tonyespy | pmcgowan: i didn't ask atheros about an odm list; is that ok, or do you think fic should be able to figure it out? | 00:00 |
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StevenK | HappyCamp: Bug 221429's Moblin Multimedia task can be set to Fix Released. | 06:53 |
dholbach | good morning | 07:06 |
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smagoun | StevenK: Is this a known bug with the PPA: ubuntu-mobile: Depends: dates-hildon but it is not going to be installed | 14:22 |
StevenK | dates-hildon was uploaded. | 14:22 |
smagoun | (it could be our bug too, I'm not sure) | 14:22 |
StevenK | Give me a few and I'll look | 14:23 |
* mvo wonders if there is a reason that gnome-icons is not part of mobile-desktop | 14:24 | |
StevenK | smagoun: Trying to install ubuntu-mobile from Hardy+PPA gives dates-hildon being installed for me | 14:39 |
smagoun | StevenK: thanks, looks like we're incompatible with HEAD then | 14:40 |
StevenK | smagoun: dates-hildon is from Pimlico, you probably have your own | 14:40 |
kingkong | hello guy | 14:40 |
smagoun | StevenK: no, but we have our own libhildon/libhildondesktop | 14:41 |
StevenK | Ah | 14:41 |
kingkong | anyone got idea if UM would be abailable for ASUS R2E ?... it is not possible to use vista on a mobile PC... vista is .... | 14:42 |
smagoun | StevenK: Turns out we have an fset that installs dates (not dates-hildon) - hence the problem. | 14:51 |
StevenK | So it was what I guessed. | 14:52 |
smagoun | StevenK: sort of, we don't have our own copy anywhere - just what's in hardy/ppa. | 14:53 |
smagoun | kingkong: it might work, yes, but it won't be supported and certain components may give you trouble (camera/touchscreen/wi-fi) | 14:54 |
kingkong | sorry i red right now | 15:02 |
kingkong | smagoun: but is it already available ? | 15:03 |
smagoun | kingkong: not officially, it's still in beta | 15:04 |
kingkong | it is possible to try to install it ? | 15:05 |
smagoun | kingkong: beta is here, you'll need Image Creator and the mccaslin install image: | 15:06 |
kingkong | smagoun: have i to dwnld all files ? | 15:07 |
smagoun | kingkong: no, just the .img | 15:08 |
kingkong | smagoun: h ty now i try... but... | 15:08 |
kingkong | smagoun: why should i have problem with wi fi and camera ? | 15:09 |
persia | kingkong: driver selection. Those images have a limited driver set to save space. | 15:10 |
kingkong | oh... any solution ? | 15:10 |
kingkong | smagoun: | 15:10 |
kingkong | smagoun: is a bit slow that site... do u got some mirror ? | 15:11 |
smagoun | kingkong: no, sorry | 15:11 |
kingkong | k ... i ll be patient | 15:11 |
kingkong | smagoun: may i disturb u for a couple of minute more ? | 15:11 |
smagoun | kingkong: sure | 15:12 |
kingkong | smagoun: :D ty | 15:12 |
kingkong | smagoun:do u think it will ever be supported (asus r2e) or not ? i mean in final release | 15:13 |
smagoun | kingkong: no, it will not be officially supported by the first release | 15:13 |
smagoun | kingkong: that is not something I can change | 15:13 |
kingkong | smagoun: :( there is a particolar reason ? | 15:14 |
smagoun | kingkong: time and money | 15:14 |
smagoun | kingkong: as in, no time, no money :) | 15:14 |
kingkong | smagoun: : :((( but... are u one of the programmers ? | 15:15 |
smagoun | kingkong: yes, but i have many many other things to do as well | 15:16 |
kingkong | smagoun: : anyway... is a honor to chat with u... u are doing a great hard work ;) my gratidute anyway ! | 15:17 |
smagoun | kingkong: thanks :) | 15:17 |
kingkong | smagoun: : but now i have a mission... try to change ur mind :) | 15:18 |
smagoun | kingkong: I do not decide what to work on, my boss does. Sorry. | 15:18 |
persia | kingkong: Note that if Ubuntu works on it properly, there's a good chance it can be supported, if someone does the work to identify what alternate settings are required. You'd do better to take that route than try to convince people to support various devices. | 15:18 |
kingkong | smagoun: : just joking... (just in a little part... :) ) | 15:19 |
kingkong | perisa: ty i will what i can... but... a bit hard for me for a couple of reason... 1) first time that i installed ubuntu and start to understand how it works... 2) my english is not so good enought to do a so hard work... :( | 15:20 |
