=== jjesse_ is now known as jjesse | ||
yuriy | the upgrade to 4.0.4 seems to have made things quite a bit more buggy | 02:05 |
JontheEchidna | regressions by my count are: bug 227932, bug 227919, bug 227914, and bug 227904 | 02:08 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 227932 in ktorrent-kde4 "Ktorrent-kde4 crashes after shutdown of closing" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/227932 | 02:08 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 227919 in kdebase-kde4 "[Konqueror 4.0.4, regression] Widgets inside webpages render incorrectly" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/227919 | 02:08 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 227914 in kdebase-kde4 "buttons missing in konqueror kde4" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/227914 | 02:08 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 227904 in kdebase-workspace "KDE4 login screen is missing background (regression: 4.0.4)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/227904 | 02:08 |
JontheEchidna | oh, 227909, not 227914 | 02:09 |
yuriy | i'm getting funky behavior with konqueror toolbars, pidgin froze and firefox won't launch (don't know if those are related), some systray icons have artifacts | 02:09 |
JontheEchidna | Pidgin and firefox work fine here, but everything else seems to fit in line with the above bug reports | 02:10 |
yuriy | alt+f2 doesn't work (already ran kded4 manually) | 02:10 |
yuriy | lock screen and switch user dont' work | 02:10 |
* JontheEchidna can run alt+f2 fine | 02:10 | |
JontheEchidna | and switch user/lock screen | 02:10 |
JontheEchidna | Is krunner running? | 02:10 |
yuriy | ooh more upgrades.. maybe i just didn't get everything because of mirror lag | 02:11 |
JontheEchidna | maybe | 02:11 |
yuriy | mit didn't have it at all so i switched to us | 02:11 |
JontheEchidna | us archive is being sloooow for the past few days | 02:12 |
JontheEchidna | de had mirror lag this morning so I switched back to us | 02:12 |
=== rdieter is now known as rdieter_afk | ||
yuriy | ok upgrading seems to have fixed some of the problems | 02:30 |
JontheEchidna | Right about now I'm thinking "I'm glad I'm not using Konqueror right about now" | 02:43 |
JontheEchidna | I'm guessing that we're running into all of these regressions because the devs aren't using a 4.0.x environment | 02:47 |
JontheEchidna | nighty-night | 03:29 |
=== rdieter is now known as rdieter_afk | ||
Tm_T | from where do you get your unsermake in Hardy? | 06:06 |
nixternal | Tm_T: what needs unsermake? | 07:01 |
nixternal | iirc unsermake was removed a release or 2 back | 07:01 |
Tm_T | nixternal: KDE3 does use it on build, right? | 07:05 |
Tm_T | atleast I do with it | 07:06 |
nixternal | it shouldn't be using it..I thought we removed anything related to unsermake a while back | 07:07 |
Tm_T | well upstream didn't? | 07:07 |
* Tm_T is building svn | 07:07 | |
nixternal | kde 4 svn? | 07:08 |
Tm_T | kde3 svn | 07:08 |
nixternal | you can use the autotools for it | 07:08 |
Tm_T | kde4 is later today | 07:08 |
nixternal | you don't unsermake for it | 07:08 |
Tm_T | nixternal: I can, but unsermake works better, IIRC | 07:08 |
nixternal | don't need* | 07:08 |
Tm_T | indeed it does work better with it | 07:10 |
nixternal | http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/u/unsermake/ | 07:11 |
nixternal | thought we dropped it..it has been gone since Dapper | 07:11 |
nixternal | I remember doing some conversions back then | 07:11 |
nixternal | iirc it was in the kdeonbeta stuff | 07:11 |
Tm_T | yeh, I grabbed unsermake from gutsy (it was there without proper dependencies) | 07:11 |
nixternal | ya, we use autotools for kde3 building | 07:13 |
Tm_T | I didn't even notice that | 07:14 |
* Tm_T shames | 07:14 | |
* apachelogger shames for using autotools | 07:16 | |
nixternal | what would you use then for KDE 3 building? | 07:17 |
nixternal | surely not unsermake | 07:17 |
Tm_T | nixternal: why not? | 07:28 |
nixternal | from what I remember of it, besides it being unmaintained and archaic, it was a pita at times | 07:29 |
Tm_T | hmm, interesting | 07:32 |
=== hunger_t is now known as hunger | ||
Nightrose | yuriy: i have artifacts in the systray as well | 08:28 |
nixternal | you have to nix your plasma configs for that Nightrose | 08:36 |
nixternal | plasmarc you might be fine keeping, but it is the other plasma config in there | 08:36 |
Nightrose | hmm ok will try later | 08:37 |
Nightrose | thanks | 08:37 |
Nightrose | nixternal: meh that is the one with all my applets? | 08:38 |
Nightrose | i would hate to nix that | 08:38 |
Nightrose | you don't happen to know a less intrusive way? ;-) | 08:38 |
