 |
lovre | have to login again to check it out. Bb | 12:28 |
ActionParsnip | !gdesklets | lovre | 12:28 |
ubottu | lovre: gDesklets provides an advanced architecture for desktop applets -- tiny displays sitting on your desktop in a symbiotic relationship of eye candy and usefulness. Homepage is http://gdesklets.gnomedesktop.org/ | 12:28 |
gp | how do i connect ubuntu to a projector | 12:29 |
ActionParsnip | lovre: gdesklets will run in gnome, but now you have both libs you can run either | 12:29 |
gp | add new monitor | 12:29 |
gp | ? | 12:29 |
ActionParsnip | Damenheth: what messages do you et | 12:29 |
Damenheth | "You cannot set these graphic options right now" | 12:30 |
ActionParsnip | gp: http://www.ublug.org/ubuntu/twinview/twinview-howto-breezy.html | 12:30 |
Damenheth | And then it puts up "Plug'n'play" monitor and SiS generic drivers | 12:30 |
Damenheth | now it doesn't flicker thoughj | 12:30 |
ActionParsnip | Damenheth: sudo dpkg reconfigure xserver | 12:30 |
Damenheth | *though | 12:30 |
ActionParsnip | Damenheth: should let you modify the max res (id select only the res you want to save confusion) | 12:31 |
viperserv2 | admin@ns356979:~$ /etc/apache2/httpd.conf | 12:31 |
viperserv2 | -bash: /etc/apache2/httpd.conf: Permission denied | 12:31 |
ActionParsnip | viperserv2: you'll need chmod | 12:31 |
ActionParsnip | !chmod | viperserv2 | 12:31 |
ubottu | viperserv2: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview | 12:31 |
Damenheth | ActionParsnip: when I type that, it says "need an action point" | 12:31 |
ActionParsnip | Damenheth: you put that in konsole | 12:32 |
Damenheth | Konsole is different trom terminal? | 12:33 |
ActionParsnip | same deal | 12:33 |
ActionParsnip | its a CLI | 12:33 |
ActionParsnip | i use yakuake | 12:33 |
viperserv2 | well the httpd file is empty | 12:33 |
ActionParsnip | and use ~ to drop the cosole / termianal down like quake / CStrike | 12:33 |
Damenheth | Should I get konsole? The one called "Pääte" (terminal in my language) only says back "need an action point" | 12:34 |
ActionParsnip | Damenheth: you'll have one already its part of the standard install | 12:35 |
gp | ActionParsnip: Updrade complete | 12:35 |
ActionParsnip | Damenheth: you just need a box you can type commands into | 12:35 |
gp | sound not working | 12:35 |
viperserv2 | is httpd.config suppose to be empty? | 12:35 |
ActionParsnip | gp: did it upgrade your kernel? | 12:35 |
Damenheth | so it's the one I'm using atm | 12:35 |
ActionParsnip | gp: id reboot to load the new kernel which it probably installed | 12:36 |
ActionParsnip | Damenheth: sure | 12:36 |
ActionParsnip | viperserv2: shouldnt be, there are tutorials about the file and its layout. it should have some contents | 12:36 |
gp | ActionParsnip: I will be back after reboot | 12:36 |
ActionParsnip | k | 12:36 |
viperserv2 | ah theres nothing in mine | 12:36 |
Damenheth | ActionParsnip: it says just "dpkg: need an action point" and then lists a variety of options | 12:38 |
ActionParsnip | viperserv2: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-278531.html | 12:38 |
ActionParsnip | Damenheth: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 12:39 |
Damenheth | Okay. A window popped up | 12:39 |
ActionParsnip | Damenheth: can you get me the exact error | 12:39 |
ActionParsnip | ahhh ok cool | 12:39 |
viperserv2 | well ill need another way to run a site then | 12:39 |
ActionParsnip | viperserv2: is there a sampe httpd.conf? | 12:39 |
viperserv2 | no | 12:40 |
Damenheth | It doesn't really "error" it just plainly crashes at sight, after I choose a different monitor from "Plug'n'play" | 12:40 |
kalib | Damenheth after run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, you'll have to restart your X session | 12:40 |
Damenheth | It's all in finnish, so I have to translate it. | 12:41 |
ActionParsnip | viperserv2: use this http://livenudefrogs.com/~anubis/apache/httpd-conf.shtml | 12:41 |
Damenheth | How do I know what to choose from these dialogues? | 12:41 |
Damenheth | Do I just hit enter? | 12:41 |
ActionParsnip | Damenheth: at some point you will be offered screen resolutions, choose the one you want and no other (makes it easier) | 12:41 |
gp | ActionParsnip: Back | 12:41 |
ActionParsnip | Damenheth: for the most part | 12:41 |
ActionParsnip | gp: any good | 12:41 |
gp | its still not working :-( | 12:41 |
ActionParsnip | gp: well at least we are updated :) | 12:42 |
kalib | Damenheth if you just hit enter....it will get the default option | 12:42 |
gp | should renove alsa and reinstall it | 12:42 |
ActionParsnip | gp: yeah try it | 12:42 |
Damenheth | ActionParsnip: it did not ask anything about resolutions | 12:42 |
ActionParsnip | Damenheth: most is ok (like kboard and mouse etc). just look of for graphics related noise | 12:42 |
Damenheth | the first question was it about framebuffers | 12:42 |
Damenheth | *-it | 12:43 |
Damenheth | "Sometimes this work this EX and sometimes don't" | 12:43 |
Damenheth | "Should we use kernel framebuffering for system point?" | 12:43 |
Damenheth | I'll try that one | 12:44 |
kalib | ;] | 12:44 |
Damenheth | Okay | 12:44 |
Damenheth | Now I hit ctrl | 12:44 |
Damenheth | ctrl+alt+X? was it ? | 12:44 |
ActionParsnip | Damenheth: this may help if you want to manually edit your /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 12:45 |
kalib | g2g guys... hav class now... | 12:45 |
kalib | cu | 12:45 |
ActionParsnip | http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/low-screen-resolution-ubuntu-feisty-557453/ | 12:45 |
Damenheth | ActionParsnip: I tried already. It says I have find specifics about my monitor (vert and horiz-syncs) but my monitors syncs all over the intenet are just Horiz 95KHz and vert 160hz | 12:46 |
Damenheth | Nothing less, nothing more. | 12:46 |
Damenheth | Does my monitor just suck that bad? | 12:46 |
ActionParsnip | thats a fine monitor | 12:46 |
ActionParsnip | least you arent flickering though, you need to tellyour system you can do higher resolutions and you've cracked it | 12:47 |
Damenheth | But in all of the guides they say I need "pairs" so it should be something like "31Khz-96khz" | 12:47 |
Damenheth | But mine says only "95khz" | 12:47 |
gp | ActionParsnip: i reinstalled alsa base no eefects | 12:48 |
Damenheth | In specs it says I have something called "Fixed frequency." | 12:48 |
gp | i dont remember how to start sound server | 12:49 |
gp | how to restart sound server | 12:50 |
ActionParsnip | gp sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart | 12:50 |
raymears_ | hello everyone. i have a question. (not necessarily kubuntu-related) when using the precompiled lynx ubuntu package (from the standard gutsy repos ) i get a segmentation fault core dumped each time i try to use lynx as a webcrawler (lynx -crawl -traversal). can anyone tell me how i can analize the dumped core? (where does it get dumped?) | 12:50 |
bona | hallo zusammen... | 12:50 |
bona | habe ein kleines problem mit wine | 12:51 |
ActionParsnip | !de | bona | 12:51 |
ubottu | bona: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 12:51 |
bona | danke :P | 12:51 |
gp | sudo] password for gp: | 12:52 |
gp | * Shutting down ALSA... * warning: 'alsactl store' failed with error message 'alsactl: save_state:1253: No soundcards found...'... [fail] | 12:52 |
gp | * Setting up ALSA... * warning: 'alsactl restore' failed with error message 'alsactl: load_st[ OK ]29: No soundcards found...'... | 12:52 |
gp | no soundcard found | 12:52 |
gp | it was showing sound card earlier | 12:52 |
gp | but when i tried to manually compile sound card its not detecting sound card | 12:53 |
ActionParsnip | gp: http://users.piuha.net/martti/comp/d630/ | 12:53 |
=== wayne_ is now known as wayneandleanne | ||
viperserv2 | hmm making a site is super hard | 12:54 |
Damenheth | ActionParsnip: when manually configing xorg.conf, what are the commands for vertisync horizsync and max resolution? | 12:55 |
yao_ziyuan | is there a way to display firefox web controls (buttons, edit boxes, ...) with kde style? | 12:55 |
yao_ziyuan | firefox 3 can do that | 12:55 |
yao_ziyuan | but what about firefox 2? | 12:55 |
ActionParsnip | Damenheth: id have a hunt round for that their are many guides | 12:56 |
ActionParsnip | Damenheth: let me just start something and ill lend a hand | 12:56 |
viperserv2 | there any other wau other than apach? | 12:57 |
viperserv2 | i think i need to remove this ssl package i installed | 12:57 |
ActionParsnip | yao_ziyuan: no idea, I use FF2 only | 12:57 |
viperserv2 | it musta killed apach | 12:57 |
ActionParsnip | Damenheth: this may help https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 12:59 |
ActionParsnip | Damenheth: its got the bit about screen resolution as well as refresh. Id set something slightly below what your monitor can do to be safew | 13:00 |
Damenheth | Okay I'll try those. | 13:02 |
ActionParsnip | backup your xorg.conf before playing so you can easily revert back | 13:03 |
ActionParsnip | Damenheth: sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak | 13:03 |
Damenheth | Yea already did that :---) | 13:03 |
ActionParsnip | good | 13:04 |
asrafel | ciao a tutti | 13:04 |
asrafel | mazza quanta gente in kubuntu XD | 13:04 |
KR-data | where can I submit complaints about choices made in kubuntu? | 13:04 |
ActionParsnip | !bugs | KR-data | 13:05 |
ubottu | KR-data: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots | 13:05 |
KR-data | ActionParsnip, well technically it's not bugs, but in another way it is | 13:05 |
ActionParsnip | KR-data: how do you mean choices? | 13:05 |
jaaroo | i'm still trying to figure out how does perl work with utf8 strings. I have small example of what happens with my code and I'm not getting it why it does happen so: http://rafb.net/p/g1x2j626.html | 13:06 |
=== fideas` is now known as fideas | ||
cinex | hi | 13:06 |
ActionParsnip | !hi | cinex | 13:06 |
ubottu | cinex: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! | 13:06 |
KR-data | for example to include a half-implemented version of Java that doesn't fully work (openjdk and the IcedTea plugin) | 13:06 |
ActionParsnip | KR-data: do you mean plugin or development area? | 13:07 |
lovre | hi all | 13:07 |
lovre | how do i check my CPU consumption? | 13:07 |
gp | ActionParsnip: Sound is working fine but mic is still not working | 13:07 |
KR-data | both as far as I can see | 13:07 |
gp | lovre: top | 13:07 |
ActionParsnip | KR-data: the one from java.com works for me | 13:07 |
ActionParsnip | lovre: try top in a konsole | 13:08 |
lovre | gp: my cpu is at 99% and i am not doing anything | 13:08 |
KR-data | ActionParsnip, isn't that Suns Java? | 13:08 |
lovre | ActionParsnip: : my cpu is at 99% and i am not doing anything | 13:08 |
ActionParsnip | KR-data: indeed | 13:08 |
ActionParsnip | lovre: weird | 13:08 |
gp | lovre: is firefox running ? | 13:08 |
ActionParsnip | lovre: is the system responsive? | 13:08 |
gp | ActionParsnip: Sound is working fine but mic is still not working | 13:08 |
ActionParsnip | gp: is mic muted? | 13:08 |
KR-data | ActionParsnip, Sun's works perfect for me, the problem is that I have to spend hours on problems to find that it's because it uses the crappy implementations from IcedTea and so on | 13:09 |
lovre | ActionParsnip: system is responsive | 13:09 |
lovre | gp: firefox IS running | 13:09 |
lovre | gp: minimised | 13:09 |
ActionParsnip | lovre: then dont sweat it :) | 13:09 |
KR-data | ActionParsnip, I can't see why the choice to use those are in anyones favour | 13:09 |
lovre | ActionParsnip: :D | 13:09 |
gp | lovre: close it and then check | 13:10 |
ActionParsnip | KR-data: i dont know enough about java, sorry. I just install suns java plugin and sites work fine | 13:10 |
lovre | gp: it is 3% now :S | 13:10 |
gp | ActionParsnip: ihow to find out | 13:10 |
lovre | gp: why does firefox do this? | 13:10 |
gp | lovre: firefox is memory cpu sucking drakula | 13:11 |
ActionParsnip | gp: alsa-mixer ;) | 13:11 |
gp | all bars are up in alsa mixer | 13:11 |
KR-data | ActionParsnip, well as far as I can see that method didn't work as desired on a clean 8.04 installation, it worked on the 7.10, and the setting was kept in the upgrade, but it seems that on a clean it does everything it can to keep using the other ones | 13:11 |
lovre | gp: :D | 13:11 |
gp | lovre: use opera or Konqueror | 13:11 |
ActionParsnip | gp: what about the mute tickbx | 13:11 |
gp | ActionParsnip: where ? | 13:12 |
gp | mixer | 13:12 |
ActionParsnip | gp: http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2005/12/05/fixing-the-errant-microphone/ | 13:13 |
gp | kmix in Input it has two states red and dark red which one is one | 13:13 |
gp | is on | 13:13 |
ActionParsnip | gp: try that walkthrough | 13:15 |
sudo|omg|3|statu | guys, I need a simple question to be answered... | 13:16 |
sudo|omg|3|statu | cant find anything on google D: | 13:16 |
viperserv2 | i am getting alot of confg errors | 13:16 |
ActionParsnip | !ask | sudo|omg|3|statu | 13:16 |
ubottu | sudo|omg|3|statu: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 13:16 |
=== sudo|omg|3|statu is now known as sudo | ||
gp | ActionParsnip: in alasamixer i can see only two bars Master and PCM no mic | 13:16 |
ActionParsnip | gp: if you press m do you get them all | 13:16 |
sudo | Umm, does Ubuntu support the Wireless card 8086:4222? | 13:17 |
sudo | Gutsy is the Version | 13:17 |
ActionParsnip | sudo: should do, if not use ndiswrapper | 13:17 |
ActionParsnip | and the xp driver | 13:17 |
sudo | alrighty. | 13:17 |
sudo | not sure where to get the XP driver from... | 13:17 |
gp | ActionParsnip: m turns everything to mute ....i still get two bars | 13:17 |
sudo | obviously the XP partition, but I have no clue where to stary | 13:18 |
ActionParsnip | oh ok | 13:18 |
sudo | google 8086:4442 and you'll see what I mean D: | 13:18 |
ActionParsnip | !ndiswrapper | sudo | 13:18 |
ubottu | sudo: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 13:18 |
sudo | I like that thing | 13:18 |
sudo | Does it do any tricks? | 13:18 |
ActionParsnip | sudo: you need to google for the make of the wireless card | 13:18 |
ActionParsnip | !coffee | sudo | 13:18 |
ubottu | sudo: coffee is a caffeinated beverage made by filtering water through ground up roasted beans of the coffee plant. Flavouring to taste such as milk or cream, sugar or sweetener are often added afterwards. Not to be confused with !java | 13:18 |
sudo | heh | 13:19 |
sudo | Well, it's intel, that's what I DO know | 13:19 |
viperserv2 | Syntax error on line 47 of /etc/apache2/httpd.conf: | 13:19 |
viperserv2 | Invalid command 'ServerType', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not incl | 13:19 |
ActionParsnip | sudo: run lspci, it will tell you | 13:19 |
sudo | Where do you think I got the devid ;) | 13:19 |
viperserv2 | apache hats me | 13:20 |
ActionParsnip | the dev id is worthless, you need the manufacturer of the chip | 13:20 |
sudo | Oh oh oh | 13:20 |
ActionParsnip | viperserv2: you need to google some for configs, most are fairly similar | 13:20 |
sudo | On a probe of the WINDOWS folder I found some broadcom stuff | 13:20 |
sudo | I really hope it isn't a broadcom card >< | 13:20 |
sudo | Knowing my luck it will be the dreaded bcm4318 | 13:20 |
ActionParsnip | sudo, if it is you definately need ndiswrapper cos broadcom are refusing to make drivers cos they suck | 13:21 |
sudo | heh | 13:21 |
viperserv2 | is there another way to run a server | 13:21 |
sudo | hmm | 13:21 |
viperserv2 | apache doesn't seem to like ubuntu | 13:21 |
ActionParsnip | viperserv2: you could install LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP) | 13:21 |
viperserv2 | yeah i installed that | 13:22 |
=== plinio is now known as sotero | ||
ActionParsnip | thats all i cansuggest | 13:22 |
ActionParsnip | its noth something ive played with really | 13:23 |
ActionParsnip | anyone in #apache ? | 13:23 |
viperserv2 | hmm i use ubuntu 8.4 | 13:23 |
viperserv2 | maybe thats the problem | 13:23 |
ActionParsnip | viperserv2: see if it is | 13:23 |
sudo | ActionParsnip: It's Intel Pro/Wireless 3945ABG | 13:24 |
sudo | And no, it doesn't work out of the box :) | 13:24 |
dwidmann | sudo: it should ..... did for me anyway | 13:24 |
ActionParsnip | ok so now google for ubuntu 3945abg and you should get something useful | 13:24 |
ubottu | ActionParsnip: Error: Could not parse XML returned by Ubuntu: not well-formed (invalid token): line 377, column 84 | 13:25 |
dwidmann | sudo: I must also recommend using the iwl3945 driver instead of the ipw3945 which it will probably try to use by default. | 13:25 |
gp | ActionParsnip: its recording something now but sounds like alien voices all cracked up | 13:27 |
ActionParsnip | gp: ok its a step closer, not sure really. at least its recieving something | 13:27 |
gp | auda city is recording but cant play back | 13:28 |
ActionParsnip | and its something nea to what is inputted | 13:28 |
ActionParsnip | try changing the sound device that audacity uses | 13:28 |
gp | ActionParsnip: its giving me a hissing sound | 13:31 |
ActionParsnip | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=512849 | 13:32 |
