
_ZeuZ_Because: it's one hell of a bitacoured filesystem00:00
_ZeuZ_secure, and fast00:00
DexterFgot some update trouble. some fglrx packages messed with libGl, now on upgrading aptitude complains it can't overwrite /usr/lib/libGL.so.1.200:00
_ZeuZ_also,easily critable00:00
_ZeuZ_either way, it's my FS of choice00:00
_ZeuZ_Crap, the keyboard map on that system got dislocated... how can I get it back to normal?00:00
raketokay, so tried it, and I don't see anything special (yet!) in kde4... how can I revert the changes?00:00
raketi *could* just reinstall kubuntu, since this is a fresh install...00:02
Fujisancomrad stdin00:02
flaccidraket: whats the problem sorry00:02
Fujisani love you00:02
stdinFujisan: I advise you to stay on topic in here too00:03
DexterFcan anyone make something of this?  http://pastebin.ca/100986900:03
Fujisankthnx i value your advise00:03
raketthere isn't any problem, I was just trying it00:03
flaccidraket: what do you want to rever sorry?00:04
raketoh, I upgraded to kde400:04
intelikeyDexterF i could print it and make a paper airplain...00:04
DexterFintelikey: ...00:04
flaccidraket: do you need the diskspace?00:04
raketwhy do you ask... I might00:05
raketneed it00:05
flaccidno need to remove unless you need the diskspace. remove kde4-core if you need t but00:05
rakethow much is it?00:05
Fujisanis there a channel esp. for kde400:06
intelikeyDexterF you could "force-upgrade" the package00:06
flaccidFujisan: see topic00:06
Fujisani just started a new project00:06
=== Carnage` is now known as Carnage\
flaccidDexterF: remove the cdrom source and fetch updates then try again - same problem?00:07
raketflaccid: I know I can just go back to kde3, but when I log in into it, I receive some errors about things missing00:07
DexterFflaccid: checking...00:07
intelikeyDexterF   sudo dpkg -i --force-upgrade /cdrom//pool/main/m/mesa/libgl1-mesa-glx_7.0.3~rc2-1ubuntu3_i386.deb       you might check the man page on dpkg first.    follow that with sudo apt-get install -f   and you should be good to go00:07
DexterFintelikey: force how? man page says zilch00:07
ubottuWant to remove gnome/kde/xfce completely? Look at debfoster, it's a great help00:09
flaccidraket: what errors00:09
DexterFflaccid: hm.. fetches another 600MB now... well see what happens...00:09
intelikeyremove all kde* and install kubuntu-desktop00:09
raketwell hold on, I'll log into it and I'll tell you00:09
raketintelikey: is that for me?00:10
intelikeyif you want to go that route  yes.00:10
intelikeyi like to offer alternative ways to achive the desired end.00:10
DexterFintelikey: I think even if your line helps this will happen again on every libGL update. I made fglrx debs myself and something must have gone wrong when uninstalling them with dpkg-divert.00:10
=== hexidigital_ is now known as hexidigital
flaccidraket: you don't know why the errors are there nor if kde4 created them..00:11
raketflaccid: i think kde4 removed some of the starting programs00:11
flaccidstarting programs?00:11
raketwell, I am speculating here, I am still new00:12
flaccidkde4 doesn't remove programs..00:12
intelikeyDexterF hmmm ok.    so you think it's your package that is causing that ?     dubble check the pre/post\//inst/rr scripts in your package...00:12
flaccidyeah speculation is not good for a newbie00:12
raketat least I am telling you that I did. :)00:12
intelikeyspeculation is always good, as long as it is treeted as such.   it expands horizions of thought.00:13
DexterFintelikey: "my" package isn't exactly right. the ati fglrx installer comes with command line switches to build distro specific packages. amongst them kubuntu. so ati fscked up. as usual.00:13
flaccidi tend to differ00:13
intelikeyDexterF understood.00:14
DexterFintelikey: still have those debs tho - where do I find the rr scripts usually?00:14
intelikey/var/lib/dpkg/info/*  ???00:15
DexterFintelikey: thanks00:16
jay_anybody running kubuntu on a dell laptop?00:18
intelikeywow i have 7500 files in there.00:18
Plummetok, how do stop kubuntu from starting all the programs i had open when i turned off the computer00:18
raketokay... here's the error window I get "Error - KDE Par..." Malformed URL    system:/00:19
intelikeyclose them and turn it off the same way ?00:19
intelikeyPlummet or set kde to start with an empty session00:19
linux_Can anyone help? Here is my problem: http://img406.imageshack.us/my.php?image=panelproblem1og3.png00:19
raketand "Error - KDE Par..." Malformed URL    trash:/00:19
Plummetintelikey: where is that setting?00:19
raketare these just the shortcuts?!00:19
linux_It's KDE 4.0 only.00:20
flaccidlinux_: thats a bug00:20
linux_Every distro that includes KDE 4.0 has this issue.00:20
intelikeyPlummet the first is case specific.  the latter is universal.    the setting is in   kcontrol  some place.00:20
linux_Yes, but how do I fix it?00:20
Plummetintelikey: thank you00:20
jay_i can't find drivers for connecting my machine to a hp 4315 on a windows computer00:20
flaccidlinux_: wait00:20
intelikeyPlummet welcome.00:20
linux_I'm on OpenSUSE 11.0 now.00:20
raketflaccid: any ideas?00:20
flaccidlinux_: this ks kubuntu support00:20
linux_flaccid, if you use Kubuntu KDE 4.0 it has this issue. :)00:21
flaccidraket: huh?00:21
=== admin__ is now known as xtreme_juice
flaccidlinux_: i know. its a bug.00:21
linux_OK, I just want to know a workaround.00:21
xtreme_juicedoes anyone know how to configure webmin?00:21
flaccidraket: thats usually a bug00:21
flaccid!webmin | xtreme_juice00:21
linux_Who gives a flying fuck if it's a bug.00:21
ubottuxtreme_juice: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.00:22
flaccid!language | linux_00:22
ubottulinux_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.00:22
linux_I'm sorry.00:22
flaccidlinux_: i care very much thank you.00:22
linux_But.. you can't just sit there and say it's a bug.00:22
linux_HELP FIX IT.00:22
stdin!caps | linux_00:22
flacciddon't shout linux00:22
ubottulinux_: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.00:22
_ZeuZ_any idea of a good GUI for tcng?00:22
intelikeyPlummet there are also  cli  ways to achieve that end.   maybe look into deleting the files in ~/.kde/Autostart or ~/.kde/share/config/  something... saved_state  maybe.00:22
linux_If I didn't use caps you wouldn't get my point.00:22
flaccidlinux_: im not a kde developer00:22
linux_I'm not asking you to be.00:22
stdinlinux_: we can all read lower-case00:22
flaccidlinux_: i got your point right from the start thank you00:22
linux_All I'm asking is to tell me a workaround.00:23
flaccidlinux_: in order to fix it, you need to have the skillset of a kde developer00:23
linux_If you don't have one, DON'T say anything.00:23
flaccidlinux_: i don't know of a workaround.00:23
linux_It's as simple as that.00:23
linux_Then DON'T say anything.00:23
flaccidlinux_: lol00:23
linux_I KNOW it's a bug.00:23
_ZeuZ_linux_ what was your problem again?00:23
flaccidi can say what i want. this is freenode lol00:23
stdinif you can't say anything nice00:23
_ZeuZ_just when I was about to try to be useful...00:23
intelikey^5 stdin00:23
jay_does anybody have experience setting up samba00:24
flaccidwell all want bugs fixed with a snap of a finger. the real world is different.00:24
flaccidjay_: yeah00:24
DexterFintelikey: hm, seems like the postrm wasnt run when I removed the package. good thing I made backups...00:24
stdinlinux_: please don't disregard the channel rules here, they are there for a reason and we enforce them00:24
intelikeyDexterF k00:25
stdinlinux_: if you feel you can't or don't want to follow them, you're free to part00:25
DexterFthis ATi card so has to go00:25
stdinthere we go then00:25
flaccidDexterF: why do you not update your system and install latest restricted driver from repos?00:26
Plummeti lost the title bar on every window..that ever happen to anyone?00:26
raketso intelikey, I like your idea of "remove all kde* and install kubuntu-desktop" but I just wanna know what am I doing with it.00:26
DexterFflaccid: because the restricted driver blows chunks like nothing blows chunks since chunk blowing began00:26
flaccidDexterF: im using it atm. whats the specific problem with it?00:27
mattelacchiatohi there00:27
DexterFunfortunately I was stupid enough recently to try and see for myself the hard way after happpily using the free driver but after all the fanboi praise on Moronix, sorry, Phoronix I thought I give it another try. now I'm facing package db mayhem.00:28
=== jay_ is now known as jay__
Agent_bobsorry,  i have to run.00:28
flaccidDexterF: yeah looks to me like you stuffed it up for no reason..00:28
mattelacchiatocan sb. help me to use ALSA with no pulseaudio?00:28
* mattelacchiato got Kubuntu 8.04, of course00:29
DexterFflaccid: well, after all it *would* be nice if I could run a game or if Google Earth ran a tad hotter. but all I got was a years old bug reintroduced in 8.4 that causes the system to stall when using 3D after a while00:29
=== jay__ is now known as jayman20086
DexterFthis pulse audio - is it mandatory? all I hear so far is it is bad news00:30
flaccidDexterF: is the bug on launchpad?00:30
mattelacchiatoDexterF: pulseaudio was disabled when i've installed kubuntu. but it was using single-playback-only-OSS instead00:31
DexterFflaccid: this isn't anything canonical can fix, it's a ATi-fscking-fglrx thing. I've been with ATi since fglrx 2.xy hence talking from experience.00:32
mattelacchiatoso i turned pulse on, but i would prefer to use alsa without pulse00:32
flaccidim confused why all these sound systems and servers are being developed instead of making the existing ones work. ah well00:32
DexterFmattelacchiato: uh.. so its pulse or oss?00:32
flaccidDexterF: i play games a lot an d that stuff with the driver and never had that problem so im trying to understand it00:33
mattelacchiatodefault: it seemed to be oss00:33
=== brad_ is now known as some_dude
nimrodi have a problem in Kubuntu 7.10...before i can play radio on streamtuner i must turn of every aplication00:34
Plummeti seem to have lost window borders, how to fix?00:34
DexterFflaccid: games like...?00:34
DexterFand on what card00:34
flaccidDexterF: nexuiz, enemy territory, ppracer etc.00:35
flaccidDexterF: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV350 [Mobility Radeon 9600 M10]00:35
flaccidnimrod: what is streamtuner?00:35
nimrodstreamtuner is a shoutcast-radio tuner .feks00:36
flaccidnimrod: where did you insall streamtuner from?00:36
nimrodi installed it from adept00:36
DexterFflaccid: nexuiz, good example, I tried that recently. lotsa display corruption, stutters. it goes to 45fps but has a glitch every 0.5sec or so00:36
DexterFx800xt, rv42000:36
flaccidwell yeah i guess you are right then - can ati in place of nvidia00:37
jayman20086kubuntu laptop can't install right driver for hp 4315 printer shared in windows00:38
DexterFafter 7 years ATi I will finally. just played the PR game too long. shame, since the *hardware* is solid00:39
flaccidwell ati and nvidia still have much to go to support *nix properly or at least linux. im waiting for them to support xrandr so dual displays are easy.00:39
flaccidnimrod: the project seems to have stopped. you could submit a bug on launchpad, but im thinking the problem is how streamtuner uses sound - it could be OSS and not ALSA00:40
Plummetsomeone take a looky at this forum forum.eeeuser.com/viewtopic.php?pid=148421 which describes my problem...they didnt find an answer00:41
flaccidstreamtuner is also gtk based so it could be something to do with that. if you launch streamtuner from konsole, do you get an errors/warnings about the sound?00:41
flaccidPlummet: not the right place for help. this is kubuntu support.00:42
DexterFwhere does apt store the debs it gets?00:42
nimrodflaccid: ok00:42
DexterFnvm, var/cache/apt/archives00:43
jayman20086glad i can get help00:43
nimrodi haven't tried that, flaccid00:43
Plummetflaccid: i am using kubuntu and have the same problem00:43
flaccidPlummet: this is with compiz? if so there is #compiz-fusion for help00:45
ubottuDesktop Effects are supported on graphics cards that use the default Intel and ATI drivers and the restricted !NVIDIA drivers, except for the following, which are blacklisted due to stability/compatibility issues: Intel 965, ATI Rs480 and Rv350, ATI Mobility x300, x600 and x700 - Join #compiz-fusion for anything not officially supported by Ubuntu00:45
DexterFflaccid: ATi still hasn't even managed to get Xv on a second head working. to name one.00:45
flaccidXv ? damn, my card is listed above...^00:46
ubottuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion00:46
Plummetflaccid: i am running standard kubuntu, just DLd and installed yesterday00:46
flaccidPlummet: see above00:46
Plummetflaccid: i dont have compiz.00:47
flaccidPlummet: that doesnt' make sense, because the link you posted is about compiz.00:48
Plummetflaccid: the problem they describe is identical to mine, but im running kubuntu straight out of the box (no compiz)00:50
nimrodme to00:50
flaccidPlummet: explain the problem please00:50
naught101Plummet: it might sound similar, but it's not, because you're using a different window manager...00:50
wells_any one know any french help chan ?00:54
Jucato!fr | wells_00:55
ubottuwells_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr00:55
wells_tkx :)00:55
xtremejuicehow do i configure ebox?00:57
raketalright folks, I was on an interesting konsole trip so bear with me... I did apt-get remove kde* to remove all kde stuff... then when I tried to apt-get install kde-desktop the system returned an error... something about dependencies...01:03
raketbut I *was* able to reinstall kde-desktop using "sudo aptitude update" and "sudo apt-get aptitude install kubuntu-desktop"01:04
flaccidxtremejuice: did you try google?01:04
raket*I meant to write reinstall kubuntu-desktop01:04
flaccid!info kde-desktop01:05
ubottuPackage kde-desktop does not exist in hardy01:05
flaccidno such package raket. whats the actual problem atm? if you have errors with apt, perhaps pastebin for perusal?01:05
raketflaccid: I meant to type kubuntu-desktop01:06
flaccidah ok01:06
raketi wanted to play around, since this is fresh installation, but would a reinstall be agood idea?!01:07
flaccidi don't know what your problem is atm..01:07
flaccidand if kubunt-desktop installs ok and nothing else is stuffed up then it should work fine.01:07
raketit seems that there're no problems... but I wanted to ask just in case01:07
flaccidnp. yeah the packaging system is designed with integrity in mind01:08
roger__I am looking for assistance with acpi.  My current issue is that i can get the pc to go into suspend mode but resuming it locks up the pc. I have to do a hard reboot.  I am running Kubuntu Hardy 8.04 with all updates, Nvidia proprietary drivers, a Gigabyte GA-7VAXP with a +2800 Amd Processor, Nvidia GeForce 5200 W/ Dual Monitors.  Logs show no sign of the system trying to resume from suspend mode.  Anyone know anything i can check or where01:08
roger__to look?01:08
raketflaccid: why did aptitude work anyway!?01:09
flaccidroger__: i guess the best i can offer for advice is !bugs01:09
flaccidraket: huh?01:09
roger__That's the info i keep getting.  Is acpi that buggy?01:10
raketapt-get install kde-desktop didn't work01:10
raketapt-get install kubuntu-desktop didn't work01:11
flaccidum i guess you can say that acpi problems or power management problems in general are frequent01:11
flaccid!info kubuntu-desktop01:11
ubottukubuntu-desktop: Kubuntu desktop system. In component main, is optional. Version 1.75 (hardy), package size 18 kB, installed size 44 kB01:11
flaccidraket: what is the actual error.01:11
flaccid. = ?01:11
geniiroger__: Do you have a swap partition and if so how large is it compared to your RAM size?01:11
raketsudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop did work01:11
flaccidgenii: does suspend mode = suspend to ram ?01:12
flaccidraket: right so there is no problem, sweet.01:12
frank23I setup a samba share but it doesn't even show up as a share in the Remote places on the same computer01:13
raketwell yes, but I was wondering what is the difference, if you know01:13
raketbetween hte commands01:13
roger__Yes i have a swap, 1.5g same as ram01:13
flaccidraket: between which two commands?01:13
roger__genii: yes suspend to ram01:14
raketapt-get install kubuntu-desktop01:14
raketsudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop01:14
raketthe first one didn't work01:14
flaccidraket: aptitude is a dif program. they do the same thing essentially.01:15
flaccidraket: the first one probably didn't work because it needs to be run under sudo01:15
raketI ran both with sudo01:15
flaccid!doesntwork | raket01:15
ubotturaket: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.01:15
flaccidfyi raket we need t know the actual error to be able to pinpoint the problem01:16
raketI asked for speculation (again), since I don't have the error on my desktop anymore01:16
raketif you want to know, I can point you at a website though01:16
ChoreboyHelp! I'm stuck in a rickroll01:16
flaccidraket: yeah the realm of possibility is very large. not a good idea to guess in science.01:16
Choreboyhow do you force quit a program?01:16
ChoreboyI'm about to throw this laptop out the window01:17
flaccidChoreboy: usually using ksysguard or kill in konsole01:17
Choreboyhow do you kill? I don't know much about LInux01:17
sacha_ctrl+alt+esc on some distros01:17
naught101Choreboy: ctrl+esc01:17
naught101ten find teh app and kill it01:17
geniiroger__: Perhaps try adding line: SUSPEND_MODULES="ehci_hcd"                into    /etc/pm/config.d01:17
sacha_makes your mouse pointer in to skull bones01:17
wesleyis kde4.0.7 already there ?01:17
wesleyi mean kde4.0.401:18
stdinwesley: no01:18
naught101otherwise, run ps -e | grep name-of-app01:18
flaccidChoreboy: kill pid (pid is the process id as per ps) or you can killall programname (eg. killall konversation)01:18
Choreboynot working. It's looping and I can't close firefox because of the popup it keeps giving01:18
sacha_kubuntu still uses 4.03 wesley01:18
sacha_Choreboy: open up a konsole and type:       killall firefox01:18
flaccidChoreboy: killall firefox01:18
flaccidor do a kill -9 pid01:18
wesleystdin do know i they release it today ?01:18
* genii waits for konversation-kde401:19
ChoreboySweet Spaghetti Monster, you people are my heroes.01:19
roger__genii: thanks will give that a try.01:19
* sacha_ waits for kaffeine-kde4, kopete-kde401:19
stdingenii: you'll be waiting a while ;)01:19
raketone more question, how much space should I leave for Kubuntu, since I want to move my /home directory on another partition01:19
stdinwesley: possibly01:19
* wesley is waiting for every kde4 update01:19
geniistdin: I suspect so as well01:19
flaccidthats the problem with kde4 - its going to be ages for everything to be ported to it01:19
* sacha_ waits for knetworkmanager-kde4 which will actually be ported very soon01:20
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stdingenii: I think it's planned to release with 4.201:20
flaccidknetworkmanager won't even run on my kde401:20
ChoreboyWas the popup a script? Would NoScript block that?01:20
sacha_the kde3 version flaccid?01:20
flaccidsacha_: yeah01:20
sacha_works fine here in 8.0401:20
roger__genii: i'm confused.  I went to the file you sent me to and it is an empty directory01:20
wesleyflaccid that strange it runs fine here under 8.0401:20
flaccidyeah i have a bug where most things that need systray won't load into it01:20
geniiroger__: Thats fine. It just means there are no default options to it currently01:21
flaccidpretty much the reason why im on kde3 atm01:21
wesleyflaccid i only need like 2 kde3 apps01:21
roger__so what would i name the file i would put in here to add the new options?01:21
geniiGah, 4.2! <gets out next year's calendar>01:22
sacha_i only use 2 kde3 apps too -- konversation and kaffeine01:22
sacha_oh and knetworkmanager01:22
sacha_genii: i think 4.2 is end of year01:22
geniiroger__: 1 minute I'll find the reference I got it from01:22
wesleykde4.2 is planned around christmas time01:22
Daisuke_Laptopsacha_, what year though?01:22
sacha_this year01:23
flaccid4.2 is what we need - just a long time off unfortunately. but kudos to the devs.01:23
sacha_6 months for 4.1->4.2 is pretty realistic01:23
AndreSantosMy Ethernet connection is not working and i dont have a clue why, can someone help me trying to find out ?01:23
AndreSantosIm on kubuntu 8.0401:23
Daisuke_Laptopare we talking about the same kde?01:24
geniiroger__: Make any filename there and put the line in it (the filename doesn't matter)01:24
flaccidAndreSantos: what happens when you select wired from knetworkmanager?01:24
flaccidAndreSantos: this is a wired ethernet connection?01:25
wesleykde4.1 will be lot faster than the current kde401:25
roger__genii:  gonna give it a try...be back01:25
AndreSantos[flaccid]: When i enable it, it just desables... yes01:25
geniiroger__:  This fix is per: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/21157201:25
Daisuke_Laptophistory: from 3.1 to 3.2 was... over a year01:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 211572 in linux "[Hardy] [regression] ehci_hcd.ko breaks suspend-to-ram" [Medium,Triaged]01:25
sacha_qt4.4 is meant to make it faster but i dont notice too much difference01:25
flaccidwhat do you mean it just disables?01:25
AndreSantosflaccid i click enable... it enable but 1 sec later its setted as disabled01:26
sacha_Daisuke_Laptop: thats a completely different release with different goals and a different schedule01:26
Daisuke_Laptopi'm hoping for it by the end of the year, but kde4 introduces a lot more new things than 3 did, so...  forgive me, but i'm not holding my breath.01:26
flaccidAndreSantos: please pastebin /etc/network/interfaces and /var/log/messages01:26
sacha_Daisuke_Laptop: idea is a lot of the stuff is introduced now by kde4.1, so 4.2 wont be hard to do in 6 months01:26
Daisuke_Laptopbut for the most part, past X.2, 6 months seems to be the norm01:26
wesleysacha i do i runed only the live cd alpha and konqeuror and other programs open faster01:27
AndreSantosflaccid im going to type it on pastebin, since i got no connection on the laptop01:27
sacha_wesley: the alpha where plasma wasnt working?01:27
AndreSantosflaccid hold on.01:28
geniisacha_: I'm in same boat with knetworkmanager and konversation ... stranely starting knetworkmanager from alt-f2 reports kdeinit errors but it runs anyhow01:28
sacha_i dunno, never run it manually01:28
wesleysacha it was working but only half but we have to wait till finaly it looks promising01:28
cleathhow's everyone today?01:28
flaccidAndreSantos: ok. just do interfaces file then and check /var/log/messages after you click wired and see if it puts anything in there - it should put NetworkManager messages01:28
AndreSantos[flaccid]: ok01:29
sacha_wesley: nuno is designing a completely new plasma theme right now. api in the alpha was getting rewritten so it was complete mess :P01:29
raketmr. flaccid, I have one more question for you! :) sorry if you already saw it.. but, how much space does average Kubuntu system need, since I would like to move my /home directory on another partition...01:29
cleathI really like ubuntu, first time in awhile i've been able to stay on a linux based OS without having to switch to windows for some reason or another01:29
sacha_how much space does the /home need? or the kubuntu install? raket01:29
raketsacha_: Kubuntu01:30
sacha_raket: /dev/sda1             75300188   7957672  63547564  12% /01:30
AndreSantosflaccid http://pastebin.com/m2a78663901:30
flaccidraket: depends. i guess at least 3G is advised, 5G min. preferable01:30
sacha_raket: im using 7 gigs right now. but i have a lot of development stuff on here. compiled a lot of stuff and working ona few projects01:31
raketflaccid: alright, I was thinking about 5gb too... thanks again! :)01:31
geniistdin: Offhand you may know, how would you specify application A goes in systray A and application B goes in systray B ?01:31
cleathAnyone have experience with using kubuntu as a radius server?01:31
raketsacha_: thank you too!01:31
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stdingenii: afaik, there is only one systray. though there can be multiple instances of it it's the same01:32
flaccidAndreSantos: the interface in question is eth0? what is eth2 and ath0 ?01:33
AndreSantosflaccid eth101:33
geniistdin: Rightclick on bar allows multiple systray widget to be added.... just curious if a way to use them :)01:33
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geniistdin: I had 5 by accident01:34
AndreSantosflaccid the one in knetworkmanager is eth101:34
stdingenii: yeah, you can have more than one systray widget, but the system tray thing is "standardised" by freedesktop.org, so unless all DEs provide ways of using more than one systray there can only be one "real" one01:35
geniistdin: Ah, OK. Thanks01:35
flaccidAndreSantos: change your interfaces file to this: http://pastebin.com/m152c6ec4 then close knetworkmanager, then do a sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart then start knetworkmanager and see if it works now01:35
genii!spanish | constanza01:36
ubottuconstanza: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.01:36
* genii sips his coffee01:37
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Agent_bobi like #kubuntu so much better than #ubuntu   ...01:39
flaccidme too01:39
Agent_bobshhhh lets don't tell people about it.    they will come in here and spoil this channel too    ;/01:40
geniiI like both for different reasons. More laid back here however.01:40
AndreSantos[flaccid]: k, gonna try it01:41
AndreSantosflaccid just that 2 lines?01:42
flaccidyeah only localhost is required unless setting up static01:42
weswh-is there any way to enable mp3 support while running off of the livecd?01:43
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flaccidweswh-: yeah just the same as you would normally01:44
Agent_bobweswh- just like enabling it from installed01:44
flaccid!mp3 | weswh-01:44
geniiweswh-: Anything you could install on a regular system can also be installed on a livecd system, up to the size of your RAM01:44
ubottuweswh-: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:44
Agent_bobgenii you know.   actually one could add some disk space to the unionfs and install anything.01:47
alucardromeroMy expertise isn't video editing, but what can I use to edit video?  Mainly to overlap text on the video.01:47
geniiAgent_bob: Yup01:47
geniiAgent_bob: Your average user has no idea though, they try to install somethng like kde4 then wonder why they run out of space....  (on casper)01:48
Agent_bobcan anyone answer alucardromero  ?01:49
AndreSantosflaccid just a question, is there a way to active/deactive these devics without knetworkmanager? i personally hate it.01:49
alucardromeroI just read on ubuntuforums... looks like Cinelerra is gonna be the ticket.01:49
alexbobpI'm having problems figuring out what sound server is running so I can replace it with the sound server I want running.  What's the best way to find out what program is directly using my audio hardware?01:50
flaccidAndreSantos: sure is, you can do it in the interfaces file or run dhclient manually on the device..01:50
Agent_bobalexbobp fuser ?01:51
Feijo_BRhow to configure Konversation to auto register when I enter?01:51
AndreSantosflaccid how do i run it manually?01:51
flaccidAndreSantos: eg. sudo dhclient eth101:51
AndreSantos[flaccid]: k.01:52
flaccidin interfaces you can do iface eth1 inet dhcp01:52
geniiAndreSantos: To release dhcp lease use sudo dhclient -r eth1          as example01:52
alexbobpAgent_bob: on /dev/dsp?01:53
Agent_bobalexbobp yeah01:53
alexbobpThat returns nothing, but I also can't write to /dev/dsp; I get "device is busy"01:53
AndreSantosflaccid is it safe to remove knetworkmanager?01:53
alexbobpso I think whatever is using the hardware is not using it through OSS01:53
flaccidalexbobp: this should help: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Linux-Gamers-HOWTO/x696.html01:53
Agent_boberrr should be alsa01:54
flaccidAndreSantos: not really. in theory it should be, but ive seen problems when removing it01:54
Agent_boboss is not default in ubuntu01:54
flaccidalexbobp: alsa is default in kubuntu01:54
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alexbobpflaccid: thanks.  I don't think it's alsa, though, because the alsa process is not running.01:55
AndreSantosflaccid is it the same for wireless connection? the dhcp command01:55
flaccidalexbobp: there is no process alsa..01:56
flaccidAndreSantos: yes but of course it will only work if the wireless network is insecured01:56
stylesHey, how do I remove ALL the shit from Knome? I like Gnome01:56
alexbobpflaccid: no?  then what would I kill to unlock the hardware?01:56
alexbobpI want to run pulseaudio.01:56
zOap_kdeI lost my bottom panel, in kubuntu 8.04 Remix how do I get it back? it's not called kicker anymore..01:57
genii!puregnome | styles01:57
ubottustyles: If you want to remove all !KDE packages and have a default !Ubuntu system follow the instructions here << http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome >>01:57
partition_problehi all,i've problem with hard disc partition,it has corrupted,and i've to find exact cylinder of a partition to recover it,which tool do i have to use?01:57
AndreSantosflaccid and if it secured? how do i configure the essid and password? from the terminal01:57
flaccidalexbobp: if its locked then a a non alsa program is using the device01:57
Agent_bob!pulseaudio | alexbobp01:57
ubottualexbobp: PulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions01:57
flaccid!pulseaudio | alexbobp01:57
flaccidzOap_kde: plasma01:58
zOap_kdeflaccid, so i just type that in run? didnt work..01:58
alexbobpso pulseaudio does not replace alsa?  does it use alsa?01:58
alexbobphow can I find the non-alsa program using the device?01:58
flaccidAndreSantos: you usually do it in the interfaces file. it depends on the type of encryption. you can do it manual without the interfaces file but it gets complicated (wpa_supplicant)01:59
partition_probleanybody help me?01:59
stylesgenii: I did that. "sudo aptitude remove kubuntu-desktop" I still have all the programs it installed though.01:59
flaccidzOap_kde: im not sure, ask in #kubuntu-kde4 or #kde01:59
NickPrestastyles, the kubuntu-desktop package is just a metapackage. It isn't actually anything.01:59
stylesNickPresta: Whats the entire package? I had Ubuntu, then I got KDE Desktop last night. It also installed other KDE programs.02:00
AndreSantos[flaccid]: may i ask u how +- the interfaces file should look like? when connecting to a wireless secured02:00
NickPrestastyles, did you install KDE stuff via the 'kubuntu-desktop' packge?02:00
stylesI want to get rid of the programs and KDE. I didn't know Gnome already hadt he veature.02:00
stylesNickPresta: I think it did. I ran the command over night to dl the ~105MB or something sided package02:00
NickPrestastyles, I would remove kubuntu-desktop and then remove the applications in the Remove Kubuntu section02:01
flaccidAndreSantos: whats the encryption type?02:01
stylesNickPresta: weres the Remove Kubuntu sectoin?02:01
NickPrestastyles, http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome02:01
* genii just sips his coffee02:02
styleswere do I type this?02:02
stylesBecuase it looks like it will try and over ride the current Gnome.02:02
stylesAlt+f2 or w/e02:02
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sacha_yeah anywhere02:03
NickPrestastyles, you can run it within a terminal. the changes won't happen in real time.02:03
stylesNickPresta: Okay thanks02:04
Feijo_BRclone multimedia keyboard have special driver for kubuntu?02:04
Agent_bob 02:05
Agent_bobalexbobp umm  what does   fuser /dev/snd/*   return?02:06
Dr_willisweird - i just booted into Kubuntu and the keyboard wasent working.. but its working here under windows, and in the bios.02:06
wadI downloaded a program (simutrans), unzipped it, and moved the directory into /var/games/. It's currently owned by root:games. I'd like to make this game available to everyone who logs onto this computer. What's the Right Way to do this, the proper Linux way?02:06
alexbobpAgent_bob: /dev/snd/controlC0:   850202:07
Agent_bobadd -u  for user name02:07
Jucatowad: add your user (or any user) to group "games"?02:07
wadJucato: okay. I'll give it a try. Thanks!02:08
flaccidwad: chmod -R 775 on the directory02:08
alexbobpwad: you could "chmod a+rx" on it to make it so everybody can read and execute it.02:08
alexbobpAgent_bob: /dev/snd/controlC0:   8502(alex)02:08
Agent_bobor -v for verbose02:08
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alexbobp /dev/snd/controlC0:  alex       8502 F.... (alex)kmix02:09
NickPrestawad, what about in /usr/local/games?02:09
alexbobpAgent_bob: should I close kmix then?02:09
wadNickPresta: ah...02:09
Agent_bobsorry i had to consult the man page.  i'm not an fuser user really.    and kmix is the culprit.02:09
* wad tries some of these suggestions.02:09
Agent_bobalexbobp i would say adjust it to use the pulseaudio insted02:10
wadThe executable is located here: /usr/games/simutrans/simutrans02:10
flaccidyeah as per man hier it should be in /usr/share/games02:10
wadThat's not in the path.02:10
wadOh, okay.02:10
* wad moves it02:10
geniiDr_willis: This a bluetooth keyboard?02:10
flaccidsorry /usr/local/games NickPresta is right02:10
Dr_willisgenii,  nope. Normal usb keyboard. Been working fine for me for ages under linux02:11
NickPrestawad, you can put it anywhere you want really. it is your system. FHS suggests /usr/local/games.02:11
Dr_willisdident notice any kernel updates today either. was some other updates02:11
Agent_bobDr_willis did you test   alt+sysrq+r   ?02:11
flaccidNickPresta: what is FHS?02:11
flaccidyeah /usr/local/games is most appropriate as per man hier :)02:12
wadAnd the ownership should be root:games, right?02:12
ubottuAn explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview02:12
^u^Dr_willis: there's been a few complaints of that lately02:12
Dr_willisAgent_bob,  nope. alt-ctrl-bs dident work. i ended up hitting the power button to reset. I also noticed the G15 daemon dident see the lcd and run its clock either02:12
