
JanCyeah, I was planning to do that for debugging, but I don't really want to lose my profile, so I want to find a different solution too00:00
gnomefreakJanC: you dont have to lose it just mv it and after you test mv it back00:01
gnomefreakor use -P i think will let you start with new profile00:01
JanCI know, I already have another profile  ;)00:01
JanCbut it's clean, so I will have to try installing extensions in it00:02
gnomefreak!info blam hardy00:03
ubottublam (source: blam): an RSS aggregator for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.8.4-3ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 248 kB, installed size 1404 kB00:03
gnomefreakok thats filed let me try on Hardy brb00:06
gnomefreaki think it is xulrunner but i will tell you as soon as i get the right version :)00:16
gnomefreakseems fta's version fixes crash :)00:16
ftai'm nearly done with songbird.. at least for a v0.01. just need a desktop file and an icon00:18
ftaof course, i haven't addressed the license issue at all00:19
gnomefreakif it crashes its xul00:19
gnomefreakasac: fta the seee through pane is caused by xulrunner in repos00:20
gnomefreakfta's fixes that as well00:20
ftaso it must be upstream fix ;)00:23
gnomefreakyep it crashed with repos xul00:26
gnomefreakand the see through is xul :) filing both bugs blam changing to xulrunner00:27
gnomefreakbug 22799300:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 227993 in blam "blam version 1.8.4-3ubuntu2 crashes on Intrepid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22799300:27
gnomefreakhow do i mark a bug for hardy and intrepid?00:32
ftanominate ?00:33
gnomefreakfta: want it marked as confirmed?00:34
ftai'm not using blam00:38
gnomefreakok both bugs are up and the visual problems have screenshots with policy xulrunner-1.9 next to them to show what one has issues and what one fixes issue :)00:56
gnomefreakim going to bed this fucking bickering and crap is really really pissing me off01:21
=== asac_ is now known as asac
asacarmin76: where do you gentoo guys have your patches09:19
asacdo you have all your sources in cvs or something?09:19
armin76yeah, going to stole them? :P09:58
asacthats the idae10:00
asacjimmy_: how is the xdg patch going?12:19
ftaasac, i've having chrome registration issues with songbird when it is installed globally (obviously, no problem from dist/bin)12:46
ftaand a whole bunch of Failed to load XPCOM component: /usr/lib/songbird/components/sbProperties.jsm12:47
asacyeah ... thats what you usually get when there is a chrome.manfest missing iirc12:47
ftatouch /usr/lib/songbird/.autoreg doesn't help12:47
asacfta: run one time from dist/bin12:48
asacthen compare what file it created in chrome/12:48
asacsometimes its an empty .manifest that is just missing12:48
asachmm XPCOM components sounds more scary12:49
asacfta: do they have the nsExtensionManager.js in componnets/ ?12:49
ftanot in sb but in xul: /usr/lib/songbird/xulrunner/components/nsExtensionManager.js12:50
asacdo they use application.ini + xulrunner-stub?12:50
asacany info available which components fail?12:51
asacwhere can i get sunbird sources?12:51
asacdo you have them in ppa?12:52
asacfta: are you sure its using the embedded xulrunner during runtime?12:54
asacmaybe it finds the matching gre.d config and uses our system thing12:54
ftai will push it soon12:55
ftayes, it's using the embedded xul12:55
ftaclean-up my branch...13:03
asacgetting it13:05
ftawell, i'm not even sure it will build on amd64, let me try 1st13:05
asaci am on x86 here13:06
asacbut i want to look at source only anyway13:06
asacfor now13:06
ftaok, no more popups, just by touching dist/extensions/*/chrome.manifest13:07
ftayes, the Failed to load XPCOM component errors are still there13:08
asacyeah right13:08
asacextensions withou tempty chrome.manifest in global location13:08
ftahm, there's no project on lp, not sure i could create it with the license issue unsorted out13:12
asacfta: the .jsm file is shipped in components?13:12
fta-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 7791 2008-05-08 02:25 /usr/lib/songbird/components/sbProperties.jsm13:12
asaccurrently creating projects is disabled in launchpad (at least it was yesterday)13:13
asacfta: yeah ... thats not a component ... in xul we ship those in modules/13:13
ftait's a vanilla copy of dist13:13
asaci think there is the bug13:14
asacit shouldn't be in COMPONENTS at all13:14
asacjust JSMODULES13:14
asacand then we have to figure if they load it with wrong path somewhere13:14
asac./app/content/xul/device/deviceErrorDialog.xul:    Cu.import("resource://app/components/sbProperties.jsm");13:15
asacthose should be fixed as well then i guess13:15
asaclike ./app/content/bindings/playlistMenuItems.xml:            Components.utils.import("resource://app/jsmodules/sbProperties.jsm");13:15
asac./app/content/bindings/playlist.xml:    Components.utils.import("resource://app/jsmodules/sbProperties.jsm");13:15
asacyeah ... it shouldn't be in components13:16
