sectech | greg-g, what about reporters who abandon there reports? lol (which I am getting the impression this one is doing) | 00:00 |
greg-g | if they do not respond to requests of information for 60 days you are very welcome to close it (set to invalid) | 00:00 |
greg-g | if you set the bug to "incomplete" when you ask for information it automatically starts counting down from 60 days for you | 00:01 |
greg-g | (as long as the bug is not assigned to a person/team, which most times an incomplete bug shouldn't*) | 00:01 |
greg-g | *there are exceptions, certain applications have different work flows depending on the team | 00:02 |
sectech | I'm glad that I have a channel to ask... There will be less questions from me as I get used to this... | 00:03 |
sectech | my requests for status requests will be increasing though because I can't mark anything as triaged yet | 00:04 |
greg-g | sectech: questions are always welcomed | 00:04 |
sectech | greg-g, can you mark a bug as triaged for me? :P | 00:05 |
greg-g | bug number? | 00:05 |
sectech | 226945 | 00:05 |
greg-g | bug 226945 | 00:05 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 226945 in imagemagick "ImageMagick broken in Hardy" [Undecided,Incomplete] | 00:05 |
sectech | I'll post a reply stating that there should be enough information for the bug to be looked at and solved by someone in a min | 00:07 |
greg-g | k, yeah, since it is a programming example the exact problem function is being called so that helps narrow it down | 00:08 |
greg-g | and it really helped that he tested the latest release and it works there | 00:08 |
sectech | I need to come up with some common responses for bugs that have been freshly marked as triaged (to go along with the standard ubuntu ones) | 00:09 |
greg-g | sectech: just for completeness sake I would ask if it worked in Gutsy | 00:09 |
sectech | alright.... | 00:09 |
greg-g | you don't always need to comment on a change of status, just fyi, its optional | 00:09 |
sectech | I know... I just don't like leaving an open comment from someone, it just seems a little more professional if I let the person know what's going on... | 00:11 |
sectech | old habits die hard I guess... | 00:11 |
greg-g | :) thats quite alright | 00:11 |
sectech | Someone mentioned that since I don't have the ability to mark bugs as triaged I should mark them as confirmed... I'm kinda wondering about that though because if it's marked as confirmed doesn't that mean it has been duplicated? | 00:16 |
greg-g | yeah, or you feel there is enough information provided (logs are a good example) to warrant it | 00:17 |
greg-g | but be conservative in those cases | 00:17 |
wolfger | are we talking "W" conservative, or Ron Paul conservative? ;-) | 00:17 |
greg-g | wolfger: "conservation of the environment" conservative :) | 00:20 |
sectech | that firefox bug reporter just provided some more information.... It does indeed look like it is a bug | 00:21 |
sectech | which means I was to hasty to change it to a question.... | 00:21 |
sectech | 2 tags in an html page that have an embedded wav that doesn't exist, crashes this guys firefox | 00:22 |
greg-g | interesting, bug number for that one? | 00:23 |
wolfger | I just wanna know why it doesn't crash my FF or yours | 00:24 |
sectech | bug #227055 | 00:24 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 227055 in firefox-3.0 "Firefox 3 crash - repeatable example" [Undecided,Invalid] | 00:24 |
greg-g | I can't reproduce it either, and I clicked around on the buttons a ton too | 00:25 |
greg-g | reloading every now and then | 00:26 |
sectech | hmmm it's marked as incomplete as a result of me converting it to a question before... I'll change it back to incomplete | 00:28 |
sectech | rather it was marked as invalid... sorry | 00:28 |
greg-g | yeah, incomplete probably for now, since with a livecd it is not reproducable by the reporter | 00:29 |
pwnguin | is there a reason bug #137686 isn't marked fix released? | 00:30 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 137686 in linux "[hardy] [gutsy] [regression] (regression from edgy to feisty and to gutsy) tifm_sd module not working and not producing any message in logs" [Medium,Fix committed] | 00:30 |
seaq | hi guys, Markus uploaded a new python-launchpad-bugs package to the ppa solving bug 226949 , but now I'm trying to install 5-a-day applet and it fails for unmet dependency libbonobo2-bin | 00:31 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 226949 in python-launchpad-bugs "[GUTSY] unmet dependency for python-launchpad-bugs" [Medium,In progress] | 00:31 |
seaq | - | 00:31 |
seaq | and according to packages ubuntu this one also is for hardy only... | 00:32 |
greg-g | seaq: you are running gutsy? | 00:33 |
seaq | yeap... | 00:34 |
seaq | so I wonder should I fill a new bug or extend the scope for the reported one... | 00:34 |
sectech | wolfger, If you look at the firefox log it touches vlc.... | 00:35 |
sectech | wonder if that has anything to do with it | 00:35 |
greg-g | seaq: should probably ask markus about it | 00:35 |
sectech | aahhh hah... google has hits on vlc crashing firefox | 00:38 |
sectech | and the reason why it doesn't crash on my system is because I don't have vlc installed.... I'll try and reproduce this | 00:39 |
sectech | vlc crashed firefox.... that's the problem | 00:48 |
greg-g | sectech: seriously, that was the only change? | 00:56 |
sectech | seriously. | 00:56 |
greg-g | good deal | 00:59 |
greg-g | (that you found it) | 00:59 |
sectech | yep: I think I have found my way to contribute to ubuntu... triage bugs it is.... | 01:00 |
sectech | You sure get a lot of email doing this...haha | 01:00 |
