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ToddBrandt | StevenK: have you seen this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/moblin-applets/+bug/206373 | 03:46 |
ToddBrandt | I'm considering removing the installtion of our moblin-time applet in favor of just allowing gnome-system-tools 2.22.0's time-admin program to handle things | 03:47 |
ToddBrandt | the gnome-system-tools version is integrated with policykit and, despite the fact that it requires ume user login, appears to at least function where the moblin-time version can't because it's prevented from accessing liboobs functions for some reason | 03:48 |
ToddBrandt | StevenK: what do you think? | 03:48 |
StevenK | Or you could change moblin-time to call the same functions that g-s-t does? | 03:50 |
inkynoob | I did a ctrl-c in the middle of an 'apt-get install <list of packages>', before anything was downloaded. Now apt-get wants to install those packages even though I don't want to. Does anyone know how to make apt-get forget them? | 05:51 |
persia | inkynoob: `apt-get remove $(list-of-packages)` | 06:00 |
persia | Essentially, you need to unmark them as being desirable for installation. | 06:00 |
inkynoob | hmm, maybe I'm doing something else then. I was trying to get openoffice off the list of packages. It might be that it's a dependency of some other package I'm installing | 06:03 |
persia | Most likely. | 06:05 |
inkynoob | thanks for the help. I'm going to have to look at this closer tomorrow. Good night! | 06:05 |
persia | What are you installing? | 06:05 |
persia | Right. Tomorrow then :) | 06:05 |
dholbach | good morning | 06:55 |
horaceli | lool, ping | 08:31 |
horaceli | StevenK, ping | 08:38 |
StevenK | horaceli? | 08:39 |
horaceli | hi, StevenK | 08:39 |
StevenK | horaceli: Pinging in two channels is pointless, I'll see it at the same time anyway. :-) | 08:40 |
StevenK | horaceli: What's up? | 08:40 |
horaceli | :-), yep, just for double insurance | 08:40 |
horaceli | I was told you are the buildmaster. | 08:40 |
horaceli | and I am fixing a bug of marquee-plugins. | 08:40 |
horaceli | a patch has been generated but I have no idea where to put it. | 08:40 |
StevenK | horaceli: Is there a bug open? | 08:41 |
horaceli | I know lool maintained a separate marquee-plugins for Hardy | 08:41 |
horaceli | yes, it is a open bug | 08:41 |
horaceli | bug #213364 | 08:41 |
horaceli | https://bugs.launchpad.net/moblin-ui-framework/+bug/213364 | 08:41 |
horaceli | here is the link | 08:41 |
StevenK | horaceli: Date and time launched from the marquee should be a modal dialog." ? | 08:46 |
horaceli | yes | 08:46 |
horaceli | and I applied the second suggestion that add a 'Close' button on dialog | 08:46 |
horaceli | set it to modal might have other side-effect | 08:46 |
StevenK | Right, there's a marquee-plugins 0.22-0ubuntu1 in Hardy. There doesn't look to be one in the PPA. | 08:47 |
horaceli | no, it doesn't | 08:47 |
StevenK | horaceli: Does your patch apply against 0.22? | 08:48 |
horaceli | neither does it in bzr | 08:48 |
horaceli | yes, based on 0.22-0ubuntu1 | 08:48 |
StevenK | horaceli: That bug is listed against Moblin Applets, not Moblin UI Framework, though. | 08:49 |
horaceli | and I don't know where the source is maintained | 08:49 |
horaceli | yes, it was originally considered as moblin applets bug | 08:49 |
horaceli | but since it is a marquee-plugins, then Todd suggested to regard it as ui bug | 08:49 |
StevenK | So it should be listed as affecting Moblin UI Framework, and marked as Invalid for Moblin Applets | 08:50 |
horaceli | you mean on the bug page? | 08:50 |
StevenK | Right | 08:50 |
horaceli | yep, you are right. | 08:51 |
horaceli | someone only updates the bug owner | 08:51 |
horaceli | but not update its category | 08:51 |
horaceli | StevnK, it is updated now | 08:52 |
horaceli | :-) | 08:52 |
horaceli | StevenK | 08:53 |
StevenK | horaceli: Okay, so the next step is to say in the bug you've got a fix, and you're attaching a patch to correct it. | 08:54 |