nixternal | ya | 08:38 |
nixternal | nope | 08:38 |
Nightrose | :/ | 08:39 |
Nightrose | ok | 08:39 |
nixternal | ya to the one with all of the applets and nope to a less intrusive way | 08:39 |
Nightrose | ;-) | 08:39 |
* nixternal beds | 08:44 | |
nixternal | g'nite | 08:44 |
Nightrose | k'nite | 08:45 |
ligemeget | night? I'm in school! | 09:01 |
Nightrose | hmmm nixternal that didn't help :( | 09:08 |
Nightrose | was still messed up after deleting plasma-appletsrc so i restored my old one | 09:08 |
Nightrose | https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/extragear-plasma/+bug/228123 <- if someone feels like looking into it... | 09:28 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 228123 in extragear-plasma "[regression KDE 4.0.4] painting problems with icons in system tray" [Undecided,New] | 09:28 |
Nightrose | hmm and my kopete crashes when i close a message window... | 09:28 |
Nightrose | cananyone reproduce that? | 09:29 |
Riddell | Arby: yes kdevelop should be merged, the kde 4 version is a long way off I believe | 11:16 |
Riddell | stdin: uploaded a debdiff for kde4libs/qt4.4 where? | 11:17 |
Riddell | stdin: got it, thanks | 11:19 |
Nightrose | Riddell: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kopete/+bug/228129 | 11:20 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 228129 in kopete "[regression KDE 4.0.4] Kopete crashes when closing message window" [Medium,Confirmed] | 11:21 |
Nightrose | kopete is the b0rked :( | 11:21 |
Riddell | jdavies: replace the kde 3 version | 11:21 |
\sh | Nightrose, it's since the beginning of kopete ,) | 11:23 |
Nightrose | :P | 11:23 |
Nightrose | well it always worked pretty nicely for me... | 11:23 |
\sh | Nightrose, never for me properly...regarding xmpp things... | 11:25 |
Nightrose | :/ | 11:25 |
Riddell | Nightrose: tried asking upstream? | 11:26 |
Nightrose | Riddell: not yet - will do | 11:26 |
Nightrose | Riddell: upstream is on it - will keep you posted | 11:51 |
Riddell | groovy | 11:56 |
jdavies | vorian: "replace the kde 3 version" | 12:18 |
Riddell | _Sime: what's the current state of pykde in kdebindings like? good to package? | 12:27 |
awen_ | Riddell: i simply can't get g-p-m for kde4 to compile ... finally got my intrepid pbuilder up and running, but still no luck; neither using cmake directly or using the rules-file from kdebase-kde4 as a base | 12:34 |
Riddell | awen_: when happens when you run cmake? | 12:35 |
awen_ | Riddell: still get the same error: Unknown CMake command "macro_optional_find_package" ... and has simply no idea how to make it go away | 12:36 |
Riddell | awen_: oh, are you trying to compile just g-p-m? | 12:37 |
Riddell | awen_: you need to compile kdereview | 12:37 |
Riddell | svn checkout -N svn+ssh://jriddell@svn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk/kdereview | 12:37 |
Riddell | cd kdereview | 12:38 |
Riddell | svn update guidance-power-manager | 12:38 |
Riddell | mkdir build | 12:38 |
Riddell | cd build | 12:38 |
awen_ | Riddell: uh ... then no wonder everything fails | 12:38 |
Riddell | cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/lib/kde4 .. | 12:38 |
Riddell | make | 12:38 |
Riddell | sudo make install | 12:38 |
awen_ | at least that gave me another error ... thanks a lot | 12:47 |
Riddell | awen_: what's the error? | 12:51 |
awen_ | it's compiling one of the plasma applets, that errors out on me (probably misses some dependencies) ... is is possible to tell cmake to only compile g-p-m? | 12:54 |
apachelogger | awen_: that is what Riddell told you | 12:54 |
apachelogger | -N will checkout non-recoursive | 12:54 |
apachelogger | svn update will get g-d-m | 12:54 |
apachelogger | then you create a build subdir in _kdereview_ | 12:55 |
apachelogger | which then will only build g-d-m | 12:55 |
larsivi | Tried to upgrade to 8.04, but got this http://tango.pastebin.com/m678be80a - konq wouldn't start at "report bug" - tried twice | 12:56 |
awen_ | apachelogger: oh ... didn't see the -N | 12:56 |
jtechidna | larsivi: That means that the server is down/insanely slow | 12:57 |
jtechidna | You can try changing mirrors | 12:57 |
jtechidna | Adept-> Manage repositories | 12:57 |
jtechidna | Then on the first tab There should be a "Download from:" option | 12:59 |
jtechidna | Hit "Other" in the combobox | 12:59 |
jtechidna | and select a different server, like the german one | 13:00 |
Nightrose | Riddell: fix for the kopete crash: http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=161769 | 13:03 |
ubottu | KDE bug 161769 in general "kopete causes a sigserv when closing chat window" [Crash,Resolved: fixed] | 13:03 |
Nightrose | that was fast... | 13:03 |