sectech | If someone could mark that bug I was working on as triaged (bug #227055) that would be great | 01:09 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 227055 in vlc "Firefox 3 crash - repeatable example" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 01:09 |
gnomefreak | sectech: is it confirmed or so you need someone to confirm? | 01:22 |
gnomefreak | sectech: we need a bzcktrace on that bug or its useless just because vlc is causing it or appears to be causing it doesnt mean anything until we know why. Im marking it as incomplete only because we need a backtrace or strace of the issue to confirm it, please see for more info on how Mozilla team does thier status on bugs, please feel free to join #ubuntu-mozillateam if | 01:27 |
Igorot | good morning! | 01:36 |
gnomefreak | sectech: i updated the bug the backtrace he did didnt show a crash so i asked for updated. | 01:36 |
gnomefreak | good evening Igorot | 01:36 |
secretlondon | Igorot, good very early morning and I should really be in bed | 01:36 |
Igorot | heh, i'm in southeast asia | 01:37 |
gnomefreak | good night everyone :) | 01:37 |
sectech | wait | 01:38 |
Igorot | bye gnomefreak! | 01:38 |
sectech | sorry | 01:38 |
sectech | I stepped away | 01:38 |
gnomefreak | sectech: im here | 01:38 |
sectech | I'm just reading what you typed.. 2 secs | 01:38 |
gnomefreak | we cant really confirm that bug without a good backtrace or be able to triage upstream in some way | 01:38 |
sectech | Okay fair enough.... | 01:39 |
sectech | I see where your coming from. | 01:39 |
gnomefreak | sectech: i will test it again tomorrow and get the rest of the team to try | 01:39 |
sectech | Okay thanks :) | 01:39 |
gnomefreak | sectech: i just need something to say it crashed due to ...... | 01:39 |
gnomefreak | have a good day/night | 01:39 |
sectech | makes sense... | 01:40 |
sectech | have a good night | 01:40 |
gnomefreak | 20:44 < gnomefreak > the vlc guys might beable to use that since it does remove the interfaces i will update my statements | 01:48 |
gnomefreak | 20:47 < gnomefreak > sei updaed it sorry its kind of late here atleast its been a veery long day i thought it was still on firefox-3 so lets see what vlc bug triager says im still gonna get the team to see if its reproducable. i updated everything on bug. | 01:48 |
gnomefreak | 20:48 < gnomefreak > oops | 01:48 |
gnomefreak | sectech: sorry wrong channel for the above comments ther eshould have been here | 01:48 |
gnomefreak | night | 01:48 |
sectech | okay | 01:49 |
sectech | I don't think i'm going to run any traces tonight... kinda tired at the moment... | 01:55 |
sectech | Actually I'm done for tonight... I'll be back tomorrow | 01:57 |
sectech | night folks | 01:57 |
felipe__ | Hello, I'm considering doing bug triage and I want to know how much time does it takes to do this for one bug :):) | 03:02 |
secretlondon | felipe__, depends on the bug! | 03:02 |
felipe__ | Ok, do I need to download a special package from the repos to do triaging? | 03:05 |
secretlondon | no | 03:06 |
secretlondon | the information is on the wiki | 03:07 |
secretlondon | | 03:08 |
felipe__ | should this bug change from new to triaged, it seems it confirmed, and that the reporter was going to report it upstream.... | 03:33 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 159778 in gimp "Gimp "Save a Copy" Screen is Blank" [Low,New] | 03:33 |
JohnPhys | Should nvidia-settings ask for your password before running? I think it should, as otherwise (such as currently in Hardy) it can't write changes to the xorg.conf file that someone might want to make. | 04:06 |
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greg-g | felipe__: they haven't reported it upstream yet (I looked and couldn't find it) and it still doesn't have a direct cause/set a always reproducible steps | 04:14 |
JohnPhys | Is there anyone here familiar enough with nvidia-settings (or privelidge escalation) that can help with Bug #200868 ? It's seems to be a decent-sized usability issue for people that choose the proprietary nvidia driver. | 04:17 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 200868 in nvidia-settings "nvidia-settings doesn't have permissions to write xorg.conf" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 04:17 |
RAOF | JohnPhys: The counterpoint is that nvidia-settings has sufficient privelages to do everything else. | 04:28 |
RAOF | JohnPhys: I've never missed the lack of root access in nvidia-settings, and I've used it quite a lot. | 04:28 |
JohnPhys | RAOF: Understandable, but something should be done at least, if only to add a message "please run as sudo from the terminal" or something, so that users know why it's not saving to xorg.conf | 04:29 |
RAOF | JohnPhys: The problem there, of course, is that we don't have the code :( | 04:30 |
RAOF | Right? | 04:30 |
JohnPhys | or add an escalation "prompt" to that specific task only, and let the rest of the application run as a recular user. | 04:30 |
RAOF | If we _did_ have the code, that would be my response, yes. | 04:30 |
RAOF | Oh, maybe we do have the code. It seems to be in universe, not restricted. | 04:31 |
JohnPhys | RAOF: I don't know what we have access to with nvidia-settings, I know for sure we don't have access to the driver code :(. | 04:31 |
JohnPhys | RAOF: Yes, it's in universe. Also, good ol' vrms doesn't complain about it :) | 04:32 |
RAOF | Yeah; I was confused because nvidia-settings used to be bundled with the driver. It looks like we have the code for nvidia settings, so that's how it should be handled. | 04:33 |
JohnPhys | RAOF: Alrighty. Any idea who can be asked/persuaded to make the relevant changes? I remember reading about issues ppl had with nvidia "not remembering settings", I wonder if this is related (such as twinview setups and such). | 04:36 |
RAOF | JohnPhys: Stick it in the bug report. | 04:40 |