geniiDr_willis: Mostly intel chipset in the box? If so maybe try kernel option of usb-handoff02:12
ubottupdf is the Portable Document Format created by Adobe; viewable in GNU/Linux with xpdf/kpdf/evince, and also adobe reader (free download, but closed source)02:12
Jucatoflaccid: ^^^^ Filesystem Hierarchy Standard02:12
alexbobpAgent_bob: now pulseaudio runs, and pavucontrol can connect.  Amarok seems to play audio, but nothing comes from the speakers.02:12
NickPrestaThanks Jucato :)02:12
Jucatodid I spell hierarchy right?02:12
Matt1728can someone help me find a program that can edit PDF files02:12
Dr_willisNo intel chipset here. amd64 cpu, nvidia video. I tried moving the usb plug also.02:12
flaccidJucato: thanks02:13
Jucatoyep.. I did!!! for the first time! :P02:13
NickPrestaI believe so. It looks right to me :P02:13
flaccidwad: it should be root:root i think the games user is for /usr/games02:13
Agent_bobDr_willis i can't ctrl+alt+anything until i use the sysrq+alt+r  to reset the keyboard    that's why i mentioned it.02:13
Daisuke_LaptopMatt1728, are you just looking to take a document and make a pdf out of it?02:14
cleathi have a amd64 nvideo laptop02:14
alexbobpAgent_bob: I can play audio with mpg123 and aplay, but not through pulseaudio.02:14
flaccidalexbobp: and you followed the howto ?02:15
Agent_bobalexbobp i've never messed with pulseaudio  and i'm on dapper so....  sorry.02:15
Matt1728Daisuke_Laptop: i have a pdf file from class and i want to add my info to it02:15
Daisuke_Laptopnot sure then02:15
alexbobpflaccid: yes, I followed it.02:15
ubottuFactoid pdfedit not found02:16
Daisuke_Laptop!info pdfedit02:16
ubottupdfedit: Editor for manipulating PDF documents. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.2-5ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 2901 kB, installed size 8596 kB02:16
Daisuke_Laptopthere ya go :)02:16
flaccidalexbobp: i guess google and !bugs if someone can't help02:16
Agent_bobMatt1728 print it to ps and edit that. then save as something reasonable02:16
wadflaccid: It seems to be working now. I put it in /usr/share/games/simutrans. And I just exectute the executable specifically. Works!02:16
Daisuke_LaptopAgent_bob, pdf is perfectly reasonable02:16
Daisuke_Laptopdo you just have a grudge against adobe?02:17
Agent_bobDaisuke_Laptop umm yeah   freedom.02:17
flaccidwad: thats the wrong location as /usr/share/games is Static data files for games in /usr/games but thats cool..02:17
flaccidpdf is ratified now02:17
Daisuke_Laptopas flaccid said...02:18
flaccidpdf is open standard now (iso32000) :)02:18
Daisuke_Laptopscribus, print to pdf, pdfedit, all work02:18
Jucatostandard? yes. open? hm...02:18
wadOops, I meant to say /usr/local/games02:18
Daisuke_Laptopand it's not like there aren't any open readers for them either,02:18
Jucatoanyway, such is not the place for ISO discussions :)02:18
flaccidit was mentioned in passing only02:19
flaccidwad: coolio02:19
mironWhere can I get the module  Lingua::EN::Tagger?02:22
mironI'm a kde newbie, used to gnome02:23
wadOkay, so I made an icon to launch the game. It works! I'd like to put it into the menu structure for all users to see.02:23
* wad starts fiddling with the menu02:23
flaccidwad: right click kmenu and edit02:23
wadflaccid: Ah, yep. Cool.02:23
Agent_bob"open standard"   does not in anyway make a thing free.    now, i've made my OT remark on the subject. i'll quit.02:24
flaccidthing is what exactly?02:25
flaccidi don't see what costs..02:27
wells_re tout le monde02:29
wells_une tite question vite vite02:29
Jucato!fr | wells_02:29
ubottuwells_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr02:29
wells_comment miger de ubuntu 8.04 64 bit ( Gnome) vers Kubnutu 8.04 64 bit02:30
Jucatowells_: this is the English channel. not the French channel02:31
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sacha_hehe cool: http://nuno-icons.com/images/estilo/babes.png02:40
aaroncampbellAdept downloaded a bunch of packages that I selected, then as it went to install, it prompted for licenses on Java, and I clicked past the first, causing it to quit.  Is there a way to tell apt to just install what's already been downloaded (without having to go through and selec each package from the list again)?02:51
flaccidaaroncampbell: i don't think so02:51
aaroncampbellThere's no way to see the data that has been downloaded?  Where does it download them to?02:52
Kyralsomeplace in /var02:52
nosrednaekim /var/cache/apt/archives02:52
richard_i am really confused with kubuntu 8.04, i want to type this command:SUDO GEDIT /ETC/MODULES, but I do not know where to type it?02:52
richard_which program do I use?02:53
flaccidyeah but then you would have to create an apt-get install command for what you want the apt cache and that would take time. also the apt cache would include other downloads from past..02:53
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal02:53
Agent_bobrichard_ in the first place don't type that.   that will only error out with bash: SUDO not found.02:53
Agent_bobcase is important02:53
Agent_bobrichard_ konsole02:54
richard_my computer does not shut off after Kubuntu shuts down, this is supposed to fix it02:54
^u^richard_: and gedit is for gnome - it is a terminal command - try kdesudo kate02:55
richard_how do I open kdesudo kate02:56
Agent_bobrichard_ konsole02:56
flaccidrichard_: just run the command in konsole02:56
Agent_bobor in your irc client...   /exec kdesudo kate /etc/modules02:57
Agent_bobif you can't find the konsole launcher in the kmenu02:57
nosrednaekimI did not know about that... haha02:57
^u^richard_:  K-menu -> System -> Konsole - then type kdesudo kate /etc/modules02:58
Agent_bobnosrednaekim you didn't know about  /exec ?02:58
Agent_bobnosrednaekim  /exec -o ls -ldh $HOME02:59
richard_the command failed02:59
richard_i did find kate02:59
Bobi_bogorE: Dynamic MMap ran out of room02:59
Bobi_bogorE: Error occurred while processing update-apt (NewFileVer1)02:59
Bobi_bogorE: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/mirror.its.ac.id_ubuntu_dists_gutsy_universe_binary-i386_Packages02:59
Bobi_bogorE: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.02:59
Bobi_bogorwhat should i do?02:59
Jucatoyou should use a pastebin next time :)02:59
Bobi_bogorhelp me please03:00
Jucatowhat were you trying to do?03:00
Bobi_bogorsudo apt-get update03:00
flaccidgooglin errors is a good idea03:00
Bobi_bogorim newbie here03:01
Agent_bobnosrednaekim the -o makes it output to the channel so don't use it on things that might flood...03:01
flaccidi think you need to up your cache limit bob03:01
^u^richard_: linux is case sensitive - kdesudo kate /etc/modules03:02
richard_i may have missed a space after kate?03:02
JucatoAgent_bob: you shouldn't have told him that... it would have given me the chance to kickban :)03:02
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Agent_bobJucato the example i listed wouldn't flood anyway  :)03:03
^u^richard_: there should be a space03:03
flaccidBobi_bogor: try adding APT::Cache-Limit "16777216"; to  /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/70debconf03:03
JucatoAgent_bob: you should have given him a "better" example :)03:03
Agent_bob/exec -o ls -ldh $HOME03:03
Agent_bobtake the    ^ d out of it03:03
Jucatorichard_: just press Alt+F2 and copy-paste the command: kdesudo kate /etc/modules03:04
JucatoAgent_bob: don't you mean "replace d with r"? ;)03:04
richard_it opened03:04
Agent_bobnah  just the home dir will be flood enough03:05
Jucatoer. I meant R :)03:05
Agent_bobmaybe   s/d/A/03:05
Jucatoright :)03:05
richard_i am supposed to enter this line:apm power_off=1, do I just add it below what is already there?03:06
Agent_bobumm uhh03:06
^u^richard_: yep03:07
richard_do I have to select "Edit" or just copy it in?03:07
^u^richard_: just type it in03:07
Agent_bobyou are already in a text editor...03:07
^u^richard_: then save and close03:07
Bobi_bogorstill get error message03:07
richard_any idea if this works? or is there a chance I will screw it up real good?03:08
KetrelBy default Kubuntu seems to be mounting vfat with shortname=winnt, how can I change the default?03:08
Agent_bobKetrel -o option ?03:09
KetrelAgent_bob: I mean when it automounts when I plug it in03:09
Agent_bobKetrel idk.   sorry.03:10
flaccidBobi_bogor: try sudo aptitude clean03:10
Agent_bobhave no idea where ubuntu puts that info03:10
flaccidBobi_bogor: failing that, try, sudo rm -vf /var/lib/apt/lists/*03:11
richard_are you still there >^u^<03:11
flaccidBobi_bogor: does this work? sudo apt-get update -o APT::Cache-Limit=2516582403:11
^u^richard_: yep03:11
richard_doyou know anything about this line helping to shut down the computer when kubuntu shuts off?03:12
Bobi_bogorthank god03:12
Bobi_bogorits working03:12
richard_I would really hate to get messed up now, I am just learning linux03:12
Bobi_bogorthanks a lot03:12
flaccidno problem03:12
ere4sirichard_: nope - ^u^ don't03:12
flaccidBobi_bogor: i'd probably still file a bug if i were you. please do if you can03:13
ere4sirichard_: ^u^ = ere4si03:13
kamuiDoes XORG read its configuration file from another file other than xorg.conf?03:13
Bobi_bogori dont understand03:13
flaccid!bugs | Bobi_bogor03:13
ubottuBobi_bogor: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots03:13
flaccidBobi_bogor: that error shouldn't happen, so filing a bug will help the project03:13
Agent_bobkamui not normally.   but if you use startx to start xorg it will use the xorg.conf in your home dir if there is one03:14
flaccidkamui: yes, there is a user settings file iirc03:14
ere4sirichard_: where id you get the command from?03:14
Bobi_bogorthanks ya03:14
kamuiflaccid, agent_bot: could you then explain why I've removed all the pointers from /etc/xorg.conf yet my mouse, trackpad and touchscreen still work?03:14
flaccidi think its .xinitrc or something03:15
Agent_bobkamui /etc/X11/xorg.conf ?03:15
Agent_bobkamui and mouse will work without a listing03:16
ere4sirichard_: that is old but it shouldn't do harm - reboot and try03:16
flaccidkamui: not sure. you could check the /var/log/Xorg.0.log to see what its doing03:16
flaccidyou may have to explicitly disable them in xorg.conf03:16
richard_thanks...I will try it out03:16
richard_all I have  to do is copy & paste it after the last line that is already there?03:17
kamuiagent: shmitt!  is there a way to disable this behavior?  Im pretty sure its using a generic event driver which breaks the touchscreen03:17
myk_robinsonrunning kubuntu on a new laptop w/Dual Core. Do i need to insatll a different kernel to take advantage of dual ocre?03:17
nosrednaekimmyk_robinson: nope03:18
flaccidmyk_robinson: nope03:18
myk_robinsonokay. i thought maybe i had to install an smp kernel.. the generic is fine, though?03:18
Agent_bobkamui setting up the touchscreen should superseed the default  and thus "fix" it.03:18
flaccidyeah smp support is in it03:18
myk_robinsonthank you,good night03:19
flaccidmyk_robinson: you can see SMP in uname -a03:19
flaccidgood night03:19
kamuiAgent_bob: it doesnt03:19
myk_robinsonyou are correct03:19
kamuithas why I was trying to remove everything but the touchscreen03:19
ubottuFactoid touchscreen not found03:19
myk_robinsonhow can i see processor info in command line?03:19
kamuiand then I discovered that removing everything doesn't disable anything03:19
flaccidmyk_robinson: cat /proc/cpuinfo03:19
KetrelAnyone else know how to change? (Kubuntu seems to be mounting vfat with shortname=winnt, how can I change the default?)03:19
flaccid!mount | Ketrel03:20
ubottuKetrel: Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Kubuntu, go to System Settings -> Advanced Tab -> Disks & Filesystem. See also !fstab and !DiskMounter03:20
flaccid!ntfs | Ketrel03:20
Agent_bobkamui it's not being overwritten at startup time is it?03:20
ubottuKetrel: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubotu NTFS-3g or /msg ubotu FUSE03:20
flaccidin fstab Ketrel. see above guide03:20
kamuiAgent_bob: if it is, its restored after03:20
kamuiI just suspect its using a supplementary file, or like you said autoconfiguring for some reason03:21
Ketrelflaccid: to be more clear, I'm talking about when I plug in my thumbdrive03:21
Ketrelit's fat32, and mounting with shortname=lower, I just want to change the default to shortname=mixed03:21
flaccidah ok03:21
Agent_bobkamui hmmm that being an xorg issue  you might ask in   #ubuntu and see if anyone that knows will answer03:21
Ketrelany idea how I'd change the default there?03:21
flaccidone sec Ketrel03:22
kamuibeen tryin Agent_bob also finally just asked in xorg03:24
kamuibut I doubt Ill get an answer tonight03:24
flaccidKetrel: i believe its in /usr/share/hal/fdi/policy/10osvendor/20-storage-methods.fdi just trying to work out what to do exactly03:24
flaccidKetrel: just change <append key="volume.mount.valid_options" type="strlist">shortname=</append> to <append key="volume.mount.valid_options" type="strlist">shortname=mixed</append> i gues03:25
Ketrelflaccid: still automounts it as shortname=lower03:27
Ketrelhere's a question, there something I can do so search the contents of all the files to see if any actually say shortname=lower?03:27
Agent_bobkamui i wish i knew.   even google doesn't seem to know.03:27
flaccidKetrel: there are few entries in the config file, did you change all of them?03:28
Ketrellemme check in case I missed one :03:28
flaccidKetrel: there is no lower word in that file by default03:28
Ketrelflaccid: I meant in case it wasn't that file if I could seach for all files that would have the text "shortname=lower"03:29
Ketrelbut I'm checking what happens03:29
KetrelI did miss an instance03:29
flaccidyou could do that, but would take a long time and you don't even know if its driver by such text03:29
flaccidKetrel: you probably need to sudo /etc/init.d/hal restart as well03:30
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Ketrelok, I changed all instances (didn't restart hal yet), but now it says03:30
Ketrel/dev/sdb1 on /media/ANDREWUSB type vfat (rw,nosuid,nodev,noatime,uhelper=hal,flush,uid=1000,utf803:30
Ketrel(notice it doesn't say shortname at all)03:31
Ketrelin that case, is it mixed?03:31
flaccidi don't know03:31
flaccidi don't even know what shortname option is :)03:31
KetrelI forget what it does, though I do know in order for it to work with a certain product it has to be on mixed03:32
kamuiAgent_bob: yea, been searching for the last 2 hours03:32
kamuinothing is coming up03:32
kamuiI can't believe im the first person to have an issue with xorg autodetection03:32
flaccidKetrel: test the product03:32
flaccidkamui: there is #xorg as well03:33
Agent_bobkamui someone has to be first...03:33
flaccidim sure many people have had xorg detectin issues..03:33
KetrelIt wouldn't be a good idea to do that, because I don't have a windows computer handy, and if I've done it wrong, it'll break03:33
kamuiflaccid: its practically deserted, been asking in there too03:33
kamuiAgent_bob: this sucks to be THAT person at THIS moment03:33
flaccidkamui: keep searching google i guess. i don't know much in that area sorry03:34
kamuiits all good guys, appreciate the effort though03:34
flaccidkamui: logout crash is more frustrating than that for a lot of users atm :)03:35
KetrelOther question, is there any way to mount without being root?03:35
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flaccidKetrel: sure is. add the dev to fstab and specify the 'users' option03:36
ChoreboyCan someone tell me, is there a kopete channel?03:37
Choreboyand how do I join different channels? I don't really know IRC.03:37
flaccidChoreboy: #kopete and /join #kopete03:37
Choreboybeautiful. Thanks.03:38
Ketrelflaccid: I edited the file and restarted hal, if I have anything other than "shortname=" it doesn't use shortname at all03:40
Ketrelwhile that file seems to be related, it seems to be pulling the value from elsewhere03:40
flaccidKetrel: i guess its possible ubuntu has implemented differenty. let me check google on the config03:41
Ketrelflaccid: that's what I'm doing too03:43
flaccidKetrel: i think that sets the options valid only03:45
flaccidim not sure what to do to change the default options. google is a bit vauge here03:45
Ketrelflaccid: Well I'm running a grep on the word lower, hopefully it'll turn up something03:47
flaccidKetrel: sows on here how to do it with gconftool: http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/view/svn/general/hal.html03:47
Ketrelflaccid: I'll read that now, thx03:49
firecrotchflaccid, Ketrel: sorry to butt in, but what are we trying to accomplish here?03:50
flaccidchange default mount option for usb keys with hal to shortname=mixed with vfat03:50
flaccidwe can find how to set the valid options but not the options itself03:50
ryan-chow can I change the refresh rate on my screen?03:51
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thevHi, anyone know how to activate thumbnail previews in Konqueror? I'm in file mode, and when I mouse over a file the infobox has a preview, but the thumbnails are all generic03:53
firecrotchflaccid, Ketrel: http://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=4095103:53
thevI swear this worked in gutsy... I don't know what's up in Hardy now (fresh install)03:53
firecrotchit's for ArchLinux, but it should apply to Ubuntu too, afterall, Linux is Linux is Linux03:54
flaccidfirecrotch: hmmm, whats the key value for it?03:55
flaccidhey there are other unixes hal runs on :p03:55
firecrotchflaccid:  Heh yeah :) No idea what the key value is03:56
flaccidfirecrotch: there is no solution on that page.03:57
firecrotchflaccid:  True, but it tells you how hal settings like that are changed03:57
Ketrelfirecrotch: I have no idea what to do though XD, and I still don't know where it's getting the default of "lower" from03:58
flaccidKetrel: it will have to be in here somewhere heh http://people.freedesktop.org/~david/hal-spec/hal-spec.html03:58
firecrotch"lower" is the default.  Just because it is.03:59
flaccidits crazy that we can't find this04:02
firecrotchI think I've got it04:02
* flaccid raises both eybrows04:03
* Ketrel raises all three04:03
firecrotchGive me a moment, I just have to write up the XML04:03
davfanyone using fprint or thinkfinger with kubuntu hardy?04:03
flaccidnice firecrotch04:04
thechrisI have the following issue with initrd:  "/dev/ram not found"04:05
thechrisany ideas ?04:05
flaccidthechris: ubuntu version and media type please?04:05
thechris8.04 and a partition on my box that holds an ISO of the liveCD04:07
flaccidso is this booting from cd or hard disk?04:08
thechrishard disk04:08
thechris /dev/sda704:08
flaccidso did it just start happening? or what triggered it04:09
thechrisI'm attempting to intall from an image stored on a HDD04:09
flaccidthechris: im a bit confused. you boot with what exactly? whats the process you are trying here04:11
firecrotchKetrel: append this to /etc/hal/fdi/preferences.fdi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10661/04:12
firecrotchafter you make a backup of the originial, of course04:12
firecrotchKetrel:  You'll have to restart hal after that04:13
flaccidah <merge key="volume.shortname" type="string">mixed</merge>04:13
flaccidpretty basic04:13
thechrisi boot using grub with /boot/vmlinuz and /boot/initrd.gz with root=casper and an option for something like a 1G ram disk (didn't calculate it out)04:13
Ketrelfirecrotch: trying that now04:13
firecrotchI would *think* that that is the correct key04:13
flaccidthechris: so what OS do you boot and how do you access the installer in the ISO?04:14
Ketrelone problem firecrotch, I can't appeand it as I don't have that file at all04:14
flaccidi guess touch it Ketrel?04:14
flaccidcreate it04:14
will00i have thunderbird installed on my computer, and recently its stopped getting mail from my gmail account.04:15
robf_whats the name of that lil update manager that ran initially,  cos I can't find it on the menu and I forget what its called :p04:15
firecrotchKetrel:  Odd, you should have it.........04:15
thechrisflaccid: i accessed the ISO originally from linux using mount -o loop.  From there i did a cp -a to copy all files to the partition which i formatted with mke2fs -j or such04:15
flaccidrobf_: adept_manager ?04:15
robf_flaccid: is it?  I thought that was just a package manager04:15
will00it says the connection to server pop.gmail.com timed out04:15
robf_this thing would occasionally annoy me saying "time to update blah blah blah"04:15
flaccidrobf_: sorry adept_updater04:16
firecrotchI've also come across this: http://forums.fedoraforum.org/archive/index.php/t-157228.html04:16
robf_and I closed it,  but apparently its not gonna come back automagically04:16
robf_rather it ran that one time,  and now I forget its name04:16
robf_I don't think it's adept04:16
flaccidrobf_: adept_notifier04:16
KetrelSince I don't have it, does that file need any additional info in it?04:16
robf_ah ok04:16
Ketrelfirecrotch: with just that info in the file, there's no change04:17
robf_i figured it'd have some things to update,  but it's not griping04:17
robf_oh werll04:17
o0Chris0owhat folder does ubuntu store the apps? trying to change default app04:17
robf_its so odd coming from gentoo to kubuntu and although everyone says its for noobs,  lol I often feel lost :(04:17
flaccidthechris: so are you saying that you can no longer boot because of this error, but you could before when you did all that stuff?04:17
robf_*Shrug* thanks though04:17
ppibburrKetrel whats the filename?04:17
firecrotchKetrel:  http://forums.fedoraforum.org/archive/index.php/t-157228.html has some settings that supposedly work for this04:17
firecrotchKetrel:  Any .fdi file in /etc/hal will be parsed when hal starts, so you could put that in a new file04:18
thechrisflaccid: no, i can boot into an OS, just not the liveCD stored in a seperate partition.04:18
robf_flaccid: although I am now using adept, this still doesn't look like the thing I'd used04:18
robf_not sure what it was... oh well this works04:19
thechrisits a way to get an install without a CD.  never lose the install CD, and have a faster version of the LiveCD04:19
flaccidthechris: i didn't know that you could boot an iso04:19
robf_flaccid: why could ya?04:20
flaccidrobf_: huh04:21
robf_flaccid: you can make grub do some nifty things ;)04:21
robf_it's a straight up hack though04:21
flaccidthats pretty cool04:21
thechrisno, the ISO is just a file.  i mounted the ISO using mount -o loop and copied the files to a new partition using cp -a04:21
robf_we used to have a box that had like 5 different iso stored systems that would mount and boot from em04:21
flaccidthechris: i understand now04:22
robf_the isos were on cf cards04:22
Ketrelfirecrotch: I'm trying the one from fedora, will report back in a moment04:22
robf_flaccid: completely solid state box,  nifty stuff04:22
flaccidim not sure if direct copying it will work04:22
robf_but it requires hacking up grub a bit =s04:22
Ketreldidn't work04:22
ppibburrthe livecd can be installed to a partition, and have another as persistent04:23
flaccidthechris: when searching google with that error, there were bugs in the past, but thats about it04:23
firecrotchKetrel:  That's weird.... can you paste the output of lshal?04:23
ppibburri think thats how slax, gets installed04:24
flaccidthechris: perhaps following process like https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent will have more success04:24
Ketrelfirecrotch: looking through it now, will pastebin in a moment04:24
alakhiahi, can anyone help with wireless connectivity?04:27
Ketrelfirecrotch: this is 50 lines starting with the one containing /dev/sdb104:27
xchiamiovalakhia: I'll give it a shot04:28
alakhiai upgraded to hardy and now my wireless is shot04:28
alakhiait connected the first time i booted but not anymore04:28
xchiamiovwhat kind of card do you have?04:28
flaccidalakhia: what happens when you select the network in knetworkmanager?04:28
thechrisflaccid: hmm, i can't find isolinux on the cd though04:28
flaccidthechris: isolinux is so you can do it on fat. i can't find anything on direct copying livecd to a partition..04:29
flaccidit could purely be a bug still04:30
alakhiaflaccid: this is the weird part ... my access point seems to be rebooting while my laptop connects04:30
flaccidmaybe you are not doing anything wrong... maybe in theory you can just direct copy04:30
ppibburrsyslinux ...04:30
alakhiaknetworkmanager shows the name of my network EECS04:30
flaccidalakhia: thats no good. can't help with a faulty AP...04:30
xchiamiovalakhia: seems from the perspecitve of your computer, or looking at the router cp?04:31
robf_heh adept crashes if you change the search terms mid search it seems04:31
alakhiabut it wasn't doing that before I upgraded04:31
alakhiaxchiamiov: not sure what you mean04:31
xchiamiovalakhia: do you have any other wireless computers (or OSs) you can test things with?04:31
xchiamiovalakhia: let me see if I can clarify04:31
ppibburrcopy cd contents to part, now you need a boot loader.04:32
firecrotchKetrel:  Okay, then we want: <append key="volume.policy.mount_option.shortname=mixed" type="bool">true</append>04:32
alakhiai have a desktop which is what I'm using to type right now04:32
firecrotchAt least, I think that will do it04:32
xchiamiovalakhia: when you say, "it appears to be rebooting", how are you getting that?04:32
alakhiamy wife's laptop uses winxp and I think she can connect fine04:32
flaccidppibburr: he is using grub but gets the no /dev/ram error which was fixed years ago04:32
Ketrelfirecrotch: is that in place of <merge...04:32
firecrotchKetrel:  Yeah04:32
alakhiaxchiamiov: it's a 2wire access point / router and firewall all in one04:32
nimrodhow can i get access to #python ?04:32
flaccid[13:29] <flaccid> alakhia: what happens when you select the network in knetworkmanager? <-- what does knetworkmanager do it should have a dialog04:33
xchiamiovnimrod: what client are you using?04:33
ppibburri would bet that a boot disk, where you can pass boot params will get ya there04:33
alakhiaxchiamiov: it has 3 lights: power, internet, local networking04:33
firecrotchKetrel:  Wait wait, it says it's mounting as shortname=mixed....04:33
xchiamiovnimrod: if you're on the right network, file -> join channel04:33
alakhiaflaccid: I already have configured knetworkmanager04:34
Ketrelwhere's it say that?04:34
flaccidalakhia: you still havnt explained its behaviour.04:34
alakhiamanual config  -> configure interface04:34
xchiamiovnimrod: do you know which network they're on? (freenode, etc.)?04:34
alakhiaflaccid: oh, sure. I pick EECS when I right click icon in tray04:34
xchiamiovnimrod: let me see if I can find it04:35
flaccidalakhia: manual config won't work with WPA, there is nothing to configure manually, you right click and select the AP...04:35
ppibburrthechris: pastebin your grub setup?04:35
alakhiagets stuck at 27% and then my router reboots04:35
Ketrelfirecrotch: where's it say that, mount still says it's doing it as shortname=lower04:35
nimrodxchiamiov:  i get this message: [05:29] [Channel] You need to be identified to join that channel04:35
flaccidalakhia: and then what happens... what does it do/say04:35
alakhiahow does it know the key?04:35
sparr_how can i disable the "doesnt provide secure updates" extension check in firefox 3?04:35
flaccidalakhia: and what does it say at 27%...04:35
flaccidnimrod: register with freenode to join04:35
xchiamiovnimrod: to register, do a "/ns register help" and it'll provide you instructions04:35
alakhiarouter keep rebooting and netwkmanager gives up and gives me the configure dialog box when it is done04:35
xchiamiovnimrod: err, /ns help register04:35
alakhiadoesn't go past 27%04:35
flaccid[13:35] <flaccid> alakhia: and what does it say at 27%...04:36
Ketrelfirecrotch: also chaning merge to append makes no difference04:36
ppibburralakhia, whats your card chipset?04:36
xchiamiovnimrod: np, think specific syntax is "/ns register [email] [password]"04:36
firecrotchKetrel:  Perhaps ask in #hal ?04:36
* flaccid is trying to find what stage in process is stops at04:37
thechrisppibburr: i modified syslinux.cfg.  I'm going to try that out.  seems unlikely to work though.  grub has options of vmlinuz /boot=casper root=/dev/ram ramdisk_size=107374104:37
nimrodxchiamiov: i would try that :)04:37
alakhiadoesn't say anything ... gives up04:37
Ketrelfirecrotch: hmmm, That might be best at this point :( as I'm lost and nothign seems to be working04:37
alakhiappibburr: checking. Is it lspci?04:37
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flaccidalakhia: are you telling me it says 27% but it doesn't say anything else? pastebin /var/log/messages04:38
firecrotchKetrel:  I'm lost too, lol.  I know nothing about hal, learning as I go here04:38
flaccidneed to check log04:38
alakhiaNetwork controller: Intel Corporation PRO/wireless 3945 ABG network connection (rev 02)04:38
alakhiathat's from lspci04:38
Ketrelare we shore it's hal that's doing this and not KDE?04:39
flaccidi'll wait for the log. also pastebin /etc/network/interfaces04:39
alakhiaflaccid: what to look for in /var/log/messages?04:39
ppibburri had same issues, when i upgraded, but they were unique to my card, which is different04:39
flaccidalakhia: pastebin it so i can lok04:39
alakhiawant the whole thing?04:39
alakhiaflaccid: ok04:39
ubottupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)04:39
alakhiagive me a minute ... have to copy to desktop from laptop via thumb drive04:40
robf_everytime my screensaver comes on,  the dialogue to enter my pw and such doesn't showe up,  but I have to type it in just the same,  i just cannot see it04:40
ppibburrtricky :)04:41
Ketrelfirecrotch: I'm going to try asking in KDE and HAL04:41
firecrotchKetrel:  Alrighty.  Otherwise, if you get no answer from #hal, maybe try the hal mailing list04:41
nimrodnon of theese syntax are working....should i write in Ubuntu IRC ?04:43
alakhiaok, thanks ppibburr04:43
flaccidnimrod: whats not working?04:44
nimrodflaccid: i try to register04:44
xchiamiovnimrod: did you get anything from the nickserv when you did "/ns help register"?04:44
flaccidnimrod: its /msg nickserv register <password>04:44
nimrodi got it now i think04:46
KetrelOk, here's a different question, in Windows I can drag a picture from firefox to a folder and it will safe it to that folder, is there any way I can replicate this behavior in KDE (3)?04:46
alakhiaflaccid: this is /var/log/messages http://pastebin.com/d7f76dbab04:46
alakhiaAnd: http://pastebin.com/m5f63764b04:47
xchiamiovKetrel: it works for me dragging to konqueror or the desktop, but not dolphin04:48
flaccidalakhia: this log is after at least 1 attempt to connect?04:49
Ketrelok, lemme try opening konquerer04:49
alakhiaflaccid: probably more04:49
flaccidyeah i think this could be a bug04:50
flaccidis it eth0 or eth1?04:50
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »04:50
flaccidwhich release is this again alakhia04:50
flaccidupgraded to hardy?04:50
alakhiawireless is eth104:50
Ketrelxchiamiov: does it keep the filename, or make you rename it?04:50
joelHello everyone04:50
alakhiaethernet is eth004:50
alakhiaprevious releases also gave me trouble04:50
xchiamiovKetrel: it asks me for a name, true04:51
joelI am looking at System Settings (KDE4 Kubuntu 8.04) and I can't find the button to become Admin/Root.... Where is it?04:51
flaccidalakhia: yep i've had this before as well. semi-intermittant04:51
agateflaccid: ups...i lost the syntax....it was working, but i copied over it...can you tell me the syntax again?04:51
xchiamiovKetrel: you're looking for a way to not have to enter a name?04:51
flaccidagate: for what?04:51
Ketrelxchiamiov: damn, when I do that, it then says it can't copy some temp file, and xchiamiov: yes04:52
agateflaccid: to register nickname04:52
alakhiaflaccid: and suspending also messed up networking for me. My hack was to do: /etc/inid.d/networking restart04:52
flaccidagate: /msg nickserv register <password>04:52
xchiamiovKetrel: hmm, actually tested it myself and I get a 0KB file04:52
agateflaccid: thanks04:52
flaccidalakhia: have/did you find the interface going up/down a bit?04:52
xchiamiovKetrel: but anyways, if you're downloading a bunch of images, there's a nifty extension called downloadthemall you might try04:53
alakhiaflaccid: not sure how I would see that. I didn't run ifup or ifdown myself04:53
flaccidalakhia: knetworkmanager would notify04:53
alakhiaflaccid: don't think it did that04:53
flaccidalakhia: look at the log now, note the last entry. then select the network in knetworkmanager and let me know what sort of messages go in the log04:54
agatehow can i set a password?04:54
Ketrelxchiamiov: unfortunately they're not all on a page, I open the ones want normally and then drag to folder and close tab, and repeat04:54
flaccidagate: password for?04:55
agateflaccid: for my nick04:55
joelHow do I become root in System Settings???04:55
alakhiaflaccid: if my router reboots ... then I'll probably disappear from here as well04:55
alakhiabut i'll be back04:55
flaccidagate: /msg nickserv set password <password>04:55
flaccidalakhia: ok. also what make/model is the router/ap ?04:56
agatethanks flaccid04:56
xchiamiovKetrel: yeah, I can't find anything, sorry04:56
Ketrelxchiamiov: no worries04:56
Ketrelit doesn't compare to my main problem04:57
flaccidjoel: you can run system settings under root like this: kdesudo systemsettings -caption "%c" %i %m04:57
Ketrelwhich is that I fudged up my winxp machine with SP304:57
joelflaccid, why kdesudo? why not sudo alone???04:57
firecrotchjoel:  kdesudo is used for graphical applications, sudo should only be used on the command line04:57
xchiamiovjoel: it's a good idea to use kdesudo for graphic apps04:57
xchiamiovotherwise it can screw with permissions and such04:58
firecrotchsudo, if I recall correctly, messes up file permissions04:58
flaccidyeah sudo is cli only. there are possible problems using it with gui apps04:58
firecrotchhehe I guess I recall correctly04:58
joelflaccid, I run kdesudo systemsettings -caption "%c" %i %m and receive a notification box that says Command not found04:59