gp | ActionParsnip: damn unbutu doesnt support hda intel which is moist common chipset | 13:33 |
ActionParsnip | then support should be on the way | 13:33 |
ActionParsnip | gp: try a reboot is what im reading here | 13:34 |
lovre | i installed a weather widget. How do i find out what ZIP i should enter for it to locate my town properly? | 13:35 |
ActionParsnip | lovre: where are you geogrphically | 13:35 |
KR-data | itn't there a dkpg command to trigger reconfiguration of a package, eg. if I by accident deleted the wrong file? | 13:35 |
dwidmann | lovre: zip = US zip code = part of address | 13:35 |
ActionParsnip | KR-data: sudo apt get install -reinstall <package name> | 13:36 |
lovre | ActionParsnip: im in Europe, Croatia | 13:36 |
ActionParsnip | or it may be --reinstall | 13:36 |
fiyawerx | does anyone use clear weather? no matter what i get could not connect to weather.com | 13:36 |
KR-data | ActionParsnip, I'll try, thanks | 13:36 |
steffen_ | anyone here have experience setting up mrtg ? | 13:47 |
azmaa | hey emilsedgh | 13:52 |
=== azmaa is now known as soroush | ||
soroush | kompiz | 13:52 |
soroush | how can I enable compiz for my kde desktop? | 13:53 |
ActionParsnip | !compiz | soroush | 13:53 |
ubottu | soroush: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion | 13:53 |
* ActionParsnip hates compiz | 13:53 | |
SlimeyPete | it is pretty naff | 13:54 |
SlimeyPete | it's the Linux equivalent of those big car exhausts which make your Vauxhall sound like a badly-damaged Ferrari | 13:54 |
sacha_ | whats the real-life equivalent of a kernel panic? | 13:56 |
ActionParsnip | sacha_: heart attack | 13:56 |
Dr_willis | BSOD :) | 13:56 |
sacha_ | windows is real-life? | 13:56 |
ActionParsnip | oh..i though REAL LIFE was literal | 13:57 |
ActionParsnip | sacha_: the kernel is the core of the system, if that stops you dont have much going on | 13:57 |
sacha_ | what about a mid-life crisis? | 13:57 |
kaminix | What does it mean if gdb says 'no stack'? | 13:58 |
ActionParsnip | sacha_: id say that was running compiz ;) | 13:58 |
ActionParsnip | kaminix: the stack is usually part of the ram, the other part is the heap | 13:59 |
kaminix | ActionParsnip: So if the stack is empty, then the data about the crash is lost? | 13:59 |
ActionParsnip | im not sure about that, id google your full error | 14:00 |
kaminix | ActionParsnip: I started kaffeine via gdb in a screen session, then kaffeine crashed x, and now I'm trying to find out why. | 14:00 |
ActionParsnip | kaminix: id reboot and see if it happens again, might just have had a funny turn | 14:01 |
ActionParsnip | kaminix: like a oneoff | 14:01 |
kaminix | ActionParsnip: No, it's like the fifth time I get kaffeine crashing X. That's why I installed the debugging symbols and started running kaffeine via gdb. | 14:02 |
ActionParsnip | then find out where the debug info goes | 14:02 |
lovre | is there something like Katapult in Gnome? | 14:03 |
kaminix | ActionParsnip: I've set a logfile now, just looking for the right command to extract it from within gdb | 14:03 |
BonesolTeraDyne | lovre: gnomedo | 14:05 |
BonesolTeraDyne | !gnomedo | 14:05 |
ubottu | Factoid gnomedo not found | 14:05 |
BonesolTeraDyne | O_o; As popular as it is, you'd expect there to be one. | 14:05 |
ActionParsnip | !gksudo | BonesolTeraDyne | 14:05 |
ubottu | BonesolTeraDyne: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why) | 14:05 |
BonesolTeraDyne | What? | 14:05 |
ActionParsnip | BonesolTeraDyne: did you mean that ^ | 14:06 |
BonesolTeraDyne | gnomedo is a katapult-like app for GNOME, actually | 14:06 |
BonesolTeraDyne | !info gnomedo | 14:06 |
ubottu | Package gnomedo does not exist in hardy | 14:06 |
ActionParsnip | yeah just checked it | 14:06 |
BonesolTeraDyne | Oh, right, you need the ppa. It's not in the repos yet | 14:06 |
ActionParsnip | i use the konsole, launches anything you need | 14:07 |
lovre | BonesolTeraDyne: ty | 14:07 |
ActionParsnip | and doesnt need a specialapp | 14:07 |
BonesolTeraDyne | lovre: Here's their Launchpad page, which has a link to installation instructions: https://launchpad.net/do/ | 14:08 |
BonesolTeraDyne | Oh, it's in the repos | 14:08 |
BonesolTeraDyne | !info gnome-do | 14:08 |
ubottu | gnome-do: Quickly perform actions on your desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version (hardy), package size 67 kB, installed size 264 kB | 14:08 |
BonesolTeraDyne | There it is | 14:08 |
ActionParsnip | id suggest yakuake | 14:09 |
ActionParsnip | !yakuake | 14:09 |
ubottu | Factoid yakuake not found | 14:09 |
ActionParsnip | it drops down like CStrike or doom console and hides when repressed, you can launch apps from that too | 14:09 |
BonesolTeraDyne | Yeah, I like it at times. I'm using Katapult quite a bit, though, since I don't have to make a new tab if I open a GUI app. | 14:11 |
ActionParsnip | new tab? | 14:11 |
BonesolTeraDyne | new terminal tab | 14:11 |
ActionParsnip | just run it with & at the end | 14:12 |
ActionParsnip | then you get control back | 14:12 |
ActionParsnip | eg | 14:12 |
ActionParsnip | firefox www.kubuntu.org & | 14:12 |
BonesolTeraDyne | Ah, didn't know about that. thanks for the tip | 14:12 |
ActionParsnip | np dude | 14:12 |
fish | bonjour | 14:14 |
ActionParsnip | salut fish | 14:15 |
fish | Je viens d'installer ma premiere distrib linux | 14:15 |
fish | un nouveau boulet a aider :p | 14:15 |
Pici | !fr | fish | 14:15 |
ubottu | fish: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr | 14:15 |
fish | sorry men | 14:16 |
ActionParsnip | ce rien monsieur | 14:16 |
alesan | is there a known issue when using knetworkmanager when switching between manual (static IP) or dhcp? | 14:19 |
alesan | it seems it is not possible to just let the computer simply work on those settings | 14:19 |
ActionParsnip | alesan: are you wanting to use static or dhcp? | 14:20 |
alesan | ActionParsnip: it is static now and I want to change to dhcp. | 14:24 |
alesan | and for example, wireless is disabled, no way to turn it on | 14:25 |
ActionParsnip | alesan: what i can suggest is if you rename /etc/network/interfaces something else (like interfaces.bak) (you'll need sudo) then reboot you will get a blank network setting and dhcp will be default, You will also need to setup the wireless again. Backing up enables you to roll back | 14:26 |
alesan | well ok. | 14:26 |
alesan | is this config file a KDE or a Ubuntu thing? | 14:26 |
ActionParsnip | its kde but the interfaces file is generic | 14:27 |
steffen_ | anyone that can help me setup snmp / mrtg ? | 14:27 |
ActionParsnip | you can also edit the file to set dhcp if you want to if you manually edit it. I dont know any other way other than the file | 14:27 |
alesan | ActionParsnip: I mean, will I find the same file on a ubuntu machine (not kubuntu) | 14:30 |
ActionParsnip | yes, its the same | 14:30 |
=== me_ is now known as apachelogger | ||
FallenHi1okiri | hi should it be possible to use / activate the svideo out in my notebook while using the livecd? (8.04) | 14:44 |
ActionParsnip | FallenHi1okiri: absolutely | 14:45 |
ActionParsnip | FallenHi1okiri: you'll just be modifying your xorg.conf then restarting xserver | 14:45 |
FallenHi1okiri | ActionParsnip: that's not good to hear :/ | 14:45 |
FallenHi1okiri | ActionParsnip: hm. so old school style - no way with systemconfig or something else? (randr and what all those new externsions for X are called?) | 14:46 |
* Dr_willis totally missed what / has to do it? | 14:46 | |
Dr_willis | Some video cards can enable tv out on the fly. Depends on the chipset/driver | 14:46 |
FallenHi1okiri | radeon 9200mobile | 14:47 |
Dr_willis | !tvout | 14:47 |
ubottu | For help with enabling the TV-Out, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaTVOutNewbieEdition (Nvidia cards) or http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Tvout (ATI cards, *untested*) | 14:47 |
FallenHi1okiri | it looks like systemconfig knows that there is a svideoout, but it is greyed out | 14:47 |
FallenHi1okiri | Dr_willis: thx | 14:47 |
Dr_willis | ati has been doing some updates to their drivers. some of that info may be old. | 14:47 |
FallenHi1okiri | hm. I'll test it this evening. thanks | 14:48 |
BluesKaj | hiyas, major Hardy updates this morning. Konq, Kate, sudo etc ...hope it's all good :) | 14:50 |
Kanniball | hi! | 14:52 |
wirechief | BluesKaj did they update the konversation irc module ? | 14:52 |
egock | hello wszystkim | 14:56 |
BluesKaj | wirechief , sorry , didn't notice | 14:56 |
BluesKaj | having probs with konversation? | 14:56 |
egock | after many hours I've finished configuration on connection witch internet on kubuntu:] | 14:57 |
wirechief_intel | BluesKaj: well i got my answer in kbuntu-kde4 looks like it needs updating to work in kde4 | 14:57 |
wirechief_intel | BluesKaj: was told it was not updated yet but thought i would ask someone who got recent updates | 14:57 |
=== fkeaz is now known as flea | ||
BluesKaj | I ran it in kde4 a while ago and it seemed ok , but I removed kde4 after a few days | 14:59 |
BluesKaj | wirechief , I'll keep an eye the updater, since it's really slow downloading the updates . I'll let you know. | 15:00 |
BluesKaj | wirechief_intel, there's obviously a lot of traffic on the repos | 15:02 |
vallhalla81 | can i update ubuntu to kubuntu or do i need to re install? | 15:03 |
SlimeyPete | vallhalla81: use synaptic/apt-get to install kubuntu-desktop | 15:03 |
SlimeyPete | then you'll be able to select KDE from your login menu. | 15:03 |
Dr_willis | vallhalla81, you can easially install ubuntu-desktop on a kubuntu machine, or visa-versa | 15:03 |
=== snake_ is now known as albuntu | ||
Dr_willis | You can eveen install xubuntu-desktop and proberly a dozen+ other window managers/desktops if you want to learn how to use them all. | 15:04 |
albuntu | how can i remove the shortcut icon that appears in the desktop when i link to some folder ? | 15:04 |
vallhalla81 | SlimeyPete: Dr_willis: thats cool thank you what window managers can i use ? | 15:04 |
Dr_willis | albuntu, dont put links in the Desktop directory? anything in there shows up on the desktop. | 15:05 |
SlimeyPete | vallhalla81: there are dozens available. XFCE (xubuntu-desktop), fluxbox and enlightenment are popular. | 15:05 |
Dr_willis | vallhalla81, check the package manager, trym them out. | 15:05 |
=== me_ is now known as apachelogger | ||
Dr_willis | Some are VERY minimal. | 15:05 |
vallhalla81 | Dr_willis: SlimeyPete: will do thank you | 15:05 |
albuntu | Dr_willis: i have a folder in home that i want to create a link to that folder in my desktop. i create the link to the desktop but it shows the little arrow. is there anyway to remove that arrow | 15:06 |
Dr_willis | albuntu, never noticed. I perfer to just put shortcuts/bookmarks to places in the file manager. not having icons cluttering up the desktop. | 15:07 |
_Shade_ | hi there | 15:10 |
_Shade_ | could anyone help me with setting up a wireless ad-hoc connection please? | 15:11 |
aaroncampbell | What kind of difficulties might I face if I do a new install, but keep my /home ? | 15:11 |
BluesKaj | wirechief_intel, didn't see a konversation update | 15:11 |
jimmy51vinsky | what's the utility in kubuntu to convert a RPM into DEB ? | 15:12 |
SlimeyPete | alien | 15:13 |
SlimeyPete | !alien | 15:13 |
ubottu | RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous) | 15:13 |
Dr_willis | aaroncampbell, ive only seen a few issues with the old configs for gnome or kde goofing up on newer kde/gnome versions. Other then that. Not many issues at all | 15:15 |
smeril | how can i get torK to work i have it installed but i cant manage to get privoxy to work | 15:17 |
Dr_willis | I had to carefully read the Tor/Privoxy docs. :) I was thinking there was a tor file you wanted to edit, or a privoxy file. | 15:18 |
Dr_willis | I dont have them on this system - so i dont rember what i had to do | 15:18 |
Dr_willis | !tor | 15:18 |
ubottu | TOR is a project aiming to provide anonymous connections via specialized !proxies - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TOR for information and help - Note that TOR is blocked on most Ubuntu IRC channels, please see !hostmask and !tor-gpg | 15:18 |
jabba | is there a kde toy for working with lvm/raid? | 15:20 |
smeril | cheers i will try | 15:21 |
jimmy51vinsky | has anyone here installed RealVNC under kubuntu? | 15:28 |
jimmy51vinsky | has anyone here installed RealVNC under kubuntu? | 15:29 |
jimmy51vinsky | (sorry) | 15:29 |
jimmy51vinsky | didn't mean to double send | 15:29 |
phoenixz | Every morning when I start working, updatedb and beagle also start to do their thing which results in my laptop being unworkable for about 45 minutes because my core2 processor is 2x 90% in waits... Is there any way I can make them do this on another moment? like, when I am NOT using the laptop? or doing their work by default on a very low priority | 15:29 |
phoenixz | ? | 15:30 |
Dr_willis | updatedb is ran from a crontab job i think | 15:30 |
Dr_willis | yoyu could just disable it. | 15:30 |
phoenixz | Dr_willis> well, I want to be able to use the locate command.. can't it just run on a much lower priority somehow? | 15:32 |
Dr_willis | You can alwyas call 'sudo updatedb' manually befor you want to use the locate command to update the database | 15:32 |
sudo | lol | 15:33 |
Dr_willis | check the /etc/cron.daily stuff - perhaps ya can use nice command, to set the niceness level. | 15:33 |
sudo | that SO highlighted me | 15:33 |
sudo | I swear I get highlighted every 10 seconds in here >< | 15:33 |
Dr_willis | but even a low nice level will be accessing the drive a lot. | 15:33 |
vlt | Hello. Can I activate a tree view (like Konqueror had) in Dolphin? | 15:47 |
yuikook | hi | 15:47 |
yuikook | hi everbody | 15:47 |
alban_ | hi | 15:51 |
phoenixz | Dr_willis> call updatedb right before a locate.. and then wait 45 minutes for updatedb to finish, and THEN I can locate.. :P | 15:52 |
=== Blueskaj_ is now known as BluesKaj | ||
vbgunz | I think I am automatically downloading the KDE 4 desktop. is this correct? all I did was apt-get update and I see a bunch of stuff that is taking me forever to download... the version numbers are starting at 4: ... | 15:57 |
vbgunz | probably not, taking forever though ... 4:3.5.9 ... | 15:58 |
BluesKaj | the mplayer plugin isn't playing in FF3B5...any suggestions . I have all the other xine plugins installed. | 16:01 |
BluesKaj | the mplayer plugin loads but doesn't play | 16:01 |
egock | i have just downloading firefox. can somebody tell me, how to instal that? | 16:03 |
=== nix_ is now known as _nix_ | ||
_nix_ | hi all. anyone know wheather archive.ubuntu.com is down? coz all apt is doing is waiting for headers.. | 16:08 |
_Shade_ | can anyone help me to set up a wireless connection? | 16:19 |
sudo | what's the card. | 16:19 |
sudo | _Shade_: What is your card? | 16:19 |
_Shade_ | linksys wireless g. lspci says 13b1:0020 linksys | 16:20 |
sudo | hmm | 16:20 |
sudo | don't know an exact model number? | 16:20 |
alesan | I have the same problem os _Shade_, the wireless connection worked on my girlfriend's PC, bu after upgrading to 8.04 it won't find any network anymore. | 16:20 |
sudo | try googling the devid then, see what comes up | 16:20 |
_Shade_ | the other machine is a windows box and i would like them to work in the ad-hoc network | 16:20 |
sudo | alesan: just go back to gutsy? | 16:20 |
alesan | why should I do that>?? | 16:21 |
andres | kubuntu in spanish | 16:21 |
andres | plaese | 16:21 |
sudo | hola. | 16:21 |
jdavies | !es | andres, sudo | 16:21 |
_Shade_ | sudo: well that is what lsusb said | 16:21 |
sudo | huh? | 16:21 |
sudo | what will that do jd? | 16:21 |
andres | yes/es | 16:22 |
Pici | sudo: andres: /join #ubuntu-es | 16:22 |
andres | thank | 16:22 |
_Shade_ | sudo you asked if i knew tthe exact model name | 16:22 |
sudo | oh oh | 16:22 |
TimS | In kubuntu, is it possible to run KDE4 programs in KDE3? | 16:22 |
_Shade_ | so what do i need to do... can i do anything more? | 16:23 |
sudo | andres: Venido a #ubuntu-es | 16:23 |
lovre | one question. I am used to kde feature of automatically reloading applications that were open on next login. Now im trying out gnome, and when i start application (example Skype) and i log out and log in, it doesnt start. Does any1 know how to make it same as kde?) | 16:24 |
_Shade_ | alesan: it didn't work on gutsy neither on hardy for me | 16:24 |
Faust-C | hate to ask here but #samba is dead | 16:25 |
Faust-C | anyone here good w/ samba | 16:25 |
* Faust-C waits | 16:25 | |
jimmy51vinsky | how long should apt-file update take the first time it's run? | 16:29 |
lovre | jimmy51vinsky: i would bet on not long | 16:29 |
Pici | jimmy51vinsky: it takes a few minutes, but perhaps longer depending on whether the mirrors are having issues or not (which some of them are now) | 16:30 |
geega | hi.. i remove the sound card icon from the task bar" .. | 16:32 |
geega | before that i mute it heheeheee | 16:32 |
_Shade_ | any ideas about the wifi connection? i am in trouble | 16:32 |
geega | how can i get back that | 16:32 |