RAOF | I have no idea who's upstream for nvidia-settings. Presumably it's nvidia. | 04:40 |
JohnPhys | I looked at the recent changelog, looks like lots of diff ppl have applied patches and repackaged it, not sure who's responsible for it though. | 04:41 |
RAOF | Heh. | 04:41 |
RAOF | Launchpad will hit the right people. | 04:42 |
RAOF | Eventually. | 04:42 |
JohnPhys | Hopefully. I'm not going to add to the bug report though, as I don't remember where I read such complaints, and don't want to spam the list with (potentially) unrelated info. | 04:46 |
JohnPhys | Thanks for the discussion though. | 04:46 |
lifeless | RAOF: hitting everyone doesn't count! | 04:49 |
RAOF | lifeless: But is a perfectly valid search strategy! | 05:00 |
RAOF | Hit everyone until someone says 'ow' in the right way! | 05:00 |
JohnPhys | RAOF: I'd hate to be your patient if you were a doctor :P | 05:00 |
=== bdmurray changed the topic of #ubuntu-bugs to: Hug Day! | Ubuntu BugSquad | | Documentation: | If you have been triaging bugs for a while, please apply to - | ||
Hewus | If I can reproduce a bug (#131192) filed as 'firefox' on firefox-3.0, can I confirm it for firefox, or should I also add firefox-3.0 as new? | 07:19 |
techno_freak | Hewus, confirm the bug | 07:26 |
techno_freak | Hewus, if you can confirm it for 3.0 also, then add it to the affected packages | 07:27 |
LaschW | kmail fails initiating TLS: "kio_imap: WARNING: TLS mode setup has failed. Aborting." | 07:29 |
LaschW | Anyone else faced this? | 07:29 |
LaschW | There is a a gentoo bugreport against libssl0.9.8: | 07:30 |
ubottu | bug 198914 in Ebuilds "dev-libs/openssl-0.9.8g failure with SSLv3 handshakes when enable-tlsext" [Normal,Reopened] | 07:30 |
Hewus | techno_freak: done, thank you :-) | 08:10 |
techno_freak | Hewus, welcome :) | 08:11 |
Klessou | Is it normal when edit the terminal launcher and I add "sudo" (or "gksudo") before "gnome-terminal" command. I'm using directly the root user without password ... ?? | 09:34 |
Klessou | ... in a terminal when I do "sudo gnome-terminal", at the same time I hate to put my password ... | 09:35 |
Klessou | ??? | 09:39 |
Klessou | Strange, the time to do a sudo in a launcher seems higher than the time in a terminal ... | 09:48 |
Klessou | Strange, the time to do a sudo without password in a launcher seems higher than the time in a terminal ... | 09:51 |
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sectech | Morning gnomefreak | 12:01 |
gnomefreak | bug 227055 | 12:02 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 227055 in vlc "VLC seems to cause Firefox-3.0 to crash repeatedly" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 12:02 |
gnomefreak | morning | 12:02 |
gnomefreak | i think i found out why backtraces didnt show anything | 12:02 |
sectech | no debugging symbols? | 12:02 |
gnomefreak | no wrong packages | 12:02 |
sectech | okay... | 12:03 |
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sectech | I did a search for vlc crashes in lauchpad and I think I found a bug that might be related | 12:04 |
sectech | bug #78725 and bug#116689 | 12:05 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 78725 in vlc "MASTER firefox crashed [@vfprintf] ... --" [Undecided,New] | 12:05 |
sectech | I'm curious to know if it's the same bug... The only difference in this case seems to be the media is a .wav | 12:06 |
gnomefreak | sectech: once i get a backtrace than we car mark it but with what we have isnt enough to say vfprint causing it unless i missed something in bug | 12:06 |
gnomefreak | sectech: bug 227055 is .wav as well | 12:07 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 227055 in vlc "VLC seems to cause Firefox-3.0 to crash repeatedly" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 12:07 |
gnomefreak | give me 20-30 minutes i should have everything needed i hope | 12:07 |
sectech | 227055 is the original bug | 12:07 |
sectech | Okay | 12:07 |
sectech | I don't have a lot of time to spend on triage today, I just want to make sure the ones I started are being dealt with... | 12:08 |
gnomefreak | sectech: the mozilla bugs page is up to date now as for the pakcages neeed to debug | 12:09 |
qense | here anothere xample of devs using bug reports for their own purposes, but forgetting to edit the status in a right way, so we think it's a normal bug report: bug 226475 | 12:10 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 226475 in kaffeine "remove dvd code install" [Undecided,Fix released] | 12:10 |
gnomefreak | sectech: no worries outside of yard work i planned on working on email and email == 100+ bugs :( | 12:10 |
gnomefreak | qense: what do you mean devs used it for thier own purpose? | 12:11 |
gnomefreak | devs fix bugs for everyone not themselves | 12:11 |
qense | they post normal bug reports, leave the status at new or incomplete | 12:11 |
qense | I used wrong words | 12:11 |
james_w | qense: yeah, that's unfortunate. | 12:12 |
qense | but it makes us think we've got a very bad bug reprot | 12:12 |
gnomefreak | everyone has thier own way of doing bugs. mozilla team doesnt use status like everyone else does (just an dexample) | 12:12 |
qense | but we should at least make it clear for us that we should leave it alone | 12:13 |
gnomefreak | he filied the bug report for that purpose (not really to be triaged | 12:13 |
qense | s/we/they | 12:13 |
qense | yes, but how can I see that? | 12:13 |
gnomefreak | qense: if you know the devs you know to leave it alone :) | 12:14 |
james_w | qense: yeah, the problem is that bugs are also used for workflow, and I don't think that in this case the process allowed for anything else to be done until the diffs were ready. | 12:14 |
qense | but there are so many :) | 12:14 |
gnomefreak | click on his name and it will show you | 12:14 |