joelflaccid, The help file says theres a "Administrator" button... But I can't find it anywhere....05:00
ppibburrits there :)05:00
aaroncampbellas per a suggestion in here, I used nvidia-settings to configure my dual screen setup.  Unfortunately, I can't seem to get it how I used to have it.  Now it's like one giant desktep (3360x1050), and it used to be two seperate desktops (1680x1050 & 1680x1050).  Any idea how I can do that again?)05:00
ppibburrjust out of display on the widget05:01
flaccidjoel: sorry there are quotes in there. kdesudo systemsettings should be suffice05:01
alakhia_am back05:01
joelflaccid, returns same error05:01
ppibburri used to have to tab and guess my way to it, if you got the the same problem05:01
flaccidjoel: if the admin button is gone on relevant snap ins, its most likely a bug05:01
alakhia_flaccid: only saw one line show up in /var/log/messages05:02
joelflaccid, yea must be a bug05:02
flaccidalakhia_: link not ready?05:02
flaccidjoel: um kdesudo systemsettings should work05:02
flaccidjoel: what does which systemsettings return ?05:02
alakhia_flaccid: dhcdbd: message_handler: message handler not found under /com/redhat/dhcp/eth1 for sub-path eth1.dbus.get.reason05:02
joelI am coping and paste exactly what you typed05:03
aaroncampbellMy xorg.conf: http://paste2.org/p/2602405:03
joeljoel@BlackBird:~$ which systemsettings /usr/lib/kde4/bin/systemsettings05:03
alakhia_flaccid: any idea what is going on?05:03
alakhia_i have no clue05:03
flaccidjoel: try kdesudo `which systemsettings`05:04
joelthat worked :)05:04
flaccidalakhia_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dhcdbd/+bug/93360 and http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&safe=off&client=opera&rls=en&hs=5GG&q=dhcdbd%3A+message_handler%3A+message+handler+not+found+under+%2Fcom%2Fredhat%2Fdhcp%2Feth1+for+sub-path+eth1.dbus.get.reason&btnG=Search05:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 93360 in dhcdbd "Dhcdbd doesn't recognize permanent (-1) DHCP leases" [Medium,Confirmed]05:06
alakhia_flaccid: so this is a known bug? can I do anything about it?05:09
flaccidalakhia_: don't think so until they fix the bug. the last comment on that bug report pretty much says it all05:11
GothicD3vilsomebody here with compiz?05:14
TerminalVelocityhow many out there use sudo instead of creating a separate root account?05:17
flaccidTerminalVelocity: hopefully everyone. root is there by default.05:17
alakhia_flaccid: ok, thanks for your help!05:17
TerminalVelocityflaccid: so, i've got a general sudo question...05:18
alakhia_wonder how it worked the first time ... i'll try reinstalling again. That's what I did when I upgraded to fiesty.05:18
TerminalVelocityif my regular account is comprimised by a hacker...then couldn't he/she use my password to gain access to sudo05:18
flaccidalakhia_: np05:19
hydrogenTerminalVelocity: yep05:19
flaccidTerminalVelocity: well if they have your password and you are in the admin group then they effectively  have sudo and root access and can also set/change the actual root password with sudo passwd root05:19
hydrogenTerminalVelocity: the thought is that it's a whole lot harder to bruteforce guess a username + password05:19
hydrogenthen it is to just bruteforce guess a password05:20
hydrogenof course05:20
hydrogenit would be much easier just to disable remote root logins05:20
TerminalVelocityhydrogen: so, would it be better to disable sudo and set up a root account instead05:20
hydrogenI just said why05:20
hydrogeneveryone knows the name of the root account05:20
hydrogenif you disabled remote root logins05:20
hydrogenthen it would be exactly the same05:20
hydrogensecurity wise05:20
flaccidsimply use a strong password and its about as secure as you can get. the point of failure is the password05:20
hydrogenand don't run a ssh daemon if you don't use it05:21
flaccidand/or consider using a strong vpn..05:21
=== alakhia_ is now known as alakhia
TerminalVelocityhydrogen: how does one disable remote root logins05:24
hydrogenits some option in ssh_config05:25
GothicD3vilsomebody with compiz here?05:25
TerminalVelocityflaccid: cool, thanks!!05:25
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq
NyadHi. I am using KDE3 and ive been fiddling with different themes and icon themes. but now when i boot, kicker doesnt start up automatically and when I try log out I can only log out, no restart or shutdown05:30
flaccidNyad: are you still using kdm?05:30
flaccidbut when you call kicker manually it works?05:31
Nyadit works, except when I click log out it only has has the logout option05:32
flaccidthats weird. those buttons only dissappear when you start X manually05:34
flaccidbut you believe playing around with themese could of damages something?05:34
Nyadwell thats the only thing I've done since then, but I did install kde-tweak last night and then I removed it05:35
flaccidwhat is kde-tweak?05:35
flaccid!info kde-tweak05:35
ubottukde-tweak: a config tool for KDE's hidden configuration options. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.2-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 36 kB, installed size 168 kB05:35
flaccidNyad: try for help in #kde , im not sure where to start with this one05:36
NyadI found it useless05:36
Nyadok thanks :)05:36
flaccidi guess its possible that it borked something which is unfortunate05:36
Nyadwhat do you mean borked?05:36
firecrotchNyad:  can you give me the output of "groups" please?05:38
firecrotchNyad:  I think you someone ended up out of the admins group05:38
Nyadok how do I do that?05:39
Nyad$ groups?05:39
Nyadjason adm dialout cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev fuse lpadmin admin05:39
firecrotchWell that blows that theory...05:39
firecrotchNyad:  Do you have kde4 installed at all?05:40
firecrotchor only kde3?05:40
Nyadonly kde305:40
Nyadit must be a problem induced by kde-tweak05:41
firecrotchI will see if kde-tweak does it to me05:41
flaccidyeah, similar comment on http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/tweaK?content=51170 about it - slightly dif but05:42
firecrotchflaccid:  I was just about to point to that lol05:43
Nyadit seems that has some of the solution05:44
flaccidNyad: i reckon you disabled it in the panel tab of tweak then remove it05:45
flaccidyou probably need to reinstall it and fix it up05:45
flaccidso edit the panel and global tabs of tweak which relate to your problem..05:45
Nyadflaccid: appears to have done it automatically but I will have to install it again to fix it like you said05:47
Nyadflaccid: ok kicker now starts up05:48
Nyadthat site fixed it05:48
flaccidthe site fixed it?05:48
flaccidwhat did you actually do05:48
Nyaddelete the file in here ~/.kde/share/autostart05:48
Nyadbut still no shutdown or restart in logout meny05:49
flaccidum, you don't want to delete the Autostart folder, but you can remove the scripts in it..05:50
flaccidand probably need to install tweak and re enable the buttons which is in the global panel05:50
NyadI kept the folder, just delete the one file in it05:50
firecrotchNyad:  Can you pastebin the contents of ~/.kde/share/config/ksmserverrc  please?05:52
Nyadah heres the problem, kde-tweak, by default disables shutdown and restart from logout dialog05:52
Nyadproblem fixed05:52
firecrotchNyad:  And then uninstalling it of COURSE doesn't change it back like it should05:52
flaccidit does hmm05:52
flacciduninstall shouldn't change it back nor should install05:53
Nyadstill gotta test it05:53
firecrotchflaccid:  I think he's still gonna have problems05:54
aaroncampbellas per a suggestion in here, I used nvidia-settings to configure my dual screen setup.  Unfortunately, I can't seem to get it how I used to have it.  Now it's like one giant desktep (3360x1050), and it used to be two seperate desktops (1680x1050 & 1680x1050).  Any idea how I can do that again?)05:54
aaroncampbellMy xorg.conf: http://paste2.org/p/2602405:54
flaccidi think you are right about it doing it by default which is not good05:54
firecrotchDefinitely not good05:55
NyadI removed it and all is well05:55
Nyadthe off and on was me logging out to test05:55
firecrotchNyad: congrats05:55
flaccidi have not restarted kde yet but i goto the tweak applet and show turn off computer, restart buttons is unchecked!05:55
Nyadyeah they set that as the default05:56
Nyadwell I must be off, thanks a ton guys05:56
firecrotchNyad:  You're welcome05:56
flaccidwell kde-tweak is reminding me of envy or automatix..05:56
firecrotchflaccid:  I can't even figure out how to get into kde-tweak lol05:56
flaccidfirecrotch: its a kcontrol snap in05:57
flaccid:) i found that out by looking at the package contents lol05:57
firecrotchWhat the hell? Alt+F2 doesn't bring up the run dialog05:58
flaccidcheck shortcuts, maybe winkeys is on05:58
firecrotchIt used to work just fine....05:58
Nyadyou have to run,  tweak in the run menu. when you get that working that is05:59
firecrotchand wow, that is definitely a messed up default config for kde-tweak05:59
flaccidah so you saying kde-tweak did it firecrotch?05:59
ubottuFactoid kde-tweak not found05:59
firecrotchflaccid:  I'm not sure, I rarely use alt+f2 for anything06:00
ubottuFactoid tweak not found06:00
firecrotchLast time I used it was when I was setting up compiz, which was.... a long time ago06:00
flaccidubottu: check the shortcut?06:00
firecrotchDesktop: Run Command: Alt + F206:02
flaccidwhat a rip!06:02
firecrotchEh, no big deal, I never use it anyways06:05
firecrotchflaccid:  You use kde4 at all?06:06
brinkscan I use synaptic to install madwifi for my toshiba laptop ? or do i use apt-get in a shell ?06:08
davfcan anyone help me with a problem with sound only playing on one side? It only started after installing hardy.06:09
firecrotchbrinks:  toshiba laptop? I'm the guy to ask here.  What model?06:09
flaccidfirecrotch: yeah but its not good enough06:09
firecrotchflaccid:  any major problems?06:10
flaccidbrinks: synaptic is fine06:10
brinksfirecrotch a135 satallite 242606:10
flaccidfirecrotch: yeah06:10
firecrotchbrinks:  What wireless card are you using?06:10
flaccidbugs + lack of features06:10
firecrotchflaccid:  Does it look pretty though?06:10
brinksfirecrotch . it a built in card ?06:10
flaccidyeah it looks ok but its still early despite the fact its in prod06:11
davfAudio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 02)06:11
firecrotchbrinks:  Yes, I need the model of it though.... from a terminal: lspci | grep 802.1106:11
brinksfirecrotch.. ok but i will have to turn of this vista crap to dual boot back into linux..i can go to the toshiba site and find t06:12
firecrotchdavf:  Check the settings in alsamixer06:12
flacciddavf: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto06:13
flaccidwhat a pain..06:13
davfI have and they act wierd if I move the slider on the bottom it changes the master volume06:13
firecrotchflaccid:  Most of that is fixed in Hardy06:13
flaccidhalf my help in this channel is just googling heh06:13
flaccidah ok06:13
firecrotchbrinks:  as long as I know what card it is, I can help you get it set up :)06:14
brinksfirecrotch; gimme a second ok.. i am on a free lonpoc.CA` wireless , its slow as sh1t ..but free06:14
firecrotchbrinks:  free is always good ;)06:15
brinksfirecrotch: yes in school i got cable.. but free as you said .nice06:15
davfwhats the name of the console app to control the mixing?06:15
firecrotchdavf:  alsamixer06:16
brinksfirecrotch`: Integrated Wi-Fi compliant wireless: Atheros 802.11b/g wireless-LAN06:21
flaccidbrinks: are you trying madwifi yet?06:23
aaroncampbellWasn't there a emerald-themes package before?06:23
KevInAlaskahello everyone... :) On Hardy, I can't seem to find SMB and NFS to install through Adept... is this not the way to install it?06:24
flaccidaaroncampbell: probably06:24
flaccid!samba | KevInAlaska06:24
ubottuKevInAlaska: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.06:24
flaccid!nfs | KevInAlaska06:24
ubottuKevInAlaska: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.06:24
aaroncampbellflaccid: what happened to it?  I don't see it now06:24
flaccidaaroncampbell: what release are you on?06:25
flaccidbrinks: http://madwifi.org/wiki/Compatibility/Atheros06:25
brinksflaccid: no i have just installed the kubuntu . and was reading about madwifi to fix the issue ? was wondering if it is in a package on ubuntu site before i make install etc06:25
firecrotchbrinks:  madwifi will not work with that card06:25
aaroncampbellflaccid: hardy06:25
flaccidbrinks: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Madwifi06:25
flaccidwhat model is the card sorry06:25
KevInAlaskathank you... :)06:26
brinksfirecrotch.. ok where is my next help lol06:26
firecrotchbrinks: wait, sorry, it may, actually.  I need the exact model number.  You can probably get it from the Vista Device Manager06:26
brinksfirecrotch one second on my way to look .. brb06:26
davfok... I think the problem is kdm mixer. How do I enable seperate channel volume control in kmx?06:26
davfsorry kmix06:27
firecrotchHow can I run a second X server on a virtual terminal?06:27
CYREXi think thats what you mean06:28
firecrotchCYREX:  No that doesn't work, since X is running on tty7 already06:28
flaccidi think its something like startx -- :106:29
CYREXthats why i said startx06:29
CYREXstartx -- :106:29
CYREXstartx SPACE -- SPACE :106:29
CYREXor :206:29
CYREXor :x from 0 to 5 i think06:29
flaccid!enter | CYREX06:29
ubottuCYREX: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!06:29
firecrotchThanks guys!06:30
CYREXwasnt using at punctuation was just explaining better sorry06:30
flaccidall good. i do it  alot too06:30
CYREXbtw how can i send a direct message to somebody06:31
CYREXlike ubottu did right now06:31
flaccidCYREX: on irc?06:31
Souseisekiis there really a way I can have real 5.1 sound on my emu10k1?06:31
CYREXyes like that06:31
CYREXSou: I tried the same06:31
flaccida private message or get ubottu to do something?06:31
CYREXi have a 7.1 here but i cant get my audigy se to work, all speakers sound the same06:32
Souseisekisame :/06:32
Souseisekibut i have a live 5.106:32
CYREXno i mean like what u just did, Red message06:32
CYREXnew to irc sorry06:32
flaccidkonversation hightlights you nickname in read automatically06:32
flaccidyou can press tab to autocomplete nicknames06:32
flaccid* i mean highlights in red for you automatically06:33
CYREXwoww nice06:33
CYREXomggg cool06:33
CYREXmany thanks06:33
flaccidkonversation is mad :)06:33
CYREXflaccid: this rocks06:33
Souseisekiwish the wiki had some guide on getting 4/5.1/7.1 to work :/06:34
CYREXcan you hear sound on all speakers?06:34
Souseisekijust the front two06:34
davfOk, fixed that problem was that alsamixer shows no right channel but not in kmix.06:34
CYREXa ok let me go look what package i installed for that06:35
CYREXgive me a sec06:35
Souseisekibut if i turn up the sigmatel surround slider the pcm gets cloned into the back06:35
Souseisekibut it is not controlled with the master volume06:35
ubottuFactoid audigy not found06:35
Souseisekiit is cloned of the front two speakers and seems 'independent', not true 4/5.106:35
CYREXthats the one06:35
davfAnyone using a fingerprint reader with kubuntu?06:35
Souseisekigames like darkplaces and enemy territory quake wars detect only 2 speakers06:35
CYREXdependency with liblo10k1-006:36
flaccidet uses OSS, not alsa that might be why06:36
flaccidwhats darkplaces, just out of interest?06:36
Souseisekisome quake engine06:36
Souseisekiit has multi channel support for audio06:36
Souseisekinexuiz uses it06:36
Souseisekisome game i'm making in the future also uses it06:36
aaroncampbellas per a suggestion in here, I used nvidia-settings to configure my dual screen setup.  Unfortunately, I can't seem to get it how I used to have it.  Now it's like one giant desktep (3360x1050), and it used to be two seperate desktops (1680x1050 & 1680x1050).  Any idea how I can do that again?) My xorg.conf: http://paste2.org/p/2602406:37
flaccidnexuiz is cool...06:37
flaccidaaroncampbell: did you try #nvidia .. some guys there if awake are good at that06:37
Souseisekii did do some things for 2.4 if you noticed the new nex beam and sparks ;D heh06:37
flaccidah sick Souseiseki!06:37
flaccidSouseiseki: whats the component in nexuiz that enables the dif binaries for dif platforms/os ?06:38
flaccidsorry to be OT.06:38
CYREXbtw, anybody know what the new way of doing dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg is06:38
Souseisekino idea06:38
CYREXsince that wont configure the resolution and video card06:38
CYREXi mean not anymore06:39
flaccidCYREX: new way? whats your actual issue sir?06:39
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!06:39
CYREXfor instance, i install the nvidia drivers, but sometimes the resolutions are not right, so i xserver-xorg and i can configure the video card and resolutions for the xorg.conf06:40
flaccidCYREX: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg should allow you to select resolutions otherwise, you can do the system settings gui or manual edit of xorg.conf06:41
CYREXbut now, i install the nvidia glx and i get the "ideal resolutions" that rand thinks are good, which they are not, so i do xserver-xorg but it wont work06:41
CYREXthats what i tried06:41
flaccidwhere is the driver from and how recent is the video card?06:41
CYREXthere was this console gui windows thing that pop when i did xserver-xorg in 7.10 but now it does no work. nvidia 6800, and i use the nvidia-glx that are right now in the repos06:42
flaccidwhich release of ubuntu?06:42
firecrotchNote to self: don't run multiple X servers.06:43
CYREXi have to do a X -config, go edit the xorg, test it out then copy it to the X11 place06:43
CYREXkubuntu 8.0406:43
flaccidCYREX: before we proceed, can you run kdesudo restricted-manager-kde and let me know what is there?06:43
CYREXwell dont have that install06:44
flaccidCYREX: sorry i think you can get to it in system settings without installing it.06:45
CYREXbtw i have the nvidia configure right, my question is only that if there is an alternative to xserver-xorg right now, something that does the same06:45
CYREXyes found it06:46
CYREXi thought it sounded familiar06:46
flaccidwell no there is no alternative to it besides what i mentioned06:46
CYREXok then, another question for the nvidia stuff, got some new linux users that install the nvidia package from the nvidia site, this package works well the minute you install it BUT after you reset the pc the xorg gives the "nvidia driver is not found" any ideas what is missing, not configure right, whoops forgot it also mentions that the kernel does not have the same version, but when i check it does have it06:48
flaccidwell there is the nvidia-config / nvidia-xconfig binaries which i think can do res for xorg.conf - can't exactly remember06:48
CYREXnvidia-xconfig yes, configures the xorg06:49
flaccidhmmm if installed correctly the kernel mod should be there and be persistent. thats a bit of a weird one hmmm06:49
CYREXalso install the nvidia dev package that the nvidia package needed, but that didnt help either...well just making a conversation, thanks for the tip about xserver06:50
flaccidso what does restricted manager say about the video atm?06:51
Souseisekicool hardware midi is working06:51
CYREXgive me sec ill tell you06:51
CYREXall speakers?06:52
CYREXnvidia device driver, currently on use06:54
CYREXall good in the restricted06:54
flaccidCYREX: and are you telling me that the system settings | display and monitor won't let you change the resolution?06:56
CYREXno no all good flaccid thanks, just wanted to know another way of configuring the monito/video card06:57
KevInAlaskaanyone know about file sharing with Kubuntu (hardy) and a macbook (leopard)?07:06
KevInAlaskamight I add.. simple home network07:06
areelswhat is the best jabber server for kubuntu?07:06
firecrotchKevInAlaska:  You'll probably want to use Samba07:13
zeeonis it possible to download/install konsole used in kde4 on kde 3.5.9 ?07:14
KevInAlaskafirecrotch thank you, I installed samba through apt-get, just need to figure out how to see the files and share them.07:14
CYREXthere is a file in /etc/samba07:15
CYREXi think is there07:15
CYREXdont remember right now, thats the file you configure07:16
firecrotchKevInAlaska: http://kubuntu101.blogspot.com/2005/11/how-to-share-files-using-samba.html07:16
firecrotchEasiest way to set it up07:16
CYREXOR you can try firecrotch's Excellent link guid07:16
CYREXwhcih includes pics and all to setup samba..try it for FREE07:16
flaccid!samba | KevInAlaska07:17
ubottuKevInAlaska: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.07:17
ubottuFactoid cifs not found07:20
KevInAlaskafirecrotch, thank you for the link. I am reading it now.07:22
firecrotchKevInAlaska:  you're welcome!07:22
firecrotchIt's pretty much as simple as it is in Windows to share files/folders over a network now07:23
arnowenn ich per ssh auf 1 System draufkomme,aber nicht nach draussen pingen kann,wobei iptables leer ist,wo würdet ihr ansetzt07:46
mefisto__has anyone experienced this problem with hardy: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=677329   ??07:47
flaccid!de | arno07:47
ubottuarno: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de07:47
flaccidmefisto__: hmm is there a bug on launchpad yet?07:48
mefisto__flaccid: I have no idea. I don't know how to search for bugs effectively07:49
GothicD3vilcan somebody explain me for what is snort07:59
ere4si!info snort | GothicD3vil08:00
ubottugothicd3vil: snort: Flexible Network Intrusion Detection System. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.7.0-14 (hardy), package size 450 kB, installed size 1032 kB08:00
GothicD3vilwhich one is better the snort only or mysql and pgsql?08:01
rakethey folks, my laptop won't recognize the livecd of Kubuntu, so how can I boot into it? under windows there was a nice option to add Kubuntu as a choice of OS in the F8 menu.. is there something similar under Kubuntu? No I don08:03
raket't have a floppy drive08:03
rakethey folks, my laptop won't recognize the livecd of Kubuntu, so how can I boot into it? under windows there was a nice option to add Kubuntu as a choice of OS in the F8 menu.. is there something similar under Kubuntu? No I don08:04
raket[03:03] <raket> 't have a floppy drive08:04
mistiipu i just got a crossover connection for a pc (for internet sharing) got working. i just change the other pc by an other and it stoped working. it says a network cable is unpluged. why is that so?08:05
mefisto__raket: do other bootable CDs boot up? maybe your CD didn't download correctly, or didn't burn properly08:05
ere4siraket: you need to set the bios to boot from the cd before the hard drive08:05
raketmefisto__ and ere4si, yes I am aware of all that, but Kubuntu still won't boot up. other cds work08:06
raketit is an old bios maybe08:06
firecrotchraket:  Are you sure the CD burned with no errors?08:07
ere4siraket: done the md5 check on the c?08:07
raketfirecrotch: I already installed Kubuntu with no problem08:07
raketI just wanted to reinstall it08:07
raket(don't ask why)08:07
raketbut before I used the "help kubuntu boot" option through windows08:08
mefisto__raket: how are you burning the CD? k3b does a md5sum check on the iso. other than the download having errors, it might be the CD that's faulty. k3b can also verify the CD data is the same as the iso you downloaded08:08
raketmefisto__: I already did check the md5sum and the CD for errors, trust me it is all good08:09
GothicD3vilere4si can you give me a little help in that which one is better?08:09
mefisto__raket: does the CD work on other computers?08:09
raketI should've add that08:10
ere4siGothicD3vil: nope - I don't use them - sorry - but have heard snort is ok08:10
mefisto__raket: then I would try burning on different media. or maybe see if there is a firmware upgrade for the CD drive you are using08:11
milis there anybody in there?08:12
ere4siraket: next is to try another cd in the drive - the cd drive could be the issue08:12
raketI've already tried using a flash drive on my laptop, and it doesn't work. my desktop PC recognizes it and boots with no problem...08:13
mili need a good IDE for C language , can some1 recomand?08:13
firecrotchraket:  You have windows installed, correct? I think there may be a problem with your CD drive08:14
flaccidmil: eclipse08:14
ere4siis there an ide for c - I thought gcc was all there was?08:14
raketere4si: I've already tried my DVD that came with the laptop from toshiba, and it works... firecrotch, no I have Kubuntu right now08:14
flaccidgcc is a compiler not an ide08:15
mefisto__raket: I've had old CD drives not recognising newer CDs, after finding a firmware upgrade it was able to work with more blank/burned CDs. but there is the risk the firmware upgrade can totally screw the drive08:15
raketwhat about Smart Boot Manager?08:15
firecrotchraket:  What model toshiba laptop is it?08:16
firecrotcherr nevermind08:16
ere4siraket: if the cd is ok - the drive is ok - your bios is set to boot from the cd first then the os should load - tyhere is no problem08:16
firecrotchwait.... the toshiba laptop you mentioned... that's the computer we're talking about, right?08:16
firecrotchexcuse my lack of sense right now, no sleep08:16
raketfirecrotch: yes08:16
firecrotchWhat model is it?08:17
raketere4si: I like your reasoning. it's perfectly wrong08:17
raketlemme see08:17
ere4sithank you :)08:17
mistiipu i just got a crossover connection for a pc (for internet sharing) got working. i just change the other pc by an other and it stoped working. it says a network cable is unpluged. why is that so?08:17
raketSatellite A65-S106808:17
flaccidmistiipu: its more likely hardware problem08:18
fildoor a user one08:18
firecrotchmistiipu:  which machine says that the cable is unplugged?08:19
mistiipufirecrotch the new one08:19
firecrotchRunning Kubuntu?08:19
raketSmart Boot Manager is what I used when I was switching from window, so this is from its readme:08:20
flaccidmistiipu: the links lights work and the other OS has a link?08:20
raketWhat's the use of SBM on the CD then ?08:20
raket  SBM includes an IDE driver that allows us to boot the cds even on08:20
raket  machines with a BIOS that wouldn't support booting from CD, provided our08:20
raket  CDROM is an IDE one, that is, so you can make a SBM floppy and boot from08:20
raket  it and then tell it to boot from your CDROM.08:20
raket  Also, there are some cases where the BIOS would allow booting from the CD08:20
raket  but isolinux fails to boot from there, in this case you can either boot08:20
raket  using a CD other than the first, as the others don't use isolinux, or you08:20
raket  can make a SBM floppy and boot from this floppy and then tell SBM to boot08:20
raket  your CDROM.08:20
flaccidpastebin | raket08:21
flaccid!pastebin > raket08:21
mistiipuflaccid it says cable unpluged08:21
mistiipu it was working for a pc before. with same settings. i changed the pc. and it stoped working............08:21
raketok you! :)08:21
flaccidmistiipu: well hardware is known to die08:21
flaccidbuy a switch and use a normal cable if possible08:21
flaccidmistiipu: cables and network cards don't last forever..08:22
mistiipuflaccid the lan card will be the same.08:22
firecrotchraket:  can you give me the output of lspci that pertains to your CD-ROM drive?08:22
raketfirecrotch: how do I get that?08:22
raket(by the way that's a DVD-ROM)08:23
mistiipuhow to clear arp. do i need that?08:23
=== desti_T2 is now known as desti
flaccidmistiipu: why do you need to clear the arp cache?08:24
flaccidthats not going to give you a link08:24
firecrotchraket: To be honest, I don't know how to get the info about the DVD-ROM drive from in Linux.... never had to do it before, but I'm trying to figure it out now08:25
mistiipuflaccid i changed pcs08:25
rakethonesty is good. :)08:25
flaccidmistiipu: no need to ever clear arp really08:25
flaccidmistiipu: http://www.wplug.org/pipermail/wplug/2004-July/022560.html08:25
raketfirecrotch: I think the answer is Smart Boot Manager08:25
raketi just have to figure out how to use it08:26
firecrotchraket:  No, I think the problem is you have a crappy DVD drive, like mine08:26
firecrotchI have a toshiba satellite, and I *always* have problems booting from CD's that I've burned08:26
flaccidyeah optical drives are not that reliable either08:27
raketI even had problem booting into a windows cd... although the toshiba DVD still works, weirdly enough08:27
firecrotchCould be that the CD laser is out of alignment08:27
firecrotchWhile the DVD laser is fine08:28
raketfirecrotch: I actually cleaned it with a qtip and some alcohol... it reads CDs/DVDs nicely in any OS, but it has trouble booting them08:29
killer88hello is there a way to add resolutions inside kubuntu Confige Desktop?08:29
raketnow, how do I install rpm files?08:29
firecrotchYou don't08:29
xiongchiamiovraket: you need alien08:29
raketI found Smart Boot Manager on SourceForge08:29
ubottuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)08:29
xiongchiamiovbut I wouldn't recommend it08:30
raketso what should I do!?08:30
xiongchiamiovthere are all sorts of useful triggers here, aren't there?08:30
mistiipuwhat i think now  is that. my pc. server. has saved some settings related to the old pc. and when i try to connect the new pc with same wire but (new pc has different lan card) it dont allows it?08:30
xiongchiamiovraket: I'm assuming there is no .deb file08:30
xiongchiamiovraket: they provide source though, right?08:30
firecrotchraket:  I would compile it over using alien any day of the week08:30
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raketI think they do08:31
xiongchiamiovraket: grab the .tar.gz08:31
xiongchiamiovraket: you know how to install from source?08:31
raketI vaguelly remember08:32
raketbut not really08:32
killer88ne one know how to add section in configure desktop that allows changing the resolution??08:32
xiongchiamiovraket: http://monkeyblog.org/ubuntu/installing/#source08:32
killer88ne one know how to add section in configure desktop that allows changing the resolution??08:36
mefisto__add section in configure desktop?08:37
killer88is not there08:38
mefisto__killer88: what are you talking about? what is "configure desktop" that you want to add to?08:39
killer88there is no place in kubuntu to change resolution i guess08:39
killer88using nvidia driver08:39
mefisto__killer88: systemsettings > monitor and display08:40
killer88ok lol no effect08:41
raketalright, I've been trying to complie from source for awhile now08:42
killer88it ask if i want to keep the setting with no resolution changes08:42
raketI went to the correct directory08:42
killer88ok brb08:42
raketand I enter ./configure08:42
firecrotchraket:  dependency problems?08:42
raketand it says "no such file or directory"08:42
mefisto__killer88: there's also krandrtray, but sounds like your xorg.conf needs tweaking08:42
raketI also installed build-essential08:43
raketand nothing08:43
raketany ideas?08:44
ere4sican you paste the output of   ls -a   of that dir?08:44
firecrotchthere's no configure script08:45
firecrotchraket:  read the INSTALL file08:45
robf_raket, firecrotch or it's not got executable permissions =s  although that'd be odd08:45
firecrotchrobf_:  It doesn't have the file.... I downloaded it :)08:46
robf_ah ok08:46
robf_just good to be sure :p08:46
raketso what to do now?08:46
raketmaybe use the rpm!?08:46
firecrotchRead the INSTALL file08:46
raketok ok08:46
robf_try this '$  cat INSTALL'08:46
robf_or less... or whatever you prefer08:46
robf_firecrotch: gross.08:47
ChoreboyCan anyone tell me how to get write privileges to lilo.conf file? I need to modify it so I can boot to XP also08:47
firecrotchrobf_:  Just kidding, I hate more08:47
robf_Choreboy: be root and make it so08:47
robf_firecrotch: I hate more more08:47
ChoreboyI haven't been able to log in to root from the login screen08:47
firecrotchrobf_:  I hate more less... more or less08:47
robf_Choreboy: sudo -i08:47
ere4sikdesudo kate /path/to/file08:47
robf_heh I gotta get used to telling people the wm/DE way to do things ><08:48
robf_gentoo usage makes my brain think only in console08:48
firecrotchrobf_:  Yeah08:48
ere4sisudo nano would do as well08:48
firecrotchrobf_:  My brain has been in console since I started with Linux almost 3 years ago... I started with Gentoo08:49
robf_firecrotch: I run KDE so I can use konsole08:49
Choreboywould my file path be /root/etc/lilo.conf ?08:49
robf_Choreboy: /boot/lilo/lilo.conf or /boot/lilo.conf08:49
robf_also depending on how you set yours up,  or whatever you're using,   you may wish to mount boot first... if it isn't08:49
robf_mine doesn't on boot.08:49
ere4siChoreboy: more like /boot/lilo/lilo.conf - browse to it first08:49
Choreboymy lilo.conf is inside the /etc08:50
robf_Choreboy: really?  strange,  I've not used lilo in years08:50
robf_any reason you're not using grub?08:50
robf_just wondering.08:50
ChoreboyXFS file system08:50
ere4siChoreboy: then try   locate lilo.conf08:50
robf_a form of self flaggelation?08:50
robf_ah ok08:50
ChoreboyGRUB hangs when you use XFS08:50
robf_Choreboy: first 'sudo updatedb'08:50
robf_Choreboy: yeh08:51
robf_when is kde gonna get a clippy so we can just ask it where stuff is =)08:51
* robf_ hides.08:51
ubottugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto08:51
* firecrotch falls out of chair laughing08:51
robf_also Choreboy http://www.mail-archive.com/bug-grub@gnu.org/msg10770.html08:52
Choreboyrobf_: thanks, that may be too advance for me at the moment08:53
Choreboyrobf_: I'm still getting my feet wet with *nix08:54
robf_why'd you choose xfs,  just wondering.08:54
Choreboyjust heard it had a higher throughput rate and I'll take any performance advantage I can get on this old beast08:54
robf_hahah I doubt it'll be noticeable08:54
Choreboymeh probably not. I HAD Xubuntu on here to try to keep it even lighter08:55
robf_unless you're doing a lot of drive hammering which if its a archiac piece,  prolly won't be able to do anything that'd actually get performance results from it08:55
robf_Choreboy: want some pain?   install gentoo on a p 13308:55
Choreboyhahahaa no thanks08:56
Choreboyalthough on something that old Gentoo might be the way to go08:56