larsivi | jtechidna: hmm, same happens with de.archive.ubuntu - could this be a firewall problem? is non-standard ports used anywhere in the process? | 13:10 |
jtechidna | It's standard http, so probably not... | 13:10 |
jtechidna | Sure the internet connection is ok on your end? | 13:10 |
jtechidna | oh, well I suppose it must be ok if we're talking on an internet chat | 13:11 |
* jtechidna is tired | 13:11 | |
apachelogger | +1 | 13:11 |
larsivi | jtechidna: 'k - thanks, will try again at home | 13:13 |
mhb | afternoon | 13:41 |
Riddell | hi mhb | 13:42 |
Riddell | sladen here was muttering about borrowing some floor space in prague during UDS | 13:42 |
mhb | I don't understand | 13:45 |
mhb | do you need something from me? | 13:46 |
Riddell | mhb: you have floor space in prague? | 13:46 |
mhb | floor space as in? | 13:47 |
mhb | no warehouse | 13:47 |
Riddell | mhb: somewhere to sleep | 13:47 |
mhb | ah right, a spare bed I do have | 13:48 |
Hobbsee | sladen would probably take teh floor, quite happily. | 13:58 |
Hobbsee | mhb: although, be wary of sladen and fridges, and such. | 13:58 |
seele | Riddell: are there desktop meetings from now to UDS? | 13:59 |
Riddell | seele: there's one about to start | 13:59 |
Riddell | won't be next week, or at least I'll be on a train | 14:00 |
mhb | if he's fine with sleeping on the edge of town in a big family house, it's ok | 14:08 |
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna | ||
seele | when you update a kernel, is adept supposed to tell you to reboot? (i think i might have asked this question before..) | 14:31 |
Riddell | seele: yes, it should popup an icon in the system tray | 14:34 |
seele | hmm.. i wonder what i did to break that (and it it has happened to anyone else) | 14:38 |
Riddell | seele: do you have adept_notifier running? | 14:38 |
seele | i thought maybe i missed it, but there have been two kernel updates this week and there were no reboot suggestions | 14:38 |
seele | yeah | 14:38 |
Riddell | seele: do you have /var/run/reboot-required and /var/lib/update-notifier/dpkg-run-stamp ? | 14:40 |
seele | nope | 14:40 |
seele | how long have those been around? i've been doing updates since feisty | 14:41 |
Riddell | those files would be installed by the updated linux package if it thought a reboot was required | 14:41 |
seele | oh, i do have dpkg-run-stamp, just not reboot-required | 14:41 |
Riddell | possibly one isn't? | 14:41 |
seele | maybe, i dunno. maybe it was a different problem | 14:42 |
seele | after both updates this week, something ate 100% of memory and swap | 14:42 |
seele | and i noticed both updates were kernel updates | 14:42 |
seele | maybe they were just really big and something else did it | 14:43 |
seele | i dont care if it's just my goofy computer, but it would suck if a lot of users had this problem | 14:43 |
seele | because they will blame hardy for being slow instead of some other problem | 14:43 |
Riddell | not using firefox are you? | 14:44 |
seele | nope, that's what i originally thought the problem was but i didn't use it between the first and second update | 14:44 |
seele | man.. being nontechnical is pretty useless | 14:46 |
seele | i have no idea how to figure out if its just my own dumb fault or if there's something wonky going on | 14:47 |
Riddell | seele: no update should start eating 100% of memory and swap | 14:52 |
Riddell | (occationally they should stop it though) | 14:52 |
Riddell | seele: how do you know they ate 100% of memory and swap? | 14:52 |
seele | i looked at the memory graph in kinfocenter | 14:54 |
seele | with my normal stuff running (kopete, konsole, kontact, 2-3 open office docs, konq) i'm using about 50-70% total memory (no swap) | 14:55 |
seele | after i did the update this morning.. stuff started running slow again and the graphs said physical and swap were 100% used | 14:55 |
Nightrose | re from shopping | 15:38 |
Nightrose | Riddell: is anyone looking into the dos problem of kopete? | 15:39 |
Nightrose | i am pondering taking care of the tab problem | 15:39 |
Riddell | Nightrose: not currently, feel free to make debdiffs and test | 15:40 |
Nightrose | ok will give it a try | 15:40 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: when will you be available today? | 15:50 |
seele | Artemis_Fowl: in about 10-15 minutes as long as my phone call doesn't run over | 15:52 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: ok. tell me when you are ready | 15:53 |
Tm_T | yay, Ubuntu Finland was awarded as "Linux contributor of the year" in Finland <3 | 16:11 |
Nightrose | \o/ nice | 16:11 |
seele | Artemis_Fowl: ping | 16:12 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: pong | 16:13 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: concerning the second page, | 16:13 |