kingkong | smagoun/persia: it is impossible use an asus AR2E without ubuntu.... vista is really sh... slow how i ever seen | 15:22 |
persia | kingkong: That's another route: talk to Asus to have them prefer Ubuntu :) | 15:23 |
kingkong | they did... but just for eeepc :( | 15:23 |
kingkong | smagoun: Instant Image Creator 1.0 IS THIS THE FILE THAT I NEED ? | 15:24 |
smagoun | kingkong: on your PC, you need to install hardy then run 'apt-get install moblin-image-creator' | 15:25 |
kingkong | persia: now i ll try to install the beta... then if the most thing will work ... to who i should notice it to hope in a support ? | 15:25 |
kingkong | smagoun: already installed | 15:26 |
kingkong | now i ll do that so | 15:26 |
kingkong | i mean run 'apt-get install moblin-image-creator' | 15:26 |
kingkong | to start my chat with " smagoun: " have i to type it every time or there is another way ? | 15:28 |
smagoun | kingkong: type the first couple letters (like 'sm') then press tab. Your chat client should auto-complete my name | 15:28 |
kingkong | smagoun: ^^ ty | 15:29 |
kingkong | smagoun: u wrote: " you'll need Image Creator and the mccaslin install image: " doing: 'apt-get install moblin-image-creator' i will satisfacted both two ...or... something orther to type ? | 15:30 |
smagoun | kingkong: on your PC, install moblin-image-creator. Then download the .img file. Open Image Creator, and use the "Write USB" option in the tools menu to copy the .img to a USB drive. Use the USB drive to install onto the R2E | 15:32 |
smagoun | bu1ld1t | 15:33 |
kingkong | smagoun: wouldn't be more easy to create a cd and install it from it ? | 15:33 |
smagoun | kingkong: I don't think cdimages are supported right now | 15:34 |
kingkong | smagoun: ok so a usb pen will do the right work... doesn t it ? | 15:35 |
smagoun | kingkong: yes | 15:35 |
kingkong | smagoun: ty m8 | 15:35 |
smagoun | kingkong: gl | 15:35 |
kingkong | smagoun: ^^ | 15:36 |
=== Vudentz is now known as Vudentz_AWAY | ||
agoliveira | Hi all. Everyone here for the meeting? | 16:58 |
agoliveira | HappyCamp, horaceli, rustyl_: Hi guys. | 16:59 |
agoliveira | Can we start? We don't have mootbot today and for your despair, I'll have the chair. | 17:01 |
rustyl_ | morning | 17:01 |
agoliveira | #startmeeting | 17:01 |
rustyl_ | bob is on vacation | 17:01 |
agoliveira | Current page is here | 17:01 |
agoliveira | Please, add any items there. | 17:02 |
agoliveira | rustyl_: 'morning Rusty. | 17:02 |
agoliveira | There's no action items from last week so we can jump directly to current actions. | 17:02 |
agoliveira | Well, no items on the page so far. Anyone wants has anything? | 17:03 |
agoliveira | s/wants// | 17:03 |
rustyl_ | cwong1, got some issues? | 17:03 |
cwong1 | rustyl_: what? | 17:04 |
rustyl_ | i'm sick and tired of Oregon cold-n-wet spring.... can UME solv that? | 17:04 |
GrueMaster | I have received the latest beta snapshot. Few items jump out initially, and I plan on doing a more thorough smoek test today. | 17:04 |
GrueMaster | s/smoek/smoke | 17:04 |
agoliveira | rustyl_: Sorry can't help but remind you that Prague is very nice this time of the year. | 17:05 |
agoliveira | ;) | 17:05 |
rustyl_ | i had to update my image-creator, but other then that the hardy-ppa image i created yesterday (for samsung only) is looking good | 17:05 |
agoliveira | GrueMaster: Any outstand issue you want to share right now? | 17:06 |
GrueMaster | First item I actually mentioned last week (need to review the minutes), usb automount not working. | 17:06 |
agoliveira | GrueMaster: There's a bug open for that alreay IIRC. | 17:07 |
GrueMaster | The other issue is that the version of moblin-realplayer is the oldest available from helix community. Installing the latest ( fixes numerous issues. | 17:07 |
GrueMaster | That's what I thought, but I don't see it. | 17:07 |
agoliveira | GrueMaster: I'm quite sure I saw something. Hold on a bit... | 17:08 |
* agoliveira is looking | 17:08 | |
davidm | We are using the RealPlayer that we got from the Real site. I think the mobin player may still be included until we can remove it. | 17:09 |
agoliveira | bug 225328 - It's in progress | 17:09 |
GrueMaster | agoliveira: ok, thanks. | 17:10 |
agoliveira | GrueMaster: As a matter of fact, I just tested on my Q1 and it was automounted. | 17:10 |
GrueMaster | agoliveira: well, I'm running beta 4 on CB now, and it doesn't. | 17:11 |