jimmy51vinsky | ok, i guess the mirrors are the problem | 16:33 |
jimmy51vinsky | it ran for 15 minutes, so i aborted and started again. it's at 5 now | 16:33 |
jimmy51vinsky | might be a good time for lunch, i guess | 16:33 |
jimmy51vinsky | so what's up with the repositories today? | 16:42 |
kkathman | jimmy51vinsky: new updates to Hardy, and everyone is updating | 16:43 |
horux | alguno aqui que hable en español??? | 16:43 |
kkathman | !es | 16:44 |
ubottu | Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda. | 16:44 |
jimmy51vinsky | 4.6 MB of updates is enough to slow it all down? | 16:44 |
horux | ok | 16:44 |
kkathman | jimmy51vinsky: when hundreds or thousands are getting them, yes | 16:44 |
kkathman | you can always reset your sources.lst and try another mirror | 16:44 |
kkathman | hardly worth the effort tho, mine took less than 15 minutes | 16:45 |
Faust-C | hmm im scared to update my kde i dont want anything to break | 16:47 |
ASUS-tek | yoo to all | 16:56 |
JackWinter | are there any updates to the printing system in hardy ? do i still have to get the canon drivers for a pixma ip4200 and install manually with alien ? i read something about hardy including gutenberg ? | 16:56 |
effie | nixternal, ping | 16:56 |
ASUS-tek | and good late evening to my fellow south asians | 16:56 |
=== effie is now known as effie_jayx | ||
chupie | ok, i am trying to get mp3 support working in 8.04 i've installed kubuntu-restricted-extras, that didn't work, libxine1-ffmpeg won't install.. i am lost now | 17:07 |
jimmy51vinsky | where's a list of mirrors to switch to? | 17:08 |
Tarski | Hello. I'm having trouble displaying the amount of charge left in the battery of my laptop on kde | 17:10 |
Tarski | it used to be displayed in the panel near the clock but it's disappeared and i dont know how to get it back :-( | 17:11 |
Dr_willis | phoenixz, on my slow laptop. updatedb never seems to take more then 5 min. its only 60gb however. | 17:15 |
Dr_willis | night all | 17:15 |
=== Tarski is now known as Azguz | ||
viperserv2 | hmm how do u open deb files? | 17:21 |
advanced | hi guys | 17:23 |
advanced | I need help | 17:23 |
advanced | How to update my Kubuntu to kubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron ? | 17:23 |
Azguz | do u want to install the .deb file viper? | 17:25 |
advanced | dont know :D...i want to upgrade Kubuntu | 17:26 |
Azguz | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades/Kubuntu ta da | 17:26 |
guilhermeblanco | hi guys | 17:29 |
guilhermeblanco | I have a fail in my Kaffeine after dist-upgrade | 17:29 |
guilhermeblanco | Loading of player part 'XinePart' failed. | 17:30 |
guilhermeblanco | I reinstalled kaffeine, libxine, etc | 17:31 |
guilhermeblanco | xine-ui loads the DVD, but with no audio | 17:31 |
=== kewark is now known as krawek | ||
zubin | hello | 17:32 |
zubin | I just opened up Konversation for the first time... and this place was already a preset | 17:33 |
zubin | what kind of IRC is this? | 17:33 |
zubin | Kubuntu support? | 17:33 |
guilhermeblanco | yes | 17:34 |
zubin | nice..... | 17:34 |
stdin | zubin: have a look at the topic, at the top of the window | 17:34 |
zubin | FAQ, nice | 17:34 |
stdin | which reminds me | 17:35 |
=== stdin changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FAQ | Get Hardy Kubuntu (KDE3) CDs https://shipit.kubuntu.org | Pastes: http://paste.ubuntu.com | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | KDE 4 support in #kubuntu-kde4 | 8.04 Released! http://kubuntu.org/news/8.04-release | ||
jabba | is there an rss feed of the changes coming out? i just noticed that there were 40 updates available. | 17:36 |
stdin | no rss feed, but there's a mailing list https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/hardy-changes/ | 17:37 |
jabba | is that just the commits? i try to avoid the lists because of all the political strife | 17:37 |
zubin | guilhermeblanco: do you have all the dvd libraries installed? | 17:37 |
zubin | including the restricted ones? | 17:37 |
stdin | jabba: just uploads, no "chat" | 17:37 |
guilhermeblanco | After a dist-upgrade, my kaffeine stopped working. I tried both engines (kaffeine-xine and kaffeine-gstreamer). In kaffeine-xine, I reports me this error: Loading of player part 'XinePart' failed, and tells me one of the audio codecs could not be loaded. In kaffeine-gstreamer, it tells me it could not load alsasink. I removed and reinstalled libxine1 and gstreamer, with no success. If I start xine-ui, it loads the video, but with no audio. | 17:37 |
jabba | thanks stdin | 17:38 |
guilhermeblanco | better explanation of my situation zubin | 17:38 |
guilhermeblanco | zubin: which ones do you mention as restricted? | 17:38 |
jabba | stdin: what about kde4 changes? | 17:39 |
stdin | jabba: all uploads to hardy get announced there base/gnome/kde3/kde4/etc | 17:39 |
jabba | great, thx | 17:39 |
jimmy51vinsky | apt-file update = "can't get http://us.archive.blahblahblahblah/Contents-i386.gz" | 17:39 |
guilhermeblanco | the only one I can remember is libk3b2-extracodecs... which I don't have installed | 17:39 |
jimmy51vinsky | after about 15-20 minutes | 17:40 |
guilhermeblanco | zubin: " | 17:40 |
zubin | well this is the restricted on i have: libdvdcss2. and the others i've got are libdvdnav4,libdvdread3 | 17:40 |
guilhermeblanco | libdvdread3 is only necessary if you use kmplayer, afaik | 17:40 |
zubin | tried another backend such as Mplayer or VLC ? | 17:40 |
zubin | so xine doesn't use libdvdread3? really? | 17:42 |
zubin | do you have it installed? | 17:42 |
guilhermeblanco | mplayer does not work... do not tried VLC... oglex starts, but crashes after 2 seconds | 17:42 |
guilhermeblanco | zubin: I have libdvdread3 installed | 17:43 |
zubin | have you tried starting them from the command line to see what messages show up? | 17:43 |
guilhermeblanco | no... give me a second... Iḿ checking the other libs you told me... | 17:44 |
tribaldata | guys : Anyone had this issue, once you initiated a reboot from console the server hang and ask for root password for maintenance or hit CTRL-D. | 17:44 |
guilhermeblanco | it's cursious because kaffeine was working | 17:44 |
zubin | libdvdcss2. is important for encrypted dvd's | 17:44 |
guilhermeblanco | before the dist upgrade | 17:44 |
zubin | working in 7.10 ? | 17:44 |
BluesKaj | guilhermeblanco, try ubuntu-restricted-extras | 17:44 |
guilhermeblanco | zubin: yes | 17:44 |
zubin | thats a good idea | 17:44 |
mil | ?? | 17:44 |
guilhermeblanco | ubuntu-restricted or kubuntu-restricted? it has both | 17:45 |
zubin | aptitude install ubuntu-restricted-extras | 17:45 |
zubin | kubuntu | 17:45 |
zubin | or both | 17:45 |
jussi01 | use kubuntu | 17:45 |
guilhermeblanco | libdvdcss2 does not exist in my repo | 17:45 |
BluesKaj | guilhermeblanco, they're the same , depends on your desktop | 17:45 |
zubin | let me check my sources file | 17:46 |
BluesKaj | guilhermeblanco, you need the medibuntu repository | 17:46 |
guilhermeblanco | ok... which address? | 17:46 |
BluesKaj | !medibuntu | 17:46 |
ubottu | medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org | 17:46 |
guilhermeblanco | thanks | 17:46 |
guilhermeblanco | let me first add restricted... 28m | 17:47 |
kurt | ciao | 17:48 |
kurt | c'è nessuno? | 17:48 |
zubin | ## PLF REPOSITORY (Unsupported. May contain illegal packages. Use at own risk.) | 17:48 |
zubin | # deb http://packages.medibuntu.org/ gutsy free non-free | 17:48 |
zubin | deb http://packages.medibuntu.org/ hardy free non-free | 17:48 |
kurt | porco dio| | 17:49 |
tribaldata | anyone know about this issue?? Upon reboot getting the sequence of reboot halt because the console is asking for the Root password for maintenance or Hit CTRL-D | 17:49 |
kurt | pd | 17:49 |
kurt | pd | 17:49 |
kurt | pd | 17:49 |
kurt | pd | 17:49 |
kurt | d | 17:49 |
kurt | d | 17:49 |
kurt | d | 17:49 |
zubin | tribaldata: thats because it wants to do either a file system check or it can't find your root partition | 17:49 |
kurt | dd | 17:49 |
kurt | d | 17:49 |
kurt | d | 17:49 |
kurt | d | 17:49 |
kurt | d | 17:49 |
kurt | d | 17:49 |
kurt | d | 17:50 |
kurt | d | 17:50 |
kurt | d | 17:50 |
Daviey | !ops | kurt | 17:50 |
zubin | kurt? | 17:50 |
ubottu | kurt: Help! Riddell, Tm_T, fdoving, Mez, stdin, jpatrick, seth_k, apokryphos, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, gnomefreak, Hawkwind, trappist, LjL, Jucato, haggai, fooishbar, crimsun, seth, apokryphos, DBO, nixternal, PriceChild or jussi01! | 17:50 |
kurt | dd | 17:50 |
kurt | ddddddd | 17:50 |
stdin | I look awaw for onw second... | 17:50 |
stdin | *away | 17:50 |
tribaldata | zubin: thanks you i'll do a fsck upon reboot :) | 17:50 |
jussi01 | stdin: same... | 17:50 |
zubin | guilhermeblanco: another good one to have is: | 17:50 |
zubin | deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu hardy partner | 17:50 |
zubin | deb-src http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu hardy partner | 17:50 |
guilhermeblanco | I have them... | 17:51 |
ASUS-tek | u have what | 17:51 |
zubin | tribaldata: make sure the partition you're doing an fsck on is not mounted | 17:51 |
guilhermeblanco | and I think that I lost my w32codecs... | 17:51 |
stdin | tribaldata: you're booting into rescue mode, and apparently have a root pass set | 17:51 |
zubin | i've done that before and it killed my partition | 17:51 |
guilhermeblanco | zubin: dunno why... seems my sources.list was overwritten | 17:52 |
tribaldata | stdin: the system is booting up normally it's only when i iniitated a reboot | 17:52 |
guilhermeblanco | I lost my AsusOLED repo too | 17:52 |
=== ville_ is now known as Damenheth | ||
tribaldata | zubin: yeah i know i learned it the hard way to | 17:52 |
zubin | well when you do a dist-upgrade it disables the non-official repositories | 17:52 |
zubin | i actually used the "gui" version of dist-upgrade and it actually just disabled it | 17:53 |
guilhermeblanco | zubin: so that may be the issue! | 17:53 |
hydrogen | d? | 17:53 |
stdin | tribaldata: what does it say in System Settings > Advanced Tab > Login Manager > Shutdown Tab for "Reboot"? | 17:53 |
zubin | i'm not sure if w32codecs is necessary for dvd's...just downloaded avi/mpg's etc...but i could be wrong on that one.... | 17:53 |
tribaldata | stdin: oh sorry i don't use the GUI i only work in console for this machien | 17:54 |
ccc4 | can any one help me am a newbiee and i need help my friend downloaded java 4 mee but some how i cant go on some sites | 17:54 |
stdin | zubin: w32codecs is not needed for DVDs, DVDs are just MPEG streams | 17:54 |
tribaldata | stdin: it's a old box with no X in it | 17:54 |
stdin | tribaldata: how are you rebooting then? | 17:54 |
ccc4 | k | 17:54 |
zubin | guilhermeblanco: i've got a pretty good sources.list if you want me to send it to you....not too many unofficial repo's | 17:55 |
tribaldata | stdin: init 6 shutdown -r now | 17:55 |
ccc4 | some one help plz im a newbie and need help to get java my firend already installed it but sum site dnt work | 17:55 |
stdin | tribaldata: both or just the one? | 17:55 |
guilhermeblanco | zubin: please do it... email: guilhermeblanco gmail | 17:55 |
tribaldata | stdin: most of the time it will be init 6 trought ssh | 17:55 |
zubin | ccc4: aptitude install kubuntu-restricted-extras | 17:56 |
stdin | tribaldata: what version are you running? | 17:56 |
zubin | guilhermeblanco: sure | 17:56 |
tribaldata | stdin: but i learned that the shutdown -r now is less intrusive for the process | 17:56 |
tribaldata | stdin: 6.06 LTS | 17:57 |
guilhermeblanco | zubin: added the medibuntu and now I have 17 packages updatable | 17:57 |
guilhermeblanco | perfect | 17:57 |
zubin | sent it.... | 17:57 |
zubin | nice | 17:57 |
stdin | tribaldata: have you checked your /etc/inittab ? | 17:57 |
tribaldata | stdin: what should i check for ? | 17:58 |
guilhermeblanco | zubin: thanks | 17:58 |
zubin | np | 17:58 |
stdin | tribaldata: are you in terminal now or do you have X? | 17:58 |
tribaldata | stdin: terminal only | 17:59 |
tribaldata | stdin: i just check the file did a cat on it seem normal to me the reboot says init 6 and i have also the atl-ctrl-del combo key in there | 18:00 |
ccc4 | help plz | 18:00 |
stdin | tribaldata: ok, try comparing it to this one http://stdin.me.uk/inittab you can just wget it and diff -u inittab /etc/inittab to see the differences | 18:00 |
ccc4 | i have to downlaod java | 18:00 |
tribaldata | stdin: checking | 18:00 |
zubin | tribaldata: did you change your inittab ? | 18:01 |
stdin | that one is from feisty or edgy I think | 18:01 |
tribaldata | zubin: not recently | 18:02 |
zubin | stdin: wouldn't feisty or edgy use a different inittab because they use upstart rather than sys-v ? | 18:02 |
stdin | zubin: no, upstart doesn't have an inittab as such | 18:03 |
stdin | zubin: you only have one when you upgraded from a version before upstart | 18:03 |
zubin | ok, cool... yeah i don | 18:03 |
zubin | 't | 18:03 |
tribaldata | zubin: stdin : just check the inittab and they are both the same | 18:04 |
zubin | have an inittab any more on 8.04 | 18:04 |
zubin | cool | 18:04 |
zubin | tribaldata: so where exactly are you right now? | 18:04 |
* tribaldata perpexlt | 18:04 | |
mr_clark | How do I install ATI drivers on Kubuntu with KDE4? I tried following instructions for Ubuntu with no luck. | 18:04 |
mr_clark | !ati | 18:04 |
ubottu | For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 18:04 |
stdin | tribaldata: next step is to check what's in /etc/rc6.d/, see if it's starting sulogin somehow | 18:04 |
tribaldata | terminal in my server looking at the /etc/inittab | 18:05 |
tribaldata | stdin: checking | 18:05 |
guilhermeblanco | zubin: I updated the packages and no my kaffeine crashes when I change the engine. | 18:05 |
tribaldata | stdin: in that folder there is no sulogin | 18:05 |
zubin | tribaldata: has your server already booted up? | 18:05 |
zubin | guilhermeblanco: what engine are you using? | 18:06 |
guilhermeblanco | as default I use kaffeine-xine | 18:06 |
tribaldata | zubin: yup yup and functional too it just hang when i ask for a reboot which is incovenient since this box is sitting in between two floor | 18:06 |
mr_clark | I tried installing linux-restricted-modules-generic and restricted-manager-kde but it says that the linux-restricted-modules-generic is already the newest version and that it's selecting jockey-kde instead of restricted-manager-kde. I tried running jockey-kde but it says that I don't have any proprietary drivers installed. | 18:06 |
guilhermeblanco | when I switch to kaffeine-gstreamer, it tells my it could not load the alsasink. Then it tries to find another one... it does not find and crashes the app | 18:07 |
guilhermeblanco | I trtied then to move to gstreamer as default | 18:07 |
tribaldata | stdin: should i have an sulogin in my /etc/rc6.d | 18:07 |
zubin | guilhermeblanco: these are the ones i've got loaded on mine: | 18:07 |
stdin | tribaldata: no, sulogin is the single user mode thing | 18:08 |
zubin | amarok-xine libarts1-xine libxine-dev libxine1 libxine1-bin libxine1-console libxine1-ffmpeg libxine1-misc-plugins libxine1-plugins libxine1-x libxinerama-dev totem-xine xine-ui | 18:09 |
zubin | guilhermeblanco: start it from the command line and see what messages show up | 18:09 |
geega | hi.. i remove the sound card icon from the task bar" .. | 18:10 |
zubin | tribaldata: i have an 6.06 lts server at home...i'll give you a list of my rc.6 | 18:10 |
geega | before that i mute it heheeheee | 18:10 |
geega | how can i get back that | 18:10 |
tribaldata | zubin : thanks :) | 18:10 |
stdin | tribaldata: is there anything like S??single ? | 18:10 |
geega | anybody have idea on sound system | 18:10 |
tribaldata | stdin: nope nothing of the sort | 18:11 |
zubin | tribaldata: K11atd K11cron K20makedev K20nvidia-kernel K20rsync K20ssh K25hwclock.sh K50alsa-utils K86ppp K89klogd K90sysklogd S01linux-restricted-modules-common S20sendsigs S30urandom S31umountnfs.sh S35networking S40umountfs S49evms S60umountroot S90reboot | 18:11 |
tribaldata | geega: open back mixer you shoudl be good :) | 18:11 |
zubin | tribaldata: keep in mind that this is a real bare bones ubuntu install | 18:12 |
tribaldata | zubin: i see that :) mine got more but it have all of yours... question i see a dead entrie in there how shoudl i go about removing it ? | 18:12 |
geega | what is the command line options for that | 18:13 |
geega | tribaldata | 18:13 |
geega | there is no mixer command line tool | 18:13 |
guilhermeblanco | zubin: I'll pastebin what I get now from amarok and kaffeine | 18:13 |
tribaldata | geega: you trying to open back the sound card in X is that correct ? | 18:13 |
zubin | guilhermeblanco: sure | 18:13 |
geega | yes | 18:14 |
=== neversfelde_ is now known as neversfelde | ||
tribaldata | geega: kmix | 18:14 |
kurt | jubbaah | 18:14 |
zubin | guilhermeblanco: what about if you just run plain old xine from the command line just to test. | 18:14 |
guilhermeblanco | zubin: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10565/ | 18:14 |
geega | <tribaldata> thanks | 18:14 |
zubin | since i upgraded to 8.04 i haven't tried a dvd | 18:15 |