asacapparently there was confusion among upstream devs ;) or some refactoring missed some cases13:16
asaci guess it was done wrong at some points (e.g. in components) and refactoring missed those three cases as there are lots of right references in the tree13:17
ftabut why does it fail then ? the jsm files are in both locations, it shouldn't hurt13:17
asacfta: it doesn't fail ... it fails to load that file as a component13:18
ftaoh, i see :)13:18
asacthe Components.util.import most likely succeeds13:18
asacso its just clutter on the console13:18
asacbut not nice anyway ;)13:18
asacsubmitting a patch woudl demonstrate good faith ;)13:20
ftalet's see if i can fix that quickly13:21
asacjust patching those three references and the Makefile.in should be enough afaicgt13:23
ftadamn quilt13:24
ftaupstream ship a patches directory13:25
asacactually they say in the comment that they want to remove it post 0.513:25
ftaso if i'm in the songbird tree, my toplevel patches are hidden13:25
asacso they certainly want this fixed13:25
asacfta: even if you use QUILT_PATCHES env?13:25
ftawell, i had that at the beginning but it's painful to use, i always forget to set the variable13:26
ftaand if i set it, it breaks other branches13:26
asacyeah i agree13:26
asacconvince upstream to add a quilt series to their dir13:27
asacnot sure if thats better though13:27
ftait will do no good13:27
asacwell, we could stop using a patchsystem in debian/ then13:27
asacwould require full source bzr though13:28
asace.g. only patches in diff.gz ... but outside debian/13:28
ftait's damn too big13:28
asacyeah ... or create patches/ dir in the bzr branch top level13:28
asacbzr --merge should do the right thing i hope13:28
ftathat's what i've done, but if there's a patches dir deeper into the tree, that part of the tree will see that instead of the toplevel one13:29
asaci think top priority would be to make it work with our system xul :)13:29
asaceven if that means some regressions13:29
asacthat would put some pressure on them to ge tthe patches in a form that is suitable for us/upstream13:29
ftayep, i just wanted a working base13:29
asace.g. if our songbird package has some regressions13:29
asaclike what we do for midbrowser13:30
asacsome features that require xul hackery are not there in the official archive and we ship a patched xulrunner in ppa13:30
asacthat would be an option for songbird imo ... only requirement is that it somewhat starts13:31
gnomefreakasac: our system xulrunner needs to be fided ;)14:06
gnomefreakfta: ppa ubuntu4~mt1 is just a ubuntu change to what we had in repos for hardy?14:11
ftamt1 is not mine14:11
ftaread the changelog :)14:11
gnomefreakok i got the license from mozilla now14:11
ftaasac, now, this fails:14:14
fta    var manager = Cc["@songbirdnest.com/Songbird/library/Manager;1"].14:14
fta                  getService(Ci.sbILibraryManager);14:14
gnomefreakasac: any reason we didnt keep the normal name for hardy xulrunner? maybe because of -updates?14:14
gnomefreakfta: i remember half way through why he named it that way14:16
* gnomefreak thinks we should have waitng to apply the disk IO until we push new upstream to hardy14:16
asacgnomefreak: because we still have xulrunner 1.814:17
ftawhat name are you talking about ?14:17
asaciiuc its xulrunner-1.9 he talks about14:18
gnomefreak1.8 shouldnt affect the naming and with ubuntu4~804.0mt really isnt needed14:18
asacgnomefreak: then i don't know what you are referring to14:19
asacmaybe start over ;)14:19
gnomefreakyes only fix that was pushed was excessive disk IO. since that patch is in upstream why didnt we just spin new upstream?14:19
gnomefreakin 1.914:19
asacgnomefreak: because upstream hasn't released it14:19
asacwe had to backport and apply to last available release14:19
asacwhich happens to be 1.9 b514:19
gnomefreakthought they did when it closed the bug14:20
asacthey committed to cvs14:20
gnomefreakok so we wait for them to push new release than we can add it to hardy?14:20
asacfta: how does it fail? is the component not registered or is the interface missing?14:20
asacgnomefreak: its in hardy -updates14:21
ftaError: Cc['@songbirdnest.com/Songbird/library/Manager;1'] is undefined14:21
ftaSource File: file:///usr/lib/songbird/jsmodules/sbLibraryUtils.jsm14:21
ftaLine: 4114:21
gnomefreakasac: we need new upstream release in hardy-updates along with intrepid14:21
ftaError: Cc['@songbirdnest.com/Songbird/library/Manager;1'] is undefined14:22
ftaSource File: file:///usr/lib/songbird/components/sbLibraryServicePaneService.js14:22
ftaLine: 162014:22
asacthat means that either Cc is not defined or th ecomponent not registered14:22
asacthe latter you can check in compreg.dat14:22
asacthe former should be some import of another .jsm file14:22
asacgnomefreak: yes. but not before they release ;)14:22
asacgnomefreak: we have the backport in hardy for now ... same for intrepid14:23
gnomefreaknew upstream fixes some crahses atleast14:23