robf_sleep,  look,  compiling,  work, sleep,  look, compiling,  work, look, sleep,  compiling...08:56
ChoreboyI heard it compiles for like 3 days08:56
robf_1 week later,  you have a functional desktop08:56
robf_on a p133 it would08:56
Choreboyoh my08:56
robf_well for kde et al08:56
robf_although it'd be hard to use08:56
Choreboywell it's either that or Windows 3.1 :-)08:57
robf_psht,  98 will run on it08:57
Choreboyfor something that old08:57
raketfirecrotch: how do I add the UCL library(http://wildsau.idv.uni-linz.ac.at/mfx/ucl.html) ?08:57
ChoreboyWhy would you bother with something so old? No money for anything better?08:57
robf_I dunno08:58
Choreboylol I think I've seen some free computers on craigslist that were better specs08:58
ere4sithey make ok gateways08:58
robf_because it was sitting in my floor collecting dust08:58
firecrotchraket: sudo apt-get install libucl08:58
Choreboyshould be in a museum getting ooohs and aaaahs from kids who know not of anything before P408:58
robf_this box is a q6600 C2Q oc@2.95ghz x 435FSB ,  4gb 1600 DD3 2xHD3870 ATI crossfired,08:58
ChoreboyI would love something with good specs but I got downsized so a new computer is not high priority08:59
robf_on an asus maximus extreme mobo08:59
Choreboyq6600 is quad right?08:59
firecrotchraket:  Actually I think libucl1 is the one you're looking for... that link that you pasted is broken...08:59
Choreboythat's some mighty fine specs indeed. I think I might stay in my apartment if I had that09:00
robf_http://www.maj.com/gallery/robeph/robf/02-11-08_2123-2.jpg bad pic but this is her.09:00
ChoreboyI do wishlist builds on newegg all the time09:00
Choreboythey usually end up similar to that09:00
robf_heh,  I did that,  and then bought it over about 2 months09:00
raketfirecrotch: libucl1 is already the newest version.09:00
robf_christmas assisted09:00
robf_has nine fans and is a horrible dustmagnet ,  I use dryer sheets over the intakes to keep that rot out09:01
firecrotchraket:  Hmm... then it must be a different library09:01
rakethold on, I might be able to install this09:01
Choreboynine loud fans? dryer sheets would make it smell lovely09:02
firecrotchraket: libuclmmbase1 is the package09:03
robf_hahah it sucks the smell outta the sheets in about 45 minutes...  http://www.maj.com/gallery/robeph/Misc/photo_72.jpg  here's an archaic piece of electronics for ya,  running redhate at that time,  gentoo was a chore on it as well09:03
firecrotchraket:  You might also need libuclmmbase1-dev09:04
robf_http://www.maj.com/gallery/robeph/Misc/random_stuff_023.jpg and another... it's down at the bottom09:04
robf_what're you trying to build anyhow raket09:04
Choreboyrobf_: beauty.09:05
ChoreboyAnyway what was the command for kate to open that file? I got it wrong and Konsole yelled at me09:05
flacciddlink ouch09:05
robf_Choreboy: kate?09:05
flaccidChoreboy: kate filename09:05
raketrobf_: don't ask! :)09:05
robf_gvim > kate09:06
flaccidif the file location has spaces enclose in "09:06
ere4sikdesudo kate /path/to/file09:06
robf_or file\ with\ spaces09:06
Choreboyraket: what model DLINK? I just hacked mine with a firmware from one of their new generations09:06
Choreboysame chipset.09:06
ChoreboyI also put DD-WRT on a Linksys someone gave me but I could only do the Micro version09:07
firecrotchOuch, DD-WRT Micro sucks :(09:07
flaccidi run wrt-54gl w/ dd-wrt vpn09:08
raketChoreboy: what!?09:08
robf_heh we installed asterisk on a wrt54g09:08
Choreboyraket: what what?09:08
rakethaha, you used my nick by mistake09:08
crazy_busI'm looking for a old second hand video card for my young brother.  I was looking at a GeForce4 Ti4400 and a ATI 9250.  Which of these would work best on kubuntu?09:08
Choreboyfirecrotch: I assume Micro is better than OEM firmware on it09:08
robf_oh Choreboy ya talking bout in that pic?09:09
firecrotchChoreboy:  True09:09
flaccidrobf_: how did it go?09:10
robf_flaccid: asterisk?09:10
flaccidcrazy_bus: i recommend the nvidia09:10
robf_flaccid: heh well it was with some digium guys,09:10
robf_flaccid: so it was really hackedu p,  but it worked09:10
flaccidok fair enough :)09:10
robf_had a sipura connected and it was changed to adhoc09:10
raketfirecrotch: I still haven't built btmgr09:10
robf_so you could make phone calls from it with it in your backpack hooked up to a battery ;p09:10
robf_if you were in range of a AP09:11
firecrotchraket:  Still having problems ??09:11
raketI can't install it, some errors show up09:11
robf_pastbin em09:11
raketdid you install it by any chance?09:11
Choreboyrobf_: No protocol specified &  kdesudo: cannot connect to X server :0.009:11
firecrotchraket: I didn't install it, no09:11
robf_Choreboy:  eh?09:11
robf_Choreboy: for what...09:12
Choreboykate & the lilo.conf file09:12
flaccidnice robf09:12
robf_heh ,09:12
flaccidChoreboy: try doing it from alt+f2 . seems that its having troubles09:12
firecrotchraket:  Did you do what the INSTALL file said and edit the makefile ?09:12
crazy_busflaccid: so the legacy binary driver for nvidia would be better than the open source reverse engendered ati?09:12
robf_Choreboy: I dunno,  I'm not good with guis...  just sudo nano -w /etc/lilo.conf09:12
robf_crazy_bus: I run 2x hd3870 ati's with no probs09:13
flaccidcrazy_bus: well fglrx would be better than the xorg ati but nvidia generally is better imo in terms of support (even though im on ati atm)09:13
crazy_busflaccid: so they support legacy cards?09:13
robf_crazy_bus: nvidia driver = same for I think everything but the old riva/tnt card09:14
flaccidthere is nvidia-legacy if needed09:14
flaccidbut the normal one or even the glx-new should work09:14
robf_but if you're running something that old,   you're not gonna wanna even use kde ;p09:14
Choreboyrobf_: I'm not confident enough to try to manuever around in Konsole with that file09:14
robf_Choreboy: how not?  it's no different than in a window09:14
robf_Choreboy: nano is like kate in a console heh...sorta...well not really,  but it's easy09:15
raketflaccid: that http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org doesn't work anymore09:15
Choreboyrobf_: it gave me a bunch of options I am not familiar with, I'm much more comfortable opening a text file, editing it, then saving it.09:15
robf_what options?09:15
Choreboyoh my, let me look again09:16
robf_just edit it,  hit ctrl-x to quit/save09:16
flaccidChoreboy: so did you try alt+f2 instead?09:16
robf_make sure ya use nano -w ,  not just nano,  or it may wrap things ;p09:16
robf_flaccid: don't do that to him09:16
Choreboyit didn't let me IN it, I had to choose one of the options before it opened the file09:16
Choreboylet me do it again and then I can tell you what it says hold please09:16
robf_lol @ konversation09:17
robf_You are attempting to paste a large portion of text (67 bytes or 2 lines) into the chat. This can cause connection resets or flood kills. Do you really want to continue?09:17
robf_raket: why'd you try to install it after it failed make :p09:17
raketbecause I don't know what am I doing!?09:18
robf_raket: I tend to do make && make install,   so it will install on pass.09:18
=== areels_ is now known as areels
robf_if it doesn't make it doesn't install09:18
raketI see...09:18
flaccidi tend to verify make first before install09:18
raketso what could be the problem?09:18
robf_flaccid: well,  I am :p09:18
raketI don't understand all that jargon yet09:18
robf_just install if it actually makes09:18
Choreboyrobf_: http://pastebin.com/d2017a90009:19
raketI meant the pasted stuff09:19
robf_&& means perform the next command if previous completes with success09:19
raketas in, why it didn't "make"09:19
flaccidrobf_: i don't think its 100% reliable, thus the visual check, i could be wrong but09:19
robf_see those ERRORS?09:19
robf_symbol undefined09:19
robf_something isn't there.09:19
flaccidrobf_: doesn't consider logical problems09:19
flaccidor mismatch in versions in the build suit or something09:20
raketyes of course09:20
ChoreboyI don't see errors. I don't know enough to see them :-(09:20
robf_flaccid: let me rephrase,  something it is expecting,  isn't there,  version notwithstanding09:20
robf_Choreboy: that is lilo09:20
robf_it'll look the same in kate save the small lil "menu" at the bottom09:20
ChoreboyI opened lilo.conf with Kate and it was much larger09:20
robf_you can scroll down =\09:21
robf_try "pgdn" ;)09:21
flaccidyeah thats a good explanation09:21
firecrotchraket:  It looks like make succeeded.  Try "sudo make install"09:21
Choreboyoh my. pagedown indeed.09:21
robf_make[1]: *** [edd30.bin] Error 109:21
raketI tried, it seems that I get the same result09:21
robf_that did NOT make09:21
robf_thats a failure09:21
flaccidwell fix up this problem i guess first: make[1]: sgml2html: Command not found09:22
flaccid!find sgml2html09:22
ubottuPackage/file sgml2html does not exist in hardy09:22
robf_Choreboy: :p it has no implicit scrollies... except for the console itself09:22
raketwell what do you suggest? I see the errors...09:22
flacciddontl know where that binary is to come from..09:22
robf_Choreboy: the xterm doesn't know about the filesize in the editor,  or even that an editor is there.09:22
Choreboyok I've made my changes, how do I save? just exit?09:22
robf_and follow the prompts09:22
robf_simple as such09:22
firecrotchraket: I hate to suggest this... but try the RPM with alien09:22
raketthere's also a source rpm09:22
raketis that any better?09:23
robf_I hate rpms09:23
robf_also,  its assembly... why oh why09:23
robf_I'd not even try to look at src and try to figure what it was wanting09:23
ChoreboyOK I think I've done what needs to be done, I'll need to restart to check. I have a feeling you'll see me back here soon :-)09:23
Choreboybut if not, thanks!09:23
robf_Choreboy: no worries,  good luck09:23
raketrobf_: were you typing to me?09:24
robf_raket: yep09:24
robf_raket: edd30.asm is assembler.09:24
raketso ignore the source rpm...09:24
robf_oh ,   I hate rpms in general and steer clear of them,  even if it takes much longer than if I didn't.09:24
robf_and you can safely ignore my pleas for you to nopt use them09:24
firecrotchSadly this is one of the major downfalls of Linux... :(09:25
flaccidwhat is the downfall exactlysorry?09:25
firecrotchDifferent package formats09:25
flaccidim not sure how that is a downfall but yeah09:25
robf_it's not a different package format,  it's improper in all ways!09:25
firecrotchall of the different distros REALLY need to get on the same page and use ONE FORMAT09:26
robf_and that is that09:26
robf_firecrotch: lol@nomoredistros!09:26
flaccidlinux is just a kernel..09:26
robf_flaccid: yeah but a distro is package management09:26
crazy_busthe driver select on nvidia's page only lists geforce4mx's.  Not geforce4ti's.  Should this worry me?09:26
flaccidthats why distros exist. its not one userland. an OS like freebsd however ...09:26
robf_crazy_bus: nope09:26
flaccidrobf_: nah distro is mainly userland implementatin09:26
robf_crazy_bus: they typically all use the same thing anyhow ,  regardless of what you choose09:26
mefisto__there's a .package format that is designed to work with all, right?09:27
robf_flaccid: well,  that too I spose09:27
robf_mefisto__: sorta.09:27
firecrotchflaccid:  yes yes, I realize that, but Linux as a whole will NEVER make it completely, especially in the desktop/home user area, with so much inconsistency09:27
flaccidrobf_: its entirely that which pkg mgmt is a part of.09:27
mefisto__robf_: well that's the plan? or am I wrong about the intention behind it?09:27
flaccidfirecrotch: maybe. i think the reason at this point why its not like that is more to do with vendor support.09:27
robf_mefisto__: yeah,  I mean,  rpms work on all things,  so do .debs and ebuilds09:28
robf_but yeah .package is nifty09:28
Choreboyoh I've failed miserably :-(09:28
robf_Choreboy: now what09:28
Choreboyall I want is an option to boot to windows, is that too much to ask?09:28
firecrotchflaccid:  That's true09:28
robf_Choreboy: with lilo?  hrm...09:28
Choreboyapparently my changes did nothing. Lilo is on the MBR and does not give any options it just goes straight into loading Kubuntu09:28
raketwhere does the deb file go though?09:29
flaccidnot sure who suggested lilo when grub is fine?09:29
firecrotchraket, it should end up in the directory you were in09:29
Choreboythe install disk suggested lilo over grub09:29
flaccidChoreboy: which install disk is this srry09:29
Choreboyit suggested I use the ALTERNATE install disc because lilo was an option whereas it is not on the liveCD09:30
robf_Choreboy: I just can't say much about lilo,  I dunno it well enough09:30
Choreboy8.04 KDE309:30
SlimeyPetewith lilo you have to run "lilo" to update the MBR, IIRC09:30
Choreboydid that09:30
SlimeyPeteotherwise your changes won't take affect09:30
flaccidhmm ok09:30
flaccidthe hardy alternate cd suggested lilo in the install?09:31
SlimeyPeteChoreboy: did it give a reason for suggesting lilo?09:31
SlimeyPeteit doesn't usually do that.09:31
Choreboyno, the LiveCD suggested using the Alternate CD if I had XFS as a file system because GRUB hangs and LILO does not.09:31
SlimeyPeteoh right09:32
SlimeyPeteblimey... XFS?09:32
flaccidwhere is the xfs?09:32
Choreboyhere's the problem, my changes were not saved to the lilo.conf file for some reason09:32
Choreboywhat do you mean where?09:32
raketfirecrotch: I don't think it went in the directory I was at09:33
flaccidwell you chose yes to lilo which i assume meant that you have existing xfs otherwise there would be no reason to choose it09:33
raketI used sudo alien -i /home/raket/Desktop/btmgr-3.7-1.i386.rpm09:33
raketand I was in desktop already09:34
xim__A blob of query comes forth...09:34
xim__Quick question, to anyone friendly out there... some distros (Knoppix back in the day) I've tried there's so called "network-transparency". So if i open an ogg file via AmaroK then streaming or copying to /tmp happens behind the scenes and stuff JustWorks. I downloaded Kubuntu 8.04 (remix & normal 3.5x) and I've just about given up figuring out why no such thing works. Anyone ever face this problem?! It seems everyone just wants to tell09:34
xim__me "It JustWorks(R) for me" and such, aggravating!09:34
firecrotchraket: then it's probably actually in root's home09:34
firecrotchraket: /root09:34
ChoreboyI formatted with XFS because I read and heard some things about it having a better throughput which I felt I needed on this old beast09:34
robf_XFS won't hurt,  it's just annoying to make work09:34
robf_it's nt a bad file system09:34
crazy_busah.  I found the ti version is in legacy options.09:34
flaccidxim__: i don't understand your problem.09:34
Choreboyxim__: I have that problem too! I'd like to hear the answer.09:34
flaccidChoreboy: no worries09:35
xim__sweet, i'm not alone09:35
flaccidcan you explain this problem to me clearer09:35
ChoreboyI try to stream video files with VLC from a windows desktop to a Kubuntu desktop and it ain't happening.09:35
xim__basically, simple things like accessing ftp shares on a network can only be done if i spend a while at terminal using ftp fuse commands to mount it as a local file system09:35
xim__then things like media players, cli apps etc will treat it as a local file system09:36
ChoreboyI can see the files, I can copy them locally, but can't transparently stream, if that's the correct terminology09:36
robf_vlc from windows,  never tried09:36
robf_vlc to windows,  works for me09:36
flaccidright so the problem is that with a mounted smb share they dont' play?09:36
xim__i was under the impression this was obscenely retarded to be doing when a great network-transparency, gui-goodness, zerconf love exists in newer kde versions and i just wanted in on the fun09:37
Choreboyvlc from windows. My windows beast has all my HDDs in it.09:37
xim__smb, ftp.. anything mentioned in the kioslaves on my computer09:37
weswh-do most people generally recommend that if you're using core2duo, you run the amd64 build...or keep running i386?09:37
robf_xim__: what exactly happens?09:37
flaccidxim__: yeah what happens exactly when you go to play them09:37
raketok, brb09:37
robf_weswh-: i run kde4/kubuntu 6409:38
robf_on C2quad09:38
flaccidweswh-: core2duo is not amd64 so you need i38609:38
xim__so, as en example, i'll get an error message about no such file handler existing09:38
weswh-flaccid: that's not true09:38
robf_flaccid:  O.o09:38
flaccidor am i wrong there09:38
robf_root@scarecrow:~# uname -a09:38
robf_Linux scarecrow 2.6.24-16-generic #1 SMP Thu Apr 10 12:47:45 UTC 2008 x86_64 GNU/Linux09:38
flaccidplease correct me09:38
robf_this is a core 2 quad09:38
xim__hold on a sec, that's a great question, and i shamefully don't have a good error message available.09:38
Choreboyweswh-: I saw if youw ant to correctly use both cores you need the AMD64 version09:38
Choreboyits not just for AMD09:38
xim__i'll reproduce for you all here just a sec09:38
robf_amd64 is misnomer09:38
Choreboyyes, misnomer09:39
weswh-for whatever reason everything is still called 'amd64' even though that signifies the same arcitechture as emt6409:39
flaccidwell amd64 != x86_64 in build09:39
robf_weswh-: runs a ok on my box09:39
weswh-yeah, running well on mine...see how compatibility etc. goes. i was wondering if you guys know a good link to getting the nvidia driver setup?09:39
robf_maybe not then,  I know I use what I use ;p... I can't speak for this distro,  not really keen on the different ubuntu releases etc09:39
robf_weswh-: no help here,  I got ATI09:39
ChoreboyCompiz has no love for ATI09:40
xim__ok, well in this case, i get no error message. I opened an ftp share on my intranet and selected an mp3, it opens the url in kmplayer and nothing happens. i just get a blank screen09:40
firecrotchxim__:  It almost seems like a bug in the actual ioslave09:41
xim__amarok gives me more info09:41
flaccidxim__: um that is not what you described09:41
flaccidyou said mounted share09:41
xim__though it's a popup that vanishes fast09:41
robf_but flaccid,  just for reference,  my iso says amd64 kubuntu-kde4-8.04-desktop-amd64.iso09:41
flaccidonly amarok and vlc can do streaming iirc09:41
Choreboythat's similar to what I see, I see the file, I double click to open, then VLC says it doesn't exist...09:41
Choreboybut I can copy/paste it locally09:41
Choreboythen open09:41
flaccidrobf_:  i guess im way off. i dont know why they call it amd09:42
mefisto__xim__: those amarok popup messages will stay there if you click on them09:42
robf_flaccid: same reason they call tissue kleenex :p09:42
firecrotchVLC doesn't use the KDE open dialogs, does it?09:42
xim__i just copied it, but don't want to flood the chat09:42
xim__should i paste it?09:42
robf_Choreboy: do the file names have spaces :p09:42
ChoreboyI'm sure it would but I find the file with Samba09:42
xim__No suitable input plugin. This often means that the url's protocol is not supported. Network failures are other possible causes.09:42
xim__ftp://bigmac.local:21/Users/Sean/NapsterMP3/Silly Wizard - Caledonia's Hardy Sons (1978)/01 Mo Chuachag Lachach (My Kindly Sweetheart).mp309:42
flaccidplease try opening a file with amarok in konq with smb://server/share/file ...09:42
Choreboyoh my, it's quite possible09:43
robf_windows / nix handling of spaces in files differs and may do oddball things across that09:43
xim__oops... i didn't realise that'd send automatically. nm :(09:43
mefisto__this is the message I get trying to open a mp3 over the network with amarok: No suitable input plugin. This often means that the URL's protocol is not supported. Network failures are other possible causes.09:43
Choreboyrobf_: hadn't considered that09:43
flaccidxim__: what program said that09:43
flaccidoh sorry09:43
robf_xim__: how are you running this?09:43
robf_what is your command09:43
xim__amarok.. maybe not a bug, but pasting into Konversation with line breaks hits return! sorry, pasting into kwrite for a sec09:43
Choreboyso can someone give me the command again to open kate and edit the lilo.conf file?09:44
robf_or is it gui'd09:44
Choreboysudo kate /root/etc/lilo.conf ???09:44
xim__robf_: amarok gave that message09:44
flaccidits possible that its a xine bug09:44
flaccidi would recommend checking/submitting a bug09:44
xim__hmm, good point09:44
flaccidxim__: mount it and see if you get the same problem09:44
xim__i think i installed the xine version of amarok09:44
flaccidxim__: also try opening it from krusader (which should be pretty much the same thing, but worth a try)09:45
xim__in most apps i get "No suitable input plugin. This often means that the url's protocol is not supported. Network failures are other possible causes." most any apps09:45
flaccidxim__: um, where did you install amarok from09:45
flaccidright. yeah check bugs09:45
xim__there's an amarok-xine as i recall09:46
flaccidthat usually only happens with mp3 streams with shoutcast server - apparently a shoutcast bug and not xine09:46
robf_sadly I'm such a console junky... I mpg123 -@ http://loc.of.shoutcast.com/file.pls09:46
Choreboydo I have my command wrong? Alt+F2, then "sudo kate /root/etc/lilo.conf" and nothing happens09:47
xim__actually, how do i mount it?09:47
fiyawerx_Choreboy, kdesu i believe for graphical su's09:47
flaccidChoreboy: kdesudo kate /etc/lilo.conf09:47
xim__I was under the impression that I did mount it from konqueror if i've selected an ftp share via zeroconf:/09:47
flaccidif thats the location of lilo.conf09:47
xim__sorry, i'm pretty new at this09:47
Choreboywhat is a graphical su?09:48
flaccidxim__: i've never done that. does the entry come up in the command: mount09:48
Choreboyif I'm trying to open something with a gui program?09:48
fiyawerx_Choreboy, for opening graphical programs, I mean09:48
fiyawerx_Choreboy, sudo is for command line09:48
xim__aah, let me check09:48
robf_kdesudo I think but not sure how it works =s09:48
xim__no, not it doesn't09:48
Choreboygot it. Sudo for command line stuff, kdesudo if I want to open something graphical as a SU09:48
fiyawerx_you got it09:48
weswh-i am trying to find the 'Restricted Drivers' option under System Settings > Advanced (tab)..not there. Has that moved?09:48
robf_Choreboy: yeh,  it gripes for ya what,  protocol not specified09:48
weswh-i'm running kde4, following instructions for gusty09:49
robf_Choreboy: what user are you?09:49
robf_in the term yer runnin that in09:49
robf_if you're already root,  exitback to yer user then try09:49
Choreboyok now I've done this before exactly and it wouldn't work, now it does. Cross your fingers.09:49
flaccidweswh-: maybe there is no restricted manager in kde4 yet. they are still doing the port of system settings. you could install the package restricted-manager-kde and then run kdesudo restricted-manager-kde09:50
xim__so, that's a point right there. using konqueror to access the ftp share doesn't really mount it. I was under the impression that kde integrated fuse etc such that this could happen via the gui.09:50
ChoreboyI'm not root09:50
robf_Choreboy: and still it says cannot connect?09:50
Choreboyno, it worked09:50
robf_oh ok09:50
mefisto__xim__: does opening in mplayer work. it's working for me, but not in amarok09:50
robf_I think earlier you'd sudo'd to root user09:50
robf_and root user doesn't access your display09:50
xim__no, mplayer doesn't work09:50
Choreboybut I copypasta'd the kdesudo command before and it didn't work09:50
ubottuFactoid didntwork not found09:51
ubottuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.09:51
xim__mefisto__: however, dragon-player (kde4) does work with video files09:51
robf_if you got that protocol not specified  cannot connect to display,  etc etc,  you were prolly not under the correct user for your x display09:51
xim__so it seems very few apps really support the kioslaves09:51
ubottuChoreboy: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:51
Choreboybot? no?09:51
Choreboyworth a shot09:51
xim__why doesn't konqueror just mount these through some magic fuse command?!09:51
flaccidxim__: oh sorry, the main one i forgot to mention that does is kaffeine09:52
flaccidbut yeah09:52
flaccidxim__: can you goto kaffeine09:52
xim__i might try installing that09:52
Choreboyrobf_: I bet I was root last time I tried kdesudo09:52
caris_mereI'm using KDE4 Remix, but having trouble setting up a network printer...says it can't do it09:52
robf_Choreboy: yeh09:52
flaccidxim__: goto open URL in kaffeine, put in your URL of the file then let us know what happens09:52
flaccidkaffeine should already be installed09:52
xim__well, sounds like it will work ok like it does in dragon player09:53
robf_can't vlc play across?09:53
robf_I use vlc over ftp09:53
flaccidcaris_mere: #kubuntu-kde409:53
xim__but this really gets away from my question, which is this network transparency. i mean, why doesn't it just mount it in a user-space file system?09:53
xim__ie show up in mount command?09:53
weswh-flaccid: when i do apt-cach search restricted-manager...i only come up with a few jockey things. any idea if i need to enable some other repos to get what you were talking about?09:53
* xim__ installing / downloaded kaffeine now09:53
caris_meresorry, I just rememtner09:53
robf_ok it's 4am I work at 8..... bad times... I'm out good luck Choreboy09:54
flaccidxim__: because it doesn't need to. also these apps use kio functions anyway..09:54
flaccid!info restricted-manager-kde | weswh-09:54
ubottuweswh-: Package restricted-manager-kde does not exist in hardy09:54
flaccidweswh-: its not in hardy sorry09:54
xim__well, why doesn't it need to? why functionality is added via the kioslaves philosophy?09:54
flaccidweswh-: so can't do it09:54
weswh-no worries. i wonder what the best way to get the nvidia driver going is09:54
flaccidweswh-: hmm one sec i could be wrong09:55
xim__it seems the developers just have more to implement this way09:55
weswh-the little09:55
weswh-best methods of how to do things are always changing...so i'm always wary of doing something from the last release09:55
flaccidxim__: yeah i noticed that a long time ago. its a bit of a shame09:55
Choreboy4am? It's 5 here. I'm a trooper!09:55
flaccidweswh-: i have it on my system, it must of been there from gutsy.09:56
xim__lol, five till 2 here :)09:56
Choreboyoh my. I ran the lilo command and it gave me an error09:57
flaccidweswh-: um you have raised a good point!09:57
ChoreboyFatal: stat /dev/hda4: No such file or directory09:57
mefisto__xim__: kaffeine doesn't work for me either09:58
xim__actually, oddly, Kaffeine isn't in the kubuntu repos for me anymore09:58
xim__i used it ages ago09:58
nate_I was looking through synaptic package manager and notice that it has its self listed... what would happen if I uninstalled it through its self?09:58
Choreboycan anyone point me to a good lilo guide so I can figure out what I've done wrong? I need to be able to boot to windows also!09:59
xim__maybe since i installed a kde-4 remix, the repos are likely different. ah, actually i found a thing on the kde pages just now "Yes, we are working on a KDE 4 version"09:59
xim__i'm currently in kde 3.5.9 right now, since i installed kde3 afterwards thought to be sure ;)09:59
flaccidcan somebody answer why restricted-manager is not in hardy??09:59
ubottuChoreboy: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:00
mefisto__flaccid: it's called Hardware Drivers now, under kmenu > System10:00
flaccidah thanks mefisto__10:01
flaccidweswh-: there it is!10:01
xim__actually, as amarok is the premier media player app (though it always seemed a tad bloated for my limited use, interesting nonetheless) i'm really surprised it's so incompatible w/ kde10:01
xim__dragon player works for vids10:01
ere4siChoreboy: might be easier just to use ext3 - it has journalling after all which is a better option then a small speed increase10:01
flaccidwhy it doesn't go in system settings i'll never know10:02
xim__and kaffeine didn't work in the last distro i tried, and isn't available in this distro's repositories10:02
ChoreboyXFS journals10:02
Choreboyfrom what I read.10:02
xim__this is really frustrating as a new user10:02
flaccidxim__: whats incompatible sorry?10:02
flaccid!info kaffeine10:02
xim__amarok, with kioslaves10:02
ubottukaffeine: versatile media player for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.6-0ubuntu8 (hardy), package size 2376 kB, installed size 6752 kB10:02
Choreboybut I'm already invested and don't want to have to reformat10:02
flaccidxim__: um what are you running this. doesn't sound like kubuntu10:02
caris_mereIs anybody else having problems setting up a network printer?10:03
flaccidxim__: works fine, just not for you10:03
xim__yeah yeah10:03
ere4siChoreboy: seen this - http://tldp.org/HOWTO/LILO.html10:03
xim__the "It JustWorks(R)" isn't my experience10:03
xim__nor my friend's10:03
mefisto__flaccid: you mean you can play something with amarok over a network?10:03
xim__so over 7 installs on multiple hardware10:03
flaccidmefisto__: been doing it all day10:03
xim__i'm thinking this is more than "juse me"10:03
flaccidxim__: what distro are you running10:03
xim__kubuntu 8.0410:04
xim__i installed via kde-4 remix10:04
* flaccid is listening to [Madonna] Hung Up [Amarok]10:04
xim__however installed kde 3.5.9 on top of that10:04
xim__(currently typing to you within kde3 for instance)10:04
xim__searched adept, found no kaffeine10:04
flaccidsee works for me10:04
flaccidxim__: kaffeine is in main, so if you have that enabled you can install it10:05
Choreboyere4si: new to me, I'll give 'er a look10:05
xim__ehm, kaffeine.kde.org10:05
xim__it's not available on kde-4 distros i'm guessing10:06
ChoreboyI wish I hadn't installed LILO to the MBR :-\10:06
xim__so even though i installed kde3, i'm guessing i'd need to add the normal (non-remix) kubuntu repo first10:06
flaccidxim__: i have tested opening it every way i can think of. i even went in amarok and went to Engage | Play Media and entered my URI: smb://holly/PUBLIC DISK 1/music/dance/acid/MisTerB - Can you pass This Acid test -- Jamendo - MP3 VBR 192k - 2007.04.27 [www.jamendo.com]10:06
flaccidand that worked fine...10:06
xim__just rub it in why don't you!10:07
flaccidxim__: there is not different repos10:07
flaccidits simply in the main repository and kde4 is backwards compatible with kde3 apps10:07
flaccidxim__:  i would suggest submitting a bug10:08
xim__no biggie, my main q is still about attaining some network transparency for things in general if anyone has advise. the only way i can get things to work is via using complicated and unuseful (to me) curlftpfs commands to mount ahead of time10:08
flaccidxim__: um, i do this stuff all day with many protocols. if you have a problem then i assume its a bug and i dont know of any workarounds...10:09
xim__re: submitting a bug. do those actually go anywhere? i'm not a programmer, so my luser info might not get results for me (or others)10:09
xim__duly noted10:09
flaccidxim__: yes.10:09
flaccidthe bug system is very good and people will pick it up10:09
flaccidyou also subscribe to the bug so when someone comments/updates the bug entry you get an email...10:10
noaXessis there a problem with the repo http://security.ubuntu.com? i can't fetch updates from thre.. use 7.04..10:10
ere4siit's a busy time for the servers I think10:11
noaXessokay.. then i will trying later..10:11
=== ubuntu is now known as derdritte
xim__per curiousity, since using "curftpfs" from repos works (it's just only for ftp, and not integrated into the UI among other downfalls) is there a way i can put some kde right-click menu actions for curlftpfs or other fuse-utils?10:12
xim__like how there's right click>actions>(stuff) for folders in the file manager?10:13
ct529I am trying to download the new 804 using ktorrent, but download does not even start when clicking in the .torrent link. What is going on?10:14
xim__btw, just searching around the net... is this viewed as a kioslaves bug?10:15
derdritteHey guys, is there an easy way to recover data from a failing hdd?10:15
xim__ct529: do other torrents work?10:15
xim__i'm seeding on that iso torrent, it's going fine10:15
derdritteI checked this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery but neither gdd* nur fremost seem to be in any repo...10:15
ct529xim__: nope, not even bitorrent10:16
ct529xim__: not even by copying and pasting10:16
ct529xim__: and not even using the local mirror10:16
xim__oh, sorry... so this is a ktorrent usability thing. I use "deluge" so i was mistaken to try and help10:17
xim__i misread10:17
xim__that said, maybe try deluge-torrent :)'10:18
ct529xim__: this is not a ktorrent usability thing .... it does NOT work with any client ....10:19
xim__ah, well you mentioned copy/paste etc so i thought that's what you meant. sorry10:19
ct529xim__: no, I said I copied an pasted in all the clients and did not work10:20
ct529xim__: I will install and try deluge10:20
xim__yeah, i think i ran everyone off lol10:22
xim__sorry, derdritte, have you used test-disk ?10:22
xim__it includes, among (obviously) testdisk, photorec which, despite the name, recoveres WAY more than photos10:22
xim__it ignores the file-system, so it works really well finding partially corrupted or deleted stuff10:23
derdritteI just checked for my running windows with ot.10:23
xim__(assuming the failing hdd is acting like most failing hdd's, damaging data)10:23
derdritteBut it just gave me a shitload of errors wand tehn crashed ><10:23
derdritteThere are I think 2 partitions on that disk.10:23
derdritteAnd it seems that a ****-load of blocks on my kubuntu-partition went down for good.10:24
xim__well, if the hdd is failing, and forgive my question, you aren't still using / booting from that hdd and trying to salvage its data are you?10:24
derdritteEffecting files that have to be loaded during boot, so kubuntu is exiting with en i/o error while booting.10:24
xim__certainly booting from a usb-stick, cd or spare hdd is best10:24
ct529are we going to have a kubuntu lts any time soon?10:25
derdritteI'm on Live right now.10:25
ct529as far as anybody knows10:25
derdritteWorks like a charm.10:25
derdritteBut I'd like to save as much data as possible from the disk.10:25
xim__so, what media are you saving the data to?10:25
derdritteext HDD.10:26
derdritteAll my locals are full ><10:26