seele | ok | 16:13 |
Artemis_Fowl | I am not sure about some options | 16:13 |
Artemis_Fowl | eg enable ACPI | 16:13 |
seele | about whether they should be there or what they are? | 16:13 |
Artemis_Fowl | I think this option is a kernel argument | 16:14 |
Artemis_Fowl | both :) | 16:14 |
Artemis_Fowl | where did you find them? | 16:14 |
seele | ok.. so does that mean it is specific to the OS? | 16:14 |
seele | other GRUB uis including the last one designed | 16:14 |
Artemis_Fowl | y | 16:14 |
Artemis_Fowl | at least I think so | 16:14 |
Artemis_Fowl | Mandriva's ui? | 16:15 |
seele | might have been the suse one. i only had screenshots | 16:15 |
seele | so instead it would be in your add/edit wizard? | 16:15 |
Artemis_Fowl | y if I'm right | 16:15 |
seele | ok no problem | 16:15 |
Artemis_Fowl | let me check the suse's one. currently I am on opensuse | 16:16 |
seele | that probably applies to a lot of those options, now that i'm looking at it | 16:17 |
seele | such as debugging and selinux support | 16:17 |
seele | does it make sense to configure all that stuff in a wizard? it might be annoying to have to go through the process every time you want to make a change | 16:18 |
seele | could you select the OS from a list and then show the relevant options? | 16:18 |
Artemis_Fowl | yes it must apply to other options, too | 16:20 |
Artemis_Fowl | I didn't really get your last question, though | 16:20 |
seele | currently, the only way to configure os-specific options is to use your wizard | 16:22 |
seele | but for an advanced user, wouldnt it be annoying to have to go through the process all the time just to configure one option? | 16:22 |
DaSkreech | hi seele | 16:22 |
Artemis_Fowl | yes indeed | 16:22 |
* DaSkreech waves at Tm_T | 16:22 | |
Tm_T | Nightrose: including money prize | 16:22 |
Tm_T | DaSkreech: hi hi son | 16:22 |
Tm_T | :)) | 16:23 |
seele | so as an alternate, could you select the operating system from a drop down and have it show/enable os-specific options to configure? | 16:23 |
Nightrose | Tm_T: wohooo - even nicer ;-) | 16:23 |
seele | e.g. if SE Linux support is installed and you select OpenSuse, provide an option to turn it on or off | 16:23 |
seele | DaSkreech: hihi | 16:23 |
Artemis_Fowl | hmm | 16:24 |
Artemis_Fowl | then it shouldn't be under Boot Options | 16:25 |
seele | yeah | 16:25 |
seele | probably a separate tab | 16:25 |
seele | under operating systems | 16:25 |
* Artemis_Fowl has to find a way to quick-edit entry attributes.... | 16:25 | |
seele | i dont think there would be enough room under the list to add it | 16:25 |
seele | if it will take a lot of work, for now, you could just put it in the wizard and work on it for the next release | 16:26 |
Artemis_Fowl | yep | 16:26 |
seele | actually, it would probably be in both places anyway | 16:26 |
seele | because when you create a new entry, you would want to configure those options during the wizard | 16:26 |
seele | it's just that you dont want people to have to use the wizard every time they want to tweak an option or look something up | 16:27 |
Artemis_Fowl | what if all possible entry attributes (title, root,kernel, SELinux etc) could be edited from a single window without documentation? | 16:27 |
Artemis_Fowl | w8 to find a screenshot | 16:27 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: like in the old wireframes: http://obso1337.org/hci/grub/GRUB_Wireframes_Dec_17.pdf | 16:29 |
Artemis_Fowl | page 2 | 16:29 |
seele | in a popup menu instead of in a tab? | 16:30 |
seele | er, new dialog | 16:30 |
Artemis_Fowl | yes | 16:30 |
Artemis_Fowl | would that be fine? | 16:30 |
seele | where would you put the button to open the dialog? | 16:31 |
Artemis_Fowl | the dialog would be called from a Quick-Edit button next to Add/Edit/Remove buttons | 16:31 |
seele | hmm.. the only problem is we already have 5 buttons, and i'm not even sure if they will all fit after translation | 16:32 |
Artemis_Fowl | Edit pops up the full Assistant which is documented and offers detailed configuration and Quick Edit only this dialog | 16:32 |
seele | yeah, i dont think two edit buttons is a good idea | 16:32 |
seele | what if there was only one edit, and it was the dialog with all the options | 16:33 |
seele | and you only get the wizard for add? | 16:33 |
Artemis_Fowl | the Edit button could have a popup menu with the items "Full Edit" and "Quick Edit" | 16:34 |
Artemis_Fowl | or something like this | 16:34 |
Artemis_Fowl | I wouldn't like to remove the Full Edit mode | 16:34 |
seele | items as in buttons to more dialogs? or two tabs? | 16:35 |
