pwnguin | is there a reason bug #137686 isn't marked fix released? | 00:29 |
elmargol | Hibernation almost works here. It terminates everything and copies the ram to the sawp. The only problem is the laptop (dell inspiron 9400) does not power off. I have to hold the power key in order to do this. Resuming works perfect! | 11:18 |
elmargol | Is there a way to fix this? | 11:18 |
abogani | tjaalton: Hi Timo! Are you around? | 13:18 |
laga | elmargol: have you seen the page about power management? | 13:19 |
tjaalton | abogani: hey, seems that I am ;) | 13:19 |
abogani | tjaalton: Sorry to bother you about lrm... :-) | 13:20 |
abogani | Is there a chance to have nvidia closed drivers updated to 173.08 (actually marked by Nvidia as Beta) in 8.04.1 ? | 13:20 |
tjaalton | abogani: doubtful, but there should be a stable version soonish | 13:20 |
tjaalton | that version has some pretty severe bugs | 13:21 |
abogani | :-( | 13:21 |
laga | elmargol: | 13:21 |
tjaalton | abogani: phoronix had something about it, let me check | 13:22 |
tjaalton | abogani: ok here it is: | 13:28 |
tjaalton | 2D slowdowns | 13:29 |
abogani | gosh! | 13:30 |
tjaalton | hm, I really should update the lrm for intrepid | 13:31 |
mjg59 | laga: That's not usefully relevant in this case | 13:31 |
laga | mjg59: it was worth a try. :) | 13:31 |
abogani | tjaalton: Some -rt users report problem with nvidia stable version and GLX that stop to works! :-( | 13:32 |
tjaalton | abogani: yep.. | 13:32 |
alex_joni | hi abogani | 13:51 |
abogani | alex_joni: Hi Alexandru | 13:52 |
alex_joni | abogani: I talked to BenC about pushing -rtai stuff to ubuntu | 13:53 |
alex_joni | and I don't think it's important enough (enough users) that it's worth the effort | 13:53 |
abogani | alex_joni: Is it your opinion or the BenC one? | 13:55 |
alex_joni | abogani: well.. I'm not sure if I can support it once it's pushed into ubuntu | 13:56 |
alex_joni | (building/testing on each new release, etc) | 13:56 |
abogani | I understand well your doubts. | 13:58 |
alex_joni | abogani: anyways, I have a repo for the -rtai stuff | 13:58 |
alex_joni | so if you're interested, feel free to use it | 13:58 |
abogani | Thanks! It is very good news! | 13:59 |
abogani | URI? | 13:59 |
alex_joni | abogani: | 14:00 |
abogani | Great! | 14:01 |
SEJeff | alex_joni, Do you use rtai for robotics? How does the latency compare to a mainline kernel if you don't mind my asking? | 14:02 |
alex_joni | SEJeff: we get about 10-20 usec latency on rtai | 14:02 |
SEJeff | alex_joni, As opposed to? | 14:02 |
alex_joni | the -rt is still quite away from that afaik | 14:02 |
SEJeff | Yeah I've used Xenomai, but it is more about pretty code than low latency | 14:03 |
alex_joni | Xenomai shouldn't be much worse than rtai | 14:03 |
alex_joni | but it depends on the skin you use | 14:03 |
abogani | ~10 times more | 14:03 |
alex_joni | abogani: you mean -rt .. right? | 14:04 |
abogani | Yes. In any case with CPU Isolating (or called CPU Shielding) you can achieve very similar performance. | 14:05 |
SEJeff | alex_joni, Well which personality do you suggest for best case low latency | 14:05 |
alex_joni | SEJeff: I didn't try xenomai enough to say | 14:06 |
alex_joni | but the best latency I've ever seen was with RTAI on a SMP intel system | 14:06 |
abogani | I always use POSIX skin. | 14:06 |
alex_joni | with isolcpus, and RTAI only on one core | 14:06 |
alex_joni | on one system it had something around 4-5 usec latency | 14:06 |
SEJeff | alex_joni, latency for network or applications? Intel nics with e1000 have the lowest latency on the market | 14:06 |
alex_joni | SEJeff: I'm only talking about realtime apps | 14:07 |