xim__haha, i was in your situation (full HDDs and all) last week when my flatmate brought his work laptop home with noisy, rattling, loose platters that never parked10:27
derdritteSounds bad.10:27
xim__*RW heads, not platters10:27
derdritteStill sounds bad >>10:27
xim__yeah, i just booted from my usb stick into visparted10:28
xim__copied the data to an ftp share10:28
xim__same could be done with a live-cd etc naturally10:28
derdritteI haven't found an app that is ok with my partition.10:28
xim__after imaging the drive, i used testdisk and photorec to recovere damaged files and he was back in business10:29
derdrittegparted simply ignores the whole hdd.10:29
xim__yeah, you need testdisk for sure10:29
xim__i know what you mean10:29
derdritteDoes it really recover?10:29
derdritteOn Win it just said every thing is fine ><10:29
xim__yeah, same w/ my RM10:29
xim__until, of course, it fatally BSOD'd10:30
xim__"Did anything happen leading up to this?" i asked10:30
xim__"No, it just happened"10:30
xim__"What's that noise?"10:30
xim__"meh, idk"10:30
xim__"it sounds like grinding from the computer"10:30
xim__"it always does that"10:30
derdritteYeah, my Win-App i tried to recover the stuff with multiple BSOD'd on me ><10:30
derdritte"It always does that" XD10:31
xim__it was a new laptop turns out, so it was just a bad hdd10:31
xim__seriously, use visparted vs gparted10:31
xim__after using tesdisk10:31
xim__actually, just download the visparted live-cd / usb since it has everything you need (and firefox for research while booted!)10:32
derdritteKann adept handl rpm?10:32
xim__well, i don't believe so anyway10:32
derdritteSynaptic, there you go again :P10:33
derdritteFuck ><10:34
derdritteThe just came an explosion sound from my pc general direction ><10:35
derdritteI so fuckin hope that came from the street ><10:35
xim__so it appears my kioslaves issue is widely ignored on the net10:36
xim__it's like most of my issues, it seems only me and ppl i talk to in the RealWorld know what i'm on about10:36
xim__nothing i konqueror really mounts ftp, ssh, etc10:36
xim__it's like how with linux distros, the battery life on my laptop is cut by 2hrs10:37
ct529xim__: same problem with deluge torrent ....10:37
xim__well sounds like your router is setup wrong.. .dunno what to tell you10:38
xim__even after running powertop etc, it's amazing how low a priority power management is with the ubuntu team (and other distros too)10:38
xim__same with nvidia and their lame proprietary drivers. i can see the malfunctioning "powermizer" bug not control it. nvidia / ati/ amd suck in this regard10:39
cartman|officeis there KDE 4.1 alpha packages for Kubuntu Hardy somewhere?10:39
xim__not that i've seen, is kde 4.1 even out?10:40
cartman|officealpha is10:40
kristian__looks good i just wait a bit10:41
xim__might try #kubuntu-kde410:41
xim__i just did and surprisingly, that's really a channel :D10:41
derdritteKDE4 sucked on mai MacBook.10:41
cartman|officeKDE 4.0 is too buggy :/10:41
xim__KDE4 sucks on everyone's anything10:41
derdrittelulz ><10:41
xim__it's still alpha for all intents and purposes10:41
xim__which is fine10:42
xim__i like the direction it's headed in tho10:42
cartman|office4.1 alpha should be better10:42
xim__yeah exactly10:42
derdritteSomehow I managed to crash kwin 5 times in a row by just opening Amarok Óo10:42
xim__i'm giddy you said alpha is available10:42
cartman|officederdritte: yep10:42
cartman|officewhere is Riddell? Time to work ;)10:42
* cartman|office pokes mueslix10:42
xim__actually, i found kde-4 to be very surprisingly solid for X.0.0 softwar10:43
xim__however, it's just not feature complete for me10:43
* derdritte returns to his WTF?!-state.10:43
mueslixhey cartman|office10:43
cartman|officekonsole4 rocks10:43
cartman|officemueslix: lo :)10:43
xim__for instance, turning off those god d**nded sound effects requires literally using a mouse to disable them one by one10:43
xim__after extensive posting on this issue, it turns out it's a "known issue" *sigh*10:44
cartman|officeI need konsole + emacs + katapult10:44
xim__yeah, katapult works fine in kde4 for me10:44
Riddellcartman|office: hmm?10:44
cartman|officeRiddell: 4.1 packages!10:44
Riddellcartman|office: on their way, but qt 4.4 and kde 4.0.4 had to come first10:45
cartman|officeRiddell: coolness10:45
xim__(btw, this is as opposed to kde3 where there's a "turn off all notifications" button)10:45
cartman|officejust can't stand gnome-terminal anymore :(10:45
cartman|officeHardy is pretty btw10:45
cartman|officewell done10:45
cartman|officedoes all mirrors have qt 4.4 yet?10:46
cartman|officecan't see them on main server and it showed with Turkish server10:47
xim__then again, i can't find kaffeine in the repos so...10:47
xim__I'm basically told i must be on crack for this, but kaffeine.kde.org seems to give me pause10:47
xim__seems there's no kde4 version10:48
cartman|officexim__: thats still in development10:48
xim__right, but shouldn't the repos included with kubuntu-remix still include the kde3 version?10:48
cartman|officeI use plain ubuntu with apt-get install kde4 ;)10:48
derdritteI found it extremly difficult to get from kde4 back to kde3.10:49
xim__there's only one "/ubuntu hardy" source tho10:49
xim__derdritte: that is difficult10:50
xim__at least for lil' ol me10:50
derdrittetestdisk just froze ><10:50
xim__doing what!?10:50
xim__that sucks10:50
derdritteI guess that is not a good sign ><10:50
xim__no, ultimately you're fighting hardware failure so...10:51
xim__ehm, run it again?10:51
xim__it saves it's prior state usually10:51
derdritteI'll give it some time.10:51
derdritteBut my guess is that it will just damage the hdd some more and then exit with error 2 or shit ><10:51
xim__well if reading from the hdd damages it, then you have severe issues10:52
derdritteGoodbye data :(10:52
xim__kinda ;)10:52
xim__but, on the plus side, "Hello Backups!"10:52
derdritteNope :P10:53
xim__(In the interest of full disclosure, this is the epitome of the pot calling the kettle black as I've got full HDDs still and 500gb of photos, music etc)10:53
xim__oh, and NO backups10:53
xim__and, sadly, i've had HDD failures in the past so i should know better10:54
derdritteI mean it was settings and photos basically but it all went down the drain ><10:54
ct529are we going to have a kubuntu LTS any time soon? why is 804 not released as part of the ubuntu LTS program?10:54
derdritteGet another 0.5TB and backup like hell :P10:54
xim__well, maybe just run photorec on it to start copying data now10:54
xim__specifically the .jpg and such (the irreplacable data)10:55
derdritteIt seems like the LiveCD is crashing on me.10:55
xim__what livecd?10:55
xim__seriously, use partedmagic.com10:55
xim__d/l that live-usb/cd10:56
xim__it's designed for what you're doing w/o any other stuff10:56
xim__besides, it's ridiculously small10:56
xim__and, as a bonus it uses .7z files as modules so you can add your own tools / settings to the live distro10:57
xim__it just generally kicks ass10:57
xim__(for data recovery / partitioining that is)10:57
derdrittePartitioning sure wount help10:58
derdritteI just need badass recovery.10:58
xim__hence that advise10:58
xim__take it or leave it, it's the only free/gpl thing that works for me10:58
xim__and, actually, better than most WAAAY expensive commercial thigns i've tried10:59
derdritteWell, if it does file-recovery and not only partitions, I'll try it.10:59
xim__well, it has photorec / testdisk prominently featured10:59
xim__ultimately, the live cd you're using should be just fine11:00
xim__but if it's crashing, i'd advise something that uses less memory11:00
xim__those recovery apps use a lot of ram / need a large swap space11:00
xim__so a 700mb vs 40mb distro makes a diff11:00
mefisto__how do I get kdesudo to forget my password and ask for it again?11:00
zeeonwas wondering does write permissions work for nts drives with the standard ntfs option in 8.04?11:02
zeeongreat makes it a world of easy to mount it then ;)11:02
xim__yeah, ntfs-3g has had that for some time11:02
xim__and the newer distros mostly do that well now11:03
xim__(kubuntu included)11:03
=== dhq is now known as fcuk
derdrittesorry telephon...11:08
xim__hmm, i got kaffeine installed and it does technically work over networks11:12
xim__ie i open something from ftp:// or fish:// and it plays (cool!)11:12
derdritteIsn't vlc the ultimate network-player?11:12
xim__however, (and this is WAY better than the previous manually copy to /tmp or my desktop) it just copies stuff to /tmp then plays11:13
xim__not stream11:13
derdritteI gotta reboot, because after this error he seems to just have ejected my drive ><11:13
wesleyhi will there be packages of kde4.0.411:13
xim__cya derdritte ;)11:13
xim__anyway, if i set a playlist then it spends 20secs copying the entire file before each play (doesn't even read ahead). this isn't ideal...hmm11:14
xim__i need to figure out some gui to fuse like exists with MacFUSE etc11:14
xim__i'm just baffled why simple things like network-transparency, power management don't seem to be developer priorities for kde, gnome.. FOSS distros in general11:15
xim__i guess it's just a cultural difference since they're used to CLI interfaces or something and most likely haven't used OS X or other operating systems to compare11:16
=== gerhard is now known as bbarkdu
xim__this is one of those "Nothing I need to do works with FOSS operating systems, and for stupid reasons, and I really wish I was a programmer" moments11:17
xim__most of the bugs i've found have been opened since 2004, 2005 etc11:18
xim__clearly nobody cares11:18
needhelpif i want to find files more than 90 days, i use find -mtime 90 command ? or find-mtime +90?11:18
jcfpneedhelp: +90, just '90' finds only those exactly 90 days old11:23
=== xim__ is now known as NOT_XIM
=== NOT_XIM is now known as nvGetPwrMzrLevel
NyadHi. How do I play rm files without installing realplayer?11:37
derdritteGotta reboot brb...11:38
derdritteI hope ><11:38
Nyad!rm > Nyad11:39
derdrittere ><11:44
NyadHi. How do I play rm files without installing realplayer?11:45
derdritteHm, does VLC play rm?11:45
* nvGetPwrMzrLevel restarts X11:45
andreshola alguien me dice cual es el comando para instalar java, flash y firefox en español11:46
andresgracias por la ayuda11:46
ubottuAquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.11:47
NyadI cant install realplayer. apt-get will autocomplete to realplayer. but when I try download the realplayer it says package not available but is referred to by another package11:50
bobishhhello there, can somebody help me with alsa-drivers ?11:52
vr071538vr068551 ti amo12:01
vr071538alessandro sei sexy12:01
=== vr071538 is now known as alex_cattivone
alex_cattivonealessandro ti amo12:02
ubottuvista is a recent version of Microsoft Windows. Discussion on Windows related topics is available in ##windows. General issues on moving from Windows to Ubuntu is convered in the wiki guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwitchingToUbuntu/FromWindows12:03
alex_cattivonemi ami ale?12:03
=== vr068551 is now known as sandro_cattivo
ubottuFor discussion and help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubotu equivalents12:03
wesleylol first was windows the evil organization12:04
viperserv2how hard is it to make and host a forum with ubuntu?12:08
ActionParsnipnot sure viperserv212:10
viperserv2apache i couldn't get to work on 8.0412:10
viperserv2i think they have it filtered12:11
viperserv2the data center12:11
alex_cattivonei want to fuck my mother12:13
ubunturos!language | alex_cattivone12:13
ubottualex_cattivone: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.12:13
ActionParsnipubunturos: he went pretty much after it12:14
Nyadhelp I installed realplayer as this site depicts https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RealPlayerInstallationMethods  from the RealNetworks site, and everything is in my videos is blue when I play them. how do I remove this realplayer?12:21
ActionParsnipNyad: sudo apt-get remove realplayer12:24
ActionParsnipi believe12:24
ActionParsnipNyad: use add / remove programs and search for real12:24
hexidigitalhello everyone12:28
serresBonjour tout le monde12:29
cahuezbonjour, parlez vous anglaise..!?12:30
=== kaminix_ is now known as kaminix
vgabrenswhere i found skype for kubuntu amd64?12:40
progreSShi everybody12:47
progreSSi have a bash-script question12:47
progreSShow can i substract some amount of dates from the current date, and save it in a variable12:48
=== progreSS is now known as progreSSive
stdinthis isn't really a bash channel, but what exactly do you want to do, what format do you want the date?12:48
=== wayne is now known as wayneandleanne
progreSSiveyyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss would be great :)12:49
progreSSivestdin, so can you please help me?12:50
stdindate +%Y%m%d" "%H%M%S12:50
stdindate has great formatting ability, see "man data" or man:/date in konqueror12:50
stdin*man date12:50
progreSSivewell, how can i substract dates, say date - 126days12:51
stdinactually, from the format you gave, date +%Y%m%d" "%H:%M:%S  is exactly it12:51
progreSSiveand save the output in the given format in a variable12:51
ubottuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier.12:52
stdinprogreSSive: I'm not sure you can do that easily, you'd probably need to write a script just for that. best place to ask is #bash as that's a more advanced channel12:54
progreSSivestdin, thanks man, i'll try to ask the question there :)12:55
epimethis there any place where I can get a summary of changes in the updates I'm installing?13:17
ActionParsnipepimeth: as far as im personally aware id' visit the sites of the creators and view the changelog, unless the package gives you a readme with the changelog in it13:19
stdinepimeth: in adept you can get the debian changelog by clicking the package -> details  -> developer changelog13:20
stdinor you can use aptitude with "aptitude changelog <package>"13:21
ActionParsnipstdin: ooh thats nice :D13:21
stdinoh, and you can check the changelog *after* it's installed by looking in /usr/share/doc/<package>/changelog.Debian.gz and /usr/share/doc/<package>/changelog.gz13:22
stdinthat's a lot of changelogs :p13:22
ActionParsnipdoes aptitude changelog foo show the one from the local machine if its already installed or is it web based 100%13:23
stdinit's totally web bases afaik13:24
ActionParsnipok cool13:24
ActionParsnipcheers man13:24
stdinI use it quite a lot, I'm nosy :)13:24
ActionParsnipid say inquisitive ;)13:24
=== JackWinter_ is now known as JackWinter
zeeon_guys can i place mount --bind /dir/dir /dir/dir/ in /etc/fstab ?? or am i lucky enough that those mounts will stay after reboot13:25
HeliosHey guys... can anyone tell me wat's in the Kubuntu Hardy heron DVD?13:25
stdinzeeon_: the entry you want is "/dir1      /dir2 none    bind    0       0"13:26
epimethcheers stdin13:26
zeeon_yes of course ^^13:27
epimethhow about apt... you know how to get it there?13:27
stdinepimeth: apt doesn't have that feature13:27
HeliosI am downloading the Kubuntu Hardy Heron DVD... can anyone tell me wat's in there?13:27
stdinoh, just remembered another way you can get the changelog :p13:27
epimethanything in the wiki?13:27
stdinHelios: it has the Live install, alternate install and a selection of packages from main and restricted13:28
Helioshmmm how i launch the installation?? normal boot?13:29
Helioslike i install the alternate one?13:29
stdinit'll be an option when you boot13:29
fildo!kde4 > fildo13:29
epimeth+source ? as in +kde/kdesktop/+changelog ?13:29
stdinno, an actual "+source"13:29
mefisto__in Network Settings > Zeroconf service discovery, when I try to "enable zeroconf network browsing" I'm asked for password to run /usr/share/avahi/enable_avahi '1' but then get "command not found"13:30
Helioscan anyone tell me the recommended space i can keep on my Hard Disk for Kubuntu??? i do not use it that much... just to learn and have fun... :)13:30
epimethwhats a +source?13:30
epimethoh...wait.... 'hardy' ?13:30
stdinoh, forgot a bit,  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/<release>/+source/<Package>/+changelog13:31
stdinso, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+source/glibc/+changelog for instance13:31
epimethoh... literally "+source"13:31
Heliosstdin: u got any idea, about how much hard disk space should i reserve for my Kubuntu installation? with it swap and all... :)13:32
stdinHelios: depends on how you want to use the system, and if you want a separate /home13:33
stdinyou only *need* around 2-3GB for a base install, but you'll probably want more13:33
Heliosstdin: the home is along with the kubuntu, not separate...13:34
Heliosstdin: hmmmm ok... a 10 GB including it's 512MB swap space is enough?13:34
stdinhow much RAM do you have?13:35
Helios2 GB :D13:35
stdinand is it a laptop that you want to be able to hibernate?13:35
Heliosno... it's a desktop13:35
stdinI generally recommend 1GB swap, sort of "just in case", but with 2GB RAM you'll probably never use swap13:36
mefisto__you'll need some free space if you want to upgrade over the internet. how much space does that need?13:37
stdinnot much, the size of the .deb packages13:38
stdinusually a couple hundred MB13:38
Hamrasometimes i take my PC to work, and i have a weak screen there that doesnt support the resolution i use, is there a way or a kernel option to  use to start the system in a safe graphics mode?13:39
zeeon_if i have /dir /dir bind none what arguments du i use to make the dirs read/writable /dir /dir bind none rw 0 0 ??13:43
=== ubunturos_ is now known as ubunturos
Helios_stdin: sorry got a power cut... can u remind me wat was i saying please? :D13:45
reesehow do I disable the kdewallet daemon?13:45
stdinHelios_: you need me to remind you of what you were saying? :p13:46
stdinlast thing I said to you was was "I generally recommend 1GB swap, sort of "just in case", but with 2GB RAM you'll probably never use swap"13:46
ubunturosreese: if you open kdewall, you can choose Settings -> Configure and disable, by unchecking the first checkbox13:46
Helios_stdin: hmmmmm yes about the space requirements...13:46
stdinHelios_: last thing you said was "no... it's a desktop"13:47
Helios_stdin: yeah thanks... i am using a desktop computer...13:47
Helios_stdin: so how much space i need for the Kubuntu? just for basic use and learning and have fun ;)13:48
=== rysiek_ is now known as rysiek|pl
Helios_a 10GB is enough including a 512MB swap?13:49
stdinHelios: a few GB, maybe 2-3, but if your /home is on the same partition then it depends on how you use the system13:49
stdin10GB should be more than enough generally13:49
Helios_stdin: alright... thanks...13:49
Helios_got only 120GB... so got to rationalise... :(13:49
Helios_most space taken by windows... and the Games other applications... :S13:50
mefisto__Helios_: having a separate home partition is a good idea though13:50
Helios_mefisto__: can you please explain how it becomes a good idea? :)13:51
Dr_willisYou can easially reinstall the os with out loseing the users configs. You can easier backup just the users home dirs.13:51
Dr_willisOr ya can export it via NFS to share on other machines. Like i do.13:52
mefisto__Helios_: if you need to reinstall because you were learning something that leads to disaster, you can reinstall and still have all your settings13:52
Helios_can u please explain how i do it while i install Kubuntu? :)13:52
Helios_how i create those partitions?13:53
Helios_how i allocate them and all that?13:53
Riddellwho's on hardy? testers needed for 4.0.4 in -backports13:53
mefisto__I think the installer guides you through it, but I can't remember to be honest13:53
Helios_LOL i am using Hardy KDE 4...13:53
reeseubunturos: how do I open kdewall?13:54
mistiipu_i made a pc share my internet connection by cross cable direct nic to nic connection. it worked. i changed the client pc and its lan card but with same cable and same settings. it was not working. i have checked cable and lan card. both are fine. i think there is some settings in the server (linux) that has been saved for that old pc. when i plug the new pc it says a network cable has ben unplugd?13:54
Helios_frankly The KDE 4 version is not as good... :( it's pretty but not so much usable... got quite some bugs13:54
Dr_willisManually do the partition layout, in make a partion for / and swap, and then one for /home13:56
Helios_Dr_willis: Thanks for the tip...13:56
Dr_willisages ago a seperate partition for /boot was also common.13:56
Helios_So... how much i reserve for the /home and how much for the / and how much for the swap?13:57
Dr_willisDepends on what sort of work you are doing13:57
milquestion: why is : "sudo apt-get install net-beans" doesnt work???13:57
Dr_willis!info net-beans13:57
ubottuPackage net-beans does not exist in hardy13:57
Helios_mil: it's netbeans13:57
Picimil: because the package name is netbeans13:57
milthank you13:58
Dr_willisapt-cache search to the rescue13:58
Helios_welcome :)13:58
milbut where can i see the package names?13:58
milhow could i know13:58
Helios_lol... u can get them using Adept Package Manager13:58
Dr_willisapt-cache search whatever13:58
noaXesshave upgraded from 7.10 to 8.04.. now my mic won't work correct.. before it worked fine.. any idea to check or reanable it?13:58
Helios_just type the name and see...13:58
Helios_they will give you the list of the corresponding names... :)13:59
milmil@mil:~$ sudo apt-get isntall netbeans13:59
mil[sudo] password for mil:13:59
milE: Invalid operation isntall13:59
Helios_that's a bug... :S14:00
mil isntall14:00
mil :(14:00
Helios_wait... let's google it... :D14:01
milstuiped me14:01
milu use kubntu ?14:01
Dr_willisPEBKAC - at its fineist14:01
milgnome is nicer :\14:02
Dr_willisI dont find gnome nicer at all.14:02
Helios_hmmmm well as far as i have known Kubuntu is more configurable than Ubuntu (gnome) and Ubuntu is simpler to use... :)14:02
Helios_but i opted for configurability...14:03
milwell im linux novice14:03
mefisto__I find gnome ugly and stupid14:03
Helios_me too... am novice...14:03
mili deserve ubuntu14:03
Helios_but like taking risks... :P14:03
milyou installed partition ?14:03
milyeah me too ...!14:03
Dr_willisFocus on learning the fundamentals of linux, Dont worry about the desktop. :)14:04
milwill you be here later i must go ...!14:04
Helios_yeah was asking the same thin to Dr_willis... how i partition...14:04
Helios_lol not sure got to revise for exams... :S14:04
Dr_willisduring the partitioning stage. do it manually, and make a partition for ./ and one for home and one for swap14:04
Helios_Dr_wilis: Why they put /boot as a separate partition earlier?14:04
ubottuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in !GNOME under !Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For !Edgy and later, see !fstab and !DiskMounter14:04
milwell ill bbl14:05
Dr_willisHelios_,  keeps the kernel and other boot files seperate. some disrtos do it.. its not too common now a days14:05
milhope youll be here .. be now14:05
Dr_willisand ages ago there was a 1023 cylinder limit/issue that the /boot on its own worked around14:05
Helios_Dr_willis: ah ok.. so today it is really not necessary to put a partition for boot?14:06
Dr_willis some disrtos do it.. its not too common now a days14:06
Helios_Dr_willis: personnaly wat u recommend? :D14:07
Dr_willisdo what you want.14:07
Dr_willisit depends on what you DO with the system14:07
Dr_willisI make a / and a /home and a swap. as ive said. :)14:07
fildohey can i install kde4 on fiesty ?14:07
Helios_Dr_willis: just to learn and have some fun with the system... no heavy tasks... just basic use...14:08
Dr_willisfildo,  yes. theres a kde4 desktop package14:08
fildoor will i run into dep. issues14:08
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP314:08
mefisto__in Network Settings > Zeroconf service discovery, when I try to "enable zeroconf network browsing" I'm asked for password to run /usr/share/avahi/enable_avahi '1' but then get "command not found"14:09
fildoim on 7.04414:09
fildoim on 7.04 btw14:09
Dr_willisTheres some kubuntu-kde4-desktop package.14:10
Helios_Dr_willis: how much space you have used for /, how much for /home and how much for swap?14:10
Dr_willisHelios_,  totally depends.. :) if i say i put 600gb for / and  1 tb for /home will that help you at all?14:10
Dr_willisI have a LOT of hard drives. I often set /home on its own single hard drive14:11
Dr_willisi alwyas put 512mb of swap on every hard drive in a system .14:11
Helios_Dr-willis: u are a hardcore Kubuntu user... :S14:11
Dr_willisJust in case i move them to some other machine. live cd's can always use the swap if nothing else.14:11
Dr_willisas i said. it DEPENDS on what you are doing.14:12
Dr_willisI used a lot of vmware  on one machine. so i had a very large / on it.14:12
Helios_hmmmm ok is 5 GB enough for the /? and 5 GB for the /home and 512MB for the swap... I am just a simple basic Kubuntu user... :D14:13
Dr_willisYou only have 10gb of space for Liunux total?14:14
Dr_willisI got more WALLPAPER then that. :)14:14
DangoKHello :)14:14
Helios_in all i got a 40GB and an 80 GB Hard Drive...14:14
DangoKcan i ask a quick (or more :D ) quick questions ?14:14
Helios_so i use Windows as well14:14
mefisto__Helios_: if you're limited to 10gb, I would say 7gb for / and 3 gb for /home14:14
Helios_ok wat is /home used for mostly???14:15
DangoKi've just installed kubuntu 8.04 and i wanted to test with vids ...but doesn't seems it play anything ( avi,mkv,h264 etc) only mpeg14:15
Dr_willisIf you are limited to 10gb.. id say time to go buy a bigger hd.14:15
mefisto__Helios_: for your documents, and config settings, a bit like Documents and Settings folder in windows14:16
PiciHelios_: /home is for all *your* files, documents, user settings14:16
DangoKis there some sort of codec pack like cccp for windows that can play them all ?14:16
corban_can Ubuntu Server be used as a Wireless server....like a server who's only connection to a network is thru a wireless card?14:16
Dr_williswith 10gb - i would not even bother to split up /home and /14:16
Dr_willisDangoK,  the win32codec pack is the normap thing to install on linux.14:16
ubottuFactoid w32codec not found14:16
Dr_willishmm what is that factoid..14:16
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats14:17
Helios_ah ok so 4.5 GB will be enough and 10 GB for the / and 512MB for the swap... :D14:17
Helios_4.5 for the /home14:17
Dr_willisWith that little of space.. i wouldent even bother.14:18
Dr_willismake a / and a swap.14:18
Dr_willisactually you can resize and just leave part of the HD unallocated. and let the installer partition it as it wants.14:18
DangoKThx :) i'll check that ( i think i did) another question:i'm using a usb UMTS+ key (not a cellphone) to connect on windows ..and i didn't find a way to make it recognize ( the wiki talked about adsl modems only) so is there a way to make it work ?14:19
Helios_how i let the installer partition it as it wants?14:19
Dr_willis resize and just leave part of the HD unallocated. and TELL the installer partition to do it automatically14:19
Dr_willisIt has 3 check box's/options14:19
Helios_this is while installation isn't it?14:20
mefisto__Helios_: or you could try installing a few times with different setups, if you want to learn about the install process. It doesn't take very long14:20
Helios_Yeah, that will be a good idea... coz as it is i am learning... :P14:20
mohamed__hello all, i have some problem configure pptp client i used kvpnc but i got this error, i don't know why everytime try to open modem ttp://phpfi.com/315203  anyone can help ?14:20
mefisto__Helios_: just be careful about not wiping your existing partitions14:21
Helios_yeah... i will reserve 15GB for the Kubuntu... coz i do not use it that much, it's only experimental...14:21
mefisto__Helios_: that's what I thought when I started. now I never use windows any more14:22
noaXesshow can i test my microphon, after upgrading to 8.04 it won't work correct. i habe read the SoundTroubleshotting, seems all to be ok.. but can't use my mic in skype nor in audacity14:22
noaXessany idea14:22
Helios_yeah... but windows is used to play games... :P  and the other professional options are already in Kubuntu... :P  Even a word to pdf converter... :P14:23
noaXessif i unmute the mic and boost it up i can here if i speak.. but in audacity still no recording14:23
Helios_Just love open source... ;)14:23
Dr_willisValve may be porting their Source Engine to Linux. :)14:23
Helios_wat's that? :S14:23
mohamed__anyone use pptp client ?14:24
Dr_willisYou apaently dont game much either. :)14:24
Dr_willisThe engine used in all the half life and related games14:24
Helios_for the time being no.... :)14:24
Helios_ah ok yeah u reminded me... :)14:25
Helios_lol i am waiting to play Assassin's Creed... :P14:25
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FAQ | Get Hardy Kubuntu (KDE3) CDs https://shipit.kubuntu.org | Pastes: http://paste.ubuntu.com | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | KDE 4 support in #kubuntu-kde4 | 8.04 Released! http://kubuntu.org/news/8.04-release | KDE 4.0.4 in backports
Dr_willisI wonder what engine that one uses.14:26
noaXessany hint for my mic problem?14:26
Helios_well i think that little by little i will be transiting towards Linux...14:26
Helios_Well Assassin's Creed is from Ubisoft...14:26
Helios_And Crysis uses Crytek:P14:26
Helios_And Crysis uses Crytek :P14:26
Dr_willisUbisoft is the distributer i thought.    I keep looking at that game.. but i aint paying $50 for a game.. when it will be $25 in a few months.14:27
SiBaHello, I updated some days ago ubuntu to hardy with kde 3.5.9 but I have some problems with the keyboard. When I start kde lots of special chars like "at" and similars doesn't works. I tried to setup my keyboard again on kde but it didn't fix the problem. How an I fix it?14:27
SiBaI have this problem just using X but in xorg.conf it is setup as the correct keyboard14:28
mefisto__SiBa: do you have an old xorg.conf from pre-upgrade? restoring a xorg.conf backup might be an easy fix14:31
SiBaI have a really old backup file14:32
SiBaI tried running again the xorg wizard too14:32
SiBabut it didn't work14:32
wirechief__SiBa dont waste your time if you didnt check the media md5sum14:32
SiBawirechief: what did you means? I upgraded from adept14:33
wirechief__SiBa: oh i see, well thats one of those cross your fingers and hope all works fine then.14:33
BluesKajHowdy All14:33
SiBaok, I'll try with the old config, thank you very much14:34
wirechief__SiBa: when you get wierd errors its probably the upgrade14:34
SiBayes, that's for sure the upgrade :(14:34
mefisto__SiBa: but don't throw away your current xorg.conf14:34
wirechief__SiBa: good idea to make backup of your xorg.conf so you can try it later14:35
Helios_Dr_willis: i think it's HumanIK for the Assassin's Creed... :S14:35
wirechief__SiBa: i even ended up using the xorg.conf from another distro and it worked fine.14:35
SiBaok, thanks, I'll try right now :D14:35
Helios_Hey i gt another question...14:36
Helios_when i install softwares on Kubuntu, the packages are downloaded to the apt/cache/archives...14:36
Dr_willis - /var/cache/apt/SOMTHING -- is where they get cached to..14:38
Pici /var/cache/apt/archives/14:38
Dr_willisor somthing like that.14:38
Helios_can i keep those downloaded packages so that when i format my hard disk and reinstall kubuntu, i will not have to download the packages again???14:38
PiciHelios_: Yes.14:38
Pici!aptoncd | Helios_14:38
Helios_how can i do that?14:38
ubottuHelios_: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers14:38
Helios_wow cool... how i use that? :D14:39
Dr_willisHelios_,  they may be out of date by the time you reinstall. and that dir does get auto-cleaned out every so often.14:39
Helios_yeah... that's why i better save them... so that when i reinstall them and it's stil lthe same version i need not download them.... :)14:40
Helios_just put the cd and boom... :D14:40
Helios_how i do that?14:40
Helios_wait.. lemme log on to Kubuntu...14:40
Helios_i will be right back...14:40
mefisto__Helios_: but they'll probably be out of date anyway. updates come regularly14:40
Dr_willisplus old ones can expire and get removed automatically after a while - even if they are not out of date14:41
Helios_yeah... but there are some packages, like erlang... and all that.. are really quite "heavy" to download14:41
Helios_i think i will format everything at the end of the next month and start them again afresh... :D14:42
Helios_and i wanna use an image drive so that i can use the .iso images and .nrg etc...14:43
Helios_u got any recommendations?14:43
Dr_willisNot clear on what you are asking..14:45
Aw0Lfor some reason when I try to access administer-mode stuff in kde (like login manager), i'm not prompted with a pw box, nor am I let in14:45
Aw0Lanyone know why offhand?14:45
Helios_a Virtual Drive for Kubuntu... where i can mount .iso images or .nrg images14:45
Dr_willisHelios_,  You can mount .iso files  without a 'virtual drive'14:47
Dr_willisbeen a feature of linux for years.14:47
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.14:47
Helios_Dr_willis: How i do that??? :D14:47
Dr_willisWith the mount command, or use the fuseiso, or isofuse tools.14:47
Helios_wat abt .nrg?14:47
Dr_willisdont use .nrg images.. they are a bother.14:47
Dr_willisi hear the fuseiso tool can mount them also.14:48
Helios_ok... which tools can i use to create .iso images?14:48
Dr_willisany of the cd burning tools can make .iso files14:48
Dr_willisk3b is the normal one for kde14:48
Helios_ok even the Kubuntu cd burning tool? :D14:48
viperserv2hmm do u need apache to setup forums??14:48
Helios_and how can i convert .nrg to .iso?14:49
l3onHi all.. someone know how I can change plasma theme in kde4? I've extracted theme in ".kde4/share/apps/desktoptheme/" and now???14:49
Dr_willisNo idea on that Helios_  - I dont mess with nrg much if ever.14:49
BluesKajl3on, ask in #kubuntu-kde414:49
Helios_ok no prob... thanks14:50
BluesKajnrg = nero image files14:50
mefisto__Helios_: there is a tool nrg2iso14:54
ubottuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier.14:58
BluesKajChoosing Java Client 'sudo update-alternatives --config java'15:00