guilhermeblanco | from Amarok | 18:15 |
kurt | oh shit | 18:15 |
geega | got it :) | 18:15 |
kurt | fuck american | 18:15 |
tribaldata | geega: np :) | 18:15 |
guilhermeblanco | let me try kaffeine and then xine | 18:15 |
Riddell | getting faster stdin :) | 18:15 |
tribaldata | kurt: lacking some attention ? | 18:15 |
stdin | Riddell: I wasn't making coffee this time ;) | 18:15 |
Kiruwa2 | hehe | 18:16 |
zubin | guilhermeblanco: do you get xine at all? | 18:16 |
zubin | kaffeine's a front end to a lot of sound enjinges and has a tendency to crash if something isn't correct... | 18:17 |
guilhermeblanco | zubin: yes | 18:17 |
zubin | if xine works, then we know kaffeine is the problem | 18:17 |
guilhermeblanco | libxine1, lixine1-all-plugins, ... | 18:17 |
guilhermeblanco | xine-ui, ... | 18:18 |
tribaldata | zubin: how would i go about removing a dead entry in the /etc/rc6.d/ folder | 18:18 |
tribaldata | do you just rm on it or there is something else to do ? | 18:19 |
zubin | tribaldata: any thing in the /etc/rc6.d folder is just a symbolic link to /etc/init.d so you can just do an rm on it | 18:19 |
stdin | tribaldata: everything in /etc/rc?.d/ should be a symlink, so rm sould be ok | 18:19 |
zubin | it'll be fine | 18:19 |
smeril | does anybody know how to use rar crack? | 18:19 |
tribaldata | hehehe :) thanks guys | 18:19 |
smeril | i installed it from http://www.ubuntu-unleashed.com/2008/04/howto-crack-rar-7z-and-zip-files-with.html | 18:20 |
smeril | but when i try to use it it says that i dont have the right permissoin | 18:20 |
jimmy51vinsky | when i try to run vnc config, i get an error saying "error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3" | 18:22 |
jimmy51vinsky | apt-file doesn't show that file in any package.... what should i do? | 18:22 |
=== snake_ is now known as albuntu | ||
smeril | how can i get root user mode? | 18:22 |
hydrogen | !root | 18:23 |
ubottu | Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo | 18:23 |
stdin | smeril: sudo -i | 18:23 |
guilhermeblanco | zubin: I got a lot of errors in xine | 18:23 |
guilhermeblanco | and I cannot copy/paste them... only select | 18:23 |
zubin | hey guys, sorry i've got to get back to workk really quick, i'll be back on soon....guilhermeblanco: email me the errors | 18:24 |
zubin | i'll be back soon | 18:24 |
guilhermeblanco | k | 18:24 |
tribaldata | zubin: thanks for the help | 18:24 |
guilhermeblanco | zubin: thanks in advance | 18:25 |
_strog | hi peeps | 18:31 |
_strog | i wanted to know how well is KDE4 | 18:32 |
_strog | is it stable | 18:32 |
_strog | ?? | 18:32 |
tribaldata | _strog: got to play with a little bit pretty good from my point of view | 18:32 |
_strog | tribaldata: what do u mean? | 18:33 |
tribaldata | _strog: from my testing it was pretty stable | 18:33 |
tribaldata | _strog: i only play with it in a VM for a week but it was stable | 18:33 |
_strog | ok | 18:33 |
gene | firefox suddenly says gtk is too old, but adept installed it. WTH? | 18:36 |
_strog | tribaldata: i get the follwing message | 18:37 |
_strog | No command arguments supplied! | 18:38 |
gene | firefox is, ssystem is 6.06 LTS, not upgradeable till emc catches up | 18:38 |
_strog | Usage: kdesudo [-u <runas>] <command> | 18:38 |
tribaldata | _strog: and you get this while doing what exactly / | 18:38 |
tribaldata | ? | 18:38 |
_strog | KdeSudo will now exit | 18:38 |
_strog | at startup | 18:38 |
tribaldata | gene : why you running a old version of Firefox ? | 18:39 |
tribaldata | _strog: be a bit more verbose ;) you are in terminal running which command ? | 18:39 |
tinel | Hi all, i've got a problem running my webcam, my laptop is a PackardBell Easynote mx 65 with an integrated bison cam, lsusb gives this response: | 18:40 |
_strog | it is right after i log into my account in kde | 18:40 |
kreib | whats the best vector drawing program? | 18:40 |
tinel | Bus 005 Device 002: ID 0402:5602 ALi Corp. | 18:40 |
tinel | Bus 005 Device 001: ID 0000:0000 | 18:40 |
tinel | Bus 002 Device 001: ID 0000:0000 | 18:40 |
tinel | Bus 003 Device 001: ID 0000:0000 | 18:40 |
tinel | Bus 004 Device 001: ID 0000:0000 | 18:40 |
tinel | Bus 001 Device 001: ID 0000:0000 | 18:40 |
tinel | can anyone help me with drivers? | 18:40 |
tinel | kreib the best one is inkscape | 18:40 |
kreib | thx | 18:41 |
gene | kubuntu-6.06 LTS, is not upgradeable till emc catches up, its running a milling machine here | 18:41 |
tribaldata | _strog: did your desktop load at all or you only get this error ? | 18:41 |
_strog | tribaldata: i get this message, i click ok and it starts up normally | 18:42 |
gene | tribaldata: kubuntu-6.06 LTS, is not upgradeable till emc catches up, its running a milling machine here | 18:42 |
=== dimi_ is now known as sof | ||
dewd | hardy + compiz + nvidia = problem ?? all stuff like dropdown boxes, startmenu etc only popup for about an second then they dissapear :-( | 18:42 |
tribaldata | gene : not sure really i would need more digging let me check | 18:42 |
gene | ok, I'm lurking | 18:43 |
=== sof is now known as madurita69 | ||
tribaldata | _strog: could you check the log for dmesg check what it says in there | 18:43 |
_strog | tribaldata: anything specific to look for? | 18:44 |
dewd | none of the machines I upgraded are working as good as before really crappy this is | 18:44 |
feodal | народ подскажите а на jabber канал русский как зайти?? | 18:44 |
tribaldata | _strog: recreate the problem by login in and out then go right away in your log and check the last line | 18:44 |
tribaldata | gene: fill me in a bit more with your issue... sorry for the repeat i got the retention of a hamster today | 18:44 |
_strog | tribaldata: dmdeg or some log file? | 18:45 |
tribaldata | _strog: dmesg or /var/log/syslog maybe | 18:46 |
tribaldata | _strog: as soon as my server finish crunching i'll be able to tell you | 18:46 |
gene | tribaldata: Thats my line, old age etc. firefox is adept installed and did run ok on this 6.06 LTS system but now is exiting with the message that gtk is too old. | 18:46 |
gene | I would have thiought adept nwould have resolved that? | 18:46 |
tribaldata | gene: same here normally does | 18:47 |
_strog | tribaldata: i got the following | 18:48 |
_strog | ubuntu anacron[5214]: Normal exit (3jobs run) | 18:49 |
contrast83 | Greets, everyone... | 18:49 |
tribaldata | gene: i'm looking at some page for you hoepfully will find something | 18:49 |
tribaldata | _strog: nothign to worrie about this one | 18:50 |
_strog | ok | 18:50 |
tribaldata | _strog: check this out | 18:51 |
tribaldata | _strog: Normally the errors are written to a file called ".xsession-errors" that | 18:51 |
tribaldata | is located in your home directory. | 18:51 |
gene | tribaldata: removed it, reinstalled it, works again. Go figure... Thanks | 18:51 |
_strog | tribaldata: ok ill check | 18:51 |
jimulis | hi | 18:51 |
contrast83 | Anyone here have much experience with setting up an FTP server? I've got a relatively complex layout with my partitions and a few symlinks... | 18:52 |
tribaldata | gene: lol murphy law's at is best :) | 18:52 |
vbgunz | I hate when Konqueror freezes. you end up killing it and never get back the tabs you were last on :( | 18:53 |
tribaldata | vbgunz: that why i use Firefox with tabs manager | 18:53 |
jimulis | anyone can tell me how can i set my Disk drive like a network drive in a network for windows?and who is the program in Kubuntu who can react with winchat of XP? | 18:53 |
contrast83 | vbgunz: Try using Firefox for pages with lots of Flash / crappy Javascript? Those are usually the only things that crash Konqueror on my end. | 18:54 |
vbgunz | I completely disabled Flash in Konqueror and only have Flash in Firefox... | 18:54 |
jimulis | im new in kubundu and i need some help please | 18:54 |
vbgunz | when flash was the problem, killing flash usually solved the freezing :( | 18:54 |
_strog | tribaldata: ok here it is kdeinit4: PID 7865 terminated | 18:56 |
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contrast83 | ...I've got vsftpd set to chroot a remote client, and this essentially renders *everything* I want to share unreachable. I was just messing with "mount --bind", and it seems that would work, but I'd have to have nearly half a dozen folders binded if I go that route, which just feels dirty. Anyone have a better solution? | 18:56 |
_strog | tribaldata: and more to come: kbuildsycoca4(7865) kdemain: Reusing existing ksycoca | 18:57 |
contrast83 | _strog: Do you play Quake Wars? | 18:58 |
jimulis | can anyone tell me at least what is the final edition of Kubuntu the 7.10? | 19:00 |
kristian__ | i thing 8.04 hardy heron | 19:00 |
contrast83 | jimulis: Final edition? | 19:00 |
jimulis | i make upgrade from 7.00 i thing to 7.04 and now it upgrading from 7.4 to 7.10...why it cant ugrade to the final? | 19:01 |
jimulis | ok not final | 19:01 |
jimulis | the last.. | 19:02 |
contrast83 | jimulis: *Ubuntu gets a new version every six months, but you're never really required to upgrade from one to the next if you don't want to. | 19:02 |
contrast83 | Ahh, you mean why can't you just go straight from 7.04 -> 8.04? | 19:02 |
jimulis | but i want to have the last version of programms i use...:) | 19:02 |
jimulis | yes:) | 19:02 |
=== arslanvb is now known as ddd | ||
contrast83 | jimulis: Err... They're still working on that... Are you using the GUI updater? | 19:03 |
jimulis | the graphics with windows yes... | 19:03 |
contrast83 | Good luck :-P | 19:04 |
=== ddd is now known as samba_kubuntu | ||
contrast83 | I've yet to use that thing and not have it break my system, and pretty much everyone I know on Kubuntu has had the same experience. | 19:04 |
jimulis | no im so far so good:) | 19:05 |
contrast83 | Best way to go: Konsole: sudo sed -e s/oldreleasename/newreleasename/ /etc/apt/sources.list --in-place && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 19:05 |
jimulis | but its slow i have adsl 24Mb...and its downloading 130-180Kb/s.... | 19:05 |
_strog | contrast83: y? | 19:06 |
contrast83 | jimulis: Yeah, the Ubuntu servers have been slow as hell the past few days. I'd imagine it's because 8.04 is an LTS release so a lot more people are upgrading to it than usual. | 19:06 |
contrast83 | _strog: The name. | 19:06 |
epsilorn | hi i've got a problem!!!!!! adept has just updated a lot of things (also xorg i think don't know) and suddenly my resolution is locked to 640x480! | 19:07 |
samba_kubuntu | ) | 19:07 |
contrast83 | Anyone here using vsftpd? | 19:07 |
_strog | contrast83: yes i did play quakewars and i liked the name so i kept it ;) | 19:07 |
kaminix | Qt 4.4 was just released. Anyone know when we'll see it in Kubuntu? I've heard there are loads of optimization done | 19:07 |
contrast83 | _strog: You go by the same name on there as you have here? | 19:08 |
_strog | contrast83: on where? | 19:08 |
contrast83 | Maybe I'll see you on there some time. You can wipe the floor with me. :-P | 19:08 |
contrast83 | QW | 19:08 |
epsilorn | anyone got this problem? | 19:09 |
contrast83 | I got it for xmas. I haven't played it as much as I'd like to - too busy trying to break things in Kubuntu so I can learn more. Hehe | 19:09 |
contrast83 | epsilorn: Did you try running the restricted drivers manager and rebooting? | 19:09 |
CrummyGummy | Hi all, any ideas why konqueror would not be able to resolve any dns names. dig works fine... | 19:09 |
contrast83 | epsilorn: I think they may have changed the name in Hardy - it should be under System in KMenu if you just upgraded though. | 19:10 |
=== wayne_ is now known as wayneandleanne | ||
samba_kubuntu | Привет | 19:11 |
=== ville_ is now known as Damenheth | ||
epsilorn | contrast83: yes i've tried, adept started downloading xorg-fglrx-restricted then it halte saying it could break some packet | 19:12 |
Damenheth | Has anyone had ever problems with installing SiS Mirage 1 drivers? | 19:12 |
contrast83 | epsilorn: Konsole -> sudo apt-get install -f -> pastebin | 19:12 |
Damenheth | My monitor doesn't flicker anymore, but I can't put up a higher resolution than 800x600 | 19:12 |
jussi01 | !gr | samba_kubuntu | 19:14 |
ubottu | samba_kubuntu: #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές / #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes | 19:14 |
jussi01 | hrmm.... | 19:15 |
jussi01 | or not | 19:15 |
samba_kubuntu | ? | 19:15 |
samba_kubuntu | what? | 19:15 |
jussi01 | sorry, wrong language | 19:15 |
epsilorn | contrast83: it's in italian, but it refers to file signature saying is present in another packet created by a script (i've downloaded last ati drivers from ati) | 19:15 |
epsilorn | but it's not a driver problem, before this last update it was working | 19:16 |
contrast83 | epsilorn: You need to reinstall your driver manually if that's how you did it before the X upgrade. | 19:16 |
contrast83 | Using the restricted manager (or even just Ubuntu's packages) takes care of that for you, but I realize that's not always the best option. I'm in the same boat myself, actually. | 19:17 |
epsilorn | iv laready done it just now, it didn't work | 19:17 |
contrast83 | Reinstalled the driver then rebooted? | 19:18 |
epsilorn | yep | 19:18 |
epsilorn | probably i could use the old xorg.conf backup, do you know if X updating also writes the xorg.conf? | 19:19 |
contrast83 | epsilorn: sometimes, but it always makes a backup | 19:20 |
contrast83 | epsilorn: try reinstalling then *just* restarting X, *not* rebooting. oddly enough, with my current setup, i have to reinstall the driver eveery time i reboot. :-\ | 19:21 |
epsilorn | contrast83: O_O | 19:21 |
contrast83 | yeah, i know... thank god it's not windows :-P | 19:22 |
epsilorn | contrast83: sadly i cannot restart x withiut restarting, if i try to logoff my pc freezes | 19:22 |
contrast83 | epsilorn: have you tried Alt+SysRq+K? That's a *last resort* for restarting X, when properly restarting it and Ctrl+Alt+Backspace do nothing. | 19:23 |
epsilorn | contrast83: by the way, do you know why ati catalyst control center has options grayed out? | 19:23 |
freddy | hoola | 19:24 |
contrast83 | epsilorn: Your card doesn't support them? I have no idea, tbh. I thankfully have pretty much no experience with ATI cards. | 19:24 |
epsilorn | contrast83: what's SysRq (noobish question :D) | 19:24 |
samba_kubuntu | alt+sysrq+b :) | 19:24 |
samba_kubuntu | sysrq -> PrtSc | 19:24 |
contrast83 | samba_kubuntu: That should never be run without a few other magic sysrq keys prior to it though. ;-) | 19:25 |
contrast83 | Proper way to reboot a system when everything seems to be frozen: Alt+SysRq+(<R>aising <S>kinny <E>lephants <I>s <U>tterly <B>oring) | 19:26 |
contrast83 | If that doesn't work, the kernel crashed, and if that's happening a lot, something's really wrong. | 19:27 |
contrast83 | Anyone here using vsftpd? | 19:27 |
_strog | can someone tell me how to restore my taskbar in kde4? | 19:28 |
contrast83 | _strog: Haven't used KDE 4 in a few weeks, but can't you just drag the taskbar from the Add Plasmoids dialog down to the panel? | 19:29 |
contrast83 | samba_kubuntu: btw, i wasn't trying to be overly corrective or anything, just making sure epsilorn knew the deal. :-) | 19:30 |
Wrath | are the package servers messed up today? | 19:31 |
tdn | How do I change the background color of an xterm? I have tried putting "XTerm*background: grey4" in my .Xdefaults, but it has no effect. | 19:31 |
contrast83 | Wrath: They've been sketchy for me | 19:31 |
jimmy51vinsky | eureka! | 19:32 |
jimmy51vinsky | using outlook under linux: http://www.fsckin.com/2007/10/29/how-to-run-microsoft-outlook-natively-on-linux-using-virtualbox/ | 19:32 |
jimmy51vinsky | very, very nice | 19:32 |
contrast83 | jimmy51vinsky: Why would you want to do that? :-P | 19:32 |
Wrath | yea I have broken packages now because it messed up installing them | 19:32 |
linuxwtf | anybody know how to install jre6? i tried running it in terminal, but got to java's license agreement graphic (a bsod in itself) and had no way to press <ok> or continue. when i download the rpm from sun to the desktop, there's no way to run it except to admire its colorful code. | 19:33 |
jimmy51vinsky | contrast83: my company uses exchange server for email/calendar/etc | 19:33 |
Pici | !java | linuxwtf | 19:33 |
ubottu | linuxwtf: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier. | 19:33 |
contrast83 | A word of advice to anyone who hasn't yet upgraded to Hardy from Gutsy: Don't use the GUI for it. The command-line way is much, much more reliable. | 19:33 |
contrast83 | jimmy51vinsky: Ahh ok | 19:33 |
jimmy51vinsky | the only thing keeping me from switching my workstation over was lack of full featured exchange interoperability from open source apps | 19:34 |
linuxwtf | i have kub 8.04 and adept was inept | 19:34 |
b3lt3r | contrast83: what's the syntax for command line upgrade? | 19:34 |
contrast83 | VMWare's Unity is looking mighty nice | 19:34 |
linuxwtf | Unable to open URL | 19:35 |
linuxwtf | The browser command "mozilla 'https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java'" is invalid. | 19:35 |