StevenK | There's a field in adding a comment to add a attachment too | 08:54 |
horaceli | yes, I have patch. | 08:56 |
horaceli | so you suggest I append a comment with my patch attached? | 08:56 |
horaceli | StevenK | 08:56 |
StevenK | horaceli: Exactly. | 08:58 |
horaceli | ok, but after I attached my patch, will there be someone help to handle it? | 09:00 |
horaceli | since the owner is bob, which is the same as I own the bug. :-P | 09:01 |
StevenK | horaceli: Yes, me. | 09:01 |
StevenK | Heh, oops. | 09:01 |
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StevenK | horaceli: I wasn't aware you and Bob were the same person. :-) | 09:01 |
horaceli | ahoh, StevenK, I dropped my connection | 09:01 |
horaceli | ah. I don't mean that, StevenK | 09:01 |
horaceli | poor english of me. | 09:02 |
StevenK | [18:02] < horaceli> since the owner is bob, which is the same as I own the bug. :-P | 09:02 |
StevenK | horaceli: I know, I'm making a joke. :-) | 09:02 |
horaceli | :-) | 09:02 |
horaceli | yep, that is a good one. | 09:02 |
horaceli | StevenK, that will be good, I am updating now | 09:02 |
horaceli | and let you know once it is done. | 09:02 |
StevenK | horaceli: Upload your patch, and either me or lool will look at it. | 09:02 |
StevenK | Since lool joined while your connection reset. | 09:03 |
StevenK | Ah, no, his connection just dropped and came back. Oh well. | 09:03 |
horaceli | StevenK, it is done | 09:07 |
horaceli | please refresh the page. | 09:07 |
* StevenK does so. | 09:08 | |
StevenK | horaceli: Okay, so I'm going to add your patch to the marquee-plugins package and test it. I might even upload it if you're very lucky. :-) | 09:11 |
StevenK | horaceli: I'd suggest you get the same patch commited in git so that when we update marquee-plugins, we can drop the patch. | 09:12 |
StevenK | horaceli: How do I bring up the dialog box that you added the Close button to? | 09:20 |
horaceli | StevenK, you could click on the clock plugin area on marquee panel to launch up date & time dialog | 09:49 |
horaceli | and once dialog is launched up, it can only be closed by clicking 'Close' button. | 09:50 |
horaceli | StevenK, when you said 'get the same patch committed in git', does it mean git repo on Moblin.org? | 09:50 |
horaceli | I will add my patch to Moblin.org. :-) | 09:51 |
StevenK | horaceli: Yes, I did mean that. | 09:55 |
horaceli | StevenK, okay, I have pushed my patch to git repo, master branch. | 09:56 |
horaceli | if you have any questions on verifying the patch, just feel free to let me know | 09:56 |
lool | horaceli: Heya; sorry my connection is flaky | 10:00 |
lool | (what you people see connecting and disconnecting is my remote irssi on a colo server, but I was disconnected at home) | 10:01 |
horaceli | lool, :-), never mind. I have talked to StevenK | 10:02 |
lool | horaceli: Yup, I see the backlog | 10:02 |
horaceli | great. | 10:02 |
lool | horaceli: We only have bzr trees for modules we imported from maemo's svn | 10:02 |
lool | horaceli: For the moblin modules, we simply keep the packaging in the "archive", either hardy or the ppa | 10:02 |
lool | The reason there's nothing in the ppa is that the version of hardy had everything we needed and we didn't need to fork it | 10:03 |
horaceli | lool, I found marquee-plugins is deleted from ppa | 10:03 |
lool | But now that hardy is frozen, we will upload to the ppa | 10:03 |
horaceli | I see | 10:03 |
horaceli | that will be better, since I then could know how to do to update the package. :-) | 10:03 |
lool | horaceli: Someone, probably me, uploaded a new marquee-plugins superseding all previous ones to hardy and there was no need to keep it in ppa | 10:03 |
lool | horaceli: You could update it in ppa too if you wish, you would have taken it from hardy, applied your patch, and pushed to ppa | 10:04 |
horaceli | what about the version naming. | 10:04 |
lool | horaceli: That ppa versus hardy upload story is complex, it's because we're not aligned with Ubuntu cycles | 10:04 |