noaXessBluesKaj: my problem is to enable the firefox plugin15:00
noaXesssun-java6-jre is installed and work..15:00
BluesKajnoaXess, go with sun-java615:01
noaXessBluesKaj: :].. really?..15:02
BluesKajnoaXess, also make sure you have jav-common installed15:02
noaXessi know.. but the plugin for firefox..15:02
noaXessyes it is15:02
noaXessfirefox plugin15:02
noaXessupdate-java-alternatives -l says java-6-sun 63 /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun.. and it is the default java15:03
noaXesscause it's the only one that is installed15:03
BluesKajnoaXess, also sun-java6-plugin15:04
ler_hydrahey all, is gtk skinning broken (defaulting to motif-like skin) on 8.04/3.5.9 or is my config bad?15:07
noaXessBluesKaj: okay.. now sun-java6-plugin is installed.. but firefox can't run website with java applets..15:07
noaXessjust says: install missing plugins...15:07
ler_hydrait worked fine on 7.1015:07
BluesKajnoaXess, restart FF15:07
noaXessreally.. :) i do that.. trust me15:08
noaXesswhere should the plugin be?15:08
jasmin_noaXess: can u helpme out http://pastebin.dylanhq.com/11515:10
jlidoMy attempt to do a distribution upgrade from gutsy to hardy failed.  I've been trying to repair it, but no luck yet.15:10
jlidoMy mouse cursor won't move.  :D15:11
noaXessjasmin_: hm.. not a compiz guru.. what have you done15:11
jlidoWhat happens to my existing configuration if I do a CD install over my semi-broken configuration?15:12
ler_hydra(I am no expert) jlido I did that once when my 7.10 upgrade died, it went quite well, formatted /, kept /home and remounted it in the same place (they were on seperate partitions)15:13
ler_hydraapps were lost, settings kept (as most are kept in ~/)15:13
ler_hydrait may be a good idea to backup config files that are not in ~/15:14
jlidoWell, I meant more what happens to  /etc and apps15:14
noaXesshey BluesKaj.. now any idea? i still have no java plugin in firefox15:14
jlidoobviously if I format / they go away15:14
jlidoA format and reinstall is an option, though15:15
ler_hydraI found formatting / the easiest solution, though if you've got lots of manually installed programs I can see the problems with that15:15
jlidoI've just done a lot of configuration (which is probably why the upgrade failed)15:15
ler_hydraoh I see15:15
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ler_hydracouldn't you just copy the config files to a partition that you won't wipe?15:16
jlidoWell, right now the only problem I've found is the X11 pointer not working15:16
jlidoWhich I guess implicates xorg.conf and/org udev15:16
jlidoorg -> or15:17
ler_hydraI don't think I can help you there15:17
ler_hydraoutside of my range15:17
jlidoyeah, I can back up (I'm doing that as we speak)15:17
aaroncampbell_I'm having Java Problems on Hardy.  Every time I try to install or run Zend Studio, I get Locking assertion failure. a couple times, with accompanying backtraces15:17
ler_hydraI guess I've just got some windows-attitude left (when broken, and a 10 minute google doesn't help, reinstall)15:18
ler_hydrajlido, do you by chance have any gtk app installed, and if so could you open it up and see if it's ugly (motif-esque) or looks similar to the way it did in 7.10?15:19
jlidowell, without a mouse that's hard15:20
ler_hydrahmm, true15:20
jlidoI did notice that gtk1.2 was one of the packages that failed the upgrade15:20
ler_hydraoh? interesting15:21
jlidoI've since tried to repair that manually15:21
jlidoremoved the app depending on it and it and then reinstalled the app15:21
jlidoIs there a way to backup manually installed apps?15:22
ler_hydranot that I know of, it sounds pretty non-trivial15:22
jlidoI know that I could when I was running gentoo15:23
ler_hydraoh? fully automated?15:23
jlidogentoo is pretty awesome.  Too bad it takes so much energy to tweak.15:24
ler_hydraI've never run it myself, though I've heard many people say things to the same effect15:25
aaroncampbell_Does anyone know where the actual .desktop files are for the items in my "quick launcher" ?15:25
ler_hydraso it's not a "run out of the box" dist I take it15:25
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate15:25
ubottuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning15:26
jlidothanks ubottu15:26
ubottuDolphin, or more properly D3lphin, is the new default file manager for Kubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon. If you would like to make Konqueror your default file manager again, go to Konqueror - Settings menu - Configure Konqueror - File Associations and change the association for inode/directory and inode/system_directory to Konqueror at the top rather than Dolphin.15:27
ler_hydrathat assumes you only have (or at least mostly have) apps from the apt reps15:27
ler_hydrawhich is a fair assumption for most cases15:28
jlidoRight.  I only have a couple of manually installed apps15:29
Dr_willisI juar write my own script that apt-get isntalls the extras that i like.15:29
BluesKajnoaXess, there is another one to try , GCJ Web Browser Plugin (using IcedTea) 1.0, you may need to DL it.15:30
noaXessBluesKaj: jep i see.. and its in the repos..15:32
noaXessand teh default in hardy.. they said15:32
ubottuKDE 4.0.3 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0.3 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.3.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde415:34
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »15:34
mefisto__noaXess: I have libjavaplugin_oji.so and libjavaplugin.so in ~/.mozilla/plugins    if that helps15:35
ligemegetQUESTION: How can I make Firefox my default web browser in Kubuntu?15:35
noaXessmefisto__: thanks.. yes that helps :)15:35
mefisto__noaXess: wait, they are symlinks to /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/15:36
noaXessmefisto__: okay.. i haven't them.. but have installed all what it need15:36
aaroncampbell_Does anyone know where the actual .desktop files are for the items in my "quick launcher" ?15:37
chakiesince hardy my ipod has stopped working. before i would always get a dolphin window with the contents and then amarok would sync. now dolphin pops up and says "isCallerPrivileged failed" and that's it. also "Safely remove" on the device worked ok before but now i get an error: "The device was successfully unmounted, but could not be ejected"15:37
chakiewhat to do, what to do? downgrade to feisty where all worked fine?15:38
ligemegetchakie, I have the same problem. It has been reported to Launchpad somewhere15:39
ligemeget(the  "could not eject" problem)15:39
chakieligemeget: ok15:39
chakieseems the ipod is treated as a dvd drive which can be ejected :)15:39
chakiesyncing is a serious problem though. if i can't access my music i'll have to change to another distro15:40
chakieand i hate ripping out my ipod while it says "Do not disconnect"15:40
ligemegetme too15:40
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noaXessmefisto__: how to force generating the java plugin files into .mozilla/plugin?15:41
weswh-does anyone have any reference for how to install the nvidia binary driver in KDE4 Remix?15:41
ligemegetQUESTION: In GNOME the update-manager is able to display a description of the updates available (a changelog) - how do I view that in KDE?15:41
ubottuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier.15:42
chakieligemeget: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde-hal-device-manager/+bug/21755015:42
mefisto__noaXess: have you searched for libjavaplugin.so ?15:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 217550 in kdebase "Receive kio_media_mounthelper error when removing usb device" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:42
noaXessmefisto__: not jep15:42
noaXessmefisto__: what java versio have you installed?15:44
noaXesssun-java or opensdk-java15:44
kalibmefisto__ what r u trying to do?15:44
noaXessmefisto__: sun-java6?15:44
mefisto__and sun-java6-plugin15:44
mefisto__yes sun-java615:45
noaXessokay.. i will try also with this. then under 7.10 it worked.. it won't since upgrading to 8.0415:45
xinbaochakie: i don't quit fellow you ,but i think the lately fullcircle magazine will help you , it has a archive discussed how to let ipod to work fine on amarok15:45
mefisto__kalib: just trying to help noaXess get java working with firefox15:45
kalibmefisto__ r u guys trying to do it with firefox 3.0?15:45
mefisto__noaXess: I'm using FF3. haven't tried ff2 to see if java works in hardy15:46
kalibmefisto__ i'm using firefox 3 with my kubuntu hardy...it's working...15:46
noaXessmefisto__: ff3 is still beta, thats why i use ff215:46
kalibbut u can use ff3 with java... that's not a big problem15:47
kalibfor me..it's working perfectly15:47
chakiexinbao: it has been working for for more then a year and with two previous kubuntu versions. hardy broke it15:48
chakie"fine for"15:48
noaXessmefisto__: i think, if i want using ff2, then i need create ln's to the plungin file15:49
BluesKajnoaXess, I found that konqueror works much better as a web browser in Hardy 8.04 than the beta FF, so I switched to konq.15:51
BluesKajKonqueror even renders the gmail site perfectly now so there have been a some real improvements15:52
xim__What's the best way from a KDE gui to mount something over ssh? I was thinking of writing an sshfs service menu for kde but didn't want to re-invent the wheel if i can avoid it15:52
xinbaochakie: I do not know this question very much,:(15:53
mefisto__first site I try with konqueror, makes it crash trying to load (smh.com.au)15:55
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* xim__ crashes konqueror with smh.com.au15:56
xim__actually, it's been sigsev-ing 3x every 10mins or so as I've been browsing local intranet. buggy little thing, isn't it?15:57
TimSRandom programs keep freezing, its mainly Konqueror, firefox and swiftfox. Usualy when on sites like Google Reader, it locks up for twenty seconds, works for twenty then locks up again. Any ideas as to what it could be15:57
mefisto__konqueror is almost great. just a little too frustrating for me15:57
TimSIts happend with amarok and kopete a bit too15:58
gibondudes , i need to edit sources.list file (to instal skype) but i'm not root (UID 1000) don't know why , any way to make a root account ?15:58
xim__mefisto, interestingly your error points to something in libkhtml15:59
xinbaogibon: just use sudo command ,like :  sudo gedit youfilename15:59
xim__however, trying that link in other libkhtml browsers doesn't have that problem... go fig15:59
aaroncampbell_Does anyone know where the actual .desktop files are for the items in my "quick launcher" ?16:01
xim__probably .kde/share/ something er rather16:02
jacksparrothey guys!, could someone help me with my Flash? i got it installed... but i cant play youtube videos etc. ? i just get a gray box instead of the video! pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee16:03
xim__i'm having a poke around there to find service menus16:03
xim__like /usr/share/apps/konqueror/servicemenus/media_mount.desktop etc16:03
weswh-no one has done the nvidia driver in kde4 from scratch/16:03
xim__I use clive for youtube16:03
jacksparrotbut... i want to play WoW etc. so i think i need flash for it aswell dont i ?16:04
mefisto__there's /usr/share/apps/kicker/applets/quicklauncher.desktop -- but do you know that quicklauncher works by creating it's own .desktop files?16:05
xim__that doesn't help you, but since i hate flash to death, i just "clive http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YtFtcZZ80" or simply 'clive YtFtcZZ80' and d/l to the desktop etc16:05
xim__minimal flash stuff, i use Gnash16:06
xim__though it's pretty rough around the edges for signifigant use still16:06
TimSHow can I find what kernel I am running16:06
llutzTimS: uname -r16:07
weswh-i love kde4...but thinking about going back to kde3 just due to documentation gap16:08
xim__yeah, understandable16:08
xim__that and the attitude i usually get for support is "Well DUH you asshat, you installed X.0.0 software!"16:09
mefisto__jacksparrot: does /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree/libflashplayer.so exist?16:09
noaXessmefisto__: i see now the problem between ff2 and java.. ff2 saves the pluginreg.dat in .mozilla/firefox.. ff3 does it in .mozilla/firefox/profile.path.default/16:09
jacksparrotMedisto_: how do i find out?16:10
weswh-i guess my only question now is do i continue to run amd64...or do i go back to i386 as well? (have a core2duo now)16:10
xim__though i didn't really "go back" per se. I have both, and just use the kde4 login manager to select kde3 (which then becomes default since i'm set to use the last login manager used as the next login mgr used etc). allows me to try it when updates come every month or so since i anticipate an interesting 0.1 release16:10
mefisto__jacksparrot: go to /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree/ directory and see if libflashplayer.so is there16:11
weswh-is software generally less compatible for amd64?16:11
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xim__I'm not sure what you're thinking16:11
xim__weswh: kde is pretty much available for anything16:12
[Relic]If I install 64bit version over 32bit version drive will the grub work properly if I format the drive sections swap and root?16:12
weswh-the "if you need support for 32bit code, use x86" is what gets me16:12
weswh-like, makes me think i'll go to use some app, and it won't work...even though my system works fine16:12
jacksparroti dont know how to get there mefisto! please tell me what to open (kubuntu 7.10)16:13
xim__if you want kde3/4 find kde-base in adept or apt-get install kde (re:revert to kde3 question)16:13
aaroncampbell_xim__: that's not them.  I only have 6 items in my quick launcher, and there are a bunch there (50ish)16:14
aaroncampbell_Does anyone know where the actual .desktop files are for the items in my "quick launcher" ?16:14
xim__jacksparrot "konqueror /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree/"16:14
mefisto__jacksparrot: open konqueror and paste /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree in location bar16:14
guilhermeblancozubin: you there?16:15
mefisto__jacksparrot: or in console, type cd /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree  -- then type ls to get a list of files in that directory16:15
noaXessHA.. THE SOLUTION: hardy, ff2 and java :) http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=78216716:15
luc_I am looking for a specialist on syncing Kontact with egroupware16:15
jacksparrotYeah Flash is there!16:15
* noaXess is jumping around16:15
mefisto__noaXess: and it's working now?16:16
noaXessjahoooo :)16:16
noaXessyes mefisto__ it works.. :)16:16
noaXessjust a simple symlink and all is done..16:16
noaXessand thanks for tips and hints..16:16
mefisto__jacksparrot: and have you restarted firefox since installing flashplayer?16:16
xim__jacksparrot: in your browser, type about:plugins16:17
jacksparrotMefisto_, the flash is there.. but obviously not working i guess, And YES i have restarted .. even the whole computer16:17
luc_I get errors, myuser name I get the  error that I need to logon however16:17
xim__I've never needed a browser restart to allow for plugins (konq or ff) but ymmv16:17
xim__and it couldn't hurt16:17
luc_my username i crypted in a dialog box wherei can only put in the password16:18
luc_is cryted16:18
xim__jacksparrot:so instead of http://ubuntu.com type about:plugins16:18
xim__sorry, in the url bar16:18
jacksparroti wrote that, then what?16:18
xim__hit enter :)16:18
jacksparroti did that :P16:19
xim__seriously, do you see flash listed or not?16:19
jacksparrothold up lemme chek16:19
jacksparrotshockwave flash yes16:19
jacksparrot2 of em16:19
xim__ jacksparrot, what hardware are you running? is it 64bit cpu / distro?16:21
jacksparrotWayyyyyyyyyyy older :P its like 4-6 years old... but flash ran perfectly on my Win XP16:21
xim__fwiw, 64 bit has been around for over 4yrs but i'll assume you're telling me it's not a 64bit install16:22
jacksparrotyep its not 64bit ... believe me :D16:23
xim__because i just googled, and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=691302 sounded like your issue etc16:23
xim__no clue m8 ;)16:23
mefisto__jacksparrot: in konqueror, paste ~/.mozilla  -- is there a folder called plugins?16:24
jacksparrotok hold on lemme find it16:24
jacksparroti cant find it, i just see pluhinreg.dat16:25
xim__if i had firefox installed, my guess is there's a /usr/lib/firefox/plugins folder16:25
xim__and similarly, a ~./mozilla/plugins as mefisto mentioned16:26
jacksparrotnope, i got a Gl14j5xy.default folder, but NO pluginfolder there16:26
xim__so that's odd16:26
[Relic]wouldn't it be .mozilla/firefox/<whatevet>16:27
jacksparrotin the Gl14j5xy.default, theres a folder called 'extensions'16:28
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xim__are there any CLI wizards here?16:29
xim__I'm trying to writeup this .desktop for the services-menu in konqueror etc. I want to be able to right click in a directory, and mount it.16:30
jacksparrotCLI? hold on..16:30
xim__sshfs -o idmap=user ~/sshDir etc16:30
smerilhw can i change themes in ardy heron?16:30
jacksparrotnone CLI16:30
xim__sorry, not on about your issue atm jacks16:30
xim__sadly, whenever i come here for help i'm always sidetracked w/ others problems and forget my own16:31
smerildo i have to install compiz?16:31
nosrednaekimxim__: whats the problem exactly?16:32
mefisto__jacksparrot: flash should be working, but you could try this: in konsole, type mkdir "~/.mozilla/plugins" then type "ln -s /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree/libflashplayer.so ~/.mozilla/plugins/"  (without the quotes of course)16:32
smerildo you might know how to change desktop theme?16:33
xim__well, instead of going to a terminal and typing mkdir ~/sshDir && sshfs -o idmap=user 192.168..1:/STUFF ~/sshDir etc i'd like to right click in a current directory and mount there16:33
mefisto__jacksparrot: that first one is "mkdir ~/.mozilla/plugins"16:33
xim__i'm just WAY to new to this and only think this is possible by poking around and finding the service-menu .desktop files and noticing they use  for current directory16:34
jacksparrotok hold on16:34
nosrednaekimxim__: so you want to know where the service menus are?16:35
xim__of course the problem is that if i did mkdir  i'd have a mount directory of something like fish://
nosrednaekim /usr/share/apps/konqueror16:35
jacksparrotwell... mefisto i did that, is something supposed to happen now16:35
xim__ehm, no16:35
xim__no, those are at /usr/share/apps/konqueror/servicemenus/media_mount.desktop, I knew that since that's how i read the .desktop files etc16:36
xim__i'm in need of CLI help, or help writing the .desktop files to make use of fuse / mounting16:36
nosrednaekimxim__: ah..ok, can we take this to PM?16:36
xim__oh, apparently i can't since i'm not registered :(16:37
mefisto__jacksparrot: if that worked right, you should now have ~/.mozilla/plugins with libflashplayer.so inside it, displayed in italics in konqueror16:37
nosrednaekimxim__: join #nosrednaekim16:37
xim__ah, good idea :D16:37
jacksparrotyeah flash is there now, should i try to go to Youtube now ?16:40
mefisto__jacksparrot: give it a try. if it still doesn't work, restart FF and try again16:40
jacksparrotYES!!!!!!!!!!!! babyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy its working!!16:41
jacksparrotthanks mate ! alot!!!16:41
jacksparrotcan u help me with live messenger aswell? :P i like the windows version16:41
mefisto__jacksparrot: don't know much about IM but there is emesene, which tries to mimic the windows MSN messenger. is that what you want?16:44
BluesKajjacksparrot, look into an app called 'emesene'16:44
jacksparrotyeah i can try that16:44
jacksparrothow do i download it?16:44
jacksparrotsudo apt-get install emesene?16:44
jacksparrottrying it now..16:45
jacksparrotE: Couldn't find package emesene16:46
nosrednaekim!info emesene16:47
ubottuemesene: platform independent MSN Messenger client. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0-dist-1 (hardy), package size 1131 kB, installed size 3796 kB16:47
BluesKajjacksparrot,  #Enabling More Repositories In AdeptOpen Adept Package Manager, On the menu of that screen click on Adept -> Manage Repositories, click the Kubuntu Software tab, check all the boxes "X".The same goes for the Third Party Software tab. Close,and then in the terminal type " sudo apt-get update ".Now, you have more sources for applications other than the defaults that came with Kubuntu.16:47
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org16:48
Traeis the K4 stuff "alpha" or can I consider it a stable release?16:49
Traesorry beta16:49
nat2610I can't find the page or the command to upgrade my distro, I currently have feisty and would like to upgrade to the latest kunbunu (8.04)16:49
nosrednaekimTrae: its decently stable, yes16:49
nat2610can someone give me a hint on the command or an url with a doc for that16:49
Traenosrednaekim, k thanks16:50
BluesKajnat2610, you'll have to upgrade to gutsy , then hardy , (I think)16:50
Faust-Ccan tar extract rar files16:50
mefisto__nat2610: if you can't get it to work with adept, to do it in konsole, type do-release-upgrade16:50
* Faust-C doesnt remember16:50
xim__Trae: As stable as beta, as feature complete (relative to kde3.5.9) as an alpha or less imho :)16:51
nat2610mefisto__: thanks, that's what I was looking for !16:51
mefisto__nat2610: oh feisty, not sure if that command exists in feisty16:51
HeliosWat do nisternal and std are doing on the KDE 4.0.4?16:51
BluesKajmefisto__, you sure that will work , upgrading from feisty ?16:51
nat2610yeah it's in. I just tried16:51
mefisto__BluesKaj: it should upgrade to gutsy first (I assume)16:52
geniimefisto__: Yes, only way to skip intermediate releases is go from LTS to LTS16:52
mefisto__nat2610: it might be easier downloading the hardy ISO and doing a new install. certainly less downloading involved16:57
nat2610yeah but with all the program and conf I did I d rather wait and get this install automatcly done16:58
mefisto__nat2610: back up your xorg.conf -- it might make an easy fix to problems after both upgrades are done (just in case)17:00
atlehow do i set KDE4 default?17:02
nosrednaekimatle: login...with it, and it will be the deafult until you change it17:03
BluesKajremove kde317:03
atlenosrednaekim: so easy ;)17:03
atleBluesKaj: i'd like to have kde3 as a backup a bit longer..17:04
jacksparrotPeopol, i chekked all the boxes in ADEPT updater, and sudo apt-get update but still it wont find "emesene" when i type install emesene (sudo apt-get install...)17:04
BluesKajatle, yeah, I recommend you keep kde3 , cuz 4 is a PITA :)17:04
atlestarts to look good though17:05
BluesKajlooks ain't everything17:05
atletested it when it was released, then it was buggy.. now it seems more stable17:05
atleyou're right17:05
BluesKajBBL , errands ...17:05
atleoh, anyone else having problems with "preview" in dolphin in kde4? works fine in kde317:06
nosrednaekimatle: nope.... BTW, the kde4 channel is #kubuntu-kde417:07
jacksparrotPeopol, i chekked all the boxes in ADEPT updater, and sudo apt-get update but still it wont find "emesene" when i type install emesene (sudo apt-get install...)17:07
atlenosrednaekim: thanks, didn't know that17:07
geniinosrednaekim: Wel, there's usually only a handful of ppl in there though17:07
nosrednaekimjacksparrot: are you on hardy?17:07
narothepharohhow do i install mp3 for k3b?17:08
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ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats17:10
jacksparrotim on kubuntu 7.1017:11
nosrednaekimjacksparrot: therein lies the issue :)17:12
nosrednaekim!info emesene (gutsy)17:13
ubottuPackage emesene does not exist in gutsy17:13
narothepharohgenii: I know its lib something but i cant remember do you know that way?17:13
nosrednaekimnarothepharoh: libk3b2-mp3 IIRC17:13
nosrednaekim!find link3b217:13
ubottuPackage/file link3b2 does not exist in hardy17:14
nosrednaekim!find libk3b217:14
ubottuFound: libk3b2, libk3b2-extracodecs17:14
nosrednaekimthere you go! the second one17:14
mefisto__jacksparrot: you can get a gutsy version here: http://www.getdeb.net/release.php?id=235117:14
geniinarothepharoh: Also for the DVDs it's libcss2 or such17:14
geniiNeed medibuntu though17:14
narothepharohIt is now  libk3b2-extracodecs to install i guess but thanks anyways17:16
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kristian__Hi. Can someone tell me, if it is possible to install the "low latency kernel" in Hardy? I don't really feel for using Ubuntu Studio...17:20
ubottuFactoid realtime not found17:21
nosrednaekimkristian__: yes... you can17:21
nosrednaekimI think it has the suffix -rt17:21
kristian__Thanks, where can I find the files for this kernel?17:22
ASUS-tekkristian how good is ubuntu studio17:22
mefisto__linux-image-rt should do it, right?17:22
kristian__I don't know, but I don't like GTK/Gnome...17:22
ASUS-tekis it worth installing instated of ubuntu or kubuntu17:22
ASUS-tekis it good for watching mves and vdios17:23
genii!info linux-image-rt17:23
kristian__I think realtime kernel for me is a bit much, too radical...17:23
ubottulinux-image-rt: Real time Linux kernel image. In component universe, is optional. Version (hardy), package size 25 kB, installed size 52 kB17:23
kristian__I only need the "low latency" one, in a realtime setup too many things can and will break.17:24
mefisto__the realtime one is the low latency one17:24
mefisto__kristian__: in any case, your other kernels will still be installed, and you can choose which one to boot17:25
kristian__I believe there exist two different kernels, one that is low latency and one that is realtime.17:25
kristian__"I've been testing the realtime kernel and I've had random X server hangs. These seem to lock up the whole PCI bus sometimes, because the NIC becomes unresponsive. These do not occur with the low-latency or generic kernels."17:25
weswh-i just downloaded the amd64-desktop version (standard), choose livecd, and install - got through the "kubuntu" grapic, and then black screen. sits forever, press enter, spits the disc back out. strange thing is the kde4 disc worked fine on my system, have it installed now.17:25
weswh-i checked the md5 - it's cool...sound like just a coaster maybe?17:26
kristian__mefisto__: Thanks, can you tell me how to make this choice during startup?17:26
geniimefisto__: There used to be specifically a lowlatency kernel, but I do not think it exists now17:27
kristian__mefisto__: ... and, perhaps, where to find the other kernels?17:27
kristian__genii: Oh, that would explain it...17:27
genii!info linux-image-lowlatency feisty17:27
ubottuPackage linux-image-lowlatency does not exist in hardy17:27
mefisto__kristian__: sudo apt-get install linux-rt17:28
kristian__Yes, thanks.17:28
geniiHmm. Bot can't separate the !info by dista ny longer :(17:28
mefisto__kristian__: it will be a new item in grub menu before boot17:28
kristian__So this is the kernel in Ubuntu Studio, now? The linux-rt?17:28
geniikristian__: Yes17:28
wirechief__weswh check md5 with md5sum /dev/cdrom  with cd in it that will give you md5 of cd17:28
kristian__Great, thanks.17:29
geniikristian__: Thats why it was a bit confusing.17:29
kristian__genii: yes, I think so.17:29
mefisto__kristian__: apt-cache search ubuntustudio will give you a list of ubuntustudio meta-packages you can install, if that's what you want17:30
kristian__mefisto__: thanks :)17:31
wirechief__weswh check md5 with md5sum /dev/cdrom  with cd in it that will give you md5 of cd (if you burned DAO/SAO17:32
mefisto__kristian__: you want to do audio, I assume?17:32
kristian__mefisto__: I do :)17:32
djphehey que pasa buenas tardes17:32
kristian__mefisto__: any experience?17:33
ASUS-tekwhich launguage is that17:33
kristian__djphe: buenas tardes17:33
ASUS-tekenglish plz17:33
mefisto__kristian__: I installed ubuntustudio-audio, that gave me plenty of apps to play with.17:33
djpheestoy configurando konversation y parece que funciona que gusto17:33
djphehola kristian17:33
ubottuAquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.17:34
ASUS-tekya english only plz17:34
djpheok men17:34
ASUS-tekam here to learn i cant understand any thing17:34
djphebut if the information is free why isnt free the languaje17:35
ASUS-tekif i start spking hindi and India lung u wont even understand any thing17:35
ASUS-tekther are more then 3000 differnt laung and dilect so u should only spk english17:36
ASUS-tekgod know more then that17:36
JuJuBeeHow do I make it so when a user creates a file or folder within the public_html folder, it sets the group to www-data and chmod 750 the file/folder?17:37
martalliThe repositories are so slow these days17:39
mefisto__martalli: you can use the "find best server" button in adept > manage repositories17:40
stdinJuJuBee: you need to chgrp public_html to have the group sticky bit. so sudo chmod g+srx should do17:41
stdinJuJuBee: *chgrp to www-date and chown17:41
martallimefisto__: Thanks for the tip17:41
JuJuBeeTHe sticky bit will set the gid to the enclosing folders gid?17:41
stdinJuJuBee: should be for anything created in the dir17:42
JuJuBeeShould this be set for /home/username or just /home/username/public_html ?17:42
JuJuBeeIn your opinion17:43
stdinjust for the public_html dir17:44
stdinalthough the umode may overide the mode of files to 64417:45
JuJuBeeI did a test and when I created a file in public_html, it got the correct gid, but the chmod was wrong.  It was 760 rather than 750 (mod of public_html)17:47
viperserv2i wish i had a public http17:48
=== ligemeget is now known as fyore
rakethey flaccid17:49
kunwon1My gutsy kubuntu box is hard-freezing at random times when the system's under heavy load - How would I determine what's causing this?17:49
Daisuke_Laptopif it's just heavy load, look into heat issues.17:50
kunwon1It's not heat.17:51
rakethey people, how would I update firefox to the newest version, since adept won't do it for me?17:51
kunwon1I've already ruled that out./17:51
raketI though I should add some repos or something?17:51
xim__does anyone know how to use the unix find command to search contents of files in a directory and display the text in the terminal?17:52
weswh-to what extent can the system take advantage of a dual core processor if running the i386 version?17:52
nosrednaekimweswh-: fully17:52
xim__i use this so infrequently, and can never remember the syntax17:52
stdinJuJuBee: the default mode of new files/dirs is set by the umask17:52
jacksparrot i plugged a USB in... but cant find it? where is it :P (kubuntu 7.10)17:53
JuJuBeewhere to I change the umask17:53
nosrednaekimxim__: heh... I'm not that good :)17:53
nosrednaekimand intellikey ain't here...17:53
geniiraket: No. Open up the firefox.cfg file, usually someplace like /usr/lib/firefox<someversionhere>    and edit line: lockPref("app.update.enabled", false);    to read: lockPref("app.update.enabled", true);17:53
jacksparroti plugged a USB in... but cant find it? where is it :P (kubuntu 7.10)17:54
geniijacksparrot: If it found it, then in /media17:54
Halc0xdudes how to find how many bits is Kubuntu 8.04 (32-bit or 64-bit) ?17:54
nosrednaekimHalc0x: whichever one you installed17:54
geniiHalc0x: Both17:54
Halc0xlol O_o17:54
Halc0xi don't know what i installed17:54
stdinJuJuBee: it's a shell setting, so in ~/.bashrc17:55
geniiHalc0x: uname -a      will tell you17:55
JuJuBeestdin : is there a way to set it globally so world gets nothing?17:55
Halc0xUTC 2008 x86_64 , this mean it's 64 ?17:55
geniiHalc0x: Yes17:55
geniiHalc0x: Wait17:56
Halc0xThanks for the help dudes :-)17:56
geniiHalc0x: Yes, 64... i had to ssh into my 64 bit box from this 32 bit one to check :)17:57
Halc0xgenii Thanks for the big help dude , and sorry for waisting your time17:58
geniiHalc0x: No worries, and you're welcome17:58
stdinJuJuBee: putting it in /etc/environment  would probably do it; umask 0017 should do it17:58
JuJuBeestdin : does the umask setting in etc/profile apply to GUI or only bash?17:58
JuJuBeeBeat me to it...17:58
azwai'm now using huawei e220 with kubuntu17:58
JuJuBeedo yo umean 0027 ?  I want rwxr-x---17:59
JuJuBeeWill environment set for cli and gui?17:59
azwauntil now i'm unable to use konqueror to browse the internet17:59
JuJuBeeWhat about remote like scp and sftp and samba?17:59
=== fyore is now known as ligemeget
stdinJuJuBee: 0007 would be rw-rw----18:00
azwai'm connecting through kppp18:00
JuJuBeeI don't understand umask then.18:01
stdinfiles don't get the executable bit set by default18:01
stdindirs dor18:01
rakethey genii, I just saw that you wrote to me. I am wondering though, with what you're telling me I am not installing another copy of firefox right?18:01
JuJuBeeso if a file needs x, then how does it get set?18:01
stdinJuJuBee: you do it manually18:02
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geniiraket: That will update whatever version you have to the newest version there is (stable)18:02
geniiraket: So yes, new version18:02
JuJuBeeok, so then do the files (all) in the public_html folder and down need 640 ?18:03
raketgenii, alright and is this possible for all apps or just certain ones?18:03
geniiJuJuBee: Default file creation in unix has no x bit set because it's a security problem where any new created app could be run18:03
stdinJuJuBee: with umask 0007 they get 66018:04
geniiraket: Only in this case firefox18:04
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stdinJuJuBee: 0027 gets 64018:04
raketinteresting. so each application is unique in that regard. genii?18:05
JuJuBeeThanks.  Will putting umask  0017 in /etc/environment set the perms for file in cli, gui, and remote (samba, scp, sftp)?18:05
stdinJuJuBee: but you'd need to chmod ~/public_html to u=rwx,g=rxs,o=s18:05
JuJuBeeAh, didn't think of just setting sticky on o18:06
stdinJuJuBee: /etc/environment should get sourced by the base shell, then set in every sub-shell18:06
geniiraket: Most applications can be updated through the package manager fine. Thats what it's for.18:06
JuJuBeeK, thanks.  I will try.18:06
stdinJuJuBee: it makes sure others permissions are 018:06
stdinpermissions == confusing, yes ;)18:06