qense | work will take much longer if I have to check all reporters | 12:14 |
qense | and what about real bug reports from devs? | 12:14 |
james_w | perhaps "confirmed" would have worked, but I don't know if this is used for something else by the SRU team. | 12:15 |
gnomefreak | that is a real bug report he filied it so he didnt forget about it | 12:15 |
qense | but if it would have been a real bug report he shouldn't have set it to confirmed by himself | 12:15 |
gnomefreak | perhaps he should have set him as assigned to but than that doesnt work for mozillateam so its hard to say | 12:16 |
gnomefreak | it is a real bug report | 12:16 |
gnomefreak | its just not one needed to be triaged | 12:16 |
qense | I think ti would be the best if we would arrange a meeting about this | 12:16 |
gnomefreak | if bug team stopped using assigned to space for anyone asking questions than devs can set them to themselves and you would have a fix to the issue | 12:17 |
gnomefreak | this would give the new bug triagers a simple answer to who is working on the bug not triaging it | 12:17 |
qense | the policy recently has been changed, at first triagers were told to assing themselves to bugs they were triaging, but now it's just for people who work on them | 12:19 |
gnomefreak | ok good it did go back to normal | 12:19 |
gnomefreak | brb really have to get backtrace for this bug, sectech im leaning towards this bug being firefox since firefox crashed not vlc vlc might have helped cause the crash say by mem usage but firefox gtk issue and should be fixed in firefox but lets see what i get from backtrace first | 12:22 |
sectech | gnomefreak, Okay... This bug seems to be a good lesson for me, yesterday was my first day bug triaging... | 12:23 |
sectech | I learned a LOT yesterday as it was.... | 12:23 |
gnomefreak | :) dont ever stop learning | 12:23 |
sectech | I tend to think it would be a good thing for a triager to put something in the bug to let people know it is in the process of being triaged... | 12:24 |
gnomefreak | i do know vlc has what too many depends :( | 12:24 |
sectech | gnomefreak, Oh I won't.... I like this! It's really good experience | 12:24 |
gnomefreak | brb smoke before running this test again | 12:24 |
sectech | k | 12:24 |
gnomefreak | asac: when you get time ping me please if within next 30 minutes i would like you to try to reproduce a vlc/firefox-3 bug | 12:30 |
asac | gnomefreak: i have time for you :) | 12:30 |
gnomefreak | :) | 12:31 |
gnomefreak | bug 227055 | 12:31 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 227055 in vlc "VLC seems to cause Firefox-3.0 to crash repeatedly" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 12:31 |
asac | gnomefreak: do you see that? | 12:31 |
gnomefreak | asac: backtrace isnt working :( we i might need to fix the wiki | 12:31 |
gnomefreak | asac: no but i failed to have vlc installed | 12:31 |
gnomefreak | | 12:32 |
gnomefreak | asac: firefox -g 2>&1 | tee ~/gdb-firefox.log just spawns another page | 12:32 |
asac | gnomefreak: you need to close all firefox running before doing that | 12:33 |
gnomefreak | oops | 12:33 |
gnomefreak | gnomefreak@Hardy:~$ firefox -g 2>&1 | tee ~/gdb-firefox.log | 12:34 |
gnomefreak | gnomefreak@Hardy:~$ run | 12:34 |
gnomefreak | bash: run: command not found | 12:34 |
gnomefreak | gnomefreak@Hardy:~$ | 12:34 |
gnomefreak | asac: doesnt6 matter | 12:34 |
gnomefreak | i get that no matter what | 12:34 |
asac | gnomefreak: -g doesn't work anymore ... try | 12:34 |
asac | gdb /usr/lib/firefox-3*/firefox | 12:34 |
asac | run | 12:34 |
gnomefreak | due to ff-3? | 12:34 |
asac | yes | 12:35 |
asac | gdb /usr/lib/firefox-3*/firefox 2>&1 | tee /tmp/gdb-firefox.log | 12:35 |
asac | (gdb) run | 12:35 |
asac | if that work please update the wiki | 12:35 |
gnomefreak | it is kind of | 12:35 |
gnomefreak | i need to kill it and cant :( | 12:36 |
gnomefreak | ok lets try this again | 12:37 |
gnomefreak | its much much slower | 12:40 |
gnomefreak | sectech: i still cant reproduce this bug with or without gdb | 12:41 |
gnomefreak | ok refresh #10 going to walk away with htis running and try in a minute | 12:42 |
gnomefreak | that cant be good | 12:42 |
sectech | gnome the only change I made to re-produce this bug was by installing the mozilla-plugin-vlc package | 12:44 |
sectech | you restart firefox and go to the reporters webpage and it crashes... | 12:44 |
gnomefreak | that could be why i couldnt reproduce i thought i had it installed | 12:47 |
gnomefreak | asac: im thinking lets hold off on sunbird for intrepid until gcc-4.3 gets fixed and in repos that leaves us one less spin although for PPA hardy it doesnt matter we can turn PPA into backport HArdy | 12:51 |
sectech | Here is a question for the rest of the triagers.... Do you guys/gals set a limit for yourself on how many bugs you triage a day? | 12:52 |
mvo | bdmurray: could you please verify #157763 - it seems to collect duplicates and the week is over so it would be nice to get it into -updates :) | 12:52 |
gnomefreak | sectech: some days all day some days just email worth it all depedns on what i have to do that day | 12:52 |
gnomefreak | sectech: its open site and just keep refreshing right? no need to click on anything? | 12:53 |
gnomefreak | got it | 12:53 |
sectech | gnomefreak, You just need to refresh | 12:53 |
gnomefreak | not helpful but got it | 12:53 |
sectech | awesome! (that you were able to reproduce it) | 12:53 |
gnomefreak | 0xb7cb9246 in vfprintf () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ | 12:54 |
gnomefreak | good call looks like a dup of other bug but lets wait until i upload backtrace and ask asac what he thinks :) | 12:54 |
sectech | Okay sounds good... | 12:54 |
sectech | I gotta run for a little while... I'll be back later this evening | 12:55 |