jimmy51vinsky | contrast83: can it run an app like outlook and make it appear to be a window'd app within linux? | 19:35 |
contrast83 | b3lt3r: Remove any packages you've installed from 3rd party repos first, comment out those repos in your sources.list, then from Konsole: sudo sed -e s/gutsy/hardy/ /etc/apt/souces.list --in-place && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 19:35 |
contrast83 | jimmy51vinsky: Yeah. And it does a better job of it than VBox from the screenshot I've seen. One sec, I'll dig it up. | 19:35 |
contrast83 | But from what I've heard, VMWare is a bit more hassle to set up than VBox | 19:36 |
b3lt3r | contrast83: thanks | 19:36 |
contrast83 | b3lt3r: no prob | 19:37 |
b3lt3r | vmware was easy to install under gutsy - ran 1 command - works fine for me | 19:37 |
Damenheth | contrast83: you have any experience on installing SiS mirage drivers? | 19:37 |
contrast83 | b3lt3r: Nice, thanks for the info. I'll have to dig around on that | 19:37 |
contrast83 | jimmy51vinsky: http://forum.compiz-fusion.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=1083&d=1208993671 | 19:38 |
b3lt3r | just go to vmware.com and download the server, request a license and bob's your uncle | 19:38 |
contrast83 | Damenheth: Nope, sorry... | 19:38 |
Damenheth | Okay. | 19:38 |
jimmy51vinsky | it's free for ever? | 19:38 |
b3lt3r | see4ms to be | 19:39 |
contrast83 | b3lt3r: Cool | 19:39 |
contrast83 | Umm... bob's your uncle? | 19:39 |
jimmy51vinsky | b3lt3r: can't view it... it wants a login | 19:39 |
wayneandleanne | vmware setup is so easy( if you have kernel source) | 19:39 |
contrast83 | jimmy51vinsky: sorry, one sec | 19:39 |
jimmy51vinsky | oops.... contrast83: can't view it... it wnats a login | 19:39 |
jimmy51vinsky | k | 19:39 |
linuxwtf | Here's an even greater challenge: I've been playing with a dozen or so linux distros on a gateway laptop (600ygr). When I run them from the live disk or first install them, most of them only run the left channel of the sound card, an ess allegro 1988. Of the two that do run both channels, Mandriva Spring and Kubuntu 8.04, they resume to left-only as soon as I reboot. As a result, I've been reinstalling it every other day. | 19:39 |
b3lt3r | has limitations compared to paid in that you can only have one snapshot as opposed to multiple, but hey for free :-) | 19:39 |
Damenheth | The problem is, the drivers are installed (maybe) but I can't use bigger resolution than 800x600 | 19:39 |
contrast83 | jimmy51vinsky: http://forum.compiz-fusion.org/showthread.php?t=8032 | 19:39 |
contrast83 | linuxwtf: Sorry, i'm getting lazy here, but have you googled around for your card's model + linux/ubuntu? | 19:41 |
jimmy51vinsky | dang. still can't see the image | 19:41 |
contrast83 | jimmy51vinsky: Sorry :-\ | 19:41 |
jimmy51vinsky | hehe | 19:41 |
linuxwtf | yeah, I mostly get forums of people having similar, unsolved problems | 19:41 |
b3lt3r | just read Wayne's vbox setup icluding bridged networking and trust me vmware's easy compared to that - it must be if I did it :-) | 19:42 |
linuxwtf | when i restart in xp, both channels work fine | 19:42 |
contrast83 | jimmy51vinsky: In short, Unity allows for full taskbar integration + composited effects, etc. for windows running from a VM. 99% seamless - they still have the titlebar their native OS draws for them. | 19:43 |
jimmy51vinsky | ooooh, that sounds good. so i can alt-tab within xfce/kde and switch between windows apps and linux apps without a hitch? | 19:43 |
contrast83 | jimmy51vinsky: Right | 19:43 |
jimmy51vinsky | ok, point me at a link | 19:45 |
jimmy51vinsky | i'll attack that like a rabid dog | 19:45 |
contrast83 | linuxwtf: you might give a prior release a shot, compile your own kernel on the current release (not as hard as it's commonly made out to be), or just wait a few weeks for it to get fixed. i'd imagine someone's working on it, given 8.04 is a long-term support release (Canonical's bread and butter). | 19:45 |
linuxwtf | Sadly, compile is my new word today. I live in XP Pro | 19:46 |
Faust-C | uh whats the name of the pkg to install for flash and propriotary items | 19:46 |
contrast83 | jimmy51vinsky: I'd say b3lt3r's your man for that. I've never even used VMWare | 19:46 |
Faust-C | cant recall, and i had synaptic w/ ubuntu to figure this out | 19:46 |
linuxwtf | thanks for the info, tho | 19:47 |
contrast83 | linuxwtf: http://howtoforge.com/kernel_compilation_ubuntu | 19:47 |
contrast83 | linuxwtf: what kind of processor you got? | 19:47 |
jimmy51vinsky | b3lt3r: i'm not seeing vmware unity on vmware.com.... what's it called? | 19:48 |
contrast83 | jimmy51vinsky: i believe it's built into the latest version. i could be mistaken though. | 19:48 |
b3lt3r | jimmy5lvinsky: not heard of unity before - I was just talking about native vmware, sorry | 19:48 |
jimmy51vinsky | b3lt3r: well, whatever it is that lets you run the apps together like that... is it just the latest vmware desktop workstation app? | 19:49 |
contrast83 | it's in vmware 6.5 | 19:49 |
contrast83 | sorry, i had to look at that thread again. | 19:49 |
=== ville_ is now known as Damenheth | ||
linuxwtf | P4@1.4GHz, 1GB RAM, sda=60GB (XP Pro), sdb=30GB (Kubuntu 8.04) | 19:50 |
contrast83 | linuxwtf: you have another machine with a better proc? | 19:50 |
b3lt3r | when I run vmware it runs a console on my linux desktop. I can switch it to full screen but that's just like having an xp box. I don't know how to do an xp windo on a ub desktop | 19:50 |
linuxwtf | no, i'm even using the older machine now, a Compaq Deskpro EN P3@966 running Mandriva Spring | 19:51 |
DexterF | hi | 19:52 |
linuxwtf | it's more reliable, except for the java thing, which also doesn't work or install | 19:52 |
contrast83 | linuxwtf: after telling it what options to compile in and letting it run its course, kernel compilation took > 3 hours on my lappy w/ a P4@2.4GHz | 19:52 |
contrast83 | you could set up a cluster :-P | 19:52 |
contrast83 | j/k | 19:52 |
linuxwtf | i tried that icedtea java, but it didn't do anything after installing | 19:52 |
linuxwtf | 3hrs??? OMG! | 19:53 |
b3lt3r | http://www.vnunet.com/vnunet/downloads/2184908/vmware-workstation | 19:53 |
DexterF | had a most unusualy issue with 7.10 over the past few days: when I enter text in lets say OOo or Firefox, sometimes the entire graphics update locks. I can move the mouse pointer, but all apps stall. I can even ssh in from outside but no matter what I kill, the display stays stoned | 19:53 |
b3lt3r | unity previwe in vnunet | 19:53 |
b3lt3r | preview* | 19:53 |
b3lt3r | stoopid keyboard :-) | 19:53 |
contrast83 | DexterF: using compiz? | 19:54 |
b3lt3r | as contrast83 said - it's workstation 6.5 - in beta now | 19:54 |
linuxwtf | Dexterf, I'm convinced that the real purpose of this OS is to teach us how to deal with frustration while making us better internet researchers | 19:54 |
DexterF | contrast83, did once but don't use it anymore | 19:54 |
=== wirechief is now known as wirechief1 | ||
DexterF | linuxwtf: full ack. I'll get me a Mac as soon as I can afford it | 19:55 |
jimmy51vinsky | DL'ing. thanks guys | 19:55 |
contrast83 | pfft | 19:55 |
linuxwtf | my uncle has a mac and i was amazed at how quickly it rebooted | 19:55 |
contrast83 | DexterF: did top report anything useful when you ssh'd in? | 19:55 |
contrast83 | if you don't mind being completely locked down ball and chain on a computer you paid a ridiculous price for, mac's are great. ;-) | 19:56 |
DexterF | contrast83: actually it did: Xorg was hogging the cpu 99.6% | 19:56 |
contrast83 | DexterF: which signal were you using with kill? | 19:56 |
linuxwtf | yeah, my old pre-powermac was a crash a minute | 19:57 |
DexterF | contrast83: tried both 15 and 9 | 19:57 |
contrast83 | linuxwtf: i mean locked down in terms of what you're actually able to do on it. | 19:57 |
linuxwtf | the Other DRM? | 19:58 |
contrast83 | DexterF: strange indeed... sorry, i'm out of ideas :-\ | 19:58 |
contrast83 | linuxwtf: drm, hardware upgrades, software configuration, etc. take your pick. :-) | 19:58 |
DexterF | contrast83: even when I issied "shutdown" from ssh the screen stays like this until the machine fully rebooted and did an hardware init, hence I suspect an issue with the ati driver. the free one, before you ask. | 19:58 |
DexterF | I guess I'll upgrade to 8.04 and see if it gets better | 19:59 |
contrast83 | DexterF: worth a shot. just don't use the gui updater. ;-) | 19:59 |
linuxwtf | Dex, I've tried both and i do like 8.04 better (and Mandriva spring) | 19:59 |
DexterF | by the way: I have a copy of the 8.04 dvd, I guess mounting that and putting in in sources speeds thing up, eh? | 19:59 |
contrast83 | linuxwtf: did your sound issue exist in gutsy? | 19:59 |
DexterF | contrast83: har har gui updater har ;) | 19:59 |
linuxwtf | yes | 19:59 |
linuxwtf | and in Mint | 20:00 |
contrast83 | mint's just ubuntu with non-free stuff added in ;-) | 20:00 |
linuxwtf | yeah, i did like how the non-free stuff enabled me to view flash, java and pdf | 20:01 |
linuxwtf | i'd have kept it except for the soundcard thing | 20:01 |
contrast83 | sidux might be worth a look. you have to use the command line for updates and all package management though (of course, you can still use the gui for browsing packages) | 20:01 |
contrast83 | linuxwtf: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras | 20:01 |
Kiruwa2 | hmm... what pdf did you find that kpdf didn't work for? | 20:01 |
contrast83 | that pulls in all the non-free stuff you need | 20:02 |
linuxwtf | i forgot what it was in Mint - that was last week | 20:02 |
contrast83 | but sidux's hardware detection is the best i've seen. picked everything up flawlessly across three systems with widely varying hardware | 20:02 |
contrast83 | sidux also installs amazingly fast. < 10 minutes from boot to finish. ^_^ | 20:03 |
jussi01 | !ot | 20:04 |
ubottu | #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! | 20:04 |
wirechief1 | contrast83 i take it you really like sidux | 20:05 |
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contrast83 | jussi01: sorry, just tryin' to help linuxwtf - kubuntu's not really playing well with his hardware. | 20:05 |
jussi01 | linuxwtf: whats the issue? | 20:05 |
linuxwtf | would sudo apt...restricted extras enable its installer to find jre6? | 20:05 |
contrast83 | wirechief1: it has its strengths, and given linuxwtf's circumstances, i think it'd be worth a look for him. | 20:05 |
Seren__ | hi, I can't edit my kmenu even in root mode, this is an old issue | 20:05 |
Seren__ | but is there any workaround ? | 20:05 |
* contrast83 kindly shuts up about other distros | 20:06 | |
wirechief1 | contrast83 so would kanotix, they are sisters ;) | 20:06 |
contrast83 | wirechief1: i'd say distant cousins twice removed :-P | 20:06 |
wirechief1 | contrast83 and more stable. does not require as much downloading to keep it fresh on and on | 20:07 |
jussi01 | linuxwtf: if you do apt-cache show kubuntu-restricted-extras it will show you what is installing | 20:07 |
contrast83 | wirechief1: one dist-upgrade a month is all that's really required with sidux | 20:07 |
linuxwtf | coooool | 20:07 |
jussi01 | Ok, Other distro talk -> #kubuntu-offtopic if you have a support query please ask. | 20:08 |
Seren__ | is there a way to list the file which are going to be installed with a packet with an apt-foo command ? | 20:08 |
contrast83 | wirechief1: you in there? | 20:08 |
wirechief1 | contrast83 my only complaint with sidux is having to du all the time and keep all eyes open for bug reports. well now they have gone to 1.4gb downloads that too much for most | 20:08 |
samba_kubuntu | bye | 20:08 |
jussi01 | Seren__: files or dependencies? | 20:08 |
llutz | Seren__: apt-file or dpkg -L package if package is installed | 20:08 |
Seren__ | i want to know before hand if possible | 20:09 |
Seren__ | ( files ) | 20:09 |
contrast83 | Seren__: methinks apt-file | 20:09 |
contrast83 | it's not installed by default, btw (sudo apt-get install apt-file && sudo apt-file update) | 20:09 |
contrast83 | good chatting, y'all. life calls. peace out. | 20:10 |
Seren__ | ok it keeps a cache of all the files | 20:10 |
wirechief1 | contrast83 however i thnk you can buy the new .isos from them and a good way to support them ;) | 20:10 |
Seren__ | thx | 20:10 |
jco | hi, I just discovered that the -generic kernel of 8.04 is compiled without support for 4GB RAM, is there a desktop oriented image with that support in Ubuntu? | 20:10 |
Edulix | hey please someone with kubuntu :P | 20:10 |
Edulix | I'm trying to hunt a bug in konqueror | 20:11 |
linuxwtf | speaking of konqueror bugs, is there a way to make it NOT the default browser in Kubuntu? | 20:11 |
Edulix | someone with kubuntu installed can help me reproducing the bug in his computer? | 20:11 |
Edulix | linuxwtf: kcontrol | 20:11 |
jussi01 | linuxwtf: yes, system settings -> default programs | 20:11 |
Edulix | ok, that too | 20:12 |
linuxwtf | thaaaaaanks | 20:12 |
linuxwtf | Firefox 2 just sat there when i told it to check if it were the default browser | 20:12 |
wirechief1 | Edulix what bug | 20:12 |
wirechief1 | !bugreport | 20:13 |
ubottu | Factoid bugreport not found | 20:13 |
Edulix | so what I need someone to do is: open konqueror, enter in ~, press ctrl+shift+l, enter in the second view to ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/Attic/2.2.2/src, and drag and drop some files to ~ | 20:13 |
Edulix | and then answer: do you get multiple "copying" progress windows, or just one? | 20:13 |
sigma | hey guys. i'm using gnome but amarok is awesome so i use that. problem is it uses its own fonts (presumably from KDE) and not the gnome ones i've set up. how can i fix that? | 20:14 |
sigma | also i dont mean the stuff that's in appareance under "fconfigure amarok" i mean like the menu fonts | 20:15 |
Edulix | wirechief1: ? | 20:15 |
Edulix | wirechief1: did you try? note, I'm a konqueror developer xD | 20:15 |
jussi01 | sigma: that would be a #ubuntu question -IIRC there is a thing in appearnce settings | 20:16 |
jussi01 | Edulix: Im trying now | 20:16 |
jussi01 | Edulix: curious, the ftp does not load for me... | 20:16 |
sigma | jussi01: no one there seems to know either | 20:16 |
Edulix | jussi01: enter to other place then :P | 20:17 |
Seren__ | jco > the 64 bits version ? if you have a 64bits CPU of course | 20:17 |
jussi01 | Edulix: does it need to be ftp? or will sftp do? | 20:17 |
jco | Seren__: I don't like 64 bit versions, they're always less maintained than 32 bit ones :( | 20:17 |
Edulix | jussi01: anything | 20:18 |
Seren__ | jco > it is true but since more and more people got a 64 bits cpu | 20:18 |
Seren__ | it will become more and more stable hopefully | 20:18 |
jco | Seren__: it will... for sure, but now... | 20:18 |
jussi01 | Edulix: got it working, just 1 | 20:18 |
Edulix | jussi01: but do you do drag & drop twice? | 20:19 |
jussi01 | Edulix: when dragging multiple files at once, I get 1. when dragging 2 sets of files then I get 2. | 20:20 |
jussi01 | Edulix: this is konqueror 3.5.9 on kde 4 | 20:21 |
jco | Seren__: anyway, do you know where ubuntu keeps the equivalent of /proc/config.gz? | 20:23 |
Edulix | ok thanks it's all clear now =) | 20:23 |
Seren__ | jco > sorry no idea | 20:23 |
jussi01 | Edulix: ok :) Dont hesitate to ask/pm if you need more tests done. | 20:23 |
Lupus-Angina | Good day my people | 20:24 |
Lupus-Angina | Issue: Kubuntu Hardy won't close down, it's been happening for a while and I really want to go to bed! | 20:24 |
Seren__ | Lupus-Angina: I think you can try CTRL + ALT + DEL to restart X | 20:26 |
Seren__ | and try to switch off from KDM | 20:26 |
jussi01 | ctrl+alt+backspace ;) | 20:27 |
billyd | Hello ;-) | 20:28 |
billyd | Anyone know how to cope with a missing or changed su password in Konsole. It's in Kubuntu7.10 | 20:29 |
trappist | billyd: su password? | 20:29 |
billyd | yes | 20:29 |
trappist | billyd: root doesn't have a password by default - you use sudo | 20:29 |
billyd | super user | 20:29 |
Seren__ | err.. right jussi01 sorry :) | 20:30 |
tribaldata | xit | 20:30 |
Lupus-Angina | Seren__: Yes, but I want it to be like it was back in the day... I used to go into K Menu and press log out, and then to shutdown... good days... | 20:30 |
billyd | sudo works with dewfault password. su doesn'nt | 20:30 |
jussi01 | !root | 20:30 |
ubottu | Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo | 20:30 |
trappist | billyd: sudo works with the password for *your account*. su doesn't because that wants root's password, and root doesn't have a password. | 20:30 |
Seren__ | Lupus-Angina: it used to work on my install, but since an update yesterday in hal I think it is broken too :/ | 20:30 |
Lupus-Angina | No idea what HAL actually doe.s | 20:31 |
Lupus-Angina | !hal | 20:31 |
ubottu | For an informative description of the Hardware Abstraction Layer , go to this site : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hardware_abstraction_layer | 20:31 |
Lupus-Angina | i r smrt | 20:31 |
billyd | Everything worked 'til I upgraded to 7.10 on way to 8.04 | 20:31 |
trappist | billyd: from your description, everything is behaving as designed | 20:31 |