Artemis_Fowl | when you click the Edit button a menu pops up at the bottom of it like Suggestions' | 16:36 |
Artemis_Fowl | 'Suggestions' button in the wizard* | 16:36 |
seele | yeah, i dont know about that | 16:36 |
seele | it sounds lot more complicated than it needs to be | 16:37 |
seele | and it doesnt act like any of the other system setting modules | 16:37 |
Artemis_Fowl | actually it is not complicated. simply when the user clicks the Edit button he will have to choose whether to use the full-blown assistant or the quick edit dialog | 16:39 |
Artemis_Fowl | but indeed it is no common practice | 16:39 |
Artemis_Fowl | but I have no other ideas atm | 16:40 |
seele | short term just put all the options in the wizard and we can figure out how to break them out later | 16:40 |
seele | i dont like the idea of having to go three screens deep just to find a configuration option | 16:40 |
Artemis_Fowl | ok | 16:41 |
dinosaur-rus | hi | 17:21 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: one good reason to include the "Full Edit" option is that some entry attributes such as maps cannot be edited through the Quick-Edit dialog | 17:22 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: they wouldn't fit | 17:22 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: and map support is vital. I had way too many requests for such a feature to ignore it | 17:23 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: it is necessary for Windows dual-booting when Windows isn't on a master hard disk | 17:23 |
dinosaur-rus | who is a maintainer of Qt4 packages? | 17:25 |
Riddell | dinosaur-rus: we are | 17:26 |
dinosaur-rus | Riddell: well, since Qt 4.4 Assistant uses ("by default") new help format, I think it'd be a good idea to put old HTML docs into separate package as keeping the docs in both formats seems to be wasting of disk space | 17:28 |
Riddell | fabo: what do you think of ^^ ? | 17:28 |
nixternal | Nightrose: you can mv ~/.kde4 somewhere and then log back in to KDE 4...guarantee everything works then :) | 17:50 |
Nightrose | nixternal: will try after i fixed kopete ;-) | 17:51 |
DaSkreech | kopete r brok? | 17:54 |
Nightrose | jep big time unfortunately for me | 17:58 |
DaSkreech | what's it doing? | 17:59 |
Nightrose | tab handeling is broken in 4.0.4 and it constantly crashes on me due to http://commit-digest.org/issues/2008-04-20/moreinfo/798338/ i assume | 18:02 |
DaSkreech | Hmm | 18:02 |
Nightrose | fixed package building now in pbuilder | 18:02 |
* Nightrose crosses fingers | 18:02 | |
DaSkreech | I installed 4.0.4 last night the apt-cache policy says 4.0.4 all the apps say 4.0.3 | 18:02 |
Nightrose | yea known problem | 18:03 |
DaSkreech | But koepte was crashing like krazy in 4.0.3 for me so lets see if that changes | 18:03 |
Nightrose | hehe | 18:03 |
DaSkreech | near 70% of the time I shutdown jut clicking that buton made kopete crash | 18:03 |
Nightrose | oO | 18:04 |
DaSkreech | or if I sent someone a file and they decided not to accept (that happens more than I remember) it would crash | 18:04 |
Nightrose | you shouldn't send so many files then :P | 18:04 |
DaSkreech | No people just should accept them :-P | 18:05 |
Nightrose | ;-) | 18:05 |
* nixternal kicks archive.ubuntu.com right in its arse! | 18:26 | |
Nightrose | heh tell me about it... | 18:27 |
DaSkreech | 12 k /s :-( | 18:29 |
nixternal | 0k/s | 18:30 |
nixternal | it doesn't even work for me | 18:30 |
smarter | 239kB/s :p | 18:32 |
smarter | hint: use a different mirror | 18:32 |
nixternal | I am using mirror.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu now | 18:49 |
smarter | Riddell: " * Remove build-dep on libdvdread" << does that mean that k3b can no longer burn/extract DVD? | 18:49 |
nixternal | I get anywhere between 1MB/s to 2MB/s | 18:49 |
Riddell | smarter: libdvdread3 has always been in universe as far as I know | 18:50 |
smarter | Riddell: so k3b was not really built with it? | 18:50 |
Riddell | smarter: it never has been | 18:53 |
DaSkreech | k3b is in work for 4.1 I think | 18:53 |
smarter | ok, thanks | 18:53 |
nixternal | manchicken: your KDE/Qt Perl bindings issues may be a thing of the past...I have interested a couple of people from the PerlMongers group to work on them | 18:54 |
nixternal | one of this is Josh if you ever met him, he is the new PR person for the Perl Foundation | 18:54 |
nixternal | s/this/them | 18:55 |
manchicken | Ooh? | 18:55 |
manchicken | That would be nice. | 18:55 |
manchicken | Josh McAdams? | 18:55 |
nixternal | ya | 18:55 |
manchicken | Yeah, I used to work with him. Top-notch guy. | 18:55 |
manchicken | One of the best folks to know. | 18:55 |
nixternal | groovy, so you trust his work then | 18:55 |