gnomefreak | asac: im heading out to do yard work can you please check bug 227055 and post if you agree to it being dup i added everything on the bug that should be needed. ill fix wiki a bit later today | 13:00 |
gnomefreak | later | 13:00 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 227055 in vlc "VLC seems to cause Firefox-3.0 to crash repeatedly" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 13:00 |
Yahuda | Hi. | 13:02 |
Yahuda | does anyone get ATI restricted driver freezes? | 13:02 |
Yahuda | Or something? | 13:02 |
Yahuda | Like that... | 13:02 |
i4x | hi everyone!! | 13:07 |
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i4x | ppl, I think I found a bug while trying to print!! | 13:36 |
qense | ok! | 13:36 |
qense | please tell! :) | 13:36 |
i4x | but I don't know if that is a bug in system-config-printer or in evince!... | 13:37 |
i4x | do evince use system-config-printer-gnome settings to print? | 13:38 |
i4x | or does it use its own printing configuration? | 13:38 |
seb128 | describe your issue rather | 13:39 |
seb128 | those questions are not really clear | 13:39 |
seb128 | the printers are configured in cupsys, system-config-printer is an interface to do the configuration | 13:40 |
i4x | imagine a pdf file with 30 pages! | 13:40 |
seb128 | evince uses gtkprint which uses cupsys | 13:40 |
qense | are the hugday-tools integrated in the five-a-day applet? | 13:42 |
i4x | when I was using Gutsy, I always opened the file with the evince and when printing 4 pages per side it always printed well oriented!! | 13:42 |
i4x | after update to Hardy it started to print 4 pages per side with a bad orientation! | 13:43 |
i4x | in system-config-printer, I have it like I had before.. | 13:44 |
i4x | ..and I've the same configurations in evince>File>'Print' and 'Print Setup' !! | 13:46 |
seb128 | i4x: I think there is some such bugs open already, maybe try if you have the same issue using other applications, gtk-demo, gedit, etc | 13:47 |
i4x | I c! | 13:47 |
i4x | but is there any other program to print pdf files? | 13:48 |
i4x | any program that uses other way to print than evince! | 13:49 |
* thekorn waves | 14:14 | |
thekorn | happy hugday | 14:14 |
Iulian | Hey thekorn, happy hug day! | 14:18 |
thekorn | howdy Iulian | 14:19 |
Iulian | thekorn: Well, I'm not feeling so good today... | 14:22 |
Iulian | qense: Today is your birthday, am I right? | 14:23 |
thekorn | Iulian, ooch :( I'm sorry to hear this | 14:23 |
qense | iulian: yes you're right | 14:24 |
qense | :) | 14:24 |
thekorn | qense, HAPPY BIRTHDAY | 14:24 |
qense | thanks! | 14:24 |
Iulian | thekorn: Don't worry. I will be better soon. | 14:24 |
qense | happy hug day | 14:24 |
Iulian | qense: Happy birthday! | 14:24 |
thekorn | phew | 14:25 |
qense | is hugday-tools integrated in five-a-day-applet? | 14:26 |
thekorn | qense, +1 for a meeting/discussion on "don't touch my bugs..." | 14:26 |
thekorn | no | 14:26 |
qense | thekorn: how did you read that? :P | 14:26 |
Iulian | ML? | 14:26 |
qense | did I post it there? | 14:26 |
thekorn | 12:16qenseI think ti would be the best if we would arrange a meeting about this | 14:27 |
qense | ah, complete with spelling mistakes :) | 14:27 |
qense | yes, that's what I said here earlier today | 14:27 |
qense | probably | 14:27 |
thekorn | exactly! | 14:27 |
Iulian | logs* | 14:27 |
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bdmurray | mvo: sure, I'll do that today. I was looking at a couple of others w/o test cases. | 16:04 |
bddebian | Boo | 16:09 |
ogra | bee | 16:11 |
bddebian | :) | 16:12 |
mvo | bdmurray: I'm currently adding test-cases were I see them missing, unfortunately some are pretty difficult | 16:16 |
bdmurray | mvo: okay, I believe 222895 was one of the ones I was looking at and it has one now - thanks! | 16:18 |
danage | can someone help me triage this bug? | 16:24 |
qense | bdmurray: did you read my suggestions to have a meeting/discussions somewhere in IRCland about the recent 'don't touch dev's bugs' thing? | 16:26 |
bdmurray | qense: no, I haven't seen that | 16:27 |
qense | I think we should do that | 16:31 |
qense | there are some problems with it altely | 16:31 |
qense | and it can cause iritation, and we should have a friendly contact with the development team :) | 16:31 |
bdmurray | Okay, and you think a meeting would be the best forum? | 16:35 |
qense | well, a mailist dicussion would be a bit tricky since all teams ahve different lists | 16:37 |
qense | (sorry if I react a bit late, there are visitors here ;) ) | 16:38 |
hggdh | qense: is this relating to the recent thread in the devel maillist? | 16:38 |
bdmurray | I'll be at going to UDS real soon so we, the bugsquad could talk about it, and I bring up our concerns there | 16:39 |
bdmurray | s/bring/could bring/ | 16:39 |
qense | yes | 16:40 |
qense | that would be ok I think | 16:41 |
qense | I've got to go, bye! | 16:42 |
mrooney | bdmurray: did you get my email about the bugcontrol applications? | 16:43 |
mrooney | I can't seem to reply to them since is where they go, but the replies come from just | 16:44 |
Hewus | Bug 200061 wants to change the official xsane logo to something else. Is that a legitimate request that should be passed on upstream, or should it be marked invalid? | 16:48 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 200061 in xsane "xsane icon has nothing to do with scanning" [Undecided,New] | 16:48 |
mrooney | Hewus: I don't know, it is a legitimate complaint at least, it seems like something Ubuntu wouldn't fix as we wouldn't want to subvert applications' icons | 16:50 |
bdmurray | Hewus: it's not something we, Ubuntu, would change and I personally wouldn't forward it. If the reporter is concerned about it they could. | 16:50 |