elmargol | laga, thx for the link | 14:07 |
SEJeff | alex_joni, Ah, I work at a stock trading company as a Linux guy. Lots of -rt interest | 14:07 |
alex_joni | SEJeff: for that, -rt might be better | 14:08 |
SEJeff | alex_joni, -rt is higher latency, but more deterministic than the normal kernel | 14:08 |
SEJeff | One of the reasons for the rtai / xenomai split is because rtai only cares about the lowest latency. It would be huge to have easier to use rtai kernels | 14:08 |
alex_joni | SEJeff: might be a bit OT for #ubuntu-kernel.. shall we move to another channel? | 14:09 |
SEJeff | alex_joni, Sure where? | 14:10 |
alex_joni | #rt-and-stuff :) | 14:10 |
xhaker | can someone help me with -server ? | 14:13 |
xhaker | i can't get it to boot on a pentium M | 14:13 |
xhaker | found a bug filed already | 14:13 |
xhaker | bug #222253 | 14:14 |
xhaker | but there doesn't seem to be much attention | 14:14 |
xhaker | rtg: ^ | 14:15 |
xhaker | subscribed ubuntu-kernel-server | 14:28 |
xhaker | subscribed ubuntu-kernel-team also, u-k-s doesn't seem to be used for bugs :) | 14:35 |
rtg | xhaker: does the -generic kernel boot? | 14:36 |
rtg | I can't tell from the LP report what is being attempted, -server or -generic. | 14:37 |
xhaker | rtg: it's server.. whatever ubuntu-server-i386.iso installs | 14:40 |
rtg | xhaker: do you have one of the VIA C3 procs? | 14:41 |
xhaker | and yes, -generic worked | 14:41 |
xhaker | rtg: pentium M | 14:41 |
rtg | xhaker: ah, thats what I wanted. | 14:41 |
xhaker | it seems specific to -server | 14:41 |
rtg | xhaker: the big diff might be PAE. I'll be back in a bit.... | 14:42 |
xhaker | rtg: ok | 14:42 |
tjaalton | rtg: I'll do a bugfix lrm for hardy-proposed first, then try to get it to build against intrepid. is that ok? | 14:59 |
tjaalton | (sorting out the libwfb mess & | 14:59 |
rtg | tjaalton: thats fine. I'm not in a big hurry for Intrepid LRM since I'm kind of buried under SRUs at the moment. | 15:00 |
tjaalton | rtg: heh, same here | 15:00 |
xhaker | rtg: CONFIG_X86_PAE=y on -server only | 15:55 |
rtg | xhaker: yes | 15:55 |
xhaker | is there any boot option to disable it so i can see if it boots? | 15:55 |
rtg | xhaker: no, its a feature of the page table that is hardwired into the mm. | 15:56 |
rtg | xhaker: what is it about the -server kernel that is attractive for the VIA C3 cpu? | 15:57 |
xhaker | rtg: people are using the server ISO to setup their home servers.. mine runs pentium M but people buy via c3 cpus for the low Wattage | 15:57 |
xhaker | what other way to setup a lean and mean home server than to install ubuntu-server flavour? | 15:58 |
rtg | xhaker: you can get the same result using the alternate install and choose 'command line only'. It uses the desktop kernel, but does not install X/ | 15:58 |
xhaker | maybe true, but not what a user would expect | 16:00 |
xhaker | even and admin | 16:00 |
rtg | xhaker: it seems to me to be a matter of RTFM. In any event, the PAE setting for the kernel isn't going to change. | 16:01 |
xhaker | rtg: allow me to disagree.. as a user setting up a x86 home server, the server ISO and server kernel seem to be the right choice | 16:03 |
JanC | maybe there should be a "home server" edition ;) | 16:04 |
xhaker | which cpus boot -server and which cpus don't? should the server ISO install -generic for those cpus? should there be a -server-pae kernel flavor? | 16:04 |
xhaker | JanC: ^ | 16:05 |
rtg | xhaker: looks guys, this is open source. you are free to develop your own flavour. I've got enough on my plate managing the flavours we do support. | 16:06 |
xhaker | rtg: hey man, i agree it's hard to support everything. | 16:07 |