manchicken | Without question. | 18:56 |
nixternal | nice...well if you are interested, maybe you could talk to him about it and what not..as I believe you have tried playing with the bindings | 18:56 |
nixternal | I got to meet those guys at Flourish..they all came in for my KDE 4 talk, and I complained during the plasmoid talk about Perl bindings and what not :) | 18:57 |
nixternal | see, crying does help! | 18:57 |
manchicken | The fundamental problem is tying Perl to C++ with Qt templates. | 18:57 |
nixternal | I think it is high time I go back and try to relearn Perl the correct way...do you recommend any books for this (O'Reilly since they are free for me?) | 18:58 |
manchicken | Learning Perl is a good one. | 19:00 |
nixternal | k | 19:00 |
manchicken | I learned Perl with Emacs and the pocket reference. | 19:00 |
nixternal | that's cuz you are insane | 19:00 |
nixternal | you obviously had no life before meeting your wife :p | 19:00 |
nixternal | I'm a poet and dun even know it | 19:00 |
DaSkreech | emacs \o/ | 19:00 |
DaSkreech | nixternal: Funny neither do we :) | 19:01 |
manchicken | Um... most geeks don't. | 19:01 |
nixternal | I am going to the Cubs game tomorrow, so I have a bit of a life :) | 19:02 |
nixternal | my brother's new nickname is "Hollywood" | 19:02 |
manchicken | You're not a very good geek then. | 19:02 |
nixternal | he got us setup at the Skydeck on Sheffield | 19:02 |
nixternal | and we are traveling via limo | 19:02 |
nixternal | all free! food and drink included! | 19:02 |
=== pgquiles_ is now known as pgquiles | ||
nixternal | granted from the skydeck the players will look like ants, but the food and drink will be good :) | 19:03 |
* nixternal hopes they have something other than budweiser, miller, and old style | 19:03 | |
DaSkreech | Who really goes to baseball to see the players? | 19:03 |
* nixternal does | 19:03 | |
nixternal | I love baseball | 19:03 |
manchicken | Sorry, Cubs aren't worth that much money. | 19:04 |
DaSkreech | free? :) | 19:05 |
nixternal | Cubs are my heros | 19:05 |
manchicken | You have losers as heros? That explains a lot :P | 19:05 |
nixternal | to the world series they go! | 19:05 |
manchicken | And by world series, you mean they go to the cubby bear to watch two other teams play? | 19:06 |
nixternal | I was raised a Detroit Tigers and Chicago Cubs fan...but I enjoy the national league more because they make the pitchers bat | 19:06 |
nixternal | manchicken: come on, this is the 100 year anniversary...the world series is in the bag | 19:06 |
nixternal | you know that MLB has already set it up | 19:06 |
manchicken | Yeah... the body bag. | 19:06 |
nixternal | we have Fukudome, and no I didn't just cuss and it isn't pronounced like it looks either | 19:07 |
nixternal | still the funniest was the lady on CBS Chicago who pronounced it Fuk u do me | 19:08 |
nixternal | and not fooka dome a | 19:08 |
DaSkreech | nixternal: Cubby hole fans must love her | 19:08 |
nixternal | there is no better game or stadium | 19:09 |
DaSkreech | BirdsNest | 19:09 |
nixternal | I mean for a team that does so bad, season tickets are always sold out in advance | 19:09 |
nixternal | I like sitting up though at the game, don't like the box seats down either 1st base or 3rd base lines....line drives and broken bats are dangerous | 19:10 |
Riddell | apachelogger, Czessi: anyone ordered kubuntu-kde4 CDs for linuxtag? | 19:37 |
DaSkreech | hi jjesse | 19:38 |
Czessi | Riddell: yes, juliux ordered 2000 kubuntu cds for linuxtag via torsten spindler | 19:38 |
Czessi | Riddell: kde3 and kde4 | 19:39 |
Riddell | torsten spindler? not sure what he has to do with CDs but ok | 19:40 |
Czessi | Riddell: i asked again. juliux ordered kde3 and kde4 via tetet, shipit and canonical marketing. cds will be send directly to ,esse berlin | 19:45 |
Czessi | Riddell: ,esse berlin => messe berlin => masses berlin | 19:47 |
jjesse | hello DaSkreech | 19:48 |
Riddell | Czessi: groovy | 19:51 |
_Sime | sebas: ping | 19:58 |
seele | ok! done with meetings for the day and one more day till the weekend | 20:03 |
* seele falls over. it was a rough week. | 20:03 | |
* Riddell puts soft matt under where seele is falling onto | 20:07 | |
seele | a blankie would be nice too! | 20:08 |
Arby | Riddell: I'm strugggling to build kdevelop binary. any idea what would cause http://paste.ubuntu.com/11005/ | 20:11 |
Arby | something wrong in the configure file related to libtool | 20:11 |
Arby | but it's above my skill level | 20:11 |
Arby | as an aside, has anybody had success getting an intrepid pbuilder to work. | 20:14 |
Arby | I tried a few days ago without success | 20:14 |
Riddell | Arby: hrm, tricky. tried make -f admin/Makefile.common ? | 20:15 |