Pici | Could it be something for the artwork team to concider for a new icon? rather than be assigned to xsane itself? | 16:51 |
mrooney | Pici: you would want xsane to at least approve first right? as in ask them if they would consider using a new icon if one was developed? | 16:51 |
mrooney | then if they agree a new icon could be appropriate, proceed and perhaps send it upstream | 16:52 |
Pici | mrooney: I have no idea what the policy is for icons, but I know I've seen application icons change across icon sets. I'm just brainstorming outloud here. | 16:52 |
mrooney | Pici: yeah I don't either, I was just doing the same :) | 16:53 |
Hewus | mrooney, bdmurray: I'll mark it as invalid then, and put some note about contacting upstream if they're unhappy. | 16:53 |
Hewus | thanks | 16:53 |
bdmurray | Thank you for helping out! | 16:53 |
Hewus | bdmurray: No worries. I just joined bugsquad a couple of days ago, and I'm having a lot of fun :-) | 16:54 |
mrooney | bdmurray: should I ping you later about the email or did you just miss my above question? | 16:55 |
=== asac_ is now known as asac | ||
bdmurray | mrooney: yes I got your mail, I've no idea why you can't reply to them the launchpad mailing list stuff is a new feature | 16:57 |
mrooney | bdmurray: oh okay, I assumed it was because the list isn't open to everyone, only people who are members/subscribed, and since my reply address is different than my subscribed address, it rejected them | 16:57 |
bdmurray | mrooney: that sounds probablye | 16:58 |
bdmurray | er probable | 16:58 |
mrooney | bdmurray: do you still want my responses to the applications by replying directly to you, or should I not reply to any until I can send to the list? | 16:59 |
bdmurray | mrooney: try replying to the list there is a new moderation feature that I wan to test | 17:00 |
mrooney | sure thing, will do | 17:00 |
mrooney | lunch time, thanks for your response! | 17:00 |
Yasumoto | hey guys, I'm trying to set up editmoin so I can work with the hugday wiki page, but I'm getting this error: | 17:25 |
Yasumoto | You are not allowed to edit this page. | 17:25 |
Yasumoto | error: body information not found | 17:25 |
Yasumoto | google isn't really turning up much info, and I've set up my .moin_ids file with yasumoto | 17:25 |
pedro_ | Yasumoto: ah that's why | 17:27 |
pedro_ | <- look there | 17:27 |
pedro_ | if you use firefox you have to go to preferences -> privacy -> show cookies and search for the one of | 17:28 |
Yasumoto | ohh, thanks a bunch | 17:30 |
Yasumoto | lemme try it out and see what happens | 17:30 |
pedro_ | you're welcome | 17:31 |
pedro_ | sure | 17:31 |
pochu | Yasumoto: editmoin's manpage explains it too, have you looked at it? | 17:33 |
Yasumoto | yeah, but I skimmed over the "http authentication" part, and just focused on the "url id pairs" section above :/ | 17:33 |
Yasumoto | oh, I get it now | 17:36 |
Yasumoto | cool, thanks a lot guys | 17:36 |
sectech | Is there a webpage that tells what package is in what repository? | 17:42 |
bdmurray | sectech: What do you mean? | 17:42 |
sectech | someone posted a bug saying they couldn't access java6 because it wasn't in the repository... I wanted to quote what one it was in | 17:43 |
hggdh | sectech: probably | 17:43 |
bdmurray | sectech: you could try using rmadison to find it | 17:43 |
bdmurray | something like 'rmadison -u ubuntu sun-java6-bin' | 17:44 |
sectech | Oh.. never mind, I found it... right click on the package in Synaptic and go to properties :P | 17:44 |
bdmurray | rmadison is useful because it shows every release too | 17:44 |
sectech | ahh ok... didn't know about that one | 17:45 |
Yasumoto | whoa, rmadison is awesome | 17:46 |
Yasumoto | thanks bdmurray | 17:46 |
sectech | Could someone review bug #227399 and tell me what your opinion is.... I'm not sure if that should be triaged as a bug or not... | 17:57 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 227399 in ubuntu "System policy authentication dialog showing junk commas" [Undecided,New] | 17:57 |
bdmurray | sectech: that sounds like a duplicate to me | 17:57 |
sectech | I'll find the appropriate duplicate to attach it to.... | 17:58 |
bdmurray | look at policykit bugs | 17:58 |
sectech | okay | 17:58 |
sectech | Is that the package it should be assigned to? What I'll do is assign it, and mark it as a duplicate when I find an older report | 17:59 |
copyofjohan | hi, after resume from hibernate all other six ttys are just white. found #129910, but that bug is not exactly what happens to me. I dont use a vga= boot-option. Should I file a new bug or wait for the fix? | 18:05 |
mrooney | bug 129910 | 18:06 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 129910 in linux "Blank ttys when using vesafb (vga=xxx)" [Medium,Fix released] | 18:07 |
sectech | bdmurray, Can you wishlist bug#227411 | 18:09 |
bdmurray | on the phone at the moment | 18:09 |
bdmurray | I'll look shortly | 18:09 |
sectech | okay | 18:09 |
mrooney | copyofjohan: those all say fix released, that means if you are updated and still have the issue it is a different bug, unless you are running an older version. what is your ubuntu version? | 18:10 |
copyofjohan | 8.04 updated | 18:12 |
copyofjohan | uptodate | 18:12 |
copyofjohan | which information should I attach? | 18:12 |
copyofjohan | mrooney: which information should I attach? and against which packages should I file the bug? | 18:21 |
copyofjohan | uswsusp? | 18:22 |
mrooney | copyofjohan: sorry, I am not knowledgeable in that regard, I would file a new bug, mentioning the other bugs it seems similar but not a duplicate of, and attach whatever you think is appropriate | 18:24 |
mrooney | copyofjohan: when a knowledgeable triager comes along he or she can remove unneeded attachments or ask for needed ones | 18:25 |