lool | horaceli: There's a wiki page on version numbering, but for purely mobile modules you don't need to care | 10:05 |
lool | It's particularly important to get it right when we fork non-mobile modules like say cairo or pango or xorg or whatever | 10:05 |
lool | For purely mobile modules, we just have to be careful not to reuse version numbers so that it's unambiguous | 10:05 |
horaceli | okay, I see | 10:06 |
lool | The traditional way to get changes in Ubuntu is to file a bug and attach a patch, or when you're a MOTU/core dev, upload | 10:06 |
lool | But in the case of mobile, we have this ppa as a "fork" place and everybody can upload to it, so the rules aren't really the same | 10:07 |
lool | But it should really go away next cycle | 10:07 |
lool | It's quite painful to deal with | 10:07 |
horaceli | :-). you must suffer a lot. | 10:07 |
horaceli | lool, I will put a marquee-plugins package with my patch to ppa | 10:08 |
lool | Yes, I'm rolling on the floor and crying | 10:08 |
lool | horaceli: Ok | 10:08 |
lool | ToddBrandt: Hmm you mention moblin-applets 0.60 in #224123, but I don't see the tarball in /releases on moblin.org? | 10:18 |
StevenK | horaceli: I have a marquee-plugins prepared. | 11:05 |
StevenK | horaceli: I just need to test it before I upload. | 11:05 |
theseinfeld | howdy | 11:29 |
theseinfeld | is it me, or the ports.ubuntu.com is down? | 11:30 |
theseinfeld | yes | 11:30 |
theseinfeld | sorry | 11:30 |
theseinfeld | it is me :) | 11:30 |
=== cprov is now known as cprov-lunch | ||
stuporglue | I installed the ubuntu-mobile package, and compared the list of packages it installs to the packages installed in an image created by the Moblin Image Creator. There are a lot of packages that aren't installed by the ubuntu-mobile package -- should this be the case? | 15:18 |
lool | stuporglue: Other packages are pulled by so called FSets | 15:19 |
lool | This is a concept of the tool used to create images, MIC | 15:19 |
lool | (moblin-image-creator) | 15:19 |
lool | I'm not too hot about using FSets, they are simply a way to list packages to install in a file | 15:19 |
lool | It probably makes sense to have such a concept to customize builds / images for use cases, such as hardware platforms | 15:20 |
lool | Most of the software stack should be pulled by ubuntu-mobile though | 15:20 |
stuporglue | Are fsets supposed to pull in platform specific packages, or specific use case packages? Eg. Openoffice is installed by MIC (samsung target), but not the ubuntu-mobile package | 15:20 |
lool | So this is typically inappropriate; I think the software stack shouldn't be influenced by the choice of target platform | 15:21 |
lool | We could imagine having things like ubuntu-mobile-mid and ubuntu-mobile-subnotebook in the future when we want to switch between multiple stacks, but it's a very future thought | 15:21 |
stuporglue | I see. It still seems that the ubuntu-mobile package is missing stuff though. eg. it includes a launcher for pidgin on the desktop, but doesn't include the pidgin-mameo package, and the hicolor icon theme isn't included which makes the volume/brightness icons not appear. | 15:23 |
lool | It's quite likely that it is indeed missing stuff | 15:24 |
StevenK | The ubuntu-mobile package in Hardy doesn't include pidgin-maemo because pidgin-maemo isn't in Hardy. | 15:25 |
StevenK | The ubuntu-mobile package in the PPA does, because the PPA includes pidgin-maemo. | 15:25 |
lool | Oh good point; stuporglue: make sure you check the ubuntu-mobile pacakge in the ppa | 15:25 |
lool | The builds aren't based on hardy alone, but on hardy + ppa | 15:25 |
stuporglue | gotcha. I may have added the ppa sources after I installed ubuntu-mobile. Sorry about that | 15:26 |
stuporglue | I'll do an install and make sure I have the ppa sources, then look at this again. | 15:27 |
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Bert_2 | hi, can someone help me with installing/Xnesting ubuntu-mobile as I don't really get what I'm supposed to do if I look at the wiki | 16:49 |
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