gnomefreaki cant say all because the -dbgsym are not up to date with our packages14:23
ftappa doesn't do -dbgsym14:24
gnomefreakfta: the ones in updates dont have right version either14:24
gnomefreakoh its fixed14:25
gnomefreak1.9~b5+nobinonly-0ubuntu3 version wouldnt install yesterday on base hardy or base intrepid14:26
fta-updates has -dbgsym, not -proposed14:26
gnomefreakfta: i know what repos have it but they were not up to date last night see bug 22799814:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 227998 in xulrunner-1.9 "Xulrunner-1.9 in Hardy and Intrepid cause Blam to have see through bottom panel" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22799814:27
gnomefreaki give output when tryingt o install them14:27
gnomefreakbrb need to be on intrepid for this extension14:27
gnomefreaksorry wrong bug i gave you its but 22799314:39
gnomefreakbug 227993 is the bug with the packages14:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 227993 in xulrunner-1.9 "blam version 1.8.4-3ubuntu2 crashes on Intrepid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22799314:40
gnomefreaki just did updates and firefox nor xulrunner were in them why is firefox-3.0 asking for a restart?14:57
asacgnomefreak: thats good :)14:58
asacdidn't know it worked. if its not intentional then its good luck ;)14:58
asacah ... you said none was updated ... not sure then. maybe the restart notification daemon has a bug14:59
gnomefreaknot sure ill get you what was updated15:00
gnomefreakThe following packages will be upgraded: bash findutils fuse-utils gnustep-back-common gnustep-back0.12 gnustep-back0.12-art gnustep-gpbs libaudclient1 libfuse2 libio-compress-base-perl libsane libsvga1 libusb-0.1-4 libxfont1 man-db mawk popularity-contest python-debian rhinote xdg-utils zlib1g zlib1g-dev15:00
gnomefreaki dont see naything ff related15:01
gnomefreakdowngrading libxfont1 again :(15:02
ftalock it15:04
gnomefreakfta: i havent had a chance yet15:07
gnomefreakits seems ysnaptic's lock doewnt work for terminal15:19
gnomefreakhow do i lock it from terminal?15:19
Wulfiehey folks - I am trying to use the lightning extension in Thunderbird (hardy heron) I have it installed but when i right click to add a new calendar the option is greyed out.  Any ideas?15:20
gnomefreakWulfie: what version?15:20
Wulfielightning 0.815:20
gnomefreakWulfie: fro upstream?15:20
Wulfiethe one from the mozilla site15:20
asacWulfie: use our packages15:20
asacnot from mozilla site15:21
Wulfiewhere can I find that?15:21
gnomefreakmove your profile and start a new one15:21
asacwe have 0.7 in hardy ... or 0.8 in mozillateam ppa15:21
gnomefreakoh mozxilla site15:21
asacsudo apt-get install lightning-extension15:21
gnomefreaki thought he menat mozilla ppa15:21
WulfieI didn't know you could apt-get install extensions15:21
asacyou can ;)15:21
gnomefreakWulfie: why not?15:21
asactry the command above15:21
asacand remove the other in tools -> addons first15:22
gnomefreakyou can apt-get anything we make15:22
gnomefreakhe needs to repos first15:22
Wulfiejust seems like you would install it through the application rather than through pacakge management15:22
gnomefreakand remove the profile15:22
asacWulfie: yes, in firefox we have a link in app that reads "install ubuntu extensions"15:22
asacwe are doing something similar in intrepid for tbird most likely15:22
Wulfiewhats the apt-repo for mozillateam15:27
asacWulfie: look https://edge.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive15:27
asacthere are the apt lines15:27
asacbut i think you could be quite happy with 0.7 too.15:28
asac0.8 will reach -backports at some point i guess15:28
asacwe just need to bug jdong about it ;)15:28
ftai've pushed songbird to my ppa, hoping i got the builddeps right at the 1st try ;)15:28
asacfta: does songbird have their own translations?15:30
asachow many languages?15:30
ftaa lot15:31
ftahundreds ?15:31
asaci doubt it15:32
ftaasac, http://www.sofaraway.org/ubuntu/tmp/sb-lang.png15:34
asacthose really translations? not preferred display language?15:35
asacare the LANGCODE.jar files for each of them?15:35
ftait's downloaded at runtime when you select a lang15:36
asacoh cool15:36
ftagnomefreak, here is a deb for intrepid (as the ppa will only do hardy) http://www.sofaraway.org/ubuntu/tmp/songbird_0.6~svn20080503r9149-0ubuntu1_i386.deb15:37
gnomefreakfta: thanks15:37
ftaplease let me know what's wrong with those15:38
* fta leaving for 1h or 215:38
gnomefreakwill do15:38
asacok in leaving mode too now15:39
ftaasac, http://www.sofaraway.org/ubuntu/tmp/sb-lang3.png15:40
* fta gone15:40
JazzvaGood thing that linux is not malware target: http://www.linuxworld.com/news/2008/050708-mozilla-firefox-plugin-shipped-with.html16:36
Jazzvathough, it may be possible to affect us too :/...16:37
Jazzvaasac, you assigned me to bug 226195. Should I prepare the upgrade to the new upstream version?  (since you mentioned that you're reassigning it to me for now)16:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 226195 in gnome-mplayer "Please update gnome-mplayer/gecko-mediaplayer" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22619516:42