raketgenii, I only wanted to know how to update stuff that's beyond this release of Kubuntu (the latest). since I know that sometimes we have to wait until the next release18:07
raket(or am I mistaken?)18:07
bpat1182Approximately how far behind Ubuntu releases is kubunutu?18:08
geniibpat1182: It's not18:08
bpat1182i.e. what's the wait time between when Ubuntu releases 8.05 and Kubuntu will then have 8.05 released?18:08
nosrednaekimbpat1182: there is no ubuntu 8.0518:08
bpat1182not yet18:09
nosrednaekimand kubuntu releases in sync18:09
nosrednaekimthere never will be... next is 8.1018:09
geniiraket: The alternate way is to download the debian or ubuntu based source code and compile it into a package file with the assistance of the app checkinstall18:09
bpat1182oh.... interesting releaes cycle18:09
nosrednaekimevery 6 months18:09
mefisto__bpat1182: 8.04 is 2008, 4 (as in april)18:09
stdinbpat1182: <year>.<month>18:09
bpat1182ah... thanks18:09
raketahh I see. thanks genii, I'll learn about this as I go, I don't wanna go nuts in the beginning18:10
geniibpat1182: The 8.04.1 major update is due sometime in July (as I hear the rumours)18:10
Halc0xYou appear to be running an X server; please exit X before18:10
Halc0x         installing.18:10
Halc0xwhat does this means ?18:10
bpat1182I was just wondering about the delay between updates... as many times their security and stability related ;)18:11
geniiHalc0x: It means you need to go to console login from login manager to install your nvidia driver18:11
Halc0xgenii: thanks again dude :D18:11
geniiHalc0x: np18:11
raketgenii, maybe I can bookmark a tutorial or something though, just so I don't have to ask again... do you know one, or what keywords should I use to search "update source code checkinstall" ?18:13
raketI found this18:14
JuJuBeeHmm, I set umask = 0017 in /etc/environment and created a folder in public_html it has perms rwxr-x-r-x18:15
JuJuBeemostly concerned about world perms18:15
mefisto__how does linux cope with a new motherboard? will it boot up, detect the new hardware, etc, or would I have to reinstall?18:15
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!18:16
stdinJuJuBee: did you chmod ~/public_html to u=rwx,g=rxs,o=s18:18
djdarkmanhow can I create a kubuntu remix easily? I mean I want to create a remix that includes restricted stuff18:18
raketif I partitioned my drive and moved my home directory onto the bigger partition, I still should see /home in "/" right ?18:18
stdin!remaster | djdarkman18:18
ubottudjdarkman: Interested in remastering the !Ubuntu !LiveCD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use Tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility18:18
JuJuBeestdin : yes18:19
stdinJuJuBee: did you logout/in after changing the umask?18:19
stdinraket: yes18:20
JuJuBeeHmm, no.  My  bad.18:20
stdinJuJuBee: you can do it in the shell for now18:20
stdinJuJuBee: umask 0027; mkdir foo18:20
JuJuBeeWhen I log out and in and just mkdir foo, it has 755, but when I do umask 0027 then mkdir foo, it is correct.18:21
JuJuBeeDo I need tolog out of machine totally?18:22
raketstdin: thanks, I was just making sure everything is normal18:22
stdinJuJuBee: maybe move the umode line to /etc/profile instead18:22
stdinJuJuBee: in fact, just edit the on already in there ;)18:23
acer4920merhaba turk varmı18:23
JuJuBeeLeave in environment ?18:23
ubottuFactoid tk not found18:23
stdinJuJuBee: remove the one in environment and edit the one in profile18:24
stdin!tr | acer492018:24
ubottuacer4920: Turk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.18:24
mefisto__how does linux cope with a new motherboard? will it boot up, detect the new hardware, etc, or would I have to reinstall?18:24
stdinmefisto__: should "just work"18:25
JuJuBeestdin : same result.18:25
JuJuBeeLet me try logout of computer then back in...18:25
stdinmefisto__: same way we can create a live CD without knowing anything about the hardware it'll run on18:25
JuJuBeeNope, same 74418:26
JuJuBeesorry 75518:26
stdinis that in the public_html dir?18:27
acer4920ubottu: saol18:27
JuJuBeestdin yes18:28
mefisto__stdin: so is there any way to speed up the boot process by telling the installation what hardware is present rather than detecting everything? or am I barking up the wrong tree?18:28
stdinJuJuBee: what does the output of "umode" give?18:28
stdinmefisto__: it detects it at boot anyway, so there's no need18:29
stdinit only take a second or two18:29
stdinif that18:29
JuJuBeestdin : umode : command not found18:31
stdinJuJuBee: erm, umask, sorry ;)18:32
JuJuBeehmm 002218:32
stdindidn't get set then18:32
JuJuBeeI see.18:35
stdinyou sure you saved it and everything?18:35
stdincheck it's not being changed in ~/.profile (if you have it)18:36
JuJuBeenope, commented out18:38
aaroncampbellDoes anyone know where the actual .desktop files are for the items in my "quick launcher" ?  It seems that there is a bogus link in there that it can't seem to remove...I'm wondering if a file permission is wrong, but I don't know where the files are.18:38
acer4920selam arkadaşlar18:42
acer4920hi turk18:42
weswh-this is getting bad. i was able to run the amd64 kde4 live cd and install fine...decided i wanted to go back to 3.5.9. so i got the standard amd64 iso...would do the kubuntu loading screen, and then go blank. done. i got the i386,same thing. have checked md5 and verified disc18:42
Dyyossudo gparted18:42
Dyyosterminate called after throwing an instance of 'Glib::OptionError'18:42
DyyosAborted (core dumped)18:42
=== bibek is now known as bibstha
weswh-hey guys, i figured out my problems with the install crashing. i had plugged in the DVI cable for my second monitor - that was tripping it out18:48
dwidmanndyyos: seeing as I love pointing out the obvious. I'll tell you. It crashed.18:48
dwidmannDyyos: Buggy code? Buggy libraries? Something like that18:50
ubuntu_bitte um hilfe bei der installation vom vpn client meiner hochschule18:50
dwidmannDyyos: if you google it you might find something, if not report the bug18:50
Dyyosdwidmann was working fine before18:51
zeeonanyone in here got some experince with proftpd and care to help me with getting it up and running I simply just can't get it to function and i think google are gonna report me for dos attacks soon18:51
dwidmannDyyos: first of all, it's a bad idea to run GUI apps with sudo, use kdesu or gksu instead.18:51
dwidmannDyyos: it can cause user files to get overwritten with ones owned by root which is never fun.18:52
mefisto__it would be nice if there was a universal sudo command that knew the difference between gui and cli apps, and behaved accordingly18:54
ali__Hibernation problem! on lenove n3000 anyone  had same problem18:54
mefisto__actually, is there anything wrong with using kdesudo with cli commands?18:55
BluesKajmefisto__, no18:56
BluesKajnothing wrong18:56
BluesKajsudo still works ok in the terminal tho18:56
BoingoHello everyone.  I am using 8.04 (KDE 3.x) recently upgraded from 7.x.  When I use my DVD/CD RW everything works great.  Until I launch K3B.  Then the drive is unusable (With the hardware button or any applications) until I reboot, then it all works again.18:57
BoingoSomeone had a similar problem: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-546220.html18:57
BoingoBut the fix was to go to gutsy,.18:57
BoingoI am already on Hardy.18:57
Dyyos  gksu gparted18:57
Dyyos(gksu:19403): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:18:57
Dyyosdwidmann: damn!! my bad!!18:58
dwidmannDyyos: hmm?18:58
* Dyyos re-logs with ssh -Y18:58
BoingoAny tips/hints anyone has would be greatly appreciated.18:58
BoingoI have uninstalled k3b and reinstalled it.18:59
BluesKajBoingo, get the medibuntu repository added to your sources.list , then sudo apt-get install libk3b2-mp3 libdvdcss2 kubuntu-restricted-extras w32codecs19:00
BoingoBluesKaj: Oooh, ok, let me try that.19:00
=== wayne__ is now known as wayneandleanne
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org19:00
ubottuFactoid libk3b2 not found19:01
mefisto__libk3b2-extracodecs not libk3b2-mp319:02
dwidmannmefisto__: using kdesu[do] for cli apps works, but you get a gui popup irregardless of what kind of app it is - if it were smart enough to know that it were a cli app and/or the command was being run from the cli, or had a seperate option (like --cli, or it coudl be done the other way around, default to cli and have a --gui option, or configurable either way) it could really do the trick.19:02
kishorenow with qt 4.4 available in hardy repos, it is still recommended to build qt-copy?19:03
_kaze_hello averyone, someone use konversation ? because i got a problem : when i want to conenct to an irc server with SSL i got a modal window with detail of the ssl certificat and when i close it the widow open again and again ... i have to kill konversation to do somethink.19:03
dwidmannkishore: qt 4.4 should be usable I would think.19:03
BluesKajlibk3b2-extracodecs ? hmm don't think that exists19:04
dwidmannkishore: however in the future you're probably going to need or want qt-copy seeing as kde tends to follow/push qt's bleeding edge19:04
kishoredwidmann: there are several patches in qt-copy.. would that matter?19:04
dwidmannkishore: one way to find out ;)19:04
Dyyosdwidmann: got it19:05
dwidmannDyyos: working?19:05
kishoredwidmann: :-)19:05
ckaosahow do i connect to a vista share?19:05
Dyyosdwidmann: I left out the -Y in ssh19:05
vyacheslavHi everybody ! I would like to know if there is any POSITIVE experience with satellite tv tuners (any model of PCI or USB). just I want to buy one which works under Ubuntu.19:05
_kaze_hello averyone, someone use konversation ? because i got a problem : when i want to conenct to an irc server with SSL i got a modal window with detail of the ssl certificat and when i close it the widow open again and again ... i have to kill konversation to do somethink.19:06
mefisto__BluesKaj: I can't find libk3b2-mp3. I assumed the name was changed19:06
Dyyosvyacheslav #mythtv19:06
BluesKajmefisto__, it's in the medibuntu repos19:06
dwidmannDyyos: yeap, that would do it,I was just curious if it still crashed after that ... didn't think it would19:06
BoingoBluesKaj: Ok, I installed those.19:06
ckaosai cant mount a windows share19:07
BluesKajvyacheslav, tvtime works as well, if you already have a tuner card19:07
BluesKajvyacheslav, I used my tvwonder pro with a satellite receiver video input to the pc19:08
ckaosaget permission denied19:08
craig__can anyone help me with a problem in xsession-errors file?19:08
BluesKajckaosa, do you have the vista shares on a different pc or on a partiton ?19:09
craig__my xsession-errors file grows large and fills my /home partition19:11
BoingoDoes fstab get overwritten by anything in kubuntu?19:14
BoingoI mean on an automated basis.19:14
BoingoI keep editing the credentials files used by some mounts, but the credential files are overwritten the next time I open them (or at least revert to the incorrect settings)19:15
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dwidmannBoingo: well, I don't think fstab itself is overwritten, which credential fils are you referring to?19:19
Boingodwidmann: I have 3 shares to another Samba server.19:19
ville_why is that, when I play my movie on the screen, even if I put on "full screen" its only a little screen with thick black borders?19:19
BoingoThere is one cred file per share.19:19
BoingoThey mount to 3 points in my home folder.19:20
BoingoThe cred files have "username = password"  but need to be "username=password"  (no spaces)19:20
BoingoIf I edit the files to have no spaces, mount -a works.19:21
dwidmannBoingo: remove all write access from the credential files maybe?19:21
BoingoIf I leave the spaces, it doesnt work.19:21
mefisto__ville_: in kaffeine?19:21
dwidmannBoingo: for spacs I think you need to use \04019:21
dwidmannBoingo:  for Samba anyhow19:21
BoingoI dont need the sapces.19:21
BoingoBut I edit the files, save them, and mount.19:21
vyacheslavThanks to all for comments on my question19:22
BoingoWhen I reboot, the cred files are changed back to containg space.19:22
ville_mefisto__:  in every player :/ using vlc atm19:22
dwidmannBoingo: I can see two workarounds for that19:22
dwidmannBoingo: the first being to try removing *all* write access from the cred files, including roots write permissions.19:23
jimmy51vinskyanyone here use vmware?19:24
dwidmannjimmy51vinsky: I haven't used it recently, but I've been known to use it if that counts.19:24
weswh-did restricted extras kind of make medibuntu obsolete, or is that still a good thing to have?19:24
Boingodwidmann: But what is changing it?19:24
jimmy51vinskyok. yesterday i got virtual box working in seamless mode, but was told vmware has features that are even better for host and vm app integration.19:25
jimmy51vinskyi want to be able to alt-tab between host and target apps with ALT-TAB, as if they're running under linux19:25
dwidmannBoingo: I don't know, but if it can't write to the file it'll have a hard time changing it ;)19:25
jimmy51vinskydo you know how to configure that in vmware?19:25
mefisto__ville_: look in vlc preferences > output modules. turn on "advanced options". what video output module is it using?19:25
dwidmannBoingo: I've no idea19:26
weswh-jimmy51athome: the workstation versions, have better features imo19:26
dwidmannweswh-: don't the workstation vesion cost $ though?19:27
weswh-virtualbox has potential i think, but not crazy about it right now19:27
ville_mefisto__:  "default"19:27
josephi upgraded to hardy from gutsy and i don't like the new, buggy, firefox.  however when i try to install the old firefox, apt-get wants to install firefox-3.0 too.  what package do i need to install to just get back the stable firefox?19:27
dwidmannweswh-: speaking of that, just how expensive is it?19:27
jimmy51vinskyweswh-:  i've got vmware workstation 6.03 right now... with a xp vm running outlook19:27
weswh-vbox for free has more features than vmware server for free19:27
ville_mefisto__:  should I use "X11"?19:27
aaroncampbellDoes anyone know where the actual .desktop files are for the items in my "quick launcher" ?  It seems that there is a bogus link in there that it can't seem to remove...I'm wondering if a file permission is wrong, but I don't know where the files are.19:27
weswh-but, is possibly less stable, imo19:27
weswh-dwidmann: around $20019:27
jimmy51vinskyso... any takers on how to configure seamless mode for vmware workstation?19:27
ubottufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins19:28
mefisto__ville_: xvideo19:28
josephi don't WANT the new version.  it's buggy!19:28
weswh-which OS is your host?19:28
jimmy51vinskykubuntu 8.04 host19:28
ville_mefisto__: nope, still not working. only the black borders grow. the picture stays as little19:29
aaroncampbelljoseph: you can install firefox-2 to get the most recent 2.x version19:29
josephaaroncampbell: thank you.19:29
ville_mefisto__: with X11 it works properly in fullscreen, though it starts to lag like hell19:30
dwidmannweswh-: seeing as you seem to know a good bit about these things .... what do you know about xen?19:30
weswh-dwidmann: i've actually never used it. i have pretty basic needs, only know what i know from trying to get my stuff to work :)19:32
dwidmannweswh-: oh ... okay, I was just curious. I've been thinking about trying it to play around with things. vmware-server practically pampers me though, so I don't know a whole lot. :(19:33
mefisto__ville_: just guessing now, try xvideo, then go to the xvideo subsection and tick "alternate fullscreen method"19:34
weswh-right...that's the way it should be :)19:34
weswh-do you use kubuntu as your host os?19:34
ville_mefisto__: already tried that :/ no effect19:34
weswh-i am about to get into that myself...need to run an xp VM on kubuntu. vmware server is what I am going to go with19:34
dwidmannweswh-: yes sir :)19:34
weswh-don't really need "features"19:35
weswh-do you use an xp vm ever? if so, how does it work out for you?19:35
dwidmannweswh-: last time I tried it I had played around with the vm's hardware settings one too many times, and it invalidated the license :\19:35
weswh-hate that19:36
dwidmannweswh-: other than that it worked fine though ... video speed wasn't terribly impressive ... but without direct access to the gpu it ccouldn't be.19:36
weswh-what res were you running?19:37
dwidmannweswh-: I think I had it set to 1024x76819:37
weswh-one problem i've had out of vbox in i can not get an xp vm to run 1680x1050...which i need for it to do. heh19:37
mefisto__ville_: it might be related to your xorg.conf file. I used to have this problem until I found a howto to set up compiz with my video card, which resulted in a much better xorg.conf (basically everything was faster and smoother and looked better). since then fullscreen with xvideo (which I think is the default) always worked.19:38
jimmy51vinskyapologies for exiting... my machine rebooted.  did anyone reply to the vmware seamless mode question?19:38
ville_mefisto__: well I had alot of problem installing my video card anyways19:39
ville_mefisto__: what should I tweak in xorg.conf?19:39
mefisto__ville_: what kind of video card? ati?19:40
ville_mefisto__:  SiS Mirage 1, integrated shit19:40
ville_mefisto__:  It's brand new ITX-motherboard from intel19:40
mefisto__you could try googling "SiS Mirage 1 xorg.conf" and see what you can find, or search ubuntuforums.19:41
ville_mefisto__: I've been doing that for 3 days now, and I'm really getting up in my ass. So damn frustrated.19:42
mefisto__ville_: I know, I've been there. maybe search for a howto for compiz and your card? just ignore the compiz stuff and look at whatever it says about xorg.conf editing19:43
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ville_mefisto__: Well. With compiz you mean compiling the sourcecode?19:46
mefisto__ville_: sourcecode for what? you mean a driver for your card?19:47
ville_mefisto__: Well I have the drivers (patched ones) and it works just fine. I dunno what to change in the xorg.conf anymore. I really don't know anything and I'm really tired :E there are alot of mentions about updating BIOS, but I have no clue how to do that in linux19:48
visiwarehi, Does Skype works on kubuntu?19:48
dwidmannvisiware: well, it has in the past. It probably still does.19:49
weswh-can anyone link me to the reference for installing nvidia drivers in 8.04? (kde 3.5.9)19:50
visiwareI have some bugs.... If I run the updates it crash, if I install Skype I see dust on the screen and I have to reformat the disk19:50
visiwarethanks dwid...19:51
mefisto__ville_: the only reason I mentioned compiz is that for me, setting it up according to a howto for my video card gave me a well-configured xorg.conf that made video generally much better than it was19:51
ville_mefisto__:  I have no clue where to search for a such thing :E19:52
=== Mefisto_ is now known as Mefisto_de
mefisto__ville_: there's a long thread here: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-463077.html but make sure you keep backups of any files you replace or edit, in case you make things worse19:58
igor__hi all20:00
ville_mefisto__: problem is, its for the old version. this is brand new :) only like three weeks old20:02
ville_mefisto__: mine is "D201GLY2" not "D201GLY" :---)20:02
visiwarewhere do I find libasound2 1.0.12?20:03
mefisto__ville_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=4697207&postcount=4       D201GLY2 !!!20:04
dwidmannvisiware: dunno, that looks like an old version20:04
craig__I am seeking help with errors being logged to xsession-errors, anybody?20:04
dwidmannvisiware: .15 is current20:04
visiwareDwid, thanks. Is in the O.S.?20:05
ville_mefisto__: that's exactly what I'm using :--) those patched drivers work like a horse, but the video is the only problem. Damn fullscreen :/20:06
dwidmannvisiware: 1.0.15 is included with hardy ... not sure about other releases.20:06
visiwareIt's the first time I install al Linus O.S. I'm a developer in .NET and I'd li to develop also on linux O.S.20:06
craig__MPEGRec(/dev/video0) Error: error reading from: /dev/video0 eno: Device or resource busy (16)20:07
visiwareok.  Dwid, I'll buy a book... eeheh.  I like Kubuntu a lot at this moment20:08
mefisto__ville_: did you try any other video output modules in vlc? OpenGL maybe?20:08
ville_mefisto__: X11 gave fullscreen, flickering and lagging, X gave good quality and smooth, but little. All of the others were just black or only sound.20:09
shadowhywindhay all since i installed the beta of hardy during boot i no longer get the splash screen just a full text boot, any ideas on how to get the splash back?20:11
Mefisto_dedoes anyone know a program to make keymaps20:16
mefisto__ville_: in kaffeine settings > xine engine parameters > video there is a longer list of drivers to choose from. also, in the expert options tab, make sure "disable all video scaling" is not ticked20:16
mefisto__Mefisto_de: "xkeycaps - manipulate X11 keymaps (for xmodmap) graphically"     --  I've never used it though20:18
mistiipuiam on a server that shares internet to 2 computers. i want to limit their bandwidth to 20k/s jointly pc1+pc2=20k/s and give them priority to my persoanal internet use on server.  secondly i dont want any of the two pcs suck all the bandwidth (by excesive downloading at a time or by torrents) and drain the others pcs band. (out of 20k/s). "i dont want any 3rd distro or another router. i use linux and want it to route".20:20
mistiipui think i need the tc command? where to read about it. and what else i need? thirdly i want to moniter each pc what he is doing. sniff internet. keep detailed records. (if he does any illegal activity eg.) see gui graphic speed graphs. etc. any app or guidance please?20:20
mefisto__mistiipu: man tc20:22
mistiipumefisto__ ok. is that all i need?20:23
mistiipumefisto__ and someone said i need qos?20:23
mefisto__mistiipu: I don't know, but almost all installed commands have a manual at "man <command>"20:26
reagleBRKLNanyone have swfdec 0.6 and konq working together on hardy? tiref of flash-nonfree instability20:28
Dyyosm$$ $uckz20:28
=== Nookie^ is now known as Noq^
kyncani_reagleBRKLN: there is a gnash plugin for lonqueror20:32
reagleBRKLNkyncani_: yes, trying that now but i hear swdec is better20:33
kyncani_I have not tried swdec in a while, I'm settled with gnash now / for now20:33
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reagleBRKLNon gnash: yea, no sound and can't use controls20:35
Faust-Cim trying to install vmware-server20:37
Faust-Ci know that a older version was in a repo but im not finding it in kubuntu20:37
timboyhaving issues with sound in kubuntu 8.04... i have everything turned up but i still can't hear anything... :(20:39
Faust-Cis vmware-server in repos somewhere20:40
* Faust-C knows someone knows20:40
timboytimboy: knows nothing20:41
Faust-Ci cant recall how i installed in ubuntu, i enabled a repo and it worked20:41
* Faust-C also wonders how to get ipod nano working in linux20:42
timboyFaust-C: go with virtualbox... much better and 3x faster at least20:42
Faust-Ctimboy: problem is that its a pita to do non natted network20:42
Faust-Ci mean i like it its just my vms are in vmware format20:43
* Faust-C wonder if i could convert them20:43
Faust-Cif i can convert them ill try it out again20:43
timboyFaust-C: no need to convert it opens vmdk images20:43
aaroncampbellDoes anyone know where the actual .desktop files are for the items in my "quick launcher" ?  It seems that there is a bogus link in there that it can't seem to remove...I'm wondering if a file permission is wrong, but I don't know where the files are.20:44
timboycan anyone help me troubleshoot my sound?20:44
Faust-Ctimboy: ah ic sweet deal20:44
Faust-Ctimboy: whats wrong w/ snd20:45
timboyFaust-C: give it a shot i switched about 4 months ago and wouldn't go back20:45
timboyFaust-C: not working at all no playback on my kedubuntu box20:45
timboyusing hardy20:45
mefisto__timboy: do you have more than one soundcard?20:45
Faust-Ctimboy: what does alsamixer show20:46
domje recherche de l aide install tor unbutu20:49
timboyFaust-C: alsamixer won't open. not sure if it's due to pulseaudio... when i run alsamixer i get: ** PULSEAUDIO: Unable to connect: Connection refused / alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: Connection refused20:49
Faust-Ccan you do it as sudo20:50
mistiipu how can i run munin?20:50
timboyFaust-C: no20:52
superhgg_guys,, how do i download torrents in kubuntu,, where do i get the torrent client20:54
mefisto__timboy: in system settings > sound system > hardware tab, is Advanced Linux Sound Architecture selected?20:54
mefisto__superhgg_: ktorrent should already be installed20:55
Faust-Csuperhgg_: dude look in the menu20:55
weswh-does anyonw know where there is an archive of the kubuntu guide for Gusty?20:55
weswh-all i can find is Hardy - and the section on nvidia drivers is empty20:55
timboymefisto_ it was on autodetect. I made it alsa and alsamixer still doesn't work same error20:55
weswh-oh i got it20:56
timboymefisto_ i guess it is still trying to restart sound system... should i restart?20:58
timboymefisto__: or can i run an init.d command?20:58
mefisto__timboy: and it restarted the sound system when you changed it?20:58
weswh-ok the gutsy guide doesn't have anything there either. supposedly this is easy now...anyone know a reference for how to install nvidia binary drivers in hardy/gutsy? if i go under system>hardware devices...it says no proprietary drivers used. i have restricted modules installed20:58
timboymefisto__: I stopped it and started it again and now alsa is set. alsamixer still doesn't start and sound still doesn't work...20:59
timboymefisto__: i spoke too soon! it works!!!! thanks a bunch!!!!!! mwuhahahhahah21:00
simihi how can i configure compiz in kubuntu?(i am a ubuntu user for 2 years and i want to try kubuntu) i installed the packages21:02
timboysimi: just run compiz --replace should work21:03
weswh-https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia <= trying to follow this, I simply don't have "restricted drivers" under that area. also, if I search for nvidia through add/remove programs, I don't see the driver there.21:03
weswh-is this incomplete documentation? I am on an out of the box i386 kde 3.5.9 hardy21:04
simii want to configure compiz effects , in ubuntu appears a menu named advanced desktop effects21:05
xxxhello all just new here21:05
mefisto__weswh-: on hardy, it's called Hardware Drivers, found in Kmenu > System21:05
timboyweswh-: go to system settings then monitor and display then hardware it will show you in there21:05
fokaHi!  I'm wondering: Has anybody experienced problem with "displayconfig"  (Monitors and Display in System Settings), e.g. cannot switch to certain resolutions?21:07
zeeonis it possible to add multiple user to the same home dir?21:07
sigma_1234whats the easiest way to install openoffice 3.0 beta?21:07
weswh-mefisto__: jockey - gotcha. so it says no proprietary drivers in use...do you know what I need to install, to get it to show up there?21:07
mefisto__weswh-: there's nothing in the list?21:08
fokaSay: 1024x768, 800x600 and 640x480 work, but not 720x400, 832x624, 1280x960, 1280x1024 and 1600x1200?21:08
xxxdoes any know if there exsist any free material with practices and info about ubuntu and if so where to find it ?21:09
weswh-mefisto__: nope (fresh install...) i installed restricted extras, and restricted modules says it is up to date as well21:09
jabba_one of my users just asked me if i can triple-boot vista, xp, and hardy for him. is there a faq? my understanding is vista is not happy about multiboot.21:09
weswh-i've never run anything to specifically install the nvidia drivers....that's what i am trying to find, really21:09
weswh-even if i had to change xorg.conf myself. heh21:09
jabba_weswh-: have you used envy?21:10
weswh-nope...was just wondering if that should be my next step? i just haven't found a point of authority on what the right process is21:10
jabba_i used envy with my quadro21:10
jabba_problem is i have a dual-out card and xinerama and composite don't play nice.21:11
jabba_unfortunately, i have two 22's, not a single 3200x1100 display :/21:11
jabba_envy works well though, and with amd64, the nvidia product doesnt quite work.21:11
=== xxx is now known as anothernickthen
weswh-gotcha..well, i reverted to i386 for that reason among a few others21:12
weswh-is envy the best way to do it? not the good old days of install glx or something21:13
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=== wayne_andleanne is now known as wayneandleanne
anothernickthendoes any know if there is like an ubuntu guide for dummys ?21:15
jabba_weswh-: i have not had any luck with the nvidia installer21:15
jabba_but i think that's related to my using amd6421:15
wayneandleannehi all, does anybody know what type of usb audio headsets are supported?21:15
jabba_the 'arch' directory is a little fubar on my end.21:15
jabba_envy Did The Right Thing.21:15
jabba_there's no /harm/ in trying the nvidia thing if you're not a license fascist21:16
jabba_but i suspect envy will work for you.21:16
jussi01!training | anothernickthen21:16
ubottuanothernickthen: A desktop course manual for Ubuntu 7.10 can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Training21:16
anothernickthenthx obottu21:16
jussi01wayneandleanne: most of them - I have a logitech thats nice21:16
jussi01!bot | anothernickthen21:16
ubottuanothernickthen: I am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;)21:16
weswh-license...i thought envy just installed the nvidia binary driver?21:17
wayneandleannejussi01: any setup probslems?21:17
jabba_weswh-: like i said, fascism.21:17
anothernickthenhmm the first bot i like lol, mucht better then those bots on chats21:18
jussi01wayneandleanne: hrm, it did take a few tweaks, cant really remember them. :/21:18
wayneandleannefair enough, thanks21:18
weswh-jabba_: do you know if there is a referencce for how to install it the nvidia way that you are referring to?21:18
weswh-btw, is your nick related to jabbawockeez? if so..good call, heh21:19
crash__How does one determine the release version of Kubuntu that one is running?21:19
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jabba_weswh-: /whois jabba_21:20
jabba_weswh-: as far as how to install, it's easy. go to nvidia's site, put your card type in the search field with "linux," download the installer doohickey, and run it.21:20
ere4sicrash__: uname -a     in a konsole21:21
jussi01!version | crash__21:21
ubottucrash__: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell21:21
bpat1434In ubuntu the b43 driver is available if I look at installed hardware, yet it's missing in Kubuntu.... is there a solution to this that I don't know about?21:21
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jabba_if it has a ready driver, it will install it. if not, itwill try to compile it.21:21
jabba_there isn't a lot of user interaction. after that, you can configure stuff with "nvidia-xconfig"21:21
jabba_(which has a manpage)21:21
weswh-hrmm...ok. ijust thought there was a way to get to that through apt21:21
crash__which means I dont need all these 7.1 sources in my sources.list, right?21:21
weswh-but i am reading about envy...looks promising21:22
mefisto__weswh-: there is nvidia-glx and nvidia-glx-new, and nvidia-glx-legacy, but I don't know if you should install any of those. do "apt-cache search nvidia"21:22
Halc0xdudes how to complie source with many .c , .h files and one file named "Makefile"?21:24
=== profoX_ is now known as profoX`
weswh-ah...apt-get install envyng-qt :)21:24
jabba_Halc0x: make(1)21:24
jabba_Halc0x: probably sh configure && make21:24
Halc0xjabba_: ok i will try21:25
crash__righto then. Adept just went nuts doing something or other.\21:26
jabba_weswh-: let me know how that works. that's what i did.21:28
crash__fetching new headers shouldn't take more than a few seconds, right?21:28
weswh-crash__: at times it can take a while21:29
weswh-esp. when the servers are under higher load21:29
* crash__ stabs the server21:30
* jabba_ hands crash__ some tool to listen to21:31
dwidmanncrash__: my header fetching has been *exceedingly* slow also.21:33
mefisto__crash__: are you still waiting?21:34
jabba_tof_: are you somebody who would remember the hostname spinup.yi.org?21:35
mistiipu i hope i can do user1+user2=20k/s  in proxy server . squid?21:36
jussi01mistiipu: best to ask in just 1 place at a time ;)21:36
mistiipujussi01 hm21:37
crwebanyone else experiencing huge delays and very slow speeds on official ubuntu servers?21:37
jussi01crash__: yes, a lot of people21:37
ubottuThe Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of the latest edition. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.21:37
crwebwell, i figured as much.. but a few bytes per sec was a little less than I was expecting21:38
mefisto__adept > manage repositories has a "select best server" button that will ping them all and choose the fastest one21:39
crwebfor me it just chooses archive.ubuntu.com21:39
dwidmannI can understand slow, but 400 and 506 errors are just annoying :(21:39
mefisto__crweb: move to another country :)21:40
crash_hates_timeI may have accidentaly told adept to upgrade  KDE to 421:40
stdinhuh? you mean you told it to install KDE 4?21:41
dwidmanncrash_hates_time: its a seperate set of packages for kde4, so upgrading to it is an impossibility. Installing side by side can be done.21:41
crwebcrash_hates_time: kde3 and kde4 can be installed at same time.21:41
stdinyou can't upgrade from KDE 3 to KDE 421:41
crash_hates_time*shrug*I clicked Upgrade Everything.21:41
jabba_crash_hates_time: there are distinct kde4 and kde3 packages21:41
jabba_i've actually got gnome, kde3 and kde4 installed.21:41
ubottuScreenlets are little widgets for your !desktop. Note you must have !Compiz Fusion, !Beryl, xcompmgr, or KWin to run them. You can get them at http://www.screenlets.org/21:42
crash_hates_timeLemme clarify..  i wasn't complaingin or asking for help there. Just bored whilst the downloads progress.21:42
* jussi01 points at #kubuntu-offtopic :)21:43