GrueMaster | probably a missing package. | 17:11 |
agoliveira | GrueMaster: It's running yesterday's build so it may have being fixed over the latest changes. I can't tell you right now and I don't have a CB to test. | 17:11 |
agoliveira | GrueMaster: Care to install a daily and confirm? | 17:12 |
GrueMaster | I'll do that and get back in a few minutes. Keep talking.... | 17:12 |
agoliveira | Ok. | 17:12 |
agoliveira | let's move to the next item. | 17:12 |
agoliveira | Any news on Intel plans to attend UDS? (agoliveira) | 17:13 |
agoliveira | sorry, no mootbot today) | 17:13 |
davidm | GrueMaster, the fix for automounting was not in Beta, it was put into dailys 2 days ago. | 17:13 |
agoliveira | mawhalen: ^^^ | 17:13 |
GrueMaster | ah. | 17:14 |
mawhalen | agoliveira: UDS - Don Johnson has the list | 17:14 |
davidm | GrueMaster, and it's still in progress, last word was it automounted but did not copy files, but when manually mounted it did so I expect it will be fixed in next Beta/RC | 17:14 |
agoliveira | Don_Johnson: ^^^^? | 17:14 |
Don_Johnson | I have a list from Mary Chang. | 17:15 |
Don_Johnson | Let me dig it out. | 17:15 |
GrueMaster | davidm: I hope it doesn't just arbitrarily copy files. We have test units that only have 4G SSD's. | 17:15 |
agoliveira | Don_Johnson: Can you add to the atendees list on the wiki? | 17:16 |
davidm | That is part of the media player so it's out of my hands | 17:16 |
Don_Johnson | Yes I can put it up on the wiki | 17:16 |
agoliveira | Can I add an action item for you to that? | 17:16 |
davidm | Though it is something I do worry about, if someone mounted a 500G disk full of mp3s or videos it could be interesting. | 17:17 |
Don_Johnson | Sure, include where on the wiki you want it in the action item, please. | 17:17 |
agoliveira | Don_Johnson: Hmmm... the page I had in mind is private to Canonical. Just email me the list and I'll see that. | 17:18 |
Don_Johnson | OK, I'll send you what I have. | 17:18 |
agoliveira | #action Don Johnson to email agoliveira a list with Intel's atendees for UDS. | 17:19 |
davidm | Don_Johnson, or stick it on the Intel Caonical Wiki and agoliveira can pull it from there if you like | 17:19 |
agoliveira | That works too :) | 17:19 |
davidm | What ever is easier for you Don_Johnson | 17:19 |
Don_Johnson | OK, I'll get it put together and let you know where to find it. | 17:20 |
agoliveira | Don_Johnson: Thanks. | 17:20 |
* GrueMaster releases the dancing monkey with the donations cup. | 17:21 | |
agoliveira | There's no other items in the agenda. Anyone has anything else? | 17:21 |
agoliveira | (of not this is will be the shortest meeting ever, I guess) | 17:21 |
davidm | Works for me :) | 17:21 |
agoliveira | 3 | 17:22 |
agoliveira | 2 | 17:22 |
agoliveira | 1 | 17:22 |
agoliveira | Well, if there's nothing else, meeting adjourned | 17:22 |
davidm | Thanks everyone. | 17:22 |
agoliveira | Thanks you all! | 17:22 |
GrueMaster | Hey!. Automount works! thanks. | 17:23 |
davidm | GrueMaster, cool | 17:24 |
davidm | GrueMaster, we do fix bugs, just takes some time ;-) | 17:25 |
GrueMaster | heh | 17:25 |
davidm | It will be in the next Beta/RC for sure. | 17:26 |
davidm | Which will be Tuesday/Wednesday next. | 17:26 |
GrueMaster | Next bug is the "Application is disabled while in docking mode" issue when launching the video player for the first time. Although I think it is fixed in later versions. | 17:26 |
GrueMaster | I'll try to get a list of glaring issues by EOD today. | 17:26 |
davidm | Is that a media player but or an OS issue? | 17:26 |
GrueMaster | I think it's both. I think mediaplayer is expecting /mediasync/[video|audio|photos] directories to exist and chokes if they aren't there. | 17:27 |
GrueMaster | And since this directory structure is designed to be shared through the usb client, I think it's a domino effect. | 17:28 |
GrueMaster | also, while automount now works, there needs to be a way to unmount a drive. Simply unplugging it leaves a phantom mount. | 17:30 |
GrueMaster | I'll update the launchpad with this finding. | 17:30 |
davidm | Yea we are aware of the issue and are looking into a minimal filemanager (cause that is the app that gives you a way to unmount things). | 17:33 |
GrueMaster | davidm: It would be nice if there were a link to the launchpad bug tracker from | 17:33 |
GrueMaster | cool | 17:33 |