jimmy_asac: u got my email on the XDG patch?18:10
gnomefreakguys last i heard he left for a while18:11
gnomefreakfta: if you are back from break let me know theres something i need to ask you about songbird18:12
ftagnomefreak, back18:29
gnomefreakfta: songbird doesnt do mp3?18:29
gnomefreakfta: is there a --enable-mp3 build option?18:29
ftait should. it's build to system gstreamer18:30
ftatu use18:30
ftato use18:30
ftai'm tired :P18:30
ftatoo much sport18:31
ftafor some reason, ppa build failed. i'll investigate a bit later18:31
gnomefreakit wont import them nor play them but totem does18:31
ftaeven online ?18:32
gnomefreakwhat dop you mean online?18:34
ftaoh, it's a regression since i've patched the jsm stuff earlier today18:34
ftaonLoad TypeError: Components.classes['@songbirdnest.com/Songbird/library/Manager;1'] is undefined18:34
gnomefreakfta: fail to build problem or mp3 issue?18:37
gnomefreakfta: as soon as im done with this wiki i will play with songbird+mp3s some more18:45
gnomefreakhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto?action=show now ther eis a working wiki for pinning i redid it in full18:57
gnomefreakfta: i see it was searching that you meant by TypeError: Components.classes['@songbirdnest.com/Songbird/library/Manager;1'] is undefined19:00
* gnomefreak wonders how it is with ipods19:01
=== jt1 is now known as jtv
gnomefreakaI hate people. be back in a few19:51
gnomefreakok done with bugs for now maybe some wiki work in a bit20:04
Gorzakhow to use java on firefox 3 beta 5 ?20:25
Gorzakit's not active for me, it's bugging20:26
gnomefreakGorzak: 386, 64bit or ppc20:30
gnomefreakGorzak: what package did you install and from where?20:31
Gorzaki had upgrade ubuntu festy to hardy, so i upgrade automatically firefox to 3 beta 520:31
gnomefreakasac: im touching up some of the wikis to include newer things or rephase i dont have a bunch of time tonght :)20:32
Gorzakand i lost the java plugin20:32
gnomefreakGorzak: fiesty > Hardy is not supported as it causing major issues20:32
gnomefreakplease remove it using synaptic using complete removal (the java package you isntalled than close synaptic and caall for me again20:33
Gorzakgutsy to hardy sorry20:33
Gorzaki don't remember the abc ^^20:33
gnomefreakGorzak: apt-cache policy sun-java6-plugin  let me know the output next to INstalled20:33
Gorzak  Installé : 6-06-0ubuntu120:34
Gorzak  Candidat : 6-06-0ubuntu120:34
Gorzak Table de version :20:34
Gorzak *** 6-06-0ubuntu1 020:34
Gorzak        500 http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com hardy/multiverse Packages20:34
Gorzak        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status20:34
gnomefreakGorzak: good20:34
gnomefreakok lets try easy way20:34
gnomefreakrun locate libflashplugin.so let me know what dir it is in20:34
Gorzaki follow you20:34
gnomefreakshit thats not right20:35
Gorzakit' searching20:35
gnomefreakgive me a minnute20:35
gnomefreakok can you open synaptic and completely remove sun-java6-plugin20:36
gnomefreakif you click on the square you will see completely remove choose that one20:37
Gorzaki'ts loading20:38
gnomefreakthats not right :( it says we have 330ish bugs open on ff20:38
gnomefreakmaybe new20:38
Gorzakit will be fixed to the V.3 fix20:39
Gorzakit's done20:39
Gorzakremove the sun-java6-plugin completely20:39
gnomefreakasac: do you know if kaunchpad.py works for mozilla? i would like to get an accurate number of bugs for ff ff3 xul... tb and so on20:39
gnomefreakGorzak: ok close synaptic20:40
gnomefreaknow run sudo apt-get autoclean20:40
gnomefreakyou will see alot of stuff its normal20:40
gnomefreaknow sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin20:41
gnomefreakrestart firefox and let me know if java is still failing than we have to figure out why20:41
gnomefreakGorzak: i will be right back20:41
gnomefreakok back20:43
ubottuopera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser20:43
Gorzakgnomefreak> tell me when you are back20:43
gnomefreakGorzak: after restarting ff does it work?20:43
gnomefreakok give me a minute im testing this before giving it to you. please go to java.com and you will see test your java or something like that20:44
Gorzakthe jave site say it's good, i get the good java version20:45
gnomefreakoh hsit20:45
gnomefreakwhat site are you having issues with20:45
Gorzakbut on the website where i want use java, it's wrong20:45
Gorzakthat's good : http://www.java.com/fr/download/installed.jsp?jre_version=1.6.0_06&vendor=Sun+Microsystems+Inc.&os=Linux&os_version=2.6.24-17-38620:45
gnomefreakGorzak: it may be site having issues20:45
Gorzakthat's wrong : http://games.asobrain.com/20:45
Gorzakon my other computer it's good20:45
Gorzakubuntu too hardy too20:46
gnomefreakthat page you just cant view the applets?20:46
Gorzakisn't the website i think20:46
gnomefreakyour on Hardy right?20:46