trappist | billyd: if you want to "become" root, say "sudo su -" | 20:32 |
Lupus-Angina | sudo bash | 20:32 |
jussi01 | sudo -i IMHO | 20:32 |
Lupus-Angina | Also | 20:32 |
trappist | or sudo -i... not sudo bash, though | 20:32 |
Lupus-Angina | Yes it does. | 20:32 |
billyd | OK | 20:32 |
billyd | We were trying to go to a manula IP setting to avoind a crippled router where I was trying to upgrade to 8.04 | 20:33 |
billyd | I've got the websites book marked | 20:34 |
billyd | Tks trappist | 20:34 |
jabba | trappist: no reason at all to say "sudo su -". just say "sudo -s" | 20:36 |
jabba | and if you use zsh, it has a module (or a compile time option, I forget which) that allows you to retain sudo's logging | 20:37 |
jabba | the whole reason we use sudo is to keep track of who did what so we can roll it back or find out when something broke. sudo su - completely defeats that purpose. | 20:37 |
billyd | Gots to go. I'll go nuts if I stay inside any longer | 20:39 |
will00 | whats the easiest way to block websites in linux? | 20:41 |
tekteen | will00: for what purpose? | 20:44 |
tekteen | will00: dansguardian is the best | 20:44 |
jdavies | tekteen: I second that | 20:45 |
will00 | iv built a kiosk and i need to lock down the computer | 20:45 |
tekteen | will00: dansguardian | 20:45 |
will00 | iv tried dansguardian, but when i enable it, it blocks everything | 20:45 |
ccc4 | i want to download python on kubunto can sumbody help | 20:45 |
ccc4 | me im ment to | 20:45 |
tekteen | will00: I play pranks like editing /etc/hosts but it is not good for blocking | 20:45 |
ccc4 | have it already | 20:46 |
jdavies | ccc4: I comes installed by default, type: "python" at the terminal | 20:46 |
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq | ||
will00 | my idea is to block everything but the stores website, but i cant seem to whitelist it in dansguardian | 20:48 |
ccc4 | terminl? | 20:48 |
ccc4 | jdavies? terminal | 20:48 |
jdavies | !konsole | ccc4 | 20:48 |
ubottu | ccc4: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | 20:48 |
ccc4 | jdavies i goo on f2 then konsole comes up then i type console but it wont oppen | 20:50 |
Seren__ | konsole is the name of the kde console | 20:50 |
jdavies | ccc4: when konsole comes up type: "python" | 20:50 |
ccc4 | i did but then it wont oppen | 20:51 |
ccc4 | 4 some reason | 20:51 |
PhilRod | will00: sounds like you might also be interested in kde's kiosk mode: http://docs.kde.org/stable/en/kdebase-runtime/userguide/locking-down-kde.html | 20:51 |
will00 | i also tried that but it didnt lock down anything | 20:51 |
jdavies | ccc4: click the K-Menu -> System and open it from there | 20:51 |
tekteen | will00: you could setup squid | 20:51 |
tekteen | will00: then send all data to your website | 20:51 |
ccc4 | its not on there | 20:52 |
ccc4 | thaths the point | 20:52 |
PhilRod | will00: ok - it won't block websites, but might be useful more generally (since it sounds like you're trying to set up some kind of kiosk?) | 20:52 |
will00 | thats exactly what im trying to do | 20:52 |
jackault | Ok, I'm trying to upgrade from 7.10 to 8.04 with an alternate cd and got a strange error, I've taken a screenshot of it http://img182.imageshack.us/img182/1914/eror20uw3.png | 20:52 |
tekteen | so google.com, kubuntu.org, ect points to your website | 20:52 |
PhilRod | will00: I'm afraid I'm not familiar with the details, so I can't help further than pointing to docs, but IIRC that guide is fairly good | 20:52 |
_strog | someone here who can help me with kde4? | 20:53 |
=== Creationist is now known as TheCreationist | ||
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wirechief1 | anyone with ati fglrx installed on amd64 having shutdown issues ? | 20:58 |
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=== richard is now known as richard_ | ||
rambo3 | whats the path to Qt4? | 21:01 |
Neo_The_User | I have an extremly general question. | 21:02 |
Neo_The_User | Is KDE the fastest GUI compared to xfce and gnome? | 21:02 |
rambo3 | no | 21:02 |
Neo_The_User | is KDE the most attractive GUI to your opinion? | 21:03 |
rambo3 | xfce should be faster , it all depends on atrological positions of saturn | 21:03 |
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak | ||
tekteen | Neo_The_User: don't ask | 21:03 |
tekteen | Neo_The_User: If we did not think kde was the best... | 21:03 |
tekteen | Neo_The_User: why would we use it? | 21:03 |
Kiruwa2 | Neo_The_User: imnsho, KDE has a major advantage in a culture of "the user should be able to configure everything as they like it"... otherwise most of the differences come down to personal taste | 21:03 |
Neo_The_User | tekteen do you find KDE the most attractive GUI? | 21:04 |
mistiipu | i used a lan card direct pc to pc strategy to share internet to an another pc. now i added another lan card and for another pc to share internet but it is not seem to work. can any one guide me? | 21:04 |
mistiipu | <mistiipu> i have eth1 2 3 firestarter (firewall) says 1 is internet 2 is local 3 is ethernet.. i followed http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php | 21:04 |
tekteen | Neo_The_User: I think kde4 is | 21:04 |
tekteen | Neo_The_User: gnome is second, then kde3 | 21:04 |
Neo_The_User | should I use Kubuntu 8.04 remix? I am using Ubuntu. sorry if that is offensive. I never used Kubuntu. | 21:04 |
Neo_The_User | Ubuntu 8.04 is my system | 21:05 |
tekteen | Neo_The_User: I do not suggest it | 21:05 |
jussi01 | !poll | Neo_The_User | 21:05 |
ubottu | Neo_The_User: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. | 21:05 |
Neo_The_User | I wasn't | 21:05 |
tekteen | jussi01: I will remember that trigger :-) | 21:05 |
Pennycook | Neo_The_User: Your best bet, if you don't want to install the different operating systems, is to download their LiveCDs and give them a go. | 21:05 |
SlimeyPete | Neo_The_User: I'd recommend using the non-remix edition first | 21:05 |
Neo_The_User | why? | 21:05 |
SlimeyPete | it is more stable and reliable | 21:05 |
Neo_The_User | oh ok | 21:06 |
Neo_The_User | but all I care about are graphics. | 21:06 |
SlimeyPete | the remix edition features kde4 which is very new and not very stable yet | 21:06 |
SlimeyPete | you can always install kde4 onto the non-remix edition | 21:06 |
Neo_The_User | I got a good grpahics card. I want the max potential out of it | 21:06 |
tekteen | Neo_The_User: gnome has compiz. stick with it | 21:06 |
rambo3 | also kde3 sucks | 21:06 |
Neo_The_User | what is compiz? | 21:06 |
jussi01 | !ot | 21:06 |
ubottu | #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! | 21:06 |
Pennycook | tekteen: KDE has Compiz... | 21:07 |
Neo_The_User | shut up ubottu | 21:07 |
wirechief | Neo_The_User: which graphics card ? | 21:07 |
tekteen | !compiz >Neo_The_User | 21:07 |
Neo_The_User | nVIDIA | 21:07 |
tekteen | ubottu is a bot | 21:07 |
Neo_The_User | well i hate it | 21:07 |
Neo_The_User | im leaving | 21:07 |
Plummet | lol | 21:07 |
wirechief | Neo_The_User: illl trade | 21:07 |
jackault | I'm getting a new error while trying to upgrade | 21:08 |
wirechief | hmm well i tried | 21:08 |
jackault | Here's a screenshot of the thing http://img139.imageshack.us/img139/7106/eror21mm0.png | 21:08 |
jackault | it says error authenticating some packages but those all look like important ones. sudo is among them | 21:08 |
Plummet | how do i get rid of the jumping icons by the mouse pointer when i open programs... | 21:09 |
jackault | I'm trying to upgrade with the alternate cd | 21:09 |
stdin | jackault: cancel it then click "fetch updates", that should fix it | 21:09 |
jackault | fetching updates too a long time and was very annoying showing file 7 of 21 repeatedly affter appearing to do something | 21:10 |
jackault | but ok, I've started that again | 21:10 |
foxhound31 | with kde4 remix i tried to use the classic menu but it would only appear at the right not the left can i fix this? | 21:12 |
_Angelus_ | guys | 21:12 |
mistiipu | i used a lan card direct pc to pc strategy to share internet to an another pc. now i added another lan card and for another pc to share internet but it is not seem to work. can any one guide me? | 21:12 |
mistiipu | <mistiipu> i have eth1 2 3 firestarter (firewall) says 1 is internet 2 is local 3 is ethernet.. i followed http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php | 21:12 |
_Angelus_ | did someone sudenly get 24updates today? or is it just me cause i added the winehq repo ? | 21:12 |
stdin | foxhound31: you drag it from the applet window to where on the panel you want it | 21:12 |
foxhound31 | ok why does it seem to appear by default on the right? | 21:13 |
foxhound31 | curiosity | 21:13 |
foxhound31 | question | 21:13 |
Seren__ | Plummet: In system settings, keyboard and mouse, I think you have to uncheck "visual activation" or something | 21:13 |
Seren__ | visual feedback on activation | 21:14 |
stdin | foxhound31: because that would be the next available space on the panel, it's like a stack | 21:14 |
Kiruwa2 | _Angelus_: I had about that... 20-something updates | 21:14 |
_Angelus_ | oh ok | 21:14 |
_Angelus_ | i tought it was the wine repo destroying things :p | 21:14 |
foxhound31 | stdin thanks for that explanation tho it does make me worry that if its a stack it will always see something on the left and never allow me to place anything there | 21:16 |
foxhound31 | hopefully not the case will experiment to see | 21:16 |
DexterF | can someone paste me the sources.list line for cdrom/dvdrom, please? I deleted it and can't dig it up | 21:17 |
Faust-C | DexterF: google? | 21:18 |
stdin | DexterF: use "sudo apt-cdrom add" when the cd/dvd is in the drive | 21:19 |
DexterF | stdin: thanks | 21:20 |
yanick | #kubuntu-fr | 21:21 |
DexterF | aptitude update gives me a couple of Ign lines regarding the dvd and translations - that alright? | 21:22 |
Seren__ | #kubuntu-fr does not exist any more, it is redirected on ubuntu-fr | 21:22 |
Seren__ | which is a shame | 21:22 |
stdin | DexterF: the dvd doesn't have translated description fields, so yeah | 21:23 |
DavidTalbot | nabend | 21:26 |
jackault | btw, shouldn't the upgrade know from the beginning that you won't have enough free space to do it? | 21:26 |
DexterF | 1.5GB probably isn't enough free space to upgrade, I guess | 21:26 |
jackault | It just went 20 minutes downloading things and making changes to realise it doesn't have enough space and quit | 21:26 |
DavidTalbot | sry mean good evening | 21:26 |
jackault | at the very least it should store what was downloaded somewhere so you wouldn't have to get it all over again | 21:26 |
jackault | or how about just *waiting* and giving the user a chance to clear space? | 21:27 |
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DexterF | jackault: well, you can suspend the process with ctrl-z and resume it with fg I guess. | 21:27 |
DexterF | jackault: umm, on a shell that is | 21:28 |
jackault | resume it with what? | 21:28 |
jackault | oh, the gui is running here | 21:28 |
DexterF | can't help you there, been on slackware for years, I'm spoiled :P | 21:28 |
jackault | which is what the recommended kdesu "sh /cdrom/cdromupgrade" line opens | 21:28 |
=== TheCreationist is now known as Creationist | ||
jackault | ah | 21:28 |
DexterF | aptitude dist-upgrade ftw | 21:28 |
jackault | won't that use the internet? | 21:29 |
jackault | Bandwidth limits. I got the alternate cd for a reason | 21:29 |
DexterF | well, I hope not. that's why I asked above how to get the dvd into the sources.list. (apt-cdrom add it was) | 21:29 |
jackault | ah, if this fails again I'll go that route | 21:30 |
DexterF | where the heck am I munching away 8GB... | 21:30 |
jackault | konqueror's filesize view can help | 21:31 |
jackault | holy fuck WHAT | 21:31 |
stdin | !language | jackault | 21:31 |
ubottu | jackault: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 21:31 |
jackault | After all that it wants to download 409 MB of updates | 21:31 |
xtremejuice | im trying to configure my proxy and i have no clue what to put in the servers boxes | 21:32 |
jackault | ok, for the language but come on! I got this alt cd for a reason! Why does it need nearly an entire cd of downloads more now ? | 21:32 |
Seren__ | the thing is that if only one line has changed in a package, you must redownload the whole package | 21:32 |
Seren__ | the package system is not bandwidth friendly | 21:32 |
jackault | argh | 21:33 |
jackault | AND it forced me to do this because it can't recognize the signatures of kate and sudo and such | 21:33 |
jackault | And shut the upgrade down because it thinks they're not vaild | 21:33 |
jackault | This is inane. | 21:33 |
DexterF | jackault: methinks you might be better off with a dvd | 21:34 |
jackault | ok, to avoid downloading the cd twice I should get a dvd? | 21:34 |
jackault | this is funny. one of the packages it needs to download is "friendly-recovery" | 21:35 |
DexterF | jackault: well, don't have a friend with a fast connection where you can download a dvd image? | 21:35 |
jackault | fastest one I know would still take days | 21:35 |
DexterF | oO | 21:35 |
DexterF | days...? no offense, but where are you? the moon? | 21:35 |
jackault | because ALL of us have bandwidth limits and can only download freely for 10 hours a day | 21:35 |
xtremejuice | im trying to lock down a computer so it can only display one website, but so far all i have been able to do is make it display anything but that website | 21:36 |
DexterF | xtremejuice: mmmh... wildcards in /etc/hosts..? | 21:36 |
jackault | xtremejuice: you're better off locking it to a proxy server for its internet and configuring changes there. | 21:36 |
jackault | I'm going to reset.... | 21:36 |
xtremejuice | jackault: iv tried that | 21:36 |
xtremejuice | and dexterf, how do i do that? | 21:37 |
jackaultbutnot | if it doesn't work after all this | 21:37 |
jackaultbutnot | I'm really going to be ticked off | 21:37 |
DexterF | xtremejuice: well, redirect all ( * ) hosts to and only the one to ... uh.. umm. | 21:37 |
Devourer | When I try and boot into Kubuntu with my most recently Linux Kernel it gets stuck at an infinite loop, it's the part where it has the logo and the progress bar. | 21:38 |
jackaultbutnot | could some mod kick that one? jackault is going to time out in a few seconds anyway | 21:38 |
izzyb_ | I've managed to isolate my problem with getting xen's network-bridge script running in kubuntu hardy | 21:38 |
DexterF | xtremejuice: ....something like that :P | 21:38 |
jackaultbutnot | Oh this is NICE. It's using half my speed. | 21:39 |
izzyb_ | turns out to be a conflict with the dhcdbd program | 21:39 |
izzyb_ | seems it prevents the network bridge script from renaming the interface as needed because its busy | 21:39 |
izzyb_ | I was able to get things working by using a static ip address instead, but even afterr that, having dhcdbd running caused problems | 21:40 |
Plummet | how do i actually edit xorg.conf using terminal | 21:40 |
izzyb_ | so, for others having issues with xen under kubuntu, disable dhcdbd and configure for static ip addrsses seems to do the trick | 21:40 |
jackaultbutnot | nano xorg.conf ? | 21:40 |
jackaultbutnot | or whatever terminal based editor you have | 21:41 |
jackaultbutnot | oh wait | 21:41 |
jackaultbutnot | vi | 21:41 |
claydoh | sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 21:41 |
SlimeyPete | sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 21:41 |
izzyb_ | is dhcdbd unique to kubuntu?? | 21:41 |
xtremejuice | i still have no idea how to do what you are saying | 21:41 |
SlimeyPete | or "sudo vi /etc/X11/xorg.conf" but vi is trickier to use than nano is | 21:41 |
Plummet | nana:command not found | 21:42 |
SlimeyPete | nano | 21:42 |
Plummet | F i typed it wrong :P | 21:42 |
Plummet | cool got it :) thanks | 21:42 |
Plummet | !reg | 21:45 |
ubottu | Factoid reg not found | 21:45 |
Simonft | ksmoothdock won't work. | 21:45 |
Simonft | I ran ./compile, then make, then make install. it is a Powerbook G4 | 21:47 |
xtremejuice | im still having issues configuring a proxy | 21:48 |
DexterF | 3GB free space ok for dist-upgrade? | 21:48 |
nosrednaekim | DexterF: you might want to clear out your cache first | 21:49 |
DexterF | nosrednaekim: do that regularly, only got me 100meg | 21:49 |
nosrednaekim | DexterF: I think you shouldbe fine as long as you don't have a whole lot more than the basic packages installed | 21:50 |
achenaton | ciao | 21:50 |
Simonft | is there a chanel for kde apps/ | 21:50 |
DexterF | nosrednaekim: then I better clear up some more :) | 21:50 |
stdin | DexterF: the difference between the size of what you have now and what you will have when upgraded isn't much | 21:50 |
DexterF | Simonft: #kde | 21:50 |
DexterF | (duh) | 21:50 |
Simonft | thanks | 21:51 |
stdin | all you need is space for the downloaded .debs | 21:51 |
Plummet | register | 21:52 |
Plummet | !register | 21:52 |
ubottu | By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. | 21:52 |
DexterF | stdin: ok, then I'm good to go. 800/1500 says aptitude | 21:53 |
TheFuzzball | does anyone have packages for Qt 4.4? | 21:55 |
