=== Dana1 is now known as DanaG | ||
fidesu | holas | 02:26 |
fidesu | in this page talk in spanish? | 02:27 |
alin_CN | just a Hello~ | 03:39 |
_MMA_ | alin_CN: From #ubuntustudio: What kind of encoder? What are you trying to do? | 03:42 |
alin_CN | I have a *.ogg 1280x800 file, I want to turn it into 800x600... | 03:44 |
alin_CN | I just konw few english words -__-|| | 03:45 |
_MMA_ | alin_CN: Look at: http://www.videohelp.com/tools/sections/linux-video-tools | 03:45 |
_MMA_ | alin_CN: What's your native language? | 03:45 |
alin_CN | Thank you. | 03:45 |
alin_CN | I spoken chinese~~--CN | 03:46 |
_MMA_ | alin_CN: Ok. Sorry. That's a rare language around here. :( | 03:46 |
_MMA_ | I wish I could help more. | 03:47 |
alin_CN | I does not matter, I can understand English, just reading, not speaking | 03:47 |
alin_CN | hehe | 03:47 |
alin_CN | It..no I.. | 03:48 |
alin_CN | Thank, the link you give me is very userful for me^_^ | 03:49 |
DShepherd | is the ubuntu-artwork team responsible for the notification icons for tracker? | 04:52 |
* DanaG ♥ Nodoka engine -- it's nice and not-glossy. | 05:26 | |
DanaG | Fedora's .gtkrc sucks, but the engine looks nice. I wish I had a gtkrc to make Murrine look like it, though -- since it supposedly can be made to look the same. | 05:28 |
DanaG | s/supposed/apparently/ | 05:29 |
DanaG | oops, 'apparentlyly' | 05:29 |
repete | kwwii: hey, dude. | 13:22 |
repete | kwwii: ping me when you get a chance | 13:23 |
kwwii | repete: hey man | 13:34 |
_MMA_ | DanaG: SInce Cimi's here you might want to talk to him to see how to make Murrine look like Nodoka. | 15:16 |
DShepherd | nice new download icon! | 17:25 |
DShepherd | download = updater notification icon | 17:26 |
DanaG | Oh yeah, I'm back now. | 18:17 |
DanaG | Tue May 6 10:17:14 PDT 2008 | 18:17 |
DanaG | Cimi: How would I go about making the Murrine engine look like the 'Nodoka' theme? ( as in this screenshot: www.csc.calpoly.edu/~dgoyette/screenshot-orange-nodoka.png ) | 18:32 |
Cimi | DanaG, you can get a similar look | 18:34 |
Cimi | but not the same | 18:34 |
DanaG | aah. | 18:36 |
DanaG | I like the way that looks -- it's nice and not-glossy. The name also reminds me of a particular character (in fact, that's most of what you get if you google for just 'nodoka' without also 'gtk') | 18:37 |
Cimi | DanaG, with the murrine provided with hardy you can get a similar look by adding hilight_ratio = 0.909090 in your gtkrc | 18:40 |
DanaG | I'll try that right now. | 18:40 |
DanaG | Oh, I'm trying it with the human-murrine theme right now. | 18:43 |
DanaG | Looks good, but not quite the same. | 18:44 |
Cimi | yeah | 18:44 |
Cimi | with the next release it will be much more similar (except the ugly scrollbars copied from mac) and you will need to add just style = NODOKA | 18:45 |
DanaG | Oh yeah, I think I've compiled the svn Murrine; where does that STYLE= go? | 18:46 |
DanaG | Heh, I had never really thought about the scrollbars; they look like a cross between OS X and a band-aid. | 18:46 |
DanaG | oh, likely in engine murrine{ .... } | 18:48 |
Cimi | DanaG, where did you get the info to compile the svn version? | 18:48 |
Cimi | I don't want testers | 18:48 |
DanaG | I don't remember where, actually. | 18:48 |
_MMA_ | Cimi: Why not? | 18:49 |
_MMA_ | DanaG: You have that address handy? | 18:49 |
Cimi | _MMA_, since people will complain about *oh shit how I can enable transparency?* | 18:49 |
Cimi | and I don't have the time for them | 18:50 |
DanaG | I just did this: http://www.google.com/search?q=svn+murrine | 18:50 |
_MMA_ | Cimi: Well, I guess that's the risk you run with open-source projects. | 18:50 |
_MMA_ | Cimi: Will you have an actual release ready any time soon? | 18:51 |
Cimi | _MMA_, I'm still searching for some donations :) | 18:52 |
DanaG | Hmm, "style = NODOKA" just made everything flat, for me. | 18:52 |
Cimi | I can't work on it now | 18:52 |
DanaG | And still glossy. | 18:52 |
_MMA_ | Cimi: SO you're holding the release ransom 'till you get paid? | 18:52 |
Cimi | no | 18:52 |
DanaG | Sounds more like, won't have time to work on it unless get gets donations. | 18:53 |
Cimi | the release will follow some rgba patches | 18:53 |
DanaG | s/get/he/ | 18:53 |
Cimi | DanaG, I need to work more on it | 18:53 |
Cimi | but the code is quite complete | 18:53 |
_MMA_ | Cimi: I see. Maybe call for others to help if you don't have the time. | 18:54 |
Cimi | _MMA_, not for the engine | 18:54 |
Cimi | maybe for the configurator | 18:54 |
DanaG | Looks like some people have figured out the transparency: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Compiz-Fusion+Dark+Live+CD+Murrina?content=78513 | 18:55 |
_MMA_ | So what needs work? The engine or configurator? | 18:55 |
DanaG | Heh, I think the Nodoka scrollbars would look fine if it weren't for the dimply thing in the center. | 18:56 |
Cimi | donations and release are indepentent | 19:01 |
Cimi | I will release when it is done | 19:01 |
Cimi | mine is free software not payware/shareware | 19:01 |
_MMA_ | Cimi: Sure but what needs more work? The engine or configurator? | 19:01 |
Cimi | configurator and gtk patches | 19:02 |
Cimi | murrine is totally stable | 19:02 |
Cimi | needs 1 day of full work | 19:02 |
Cimi | I need donations to buy a cheap laptop, I have just a pc @ home | 19:02 |
_MMA_ | Ok. So what language is the configurator written in? | 19:02 |
Cimi | _MMA_, there's a project on launchpad | 19:03 |
Cimi | pygtk | 19:03 |
_MMA_ | Ok. I'll have a friend look over it. Please link in here to the project page. | 19:03 |
Cimi | https://code.launchpad.net/~gtkconf/murrine/murrine-configurator | 19:04 |
* _MMA_ looks. | 19:05 | |
DanaG | Oh yeah, one tweak it needs: look for anything with "Murrin" instead of just "^Murrina" | 19:06 |
_MMA_ | Cimi: Looks like it's a fairly active project. | 19:06 |
Cimi | _MMA_, less than one commit per month | 19:06 |
_MMA_ | Cimi: Oh sorry. I read the times wrong. | 19:09 |
* _MMA_ pulls branch. | 19:10 | |
_MMA_ | Cimi: What .py runs the app? | 19:12 |
Cimi | don't know | 19:12 |
Cimi | the code is not mine | 19:12 |
_MMA_ | ok | 19:12 |
=== Dana1 is now known as DanaG |
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