davidm | GrueMaster, please feel free to add one where you think it should go. It's a community resource after all. | 17:34 |
* GrueMaster sheepishly admits to forgetting the path to launchpad. | 17:34 | |
davidm | | 17:35 |
GrueMaster | thx | 17:36 |
=== Vudentz_AWAY is now known as Vudentz | ||
mawhalen | 916-356-2663, 8-356-2663, Bridge: 3, Passcode: 4665306 | 18:01 |
mawhalen | ToddBrandt: you around? | 18:02 |
=== robr_ is now known as robr | ||
kingkong | smagoun: still there ? | 19:21 |
kingkong | anyone can help me to tell how install the UME beta 4 from an usb drive ? | 19:23 |
agoliveira | kingkong: Did you put the image on the usb drive? | 19:23 |
kingkong | yes | 19:24 |
agoliveira | So it's just a matter of pluging in the device and boot from it. | 19:24 |
kingkong | agoliveira> using image creator write usb | 19:24 |
kingkong | agoliveira: :o ... i have to boot pc form it ? | 19:25 |
agoliveira | kingkong: Don't do it! | 19:25 |
kingkong | agoliveira: ?? | 19:25 |
kingkong | agoliveira: do not do what ? | 19:25 |
agoliveira | kingkong: Did you read the FAQ? This is *not* for a PC. If you plug it into a PC it probably won't work and will wipeout your harddrive. | 19:25 |
kingkong | agoliveira: arghhhhh.... i didn t !!!! for what is that ? | 19:26 |
agoliveira | kingkong: Sorry, what? | 19:26 |
agoliveira | kingkong: Ah, UME os for MDI kind of devices. The images we provice work only on the Samsung Q1 or mcaslin based developmnet borads from Intel. | 19:27 |
kingkong | i didn t readt the faq... :( a mate gave me the link where download it a couple of hours ago here... so for which usage is that beta ? | 19:28 |
kingkong | i got an asus AR2E | 19:28 |
kingkong | agoliveira: i mean R2e | 19:28 |
agoliveira | kingkong: Read the FAQ: this project is not for final users. It's to be used as a development platform. You'll have to tackle the configuration files, kernel, etc for add support for your device. | 19:29 |
kingkong | agoliveira...oh... :/ | 19:30 |
kingkong | agoliveira: many thanks for precious information.... i am just starting to take confidence with linux/ubuntu... and atm i am a really noob... :( | 19:31 |
agoliveira | kingkong: I did a quick look at this R2e spec and probably an image created to the Q1 should work but beware that if you create an instalation one it will wipe your HD. | 19:31 |
agoliveira | kingkong: Don't worry, we try to help as much as we can. | 19:31 |
kingkong | are u sure it will be wipe out entire HD ?... couldn t I create a partition empty for it ? | 19:33 |
agoliveira | kingkong: The installer will. It's a very simple script. There's no support | 19:33 |
agoliveira | for partitioning | 19:34 |
kingkong | agoliveira: damn... :/ i got to many thing installed on it.... a backup will take many gb... :( | 19:35 |
agoliveira | kingkong: Try a live USB image using the image creator. I've never tried personally but should work. | 19:35 |
kingkong | agoliveira: what u mean ? | 19:36 |
agoliveira | kingkong: Agian, read the docs ;) There's a tool called image creator. You can install it on a Ubuntu 8.04 boxz and create your own customized image. | 19:38 |
agoliveira | again | 19:38 |
kingkong | agoliveira: :) i try to steal the right information avoiding to read long txt in a forigne language not so easy for me to undestand... ;) anyway i already installed ubuntu 8.04 and all upgrades and image creator... can u please give me the next step or i am asking too much? ;) | 19:41 |
agoliveira | kingkong: Run the image creator, create a project for the Q1, add a target, add an fset for the same platform and create the image. I really can't give you a step-by-step as I'll write in english the same way and there's already documentation for it. | 19:42 |
kingkong | ok ty now i try... maybe is enought to start... | 19:43 |
kingkong | agoliveira: do u got a doc link ? | 20:11 |
agoliveira | kingkong: It's on the channel's topic: | 20:14 |
lool | smagoun: Concerning ume-config-common, it seems it was broken by inuka when he moved to a Makefile for the installation | 20:18 |
lool | It's a bit painful to fix this with this version number now, and there are two 0.10 tarballs on too, not sure why | 20:19 |
=== mawhalen_ is now known as mawhalen | ||
=== agoliveir1 is now known as agoliveira | ||
* davidm is away: I'm busy | 22:48 |
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