zeeonok i have been struggeling to get an ftpd server running all day i've been reading guides and what not for hours...and i just can't get it working would anyone help me get this right ?21:44
dwidmannI wonder if there are any ubuntu mirrors that aren't under full load right now ...... archive and us.archive are definitely loaded way beyond capacity21:44
jussi01zeeon: is there a reason that you want ftp? sftp is enabled by default iirc21:44
dwidmannjussi01: probably have to install openssh-server first21:45
jussi01dwidmann: heh, I keep forgetting, usually first thing I install21:46
jussi01zeeon: sudo apt-get install ssh21:46
dwidmannjussi01: me too really21:46
crash_hates_timeI understand the general conventions for version numbers. But can anyone tell me why many of these packages have a verision of 4:3.x.x21:46
zeeonaah ok will try21:47
jussi01zeeon: then you can sftp into the machine21:47
mefisto__I'm using ftp.netspace.net.au and it's as fast as ever21:47
crwebcrash_hates_time: maybe because some of the development versions of apps for version 4 of kde were releases as 3.5.xx21:47
dwidmannzeeon: and seeing as sftp works with zero configuration ... you'll be good to go in the event you can manage to get the mirrors to let you download the package :)21:48
crwebcrash_hates_time: i'm not sure though21:48
dwidmannHmm, seems the uk mirror is doing a little better right now.21:49
dwidmannack, but it's not in sync with the others yet :(21:49
stdincrweb: the 4: part has nothing to do with kde421:51
BoingoOk, I added mediabuntu and updated, and still my k3b disables my cd/drd/rw drive.21:51
jussi01if its at all possible, you may want to leave the mirrors alone for a while - then there is less load and the people cureently using them will get their stuff faster, and they will be back up sooner.21:51
dwidmanncrweb: kdelibs4 = kde3, kdelibs5 = kde421:51
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crwebdwidmann: ok?21:51
MimiIs there a way to make gnome apps and other stuff like firefox not look like Poo under KDE?21:51
crwebdwidmann: the question was why some apps are  4:3.5.xx21:52
stdincrash_hates_time, crweb: it's called an epoch, it happens when a newer version is uploaded during development but needs to be reverted to an older one, the (any number): makes the lower version appear newer to dpkg21:52
crwebstdin: ah i see21:52
=== aluno is now known as jefbr
mistiipu a client on proxy can do anything like he is on his own dsl connection? until the server restricts something?21:52
stdinthe not-so-good thing is that, once it's added, it can never be removed21:52
jefbrnick name jeferson21:52
jefbrnick name now jeferson21:53
jefbrnickname now jeferson21:53
stdinjefbr: trying to change nicks?21:53
Mimi /nick jefferson21:53
jussi01jefbr: /nick newnickname21:53
Mimioops i cant spell :)21:53
=== jefbr is now known as jeferson
stdinthere you go :)21:53
Mimiyay a portuguese person :D21:53
* Mimi offers bresh baked feijoada21:54
dwidmannMimi: I acn't spele wlel eihter.21:54
crash_hates_timestdin: what is "it" and why can it never be removed?21:54
MimiAaaah how I missed the kubuntu crowd :)21:54
stdincrash_hates_time: <stdin>  it's called an epoch, it happens when a newer version is uploaded during development but needs to be reverted to an older one, the (any number): makes the lower version appear newer to dpkg21:55
stdinit can never be removed because then the version number of the new package would seem lower than the old package to dpkg21:55
crash_hates_timeI begin to miss the simplicity of a setup.exe21:56
eugen_ce zici ma?21:56
stdin!it | eugen_21:57
ubottueugen_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!21:57
stdincrash_hates_time: you don't need to understand the meaning of the version numbers, just as long as dpkg does ;)21:57
crash_hates_timestdin: lol that reminds me of the Apple philosophy. "Dont worry about the how and why. Just click."21:58
mefisto__Mimi: have you seen this page: http://konquefox.free.fr/21:58
stdincrash_hates_time: well I told you why, and all packagers need to know about it, but the general use doesn't "need" to know, unless they want to21:59
_sourcemakerwhich encryption method is more secure for instant messaging.. otr or pgp?22:00
crash_hates_timestdin: dont get me wrong. Im not bashing your input nor disregarding your answers. They are indeed helpful. Im just.. bah, Im bored and want someone to talk to :P22:00
stdincrash_hates_time: I didn't take it as an insult at all :)22:01
KennethPThanks to all you guys for a slim and perfect upgrade to Hardy. How do I test KDE4? Can't find the info on kubuntu.org22:02
Boohbahsudo apt-get install kubuntu-kde4-desktop22:03
dwidmannHmm, I wonder if the easynews mirror is up-to-date22:03
Mimimefisto__:  i havent, thanks, looks interesting; i was asking in general.. mmm looks though22:04
crash_hates_timedont you just download kde4 from the website22:04
KennethPBoohbah: Thanks, but thought that it was included in Hardy?22:04
Boohbahthere are a number of ways to install kde422:04
NickPrestacrash_hates_time, you use your package manager as much as you can. Very rarely does the average user need to compile something when the package is in the repo.22:05
dwidmanncrash_hates_time: what? and build kde4 from source? Only if you've got time and patience ...22:05
BoohbahKennethP: if you get the kde4 cd then it is22:05
BoingoDoes anyone have any other ideas as to why k3b is killing my burner?22:05
KennethPBoohbah: Ahhh - I just upgraded via Adept. I'll try installing via the packet manager then. Thanks.22:05
crash_hates_timeNickPresta, dwidmann: I have time. I have patience. I have an insatiable urge to break things until I understand how they work.22:06
mefisto__Mimi: do you have gtk-qt-engine installed? I think it's installed by default, but if not, installing that will help22:06
dwidmanncrash_hates_time: then LFS is for you!22:06
Boohbahkubuntu-kde4-8.04-desktop-i386.iso or kubuntu-kde4-8.04-desktop-amd64.iso22:06
dwidmannBoohbah: what processor do you have?22:07
ubottuLFS is linux from scratch www.linuxfromscratch.org; not to be confused with  LTS which is the long term support version of ubuntu (6.06 and 8.04)22:07
Mimimefisto__:  now thanks to you i do :D thanks!22:07
BoohbahSysinfo for 'booh-desktop': Linux 2.6.24-16-rt running KDE 3.5.9, CPU: AMDAthlonXP2600+ at 2088 MHz (4177 bogomips), , RAM: 1477/1509MB, 148 proc's, 1.17d up22:08
Boohbahdwidmann: why do you ask?22:09
dwidmann[17:06] <Boohbah> kubuntu-kde4-8.04-desktop-i386.iso or kubuntu-kde4-8.04-desktop-amd64.iso ---- lookslike a question22:09
Boohbahthat was for KennethP22:10
crash_hates_timedwidmann: No thanks to LFS. I'm a nerd, not a masocist.22:10
dwidmanncrash_hates_time: I was just kidding22:11
melkartdo i understand correctly that all packages in universe main multiverse and restricted should fit together, say, that there should be no package which depends on other packages which are not downloadable (because they are not in the repositories)?22:15
mefisto__melkart: sounds right to me22:17
dwidmannWow, the Argonne national labs mirror seems to be up to date and fast :)22:18
melkarthttp://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/libghc6-cabal-dev <-- this package depends on ghc6 (<< 6.6.1)22:18
melkartbut ghc6 (<< 6.6.1) is not in hardy's respository (was upgraded to a newer version)22:19
dwidmannaccording to the launchpad page they've got a 10Gbps link and they're up to date instead of lagging a week behind like all the other non-official mirrors ...22:19
* jabba_ grabs a +4/+4 vorpal sword of middle-management-beheading and sets out to fix problems22:19
melkarthttp://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/libghc6-hgl-dev <--- and this package caused some kind of inconsistency that i was unable to fix, neither by uninstalling nor by trying "apt-get -f install" repeatedly22:20
* dwidmann offers jabba a shovel and a black trash bag22:20
crash_hates_timeI know lspci gives me a hardware listing, but how I do determine what drivers are being used to control hardware deviceshttp://www.google.com/firefox?client=firefox-a&rls=com.ubuntu:en-US:official?22:22
dwidmanncrash_hates_time: you can get a list of loaded modules with lsmod22:22
dwidmanncrash_hates_time: might also be able to get some info from kinfocenter and/or kde-hal-device-manager22:23
crash_hates_timedoes Kubuntu auto-detect new hardware on boot? Will it try to autoload drivers for it?22:25
coreymon77crash_hates_time: what do you mean?22:25
mefisto__crash_hates_time: yes it does (I was asking that earlier)22:25
acemodoes kubuntu 8.04 uses inetd by default?22:26
coreymon77crash_hates_time: heres how it is22:26
* melkart finds that both his bugs are already reported22:27
crash_hates_timecoreymon77: I think that 8.04 has inbuilt support for my wireless device, so I killed the NDIS drivers. Now I just need to figure out how to (re?)install the original22:27
dwidmanncrash_hates_time: for the most part it can handle whatever you throw at it, exception being the video card.22:27
coreymon77crash_hates_time: if new hardware is connected to your computer, kubuntu should see it on boot, and install anything that is needed22:27
dwidmanncrash_hates_time: and to some extent monitors22:27
coreymon77crash_hates_time: the two exceptions to that rule are typically vid cards and wifi cards22:27
coreymon77crash_hates_time: as for the wifi card, i can help you with that22:28
coreymon77crash_hates_time: what card are we talking22:28
=== mone is now known as ]GaRu[
]GaRu[have a good night people!!!22:29
crash_hates_timecoreymon77: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10817/22:29
coreymon77oooh, hehehe, this is a fun card **rolls eyes sarcastically***22:30
crash_hates_timecoreymon77: so I hear.22:31
coreymon77crash_hates_time: sorry, free driver is borked, you gotta use ndis22:31
crash_hates_timeknew it was broken in 7, was hoping 8 had fixed it22:31
coreymon77ubuntu_: hey there22:32
coreymon77crash_hates_time: sorry, i hate telling people they have to use ndis as much as you hate hearing it22:33
coreymon77crash_hates_time: but sadly, you have a crap wifi card :P22:33
_sourcemakeris there a release date for the next stable kde 4.1 release?22:33
crash_hates_timeeh, it was free. Cant complain.22:33
coreymon77_sourcemaker: there hasnt been a stable 4.1 release22:34
acemo_sourcemaker: http://techbase.kde.org/index.php?title=Schedules/KDE4/4.1_Release_Schedule see here for a release schedule for kde 4.122:34
dwidmann_sourcemaker: the stable 4.1 release will *probably* be in late july22:34
_sourcemakerdwidmann: ok thanks22:35
_sourcemakerdwidmann: will this release be really stable or a "fake stable" release like 4.0 :-) ?22:35
dwidmann_sourcemaker: 4.1 is the one that was actually intended for users as far as I've heared22:36
_sourcemakerdwidmann: great22:36
acemo_sourcemaker: kde 4.0 was never ment for the end users, it was only a release for developers to get bussy, 4.1 is supposed to be for the end users.22:36
Gibby69hi all, how do i alter my log on screen size and position22:37
=== stephen_ is now known as techbw
techbwhey! all.22:38
techbwanyone know of any good free front end for freeradius, anything similar to radiusmanager, but free22:38
acemohey techbw22:38
coreymon77techbw: and what exactly is freeradius exactly?22:39
techbwfreeradius is a radius server, used to authenticate clients when connecting to a hotspot or xdsl type pppoe connection22:40
techbwsmall - large Wireless internet service providers are known to use free radius in conjunction with radius manager.22:41
techbwSo basicall I want to use a similar system for myself and friends, and I can monitor the network, so that I know who is using all the bandwidth, and limit the users that over use the system22:42
coreymon77ah, in other words, proprietary software used to connect to peoples networks22:42
techbwno freeradius is free, there is a free front end, but don't like it, and don't really understand it...radiusmanager is much better, but not free22:42
ubottuwesley: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:43
techbwnot to connecto to peoples networks, it is used to make sure that only people authorised to connect to network can actually connect22:43
=== paolo is now known as faLUCE
wesleyhow can i remove all kubuntu-restricted-extras ?22:43
techbwlike your router dials into your service provider, they authenticate your connection with a radius server22:43
joseexiste alguna aplicacion como genome-art para kubuntu22:44
acemo!se jose22:44
ubottuFactoid se jose not found22:44
acemo!se | jose22:45
ubottujose: Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du pa #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se22:45
acemo!es | jose22:45
ubottujose: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.22:45
Simonftim on kubuntu and trying to install raptormenu, and I installed qtmake, but when I do cmake ../ it says CMake Error: Qt qmake not found!22:48
dwidmannSimonft: must be some exported variable or something you can set to force it to look where it actually ist22:51
Simonftdwidmann: im not sure how to do that.22:51
dwidmannSimonft: it would be something like export SOMEVAR=something ..... maybe something like export MAKE=/usr/bin/qmake  would work22:52
crash_hates_timedoes lspci query USB devices?22:52
dwidmannhard to say22:52
dwidmanncrash_hates_time: try lsusb22:52
eddieftwcrash_hates_time: no22:52
eddieftwlsusb is the right one22:52
holyguyver& once again I turn to Kubuntu whenever xubuntu & ubuntu  fail to notice my question22:53
holyguyverWhen I try to use Synaptic I get this message Failed to run /usr/sbin/synaptic as user root.Unable to copy the user's Xauthorization file.22:53
dwidmannholyguyver: try running "sudo chown -R $USER:$USER $HOME"22:54
dwidmannholyguyver: then run "gksu /usr/sbin/synaptic"22:55
crash_hates_timelsusb was less than illuminating22:56
dwidmanncrash_hates_time: what were you looking for it to show you?22:56
crash_hates_timefound a USB wireless card I want to play with22:56
crash_hates_timeNo idea about the chipset or other info on it tho22:56
dwidmanncrash_hates_time: some other useful things are lshw (shows all sorts of things), kde-hal-device-manager, and kinfocenter22:56
crash_hates_timeI was hoping LSPCI could help me out in that regard22:56
=== flea is now known as fkeaz
coreymon77crash_hates_time: if we dont know the chipset or anything about the card, i cant help you22:57
crash_hates_timecoreymon77: I was hoping lspci would tell me. lshw looks like it might show me something tho22:58
crash_hates_timeI shall report back in a few moment22:58
dwidmanncrash_hates_time: if it's usb, try unplugging it, replugging it, and looking at the output of dmesg | tail22:58
Simonfthow do I find my install path for qt?22:58
holyguyverdwidmann: I think it is that I don't have enough space on my harddrive for synaptic to activate because in activation it uses up a few bytes that I do not havew left on my harddrive22:59
coteyrneed some app advise I am looking for a colabritive app that will let me both host and join meeting between windows/linux/mac22:59
coteyrany suggestions22:59
eddieftwcoteyr: try ....22:59
eddieftwone sec22:59
coteyrclients my be on anyside of multipul firewalls22:59
holyguyverdwidmann : I say this because when I tried what you said, it said that I did not have enough space on my harddrive22:59
dwidmannholyguyver: try running sudo apt-get autoclean23:00
eddieftwah dwidmann you beat me to the command23:00
dwidmannholyguyver: that will free up a significant amount of space if you have a lot of packages cached23:00
holyguyverThank you :)23:01
dwidmanneddieftw: :)23:02
crash_hates_timedwidmann, coreymon77: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10823/23:02
crash_hates_timedoes that tell you anything useful?23:02
eddieftwcoteyr: try gooby23:03
dwidmanncrash_hates_time: tells me that it's seeing the USB device, and not really doing anything with it.23:03
coteyreddieftw\; ok looking at gooby23:03
coreymon77crash_hates_time: not a thing23:03
coreymon77crash_hates_time: lspci says nothing?23:03
holyguyverdwidmann after doing that it still says that I have 0mbs free23:04
dwidmanncrash_hates_time: maybe cat /var/log/dmesg.0 |tail23:04
dwidmannholyguyver: that's not good.23:04
dwidmannholyguyver: "df -h /" tells you this?23:04
holyguyverdwidmann well I only have a 4GB harddrive23:05
Simonf1Which cd should i use to install on a Powerbook G423:05
coteyreddieftw; duon't suppose you have a link? This gooby and my recent googleage = google => rails api23:05
eddieftwsorry, it gobby23:05
dwidmannholyguyver: poor you ... you definitely need to upgrade ..... the bare min recommended for ubuntu desktop is 2GB23:05
crash_hates_timedwidmann: that command produced results, but nothing about USB23:05
eddieftwnot gooby23:05
crash_hates_timesuppose I'll break down and google it23:05
dwidmanncrash_hates_time: I was just checking that dmesg log hadn't gotten full and started a new file23:06
coreymon77holyguyver: wow, only 4gb, when is this computer from, the stone age? :p23:06
holyguyverWell see at least I have 2 more then what is needed :p23:06
Simonf1Which cd should i use to install on a Powerbook G4?23:06
holyguyvercoreymon77 it is a 1998 Gateway23:06
dwidmannholyguyver: yes, but that doesn't leave any room for any package cache at all, user files, etc23:06
dwidmannholyguyver: well, 2 gb worth, that's it23:07
coreymon77holyguyver: i think its time for a new computer23:07
dwidmannholyguyver: you could probably pick up a 250GB for $7523:07
jabba_Simonf1: the one that says "tiger" :)23:07
holyguyverdwidmann I don't have that much money23:07
Simonf1jabba_: ha ha23:07
acemodwidmann: his computer probably wont be able to handle that big of a hard disk23:07
jabba_Simonf1: didn't ppc support get dropped with hardy?23:08
eddieftwSimonf1: i think the powerbook is ppc23:08
dwidmannacemo: come to think of it, you're probably right.23:08
eddieftwsearch ubuntu ppc installs23:08
jabba_if not, i'd suggest using the kubuntu 8.04 (non-kde4) disc23:08
Simonf1jabba_: im not sure, did it?23:08
jabba_Simonf1: use the web, luke23:08
eddieftwim not sure about the current ubuntu ppc support, so i went with straight debian on that one23:08
holyguyverdwidmann & I have 90mb ram23:08
jabba_well, then.23:09
dwidmannholyguyver: I would pull my hair out if I had to use that computer.23:09
coteyreddieftw; ok that seems intresting. Was looking for more of a desktop sharing thing but that is intresting. I think it might actually work better23:09
crash_hates_timeis prism54 a wifi chipset?23:09
holyguyverdwidmann been using it since 1998 :)23:09
dwidmannUbuntu probably *barely* runs with 90MB of RAM23:09
holyguyverdwidmann it does barely run :p23:10
jabba_holyguyver: you're using kde and not xfce?23:10
techbweither prisim II 2.5 or 323:10
holyguyverI am using xfce23:10
dwidmannholyguyver: with a computer that old I think I'd consider some other distro like, iono, dsl23:10
jabba_holyguyver: i ran xfce on solaris 9 on a sparc 4 for quite a while23:10
crash_hates_timehm. back to searching  then23:10
jabba_holyguyver: with 96mb of ram and 9gb of disk :)23:10
holyguyverdwidmann when I first came in here I said that I was using xfce, but that the kubuntu room is better at answering questions23:11
techbwi am running a 300mhz pc with 390mb ram.. with kubuntu 7.10 and it runs like a charm23:11
dwidmannholyguyver: I noticed that :)23:11
techbwno problems, only problem is that open office takes forever to open23:11
=== Soccer5555 is now known as Airforce5555
dwidmannQuite the compliment to this room as a whole23:11
holyguyverI am sorry I meant jabba23:11
dwidmannjabba_: any relation to the hut family?23:12
acemotechbw: office packets are log.. i prefer plain text files, or if it needs to be formatted LaTeX :)23:12
jabba_holyguyver: i'm hardly the kubuntu police :) got a mb air here, hp running vista/xpsp3, an hp running kubuntu/kde4, and a linux mpi cluster :)23:12
techbwi don't use office much so it doesn't really bother me...this pc is only for browsing.23:12
techbwhave other better pc's for other uses.23:13
techbwanyone out there with experience in radius servers?23:13
dwidmanntechbw: koffice would likely run *much* better than OOo23:13
acemotechbw: half my school switched from MS office/OpenOffice.org to LaTeX :)23:13
holyguyverjabba well as said I am 1998 Gateway 4GB HHD 90MB ram running Xubuntu :p23:13
holyguyverIt barely runs Xubuntu as it is :p23:13
techbwwill give it a try, don't think it comes pre-loaded with default install of kubuntu 7.10, have not had time to configure this pc...as the only time I use it is for brosing23:14
acemoholyguyver: U might want to try kde2? seems to run pretty fast on my friends laptop wich is 30Mhz 4MB ram :p23:14
jabba_techbw: i run radius here23:15
techbwso it should also run perfectly on a P1 with 133cpu and 64mb ram...have a couple of those that I can fix up and donate to some under privilaged kids23:15
holyguyverdwidmann acemo jabba , anyway I did an apt-get autoremove & went from 0mb free to 200 mbs free, so I am doing much better now :p the whole reason I wanted to open synaptic was/is to remove some progreams I do not need :p23:15
techbwjabba...you using freeradius?23:15
crash_hates_timedear lord I cannot get an authoritive answer on the chipset for this beasty23:16
jabba_techbw: not hardly :)23:16
jabba_techbw: sorry, we use some cisco horror23:16
jabba_crash_hates_time: what is the authoritative question?23:16
techbwwas looking for some info on a good web frontend to manage free radius...that does not cost 99$23:16
jabba_techbw: sorry, we use the cisco stuff. have to have radius for all the voip stuff and the ironport.23:17
techbwradiusmanager is cool, but costs an arm and a leg, and I just want to manage 3-10 users that share my home connection23:17
crash_hates_timejabba_: What chipset is used in a wli2-usb2-g54 Buffalo Wireless USB device23:17
crash_hates_timejabba_: For the record, I am googling :)23:17
techbwsounds like an atheros card. if i am correct23:18
techbwI know our 54g cards are atheros.23:18
techbwbut mini pci23:18
tales_2010I'm trying to install new programs using adept installer.. but it gives an error saying that it can't download programs now because other program is already using the lock.. but there's no other program using it23:18
jabba_yeah it looks like atheros.23:18
jabba_crash_hates_time: http://totallydrivers.com/device.php?id=45666&show_devs=a23:19
NickPresta!aptfix | tales_201023:19
ubottutales_2010: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »23:19
coteyreddieftw; sorry for that x died23:19
coteyri have an odd problem with kopete23:19
coteyrthat i havn't figured out yet23:20
coteyrgobby looks greate for the most part23:20
coteyrstill guinie pigging a few co workers23:20
crash_hates_timejabba_: I think I may hate you now. Ive been searching for almost 30m to an answer for that :)23:20
crash_hates_timeSo, knowing that its an atheros chipset... how the *bleep* do I make it go!?!23:20
techbwi should work upton plugging in....23:21
jabba_crash_hates_time: the google-fu is strong with this one :)23:21
techbwissue ifconfig in terminal it should show up as ath023:21
jabba_crash_hates_time: does "sudo dpkg -l '*atheros*'" return anything?23:21
DarkriftXwhere do i put fonts at when i download them?23:22
techbwcrash_hates_time: have you checked to see if it shows up when you do ifconfig it should come up as ath023:23
crash_hates_timejabba_: No packages found matching *atheros*.23:23
jabba_crash_hates_time: and it doesn't Just Work?23:23
crash_hates_timetechbw: Nothing but eth0 and lo23:23
jabba_is eth0 a hard interface?23:23
techbwlsusb....does it show up there23:23
crash_hates_timejabba_: correct. Plugged it in, and ifconfig didnt pick it up23:23
crash_hates_timejabba: Yes, eth0 is a hardwire.23:24
tales_2010NickPresta: what if that does not work?23:24
jabba_crash_hates_time: what does var/log/messages have to say about it?23:24
crash_hates_timeI dont suppose it matters that I havent rebooted or anything?23:24
sirmike1970mdhi all  does anybody use samba to connect windows to kubuntu23:24
jabba_crash_hates_time: it's not windows :)23:24
jabba_sirmike1970md: uh, yes.23:24
sirmike1970mddo you know how to configure it so that "k" can access windows23:25
crash_hates_timejabba_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10827/23:25
tales_2010I'm trying to install new programs using adept installer.. but it gives an error saying that it can't download programs now because other program is already using the lock.. but there's no other program using it.. and I've already tried the comand reconfigure dpkg23:26
crash_hates_timetales_2010: running as root?23:26
eddieftw!aptlock | tales_201023:26
ubottutales_2010: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »23:26
weswh-off topic...i have a RAID controller (ATA100). the cables i have are light blue on one side, black on the other. which color should the drive be connected to?23:26
jabba_crash_hates_time: (tail -35 /var/log/messages ; no cat required)23:26
tales_2010eddieftw: nope.. that didn't solve my problem23:27
crash_hates_time... did you just tell me to kill my cat? (j/k) :)23:27
crash_hates_timeweswh-: doesnt matter. either will work23:27
jabba_crash_hates_time: it looks like it saw the device, and identified it sorta correctly. does lsmod show you using the driver?23:27
tales_2010crash_hates_time: yes.. runnin as root23:29
jabba_crash_hates_time: i'm not sure where to go with this, i've never used a usb ethernet adapter.23:29
crash_hates_timejabba_: Im still learning the OS. I dont SEE anything that relates to atheros or wireless. but here is the paste23:29
jabba_it looks like the kernel did the right thing with the usb device23:29
crash_hates_timedo I have to manually install the atheros driver?23:30
techbwthe atheros chipset usb adapters i have used , plug and play, never had any problems....have u tested the card on another pc23:30
jabba_techbw: i think the problem is it's usb23:30
crash_hates_timetechbw: works like a charm on a windows box23:30
techbwi have used usb atheros card on my systems, and also never had any problems23:31
=== Creationist is now known as McRib
crash_hates_timebear in mind, Im not %100 that its an atheros. Im basing that information on jabba's input23:31
techbwwierd that my default install has no problems picking it up23:31
techbwjust going to search google with the details above to make sure it is atheros23:31
jabba_crash_hates_time: I'm near 100% sure it's an atheros if you identified it correctly to us.23:32
jabba_gr, this user has a better video card in their laptop than i have in my desktop :(23:32
techbwcan't find it in all the above text send through details again...23:32
crash_hates_timeIm gonna stick it back in the windows box for a minute. I have a great utility that will directly query the device for its info23:32
jabba_techbw: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=wli2-usb2-g54+wireless+atheros&btnG=Search23:33
geniusHi, audacious takes longer to start than firefox in hardy. anybody else with this problem?23:33
techbwlooks like u not the only one having problems with that particular card23:34
billydI got an  interesting problem - seems I screwed up upgrade to Hardy from gutsy and have a hy-brid system.  Hope I can straighten it out.23:35
bmk789billyd: just run "sudo aptitude dist-upgrade" again and that should fix it23:36
techbwseems to have ra link chipset. from what i gather so far only way is to use ndis wrapper23:36
techbwand even then the device is not working 100% with ndis wrapper driver23:37
billydI was using Adept and switched to apt-get23:37
coteyreddieftw; hmm gobby doen't seem to offer desktop sharing23:37
coteyreddieftw; I still like it but I have to admit that, specially with visual things were gonna need some desktop sharing23:38
dirtyhipsterIs it possibly to access files from my windows partition?23:39
billydSo far I've had to cope with a very slow system at LogOn Cafe on Monday and stopped in mid download.  Went back this morning after I was told system was fixed and fought what turned out to be kaput LAN card.23:39
techbwcrash_hates_time: did u rad the last messages23:39
ubottuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Kubuntu, go to System Settings -> Advanced Tab -> Disks & Filesystem. See also !fstab and !DiskMounter23:39
crash_hates_timetech, no sorry. didnt see it highlighted red. Lemme scroll back up23:39
tales_2010!mount | dirtyhipster23:39
ubottudirtyhipster: please see above23:39
techbwlooks like u not the only one having problems with that particular card23:40
techbwseems to have ra link chipset. from what i gather so far only way is to use ndis wrapper23:40
billydIf I can get my serve  increased from 128K to 512K for a fixed period of time - 1 week to a month or less. I may try from here23:40
techbwand even then the device is not working 100% with ndis wrapper driver23:40
crash_hates_timetechbw: can you provide source for that information?23:40
techbwcrash_hates_time: does not look like anyone has gotten the card to work on linux23:41
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crash_hates_timeI have 10,000 wireless cards, and not one of them run natively under linux23:42
techbwbest is to get a prism II or an atheros based cards, they are truely plug and play...have not had problems with either23:42
coreymon77crash_hates_time: lappy or desktop?23:42
coreymon77well get atheros23:43
billydBack later23:43
coreymon77i got an atheros card for my desktop box, best card ive ever owned23:43
crash_hates_timelol, Im trying to avoid spending money. I'd like to use the hardware I have laying around23:43
techbwprism II cards are good performing cards, only problem they only go upto 11mbit23:43
dwidmannWow, that was odd, my internet disappeared for a half hour, but it seems to have been a major firmware upgrade ... my satellite signal strength is up by 20% :O23:43
techbwatheros are all round cards, great performance, and great compatability on both windows and linux23:44
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crash_hates_timeok hang on23:44
crash_hates_timeI just grabbed the windows drivers from the manufacturer23:44
techbwcan't help there...have no experience in using ndis wrapper....any one else want to jump in here!23:45
crash_hates_timeand the driver files say "prisma02.cat / .sys"23:45
crash_hates_timethat means its a prism card, yes?23:45
techbwi will follow and learn in the process23:45
crash_hates_timeoh, I can handle the ndiswrapper. thats not a problem.23:45
crash_hates_timeI want native functionality tho, not windows ghetto-rigging23:46
jabba_heh, ghetto-rigging23:46
techbwif it is prism it might be prism 2.5 or 3 and both are not really supported on linux i think.,..not sure never used them ...but i am sure i read that somewhere a while back when i was shopping for new cards23:46
crash_hates_timeas much as i love the idea behind ndiswrapper, in the end-run, its a workaround and not an actual solution23:46
jabba_crash_hates_time: patches welcome :)23:47
Enrico_May I kindly ask a question? I installed Kubuntu 8.04 KDE4. I want to upgrade KDE to 4.0.4, and I added the Backports in the repositories. Full Upgrade -> nothing changes, still 4.0.3. Can you help?23:47
crash_hates_timejabba_: I am MUCH more efficient with whining :)23:47
dwidmannEnrico_: do dpkg --list kdelibs523:47
stdinEnrico_: just wait for the packages to reach your mirror then23:47
dwidmannit should list 4.0.4 there ... but I think the apps lie andd say you're still using 4.0.323:47
coreymon77crash_hates_time: this is also one of the cheapest cards ive ever owned :P23:48
techbwcrash_hates_time: anyways good luck...have to go now, will check back ... and see how far u got23:48
crash_hates_timehave fun tech23:48
crash_hates_timeso, I guess now I need to identify what KIND of prism chipset I have.23:48
Enrico_Thanks a lot to dwidmann, stdin!!! I'll do it23:48
plessoI'm just trying the the Kubuntu Live CD - this is certainly very different from Fedora - the only other distro I've tried so far. So different it's hard to compare.23:49
dwidmannEnrico_: I've had luck with this mirror: http://mirror.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu/ -- very fast and up to date23:49
stdinEnrico_: if you really want it now, you can try switching to the main http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu repo, but it'll probably be a bit slow23:49
stdinEnrico_: or do what dwidmann says ;)23:49
Enrico_I did it: kdelibs5       4:4.0.4-0ubunt23:49
jabba_crash_hates_time: i wish i had something better than a snarky reply. i've just never worked with the stuff you're stuck with.23:50
dwidmannEnrico_: see, the apps must be lying :O23:50
crash_hates_timejabba_: No worries man. I geniunely appreciate the assistance.23:50
Enrico_thanks! so I suppost apps are lying ("Konsole - version 2.0. Using KDE 4.0.3")23:51
dwidmannpresumably a very small bug but a bug nonetheless ... I hope.23:51
naught102hi. Amarok is reporting that it can't play mp3s, even though it does play some, and even though libxine-ffmpeg is installed23:51
naught102anyone know why that might be?23:51
tsbWhere do I disable tracker? It seems to be going haywire all the time23:52
dwidmannnaught102: does it play everything else?23:52
tsb(not just kill it - on a system level)23:52
tsbI am unable to find it in init.d or in system services (kcontrol)23:52
Enrico_thanks everybocy 4 the help, and cheers from Italy23:53
naught102dwidmann: yeah, pretty much. it just fails on a couple of mp3s, then plays other mp3s after I tell it to shut up.23:53
dwidmannnaught102: weird, try moving your ~/.xine folder and restart amarok and see if it behaves then, if not, try moving ~/.kde/share/apps/amarok and ~/.kde/share/config/amarokrc and restarting amarok again and see if it continues to complain23:55
PovAddictI just managed to get the kernel to recognize my Palm Zire 3123:55
PovAddictand KPilot segfaulted23:55
naught102ok, thanks dwidmann, removing xine config worked, but I have a broken mp3 :)23:57
naught102anyone know where the kde keymappings are stored? my dell laptop volume buttons don't return a keysymbol in kde3, but they do in kde423:58

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