copyofjohan | ok, thanks | 18:26 |
mrooney | copyofjohan: no problem, thanks for contributing! | 18:27 |
bdmurray | sectech: I'd prefer the bug was not new before setting the importance | 18:39 |
danage | ok i found out 2 other bugs were related to mine and marked them as duplicates. now, this makes for a significant number of reports- does someone want to look into this/triage? | 18:41 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 175743 in kdebluetooth "Bluetooth Mouse looses connection after some time of inactivity" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 18:41 |
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=== secretlondo is now known as secretlondon | ||
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noelferreira | my keyboard keys sometimes get stuck and other times don't work. Anyone knows about this huge bug : | 19:33 |
james_w | thanks pedro_ | 19:42 |
pedro_ | james_w: you're welcome | 19:42 |
bdmurray | james_w: hi! | 19:43 |
james_w | hi bdmurray | 19:43 |
andre___ | pedro_!!!! | 19:52 |
pedro_ | andre___: dude! | 19:53 |
andre___ | :-* | 19:53 |
pedro_ | ;-* | 19:53 |
andre___ | - we get billions of them. | 19:53 |
ubottu | Gnome bug 531670 in BugBuddyBugs "Evolution Mail and Calendar: After upgrade to Ub untu..." [Normal,Unconfirmed] | 19:53 |
andre___ | why does ubuntu do this? :) | 19:53 |
pedro_ | oh oh not me seb did it :-P | 19:54 |
andre___ | and why do you share the room with lool instead of me, honey?! | 19:54 |
andre___ | ah, ok. seb to blame. good, good! </evil-grin> | 19:54 |
afflux | good day | 19:54 |
andre___ | is there an ubuntu downstream bug about this? | 19:54 |
pedro_ | andre___: because you snore like a bear :-P | 19:55 |
pedro_ | yeah i remember one let me search it | 19:55 |
pwnguin | andre___: about spamming gnome bugzilla or a broken send/ receive? | 19:55 |
pedro_ | hey afflux | 19:55 |
andre___ | pedro_, shit, who told you? did you listen all night long on my door at last guadec?! | 19:56 |
andre___ | pwnguin, if in doubt: both!! | 19:56 |
secretlondon | you guys at uds? | 19:56 |
pwnguin | is USD now? | 19:57 |
ompaul | no | 19:57 |
pwnguin | err | 19:57 |
pwnguin | UDS | 19:57 |
gnomefreak | 19th | 19:57 |
gnomefreak | iirc | 19:57 |
ompaul | still no | 19:57 |
pwnguin | thats' a bit early | 19:57 |
ompaul | gnomefreak, correct | 19:57 |
gnomefreak | :) | 19:57 |
pwnguin | is there a reason bug #137686 isn't marked fix released? | 19:57 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 137686 in linux "[hardy] [gutsy] [regression] (regression from edgy to feisty and to gutsy) tifm_sd module not working and not producing any message in logs" [Medium,Fix committed] | 19:57 |
gnomefreak | pwnguin: eas it fixed? | 19:57 |
gnomefreak | s/eas/was | 19:58 |
pwnguin | it is | 19:58 |
pwnguin | "works for me" | 19:58 |
gnomefreak | for gutsy and hardy than mark it fix released if it has been already | 19:58 |
ogra | andre___, thats the grand masterplan to automatically avoid all subsequent bugs | 19:58 |
pwnguin | its' been declined for gutsy | 19:58 |
gnomefreak | i have no X atm but i read it earlier and didnt see gutsy declined | 19:59 |
gnomefreak | i dont htink | 19:59 |
pwnguin | I thought fix committed / released was an automatic thing though | 19:59 |
pwnguin | Declined for Gutsy by Henrik Nilsen Omma | 19:59 |
andre___ | ogra: i must admit i like that idea. :-) | 19:59 |
ogra | heh :) | 19:59 |
gnomefreak | pwnguin: only if the changelog has lp: #11111 | 20:00 |
gnomefreak | 1 = bug number | 20:00 |
ogra | you only have to stick to that single one and regulary mark it wontfix once a week :) | 20:00 |
bdmurray | pwnguin: I'd do some research before marking it as Fix Released | 20:00 |
pwnguin | too late | 20:00 |
* pwnguin blames gnomefreak | 20:00 | |
* gnomefreak hasnt seen Henrik in a month | 20:01 | |
pwnguin | did he quit ubuntu or something? | 20:01 |
gnomefreak | not that i know of | 20:01 |
bdmurray | You'll see him more in #ubuntu-testing I think | 20:01 |
pedro_ | andre___: nobody told me, I've hear you from downstairs! | 20:01 |
bdmurray | He'll be at UDS | 20:01 |
* gnomefreak broke intrepid already | 20:02 | |
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak | ||
pwnguin | so if it's only fixed for hardy, should I leave the bug open for gutsy, even if it's been declined? | 20:05 |
gnomefreak | pwnguin: first find out why it was declided | 20:05 |
bdmurray | pwnguin: Why do you think it is open for Gutsy? | 20:05 |
pwnguin | because the title says gutsy? | 20:06 |
pedro_ | andre___: bug 226051 | 20:06 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 226051 in evolution "Evolution 2.22.1 won't sent/receive email. Icon is gray, F9 does not do anything. Internet connection works." [Low,Incomplete] | 20:06 |
pedro_ | point him to that one please | 20:06 |
bdmurray | pwnguin: okay, but the linux-source-2.6.22 task, which is the gutsy kernel, is marked as Won't fix | 20:06 |
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bdmurray | The title isn't really indicative of open tasks | 20:07 |
gnomefreak | i would think its a bit late for kernel upgrade for gutsy for one issue | 20:07 |
pwnguin | most likely | 20:08 |
bdmurray | Right, and that is why the bug is set to "Won't Fix" for the gutsy kernel | 20:09 |
pwnguin | bdmurray: won't fix isn't the same as fix released however, by my layman's reading of the words | 20:09 |
gnomefreak | so its fixed released for hardy and wont fix for gutsy the bug shouldnt be open | 20:09 |
gnomefreak | pwnguin: wont fix == wont fix the issue | 20:09 |
gnomefreak | gutsy is EOS in OCT right? | 20:10 |
pwnguin | what? | 20:10 |
bdmurray | gnomefreak: no, that would be feisty | 20:10 |
gnomefreak | no | 20:10 |
gnomefreak | april of 09 | 20:10 |