xhaker | rtg: but please direct me then to a document that explains what hardware does -server support | 16:08 |
soren | xhaker: You have to accept that it's rather ironic that people expect the same kernel images for the *really* big servers, and the tiny, tiny media boxes or whatever. | 16:09 |
soren | ...and then -generic for anything in between. | 16:09 |
soren | That's hardly sensible. | 16:10 |
xhaker | soren: i completely agree with you. that's not what i'm saying. i'm not a debian-installed guy, but couldn't it install -generic for the machines that won't even boot after install? | 16:11 |
xhaker | soren: that would fix it. | 16:11 |
rtg | xhaker: I'm not sure if there is a doc that describes the HW requirements of the -server flavour. However, it is codified in the kernel config, so you could certainly examine that. | 16:12 |
xhaker | s/installed/installer | 16:12 |
soren | xhaker: Probably, yeah. | 16:12 |
xhaker | rtg: the features page states the -servel kernel is PAE enabled. so yeah, people that know their hardware is not compatible will stay away | 16:13 |
rtg | soren: it seems like this issue has come up before for folks attempting to run the lice CD on a 486 CPU. | 16:13 |
rtg | s/lice/live/ | 16:13 |
* soren eeks | 16:14 | |
xhaker | in the wiki ServerFaq page | 16:16 |
xhaker | Do I have to choose the kernel for my system on my own? | 16:16 |
xhaker | The installer is capable of recognizing your cpu and install the "best" kernel for it. | 16:16 |
xhaker | rather | 16:18 |
rtg | xhaker: is the page about dapper server? | 16:18 |
xhaker | was linked from | 16:20 |
xhaker | the system requirement | 16:22 |
rtg | xhaker: I don't see anything in there that allows you to choose a kernel. | 16:25 |
xhaker | rtg: what? | 16:27 |
rtg | xhaker: " The installer is capable of recognizing your cpu and install the "best" kernel for it." Isn't that what you were looking for? | 16:31 |
xhaker | After seeing that on the dapper ServerFaq, i was searching for something to contradict that on the Hardy documentation | 16:32 |
xhaker | did not find any | 16:34 |
rtg | xhaker: that looks like a feature that has been removed (at least on the server install). I haven't played with the i386 alternate install, but it closely resembles the Debian installer so the feature may still be there. | 16:37 |
xhaker | it's just that i've just wasted 500mb+ of bandwidth, time: downloading, burning, installing. And now i have a non working system. And might have to download the alternate i386 install | 16:38 |
xhaker | rtg: does the -server iso ship other images other than -server and -virtual? | 16:39 |
rtg | xhaker: not to my knowledge, but I'm not an expert on the installer stuff. | 16:40 |
xhaker | marked invalid, not reassigned | 16:44 |
xhaker | wikipedia to the rescue: PAE is provided by Intel Pentium Pro and above CPUs (including all later Pentium-series processors except the 400 MHz bus versions of the Pentium M), as well as by some compatible processors such as Athlon and later models from AMD. | 16:49 |
xhaker | i was affraid celerons would be bit by this too, but it seems they're not | 16:50 |
xhaker | let me go try install generic on my server then | 16:54 |
xhaker | :D | 16:54 |
=== asac_ is now known as asac | ||
smb | Hi all, this would be the time of the kernel-team irc meeting, sort of... But currently most of us somhow busy. So maybe just a reminder to put stuff that should be thought of for intrepid onto the wiki. | 17:06 |
amitk_ | link to wiki for listing UDS topics: | 17:07 |
smb | Otherwise, are there any questions? | 17:07 |
smb | Anyways, we hang around here, in any case. So, back to work it is. ;-) | 17:09 |