Arby | trying | 20:15 |
Riddell | or better, make -f debian/rules buildprep | 20:16 |
Riddell | Arby: can't say I have, chroot only | 20:16 |
Arby | first one is running | 20:16 |
Arby | fair enough, just curious | 20:16 |
Arby | Riddell: debian/patches/common has a script update.sh that automatically updates some patches regarding libtool and autotools | 20:17 |
Arby | I've run this script | 20:17 |
Arby | just wondering if that's the problem | 20:17 |
Riddell | could be | 20:18 |
Arby | make -f admin/Makefile.common completes without errors | 20:18 |
Arby | suggests running ./configure, should I follow on or try make -f debian/rules buildprep | 20:19 |
Riddell | go with make -f debian/rules buildprep | 20:20 |
Arby | ok | 20:20 |
LaserJock | nixternal: ping? | 20:21 |
Arby | Riddell: make -f debian/rules buildprep goes to completion, what's next? | 20:23 |
Riddell | Arby: debuild ? | 20:24 |
Arby | ok | 20:24 |
LaserJock | does anybody know if there's a package for ksynaptics? I thought there was but I can't find it now | 20:25 |
Arby | Riddell: sorry for all the neophyte questions, still learning | 20:25 |
seele | |Artemis_Fowl|: did you have any more questions about the wireframes? | 20:26 |
|Artemis_Fowl| | seele: I will. but I have to code a little. it's about 1-2 weeks since I last coded | 20:27 |
|Artemis_Fowl| | seele: I need my code dose :-) | 20:28 |
|Artemis_Fowl| | seele: is there a reason why 'Make Fallback' is on the left of 'Make Default' and not vice versa? | 20:32 |
seele | |Artemis_Fowl|: typo, i forgot to put it there.. which brings up the problem of not having any space to put it | 20:35 |
smarter_ | Riddell: could you please upload desktop-effects-kde? | 20:35 |
seele | oh wait.. i misunderstood your question | 20:35 |
seele | |Artemis_Fowl|: no, there was no reason why i ordered it that way | 20:36 |
|Artemis_Fowl| | seele: ok I'll put Default first | 20:36 |
|Artemis_Fowl| | seele: it sounds more reasonable to me | 20:36 |
Riddell | smarter_: I don't have time to package it currently, do you have it as a package? | 20:36 |
seele | |Artemis_Fowl|: sure, i dont think it makes a difference either way | 20:37 |
smarter_ | Riddell: sure, let me do a bzr builddeb ;) | 20:37 |
|Artemis_Fowl| | seele: y. mere details... | 20:37 |
Arby | Riddell: I think that's got it. still building but gone further than before | 20:38 |
Riddell | Arby: great | 20:38 |
Arby | got a sec to explain what that that command did | 20:38 |
|Artemis_Fowl| | seele: btw, in the Wireframes you include a Defaults button (from the SystemSettings) | 20:38 |
|Artemis_Fowl| | seele: turning on/off these buttons is possible | 20:39 |
|Artemis_Fowl| | seele: should I make use of such a button? | 20:39 |
|Artemis_Fowl| | seele: there are no *defaults* | 20:39 |
seele | |Artemis_Fowl|: i thought any time a kernel was updated the GRUB config was updated | 20:40 |
|Artemis_Fowl| | seele: and so? | 20:41 |
seele | |Artemis_Fowl|: that should be the Default? | 20:41 |
seele | the purpose of the Defaults button is a "factory restore" of whatever options for that module | 20:42 |
jjesse | does the "defaults" work? | 20:42 |
seele | in most cases, that is the original configuration file, but in this case it would be the updated config from the package update | 20:42 |
jjesse | i thought it just reset to the last change from when you opened up the system setting | 20:42 |
smarter_ | Riddell: here it is: http://smarter.free.fr/pkg/ | 20:42 |
|Artemis_Fowl| | seele: ah ok. can restore to the original config | 20:43 |
seele | jjesse: i'm pretty sure its supposed to be a factory reset, and lots of people were confused because they thought it was a last saved | 20:43 |
|Artemis_Fowl| | seele: a backup is taken the very first time | 20:43 |
seele | |Artemis_Fowl|: ok good. i believe that is what the Defaults button is for | 20:43 |
jjesse | seele: i would argue they don't always work that way then | 20:43 |
seele | jjesse: probably not | 20:43 |
jjesse | at least on my system | 20:43 |
* |Artemis_Fowl| never uses the Defaults button | 20:43 | |
seele | i dont know which modules use it correctly or not, i just know what the Defaults button is supposed to do | 20:44 |
jjesse | i used the default button because i thoght they brought them back to the original Kubuntu configuratoin | 20:44 |
jjesse | and stoped as soon as i realized they didn't | 20:44 |
seele | because no one knew it wasn't a Load Last Save | 20:44 |
seele | hum.. maybe it was changed in kubuntu then? | 20:44 |
seele | this was a discussion for probably 2 years ago with kde-usability | 20:44 |
nixternal | LaserJock: pong? | 20:45 |