Gorzakgnomefreak> no, it's a popup running by a page from this site20:46
gnomefreakGorzak: try running i dont see a pop up20:46
gnomefreakat all20:46
Gorzakgnomefreak> you need be login20:47
gnomefreaki see little faces jumping20:47
gnomefreakis ther ea trial account or a visters account20:47
Gorzakgnomefreak> it is possible than java running on spécific websites ?20:47
gnomefreakGorzak: i think its not set in update-alternatives but im trying this first so i know20:48
Gorzaki try again20:48
Gorzakthe page is loading, but not completely, and the system manager show me than nothing is running on the process20:49
gnomefreakasac: im setting up accounts on the sites that we need to test on and im using mozilla-team and a password for us to test i will talk about it when i see you20:49
gnomefreakif nautlis opens that is20:49
Gorzakwhen i force to quit the window, the process show me a big activity by java20:50
gnomefreakthat sounds normal20:50
Gorzakwhat about the sound ?20:51
ftagnomefreak, re-dl the songbird deb from my site, it works for me. i've reverted my last patch. it's not perfect (as it shows some errors) but i'm on it20:51
Gorzakthe page running correctly gnomefreak ?20:51
gnomefreakfta: ok same link?20:51
gnomefreakok thanks20:52
gnomefreakfta: wanna test java?20:52
gnomefreakGorzak: ok where from home page20:52
Gorzakgnomefreak> play20:52
gnomefreakclick on use pop ups?20:53
Gorzakif you want, it's doesn't matter20:53
Gorzakand click on a link20:53
gnomefreakwhat should i be seeing or not seeing?20:53
Gorzakranking basic for exemple20:53
Gorzakand normally, a page charged, with a part for chat, a part of users list20:54
gnomefreaki have th java applet loading20:54
Gorzakit's a page for choose a game and gamers20:54
gnomefreakits light blue looks like im in a game tavle20:54
gnomefreakyour not getting that?20:55
gnomefreakfta: where does java hang out for ff3?20:55
Gorzaki get that, but not more than a blue window20:55
gnomefreakits not in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins20:55
=== dholbert is now known as dholbert_afk
gnomefreakdoes it ever say wont load or cant load?20:55
Gorzaksay nothing20:56
gnomefreakim wondering if java is running but you are lagging due to javascript20:56
* gnomefreak saw a few bugs on that in email today20:56
Gorzakhe charge a little, i see on process, then stop, and it's all,20:56
Gorzakit stop on the blue windows, without list of user etc20:56
gnomefreakGorzak: do you have account at anyother java game sites like yahoo or pogo?20:57
Gorzakno, you know other website with java ?20:57
gnomefreakyour java is installed and working20:57
gnomefreakyes pogo is most popular20:57
gnomefreakmy g/f swears by it20:57
gnomefreakill brb phone20:58
gnomefreakfta: same version number?20:58
Gorzakgnomefreak> i have test this page : http://fr1.seafight.bigpoint.com/?aid=367&aip=2542120:59
Gorzakand i don't see all the elements20:59
gnomefreakim freezing up give me a minute21:00
gnomefreakhmmmm it is the same version21:00
gnomefreakok you dont see what on that site?21:01
gnomefreakdo you see the little movie screen?21:01
[reed]asac: ping21:02
Gorzakgnomefreak> pogo run correctly21:02
gnomefreak[reed]: good luck21:02
Lucas_Smithenhey - I am using the lightning plug-in for thunderbird on heron (version 0.8 of lightning) is there a way to set it so when I scroll the mouse it doesn't flip through months/days?21:02
Gorzaki had play on pogo it's good21:02
gnomefreakGorzak: if pogo works java works21:02
gnomefreakLucas_Smithen: from mozilla site?21:02
Gorzakgnomefreak> but not ont all websites21:03
gnomefreakoh thanks but its not mine right now :)21:03
gnomefreaki did the locales21:03
Lucas_Smithenwell from mozillateam ppa21:03
gnomefreakLucas_Smithen: no not that i know of other than not hovering or clicking on the table21:03
gnomefreaki use sunbird as my tbird is temermental21:04
gnomefreak[reed]: wtf is java :(21:04
Gorzakgnomefreak> what i can do ?21:04
gnomefreakGorzak: from what i can tell this may be a xulrunner problem21:04
gnomefreakim missing some things when i use the versin of xul in repos so i use fta's maintained version21:05
gnomefreakGorzak: please file a bug with screen shots of what you see on the first site you gave me and the other site you gave me and i will look into tonight or tomorrow morning but i doubt its java21:06
gnomefreakfta: will your xulrunner work with Hardy stock firefo 321:06
* gnomefreak wonders if we dont try this anyway21:07
fta_yes, except lang packs21:07
gnomefreakLucas_Smithen: [reed] wopuld know better but i think hes off for day21:07
gnomefreakfta: thanks ill have him test it21:07
gnomefreakGorzak: we are gonna try something ok?21:08
Lucas_Smithengnomefreak: thanks21:09
Lucas_SmithenI'll just stick around21:09
gnomefreakGorzak: are you ok with that? ive been running it because it fixes alot of other issues21:09
gnomefreakLucas_Smithen: thats fine21:09
Gorzakgnomefreak> am here21:13
Gorzaki put screenshoot21:13