noelferreira | my keyboard keys sometimes get stuck and other times don't work. Anyone knows about this huge bug : | 19:24 |
noelferreira | my keyboard keys sometimes get stuck and other times don't work. Anyone knows about this huge bug : | 19:32 |
laga | noelferreira: don't repeat yourself like that, it won't help :) | 19:33 |
laga | try reporting your bug in laucnhad | 19:33 |
laga | and talk to people in #ubuntu-bugs maybe | 19:33 |
laga | if nobody answers in here | 19:33 |
noelferreira | thanks | 19:34 |
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak | ||
psufan | hi we are running ubuntu-server 6.06 lts on some blades hosting vm's and I need to patch against the 2.6.15 nfs crash and burn bug | 20:28 |
psufan | what are the standard steps to get the source with buntu's existing config options | 20:28 |
psufan | is it still the old patch --verbose < file.patch thing and | 20:29 |
alex_joni | psufan: apt-get source linux-image-generic | 20:29 |
psufan | how do I compile etc so I can put the image on the other 9 blades | 20:29 |
alex_joni | then look in debian/ for ubuntu patches | 20:29 |
alex_joni | and put your patch there | 20:29 |
psufan | no way just to get the ubuntu sources | 20:29 |
alex_joni | the config is also there | 20:29 |
psufan | with the existing .config | 20:29 |
alex_joni | maybe apt-get install linux-source-'uname -r' | 20:29 |
psufan | hmm | 20:30 |
psufan | yeah that might be it | 20:30 |
psufan | question | 20:32 |
psufan | if this | 20:33 |
psufan | is the right way to do it | 20:33 |
psufan | how do I ensure it's what is in the existig 2.6.15-57 package | 20:33 |
psufan | I wish you guys would have just patched this in 6.06 | 20:33 |
psufan | :/ | 20:34 |
psufan | err sorry 6.10 | 20:38 |
psufan | what is this git stuff | 20:39 |
rtg | psufan: start here: | 20:39 |
psufan | yeah yeah I saw the standard party line "blah blah we don't blah" | 20:40 |
psufan | oh my bad | 20:40 |
psufan | not the same thing this time :) | 20:40 |
noelferreira | thanks | 20:40 |
noelferreira | my keyboard keys sometimes get stuck and other times don't work. Anyone knows about this huge bug : | 20:41 |
psufan | wow this is confusing as hell and I remeber hacking a 1.1.x kernel to run on 1.6 meg of ram | 20:41 |
psufan | ugh all I want to do is apply a nfs fix to the existing 2.6.15-51 source | 20:42 |
rtg | psufan: your can do it in 3 easy steps: get the source first using 'git clone git:// ubuntu-dapper' | 20:45 |
rtg | install the build tools 'sudo apt-get install linux-kernel-devel devscripts fakeroot libncurses5-dev' | 20:46 |
rtg | do the build: 'cd ubuntu-dapper; debuild -b' | 20:46 |
psufan | oh shit | 20:49 |
psufan | looks like when that pxe boot vm that setup a automated install of ubuntu 6 it screw some stuff up | 20:49 |
psufan | apt-get is getting stuff from dapper when it's edgy | 20:49 |
psufan | ugh | 20:49 |
psufan | nm | 20:50 |
psufan | we are using 6.06lts sevrer | 20:50 |
psufan | damn you people and you stupid names | 20:50 |
psufan | just give me freaking version 1 etc | 20:50 |
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak | ||
pwnguin | psufan: you can always try debian stable. that never changes on ya ;) | 21:03 |
psufan | na it's set in stone now I can't change it | 21:17 |
noelferreira | my keyboard keys sometimes get stuck and other times don't work. Anyone knows about this huge bug : | 21:22 |
noelferreira | my keyboard keys sometimes get stuck and other times don't work. Anyone knows about this huge bug : | 22:01 |
blueyed | Can somebody please look at bug 217504, which has a simple fix. | 22:17 |
blueyed | ? | 22:17 |
blueyed | | 22:17 |
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