smarter_ | Riddell: uh wait, I put hardy instead of intrepid | 20:47 |
Riddell | I can fix that | 20:47 |
smarter_ | okay, thanks | 20:48 |
Riddell | smarter_: looks good otherwise, uploading | 20:48 |
smarter_ | I'll just fix it in the bzr branch | 20:48 |
* _Sime just saw the "printer setup" bubble thingy in hardy. WAY COOL! | 21:00 | |
LaserJock | nixternal: nvm, I was trying to figure out how to adjust touchpad prefrences in KDE but I ended up just editing xorg.conf anyway | 21:00 |
LaserJock | nixternal: Kubuntu's rockin' my socks off today. First time I've tried it on Hardy | 21:01 |
=== Czessi_ is now known as Czessi | ||
smarter_ | Riddell: If you have some time, kubuntu-konqueror-shortcuts is also ready for upload: http://smarter.free.fr/pkg/kks | 21:21 |
nixternal | http://chi.ubuntu-us.org/ | 21:37 |
nixternal | check out my pimpin' monitor on the right | 21:38 |
nixternal | included KDE 4 and KDE 3 images in it | 21:38 |
DaSkreech | with compiz! | 21:42 |
DaSkreech | Would the new Vbox come in backports? | 21:50 |
crimsun | it hasn't entered intrepid yet | 21:52 |
DaSkreech | ok | 21:52 |
nixternal | DaSkreech: you can grab the new vbox for hardy from their website | 21:54 |
jjesse | nice monitor nixternal | 21:58 |
DaSkreech | nixternal: I missed that I only saw a tarball | 22:03 |
Arby | woo, kdevelop built successfully at last :) | 22:04 |
Nightrose | hmmm anyone who can tell me what is wrong with my pbuilder? http://lydiapintscher.de/tmp/kopete.txt | 22:08 |
stdin | Nightrose: not pbuilder, Qt4.4. doesn't seem to set QT_QT_INCLUDE_DIR, you need to pass "-DQT_QT_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/include/qt4" to cmake | 22:09 |
stdin | should be something for it in the debian/rules file | 22:10 |
Nightrose | stdin: hmmm ok... why does this compile without my patch? | 22:10 |
Nightrose | (i assume it does since it is in the archive) | 22:10 |
stdin | Nightrose: because it was compiled against Qt4.3? | 22:10 |
Nightrose | hmmmmpf | 22:11 |
Nightrose | fun | 22:11 |
Nightrose | thx stdin | 22:11 |
nixternal | http://tv.timbormans.com <- that is pretty cool...it is a youtube + last.fm mashup...enter your last.fm username at top, and it will play the videos to your songs | 22:11 |
jjesse | that's cool | 22:11 |
Nightrose | stdin: so what to do? i have a debdiff but have no idea if it works or not - should i try to make it compile against Qt4.4? | 22:12 |
stdin | Nightrose: if it's going to go into hardy-backports or intrepid, then you don't have much choice | 22:13 |
Nightrose | ok thx | 22:13 |
Nightrose | and i thought once a patch was going to be simple... :P | 22:14 |
DaSkreech | Intrepid will be based solely on trunk and not the 4.0 branch correct? | 22:14 |
stdin | Nightrose: add "-DQT_QT_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/include/qt4" to DEB_CMAKE_EXTRA_FLAGS in debian/rules if it's using cdbs | 22:14 |
Nightrose | will try | 22:14 |
Riddell | DaSkreech: 4.1 | 22:14 |
Riddell | _Sime: wooga | 22:14 |
DaSkreech | Riddell: Yes Sorry :) but there isn't a 4.1 branch yet so till then it will be tracking trunk ? | 22:16 |
DaSkreech | and not have any of the 4.0 branch ? | 22:17 |
Riddell | DaSkreech: right | 22:18 |
DaSkreech | Cool | 22:19 |
DaSkreech | nixternal: what's the likelihood of ars running a Kubuntu review alongside an Ubuntu ? | 22:20 |
* Riddell wonders how nixternal would know | 22:21 | |
nixternal | DaSkreech: I can make a couple of calls, about all I can do | 22:21 |
nixternal | our KDE insider is pretty much KDE, but I can talk to Flav for some pull on a Kubuntu article | 22:21 |
* Nightrose hugs stdin | 22:23 | |
Nightrose | looks like it is working now | 22:23 |
stdin | :) | 22:23 |
Nightrose | let's see if I get a package... ;-) | 22:23 |
=== Czessi__ is now known as Czessi | ||
Nightrose | hmm nope - kget doesn't want to play nice | 22:28 |
nixternal | kget plays nice for me :p | 22:29 |
DaSkreech | Riddell: Maybe you canhelp. What do I need to get my sound hardware to turn up in System Settings -> Sound | 22:29 |
Nightrose | nixternal: haha then tell me how i can make it play nice here as well ;-) http://lydiapintscher.de/tmp/kopete.txt | 22:31 |
Czessi | Nightrose: pls send me your .diff.gz and .dsc | 22:36 |
Nightrose | Czessi: k - will upload them in a sec | 22:37 |
Czessi | ok | 22:37 |
Nightrose | Czessi: http://lydiapintscher.de/tmp | 22:39 |
Czessi | thx | 22:40 |
Nightrose | :) | 22:40 |
stdin | Nightrose: looks like libqt4-dev has a missing dep on libxrender-dev | 23:03 |
Nightrose | trying | 23:03 |
DaSkreech | Neat Koffice A7 | 23:09 |
Serega | hi there | 23:22 |
=== Czessi-m_ is now known as Czessi-m |
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