gnomefreakGorzak: ok will you test xulrunner for me simple install it restart firefox and test those sites again21:14
gnomefreakits the next upstream release that has this fix in it and fta packaged it21:15
* gnomefreak will be testing songbird while i wait :)21:15
Gorzakhow test xulrunner ?21:15
gnomefreakGorzak: just install it restart ff and go to sites21:16
gnomefreakfta_: chrome reg. failure21:16
gnomefreakmay7be new profile21:16
Jazzvafta_: Have you had chance to play with firefox lang packs maybe?21:16
gnomefreakSongbird could not install this item because of a failure in Chrome Registration. Please contact the author about this problem.  fta_21:16
Jazzvagnomefreak: ^21:17
gnomefreakand it poped up like 6 times21:17
fta_gnomefreak, i know, continue, it will work21:17
JazzvaDuring the packaging and stuff...21:17
Gorzakgnomefreak> fr.archive.ubuntu.com is very longer, it maybe put long time21:17
gnomefreakJazzva: the lang pack?ok cool21:17
gnomefreakGorzak: just use the wget command it shouldnt take long21:17
gnomefreakGorzak: the command to run is   wget http://launchpadlibrarian.net/14322573/xulrunner-1.9_1.9%7Ecvs20080506t1349%2Bnobinonly-0ubuntu1%7Efta1%7Ehardy_i386.deb21:18
JazzvaJust read that Vietnamese lang pack had some malware since february... so I'm wondered if we're affected.21:18
gnomefreakGorzak: it will download than let me know when your ready21:18
fta_Jazzva, iirc, our lang packs come from upstream21:18
JazzvaI posted a link few hours ago... nobody commented and I think it might be a problem for us too... Here's the link again http://www.linuxworld.com/news/2008/050708-mozilla-firefox-plugin-shipped-with.html21:18
gnomefreakJazzva: yeah i saw that21:19
fta_Jazzva, dl it and see by yourself (i said dl, not install ;))21:19
gnomefreaki never read it because i was really really busy21:19
Jazzvafta_: Heh :)21:19
gnomefreakthis thing is gonna choke21:19
Gorzakgnomefreak> done21:20
Gorzakhow i install ?21:20
Jazzvafirefox2 langpacks are  still separated?21:20
gnomefreakGorzak: sudo dpkg -i xul and hit tab button to finish the package name21:20
gnomefreakJazzva: yes21:20
Gorzak(sorry if i am very directly in ma language, i am french, and my english isn't very good)21:21
gnomefreakGorzak: ok ill give you full command21:21
Gorzakno it's good21:21
Gorzakit's loading21:21
Gorzakit's done so21:21
gnomefreakok cool restart ff and try those sites21:21
Gorzaki test again21:21
gnomefreakthis adding tracks is gonna take forever21:22
Gorzakit's longer the running of ff21:22
fta_gnomefreak, xul alone is not enough, ff3 should match otherwise you're looking for troubles21:23
Gorzakmattis@mattis-feisty:~$ firefox21:23
GorzakCould not find compatible GRE between version 1.9b5 and 1.9b5.21:23
fta_here you are :)21:23
gnomefreakthats right21:23
Jazzvahmm, looks like we're not shipping vietnamese langpack :).21:23
=== fta_ is now known as fta
gnomefreakGorzak: you need new ff3 also21:23
gnomefreaklet me get it21:23
gnomefreakGorzak: wget http://launchpadlibrarian.net/14333961/firefox-3.0_3.0%7Ecvs20080506t1400%2Bnobinonly-0ubuntu1%7Efta1%7Ehardy_i386.deb21:24
gnomefreakand install it than restart ff and test21:24
gnomefreaki did yesterday when testing my blam bug i should have rememberd21:25
gnomefreakfta: songbird scans and imports faster than i would have thought21:26
gnomefreakjust wish it was automated and once i make a playlist it will be :)21:26
gnomefreakas long as a playlist is text not really the mp3s themselves21:27
gnomefreak245 tracks added so far21:28
Gorzakgnomefreak> i go sleep, see you tomorrow,the page is loading21:28
gnomefreakGorzak: ok good night21:29
ftadamn, songbird don't work on amd6421:29
gnomefreakis that build failure or running failure?21:30
gnomefreakthat cant be good (good thing i have 386) ;)21:31
gnomefreakdoes it even build for 64bit from upstream. i mean do they have a 64 bit version?21:32
gnomefreakcant you build thier versioj with dh_build or using the moz file to build it (cant remember name of file)21:33
gnomefreakmozilla shipa  file in thier source as i recall (cant rembmer name off hand but its like a mozilla make file21:34
gnomefreakif you have 64 bit try and build it that way you know if its upstream or debian dir21:35
gnomefreakthats it thanks21:35
ftabut here, it's a problem with a 3rd party dep, not with songbird itself21:35
gnomefreakthis is assuming you are running 64bit arch21:35
gnomefreaki have music!!!!!!!!21:36
gnomefreakdamn its cchoppy21:37
ftapulseaudio ?21:39
gnomefreakbut it stopped after first somg :(21:41
ftabug 19075421:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 190754 in pulseaudio "Over-optimistic buffering in PulseAudio causes underruns (audible stuttering, pops)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19075421:43
gnomefreakits either that or a load on PC when i was lowering ff321:43
ftafor me, it plays fine, i've listen to it for a few hours yesterday21:44