nosrednaekim | TheFuzzball: yes, they are in Riddell's PPA | 21:56 |
TheFuzzball | the final release? | 21:56 |
TheFuzzball | nosrednaekim, I only see RC1 | 21:57 |
nosrednaekim | hrm.... I'm not sure... I think so | 21:57 |
Plummet | ok, so ive got xorg.conf open and ready to edit in nano. i don't see anything except the shortcut "bar" at the bottom and at the top "file: /etc/x11/xorg.conf" | 21:58 |
nosrednaekim | oh ok...someone is working on it then :) | 21:58 |
mistiipu | how to clrea arp | 21:58 |
nosrednaekim | Plummet: ah.... you have ben cursed with a blank config file :) | 21:58 |
NickPresta | !ati | 21:59 |
ubottu | For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 21:59 |
nosrednaekim | you have an nvidia? | 21:59 |
Plummet | yes | 21:59 |
Neo_The_User | the bot is still here? | 21:59 |
Plummet | it...lives in this channel | 21:59 |
nosrednaekim | Plummet: ok, run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and that should generate a nice skeleton file | 22:00 |
DexterF | well. so I added the dvd to the sources.list, still it seems it fetches everything from the net. | 22:00 |
DexterF | strange. | 22:00 |
=== nroberts is now known as NikRoberts | ||
NikRoberts | hey could someone help me with kubuntu? | 22:01 |
NikRoberts | is anyone here? | 22:02 |
NickPresta | !ask | NikRoberts | 22:02 |
ubottu | NikRoberts: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 22:02 |
NikRoberts | ok i have 2 problems. i downloaded the remix and its kde3.5 and the logon screen text is very big. fresh install. | 22:03 |
nosrednaekim | NikRoberts: ah... the old DPI issue | 22:03 |
Plummet | @ nosrednaekim: ok i answered the questions, no change visible | 22:04 |
NikRoberts | how do i fix it nosrednaekim? | 22:04 |
nosrednaekim | Plummet: try editing the file again? | 22:05 |
Neo_The_User | NikRoberts edit the xorg.conf file manually | 22:05 |
NikRoberts | ok what would i put? im a total newb | 22:05 |
Plummet | yes, it is still just a blank space with "File: /etc/x11/xorg.conf" at the top | 22:05 |
=== yoy0ma is now known as jimmy51athome | ||
nosrednaekim | Plummet: errr... I hate nvidias now :) | 22:07 |
jimmy51athome | sigh. i hate the gas company now | 22:07 |
Neo_The_User | compared to Norway our gas prices are low. They pay like 8 bucks a gallon | 22:07 |
jimmy51athome | no video card for me..... i got home to a gas disconnect notice on my door (missed the bill, apparantly). | 22:07 |
Plummet | nosrednaekim: what is it supposed to look like? | 22:08 |
jimmy51athome | instead of a phone call, email, or written notice, they shut off the gas, charge $58 reconnect fee, $150 penalty, and won't turn it back on unless i'm home (between the hours of 10 am to 5 pm) on a weekday. now i've got to pay the extra 208 bucks, miss a day of work (and pay), and have no hot water or stove for two days. | 22:09 |
jimmy51athome | the sad thing is, i'm mostly upset about no video card :( | 22:09 |
DexterF | jimmy51athome: threaten them with nuclear retaliation. people dig it. | 22:09 |
nosrednaekim | Plummet: http://pastebin.com/m28748f64 | 22:10 |
aaroncampbell | How are you supposed to configure dual screens on 8.04? I have two identical DELL 2007WFP monitors, but they show the same thing, rather than an extended desktop. | 22:10 |
DexterF | aaroncampbell: card type? | 22:11 |
aaroncampbell | I think the last time I installed from scratch was 6.10, so I haven't had to mess with it in a while | 22:11 |
aaroncampbell | DexterF: nVidia | 22:11 |
jimmy51athome | psh.... i'm annoyed. i mean really.... a simple phone call would have cleared this up in a jiffy. nope... phone call alerts have just been set up in the last two weeks. dorks. i wanted to see compiz in all its glory, but i'm stuck with an integreated intel video chip. enough off topic ranting from me. | 22:11 |
NikRoberts | can someone help me. on the logon screen. the text is really big and im a complete noob to linux | 22:13 |
DexterF | jimmy51athome: get canned gas and feed it to the houses tubes ;) | 22:13 |
Plummet | nosrednaekim: i see that file in the terminal, but dont see it in nano where im trying to edit it | 22:13 |
DexterF | NikRoberts: well... does the text *stay* big when you enter KDE? | 22:13 |
aaroncampbell | DexterF: Specifically the nVidia GeForce 8800 GTS: 02:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G80 [GeForce 8800 GTS] (rev a2) | 22:13 |
nosrednaekim | Plummet: wait... you can see it when you look at it... but you can;t edit it? | 22:14 |
NikRoberts | DexterF: no it is only at the logon screen. its so big it over laps and all | 22:14 |
Plummet | i have no freaking idea how to do linux :P | 22:14 |
nosrednaekim | Plummet: when you tried to edit it... did you do "sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf"? | 22:14 |
DexterF | NikRoberts: well, quick and dirty but you could reconf the login manager from within kde to use smaller fonts. I got a similar issue here, wrong resolution, but hey, its only for the login... | 22:15 |
Plummet | nosrednaekim: yes, and then i see a blank terminal and dont know how to proceed | 22:15 |
DexterF | aaroncampbell: I'm stuck with ati. guess it's a config option in xorg.conf, but no clue which for nV | 22:15 |
NikRoberts | DexterF: true but i would like it resolved :\ | 22:15 |
nosrednaekim | Plummet: and what exactly are you trying to do? sorry, got here late | 22:16 |
Plummet | nosrednaekim: my monitor display moves about 1/8" to the right moving to linux from windows | 22:16 |
DexterF | NikRoberts: yeah I know that feeling :) one would have to force the Xserver KDM uses to use different dpi. If you ever figure where that info is stored don't forget to tell me :P | 22:16 |
nosrednaekim | thats all? haha... do you have a LCD or a CRT? | 22:17 |
Plummet | nosrednaekim: LCD | 22:17 |
nosrednaekim | Plummet: there should be a "auto" button on it | 22:17 |
aaroncampbell | How are you supposed to configure dual screens on 8.04? I have two identical DELL 2007WFP monitors running on an nVidia GeForce 8800 GTS, but they show the same thing rather than an extended desktop. | 22:17 |
NikRoberts | DexterF: someone said it was in xconf.conf | 22:17 |
Plummet | nosrednaekim: i kind of want it fixed though, if possible. that gets annoying | 22:17 |
DexterF | NikRoberts: xorg.conf rather. so KDM uses the same.. then it's a KDM bug I guess. write a bug report. | 22:18 |
DexterF | http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu | 22:18 |
NickPresta | aaroncampbell, I like using Twinview and nvidia-settings | 22:18 |
NikRoberts | DexterF: well im updating right now to see if theres a fix. fresh install | 22:18 |
nosrednaekim | Plummet: I had the same problem, no real way to fix it.... its just differing video signals, and TBH, its as much Windows problem as Linux's | 22:18 |
aaroncampbell | NickPresta: any info on how to do that? | 22:19 |
xtremejuice | im trying to configure this computer to access only a single website, but all i can do is get it to block the website | 22:19 |
xtremejuice | is there some sort of whitelist plugin for konqueror? | 22:19 |
Plummet | nosrednaekim: i looked on some forums, it said it is fixable by adjusting horontal screen HZ. sound plasuible? | 22:20 |
Kiruwa2 | xtremejuice: you could probably use a hosts file for that | 22:21 |
nosrednaekim | Plummet: yeah... actually, that does, but its gonna be a ton more work than its worth (trust me) | 22:21 |
xtremejuice | ok | 22:21 |
xtremejuice | where are the host files? | 22:21 |
Plummet | nosrednaekim: im willing if you are :) | 22:22 |
DexterF | NikRoberts: this might work... enter display size info in xorg.conf manually, so X will calc dpi from that. read man 5 xorg.conf on where and how. | 22:22 |
nosrednaekim | Plummet: ok then, let me find something | 22:22 |
xtremejuice | kiruwa2 where are the host files? | 22:22 |
Kiruwa2 | xtremejuice: looking at the man page, I'm not sure it will do what you want... I was thinking you could specify a range of IP addresses in it (/etc/hosts) | 22:23 |
Kiruwa2 | xtremejuice: take a look at "man hosts" | 22:23 |
Kiruwa2 | xtremejuice: or "man:hosts" in konqueror | 22:23 |
xtremejuice | and that would block anything that isnt that partiular ip? | 22:24 |
Kiruwa2 | yeah... looking at it again, it doesn't do what you want... hmm | 22:25 |
wilman | Hey guys, i have a problem with my dvd player | 22:25 |
wilman | maybe you can help me | 22:25 |
wilman | when i play a movie and there is a scratch on, it does'nt just skip the part but it crashes on the scratch | 22:26 |
=== ubuntu is now known as Maska | ||
xtremejuice | also, how would i add an account to the sudo group? | 22:26 |
nosrednaekim | Plummet: ok, did you install the nvidia drivers? | 22:26 |
Plummet | nosrednaekim: no | 22:27 |
nosrednaekim | Plummet: ah, well, it might work better if you do. | 22:28 |
nosrednaekim | should be in system->hardware manager | 22:28 |
Kiruwa2 | xtremejuice: make sure they're members of the admin group | 22:29 |
Plummet | nosrednaekim: it prompted me to install it twice before now, i thought i did. ive done it a third time now, what should i do now | 22:31 |
nosrednaekim | Plummet: oh.. ok | 22:31 |
nosrednaekim | Plummet: install the nvidia-settings application too | 22:32 |
nosrednaekim | from adept /apt-get | 22:32 |
=== Czessi_ is now known as Czessi | ||
Plummet | nosrednaekim: whats the command line way to do it? "adept /apt-get nvidia-settings" isnt working | 22:34 |
nosrednaekim | Plummet: :) "sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings" | 22:34 |
Plummet | nosrednaekim: missed the install, i tried that one | 22:34 |
Plummet | nosrednaekim: ok its working | 22:35 |
Plummet | nosrednaekim: restarting | 22:36 |
nosrednaekim | ok | 22:36 |
Plummet | nosrednaekim: ok i have restarted | 22:39 |
nosrednaekim | Plummet: run the following command in the terminal "glxinfo | grep -i direct" | 22:39 |
Plummet | nosrednaekim: it says restricted driver in use, gave me a popup balloon just now | 22:40 |
Walzmyn | Anybody else having issues when you try to logout? i just get a black screen. | 22:40 |
nosrednaekim | and paste the result here (it should only be one line0 | 22:40 |
db_ | I had that when I upgraded to 8.10 Walzmyn | 22:40 |
Plummet | nosrednaekim: direct rendering: yes | 22:40 |
Walzmyn | db_, ya get it fixed? | 22:40 |
db_ | no, i reinstalled 6.10 and did an upgrade | 22:40 |
nosrednaekim | Plummet: awesome.... now check if there is a xorg.conf..... | 22:40 |
db_ | Because my wireless wouldnt work in 8.10 either | 22:40 |
db_ | I just felt like there were too many problems under the hood | 22:41 |
Plummet | when i do "sudo nano /etc/x11/xorg.conf" it looks the same as it did before | 22:41 |
nosrednaekim | Walzmyn: you have an ATI? | 22:41 |
Walzmyn | nosrednaekim no, nividia | 22:42 |
Walzmyn | nvidia even | 22:42 |
nosrednaekim | Walzmyn: oh hmmm thats a common ATI bug | 22:42 |
db_ | I have ATI | 22:43 |
nosrednaekim | Walzmyn: google this "kdm TerminateServer=true" | 22:43 |
Walzmyn | ok | 22:43 |
nosrednaekim | Plummet: ok, well, start up nvidia settings with "kdesudo nvidia-settings" | 22:43 |
=== nyad is now known as Nyad | ||
Plummet | nosrednaekim: ok | 22:43 |
db_ | Anyway, after I reinstalled kubuntu and upgraded it to 7.10 I found that alsa won't play any sound (oss will, but most of the programs are alsa) | 22:44 |
Plummet | nosrednaekim: i see settings :) | 22:44 |
nosrednaekim | db_: this would fix it then: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24/+bug/118605/ | 22:44 |
db_ | I am having trouble searching for what is wrong, because it isn't that sound doesn't work. It does and it doesn't | 22:44 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 118605 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24 "[fglrx] freezes upon Logout or Switch user [patch]" [High,In progress] | 22:44 |
nosrednaekim | the log-out problem | 22:44 |
db_ | oh, hmm, I should bookmark that | 22:44 |
db_ | thank you | 22:45 |
Plummet | nosrednaekim: what should i set to move the screen back where it should be | 22:45 |
Nyad | hi. I installed kde-tweak package but I can't find it | 22:45 |
nosrednaekim | Plummet: cool... i'm actually not sure as I don't have an nvidia myself. | 22:45 |
sparr_ | Nyad: cant find what? | 22:45 |
Plummet | nosrednaekim: k | 22:45 |
Zoohouse | Hello everyone | 22:45 |
Plummet | nosrednaekim: i think i can take it from here, thank you very much! | 22:46 |
nosrednaekim | Plummet: there should however be a button SOMEWHERE in there that says "save settings to X config" | 22:46 |
nosrednaekim | or something like that | 22:46 |
nosrednaekim | hello Zoohouse | 22:46 |
Zoohouse | If I remove Kubuntu-Desktop will it also remove Kubuntu-kde4-Desktop? | 22:46 |
Plummet | nosrednaekim: yes i see it | 22:46 |
viperserv2 | hmm apache doesn't like ubuntu 8.4 | 22:47 |
nosrednaekim | Zoohouse: actually, removing that meta package will remove nothing :) | 22:47 |
Nyad | sparr_: kde-tweak. I installed it and now I wanna use it to tweak kde but its not in my k-menu | 22:47 |
Zoohouse | nosrednaekim, I ask because I have KDE and KDE4 installed... I think, I can login to KDE 3.x and KDE 4. Do I need both? | 22:48 |
nosrednaekim | Plummet: do that.... so we can actully have a settings file to tweak | 22:48 |
nosrednaekim | Zoohouse: unless you are pressed for space, I'd certainly keep both | 22:48 |
Plummet | nosrednaekim: you think i need to restart to get it to change? i saved it but still dont see anything | 22:48 |
sparr_ | Nyad: i believe it is in the kde control center | 22:49 |
Zoohouse | I am having weird problems. When I login to my KDE4, kicker is gone | 22:49 |
Nyad | not there | 22:49 |
nosrednaekim | Zoohouse: thats common, run this "killall plasma && rm .kde4/share/config/plasma-appletsrc &&plasma" | 22:50 |
Zoohouse | also GDM and KDM look strange, its off to the side and low... | 22:50 |
Plummet | fixed it | 22:50 |
nosrednaekim | Plummet: still don't see anything in that config file? | 22:50 |
Walzmyn | nosrednaekim, the other half of my problems is if i try to login with a user other than my primary here, i get an error where KDE fails to load in, and then my screen turns a bunch of colored bars and I have to hold the power button in for 10sec | 22:50 |
Zoohouse | nosrednaekim, ok let me log in kde 4 now hold pls | 22:50 |
Zoohouse | ill be beack | 22:50 |
Plummet | nosrednaekim: no but i changed it in the nvidia panel to 75Hz from auto and it fixed | 22:51 |
nosrednaekim | Plummet: that should do it then.. awesome :) | 22:51 |
nosrednaekim | Walzmyn: 0.o | 22:51 |
db_ | Walzmyn did you try to press ctrl and ano | 22:51 |
db_ | CMPSC360 DISCRETE MATH/CS 3.0 * | 22:51 |
db_ | 22:51 | |
db_ | * Course in progress. | 22:51 |
nosrednaekim | hehah | 22:51 |
Plummet | nosrednaekim: things seem less crisp now | 22:51 |
db_ | sorry, i copy pasted, did you try to press ctrl and then an f key to switch terminals | 22:51 |
Zoohouse | ok i am back | 22:52 |
=== tom__ is now known as Sunericus | ||
Walzmyn | db_, no, i went to the kmenu and selected start a new session | 22:52 |
Zoohouse | wow the font is tiny and some weird def ult font... | 22:52 |
nosrednaekim | yeah... well, changing your refresh will do that... I suggest changing it back to what it was before, and changing windows's refresh rate :) | 22:52 |
Walzmyn | nosrednaekim, what does O.o mean? | 22:52 |
nosrednaekim | Walzmyn: surprised look :) | 22:52 |
Walzmyn | nosrednaekim, ah | 22:52 |
Plummet | nosrednaekim: ok | 22:52 |
Simonft | this is a really newbie question, but where is .profile? | 22:53 |
Plummet | nosrednaekim: thanks very much for dealing with such a noob | 22:53 |
Simonft | never mind | 22:53 |
Zoohouse | nosrednaekim, What was the command? | 22:53 |
Simonft | found it | 22:54 |
db_ | it is in ~ | 22:54 |
Simonft | thanks | 22:54 |
Zoohouse | nosrednaekim, nevermind, i found the command | 22:54 |
Nyad | sparr_: it is not in the kde control center | 22:54 |
Zoohouse | nosrednaekim, ok It worked, my kicker is back | 22:55 |
Zoohouse | :) | 22:55 |
nosrednaekim | Plummet: no problem | 22:55 |
admin__ | im trying to block everything but one particular website, and iv edited the /etc/hosts file and nothing happened | 22:55 |
sparr_ | Nyad: the package provides a kcm_ binary... so that is odd | 22:56 |
Nyad | btw where do packages get installed? | 22:57 |
wesley | !adeptfix | 22:57 |
ubottu | If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a » | 22:57 |
Zoohouse | MY system font is weird. How do I fix that??? | 22:58 |
kris_ | hi i have problem with fresh kubuntu install | 22:58 |
kris_ | kubuntu takes 99% of my ram while only one program running | 22:59 |
DexterF | Zoohouse: "system font"? | 22:59 |
Zoohouse | DexterF, where is that at? | 22:59 |
=== Soccer5555 is now known as Airforce5555 | ||
DexterF | kris_: linux always uses all RAM. the RAM unued by programs is used for caches and buffers. RAM unused is RAM wasted. | 23:00 |
DexterF | Zoohouse: well, the console font on tty, in konsole, in kde..? | 23:00 |
kris_ | but it lags as hell | 23:00 |
kris_ | firefox is loading like 2 min | 23:00 |
kris_ | and i have 2gb ram | 23:01 |