gnomefreak | ah forgot about feisty | 20:11 |
andre___ | pedro_, thanks for the link | 20:22 |
pedro_ | you're welcome | 20:23 |
noelferreira | my keyboard keys sometimes get stuck and other times don't work. Anyone knows about this huge bug : | 20:40 |
bdmurray | is it a USB or PS2 keyboard? | 20:41 |
secretlondon | there was an old keys get stuck down bug | 20:43 |
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak | ||
noelferreira | my keyboard keys sometimes get stuck and other times don't work. Anyone knows about this huge bug : | 21:22 |
noelferreira | my keyboard keys sometimes get stuck and other times don't work. Anyone knows about this huge bug : | 22:01 |
bdmurray | noelferreira: did you see my question(s) from earlier? | 22:01 |
noelferreira | bdmurray, laptop keyboard | 22:02 |
noelferreira | bdmurray, sorry haven't seen it before | 22:02 |
bdmurray | and it isn't just one key that doesn't work but all of them is that right? | 22:03 |
noelferreira | i am not sure bdmurray. how can i confirm that? | 22:04 |
noelferreira | keycode 240 ? bdmurray | 22:04 |
noelferreira | which one is | 22:05 |
noelferreira | ? | 22:05 |
bdmurray | keycode 240 sounds like a specific key to me | 22:05 |
noelferreira | checking my dmesg seems to be only that one | 22:05 |
bdmurray | does your keyboard have any multimedia keys? | 22:05 |
noelferreira | email, internet browser adn a searching key | 22:06 |
bdmurray | How do you normally resolve the issue? | 22:11 |
yuriy | is thursday's hug day for just network-manager or including network-manager-applet/knetworkmanager? | 22:13 |
noelferreira | bdmurray, in fact i don't know | 22:13 |
noelferreira | first i disable acpi | 22:13 |
noelferreira | didn't work | 22:14 |
noelferreira | then i tried to change my locales | 22:14 |
noelferreira | i thought it worked but then happened again | 22:14 |
noelferreira | i change also the xorg.conf and SCIM input but nothing | 22:14 |
noelferreira | it stills happen time to tim | 22:14 |
noelferreira | now it's ok :) | 22:15 |
noelferreira | however my ctrl key doesn't work for selecting multiple files | 22:15 |
noelferreira | press ctrl key and select files with left mouse key doesn't work | 22:16 |
secretlondon | jcastro: you are working on relations with upstream? | 22:16 |
jcastro | secretlondon: that's me, what's up | 22:17 |
bdmurray | noelferreira: hmm, I'm not sure what's going on then | 22:17 |
secretlondon | jcastro: with my tux4kids hat on we are having problems again with rosetta and Ubuntu's translations of our software | 22:17 |
jcastro | secretlondon: i'm about to step out to a dinner engagement, could you send me your concerns over email? I can look at it first thing tomorrow. | 22:19 |
jcastro | jorge (at) | 22:19 |
secretlondon | jcastro: sure thanks | 22:19 |
jcastro | secretlondon: since you say "problems again" if you could note past problems you've had that would be helpful | 22:20 |
secretlondon | jcastro: sure | 22:20 |
secretlondon | I think we get forgotten as we are neither gnome nor kde | 22:21 |
secretlondon | if we are in a family it's the dsl one | 22:21 |
secretlondon | sd; | 22:21 |
secretlondon | sdl | 22:21 |
jcastro | secretlondon: don't worry, I won't forget you! | 22:21 |
secretlondon | jcastro :D | 22:22 |
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noelferreira | bdmurray, do you have one idea? | 22:25 |
bdmurray | noelferreira: not really | 22:28 |
sectech | Does xubuntu use adept? | 22:57 |
sectech | bug #227403 ... | 22:58 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 227403 in ubuntu "java6 bin is uninstallable in Xubuntu 8.04" [Undecided,Incomplete] | 22:58 |
pwnguin | isn't adept a kde thing? | 22:58 |
sectech | Jeeze I need to get some VM's working so I can try and reproduce some of the non-ubuntu bugs. | 22:58 |
bdmurray | sectech: what virtual machine software are you using? | 22:59 |
sectech | bdmurray, If I was to install one I would have used vitualbox... | 22:59 |
sectech | I think in order to triage properly I'll need a couple of VMs so I can test myself... | 23:00 |
sectech | Yesterday went well... today I have a couple bugs that I don't know how to proceed on... | 23:00 |
bdmurray | You can install adept w/o pulling in too much other stuff | 23:01 |
sectech | true, I just don't want to screw up my main system.... | 23:01 |
bdmurray | yeah, you could end up with a mess of a system like me | 23:02 |
bdmurray | and that's no good | 23:02 |
sectech | He can't scroll down to hit accept on the java agreement... I don't know if he is just not clicking on the right window or if it's a bug... | 23:03 |
sectech | hmm.... I'll leave it alone until I can test it myself... | 23:03 |
bdmurray | sectech: I can test it | 23:04 |
sectech | bdmurray, I appreciate it, thank you... | 23:04 |
bdmurray | Well, I'm not sure how helpful it is but using adept in Ubuntu it wasn't a problem | 23:08 |
sectech | bdmurray, someone would have noticed that far sooner if it was a common occurrence... I'll keep investigating... | 23:13 |
sectech | I guess there is a possibility just because it isn't common something isn't there... | 23:13 |
sectech | I know cody-sommerville (the project leader) personally, he hasn't mentioned anything about this | 23:14 |
sectech | Could someone review bug #227397 and provide your opinion? This screams out nvidia graphics card problem to me rather then openoffice... | 23:31 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 227397 in "titlebar in openoffice gets pink while printing" [Undecided,Incomplete] | 23:31 |
sectech | Once I get more information from the reporter I was going to re-assign it to nvidia-glx-new | 23:33 |
sectech | depending on what I see | 23:33 |
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