gnomefreaki need to figure out 1 why library turned upside down after playing first song 2 why it didnt play 2nd song 3 how to take all somgs aand create a playlist all at once21:45
ftafind . -type f -iname \*.mp3 -print > mageplaylist.m3u21:47
gnomefreakwhat does that do?21:47
gnomefreakand where in songbird or in terminal21:48
ftain a term, move to where all your mp3 are, then do that21:48
gnomefreakand you mean megaplaylist21:48
ftaand load that m3u file in songbird21:48
gnomefreakok will try21:49
gnomefreaki guess i should empty all the files first21:49
* asac landed 21:50
gnomefreaklike nickelback dir has all thier songs21:50
gnomefreakwelcome back asac :)21:50
ftaempty all the files ?21:50
gnomefreakeach band has its own files and each cd has its own files insid ethe band folder21:51
gnomefreakexample :~/Music/music/metallica/kill ne all/song.mp321:52
ftaand ?21:52
ftait will work21:53
gnomefreakthat command has to be run where the mp3s are or anywher einside ~/Music/music21:53
gnomefreaklike run it where metallicas mp3s are than  change to ironmadien and run it there also21:54
ftadoesn't matter much, the content will be relative to the m3u location21:54
gnomefreakok trying to load it now to see what it has :)21:55
gnomefreak thanks21:55
gnomefreakit worked great :)21:56
gnomefreakdoes this mean i can remove all my mp3s and just keep playlist?21:57
ftalol, no21:57
ftait's not magic21:57
gnomefreakasac: i cleaned up the bugs wiki and got caught up with songbird21:59
gnomefreaki have a few im reading to see what can be changed21:59
ftaasac, the jsm patch totally broke songbird, i've reverted it for now. http://pastebin.com/f7b85657222:02
ftait was too simple22:02
ftafor sure, songbird handles japanese better than rhythmbox22:07
ftabut i don't like this dark look22:07
gnomefreakits changable22:07
gnomefreakim sure we can ship with any feather22:07
ftai know, i've tried a few feathers but none integrates well with my desktop22:08
gnomefreakah im gonna trya  few as well22:08
gnomefreaki have default background on this desktop :( but i have a ton of others i can try22:09
gnomefreakthis is taking a while brb while it loads22:09
ftatook 3 minutes to import my whole collection22:10
* asac reboots22:15
=== dholbert_afk is now known as dholbert
asacfta: the idea was just to remove the .jsm files from COMPONENTS ... not DYNAMIC_LIB22:17
gnomefreakfta: is it possible to use thier report a bug in Help for LP or should we add another one (assuming this is a go for intrepid22:17
asacfta: and not the .js files22:17
ftaoops, did that in a hurry22:17
ftadamn me22:17
asacjust the .jsm files that are otherwise installed as JSMODULES22:17
gnomefreakcool a ubuntu feather :)22:18
gnomefreakit matches my desktop since is default one22:19
gnomefreakthe default feather is called rubberducky22:19
ftascreenshot ?22:21
gnomefreakof ubuntu one?22:22
gnomefreakok give me a minure22:22
ftai've tried one, it was ugly (too many effects)22:22
gnomefreakas soon as im done freeze22:23
Jazzvaasac, you assigned me to bug 226195. Should I prepare the upgrade to the new upstream version?  (since you mentioned that you're reassigning it to me for now)22:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 226195 in gnome-mplayer "Please update gnome-mplayer/gecko-mediaplayer" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22619522:23
asacJazzva: i talked to norsetto about your MOTU thing. he mentioned a few names for which you could take over the merges (as they are inactive) and said that this might be interesting for you as well22:24
asacJazzva: if you don't want it just unassign it again i guess22:25
asacmaybe try to figure, why debian doesn't have this package or if they have, why they didn't update it22:25
Jazzvaasac: Ah, ok. Thanks for the help :). I'll work on it during weekend. Just to finish liferea and tracker merges :)22:25
asacmaybe its completely broken? or has licensing issues?22:25
asacJazzva: yeah. i told him that you are working on those too22:25
JazzvaThanks :)22:26
asacJazzva: the other names you could delibrarately work on are:22:26
asac13:20 < norsetto> asac: Marco Rodrigues, William Lima, Barry deFreese (he usually doesn't mind)22:26
Jazzvaasac: Ok, as soon as I finish current ones :). I also wanted to ask you, since I saw you were working on liferea, and pochu isn't around atm... We are building liferea against xulrunner, and not webkit, right?22:27
asacbut i think he thought that this mediaplayer would fit into mozillateam work you are already doing ;)22:27
asacJazzva: but better ask pochu so he gets to know you ;)22:27
asacthis about getting a few more folks to know you so you can CC them ;)22:28
asacJazzva: and asking some questions in addition to the final patch review helps to get you know better ;)22:28
Jazzvaasac: I will bug him later/tomorrow :)... But I would also like to finish as much as I can now, so I can bug him only about the details.22:28
asacJazzva: but yes. xulrunner-1.9 for now22:28
asacsure, not urgent22:28
asacJazzva: if debian provides both backends we might wnat to do the same22:29