Zoohouse | DexterF, example: I open Connection Status - KNetworkManager. and the font is tiny and ugly... | 23:01 |
DexterF | kris_: open konsole, run free -m, paste the output on pastebin.ca or such | 23:01 |
DexterF | Zoohouse: hm. 8.04? | 23:01 |
DexterF | Zoohouse: enlarging in System Settings has no effect...? | 23:02 |
Zoohouse | DexterF, yea 8.04 and my num pad isn't working (yes it is on) | 23:02 |
Zoohouse | one sec | 23:02 |
* DexterF wonders if upgrading to 8.04 is a good idea | 23:02 | |
admin__ | dexterf: bad idea, tried it on this little kiosk, been having nothing but problems | 23:03 |
DexterF | admin__: the joy. | 23:03 |
kris_ | http://wklej.org/id/79cfb17f81 here is output | 23:03 |
Zoohouse | WOW Firefox looks terrible! | 23:04 |
Nyad | Has anyone noticed an overlap with the text in FF3 tabs? | 23:04 |
Zoohouse | DexterF, http://pastebin.com/m851cae0 | 23:04 |
Nyad | its only present in kubuntu, its fine in ubuntu | 23:05 |
admin__ | dexterf: im still tryin to block everythng but one particuar website and nothing seems to work | 23:05 |
DexterF | Zoohouse: what about your ram? | 23:05 |
DexterF | kris_: looks perfectly normal apart from that I only see 1GB there, not 2 | 23:05 |
kris_ | strange | 23:06 |
kris_ | but still my system is working slow | 23:06 |
Zoohouse | DexterF, Mem: 1034632k total, 984800k used, 49832k free, 26936k buffers | 23:06 |
DexterF | Zoohouse: no I mean why do you show it to me...? | 23:06 |
Zoohouse | you told me to show you | 23:06 |
DexterF | no I told kris_ to show me... | 23:07 |
Zoohouse | ohh sorry | 23:07 |
DexterF | :) | 23:07 |
linuxwtf | I tried installing JRE6 just now by typing sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin sun-java6-fonts in konsole. Everything seemed to be downloading, then I got a graphic with the Sun license agreement with an <ok> at the bottom that I wasn't able to click on. It's sun's version of bsod! | 23:08 |
DexterF | kris_: if there's 2GB in that box eitehr the kernel doesnt see all or something is wrong. the BIOS screen shows it? usage is normal, can't tell what FF does there... FF3 from 8.04? | 23:08 |
admin__ | im trying to use the kde kiosk admin tool to control sites people can view, any ideas on how to do that? | 23:09 |
kris_ | i have the 7.10 kubuntu | 23:09 |
kris_ | and it normally shows my rams in bios and working in windows | 23:09 |
DexterF | kris_: odd. other apps are slow, too? | 23:09 |
kris_ | but i dont care about rams i just want my system working fast not so slow :X | 23:09 |
kris_ | yes | 23:09 |
=== edney is now known as edneymatias | ||
kris_ | all apps | 23:09 |
Nyad | help. I filtered items on a website with konquerer, how do I stop filtering? | 23:10 |
nosrednaekim | kris_: have you run the memory test in the grub boot loader | 23:10 |
kris_ | even when i move window it causes lag | 23:10 |
DexterF | kris_: hmmm... do you knwo on which disk kubuntu sits? hda, hdb, sda...? | 23:10 |
kris_ | and how do i check it? | 23:11 |
Fujisan | nalioth | 23:11 |
Fujisan | je taime :P | 23:11 |
DexterF | good question... uh... | 23:11 |
=== admin__ is now known as xtreme_juice | ||
Fujisan | lekka sappig :) | 23:11 |
FroggyTheGreat | !java | 23:12 |
ubottu | To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier. | 23:12 |
xtreme_juice | any idea on how to block websites in the kde kiosk admin tool? | 23:12 |
DexterF | kris_: run grep "/ " /etc/fstab then blkid and see which uuid is "/" | 23:12 |
Fujisan | !block | 23:12 |
ubottu | Factoid block not found | 23:12 |
Fujisan | !website filter | 23:13 |
ubottu | Factoid website filter not found | 23:13 |
Fujisan | !admin | 23:13 |
ubottu | Factoid admin not found | 23:13 |
Fujisan | this bot isnt useful | 23:13 |
DexterF | Fujisan: could you msg the bot? | 23:13 |
Fujisan | how | 23:13 |
* Fujisan is new | 23:13 | |
DexterF | /msg ubottu | 23:13 |
Fujisan | thanks | 23:13 |
DexterF | Fujisan: and you might wanna check "privoxy" I guess | 23:14 |
Fujisan | it was for xtreme_juice | 23:14 |
DexterF | ah | 23:14 |
kris_ | DexterF: its sda | 23:14 |
DexterF | kris_: ok, there goes that train of thought | 23:14 |
Fujisan | i was abusing the bot to help someone help someone i wanted to help seems like my humanchessmoved worked ty DexterF | 23:15 |
DexterF | Fujisan: no it didn't. privoxy won't help xtreme_juice with his issue | 23:16 |
DexterF | you asked about web site filtering and thats what it does | 23:16 |
Fujisan | hahaha | 23:16 |
Fujisan | well i tried | 23:17 |
Fujisan | :( | 23:17 |
Fujisan | sorry xtreme_juice in have failed u | 23:17 |
xtreme_juice | thats actually pretty accurate, im trying to fiter everything BUT the company website | 23:17 |
xtreme_juice | what i really need is something that i can whitelist | 23:18 |
intelikey | xtreme_juice iptables | 23:18 |
DexterF | xtreme_juice: have a local proxy fetch only that site somehow and only allow browsers to use that proxy...? | 23:18 |
xtreme_juice | and how would i go about doing that | 23:19 |
Fujisan | "somehow" DexterF? | 23:19 |
DexterF | I don't have the slightest clue :) | 23:19 |
Fujisan | is that some sort of magic chant for automagic DexterF? | 23:19 |
xtreme_juice | iv tried dansguardian and that allowed everything EXCEPT the company site | 23:19 |
DexterF | heck yes! stfw and rtfm! | 23:20 |
xtreme_juice | ? i put the website in the whitelist not the blacklist | 23:20 |
xtreme_juice | it was properly configured | 23:20 |
DexterF | that was to fuji | 23:21 |
xtreme_juice | ah | 23:21 |
DexterF | well, outta ideas. seriously, I'd find me a proxy that can hanlde regular expressions | 23:21 |
xtreme_juice | any recomendations? | 23:21 |
DexterF | not really. | 23:21 |
intelikey | xtreme_juice iptables make a few rules, drop all, accept established, accept ip_you_want all | 23:22 |
DexterF | unless /etc/hosts can handle regexps... tho I doubt it. probably rather a question for someone who knows proxies | 23:22 |
Signil | where can u find the kubuntu irc logs (online)? | 23:22 |
intelikey | !log | 23:22 |
ubottu | Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/ | 23:22 |
Signil | tx | 23:23 |
DexterF | intelikey: won't that block dns requests? | 23:23 |
xtreme_juice | intelikely, im not familiar with iptable | 23:23 |
intelikey | why will he have external dns requests ? but you can include the dns server in the accept rule. | 23:23 |
DexterF | xtreme_juice: get familiar with it. the idea is good. | 23:23 |
Fujisan | DexterF not if you "somehow" make it not block dns | 23:23 |
Fujisan | wow i am a natural at kubuntu support :P | 23:24 |
Fujisan | i learned from the best magician DexterF | 23:24 |
DexterF | Fujisan: dude, are you high..? | 23:24 |
NickPresta | If you aren't up for learning the intricasies and such of IP tables, I suggest you get familiar with a frontend for it, perhaps KMyFirewall, and learn how to use that (and look at the resulting code to understand what you're doing) | 23:24 |
Fujisan | I am "somehow" not high but just really clever :) | 23:24 |
DexterF | Fujisan: right now you're a chattering j/a going to my ignore list :) | 23:25 |
Fujisan | farewell live long and prosper DexterF | 23:25 |
xtreme_juice | im using kmyfirewall now, and its soething i can understand | 23:25 |
intelikey | xtreme_juice there are docs on the web the iptables man page is on your linux system and there is an #iptables channel iirc. they can tell a beginner what docs to look at, there are a few good network admins in ##linux most of the time. | 23:26 |
NickPresta | xtreme_juice, then I wouldn't worry about it. You can slowly learn how to interface directly with iptables at your lesuire but KMyFirewall is fine if you want to use it | 23:26 |
_ZeuZ_ | I have a problem in kubuntu, it's related to the power managment system, confirmed using KDE without it produced no problem, and when the system boots, it seems to recognize the system as if the lid was closed, and it hence, for the configuration I set, shut it down... how can I reconfigure it from the ttys? | 23:27 |
xtreme_juice | ok i just have to have this done by tomm | 23:27 |
* intelikey hopes that "kmyfirewall" is better than firestarter/guraddog ... | 23:27 | |
* Fujisan is high on the love and communion in this channel | 23:27 | |
NickPresta | intelikey, it is better, although not by much. It has an 'advanced' interface, which is what I use most of the time. :) | 23:28 |
intelikey | NickPresta k. | 23:28 |
* flaccid wishes iptables was better in the syntax | 23:28 | |
Fujisan | we are all family here | 23:28 |
Fujisan | let do a grouphug | 23:29 |
intelikey | flaccid dito | 23:29 |
Fujisan | i am up for it | 23:29 |
raket | hey people, I was trying to upgrade my KDE v3.5.9 to 4.0.3 but after the restart it seems that I am still using the old one | 23:29 |
nosrednaekim | hey intelikey haven't seen you in a while | 23:29 |
NickPresta | iptables is fairly self explanitory for simple things, but for complex stuff, I can get confused at times. maybe it is just me | 23:29 |
flaccid | intelikey: i use freebsd and ipfw is very nice syntax. iptables is just confusing heh | 23:29 |
nosrednaekim | raket: in the login manager, there is an option to switch to kde4 | 23:29 |
NickPresta | raket, did you select KDE 4.0.3 from the login manager | 23:29 |
raket | I didn't see the option | 23:29 |
intelikey | nosrednaekim i've been around but not much at this hour | 23:29 |
nosrednaekim | ah | 23:30 |
raket | I'll try to log off, and see what can I do | 23:30 |
Fujisan | the confusion makes iptables secure its like the same reason osx is so secure also | 23:30 |
flaccid | confusion = security. hmm weird | 23:30 |
NickPresta | Fujisan, I fail to see how security through obscurity makes sense, but okay | 23:30 |
_ZeuZ_ | I have a problem in kubuntu, it's related to the power managment system, confirmed using KDE without it produced no problem, and when the system boots, it seems to recognize the system as if the lid was closed, and it hence, for the configuration I set, shut it down... how can I reconfigure it from the ttys? or from recovery reconfig it? | 23:31 |
Fujisan | NickPresta ask the IRS why tax judges dont even understand the taxlaws | 23:31 |
intelikey | NickPresta it's like hidding from the police in a large croud... </shrugs> | 23:31 |
flaccid | _ZeuZ_: nntr | 23:31 |
_ZeuZ_ | nntr? | 23:32 |
flaccid | no need to repeat | 23:32 |
_ZeuZ_ | it's not the same message(not at the end) | 23:32 |
Fujisan | _ZeuZ_ how is Hera doing? | 23:32 |
raket | thanks for the hint everyone! :) | 23:32 |
Fujisan | she hasnt returned my calls | 23:33 |
_ZeuZ_ | Hera? | 23:33 |
NickPresta | _ZeuZ_, have you tried to disable power management as a workaround so you can get to your Desktop and such? | 23:33 |
intelikey | _ZeuZ_ it's a DE start. you'll have to change xinit or the DE specific startup scripts. don't know which. | 23:33 |
Fujisan | Hera, the Greek goddess called the Queen of Heaven | 23:33 |
_ZeuZ_ | Nickpresta, how-to? | 23:33 |
raket | I have a question though, should I remove kde3? | 23:33 |
intelikey | _ZeuZ_ that's the Q i was answering. | 23:33 |
NickPresta | _ZeuZ_, as intelikey said, it is a startup script, most likely. | 23:33 |
NickPresta | I would imagine if you can get to your desktop via recovery startup, you should be able to go into KControl or something similar and disable it. | 23:34 |
_ZeuZ_ | intelikey, Also, its for sure not, or run kdm from root login in the rescue shell does not run it.. but it does not run network manager, nor knetwork manager, and I have software dependant on it | 23:34 |
flaccid | raket: why? | 23:34 |
Fujisan | raket get a mac | 23:34 |
raket | flaccid: because I won't use it?! | 23:35 |
raket | why do you ask? | 23:35 |
flaccid | then why use kubuntu? | 23:35 |
_ZeuZ_ | raket: you haven't... and keeping libraries there will help you run kde3 native apps | 23:35 |
intelikey | "<_ZeuZ_> intelikey, Also, its for sure not," lost me. ? | 23:35 |
NickPresta | raket, I would probably keep KDE 3.5.9 in the event 4.0.3 breaks on you or something like that. | 23:35 |
nosrednaekim | raket: no... you shouldn't... unless you really need the disk space (about 1 GB) | 23:35 |
_ZeuZ_ | intelikey, starting it from root at the recovery console, does not start it, so it's notin the x system scripts | 23:35 |
intelikey | _ZeuZ_ heh. flawed logic. but ok. | 23:36 |
raket | I see, so kde3 needs to be there because other apps might depend on it? | 23:36 |
_ZeuZ_ | It uses the default files, and there;s nothing in .kde/Autostart so | 23:36 |
_ZeuZ_ | raket, might, as you said... | 23:37 |
_ZeuZ_ | there's no performance leak in leaving it there so, I don't see a reason why not to keep it | 23:37 |
raket | alright, I'll test drive kde4 for awhile and then I'll decide what to do | 23:37 |
flaccid | raket: just to let you know kde4 is missing a lot and has some nice bugs | 23:38 |
_ZeuZ_ | flaccid, that's damn right | 23:38 |
intelikey | _ZeuZ_ i think that's what i said. it is DE specific. the desktop environment starts it with an xinit call most likely. and you'll have to find the script that is starting it, if you want to disable it from the console. | 23:38 |
raket | right-o! | 23:38 |
_ZeuZ_ | xinit call? if so, it would also start from root tty and it doesnt | 23:39 |
flaccid | _ZeuZ_: yeah im back on kde3 because of it | 23:39 |
intelikey | _ZeuZ_ wrong. | 23:39 |
* flaccid is waiting for kde 4.2 | 23:39 | |
intelikey | _ZeuZ_ init != xinit | 23:39 |
_ZeuZ_ | then dpkg-reconfigure xinit ? | 23:40 |
vLdSS | anyone knowa good system-wide mouse gesture program for KDE? | 23:40 |
intelikey | that's the first of the major misassumptions the second is that failsafe/root_tty_login will run everything that normal login would... | 23:40 |
_ZeuZ_ | i know | 23:41 |
_ZeuZ_ | it sets as what it is in /root/.kde and so | 23:41 |
=== kewark is now known as krawek | ||
intelikey | _ZeuZ_ no. not reconfig xinit. that would change nothing. find the /etc/kde*/blah that is calling apm and alter it. | 23:42 |
flaccid | is there a kmyfirewall tutorial or anything anywhere? | 23:42 |
intelikey | could be in /etc/defaults/ too | 23:42 |
_ZeuZ_ | APM is not the problem, the problem is the damned applet | 23:42 |
intelikey | and could be in /usr/lib/kde*/something.... | 23:42 |
_ZeuZ_ | APM is not the problem, the problem is the damned applet | 23:42 |
_ZeuZ_ | xD | 23:42 |
_ZeuZ_ | Repeating because the problem is not APM but how that crappy piece of code deals with the misconfiguration it has from the lid open/closed state | 23:43 |
_ZeuZ_ | that's why I asked how to reconfigure that script | 23:43 |
intelikey | and could be in /usr/lib/kde*/something.... | 23:43 |
_ZeuZ_ | As far as I know, its python so it should be holding it in a .conf or so file.. | 23:44 |
_ZeuZ_ | and it's not, I checked /usr/lib/kde* | 23:44 |
_ZeuZ_ | I cant even start it from the recovery mode | 23:44 |
nosrednaekim | _ZeuZ_: .kde/share/config/power-managerrc | 23:45 |
_ZeuZ_ | is that the ubutus script or the default one that comes with KDE? Becauser the troublesome is the ubuntus one | 23:45 |
intelikey | nosrednaekim ummm yeah he can probably turn it off there. | 23:46 |
nosrednaekim | thats the one that comes with kubuntu | 23:46 |
nosrednaekim | guidance-power-manager | 23:46 |
_ZeuZ_ | guidance-power-manager, so there I can reconfigure it, right? | 23:46 |
raket | one more question people, how can I hide duplicate applications in kde4 that run under kde3? uninstall them!? | 23:47 |
intelikey | raket or kmenuedit ? | 23:47 |
=== ubuntu_ is now known as Maska | ||
nosrednaekim | _ZeuZ_: if you can actually get into KDE yes, other wise edit that file (or erase it) | 23:48 |
_ZeuZ_ | ok, reconfigured it there, going back to a normal boot to check | 23:48 |
_ZeuZ_ | gonna report back in a minute | 23:48 |
* intelikey can't imagine eracing anything in ~./.kde helping with that.... but who know. | 23:49 | |
* _ZeuZ_ Regrets having installed Hardy to his mom, he should have stayd with Lenny | 23:49 | |
nosrednaekim | true..... that would be an after-login issue | 23:49 |
raket | intelikey: kmenuedit?! | 23:50 |
_ZeuZ_ | nosrednaekim, worked, lovely! Thanks! | 23:50 |
nosrednaekim | heh | 23:50 |
nosrednaekim | cool | 23:50 |
_ZeuZ_ | just turned it back to nothing from the text editor... | 23:50 |
* intelikey scrolls up to try to make sense of all that now. | 23:51 | |
_ZeuZ_ | After all, he was the one who could directly tell mehow to reconfigure it... props for him | 23:51 |
nosrednaekim | raket: yes | 23:52 |
raket | what do you mean? | 23:52 |
raket | found it! very nice :) | 23:54 |
intelikey | communication skills are uncommon amongst those that know a little about linux. (/me should know, no one can understand him either) at least the new converts all call the root fs c: and we can translate that... \; | 23:57 |
nosrednaekim | :) | 23:58 |
_ZeuZ_ | Those are Windows users... | 23:59 |
_ZeuZ_ | At least they should know what reiserFS is | 23:59 |
DexterF | ah fsck it | 23:59 |
flaccid | why should a normal user know abut reiserfs ? | 23:59 |
intelikey | why should they ? | 23:59 |
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