Jazzvaasac: Just because I noticed some changes in webkit, which were imported by debian... I left debian changes, since we're not in the need of that .c file :).22:29
asacJazzva: the idea is to get liferea as close to debian as possible. .e.g. merging, then looking what ubuntu changes to keep22:30
Jazzvaasac: That's what I'm trying to do so far :)22:30
asacJazzva: are you using merge-o-matic?22:30
asace.g. the script?22:30
asacfine ;)22:30
asaci guess you are on right track then22:31
gnomefreakfta: http://www.flickr.com/photos/26378196@N05/2477061830/22:31
gnomefreaksorry i had to set up account and feed dog22:31
Jazzvaasac: We don't ship vietnamese, checked a while ago :)22:32
gnomefreaki need an empty pad :(22:32
asaclets hope its not in the ffox3 locales we ship22:33
JazzvaWell, it's not in the archives... at least not under -vn code, and apt-cache search doesn't find anything when searching for vietnamese and firefox.22:33
asaci think we ship one in language-pack-gnome-vi-base22:33
JazzvaBut this is FF2-related...22:33
ftagnomefreak, that's the one i've tried. i don't like it, it's alien on a gnome desktop, despite the similar colors with the heron22:33
asacyeah ... is hope enough?22:33
gnomefreakasac: is there a chance of shipping them separate from g-l-p22:33
gnomefreakfta: thats true i just installed a bunch of them though :)22:33
asacyes, thats the idea. i will try to promote them for 8.04.1 ... just have to talk into the kde folks22:34
asacand convince them that they want those too22:34
Jazzvaasac: http://www.linuxworld.com/news/2008/050708-mozilla-firefox-plugin-shipped-with.html It says it only affects FF2 langpack. And I don't think we have that one, if we're shipping langpacks separated from gnome-locale for FF2...22:35
gnomefreakwell if kde users are goinna use ff than it is only smart22:35
gnomefreakwe can name the package gnome-firefox-locales or something like that no?22:36
JazzvaChecked, we don't have neither -vi, nor -vn22:36
gnomefreakthat way its not for kde and still separate22:36
gnomefreakwhats vn?22:36
gnomefreakvi is vetnaeise(sp)22:36
gnomefreaki think22:36
JazzvaFound it as vietnamese code on google... not sure which one is right, so I checked both :)22:37
ftassh voyager22:37
gnomefreakfta: i will try the rest i installed (what color is your desktop?) so if i find one i think goes good i can let you know22:37
ftagnomefreak, i'm back to default, i like the heron.. for now.22:38
gnomefreakok with the bird in the middle?22:38
asacJazzva: yeah thanks22:38
ftagnomefreak, yes22:38
JazzvaNo prob...22:38
gnomefreakfta: ok cool22:38
gnomefreaki will coninute more in a bit22:38
Jazzvaasac: We can still check vietnames locale pack, just to be 100% sure...22:40
asacJazzva: do we know how the trojan is implemented?22:43
gnomefreakdoesnt prism have a flicker thing?22:44
ftanot in ubuntu but probably elsewhere22:44
Jazzvaasac: Well, I'm not sure. I think I read on mozilla bug 432406 it calls some javascripts from .xhtml files. So, I suppose it could affect Linux too...22:44
ubottuMozilla bug 432406 in Add-ons "Virus found in Vietnamese language pack" [Critical,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=43240622:44
ftabut just run prism and fill the form22:44
Jazzvaasac: The main virus is a Win32 program. The infected code just display annoying banner but it can't propagate. A quote from bug report...22:46
gnomefreakut oh22:46
gnomefreaki think i found conflict that i didnt expect22:46
gnomefreakwordpress: Depends: libjs-prototype but it is not installable Depends: libjs-scriptaculous but it is not installable22:46
gnomefreakare any of htose libs in a PPA?22:47
gnomefreakah ok its wordpress that isnt spun for intrepid22:48
ftano idea, i don't have that in my apt cache22:48
gnomefreakfta: the libjs?22:49
ftafta@ix:~ $ apt-cache show libjs-prototype22:50
ftafta@ix:~ $ apt-cache show libjs-scriptaculous22:50
ftafta@ix:~ $22:50
gnomefreaki dont remember that dialog being there22:50
=== Lucas_Smithen is now known as Wulfie
[reed]asac: ping23:01
[reed]Jazzva: it was an unofficial lang pack23:01
[reed]uploaded to AMO23:02
Jazzva[reed]: Ok, thanks :).23:02
[reed]this has been way overblown23:02
ftaasac, does this speak to you: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11016/23:10
gnomefreakwho has a planet ubuntu blog?23:35
gnomefreakonce i get my planet thing editing im gonna blog about m-e-d team i think23:49
ftam-e-d team ?23:49
gnomefreakJazzva: to request extensions are we using the wiki or would you rather let them request it on ML than we do the wiki23:49
gnomefreakfta: mozilla-extensions-dev team23:50
gnomefreakplus it gives me a chance to test my edit23:50
* gnomefreak thinks people will be put off from the wiki if they dont know any better23:51
gnomefreakdeleted heads/gnomefreak.png23:52
gnomefreakthat cant be good23:52
gnomefreakoh ok theres a gnomefreak.png223:52
gnomefreakor gnomefreak2.png23:53

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